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Full text of "Organic remains of a former world. An examination of the mineralized remains of the vegetables and animals of the antediluvian world; generally termed extraneous fossils"

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O  TAR- FISH...  rarely  mineralised. ..Fossil  Species  particularised 




Echinites... Arrangement  of  Leske  adopted... The  various  Species  of  these  Fes.'!!?  t1f>  •.  ;'..?d... 
Anocysti,  divided  into  Cidares  and  Clypei , g 


Catocysti,  divided  into  Fibulae,  Cassides,  Scuta,  and  Placentae. ..Fibula,  subdivided  into  Conuli 
a  id  Discoides... Cassis,  subdivided  intoGalese  and  Galeolae,  included  in  Echinocorys... Scutum, 
Echinanthus.. .  Placenta,  Echinodiscus...Echinocyaraus \% 

Pleurocysti,  Echinarachnius.,.Cor  Marinum,  Spatangus,  and  its  Species 28 



Spines  of  Echini... Arrangement  of  Fossil  Spines 37 


Fossil  Shells.. .Arrangement  of  Lamarck  adopted. ..Chiton... Patella.. .Fissurella...Emarginula,.t     . 
...Eburna...Terebra...Dolium...Harpa..  .Cassis.  ..Strombus...Pterocera....Rostellaria....Murex 
.,.Fus«s,..Pyrula...Fasciolaria..,Pleurotoma   , ,. .t,. ......     47 



Fossil  Shells  continued. — Cerithium...Trochus.«Solarium... Turbo. ..Monodonta... Delphi nula... 
nella...Lymnaea...Pyramidella...Melania....  Auricula...  .Volvaria....Ampullaria....Planorbis... 
Helix.  ..Helicina..,Nerita...Natica...Testacella...Stomatia...Carinaria....Haliotis....Sigaretus... 
Argonauta fi<> 


Nearly  straight  or  irregularly  twisted  shells,  with  simple  or  divided'  Cavities. ..Penicillus... Den- 
talium...Vermicularia.,.Serpula...Siliquaria 9L 

Multilocular  Shells. ..Nautilus. ..Fossil  Species... Orthoceta 92 


Hippurites... Dalmatian  and  Veronese  Fossils  of  a  similar  Appearance... Belemnites,  Opinions 
respecting... Species  described UK 

Ammonites.. .Baculite«...Hamites...Scaphites...Turrilites  • 133 


Gyrogonites « • M.,...  148 


Biralves  with  equal  Valves,  and  regularly  formed... Pinna.. .Mytilus...Modiola...Anodonta... 
Solen..,Sanguinolaria...Glycemeris...Mya.»J>anopea. ..»..; , 155 


Pholas...FistuIana... Teredo. ..Diceras...Acardo...Radiolites...Chama....Spondylus....Plicatula... 
Gryphaea.-.Ostrea , „ IQ7 


Vulsella.. .Malleus.. ,ATicula...Perna...Crenatula...Placuna...Harpax....Pecten... .Lima. ..Pedum 
.. .Pandora.. .Corbula..,  Anemia. .. Crania. ..Terebratula...Calceola...HyaIaea....Orbicula... .Ian- 
gula...Balanus...Tubicinella...Coronula...Anatifa 218 

Fossil  Fish.,. of  Vestena  Nuova,  Pappenheim,  Mansfeld;,  &c....of  England    t,,,,,, ,,,,,. 


of  Fishes.., Head,  Eyes,  Jaws,  Teeth,  Palates,  Proboscides,  Scalts,  Bones,  &c. ............  253 


Entomolithi... Insects  in  Pappenheim  Limestone. ..In  Coal  Slate. ..Crabs  of  Shepey,  Verona, 
East  Indies,  and  Maestricht...Oniscites...MonocuIites...Trilobites *25? 

Amphibiolithi... Tortoise... Crocodile   .........>..... 26S 


Fossil  Crocodiles... Two  Species  found  in  France,  differing- from  any  known  Species.. .Fossil  Spe- 
cies found  also  in  England 270 


Large  Fossil  Animal  of  Maestricht...  Ascertained  to  be  neither  Physeter,  Fish,  nor  Crocodile.. , 
Opinions  of  Dr.  Peter  Camper,  M.Faujas,  M.  Adrian  Camper,  &c.... Remains  of  the  existing 
Monitors. ..English  Specimens ...........................  286 

Ornitholites , 302 


Fossil  Remains  of  Mammalia. ..Cetacea,  Whales,  &c.... Amphibia... Trichecus,  Seals,  &c...,Soli- 
pedes,  the  Horse ., 307 

Fossil  Remains  of  Ruminantia...  Fossil  Elk  of  I  re  land...  Stags,  &c....Ox,  Buffalo,  Auroch,  &c....  319 


Fossil  Bones  of  Ruminants,  &c.  in  the  Islands  of  Cherso  and  Osero... Island  of  Cerigo...AtNice 
and  Antibes... At  Cette...Near  Concud,  in  Arragou...In  the  Rock  of  Gibraltar ...,.»,  329 


Fossil  Remains  of  Elephants. ..Frequently  found... Manifest  the  Existence  of  one  or  more  Fossil 
Species 0... 33$ 

Mastodon , 35* 


Fossil  Remains  of  the  Rhinoceros.. .Fossil  Animal  different  from  the  recent  Species... Hippopo-    , 
tarn  us...  Fossil  Remains... Small  Fossil  Hippopotamus,  an  unknown  Species. ..Fossil  Animal* 
approaching  to  the  Tapir  .„..,....,..,......,..............,.„...,„„..,....„„.„.„.,.,>,„.„,,„.,„,.  367 


Fossil  Pachydermata  of  the  Environs  of  Paris.. .Palaeotherium  Magnum,  Medium,  Crassum, 

Minus.. .Anoplotherium  Commune,   Medium,  Minus,    Minimum. ..Undetermined  Animal  of 
Orleans « ............  380 


Fossil  Remains  of  Animals  of  the  Order  Bruta,  of  Linnaeus,  Tardigradi,  of  Dumeril... Mega- 
therium.. .Megalonix .. 403 


Caverns  in  Germany  and  Hungary,  containing  Fossil  Bones,  &c....GayIenreuth>  &c..., Inquiry 
respecting  the  Animals  to  which  they  belonged. ..The  Remains  of  two  Species  of  Bears 
discovered  .,,,. .»,.., • •• • • » 415 


Inquiry  continued. ..Remains  of  carnivorous  Animals  found  in  the  Caverns  of  Germany,  &c..., 
Hyena.. .in  Gaylenreuth,  Caastadt,  &c.... Spotted  Panther.. .Animal  resembling  the  Fox,., 
Zoriila,  or  Polecat  of  the  Cape... Wolf,  or  Dog... Remains  of  carnivorous  Animals  found  in  the 
Plaster  Quarries  near  Paris... Sarigue  of  America., .An  Animal  of  the  Genus  Canis...One 
approaching  to  the  Civet... Another,  somewhat  resembling  the  large  Otter.. .Another,  entirely 
unknown*. •.....,..,.„...... «... 4-27 

Fossils  considered  in  Connection  with  the  Strata  in  which  they  are  contained... 44O 



AGREEABLE  to  the  plan  of  this  work,  the  important 
observations  and  discoveries  of  M.  Lamarck  and  of 
M.  Cuvier  are  introduced  in  the  present  volume  ;  but  it 
may  be  necessary  to  notice  the  circumstances  which  have 
occasioned  the  account  of  their  labours  to  be  extended 
to  so  considerable  a  length. 

Excepting  the  Fossilia  Hantoniensia  of  Solander  and 
Brand  er,  no  really  systematic  arrangement  of  fossil  shells 
had  appeared  ;  the  classification  of  shells,  therefore,  by 
Lamarck,  in  which  particular  attention  is  paid  to  those 
in  a  fossil  state,  became  highly  estimable.  .  So  clear  and 

VOL.  in.  a 


so  comprehensive  is  the  arrangement  of  this  naturalist, 
that  of  the  numerous  fossil  shells  which  were  unclassed, 
there  are  hardly  any  which  may  not  now  be  placed  un- 
der an  appropriate  genus.  This  circumstance  alone,  it 
is  presumed,  will  warrant  the  having  introduced  into 
this  volume  the  generic  characters  of  this  system. 

Very  few  successful  anatomical  examinations  of  the 
fossil  remains  of  amphibia,  and  of  land  animals,  had  been 
attempted  before  the  justly  celebrated  Cuvier  made  them 
the  subjects  of  his  investigation ;  but  in  consequence  of 
the  ardour  with  which  he  has  availed  himself  of  the  extra- 
ordinary opportunities  which  he  possessed,  the  history  of 
these  fossils  must  now  be  chiefly  formed  with  the  materials 
which  he  has  furnished.  The  full  range  of  the  plaster 
quarries,  so  rich  in  fossil  bones,  and  the  unlimited  power 
of  examining  the  rich  cabinets  of  fossils  which  have  been 
dragged  to  the  National  Museum,  from  different  parts  of 
France  and  of  the  Continent;  and,  above  all,  the  oppor- 
tunity of  comparing  these  with  the  recent  bones  in  the 
prodigious  collections  of  skeletons,  &c.  in  the  Museum, 
have  placed  before  him  a  rich  harvest,  which  he  has 


most  carefully  reaped.  By  his  persevering  assiduity  he 
has  accomplished  the  most  important  discoveries  respect- 
ing several  unknown  animals  which  have  existed  in 
former  ages  of  this  planet.  To  have  omitted  an  account 
of  these  discoveries  would  have  been  a  departure  from 
the  intention  of  the  work ;  and  to  have  extracted  less 
than  is  here  given,  could  not  have  been  done  without 
inj  urious  mutilation . 

From  the  frequency  with  which  these  invaluable 
labours  are  referred  to,  it  would  have  been  very  difficult 
to  have  marked  each  reference ;  it  has,  therefore,  been 
thought  preferable  to  give  two  lists  of  the  references  to 
the  places  where  the  several  subjects  are  treated  of  in 
the  original  works  of  these  authors. 

It  is  presumed,  that  the  phenomena  noticed  in  this 
work  may  lead  to  highly  useful  discoveries,  and  to  the 
establishment  of  important  truths.  Already  the  mine- 
ralized remains  of  numerous  unknown  plants  and  animals 
have  added  facts,  supplementary,  as  it  were,  but  of  a 
highly  interesting  nature,  to  the  sciences  of  Botany  and 


of  Zoology.  From  the  connected  examination  of  fossils, 
and  of  the  strata  which  contain  them,  much  useful  infor- 
mation may  be  expected  to  be  obtained,  respecting  the 
situations  in  which  various  useful  substances  may  be 
found.  Thus,  the  traces  of  vegetables  generally  point 
out  the  vicinity  of  coal,  whilst  the  remains  of  land  ani- 
mals show  that,  in  general,  in  the  places  in  which  they 
are  found,  coal  can  exist  but  at  prodigious  depths.  It 
is  therefore  hoped  that,  in  future,  the  circumstance  of 
particular  fossils  being  found  in  certain  strata,  may  be 
more  particularly  attended  to  :  and  whilst  noticing  the 
localities  of  fossils,  it  is  recommended  to  mark  the  stra- 
tum, as  well  as  the  name  of  the  place  in  which  they  are 

The  phenomena  particularised  in  the  latter  part  of  this 
volume,  yield  some  important  knowledge  respecting  the 
structure  of  the  planet  which  we  inhabit,  These  facts 
would  also  supply,  if  it  were  needed,  the  strongest  proof 
of  the  error  of  those  who  believe,  that  there  has  always 
been  a  succession  something  similar  to  what  is  continually 
observed ;  and  that  the  human  species  have  had,  and  will 


have,  a  uniform  and  infinite  existence.  With  almost 
equal  force  will  these  phenomena  oppose  that  system 
also,  which  considers  the  form  and  structure  of  the  sur- 
face of  this  planet,  as  resulting  from  a  regularly  recurring 
series  of  similar  mutations. 

The  loss  of  whole  species  or  genera,  and  the  late  cre- 
ation of  others,  as  is  assumed  in  this  work,  are  circum- 
stances which  strongly  militate  against  both  these  hypo- 
theses. It  must,  however,  be  acknowledged,  that  some 
accurate  inquirers  have  doubted  whether  a  single  species 
has  been  thus  lost.  Bruguiere  attempted  to  account  for 
this  apparent  extinction  of  several  species  of  shell-fish, 
by  supposing  that  there  are  many  genera,  and  even 
families,  which  live  constantly  in  the  lowest  depths  of 
the  sea.  These  animals,  which  he  termed  Pelagian, 
being  entirely  out  of  the  reach  of  man,  can  only,  he  sup- 
posed, become  known  to  him  by  the  mineralized  remains 
of  those  shells,  which  have  been  left  in  parts  over  which 
former  seas  have  flowed.  Among  these  shells  he  places 
the  Ammonite,  the  Belemnite,  and  the  Orthoceratite ; 
but  it  is  expected  that  it  will  be  shown  in  the  following 


pages  that  all  these  shells  possess  a  peculiar  structure, 
which  belongs  to  such  an  organization,  as  would  have 
enabled  those  animals  to  raise  themselves  up  to,  and  even 
to  support  themselves  at,  the  surface  of  the  water. 

Many  have  been  led  to  doubt  the  total  extinction  of 
some  species,  and  the  late  creation  of  others,  as  circum- 
stances which  would  be  incompatible  with  the  power 
and  wisdom  of  the  Almighty,  who,  they  conceive,  would 
have  formed  a  creation  so  complete  at  first,  as  to  have 
required  no  subsequent  change.  Without  dwelling  on 
the  impropriety  of  such  modes  of  reasoning,  it  must  be 
observed,  that  the  facts  are  indubitable,  and  afford  a 
direct  proof  of  the  Creator  of  the  universe  continuing 
a  superintending  providence  over  the  works  of  his  hands. 
That  the  extinction  of  species  maybe  taking  place  even 
in  our  days,  seems  to  be  shown  by  the  discovery  of  dead 
shells  in  the  island  of  St.  Helena,  differing  from  any 
known  species  of  recent  or  of  fossil  shells.  The  small 
remaining  number  of  some  species  of  animals,  such  as  the 
Dodo  and  the  sloths,  seems  also  to  give  some  support  to 
this  opinion. 


It  is  with  much  regret  that  the  author  finds  himself 
under  the  necessity  of  requesting,  that  the  excuse  which 
has  been  already  offered  in  the  Preface  to  the  preceding 
volume,  may  be  accepted  for  the  much  too  numerous 
Corrigenda  which  will  be  found  in  the  present  volume. 


Page  10,  line  22,  for  as  a,  read  as  forming  a. 
IV,  1.  26,  /or  ovi,  raid  ova. 
16, 1.  1 1 ,  for  echinites,  read  echinitee. 
24, 1.  21,  /or  appear,  read  appears. 
25,  1.  19,  for  Melita,  read  Mellita. 
28,  1.  4,  /or  is  the,  read  is  formed  of  the. 
65,  I.  6  from  the  bottom,  for  Fig.  1,  read  Fig.  6. 

70,  last  line,  for  The  notch,  read  A  notch. 

71,  first  line,  after  one,  read  This  notch  appears, 

however,  to  be  accidental. 
80,  1.  2,  for  notch,  read  groove. 
86,  1.  12,  for  acreting,  read  accreting. 
89,  1.  3,  dele  Plate  VII.  Fig.  "2. 
98,  1.  4,  dele  and. 
100,  1.  23,  dele  particular. 
132,  1.  32,  for  is,  read  are. 

136,  1.  2  from  the  bottom,  for  parieties,  read  parietes. 
139,  1.  4  from  the  bottom,  for  enables,  read  enable. 
141,  1.  3  and  4  from  the  bottom,  dele  and  much 


151,  1.  6,  insert  a  comma  after  through. 
175,  1.  9,  insert  a  comma  between  the  words  clav el- 
lata  and  curvirostra. 




.  7,  after  unknown,  add  in  a  fossil  state. 

.  10,  for  gives,  read  give. 

.  12,  dele  and. 

>ottom,  for  France,  read  Paris. 

.  10,  for  S,  read  4. 

15,  for  XIV.  read  VII. 

14,  for  1 4,  read  16. 
.  6,  dele  Fig.  9,  a. 
.  1,  for  Fig.  10,  read  Fig.  10*. 
.  6,  for  this  being,  read  which  is. 
.  20,  for  XI.  read  XVI. 
.  5  from  the  bottom,  for  nor,  read  or. 

Page  242,  1.  5  from  the  bottom,  for  bodies  are,    read 

body  is. 

257,  1.  2,  for  XXIX.  read  XIX. 
263,  1.  19,  for  formed,  read  found. 
265,  1.  9,  for  have,  read  has. 
270,  1.  5,  for  Stanffield,  read  Staunsfield. 
1. 11,  for  Cuivier,  read  Cuvier. 

278,  1.  22,  for  axis,  read  axis  or  dcntata. 

279,  1. 19  and  20,  for  vertebrae,  read  vertebra. 
284,  1.  26  and  30,  for  first,  read  second. 

288,  1.  20,  for  their,  read  there. 

290,  last  line,  for  jaws,  read  jaw. 

291,  1.  24,  for  alveola;,  read  alveoli. 
296,  note,  for  juncture,  read  junctures. 
303,  1.  13,  for  a  part,  read  a  small  part  only. 
320,  1.  27,  after  seen,  add  that. 

. I.  28,  for  found,  read  discovered. 

337,  1.  1,  for  and,  read  able. 

338,  1.  5,  for  appear,  read  appears. 
345,  1.  12,  dele  Plate  XX.  Fig.  8. 

1.  23,  for  teeth,  read  tooth. 

350,  1.  1,  for  have  been,  read  be. 
1.  9,  for  Fig.  9,  read  Fig.  1. 

367,  1.  14,  dels  he. 

368,  1.  26,  for  rhinocers,  read  rhinoceros. 
372,  I.  9,  for  Fig.  3,  read  Fig.  2. 

374,  1.  15,  for  which,  read  who. 
400,  1.  1,  6e/ore  the,  add  with. 

405,  the  second  paragraph  to  conclude  with  the 

word  seventeen. 

1.  25,  after  nine,  odd  cervical. 

406,  I.  9,  dele  malar. 

412,  two  lines  from  the  bottom,  for  forms,  read 

453,1. 4  from  bottom,/or  cub  frochal,  read  entrochal. 




As  we  proceed  upwards  on  the  scale  of  creation,  the  star-fish,  or 
sea-star,  Stella  marina,  Linckii,  et  Asteria,  Linnai*,  is  the  next  animal 
which  demands  our  attention,  as  a  subject  of  the  mineral  kingdom. 
The  fossil  remains  of  these  animals  are  by  no  means  so  frequent  as  are 
those  of  many  others ;  a  circumstance  which  is  perhaps  not  to  be  satis- 
factorily accounted  for.  The  numerous  species  of  these  animals  which 
do  now  exist,  and  the  comparatively  few  which  are  found  in  a  mine- 

*  The  name,  Stella  marina,  employed  by  Linck,  on  the  authority  of  Pliny,  is  adopted, 
in  these  pages,  in  preference  to  Asteria,  which  Linnaeus  has  used,  after  Hippocrates  and 
Aristotle.  The  only  reason  for  this  adoption  is,  that  the  confusion  will  thereby  be  pre- 
vented, which  would  necessarily  arise  from  the  employment,  in  this  place,  of  the  word 
astei'ia,  which  oryctologists,  and  indeed  natural  historians,  have  generally  applied  to  the 
vertebrae  of  the  pentacrinites,  as  may  be  seen  in  the  preceding  volume. 
VOL.  III.  B 

ralised  state,  lead  to  the  supposition,  that  the  paucity  of  fossil  star-fish 
depends,  either  on  some  circumstance  in  the  original  composition  of  the 
animal,  which  renders  it  little  fit  to  undergo  the  petrifying  change  ;  or 
on  some  circumstance,  in  its  mineral  state,  which  prevents  its  preserva- 
tion in  its  matrix,  or  its  safe  extrication  from  it.  All  these  circumstances 
have,  perhaps,  some  share  in  occasioning  the  scarcity  of  these  fossils  : 
it  appears,  however,  to  be  chiefly  attributable  to  the  original  conforma- 
tion of  the  covering  of  the  animal,  which  is  the  only  part  which  can  be 
preserved  to  us  by  mineralization. 

The  coriaceous,  and  even  pulpy  consistence,  of  the  coverings  of  these 
animals,  in  a  living  state,  plainly  evinces,  that  the  mucilaginous  or 
membranous  matter,  bears  a  very  large  proportion  to  the  carbonate 
of  lime,  .whicfc  -enters  into  the  composition  of  these  bodies.  On  the 
cessation  'of  fife,  *  therefore,  a  speedy  decomposition  of  this  animal  mat- 
" '  -' 

ter  "mil-  ensue  v  -aa'A.  -fF'om  a  deficiency  of  earthy  matter  to  support 
its  form,  the  whole  substance  must,  in  general,  be  resolved  into  a  shape- 
less mass. 

The  crustaceous  covering  of  one  of  these  animals,  of  a  smallish  size, 
was  found  to  be  pierced  with  fifteen  hundred  and  twenty  apertures, 
through  which  passed,  or  to  which  were  attached,  as  many  horny  tubes; 
serving,  according  to  M.  Reaumur*,  either  as  feet,  or  as  organs  through 
which  the  water  received  by  the  stomach  of  the  animal  was  ejected. 
The  anatomy  of  this  animal,  however,  has  not,  at  least  to  my  know- 
ledge, been  pursued  so  far,  as  to  determine  the  real  use  of  these  tubes, 
which  seem  rather  to  be  analagous  with  the  absorbent  tubes  of  the 
echinus.  For  our  present  purpose,  it  is  only  necessary  to  remark,  that 
the  membranous  matter  connecting  these  tubes  with  the  external  crust, 
or  lining  the  apertures  through  which  these  tubes  pass,  must  consider- 
ably add  to  the  quantity  of  animal  membrane,  on  the  predominance 
of  which  its  perishable  nature  so  much  depends. 

*  Obscwatio  de  Stellis  marinis,  Sect.  VIIL 

From  the  nature  and  proportion,  therefore,  of  the  constituent  parts 
of  the  coriaceous  crust  of  the  animal,  and  its  speedy  resolution,  by 
which  it  is  prevented  from  passing  through  the  several  changes  necessary 
to  its  mineralization,  we  may  suppose,  that  the  rareness  of  its  being 
found  in  a  petrified  state  chiefly  proceeds. 

The  remains  of  several  species  of  these  animals  have,  however,  been 
preserved,  and  chiefly  in  chalk  and  in  lime-stone;  and  almost  all  of 
them  approximate  so  nearly  to  known  recent  animals,  as  to  allow  of 
the  considering  them  as  of  similar  species  with  those  which  have  been 
described  by  Linck  and  other  naturalists. 

The  recent  animals  to  which  the  fossil  species  appear  to  be  referable, 
are: — 

1.  Pentagonaster    semilunatus ;    Linck.    de  Stellis  marinis,   Tab.  xxin. 
No.  37 ;  xxiv.  No.  39  and  45.     This  fossil  has  been  figured  by  Schultz, 
Betrachtung   der    versteinerten,    Tab.  n.    Fig.  6,    from   Pirna.      A  chalk 
fossil,  from  the  Kentish  chalk-pits,  in  which  a  considerable  part  of  this 
lunated  star  is  preserved,  is  represented  Plate  I.  Fig.  1.     M.  Walch,  in 
Knorr's  work,  Recueil  des  Monumens  des  Catastrophes,  Kc.  gives  the  figure 
of  an  impression  on  a  flint,  from  New  Strelitz,  of  a  stellite  of  this  species. 

2.  Pentagonaster  regularis ;  Linck.  Tab.  xm.  No.  22.     A  fossil  asterite 
of  this  species,  with  which  I  was  favoured  by  H.  H.  Goodall,  Esq.  of 
the  East-India  House,  is  figured  Plate  I.  Fig.  3.    This  is  also  from  the 
Kentish  chalk-pits. 

3.  Pentaceros  reticulatus,  Linck.  Tab.  xxin.  xxiv.  No.  36,  is  found  fos- 
sil, in  fragments,  at  Chassai  sur  Saone,  according  to  Davila. 

4.  Pentaceros  lentiginosus,  sen,  Stella  reticulata  lentiginosa;  Linck.  Tab.  XLI. 
and  XLII.     I  lately  obtained  a  stellite  of  this  species,  or  very  nearly 
approaching  to  it,  from  one  of  the  Essex  chalk-pits.     The  specimen, 
though  large  and  handsome,  and  possessing  the  general  form  of  this 
animal,  would  not  have  given  the  idea  of  this  particular  species,  per- 
haps, if  the  two  rows  of  mamillae,  or  rather  bones,  had  not  still  existed 


in  one  part  of  the  lunated  or  falcated  margin.     Fragments  of  this  species 
are  sometimes  found  in  the  Isle  of  Sheppey. 

5.  Astropecten  echinatus  minor ;  Linck.   Tab.  viu.  No.  12.     Some  frag- 
ments of  a  stellite,  of  which  this  stella  is  supposed  to  be  the  analogue, 
is  depicted  in  Knorr's  work,  Supp.  PI.  vn.  b.  3.     I  obtained,  at  the  sale 
of  some  of  the  Marquis  of  Donegal's  fossils,  a  most  uncommonly  perfect 
specimen  resembling  this  species.     It  is  imbedded  on  a  lime-stone,  of  a 
yellow  colour,  and  has  only  lost  a  part  of  one  of  its  rays.     I  have  not 
been  able  to  learn  where  this  fossil  was  found.      Portions,    and  even 
complete  specimens  of  stellites,  apparently  of  this  species,    are  found 
among  the  pyrites  of  the  Isle  of  Sheppey.     A  specimen,  which  now 
lies  before  me,  has  one  of  its  rays  perfect ;  and  has  sufficient  left,  of  the 
others,  almost  to  determine  that  it  is  of  this  species. 

6.  Stella  coriacea  acutangula;    Linck.  .Tab.  ix.  x.  Fig.  19.     The  com- 
mon yellow  star-fish  of  Lhwydd.     A  petrifaction  of  this  species  was 
found  at  Malesme,  in  France ;  and  is  figured  and  described  by  M.  Guet- 
tard,  Mem.  de  I'Acad.  An.  1763. 

7.  Stella  lumbricalis  lacertosa,  corpore  spharico ;  Linck  Tab.  2.  No.  4.   A  fos- 
sil, containing  a  considerable  portion  of  a  stellite,  resembling  this  species, 
is  figured  by  Bourguet,  Traitc  des  Petrifactions,  Plate  LIX.  No.  438.     A 
very  beautiful  specimen,  imbedded  in  chalk,  apparently  of  this  species, 
was  sold  at  the  sale  of  the  Leverian  Museum.     To  this  species  the 
small  stellites  seem  to  approximate,  which  are  found  in  the  fissile  stones 
of  Solenhofen  and  Pappenheim,  and  which  bear  so  near  a  resemblance 
to  spiders.     One  of  these  is  depicted,  Plate  I.  Fig.  15. 

8.  Stella  lumbricalis,  corpore  penfagono,  lateribus  lunatis ;  Linck.  Tab.  xxn. 
No.  35.     Three  specimens  of  a  micaceous  sand-stone,    from  Cobourg, 
with  several  stellites,  which  appear  to  be  ot  this  species,  are  figured  by 
Knorr,  Rccueil  des  Monumens,  S(c.  Tab.  L.   1.  23.     Another  specimen  is 
also  described  by  M.  Davila,  Catal.   Tome  m.  p.  191. 

9.  Stella  lumbricalis,  corpore  spharico  tuberculoso,  radiis  conice  productis..  Under 

this  denomination  M.  Walch  comprehends  small  detached  stelliform  fos- 
sils, about  the  size  of  a  lentil,  which  are  found  in  St.  Peter's  mountain, 
near  Maestricht.  Recueil  des  Monum.  Tom  n.  p.  262.  The  body  of 
this  animal  appears  to  have  been  of  a  spherical  form,  and  large  in  pro- 
portion to  the  length  of  its  rays,  which  are  conical,  and  vary  in  their 
number,  from  four  or  five  to  six  or  nine.  The  body,  as  well  as  the 
rays,  are  beset  with  tubercles. 

10.  Stella  crinita,  decacnemos  rosacea,   Linck.  Tab.  xxxvu.    No.  66,  is 
figured  as  a  fossil  by  Baier,   Oryct.  Norie.  Tab.  vm.  No.  5 ;   and  by 
Knorr,  Recueil  des  Monumens,  Plate  vn.  Fig.  6. 

11.  Stella  decacnemos,   barbata,  Linck.  Tab.  xxxvu.    No.  64,    appears 
also  to  be  figured  as  a  fossil  by  Baier,  Monim.  Rer.  Petr.  Tab.  viz.  No.  2, 
4,  and  5;  and  in  Oryctogr.  Noric.  Tab.  vm.  Fig.  4. 

12.  Stella  crinita  polycacnemos ,    the  Caput  Medusa  of  Linck;    Linck. 
Tab.  xxi.  et  xxu.      Gesner,    De  Petrificatis,  p.  31,   mentions  a  fossil, 
which  he  supposes  to  be  a  fragment  of  this  species;  and  of  which,  it 
appears,  that  fragments  only  have  been  found. 

13.  Astrophyton,  of  Linck;  or  Caput  Medusa  of  Rumphius;  Cabinet  des 
Raretes  &  Amboiney  Tab.  xvi.     Gesner,,  De  Petrificatis,  p.  31,  speaks  of  fossil 
fragments  of  this  animal  having  also  been  repeatedly  found.     This  he 
repeats,  on  the  authority  of  Lhwydd,  who  names  a  fossil  (No.  1132)  of 
this  kind,  Astropodium  Ramosum;  and  on  that  of  the  intelligent  Rosinus, 
who  also  iigures  (Prodromus,  5fc.  Tab.  x.  Fig.  n.  No.  \.)  what  he  sup- 
poses to  be  a  fossil  of  this  kind.     Gesner,  however,  did  not  advert  to 
the  circumstance  of  both  Lhwydd  and  Rosinus  having  written  before 
the  period  at  which  the  pentacrinites  were  discovered.     An  inspection 
of  the  figures  given  by  Lhwydd  and  by  Rosinus  will  directly  show,  that 
the   fossils  which   they  have   figured   are   undoubtedly  parts  of  penr 

Mr.  Knorr,  Sup.  Tab.  vi.  8 — 17,  figures  various  small  fossil  bodies, 
which  he  learned  came  from  some  part  of  Italy,  and  which  he  considers 
as  belonging  to  the  Stella  fissa  kof  Linck ;  but  acknowledges  that,  even 


with  the  microscope,  he  was  unable  to  discover  the  fissure,  which,  in 
the  recent  stella,  is  always  observahle.  He  thinks,  therefore,  that 
these  bodies  must  either  belong  to  a  species  of  stelloe  entirely  unknown 
to  us,  or  must  be  merely  the  casts  of  minute  stellae. 

Plate  I.  Fig.  16,  is  a  sketch  of  a  fossil  stella  figured  by  Baier,  Moni- 
ment.  Rer.  Petrif.  Tab.  vir.  Fig.  6,  which  he  considers  as  referable  to 
small  coriaceous  pentapetalous  sea-stars. 

I  am  happy  in  being  able  to  communicate  the  observations  of  the 
late  Mr.  Strange,  on  a  minute  species  of  stellae  found  at  Verona,  being 
in  possession  not  only  of  an  engraving  of  two  species  of  this  fossil  which 
was  executed  for  that  gentleman  by  Antonius  Gregori,  and  which  are 
here  copied,  Plate  I.  Fig.  17  and  18,  but  of  the  manuscript  account 
of  the  fossils  drawn  up  by  Mr.  Strange  himself. 

Plate  I.  Fig.  18.  "  Stella  marina  fossil  is  minima,  pentagona,  stella 
pentaradiata  in  superficie  posita,  more  echinanthi,  et  echino-spatagi, 
centro  stellae  perfecte  rotundato ;  radiis  ferme  ovalibus  :  superficie  cor- 
poris  sublaevlgata ;  colorem  priebens,  qui  ex  albo  in  flavescentem  leviter 
vergit.  Substantia  gaudet  calcarea.  Invenitur  frequens  ad  Castrum  Divi 
Faelicis  intra  urbem  Veronae :  naturalem  autem  invenimus  in  littore  Nea- 
politano  ad  Cumas  Baiarum." 

Plate  I.  Fig.  17.  "  Stella  marina  fossil  is,  minima,  pentagona,  stella 
pentaradiata  in  superficie  posita,  centro  stellse  perfecte  rotundo ;  radiis 
autem  ovato-acuminatis ;  superficie  corporis  laevigata,  colorem  exhibens 
alboflavum.  Eadem  substantia  gaudet  calcarea,  et  in  eodem  loco  inve- 
nitur  cum  altera  specie  supra  descripta." 

"  Species  hasce  Stellas  marinae  fossilis  pentagonae  saepius  vidi  Romae,  Flo- 
rentise,  Bononiae,  Veronae,  Augustae  Taurinorum,  et  alioquin  in  quam 
plurimis  Italorum  musaeis :  nihilominus  a  nemine,  quod  sciam,  hucus- 
que  descriptae  sunt.  Inveniuntur  tantummodo  ad  Castrum  Divi  Faelicis, 
intra  urbem  Veronae,  ut  supradixi,  in  caeteris  Italiae  provinciisconchy- 
liferis  nondum  vidi." 

It  is  with  much  pleasure  I  am  also  able  to  place  before  you  another 

species  of  these  minute  stellitee.  The  specimen  from  which  the  copies, 
Plate  I.  Fig.  19  and  20,  were  made,  having  been  originally  in  Mr. 
Strange's  museum,  was  most  probably  obtained,  with  the  former,  from 

Plate  I.  Fig.  20,  exhibits  the  interior  part  of  the  fossil.  The  radii 
are  connected  at  their  sides  by  a  substance,  which,  in  the  recent  animal, 
was  doubtlessly  membranaceous.  The  mouth  is  surrounded  by  five  sub- 
cordiform  substances,  disposed  between  the  central  terminations  of  the 

Plate  I.  Fig.  19,  represents  the  superior  surface,  which  appears  to 
have  been  smooth.  The  radii,  however,  are  here  unexpectedly  sul- 
cated ;  a  circumstance  which,  however,  may  have  proceeded  from  the 
contraction  of  the  membrane  over  them,  in  its  dried  state. 

In  its  general  appearance,  this  stellite  resembles  the  Stella  cartilaginea 
of  Aldrovandus;  or  Stella  membranacea,  as  Linck  would  rather  call  it. 
But  its  great  degree  of  comparative  thickness,  and  a  curiously-figured 
process  on  its  sides,  mark  an  essential  difference  between  the  two,  besides 
that  of  their  size. 

You  have  perceived,  by  the  preceding  account,  that  the  fossil  remains 
of  these  animals  are  rare.  But  you  will  also  discover,  that  as  far  as 
my  reading  and  observations  extend,  that  the  difference  between  the 
fossil  remains  and  the  recent  animals  does  not  appear  to  be  so  great  as 
was  observable,  whilst  examining  the  fossil  animal  remains  noticed  in  the 
former  volume. 






1  HE  next  subjects  of  our  inquiry  are  the  fossil  substances  termed 
Echinites,  the  mineralised  remains  of  the  echinus;  an  animal  of  a 
roundish  form,  covered  with  a  bony  crust,  approaching  nearer  to  the 
coverings  of  the  crustaceous  than  to  those  of  the  testaceous  animals,  and 
furnished  with  moveable  spines ;  the  mouth  being  placed  beneath.  The 
characters  of  many  of  these  bodies  are  so  remote  from  each  other,  as  to 
seem  to  point  out  the  propriety  of  considering  the  whole  as  forming  a 
distinct  order  of  vermes,  thus  marked  out  as  different  genera,  possessing 
other  characters,  which  would  well  serve  for  the  distinction  of  species. 

Many  have  endeavoured  to  bring  the  incongruous  assemblage  in  the 
Linnsean  genus,  echinus,  into  a  more  lucid  and  instructive  arrangement. 
To  this  work  the  labours  of  Muller,  Phelsum,  Bruguiere,  and  La- 
marck, have  much  contributed :  but  to  no  one  is  more  merit  due,  'in 
this  respect,  than  to  the  industrious  Leske,  the  ingenious  commentator 
on  Klein's  useful  work.  It  is  intended,  in  the  following  pages,  chiefly 
to  be  aided  by  the  arrangement  of  Leske,  who  has  also  availed  himself 
of  the  labours  of  Phelsum  and  of  Muller. 

Agreeable  to  this  arrangement,  the  first  class  of  these  bodies  which 
we  shall  examine  is  that  of  the  ANOCYSTI,  the  vent  of  which  is  in  the 


vertex.     These  are  considered  as  included  in  two  divisions ;  Cidaris  (the 
turban),  and  Clipeus  (the  buckler). 

The  first  natural  family  in  which  these  bodies  may  be  placed,  appears 
to  be  that  of  Cidaris.  The  characters  are :  hemispherical,  globular,  or 
suboval;  with  porous  ambulacra,  diverging  equally,  on  all  sides,  from 
the  vent  to  the  mouth ;  vent  vertical,  mouth  beneath  and  central. 

These,  from  their  rounded  forms  and  their  different  protuberances, 
are  supposed  to  resemble  turbans,  beset  with  their  several  ornaments. 
From  other  characters,  derived  from  their  spines,  they  have  obtained 
the  name  of  sea-urchins,  sea-hedgehogs,  sea-thistles,  &c.  and,  those  in 
a  petrified  state,  have  obtained  various  names,  agreeable  to  the  par- 
ticular notions  which  have  been  entertained  respecting  their  origin. 
Thus,  they  obtained  the  name  of  ombria,  from  the  Greek  word  o^fyog, 
signifying  the  heavy  rain,  in  which  they  were  supposed  to  fall ;  brontia, 
from  fyovTy,  the  thunder,  by  which  they  were  supposed  to  be  thrown  to 
the  earth ;  ceraunii  lapides,  from  xegawog,  the  lightning,  by  which  they 
were  supposed  to  be  generated  and  formed  in  the  air ;  chelonites,  from 
their  resemblance,  in  their  sutures,  to  the  shells  of  the  tortoise ;  and 
ova  anguina,  from  their  having  been  even  considered  by  some  as  the  eggs 
of  serpents. 

Of  the  fossils  belonging  to  this  family,  the  first  species  is  Cidaris 
esculenta\  which  is  hemispherical,  with  small,  nearly  equal  sized  tu- 
bercles, between  the  ambulacra.  This  species  appears  to  have  been 
rarely  found  fossil;  it  having  been  described,  in  this  state,  only  by 
Aldrovandus,  Mm.  Metal,  p.  456 ;  and  by  the  editors  of  the  description 
of  the  museum  of  Moscardo,  Mus.  Moscardi,  Lib.  n.  p.  177;  and  of 
Calceolarius,  Mus.  Calceolarii,  p.  412.  A  near  approach  to  this  echinus 
is,  I  think,  to  be  seen  in  the  beautiful  fossil  from  France,  Plate  I.  Fig.  2, 
from  the  late  Mr.  Forster's  collection.  C.  saxatilis  chiefly  differs  from  the 
preceding,  in  its  ambulacra  being  narrower,  and  in  its  being  smaller, 
and  of  a  more  depressed  form.  It  is  supposed,  by  Leske,  to  have  been 
frequently  found  fossil ;  he  believing  it  to  be  figured  as  a  fossil  by  Plot, 

VOL.  III.  C 


Nat.  History  of  Oxfordshire,  PI.  v.  Fig.  5;  and  copied  by  Lister,  de  lapid. 
turbin,  Fig.  23.  To  this  species  he  also  refers  the  echinites  figured  by 
Bourguet,  Traite  des  Petrificatiom,  Fig.  336,  as  well  as  some  of  the  echi- 
nites figured  by  Abilgaard  and  one  or  two  others.  C.  hemispherica, 
which  is  however  very  properly  suspected  by  Leske  to  be  only  a  variety 
of  Echinus  esculentus,  is,  as  was  observed  of  that  species,  not  a  frequent 
fossil  :  it  is,  I  believe,  depicted  as  such  by  Walch  only,  Monum.  des  Cat. 
PL  E.  II.  Fig.  1 ;  and  copied  by  Leske,  Tab.  XL.  Fig.  7.  C.  angulosa 
appears  also  to  be  depicted  by  Walch  only,  Monum.  des  Cat.  PL  E.  II. 
Fig.  5.  The  specimen  is  of  the  small  variety.  Leske  describes  and 
figures  a  small  echinite,  a  variety  of  this  species,  echinites  excavatus,  from 
Verona.  Another  fossil  from  that  place,  which  I  possess,  seems  to  be 
another  variety  of  C.  miliaris  saxatalis,  apparently  echinus  gratilla,  Linn. 
Its  characters  are,  ten  ambulacra,  with  three  rows  of  double  pores,  and 
five  broad  and  five  narrow  areae. 

The  above  are  considered  by  Klein  as  comprised  under  the  genus 
miliaris,  from  their  tubercles  being  of  the  size  of  millet-seeds.  Those  which 
we  have  next  to  examine,  he  considers  as  a  genus,  which  he  names 
variolata,  from  the  size  of  the  tubercles,  and  have  been  supposed  to 
resemble  the  Turkish  turban.  Cidaris  diadema,  of  this  genus,  does  not 
appear  to  have  been  known  to  exist  in  a  fossil  state. 

The  echinite,  Plate  I.  Fig.  4,  from  Wiltshire,  approaches,  however, 
very  nearly  to  this  species.  It  has  ten  areae :  in  the  five  larger  are  two 
rows  of  tubercles;  those  just  above  the  margin  being  large,  and  those 
above  and  below  these  gradually  diminishing.  These  tubercles  are  all 
pierced  in  their  apex,  and  have  the  margin  of  their  base  crenulated,  as  in 
those  of  the  next  genus,  and  surrounded  by  a  granulated  surface.  The 
smaller  areas  project  beyond  the  larger,  and  are  formed  of  two  rows 
of  miliary  tubercles.  The  ten  ambulacra  are  porous,  each  being  formed 
by  two 'rows  of  pores  disposed  in  pairs. 

The  very  uncommonly  perfect  specimen,  from  Stunsfield,  Oxford- 
shire, Plate  I.  Fig.  8,  in  which  a  considerable  number  of  spines  are  still 


adherent  to  the  shell,  appears  to  be  of  the  same  species  with  the  last 

As  far  as  the  characters  can  be  traced,  on  the  inside  of  the  shell,  it 
appears,  that  to  this  species  the  specimen,  Plate  I.  Fig.  5,  is  referable. 
This  extraordinary  specimen,  in  which  so  rnany  spines  are  seen  im- 
bedded in  the  flint,  was  considered  as  one  of  the  most  splendid  fossils  in 
the  Leverian  Museum. 

Cidaris  subangularis,  ofLeske,  Kleinii,  Tab.  in.  C.  D.  does  not  appear 
to  be  known  as  a  fossil.  Cidaris  fenestrata,  of  Leske,  Kleinii,  Tab.  iv. 
A.  B.  he  thinks,  is  the  analogue  of  the  echinite  figured  by  Scilla,  Tab.  xi.  • 
No.  1,  Fig.  2;  and  by  Walch,  PI.  E.  i.  a.  1.  The  Echinus  of  Klein, 
T.  iv.  c.  D.  is  considered  by  Leske  as  referable  to  E.  lucunter,  of  Lin- 
naeus. He  names  it,  therefore,  C.  lucunter;  and  observes,  that  it  is 
rarely  seen  petrified:  he  however  believes  the  fossil  echinus,  figured 
by  Morton,  Nat.  Hist,  of  Northumberland,  P.  x.  F.  2,  to  be  of  this 

Echinites  ovarius,  Langii,  is  a  small  fossil,  in  which  the  characters  of 
the  species 'are  discoverable.  It  is  figured  by  Plot,  Hist,  of  Oxfordshire, 
Plate  v.  Fig.  6,  and  copied  by  Lister,  de  Lap.  turbin.  Fig.  24.  Lhwydd 
has  also  given  a  figure  of  this  fossil,  Lithophylacii  Ichnogmph.  Tab.  ix. 
Fig.  940. 

Small  specimens,  of  an  elliptical  form,  are  found  in  the  Wiltshire 
chalk-pits,  which  appear  to  possess  the  characters  of  C.fenestrata,  of  Leske 
and  •  of  Klein,  and  which  are  figured  by  the  latter,  Tab.  iv.  A.  B.  But 
the  echinus,  of  which  three  specimens  are  represented  by  Klein,  Tab.  v. 
a,  b,  c,  named  C  rupestris  by  Leske,  has  perhaps  an  equal  claim  to  be 
the  analogue  of  this  Wiltshire  echinite,  the  difference  not  being  ascer- 
tainable;  but  the  agreement  is  by  no  means  sufficient  to  warrant  their 
being  assumed  as  of  the  same  species. 

C.  calamaris  araneiformis,  stellata,  radiata,  violacea,  do  not  appear  to 
have  been  remarked  in  a  mineralised  state.  C.  circinnatus  is  only  known 


as  a  fossil,  and  is  figured  by  Rumphius,  Amb.  PL  LIX.  Fig.  c.  and  by 
Breynius,  p.  55,  who  names  it  Echinometra  Circinnata. 

The  chalk  specimen,  Plate  I.  Fig.  10,  from  Kent,  does  not  sufficiently 
agree  with  any  species  with  which  1  am  acquainted,  to  allow  of  its  being 
supposed  to  be  exactly  analagous.  It  may,  however,  be  considered  as 
belonging  to  this  genus  (variolata.) 

The  third  genus  of  Cidaris  is  C.  mammillata.  The  first  species  of  this 
genus  is  distinguished  by  Leske  by  the  name  of  the  genus,  and  figured 
by  Klein,  Tab.  vi.  A.  B.  c.  D.  The  shell  of  this  species  is  elliptical  and 
depressed.  The  areae  are,  five  large,  and  as  many  small,  beset  with 
papilla?,  not  perforated,  and  of  a  size  proportioned  to  the  areae:  the 
ambulacra  are  singly  porous.  This  species  is  not  very  common  in  a  fossil 
state.  The  fossil  referred  to  by  Leske,  in  Bourguet,  Fig.  337,  is  cer- 
tainly of  this  species ;  but  that  of  Lister  cannot  be  spoken  of  so  deci- 

The  next  species,  C.  papillata,  Lesk.  and  E.  cidaris,  Lin.  the  moorish 
turban  (cidaris  mauri),  is  round  in  its  circumference,  and  rather  de- 
pressed. It  has  five  areae,  on  which  are  alternately  disposed  two  rows 
of  mammilla?,  each  of  these  being  surmounted  by  a  perforated  papilla, 
crenulated  at  its  base,  and  surrounded  by  a  distinct  groove  :  the  rest  of 
the  area  being  filled  by  minute  puncta  and  granular  projections.  Each 
papillary  tubercle  of  this  echinus  has  its  own  plate.  Between  each  pair 
of  ambulacra,  which  are  biporous  and  undulating,  is  a  narrow  granu- 
lated band :  these  are  considered  by  Leske  as  the  less  area?. 

Petrified  specimens  of  this  species  have  been  frequently  figured  and 
described.  These  are,  the  ovi  anguini  of  Pliny,  and  the  brontix.  of  Agri- 
cola.  They  are  also  figured  by  Plot,  Hist,  of  Oxfordshire,  Tab.  v.  Fig.  3, 
4;  and  copied  by  Lister,  lap.  turb.  Fig.  22  and  25.  Lhwydd,  Tab.  12, 
Fig.  910,  has  depicted  a  fragment;  and  Morton,  two  complete  speci- 
mens, Hist,  of  Noi'thumberland,  T.  10,  /.  3,  5.  Representations  also,  of 
this  species,  are  seen  in  most  of  the  works  of  the  foreign  oryctologists. 

In  the  figures  given  by  Drs.  Plot,  and  Lister,  considerable  difference  is.. 


observable.  The  form  of  the  one  is  rather  orbicular  and  depressed,  and 
of  the  other  somewhat  conoidal :  in  the  one  are  no  papillae,  whilst  in  the 
other  they  are  well  preserved.  Leske,  who  has  remarked  the  difference 
very  correctly,  explains  it,  in  part,  by  considering  the  latter  as  a  silicious 
cast :  a  circumstance  which  fully  accounts  for  the  absence  of  the  papillae; 
but  the  difference  of  their  form  remains  unaccounted  for.  An  exami- 
nation, however,  of  the  fossils  figured  Plate  I.  Fig.  9  and  11,  will,  I 
think,  show  that  this  difference  is  only  to  be  explained,  by  supposing  the 
two  fossils  to  be  of  two  distinct  species,  or  at  least  varieties. 

In  the  echinite  from  Oxfordshire,  of  a  globose  form,  Plate  I.  Fig.  9, 
the  narrow  strip  of  area,  edged  by  the  ambulacra,  is  formed  by  four 
rows  of  small  and  equal  sized  granular  tubercles ;  whilst  in  the  other, 
Plate  I.  Fig.  11,  from  Kent,  these  areolae  are  wider;  and,  except 
towards  their  superior  and  inferior  extremities,  are  composed  of  six  rows 
of  granular  tubercles,  which  are  large  in  the  external  rows,  and  dimi- 
nish as  they  approach  the  centre.  Its  papillae,  though  perforated  in 
the  apex,  are  not  crenulated  at  the  base.  The  much  greater  space  of 
granulcited  area  between  the  papillae,  and  the  conoidal  form  of  the 
shell,  also  help  to  constitute  a  difference  so  great,  as  to  lead  to  the 
opinion,  that  it  should  be  considered  as  a  distinct  species.  If  this 
should  be  admitted,  the  species  might  be  distinguished  as  cidaris  papillata 

The  echinite  from  Wiltshire,  Plate  I.  Fig.  6,  beautiful  from  its  origi- 
nal formation,  and  estimable  as  a  fossil,  from  its  state  of  preservation 
being  such,  that  even  somewhat  of  the  original  colour  of  the  shell  is  still 
to  be  perceived,  partakes  so  much  of  the  characters  of  C.  mammillata 
and  papillata,  as  to  render  it  difficult  to  determine  with  which  it  should 
be  arranged.  Like  the  former,  its  less  areae  equal  half  the  width  of  the 
larger,  both  being  ornamented  with  papillae  of  a  proportionate  size;  but, 
like  the  latter,  its  papillae  are  perforated  in  the  apex,  and  crenulated  at 
the  base;  and  this  is  the  case  even  with  those  papillae  which  are  disposed' 
on  the  Less  areae.  The  pores  of  the  ambulacra,  as  in  the  former,  dirni- 


•nish  in  number  as  they  ascend;  and,  as  in  the  latter,  are  closely  bordered 
by  granular  tubercles.  It  should  perhaps  be  considered  as  a  variation 
of  C.  papillata. 

Of  Cidarites  coronalis  it  is  impossible  to  speak  with  decision,  the  spe- 
cimens have  been  so  rare  and  the  descriptions  so  meagre.  C.  corollaris, 
Plate  I.  Fig.  7,  specimens  of  which  have  been  so  generally  spoken  of 
among  the  early  oryctologists,  as  ombria  and  ceraunia,  is  evidently,  as  is 
very  justly  remarked  by  Leske,  merely  a  silicious  nucleus.  These  nuclei 
vary  in  the  figures  and  markings  :  they  are  all,  however,  rather  orbi- 
cular ;  but  some  are  much  more  depressed  than  others.  But  their  dif- 
ferences are  not  such  as  can  at  all  oppose  the  opinion,  that  they  are  casts 
of  different  species  of  C.  miliaris  or  variolata.  The  large  protuberance  in 
the  middle  of  each  side,  is  evidently  formed  by  the  excess  of  silicious 
matter,  beyond  that  which  was  necessary  to  fill  the  shell. 

With  equal  accuracy  does  Leske  suggest,  that  the  assumed  genus  of 
Klein,  of  C.  asterizans,  does  not  merit  the  being  considered  as  even  a 
distinct  species:  and  1  am  happy  in  being  able,  I  conceive,  to  point 
out  the  genus,  at  least,  to  which  this  fossil  may  be  referred;  which 
seems  to  be  that  of  C.  variolata. 

In  the  remarkably  perfect  specimen  of  a  variation  of  C.  papillata, 
Plate  I.  Fig.  6,  a  view  is  obtained  of  the  verrucous  appendage,  which, 
in  perfect  specimens,  is  frequently  found  surrounding  the  superior  open- 
ing of  the  anocysti :  of  the  use  of  which  appendage,  notwithstanding 
the  conjectures  of  Klein,  it  must  be  admitted  that  nothing  is  known.  A 
reference  to  this  peculiar  organization,  it  is  hoped,  will  assist  in  explain- 
ing the  riddle  which  Walch  and  Leske,  with  M.  Genzmer,  have  found 
so  puzzling.  In  Knorr's  splendid  work,  Supp.  x.  a.  Fig.  3,  4,  is  repre- 
sented a  fossil  with  its  cast,  which  M.  Walch  considers,  with  M.  Genz- 
mer, as  an  echinus  totally  different  from  any  with  which  we  are 
acquainted.  There  are  in  this  fossil  no  tubercles,  ambulacra,  nor  sutures, 
as  in  other  echini;  but  its  surface  is  nearly  covered  with  a  kind  of  tre- 
lisse  work,  formed  by  lines  passing  in  almost  every  direction,  so  as  to 


form  figures  bearing  somewhat  of  a  stellated  appearance.  A  slight 
sketch,  showing  the  form  of  the  surface  of  this  fossil,  as  given  by  Walch, 
is  shown  Plate  I.  Fig.  14. 

Plate  I.  Fig.  12,  is  an  echinite  found  in  the  green  silicious  sand,  so 
frequent  in  several  parts  of  Wiltshire.  The  figure  here  given  is  mag- 
nified to  about  twice  the  size  of  the  fossil.  Round  the  superior  opening 
of  this  echinite  may  be  seen  a  remarkable  extension  of  the  appendage 
above  mentioned;  formed  chiefly  in  roundish  plates,  connected  toge- 
ther by  numerous  short  filaments,  and  reaching  over  nearly  a  third  part 
of  the  surface.  In  another  specimen,  these  plates  are  hexagonal,  and 
exactly  fitted  to  each  other.  Plate  I.  Fig.  13,  is  another  echinite  from 
the  same  part,  which  is  particularly  interesting,  from  its  appearing  to 
be  highly  illustrative  of  the  fossils  above  mentioned.  The  anal  append- 
age is  here  seen,  with  a  trelissed  surface,  almost  exactly  similar  to  that 
of  M.  Walch's  fossil,  and  extending  so  low  down,  as  to  cover  nearly 
one  half  of  the  echinite.  If,  indeed,  this  surface  had  extended  over 
the  whole  echinite,  it  would  have  very  closely  resembled  M.  Walch's 
fossil,  and  have  yielded  us  no  further  information:  but  sufficient  of  the 
inferior  part  of  the  surface  of  the  echinite  is  left  uncovered,  to  allow  us 
to  discover,  that  it  has  all  the  characters  of  a  beautiful  variation  of  the 
C.  diadema. 

Still,  however,  we   are  without  any  positive  information  as  to  the 
nature  and  office  of  this  part,  which  is  so  singularly  organised.     It  is  on 
future  specimens,    and  on  further  observations  on  the  living  animal, , 
that  we  must  depend  for  information  on  this  subject.     Whether  this  is  a  , 
permanent  appendage  or  not;  whether  it  belongs  to  particular  species 
only ;  or  whether  it  is  a  part  essential  to  the  animal  of  each  species,  . 
serving  to  model  the   increasing  shell,    or  to  perform  some  other  im,- 
portant  service ;    are  questions  which  must  be  answered  by  some  future 


The  genus  C.  assulata*  of  Klein,  is  undoubtedly  unfounded^  since  the 
distinction,  which  is  derived  from  a  distinct  view  of  the  assuiae,  or  plates,  , 


composing  the  shell,  and  of  the  sutures  by  which  these  are  connected, 
depending  merely  on  the  thickness  with  which  the  tubercula  are  dis- 
posed, and  on  the  bowldered  state  of  the  shell,  cannot  be  regarded  as 
even  a  specific  distinction. 

Of  the  several  species  placed  by  Klein  under  this  assumed  genus,  none 
have  been  noticed  as  fossils,  except  C.  Sardiaca,  Klein,  Tab.  ix.  A.  B.  by 
Scilla,  Tab.  xvi.  Fig.  1,  and  Tab.  xxvi.  Fig.  B.  ;  C.  Botryoides,  Klein. 
Tab.  xi.  H.  by  Aldrovandus,  Mus.  Metal,  p.  457  ;  and  C.  Toreumatica, 
Klein.  Tab.  x.  D.  E.  by  Leske,  Tab.  XLIV.  Fig.  2. 

I  cannot  introduce  the  necessary  notice  of  the  Echinites  favagmeus  in 
any  better  place,  I  presume,  than  this.  The  echinites  thus  named  bear 
on  their  surfaces  hexagonal  cavities,  which  give  to  the  fossil  somewhat 
of  the  appearance  of  a  honeycomb.  These  fossils  have  been  noticed  by 
Encelius,  Wormius,  Olearius,  Oliger,  Jacoba3us,  and  others;  but  with- 
out any  rational  conjecture  having  been  offered  as -to  their  nature  and 
origin,  until  the  attention  of  M.  Walch  was  attracted  by  a  very  beau- 
tiful specimen,  and  his  ingenuity  was  exercised  in  its  examination,  Mo- 
numens  des  Catastrophes,  Tome  II.  Sect.  1,  p.  155.  This  fossil  he  describes 
as  a  crystallized  cast  of  an  echinite,  composed  of  hexagonal  cells,  resem- 
bling those  formed  by  the  bee.  These  cells,  he  observes,  agree  exactly 
in  their  margins  with  the  shape  of  the  plates  of  the  echinus,  with  which 
they  also  agree  in  their  general  form ;  and  hence  he  infers,  that  the  su- 
tures, by  which  the  plates  were  connected,  had  influenced  the  formation 
of  these  hexagonal  cells. 

In  answer  to  the  inquiry,  in  what  mode  is  this  influence  exerted, 
M.  Walch  remarks,  that  the  cavity  of  the  shell  being  filled  by  any  crys- 
tallizing fluid,  the  first  formation  of  crystals  would  be,  that  which  would 
fill  up  the  small  spaces  existing  at  the  articulation  of  the  plates ;  and 
thus  would  be  formed  the  bases,  or  margins,  of  these  hexagonal  co- 
nical cells.  These  being  formed,  he  thinks,  on  the  principle  that 
homogeneous  particles  are  most  likely  to  unite,  that  the  successive  ap- 
proximation of  crystallizing  particles  will  take  place  on  these  hexagonal 


crystallized  margins,  rather  than  on  the  intervening  spaces  of  the  shell 
itself;  and  that,  by  the  gradual  approximation  of  the  lines  of  crystals 
they  formed,  have  resulted  the  conical  cavities  described. 

A  specimen  which  I  possess,  being  the  internal  part  of  an  echinite 
from  the  Kentish  chalk-pits,  will  serve  very  much  to  illustrate  and  con- 
firm the  observations  of  M.  Walch.  The  crystallizations  of  calcareous 
spar  are  here  seen  formed  on  the  internal  surface  of  the  plates,  the  basis 
of  the  crystals  being  the  margins  of  the  plates.  In  the  silicious  nucleus 
of  M.  VValch,  the  crystals  had  formed  an  hexagonal  cavity ;  but,  in  this 
calcareous  mass,  the  crystals  are  solid  :  a  difference  which  might  pro- 
ceed from  the  silicious  crystals,  in  the  former  case,  having  been  formed 
on  the  calcareous  crystals,  which,  being  afterwards  removed,  would 
necessarily  leave  the  inferior  part  of  the  silicious  crystals' hollow. 

Small  specimens  of  cidares,  in  a  pyritous  state,  are  sometimes  found, 
with  other  fossils,  in  the  Isle  of  Portland.  Very  minute  shells  of  this 
kind  are  also  found  in  the  Devonshire  whetstone,  in  the  state  of  cal- 
cedony :  they  are  also  found  in  a  silicious  state  in  the  green  sand 
of  Wiltshire. 

The  echini  of  the  second  section,  or  division,  of  anocycysti,  are  distin- 
guished as  Clypei,  from  their  similitude  in  form  to  the  round  bucklers  of 
the  foot-soldiers  of  the  ancients.  The  first  species  of  these  is,  Clypeus 
sinuatus,  Lesk.  the  Echinus  sinuatus,  Linn.  Plate  II.  Fig.  I.  The  upper 
surface  is  convex,  and  divided  into  ten  areae  by  ten  striated  ambulacra. 
One  of  the  areae  is  also  divided  by  a  groove,  hollowed  out  from  the  cen- 
tre of  the  shell  to  the  margin.  The  ambulacra,  at  parting  frotn  the 
centre  of  the  shell,  expand,  but  contract  at  the  margin,  and  thus  con- 
tinue to  where  they  meet  in  the  centre  of  the  lower  part  of  the  shell, 
which  is  rather  excavated  and  grooved  where  the  ambulacra  pass.  The 
whole  of  the  surface  c-f  the  shell  is  thickly  beset  with  granular  tuber- 
cula,  the  largest  of  which  are  surrounded  by  small  circular  risings.  This 
species  is  figured  by  Plott,  Tab.  u.  9,  10,  and  is  found  chiefly  at  Tang- 
ley,  Fulbrook,  and  Burford,  in  Oxfordshire  :  they  are  also  found  in 

VOL.  III.  D 


Gloucestershire.  Plott's  engraving  is  copied  by  Lister ;  and  Lhwydd, 
n.  971,  as  well  as  Morton,  p.  233,  both  describe  this  fossil. 

It  is  of  this  fossil  that  Dr.  Plott  informs  us,  Hist,  of  Oxfordshire,  p.  91, 
that  the  centre  of  these  rays  being  never  placed  on  the  top  of  the  stone, 
but  always  inclining  to  one  side,  as  that  at  the  bottom  does  to  the  other, 
the  axis  lying  obliquely  to  the  horizon  of  the  stone,  gave  occasion  to  a 
learned  society  of  virtuosi,  that  during  the  late  usurpation  lived  obscurely 
at  Tangley,  by  consent,  to  term  it  the  polar  stone ;  since,  by  clap- 
ping two  of  them  together,  they  made  up  a  globe,  with  meridians 
descending  to  the  horizon,  and  the  pole  elevated,  very  nearly  corre- 
sponding to  the  real  elevation  of  the  pole  of  the  place  where  the  stones 
are  found. 

The  Cl.  hemisphtfricus,  Lesk.  Tab.  XLIII.  Fig.  i.  taken  from  Lang. 
p.  119,  does  not  appear  to  belong  to  this  section;  even  Cl.  quinquela- 
biatus,  Lesk.  Tab.  XLI,  Fig.  3,  taken  from  Walch,  PI.  E.  in.  Fig.  4, 
is  in  such  a  state  as  will  hardly  allow  of  determining  its  real  species.  CL 
Conoideus,  Lesk.  Tab.  XLIII.  Fig.  3,  appears  to  be  a  rare  petrifaction,  and 
but  little  known.  It  seems,  however,  to  agree  in  every  respect  with 
Echinus  magnus,  Aldrov.  Mus.  Met.  p.  456. 








W  E  now  arrive  at  the  second  grand  division,  or  family,  of  Echini, 
CATOCYSTI,  the  opening  for  the  vent  of  which  is  in  some  part  of  the 
base  of  the  shell.  The  first  section  under  which  these  are  arranged  by 
Klein  is  that  of  Fibula,  a  name  which  is  generally  adopted ;  although 
the  echini  it  includes  bear  no  resemblance  to  fibulae,  but  rather  to 
clothes'-buttons,  to  which  the  word  is  now  made  to  apply.  These 
echini  are  divided  into  two  genera.  The  first,  conulus,  contains  those 
which  rise  from  a  circular  base  into  a  cone,  with  an  acute  or  obtuse  ver- 
tex, from  which  five  pair  of  punctated  or  crenulated  lines,  or  ambulacra, 
pass,  dividing  the  shell  into  five  large  and  five  small  areae,  that  in  which 
the  anus  is  placed  being  Tather  the  largest."  By  some  oryctologists  these 
have  been  termed  Bufonita  and  Scolopendrita,  and  by  others,  Pilei  ;  and 
by  the  English  Capstones. 

The  species  which  constitute  this  genus  are  only  known  as  fossils,  and 
are  so  variously  distinguished  by  the  modification  of  their  forms,  and 
by  other  little  circumstances,  as  to  render  their  varieties  too  numerous 
to  admit  of  being  specified. 

Conulus  albogalerus,  Lesk.  E.  albogalews,  Linn,  deriving  its  name  from 
the  white  conical  caps  of  the  priests  of  Jove,  is  the  first  species  of  this 


genus.  This  species  is  in  the  shape  of  a  pointed  five-sided  cone,  in  the 
vertex  of  which  are  five  small  foramina,  from  which  proceed  five  small 
arese,  hordered  on  each  side  by  bi porous  ambulacra ;  the  remaining 
space  being  filled  by  five  larger  areae.  The  mouth  is  small,  somewhat 
retracted;  and  the  anus  sometimes  inclining  to  oval.  This  species  is 
figured  and  described  by  most  oryctologists,  in  consequence  of  the  fre- 
quency with  which  it  is  found.  But  it  exists  nowhere,  perhaps,  in 
greater  number,  than  in.  England ;  particularly,  according  to  Dr.  Plott, 
in  the  southern  counties,  where  the  black  flint  most  abounds.  Plate  II. 
Fig.  10,  is  a  fossil  of  this  species,  from  the  Kentish  chaik-pits ;  and 
Fig.  11  is  a  representation  of  its  under  part. 

Leske  refers  the  Echiniten  pileatum,  ore  pentagono  of  Melle,  Tab.  i. 
Fig.  2,  to  this  genus,  considering  it  as  its  second  species,  which  he 
distinguishes  as  Echinites  depressus.  The  Globulus  of  Klein,  Tab.  xiu. 
Fig.  c — k,  and  Tab.  xiv.  Fig.  a — k,  is  denominated  Echinites  vulgaris  by 
Leske,  and  considered  as  the  third  species.  These  fossils  are  in  general  not 
more  than  half  the  size  of  Conulus  albogalerus ;  and,  like  it,  are  divided 
into  five  large  and  five  small  arese,  by  ten  ambulacra.  In  general,  these 
fossils  are  merely  casts,  and  do  not  retain  sufficient  distinctive  characters 
to  allow  of  their  subdivision,  even  into  varieties.  These  fossils,  like  the 
former,  are  described  by  almost  every  oryctologist,  and  are  very  fre- 
quently found  in  the  gravel  of  different  parts  of  England  :  they  are  the 
chelonites  of  Mercatus,  and  the  brontitt  and  ombria  of  many  authors. 
Plate  II.  Fig.  3,  is  a  fossil  of  this  species  from  Sussex.  Two  other  spe- 
cies of  this  genus  are  mentioned  by  authors,  varying  in  the  number  of 
their  ambulacra  :  these  are,  however,  of  very  rare  occurrence.  One  of 
these  species  has  only  four  fascia  or  areolae,  and  is  named  Echinites  qua- 
terfasdatus.  This  is  figured  by  Leske,  Tab.  xi/vn.  Fig.  3,  4,  5.  It  is 
also  figured  by  Walch  and  Gehler.  The  other  species,  Echinites  sexies- 
fasciatus,  has  six  bands.  This  species  has  been  figured  by  Klein,  Act  Ge- 
dan.  ii.  Tab.  v.  Fig.  14  and  15,  as  well  as  by  the  authors  just  mentioned. 

The   second  genus  of  this  section  is  Discoides,  the  only  species  of 


which  is  subuculus,  and  is  only  known  as  a  fossil.  The  surface  of  this 
is  divided  in  the  same  way  as  the  former  species.  The  periphery  is  cir- 
cular. The  vertex  is  much  more  depressed,  and  the  base  rather  more 
concave.  One  of  this  species  is  represented  Plate  II.  Fig.  7. 

Another  genus  is  here  introduced  by  Phelsum,  and  named  by  him 
Echinoneus.  It  agrees,  in  every  respect,  with  E.  Discoides  of  Linnaeus, 
except  in  its  periphery,  which  is  rather  ovate,  and  not  angular.  It  has 
the  same  number  of  areas  and  ambulacra;  the  latter  being  biporous,  and 
having  the  pores  more  distant  from  each  other  than  in  the  preceding 

The  second  section  of  the  class  of  CATOCYSTI  is  Cassis  (helmet-stone.) 
These  echinites  are  distinguished  by  an  oval  base,  from  which  the  shell 
rises  in  a  vaulted  helmet-like  form.  One  extremity  of  the  oval,  that  in 
which  the  vent  is  placed,  is  commonly  more  produced  and  acute  than 
the  other.  Klein  divided  these  echinites  according  to  their  size,  into 
two  genera,  galea  and  galeolte ;  but  Leske,  considering  the  difference  of 
size  as  not  sufficient  to  affect  the  genus,  has  very  properly  included 
them  both  under  the  genus  echinocorys.  As  the  echini  of  this  extensive 
genus  are  only  found  fossil,  the  changes  which  they  have  sustained'  from 
various  kinds  of  injuries,  prevent,  in  many  instances,  their  species  being 
exactly  determined. 

The  first  species,  .Ecliinocorys  'scutatus,  Tab.  xv.  A.  B.  Kldnii,  is  in 
general  as  high  as  it  is  long.  It  has,  like  most  others,  five  large  and 
five  small  arese,  separated  by  biporous  ambulacra.  Minute  tubercula 
and  granulse  exist  on  some  parts  of  the  surface,  and  particularly  on  the 
base  and  near  to  the  mouth.  The  base,  the  circumference  of  which  is 
nearly  elliptical,  is  almost  flat :  the  edge,  however,  is  slightly  rounded ; 
and,  in  its  middle,  a  prominent  slip  extends  from  the  mouth  to  the  anus, 
near  to  which,  on  each  side,  two  bands  of  minute  granulae  are  disposed. 
The  mouth  is  reniform,  placed  crossways,  at  the  broadest  extremity. 
The  anus  is  of  a  roundish  oval  figure,  and  is  near  to  the  narrow  extre- 

mity.  The  spine,  which  gives  name  to  the  species,  runs  down  from 
the  vertex  and  along  the  narrower  end,  and  becomes  attached  to  the 
higher  edge  of  the  anus.  Plate  II.  Fig.  4,  is  a  species  from  the  Kentish 

E.  ovatus,  Lesk.  Galea  wagrica,  vert  ice  ?mda,  Klein,  differs  from  the 
former  species  in  being  more  depressed  in  its  circumference,  being  of  a 
rounder  oval ;  and  in  being  without  the -crest- like  ridge  which  runs  along 
the  back  of  the  other  species.  Another  species,  Echinocorytes  quaterradia- 
tus,  has  been  formed  from  an  echinite  figured  and  described  by  Melle, 
Tab.  i.'  Fig.  7  :  but  I  suspect  the  absence  of  the  fifth  ray  has  pro- 
ceeded from  the  omission  of  the  engraver,  since,  in  the  remarks  on  this 
fossil  which  are  made  by  Melle,  at  some  length,  this  remarkable  cha- 
racter is  not  noticed. 

Among  the  smaller  echinocorytes,  most  of  which  are  mere  nuclei,  certain 
particulars  are  observable,  which,  though  hardly  sufficient  to  distinguish 
them  as  varieties,  still  deserve  notice.  A  variety  is  marked  by  Leske, 
Tab.  xvi.  c.  D.  Klein,  Galeolapapillosa;  in  which,  as  he  observes,  the  papillae 
evidently  result  from  the  silicious  matter  which  filled  the  foramina  of  the 
shell  still  continuing,  whilst  the  shell  which  surrounded  them  is  re- 
moved. Another,  Tab.  xvn.  a.  b.  Klein,  is  named  G.  undosa,  from  the 
waving  lines  on  its  surface,  formed  by  the  silicious  matter  having  insi- 
nuated itself  between  the  edges  of  the  plates  forming  the  shell. 

Part  of  a  remarkable  cast  of  a  galeated  echinite  is  shown  Plate  II. 
Fig.  9,  said  to  be  from  France.  Although  this  fossil  is  hollow,  and 
retains  such  strong  markings  of  the  shell,  it  can  still  be  only  considered 
as  a  cast.  Its  substance  appears  to  be  pyrites  of  iron,  which  has  suf- 
fered some  decomposition,  and  has  been  since  frosted  over  with  minute 
quartz  crystals.  Its  matrix  appears  to  have  been  chalk,  some  of  this 
substance  being  yet  adherent  to  it  on  several  parts.  Its  formation  appears 
to  have  taken  place,  by  the  shell  becoming  imperfectly  invested,  both  on 
the  in  and  the  outer  side,  with  the  pyrites,  which  then  obtained  a  par- 


tial  covering  of  drusy  quartz  ;  the  acid  resulting  from  the  decomposition 
of  the  pyrites  subsequently  removing  the  shell,  the  impressions,  which 
are  plainly  discernible,  showing  the  forms  of  the  plates  of  the  shell,  and 
the  sutures  by  which  they  were  joined.  That  the  quartzy  incrustation 
took  place  previous  to  the  removal  of  the  shell,  is  shown  by  the  spaces 
which  the  shell  has  left  being  entirely  free  from  crystals. 

The  third  section  of  the  class  of  CATOCYSTI  is  named  Scutum  by  Klein, 
and  Echinanthus  by  Leske  and  Phelsum.  The  shells  comprised  under 
this  section  are  of  an  irregular  figure,  resembling  an  oblong  or  angular 
buckler.  On  the  base,  which  is  concave,  five  grooves  pass  from  the 
margin,  and  terminate  at  the  mouth  in  the  centre.  The  upper  part  is 
ornamented  with  five  rays,  which  have  been  supposed  by  some  to 
resemble  a  pentaphylous  flower,  and  by  others  a  five-rayed  star.  The 
mouth,  which  is  pentagonal,  is  furnished  with  five  teeth  of  an  alated 
form  and  a  plumose  appearance,  and  is  placed  in  the  centre  of  the  base, 
the  anus  being  at  the  margin.  The  whole  of  the  surface  is  beset  with 
minute  circular  depressions,  with  central  tubercles. 

One  genus,  Echinanthus,  Lesk.  comprises  all  the  shells  of  this  section. 
The  first  species,  Scutum  humile,  Klein.  Tab.  xvu.  a.  -xvin.  b.  Echinan- 
thus humilis,  Lesk.  is  rather  of  an  oval  form,  and  is  divided  into  ten  area* 
by  five  biporous,  pentaphyloideal  ambulacra,  the  five  smaller  areae 
being  comprised  in  the  pentaphyloid  surface  formed  by  the  ambulacra, 
and  having  grooves  pass  across  them,  and  connecting  the  immediately 
opposite  pores.  Specimens  of  this  species,  in  a  mineralized  state,  are 
represented  by  Aldrovandus,  Met.  MILS.  p.  499,  /.  I  :  Scilla,  Tab.  x. 
f.  2,  3;  Tab.  xi.  No.  2  :  Walch,  T.  E.  V.  f.  1,  2.  This  species  is  chiefly 
found  in  a  petrified  state  in  Malta  and  in  Occitania .  Dr.  Shaw  figures 
a  fossil  of  this  species  found  in  the  desert  Marah,  Voyage  to  Barbary,  Sfc. 
Fig.  40,  /;.  128,  app. 

As  this  fossil  may  thus  be  seen  figured,  in  its  complete  state,  in  the 
works  of  these  authors ;  and  as  its  cast  is  a  more  uncommon  fossil,  and 


will  also  serve  to  convey  a  satisfactory  idea  of  the  general  form  of  this 
species,  a  small  specimen  of  a  perfect  cast  is  represented  Plate  II.  Fig.  8, 
from  Malta. 

Scutum  altum,  vcl  Echinanthus  altus,  has  only  yet  been  met  with  in  a  petri- 
fied state.  It  differs  from  the  former  species  in  heing  higher,  and  having 
wider  ambulacra.  Figures  of  it  have  been  given  by  Scilla,  t.  ix.  /.  1,2; 
Bonan.  Nat.  Hist.  t.  xxxvi.  /.  1 ;  by  Mercatus,  Met.  Mm.  p.  233 ;  and 
by  Leske,  Tab.  LIU.  4.  A  specimen  of  this  fossil,  which  I  possess,  may, 
I  think,  be  considered  as  a  variety  from  those  which  have  been  figured 
by  the  above  authors.  Although  equally  high,  its  sides  rise  not  so  sud- 
denly, but  more  obliquely,  to  the  vertex ;  forming,  therefore,  a  more 
acute  angle  with  the  base.  I  obtained,  at  the  sale  of  the  Leverian  Mu- 
seum, a  complete  specimen,  being  the  nucleus  of  the  echinite  of  the 
above  authors :  it  serves  to  give  a  correct  notion  of  the  structure,  as  well  as 
of  the  form  of  this  echinite.  PI.  IV.  Fig.  7. 

Scutum  ovatum,  vel  Echinanthus  ova/us.  The  fossils  comprised  under  this 
species  of  Leske,  differ  so  considerably  in  form  from  the  preceding,  as 
seems  fully  to  authorize  their  separation  into  two  genera.  The  difference 
which  is  discoverable  between  different  specimens  of  the  oval  scuta 
appear,  also,  to  be  such,  as  would  fully  warrant  the  separating  of  them, 
with  Klein,  into  species,  instead  of  into  varieties,  as  has  been  done  by 
Leske.  Fossils  of  this  form  are  figured  by  Aldrovandus,  Mus.  Met.  p.  498, 
/.  1,  2;  Mercatus,  Mus.  Metal,  p.  232;  Rumphius,  D* Amboiiische  Rar. 
R.  LIX.  /.  D.  ;  and  others.  The  one  which  is  here  represented,  from 
Verona,  Plate  II.  Fig.  5,  is  interesting  on  account  of  the  distortion  of  its 
figure,  and  particularly  of  one  of  its  rays. 

Leske  regards  as  a  doubtful  species,  Echinanthites  orbicular  is,  since  the 
specimen  from  which  he  forms  his  species,  and  which  is  taken  from  one 
of  Knorr's  plates,  Monumens  des  Catastrophes,  T.  u.  Tab.  E.  in.  Fig.  3, 
is  too  imperfect  to  give  a  correct  knowledge  of  its  characters. 

The  fossil,  Plate  II.  Fig.  2,  is,  I  believe,  of  this  species,  and  has  hardly 


suffered  the  least  injury.  It  formed  a  part  of  Mr.  Forster's  collection;  and 
is,  I  conjecture,  from  Oxfordshire.  It  needs  no  other  notice  of  its  form, 
than  that  it  is  nearly  circular,  deviating  only  in  having  that  part  of  the 
shell,  which  is  the  region  of  the  anus,  a  little  more  produced.  It  not 
having  been  thought  necessary  to  figure  the  inferior  surface,  it  is  proper 
to  observe,  that  it  is  slightly  concave,  the  mouth  being  pentagonal,  and 
the  vent  oval  and  transverse,  and  situated  near  the  margin ;  but  more  on 
the  under  side,  than  it  appears  in  the  figure. 

The  echini  of  the  fourth  section,  CATOCYSTI,  are  named  Placenta,  by 
Klein,  the  shells  being  flat,  like  a  cake,  and  variously  formed.  They  are 
all  ornamented  with  a  pentaphylloidal  flower.  The  mouth  is  in  the  mid- 
dle of  the  base,  and  the  anus  near  to  the  margin,  or  to  the  third  region  of 
the  axis.  This  section  is  divided  by  Klein  into  thfee  genera,  mellita, 
laganum,  and  rotula,  which  are  comprised  by  Leske  in  the  genus  Echi- 
nodiscus,  so  named  by  Breynius.  The  characters  of  this  genus  are,  a 
depressed,  discoidal  figure,  nearly  flat  on  both  sides;  ambulacra  imi- 
tating the  forms  of  petals ;  a  smooth  central  mouth  with  teeth ;  the  top 
perforated  with  four  large  pores. 

The  Melita,  honey-cake  of  Klein,  forms  the  first  family  of  this  genus. 
The  species  differ  in  the  number  of  foramina,  the  situation  and  the  form 
of  the  periphery. 

Echinodiscus  bisperforatus,  E.  quinquiesperforatus,  E.  sexiesperforatus, 
E.  emarginatus,  E.  auritus,  E.  inauritus,  E.  quaterperforatus,  do  not  appear 
to  have  been  hitherto  known  in  a  petrified  state.  The  fossil  which  is 
represented  Plate  II.  Fig.  6,  is  the  only  fossil  which  I  have  seen  of  this 
family,  and  is  undoubtedly  one  of  the  first  species,  Echinodiscus  bisperfo- 
ratus, as  will  appear,  on  a  comparison  with  Klein's  figure  of  the  recent 
shell,  Tab.  xxi.  A.  B.  and  with  Leske's  description  of  that  part,  which  is 
here  in  best  preservation.  "  Ambulacra  petalorum  ovatorum  figuram 
sistunt,  atque  singula  ex  serie  simplici  punctorum  interiore,  et  striarum 
obliquarum,  testam  penetrantium,  non  tamen  puncta  interiora  prorsus 
attingentiam,  componuntur  :  in  apice  ambulacrorum  puncta  non  con- 

VOL.  III.  E 


junguntur,  sed  spatium  intermedium  relinquunt.  Additamenta  ad  Klei- 
nii  dispositionem  Echinodermatum."  P.  196.  This  fossil,  which  was 
in  the  collection  of  Lord  Bute,  is,  I  suspect,  from  Verona. 

The  second  family  of  this  section  is  the  Lagana  of  Klein.  The 
species  Echinodiscus  Laganum,  or  pancake  of  Leske,  includes,  on  ac- 
count of  their  similarity,  the  first  and  third  species  of  Klein,  and  are 
exemplified  in  Klein's  Plate  xxn.  a.  b.  c.  The  specimen  which  is  here 
figured,  Plate  III.  Fig.  10,  may  be  considered  perhaps  as  only  a  variety 
of  this  species.  The  shell  is  white,  and  of  a  form  between  the  oval  and 
pentagonal.  The  mouth  is  central,  and  an  obtuse  pentagon ;  the  anus 
is  small  and  round,  and  nearly  midway  between  the  mouth  and  the 
margin.  Five  slightly  hollowed  lines,  proceeding  from  the  mouth,  di- 
vide the  under  part  of  the  shell  into  five  nearly  equal  areas,  by  coin- 
ciding with  the  centre  of  the  terminations  of  the  ambulacra.  These 
are  ten,  biporous  and  undulating;  and  form,  on  the  upper  surface,  five 
pentaphyloidal  figures,  expanding  at  their  extremities.  This  species  is 
not  noticed  by  Linnaeus. 

Echinodiscus  subrotundus,  Tab.  XLVII.  Fig.  7,  Lesk.;  Scilla,  Tab.  vm. 
Fig.  1 — 3.  Leske,  who  had  never  seen  this  fossil,  has  copied  his  figure 
from  that  of  Andrsea,  in  Lift.  Helvet.  Tab.  v.  Fig.  g.  But  the  figures 
of  Scilla  and  of  Andraea  do  not,  as  Leske  supposes,  agree.  In  that  of 
Andrea  the  edge  is  acute,  and  somewhat  undulating ;  whereas,  in  that 
of  Scilla,  the  margin  is  obtuse,  and  nearly  circular.  The  fossil  figured 
Plate  III.  Fig.  2,  from  Italy,  agrees  with  the  former,  in  its  edge  being 

This  fossil  is  very  nearly  circular.  Its  upper  surface  is  convex.  The 
base  is  flat,  with  five  narrow  and  slightly  excavated  grooves,  extending 
in  right  lines,  and  at  nearly  equal  distances,  to  the  margin.  The  mouth 
is  rather  injured,  so  that  its  shape  cannot  be  determined.  The  anus  is 
small  and  round,  and  is  placed  at  about  a  fifth  of  the  diameter*  from  the 
margin,  in  an  area  which  is  rather  smaller  than  the  others.  The  ambu- 
lacra /appear  to  have  borne  the  figures  of  oval  petals;  and  are*  each, 


composed  of  a  line  formed  of  single  pores,  surrounded  by  three,  four, 
five,  or  even  six  lines,  of  minuter  pores,  obliquely  disposed  in  very  small 
grooves.  What  figure  resulted  from  their  approximation  in  the  centre 
cannot  be  determined,  as  the  shell  is  in  that  part  broken. 

On  examining  the  surface  of  this  fossil  with  a  lens,  it  was  found  still  to 
retain,  in  several  parts,  the  small  flat  imbricating  spines.  These  are 
represented  in  the  sketch  on  the  right  side  of  the  fossil. 

Echinodiscus  reticulatus  is  not  known  fossil.  E.  Orbicularis,  Tab.  XLV. 
Fig.  6,  7  ;  Lang.  Tab.  xxxv.  Fig.  ulthn.  ;  is  a  depressed  orbicular  echi- 
nite,  about  an  inch  in  diameter,  with  acute  oval  ambulacra,  and  ten 
porous  rays  in  the  base  ;  the  mouth  round  and  the  anus  small,  and  mid- 
way between  the  centre  and  the  margin.  E.  Rosaceus,  Tab.  XL.  4,  Lesk. 
et  Tab.  E,  in.  8,  Knorr.  differs  from  the  former,  in  being  much  smaller, 
and  in  its  ambulacra  forming  a  floweret,  with  very  short  petals,  round 
the  vertex. 

Echinodiscus  decies  digitatus, —  octodigitatus  et  dentatus,  do  not  ap- 
pear to  be  known  as  fossils. 

Under  the  class  Catocystus  a  new  genus  has  been  formed,  by  Phel- 
sum,  and  named  Echinocyamus.  The  generic  characters  are,  ten  stel- 
lated ambulacra,  passing  from  the  top  in  straight  biporous  rows';  the 
mouth  and  anus  adjoining  in  the  middle  part  of  the  base.  The  shells  of 
this  genus  are  not  known  in  a  petrified  state. 




1  HE  third  grand  class  of  Echini  is  the  Pleitrocysti,  in  which  the  vent  of 
the  animal  is  on  some  part  of  the  side,  or  on  the  upper  surface.  The 
only  genus  of  the  first  section,  and  which  also  contains  but  one  species, 
is  Arachnoides,  Klein.  Echinarachnius,  Lesk.  so  named  from  its  yielding, 
by  its  markings,  the  appearance  of  a  spider's  web.  It  is  not  known 
fossil.  Of  the  second  section,  Cor  marinum,  or  sea-heart,  characterized 
by  the  bilabiated  mouth  being  in  the  third  region  of  the  axis  of  the  base, , 
and  the  anus  in  the  side  of  the  truncated  extremity,  the  first  genus  is 
spatangm.  In  this  genus,  or,  as  he  terms  it,  family,  Leske,  with  Muller, 
includes  spatangus,  spatagoides,  brissus,  and  brissoides,  not  considering  the 
absence  of  the  groove  to  be  a  generic  distinction,  and  finding  that  the 
animals  agree  in  their  general  construction,  as  well  as  in  their  having 
a  bilabiated  mouth,  and  being  without  teeth.  The  first  family  is 
formed  of  cor  dated  spatangi,  with  a  sulcated  vertex.  The  first  species  is, 
Spatangus,  cor  anguinum,  Tab.  xxiu.  c.  D.  et  Tab.  xxm.  C.  Klein,  cor 
anguinum  Anglicum.  Plate  III.  Fig.  11,  is  a  variety  of  this  species.  The 
characters  of  this  shell  are,  its  being  cordated,  and  more  or  less  oblong ; 
the  base,  in  some,  flat,  and  in  others  rather  convex ;  being  beset,  in  this 
part,  with  miliary,  and,  in  the  superior,  with  fewer  and  smaller  granulae. 
The  back  is  convex,  and  divided  into  five  areae,  by  as  many  grooved 


ambulacra,  formed  by  four  rows  of  pores,  connected  by  transverse  lines, 
each  two  rows,  uniting  at  the  end  of  thegrooves.  Two  of  the  ambu- 
lacra, the  shortest,  are  directed  obliquely  towards  the  narrow  truncated 
extremity  ;  two  others,  longer,  pass  obliquely  towards  the  broader  end  ; 
and  the  fifth  passes  straight  to  the  mouth,  forming  the  dorsal  groove. 
Along  the  middle  of  the  opposite  part,  a  keeled  edge  passes  directly  to 
the  anus.  The  vertex  is  perforated  by  four  large  pores.  The  mouth  is 
reniform  ;  the  upper  lip  triangular,  and  extended  over  the  lower.  The 
anus  is  round,  and  placed  in  the  upper  margin  of  the  acute  extremity. 
From  the  anus,  a  slight  depression  passes  to  the  lower  margin  ;  at  each 
of  the  angles  of  which  is  a  protuberance,  surrounded  by  a  broad  smooth 

Specimens  of  this  species  are  found  in  many  parts  of  Europe,  but 
particularly  in  Germany  and  in  England.  They  are  the  most  frequent 
fossils  in  the  chalk-pits  of  Kent  and  Essex,  and  are  frequently  found 
filled  with  flint.  These  are  the  Echinites  cordati  vulgares  of  Lhwydd, 
Lithoph.  Fig.  964—967. 

Two  more  varieties  are  noticed  by  Leske :  the  one,  sulcis  crispis,  does 
not,  in  the  figures  referred  to,  appear  to  possess  this  particular  charac- 
ter;  and  the  other,  norvagicum,  Tab.  xxm.  E.  F.  Klein,  varies  from  the 
preceding,  in  being  a  little  more  oblong  in  its  form. 

Spatangus  lacunosus,  Tab.  xxui.  A.  B.  Tab.  xxiv.  a.  b.  and  Tab.  xxvu. 
A.  Klein.  This  fossil,  which  has  indubitable  claims  as  a  distinct  species, 
is  of  an  oval  form;  its  upper  surface  gibbous,  and  its  under  rather  con- 
vex. At  the  vertex  are  two,  or,  according  to  Muller,  four  puncta. 
From  the  vertex  immediately  proceed  four  deeply  sulcated  obtuse  am- 
bulacra, with  angular  margins:  within  the  grooves  are  four  rows  of 
pores,  connected  by  transverse  lines.  The  two  posterior  ambulacra, 
directed  towards  the  narrower  part  of  the  shell,  are  shortest,  being 
sometimes  merely  two  deepish  fossulse  :  between  the  two  anterior  am- 
bulacra is  disposed  another  deep  groove,  which  is  also  beset  with  striae 


and  puncta.  On  each  side  of  the  shell,  are  several  gradually  rising  pro- 
minences ;  from  which  pass,  in  different  directions,  several  intercurrent 
lines,  on  which  minute  granular  tubercles  are  very  thinly  disposed ; 
whilst  the  general  surface  is  covered  with  tubercles  of  rather  a  larger 
size.  The  mouth  is  small,  and  nearly  round,  according  to  Leske  :  its 
situation  is,  however,  not  pointed  out,  nor  am  I  able  to  point  out  its 
situation  in  either  of  the  three  specimens  which  I  possess.  The  anus  is 
round,  and  placed  in  the  upper  margin  of  the  narrower,  and  apparently 
truncated  termination  of  the  shell. 

From  some  peculiarity  of  structure  of  this  shell,  the  specimens  are 
almost  always  distorted.  Such  is  the  case  with  all  the  specimens  which 
I  have  seen,  and  with  most  of  the  representations  of  them.  The  recent 
shell  is  figured  with  its  spines,  in  the  sixth  volume  of  Encyclopedic  Fran- 
fois,  PL  LIX.  Fig.  4.  The  fossil  is  mentioned  and  figured  by  many 
authors,  but  none  of  the  figures  appear  to  exceed  those  of  Scilla.  The 
specimen  figured  in  the  present  work,  Plate  III.  Fig.  12,  is  from  Malta. 

Spatangus  pusillus,  Tab.  xxiv.  c.  d.  e.  Klein,  et  Tab.  xxxvin.  Fig.  5, 
chiefly  distinguished  by  a  deep  dorsal  groove,  has  not,  I  conjecture, 
been  yet  discovered  fossil. 

Spatangus  radiatus.  This  species  is  only  found  in  a  fossil  state.  The 
shell  is  of  an  ovate  circumference,  and  of  a  vaulted  galeated  form. 
The  vertex  is  pierced  with  four  foramina,  'where  four  transversely 
striated  and  biporous  ambulacra  arise.  Two  of  these  pass  nearly  half 
way  down  the  shell,  obliquely  directed  on  each  side  of  the  posterior 
part :  a  dorsal  lacuna  also,  in  which  are  two  double  rows  of  pores,  ori- 
ginates from  the  vertex,  and,  passing  down  the  anterior  part  of  the 
shell,  is  extended  to  the  mouth.  The  shell  is  formed  chiefly  of  penta- 
gonal assulae.  The  mouth,  which  is  situated  in  an  oblong  pit,  in  the 
broader  and  anterior  part  of  the  base,  is  reniform,  and  beset  with  pores 
and  tubercula,  disposed  in  somewhat  of  a  stellular  form.  The  anus, 
which  is  nearly  round,  is  placed  in  a  pit  at  the  posterior  part,  close 


above  the  margin.  The  shell  is  remarkably  firm  and  thick ;  and  its 
colour,  as  well  as  that  of  the  calcareous  matter  with  which  it  is  filled,  is 
a  light  yellow.  It  is  figured  by  Walch,  Tab.  E.  iv.  No.  1  and  2  ;  by 
Klein,  Tab.  xxv. ;  and  by  Faujas  St.  Fond,  Histoire  Naturelle  de  la  Mon- 
tagne  de  St.  Pierre,  PI.  xxix.  , 

A  faithful  representation  of  this  fossil  is  given  Plate  III,  Fig.  4  and  5. 
This  fossil  has  been  sometimes  termed  Spatangns  Mosa,  from  the  circum- 
stance of  the  Meuse  laving  the  hills  at  the  foot  of  St.  Peter's  mountain, 
where  it  is  found. 

Spatangus purpurais,  Tab.  XLIII.  3,  4,  5,  Tab.  XLV.  5,  Lesk.  The  recent 
shell,  as  figured  by  Leske,  Tab.  XLIII.  3,  4,  5,  Tab.  XLV.  5,  but  particularly 
in  the  latter  plate,  which  represents  the  back  of  the  shell,  appears  to 
agree  exactly  with  the  fossil  which  I  have  represented  Plate  III.  Fig.  9, 
which  I  purchased  from  Mr.  Forster's  collection,  and  which  I  believe 
to  be  a  Maltese  fossil. 

This  fossil  is  of  a  subangular  cordated  ovate  shape.  Four  large  pores, 4 
near  to  each  other,  form,  as  it  were,  the  centre  in  the  vertex,  which  is 
rather  flat ;  and  at  which  four  ambulacra,  and  a  deep  and  wide  dorsal 
groove,  concentre.  Each  of  the  four  ambulacra  is  of  a  lanceolate 
petalloidal  figure,  formed  by  two  bending  bands  of  a  double  row  of 
oblong  pores,  each  pair  of  which  is  connected  by  an  oblique  furrow. 
The  small  spaces,  or  areae,  contained  within  the  ambulacra,  appear  to 
have  been  beset  with  very  minute  pores  and  tubercula ;  and  a  serrated 
line,  passing  through  their  centre,  connects  two  rows  of*  hexagonal 
assulge.  The  remaining  part  of  the  superior  surface  is  divided  into  five 
large  areae.  In  the  anterior  part  is  the  dorsal  groove,  wide,  rounded,  and 
deep,  passing  from  the  base  to  the  vertex,  forming  a  semicircular  notch 
in  the  margin,  and  narrowing  as  it  rises.  On  each  side  of  the  dorsal 
groove  is  a  raised  triangular  flat  surface,  bordered  by  two  tuberous 
ridges,  which,  rising  from  the  vertex,  proceed  downwards ;  the  tubera 
€nlarging,  to  the  margin,  and  slight  transverse  risings  connecting  the 
opposite  tubercles.  Similar  raised  surfaces  descend  through  each  of  the 


other  areae ;  and  similar  transverse  risings  are  observable  over  the  whole 
upper  surface.  The  flat  raised  surface,  on  the  posterior  part,  is  raised 
much  above  the  rest.  On  this  surface,  ten  sets  of  tubercles,  lessening 
as  they  approach  the  margin  of  the  area,  are  obliquely  disposed,  in 
two  rows.  On  the  two  lateral  raised  surfaces,  a  like  number  of  sets  of 
tubercles  are  disposed,  so  as  nearly  to  form  angles  along  the  central  line. 
The  rest  of  the  surface  appears  to  have  been  beset  with  numerous  small 
tubercles  ;  the  larger  of  which,  being  connected  at  rather  acute  angles, 
with  the  tubercles  of  the  raised  surfaces,  form  undulating  lines,  giving, 
in  many  places,  the  figure  of  the  letter  W.  From  the  ridges  above 
mentioned  proceed  the  angles  observable  in  the  circumference  of  the 
fossil ;  and  from  the  transverse  risings,  the  surface  of  the  shell  is  formed, 
as  it  were,  into  numerous  facets.  This  description  of  the  recent  echi- 
nus will  be  found  to  apply  very  nearly  to  the  fossil  here  represented : 
the  difference  being  only  that  which  proceeds  from  the  injurious  changes 
which  the  fossil  has  sustained. 

The  inferior  surface  of  the  fossil  is  nearly  destroyed ;  but  from  Leske's 
account,  we  learn,  that  it  very  nearly  resembles  that  of  Spat,  pusillus,  and 
Spat,  striato-radiaius.  The  mouth  is  oval  and  transvere ;  the  upper  lip 
not  covering,  nor  much  projecting  over,  the  under  lip.  In  the  superior 
margin  of  the  narrow  end  is  the  transverse  oval  anus;  and,  in  the  infe- 
rior margin,  is  a  renifbrm  area. 

Similar  specimens  are,  I  believe,  rare.  It  has,  however,  been  figured 
by  Aldrovandus,  Mus.  Met.  p.  475;  Scilla,  Tab.  xi.  Fig.  1;  and  by 
Allion,  the  editor  of  the  French  edition  of  Klein,  and  of  the  French 

Spatangus  depresms,  Tab.  LI.  Fig.  1,  2,  Lesk.  Under  this  species  are 
included  those  echinites  which  are  of  a  flattened  upper  surface,  of  a 
subrotund  and  cordated  figure,  proceeding  from  a  dorsal  groove,  and 
having  five  pair  of  ambulacral  bi porous  rows :  one  pair,  in  some  varie- 
ties, passing  along  the  dorsal  groove.  The  mouth  is  transversely  placed 
in  the  centre  of  the  base,  and  the  anus  in  the  middle  part  of  the  nar- 

rower  and  higher  extremity.     This  species  is  only  known  as  a  fossil ;  in 
which  state  the  granular  surface  is  generally  removed. 

Spatangites  subglobosus,  Tab.  LIV.  Fig.  2,  3.  This  shell  is  cordated,  and 
on  each  side,  convex  and  subglobose;  with  ten  striated  and  bipo- 
rous  ambulacra.  Leske  adds  to  these  the  following  characters : — 
Four  pores,  in  the  angles  of  a  trapezium  on  the  vertex ;  also,  in  the 
apex,  where  the  two  pores  unite,  a  little  pit  is  impressed.  The  two 
neighbouring  ambulacra  form  triangles,  the  bases  of  which  are  in  the 
periphery,  and  their  apices  in  the  vertex.  Two  rows  of  pores  in  the 
dorsal  lacuna  reach  to  the  mouth  ;  and,  from  the  vertex  to  the  anus, 
a  prominent  ridge  proceeds.  Each  area  is  divided  by  a  serrated  longi- 
tudinal suture,  and  is  divided  into  assulae  by  transverse  lines,  slightly 
arched  :  the  assulae  of  the  larger  areae  are  heptagonal,  and  those  of  the 
less  arese  are  alternately  heptagonal  and  pentagonal.  The  circumference 
of  the  middle  of  the  base  is  granulated  ;  but  the  superior  surface  is  gene- 
rally so  worn,  as  to  show  only  the  traces  of  the  granulae :  two  fas- 
ciae, free  from  granulae,  extend  from  the  angles  of  the  mouth  towards 
the  anus.  The  mouth,  which  is  subreniforrn,  is  near  to  the  grooved 
margin,  and  is  surrounded  by  tubercles,  disposed  in  a  stellular  form. 
The  anus  is  near  to  the  superior  margin  of  the  narrower  and  undivided 


This  description  is  given  more  fully,  since  the  figures  given  by  Leske 
do  not  accord  with  that  of  Lister,  to  which  he  refers.  The  figure  given 
by  Walch,  Tab.  E.  iv.  Fig.  3,  4,  agrees  exactly  with  that  of  Leske. 

Spatangites  ananchytis,  Tab.  LIU.  Fig.  1,  2,  Lesk.  differs  from  the  pre- 
ceding, chiefly  in  its  upper  part  being  more  conical,  its  base  more  flat, 
and  its  periphery  more  oblong.  The  figure  given  by  Leske,  is,  from  a 
silicious  nucleus ;  and  the  only  specimen  of  this  fossil,  which  I  possess, 
is  a  spathose  nucleus. 

Ananchytis,  sen  Synochitis,  of  Mercatus,  p.  316,  and  App.  89,  ap- 
pears to  approach  much  nearer  to  the  form  of  Spatangites  globosus,  than 
to  that  of  this  fossil. 

'  VOL.  III.  '  F 


Spatangites  bicordatus,  Tab.  XLVII.  .F^.  6,  Lesk.  In  this  fossil,  which 
is  but  rarely  met  with,  there  exist,  connected  by  a  linear  carinated 
ridge,  two  vertices,  in  which  the  ambulacra  terminate.  Both  ends,  thus 
becoming  sulcated,  the  echinite  is  said  to  be  bicordated. 

Spatangites  carinatus,  Tab.  LI.  Fig.  2,  3,  Led-.  This  Spatangite,  like 
the  former,  has  a  linear  carinated  ridge,  connecting  two  vertices  ;  but, 
unlike  the  former,  the  narrow  anal  termination  is  not  sulcated.  It  is 
also  figured  by  Baier,  Oryct.  Noric.  Tab.  in.  /.  43. 

The  third  family  of  this  genus  is  considered  by  Leske  as  composed 
of  those  echini  which  form  the  genus  Brissus*,  of  Klein  :  the  chief  cha- 
racters of  which  are  :  the  back  not  grooved  but  striated  ;  four  deep  cre- 
nated  and  perforated  sulci,  as  ambulacra  ;  the  base  tumid  ;  the  anus  and 
mouth  patulous,  and  the  latter  bilabiated.  None  of  the  varieties  of  Spa- 
tangus  brissus,  into  which,  according  to  Leske,  they  all  resolve,  appear 
to  be  known  in  a  mineralized  state. 

The  genus  brissoides,  of  Klein,  is  adopted  by  Leske  as  the  fourth 
family  of  Spatangi.  The  shells  of  this  family,  like  the  brissi,  are  ovate, 
and  the  back  striated,  but  not  lacunated  ;  the  rays  are  flat. 

Spatangus  brissoides,  Tab.  xxvn.  B.  Klein,  is  ovate,  oblong,  subcord- 
ated;  with  four  petaloidal,  lanceolated  ambulacra,  with  two  rows  of 
pores,  connected  by  transverse  striae  ;  large  tubercles  existing  between 
the  ambulacra  ;  the  rest  of  the  surface  being  covered  by  granulated  risings. 
The  mouth  subrotund  and  renifbrm,  surrounded  by  pores  disposed  in  the 
form  of  a  pentagonal  star  ;  the  middle  of  the  base  raised  and  tuber- 

Spatangus  ovatus,  Tab.  XLIX.  Fig.  12,  13,  Lesk.  differs  from  the  for- 
mer, chiefly  in  being  more  convex  ;  but  this  species  does  not  appear  to 
be  known  fossil. 

Spatangites  ovalis,  Tab.  XLI.  Fig.  5,  Lesk.    copied  from  Walch,   Tab. 

*  Brissus.  This  word,  fyiccras,  is  applied  by  Aristotle,  and  after  him  by  Athenaeus,  to 
certain  genera  of  echini.  The  name  Brittus  is  also  elsewhere  applied  to  them.  Afyvros  is 
the  designation,  then,  of  a  genus  of  echini,  corrupted  from  ufyuroi,  i.  e.  non  commcsu  apti. 

E.  in.  Fig.  (),  is  particularly  interesting,  in  consequence  of  two  of  the 
ambulacra,  proceeding  from  two  points,  at  nearly  half  an  inch  distance 
from  each  other.  The  bands  formed  by  three  pair  arise  at  the  vertex  of 
the  shell,  the  middle  one  passing  straight,  and  the  lateral  ones  obliquely, 
to  the  region  of  the  mouth ;  whilst  the  two  posterior  pair  proceed  from 
a  point  of  the  shell  just  above  the  anus,  and  pass  round  the  margin 
on  each  side  of  the  anus.  The  specimen,  figured  Plate  III.  Fig.  3,  dif- 
fers from  that  of  Leske  and  Walch  in  being  larger,  and  not  having  its 
parts  so  distinctly  visible,  as  to  be  able  to  determine  the  form  of  the 
assulae ;  which,  in  the  otherwise  very  correct  description  of  this  fossil  by 
M.  d'Anhpne,  are  said  to  be  quadrilateral,  whilst  in  the  figure  they  are 
depicted  pentagonal.  Three  species  appear  to  exist  in  a  fossil  state,  in 
which  the  ambulacra  do  not  arise  from  the  same  point  in  the  vertex  of 
the  shell. 

The  specimen  figured  Plate  III.  Fig.  8,  is  evidently  of  the  family  bris- 
soides,  and  might  be  named  Spatangites  brissoides  Avails.  The  form  is 
oval;  the  base  concave,  and  rounded  at  its  margin:  in  the  centre, 
where  the  mouth,  which  is  oval,  is  placed,  the  ten  biporous  ambulacra 
terminate  separately  :  the  back  is  convex ;  near  the  centre  of  which  are 
four  foramina,  and  the  superior  lanceolated  terminations  of  each  pair  of 
ambulacra :  the  anus,  large  and  pyriform,  is  placed  on  the  back,  just 
above  the  margi n . 

The  following  species  deserve,  perhaps,  as  is  ^observed  by  Leske,  to 
be  considered  as  forming  a  distinct  genus,  which  might  be  placed  be- 
tween echinanthus  and  spatangus. 

Echinitcs  pyriformis,  Tab.  LI.  Fig,  5,  6,  and  Tab.  XLIV.  Fig.  7,  Lesk. 
The  shell  is  ovate,  gibbous,  and  rather  acute  at  one  end ;  the  base  flat. 
On  the  back  originate  five  porous,  sub-petalous,  ambulacral  bands,  which 
reach  to  the  periphery :  a  carinated  line  ^divides  the  back  of  the  shell, 
as  it  were,  in  two  parts.  In  the  middle  of  the  base  is  the  round^sub- 
pentagonal  mouth,  furnished  with  five  prominent  lips.  Between  each 
of  the  two  prominent  lips  a  double  series  of  pores  unite,  forming  a  five- 


rayed  star  round  the  mouth.  The  anus  is  round,  and  placed  in  the 
upper  part  of  the  acute  extremity  of  the  shell. 

One  of  these  fossils,  from  St.  Peter's  mountain,  is  delineated  Plate  III. 
Fig.  6. 

Echinites  lapis  caneri.  Tab.  XLIX.  Fig.  10,  11,  Lesk.  This  name  was 
given  by  Leske,  from  a  supposed  resemblance  to  the  stones  commonly 
called  crabs'- eyes.  The  shell  is  obtusely  oval ;  in  the  vertex,  which 
is  excentrical,  are  four  pores;  and  there  meet  five  biporous,  ovato-lan- 
ceolated,  petalloidal  ambulacra,  divided  at  their  points.  The  base  is 
slightly  excavated ;  the  month  is  in  the  centre,  but  nearer  to  the  nar- 
row end  ;  the  anus  is  oval,  and  raised  on  the  broader  end,  in  the  upper 
part  of  a  rounded  groove.  Plate  III.  Fig.  7,  represents  a  specimen, 
which,  I  have  reason  to  believe,  is  from  Switzerland. 

Echinites  patellaris,  Tab.  LIII.  Fig.  5,  6,  7,  Leske.  This  species,  which 
is  smaller  than  the  preceding,  is  described  as  differing  from  all  others, 
except  as  to  the  mouth  and  anus,  which  agree  in  their  situation  with 
those  of  the  two  last  species.  The  difference  appears  chiefly  to  consist 
in  the  shell  being  considerably  depressed,  and  the  ambulacra  being  dis- 
posed in  the  form  of  a  star.  The  shell  is  ovate  in  its  periphery,  the 
back  is  slightly  convex,  and  the  base  gently  hollowed. 

I  do  not  know  if  the  curious  echinite,  Plate  iv.  Fig.  10,  from  Verona, 
has  been  yet  described.  It  is  very  flat,  of  a  rude  sub-cordate  form,  and 
possesses  a  finely-granulated  surface,  which  seems  to  be  so  formed  by  the 
points  to  which  the  minute  spines  have  adhered.  I  must  however 
acknowledge  that  1  have  only  been  able  to  discover  one  aperture  in  this 
fossil,  which  is  in  its  margin. 




IT  so  rarely  happens,  except  in  some  particular  situations,  and  under 
some  uncommon  circumstances,  that  the  spines  of  the  echinus  continue 
long  adherent,  even  to  their  recent  shell,  that  it  is  not  at  all  surprising, 
that  instances  of  their  being  connected  in  fossil  specimens  are  exceedingly 
rare.  Soon  after  the  death  of  the  animal,  unless  it  happens  to  have 
been  placed  under  such  circumstances  as  prevent  the  decomposition  and 
resolution  of  those  membraneous  and  muscular  parts  on  which  the  con- 
nection depends,  the  spines  become  disengaged,  and  fall  off  from  the 
shell.  This  circumstance,  being  considered,  with  that  of  the  numerous 
chances  of  injury,  after  the  death  of  the  animal,  and  previous  to  the 
period  of  its  becoming  a  subject  of  the  mineral  kingdom,  it  indeed  ap- 
pears wonderful  that  any  fossil  specimens  should  exist,  where  the  shell 
and  the  spines  continue  united. 

From  the  opportunities  of  seeing  the  shell  and  spines  in  connection,  in 
a  mineralized  state,  being  so  exceedingly  infrequent,  proceeds,  in  a 
great  measure,  the  difficulty  of  succeeding  in  the  attempt  to  ascertain  the 
particular  species  to  which  the  various  fossil  spines  belong.  To  the 
labours  of  Klein,  Phelsum,  and  Leske,  I  must  be  chiefly  indebted  for 
such  information  as  I  may  be  able  to  convey  to  you  on  this  sub- 
ject. I  shall  however  endeavour,  as  I  proceed,  to  confirm  their  observa- 
tions, or  correct  their  opinions,  by  occasional  references  to  such  speci- 

mens,  in  my  own  possession,  as  seem  to  determine  the  relationship 
between  the  particular  species  of  spines  and  of  echinal  shells. 

The  ACICUL^E  capitata,  in  their  respective  varieties  of  forms  and 
colours,  are  found  chiefly  belonging  to  the  echini  of  the  genus  miUaris 
and  variolata. 

Instances  of  their  preservation,  in  a  petrified  state,  have  not  been  fre- 
quently mentioned.  Two  unconnected  specimens  are  figured  by  Volk- 
mann,  Siles.  Subt.  Tab.  xxx.  Fig.  17,  18 ;  and  it  is  this  species  of  which 
Gesner  speaks,  de  Petrificat.  p.  36  d.  as  aculei,  s.  radioli  leves,  exquisite 
cuspidati.  Two  specimens  are  also  figured  by  Miiller,  Delic.  Natur.  Tab. 
p.  i.  Fig.  1,  5.  But  no  instances  are  given,  in  any  author,  of  their 
preservation  in  a  fossil  state,  in  connection  with  their  shell.  In  the  spe- 
cimen in  chalk,  Plate  I.  Fig.  10,  one  of  these  spines,  ofasubulated  form 
and  striated  surface,  is  seen  in  that  situation,  which  gives  full  reason  to 
suppose  its  relationship  to  the  shell  which  it  accompanies.  The  flint  speci- 
men, Plate  III.  Fig.  1,  is  interesting,  from  its  showing  that  E.  saxatilis 
is  provided  with  spines  of  a  similar  shape :  in  one  part  the  spines  are 
seen,  with  their  articulating  terminations,  lying  close  to  the  points  to 
which  they  belonged ;  and  in  another,  one  of  the  spines  is  seen  in  the 
substance  of  the  flint,  still  attached  to  the  shell.  In  the  remarkably  fine 
specimen  from  Stunsfield,  in  Oxfordshire,  Tab.  I.  Fig.  8,  some  little 
variation  is  observable  with  respect  to  the  spines.  Like  the  former,  they 
are  striated,  subulated,  and  rather  bent ;  but  they  gradually,  though  very 
slightly,  swell  a  little  about  their  middle,  and  thence  become  somewhat 

In  the  flint  fossil,  Plate  I.  Fig.  5,  which  was  considered  as  one  of  the 
most  valuable  in  the  Leverian  Museum,  spines  of  this  class  are  still  seen 
adherent  to  the  echinital  crust,  and  imbedded  and  passing  into  the  solid 
flint.  These  are  subulated  like  the  preceding,  but  are  more  straight. 
The  echinite  of  this  specimen  appears  to  be  of  the  variolated  kind. 

In  the  interesting  specimen  of  Cidaris papillata,  from  Calne,  Plate  IV. 


Fig.  20,  spines  of  the  same  class  are  fixed.  But  these  appear  to  have 
been  longer,  and  more  of  a  cylindrical  form  than  those  above  described. 

[n  a  fossil  from  Hertfordshire,  in  which  an  echinite,  probably  of  the 
variolated  kind,  is  involved  in  a  mass  of  pyritous  clay,  innumerable  subu- 
lated  and  capitated  aciculae  are  seen  piercing  through  and  laying  in  the 
surface  of  the  mass. 

The  capillary  aciculre  are  so  small  as  to  give  but  little  chance  of  detect- 
ing them,  mineralized,  in  an  attached  state ;  and  I  know  but  of  one  instance 
in  which  they  have  been  found  petrified  arid  adherent.  This  has  lately 
occurred  in  a  mass  of  silicious  cordated  echinites  from  Devonshire,  im- 
bedded in  a  matrix  of  chert.  In  this  specimen,  the  capillary  acicular 
spines  are  accumulated  on  the  echinites,  in  prodigious  numbers. 

The  spines  comprised  in  the  class  of  SUDES  are  very  numerous;  but,  for 
the  reasons  already  related,  the  spines  of  this  class,  in  the  state  of  petrifac- 
tion, are  very  rarely  found  in  attachment  with  their  shell.  The  first 
genus  of  this  class,  Sudes  villarum,  Stakes,  is  divided  into  three  species : 
1.  lavis;  2.  nodosa ;  3.  granulate  and  striata ;  4.  torosa,  Kc.  Of  the  first 
of  these  species,  I  have  not,  to  my  recollection,  seen  a  specimen ;  the 
glass  making  some  configurations  appear  on  the  surface  of  all  which  I 
have  examined  of  this  genus :  nor  have  I  seen  any  of  the  second  spe- 
cies, simply  knobbed,  the  lens  generally  showing  striae  also. 

Of  the  third  species,  granulated,  there  exist  many  varieties;  among 
which,  indeed,  are  several,  apparently  deserving  of  being  considered  as 
distinct  species.  Plate  IV.  Fig.  3,  represents  a  cylindrical  species,  with 
denticulated  rings,  which  is  adherent  to  its  shell,  by  which  we  discover 
that  it  belongs  to  one  of  the  Cidarcs  papillata.  This  spine  is  capitated ; 
and,  if  it  were  not  in  a  slight  degree  tumid  at  its  commencement,  might 
be  considered  as  completely  cylindrical.  It  is  surrounded  by  eight  rows 
of  denticulated  granulae,  the  surface  between  which  is  minutely  striated. 
In  one  specimen  which  I  possess,  these  spines,  very  little  superior,  as  to 
thickness,  to  those  which  are  here  represented,  are  full  five  inches  and  a 
half  in  length. 


Of  one  variety  of  the  torose,  or  knobbed  sudes,  a  fragment  is  repre- 
sented Plate  IV.  Fig.  5 ; — and  now  take  a  view  of  Vol.  I.  Plate  VL 
Fig.  29,  where  you  will  have  one  instance  of  the  strange,  and  even 
absurd  errors,  to  which  we  are  liable  in  these  pursuits.     A  specimen, 
not  indeed  so  well  defined,  is  there  given  as  part  of  the  branch  of  a  tree. 
To  mistake  the  spine  of  an  echinus  for  the  branch  of  a  tree,  you  may 
say,  is  pretty  well;  but  this  is  trifling— I  will  now  confess  to  you,  that 
in  the  same  plate,  we  both  narrowly  escaped  the  misfortune  of  having 
part  of  the  tusk  of  an  elephant  introduced  as  part  of  the  stem  of  a  tree. 
I  mention  these  circumstances,  to  impress  on  your  mind  the  great  chance 
of  error  in  these  pursuits,  from  the  obscurity  of  specimens  and  the  simi- 
larity of  appearances,  in  even  most  different  bodies.     But  to  return  :— 
The  fossil  just  mentioned,  Plate  IV.   Fig.  5,  is  a  very  curious  variety  of 
this  species,  torosa,  from  Giengen,  in  Swabia,  being  the  compressed  ser- 
rated spine  which  is  mentioned  and  figured  by  Andrea  and  Leske.     At 
its  inferior  termination,  part  of  its  articulating  head  is  yet  to  be  seen. 
Thence  it  assumes  a  compressed  triquetral  form,  beset  both  on  its  edges 
and  faces  with  denticulated  noduli.     This  is  the  Bacolo  di  santa  Paulo  of 
Scilla,    Tab.  xxiv.   Fig.  2.     Representations  of  fragments  of  knobbed 
spines  are  given  in  most  writers  on  this  subject. 

No  fossil  specimen  of  the  genus  Sudes  fortalitiorum,  pallisadoes,  has,  I 
believe,  been  yet  known  :  I  shall,  therefore,  be  under  the  necessity  of 
offering  my  observations  on  such  fossils  more  at  large,  than  the  space, 
to  which  I  find  myself  limited,  has  allowed  rne  to  treat  of  the  former 

The  genus  Sudes  fortalitiorum,  pallisadoes,  is  divided  by  Klein  into 
two  species,  the  plain  and  the  variegated  with  bands.  For  an  instance 
of  the  former,  he  refers  us  to  Rumphius,  Tab.  xiu.  D.  D.  D.  ;  and,  of  the 
latter,  he  gives  figures  of  twenty-two  varieties,  de  Aculeis  echinorum, 
Tab.  xxxiv.  Of  the  spines  of  this  genus,  he  observes,  the  substance  of 
which  they  are  formed  is  very  different  from  that  of  which  the  spines  of 
all  the  other  genera  are  composed.  Whilst  all  those  belonging  to  the 


class  Acicula,  and  to  the  genus  Sudes  villarwn,  are  formed  of  a  substance 
which  has  a  spathose  appearance,  those  belonging  to  the  Sudes  for talitio- 
rum,  or  palisadoes,  are  composed  of  a  porous  substance,  in  consequence 
of  which  they  do  not  sink  in  water  as  those  of  every  other  genus  do. 

Among  the  numerous  riddles  which  the  admirers  of  fossils  have  to 
solve,  there  has  been  hardly  any  one  more  involved  in  puzzle  than  the 
original  nature  of  the  belemnite.  A  considerable  progress  had,  how- 
ever, been  made  in  removing  the  mystery,  when  fresh  difficulties  started, 
in  consequence  of  the  peculiar  appearances  discovered  in  some  fossils, 
which  were  sent  to  Klein  by  his  friend  Fischer,  from  Studtgard. 

These  bodies,  although  of  a  dark  colour  and  striated  from  the  centre  to 
the  circumference,  and  generally  considered  to  be  belemnites,  were,  in 
the  opinion  of  Klein,  the  spines  of  echini.  Descriptiones  TubuL  Mann.  p.  viii. 
To  this  opinion  he  was  led  by  their  figure,  their  seeming  spathose  substance, 
and  by  their  striae  concentering  in  a  line  passing  longitudinally  through  the 
centre  of  the  body,  in  which  no  trace  of  a  canal  was  observable.  Led  by 
the  examination  of  these  bodies,  which  bore  a  resemblance  so  strong  both 
to  belemnites  and  to  the  spines  of  echini,  he  formed  these,  as  it  will 
appear,  just  conclusions  : — That  all  fossils,  resembling  belemnites  in 
their  substance  and  figure,  are  not  to  be  referred  to  belemnites ;  that  all 
belemnites  cannot  be  considered  as  spines  of  echini ;  and  that  the  sub- 
stances naturally  constituting  the  belemnite  and  the  aculeated,  if  not  all 
the  spines  of  the  echinus,  were  such,  as  to  be  capable  of  under- 
going the  same  kind  of  change.  The  fossil  figured  by  Lhwydd,  Li- 
thoph.  No.  1702,  Tab.  xxi.  as  Belemnites  minor  cinereus  ari  pistillum  refe- 
rens;  the  shelled  belemnite  of  Grew,  Rarities  of  Gresham  College,  PI.  20; 
Belemnites  sulcatus  niger  major,  of  Langius,  Hist.  Lap.  Helv.  Tab.  xxxvu. 
Fig.  3 ;  Utrinque  perquam  acuminatus  of  Baier,  Oryct.  None.  Tab.  i. 
Fig.  7  ;  and  others  similar,  he  conceives,  should  be  considered  as  spines 
of  echini,  and  similar  to  those  which  he  received  from  Studtgard  :  but 
those  fossils  which  possess  the  conical  cavity,  the  canalicula,  and  the 

VOL.  Ill,  O 


alveola,  he  thinks,  must  still  remain  among  the  belemnites,  Descript. 
Tub.  Marin.  p.  9,  &c. 

How  far  he  was  led  in  his  suspicions,  respecting  these  bodies,  may  be 
inferred  from  the  following  remarks : — "  Neque  diffitebimur,  probabi- 
lem  esse  conjecturam  illorum  haud  levibus  suffultam  ratiociniis,  qui 
belemnitas  prussicas  omnes,  proprie  lyncuriorum  nomine  insignitos,  pro 
radiis  animalium  marinorum  hactenus  incognitorum  reputant:  quae 
animalia,  si  non  ad  classem  echinorum  pertinerent,  proxime  tamen  ad 
echinos  accederent;  nee  dessent  rationes,  quae  difficultates  a  cavitati- 
bus  conicis,  rimis  alveolisque  petitas  sufficienter  removerent ;  et  quseso, 
quid  turn  amplius  obstaret,  quin  omnes  Belemnita,  Radii,  vel  Echinorum 
vel  similium  animalium  marinorum  forent  !  In  praesenti  propositi  nostri 
non  est,  aliorum  causam  agere :  nobis  incumbit  ut  claviculis,  quas  laeves 
nuncupamus,  patrocinemur,  ita  ut  vix  sufficiens  ratio  dissentientium 
appareat,  ob  quam  illae  a  radiorum  echinitorum  familia  removeantur,  et 
Belemnitarum  classe  inscribantur."  De  AcuL  Echin.  p.  54.  He  then 
proceeds  to  show,  that  among  the  dactyliform  bodies,  assumed  to  be 
belemnites,  there  are  some,  one  of  the  extremities  of  which  would  apply 
exactly  on  the  papillary  protuberance  of  an  echinus;  and  quotes  the 
authority  of  Rumphius  for  the  fact  of  the  pallisadoe-like  spines,  scattered 
on  the  sea-shore,  passing  into  a  spathose  substance. 

It  is  with  much  pleasure  that  I  find  myself  able,  not  only  to  confirm 
the  observations  made  by  Klein,  but  to  point  out  the  probable  cir- 
cumstance on  which  the  perplexing  ambiguity  with  respect  to  these 
bodies  has  depended.  It  appears,  that  the  original  matter  of  the  pali- 
sadoe-like  echinal  spine,  and  that  of  the  belemnite,  are  both  of  such 
a  nature,  that  on  impregnation  with  a  fluid  holding  carbonate  of 
lime,  in  solution,  they  become  a  spathose  substance,  similar  in  colour 
and  in  form  of  crystallization  : — a  fact  which,  I  trust,  will  be  found  to 
assist  very  much  in  making  out  the  original  nature  of  that  curious  sub- 
stance, the  belemnite. 


The  echinital  spines  which  are  found  in  chalk,  are  known  by 
the  chalk-diggers  by  the  names  of  files,  and  chalk  bottles :  by  the 
former,  are  meant  the  striated  and  prolonged  cucurmerine  clavicula;  and 
by  the  latter,  those  which  are  of  an  olive  form.  The  belemnites  have 
also,  from  early  times,  been  distinguished  by  them  as  pencils.  About 
two  years  since,  among  the  chalk  fossils  which  I  had  obtained  from 
Kent,  were  several  pencils ;  and  among  them  one,  which,  when  cleared 
of  the  chalk,  and  carefully  examined  with  a  lens,  I  could  plainly  per- 
ceive was  not  only  not  a  belemnite,  but  a  complete  palisadoe-spine, 
possessing  a  perfect  circular  articulating  cavity,  and  a  grained  surface, 
somewhat  resembling  the  manufactured  surface  of  seal-skin.  Like  most 
of  the  recent  spines  of  this  genus,  it  is  of  a  triquetral  form,  at  the  end 
which  is  attached  to  the  shell :  but,  unlike  all  those  figured  by  Klein,  it 
not  only  soon  becomes  larger  and  rounded,  but  terminates  in  a  rounded 
cone.  Its  colour,  at  its  articulating  end,  is  of  a  very  light  fawn  colour, 
which  shades  off  to  nearly  white,  at  about  one  third  of  the  length  of  the 
spine,  the  remaining  part  being  again  of  a  fawn  colour,  but  much  darker 
than  that  in  the  other  part  of  the  spine. 

As  a  collector,  I  highly  estimated  a  fossil,  which  I  had  not  hitherto 
known  to  exist,  and  consequently  treasured  it  with  some  care.  But 
comparison  with  some  specimens  of  the  Folkstone  belemnites,  which 
possess  somewhat  of  a  similar  form  with  that  of  this  fossil,  and  at  the 
same  time  the  transparency  of  the  Prussian  fossils,  which,  although 
generally  regarded  as  belemnites,  had  been  suspected  by  Klein  to  be 
echinital  spines,  induced  me  to  suspect  a  similarity  of  substance  in  both 
fossils.  To  determine  this,  I  broke  the  fossil  spine  in  two,  and  was 
astonished  to  find  its  substance  exactly  agreeing  with  that  which  is  con- 
stantly found  in  belemnites : — a  dark  brown  spar,  with  striae  radiating 
from  the  centre,  and  intersected  by  concentric  circles. 

Having  thus  got  rid  of  this  erroneously  assumed  mark  of  distinc- 
tion, the  brown  radiating  spar,  and  ascertained  that  a  body,  indis- 
putably an  echinital  spine,  had,  by  its  mineralization,  been  rendered 


similar  in  its  substance  to  belemnites;  and  having  thereby  established  the 
position  of  Klein,  that  every  body  possessing  a  similar  structure  with  the 
belemnite  is  not  therefore  to  be  considered  as  one  of  those  fossils,  we 
are  absolutely  left  without  any  distinctive  character,  by  which,  in  many 
instances,  these  fossils  can  be  separated.  It  is  true,  that  we  sometimes 
have,  on  the  one  hand,  as  in  the  specimen  just  spoken  of,  not  only 
the  articulating  termination,  but  so  much  of  the  colpur  and  surface 
preserved,  as  determines  its  echinital  origin ;  and,  on  the  other  hand, 
we  have  the  concamerated  shell,  or  the  alveola,  which  contained  it, 
evincing  the  fossil  to  be  a  belemnite.  But  much  more  frequently 
we  meet  with  fossils,  in  which,  from  having  been  broken,  rubbed 
down,  or  otherwise  injured,  these  parts  are  entirely  removed,  and  their 
figure  so  altered,  that  it  is  no  longer  possible  to  determine  in  which 
class  of  fossils  they  are  to  be  placed.  The  discovery  of  this  speci- 
men induced  me  to  examine,  with  more  care,  those  fossils  in  my 
possession,  which  had  been  hitherto  regarded  as  belemnites;  and  I  was 
much  pleased  at  soon  perceiving  that  many,  which  I  should  before,  with- 
out hesitation,  have  termed  belemnites,  were  in  all  probability  spines 
of  echini.  In  three  specimens,  this  origin  was  indubitable.  Plate  IV. 
Fig.  4,  shows  a  hard  and  heavy  spathose  specimen ;  which  although, 
from  its  form,  I  had  often  suspected  to  be  a  fossil  sudes,  1  never  could 
before  assert  it,  in  contradiction  to  the  opposite  opinion  of  many  very 
excellent  fossilists.  Its  triquetral  form,  extending  through  three  fourths 
of  its  length,  and  insensibly  gliding  into  the  rounded  conical  termina- 
tion, with  something  more  than  a  fancied  resemblance  in  colour,  deter- 
mined it,  in  my  opinion,  to  have  been  originally  an  echinital  spine, 
although  the  further  proof  of  its  articulating  termination  is,  by  accident, 
destroyed.  Plate  IV.  Fig.  19,  represents  a  small  specimen,  in  chalk, 
which  appears  to  be  a  fossil  spine  of  the  same  species  with  the  preceding, 
but  more  rounded  and  fusiform :  a  small  annular  mark,  at  one  end, 
shows,  indisputably,  its  point  of  articulation. 

The  spine, .  Plate  IV.  Fig.  14,  hitherto  supposed  to  be  a  belemnite,  ii 


of  a  species,  not,  I  believe,  described.  The  inferior  extremity,  though 
somewhat  crushed,  still  yields  marks  of.  its  having  there  had  its  articula- 
ting surface.  It  is  rendered  very  different  from  any  belemnite  or  echinital 
spine  which  I  have  ever  seen,  from  its  surface  being  pierced  with  nume- 
rous small,  but  distinct,  and  somewhat  regularly  disposed  foramina. 

Of  the  class  Spatkula,  in  which  are  comprised  small  flattish  spines, 
dispersed,  in  some  species  of  echini,  among  the  larger  and  more  cha- 
racteristic spines,  I  do  not  know  of  .the  existence  of  any  fossil  species ; 
neither  do  I  find  any  information  respecting  any  fossils  of  the  fourth 
class,  Radiolus  coronatus,  figured  by  Klein,  Tab.  xxxu.  K.  ;  and  by 
Scheuchzer,  Physic.  Sacr.  Tab.  LVI.  The  figure,  indeed,  of  this  spine, 
gives  rather  the  idea  of  its  being  a  spine  of  the  genus  Sudes  fortalitio- 
rum,  which  has  suffered  injury,  and  has  been  repaired  by  the  powers  of 
the  animal. 

The  very  curious  spine,  Plate  IV.  Fig.  12,  from  the  neighbourhood 
of  Verona,  is  referable,  I  conceive,  to  this  class,  or  to  Sudes  villarum 
serrate  compress^.  I  am  entirely  ignorant  of  the  echinus  to  which  it 

The  class  CLAVICULA  contains  many  spines,  which  are  exceedingly 
interesting  in  their  forms.  The  first  species,  termed  Glandaria,  from 
the  supposed  resemblance  of  these  bodies  to  acorns,  are  divided  into 
those  which  are  smooth  and  those  which  are  granularly  striated.  Two 
of  the  latter,  of  different  sizes,  are  represented  Plate  IV.  Fig.  9  and  11. 
No  echini,  recent  or  fossil,  have  been  found  to  which  these  large  glan- 
diform  bodies  are  known  to  belong. 

Plate  IV.  Fig.  1,  18,  and  21,  may  be  regarded  as  those  varieties  of 
this  species,  which  formerly  were  considered,  from  their  figure,  as 
petrified  olives,  or  Lapides  Judaici.  Their  recent  analogue  is  still  un- 
known ;  nor  was  it,  until  of  late  years,  that  it  was  known  to  what  genus 
of  fossil  echini  these  bodies  belonged. 

This  circumstance  was  first  ascertained  and  made  known  in  the  highly 
interesting  travels  of  M.  De  Luc,  who  discovered  one  of  these  clavated 
spines  attached  to  a  portion  of  the  shell.  Tom.  iv.  p.  4(57,  Tab.  xii. 


The  echinite  found  by  M.  de  Luc  was  calcareous,  but  filled  with 
and  imbedded  in  flint.  Another  specimen,  very  nearly  similar  to 
the  foregoing,  is  figured  and  described  by  Andrea,  Lit.  Helvet.  p.  267. 
This  specimen  was  found  in  the  mountain  named  Randerberg, .  in  Swit- 
zerland. A  specimen  of  this  kind,  in  flint,  from  Kent,  is  represented 
Plate  IV.  Fig.  21,  with  one  of  the  spines  lying  close  to  the  papilla  on 
which  it  had  been  fixed.  In  this  specimen  may  be  seen  the  characters 
of  the  echinus.  This,  it  is  evident,  is  a  species  of  Cidaris  papillata ;  but 
differing  from  any  which  has  been  described,  in  having  the  articulations 
of  the  assulse  much  more  concealed  by  the  granular  surface,  which  is 
extended  from  papilla  to  papilla.  In  another  specimen,  Plate  IV.  Fig.  1, 
in  chalk,  four  of  the  spines  are  still  adherent;  and  in  another,  in  which 
several  spines  and  two  of  the  larger  arese  are  imbedded  in  chalk,  the 
particular  character  of  this  shell  is  also  plainly  manifested.  In  another 
flint  specimen  from  Pangbourn,  in  Berkshire,  the  spine  is  somewhat  dif- 
ferent, the  longitudinal  grooves  being  deeper,  and  the  denticulse  more 

The  origin,  therefore,  of  the  Lapides  Judaici,  or  petrified  olives,  as 
these  stones  were  formerly  considered,  is  therefore  now  determined ; 
and  the  species  of  echinite  also,  to  which  they  belong,  is  completely 

I  am  indebted  to  that  accurate  observer  of  nature,  Mr.  Sowerby,  for 
a  very  ingenious  suggestion,  as  to  the  cause  of  a  peculiar  variety  of 
figure  which  sometimes  occurs  in  these  spines.  They  are  sometimes  seen 
more  than  usually  tumid  and  irregularty  rugose :  this  he  imputes,  and  I 
am  assured  of  his  being  right,  to  the  spine  having  suffered  from  disease. 

The  second  species,  Cucumerina,  is  divisible  into  several  varieties,  in 
which,  although  the  cucumber  form  is  preserved,  very  considerable 
differences  are  observable.  In  some,  the  surface  is  neither  striated  nor 
granulated ;  but  irregularly  and  slightly  nodular.  But  the  surface  in 
general  possessed  by  these  bodies,  is  formed  by  small  granular  or  denti- 
culated projections,  disposed  in  regular  rows.  Plate  IV.  Fig.  2,  6,  8,  15, 
16,  and  17. 

Plate  IV.  Fig.  15,  is  one  of  the  cucumerine  species  of  the  largest  size; 
and  at  Plate  IV.  Fig.  2,  is  one  of  the  larger  areae  of  one  of  the  mam- 
millated  echinites,  with  a  narrower  spine  of  this  species  attached  to  it. 
These  bodies,  whose  origin  was  so  long  a  subject  of  such  vague  con- 
jecture, that  by  some  they  were  supposed  to  be  wrhite  pepper  in  a  state 
of  petrifaction,  may  also  now  be  considered  as  belonging  to  this  genus  of 

The  cylindrical  and  longitudinal  sulcated  body,  Plate  IV.  Fig.  13,  is 
sometimes  found  among  the  fossils  of  Shepey  Island.  Its  figure  is 
undoubtedly  ambiguous,  it  having  some  appearance  of  a  small  branch 
of  a  tree;  I,  however,  entertain  very  little  doubt  of  its  being  part  of  an 
echinital  spine. 

The  small  bones  and  teeth  of  the  echini  are  sometimes  found  among 
the  fossil  remains  of  these  animals.  This  has  been  doubted  by  some ; 
but  I  have  no  hesitation  in  saying,  that  I  have  some  of  these  fossils  from 








IN  OTWITHSTANDING  the  great  degree  of  judgment  displayed  by  the 
illustrious  Linnaeus,  in  his  systematic  arrangement  of  shells,  it  does  not 
appear  to  be  proper  to  adopt  his  divisions  in  the  present  work.  It  must, 
I  believe,  be  admitted,  that  many  of  his  genera  are  too  comprehensive ; 


added  to  which,  since  the  forming  of  his  classification,  several  shells  have 
been  discovered,  possessing  characters  which  will  not  allow  them  to  be 
placed  under  any  of  his  genera.  The  latter  circumstance  has  indeed 
taken  place  to  such  an  extent  with  respect  to  fossil  shells,  as  to  have 
rendered  the  formation  of  a  new  classification  absolutely  necessary. 

This  task  the  celebrated  Lamarck  has  accomplished,  with  such  inge- 
nuity and  care,  as  to  give  him  a  strong  claim  on  the  gratitude  of  every 
lover  of  science  :  and,  as  was  exceedingly  desirable,  he  has,  by  his  clas- 
sification, secured  the  admission  of  all  those  shells  which  are  found  in  a 
mineralized  state*. 

The  genius  and  accompanying  zeal,  possessed  by  this  philosopher,  has 
led  him  fully  to  avail  himself  of  every  opportunity  of  extending  his  obser- 
vations; and,  happity  for  science,  these  opportunities  have  been  afforded 
him  in  a  most  singular  degree.  His  situation,  as  professor  of  zoology, 
and  particularly  in  the  departments  of  insects,  shells,  madrepores,  &c. 
with  the  superintendance  of,  and  unrestrained  access  to,  the  Museum  of 
Natural  History,  must  have  furnished  him  with  unparalleled  opportu- 
nities of  information. 

The  fossil  riches  of  the  country  too,  surrounding  Paris,  particularly 
as  to  shells,  exceed  those,  perhaps,  of  any  other  tract  of  a  similar  size. 
At  Courtagnon,  near  Rheims,  an  enormous  bank  of  fossil  shells  is  open, 
in  different  parts ;  among  which  are  very  few  that  were  known,  or  that 
had  been  described,  until  they  had  been  subjected  to  the  examination 
of  Lamarck.  At  Grignon,  about  seven  leagues  from  Paris,  fossil  shells 
are  so  exceedingly  abundant,  that  M.  Defrance,  by  his  indefatigable 
industry,  has  collected  at  least  five  hundred  distinct  species,  more 
than  three  fourths  of  which  have  never  been  before  described.  These 
fossil  shells,  discovered  by  M.  Defrance,  are  most  correctly  copied, 
under  the  directions  of  the  professors  of  natural  history,  and  the  drawings 
are  carefully  preserved  in  the  Museum,  for  the  purpose  of  ready  exa- 

*  This  part  of  Lamarck's  labours  commences  in  Les  Annales  du  Museum  tfllistoire 
Naturdlt)  Tomei.  p.  308,  and  is  continued  through  the  succeeding  volumes. 

It  is  true  that  this  bank  of  shells  appears  to  be  exactly  correspondent 
with  that  which  exists  in  Hampshire,  the  fossils  of  which  have  been  so 
well  illustrated  by  the  labours  of  Brander  and  Solander.  But,  whilst 
the  Hampshire  fossils  are  generally  broken,  from  the  very  soft  and  fragile 
state  to  which  they  are  reduced  by  the  mud  in  which  they  are  involved, 
the  fossil  shells  of  France  are  found  in  the  highest  state  of  preservation  : 
and  hence  numerous  species,  which  can  in  this  island  be  hardly  ever 
obtained,  are  there  found  in  a  perfect  state.  How  assiduously  and  suc- 
cessfully M.  Lamarck  has  employed  these  several  advantages,  will  be 
manifested  by  the  arrangement  he  has  formed,  and  the  important  obser- 
vations which  he  has  made. 

Of  the  testaceous  molluscae  he  considers  the  cephalous,  from  being 
the  most  perfect,  as  being  proper  to  form  the  first  order.  With  the 
exception  of  the  chiton,  all  the  other  cephalous  conchyliferus  molluscae, 
he  observes,  are  simply  univalves,  whilst  the  acephalous  are  inclosed  in 
two  or  more  valves. 

Genus  I.  Chiton.  An  oblong-elliptical,  convex,  multivalved  shell ;  with 
transverse  valves,  partly  lying  over  each  other,  in  a  row,  on  the  back 
of  the  animal. 

The  only  notice  which  I  find  taken  of  the  fossil  remains  of  this  ani- 
mal is  by  Lamarck,  who  states,  that  the  separated  valves  only  are  found 
at  Grignon.  From  this  separation  of  the  valves  he  finds  it  difficult  to 
determine  to  what  species  these  fossil  remains  belong,  but  conjectures 
that  it  is  to  C.  octovalvis.  I  am  happy  in  possessing  a  very  perfect  spe- 
cimen of  the  fossil  testaceous  covering  of  this  animal  from  Grignon,  and 
in  its  confirming  the  opinion  of  M.  Lamarck,  as  to  the  number  of  its 
valves,  which  are  eight. 

This  fossil  is  in  so  high  a  degree  of  perfection,  as  to  have  made  me  at 
one  time  suspect  its  being  only  decomposed  by  exposure  to  the  air ;  but, 
an  examination  with  a  lens,  showed  not  only  the  adherent  matrix,  but 
two  species  of  extremely  minute  fossil  serpulae  fixed  on  its  convex  surface. 

VOL.  III.  H 

,     50 

This  fossil  is  represented  Plate  V.  Fig.  5,  and  by  its  side  are  sketches  of 
the  minute  adherent  serpulae. 

Lamarck,  adopting  certain  constant  characters,  which  seem  to  war- 
rant the  separation,  has  divided  the  shells  forming  the  Linnaean  genus 
Patella,  into  the  five  next  following  genera. 

II.  Patella.  A  shield-formed  or  subconical,  and  not  spiral  univalve, 
without  perforation  or  marginal  fissure. 

It  appears  that  nine  species  have  been  found,  in  a  fossil  state,  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Paris :    P.  dongata,  P.  dulcis,  P.  scutatella,  P.  dilatata, 
P.  Cornucopia,  P.  spirirostris,    P.  retortella,    P.  Pennata,    and   P.  squamte- 

The  patellite,  Plate  V.  Fig.  21,  for  which  I  am  indebted  to  the  kind- 
ness of  John  Hawker,  Esq.  of  Dudbridge,  in  Gloucestershire,  is  from 
the  stone  quarries  near  Minchinhampton.  It  is  nearly  circular,  rising 
obliquely  into  a  depressed  distorted  cone,  and  is  marked  with  longitudinal 
radiating  undulated  rugae,  intersected  by  transverse  lines  of  growth. 
It  is  now  completely  spathose.  Its  matrix  is  a  light  calcareous  stone, 
formed  chiefly  of  Oolithi,  mixed  with  numerous  minute  shells. 

In  the  immense  shelly  cliffs  of  Harwich  and  of  the  neighbouring  coast, 
I  have  found  an  acuminated,  slightly  striated  patellite,  in  every  respect 
resembling  P.  ungarica,  Linn.  The  longest  diameter  of  a  beautiful  and 
perfect  specimen  of  this  fossil,  is  full  two  inches  and  a  half.  In  the  same 
cliff  1  find  a  patellite,  which  appears  to  correspond  very  closely  with 
P.  lavis  fusca,  List,  and  another  which  approximates  to  P.  spirirostris, 

P.  cornucopia,  Lam.  is  a  beautiful  species.  Among  the  specimens 
which  I  possess  is  one  which,  although  it  has  the  general  character  of 
this  species,  is  much  narrower  than  those  depicted  by  Lamarck ;  but  I 
am  not  competent  to  determine  whether  it  should  be  considered  as  a 
distinct  species,  or  only  as  a  variety. 

Among  the  specimens  I  have  from  Grignon  is  P.  dilatata.  Lam.  and 


another,  resembling  it  in  form,  but  very  distinctly  marked  with  longi- 
tudinal and  transverse  rugae,  much  like  the  Gloucestershire  limpet.  I 
observe  the  same  characters  in  another  fossil  patella  from  the  valley  of 
Ronca,  in  the  Veronese. 

This  genus  presents  the  best  place  in  which  I  can  notice  the  remark- 
able limpet-like  shell  described  by  Da  Costa,  who  never  saw  but  four 
that  were  entire,  or  nearly  so.  He  places  it  among  the  patellae;  and 
says  :  "  These  limpets  are  very  large ;  and,  like  the  Concholepas,  resem- 
ble a  single  shell  of  a  bivalve.  They  seem  to  be  of  two  kinds,  and  are 
more  irregular  than  that  shell ;  and,  instead  of  being  sulcated  length- 
wise, are  circularly  wrought,  or  in  a  transverse  manner,  with  very  high 
irregular  ridges,  not  thickly,  but  rather  thinly,  set.  The  shells  are  very 
thick  :  one  sort  is  high  or  copped,  the  other  is  broad  or  flattish."  Ele- 
ments of  Conchology,  p.  142.  The  specimens  which  I  possess  of  this  fos- 
sil are  not  sufficiently  illustrative  of  its  form.  I  have  however  given  a 
figure  of  one  of  them,  which  was  found  at  Pangbourn,  in  Berkshire, 
Plate  V.  Fig.  3. 

III.  Fissurdla.     A  buckler  formed  univalve,  without  spire :   the  ver- 
tex perforated,  with  an  ovate  or  oblong  opening. 

The  species  which  I  have  obtained  from  the  Essex  cliffs  nearly  resem- 
ble the  F.  labiafa,  Lam. 

IV.  Emarginula.     An  obliquely  conical  univalve,  the  vertex  inclined, 
and  the  posterior  margin  slit  or  notched. 

I  have  repeatedly  found  a  species  of  this  genus  in,  the  Essex  cliff, 
which,  in  its  elegantly  reticulated  or  cancellated  surface,  its  reclined 
vertex,  and  its  size,  agrees  with  P.  fissura,  as  figured  by  Pennant, 
PL  xc.  Fig.  152 ;  and  by  Lister,  Tab.  DXLIII.  Fig.  28,  who  describes 
it  as  Patella  exigua,  alba,  cancellata,  fissura  notabili  in  margine. 

Three  species  are  described  by  Lamarck  :  E.  costata,  E.  Clypeata,  and 
E.  radiola. 

V.  Crepidula.    An  oval  or  oblong  vaulted  univalve,  with  its  apex  in- 
clined to  one  end,  and  its  cavity  partially  divided  by  a  horizontal  plate. 


VI.  Concholepas.    An  oval  vaulted  univalve,  the  apex  inclined  to  the 
left  side,  with  two  teeth  and  a  sinus  at  the  base  of  the  right  edge. 

No  shell  of  either  of  these  genera  appears  to  have  been  found 

VII.  Calyptrea.  A  conoidal  univalve,  with  the  apex  erect,  entire,  and 
rather  pointed,  the  cavity  furnished  with  a  spirally  convoluted  lip  or 

It  is  to  this  genus,  as  Calyptr&a  trochiformu,  that  Lamarck  refers  the 
fossil  which  Solander,  in  consequence  of  its  possessing  a  kind  of  spire, 
has  considered  as  a  trochus,  denominating  it  Trochus  aptrtus;  and  in 
another  state,  tuberculated  and  more  depressed,  Trochus  opercularis. 
Fossil.  Hautoniens.  Tab.  ix.  Fig.  1,2,  3.  These  are  found  in  the  Hamp- 
shire cliffs,  with  the  other  fossils,  figured  in  the  work  of  Brander, 
just  referred  to.  They  are  also  found,  in  a  very  fragile  state,  between 
Woolwich  and  Blackheath,  in  the  parish  of  Plumstead,  in  Kent.  La- 
marck also  describes  another  shell,  found  with  the  former  at  Grignon, 
which  he  considers  as  a  distinct  species,  C.  crepieularis,  from  its  not  being 
completely  orbicular,  and  from  its  having  its  spire  bent  downwards,  as 
in  the  crepidute. 

Another  species  of  this  genus,  Plate  V.  Fig.  10,  found  in  the  Essex 
cliffs,  appears  exactly  to  agree,  in  its  form,  with  Patella  sinensis,  Lin.  as 
figured  by  Lister,  Tab.  LXLVI.  Fig.  39.  It  forms  a  depressed  cone, 
with  a  circular  base  and  mammillary  apex,  and  should  perhaps  be  distin- 
guished as  Calyptr&a  sinensis.  Some  specimens  of  this  shell,  which  I  have 
obtained  from  the  neighbourhood  of  Harwich,  have  their  upper  part 
completely  invested  with  a  mineralized  spongy,  or  alcyonic  mass. 

VIII.  Conus.     A  turbinated,  convoluted,  inversely  conical  univalve : 
the  aperture  long,  narrow,  toothless,  and  not  contracted  at  the  base. 

Of  the  genus  Conus,  Lamarck  describes  four  species,  as  found  at  Cour- 
tagnon  and  Grignon : — C.  Antediluvianus,  C.  deperditus,  C.  turritus,  and 
C.  Strombo'ides. 

C.  deperditus,  distinguished  by  its  channelled  spire,    I  have  also  ob- 


tained  from  the  Veronese  territory.  From  this  place  I  also  obtained 
the  fossil  shell,  Plate  V.  Fig.  1,  which  very  nearly  accords  with  C.  Strom- 
boides,  Lam.  being  subfusiform  and  transversely  striated,  with  a  nodular 
spire :  the  nodules,  however,  appearing  to  be  more  projecting,  and 
turns  of  the  spire  more  acute,  than  in  the  shell  described  by  La- 

IX.  Cypr&a.     An  ovate  convex  univalve,  with  the  margins  involuted; 
spire  small,  and  nearly  covered  over ;  the  opening  long,  narrow,  and 
toothed  on  both  sides. 

When  we  consider  that  the  markings  of  the  recent  shell  of  the  genus 
Cypraa  frequently  determine  the  species,  and  that  these  markings  are 
lost  in  the  mineralization  of  the  shell ;  and  when  it  is  also  considered, 
that  even  the  forms  of  the  shells  are  considerably  different,  at  different 
periods  of  their  growth,  we  must  see  how  difficult  it  will  often  be  to 
determine  whether  any  specific  analogy  exist,  or  not,  between  the 
recent  and  the  fossil  shell. 

Lamarck  describes  three  fossil  species :  C.  pediculus,  C.  inflata,  and 
C.  Sulcosa,  as  being  found  at  Grignon. 

I  have  found  several  of  this  genus  in  the  Essex  cliff,  which  I  am  dis- 
posed to  refer  to  C.  pediculus.  The  striae  must,  however,  be  acknow- 
ledged to  be  finer  and  closer  than  in  the  recent  shell.  They  are  per- 
haps nearer  allied  to  C.  Costata,  Linn. 

The  sulcated  specimen,  Plate  V.  Fig.  24,  from  Verona,  appears  to 
merit,  from  its  size,  the  being  considered  as  a  species  distinct  from  any 
at  present  known.  Other  species,  with  a  smooth  surface,  are  also 
obtained  from  the  Veronese  territory. 

X.  Ovula.     A  tumid  univalve,  more  or  less  elongated  in  a  point,  at 
the  ends;  the  edges  involuted,  and  the  opening  longitudinal,  and  without 
teeth  on  the  left  side. 

Bruguiere  separated  from  the  genus  Bulla,  of  Linnaeus,  the  Bulla 
ovum,  volva,  &c.  those  shells  which,  having  their  edges  rolled  inwards, 


being  elongated  at  their  extremities,  and  not  being  dentated  on  their 
left  side,  seemed  to  constitute  a  distinct  genus :  these  he  has,  therefore, 
collected  under  this  genus,  of  which  I  do  not  know  that  any  have  been 
found  fossil. 

XL  Terebdlum.  A  convoluted  univalve,  with  an  acute  apex.  The 
opening  longitudinal,  narrow  upwards,  notched  at  the  base,  and  tooth- 
legs.  The  columella  truncated. 

Bulla  terebellum  of  Linnaeus  is  also  separated  from  the  genus  Bulla  by 
Lamarck,  who  observes  that  it  approaches  nearer  to  Strombus  than  to 
Bulla ;  it  differing  from  the  latter  in  the  notch  at  the  base  of  its  opening, 
and  by  the  columella  being,  as  it  were,  truncated  at  its  lower  part,  as 
in  Strombi. 

A  fossil  shell  of  this  genus  is  figured  by  Brander,  Fossil  hauton.  Tab.  i. 
Fig.  29,  a.  and  Tab.  vi.  /.  75,  as  one  of  the  Hampshire  fossils,  and 
named  by  Solander,  Bulla  sopita  et  volutata.  It  is  a  thin  subcylindrical 
shell,  with  no  spire.  A  shell  of  the  same  species,  named  by  Lamarck 
Terebellum  convolutum,  is  found  in  considerable  number  at  Grignon ; 
and,  notwithstanding  their  very  fragile  nature,  many  are  found  in  a  per- 
fect state,  proving  that  they  must  have  lived  in  the  region  in  which  they 
are  found.  The  recent  analogue  of  this  shell  is  not  known.  Another 
species,  T.  fusiforme,  is  also  found  in  the  environs  of  Paris. 

XII.  Oliva.  A  subcylindrical  univalve,  notched  at  its  base.  The 
turns  of  the  spire  separated  by  a  channel.  The  columella  striated 

The  genus  Valuta,  of  Linnaeus,  comprehends  many  shells,  the  cha- 
racters of  which  certainly  require  their  separation  into  other  genera. 
This  has  been  accomplished  by  Lamarck  with  much  care.  Oliva  is 
a  genus  which  he  found  necessary  thus  to  form,  Linnueus  having  consi- 
dered all  the  olives  as  only  varieties  of  one  species  of  volute,  which  he 
named  Voluta  oliva. 

Lamarck  describes  three  species  of  this  genus  found  in  the  neighbour- 


hood  of  Paris :    O.  canaUfera,  O  mitreola,  and  O.  Laumontiana.     Shells  of 
•this  genus,  but  not  in  a  state  to  allow  of  their  species  being  determined, 
are  also  found  in  the  Vincentine  territory. 

XIII.  Ancilla,     An  oblong  subcv'indrical  univalve,  with  a  short  spire, 
not  channeled :  the  aperture  efiused,  and  its  base  slightly  notched.     A 
thick  oblique  fold  at  the  base  of  the  columella. 

The  separation  of  these  shells  from  those  of  the  genus  Olivet,  appears 
to  be  hardly  necessary ;  the  only  material  difference  being,  that  those 
which  he  places  under  the  latter  genus  have  not  the  turns  of  the  spire 
separated  by  a  channel,  as  is  the  case  with  those  which  are  allotted  to 
the  former  genus.  Four  species  of  these  shells  are  found  at  Grignon. 
and  Courtagnon :  A.  buccinoides,  A.  subulata,  A.  olivula,  and  A.  ca- 

The  characteristic  of  the  genus  Voluta,  of  Linnaeus,  the  folded  colu- 
mella, is  doubtlessly  much  too  general,  and  belongs  to  many  shells 
which  require  to  be  arranged  under  separate  genera.  Bruguiere,  in 
the  first  place,  separated  those  shells  which  were  not  notched  at  their 
base  :  since  which,  Lamarck  has  taken  from  this  Linnaean  genus  such 
shells  as  appeared  to  him  to  be  capable  of  forming  the  new  genera, 
mitra,  colombella,  marginalia,  cancellaria,  and  turbinclla. 

XIV.  Voluta.     An  ovate  subventricose  univalve;  the  apex  papillary, 
and  base   emarginated.      The  columella  plicated  :    the  inferior  plicae 
being  largest  or  longest. 

In  this  genus  are  comprised,  Voluta  Cithara,  Lam.  Encyc.  T.  384, 
Fig.  \.\-Citharadits,  Chemn.  Vol.  xi.  p.  297,  Tab.  212,  Fig.  2098, 
2099  This  shell  is  remarkable  for  the  beautiful  polish  which;  it  retains. 
V.  Spinosa,  Lam.  ;  S trombus  Spinosus,  Linn. ;  S.  luctator,  Brand,  Foss. 
Fig.  65,  List,  Tab.  1033.  This  shell  is  singularly  beautiful,  retaining 
not  only  its  perfect  form  and  its  polish,  but  its  orange-coloured  trans- 
verse stripes,  V.  Mwcialis,  Lam.  is  Sir.  luctator,  Brand.  Fig.  65.  In 
V.  muricina  and  V.  Costaria,  of  Lamarck,  is  instanced  the  ambiguity  so 
frequently  observable  in  fossil  shells  :  the  general  form  of  murex  in  the 


former,  and  of  fusus  in  the  latter  of  these  shells,  are  discoverable,  but 
blended  with  the  generic  characters  of  Valuta.  V.  bicorona,  Lam.  is 
Strombus  ambiguus,  of  Brarider;  and  V.  crenulata,  Lam.  is  Brander's 
Murex  suspensus.  Lamarck  describes  seven  more  species,  which  are 
found  in  the  vicinity  of  Paris :  V.  lyra,  V.  harpula,  V.  labrella,  V.  bulimia, 
V.  depressa,  V.  variculosa,  and  V.  mitreola. 

The  most  rare  shell  of  this  genus,  found  in  this  island,  is,  I  believe, 
the  fossil  volute  of  Harwich,  Plate  V.  Fig.  13,  which  I  have  chosen  as 
a  specimen  of  this  genus.  No  corresponding  recent  shell  appears  to 
be  figured.  Langius  gives  the  figure  of  a  cast,  Hist.  Lapid.  Fig.  p.  1 12, 
Tab.  xxxin.  Fig.  3,  which  certainly  bears  a  very  close  resemblance  to 
this  fossil.  A  very  faithful  representation  of  a  very  imperfect  specimen 
of  this  shell  is  given  in  the  Appendix  to  Dale's  History  of  Harwich, 
PL  x.  Fig.  14,  p.  289,  excepting  that  the  plicse  are  too  large. 

The  ovate  fusiform  figure  of  this  shell  gives  it  an  appearance  some- 
what resembling  some  recent  shells,  but  by  no  means  sufficient  to 
warrant  the  supposition  of  an  identity  of  species.  A  shell  apparently 
of  this  species,  invested  with  pyrites,  has  been  found  in  Mr.  Trimmer's 
grounds,  at  Brentford. 

A  very  fine  fossil  shell,  bearing  much  of  the  form  of  this  volute,  is 
found  in  some  parts  of  Yorkshire,  I  believe  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Whitby.     This  shell  is  so  perfect,  and  its  colours  are  so  well  preserved, 
that  a  specimen  of  it,  having  fallen  some  years  since  into  the  hands  of 
Mr.  George  Humphries,  he  was  deceived  into  the  opinion  of  its  being  a 
dead  shell ;  and  being  satisfied  that  it  was  of  a  species  which  was  en- 
tirely unknown,  he  cleaned  it  and  polished  it  as  a  recent  shell :  and  was 
not  undeceived,  until  at  a  subsequent  period  he  saw  another  specimen, 
by  which  he  was  enabled  to  ascertain  its  being  really  a  fossil. 

XV.  Mitra.  A  subfusiform  univalve,  with  a  pointed  apex,  a  notched 
base,  and  no  canal :  the  columella  plicated  ;  the  inferior  plicae  being  the 

The  lower  plicae  being  smaller  than  the  others,  and  the  apex  pointed, 


distinguish  these  shells  from  the  volutes.  Lamarck  describes  thirteen 
fossil  mitres  as  having  been  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris  :  M.  cre- 
bricosta,  M.  monodonta,  M.  marginata,  M.  plicatella,  M.  labratula,  M.  mixta, 
M.  cmcellma,  M.  terebellum,  M.  fusellina,  M.  graniformis,  M.  mutica, 
M.  el'ongata,  and  M.  Cithardla. 

XVI.  Columbella.     An  oval  univalve,  with  a  short  spire;  the  base  of 
the  opening  more  or  less  notched,  and  without  canal.     A  swelling  on 
the  inner  part  of  the  right  side.     Folds,  or  teeth,  on  the  columella. 

This  genus  is  exemplified  in  Voluta  mercatoria,  Lin.  List.  Condi, 
t.  824,  /.  23.  No  shells  of  this  genus  have  been  found  fossil  by  La- 
marck, nor  am  I  aware  of  any  having  been  found  in  this  island. 

XVII.  Margindla.     An  ovate-oblong,  smooth,  univalve,  with  a  short 
spire.     The  lip  thickly  marginated  on  the  outside.     The  base  of  the 
opening  but  slightly  notched  ;  the  columella  plicated. 

Lamarck  particularizes  three  fossil  species :  M.  eburnea,  M.  dent  if  era, 
M.  ovulata.  Plate  V.  Fig.  14,  represents  M.  eburnea,  from  Grignon. 
I  am  not  aware  of  any  of  this  genus  having  been  found  fossil  in 

XVIII.  Cancdlaria.     An  ovate  or  subturrated  univalve,  with  the  lip 
sulcated  internally.     The  base  of  the  opening  slightly  channeled ;  and, 
in  some,  almost  entire.   Sharp,  but  compressed  plicae,  on  the  columella. 

The  compressed,  but  sharp  plica?,  on  the  columella,  distinguish  these 
shells  from  those  of  Nassa  and  Purpura ;  whilst  the  corrugated  lip  detaches 
them  from  the  mitra,  marginella,  &c. 

Plate  V.  Fig.  8,  represents  a  very  interesting  shell  of  this  genus,  from 
Courtagnoh.  An  ovate  shell,  with  a  long  spire;  with  thick  angulated 
ribs,  muricated  about  their  centre,  and  divided  by  fine  transverse  striae ; 
the  columella  with  three  plicae;  the  opening  nearly  entire,  being  con- 
tracted rather  than  notched  at  its  base. 

The  observations  made  by  Lamarck  on  another  species  of  this  genus, 
C.  volutdla,  a  turreted  varicose  shell,  having  numerous  longitudinal  ribs, 
with  nearly  obsolete  transverse  striae,  and  a  short,  scarcely  notched,  tail, 
in  a  great  measure  apply  to  the  shell  here  figured.  This  shell,  he  says, 

VOL.  III.  •  I 

is  so  singular,  that  1  hesitated  in  determining  its  genus.  It  has  the  pro- 
minences of  a  murex,  the  folds  of  a  volute,  and  the  general  appearance, 
with  the  notch,  of  a  huccinum ;  and  yet,  its  other  characters  and  agree- 
ments, determine  its  place  to  be  among  the  cancellariae.  He  describes 
two  species  of  this  genus  as  fossils :  C.  costidata  and  C.  volutdla. 

XIX.  Nassa.     An  oval  univalve,  the  opening  terminating  inferiorly 
witli  an  oblique  notch,  a  little  channelled ;    the  base  of  the  columella 
hiding  the  notch,  in  part,  and  appearing  to  be  obliquely  truncated. 

It  does  not  appear  that  any  fossil  shells  of  this  genus  are  known. 

XX.  Purpura.     An   ovate   univalve,  its  surface  being   rather  rough 
with  spines  or  tubercles ;  the  aperture  notched,  and  slightly  channeled 
in  the  lower  part;  the  columella  naked,  flat,  depressed,  and  terminating 
in  a  point  at  the  base. 

Purpura  lapillus,  Buccinum  lapillus  of  Linnaeus,  is  the  only  species  found 
fossil  by  Lamarck. 

XXI.  Buccinum..     An  ovate   elongated  univalve ;    opening  oblong, 
notched  in  the  lower  part,  and  with  no  canal ;  columella  convex,  full 
and  naked. 

Bruguiere  reduced  the  Linnsean  genus  Buccinuin,  by  taking  from  it 
the  genera  terebra  and  cassis.  Lamarck  has  carried  this  reduction  still 
further,  by  forming,  with  some  of  the  shells,  the  genera  tonna,  harpa, 
nassa,  &c.  Those  shells  only  are  now  disposed  by  Lamarck,  under  the 
genus  Buccinum,  as  possess  the  above  characters. 

Buccinum  Stromboides,  Lam.  from  Grignon,  is  distinguishable  by  its 
full  slightly  ribbed  lip,  which  forms  somewhat  of  a  stromboidal  sinus  at 
its  attachment  to  the  spire.  This  shell  in  general  possesses  a  considerable 
polish :  and,  as  in  this  specimen,  Plate  V.  Fig.  20,  it  frequently  shows 
some  of  its  original  colour.  It  appears  that  six  species  have  been  found 
in  the  environs  of  Paris  :  B.  stromboides,  B.  striatulum,  B.  terebrale,  B.  de- 
cussatum,  B.  bistriatum,  and  B.  clavatulatum. 

B.  bistriatum,  and  B.  decussatum,  of  Lamarck,  are,  I  suspect,  both 
found  in  the  Essex  cliff. 

XXII.  Eburnct.     An  oval  or  elongated  univalve,  the  right  edge  very 


entire ;  the  opening  oblong,  and  notched  at  the  bottom ;  the  columella 
umbilicated,  and  slightly  grooved  at  its  base. 

Buccinum  glabratum,  Linn.  Lister,  Tab.  974,  Fig.  9,  is  given  as  the 
type  of  this  genus  by  Lamarck,  who  mentions  this  genus  only  in  his 
Systeme  dcs  Animaux  sans  vertebres,  not  noticing  it  at  all  among  the  fossils 
of  the  environs  of  Paris.  A  shell,  however,  exists  among  the  Essex 
fossils,  which,  except  in  having  the  columella  hardly  umbilicated,  seems 
very  nearly  to  approximate  to  this  genus,  and  to  the  particular  shell 
B.  glabratum,  which  is  given  as  its  type. 

This  shell,  which  I  will  venture  to  call  E.  glabrata,  is  figured 
Plate'V,  Fig.  25. 

XXIII.  Terebra.  A  turreted  and  subulated  univalve :  the  opening  short, 
and  notched  in  the  lower  part.     The  basis  of  the  columella  twisted. 

Two  species  of  this  genus  are  found  in  the  environs  of  Paris  :  T.  pli- 
catula  and  T.  scalarina.  T.  plicatula  is  represented  Plate  V.  Fig.  7. 

XXIV.  Dolium.     A  subglobular  ventrose  univalve,  ribbed  circularly 
across;  the  right  lip  dentated  or  crenulated  through  its  whole  length. 
The  opening  oblong,  ample,  and  notched  at  the  bottom. 

No  shell  of  this  genus  appears  to  have  been  found  fossil. 

XXV.  Harpa.     An   ovate,    ventricose    univalve,    with    longitudinal 
compressed  ribs,    terminating  superiorly  in  an   angle  or  a  point;    the 
opening  notched  in  the  lower  point,   and  with   no  canal;    the   colu- 
mella smooth,  with  an  acute  base. 

This  genus  comprises  those  shells  which  had  been  referred  by  Lin- 
naeus to  the  genus  Buccinum,  and  entirely  to  the  species  Biiccinum  harpa. 
These  shells,  like  most  of  those  which  have  been  already  mentioned, 
are  sea  shells,  and  are  inhabitants  of  the  warmer  climates.  The  only 
shell  which  I  have' of  this  genus,  is  one  which,  although  it  possesses  suf- 
ficient characters  to  mark  its  genus,  is  too  much  injured  and  involved  in 
pyrites,  to  allow  its  species  to  be  determined.  Its  parallel  compressed, 
and  obliquely  inclined  ribs,  with  the  pointed  angle  at  their  summit,  and 
the  smooth  columella,  completely,  however,  determine  its  genus.  This 


shell  was  found  in  a  stratum  of  dark  pyritous  clay,  at  Brentford,  on  the 
premises  of  Messrs.  Trimmers. 

Lamarck  describes  but  one  fossil  species,  H.  mutica,  as  found  near 

XXVI.  Cassis.  A  gibbose  ventricose  univalve ;  the  aperture  longi- 
tudinal and  subdentated,  and  terminating  in  a  short  reflected  canal. 
The  columella  plicated  in  its  lower  part;  and  the  left  lip  flattened,  and 
forming  a  ridge  on  the  body  of  the  shell. 

Cassis  cari?iata,  Lam. ;  Buccinum  nodosum,  Soland.  and  Brander ;  is  a 
beautiful  fossil  species  of  this  genus. 

A  very  beautiful  fossil  shell  is  found  in  a  hill  in  Arragon,  at  above  a 
hundred  feet  in  height.  The  nodulous  rugae,  on  the  left  side,  at  the 
lower  flattened  part  of  the  columella,  the  dentated  right  lip,  the  re- 
verted sinus,  and  the  globose  cassideai  form,  determine  its  genus ;  whilst 
its  transverse  rounded  ribs,  and  nodular  risings  on  the  upper  part  of  the 
body  of  the  shell,  mark  its  species  as  different  from  any  recent  shell  with 
which  I  have  been  able  to  compare  it.  It  is  about  two  inches  and  a  half 
in  length. 

The  hills  of  Tuscany  also  yield  some  fine  specimens  of  this  genus. 
One  of  these,  about  half  the  size  of  the  preceding  fossil,  possesses  most 
of  its  characters ;  but  its  spire  projects  more,  and  is  formed  of  six  turns ; 
and  the  mouth  contracts,  in  its  upper  part,  into  a  sinus,  between  the 
body  of  the  shell  and  the  right  lip.  The  surface  of  this  shell  is  smooth. 
A  second  of  these  Tuscan  cassidites  is  still  longer  in  its  spire,  which  is 
formed  of  seven  turns>  and  is  characterized  by  regular  transverse  circu- 
lar markings.  In  a  third,  the  surface  is  marked  by  lines  similarly  dis- 
posed, but  alternately  larger  and  smaller ;  and  the  teeth  of  the  right 
lip  are  very  prominent  and  distinct.  ,.  The  general  characters  of  these 
shelfs  very  much  accord  with  Buc.  recurvirostrum,  Linn,  as  figured  by 
Lister,  PL  1016,  No.  75. 

These  shells  were  found  by  Mr.  Strange  in  the  sandy  hills  of  Tus- 
cany; and  were  introduced,  with  some  other  curious  fossils,  in  two 


plates,  engraved  for  him  by  Antonio  Gregorio,  from  drawings  of  Giu- 
seppe Menaboni.  In  the  description  of  these  plates  he  designates  these 
shells  as  Bucdno-cassides. 

In  one  of  the  plates,  and  under  the  same  designation,  is  the  uncom- 
mon shell  represented  Plate  V.  Fig.  17  and  19.  This  also  was  found  in 
the  Tuscan  hills ;  and,  according  to  Knorr,  it  has  also  been  found  in 
Piedmont.  The  last  turn  of  this  shell  is  extremely  large,  when  com- 
pared with  the  other  four' turns.  The  spire  projects  but  very  little. 
The  body  of  the  shell  is  smooth,  slight  traces  of  transverse  striae  only 
being  observable.  The  right  lip  is  of  considerable  thickness,  and  den- 
tated  on  its  inner  surface.  The  left  lip  is  extended  along  the  body  of 
the  shell,  up  to  the  termination  of  the  right  lip.  The  aperture  in  the 
middle  part  is  oval,  but  terminates  upwards,  in  a  considerable  groove, 
which  runs  between  the  right  lip  and  the  body  of  the  shell ;  and  down- 
wards, in  a  short  reflected  canal.  A  thick  projecting  fold  runs  up  from 
nearly  the  middle  of  the  lip,  and  is  inserted  into  the  middle  of  the  next 
spiral  turn. 

Three  species  have  been  found  in  the  environs  of  Paris  :  C,  harpa- 
formis,  C.  cancellata,  and  C.  carinata. 

The  fossil  shell,  I  believe  from  France,  Plate  V.  Fig.  23,  is  perhaps 
one  of  the  most  singular  with  respect  to  its  mixture  of  characters. 
Viewed  at  its  back,  it  has  the  general  appearance  of  a  shell  of  the  genus 
Harpa;  but  in  its  front,  its  summit,  its  long  slightly  dentated  aperture, 
plaited  columella,  and  widely  extended  left  lip,  show  its  most  proper 
place  to  be  under  the  genus  Cassis,  notwithstanding  that  the  inferior  ter- 
mination of  the  aperture,  is  that  of  a  buccinum,  instead  of  the  short 
reflected  canal  of  cassis ;  and  that  it  has  the  flat  broad  columella  of  Buc- 
cinum patulum,  Linn,  or  Pur  pur  a  patula,  Lam. 

This  shell  agrees,  in  some  of  its  anomalies,  with  the  description  of. 
Valuta  depressa,  Lam. ;  but  it  seems  to  differ  from  that  shell,  which,  how- 
ever, I  have  not  seen. 

XXVII.  Strombus:     A  slightly  ventricose  univalve,  terminating  at  its 


base  in  a  short  notched  or  truncated  canal.  The  lip  enlarges  with  age, 
appearing  like  a  plain,  entire,  and  single  lobated  wing,  with  &  groove 
in  its  lower  part.  This  last  circumstance  appears  to  be  particularly  cha- 
racteristic of  this  genus. 

Lamarck  describes  but  one  shell  of  this  genus  as  found  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Paris.  This  is  Strombus  canalis,  resembling,  in  many  re- 
spects, the  rostdlaria  fisturella  of  the  next  genus,  but  differing  from  it  in 
having  a  groove  on  its  right  edge. 

Fossil  shells  of  this  genus  are  very  rare.  Some  of  extraordinary  pre- 
servation have,  however,  been  found  in  the  mountains  of  Arragon.  In 
the  Veronese,  also,  are  found  small  alated  strombi,  in  very  excellent 
preservation,  although  very  much  changed  in  colour,  apparently  from 
ferruginous  impregnation. 

XXVIII.  Pterocera.     A  ventricose  shell,  terminated  inferiorly,  by  an 
elongated  canal ;  the  right  edge  dilating  with  age  into  a  digitated  wing, 
and  having  a  sinus  towards  its  base. 

Strombus  lambis,  Linn,  is  the  type  of  this  genus,  none  of  the  species 
of  which  are  known  to  me  to  exist  in  a  fossil  state. 

XXIX.  Rostellaria.     A  slightly  turreted  or  fusiform  univalve,  termi- 
nating at  its  base  in  a  lengthened  canal,  similar  to  a  sharp  beak.     The 
lip  whole  or  dentated,  and  dilated  with  age ;  with  a  groove  contiguous 
to  the  canal. 

This  genus  is  distinguished  by  the  sinus  of  the  inferior  part  of  the 
right  edge  being  contiguous  with  the  canal  in  the  beak  of  the  shell,  which 
does  not  take  place  in  the  Pterocera  and  Sirombi. 

The  most  remarkable  fossil  shell  of  this  genus  is,  Rostellaria  macroptera, 
Lam. ;  Styombus  ampins,  Brander.  Brand  Foss.  p.  34,  PL  6,  Fig.  76  -, 
found  in  Hampshire,  and  at  Courtagnon,  St.  Germain  en  Laye,  &c.  in 
France.  This  large  and  handsome  fossil,  so  finely  displayed  in  Bran- 
der's  work,  is  remarkable  for  the  size  of  its  right  lip,  which  is  formed 
into  a  wide,  round,  and  rather  thin  wing,  extending  from  the  canal  at 
the  base,  over  the  body  of  the  shell  and  a  great  part  of  the  spire.  AH 


the  superior  part  of  this  wing  forms,  at  its  union  with  the  spire,  a  lon- 
gitudinal channel-like  fissure. 

o  • 

A  fragment  of  a  fossil  shell  which  I  possess,  which  from  its  surface 
appears  to  be  from  France,  resembles  the  spire,  with  part  of  the  fissure, 
of  Rostellaria  subulata,  Lam.;  S 'trombus  fusus,  Linn.  The  rriost  common 
fossil  shell  of  this  genus  is,  Rostellaria  fissurclla,  Lam. ;  Strombus  fissurella, 
Linn.  It  is  very  abundant  at  Grignon.  The  wing  is  but  small ;  it 
however  is  continued  in  a  channeled  ridge,  over  nearly  the  whole  length 
of  the  spire. 

Under  this  genus  may  be  placed  Strombus  pes  pclicani,  Linn.  Of  these 
I  possess  some  from  Mr.  Strange's  collection,  apparently  French  fossiis, 
in  a  very  good  state  of  preservation,  and  which  do  not  appear  to  differ 
materially  from  the  recent  shells. 

In  the  Essex  cliff,  1  once  met  with  a  shell  of  this  family,  but  which 
differs  from  the  preceding  in  having  only  one  spur-like  process  passing 
out  of  the  alated  side.  My  worthy  friend  Mr.  Francis  Crow,  of  Faver- 
sham,  has,  since  that,  presented  me  with  a  similar,  but  more  perfect 
shell,  in  a  silicious  state,  which  he  found  near  that  town.  This  shell  has 
been  also  found  in  the  Devonshire  whetstone-pits,  in  the  same  silicious 
state ;  and  it  is  remarkable  that,  both  in  Devonshire  and  at  Faversham, 
these  shells  are  accompanied  by  a  bivalve,  Cucullaa  decussata,  a  shell 
which,  I  believe,  has  not  yet  been  found  in  any  other  part  of  this  island  ; 
but  which  is  found  in  both  these  places,  in  the  same  silicious  state.  A 
representation  of  the  Devonshire  silicious  rostellarite,  imbedded  in  its 
matrix,  is  given  Plate  V.  Fig.  1 1 . 

Among  the  very  interesting  fossils  of  the  whetstone-pits  is  the  minute 
shell,  now  entirely  flint,  represented  Plate  V.  Fig.  2.  This  shell  not 
only  differs  from  the  R.  pes  pelicani,  in  its  having  only  one  spur-like  pro- 
cess; but  seems  to  differ  from  the  preceding  species,  both  in  the  length 
of  its  spire  and  of  its  spur.  The  number  of  turns  in  its  spire  shows  that 
it  is  not  a  young  shell  of  the  preceding  species,  but  that  it  is  rather  a 
perfect  shell  of,  a  distinct  species. 


Lamarck  describes  only  three  species  of  this  genus  as  found  fossil  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  Paris  :  R.  macroptera,  R.  columbaria,  R.fissurella. 

XXX.  Murex.  An  ovate  or  oblong  univalve,  with  a  channeled  base 
and  varicosely  tumid ;  rough,  spinous,  or  fringed  longitudinal  and  pro- 
jecting sutures. 

By  confining  the  murices  to  the  shells  thus  characterized,  shells  are 
excluded,  with  which  Bruguiere  and  Lamarck  have  formed  the  genera 
cerithium,  fusus,  pyrula,  pleurotoma,  and  fasciolaria.  In  the  murices,  the 
canal,  neither  suddenly  truncated  nor  abruptly  turned  back,  the  colu- 
mella  with  no  fold,  and  the  left  lip  of  the  opening  always  more  or  less 
apparent,  always  determine  the  genus. 

Murex  tripterus,  ofBrander,  Born,  and  Lamarck,  is  found  frequently 
fossil  in  Hampshire,  and  at  Grignon,  in  France;  Brander,  Foss.  PL  in. 
Fig.  79  and  80.  Lamarck  informs  us,  that  its  recent  analogue  exists  in 
the  sea,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Batavia. 

M.  Contabulatus,  Lam.  is  doubtless  a  variety  of  the  preceding  species. 
M.  tricarinatus,  Lam.  M.  asper,  Brand.  Fossil  hant.  Fig.  77,  78,  is  very 
remarkable  for  the  spinous  projections  proceeding  from  its  frondose 

The  shell,  Plate  V.  Fig.  16,  is  rather  a  rare  shell  in  the  Essex  cliff. 
It  is  fusiform.  The  turns  of  its  spire,  which  are  generally  six,  are  thinly 
set  with  not  very  prominent  rugae,  which,  with  faint  transverse  striae,  are 
also  observable  on  the  body  of  the  shell ;  the  opening  is  smooth  on  each 
side,  and  the  canal  is  rather  patent.  The  rugae,  continued  to  the  body 
of  the  shell,  induce  me  to  term  this  shell  Murex  rugosus. 

A  fossil  murex  is  much  more  frequently  found  in  this  cliff,  which 
seems  to  agree  exactly  with  M.  comeus,  Linn,  as  figured  by  Lister, 
Anim.  Angl.  t.  3,  /.  4,  who  says  it  is  found,  but  rarely,  'on  the  Scarbo- 
rough coast. 

The  shell  represented  Plate  V.  Fig.  22,  is  a  shell  from  the  same  cliff, 
of  very  curious  structure;  it  appears  to  be  M.  Erinaceus,  Linn.  Its 
specific  characters  are,*  an  oblong  ovate  form ;  the  spine,  formed  by  five 


or  six  angular  turns ;  rather  obtuse  longitudinal  ribs,  appearing  as  if 
interwoven  with  transverse,  close,  squamose,  cord-like  ridges;  the  colu- 
melia  slightly  umbi Heated,  with  a  very  small  tooth-like  projection  ;  and 
the  right  lip  rather  denticulated. 

Murex  'tubifer,  Lam.  Murex  pungens,  Brand.  Foss.  hant.  Fig.  81,  82. 
An  oval  shell,  terminating  in  a  point  at  each  end,  and  furnished  with, 
generally,  four  ridges,  beset  with  hollow,  bent,  and  pointed  spines,  and 
with  short  tubes ;  and  not,  as  thev  appear  to  be,  broken  spines,  disposed 
between  the  spinous  ridges.  The  fistulous  spines  and  short  tubes  with 
which  this  shell  is  beset,  render  it  very  remarkable,  and  distinguish  it 
from  every  other  shell.  It  is  found  both  in  Hampshire  and  Grignon.  A 
very  fine  specimen  of  this  shell  is  represented  Plate  V.  Fig.  15.  It  is 
said  by  Bruguiere,  that  the  recent  analogue  of  this  extraordinary  shell 
was  in  the  late  Dr.  Hunter's  Museum. 

In  this  genus  must  be  also  placed  the  shell  which  is  so  well  known  by 
the  appellation  of  the  Essex  reversed  whelk,  the  twirls  passing  from  the 
right  hand  to  the  left.  This  shell  is  figured  by  Lister,  Histor.  Conchyl 
Tab.  950,  Fig.  44,  b  and  c ;  and  by  Dale,  History  of  Harwich,  Plate  x. 
Fig.  6 ;  and  is  considered  as  a  murex,  M.  contrarius,  by  Linnaeus,  Sys- 
tem. Natur  Tom.  i.  p.  vi.  p.  3564.  Considerable  variety  occurs  in  the 
surface  of  these  shells  :  some  are  strongly  marked  with  longitudinal  linear 
markings,  and  are  without  any  transverse  markings;  whilst  in  others 
transverse  linear  markings,  single  or  double,  are  plainly  seen,  and  no 
longitudinal  rugae  exist.  In  some  few  I  have  observed  these  markings 
so  determined  and  distinct,  as  almost  to  authorize  the  regarding  of  them 
as  specific  characters.  Plate  VI.  Fig.  1,  represents  one  of  these  shells, 
of  rather  a  small  size. 

This  shell,  which  sometimes  reaches  to  full  three  inches  in  length,  has 
six  or  seven  turns  in  the  spire ;  the  last,  or  body-whirl,  is  large  and  glo- 
bose:  the  left  lip  sometimes  rising  in  a  strong  ridge;  and  is,  as  well  as 
the  right  lip,  very  smooth  on  its  inner  side  :  the  columeJla  is  disposed  to 

VOL.  III.  K 


be  umbilicated,  and  the  aperture  is  nearly  oval,  terminating  in  an  open 

The  original  shell,  with  the  twirls  passing  from  the  left  to  the  right, 
of  which  the  one  just  spoken  of  may  be  considered  as  a  variety,  has  not 
been  yet  mentioned  as  having  been  found  in  the  Essex  clifK  Dale,  in- 
deed, queries  whether  Buccinum  roslratum,  out  of  Harwich  cliff,  thus 
mentioned  by  Woodward,  Catalogue,  Part  n.  /?.  37,  e.  115,  may  not  be 
referable  to  this  shell :  but  this  can  hardly  be  supposed,  from  so  general 
a  designation ;  since,  having  so  strongly  particularized  the  reverse  shell, 
it  is  not  likely  that  he  would  have  omitted  to  point  out  this  as  being  the 
same  shell,  turning  in  the  ordinary  direction. 

In  the  many  visits  which  my  late  respected  friend,  Dr.  Menish,  paid 
to  this  cliff,  he  discovered  two  specimens  of  this  shell,  with  the  whirls  in 
the  ordinary  direction.  My  repeated  researches  having  been  always 
unsuccessful,  I  purchased  these  shells  from  Dr.  Menish's  collection. 

One  of  these  seems  to  differ  from  the  heterostrophe  in  not  having  its 
whirls  so  obliquely  disposed,  in  the  spire  not  being  so  long,  in  the 
aperture  being  every  way  larger,  and  in  the  left  lip  rising  higher,  and 
being  larger  and  more  detached.  The  other  is  a  very  old  shell,  and 
measures  full  five  inches  in  length,  and  three  in  width. 

A  shell,  which  has  been  supposed  to  resemble  this  last-mentioned  fos- 
sil, has  been  found  on  the  coast  of  New  Holland  ;  but  the  columella,  in 
this  shell,  is  so  nearly  naked,  as,  I  think,  renders  it  specifically  different. 
A  recent  shell  is  however  found  on  the  Essex  coast,  turning  the  right 
way,  which  very  nearly,  if  not  exactly,  agrees,  in  its  specific  characters, 
with  the  heterostrophe. 

Lamarck  describes  seventeen  species  of  this  genus  as  found  fossil  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  Paris  :  M.  tripterus,  M.  tricar  inatus,  M.  contabulatus, 
M.  calcitrapa,  M.  crispus,  M.  frondosus,  M.  clathratus,  M.  cingulatus, 
M.  striatulus,  M.  cancellinus,  M.  pyraster,  M.  textiliosus,  M.  colubrinus, 
M.  Viperi?ws,  M.  nodularius,  M.  reticulosus,  and  M.  tubifer. 


XXXI.  Fusus.  A  subfusiform  univalve,  ventricose  in  its  middle  or 
lower  part,  with  a  canaliculated  base,  arid  no  varicose  sutures ;  an  elon- 
gated spire,  a  smooth  columella,  and  the  lip  not  slit. 

This  genus  is  formed  by  Lamarck  of  shells  which  were  comprised  in 
the  genus  Murex  of  Linnaeus,  and  in  the  genus  Fusus  of  Bruguiere,  who 
had  also  retained  in  it  pyrula,  fasciolaria,  and  pleurotoma,  with  which  La- 
marck has  formed  separate  genera.  Murex  long&vus,  Brand,  is  very 
properly  disposed  under  this  genus,  by  Lamarck,  as  Fusus  longavus. 
Mure.r  deformis,  Brand,  is  also  brought  here  as  Fusus  clavellatus.  Fusus 
rugosus  he  considers  as  the  same  shell  as  Murex  porrectus,  Brand. 

Lamarck  has  discovered,  in  the  environs  of  Paris,  thirty-three  species 
of  this  genus  which  he  has  so  much  diminished  :  F.  rugosus,  F.  Noa, 
F.  longavus,  F.  clavellatus,  F.  aciculatus,  F.  subulatus,  F.  hordeolus,  F.  zw- 
tortus,  F.  polygonus,  F.  abbreviatus,  F.  excisus,  F.  minutus,  F.  asperulus, 
F.  plicatus,  F.  scalaroides,  F.  coronatus,  F.  alligatus,  F.  marginatus,  F.  no- 
dulosus,  F.  angulatus,  F.  uniplicatus,  F.  funiculosus,  F.  heptagonus,  F.  sub- 
carinaius,  F.ficulneus,  F.  bulbiformis,  F.  terebralis,  F.  citharellus,  F.  lavi- 
gatus,  F.  striatulatus,  F.  biplicatus,  F.  variabilis,  and  F.  truncatulus. 

XXXII.  Pyrula.     A  somewhat   pyriform  univalve,   swelling  in  the 
tipper  part,  with  no  variciform  sutures,  and  having  a  caudated  canali- 
culated base  and  a  short  spire.     The  columella  smooth,   and   the  lip 
not  slit. 

P.  l&vigata  and  clathrata,  Lam.  approximate  to  Bulla  ficus,  Linn. 
P.  subcarinata^  Lam.  has  much  of  the  form  of  Valuta  labrella,  but  has  no 
fold  on  the  columella.  P.  nexilis,  Lam.  is  Murex  nexilis  of  Brander. 
P.  Itevigata,  Lam.  also  agrees,  I  think,  with  No.  54,  of  Brander. 

Six  species  of  this  genus  have  been  found  fossil  by  Lamarck  :  P.  l<svi- 
gata,  P.  subcarinata,  P.  tricarmata,  P.  elegans,  P.  clathrata,  and  P.  nexilis. 

XXXIII.  Fasciolaria.     A  subfusiform  univalve,  channeled  at  its  base, 
without  any  projecting  sutures,  and  having  two  or  three  very  oblique 
folds  on  the  columella. 

This  genus  is  represented  by  Murex  tulipa,  Linn.  List.  Conch.  T.  910, 


/.  1.  et  91 1,-/..  2.     No  fossil  shells  appear  to  have  been  found,  which 
can  be  referred  to  this  genus. 

XXXIV.  Pleurotoma.  A  fusiform,  or  somewhat  turreted  univalve, 
with  the  lower  part  of  the  opening  channeled,  and  the  upper  part  of  the 
lip  notched. 

The  shells  of  this  genus  had  been  separated  from  the  .murices;  and, 
on  account  of  their  form,  had  been  disposed  by  Bruguiere  in  the  genus 
Fusus.  But  the  notch  in  the  lip,  resulting,  necessarily,  from  a  peculiar- 
organization  in  the  animal,  fully  authorizes  their  arrangement  in  a  dis- 
tinct genus.  This  separation  of  Pleurotoma  from  Fusus,  as  is  justly 
observed  by  Lamarck,  appears,  indeed,  to  be  indicated  by  the  con- 
siderable number  of  species  which  each  of  these  genera  contains.  Of 
this  genus  only,  he  obtained  twenty-five  species  from  the  neighbourhood 
of  Paris  :  PL  fiiosa,  P.  lineolata,  P.  davicularis,  P.  glabrata,  P.  marginata, 
P.  transversaria,  P.  catenata,  P.  dentata,  P.  undata,  P.  tmdtinoda,  P.  crcnu- 
lata,  P.  bicatenata,  P.  costellata,  P.  plicata,  P.  sulcata,  P.  curvicosta,  P.  fur- 
cata,  P.  nodulosa,  P.  ventricosa,  P.  terebralis,  P.  granulata,  P.  in/leva, 
P.  twrella,  P.  striarella,  et  P.  decussata, 

Plate  V.  Fig.  26,  represents  a  beautiful  species  of  this  genus,  from 









XXXV.  CERITHIUM.  A  turreted  univalve,  with  an  oblique  opening; 
the  base  terminated  by  a  short  truncated  or  recurved  channel,  and  end- 
ing upwards  in  a  channel  more  or  less  distinct. 

This  genus,  so  plainly  marked  by  the  oblique  opening,  with,  as  it  were, 
a  reversed  groove  in  its  superior  part,  was  formed  by  Bruguiere  from 
shells  possessing  these  generic  characters,  and  which  had  been  retained 
*by  Linnaeus  in  the  genera  Murer,  Strombus,  and  Trochus. 

It  is  well  observed,  by  Lamarck,  that,  since  the  extreme  diversity  of 
the  protuberant  parts  on  the  surface  of  these  shells,  as  well  as  the  regu- 
larity and  elegance  in  which  they  are  disposed,  leaves  hardly  any  pos- 
sible form  of  which  nature  does  not  here  show  a  pattern,  one  may  be 
permitted  to  say  that  architecture  might  receive  from  the  species  of 
this,  and  indeed  of  the  preceding  genus,  a  choice  of  models  which 
might  be  well  worthy  of  being  employed  for  the  embellishment  of  co- 
lumns, &c. 


In  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris  only,  this  assiduous  investigator  has 
discovered  sixty  species  of  this  genus. 

C.  interruptum,  C.  he.ragonum,  C.  serratum,  C.  tricarinatum,  C.  vittatum, 
C.  clavatulatum,  C.  echidnoides,  C.  angulosum,  C.  cristatum,  C.  calcitrapoides, 
C.  denticulatum,  C.  umbrellatum,  C.  lamellosum,  C.  thiara,  C.  mutabilc, 
C.  semicoronatum,  C.  cinctum,  C.  plicatum,  C.  conoideum,  C.  confluens, 
C.  clavusy  C.  baccillum,  C.  scabrum,  C.  asperellum,  C.  turritdlatum,  C.  mitra, 
C.  pleurotomoides,  C.  involutum,  C.  tubercnlosum,  C.  bicarinatum,  C.  trochleare, 
C.  trochiforme,  C.  muricoides,  C.  purpura,  C.  conoidale,  C.  subulatum,  C.  la- 
pidorum,  C.  petricolum,  C.  spiratum,  C.  columnare,  C.  substriatum,  C.  qua- 
drisulcatum,  C.  umbilicatum,  C.  perforatum,  C.  clavosum,  C.  cancellation, 
C.  semigranosum,  C.  acicula,  C.  terebrale,  C.  inversum,  C.  melanoide,  C.  larva, 
C.  gracile,  C.  incertum,  C.  emarginatum,  C.  rugosum,  C.  giganteum,  C.  nu- 
dum,  C.  unisulcatum,  and  C.  turritdlatum. 

Observing  on  the  numerous  species  of  this  fossil,  M.  Lamarck  says, 
we  may  with  reason  be  exceedingly  astonished  at  seeing  so  many  spe- 
cies of  one  genus,  almost  all  of  which  are  unknown  to  the  naturalist,  and 
by  far  the  greater  part  found  in  one  spot ;  and  adds,  that  we  are  hence 
authorized,  in  some  degree,  in  believing  that  the  remains  of  fossil  shells, 
which  are  found  inland,  are  there  more  abundant  than  the  shell-fish 
which  now  inhabit  our  seas.  Annales  du  Museum,  &'c.  Tome  in.  p.  441. 

The  specimen  of  C.  spiratum,  Plate  VI.  Fig.  6,  is  particularly  inte- 
resting, from  its  substance  being  completely  calcedonic.  At  first  view 
it  might  be  supposed  to  be  merely  a  cast ;  but  this  is  not  the  case ;  the 
whole  substance  of  the  shell  being  now  a  very  transparent  calcedony, 
displaying  distinctly  the  minutest  characters  of  the  species.  A  row  of 
large  tubercles,  placed  over  the  middle  of  each  winding,  renders  the 
spire  knobbed,  and  almost  spinous.  Striae  are  seen  crossing  each  other, 
over  the  whole  surface ;  the  transverse  striae  being  larger  than  the 
others,  and  rather  tuberculated,  having  the  appearance  of  minute  chains. 
Three  of  these,  distinct  and  separate,  are  plainly  visible  on  the  last  turn. 
The  notch  in  the  lip  is  also  seen  nearly  contiguous  to  the  last  turn 


but  one.     This  curious  fossil  I  extricated  from  a  calcedonic  mass  from 


Among  the  Veronese  fossils  which  I  possess,  is  one  which,  though 
somewhat  mutilated  about  the  aperture,  bears  not  only  sufficient  proofs 
of  its  belonging  to  this  genus,  but  strong  marks  of  its  species,  C.  inter- 
ruptum.  It  is  of  a  remarkable  size,  being  nearly  four  inches  long. 

In  the  stratum  of  fossil  shells  running  through  Plumsted  and  Wool- 
wich, and  appearing  at  Bromley,  in  Kent,  shells  of  this  genus  are  fre- 
quently found ;  but  in  so  brittle  and  so  injured  a  state,  as  not  often  to 
allow  of  their  species  being  made  out.  I  have  however,  I  think,  discovered 
C.  tuiritellatum,  C.  denticulatwn,  C.  serratum,  C.  davatulatum,  C.  mutahile, 
and  C.  cinctum. 

In  the  whetstone  of  Blackdown  Hills,  Devonshire,  a  turreted  shell 
exists  in  considerable  numbers  ;  but  it  is  very  difficult  to  extricate  them 
from  the  matrix,  with  their  mouth  perfect.  I  think,  however,  that  I 
am  right  in  considering  these  as  belonging  to  C.  turritellatum.  They  are 
completely  silicious;  and  many  of  them,  with  their  included  matrix, 
are  transparent. 

The  most  extraordinary  shell  of  this  genus  is,  C.  giganteum.  It  is  tur- 
reted, extremely  long,  and  transversely  striated:  the  turns,  in  their 
upper  part,  are  tubercular,  and  the  columella  has  one  fold.  These 
enormous  shells  are  generally  a  foot  in  length.  One  of  the  specimens 
which  I  possess,  and  which  has  lost  at  least  an  inch  or  two  of  its  length, 
still  measures  fourteen  inches.  They  are  found  at  Grignon,  and  are 
not  very  rare :  they  are  however,  in  general,  very  much  injured,  very 
seldom  indeed  having  the  lip  and  sides  of  the  opening  perfect.  Their 
form  is  that  of  a  winding  turriculated  pyramid,  with  in  general  twenty 
turns,  beset  on  their  upper  part  with  a  row  of  nodular  tubercles,  and 
having  the  general  surface  lightly  and  transversely  striated.  The  open- 
ing is  oblong  and  oblique,  and  terminates  in  the  lower  part  in  a  canal, 
the  extremity  of  which  is  moderately  recurved ;  and  the  superior  part, 


instead  of  forming  a  canal,  is  laterally  extended,  in  the  manner  of  an 
ear-like  process.  There  is  only  one  fold  on  the  columella.  This  is, 
undoubtedly,  the  largest  uniiocular  univalve  shell  that  is  known. 

Mr.  J.  C.  Delametherie,  Journal  de  Physique,  &V.  Tome  LXV.  Nov. 
1807,  says,  "I  have  a  gigantic  fossil  cerite,  cerites  gigas,  Lam.  which 
Mr.  Maclure,  of  the  Philosophical  Society  of  Philadelphia,  found  at 
Grignon,  in  a  mineralogical  tour  which  we  made  there  in  the  month  of 
July.  It  is  the  largest  which  is  known.  Its  circumference,  near  the 
mouth,  is  from  twenty-two  to  twenty-three  inches,  or  about  seven  inches 
and  a  half  in  diameter.  The  thickness  of  the  lip  is  about  seven  lines.^ 
Its  complete  length  should  be  about  thirty  inches ;  but  it  is  broken,  and 
the  piece  which  I  have  is  but  about  ten  or  twelve  inches  long." 

In  addition  to  this  statement  of  the  learned  author  of  La  Theorie  de  la 
Terre,  I  have  the  pleasure  to  state,  that  I  am  in  possession  of  a  nearly 
corresponding  specimen,  a  cast,  which  I  purchased  out  of  the  Leverian 
collection,  and  which  in  all  probability  was  obtained  from  Grignon.  It 
is  a  lime-stone  cast,  in  which  six  turns,  with  the  mouth,  is  so  well  pre- 
served, as  decidedly  to  determine  it  to  have  derived  its  form  from  a  shell 
of  this  genus.  This  shell  must  have  exceeded  in  size  that  of  M.  Dela- 
metherie ;  since,  independent  of  the  thickness  of  the  shell,  its  greatest 
circumference,  near  to  the  mouth,  is  nearly  twenty-four  inches ;  its  dia- 
meter being,  of  course,  about  eight  inches.  This  specimen  is  about 
sixteen  inches  in  length ;  and  its  weight,  there  being  no  externally 
adhering  matrix,  is  full  twenty-one  pounds  and  a  half.  M.  Delame- 
therie concludes,  from  his  fragment,  which  is  from  ten  to  twelve  inches 
in  length,  that  the  shell  must  have  been  thirty  inches  in  length ;  but  I 
think,  from  the  proportions  of  rny  fragment,  which,  being  nearly  six 
inches  longer  than  that  of  M.  Delametherie,  gives  better  grounds  of 
calculation,  that  he  may  have  over  calculated  the  original  length  of  the 
shell ;  since  I  cannot  believe  that  my  specimen,  if  perfect,  although  larger 
than  his,  would  have  attained  more  than  twenty-eight  inches. 

Different  species  of  this  genus  are  found,  in  delicately  beautiful  cal- 
careous masses,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Courtagnon.  But  among  the 
most  interesting  and  extraordinary  masses,  containing  shells  of  this 
genus,  are  the  calcedonic  masses,  which  are  ajso  found  in  some  part  of 

The  latter  specimens  are  rendered  particularly  interesting,  from  the 
circumstance  of  the  shells  themselves  appearing  to  be  converted  into  a  cal- 
cedonic substance.  The  matrix  is  opaque,  and  of  a  pale  greyish  colour; 
whilst  the  shells  themselves  are  nearly  transparent,  and  of  a  yellowish 
brown  colour.  A  close  examination  seems  to  show,  that  the  matrix  was 
composed  chiefly  of  a  gritty,  calcareous,  or  silicious  mass,  which  has 
had  fluid  silex  diffused  through  it,  and  most  probably  at  the  time  when 
the  change  in  the  substance  of  the  shells  was  effected.  But  to  ascertain 
the  real  nature  of  the  change,  and  to  form  a  rational  opinion  as  to  the 
mode  in  which  the  carbonate  of  lime  has  been  removed,  or  so  changed 
as  not  to  prevent  the  transparency  of  the  fossil  shells,  I  confess  myself 
entirely  incompetent. 

XXXVI.  Trochus.  A  conical  spiral  univalve,  with  a  transversely 
depressed  and  rather  quadrangular  opening ;  with  an  oblique  axis. 

Lamarck  has  separated  from  the  genus  Trochus,  of  Linnaeus,  those 
shells  which  possess  such  peculiar  characters  as  warrant  their  being 
arranged  under  two  new  genera,  which  we  shall  presently  notice ;  So- 
larium and  Monodonta. 

At  Grignon  is  found  the  remarkable  carrier  trochus,  T.  agglutinans, 
Lam.  T.  conchyliophorus,  Lin.  distinguished  by  its  curious  property  of 
attaching  and  agglutinating  to  its  surface  small  shells,  pebbles,  fragments 
of  coral,  &c.  M.  Lamarck  gives  the  figure  of  one  of  these  fossil  shells, 
loaded  with  small  bivalves ;  but  none  of  the  specimens  which  I  possess 
are  loaded  :  they,  however,  show  sufficient  marks  of  the  attachment  of 
numerous  foreign  bodies,  and  even  retain  the  impressions  of  the  very 
minute  markings  of  small  shells  which  had  been  affixed  to  them.  A 
specimen  of  this  species  of  shell  which  I  possess,  from  Verona,  is  re- 

VOL.  in.  L 


markable  for  its  size ;  the  diameter  of  the  base,  and  of  the  side  of  the 
cone,  each  measuring  above  three  inches. 

T.  monilifer,  Lam.  T.  nodulosus,  Brand,  is  an  elegant  shell,  and  in  the 
French  specimens  has  its  markings  exceedingly  well  preserved.  T.  sul- 
catus,  Lam.  extremely  like  to  T.  granulatus,  of  Born.  Tab.  xn.  Fig.  9 
and  10,  was  obtained  by  Lamarck  from  the  neighbourhood  of  Pontchar- 
train,  as  well  as  from  Grignon.  I  found  one  specimen  of  this  shell  among 
the  Harwich  fossils,  but  which  1  have  since  broken.  T.  alligatus,  Lam. 
is  distinguishable  by  six  transverse  ribs,  some  of  which  are  cord-like, 
and  others  crenulated.  I  have  likewise  found  small  specimens  of  this 
shell  in  the  Essex  cliff. 

Among  the  Veronese  fossils  is  one  which  has  a  singularity  of  appear- 
ance, proceeding  from  a  slight  convexity  in  the  sides  of  the  cone.  It  is 
formed  of  six  whirls,  on  which  are  three  rows  of  closely  set,  but  distinct 
beads;  the  base,  which  is  circularly  striated,  possesses  a  considerable 
degree  of  concavity.  From  this  circumstance  it  has  been  named  T.  con- 
cavus;  but  as  this  property  is  very  common,  I  should  prefer  the  name 
T.  convents,  from  the  convexity  of  its  sides.  . 

Lamarck  describes  six  fossil  species  of  this  genus  :  T.  crenularis,  T.  mo- 
nilifer, T.  sulcatus,  T.  alligatus,  T.  ornatus,  T.  subcarinatus,  T.  bicarinatus, 
T.  agglutinans. 

Very  large  casts  of  this  genus  are  found  in  different  parts  of  Oxford- 
shire, Gloucestershire,  and  Somersetshire ;  those  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  Bath  being  sometimes  beautifully  adorned  with  brilliant  pyrites. 

XXXVII.  Solarium.  A  depressed  conical,  nearly  discoidal,  umbili- 
cated  univalve  shell :  with  the  umbilicus  crenulated  or  denticulated 
at  the  margins  of  the  windings.  The  opening  approaching  to  qua- 

The  shells  placed  by  Lamarck  in  this  genus,  were  included  by  Lin- 
nseus  in  the  genus  Trochus ;  and  are  sometimes  difficultly  distinguished 
from  the  shells  of  this  genus,  as  well  as  from  those  of  the  genus  Planorbis. 
They  are  however,  in  general,  plainly  characterized  by  their  large  urn- 

bilicus,  crenulated  or  denticulated  at  its  sides.  One  species  of  this  genus 
is  found  among  the  Hampshire  fossils,  Solarium  canaliculatum,  Lam. 
Turbo,  Brand.  Foss.  limit,  p.  10,  /.  7  and  8.  This  shell  is  distinguished 
by  its  being  marked,  both  on  the  upper  and  under  surface,  with  trans- 
verse granulated  headings.  The  umbilicus  large,  funnel-shaped ;  crenu- 
lated and  canaliculated  on  the  internal  edge  of  each  turn. 

Lamarck  describes  nine  species :  S.  patulum,  S.  sulcatum,  S.  canalicu- 
latum, S.  plicatum,  S.  spiratum,  S.  ammonites,  S.  patellatum,  S.  disjunctum, 
S.  bipons, 

XXXVIII.  Turbo.    A  conoidal  or  slightly  turreted  shell,  the  opening 
complete,  rounded,  and  not  toothed ;    the  margins  always  disjoined  in 
the  upper  part ;  the  columella  smoothed  at  the  base. 

It  is  from  this  latter  circumstance,  the  end  of  the  columella  smoothly 
blending  with  the  right  margin,  and  not  forming  a  projecting  tooth,  that 
this  genus  is  separated  from  Monodonta.  Some  of  the  shells  of  this  genus 
very  much  resemble  those  of  the  genus  Helix;  but  are  to  be  distinguished 
from  them  by  the  roundness  of  their  opening  not  being  broken,  by  the 
projection  into  it  of  the  last  turn  but  one  of  the  spire,  which  is  the  case 
in  the  helices.  Young  specimens  of  cyclostoma  may  also  be  confounded 
with  turbines ;  since,  in  their  young  state,  they  also  have  their  margins 
disjoined,  like  the  turbines ;  but,  in  their  full-grown  state,  they  become 
circularly  united,  which  the  turbines  never  do. 

Lamarck  gives  four  species  of  this  genus :  T.  squamulosus,  T.  radiosm, 
T.  helicinoides,  and  T.  denticulatus.  The  latter  he  has  found  fossil  at 

XXXIX.  Monodonta.     An  oval  or  conoidal  shell,  the  opening  entire, 
roundish,  with  the  two  margins  disunited :  the  truncated  base  of  the 
columella  forming  a  tooth,  projecting  into  the  opening. 

This  genus,  of  Lamarck,  may  be  exemplified  in  Trochus  labio,  Linn. 
This  shell  is  not  among  the  Paris  fossils ;  nor  do  I  know  of  its  exist- 
ence among  the  fossil  shells  of  this  island  :  species  of  it  are,  however,  to 
be  found  in  the  cabinets  of  collectors. 


XL.  Delphimda.  A  subdiscoidal,  or  short  conical,  solid,  pearly,  um- 
bilicated  univalve,  with  rather  rough  turns.  The  opening  round ;  the 
margin  circular  and  uninterrupted. 

This  genus  is  formed  of  shells,  which  were  included  by  Linnaeus  in  his 
genus  Turbo:  a  genus  which  he  formed  merely  on  the  character  of  the  com- 
plete roundish  opening  of  the  shell.  Lamarck,  for  the  sake  of  greater  ac- 
curacy of  distinction,  has  separated  from  this  genus  those  shells,  in  which 
the  two  edges  of  the  opening  are  circularly  united ;  and  has  left  to  the 
genus  Turbo  only  those  sea  shells,  which,  possessing  a  rounded  opening, 
have  the  two  edges  of  the  opening  constantly  disjoined  near  the  colu- 
mella.  With  the  shells  which  have  been  thus  withdrawn  from  the  genus 
Turbo,  he  thought  it  necessary  to  form  the  genera  turritella,  scalaria,  pupa, 
and  cydostoma.  But  even  thus,  some  confusion  would  exist ;  since 
cydostoma  would  contain  both  sea  shells  and  land  shells.  To  avoid  this, 
the  present  genus  is  formed  for  the  reception  of  the  sea  cydostoma,  whilst 
the  land  cydostoma  are  all  reserved  for  the  genus  so  named.  In  the  del- 
phinulse  the  edge  of  the  opening  is  not  reflected  outwardly,  nor  is  the 
point  of  the  columella  visible. 

Turbo  testa  umbillcata  convexa,  aufractibus,  terctibus  striatis :  striis  crenu- 
latis  inaqualibus.  Apertura  omnino  orbicularis.  Foss.  Hant.  Tab.  i.  Fig.  7 
and  8,  may  be  taken,  as  exemplifying  this  genus.  I  am  not  acquainted 
with  another  British  fossil  of  this  genus;  whilst,  of  those  found  in  the 
environs  of  Paris,  Lamarck  enumerates  eight  species  :  D.  calcar,  D.  lima,. 
D.  conica,  D.  turbinoides,  D.  marginata,  D.  striata,  D.  sulcata,  D.  canalifera. 

With  respect  to  the  fossil  shells  to  which  I  now  call  your  attention,  I 
must  acknowledge  my  inability  to  determine  precisely  in  what  genus 
they  should  be  placed.  Their  characters,  however,  approaching  the 
nearest  to  those  of  this  genus,  I  have  placed  them  here,  until  more 
illustrative  specimens  have  pointed  out  for  them  a  more  appropriate 

Plate  VI.  Fig.  1,  is  the  upper  side,  and  Fig.  3,  the  under  side,  of  a 
limestone  fossil,  not  very  uncommon,  I  believe,  in  the  neighbourhood  of 


Bath.  It  is  somewhat  of  a  discoidal,  or  rather  of  a  plano-concave  form, 
and  is  in  general  from  two  to  three  inches  in  breadth.  Its  spiral  convo- 
lutions, which  are  from  four  to  five  in  number,  are  strongly  carinated,  in 
the  direction  of  the  turns,  on  nearly  the  middle  of  the  upper  side,  and 
become  slightly  grooved  towards  the  next  inner  turn.  On  the  under 
side,  they  are  of  a  roundish  form,  and  marked  with  slight  but  frequent 
oblique  rugae ;  the  turns  being  so  disposed  as  to  form,  in  the  under  part, 
a  tolerably  smooth  funnel-formed  cavity.  In  one  species,  distinct  nodu- 
lar projections  exist  on  the  lower  side  of  the  spiral  turns. 

None  of  the  specimens  which  I  possess  are  in  sufficiently  good  preser- 
vation to  allow  me  to  speak  decidedly  respecting  the  aperture  of  this 
fossil.  I  am  only  enabled  to  observe,  that  none  of  the  preceding  whirls 
project  into  the  hollow  of  the  next;  as,  from  my  specimens  being  frac- 
tured in  several  places,  I  am  able  to  perceive  that  the  ridge  on  the 
upper  part  of  the  shell  is  a  solid  external  projection,  which  no  ways 
affects  the  circular  cavity  of  the  shell.  Hence,  there  is  reason  to  con- 
clude, that  the  mouth  is  round,  and  not  diminished  by  the  projection 
into  it  of  the  preceding  whirl,  as  takes  place  in  the  planorbiles. 

This  fossil  was  first  described  by  Mr.  Walcot  in  these  words:  "  De- 
pressed, volutions  three,  a  sharp  ridge  runs  in  the  centre  of  the  upper 
surface  of  the  volutions.  Lime-stone."  Descriptions  and  Figures  of  Petrifac- 
tions, Sfc.  Fig.  L.  and  JLVI. 

As  far  as  I  am  able  to  judge,  from  such  parts  as  have  not  suffered 
injury,  or  are  riot  concealed  by  the  adhering  matrix,  the  fossil  repre- 
sented Plate  VI.  Fig.  7  and  8,  is  another  species  of  the  same  genus,  in 
which  the  preceding  fossil  should  be  placed.  It  is  discoidal;  but  the 
central  projecting  termination  of  the  spire  is  elevated  in  a  peculiar  man- 
ner, so  as  at  first  sight  to  give  it  the  appearance  of  being  detached 
from  the  next  turn.  On  closer  examination,  this  is,  however,  found 
riot  to  be  the  case ;  since  a  connection  is  formed  by  an  expansion  from 
the  next  turn,  the  rugae  of  which  are  continued  very  closely  and  regu- 


larly  up  this  central  projection,  to  where  it  has  been  broken  off:  this  is 
formed  by  two  flattish  turns,  which,  on  their  upper  surface,  are  marked 
by  slight  longitudinal  rugae,  which  terminate  in  two  ridges,  disposed  on 
the  inner  and  on  the  outside  of  each  turn.  These  turns,  on  the  lower 
side,  are  roundish,  and  are  very  thickly  set  with  sharp  and  irregular 
rugae,  and  seem  to  form  a  concavity  nearly  corresponding  to  the  eleva- 
tion on  the  other  side ;  but  in  this  concavity  an  irregular  shelly  body 
exists,  which  appears  riot  to  be  accidental,  but  a  part  of  the  original 
shell.  Fig.  7  represents  the  under  part,  with  this  irregularly  formed 
bod}r,  and  Fig.  8  represents  the  upper  surface,  with  its  projecting  cen- 
tral termination.  An  endeavour  is  made  to  give  a  representation  of  the 
aperture  of  this  shell,  of  which  description  could  hardly  have  given  a 
satisfactory  idea  ;  indeed,  it  is  so  much  obscured  by  the  surrounding  ma- 
trix, as  to  prevent  a  correct  figure  of  it  being  obtained.  The  matrix  of 
this  fossil  is  a  yellowish  lime-stone,  with  which  the  hollow  of  the  shell  is 
completely  filled. 

The  fossil,  Plate  V.  Fig.  18,  which  appears  to  be  of  the  same  genus  with 
the  two  preceding,  is  so  figured,  as  to  show  a  portion  both  of  its  upper  and 
under  part.  On  the  former,  the  turns  of  the  spire  are  seen  covered  with 
closely-set  transverse  ribs,  the  spire  terminating  in  a  roundish  projection. 
The  turns  of  the  spire  are  ribbed  in  the  same  way  on  the  under  side ;  and 
here  a  projecting  shelly  body  is  seen  in  the  concave  part,  answering,  in 
its  situation,  to  the  irregular  formed  body  in  the  preceding  fossil ;  and 
to  the  projecting  superior  termination  of  the  spire  in  the  same  fossil,  in 
having  the  markings  of  the  spiral  turns  continued  upon  it. 

It  would  be  premature,  to  attempt  to  establish  a  genus  for  the.  recep- 
tion of  these  fossils,  until  more  particulars  are  ascertained  respecting  the 
original  size  and  real  nature  of  the  projecting  bodies  which  appear  to 
belong  to  both  the  upper  and  under  surface  of  these  fossils.  Should  the 
appearance  of  these  be  found  to  be  constant,  that  alone  would,  of  course, 
form  a  generic  distinction. 


I  am  not  acquainted  with  the  habitats  of  either  of  these  two  last  men- 
tioned fossils;  but  imagine,  from  the  appearance  of  the  matrix,  that 
they  are  from  the  neighbourhood  of  Dudley,  in  Worcestershire. 

XLI.  Cydostoma.  A  discoidal  or  convexo-conical,  nearly  transparent 
univalve,  with  cylindraceous  turns.  The  opening  round,  with  a  cir- 
cularly continued  margin,  suddenly  and  widely  thrown  back. 

The  cydostoma,  in  their  adult  state,  have  their  margins  always  re- 
flected, which  is  not  the  case  with  the  delphinula ;  but  they  are  more 
certainly  distinguished  from  each  other  by  the  thinness  of  the  shell  of 
the  cydostoma,  and  by  their  never  having  any  nacre,  which  is  always 
possessed  by  the  delphinula.  Cydostoma  spiruloides,  Lam.  is  a  minute 
species  of  this  genus,  the  form  of  which  may  easily  be  comprehended 
without  a  figure ;  since  it  is  formed  by  three  turns,  spirally  disposed,  in 
the  same  manner  as  in  the  planorbes :  the  last  turn  being  so  'detached 
from  the  rest,  as  to  give  it  the  appearance  of  a  young  nautilus  spirilla. 

It  must  be  observed,  that  there  are  some  shells,  not  yet  classed,  whose 
openings  are  round,  and  whose  margins  are  united  like  the  cydostoma; 
but  in  which,  unlike  the  cydostoma,  the  margins  are  not  dilated  nor 
reflected,  and  which  are  of  an  elongated  or  turriculated  form. 

Lamarck  describes  six  fossil  species :  C.  cornu  pastoris,  C.  spiruloides, 
C.  planorbula,  C.  macrostoma,  C.  mumia,  C.  Turritdlata. 

XLI  I.  Scalaria.  A  turreted  univalve,  with  acute  longitudinal  raised 
ribs.  The  opening  nearly  circular;  the  margins  uninterrupted,  bor- 
dered, and  reflected. 

The  raised  ribs  sufficiently  distinguish  the  shells  of  this  genus  from 
those  of  delphinula  and  cydostoma. 

I  am  not  in,  possession  of  any  fossil  of  this  or  of  the  two  pre- 
ceding genera;  nor  do  1  know  of  any  having  been  found  among  our 
English  fossils,  Lamarck  has  discovered  five  species  of  this  genus 
among  the  fossils  of  Grignon  and  Pernes  :  S.  crispa,  S.  decussata,  S.  denu- 
data,  S.  monocyda,  and  S.  plicata. 

XLIII.  Twritella.     A  turreted  univalve  shell;    the  opening  entire^ 


and  rounded;   with  the  margins  disjoined  in  the  upper  part;    and  a 
notch  in  the  right  lip. 

As  it  appeared  to  be  necessary  to  separate  the  genus  Vis  from  Bucci- 
num,  in  consequence  of  the  turriculated  shape  of  the  former  shells,  so  it 
is  necessary  to  separate  Turritella  from  Turbo,  Cydostoma,  Pupa,  and  Sea- 
laria ;  the  shells  of  the  genus  Turritella  having  all  a  notch  at  the  right 
side  of  their  opening,  which  is  not  the  case  with  any  shell  of  the  other 
four  genera. 

Turritellites  perforatus,  Lam.  Plate  V.  Fig.  12,  is  a  very  curious 
species  of  this  genus,  the  columella  being  perforated  through  the  whole 
axis  of  the  shell.  This  peculiarity  exists  in  the  shell  here  figured  :  but 
it  does  not  exactly  agree  with  that  which  is  described  by  Lamarck ; 
since  its  turns  are  smooth,  while  those  of  the  shell  which  he  describes 
have  three  or  four  transverse  striaB.  The  difference  may  be  only  that  of 
a  variety ;  or  the  surface,  in  my  specimen,  may  be  somewhat  altered 
by  decomposition  or  friction. 

In  a  large  fossil  shell  of  this  genus,  now  before  me,  a  very  curious  cir- 
cumstance is  observable.  The  shell  has  been  completely  fractured 
across,  and  afterwards  united  by  that  astonishing  power  of  reparation, 
which  is  perhaps  possessed  by  all  shell-fish. 

Some  species  of  this  genus  are  found  in  Hampshire,  particularly  T.  te- 
rebellata,  Lam.  Turbo  terebra,  Brand.  T.  imbricataria,  Lam.  and  Turbo 
editus,  Brand.  This  latter  shell  has  been  found,  very  fine,  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Selsea,  with  several  other  of  the  same  shells  as  are  found  in 
Hordwell  Cliff,  by  Mr.  J.  Hplloway,  of  Portsmouth.  This  gentleman, 
to  whom  I  am  obliged  for  this  information,  and  for  several  of  these  spe- 
cimens, relates  that  he  also  found  this  shell,  with  others  which  I  shall 
have  occasion  to  notice,  in  a  blue  mud  at  the  base  of  Stublington  Cliff, 
between  Stoke's  Bay  and  Southampton. 

Among  the  pyritical  shells  of  the  Isle  of  Portland  are  frequently  found 
shells  of  this  genus.  Impressions  of  shells  of  this  genus,  as  well  as  of 
the  genus  -Cerithium,  are  frequently  seen  in  the  Portland  free-stone. 

Shells  of  this  genus  are  also  frequent  among  the  Veronese  and  Vinceq- 
tine  fossils. 

Lamarck  enumerates  ten  species  among  the  fossils  of  Grignon,  Chau- 
mont,  &c.  :  T.  imbricatarla,  T.  sulcata,  T.  subcarinata,  T.fasclata,  T.  mul- 
tisulcata,  T.  terebdlata,  T.  perforate,  T.  unisulcata,  T.  uniangularis,  T.  me- 

XLIV.  Pupa.  A  somewhat  cylindrical  univalve ;  the  last  turn  of 
the  spire,  which  is  somewhat  produced,  not  being  larger  than  the  pre- 
ceding :  the  aperture  irregularly  roundish  or  oval :  the  margin  continued 

Turbo  uva,  Linn.  Born.  Vign.  Fig.  E.  is  the  type  of  this  genus,  which 
does  not  appear  to  be  known  fossil. 

XLV.  Janthina.  A  subglobose  diaphanous  univalve:  the  opening 
triangular,  with  an  angular  sinus  on  the  right  edge. 

Helix  janthina,  Linn.  List.  Tab.  572,  Fig.  24,  is  of  this  genus ;  *io 
shell  of  which  has,  I  believe,  been  found  fossil. 

XL VI.  Bulla.  An  ovate,  gibbous,  and  somewhat  cylindrical  uni- 
valve :  the  spire  not  standing  out,  but  concealed  within :  the  opening 
the  length  of  the  shell :  the  lip  acute. 

Bulla  aperta,  Linn,  and  Bulla  lignaria,  Linn,  are  contained  within  the 
membranous  part  of  the  molluscse  by  which  they  are  produced,  so  that 
these  molluscae  appear  naked,  or  without  any  external  shell ;  but  the 
lively  colours,  and  the  repeated  convolutions  of  other  species,  as  Bulla 
ampulla,  Linn.  &c.  show  that  these  have  not  been  contained  within  the 
soft  part  of  the  animal.  Lamarck,  apprized  of  this  circumstance,  has 
separated  the  former  animals  from  the  genus  Bulla,  and  has  formed  with 
them  a  genus  of  the  naked  molluscse,  and  named  it  Bull&a ,  leaving  in 
the  genus  Bulla  those  species,  the  shells  of  wbich,  possessing  the  above- 
recited  generic  characters,  form  the  external  covering  to  the  animal. 

I  do  not  know  of  any  .English  fossil  shells  of  this  genus.  Respecting 
Bulla  sopita,  Brand.  Fossil  Hanton.  Fig.  29  a.  and  Bulla  volutata,  Brand. 
Fossil.  Hanton.  Fig.  75,  another,  and  apparently  a  more  appropriate 

VOL.  III.  M 

place  has  been  allotted  them,  in  a  former  part  of  this  volume  (Let- 
ter  VI.  p.  54 ;  )  and  with  respect  to  Bulla  simulata,  Brand.  Fossil  Han- 
ton,  Fig.  61,  it  certainly  can  have  no  claim  to  be  considered  as  a  Bulla, 
the  spire  being  acutely  pointed,  the  cauda  produced,  and  the  columella 

The  bullites  of  the  environs  of  Paris  appear  to  be  divisible  into  four 
species :  B.  ovulata,  B.  striatdla,  B.  cylindrica,  B.  coronata. 

XLVII.  Bulimus.  An  ovate  or  oblong,  subturreted  shell :  the  open^ 
ing  entire,  oblong,  and  longitudinal,  having,  in  adults,  an  external 
reflected  margin :  the  columella  smooth,  the  base  entire,  not  spread 

The  oblong  and  longitudinal  opening  of  the  shell  is,  according  to  Bru- 
guiere,  the  chief  characteristic  of  this  genus :  Lamarck,  also,  adopts 
this  distinguishing  mark ;  and,  by  the  assistance  of  other  essential  cha- 
racters, has  formed  from  the  genus  Bitlima,  of  Bruguiere,  not  only  this 
genus,  but  those  of  Agathina,  Lymnea,  Melania,  Auricula,  and  Pupa. 

The  shells  of  this  genus  are  inhabited  by  an  animal  much  resembling 
that  which  belongs  to  the  genus  Helix.  The  shells  of  the  two  genera, 
however,  differ,  in  the  opening  of  the  Helix  being  wider  than  it  is  long, 
whilst  that  of  Bulimus  is  always  longer  than  it  is  wide.  The  snail,  too, 
has  a  round  or  orbicular  shell,  and  that  of  the  Bulimus  is  oblong,  conical, 
or  turriculated.  The  margins,  in  Bulimus,  are  separated  in  the  upper 
part;  but  in  Helir,  the  last  turn  but  one  of  the  spire  projects  into,  and 
thereby  contracts,  the  opening.  The  shells  of  Bulimus  are  distinguished 
from  those  of  Melania  by  their  having  no  widening  at  the  base  of  their 
opening;  and  from  those  of  Lymnea  by  their  not  having  a  distinct  and 
very  oblique  fold,  which  is  seen  in  the  shells  of  the  last-mentioned 
genus.  Bulimus  is  a  land  shell;  but,  Lymnea  and  Melania  are  fresh- 
water shells. 

I  do  not  know  of  any  British  fossil  species;  but  Lamarck  describes  ten 
species  decidedly  of  this  genus  :  B.  alhidus,  B.  citherella,  B.  terebellatus, 
B.  acicularis,  B.  nitidus,  B.  sextomis^  B.  conulus,  B.  clavulus,  J5,  striatulus.* 


and  E.  nanus.  He  also  speaks  of  live  more  species,  respecting  the  classi- 
fication of  which  he  is  less  certain. 

XLVIII.  Achatina.  An  oval  or  oblong  univalve :  the  opening  en- 
tire, and  longer  than  wide;  the  columella  smooth,  and  truncated  at 
its  base. 

Bulla  achatina,  Linn.  List.  Tab.  579,  Fig.  34,  is  of  this  genus ;  no  spe- 
cies of  which  is  known  fossil. 

XLIX.  Phasianella.  A  solid  ovate. or  conical  univalve  :  the  opening 
longitudinal,  ovate,  and  entire ;  with  a  sharp  plain  lip :  the  columella 
smooth,  with  an  attenuated  base. 

The  opening  of  the  shells  of  this  genus  is  almost  the  same  as  that  of 
the  shells  of  the  preceding ;  but  the  shells  of  this  genus  are  sea-shells,  and 
are  not  transparent,  but  thick.  Lamarck  describes  two  species  of  this 
genus,  which  are  found  among  the  fossil  shells  of  Grignon  :  P.  turbi- 
noides  and  P.  scmistriata. 

L.  Lymn&a.  An  ovato-conical,  or  turreted  univalve :  the  aperture 
entire  and  oblong ;  the  right  lip  joined  to  the  left,  in  the  lower  part  rising 
on  the  columella,  and  showing  internally  an  oblique  fold. 

The  character  by  which  these  shells  may  be  distinguished  from  the 
Bulimi,  is,  the  very  oblique  fold  on  the  columella.  Helix  stagnalis,  Linn. 
List.  Tab.  123,  Fig.  21,  is  of  this  genus.  The  fossil  remains  of  these 
shells  are  very  rare.  Lamarck  has  only  discovered  those  of  one  species 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris,  which  he  names  Lymn&a  palustris. 

LI.  Pyramidella.  A  turriculated  univalve :  the  opening  entire  and 
semioval :  the  columella  projecting,  with  three  transverse  folds,  and 
perforated  at  its  end. 

Trochus  dolobratus,  Linn.  List.  Tab.  844,  Fig.  72,  is  of  this  genus; 
no  species  of  which  have  been  described  fossil. 

LII.  Melania.  A  turreted  univalve :  the  aperture  entire,  ovate, 
or  oblong,  and  spread  out  at  the  base  of  the  columella,  which  is 

The  shells  of  this  somewhat  resemble  those  of  the  preceding  genus ; 


but  are  easily  distinguished  from  them  by  the  widening  at  their  base> 
and  by  the  columella  being  smooth. 

I  do  not  know  of  any  English  fossil  of  this  genus;  but  they  appear  to 
be  frequent  in  the  environs  of  France ;  since  Larnarck  enumerates  and 
describes  twelve  species :  M.  costellata,  M.  lactea,  M.  marginata,  M.  hor- 
dacea,  M.  canicularis,  M.  corrugata,  M.  semiplacata,  M.  nitida,  M.  semi- 
striata,  M.  cochlearella,  M.fragilis,  and  M.  dubia. 

M.  marginata,  represented  PL  V.  Fig.  9,  judging  from  the  specimens 
in  my  possession,  exists  in  a  very  unimpaired  state. 

LI II.  Auricula.  An  ovate  or  oblong  pyramidal  univalve,  with  the 
spire  extruded  :  the  opening  entire,  oblong,  and  narrowed  upwards ; 
the  columella  plicated,  with  different  plicae  in  the  opposite  lip. 

Those  volutes  of  Linnaeus,  which  are  not  notched  at  their  base,  Bru- 
guiere,  without  considering  their  plicae,  placed  under  the  genus  Buli- 
mus.  Lamarck  has,  with  great  propriety,  placed  those  shells  whose 
openings  arfe  entire,  but  whose  columelltfe  are  plicated*  under  this  genus, 

One  of  the  most  interesting  shells  of  this  genus,  is  Auricula  ringens, 
Lam.  acutely  ovate,  rather  turgid,  transversely  ribbed,  with  minute 
longitudinal  striae,  the  edges  of  the  opening  thick  and  bordered,  the 
right  lip  dentated,  and  the  columella  with  three  plicae.  This  shell  is 
found  at  Grignon  and  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Bourdeaux.  The  spe- 
cimen which  is  represented  Plate  V.  Fig.  4,  and  which  appears  to  be 
A.  ringens,  is  nearly  transparent.  It  is  one  of  those  extraordinary  sili- 
cious  fossils  which  are  yielded  by  the  Blackdown  whetstone-pits,  and  for 
a  supply  of  which  I  am  under  great  obligations  to  R.  H.  Clarke,  Esq. 
of  Bridwell,  and  the  Rev.  J.  R.  Cleeve,  of  Kentisbeare,  who  have 
kindly  assisted  me  with  the  interesting  fossils  of  their  respective  neigh- 

LIV.  Volvaria.  A  cylindrical  convoluted  univalve :  the  spire  not 
extruded :  the  opening  narrow,  the  length  of  the  shell :  the  columella 
plicated  at  its  base. 


This  shell,  for  Lamarck  knows  but  of  one  species,  V.  bulloides,  which 
is  fossil,  approaches  very  near  to  Bulla  cylindrica,  or  Bulla  solida\  but 
differs  from  the  genus  Bulla,  in  having  its  columella  plicated. 

LV;  Ampullana.  A  ventricose  subglobose  univalve,  with  an  um- 
bilicated  base :  the  opening  oblong  and  entire,  with  no  thickening  on 
the  left  lip. 

The  Ampullana  is  a  river  shell  of  the  warm  climates.  Its  spire,  which 
always  projects  a  little,  distinguishes  this  genus  from  Planorkis ;  and 
there  being  no  thickening  on  the  left  lip,  distinguishes  it  from  Natica. 

Ampullaria  patula,  Lam.  is  Helix"  mutabilis,  Brand.  Foss.  57.  Tab.  iv. 
In  Brander's  figure  the  back  is  only  seen ;  and  the  patulous  opening, 
the  specific  characteristic,  is  not  shown.  A.  sigarttina,  Lam.  differs 
from  the  preceding,  chiefly  in  having  no  umbilicus. 

From  the  greatest  part  of  these  shells,  answering  to  the  preceding 
description,  being  marine  shells,  and  somewhat  approaching  in  charac- 
ter to  the  genus  Natica,  Lamarck  is  disposed  to  think  that  they  belong 
to  a  genus  not  yet  established.  Twelve  species  appear  to  exist  among 
the  fossils  of  the  environs  of  Paris :  A.  pygmtea,  A.  e.rcavata,  A.  conica, 
A.  acuta,  A.  acuminata,  A.  spirata,  A.  depressa,  A.  canaliculata,  A.  patula, 
A.  sigaretina,  A.  crassatina,  and  A.  hybrida. 

A.  spirata,  I  find  among  my  Veronese  fossils ;  and  A.  conica,  and  a 
shell  much  resembling  A.  rugosa,  I  have  found  among  the  shells  of  the 
Essex  cliff. 

LVI.  Planorbis.  A  discoidal  univalve.  The  spire  depressed,  hardly 
at  all  prominent,  the  turns  conspicuous  on  both  sides.  The  opening 
entire  and  oblong;  the  margin  never  reflected. 

The  shells  of  this  genus  are  fresh-water  shells:  their  inferior  face  is 
known,  by  its  being  more  sunk  in  than  the  upper;  and  from  the  gra- 
dual diminution  of  the  turns  towards  the  centre,  forming  a  funnel- 
formed  cavity. 

From  the  original  delicacy  of  structure  of  these  shells,  from  the  cir- 


cumstances  under  which  they  have  become  buried,  and  from  the  slight 
degree  of  mineralization  which  they  have  undergone,  it  is  difficult  to 
obtain  their  fossil  remains  in  tolerable  preservation. 

Lamarck  has  met  with  three  species  among  the  fossils  of  the  environs 
of  Paris :  P.  nitidula,  P.  subangulaia,  and  P.  bicaiinata. 

LVII.  Helix.  A  globular  or  orbicular  shell,  with  a  convex  or  co- 
noidal  spire :  the  opening  entire,  wider  than  long,  and  diminished 
in  its  upper  part  by  the  projection  of  the  last  turn  but  one  of  the  spire. 

Shells  of  this  genus,  as  well  as  other  land  and  fresh-water  shells,  are 
rarely  found  in  a  state  of  petrifaction.  The  circumstances  of  conserva- 
tion in  which  they  are  found  are,  generally,  such  as  are  explicable  on 
the  supposition  of  their  having  become  involved  in  the  gradually  acre- 
ting  tufaceous  matter,  which  is  deposited  by  certain  streams  and  rivers ; 
or  in  the  stalactitic  concretions  forming  in  the  cavities  of  limestone  rocks, 
of  comparatively  modern  formation. 

Instances  of  the  former  kind  are  to  be  met  with  in  various  parts  of 
this  island,  as  well  as  in  numerous  other  parts  of  the  world ;  but  the 
most  remarkable  instance  of  the  latter  kind  is  in  the  rock  of  Gibraltar, 
in  which  shells  of  this  description  are  sometimes  found. 

LVIII.  Helidna.  A  subglobose  univalve,  with  no  umbilicus :  the 
opening  entire  and  semi-ovate ;  the  columella  callous,  depressed  at  the 
lower  part,  and  flattened. 

The  analagous  recent  shell  on  which,  I  believe,  Lamarck  founds 
this  genus  is  trochilus,  labro  protenso,  fasciatus,  List.  Hist.  Conchy  I.  PL  61, 
Fig.  59.  It  differs  from  Helices  in  its  callous  columella,  and  in  a  little 
angle,  which  the  base  of  the  right  edge  forms,  before  re-uniting  itself 
with  the  base  of  the  columella.  This  ingenious  naturalist  finds  only  one 
fossil  shell  which  he  can  place,  even  with  hesitation,  under  this  genus. 
This  incertitude,  he  candidly  acknowledges,  and  even  implies  it,  in  the 
name  which  he  has  affixed  to  this  species,  Helidna  dubia.  1  know  of  no 
fossil  shell  of  this  genus. 


LIX.  Nerita.  A  semi-globose  univalve,  depressed  beneath,  and 
having  no  umbilicus :  the  opening  entire  and  semicircular ;  colu- 
mella  nearly  transverse  and  flat,  with  an  acute,  and  generally  dentated 

The  shells  of  this  genus  differ  from  those  of  Natica,  in  never  being  at 
all  umbilicated. 

Nerita  conoidea.  Lam.  Nerita  perversa,  Gmelin,  is,  as  well  from  its 
form,  as  from  the  extraordinary  magnitude  which  it  sometimes  possesses, 
a  very  remarkable  fossil.  It  is  conical,  with  a  very  broad  base;  the 
apex  of  the  spire  is  inclined,  and  the  columella  is  furnished  with  eight 

Chemnitz,  and  other  naturalists,  have  thought  that  this  was  a  reversed 
shell ;  but  Lamarck  has  shown  that  its  turns  are  in  the  ordinary  direc- 
tion, from  the  left  to  the  right.  It  acquires,  however,  a  peculiar  ap- 
pearance, from  the  top  of  the  spire  being  inclined  to  one  side,  as  if  the 
axis  of  the  spire  had  been  broken  or  bent  in  its  upper  part ;  hence  the 
shell  is  irregularly  conical.  The  upper  part  is  smooth,  or  only  slightly 
striated,  in  a  transverse  direction,  agreeable  to  the  successive  addition  of 
new  matter  to  the  shell.  The  opening,  which  is  nearly  semicircular, 
possesses  about  one  third  of  the  base.  The  size  of  some  of  these  fossils 
is  very  considerable.  Lamarck  observes  that  the  width  of  the  largest  spe- 
cimen is  seven  centimetres  (about  two  inches  Fr.  and  seven  lines.)  One 
of  the  specimens  'which  I  possess  is  hardly  more  than  an  inch  across  its 
widest  part;  whilst  another,  which  I  purchased  from  the  collection  of 
M.  de  Calonne,  measures  in  the  same  direction  full  three  inches  and  three 
quarters,  and  exceeds  two  inches  in  height.  These  gigantic  proportions 
widely  distinguish  it  from  any  recent  shell  of  this  genus.  These  fossils 
are  from  Retheuil  and  Courtagnon.  I  am  not  acquainted  with  the  dis- 
covery of  any  shells  of  this  genus  among  our  English  fossils. 

Plate  VI.  Fig.  4,  is  a  curious  fossil,  being  a  calcedonic  cast  of  the 
hollow  of  a  nerite  of  this  species,  displayed  by  the  removal  of  the  top  of 
the  shell, 


The  under  side  of  this  fossil,  showing  the  mouth  and  dentated  lip  of 
N.  conoidea,  is  represented  Plate  VI.  Fig.  6. 

This,  with  another  specimen,  in  which  the  cast  is  entirely  detached 
from  the  shell,  was  purchased  from  the  Callonnean  collection,  and  is  from 

I  have  the  N.  conoidea,  in  very  good  preservation,  from  the  Valley 
of  Ronca. 

Lamarck  particularizes  three  species  of  this  genus  as  being  found 
among  the  French  fossils :  N.  conoidea,  N.  tricarinata,  N.  mammaria. 

LX.  Natka.  A  nearly  globose  umbilicated  univalve :  the  opening 
entire  and  semicircular ;  the  columella  transverse,  without  teeth,  and 
callous  externally ;  the  callosity  narrowing,  or  even  covering,  the  um- 

These  shells  bear  considerable  resemblance  to  Nerita,  in  the  form  of 
their  opening ;  but  they  obviously  differ  from  the  shells  of  that  genus, 
in  always  being  umbilicated,  and  never  having  their  columella  dentated. 

Natica  cepacea,  Lam.  is  a  species  remarkable  for  its  flattened  roundish 
form,  and  still  more  for  the  large  thick  callous  mass,  writh  which  the 
umbilicus  is  covered,  in  the  adult  specimens.  N.  canrena  is  a  frequent 
fossil  in  the  Essex  bank  of  fossil  shells.  Another  species  of  this  genus  is 
also  frequently  found  in  this  bank,  which  is  figured  by  Dale,  History 
and  Antiquities  of  Harwich,  Sfc.  PL  x.  Fig.  16,  and  by  him  referred  to 
Cochlea  sublivida  orefusco,  ad  basin  atjusque  orbis  velut  funicuius  depingitur, 
Lister,  Hist.  Conchy  I.  PL  508,  Fig.  19.  The  shell  there  depicted  is 
evidently  N.  canrena ;  but  the  Harwich  fossil  shell  has  a  simple  umbi- 
licus, and  not  an  umbilicus  intersected  by  a  callous  process,  as  is  the  case 
in  N.  canrena.  This  fossil  seems  more  nearly  to  resemble  N.  glaucina,  as 
represented  by  Lister,  PL  562,  Fig.  9,  of  the  same  work. 

Among  the  most  rare  of  the  Blackdown  fossils,  is  a  Natica,  approach- 
ing in  its  character  to  N.  canrena,  Linn,  and  N.  epiglottina,  Lam.  except 
that  the  callosity  lays  in  the  contrary  direction  to  what  it  does  in  those 
species.  The  only  one  I  know  of  was  extricated  from  a  mass  of  the 


whetstone,  which  still  fills  its  matrix,  Plate  VI.  Fig.  2.  It  is  so  tho- 
roughly silicious,  as  to  be  transparent,  where  the  matrix  is  not  interposed, 
Plate  VII.  Fig.  2. 

Lamarck  describes  three  species  of  this  genus  as  French  fossils :  N.  la- 
bellata,  N.  epiglottina,  N.  cepacea. 

LXI.  Testacella.  An  obliquely  conical  formed  univalve,  with  the 
summit  a  little  turned  spirally ;  the  opening  oval,  with  the  right  edge 
turned  inwards. 

LXII.  Stomatia.  An  oval  auriform  univalve,  with  a  prominent  spire  : 
the  opening  ample,  and  longer  than  wide ;  the  disk  imperforate. 

LXI  II.  Carinaria.  A  very  thin  univalve,  in  the  form  of  a  cone  flat- 
tened on  its  sides,  the  apex  terminating  in  a  very  small  involuted  spire, 
and  the  back  having  a  dentated  keel :  the  opening  entire,  oval-oblong, 
contracted  towards  the  angle  of  the  keel. 

No  remains  of  any  shells  of  the  three  preceding  genera  have,  I  be- 
lieve, been  found  fossil;  nor  are  the  inhabitants  of  the  two  latter  shells 

LXIV.  Haliotis.  A  flattish,  ear-formed  shell,  with  a  depressed  spire, 
and  a  row  of  round  holes  along  the  right  edge.  The  opening  very  large, 
and  much  longer  than  wide. 

M.  Bosc  observes  that  these  shells  are  often  found  fossil  in  France  and 
Italy.  On  this  point  I  am  obliged  to  observe,  that,  from  the  informa- 
tion which  I  have  gained,  from  the  sight  of  different  collections,  and 
from  the  examination  of  different  authors,  I  conceive  the  contrary  of 
this  to  be  the  fact.  Indeed,  of  the  seventeen  species  which  M.  Bosc 
enumerates,  he  mentions  but  one  species,  Haliotis  plicata,  as  having  been 
found  fossil.  I  do  not  indeed,  therefore,  hesitate  in  saying,  that  the 
shells  of  this  genus  are  among  the  rarest  fossils. 

The  nearest  approach  to  this  genus  is  a  shell  which  is  sometimes 
found  among  the  fossils  of  St.  Peter's  Mountain,  and  has  been  hitherto 
considered  as  a  Haliotis,  but  which  certainly  belongs  to  the  following 
genus,  which  differs  from  Haliotis,  in  being  without  holes. 

VOL.  III.  N 



LXV.  Sigaretus.  A  depressed  oval,  nearly  auriform  shell,  with  a 
short  spiral  columella :  the  opening  entire,  very  wide,  spread  out  towards 
the  summit  of  the  right  lip,  and  longer  than  wide. 

The  shell,  for  the  reception  of  which  Lamarck  formed  this  genus,  is 
the  Venus's  ear ;  Sigaretus,  of  Adanson ;  Helix  haliotidea,  of  Linnaeus ; 
and  Eulla  velutina,  of  Muller.  This  is  an  exceedingly  rare  fossil.  The 
only  specimen  which  I  have  seen  is  one  which  I  obtained  at  the  sale  of 
the  Museum  of  Mr.  Strange ;  and  which,  I  afterwards  discovered,  by 
the  purchase  of  some  of  Mr.  Strange's  manuscripts,  had  been  thought  of 
sufficient  consequence  to  be  the  subject  of  a  plate  engraved  by  Antonio 
Gregori,  from  a  drawing  of  Gaspero  Massini.  This  is  a  Tuscan  fossil. 

A  fossil  shell  of  this  genus,  but  apparently  not  of  this  species,  is  found 
in  St.  Peter's  Mountain,  Maestricht,  and  is  figured  by  Faujas  St.  Fond, 
Hist.  Nat.  de  la  Montagne  de  St.  Pierre,  P.  166,  PL  xxvm.  Fig.  3. 

Plate  VI.  Fig.  9,  is  a  magnified  representation  of  a  shell  of  this 
genus,  which  is  shown  of  its  natural  size,  Fig.  10.  This  microscopic 
fossil  was  found  in  the  calcareous  sand  contained  in  the  cavity  of  a 
gigantic  cerithites. 

LXVI.  Argonauta.  A  very  thin  involuted  boat-like  univalve;  the 
spire  turning  into  the  opening ;  with  a  double,  tubercular  keel. 

I  have  no  knowledge  of  any  shells  of  this  genus  having  been  found  in 
a  mineralized  state. 





HAVING  now  arrived  at  those  shells  which  are  formed  into  nearly 
straight,  or  partly  spiral  and  partly  straight,  or  irregularly  contorted 
tubes,  some  of  which  are  inhabited  by  vermes  and  not  by  mollusca,  I 
have  concluded  it  to  be  better  to  introduce  these  shells  together  here,  than 
to  separate  them  according  to  the  difference  of  their  inhabitants.  This 
seems  to  be  particularly  proper,  since  several  of  these  shells,  as  will  be 
seen,  are  known  only  as  fossils,  and  consequently  we  can  form  no  deter- 
mined judgment  respecting  the  animals  which  formed  and  inhabited 
them.  Besides,  as  several  of  these  shells  are  concamerated,  their  exami- 
nation will  very  naturally  precede  that  of  the  shells  of  the  next  division. 

LXVII.  Penicillus.  A  tubular  shell,  narrow,  and  rather  spirally 
turned  at  its  origin,  dilating  into  a  club-form  at  the  other  end,  which 
terminates  in  a  convex  disk,  beset  with  small  tubular  perforations. 

This  shell,  which  is  Serpula  penis,  Linn,  has  not  been  seen  fossil ; 
nor  is  the  nature  of  its  inhabitant  known. 

LXVIII.  Dentalium.  A  tubular,  conical,  slightly  bowed  univalve, 
open  at  both  ends. 

Mr.  Brander  found,  among  the  Hampton  fossils,  two  species ;  the  one 
of  which  he  considered  as  D.  dephantinum,  and  the  other  D.  entails.  A 
specimen  before  me,  of  the  latter  fossil,  seems  in  no  respect  to  differ 


from  the  recent  shell.  Another  of  my  Hampton  fossils  seems  to  possess 
the  characters  of  D.  dentalis. 

The  fossils  which  I  possess  of  this  genus  are  chiefly  Italian.  Among 
these  I  perceive,  ].  D.  fossile,  Linn,  approaching,  by  its  numerous  small 
longitudinal  decussated  striae,  to  D.  striatulum ;  but  differing  from  that 
shell  in  not  being  angulated ;  and  in  the  cone,  which  it  forms,  diminish- 
ing more  slowly  towards  its  apex.  2.  D.  sexangulum,  Linn.  In  this  shell, 
the  minuter  striae,  interposed  between  the  large  angular  ones,  vary  in 
their  number  from  one  to  three.  Some  of  these  fossils  possess  all  the  cha- 
racters of  this  species,  but  have  their  longitudinal  striae  interrupted  by 
obliquely-disposed,  transverse,  or  annular  striae,  placed  at  various  dis- 
tances. These,  perhaps,  should  be  considered  as  D.  annulatum. 

In  the  collection  of  Mr.  Strange  were  some  silicious  casts,  formed  in 
the  cavities  ofdentalites.  These,  being  partly  transparent,  and  partly  of 
the  whiteness  and  opacity  of  china,  have  a  very  beautiful  appearance. 
I  am  totally  uninformed,  as  to  the  place  in  which  they  were  found, 
but  suspect  them  to  have  been  formed  in  the  fossils  above  described, 
from  Italy. 

This  shell  is  filled  by  one  of  the  Vermes,  possessing  exterior  organs, 

LXIX.  Vermicularia.  A  tubular  shell,  turned  spirally  at  its  begin- 
ning, but  continued  more  or  less  contorted :  the  sides  entire,  through 
its  whole  length,  and  the  opening  simple  and  round.  The  inhabitant  a 
cephalous  mollusca. 

Fossil  specimens  of  shells  of  this  genus  appear  to  be  by  no  means  rare : 
silicious  specimens  are  found  in  the  green  sandy  stratum  in  Wiltshire.  I 
have  also  specimens,  from  the  collection  of  Mr.  Strange,  which  were  ob- 
tained by  that  gentleman  from  the  hills  of  Tuscany.  To  one  very  fine 
fossil,  which  Mr.  Strange  considered  worthy  of  being  made  the  subject 
of  an  engraving  of  Gregori,  after  a  drawing  of  Bonati,  a  piece  of  lace 
coral  is  attached,  with  a  tubular  shell,  having  the  appearance  of  being 
formed  by  a  series  of  funnel-formed  bodies,  the  narrow  parts  of  the  supe- 
rior being  inserted  in  the  wider  parts  of  the  inferior. 


These  fossils  were  at  one  time  supposed  to  be  the  fossil  remains  of 
earthworms:  a  supposition  not  now  requiring  to  be  further  noticed.  I 
do  not  know  a  more  appropriate  place  to  dispose  of  the  fossils  repre- 
sented Plate  VI.  Fig.  12  and  13,  than  under  this  genus.  These  vermi- 
culites  are  found  in  the  fissile  stone  of  Pappenheim  and  Gunsterhausen ; 
and  have,  I  believe,  no  recent  prototype.  In  some,  as  in  Fig.  12,  the 
covering  itself  of  the  animal  is  left,  intertwined  in  a  remarkably  tor- 
tuous manner.  In  others,  as  in  Fig.  13,  the  impression  only  is  left. 
Bodies  of  a  similar  kind  are  sometimes  formed  on  the  Veronese  fossils. 
Similar  bodies  are  sometimes  found  in  the  Devonshire  Whetstone ;  but 
less  contorted,  and  laid  more  lengthwise.  Plate  VII.  Fig.  2. 

LXX.  Serpula.  A  tubular  adherent  univalve,  variously  twisted  or 
grouped,  and  sometimes  divided  by  entire  septa. 

The  definition  which  I  have  here  adopted  for  this  genus,  and  which  is  the 
Linnsean,  with  the  addition  of  the  form  of  the  shell,  will  for  the  present 
comprise  several  shells,  which,  as  has  been  already  observed,  may,  .when 
more  fully  known,  be  found  worthy  of  forming  distinct  genera.  I 

The  common  small  tortuous  and  intertwined  serpulae,  S.  glomerata, 
are  very  frequently  found  amongst,  and  attached  to,  the  fossils  of  this 
and  of  other  countries.  Several  different  varieties;  or  perhaps  species, 
of  these  shells,  result  from  the  different  external  forms  which  they 
derive  from  the  longitudinal  or  oblique  rugae  which  exist  on  their  sur- 
faces. Hence  their  external  figure  is  trihedral,  tetrahedral,  and  even 
hexahedral,  according  to  the  number  of  these  rugae.  Plate  VII.'  Fig.  1, 
represents  a  portion  of  a  trihedral  serpula,  and  the  polished  slab. 
Plate  VII.  Fig.  §,  shows  the  appearance  produced  by  a  section,  chiefly 
in  the  transverse  direction  of  the  shells  of  a  species  which  is  outwardly 

The  serpulite,  Plate  VII.  Fig.  5,  seerns  to  merit  the  term  columnar. 
It  is  formed  by  a  very  small  tube,  disposed  in  contiguous  turns,  placed 
one  on  another,  in  nearly  a  horizontal  direction,  so  as  to  constitute  a 
small  columniforrn  body.  The  last  and  upper  turn  of  the  shell  is 


duced  in  a  perpendicular  direction;  the  termination,  containing  the 
aperture,  which  is  round,  standing  upwards.  It  is  from  the  neighbour- 
hood of  Verona. 

Plate  VII.  Fig.  4,  is  a  small  serpulite,  the  turns  of  which  are  spi- 
rally disposed  on  a  horizontal  plane,  excepting  the  last ;  which,  as  in 
the  preceding  fossil,  turns  upwards. 

The  Kentish  chalk  fossil,  Plate  VII.  Fig.  11,  is  a  serpulite  of  a 
very  curious  form  and  character.  It  is  formed  of  four  spiral  turns,  the 
last  of  which  is  carried  out  a  little  way  in  a  straight  line,  and  then  appears 
to  have  had  its  termination  marginated.  From  its  aperture  another 
tubular  body  appears  to  have  proceeded,  the  inferior  part  of  which 
closely  imitates,  in  its  general  appearance,  the  fringed,  rugous,  flat 
disc,  serving  as  the  foot  of  the  snail.  This  also  terminates  with  a 
marginated  ring,  forming  a  round  aperture.  The  whole  surface  of 
the  shell  is  marked  by  very  fine  transverse  striae ;  and  at  distances, 
increasing  as  the  shell  has  grown,  distinct  annular  projections  are  ob- 

The  extraordinary  form  of  this  shell,  and  particularly  the  appearance 
of  that  part,  which,  though  it  must  always  have  been  oi  a  shelly 
hardness,  bears  so  close  a  resemblance  to  the  soft  rugous  part  of  the 
snail,  led  me  very  anxiously  to  seek  for  opportunities  of  examining  its 
internal  structure.  I  at  last  obtained  two  other  specimens;  and  then 
found,  on  carefully  breaking  them,  that  at  each  of  these  annular  pro- 
jections, and  at  that  part  where  the  shell  seems  to  commence  anew,  a 
close  internal  septum  existed,  which  presented  externally  a  concave 
surface,  and  which  prohibited  any  communication  of  the  chambers  with 
each  other,  or  with  the  animal,  which  doubtlessly  lived  only  in  the  last 
formed  chamber. 

In  this  fossil  we  first  observe  a  peculiarity  of  formation,  which,  as  far 
as  my  knowledge  extends,  has  not  yet,  although  known  to  exist  in 
several  instances,  obtained  that  attention  which  it  seems  ta  demand. 
In  the  nautilus,  it  is  generally  believed,  that  the  division  of  the  shell 


into  chambers,  into  each  of  which  a  part  of  the  animal  is  extended, 
gives  to  the  animal  a  power  of  raising  or  of  lowering  itself  in  the  water, 
as  its  will  directs.  But  in  this  shell  the  posterior  chambers  are  shut  up 
distinctly  separate  from  each  other,  and  of  course  have  no  communica- 
tion with  the  last,  or  anterior  chamber,  in  which  the  animal  resides. 

A  slight  attention,  only,  being  paid  to  this  fossil,  it  is  probable,  that 
the  first  idea  excited  respecting  it  may  be,  that  its  original  construction 
was  deficient  in  that  astonishing  adaptation  of  means  to  the  ends  pro- 
posed to  be  accomplished,  which  always  exists  in  the  works  of  nature. 
Cut  off  from  all  communication  with  the  closed  apartments  which  he  had 
quitted,  but  to  which  he  was  still  adherent,  the  animal  could  have  had 
no  power  in  influencing  its  librations  in  the  water,  and  consequently  seems 
to  have  been  fastened  to  an  useless  and  ungovernable  incumbrance. 

But  here,  as  in  every  other  apparent  deficiency  of  design  in  the  works 
of  nature,  only  a  further  extension  of  our  inquiries  is  necessary,  to  dis- 
cover the  wisdom  of  the  Almighty  Creator.  The  conformation  of  the 
inferior  part  of  this  shell  shows  it  to  have  been  adherent  to  the  shell  of 
some  other  animal:  a  circumstance,  indeed,  which  at  first  thought  seems 
to  add  little  to  our  information;  since  the  parasite,  depending  on  the 
shell  which  supports  it,  for  its  loco-motion,  seems  to  need  no  other  pe- 
culiarity of  conformation,  than  that  which  secures  its  firm  adherence. 
But  the  shell  to  which  it  was  attached  might  have  been  likely  to  be  im- 
peded in  its  own  librations  by  an  unlimited  increase  of  the  weight  which 
was  accumulated  on  it. 

To  prevent  the  occurrence  of  this  circumstance,  the  structure  of  this 
appendage  appears  to  be  admirably  well  calculated ;  since  the  animal, 
with  its  shelly  appendage,  was,  in  all  probability,  thereby  constantly  kept 
at  the  same  degree  of  specific  gravity,  through  all  the  stages  of  the 
animal's  growth.  The  formation  of  these  several  chambers  doubt- 
lessly resulted  from  the  animal  increasing  the  size  of  its  receptacle,  by 
lengthening  and  widening  it  at  its  anterior  part,  quitting,  as  it  advanced, 
the  posterior  part;  and  having  finished  its  chamber  for  that  period, 


shutting  and  sealing  up  so  much  of  the  hinder  part  of  the  shell  as  it  had 
then  quitted.  To  enable  it  to  do  this,  by  forming  a  transvere  septum  of 
an  appropriate  form,  it  needed  only  to  possess,  at  its  .posterior  termina- 
tion, an  organization  calculated  for  the  secretion,  deposition,  and  mo- 
delling, of  shelly  matter. 

The  absolute  weight  of  the  animal  must  necessarily  have  increased 
with  its  growth  ;  but  if  with  this  increase  of  growth  an  additional  chamber 
of  air  was  produced,  the  animal  and  its  appendage  would  preserve  the 
same  degree  of  specific  gravity.  It  is  evident,  that  whilst  a  due  proportion 
was  preserved  between  the  solid  part  of  the  animal  and  these  testaceous 
air-vessels,  the  animal  to  which  they  were  attached  would  not  be  at  all 
affected  by  their  weight,  let  the  number  or  size  of  those  which  were  accu- 
mulated on  it  have  been  ever  so  considerable. 

It  seems  to  be  a  characterizing  property  of  the  animals  belonging  to  some 
ofthe  shells  of  this  genus,  to  close  or  fill  up  all  that  posterior  part  of  the  shell 
which  they  do  not  inhabit :  and  in  some  of  these  we  have  seen,  that 
by  leaving  these  chambers  empty,  the  shell  and  animal  have  probably 
preserved  the  same  degree  of  buoyancy  through  their  whole  growth.  But 
in  another  very  curious  species,  the  Serpula  heliciformis,  known  only  in  a 
recent  state,  the  whole  dwelling  of  which  appears  to  be  not  testaceous, 
but  actually  spathous,  the  posterior  seeming  snail  part  is  gradually  filled 
up,  so  as  to  become  a  solid  mass  of  apparent  spathose  matter. 

To  account  for  this  difference,  it  only  seems  to  be  required  to  consider 
that  this  shell  does  not  attach  itself  to  light  bodies,  whose  buoyancy  it 
would  affect,  but  that  it  is  always  found  imbedded  in  fixed  masses  of 
madrepore,  and  in  general  of  Madrepora  meandrites,  Linn,  where,  from 
the  body  being  fixed,  in  which  it  inhabits,  no  regulation  of  its  weight  is 

The  fossil,  Plate  VII.  Fig.  7,  formed  by  almost  horizontally  disposed 
spiral  turns,  flattish,  but  rather  rounded  and  slightly  carinated  on  each  side, 
the  last  turn  being  a  little  produced,  and  terminating  in  a  round  and  dis- 
tinctly marginated  aperture,  is,  as  well  as  the  following,  introduced  in  this 

place  with  much  doubt  of  the  propriety  of  thus  disposing  of  them.  The 
fossil,  Plate  VII.  Fig.  8,  is  from  Shepey :  some,  still  larger,  are 
found  at  Bognor.  Its  spiral  turns  are  placed  partly  one  on  the  other,, 
so  as  to  form  a  nearly  smooth  convex  upper  and  concave  under  surface  : 
the  turns  themselves  being  nearly  round,  and  beset  with  slight  longitu- 
dinal ridges.  The  last  turn,  of  this  fossil  is  very  much  produced,  and 
terminates  in  a  round  distinctly  bordered  aperture. 

The  produced  or  extended  turn  of  these  and  the  preceding  fossils, 
with  the  completely  round  and  distinctly  marginated  mouth,  have  in- 
duced me  to  place  them  together:  and,  in  consequence  of  the  peculiar 
organization  of  the  rugous  part  of  the  species,  Fig.  11,  I  have  no 
hesitation  in  considering  it  as  an  adherent  shell,  and  of  placing,  it  among 
the  serpulae. 

But  with  respect  to  the  other  two  species,  agreeing  as  they  do  with 
this  fossil,  as  to  their  peculiar  termination,  I  must  acknowledge  that  I 
have  no  reason  for  supposing  them  to  have  been  adherent  shells.  I  have 
however  ventured  to  assume  this  situation  for  them,  until  more  correct 
observations  shall  allot  them  one  more  appropriate. 

LXXI.  Siliquaria.  A  tubular  shell,  spiral  at  its  beginning,  continued 
in  an  irregular  form;  being  divided  laterally,  through  its  whole  lengthy 
by  a  narrow  slit,  and  formed  into  chambers  by  entire  septa. 

This  is  Serpula  anguina,  Linn.  Rumpf.  Tab.  XLI.  Lit.  n.  Baron  Born 
has  figured,  Born.  Mus.  C<es.  T.  18,  Fig.  16,  two  species,  or,  according 
to  Linnaeus,  two  varieties,  of  this  shell,  one  of  which  is  very  strongly 
muricated.  The  animal  itself  is  not  known. 

This  shell  is  found  frequently  fossil  at  Grignon.  M.  Faujas  observes, 
that  these  fossils  have,  on  their  outer  surface,  many  rows  of  small  protu- 
berant striae,  which  are  more  or  less  rough,  and  which  run  the  length- 
ways of  the  shell.  A  narrow  slit,  more  or  less  open,  runs  along  the 
whole  of  the  circumvolutions  in  some  specimens ;  whilst  in  others  its 
place  is  supplied  by  small  narrow  openings,  separated  from  each  other 
by  intercepting  points.  This  naturalist  has  discovered  that  these  fossil 

VOL,  in,  o 


shells  are  chambered,  by  the  interposition  of  thin  hemispherical  plates, 
without  any  syphon,  at  a  little  distance  from  each  other.  He  has  also 
ascertained,  that  these  septse,  not  only  are  not  always  at  equal  distances, 
but  that  sometimes  they  are  fixed  to  the  sides  of  the  tubes,  and  com- 
pletely preventing  any  communication  between  these  chambers ;  and 
that,  at  other  times,  on  the  contrary,  they  are  not  adherent  to  the  sides, 
and  may,  of  course,  be  easily  removed. 

The  two  specimens  which  I  possess,  of  this  fossil,  are  only  two  small 
fragments.  In  the  one  represented  Plate  VII.  Fig.  3,  is  seen  the  na- 
ture of  the  change  which  the  shell  here  undergoes.  Through  more 
than  one  half  of  its  length  the  fissure  is  partially  closed,  evidently  by  the 
approximation  and  augmentation  of  the  denticular  processes,  with  which 
its  sides  are  beset ;  and,  through  the  remaining  part  of  its  length,  the 
union  of  the  sides  of  the  fissure  is  complete.  In  the  other  specimen,  the 
fissure  has  been  completely  closed,  a  slight  tubular  excavation  of  the 
outer  surface  showing  where  the  fissure  had  formerly  existed.  No  septae 
exist  in  either  of  these  specimens. 

In  this  shell,  the  fissure  seems  to  fill  up  as  the  animal  proceeds;  the 
sides  of  each  of  the  chambers  being  filled  up,  perhaps,  before  the  portal 
is  finally  closed,  by  fixing  the  septa. 




W  E  shall  now  proceed  to  the  examination  of  the  fossil  remains  of  a 
family  of  shells,  which,  whether  we  consider  the  greatness 'of  their  num- 
bers, the  peculiarity  of  their  structure,  or  the  little  agreement  which 
exists  between  the  greater  part  of  them  and  known  recent  shells,  cannot 
fail  strongly  to  excite  our  interest  and  engage  our  attention. 

These  shells  are  multilocular,  being  divided  into  chambers  by  transverse 
pierced  septa.  A  communication  through  the  septa  distinguishing  these 
shells  from  those  multilocular  shells,  which  have  been  just  examined. 

Very  little  is  known  with  respect  to  the  animal  which  inhabits  even 
the  recent  shells  of  this  description.  There  is,  however,  sufficient  reason 
for  supposing  that  the  animal  resides  in  the  last  formed  chamber  of  the 
shell,  and  is  of  the  family  Cephalapodes.  We  are  indebted  for  much  of 
this  knowledge  to  M.  Peron,  who  was  so  fortunate  as  to  obtain  the  ani- 
mal of  Nautilus  spirula  in  connection  with  its  shell,  and  brought  it,  in 
that  state,  from  New  Holland.  This  animal,  which  appeared  to  be 
analagous  with  the  sepia,  had  the  shell  riot  only  attached  to,  but  so  let 
into  its  posterior  extremity,  as  to  leave  a  part  of  it  only  in  view. 

The  near  agreement  of  the  internal  structure  of  the  shell  of  N.  pom- 
pilius  and  indeed  of  most  of  these  many-chambered  shells,  with  that  of 


N.  spirula;  and  the  circumstance  of  the  Argonaut  a  being  inhabited  by  a 
mollusca  of  this  class,  leave  but  little  doubt  that  all  these  shells  have 
been  the  solid  appendages  of  similar  animals. 

The  representation  given  by  Rumphius,d'AmboimcheRar.  Tab.  17,  Fig.c. 
of  the  dead  animal  of  the  N.  pompilius,  al  though  />f  an  animal  which  was 
much  injured,  not  only  gives  the  idea  of  a  similar  animal,  and  shows  the 
appendage  by  which  it  was  connected  with  the  siphunculus  of  the  shell ; 
but  also  seems  to  bear  that  figure  which  authorizes  the  supposition,  that 
part  of  the  shell  had  been  let  into  the  body  of  the  animal.  This  partial 
envelopement  of  the  shell  by  the  animal  is  also  confirmed,  as  is  justly 
observed  by  Lamarck,  by  the  blanched  appearance,  which  extends 
some  little  distance  from  the  edge  of  the  mouth  of  the  shell  of  the 
N.  pompilius,  and  which  differs  so  widely  from  that  which  is  yielded  by 
the  other  external  part  of  the  shell,  wtiich  is  beautifully  marked  by 
transverse  orange-coloured  stripes. 

LXXII.  Nautilus.  A  spiral,  many-chambered,  discoidal  univalve, 
with  smooth  sides.  The  turns  contiguous,  the  outer  side  covering 
the  inner.  The  chambers  separated  by  transverse  septa,  which  are  con* 
cave  outwards,  and  perforated  by  a  tube  passing  through  the  disk. 

The  different  chambers  of  these  shells  are  very  shallow,  when  com- 
pared with  the  last,  which  forms  the  opening,  and  which  is,  doubtless, 
the  residence  of  the  animal. 

Whilst  examining  these  shells,  it  is  necessary  to  pay  particular  atten* 
tion  to  that  particular  organization,  by  which  a  communication  is  kept 
up  between  the  animal  and  the  most  interior  part  of  the  shell ;  since  we 
shall  not  otherwise  be  able  to  judge  of  the  peculiar  modifications  of  these 
parts,  which  occur  in  the  fossil  remains  of  this  and  of  other  genera  of 
this  family. 

Some  have  supposed  the  siphuncle  of  the  nautilus  to  have  been  a 
rigid  testaceous  tube  :  thus  M.  Bosc  says :  "  Toutes  ces  cloisons  sont 
traversees  par  un  petit  tuyau  cylindrique,  epais,  creux,  imperfore  late- 
ralement,  qui  paroit  composoit  de  petits  tuyaux  plus  evases  d'un  cote,  et 

implantes  les  uns  dans  les  autres,  et  grossissant  avec  les  cfcisohs/'    'Hist 
Nat.  des  Coquilles,   Tome  V.  p.  164. 

But  that  the  tube  in  the  nautilus  was  partly  a  membraneous  tube,  was 
known  so  long  ago  as  the  time  of  Hooke,  who  believed  it  to  be  a  tube 
dilatable  or  compressible  at  pleasure ;  and  that,  like  the  air-bladders  of 
fishes,  it  served,  by  its  expansion  or  contraction,  to  render  the  animal 
buoyant  or  not. 

In  the  representation  given  by  Rumphius  of  the  dead  animal  which 
had  inhabited  the  shell  of  N>  pompilius,  a  round  membraneous  process  is 
seen  in  the  posterior  part  of  the  animal,  which  exactly  agrees  with,  and 
had  evidently  been  separated  from,  the  siphunculus;  and  serves  to 
show,  that  a  connection  existed  between  this  part  and  the  body  of  the 

In  the  dried  recent  shells  of  the  nautilus,  the  membraneous  part  of 
the  siphunculus  is,  I  believe,  seldom  found,  it  being  either  removed  by 
decay,  or  by  the  process  of  slitting  the  shell,  to  obtain  the  display  of  its 
internal  structure:  but  I  am  pleased  in  being  able  to  say,  that  frequently, 
in  fossil  specimens,  not  only  is  the  existence  of  a  continued  siphunculus, 
extending  through  every  chamber  of  the  shell,  proved,  as  in  Plate  VII. 
Fig.  12  ;  but,  that  it  is  sometimes  to  be  seen  so  much  larger  than  the  shelly 
part  of  the  tube  with  which  it  is  joined,  as  gives  reason  for  supposing  it 
to  have  been  capable  of  a  considerable  degree  of  dilatation.  This  I  am 
able  to  demonstrate  in  several  specimens,  as  at  Plate  VII.  Fig.  10,  in 
which  even  the  anatomy  of  this  part  may  be  ascertained. 

It  may  be  there  seen,  that  the  testaceous  part  of  the  tube,  extending 
through  about  one  fourth  of  the  chamber,  is  formed  by  an  elegant  sinu- 
ous turning  of  the  septum.  It  also  there  appears,  that  the  mem- 
braneous tube  which  has  proceeded  from  the  animal  is  extended  over 
4he  internal  surface  of  the  testaceous  tube,  is  reflected  a  little  on 
the  exterior  surface  of  the  tube,  and  then  returns  and  passes  on  to 
the  inner  surface  of  the  next  testaceous  tube,  and  may  thus  be  traced 


oii,;  in -a  similar  manner,  through  all  the  compartments;  it  appearing 
to  be  a  continued  membrane,  beginning  with  the  animal,  and  extend- 
ing to  the  first  and  smallest  compartment;  the  end  of  each  testaceous 
tube  seeming  to  be  included  in  a  duplicature  of  this  membrane,  and 
placed  on  its  outside,  somewhat  in  the  manner  in  which  the  abdo- 
minal viscera  are  involved  in  the  duplicatures  on  the  outside  of  the  peri- 

We  have  thus,  I  trust,  by  the  fossil  remains  of  this  genus,  obtained  a 
confirmation  of  the  opinion  of  Hooke,  and  established  the  fact  of  a  con- 
tinued tube,  capable  of  dilatation  and  contraction,  passing  through  all 
the  chambers  of  the  shell.  From  what  source  the  gaseous  matter  is  de- 
rived with  which  this  tube  was  filled,  and  in  what  manner  the  animal 
effected  those  modifications  of  the  tube  and  its  contained  air,  on  which 
the  variation  of  its  buoyancy  depended,  are  subjects  of  inquiry  still  de- 
manding the  assiduous  attention  of  the  naturalist,  and  on  which  I  will 
not  pretend  to  hazard  a  conjecture. 

The  power  of  raising  or  sinking  the  shell  appears,  from  the  observa- 
tions just  made  on  the  siphuncular  membrane,  to  depend  on  this  organ 
alone :  some  other  use  remains,  therefore,  to  be  found  for  the  closed 
cavities  of  the  chambers.  With  these  it  is  observable,  that  the  animal 
preserves  no  communication,  except  for  the  passage  of  the  siphunculus; 
he  closing  each  chamber,  and  completely  excluding  himself  from  them, 
as  he  extends  the  siphunculus,  and,  as  agreeable  to  the  increase  of  his 
growth,  he  forms  himself  a  new  dwelling.  Hence  it  appears,  I  think* 
highly  probable,  that  the  only  use  of  the  vacuities  formed  by  these  nu- 
merous chambers,  is  to  counteract  the  weight  of  the  increasing  mass  of 
the  animal,  and  of  the  thick  shell ;  and  thereby  to  render  the  whole  so 
nearly  of  the  weight  of  the  water,  that  the  difference  arising  from  the 
siphuncular  membrane  being  contracted  or  dilated,  may  occasion  the 
mass  to  swim  or  sink.  It  will,  I  trust,  appear,  in  confirmation  of  this 
opinion,  that  in  another  genus  of  the  multilocular  shells,  the  belemnite, 


another  contrivance  is  adopted,  apparently  for  the  production  of  this 
effect — the  rendering  the  weight  of  the  mass  so  near  to  that  of  water, 
that  a  very  slight  change  may  occasion  or  destroy  its  buoyancy. 

Should  the  opinions  here  offered  be  found  to  be  objectionable,  it  may 
be  considered,  in  excuse,  that  the  economy  of  the  animal  has  hitherto 
undergone  but  little  investigation.  So  little,  indeed,  has  the  structure 
and  the  nature  of  the  siphunculus  been  understood,  that  even  De  Bosc, 
the  latest  writer,  perhaps,  on  the  subject,  points  out  no  other  use  of 
this  tube  to  the  animal,  that  of  its  serving  to  conduct  its  tail  to  the 
beginning  of  the  spire.  "  II  n'y  a  pas  de  doute  que  ce  tuyau  ne  serve 
a  conduire  la  queue  de  Panimal  a  Porigine  de  la  spire  ou  elle  s'attache." 
Histoire  naturelle  des  coquillcs,  Tome  V.  p.  1 64. 

We  at  present  know,  in  a  recent  state,  and  of  a  size  sufficiently  large 
to  allow  of  an  examination  of  the  structure,  without  the  aid  of  a  micro- 
scope, but  one  species  of  nautilus,  N.  pompilius.  There  is,  however,  no 
doubt  of  several  distinct  species  existing  in  a  mineralized  state. 

In  Shepey  Island,  in  the  corresponding  stratum  of  Brentford,  in 
some  parts  of  Somersetshire,  particularly  near  Bath,  and,  I  doubt 
not,  but  in  several  other  parts  of  this  island,  a  fossil  nautilus  is  found, 
which,  from  the  roundness  of  the  back  part  of  the  shell,  may  be  con- 
cluded to  approach  exceedingly  near,  at  least  in  its  form,  to  N.  pompilius. 
Some  of  these,  which  have  been  found  at  Shepey,  where  they  are 
mostly  imbedded  in  septaria,  as  well  as  those  which  have  been  found  at 
Brentford,  are  of  very  considerable  magnitude,  and  seem  to  resemble 
N.  pompilius  in  their  internal  structure. 

The  outside  of  these  fossils  are  frequently  resplendent,  with  a1  pearly 
coat.  This  circumstance  demands  some  little  consideration ;  since,  as 
this  is  not  the  case  with  the  outside  of  the  shell  of  N.  pompilius,  it  seems 
to  point  out  the  fossil  as  a  different  species,  as  the  nacre  does  not  exist 
on  the  outside  of  the  shell  of  the  recent  species.  Future  observations 
will  determine  this  question  more  decidedly;  but  at  present,  I  am  dis- 
posed to  imagine,  that,  in  the  fossil  specimens,  the  external  part  of 


the  shell  may  have  been  removed  by  decomposition;  whilst  the  na- 
cre, which  has  remained,  in  consequence  of  some  peculiarity  of  struc- 
ture or  of  composition,  assumes  the  appearance  of  being  the  real 
external  shell. 

The  nautilites  of  Sheppey  particularly  engaged  the  attention  of  the 
late  Mr.  William  Jones,  who,  speaking  of  those  which  are  imbedded  in 
septaria,  observes :  "  When  this  shell  (Nautilus)  is  found  lodged  in  the 
waxen  vein,  a  phenomenon  is  observable  in  some  of  the  specimens, 
which  seems  the  most  surprising  and  unaccountable  of  any  that  occurs 
in  this  branch  of  philosophy.  The  stone  is  quartered  irregularly  into 
tali  or  cubes,  by  seams  of  a  coarse  yellow  spar,  of  the  colour  of  beesr 
wax,  which  intersect  the  stone  in  many  directions :  and  what  is  won.- 
derful  to  see,  these  seams  of  spar  pursue  their  course  through  the  sub- 
stance of  the  nautilus,  as  if  nothing  had  been  interposed,  though  the 
shell  is  nearly  as  impenetrable  as  a  flint.  The  case  is  very  difficult,  if 
we  consider  it  as  a  penetration  of  the  shell :  but  perhaps,  when  the  shell 
was  detained  within  the  stone,  it  was  obliged  to  part  and  crack,  by  the 
subsequent  shrinking  of  the  stone;  so  that  when  the  spar  filled  the 
seams  of  the  stone,  it  filled  up  the  crevices  of  the  shell  at  the  same  time. 
The  insinuation  of  the  spar  through  the  siphunculus,  and  its  forming  a 
column  within  the  chambers  of  the  shell,  is  another  remarkable  cir- 
cumstance. Upon  the  whole>  the  nautilus,  thus  inclosed,  and  affected 
by  the  waxen  vein,  is  one  of  the  most  curious  fossils  in  the  world  *." 

In  the  neighbourhood  of  Whitby,  situated  on  the  sea-coast,  in  the 
North  Riding  of  Yorkshire,  a  species  of  nautilites  is  found,  which  dif- 
fers from  the  preceding  in  the  back  part  of  the  shell,  or  of  its  turns 
being  flat  instead  of  round :  so  that  the  sides  go  off  almost  at  a  right 
angle  from  the  back  of  the  shell. 

Between  Bath  and  Bristol,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Keynsham,  there 
is  sometimes  found  another  species,  in  which  the  back  of  the  shell  is 

*  Physiological  Disquisitions,  &c.  by  William  Jones,  F.R.  S.  p.  392,    1781, 


actually  depressed  in  its  centre.  A  specimen  of  this  species,  which  I 
possess,  is  a  German  fossil :  the  siphunculus,  in  this  specimen,  runs 
about  midway  between  the  middle  of  the  chamber  and  its  inner  side. 
The  line,  Plate  VII.  Fig.  13,  is  that  which  is  described  by  its  posterior 

Breynius  had  observed,  that  all  nautili  did  not  agree  in  the  form  of 
their  septa;  and  hence  divides  them  into  two  orders:  1st.  Those  with 
concavo-convex  semilunar  diaphragms;  and,  2dly,  Those  with  jagged 
or  sinuated  diaphragms.  Dacosta  also,  in  his  "  Elements  of  Con- 
chology,"  says,  "  I  have  seen  fossil  kinds  with  foliaceous  sutures,  like  the 
ammonitse;  which  implies,  that  all  the  species  have  not  such  regular 
roundish  partitions."  P.  168. 

The  fossil  shell  of  this  description  which  appears  to  be  the  most 
uncommon  of  those  which  I  have  seen;  differing  the  most  widely  of  any, 
not  only  from  the  recent,  but  from  the  other  fossil  nautili,  is  one,  of 
which  I  purchased  the  remains  at  the  sale  of  Dr.  Menish's  collection. 
Of  the  place  where  this  fossil  was  obtained,  I  have  no  information  :  its 
striking  characters  are,  its  great  size,  the  situation  of  its  siphunculus,  and 
the  peculiar  form  of  its  septa,  and  of  course  of  its  chambers.  Plate  VII. 
Fig.  15,  is  an  outline  sketch  of  this  fossil,  one  third  of  the  size  of  the 

The  outermost  septum  in  this  specimen,  which  is  not  that  which  was 
the  last,  and  consequently  the  largest,  of  the  original  shell,  measures 
full  nine  inches  in  its  longest,  and  seven  inches  in  its  shortest  diameter. 
But  the  most  striking  character  which  it  offers  to  our  observation  is,  the 
form  of  the  septa ;  since  these,  instead  of  having  a  regular  rounded 
sweep,  as  in  the  recent  nautili,  and  in  most  of  the  fossil  species,  have 
an  undulated  form.  This  results  from  each  septum  forming  a  deep 
lobated  process,  extending  backwards,  on  each  side,  over  which  process 
is  hollowed  out  a  deep  sinuous  notch,  for  the  reception  of  the  cor- 
responding lobated  process  of  the  next  anterior  septum. 

VOL.  III.  P 


From  the  peculiar  form  of  the  chambers  and  septa  in  this  fossil,  an 
undulating  or  ibliaceous  suture  is  formed,  which  necessarily  approxi- 
mates it  to  the  genus  Ammonites,  and  prevents  our  regarding  any  longer 
this  simple  suture  as  one  of  the  generic  characters  of  Nautilus. 

The  siphunculus  in  the  recent  nautilus,  I  believe,  always  passes 
through  nearly  the  middle  of  the  septa.  This  is  the  case  also  with 
those  nautilites  of  Shepey,  which  bear  the  general  form  of  N*  pompilius ; 
and  with  those  found  at  Brentford,  one  of  which,  impregnated  with 
pyrites,  is  represented  Plftte  VII.  Fig.  12.  But  in  other  specimens,  as  in 
the  one  just  noticed,  it  passes  much  nearer  to  the  inner  part  of  the  shell. 
In  others,  again,  it  passes  nearer  to  the  outer  part  of  the  shell ;  and  in 
one  specimen  which  I  possess,  from  Yeovil,  Plate  VII.  Fig.  16,  it  is  seen 
to  run  along  the  back  of  the  shell.  The  septa,  in  these  last  specimens, 
frequently  have  an  undulating  direction :  the  fossil  approximating,  both 
in  the  situation  of  the  siphuncle  and  form  of  the  septa,  to  the  Cornu 

It  should  be  remarked,  with  respect  to  the  size  of  the  siphunculus, 
that,  independent  of  the  difference  which  may  perhaps  take  place  in  the 
degree  of  dilatation  of  the  tube,  at  the  time  of  its  becoming  involved 
in  its  matrix,  considerable  difference  may  result  from  the  section  of 
a  specimen  by  which  the  tube  is  displayed.  Thus,  if  the  longitudinal 
section  of  the  siphuncle  is  made  directly  along  its  middle,  it  will  neces- 
sarily display  a  wider  opening  than  if  the  section  had  been  made  more 
to  either  side. 

I  am  perfectly  unacquainted  with  the  nautilite  without  distinct  cham- 
bers, or  visible  concamerations,  mentioned  under  the  article  nautilite, 
by  Bourguet,  in  his  dictionary,  on  the  authority  of  Spada,  who  describes 
it :  "  Nautilites  unius  aufractus,  dorso  subrotundo,  squameo,  reliqua 
corporis  parte  palmata."  Spada,  Cat.  Lap.  Agri  Veron.  p.  20.  I  am 
also  ignorant  of  the  fossil  which  the  inhabitants  of  Maltha  call  Capo  di 
gatto\  and  which  Lhwydd  describes  as  Nautilita  articulus,  Lithoph. 


No.  303.  I  should  however  suppose  it  not  to  be  the  cast  of  a  chamber, 
but  a  disengaged  septum ;  some  of  which  I  have,  I  believe,  from  She- 
pey ;  and  others,  which  I  have  reason  to  suppose  to  be  foreign. 

Plate  XI.  Fig.  25,  is  a  minute  fossil  shell  found  on  the  Appennines, 
near  to  Sienna,  by  Thomas  Meade,  Esq.  of  Chatley  Lodge,  near  Bath, 
whose  kindness  I  shall  have  repeated  occasion  to  acknowledge.  This 
shell  appears  to  be  N.  crispus,  Linn,  having  lateral  spires,  with  about 
twenty  flexuous  crenated  joints  in  the  exterior  whirl,  marked  by  elevated 
striae;  outer  edge  caririated  ;  inferior  volutions  occult;  aperture  clasping 
the  body,  semicordate,  furnished  Avith  a  small  perforation  or  syphon. 
Testae.  Britan.  />.  187.  Plancus  observes,  that  none  of  these  beauttful 
fossils  are  found  on  the  yellow  sand  of  Bologna;  but  that  they  are  very 
abundant  in  the  sand  of  the  mountain  Covignani,  in  Rimini. 

To  the  kindness  of  the  same  gentleman  I  am  indebted  for  the  oppor- 
tunity of  laying  before  you  the  minute  fossil  nautilus,  Plate  XL  Fig.  26, 
which  is  perhaps  one  of  the  species  alluded  to  by  Colonel  Montague,  as 
a  very  minute  non-descript  species,  found  with  the  other  minute  Sienna 
fossil  shells.  This  is  spiral  :  the  inner  turns  concealed ;  the  outer  turn 
is  wide  toward  the  middle  of  the  shell,  where  it  is  umbilicated;  but  very 
narrow  at  the  back,  and  is  formed  of  about  fifteen  chambers.  I  have 
but  one  specimen  of  this  fossil,  and  am  unable  to  discover  any  thing 
respecting  its  siphuncle.  This  shell  is  more  minute  than  the  preceding 
fossil,  and  in  its  general  form  very  much  resembles  a  reduced  N.  pom- 

Considering  the  genus  Nautilus  of  Linnaeus  as  too  comprehensive, 
and  that  Nautilus  should  contain  only  those  spiral  multilocular  shells, 
whose  inner  turns  are  concealed,  and  whose  siphuncle  is  obvious;  and  that 
Ammonites  should  include  those  whose  turns  are  apparent  on  both  sides, 
but  whose  siphuncle  is  concealed ;  no  genus  is  left  for  the  reception  of 
those  minute  shells  which  were  discovered  by  Beccarius  and  Plancus,  in 


which  the  characters  of  Nautilus  and  Ammonites  are  blended,  the  turns  being 
apparent  on  both  sides,  and  the  siphuncle  obvious ;  but  which  have  been 
generally  considered  as  recent  Cornua  ammonis. 

It  is  true  that  Lamarck  says :  "  Les  discorbes  seroient  de  veritable 
nautiles,  si  leur  tours  de  spire,  au  lieu  d'etre  tous  entierement  apparens 
et  a  decouverts,  etoient  caches  par  la  dernier  tour  enveloppant  les 
autres  ou  les  recouvrant  par  sa  paroi  exterieure,  et  si  elles  ne  man- 
quoient  de  syphon.  Si  ces  memes  coquilles  ayant  leur  tours  de  spires  a 
decouvert  et  bien  apparens,  avoient  leur  cloisons  perfbrees  par  un  sy- 
phon, elles  seroient  alors  des  spirolines  *, "  But  on  referring  to  the 
genus  Spirolina,  this  genus  is  found  to  have  been  formed  for  the  recep- 
tion of  those  minute  shells,  which,  being  partly  spiral  and  partly 
straight,  differ  from  those  of  the  genus  Spinda,  only  in  having  their 
spiral  turns  contiguous. 

It  therefore  seems  necessary  to  make  a  still  farther  separation,  and  to 
dispose  of  these  shells,  in  which  the  characters  of  Nautilus  and  Ammo- 
nites are  blended,  under  a  distinct  genus.  This  is  the  more  requisite, 
since  thus  the  error  would  be  more  plainly  shown  of  considering  these 
shells  as  ammonites,  of  which  genus  none  have  been  yet  found  in  a 
recent  state.  The  characters  of  such  genus — a  discoidal,  multilocular 
spiral  univalve,  with  all  the  turns  visible  on  both  sides,  arid  the  septa 
pierced  with  an  obvious  siphuncle — seem  to  me  sufficiently  strong  and 
distinct  to  authorize  the  formation  of  a  separate  genus,  which  might  be 
marked  by  the  term  Ammonautilust  expressive  of  its  mingled  characters. 

I  shall  not,  however,  presume  on  such  a  change ;  but  having  made  these 
suggestions,  will  leave  them  under  the  genus  Nautilus. 

N.  Beccarii,  Linn.  Plane.  Conch,  min.  not.  Tab.  I.  Fig.  i,  claims  the 
first  notice,  in  consequence  of  its  being  the  first  discovered  shell  of  this 
family,  and  that  which  gave  rise  to  the  supposition  of  the  existence  of 
recent  Cornua  ammonis. 

*  Annales  de  Mus.  d'Hist.  Nat,  Tome  V.  p.  182. 


The  existence  of  these  shells,  in  a  fossil  state,  was  known  to  Beccarius 
and  Plancus,  who  found  them  in  considerable  numbers  in  the  moun- 
tains not  far  distant  from  Rimini  and  Bologna.  Plate  XL  Fig.  27,  is 
one  of  these  fossil  shells,  brought  from  the  Appennines,  in  the  neighbour- 
hood of  Sienna,  by  Mr.  Meacle.  The  matrix  is  a  yellowish  spathose 

The  reversed  variety  of  this  species,  or,  as  it  is  in  general  considered, 
the  reversed  species  JV.  beccarii  reversus,  is  also  found  in  considerable 
numbers  on  the  Appennines,  along  with  the  former.  This  reversed  fossil 
shell  is  represented  Plate  XI.  Fig.  28.  The  opposite  side  of  the  shell  is 
here  represented ;  but,  being  of  a  reversed  shell,  it  runs  in  the  same 
direction  as  Fig.  27. 

Among  the  minute  shells  which  Plancus  considered  as  recent  Cornua 
ammonis.  were  some  which  he  distinguished  as  being  bordered;  since 
many  of  them,  especially  those  which  were  whole,  possessed  a  wide  pel- 
lucid margin,  which  was  spread  round  the  whole  shell.  Whether  all  these 
shells  were  naturally  thus  bordered,  and  lost  this  border  by  the  violence 
of  the  waves;  or  whether  those  which  are  bordered  are  of  a  distinct  spe- 
cies, he  attempts  not  to  determine.  De  Conch,  min.  notis,  Cap.  iv. 
Similar  shells  have  been  found  fossil  in  the  hills  of  Bologna  and  of  Pied- 
mont ;  and  both  the  recent  and  fossil  ones,  he  observes,  are  sometimes 
found  as  large  as  small  lupins.  App.  i.  p.  85. 

One  of  these  fossils,  through  the  kindness  of  Mr.  Meade,  is  repre- 
sented Plate  XL  Fig.  30.  It  appears  to  accord  very  nearly  with  Nau- 
tilus subarcuatulus,  Supp.  to  Test.  Brit.  PL  xix.  Fig.  1,  the  separated  con- 
voluted portion  of  which  had  been  taken  for  N.  calcar. 

LXXIIL  Spirula.  A  multilocular  shell,  partly  spiral  and  partly 
straight,  the  turns  being  disposed  in  a  discoidal  form,  and  separate 
from  each  other;  the  last  turn  being  elongated,  and  continued  in  a 
straight  line.  The  septa  are  transverse,  regularly  concave  outwards, 
and  pierced  with  a  shelly  tube :  the  opening  circular. 

This  genus  is  very  properly  separated  from  Nautilus  by  Lamarck; 


since,  except  in  the  form  of  the  septa,  and  the  disposition  of  the  siphun- 
culus,  there  is  no  concurrence  of  character.  The  fossil  shells  of  this 
genus  appear  to  resemble  Spirilla  J'ragilis,  Larn.  Nautilus  spirulus,  Linn, 
very  closely,  except  in  size.  In  this  respect  the  difference  is  so  very 
considerable,  the  fossil  shells  being  so  much  larger,  as  almost  to  warrant: 
a  specific  distinction,  founded  on  this  circumstance  alone.  The  fossil 
shells  of  this  genus  have  hitherto  been  named  Lituites,  from  their  resem- 
blance, in  form,  to  a  bishop's  pastoral  staff;  but,  in  these  pages,  I 
shall  denominate  them  Spmilites,  in  concordance  with  the  name  of 
the  genus. 

The  siphunculus,  in  the  recent  specimens  of  this  shell,  differs  from 
that  of  the  nautilus,  in  being  formed  by  one  continued  shelly  tube,  or 
by  the  smaller  end  of  each  anterior  one  terminating  in  the  larger  end  of 
each  posterior  one ;  but  whether  this  is  constantly  the  case  or  not,  in 
fossil  specimens,  I  am  unable  to  decide ;  since,  in  those  specimens,  in 
which  I  have  discovered  such  appearances  as  would  lead  to  a  suspicion  of 
the  siphunculus  being  partly  membranous,  I  have  not  been  able  to  ascer- 
tain whether  they  were  fragments  of  the  spirulites  or  of  orthoceratites. 
The  very  great  length  of  the  straight  part  of  shell,  in  the  spirulites, 
will  necessarily  occasion  this  ambiguity,  until  some  decidedly  distinguish- 
ing marks  of  the  orthoceratites  and  of  the  straight  part  of  the  lituites  can 
be  discovered.  As  in  the  nautilites,  so  in  the  spirulites,  the  situation  of 
the  siphunculus,  varies  in  different  specimens,  and  perhaps  in  those 
which  are  in  every  other  respect  similar. 

We  have  seen  that,  in  the  nautilus,  the  siphunculus  is  partly  mem- 
branous and  probably  elastic ;  whilst,  in  the  shells  of  this  genus,  we 
find  that  the  whole  siphunculus  is  of  shell,  and  consequently  unyielding. 
From  this  difference  of  organization,  a  considerable  difference  must  ne- 
cessarily exist,  as  to  the  influence  which  the  introduction  of  water  or  of 
air  must  have  on  the  buoyancy  of  the  several  shells:  a  difference 
depending  on  the  greater  quantity  admissible  in  a  dilatable  than  in  a  rigid 
tube.  A  more  intimate  knowledge  of  the  nature  of  these  shells  must  he 


obtained,  before  we  can  form  any  opinion  respecting  the  circumstances 
in  the  economy  of  the  animals  inhabiting  them,  which  have  demanded 
these  particular  modifications. 

The  fossil  shells  of  this  genus  are,  1  believe,  always  found  imbedded 
in  a  matrix,  excepting  those  fragments  of  the  straight  part,  which  are 
perhaps  not  to  be  distinguished  from  orthoceratites,  the  genus  which 
must  next  employ  our  attention.  Spirulites  are  found  in  chiefly  a  red- 
dish marble,  in  Mecklenbourg,  in  some  parts  of  Normandy,  and,  it  is 
also  said,  in  Switzerland. 

But  they  are  obtained,  by  far  most  frequently,  from  Gothland  and 
Oelarid  :  the  latter  place  affording  the  finest  specimens  :  those  in  which 
the  spiral  part  of  the  shell  is  preserved  are  very  rare.  The  one  which 
is  figured  Plate  VI.  Fig.  11,  is  from  Oeland,  and  was  purchased  from 
the  Calonnian  collection.  In  this  specimen,  not  only  are  the  spiral  turns 
of  the  shell  seen,  but  traces  of  the  continuous  shelly  siphunculus  also 
are  evident,  Plate  VII.  Fig.  18,  in  a  dark  red  lime-stone,  evidently 
containing  a  large  proportion  of  iron ;  in  which  is  displayed  the  spiral 
termination,,  and  a  small  part  of  the  straight  portion  of  the  last  turn 
of  one  of  these  shells.  Plate  VII.  Fig.  19,  represents  another  of  these 
fossils,  imbedded  in  grey  marble,  from  some  part  of  Germany. 

LXXFV.  Orthocera.  A  straight  or  slightly  bent,  rather  conical,  mul- 
tilocular  shell ;  the  chambers  separated  by  transverse  curved  septa, 
pierced  by  a  tube. 

The  shells  of  this,  as  well  as  those  of  the  former  genus,  were 
placed  by  Limiaeus  under  the  genus  Nautilus;  the  considerable  dif- 
ference, which  is  observable  in  their  external  form  seems,  however, 
fully  to  warrant  their  separation.  Most  of  the  shells,  which,  though 
straight,  have  been  considered  by  Linnaeus,  and  other  naturalists,  as 
nautili,  are  minute  and  even  microscopic  shells ;  and,  when  sufficiently 
examined,  some  of  them  may  be  found  to  possess  characters  distinctive 
even  from  both  those  of  Nautilus  and  Orthocera.  These  are  N.  jugosus, 
N.  costatus,  N.  radicula,  N.  subarcuatulus,  N.  semilituus,  N.  rectus,  N.  spi- 


tiulosus,  N.  legumen,  and  N.  raphanus.  But,  obliged  to  observe  certam 
limits,  I  shall  not  dwell,  in  this  work,  on  those  fossils  which  are  so  small 
as  to  be  microscopic  objects,  except  where  it  is  required,  for  the  sake  of 
particular  illustration. 

In  reviewing  the  history  of  these  fossils,  we  find  many  instances  of 
the  perplexity  and  confusion  proceeding  from  an  endeavour  to  ascertain 
the  nature  of  a  body,  which  cannot  be  referred  to  any  known  recent 
animal,  as  strictly  analagous.  Gesner.  de  Figuris  Lapidum,  cap.  xiv.  p.  167, 
and  Aldrovandus,  Museum  Mctallicum,  pag.  732,  considered  them  as  the 
petrified  tails  of  crabs;  the  former  naming  them  Cauda  cancri,  s,  astaci  fluvia- 
tilis ;  and  the  latter,  Cancrita.  But  as  the  knowledge  of  fossils  advanced, 
their  resemblance  to  the  alveolus  of  the  belemnite  was  perceived,  and  they 
were  considered  by  many  as  the  alveoli  .of  large  belemnites,  and  there- 
fore obtained  the  name  of  cylindrical  alveoli.  Some  of  these  fossils  were 
even  considered  as  part  of  the  vertebral  spine  of  some  marine  animal : 
an  excuse  for  which  may  be  found  in  the  particular  forms  possessed  by 
some  of  these  bodies.  Our  countryman,  Lhwydd,  did  not  make  much 
progress  in  developing  the  nature  of  these  fossils;  he  was  satisfied  with 
naming  them  Alveoli;  and,  of  course,  with  considering  them  as  the 
alveoli  of  large  belemnites. 

Scheuchzer,  although  not  informed  of  the  real  nature  of  these  fossils, 
very  properly  separated  them  from  the  belemnites.  No  correct  know- 
ledge, however,  was  obtained  respecting  them,  until  Breyn  and  Klein 
made  them  the  objects  of  their  investigations,  and  were  led  to  the  con- 
clusion, that  they  were  the  remains  of  some  marine,  univalve,  cham- 
bered shell.  This  opinion  was  soon  confirmed  by  the  discovery,  by 
Plancus,  of  minute  recent  shells  on  the  shores  of  Rimini,  which  appeared 
to  possess  the  characters  of  orthoceratites:  but  no  recent  shells  of  this  genus 
are  known,  except  those  which  have  been  found  in  the  sea  sand  of  dif- 
ferent parts,  and  which  are  so  minute,'  as  to  be  microscopic  objects. 

The  shells  of  this  genus,  Plate  VII.  Fig.  14,  like  the  nautili,  are 
divided  into  chambers  by  septa,  through  which  passes  a  tube  or  siphun- 


culus,  varying  much  in  its  form,  situation,  and  size,  in  different  spe- 

The  surfaces  of  these  fossils  vary  so  considerably,  as  to  form  very 
striking  differences,  on  which  may  be  grounded  their  separation  into  dif- 
ferent species.  In  some  their  surface  is  smooth,  and  in  others  marked 
by  longitudinal  or  transverse  striae.  The  parts  possessed  by  the  cham- 
bers are  in  some  marked,  externally,  by  a  considerable  depression; 
whilst  in  others,  these  corresponding  parts  are  distinguished  by  a  slight 
degree  of  protuberance.  They  differ,  also,  with  respect  to  their  form  ; 
some  being  straight,  while  others  are  described  as  slightly  curved  at 
their  smaller  end. 

Their  size  varies,  from  being,  as  has  been  just  observed,  so  small  as 
to  be  a  microscopic  object,  as  to  equal  the  thickness  of  a  man's  arm. 
M.  Walch  observes,  that  they  are  sometimes  nearly  four  inches  in  dia- 
meter, and  more  than  an  ell  long,  possessing  nearly  seventy  chambers. 
A  specimen  now  before  me  is  full  four  inches  in  diameter.  Dr.  Wright 
describes  an  orthoceratite  in  marble,  two  feet  four  inches  in  length,  in 
which  were  sixty-six  partitions.  Phil.  Trans.  Vol.  XLIX.  p.  670. 

Some  care  is  however  necessary,  before  we  determine  on  the  actual 
form  of  such  of  these  fossils,  as,  being  imbedded,  have  had  their  parts 
displayed  by  section.  If  we  suppose  a  spirulite  thus  imbedded,  and  a 
section  commenced  at  its  straight  part,  should  the  section  not  happen  to 
be  made  on  the  same  plane  with  that  on  which  the  spiral  part  is  dis- 
posed, a  part  only  of  the  last  turn  may  be  cut  through,  by  which  the 
straight  part  may  be  separated  from  the  spiral,  and  the  part  of  the  last 
turn  left  with  the  straight  part,  might  lead  those,  who  did  not  take  this 
circumstance  into  consideration,  to  consider  it  as  a  bent  orthoceratites. 
Indeed,  so  easy  it  is  for  mistakes  to  have  been  thus  made,  that  I  should 
be  disposed  to  look  with  suspicion  at  all  the  sections  of  orthoceratites 
bearing  this  bent  figure,  were  it  not  that  analogy  authorizes  the  belief 
that  such  is  sometimes  their  natural  form;  since  this  form  is  observable 

VOL.   III.  Q 


in  many  of  the  different  species  of  the  minute  recent  concamerated 

In  none  of  the  multilocular  shells  are  such  differences  observable,  with 
respect  to  the  size  of  the  siphunculi,  as  in  this  genus.  In  some  the 
siphunculus  does  not  equal  one  tenth,  whilst  in  others  it  exceeds  a  third, 
and  is  sometimes  nearly  one  half,  of  the  diameter  of  the  orthoceratite 
itself.  It  generally  assumes  that  tumid  form,  which  a  membraneous 
part  might  be  expected  to  assume,  when  dilated  between  the  septa  :  as 
may  be  seen  in  the  large  siphunculus,  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  2,  and  in  Fig.  7, 
where  the  siphunculus  is  seen  intersected  by  the  septa  of  the  orthoce- 
ratites ;  the  whole  being  imbedded  in  a  mass  of  whitish  marble. 

The  siphunculus,  or  rather  the  cast  of  the  siphunculus,  of  this  shell, 
very  often  yields  a  striking  appearance,  from  an  obliquity  in  its 
form,  as  in  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  2,  and  Fig.  6.  This  appearance  has 
contributed  somewhat  to  the  degree  of  error  which  has  existed,  re- 
specting the  original  nature  of  tbese  bodies;  since,  even  those  who 
might  be  disposed  to  consider  them  as  deriving  their  form  from  the 
siphunculus  of  an  orthoceratites,  might  expect  to  find  a  corresponding 
obliquity  of  form  in  the  orthoceratites  itself.  But  a  slight  investigation 
will  show,  that  there  exists  no  reason  for  supposing,  from  this  circum- 
stance, that  the  shell  to  which  it  belonged  possessed  any  particular 
degree  of  obliquity  of  form. 

The  septa,  by  which  the  siphunculus  is  intersected,  being  a  seg- 
ment of  a  hollow  sphere,  the  divisions  of  the  siphunculus  must  neces- 
sarily vary  with  the  direction  with  which  the  siphunculus  passes  through 
them.  If  the  siphunculus  passes  through  the  centre  of  the  septa,  and  in  a 
line  nearly  parallel  with  the  parieties  of  the  tube,  it  will  be  marked  by 
segments  of  a  hollow  sphere,  the  sections  of  which  are  disposed  in 
nearly  transverse  lines,  as  at  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  3.  But  if  the  siphun- 
culus does  not  pass  through  the  centre  of  the  septa,  and  yet  keeps  a  line 
nearly  parallel  with  the  parieties  of  the  tube,  it  will  be  marked  by  seg- 


ments  of  a  hollow  sphere,  the  sections  of  which  will  be  disposed  Fn 
oblique  lines,  as  at  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  4  :  the  obliquity  of  the  lines 
increasing  with  the  increase  of  the  distance  from  the  centre.  This  obli- 
quity, however,  may  not  always  depend  on  this  circumstance ;  since, 
in  some  species,  the  septa  themselves  are  disposed  in  an  oblique,  or 
rather  undulating  direction. 

When  it  is  considered,  that  of  the  recent  spirula,  very  few  are  found 
with  more  than  three  or  four  concamerations  of  the  straight  part  of  the 
shell  attached  to  the  spiral,  it  is  not  to  be  wondered  at,  that  the  straight 
is  .so  seldom  found  connected  with  the  spiral  part,  in  the  fossil  speci- 
mens. In  consequence  of  this  circumstance,  some  difficulty  arises  in 
determining  which  of  the  straight  concamerated  fossils  are  to  be  con- 
sidered as  having  been  of  that  form,  whilst  existing  in  their  complete  or 
perfect  state,  and  therefore  belonging  to  the  genus  Orthocera\  and  which 
are  to  be  considered  as  having  originally  terminated  in  a  spiral  form, 
and  which  may  consequently  be  considered  as  the  remnant  of  shells  of 
the  genus  Spirula.  An  instance  of  the  confusion  thus  occasioned  may 
be  seen  by  comparing  the  representations,  Plate  VII.  Fig.  14,  and 
Fig.  19,  a.  The  first  of  these  figures,  Fig.  14,  represents  a  fossil,  which 
has  always  been  so  much  regarded  as  an  orthoceratites,  that  if  any  one, 
who  had  studied  these  fossils,  had  been  desired  to  point  out  one  which 
was  most  decidedly  an  orthoraceratite,  and  not  a  spirulite,  he  would 
have  immediately  referred  to  this  fossil. 

But  the  acquisition  of  the  slab  of  marble  from  which  the  fossil  repre- 
sented Fig.  19,  a,  was  taken,  has  determined,  that  such  an  opinion  should 
be  adopted  with  some  reserve.  It  is  a  slab  of  light-coloured  Oeland 
marble,  in  which  the  fossils  are  seen  on  one  side,  in  their  natural  state, 
in  relief;  and,  on  the  other  side,  their  internal  structure  is  displayed, 
in  numerous  sections,  by  the  cutting  of  the  marble.  By  an  examina- 
tion of  the  fossils  on  the  rough  part  of  the  marble,  as  well  as  by  exa- 
mining some  of  the  sections,  it  will  be  seen  that  they  bear  not  only  the 
exact  form  of  the  preceding  fossil,  Figure  14,  but  possess  also  a  surface 


striated  exactly  in  a  similar  manner.  The  correspondence  is  indeed  so 
very  close,  as  to  render  it  a  subject  of  future  inquiry,  whether  these  fos- 
sils are  not  of  the  same  species.  If  this  question  were  decided  in  the  affir- 
mative, then  would  it  unexpectedly  turn  out  that  the  fossil,  Plate  VII. 
Fig.  14,  which  has  always  hitherto  been  regarded  as  an  orthoceratite, 
is  really  a  spirulite  ;  since,  in  another  part  of  this  slab,  Fig.  19,  b,  an 
oblique  section  is  seen,  of  one  of  these  fossil  bodies  terminating  in  spiral 
convolutions.  It  is  here  proper  to  remark,  that  the  spirulite  in  red  lime- 
stone, Plate  VII.  Fig.  18,  also  has  its  surface  marked  in  a  manner  very 
much  resembling  that  of  the  assumed  orthoceratites,  Plate  VII.  Fig.  14. 

These  fossils  are  far  from  being  very  abundant;  nor  are  they  very 
generally  diffused,  being  known,  at  present,  to  exist  in  very  few  places. 
They  are  said  to  be  found  in  greatest  numbers  in  Mecklenbourg,  and 
sometimes  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Francfort,  where  they  seldom  exceed 
the  ordinary  belemnite  in  size.  They  are  also  said  to  be  found,  though 
but  rarely,  in  Switzerland.  M.  Gmelin  ibund  them  in  Siberia,  and 
M.  Zukert  mentions  them  as  existing  in  the  marble  quarries  of 
Blankenbourg ;  but  the  greatest  quantities  of  them  are  discoverable  in 
the  marble  of  Oeland,  which,  being  of  a  reddish  colour,  and  variegated 
by  the  different  colours  of  these  bodies,  and  of  the  spathose  matter  which 
fills  their  chambers,  and  being  also  susceptible  of  a  fine  polish,  very 
often  yields  an  extremely  beautiful  appearance. 

Some  of  the  pavement  of  Chelsea  College,  and  of  Hampton  Court, 
is  paved  with  slabs  of  this,  and  a  grey  marble  ;  in  which,  when  wetted, 
numerous  sections  of  this  fossil  are  discoverable.  The  grandest  specimen 
which  is,  I  believe,  known,  of  this  kind,  is  a  slab,  now  in  my  possession, 
and  which  originally  formed  a  part  of  the  museum  of  Mr.  Strange.  In 
this  specimen,  a  square  slab  of  eighteen  inches  by  thirteen,  are  contained 
more  than  fourteen  longitudinal,  besides  numerous  transverse  sections, 
of  different  orthoceratites;  showing,  by  the  different  directions  in  which 
the  sections  have  been  formed,  the  various  structure  of  the  several 
parts  of  these  fossils. 


I  am  not,  of  my  own  knowledge,  able  to  speak  of  the  existence  of 
these  fossils  in  Great  Britain.  They  appear,  however,  from  Lhwydd's 
catalogue,  to  be  by  no  means  rare,  in  different  parts  of  Gloucester- 
shire, Oxfordshire,  Northamptonshire,  &c. 

It  is  exceedingly  gratifying  to  me,  to  be  able,  through  the  kindness  of 
Mr.  Meade,  to  place  before  you  a  representation  of  a  beautiful  minute 
orthoceratite,  brought  by  him  from  the  Appennines,  near  Sienna. 
Plate  VIII.  Fig.  16,  is  the  fossil  of  its  natural  size  ;  and  Fig.  17  is 
the  representation  of  the  same  fossil,  magnified  by  a  single  lens,  for 
the  purpose  of  obtaining  a  more  distinct  view  of  its  structure. 

Colonel  Montague,  alluding  to  a  recent,  minute,  straight,  chambered 
shell,  varying  in  some  respects  from  N.  costatus,  Linn,  gives  the  follow- 
ing description  of  this  fossil,  which  I  take  the  liberty  of  introducing,  not 
merely  on  account  of  its  perspicuity  and  correctness,  but  because  I  could 
not  myself  have  subjected  a  sufficient  number  to  real  inspection,  with- 
out trespassing  further  than  I  wished  on  Mr.  Meade's  kindness. 

"  A  most  elegant  shell  of  this  kind  is  found  fossil  upon  the  Appen- 
nines, near  Sienna,  several  of  which  we  have  been  favoured  with  by 
Mr.  Meade  and  Mr.  Higgin-sori.  These  vary  a  little;  but  the  most  per- 
fect are  an  inch  in  length,  completely  cylindric,  except  at  the  last 
joint,  which  is  rather  larger,  and  terminates  conically,  ending  in  a  small 
protuberance,  nearly  half  as  long  as  the  joint  to  which  it  belongs:  the 
anterior  end  of  those  which  appear  perfect,  is  a  little  contracted  round, 
and  smooth,  or  projecting  beyond  the  ribs ;  in  the  centre  is  placed  the 
aperture  or  syphon,  whose  margin  is  finely  crenated. 

"  They  vary  also  as  much  in  the  number  of  chambers  as  in  that  of  the 
ribs;  possessing  from  ten  to  fifteen  of  the  former,  and  from  nine  to 
twelve  of  the  latter:  the  joints  are  not  much  raised,  but  usually  two  or 
three  at  the  anterior  end  more  than  the  rest.  The  shell  is  extremely 
thick  in  proportion ;  and  we  found,  by  dividing  several  down  the  mid- 
dle, that  the  septa  were  equally  strong,  and  each  furnished  with  a  small 


crenated  perforation  in  the  middle,  but  not  a  continued  syphon  :  the 
cells  are  not  round,  but  in  the  section  appear  rather  concavo-convex. 
The  colour  is  of  a  pearly  white. 

"  May  not  this  be  a  variety  of  the  N.  costatus  of  superior  growth,  occa- 
sioned by  a  more  southern  climate  ?  But  whether  it  is  found  at  present 
in  a  recent  or  living  state,  we  are  ignorant."  Testae.  Brit.  Sup.  p.  85. 





LXXV.  .HippujiiTEs.  A  straight  or  conical  shell,  furnished  in- 
ternally with  transverse  septa,  and  with  two  lateral,  longitudinal, 
obtuse,  and  converging  ridges;  the  last  chamber  being  closed  by  an 

The  Baron  Picot  de  la  Peirouse  first  noticed  these  bodies,  <n  a  tour 
through  that  part  of  the  Pyrenees  which  is  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Monferrand  and  Jougragne,  in  the  department  of  Aude,  where  they 
are  known  to  the  inhabitants  by  the  name  of  Horns.  He  found  them 
chiefly  in  a  loose  brown  earth,  and  in  the  adjoining  lime-stone  rocks, 
grouped  with  a  new  species  of  fossil  oyster,  and  various  fossil  coralline 
bodies.  In  consequence  of  observing  that  they  were  concamerated 
shells,  he  was  induced  to  consider  them  as  a  new  species  of  orthocera- 
tites,  notwithstanding  that  he  discovered  that  they  were  furnished  with 


opercula,  and  that  their  internal  structure  was  materially  different  from 

that  of  anv  orthoceratices  which  had  been  hitherto  described  *. 


These  shells,  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  1  and  5,  undoubtedly  require  to  be 
considered  as  of  a  distinct  genus  from  orthoceratites.  Like  orthoceratites, 
they  are  fossil,  testaceous,  conical  tubes,  more  or  less  approaching  to  a 
cylindrical  form,  being  sometimes  straight  and  sometimes  curved,  and 
internally  divided  into  numerous  chambers  by  horizontal  septa :  but, 
unlike  the  orthoceratites,  they  do  not  appear  to  be  provided  with  a 
syphon ;  the  functions  of  this  part  having  been  perhaps  performed  by 
two  converging  ridges,  which,  at  no  great  distance  from  each  other, 
proceed  from  the  sides  of  the  cavity  along  its  whole  length.  Soon  after 
their  origin,  these  ridges  suddenly  contract ;  and  then,  gradually  be- 
coming more  tumid,  terminate  in  rounded  edges,  at  about  a  third  of  an 
inch  from  the  sides.  The  gutter  which  is  formed  between  these  ridges 
is  generally,  like  the  rest  of  the  cavity,  divided  into  chambers  by  nume- 
rous transverse  septa.  Picot  describes  what  he  conceives  to  be  the 
remains  of  a  siphunculus,  in  two  specimens;  but  the  appearances  do 
not  appear  to  be  such  as  to  warrant  the  supposition.  The  representa- 
tion of  this  specimen  is,  however,  here  copied  from  Plate  II.  Fig.  2,  of 
Picot's  work ;  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  5,  a,  marking  the  part  in  which  the 
siphunculus  is  supposed  to  have  existed. 

The  Baron  Picot  observes,  that  in  several  specimens  the  gutter, 
or  space  between  the  ridges,  is  entirely  empty,  or  free  from  septa;  but 
very  properly  remarks,  that  this  must  not  be  relied  on  as  a  specific 
distinction;  since  it  is  probable,  that  in  its  original  state,  it  was  furnished 
wiih  septa.  Having  very  fortunately  obtained  some  specimens  of  this 
curious  and  interesting  fossil,  and  having  amongst  them  two  specimens, 
in  which  this  part  was  thus  empty,  I  carefully  examined  them,  and  was 
surprised  at  not  finding  the  least  trace  of  the  adhesions  of  septa  on  its 

*  Philippi   Picot  de  la  Peirouse   cle   novis  quibu&dam  OrthoceratUum,    &c.    Disscvta- 
tiuncvila.     Page  4. 


side.  A  further  examination  with  a  lens,  assisted  in  explaining  this  cir- 
cumstance ;  since  I  thereby  discovered,  that  the  whole  internal  surface 
was  beautifully  frosted  over  with  minute  crystals  of  calcareous  spar, 
which  had  most  probably  concealed  the  lines  of  attachment. 

The  operculum  is  sometimes  convex,  but  in  general  it  is  concave. 
It  is  for  the  most  part  firm  and  solid,  except  on  its  upper  part, 
where  innumerable  foramina  are  observable;  being  the  openings  of 
minute  tubuli,  which  appear  to  enter  into  the  composition  of  its 
superior  part.  Two  larger  openings  are  also  observable,  which,  in  their 
figure  and  situation,  appear  to  correspond  with  the  two  internal  ridges. 
Picot  examined  numerous  specimens,  with  the  hope  of  ascertaining  the 
mode  in  which  this  operculum  joined  the  mouth  of  the  shell,  not  doubt- 
ing that  it  was  attached  to  the  animal,  who  possessed  the  power  of  open- 
ing and  of  shutting  it  at  pleasure.  He  found  in  every  instance,  that 
the  edges  of  the  opercula  were  so  exactly  adapted  to  the  openings,  as  to 
allow  of  their  being  thus  completely  closed.  In  one  instance  only  he 
found  two  projecting  pieces  on  the  lower  surface  of  an  operculum,  which 
had  somewhat  of  the  appearance  of  the  remains  of  an  hinge;  but  never 
having  observed  any  thing  similar,  on  any  other  specimen,  he  is  disposed 
to  conclude,  that  this  appearance  was  accidental. 

Of  the  particular  economy  of  the  animal  which  inhabited  this  shell, 
we  cannot  form  any  correct  opinion  from  the  specimens  which  have 
been  yet  made  known :  nor  can  any  satisfactory  opinion  be  formed 
respecting  the  action  of  the  operculum,  or  the  use  of  the  lateral  ridges, 
until  more  perfect  specimens  have  been  discovered.  Until  then,  also, 
must  be  deferred,  the  attempt  to  determine  the  specific  distinctions  of 
these  fossils. 

The  Abbe  Fortis  appears  to  have  met  with  some  fossil  bodies  in  Dal- 
matia,  which  might,  perhaps,  be  classed  among  the  hippurites.  "  Walk- 
ing," he  says,  "  about  the  habitations  of  Rogosniza,  I  happened  to  disco- 
ver, in  the  hard  marble  rock,  a  curious  fossil,  very  much  resembling 
horns;  and  recollect  to  have  observed,  in  the  public  Museum  of  Natural 

History  at  Padua,  a  piece  of  the  same  species,  under  the  denomination 
of  Cornu  vacdnum.  I  am,  however,  of  opinion,  that  the  ceratomor- 
phous  fossil  of  Rogosniza,  as  well  as  the  other  at  Padua,  are  Orthoceratiles, 
of  which  the  species  are  now  lost,  or  are  the  produce  of  more  distant 
seas.  You  will  probably  say,  that  the  name  of  Orthoceratites  is  but  ill 
suited  to  a  recurvous  fossil,  and  I  agree  with  you;  so  you  may  call  it, 
if  you  please,  Campilocerates."  Travels  into  Dalmatia,  p.  159. 

Fossils,  which  I  conjecture  are  of  this  genus,  but  of  a  different  species 
from  those  described  by  Picot,  exist  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Verona, 
The  figures  of  these  fossils,  given  by  Spada,  in  his  Catalogi  Lapidum 
Veronensium  Mantissa,  Tab.  i.  and  n.  agree  very  closely  with  some  of 
those  given  by  Picot.  They  are  thus  described  by  Spada  :  "  Lapides 
monstruosi — basi  subrotunda,  in  medio  concava ;  margine  piano,  latitu- 
dine  unc.  v.  longitudine  unc.  vn.  eras.  unc.  n.  jumenti  ungulam  reprae- 
sentantes,  in  conum  fastigiati,  tribus  praesentim  fasciis  antiqua  parte 
horizontaliter  distmcta,  quarum  unaquseque  verticalibus  lineis  striata  est, 
postica  vero  lineis  pariter  verticalibus  donata." 

"  Reperiuntur  etiam  alii  lapides  supradictis  fere  similes  truncati,  et 
ungula  destituti,  fasciis  lineisque  horizontalibus  insigniti." 

The  former  of  these,  in  Spada's  figures,  bears  a  very  close  resem- 
blance to  a  horse's  hoof;  and  the  latter  very  nearly  resembles  the  largest 
of  the  hippurites  figured  by  Picot.  / 

The  specimen,  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  i,  copied  from  Picot's  work,  P.ate  vn. 
fig.  i,  shows  one  of  these  fossils  of  a  frequent  form,  but  of  a  smaller 
size  than  common,  some  of  these  fossils  being  at  least  four  times  the 
size  of  this  specimen.  In  this  figure  the  operculum  is  also  seen,  with  its 
two  openings.  Some  of  these  fossils  are  more  of  a  cylindrical  form,  as 
in  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  5,  from  Plate  n.  Fig.  2,  of  Picot's  work.  In  this 
figure  are  shown,  not  only  that  part  which  is  considered  by  Picot  as  the 
siphunculus,  a,  but  the  septa,  in  nearly  their  natural  situation,  and  the 
ridges  which  project  into  the  cavity. 

We  shall  now  proceed  to  the  examination  of  the  belemnite — a  fossil 
VOL,  in,  R 


body,  whose  form,  structure,  and  composition,  have  all  contributed  to 
render  it  one  of  the  most  perplexing  puzzles  which  have  engaged  the 
attention  of  oryctologists. 

LXXVI.  Belemnites,  a  conical  or  fusiform  stone,  of  brown  radiating 
spar,  generally  terminating  at  the  small  end  in  a  point,  and  having,  at 
the  larger  end  a  conical  cavity,  naturally  retaining  a  conical  testaceous 
body,  divided  into  chambers,  and  pierced  by  a  siphunculus. 

Various  names  have  been  assigned  to  this  fossil ;  many  of  which, 
derived  from  the  ridiculous  notions  entertained  by  the  vulgar,  in  the 
early  ages,  need  only  be  mentioned.  Such  are,  devil's  fingers,  Spectro- 
rum  candda,  and  id&us  dactylus,  from  their  having  somewhat  of  the  form 
of  fingers,  and  from  being  found  on  Mount  Ida ;  and  Lapides  lyncis,  from 
their  supposed  origin  from  the  urine  of  the  lynx.  Ovid,  alluding  to 
this  notion,  says : 

Victa  racemifero  lynces  dedit  India  Baccho  : 
E  quibus,  ut  memorant,  quidquid  vesica  remisit, 
Vertitur  in  lapides,  et  congelat  acre  tecto.' 

METAMORPH.  Lib.  xv.  v.  413. 

The  colour  of  this  fossil  is  generally  brown,  in  different  shades,  but  it 
varies  much  in  its  degree  of  opacity,  in  different  specimens ;  some  being 
so  transparent  as  to  allow  the  rays  of  light  to  pass  through  very  freely, 
whilst  others  are  nearly  opaque.  In  their  forms  they  display  a  still 
greater  variety.  Some  are  cylindrical,  some  pyramidal,  and  others 
fusiform.  The  smaller  end  of  some  are  pointed,  of  some  rounded,  and 
of  others  rounded  in  a  certain  degree,  but  terminating  in  an  abruptly 
projecting  point.  Some  writers  have  spoken  of  bent  belemnites,  but  I 
do  not  believe  that  this  form  naturally  exists.  The  supposition  of  their 
existence  has,  I  believe,  been  founded  chiefly  on  a  belemnite  figured  by 
Lhwydd,  LithophyL  No.  1683 ;  but  Lhwydd  describes  the  specimen  as 
being  compressed,  and  of  course  its  bent  form  may  be  fairly  attributed 
to  violence.  Some  belemnites,  and  particularly  the  fusiform,  have  a 

longitudinal  sulcus,  and  others  have  been  seen  with  two ;  but  what  has 


been  the  use  of  these  sulci  is  not  known. 

So  perplexed  were  the  earlier  writers  on  this  fossil,  respecting  its 
nature  and  origin,  that  they  were  even  puzzled  to  ascertain  under  which 
of  the  natural  kingdoms  to  place  it.  Not  only  the  earliest  writers  on 
mineralogy  considered  it  as  originally  belonging  to  the  mineral  kingdom, 
but  even  Woodward  supposed  it  to  be  a  stone,  sui  generis.  Langius 
considered  it  as  a  stalactite;  Libavius  believed  it  to  be  indurated 
amber ;  and  even  Mr.  de  Costa  supposed  it  to  be  a  natural  fossil,  or  lapis 
sui  generis,  composed  of  talc  and  spar,  and  compared  its  cavity  to  that  of 
stalactites;  adding — "  As  for  that  marine  body,  the  alveolus,  I  cannot 
think  otherwise  than  it  is  of  the  Nautilus  kind,  which,  at  the  concre- 
tion or  formation  of  the  belemnites,  became  accidentally  lodged  in  its 
cavity,  in  the  same  manner  as  all  other  marine  bodies,  became  lodged 
in  the  various  fossil  substances  we  now  find  them  in."  Phil.  Trans. 
1747.  Stobaeus  and  Hellwing  were  of  opinion  that  it  was  of  vegetable 

Among  those  who  conceived  it  to  be  of  animal  origin,  we  find  no 
small  discordance  of  opinion;  some  believing  it  to  have  been  the  horn, 
and  others  the  tooth,  of  an  animal.  Of  those  who  entertained  the  lat- 
ter opinion,  some  supposed  it  to  be  the  tooth  of  a  crocodile,  and  others 
of  a  physeter;  Lhwydd  believing  it  to  be  the  tooth  of  a  particular  spe- 
cies of  the  whale,  resembling  the  narwhal.  Some  were  of  opinion  that 
it  was  the  spine  of  a  particular  species  of  echinus.  M.  Titius  conjectured 
it  to  be  one  of  the  extremities  of  a  species  of  Stella  marina.  M.  de 
la  Tourette  believed  it  to  have  been  a  species  of  Polype;  and  Waller  and 
others  a  species  of  Holothuria. 

Later  oryctologists,  particularly  Rosinus,  Erhart,  Breyn,  Klein,  and 
Linnaeus,  have  agreed,  that  this  body  must  be  considered  as  the  remains 
of  the  chambered  shell  of  a  marine  animal,  the  recent  analogue  of 
which  is  unknown.  With  this  opinion  M,  Walch  perfectly  agrees, 
believing  it  to  be  supported  by  the  circumstance  of  the  nacre  having 


been  discovered  on  the  outside  of  some  of  these  fossils,  and  by  the  marks 
having  been  seen  of  such  a  laminated  structure,  as  is  frequently  observed 
in  shells,  whilst  in  a  state  of  decomposition. 

Targioni  Tozzetti,  as  well  as  M.  Fermin,  both  conjectured,  that 
they  had  seen  an  animal  which  might  be  considered  as  the  recent  ana- 
logue of  the  belemnite.  But  the  animals  which  have  been  described  by 
these  naturalists  differ  materially  from  each  other,  and  neither  of  them 
appears  sufficiently  to  agree  with  the  belemnite  to  allow  us  to  consider 
it  as  being  analogous  with  it. 

The  opinion  formed  by  Mr.  Walch  respecting  the  nature  of  this  fossil, 
or  rather  of  its  original  state,  displays  a  considerable  degree  of  ingenuity. 
According  to  his  opinion,  the  larger  and  exterior  part  of  the  belemnite 
was  a  shell  containing  a  viscous  and  gelatinous  fluid,  now  rendered  a 
spathose  body;  that  to  the  superior  part  of  this  conical  shell  was 
attached  the  exterior  part  of  the  shell  of  the  concamerated  alveolus,  in 
the  upper  chamber  of  which  the  animal  lived,  as  in  the  Nautilus  and 
Cornu  ammonis.  Through  the  septa  dividing  the  chambers  passed  a 
siphuneulus,  which  was  connected  with  a  small  tube  passing  through 
the  centre  of  the  fluid  contained  in  the  external  shell,  and  terminating 
in  a  small  round  projection,  which  existed  at  the  point  of  the  belem- 
nite, but  which  in  general  is  destroyed.  Monument  des  Catastrophes* 
Tome  III.  p.  ii.  p.  212. 

Some  very  ingenious  conjectures  on  the  growth  of  the  belemnite  were 
proposed  by  a  very  ingenious  and  active  promoter  of  these  inquiries, 
Mr.  Joshua  Platt,  of  Oxford,  Philos.  Trans.  Vol.  LIV.  p.  38,  in  a  paper 
which  he  named,  "  An  Attempt  to  account  for  the  Origin  and  Formation 
of  the  extraneous  Fossil,  commonly  called  the  Belemnite.  "  The  conical 
cavity  and  its  nucleus  (Mr.  Platt  observes),  are  always  proportioned  to 
the  bulk  of  the  belemnite,.  but  not  to  its  length :  some  are  four  times 
longer  in  proportion  to  the  alveolus  than  others.  The  apex  of  the  conical 
cavity,  where  the  alveolus  is  first  formed,  in  some,  runs  up  about  half  the 
length  of  the  whole  belemnite ;  in  others,  not  a  sixth  part  of  the  whole  : 

but  the  upper  chamber  is  equally  proportionable  to  the  bulk,  or  circum- 
ference of  the  belemnite,  of  whatsoever  size  or  shape,  and  is  the  seat  OF 
dwelling  place  of  the  animal  that  forms  the  belemnite.' 

Whoever  (Mr.  Platt  says)  considers  the  seam  or  sulcus  in  the  belem- 
nite, will,  I  think,  conclude  with  me,  that  the  outward  lamina  is 
formed  latest,  as  in  the  cowree,  and  that  the  seam  or  sulcus  is  caused 

by  the  several  additional  coverings  or  laminae  terminating  there. 

As  the  oyster  strengthens  its  shell,,  and  excludes  its  first  habitation,  by 
additional  laminae  formed  within,  the  belemnite  incloses  its  dwelling,  by 
adding  new  laminae  without.  Mr.  Platt  supposes,  that  the  animal  growing 
larger,  when  in  its  first  formed  cell,  forms  then  a  second  cell  or  cham- 
ber, and  at  the  same  time  covers  the  first  cell,  by  forming  the  appen- 
dage or  guard,  which  is  the  first  stage  of  the  belemnite.  In  forming  the 
third  cell,  fresh  laminae  or  coverings  are  carried  on,  and  so  of  the 
rest,  the  body  of  the  belemnite  gaining  an  increase  of  volume  with  each 
additional  chamber. 

The  siphunculus  of  the  belemnite,  he  observes,  is  always  upon  the 
verge  of  the  chamber  or  cell ;  and,  in  this  siphunculus,  is  a  little  gut  or 
ductus,  proceeding  from  the  body  of  the  animal,  by  dilating  or  contract- 
ing of  which,  the  animal,  it  should  seem,  may  go  out  or  in  to  its  cell  at 
pleasure.  This  is  the  only  stay  which  the  animal  has  to  secure  its 
retreat.  But  I  cannot  agree  (he  says)  with  the  learned  Dr.  Hooke, 
"  that  the  gut,  or  ductus,  passes  through  all  the  cells  to  the  end  of  the 

spiral  cone,  either  in  this  shell  or  the  nautilus. 1  am  apt  to  think, 

(Mr.  Platt  says)  that  this  gut,  or  ductus,  as  well  as  the  body  of  the 
creature,  is  capable  of  being  extended  very  considerably,  to  serve  all 
the  uses  of  forming  the  belemnite,  without  leaving  the  siphunculus ;  and 
that  the  gut  serves  for  the  same  purposes  as  the  tendons  of  the  oyster  i 
the  latter  to  open  and  shut  the  shell,  the  former  to  allow  the  animal  to 
go  out  and  in  at  pleasure.  And  as  the  oyster  feeds  altogether  m  the 
shell,  by  opening  the  verge,  the  belemnite  (whose  residence  is  in  the 
great  deep,,  which  is  seldom  disturbed)  very  likely  goes  out  in  quest  of 


food,  but  travels  only  upon  the  guard  or  rampart,  leaving  a  trail  behind, 
as  all  land-snails  do;  which,  hardening  into  a  testaceous  substance, 
increases  the  dimensions  of  the  outer  walls,  both  in  length  and  thick- 
ness, from  the  cell  or  chamber,  to  the  bottom,  or  point  of  the  whole 
belemnite.  The  animal,  in  its  progress  and  return,  clasps  the  whole 
guard,  as  a  snail  does  a  small  branch  of  a  tree  in  the  gardens ;  and 
where  the  two  sides  meet,  there  the  sulcus  is  formed." 

An  objection  offers  itself  to  this  opinion  of  Mr.  Platt,  which  is,  that 
the  conical  concamerated  part  is  sometimes  much  wider  than  the  spa- 
those  part  of  the  belemnite  :  a  circumstance  which  by  no  means  agrees 
with  Mr.  Platt's  conjecture.  According  to  his  opinion,  the  upper  cham- 
ber should  agree,  in  its  circumference,  with  the  upper,  or  widest  part  of 
the  belemnite ;  the  body  of  the  belemnite  acquiring  a  proportional 
accession  of  bulk  on  the  formation  of  each  superadded  chamber.  But, 
as  may  be  seen,  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  8,  specimens  exist,  in  which  the  cir- 
cumference of  the  later  formed  chambers  exceed,  in  their  circumference, 
that  of  the  widest  part  of  the  body  of  the  belemnite :  an  incongruity 
which  militates  much  against  Mr.  Platt's  opinion,  as  to  the  formation 
and  increase  of  this  body. 

Having  now  placed  before  you  the  opinions  of  these  respectable  natu- 
ralists, we  will  proceed  at  once  to  the  examination  of  this  fossil,  and  of 
the  several  parts  which  enter  into  its  formation. 

But  few  observations  offer  themselves  respecting  the  concamerated 
shell  of  this  fossil.  That  its  first  chamber  was  the  testaceous  receptacle 
of  an  animal,  which  in  all  probability  was  enabled,  by  its  connec- 
tion with  the  siphuncle,  to  vary  its  situation  in  the  water,  appears  to  be 
universally  admitted.  The  siphuncule,  in  the  specimens  which  I  pos- 
sess, pass  through  the  side  of  the  septa ;  and  this  is,  I  believe,  always 
the  case. 

With  respect  to  the  enclosing  brown  spathose  part,  which  is  formed 
by  radiating  crystals,  intersected  concentrically,  this  is  found  to  vary  in  its 
figure  so  much,  as  to  authorize  the  assumption  of  such  specific  dif- 


ferences  as  will  lead  to  the  formation  of  three  species :  B.  fusiformis, 
-B.  cylindriformis,  and  B.  coniformis.  The  first  of  these,  B.  fusiformis^ 
Plate  VIII.  Fig.  13,  is  by  no  means  a  common  fossil,  except  in  a  very 
mutilated  state.  Its  general  figure  is  fusiform.  A  receptacle  for  the 
alveolus  exists  in  the  upper  part,  in  the  form  of  a  reversed  cone,  from 
the  point  of  which  the  body  of  the  fossil  again  swells,  and  continues  of 
a  compressed  roundish  shape,  with  a  longitudinal  sulcus,  for  an  inch  or 
two,  when  it  terminates  with  a  tapering  point.  The  figure  which  is  here 
given  is  from  a  specimen,  which  is  perfect  only  as  far  as  the  shading  is 
carried,  the  upper  part  in  outline  being  added  from  a  fossil  in  the  pos- 
session of  Mr.  George  Humphries,  of  Leicester-square.  I  believe  this 
species  is  chiefly  found  near  to  Stonsfield,  and  in  the  adjoining  parts  ot 

B.  cylindriformis,  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  10  and  14,  is,  I  suspect,  very 
rarely  found  in  a  state  so  perfect  as  the  other  species  are.  Fig.  14  is  a 
fragment  of  one  of  this  species,  so  split,  as  to  give  a  very  fair  view  of 
the  alveolus,  which  is  filled  with  white  spathose  matter :  the  belemnite 
itself  is  formed  of  the  darkest  spar  that  I  have  seen  in  any  specimen  of 
this  fossil.  Fig.  10  is  part  of  one  of  the  cylindrical  species;  but  roundish 
at  both  ends ;  I  suspect,  from  being  rolled  by  the  water.  This  fossil  is 
here  shown  chiefly  for  the  purpose  of  your  noticing  a  very  small  linear 
channel,  which  is  continued  from  the  point  of  the  alveolus,  longitu- 
dinally through  the  rest  of  the  spathose  substance.  This  is  the  pipe,  or 
canal,  of  which  M.  Walch  speaks,  in  his  account  of  this  fossil. 

B.  coniformis.  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  15,  shows  the  most  common  form  of 
this  fossil :  the  specimen  is  so  broken,  as  to  show  also  the  form  and 
situation  of  the  concarnerated  shell,  in  its  alveolus.  The  chief  varieties 
observable  in  this  species  are  those  depending  on  their  colour,  and  their 
being  more  or  less  suddenly  pointed,  as  Figures  11  and  12. 

They  are  found  of  various  sizes ;  from  less  than  that  of  a  goose-quill 
to  a  foot  in  length,  and  two  inches  in  diameter.  Baier  says :  "  Maximi 
belemnitae  raro  deprehenditur  integri :  habeo  autem  ingentia  fragmenta^ 


ex  monte  Heimburgensi,  quae  evidentur  arguunt,  lapidem  ejusmodi,  si 
integer  esset,  octo  uncia  fore  longiorem,  cum  interim  summa  crassi- 
ties  in  ambitu  quatuor  uncias  cum  dimidia  omnino  expleat"  Oryctogr. 
Noric.  p.  35. 

A  specimen  which  I  possess,  in  two  fragments,  the  superior  of  which  is 
represented  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  8,  measures  nearly  twelve  inches,  and  must 
have  been,  when  perfect,  upwards  of  fifteen  inches  in  length :  its  cir- 
cumference, in  the  thickest  part,  is  five  inches  and  a  half,  and  the  Oon- 
camerated  cone  is  nearly  six  inches  in  length. 

Frequently,  on  one  side  of  the  belemnite,  a  slight  and  narrow  groove 
is  observable,  as  in  Fig.  13 :  and  in  some  specimens  two,  and  even 
three  of  these  grooves,  are  seen.  How  far  these  may  be  considered  as 
giving  a  claim  to  specific  distinctions,  or  whether  they  should  be 
regarded  as  only  the  marks  of  varieties,  cannot  perhaps  be  at  present 

The  structure  of  the  concamerated  part  of  the  belemnite  leaves 
not  a  doubt  that,  like  the  nautilus,  it  was  sunk  or  raised  in  the  water 
by  the  different  modifications  of  an  appropriate  organization.  But 
it  yet  remains  to  endeavour  to  determine  the  original  stale  and  nature 
of  that  organization,  and  particularly  of  that  spathose  body  of  which 
the  belemnite  is  chiefly  constituted. 

The  opinion  of  M.  Walch,  that  it  was  originally  a  gelatinous  fluid,  is 
the  only  conjecture  that  I  am  aware  of,  which  has  been  hitherto 
hazarded  respecting  the  nature  of  the  substance  of  which  it  was  com- 
posed originally.  To  confirm  this  opinion,  it  would  be  necessary  to 
show  that  there  had  existed  a  shell,  or  some  covering,  by  which  this 
fluid  had  been  inclosed  and  kept  together.  This  circumstance  has 
been  supposed  by  several,  and  has  indeed  been  assumed  by  M.  Walch; 
but  a  close  attention  to  the  several  statements  which  have  been  made 
on  this  subject,  and  a  careful  examination  of  every  specimen  which  has 
come  within  my  reach,  has  convinced  me  that  no  solid  reason  appears 
in  support  of  its  existence. 


Delusive  appearances  are  undoubtedly  frequently  observable,  from 
which  the  presence  of  the  remains  of  shell  may  be  likely  to  be  in- 
ferred. But  these,  on  close  examination,  will  be  found  to  be  entirely 
occasioned  by  the  decomposition  and  successive  exfoliation  of  the  laminae 
of  the  spathose  substance,  of  which  this  body  is  composed  ;  and  which, 
in  many  parts,  will  be  found  assuming  even  somewhat  of  the  iridiscent 
appearance  of  mother-of-pearl.  Not  finding  reason  for  believing  in  the 
existence  of  the  shell,  or  of  the  supposed  contained  fluid,  I  anxiously 
endeavoured  to  discover  in  what  other  state  this  part  of  the  belemnite 
was  most  likely  to  have  existed,  during  the  life  of  the  animal. 

Satisfied  that  the  use  of  the  closed  chambers,  in  all  the  multilocular  shells, 
was  to  bring  the  animal  to  which  they  were  appended,  with  its  shell,  to  a 
degree  of  specific  gravity,  so  near  to  that  of  water,  as  to  render  it  capable 
of  being  raised  or  sunk  with  facility  by  the  apparatus  of  its  siphuncle,  I 
concluded  that  this  part  of  the  belemnite  must  have  existed  in  such  a 
state,  as  by  its  lightness,  it  must,  like  the  closed  chambers,  have  served 
as  a  float  to  the  animal.  I  had  long  entertained  this  opinion,  before  I 
had  made  those  examinations  into  the  nature  of  the  spines  of  echini,  and 
into  the  mineral  changes  of  which  they  were  susceptible,  by  which  I 
learned  how  much  the  crystallization  of  the  impregnating  matter  would 
be  affected  by  even  a  small  difference  in  the  nature  of  the  substance 
mineralized.  Thus  I  learned,  that  a  spine  of  an  echinus  of  one  species 
became  a  mass  of  opaque,  white,  rhomboidal  crystals ;  and  one  of  an- 
other species  became  a  mass  of  dark  brown  crystals,  of  considerable 
transparency,  appearing,  at  the  transverse  fracture,  to  radiate  from  the 
centre,  the  radii  being  divided  by  concentric  intersections. 

The  general  appearance  of  the  crystallization  of  this  latter  species  of 
spines  appearing  to  be  exactly  that  of  the  belemnite,  it  seemed  to  be 
fair  to  suppose,  that  there  must  have  been  a  close  agreement  between 
the  substance  of  this  species  of  spine,  and  that  of  the  belemnites,  in  their 
original  state. 

On  examining  the  recent  specimens  which  accorded  with  this  fossil 

VOL.  III.  S 


spine,  and  which,  as  has  been  already  mentioned,  were  of  the  palisadoe 
kind,  the  substance  of  which  they  were  composed  was  found  very  much 
to  resemble  cork  in  its  general  appearance,  and  even  in  its  structure, 
being  so  light  and  porous  as  not  to  allow  them  to  sink  in  water.  This, 
it  will  at  once  be  seen,  would  be  the  kind  of  substance  which  would  be 
particularly 'well  calculated  to  perform  those  offices  which  we  may  pre- 
sume would  belong  to  the  supposed  corresponding  substance  in  the 
belemnite.  Hence  I  feel  little  hesitation  in  concluding,  that  the  spa- 
those  part  of  the  belemnite  was  originally  a  light  pithy  substance,  by 
which  the  animal  and  its  appendage  were  so  poised  in  the  water,  as  to 
be  readily  susceptible  of  those  occasional  changes  in  situation  which 
the  organization  of  the  siphunculus  seems  to  have  been  capable  of 

It  is  in  favour  of  this  opinion  respecting  the  original  structure  of  the 
belemnite,  that  on  immersing  a  belemnite  in  a  very  weak  mixture  of  mu- 
riatic acid  and  water,  in  the  proportion  of  about  twelve  drops  to  a  pint, 
several  exceedingly  delicate  membranous^oa-w/*  became  evident,  hang- 
ing from  the  mass,  and  waving  with  the  fluctuations  of  the  fluid.  The 
notion,  then,  which  we  seem  to  be  authorized  in  forming,  respecting 
the  previous  state  of  the  belemnite,  is,  that  it  was  a  conical  conca- 
merated  shell,  imbedded  in  a  light  porous  body  :  a  siphunculus  passing 
through  the  septa,  and  perhaps  terminating  in  the  cellular  part :  the 
ascent  or  descent  of  the  animal,  with  its  dwelling,  depending  on 
the  admission  of  air  or  of  water  into  the  siphunculus,  arid  perhaps  into 
the  cellular  part  of  the  light  body  itself.  This  connection  of  the  siphuncle 
with  the  light  porous  body  is  however  assumed,  on  the  existence  of  the 
tube  passing  through  this  body,  as  described  by  M.  Walch,  and  which  is- 
discoverable  in  the  specimen  represented  Plate  VIII.  Fig.  10. 

It  is  hardly  necessary  to  observe,  in  favour  of  the  marine  origin  of 
the  belemnites,  that  they  .sometimes  have  other  marine  bodies,  such  as 
oysters,  serpulae,  8cc.  attached  to  their  surface.  This  circumstance  isr 


however,  worthy  of  notice ;  since  it  serves  to  show,  although  perhaps 
not  decidedly,  that  the  belemnite  is  not  a  nucleus,  which  was  contained 
in  a  shell,  but  that  it  now  possesses  the  same  surface  which  it  did  in  its 
recent  state.  This  is  however  more  plainly  evinced  by  the  specimen, 
Plate  VIII.  Fig.  9,  in  which  this  substance  has  been  eroded,  and 
apparently  by  some  insect,  to  a  considerable  depth.  That  this  was 
effected  previous  to  its  existence  in  a  spathose  state,  cannot  be  denied 
to  be  most  probable ;  and  if  the  substance  had  been  gelatinous,  and  con- 
tained in  a  shell,  these  erosions  could  only  have  been  of  the  shell,  and 
consequently  exterior.  This  circumstance,  therefore,  is  strongly  in 
proof  of  this  part  of  the  belemnite  having  been  a  solid  substance,  ca- 
pable of  admitting  the  attacks  of  an  insect,  and  of  bearing  the  marks  of 
the  injury. 

De  Luc  and  Lamarck  very -ingeniously  suppose,  that  the  belemnite 
itself  was  contained  within  the  body  of  the  animal,  in  the  same  manner 
as  the  bone  of  the  sepia  or  cuttle-fish.  This  opinion  is  far  from  being 
without  probability ;  but  it  does  not  appear  that,  at  present,  we  possess 
any  means  of  forming  a  determination  on  this  point. 

The  Belemnite  deserves  to  be  placed  among  the  earliest  fossils,  not 
only  from  the  recent  belemnite  being,  in  all  probability,  lost;  but  from 
the  fossils  with  which  it  is  in  general  associated,  the  Cornu  ammonis, 
Encritius,  &c.  having  also  outlived  their  recent  analogues. 

M.  Walch  doubts  the  existence  of  silicious  nuclei  of  the  belemnites. 
He  says :  "  Que  la  noyau  pierreuse  de  la  belemnite  puisse  parvenir  a 
un  si  haut  degre  de  durete  qu'elle  donne  du  feu  lorsqu'elle  est  frappee 
avec  1'acier,  c'est  du  quoi  nous  doutons  beaucoup.  Worm,  Lange, 
Brukman,  et  d'autres  1'ont  soutenu,  mais  probablement  ces  naturalistes 
ont  confbndu  avec  les  belemnites  une  sorte  du  pierre  a  feu,  qui  leur 
resemble  parfaitement  et  que  Ton  trouve  dans  la  craye.  Monumens  des 
Catastrophes,  Sfc.  Tome  n.  p.  229.  That  the  cast  of  the  conical  cavity 
of  the  belemnite  may  be  of  such  a  degree  of  hardness,  there  can,  how- 
ever, be  no  doubt.  I  possess  one,  which  is  completely  silicious;  and 


which  bears,  externally,  the  ridges  corresponding  with  the  conca- 
merated  structure  of  the  shell. 

I  have  never  yet  seen  any  other  part  of  the  belemnite  in  a  pyritous 
state,  except  the  concamerated  part.  In  one  specimen,  the  spathose 
part  of  the  belemnite  is  imbedded  in  a  mass  of  pyrites,  with  a  pyritified 
Cornu  ammonis ;  but  it  does  not  appear  to  have  undergone  any  change, 
by  metallic  impregnation. 

The  matrix,  in  which  these  fossils  are  found,  is  generally  calcareous ; 
sometimes  chalk,  but  most  commonly  limestone.  Some  of  the  marbles 
of  AltdorfF  are  chiefly  formed  of  these  bodies,  and  is  thereby  rendered 
of  a  dark  brown  colour.  In  a  specimen  before  me,  formerly  in  the 
Leverian  Museum,  the  marble  appears  to  be  chiefly  composed  of  these 
bodies,  mixed  with  a  few  other  marine  remains  :  and  in  one  part  of  the 
polished  marble,  a  section  is  displayed  of  the  concamerated  part,  show- 
ing distinctly  the  several  chambers  and  partitions.  Sometimes,  but 
much  more  rarely,  the  belemnite  is  found  transfixed  in  common  flint,  a 
specimen  of  which  is  figured  Plate  IX.  Fig.  1. 

That  these  animals  must  have  existed,  in  very  considerable  numbers, 
in  the  former  world,  is  very  reasonable  to  conclude,  from  the  very  wide 
extent  over  which  their  mineralized  remains  are  now  found.  Lhwydd 
appears  to  think,  that  in  England  they  are  so  abundant,  that  Cam- 
bridgeshire only  is  destitute  of  them.  Besides  the  proof  of  their  general 
diffusion,  from  the  various  parts  of  the  world  from  which  those  have 
been  obtained  which  we  find  in  the  cabinets  of  the  curious,  we  have 
particular  descriptions,  in  the  writings  of  different  oryctologists,  of  the 
several  fossils  of  this  description  which  have  been  found  in  Saxony,  Swa- 
bia,  Franconia,  Brunswic,  Salzthal,  Goslar,  Calenberg,  Hildersheim, 
Potsdam,  Niendorp,  Lubec,  Angerbourg,  Francfort,  Switzerland,  Spain, 
France,  and  Great  Britain .. 





LXXVII.  Ammonites.  A  discoidal,  spiral,  multilocular  shell,  with 
turns  contiguous,  and  all  apparent  on  both  sides :  the  chambers 
divided  by  sinuous  septa,  pierced  by  a  siphunculus,  difficult  to  be 
traced,  and  never  passing  through  the  middle  of  the  septa. 

The  shells  of  this  genus  are  distinguishable  from  those  of  Nautilus,  by 
the  difficulty  of  detecting  the  siphunculus,  but  chiefly  by  their  turns 
being  all  apparent  on  both  sides. 

These  are  among  the  fossils,  which,  from  their  extraordinary  forms, 
and  the  frequency  with  which  they  have  been  found,  have  particularly 
excited  the  curiosity  of  the  vulgar ;  to  gratify  which,  superstition  has 
lent  its  aid,  by  furnishing  the  tale  of  their  being  petrified  snakes.  Thus 
the  nuns  of  Whitby 

" told 

How,  of  thousand  snakes,  each  one 
Was  chang'd  into  a  coil  of  stone, 

When  holy  Hilda  prayed  ; 
Themselves  within  their  holy  bound, 
Their  stony  folds  had  often  found. 

Nor  did  Saint  Cuthbevt's  daughters*  fail 
To  vie  with  these  in  holy  tale. 

*  The  Nuns  of  Lindisfarn,  or  of  Holy  Island  Monastery. 


, on  a  rock,  by  Lindisfarn 

Saint  Cuthbert  sits,  and  toils  to  frame 
The  sea-born  beads*  that  bear  his  name. 
Such  tales  had  Whitby's  fishers  told, 
And  said  they  might  his  shape  behold, 

And  hear  his  anvil  sound : 
A  deaden' d  clang,  a  huge  dim  form, 
Seen  but  and  heard,  when  gathering  storm, 

And  night  were  closing  round. 

MARMION,  Canto  II.  v.  13  and  14. 

Among  the  notions  which  have  been  entertained  respecting  these 
fossils,  none  is  more  curious  than  the  following :  "  The  country  people 
retain  a  conceit,  that  the  snakes,  by  their  breathing  about  a  hazell 
wand,  doe  make  a  stone  ring  of  blew  colour,  in  which  there  appeareth 
the  yellow  figure  of  a  snake ;  and  that  beasts  which  are  stung,  being 
given  to  drink  of  the  water  wherein  this  stone  has  been  soked,  will  there- 
through recover.  There  was  such  a  one  bestowed  on  me,  and  the 
giver  avowed  to  have  seen  a  part  of  the  stick  sticking  in  it :  but  Penes 
author  em  sit  fides*"  The  Survey  of  Cornwall,  written  by  Richard  Carew,  of 
Antonie,  Esq. 

These,  and  various  other  idle  tales,  had  long  supplied  the  place  of 
rational  conjecture,  respecting  the  original  mode  of  existence  of  these 
fossils,  until,  by  the  investigations  of  Lister,  Buttner,  Scheuchzer,  and 
particularly  of  Breyn,  their  real  nature  was  discovered  ;  and  it  was  fully 
ascertained,  that  they  were  the  mineralized  remains  of  a  shell,  the 
recent  analogue  of  which  was  unknown. 

Plancus  indeed  discovered,  in  the  sand  of  the  Riminian  shores,  micro- 
scopic, spiral,  multilocular  shells,  which  he  considered  as  minute  recent 
shells  of  this  genus,  and  which  have  been  considered  as  such  by  almost 
every  writer  on  these  subjects,  since  his  discovery.  Similar  shells  have 
been  found  in  several  parts  of  the  world,  and  even  on  the  shores  of  this 

*  Trochites. 


island :  but  all  these  minute  shells  differ  so  essentially  from  the  fossil 
shells  of  this  genus,  as  to  fully  authorize  the  arranging  of  them  under 
distinct  genera. 

The  number  of  species  in  the  genus  Ammonites  must  have  been 
exceedingly  great.  Langius  and  D'Argenville,  indeed,  are  very  re- 
stricted in  their  enumerations :  the  former  giving  fifteen,  and  the  latter 
only  fourteen,  as  the  amount.  Bromel  ascertained  the  existence  of  forty 
species,  and  Scheuchzer  extended  the  number  to  a  hundred  and  forty- 
nine;  whilst  the  assiduous  Rosin  us  was  led,  by  his  inquiries,  to  believe 
them  to  be  not  less  than  three  hundred. 

To  form  a  fair  opinion  on  this  point  would  require  the  examination  of 
several  collections,  where  these  fossils  had  been  collected  with  a  parti- 
cular view  to  this  investigation.  I  am  however  satisfied  that  Rosinus's 
number  is  that  on  which  we  may  with  most  safety  depend ;  for,  inde- 
pendent of  the  vast  differences  observable  as  to  size,  the  various  mark- 
ings on  the  sides  of  these  fossils  are  sufficient  to  characterize  a  great 
number  of  species.  Thus  we  have  smooth,  knobbed,  striated,  and 
grooved.  Those  which  are  ornamented  with*  knobs,  vary  according  ta 
the  intermixture  of  these,  or  the  order  in  which  they  are  disposed. 
Those  which  are  striated,  as  well  as  those  which  are  grooved,  derive  a 
vast  variety  of  embellishment  from  the  striae  or  grooves  being  straight 
or  undulating,  or  partly  straight  and  partly  waved,  from  being  bifur- 
cated, trifurcated,  &c. ;  or  partly  simple,  and  partly  furcated.  The 
species  resulting  from  each  of  these  must,  it  is  evident,  be  very  nume- 
rous ;  but  from  the  several  intermixtures  of,  or  changes  among,  these  dif- 
ferent markings,  the  number  must  necessarily  become  exceedingly  great. 
But  besides  the  numerous  species  which  are  thus  formed,  a  prodigious 
number  more  may  be  reckoned  from  the  different  markings  and  forms 
of  the  backs  of  these  shells,  on  which  are  also  exhibited  every  embellish- 
ment, almost,  of  which  such  a  surface  is  susceptible.  When  it  is  con- 
sidered that  each  of  the  modifications  of  form,  of  the  sides^  of  the  shell* 
may  be  combined  with  every  different  form  which  is  assumed  by  the 
back ;  and  that  the  number  of  species  thus  yielded  will  be  the 


of  the  different  forms  of  the  sides,  multiplied  by  the  number  of  different 
forms  of  the  back,  the  number  of  species  will  be  found  far  beyond 

The  number  of  species   is,    however,    not   confined  by  even  these 
limits ;  since  colour,  another  source  of  change,  and  of  multiplication  of 
species,  remains  yet  to  be  considered.     It  is  true,  that  of  this  source  we 
cannot  avail  ourselves  in  the  enumeration  of  fossil  shells;  but  it  is  cer- 
tainly fair  to  examine  how  far  it  may  have  b^en  likely  to  have  multi- 
plied the  number  of  species  of  this  shell,  in  a  recent  state,  which,  in  a 
fossil  state,    and   without  this  addition,    we  have   seen  to  be  so  very 
numerous.     In  the  genus  Conusy  Linnaeus  admits  seventy-one  species ; 
and  in  the  genus  Cypr&a,  one  hundred  and  fourteen   species :    and,  in 
both  these  genera,  the  figure  of  the  shells  so  approximate  to  uniformity, 
as  to  allow  it  to  be  said,  that  the  chief  of  the  specific  distinctions  which 
have  been  had  recourse  to  in  them,  have  been  those  of  colour,  varying 
in  its  hues,  arid  in  the  forms  in  which  it  has  been  disposed.     Reckoning, 
therefore,    upon  the  still   further  multiplication  of  the  species  of  this 
genus,  by  distinctions  arising  from  the  various  differences,  as  to  colour, 
combined  with  the  numerous  distinctions  as  to  figure,  it  may  be  con- 
cluded, that  the  number  of  species  comprised  in  this  genus,  in  a  recent 
state,  must  have  been  immense ;  although  at  present  we  know  not  of 
the  existence  of  a  single  individual ! 

Besides  the  markings  observable  on  these  fossils,  which  may  be 
thought  worthy  of  being  regarded  as  specific  distinctions,  there  is  ano- 
ther kind,  which  is  common  to  the  whole  genus,  suffering  some  little 
variation  in  different  species.  These  are  the  elegant  undulating  mark- 
ings on  the  surface,  which  are  named  foliaceous  sutures,  and  which  are 
seldom  observable  but  where  the  external  shell  is  removed.  Unlike  the 
septa  of  the  Nautilus,  the  septa  in  the  shells  of  this  genus  are  always 
extended  in  a  peculiar  sinuous  form ;  so  that,  on  the  removal  of  the 
external  shell,  those  edges  of  the  septa,  which  terminated  in  the 
parieties  of  the  shell,  appear  in  very  elegant  forms,  similar  to  those  of 
a  beautiful  foliage,  as  is  represented  in  the  pyritous  specimen,  Plate  IX. 


Fig.  7,  from  Folkstone.  The  internal  arrangement  of  these  septa 
will  be  understood  from  Fig.  9,  where  a  section  of  the  same  fossil  is 

From  this  sinuous  disposition  of  the  septa,  the  chambers  necessarily 
derive  a  very  peculiar  form :  a  form  hardly  to  be  described ;  but  of 
which  a  correct  idea  may  be  obtained  from  the  figure  Plate  IX.  Fig.  3, 
which  is  a  representation  of  one  of  the  casts  which  are  sometimes 
formed  in  the  chambers  of  these  shells ;  the  surrounding  shell  having 
been  removed  by  decomposition,  subsequent  to  having  been  filled  with 
the  matter  of  which  these  casts  are  formed.  These  casts  of  the  cham- 
bers of  the  Cornu  ammonis  are  distinguished  by  the  name  of  Spon- 

In  the  quarries  of  Wet  and  Dry  Sandford,  in  Oxfordshire,  are  fre- 
quently found  fossils  of  a  very  curious  appearance,  being  the  series  of 
casts,  in  the  chambers  of  this  shell,  formed  of  spathose  matter,  the  shell 
itself  having  been  totally  removed.  In  these  fossils,  which  bear  the 
general  form  of  the  shell,  the  casts  of  the  chambers,  though  actually 
distinct,  are  so  closely  locked  into  each  other,  as  frequently  to  render 
their  separation  very  difficult.  They  are  known  among  the  quarrymen 
by  the  name  of  jointed  snake  stones. 

I  have  two  specimens  from  Wiltshire,  in  which  the  Cornu  ammonis  has 
been  imbedded  in  flint,  and  in  which  the  terminations  of  the  septa  are 
still  to  be  seen,  now  formed  of  flint. 

The  terminations  of  the  septa  are  very  beautifully  preserved,  in  snow- 
white  filaments,  in  some  of  the  silicious  specimens  from  Blackdown. 
Some  of  these  specimens  are  rendered  particularly  interesting  by  the  con- 
servation of  the  outer  shell,  now  a  white  silicious  substance,  and  appa- 
rently the  thickness  of  the  original  shell.  A  species  of  Ammonites,  found 
at  Yeovil,  which  is  filled  with  a  very  fine  white  lime-stone  and  spar, 
yields  a  very  beautiful  appearance,,  when  the  outer  surface  is  so  far 
rubbed  down,  as  to  show  the  elegantly  meandering  lines  of  the  sutures, 
as  they  reach  to  the  surface, 

VOL.  III.  T 


The  part  of  the  Cornu  ammonis  which  next  particularly  demands  our 
attention,  is  the  siphuncle ;  and  which  has  hitherto  been  so  rarely  made 
out,  as  to  have  led  many  to  doubt  whether  it  existed  or  not.  Its  ex- 
istence being,  however,  proved  in  several  specimens,  analogy  leads  us 
to  conclude  that  it  really  exists  in  all ;  and  that  it  served  the  same  pur- 
poses as  the  siphuncle  in  the  Nautilus,  the  enabling  of  the  animal  to 
regulate/ its  ascent  and  descent  in  the  water. 

The  sporidylolite,  Plate  IX.  Fig.  3,  strongly  proves  the  existence  of 
the  siphuncle,  by  the  deeply-sunk  circular  cavity  which  exists  on  the 
outer  side  of  this  fossil  body,  where,  doubtlessly,  the  siphuncle  had 
passed.  In  the  very  rare  specimen,  Plate  IX.  Fig.  4,  which  formed  a 
part  of  the  Leverian  collection,  the  siphuncle  itself  is  seen,  in  situ. 

The  situation  of  the  siphuncle  is  not  always  the  same,  in  every  spe- 
cies: in  some,  it  runs  along  the  back  of  the  shell,  as  in  the  specimen 
Fig.  3 ;  in  others,  it  runs  along  the  inner  part  of  the  whirl,  as  in  the 
specimen  represented  Fig.  4 ;  and,  unless  I  am  very  much  deceived,  a 
siphuncle  runs  along  both  the  outer  and  inner  side  of  the  whirls  of  the 
specimen,  Fig.  5. 

The  exact  figure  of  the  siphunculus  is  not,  I  believe,  yet  known.  I 
have  destroyed  many  specimens,  with  the  hope  of  obtaining  information 
in  this  respect ;  but  without  decided  success.  In  general,  it  appears  to  be 
formed  by  a  uniform  cylindrical  tube,  regularly  increasing  in  size  as  it 
proceeds  from  the  central  to  the  outer  whirls.  1  think,  however,  that 
in  some  parts  of  the  specimen,  Plate  IX.  Fig.  5,  the  siphuncle  seems  to 
be  a  little  contracted  in  those  parts  where  the  septa  unite  with  the 
outer  shell ;  but  that,  in  other  parts,  the  septa  appear  to  be  formed  of 
two  shelly  plates,  which,  separating  as  they  approach  the  outer  shell, 
seem  to  admit  a  duplicature  of  the  siphuncle  to  dip  in  between  them. 
Some  of  this  appearance  may  however  be  a  deceptio  visits,  proceeding  in 
some  measure  from  the  direction  in  which  the  parts  are  divided. 

Bertrand,  Diction,  des  Fossiles,  p.  175,  and  others,  who  have  been 
aware  of  the  existence  of  this  siphuncle,  have  yet  supposed  that  this 


animal  has  been  always  obliged  to  remain,  with  its  shell,  at  the  bottom 
of  the  sea.  But  if  this  were  the  case,  it  would  seem  as  if  the  animal  had 
been  supplied,  in  the  siphunculus,  with  a  useless  organ.  But  it  is 
most  probable  that,  as  in  the  Nautilus,  the  weight  of  the  shell  and  of 
the  animal,  was  so  nearly  balanced  by  the  numerous  cavities  of  the 
shell  as  to  allow  the  animal,  which,  like  the  nautilus,  filled  the  first 
chamber,  to  raise  or  sink  itself  at  pleasure,  by  the  alteration  of  the 
gravity  of  the  mass  by  occasionally  filling  the  siphuncle  with  air,  or 
perhaps  with  water.  Those  who  doubted  of  the  Cornu  ammonis  having 
possessed  this  power,  have  been  chiefly  misled  by  a  mistake  respecting 
the  weight  of  the  shell ;  and  seeing  shells  of  this  genus  of  the  size  of  the 
fore-wheel  of  a  chariot,  and  weighing  upwards  of  a  hundred  pounds 
weight,  have  supposed  that  they  must  necessarily  have  always  remained, 
whilst  living,  at  the  bottom  of  the  sea.  But  from  every  specimen  which 
I  have  examined,  it  appears,  that  the  shells  of  this  genus  must  have 
been  so  thin  and  light,  as  to  give  no  difficulty  to  the  supposition, 
that  with  so  many  closed  cavities,  and  the  siphuncle  itself  contain- 
ing air,  the  shell,  with  the  animal,  would  float,  and  would  only  sink 
upon  the  admission  of  water  into  the  siphuncle,  or  upon  its  close  con- 

The  shells  of  this  genus,  like  those  of  Nautilus,  had  a  covering  of 
nacre,  or  mother-of-pearl,  on  their  internal  surface.  But  this  nacre 
appears  to  have  differed  from  the  mother-of-pearl  of  those  shells,  of 
which  recent  analogues  exist,  in  manifesting  a  much  greater  variety  and 
brilliancy  of  colour  in  its  mineralized  state.  It  is  this  pearly  coat  of  the 
Cornu  ammonis  which  forms  the  brilliant  flame-like  spots,  which  render 
the  marble  of  Carinthia  (fire-marble),  so  resplendent ;  and  wrhich,  with 
the  various  beautiful  hues  with  which  they  are  blended,  enables  that 
substance  to  vie  in  beauty  with  the  opal  itself.  That  the  nacre  of  the 
Cornu  ammonis  differed  from  that  of  the  Nautilus,  is,  I  think,  evident, 
from  the  fossil  nacre  of  the  latter  never  displaying  an  equal  degree,  nor 
indeed  a  similar  kind,  of  brilliancy  with  that  of  the  former  shell.  I  have 


several  specimens  of  fossil  mother-of-pearl  from  the  Nautilus;  but,  where  the 
colours  are  not  entirely  lost,  the  appearance  is  exactly  similar  to  that  of 
the  recent  substance. 

Specimens  of  the  Cornu  ammonis,  on  which  the  brilliant  nacre  still 
exists,  are  sometimes  found.  At  Broad  Marston,  as  we  are  informed  by 
Dr.  Maton  *,  a  stratum  was  found,  in  1778,  containing  a  congeries  of 
Cornua  ammonis,  on  which  the  nacre  is  still  visible :  and  indeed,  on  some 
of  these,  the  brilliancy  of  colour  possessed  by  the  nacre  is  very  consider- 
able. The  finest  British  specimens  of  this  kind,  which  I  have  seen,  are 
in  the  valuable  collection  of  Mr.  Harcourt,  of  Stapleton. 

But  the  specimens  which  display  the  naost  vivid  colouring,  are  those 
which  are  found  near  the  river  Moscorcica,  about  a  league  from  Moscow. 
In  one  of  these  specimens,  which  I  obtained  from  Mr.  Heuland,  the  colours 
are  not  less  splendid,  nor  less  beautifully  changeable,  than  those  which  the 
fire-marble  itself  displays,  and  are  finely  disposed  over  the  whole  of  the 
shell.  In  another  specimen,  either  from  France  or  from  the  neighbour- 
hood of  Moscow,  the  colour  is  the  richest  blue  I  have  ever  seen. 

Such  of  these  shells  as  are  found  in  schistose  strata  have  generally 
suffered  from  compression;  as  is  mostly  the  case,  indeed,  with  all 
organic  remains  which  have  been  thus  preserved.  This  is  particularly 
the  case  with  the  ammonites  which  are  found  at  Watchett.  In  these  spe- 
cimens, it  often  happens  that  the  whole  substance  of  a  large  shell  is  com- 
pressed into  the  thickness  of  a  quarter  of  an  inch.  In  ammonites  which 
have  been  thus  preserved,  the  shell  is  sometimes  of  a  dead  opaque 
white,  whilst  in  others  it  reflects  the  most  beautifully-coloured  rays. 

The  specimen  represented  Plate  IX.  Fig.  8,  and  which  is,  I  believe, 
foreign,  is  very  interesting,  not  only  from  its  figure,  but  from  its  retain- 
ing a  considerable  portion  of  the  original  shell.  Specimens  of  this  kind 
are  extremely  rare ;  for,  in  general,  those  which  exhibit  brilliant  co- 
lours have  only  the  internal  nacre  of  the  shell  adherent;  and  not  as 

*  Dr.  Maton's  Tour  to  the  Western  Counties  of  England,  Vol.  I.  p.  21. 


in  this,  and  in  one  other  calcareous  specimen,  which  I  possess,  the 
whole  substance.  In  some  small  specimens  with  which  I  have  been  fa- 
voured by  the  Rev.  J.  R.  Cleeve  and  Mr.  Clarke,  the  cavities  are  filled 
by  a  transparent  calcedony;  whilst  the  external  opaque  silicious  sub- 
stance yields  every  appearance  to  warrant  the  supposition  of  its  being 
the  shell  itself,  thus  changed  by  impregnation  with  silex ;  for,  although 
the  change  is  such,  as  to  have  given  transparency  to  the  mass,  the 
smooth  shelly  surface  is  evident. 

Plate  X.  Fig.  6  and  7,  are  the  lateral  and  front  views  of  a  beautiful 
fossil,  which  the  late  Mr.  Martin,  in  his  admirable  work,  Petrificata 
Derbicnsia,  PL  40,  Fig.  1,  2,  gives,  rather  hesitatingly,  as  a  nautilites, 
with  this  description — "  A  fossil  shell.  The  original  a  Nautilus.  Invo- 
luted, somewhat  globose,  im perforated,  striated;  the  striae  close,  acute, 
transverse,  but  oblique  on  the  sides,  and  united  by  a  single,  narrow, 
dorsal  line,  at  the  ambit.  The  mouth  or  aperture  large,  and  somewhat 
extended  on  each  side.  The  form  and  situation  of  the  dissepiments 
unknown.  Now  and  then  found  in  our  lime-stone,  but  not  frequent." 
I  have  rubbed  down  this  fossil  at  the  mouth,  but  without  being  able 
to  ascertain  any  thing  with  respect  to  either  septa  or  siphunculus ;  and, 
of  course,  without  being  able  to  determine  its  genus. 

Plate  X.  Fig.  8,  is  a  fossil  shell  of  a  very  rare  form.  It  is  rather 
globose,  and  marked  with  numerous  transverse  furcated  lines,  and  three 
deep  grooves,  which  surround  the  whirl,  and  terminate  on  each  side  in 
a  small,  but  deep  umbilicus.  It  possesses  the  character  of  Ammonites,  in 
having  small  and  frequent  foliaceous  sutures,  with,  of  course,  sinuous 
septa,  and  the  character  of  Nautilus,  in  the  outer  turns,  involving  the 
inner.  With  the  habitat  of  this  shell  I  am  unacquainted. 

In  another  fossil  from  Italy,  six  times  the  size  of  the  preceding,  and 
much  flatter,  an  exact  agreement  with  the  preceding  exists,  except  that 
it  is  flatter. 

Plate  X.  Fig.  9,  is  a  fossil,  which  is  also  of  an  ambiguous  appear- 
ance. The  whirls  are  narrow,  but  deep,  and  marked  with  frequent 


transverse  ridges,  which  bifurcate  at  their  origin:  a  deep  rounded 
groove  seeming  to  terminate  the  first  whirl.  A  similar  termination  of 
the  first  whirl  is  observable  in  the  fossil,  Fig.  10,  to  which  fossil  it 
somewhat  approximates. 

Different  opinions  have  been  entertained  with  respect  to  the  ammo- 
nites assuming  naturally  an  oval  shape.  Whilst  this  has  been  said  to  be 
the  case  by  some,  who  have  adduced  specimens  of  this  fossil  in  this  form,, 
in  proof  of  their  assertions,  others  have  contended,  that  the  oval  figure 
has  proceeded  from  compression.  The  only  specimen  in  this  form,  which; 
I  for  some  time  possessed,  was  entirely  pyritous ;  and  by  observing  that 
a  part  of  the  specimen  retained  the  appearance  and  proportions  of  a 
round  specimen,  I  hesitated  at  admitting  the  proof  of  the  fact,  from 
that  instance.  Since  then,  I  have  seen  oval  specimens,  indubitably 
possessing  their  original  form,  from  Wiltshire  ;  and  have  lately  obtained 
one  myself  from  Steyning,  which  is  represented  Plate  IX.  Fig.  6,  and 
proves,  undoubtedly,  that  shells  of  this  genus  existed  originally  in  this 

LXXVIII.  Baculites.  A  straight,  cylindrical,  or  slightly  conical 
shell,  divided  into  chambers  by  transverse,  sinuous,  and  imperforated 
septa;  the  articulations,  or  sutures,  being  indented  in  the  manner  of  the 
battlements  of  a  tower. 

The  fossil,  the  characteristics  of  which  are  here  given,  was  found  by 
Faujas  St.  Fond,  among  the  fossils  of  St.  Peter's  Mountain,  and  was  by 
him  considered  as  a  straight  Cornu  ammonis.  Histoire  Naturelle  de  la  Mont, 
de  St.  Pierre,  p.  140.  The  propriety  of  forming  with  it  a  distinct  genus, 
as  Lamarck  has  done,  is  obvious;  since,  on  the  same  principle  that 
St.  Fond  would  name  it  Ammonites  rectus,  we  ought  to  place  the  ortho- 
ceratites  under  the  genus  Nautilus,  and  name  it  Nautilus  rectus,  as  has. 
been  done  by  Baron  le  Hupsch,  who  has  given  a  figure  of  this  fossil 
(Baculites)  accompanied  with  observations  on  its  structure,  and  on  the 
relationship  which  it  bears  to  the  Cornu  ammonis.  Nouvelles  Dccouvertes 
de  quelques  Testacees  Petrifies  rarcs  et  inconnus,  pour  servir  a,  I  Histoire  Na-. 


turelle  de  la  Basse  Allemagne,  PL  iv.  This  fossil  was  figured  by  Langius, 
Hist.  Lap.  Fig.  Helv.  PL  21,  Fig.  4;  and  the  figure  of  Langius  has 
been  copied  by  Bourguet,  Traite  des  Petrifications,  Fig.  316. 

Both  the  specimens  of  this  fossil,  discovered  by  Baron  de  Hupsch  and 
by  Faujas  St.  Fond,  are  merely  casts  of  the  chambers  of  the  shell,  Spon- 
dylolithes  ;  and  such  also  is  the  specimen  which  I  have  also  had  the  good 
fortune  to  obtain  from  Maestricht,  and  which  is  represented  Plate  IX. 
Fig.  2.  This  fossil,  it  may  be  observed,  approaches  nearer  in  size  to 
that  of  Langius,  than  to  that  figured  in  Faujas  St.  Fond's  elegant  work. 
I  must  here  remark,  that  the  absence  of  a  siphuncle,  assumed  by  La- 
marck, cannot  be  proved  from  the  mere  casts  of  the  chambers,  which  is 
the  only  state  in  which  we  have  yet  seen  this  fossil. 

It  is  about  five  years  since  I  first  met  with  the  fossil  represented 
Plate  X.  Fig.  1,  with  some  others,  at  the  shop  of  Mr.  Heslop,  who 
had  received  them  from  the  coast,  not  far  from  Dover.  Since  that 
time  I  have  been  favoured,  by  my  friend  Mr.  Herbert,  with  other  spe- 
cimens, from  the  same  coast,  on  some  of  which  are  remains  of  the  ori- 
ginal pearly  part  of  the  shell.  From  a  comparison  of  these  fossils  with 
the  baculites  of  Lamarck,  it  appears  that  the  chief  difference  is,  that  the 
septa  of  the  baculites  are  disposed  in  a  straight  transverse  direction,  whilst 
in  these  fossils  they  are  placed  in  an  oblique  transverse  direction.  Among 
these  fossils  were  some  which  were  slightly  bent  at  their  smaller  end,  as 
at  Plate  X.  Fig.  2  ;  and  others  so  much  so,  as  to  show  that  this  was  their 
natural  form,  and  not  the  effect  of  accident. 

For  fossils  bearing  a  character  so  completely  distinct,  the  necessity  of 
forming  a  new  genus  seemed  to  be  obvious,  and  analogy  appeared  to 
support  the  arrangement.  As  there  is  a  genus  (Orthocera)  of  straight 
multilocular  shells,  with  plain  septa;  so  there  appears  to  be  a  corres- 
ponding genus  of  straight  multilocular  shells  with  sinuous  septa,  forming 
the  genus  Baculites.  And  as  there  are  two  more  genera  in  those  shells 
with  plain  septa,  one  spiral  (Nautilus),  and  another  partly  straight  and 


partly  spiral  (Spirilla) ;  so,  of  these  shells  with  sinuous  septa,  we  have 
the  spiral  (Ammonites),  and  the  partly  straight  and  partly  bent,  which 
have  not  been  yet  noticed,  and  which  I  shall  venture  to  place  under  the 
following  genus. 

LXXIX.  Hamites.  A  multilocular  hook-formed  shell,  with  sinuous 
septa,  with  no  evident  siphunculus. 

The  uniform  figure  of  these  fossil  shells  sufficiently  separate  them  from 
every  other  genus ;  and  undoubtedly  this  separation  would  have  been 
made  long  before  this,  if  sufficient  attention  had  been  paid  to  the  real 
forms  which  the  fragments  of  this  fossil  possessed ;  and  if  a  sufficient 
number  had  been  obtained  to  have  allowed  the  making  of  the  necessary 

One  circumstance  has  particularly  tended  to  mislead  those  who  may 
have  been  induced  to  make  any  inquiries  on  this  subject.  All  the  casts 
of  the  fossils  of  this  genus  which  I  have  met  with,  except  one  in  sand- 
stone from  Wiltshire,  are  formed  of  a  pyritous  clay,  which,  when  the 
shell  has  been  entirely  removed,  so  readily  gives  the  idea  of  having 
been  in  a  soft  state,  that  the  hooked  form  of  the  specimens  have  been 
attributed  to  their  having  been  bent  and  distorted  whilst  in  that  state. 
Such  an  idea  might  even  be  readily  excited  by  the  specimen,  Plate  X. 
Fig.  5,  found  in  the  stratum  of  green  sand  in  Wiltshire.  Plate  X.  Fig.  2, 
shows  a  specimen,  in  which  the  first  approximation  to  the  hooked  form 
is  observable.  Plate  X.  Fig.  4,  represents  a  specimen,  in  which  the 
turn  of  the  hook  is  completely  made ;  and  evidently  in  such  a  direction, 
as  could  not  have  allowed  of  the  formation  of  a  spiral  turn.  In  this  spe- 
cimen, enough  of  the  smaller  end  of  the  fossil  is  left  to  show,  that  it 
was  continued  in  a  straight  direction  from  the  bend.  This,  it  may  be 
observed,  is  the  termination  in  which  alone  we  could  have  expected  the 
spiral  turn  ;  but  which,  going  off  in  a  straight  line  after  the  bend,  deter- 
mines the  hooked  form  to  belong  to  this  fossil. 

The  specimen  Plate  X.  Fig.  3,  which  I  purchased  from  the  Le- 
verian  Museum,  and  which  had  frequently  been  with  me  an  object 


of  admiration,  seems  to  exhibit  nearly  the  complete  form  of  the  shells 
of  this  genus.  The  particular  figure  of  this  fossil  had  heen,  by  most 
of  its  observers,  attributed  to  some  changes  which  it  had  undergone 
whilst  in  a  soft  mineralized  state ;  but  I  had  been  always  satisfied 
of  its  existing  in  its  original  shape,  from  reflecting  on  the  improbability 
of  its  spiral  turns  having  been  unfolded  without  fracture:  a  circum- 
stance, indeed,  which  an  examination  of  the  specimen  renders  at  once 
evident.  This  curious  fossil,  which  is  formed  of  a  blueish  clay,  was 
found,  as  appears  by  a  label,  which  is  attached  to  it,  in  Shotover  Hill, 
near  Oxford. 

LXXX.  Scaphites.  A  fossil  concamerated  shell,  commencing  with 
spiral  turns ;  the  last  of  which,  after  being  elongated,  is  reflected  towards 
the  spiral  part. 

I  have  ventured  to  form  the  present  genus  for  the  reception  of  the 
very  rare  and  interesting  fossil,  Plate  X.  Fig.  10,  from  Dorsetshire, 
there  being  no  genus  in  which  it  could  be  placed. 

This  fossil  is  in  a  very  excellent  state  of  preservation :  the  nacre  is 
visible  on  some  parts  of  it,  and  in  others  the  foliaceous  terminations  of 
the  chambers  may  be  discovered.  At  the  termination  of  the  reflected 
part,  the  mouth  of  the  shell,  a  border  is  formed,  by  the  edge  of  a  regu- 
larly rounded  groove,  with  which  the  shell  appears  to  have  been  here 

The  very  wide  difference  between  its  form  and  that  of  the  shells  of 
the  genus  Ammonites,  to  which  it  approaches  the  nearest,  is  sufficient,  I 
conceive,  to  show  the  propriety  of  a  separation.  I  acknowledge  that  I 
was  at  first  disposed  to  consider  it  as  a  monstrosity ;  supposing  that  the 
animal  had  by  some  accident  been  misdirected  in  its  operations  of  form- 
ing its  .shell,  and  had  thereby  been  led  to  the  formation  of  it  in  this 
uncommon  shape.  A  closer  examination  of  the  shell,  however,  set 
aside  this  opinion ;  for  I  then  noticed  the  tubercles  on  the  sides  of  the 
straight  part,  which  did  not  appear  at  all  in  the  spiral,  and  but  faintly 
in  the  recurved  part.  This  seemed  to  manifest  that,  at  different  pe- 

VOL.   Ill,  U 


riods  of  its  growth,  the  animal  had  undergone  such  certain  changes,  in 
the  organization  of  those  parts  on  which  the  formation  of  its  shell  de- 
pended, as  fitted  them  for  depositing  the  shell  in  this  intended  peculiar 
form.  It  is  true,  that  although  the  tubercles  might  not  be  perceptible 
in  the  first  whirls,  yet  as  the  size  of  the  animal  increased,  so  would  the 
respective  parts  which  formed  the  shell ;  and,  of  course,  so  would  the 
tubercles  also,  whether  the  shell  was  extended  in  a  spiral  or  a  lengthened 
form.  But  under  the  supposition  that  this  had  been  the  case,  and  that 
these  were  the  labours  of  the  animal  of  the  Cornu  ammonis,  which  had  erro- 
neously, as  it  were,  continued  out  its  shell  in  this,  instead  of  the  spiral 
form,  still  the  parts  of  the  shell  would  have  continued  increasing  in  size 
with  the  animal.  But  here  the  reverse  takes  place;  for,  after  the  ani- 
mal has  made  its  reflected  turn,  the  nodules  begin  to  lessen,  and  the 
whole  of  the  shell  is  formed  on  a  diminished  scale;  from  which  we  may 
safely  infer,  that  a  change  of  organization  in  these  parts,  appropriate  to 
the  different  changes  of  form  in  the  shell  took  place  naturally  in  the 
animal,  and  affords  sufficient  reason  for  considering  it  as  forming  a  genus 
distinct  from  that  of  Ammonites. 

This  is  confirmed  by  the  chalk  fossil,  Plate  X.  Fig.  11,  which,  with, 
several  others,  was  found  by  my  friend,  Mr.  Herbert,  in  a  chalk-pit 
near  Brighton.  Although  but  little  of  this  shell  appeared,  and  no  more 
could  be  traced  into  the  chalk,  I  was  satisfied,  when  I  first  saw  it,  that 
it  could  not  belong  to  the  genus  Ammonites',  and,  as  several  were  found 
in  the  same  pit,  there  was  no  reason  for  supposing  that  its  peculiar  for- 
mation was  the  result  of  accident.  Comparison  with  the  preceding  fos- 
sil, which  I  have  since  obtained,  shows  plainly  that  it  is  of  the  same 
genus,  and  perhaps  of  the  same  species,  with  it. 

LXXXI.  Turrilites.  A  spiral,  turriculated,  multilocular  shell;  the 
turns  contiguous,  and  all  visible.  The  chambers  divided  by  sinuous 
septa,  pierced  in  their  disks.  The  mouth  round. 

Langius  gives  the  figures  of  two  fragments  of  two  distinct  species  of 
this  fossil ;  one  of  which  he  describes,  Turbinites  striatus  striis  transversis 


densioribus  et  ex  parte  superiore  in  tubercula  abeuntibus  a  dextra  ad  sinistram 
convolutus  major  pulliis  duarum  spirantm.  Tab.  32,  Fig.  6.  The  other  he 
describes  as  Twrbinites  striatus  striis  transversis,  et  in  medio  in  duplicem  papil- 
larum  seriem  divisis  a  dextra  ad  sinistram  convolutis  major  pullus  unicte  spira. 
Tab.  32,  Fig.  7.  These  fossils,  he  informs  us,  were  obtained  from  the 
mountains  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Baden,  in  Switzerland.  Hist.  Lap. 
Fig.  Kc.  p.  111.  Two  fossils  of  this  species  have  also  been  described  by 
Scheuchzer,  in  his  Physica  Sacra,  one  of  which  seems  to  be  entirely  dif- 
ferent from  those  of  Langius ;  but  the  other  appears  to  resemble  that  of 
Fig.  7. 

The  representations  above  referred  to  are  mere  casts  of  this  shel), 
the  shell  itself  not  having  been  discovered  until  of  late  years.  This  dis- 
covery was  made  by  M.  Denis  Montfbrt,  who  discovered  two  species  in 
the  mountain  of  St.  Catharine,  near  Rouen.  One  of  these  he  distin- 
guishes as  TurrHites  tnberculata;  the  whirls  of  the  spire  being  set  with  four 
rows  of  tubercles,  disposed  in  quincunx  order.  This  shell  appears  to 
have  been  in  such  a  state  of  perfection  as  to  allow  of  its  form  being 
made  out  completely.  It  is  regularly  formed  in  a  spire,  the  whirls  of 
which  are  projecting  and  articulated,  the  foliaceous  sutures  formed  by 
the  edges  of  the  septa  being  apparent.  The  opening  of  the  shell  is 
nearly  round;  the  columella  flat,  without  any  folds;  and  the  septa  per- 
forated, nearly  in  the  centre,  by  a  syphon.  The  other  species  has  the 
whirls  of  the  spire  beset  with  short  ribs,  beneath  which  are  two  rows  of 
tubercles,  and  appears  to  resemble  the  fossil  figured  by  Langius,  Fig.  6. 
Journal  de  Physique,  SCc.  de  rl  licrmidor,  An  7.  A  cast  of  this  rare  and 
extraordinary  fossil  is  represented  Plate  X.  Fig.  12,  in  the  superior  frac- 
tured termination  of  which  may  be  seen  the  traces  of  its  foliaceous 





LXXXII.  Nummulites.  A  lenticular  univalve,  with  an  internal, 
discoidal,  multilocular  spire,  divided  into  numerous  chambers  by  trans- 
verse imperforated  septa,  and  covered  by  several  plates;  the  paries  of 
each  turn  being  complicated,  extended,  and  united  on  each  side  to  the 
other  disks. 

The  extreme  obscurity  in  which  the  nature  of  these  bodies  has  been 
involved,  almost  to  the  present  day,  has  occasioned  the  adoption  of 
numerous  vague  and  even  absurd  conjectures  respecting  their  origin. 
By  some  they  have  been  supposed  to  be  the  sports  of  nature,  and  by 
others,  seeds,  the  leaves  of  trees,  and  even  pieces  of  money,  miraculously 
converted  to  stone.  A  variety  of  terms  have  been  employed  to  designate 
these  substances.  Thus,  they  have  been  named  Helicitcs,  from  their 
spiral  structure ;  Phacites,  from  their  resemblance  to  a  lentil ;  and  Sali* 
cites,  from  the  supposed  resemblance  of  their  sections  to  the  leaf  of  the 
willow.  Pliny  is  supposed  to  refer  to  this  body,  under  the  name  of 
Daphniasi  when  he  mentions  that  Zoroaster  employed  these  substances 
in  the  cure  of  epilepsy.  From  their  substance  and  external  form,  they 
have  also  been  termed  Lentes  lapidea ;  and  from  the  appearances  dis- 
played by  their  sections,  Lapides  cumini,  frumentarii,  &c. 

Scheuchzer  was  the  first  who  concluded  that  these  bodies  ought  to  be 
ranked  among  the  mineralized  remains  of  animals,  which  had  lived  before 


the  flood.  Having  reached  this  point,  still  but  little  further  progress  was 
made,  for  some  time,  in  the  knowledge  of  the  real  nature  of  these 
bodies.  The  various  descriptions  and  delineations  of  them,  under  the 
names  of  Lapides  circulares,  mimismalcs,  &c.  had  given  rise  to  the  notion 
that  each  of  these  referred  to  bodies  of  completely  distinct  species ;  whilst 
•their  want  of  resemblance  to  the  form  of  any  known  recent  animal,  led 
to  various  erroneous  conjectures,  as  to  their  original  mode  of  existence. 
Thus  deceived,  some,  among  whom  was  Stobseus,  in  Opusculis,  p.  8, 
placed  them  among  those  coralline  bodies  which  were  r»amed  by  the 
oryctologists  of  that  period  Porpita,  naming  them  Porpita  nummulares 
and  Fungita  minimi,  pediculo  destituti.  Bourguet  also,  misled  by  simila- 
rity of  figure,  considered  them  as  the  opercula  of  some  particular  species 
of  shells,  and  probably  of  the  Cornu  ammonis.  Breyn,  in  1732,  first 
showed  that  they  were  the  mineralized  remains  of  a  fossil  concamerated 
shell,  which  might  perhaps  be  considered  as  a  species  of  Nautilus.  This 
discovery  was  not,  however,  supported  by  evidence  sufficiently  satisfac- 
tory to  every  one ;  since  Spada,  Catalog.  Lapid.  Veronensium,  p.  46,  in 
1739,  ventured  to  offer  the  opinion,  that  these  bodies  ought  to  be  con- 
sidered as  bivalve  shells.  The  opinion  of  Breyn  was  however  confirmed, 
in  the  same  year,  by  the  discovery  of  recent  minute  shells  on  the  Ri- 
miriian  shores,  which  were  evidently  of  an  analogous  structure. 

Some  have  concluded  this  fossil  to  have  been  an  internal  bone  of  some 
animal,  similar  to  that  of  the  sepia ;  and  even  Lamarck  was  of  opinion, 
that  it  was  not  the  shell  of  an  animal.  "  En  effet  (he  says)  je  soup9onne 
que  les  nummulites  ne  sont  pas  des  coquilles,  mais  des  polypiers  voisins 
des  alveolites."  Systeme  des  Animaux  sans  vertebres,  p.  402.  But  Breyn, 
Gesner,  Bruguiere,  and,  lastly,  Lamarck,  have,  npon  strict  examination, 
concluded  that  the  nummulites  is  a  concamerated  shell,  corresponding 
very  nearly  to  that  of  the  Cornu  ammonis.  Bruguiere  remarked,  with 
astonishment,  the  extreme  smallness  of  the  first  chamber  of  the  shell  in 
which  the  animal  may  be  supposed  to  have  dwelt :  the  discovery,  then, 
not  having  been  made,  that  in  Nautilus  and  Spirula  a  considerable  part  of 


the  animal  might  overlap  and  surround  the  mouth  of  the  shell :  a  dis- 
covery which  cannot  fail  to  throw  light  on  the  economy  of  many  of  the 
inhabitants  of  the  minute  multil ocular  shells.  Lamarck  considering 
that,  agreeable  to  the  discoveries  of  M.  Peron,  three  fourths  of  the  shell 
of  Spirilla  is  covered  by  the  animal,  and  that  there  is  great  reason  to  sup- 
pose that  one  third  of  the  shell  of  the  Nautilus  is  also  thus  covered,  is  of 
opinion,  that  the  nummulite  was  completely  inclosed  in  the  posterior 
part  of  the  animal  by  which  it  was  formed ;  and  that  a  part  of  the 
extremity  of  the  animal  was  contained  in,  and  was  adherent  to,  the  last 

Possessing  several  small  masses  of  these  bodies,  and  having  been  care- 
ful in  collecting  all  the  different  surfaces  and  forms  under  which  these 
bodies  presented  themselves,  in  different  specimens,  I  made  a  careful 
examination  of  them,  with  the  hope  of  obtaining  some  more  particular 
information  respecting  their  original  nature. 

The  size  of  the  specimens,  which  I  possess,  vary  in  their  diameter, 
from  less  than  an  eighth  of  an  inch  to  an  inch  and  a  quarter;  and  I  am 
satisfied,  that  I  once  had  some  which  were  full  an  inch  and  a  half  in 
diameter.  In  thickness,  they  vary  from  an  eighth  of  an  inch  to  half 
an  inch. 

Their  figure  is  in  general  lenticular.  Considerable  variations,  how- 
ever, are  frequently  observable  in  this  respect ;  the  lens,  from  what  has 
been  stated  in  the  preceding  paragraph,  being  much  deeper  in  some 
l.han  in  others :  some,  indeed,  being  nearly  flat,  whilst  others  are  even 
almost  globular.  In  some,  a  considerable  deviation  appears  to  have 
taken  place  from  their  original  figure,  from  their  having  become  bent 
in  various  ways.  The  surface  varies  considerably  in  different  specimens ; 
being  in  some  nearly  smooth,  in  others  rough  and  scabrous,  with  nu- 
merous small  projecting  knobs,  or  undulating  lines.  Their  colour  is  also 
various ;  some  being  white,  some  of  different  shades  of  brown  and  red, 
and  others  even  of  a  blueish  hue;  and  the  difference  of  colour  is  certainly 
not  always  dependent  entirely  on  the  nature  of  the  matrix  in  which 


they  have  been  imbedded.  The  number  of  spiral  turns  also  varies  con- 
siderably in  different  specimens,  and  evidently  according  to  the  size  and 
growth  of  the  body.  Thus,  in  those  of  a  quarter  of  an  inch  in  diameter, 
the  number  of  whirls  is  from  three  to  four;  and  in  those  of  an  inch  in 
diameter,  the  number  is  not  less  than  two  dozen.  One  of  these  bodies 
being  split  transversely  through  the  spiral,  beginning  in  the  centre,  and 
continued  to  the  circumference,  is  seen  on  each  of  the  inner  faces. 
These  spiral  turns  are  divided  into  numerous  chambers,  by  transverse, 
supposed  imperforated  septa,  which  are  a  little  obliquely  extended 
towards  the  centre  of  each  disk,  and  become  gradually  lost  between  the 
approximated  plates.  An  idea  of  this  part  of  the  structure  is  given 
Plate  X.  Fig.  14.  In  feet,  the  external  plate  of  each  turn  of  this  spiral 
is  folded  in  two,  its  particular  chambers  being  formed  in  the  angle  of  the 
fold,  which  then  is  extended  above  and  below,  covering  and  uniting 
itself  with  the  outer  sides  of  the  inner  plates.  The  specimen,  Plate  X. 
Fig.  15,  will  point  out  this  curious  mode  of  structure.  Little  processes 
may  be  seen  going  off*  from  the  different  fractured  edges  of  the  plates  in 
the  centre,  to  form  the  septa  in  their  correspondent  whirls. 

This  same  specimen  will  illustrate  a  part  of  the  structure  which  does 
not  appear  to  have  been  yet  explained.  On  the  surface  of  the  middle 
plate  of  this  specimen,  small  undulating  risings  are  observable :  these, 
by  their  attachments  to  the  under  side  of  the  plate  which  laid  over  this, 
connected  the  two  plates  together,  leaving  a  vacant  space  between  the 
plates,  where  these  risings  did  not  exist.  As  these  seeming  irregularly 
undulating  lines  approach  the  circumference  of  the  plate,  they  assume 
a  greater  regularity  in  their  direction,  and  give  off,  at  equal  distances, 
the  septa  dividing  the  chambers  which  are  disposed  round  the  folded 
edge  of  the  plates. 

In  another  species,  Plate  X.  Fig.  17,  this  connection  between  the 
upper  and  under  side  of  the  plates  is  formed  by  numerous  small  and 
short  columnar  projections,  the  points  of  attachment  of  which  may  be 
seen  on  both  surfaces. 


Considering  that  the  specific  differences  of  these  bodies  are  chiefly 
to  be  found  in  the  markings  of  their  surface  and  their  internal  structure, 
I  shall  pursue  my  examination  of  these  two  circumstances,  with  a  view 
to  the  necessary  distinction  of  species;  and,  since  Lamarck  divides  this 
genus  into  the  four  following  species,  N.  l&vigata,  N.  globularia,  N.  sea- 
bra,  and  N.  complanata,  which  he  states  have  been  found  in  the  environs 
of  Paris,  I  shall  attend  to  these  circumstances,  with  reference  to  the 
specific  distinctions  of  Lamarck. 

N.  l&vigata.  Lenticular,  smooth,  and  convex,  on  both  sides.  Plate  X. 
Fig.  13.  These,  he  observes,  are  found  of  all  sizes,  from  that  of  a 
lentil  to  that  of  a  twelve-sous  piece.  With  the  hope  of  acquiring  some 
knowledge  respecting  the  economy  of  this  animal,  or  at  least  of  the  struc- 
ture of  its  concamerated  appendage,  I  rubbed  down  several  specimens 
in  a  perpendicular  direction,  and  gave  to  the  sections  as  high  a  polish 
as  I  was  able.  By  this  operation  a  fair  view  was  obtained  of  the  con- 
centric parietes  of  the  chambers,  with  .the  short  perpendicular  septa  by 
which  they  were  divided.  By  this  section  it  was  also  seen,  that  the 
processes  connecting  the  different  stories  of  chambers  were  placed  imme- 
diately opposite  to  each  other,  forming  short  straight  perpendicular 
lines  between  the  upper  and  under  surfaces.  Plate  X.  Fig.  16. 
The  facility  with  which  these  bodies  are  separated  horizontally,  also 
yielded  me  several  opportunities  of  observing  their  internal  structure,  as 
represented  Plate  X.  Fig.  14.  It  is  there  seen  that  the  septa,  placed 
in  the  spiral  whirls,  are  disposed  at  nearly  equal  distances;  but  the 
septa  of  one  whirl  maintain  no  particular  order  of  position  with  those  of 
the  others. 

In  every  mass,  almost,  which  I  have  seen,  of  this  species,  I  have 
been  struck  with  the  circumstance  of  several  of  these  bodies  being  split 
horizontally  through  their  centre,  so  as  plainly  to  show  the  spiral  turns 
continued  to  the  very  centre,  as  represented  Fig.  14.  I  have  one  de- 
tached specimen,  thus  split,  and  showing  the  correspondent  whirls  and 
septa  on  each  internal  face. 


A7,  globularia.     This  species  is  smooth  and  subglobose,  and  is  described 

by  Lamarck  as  being  of  the  size  of  a  full-grown  pea.  The  specimens 
which  I  have,  answering  to  the  definition  of  Lamarck,  are  so  very  small, 
that  although  I  have  broken  several,  to  obtain  a  view  of  their  internal 
structure,  I  have  not  yet  completely  succeeded.  It  however  appears  to 
resemble  that  of  the  preceding  species. 

N.  scabra.  This  fossil  is  lenticular,  the  surface  irregularly  sprinkled 
with  scattered  points. 

This  nummulite,  M.  Lamarck  observes,  is  rather  more  convex  on 
both  sides  than  the  smooth  nummulite  is ;  but  its  surface  is  not  smooth, 
like  that  of  the  two  preceding;  species.  In  some,  he  observes,  the  sur- 
face is  beset  with  small  tubercles,  or  elevated  points;  in  others,  with 
short  projecting  lines;  and,  in  others,  both  the  points  and  lines  . are 

I  am  not  able  to  assert,  what  I  believe  to  be  the  case,  that  all  the 
different  species  of  this  genus  have  their  outer  surface  nearly  smooth; 
but  I  have  sometimes  seen  nummulites,  whose  inner  plates  were  sca- 
brous, have  a  tolerably  smooth  external  surface ;  and  I  have  repeatedly 
seen  the  smooth  nummulite,  with  internal  plates  marked  with  linear 
scabrous  projections.  The  fact,  I  believe,  is,  that  these  different  mark- 
ings are  all  remains  of  the  processes  connecting  the  plates,  and  are  so 
many  different  variations  in  the  mode  of  partially  connecting  these  plates; 
perhaps  by  a  substance,  which,  in  a  living  state,  possessed  some  degree 
of  elasticity,  and  which  would,  therefore,  allow  of  some  little  change  in, 
the  relative  position  of  these  plates. 

Struck  with  the  peculiar  appearance  of  the  nummulite,  Plate  X. 
Fig.  18,  it  being  of  an  irregular  tumid  shape,  a  reddish  hue,  and  a 
slightly  scabrous  surface,  I  rubbed  it  down,  so  as  to  obtain  a  polished 
surface,  in  a  longitudinal  direction.  On  examining  this  surface  with  a 
magnifying  glass,  I  was  surprised  at  finding  it  yielded  so  very  different 
an  appearance  from  that  which  was  seen  in  the  section  of  the  preceding 

VOL.  III.  X 


species.  In  this  specimen,  the  horizontal  plates  are  much  thicker  than 
in  the  former  species,  and  are  formed  of  perpendicular  fibres,  which 
give  to  the  section  the  appearance  of  finely-cut  cork.  The  chambers, 
formed  at  the  folded  ends  of  each  plate,  do  not  appear  to  have  their 
communication  with  the  spaces  between  the  plates  interrupted  by  septa, 
as  is  the  case  in  Fig.  15,  of  the  preceding  species. 

In  this  species  there  does  not  therefore  appear  to  be  any  circumstance  to 
forbid  the  opinion,  that  air,  or  any  other  fluid,  being  introduced  into  any 
one  of  the  cavities,,  that  which  was  next  to  the  animal,  for  instance,  might 
be  diffused  through  the  whole ;  and,  assuming  this  to  be  the  case,  we 
may  suppose  that  the  animal  had  the  power  of  occasionally  changing  its 
degree  of  buoyancy,  by  an  appropriate  change  in  the  contents  of  these 

After  destroying  numerous  specimens,  for  the  purpose  of  ascertaining 
the  real  structure  of  this  fossil,  I  succeeded  in  breaking  the  specimen 
from  Verona,  Plate  X.  Fig.  17,  in  such  a  manner  as  brought  a  part  of 
its  internal  spiral  wreath  into  view.  The  appearance  of  this  gave  strong 
reason  for  believing,  that  the  communication  between  the  cavities  was 
without  any  interruption,  no  septa  being  discoverable  by  a  lens,  nor  even 
with  the  aid  of  a  double  microscope.  In  this  specimen  the  plates  had 
evidently  been  connected  by  short  columnar  bodies,  the  points  of  adhe- 
rence of  which  are  plainly  discoverable. 

Assuming  an  unity  of  principle  in  the  economjNof  these  animals,  and 
seeing  in  these  specimens  no  reason  to  suppose  that  the  communication 
between  the  cavities  was  interrupted,  may  there  not  be  some  reason  for 
supposing  that  a  communication  may  exist  in  all  the  species,  although 
too  minute  to  be  discovered? 

The  wide  separation  observable  along  the  centre  of  the  specimen, 
Plate  X.  Fig.  19,  with  other  similar  appearances,  in  a  less  degree, 
in  other  specimens,  induce  me  to  make  it  a  question,  whether  the 
animal  might,  or  not,  have  had  the  powe*r  of  approximating,  and 


of  separating  these  plates,  for  the  purpose  of  increasing  or  dimi- 
nishing its  degree  of  buoyancy.  The  fibrous  structure  of  the  plates, 
Fig.  1 8,  appears  to  be  rather  confirmatory  of  its  possessing  this  power ; 
since,  should  these  have  been  muscular  fibres,  their  action  would  have 
materially  affected  the  size  of  these  cavities. 

N.  complanata.  This  fossil  is  smooth,  round,  very  broad,  and  flat,  with 
an  undulating  margin. 

This  species  is  directly  known  by  its  extreme  thinness,  every  spiral 
turn  and  every  septum  being  perceptible  even  on  the  surface.  One  of 
•this  species  is  represented  Plate  X.  Fig.  27 ;  and  Plate  X.  Fig.  2 1 , 
represents  its  longitudinal  section.  By  an  examination  of  this  section 
with  a  single  lens,  I  could  not  discover  any  more  than  the  upper  and 
under  plate. 

Possessing  a  very  interesting  mass  of  nummulites,  and  other  marine 
bodies,  which  was  presented  by  the  Abbe  Fortis  to  Mr.  Strange,  I  made 
it  the  next  subject  of  my  examination.  Speaking  of  the  fossils  observed 
whilst  tracing  the  course  of  the  Duare  to  its  mouth,  the  Abbe  says : 
"  Further  on  the  road,  in  the  jurisdiction  of  Slime,  are  to  be  seen,  in  great 
quantities,  various  kinds  of  flints  of  different  colours,  and  curious  marbly 
compositions  of  marine  bodies,  susceptible  of  a  fine  polish.  I  have  some 
specimens,  that  deserve  a  place  in  any  museum  whatever.  One,  in 
particular,  is  an  aggregate  of  marble,  composed  of  lenticulares,  fragments 
of  other  fossil  marine  bodies,  and  white  angular  pebbles.  Among  the 
small  petrified  lenticulares  contained  in  this  marble,  some  have  their  con- 
cameratioris  distinguishable  on  the  outside.  In  looking,  with  the  nakfcd 
eye,  on  the  superfices  of  this  marble,  one  discovers  a  very  great  variety 
of  sections  of  the  lenticulares  contained  in  it ;  and  almost  every  particle, 
when  examined  with  a  glass,  affords  something  agreeable."  Travels  into 
Dalmatia,  by  Abbe  Alberto  Fortis,  p.  294. 

Of  the  flints  mentioned  by  the  Abbe,  in  the  former  part  of  this  para- 
graph, I  possess  one  which  is  of  a  light  yellowish  colour,  in  which  the 


nummulites  are  very  numerous;  and,  from  the  flint  bearing  a  high 
polish,  they  are  very  beautifully  displayed  in  different  sections.  But 
the  most  interesting  specimen  is,  a  rounded  nodule,  apparently  a  bowl- 
der, full  four  inches  in  diameter,  and  composed  of  a  dark  greyish  lime- 
stone, thickly  beset  with  different  species  of  this  shell,  other  marine 
bodies,  and  small  silicious  pebbles.  The  examination  of  the  outside  of 
this  nodule  soon  showed  me,  that  it  contained  species  of  this  fossil,  which  I 
had  neither  seen  nor  had  read  of.  This  rendering  me,  of  course,  anxious 
to  give  it  as  complete  an  investigation  as  I  was  able,  1  had  it  slit  through 
the  middle,  and  thus  obtained  two  polished  surfaces  also  for  examination. 

On  now  examining  the  polished  surfaces  with  a  lens,  I  was  struck 
with  its  composition.  A  mass  of  grey  limestone  contained  some  few 
detached  angular  quartz  pebbles,  visible  to  the  naked  eye,  and  innu- 
merable quartzose  particles,  which  the  polishing  had  manifested,  by 
giving  them  a  considerable  degree  of  resplendency.  Among  these 
were  disposed  the  animal  remains,  which  were  exceedingly  nume- 
rous, and  consisted  chiefly  of  the  common  species  of  nummulites,  dis- 
played in  a  great  variety  of  sections.  Other  sections  were  also  seen, 
which  exhibited  such  differences  of  structure,  as  at  once  determined 
the  animals  to  have  been  of  different  species  from  any  which  have  been 
before  noticed.  Several  sections  were  here  shown  of  N.  complanata ;  in 
which,  besides  the  range  of  chambers,  many  exceedingly  minute  inter- 
rupted perpendicular  lines  were  seen  between  these  and  the  outer  plates, 
showing  that  numerous  plates  existed  here,  as  well  as  in  the  other  spe- 
cies; but  that  they  were  in  this  species  of  an  extraordinary  degree  of 
fineness,  as  shown  Plate  X.  Fig.  21. 

Plate  X.  Fig.  20,  is  a  section  of  a  body,  in  which  a  line  passes  along 
the  centre,  being  a  range  perhaps  of  minute  chambers,  the  spaces  on 
each  side  of  which  and  the  external  plates  being  filled  up  with  inter- 
rupted lines,  so  fine  as  not  to  be  seen  but  with  a  lens  of  considerable 
power.  Plate  X.  Fig.  23,  is  another  section,  similar  to  the  last,  but 


having  a  circular  spot  in  its  centre.  Plate  X.  Fig.  24,  is  another  sec- 
tion, differing  from  the  two  preceding,  in  having  three  darker  lines 
pass  through  it.  The  section,  Fig.  25,  appears  to  be  the  same  fossil  as 
Fig.  20,  but  altered  in  its  form,  and,  I  conjecture,  during  the  life  of 
the  animal. 

This  is  rendered  more  likely,  from  the  appearance  of  the  section 
Fig.  26 ;  in  which,  although  the  structure  differs,  the  substance  being 
marked  with  spots  in  the  place  of  lines,  it  agrees  in  having  a  line  of 
separation  running  through  the  substance,  with  apparently  a  central 
cavity,  here  a  similar  change  of  form  seems  to  have  taken  place. 
In  the  section  Fig.  22,  the  general  structure  resembles  that  of  Fig.  20, 
23,  24,  and  25,  but  differs  from  them  in  having  a  line  pass  along  the 
middle ;  with  two  spots  of  spa  those  matter  nearly  at  its  termination, 
marking  the  previous  existence  of  a  cavity  along  the  circumference  of 
the  body,  and  continuous  with  the  central  line. 

In  the  specimen  Fig.  26,  as  well  as  in  several  other  sections  with  a 
similar  central  line,  an  appearance  of  alcyonic  structure  is  observable. 

How  far  these  different  species  partook  of  an  alcyonic  structure,  and 
how  much  some  of  them  might  possess  the  power  of  altering  their 
general  form,  cannot  perhaps  be  ascertained  from  the  extent  of  our  pre- 
sent observations ;  but,  in  every  species  which  1  have  had  the  satisfac- 
tion of  noticing,  such  a  structure  evidently  exists  as  must  have  been  well 
adapted  to  give  the  animals  to  which  they  belonged,  the  power  of  regu- 
lating their  buoyancy,  according  to  the  circumstances  under  which  they 
were  placed..  Thus,  in  the  ordinary  nummulite,  if  its  substance  was  un- 
yielding, the  admission  of  air  or  of  water  into  its  chambers  would  have  been 
sufficient  to  have  produced  the  effect ;  or  if  of  a  softer  substance,  allowing 
of  a  change  of  figure,  then  the  diminishing  or  enlarging  the  capacity  of  its 
chambers,  by  the  approximation  or  the  separation  of  its  sides,  might  be 
sufficient  to  effect  the  necessary  change  of  specific  gravity.  Thus  also, 
in  those  which  have  been  last  described,  should  they  have  been  of 


alcyohic  structure,  the  action  of  the  muscular  fibres  would  have 
casioned  such  changes  of  form  as  are  here  noticed,  and  as  would, 
by  enlarging  or  lessening  their  central  cavity,  necessarily  affect  their 

These  fossils  are  found  in  prodigious  quantities,  in  mountainous  masses, 
in  different  parts  of  Hungary,  Transylvania,  Switzerland,  France,  and 
Italy.  But  perhaps  these  fossils  exist  no  where  in  more  abundance  than 
in  Tuscany;  where,  according  to  Targioni  Tozzetti,  they  are  to  be 
found,  particularly  in  the  mountain  of  Parlascio,  forming  strata  three 
yards  in  thickness,  and  mixed  with  all  the  several  minute  shells  which 
have  been  figured  by  Bianchi,  in  his  work,  De  Conckis  minus  notis,  &c. 
Voyage  en  Toscane,  £fc.  Tome  n.  p.  148. 

To  my  kind  correspondent,  Mr.  J.  Holloway,  of  Portsmouth,   I  am 
very  much  obliged  for  being  enabled  to  ascertain  the  existence  of  these 
fossils  in  this  island.     This   gentleman  furnished  me  with   several  of 
N.  tavigata,   from  Stublington  Cliff,. between  Stokes'  Bay  and  Southamp- 
ton Water. 

Although  from  the  minuteness,  as  well  as  the  imperfect  state  of  the 
few  specimens  which  I  possess,  I  may  be  unable  fully  to  dev elope  the 
structure  and  determine  the  nature  of  the  fossil  now  placed  before  you, 
Plate  X.  Fig.  28,  it  is  yet  hoped,  that  sufficient  will  be  shown  to  ren- 
der it  interesting.  An  examination,  with  a  powerful  lens,  was  neces- 
sary, to  discover  most  of  those  peculiarities,  in  the  structure  of  this  fossil, 
which  will  be  noticed  in  its  description. 

LXXXIII.  Fasciolites.  A  subcylindrical,  shelly,  or  bony  body,  about 
half  an  inch  in  length,  rather  tapering  at  the  ends,  and  formed  by  the  spiral 
arrangement  of  perpendicular,  concamerated  tubes,  the  tapering  end  of 
each  of  which  is  obliquely  and  transversely  folded  on  that  of  the  pre- 
ceding one. 

The  appearance  which  this  fossil  offers  to  the  naked  eye  is  shown. 


Plate  X.  Fig.  28.  It  is  rather  rough  and  scabrous ;  partly  from  the 
removal  of  some  small  portions  of  its  surface,  and  partly  from  the  adhe- 
rence of  some  of  its  calcareous  matrix.  On  being  viewed  with  a  lens, 
it  presents  the  appearance  Plate  X.  Fig.  30.  The  tubes  are  seen  to  be 
distinct ;  and,  where  the  outer  surface  has  been  removed,  the  conca- 
merations  are  perceived,  resulting  from  the  interposition  of  very  nu- 
merous and  minute  septa,  transversely  disposed.  These  tubes  narrow 
as  they  approach  to  their  terminations,  and  as  may  be  seen  in  Fig.  29, 
which  represents  one  of  the  ends  of  the  fossil  magnified,  the  end  of  each 
tube  overlaps  that  of  the  preceding.  That  this  is  the  case,  and  that 
these  tubes  are  placed  perpendicularly  round  the  centre,  is  evident,  from 
the  appearance  of  the  longitudinal  section,  Fig.  31,  in  which  a  section 
is  seen  of  the  central  and  surrounding  tubes,  divided  into  compartments 
by  their  small  and  numerous  septa. 

From  this  examination  it  appears,  that  round  the  small  first-formed 
tube,  or  chamber,  successive  increasing  columnar  tubes  were  disposed, 
folding  over  each  other  at  their  ends.  Whether  these  several  tubes 
were,  as  it  is  most  probable,  internally  connected  with  each  other,  or 
not;  or  whether  the  chambers  communicated,  or  not,  with  each  other, 
by  a  siphuncle ;  are  questions,  which  must  remain  to  be  answered  by 
the  examination  of  some  more  illustrative  specimen.  Like  some  of  the 
nummulites,  this  body,  when  polished,  has  more  the  appearance  of  bone 
than  of  shell.  From  this  circumstance,  as  well  as  from  the  number  and 
appearance  of  its  septa,  I  am  disposed  to  consider  this  body  as  approxi- 
mating nearer  to  the  nummulite  than  to  any  other  fossil. 

LXXXIV.  Discorbis.  A  spiral  discoidal  univalve ;  the  turns  all  con- 
tiguous, uncovered,  and  perceptible.  The  septa  transverse,  whole,  and 

Lamarck,  who  has  seen  these  shells  only  fossil,  supposes  them  to  be 
known  only  in  that  state,  and  wishes  that  circumstance  to  be  pointed 
out  by  the  termination  of  the  name  of  the  genus,  Discorbites.  It  is  said 


to  have  been  found  fossil  about  Senam,  in  Etruria.     Mr.  Montague  dis- 
covered this  fossil  among  the  Sienna  minute  fossils  also. 

The  same  gentleman  has  also  received  it,  in  a  recent  state,  from  the 
shores  of  Kent  and  Devonshire;  and  he  has  found  some  specimens  of 
Sertularia  abktina,  taken  in  the  deep  by  trawling,  covered  with  them. 
In  the  Linnean  Transactions,  and  by  Mr.  Fichtel,  these  shells  have 
been  considered  as  nautili ;  but  Mr.  Montague  observes,  that,  "not- 
withstanding such  respectable  authority,  he  cannot  assent  to  that  opi- 
nion. No  Nautilus  is  ever  sessile;  whereas  this  is  never  detached  but 
by  accident,  and  then  the  animal  dies.  Besides,  nothing  can  be  more 
irregular  in  structure,  and  the  Linna?an  characters  of  the  Serpula  admit 
of  its  being  chambered."  Supp.  to  Test.  Brit.  p.  160. 

It  is  necessary  to  observe,  that  a  very  close  agreement  will  be  found, 
on  comparison  of  the  figure  given  by  Lamarck  of  D.  vesicularis,  which 
I  have  Copied  Plate  XI.  Fig.  1,  with  Nautilus  inflatus,  Plate  18,  Fig.  3, 
o£  Testacea  Eritannica  ;  the  latter  being  a  non-descript  species  of  Nautilus, 
found  by  Mr.  Montague  among  sand  on  the  coast  of  Devon. 

LXXXV.     Rotalites.     A   convex,    conical,  spiral,    multilocular  uni- 
. Valve,  slightly  radiated  beneath;    the  opening  marginal,  trigonal,  and 
rather  turning  downwards. 

Lamarck  divides  this  genus  into  four  species  :  R.  trochidiformis,  R.  len- 
ticnlina,  eadem  sinistrorsa,  R.  depressa,  and  R.  discorbula  :  all  of  which 
are  found  at  Grignon ;  and  none  exist,  he  believes,  but  in  a  fossil  state. 
Plate  XL  Fig.  2,  represents  the  lower  radiated  surface  of  R.  trochidi- 
formis; the  upper  surface  being  spiral,  and  rather  conical.  Plate  XI. 
Fig.  3 ,  represents  the  upper  surface  of  R.  discorbula;  the  form  of 
which  shell,  together  with  the  circumstance  of  the  mouth  of  this  genus 
turning  downwards,  out  of  the  line  of  the  preceding  whirl,  and  the 
frequent  occurrence  of  heterostrophes,  would  make  them  approximate 
to  Nautilus  beccarii,  but  that  no  mention  is  made  of  their  possessing  any 


LXXXVI.  Lenticulina.  A  sublenticular,  multilocular,  spiral  univalve ; 
the  external  margin  of  the  turns  being  complicated,  the  septa  reaching 
to  the  centre  on  each  side  :  the  , septa  entire,  curved,  and  standing  out, 
on  the  upper  and  under  surface,  like  rays.  The  aperture  narrow,  and 
projecting  beyond  the  penultimate  turn. 

These  shells  are  distinguished  by  Lamarck  from  those  of  Nautilus,  by 
their  having  no  syphon ;  and  from  those  of  Discorbis  and  Rotalites,  by 
the  septa  reaching  to  the  centre  on  each  side.  He  states,  that  the 
recent  shell  has  been  found  in  the  .sea,  near  Teneriffe,  at  the  depth  of  a 
hundred  and  twenty-five  feet.  Three  species  are  found  fossil  in  the 
environs  of  Paris :  L.  planulata,  L.  variolaria,  and  L.  rotulata.  The  last 
of  these  I  have  represented  from  Lamarck,  Plate  XI.  Fig.  4,  being 
entirely  unacquainted  with  this  genus. 

LXXXVII.  Lituola.  A  multilocular  univalve,  partly  spiral,  the  last 
turn  being  straight  at  the  end  :  the  chambers  irregular  :  plain  transverse 
septa,  the  last  having  several  openings. 

The  chambers  of  this  shell  appear  to  be  very  irregularly  disposed,  and 
the  orifices  in  the  last  septum  are  generally  from  three  to  six;  but  the 
other  septa  do  not  appear  to  be  pierced  by  any  siphunculus. 

Lamarck  describes  two  species,  both  fossil,  not  knowing  of  their  exist- 
ence in  a  recent  state.  Plate  X  I.  Fig.  5,  is  a  representation  of  Lituo- 
lites  nautiloidea.  Fig.  6,  is  L.  difformis ;  and  Fig.  7>  is  the  same  shell, 
rubbed  down,  to  show  the  internal  structure. 

I  have  suspected  the  former  of  these  shells  to  be,  perhaps,  N.  semi- 
lituus,  or  subarcuatulus,  and  the  latter  to  be  N.  carinatulus,  Fig.  73,  of 
Walker ;  but  there  is  no  agreement  in  the  openings. 

LXXXVIII.  Spirolina.  A  multilocular  univalve,  in  part  spirally  con- 
voluted :  the  turns  contiguous,  the  latter  ones  straight :  the  septa  trans- 
verse, perforated  by  a  tube. 

These  minute  shells  are  so  alike  in  their  general  form  to  those  of  the 
genus  Spirula,  that  Lamarck,  who  has  discovered  several  species  and 

VOL.  III.  '      Y 


varieties  of  them  at  Grignon,  was  much  disposed  to  place  them  under 
the  same  genus,  until  he  adverted  to  the  circumstance  of  the  spiral 
turns  in  these  shells  being  contiguous,  whilst  in  Spirula  they  are  se- 

They  in  general  form  one  or  two  spiral  turns  in  a  horizontal  direction, 
and  then  become  elongated  in  a  straight  line.  In  some  species  there  is 
only  a  little  curvature,  instead  of  the  spiral  turns;  and,  in  others,  the 
whole  shell  is  entirely  straight.  Some  have  their  spiral  turns  flattened, 
others  have  them  cylindrical ;  but  the  chambers  in  all  form  some  degree 
of  projection  externally,  which  gives  the  shell  the  appearance  of  being 
divided  by  transverse  ridges.  May  not  the  straight  species  be  the  Nau- 
tilus radicula  of  Montague?  Plate  XI.  Fig.  8  and  9,  represent  the  dif- 
ferent species  particularized  by  Lamarck ;  S.  depressa  and  S.  cylindracea, 
Fig.  10,  being  supposed  to  be  a  variety  of  S.  cylindracea,  Fig.  9. 

LXXXIX.  Miliola.  A  transverse,  ovato-globose  or  elongated,  mul- 
tilocular  univalve,  with  transverse  chambers,  involving  the  axis  alter- 
nately, and  in  three  directions  :  the  opening  small  and  circular,  or  oblong, 
at  the  base  of  the  last  chamber. 

The  frequency  of  these  fossils,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris,  is  such, 
that  some  species  of  them  form  the  principal  part  of  the  masses  of  stone 
in  some  of  the  quarries.  Lamarck  describes  seven  species :  and  gives 
figures  of  live  of  these  species,  which  are  here  copied.  These  figures 
are  considerably  magnified,  the  actual  size  being  about  that  of  a  grain 
of  sand,  Plate  XI.  Fig.  11,  is  Miliolites  ringens ;  Fig.  12  and  13,  are 
of  M.  Saxorum  ;  Fig.  14,  15,  and  16,  of  M.  cor  anguinum  ;  Fig.  17,  18,  and 
19,  of  M.  trigonula;  and  Fig.  20,  of  M.  opposita.  The  other  species  men- 
tioned by  him  are,  M.  planulata  and  M.  birostris. 

It  is  also  mentioned  by  this  author,  that  he  possesses  recent  specimens 
of  these  animals,  which  were  taken  on  focus,  near  the  Island  of  Corsica. 
Agreeable  to  this  account  of  Lamarck's,  of  these  animals  having  been 
found  in  a  "recent  state,  are  the  discoveries  of  the  late  Mr.  Boys  and  of 


Mr.  Walker,  who  found  on  our  shores,  in  a  recent  state,  three,  and 
perhaps  four,  of  the  species  which  have  been  just  shown  to  exist,  as 
fossils,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris. 

Miliolites  Saxorum,  Lam.  appears  to  agree  with  the  hollow  oval  worm- 
shell,  Serpula  subovalis  intorta,  of  Mr.  Walker,  Testae,  minut.  rarior.  PL  I. 
Fig.  1.  Mr.  Montague,  who  separated  from  the  genus  Serpula  those 
shells  of  this  family  which  are  independent,  or  not  attached  to  other 
bodies,  and  placed  them  under  a  new  genus,  which  he  names  Vermi- 
culum,  considers  this  shell  as  V.  intortum ;  and  very  justly  observes, 
agreeable  to  the  observations  which  I  have  myself  made  on  the  fossil 
shells  in  the  sand  from  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris,  that  it  is  so  variable 
in  its  formation,  that,  without  great  attention,  it  might  be  formed  into 
several  species.  Testae.  Brit.  p.  521. 

Miliolites  opposita,  Lam.  Plate  XL  Fig.  20,  is  undoubtedly  the  same 
shell  as  the  bellied  semilunar  worm-shell,  Serpula  bicornis  ventricosa  of 
Walker,  Testae,  min.  rar.  Plate  i.  Fig.  2.  The  difference  which  exists 
between  the  representations  of  Lamarck  and  Walker,  is  very  satisfac- 
torily explained  by  the  observations  of  Mr.  Montague,  who,  previously 
to  the  same  shell  having  been  figured  as  a  fossil,  suggested  such  altera- 
tions in  the  figure  given  by  Mr.  Walker,  as  would  make  it  agree  per- 
fectly with  that  of  Lamarck,  and  names  it  Vermiculum  bicoj-ne,  Testae. 
Brit.  p.  519.  Serpula  bicornis  umbilico  perforate,  Testae,  min.  rar,  Plate  I. 
Fig.  3,  appears,  in  Mr.  Montague's  opinion,  to  be  no  other  than  a  mu- 
tilated specimen  of  the  former  shell.  The  recent  shell  was  found  at 
Sandwich  and  Reculver. 

Miliolites  cor  anguinum,  Lam.  Plate  XI.  Fig.  14,  15,  and  16,  exactly 
corresponds  with  Serpula  subrotunda  dorso  elevato,  of  Walker,  Test.  min. 
rar.  Plate  i.  Fig.  4,  Vermiculum  subrotundum,  of  Montague. 

M.  trigonula,  the  different  sides  of  which  are  shown  Plate  XI.  Fig.  17, 
18,  and  19,  is  an  inflated  body,  of  an  ovato-trigonal  form:  its  recent 
analogue  does  not  appear  to  be  known. 

XC.    Renutina.     A  flat,    sulcated,  reniform,   many-chambered  shell: 


with  linear  chambers,  adapted  to  the  curves  of  the  shells;  the  last  being 
longest.     The  axis  marginal. 

The  fossil  which  is  represented  from  Lamarck,  Renulinites  opercularia, 
Plate  X.  Fig.  21,  is  the  only  species  of  this  genus  with  which  he 
appears  to  have  been  acquainted,  and  is  about  six  lines  in  length. 

Whilst  viewing  this  shell,  he  remarks,  we  might  conceive  that  it  was 
a  very  thin,  fragile,  flat,  semilunar  operculum,  with  the  surface  co- 
vered with  parallel  bowed  grooves ;  but,  on  examination,  it  will  be 
found  that  it  is  composed  of  two  plates,  placed  close  against  each  other, 
with  their  inner  surfaces  hollowed  out  in  contiguous  bowed  grooves, 
which,  as  the  plates  are  applied  to  each  other,  form  distinct  chambers. 
This,  it  is  justly  observed,  is  not  the  kind  of  structure  observable  in  any 
operculum  whatever. 

Notwithstanding  the  different  appearances  exhibited  by  Lamarck's 
figures  of  M.  opposita,  Plate  XL  Fig.  20,  and  the  figure  of  Renulinites,  I 
am  very  much  disposed  to  believe  them  to  be  of  the  same  genus,  if  not 
the  same  species.  This  notion  I  have  been  led  to,  by  observing  the 
figure  of  Walker's  bellied  semilunar  worm-shell,  which  indeed  seems  to 
unite  the  two  figures  of  Lamarck,  by  possessing  the  general  form  of 
M.  opposita,  and  the  contiguous  bowed  grooves  of  Renulinites.  To  illus- 
trate what  I  have  here  said,  I  have  introduced  Walker's  figure,  at 
Plate  XL-  Fig.  22. 

XCI.  Gyrogonites.  A  sphaeroidal  hollow  shell,  composed  of  linear 
curved  pieces,  slightly  grooved  at  the  sides,  where  they  are  joined ;  by 
the  joining  of  which  grooves,  linear  chambers,  following  the  direction  of 
the  pieces,  appear  to  be  formed.  At  these  joinings,  on  the  external 
surface,  are  carinated  ribs,  disposed  transversely  about  the  middle,  and 
spirally  at  each  pole  of  the  shell.  At  one  of  the  poles  there  is  sometimes 
to  be  seen  a  circular  opening,  which  sometimes  appears  to  be  closed  by 
a  particular  valve  or  operculum. 

This  shell  is  represented  magnified,  Plate  XI.  Fig.  23,  its  natural 
size  being  that  of  a  small  pin's  head.  It  is  found  in  silicious  stones,  not 


possessing   transparency,    at   Montmorency,    Erappes,   &c.      Lamarck 
observes,  that  it  has  the  form  of  a  very  small  seed  of  some  species  of 
lucern ;  and,  hesitating  at  determining  it  to  be  really  a  multilocular  shell, 
only  assumes  it  as  such  for  the  present.     At  Fig.  24  is  represented  one 
of  its  detached  carinated  ribs, 









W  E  now  proceed  to  the  examination  of  the  fossil  remains  of  bivalve 
shells,  the  dwellings  of  acephalous  molluscae,  having  no  distinct  head, 
and  therefore  unprovided  with  eyes,  ears,  &c. 

Bivalves,  with  equal  valves. 

XCII.  Pinna.  A  cuneiform,  longitudinal  bivalve,  with  an  acute  base, 
gaping  in  the  upper  part :  the  hinge  without  a  tooth,  lateral,  and  very 
long :  the  valves  coalescent. 

One  species  only,  P.  margaritacta,  Lam.  is  found  in  fragments,  at 
Grignon.  Specimens  which  may  be  referred,  perhaps,  to  the  same 
species,  are  found  in  the  cliffs  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Bognor :  these 


are  casts  of  stone,  and  sometimes  bear  the  complete  form  of  the  shell, 
although  the  internal  margaritaceous  part  alone  is  remaining.  Mr.  Mar- 
tin found  specimens  which  he  at  first  thought  were  P.  nobilis  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Buxton,  but  he  was  afterwards  satisfied  that  it  was  some 
unknown  species.  One  of  these  is  represented  in  Plate  vi.  of  his  inte- 
resting work  on  Derbyshire  petrifactions. 

Plate  XI.  Fig.  31,  is  a  magnified  representation  of  a  minute  fossil 
pinna,  resembling  Pinna  saccata,  which  I  lately  discovered  in  sand  from 

It  is  observed  by  Bosc,  that  the  texture  of  the  Pinna  is  different  from 
that  of  any  other  shell.  Instead  of  possessing  any  thing  of  the  laminated 
structure,  the  shell  of  the  Pinna  seems  to  be  formed  by  the  juxta  posi- 
tion of  calcareous  molecules — perhaps  by  a  species  of  crystallization. 
The  fracture  of  these  shells,  when  viewed  by  a  lens,  shows  exceedingly 
fine  striae,  perpendicular  to  the  surface  of  the  shell.  This  structure,  he 
is  of  opinion,  is  sufficient  to  distinguish  this  shell,  even  in  ever  such 
small  fragments,  and  in  a  fossil  state.  Histoire  naturelle  des  Coquittes, 
Tome  in.  p.  123. 

This,  however,  is  not  strictly  the  case ;  since  fragments  of  other  shells, 
of  a  similar  structure,  are  frequently  found,  especially  in  chalk.  Such 
are,  Trichites  pactilis  undulatus  cretaceus,  and  Trichites  pactilis  cretaceus, 
lamellatus,  ofUiwydd,Lith.Brit.Ichnogr.  Nos.  1751  and  1752,  which 
are  the  remains  of  the  remarkable  shell,  of  which  I  have  already  spoken, 
under  the  genus  Patella,  Letter  vi.  page  51,  of  this  volume.  A  similar 
structure  I  shall  also  have  to  notice,  in  a  fossil  oyster.  This  astonishing 
secretion  by  an  animal,  of  calcareous  spar,  in  a  crystallized  form,  appears 
to  be  a  circumstance  highly  deserving  the  attention  of  the  physiologist,  as 
well  as  of  the  admirer  of  crystallography. 

The  pinnite  is  rather  a  rare  fossil.  It  is  however  sometimes  found,  with 
the  Oolites,  in  the  lime-stone  of  the  northern  parts  of  Wiltshire,  in  Somer- 
setshire, and  in  the  lime-stone  of  Gloucestershire.  I  have  two  of  these 
specimens;  but  sufficient  of  the  shell  is  not  visible,  to  allow  of  an  opinion 

being  formed  as  to  their  specific  characters;  excepting  that,  neither  of 
them  seem  to  accord  with  any  of  the  species  particularized  by  Linnaeus. 
The  remains  of  a  shell  belonging  to  this  genus  is- sometimes  found  among 
the  Devonshire  Blackdown  fossils. 

XCIII.  Mytilus.  A  longitudinal  bivalve,  with  an  acute  base;  the 
beaks  straight,  subacute,  and  terminal ;  the  hinge,  in  most,  without  a 
tooth  :  only  one  muscular  impression. 

Bruguiere  separated  from  this  genus  the  avicute  and  anodontte,  with 
such  oysters  as  Linnaeus  had  included  in  it;  and  Lamarck  has  rendered 
the  genus  more  precisely  determined,  by  abstracting  from  it  also  the 
shells  with  which  he  forms  his  genus  Modiola. 

Lamarck  describes  two  species  of  fossil  muscles,  M.  rimosus  and 
M.  dentiadatus,  found  at  Grignon  and  Long-Jumeau.  Dr.  Woodward 
mentions  several  shells  of  this  genus  found  in  different  parts  of  England, 
Catalogue,  Part  n.  p.  62. 

I  do  not  know  that  I  can  introduce  the  following  extraordinary  fossil, 
Plate  XL  Fig.  32,  in  a  more  appropriate  place  than  under  the  genus 
Mytilus,  agreeable  to  the  label  attached  to  it,  which  thus  describes  it: 
Muscolo  petrefatto  rappresmtante  unafoglia  e  di  ughezzano  net  Veronese  non  pi 
ancora  descritto  efigurato  da  alcun  litologo.  I  have  however  met,  in  Cata- 
logi  lapidum  Veronensium  mantissa,  with  two  figures  of  this  fossil,  and 
the  following  remarks  on  it: — "  Abunde  hi  lapides  occurrunt  in  Valle 
vulgo  tfAnguilla  agri  Veronensis,  qui  etsi  aspecto  suo,  folia  demonstrare 
videantur,  nihilominus  minime  ad  folia;  sed  potius  ad  tegumentum 
cujusdam  piscis  armati  eos  pertinere  puto,  quam  tamen  opinionem 
aliorum  judicio  pennitto.  Egre  e  multitudine  horuin  lapidum,  quadra- 
ginta  bene  impressos  sejunxi,  nam  ceteri,  qui  nuncusque  inventi  fuere, 
nullius  momenti  sunt"  P.  11. — The  great  number  of  these  bodies  exist- 
ing in  one  part,  affords  a  strong  argument  against  either  their  figures,  or 
their  markings,  having  depended  on  any  accidental  circumstance :  and 
their  spathose  substance,  as  well  as  their  thickness,  determine  them  not 


to  have  been  of  vegetable  origin.  There  is,  I  think,  very  little  reason 
for  doubting  its  being  a  bivalve  shell ;  and  its  general  form  induces  me 
to  place  it  under  this  genus.  I  obtained  it  at  the  sale  of  Mr.  Strange's 
collection ;  and  am  disposed  to  consider  it  as  remarkably  interesting, 
from  the  singular  markings  which  it  bears. 

XCIV.  Modiola.  A  subtransverse  inequilateral  bivalve  ;  the  posterior 
side  being  much  the  shortest,  and  the  beaks  lying  towards  the  shorter 
side  :  the  hinge  without  a  tooth,  having  only  a  marginal,  linear,  carti- 
laginal  groove  :  only  one  muscular  impression. 

This  genus  is  exemplified  in  Mytilus  modiolus,  Linn.  The  modiolae 
are  separated,  by  Lamarck,  from  the  mytili,  on  account  of  their  width 
allowing  them  to  be  considered  as  transverse  shells,  of  their  beaks  not 
terminating  the  shell,  and  of  their  not  attaching  themselves  by  a  bys- 
sus,  as  the  muscles  do.  He  figures  five  species,  as  found  in  the  envi- 
rons of  Paris :  M.  subcarinata,  M.  sulcata,  M.  pectinata,  M.  arcuata,  and 
M.  cor  data. 

Dr.  Woodward  describes  specimens  of  this  genus,  as  found  in  Glou- 
cestershire, Catal.  p.  ii.  p.  62,  No.  660,  &V.  whence  I  have  obtained 
M.  subcarinata. 

XCV.  Anodonta.  A  transverse  shell,  having  three  muscular  im- 
pressions: the  hinge  plain,  without  any  tooth. 

Mytilus  anatinus  is  of  this  genus ;  but  I  know  of  no  fossil  shell  which 
can  be  referred  hither. 

XCVI.  Unio.  A  transverse  shell,  having  three  muscular  impressions : 
an  irregular  callous  hinge-tooth,  prolonging  itself  on  one  side  beneath 
the  ligamental  slope,  and  articulating  with  that  of  the  opposite  valve. 

This  is  a  river  shell,  which  does  not  appear  to  be  known  fossil. 

XCVII.  Nucula.  An  inequilateral,  equivalved,  subtrigonal  bivalve  : 
the  hinge  on  a  line,  bent  at  an  angle  formed  by  numerous,  alternately 
inserted  teeth ;  the  beaks  approximating,  and  turned  backwards. 

Lamarck  divides  the  Area  of  Linnaeus  into  three  genera  :  Area,  having 

1(39    • 

the  hinge  on  a  straight  line  ;  Pectunculus,  having  the  hinge  arched ;  and 
Nucula,  having  the  hinge  on  a  line  bent  at  an  angle.  The  shells  of  this 
genus  are  marine  shells. 

Nucula  margaritacea,  Lam.  Area  nucleus,  Linn,  are  found  at  Grignon, 
Courtagnon,  &c.  I  have  also  found  shells  of  this  species,  with  their  fine 
comb-like  teeth,  and  their  pearly  coat,  quite  perfect,  in  the  Essex  bank 
of  shells;  and  in  a  perfect  state,  and  of  a  microscopic  size,  at  Plurnsted. 
I  have  also  disengaged  one  or  two  minute  calcedonic  specimens  of  this 
delicate  shell,  in  a  perfect  state,  from  the  Devonshire  whetstone. 

Lamarck  describes  two  more  species  of  this  genus  among  the  Parisian 
fossils :  N.  striata  and  Ar.  ddtoidea.  In  a  minute  fossil-shell  of  this  last  spe- 
cies, not  larger  than  a  small  pin's  head,  which  I  found  in  a  Ceritkium 
gigds,  the  original  margaritaceous  lustre  still  exists ;  and  in  one  of  the 
former,  of  the  same  size,  the  striae  are  very  evident. 

XCVIII.  Pectunculus.  An  orbicular,  subequilateral  'bivalve,  with  an 
arched  hinge  ;  with  numerous  teeth,  alternately  inserted  in  a  single  row. 

Lamarck  enumerates  five  species:  P.  angusticostatus,  P. pulvinatus,  P. 
terebratularis,  P.  granulatus,  P.  nuculatus. 

The  shells  of  this  genus  are  easily  known  by  their  rounded  or  lenti- 
cular form.  Their  teeth  are  larger,  and  less  closely  set,  than  those  of 
the  arks,  and  disposed  in  an  arched  line,  which  becomes  very  narrow,  or 
is  even  interrupted,  under  the  beuks.  The  muscular  impressions  are 
two,  and  strongly  marked ;  each  forming  a  callous  projection^  the  -edge 
of  which  is  sharp. 

In  the  Essex  bank,  numerous  shells  of  this  genus  are  found,  which 
seem  exactly  to  agree  in  character  with  P.  elvcemeris,  Lam.  Arca&bN- 

v  O  C*     ,  -^      ./ 

cemeris,  Linn.  The  species  of  this  genus  are,  rrom  their  general  agree- 
ment, difficult  to  separate ;  but  I  believe  that  the  skihul  concholo^jst 
would  be  able  to  make  further  divisions  of  these  Essex  she  j  is.  Sheik  of 
this  genus,  and  chiefly,  I  believe,  P.  august icostaius,  L^m.  are  freqpent  in 
the  Bognor  rocks. 

In  the  whetstone  sand-pits,  at  Blackdown,  a  small  species  of  this  ge- 

VOL.  III.  Z 


nus  is  found,  in  which  the  shell  is  very  thick,  and  the  teeth  of  the  hinge 
few  and  large.  These  pectunculi,  with  several  of  which  I  have  been 
favoured  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Cleeve  and  Mr.  Clarke,  are  so  much  impreg- 
nated with  silex,  that. some  of  them  possess  a  considerable  degree  of 

XCIX.  Area.  A  transverse  inequilateral  shell:  the  beaks  distant; 
the  hinge  with  many  teeth,  disposed  in  a  straight  line ;  the  teeth  lamel- 
lated,  close,  and  alternately  inserted  between  each  other :  a  subrhom- 
boidal  smooth  area,  between  the  beaks,  on  which  the  cartilage  was 

These  are  marine  shells ;  and  are  easily  recognised  by  their  general 
form.  They  frequently  gape  along  their  superior  edge,  and  have  two 
marks  of  attachment  on  each  valve.  Lamarck  particularizes  seven  spe- 
cies, which  are  found  fossil  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris :  A.  diluvii, 
A.  biangula,  A.  barbatula,  A.  angusta,  A.  interrupta,  A.  scapulina,  A.  qua- 

Shells  of  this  genus  are  frequently  found  fossil  in  this  island.  One  cast 
from  Bath  seems  to  be  of  A.  Note. 

At  Plate  XI.  Fig.  29,  is  represented  an  ark  of  an  uncommon  form, 
the  valves  terminating  in  an  alated  form.  This  is  a  German  fossil,  and 
is  attached  to  some  oysters,  with  serrated  margins :  a  sufficient  portion 
is,  however,  visible,  to  allow  of  the  drawing  to  have  been  fairly  taken, 
although  not  sufficient  to  allow  of  particularizing  its  specific  characters. 

C.  Cucullaa.  A  nearly  transverse,  inequilateral,  ventricose  bivalve, 
with  distant  beaks:  the  hinge  formed  of  many  teeth,  disposed  in  a 
right  line,  and  terminated  at  each  end  by  three  or  four  transverse 
parallel  teeth :  a  flat  and  sulcated  area,  for  the  reception  of  the  car- 

The  shells  of  this  genus  differ  from  the  arks,  in  the  teeth  at  the  end  of 
the  hinge,  which  are  placed  in  a  transverse  direction,  directly  contrary 
to  that  in  which  the  row  of  small  lamelliform  teeth  are  disposed.  Area 
cueullata  of  Chemnitz,  Tom.  vn.  Tab.  53,  Fig.  526—528. 


The  largest  shell  of  this  genus  is  Cucull&a  crassatina;  a  ventricose  shell, 
of  considerable  thickness,  three  inches  and  a  half  in  length,  and  four  in 
width ;  the  external  surface  smooth,  except  from  fine  transverse  striae, 
marking  the  growth  of  the  shell,  and  faint  traces  of  longitudinal  sulci. 
This  shell  is  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Beauvais,  and  is  the  only 
species  mentioned  by  M.  Lamarck. 

Among  the  beautiful  fossils  yielded  by  the  Devonshire  whetstone-pits, 
is  a  shell  belonging  to  this  genus,  with  specimens  of  which  I  have  been 
kindly  favoured  by  Mr.  Cleeve.  This  shell,  which,  if  it  has  not  been 
already  otherwise  designated,  may  be  named  C.  glabra,  is  a  thick^  ob- 
long, transverse  shell,  nearly  smooth,  being  marked  only  by  the  fine 
transverse  striae  formed  by  its  growth.  The  beaks  are  separated  by  a 
large  flat  rhomboidal  area,  with  markings,  which,  when  the  valves  are 
united,  assume  a  lozenge  form.  The  line  of  the  hinge  is  finely  crenu- 
lated,  as  well  as  the  three  transverse  teeth,  which  terminate  the  hinge 
at  each  end.  Mr.  Francis  Crow,  who,  as  has  been  mentioned,  found, 
in  a  field  at  Faversham,  a  silicious  specimen  of  Strombus  pes  pelicani,  ex- 
actly agreeing  with  that  which  I  had  been  favoured  with  from  the 
Devonshire  whetstone-pits,  found,  in  the  same  spot,  several  silicious  shells 
of  this  genus  also.  This  coincidence  deserves  particular  notice,  since  it 
points  out  a  singular  agreement  in  the  strata.  The  shell  of  this  genus 
found  by  Mr.  Crow,  though  not  unlike  that  of  Devonshire  in  its  general 
form,  is  specifically  different.  This  shell,  if  not  already  named,  might 
be  designated  as  C.  decussata.  It  is  a  thick  oblong  transverse  shell,  with 
flattish  longitudinal  ridges,  decussated  "by  fine  transverse  striae.  The  area, 
separating  the  beaks,  large,  with  slightly  undulating  markings  in  the 
form  of  half  a  lozenge.  The  long  line,  as  well  as  the  transverse  teeth 
of  the  hinge,  which  in  the  preceding  species  were  crenulated,  appear, 
in  this,  to  have  been  smooth.  Among  the  shells  which  I  was  favoured 
with  by  Mr.  Crow,  is  a  single  valve,  which,  from  its  extraordinary  thick- 
ness and  great  obliquity,  I  am  disposed  to  consider  as  of  different  species 
from  either  of  the  preceding :  it  is,  however,  in  a  state  which  will  not 


allow  of  this  being  determined.     A  representation  of  the  inside  of  this 
shell  is  given  Plate  XIII.  Fig.  1. 

CI.  Trigonia.  A  trigonal  or  suborbicular  inequilateral  bivalve.  On 
the  right  valve  are  two  oblong,  flat,  diverging  hinge  teeth,  transversely 
grooved  on  each  side  :  on  the  left  valve,  four  flat  hinge  teeth,  transversely 
grooved  on  one  side  only,  disposed  in  pairs,  each  pair  diverging  and  ex- 
actly, receiving  those  of  the  opposite  valve. 

These  shells  have  been  long  known  and  admired  in  their  fossil  state, 
both  in  this  island  and  on  the  continent.  The  first  notice  that  I  find  of 
them  is  that  of  Langius,  who  gives  a  figure  of  one  of  these  shells,  Hist. 
lap.  fig.  Helv.  Tab.  44,  Fig.  5,  and  speaks  of  it  as  Conchites  Helvetica  visu 
prodigiosus,  triqueterus  striatus,  and  thinks  it  resembles  Concha  indica,  visu 
prodigiosa,  Bonanni,  No.  91. 

Our  English  naturalists  very  early  noticed  this  curious  fossil.  Dr.  Plot 
gives  to  a  cast  of  this  genus  the  name  of  Hippocephaloides,  Hist,  of  Oxford- 
shire, Plate  vu.  Fig.  I.;  and  Lhwydd,  who  gives  to  these  shells  the 
name  of  Curvirostr<e,  mentions  several ;  such  as,  C.  rugosa  clavellata  major, 
from  Garsington ;  rugosa  minor,  ctavis  aut  millis,  aut  paucissimis  <eg?'£  con- 
spicuis  donata,  from  Buckinghamshire ;  rugosa  major  non  clavata,  sen  levibus 
rugis  exsculpta,  from  Bullington,  Lithol.  No.  700,  &c.  From  these  no- 
tices of  Lhwydd  it  appears,  that,  at  least,  three  species  of  this  genus 
were  known  to  him  to  have  existed  in  this  island.  Da  Costa  speaks  only 
of  these  shells,  to  express  his  doubts,  whether  to  place  them  under  Cunei 
or  Area,  no  knowledge  having  then  been  obtained  as  to  the  kind  of  hinge 
which  they  possessed. 

M.  Walch,  who  was  very  much  at  a  loss  in  what  genus  to  dispose  of 
them,  was  disposed  to  place  them  among  the  Veneres  impuberes,  of  Lin- 
naeus. Of  these  shells,  he  saw  three  species  :  complete  shells  of  T.  cla- 
vellata and  T.  costata,  and  a  fragment  of  T.  aliformis ;  but,  being  unac- 
quainted with  the  hinge,  he  does  not  appear  to  have  been  fully  aware 
of  their  relationship.  Speaking  of  the  latter  of  these  fossils,  he  makes 
the  following  remarks  on  the  curious  circumstance  of  the  characters  of 


shells,  of  different  genera,  being  combined  in  this  one  shell : — "  Une 
espece  de  coquilles  des  plus  rares  dans  le  regne  des  fossiles,  qu'on  ne  sait 
encore  sous  quel  genre  elle  pourroit  etre  convenablement  rangee,  vu 
qu'elle  tient  en  meme  terns,  beaucoup  du  musculite,  de  Parche  et  de  la 
conque  de  Venus.  Elle  approche  fort  du  musculite  par  le  raport  de  sa 
longueur  a  la  largeur ;  elle  ressemble  a  un  arche,  par  une  petite  emi- 
nence, ou  une  espece  de  petite  plate  forme  qui  se  trouve  entre  les  deux 
bords  de  la  charniere  :  et  les  bords,  qu'elle  a  un  peu  convexes  d'un  cote, 
lui  donne  la  ressemblance  avec  la  conque  de  Venus."  Monument  des 
Catast.  Tome  n.  p.  66. 

Notwithstanding  the  combination  of  the  characters  of  the  muscle,  ark, 
and  Venus,  as  observed  by  Walch,  and  to  which  may  be  added  those 
of  the  cockle  and  the  tellen,  these  shells  vary  so  much  from  every  other, 
as  to  render  their  description  difficult.  On  first  view,  the  shell  appears 
reversed :  the  anterior  end,  on  which,  particularly  in  the  Veriuses,  the 
area  surrounding  the  cartilaginal  depression  k  disposed,  and  which  is  in 
general  flat,  as  if  it  were  truncated,  is,  in  these  shells,  considerably  ex- 
tended out;  whilst  the  beaks  of  the  shell  are  turned  towards  the  anterior 
side,  leaving  the  posterior  side  with  no  cordiform  impression,  but  having 
all  the  appearance  of  the  anterior  side,  in  the  shells  of  the  Venus  kind. 

Bruguiere  has,  I  understand,  described,  in  V Encyclopedic  Methodique, 
four  species  of  this  genus ;  but,  being  unable  to  obtain  this  work,  I  am 
uninformed  with  which  of  the  species  he  is  acquainted. 

The  first  information  which  I  gained  respecting  the  generic  character 
of  these  shells,  was  from  a  fossil  purchased  from  Mr.  Strange's  collec- 
tion ;  in  which  the  left  had  so  slipped  from  the  right  valve,  as  very  fully 
to  display  the  structure  of  the  hinge.  Bruguiere  having  been  so  fortu- 
nate, as,  by  clearing  a  valve,  to  discover  the  kind  of  hinge  which  it  pos- 
sessed, found  it  necessary  to  form  a  genus  for  the  reception  of  these 
shells,  and  named  it  Trigonia,  from  the  form  which  generally  belonged 
to  the  species  then  known. 

But,  as  in  my  specimen,  so  in  Bruguiere's,  it  was  the  hinge  part  of 


the  right  valve  which  was  shown,  from  which,  alone,  the  real  nature  of 
the  hinge  could  not  be  determined.  This  information  was  however  ob- 
tained by  the  discovery,  by  M.  Peron,  of  a  complete  recent  shell  of  this 
genus,  on  the  coast  of  New  Holland,  on  Capt.  King's  Island.  Some 
separate  valves  of  the  same  shell,  a  little  injured  by  the  air  and  by  fric- 
tion, have  also  been  picked  up  at  Maria's  Island,  and  at  the  island  of 

Trigonia  Margaritacea  is  the  name  given  by  Lamarck  to  this  recent 
shell.  It  is  somewhat  of  an  orbicular  form;  appearing,  when  the  valves 
are  closed,  not  unlike  a  cardiurn,  with  hardly  any  cartilaginal  area. 
Twenty-two  longitudinal  ribs,  crenulated  through  their  whole  length  by 
crescent-formed  and  granular  tubercles,  diverge  from  the  hinge  to  the 
margin.  The  internal  surface  of  the  shell  is  covered  with  a  brilliant,  sil- 
verish,  and  slightly  iridiscent  nacre.  The  muscular  impressions  are  two, 
and  are  placed  laterally,  near  to  the  teeth  of  the  hinge. 

In  this  specimen,  the  real  nature  of  the  hinge  was  ascertained.  On 
the  right  valve  are  two  flat  teeth,  which  are  rather  thick,  and  trans- 
versely grooved  on  each  side ;  and  on  the  left  valve  are  four,  or  rather 
two,  double  teeth,  which,  as  well  as  those  in  the  left  valve,  diverge  from 
each  other  in  their  upper  part.  These  teeth  are  only  grooved  on  their 
inner  side,  in  the  cavity  formed  by  each  double  tooth :  this  cavity,  and 
the  small  transverse  grooves,  being  fitted  to  receive  the  teeth  of  the  op- 
posite valve,  and  to  correspond  with  their  alternate  ridges  and  grooves. 
A  view  of  the  hinge  of  this  shell  is  given  Plate  XII.  Fig.  1,  showing  the 
structure  of  the  part  of  the  hinge  belonging  to  the  right  valve ;  and 
Fig.  2,  the  corresponding  part  of  the  hinge  belonging  to  the  left  valve. 

At  about  the  time  when  this  discovery  was  made,  Dr.  Menish,  who 
had  obtained  some  of  these  shells,  as  well  as  some  masses  of  the  Black- 
down  sandstone,  containing  shells,  from  his  friend  Mr.  Clarke,  of  Brid- 
well,  was  so  fortunate  as  to  remove  the  matrix  from  the  inside  of  the 

*  Ann.  du  Mus.  Tome  IV.  p.  35  I. 


left  valve,,  and  to  find  the  two  doubled  teeth,  so  disposed  and  so  grooved, 
as  exactly  to  receive  the  teeth  of  the  opposite  valve :  he  was  also  ena- 
bled, by  the  same  aid,  to  extend  the  number  of  species.  Having,  through 
the  kindness  of  Captain  Gardiner,  been  favoured  with  many  of  the 
Doctor's  specimens,  and  having  been  also  kindly  assisted  by  Mr.  Clarke 
and  the  Rev.  Mr.  Cleeve,  I  am  able  to  place  before  you  nine  species : 
T.  clavdlata,  T.  costata,  T.  eccentrica,  T.  aliformis,  T.  dadalea,  T.  spinosa, 
E.  sinuata,  T.  rugosa,  and  S.  rudis. 

T.  clavdlata  curcirostra  rugosa  clave  Hat  a  major  *.  Luid,  A  trigonal  shell, 
beset  with  nodular  projections,  disposed  on  the  disk  of  the  valves  in  rows, 
in  a  transverse  curved  direction  :  on  the  anterior  side,  a  sloping,  slightly 
rugose  surface,  widening  from  the  beaks  to  the  anterior  point  of  the 
valves,  and  ornamented  with  three  crenulated  ridges ;  the  innermost  of 
which  enclose  a  long  oval  area,  faintly  marked  with  longitudinal  striae, 
and  reaching  from  the  beaks  nearly  to  the  anterior  termination  of  the 
shell.  Beneath  the  beaks  is  a  small  sulcus,  apparently  for  the  reception 
of  the  cartilage.  Plate  XII.  Fig.  3. 

T.  costata.  A  trigonal  shell,  with  frequent  rounded  transverse  ribs, 
passing  from  the  posterior  margin  to  a  crenulated  ridge,  which  separates 
the  disk  of  the  valves  from  the  anterior  or  inferior  sloping  surface,  on 
which  are,  longitudinally  disposed,  three  crenulated  ridges,  with  six 
smaller  interposed ;  the  inner,  of  the  larger  crenulated  ridges,  enclosing 
a  flat  long  oval  area,  in  the  upper  part  of  which  is  the  depression  for  the 
cartilage.  Plate  XII.  Fig.  4. 

The  preceding  species  have  been  long  known  on  the  Continent.  The 
person  who  first  found  them  being  a  collector,  contrived,  by  exchanging 
them,  to  obtain  a  handsome  collection  of  fossils. 

T.  eccentrica.  A  transverse  ovate-oblong  shell,  with  transverse,  obtuse, 
rugose  ribs,  eccentrically  disposed,  and  obliquely  intersected  by  the  lines 
which  mark  the  growth  of  the  shell.  Plate  XII.  Fig.  5.  Specimens  of 

*  Curvirostra  a  Cardine  (si  in  piano  posueris)  dextrorsum  vel  sinistrorsum  reflexo,  nomen 


this  shell  I  was  favoured  with  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Cleeve,  and  by  Mr- 

T.  aliformis.  A  wing-shaped  ribbed  shell.  The  first  ribs,  which  com- 
mence at  the  beaks  of  the  shell,  are  transverse,  but  acquire  a  slanting 
direction  as  they  fill  up  the  posterior  part  of  the  disk,  until  those  which 
terminate  in  the  superior  margin,  become  longitudinal,  and  are  thus 
continued  to  the  anterior  termination  of  the  shell.  The  ribs  of  the  pos- 
terior side  augment  in  size  as  they  proceed  to  the  margin .;  but  those 
which  are  disposed  on  the  anterior  side,  are  of  the  same  size  through 
their  whole  length.  On  the  inferior,  or  rather  anterior  side,  is  a  wide 
excavated  area,  on  each  side  of  the  cartilaginal  depression  and  the  mar- 
gin of  the  shell,  on  which  transverse  ribs  are  disposed.  Plate  XII.  Fig.  9. 
This  specimen,  which  was  in  Dr.  Menish's  collection,  I  was  presented 
with  by  Captain  Gardiner. 

T.  d&dalea.  Of  this  shell  I  only  possess  the  fragment  Plate  XII. 
Fig.  6,  from  which  it  is  impossible  to  speak  of  the  form  of  the  shell. 
The  anterior  side  and  cartilaginal  area  appeal-  to  have  been  very  wide. 
The  disk  is  ornamented  with  granular  and  nodular  projections,  disposed 
in  daedalean  windings,  so  peculiar  in  their  dispositions,  as  to  willow  the 
assuming  of  this  as  a  specific  distinction. 

T.  spinosa.  A  suborbicular  shell,  the  whole  of  the  disk  covered  with 
ribs  formed  of  spinous  tubercles.  The  ribs  curved,  commencing  at  the 
beaks  in  a  transverse  direction,  passing  over  the  middle  of  the  disk  in  an 
oblique,  and  at  the  superior  margin,  approaching  to  a  longitudinal  direc- 
tion. The  area  on  the  anterior  side  of  the  shell  is  also  covered  with 
curved  transverse  ribs,  formed  of  small  tubercles.  Plate  XII.  Fig.  7. 
This  specimen  I  was  favoured  with  by  Captain  Gardiner,  from  Dr.  Me- 
nish's collection. 

It  is  true,  that  in  this  specimen  the  appearance  of  the  projections  is 
more  that  of  tubercles  than  of  spines;  but,  on  inspection  with  a  lens,  I 
find  that  most  of  these  are  broken ;  and,  on  examining  another  speci- 
men, a  part  of  a  valve  of  indubitably  the  same  species,  I  discover  that  at 


least,  towards  the  superior  margin,  these  projections  are  carried  out  as 
spines,  to  a  considerable  length,  and  in  a  rather  curved  direction,  as 
may  be  seen  in  the  very  slightly  magnified  view  of  them,  Plate  XII. 
Fig.  8. 

T.  sinuata.  This  is  the  smallest  known  shell  of  this  genus.  It  is  a 
transverse,  oblong,  ovate,  sirbventricose  shell,  with  transverse  winding 
ribs,  making  an  obtuse  angle,  and  changing  their  direction  both  at  the 
anterior  and  posterior  sides  of  the  shell.  Plate  XII.  Fig.  13.  I  am  in- 
debted to  Mr.  Clarke  for  specimens  of  this  species. 

T.  rudis.  The  form  of  this  species  is  oblong,  approaching  to  the  cir- 
cular :  the  cartilage  slope  is  very  indistinct :  the  shell,  in  its  general 
external  appearance,  very  much  resembles  an  oyster;  it  having  a  good 
deal  of  that  rudeness  of  surface  which  oysters  in  general  possess.  It  is 
also  beset  with  round  nodules,  like  those  of  T.  davellala ;  but,  in  this  spe- 
cies, these  nodules  are  very  irregularly  disposed.  Plate  XII.  Fig.  10, 
shows  the  character  of  the  shell ;  the  dotted  outline,  obtained  by  the 
kindness  of  Mr.  Clarke,  from  a  fine  specimen  in  his  possession,  giving 
the  form. 

The  preceding  five  shells  are  found  in  the  whetstone-pits  of  Devonshire, 
are  completely  silicious,  and  possess  different  degrees  of  transparency . 

T.  rugosa.  Of  the  form  of  this  shell  I  cannot  speak  decidedly,  since  a 
fragment  of  it  only  remains.  This  is  imbedded  in  a  grey  lime-stone,  but 
I  am  ignorant  where  it  was  found.  The  whole  of  its  disk  appears  to 
have  been  covered  with  transverse  rugous  ribs.  Plate  XII.  Fig.  11. 

Shells  of  this  genus  have  abounded  in  the  Portland  free  stone :  the 
shells  are,  indeed,  now  decomposed  and  gone,  but  a  prodigious  number 
of  their  lime-stone  casts  are  found  in  these  quarries.  At  Tilsbury,  in 
Wiltshire,  are  sometimes  found  calcedonic  casts  of  this  shell.  One  which 
I  possess,  and  with  which  I  was  favoured  by  that  highly  respectable  gen- 
tleman, Mr.  Cunjiington,  of  Heytesbury,  is  rendered  very  interesting, 
by  numerous  included  minute  bivalves  being  discovered  in  the  transpa- 
rent calcedony.  The  casts  of  these  shells  having  been  so  long  known  as 

VOL.  III.  A  A 

fossils,  under  the  name  hypocephaloidcs,  a  representation  of  the  calcedqnic 
cast,  from  Tilsbury,  is  given  Plate  XII.  Fig.  12. 

One  circumstance  respecting  the  shells  of  this  genus  demands  parti- 
cular mention.  Lamarck  has  figured,  in  the  recent  shell  T.  margaritacea^ 
two  marks  of  attachment,  one  at  the  bottom  of  each  tooth  of  the  hinge; 
but  I  have  not  been  able,  in  any  of  the  ibssil  shells  which  I  possess,  to 
discover  more  than  one  mark  of  attachment,  which  is  on  one  side ;  a 
considerable  cavity  behind  the  hinge-tooth,  on  the  other  side,  at  a,  Tig.  1 
and  2,  seems  to  be  well  calculated  to  receive  a  part  of  the  animal,  which 
might  be  attached  to  the  posterior  part  of  this  cavity. 

CII.  Tridacna.    A  subtransverse  inequildteral  shell :  the  hinge  formed 
of  two  compressed  and  entering  teeth ;    the  crescent,  or  posterior  de 
pression,  gaping. 

The  shell,  to  which  this  genus  is  appropriated,  is,  Tridacna  gigas,  Brug. 
or  Chama  gigas,  Linn. 

Fossil  shells  of  this  genus  are,  I  believe,  very  rare.  They  have  been 
said  to  exist  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Verona,  and  of  a  very  considerable 
size;  but  I  have  not  known  of  the  existence  of  such  lossils  in  uny  Mu- 
seum. I  have  one,  which  is  very  small,  from  Mr.  Smm^e's  collec- 
tion. A  similar  shell  is  figured  by  Wolfart,  Hist.  Nat.  II ass.  inf.  Tab.  x. 
Fig.  1,  2. 

CIII.  Hippopus.  A  subtransverse  inequilateral  shell :  the  hinge  formed 
of  two  compressed  entering  teeth;  the  crescent,  or  posterior  depression, 

This  genus  includes  the  Chama  hippopus,  Linn.  I  do  not  know  of  any 
fossil  shell  of  this  genus  having  been  found. 

CIV.  Cardita.   An  inequilateral  bivalve.    The  hinge  with  two  unequal 
eeth:  the  hinge  tooth  the  shortest,  beneath  the  beaks;  the  other  longi- 
tudinal, beneath  the  insertion  of  the  cartilage. 

Chama  calyculata,  Linn.  Cardita  variegata,  Brug.  List.  Tab.  347,  /.  84, 
*nay  be  taken  as  the  type  of  this  genus. 

These  shells  are  irregular  in  their  forms,  and  have  two  marks  of 


C.  aspera,  and  C.  avicularia,  are  the  only  species  noticed  by  Lamarck, 
as  found  fossil  near  Paris. 

CV.  Isocardia.  A  heart-formed  shell,  with  separated,  involuted,  and 
diverging  beaks.  The  hinge  formed  by  two  flattened  cardinal  inserted 
teeth,  and  an  isolated  lateral  tooth  under  the  cartilage  slope. 

This  genus  includes  the  Chama  cor,  Linn.  I  am  not  acquainted  with 
any  shells,  decidedly  of  this  genus,  having  been  found  in  a  fossil  state ; 
casts,  however,  of  shells  very  similar,  are  frequently  found,  and  have 
been  distinguished  as  bucardites. 

CVI.  Cardium.  An  equivalved  subcordated  bivalve,  the  valves  den- 
tated  or  plicated  on  their  internal  margins.  The  hinge  formed  by  mid- 
dle and  lateral  teeth  :  the  middle  ones,  two,  oblique  and  approximating, 
those  in  each  valve,  crucially  receiving  each  other,  by  mutual  insertion ; 
those  of  the  side,  remote  and  inserted. 

The  shells  of  this  genus  are  strongly  characterized  by  the  teeth  of  their 
hinge,  and  by  the  projection  of  their  beaks ;  the  latter  giving  them  a 
cordiform  appearance.  They  are  generally  ornamented  with  longitu- 
dinal ridges,  more  or  less  prominent ;  and  frequently  with  striae,  scales, 
or  spines.  The  marks  of  attachment  are  two  in  number,  and  are  but 

Specimens  of  a  cardium,  resembling  C.  aolicum.  Linn,  figured  by 
Lister,  Tab.  314,  No.  150,  are  sometimes  found  among  the  interesting 
fossils  of  the  whetstone  pits,  completely  silicized;  and  still  retaining, 
very  distinctly,  the  striae,  disposed  longitudinally,  in  the  fore  part,  and 
transversely  in  the  posterior  part. 

Among  the  fossils  of  Plumstead  is  found  a  cardium,  striated  exactly  in 
the  same  two  directions  as  the  preceding ;  but  the  striae,  especially  the 
transverse  ones,  are  much  more  minute  and  faint  than  those  of  C.  <eoli- 
cum;  agreeing  in  this  respect,  and  indeed  in  all  its  characters,  with 
C.  discors,  Lam.  Plate  XIII.  Fig.  3,  is  a  representation  of  the  silicized 
shell  of  Devonshire,  resembling  C.  aolicum. 

In  the  Harwich  or  Essex  cliff,  a  shell  somewhat  like  to  C.  mtcricatum, 

is  very  frequently  found.  Among  the  Hampshire  fossils  is  a  very  curious 
cardium,  C.  porutosum,  Brand,  on  the  longitudinal  costae  of  which  are 
disposed  thin,  carinated,  and  crenulated  plates,  which  are  perforated  at 
their  base.  C.  discors,  C.  porulosum,  C.  asperulum,  C.  calcitrapoides,  C.  ob- 
liquum,  C.  granulosum,  C.  li?na,  and  C.  heteroclitum,  are  given  by  La- 
marck as  the  species  found  in  the  environs  of  Paris. 

CVI1.  Crassatella.  An  equivalved  inequilateral,  close  bivalve.  The 
hinge  teeth,  two,  wjth  an  adjoining  pit :  the  lateral  teeth  obsolete.  The 
cartilage  inserted  in  a  pit  formed  in  the  hinge. 

The  genera  Crassatdla,  Lutraria,  and  Mactra,  agree  in  having  the  car- 
tilage of  the  valves  interior,  and  attached  to  the  hinge-pit  of  each  valve ; 
but  this  genus  differs  from  the  other  two,  in  there  being  no  gaping  when 
the  valves  are  shut. 

C.  tumida,  Plate  XIII.  Fig.  2,  much  resembles  a  recent  species  of  this 
genus,  which  was  found  at  King's  Island,  in  the  South  Seas,  by  M.  Pe- 
rpn.  The  shells  of  this,  as  well  as  of  some  other  species  of  this  genus, 
acquire  a  considerable  degree  of  thickness  with  age.  One  specimen 
which  I  possess,  from  Grignon,  which  is  about  three  times  the  size  of 
that  which  is  here  delineated,  weighs  nearly  half  a  pound.  C  lamellosa, 
Lam.  has  been  supposed  to  be  the  same  shell  which  is  figured  by  Bran- 
der,  among  the  Hampshire  fossils,  as  Tdlina  sulcata,  Fig.  89 ;  but  the 
English  shell  differs,  in  its  form,  from  the  French  one,  according  to  the 
specimens  in  my  possession:  the  English  one  terminating,  at  its  anterior 
side,  in  a  more  determinately  pointed  rostrum  than  the  French  one  does. 
This,  however,  may  be  only  the  difference  of  a  variety.  C.  compressa, 
Lam.  resembles  the  species  just  mentioned,  except  in  being  less  elon- 
gated transversely,  and  in  its  ridges  being  much  smaller  and  closer. 
Four  more  species,  C.  sulcata,  C.  gibbosula,  C.  l&vigata,  and  C.  triangularis, 
are  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris 

CVIII.  Paphia.  A  subtransverse  inequilateral  shell,  with  close  valves, 
and  having  the  cartilage  internal.  The  pit  for  its  insertion  is  under  the 
beaks,  between  or  beside  the  teeth  of  the  hinge. 


Venus  divaricata,  Linn,  illustrates  this  genus,  of  which  I  do  not  know 
that  any  fossil  specimens  are  known. 

GIX.  Lutraria.  A  transverse  inequilateral  shell,  gaping  at  the  extre- 
mities ;  two  oblique  and  diverging  hinge-teeth  accompanying  a  large  pit 
for  the  cartilage.  No  lateral  teeth. 

Lutraria  elliptica,  List,  conch,  t.  415.  /.  259,  is  taken  by  Lamarck  to 
illustrate  this  genus,  which  is,  I  believe,  unknown. 

CX.  Mactra.  An  equivalved,  inequilateral,  transvere  bivalve,  a  lit- 
tle gaping  at  the  sides;  the  hinge-tooth  complicated,  with  an  adjacent 
little  pit ;  the  lateral  teeth  rather  remote,  compressed,  and  inserted : 
cartilage  internal,  inserted  in  the  pit  of  the  hinge. 

The  mactrse  are  marine  shells,  and  do  not  appear  to  have  been  fre- 
quently found  fossil.  Lamarck  describes  but  one  species,  M.  semisulcata, 
as  found  fossil  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris.  The  only  English  fossil- 
shell  of  this  genus,  with  which  I  am  acquainted,  is  one  which  is  found 
in  the  Essex  bank  of  fossil  shells. 

Two  circumstances  served  to  give  some  degree  of  ambiguity  to  this 
shell :  the  great  width  between  its  strongly  projecting  transverse  ribs, 
and  the  structure  of  its  lateral  teeth ;  which,  as  in  those  of  the  genus 
Trigonia,  were  transversely  sulcated  :  the  two  flat  diverging  teeth  of  the 
left  valve  on  their  outsides,  and  the  flat  receiving  teeth  on  their  inside. 
But  Mr.  Pennant,  British  Zoology,  No.  43,  A,  observes,  that  in  dead 
shells  of  M.  solida,  the  striae  appear  like  high  ribs;  and  I  was  surprised  to 
find,  on  examining  the  teeth  of  the  recent  shells  of  this  species,  that  a 
similar  structure  with  that  observed  in  the  teeth  of  the  fossil  specimen  is 
perceptible — a  circumstance  which  has  not  been  generally  noticed. 

CXI.  Erycina.  An  equivalved,  inequilateral,  transverse  bivalve.  The 
hinge-teeth,  two,  diverging  upwards,  with  a  small  intermediate  pit;  the 
lateral  teeth  compressed  and  oblong.  The  cartilage  inserted  in  the 

The  cartilage  of  these  shells  is  inserted  interiorly,  as  in  the  mactrae, 


lutrarise,  crassatellse,  &c. ;  but  a  generic  difference,  in  the  opinion  of 
Lamarck,  exists  in  these  shells :  the  cartilage  is  inserted  in  a  pit  between 
the  hinge-teeth.  He  believes  that  the  shells  of  this  genus  are  o-ilj  found 
fossil,  and  enumerates  eleven  species  found  in  the  environs  of  Paris: 
E.  l&vis,  E.  peliucida,  E.  trigonia,  E.  in&quilatera,  E.  fragiiis,  E.  elliptica, 
E.  imdulata,  E.  pellucida,  E.  obscura,  E.  miluiria^  and  E.  radio  la  fa.  Plate 
XIII.  Fig.  13  and  14,  are  representations  of  the  inner  and  outer  sides  of 
E.  l&vis,  copied  from  Lamarck. 

CXIL  Petricola.  A  tranverse  inequilateral  shell,  gaping  a  little  at 
both  ends,  and  having  two  muscular  impressions:  two  hinge-teeth  on 
one  valve,  and  a  bifid  one  on  the  other.  The  cartilage  external. 

Venus  litkophaga,  Linn,  is  given  as  a  species  of  this  genus,  which  has 
not  been  described  in  a  fossil  state. 

CXIII.  Donax.  An  equivalved  inequilateral  bivalve :  the  fore  side 
the  bluntest.  The  hinge-teeth  two,  either  in  one  or  both  valves :  the 
lateral  teeth  one  or  two,  rather  distant. 

The  shells  of  this  genus  are  strongly  characterized  by  their  nearly  tri- 
angular figure,  derived  chiefly  from  the  obtuse,  and,  as  it  were,  trun- 
cated form  of  the  fore  side.  When  they  have  two  lateral  teeth,  they 
are  situated  one  on  each  side,  with  the  hinge-teeth  between  them.  The 
hinge-teeth  themselves  are  sometimes  two  on  each  valve,  and  sometimes 
there  are  two  on  one  valve,  and  but  one  on  the  other. 

Lamarck  describes  the  following  species  as  having  been  found  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Paris :  D.  retusa,  D.  incompleta,  D.  tellinella,  D.  nitida, 
D.  lunulata,  and  D.  obliqua. 

Plate  XIII.  Fig.  6,  is  a  very  small  specimen  of  a  fossil-shell  which  is 
very  frequently  found  in  Gloucestershire  and  Somersetshire,  near  to  Bath. 
I  have  introduced  it  in  this  place,  not  knowing  one  more  appropriate,  and 
trusting  that  its  form  may  excuse  a  temporary  disposal  of  it  here,  until 
a  more  satisfactory  examination  may  detect  its  real  characters,  which, 
I  think,  will  be  found  different  from  those  of  any  known  recent  shell. 


The  sacrifice  of  a  great  number  of  these  shells,  large  and  small,  in 
search  of  the  hinge,  has  been  without  success,  excepting  that,  in  one 
specimen,  I  have  ascertained  the  presence  of  a  lateral  tooth,  beneath  the 
depression  for  the  cartilage,  on  the  truncated  side. 

These  shells  are  sometimes  found  of  a  prodigious  size — eight  or  nine 
inches  long,  and  as  many  in  width.  One  before  me,  which  I  purchased 
from  the  collection  of  the  Marquis  of  Donegal,  and  which  is,  I  believe, 
from  the  neighbourhood  of  Bath,  weighs,  with  the  inclosed  lime-stone, 
nine  pounds  and  a  quarter. 

Here  we  must  also  place  the  thick  fossil  shell  represented  Plate  XIII. 
Fig.  7,  which  is  also  chiefly  found  in  the  counties  just  mentioned.  This 
specimen  is  interesting;  as  it  shows,  from  the  valves  having  slipped  from 
each  other,  the  strong,  boldly-projecting,  lateral  teeth,  one  of  which  is 
to  be  seen  on  each  side.  I  had  the  mortification  of  destroying  many 
good  specimens,  without  gaining  any  further  information  respecting  the 
hinge  of  this  shell.  But  after  obtaining  the  specimen  which  is  here 
figured,  I  renewed  my  endeavours,  and  at  last  succeeded  in  separating 
two  valves :  by  which  1  ascertained  the  existence  of  two  lateral  teeth, 
mutually  entering,  in  each  valve,  and  two  thin  cardinal  teeth,  converging, 
tinder  the  beaks  of  one  valve,  between  which  a  single  tooth  in  the  other 
valve  is  inserted. 

Here  I  will  also,  for  the  present,  dispose  of  the  curious  and  anomalous 
shell,  Plate  XI IT.  Fig.  8.  The  imperfect,  and  perhaps  delusive  view, 
in  which  this  shell,  the  only  specimen  I  have  seen,  is  presented  to  my 
view,  makes  me  hesitate  at  the  endeavour  to  point  out  its  apparently 
peculiar  characters.  It  is  a  transvere  inequilateral  shell :  the  valves 
thinly  beset  with  transverse  linear  ribs;  and  at  little  nearer  to  the  base 
of  the  shell  than  the  middle  of  the  valve,  on  each  side,  is  a  flat  ear-like 
process,  by  the  continuation  from  which  the  superior  part  of  the  valve 
gains  more  than  the  eighth  of  an  inch  in  width  on  each  side.  There 
is  not  any  tooth  discoverable  beneath  the  beak ;  but  the  hinge  appears 
to  have  been  formed,  at  least  in  one  valve,  by  a  groove  formed  in  an 


arch,  comprising  the  whole  of  the  lower  margin  of  the  shell,  with  two  remote 
projecting  lateral  teeth.  Whether  there  exists  in  the  other,  as  I  believe, 
a  ridge  corresponding  with  the  groove  in  this  valve,  or  whether  it  was 
opposed  by  a  corresponding  groove,  must  remain  to  be  ascertained  by 
the  examination  of  some  more  illustrative  specimen. 

CXIV.  Trigondlites.  A  slightly-rounded,  trigonal,  thick  shell,  gaping 
on  each  side.  The  anterior  margin  nearly  on  a  straight  line ;  the  pos- 
terior in  a  gently  waving,  and  the  upper  side  in  nearly  a  circular  direc- 
tion. The  outer  surface  of  each  valve  thickly  pierced  by  foramina, 
which,  passing  nearly  through  its  substance,  gives  it  the  cancellous  ap- 
pearance of  bone :  the  inner  surface  smooth,  but  marked  with  striae, 
concentric  with  the  upper  margin.  The  hinge  completely  linear,  with- 
out teeth ;  there  being  only  an  appropriate  surface,  on  the  anterior  mar- 
gin of  each  valve,  for  the  attachment  of  the  cartilage  externally.  No 
appearance  of  muscular  attachment. 

This  shell,  which  I  have  presumed  thus  to  name  and  to  dispose  of,  is  ex- 
ceedingly anomalous  in  every  respect :  it  is  of  an  extraordinary  degree  of 
thickness,  being,  in  some  specimens,  full  three-eighths  of  an  inch  thick; 
and,  even  in  young  specimens,  full  a  quarter  of  an  inch  thick.  A  fbs- 
sula,  or  at  least  a  greater  degree  of  concavity,  is  observable  just  beneath 
the  beak,  and  which  is  the  only  part  which  bears  the  least  appearance  of 
the  animal  having  been  attached  to  it.  Possessing  both  valves,  I  have  care- 
fully sought  to  discover  the  state  in  which  they  would  be,  if  united ;  but 
can  only  ascertain,  that  if  brought  into  contact  at  the  angular  points,  by 
approximating  first  the  anterior  sides  of  the  valves,  the  shell  gapes  on 
each  side,  the  rotundity  of  the  shell  occasioning  a  separation  as  the  shell 
closes,  of  even  the  anterior  margins,  which  are  formed  nearly  on  a 
straight  line  ;  and  which,  when  the  valves  are  widely  open,  lay  in  a  line 
with  each  other,  as  at  Plate  XII L  Fig.  10  and  11.  If  the  superior 
margins,  which  alone  can  be  thus  brought  into  contact,  are  placed  toge- 
ther, the  shell  is  very  widely  separated  at  the  beaks. 

This  shell  was  first  noticed  by  Scheuchzer  as  Concha  fo&silis  tdliiwdes. 


porosa  lavis,  and  is  thus  spoken  of  by  this  writer  *  :— "  Ex  plurimis  conehis 
lapideis  atque  conchitis  in  Helvetia  passim  reperiundis,  quorum  descrip- 
tionem  Operi  ipsi  Historico-Helvetico-Naturali  reserve,  aliquos  duntaxat 
sisto,  rariores  scilicet,  et  ab  aliis  non,  vel  obscure  descriptos,  quos  inter 
primum  commemoro  Concham  fossilem  Tellinoidem,  ita  mihi  nuncupatam 
quia  cava  est,  sui  similem  marinam,  plane  repraesentans,  et  Tellinse  for- 
mam  rhomboidalem  exprimit ;  ab  una  cardinis  parte,  eaque  nunc  dex- 
tra,  nunc  sinistra  (  non  univalvem,  sed  bivalvem  quoque  dari,  vel 
primitus  fuisse  conjicio)  longius  excurrit  alterutrum  latus,  idque  recta 
prorsus  linea,  dum  latus  brevius  nunc  sese  incurvat,  nunc,  et  plerum- 
que,  rotundat.  Structuram  quod  attinet,  est  ea  rara  admodum,  porosa, 
Tro^urpjjT^,  poris  non  in  superficie  tantum  eonspicuis,  sed  totam  eamque 
insignem  crassitiem  perforantibus,  eo  plane  modo,  quo  astroitarum  pori 
et  stellulae  totam,  plerumque  massam  penetrant.  Cavitas  interna  est 
lievis,  et  tamen  lineis  ab  uno  latere  ad  alterum  transversim  excurrentibus 
notata. — Caeterum  friabilis  est  et  ita  fragilis  ut  rarissime  reperiatur  inte- 
gra,  nunquam  prorsus  bivalvis,  et  ideo  lapidis  nomen  vix  promereatur, 
nisi  porosioribus  et  mollioribus  accensere  illam  velis.  Habeo  et  frustulum 
conchse  violentia  quadam  contortse  sen  compressae.  Color  plerumque 
est  cinereus,  aliquando  subpurpureus,  et  rubiginosus." 

M.  Walch  says  very  little  respecting  this  curious  fossil.  M.  Bertrand, 
with  M.  Davila,  suspected  these  fossils  to  be  the  valves  of  a  shell  resem- 
bling Lepap  anatifa ;  forming  their  conclusions  on  the  accordance  of  their 
figure  with  that  of  the  valves  of  the  Lepas,  and  on  the  two  valves  not 
being  ibund  together,  as  they  think  would  be  the  case  if  the  shell  was  a 
bivalve.  Baier,  however,  has  engraved  six  or  seven  specimens  in  which 
the  two  valves  have  been  found  together,  although  open.  Monum  rer. 
pctrif.  Tab.  xiv.  This  author  considers  these  shells  as  Chanue  and  Tel- 
lens;  even  referring  one  species  to  T.  rostrata,  Linn.  Neither  Lamarcl^: 
nor  Faujas  St.  Fond  have  made  any  mention  of  this  shell. 

*  Specimen  Lithog.  Helvet.  p.  21. 
VOL.  III.  3  B 


From  the  figures  given  by  Baier,  two  distinct  species  of  this  genus 
may  be  made  out;  each  of  which  I  have  been  able  to  identify  with 
specimens  in  my  possession.  The  first  of  these,  of  which  I  have  given 
a  representation  of  the  appearance  of  the  outer  surface,  Plate  XIII. 
Fig.  12 ;  and  of  the  inner,  Fig.  9,  and  which  is  by  far  the  most  common 
species,  I  will  distinguish  as  T.  lata.  The  breadth  of  this  shell  is  riot 
much  exceeded  by  its  length,  and  its  outer  surface  appears  to  have  been 
quite  smooth,  the  pores  seeming  to  show  themselves  only  where  the  ori- 
ginal surface  has  been  removed  by  attrition  or  decomposition. 

The  specimen  represented  Plate  XIII.  Fig.  10,  which  may  be  named 
T.  lamdlosa,  is  particularly  instructive.  More  anxious  to  ascertain  its  spe- 
cific characters  than  to  preserve  the  specimen,  however  curious,  I  suc- 
ceeded, with  much  care  and  time,  in  removing  a  sufficient  portion  of  the 
lamellae  of  its  calcareous  matrix,  to  enable  me  to  discover  the  structure 
on  the  outer  surface,  which  I  found  exactly  to  agree  with  that  which  is 
shown  in  Fig.  11,  and  which  of  course  evinced  that  both  these  shells 
were  of  the  same  species. 

Whilst  attempting  the  removal  of  the  matrix  from  another  specimen 
of  this  species,  I  was  surprised  at  finding  in  the  stone  a  spathose  sub- 
stance ramifying  from  the  upper  margin  of  each  valve,  near  to  the  pos- 
terior margin,  and  extending  nearly  half  an  inch  from  the  shell.  On 
applying  the  muriatic  acid  to  this  substance,  the  odour  soon  convinced  me 
of  the  presence  of  animal  matter.  Hence  I  was  led  to  endeavour  at  the 
removal  of  the  matrix  in  the  present  specimen,  Fig.  10,  with  a  hope  of  deter- 
mining whether  it  possessed  a  similar  appendage.  My  exertions  proved 
so  successful,  as  to  allow  of  the  exposure  of  this  substance  proceeding 
from  both  valves,  as  shown  in  the  same  figure.  A  more  rigid  examination 
of  the  valves  of  the  preceding  species,  T.  lata,  after  this  discovery,  showed 
that,  on  the  correspondent  part  of  the  valves,  a  scabrous  surface  existed, 
which,  in  all  probability,  had  been  the  surface  of  attachment  for  this 
peculiar  substance.  But  whether  this  extraordinary  substance  should  be 
considered  as  extraneous,  or  as  actually  belonging  to  the  shell,  is  a  point 


on  which  I  am  unable  to  give  a  decided  opinion :  the  determination 
must,  therefore,  be  left  to  those  who  may  have  better  opportunities  of 
pursuing  the  inquiry. 

A  specimen  is  figured  by  Baier,  resembling  T.  lata  in  form,  but  which 
is  much  smaller,  and  appears  to  be  marked  externally  with  transverse 
striae.  Whether  this  is  only  a  young  one  of  the  species  T.  lata,  is 
difficult  to  say ;  but  in  one  of  my  specimens,  is  an  impression  of  the 
two  opened  valves  of  a  small  shell,  in  which  I  observe  an  exact  agree- 
ment with  the  proportions  of  the  valves  of  that  species.  In  this  speci- 
men I  also  observe  traces  of  the  impressions  of  a  similar  appendicular 
substance  with  that  already  noticed. 

CXV.  Venus.  An  equivalved,  rather  inequilateral  bivalve,  with  three 
hinge  teeth  in  each  valve,  converging  at  their  base  towards  the  beaks. 
The  middle  tooth,  which  is  sometimes  bifid,  is  placed  straight,  and  the 
one  on  each  side  obliquely. 

Lamarck  particularizes  six  fossil  species,  which  are  found  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Paris :  V.  mutabilis,  V.  obliqua,  V.  callosa,  V.  texta,  V.  scobi- 
nellata,  V.  pudlata.  Of  the  first  of  these,  V.  mutabilis,  he  observes,  that 
it  is  the  most  singular  shell  which  he  knows,  with  respect  to  the  variety 
which  it  exhibits  in  its  hinge.  It  is  a  roundish,  elliptical,  transverse, 
compressed  shell,  bearing  only  very  fine  striae  on  its  surface,  the  marks 
of  its  increase ;  the  hinge,  in  old  shells,  without  teeth.  In  the  young 
specimens,  the  three  teeth,  characteristic  of  the  genus,  are  generally 
observable ;  but,  even  among  these,  one  or  two  of  the  teeth  are  some- 
times effaced.  On  viewing  the  older  specimens,  the  teeth  are  so  fre- 
quently absent,  that  it  might  be  supposed,  that  none  belonged  to  the 
species.  On  the  inside  of  the  valves  are  very  fine  serrated  and  radiat- 
ing striae ;  but  which,  not  reaching  to  the  edge,  leave  it  smooth. 

Among  the  admirable  silicized  shells  of  Devonshire  is  found  a  fossil, 
which  appears  to  be  undoubtedly  referable  to  Venus  castrensis.  In  a  spe- 
cimen with  which  I  was  favoured  by  Mr.  Clarke,  the  shell  is  perfectly 


silicized ;  and,  in  the  transparent  parts,  the  angulated  tent-like  charac- 
ters are  beautifully  shown  in  white  and  opaque  markings. 

In  the  Essex  bank  I  met  with  a  fine  specimen,  which  exactly  agrees 
with  V.  Scotica,  described  by  Dr.  Maton  and  Mr.  Racket,  in  the  Lin- 
nean  Transactions,  Vol.  vm.  p.  81,  t.  2,  f.  3,  except  being  double  the 
size  of  the  recent  shell.  Like  that  shell,  it  is  thick,  subcordated,  sub- 
compressed,  with  many  regular,  parallel,  transverse  ridges :  umbo  re- 
clined: cordiform  depression  lanceolate.  Inside  glossy;  teeth  strong, 
oblique:  margin  plain.  Length  full  an  inch;  breadth  nearly  an  inch 
and  a  quarter. 

Among  the  fossil  shells  which  I  obtained  from  the  collection  of  Mr. 
Strange,  are  specimens  which  are  marked  Maryland ;  and  which  appear 
to  agree  very  closely  in  their  characters  with  V.  Mercenaria. 

At  the  sale  of  Dr.  Menish's  collection,  I  purchased  a  very  large  shell 
of  this  genus,  measuring  four  inches  and  a  half  in  length,  and  four  inches 
three  quarters  in  width.  Its  approximation,  in  form,  to  the  preceding 
shells;  but  having  no  cordiform  depression,  and  a  plain  margin,  are 
circumstances  which  seem  to  allow  of  its  being  considered,  at  least,  as 
very  like  to  F,  islandica.  I  am  unacquainted  with  where  it  was  ob- 

I  was  favoured  by  Captain  Gardiner,  from  the  same  collection,  with 
a  shell  exactly  agreeing,  in  its  specific  characters,  with  the  preceding, 
but  being  of  rather  a  less  size.  This  shell  is  one  of  the  Blackdown  fos- 
sils :  it  is  nearly  perfect,  and,  although  its  outer  surface  has  suffered  some 
little  decomposition,  by  which  it  is  rendered  of  a  dead  white ;  yet  the 
whole  substance  of  the  shell  being  now  a  clear  calcedonic  substance,  the 
thickest  part  of  the  shell  is  in  some  degree  translucent. 

The  lateral  teeth  do  not,  I  think,  exist  with  sufficient  distinctness  in 
either  of  these  shells,  to  warrant  their  removal  to  the  genus  Cyclas. 

CXVI.  Cytherea.  An  equivalved  and  rather  inequilateral  bivalve. 
The  hinge  with  two  or  three  approximated  teeth,  converging  at  the  base; 


with  a  distant  one  under  the  cordiform  depression,  in  one  valve,  and  a 
little  pit  for  its  reception  in  the  other. 

The  general  form  of  these  shells  agrees  with  that  of  the  shells  of  the 
preceding  genus ;  but  the  isolated  tooth,  and  the  corresponding  pit,  afford 
characters  certainly  sufficient  for  disposing  them  under  a  distinct  genus, 
under  which  Lamarck  places  V.  meretrix,  punctata,  lusoria,  Iceta,  pectinata, 
tigerina,  chione,  and  indeed  all  those  which  have  a  tooth  distinct  from  the 
cardinal  ones.  He  particularizes  nine  species  found  fossil  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Paris  :  C.  scute llaria,  C.  demisulcata,  C.  nitidula,  C.polita,  C.  l&- 
vigata,  C.  teliinaria,  C.  elegans,  C.  deltoidea,  C.  corbulina. 

In  the  Essex  and  Suffolk  bank  is  a  fossil  shell  of  this  genus  :  it  appears 
to  resemble,  in  its  specific,  as  well  as  in  its  generic  characters,  Venus  exo- 
leta,  Linn.  List.  Conch,  t.  292,  Fig.  128. 

CXVII.  Cyclas.  An  ovato-transverse  bivalve,  not  inflected  on  the  fore 
part :  the  hinge  with  three  hinge-teeth  and  two  lateral  ones,  compressed 
and  rather  remote. 

The  shells  of  this  genus  are  chiefly  river  shells,  some  of  which  have  hi- 
therto been  placed  under  the  genus  tellina,  and  others  under  Venus :  but 
having  no  fold  on  their  anterior  part,  they  are  not  referable  to  the  former ; 
arid  having  two  lateral  teeth,  they  cannot  be  placed  under  the  latter 

Lamarck  describes  the  Cyclades  of  Europe  as  small,  thin,  and,  as  it 
were,  horny,  with  the  hinge-teeth  not  very  distinct.  It  is  from  these 
shells  that  Linnaeus  has  taken  his  species  Tdlina  cornea.  The  exotic 
Cyclades,  and  particularly  those  of  Asia,  are  very  large,v  and  have  their 
hinge-teeth  very  distinct,  and  very  often  bifid.  Amongst  these  he  places 
Venus  coaxans,  V.  islandica,  and  several  other  shells,  which  have  been 
hitherto  placed  under  the  genus  Venus. 

Very  few  other  bivalves  are  to  be  found  in  that  vast  stratum  of  shells 
extending  so  widely  from  Woolwich,  except  a  shell,  which  I  think  is 
decidedly  referable  to  this  genus,  and  perhaps  to  the  species  C.  deperdita, 
the  only  fossil  species  mentioned  by  Lamarck.  Like  this  species,  the 


Woolwich  shells  are  ovato-transverse,  and  marked  with  very  small  trans- 
verse striae,  indicating  the  stages  of  growth.  They  have  three  teeth  at  the 
hinge,  and  two  compressed  lateral  teeth  in  one  valve,  with  grooves  for 
their  reception  in  the  other  valve.  Like  the  French  fossil  shells  of  this 
genus,  the  Woolwich  also  are  entirely  white,  being  without  epidermis  or 
animal  matter. 

Having  obtained  a  mass  of  shells  of  this  genus,  imbedded  in  py- 
rites, from  the  Isle  of  Wight,  I  was  surprised  at  finding  that  their 
lateral  teeth,  like  those  of  the  Mactra  solida,  were  transversely  grooved, 
the  penetrating  teeth  on  the  out,  and  the  receiving  teeth  on  the  in- 

Plate  XIII.  Fig.  5,  represents  the  valve  which  is  furnished  with  the 
penetrating  grooved  lateral  teeth,  from  the  Isle  of  Wight. 

CXVIII.  Venericardia.  An  equivalved,  inequilateral  bivalve,  ribbed  lon- 
gitudinally on  the  outside,  with  two  thick  hinge-teeth,  disposed  obliquely, 
and  in  the  same  direction. 

In  some  species,  deserving,  perhaps,  as  Lamarck  observes,  to  be  con- 
sidered of  another  genus,  there  is  but  one  tooth  on  one  valve,  and  two 
diverging  teeth  on  the  opposite  valve. 

These  shells  are  strongly  characterized,  by  their  having  longitudinal 
ribs,  as  in  the  cockles  and  scallops.  They  are  marine  shells,  and  have 
two  muscular  impressions. 

The  most  beautiful  species  of  this  genus  is  V.  planicosta,  a  remarkably 
thick  shell,  obliquely  cordated,  with  flat  smooth  longitudinal  ribs,  and  which 
Lamarck  describes  as  being  sometimes  three  inches  and  a  half  in  length. 
The  shells  of  this  species  are  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris,  but  are 
there  but  small.  At  Piedmont,  and  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Florence, 
they  are  found  of  the  largest  size :  one  specimen  1  have,  which  mea- 
sures full  four  inches  and  a  half.  These  fossil  shells  are  found  of  a  very 
handsome  size  on  the  Hampshire  coast;  Mr.  Holloway,  of  the  Custom- 
house, Portsmouth,  has  kindly  favoured  me  with  specimens  from  Selsea, 
one  of  which  measures  nearly  three  inches  and  a  half  in  width. 


F.  acuticosta  differs  from  the  preceding  chiefly  in  having  its  ribs  some- 
what carinated ;  Lamarck,  indeed,  suspects  it  to  be  merely  a  variety. 

V.  senilis.  Lam.  is  a  thick  obliquely  cordated  shell,  about  an  inch  and 
a  half  in  length,  with  large  convex,  rather  imbricated,  but  not  rough, 
ribs.  The  specimen  possessed  by  Lamarck,  he  believes,  was  obtained 
from  Courtagrion.  It  is  frequently  found  among  the  Harwich  shells,  and 
in  very  good  preservation.  Its  thick  valves,  with  large  smooth  ribs,  give 
to  it  a  very  antiquated  appearance.  The  outer  and  inner  side  of  one  of 
these  shells  are  figured  Plate  XIII.  Fig.  15  and  17.  Lamarck  particu- 
larizes two  more  species,  V.  multicostata,  V.  pectuncularis ;  besides  four 
more,  V.  cor  avium,  V.  squamosa,  V.  decussata,  and  V.  elegans ;  in  which 
only  one  hinge-tooth  is  apparent  in  one  valve,  and  which  is  received  by 
two  corresponding  but  diverging  teeth  in  the  opposite  valve. 

CXIX.  Lucina.  A  round,  or  ovato-transverse  equivalved  bivalve, 
with  the  beaks  bowed  backwards.  The  hinge  teeth,  one  or  two,  varia- 
ble ;  the  lateral  teeth  one  or  two,  and  sometimes  hardly  any. 

These  shells  differ  from  Venus's,  in  having  lateral  teeth ;  from  Tellens, 
in  having  no  fold ;  and  from  Cyclades,  in  not  having  three  hinge-teeth. 
Lamarck  reckons  twelve  species  as  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris: 
L.  lamellosa,  L.  concmirica,  L.  circinaria,  L.  sa.wrum,  L.  divaricata,  L.  gib" 
bosula,  L.  rcnulata,  L.  albella,  L.  sulcata,  L.  squamosa,  L.  undulata,  L.  com- 

This  genus  was  instuted  by  Bruguiere  for  the  reception  of  those  shells 
which,  with  only  one  or  two  cardinal,  had  one  or  two  lateral  remote 
teeth,  which  in  some  species  were  hardly  apparent.  Tellina  pectinata, 
Linn.  Conchy  L  Listen,  PL  300,  Fig.  137,  is  one  of  this  genus:  V.fim- 
briata,  Linn.  V.  Pensylvanica,  Linn,  with  T.  lactea,  Linn,  and  T.  diva- 
ricala,  have  been  also  placed  in  this  genus. 

A  small  shell,  resembling  V.  gallina,  found  among  the  Harwich  fossils, 
seems  to  have  the  characters  of  this  genus. 

CXX.  Tellina.    An  orbicular  or  ovate-transverse,  equivalved  bivalve, 


with  a  fold  on  the  anterior  part,  and  short  beaks.     One  or  two  hinge- 
teeth  and  remote  lateral  teeth. 

The  shells  of  this  genus  are  chiefly  known  by  the  inflexion  or  irregular 
fold  on  their  fore  part.  The  hinge-teeth  are  either  one  on  each  valve  ; 
two  on  one,  and  one  on  the  other ;  or  two  on  each  valve  :  and  the  late- 
ral teeth  are  most  frequently  two,  which  are  compressed. 

Lamarck  particularizes  the  following,  as  being  the  species  which  are 
found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris  :  T.  patdlaris,  much  resembling 
T.  rcmies,  Linri.  T.  scalaroides,  T.  carinulata,  T.  sinuata>  T.  donacialist  T. 
rostralis,  T.  corneola,  T.  pusilla,  T.  rudis. 

The  habitat  of  the  rostrated  shell  represented  Plate  XIII.  Fig.  4,  I 
am  not  acquainted  with ;  nor,  though  I  have  placed  it  here,  am  I  satis- 
fied of  this  being  its  most  appropriate  place,  being  entirely  unacquainted 
with  its  hinge. 

CXXI.  Capsa.  A  transverse  shell,  with  two  cardinal  teeth  in  one 
valve,  and  one  entering  double  tooth  on  the  other. 

This  genus  is*  exemplified  by  Venus  deflorata,  or  Capsa  rugosa,  Linn. 
List.  Conch.  Tab.  425,  Fig.  273.  The  shells  of  this  genus  are  not,  I 
believe,  known  fossil. 

CXXII.  Solen.  An  equivalved,  transversely  elongated  bivalve,  gaping 
on  each  side;  the  hinge-teeth  single,  in  each  valve,  or  double  in  one 
valve ;  the  beaks  exceedingly  small ;  the  ligament  external,  and  most 
frequently  near  to  the  extremity  of  the  shell. 

The  wngumolari<z  are  distinguished  from  the  Solcns  by  having  two 
hinge-teeth  in  each  valve  ;  the  glycemeres,  by  having  no  hinge-teeth ;  and 
the  my&,  by  having  an  inner  ligament,  and  by  their  projecting  com- 
pressed tooth  in  the  left  valve,  to  which  the  ligament  is  attached. 

Lamarck  describes  five  fossil  species  of  this  genus,  as  found  in  the  environs 
of  Paris  :  S.  vagina,  S.fragilis,  S.  ejfusus,  S.  strigilatust  S.  appendiculatus.  Of 
S.  vagina  he  remarks,  that  he  found  none  more  than  three  inches  in  their 
transverse  length.  S.fragilis  approaches  very  nearly  to  S.  cultellus,  Linn. 


S.  effusus  bears  some  resemblance  (o  S.  vespertinus,  Linn.  S.  strigilatus 
appears  to  be  similar  to  the  recent  shell  of  the  same  name.  S.  appe?i- 
diculatus  is  a  small  smooth  elliptical  shell,  the  recent  analogue  of  which 
is  unknown.  It  derives  its  name  from  a  little  process  which  projects 
near  the  beaks. 

Fragments  of  shells  of  this  genus  are  found  in  the  Essex  cliff.  From  a 
considerable  number  of  these  I  have  been  able  to  make  out  only  two 
species  resembling  S.  siliqua,  Linn,  and  S.  e?isis.  It  is  remarkable,  that 
in  the  fossil  shell  agreeing  in  the  characters  of  its  hinge  with  S.  siliqua,  a 
proportionate  shortness  in  its  transversal  length  is  observed  with  that  of 
the  fossil  S.  vagina,  described  by  Lamarck.  In  one  valve  of  this  species, 
which  I  am  able  to  say  must  have  measured  nearly  an  inch  in  its  length, 
from  its  inferior  to  its  superior  edge,  the  breadth  from  the  anterior  to  the 
posterior  termination  is  only  two  inches  and  three  quarters.  The  fossil 
resembling  S.  ensjs,  appears  to  vary  from  it  only  in  not  being  quite  so 
much  bowed  as  the  recent  shell. 

CXXIII.  Sangumolaria.  A  transverse  bivalve,  arched  on  its  superior 
edge,  and  gaping  a  little  at  its  extremities.  Two  hinge-teeth,  approxi- 
mate and  articulating,  on  each  valve. 

This  genus  is  exemplified  in  Sanguinolaria  rosea,  Solen  sanguinolentum, 
Linn.  List.  t.  397,  Fig.  236.  The  shells  of  this  genus  are  distinguish- 
able from  those  of  Solen,  only  by  their  having  two  teeth  in  each  valve. 
I  am  not  aware  of  their  having  been  found  fossil. 

CXXIV.  Glycemeris.  A  transverse  shell,  gaping  at  both  extremities  : 
hinge  callous,  without  tooth.  This  genus  is  exemplified  in  G.  incrassata, 
Lam.  Mya  siliqua,  Chemn. ;  but  Iain  not  acquainted  with  any  species 
of  it  as  a  fossil. 

CXXV.  Mya.  A  transverse  bivalve,  gaping  at  both  ends;  ligament 
internal.  The  left  valve  with  a  hinge-tooth,  compressed,  rounded,  per- 
pendicular to  the  valve,  and  giving  attachment  to  the  ligaments. 

Lamarck  has  not  met  with  any  shell  of  this  genus,  in  a  fossil  state,  in 

the  environs  of  France. 

VOL.  in.  c  c 


A  very  handsome  fossil  shell,  apparently  of  this  genus,  is  found  in  the 
cliffs  at  Bognor ;  hut  as  I  have  never  been  able  to  view  the  interior  part, 
although  I  have  destroyed  several  specimens  for  the  purpose,  I  am  una- 
ble to  speak  decidedly  with  respect  to  it.  Fragments  of  the  hinge  part 
of  a  shell  of  this  genus  are  sometimes  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of 

CXXVI.  Panopaa.  A  transverse  inequilateral  bivalve,  gaping  une- 
qually at  the  ends.  The  hinge  similar  in  both  valves,  having  a  large 
elongated  tooth  placed  under  the  cartilaginal  depression,  running  along  the 
interior  edge  in  a  raised  blunt  margin,  and  projecting  posteriorly  ;  a  coni- 
cal hinge-tooth,  rather  flat  and  bent;  and  on  the  right  valve,  a  little 
pit,  which  receives  the  tooth  of  the  opposite  valve.  The  ligament  exte- 
rior ;  the  beaks  but  little  projecting ;  the  depression  large.  Two  mus- 
cular impressions  in  each  valve,  towards  the  extremities. 

This  genus  was  formed  by  M.  Menard  de  la  Groye,  on  a  shell  found 
in  Mount  Pulgnasco,  in  the  commune  of  Diolo,  in  Parma,  in  a  fine- 
grained quartzose  sand,  mixed  with  a  greyish  clay.  Of  this  shell,  some 
beautiful  specimens  have  been  collected  by  M.  Cortezi,  of  Parma.  On 
clearing  the  hinge  from  one  of  these,  which  had  been  presented  to 
M.  Faujas,  M.  Menard  was  very  much  surprised  to  find  that  it  was  a 
shell  of  a  mixed  genus,  resembling  both  Mya  and  Solcn.  This  shell  is 
about  three  inches  and  eight  lines  in  length,  and  six  inches  and  three 
lines  in  width.  The  outside  is  smooth,  being  only  transversely  grooved  by 
the  successive  additions  of  new  shell.  On  the  inside,  along  the  edge,  and 
particularly  the  upper  edge,  is  a  callous  smooth  kind  of  border ;  and, 
further  into  the  cavity  of  the  shell,  is  another  surface,  more  or  less  ru- 
gose, which  marks  the  parts  where  the  animal  was  attached.  Annales 
du  Mm.  Tome  ix.  p.  131. 

A  recent  shell  of  this  genus,  but.  undoubtedly  of  a  different  species 
from  the  fossil  shell  described  by  M.  Menard,  has  long  been  known  to 
the  conchologists.  It  was  first  figured  by  the  indefatigable  Aldrovandus, 
who  gave  to  it  the  name  ofChama  glycemeris,  Testae,  lib.  in.  p.  472.  The 


figure  of  Aldrovandus  has  been  copied  by  Bonanni,  Gualtieri,  Klein,  and 
others.  Lister  has  given  a  cppy  from  Aldrovandus,  Hist.  Conch.  T.  414, 
Fig.  258  ;  and  Baron  Born  has  given  a  correct  figure  from  a  shell  in  the 
cabinet  of  Vienna,  Mus.  C<es.  Vind.  test.  T.  i.  /.  8.  Aldrovandus  relates 
that  the  shell  which  he  described  was  found  in  the  Mediterranean,  on 
the  coast  of  Spain. 

This  shell  is  exceedingly  rare :  M.  Menard  observes,  that  it  is  not  in 
any  of  the  Parisian  collections,  not  even  in  the  Museum  of  Natural  His- 
tory ;  and  that  he  knew  of  but  one  in  the  possession  of  M.  Pech,  whose 
cabinet  was  sold  to  the  Emperor  of  Austria.  The  particular  characters 
of  this  shell  demanding  its  being  placed  in  a  new  and  distinct  genus, 
were  fully  noticed  by  Baron  Born,  who  says  "  Ob  extrernitatem  utram- 
que  hiantem  Solenibus  affinis,  a  quibus  dente  exserto  crassissimo  differt." 
Mus.  C<es.  p.  20. 

M.  Pech,  on  comparing  the  characters  of  his  recent  shell  with  those 
of  the  fossil  one,  was  of  opinion  that,  in  general,  they  agreed ;  and  par- 
ticularly that  the  hinge  was  the  same.  But  he  found  that  the  recent  shell 
was  wider  and  less  tumid,  in  proportion  to  its  size,  than  the  fossil  one, 
and  that  it  gaped  at  both  ends,  but  less  at  the  posterior  than  at  the  ante- 
rior part;  whilst,  in  the  fossil  shell,  the  opening  in  the  posterior  part  was 
hardly  discoverable.  From  this  comparison,  M.  Menard  concludes,  that 
the  recent  and  fossil  shells  are  of  distinct  species  :  the  propriety  of  which 
conclusion  will  at  once  be  seen,  on  a  view  of  the  figure  given  by  Born, 
and  of  that  given  by  M.  Menard.  The  species  to  which  the  recent  shell 
belonged  he  named  Panopea  Aldrovandi ;  and  that  to  which  the  fossil  shell 
was  referable,  Panopea  Faujas. 

Among  the  fossil  shells  which  I  had  purchased  from  the  collection  of 
Mr.  Strange,  was  a  valve,  which  I  had  valued  from  its  resemblance  to 
the  shell  of  Aldrovandus;  but  of  the  habitat  of  which  I  could  obtain  no 
other  information  than  the  word  Maryland,  which  was  written  on  its 
inner  surface.  On  reading  M.  Menard's  account  of  the  Parrnese  fossil, 
I  again  examined  this  valve.  A  slight  view  of  its  characters;  evinced  that 


it  belonged  to  the  same  genus :  its  hinge,  its  broad  surface  on  the  inner 
margin,  and  the  broad,  rougher  surface  to  which  the  animal  adhered,  all 

Its  much  closer  agreement  with  the  Panopea  of  Aldrovandus  than  with 
the  Panopea  of  Faujas,  was  directly  manifest.  The  closed  valves  must 
have  gaped  widely  at  both  ends,  and  could  not  have  made  that  approach 
to  the  cylindrical  form  which  is  observable  in  the  latter  shell.  That  it 
did  not  belong  to  a  shell  of  the  same  species  with  the  fossil  shells  of 
Mount  Pulgnasco,  is  certain;  and  that  it  is  a  valve  of  a  small  individual 
of  the  species  P.  J/flfrwwzd/,  is  highly  probable  :  there  would,  indeed, 
exist  no  doubt  on  this  point,  but  that  a  little  difference  exists  in  the  out- 
line of  the  two  shells,  which  however  may  depend  on  their  different 
stages  of  growth.  A  representation  of  this  fossil  valve  is  given  Plate  XIV. 
Fig.  1.  It  has  suffered  a  greater  degree  of  decomposition  than  the  fos- 
sils, of.  Parma,  and  has  lost  the  point  of  the  smaller  tooth. 

The  fossil  shell  represented  Plate  XIII.  Fig.  16,  is  particularly  inte- 
resting from  the  very  uncommon  manner  in  which  it  is  marked.  It  is 
little  more  than*  a  cast;  being  formed  of  a  dark  grey  lime-stone,  to  which 
it  appears  that  some  of  the  inner  plate  of  the  shell  has  adhered,  and  has 
acquired  a  film  of  yellow  pyrites. 

The  valves  having  slipped  before  the  forming  of  the  cast,  and  hardly 
any  of  the  shell  itself  remaining,  it  is  impossible  to  determine  under  wjiat 
genus  this  fossil  should  be  placed. 

It  is  a  transverse,  regular  formed,  and,  apparently,  an  equivalved 
shell,  which  has  been  marked  with  round,  closely-set  grooves,  passing 
obliquely  from  the  anterior  and  posterior  sides ;  the  nearest  to  the  centre 
meeting  and  forming  an  angle,  the  others  terminating  in  the  upper 
margin  of  the  shell. 

I  was  favoured  with  this  fossil  by  the  Reverend  Mr.  Marsh,  of  Fel- 
tnersham  House,  Bedfordshire,  who  found  it  in  that  neighbourhood. 


M.  Walch  describes  a  similar  fossil,  Supp.  PL  v.  c.  p.  151,  as  a  very 
rare  shell,  which  was  found  at  Guntershofen,  and  which,  he  thinks, 
might  he  very  well  placed  among  the  tellenites.  A  similar  fossil  had  been 
previously  found  at  Neustrelitz,  in  Mecklenhourg,  in  a  grey  lime-stone, 
and  described  and  figured  in  Magazin  dc  Berlin,  1. 1 v.  This  shell  M.  Walch 
describes  as  having  the  point  of  the  hinge  elongated ;  and  striae,  or  raised, 
elongated,  and  rather  oblique  ribs,  of  which,  those  which  are  nearest  the 
hinge  unite  and  form  an  angle.  The  analogue  of  this  shell,  he  observes, 
has  not  yet  been  found.  M.  Martini  observes,  with  respect  to  this  shell, 
that  he  has  riever  seen  any  recent  or  fossil  shell  resembling  it,  having 
these  converging  striae,  in  the  form  of  a  bow,  with  cordiform  interstices. 






LAMARCK,  in  his  Systeme  des  Animaux  sans  vertebres,  had  placed  Pholas 
at  the  end  of  the  equivalved  shells,  and  characterized  them  as  having 
accessory  pieces ;  and  the  genera  Teredo  and  Fistulana  he  placed  at  the 
head  of  the  inequivalved  shells,  and  distinguished  them  as  having  the 
principal  valve  tubular. 

Since  that  period,  in  his  Suite  des  Memoires  sur  les  Fossiles  des  Environs 
du  Paris,  under  the  article  Fistulana ,  he  says,  that  he  was  for  a  long 
time  perplexed,  whilst  endeavouring  properly  to  characterize  this  sin- 
gular kind  of  shell,  because  he  considered,  as  all  other  naturalists  had 


done,  the  tubular  sheath  which  enclosed  the  animal  and  its  real  shell,  as 
the  shell  itself.  But  making  further  researches,  he  perceived  a  consi- 
derable agreement  between  the  valves  of  Modiola  and  those  of  Fistulana; 
and  learned  that  some  fistulanae  passed  out  of  their  proper  tube,  and  lived 
in  the  tubular  cavities  formed  in  stone  and  other  solid  bodies,  those  cavi- 
ties supplying  the  place  of  their  own.  Hence  he  concluded,  that  the 
two  equal  valves  which  adheres  to  the  animal,  formed  the  true  shell  of 
Fistulana  ;  and  that  the  shelly  tube  should  only  be  regarded  as  an  acces- 
sory piece,  forming  the  cavity  in  which  the  animal  was  to  reside. 

On  this  principle,  he  thinks  that  the  tube  of  the  Fistulana,  Teredo,  and 
Periicillus,  as  well  as  the  accessory  portions  of  shell  of  the  Pholas,  should  be 
considered  as  objects  independent  of  the  general  character  which  should 
be  employed  in  the  classing  of  these  animals,  and  therefore  should  be 
used  only  in  the  distinction  of  their  genera*. 

Agreeable  to  this  arrangement,  we  will  proceed  to  the  consideration  of 
cquivalved  bivalves  with  accessory  pieces. 

CXXVII.  Pholas.  A  transverse  gaping  shell,  composed  of  two  large 
principal  valves,  with  many  small  accessory  pieces  placed  on  the  liga- 
ment or  at  the  hinge. 

Among  the  Essex  fossils  are  frequently  found  fragments  of  P.  crispata; 
but,  from  the  extreme  brittleness  of  the  shell,  the  fragments  are  in  gene- 
ral but  small.  I  have,  however,  on  a  late  trip  to  Walton,  been  so  suc- 
cessful as  to  obtain  a  fragment  or  two,  possessing  the  recurved  tooth, 
which,  together  with  the  crinkled  surface,  leaves  little  room  for  doubting 
it  to  be  of  the  species  P.  crispatus.  I  also  obtained  a  small  perfect  shell, 
which  from  its  form,  and  the  fineness  of  the  striae  with  which  it  is  marked, 

*  Agreeable  to  this  last  decision  of  Lamarck,  Penicillus  should  be  placed  among  the 
bivalves  instead  of  among  the  tubular  shells,  as  it  will  be  found  in  the  eighth  Letter.  But 
one  circumstance  seems  to  render  the  propriety  of  its  removal  to  this  place  doubtful — the 
valves  in  the  genus  Penicillus  are  incrusted  in  it,  and  form  a  part  of  it ;  consequently,  as 
they  cannot  perform  the  office  of  valves,  the  dwelling  of  the  animal  may  be  rather  coosi- 
as  a  tubular  than  a  bivalve  shell. 

I  am  disposed   to   consider  as  P.  campecliensis,    List.  Conch.    Tab. 
Fig.  275. 

C XX VIII.  Fistulana.  An  equivalved  bivalve,  gaping,  nearly  tooth- 
less shell,  included  in  a  club-formed  testaceous  tube,  open  at  the  smaller 

The  bivalve  of  the  Fistulana,  as  may  be  seen  by  its  representations, 
Plate  XIV.  Fig.  2  and  4,  bears  a  considerable  degree  of  resemblance  to 
the  valves  of  Modiola  :  and  it  should  be  recollected,  that  some  of  the 
Modiola,  Mytilns  Lithophagus,  Linn,  for  instance,  are  found  in  cavities 
formed  in  stone.  The  tube  of  the  Fistulana  is  completely  closed  at  its 
larger  end;  whilst  the  smaller  end  is  open,  and  has  sometimes  one  side 
of  it  formed  by  one  of  the  valves  adhering  to  it. 

We  are  much  indebted  to  M.  Faujas  St.  Fond  for  his  researches  re- 
specting these  fossil  bodies,  and  for  ascertaining  the  existence  of  these 
bivalves  in  their  proper  tube  among  the  fossils  of  Grignon. 

Lamarck  describes  four  species  of  this  genus  as  found  fossil  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Paris :  F.  ampullaria,  F.  tibialis,  F.  echinata,  and  F.  per- 

The  first  of  these,  F.  ampullaria,  the  tube  of  which  is  of  the  form  of 
•an  elongated  pear  or  bottle,  and  covered  by  a  calcareous  sand,  has  two 
ridges  in  the  inside  of  its  smaller  part ;  and  in  this  part  is  found  the  bivalve 
shell,  resembling  one  of  the  modiolae,  and  with  a  shining  surface.  The 
shell  is  sometimes  found  loose,  and  at  other  times  united  to  the  tube  by 
interposed  spathose  matter. 

Mr.  Meade  very  kindly  favoured  me  with  the  two  shells  of  this  genus, 
detached  from  their  tubular  parts,  the  representations  of  which  have  been 
just  referred  to.  The  same  gentleman  also  obliged  me  with  a  mass  of 
spathose  lirne-stone,  in  which  several  of  these  fossils  are  imbedded,  with 
their  containing  ampullaceous  tube.  Plate  XIV.  Fig.  6. 

The  fossil  which  is  figured  Plate  XII.  Fig.  1,  of  the  second  volume  of 
this  work,  to  show  its  coralloicl  investment,  as  well  as  the  ampullaceous 
bodies  in  Fig.  2,  of  the  same  plate,  belong  to  this  genus,  and  doubtlessly 
contain  the  two  valves  composing  the  shelly  but  here,  as  in  many  other 


specimens,  the  included  valves  are  most  probably  involved  in  spathose 
matter,  which  has  crystallized  within  the  tube. 

Plate  XIV.  Fig.  7,  is  a  very  instructive  specimen  of  this  shell :  the 
valves  being  there  seen  partly  denuded  of  their  including  tube.  This 
specimen  I  purchased  from  the  Museum  of  Dr.  Menish.  It  was  found 
at  Bradford,  Wilts,  in  the  white  clay  which  covers  the  great  Oolite  rock. 

1  have  now  before  me  a  fossil  of  this  species  from  Malta,  of  which  I 
have  opened  one  side  so  much,  as  to  give  a  pretty  fair  view  of  one  of  the 
valves,  which  is  very  nearly  two  inches  in  length,  and  has  a  very  smooth 
surface.  This  shell  evidently  differs  from  the  Bradford  shells,  Fig.  2  and  3, 
which  again  differ  from  each  other,  they  forming,  as  it  were,  sub  species., 
I  have  been  favoured  witfr  calcareous  masses,  in  which  these  fossils  are 
imbedded,  from  Bedfordshire,  by  Mr.  GoodhaM  and  the  Rev.  Mr.  Marsh; 
and  from  Wiltshire,  by  Mr.  Cunnington. 

In  the  F.  tibialis,  which  is  much  larger  than  F.  ampullaria,  one  of  the 
valves  is  found  adhering  to  one  side  of  the  tube.  This  valve  is  marked 
with  unequal  transverse  striae,  which  a  magnifying  glass  shows  are  decus- 
sated by  longitudinal,  and  sometimes  punctuated  striae.  The  lower  part 
only  of  this  tube  has  been  seen  by  Lamarck ;  and  this  seems,  to  bear  some- 
what of  the  general  form  of  the  preceding  species,  although  much  larger. 

In  F.  echinata,  the  bulbous  end  of  the  tube  is  irregularly  beset  with 
tubular  points.  On  one  part  of  its  surface,  which  is  bounded  by  a  fringe 
of  these  spines,  there  occurs  a  small  smooth  space,  and  then  another  sur- 
face, beset  with  spines.  On  the  other  side,  one  of  the  valves  is  detected, 
set  in  the  side  of  the  tube.  This  valve,  though  apparent^  smooth,  is 
discovered,  by  the  glass,  to  be  beset  with  minute  scaly  points,  disposed 
in  rows,x directed  towards  the  beaks.  This  fossil,  as  well  as  the  other, 
was  found  at  Grignon. 

F.  per  sonata  is  very  remarkable  for  the  form  in  which  its  larger,  or 
clubbed  end/  terminates.  The  tube,  which  is  cylindrical  in  great  part 
of  its  length,  is  seldom  more  than  two  or  three  inches  long-;  becoming 
small  at  its  open  end,  and  being  somewhat  rounded  at  the  other.  At 
this  larger  termination  it  is  closed,  rounded,  and  very  obtuse ;  and  on 


one  side  shows  three  conical  lobes,  the  central  one  having  a  pyramidal 
form,  the  point  terminating  upwards,  between  the  points  of  the  two 
others,  which  meet  like  the  beaks  of  a  bivalve,  yielding  somewhat  of  the 
appearance  of  a  grotesque  mask,  or  of  the  figure  which  is  assumed  by 
some  chrysalides :  and  on  the  point  where  these  conical  bodies  unite  is 
found,  in  some  specimens,  a  piece  of  a  particular  form,  disposed  like  the 
rotula  of  the  knee.  The  opposite  side  of  the  tube  is  rounded  like  the 
back  of  the  human  head,  and  is  marked  by  two  oblique  suture-like^  lines, 
which  descend,  and,  uniting,  seem  to  mark  the  termination  of  the  head 
in  the  neck. 

Plate  XIV.  Fig.  10,  represents  one  of  the  largest-sized  fossils  of  this 
species  which  I  have  seen,  and  the  most  contorted  in  its  form.  This, 
it  is  seen,  has  lost  the  rotula,  which  in  the  specimen,  Fig.  8,  is  preserved. 
It  is  somewhat  of  a  triangular  form,  disposed  between  the  lateral  lobes, 
and  connected  with  the  posterior  surface  by  a  narrow,  and  apparently 
corrugated  process. 

Whether  the  larger  end  of  this  shell  was  always  closed  or  not,  is  very 
difficult  to  determine.  It  appears,  however,  not  probable,  that  so  com- 
plicated a  form  should  have  been  without  some  use ;  and  the  rotula,  it 
is  very  likely,  might  have  been  employed  by  the  animal  in  a  manner 
somewhat  similar  to*  that  in  which  the  spatula-formed  opercula.of  the 
teredo  was  used. 

In  Plate  XIV.  Fig.  12,  a,  and  12,  b,  are  represented  two  specimens  of 
shells  of  this  genus,  from  France.  In  the  specimen  Fig.  12,  a,  the  sides 
of  the  tube  are  so  removed,  that  the  outer  sides  of  both  the  valves  are 
seen;  and  in  Fig.  12,  A,  the  inner  side  of  one  of  the  valves  is  shown,  set 
in  the  side  of  the  tube.  So  much  of  the  outer  part  of  the  tube  is  removed, 
in  these  specimens,  as  to  render  it  difficult  to  speak  of  the  species  to 
which  they  should  be  referred. 

At  first  view,  the  echinated  surface  which  they  display  leads  to  the 
supposition,  that  they  should  be  considered  as  being  of  the  species  F.  echi- 
nata,  Lam, ;  but,  on  examination  with  a  lens,  it  is  discovered  that  the 

VOL.  Ill,  D  D 


appearance  of  tubular  points  proceeds  from  the  remains  of  an1  inves- 
titure with  that  curious  madreporean  substance,  which  was  figured,  as 
forming  a  similar  covering,  in  Plate  XII.  Fig.  1  and  2,  of  the  se- 
cond volume  of  this  work.  That  this  was  the  substance  which  gave  the 
echinated  surface  in  Lamarck's  F.  echinata,  the  accuracy  of  that  natu- 
ralist prevents  our  supposing.  A  very  remarkable  circumstance,  how- 
ever, here  presents  itself  for  our  attention — a  similar  fossil  body,  the 
tube  of  different  species  of  fistulanse,  is  found  in  different  parts  of  Wilt- 
shire and  Somersetshire,  in  Germany,  and  in  France,  covered  by  the 
peculiar  madreporean  labours  of  an  insect,  traces  of  whose  existence, 
elsewhere,  are  very  rarely  to  be  found. 

CXXIX.  Teredo.  A  bivalve  shell,  contained  in  the  lower  end  of  a 
cylindrical  tubular  shell,  generally  open  at  both  ends,  two  opercula  being 
adapted  to  the  upper  end. 

Having  already,  in  the  first  volume,  dwelt  upon  the  appearances 
yielded  by  the  wood  which  has  been  subjected  to  the  ravages  of  the  inha- 
bitant of  this  shell,  and  which  has  afterwards  undergone  the  change  of 
petrifaction,  I  shall  only  now  place  before  you  the  very  interesting  obser- 
vations of  Mr.  Home,  on  the  anatomy  of  the  Teredo  navalis,  and  on  that 
of  the  Teredo  gigantea,  of  Sumatra,  another  species  which  has  lately  been 

After  a  violent  earthquake  at  Sumatra,  in  the  year  1797,  these  shells 
were  discovered  in  a  small  sheltered  bay,  with  a  muddy  bottom,  sur- 
rounded by  coral  reefs,  on  the  Island  of  Battoo,  distant  from  the  coast  of 
Sumatra  about  twenty  leagues. 

The  length  of  the  longest  of  the  shells  obtained  by  Mr.  Griffiths,  who 
brought  them  to  England,  was  5  feet  4  inches,  and  the  circumference  at 
the  base  9  inches*  tapering  to  1|  inch  at  the  point.  The  large  end  of 
the  shell  is  completely  closed,  and  has  a  rounded  appearance  :  at  this  part 
it  is  very  thin.  The  small  end,  or  apex,  is  very  brittle,  and  is  divided  by 
a  longitudiaal  septum  running  down  for  eight  or  nine  inches,  forming  it 
into  two  distinct  tubes,  enclosed  within  the  outer  one,  from  whence  the 


animal  throws  out  tentacula.  The  body  of  the  shell  has  an  appearance 
resembling  stalactites,  and  was  found  filled  with  a  soft  gelatinous  flesh ; 
but  there  appeared  no  indication  of  the  animal  having  adhered  to  any 
part  of  the  internal  surface  of  the  shell,  which  was  in  general  smooth. 

Rumphius  has  figured  one  species  of  this  shell ;  but  his  figure  exhi- 
bits two  long  jointed  tubes,  issuing  from  the  upper  part  of  the  exterior 
tube ;  and  he  describes  them  to  be  found  in  shallow  water,  among  the 
mangrove  trees.  The  shell  of  Rumphius  differs  from  that  of  Mr.  Grif- 
fiths, in  having  the  two  tubes  through  which  the  tentacula  pass,  of  con- 
siderable length,  and  entirely  separate. 

Sir  Joseph  Banks,  on  seeing  this  shell,  had  no  doubt  of  its  being  a 
Teredo ;  and  the  truth  of  Sir  Joseph's  opinion  has  been  since  established 
by  the  discovery  of  the  two  boring  shells  and  the  two  flattened  opercula, 
which  form  the  decided  character  of  teredines  :  these,  Mr.  Home  states, 
were  found  enclosed  in  one  of  the  specimens.  This  shell  is  therefore  con- 
sidered by  Mr.  Home  as  belonging  to  a  new  species  of  Teredo,  which  he 
names  Teredo  gigantea  *. 

On  examining  the  Teredo  navalis,  whilst  preserved  in  sea-water,  Mr. 
Home  found  that  the  animal  threw  out  sometimes  one  and  sometimes  two 
small  tubes :  one  of  these,  about  I  of  an  inch  long,  the  other  only  half 
that  size.  In  examining  the  shell,  while  in  the  wood,  its  external  orifice  is 
very  small,  just  large  enough  to  give  a  passage  to  the  two  small  tubes. 
The  sides  of  the  cylinder  are  thickest  near  its  origin,  becoming  thinner 
towards  the  head  of  the  animal. 

The  head  of  the  animal  is  enclosed  between  the  two  boring  shells,  which 
are  united  together  by  a  digastric  muscle.  From  the  middle  of  the 
exposed  part  of  the  head  projects  a  kind  of  proboscis,  which  there  is  rea- 
son to  believe  acts  as  centre  bit. 

.The  body  of  the  worm  is  enclosed  in  one  general  covering,  extending 
from  the  base  of  the  boring  shells,  with  which  it  is  firmly  connected,  to 

*  Description  of  a  rare  species  of  worm-shells,  discovered  at  an  Island  lying  off  the  North- 
West  coast  of  the  Island  of  Sumatra,  in  the  East  Indies.  Philosophical  Transactions^  1806. 


the  root  of  the  two  small  tubes,  which  appear  out  of  the  wood:  It  ter- 
minates in  a  small  double  fold,  forming  a  cap,  on  the  inside  of  which 
are  fixed  the  long  small  stems  of  the  two  opercula,  which  become  broad 
and  flat  towards  their  other  extremity.  These,  when  brought  together, 
shut  up  the  shell,  and  enclose  the  two  contracted  tubes  within  it :  not 
one  operculum  corresponding  to  each  tube,  but  in  a  transverse  direction. 
In  the  Teredo  gigantea,  the  opercula  are  similarly  situated,  each  shutting 
up  one  half  of  the  bifurcation. 

The  Teredo  gigantea  is  found  imbedded  in  a  different  substance  from 
that  in  which  the  Teredo  navalis  is  found,  and  may  have  many  other  cha- 
racteristic differences;  although  it  appears,  from  comparing  the  shells 
in  which  they  are  incased,  that  they  are  formed  of  exactly  the  same 

The  Teredo  gigantea,  when  arrived  at  its  full  growth,  closes  up  the  end 
of  the  shell.  This,  the  Teredo  navalis  does  also.  In  some  of  the  speci- 
mens of  Teredo  gigantea  the  shell  is  just  covered  in,  and  that  part  close 
to  the  termination  is  extremely  thin,  but  in  others  it  is  increased  in  thick- 
ness twentyfold :  in  others,  again,  the  shell  has  not  only  become  thick, 
but  the  animal  has  receded  from  its  first  enclosure,  and  has  formed  a 
second  three  inches  up  the  tube,  and  afterwards  a  third  two  inches  on ; 
and  has  made  the  sides  thicker  and  thicker,  to  diminish  the  canal  in  pro- 
portion to  the  diminution  of  its  own  size. 

These  facts  prove,  that  the  Teredo  giganteat  when  arrived  at  its  full 
growth,  or  whenever  prevented  from  increasing  its  length,  closes  up  the 
end  of  its  shell,  and  lives  a  long  time  afterwards,  furnished  with  food 
from  the  sea-water  it  receives,  like  the  actinia.  The  Teredo  navalis  closes 
up  its  shell  in  the  same  manner :  it  must,  therefore,  after  that  period,  be 
supplied  with  food  entirely  through  the  medium  of  sea-water  *. 

Whilst  treating  of  serpulse  we  found,  that  in  those  shells  a  similar  pro- 

*  Observations  on  the  Shell  of  the  Sea-worm,  &c.  by  Everard  Home,  Esq.    Philosophical 
Transactions,  1806. 


eess  was  sometimes  performed  with  that  which  Mr.  Home  ha&  here 
shown  takes  place  in  the  shell  of  the  teredo,  and  by  which  the  size  of 
the  immediate  residence  of  the  animal  is  adapted  to  the  size  of  the  ani- 
mal itself.  But  since  the  publication  of  the  first  volume,  1  have  had  the 
opportunity  of  ascertaining,  that  this  concameration  of  the  shell  of  the 
teredo  occurs  so  closely,  and  with  so  much  regularity,  in  some  spe- 
cimens, as  to  give  reason  for  believing  that  it  may  become  the  character 
qf  a  species.  A  specimen  of  this  kind,  in  a  piece  of  wood  from  South- 
end,  Essex,  is  represented  Plate  XIV.  Fig,  11  ;  and  I  know  that,  among 
the  specimens  of  the  British  Museum,  is  a  much  larger  specimen,  pos- 
sessing the  same  character. 

A  Veronese  fossil  in  my  collection  is  rendered  deserving  of  notice  by 
the  very  close  resemblance  which  it  bears  to  T.  gigantca,  in  the  markings 
and  in  the  stalactitic  appearance  of  its  surface:  it  is  about  an  inch  and 
a  half  in  diameter.  Plate  XIV.  Fig.  9,  is  a  small  fossil  of  a  curious 
structure,  the  single  tube  bifurcating,  and  bearing  somewhat,  in  minia- 
ture, of  the  appearance  which  is  exhibited  by  the  large  teredo  figured 
by  Rumphius,  in  which  two  long  tubes  proceed  from  the  exterior  one. 

The  next  subdivision  of  fossil  bivalves,  which  requires  our  attention,  is 
that  which  comprises  inequivalved  and  irregularly  formed  shells. 

CXXX.  Diceras.  A  ventricose,  transversely  subrugose  bivalve :  the 
beaks  distant,  shaped  like  horns,  and  contorted  in  irregular  spires. 

The  valves  of  this  fossil  shell  are  unequal,  tuberous,  and  conical,  and 
somewhat  resemble  two  cornucopias,  turned  spirally  but  irregularly, 
with  their  openings  applied  together.  In  the  larger  valve  is  the  hinge- 
tooth,  obtusely  conical  and  very  large  and  thick,  resembling  an  ear  with 
its  cavity.  This  tooth  is  articulated,  with  a  corresponding  tooth  in  the 
other  valve.  Two  lateral  muscular  impressions  seem  to  point  out  its 
greater  degree  of  relationship  to  the  chama3  than  to  any  other  shells. 

This  curious  fossil  was  found  by  M.  Saussure,  in  the  mountain  Saleve, 
in  a  calcareous  stratum,  Voyage  dans  ies  Alpcs,  Tome  i.  p.  190,  PL  u.  Fig.  1 
a  4.  It  was  also  found  by  M.  de  Luc,  at  about  one  third  of  the  height 
of  the  mountain.  But  one  species  of  this  shell  is  known,  D.  arietina. 


CXXXI.  Acardo.  A  shell  formed  of  two  flattened  and  nearly  equal 
valves,  having  neither  hinge  nor  cartilage,  but  a  muscular  impression  in 
the  middle  of  the  valves. 

This  genus,  which  has  been  adopted  by  Bruguiere  and  Lamarck,  was 
formed  by  M.  Commercon,  from  a  shell  he  discovered  during  his  voyage 
round  the  world.  The  shell  seen  by  M.  Commercon  was  somewhat  cor- 
difbrm,  and  its  substance  appeared  to  be  intermediate  between  shell  and 
bone.  Being  attached  to  the  centre  of  the  two  valves,  the  animal  was 
able  thereby  to  separate  the  valves,  and  in  a  parallel  direction.  Bru- 
guiere reported  that  he  had  seen  a  shell  of  this  genus  in  the  Isle  of  France, 
the  shape  of  which  was  nearly  square.  No  fossil  shell  of  this  genus  is 
known.  Hist.  Nat.  des  Coq.  par  Bosc.  T.  n.  p.  325. 

CXXXII.  Radiolites.  An  irregular  inequivalved  shell,  striated  out- 
wardly. The  inferior  valve  in  the  form  of  a  reversed  cone :  the  superior 
convex.  Neither  hinge  nor  cartilage. 

These  fossils  agree  with  the  shells  of  the  preceding  genus  in  the  absence 
of  hinge  arid  cartilage,  but  differ  essentially  in  their  figure.  Bruguiere 
had  united  them  in  one  genus,  but  Lamarck  made  the  warrantable  sepa- 
ration. These  fossils  were  first  noticed  by  M.  Picot  de  la  Peyrouse, 
Description  d'Orthoceratites,  £fc.  who  considered  them  as  a  particular  spe- 
cies of 'oyters.  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  I,  represents  one  of  these  fossils,  as 
engraved  in  the  work  of  Picot,  Tab.  12,  /.  4. 

These  fossils  were  obtained  from  that  part  of  the  Pyrenees  which  is 
named  Les  Corbieres,  and  chiefly  from  that  part  which  extends  from 
Monferrand  to  Sougragne. 

CXXXIII.  Ckama.  An  icequivalved,  adhering  bivalve,  with  unequal 
incurvated  beaks.  The  hinge  with  one  thick,  oblique,  and  sometimes 
crenated  tooth.  Two  muscular  impressions. 

Bruguiere,  properly  limiting  this  genus  to  those  shells  possessing  one 
hinge-tooth;  those  shells  in  whose  hinge  were  two  or  three  teeth,  and 
which  used  to  be  placed  under  this  genus,  are  now  disposed  under  Car- 
dita,  Tridacna,  Hippopus,  and  Isocardia. 

The  fossil  chamae  of  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris  appear  to  correspond 


exactly  with  those  of  Hampshire.  Chama  lamellosa,  of  Lamarck,  is  evi- 
dently the  same  shell  as  chama  squamosa,  of  Brander,  foss.  Hant.  No.  86; 
Chama  calcarata  of  Lamarck,  with  distant  transverse  plicae,  the  superior 
of  which  is  echinated  with  long  canaliculated  spines,  he  says,  may  per- 
haps be  the  same  with  the  chama,  No.  87,  of  Brander.  Plate  XIV. 
Fig.  13,  represents  one  of  these  species  which  I  possess,  from  Grignon. 

Lamarck  observes,  that  Bruguiere  was  acquainted  with .  C.  lamellosa, 
and  that  it  is  that  which  he  speaks  of  under  the  name  of  C.  rugosa;  but 
that  he  confounds  it  with  a  chama  which  is  not  fossil,  and  which  is  figured 
in  Lister  and  in  Gualtieri. 

It  is  however  probable  that  Lamarck  is  here  mistaken.  I  find,  among 
my  chamae,  one  which  certainly  shows  that  there  exists  a  fossil  chama, 
to  which  the  name  C.  rugosa  is  perfectly  applicable.  I  also  find  one, 
which  I  believe  to  be  fossil,  and  which  exactly  agrees  with  the  recent 
shell  figured  by  Lister,  Tab.  217,  Fig.  53,  which  has  been  considered  as 
C.foliacea  by  Gmelin,  and,  perhaps,  as  C.  rugosa  by  Bosc. 

It  is  to  the  kind  communication  of  Robert  Scammell,  Esq.  of  Ply- 
mouth, that  I  am  indebted  for  an  account  of  a  stratum  of  fossil  shells 
which  he  discovered  at  Haldon,  or  Hall-down,  in  the  County  of  Devon. 
Haldon  is  a  hill,  very  nearly  850  feet  above  the  level  of  the  sea,  and  is, 
from  its  northern  to  its  southern  point,  about  six  miles  in  length,  and 
nearly  three  in  breadth. 

On  the  sides  and  summit  of  the  hill,  along  with  the  vegetable  mould 
are  numerous  flints  :  beneath  these  is,  in  some  parts,  a  yellow,  and 
in  others  a  white  clay,  with  a  mixture  of  sand  arid  silicious  pebbles  of 
various  sizes,  to  the  depth  of  three  or  four  feet.  In  some  parts  is  found 
a  light  brown  sand,  which,  at  the  depth  of  about  four  fathoms,  becomes 
a  firm  concretion.  The  substratum  of  Haldon  is,  in  some  places,  chalk, 
and  in  others  an  extensive  range  of  lime-stone. 

These  strata  terminate  in  others  of  various  formation.  Towards  the 
river  F^x,  they  unite  with  a  long  range  of  amygdaloid :  they  descend 
into  the  schist  of  Ashton ;  which  is  here,  as  in  many  other  instances,  sue?- 


ceecled  by  granite.     In  another  direction,  they  are  lost  in  the  lime-stone 
rocks  of  Ghudleigh. 

The  stratum  qf  shells,  Mr.  Scammell  observes,  exists  in  a  stratum  of 
greenish  yellow  sand,  about  five  feet  below  the  surface ;  and  he  is  able, 
from  repeated  and  careful  observation,  to  state  that  these  fossil  shells 
extend  upwards  of  four  miles. 

The  shells,  from  their  extreme  brittleness,  are  almost  all  in  small  frag 
ments.  Mr.  Scammell  having,  however,  kindly  furnished  me  with  some 
of  the  largest,  I  was  enabled  to  ascertain  that  they  were  the  remains  of 
several  species  of  Pectens,  of  a  small  oblong  oyster,  and  of  a  shell,  in 
which,  although  the  characters  of  a  chama  were  predominant,  only  one 
mark  of  attachment  was  discoverable. 

The  general  form  of  this  shell  is  very  much  like  that  of  the  chamse  we 
have  been  just  describing  :  the  outer  surface  is  pretty  smooth,  being  only 
marked  by  faint  transverse  striae.  The  hinge  is  formed  by  an  oblique, 
moderately  sized,  and  slightly  crenulated  tooth,  on  the  flat  valve,  which 
is  received  by  an  oblique  groove,  with  correspondent  crenulse  on  the 
convex  valve. 

CXXX1V.  Spondylus.  A  rough,  slightly-eared,  inequivalved  bivalve, 
with  unequal  beaks;  the  inferior  more  produced,  truncated  upwards, 
and  with  ene  groove.  The  hinge  with  two  thick  recurved  teeth,  with 
an  intermediate  pit  for  the  reception  of  the  cartilage.  One  muscular 

Lamarck  describes  only  one  species,  S.  radula,  as  found  in  the  environs 
of  Paris.  A  fossil  shell  of  this  genus,  which,  from  the  appearance  of  its 
matrix,  I  suspect  to  be  from  Worcestershire,  agrees,  except  in  its  size 
being  one  third  larger  than  the  French  fossil,  with  the  species  described 
by  Lamarck.  It  is  slightly  eared,  and  the  inferior  valve  is  marked  with 
rough  longitudinal  striae.  It  is  rough,  oblique,  and  of  an  oval  orbicular 
form.  The  stronger  and  most  raised  of  the  striae  of  the  lower  valve  have 
small  spinous  squamse  placed  at  about  half  an  inch  distant;  these  strise 
being  separated  by  from  six  to  nine  small  granular  strise. 


Very  fine  fossils  of  this  genus  are  found  in  Tuscany :  an  upper  valve 
of  one  of  these,  which  I  possess,  and  which  is  in  very  good  preservation,  is 
nearly  five  inches  in  length,  and  four  inches  in  breadth. 

CXXXV.  Plicatula.  An  inequivalved  shell,  not  eared,  with  unequal 
beaks,  and  having  the  margins  plicated  :  the  hinge  formed  by  two  strong 
teeth  on  each  valve,  and  an  intermediate  pit  for  the  cartilage  :  one  mark 
of  attachment  in  each  valve. 

This  genus  is  formed  from  Spondylus  plicatus,  Linn,  figured  by  Lister, 
Conch.  Hist.  Tab.  210,  Fig.  44.  The  shells  of  this  genus  are  not,  I  be- 
lieve, known  fossil. 

CXXXVI.  Gryphaa.  An  inequivalved  bivalve;  the  lower  valve  con- 
cave, terminated  by  a  beak,  and  curving  upwards  and  inwards;  the 
upper  valve  much  smaller,  like  an  operculum ;  the  hinge  toothless,  the 
pit  oblong  and  arched :  one  impression  in  each  valve. 

Linnaeus  was  induced,  from  the  curved  beak  of  this  shell,  to  place  it 
among  the  anomiae,  as  Anomia  gryphus.  Brnguiere  disposed  it  under  the 
genus  Ostrea ;  but  Lamarck  considered  the  termination  of  the  beak  of 
the  under  valve  sufficient  to  allow  of  its  being  placed  under  a  distinct 
genus.  He  notices  nine  different  species;  among  which  is  Gryphcea  angu- 
lata,  an  individual  shell  of  which,  in  a  recent  state,  is  at  Paris. 

Fossil  shells  of  this  genus  are  found  in  considerable  numbers  in  different 
parts  of  England,  particularly  in  Oxfordshire,  Gloucestershire,  Bedford- 
shire, Wiltshire,  Nottinghamshire,  and  Warwickshire. 

Plate  XV.  Fig.  3,  represents  one  of  these  fossils  from  the  banks  of  the 
Severn,  not  far  distant  from  Framilode,  in  Gloucestershire.  In  this 
specimen,  which  is  of  the  most  common  species  found  in  this  island,  the 
rugae  of  the  lower  valve  are  exceedingly  numerous,  and  consequently 
arranged  very  closely  together.  In  the  fossil  shells  of  this  genus,  found 
in  Warwickshire,  a  considerable  difference  is  observable :  the  general 
surface  is  much  smoother;  which,  indeed,  may  have  proceeded  from 
their  having  suffered  by  bowldering.  But,  besides  this  circumstance, 

VOL.  in.  E  E 


another  is  observable  :  at  nearly  equal  distances,  four  or  five  rugae  are 
disposed,  as  if  the  consequence  of  different  periods  of  growth. 

On  viewing  the  different  specimens  of  ostracites  and  gryphites,  in  my 
collection,  I  cannot  help  doubting  as  to  the  propriety  of  the  formation 
of  a  distinct  genus  for  this  shell.  I  there  find  specimens  in  which  the 
beak  and  the  body  of  the  valve  possess  various  degrees  of  curvature,  in  a 
series  of  gradation,  from  the  complete  curve  of  the  gryphites  to  the  slight 
turn  of  the  edible  oyster.  , 

CXXXVII.  Ostrea.  A  rough  adherent  inequivalved  bivalve ;  the  hinge 
without  a  tooth.  The  pit  of  the  hinge  increasing  with  age,  in  the  larger 
valve.  The  cartilage,  half  internal.  One  muscular  impression. 

The  genus  Ostrea,  of  Linnaeus,  was  doubtlessly  much  confused,  he 
having  introduced  in  it  several  shells,  which,  like  the  Pectens,  had  a  full 
claim  to  a  distinct  genus.  Bruguiere  very  properly  separated  from  this 
genus  the  genera  Pecten  and  Ptrna,  and  introduced  into  it  several  shells 
really  belonging  to  this  genus,  but  which  had  been  placed  by  Linnseus  in 
the  genus  Mytilus.  Lamarck  proceeded  still  further,  and  seems  to  have 
reduced  this  genus  within  its  proper  limits,  by  withdrawing  from  it  those 
shells  with  which  he  has  constituted  the  genera  Vulsella  and  Gryphea. 

Lamarck  describes  eighteen  species  of  this  genus,  as  found  fossil  in  the 
environs  of  Paris :  O.  bellovacina,  O.  hippopus,  O.  deltoidea,  O.  bimmculata, 
O.  vesicularis,  O.  pseudo-chama,  0.  linguatula,  O.  cochleariu,  O.  longirostris, 
O.  canalis,  O.  crenulata,  O.  cyathula,  O.  spathulata,  O.  deformis,  O.  uncinata, 
Q.flabdlula,  O.  cymbula,  O.  pectinata. 

Several  species  of  this  genus  are  also  found  in  different  parts  of  the 
continent,  as  well  as  of  this  island. 

The  most  extraordinary  shell  of  this  genus,  for  size,  is  the  large  fossil 
oyster,  the  recent  analogue  of  which,  from  Virginia,  appears  to  be  de- 
picted by  Lister,  Hist.  Conch.  PL  200,  Fig.  34,  and  PL  201,  Fig.  35.  It 
is  chiefly  found  at  Heutlingen  and  Aristorf,  in  Switzerland.  The  shell  of 
this  ovster  is  sometimes  from  two  inches  to  two  inches  and  a  half  in  thick- 


ness ;  and,  of  necessity,  of  a  considerable  weight :  the  cavity  which  had 
been  left  for  the  dwelling  of  the  animal  being,  in  proportion,  but  small. 
The  shells  appear  evidently  to  be  formed  of  laminae,  so  placed  on  each 
other,  that  their  several  projecting  edges  terminate  with  much  irregula- 
rity, and  give  a  considerable  degree  of  asperity  to  their  external  surfaces. 
Their  size  varies  considerably ;  some  being  hardly  five  inches  in  length, 
and  about  an  inch  and  a  half  in  width  ;  whilst  others  attain  to  the  length 
of  twenty  inches. 

In  the  mountain  of  Heutlingen  there  existed  a  considerable  stratum  of 
these  fossils,  the  uppermost  of  which  had  both  their  valves  united;  but 
these  were  in  so  fragile  a  state,  that  very  few  indeed  could  be  removed. 
An  under  valve  which  I  possess,  which  is  more  than  thirteen  inches  in 
length,  and  three  in  thickness,  weighs  four  pounds.  To  this  species  may 
be  perhaps  referred,  O.  canalis  of  Lamarck. 

The  broad  flat  oyster,  from  Shotover  Hill,  Oxfordshire,  is  a  very 
remarkable  fossil.  It  differs  in  its  form,  even  admitting  that  it  may 
have  suffered  some  degree  of  compression,  from  any  oyster,  recent  or  fos- 
sil, which  has  been  hitherto  described. 

Both  valves  are  equally  flat ;  their  form  subtrigonal,  but  very  irre- 
gular. The  external  surface  is  smooth,  with  the  exception  of  the  fine 
transverse  striae  resulting  from  the  terminations  of  the  different  laminae, 
which  do  not  prevent  its  resembling  a  plate  of  roofing  slate.  On  the 
internal  surface,  the  very  shallow  cavity  for  the  oyster,  the  muscular 
impression,  and  the  broad  pit  of  the  hinge,  are  very  accurately  pre- 
served. They  differ  considerably  in  size,  having  been  found  from  two 
to  more  than  six  inches  in  diameter. 

1  am  happy  in  being  able  to  place  before  you  an  account  of  the  situa- 
tion in  which  these  fossils  were  found,  about  forty  years  ago,  as  given  in 
a  letter  from  that  assiduous  inquirer  in  this  department  of  natural  history. 
Mr.  Joshua  Platt,  of  Oxford,  to  Mr.  Strange. 

The  depth  of  the  pit,  from  the  surface  to.  stone,  is  about  twenty- 
seven  feet. 


1  foot,  Vegetable  earth. 

2  feet,  Brown  loamy  earth,  containing  spines  and  plates  of  echini. 

11  Strong  blue  clay,  with  no  animal  remains,  except  a  few  of 


If Bed  of  large  white  lime-stone  nodules,  in  the  upper  part, 

containing  anomiae  striatue,   cockscomb  oysters,    auricu- 
larke  plotii  (gryphites),  and  small  ammonites. 

12  Blue  clay,   of  an  unctuous  feel,  which  terminates  on  the 

bed  of  stone. 

Mr.  Platt  says,  "  In  this  clay,  about  four  feet  above  the  stone,  lie  the 
broad  flat  oyster,  with  some  belemnites  and  vertebrae  of  fishes.  I  was 
present  at  the  falling  of  more  than  a  hundred  tons  of  this  clay,  by  under- 
mining it  at  the  surface  of  the  stone ;  and  was  much  entertained  by  see- 
ing the  pretty  appearance  which  the  broad  oysters  made  in  their  num- 
ber and  different  sizes,  all  lying  horizontally  :  some  as  broad  as  my  two 
hands,  others  small  as  a  shilling." 

O.  deltoidea,  of  Lamarck,  possesses  those  characteristics  which  mark 
the  Shotover  Hill  oyster — flat,  like  a  placuna;  a  deltoidal  form;  car- 
tilaginal  pit  shallow,  oblique,  conical,  and  transversely  striated ;  and  trans- 
verse irregular  striae  on  the  edges  of  the  valves,  on  each  side  of  the  pit. 

At  Woolwich,  in  the  pyritous  clay,  among  the  cyclades  and  ceri- 
thia,  already  mentioned,  oysters  are  frequently  found ;  but,  from  the 
great  changes  they  have  sustained,  and  from  their  extreme  brittleness, 
I  am  unable  to  speak  with  any -precision  as  to  their  specific  differences. 
They  however  appear  to  be  of  two  species :  one,  long  and  narrow ; 
about  four  inches  in  length,  and  about  an  inch  in  width ;  and  the  other 
semiglobose,  and  of  about  three  inches  diameter.  But  all  the  specimens 
which  I  have  seen,  of  this,  as  well,  indeed,  of  the  other  species,  appear 
to  have  lost  their  external  laminae,  and  with  them,  of  course,  an  impor- 
tant distinguishing  character,  that  of  their  external  surface. 

In  the  adjoining  parish  of  Plumstead,  however,  and  at  little  more  than 


a  mile  distance,  among  the  same  species  of  cyclades  and  cerithia,  is 
found  an  oyster,  which,  in  its  general  form,  bears  a  considerable  resem- 
blance to  the  round  oysters  of  Woolwich.  But  here,  though  extremely 
brittle,  the  surface  of  the  shell  is  well  preserved;  the  matrix  being  a  fine 
white  sand,  intermixed  with  round  pebbles.  The  specimens  which  are 
here  obtained,  appear  to  be  a  variety  of  O.  edulis,  somewhat  resembling 
our  celebrated  Milton  oysters,  in  the  delicacy  of  the  shell  and  the  regularity 
in  which  the  rugae  are  disposed  :  the  larger  shells  manifesting  a  similar  ap- 
proach to  globosity  of  form  toward  the  base  of  the  shell.  At  Sundridge 
Park,  near  Bromley,  the  delightful  seat  of  Claude  Scott,  Esq.  about  five 
miles  to  the  South-west  of  Woolwich,  is  another  astonishing  quarry  of 
oysters,  my  examination  of  which  was  aided  by  every  possible  attention 
on  the  part  of  the  polite  and  liberal  possessor.  This  stratum  has  been  dug 
into,  about  the  depth  of  eighteen  feet,  and  is  formed  of  the  same  species  of 
cyclades,  cerithia,  and  oysters,  which  I  had  before  seen  at  Plumstead  and 
at  Woolwich.  But  here  the  matrix,  as  well  as  the  matter  which  filled  the 
hollows  of  the  shells,  is  of  a  stony  hardness,  as  if  from  an  impregnation 
with  a  dissolved  carbonate  of  lime.  Many  of  the  shells  have  their  valves 
still  united,  and  are  filled  with  stone ;  and  many  also  are  still  attached, 
by  the  globose  part  of  their  under  valves,  to  large  round  pebbles.  Some 
of  these  oysters  are  about  three  inches  and  a  half  in  length ;  but  many 
of  them,  like  those  of  Plumstead,  are  much  smaller. 

So  strong  is '  the  degree  of  coherence  in  this  curious  mass,  that  very 
large  entire  blocks  may  be  separated.  The  tasteful  possessor  of  this 
charming  spot  has  very  ingeniously  availed  himself  of  this  circumstance, 
by  employing  this  stone,  for  various  ornamental  purposes,  about  his 
grounds.  From  the  ruggedness  of  the  stone,  it  exceeds  every  other  sub- 
stance in  composing  an  imitative  ruin.  In  one  part  of  the  grounds  walls 
are  therefore  constructed  with  it,  on  which  various  exotics  are  allowed  to 
wildly  spread  themselves ;  and  in  others,  arches  and  alcoves  are  entirely 
formed  of  irregular  masses  of  it ;  so  skilfully,  though  apparently  so  negli- 


gently  disposed,  as  to  have  every  good  and  illustrative  specimen,  in  such 
a  situation  as  shall  best  allow  of  its  examination. 

We  have  thus  seen  the  same  roundish  oyster  at  Plumstead,  Wool- 
wich, and  Bromley ;  but  I  was  not  able  to  find,  either  at  Plumstead  or 
at  Bromley,  the  long  oyster,  the  remains  of  which  were  discoverable  at 
Woolwich.  On  Bexley  Heath,  however,  about  three  miles  from  Wool- 
wich, in  a  south-east  direction,  a  species  of  oyster  is  found,  at  two  or 
three  feet  beneath  the  surface,  in  the  mould,  which  seems  to  be  similar 
with  that  of  Woolwich;  and  is,  at  the  same  time,  in  a  much  better  state 
of  preservation. 

The  Bexley  oyster  is  from  two  to  three  inches  in  length,  and  from  one 
to  one  and  a  half  in  breadth.  The  outer  surface  is  rough.  The  impres- 
sion, is  rather  large ;  and  the  cartilaginal  pit,  which  is  finely  striated  in 
a  transverse  direction,  is  formed  on  a  vaulted  surface  of  half  or  three 
quarters  of  an  inch  in  length,  beneath  which  vaulted  surface  a  part  of 
the  animal  must  have  been  disposed. 

The  shell,  which  seems,  more  than  all  others,  to  deserve  to  be  termed 
O.  fornicata,  is  one  which,  from  the  appearance  of  the  adherent  matrix, 
I  suspect  to  have  been  found  on  the  Hampshire  coast.  It  is  about  two 
inches  in  length,  and  one  and  a  half  in  breadth.  Its  outer  surface  is  pretty 
smooth.  On  its  inner  surface,  the  margin  is  seen,  finely  striated,  con- 
centrically, by  the  added  lamellae  of  growth.  The  mark  of  adhesion  is 
about  the  middle  of  the  shell,  and  there  is  no  appearance  of  any  pit.  But 
the  circumstance  most  interesting,  in  this  shell,  is  a  vaulted  floor,  sunk 
rather  more  than  the  eighth  of  an  inch  below  the  margin,  and  extend- 
ing from  the  beak  to  the  middle  of  the  shell.  A  part  of  the  animal  must, 
of  course,  have  existed  beneath  this  floor,  as  the  mark  of  adhesion  is 
formed  just  beneath  its  edge. 

I  have  a  single  valve  of  an  oyster-shell,  from  Carshalton,  which  is  about 
four  or  five  miles  south-west  of  Bromley  :  but  this  valve  is  larger,  longer, 
and  flatter,  than  those  belonging  to  the  shells  already  described.  The 


Carshalton  oyster  seems  to  approach  much  nearer  to  the  form  of  the  fos- 
sil oysters  found  near  Reading,  in  Berkshire,  being  about  four  inches  and 
a  half  in  length,  and  about  two  and  a  half  in  width. 

Dr.  James  Brewer,  in  the  Philosophical  Transactions  for  the  year 
1700,  relates  the  following  particulars  respecting  the  bed  of  oyster- 
shells  found  under  ground,  near  Reading,  in  Berkshire  : — "  The  circum- 
ference where  these  oister-shells  have  been  digged  up  and  found,  con- 
tains between  five  and  six  acres  of  ground.  The  foundation  of  these 
oister-shells  is  a  hard  rocky  chalk,  and  above  this  chalk  the  oister-shells 
lie  in  a  bed  of  green  sand,  upon  a  level,  through  the  whole  circumfe- 
rence, as  nigh  as  can  possibly  be  judged ;  this  stratum  of  green  sand  and 
oister-shells  is  (as  I  measured)  nigh  two  foot  deep.  Now  immediately 
above  this  lay  re  or  stratum  of  green  sand  and  shells,  is  a  bed  of  a  bluish 
sort  of  clay,  very  hard,  brittle,  and  rugged :  they  call  it  a  pinny  clay, 
and  is  of  no  use.  This  bed  or  layre  of  clay,  I  found  to  be  nigh  a  yard 
deep ;  and,  immediately  above  it,  is  a  stratum  of  fuller's  earth,  which  is 
nigh  two  foot  and  a  half  deep — (this  earth  is  often  made  use  of  by  our 
clothiers) — and  above  this  earth  is  a  bed  or  layre,  of  a  clear  fine  white 
sand,  without  the  least  mixture  of  any  earth,  clay,  &c.  which  is  nigh 
seven  foot  deep ;  then  immediately  above  this  is  a  stiff  red  clay  (which 
is  the  uppermost  stratum),  of  which  we  make  our  tiles.  The  depth  of 
this  can't  be  conveniently  taken ;  it  being  so  high  a  hill,  on  the  top  of 
which  hath  been  and  is  dug  a  little  common  earth  about  two  foot  deep, 
and  immediately  under  appears  this  red  clay."  The  doctor  dug  out  several 
whole  oysters,  with  both  their  valves,  but  found  them  very  brittle. 

I  have  only  to  observe  on  these  oysters,  that  they  appear  to  be  a 
variety  of  O.  edulis ;  and  that,  from  their  long  continuance  in  a  subter- 
ranean situation,  without  any  lapidifying  impregnation,  they  have  become 
so  extremely  friable,  as  to  render  it  very  difficult  to  obtain  or  preserve  a 
good  specimen. 

I  have  found,  among  the  Essex  fossils,  besides  one  very  much  resem- 
bling the  Bexley  oyster,  three  other  species.  The  one  Plate  XIV. 


Fig.  3,  seems  to  agree  with  O.  deformis,  of  Lamarck.  Its  irregular  and 
deformed  figure  is  not  capable  of  being  described.  It  is  from  one  to  two 
inches  in  length,  and  half  as  broad.  The  under  valve  is  much  more 
ventricose  than  the  upper. 

The  oyster,  the  lower  valve  of  which  is  represented  Plate  XIV.  Fig.  5, 
is  very  remarkable.  It  is  rather  more  than  an  inch  and  a  quarter  in 
length,  and  nearly  an  inch  in  breadth.  Its  base  is  transversely  extended 
and  truncated,  so  as  to  form  a  straight  line:  the  cartilaginal  pit,  which  is 
trigonal  and  very  obliquely  disposed,  somewhat  resembles  that  of  a  Pec- 
ten  :  at  the  same  time,  that  an  obtuse,  tooth-like  ridge,  lying  obliquely 
across  the  hinge-pit,  gives  it  much  of  the  appearance  of  a  Chama.  This 
shell  very  much  accords  with  O.  biauriculata,  Lam. 

The  fossil  oyster  represented  Plate  XIV.  Fig.  14,  is  highly  interesting. 
This  minute  shell,  of  which  I  possess  two  valves,  one  only  of  which  is 
perfect  at  the  hinge,  is  from  Verona.  It  but  little  exceeds  half  an  inch  in 
length,  and  three  eighths  of  an  inch  in  width.  The  cartilaginal  pit  extends 
high  up  into  the  shell,  and  is  very  finely  striated.  The  circumstance  which 
most  particularly  claims  attention,  in  this  curious  little  fossil,  is,  that  its 
thickness  is  nearly  a  third  of  its  length,  and  that  its  substance  is  composed 
of  a  striated  spar,  the  columnar  crystals  forming  which  are  disposed  per- 
pendicularly to  the  plane  of  the  shell.  Other  instances  of  this  striated 
structure,  in  fossil  shells,  have  been  already  shown. 

A  fossil  oyster  before  me,  from  the  neighbourhood  of  Maidstone,  in 
Kent,  is  remarkable  for  the  great  depth  of  its  under  valve,  which  is 
nearly  as  deep  as  the  shell  is  long ;  being  two  inches  in  depth,  and  only 
three  in  length. 

Having  now  placed  before  you  such  of  the  fossil  oysters,  with  either 
a  smooth  or  irregularly  rough  surface,  as  appeared  to  me  to  be  the 
most  interesting,  I  shall  now  call  your  attention  to  those  fossil  oysters, 
the  surfaces  of  which  are  regularly  plicated.  These  I  shall  divide  into, 
1st,  those  which  have  somewhat  of  a  roundish  form,  and  in  which  the 
plicae  radiate  from  the  beak  to  the  circumference  of  the  shell ;  and,  2dly, 


those  which  are  of  an  elongated  form,  and  have  a  groove  or  line  running 
along  the  disk  of  the  valve,  from  which  the  folds  part  on  each  side,  like 
the  teeth  of  a  comb. 

Under  the  first  of  these  sub-divisions  may  he  placed  O.  diluviana,  Linri. 
which  is  a  shell  as  large,  and  even  larger,  than  the  common  oyster, 
being  plicated,  and  having  the  margin  formed  by  acute-angled  teeth, 
like  those  of  a  saw,  and  placed  at  right  angles  with  the  surface  of  the 
shell :  the  margin  being  finely  striated  by  the  apposition  of  the  different 
lamellse.  A  small  specimen  of  this  species  is  represented  Plate  XV. 
Fig.  1 .  Shells  very  nearly,  if  not  exactly,  agreeing  with  these  fossils, 
have  lately  been  found  in  the  South  Sea.  O.  crista  galli,  the  fossil  cocks- 
comb oyster,  appears  to  be  of  this  same  species.  O.  flabdlula,  Lam.  is 
oblong,  cuneiform,  slightly  bent,  with  long  rough  plicae :  the  upper  valves 
flat.  This  shell  much  resembles  Chama  plicata  altera,  Brand,  and  there 
also  exists  a  considerable  agreement  in  the  hinge ;  for,  on  a  superficial 
view,  the  hinge  of  this  shell  would  be  supposed  to  be  that  of  a  Chama : 
the  cartilage  pit  is  very  oblique  and  deeply  sunk,  giving  much  of  the 
appearance  of  the  receptacle  of  the  oblique  tooth  of  the  Chama. 

The  shells  of  the  second  subdivision  have  very  much  the  appearance  of 
a  leaf.  Such  is  the  fossil  oyster  from  France,  Plate  XV.  Fig.  4,  in  which 
the  shell,  although  now  perfect  stone,  retains  its  original  surface  and 
shelly  lustre.  This  species,  O.frons  vd  folium  is  known  to  the  continental 
oryctologists  as  Lafeuille  de  laurier. 

Plate  XV.  Fig.  2,  is  a  beautiful  and  rare  French  fossil  of  this  sub- 
division, they  being  hardly  ever  found  in  so  perfect  a  state.  This  shell 
is  also  known  as  a  Crete  du  Coque,  or  crista  galli ;  and  it  must,  perhaps, 
be  admitted,  that  this  appellation  applies  better  to  its  form  than  to  that 
of  any  of  the  preceding  shells.  This  specimen  enables  us  to  form  a  true 
notion  of  the  shape  of  the  shell,  which  has  not  yet  been  correctly  shown. 

VOL.  in.  p  F 








CXXXVIII.  Vulsella.  A  free,  longitudinal,  nearly  equivalved  shell, 
with  a  flattish  callous  hinge,  without  teeth,  projecting  alike  on  each 
valve ;  and  a  conical  rounded  pit  for  the  ligament,  terminating  in  a  very 
short  bent  beak. 

This  genus  is  formed  by  Lamarck  for  the  reception  of  Mya  vulsella, 
Linn. ;  Vulsdla  lingulata,  Lam.  Rumph.  Mus.  Tab.  46,  Fig.  A.  It  is 
not,  I  believe,  known  fossil. 

CXXXIX.  Malleus.  A  free  shell,  a  little  gaping  near  the  beaks, 
fixing  itself  by  a  byssus,  and  having  its  valves  of  the  same  size.  The 
hinge  without  a  tooth,  rather  projecting, .  and  supplied  with  a  pit  for  the 
cartilage,  placed  obliquely  on  the  edge  of  each  valve,  and  separated  by 
the  opening  which  gives  a  passage  for  the  byssus. 

I  am  not  certain  of  this  shell  having  been  found  fossil,  although,  I  think, 
I  have  seen  impressions  of  it  in  lime-stone. 

CXL.  Avicula.  A  free  shell,  a  little  gaping  near  the  beaks,  fixing  itself 
by  a  byssus,  and  having  its  valves  of  unequal  size ;  the  hinge  without  a 
tooth,  and  rather  callous.  The  cartilaginal  pit  oblong,  marginal,  and 
parallel  to  the  edge  by  which  it  is  sustained. 


This  genus  receives  Myiilus  hirundo,  Linn,  of  which  I  do  not  know  of 
any  having  been  found  fossil. 

CXLI.  Perna.  A  flat  irregular  bivalve ;  the  hinge  formed  of  many 
parallel  linear  teeth,  not  articulating,  arranged  on  a  transverse  straight 

In  this  genus,  formed  by  Bruguiere,  are  placed  Ostrca  perna,  O.  isogona, 
O.  ephippium,  O.  picta,  and  O.  legumen.  Linn.  Here  are  likewise  placed, 
by  Bruguiere,  two  fossil  shells  found  on  the  borders  of  the  Rhine. 

Not  having  the  opportunity  of  seeing  the  work  in  which  those  fossil 
shells  are  delineated,  BerL  Naturf.  No.  11.  Tab.  9,  Fig.  9,  I  am  unable 
to  judge  how  far  they  agree  with  the  following  shell,  which  appears  to 
belong  to  this  genus,  This  shell  is  figured  by  M.  Walch,  Tome  n. 
PL  D.  v.  The  substance  of  the  shell,  which  is  very  thick,  is  formed  of 
innumerable  thin  plates,  which  are  exceedingly  brittle,  but  still  possess- 
ing a  considerable  portion  of  the  original  colour  and  brilliancy  of  the 
nacre.  The  hinge,  which  is  nearly  as  wide  as  the  shell  itself)  is  flat,  and 
formed  by  numerous  longitudinal  and  parallel  grooves. 

This  shell  was  first  found  on  the  mountain  Del  Sappo,  near  Bologna, 
by  Monti;  and,  since  then,  a  stratum  of  similar  shells  has  been  found  in 
the  mountain  Audona,  in  Piedmont,  by  M.  Allion.  A  representation 
of  this  fossil  is  given  Plate  XV.  Fig.  8,  from  a  specimen  which  I  obtained 
from  Mr.  Strange's  collection.  From  a  more  perfect  shell,  which  was 
in  the  Leverian  Museum,  I  conclude  that  the  valve  in  this  fossil  has  lost 
about  half  its  length. 

Lamarck,  who,  we  have  seen,  has  followed  Bruguiere  in  separating 
several  new  genera  from  the  genus  Ostrea  of  Linnaeus,  has  added  the 
following  new  genus,  formed  from  recent  shells  lately  discovered  in  the 
Red  Sea  and  in  the  Antilles. 

CXLIT.  Crenatula.  An  irregularly-formed  flat  bivalve;  closed,  not 
giving  passage  to  any  byssus ;  the  hinge  linear,  excavated  and  crenulated 
by  a  row  of  small  pits,  which  receive  the  ligament. 


In  the  preceding  genus,  Perna,  of  Bruguiere,  to  which  this  genus 
approaches  the  nearest,  the  hinge  is  also  linear ;  but  it  is  formed  of  lonu 
parallel  grooves,  which  receive  the  ligament,  and  which  have  between 
them  parallel  linear  teeth,  which  shut  against  each  other.  But  in  Cre- 
natula,  the  hinge  shows  a  row  of  roundish  or  oval  pits,  by  which  it  is 
made  to  appear  as  if  crenulated;  and  there  are  no  linear  teeth  in  the 

Lamarck  is  acquainted  with  only  two  species  of  this  genus :  C.  avicularis, 
brought  from  the  Antilles  by  Captain  Baudin  ;  and  C.  mytiloides,  which 
is  formed  much  like  a  mytilusy  and  which  was  found  in  the  Red  Sea.  Ostrea 
picta,  Gmelin,  he  conceives,  may  perhaps  be  a  variety  pf  this  last  shell. 

There  are  very  few  among  the  fossil  shells  of  this,  or  of  any  other  coun- 
try, which,  at  first  sight,  are  more  dissimilar  from  any  of  the  recent 
shells,  than  the  fossil  represented  Plate  XV.  Fig.  5.  This  fossil  was 
obtained  by  Mr.  Strange,  from  Mr.  Joshua  Platt,  of  Oxford,  who  de- 
scribed it  on  an  accompanying  ticket — "  Impression  of  an  oyster,  with 
an  indented  cardo,  out  of  a  large  nodule  on  the  top  of  Shotover  Hill." 

By  some  it  has  been  considered  as  an  Ostracite,  by  others  as  a  Pernite ; 
but  neither  by  its  general  form,  nor  by  any  of  its  characters,  could  its 
proper  place  be  determined.  The  hinge  had  often  been  the  subject  of 
my  examination ;  but  the  result  was  never  any  thing  more,  than  that  it 
differed  very  materially  from  that  of  any  genus  with  which  I  was  ac- 
quainted. The  only  information  which  any  author  yielded  me  respect- 
ing it,  was  a  very  correct  figure  of  a  similar  cast,  by  Lister,  among  the 
fossil  shells  of  that  author,  and  marked  as  English,  Hist.  Conch.  Tab.  477, 
Fig.  34,  b. 

A  comparison  of  the  hinge  of  this  fossil  with  that  which  characterizes 
this  genus,  immediately  evinced  their  perfect  agreement ;  and  showed 
that  two  species  are  to  be  found,  in  very  distant  parts  of  the  world,  of 
the  same  genus  with  this  fossil,  nothing  analagous  to  which  had  been  till 
now  discovered. 


I  have  very  lately  been  so  fortunate  as  to  obtain  another  fossil  of  this 
species :  it  very  nearly  resembles,  in  its  form,  the  fossil  which  is  here 
figured ;  but  is  rather  larger,  and  is  invested  with  its  shell. 

Mr.  H.  H.  Goodhall,  of  the  East-India  House,  whose  kind  assistance 
I  have  had  repeated  occasion  to  acknowledge,  favoured  me  with  the 
valve  of  a  small  shell,  which  he  picked  up  in  a  marie-pit  near  Shefford, 
in  Bedfordshire.  The  upper  and  under  side  of  this  valve  is  represented 
Plate  XV.  Fig.  6  and  7.  It  is  undoubtedly  of  this  genus,  and  apparently 
a  different  species  from  the  fossil,  or  from  either  of  the  recent  shells. 

CXL1II.  Placuna.  An  irregular,  free,  flat  bivalve:  the  internal 
hinge  formed  by  two  diverging  ridges,  in  the  form  of  a  V,  and  serving 
for  the  attachment  of  the  ligament. 

The  shells  of  this  genus  were  placed  by  Linnaeus  in  the  genus  Anomia, 
from  the  shells  of  which  they  differ  in  almost  every  respect.  They  are 
generally  flat  and  rounded,  or  nearly  quadrangular,  thin,  fragile,  demi- 
transparent,  and  shining.  The  superior  valve  is  larger  and  morettumid 
than  the  inferior.  The  shells  described  by  Linnaeus,  which  may  be 
placed  under  this  genus,  are  Anomia  placenta  and  A.  sella ;  but  Bruguiere 
has  figured  six  species.  1  am  not  acquainted  with  any  British  fossil  of 
this  genus. 

,CXLIV.  Harpax.  An  adherent,  oblong,  and  somewhat  triangular, 
inequivalved  shell;  the  hinge  formed  by  two  long,  diverging,  crenulated 
teeth  in  one  valve,  and  four  in  the  opposite,  disposed  in  the  form  of  a  V : 
the  upper  valve  armed  with  pointed  hooks:  one  mark  of  attachment. 

The  only  shells  of  this  genus  that  I  have  seen,  I  found  about  three 
feet  below  the  surface  at  Leonard  Stanley,  in  Gloucestershire.  These 
shells  are  of  an  oblong,  and  somewhat  of  a  triangular  form.  The  one 
valve,  which  is  convex,  is  rugously  plicated,  and  divided  by  slight,  trans- 
verse, curved  ridges ;  and  the  other,  which  is  flat  and  thicker,  is  beset 
with  long  pointed  and  hooked  processes,  lying  longitudinally  in  trans- 
verse rows.  The  hinge  is  formed  by  two  long  projecting  teeth,  trans- 
versely crenulated  on  both  sides,  and  diverging  in  the  form  of  a  V.  on 

the  flat  valve;  and  by  four  diverging  raised 'teeth  on  the  convex  valve; 
the  latter  being  so  disposed,  and  so  crenulated  on  their  inner  surfaces, 
as  exactly  to  receive,  as  in  the  Trigonia,  the  teeth  of  the  opposite  valve. 

Aware  of  the  danger  of  unnecessarily  multiplying  genera,  I  was  at 
first  disposed  to  consider  this  shell  as  a  species  of  Trigonia :  from  this, 
however,  I  was  precluded,  on  discovering  that,  unlike  the  shells  of  that 
genus,  these  were  adherent — a  difference,  undoubtedly,  sufficient  to  pre- 
vent their  being  disposed  under  the  same  genus. 

Plate  XII.  Pig.  14,  represents  the  internal  surface  of  the  flat  valve; 
and  Fig.  16,  a  magnified  view  of  its  hinge-teeth.  Fig.  15  is  the  internal 
surface  of  the  convex  valve,  and  Fig.  17  a  magnified  view  of  its  hinge- 
teeth.  Fig.  18  is  a  magnified  view  of  the  outside  of  the  flat  valve,  showing 
those  strong  hooked  instruments,  from  which  it  has  been  presumed  to 
give  a  name  to  the  genus.  One  specimen  of  the  upper  valve  of  this 
shell  manifests  a  very  considerable  degree  of  lustre. 

CXLV.  Pecten.  A  regular,  eared,  inequivalved  bivalve,  with  conti- 
guous beaks.  The  hinge  toothless,  the  pit  trigonal,  receiving  the  inter- 
nal ligament.  One  muscular  impression. 

Of  those  which  are  in  my  collection,  I  much  regret  the  being  totally 
uninformed  of  the  locality  of  most  of  them.  This  I  particularly  regret 
being  the  case  with  a  specimen  wrhich  has  been  imbedded  in  a  hard 
whitish  lime-stone,  and  which  is  in  every  respect  analagous  with  P.jaco- 
beus,  List.  Conch.  165,  /.  2,  166,  /.  3,  having,  on  the  lower  valve,  four- 
teen angulated  rays,  longitudinally  striated :  the  sulci  transversely  stri- 
ated :  the  upper  valve  having  the  rays  rounded  and  striated  transversely. 
Thus  is  it  also  with  a  most  perfect  specimen  of  P.  radida  and  P.  varius, 
differing  in  no  respect  from  O.  radula  and  O.  van/i.  Linn,  except  in  each 
being  of  a  small  size. 

Lamarck  particularizes  three  species  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Paris :  P.  plebeius,  P.  infumatus,  P.  squamula.  In  the  Harwich  cliff  are 
specimens  found,  which  I  think  are  referable  to  the  two  former  of  these 


A  very  beautiful  Pecten  is  found  in  the  green  sand  of  Wiltshire,  of 
which  a  very  correct  representation  is  given  by  Lister,  Conch.  Tab.  470, 
Fig.  28. 

It  is  an  equivalved,  slightly  orbicular  shell,  both  valves  being  rounded: 
it  is  ornamented  with  about  seventy-two  roundish  radii,  which  are  muri- 
cated  with  tubular  squamae :  twenty-four  larger  radii,  having  two  or 
more  smaller  radii  disposed  on  each  side.  In  some  specimens,  and  par- 
ticularly in  the  superior  part  of  the  shell,  the  intervening  smaller  radii 
are  more  numerous.  The  ears  are  marked  with  oblique,  curved  rugse. 
The  beauty  of  this  fossil,  derived  from  the  richness  of  its  ornamented 
surface,  is  not  all  that  renders  it  interesting :  the  substance  of  which  it  is 
formed  cannot  fail  to  excite  a  considerable  degree  of  admiration.  It  is 
completely  silicious,  and  even  in  some  parts  transparent;  and  yet  the 
minutest  parts  of  its  markings  do  not  appear  to  have  suffered  any  altera- 
tion in  their,  form  from  this  change. 

One  of  the  most  interesting  fossils  of  this  genus,  which  I  possess,  is  the 
greater  part  of  a  fragment  of  an  upper  valve,  with  angulated  ribs,  im- 
bedded on  chert ;  and  which,  although  so  changed  as  to  be  now  highly 
silicious,  still  retains  a  considerable  portion  of  its  original  colour. 

A  singular  Pecten  is  found  near  to  Thame,  in  Oxfordshire,  imbedded, 
as  I  have  been  kindly  informed  by  Mr.  Lupton,  of  Thame,  in  a  green 
silicious  sand,  resting  on  an  indurated  clay,  at  nearly  sixteen  feet  from 
the  surface.  This  is  an  auriculated  shell,  about  three  inches  in  diameter, 
and  nearly  circular :  both  valves  are  marked  with  regular,  transverse, 
concentric,  imbricating  ridges,  and  both  convex;  but  the  upper  one  less 
so  than  the  lower.  A  Pecten,  of  half  the  size  of  the  preceding,  with 
much  stronger  concentric  ridges,  is  found  in  the  valley  of  Ronca. 

In  Gloucestershire  is  frequently  found  a  Pecten,  which,  in  many  spe- 
cimens, has  attained  a  considerable  size,  six  or  seven  inches  in  diameter. 
These  shells,  at  least  the  specimens  which  I  possess,  have  twenty-four 
nearly  smooth  roundish  radii,  with  very  faint  transverse  lines  of  growth 
running  over  them  and  the  intervening  sulci.  The  ears  appear  to  be 


marked  with  very  fine  and  light  longitudinal  striae.  In  the  specimen 
before  me,  both  valves  are  alike  gibbous :  the  shell  is  consequently  equi- 
valved,  and  therefore  seems  to  point  out  the  necessity  either  of  altering 
the  terms  in  the  definition  of  this  genus,  or  of  forming  another  genus,  to 
comprize  those  shells  which,  possessing  the  other  characters  of  Pectens, 
are  not  formed  of  unequal  valves.  There  is  no  separation  at  the  hinge, 
nor  at  the  sides  of  this  shell,  and  consequently  it  cannot  be  referred  to, 
the  following  genus. 

CXLVI.  Lima.  A  longitudinal,  nearly  equivalved,  eared  bivalve, 
with  the  beaks  separated  by  a  cavity.  The  hinge  toothless.  The  hinge- 
pit,  which  receives  the  ligament,  partly  internal  and  partly  external. 

These  shells  are  removed  from  the  preceding  genus,  or  rather  from 
that  of  Ostrea,  by  Lamarck,  who  considers  their  separation  authorized 
by  the  similarity  between  each  valve,  and  by  the  ligament  being  in  a 
great  part  external.  Ostrea  .lima.  Linn,  is  referred  by  him  to  this  genus, 
as  L.  squamosa.  Hither  he  also  refers  Ostrea  bullata,  and  five  other  sup- 
posed Ostrex,  figured  by  Chemnitz,  Tom.  vu.  Fig.  649,  650,  652,  653, 
654.  He  also  describes  five  fossil  species  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Paris:  L,  spathulata,  L.  bulloides,  L.  obliqua,  L.  dilatata,  L.fragilis. 

I  find,  among  my  fossils,  none  which  I  can  positively  assign  to  this 
genus.  Those  which,  I  think,  may  be  referred  hither,  are  silicious  spe- 
cimens from  Wiltshire,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Tilsbury,  which  are 
injured  in  their  lower  side,  and  consequently  do  not  show  the  hinge. 

CXLVII.  Pedum.  An  eared,  inequivalved  bivalve,  gaping  at  the 
lower  valve,  and  having  its  beaks  separated;  the  hinge  toothless,  the 
ligament  exterior,  and  fixed  in  a  long  and  narrow  groove ;  the  inferior 
valve  notched. 

Of  the  shell  for  which  this  genus  was  formed  by  Bruguiere,  and  which 
has  been  figured  by  Favanne,  Tab.  80,  Fig.  K.  ;  by  Chemnitz,  T.  8, 
Tab.  72,  Fig.  669  and  670,  and  by  Bosc.  P.  x.  Fig.  3  and  4,  but  little 
is  known.  This  shell  has  not,  I  believe,  been  found  fossil. 

CXLVIIJ;    Pandora.     A  regular,  inequivalved,  and  inequilateral  bi- 


valve,  with  two  oblong,  unequal,  and  diverging  hinge  teeth,  in  the  supe- 
rior valve,  and  two  oblong  corresponding  pits  in  the  other  valve :  the 
cartilage  interior,  and  two  muscular  impressions. 

This  shell  is  thin,  and  semi-transparent,  the  dorsal  suture  straight,  pro- 
longing and  widening  itself  at  one  end.  One  valve  is  convex,  and  the 
other  flat.  The  inequality  of  the  valves  separates  this  shell  from  the 
Tellens.  Tellina  inequivalvis,  Linn,  is  referred  to  this  genus,  of  which 
no  fossil  shell  has  been  mentioned. 

CXLIX.  Corbula.  A  subtransverse,  inequilateral,  inequivalved  bi- 
valve, with  rather  prominent  and  incurvated  beaks  :  a  single  conical  re- 
curved hinge-tooth  in  each  valve ;  the  cartilage  internal :  two  lateral 

This  is  exceedingly  distinct  from  every  known  genus.  The  beaks  of 
these  shells  are  particularly  tumid  and  curved  inwards,  and  one  of  their 
sides  is  much  more  lengthened  and  thin  than  the  other.  Lamarck  refers 
the  shells  Vol.  x.  Tab.  172,  No.  1668  to  1671,  in  Chemnitz's  work,  to 
this  genus.  He  also  describes  eight  fossil  species  found  in  the  environs 
of  Paris :  C.  gallica,  C.  rugosa,  C.  striata,  C.  angulata,  C.  anatina,  C.  argen- 
tea,  and  C.  cancellata. 

C.  gallica  is  the  largest  of  these,  and  that  in  which  the  characters  of 
the  genus  are  most  decidedly  shown  :  it  is  generally  about  an  inch  and  a 
half  wide.  M.  Lamarck  observes,  of  this  shell,  that  it  is  transverse, 
oval,  tumid;  and  very  singular,  from  the  lower  valve  being  smooth,  and 
having  its  hinge-tooth  originate  beneath  the  edge,  and  curve  up  towards 
the  beak;  whilst,  in  the  upper  valve,  longitudinal  -striae  are  evident, 
and  the  tooth  proceeds  from  the  edge  of  the  valve,  is  compressed,  and 
stands  up  perpendicular.  It  is  not,  however,  certain  whether  these  may 
not  be  valves  of  distinct  species,  since  they  havQ  always  been  found  sepa- 

Plate  XVI.  Fig.  2,  represents  the  inside  of  the  smooth  valve  of  C.  gal- 
lica,  in  which  may  be  perceived  the  hinge-tooth,  approximating  to  the 

VOL.   III.  G  G 

In  the  Devonshire  whetstone-pits,  a  shell  is  found,  measuring  from 
three  to  five  inches  in  width ;  and  which,  I  suspect,  fronrthe  particular 
oblique  turn  of  its  beak,  and  from  so  much  of  the  hinge  as  I  have  been 
able  to  expose,  belongs  to  this  genus.  This  shell  is  very  unequal  sided 
and  the  upper  part  of  its  produced  side  has  been  set  with  minute  spines, 
regularly  disposed. 

CL.  Anomia.  An  irregular  shell,  with  unequal  valves;  the  inferior 
valve  pierced  or  notched  at  its  beak,  which  is  sometimes  closed  by  a  little 
operculum,  or  third  valve,  attached  to  a  cartilage  passing  out  of  the  hole 
or  notch,  and  serving  to  fix  the  animal  on  other  bodies.  The  hinge 
without  teeth. 

With  the  shells  of  the  genus  Ano?niat  as  formed  by  Linnaeus,  Bru- 
guiere  and  Lamarck  have  composed  six  genera :  Anomia,  Placuna,  Cra- 
nia, Terebratula,  Calceola,  and  Hyal<za. 

The  shells  of  the  present  genus  differ  from  others  chiefly  in  possessing 
a  valve  or  operculum,  with  which  the  animal  fixes  itself  to  adjacent 
bodies.  This  circumstance,  it  is  to  be  observed,  can  only  be  ascertained 
in  the  recent  shell ;  and  therefore  cannot  be  called  into  aid,  when  com- 
paring the  fossil  shells  of  this  genus  with  those  of  Terebratula ;  since,  each 
having  an  opening  in  the  under  valve,  there  exists  no  particular  dif- 
ference in  that  state ;  excepting,  that  the  shells  of  the  genus  Anomia  are 
more  rude  and  irregular  than  those  of  Terebratula.  I  am  therefore  unable 
to  point  out  any  fossil  shell  which  shows  any  proof  of  having  possessed 
the  characteristic  valve  or  operculum  of  this  genus.  Anomia  ephippium, 
Linn.  List.  Conch.  Tab.  204,  /.  38,  is  instanced  as  a  species  of  this 

CLI.  Crania.  A  regular  inequivalved  bivalve :  the  lower  valve  flat 
and  nearly  round,  and  pierced  in  its  inner  face  with  three  unequal  and 
oblique  holes;  the  upper  very  convex,  furnished  interiorly  with  two 
projecting  callosities. 

These  shells  had  been  ranged  among  the  Anomiae,  and  formed  the 
Anomia  craniolaris,  Linn. ;  but  Bruguiere  and  Lamarck  considered  the 


three  holes  in  the  lower  valve  as  sufficient  to  demand  for  them  a  distinct 
genus.  Bruguiere  has  made  out  four  species,  three  of  which  are  fossil. 
Being  unacquainted  with  these  fossils,  I  have,  for  their  illustration,  copied 
the  representation  of  the  lower  valve  of  C.  per sonata,  Lain.  -Anomia  cranio- 
laris,  Linn.  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  3,  from  Plate  vn.  of  Hist.  Nat.  des  Coquilles, 
par  Bosc. 

CLII.  Terebratula.  A  regular  shell,  fixed  by  a  cartilage  or  short 
tube,  and  composed  of  two  unequal  valves,  the  largest  of  which  has  its 
beak  produced  and  pierced  with  a  hole,  through  which  the  cartilage 
passes.  The  hinge  with  two  teeth. 

After  having  abstracted  from  the  Linnsean  genus  Anomia,  the  shells 
forming  the  genera  Anomia,  Crania,  Calceola,  and  Hyal&a,  it  was  intended, 
by  Lamarck,  to  place  under  the  present  genus  Terebratula,  the  remainder 
of  those  shells  which  had  been  hitherto  considered  as  Anomiae.  But  con- 
siderable difficulty  will  be  still  found  to  exist,  as  to  the  classification  of 
these  shells.  Mr.  Martin,  whose  accuracy  and  judgment,  displayed  in 
the  division  of  the  shells  of  this  genus,  might  alone  suffice  to  render  his 
work  highly  valuable,  and  to  make  every  lover  of  science  regret  his  loss, 
has  shown  that,  among  these  shells,  there  exist  much  greater  differences 
than  Larharck  is  apprized  of!  He  found  it  necessary,  on  this  account, 
to  arrange  them  in  the  four  following  families: — 1.  Irnperforated,  with 
one  valve  flat,  and  with  a  straight,  extended,  and  narrow  hinge.  2.  Per- 
forated, both  valves  convex ;  the  hinge  straight  and  patulous,  with  a 
large  trigonal  foramen  between  the  beaks:  these  are  subdivided  into 
those  with  a  long  or  a  short  hinge.  3.  Perforated,  both  valves  convex  ; 
the  beak  of  the  larger  valve  incumbent,  with  a  very  small  trigonal  or 
oblong  foramen  :  the  hinge  close  and  curved.  4.  Perforated,  both  valves 
convex,  the  beak  of  the  larger  valve  pierced  by  a  tubular  opening;  the 
hinge  close  and  curved. 

It  is  evident,  that,  of  these  four  families,  the  shells  of  the  two  last  only 
can  be  placed,  in  strictness,  under  this  genus — the  imperforated,  and 
those  with  a  large  trigonal  foramen  between  the  beaks,  cannot  be  made 
to  correspond  with  the  description  of  the  genus  Terebratula.  The  consi- 

deration  of  the  two  first  of  these  families  we  shall  therefore  defer,  for  a 
little,  and  for  the  present  confine  ourselves  to  the  examination  of  the 
Terebratulae  only. 

In  the  shells  of  this  genus,  a  peculiar  cartilaginous  and  bony  con- 
formation exists,  serving  for  the  attachment  of  the  animal,  and  which 
fully  warrants  their  separation  from  Crania,  Calceola,  &c. :  only  slight 
remains  of  this  structure  can  sometimes  be  traced  in  the  fossil  shells ;  but 
in  the  recent  sbells  it  may  be  seen  very  distinctly.  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  7, 
is  a  representation  of  this  part  in  a  recent  shell  of  this  genus,  bearing  the 
general  form  of  A.  lacunosa.  It  is  here  seen  to  arise  from  four  points  of 
the  smaller  shell,  two  just  under  the  hinge,  and  two  near  to  its  centre  : 
these,  having  united  by  a  transverse  process,  again  divide,  branch  up- 
wards, then  turn  back,  and  terminate  in  a  narrow,  transverse,  and  some- 
what circular  band.  In  the  longer  and  more  oval  formed  species,  having 
the  general  figure  of  A.  terebratula,  Linn,  this  part  is  of  a  somewhat  similar 
shape,  but  is  much  smaller,  and  more  delicate,  as  is  represented  Fig.  6. 

On  more  particularly  examining  this  part,  it  will  be  found  still  to  pos- 
sess some  degree  of  elasticity ;  which  must,  of  course,  have  existed  in  a 
greater  degree  during  the  life  of  the  animal.  But  it  is  obvious  that  nei- 
ther this  peculiar  construction,  nor  this  elastic  state  of  these  parts,  could 
have  been  necessary,  merely  for  the  attachment  of  the  animal ;  and, 
with  the  few  opportunities  which  we  possess,  of  examining  into  the  ha- 
bits and  economy  of  this  animal,  it  is  difficult  to  determine  what  was 
the  real  office  in  which  its  powers  were  employed.  Conjecture  may, 
however,  be  somewhat  aided,  by  attending  to  the  directions  in  which 
this  spring  is  calculated  to  act.  If  its  termination  be  drawn  perpendi- 
cularly upwards,  as  with  the  opening  of  the  shell,  it  would,  when  left 
to  itself,  spring  downwards;  and  again,  if  drawn  horizontally  towards 
the  beak  of  the  shell,  it  would  gently  spring  in  the  contrary  direction. 
Hence  it  may  be  supposed,  that  if,  contrary  to  what  occurs  in  other 
shells,  the  animal  employed  some  muscular  action  in  opening  the  shell, 
on  this  ceasing,  this  apparatus  would  immediately  assist  in  bringing  the 
valves  together :  and  if  the  animal  were  attached  to  any  substance  by  one 


end  of  its  cartilage,  which  runs  through  the  beak  of  the  shell,  whilst  the 
other  end  might  be  connected  with  this  apparatus,  the  resiliency  would 
be  increased,  and  the  danger  lessened  of  the  cartilage,  or  of  the  animal 
itself  being  injured  by  those  shocks  which  it  might  receive  whilst  thus 

The  following  are  species  of  this  genus  which  are  not,  I  believe,  gene- 
rally known. 

Terebratulites  coarctatus.  A  nearly  heptagonal  shell,  set  with  beaded 
longitudinal  ridges  :  the  larger  valve  sulcated,  with  its  sides  appearing  as 
if  pinched  together,  and  terminating  at  the  beak  with  a  large  foramen ; 
the  hinge  small,  close,  and  curved ;  and  the  smaller  valve  convex. 
Plate  XVI.  Fig.  5. 

T.  triquetrus.  A  three-cornered  shell :  the  anterior  and  posterior  sides 
compressed ;  the  superior  margin  more  rounded,  but  dented  in  the  mid- 
dle :  both  valves  convex,  and  terminating  in  a  point,  with  a  close  and 
curved  hinge ;  the  large  valve  having  a  narrow  groove,  commencing  in 
nearly  the  centre,  and  extending  to  an  umbilical-formed  depression  in 
its  lower  part,  just  before  the  beak  turns,  and  finishes  with  a  round 

Two  different  specimens,  both  appearing  to  belong  to  this  species,  are 
figured  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  4  and  8.  In  the  former,  a  small  portion  of  the 
shell  still  adheres  on  the  lower  part  of  the  larger  valve,  which  is  here 
shown  uppermost;  but  the  latter  specimen,  which  is  here  shown  with 
the  smaller  valve  uppermost,  has  none  of  the  shell  remaining.  The  sub- 
stance of  these  fossils  is  a  very  fine  close-grained  lime-stone.  I  am  unac- 
quainted with  the  habitats  of  these,  or  of  the  former  fossil. 

The  casts  of  some  species  of  Terebratulae  are  of  a  most  extraor- 
dinary form,  and  obtained  a  considerable  degree  of  attention  from  the 
early  oryctologists.  It  appears  that  these  casts  were  first  noticed  by  Pliny 
(Lib.  xxxvii.  Cap.  57),  who  describes  certain  stones,  some  of  which  were 
white  and  others  brown;  the  former  bearing,  in  their  figures,  some 
resemblance  to  the  male,  and  the  latter  to  the  female,  parts  of  gene- 


ration.  These  bodies  were  next  noticed  by  Agricola,  De  Nat.  Fossil, 
Cap.  xi.  as  having  been  found  whilst  digging  near  the  fortress  of  Ehren- 
breitstein,  in  Treves.  After  various  opinions  had  been  offered  respecting 
the  origin  and  nature  of  these  bodies,  Wolfart,  Histor.  Natur.  Hass. 
infer,  p.  30,  advanced  the  opinion,  that  the  latter  of  these  fossils  were 
the  casts  of  a  peculiar  kind  of  marine  shell.  This  opinion  was,  how- 
ever, for  a  time,  opposed  by  Henckell,  who  even  doubted  of  their  ani- 
mal origin,  but  afterwards  very  candidly  acknowledged  the  force  of  Wol- 
fart's  arguments. 

These  curiously  formed  fossils  are  now  known  to  have  derived  their 
figure  from  the  internal  structure  of  shells  of  this  kind:  in  many  of  which 
I  perceive  a  peculiar  conformation  entering  far  into  the  shell,  apparently 
adapted  to  support  the  termination  of  the  cartilage  which  the  animal 
extrudes,  and  which  structure  would  be  a  mould,  in  which  a  similar  body 
might  be  cast.  The  beak  of  one  of  these  shells,  with  this  particular  struc- 
ture, is  shown  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  20. 

I  will  now  call  your  attention  to  those  shells  which  Mr.  Martin  found 
it  necessary  to  place  in  two  families  distinct  from  those  which  comprise 
the  shells  which  we  have  just  examined.  The  first  is,  that  which  com- 
prises the  imperforated  shells,  with  one  valve  flat,  and  a  straight,  ex- 
tended, and  narrow  hinge. 

The  most  extraordinary,  perhaps,  of  the  imperforate  shells,  is  Ano* 
mites  productus,  of  Martin,  the  larger  gibbous  valve  of  which  is  lengthened 
out  in  a  cylindric  form,  and  longitudinally  striated;  the  striae  close,  equal, 
and,  toward.:  the  margin,  dichotomous  :  the  margin  itself  somewhat 
sinuous  and  irregular.  In  many  specimens,  the  upper  part,  particularly 
near  the  beak  and  hinge,  is  set  with  a  few  distant  tubercles;  the  beak 
small  and  pointed.  The  other  valve  is  small,  semicircular,  and  concave, 
clasped  or  surrounded  by  the  larger  valve,  and  longitudinally  and  some- 
times transversely  striated. 

Its  most  striking  characteristic  is,  the  lengthened  cylindric  form  of  the 

convex  valve.  This  is  always  filled  with  lime-stone,  which  entirely 
conceals  from  observation  the  other  part  of  the  shell,  as  long  as  the  spe- 
cimen remains  whole.  With  the  slightest  blow  of  a  hammer,  however, 
it  constantly  divides,  where  the  edge  of  the  smaller  valves  rests  against  the 
inside  of  the  elongated  cylindric  part  of  the  larger  valve,  generally  about  half 
an  inch  or  less  from  the  top  of  the  shell ;  Fig.  9,  a,  one  side  of  the  valve, 
before  hidden,  then  becomes  visible,  as  at  Fig.  10. 

Thus  far  is  the  description  of  Mr.  Martin;  but  I  must  here  add,  that' 
my  late  worthy  friend,  Dr.  Menish,  was  strongly  of  opinion  that  this 
was  not  the  whole  history  of  the  shell,  and  that  there  were  reasons  for 
suspectjng  that  this  shell  was  a  multivalve.  I  am  not  in  possession  of  the 
particular  specimen  on  which  the  Doctor  rested  chiefly  the  support  of 
his  opinion.  I  will  avail  myself)  however,  of  the  specimen  before  us,  to 
show  that  the  structure  of  this  shell  is  not  such  as  has  been  hitherto  sup- 
posed. In  a  bivalve,  we  have  one  cavity  for  the  habitation  of  the  ani- 
mal ;  but,  in  this  specimen,  there  appears  to  be  at  least  two :  one  between 
the  upper  valve,  Fig.  9,  and  the  lower  valve,  Fig.  10 ;  and  another  above, 
which  is  shown  by  the  fracture  at  Fig.  9,  c. 

I  am  aware  that  it  may  be  contended,  that  I  may  have  been  led  into  a 
mistake  by  the  lower  valve  having  split;  and  that  the  upper  half  remains 
attached  to  the  bottom  of  the  upper  valve  at  a,  Fig.  9,  whilst  the  lower 
half  adheres  to  the  mass  Fig.  10,  at  b.  But  I  cannot  readily  admit  this 
to  be  the  case  here ;  since,  at  a,  the  incumbent  beak  of  the  upper 
valve  is  plainly  to  be  seen,  and  at  b  is  the  little  pit  in  the  lower  valve 
for  its  reception,  both  of  which  could  not  be  seen  if  the  valve  had  split. 
It  may  also  be  said,  that  the  upper  valve  might  be  naturally  hollow ; 
but,  even  if  this  circumstance  be  admitted,  that  will,  I  hope,  be  allowed 
to  be  an  anomaly,  worthy  of  being  thus  shown.  Possessing  only  this 
specimen  of  fellow  valves  of  this  shell,  I  may  have  made  some  mistake, 
which  those  who  possess  more  illustrative  specimens  may  be  able  to 


It  becomes  here  necessary  to  notice  the  specimen  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  10 ; 
since,  in  this  shell,  appear  to  be  traces  of  such  a  structure,  as  would 
serve  to  show,  that  the  animal,  in  a  multivalve  shell  of  this  kind,  might 
not  be  without  the  means  of  supporting  a  temporary  connection,  at  least, 
between  these  supposed  cavities. 

This  shell  is  imperforate,  one  valve  convex  and  gibbous,  the  other 
concave.  The  circumference  is  rounded,  and  the  surface  of  each  valve 
marked  with  longitudinal  striae,  which  are  decussated  by  faint  transverse 
ones.  The  beak  of  each  valve  is  small.  A  little  below  the  beak  of  the 
concave  valve,  a  small,  but  apparently  deep  fissure,  commences,  which, 
in  one  of  the  two  specimens  which  I  possess,  extends  in  a  straight  line 
towards  the  margin,  through  nearly  three  fourths,  and  in  the  other 
through  nearly  one  half  of  the  length  of  the  valve.  This  fissure  has  the 
appearance  of  having  been  larger,  and  of  having  been  diminished  at 
each  end.  In  one  of  these  specimens,  the  margin  of  the  shell  is  entire, 
and  the  valves  are  so  exactly  closed,  as  not  to  admit  of  any  separation 
being  seen,  even  with  a  strong  magnifier.  In  the  other  the  margin  is 
broken,  and  has  very  much  the  appearance  of  the  upper  valve  having 
been  produced. 

It  must  be  left  to  some  more  successful  investigator  to  pursue  this  in- 
quiry; in- the  meanwhile,  the  conjecture  on  which  we  may  rest,  perhaps, 
with  most  propriety,  is,  that  this  structure  has  taken  place  for  the  purpose 
of  allowing  the  passage  of  some  part  of  the  animal,  by  which  it  might  be 
enabled  to  attach  itself  to  other  bodies. 

The  shell,  whose  extraordinary  internal  structure  I  shall  now  call  your 
attention  to,  must  .also,  I  believe,  be  placed  among  the  imperforate  shells, 
since  I  have  been  unable  to  discover  any  aperture  in  the  beak  or  hinge 
of  any  of  those  which  I  have  sacrificed  to  my  inquiries ;  and  since,  indeed, 
in  the  specimen  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  1 1 ,  the  beaks  are  too  much  inverted 
to  have  admitted  the  passage  of  any  tube  or  cartilage  ;  and  I  am  almost 


satisfied,  from  having  cleared  away  this  specimen  very  close  indeed  to 
the  beaks,  that  there  was  no  opening  in  the  hinge  between  them. 

The  fossil  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  13,  which  is  a  specimen  from  Mr.  For- 
ster's  collection,  first  excited  my  attention  to  the  peculiar  structure  to 
which  I  have  alluded.  It  is  a  tubular  body,  spirally  disposed,  in  the 
form  of  a  cone,  curved  at  its  apex ;  this,  being  lodged  in  the  remains  of 
a  shell,  in  tfie  angle  at  the  side,  where  the  upper  and  lower  margins 
united,  a  part  of  this  tube  going  off  from  the  base  towards  the  opening 
of  the  valves  at  their  upper  margin.  The  tube  itself  is  beautifully  frosted 
over  with  quartz  crystals,  and  the  matrix  in  which  it  is  imbedded  is 
chert.  From  two  or  three  casts,  and  from  several  impressions  in  the 
mass,  I  was  convinced  that  the  shell  in  which  this  body  was  inclosed 
was  of  the  Linnaean  genus  Anomia;  and,  reasoning  from  the  proportions 
of  that  part  of  the  shell  which  remained,  I  was  surprised  at  finding  that 
this  body  must  have  filled  nearly  one  half  of  the  shell. 

After  rubbing  down  and  breaking  many  different  shells  without  suc- 
cess, I  found  the  same  structure,  but  badly  shown,  in  two  shells,  one  of 
which  was  about  the  size  of  that  in  the  above  specimen.  At  length,  I 
was  so  fortunate  as  to  discover  traces  of  it  in  a  larger  shell  of  the  same 
species;  and,  by  breaking  away  a  considerable  part  of  the  smaller  valve, 
and  of  the  spathose  matter  contained  in  the  shell,  was  enabled  to  display 
it  as  shown  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  11.  With  respect  to  the  shell  itself,  like 
A,  striata  of  Martin,  it  has  a  hinge  straight,  extended  and  patulous,  valves 
convex,  semicircular,  and  longitudinally  striated  on  every  side.  In  the 
smaller  valve  is  a  convex  wave,  which  is  answered  by  a  scarcely  distin- 
guishable concave  one  in  the  larger  valve.  In  a  word,  were  it  possessed 
of  a  large  triangular  opening  between  the  beaks,  it  would  then  possess 
all  the  external  characters  of  that  species. 

The  structure  of  this  particular  part  seems  to  point  it  out  as  an  organ 
of  attachment,  and  perhaps  of  motion.  Supposing  this  to  have  been  a 
strongly  elastic  cartilaginal  tube,  and  that  the  animal  possessed  the  power 
of  uncoiling  and  extending  it  so  as  to  be  able  to  fix  its  end  to  some  firm 

VOL.  III.  H  H  ' 


body,  at  its  utmost  length ;  it  would  then  be  only  to  leave  the  tube  to 
its  own  powers,  when,  by  its  elasticity,  it  would  coil  up  to  its  original* 
form,  and  drag  the  shell  to  the  point  to  which  it  was  attached.     I  could 
easily  devise  other  uses  for  this  part,  but  am  unwilling  to  wander  too  far 
into  the  regions  of  conjecture. 

I  must  here  observe,  that  as  this  curious  structure  filled  nearly  one 
half  of  the  shell,  I  was  anxious  to  discover  whether  a  similar  structure 
existed  on  the  other  side ;  but  this  side  was  so  completely  iilled  with  spar, 
that  after  having  very  much  injured  the  specimen,  the  fear  of  destroying 
it  entirely  made  me  desist;  not,  however,  until  I  had  found  very  great 
reason  for  believing  that  a  similar  body  did  not  exist  on  that  side, 
although  traces  of  some  kind  of  organization  might  here  be  discerned. 

By  viewing  the  long  patulous  hinge  of  the  shell  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  11, 
and  supposing  a  large  trigonal  aperture  to  exist  between  the  beaks, 
you  obtain  a  correct  idea  of  the  characters  of  that  family  of  shells  which 
Mr.  Martin  describes  as  being  perforated,  having  both  valves  convex, 
with  a  straight  open  hinge,  and  a  large  trigonal  foramen  between  the 
beaks.  But  the  different  species  of  these  shells  differ  much  among  them 
selves,  and  particularly  in  the  depth  of  the  area  belonging  to  the  hinge. 

The  shell  represented  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  17,  shows  this  area,  spread 
out  to  a  surprising  extent.  This  shell  was  first  noticed  by  Mr.  Martin, 
in  the  Linnean  Transactions,  Vol.  iv.  p.  4  ;  and,  since  that,  in  Pefri- 
ficata  Derbiensia,  Plate  46,  where  he  thus  describes  it : — "  A  petrified 
shell.  The  original  an  Anomia.  Perforate.  Valves  convex.  Hinge 
straight,  extended,  patulous,  triangular,  divided  down  the  middle  by 
a  very  large  perpendicular  foramen,  in  form  of  an  acute  isoceles.  The 
surface  of  the  shell  longitudinally  furrowed.  The  furrows  strong,  about 
28  or  30,  crossed  by  a  few  distant  wrinkles,  marking,  apparently,  the 
growth  of  the  shell.  A  deep,  rounded  sinus,  destitute  of  furrows,  in  the 
larger  valve :  answered  by  a  convex  wave  on  the  other  valve,  and  ter- 
minated by  a  strong  curvature  at  the  margin.  Perforated  valve,  pyra- 
midal, perpendicular,  gradually  tapering  from  the  margin  to  the  beak, 


which  is  somewhat  reflected  and  cuspidate ;  and  constitutes,  as  it  were, 
the  apex  or  summit  of  the  pyramid :  the  back,  or  that  part  of  the  valve 
proceeding  from  the  margins,  rounded :  the  opposite  side  flat,  consisting 
of  the  hinge  and  foramen  described.  The  other  valve  semicircular, 
moderately  convex,  broad ;  its  beak  prominent,  pointed,  and  incurved 
over  the  base  of  the  foramen." 

The  specimen  represented  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  17,  differs  from  that  figured 
by  Mr.  Martin,  only  in  the  beak  of  the  conic  valve  not  being  so  much 
reflected.  On  the  upper  part  of  this  figure  is  the  semicircular  valve, 
with  the  convex  wave  on  its  back,  a,  terminating  forwards  in  the  pro- 
minent, pointed  beak,  incurved  over  the  base  of  the  foramen.  On  the 
lower  part  is  the  conic  valve,  which  has  on  its  back  part,  but  which  could 
not  be  here  shown,  a  deep  rounded  sinus,  its  base  joining  the  base  of  the 
convex  wave  on  the  semicircular  valve  at  a,  and  terminating  in  a  point  at 
the  bottom,  where  it  meets  the  point  of  the  perpendicular  triangular 
foramen  at  b,  in  the  apex^  or  what  must  rather  be  considered  as  a  beak, 
though  not  so  formed. 

This  ingenious  naturalist  observed,  that  the  species  A.  subconicus  united 
this  species  with  the  more  common  straight-hinged  perforated  anomitae; 
but  added,  that  in  another  shell,  which  he  had  not  yet  named  or 
described,  the  hinge  is  still  less ;  and  the  beak  of  the  large  valve,  instead 
of  being  straight,  is  somewhat  incurved,  and  therefore  more  strictly 
united  the  species.  As  Mr.  Martin's  collection  is  now  dispersed,  there 
is  little  reason  to  expect  that  the  figure  of  this  shell  will  be  published; 
it  is  therefore  with  pleasure  I  find  myself  able  to  give  a  representation 
of  a  shell  which  seems  to  possess  all  the  characters  of  that  of  which  he  has 

This  shell,  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  16,  is  of  a  roundish  trigonal  form,  with 
two  convex,  longitudinally-furrowed,  valves ;  the  furrows  being  rounded. 
The  hinge  straight,  extended,  and  very  patulous,  with  a  large  triangular 
pit  or  foramen,  between  the  beaks  of  the  two  valves.  The  beak  of  the 
large  valve,  at  the  point  of  the  foramen,  at  b,  unlike  that  of  the  preced- 


ing  species,  is  a  little  incurved  and  beak-formed;  and  its  sinus,  com- 
mencing at  this  beak,  is  smooth  and  rounded,  like  that  Cuspidatus;  and 
joins  with  its  base,  at  the  back  part,  the  base  of  the  convex  wave  of  the 
upper,  or  smaller  valve,  at  a. 

I  must  acknowledge  that  the  term  foramen,  or  aperture,  does  not 
seem  applicable  to  the  triangular  cavity  in  either  of  these  shells;  it 
appearing  to  be  rather  a  deep  triangular  groove,  in  which  might  have 
been  fixed  a  strong  muscle  or  elastic  cartilage,  the  office  of  which  might 
have  been  to  have  drawn  open  the  valves.  This,  however,  is  only  con- 
jecture. I  shall  therefore  proceed,  acknowledging  that  I  have  dwelt 
longer  on  these  two  last  species,  from  the  expectation  that  it  might  lead 
to  the  better  understanding  of  the  following  genus. 

CLIII.  Cnlceola.  A  regular  inequivalved  bivalve  :  the  largest  valve 
being  in  the  shape  of  the  pointed  end  of  a  slipper,  and  the  small  one  flat 
and  semicircular.  The  hinge  with  a  central  tooth,  and  four  rugous  pro- 
jections at  each  end. 

This  shell  is  very  thick,  and  nearly  an  inch  and  a  half  in  length.  The 
back  of  the  large  valve  is  flat,  and  marked  with  transverse  linear  striae, 
which  are  continued  over  the  rounded  fore  part.  The  upper  valve  is 
striated  concentrically.  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  14,  represents  the  upper,  and 
Fig.  15,  the  lower  valve  of  this  shell. 

It  is  placed  by  Gmelin  at  the  end  of  the  genus  Anomia,  as  Anomia 
sandalium.  To  this  species,  the  only  one  which  is  known,  Lamarck  has 
given  the  name  of  C.  sandalina.  It  was  first  discovered  in  the  duchy  of 
Juliers,  by  M.  le  Baron  de  Hiipsch,  of  Cologne,  who  gave  a  particular 
description  of  it  in  a  tract  published  at  Francfort,  in  1768,  under  the  title 
ef  Nouvelles  decouvertes  faites  dans  Vhistoire  naturelle  de  la  basse  Allemagne, 
des  petrificatiom  de  quelques  animaux  testaces  rares  etpeu  connus,  K c.  M.  Hiipsch 
kindly  distributed  these  fossils  among  the  more  intelligent  collectors, 
who  were  thereby  enabled  to  form  their  respective  opinions  of  these 
extraordinary  bodies.  M.  Hiipsch  himself  was  of  opinion  that  it  was  a 
fossil,  inequivalved,  bivalve  shell,  the  smaller  exactly  closing  up  the 


cavity  of  the  other  valve :  he  also  pointed  out,  on  the  inner  side  of  the 
back  part  of  the  larger  valve,  the  remains  of  a  hinge  formed  of  teeth  with 
corresponding  depressions,  with  an  analagous  surface  on  the  posterior 
edge  of  the  smaller  valv^. 

M.  Guettard  was  of  opinion,  from  the  appearance  yielded  by  the 
inner  surtace  of  the  larger  valve,  that  it  had  proceeded  from  thu  labours 
of  some  zoophyte.  M.  Walch  acknowledges  that  this  opinion  derived 
some  support  from  the  appearance  of  coralline  texture ;  since,  on  exa- 
mination with  a  glass,  of  the  two  specimens  possessed  by  him,  a  very 
fine  texture,  formed  by  intersecting  threads,  appeared,  and  which  was 
similar  to  that  which  is  seen  on  some  of  the  Muestricht  fossils,  but  which 
he  was  unable  to  determine  whether  it  was  accidental  or  not. 

This  very  curious  fossil  having  very  much  excited  my  attention,  I  was 
happy  in  obtaining  a  very  complete  specimen,  at  the  sale  of  the  late 
Mr.  Forster's  collection,  by  which  I  am  enabled  to  place  before  you  an 
accurate  representation  of  both  the  valves.  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  15,  is  the 
anterior  part  of  the  larger  valve,  in  which  the  superior  margin  and  the 
hinge  part  is  in  good  preservation  :  at  a  is  a  magnified  representation  of 
the  tooth  in  the  middle  of  the  posterior  margin  of  this  valve. 

Plate  XI.  Fig.  14,  is  the  internal  surface  of  ttfe  flat  semicircular  valve. 
To  procure  a  display  of  the  structure  of  the  hinge,  in  this  valve,  was 
exceedingly  difficult;  but  by  the  alternate  employment  of  the  instru- 
ment, and  of  the  muriatic  acid,  this  view  of  it  was  obtained.  It  is  there 
seen,  that  in  this  hinge  there  are  three  parts  which  are  particularly 
observable  :  a  long  beak-formed  tooth,  in  the  centre  of  the  posterior 
margin,  answering  to  the  tooth  in  the  posterior  margin  of  the  other 
valve,  and  a  protuberance  at  each  end,  formed  by  four  or  five  alternate 
ridges  and  furrows. 

The  lens  discovers  the  reteporean  appearance  on  the  internal  surface 
of  the  large  valve  ;  a  part  of  which,  thus  magnified,  is  represented  at  b. 
From  the  circumstance  of  its  occurring  in  both  valves,  but  particularly 


from  its  being  exactly  confined  to  the  internal  surface,  I  conceive  that  it 
belongs  to  the  original  structure  of  the  shell. 

On  clearing  the  larger  valve,  a  reddish  hue  became  very  evident,  and 
appeared  to  be  the  remains  of  the  original  colour  of  the  shell. 

When  the  straight  hinge  and  box-like  form  of  this,  shell  is  considered, 
some  resemblance  will  appear  between  it  and  the  fossils  which  we  have 
just  been  examining.  But  a  more  material  coincidence  is  discoverable 
in  the  strong  resemblance  which  exists  between  the  surface  of  the  back 
of  the  larger  valve  and  that  of  the  larger  valve  of  the  preceding  fossil, 
Plate  XVI.  Fig.  17,  both  surfaces  being  remarkably  smooth,  and  formed 
by  extremely  fine  transverse  striae. 

CLIV.  Hyal&a.  A  regular,  inequivalved,  transparent  bivalve  shell, 
gaping  beneath  the  beak,  tricuspidated  at  the  base. 

This  shell  was  originally  described  by  Forskal,  and  named  by  him 
Anomia  tridentata,  and  as  such  admitted  by  Gmelin.  Lamarck  has  very 
properly  placed  it  in  a  .distinct  genus.  It  is  not  known  in  a  fossil  state. 

CLV.  Orbicula.  A  very  small  orbicular,  flat  bivalve.  The  lower 
valve  very  thin,  and  adherent  to  other  bodies.  The  hinge  unknown. 

This  shell,  only  described  by  Muller,  and  named  by  him  Patella  ano- 
mola,  is  not  known  as  a  fossil. 

CLVI.  Lingula.  A  long  flat  shell,  composed  of  two  valves,  nearly 
equal,  truncated  anteriorly ;  the  hinge  without  teeth :  the  base  or  beak 
of  the  valves  pointed,  and  united  to  a  tendinous  tube,  serving  for  a  liga- 
ment of  attachment. 

Linnaeus,  who  had  seen  but  one  valve  of  this  shell,  named  it  Patella 
unguis.  Bruguiere  ascertained  the  nature  of  the  shell,  and  assigned  to  it 
this  genus.  It  has  not  been  yet  noticed  as  a  fossil. 

In  consequence  of  the  similarity  of  the  animals  which  inhabit  the  shells 
forming  the  two  following  genera,  Linnaeus  disposed  them  under  one 
genus,  which  he  named  Lepas.  But  Bruguiere  and  Lamarck  have,  with 


propriety,  again  separated  them,  and  placed  them  under  two  distinct 
genera,  Balamus  and  Anatifa,  agreeable  to  the  differences  which  the  form 
and  structure  of  their  shells  seem  to  point  out. 

CLVII.  Balanus.  A  conical  multivalve,  fixed  by  its  base,  and  com- 
posed of  six  articulated  valves;  the  opening  being  closed  by  an  oper- 
culum,  formed  of  four  valves. 

The  Balani  are  not  to  be  considered  among  those  fossils  which  are 
frequently  found.  Bayer  figures  a  Balanite  found  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  Nuremberg.  In  France,  agreeable  to  D'Argenville,  these  fossils  are 
of  rare  occurrence ;  nor  do  I  believe  they  are  frequently  found  in  this 
country.  They  are  indeed  sometimes  found,  very  small,  on  the  Har- 
wich fossil-shells ;  and  I  possess  one  of  these,  which  is  detached,  and  so 
small  as  to  be  really  a  proper  microscopic  object.  M.  d'Aunone  parti- 
cularly speaks  of  some  of  these  fossils  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Basle,  and  Monti  discovered  them  in  the  mountains  near  Bologna.  Tar- 
gioni  also  describes  those  of  the  hills  of  Pisa ;  and  M.  Allione  mentions 
several  specimens  found  in  Piedmont.  In  the  hills  of  Tuscany  they  are 
also  found,  in  very  considerate  numbers;  and  even  the  specimens 
which  are  found  there  are  said  to  contain  more  species  than  have  yet 
been  observed  in  a  recent  state.  It  is  worthy  of  remark,  that  many  of 
the  Balanites  which  are  found  in  the  arenaceous  and  calcareous  strata  of 
the  Tuscan  hills,  still  retain  a  considerable  part  of  their  colour.  The 
specimens  which  I  possess,  of  this  fossil,  are  from  Tuscany,  Piedmont, 
and  Maryland  ;  but  none  of  them  are  in  that  state  of  preservation  as  will 
allow  of  ascertaining  precisely  their  specific  characters. 

Lamarck  appears  to  have  very  properly  separated  from  the  genus 
Balanus  those  shells  of  which  he  has  formed  the  two  following  genera, 
and  which  are  composed  of  the  shells  which,  with  their  inhabitants,  are 
found  deeply  imbedded  in  the  fat  of  whales. 

CLVIII.  Tubicinella.  A  regular  tubular,  not  spiral,  univalve ;  nar- 
rowing towards  the  base,  and  truncated  at  each  end.  The  terminal 
opening  circular,  with  a  four-valved  operculum. 


It  is  doubtful  whether  there  are  more  than  one  specimen  of  this  genus. 
This  shell  has  not,  to  my  knowledge,  been  found  fossil. 

CLIX.  Coronula.  A  regular  subrotund,  or  subconical  shell,  divided 
into  twelve  areae,  with  an  opening  both  in  the  superior  and  inferior  part; 
that  in  the  superior  part  closed  by  a  four-valved  operculum. 

Of  this  genus  there  appears  to  be  three  species  known,  which  may 
be  distinguished  by  the  same  specific  names  which  distinguished  them 
under  the  genus  Balanus :  C.  diadema,  C.  testudinarius,  and  C.  bala- 

The  shells  of  these  two  genera,  with  their  inhabitants,  are  found  deeply 
imbedded  in  the  fat  of  the  whale,  so  as  to  leave  only  the  superior  surface 
uncovered.  M.  Dufresne,  who  first  gave  this  information  to  Lamarck, 
obtained  it  upon  viewing  two  specimens,  preserved  in  the  collection  of 
Mr.  John  Hunter,  in  which  several  of  the  genus  Tubicinella,  and  of  the 
species  Cornonula  baleanaris,  were  thus  fixed  in  part  of  a  whale.  M.  Du- 
fresne was  led  by  the  knowledge  thus  obtained,  to  repair  to  Greenland 
Dock,  to  inquire  of  persons  concerned  in  the  whale-fishery,  what  they 
had  observed  respecting  these  animals.  He  was  there  assured,  by  a  per- 
son of  the  name  of  Palmer,  that  he  had  caught  a  whale  which  carried 
more  than  two  hundred  of  these  animals,  arranged  in  groups  of  twelve 
or  fifteen  families  or  tribes,  on  the  superior  part  of  the  whale.  Ann.  du 
Mus.  i.  170. 

Whilst  placing  before  you  a  representation  of  a  rare  and  unexpected 
fossil,  Coronulites  diadema,  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  19,  I  much  regret  at  not  being 
able  to  inform  you  where  it  was  found.  A  view  of  the  figure  will  show  you 
its  agreement  with  Gmelin's  description  of  Lepas  diadema,  Linn,  which, 
in  the  words  of  Linnaeus  himself  is,  Testa  subrotunda,  sex  lobata  sulcata. 
Gmelin  says  of  it :  Habitat  — ,  sordide  alba,  I  pollicis  circiter  alia,  sursum 
angustior,  apertura  superiori  infundibiliformi,  dimidiam  reliqute  testa  diame- 
trum  aguante,  areis  exterius  12  triangulis,  quorum  6  excavate  striis  subtilibus 
transversis  exarata,  sex  alters  elevata  4-5-6  prominentiis  arete  sibi  accumbentibus, 
et  striis  transversis  crenatis  exaratis  constant.  Syst.  Natura,  p.  3208. — I  know 


but  of  one  more  specimen,  which  was  in  the  valuable  collection  of  Mr. 
Donovan,  and  exhibited  in  the  London  Museum. 

CLX.  Anatifa.  A  cuneiform  multivalve,  composed  of  several  unequal 
valves,  five  or  more,  united  together  at  the  extremity  of  a  cartilaginous 
tube,  fixed  at  its  base.  The  opening  without  an  operculum. 

This  shell  is  in  general  composed  of  five  principal  valves,  to  which 
sometimes  several  smaller  are  united  by  a  connecting  membrane.  These 
are  all  supported  by  a  strong  cartilage-membranous,  flexible  tube,  which 
is  capable  of  being  elongated  or  contracted  at  the  will  of  the  animal. 

A.  Itfvis  and  A.  striata  are  both  said  by  Bosc,  Hist,  des  Coquettes,  Tome  n. 
p.  172  and  173,  to  be  found  fossil.  The  latter  of  these  is  also  said  by 
Gmelin,  System.  Nat.  p.  3210,  to  be  sometimes  found  fossil.  Neither  of 
these  statements  are,  I  believe,  supported  by  sufficient  authority ;  since 
all  the  substances  which  I  find  described,  as  the  fossil  remains  of  this  ani- 
mal, appear  to  be  of  a  different  origin. 

Some  long  and  narrow  fragments  have  been  found  on  Mount  Randen, 
in  Switzerland,  one  of  which  is  figured  by  Bourguet,  Traite  des  Petrifica- 
tions,  PI.  LIU.  No.  355,  as  Petit  os  d'Echinite ;  and  others  are  figured  by 
Knorr,  who  also  supposes  that  they  are  the  teeth  of  an  echinus.  These 
are  supposed  by  Bertrand,  Dictionnaire  des  Fossiles,  p.  156,  to  be  the 
fossil  remains  of  a  shell  of  this  species ;  some  of  these  fossils,  which 
are  in  rny  collection,  have  decidedly  the  appearance  of  being  echinal 
remains.  Scheuchzer  and  others  have  described  single  valves,  which, 
from  their  compressed  and  triangular  form,  they  have  been  led  to  ima- 
gine were  the  remains  of  a  shell  of  this  genus.  But  these  are  the  valves 
which  I  have  already  placed  before  you,  under  the  genus  Trigonellites, 
not  seeing  any  reason  for  supposing  them  to  belong  to  the  genus  Anatifa, 
nor  indeed  to  any  other  previously  formed  genus. 

The  fossils  to  which  I  shall  now  call  your  attention  are  particularly 
interesting,  not  merely  from  the  puzzling  appearances,  which  serve,  in 
a  considerable  degree,  to  conceal  the  origin  of  the  fossil  to  which  they 
belong,  but  also  as  they  serve  to  account  for  the  peculiar  rugose,  and  stri- 

VOL.  III.  I  I 


ated  form  observable  on  several  pebbles.  I  have  very  little  doubt  of 
tbese  fossils  deriving  their  forms  from  some  lost  or  unknown  species  of  this 

The  first  specimen  of  this  kind  which  attracted  my  notice,  is  a  flint 
stone  which  1  picked  up  in  the  gravel-pits  near  Hackney-road.  This  is 
represented  Plate  XVI.  Fig.  18.  The  regularity  of  the  transverse  striae 
on  the  rounded  trachea-like  body  which  they  compose,  and  the  smooth 
surface  of  the  valve-like  body  in  which  they  terminate,  gave  me  at  first 
an  idea,  not  only  of  its  having  derived  its  figure  from  animal  organization, 
but  of  its  affinity  to  the  barnacle. 

The  opinion  which  I  at  first  formed,  received  corroboration  from  dif- 
ferent specimens  which  I  afterwards  met  with.  In  some  of  these  spe- 
cimens, both  the  shelly  valve  and  the  cartilaginous  peduncle  are  very 
distinctly  defined.  The,  form  of  the  valve  is  distinct ;  and  the  membra- 
neous or  cartilaginal  part  of  the  peduncle,  is  apparently,  I  could  almost 
say  obviously,  in  a  corrugated  and  contracted  state  ;  and  the  commence- 
ment of  the  valve  is  bordered  by  a  regular  and  well-defined  line:  this, 
indeed,  is  the  case  with  the  specimen  here  represented. 

At  the  sale  of  the  Leverian  Museum  I  purchased  a  specimen,  which  I 
suspect  to  be  an  English  flint,  although  labelled  "  A  pretty  coral,  from 
the  East  Indies."  In  this  fossil  are  apparently  two  distinct  peduncular 
bodies,  with  their  attached  valves :  one  displayed  on  the  upper,  and  the 
other  turned  round  on  the  under  surface  of  the  stone.  In  another  spe- 
cimen, four  of  these  trachea-like  bodies  appear  to  have  been  united  in- 
one  central  body,  by  those  ends  most  remote  from  ^he  part  which  I  have 
named  the  valve.  But  whether  this  fossii  has  belonged  to  the  genus 
Anatifa  or  not,  the  different  states  in  which  the  trachea-like  bodies  are 
seen,  almost  demonstrate  that  it  was  a  part  capable  of  elongation  and 
contraction,  as  circumstances  required. 

It  is  evident  that  many  of  the  rugous  and  striated  pebbles  have  formed 
parts  of  this  fossiS  body:  others,  undoubtedly,  owe  their  rugae  to  other 
fossils ;  among  which,  I  believe,  the  orthoceratites  may  be  mentioned. 

Having  now  concluded  the  examination  of  fossil  shells,  Conchyliolithi, 
I  must  again  say  a  few  words  in  anticipation  of  the  censures  which  may 
await  me,  from  those  who  may  think  the  classification  I  have  adopted, 
with  its  manifold  genera,  a  too  wide  and  improper  deviation  from  that 
of  the  great  Linnoeus.  Had  I  to  have  treated  of  recent  shells,  a  slight 
deviation  might  have  been  sufficient;  but  when  fossil  shells  are  the  sub- 
jects of  our  inquiry,  this  is  riot  sufficient.  Few  of  these,  comparatively, 
were  known  in  that  classification :  many  of  them  Were  even  without, 
names,  except  such  as  were  derived  from  some  erroneous  notion  of  their 
origin ;  but,  by  the  classification  of  Lamarck,  there  hardly  remains  any 
among  the  fossil-shells,  whose  generic  situations  ape  not  now  clearly  ascer 




1  HE  examination  of  the  various  circumstances  which  offer  themselves 
to  our  observation,  whilst  contemplating  the  fossil  remains  of  fishes,  can- 
not fail  of  being  highly  interesting,  and  is  at  the  same  time  very  likely  to 
throw  some  light  on  the  mysterious  events  by  which  their  deaths  and  their 
subsequent  conservation  has  been  effected. 

These  curious  remains  exist  in  various  parts  of  the  world;  but  the 
repository  most  abundant  in  these  fossils  appears  to  be  that  of  the  moun- 
tain Vestena  nova,  improperly  named  Monte  Bolca. 

This  quarry  was  formerly  purchased  by  the  learned  Scipio  Maffei, 
who  spared  no  pains  in  acquiring  the  rich  specimens  which  it  yielded, 
In  these  researches  he  was  assisted  by  the  celebrated  Seguier,  who  there 
formed  an  inestimable  collection,  which  is  now  placed  in  the  central 


school  of  the  department  of  Gard.  But  the  most  important  and  valua- 
ble collection  of  these  fossils  is  that  which  was  formed,  at  a  vast  expense, 
by  the  Count  de  Gazzola,  of  Verona,  who  had  a  considerable  number  of 
these  fishes  engraved,  many  of  which  he  had  published,  in  three  parts 
of  a  most  splendid  work,  the  continuation  of  which  was  prevented  by 
the  successes  of  Bonaparte,  who,  in  the  words  of  M.  Faujas,  "  se  con- 
certa  avec  se  savant,  pour  acquerir  de  gre  a  gre  ce  cabinet  unique," 
p.  1 10.  In  consequence,  it  now  forms  a  part  of  the  National  Museum 
of  Natural  History  at  Paris. 

Near  to  Schio,  in  the  Vincentino,  similar  fish  are  found  with  echi- 
nites  and  shells,  in  a  grey  calcareous  stone,  mixed  with,  clay  and  quart- 
zose  sand.  Small  chetodons  are  also  found  in  a  brown  bituminous  argillo- 
calcareous  schist,  belonging  to  a  coal-mine,  .not  yet  dug,  at  Monteviale, 
near  to  Vicenzo.  At  Salzeo,  situated  at  the  foot  of  that  part  of  the  Alps 
which  joins  to  the  Tyrolean  mountains,  are  found  similar  fish  with  those 
of  Monteviale,  in  a  black  pyritous  fragile  schist:  in  which  are  also 
observable  the  impressions  of  marine  plants,  of  polypodies,  and  of  com- 
pressed wood.  Small  fish  are  also  found  at  Tolmezzo,  a  small  town  of 
Frioul,  and  at  Cerigo,  in  the  Archipelago,  in  a  fissile  stone  resembling 
that  of  Vestena  Nuova.  At  Alessano,  a  province  of  Otranto,  small 
fishes  are  found,  in  a  very  white  calcareous  silt.  In  the  Island  of  Lesina, 
in  Dalmatia,  fossil  fish  are  also  found,  with  the  polish  still  visible  on 
their  scales,  in  a  hard,  sonorous,  and  foliated  reddish  lime-stone.  At 
Scapezzano,  and  in  Monto  Alto,  in  the  duchy  of  Urbin,  and  in  the  pro- 
montory of  Focara,  in  the  same  duchy,  similar  fossils  are  also  found  ;  and 
in  the  latter  place,  they  are  said  to  be  mixed,  in  a  confused  state,  with 
rounded  and  rubbled  porous  lava.  At  Stabia,  to  the  West  of  Castella- 
mare,  Scipio  Breislak  found,  in  a  calcareous  fissile  stone,  impressions  of 
one  particular  species  of  fish  only,  called  at  Naples  Sbaraglioni,  Spams 
guarraccinus.  And  the  same  naturalist  was  informed,  by  M.  Fortis,  that 
the  icthyolites  of  Pietra  Roja,  near  Cerreto,  have  two  particularities : 
the  one  is,  that  the  fish,  on  splitting  the  stone,  is  not  divided,  but  remains 


on  one  side,  leaving  its  impression  on  the  opposite ;  the  other  is,  that 
that  the  bony  parts  of  the  fish  are  changed  into  silicious  matter  *. 

At  Gijon,  in  Naples,  fish  are  found  in  a  black  fissile  stone,  and 
mostly  in  a  good  state  of  conservation.  But  the  black  schist,  in  which 
these  remains  are  found  in  the  greatest  number  and  in  the  best  state  of 
preservation,  is  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Eisleben,  in  the  county  of 
Mansfeld,  in  Upper  Saxony.  This  schist,  which  is  argillaceous,  is  very 
hard  and  black,  and  lays  over  coal.  The  fish  are  in  various  states,  some 
laying  straight,  others  bent ;  but  all  of  them  evidently  much  compressed. 
The  whole  surface  of  the  impression  is  as  if  varnished,  or,  according  to 
Mylius,  as  if  covered  with  naphtha  ;  and  many  of  the  scales  are  entirely 
resplendent  and  variously  coloured,  from  their  having  become  pyritous; 
from  which  circumstance,  these  specimens  often  possess  a  very  beautiful 
appearance.  In  a  specimen  of  this  kind,  from  the  Leverian  Museum, 
almost  all  the  scales  on  one  side  are  in  a  pyritous  state,  and  the  opposite 
part  of  the  schist,  bearing  the  exact  form  of  the  fish,  is  covered  with  a  fine 
grey  pyritous  film. 

Mr.  Knorr  observes,  that  in  general  we  may  be  able  to  determine  the 
situation  in  which  these  fossils  were  placed  in  the  quarry ;  since,  on  split- 
ting the  stone,  the  fish  is  most  commonly  adherent  to  the  upper  plate ; 
whilst,  on  the  lower  plate,  the  impression  only  exists.  M.  Kruger  is  of 
opinion,  that  the  scales  do  not  exist  in  these  specimens;  but,  that  the 
lozenge-formed  markings  are  the  remains  of  the  flesh.  A  white  line 
or  pellicle,  he  observes,  may  be  perceived  to  surround  the  fish,  if  the 
stone  is  broken  across ;  and,  in  this  part,  he  believes  the  scales  to  have 

The  fossil  fish  of  Pappenheim  and  of  Oeningen,  near  the  lake  of  Con- 
stance, are  found  in  considerable  numbers,  and  in  good  preservation. 
The  stratification  of  the  quarry  in  which  they  are  found  is,  according  to 
the  celebrated  Saussure,  1.  one  inch  of  a  grey,  loose,  fine-grained 'sand- 

•  Voyages  Physiques,  &c.  par  Scipion  Breislak,  p.  20. 


stone ;  2.  four  inches  of  clay,  intermixed  with  lime ;  3.  two  feet  two 
inches  of  a  foliated  marly  clay,  with  traces  of  bitumen ;  4.  one  foot  of  a 
calcareous  schist  of  a  yellowish  grey,  intermixed  with  flakes  of  rather 
bituminous  clay;  5.  eight  feet  of  a  fissil  schist,  partly  calcareous,  in  thin 
plates,  and  alternating  with  beds  of  friable  clay;  6.  twelve  feet  of  a  hard 
fawn-coloured  lime-stone,  formed  in  flags  and  in  beds,  possessing  more 
or  less  thickness;  but  very  thin  in  some  parts,  and  having  the  divisions 
marked  by  fine  traces  of  a  brown  matter,  which  yields  a  bituminous 
odour  with  heat.  In  this  stone  are  found  the  fish,  and  with  them  shells, 
insects,  some  small  amphibiae,  and  the  impressions  of  leaves. 

At  Aix,  in  Provence,  M.  Faujas  informs  us,  fossil  fish  are  found,  re- 
sembling, in  their  size  and  state  of  preservation,  those  of  Vestena  Nuova. 
This  quarry  is  formed  of  1.  a  schistose  marie,  of  many  feet  in  thick- 
ness, which  forms  the  roof;  2.  a  white  calcareous  stone,  containing  about 
one  fourth  of  clay  ;  3.  a  pretty  hard  calcareous  bed ;  4.  a  schistose  marie, 
like  that  of  the  roof,  containing  crystals  of  selenite ;  5.  to  this  succeeds  a 
fissile  stone,  a  mixture  of  lime,  clay,  and  bitumen,  of  a  light  yellowish 
grey  colour,  detaching  in  flakes,  on  which  are  discovered  the  remains 
and  impressions  of  fish,  which  are  in  general  well  preserved,  and  are 
from  six  inches  to  even  two  feet  in  length.  The  extinct  volcanoes  of 
Beaulieu  are  about  three  leagues  distant. 

At  Montmartre  the  remains  of  fish  are  also  found  in  a  marley  lime- 
stone, which  is  over  the  plaster  quarry  ;  but  the  bed  in  which  the  fossil 
fish  are  found  at  Aix,  is  beneath  the  plaster-stone.  From  Nanterre, 
near  Paris,  M.  Faujas  obtained  a  fossil  fish,  more  than  ten  inches  long, 
in  solid  lime-stone,  taken  from  seventeen  feet  below  the  surface.  This 
fish,  he  thinks,  bears  a  near  resemblance  to  Coiyphena  chrysums,  Lace- 
pede.  M.  Faujas  himself  discovered,  halfway  up  the  side  of  the  moun- 
tain on  which  is  built  the  castle  of  Rochesauve,  and  beneath  more  than 
twelve  hundred  feet  of  what  he  terms  lava  of  different  kinds,  surmounted 
by  vast  basaltic  masses,  a  fine  and  light  grey  marie,  in  which  existed 


several  leaves  of  trees  and  of  plants,  many  of  which  were,  he  says,  indi- 
genous to  the  South  of  France,  whilst  others  appeared  to  be  foreign  to 
the  climate.  Among  these  were  also  found  the'  remains  of  fishes,  which 
he  ascertained  to  be  idus,  pinna  ani  radiis  13,  -centre  pluro. 

The  following  particulars  respecting  the  fossil  fish  of  Monte  Bolca  and 
the  circumstances  under  which  they  are  found,  as  given  by  the  Rev. 
Mr.  Graydon,  Transactions  >vf  the  Irish  Academy,  Vol.  v.  p.  281,  are  par 
ticularly  interesting. 

Monte  Bolca  lies  on  the  border  of  the  Veronese  territory,  about  fifty 
miles  W.  N.  W.  of  the  Lagunes  oi  Venice,  which  is  supposed  to  be  the 
nearest  sea.  Its  height  has  not  been  ascertained,  but  it  is  pretty  consi- 
derable. It  forms  one  of  the  chain,  or  ladder,  of  secondary  hills,  which, 
from  some  distance  from  the  adjoining  Vicentine,  rise  gradually  above 
one  another,  to  the  Alps  of  the  bishopric  of  Trent.  Great  part  of  this 
tract  has  been  considered  by  many  naturalists  as  being  covered  with  pro- 
ductions of  extinct  volcanoes;  but  the  supposed  .compact  lava  of  the 
Vicentine  and  Veronese  is  wholly  of  the  argillaceous  genus,  and  of  the 
traph  or  horn-Wend  species,  resembling  basalt :  indeed,  the  summit  of 
this  hill  itself  was,  many  years  ago,  discovered,  by  Abate  Fortis,  to  be 
crowned  with  a  great  mass  of  tolerably  defined  columnar  basalt. 

The  whole  of  the  hill,  as  far  as  I  could  observe,  Mr.  Graydon  says, 
seems  to  be  composed  of  similar,  or  at  least  of  argillaceous  matter,  except 
the  quarries  in  which  the  fish  are  found,  which  are  calcareous,  and  lie 
at  about  halt  a  mile  from  the  summit.  Besides,  the  dissimilarity  of  these 
to  the  other  materials  of  the  hill,  it  is  further  important  to  remark,  that 
they  do  not  form  a  continued  stratum,  but  lie  in  great  and  wholly  de- 
tached and  distinct  masses,  as  it  were  accidentally  imbedded  in  the  side 
of  the  hill,  set  in  a  loose  rubble  of  argillaceous  and  the  same  kind  of  cal- 
careous fragments,  the  whole,  more  or  less,  in  a  state  of  decomposition. 

What  is  most  remarkable  is,  that  these  tish  are  described  as  the  mo- 
dern natives  of  various  seas,  most  remote  from  each  other,  and  not  of 


Europe  only,  but  of  Asia,  the  Indian  Ocean,  the  South  Sea,  Africa, 
North  and  South  America ;  and,  in  addition  to  these,  some  few  of  fresh 

M.  Bozza,  the  original  proprietor  of  the  soil,  speaking  of  his  collection, 
in  a  paper  published  by  him,  says :  "  In  my  cabinet,  which  contained 
upwards  of  six  hundred  fish  of  different  sizes,  all  ox'  "acted  from  Bolca, 
there  are  more  than  one  hundred  whose  kinds  are  known,  which  differ 
from  each  other  in  genus  and  species,  and  many  others  besides,  to  which 
similar  living  ones  have  not  yet  been  discovered."  In  another  passage  he  adds  : 
"  The  first  decade  of  fish  published  by  M.  Broussonet,  has  ascertained 
to  us,  that  many  of  these  found  at  Bolca  are  natives  of  the  South  Sea — 
of  these  I  have  four,  which  agree  exactly  in  form,  in  proportions,  and  in 
fins,  with  four  described  by  M.  Broussonet,  which  are  peculiar  to  the 
sea  of  Otaheite,  which  are  the  polynemus  plebeius,  or  Emoi  of  the  Otahei- 
teans ;  the  Gobius  striatus,  which  they  call  Jaipoa ;  the  Chatodon  triostegust 
and  the  Gobius  oscellaris."  These  perfectly  correspond  with  the  fish  given 
by  Sir  Joseph  Banks  to  M.  Broussonet.  * 

The  stone  has  been  generally  termed  a  marie  or  marley  schist.  It  is 
a  whitish,  yellowish,  or  bluish  grey,  and  in  general  yields  easily  to  the 
knife,  emitting  at  the  same  time,  a  peculiar  fetid  smell,  differing  consi- 
derably from  the  smell  of  the  common  lapis  suillus. 

The  forms  of  the  fishes  are  well  defined,  and  the  harder  parts  are 
remarkably  well  expressed.  The  dark  brown  matter  composing  these 
fish  remains  distinct,  and  may  be  picked  off  from  the  stone,  and  projects 
in  proportion  to  the  thickness  of  each  part  in  its  natural  state.  It  is  hard, 
brittle,  and  rather  glossy,  through  its  substance,  except  in  some  of  the 
grosser  bones,  such  as  the  joints  of  the  vertebrae;  which,  though  of  this 
appearance  externally,  are  found,  when  broken,  to  consist  internally  of 
laminar  crystallized  calcareous  spar. 

Mr.  Gray  don  proposes  a  very  ingenious  explanation  of  the  phenomena 
yielded  by  the  fish  of  Monte  Bolca  and  their  surrounding  matrix.  He  sup- 


poses  the  fine  light-coloured  calcareous  mass  in  which  they  are  imbedded 
to  have  been  formed  by  the  deposition  of  carbonate  of  lime  from  lime-stone 
heated  by  volcanic  fires,  and  plunged  in  this  state  in  the  ocean.  By  this 
means,  he  thinks  the  fish  would  be  destroyed,  and  would  remain  in  the 
calcareous  magma,  which,  as  it  became  condensed,  would  retain  and 
absorb  the  putrid  gases  evolved  from  the  fish,  and  would  thereby  become 
a  stink-stone,  yielding  its  peculiarly  offensive  smell  by  attrition. 

The  British  Isles  are  not  so  productive  of  this  class  of  fbsssils  as  are 
several  of  the  places  on  the  Continent,  which  have  been  just  particula- 
rized. In  Oxfordshire,  Gloucestershire,  Leicestershire,  Lincolnshire, 
Dorsetshire,  and  Kent,  however,  some  specimens  of  entire,  or  nearly 
entire  fishes  have  been  found. 

In  Mr.  Donovan's  collection  is  a  very  beautiful  and  complete  impres- 
sion of  a  small  fish  on  Portland  stone.  This  fish  much  resembles  a  smelt 
in  size  and  form.  In  the  same  collection  is  a  very  fair  and  perfect  im- 
pression of  a  small  fish,  in  bluish  lime-stone,  from  Burfbrd,  in  Oxford- 
shire; but  which  I  have  never  had  the  opportunity  of  examining  so 
closely,  as  to  be  authorized  in  forming  an  opinion  under  what  genus  it 
might  be  placed. 

The  Hon.  Daines  Barrington  communicated  to  the  Royal  Society,  in 
1755,  the  figure  and  description  of  a  fossil,  found  at  Bath,  which  he 
conceived  to  be  part  of  a  fossil  beaver's  tail.  A  comparison,  however,  of 
this  fossil,  with  some  specimens  which  were  formerly  in  Mr.  Strange's 
Museum,  and  which  were  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Weymouth, 
determines  this  fossil  to  be  part  of  a  fish. 

This  is  plainly  evinced  in  one  of  these  specimens,  in  which  the  form 
of  the  body  is  observable,  and  its  upper  and  lower  terminations  are 
nearly  preserved.  From  the  comparative  thinness  and  width  of  the  body 
it  may  perhaps  be  considered  as  of  the  family  Leptosomes,  of  Dumeril, 
and  of  the  genus  Pleuro?)ectes.  As  neither  the  fins  nor  the  gills  are  pre- 
served, in  any  specimen  which  I  have  seen,  no  opinion  can  be  formed 

VOL.   III.  K  K 

with  respect  to  its  generic  or  specific  resemblances.  The  square  scales 
with  which  its  body  is  covered,  and  which  are  so  large  in  proportion  to 
the  size  of  the  animal,  render  it  different,  I  believe,  from  any  recent  fish 
which  has  been  yet  described.  A  patch  of  these  scales  is  represented 
Plate  XVI.  Fig.  "l2. 

Numerous  remains  of  fishes  are  found  in  the  pyritous  clay  of  Shepey ; 
but  in  so  mutilated  a  state,  as  not  to  allow  of  forming  any  probable 
conjecture  as  to  the  relationship  which  they  may  bear  to  any  existing 

"  Our  own  country  hath  lately  afforded  what  (says  Mr.  Jones)  I  ap- 
prehend to  be  the  greatest  curiosity  of  this  sort  that  ever  yet  appeared. 
Jt  is  the  entire  figure  of  a  bream,  more  than  a  foot  in  length,  and  of  a 
proportionable  depth,  with  the  scales,  fins,  and  gills,  fairly  projecting 
from  the  surface,  like  a  sculpture  in  relievo,  and  with  all  the  lineaments, 
even  to  the  most  minute  fibres  of  the  tail,  so  complete,  that  the  like  has 
not  been  seen  before.  It  was  taken  from  the  stone  quarries  of  Barrow, 
in  Lincolnshire,  and  is  now,  by  a  fortunate  circumstance,  in  the  possession 
of  the  learned  Mr.  Green,  Woodwardian  Professor  of  Fossils  in  the  Uni- 
versity of  Cambridge."  P.  41 1; 

"  Another  very  fine  fossil  fish,  of  a  different  constitution,  was  dis- 
covered in  a  block  of  Leicestershire  coal,  at  the  house  of  the  late  Sir  J. 
Robinson,  in  Northamptonshire.  It  is  a  considerable  part  of  the  body  of 
a  salmon  (or  rather  the  image  of  what  once  was  its  body),  in  a  white 
sand-tone,  with  the  lineaments  of  the  scales.  The  cavity  of  the  body  is 
filled  with  coal,  which  is  a  very  singular  circumstance.  It  was  lately 
presented,  by  Sir  George  Robinson,  to  Sir  Ashton  Lever,  and  is  now 
.preserved  in  his  Museum  *." 

We  are,  however,  by  no  means  to  admit  of  the  existence  of  an  identity 
of  species,  between  fossil  and  recent  fish,  in  all  the  instances  in  which  it 
has  been  claimed.  Similarity  of  appearance  is  by  no  means  sufficient  to 

*  Physiological  Disquisitions,  &c.  by  William  Jo^es,  F.  R.S,  1181, 


warrant  a  decision  in  these  cases ;  the  specific,  or  at  least  the  generic 
characters,  should  be  discoverable  in  the  fossil  specimen ;  which  is  not 
the  case,  at  least,  in  the  figure  of  the  fossil  fish  considered  by  Mr.  Jones 
as  a  bream.  The  fossil  also,  above  described,  as  being  part  of-a  salmon> 
Mr.  Jones  afterwards  discovered  to  be  the  remains  of  a  vegetable,  arid 
took  the  first  opportunity  to  acknowledge  his  error. 

The  paucity  of  fossil  fish  is  attributed,  by  M.  Faujas,  to  the  quickness 
with  which  fish  are  decomposed  after  death,  and  to  the  vast  numbers 
which  are  destroyed  by  the  stronger  devouring  the  weak.  But  these  two 
circumstances  by  no  means  account  for  this  interesting  fact.  It  is  true, 
that  the  flesh  may,  if  exposed  to  the  air,  soon  run  into  putrefaction ;  but 
even  then,  the  bones  in  the  spinous  fishes,  and  the  scales  and  spiculae, 
would  be  left ;  the  two  latter  being,  as  has  been  observed  by  Mr.  Hatchett, 
true  bony  substances,  containing  much  phosphate  of  lime,  with  a  greater 
proportion  of  the  membranaceous  part  than  in  common  bone.  The 
destructive  wars  between  these  animals  must  immediately  be  seen  to 
have  no  bearing  on  this  particular  fact;  since,  if  the  waters  continued  to 
be  well  peopled,  the  number  of  fossils  of  this  class  would  not  be  thereby 

I  should  not  have  noticed  the  insufficiency  of  M.  Faujas's  argu- 
ments, but  from  a  fear  lest  they  should  have  been-  too  easily  admit- 
ted, and  the  further  consideration  of  this  important  fact  too  speedily 
closed,  I  am  the  more  anxious  to  prevent  this,  since  I  conceive  that 
the  desired  explanation  may  be  more  likely  to  be  found  in  the  circum- 
stances under  which  the  bed  was  formed,  in  which  they  have  become 

The  same  writer  conceives  that  the  opinion  of  the  fish  of  Vestena 
Nova  having  been  instantly  killed  (asphi.iies  subitement),  is  supported  by 

the  position  and  the  horizontal  and  tranquil  situation  in  which  they  are 
found  :  Essai  de  Geologic,  p.  107.  It  may  be  sufficient,  to  show  how  lit- 
tle reliance  is  to  be  placed  on  this  reasoning,  to  observe,  that  the  cele- 
brated Werner  has  deduced  the  same  inference  from  the  opposite  fact ; 
he  being  of  opinion,  from  the  contorted  aspect  of  the  fish,  in  the  bitumi- 


nous  slate  of  Mansfeldt,  that  the  fish  have  been  suddenly  killed  by  an 
irruption  or  instantaneous  formation  of  sulphureo-metallic  matter  *. 

Nor  does  the  particular  circumstance  which  has  been  so  much  insisted 
upon,  as  a  proof  of  this  opinion  of  M.  Faujas,  appear  to  be  at  all  conclusive. 
The  circumstance  to  which  I  allude  is,  that  which  is  displayed  in  one  of 
the  specimens  from  Vestena  Nuova,  in  the  Museum  of  Natural  History  at 
Paris.  In  this  specimen  a  pike  is  seen,  which  has  died,  with  another 
fish  of  the  same  species  still  in  his  throat ;  it  having  been  supposed  that 
its  instantaneous  death  was  produced  by  a  sudden  volcanic  irruption  into 
the  water,  at  the  moment  of  its  having  swallowed  its  prey. 

The  fact,  however,  really  is,  that  fossil  fish  are  found  in  all  the  different 
quarries  in  which  they  exist,  in  almost  every  state  and  position  which 
can  be  conceived.  Sometimes,  with  their  altered  flesh  still  covering 
their  bones,  and  at  other  times  the  skeleton  only  is  preserved.  Many 
are  seen  laid  out  in  a  straight  line,  but  nearly  as  many  are  also  seen  in 
various  contorted  positions. 

There  are  no  fossil  remains  of  any  class  of  animals,  except,  perhaps, 
of  the  Crustacea,  which  accord  so  much  with  the  existing  genera,  and 
even  species,  as  those  of  fish.  The  proportion,  indeed,  of  fossil  fish, 
which  have  existing  analogues,  is  so  great,  as  to  render  it  by  no  means 
improbable,  considering  how  frequently,  in  the  present  day,  new  genera 
are  discovered,  that  the  analogues  of  such  as  are  now  only  known  in  a 
mineralized  state  may  yet  be  found. 

Among  the  fossil  fish,  whose  living  analogues  are  known,  the  pike, 
the  carp,  the  perch,  the  eel,  the  sea-scorpion,  the  scarus,  the  mackarel, 
the  turbot,  the  sword-fish,  lod,  gadus  mustela,  gobius,  and  several  others, 
have  been  mentioned  by  different  authors,  among  the  fishes  found  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  Verona.  M.  Faujas  particularizes  a  Fistularia, 
of  Japan ;  a  pegasus,  of  the  Indian  Sea  and  of  Brazil ;  and  three  cheto- 
dons  of  India.  M.  Lacepede,  in  the  preliminary  discourse  to  the  second 
volume  of  his  Natural  History  of  Fishes,  informs  us,  that  more  than 

*  System  of  Mineralogy,  by  Mr.  Jamieson,  Vol.  I.  p.  530. 


thirty  Asiatic,  African,  and  American  species  of  fishes,  have  been  here 
discovered.  M.  Fortis  also  observes,  in  a  letter  to  M.  Faujas,  that  the 
approximation  which  he  has  been  able  to  make  of  these  fishes  to  the 
figures  of  those  of  Otaheite,  published  by  Broussonnet,  has  convinced 
him,  that  it  is  absolutely  in  that  distant  sea  that  the  actually  living  de- 
scendants of  the  ancient  generation,  now  found  mummified  in  the  quarry 
of  Vestena-Nova,  are  to  be  sought  for:  as  it  is  in  these  same  parts  that 
we  find  the  originals  of  almost  all  the 'petrified  shells  of  the  mountains  of 
Verona  and  of  Vicentino  *. 




IT  is  sometimes  difficult,  when-  separated  from  the  parts  with  which 
they  were  originally  united,  to  refer  the  fossil  remains  of  fishes  to  the  real 
situation  which  they  held  in  the  living  animal,  6r  to  ascertain  the  offices 
which  they  performed.  In  many  of  these  instances  we  may,  however, 
derive  considerable  assistance  from  the  examination  of  the  analogous  parts 
in  living  animals. 

The  heads  of  fishes  are  very  frequently  found  among  the  Shepey  fossils, 
and  have  sometimes  been  supposed  to  bear  a  strong  resemblance  to  known 
species,  as  the  pike,  gurnard,  &c.  In  some  of  these,  an  appearance 
is  observable,  although  rarely,  which  gives  the  idea  of  the  eye  of  the  ani- 

*  Essai  de  Geologic,  p»  112. 


-mal  having  been  petrified  :  and  a  careful  examination  of  this  part  allows 
me  to  suppose  that  it  is,  in  fact,  either  the  Cornea  or  the  Membrana  nic- 
titans,  which  has  been  thus  preserved.  I  have  been  led  to  this  supposition, 
by  discovering,  by  means  of  a  lens,  that  in  one  specimen  this  part  retains 
an  uncommonly  smooth  and  polished  surface,  whilst,  in  another,  it  has 
such  a  rugous  appearance,  as  might  be  expected  to  be  found  in  the  mem- 
brand  ?iictita?is,  on  being  exposed  to  the  action  of  moisture  after  death. 

In  some  of  these  specimens,  the  branchial  operculum,  or  covering  of 
the  gills,  is  found  in  very  tolerable  preservation ;  in  others,  the  bony  rays 
of  the  fins  are  preserved ;  and  in  most,  where  it  is  possible  to  remove  the 
adherent  matrix,  which  is  rarely  the  case,  the  bones  of  the  head  may  be 
displayed,  in  situ,  and  very  interesting  fossils  thereby  obtained. 

The  jaws  of  the  spinous  fishes  are  also  sometimes  found  in  a  very  tole- 
rable state  of  preservation ;  being  sometimes  closed,  and  other  times 
very  widely  separated.  In  the  British  Museum  is  an  uncommonly  beau- 
tiful specimen  of  the  skin  of  the  under  lip  of  a  fish  in  a  mineralized  state, 
and  in  perfect  preservation.  This  is  the  only  fossil  of  the  kind  that  I 
have  seen;  nor  can  its  rarity  be  wondered  at,  when  it  is  considered, 
that  the  proneness  to  decomposition,  in  this  part,  can  hardly  be  expected 
to  give  time  for  the  impregnation  necessary  for  its  mineralization. 

The  teeth  of  fish  are,  from  their  nature  and  structure,  among  the  best 
preserved  and  most  numerous  fossil  remains  of  these  animals.  From  the 
number  in  which  they  exist,  they  particularly  engaged  the  attention  of 
the  early  oryctologists,  who  distinguished  them  by  names  chiefly  derived 
from  their  forms.  Hence  we  find  them  spoken  of  by  the  names  of 
Glossopetra,  Plectronites,  Rostrago,  Falcatula,  &c.  Glossopetra  was,  however, 
employed  as  the  general  term,  expressive  of  a  tongue  converted  into 
stone :  and,  from  certain  differences  in  their  size  and  forms,  these  were 
supposed  to  have  been  the  tongues  of  birds,  serpents,  &c.  Gesner,  Keis- 
kius,  Lang,  and  others,  regarded  them  as  sports  of  nature ;  but  Steno 
and  Fabius  Columna  at  once  asserted  their  animal  origin,  and  pointed 
out  the  animal  to  which  they  conceived  they  had  belonged. 

These  fossils  vary  considerably  in  their  size  and  form :  some  scarcely 
exceeding  a  quarter  of  an  inch,  whilst  others  are  full  five  inches  in  length  ; 
some  heirig  triangular  and  flat;  some  long,  straight,  and  conical;  and 
others  very  nearly  resembling,  in  form,  the  beak  of  a  bird.  The  great 
variety  in  their  forms  serves  to  show  us,  that  the  animals  from  which 
they  derived  their  origin  must  have  differed  materially  from  each  other. 

The  large  triangular  glossopetrse,  with  nearly  straight  and  finely  jag- 
ged edges,  rather  an  obtuse  apex,  and  a  flattish  or  slightly-forked  base, 
appears  to  have  belonged  to  an  animal  differing,  at  least  in  its  magni- 
tude, from  any  animal  with  which  we  are  acquainted,  that  is  furnished 
with  teeth  of  a  similar  form.  The  specimen  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  11,  though 
inferior  to  many  in  size,  must  have  belonged  to  an  enormous  animal :  it 
is  four  inches  and  a  half  long,  and  three  inches  and  a  half  wide  at  its 
base.  M.  Lacepede  has  made  some  very  ingenious  calculations  respect- 
ing the  size  of  the  shark  to  which  a  fossil  tooth  in  the  National  Museum 
had  belonged,  which  tooth  was  rather  smaller  than  the  one  here  figured; 
and  he  concludes,  that  it  could  not  have  been  less  than  seventy  feet  nine 
inches  in  length. 

These  teeth  have  been  supposed  to  approach  the  nearest  in  form  to 
those  of  the  white  shark  Squalus  carcharias,  Linn.;  and  calculating  the 
size  of  the  animal,  to  which  some  of  these  fossil  teeth  have  belonged,  from 
the  size  of  the  teeth  in  the  white  shark  of  the  present  time,  it  cannot  be 
doubted  that  some  of  these  animals  must  have  been  at  least  an  hundred 
feet  in  length. 

These  teeth,  from  their  supposed  origin  from  these  animals,  have  been 
named  carchariodontes.  They  have  been  also  called  Lfrmiodontts,  from 
these  animals  having  been  named  Lamia,  by  the  earlier  naturalists.  They 
have  been  found  in  different  parts  of  the  world ;  but,  in  the  greatest 
numbers,  in  Malta  and  t^e  neighbouring  islands. 

Teeth  of  a  nearly  similar  form,  but  of  much  less  magnitude,  are  also 
frequently  found.  It  is  difficult  to  say  whether  these  have  belonged  to 
young  animals  of  the  same  species  as  those  which  bore  the  teeth,  just 


described,  or  to  animals  specifically  distinct.  The  circumstance,  how- 
ever, of  the  vast  difference  in  size,  leads  me  to  believe  the  latter  to  be  the 
case.  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  2  and  9,  represent  some  of  the  smaller  specimens 
of  triangular  teeth. 

The  straight  conical  glossopetrae,  have  been  supposed  to  resemble 
the  tongue  or  beak  of  a  raven,  and  have  been  named  Ornithoglossa  and 
Grazirrhinchi.  These  appear  to  have  belonged  to  fish  approximating  very 
nearly  to  those  to  which  the  preceding  teeth  have  belonged.  Scilla,  who 
carefullf  examined  the  fossils  of  this  description,  supposed  these  fossil 
teeth  to  have  belonged  to  that  species  of  shark  which  the  Messinese  have 
named  Stampella,  (Squalus  zygena,  Linn.)  the  balance-fish,  of  which  fish 
he  gives  a  correct  figure,  as  well  as  three  figures  of  the  accordant  fossil 
teeth,  so  frequently  found  at  Malta  *.  A  representation  of  a  fossil  tooth 
from  Malta,  of  this  species,  is  given  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  2. 

The  fossil  tooth  from  the  Kentish  chalk- pits,  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  3,  very 
much  accords  with  the  description  of  the  teeth  of  the  Squalus  galeus, 
Linn.  Its  length  hardly  exceeds  its  width ;  and  its  point  is  so  much 
inclined  to  one  side,  as  to  form  a  notch  on  that  side.  The  edges  are  very 
finely  serrated.  The  teeth  of  the  Squalas  miistelus,  according  to  M.  Cu- 
vier,  agree  in  form  w  ith  the  preceding,  but  are  scarcely  at  all  jagged  on 
their  internal  edge.  It  seems  to  be  to  this  species  that  the  teeth  named 
Acanthiodontes,  and  figured  by  Lhwydd,  No.  1417,  may  be  referred. 

The  fossil  tooth,  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  5,  rising  into  a  sharp  simple  point, 
with  a  small  point  on  each  side,  projecting  immediately  from  the  root, 
resembles,  in  these  characters,  the  teeth  of  the  Squalus  dnereus.  All  the 
teeth  of  the  Squalus  stdlaris  are  also  long,  and  pointed  with  a  small  point 
on  each  side,  at  the  base,  like  the  last  figured  tooth.  In  the  Squalus 
nasus  are  similar  teeth,  but  not  so  numerous  as  in  S.  stellaris. 

Triangular  teeth,  with  three  points,  are  the  Glossopetrte  tricuspida  faves* 
tridentul<R>  Luidii.  Teeth  of  this  figure  are  found  in  the  Isle  of  Shepey,  and 

*  De  Corp.  Marin.  Lap.  Tab.  xxvin.  Fig.  n.  in. 


are  generally  of  a  dark  colour,  from  ferruginous  impregnation,  Plate 
XXIX.  Fig.  5.  Teeth  of  this  figure  are  sometimes,  but  very  rarely  found, 
with  their  surfaces  covered  with  close  longitudinal  striae,  and  bearing  a 
very  high  polish.  The  specimen,  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  10,  is  a  magnified 
representation  of  one  of  these,  from  a  mass  in  which  are  several  other 
teeth,  which,  though  varying  considerably  in  their  form,  are  all  evidently 
of  the  same  fish,  and  all  have  similar  markings.  This  mass  was  found 
at  the  Old  Passage,  Gloucestershire,  by  Mr.  Johnson,  of  Bristol,  who  has 
a  beautiful  mass  of  similar  teeth,  but  of  a  larger  size,  which  he  obtained 
from  Charmouth. 

In  the  Squalus  squatina  the  teeth  are  simply  pointed,  with  a  broad  base, 
but  with  no  lateral  points ;  somewhat  resembling  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  9.  In 
the  Squalus  maximus  and  glaucus  the  teeth  have  a  sharp  cutting  edge  only, 
agreeing  nearly  with  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  2. 

Spallanzani  speaks  of  the  very  singular  dentature  of  two  jaws  similar 
to  that  of  the  Squalus  of  Messina,  which,  he  thinks,  has  not  been  yet 
described.  These  jaws  were  brought,  with  a  number  of  exotic  fishes,  from 
Holland,  and  appear  to  have  belonged  to  a  very  large  Squalus,  but  of  a 
species  hitherto  unknown  ;  at  least,  he  says,  he  does  not  find;teeth  of  a 
similar  structure  described  by  any  writer.  The  opening  of  the  jaws  is  full 
three  feet  and  a  half  in  circuit,  and  consequently  large  enough  to  receive 
a  man  of  middling  size  lengthwise  *. 

The  figures  of  these  teeth,  as  given  by  Spallanzani,  exactly  agree 
with  those  which  are  given  by  Scilla,  as  belonging  to  the  kind  of  dog- 
fish, which  have  obtained,  in  the  Mediterranean,  the  name  of  Colom- 
bina,  or  Vacca,  and  which  he  thinks  may  be,  perhaps,  the  same  fish  of 
which  Aldrovandus  speaks,  Lib.  3,  Cap.  52.  Scilla  gives  a  representa- 
tion of  the  head  and  jaws  of  this  fish,  in  which  the  agreement  with  the 
jaws  described  by  Spallanzani  is  very  evident.  Plate  XVIII.  Fig.  10, 
is  a  fossil  tooth  of  this  species  from  rny  collection,  which  is  very  small. 

*  Travels  in  the  Two  Sicilies,  Vol.  iv.  p.  370. 
VOL.  III.  L  L 


Fig.  11,  is  one  figured  by  Scilla;  and  each  exactly  agree,  in  form,  with 
those  of  the  recent  fish  both  of  Scilla  and  of  Spallanzani. 

It  is  worthy  of  observation,  that  the  triangular  Glossopetrre  are  never 
found  attached  to  any  bony  substance ;  a  circumstance  confirming  the 
opinion  of  their  having  originally  been  the  teeth  of  fishes  of  the  genus 
Squalus.  The  teeth  of  this  genus,  as  has  been  some  time  since  remarked 
by  Scilla,  and  very  lately  by  Spallanzani,  not  being  placed  in  bony 
sockets,  but  implanted  in  a  hard  and  fungous  flesh ;  and  which,  decay- 
ing by  putrefaction,  allows  the  teeth  to  become  detached. 

Conichthyodontcs  striati.  These  rare  fossils  are  very  exactly  described, 
by  M.  Walch,  as  being  of  a  conical  form,  round  on  all  sides,  with  the 
superior  termination,  as  it  were,  truncated ;  and  the  whole  surface  of  the 
teeth  so  covered  with  longitudinal  striae,  as  to  give  them  somewhat  of 
the  appearance  of  a  Dentalite.  These  are  sometimes  found  in  the  quar- 
ries of  Chippenham,  and  of  other  parts  of  Wiltshire  and  Oxfordshire. 
One  of  these  fossils  is  represented  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  4. 

The  straight  or  slightly  bent  conical  teeth,  Conichthyodontes  recti  teretes, 
have  been  termed  Plectronit&  and  Rostragi?ies ;  and,  indeed,  are  fre- 
quently called  birds'  bills  by  the  quarrymen  who  find  them.  Plate  XIX. 
Fig.  8. 

The  teeth  of  which  I  have  hitherto  spoken  may  be  considered  as  being 
of  the  class  of  Incisores,  and  as  being  of  the  most  decided  kinds.  There 
are  others,  which  differ  from  these  in  their  forms ;  but  so  little,  as  not  to 
require  further  notice  here :  such  are  those,  which  display  little  degrees 
of  variety  of  curvature,  or  which  have  suffered  some  change  of  figure 
from  accident. 

The  molar  teeth,  which  are  placed  in  the  back  part  of  the  jaws,  and 
even  on  the  palate  and  in  the  back  part  of  the  fauces,  are  the  next 
subjects  for  our  examination.  These  have  been  long  known  in  their 
mineralized  state  ;  and  some  of  them,  for  their  imaginary  virtues,  have 
been  held  in  very  high  estimation.  These  are  the  fossils  generally  known. 


as  Bufonites,  and  are  also  called  Serpents'  eyes,  Batrachites,  and  Crapau- 
dines,  from  the  notion  of  their  having  been  formed  in  the  heads  of  ser- 
pents, toads,  or  frogs ;  and,  on  account  of  their  assumed  virtues,  were 
preserved,  and  set  in  rings  and  other  ornamental  articles.  A  large  spe- 
cimen of  this  kind  is  represented  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  6. 

Their  real  origin  has  however  been  long  ascertained.  They  are  the 
rounded  grinders  of  the  jaw  and  palate  of  fishes  of  the  genus  Anarhicas, 
and  chiefly,  perhaps,  of  the  Anarhicas  lupus.  In  this  fish  there  are  six 
and  more  sharp  and  conical  fore-teeth  in  each  jaw ;  and  behind  these, 
in  the  lower  jaw  and  in  the  palate,  are  disposed  the  round  molares,  or 
bufonites.  With  these  weapons  they  are  able  to  crush  the  crustaceous 
or  testaceous  coverings  of  different  marine  animals,  and  thus  obtain  their 
prey.  It  is  even  said,  they  will  gnaw,  and  leave  the  marks  of  their 
teeth  on  the  anchors  of  ships.  From  the  considerable  size  of  these  bodies^ 
in  the  teeth  of  recent  fish,  it  does  not  appear  that  the  size  of  the  fishes, 
in  the  jaws  of  which  the  bufonites,  or  fossil  teeth,  had  been  formed,  had 
vastly  exceeded  that  of  the  wolf-fish  of  the  present  day.  In  part  of  a 
recent  jaw  before  me,  these  molar  teeth  are  of  a  very  large  size  in  propor- 
tion to  the  bones  of  the  jaw. 

It  is  extremely  probable,  that  some  of  the  smaller  bufonites  are  the  molar 
teeth  offish  of  the  genus  Spams ;  and  particularly  S.  sargus,  S.  dente.v,  and 
S.  aurata,  or  Gilthead,  similar  teeth  existing  in  the  jawrs  of  these  fishes. 
In  the  recent  jaws  and  palates  of  these  fishes,  secondary  teeth  of  this 
kind  may  be  seen  concealed  in  the  cancellous  part  of  the  bone,  ready  to 
be  propelled,  as  any  of  those  already  in  use  are  broken  away.  Plate  XIX. 
Fig.  7,  is  an  interesting  specimen,  displaying  three  rows  of  moderate- 
sized  bufonitae,  imbedded  in  their  original  bone.  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  12, 
are  two  bufonitae,  attached  to  a  part  of  the  jaw,  and  supported  by  their 
original  columnar  bony  processes. 

Sir  Hans  Sloane  relates,  that  a"mong  some  fossils  which  were  shown  to 
him  from  Maryland,  he  perceived  one  which  agreed  very  closely  with 
the  bony  tongue  of  a  fish  which  he  had  seen  in  Jamaica;  and  on  com- 


parison  with  a  tongue  of  this  kind,  found  in  Mr.  Charlton's  collection, 
from  the  Pastnaca  marina,  he  found  their  agreement  very  exact  *. 

lam  happy  in  being  able  to  place  before  you  two  illustrative  speci- 
mens of  this  kind.  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  16,  is  a  fossil  from  the  Isle  of  She- 
pey,  which  appears  to  have  belonged  to  some  fish  of  the  genus  Raia, 
being  very  closely  accordant  with  the  recent  bony  tongue  of  the  fish  of 
this  genus,  figured,  in  outline,  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  13.  I  have  another  recent 
specimen  of  this  kind,  the  jointed  bone  of  which  is  longer,  and  exactly 
agrees  with  that  figured,  by  Sir  Hans  Sloane,  as  the  tongue  of  the  Raia 

Another  fossil  specimen  of  this  kind,  in  my  possession,  is  considerably 
larger  than  the  one  which  I  have  here  figured :  and  in  my  friend,  Mr. 
Crow's  collection,  of  Faversham,  is  one  which  is  six  inches  in  length, 
and  three  inches  and  a  quarter  in  breadth. 

The  structure  of  this  body,  as  is  most  evident  in  the  analogous  re- 
cent specimen,  is  singular  and  interesting.  It  is  formed  of  two  hori- 
zontally-disposed laminse  :  the  upper  of  which  is  of  a  very  close  and  dense 
structure,  and  forms  the  masticating  surface;  the  other  is  of  a  more  cel- 
lular texture.  Both  these  substances  are  transversely  divided  into  six 
plates,  which  are  united  to  each  other  by  very  fine  and  close  sutures, 
and  have  a  row  of  interstitial  substances,  of  a  hexagonal  form,  placed 
between  their  lateral  terminations.  This  body,  as  appears  in  the  recent 
specimen,  was  attached  to  the  surrounding  bones :  the  masticating  sur- 
face is  placed  upwards  in  the  fossil,  as  well  as  in  the  recent  specimen. 

Plate  XIX.  Fig.  17,  is  another  fossil  from  Shepey,  the  general  struc- 
ture of  which  agrees  with  the  preceding,  excepting  that,  in  this  body, 
there  appears  to  have  been  two  rows  of  hexagonal  bodies.  As,  in  the 
preceding  figure,  the  masticating  surface  was  shown ;  so  here  the  other 
surface,  the  bony  base,  is  shown  ;  and  this  chiefly  for  the  purpose  of 
showing  the  perpendicular  fibres,  which,  giving  to  this  surface  a  brush- 


'*  Phil.  Trans.  Vol.  xiX.    N'o.  232. 


like  appearance,  induced  Lhwydd  to  give  the  name  of  Scapula  litoralis  to 
this  fossil. 

The  comminuting  surface  of  the  first  of  these  fossils,  Plate  XIX. 
Fig.  16,  is  gently  convex ;  whilst  that  of  the  latter,  Fig.  17,  possesses  a 
correspondent  degree  of  concavity.  From  this  circumstance  I  am  led  to 
suppose,  that  the  former  has  been  the  lower  part  or  tongue,  and  the 
latter  the  upper  part  or  palate,  of  perhaps  the  same  species  offish. 

Plate  XIX.  Fig.  14,  is  another  fossil  palate,  of  a  different  species. 
This  differs  from  the  preceding  species  not  only  in  the  form  of  its  plates, 
but  in  its  structure.  The  lateral  substances  are  here  plates,  laying  over 
each  other,  like  the  tiles  of  a  roof,  ready  to  succeed,  as  the  upper  plates 
are  worn  or  broken  away.  The  substance  of  the  plates,  in  this  speci- 
men, when  examined  by  a  lens,  are  seen  to  be  very  different  from  that 
of  bone ;  appearing,  indeed,  rather  deserving  a  place  between  enamel 
and  horn  :  possessing,  with  a  denseness  of  structure  like  that  of  the  for- 
mer substance,  a  small  degree  of  the  transparency  observable  in  the 

Those  bodies  which  are  called  by  the  quarry  men  petrified  leeches,  of 
which  one  is  figured  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  15,  and  which  are  frequently  found 
in  the  lime-stone  of  Wiltshire  and  of  Oxfordshire,  were  termed  bv  Da 


Costa  Palatum  Umax,  or  the  slug-palate.  These  bodies  are  of  an  oblong 
figure,  and  generally  a  little  pointed  towards  their  ends.  Their  colour  is 
of  a  dark  brown,  and  they  frequently  possess  a  tolerable  polish.  On  their 
upper  surface  are  innumerable  fine  and  slightly  undulating  rugae,  which 
commence  at  the  sides,  and  sometimes  unite  in  a  fine  irregular  line, 
which  passes  longitudinally  along  the  middle  of  this  surface.  The  whole 
appearance  of  this  fossil  very  much  resembles  that  of  a  leech  or  slug  in  a 
contracted  state. 

From  these  bodies  having  been  found  regularly  disposed  together,  and 
particular!}'  from  one  instance  mentioned  by  Mr.  Walcot,  in  which 
twenty-five  of  these  oblong  bodies  were  regularly  placed  in  four  rows, 
there  can  be  no  doubt  that  they  are  not  single  palates ;  but  that  many 


-of  them,  regularly  disposed,  constituted  the  platform  of  the  palate  of  some 
unknown  fish. 

The  palate  of  another  species  of  unknown  fish  appears  to  have  been 
formed  by  the  regular  arrangement  of  quadrangular  bodies,  a  beautiful 
specimen  of  one  of  which  is  figured  Plate  XIX.  Fig.  18.  The  hard  part 
of  these  bodies,  corresponding  to  the  enamel  of  teeth,  is  disposed,  on  the 
middle  part  of  the  upper  surface,  in  sharp  and  slightly-curved  ridges, 
alternating  with  corresponding  depressions.  These  are  surrounded  by  a 
border,  formed  of  obtuse  papillae  and  rugae,  disposed  in  a  very  confused 
and  irregular  manner.  In  some  specimens,  this  border  is  not  present. 
These  palates  are  chiefly  found  among  the  chalk  of  Kent  and  Surry. 
The  most  interesting  fossil  of  this  description,  which  I  possess,  is  one 
which  is  imbedded  in  the  centre  of  a  nodule  of  flint. 

The  fossil,  Plate  XVIII.  Fig.  12,  is  one  of  the  component  parts  of  the 
roof  of  the  mouth  of  some  other  unknown  fish.  It  resembles  the  preceding 
fossil  in  the  disposition  of  its  ridges,  &c.  but  differs  from  it  in  having  a 
much  greater  convexity,  being  full  as  high  as  it  is  long.  It  is  found, 
though  much  more  rarely  than  the  former,  in  masses  of  chalk,  and  most 
frequently  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Devizes,  in  Wiltshire. 

Several  of  this,  and  of  the  two  preceding  species  of  fossil  palates, 
were  exposed  to  the  action  of  dilute  muriatic  acid ;  when  the  existence 
of  their  membranous  laminae  was  evinced  by  numerous  delicate  flocculi 
becoming  partly  detached  from  the  surface.  In  the  leech-like  palate, 
the  phenomena  which  occurred  were  very  interesting.  After  the  fossil 
had  been  exposed  about  twelve  hours  to  the  action  of  the  acid,  its  dark 
surface  gradually  disappeared,  and  was  succeeded  by  one  of  a  silvery 
grey  colour,  having  somewhat  of  a  pearl-like  lustre.  On  this  being  exa- 
mined with  a  lens,  it  was  found  to  be  an  exceedingly  fine  membrane, 
which,  on  being  touched  with  the  finger,  was  immediately  removed, 
and  with  it  the  rugae  with  which  the  surface  had  been  originally  marked. 
On  being  suffered  to  dry,  the  surface  became  of  a  dead  white,  and 
marked  the  fingers,  the  rugae  being  nearly  effaced. 


A  portion  of  flat  bone,  about  a  foot  in  length,  and  four  inches  broad, 
bearing  a  general  resemblance  to  the  saw  of  the  saw-fish  (Pristis)  with 
apertures  or  sockets  for  the  lateral  teeth,  very  distinct  along  each  side, 
from  Gloucestershire,  was  exhibited  in  the  Leverian,  and,  since,  in  the 
London  Museum. 

In  the  neighbourhood  of  Bath  is  found  a  fossil  proboscis,  or  jaw,  of 
some  unknown  animal,  of  a  curious  form.  It  is  long  and  tapering;  sel- 
dom, however,  exceeding  six  inches  in  length,  of  a  dark  brown  colour, 
or  nearly  black  :  it  is  flat,  and  fluted  on  its  two  broader  sides  :  and,  on 
one  of  its  edges,  has  a  series  of  small  teeth  disposed  in  a  straight  line. 

Not  the  least  curious  of  the  weapons  of  the  finny  tribe  is  a  spear- 
formed  bony  substance,  of  a  dark  brown  colour,  found  in  the  Isle  of 
Shepey,  which  I  purchased  from  the  collection  of  Mr.  Strange.  It  is 
of  a  conical  form,  tapering  nearly  to  a  point;  eight  inches  in  length,  and 
three  inches  in  width,  at  its  largest  part.  It  appears  to  have  been  the 
proboscis  of  some  unknown  fish. 

The  scales  of  fishes  are  frequently  found  in  a  state  of  high  preservation 
in  the  pyritous  clay  of  Shepey,  sometimes  possessing  even  a  metallic 
lustre.  They  are  also  sometimes,  but  more  rarely,  formed  in  the  masses 
of  chalk,  and  very  rarely  indeed  in  the  flint  nodules.  Plate  XVIIL 
Fig.  13,  is  a  curi6usly-formed  scale,  found  in  the  Kentish  chalk-pits;  and 
in  Plate  XVIIL  Fig.  9,  is  shown  a  single  scale,  with  its  processes  for 
attachment,  found  in  a  lump  of  calcareous  matter,  in  Dorsetshire.  This 
scale  seems  to  differ  only  in  size  from  those  which  are  described  Page  250, 
and  figured  Plate  XVL  Fig.  12. 

The  bodies  of  the  vertebrae  are  very  frequently  found  both  in  pyritous 
masses,  and  in  the  several  lime-stone  strata;  but  it  is  very  rare  to  find 
them  possessed  of  either  their  spinous  or  transverse  processes.  Among 
those  fossils  which  have  been  desribed  as  scarce,  are  those  vertebra 
which  bear  somewhat  of  the  form  of  an  hour-glass.  These,  however, 
are  by  no  means  so  rare  as  has  been  supposed,  the  vertebrae  of  fish  in, 
general  approaching  to  this  form. 


When  a  longitudinal  section  of  a  series  of  the  vertebrae  of  fish,  imbed- 
ded, for  instance,  in  lime-stone,  is  made,  a  series  of  bodies  are  seen, 
bearing  the  hour-glass  form,  each  being  the  section  of  a  body  of  a  ver- 
tebra. For  as  there  is  a  conical  cavity  both  in  the  fore  and  hind  part 
of  each  vertebra,  from  which  results,  when  the  vertebrae  are  united,  a 
series  of  cavities  bearing  the  form  of  two  cones  united  at  their  base  ;  so  the 
body  of  each  vertebra,  narrowing  to  its  centre,  presents,  by  a  longitudinal 
section,  a  surface  which,  in  its  longitudinal  direction,  bears  the  form  of 
a  longitudinally-divided  hour-glass.  It  is  in  these  cavities,  formed  by  the 
union  of  the  vertebrae,  that  the  fluid  is  contained,  which,  according  to 
the  observations  of  Mr.  Home,  being  incompressible,  preserves  a  proper 
interval  between  the  vertebrae,  to  allow  of  the  play  of  the  lateral  elastic 
ligaments,  and  forms  a  ball  round  which  the  concave  surfaces  of  the  ver- 
tebrae are  moved,  and  which  readily  adapts  itself  to  every  change  which 
takes  place  in  the  form  of  the  cavity  *. 

Among  the  Shepey  fossils  are  sometimes  found  the  last  vertebrae  of  the 
tail.  These  are  flat  and  of  a  triangular  shape,  and  at  their  widest  extre- 
mity frequently  show  the  articulations  of  the  small  long  bones  which 
support  the  finny  membrane  of  the  tail.  One  of  these  is  represented 
Plate  XIV.  Fig.  14  ;  and  another,  of  a  peculiar  form,  is  shown  Plate  XIV. 
Fig.  15. 

*  Phil.  Trans,  for  1809,  p.  111. 






1  HE  extreme  softness  of  the  parts,  and  the  general  delicacy  of  struc- 
ture, which  exist  in  the  smaller  insects,  will  easily  explain  the  circum- 
stance of  their  being  rarely  met  with  in  a  mineralized  .state.  Very  few 
indeed  are  the  instances  which  I  shall  be  able  to  adduce  of  Entomolithi, 
or  of  the  mineralized  remains  of  this  class  of  animals. 

The  specimen  represented  Plate  XVII.  Fig.  2,  is  a  slab  of  the  fissile 
cream-coloured  lime-stone  from  Pappenheim,  in  which  the  traces  of  an 
insect  are  sufficiently  plain  to  mark  its  presence,  without,  however,  being 
sufficiently  distinct,  to  point  out  the  genus  in  which  it  should  be  placed. 

The  head  of  the  animal  is  plainly  to  be  seen,  but  none  of  its  parts  are 
distinguishable.  It  appears  to  have  been  connected  with  the  thorax  by 
a  contractile  neck ;  since,  in  another  specimen,  apparently  of  the  same 
species,  the  neck  appears  to  be  as  long  as  the  thorax ;  whilst,  in  the  spe- 
cimen here  depicted,  the  distance  between  the  head  and  the  thorax  is 
very  small.  The  thorax  appears  to  have  been  nearly  cylindrical,  and 
much  shorter  and  wider  than  the  abdomen,  which  is  of  a  lanceolated 
form,  and  is  evidently  composed  of  about  eight  articulated  rings.  In 
one  of  M.  Knorr's  figures,  PI.  xxxni.  the  tail  of  this  animal  terminates 

VOL.  in.  *  L  L 

in  three  points;  but  the  form  of  the  tail  varies  in  every  one  of  the  three 
specimens  which  I  possess. 

In  one,  the  tail  terminates  in  a  bifurcation  ;  and,  by  careful  inspection 
with  a  lens,  a  fold  is  perceptible  in  the  last  articulating  ring  of  the  ab- 
domen, which,  it  is  evident,  would  have  been  obliterated  by  the  approxi- 
mation of  the  bifurcating  points.  That  the  animal,  therefore,  possessed 
the  power  of  opening  and  of  shutting  these,  appears  to  be  highly  pro- 
bable ;  and  the  appearances  yielded  by  another  specimen  authorizes  the 
opinion,  that  these,  on  closing,  formed  a  sheath  for  the  sting  of  the  ani- 
mal; and,  on  being  opened,  left  it  in  a  state  fit  to  inflict  a  wound.  An 
apparently  cylindrical  body  is  seen  standing  out  between  the  bifurcation, 
and  may  be  even  traced  some  little  way  within  the  abdomen.  In  a 
third  specimen,  which,  from  its  having  lost  its  legs,  has  very  much  the 
appearance  of  a  pupa,  the  caudal  termination  is  in  a  single  point,  giving 
to  me  the  idea  of  the  bifurcating  points  being  united,  and  inclosing  the 

Plate  XVII.  Fig.  2,  a,  represents  the  animal  with  the  bifurcating 
sheath :  b,  shows  the  sting,  which  has  passed  out  of  the  sheath :  and  c, 
shows  the  termination  in  a  single  point ;  which  I  suppose  to  be  formed 
by  the  closing  of  the  bifurcated  sheath  over  the  sting. 

The  most  accurate  examination  which  I  have  been  able  to  make  does 
not  enable  me  to  discover  any  traces  of  wings.  The  legs,  which  I  am 
of  opinion  are  eight  in  number,  are  attached  to  the  breast.  If  these  in- 
sects have  not  been  despoiled  of  their  wings,  and  if  my  observations  have 
been  correct,  they  cannot  any  longer  be  considered  as  belonging  to  the 
genus  Vespa :  but,  it  being  admitted  that  they  were  apterous  insects,  I  yet 

must  acknowledge  my  inability  to  dispose  of  them  under  any  known 



Lhwydd,  in  a  postscript  to  a  letter  to  Dr.  Richardson,  thus  speaks 
of  the  remains  of  insects,  which  he  had  perceived  in  coal-slate. — 
*'  Scripsi  olim  suspicari  me  Araneorum  quorundam  icones,  una  cum 


tithophytis,  in  schisto  carbonaria  observasse  :  hoc  jam  ulteriore  experientia 
edoctus  aperte  assero. — Alias  icones  habeo  qua:;  ad  Scarabseorum  genus 
quam  proxime  accedunt.  In  posterum  ergo  non  tantum  Lithophyta,  sed 
et  quaedam  insecta  in  hoc  lapide  investigare  conabimur."  Lithophylaciiy 
p.  112. 

Plate  XVII.  Fig.  3,  4,  5,  and  6,  are  sketches  of  these  insects,  as  given 
by  Lhwydd,  Ichnograph.  Tab.  4. 

The  petrified  nests  of  bee&  and  wasps,  of  which  some  have  spoken, 
may,  I  believe,  be  all  referred  to  deceptive  specimens  of  rnadreporites,  or 
of  septaria,  in  which  the  loose  matter  forming  the  tali,  has  allowed  the 
crystallization  to  have  formed  small  and  numerous  polygonal  cells.  The 
insects,,  which  have  been  said  to  have  been  found  in  these  cells,  must 
have  originated  in  an  active  imagination. 

The  only  specimens  which  can  have  any  pretensions  to  the  term  Hel- 
mintholites,  are  those  of  which  the  representation  of  one  species  is  given 
Plate  VI.  Fig.  12,  and  of  which  the  impression  of  another  is  shown 
Fig  13.  Both  these  fossils  are  from  Oeningen. 

The  enormous  length  of  this  animal,  and  its  knotted  or  jointed  struc- 
ture, with  its  numerous  contortions,  and  its  general  form,  serve  to  distin- 
guish it  decidedly  from  the  earth-worm,  with  which  it  has  been  con- 
founded by  some  authors.  These  peculiarities  do  not,  however,  enable 
us  to  discover  any  known  genus  in  which  it  may  be  placed.  Knorr, 
Wolfart,  and  other  oryctologists,  have  figured  several  varieties  of  this  very 
curious  kind  of  animal.  Baier  denominates  it  Lumbriciis  marinus  petri- 

The  analogue  of  Plate  XVII,  Fig.  9,  is,  I  believe,  entirely  unknown.  By 
some  it  has  been  considered  as  the  wing  or  wings  of  a  moth  or  butterfly, 
and  by  others  it  has  been  supposed  to  be  the  scale  of  some  species  offish 
or  tortoise.  For  my  own  part,  I  acknowledge,  that  I  can  offer  no  conjec- 
ture respecting  it ;  and  therefore  introduce  its  representation  here,  with 
the  hope  of  obtaining  some  illustration  of  it,  from  any  one  who  may  have 



been  led  to  make  such  observations  as  may  assist  in  ascertaining  its  ori- 
ginal nature. 

I  am  unacquainted  with  the  place  where  these  fossils  are  found ;  but, 
from  the  nature  of  the  matrix,  suspect  it  to  be  Stunsiield,  in  Oxfordshire. 
The  markings  on  the  stone  are  so  very  thin,  as  to  lead  to  the  sup- 
position that  the  fossil  body  has  been  removed,  and  has  only  left  its  im- 
pression and  stain  on  the  stone.  The  stone  itself  is  a  lime-stone,  very 
full  of  Oolithes,  with  shells  dispersed  through  it,  exactly  resembling 
the  Stunsfield  stone,  in  which  are  found  the  teeth  and  palates  of  fish. 
In  another  fossil  of  this  kind,  the  markings  vary  so  much  from  the  pre- 
ceding, as  to  render  it,  I  think,  deserving  to  be  regarded  as  specifically 

The  wings  of  butterflies  are  said  to  have  been  found  in  a  mineralized 
state ;  but  this  I  very  much  doubt,  suspecting  that  the  opinion  has  been 
derived  from  some  delusive  appearances. 

When  you  take  into  consideration  the  particular  characters  by  which 
the  several  species  of  the  genus  Cancer  are  marked,  and  the  injuries 
which  the  fossil  animals  of  this  genus  have  sustained,  you  will  see,  I  trust, 
the  very  great  difficulty  of  distinguishing  the  species,  even  by  those  who 
possess,  what  I  do  not,  an  intimate  knowledge  of  this  branch  of  natural 
history,  and  an  ample  collection  of  both  the  recent  and  fossil  objects  of 
our  inquiry. 

It  happens,  indeed,  very  unfortunately,  that  in  the  fossil  remains, 
traces  of  the  antennae,  and  the  terminations  of  the  hinder  feet,  are 
hardly  ever  to  be  seen.  The  containing  crust  of  the  animal,  with  some 
portions  of  its  claws,  are  generally  the  only  parts  preserved ;  but  the  in- 
cisural  and  dentated  markings  on  the  sides  and  fore  part  of  the  former, 
and  the  terminations  of  the  latter,  are  very  seldom  discoverable.  It 
is  only  from  the  size  and  general  forms  of  this  kind  of  fossils,  that  we  can 
offer  any  opinion  with  respect  to  their  species ;  and,  where  the  approxi- 
mation of  the  fossil  is,  in  this  respect,  near  to  the  recent  animals,  but  lit- 


tie  prospect  of  success  can  exist  in  attempting  to  make  a  distinction  be- 
tween them. 

I  am  entirely  unable  to  say  any  thing  with  respect  to  the  specific 
distinctions  of  any  of  the  crabs  which  I  possess.  Mr.  Francis  Crow,  of 
Faversham,  is  of  opinion,  that  he  possesses  about  twelve  different  fossil 
crabs,  from  Shepey  ;  and,  in  the  collection  of  the  London  Museum,  there 
existed,  in  the  opinion  of  its  learned  possessor,  more  than  three  times  as 
many;  none  of  which  he  finds  exactly  agrees  with  any  in  his  extensive 
recent  collection. 

Plate  XVII.  Fig.  1  and  7,  represent  two  different  specimens  of  fossil 
crabs  from  the  Isle  of  Shepey,  distinguishable  from  each  other  by  the 
markings  on  the  dorsal  plate.  Crabs,  apparently  similar  to  those  which 
are  found  at  Shepey,  are  also  obtained  from  the  neighbourhood  of  Ve- 
rona. Very  fine  fossil  remains  of  this  kind  are  also  found,  in  Malta,  ,as 
well  as  in  Anjou,  in  the  department  of  Maine  and  Loire. 

Fossil  remains  of  lobsters  are  sometimes  found,  in  very  good  preserva- 
tion, in  the  Isle  of  Shepey. 

We  learn  from  M.  Knorr,  Monum.  des  Catast.  T.  i.  p.  19,  that  the  fos- 
sil remains  of  river  animals  of  this  genus,  the  cray-fish  (astaci),  are  found 
in  no  other  part  of  the  world,  but  in  a  narrow  district,  reaching  from 
Gunzenhausen,  in  Anspach,  to  Aichstaedt,  a  length  of  about  seven  or 
eight  leagues,  bordered  on  one  side  by  the  river  Altmuhl,  which,  he 
observes,  abounds  with  animals  of  the  same  kind. 

The  matrix  of  these  petrifactions  is  a  fine  light  yellow  limestone, 
which  frequently  separates  in  tables,  by  which  the  contained  fossils  are 
beautifully  displayed.  These  animals  appear  to  have  been  imbedded  in 
their  matrix  during  the  precipitation  of  the  calcareous  particles  from  the 
fluid  in  which  they  had  been  held.  A  fossil  shrimp,  from  these  quarries, 
is  shown  Plate  XVII,  Fig.  8. 

Plate  XVII.  Fig.  12,  is  the  representation  of  a  fossil  crab,  from  the 
East  Indies.  These  fossils  are  known  by  the  name  of  Ceylon  crabs; 

they  having  been  formerly  brought  into  Europe  by  the  Dutch,  who  used 
to  state  that  they  were  brought  from  Ceylon,  where  only  they  were  to 
be  found.  Father  Martini,  in  his  Chinese  Atlas,  relates,  on  the  autho- 
rity of  several  Chinese,  that  similar  crabs  are  found  in  a  lake  in  China, 
and  that  they  possess  the  wonderful  property  of  changing  into  stone,  im- 
mediately on  their  being  taken  out  of  the  water. 

These  fossils  are  however,  in  fact,  found,  according  to  Bourguet,  in 
different  parts  of  the  sea-coast  of  China,  in  the  island  of  Hainan,  and  on 
the   coasts   of  Japan  and  of  Coromandel.      They  are  generally  very 
much  mutilated ;  but  their  crust  bears  oftentimes  more  the  appearance ' 
of  that  of  a  crab  recently  taken  from  the  sea,  than  those  of  Shepey. 

Plate  XVII.  Fig.  10,  represents  part  of  the  claw  of  a  crab,  in  its  ma- 
trix, from  St.  Peter's  Mountain,  Maestricht.  It  is  observed,  by  Faujas 
St.  Fond,  that  there  is  no  fossil,  in  this  and  the  neighbouring  mountains, 
more  frequent  than  claws  of  crabs;  but  it  is  an  extremely  remarkable 
circumstance,  that,  notwithstanding  the  abundance  in  which  these  re- 
mains are  here  found,  no  remains  of  the  body,  or  of  the  other  parts  of  the 
animal,  are  discovered.  After  long  reflecting  on  this  circumstance,  this 
industrious  inquirer  thought  it  right  to  conclude,  that  these  remains  had 
belonged  to  some  crab  of  the  parasitic  kind,  as  Cancer  bernhardus,  Linn, 
The  softness  and  delicacy  of  every  other  part  of  its  covering,  except  that 
of  its  claws,  would,  he  thinks,  satisfactorily  explain  why  these  alone  have 
been  thus  preserved. 

In  confirmation  of  this  opinion  Latreille,  a  naturalist  who  has  paid 
particular  attention  to  the  examination  of  Crustacea,  concludes,  from  the 
curvature,  direction,  and  general  form  of  the  arm  of  the  crab,  figured  in 
Faujas's  work,  and  from  the  absence  of  any  other  part  of  the  animal,  that 
it  must  have  belonged  to  an  hermit  crab,  Pagurus  bernhardus.  In  both, 
he  observes,  the  right  arm  is  the  strongest,  and  the  form  of  the  hand  is 
the  same ;  the  only  difference  between  them  being  a  larger  number  of 
asperities  on  the  finger  of  the  fossil  crab,  which  is*  also  rather  longer 

than  that  of  the  recent  crab.  The  upper  edge  of  the  hand,  too,  of  the 
recent  animal,  has  also  some  asperities  which  are  not  observable  on  the 
fossil  hand.  But  these,  he  thinks,  may  possibly  have  been  removed  by 

The  fossil  remains,  Plate  XVII.  Fig.  11,14,  &c.  which  we  shall  now  exa- 
mine possess  so  few  of  the  appearances  exhibited  by  any  existing  animal,  as 
to  have  rendered  many  ingenious  naturalists  doubtful,  whether  they  should 
consider  them  as  the  remains  of  a  crustaceous  or  of  a  conchiferous  animal. 

Various  names  have  been  given  to  this  fossil,  derived  chiefly  from 
the  three  lobular  divisions  by  which  it  is  so  particularly  marked ;  but 
several  appellations  have  also  been  applied  to  it,  founded  on  these  re- 
mains being  sometimes  found  in  a  coiled,  and  sometimes  in  an  extended 
state ;  as  well  as  from  the  head  and  tail  part  being  frequently  found 
separated,  and  giving  room  for  suspicion  that  they  might  belong  to  dif- 
ferent animals.  From  Bromel  this  fossil  received  the  name  of  Lapis  in- 
sectiferus  and  Insectum  vaginipenne;  by  Wolsterdorf,  who  considered  it  as 
a  fossil  bivalve,  it  was  called  Conchitus  trilobus ;  by  Hermann,  Pectun- 
culites  trilobus  bnbricatus  \  by  Da  Costa,  Pediculus  marinus ;  by  Linnaeus, 
Entomolithes  par  adorns;  by  Baumer,  Trigonella  striata;  and  by  Wilke, 
Entomolithus  cancriformis  marini. 

Mr.  Martin,  who,  in  his  Petrificata  Derbiensia,  inquired,  with  consider- 
able success,  into  the  nature  of  this  fossil,  concluded  that  the  original  of 
the  petrified  insect,  found  in  Derbyshire,  was  an  oniscus.  But  as  we  have 
been  hitherto  able  to  examine  a  part  only  of  this  animal,  and  as  there  ap- 
pears to  be  very  considerable  differences  in  the  forms  of  the  fossils  of  this 
kind,  which  have  been  found  in  different  parts,  it  seems  to  be  advisable, 
until  we  gain  further  information,  to  form  for  it  a  temporary  genus, 
which  may  be  named  and  characterized  Trilobites — the  fossil  crustaceous 
upper  covering,  oblong,  convex,  and  surrounded  by  an  entire  margin : 
the  head  or  thorax  large  and  gibbous,  with  two  tubercles  or  eyes :  the 
back  convex,  formed  of  triarcuate,  imbricating  segments,  generally  agree- 


in  their  number  with  the  size  of  the  .animal :  the  tail  varying  in  its 
size  and  form. 

The  Dudley  fossil,  or  that  species  of  this  fossil  which  is  found  at  Dud- 
ley, in  Shropshire,  is  evidently  the  upper  covering  only  of  the  animal, 
and  appears  to  have  been  of  a  crustaceous  nature.  It  is  of  an  oblong 
ovate  form,  convex,  and  surrounded  by  an  uninterrupted  border.  The 
head  is  large  and  gibbous,  and  divided  longitudinally  into  three  parts : 
the  middle  one  rounded,  gibbous,  and  rough,  having  at  its  posterior  part 
two  round  projecting  knobs,  and  just  before  these  two  smaller.  On  each 
side  of  this  body  is  a  triangular  surface,  from  the  centre  of  each  of  which 
proceeds  a  valvular  projection,  which,  from  its  form,  appears  to  have 
been  capable  of  being  occasionally  opened  or  closed. 

I  acknowledge  that,  in  the  specimens  which  I  possess,  I  am  unable  to 
discover  the  reticulated  surface  of  the  eye  of  this  animal,  of  which 
many  have  spoken.  Instead  of  this,  I  only  find  the  lunated  valvular  pro- 
jection, by  which,  it  seems,  the  eye  of  the  animal  might  be  occasionally 
covered  or  exposed.  A  magnified  representation  of  this  part  is  given 
Fig.  14,0. 

The  back  is  formed  of  strong,  convex,  triarcuate  segments,  varying 
in  number  with  the  size  of  the  animal,  and  diminishing  in  size,  as  they 
approach  the  caudal  termination.  These  segments  are  more  raised 
in  their  middle  than  at  their  sides;  and  in  the  recent  animal,  the  supe- 
rior, by  sliding  over  the  inferior  ones,  allowed  the  animal  to  make  very 
considerable  changes  in  its  form,  by  extending  or  contracting  itself)  as  is 
shown  Plate  XVII.  Fig.  11  and  14.  The  tail  is  obtuse,  and  without 
any  appendage.  In  no  specimen  has  the  under  part  of  the  animal  been 
seen,  consequently  nothing  can  be  said  respecting  the  structure  of  this 
part,  its  legs,  &c. 

The  Derbyshire  trilobite  differs  from  that  of  Dudley  in  being  nar- 
rower, and  particularly  so  at  the  upper  part ;  in  not  having  the  four  tu- 
bercles at  the  posterior  part  of  the  head,  and  in  having  the  dorsal  seg- 

merits  marked  with  a  line  of  minute  tubercles.    Mr.  Martin  has  given  a 
representation  of  the  reticulated  surface  of  the  eye  in  this  animal. 

On  breaking  the  Dudley  fossils,  the  inner  surface  of  their  covering  is 
•found  marked  with  undulating  striae,  the  impressions  of  which  are  also 
found  on  the  inclosed  matrix.  In  none  of  the  specimens  which  I  have 
thus  broken,  or  have  rubbed  down,  have  I  been  able  to  discover  any 
remains  of  an  inferior  or  ventral  covering,  corresponding  with  the  upper 
one,  which  has  been  just  described.  M.  Walch,  indeed,  observes,  that 
no  under  covering,  or  plate,  have  been  ever  discovered. 

A  trilobite  is  represented  in  the  Memoirs  of  the  Swedish  Academy,  as 
possessing  antennae.  This  seems  to  have  been  the  consequence  of  some 
mistake ;  since,  in  none  of  the  specimens  which  have  been  since  exa- 
mined, has  the  appearance  of  such  a  part  been  ever  seen. 

Another  species  of  this  animal  is  found  in  the  schistose  strata  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Llanelly,  in  Carmarthenshire.  Plate  XVII.  Fig.  13. 
This  differs  from  the  preceding  species  in  two  material  respects:  the 
lateral  lobular  divisions  are  nearly  three  times  as  wide  as  the  central  one; 
and  the  outline  of  the  animal  approaches  much  nearer  to  the  elliptical 
than  the  ovate  form.  From  this  latter  circumstance,  it  obtains  some 
slight  resemblance  to  a  sole,  and  has  therefore  been  considered  by  some 
as  the  petrifaction  of  a  fish  of  that  tribe.  The  mutilated  remains  of  this 
species,  in  consequence  of  the  fossil  being  frequently  severed  transversely, 
have  been  regarded  as  petrified  butterflies. 

On  the  remains  of  one  of  these  I  have  perceived  a  very  curious  struc- 
ture: it  is  in  that  part  of  the  fossil  which  presents  itself  to  view  on  the 
removal  of  the  external  covering,  and  which  was  probably  the  cuticle  of 
the  animal.  Here  the  form  of  the  parts  appears  exactly  to  correspond 
with  that  of  the  crustaceous  covering,  being  transversely  and  somewhat 
obliquely  disposed ;  but,  aided  by  the  lens,  the  eye  discovers,  that  this 
pellicle  is  marked  by  frequent  and  regular  rugae,  as  if  the  pellicle  had 
4>een  disposed  in  folds,  not  as  in  the  outer  coat,  in  a  transverse,  but  in  a 
longitudinal  direction,  Fig.  13,  b. 

VOL.  in,  *  M  M 


Another  species,  the  representation  of  a  mutilated  fragment  of  which 
is  given  Plate  XVII.  Fig.  16,  is  a  very  extraordinary  fossil.  In  this  ani- 
mal, the  lobular  divisions  seem  to  have  very  nearly  corresponded  with 
those  of  the  Dudley  species.  But  the  structure  of  the  head-part  of  the 
animal  differs  exceedingly  from  every  other  species.  In  this  fossil,  instead 
of  the  appearance  of  the  distinct  parts  of  a  face,  there  are  three  large 
round  protuberances,  the  middle  being  the  largest;  and  all  these  pro- 
tuberances are  closely  beset  with  small  tubercular  risings.  These  pro- 
tuberances possess  nearty  the  whole  space  of  the  head,  the  eyes  being 
placed  in  the  centre  of  each  of  the  lateral  risings.  The  matrix  of  this  is 
a  white  fine  limestone,  but  I  am  not  able  to  say  where  it  was  obtained. 

The  fourth  species,  which  is  much  more  rare  than  any  of  the  former, 
is  almost  always  found  imbedded  in  fuller's  earth.  The  lower  half  of  one 
of  these  is  represented  Plate  XVII.  Fig.  17.  The  form  of  the  head  I 
am  unacquainted  with.  The  structure  of  the  back,  and  disposition  of  its 
plates,  appear  to  agree  with  that  of  Llanelly ;  the  central  division  of  the 
plates  terminating,  like  that  of  the  Llanelly  species,  within  a  marginal 
line,  which  surrounds  the  divisions.  From  the  inferior  part  of  this  line 
proceeds  a  long  and  narrow  caudal  process,  which  tapers  as  it  descends, 
and  appears  to  have  been  formed  of  a  single  plate  or  substance.  These 
specimens  seldom  possess  the  process  itself,  the  impression  only  of  its 
lower  surface  being  left,  and  which  possesses  somewhat  of  a  bronzed  ap- 
pearance, probably  from  some  stain  which  the  fullers'  earth  has  derived 
from  the  animal  matter. 

Plate  XVII.  Fig.  18,  represents  another  species  as  imbedded  in  a 
nodule  of  iron-stone  from  the  neighbourhood  of  Bewdley,  in  Shropshire — 
a  spot  exceedingly  rich  in  fossil  vegetable  remains,  as  I  may  infer  from 
the  valuable  collection  with  which  I  was  favoured  by  Thomas  Botfield, 
Esq.  of  Hopton  Court,  near  Bewdley.  The  species  of  this  animal, 
which  is  here  preserved,  differs  essentially  from  any  of  those  above  de- 
scribed. Of  the  head,  very  little  can  be  made  out :  it  is  evidently,  how- 
ever, much  larger  in  proportion  than  that  of  any  of  the  former  species. 


It  is  nearly  semiorbicular,  lunated  posteriorly,  and  terminating  at  the  sides 
in  an  acute  angle.  The  body,  which  has  only  five  transverse  plates,  is 
remarkably  short;  its  sides  going  off  directly  from  the  head,  and  meeting 
speedily  at  an  obtuse  angle.  From  this  point  proceeds  the  tail  of  the 
animal,  which  is  of  a  greater  length  than  both  the  head  and  body.  The 
structure  of  the  tail  may  be  here  so  far  made  out,  as  to  enable  us  to  ascer- 
tain that  it  is  formed  by  a  long  central  spine-like  process,  on  each  side  of 
which  a  membrane  has  been  evidently  extended,  wider  than  the  process 

This  fossil  appears  to  be  the  same  with  Monoculites  lunatus  of  Mr.  Mar- 
tin, Plate  45,  Fig.  4,  who  supposed  it  to  approach  nearer,  in  size  and 
figure,  to  the  Monoculus  apus,  than  to  any  other  known  recent  species 
of  that  genus. 

The  opinions  respecting  the  analogue  of  the  trilobites  have  been 
very  different.  Some  have  supposed  it  a  testaceous  animal,  and  some 
have  imagined  it  to  be  a  coleopterous,  whilst  others  have  conjectured 
it  to  be  an  apterous  insect.  Guettard  and  Davila  have  placed  it  among 
the  crustaceous  animals.  Linnaeus,  Mortimer*  and  Wilke,  think  it 
should  be  placed  among  the  monoculi.  Several  writers  have  considered 
it  as  proper  to  place  it  among  the  bivalve  shells;  and  Leigh,  Hist, 
of  Lancashire,  Tab.  vn.  f.  even  regards  it  as  a  portion  of  a  nautilus; 
Scheuchzer  supposed  that  it  might  have  been  a  patella;  and  Bruckman 
speaks  of  it  as  a  polype.  We  must  content,  ourselves,  I  believe,  with 
allowing  that  no  animal  resembling  it  is  known.  Its  surface,  however, 
viewed  with  a  lens,  confirms  the  opinion  of  M.  Walch  and  others,  who 
have  supposed  it  to  be  an  animal  of  the  crustaceous  kind ;  the  rough- 
ness resulting  from  the  numerous  little  pits  and  risings  appearing  to  be 
very  similar  to  that  of  the  crust  of  the  crab,  lobster,  &c. 

Plate  XVII.  Fig.  19,  is  the  fossil  remains  of  some  crustaceous  animal,, 
which  are  frequently  found  with  the  trilobite  in  the  Dudley  lime-stonCo 
The  head  part  of  the  animal  appears  to  have  been  separated  and  r&~- 

moved:  sufficient,  however,  of  the  animal  here  exists,  to  show  that  it  is 
comparable  with  no  known  animal. 

Plate  XVII.  Fig.  15,  is  the  representation  of  the  upper  part  of  an 
extraordinary  fossil;  but  with  where  it  was  found  I  am  totally  unac- 
quainted. Its  matrix  is  a  ferruginous  lime-stone,  in  which  are  discoverable 
particles  of  pyrites.  It  appears  to  be  the  dorsal  plate  of  some  enormous 
insect.  On  this  plate  regular  transverse  markings  are  observable,  none 
of  which  are  to  be  seen  on  the  abdominal  plate.  It  may  perhaps  be  the 
remains  of  some  huge  insect  of  the  genus  Oniscus,  or  rather  Monoculus; 
'but  it  differs  so  much  from  any  known  animal,  as  to  render  guessing 
at  even  its  genus  presumptuous. 




1  HE  Amphibiolithi  form  a  very  large  and  important  class  of  fossils,  and 
of  which  our  own  country  has  produced  some  very  interesting  specimens. 
It  must,  however,  be  to  those  of  the  larger  kind  that  our  attention  must 
be  directed ;  since,  from  their  minuteness  and  extreme  delicacy,  the 
remains  of  frogs,  serpents,  and  of  the  smaller  species  of  the  genus  Lacerta, 
are  very  rarely  met  with,  and  then  can  hardly  be  expected  to  afford  us 

anv  real  instruction.     The  remarks  which  I  shall  have  to  offer  will  be 


entirely  confined  to  the  Amphibia  reptiles,  since  I  know  of  no  decided 
instance  of  the  mineralized  remains  of  any  of  the  A.  serpentes. 

The  fossil  remains  of  the  genus  Testudo  are  rarely  found,  and  seldom 
in  such  a  state  as  can  yield  any  positive  information  respecting  the  ori- 
ginal animal.  Indeed,  when  we  consider  that  the  sections  into  which 
this  genus  (Testudo)  has  been  divided  by  Linnaeus,  of  the  sea,  the  fresh 
water,  and  the  land  tortoise,  are  distinguishable  by  the  feet  being  like  fins, 
or  palmated,  or  club-shaped,  with  nails,  it  will  be  seen  that  any  distinc- 
tion of  this  kind  can  rarely  be  made  in  the  fossil  remains  of  these  animals; 
since,  except  in  the  impression  in  schist,  which  will  be  presently  men- 
tioned, no  traces  of  the  feet  are,  I  believe,  to  be  found  among  their  fossil 

It  may  not,  however,  be  improper  to  observe  here,  that  should  any  re- 
mains of  this  part  of  these  animals  be  found  fossil,  they  will  not  serve,  with 

VOL.   III.  M  M 


certainty,  for  the  distinctions  pointed  out  by  this  illustrious  naturalist ;  since 
subsequent  discoveries  and  observations  have  shown,  that  the  habits  of 
these  animals  do  not  always  accord  with  the  forms  of  their  feet.  Thus 
the  curious  box-like  tortoise,  T.  Carolina,  Linn. ;  T.  clausa,  Bosc,  though 
possessing  the  feet  supposed  to  belong  to  the  river  tortoise,  often  wanders 
up  into  the  country  :  whilst  that  of  Japan,  which  is  organized,  in  this 
part,  like  the  sea  tortoise,  has  the  habits  of  the  river  tortoise. 

The  hard,  bony,  and  sometimes,  perhaps,  the  scaly  covering  of  these 
animals,  are  the  only  parts  which  can  be  expected  to  be  preserved  in  a 
mineralized  state.  But  these  can  so  very  rarely  yield  any  marks  distinctive 
of  species,  that  any  attempts  to  make  out  specific  differences  in  these 
fossil  remains  must  in  general  be  fruitless. 

M.  Knorr  gives  the  representation  of  a  fossil  tortoise,  from  a  very 
valuable  specimen  in  the  possession  of  Dr.  Gesner,  found  near  Claris. 
The  matrix  is  a  black  schist,  in  which  the  form  of  the  animal  appears  to 
be  very  strongly  marked.     Towards  the  superior  extremity,  traces  of 
the  head  are  discoverable ;  and  a  little  on  one  side  the  marks  of  one  of 
its  feet  extended,  and  somewhat  resembling  that  of  a  frog,   are  also 

The  back  part  of  a  fossil  tortoise  has  been  found  in  the  Isle  of  Malta, 
Bocconi  Mus.  dijisic.  et  d'experienza,  pag.  181.  Gesner  also  mentions  the 
back  part  of  a  tortoise  having  been  found  in  a  quarry  near  Berlin,  De 
petrifactis,  p.  86;  and  in  the  Museum  of  Dresden  was  a  portion  of  a  fossil 
shell  of  a  tortoise,  seventeen  inches  in  length  and  about  five  inches  wide. 
Some  fossil  remains  found  in  Aix,  in  Provence,  and  which  had  for  some 
time  served  to  perplex  the  oryctologists,  who  had  been  doubtful  whether 
they  should  consider  them  as  remains  of  human  skulls,  or  of  nautili, 
were  determined  by  M.  Delatour-d'Aigue,  M.  Adanson,  and  M.  Lama- 
non,  to  be  the  fossil  remains  of  the  tortoise,  Journal  de  Phys.  T.  xvi. 
p.  468.  Fossil  remains  of  these  animals  have  also  been  found  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Melsbroeck,  near  to  Brussels,  Oryct.  de  Bruxelles,  par 
Francois  Xavier-Burtin.  From  an  examination  of  these  last-mentioned 


fossils,  Lacepede  has  thought  himself  authorized  in  considering  them  as 
belonging  to  Testudo  marina  vulgaris,  of  Ray ;  or  Testudo  mydas,  of  Lin- 
naeus. Camper  mentions  his  possessing  the  entire  back  of  a  fossil  tortoise, 
four  feet  in  length  and  six  inches  in  breadth,  found  in  St.  Peter's  Moun- 
tain, Maestricht.  He  speaks  also  of  other  remains  of  the  tortoise  found 
in  the  same  part,  and  particularly  of  a  fossil,  similar  to  his  own,  in  the 
Museum  of  John  Hunter.  Philos.  Trans.  1786. 

The  great  disproportion  existing  between  the  length  and  breadth  of 
the  back  of  the  fossil  described  by  Camper,  has  also  been  found  to  exist 
in  another  fossil  from  the  same  spot,  in  the  possession  of  M.  Preston,  at. 
Liege  :  it  being  four  feet  two  inches  in  length,  and  only  six  inches  in 
breadth.  This  peculiarity  of  form  is  considered  by  Faujas  St.  Fond,  as 
proceeding  from  these  being  the  remains  of  some  unknown  species  of 
this  genus,  in  which  the  hard  and  osseous  covering  was  extended  only 
along  the  vertebral  column,  whilst  the  remaining  part  of  the  back  was 
covered  with  a  coriaceous  or  horny  covering,  somewhat  resembling  that 
of  T.  lyra,  Linn.  Faujas  St.  P'ond  has  presented  to  the  Museum  of 
Natural  History  at  Paris  the  fossil  remains  of  three  tortoises  from  Maes- 
tricht. Two  of  these  resemble  each  other  in  possessing,  different  from 
the  ordinary  tortoise,  two  prolongations  at  the  upper  angles,  as  if  of  the 
arm,  and  forming  an  oval  notch  where  the  head  was  placed.  The 
third  differs  from  those  just  mentioned,  as  well  as  from  the  common  tor- 
toise, in  the  general  form  of  its  shell ;  which  gives,  at  first  view,  the  idea 
of  a  cuirass,  with  a  double  neckpiece  or  gorget. 

M.  Faujas  St.  Fond  obtained  from  the  quarry  of  Grand  Charon  e  part 
of  the  shell  of  a  tortoise,  which  was  connected  with  an  alated  bony 
appendix,  such  as  was  observed  in  the  remains  of  the  more  gigantic  tor- 
toises which  he  found  in  St.  Peter's  Mountain.  Ann.  du  Mus.  Tome  n. 
p.  108. 

Reviewing  the  preceding  account,  it  appears,  that  all  of  the  six  speci- 
mens found  at  Melsbroeck,  appear,  according  to  Faujas  St.  Fond,  to 
belong  to  T.  mydas — four  specimens  from  Aix,  all  belong  to  one  unknown 


species — of  the  eight  specimens  from  Maestricht,  which  are  all  unknown, 
three  are  ascertained  to  belong  to  as  "many  distinct  and  new  species— 
and  the  one  found  in  the  quarry  of  Grand  Charonne,  near  Paris,  also  is 
of  an  unknown  species.     Hence  it  appears,  that  of  fourteen  fossil  tor- 
toises, one  only  appears  to  be  of  a  known  species,  and  that  of  the  re- 
maining thirteen,  none  can  be  referred  to  any  known  species,  but  five  of 
them  are  decidedly  of  new  species. 

In  this  island  the  fossil  remains  of  this  genus  are  but  rarely  met  with. 
In  the  Isle  of  Shepey  some  fragments,  and  a  few  very  good  specimens, 
have  been  found.  Two  or  three  fossil  tortoises  from  this  part,  in  very 
fine  preservation,  are  in  the  British  Museum ;  and  Colonel  Hawker,  of 
the  14th  Light  Dragoons,  also  possesses  a  very  perfect  specimen,  which 
he  very  kindly  offered  for  my  inspection  and  information.  Mr.  Francis 
Crow,  of  Faversham,  possesses  perhaps  the  most  complete  fossil  animal 
of  this  genus,  which  has  been  yet  discovered  in  Shepey. 

The  specimens  which  I  possess  from  Shepey  do  not  empower  me  to 
decide  as  to  their  species.  They  are  of  four  different  sizes,  and  appear  to 
me  to  be  of  the  same  species,  but  of  different  ages.  In  no  one  of  them 
is  the  dorsal  plate  perfect,  surrounded  by  its  marginal  scutelke.  Thus, 
in  a  very  fine  specimen,  with  which  I  was  favoured  by  Mr.  Crow,  a 
series  of  eight  small  and  narrow  hexagonal  scutellae,  corresponding  with 
the  vertebrae,  are  disposed  along  the  middle  of  the  back;  and  from  these 
proceed,  on  each  side,  as  many  transversely  long  scutellae,  which  appear 
to  have  been  of  a  hexagonal  form  ;  but  this  cannot  be  determined,  since 
their  outer  sides,  and  of  course  the  margin  of  the  shell,  has  been  removed. 
From  this  circumstance,  I  am  led  to  the  supposition,  that  these  are  the 
remains  of  animals  whose  coverings  were  partly  soft,  and  that  conse- 
quently the  marginal  plates,  if  any  existed,  were  removed  as  the  inter- 
vening membrane  was  destroyed.  In  this  opinion  I  am  confirmed  by 
the  appearance  of  the  breastplate  in  one  of  the  specimens,  as  represented 
Plate  XVIII.  Fig.  2  ;  where  it  may  be  seen,  that  the  sternal  plate,  with 
which,  in  this  respect,  the  dorsal  plate  may  be  supposed  to  agree,  has 

not  been  united,  but  tbat  it  has  been  connected  by  interposed  mem- 
brane. This  part  happens,  fortunately,  to  be  in  so  good  a  state  of  preser- 
vation, as  to  allow  the  several  osseous  parts  of  this  plate  to  be  distinctly 
made  out.  At  .#,  is  seen  a  part  of  the  anterior  appendix;  at  b,  is  the 
anterior  branch;  ate,  the  posterior  branch;  and  at  d,  is  the  posterior 
appendix.  rq 

In  Verona,  and  chiefly  in  the  Valley  of  Ronca,  fragments  of  tortoise- 
shell  are  found;  and,  from  the  rugous  state  of  the  outer  surface  of  some 
of  these,  I  have  little  doubt  of  their  having  belonged  to  some  of  these 
animals,  whose  coverings  were  partly  coriaceous;  for  in  these,  although 
the  outer  surface  of  their  covering  would  be  smooth  whilst  living,  they 
would  be  thus  rugous  after  the  death  of  the  animal. 

Mr.  Johnson,  of  Bristol,  was  lately  so  fortunate  as  to  find,  at  the  Old 
Passage,  in  Gloucestershire,  some  fossils  of  a  very  curious  appearance  and 
form.  One  of  these  is  represented  Plate  XVIII.  Fig.  1.  This,  with 
several  others,  most  of  which  are  much  larger  and  possess  a  fine  polish,, 
and  are  of  a  deep  black,  I  conceive  to  be  the  digitated  terminations  of 
the  sternal  plate  belonging  to  one  of  these  animals,  with  a  partly  mem- 
braneous or  coriaceous  covering.  These  fossils  approach  the  nearest  to 
the  corresponding  parts  in  the  Trionyx  carinatus  of  M.  Geoffroy  St.  Hi- 
laire.  One  of  the  fossils  found  by  Mr.  Johnson  is  decidedly  the  osseous 
plate  belonging  to  the  posterior  appendix,  and  resembles  very  much,  in 
its  form  and  rugous  surface,  the  corresponding  part  in  Trionyx  Mgyp- 
tiacus,  of  M.  Geoffroy  St.  Hilaire,  but  is  full  six  times  as  large. 

I  must  not  conceal  from  you,  that  the  ingenious  gentleman  who  pos- 
sesses these  fossils  is  disposed  to  entertain  a  different  opinion,  and  to 
believe  that  they  are  the  parts  of  the  jaw  or  palate  of  some 'fish.     This 
must  remain  to  be  determined  by  some  more  illustrative  and  analogous 
^pecimen :  until  then,  I  shall  hold  my  opinion  with  diffidence ;  for,  as  I . 
have  had  already  occasion  to  notice,  error  in  these  inquiries  are  very, 
easily  fallen  into.    Thus  has  Faujas  St.  Fond,  in  the  elegant  work  where 
he  has  displayed  so  many  remains  of  these  animals,  mistaken  the  shoulder- 


bone  of  a  tortoise  for  the  horn  of  a  stag;  fragments  of  the  sternal  plates 
(plastrons)  of  a  tortoise  for  the  branched  part  of  the  horns  of  the  elk ; 
and  two  bones  of  the  carpus,  belonging  also  to  the  tortoise,  for  the  pubis 
and  the  clavicle  of  a  crocodile.  Similar  remains  to  those  found  by  Mr. 
Johnson,  are  sometimes  found  in  the  Stansfield  lime-stone. 

Plate  XVIII.  Fig.  3,  is  the  fossil  head  of  a  tortoise,  found  at  Shepey 
by  Mr.  Crow. 

The  necessity  of  ascertaining  the  number  of  existing  species  of  the 
crocodile,  and  of  pointing  out  their  distinctive  characters,  previous  to  the 
examination  of  their  fossil  remains,  must  be  obvious ;  and  that  this  task 
has  been  performed  by  M.  Cuivier,  who  possesses  abilities  arid  oppor- 
tunities so  well  fitted  for  the  undertaking,  is  a  circumstance  which  has 
considerably  promoted  the  advancement  of  our  knowledge  in  our  fa- 
vourite science.  The  gratitude  due  to  him,  on  the  present  occasion,  is 
considerably  augmented  by  the  consideration,  that  at  the  period  at  which 
his  investigations  were  made,  almost  every  one  who  had  written  on 
the  subject  had  unfortunately  contributed,  by  their  errors,  to  envelope 
the  subject  in  confusion.  M.  Schneider,  however,  had  sedulously  em- 
ployed himself,  and  with  some  success,  in  makjng  some  useful  and 
important  distinctions,  with  respect  to  these  animals ;  Histoire  des  Am- 
phibies,  cap.  n.  But  the  most  instructive  labours  were  those  of  M. 
Geoffroy,  who  not  only  made  some  important  anatomical  researches  on 
the  crocodile  of  the  Nile,  but  also  on  the  crocodile  of  St.  Domingo, 
which  bore  so  strong  a  resemblance  to  that  of  the  Nile,  as  to  have  led  to 
the  suspicion  that  they  were  both  of  the  same  species ;  and,  of  course, 
to  a  doubt  as  to  the  circumstance  dwelt  on  by  Buffon,  that  no  species 
belonging  to  the  torrid  zone  had  been  primitively  in  both  continents. 
The  observations,  however,  of  M.  Gregoire,  determined  that  the  croco- 
dile of  St.  Domingo  deserved  to  be  regarded  as  of  a  different  species  from 
that  of  the  Nile.  Ann.  du  Mus.  Nat.  T,  i.  p.  37  and  53. 

This  same  naturalist  suspected,  from  the  accounts  he  had  received, 
that  two  distinct  species  of  the  crocodile  existed  in  Egypt;  one  of  these 


he  conceived  to  be  the  common  crocodile  of  Egypt,  and  the  other  the 
Suchos,  the  sacred  crocodile  of  Thebes.  This  opinion  was  strongly  cor- 
roborated by  the  skull  of  this  animal,  contained  in  some  of  the  mummies 
found  in  the  ruins  of  this  celebrated  city,  and  by  a  well-prepared  spe- 
cimen of  an  animal  of  this  species.  M.  Cuvier  himself,  although  doubt- 
ing as  to  M.  Geoffrey's  employing  the  word  sitchus  in  the  same  sense  as  the 
ancients  did,  is  satisfied  that  a  difference  exists  between  some  of  the  cro- 
codiles of  Egypt,  sufficient  to  allow  of  admitting  the  existence  of  a  race, 
if  not  a  species,  distinct  from  the  common  crocodile  of  the  Nile. 

Aided  by  the  observations  of  M.  Geoffroy,  and  by  the  anatomical 
examination  of  the  crocodile  of  St.  Domingo  by  M.  Descourtils,  who  dis- 
sected more  than  forty  of  this  species;  and  availing  himself  of  the  oppor- 
tunity of  examining  nearly  sixty  animals  of  this  genus,  of  both  sexes, 
and  of  different  ages  and  sizes,  from  their  passing  out  of  the  egg  to  the 
length  of  twelve  or  fifteen  feet,  arid  examining  anew  the  different  works 
which  had  been  written  on  this  animal,  M.  Cuvier  considered  himself  as 
authorized  in  arranging  these  animals  in  the  following  order : — 

The  following  characters: — conical  teeth,  in  a  single  row — a  broad 
fleshy  tongue,  affixed  to  the  mouth — a  compressed  tail,  carinated  and 
serrated  on  its  upper  part — palmated  or  semipal mated  feet — and  broad 
and  nearly  square  scales  on  the  back,  belly,  and  tail ;  he  considers  as 
forming  the  genus  CROCODILE,  of  the  order  Sauri,  in  the  class  Am- 
phibia. This  genus  he  considers  as  divisible  into  three  sub-genera : — 
I.  Alligators  (caimans).  The  head  oblong,  but  its  length  being  to  its 
breadth  not  more  than  as  three  to  two — the  fourth  lower  tooth  on 
each  side  being  received  in  a  pit  in  the  upper  jaw — the  feet  semipal- 
mated.  Under  this  sub-genus  he  places  the  following  four  species : 
C.  Indus,  C.  sclerops,  C.  palpebrosus,  and  C.  trigonatus. — II.  Crocodiles. 
The  length  of  the  head  double  that  of  its  width,  the  jaws  being  oblong — 
the  fourth  lower  tooth  on  each  side  passing  through  a  notch  on  each  side 
of  the  upper  jaw — the  feet  palmated.  Under  this  sub-genus  he  disposes 
C.  vulgar  is,  C.  biporcatus,  C.  rhombifer,  C.  galeatus,  C.  biscutatus,  and  C, 

272    , 

acutus. — III.  Longbeaked  (Gaoials).  The  jaws  elongated  and  cylindri- 
cal—the  feet  palmated.  Under  this  sub-genus  he  places  the  large  and 
small  gavial,  as  C.  gangeticus  and  C.  tenuirostris. 

The  remains  of  animals  referable  to  the  genus  Crocodile,  and  of  others, 
which  though  not  of  this  genus,  may  be  considered  as  of  the  family  of 
lizards,  have  been  found  in  a  fossil  state  in  different  parts  of  the  world, 
but  particularly  in  this  island,  in  Germany,  and  France. 

In  the  greatest  part  of  Thuringia  and  of  Voigtiand,  bordering  upon 
Hesse,  and  even  in  Franconia  and  Bavaria,  is  a  bed  of  bituminous 
inarl-slate,  which  Mr.  Werner  considers  as  the  lowest  stratum  of  the  first 
floetz  lime-stone.  It  is  from  this  bed  of  schist,  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Mansfield,  Eisleben,  Ilmeneau,  &c.  that  those  impressions  of  fish  are 
obtained,  which  are  so  frequently  beautified  by  the  brilliant  coatings  of 
copper  and  silver  pyrites. 

Above  this  cuprous  schist  are  beds  of  lime-stone,  in  which  exist  belem-* 
nites,  entrochi,  anomise,  and  other  remains  of  high  antiquity.  On  this 
lime-stone  is  gypsum,  accompanied  with  sal  gem,  above  which  is  sand- 
stone, covered  by  gypsum,  without  salt;  and  on  this  is  another  shelly 
lime-stone,  in  which  are  the  celebrated  caverns,  containing  the  remains 
of  bears  and  of  other  carnivorous  animals. 

The  bed  of  bituminous  slate,  in  which  the  impressions  of  fishes,  and 
also  of  oviparous  quadrupeds,  are  found,  are  indubitably,  from  their 
situation,  the  most  ancient  of  the  strata  here  enumerated ;  whilst  the 
fishes,  whose  impressions  are  here  found,  are  generally  supposed  to  be 
those  of  fresh-water  fish ;  and  the  oviparous  quadrupeds,  whose  im- 
pressions accompany  them,  are  always,  according  to  M.  Cuvier,  ani- 
mals which  frequent  marshes  and  the  banks  of  rivers.  From  the  repre- 
sentations of  four  fossil  specimens,  that  by  Spener,  MiscelL  berol.  i.  Fig. 
24  and  25,  p.  99,  from  the  neighbourhood  of  Salzungen ;  that  of  Link, 
from  the  same  place,  Letter  to  Dr.  Woodward,  &c. ;  that  by  Sweden- 
bourg,  from  Alteristein,  DC  Cupro  Tractat.  PL  n. ;  and  one  from  the 
mines  of  Rothenbourg,  near  Saal,  at  the  depth  of  264  feet;  M.  Cuvier 


was  satisfied  that  the  traces  here  preserved  are  of  animals  of  the  sarra? 

The  form  of  the  head,  the  pointed  teeth,  the  size  of  the  vertebrae  of 
the  tail,  would  be  sufficient,  he  observes,  without  the  limbs,  to  show  de- 
cidedly, that  this  animal  must  have  been  an  oviparous  quadruped.  The 
head,  however,  does  not,  as  was  supposed  by  Spener  and  Link,  bear 
any  resemblance  to  that  of  the  crocodile  of  the  Nile.  So  far,  also,  is  it 
from  being,  as  is  asserted  by  M.  Faujas,  a  real  Gavial,.  that  M.  Cuvier 
is  convinced,  that  it  differs  more  from  the  Gavial  than  from  any  other 
reptile  of  the  lizard  tribe. 

From  the  head  engraved  by  Spener,  M.  Cuvier  was  enabled  to  deter- 
mine the  genus  to  which  this  animal  belonged.  In  the  upper  jaw  he 
could  discover  only  eleven  teeth  on  one  side,  and  which  only  reached  to 
the  anterior  angle  of  the  orbit ;  a  circumstance  which  characterizes  the 
Lacerta  monitor  of  Linnaeus,  or  Tupinambis  of  Daudin.  In  the  upper  jaw 
of  the  crocodile  there  should  be  at  least  fifteen  teeth  on  each  side,  and 
these  should  reach  to  the  middle  of  the  orbit. 

The  hind  feet  also,  as  seen  both  in  Link's  and  Swedenbourg's  speci- 
mens, show  five  unequal  toes,  of  which  the  fourth  is  the  longest :  these 
toes  have  the  following  number  of  bones  in  each,  beginning  with  the 
great  toe,  and  reckoning  the  metacarpal  bone — 3,  4,  5,  6,  4.  This 
number,  and  this  proportion  of  the  toes,  as  well  as  the  number  of  the 
joints  of  each  toe,  are  exactly  the  same  in  the  Monitor,  in  the  common 
lizards,  and  in  the  iguana;  but  are  different  in  the  crocodile,  which  has 
but  four  toes  to  the  hind  feet,  differing  but  little  in  their  length,  and  being 
formed  by  bones  disposed  in  this  number  and  order — 3,  4,.  5,  4. 

The  fore  feet  are  discoverable  in  the  specimen  of  Link,  and  have  each 
five  toes  of  nearly  equal  size.  The  crocodiles  also,  as  well  as  the  lizards, 
have  five  toes  to  their  fore  feet,  but  the  little  toe  is  evidently  smaller  in 

The  size  of  these  animals  also  appears  to  agree  with  that  of  the  most 
common  species  of  Monitor ;  such  as,  those  which  belong  to  the  land,  and 

VOL.  Ill,  N  N 


to  the  river  of  Egypt;  that  of  Congou,  described  by  Daudin;  those  of 
the  East  Indies,  &c.  They  accord  indeed  so  well,  in  almost  every 
respect,  that  M.  Cuvier,  by  comparison  with  different  specimens  and 
skeletons  of  these  animals  in  the  Museum,  has  been  able  to  detect 
only  one  or  two  apparently  specific  distinctions.  The  one  of  these  is, 
that  the  spinal  processes  of  the  dorsal  vertebrae  are  much  more  raised 
than  in  the  Monitors.  The  other  is,  that  the  leg  appears  to  be  longer  in 
proportion  to  the  thigh  and  foot,  than  is  the  case  in  the  Monitors. 

In  the  neighbourhood  of  Altorff,  in  Bavaria,  are  quarries  of  indifferent 
grey  marble,  containing  ammonites,  &c.  in  which  the  impressions  of 
large  heads,  with  long  jaws,  armed  with  pointed  teeth,  have  been  repeat- 
edly found. 

The  specimens  which  have  been  there  discovered,  have  not  hitherto 
warranted  the  determining  with  what  species  of  animal,  or  even  hardly 
with  what  genus  they  should  be  placed.  In  the  opinion  of  Merck,  Troisicme 
Lettre  sur  les  Fossiles,  p.  25,  the  one  which  he  possessed,  but  which  is 
now  in  the  Museum  of  Darmstadt,  may  be  considered  as  a  Gavial.  Ano- 
ther, in  the  Museum  of  Manheim,  and  which  has  been  carefully  figured 
and  described  by  Collini,  Act.  Ac.  Theod.  Palat  v.  PI.  in.  Fig.  1  and  2, 
is  thought,  by  this  author,  to  have  belonged  either  to  a  saw  or  a  sword- 
fish,  or  to  some  unknown  sea  animal.  The  fore  part  of  another  was 
found  by  M.  Bauder,  Burgomaster  of  Altorf ;  and  this  one  has  been 
merely  described  as  part  of  the  head  of  a  crocodile. 

M.  Faujas,  who  has  published  figures  of  the  two  first  of  these  fossils, 
agrees  positively  with  Merck  in  the  opinion  of  their  being  the  heads  of 
the  Gavial.     This  opinion  is  however  opposed  by  M.  Cuvier,  who  has 
discovered  some  important  points  in  which  they  differ.     The  length  of 
the  head  at  Manheim  is  to  its  width  as  38  to  11,  whilst,  in  the  larger  Ga- 
vial, the  length  of  its  head  is  to  its  width  as  25  to  9.   The  general  figure  of 
the  head  also  differs  from  that  of  the  larger  Gavial,  it  narrowing  gradually 
to  form  the  muzzle.     From  these  two  circumstances,  and  from  the  long 
oval  marks  of  the  eyes,  it  would  seem  to  resemble  the  head  of  the 


smaller,  whilst  its  size  is  nearly  that  of  the  larger  Gavial.  From  the 
figure  given  by  M.  Faujas,  of  the  head  at  Darmstadt,  it  appears  to  differ 
from  that  of  either  of  the  Gavials;  since  the  symphisis  of  the  lower  jaw 
does  not  extend  so  much  backwards,  and  there  are  seven  or  eight  teeth 
in  the  separated  parts  of  each  branch  of  the  jaw ;  whilst,  in  this  part  of 
the  jaw,  in  the  Gavials,  there  are  only  two  or  three  teeth. 

Some  have  imagined  these  fossils  to  have  been  the  remains  of  a  dol- 
phin j  but  that  this  is  not  the  fact  is  evinced  by  the  nostrils,  which, 
instead  of  passing  in  vertically,  at  the  root  of  the  muzzle,  are  disposed  at 
its  end,  and  open  into  a  double  nasal  canal,  reaching  even  beneath  the 
skull.  It  is  evident,  that  there  can  exist  no  reason  for  supposing  that 
these  remains  can  be  referred  to  any  kind  of  fish ;  and  that  they  have 
belonged  to  some  animal  of  the  crocodile  kind  is  certainly  the  most 
reasonable  conjecture. 

Part  of  the  head  of  a  crocodile  has  also  been  found  in  a  mountain  near 
to  Rozzo,  on  the  borders  of  Vicentin  and  of  Tyrol,  the  lower  jaw  of 
which  is  twenty-five  inches  and  a  half  long,  and  eight  inches  wide.  Its 
matrix  is  a  limestone  of  a  yellowish  red  colour.  Voyage  en  Tyrol,  par  M. 
le  Comte  de  Stemberg.  This  fossil  has  also  been  referred  to  the  Gavial 
by  M.  Faujas ;  but,  as  is  observed  by  M.  Cuvier,  it  differs  from  it  in  the 
posterior  part  of  the  jaw  not  being  in  a  straight  line  with  the  anterior 
pint,  where  it  is  united  by  the  symphisis,  but  forming  an  angle,  by 
which  the  branch  of  one  side  becomes  separated  from  that  of  the  other 
side :  a  character  which  sufficiently  shows,  that  this  cannot  have  been 
the  remains  of  an  actual  Gavial.  M.  Cuvier  is  of  opinion,  that  these 
fossils,  as  well  as  those  of  Altorf,  are  the  remains  of  an  unknown  spe- 
cies of  the  crocodile,  and  similar  to  those  which  will  form  the  subject  of 
our  next  letter. 






1  HE  fossils  which  we  shall  now  examine  will,  I  doubt  not,  excite  in 
you  a  considerable  degree  of  interest ;  since  they  have  been  found  in  such 
a  state,  and  in  such  numbers,  as  to  allow  of  their  comparison  with  the 
correspondent  parts  of  animals  of  the  same  genus ;  and  since  they  have 
been  thus  compared  by  M.  Cuvier. 

These  fossils  were  collected  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Honfleur,.  by  the 
Abbe  Bachelet,  an  assiduous  naturalist  at  Rouen,  and  were  sent,  by  orders 
of  the  Prefect  of  the  department,  to  the  Museum  of  Natural  History  !  Similar 
fossils  are  also  obtained  at  Havre.  They  were  found  in  a  bed  of  hard 
limestone,  of  a  bluish  grey  colour,  which  becomes  nearly  black  when 
wet,  and  which  is  found  along  the  shore  on  both  sides  of  the  mouth  of 
the  Seine,  being  in  some  places  covered  by  the  sea,  and  in  others  above 
its  level,  even  at  high  water. 

This  bed,  M.  Cuvier  observes,  is  certainly  more  ancient  than  the  im- 
mense mass  of  clay  which  rests  on  it,  and  which  rises  in  cliffs  of  300  or 
400  feet  in  height,  forming  the  whole  of  Caux,  a  part  of  Auge,  and 
spreads  into  Picardy  and  Champagne,  and  even  into  England.  These 
bones  of  crocodiles,  as  well  as  those  of  lizards,  in  Thuringia,  belong,  then, 
to  strata  considerably  anterior  to  those  which  contain  the  bones  of  qua- 



drupeds,  and  which  are  themselves  of  very  high  antiquity;  such  as  the  beds 
of  gypsum,  at  Paris ;  since  these  rest  on  the  more  common  shelly  lime- 
stone, beneath  which  is  the  chalk. 

The  larger  cavities  of  the  bones  are  filled  by  the  same  hard  grey  lime- 
stone ;  but  the  pores  and  smaller  cells  are  filled  by  a  semi-transparent 
spar,  which  has  sometimes  a  yellowish  tinge.  In  general,  a  thin  coat  of 
pyrites  is  seen  to  line  the  cavity,  and,  of  course,  to  immediately  include 
the  spar :  and  sometimes  the  whole  of  these  minute  cavities  have  been 
filled  with  pyrites. 

The  most  important  specimen  in  the  National  Museum  is  a  lower  jaw, 
nearly  complete.  This  jaw,  indubitably  of  a  crocodile,  is  beset  with 
conical  striated  teeth,  with  the  two  sharp  edges,  one  on  the  fore  and  the 
other  on  the  back  part,  and  having  the  cavities  for  the  germs  of  the  suc- 
ceeding teeth.  In  this  specimen  are  also  discoverable  the  sutures  which 
divide  each  branch  of  the  jaw  into  six  bones.  An  outline  sketch  of  this 
jaw  is  given  Plate  XVIII.  Fig.  7. 

That  this  jaw  belonged  to  some  animal  of  the  genus  Crocodile,  there 
can  be  no  doubt ;  and  the  following  differences,  noticed  by  M.  Cuvier, 
as  undoubtedly  show  that  this  animal  could  not  be  of  the  Gavial  species: 
1.  The  branches  are  much  longer,  in  proportion  to  the  anterior  con- 
nected part,  than  in  either  of  the  Gavials.  2.  The  branches  do  not  form 
so  open  an  angle  as  in  the  Gavial ;  the  angle  in  the  Gavial  being  about 
60°,  and  in  the  fossil  jaw  but  little  more  than  30°.  3.  From  this  cir- 
cumstance, the  outer  lines  formed  by  the  branches,  separate  gradually 
from  the  part  where  they  are  united ;  whereas,  in  the  Gavial,  they  sepa- 
rate by  a  sudden  and  very  sensible  flexion.  4.  The  notch  which  sepa- 
rates the  branches  penetrates  forwarder  Between  the  teeth  than  it  does 
in  the  Gavial :  in  the  Gavial  there  are  but  two  or  three  teeth,  and  in 
the  fossil  jaw  there  are  seven  in  each  branch.  5.  The  whole  number  of 
the  teeth  is,  however,  less :  in  the  fossil  jaw  there  are  only  twenty -two 
on  each  side ;  whilst,  in  the  Gavial,  there  are  twenty-five.  6.  There 


does  not  appear,  in  the  fossil  the  oval  hole  which  exists  in  the  posterior 
part  of  the  branch,  in  the  known  species  of  crocodiles. 

The  fossil  upper  jaw  was  also  ascertained,  from  different  fragments,  to 
differ  materially  from  the  upper  jaw  of  the  Gavial.  The  snout,  corre- 
sponding with  the  symphisis  of  the  lower  jaw,  is  shorter  and  flatter  than 
that  of  the  Gavial ;  and  the  anterior  end  terminates  in  a  point,  and  does 
not  spread  out  as  that  of  the  Gavial  does.  The  anterior  edges  of  the  orbits 
also  appear  to  be  more  flattened  than  in  the  living  species.  From  fair 
grounds  of  calculation  it  also  appears,  that  the  skull  must  have  been 
much  longer  in  proportion  to  the  snout,  in  the  fossil  species  than  in  the 

One  of  the  specimens  from  Honfleur,  a  fragment  of  the  base  of  the 
symphisis  part  of  the  lower  jaw,  appeared  to  differ  from  the  lower  jaw 
already  mentioned,  in  being  rather  flatter;  approaching  a  little,  in  this 
and  some  other  respects,  to  that  of  the  gavial.  This  circumstance  led 
M.  Cuvier  to  the  suspicion  of  there  being  the  remains  of  two  species  of 
crocodiles  in  this  stratum. 

An  attentive  examination  of  the  fossil  vertebrae  confirmed  his  opi- 
nion ;  since  he  discovered  that  the  vertebrae  also  belonged  to  two  different 
systems  of  bones,  neither  of  which  was  similar  to  that  of  the  known  cro- 
codiles. With  respect  to  the  first  species  of  fossil  vertebrae  which  he 
found,  he  ascertained  that  the  posterior  face  of  the  body  of  the  axis  is 
concave,  whilst  it  is  convex  in  all  the  known  crocodiles ;  a  characteristic 
which  is  distinguishable  in  many  of  these  fossil  vertebrae,  whilst  in  the 
known  crocodiles  this  part  is  convex.  Plate  XVIII.  Fig.  6,  represents 
one  of  the  dorsal  vertebrae,  in  which  this  circumstance  is  observable.  It 
is  proper  to  remark  here,  that  wnole  orders  of  viviparous  quadrupeds,  such 
as  the  ruminants  and  solipeds,  have  the  bodies  of  their  cervical  vertebrae 
convex  in  their  fore  part;  but,  in  these,  their  apophyses  are  very  differently 
disposed.  The  transverse  apophyses  in  the  fossil  vertebras  arise  by  four  pro- 
jecting processes,  which  give  them  a  pyramidal  base  ;  and  behind  the  sur- 


face,  receiving  the  head  of  the  rib,  is  a  deep  pit :  these  are  two  peculiarities 
which  do  not  exist  in  the  known  crocodiles.  In  the  place,  also,  of  the 
single  inferior  spinous  apophysis,  which  exists  in  the  known  crocodiles, 
there  are  two  ridges,  each  terminating  in  a  tubercle  placed  forwards. 
The  body  of  these  fossil  vertebrae  is  also  more  contracted  in  its  middle 
than  is  that  of  the  vertebrae  of  the  common  crocodile. 

The  other  series  of  vertebra  also  appeared  to  belong  to  a  crocodile, 
different  from  those  which  now  exist,  as  well  as  from  that  whose  ver- 
tebrae have  just  been  described.  Their  characteristic  differences  are : 
their  body  is  not  contracted  in  the  middle,  and  their  transverse  apophy- 
ses  do  not  arise  from  the  reunion  of  several  projecting  ridges.  They 
therefore  resemble  those  of  the  living  crocodiles  much  more  than  the 
preceding ;  but  their  principal  difference,  distinguishing  them  from  the 
preceding  fossil  vertebras,  as  well  as  from  those  of  the  living  crocodiles, 
is  that  the  faces  of  their  bodies  are  neither  of  them  convex;  but  are  both 
slightly  concave.  In  other  respects,  in  the  disposition  of  their  apophy- 
ses,  in  the  suture  which  connects  the  annular  part  and  processes  with 
the  body  of  the  vertebrse,  &c.  they  agree  with  the  vertebrae  of  crocodiles 
in  general.  A  vertebrse  belonging  to  this  species  is  represented  Plate 
XVIII.  Fig.  5,  which  answers  to  the  second  dorsal  vertebrae  of  the  com- 
mon crocodile,  by  the  position  of  its  costal  pit  a,  b  ;  but  differs  from  it 
in  having  no  inferior  spinous  apophysis. 

It  is  undoubtedly  exceedingly  desirable,  to  determine  to  which  of  these 
two  systems  of  vertebrae,  the  fragments  of  the  head  and  jaws  just  de- 
scribed may  be  referred.  This  is  however,  at  present,  hardly  possible, 
the  specimens  which  have  been  hitherto  described  not  having  been  found 
under  circumstances  which  would  allow  of  determining  the  connection. 
M.  Cuvier,  however,  thiriks  it  most  probable,  that  the  nearly  complete 
jaw  belonged  to  the  same  animal  to  which  the  first  described  vertebrae  be- 
longed ;  and  that  the  fragment  of  the  jaw  which  seems  to  approach 
nearer  to  that  of  the  Gavial  might  be  placed  with  the  second  species  of 
vertebrae.  It  must  be  however  observed,  that  the  vertebrae  of  the  second 


species  were  found  in  the  same  mass  with  the  large  specimen  of  the 
lower  jaw. 

Remains  of  crocodiles  have  also  been  found  in  other  parts  of  France; 
as,  at  Angers  and  Mans.  Some  of  these  remains  seem  to  show,  that  at 
least  one  of  the  fossil  species  above  noticed  is  also  found  in  other  parts 
of  France  besides  Honfletir  and  Havre. 

The  remains  of  crocodiles  have  been  also  found  in  different  parts  of 
England  ;  but  particularly  on  the  coast  of  Dorsetshire,  and  of  Yorkshire, 
near  Whitby ;  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Bath;  and  near  Newark,  in  Not- 

Dr.  Stukely  describes  a  stone  three  feet  long,  and  two  feet  two  inches 
broad,  found  at  Elston,  near  Newark,  in  Nottingham.  The  Doctor 
described  it  as  containing  the  marks  of  sixteen  vertebrae  of  the  back  and 
loins,  and  eleven  joints  of  the  tail ;  nine  whole  or  partial  ribs  of  the  left 
side ;  the  Os  sacrum ;  the  Ilium  in  situ ;  the  two  thigh-bones,  a  little 
displaced ;  with  the  beginnings  of  the  tibia  and  fibula  of  the  right  leg. 
On  one  corner,  he  thought,  the  vestiges  were  to  be  seen  of  a  foot  with 
four  toes ;  and,  at  a  little  distance,  an  entire  toe.  The  Doctor  consi- 
dered this  fossil  as  the  remains  of  a  crocodile  or  of  a  porpoise.  The 
stone  in  which  these  traces  were  discoverable,  had  been  used  at  a  well, 
for  placing  the  vessels  on  in  which  the  water  was  obtained.  It  was  of  a 
blue  colour,  and  came  probably  from  Fulbeck  quarries,  which  are  on 
the  Western  declivity  of  the  long  chain  of  hills  which  reach  through  the 
whole  of  Lincolnshire,  and  which  contain  numerous  shells  and  other 
marine  bodies  *. 

M.  Cuvier  considers  this  fossil  to  have  derived  its  markings  from  the 
remains  of  a  crocodile  :  that  it  could  not  Jiave  been  from  the  remains  of 
a  porpoise,  he  observes,  is  evident,  from  vestiges  of  the  pelvis,  a  part 
which  does  not  exist  in  the  porpoise,  being  here  plainly  observable.  He 
discovers,  also,  in  this  fossil,  the  square  and  nearly  equal  sized  spinous 

*  Phil.  Trans.  Vol.  xxx.  p.  963. 


processes  of  the  vertebrae ;  the  six  anterior  vertebree,  with  large  ribs  at- 
tached to  them,  and  three  ribs  at  the  end  of  the  stone,  the  vertebrae 
belonging  to  which  are  broken  off.  The  live  vertebrae  next., to  those 
which  are  connected  with  the  ribs,  he  remarks,  have  large  transverse 
processes,  whilst  those  of  the  next  four  are  small.  The  ilia  are  situated 
after  these  four;  but  he  is  of  opinion  that  they  have  been  displaced,  and 
that  they  should  have  been  found  behind  the  five  vertebrae  with  large 
transverse  processes,  which  he  considers  as  vertebras  of  the  loins.  The 
impressions  of  the  ossa  ilia  were  supposed  by  Stukeley  to  have  been  of 
the  thigh-bones ;  and  two  large  and  short  impressions  near  them,  which 
M.  Cuvier  is  unable  to  refer  to  any  particular  bones,  he  considered  as  the 
heads  of  the  tibia  and  fibula.  No  marks  of  the  head  existing  in  this  fossil, 
and  the  vertebrae  not  having  been  figured  with  precision,  no  conjectures 
can  be  offered  with  respect  to  the  species. 

Captain  William  Chapman,  in  the  fiftieth  volume  of  the  Philoso- 
phical Transactions,  p.  688,  gives  an  account  of  the  finding,  on  the  sea- 
shore, about  half  a  mile  from  Whitby,  part  of  the  bones  of  an  animal 
appearing  to  have  been  an  alligator.  They  were  found  in  a  kind  of 
black  slate,  which  had  been  covered  five  or  six  feet  with  water  every 
full  sea,  and  were  about  nine  or  ten  yards  from  the  cliff,  which  is 
nearly  perpendicular,  and  about  sixty  yards  high,  and  is  continually 
wearing  away  by  the  washing  of  the  sea  against  it.  The  place  where 
these  bones  lay  was  frequently  covered  with  sea-sand  to  the  depth  of 
two  feet. 

Mr.  Woollers,  p.  786,  of  the  same  volume,  gives  a  further  account  of 
the  foregoing  fossil  skeleton.    He  says :    "  In  this  same  rock,  ammonitge, 
or  snake-stones,  as  they  are  called,  are  found.    The  animal,  when  living, 
must  have  been  twelve  or  fourteen  feet  long.     It  lay  six  yards  from  the 
foot  of  the  cliff,  which  is  sixty  yards  in  perpendicular  height,  and  must 
have  been  covered  by  it,  probably,  not  much  more  than  a  century  ago. 
The  cliff  there  is  composed  of  various  strata,  beginning  from  the  top  of 
earth,  clay,  marie,  and  stones,  of  various  thicknesses,   till  it  comes  to 

VOL.   III.  O  O 

the  black  slate,  or  alum  rock ;  and  about  ten  or  twelve  feet  deep,  in  this 
rock,  this  skeleton  laid  horizontally.  The  probability  of  this  cliff  formerly 
covering  this  animal,  and  extending  much  more  into  the  sea,  is  not  in 
the  least  doubted  of  by  those  that  know  the  cliff.  The  various  strata 
which  compose  it  are  daily  mouldering  and  falling  down ;  several  thou- 
sand tons  often  tumbling  down  together.  Many  ancient  persons  now 
living  remember  this  very  cliff  extending,  in  some  places,  twenty  yards 
further  out  than  it  does  at  present,  so  much  has  the  sea  gained  of  the 

From  the  figure  of  this  fossil,  as  given  in  the  Philosophical  Transac- 
tions, Plate  XXII.  and  Plate  XXX.  of  the  same  volume;  and,  from  the 
description,  it  appears  that  the  remains  and  traces  were  observable  of 
a  vertebral  column,  probably,  however,  not  complete  at  either  end, 
nine  feet  in  length.  Twelve  vertebrae  of  the  tail,  and  a  series  of  ten 
other  vertebrae,  which  seemed  to  have  formed  the  loins,  sacrum,  and  the 
commencement  of  the  tail,  still  remained,  and  were  about  three  inches 
in  length.  Those  of  the  neck,  of  the  back,  and  the  middle  of  the  tail, 
had  only  left  their  impressions.  The  head  is  seen  on  its  lower  side, 
showing  the  occipital  condyle  on  the  back  part ;  the  zygomatic  arches, 
on  each  side,  terminating,  as  in  the  crocodile,  in  two  large  condyles  for 
the  lower  jaw,  and  placed  in  the  same  transverse  direction  with  the  occi- 
pital condyle.  The  skull  fills  but  a  narrow  space.  Forwards,  the  head 
contracts  not  suddenly,  as  in  the  Gavial,  but  gradually;  and,  in  M.  Cu- 
vier's  opinion,  like  the  fossil  head  of  Altorf ;  and  probably,  like  that  of 
Honfleur,  in  a  pointed  muzzle.  Large  pointed  teeth  are  placed  alter- 
nately in  both  jaws,  about  three  quarters  of  an  inch  distant  from  each 
other ;  and  towards  the  end  of  the  jaws  are  fangs  which  are  larger  than 
the  others. 

It  is  extraordinary,  that  the  celebrated  Camper  should  have  concluded 
this  fossil  to  have  been  the  remains  of  an  animal  of  the  species  Balcena, 
when  teeth  were  observable  in  both  jaws,  whilst  the  balaenae  are  not 
iisrnished  with  any  teeth.    Nor  is  it  less  surprising  that  M.  Faujas  should 


have  considered  this  fossil  as  belonging  to  a  physeter,  and  describe  it  as 
being  without  arms  or  legs  *,  since  the  physeters  have  teeth  in  the  lower 
jaw  only ;  and  since,  in  this  fossil,  the  traces  both  of  the  fore  and  hind 
legs  were  discoverable. 

From  the  researches  which  M.  Cuvier  has  made,  respecting  the  fossil 
remains  of  this  animal,  he  concludes,  that  at  Honfleur  and  Havre  the 
fossil  remains  of  two  species  of  crocodiles  are  found,  both  approaching  to 
the  Gavial,  but  both  unknown ;  that  one  of  these  two  species  at  least  is 
found  in  other  parts  of  France,  at  Alencon  and  elsewhere ;  that  the  ske- 
leton discovered  at  Whitby  was  probably  of  one  of  that  species  found  in 
France,  the  under  jaw  of  which  he  has  figured ;  that  the  fragments  of 
the  heads  found  in  the  territory  of  Vicentino  may  be  referred  to  the  same 
species ;  that  the  fossil  heads  found  at  Altorff  are  different  from  those  of 
the  Gavial,  and  have  a  longer  snout  than  that  of  the  animal  of  Honfleur, 
whose  jaw  is  figured,  and  may  therefore  belong  to  the  other  fossil  species 
found  in  France;  that  the  skeleton  described  by  Stukeley  is  a  croco- 
dile's, but  of  an  indeterminable  species;  that  the  supposed  crocodiles, 
the  remains  of  which  are  found  in  the  pyritous  schist  of  Thuringia,  were 
of  the  genus  Monitor,  Cuvier,  formed  of  Lacerta  monitor,  Linn. 

He  also  concludes,  that  all  these  fossil  remains  of  oviparous  quadru- 
peds belong  to  very  ancient  beds,  among  those  which  are  termed  secon- 
dary ;  and  even  much  anterior  to  the  regular  stony  beds,  which  contain 
the  bones  of  unknown  genera  of  quadrupeds,  such  as  the  palaeotheriums 
and  the  anoplotheriums ;  which  opinion,  however,  does  not  oppose  the 
finding  of  the  remains  of  crocodiles*-  with  those  of  these  genera,  as  has  • 
been  done  in  the  gypsum  quarries. 

The  opportunities  which  I  have  had  of  examining  British  fossils  of  this 
kind,  have  not  been  such  as  to  enable  me  to  add  to  the  very  important 
information  yielded  by  M.  Cuvier,  as  to  the  specific  differences  of  such  of 
animals  as  have  been  found  in  a  fossil  state.  The  observations,  how- 

*  Essais  de  Geologic.  I.  p.  360. 


ever,  which  I  have  been  able  to  make,  are  such,  as  far  as  they  extend, 
as  serve  to  confirm  the  opinions  of  M.  Cuvier. 

Several  fragments,  which  I  have  seen,  from  the  Dorsetshire  coast,  as 
well  as  those  which  I  possess,  show,  that  the  anterior  termination  of 
the  snout  of  one  species  of  these  fossil  animals,  whose  remains  are  found 
in  this  island,  was  long  and  narrow,  like  that  of  the  first  species  described 
by  M.  Cuvier.  Three  other  specimens  which  I  have  seen,  one  containing 
almost  the  whole  skull,  and  the  others  the  anterior  part  of  the  skull,  and 
all  having  the  posterior  part  of  the  branches  of  the  lower  jaw  attached  to 
the  upper  jaw,  manifest  decidedly  the  same  gradual  approximation  of 
the  branches  of  the  lower  jaw,  which  we  have  seen  distinguishes  this  fos- 
sil species  from  all  the  known  species  of  the  sub-genus  Gavial.  The  first 
of  these  was  exhibited  in  the  London  Museum;  and,  of  the  latter  two, 
one  was  in  the  possession  of  the  late  Mr.  Row,  of  Dorsetshire,  and  the 
other  was  exposed  for  sale  by  auction.  These  specimens  were  all  British 
fossils ;  and  evinced,  by  the  form  of  their  anterior  part,  that  they  had 
derived  their  origin  from  the  same  species  of  animal  to  which  the  spe- 
cimens above  mentioned  had  belonged.  The  union  of  these  specimens 
prove  therefore  decidedly,  that  in  this  island,  as  well  as  on  the  continent, 
there  exist  the  remains  of  a  species  of  crocodile,  approaching  towards,  but 
essentially  differing  from,  any  known  species  of  the  Gavial.  Of  the  head 
of  the  second  species,  no  specimen  which  I  have  seen  affords  me  any 
positive  information. 

Of  the  two  species  of  vertebrae  described  by  M.  Cuvier,  I  only  possess 
specimens  corresponding  with  those  which  he  supposes  to  belong  to  the 
first  species  which  he  has  particularized.  Two  detached  vertebrae,  which 
are,  I  conjecture,  from  Bath ;  three  which  are  disposed  in  their  natural 
order,  and  imbedded  in  the  Dorsetshire  blue  limestone ;  and  several 
others,  in  the  same  limestone,  the  sections  of  which  are  only  seen,  are 
all  referable  to  this  first  species ;  both  of  their  articulating  surfaces  being 
slightly  concave. 

Somersetshire,  particularly  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Bath,   the  cliffs 


on  the  Dorsetshire,  or  Southern  coast,  and  on  the  Yorkshire,  or  Northern 
coast,  are  the  places  in  this  island  in  which  the  remains  of  the  animals 
of  this  tribe  have  been  chiefly  found.  The  matrix  in  which  they  are 
found  is  in  general  similar  to  that  which  has  been  already  mentioned 
as  containing  the  fossils  of  Honfleur  and  Havre  :  a  blue  limestone,  be- 
cofaing  almost  black  when  wetted.  This  description  exactly  agrees  with 
the  limestone  of  Charmouth,  Lime,  See.  in  Dorsetshire,  on  the  opposite 
coast  to  that  of  France,  on  which  Havre  and .  Honfleur  are  situated. 
At  Whitby  and  Scarborough,  where  these  fossils  are  also  found,  the 
stone  is  indeed  somewhat  darker  than  in  the  former  places;  but  no  dif- 
ference is  observable  which  can  be  regarded  as  offering  any  forcible  op- 
position to  the  probability  of  the  original  identity  of  this  stratum,  which 
is  observed  on  the  Northern  coast  of  France,  on  the  opposite  Southern 
English  coast,  and  at  the  opposite  Northern  extremity  of  the  island. 
Some  of  these  remains  are  also  found  in  quarries  of  common  coarse  grey 
and  whitish  limestone.  Instances  of  this  kind  of  matrix,  for  these  remains, 
are  observable  in  the  quarries  between  Bath  and  Bristol. 

The  Rev.  Mr.  Hawker,  of  Woodchester,  in  Gloucestershire,  possesses, 
perhaps,  one  of  the  handsomest  specimens  of  the  remains  of  the  croco- 
dile that  has  been  found  in  this  island.  It  was  found  by  him  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Bath,  and  contains  great  part  of  the  head  and  of  the  trunk 
of  the  animal,  which  appears  to  have  been  of  the  species  noticed  by 
Cuvier,  with  the  gradually  tapering  jaw. 







1  HE  large  animal,  whose  fossil  remains  are  found  in  the  quarries  of 
Maestricht,  has  been  deservedly  a  frequent  object  of  admiration ;  and 
the  beautiful  appearance  which  its  remains  possess,  in  consequence  of 
their  excellent  state  of  preservation,  in  a  matrix  which  admits"  of  their 
fair  display,  has  occasioned  every  specimen  of  this  fossil  to  be  highly  va- 
lued. The  lower  jaw  of  this  animal,  with  some  other  specimens  which 
were  presented  by  Dr.  Peter  Camper  to  the  Royal  Society,  and  which 
are  now  in  the  British  Museum,  are  among  the  most  splendid  and  in- 
teresting fossils  in  existence.  A  particular  account  of  these  fossils,  with 
the  opinions  of  the  learned  donor  respecting  the  animal  to  which  they 
belonged,  and  some  excellent  engravings,  are  given  in  the  Philosophical 
Transactions  for  1786. 

The  remains  of  this  animal  are  found  chiefly  in  that  part  of  St.  Peter's 
Mountain,  on  which  is  built  the  fort  St.  Peter.  Whilst  speaking,  in  a 
former  part  of  this  work,  of  the  alcyonic  fossils  from  this  mountain,  I  re- 
marked that  their  matrix  was  "  a  very  pure  carbonate  of  lime."  M.  Cu- 
vier  has  also  ascertained  this  to  be  the  case,  and  that  the  description  of 
it  by  M.  Faujas,  who  says  it  is  "  Un  gres  quartzeiix  a  grain  fin,  foiblement 
lie  par  un  gluten  calcaire  peu  dur*,"  is  erroneous.  The  mass  of  calcareous 
matter  in  which  they  are  imbedded  is  at  least  449  feet  in  thickness. 

The  first  collection  of  these  fossils  was  made  by  an  intelligent  officer, 

M.  Drouin,  who  commenced  his  researches  about  the  year  1766.  This 
collection  is  at  present  in  Teyler's  Museum.  M.  Hoffman,  the  surgeon 
of  the  fort,  of  whom  I  have  already  spoken,  also  made  a  collection  of 
these  specimens,  which  at  his  death  was  purchased  by  Dr.  Peter  Cam- 
per, who  presented  some  of  them,  as  has  been  already  related,  to  the 
British  Museum. 

In  1770,  the  workmen  having  discovered  part  of  an  enormous  head  of 
an  animal  imbedded  in  the  solid  stone,  in  one  of  the  subterranean  pas- 
sages of  the  mountain,  gave  information  to  M.  Hoffman,  who,  with  the 
most  zealous  assiduity,  laboured  until  he  had  disengaged  this  astonishing 
fossil  from  its  matrix.  But  when  this  was  done,  the  fruits  of  his  labours 
were  wrested  from  him  by  an  ecclesiastic,  who  claimed  it  as  being  pro- 
prietor of  the  land  over  the  spot  on  which  it  was  found.  Hoffman  de- 
fended his  right  in  a  court  of  justice;  but  the  influence  of  the  Chapter 
was  employed  against  him,  and  he  was  doomed  not  only  to  the  loss  of 
this  inestimable  fossil,  but  to  the  payment  of  heavy  law  expenses.  But 
in  time,  justice,  M.  Fanjas  says,  though  tardy,  at  last  arrived — the 
troops  of  the  French  Republic,  secured  this  treasure,  which  was  conveyed 
to  the  National  Museum. 

This  fossil  is  described  by  M.  Faujas,  in  his  work  on  the  Mountain 
of  St.  Peter.  In  this  work  M.  Faujas  endeavours  to  show  that  this 
animal  must  have  been  a  crocodile,  in  agreement  with  the  opinion  of 
Messrs.  Drouin  and  Hoffman,  and  in  opposition  to  that  of  Dr.  Peter  Cam- 
per, who  believed  it  to  have  been  a  cetaceous  animal.  M.  Adrian  Cam- 
per, after  the  most  careful  investigation,  has  thought  it  must  have  been  a 
reptile,  allied,  in  some  respects,  to  the  family  of  Monitors,  and  in  others 
to  the  Iguanas. 

Furnished  by  M.  Loisel,  Prsefect  of  the  Lower  Meuse,  with  numerous 
other  specimens,  not  only  from  the  quarries  under  Fort  St.  Peter,  but 
from  several  other  hills,  and  particularly  from  the  village  of  Seichem,  in 
addition  to  those  which  had  been  secured  by  M.  Faujas,  the  indefatir- 

*  Hist,  Nat.  de  la  Mont  de  S.  Pierre,  p.  14. 


gable  Cuvier  proceeded  to  a  careful  anatomical  examination  of  these 
specimens,  with  the  hope  of  furnishing  some  information  respecting  their 
origin.  This  undertaking  he  conceived  to  be  more  particularly  necessary, 
since  the  splendid  work  of  M.  Faujas  contains  no  really  illustrative  osteo- 
logical  remarks ;  and  since  M.  Faujas  considers  M.  Adrian  Camper  as 
being  of  the  same  opinion  with  him,  as  to  the  agreement  of  this  fossil 
animal  with  the  crocodile  ;  whilst  the  animal  to  which  the  latter  gen- 
tleman refers  this  fossil  is  essentially  different  from  the  crocodile,  although 
placed  by  Linnaeus  with  it,  under  the  genus  Lacerta. 

To  M.  Adrian  Camper  we  are  indebted  for  the  knowledge  of  the  real 
characters  of  this  enormous  animal,  known  only  at  present  as  a  fossil. 
By  the  observations  of  this  gentleman,  corroborated  by  those  of  M.  Cu- 
vier, which  I  shall  now  place  before  you,  I  trust  you  will  be  fully  satis- 
fied respecting  the  original  nature  of  this  wonderful  animal. 

Dr.  Peter  Camper  had  been  led  to  the  conclusion,  that  this  animal 
should  be  placed  among  the  cetaceous  animals;  1st,  from  its  being  ac- 
companied by  marine  remains ;  2dly,  from  the  bones  being  polished ; 
3dly,  from  the  lower  jaw  having,  externally,  numerous  openings  for  the 
passage  of  the  nerves ;  4thly,  from  the  roots  of  the  teeth  being  solid  ; 
5thly,  from  their  being  teeth  on  the  palate ;  6thly,  from  the  vertebroe 
being  without  sutures ;  and,  7thly,  from  the  phalanges  and  ribs  being  of 
a  different  form  from  those  of  the  crocodile. 

All  these  circumstances,  except  the  first,  are  allowed  by  M.  Cuvier, 
to  prove  that  this  animal  was  not  a  crocodile ;  but  he  does  not  admit  that 
any  of  them  prove  its  having  been  a  whale ;  since,  in  several  reptiles, 
and  particularly  in  the  monitors  and  iguanas,  the  bones  are  polished, 
numerous  openings  exist  in  the  lower  jaw,  the  roots  of  the  teeth  are  bony 
and  solid,  and  the  vertebrae  are  without  suture.  The  fifth  circumstance 
proves  also,  that  the  animal  could  neither  be  a  cetaceous  animal,  nor  a 
crocodile,  since  none  of  these  animals  have  teeth  in  the  palate. 

Dr.  Camper,  whilst  distinguishing  this  fossil  animal  from  the  cro- 
codile, observes,  that  in  the  fossil  jaw-bones  of  St.  Peter's  Mountain,  a 
small  secondary  tooth  is  formed,  with  its  enamel  and  solid  root,  within 


the  bony  substance  of  the  primordial  tooth  itself.  These  secondary  teeth, 
by  continuing  to  grow,  seem  to  make,  by  degrees,  sufficient  cavities  in 
the  bony  roots  of  the  primary  teeth;  but  what  becomes  of  them  at  last, 
and  how  they  are  shed,  he  adds,  I  am  not  able  to  guess  *. 

From  the  existence  of  a  hollow  in  the  primary  teeth  of  the  fossil  ani- 
mal, and  from  the  growth  of  the  secondary  tooth  in  this  hollow,  M.  Fau- 
jas  is  led  to  exclaim  :  "  It  is  difficult  to  conceive  how  this  illustrious  phi- 
losopher could  permit  so  striking  a  character  to  escape  him;  and,  after 
witnessing  this  circumstance  (the  secondary  tooth  being  formed  near  the 
centre  of  the  bony  support  of  the  primary  tooth),  how  he  could  conceive 
these  teeth  to  belong  to  a  cetaceous  animal  ~f ."  The  approximation  of 
the  secondary  towards  the  centre  of  the  primary  tooth  appears,  however, 
in  this  animal,  to  have  been  merely  an  accidental  occurrence.  Nor  does 
it  appeaj  that  the  mode  of  dentition  at  all  coincided  with  that  which  is 
known  to  take  place  in  the  crocodile. 

On  this  subject,  M.  Cuvier  observes,  that  in  the  crocodile  :the  tooth  is 
always  liollow;  -that  it  is  fixed  in,  but  never  attached  to  the  bone  of  the 
jaw ;  and  that  the  secondary  tooth  forms  in  the  same  socket,  and  fre- 
quently grows  into  the  hollow  of  the  primary  tooth,  thus  shivering  it, 
and  occasioning  it  to  be  shed. 

The  fossil  animal  of  Maestricht,  he  remarks,  on  the  contrary,  like 
other  animals,  appears  to  have  had  its  teeth  hollow  only  whilst  they 
were  growing,  they  afterwards  filling  up,  and  becoming  solid  and  fixed 
in  the  jaw  by  a  fibrous  and  osseous  substance,  materially  differing  from 
the  real  substance  of  the  teeth,  although  closely  united  with  it.  The  se- 
condary tooth,  too,  is  here  formed  in  a  particular  socket,  which  is  formed 
at  the  same  time  with  this  tooth,  which  passes  out,  sometimes  at  the  side, 
arid  sometimes  through  the  osseous  substance  which  supports  the  primary 
tooth.  In  the  end,  it  detaches  this  substance  from  the  jaw,  occasioning 
it  to  fall  off,  by  a  species  of  necrosis  like  that  by  which  the  horns  of  stags 

*  Philos.  Trans,  for  1786,  p.  178,         f  Hist.  Nat.  de  la  Mont,  de  St.  Pierre,  p.  240. 
VOL.  III.  P  P 


are  separated ;  the  secondary  tooth,  and  the  osseous  body  which  Supports 
it,  filling  the  place  of  the  tooth  which  has  been  expelled.  The  cellular 
and  osseous  body  supporting  the  teeth,  and  which  have  been  erroneously 
assumed  by  M.  Faujas,  as  well  as  by  others,  as  the  root  of  the  tooth,  ap- 
pears to  be  the  pulp  of  the  tooth;  which  instead  of  remaining  pulpy,  as 
in  quadrupeds,  ossifies,  and  performs  the  office  of  a  root,  becoming  one 
body  with  the  bony  socket. 

This  mode  of  organization  and  of  dentition  sufficiently  distinguishes 
this  animal,  therefore,  from  the  crocodile,  and  indeed  displays  further 
proofs  that  it  cannot  be  considered  as  a  cetaceous  animal :  M.  Cuvier 
is  therefore  induced  to  place  it  between  the  osseous  fishes  and  the  iguana 
and  tupinambis. 

To  enable  you  to  form  a  better  judgment  respecting  the  opinions  of 
M.  Cuvier,  to  which  I  shall  now  call  your  attention,  I  have  given, 
Plate  XIX.  Fig.  1,  a  copy  of  the  engraving  of  the  large  head  of  this 
animal,  from  Plate  XIX.  Vol.  xn.  of  Annales  du  Museum,  &c. 

a,  b.\ The  left  side  of  the  lower  jaw,  nearly  whole,  and  seen  on  its 

outer  side. 

c,  d The  right  side  of  the  lower  jaw,  seen  on  its  inner  side,  the 

posterior  part  of  which,  a  little  concealed  by  the  palate- 
bones,  is  continued  to  e. 

f,  g The  right  side  of  the  upper  jaw,  seen  on  its  inner  side,  and 

with  the  palate.     This  jaw  has  nearly  kept  its  natural 
situation,  with  respect  to  the  preceding  bone. 

h,  i A  fragment  of  the  left  side  of  the  upper  jaw,  displaced  and 

fallen  on  the  lower  jaw. 

ky  I,  m,      7  The  two  palate-bones,  displaced  and  thrown  one  over  the 
k',  l',m',o', )      other,  and  also  over  the  right  side  of  the  lower  jaw. 

In  the  original  specimen,  a  portion  of  bone  is  placed  from  m  to  p,  and 
another  at  q,  which  are  omitted ;  as,  being  mutilated,  they  cannot  be 
made  out,  and  conceal  the  more  instructive  pieces. 

In  the  lower  jaws  are  fourteen  similar  teeth  on  each  side,  but  the  mo- 


nitors  have  only  eleven  or  twelve;  and  the  crocodiles  have  fifteen,  which 
are  very  unequal.  In  this  jaw  also  are  from  ten  to  twelve  large  and  pretty 
regular  holes.  In  the  Monitors  are  six  or  seven,  and  in  the  Crocodiles  a 
considerable  number  of  small  and  irregular  openings ;  whilst  in  the  Dol- 
phins there  are  but  two  or  three,  which  are  towards  the  end. 

At  p  is  an  obtuse  raised  coronoid  apophysis,  the  anterior  ridge  of  which 
is  enlarged,  as  in  the  monitors.  In  the  crocodiles  there  is  nothing  similar, 
in  the  dolphin  it  is  smaller  and  much  backwarder,  and  in  the  iguana  it 
is  more  pointed.  The  articulating  surface,  r,  is  concave,  and  very  near 
the  posterior  end,  as  in  all  the  lizards ;  but  it  is  lower  than  the  dental 
edge,  as  in  the  monitors ;  in  the  crocodiles,  and  in  the  iguanas  it  is  higher. 
In  the  dolphins  it  is  convex,  and  placed  quite  at  the  end.  The  apo- 
physis b,  for  the  attachment  of  the  muscle  analagous  with  the  digastric, 
is  short,  as  in  the  iguana;  in  the  crocodile,  it  is  longer;  and  still  more 
so, -in  the  monitor. 

The  formation  of  the  lower  jaw  shows  that  this  animal  more  nearly 
accorded  with  the  monitors  than  with  any  other  of  the  lizard  tribe  :  as 
to  the  cetacea,  there  exists  no  resemblance;  since  in  these,  as  in  all  the 
mammalia,  each  side  of  the  lower  jaw  is  in  one  piece.  But  to  be  con- 
vinced of  the  closer  agreement  of  the  lower  jaw  of  the  fossil  animal  with 
that  of  the  monitor  than  with  that  of  the  crocodile,  it  is  necessary  to  attend 
to  the  following  comparison. 

In  the  lower  jaw  of  the  crocodile  are  six  bones  on  each  side  :  the  dental, 
in  which  are  formed  the  alveolae  of  the  teeth,  the  two  being  articulated 
with  each  other  in  the  fore  part,  and  forming  the  anterior  angle ;  the 
opercular ,  which  forms  almost  all  the  inner  surface  of  the  jaw,  except  on 
the  fore  part  where  it  is  formed  by  the  dental ;  the  coronoidal,  with  the 
angular;  the  former  placed  over  the  latter,  reaching  to  the  posterior  extre- 
mity; leaving  between  them  a  space  in  the  fore  part,  which  is  occupied 
forwards  by  the-  end  of  the  dental,  and  forms  in  the  back  part  a  large 
oval  hole.  The  angular  bone  curves  upwards,  to  occupy  a  space  in  the 
inside  of  the  jaw.  Between  this  bone  and  the  opercular  is  another  oval 


Bole,  smaller  than  the  preceding ;  and  above  that  a  void,  in  consequence 
of  the  coronoidal  not  turning  towards  the  inner  surface  :  the  anterior  point 
of  this  space  is  bordered  by  a  small  bone  of  a  crescent  form.  The  condyle, 
all  the  superior  surface  of  the  posterior  apophysis,  and  all  the  internal 
surface  of  this  part,  belongs  to  the  articular  bone.  In  the  crocodile  there 
is  no  sensible  coronoidal  apophysis. 

The  lower  jaw  of  the  monitor  is  composed  of  the  same  number  of 
.  bones  as  in  the  crocodile ;  but,  in  the  monitor,  the  angular  is  much 
shorter  and  narrower,  and  the  coronoidal  terminates  as  if  truncated, 
where  it  unites  with  the  dental ;  the  large  oval  hole  not- being  left  be- 
tween them,  which  is  observed  in  the  crocodile.  The  coronoid  apo- 
physis is  formed  by  the  bone  which,  in  the  crocodile*  is  termed  the  cres- 
cent bone.  The  articular  bone  alone  forms  the  posterior  apophysis ;  and 
joins,  with  its  internal  surface,  the  crescent,,  and  carries  to  the  upper  edge 
of  the  bone  the  opening  for  the  entry  of  the  maxillary  nerve,  which 
opening  is  so  large  in  the  crocodile.  In  the  monitor,  also,  there  is  no 
opening  in  the  inner  surface  between  the  opercular  and  the  angular  bone; 
but  there  is  a  small  one  in  the  opercular  itself,  and  a  larger  one  between 
that  bone  and  the  dental.: 

In  the  lower  jaw  of  the  animal  of  Maestricht,  of  which  the  coronoidal 
apophysis,  is  seen,  at  s,  the  angular  bone  at  t,  and  the  dental  at  u  and  y, 
there  is  no  large  oval  hole  in  the  external  surface ;  the  coronoid  process 
is  a  distinct  bone>  analogous  with  the  crescent-formed  bone  f  the  articular 
bone  alone  forms  the  posterior  apophysis,  and  disposes  the  angular  much 
forwarder ;  the  coronoidal  unites  with  the  dental  bone  in  a  straight  trans- 
verse suture ;  and  there  exists  a  small  opening  in  the  opercular  bone. 

This  animal,  therefore,  approaches  the  nearest  to  the  monitor,  nearer 
even  than  to  the  iguana,  in  the  conformation  of  the  lower  jaw,  as  well 
as  in  the  structure,  figure,  and  insertion  of  the  teeth;  although,  in  this 
jatter  respect,  there  exists  a  peculiarity  in  the  fossil  animal. 

In  the  monitor,  as  in  the  iguana,  the  teeth  simply  adhere  to  the  in- 
ternal surface  of  the  two  jaws,  without  the  maxillary  bone  rising  to 

form  sockets  round  them  ;  but  in  the  fossil  animal,  the  feet,  or  bony  nu 
clei,  which  sustain  the  teeth,  are  adherent  in  the  cavities,  or  real  sockets, 
formed  in  the  thickness  of  the  edge  of  the  jaw. 

In  the  fossil  upper  jaw  are  eleven  teeth;  but,  as  the  intermaxillary 
bone  appears  to  have  been  removed,  and  as  it  might  have  contained  three 
teeth,  as  in  the  monitors,  it  most  probably  contained  the  same  number  in 
the  upper  as  in  the  lower  jaw.  The  water-monitor  of  Egypt  has  four- 
teen at  the  top,  but  only  twelve  at  the  bottom. 

In  the  fossil  animal  all  the  teeth  are  pyramidal,  and  a  little  bowed; 
their  outer  surface  is  flat,  and  is  separated,  by  two  sharp  ridges,  from  the 
inner  surface,  which  is  round,  or  rather  semi-conical.  Some  of  the  mo- 
nitors have  conical  teeth,  and  others  have  them  rather  flat  and  edged; 
all  the  iguanas,  and  even  the  lizards  and  ameiva,  .among  which  may  be 
reckoned  the  pretended  tupinambis,  or  monitor  of  America*,  have  teeth, 
with  dentated  edges. , 

Thus  far,  then,  the  fossil  .animal  of  Maestricht  appears  to  approach 
nearer  to  the  monitors  than  to  any  others  of  the  lizard  tribe ;  but  a  fur- 
ther examination, , at  once,  shows  a  remarkable  variance  of  character; 
the  palate-bones  being  armed  with,  teeth,  which  at  once  approximates 
it  to  the  iguanas.  • 

M.  Cuvier  has,  by,  his  rich  resources  in  comparative  anatomy,  been 
enabled  to  determine  that  the  crocodiles,  the  monitors,  the  common 
lizards,  the  dragon  of  Lacepede,  the  dracena  of  Linnaeus,  the  ameiva,  draco, 
stellio,  agama,  basiliscus,  gecko,  cam&leo,  scincus,  and  chalcides,  are  without 
teeth  on  the  palate-bones.  The  iguana  and  the  anolis  only,  among  the 
lizards,  agree  with  many  of  the  serpents,  batracii,  and  fishes,  in  possessing 
these  peculiar  weapons. 

,But  the  serpents  have  them  on  both  their  anterior  and  posterior  palate- 
bones  ;  the  frogs  and  hylte  on  a  transverse  line  on  the  anterior;  .the  igua- 

*  This  American  monitor  differs  from  those  of  the  old  continent,  and  approximates  nearer 
to  the  common  lizards,  by  its  teeth,  with  dentated  edges^  and  by  the;  square-  scales  of 
belly,  tail,  &c. 


nas  and  salamanders  lengthwise  on  the  posterior ;  many  fishes,  such  as 
the  pike,  salmon,  and  genus  Gadus,  have  them  also  lengthwise.  This 
circumstance  had  somewhat  misled  P.  Camper  and  M.  Van  Marum. 
Comparison  will,  however,  show  that  the  bones  in  the  fossil  animal  in 
which  these  teeth  are  implanted,  resemble  those  of  reptiles,  and  not 
those  of  fishes. 

In  the  monitor  and  the  iguana,  the  bone  which  M.  Geoffrey  calls  the 
posterior  palatine,  and  which  M.  Cuvier  considers  as  the  internal  ptery- 
goidai  apophysis,  is  not,  as  in  the  crocodile,  united  with  the  sphenoidal 
bone,  nor  enlarged  into  a  large  triangular  plate.  It  is  here  a  bone 
with  four  branches,  one  of  which  extends  forwards,  and  unites  with  the 
anterior  palatine;  the  second  passes  to  the  side,  to  join  the  bore  called, 
by  M.  Geoffroy,  the  alar  bone,  which  unites  itself  with  the  superior 
maxillary  bone;  the  third  rests,  by  a  surface  covered  by  a  cartilage,  on 
an  apophysis  of  the  base  of  the  skull  ;  and,  lastly,  the  fourth  extends  back- 
wards, and  gives  attachment  to  muscles,  but  does  not  articulate  with  any 

It  is  on  the  inner  edge  of  the  anterior  branch  that  the  series  of  teeth  is 
implanted  which  distinguish  the  iguana.  The  anolis  has  this  bone  wider 
in  all  its  parts,  and  the  posterior  branch  shorter,  but  it  in  other  respects 
resembles  that  of  the  iguana.  In  the  monitors,  on  the  contrary,  all  the 
parts  of  this  bone  are  narrower,  and  it  is  without  teeth. 

Now,  viewing  the  palate-bones  of  the  fossil  animal,  all  the  parts  are 
directly  seen,  which  have  been  just  described  as  existing  in  the  iguana. 
The  one  which  is  in  the  upper  part,  k,  I,  m,  is  that  of  the  right  side.  Its 
external  apophysis,  o,  is  concealed,  but  the  posterior,  /,  although  broken 
at  the  end,  shows  plainly  that  it  must  have  been  as  long  in  proportion  as 
in  the  iguana.  The  other,  o',  k'y  I',  m',  is  that  of  the  right  side  :  it  shows 
the  four  apophyses  very  distinct.  The  chief  specific  difference  whicli  it 
shows  is,  that  the  internal  process  m ,  is  longer  than  in  the  iguana,  or  in 
the  monitor.  Each  of  these  bones,  in  the  fossil  animal,  appears  to  have 


borne  eight  teeth,  which  grew,  were  fixed,  and  were  renewed  in  the 
same  manner  as  those  of  the  jaws ;  but  which  were,  of  course,  much 

We  have  therefore  now  sufficient  grounds  for  assuming  a  place  for 
this  fossil  animal.  Its  head  fixes  it  irrevocably  between  the  monitors 
and  io-uanas.  But  how  enormously  must  its  size  have  exceeded  that  of 


all  the  iguanas  and  monitors  now  known  !  None  of  them  have  a  head 
longer,  perhaps,  than  five  inches;  whilst,  in  the  fossil  animal,  it  must 
have  been  nearly  four  feet. 

Prepared  by  the  knowledge  he  had  obtained,  respecting  the  head  of 
this  animal,  M.  Cuvier  proceeded  with  confidence  to  the  examination  of 
the  vertebrae.     P.  Camper  had  given  a  figure  of  one  of  the  vertebrae  of 
this  animal,  under  the  impression  of  the  animal  being  one  of  the  cetacea; 
and  M.  Faujas  has  given  four  plates  of  them,  as  belonging  to  a  species 
of  the  crocodile.     But  M.  Cuvier,  aided  by  an  important  series  of  spe- 
cimens, found  at  Seichem,  a  village  about  two  leagues  from  Maestricht ; 
and  by  a  memoir  of  M.  M.  Minkelero  and  Herman,  which  accompanied 
the  specimens,  has  been  enabled  not  only  to  point  out  the  several  kinds 
of  vertebrae,  and  to  compare  them  with  the  analogous  vertebrae  in  exist- 
ing animals,  but  even  to  point  out,  with  a  high  degree  of  probability, 
their  succession,  and  the  number  of  each  sort  composing  the  spine. 

All  these  vertebrae,  like  those  of  crocodiles,  monitors,  iguanas,  and 
the  greater  part  of  the  lizard  and  serpent  tribe,  have  their  bodies  con- 
cave in  their  fore  part,  and  convex  on  their  posterior  part ;  which  distin- 
guishes them  decidedly  from  those  of  cetacea,  in  which  they  are  nearly 
flat ;  and  still  more  from  those  of  fishes,  in  which  the  two  ends  are  hol- 
lowed into  conical  cavities.  The  concavities  and  convexities  of  these  ver- 
tebrae are,  as  in  all  similar  vertebrae,  more  strong  in  the  anterior  than  in 
the  posterior  vertebrae. 

The  apophyses  establish,  by  their  number,  five  kinds  of  vertebrae.  The 
first  sort,  the  last  of  the  neck  and  the  first  of  the  back,  have  a  superior  spi- 
nous  apophysis,  long  and  compressed ;  an  inferior,  terminated  by  a  con- 


cavity;  four  articular,  the  posterior  of  which  are  short,  and  are  directed 
outwards ;  and  two  transverse,  which  are  thick  and  short.  Their  bodies 
are  longer  than  wide,  and  wider  than  high ;  their  faces  are  transversely 
oval.  Those  of  the  middle  of  the  back  have  not  the  inferior  apophysis, 
but  resemble  the  preceding  in  every  thing  else.  The  last  of  the  back, 
those  of  the  loins,  and  of  the  beginning  of  the  tail,  have  no  articular 
apophyses,  and  their  places  may  be  known  by  their  transverse  apophyses, 
which  become  elongated  and  flattened.  The  articular  surfaces  of  the 
posterior  of  these  vertebrae  are  nearly  triangular.  The  next  of  the  tail,  be- 
sides their  superior  spinous  apophysis,  and  the  two  transverse,  have  at 
their  inferior  side  two  small  surfaces  to  receive  the  angular  bone  *,  (los 
en  chevron).  The  articular  surfaces  of  these  vertebra?  are  pentagonal. 
The  next  set,  Plate  XVIII.  Fig.  8,  differ  from  the  preceding  in  not 
having  any  transverse  apophyses.  These  form  a  large  part  of  the  tail. 
The  angular  bone  a  is  not  here  articulated,  but  united  into  one  body 
with  the  vertebra.  The  succeeding  vertebrae  become  more  and  more 
-compressed  at  the  sides;  «nd,  as  they  approach  the  end  of  the  tail,  cease 
to  have  any  apophyses  at  all. 

This  series  of  vertebrae  gives  opportunity  to  M.  Cuvier  to  offer  some 
important  observations.  The  angular  bone  first  claims  his  attention.  Its 
great  length,  with  that  of  the  spinous  apophysis,  which  is  opposite  to  it, 
sufficiently  prove  that  the  tail  of  this  animal  was  considerably  extended 
vertically.  The  absence  of  the  transverse  apophyses  from  a  consider- 
able part  of  the  length  of  the  tail,  prove,  at  the  same  time,  that  it  was 
much  flattened  at  the  sides.  Hence  he  concludes,  that  this  animal  was 
aquatic,  and  swam  in  the  manner  of  the  crocodile,  working  its  vast  tail, 
as  an  oar,  from  side  to  side,  and  not  upwards  and  downwards,  as  in  the 

*  That  which  I  have  termed  angular  bone,  and  which  is  by  the  -French  designated  by  the 
term  Vos  en  chevron,  is  a  bone,  of  which  several  are  sometimes  placed  at  the  juncture  of  the 
yertebrae  of  the  tail,  on  their  lower  part,  where  they  are  disposed  so  as  to  form  an  angle,  as 
in  the  letter  V. 


In  the  monitors  the  tail  is  rounder,  and  the  transverse  apophyses  reach 
much  further.  In,  the  crocodiles,  the  basilisks,  the  lizards,  the  stellions, 
and  in  the  lizard  tribe  in  general,  except  the  monitors,  and  even  in  the 
cetacea,  and  in  all  the  quadrupeds  with  a  large  tail,  the  angular  bone  is 
articulated  on  the  lower  part  of  the  joining  of  the  vertebrae,  arid  is  there- 
fore common  to  two  vertebrae. 

The  monitors  alone  have  beneath  the  body  of  each  vertebra  two  sur- 
faces ior  its  reception,  as  in  this  animal ;  only  the  body  of  their  vertebrae 
being  more  elongated,  these  surfaces  are  on  them  placed  more  posteriorly. 
In  the  fossil  animal,  these  surfaces  are  near  the  middle.  But  M.  Cuvier 
observes,  that  he  does  not  know  any  animal,  in  which  the.  angular  bone 
is  united  in  one  body  with  the  vertebra,  as  it  is  in  this,  through  the 
posterior  part  of  the  tail,  by  which  its  solidity  is  of  necessity  much  aug- 

Another  character,  distinguishing  the  fossil  animal  from  the  monitors, 
and  from  others  of  the  lizard  tribe,  is  the  sudden  ceasing  of  the  articular 
apophyses  of  the  vertebrae,  which  takes  place  in  the  middle  of  the  back, 
whilst,  in  the  greater  part  of  animals,  they  extend  very  nearly  to  the  end 
of  the  tail. 

The  fu>t  twenty  vertebrae  of  the  tail  appear  to  have  had  no  angular 
bones  attached  to  them  ;  whilst,  in  the  crocodile  and  monitors,  only  one 
or  two  vertebrae  of  this  description  exist.  Hence  the  tail  of  this  animal 
must  have  been,  in  all  probability,  cylindrical  at  its  base,  and  have  en- 
larged in  a  vertical  direction,  and  become  flattened,  only  at  some  distance 
from  the  body,  assuming  the  form  of  an  oar  much  more  than  is  the  case 
in  the  crocodile. 

Besides  other  differences  between  these  vertebrae  and  those  of  the  cro- 
codiles, it  is  observable  that  those  of  the  neck,  in  the  fossil,  do  not  possess 
the  two  tubercles  which,  in  the  crocodile,  bear  the  little  false  rib  on  each 
side ;  which  is  another  proof  that  this  animal  was  not  a  crocodile,  and  that 
it  possessed  more  liberty  of  moving  its  head  from  side  to  side. 

VOL.   III.  Q  Q 


By  the  vertebrae  found  at  Seichem,  which  appeared  to  be  of  6ne  and 
the  same  spine,  and  by  the  memoir  of  M.  Hermans,  M.  Cuvier  found 
himself  able  to  determine  the  absolute  number  of  the  vertebrse  of  each 

The  number  of  the  vertebrse  of  the  neck,  back,  and  loins,  without 
reckoning  the  atlas  and  axis,  he  concludes  to  have  been  twenty-nine ; 
and  supposing  the  two  last  of  the  number  to  have  belonged  to  the  pelvis, 
they  would  be  twenty-seven,  precisely  the  same  as  in  the  monitors,  in 
which  animal,  four  of  the  neck,  and  two  of  the  loins,  are  without  ribs. 
There  are,  therefore,  in  the  monitors,  twenty-three  pair  of  vertebral  ribs; 
whilst  the  crocodiles  have  but  seventeen,  even  when  counting  the  five 
little  false  cervical  ribs ;  and  it  is  very  probable  that  the  fossil  animal  had 
twenty-two  or  twenty-three  at  the  least. 

The  number  of  the  vertebrae  of  the  tail  appears  to  have  been  ninety- 
seven.  This  number  much  exceeds  that  of  the  crocodile,  which  has  but 
thirty-five :  but  they  very  little  exceed  those  of  the  monitor,  M.  Cuvier 
having  found  seventy-nine  caudal  vertebrse  in  a  skeleton  of  this  animal,  in 
which  some  were  known  to  be  wanting. 

The  length  of  the  cervical,  dorsal,  and  lumbar  vertebrae,  appears  to 
have  been  about  nine  feet  five  inches,  and  that  of  the  vertebrae  of  the 
tail  about  ten  feet;  adding  to  which  the  length  of  the  head,  which 
may  be  reckoned,  considering  the  loss  of  the  intermaxillary  bones,  at  least 
at  four  feet,  we  may  safely  conclude  the  whole  length  of  the  skeleton  of 
the  animal  to  have  approached  very  nearly  to  twenty-four  feet. 

The  head  is  a  sixth  of  the  whole  length  of  the  animal ;  a  proportion 
approaching  very  near  to  that  of  the  crocodile,  but  differing  much  from 
that  of  the  monitor,  the  head  of  which  animal  forms  hardly  a  twelfth 
part  of  the  whole  length. 

The  tail  must  have  been  very  strong,  and  its  width  at  its  extremity 
must  have  rendered  it  a  most  powerful  oar,  and  have  enabled  the  ani- 
mal to  have  opposed  the  most  agitated  waters,  as  has  been  well  remarked 

by  M.  Aclrien  Camper.  PVom  this  circumstance,  arid  from  the  other 
remains  which  accompany  those  of  this  animal,  there  can  be  no  doubt  of 
its  having  been  an  inhabitant  of  the  ocean. 

The  fossil  remains  of  the  extremities  of  this  animal  appear  to  have 
been  so  rarely  found,  that  M.  Cuvier,  at  one  time,  was  led  to  suppose 
that  it  had  none.  M.  Faujas  has  however  given,  Mont,  de  S.  Pierre, 
PI.  xi.  under  the  name  of  Scapula,  the  figure  of  a  pubis,  which  very 
nearly  resembles  that  of  a  monitor.  Among  the  specimens  sent  from 
Seichem,  M.  Cuvier  found  a  portion  of  a  real  shoulder-blade,  much  re- 
sembling, in  its  form,  that  of  the  monitor's,  but  very  different  from  the 
narrow  shoulder-blade  of  the  crocodile,  or  from  that  of  the  iguana.  It  is 
right  to  observe  that  the  bone  represented  by  M.  Faujas,  Mont,  de  S. 
Pierre,  PL  x.  is  merely  the  humerus  of  a  large  tortoise. 

P.  Camper,  as  well  as  his  son,  speak  of,  but  neither  figure  nor  describe, 
a  bone  of  the  carpus  and  of  the  phalanges:  M.  Cuvier,  who  has  not  seen 
any  of  these  bones,  thinks  we  may  however  be  allowed  to  conjecture, 
from  the  agreement  of  the  teeth  and  vertebrae  with  those  of  the  monitor's, 
that  this  animal  had  five  toes ;  whilst,  from  its  being  a  marine  swimming 
animal,  we  have  reason  to  suppose,  that  neither  its  toes  nor  hind  feet  were 
so  elongated  as  in  those  reptiles,  w/hich  are  for  the  most  part  terrestrial. 

Taking  all  these  circumstances  into  consideration,  M.  Cuvier  concludes, 
and  certainly  on  fair,  if  not  indisputable  grounds,  that  this  animal  must 
have  formed  an  intermediate  genus  between  those  animals  of  the  lizard 
tribe,  which  have  an  extensive  and  forked  tongue,  which  include  the 
monitors  and  the  common  lizards,  and  those  which  have  a  short  tongue 
and  the  palate  armed  with  teeth,  which  comprise  the,  iguanas,  marbres, 
and  anolis.  This  genus,  he  thinks,  could  only  have  been  allied  to  the  cro- 
codile by  the  general  characters  of  the  lizards. 

The  history  of  this  wonderful  fossil  gives  us,  then,  an  instance  of  an 
animal  far  surpassing,  in  its  size,  any  of  the  animals  of  those  genera  to 
which  it  approaches  the  nearest,  in  its  general  characters :  at  the  same  time 


that,  from  its  accompanying  fossils,  we  find  reason  to  believe  it  to  have 
been  an  inhabitant  of  the  sea,  whilst  none  of  the  existing  lizard  tribe  are 
known  to  live  in  salt  water.  These  circumstances,  however  wonderful 
as  they  are,  are  more  than  equalled  by  many  of  the  numerous  discoveries 
which  we  have  yet  to  contemplate  in  the  natural  history  of  the  former 
world.  We  have  here  seen  a  monitor  possessing  the  magnitude  of  a 
crocodile ;  but  we  have  yet  to  examine  a  tapir  of  the  size  of  an  elephant, 
and  a  sloth  (the  megalonix)  as  large  as  a  rhinoceros. 

We  have  seen,  in  the  preceding  letter,  that  the  remains  found  in  the 
pyritous  schist  of  Thuringia  were  referable  to  Lacerta  monitor,  Linn,  or 
rather  to  some  species  of  the  genus  Monitor,  of  Cuvier;  and  this  we  shall 
find  to  be  the  case  with  other  supposed  remains  of  crocodiles. 

Spener,  in  1710,  published,  Miscel  berolin.  I.  Fig.  24  and  25,  a  plate, 
representing  a  supposed  fossil  crocodile.  This  fossil  was  found  at  the  depth 
of  three  hundred  feet,  in  the  mines  of  Kupfer-Suhl,  near  to  Eisenach,  in 
Prussia.  In  1718,  Linck,  of  Leipsic,  published  the  letter  already  men- 
tioned, to  Dr.  Woodward,  describing  and  figuring  a  supposed  fossil  croco- 
dile, of  which  he  says: — "  Non  terrebit  musas  tuas  hie  crocodilus,  acutis- 
sime  Woodwardi.  Neque  enim  e  Nilo  canibus  hominibusque  formidandus, 
sed  ex  mediis  Germanise  montibus  venit."  Another  fossil  was  particula- 
rized by  Swedenborg,  Tractat.  de  Cupro,  PL  n.  found  in  the  mines  of  Glucks- 
bronn,  near  to  Altenstein,  and  was  placed  by  Swedenborg  among  the 
apes,  he  supposing  it  to  have  been  a  species  of  Guenon  or  Sapajou.  An- 
other fossil  of  this  kind  is  one  which  was  found  in  the  mines  of  Rothen- 
bourg,  at  the  depth  of  two  hundred  and  sixty-four  feet,  but  is  at  present 
in  the  Royal  cabinet  of  Berlin. 

These  fossils,  all  of  the  same  character  and  size,  and  found  in  a  simi- 
lar matrix,  appear  to  belong  to  one  species  of  animals.  The  form  of  the 
head  ;  the  teeth,  all  sharp ;  and  the  size  of  the  vertebrae  of  the  tail ;  de- 
termine it  to  be  an  oviparous  quadruped,  without  the  proof  of  the  pos- 
terior members,  which  afford  full  confirmation. 


Spener's  fossil  was  supposed  by  him  to  be  a  crocodile;  and  Faujas  has 
gone  so  far,  as  to  determine  it  to  be  actually  a  gavial ;  but  his  error  is  at 
once  proved,  by  the  shortness  of  the  muzzle.  Cuvier,  on  the  contrary, 
shows  that  this  head  alone  determines  the  genus  of  this  animal.  If  it 
had  been  the  head  of  a  crocodile,  there  must  have  been  at  least  fifteen 
teeth  in  the  lower  jaw,  and  seventeen  or  eighteen  in  the  upper  jaw  ;  and 
which  would  have  reached  to  beneath  the  middle  of  the  orbits :  but  in 
these  fossil  remains  there  have  been  but  eleven,  which  stop  at  the  ante- 
rior angle  of  the  orbit.  These  are  the  characters  of  one  of  the  numerous 
species  which  have  been  heaped  together  by  Linnaeus,  under  the  name 
of  Lacerta  monitor,  and  distinguished  by  Daudin  by  the  inappropriate 
generic  name  Tupinambis. 

In  the  fossil  of  Swedenborg,  the  hind  feet,  the  impressions  of  which 
are  well  preserved,  show  five  unequal  toes,  of  which  the  fourth  is  the 
longest.  These  are  formed  of  the  number  of  small  bones,  and  in  the 
order  here  set  down,  beginning  with  the  thumb,  and  including  the  meta- 
carpal  bones — 3,  4,  5,  6,  4 ;  but  in  that  species  of  ape  Guenon>  or  Cerco- 
pithecus,  the  number  and  order  would  be  3,  4,  4,  4,  4,  and  the  third  toe 
the  longest.  In  Linck's  specimen  the  same  series  is  discoverable  as  in 

Hence  it  appears,  that  the  number  and  order  of  the  toes,  as  well 
as  the  number  and  order  of  the  articulations  of  each  toe,  of  this  fossil 
animal,  precisely  agree  with  those  of  the  monitor,  as  well  as  of  the 
common  lizards  and  of  the  iguana;  but  not  at  all  with  those  of  the  cro- 
codiles, which  have  on  their  hind  feet  but  four  toes,  differing  but  little  in 
length,  and  the  number  and  order  of  bones  being  3,  4,  5,  4. 

In  the  fore  feet  of  the  fossil  animal  five  nearly  equal  toes  may  be  made 
out.  This  agrees  with  those  of  the  crocodile  and  lizards,  but  in  these 
the  last  toe  is  evidently  smallest. 

The  length  of  the  fossil  animal  appears  to  have  been  about  three  feet, 
which  is  about  the  size  to  which  the  monitors  of  Egypt,  of  Congou,  and 


of  the  East  Indies,   generally  attain.     Of  these  fossil  animals  having, 
therefore,  belonged  to  some  species  of  animals  which  have  been  con- 
fusedly ranged  by  Linnaeus  under  the  species  Lacerta  monitor,  and  of 
which  Daudin  has  formed  the  genus  Tupinambis,  there  can  remain  no 

The  polished  section  of  a  specimen  from  the  Dorsetshire  coast,  which 
I  obtained  from  Mr.  Strange's  Museum,  displays  the  remains  of  an  ani- 
mal of  this  kind.  In  the  remains  of  the  head,  teeth,  vertebrae,  &c.  the 
characters  of  this  animal  may  be  detected. 



1  HE  various  coloured  and  figured  stones,  bearing  accidentally  the  ap- 
pearance of  birds,  need  be  here  noticed  only  for  the  purpose  of  ob- 
serving, that  to  such  accidentally  figured  stones  the  ancients  gave  the 
names  of  Hieracites  and  Perdicites.  Nor  would  it  be  necessary  to  mention 
here  the  pretended  petrifactions  of  birds'-nests,  eggs,  &c.  of  Lesser,  Ges- 
ner,  Baccius,  and  others,  but  to  remark,  that  there  is  every  reason  for 
believing  that  all  these  were  either  stones  of  the  kind  just  mentioned,  or 
mere  incrustrations,  including  the  substances,  which  had  themselves  un- 
dergone no  change.  Specimens  of  this  kind  may  be  obtained  at  Mat- 
lock,  in  Derbyshire,  and  at  various  other  places,  where  the  water  is  sur- 
charged with  lime. 


Few  indeed  of  the  supposed  ornitholites  of  modern  writers  can  support 
their  claim  to  this  distinction,  when  subjected  to  a  careful  examination. 
Thus  the  birds'  beaks  from  Jena  and  Weimar,  mentioned  by  Wallerius 
and  Linnaeus,  are  substances  which,  according  to  Walch,  merely  bear 
an  external  resemblance  to  these  bodies. 

But  when  it  is  recollected,  that  plants  of  the  family  of  ferns,  of  mi- 
mosa, and  of  other  terrestrial  plants,  are  found  in  the  same  stones  with 
the  fossil  fish  at  Vestena  Nova,  GEningen,  Pappenheim,  and  Roche- 
sauve,  no  doubt  can  exist,  that  at  the  period  when  these  fishes  existed  in 
the  ocean,  the  whole  surface  of  the  globe  could  not  be  covered  with 
water,  but  there  were  parts  of  the  earth  in  which  the  riches  of  vegetation 
were  displayed.  Ann.  du  Mus.  T.  in.  p.  19. 

That  a  part  of  the  surface  of  the  earth  was  not  then  covered  by  water 
is  also  rendered  highly  probable,  by  the  rareness  with  which  the  fossil 
remains  of  birds  have  been  met  with.  So  seldom,  indeed,  have  such 
fossils  been  seen,  that  their  existence  has  been  doubted,  I  believe  I  may 
assert,  by  the  greater  number  of  oryctologists.  Passing  the  erroneous 
accounts  of  the  earlier  writers  on  this  subject,  who  appear  to  have  con- 
sidered different  incrustations  arid  figured  stones  as  real  fossil  remains  of 
birds,  we  have  had  the  figure  of  a  supposed  ornitholite  given  in  one  of 
the  numbers  of  the  Journal  de  Physique,  and  the  original  specimen  having 
been  examined  by  M.  P.  Camper  and  the  Abbe  Fortis,  neither  of  them 
would  admit  its  supposed  origin.  An  engraving  was  also  given,  in  the 
same  work,  Thermidor,  An.  8,  of  a  stone,  with  the  impression  of  the 
two  legs  of  a  bird  ;  but  it  is  said,  that  no  one  at  Paris  has  seen  the  original 

In  the  same  work,  however,  an  indubitable  ornitholite,  the  foot  of  a 
bird,  incrusted  in  the  gypsum  from  the  quarries  of  Clignancourt,  near 
Montmartre,  is  figured  and  described  by  Cuvier,  showing  that  real  orni- 
tholites exist  in  the  ancient  beds  of  gypsous  matter.  Blumenbach  men- 
tions the  discovery  of  the  bones  of  a  water-fowl  in  the  marly  schist  of 


(Eningen,  and  the  bone  of  one  of  the  anscres  in  the  calcareous  schist  of 
Pappenheim;  Manuel  dHist.  Nat.  T.  n.  p.  408.  Faujas  St.  Fond  has 
also  presented  us  with  two  indubitable  fossils  of  this  class,  being  two  fea- 
thers from  the  quarries  of  Vestena  Nova,  imbedded  in  the  same  stone  in 
which  the  fishes  are  found. 

Fossil  feathers  are  very  rarely  met  with.  A  fine  specimen  of  this  kind 
is  figured  by  Scheuchzer,  part  of  a  feather  being  enclosed  in  a  piece  of 
the  fissile  stone  of  CEningen.  M.  Walch  also  describes  two  specimens  in 
his  possession.  One  of  these  is  the  barrel  part  of  the  quill,  about  the 
size  of  a  goose-quill,  to  which  a  part  of  the  feather  is  adherent.  The 
other  is  a  small  feather,  with  its  tubular  part. 

A  beak  is  described  by  Rome  de  Lisle,  and  figured  in  Davila's  Cata- 
logue, said  to  be  from  the  neighbourhood  of  Reutlingen  (Catalog,  m. 
No.  25.),  which,  in  the  opinion  of  M.  Cuvier,  is  merely  a  bivaive  shell, 
fixed  obliquely  in  the  stone.  In  the  same  work,  a  fossil  bone  ot  a  bird  is 
mentioned ;  but  it  is  neither  figured  nor  described  ;  being  only  spoken  of 
as  being  from  Canstadt.  This  also,  I  conceive,  should  be  admitted  as  an 
ornitholite,  with  much  hesitation :  bones  which  I  have  received  from 
Canstadt,  under  the  same  description,  are  bones  which  are  merely  in- 
crusted  by  a  calcareous  deposition.  Scheuchzer  speaks  of  the  head  of  a 
bird  in  a  piece  of  the  black  schist  of  Eisleben,  but  at  the  same  time  ad- 
mits of  its  near  resemblance  to  a  pink-blossom. 

The  Abbe  Fortis,  than  whom  very  few  have  had  equal  opportunities 
of  exercising  an  excellent  judgment  on  the  nature  and  characters  of  dif- 
ferent fossils,  is  remarkably  sceptical  as  to  any  fossils  of  this  description. 
This  assiduous  naturalist  is  not  even  satisfied  with  the  specimens  of  fossil 
feathers  of  Mount  Bolca,  which  have  been  just  spoken  of  as  having  been 
figured  by  M.  Faujas,  Annales  du  Mus.  8fc.  vi.  p.  21,  /;/.  1. 

Lamanon  described,  in  1782,  the  impression  of  a  whole  bird  from 
Montmartre;  but,  in  its  delineation,  he  allowed  his  fancy  rather  too  free 
scope,  adding  to  it  the  feathers  of  the  wings  and  tail.  Fortis,  on  the 


other  hand,  examined  the  same  specimen  ;  and  allowing  his  imagination 
to  strengthen  his  prepossessions,  at  the  same  time  taking  a  few  liberties 
with  the  original  figure,  determined  it  to  be  the  remains  either  of  a  frog 
or  toad.  Cuvier  has,  however,  since  examined  the  same  specimen,  and 
is  confident  of  its  being  really  the  remains  of  a  bird.  Subsequent  exami- 
nations have  discovered  several  bones  of  birds  in  the  plaster  quarries; 
and  in  a  number,  indeed,  so  great,  as  to  leave  no  doubt  of  a  consi- 
derable number  of  the  fossil  remains  of  birds  being  contained  in  these 

To  enable  him  to  show  satisfactorily  to  others  the  nature  of  the  several 
specimens  which  he  obtained,  M.  Cuvier  has  given  the  characteristic 
marks  of  the  correspondent  parts  in  the  living  animal ;  and  the  circum- 
stances by  which  these  parts,  in  birds,  are  distinguishable  from  those  which 
approximate  to  them  in  form  or  appearance  in  other  animals.  Consi- 
dering that  information  of  this  nature  cannot  but  be  highly  acceptable  to 
those  who  are  engaged  in  pursuits  of  this  kind,  I  have  here  introduced  a 
sketch  of  the  most  important  of  these  observations. 

1st.  The  foot  of  a  bird  differs  from  that  of  any  other  animal,  in  having 
a  single  bone  in  the  place  of  the  tar  sal  and  metatarsal  bones. 

2dly,  Birds  are  the  only  class  in  which  the  toes  all  differ,  as  to  the 
number  of  joints,  and  in  which  this  number,  and  the  order  of  the  toes 
which  have  them,  is  nevertheless  fixed.  The  great  toe  has  two ;  the 
first  toe,  reckoning  on  the  inside,  three ;  the  middle,  five ;  and  the  outer- 
most, five.  The  crocodile  has  the  same  number  of  phalanges  as  birds ; 
but  as  these  have  each  a  metatarsal  and  tarsal  bone,  they  cannot  be 

There  exist  but  two  kinds  of  exceptions  to  this  rule:  the  one  is,  that 
some  birds  have  no  great  toes ;  but  in  these,  the  other  toes  preserve  the 
usual  order:  the  other  is,  in  the  ostrich  and  cassowars,  which  have  three 
joints  to  each  toe.  The  crocodile,  indeed,  has  the  same  number  of  pha- 
langes ;  but  as  every  one  of  the  toes  is  supported  by  a  particular  me- 

VOL.    III.  R  R 


tatarsal  bone,  and  these  by  several  tarsal  bones,  the  distinction  is  easily* 

The  os  femoris  of  birds  is  distinguishable  from  that  of  quadrupeds  by 
its  external  condyle,  which  instead  of  having  in  its  back  part,  a  simple 
convexity  for  the  outer  pit  of  the  head  of  the  .tibia,  has  two  projecting 
lines:  the  one,  which  is  the  real  condyle,  and  which  answers  to  the 
upper  and  outer  pit  of  the  tibia,  and  to  the  inner  pit  of  the  fibula,  is 
stronger  marked  than  the  other,  which  is  more  external,  descends  less,  and 
rests  on  the  upper  edge  of  the  fibula.  Thus  the  external  condyle,  in  birds, 
is  forked,  or  hollowed  out  into  a  canal  more  or  less  deep,  in  its  back  part. 

The  only  quadruped,  in  which  any  analogous  structure  is  discoverable, 
is  the  kanguroo.  In  this  animal  there  exists  a  slight  depression  on  the 
back  part  of  the  external  condyle  of  the  os  femoris;  but  the  great  width 
of  the  great  trochanter,  and  several  other  characters,  will  always  prevent 
the  confounding  of  the  os  femoris  of  a  bird  with  that  of  a  kanguroo. 

Reckoning  upon  the  apparent  specific  characters  of  different  thigh- 
bones, found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris,  M.  Cuvier  concludes  that 
they  point  out  the  remains  of  five  or  six  different  species  of  birds  existing 
in  these  quarries. 

The  shoulder-bones  of  birds  are  also  easily  known,  by  the  particular 
characters  of  their  extremities.  The  head  is  always  oblong,  from  right 
to  left,  playing  in  a  corresponding  groove  formed  by  the  scapula  and 
clavicle ;  the  two  lateral  ridges  widening  this  part  of  the  bone  consider- 
ably. The  lower  end  is  distinguishable  by  an  articular  pulley,  divided 
into  two  parts:  one  of  which,  the  inner  or  lower,  which  is  nearly  round, 
is  for  articulation  with  the  ulna;  and  the  other,  the  outer  or  upper,  which 
is  oblong  in  the  direction  of  the  bone,  and  rises  a  little  obliquely  on  the 
anterior  face  of  the  bone,  is  for  the  radius.  In  quadrupeds,  the  head  is 
always  round  and  the  ridges  small ;  and  in  the  lower  end,  the  ulnar  pul- 
ley is  always  concave,  and  the  radial  is  hollowed  into  a  groove  in  those 
in  which  the  fore-arm  has  no  supination. 

nice  investigation  and  comparison,  M.  Cuvier  is  supported  in  his 


conjectures,  that  he  has  found  the  mineralized  remains  of  a  pelican  less 
than  pelicanus  onocratutus,  and  larger  than  P.  car  bo ;  of  one  of  the  large 
curlews,  with  naked  necks,  disposed  by  Gmelin  under  the  genus  Tantalus; 
of  a  woodcock,  a  starling,  and  a  sea-lark  (alouette  de  mer). 

Judging  from  the  form  and  proportions  of  a  bone  which  I  have  in  the 
marly  schist  of  CEningen,  eight  inches  in  length,  I  suppose  it  to  have 
been  the  tibia  of  some  water-fowl.  Its  extremities  are  very  much  in- 
jured, and  the  bone  has  been  split  through  its  whole  length  with  the 
stone ;  so  that  no  characteristic  marks  can  be  observed. 

On  the  back  of  the  stone,  and  in  different  parts  where  it  has  been  shi- 
vered, the  seeming  remains  of  feathers  are  observable.  Another  spe- 
cimen, a  slender  bone  seven  inches  in  length,  so  deeply  imbedded  in  the 
hard  lime-stone  of  Stunsfield,  in  Oxfordshire,  as  not  to  allow  either  of  its 
extremities  to  be  examined,  is,  I  have  very  little  doubt,  also  either  the 
tibia  or  tarsal  bone  of  some  bird. 



HAVING  now  to  commence  the  examination  of  the  fossil  remains  of 
those  animals  which  are  comprised  in  the  Linnean  class  Mammalia,  I 
feel  that  it  may  be  necessary  to  endeavour  to  satisfy  you  with  respect  to 
the  manner  in  which  this  part  of  my  task  is  accomplished.  I  fear  that 
you  will,  at  first,  experience  feelings  of  disappointment,  on  my  avowing 
to  you,  that  the  following  pages  will  almost  entirely  be  employed  in 


placing  before  you  the  discoveries  which  have  been  made  by  another ; 
and  you  will  probably  imagine  that  this  acknowledgement  can  hardly  be 
made  without  occasioning  me  to  experience  some  degree  of  mortifica- 
tion. But  the  truth  is,  that  knowing,  that  as  you  proceed  you  must  be 
highly  pleased,  I  am  thoroughly  satisfied  with  merely  recounting  to  you 
the  most  prominent  particulars  of  those  important  discoveries,  which  have 
rewarded  the  patient  and  unabating  exertions  of  Cuvier.  If  it  should  occur 
toyou  that  the  name  of  thisjustly  celebrated  anatomist  should  too  frequently 
meet  your  eye  in  the  following  pages,  remember  that  this  necessarily  re- 
sults from  the  number  and  importance  of  his  discoveries,  and  consider,  that 
if  we  were  giving  a  history  of  galvanism,  of  the  alkalies,  earths,  metals,  &c. 
how  frequently,  in  like  manner,  must  the  pen  be  engaged  in  reporting  the 
important  discoveries  of  our  illustrious  Davy.  To  have  admitted  less  of 
the  discoveries  of  Cuvier,  in  the  present  work,  would  have  been  unjust 
to  those  many  who  cannot  obtain  the  voluminous,  expensive,  and  almost 
prohibited  works,  in  which  they  are  contained.  To  have  introduced  less 
would  indeed  have  been  to  have  sparingly  employed  the  only  light  almost 
which  has  ever  been  thrown  on  this  most  interesting  subject. 

I  must  here  also  crave  your  attention,  while  I  excuse  myself  for  again 
departing  from  that  classification  which  has  been  so  long  established  by 
the  truly  great  Linnaeus.  The  natural  method  of  classification,  employed 
by  Dumeril,  Zoologie  Analytique,  ou  Methodc  Naturelle  de  Classification  des 
Animaux,  par  A.  M.  C.  Dumeril,  is  generally  adopted  by  Cuvier  ;  and  his 
discoveries  are  related  in  the  nomenclature,  as  well  as  in  the  order,  of  that 
arrangement.  Hence,  although  it  will  not  be  difficult  for  those  who  wish 
to  adhere  to  the  Linnaean  system  to  understand,  with  a  little  explana- 
tion, to  what  species,  &c.  every  observation  is  intended  to  refer,  yet  it 
would  be  impossible,  without  considerable  confusion,  to  give  the  disco- 
veries of  Cuvier  in  the  terms,  or  agreeable  to  the  arrangement,  of  that 
system ;  since  his  observations  refer  to  particular  families  which  are  com- 
posed of  genera,  which  in  the  Linnsean  arrangement  are  dispersed  under 
several  different  orders. 


This  may  be  instanced  in  the  second  family,  whose  remains  we  shall 
have  occasion  to  inquire  into;  since,  in  speaking  of  the  amphibia,  the 
walrus,  the  seal,  dugong,  and  lamantin,  which  constitute  this  family,  are 
all  referred  to;  whilst,  in  the  Linnaean  system,  the  trichecus,  lamantin, 
and  dugong,  are  found  with  the  elephant,  sloth,  and  other  land  animals, 
under  the  order  Bruta ;  and  the  seals,  with  the  dog,  cat,  &c.  under  the 
genus  Fertf*. 

The  remains  of  the  family  of  Cete,  or  Ceti,  composed  of  bal<e?ia,  balenop- 
tera,  narwhalus,  ananarchus,  catodon,  phylasus,  physeterus,  delphinus,  delphinap- 
terus,  and  hyperodon,  having  large  spiracles  in  the  top  of  the  head,  fins  without 
nails,  and  no  hind  feet,  are,  I  believe,  rarely  found  in  a  mineralized  state. 

Two  specimens,  fragments  of  the  long  projecting  and  spirally  twisted 
tooth  of  the  narwhal,  improperly  named  Monodon  monoceros,  or  narwhalus, 
was  in  the  Museum  of  Sir  Ashtori  Lever,  one  of  which  I  now  possess, 
and  strongly  suspect  it  to  have  been  found  on  the  Essex  coast.  Plate 
XX.  Fig.  1,  is  a  tooth,  probably  of  some  animal  of  this  order.  It  is  im- 
bedded in  a  grey  limestone,  and  is  said  to  have  been  found  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Bath. 

Amphibia,  com  prising  phoca,  trichecus ,  dugong,  and  lamantin,  and  having 
four  paws  in  the  form  of  fins,  and  frequently  with  unguiculated  toes,  have  left 
very  few  fossil  remains. 

M.  Renou,  professor  of  Natural  History  at  Angers,  found  several  bones 
of  the  lamantin  (Manatus),  in  that  part  of  the  department  of  Maine  and 
Loire  which  is  situated  to  the  south  of  the  Loire,  and  on  the  two  sides  of 

*  Mr.  Pennant  observes  :  "  To  have  preserved  the  chain  of  beings  entire,  Linnaeus  should 
have  made  the  genus  of  Phoc/e,  or  Seals,  and  that  of  the  Trichecus,  or  Manati,  immediately 
precede  the  whale,  those  being  the  links  that  connect  the  mammalia  with  fish  ;  for  the  seal 
is,  in  respect  to  its  legs,  the  most  imperfect  of  the  former  class  ;  and  in  the  manatithe  hind 
feet  coalesce,  assuming  the  form  of  a  bro;id  horizontal  tail.  British  Zoology,  Vol.  III.  p.  44. 
Cuvier  considers  the  lamantin,  the  dugong,  and  a  supposed  lamantin,  seen  by  Steller,  in  Beer- 
ing,  and  possessing  a  hide  like  the  hoof  of  a  horse  or  an  ox,  as  forming  three  distinct  genera, 
composing  a  very  different  family  from  the  seals,  and  which  come  as  near  to  the  ceti,  as  the 
pachydermata  do  to  the  carnivorous  animals. 


the  river  Layon,  in  a  calcareous  bed  formed  of  fossil  fragments  of  shells, 
These  bones  were  considerably  mutilated,  but  were  known  to  belong  to 
phocae,  lamantins,  and  cetacea.  Ann.  du  Mus.  Tome  xin.  /;.  273. 

Although  these  bones  could  be  arranged  under  their  proper  genera, 
the  species  to  which  they  belonged  could  not  be  ascertained.  Thus  a 
fossil  skull,  found  with  these  bones,  was  determined  to  be  that  of  a  ma- 
natus,  but  of  one  different  from  those  which  are  known.  Three  ribs, 
bearing  the  cylindrical  form  peculiar  to  the  ribs  of  these  animals,  were 
found  in  the  Commune  of  Capians,  about  ten  leagues  from  Bourdeaux. 

The  bones  which  Esper  found  in  the  caverns  of  Franconia,  and  which 
he  thought  were  the  bones  of  seals,  are  undoubtedly  the  bones  of  terres- 
trial carnivorous  animals.  But  some  of  the  bones  found  by  M.  Renou, 
of  Angers,  were  decidedly  the  bones  of  a  seal,  and  twice  and  a  half  as 
large  as  those  of  the  common  seal,  P.  vitulinat  which  is  now  seen  on  the 
coast  of  France. 

No  decided  remains  of  the  Morse,  or  Walrus,  Trichecus  rosmarus,  have 
been  discovered  in  a  mineralized  state.  Leibnitz  imagined  the  elephan- 
tine remains  of  Siberia  to  have  belonged  to  the  Walrus ;  and  Walch, 
Wallerius  and  Gmelin,  have  supposed  the  fossil  jaw  found  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Bologna,  DC  Monum.  diluv.  in  agro  bonon.  detecto,  to  have  be- 
longed to  the  walrus ;  but  Cuvier  has  plainly  shown,  that  it  is  the  remains 
of  a  small  species  of  the  mammoth  (Mastodon),  as  will  be  more  parti- 
cularly noticed  in  a  succeeding  letter. 

I  am  unable  to  speak  decidedly  of  a  fossil  tooth,  said  to  be  found  in  a 
bed  of  alluvial  matters,  in  Norfolk.  Its  substance  is  very  considerably 
changed :  it  is  about  fifteen  inches  in  length,  and  appears  to  be  nearly 
perfect  at  its  extremities;  although  one  side  of  it,  and  a  considerable  por- 
tion of  its  internal  substance  is  removed.  The  fineness  of  its  grain  and 
its  edge  not  manifesting  the  peculiar  lozenge-formed  decussations  observ- 
able in  the  ivory  of  the  elephant  and  of  the  mammoth  (Mastodon),  with 
the  size  and  form  of  the  tooth,  lead  to  the  suspicion  of  its  having  belonged 
to  an  animal  of  this  genus.  On  the  other  hand,  neither  its  form  nor  its 


size  will  prevent  the  supposition  from  being  admitted,  that  it  may  be  the 
tooth  of  some  young  animal  of  the  genus  Elephas, 

In  the  family  Solipedes,  one  genus  (Equus)  only  can  be  placed,  having 
only  one  toe  and  one  hoof. 

The  remains  of  the  horse  are  only  found  in  the  looser  alluvial  depo- 
sitions. I  recollect  no  instance,  in  this  island,  in  which  its  remains  have 
been  found  imbedded  in  chemical  depositions,  which  possess  a  stony 
hardness.  Thus  its  remains  are  frequently  found  in  peat-beds,  in  gravel, 
loam,  &c.  but  not  to  my  recollection,  in  limestone.  From  the  strata  in 
which  they  exist  being  frequently  contiguous  to  the  surface,  these  re- 
mains are  often  turned  up  with  the  plough;  seldom  exciting  much  no- 
tice, from  their  not  being  considered  otherwise  than  as  the  remains  of 
animals  of  but  late  existence.  This  notion  has  of  course  derived  consi- 
derable support  from  the  circumstance  of  these  teeth,  bones,  &c.  not  dif- 
fering from  the  living  species  of  the  present  day. 

Although  so  exactly  agreeing  with  those  of  the  present  species,  the 
teeth  and  bones  of  the  horse  are  often  found  mingled  with  the  bones  of 
those  animals  which  must  have  existed  at  a  very  distant  aera,  and  even 
sometimes  with  the  remains  of  those  animals  which  are  now  unknown  to 
us.  Thus  I  have  met  with  them,  in  this  country,  in  the  same  stratum 
which  has  yielded  the  bones  of  the  great  Irish  elk,  of  the  elephant,  rhi- 
noceros, and  hippopotamus,  and  perhaps  of  the  mammoth.  Cuvier  him- 
self saw  hundreds  of  the  teeth  and  bones  of  horses  taken  from  the  canal 
ofOurcq,  mixed  with  those  of  elephants;  some  of  the  former  being  really 
petrified.  At  Canstadt,  in  Wirtemberg,  they  are  found  in  prodigious 
numbers,  with  the  bones  of  elephants,  tigers,  rhinoceroses,  and  hyenas: 
.they  have  also  been  found,  thus  associated,  in  Italy,  in  different  parts  of 
Fr-ince;  and  in  many  of  those  beds,  in  other  parts  of  the  world,  in  which 
elephantine  remains  have  been  found.  This,  as  is  justly  observed  by 
M.  Cuvier,  is  deservedly  interesting;  since,  from  the  remains  of  the  ani- 
mals with  which  they  are  associated,  it  is  probable  that  they  lived  before 
our  continents  existed  in  their  present  state. 


The  fossil  remains  of  horses  have  been  very  seldom  mentioned  by  au- 
thors. The  fossil  teeth  of  a  horse  are  given  by  Bernia,  in  his  edition  of 
Aldrovandus  on  Monsters,  as  the  teeth  of  giants ;  and  Lang,  Hist.  Lap. 
Fig.  Helv.  Tab.  xi.  Fig.  1,  2,  figures  the  tooth  of  a  horse  as  the  tooth  of 
the  hippopotamus.  Kundmann  has  also  engraved  the  teeth  of  a  horse, 
without  knowing  to.  what  animal  they  belonged  ;  and  Walch,  having  re- 
ceived some  from  Quedlimbourg,  only  observes,  that  they  were  similar  to 
those  which  had  been  figured  by  Lang  and  Kundmann.  Hence,  Cuvier 
observes,  that  these  having  been  so  little  noticed  by  former  writers,  is  at- 
tributable partly  to  their  not  having  excited  their  attention  sufficiently, 
and  partly  to  their  ignorance  respecting  their  origin. 

A  species  of  horse  appears  to  have  been  the  associate  of  elephants  in 
former  periods  ;  but  M.  Cuvier  is  unable,  from  single  bones  and  mutilated 
fragments,  to  determine  in  what  points  it  nearest  resembled  the  species 
of  the  present  day. 

As  the  fossil  teeth  of  the  horse  are  most  likely  to  be  confounded  with 
those  of  the  ox  or  buffalo,  I  shall  place  before  you  the  following  distin- 
guishing characters. 

The  upper  grinders  of  the  horse  agree  with  those  of  the  ox  and  buffalo 
in  their  prismatic  form,  and  are  marked,  like  them,  with  four  crescents; 
but  they  have  also  a  fifth  on  their  inner  edge. 

The  lower  grinders  are  more  compressed,  and  have  four  crescents,  the 
same  as  in  the  ox ;  but,  instead  of  being  disposed  two  and  two,  parallel, 
they  are  placed  alternately,  the  first  of  the  inner  edge  corresponding  with 
the  interval  on  the  outer  edge. 

The  largest  fossil  tooth  of  this  animal  which  I  have  obtained,  is  one 
which  was  found  by  Mr.  D.  Ward,  at  Great  Wigston,  near  Leicester. 
The  size  of  these  teeth  we  however  know  may  depend  on  circumstances 
not  affected  by  the  difference  of  species.  Thus,  if  any  of  the  teeth  of  one 
jaw  are  removed,  the  opposite  teeth,  in  the  other  jaw,  will  grow  to  a  very 
considerable  length. 




1  HE  family  of  Ruminantia,  or  Bisulca,  of  Dumeril,  the  order  of  Pecora> 
of  Linnaeus,  are  distinguished  by  two  toes  and  two  hoofs;  the  hoof  being,  as 
it  were,  cloven.  The  genera  are :  1,  Camelus ;  2.  Moschus;  3.  Cervus; 
4.  Camelo-pardalis ;  5.  Antilope;  6.  Capra ;  7.  Ovis;  8.  Bos<> 

It  is  justly  observed  by  Cuvier,  that  the  study  of  the  fossils  of  this 
family,  either  osteologically  or  geologically,  is  exceedingly  difficult.  The 
general  resemblance  to  each  other  of  the  animals  of  this  family  is  so 
great,  that  the  several  genera  can  only  be  characterized  by  parts,  such 
as  horns;  which,  from  their  frequently  varying  with  age,  sex,  and 
climate,  must,  in  their  fossil  and  mutilated  states,  be  very  uncertain 
guides.  The  difficulties  which  occur,  whilst  considering  them  geolo- 
gically, also  applies  to  the  fossil  remains  of  the  horse.  The  remains  of 
the  ruminants,  except  those  of  the  Irish  elk,  and  perhaps  of  some  species 
of  Cervus,  do  not  appear  to  differ  from  the  corresponding  parts  of  the  ani- 
mals of  our  climates  and  our  times;  a  circumstance  in  which  they  will 
be  found  to  vary  much  from  the  remains  of  other  families.  The  situa- 
tions in  which  they  are  found  appear  also  to  be  difficult  to  account 
for.  Most  frequently  they  are  found  in  beds  which  appear  to  be  of  the 
more  recent  alluvial  formation;  but  sometimes  they  are  also  found  in 
those  alluvial  beds  which,  from  their  containing  the  remains  of  the  ele- 

VOL. in*  s  $ 


pliant,  rhinoceros,  hippopotamus,  &c.  in  countries  and  climates  where 
these  animals  have  never  been  known  to  exist,  were  most  probably  formed 
before  our  continents  existed  in  their  present  state. 

Among  the  fossils  of  the  British  empire,  none  are  more  calculated  to 
excite  astonishment  than  the  enormous  stags'  horns  which  have  been  dug 
up  in  different  parts  of  Ireland.  Dr.  Molyneux,  in  1697,  published  a 
paper  on  this  subject  in  the  Philosophical  Transactions,  Vol.  xix.  No. 
227,  in  which  he  concludes  that  these  remains  are  to  be  considered 
as  a  proof  that  the  American  moose-deer  was  formerly  common  in  that 

In  this  paper  he  particularly  describes  a  pair  of  these  horns  which  were 
found  at  Dardistown,  near  Drogheda.  Mr.  Henry  Osborn,  from  whom 
Dr.  Molyneux  received  them,  says : — "  This  is  the  third  head  I  have 
found  by  casual  trenching  in  my  orchard.  They  were  all  dug  up  within 
the  compass  of  an  acre  of  land,  and  lay  about  four  or  five  feet  under 
ground,  in  a  sort  of  boggy  soil.  The  first  pitch  was  of  earth,  the  next 
two  or  three  of  tur£  and  then  followed  a  sort  of  white  marie,  in  which 
they  were  found." 

Plate  XX.  Fig.  2,  is  an  outline  sketch  of  these  horns,  drawn  to  the 
annexed  scale.  Their  dimensions,  Dr.  Molyneux  informs  us,  were  as 

Feet  Inches, 

From  the  extreme  tip  of  each  horn AB  10  10 

From  the  tip  of  the  right  horn  to  its  root CD  5  2 

From  the  tip  of  one  of  the  inner  branches  to  the  tip  of 

the  opposite  branch EF  3  7| 

The  length  of  one  of  the  palms,  within  the  branches.. ..GH  2  6 

The  breadth  of  the  same  palm,  within  the  branches....  IK  1  lOf 

The  length  of  the  right  brow  antler DL  1  2 

The  beam  of  each  horn,  at  some  distance  from  the  head    M 

In  diameter 0  2-rV 

In  circumference 0  8 

Feet  Inches, 

The  beam  of  each  horn,  at  its  root,  in  circumference      D  Oil 
The  length  of  the  head,  from  the  back  of  the  skull  to 

the  extremity  of  the  upper  jaw-bone NO  2     0 

The  breadth  of  the  skull PQ  1     0 

A  similar  pair,  found  ten  feet  under  ground,  in  the  County  of  Clare, 
was  presented  to  Charles  the  Second,  and  placed  in  the  horn-gallery, 
Hampton-court,  but  was  afterwards  removed  into  the  guard-room  of  the 
same  palace. 

At  Bally  ward,  near  Ballyshannon  ;  at  Turvy,  eight  miles  from  Dub- 
lin; and  at  Portumery,  near  the  River  Shannon,  in  the  County  of  Gal- 
way ;  similar  horns  have  been  found.  In  the  common-hall  of  the  Bishop 
of  Armagh's  house,  in  Dublin,  was  a  forehead,  with  two  amazing  large 
beams  of  a  pair  of  this  kind  of  horns,  which,  from  the  magnitude  of  the 
beams,  must  have  much  exceeded  in  size  those  of  which  the  dimensions 
are  given  above.  Dr.  Molyneux  states,  that  in  the  last  twenty  years,  thirty 
pair  of  these  horns  had  been  dug  up  by  accident  in  this  country :  the  ob- 
servations, also,  of  several  other  persons,  prove  the  great  frequency  with 
which  these  remains  have  been  found  in  Ireland. 

Various  opinions  have  been  entertained  respecting  this  animal  and  its 
existing  prototype.  This,  however,  does  not  appear  to  have  been  yet 
discovered;  and  these  remains  may,  I  believe,  be  regarded  as  having 
belonged  to  an  animal  now  extinct. 

Dr.  Molyneux,  in  the  paper  above  referred  to,  in  confirmation  of  his 
opinion  that  these  are  not  the  horns  of  the  elk,  observes,  that  the  elk's 
horns  "  are  much  smaller,  and  quite  of  another  shape  and  make ;  not 
palmated,  or  broad  at  the  end  furthest  from  the  head,  as  ours ;  but,  on 
the  contrary,  broader  towards  the  head,  and  growing  still  narrower  to- 
wards the  tips'  end ;"  and  concludes  with  saying,  "  that  it  can  only 
answer  to  that  lofty-horned  beast  in  the  West  Indies,  called  a  moose. 

Mr.  Samuel  Dale,  in  the  thirty-ninth  volume  of  the  Philosophical 
Transactions,  gives  a  description  of  the  moose-deer  of  New  England  ;  but 


observes,  that  the  horn  of 'the  New  England  black  moose  best  agrees  with 
those  found  fossil  in  Ireland. 

Dr.  Mortimer  adds,  in  a  note  to  this,  paper  of  Mr.  Dale's  :  "  As  to  the 
large  horns  found  fossil  in  Ireland,  I  have  taken  particular  notice  (in  se- 
veral I  have  seen),  besides  the  main  horns  being  palmated,  that  the 
brow-antlers  are  likewise  palmated;  which  is  a  circumstance  peculiar 
to  the  rein-deer  species,  being  of  great  service  to  them  in  removing  the 
snow,  in  order  to  get  at  the  grass  or  moss  underneath,  which  is  their  chief 
subsistence  in  Lapland." 

M.  Cuvier  observes : — "  II  est  cependant  certain  que  les  bois  fossiles 
d'Irlande  ne  peuvent  venir  ni  de  1'elan  ni  du  renne :  nous  n'avons  pas 
besoin  de  le  prouver  au  long  pour  ce  dernier,  puisque  leur  difference  saute 
aux  yeux ;  1'andouiller  qui  descend  sur  le  front,  et  qui  a  seul  donne  lieu  a 
la  comparaison,  etant  toujours  simple  dans  le  fossile,  et  jamais  branchu 
comme  dans  le  renne."  The  fact  however  is,  as  M.  Cuvier  has  stated  it, 
that  the  brow-antler  in  the  rein-deer  is  palmated,  and  that  in  the  fossil 
animal  it  is  generally  not:  it  is  however  sometimes  flattened. 

It  now  remains  to  examine  into  the  degree  of  accordance  between 
these  fossil  horns  and  those  of  the  elk,  with  the  horns  of  which  animal 
these  horns  have  been  most  frequently  supposed  to  agree.  The  first  com- 
parative view  furnishes  us  with  these  facts,  that  the  fossil  horns  far  surpass 
in  size  the  horns  of  any  known  elk ;  and  that,  in  the  horns  of  the  elk,  the 
antlers  are  much  more  numerous  than  in  the  fossil  horns ;  so  that  the 
fossil  horns,  although  by  far  the  largest,  have  the  fewest  antlers.  In  ad- 
dition to  these,  M.  Cuvier  notices  the  three  following  essential  differences: 
1.  The  antler,  which  in  the  fossil  horn  descends  from  the  bottom  of  the 
beam,  over  the  forehead  of  the  animal,  does  not  exist  in  the  elk.  2.  The 
fossil  horn  has  antlers  passing  out  from  the  inner  edge  of  the  palm,  which 
is  not  the  case  with  the  horn  of  the  elk.  3.  The  palm  of  the  fossil  horn 
enlarges  by  degrees,  and  takes  the  form  of  a  fan ;  whilst  that  of  the  elk 
is  widest  at  its  lower  part,  and  narrows  as  it  ascends.  Another  very  im- 
portant difference  results  from  the  large  cartilaginous  and  fleshy  muzzle 


of  the  elk.  The  space  required  by  this  part  reduces  the  bony  parts,  and 
extraordinarily  enlarges  and  elongates  the  bony  openings  of  the  nostrils,, 
and  necessarily  shortens  the  proper  bones  of  the  nose  ;  but  nothing  of  this 
kind  is  discoverable  in  the  fossil  sk^ull.  The  fossil  head  differs  also  from 
that  of  the  elk  in  the  proportion  between  the  length  and  the  width  :  in  the 
former  the  width  bearing  a  proportion  to  the  length,  as  one  to  two;  and, 
in  the  latter,  as  one  to  three. 

It  appears,  that  the  magnitude  of  the  fossil  head  does  not  by  any  means 
keep  pace  with  the  enormous  size  of  the  horns ;  the  largest  fossil  head 
not  exceeding  two  feet,  which  is  shorter  than  that  of  the  common  elk. 
To  calculate  the  size  of  the  body  from  that  of  the  head,  seems  hardly 
admissible ;  and  not  having  yet  obtained  any  authentic  account  of  the 
discovery  of  any  of  the  bones  of  the  trunk,  or  of  the  limbs  of  this  animal, 
there  exists  no  sufficient  basis  for  conjecture  on  this  point. 

The  resemblance  which  has  been  supposed  to  exist  between  this  fossil 
and  the  moose-deer,  or  elk  of  America,  M.  Cuvier  contends  is  imaginary; 
observing,  that  there  does  not  appear  to  be  any  real  specific  difference 
between  the  European  and  the  American  elk.  Every  thing,  therefore, 
he  observes,  agrees  in  authorizing  us  to  consider  the  fossil  elk  of  Ireland 
as  an  animal  belonging  to  a  species,  which,  as  will  be  shown  to  be  the 
case  with  several  others,  is  now  become  extinct. 

The  frequency  with  which  these  remains  are  found  in  Ireland  is  a  cir- 
cumstance not  very  easily  explained,  when  it  is  also  considered  that  thei 
discovery  of  any  of  these  remains  in  any  other  part  of  the  globe  is  a  very 
rare  occurrence.  A  fragment  of  a  horn,  apparently  of  this  species,  has 
been  found  on  the  Rhine,  near  to  Worms ;  Ecrits  de  la  Societt  des  Natu- 
ralises de  Berlin,  p\  388.  In  this  specimen,  the  brow-antler  is  flattened. 
The  upper  part  of  a  skull,  with  two  beams,  resembling  in  their  form  and 
proportions  those  of  the  Irish  elk,  have  been  found  in  the  canal  of 
Ourcq,  near  to  Sevrau,  in  the  forest  of  Bondi,  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
that  spot  where  we  have  already  seen  the  remains  of  elephants  were, 


The  only  instance  which  I  find  mentioned  of  these  remains  being  found 
in  England,  is  related  by  Mr.  Thomas  Knowles,  who  states  that  a  pair  of 
horns  was  found  six  feet  under  ground,  in  a  peat-moss,  near  North 
Dreighton,  in  Yorkshire,  in  the  year  1744.  These  horns  Mr.  Knowles 
describes  as  being  each  of  them  five  feet  and  an  inch  in  length,  and 
palmed  ;  and  observes,  that  they  were  not  at  their  full  growth,  since  they 
were  yet  covered  with  what  is  called  the  velvet.  PhiL  Trans.  Vol.  XLIV. 
Dr.  Mortimer  observes,  in  a  note  to  this  paper,  that  the  horns  mentioned 
by  Mr.  Knowles  are  evidently  of  the  same  sort  as  those  which  are  so 
often  found  in  Ireland :  but  adds,  "  I  do  not  remember  to  have  met 
with  any  before  of  this  species  found  in  England,  or  any  where  else  be- 
sides Ireland." 

Previous  to  my  having  visited  the  neighbourhood  of  Harwich,  John 
Hanson,  Esq,  of  Great  Bromley  Hall,  Colchester,  very  kindly  favoured 
me  with  a  view  of  the  fossils  which  he  had  obtained  from  the  Essex  coast, 
as  well  as  several  correct  drawings  from  them,  and  two  or  three  of  the  spe- 
cimens themselves.  Among  those  in  Mr.  Hanson's  possession  was  the 
beam  of  a  horn,  so  large,  and  at  the  same  time  possessing  a  form  so  much 
resembling  that  of  the  Irish  fossil  horns,  as  led  me,  at  the  time,  to  men- 
tion their  agreement. 

At  my  first  or  second  visit  to  Walton,  I  procured  the  corresponding 
beam  with  that  possessed  by  Mr.  Hanson,  and  with  it  a  fragment  of  the 
palmated  part;  and,  in  1808,  I  obtained  from  the  same  place  the  fore- 
head, with  the  beams  of  both  horns,  broken  off  just  at  the  commence- 
ment of  tjie  palmated  part.  This  specimen  very  much  resembles,  except 
in  being  larger,  one  which  was  found  in  the  canal  of  Ourcq,  and  which 
is  figured  by  Cuvier  in  PI.  i.  Fig.  9,  of  Ruminans  Fossiles.  The  agree- 
ment is  very  close  between  the  proportions  of  the  Essex  specimen,  and 
those  which  are  given  by  Dr.  Molyneux  of  the  Irish  horns,  allowing  for 
a  circumstance  which  I  did  not  expect,  that  the  Essex  horns  exceed  the 
other  in  size.  The  breadth  of  the  skull  of  the  Irish  fossil,  in  its  broad  part, 
is  12  inches;  and  of  the  Essex  skull,  of  which  only  the  narrowest  of  its 


upper  part  is  left,  is  nine  inches.  The  circumference  of  the  beam  of  the 
horn,  at  its  root,  is  in  the  Irish  1 1  inches,  and  in  the  Essex  fossil  12  inches. 
The  circumference  of  the  beam,  just  before  giving  off  the  palm,  is  in  the 
Irish  fossil  eight  inches,  and  in  the  Essex  ten  inches. 

In  Scania  (Mem.  de  VAcad.  de  Stockholm,  de  1802,  p.  285),  in  France, 
in  the  valley  of  Sorame,  near  Abbeville ;  and  in  Germany,  fossil  horns 
have  also  been  found,  which  resemble  in  figure  those  of  the  fallow-deer, 
but  are  one  third  larger;  and  which,  in  the  opinion  of  Cuvier,  belonged 
to  some  unknown  animal. 

Horns,  resembling  those  of  the  common  stags  are  very  frequent  in 
beds  of  alluvial  production.  In  France,  in  the  valley  of  Somme,  these 
horns  are  found  in  very  considerable  numbers,  either  in  the  turf  or  sand. 
They  are  also  found  in  several  other  parts  of  the  continent. 

These  fossils  have  been  also  frequently  found  in  different  parts  of  Eng- 
land. Lancashire,  Yorkshire,  Derbyshire,  Northamptonshire,  Oxford- 
shire, and  Lincolnshire,  are  all  mentioned  in  the  Philosophical  Trans- 
actions as  having  yielded  these  fossils :  but  Norwich,  perhaps,  has  fur- 
nished more  of  these  specimens  than  any  other  spot  in  this  island.  This 
species  of  horns  also  constitutes  a  part  of  the  fossil  treasures  of  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Harwich ;  affording  another  instance,  with  that  yielded  by 
the  valley  of  Somme,  of  these  remains  being  associated  with  those  of  the 
elephant.  Here,  indeed,  they  are  found,  not  only  with  the  remains  of 
the  elephant,  but  also  with  those  of  the  ox,  of  the  fossil  elk,  the  rhino- 
ceros, and  the  hippopotamus.  A  large  horn  of  this  description  is  figured 
in  the  37th  volume  of  the  Philosophical  Transactions,  No.  422,  which 
was  drawn  up  by  the  net  of  a  fisherman,  out  of  Raven's-barrow-hole, 
adjoining  to  Holker  Old  Park,  on  the  sea-coast  of  Lancashire. 

M.  Guettard  discovered,  between  the  blocks  of  sand-stone,  and  in  the 
surrounding  sand,  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Etampes,  with  other  bones 
of  different  sizes,  the  bones  of  an  animal,  which  appears  to  have  been  of 
a  size  between  that  of  the  stag  and  of  the  roebuck.  When  these  horns 
were  first  shown  to  the  Academy  of  Sciences,  they  were  suspected  to  have 


belonged  to  some  young  animals  of  the  species  of  the  rein-deer,  before 
they  had  acquired  their  characteristic  palm. 

These  horns  are  distinguishable  by  their  being  very  small,  thin,  and 
rather  flat ;  and  by  their  giving  off,  at  a  little  distance  from  their  base, 
one  or  two  antlers  on  their  fore  part.  From  a  variation  in  this  last  cir- 
cumstance, depending  very  probably  on  a  difference  in  the  age  of  the 
animal,  these  horns  may  be  divided  into  two  sorts. 

In  the  one,  at  about  two  inches  above  the  coronet,  an  isolated  antler 
is  given  off  forwards ;  and  then  the  beam  itself,  which  is  but  little  larger 
than  this  antler,  turns  backwards,  to  be  again  divided,  or  at  least  to  give 
off  a  second  antler  on  its  posterior  part.  A  specimen  of  this  sort,  from 
Etampes,  which  I  purchased  from  the  collection  of  Mr.  Strange,  and 
which  bears  the  description  of  "  A  fossil  horn  of  an  animal  unknown  to 
Dr.  Hunter,"  is  represented  Plate  XX.  Fig.  3 ;  the  dotted  lines,  in  con- 
tinuation, showing  the  manner  in  which  the  second  antler  was  given  off. 
In  the  other  sort,  two  antlers  are  given  off  forwards,  at  about  an  inch 
from  the  base,  and  at  a  little  distance  from  each  other,  the  beam  then 
passing  backwards.  It  is  worthy  of  notice,  that  although  the  root  is  nearly 
round,  the  beam  immediately  becomes  flat ;  and  this  is  particularly  the 
case  in  the  horns  of  the  latter  sort. 

That  these  are  not  the  horns  of  young  rein-deer  is  evident ;  not  merely 
from  their  not  agreeing  in  all  the  characters  of  these  horns,  but  from 
their  having  belonged  to  adult  animals,  whose  epiphyses  were  in  union 
with  their  bones.  There  is  no  animal  of  the  old  continent  to  which  these 
bones  can  be  referred,  nor  do  we  know  that  the  analogue  of  this  fossil 
animal  is  to  be  found  on  the  new  continent. 

In  the  quarries  of  Montabusard,  in  which  it  will  be  seen  two  species  of 
the  genus  Pateothei'ium  and  one  of  the  genus  Mastodon  have  been  found, 
two  fragments  of  the  horns,  and  several  portions  of  the  jaws,  which  are 
not  distinguishable  from  those  of  the  common  roebuck,  have  been  found. 
This  is  a  circumstance  truly  interesting,  since  we  have  here,  on  the  same 
spot,  the  bones  of  lost  animals,  as  well  as  of  animals  similar  with  those 


•which  are  now  in  existence,  in  the  same  country  in  which  these  fossils  are 

M.  Faujas,  on  comparing  the  different  large  fossil  heads  of  the  ox  kind, 
in  the  Museum  of  Natural  History,  was  surprised  to  find  that  they  dif- 
fered, not  only  in  their  size  and  form,  hut  in  other  characters  also,  from 
the  urus,  or  aurochs,  of  Lithuania.  By  the  examinations  which  he 
made,  he  also  became  convinced  that  these  fossil  horns  were  of  two 
distinct  species. 

The  core  or  bones  of  the  horns  of  the  first  species  are  placed  in  a  hori- 
zontal position,  and  at  rather  more  than  fifteen  inches  from  their  base  are 
fractured;  but  the  size  and  form  of  the  remaining  part  show,  that,  if  there 
had  been  any  curve,  it  must  have  been  at  the  extremity.  Although  the 
animal  must  have  been  young,  the  bones  of  the  horns,  at  their  base,  were 
more  than  twelve  inches'  and  a  half  in  circumference ;  and  the  distance 
from  one  orbit  to  the  other,  more  than  thirteen  inches.  The  distance 
from  the  upper  extremity  of  the  forehead  to  the  edge  of  the  occipital 
foramen  is  little  more  than  four  inches  and  a  half;  and  on  the  forehead, 
between  the  commencement  of  the  two  horns,  is  a  slight  protuberance  of 
an  oval  form.  These  two  last  circumstances  M.  Faujas  considers  as  par- 
ticularly distinguishing  this  from  the  other  species. 

In  the  second  species  the  forehead,  which  is  quite  flat,  is  to  be  consi- 
dered, at  its  upper  extremity,  rather  as  forming  a  line,  with  a  little  con- 
vexity, towards  its  centre,  than  as  having  a  protuberance.  The  horns 
form  a  kind  of  crescent,  the  inclination  of  which  is  downwards.  The  dis- 
tance of  one  horn  from  the  other,  taken  at  their  extremities,  is  two  feet 
six  inches  and  a  half;  the  circumference  of  the  core  of  the  horn,  at  its 
base,  thirteen  inches;  and  from  the  upper  edge  of  the  forehead  to  the 
edge  of  the  occipital  foramen,  but  four  inches. 

These  horns  he  considers  as  having  been  brought  from  India  by  the 
same  revolution  which  has  removed  those  remains  of  elephants  and  rhi- 
noceroses which  are  dug  up  in  the  North  of  Europe,  in  France,  Italy,  and 

VOL.  in.  T  T 

On  these  opinions  of  M.  Faujas,  M.  Cuvier  observes,  that  it  is  not  ne- 
cessary to  go  so  far  as  the  Indies  to  find  the  living  species  to  which  these 
horns  belong.    The  truth  is,  he  says,  that  the  first  of  these  skulls  is  that  of 
an  auroch,  with  no  difference  which  can  reasonably  be  considered  as 
specific ;  and  the  second  belongs,  he  conceives,  simply  to  the  species  of 
our  domestic  ox,  of  which  it  has  all  the  characters.    The  magnitude  of 
them,  compared  with  the  common  skeletons,  and  the  direction  of  the 
horns,  occasion  the  illusion  ;  but  these,  he  adds,  are  circumstances  which 
naturalists  know  are  not  constant  characters,  arid  not  proper  to  be  em- 
ployed for  the  distinction  of  species. 

To  assist  vou  in  making  the  necessary  distinctions,  I  shall  here  intro- 

V  «/ 

duce  to  you  the  osteologic  characters  of  the  skulls  of  the  aurochs  and -the 
ox,  as  given  by  M.  Cuvier  himself*.  "  The  forehead  of  the  ox  is  flat, 
and  even  a  little  concave;  that  of  the  auroch,  although  a  little  less  so  than 
in  the  ox,  is  rather  tumid.  In  the  o.r,  the  forehead  has  a  square  form, 
being  nearly  as  high  as  it  is  wide,  taking  its  base  between  the  orbits ;  in 
the  auroch,  measuring  it  in  the  same  way,  it  is  much  wider  than  it  is 
high,  the  width  being  to  the  height  as  three  to  two.  The  horns,  in  the 
ox,  are  attached  to  the  extremities  of  the  projecting  line  at  the  top  of 
the  head,  which  separates  the  occiput  from  the  forehead;  in  the  auroch, 
this  line  is  two  inches  backwarder  than  the  roots  of  the  horns.  In  the  o.v, 
the  plane  of  the  occiput  makes  an  acute  angle  with  the  forehead;  in  the 
auroch,  this  angle  is  obtuse.  Lastly,  the  plane  of  the  occi,?ut,  which  is 
quadrangular  in  the  o.v,  forms  a  semicircle  in  the  auroch."  The  cha- 
racters which  M.  Cuvier  here  assigns  to  the  ox  are  common  to  all  its 
known  varieties. 

To  these  distinctive  characters,  taken  from  the  skull,  may  be  added 
these,  which  serve  to  determine  the  propriety  of  regarding  the  auroch 
as  a  different  species  from  the  ox.  M.  Daubenton  ascertained,  that  in 
the  auroch  there  are  fourteen  pair  of  ribs ;  whilst  in  the  ox,  and  the 

*  Menagerie  du  Mas.  d'Hist.  Nat.  art.  du  Zebu.  - 


greater  part  of  the  other  ruminants,  there  are  only  thirteen :  in  the  au- 
roch, the  legs  are  longer  and  thinner  than  in  the  bull  or  buffalo ;  its 
tongue,  also,  M.  Gilibert  observes,  is  of  a  blue  colour. 

Those  naturalists  appear  to  have  been  mistaken  who  have  supposed 
that  there  exist,  in  the  North  of  Europe,  two  species,  different  from  each 
other :  one  without  a  bunch,  which  they  term  the  auroch ;  and  the  other 
with,  which  is  considered  as  the  bison.  The  difference  appears  to  be,  that 
which  results  from  the  difference  of  age  only ;  the  old  male  au?och  ac- 
quiring much  longer  hairs,  and  a  much  larger  projection,  than  exists  in 
the  female  or  the  young.  The  identity  of  the  auroch  with  the  large 
wild  bull  or  buffalo  of  America  (Bos  Americanos,  Linn.)  is  not  yet  de- 
termined ;  an  examination  of  the  osteological  characters  of  its  skull  is 
therefore  desirable. 

Justice  to  M.  Faujas  requires  the  observation,  that  M.  Cuvier  has  bv 
no  means  established  the  fact,  that  the  fossil  horns  of  the  first  species  are 
those  of  the  aurochs ;  since  he  has  by  no  means  pointed  out  any  osteo- 
logical character  which  can  be  considered  as  deciding  the  question. 

It  is  very  true,  that  the  difference  of  size  alone  is  not  sufficient  to  de- 
termine a  difference  of  species.  But  when  the  difference  of  size  is  enor- 
mous, the  probability  of  there  existing  a  difference  of  species  is  rendered 
more  probable.  The  prodigious  size  of  these  fossil  horns  is  attempted  to 
be  accounted  for  by  M.  Cuvier,  on  the  consideration,  that  the  horns  grow 
through  the  whole  life  of  the  animal,  and  that  an  abundance  of  nourish- 
ment, through  a  long  life,  might  have  had  a  considerable  effect  in  in- 
creasing the  growth  of  these  horns.  But  a  long  life  does  not  appear  to 
have  been  necessary  for  the  production  of  the  large  horns  of  this  animal; 
since  M.  Cuvier  himself  observes,  of  the  specimen  figured  by  M.  Faujas, 
that  "  the  skull  is  of  an  enormous  size,  although  the  individual  to  which 
it  belonged  was  not  very  old,  as  appeared  by  the  sutures."  Nor  can  the 
magnitude  of  the  horns  be  attributed  to  abundance  of  nourishment;  since, 
as  M.  Cuvier  observes,  in  the  paragraph  just  quoted,  the  skull  itself  is  of 


an  enormous  size ;  and  it  cannot  be  unfair  to  infer,  that  the  other  bones 
of  the  animal  were  in  the  same  proportion:  and  that  such  a  prodigious 
size  of  the  bones  of  the  whole  animal  can  be  attributable  merely  to  plenty 
of  nourishment,  I  cannot  suppose  to  be  admissible. 

The  bone  of  a  horn,  most  probably  of  this  species,  found  by  Mr.  Peale, 
in  Kentucky,  was  of  still  larger  dimensions  than  those  in  the  Museum  of 
Natural  History,  since  the  circumference  of  its  base  was  more  than 
eighteen  inches.  Another  fossil  core  of  a  horn,  probably  of  this  species, 
is  described  by  M.  Mayer,  which  must  have  even  exceeded  this  in  mag- 

The  second  species  of  these  horns  surpass  in  size  those  of  our  domes- 
ticated oxen,  and  differ  from  them  also  in  having  a  different  direction, 
The  skulls  to  which  these  horns  are  attached  are  very  different  from  those 
of  the  aurochs ;  and,  as  has  been  already  remarked,  are  supposed  by 
M.  Cuvier  to  have  belonged  to  a  very  different  race ;  to  that  wild  race, 
which  was  the  original  stock  of  our  present  domesticated  oxen.  The 
osteological  characters  of  the  skull,  he  supposes,  prove  their  affinity;  and 
the  difference  in  the  direction  of  the  horns,  he  conceives  by  no  means  a 
character  sufficient  to  mark  a  species. 

Horns  of  this  latter  description  have  been  frequently  found.  Several 
have  been  found  in  France ;  and  M.  Faujas  has  seen  them  in  the  cabi- 
nets of  Manheim  and  of  Darmstadt,  and  in  that  of  M.  Saltzwedel,  at 
Francfort.  They  have  also  been  dug  up  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Stutt- 
gardt ;  and  M.  Soldani  describes  a  skull  of  this  species,  found  near  to 
Arezzo,  the  forehead  of  which  was  a  foot  wide,  and  the  horns  two  feet 
seven  inches  long,  and  fourteen  inches  in  circumference  at  their  base. 
He  also  mentions  another  found  near  Rome,  at  the  depth  of  twenty  feet. 
The  width  between  the  orbits  was  fourteen  inches;  and  the  circumference 
of  their  core,  at  its  base,  was  eighteen  inches.  Essai  Qryctogrtiphique, 
PL  xxiv.  and  xxv.  Gesner,  more  than  two  hundred  years  ago,  engraved 
a  skull  of  this  sort>  the  design  of  which  was  sent  him  by  his  friend  Caiu% 


who  informs  us  lie  had  seen  a  similar  skull  in  Warwick  Castle.  The  spe- 
cimen of  this  fossil  which  I  possess  was  dug  up  in  Dumfrieshire.  The 
following  are  its  measurements. 

Feet.  Inches. 

The  length  of  the  bony  core  of  each  horn 2  6 

Circumference  at  its  base ..1  5 

Width  of  the  forehead  at  the  root  of  the  horns 1  Of 

Distance  of  the  tips  of  the  horns  from  each  other 2  11 

M.  Pallas  describes  a  fossil  skull  found  in  Siberia,  which  he  concluded 
to  have  belonged  to  the  common  buffalo  of  India  and  of  Italy ;  to  which 
opinion  he  was  led  by  the  angle  or  ridge,  which  runs  the  length  of  the 
horn.  Nov.  Com.  Petrop.  xm.  p.  460. 

The  examination  of  this  fossil  induced  M.  Cuvier  to  conclude,  that  this 
could  not  be  a  skull  of  the  common  buffalo ;  since,  in  this  animal,  the 
width  of  the  head  is  less  in  proportion  to  the  length  than  in  the  fossil, 
particularly  between  the  orbits;  the  distance  of  which,  in  the  fossil,  is  a 
striking  character.  The  curvature  of  the  horns  is  also  different.  In  the 
common  buffalo  they  turn  backwards,  at  the  side,  and  upwards,  without 
coming  forward ;  but,  in  the  fossil,  they  go  obliquely  upwards  by  the 
side,  and  their  point  comes  forward.  The  longitudinal  projecting  angle 
also  appears  to  be  less  strongly  marked. 

M.  Pallas,  indeed,  afterwards  concluded,  that  these  horns  were  not  of 
the  common  buffalo,  but  of  a  supposed  large  species  described  by  Dr. 
Anderson  in  the  Bee,  Dec.  1792,  and  to  which  the  name  of  Amis  has 
been  given.  But  M.  Cuvier  offers  very  good  reasons  for  supposing  that 
mistakes  have  been  made  with  respect  to  the  size  of  this  animal,  which  he 
conceives  to  be  nothing  more  than  a  race  of  buffaloes,  with  uncommonly 
large  horns,  but  by  no  means  of  a  particular  species.  From  every  con- 
sideration, he  is  therefore  led  to  suppose  that  the  fossil  buffalos'  heads  of 
Siberia  belong  to  a  particular  species,  entirely  different  from  the  com- 
mon buffalo  and  the  arne,  as  well  as  from  the  ox  and  the  aurochs. 

These  skulls  have  been  found  on  the  banks  of  the  rivers  in  the  furthest 


parts  of  Siberia  ;  but  sufficient  is  not  yet  known  of  the  situation  in  which 
they  are  found,  to  allow  of  the  ascertaining  of  the  nature  and  comparative 
age  of  the  beds  in  which  they  are  found.  Arguing  upon  what  is  known 
respecting  these  fossils,  M.  Cuvier  concludes,  that  the}^  are  cotemporary 
with  the  elephant  with  long  alveoli,  and  with  the  rhinoceros  with  a  long 
skull.  This  he  however  admits  cannot  be  received  as  cert : in,  until  we 
obtain  more  exact  accounts  respecting  the  places  in  which  they  were 

To  M .  Pallas  we  are  likewise  indebted  for  the  knowledge  of  another  ' 
species  of  fossil  skulls  found  in  Siberia.  Of  these  he  found  only  two  :  one 
on  the  borders  of  the  Ob,  and  the  other  on  the  side  of  Tuadra.  Nov.  Com.. 
Pelrop.  xin.  -p.  601.  These  skulls  are  chiefly  characterized  by  the  near 
approximation  of  the  bases  of  the  horns.  M.  Pallas,  at  first,  suspected 
that  these  skulls  were  similar  to  those  of  the  buffalo  of  the  Cape  ;  but 
soon  after  found  reason  to  attribute  them  rather  to  the  musk-ox  (Bos  mos- 
chatus)  of  Canada.  M.  Cuvier  is  fully  disposed  to  concur  with  M.  Pal- 
las in  his  last  opinion. 

Admitting  the  identity  of-  these  skulls  with  those  of  the  musked  ox  of 
America,  Cuvier  observes,  that  it  should  be  remarked  that  they  are  in  a 
relative  position  very  different  from  that  of  the  other  fossil  bones  of  that 
country.  The  only  analogues  with  these  latter,  which  it  is  supposed  that 
we  have  found,  are  in  the  torrid  zone,  &c. :  but  the  musk-ox  dwells  in  the 
frigid  zone.  It  is  therefore,  he  thinks,  probable,  that  if  these  skulls  ac- 
tually belong  to  this  animal,  they  will  be  found  to  have  been  deposited 
in  depths,  and  in  beds,  very  different  from  those  which  have  furnished  the 
bones  of  elephants,  rhinoceroses,  and  large  buffaloes. 

Reviewing  these  facts,  relative  to  the  remains  of*  ruminants  found  in 
alluvial  tracts,  M.  Cuvier  offers  the  following  remarks. 

These  remains,  as  well  of  the  stags  as  of  the  oxen,  appear  to  be  refer- 
able to  two  classes,  the  unknown  and  the  known  ruminants.  In  the  first 
class  he  places  the  Irish  '  elk ;  the  small  stag,  with  slender  horns,  of 
Etampes ;  the  stag  of  Scania ;  and  the  large  buffalo  of  Siberia :  in  'the 



second  class  hp. places  the  common  stag,  the  common  roehuck,  the  au- 
rochs, the  ox  which  seems  to  have  been  the  wild  original  of  our  domestic 
ox,  and  the  buffalo  with  approximated  horns,  which  is  analogous  with 
the  musk-ox  of  Canada.  Besides  these,  there  appears  a  dubious  species, 
the  great  deer  of  La  Somme,  which  much  resembles  the  common  fallow- 

From  what  can  be  determined,  with  respect  to  the  beds  in  which  they 
are  found,  the  known  species  are  always,  he  observes,  in  those  which  are 
more  recent  than  those  in  which  the  unknown  species  are  found.  This, 
he  says,  is  certain,  at  least  as  to  the  stags,  the  roebucks,  and  the  oxen,  of 
the  Valley  of  La  Somme,  which  are  in  the  loose  and  superficial  sands, 
or  in  the  turf.  The  aurochs  equally  appear  to  be  found  in  the  alluvial 
tracts  of  recent  formation,  which  are  yet  susceptible  of  augmentation 
or  diminution ;  and  the  stags'  horns  of  England  have  been  frequently 
taken  out  of  rivers. 

As  to  the  unknown  species,  it  must  be  remarked,  he  says,  that  the 
elk  of  Ireland,  although  it  is  necessary  to  get  through  the  beds  of  turf 
to  find  it,  yet  it  is  not  in  the  turf  itself,  but  in  the  beds  beneath  it :  the 
stag  of  Etampes,  found  in  the  sand  of  La  Beauce,  was  lower  than  the 
earth  deposited  from  the  fresh  water,  which  covers  the  sand;  and  lastly, 
the  buffalo  of  Siberia,  accompanying  the  fossil  elephants  and  rhinoceroses, 
may  be  supposed  to  be  of  the  same  period,  and  to  be  enveloped  in  the 
same  beds.  The  stag  of  Scania  is  the  only  one  of  the  unknown  animals 
which  has  been  said  to  be  found  in  the  turf;  but  this  circumstance,  he 
thinks,  requires  to  be  proved. 

The  knowledge  which  we  at  present  possess  of  the  situations  in  which 
fossils  are  found  is  at  present  so  confined,  as  to  give  but  little  solidity 
to  the  opinions  which  he  here  offers.  A  remark  of  another  kind  is  made 
with  a  much  greater  assurance  of  its  certainty.  The  known  fossil  ru- 
minants are  also  animals  of  the  climate  in  which  they  are  now  found ; 
thus  the  stag,  ox,  aurochs,  roebuck,  musk-ox  of  Canada,  now  dwell,  and 
have  always  dwelt,  in  the  cold  countries ;  whilst  the  species  which  we 


consider  as  unknown,  if  we  must  refer  them,  at  all  events,  to  existing 
analogues,  must  be  sought  for  in  the  warm  countries.  Our  unknown 
fossil  ruminants,  in  part,  follow  this  analogy.  The  great  buffalo  of  Si- 
beria can  only  be  compared  with  the  buffalo  of  the  Indies,  or  amis :  in 
the  same  manner,  it  is  pretended,  that  in  the  elephant  of  India,  and  in 
the  rhinoceros  of  Africa,  are  to  be  found  the  originals  of  the  fossil  ele- 
phant and  rhinoceros,  with  which  are  found  the  bones  of  this  buffalo. 
The  elk  of  Ireland,  and  the  stag  of  Etampes  and  of  Scania,  may  indeed 
be  compared  with  the  animals  of  the  cold  countries;  but  they  do  not 
approach  so  near  to  them,  he  thinks,  as  to  invalidate  his  reasoning. 

The  facts,  then,  which  are  hitherto  collected,  seem,  he  thinks,  to  an- 
nounce, at  least  as  plainly  as  imperfect  documents  can,  that  the  two 
sorts  of  fossil  ruminants  belong  to  two  orders  of  alluvial  deposits,  and 
consequently  to  two  different  geological  epochs;  that  the  one  have  been, 
and  are  now  daily  being  buried,  in  the  period  in  which  we  live ;  whilst 
the  others  have  been  the  victims  of  the  same  revolution  which  destroyed 
the  other  fossils  of  the  loose  beds,  such  as  the  mammoths,  the  mastodons, 
and  all  the  pachydermata,  the  genera  of  which  now  exist  only  in  the 
torrid  zone. 



FOSSIL    BONES    OF    RUMINANTS,    &C.     IN     THE     ISLANDS    OF    CHERSO 





F  EW  among  the  interesting  objects  which  present  themselves  for  our 
examination  can  appear  more  wonderful  than  those  which  are  now  to 
engage  our  attention.  In  the  rock  of  Gibraltar,  in  Arragon,  in  Nice, 
and  Antibes  ;  on  the  more  northern  shores  of  the  Mediterranean;  in  the 
more  northern  parts  of  the  island  of  Corsica ;  in  Dalmatia,  and  in  the 
islands  of  Cherso  and  Osero,  as  well  as  in  several  others  of  the  islets  of 
the  Adriatic,  the  bones  of  similar  animals  have  been  found  deposited, 
in  situations  and  under  circumstances  extremely  similar.  Or,  in  the 
expressive  language  of  Cuvier  :  "  Des  rochers  epars,  et  souvent  isoles,  a 
plusieurs  centaines  de  lieues  les  uns  des  autres,  mais  formes  de  la  meme 
pierre,  sont  fendu  en  differens  sens;  leurs  fissures  sont  remplies  d'une 
concretion  semblable  partout,  qui  enveloppe  des  os  et  des  fragmens  de 
pierres,  et  a  toutes  ces  distances  les  fragmens  de  pierres,  et  les  os  sont  a 
peu  pres  les  memes.  An.  du  Mus.  Tome  xiu.  p.  169. 

The  first  notice  which  appears  to  have  been  given  of  these  fossils  was 
in  1745,  by  Vitaliano  Donati,  to  whose  assiduous  inquiries  I  have  already 
acknowledged  my  obligations,  whilst  examining  into  the  structure  of  the 

VOL.  in.  u  u 


recent  alcyonia.  In  the  work  there  referred  to,  An  Essay  on  the  Natural 
History  of  the  Adriatic  Sea,  p.  8,  French  translation,  being  the  only  copy 
of  the  work  which  I  possess,  he  says :  "  Dans  le  voisinage  des  lies  appel- 
lees, Incoronate,  est  un  rocher  nomme  Jadra,  qui  est  tout  plein  de  De- 
bris de  petoncles  entierement  changes  en  substance  de  marbre. 

"  Peu  loin  de  ce  rocher  on  trouve  un  bas  fond,  ou  bane,  appelle  Raspp, 
ou  Ton  voit  des  os  d'homme  petrifies.  Us  sont  dans  un  melange  de 
marbre  de  Rovigno,  de  terre  rouge,  et  de  stalactites.  C'est  pourquoi  je 
ne  crois  pas  cette  petrifaction  aussi  ancienne  que  les  autres.  J'ai  aussi 
deterre  de  ces  os  petrifies  avec  le  meme  melange  a  Rocosniza  pres  de 
Sebenico,  et  sur  les  bords  de  la  riviere  Cicola  du  cote  de  Dernes." 

Abbe  Fortis  added  to  his  other  philosophical  labours  that  of  repairing 
to  the  islands  of  Cherso  and  Osero,  to  observe  these  wonders.  The  fre- 
quent heaps  that  are  seen,  the  sameness  of  the  substance,  the  variety  of 
the  positions,  and  the  similar  materials  of  the  congeries,  might  give  room 
to  conjecture,  he  says,  at  first  sight,  that  one  immense  stratum  had  been 
thus  composed  in  remote  ages. 

There  are  two  different  heaps  on  the  desert  rock  of  Gutim;  and  a  mile 
from  Gutim,  at  a  place  called  Platt,  on  the  island  of  Cherso,  other 
heaps  are  to  be  seen.  He  also  found  them  in  the  caverns  of  Gher- 
moshall,  and  at  Porto  Cicale,  in  the  post  of  Vallishall,  and  at  Balvanida. 
Two  large  heaps  were  also  found  in  the  small  island  called  Canidole 
Picciola,  and  others  in  the  small  island  of  Sansego.  The  same  charac- 
ters, he  observes,  marks  the  Illyrick  bones  over  all  these  islands  and 
along  the  coasts  of  Dalmatia.  Along  the  torrent  Cicola,  between  Sibe- 
nico  and  Knin ;  in  Isola  Grossa;  in  Corfu,  in  the  Ionian  sea;  and  in  the 
isle  of  Cyprus — it  appears,  that  similar  fossil  bones  exist.  Among  these 
bones  the  Abbe  Fortis  discovered  the  bones  of  sheep,  and  the  teeth  of 
horses  and  oxen  ;  with  other  bones,  which  he  believed  to  be  human.  Tra- 
vels into  Dalmatia  by  Abbt  Alberto  Fortis,  p.  440,  et  seq. 

The  island  of  Cerigo,  in  the  Archipelago,  is  also  mentioned  by  the 
Abbe  Fortis,  as  possessing  these  fossils ;  which  circumstance  is  also  men- 

331      - 

tioned  by  Spallanzani ;  who,  without  sufficient  authority,  also  conceived 
these  bones  to  be  human. 

The  accumulation  of  these  fossils  at  Nice  and  at  Antibes,  have  been 
particularly  noticed  by  M.  Faujas.  Ann.  du  Mus.  Tom.  x.  p.  409,  &c. 
The  rock  which  bears  the  castle  of  Nice,  and  in  which  these  remains  are 
found,  is  in  a  manner  the  last  extremity  of  the  chain  of  Alps,  which  bifur- 
cates a  little,  to  form  towards  the  West  the  mountains  of  Provence,  and 
towards  the  East  those  of  Genes,  which  are  themselves  the  beginning  of 
the  chain  of  the  Appennines.  These  fossils,  according  to  Faujas,  are  also 
found  in  the  ruins  of  Cimiez,  an  ancient  city,  a  little  higher  up  than 
Nice ;  and  there  is  niso  reason  to  conclude,  from  his  description,  that  the 
mountain  of  Montulban,  Villetranche,  and  the  greater  part  of  those  which 
surround  the  plain  of  Nice,  are  covered  with  a  reddish  ochry  earth, 
similar  to  that  which  abounds  in  the  Breccia,  which  contains  the  bones. 
The  city  of  Antibes  is  separated  from  that  of  Nice  only  by  a  bay  about 
four  leagues  wide,  which  appears  to  be  surrounded  by  hills  of  the  same 

At  Cette  also,  at  the  beginning  of  the  canal  of  Languedoc,  between 
Montpellier  and  Agde,  on  the  Mediterranean,  these  fossils  are  also  found. 
The  mountain  of  Cette  is  an  isolated  cone,  which  is  connected  with  the 
land  by  a  very  narrow  neck  of  sand.  Very  lately,  M.  Ram  passe  has  dis- 
covered similar  fossil  remains  in  Corsica.  These  are  at  some  distance 
to  the  North  of  Bastia,  at  about  half  a  league  from  the  sea,  and  at  about 
a  hundred  fathoms  above  its  level. 

Cueva-rubia,  a  hill  near  to  Concud,  in  Arragon,  appears  also  to  con- 
tain fossil  bones;  but  the  cementing  matter  differs  from  that  of  the  pre- 
ceding fossils  both  in  its  grain  and  colour.  Fossil  bones  are  also  found  at 
Romagnano,  in  the  valley  of  Pantena  and  of  Ronca ;  but  these,  like  those 
of  Concud,  seem  to  differ  from  those  previously  mentioned,  in  the  nature 
of  the  connecting  matter.  Mr.  Bowles  believed  that  he  had  found  here 
the  bones  of  the  legs  and  thighs  of  men  and  women ;  but  Cuvier  ob- 
serves, it  must  require  great  practice  in  researches  of  this  kind,  to  make 
such  a  distinction,  in  fossil  bones,  almost  always  mutilated. 


We  are  indebted  to  Major  Imrie  for  a  most  useful  and  interesting  mi- 
neralogical  description  of  the  mountain  of  Gibraltar,  in  the  fourth  volume 
of  the  Transactions  of  the  Royal  Society  of  Edinburgh,  p.  191,  the  whole 
of  which  is  highly  worthy  your  examination.  That  which  most  par- 
ticularly demands  your  attention  I  have  here  introduced. 

The  eastern  side  of  the  mountain,  mostly  consisting  of  a  range  of  pre- 
cipice, terminates  with  a  bank  of  sand  in  the  Mediterranean.  The 
southern  extremity  terminates  in  the  sea,  with  a  rapid  slope,  and  ibrms 
Europa  Point.  On  the  Western  side,  this  peninsula-mountain  is  bounded 
by  the  Bay' of  Gibraltar;  and,  upon  the  North,  it  is  attached  to  Spain 
by  a  low  sandy  isthmus,  the  greatest  elevation  of  which,  above  the 
level  of  the  sea,  does  not  exceed  ten  feet ;  and  its  breadth,  at  the  base 
of  the  rock,  is  not  more  than  three  quarters  of  a  mile.  This  isthmus 
separates  the  Mediterranean  on  the  East,  from  the  Bay  of  Gibraltar  on 
the  West. 

The  principal  part  of  the  rock  consists  of  a  grey  dense  marble,  in  some 
parts  of  which  are  imbedded  testaceous  bodies,  in  a  spathose  state.  As 
is  almost  always  the  case,  where  this  species  of  rock  constitutes  large 
districts,  the  rock  of  Gibraltar  is  cavernous ;  the  caverns  being  beset 
with  stalactitic,  and  other  calcareous  infiltrations.  On  the  surface  of 
the  rock  are  seen  pot-like  holes,  hollowed  out  by  the  attrition  of  gravel  or 
pebbles,  set  in  motion  by  the  rapidity  of.  rivers,  or  currents  in  the  sea, 
•some  of  the  pebbles  now  remaining  in  them.  From  this  phenomenon, 
Mr.  Imrie  concludes,  that  however  high  the  surface  of  this  rock  may  now 
be  elevated  above  the  level  of  the  sea,  it  has  once  been  the  bed  of  agitated 

With  respect  to  the  fossil  bones  found  in  this  rock,  the  general  idea 
concerning  them  is,  that  they  are  found  in  a  petrified  state,  and  inclosed 
in  the  solid  calcareous  rock;  but  these  are  mistakes  which  Mr.  Imrie 
thus  aims  at  correcting : — "  In  the  perpendicular  fissures  of  the  rock, 
and  in  some  of  the  caverns  of  the  mountain  (all  of  which  afford  evident 
proofs  of  their  former  communication  with  the  surface),  a  calcareous  con- 
cretion is  found,  of  a  reddish  brown  colour,  with  an  earthy  fracture  and 


considerable  induration,  including  the  bones  of  various  animals,  some  of 
which  have  the  appearance  of  being  human.  These  bones  are  of  various 
sizes,  and  lie  in  all  directions,  intermixed  with  shells  of  snails,  fragments 
of  the  calcareous  rock,  and  particles  of  spar ;  all  of  which  materials  are 
still  to  be  seen  in  their  natural  uncombined  states,  partially  scattered  over 
the  surface  of  the  mountain.  These  having  been  swept  by  heavy  rains, 
at  different  periods,  from  the  surface  into  the  situations  above  described, 
and  having  remained  for  a  long  series  of  years  in  those  places  of  rest,  ex- 
posed to  the  penetrating  action  of  water,  have  become  enveloped  in, 
and  cemented  by,  the  calcareous  matter  which  it  deposits."  It  is  right 
here  to  observe,  that  Mr.  Boddington  ascertained  that  these  bones  had 
been  found  fifty-seven  feet  above  high-water  mark.  Phil.  Trans.  Vol.  LX. 
p.  414.  • 

This  concreting  matter  may,  in  some  places,  be  traced  from  the  lowest 
part  of  a  deep  perpendicular  fissure  up  to  the  surface  of  the  mountain. 
In  many  parts  of  the  rock  this  concretion  exists,  unmixed  with  bones  of 
any  kind:  and  on  the  elevated  parts  of  the  mountain,  masses  are  found, 
consisting  of  snail-shells  combined  with  a  mass  of  opaque  stalactitical 
spar  of  a  yellowish  brown  colour.  This  spar  often  incrusts  the  inner  sur- 
face of  the  hollow  bones :  sometimes  the  spathose  crust  is  colourless,  and 
sometimes  of  a  reddish  colour.  The  concretion  in  which  these  bones 
have  been  found,  in  Dalmatia,  at  Cette,  Nice,  Antibes,  and  Cerigo,  agrees 
very  closely,  in  its  situation,  colour,  and  composition,  with  that  of  the 
rock  of  Gibraltar. 

The  fossil  remains  of  animals,  we  have  seen,  -are  found  in  the  Vicentin 
and  Veronese,  but  it  does  not  appear  to  be  certain  that  the  concretions 
containing  these  bones,  any  more  than  those  of  Concud,  are  of  the  same 
kind  with  those  of  Gibraltar,  Dalmatia,  &c. ;  their  connecting  matter  be- 
ing of  a  different  grain,  and  of  another  colour  :  nor  has  it  been  ascertained 
that  they  are  found  in  similar  situations. 

Many  of  the  bones  which  have  been  thus  found,  have  been  supposed 
to  be  of  human  origin.  Such  was  the  opinion,  at  one  time,  of  the  Abbe 
Fortis  and  of  Dr.  Hunter ;  but  further  observation  has  shown,  that  this 


was  erroneous.  The  latter  gentleman,  on  the  inspection* of  more  distinct 
specimens,  corrected  his  former  report  on  this  subject,  and  determined 
them  to  be  the  bones  of  quadrupeds.  Further  examination  afterwards 
enabled  Mr.  John  Hunter  to  ascertain  that  these  bones  belonged  to  the 
family  of  Ruminants,  to  the  genus  Lepus,  and  to  the  class  of  birdsv  Some, 
he  also  observed,  belonged  to  a  small  dog  or  fox.  Philos.  Trans.  1794, 
p.  412. 

Major  Imrie  also  remarked,  that  some  of  these  bones  are  apparently 
human,  and  that  these  are  chiefly  vertebrae  and  bones  of  the  upper  and 
lower  extremities.  These  are  scattered  among  others,  of  various  kinds 
and  sizes,  even  down  to  the  smallest  bones  of  small  birds.  He  found  a 
complete  jaw-bone  of  a  sheep,  with  its  full  compliment  of  teeth,  the  ena- 
mel of  which  was  perfect.  Two  skulls  were  found,  which  were  supposed 
to  be  human ;  but  these  appeared  to  Mr.  Imrie  to  be  too  small  for  the 
human  species,  and  seemed  rather  to  belong  to  a  species  of  monkey, 
of  which  considerable  numbers  still  inhabit  the  inaccessible  parts  of  the 

To  the  indefatigable  and  justly  celebrated  Cuvier,  we  are  indebted  for 
still  more  correct  information  respecting  these  remains.  The  greater 
number  of  these  bones,  he  observes,  were  evidently  broken  before  they 
became  incrusted ;  but  do  not  appear  to  have  been  bowldered.  They 
are  disposed  in  every  direction,  in  the  red  stone  which  encloses  them ; 
and  by  their  not  touching  each  other,  we  have  proof  that  the  concreting 
matter  formed  on  them  as  the  bones  gradually  fell  in.  This  matter,  he 
observes,  resembles  well-burnt  brick  earth,  and  has  many  small  cavities, 
some  of  which  are  partly,  and  others  quite  filled,  with  a  spathose  matter, 
similar  to  that  found  in  the  cavities  of  the  bones.  The  bones,  he  says, 
are  decomposed,  and  very  white :  tjiey,  however,  are  not  wanting  in 
hardness,  and  may  be  even  considered  as  petrified.  The  enamel  of  the 
teeth  is  unaltered.  The  impressions  of  shells  are  those  of  land-snails : 
there  are  no  traces  of  sea-shells. 

M.  Cuvier  is  satisfied,  that  among  the  considerable  number  which  he 
possesses  of  these  fossil  bones,  there  are  none  but  the  bones  of  a  rumi- 


nant,  hardly  of  the  size  of  a  deer.  These,  from  there  not  having  been 
any  horns  or  branches  found,  and  from  the  lower  head  of  an  os  femoris, 
which  he  possesses,  resembling  that  of  the  antelope  more  than  that  of  the 
stag  or  sheep,  he  is  disposed  to  refer  to  the  antelope.  In  the  propriety  of 
this,  he  is  confirmed  by  the  appearance  of  the  teeth,  and  of  the  other 
bones  which  he  possesses. 

It  does  not  appear  that  any  remains  of  any  of  the  class  of  rosores  (ron- 
geurs,  mammiferes  onguicules  sans  dents  canines  ou  laniaires)  have  been 
found  in  this  rock,  except  by  M.  Adrien  Camper,  who  has  two  halves  of  a 
jaw,  and  some  other  bones,  which  appear  to  be  referable  to  the  genus 
Lepusy  but  which  are  too  small  for  the  common  rabbit.  Having  ascer- 
tained that  the  remains  of  a  species  of  Lagomys  exist  in  the  breccia  of 
Corsica,  and  that  the  jaw-bones  were  about  the  same  size  with  the  one 
found  at  Gibraltar,  he  proposes,  as  an  interesting  object  of  research,  the 
ascertaining  whether  traces  of  any  animal  of  this  species  are  discoverable 
in  the  breccise  of  the  rock  of  Gibraltar. 

In  the  breccia  of  Cette,  M.  Cuvier  discovered  the  bones  of  five  different 
species  of  animals ;  those  of  the  common  wild  rabbit,  and  which  were 
most  numerous ;  of  a  rabbit  one  third  smaller  than  the  preceding ;  of  an 
animal  resembling  the  field-mouse  ( mus  arvalis},  of  a  bird  of  the  size  of 
the  common  wag-tail ;  and  of  the  common  adder.  It  is,  however,  by  no 
means  certain  that  the  fossil  rabbits  were  in  their  exterior  similar  to  ours ; 
since  those  differences,  which  mark  the  rabbit  of  Egypt  and  of  North 
America  as  distinct  species,  are  not  discoverable  in  their  osteology. 

Learning  that  M.  Gouan  possessed  an  os  femoris  from  Cette,  which 
had  been  said  to  be  human,  M.  Cuvier  examined  it,  and  found  that  it  had 
belonged  to  some  ruminant  about  the  size  of  a  deer,  and  perhaps  to  the 
same  animal  with  that  whose  remains  are  found  at  Gibraltar. 

The  shells  found  here  were  of  three  sorts,  two  helices  and  a  pupa ; 
but  no  trace  whatever  of  any  sea-shell  or  of  any  marine  animal,  contrary 
to  the  opinion  of  M.  Faujas.  Annales  du  Mus.  Tom.  x.  p.  410. 

The  bones  contained  in  the  ossiferous  brecciae  of  Nice  and  Antibes  are, 


according  to  M.  Provencal,  physician  of  Montpellier,  only  those  of  herbi- 
vorous animals;  and,  according  to  M.  Cuvier,  of  horses  and  of  ruminating 
animals.  Of  the  latter,  he  has  seen  the  remains  of  two  species :  the  bones, 
or  rather  the  teeth  of  one  of  these,  appear  to  be  of  the  size  of  those  of  the 
calf)  and  the  others  .of  those  of  the  stag.  No  teeth  of  any  smaller  ani- 
mals have  been  found  here. 

The  shells  are  all  terrestrial,  being  either  helicae  or  pupae.  The  Helix 
algira  was  found  adhering  to  a  jaw  like  that  of  a  stag,  by  M.  Provencal, 
but  no  remains  of  marine  animals  have  been  found.  M.  Faujas,  indeed, 
speaks  of  serpulse,  and  a  volute,  which  was  said  to  have  been  found  here; 
but  these  were  shown  him  in  a  cabinet,  and  of  course  he  might  have 
been  deceived. 

The  ossiferous  brecciae  of  Corsica  differ  materially  from  those  of  Gi- 
braltar, since  they  do  not  yield  any  bones  resembling  those  of  sheep  or 
deer,  but  only  those  of  the  size  of  the  rabbit,  guinea-pig,  or  rat. 

All  the  fossil  bones  of  Corsica,  which  have  been  examined  by  M.  Cu- 
vier, are  of  the  class  of  rosores;  but  they  do  not,  like  those  of  Cette, 
belong  to  species  common  to  the  adjoining  country,  since  he  found  a 
complete  head  of  a  genus,  the  species  of  which  have  been  but  just  dis- 
covered in  Siberia. 

By  the  flatness  of  the  skull,  the  upward  direction  of  the  orbits,  the 
hooked  apophysis  at  the  base  of  the  zygomatic  arch,  and  by  the  long 
apophysis  which  carries  this  arch  backwards,  he  was  led  to  compare  it 
with  the  skulls  of  the  little  hares  without  tails  (Lag&mys,  Cuv.),  figured  by 
Pallas ;  and,  on  careful  examination,  found  that  it  very  nearly  accorded 
with  Lagomys  Alpinus,  which  inhabits  the  loftiest  rocks  of  Siberia.  It  how- 
ever did  not  exactly  agree,  either  in  its  size  or  proportions,  with  any 
known  species. 

An  enormous  quantity  of  the  bones  of  the  water-rat  exists  also  in  this 
breccia,  as  well  as  of  some  smaller  animal,  perhaps  the  land-mouse,  Mus 
terrestris,  Linn. 

Among  the  fossil  animal  remains  of  Dalmatia,  M.  Cuvier  has  only  been 


anb  to  find  those  of  ruminating  animals.  Teeth  which  are  In  the  Mu- 
seum of  Natural  History,  and  others  in  the  possession  of  M.  Faujas  and 
of  M.  Camper,  appear  to  be  of  the  size  of  those  of  the  deer,  and  perhaps 
belong  to  the  same  animal  whose  remains  are  found  at  Gibraltar.  Mr. 
John  Hunter's  account  of  these  bones  agrees  with  that  of  M.  Cuvier ;  but 
Mr.  Hunter  states,  that  among  these  bones  he  discovered  the  os  hyoides 
of  a  horse. 

Spallanzani,  from  whom  alone  we  have  obtained  a  particular  ae- 
ount  of  the  fossils  of  Cerigo,  Memoir es  de  la  Societl  Italienne,  Tom.  in. 
».  439),  very  loosely,  and  most  probably  erroneously,  describes  the  de- 
posit as  a  mountain,  in  the  form  of  a  truncated  cone,  which  is  named 
the  Mountain  of  Bones,  and  which  he  hyperbolically  describes  as  be- 
ing full,  inside  and  outside,  of  animal  remains.  His  description  of  the 
state  of  the  bones,  and  of  the  nature  of  the  breccia,  appears,  however,  to 
agree  exactly  with  those  of  the  places  already  spoken  of.  With  respect 
to  the  nature  of  the  bones,  he  has  assumed,  evidently  on  very  indifferent 
authority,  that  they  are  human ;  but  there  does  not  appear  any  reason 
for  supposing  that  they  are  different  from  those  which  have  been  already 

The  fossil  bones  of  Arragon  appear,  from  Mr.  Bowles's  account,  to 
be  chiefly  of  herbivorous  animals,  of  different  sizes ;  but  these  do  not 
appear  to  have  yet  been  subjected  to  a  correct  anatomical  examination. 
Those  which  have  been  found  in  the  Veronese,  appear  to  belong  to  oxen 
and  stags. 

The  conclusions  which  M.  Cuvier  thinks  himself  warranted  to  form, 
respecting  these  phaenomena,  are,  "  1 .  The  osseous  breccige  have  not  been 
produced  by  either  a  tranquil  sea,  or  by  a  sudden  irruption  of  the  sea. 
2.  They  are  even  posterior  to  the  last  resting  of  the  sea  on  our  conti- 
nents, since  no  traces  are  found  in  them  of  any  sea-shells,  and  they  are 
not  covered  by  other  beds.  3.  The  bones  and  the  fragments  of  stone 
fell  in  the  clefts  of  the  rocks,  successively,  and  as  they  fell,  became 
united  together  by  the  accumulation  of  the  spathose  matter.  4.  Almost 



all  the  stones  proceed  from  the  rock,  even  those  in  the  clefts  which 
contain  the  breccia.  5.  All  the  bones,  properly  ascertained,  are  those 
of  herbivorous  animals.  6.  The  greatest  number  of  them  belong  to 
known  animals,  and  even  to  animals  still  existing  in  those  parts.  7.  The 
formation  of  these  breccise,  therefore,  appear  to  be  modern,  in  com- 
parison with  the  great  regular  beds  of  stone,  and  with  the  alluvial  beds 
which  contain  the  bones  of  unknown  animals.  8.  It  is  nevertheless  still 
ancient,  with  respect  to  us,  since  nothing  shows  that  such  brecciae  are 
formed  at  the  present  day ;  and  some  of  them,  as  those  of  Corsica,  con- 
tain also  the  remains  of  unknown  animals.  9.  The  most  striking  cha- 
racter which  this  phenomenon  presents  is  rather  the  facility  with  which 
certain  rocks  have  been  thus  divided  by  clefts,  than  the  matters  with 
which  these  clefts  are  filled.  10.  This  phenomenon  is  very  different 
from  that  which  is  yielded  by  the  caverns  of  Germany,  which  contain 
the  bones  of  carnivorous  animals  only,  spread  on  the  ground,  in  a  mould 
partly  earthy  and  partly  animal ;  although  the  nature  of  the  rocks  in 
which  these  caverns  are  formed  appear  to  be  not  very  different  from  those 
which  contain  the  ossiferous  brecciae." 

At  Plate  XX.  Fig.  4,  is  the  representation  of  a  part  of  a  jaw  of  some 
ruminant,  seemingly  of  a  stag,  imbedded  in  the  reddish  calcareous  mass 
of  Gibraltar. 




1  HE  family  of  PACHYDERMATA,  Crassipelles,  distinguished  by  the  great 
thickness  of  the  skin,  by  having  more  than  two  hoofs,  and,  except  in 
the  elephant,  by  having  all  the  three  kinds  of  teeth,  is  divided  into  the 
following  genera: — 1.  Hyrax,  Cape  marmot ;  2.  Sus ;  3.  Tapirus ;  4.  Rhi- 
noceros ;  5.  Elephas ;  6.  Hippopotamus.  To  which  may  be  added  two 
other  genera,  the  fossil  remains  only  of  which  have  been  discovered. 
These  have  been  named  by  Cuvier  PaUotherium  and  Anoplotherium. 

Theophrastus  knew  of  the  existence  not  only  of  lapidified  bones,  but 
of  fossil  ivory,  Plin.  lib.  xxxv.  cap.  18.  The  enormpus  bones  related 
by  Herodotus  to  have  been  found  at  Tegea,  Herod,  lib.  i.  sect.  68,  as 
well  as  those  at  Caprea,  Suet.  Ann.  sect.  72,  .were  doubtless  the  bones  of 
elephants.  The  bones  mentioned  by  Strabo,  on  the  authority  of  Gabi- 
nius,  Strab.  Geogr.  lib.  xvn.  were,  in  all  probability,  of  the  elephant,  or 
of  some  cetaceous  animal. 

Numerous  remains  of  elephants  have  been  found  in  Italy ;  and  al- 
though a  very  considerable  number  of  elephants  were  brought  from 
Africa  into  Italy,  yet  the  vast  extent  through  which  these  remains  have 
been  found,  and  the  great  probability  that  the  Italians,  particularly  the 
Romans,  would  have  known  sufficient  of  the  value  of  ivory,  to  have  pre- 


vented  them  from  committing  the  tusks  to  the  earth,  lead  to  the  belief 
that  by  far  the  greater  number  of  these  remains  which  have  been  dug 
up,  have  been  deposited  here,  not  by  the  hands  of  man,  but  by  the 
changes  which,  at  least,  the  surface  of  this  globe  has  undergone,  at  very 
remote  periods.  The  circumstances,  indeed,  under  which  many  of  these 
have  been  found,  afford  indubitable  proof  of  this  fact. 

In  France,  where  it  is  well  known  that  living  elephants  have  been 
much  less  frequent,  at  least  in  times  of  which  we  have  any  record,  than 
either  in  Italy  or  in  Greece,  their  fossil  remains  have  been  found  in  a 
great  number  of  places,  and  in  situations  which  prove  their  deposition  at 
a  very  remote  period.  The  whole  valley  through  which  the  Rhine 
passes,  yields  fragments  of  this  animal,  and  perhaps  more  numerously  on 
the  side  of  Germany  than  on  that  of  France.  Not  only  in  its  course,  but 
in  the  alluvise  of  the  several  streams  which  empty  themselves  into  it,  are 
these  fossil  remains  also  found.  Thus  Holland  abounds  with  them,  and 
even  the  most  elevated  parts  of  the  Batavian  Republic  are  not  exempt 
from  them. 

The  whole  of  Germany  and  of  Switzerland  appear  to  particularly 
abound  in  these  wonderful  relics.  The  greater  number  which  has  been 
found  in  these  parts  is,  perhaps,  as  is  observed  by  M.  Cuvier,  not  at- 
tributable to  theiV  greater  abundance,  but  to  the  number  of  well-in- 
formed men,  capable  of  making  the  necessary  researches,  and  of  report- 
ing the  interesting  facts  they  discover. 

As  in  the  banks  of  the  Rhine,  so  in  those  of  the  Danube,  do  these  fos- 
sils abound.  In  the  valley  of  Altmiihl  is  a  grand  deposit  of  these  remains. 
The  bones  which  have  been  found  at  Krembs,  in  Sweden;  at  Baden,  near 
Vienna;  in  Moravia;  in  different  parts  of  Hungary  and  of  Transylvania; 
at  the  foot  of  the  rfartz ;  in  Hesse ;  at  Hildersheim ;  all  appear  to  be  re- 
ferable to  this  animal.  So  also  are  those  which  are  found  on  the  Elbe, 
the  Oder,  and  the  Vistula.  Different  parts  of  the  British  Empire  are 
not  less  productive  of  these  remains. 

In  London,  Brentford,  Harwich,  Norwich,  Gloucestershire,  Stafford- 


shire,  Warwickshire.  Salisbury,  the  Isle  of  Shepey,  and  indeed  in  several 
other  parts  of  Great  Britain,  have  different  remains  of  these  animals  been 

When  we  add  to  those  places  which  have  been  already  enumerated, 
Scandinavia,  Ostrobothnia,  Norway,  Iceland,  Russia,  Siberia,  Tunis, 
America,  Hue  huetoca,  near  Mexico;  and  Ibarra,  in  the  province  of 
Quito,  near  Peru;  it  will  appear  that  there  is  hardly  a  part  of  the  known 
world,  whose  subterranean  productions  are  known  to  us,  in  which  these 
animal  remains  have  not  been  found.  Ann.  du  Mus.  Tome  vm.  p.  1. 

Notwithstanding  the  frequency  with  which  the  fossil  remains  of  ele- 
phants have  been  found,  there  are  hardly  any  fossils  of  a  known  genus  of 
animals,  respecting  which  so  many  mistakes  have  been  committed.  At 
no  very  remote  period,  not  only  the  bones,  but  even  the  teeth,  have  been 
considered  as  the  remains  of  a  gigantic  race  of  men  ;  and  Aldrovandus, 
Kundmann,  and  others,  have  mistaken  the  fossil  teeth  of  elephants  for  those 
of  other  animals.  Leibnitz,  who  wrote  in  1749,  gives,  in  the  twelfth 
plate  of  his  Protogcea,  the  engraving  of  an  elephant's  grinder,  which  he 
describes  as  Dens  animalis  marini ;  and  even  M.  de  la  Metherie,  in  his  ex- 
cellent work,  published  so  lately  as  the  year  1797,  describes  a  tooth  found 
in  Dauphigny,  as  belonging  to  an  elephant  of  Africa,  which  Cuvier  has 
since  shown  to  be  a  tooth  of  the  great  tapir  :  and  the  same  author  con- 
siders the  teeth  from  the  Ohio,  and  those  brought  from  Peru  by  Dom- 
bey,  to  be  those  of  the  African  elephant*  ;  whilst,  as  M.  Cuvier  observes, 
the  fossil  teeth  of  Dauphignj%  of  Peru,  and  of  the  Ohio,  not  only  have  no 
resemblance  with  each  other,  but  are  all  totally  different  from  those  of 
the  African  elephant.  So  far,  indeed,  have  mistakes  respecting  the  re- 
mains of  the  elephant  proceeded;  that  Kircher,  Mercatus,  and  Aldrovan- 
dus, have  described  the  fragment  of  elephants'  teeth  as  petrified  hands 
(chirites).  Kundmann  went  so  far  as -to  insist,  not  only  that  one  of  these 
fragments  was  the  petrified  paw  of  a  large  baboon,  but  that  the  skin, 

*  Theorie  de  iaTerre,  Tome  V.  p.  200  and  201. 


flesh,  nails,  and  veins,  were  all  discoverable  in  it,  in  a  petrified  state*. 
Even  the  accurate  Walch  refers  to  this  specimen  as  a  real  petrifaction  of 
the  ape  f . 

I  must  here  suggest  to  you  the  propriety  of  referring,  previous  to  our 
examination  of  these  fossil  remains,  to  the  ingenious  observations  of  Mr. 
Home  and  of  Mr.  Corse,  on  the  formation  of  the  teeth  of  the  elephant. 
Philos.  Trans.  1799.  By  an  attention  to  these  observations,  we  are  of 
course  enabled  to  form  a  more  correct  judgment  as  to  their  fossil  re- 

From  the  information  thus  gained  we  learn,  that  the  bodies  of  which 
we  have  just  spoken,  and  which  the  older  oryctologists  considered  as  pe- 
trified hands,  were  the  separated  plates  of  which  the  grinders  are  com- 
posed :  the  more  extended  parts  of  these  productions  having  been  sup- 
posed to  be  the  fingers.  The  unorganized  and  looser  substance  of  the 
cortical  crust  disintegrates  sooner  than  the  two  substances  of  which  the 
plates  are  formed  ;  hence,  in  most  fossil  teeth,  this  substance  is  in  a  very 
loose  state,  and  in  some  it  has  been  quite  removed,  and  has  left  the  plates 
entirely  unconnected. 

It  is  but  at  a  very  late  period  that  the  specific  differences  of  the  teeth 
of  the  East-Indian  and  African  elephant  have  been  attended  to.  These 
differences  consist  in  the  form  and  number  of  the  plates.  In  the  East- 
Indian,  the  two  wide  surfaces  of  the  plates  are  flat,  arid  covered  with 
numerous  rough  longitudinal  striae ;  whilst,  in  the  African,  there  is  on 
both  of  the  wide  surfaces  an  angular  projection  through  their  whole 
length,  and  the  striae  are  much  less  numerous.  The  masticating  surface 
shows  that  the  transverse  bands,  which  in  the  tooth  of  the  East  Indian 
elephant  are  straight,  and  all  through  of  an  equal  width,  are,  in  the  tooth 
of  the  African,  more  in  the  form  of  a  lozenge;  or,  much  wider  in  the 
middle  than  at  their  ends.  From  these  lateral  projections,  the  African 
teeth  must  necessarily  have  much  fewer  plates  than  the  East-Indian. 

*  Rarior.  Nat.  et  Ant.  PI.  in.  Fig.  2. 

t  Monumens  des  Catast.  Tome  n.  Part  2,  p.  150. 


The  females  of  the  East-Indian  elephants  have  but  short  and  small 
tusks,  projecting  obliquely  'downwards.  The  African  elephants,  both 
male  and  female,  appear  to  have  large  tusks.  The  degree,  and  even 
the  direction  of  the  curvature  of  these  tusks,  vary  considerably. 

M.  Cuvier  is  satisfied,  from  actual  comparison  of  several  skulls  of  the 
East- Indian  and  African  elephants,  that  different  specific  characters 
exist  in  their  respective  skulls.  In  the  Indian  elephant,  the  top  of 
the  skull  is  raised  in  a  kind  of  double  pyramid ;  but,  in  the  African,  it 
is  nearly  rounded.  In  the  Indian  the  forehead  is  concave,  and  in  the 
African  it  is  rather  convex.  Several  other  differences  exist,  not  necessary 
to  be  here  particularized,  which  seem  to  be  fully  sufficient  to  mark  a  dif- 
ference of  species. 

A  cursory  view  is  sufficient  to  enable  us  to  determine  that  the  ordinary 
fossil  teeth  of  elephants  are  not  of  the  African  species,  and  it  may  be  fur- 
ther said,  that  the  greater  number  of  these  teeth  bear  a  close  resemblance 
to  the  East-Indian  species,  showing,  on  their  masticating  surface,  bands 
of  an  equal  thickness  through  their  whole  length,  and  rudely  crenulated. 
So  great,  indeed,  is  the  resemblance,  that  Pallas,  and  most  other  writers, 
have  considered  the  fossil  elephant  as  being  of  the  same  species  with  the 

f\  o|  rj  4-] ft 


That  the  fossil  elephants  were  specifically  different  from  the  Asiatic 
elephant,  M.  Cuvier  had  been  long  of  opinion;  and  although  the  obser- 
vations of  his  friend,  M.  Adrien  Camper,  made  him  for  a  time  hesitate, 
he  became  confirmed  in  his  opinion  from  the  circumstance,  that  he  al- 
most always  found  the  plates,  in  the  fossil  species,  thinner,  occupying 
sensibly  a  less  space ;  and  being,  consequently,  in  greater  number,  in  the 
same  length,  than  in  the  recent  teeth.  From  this  difference  in  the  thick- 
ness of  the  plates,  it  follows  that  the  number  of  these  plates  which  are 
brought  into  action  at  once,  should  be  greater  in  the  fossil  than  in  the 
Asiatic.  Mr.  Corse  observes,  that  in  the  latter  there  are  seldom  more 
than  ten  or  twelve  in  use  at  once ;  but  in  the  fossil  teeth,  there  are  fre- 


quently  twenty-four.  M.  Cuvier  figures  one  found  in  the  forest  of  Bondy, 
in  which  there  are  twenty-two.  A  second  distinctive  character,  according 
to  M.  Cuvier,  is,  that  the  lines  of  enamel  are  thinner,  and  less  scalloped 
or  crenulated,  in  the  fossil,  than  in  the  others,  he  having  only  noticed  one 
exception.  A  third  character  is,  he  thinks,  yielded  by  the  much  greater 
absolute,  as  well  as  proportional,  width  of  the  fossil,  this  being  in  the 
proportion  of  eight  to  six. 

The  specimens  which  I  possess  do  not,  except  as  to  the  greater  degree 
of  thickness  of  the  teeth,  exactly  accord  with  these  observations  of  M. 
Cuvier.  This  is,  I  believe,  in  consequence  of  my  happening  to  possess 
some  fossil  teeth,  of  different  species,  from  those  in  the  possession  of  that 
gentleman,  or  from  those  which  I  have  seen  described. 

As  to  the  greater  thinness  of  the  plates  in  the  fossil  than  in  the  recent 
species,  this  is,  1  think,  undoubtedly  the  case,  not  only  with  the  common 
fossil  teeth,  as  appears  in  three  or  four  detached  teeth  from  Essex,  and  in 
one  which  is  still  retained  in  its  alveolus,  in  a  jaw  nearly  perfect;  but  it 
is  also  the  case  with  the  undulating  plates  of  two  other  teeth,  of  which  I 
shall  soon  have  occasion  more  fully  to  speak.  In  the  one  which  is  still 
retained  in  the  jaw,  seventeen  plates  are  seen  in  ten  inches  extent  of  sur- 
face, all  of  which  were  in  use  at  the  death  of  the  animal :  and,  in  the  two 
last-mentioned,  lamellae  equal  to  twenty  plates  exist  in  a  length  of  tritu- 
rating surface  of  six  inches  and  a  half.  One  of  these  is  represented  Plate 
XX.  Fig.  8.  In  a  fragment  of.  an  upper  tooth  from  Germany,  in  the 
length  of  five  inches,  are  contained  only  eight  lamellae. 

But  the  specimen  which  offers  the  strongest  exception  to  the  greater 
degree  of  thinness  of  the  plates  existing  in  the  fossil  teeth  being  admitted 
as  a  general  rule,  is  represented  Plate  XX.  Fig.  6,  being  a  tooth  of  the 
left  side  of  the  upper  jaw,  which  I  purchased  from  Mr.  George  Hum- 
phries, in  the  sale  of  the  Calonnian  Museum,  and  which  is  described  as 
having  been  found  in  Staffordshire. 

This  curious  fossil  differs  materially,  not  only  from  the  teeth  of  the 


living  species  of  elephants,  but  also  from  every  fossil  tooth  of  which  1 
have  heard.  Its  peculiarities  of  character  are,  the  great  thickness  of  the 
plates,  the  smoothness  of  the  sides  of  the  line  of  enamel,  and  the  ap- 
pearance of  the  digitated  part  of  the  plates,  even  in  the  anterior  part  of 
the  tooth. 

The  length  of  this  tooth,  which  is  formed  of  thirteen  plates,  is  eight 
inches ;  and  the  length  of  its  triturating  surface,  on  which  are  the  termi- 
nations of  nine  plates,  is  six  inches.  The  width  of  these  plates  may  there- 
fore be  taken  at  nearly  double  that  of  the  plates  of  fossil  teeth  in  general ; 
since,  in  a  fossil  tooth  from  Wellsbourn,  in  Warwickshire,  twenty  plates 
exist  in  the  length  of  six  inches  and  a  half;  and,  in  a  tooth  from  Essex, 
Plate  XX,  Fig.  8,  in  a  length  of  eight  inches  and  a  hal£  are  contained 
twenty-four  plates. 

The  uncommon  smoothness  of  the  sides  of  the  enamel  in  this  fossil 
teeth,  not  only  appears  on  its  horizontal  section,  but,  the  cortical  crust 
having  been  removed,  by  decomposition,  from  between  the  plates,  the 
great  degree  of  smoothness  of  their  sides  is  rendered  evident. 

On  almost  every  triturating  surface  of  the  fossil  teeth  of  elephants,  ex- 
cept, indeed,  when  a  tooth  is  first  brought  into  action,  full  three  fourths 
of  that  surface,  anteriorly,  will  be  found  to  be  supplied  with  the  plates 
rubbed  down  into  single  bands,  passing  quite  across  the  tooth  ;  whilst  the 
remaining  one  fourth  of  the  surface  is  filled  with  detached  rings  or  points, 
formed  by  the  digitated  processes  of  the  plates.  But  in  this  tooth  the 
reverse  of  this  is  to  be  seen.  Only  two  entire  bands  exist,  possessing, 
on  the  anterior  part,  about  one  fourth  of  the  surface :  the  remaining 
three  fourths  being  occupied  by  the  terminations  of  the  digitated  pro- 

Taking  all  these  circumstances  into  consideration,  I  think  there  is 
every  reason  for  considering  this  tooth  rather  as  belonging  to  a  different 
species  from  any  which  has  been  hitherto  noticed,  than  to  regard  it  as 
an  anomalous  formation  of  a  tooth  belonging  to  the  known  fossil  species. 
This  opinion  is  founded  on  four  important  characters;  the  great  width 

VOL. in.  Y  y 


of  the  bands,  the  thickness  of  the  plates  of  enamel,  the  smoothness  of  their 
sides,  and  the  great  depth  to  which  the  notches  forming  the  digitated 
processes  extend.  So  strong,  indeed,  are  all  these  characters,  and  so 
nearly  do  the  upper  terminations  of  these  plates  approximate  to  the  pro- 
tuberances on  the  grinders  of  other  animals,  and  particularly  of  the  mam- 
moth, as  to  give  room  for  the  conjecture,  that  this  tooth  may  have  be- 
longed to  an  animal,  possessing  intermediate  characters  between  those 
of  the  elephant  and  those  of  the  mammoth. 

The  specimen,  the  surface  of  which  is  represented  Plate  XX.  Fig.  5, 
also  varies  considerably  from  the  recent  as  well  as  from  the  common  fos- 
sil teeth,  in  the  form  and  arrangement  of  its  plates.  This  tooth,  an  up- 
per tooth  of  the  left  side,  which  I  purchased  at  the  sale  of  Rackstrow's 
Museum,  was  described  in  the  catalogue  as  having  been  taken  up  with 
ballast  from  the  bottom  of  the  Thames. 

Of  the  variation  which  takes  place  in  the  form  and  arrangement  of  the 
plates  in  this  tooth,  it  is  very  difficult  to  give  a  description.  In  the  recent 
teeth,  and  in  the  common  fossil  teeth,  the  plates  are  continued  straight 
across  the  tooth,  the  enamel  being  disposed  in  a  long  elliptical  line,  in 
which  the  osseous  part,  or  the  ivory  of  Mr.  Home  is  included.  Hence, 
by  the  abstraction  of  the  surrounding  crusta  petrosa,  as  we  have  already 
seen,  frequently  is  the  case  with  the  fossil  teeth,  the  tooth  falls  to  pieces, 
and  each  flat  plate  is  found  separated.  'But  in  the  specimen,  which  has 
been  just  examined,  an  irregularity  may  be  observed  in  the  third  ante- 
rior row  of  the  plates,  where  the  two  digitated  processes  of  a  plate  passing 
over  little  more  than  half  the  width  of  the  tooth  are  interposed  between 
the  second  and  fourth  plate,  and  thrust  a  portion  of  the  latter  plate  ra- 
ther aside.  It  is  an  extension  of  this  peculiarity  of  form  which,  in  part, 
characterizes  the  present  tooth,  since  very  few  of  the  plates,  of  which  it 
is  formed,  pass  directly  across :  leaving  it  difficult  to  say,  how  the  osseous 
part  is  disposed. 

But  the  most  characteristic  peculiarity  of  this  tooth  is,  the  continuity 
of  many  of  its  plates,  and  the  remarkable  DaBdalian  line  in  which  the 


enamel  is  disposed.  This  occurs  most  particularly  in  a  space  in  the  an- 
terior part  of  the  surface.  Here  one  deeply  undulating  line  of  enamel 
forms  the  parietes  of  one  wide  and  deeply  indented  compages  of  osseous 
matter,  occupying,  as  may  be  seen  by  the  figure,  the  space  of  four  or  five 
plates.  It  is  very  evident  that  this  tooth  could  not,  upon  the  decompo- 
sition of  the  crusta  petrosa  taking  place,  divide,  in  this  part,  into  detached 
flat  plates,  as  in  the  teeth  of  the  recent  and ^  of  the  common  species  of 
fossil  elephants.  This  structure  is  also  observable  in  the  fossil-tooth  from 
Wellsbourn,  which  has  been  already  noticed. 

This  extraordinary  structure  also  exists  in  the  curious  and  interesting 
specimen,  Plate  XX.  Fig.  7.  This  tooth,  with  the  locality  of  which  I 
am  unacquainted,  having  purchased  it  at  the  sale  of  Mr.  Forster's  collec- 
tion, is  one,  which  must  have  been  on  the  point  of  being  excluded  from 
its  alveolus;  the  plates  on  its  fore  part  being  entirely  worn  away,  and,  of 
those  on  the  posterior  part,  some  very  shallow  portions  only  remaining. 
These,  however,  are  sufficient  to  show,  that  the  plates  in  this  tooth  were 
formed  and  arranged  in  a  similar  mode  with  those  of  the  preceding  tooth. 

In  the  fore  part  of  this  tooth,  from  which  the  plates  have  been  removed, 
is  a  very  smooth  and  polished  surface  of  a  thin  coat  of  the  crusta  petrosa. 
This  is,  indeed,  so  thin,  that  at  the  root  of  the  small  projecting  piece  of 
enamel,  in  nearly  the  middle  of  the  tooth,  a  small  part  is  discoverable, 
where  the  crusta  petrosa  itself  is  worn  through,  and  a  portion  of  the  sub- 
stance of  the  root  itself  has  been  acted  upon.  Behind  this  are  two  de- 
tached bands,  linearly  and  transversely  disposed.  Just  above  the  upper 
part  of  one  of  these  commences  a  line  of  enamel,  which  proceeds  in  un- 
dulations for  the  space  of  two  plates,  through  half  the  width  of  the  sur- 
face, the  remaining  half  being  filled  up  by  two  separate  terminations. 
The  line  of  enamel  then  passes  on,  by  deep  undulations,  to  the  back  part 
of  the  tooth,  filling  up  the  space  of  three  more  plates.  This  peculiarity  of 
structure  will  however  be  better  understood  from  the  figure,  than  it  can 
be  from  even  the  most  exact  description. 

This  specimen  is  particularly  interesting,  from  the  circumstance  of  its 

showing  that  this  particular  modification  of  the  arrangement  of  the  ena- 
mel takes  place  in  the  part  of  the  tooth  nearest  to  the  root,  as  the  other 
specimens,  that  from  Wellsbourn,  and  that  whose  surface  is  represented 
Plate  XX.  Fig.  5,  show  that  it  exists  in  the  crown  of  the  tooth.  From 
this  peculiarity  of  structure  being  found  to  exist  in  three  different  spe- 
cimens, I  conceive  that  it  cannot  be  regarded  as  an  accidental  difference; 
and  from  the  considerable  difference  which  exists  between  this  arrange- 


ment  of  the  enamel  and  that  which  occurs  in  the  teeth  of  the  living  spe- 
cies, and  of  the  common  fossil  species,  I  trust  it  will  be  admitted  as  being 
likely  to  be  one  of  the  characteristics  of  a  species  which  has  not  yet  been 

M.  Cuvier,  anxious  to  discover  the  degree  of  accordance  of  the  fossil 
elephant's  skeleton  with  that  of  the  living  species,  compared  the  fossil 
skull  found  in  Siberia  by  Messerschmidt,  a  figure  of  which  is  given  by 
Breyn,  in  the  fortieth  volume  of  the  Philosophical  Transactions,  with 
those  of  the  African  and  Asiatic  elephants.  The  result  of  his  comparison 
was,  that  in  the  fossil  species  the  alveoli  of  the  tusks  are  much  longer ; 
the  zygomatic  arch  is  of  a  different  figure ;  the  post-orbital  apophysis  of 
the  frontal  bone  is  longer,  more  pointed,  and  more  crooked ;  and  the  tu- 
bercle of  the  os  lachrymalis  is  considerably  larger,  and  more  projecting. 
To  these  peculiarities  of  the  fossil  skull,  M.  Cuvier  thinks,  may  be  added 
the  parallelism  of  the  molares. 

The  lower  jaws  of  the  fossil  species  of  elephants  accord  with  the  pe- 
culiarity of  form  observable  in  the  skull.  From  the  teeth  in  this,  as  well 
as  in  the  upper  jaw,  being  placed  nearly  parallel  with  each  other,  the 
vacuity  between  the  branches  of  the  jaw,  at  its  fore  part,  is  wider,  in  pro- 
portion to  its  length,  than  is  the  case  in  either  the  Asiatic  or  African 
jaws.  In  the  existing  species  of  elephants  the  lower  jaw  terminates  in 
rather  a  pointed  apophysis,  room  to  admit  of  the  motion  of  which  is 
yielded  by  the  separation  of  the  tusks.  But  in  the  fossil  skull  the  alveoli 
of  the  tusks  descend  much  lower,  so  that  they  would  interfere  with  the 
motion  of  the  lower  jaw,  unless  prevented  by  some  accordant  modifica- 


tion  of  its  structure.  This  is  found  to  exist;  the  lower  jaw  being  so 
rounded  off  in  the  front,  as  to  allow  of  its  motion  behind  the  descending 
alveoli.  Both  these  circumstances  are  observable  in  the  fossil  jaws  exa- 
mined by  M.  Cuvier,  and  also  in  two  portions  which  I  obtained  from 

This  structure  must  have  materially  affected  the  form  of  the  face  and 
the  organization  of  the  trunk,  and  must  have  given  the  animal  a  very 
different  appearance  from  that  which  is  borne  by  the  Asiatic  elephants. 
It  must  be,  however,  admitted,  that  the  jaw-bone  mentioned  by  M. 
Adrien  Camper  shows,  that  there  does  exist  an  elephant  which  possesses 
certain  characters  different  from  those  of  the  known  living  species,  and 
approaching  to  those  which  at  present  mark  the  fossil  species.  M.  Adrien 
Camper,  it  must  be  added,  informs  his  friend  Cuvier,  that  he  possesses  a 
jaw-bone  of  an  elephant  of  Ceylon,  which  differs  much  from  the  other 
recent  jaws  which  he  has  seen,  and  very  closely  agrees  in  its  dimensions 
with  the  fossil  jaw-bones. 

Comparing  together  the  bones  of  the  Asiatic  and  of  the  African  ele- 
phant, he  was  able  to  discover  some  differences  between  them,  as  well  as 
between  those  and  some  of  the  fossil  bones  which  he  possessed.  These 
latter  he  found,  in  general,  approached  nearest  to  those  of  the  Asiatic 
elephant.  He  concludes  with  supposing  .that  the  fossil  remains  are  of  a 
species  differing  more  widely  from  the  Asiatic  elephant  than  the  horse 
does  from  the  ass,  and  therefore  does  not  think  it  impossible  but  that 
it  might  have  existed  in  a  climate  which  would  have  destroyed  the  ele- 
phant of  India. 

It  may  therefore  be  assumed  as  certain,  from  the  observations  of  M. 
Cuvier,  that  at  least  one  species  of  elephants  has  existed,  of  which  none 
are  now  known  living ;  and  should  the  difference  of  structure  which  I 
have  pointed  out,  in  some  of  the  fossil  teeth,  be  admitted  as  sufficient  to 
designate  a  difference  of  species,  it  may  be  then  said,  that  there  exist  the 
fossil  remains  of,  at  least,  two  species  of  elephants,  which  were  different 
from  those  with  which  we  are  acquainted. 


The  structure  of  the  fossil  tusks  of  elephants  agrees,  as  might  have  been 
expected,  exactly  with  that  of  the  recent.  The  transverse  section  shows 
very  small  striae,  passing  in  a  circular  sweep  from  the  centre  to  the  cir- 
cumference, across  each  other,  and  thus  forming  curvilinear  lozenges, 
which  occupy  the  whole  disk.  This  structure  is  truly  characteristic  of 
the  ivory  of  the  elephant,  and,  as  I  shall  soon  show  you,  of  the  masto- 
don, it  not  being  found  in  the  tusks  of  any  other  animal.  It  is  much 
more  plainly  observable  in  the  decomposing  fossil  tusk  than  in  the  recent 
one.  This  peculiarity  of  structure  is  shown  Plate  XX.  Fig.  9,  the  sur- 
face being  slightly  magnified. 

The  size  of  the  tusks  varies  according  to  the  species,  the  sex,  and  the 
age ;  but  no  information  is  yielded  respecting  the  difference  of  species,  by 
the  difference  of  size  in  the  fossil  tusks.  It  may  however  be  remarked, 
that  they  do  not  appear  to  exceed  in  size  the  tusks,  with  which  the  indi- 
viduals of  living  species  might  be  furnished,  if  they  were  to  live  to  their 
natural  period. 

The  curvature  of  many  of  the  ^fossil  tusks  agrees  with  that  of  the  living 
species,  but  the  curve  of  the  greater  number  approaches  nearly  to  a  semi- 
circle. Four  such  have  been  described;  and  one  of  these,  by  Messer- 
schmidt  and  Breyn,  in  the  fortieth  volume  of  the  Philosophical  Trans- 
actions. Being  apprized,  about  seven  years  since,  that  the  remains  of 
some  large  animal  had  been  found  in  the  brick-fields  of  Mr.  Hobson,  at 
Kingsland,  I  made  the  necessary  investigations,  and  learned  that  a  tusk  of 
an  elephant  had  been  found  between  the  stratum  of  gravel  and  of  clay, 
but  in  so  shattered  a  state,  that  only  small  fragments  of  it  could  be  re- 
moved, and  that  it  therefore  had  been  again  covered  over.  One  of  Mr. 
Hobson's  clerks,  a  very  intelligent  gentleman,  favoured  me  with  a  frag- 
ment of  the  tusk,  which  I  now  possess,  and  a  fossil  oyster-shell,  which  was 
found  near  it.  He  also  obliged  me  with  a  sketch,  which  he  had  made, 
chiefly  to  mark  the  curvature  of  the  tusk,  which  appeared  to  him  as  very 
extraordinary.  From  this  sketch,  it  appears  to  have  formed  nearly  four 
fifths  of  a  circle. 


On  the  other  hand,  the  fragments  of  a  pretty  large  tusk,  which  I  have 
from  Essex,  are  sufficiently  long  to  show,  that  the  degree  of  curvature 
could  have  very  little  exceeded  that  of  tusks  in  general.  Another  spe- 
cimen from  Essex,  a  portion  of  the  smallest  end  of  a  pretty  large  tusk, 
laterally  flattened,  appears  to  have  been  full  as  straight  as  recent  tusks 
generally  are.  The  same  was  observable  of  another  portion  from  Essex, 
which  I  presented  to  a  friend.  A  very  small  tusk,  from  the  same  place, 
is  particularly  straight :  this,  however,  belonged  to  a  very  young,  and 
most  probably  to  a  female  animal. 

From  the  preceding  observations  it  appears  then,  that  the  fossil  ele- 
phantine remains,  notwithstanding  their  resemblance  in  some  respects  to 
the  bones  of  the  Asiatic  elephant,  have  belonged  to  one  or  more  species, 
different  from  those  which  are  now  known  living.  This  circumstance 
agrees  with  the  facts  of  the  fossil  remains  of  the  tapirs  and  rhinoceroses, 
which  appear  to  have  differed  materially  from  the  living  animals  of  the 
same  genera.  The  remains  of  elephants  obtained  from  Essex,  Middle- 
sex, Kent,  and  other  parts  of  England,  confirm  the  observations  of  Cu- 
vier,  that  these  remains  are  generally  found  in  the  looser  and  more  super- 
ficial parts  of  the  earth,  and  most  frequently  in  the  alluvia  which  fill  the 
bottoms  of  the  vallies,  or  which  border  the  beds  of  rivers.  They  are 
generally  found  mingled  with  the  other  bones  of  quadrupeds  of  known 
genera,  such  as  those  of  the  rhinoceros,  ox,  horse,  &c.  and  frequently  also 
with  the  remains  of  marine  animals. 




W  E  now  come  to  the  examination  of  one  of  the  most  stupendous  ani- 
mals known,  either  in  a  recent  or  a  fossil  state ;  and  which,  whether  we 
contemplate  its  original  mode  of  existence,  or  the  period  at  which  it  lived, 
our  minds  cannot  but  be  filled  with  astonishment. 

The  first  traces  of  this  animal  are  sketched  in  a  letter  from  Dr.  Ma- 
ther, of  Boston,  to  Dr.  Woodward,  in  1712,  and  are  transcribed  from  a 
work  in  manuscript,  entitled  Biblia  Americana.  In  this  work,  teeth  and 
bones  of  prodigious  size,  supposed  to  be  human,  are  said  to  have  been 
found  in  Albany,  in  New  England*.  About  the  year  1740,  numerous 
similar  bones  were  found  in  Kentucky,  on  the  Ohio,  and  dispersed  among 
the  European  virtuosos.  Buffon,  speaking  of  these  teeth  and»  bones,  found 
by  M,  le  Baron  de  Longueuil,  M.  de  Bienville,  and  M.  de  Lignery, 
says : — "  It  can  never  be  supposed  that  these  teeth  could  have  been 
taken  from  the  same  head  with  the  tusks." — "  In  supposing  this,  it  would 
be  necessary  to  admit  the  existence  of  an  unknown  animal,  which  had  tusks 
similar  to  those  of  the  elephant,  and  grinders  resembling  those  of  the  hip- 
popotamus." Mem.  de  I'Acad.  Roy.  des  Sciences,  1762. 

In  1765,  several  of  these  remains  were  found  by  Mr.  G.  Croghan, 

*  Philosophical  Transactions,  abridged  by  Jones,  Vol.  V.  Part  II.  p.  159. 

four  miles  to  the  south-east  of  the  Ohio,  and  were  conveyed  to  England. 

«/  O 

These  bones  were  discovered  five  or  six  feet  below  the  surface;  and, 
from  the  quantity  of  bones,  it  was  concluded,  that  there  could  not  be  less 
than  thirty  skeletons  of  this  animal.  Mr.  Collinson,  in  a  letter  to  Buf- 
fon,  also  refers  these  remains  to  some  large,  unknown  animal,  with  the 
tusks  of  the  elephant  and  grinders  of  the  hippopotamus.  Buffon,  Tomexm. 
Dr.  W.  Hunter,  by  whom  these  remains  were  examined,  and  who  be- 
lieved that  they  belonged  to  some  carnivorous  animal,  had  the  satisfac- 
tion of  comparing  the  half  of  a  lower  jaw  of  this  animal  with  the  jaw  of 
an  elephant,  and  found  so  great  a  difference,  as  convinced  him  "  that 
the  supposed  American  elephant  was  an  animal  of  another  species,  a 
pseud-elephant,  or  animal  incognitum."  Presuming  that  the  American 
bones  were  not  elephantine,  the  Doctor  concluded  that  the  Siberian  were 
of  the  same  kind.  P kilos.  Tram.  VoL  LV.III.  The  celebrated  Camper, 
at  first,  concluded  that  this  animal  approached  nearer  to  the  elephant 
than  to  the  hippopotamus;  and  that  it,  in  all  probability,  had  a  trunk, 
and  therefore  was  not  to  be  considered  as  carnivorous.  But  contemplat- 
ing afterwards  some  fragments  of  the  skull  of  this  animal,  in  a  wrong 
point  of  view,  he  changed  his  opinion  ;  and  concluded,  that  this  animal 
must  have  had  a  pointed  muzzle  and  no  tusks;  that  it  did  not  resemble 
the  elephant;  and  that  he  was  unable  to  determine  any  thing  with  re- 
spect to  its  real  nature.  Dr.  Hunter,  in  the  paper  above  referred  to, 
published  in  1768,  observes,  that  in  the  British  Museum,  and  in  private 
collections,  he  met  with  grinders  of  the  incognitum  that  had  been  found 
in  the  Brazils  and  Lima,  as  well  as  in  different  parts  of  Europe.  M.  Buf- 
fon,  in  1778,  figured  one  of  these  teeth,  which  he  had  received  from  the 
Count  de  Vergennes,  and  which  had  been  found  in  Little  Tartary;  also 
another,  which  had  been  brought  by  the  Abbe  Chappe  from  Siberia. 
Epoqucs  de  la  Nature,  PL  i.  n.  tt  in. — Pallas  has  also  given  the  figure  of 
a  tooth  of  this  animal,  from  the  Oural  Mountains. 

Many  bones  of  this  animal  having  been  found,  in  1799,  in  the  State 
of  New  York,  in  the  vicinity  of  Newburgh,  which  is  situated  on  the  Hud- 
son, or  North  River,  Mr.  C.  W.  Peale,  of  Philadelphia,  purchased  these, 

VOL.   III.  Z  Z 


with  the  right  of  digging  for  the  remainder.  In  1801,  Messrs.  Peale 
made  every  exertion  to  discover  more  of  these  remains  in  the  spot  where 
the  former  had  heen  found;  but  although  neither  labour  nor  expense 
was  spared,  they  were  not  rewarded  by  finding  any  of  the  more  im- 
portant and  illustrative  parts  of  the  animal.  Another  attempt  was  then 
made  in  a  morass,  about  eleven  miles  from  the  former,  where  almost  an 
entire  set  of  ribs  was  found,  but  nothing  more.  After  this,  they  searched 
a  morass  about  twenty  miles  west  from  Hudson  River;  and  here,  after 
a  series  of  disappointments,  arid  slight  successes,  they  found  a  right  os 
humerus,  a  radius  and  ulna  of  the  left  side,  the  right  scapula,  the  atlas, 
a  complete  under-jaw,  and  the  great  object  of  their  pursuit,  the  upper 
part  of  the  head,  which  was  however  so  rotten,  that  they  could  only  pre- 
serve the  teeth  and  a  few  fragments. 

From  the  whole  of  the  bones  which  they  obtained,  two  skeletons  were 
formed,  composed  of  the  appropriate  bones  of  the  animal,  or  exact  imi- 
tations from  the  real  bones  in  the  same  animal,  or  from  those  of  the  same 
proportion  in  the  other.  Mr.  R.  Peale,  who  has  given  a  description  of 
this  animal,  asserts,  that  there  is  one  bone  less  in  the  neck  of  this  animal 
than  in  that  of  the  elephant,  never  having  met  with  a  single  bone  resem- 
tling  a  seventh  vertebra  of  the  neck.  The  dorsal  vertebrae  were  sup- 
posed to  agree  in  number  with  those  of  the  elephant;  as  nineteen  of 
these  vertebrae  and  as  many  ribs  were  found,  one  in  all  probability  having 
been  lost :  three  vertebrae  were  thus  left  for  the  loins. 

From  the  formation  of  the  teeth,  the  disposition  of  the  enamel,  the  inca- 
pacity in  thve  jaw  for  lateral  motion,  and  from  the  condyloid  process,  which 
is  finished  with  an  oblong  head,  being  inserted  into  a  transverse  groove, 
Mr.  Peale  concludes  this  must  have  been  a  carnivorous  animal.  The 
•teeth  of  the  upper  and  lower  jaws,  when  shut,  he  observes,  must  have  had 
their  points  and  depressions  fit  into  each  other,  like  the  teeth  of  two  saws ; 
and  whilst  shut  must  have  been  immoveable  laterally,  and  consequently 
incapable  of  triturating,  like  the  teeth  of  graminivorous  animals. 

The  roots  or  fangs  of  the  teeth,  Mr.  Peale  observes,  are  inserted  into 
the  mass  of  bone,  which  not  only  surrounds  the  roots,  but  divides  one  root 


from  the  other ;  whereas,  in  the  elephant,  the  grinders  occupy  one  large 
and  uniform  cavity,  from  which  they  are  gradually  protruded. 

The  only  instance  of  hair,  Mr.  Peale  says,  heing  found  with  the  re- 
mains of  this  animal,  occurred  in  a  morass  belonging  to  Mr.  A.  Golden. 
The  hair  was  coarse,  long,  and  brown  ;  a  large  mass  of  it  was  found 
together,  but  so  rotten,  that,  after  a  few  days  exposure  to  the  air,  it  fell 
into  a  powder*. 

The  country  in  which  these  remains  are  found  is  like  an  immense 
plain,  bounded  on  every  side  by  immense  mountains.  On  digging  into 
the  morasses  where  these  bones  are  found,  the  following  strata  are  gene- 
rally met  with  :  one  or  two  feet  of  peat,  one  or  two  feet  of  yellow  marie, 
with  vegetable  remains;  about  two  feet  of  grey  marie,  like  ashes;  and, 
finally,  a  bed  of  shell-marie.  It  is  in  the  grey  marie  that  the  bones  are  chiefly 
found.  This  marie  is  found  to  contain  seventy-three  parts  in  the  hun- 
dred of  lime,  and  when  dry  will  burn  for  a  long  time  with  a  bright  flame. 
In  the  neighbourhood  of  these  morasses  are  found  an  infinite  number  of 
petrifactions  of  marine  bodies,  echinites,  corallites,  &c.  one  of  which  I 
had  occasion  to  speak  of  in  the  preceding  volume. 

From  the  accounts  of  Dr.  Barton,  General  Collard,  Mr.  Smith  Barton, 
Mr.  Jefferson,  Mr.  Dunbar,  and  others,  it  appears  that  considerable  quan- 
tities of  these  remains  have  been  found  in  different  parts,  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  the  Ohio,  of  the  Mississippi,  and  of  the  Missouri.  They  have 
iiot,  however,  been  yet  foutid  higher  than  the  Lake  Erie,  in  about  43° 

*  An  account  has  been  given  of  the  discover\of  the  remains  of  a  mammoth,  on  the  shores 
of  the  Frozen  Sea,  with  its  flesh,  skin,  and  hair,  in  good  preservation.  This  account,  written 
by  M.  Michael  Adams,  of  Petersburgh,  was  kindly  communicated  by  Sir  Joseph  Banks  to  Mr. 
Tilloch,  by  whom  it  was  published,  in  the  Philosophical  Magazine,  Vol.  xxix.  page  141.  This 
discovery  excited  a  considerable  degree  of  attention,  which  was  however,  by  many,  misdi- 
rected ;  since  they  should  rather  have  regarded  this  animal  as,  perhaps,  one  of  the  lost  spe- 
cies of  elephants,  than  as  a  mammoth  or  mastodon.  That  it  could  not  have  been  one  of  this 
latter  genus  is  evident,  from  the  account  of  M.  Adams  himself;  who  says:  "  The  mam- 
moth in  my  possession  is  quite  different  from  that  found  near  New  York,  which,  from  the 
description,"  he  says,  "  had  carnivorous  teeth."  M.  Adams  concurring  with  the  Russians,  in. 
giving  the  name  of  mammoth  to  the  elephants  found  imbedded  in  those  parts. 


of  north  latitude.  These  remains  are  also  found  on  this  side  of  the  three 
great  chains  of  mountains,  the  Aliganys,  the  North  Mountains,  and 
the  Blue  Mountains;  in  the  anterior  parts  of  Pennsylvania  and  Caro- 
lina ;  and  in  New  Jersey,  a  few  miles  from  Philadelphia. 

Among  the  more  curious  discoveries  which  have  been  made  respecting 
this  animal,  is  that  which  is  related  by  Mr.  Maddison,  of  a  considerable 
quantity  of  bones  found  in  Virginia,  near  to  Green  Briar,  where  the 
bones  of  the  megatherium  were  found.  The  discovery  of  these  bones 
was  accompanied  with  a  circumstance  particularly  interesting.  In  the 
midst  of  them  was  found  a  mass  of  small  branches,  grass,  and  leaves ;  and 
among  the  latter,  some  of  a  species  of  reed,  which  is  at  present  common 
in  Virginia.  These  were  all  half  bruised,  and  appeared  to  be  contained 
in  a  kind  of  bag,  which  was  considered  as  the  stomach  of  the  animal : 
the  contained  substances  were  supposed  to  have  been  taken  by  the  ani- 
mal as  food. 

The  teeth  brought  from  Peru  by  Dombey  and  M.  de  Humbolt,  as 
well  as  that  brought  by  the  latter  naturalist  from  Terra  Fir  ma,  are, 
in  the  opinion  of  M.  Cuvier,  of  a  different  species  from  the  North 
American.  He  also  suspects  this  to  be  the  case  with  the  teeth  from 
Brazil  and  Lima,  mentioned  by  Dr.  Hunter;  and  concludes,  that 
these  bones,  so  common  in  South  America,  are  very  rarely  found  else- 

These  bones  are  always  found  but  at  a  little  depth,  and  seldom  appear 
to  have  changed  their  situations  since  the  death  of  the  animal.  Mr.  Bar- 
ton relates  two  instances,  where  the  soft  parts  of  the  animal  appear  to 
have  been  dug  up ;  and  the  Indians  described  one  of  the  heads  which 
were  dug  up  in  1762,  as  having  over  the  mouth  a  long  nose,  which  Mr. 
Barton  supposes  must  have  been  the  trunk.  Kalm,  speaking  of  a  ske- 
leton discovered  by  the  savages  of  Illinois,  says,  that  the  form  of  a  trunk 
was  yet  discoverable,  although  half  decomposed. 

M.  Cuvier  informs  us  that  there  is  at  Paris  a  fragment,  which,  if  the 
account  of  it  be  authentic,  would  make  us  doubt  whether  this  species  is 
really  extinct.  It  is  part  of  a  foot,  with  five  nails  attached  to  it ;  and 


which  the  owner  of  it  says,  he  obtained  of  a  Mexican,  who  had  pur- 
chased it  of  a  savage  of  the  West  of  the  Missouri,  who  had  found  it 
with  a  tooth  in  a  cave.  But  it  being  so  fresh,  appearing  also  to  have 
been  cut  off  with  a  sharp  instrument,  and  so  perfectly  resembling  that 
of  an  elephant,  M.  Cuvier  is  induced  to  suspect  some  fraud  on  the  part  of 
the  Mexican. 

These  astonishing  remains  have,  as  might  be  expected,  been  strictly 
examined  by  Cuvier.  In  the  46th  number  of  the  Annals  of  the  Museum 
of  Natural  History,  this  illustrious  anatomist  has  not  only  given  a  com- 
pendious account  of  the  preceding  discoveries  which  had  been  made 
respecting  this  animal,  but  has  also  entered  into  an  anatomical  exami- 
nation of  the  several  parts  which  have  been  found. 

The  grinders,  he  observes,  are  formed  of  two  substances  only;  an  in- 
ternal bony  substance,  and  a  thick  coat  of  enamel.  The  form  of  their 
crown  is  in  general  rectangular,  the  hinder  ones  being  rather  narrowest 
behind.  The  crown  is  divided,  by  widely  spreading  grooves,  into  a  cer- 
tain number  of  transverse  risings,  each  of  which  is  divided,  in  the  con- 
trary direction,  into  two  large  obtuse  and  somewhat  quadrangular  and 
pyramidical  points,  the  whole  crown,  when  not  worn,  being  beset  with 
large  points,  disposed  in  pairs.  In  consequence  of  several  of  these  teeth 
being  much  worn  down,  not  only  to  the  base  of  the  pyramids,  but  eveu 
so  low  as  only  to  leave  one  square  surface  edged  with  enamel,  it  has 
been  inferred  that  they  have  been  employed  in  the  trituration  of  vege- 
table substances.  The  roots  of  these  teeth  being  formed  after  the  crown, 
they  are  not  found  complete  until  the  crown  has  begun  to  be  a  little 

M.  Cuvier  particularizes  three  sorts  of  these  grinders :  nearly  square, 
with  three  pair  of  points,  generally  much  worn  ;  rectangular,  with  eight 
points,  which  are  less  worn ;  and  others  still  longer,  with  five  pair  of 
points  and  a  single  smaller  one,  which  are  seldom  worn  in  the  least. 
These  appearances  agree  with  their  situations ;  those  with  three  points 
being  the  foremost,  and  appearing  the  first ;  whilst  those  with  ten  are  the 
hindmost,  and  appear  the  last. 


From  observations  made  on  the  several  lower  jaws  which  have  been 
found,  it  appears  that  the  two  first  sorts  of  teeth  may  exist  in  the  mouth 
of  the  animal  at  the  same  time  ;  but  that  those  of  the  latter  sort  follow  the 
others.  M.  Cuvier  says,  perhaps  there  may  have  been,  in  the  infancy  of 
the  animal,  a  tooth  with  four  points, /which  would  be  cast  early.  This  he 
was  led  to  conjecture,  from  having  been  informed  by  M.  de  Beauvois,  that, 
in  a  jaw  belonging  to  Dr.  Barton,  there  appeared  to  be  the  marks  of  an 
alveolus  before  the  tooth  with  six  points.  There  can  be  little  doubt  but 
that  the  teeth  succeeded  to  each  other,  as  in  the  elephant :  there  never, 
however,  being  more  in  the  mouth,  at  once,  than  two,  and  at  last  only 

For  want  of  attending  to  this  succession  of  the  teeth,  and  supposing 
many 'of  these  teeth  to  have  existed  in  the  mouth  at  the  same  time,  very 
erroneous  conjectures  have  been  formed  respecting  the  size  of  this  animal. 
Thus  Burton  observes,  that  the  square  form  of  these  enormous  grinders 
prove,  that  several  were  in  the  jaw  at  the  same  time ;  Epoqucs  de  la 
Nature,  Notes  justif.  9.  But,  if  we  suppose  there  were  six,  or  even 
four,  on  each  side  of  each  jaw,  how  enormous  must  that  head  have 
been,  which  contained  at  least  sixteen  such  teeth.  Reckoning  on  these 
fallacious  grounds,  he  concludes,  the  animal  must  have  far  exceeded  the 
size  of  the  largest  elephants;  whereas,  we  have  no  proof  at  present  of 
this  animal  reaching  to  twelve  feet  in  height,  whilst,  agreeable  to  Buf- 
fon's  own  account,  the  Asiatic  elephants  are  sometimes  fifteen  or  even 
sixteen  feet  high. 

One  of  the  back  grinders  of  this  animal,  with  five  pair  of  points,  and 
an  odd  one  at  the  end,  is  represented  in  the  frontispiece  to  this  volume.  This 
tooth  is  in  remarkably  fine  preservation,  and  was  tor  several  years  a  part 
of  the  collection  in  this  city,  which  was  called  Rackstrow's  Museum.  It 
is  seven  inches  and  a  half  long,  1&  inches  in  circumference  round  its 
crown,  and  it  weighs  four  pounds  seven  ounces. 

The  remains  of  the  under-jaw  of  this  animal  show  us  that,  like  the 
elephant  and  morse,  it  had  neither  canine  nor  incisive  teeth ;  that  it  ter- 
minated in  the  fore  part,  as  in  those  animals,  in  a  hollowed  point,  which  was 


however  much  shorter  and  less  acute  than  in  the  elephant;  that  the 
posterior  angle,  although  obtuse,  is  defined,  and  not  rounded  off  as  in 
the  elephant;  and  that  the  arms  or  branches  of  the  jaw,  formed  of 
the  condyloid  and  coronoid  processes,  and  their  hases,  are  shorter  and 
flatter  than  in  the  elephant,  as  is  required  by  the  peculiar  form  of  the 
upper  jaw. 

No  perfect  specimen  of  the  skull  of  this  animal  has  been  hitherto 
found ;  but,  from  the  fragment  in  the  possession  of  M.  Camper,  and 
from  that  of  Mr.  Peale,  it  appears,  1.  That  in  the  mastodon  the  grinders, 
in  the  upper  jaw,  diverge  forwards;  whereas,  in  the  common  elephants, 
they  converge  more  or  less;  arid  in  the  fossil  elephant,  or  mammoth  of 
the  Russians,  they  are  nearly  parallel.  The  hog  and  the  hippopotamus 
approach  the  mastodon  a  little  in  this  respect.  2.  The  bony  palate 
extends  considerably  beyond  the  last  tooth.  The  Ethiopian  sow  is  the 
only  herbivorous  animal  which  resembles  the  mastodon  in  this  respect. 
3.  The  pterygoidal  apophyses  of  the  palate-bones  are  of  a  thickness  un- 
paralleled among  the  quadrupeds.  4.  The  notch  before  this  apophysis 
has  some  agreement  with  that  of  the  hippopotamus,  which  is  however 
narrower.  5.  That  there  is  no  trace  of  any  orbit  in  the  zygomatic  arch; 
but  that  where  the  orbit  occurs,  in  the  elephant,  is  a  large  mass  of  bone; 
so  that  the  eye  must  have  been  placed  much  higher  in  this  animal  than 
in  the  elephant.  6.  That  the  maxillary  bones  have  a  less  vertical  eleva- 
tion than  in  the  elephant.  7.  That,  hence,  the  zygomatic  arch  is  less 
raised  behind,  agreeable  to  the  conformation  of  the  lower  jaw ;  and,  of 
course,  the  position  of  the  ear  varies  from  that  which  takes  place  in  the 
elephant.  8.  From  this  proportion  results  the  difference  in  the  situation  of 
the  occipital  condyles  in  the  two  animals;  they  being  raised  considerably 
above  the  level  of  the  palate  in  the  elephant,  and  nearly  on  the  same  level 
with  it  in  the  mastodon.  With  respect  to  the  large  cells,  from  which 
proceeds  so  great  a  degree  of  thickness  in  the  skull  of  the  elephant,  there 
seems  to  be  every  reason  for  supposing  that  these  existed  in  a  similar 
manner  in  this  animal.  Of  the  form  of  the  head  nothing  certain  is  as  yet 


known ;  but  it  appears  to  have  been  proportionally  longer  than  that  of 
the  elephant. 

Mr.  Peale  was  the  first  who  ascertained  that  this  animal  was  provided 
with  tusks,  by  discovering  the  remains  of  a  skull  already  mentioned,  in 
which  the  alveoli  were  evident.  These  tusks  resemble  those  of  the  ele- 
phant :  they  are  inserted  in  the  incisive  bone,  and  are  composed  of  ivory, 
the  grain  of  which  shows  curvilinear  lozenges,  enveloped  by  a  substance, 
which  is  not  of  the  texture  of  ivory,  but  is  formed  of  fibres  converging 
towards  the  centre;  and  which,  though  less  hard  than  the  enamel,  seems 
very  nearly  to  resemble  that  substance.  Mr.  Peale  had  been  disposed 
to  place  the  tusks  of  this  animal  in  a  situation  the  reverse  of  that  which 
they  hold  in  the  elephant;  that  is,  with  their  convex  part  forwards,  and 
the  point  turning  backwards ;  but.  no  circumstance  but  the  finding  a  skull, 
with  the  tusks  thus  disposed,  can  authorize  the  placing  of  them  different 
from  those  of  the  elephant. 

From  the  circumstance  already  noticed,  and  from  every  considera- 
tion of  the  subject,  there  appears  to  be  no  reason  for  doubting  that  this 
animal  had  a  trunk  like  the  elephant,  with  whom  it  agrees  in  so  many 

The  form  of  the  vertebrae  agrees  in  general  with  that  of  the  cor- 
responding vertebras  in  the  elephant.  The  ribs  are  formed  different 
from  those  of  the  elephant,  being  thin  towards  the  cartilage,  and  thick 
and  strong  towards  the  back.  The  six  first  pair  are  very  strong  in 
comparison  with  the  others,  which  also  become,  proportionally,  very 
short :  which  circumstance,  taken  with  the  depression  of  the  pelvis,  shows 
that  the  belly  was  less  voluminous  in  this  animal  than  in  the  elephant. 

The  scapula  appears  to  possess  the  characters  of  the  scapula  of  the 
elephant,  and  particularly  the  recurrent  apophysis  peculiar  to  this  genus, 
and  to  the  rosores  (rongeurs).  The  scapula  seems  to  be  narrower  than 
.even  that  of  the  African  elephant,  and  to  have  the  recurrent  apophysis 
.placed  higher  than  in  the  Asiatic  elephant.  The  length  of  the  scapula 
is  three  feet  and  one  inch.  Mr.  Peale  describes  the  acromion  as  being 


long  and  pointed.  The  long  bones  of  the  fore  extremity  are,  according 
to  Mr.  Peale,  much  thicker  in  proportion  than  those  of  the  hind  extre- 
mity ;  and  this  difference  is  greater  than  what  exists  in  the  elephant. 
The  humerus,  agreeable  to  the  observations  of  M.  Cuvier,  is  shorter, 
and  the  fore-arm  longer,  in  proportion,  than  they  are  in  the  elephant. 
The  humerus  also  is  shorter,  in  proportion,  to  the  scapula. 

The  pelvis  is  much  more  depressed,  in  proportion  to  its  width,  than  in 
the  elephant :  its  opening  is  also  much  narrower. 

The  enormous  mass  of  the  os  femoris,  and  particularly  its  width,  which 
exceeds  that  of  both  the  existing  and  the  fossil  elephant,  excites  astonish- 
ment immediately  on  being  seen.  It  is  flatter  from  the  fore  part  back- 
wards, at  its  lower  end,  in  consequence  of  the  groove  answering  to  the 
rotula  being  shorter.  The  tibia,  in  the  opinion  of  Mr.  Peale,  is  less  in 
proportion,  in  this  animal,  than  in  the  elephant.  The  observations  of 
M.  Cuvier  do  not  corroborate  this  opinion ;  but  rather  prove,  that  the 
proportions  here  were  nearly  alike  in  both  animals. 

Mr.  Peale  observes,  that  the  bones  of  the  hind  feet  are  remarkably 
smaller  than  those  of  the  fore  feet,  as  is  likewise  the  case  in  the  elephant. 
The  second  phalanges  of  the  fore  feet,  he  observes,  terminate  in  surfaces 
which  seem  to  show  that  the  bones  of  the  third,  or  ungual  phalanx,  had 
more  motion  than  they  have  in  the  elephant,  and  approached  nearer  to 
those  of  the  hippopotamus. 

From  a  careful  attention  to  every  circumstance,  M.  Cuvier  conceives 
that  we  have  a  right  to  conclude,  that  this  great  mastodon,  or  animal  of 
the  Ohio,  did  not  surpass  the  elephant  in  height,  but  was  a  little  longer 
in  proportion  ;  its  limbs  rather  thicker ;  and  its  belly  smaller.  It  seems 
to  have  very  much  resembled  the  elephant  in  its  tusks,  and  indeed  in 
the  whole  of  its  osteology ;  and  it  also  appears  to  have  had  a  trunk.  But 
notwithstanding  its  resemblance  to  the  elephant,  in  so  many  particulars, 
the  form  and  structure  of  the  grinders  are  sufficiently  different  from  those 
of  the  elephant,  to  demand  its  being  placed  in  a  distinct  genus.  From 
the  later  discoveries  respecting  this  animal,  he  is  also  inclined  to  suppose 

VOL.  in.  3  A 


that  its  food  must  have  been  similar  to  that  of  the  hippopotamus  and  the 
boar,  but  preferring  the  roots  and  fleshy  parts  of  vegetables ;  in  the  search 
of  which  species  of  food  it  would,  of  course,  be  led  to  such  soft  and  marshy 
spots  as  he  appears  to  have  inhabited.  It  does  not,  however,  appear  to 
have  been  at  all  formed  for  swimming,  or  for  living  much  in  the  waters, 
like  the  hippopotamus,  but  rather  seems  to  have  been  entirely  a  terres- 
trial animal. 

Other  teeth,  bearing  a  very  close  analogy  with  those  of  the  animal 
of  the  Ohio,  have  been  long  noticed  by  different  authors ;  but  it  is  to 
M.  Cuvier  that  we  are  indebted  for  collecting  and  comparing  the  different 
accounts  which  have  been  given  of  teeth  belonging  to  this  genus,  but 
which  have  been  found  in  different  places  on  the  two  continents,  and 
are  of  a  different  species  than  those  of  the  Ohio. 

Dr.  Grew,  in  1681,  in  his  History  of  the  Rarities  of  Gresham,  Plate  xix. 
Fig.  1,  figured  the  upper  part  of  one  of  these  teeth,  which  he  describes 
as  the  petrified  tooth  of  a  marine  animal.  Reaumur  figured  part  of  a 
tooth  from  Simorre,  in  Gascony,  somewhat  resembling  this,  in  the  Me- 
moirs of  the  Academy  of  Sciences  for  1715.  D'Argenville  has  figured  an 
entire  tooth  resembling  these,  Oryctologie,  PL  xvni.  Fig.  8,  and  which 
he  described  as  having  belonged  to  some  unknown  fish.  A  similar  tooth 
is  also  represented  in  Pfete  vni.  of  the  Supplement  to  Knorr's  work. 
J.  Baldessari,  in  1767,  described  and  figured,  in  the  Memoirs  of  the 
Academy  of  Sienna,  Tom.  in.  /?.  243,  two  considerable  portions  of  a 
lower  jaw  found  at  Mount  Follonico,  and  considered  them  as  similar  to 
those  described  by  M.  Guettard.  A  tooth  of  this  kind,  of  a  large  size, 
was  found  in  1784,  at  Trevoux,  and  considered  by  M.  de  Morveau,  Mem. 
de  VAcad.  de  Dijon,  T.  vi.  p.  102,  as  being  of  the  same  species  of  those 
from  the  Ohio. 

Besides  these  now  mentioned,  M.  Cuvier  was  surprised  to  find,  by  his 
correspondence,  that  these  teeth  were  not  unknown  in  several  other  parts 
of  Europe  and  America.  In  Sort,  near  to  Dax ;  Montabusart,  near  to 
Orleans;  Saxony;  Asti,  in  Piedmont;  the  Vale  of  A  rno;  different  parts 


of  Lombardy ;  Peru  ;  the  Field  of  Giants,  near  Santa- Fe,  in  Terra-firma; 
and  in  the  province  of  Chiquitos,  in  Paraguay;  have  teeth,  which  are 
referable  to  this  genus  of  animals,  been  found.  Besides  the  teeth  found 
in  these  different  parts,  he  obtained  information  respecting  several  others, 
of  which  the  places  where  they  had  been  found  were  unknown :  the 
whole  being  so  numerous,  as  to  show  that  this  race  of  animals  had  left  a 
considerable  quantity  of  their  remains. 

From  the  general  form  of  these  teeth,  from  bones  being  found  with  them 
resembling  those  of  the  mastodon  of  the  Ohio,  and  from  their  being  reason 
for  supposing  that  they  were  accompanied  by  tusks,  no  doubt  can  be  enter- 
tained of  their  having  belonged  to  this  genus.  But  these  teeth  possess  also 
other  specific  characters,  which  sufficiently  distinguish  them  from  those  of 
the  Ohio.  The  chief,  and  the  most  general  of  these,  are,  that  the  cones  of 
their  crowns  are  more  or  less  deeply  grooved,  that  they  are  sometimes  ter- 
minated by  several  points;  and  that  they  sometimes  are  accompanied  by 
other  smaller  cones,  placed  on  the  sides,  or  in  the  intervals  of  the  larger 
cones.  In  consequence  of  this  formation,  as  the  crowns  of  these  teeth 
are  worn  down  by  mastication,  small  circles,  and  then  three-lobed,  or 
club-like  figures,  appear  where  the  points  were,  but  not  the  lozenge- 
formed  figures  which  these  parts  assume  in  the  animal  of  the  Ohio. 
From  these  club-like  markings  Daubenton,  P.  Camper,  and  M.  Fau- 
jas,  have  been  disposed  to  consider  these  teeth  as  resembling  those  of 
the  hippopotamus:  from  which,  however,  they  may  be  distinguished, 
independent  of  their  greater  size,  by  their  having  six  or  ten  of  the  club- 
like  markings;  whilst,  in  the  teeth  of  the  hippopotamus,  there  are  never 
more  than  four.  The  distinguishing  of  these  smaller  teeth  from  each 
other,  was  a  task  of  much  greater  difficulty  and  labour,  but  has  been 
in  a  great  measure  accomplished  by  the  assiduous  investigations  of  M. 

From  these  researches  he  has  been  enabled  to  distinguish  five  species 
of  this  genus,  which  he  thus  designates:  1.  The  mastodon  of  the  Ohio. 
2.  The  mastodon  with  narrow  teeth,  found  at  Simorre  and  elsewhere. 


3.  The  small  mastodon,  that  with  small  teeth.  4.  The  mastodon  of  the 
Cordilleras,  the  large  animal  with  square  teeth.  5.  The  mastodon  of  de 
Humbold,  which  is  the  smallest. — No  individual  of  either  of  these  spe- 
cies is  at  present  known  to  exist. 

Of  the  teeth  of  the  second  of  these  species,  that  with  narrow  teeth,  he 
obtained  the  examination  of  specimens  from  Sort,  near  Dax,  Simorre, 
Peru,  Monte  Follonico,  Irevous,  La  Rochetta  di  Tanaro,  near  Asti ; 
Arno's  Vale,  and  the  Field  of  Giants,  near  Santa-Fe. 

From  a  careful  comparison  of  these  specimens,  he  was  able  to  deter- 
mine these  detached  but  important  facts.  First,  that  in  a  specimen  of 
the  upper  jaw  of  this  animal  there  had  been  three  teeth,  the  foremost 
having  four  points  and  one  at  the  hinder  part ;  the  middlemost  six  pair  of 
points,  with  two  supplementary  behind ;  and  the  hindmost  divided  in 
six  rows  of  eminences,  all  subdivided  in  two  except  the  last.  Secondly, 
That  these  teeth  were  pressed  from  behind  forwards,  as  in  the  elephant 
and  in  the  mastodon  of  the  Ohio,  and  that  the  fore-teeth  disappeared  at  a 
certain  period.  He  also  found  reason  for  supposing  that  the  fore-tooth 
was  capable  of  being  replaced  from  beneath,  as  in  the  hippopotamus. 
Thirdly,  That  the  lower  jaw,  in  its  fore  part,  terminated  in  a  kind  of 
beak  like  that  of  the  elephant,  and  of  the  large  mastodon;  there  being 
neither  canine  nor  incisive  teeth. 

In  the  lower  teeth  the  outer  side  is  most  worn,,  and  consequently  the 
inner  is  most  projecting,  the  contrary  being  necessarily  the  case  with  the 
upper  teeth  :  hence  the  outer  points  of  the  lower  teeth  obtain  the  club- 
like  markings  and  the  inner  points  of  the  upper.  This  is  agreeable  to  a 
general  law  in  the  herbivorous  animals,  that  when  the  two  sides  of  a  tooth 
are  not  similar,  they  are  placed  contrariwise  in  the  two  jaws.  Thus  the 
ruminants  have  the  convex  part  of  the  crescents  of  their  upper  teeth  in- 
wards, and  that  of  the  lower  teeth  outwards. 

The  situation  and  form  of  the  supplementary  points  in  the  different 
teeth  of  this  animal,  and  the  points  assuming  the  club  like  markings  on 
being  worn  down,  show  some  analogy  between  these  and  the  teeth  of 


the  hippopotamus.  Compared  with  the  mastodon  of  Ohio,  these  teeth 
are  so  narrow,  as  certainly  to  warrant  the  distinguishing  of  the  animal  to 
which  they  belong,  as  the  mastodon  with  narrow  teeth. 

A  tooth  from  Saxony,  formerly  sent  to  Bernard  de  Jussieu,  and 
another  from  Montabusard,  were  found  to  correspond  in  their  figures  and 
proportions  with  the  preceding  species,  but  were  exactly  one  third  less. 
Knowing  no  instance  of  such  a  difference  of  size  in  any  species  of  wild 
animals,  and  as  this  difference  could  not  depend  on  age,  since  the  teeth 
grow  no  more  after  being  once  formed,  M.  Cuvier  had  no  hesitation  in 
considering  these  as  of  a  distinct  species — that  which  he  has  named  the 
small  mastodon. 

M.  de  Humbold  found  a  tooth  near  to  the  volcano  of  Imbaburra,  in 
the  kingdom  of  Quito,  at  the  height  of  1200  toises.  It  is  considerably 
decomposed,  and  partly  coated  with  volcanic  cinders.  The  same  cele- 
brated traveller  found  another  of  this  species  on  the  cordilier  of  Chi- 
quitos,  between  Chicas  and  Tarija,  near  Santa-Crux  de  la  Sierra,  in  15 
deg.  S.  L.  M.  Alonzo  also  furnished  M.  Cuvier  with  a  drawing  of  ano- 
ther tooth  from  the  same  province  of  Chiquitos.  These  teeth  all  appear 
to  have  belonged  to  the  same  species  of  animal.  Their  characters  appear 
to  be  that  of  being  of  a  square  form,  and  having  the  same  proportions 
with  the  teeth  with  six  points  belonging  to  the  mastodon  of  the  Ohio ; 
and  so  resembling  them,  that  they  might  be  mistaken  for  them,  were 
it  not  for  the  club-like  figures  which  their  points  assume,  and  which  can- 
not be  mistaken  for  the  lozenge-like  figures  observable  in  the  teeth  of  the 
latter  animal.  The  teeth  thus  characterized  he  distinguishes  as  -the  mas- 
todon of  the  Cordilleras. 

To  M.  de  Humbold  we  are  also  indebted  for  another  tooth,  evidently 
of  another  species.  This  tooth,  like  those  of  the  preceding  species,  is 
square,  but  is  a  third  less  in  size ;  bearing  the  same  proportion  to  those 
of  the  preceding  species  as  the  teeth  from  Saxony  and  Montabusard  bear 
to  the  species  with  narrow  teeth  from  Simorre,  &c.  This  tooth  was 


found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  City  of  Conception,  in  Chili.  This  is 
the  tooth  on  which  M.  Cuvier  establishes  his  species  of  the  mastodon  of 
de  Humbold. 

At  Harwich,  as  well  as  at  the  next  promontory  of  Walton,  blue  clay 
appears,  and  most  probably  extends  through  the  whole  of  the  intervening 
marsh.  At  Walton,  by  digging  in  different  parts  of  this  stratum,  and  by 
the  action  of  the  waves  against  its  edge,  the  bones  of  several  large  animals 
have  been  discovered.  These  I  have  ascertained  to  belong  to  the  ox,  sta^, 
Irish  fossil  elk,  hippopotamus,  rhinoceros,  and  elephant,  of  which  mention 
was  made  in  the  preceding  letter. 

But  both  at  Harwich  and  at  Walton  are  prodigious  beds  of  fossil 
shells,  highly  ferruginous,  and  reaching  thirty  or  forty  feet  above  the 
clay  stratum.  Dispersed  in  these  beds  of  fossil  shells,  polished  bowl- 
dered  fragments  of  bones  are  frequently  found,  which,  like  the  shells, 
are  strongly  impregnated  with  iron ;  so  much  so,  as  to  have  acquired  a 
very  considerable  degree  of  hardness,  and  to  emit  a  sharp  ringing  sound 
when  struck  against  any  hard  body.  These  fragments  of  bones,  being 
washed  by  the  waves  out  of  their  matrix,  are  frequently  found  on  the 

From  the  smallness  of  these  fragments,  few  being  above  six  inches  long, 
and  hardly  any  possessing  twelve  inches  in  length ;  and  from  their  being 
almost  all  reduced  to  one  shape  by  bowldering,  previously  to  being 
placed  in  their  present  bed,  no  grounds  have  existed,  on  which  any 
opinion  could  be  founded  as  to  the  animal  to  which  they  belonged.  But 
within  these  last  few  years,  a  tooth  was  found  on  the  beach  at  Harwich, 
possessing  the  colour  and  appearance  of  the  fragments  of  bones  so 
strongly,  as  to, leave  no  doubt  of  its  having  been  imbedded  in  the  same 
bank  of  shells.  This  tooth  was  shown  to  me  by  my  much  lamented  friend 
and  companion  in  these  pursuits,  Dr.  Menish,  by  whom,  at  my  request,  it 
was  shown  to  the  members  of  the  Geological  Society.  Its  figure  had  been 
much  injured  by  attrition ;  so  that,  although  no  doubt  could  be  enter- 


tained  of  its  having  belonged  to  an  animal  of  the  genus  Mastodon,  I  think 
that  no  opinion  could  be  formed  respecting  its  species;  but  on  this  point 
I  speak  with  hesitation,  since,  at  the  time  I  saw  it,  I  was  unacquainted 
with  the  existence  of  more  than  one  species  of  this  fossil 






N  accurate  knowledge  of  the  anatomy  and  of  the  number  of  species 
of  the  rhinoceros  has  been  but  lately  obtained,  and  that  through  the 
assiduous  inquiries  of  Cuvier.  Thus  the  celebrated  Camper,  unacquainted 
with  the  characteristic  differences  of  the  teeth  of  the  unicorn  and  bicorn 
rhinoceros,  and  not  finding  incisive  teeth  in  the  two-horned  species,  he 
charged  Parsons,  Linnaeus,  and  BufFon,  with  error,  in  supposing  them  to 
exist  in  the  one-horned  species.  But,  on  examining  the  living  animal 
of  the  latter  species  at  Paris,  and  seeing  its  incisive  teeth,  he  imme- 
diately acknowledged  the  error  into  which  he  had  fallen.  M.  Faujas 
also,  for  want  of  correct  notions  respecting  the  teeth  of  this  animal, 
formed  erroneous  conclusions  as  to  the  number  of  species. 

In  every  adult  rhinoceros  there  are  twenty-eight  grinders,  seven  on 
each  side,  at  the  top  and  bottom.  It  must  be  however  remembered 
that,  as  the  teeth  of  the  rhinoceros,  like  those  of  other  herbivorous  ani- 


mals,  have  their  roots  brought  into  use  when  the  crown  is  worn  away ; 
and  as  the  root  divides  into  two  branches,  the  two  stumps  of  the  roots  of 
one  tooth,  forced  upwards  by  the  filling  up  of  the  alveolus,  will  give  the 
appearance  of  two  teeth. 

In  the  lower  jaw  are  two  large  incisors,  placed  at  the  anterior  angle ; 
and  between  these  are  two  very  small  incisive  teeth,  which  remain  con- 
cealed within  the  gums.  There  are  also  two  large  incisive  teeth  in  the 
upper  jaw;  and  Cuvier  has  discovered,  that  in  this  jaw  also  there  are 
two  very  small  incisors,  which  are  disposed,  contrary  to  those  of  the  lower 
jaw,  on  the  outside  of  the  larger  incisors. 

The  differences  observable  in  separate  detached  grinders  of  these  ani- 
mals are  not  such  as  will  serve  to  distinguish  the  species,  but  merely  to 
point  out  the  age  of  the  individuals.  Of  course,  it  is  not  from  the  fossil 
grinders  alone  that  we  are  able  to  determine  whether  the  fossil  remains 
of  this  animal  belong  to  a  species  which  still  exists,  or  to  one  which  is  lost. 
Happily,  however,  complete  information  may  be  obtained  on  this  point 
from  the  examination  of  the  whole  skull.  By  a  careful  comparison  of  the 
fossil  with  the  recent  skull,  it  is  found  that  the  fossil  skulls  exactly  agree 
with  each  other,  and  belong  to  one  and  the  same  species,  and  that  the 
fossil  species  is  essentially  different  from  those  which  are  known  in  a  living 

Omitting  to  notice  the  opinions  of  those  who  had  written  on  this  sub- 
ject before  the  necessary  anatomical  knowledge  respecting  the  living 
species  of  this  animal  was  attained  and  published,  I  shall  place  before  you 
a  sketch  of  the  .observations  of  M.  Cuvier,  on  the  opinions  entertained  by 
M.  Faujas  on  this  subject. 

There  appeared  to  be  three  living  species  of  rhinocers :  1 .  That  of 
India,  a  unicorn,  with  a  rugous  coat,  and  with  incisors,  separated,  by  a 
space,  from  the  grinders.  2.  That  of  the  Cape,  a  bicorn,  the  skin  with- 
out rugse,  and  having  twenty-eight  grinders,  and  no  incisors.  3.  That 
of  Sumatra,  a  bicorn,  the  skin  but  slightly  rugous,  thus  far  resembling  that 
of  the  Cape,  but  having  incisive  teeth  like  that  of  India. 


On  comparing  the  skulls  of  the  fossil  rhinoceros  with  those  of  the  ex- 
isting species,  the  following  differences  are  observed:  1.  The  skulls  of 
the  fossil  rhinoceros  are,  in  general,  much  larger  than  those  of  the  living 
species;  but  as  the  skulls  of  the  living  species,  which  have  been  obtained, 
may  riot  have  been  of  the  largest  individuals,  this  difference  is  n$t  such  as 
should  be  insisted  upon.  2.  The  occipital  surface,  which  in  the  recent 
skulls  is  nearly  perpendicular  with  the  axis  of  the  head,  and  which,  in 
the  unicorn,  even  inclines  forward,  in  all  the  fossil  skulls,  inclines  consi- 
derably backwards;  which  necessarily  occasions  the  distance  from  the 
nose  to  the  occipital  ridge  to  exceed  considerably  that  from  the  nose  to 
the  occipital  condyles.  3.  The  meatus  auditorius  has  its  axis  vertical  in 
the  living  species  ;  but,  in  consequence  of  the  obliquity  of  the  temporal 
bones  occasioned  by  the  obliquity  of  the  inclination  of  the  occiput,  this 
axis  is  oblique  in  the  fossil  species.  4.  The  fossil  species  has  two  horns, 
but  the  skull  has  nothing  of  the  form  of  the  bicorn  of  Africa.  There  is  a 
considerable  space  between  the  bases  of  the  two  horns  in  the  fossil  spe- 
cies, whilst  in  the  rhinoceros  of  Africa  and  of  Sumatra  the  bases  touch. 
This  difference  evidently  proceeds  from  the  elongation  of  the  skull  in  the 
fossil  species.  The  basis  of  the  second  horn,  too,  agreeable  to  the  remark 
of  M.  Adrien  Camper,  has  a  more  raised,  and  embossed,  and  a  much 
more  rugous  surface,  in  the  fossil,  than  in  the  existing  species.  5.  Instead 
of  the  anterior  apophysis  of  the  superior  maxillary  bone  being  short,  and 
the  intermaxillary  very  small,  as  in  the  bicorn  of  Africa,  the  fossil  bicorn 
had  these  parts  very  strong,  and  longer  than  in  all  the  other  species, 
which  renders  the  length  of  the  nasal  notch  more  considerable.  6.  There 
is  in  the  fossil  species  a  prominence  on  the  superior  part  of  the  incisive 
bone,  which  is  not  to  be  seen  in  the  hicorn  of  Africa,  in  that  of  Sumatra, 
nor  in  a  young  unicorn,  which  appeared  to  approach  to  that  of  Sumatra. 
It  was  found  only  in  the  large  unicorn,  the  skeleton  of  which  is  in  the 
National  Museum.  7.  The  most  important  character  in  the  fossil  rhi- 
noceros is  the  form  of  the  bones  of  the  nose,  and  their  junction  with  the 
incisive  bones :  in  these  respects  it  differs  not  only  from  the  other  rhi- 

VOL,  in.  3  B 


noceroses,  but  from  all  other  known  animals.  The  point  of  the  nasal 
bones,  instead  of  terminating  in  a  distinct  projection,  at  a  certain  distance 
above  the  incisives,  descends,  without  becoming  thinner,  before  the  na- 
sal notches;  and,  after  being  separated  in  three  projecting  tubercles, 
becomes  united,  by  a  portion  which  is  a  little  thinner,  to  the  incisive 
bones,  where  they  unite,  and  form  of  themselves  two  other  tubercles. 
All  these  four  bones  become  so  consolidated  together,  that  the  sutures  by 
which  they  were  connected,  as  well  as  that  which  distinguished  the  inter- 
maxillary from  the  maxillary  bones,  are  not  perceptible  at  only  a  mo- 
derately advanced  age.  This  structure,  so  solid,  was  doubtlessly  intended 
for  the  support  of  the  horn,  and  would  lead  us  to  suppose,  that  it  was  more 
strong,  and  could  be  applied  with  more  power  in  this  species,  than  in  any 
of  those  which  now  exist.  8.  Behind  this  junction  of  the  nasal  with  the 
incisive  bones  begins  a  bony  partition,  which  separates  the  two  nostrils, 
and  passing  backwards,  is  united  with  the  vomer.  9.  In  consequence 
of  this  partition,  the  incisive  openings  are  separate  from  each  other ; 
whilst,  in  the  living  species,  they  are  formed  into  one  large  opening. 
10.  From  the  length  of  the  nasal  notch,  the  eye  is  placed  more  back- 
ward in  this  than  in  the  other  species. 

With  respect  to  the  existence,  or  the  number,  of  incisive  teeth  in  the 
fossil  animal,  M.  Cuvier  observes,  that  after  an  infinite  number  of  re- 
searches, he  has  not  yet  obtained  any  thing  certain  :  he  however  thinks 
he  has  a  right  to  assert,  that  the  fossil  rhinoceros  did  not  possess  them,  at 
least  in  the  upper  jaw.  In  the  lower  jaw,  M.  Pallas,  however,  speaking 
of  a  jaw  found  at  Tchikgi,  says :  hi  apice  maxillce  inferioris,  sen  ipso  mar- 
gine,  ut  ita  dicam,  incisorio,  dentes  quidem  nulli  adsunt ;  verumtamen  apparent 
vestigia  obliterata  quatuor,  alveolorum  ?ninusculorum  equidistantium,  e  quibus 
exteriores  duo  obsoletissimi,  sed  intermedii  satis  insignibus  fossis  denotati  sunt. 
Nov.  Com.  xin.  p.  600.  Supposing,  then,  this  jaw  had  actually  con- 
tained incisors,  they,  from  being  so  very  small,  must  have  belonged  to  a 
different  species  from  any  which  is  known  living ;  since  the  incisive  teeth, 
in  the  rhinoceros  of  Asia  and  Sumatra,  are  considerably  larger,  inde- 


pendent  of  the  age  of  the  animal.  Hence,  if  any  of  the  fossil  rhino- 
ceroses had  incisive  teeth,  it  appears  that  they  must  have  existed  in  thd 
lower  jaw  only,  and  have  also  differed  in  size,  and  probably  in  form,  from 
those  of  the  living  rhinoceroses. 

It  appears  that  two  incisive  teeth  of  the  rhinoceros  are  in  the  cabinet  of 
the  celebrated  anatomist  Soemmereng,  which,  it  is  said,  were  dug  out  of 
the  earth  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Mentz ;  one  of  which  has  been  figured 
by  Merck,  and  another  by  M.  Adrien  Camper.  Supposing,  M.  Cuvier 
observes,  that  these  teeth  are  really  fossil,  they  prove  nothing  contrary 
to  what  has  been  assumed  above.  This  circumstance  can  only  show, 
that  there  is  also,  among  the  fossil  species,  one  which  is  different  from 
that  which  has  been  hitherto  found.  The  grinder  teeth  of  the  fossil 
species  appear  to  agree  precisely  with  those  of  the  living  species. 

The  fossil  remains  of  the  rhinoceros  have  been  generally  found  in  the 
same  countries  where  the  remains  of  elephants  have  been  found ;  but 
they  do  not  appear  to  have  so  generally  excited  attention ;  and  perhaps 
but  few  of  those  who  discovered  them  were  able  to  determine  to  what 
animal  they  belonged.  Thus  a  tooth  of  this  animal  is  described  by 
Grew  merely  as  the  tooth  of  a  terrestrial  animal ;  and  the  remains  of 
this  animal,  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Canterbury,  were  supposed 
to  have  belonged  to  the  hippopotamus. 

In  Hartzberg,  in  the  principality  of  Grubenhagen ;  Quedlimbourg, 
Darmstadt,  the  borders  of  the  Rhine,  Mentz,  Strasbourg,  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  Cologne,  Westphalia,  numerous  parts  of  France,  and  in 
several  parts  of  Great  Britain,  have  the  remains  of  the  rhinoceros  been 
found.  In  Siberia  these  remains  have  been  found  in  considerable  quantities. 
Pallas,  whose  researches  have  been  particularly  directed  to  this  part  of 
the  world,  made  the  astonishing  discovery  of  a  complete  rhinoceros,  still 
covered  by  its  skin,  and  buried  in  the  sand  on  the  borders  of  the  river 

From  several  fragments  of  bones  which  I  met  with  in  the  Essex  bank, 


I  was  also  Jed  to  suppose  that  the  remains  of  some  other  very  large  ani- 
mal, besides  those  of  the  elephant  and  elk,  had  been  here  imbedded. 
This  supposition  was  increased  by  finding  one  large  fragment,  a  com- 
plete mass  of  pyrites,  with  the  form  and  external  surface  of  bone,  which 
appeared  to  be  the  upper  end  of  an  os  femoris;  but  which,  either  from 
distortion,  or  from  very  uncommon,  though  natural  conformation,  differed 
from  that  of  any  animal  with  whose  skeleton  I  was  acquainted.  This 
induced  me  to  be  more  particular  in  my  research,  and  occasioned  me  to 
discover  the  tooth  which  is  represented  Plate  xxi.  Fig.  3.  This  tooth^ 
which  is  an  upper  molar  tooth  of  the  left  side,  is  pretty  much  worn,, 
and  must  have  belonged  to  a  small  animal,  since  it  is  not  one  half  of  the 
size  of  the  teeth  which  were  found  at  Chartham. 

My  friend  Mr., Fisher,  whose  kindness  I  have  already  had  occasion  to 
acknowledge,  was  so  obliging  as  to  procure  for  me  five  teeth,  which  had 
been  found  at  Fox-hill,  in  Gloucestershire,  with  some  fragments  of  bones. 
The  fragments  of  bones  were  too  small  to  allow  of  any  decision  respecting 
them.  One  of  the  teeth  was  of  the  elephant;  and  the  other  four  were 
molar  teeth  of  the  upper  jaw  of  the  rhinoceros,  and  had  suffered  a  very 
considerable  degree  of  decomposition.  Their  size  was  more  than  double 
that  of  the  tooth  depicted  above ;  but  their  grinding  surfaces  had  suffered 
very  considerable  injury. 

The  horns  of  the  rhinoceros  have  been  repeatedly  dug  up  in  Siberia, 
and  of  a  considerable  size,  some  exceeding  in  size  those  of  the  living 

Hollman  and  Zuckert  had  fossil  fragments  of  the  humerus  of  this  ani- 
mal, from  which  it  appeared,  that  the  obliquity  of  the  radial  pulley-like 
termination,  which  in  the  living  species  is  very  considerable,  is  -exceeded 
in  the  fossil ;  and,  that  the  inferior  head  is  longer.  On  comparison  with 
the  humerus  of  the  Parisian  skeleton,  it  appeared  that  the  fossil  humerus, 
though  shorter  was  thicker. 

A.  scapula,  apparently  of  this  animal,  found  at  the  foot  of  the  Hartz, 


was  found  to  have  its  lower  edge  straiter  and  thinner  than  in  that  of  the 
recent  animal ;  the  projecting  part,  too,  of  the  spine  of  the  scapula,  was 
extended  much  further  towards  the  articular  termination. 

An  atlas  figured  by  Hoffman,  and  copied  by  Cuvier ;  and  which  must 
have  belonged  to  some  animal  of  this  genus,  was  compared  with  that  of 
the  skeleton,  and  found  to  be  specifically  different.  A  fossil  axis  (the 
second  vertebra)  is  also  figured  by  Hollman ;  and,  like  the  former  ver- 
tebra, appears,  from  its  proportions,  to  be  a  different  species  from  the 
unicorn  rhinoceros.  A  third  cervical  vertebra  is  also  figured  by  Hollman, 
corresponding  with  the  preceding  vertebrae,  and,  like  them,  differing  in 
proportions  from  those  of  the  corresponding  bone  in  the  skeleton  of  the 

From  various  comparisons  of  the  fossil  bones  with  those  of  the  living 
species,  M.  Cuvier  was  able  to  conclude,  that  the  head  of  the  fossil  spe- 
cies is  not  only  absolutely  much  larger,  but  that  it  is  also  much  larger  in 
proportion  to  the  height  of  the  limbs,  and,  consequently,  that  the  general 
form  of  the  animal  must  have  been  very  different  from  that  of  the  living 

A  large  quadruped,  then,  of  a  species  unknown  at  the  present  day,  is 
thus  found  buried,  M.  Cuvier  observes,  in  numerous  parts  of  Europe 
and  Asia ;  and  one  very  remarkable  circumstance  is,  that  it  has  not  been 
brought  from  afar ;  and  another,  that  it  has  not  been  by  any  slow  and  in- 
sensible change  of  the  earth,  but  by  some  sudden  change,  that  this  species 
has  ceased  to  exist.  The  whole  rhinoceros,  found  with  its  flesh  and  skin, 
buried  in  the  ice,  on  the  borders  of  the  Wiluji,  evidently  demonstrates, 
he  thinks,  these  two  propositions.  How,  he  asks,  could  it  have  come 
there  from  the  Indies,  or  from  any  other  warm  country,  without  falling  to 
pieces?  How  could  it  have  been  preserved,  if  the  ice  had  not  involved 
it  suddenly ;  and  therefore,  how  could  it  have  been  involved  in  this  man- 
ner, if  the  change  of  climate  had  been  gradual  and  insensible? 

The  discovery  of  this  animal  has  furnished  us  with  some  facts  respecting 
its  external  structure.  None  of  those  protuberances  or  irregular  callo- 


sities  were  discoverable  on  the  head,  which  render  that  of  the  unicorn- 
rhinoceros  so  hideous,  but  which  do  not  exist  in  that  of  the  bicorn  of  the 
Cape.  It  appeared  also,  that  the  hairs  were  very  abundant  on  the  feet, 
whilst  none  exist  on  these  parts  of  the  rhinoceros  of  the  Indies  or  of  the 

The  existence  of  the  fossil  remains  of  the  hippopotamus  has  not  been 
so  generally  admitted  as  those  even  of  the  rhinoceros.  M.  Faujas  St. 
Fond,  who  is  eager  to  establish  the  eastern  origin  of  our  fossil  remains,  is 
of  opinion  that  the  hippopotamus,  which  he  believes  to  be  an  animal  not 
known  in  the  East  Indies,  has  not  been  found  among  the  fossil  remains 
of  animals  in  this  part  of  the  world.  This  opinion  he  founds,  on  his  never 
having  seen  any  of  the  fossil  remains  of  this  animal  in  the  several  mu- 
seums he  visited  in  England,  Scotland.  Holland,  France,  and  elsewhere; 
and  in  finding  no  mention  of  them  in  the  accounts  of  different  travellers, 
or  in  the  writings  of  those  authors  which  have  treated  of  the  fossil  remains 
of  the  larger  quadrupeds. 

In  Daubenton's  department  of  the  Natural  History  of  Buffon,  it  is 
observed  by  St.  Fond,  that  a  report  is  given  of  several  fossil  teeth  of  the 
hippopotamus,  which  were  in  the  Museum  of  Natural  History  of  Paris; 
but  that,  upon  examination,  these  teeth  appeared  to  be  teeth  of  the  mam- 
moth, or  of  the  animal  of  Simorre. 

On  the  other  hand,  M.  Cuvier,  on  examining  the  teeth  mentioned  by 
Daubenton,  found  two  of  them  to  be  actually  the  teeth  of  the  hippopo- 
tamus; and  although  he  found  that  Lang,  Rome  de  PIsle,  Camper, 
Merck,  and  others,  had  mistaken  the  teeth  of  other  animals  for  those  of 
the  hippopotamus,  he  found  that  Antoine  de  Jussieu,  Mem.  de  L'Acad. 
1724,  had  undoubtedly  described  the  fossil  remains  of  this  animal,  as 
found  in  Montpellier,  at  a  place  called  La  Mosson.  On  further  exa- 
mination, it  was  clearly  ascertained,  that  these  fossils  came  from  Lan- 
guedoc,  where  other  remains  of  this  animal  were  also  found,  sufficiently 
proving  the  existence  of  the  fossil  remains  of  this  animal. 

From  the  account  also  of  M.  Fabbroni,  Director  of  the  Roval  Cabinet 

375      « 

i  ' 

at  Florence,  it  appears  that  there  exists,  in  that  cabinet,  not  only  two  of 
the  molar  teeth  of  the  hippopotamus,  but  a  fragment  also  of  one  of  the 
tusks,  or  canine  teeth  of  the  lower  jaw.  Teeth  of  the  hippopotamus,  of 
different  kinds,  it  appears,  have  been  found  scattered  in  several  parts  of 
the  upper  Vale  of  Arno. 

Remains  of  the  hippopotamus  have  been  found,  I  am  informed,  in 
some  parts  of  Gloucestershire.  Mr.  Trimmer  has  kindly  communicated 
to  me  the  information,  that  the  remains  of  these  animals  are  found  in  the 
stratum  of  blue  clay  at  Brentford;  and  has  also  kindly  communicated  the 
following  account  of  the  strata,  as  they  there  occur.  The  first  stratum 
is  nine  feet  of  sandy  loam,  or  common  brick  earth,  in  which  no  fossils 
are  found.  2d.  Seven  feet  of  gravelly  sand,  becoming  so  coarse,  as  to 
deserve  to  be  called  sandy  gravel.  At  the  bottom  of  this  stratum  are 
found  the  remains  of  hippopotami  and  of  elephants;  but  they  are  not 
found  in  those  parts  to  which  the  next  stratum  does  not  extend :  to 
which,  therefore,  they  may  be  more  properly  considered  as  belonging. 
3.  From  one  foot  to  nine,  of  an  earth  highly  calcareous,  in  which  are 
found  the  horns,  bones,  and  teeth  of  deer,  with  many  small  shells.  4.  A 
few  feet  of  gravel,  with  water.  5.  Two  hundred  feet  of  blue  clay,  in 
which  are  found  pyritified  fruits  and  wood,  with  marine  fossils,  particu- 
larly nautili,  which  are  found  at  all  depths  in  this  stratum. 

In  my  visits  to  Walton,  in  Essex,  I  have  been  successful  in  obtaining 
some  remains  of  this  animal.  The  most  interesting  of  these  specimens 
are — 

1.  An  incisor  tooth  of  the  right  side  of  the  lower  jaw.     This  tooth  has 
lost  much  of  its  enamel,  but  is  otherwise  in  good  preservation,  possessing 
all  its  characteristic  markings.     It  measures  fifteen  inches  and  a  half  in 
length,  and  nine  inches  in  circumference  towards  its  base,  and  is  of  course 
too  large  to  be  figured  in  these  plates. 

2.  The  point  of  an  inferior  canine  tooth  or  tusk,  measuring  full  nine 
inches  in  circumference,  and  having  seven  inches  in  length  of  triturating 
surface.     From  the  great  size  of  this  tooth,   it  is  very  likely  to  have 


belonged  to  the  same  animal  to  which  the  preceding  tooth  belonged. 
Besides  the  longitudinal  striae  and  grooves  observable  in  the  enamel  of 
its  sides  and  inferior  part,  it  is  characterized  by  strong  transverse  rugous 
markings,  which  are  placed  at  nearly  regular  distances,  of  about  two 
inches ;  and  are  observed  to  exist  in  the  same  manner  on  the  fragment 
of  about  eight  inches  in  length,  which  joins  to  it. 

3.  A  fragment  of  a  tusk,  or  lower  canine  tooth,  which  is  only  about 
half  the  size  of  the  preceding  specimen.     It  has  the  markings  of  its 
enamel  of  a  different  character  from  that  of  the  larger  tooth,  and  par- 
ticularly is  devoid  of  those  transverse  rugous  markings  which  are  so 
strongly  formed  in  that  specimen.     From  the  roundness  of  this  specimen 
in  its  circumference,  and  from  the  difference  of  its  character,  I  am  led  to 
suspect  that  it  may  have  belonged  to  the  small  hippopotamus,  which,  as 
will  be  presently  observed,  was  discovered  by  Cuvier,  and  which  is  only, 
as  yet,  known  in  a  fossil  state. 

4.  One  of  the  anterior  grinders. 

5.  One  of  the  last  molar  teeth  of  the  right  side  of  the  lower  jaw,  and 
which  does  not  appear  to  have  long  pierced  the  gums.   Plate  XXI.  Fig.  1 . 

Among  the  most  important  discoveries  made  by  M.  Cuvier,  is  that  of 
a  small  fossil  hippopotamus,  of  not  more  than  half  the  size  of  the  com- 
mon species. 

The  remains  of  this  animal  were  found  in  two  pieces  of  sand-stone,  in 
which  the  bones  and  teeth  were  disposed  in  a  manner  much  resembling 
that  which  is  observable  in  the  calcareous  and  stalactitic  masses  from 
Gibraltar,  Dalmatia,  and  Cette.  Unfortunately,  no  traces  existed  by 
which  it  could  be  known  where  this  sand-stone  had  been  found. 

After  extricating,  with  extreme  care,  such  bones,  as  could  be  removed, 
and  as  served  to  demonstrate  the  species,  M.  Cuvier  was  gratified  by 
finding  that  they  belonged  to  an  animal,  the  existence  of  which  had  never 
been  imagined.  This  animal,  it  is  evident,  from  the  minute  and  close 
comparisons  which  were  made,  must  have  agreed,  most  exactly,  in  every 
character  with  the  genus  Hippopotamus;  and  must  have  differed,  not  essen- 


tially  In  any  respect  but  in  its  size,  from  that  species  which  we  know  living, 
and  whose  fossil  remains,  we  have  just  seen,  have  been  also  sometimes 
found.  The  size  of  this  animal  could  not  have  exceeded  half  that 
of  the  ordinary  species;  and  it  is  evident,  from  the  state  of  its  teeth,  and 
from  the  advanced  progress  of  ossification,  that  its  inferior  size  could  not 
have  proceeded  from  its  being  a  young  animal,  but  from  its  having  been 
of  a  distinct  species. 

In  one  of  its  large  grinders,  it  appeared  that,  contrary  to  the  hori- 
zontally worn  surface  of  these  teeth  in  the  ordinary  hippopotamus,  it  was 
worn  obliquely  on  the  anterior  side,  showing  that  its  projections  had  shut 
in  between  the  risings  of  the  opposite  tooth. 

But  a  more  important  difference  was  observable  in  the  lower  jaw.  The 
hippopotamus  is  the  only  known  animal  whose  jaw,  at  its  inferior  and 
posterior  angle,  turns  backward,  and  forms  a  broad  hook-formed  process. 
In  this  small  animal,  this  hook-formed  process  not  only  was  also  ob- 
servable, but  it  was  found  to  be  carried  much  further  backward.  In  the 
common  hippopotamus,  the  turn  which  it  makes  describes  the  fourth  of  a 
circle ;  but  in  this  animal  the  turn  forms  a  crescent,  and  is  equal  to  half  a 

The  tapir  is  one  of  the  pachydermata,  and  forms  a  genus  in  which 
there  is  but  one  species:  it  is  an  animal  of  South  America.  It  is 
formed  like  a  hog ;  and  although  only  the  height  of  an  ass,  it  is  the 
largest  animal  known  in  those  parts.  Its  snout  is  elongated  into  a  trunk, 
which,  although  not  long,  is  moveable  like  that  of  the  elephant.  The 
fore-feet  have  four  equal-sized  toes,  and  the  hind  feet  three,  all  of  which 
have  hoofs.  It  has,  in  each  jaw,  six  incisive  teeth,  and  two  canine,  which 
are  not  longer  than  the  incisors.  The  skin  is  black,  and  almost  without 
hairs.  It  is  a  quiet  and  docile  animal,  which  lives  on  the  banks  of  rivers, 
and  feeds  on  reeds,  sugar-canes,  &c. 

The  tapir  not  having  been  known  but  in  South  America,  it  was  with 
great  pleasure  that  M.  Cuvier  ascertained  the  existence  of  the  fossil 
remains,  in  France,  of  some  animal  of  the  same  species,  or  very  nearly 

VOL.  in.  3  c 


resembling  it;  since  this  must  be  most  decided  evidence  against  that 
system  which  attributes  an  Asiatic  origin  to  our  fossils. 

This  celebrated  naturalist  first  noticed  two  specimens  in  the  cabinet 
of  M.  de  Dree,  and  which  had  been  described  in  a  Memoir  by  M.  Dodun, 
being  two  portions  of  lower  jaws  which  had  been  found  near  the  last  de- 
clivities of  the  Black  Mountain,  at  Issel,  in  Languedoc,  near  Castelnau- 
dari,  by  M.  Dodun.  Finding  that  the  resemblance  which  these  jaws  bore 
to  those  of  the  tapir  was  exceedingly  close,  there  being  the  same  number 
of  each  sort  of  teeth,  the  same  form  in  the  molar  teeth,  and  even  the 
external  incisive  smaller  than  the  others,  as  in  the  tapir,  he  was  induced, 
at  first,  to  declare,  that  the  fossil  jaw  did  not  sensibly  differ  from  the  jaw 
of  the  recent  animal.  Subsequent  examination,  however,  enabled  him 
to  discover,  that  a  difference  existed  between  the  first  molar  teeth  of  the 
fossil  and  of  the  recent  jaw.  In  the  tapir  of  South  America,  all  the  molares 
have  their  crown  divided  into  two  transverse  risings,  of  an  equal  width ; 
but  in  the  fossil  animal,  the  three  first  molares,  instead  of  transverse 
risings,  have  a  kind  of  points  or  pyramids,  the  foremost  of  which  is 
larger  than  that  which  is  behind  it.  The  anterior  part  of  the  muzzle  is 
more  narrow  and  long  in  the  common  tapir,  than  in  the  fossil  animal. 
In  the  tapir,  also,  the  first  molar  is  longer  than  any  of  the  four  or  five  fol- 
lowing ones ;  but  in  the  fossil  jaw  this  is  the  shortest. 

These,  and  other  less  differences,  induced  M.  Cuvier  to  conclude,  that 
the  fossils  of  the  Black  Mountain  belonged  to  some  species  approaching 
to  the  tapir,  but  which  was  not  precisely  the  same.  These  remains  of 
an  animal,  the  analogue  of  which,  if  living,  can  only  exist  in  South 
America,  are,  in  his  opinion,  entirely  subversive  of  the  notion  of  those 
who  support  the  Asiatic  origin  of  our  fossils.  M.  Cuvier  calls  this  ani- 
mal the  small  fossil  tapir. 

In  the  Journal  de  Physique  for  February,  1772,  there  appeared  the  re- 
presentation of  a  milar  tooth,  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Vienna, 
and  which  appeared  to  have  belonged  to  some  large  animal,  at  least  re- 
sembling the  tapir.  Another  specimen  was  fouixd  near  St.  Lary,  in 



Couserans.  But  the  most  interesting  specimens  are,  the  two  halves  of 
a  jaw,  with  five  molar  teeth  in  each,  in  the  possession  of  M.  Dree.  These 
fossils  were  found  at  Comminge,  by  the  side  of  Beine,  five  leagues  from 
Alan,  a  castle  of  the  Bishop  of  Comminge.  Similar  teeth  are  also  said, 
by  Fabbroni,  to  have  been  found  in  Italy. 

The  teeth  of  the  recent  tapir  are  characterized  by  being  divided  by 
transverse  risings ;  but  this  character,  Cuvier  observes,  is  not  sufficient 
to  allow  the  attributing  of  any  fossil  teeth,  with  transverse  ridges,  to  the 
tapir ;  since  the  same  transverse  risings  on  the  crown  are  observable  in 
the  teeth  of  the  lamantin  (Trichecus  manatus),  and  in  those  of  the  kan- 
guroo.  In  the  lamantin,  the  upper  teeth  have  two  large  risings,  and 
two  smaller,  or  spur-like  processes,  one  before,  the  other  behind.  On  the 
lower  teeth  are  three  risings.  These  risings  are,  in  the  germ  of  the  tooth, 
crenulated,  both  in  the  lamantin  and  in  the  fossil  animal. 

Of  the  five  molar  teeth  in  M.  Dree's  fossil,  the  foremost  has  only  one 
ridge,  which  is  flat ;  but  the  four  last  have  two  ridges,  with  a  spur  behind, 
which  is  largest  in  the  hindermost  teeth.  The  animal  to  which  these  teeth 
belonged  could  not,  as  M.  Cuvier  observes,  have  been  very  aged,  since  the 
ridges  are  not  much  worn,  and  since  one  tooth,  at  least,  was  wanting  in 
this  jaw.  This  is,  however,  assumed  on  the  supposition  that  the  tooth 
found  at  Vienna  belonged  to  a  similar  animal.  This  tooth  has  three 
ridges  and  a  spur-like  process ;  and  in  that  case,  would  have  been  placed 
behind  these ;  since  in  herbivorous  animals,  the  teeth  composed  of  the  most 
pieces  are  always  behind  the  rest.  The  tooth  found  at  St.  Lary,  and 
which  agrees  in  the  appearance  of  its  enamel  and  matrix,  with  those  of 
M.  Dree,  has  also  three  ridges,  which  confirms  the  opinion  of  this  animal 
having  six  molar  teeth  on  each  side.  Reckoning  from  the  size  of  the  mo- 
lar teeth  of  the  fossil  animal,  it  is  supposed  that  it  must  have  been  one 
fourth  taller  than  the  rhinoceros.  But,  by  the  same  mode  of  reckoning, 
it  would  have  been  five  times  longer  than  the  known  lamantin,  and  eight 
times  larger  than  the  kanguroo,  supposing  it  to  have  had  the  same  pro- 
portions as  the  species  to  which  it  may  be  imagined  to  belong. 

These  fossil  remains  M.  Cuvier  considers  as  belonging  to  a  large  ani- 


nial,  which  might  have  approximated  to  the  tapir,  and  which  he  calls  the 
large  fossil  tapir.  %  Plate  XXI.  Fig.  3,  is  the  outline  of  the  fossil  tooth  of 
this  gigantic  animal,  found  at  St.  Lary,  in  Couserans,  copied  from  M.  Cu- 
vier's  engraving,,  PL  II.  Fig.  7,  Ann.  du  Mm.  Toms  III, 




1  SHALL,  with  great  pleasure,  show  you,  in  the  present  Letter,  that 
the  unceasing  and  ingeniously  directed  lahours  of  Cuvier  have  been 
rewarded,  by  the  discovery  of  the  fossil  remains  of  two  genera  of  pachy- 
dermata,  containing  seven  or  eight  different  species,  the  analogues  of 
which  are  at  present  entirely  unknown.  To  one  of  these  he  has  given 
the  name  of  Palaotkerium,  or  ancient  large  animal  or  beast ;  and  to  the 
other,  Anoplotherium,  or  beast  without  weapons,  thereby  implying  its 
distinguishing  character,  its  want  of  canine  teeth. 

Much  of  this  information  was  yielded  him  by  the  teeth  alone  ;  but,  in 
addition  to  these,  he  became  possessed  of  other  different  bones  of  these 
animals,  and  particularly  of  the  bones  of  the  feet,  by  which  the  conjec- 
tures which  he  had  already  formed,  respecting  the  nature  of  these  animals, 
obtained  a  considerable  degree  of  confirmation  :  but  as  he  had  found  the 
heads  belonging  to  two  genera,  one  with  and  the  other  without  canine 
teeth ;  so  he  also  found  the  feet  of  two  genera,  one  with  three  complete; 
toes,  and  the  other  with  two. 


The  bones  of  the  feet  of  one  kind  required  to  be  classed  with  the  heads 
of  one  of  these  genera,  and  the  bones  of  the  feet  of  the  other  kind  with  the 
head  of  the  other  genus.  But  how  was  this  separation  to  be  effected  ?  Did 
the  feet  with  three  toes  belong  to  the  head  with  tusks,  and  those  with 
two  toes  to  the  heads  without  tusks,  or  should  they  be  disposed  in  a  con- 
trary combination  ? 

After  much  perplexing  investigation,  he  derived  considerable  aid  by 
meeting  with  a  head  without  tusks,  not  larger  than  that  of  a  hare,  and 
fortunately  with  a  didactyle  foot  of  the  same  proportions.  Thus  assisted, 
he  proceeded  in  his  comparisons,  and  was  at  last  able  to  determine  that 
the  didactyle  feet  belonged  to  the  Anoplotherium,  and  the  tridactyle  to  the 

M.  Cuvier  observes,  that  the  first  information  to  be  obtained,  in  the 
examination  of  the  remains  of  a  fossil  animal,  is  with  respect  to  its  grind- 
ing teeth.  By  these  may  be  ascertained  whether  the  animal  was  car- 
nivorous or  herbivorous ;  and  if  the  latter,  the  order  of  herbivorous  ani- 
mals to  which  it  belonged,  may  even,  thereby,  be  determined,  to  a  certain 

A  superficial  examination  soon  showed  him,  that  almost  all  the  ani- 
mals found  in  the  plaster-of-paris  quarries,  round  Paris,  have  the  grinders 
of  the  herbivorous  pachydermata ;  those  of  the  upper  jaw  possessing  a 
crown  formed  of  two  or  three  simple  crescents,  succeeding  to  each  other; 
a  configuration  whicb  may  be  seen  to  exist  in  the  rhinoceros  and  the  da- 
man, Hyrax,  Linn,  two  genera  of  the  pachydermata.  The  ruminating  ani- 
mals^  indeed,  have  also  grinders  composed  of  two  or  three  crescents; 
but  their  crescents  are  double,  and  have  each  four  lines  of  enamel ; 
whilst  in  the  pachydermata  they  are  simple,  and  have  only  two  lines. 
These  remarks  were  confirmed  by  the  appearances  yielded,  in  these  fos- 
sils, by  the  upper  grinders ;  their  outer  lace  having  three  projecting  ribs, 
which  divide  it  into  two  shallow  depressions ;  their  crowns  are  square, 
and  have  peculiar  inequalities.  These  characters  serve  to  remove^  de- 


cidedly,  these  fossil  animals  from  the  family  of  ruminants,  and  to  ap- 
proximate them  to  the  daman  and  rhinoceros. 

The  teeth  found  in  the  plaster-of-paris  are  of  different  sizes,  but  those 
of  the  middling  size  occur  most  frequently.  These,  M.  Cuvier  has  de- 
monstrated, belonged  to  two  different  genera,  one  of  which  possessed 
canine  teeth,  and  the  other,  not.  A  careful  examination  showed  also, 
that  the  grinders  of  these  different  animals,  although  seemingly  similar, 
possessed  decidedly  different  characters. 

Commencing  his  inquiries  with  the  genus  PAL^EOTHERIUM,  the  large 
ancient  animal,  with  canine  teeth,  he  was  enabled  to  ascertain  that,  as  in 
the  rhinoceros  and  daman,  so  in  this  genus,  there  are  seven  grinders  in  each 
side  of  the  lower  jaw,  the  first  of  which  is  small,  compressed,  and  rather 
sharp.  The  others  have  their  outer  surface  formed  like  two  portions  of  cy- 
linders, except  the  seventh,  which  has  three  of  these  portions.  At  the  base 
is  aprojecting  line  like  a  collar,  beneath  which  is  a  root  to  everyportion. 

The  internal  surface  of  these  teeth  is,  in  some  respects,  the  reverse  of 
the  inner  surface.  Opposite  to  each  of  the  crescents  is  a  depression, 
which  narrows  as  it  descends :  the  intervening  projections,  of  course, 
narrowing  as  they  ascend. 

Before  the  first  small  grinder,  the  jaw  is  void  of  teeth,  or  alveoli,  for  a 
little  space,  at  the  end  of  which  space  is  the  canine  tooth.  It  is  a  simple 
oblique  cone,  a  little  bent ;  the  internal  face  of  which  is  a  little  flat,  and 
its  external  face  more  than  half  a  cone.  Its  faces  are  separated  by  two 
longitudinal  ridges,  and  its  bases  are  girted  by  the  same  collar-like  pro- 
jection as  was  observed  in  the  molar  teeth.  The  root  is  large,  and  pene- 
trates into  the  jaw  nearly  as  far  as  the  root  of  the  first  grinder. 

This  canine  tooth  is  not  a  tusk  projecting  out  of  the  mouth,  as  in 
many  species  of  hogs :  it  is  rather  concealed  by  the  lips,  as  in  the  tapir, 
hippopotamus,  and  Mexican  hog.  By  the  presence  of  this  tooth,  this 
animal  is  separated  from  the  rhinoceros  and  daman,  whilst,  by  its  grind- 
ers, it  is  brought  near  to  the  tapir  and  hog. 


The  incisive  teeth  are  of  the  common  wedge-like  form,  and  are  six  in 
number,  which  is  the  exact  number  of  those  of  the  tapir,  with  which  they 
also  very  nearly  agree  in  their  forms. 

In  the  fossil  specimens  of  the  upper  jaw  are  also  the  corresponding 
number  of  six  incisors;  behind  which  is  the  upper  canine  tooth,  which 
does  not  project  any  more  than  that  of  the  tapir  or  pecari.  Behind  this 
tooth  is  a  small  space  for  the  reception  of  the  point  of  the  canine  tooth  of 
the  lower  jaw. 

The  upper  grinders  have  their  crown  nearly  square,  and  have  four 
roots,  whilst  those  of  the  lower  have  but  two :  the  foremost  only  are  a 
little  narrower  in  proportion  than  the  others. 

The  outer  face  inclines  obliquely  inwards  as  it  descends,  and  is  divided 
by  three  longitudinal  ridges,  into  two  concavities,  rounded  towards  the 
root,  and  terminating  in  a  point  towards  the  grinding  surface.  By  the 
angles  thus  formed,  a  line  results  at  the  outer  edge  of  the  grinding,  sur- 
face, in  the  shape  of  a  W. ;  and  from  the  inclination  and  the  concavities 
on  the  external  surface  results  another  line  in  the  form,  of  a  W.  in  the 
horizontal  direction.  In  these  teeth,  then,  are  the  same  squareness  of 
form,  the  longitudinal  ribs  on  the  external  face,,  and  the  same  line  in  the 
shape  of  a  W.  as  in  the  upper  grinders  of  the  rhinoceros;  but  the  distri- 
bution of  the  risings  and  depressions  on  the  grinding  surface,  and  of  the 
enamel,  is  essentially  different. 

Plate  XXI.  Fig.  4,.  represents  the  outer  surface  of  the  fourth  molar 
tooth  of  the  lower  jaw  of  P.  medium,  and  Fig.  5,  represents  its  inner  sur- 
face. Fig,  6  is  the  outer  surface ;  and  Fig.  7  is  the  inner  surface  of  one  of 
the  molares  of  the  upper  jaw  of  the  same  animal. 

Thus  Cuvier  has  been  able  to  determine,  that  in  the  gypsum  there 
exist  the  remains  of  an  animal  which  had  28  grinding  teeth,  12  inci- 
sive, and  4  canine.  The  lower  grinders  formed  in  two  or  three  simple 
crescents,  and  the  upper  square,  with  many  markings  on  their  crown  : 
the  canine  teeth  not  passing  out  of  the  mouth.  It  appears,  also  that  this 
animal  must,  from  the  number  of  its  teeth,  have  been  of  a  genus  near  to 


that  of  tapir,  and  to  that  of  rhinoceros,  by  the  form  of  Its  grinders. 
That  it  was  an  herbivorous  animal  is  certain ;  and  that  it  belonged  to 
the  order  of  pachydermata  is  confirmed,  as  will  be  seen,  by  the  struc- 
ture of  its  feet. 

The  glenoid  cavity,  for  the  articulation  of  the  jaw,  had  a  flat  surface, 
as  in  that  of  the  tapir ;  and  as,  in  the  tapir,  this  cavity  was  bounded 
backward  by  a  transverse  vertical  plate : — a  peculiarity,  however,  exists, 
with  respect  to  this  plate;  for  that  of  the  tapir  has  its  internal  edge  more 
forward,  and  the  external  more  backward ;  whilst  in  this  animal  it  is 
exactly  contrary. 

In  the  horse  this  plate  is  very  short,  and  is  from  right  to  left.  In  the 
ruminating  animals  it  is  more  projecting  and  entirely  transverse ;  or,  as 
in  the  tapir,  more  drawn  back  to  the  outer  edge.  It  makes  less  pro- 
jection in  the  hog :  that  of  the  rhinoceros  is  not  behind,  but  at  the 
inner  edge  of  the  glenoid  cavity ;  and  the  elephant  has  none.  It  ap- 
pears that  no  known  animal  has  the  glenoid  cavity  formed  like  that  of 
the  pal<eotherium. 

By  the  most  ingenious  inferences  from  the  form  and  the  number  of 
bones  constituting  the  nostrils,  and  from  other  characters,  he  was  led  to 
conclude  that  this  animal  possessed  a  kind  of  snout,  or  trunk,  resembling 
that  of  the  tapir.  Judging  of  the  size  of  the  first  animal  of  this  genus, 
whose  remains  he  discovered,  he  concluded  that  it  must  have  been  less 
than  the  tapir,  and  nearly  as  large  as  a  common  hog ;  and  directed  by 
the  proportions  which  its  remains  bore  to  those  of  other  species,  which  he 
afterwards  met  with,  he  designated  this  species  as  Palaotherium  medium. 

From  an  astragalus,  and  from  several  other  bones  remarkable  for  their 
thickness,  he  decidedly  made  out  the  existence  of  another  species,  rather 
less  than  the  P.  medium,  but  which  he  conceived  it  right  to  name  P* 

By  his  investigations,  M.  Cuvier  discovered  the  fossil  remains  of  another 
animal,  differing  in  no  respect  but  in  being  more  than  double  its  size,  from 
the  P.  medium.  This  animal,  which  he  supposes  must  have  been  of  the 


size  of  a  common  cow  or  of  a  small  horse,  he  considered  as  being  of  a 
different  species,  and  named  it  Palteotherium  magnum. 

He  found  also  several  fragments,  which  enabled  him  to  determine  that 
these  quarries  contained  also  the  remains  of  another  animal  of  this  genus, 
but  which  could  not  be  larger  than  a  fox,  to  which  he  gave  the  name  of 
Pal&otherium  minus. 

It  appears,  therefore,  that  he  discovered,  and  decidedly  made  out,  four 
species  of  this  genus : — P.  magnum,  P.  medium,  P.  crassum,  and  P.  minus. 

Proceeding  in  his  inquiries,  M.  Cuvier  obtained  a  very  interesting 
specimen  from  the  gypsum  quarries,  containing  two  bones  of  the  meta- 
carpus (those  of  the  index  and  medius)  nearly  entire ;  an  impression  of 
that  of  the  next,  annulare;  and  four  bones  of  the  carpus,  semilunare,  unci- 
forme,  the  analogue  of  os  magnum,  here  very  small,  and  trapezoide. 

At  first  sight  these  bones  appeared,  in  their  general  arrangement,  as 
well  as  in  their  particular  configuration,  very  much  to  resemble  their 
analogues  in  the  tapir.  By  the  acuteness,  however,  of  M.  Cuvier,  suffi- 
cient differences  were  discovered  in  their  forms,  to  determine  that  they 
did  not  belong  to  that  animal.  He  discovered  that,  in  those  few  points 
in  which  they  differed  from  the  analogous  bones  of  the  tapir,  they  seemed 
to  resemble  those  of  the  rhinoceros.  On  considering  that  the  teeth  of 
the  pal&otherium,  in  like  manner,  seemed  to  partake  of  the  nature  of  each 
of  those  animals,  but  to  approach  nearest  to  that  of  the  former,  M.  Cu- 
vier observes — "  One  must  be  stricken  with  increased  admiration  at  the 
unalterable  constancy  in  the  natural  agreements  of  animals,  even  in  the 
minutest  details."  From  this  correspondence  he  was  able  to  determine 
that  these  remains  must  have  belonged  to  some  animal  of  the  genus 
palaotherium ;  and,  from  their  size  and  proportions,  to  that  species  to 
which  the  designation  medium  appeared  to  belong.  In  another  specimen 
he  found  some  metacarpal  remains,  which,  on  account  of  their  shortness 
and  thickness,  he  had  no  doubt  of  their  belonging  to  that  species  which 
he  had  named  P.  crassum. 

VOL.   III.  3  D 


,  Another  specimen  of  the  fore-foot  of  P.  medium,  formed  of  three  entire 
fingers,  the  vestige  of  a  thumb,  and  of  a  little  finger,  came  under  the 
observation  of  M.  Cuvier.  He  also  obtained  carpal  remains,  which, 
from  their  size  and  proportions,  he  was  confident  in  attributing  to  P. 
magnum  and  minus. 

In  the  plaster-of-paris,  bones  of  the  upper  extremities  were  also  found, 
which  were  divisible  by  the  species  of  articulation  employed  in  the  el- 
bow, into  those  of  two  distinct  genera.  In  one  set  of  the  radii,  the 
upper  head  was  divided  in  the  middle  by  a  ridge,  on  each  side  of  which 
was  a  depression;  and,  in  the  other  set,  there  were  three  depressions, 
separated  by  two  blunt  ridges. 

The  former  of  these,  those  with  two  depressions,  were  ascertained 
to  belong  to  the  genus  Palaotherium.  Ossa  humeri  were  also  found, 
corresponding  in  their  lower  head  with  these  radii,  and  consequently 
having  two  prominences  corresponding  with  the  depressions  in  the  head 
of  the  radius.  The  ulna  of  this  genus  appeared  to  resemble  very  much 
that  of  the  tapir:  some  differences  were  however  observable,  but  these 
were  but  slight. 

To  obtain  the  information  which  M.  Cuvier  possesses,  respecting  the 
scapulae  of  the  animals  of  this,  and  of  those  of  the  succeeding  genus,  must 
have  required,  as  he  justly  observes,  prodigies  of  patience,  in  those  who 
separated  the  parts  of  these  tender  and  fragile  bones,  from  the  stone  in 
which  they  were  imbedded.  In  consequence  of  these  successful  exer- 
tions, he  was  enabled  to  ascertain,  that  these  bones  were  all  referable  to 
two  general  forms.  In  the  one  kind  there  existed  no  acromion,  the 
spine  raising  itself  gradually  unto  about  two  thirds  of  its  length,  where 
is  its  most  projecting  part,  and  where  its  edge  is  most  widened,  and 
blending  itself  forwards  with  the  outer  face  of  the  scapula.  The  scapula 
of  this  description  appears  to  have  belonged  to  this  genus :  the  other 
kind  of  scapula,  which  appears  to  have  belonged  to  the  genus  Anoplo- 
iherhmi,  will  be  noticed  in  its  place. 


The  existence  of  three  toes  on  the  hind  feet  of  this  genus,  is 
proved  by  a  foot,  which  was  found  nearly  entire,  with  three  metatarsal 
bones  and  a  supernumerary  bone,  and  which  appeared  to  belong  to 
P.  medium. 

Although  the  structure  of  this  foot  does  not  so  materially  differ  from 
those  of  the  animals  of  the  present  day  as  Ijiat  of  the  Anoplotherium  does, 
it  approaching  somewhat  to  the  tapir,  it  is  still  undoubtedly  of  a  struc- 
ture at  present  unknown.  That  the  hind  foot  of  the  animal,  considered 
as  P.  magnum,  was  tridactyle,  was  evinced  by  the  form  of  a  fossil  astra- 
galus of  this  animal.  The  foot  which  appeared  to  belong  to  the  species 
P.  minus  agreed  with  the  preceding  in  having  three  metatarsal  bones,  and 
a  supernumerary  bone,  but  was  not  larger  than  that  of  a  fox. 

Besides  those  bones  of  the  hind  feet  which  are  referable  to  the  pre- 
ceding species,  a  tridactyle  foot  was  found,  rather  less  than  that  of  a  hog, 
and  shorter  and  thicker  than  that  which  is  attributed  to  the  P.  medium, 
and  was  therefore  considered  as  belonging  to  P.  crassum. 

An  astragalus  was  found  which  materially  differed  from  that  of  known 
animals.  It  approached  the  nearest  to  that  of  the  tapir;  but  it  differed 
from  it  obviously  in  several  points,  and  from  its  thickness  was  supposed 
to  belong  to  the  last-mentioned  species. 

The  quarries  of  Paris  also  supplied  M.  Cuvier  with  the  tibia  of  P.  me- 
dium. He  also  obtained  the  tibiae  of  P.  magnum,  P.  minus,  and  P.  cras- 
sum ;  and  was  able  to  determine,  that  in  these  animals,  and  in  those  of 
the  genus  Anoplotherium,  the  fibula  was  complete  and  distinct,  as  well  as 
in  the  other  pachydermata. 

We  have  seen  that  the  teeth,  as  well  as  the  feet,  point  out  an  ana- 
logy between  this  animal  and  the  rhinoceros  and  tapir,  and  M.  Cuvier 
has  been  able  to  show  an  equal  correspondence  in  the  os  femoris.  Three 
species  of  quadrupeds,  the  rhinoceros,  tapir,  and  the  solipedes,  are  di- 
stinguished from  the  others  by  a  third  trochanter,  or  a  strong  apophysis 
on  the  outer  edge  of  the  bone,  below  that  which  is  known  as  the  great 
trochanter.  In  the  fossil  os  femoris,  this  third  trochanter  is  rounded  and 


blunt ;  but  made  a  little  hooked  forwards,  and  is  placed  a  little  lower,  on 
the  outer  edge,  than  the  small  trochanter  is  on  the  inner.  Other  charac- 
ters observable  in  this  bone  correspond  with  some  which  exist  in  that  of  the 
ass  and  of  the  tapir,  but  mostly  with  those  of  the  former.  He  was  however 
enabled  to  determine  that  this  os  femoris  did  not  belong  to  either  of  these 
animals ;  but  was  satisfied  that  it  belonged  to  one  of  the  species  of  the 
genus  Pal&otherium ;  and,  from  its  size,  to  P.  medium  or  P.  crassum. 

The  specimens  of  the  remains  of  the  Pal&otherium  are  too  incomplete 
to  have  supplied  their  learned  and  indefatigable  investigator  with  much 
satisfactory  information  with  respect  to  its  vertebral  column.  From  de- 
tached points  of  information,  M.  Cuvier  has  however  been  able  to  deter- 
mine, that  the  palseotherium  had  its  neck  longer  in  proportion  than  the  hog 
and  the  tapir,  and  that  it  approached  those  ruminants  with  a  neck  of  a 
moderate  size,  and  with  a  slight  form,  such  as  the  stags  and  antelopes: 
such,  at  least,  appears  to  have  been  the  case  with  P.  minus.  From  a 
portion  of  a  tail,  composed  of  five  vertebrae,  and  which  seems  to  have 
belonged  to  P.  medium,  it  appears  that  the  tail  in  these  animals  was  not 
so  long  in  proportion  as  in  the  Anoplotheria. 

The  skeleton  of  the  Anoplolherium  points  out  twelve  or  thirteen  as  the 
number  of  ribs  belonging  to  this  genus,  and  those  of  the  Palaotherium 
sixteen:  two  numbers  which  suit  well  with  the  zoological  affinities  of  the 
two  genera ;  since  the  first  agrees  with  that  of  the  ruminants  and  pigs,, 
which  have  thirteen  or  fourteen,  whilst  the  other  suits  with  the  tapir,, 
rhinoceros,  and  horse,  which  have  eighteen  and  nineteen. 

At  Pantin  a  specimen  was  found,  containing  great  part  of  the  skeletort 
of  an  animal,  which  was  supposed  by  the  workmen,  and  reported  by  the 
public  papers,  to  have  been  that  of  a  ram ;  but  when  it  was  seen  by 
Cuvier,  on  its  being  presented  to  the  Museum,  he  discovered  that  it  was 
of  the  Paltfotherium  minus.  This  skeleton  considerably  confirmed  the 
conjectures  which  he  had  already  formed  respecting  the  fossil  remains  of 
this  genus. 

In  this  skeleton  he  discovered  sufficient  of  the  lower  jaw  to  observe  the 


peculiarities  of  its  character.  There  existed  six  cervical  vertebrae,  the 
atlas  only  being  wanting.  Little  of  the  scapula  remained  ;  its  impression, 
was  however  to  be  seen.  The  humerus  was  nearly  entire,  and  the  fore- 
arm was  composed  of  a  separate  radius  and  ulna,  showing  that  this  ani- 
mal differed  in  this  respect  from  the  ruminating  animals.  From  these 
remains  it  appeared,  that  this  animal  must  have  had  at  least  sixteen, 
or  perhaps  seventeen  ribs,  on  each  side ;  a  circumstance  confirmatory  of 
the  opinion  of  this  animal  having  been  one  of  the  pachydermata  :  but  as 
the  sternum  was  not  discoverable,  it  could  not  be  determined  how  many 
ribs  had  been  attached  to  it.  The  dorsal  vertebra  were  mostly  removed, 
nor  could  the  number  of  the  lumbar  vertebra  be  ascertained.  The  sacral 
and  coccygaeal  vertebrae,  with  the  pelvis,  were  lost.  The  femur  was 
very  imperfect ;  but  it  could  be  determined,  that  the  tibia  and  fibula  were 
distinct,  as  in  the  pachydermata. 

In  at  least  four  distant  parts  of  France,  at  Paris,  Montabusard,  Buchs- 
weiler,  and  Issel,  the  remains  have  been  found  of  animals  of  the  genus  of 
Paltfotherium ;  some  of  which  differed,  in  some  respects,  from  those  which 
have  been  already  described.  One  of  these  animals,  calculating  from 
an  astragalus  found  at  Montabusard,  appears  to  have  been  larger  than 
even  that  which  has  been  described  as  Palgotheriwn  magnum.  It  ap- 
pears to  have  been  larger  than  that  of  the  largest  horse,  and  only  about 
an  eighth  less  than  that  of  the  rhinoceros.  It  is  calculated  to  have  been 
eight  feet  long,  without  its  tail,  and  about  five  feet  high  at  the  withers. 

From  some  fragments  of  jaws  obtained  from  the  neighbourhood  of 
Orleans,  it  was  ascertained  that  those  quarries  contained  the  remains  of 
an  animal  rather  smaller  than  the  P.  medium^  the  teeth  of  which  more 
resembled  those  of  the  rhinoceros,  and  still  more  those  of  the  daman, 
than  of  the  pal<eotkerium.  On  the  meeting  of  the  two  arcs  or  crescents, 
at  the  middle  point  of  the  W,  the  point  was  double,  instead  of  being 
single,  as  in  the  pal&oiherium.  From  this,  and  other  differences,  and  not 
having  been  able  to  obtain  the  incisors  and  canine  teeth  adherent  to, the 


jaw  with  a  grinder,  M.  Cuvier  hesitates  at  determining  this  tooth  to  he- 
long  to  an  animal  of  this  genus. 

With  these  teeth,  which  are  rather  smaller  than  those  of  Pal&othcrmm 
medium,  two  fragments  of  os  humeri,  very  closely  corresponding,  as  to 
size,  were  also  found. 

The  remains  of  another  species,  approaching  to  the  palaotherium,  was 
found  by  the  Professor  Herman,  of  Strasbourg,  in  the  department  of  the 
Lower  Rhine,  in  the  mountain  of  Saint  Sebastian,  one  of  the  lowest  in  the 
chain  of  Vosges,  in  a  calcareous  bed  mixed  with  fresh-water  shells,  and 
what  is  very  remarkable,  covered,  as  in  the  beds  of  gypsum  which  contain 
the  palaotherium  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris,  with  several  beds  full  of 
marine  productions.  This  animal,  like  the  pal&otherium,  had  both  canine 
and  incisive  teeth,  but  it  had  one  molar  tooth  less,  and  had  not  the  space 
which  in  the  paUeotherivm  exists  between  the  first  molar  and  the  canine 
tooth.  The  other  observable  specific  characters  of  the  lower  as  well  as 
of  the  upper  jaw,  leave  no  doubt  that  the  animal  to  which  these  teeth 
belonged  nearly  approached  to  the  paltea&er&m. 

Having  placed  before  you  a  sketch  of  the  interesting  discoveries  re- 
specting the  genus  Palaotherium,  I  shall  proceed  to  give  you  a  slight  view 
of  the  discoveries  respecting  those  animals  whose  remains  were  found 
with  these,  but  which  did  not  possess  canine  teeth :  to  the  genus  com- 
prising which  was  given  the  name  Anoplotherium. 

It  has  been  already  remarked,  that  among  the  teeth  which  Cuvier 
had  discovered,  some  of  the  grinders  appeared  to  belong  to  an  animal 
which  had  no  canine  teeth.  These  grinders,  which  were  thought  to 
somewhat  resemble  those  of  the  Palaotherium,  are  found  to  differ  from 
them  in  the  following  respects.  The  outer  surface  of  the  lower  grinders 
has  not  cylindrical,  but  conical  convexities,  narrowing  very  much  up- 
wards. These  convex  portions  are  three  in  number  in  the  last  grinder, 
and  two  in  the  two  next.  Towards  their  base,  their  curve  becomes 
double ;  that  is  to  say,  that  they  are  convex,  not  only  transversely,  but 


in  every  direction ;  and  their  base  is  without  any  collar-like  projection. 
These  remarks  are  chiefly  applicable  to  the  three  last  grinders  :  the  others 
are  different  in  every  respect. 

The  last  of  these,  that  which  precedes  the  antepenultimate,  has  three 
slight  convexities  on  its  external  face,  and  three  points  on  its  crown, 
which  render  the  coronal  line  undulating.  From  this  line,  near  its  mid- 
dle, a  branch  is  given,  which  passes  towards  the  internal  face  and  there 
bifurcates.  The  next  two  have  also  three  convexities  and  three  points, 
but  their  crowns  have  not  the  branching  line;  or  if  a  little  of  it  exists  in  the 
second  of  these  teeth,  it  does  not  bifurcate.  Before  these  stands  the  one 
which  answers  to  the  first  of  the  palaotherium.  It  is  equally  simple  with 
that,  and  is  compressed,  and  generally  pointed. 

In  this  part,  in  the  pttt&atherium,  commences  the  vacant  space,  at  the 
end  of  which  is  placed  the  canine  tooth.  Neither  of  these  existed  in 
this  animal;  but,  immediately  before  the  small  molar  tooth  Inst  described 
there  are  three  incisors,  nearly  similar  to  the  preceding  tooth,  but  which 
become  more  and  more  pointed.  Hence  there  appears  to  have  been,  in 
the  lower  jaw  of  this  animal,  fourteen  grinding  and  six  incisive  teeth, 
without  any  canine  tooth  or  intervening  space. 

For  the  purpose  of  showing  the  difference  of  form  between  the  two 
kinds  of  grinders  in  this  animal,  one  of  each  is  here  figured  Plate  XXI. 
Fig.  8,  being  the  antepenultimate ;  and  Fig.  9,  the  one  before  the 
antepenultimate ;  or,  in  other  words,  Fig.  8  is  the  first  of  the  last  three 
grinders;  and  Fig.  9,  being  the  next  to  it,  is  the  last  of  the  other 

The  propriety  or  necessity,  indeed,  of  regarding  this  animal,  as  distinct 
from  any  known  genus,  will  appear  from  these  considerations.  Among 
the  pachydermata,  the  rhinoceros  and  daman  alone  are  without'  canine 
teeth ;  but  they  have  but  four  inferior  incisors,  or  they  even  want  them 
entirely ;  and  when  they  do  possess  them,  there  always  is  an  interval 
between  the  last  incisive  and  the  first  ^grinder. 


Nothing  similar  can  be  expected  to  be  found  out  of  the  class  of  pachy- 
dermata :  the  gnawers  (rosores),  the  ruminants,  the  solipeds,  all  have  the 
intervening  space.  The  ordinary  carnivorous  animals,  and  the  quadru- 
maries,  have  all  large  canine  teeth.  There  are  only  the  hedgehog  and 
the  shrew  which  manifest  any  analogy  with  this  animal,  with  respect  to 
their  teeth.  But  their  lateral  incisors  are  so  obliquely  sharp,  and  their 
canine  or  first  molar  teeth  are  so  like  incisive,  that,  without  speaking  of 
the  enormous  difference  of  size,  the  number  of  their  grinders,  and  the 
form  of  the  jaws,  are  quite  different.  It  cannot,  however,  be  denied,  that 
there  exists  some  resemblance  in  the  shape  of  the  grinders  themselves. 

In  the  lower  jaw  of  this  animal,  the  great  width  of  its  rising  branch, 
and  that  convexity  of  its  posterior  edge,  which  is  hardly  ever  seen  but  in 
the  daman  and  tapir,  are  observable.  The  coronoid  process  is  large  and 
hooked,  and  rises  very  considerably  above  the  condyle. 

The  teeth  of  the  upper  jaw  appear  to  correspond  with  those  of  the 
tower  jaw  ;  there  not  being  any  canine  tooth,  nor  any  space  between  the 
incisive  and  the  grinders.  The  greatest  correspondence  between  the 
teeth  of  this  animal  and  those  of  the  palaotherium,  is  to  be  found  in  the 
three  last  grinders,  whilst  the  others  essentially  differ. 

The  size  of  the  most  common  species  of  this  animal,  he  conjectures  to 
have  rather  exceeded  that  of  the  wild  boar.  Besides  the  remains  of 
this  species,  he  found  those  which  were  evidently  of  a  smaller  species, 
about  the  size  of  a  small  sheep,  which  he  named  A.  medium.  He  dis- 
covered the  remains  also  of  a  still  smaller  species,  in  which  the  hinder 
part  of  the  jaw,  and  particularly  the  coronoid  apophysis,  appeared  to 
differ  from  that  of  the  former  species.  This  species,  which  seems  to 
be  very  rare,  he  distinguishes  as  A.  minus.  The  examination  of  some 
remains  of  another  animal,  which  must  have  been  about  the  size  of  a 
rabbit,  led  him  to  suspect,  but  did  not  allow  him  to  determine,  that 
there  had  existed  a  smaller  species,  to  which  he  would  have  given  the 
name  of  A.  minimus. 

Having  determined  the  existence  of  three  or  four  species  in  this  genus, 
M.  Cuvier  proceeded,  with  patient  assiduity,  to  trace  out  the  remains  of 
the  other  parts  of  these  animals,  and  his  researches  were  amply  repaid. 
The  structure  of  the  hind-leg  was  the  first  object  of  inquiry. 

Besides  other  minute  peculiarities  in  the  form  of  each  particular  bone, 
dependent  on  the  general  structure  of  the  limh,  he  found  that  Ano- 
plotherium  commune  had,  to  the  hind-leg,  two  perfect  toes  articulated  with 
two  metatarsal  bones,  which  remained  distinct  and  separate  through  life. 
This  species  of  structure  is  unknown  among  living  animals;,  since  the 
ruminating  animals,  and  even  the  camel,  which  agrees  with  this  animal 
in  having  a  separation  of  the  scaphoid  and  cuboid. bones,  have  their  meta- 
tarsal bones  united  through  their  whole  length,  in  one  piece,  forming  the 
cannon-bone,  and  in  which,  however,  its  double  origin  is  not  concealed. 

The  structure  of  the  hind-foot  alone,  therefore,  would  have  been  suf- 
ficient, if  we  had' been  ignorant  of  the  peculiarities  of  the  head,  to  have 
shown,  that  this  animal  was  of  a  species  at  present  unknown.  From  the 
structure  of  this  part  it  may  also  be  seen,  that  this  animal  agreed  in  one 
respect  with  the  pachydermata,  and  in  another  with  "the  ruminants, 
with  which  it  is  connected  by  the  medium  of  the  carnel. 

From  the  thickness  and  shortness  of  these  bones,  considered  as  to  their 
length,  this  animal  may  be  concluded  to  have  been  very  large  propor- 
tioned to  its  height — a  conclusion  which  will  be  found  to  be  warranted 
by  the  proportions  of  the  bones  of  its  legs  and  thighs. 

The  investigation  respecting  the  hind  feet  of  Anoplotherium  medium^ 
was  still  more  satisfactory  than  even  that  respecting  A.  commune;  since 
a  left  foot,  forked  and  having  two  distinct  metatarsal  bones,  was  found 
almost  entire,  but  much  smaller  and  thinner  than  that  already  described. 
This  foot,  was  of  a  size  which  would  have  agreed  with  that  of  a  sheep  of 
a  middling  size;  and  though  belonging  to  the  same  genus,  appeared  to 
warrant  the  conclusion,  that  the  animal  must  have  been  taller  and  thin- 
ner, in  proportion,  thari  the  preceding  species. 

Anoplotherium  minus  appeared,  from  an  astragalus,   which  certainly 
VOL.  in.  3  E 


belonged  to  it,  to  be  about  the  size  of  a  hare,  and  to  have  agreed  in  its 
structure  with  the  feet  of  the  preceding  species. 

No  remains  of  the  hind-feet  of  Anoplotherium  minimum  were  met  with. 

A  thigh-bone  is  frequently  found  in  the  plaster  quarries,  which  differs 
from  that  of  palaotherium.  Its  upper  part  is  flatter  forwards,  the  neck 
is  less  distinct,  the  great  trochanter  is  not  raised  above  the  head,  the 
small  trochanter  is  compressed,  and  placed  entirely  on  the  inner  edge  of 
the  bone,  beneath  the  head ;  and  it  has  no  third  trochanter.  The  ge- 
neral characters  of  this  bone  were  found  to  agree  better  with  the  corre- 
sponding bone  in  the  camel,  than  with  that  of  any  other  animal ;  agree- 
ing, in  this  respect,  with  the  large  fossil  didactyle  foot  above  mentioned. 
From  the  agreement  also  of  that  foot  with  this  thigh-bone,  in  size,  he 
concludes  that  both  may  have  belonged  to  the  same ,  animal,  which  he 
doubts  not  was  Anoplotherium  commune. 

From  the  same  quarries  was  also  obtained  the  lower  head  of  an  os 
femoris,  undoubtedly  of  Anoplotherium  medium,  but  resembling  very  much 
that  of  the  antelope;  and,  from  other  characters  of  the  legs  of  this  ani- 
mal, there  is  also  reason  to  suppose  that  it  possessed,  all  the  lightness  of 
the  antelope. 

These  quarries  also  supplied  him  with  the  tibiae  of  A,  magnum,  A. 
commune,  and  A.  minus.  Besides  these,  M.  Cuvier  found  a  tibia,  which 
appeared  to  be  intermediate  between  that  of  the  A.  commune  and  A.  me- 
dium,  the  species  of  which  is  not  yet  determined. 

These  animals,  as  well  as  the  palaotheria,  had  a  complete  and  dis- 
tinct fibula,  in  which  they  agree  with  the  whole  of  the  class  of  pa- 
chydermata :  but,  in  these  animals,  this  bone  is  distinguishable  by  its 
lower  head  haying  two  articular  faces;  one  for  the  astragalus,  and  the 
other  for  the  os  calcis. 

Three  carpal,  and  some  metacarpal  bones,  which  were  found  in  dif- 
ferent stones,  appeared  to  be  more  or  less  analogous  with  those  of  a  hog. 
A  nice  and  careful  comparison,  however,  made  it  appear  that  these 
feones  possessed  an  intermediate  place  between  those  of  the  hog  and  some 


of  the  other  pachydermata  on  one  side,  and  those  of  the  ruminating 
animals  on  the  other.  On  referring  to  the  hind-foot  of  Anoplotherium 
commune,  which  he  found  to  occupy  a  similar  place  between  the  pachy- 
dermata and  ruminating  animals,  he  was  led  to  conclude  that  this  fore- 
foot belonged  to  the  same  animal ;  a  conjecture  in  which  he  was  com- 
pletely confirmed,  by  the  examination  of  another  specimen.  From  the 
examination  of  other  fragments,  he  had  also  the  satisfaction  of  making 
out,  that  the  bones  of  which  they  were  composed  had  formed  the  fore- 
foot of  Anoplotherium  minus. 

He  thus  obtained  the  parts  of  at  least  three  fore-feet,  answering  to 
the  three  hind-feet,  and  to  the  sorts  of  jaws  before  described.  He  was 
not  so  successful  as  to  Anoplotherium  minimum ;  he  however  found  suffi- 
cient reason  for  exultation,  at  having  been  able  to  carry  his  discoveries 
thus  far,  considering  the  difficulty  of  such  investigations.  The  reader, 
he  observes,  may  form  an  idea  of  it,  when  he  learns,  that  it  required  six 
years  to  collect  and  combine  the  materials  of  the  inquiry  respecting  the 
fore-feet  of  this  genus. 

In  the  former  part  of  this  letter,  you  will  have  observed  that  two 
distinct  sets  of  bones  of  the  upper  extremities  were  found,  in  one  set  of 
which  the  radius  had  two  depressions,  and  the  lower  head  of  the  hu- 
merus  two  corresponding  eminences,  and  in  the  other  the  radius  had 
three  depressions,  and  the  corresponding  surface  of  the  humerus  three 
eminences.  The  former  of  these  were  determined  to  belong  to  the  genus 
Palaotherium ;  and  a  very  careful  investigation  determined,  that  the  lat- 
ter set  belonged  to  the  genus  Anoplotherium*  No  specimens  of  the  ulna 
were  found  sufficiently  perfect  to  allow  of  any  satisfactory  comparisons. 

The  scapula,  mentioned  in  the  former  part  of  this  letter  as  belonging 
to  the  animals  of  this  genus,  possessed  an  acromion ;  the  spine  projecting 
more  in  the  fore  part  than  in  the  rest  of  its  length,  gives  out  an  isolated 
production,  which  is  also  directed  forwards.  A  curious  agreement  here 
offers  itself  to  our  observation.  The  pachydermata  and  the  solipeds  have 
no  trace  of  an  acromion;  and  in  the  ruminants,  although  the  spine  pro- 


jects  most  in  its  fore  part,  it  is  there  suddenly  truncated.  It  is  only  in 
the  genus  Camel  that  an  exception  has  been  found,  the  fore  and  outer 
angle  of  the  spine  being  here  prolonged  into  a  true  acromion ;  and  which 
is,  indeed,  more  strongly  marked  in  the  lama  than  in  the  camel  and  dro- 
medary. This  agreement  with  the  camel  in  this  respect,  corresponding 
with  those  resemblances  which  have  been  noticed  in  several  other  bones 
of  this  genus,  assist  in  determining  this  scapula  to  belong  to  the  genus 

Fragments  of  a  pelvis  obtained  from  this  quarry,  and  which  resembled, 
in  different  points,  that  of  the  camel  and  of  the  tapir,  are  referred  by  M. 
Cuvier  to  this  genus. 

Eight  years  were  passed  in  the  examination  of  different  specimens 
from  the  Paris  quarries,  in  which  M.  Cuvier  obtained  only  separate 
bones,  and  in  which  he  had  not  obtained  any  specimen  which  would 
positively  confirm  the  disposition  he  had  made  of  the  two  sets  of  feet  with 
the  two  sets  of  jaws.  At  last,  he  was  so  fortunate  as  to  obtain  two  ske- 
letons, almost  complete,  ^.Anoplotherium  commune,  which  confirmed,  be- 
yond conjecture,  the  arrangements  which  he  had  before  made,  of  the 
detached  bones,  and  which  have  been  here  adopted. 

The  first  was  contained  in  several  large  stones  from  the  quarry  of 
Montmartre,  and  appeared  to  have  been  the  entire  skeleton  of  an  animal 
of  the  size  of  a  small  horse.  The  parts  which  M.  Cuvier  obtained  were, 
a  portion  of  the  tail,  the  pelvis,  ribs,  two  thirds  of  the  os  femoris,  and 
'some  scattered  bones  of  the  hind-foot,  with  the  two  jaws.  One  side  only 
of  the  skeleton  was  preserved,  as  is  the  case  with  all  those  of  the  large 
animals  in  these  quarries;  being  that,  M.  Cuvier  supposes,  on  which 
the  animal  lay,  the  upper  side  being  detached  and  removed  before  it  be- 
came incrusted  with  the  stone.  It  appears  also,  that  in  this  interval, 
the  fore  extremity  and  a  part  of  the  hinder  of  the  remaining  side  had 
been  carried  away,  perhaps  by  some  voracious  animals,  it  being  very 
plain,  that  the  lower  part  of  the  os  femoris  had  been  carried  away  before 
it  had  been  incrusted. 

In  complete  confirmation  of  the  propriety  of  the  previous  arrange- 
ment which  had  been  made  of  the  separate  bones,  this  specimen 
showed  that  the  number  of  ribs  was  twelve,  again  pointing  out  that 
analogy  with  the  camel  which  had  been  already  seen  in  several  of 
the  other  bones.  But  the  most  novel,  and  at  the  same  time  the  most 
unexpected  character,  demonstrated  by  this  specimen,  was,  the  vast  mag- 
nitude of  the  tail,  which  had  at  least  twenty-two  vertebrae,  and  which 
equalled,  if  it  did  not  even  surpass,  the  body  in  length.  From  the  thick- 
ness of  its  vertebrae,  and  the  projection  of  their  apophyses,  it  is  evident 
that  the  muscles  of  the  tail  must  also  have  been  of  considerable  size ;  and 
indeed  the  traces  left  on  the  stone  give  reason  for  concluding  that  the 
thickness  of  the  tail  of  this  animal  must  have  been  as  enormous  as  its 

Soon  after  making  the  necessary  remarks  on  the  preceding  specimen, 
M.  Cuvier  obtained  part  of  a  second  skeleton  of  the  same  animal,  found 
in  the  quarries  of  Antony.  The  quarries  of  this  part  are  nearly  a  hun- 
dred feet  under  ground,  and  descend  at  least  fifty  or  sixty  feet  under  the 
river  de  Bievre.  The  principal  mass  of  gypsum,  which  occupies  the  bot- 
tom of  the  quarry,  is  about  eight  feet  thick,  and  is  covered  by  a  great 
number  of  beds  of  different  kinds  of  marl,  intermixed  with  some  small 
beds  of  gypsum,  in  one  of  which  this  skeleton  was  found. 

From  this  skeleton,  also,  much  important  information  was  obtained 
respecting  this  animal;  particularly,  that -the  number  of  incisive  teeth  is 
six :  the  lumbar  vertebrae  also  six ;  the  transverses  processe  of  which, 
particularly  of  the  four  last,  being  extremely  long  and  wide :  the  sacral 
vertebras  three,  all  very  strong,  and  provided  with  very  large  apophyses, 
such  as  would  have  been  necessary  for  supporting  the  enormous  tail  of 
this  animal.  The  fore-foot  was  also  found  almost  whole,  and  possessed 
precisely  the  characters  which  had  been  supposed,  from  a  view  of  the 
separate  bones. 

When  the  complicated  form  of  a  vertebra,  with  its  various  cavities  and 


projections,  is  attended  to,  it  must  be  plainly  seen,  that  few  of  these 
bones,  when  found,  can  be  extricated  from  their  stony  matrix,  but  with 
so  much  injury,  as  can  hardly  fail  to  destroy  those  parts,  the  examination 
of  which  is  necessary  to  the  determination  of  their  characters.  The 
skeletons  already  noticed,  and  particularly  the  two  skeletons  of  the  Ano- 
plotherium,  furnished  M.  Cuvier  with  that  information,  however,  which 
rendered  his  subsequent  examination  of  the  separate  vertebra  more  satis- 
factory than  it  would  otherwise  have  been. 

There  appears  to  be  no  room  for  doubting,  that  in  the  Anoplotherium 
commune,  there  were  seven  vertebrae  in  the  neck,  twelve  or  thirteen  in 
the  back,  six  in  the  loins,  three  in  the  sacrum,  and  twenty-two  in  the 
tail.  The  number  of  those  in  the  trunk  agree  with  the  greatest  part  of 
the  ruminants ;  but  those  of  the  tail  are  much  more  numerous  than  are 
in  general  seen  in  this  tribe :  the  kanguroo  approaches  the  nearest  in 
this  respect,  but  it  has  only  nineteen. 

In  the  lumbar  vertebrae  of  this  animal,  the  anterior  articular  apophyses 
are  hooked,  by  which  they  embrace  the  posterior  apophyses  of  the  pre- 
ceding vertebrae ;  a  species  of  structure  which  exists,  more  or  less,  in  the 
ruminants  and  in  the  hog,  but  not  in  the  horse  or  tapir.  A  curiously 
formed  inferior  spinous  apophysis  is  observable  on  some  of  these  ver- 
tebrae ;  respecting  the  use  of  which,  M.  Cuvier  hesitatingly  queries — 
"  Were  the  inferior  muscles  of  the  great  tail,  which  characterizes  this 
animal,  inserted  there  ?"  The  angular  bones  were  of  considerable  size 
in  this  extraordinary  animal,  showing  that  the  muscles  of  the  tail  were 
exceedingly  powerful. 

In  addition  to  these  animals,  he  obtained  from  these  quarries  half  the 
jaw  of  a  small  carnivorous  animal,  and  was  much  surprised  at  finding 
that,  of  the  genus  Canis,  to  which  it  appeared  to  belong,  not  the  jaw  of 
any  species  agreed  with  it.  It  appears  therefore  probable,  that  this  car- 
nivorous animal,  like  the  herbivorous  we  have  been  describing,  is  of  a 
species  at  present  unknown.  This  would  be  certain,  if  the  skeletons 


of  some  species,  such  as  the  Isatis,  chacal  du  Cap,  had  been  examined. 
An  astragalus  was  also  found  of  some  carnivorous  animal,  and  which 
was  a  third  smaller  than  it  should  be,  to  accord  with  the  jaw  just  men- 
tioned. Remains  of  tortoises,  lacertae,  and  of  other  animals,  have  also 
been  found  in  these  quarries. 

It  is  a  most  important  remark  of  M.  Cuvier,  that  in  a  country  so  ex- 
tensive as  that  in  which  the  quarries  exist,  and  which  reach  more  than 
twenty  leagues  from  East  to  West,  hardly  any  bones  have  been  found 
but  of  one  family,  the  pachydermata ;  and  that  the  small  number  of 
species  not  of  this  family  should  be  there  so  extremely  rare. 

Looking  at  the  actual  state  of  the  globe,  we  find,  as  M.  Cuvier  ob- 
serves, that  the  countries  which  constitute  the  two  great  continents, 
taking,  for  example,  the  different  countries  of  Europe  and  America,  are 
inhabited  by  all  the  families  of  quadrupeds,  according  to  the  latitude  and 
the  nature  of  the  soil,  &c. 

But  it  is  not  so  in  the  large  islands ;  and  New  Holland,  in  particular, 
may,  by  its  actual  state,  teach  us  what  may  have  been  the  state  of  the 
country  which  was  inhabited  by  the  fossil  animals  of  these  quarries.  Five 
sixths  of  the  quadrupeds  of  New  Holland  belong  to  one  family  only,  Pe- 
dimanes,  or  marsupial  quadrupeds.  This  extensive,  but  insulated  region, 
shows  us  therefore,  in  the  proportion  of  the  several  families  of  quadru- 
peds which  inhabit  it,  something  very  similar  to  what  existed  formerly 
in  the  countries  which  were  inhabited  by  the  animals  of  these  quarries. 
In  New  Holland,  besides  the  marsupial  animals,  a  wild  dog,  two  species 
of  rats,  and  some  bats  only,  have  been  found ;  and  in  these  quarries  one 
carnivorous  animal  only  has  been  found,  and  eight  pachydermata. 

The  following  recapitulation,  by  M.  Cuvier,  of  the  history  of  fossil 
bones  of  pachydermata,  found  in  alluvial  soil,  is,  I  conceive,  suffi- 
ciently interesting,  to  authorize  my  placing  it  before  you  without  abridge- 

"The  loose  soil  which  fills  the  bottom  of  valleys,  and  which  covers  the 
surface  of  large  plains,  has  furnished  us,  in  the  order  of  Pachydermata, 


the  bones  of  eleven  species :  a  rhinoceros,  two  hippopotamuses,  two  tapirs, 
an  elephant,  and  five  mastodons. 

"  All  these  eleven  species  are  at  the  present  day  absolutely  strangers  to 
the  climates  in  which  their  bones  are  thus  found. 

"  The  five  mastodons  only  can  be  considered  as  forming  a  genus  distinct 
and  unknown,  but  near  to  that  of  the  elephant. 

"  All  the  others  belong  to  genera  at  present  still  existing  in  the  torrid 
zone.  Three  of  these  genera  are  only  found  in  the  ancient  continent  r 
the  rhinoceros,  the  hippopotamus,  and  the  elephant :  the  genus  tapir  exists 
only  in  the  new. 

"  These  species,  belonging  to  known  genera,  sensibly  differ,  never- 
theless, from  the  known  species,  and  ought  to  be  considered  as  parti-, 
cular  species,  and  not  as  mere  varieties. 

"  This  cannot  be  liable  to  the  least  contest,  as  to  the  small  Hippopotamus' 
and  the  gigantic  tapir. 

"  It  is  also  very  certain,  as  to  the  fossil  rhinoceros.  As  to  the  elephant  and 
fossil  tapir,  it  is  less  evident ;  there  are,  however,  more  than  sufficient 
reasons  to  convince  the  experienced  anatomist. 

"  Lastly,  the  large  hippopotamus  is  the  only  one  of  the  eleven  fossil  qua- 
drupeds, of  which  there  are  not  pieces  sufficient  to  enable  us  to  say  po- 
sitively whether  it  differs  or  not  from  that  which  now  exists. 

"  Of  the  eleven  species,  one  only,  the  great  mastodon  (mammoth)  had 
been  known  before  my  labours,  as  a  lost  animal :  two  others,  the  rhi- 
noceros and  elephant,  had  been  well  ascertained  as  to  their  genera;  but  I 
am  the  first  who  gave,  with  exactness,  their  specific  differences:  seven, 
the  small  hippopotamus^  the  two  tapirs,  and  the  four  smallest  sized  masto- 
dons,  were  entirely  unknown  before  my  researches :  lastly,  the  eleventh, 
the  great  hippopotamus,  which  remains  as  yet  the  subject  of  some  doubts." 

When  you  add  to  these  the  eight  pachydermata  found  by  this  accurate 
investigator  in  the  gypsum  quarries,  you  will  doubtlessly  rejoice  with  me, 
that  such  industry  and  well  applied  perseverance  should  have  been  re- 
warded with  so  much  success. 


From  these  facts  he  deduces  the  following  inferences. 

"  These  different  bones  are  buried  almost  every  where,  in  nearly  similar 
beds :  they  are  often  blended  with  some  other  animals  resembling  those 
of  the  present  day. 

"  These  beds  are  generally  loose,  either  sandy  or  marly ;  and  always 
neighbouring,  more  or  less,  to  the  surface. 

"  It  is  then  probable,  that  these  bones  have  been  enveloped  by  the  last, 
or  by  one  of  the  last  catastrophes  of  this  globe. 

"  In  a  great  number  of  places  they  are  accompanied  by  the  accumu- 
lated remains  of  marine  animals;  but  in  some  places,  which  are  less 
numerous,  there  are  none  of  these  remains :  sometimes  the  sand  or  marl, 
which  covers  them,  contains  only  fresh-water  shells. 

"  No  well  authenticated  account  proves  that  they  have  been  covered 
by  regular  beds  of  stone,  filled  with  sea  shells ;  and,  consequently,  that 
the  sea  has  remained  on  them,  undisturbed,  for  a  long  period. 

"  The  catastrophe  which  covered  them  was,  therefore,  a  great,  but 
transient  inundation  of  the  sea.  / 

"  This  inundation  did  not  rise  above  the  high  mountains ;  for  we  find  no 
analogous  deposits  covering  the  bones,  nor  are  the  bones  themselves  there 
met  with,  not  even  in  the  high  vallies,  unless  in  some  in  the  warmer  parts 
of  America. 

"  These  bones  are  neither  rolled  nor  joined  in  a  skeleton,  but  scattered, 
and  in  part  fractured.  They  have  not  then  been  brought  from  afar  by 
inundation,  but  found  by  it  in  the  places  where  it  has  covered  them,  as 
might  be  expected,  if  the  animals  to  which  they  belonged  had  dwelt  in 
these  places,  and  had  there  successively  died. 

"  Before  this  catastrophe,  these  animals  lived,  therefore,  in  the  climates 
in  which  we  now  dig  up  their  bones :  it  was  this  catastrophe  which 
destroyed  them  there ;  and,  as  we  no  longer  find  them,  it  is  evident  that 
it  has  annihilated  those  species.  The  northern  parts  of  the  globe,  there- 
fore, nourished  formerly  species  belonging  to  the  genus  elephant,  hippo- 

VOL.   III.  3f 


potamus,  rhinoceros,  and  tapir,  as  well  as  to  mastodon,  genera  of  which  the 
four  first  have  no  longer  any  species  existing,  except  in  the  torrid  zone ; 
and  of  the  last,  none  in  any  part." 

Nevertheless,  there  is  nothing  to  authorize  the  belief,  that  the  species 
of  the  torrid  zone  have  descended  from  the  ancient  animals  of  the  North, 
which  have  been  gradually  or  suddenly  transported  towards  the  equator. 
They  are  not  the  same ;  and  we  may  see,  by  the  examination  of  the 
most  ancient  mummies,  that  no  established  fact  authorizes  the  belief  of 
changes  so  great  as  those  which  must  be  assumed  for  such  a  transforma- 
tion, especially  in  wild  animals. 

Nor  is  there  any  strict  proof  that  the  temperature  of  the  northern 
climates  have  changed  since  this  epoch.  The  fossil  species  do  not  differ 
less  from  the  living,  than  certain  northern  animals  differ  from  their  co- 
genera  of  the  south :  the  isatis  of  Siberia,  for  example  ( canis  lagopus), 
from  the  chacal  of  India  and  of  Africa  (canis  aureus).  They  therefore 
ought  to  have  belonged  to  much  colder  climates. 




1  HE  sloths,  of  which  there  are  but  two  species,  the  Ai,  Bradypus  tri- 
dactylus ;  and  the  Unau,  Eradypus  didactylus ;  form  the  only  genus  which 
M.  Dumeril  has  placed  in  the  family  of  Tardigradi.  Linnaeus  has  dis- 
posed these  animals  under  the  genus  Bradypus,  in  the  order  Bruta.  The 
fossil  remains  which  are  here  to  be  noticed  will  be  found  to  approximate 
not  only  to  these  animals,  but  also  to  the  ant-eaters,  the  next  genus, 
Myrmecophaga,  in  the  order  Bruta,  of  Linnaeus;  and  the  first  in  the 
family  of  Edentuli,  of  Dumeril. 

The  osteology  of  the  sloth  is  particularly  interesting,  not  merely  from 
the  explanation  it  affords  of  the  singular  circumstances  resulting  from 
the  economy  of  these  animals,  but  also  from  the  information  which  it 
enables  us  to  obtain  respecting  the  nature  of  the  Megatherium  of  Para- 
guay, and  of  the  Megalonir  of  Virginia.  Influenced  by  these  considera- 
tions, Cuvier  availed  himself  of  the  opportunities  of  examination  which 
he  possessed,  and  published  an  account  of  the  observations  which  he 
thus  made.  Ann  du  Mus.  Toniev.  p.  189. 

Of  the  sloths,  he  observes :  We  find  in  them  so  little  agreement  with 
ordinary  animals — the  general  laws  of  organized  bodies  at  present  exist- 
ing apply  so  little  to  them — the  different  parts  of  their  bodies  seem  to  be 
so  much  in  contradiction  to  the  rules  of  co-existence  which  we  find  esta- 


Wished  in  all  the  rest  of  the  animal  kingdom,  that  one  might  really  be- 
lieve that  they  are  the  remains  of  another  order  of  things,  the  living 
relicts  of  that  pre-existing  state,  whose  other  wrecks  we  can  only  dis- 
cover in  the  interior  of  the  earth ;  and  that  they  have  escaped  by  some 
miracle  from  those  catastrophes  which  have  destroyed  their  cotemporary 

In  this  animal,  the  result  of  every  singularity  of  organization  seems  to 
be  only  weakness  and  imperfection  ;  and  the  inconveniencies  which  they 
occasion  to  the  animal  seem  not  to  be  compensated  by  any  advantage. 
The  name  of  the  animal  is  derived  from  the  plaintive  cry  which  he 
makes  whilst  moving,  it  sounds  like  the  word  Ai,  and  is  repeated  six 
times  in-  an  ascending  musical  series. 

A  single  glance  at  the  proportions  arid  the  singular  structure  of  par- 
ticular parts  of  the  A'i  (Bradypus  Tridactylus,  Linn.)  will  sufficiently 
evince  the  propriety  of  these  remarks.  The  arm  and  fore  arm,  taken 
together,  are  nearly  twice  as  long  as  the  leg  and  thigh ;  so  that  when 
the  animal  would  walk  on  all  four,  it  is  obliged  to  trail  along  on  its 
elbows.  The  pelvis  is  so  wide,  and  the  cotyloid  cavities  turned  so  back- 
wards, that  it  cannot  bring  the  knees  together,  but  is  obliged  to  keep  the 
thighs  wide  asunder.  Animals,  in  general,  receive  their  chief  impulse 
from  the  hind  feet;  good  runners,  as  hares,  having  their  hind  feet  long: 
but  the  long  fore  feet  can  only  serve,  as  in  the  crab,  to  impede  their  pro- 
gress :  hence  the  sloths  can  only  employ  them  to  cling  by,  and  to  draw 
after  them  the  hinder  parts  of  their  bodies. 

This  extremely  wide  pelvis  differs  from  that  of  other  animals,  in  the 
os  sacrum  having  a  second  union  with  the  other  bones  of  the  pelvis ;  it 
being  joined  with  the  tuberosity  of  the  ischium,  and  thereby  leaving 
only  an  opening  instead  of  the  great  ischiatic  notch.  This  latter  struc- 
ture is  only  observable  in  Didelphus  ursina,  of  Shaw. 

In  the  articulation  of  the  hind  feet,  it  appears  as  if  it  was  intended  to 
prevent  the  animal  from  having  any  power  of  using  them.  Instead  of 
the  articulation  with  the  astragalus  being  a  ginglymus,  allowing  the  foot 


to  bend  on  the  leg,  there  exists  a  conical  pit  in  the  top  of  the  astragalus, 
in  which  the  extremity  of  the  fibula  is  inserted,  like  a  pivot,  the  foot 
turning  round  like  a  vane  on  its  staff.  Added  to  this,  when  the  leg  is 
vertical,  the  foot  is  nearly  in  a  similar  direction,  standing  on  its  edge,  so 
that  the  animal  cannot  place  the  soal  of  the  foot  on  the  ground,  but 
by  stretching  out  the  leg  until  it  has  placed  it  in  almost  a  horizontal 

The  toes  of  the  animal  are  inclosed,  quite  to  the  nails,  in  a  stiff  skin, 
which  will  allow  only  of  their  being  bent  and  straightened  all  together. 
And  to  add  to  its  difficulty  in  motion,  several  bones,  which,  in  other  ani- 
mals, are  always  distinct,  are  here  joined  together.  Thus  the  first  pha- 
langes of  all  the  feet  are  united  to  the  bones  of  the  metacarpus  and  me- 
tatarsus. In  this  manner  one  bone  fills  the  place  of  eleven,  or  even  of 
seventeen.  The  nails,  which  are  of  an  enormous  length,  are  bent,  when 
the  animal  does  not  use  them,  under  the  foot,  with  their  convex  side 
towards  the  ground. 

The  nails  are  of  a  monstrous  length,  and  are  weapons  which,  by  ena- 
bling the  animal  to  defend  himself  with  considerable  success,  may  be 
regarded  as  the  only  compensation  for  the  disadvantages  of  the  rest  of  its 
organization.  But  these  animals,  unable  to  draw  back  their  nails,  as 
the  cats  do,  are  obliged  to  curve  them  underneath,  when  they  do  not 
use  them,  and  thus  place  their  convex  surfaces  downwards.  As  in  cats, 
so  in  the  sloths,  each  claw  is  set,  and  retained  in  a  bony  glove-like 
sheath ;  but  in  the  cats  the  upper  part  of  this  sheath  is  most  advanced ; 
whilst  in  the  sloths,  the  lowest  part  is  most  forward. 

In  the  Ai,  different  from  all  other  quadrupeds,  are  nine  vertebrae;  an 
extraordinary  singularity,  characteristic  of  this  particular  species,  and  not 
an  accidental  or  monstrous  formation.  Thus  in  the  same  genus  exists 
a  most  essential  difference  of  structure. 

The  sloths,  different  from  other  animals,  have  no  incisors.  In  the 
Ai,  those  teeth  which  might  be  regarded  as  the  canine  teeth,  are  not 
pointed,  but  are  rubbed  down  obliquely :  the  upper  ones  backwards,  and 


the  lower  ones  at  the  sides.  The  teeth  are  most  simple  in  their  construc- 
tion ;  being  a  cylinder  of  bone,  surrounded  by  an  envelope  of  enamel, 
and  hollowed  at  each  end;  at  the  outer  end  by  detitrion,  and  at  the 
inner  by  defect  of  ossification.  The  enamel  not  entering  into  the  body 
of  the  tooth,  and  the  laminae  of  osseous  matter  being  ill  connected,  and 
consequently  not  firm,  mastication  must  have  been  very  imperfect. 

The  zygomatic  arch  would  distinguish  these  animals  from  all  others. 
The  zygomatic  apophysis  of  the  temporal  bone  does  not  join  that  of  the 
jugal  malar,  a  considerable  space  existing  between  them ;  they  both  being 
disposed  in  such  a  direction,  as  never  would  allow  them  to  unite.  But 
a  circumstance  still  more  extraordinary  is,  that  from  the  inferior  edge  of 
the  zygomatic  apophysis  of  the  os  jugale,  a  long  apophysis  descends 
obliquely,  almost,  to  the  lower  edge  of  the  under  jaw. 

In  the  above  digressive  sketch,  the  more  striking  peculiarities  in  the 
bones  of  these  animals  are  only  noticed,  as  that  will  prove  sufficient  to 
allow  of  judging  of  the  degree  of  affinity  between  them  and  the  fossil  re- 
mains, to  the  examination  of  which  we  shall  now  proceed. 

The  substratum  in  the  Western  part  of  Virginia,  beyond  the  blue 
ridge,  is  a  lime-stone,  abounding  with  large  caverns,  the  earthy  floors 
of  which  are  impregnated  with  nitre.  In  digging  the  floor  of  one 
of  these  caves,  in  the  county  of  Green-briar,  the  labourers,  at  the 
depth  of  two  or  three  feet,  came  to  some  bones,  belonging  to  some 
animal  which  was  to  them  unknown.  The  bones  were,  1.  A  frag- 
ment  of  a  femur,  the  two  condyles  being  nearly  entire ;  2.  A  radius, 
perfect;  3.  An  ulna,  broken  in  two;  4.  Three  claws,  and  half  a  do- 
zen other  bones  of  the  feet.  Mr.  Jefferson,  to  whom  we  are  obliged 
for  the  account  of  these  curious  remains,  considered  himself  as  not  pos- 
sessed of  sufficient  data  to  allow  him  to  approximate  these  remains  nearer 
to  any  existing  animal,  than  by  considering  it  as  one  of  the  unguiculated 
quadrupeds.  Assuming,  then,  the  lion,  as  the  largest  of  the  quadrupeds 
of  this  family,  he  considered  it  as  the  fittest  animal  with  the  bones  of 
which  he  might  compare  the  bones  of  the  megalonyx.  But  so  large  is 


the  claw  of  this  animal  (seven  inches  and  a  half),  that,  as  Mr.  Jefferson 
justly  observes,  if  we  were  to  estimate  the  size  of  this  animal  by  a  com- 
parison of  its  claw  with  that  of  the  lion,  on  the  principle  of  ex  pede  her- 
culem,  it  would  give  us  a  being  out  of  the  limits  of  nature  *. 

From  comparisons,  however,  made  with  a  fair  attention  to  every  con- 
sideration, he  was  induced  to  conclude  that  he  might  safely  say,  "  That 
this  animal  was  three  times  as  large  as  the  lion ;  that  he  stood  as  pre- 
eminently at  the  head  of  the  column  of  clawed  animals,  as  the  mam- 
moth stood  at  the  head  of  the  elephant,  rhinoceros,  and  hippopotamus ; 
and  that  he  may  have  been  as  formidable  an  antagonist  to  the  mam- 
moth, as  the  lion  to  the  elephant. 

Dr.  Wistar,  professor  of  anatomy  in  the  university  of  Pennsylvania, 
gave,  in  the  same  volume,  a  description  of  the  preceding  bones,  to  which 
he  subjoined  some  illustrative  observations.  After  having  carefully  exa- 
mined these  bones,  almost  in  every  point  of  view,  Dr.  Wistar  concluded 
that  there  seemed  to  be  some  analogy  between  the  feet  of  this  fossil  ani- 
mal and  those  of  the  bradypus.  Having,  however,  no  opportunity  of  any 
other  comparison  with  this  animal  than  by  the  description  given  of  it  by 
M.  Daubenton,  he  could  riot  come  to  any  decided  opinion  as  to  the 
degree  of  affinity.  An  unguis,  described  by  M.  Daubenton,  and  which 
had  been  presented  by  M.  de  la  Condamine,  as  having  belonged  to  a 
large  species  of  sloth,  seemed  strongly,  from  its  agreement  in  size,  to 
confirm  the  affinity.  This  claw,  though  not  entire,  measured  in  length, 
round  its  convexity,  six  inches ;  and  in  breadth,  at  its  base,  an  inch  and 
a  half  f. 

Both  Dr.  Wistar  and  Mr.  Jefferson  were  disposed  to  doubt  that  any 
similarity  existed  between  these  fossil  bones  and  those  of  the  mega- 
therium found  at  Paraguay ;  but  for  want  of  a  good  plate,  or  a  full  de- 
scription of  the  latter  skeleton,  they  considered  themselves  as  unable  to 
decide  on  the  subject. 

*  Transactions  of  the  American  Philosophical  Society,  Vol.  IV.  p.  246. 
f  Ibid.    Vol.  iv.  p.  526. 


Faujas  St.  Fond,  speaking  of  the  megatherium,  refers  these  bones, 
found  at  Virginia,  to  a  similar  animal,  differing  only  in  size,  saying  that 
the  remains  of  animals  of  the  same  species,  but  of  a  much  less  size,  have 
been  found  in  North  America,  and  described  by  Mr.  Jefferson. 

Furnished  with  the  necessary  knowledge  by  the  anatomical  examina- 
tions referred  to  in  the  preceding  part  of  this  letter,  and  assisted  by  plas- 
ter casts  of  the  American  bones,  described  by  Mr.  Jefferson,  and  by  two 
bones,  and  particularly  by  a  tooth,  with  the  examination  of  which  he  was 
favoured  by  M.  Palisat  de  Beauvois,  who  had  obtained  them  from  the 
same  cavern  which  had  supplied  those  described  by  Mr.  Jefferson, 
M.  Cuvier  was  enabled  to  determine  that  these  fossil  bones  were  the 
remains  of  an  animal  of  a  species  of  sloth  (Bradypus)  hitherto  unknown. 

Their  agreement  with  the  bones  of  the  sloth,  or  of  the  neighbouring 
genus  the  ant-eater,  appears  to  be  confirmed  by  the  following  charac- 
teristic circumstances.  The  articular  face  of  the  last  phalanx,  or  ungual 
bone,  has  in  its  middle  a  well  marked  ridge,  which  considerably  straight- 
ens the  ginglimus  with  the  adjoining  bone.  'This  is  in  perfect  agree- 
ment with  what  occurs  in  the  sloths  and  the  ant-eaters ;  whilst,  in  the 
animals  of  the  genus  fells,  or  cat  kind,  the  joints  of  the  toes  are  more 
free,  and  this  ridge  is  nearly  effaced. 

The  upper  part  of  this  surface  is  prolonged  farther  backward  than  the 
lower ;  hence,  the  last  bone  could  only  be  extended  in  a  right  line :  it 
consequently  could  not  be  turned  backwards  with  its  point  upwards,  as 
in  the  cat  kind;  but  might  have  been  bent  entirely  underneath,  with  its 
cpnvex  part  downwards,  as  in  the  sloths  and  ant-eaters.  From  these, 
and  indeed  other  concurrent  circumstances,  it  seems  to  be  fair  to  con- 
clude that  this  ungual  bone  was  that  of  a  sloth  ;  but  two  other  ungual 
bones,  probably  of  the  same  foot,  were  found  to  differ  in  size  from  the 
former  bone,  as  well  as  from  each  other.  In  this  they  differ  both  from 
the  sloths  and  the  cat  kind,  which  have  their  nails  nearly  equal,  and 
agree  with  the  ant-eaters,  in  which  the  nails  are  very  unequal.  In  the 
other  bones  of  this  finger,  a  perfect  accordance  is  observable;  and  still 


further  evidence  appears  of  the  animal  having  been  of  the  nature  which 
had  been  supposed  from  the  appearance  of  the  ungual  bone. 

A  puzzling  circumstance  occurred  with  respect  to  a  metacarpal  bone, 
answering  to  the  ring-finger,  which  appeared  to  be  half  as  long  again  as 
the  metacarpal  bone  of  the  next,  the  middle  finger.  The  explanation 
of  this  singularity  appeared  to  be  truly  difficult.  In  the  sloths,  hetero- 
clites  as  they  are  in  other  respects,  nothing  similar  appeared.  In  the 
engraving  of  the  skeleton  of  the  megatherium,  the  same  peculiarity  was 
however  found  to  be  depicted. 

It  therefore  now  appeared  not  to  be  an  accidental  or  monstrous  con- 
formation, and  consequently  something  analogous  might  be  expected 
to  be  found  among  the  living  animals.  This  indeed  was  found  to  be  the 
case.  In  the  Myrmecophaga  jubata,  one  of  the  family  of  ant-eaters,  the 
metatarsal  of  the  middle  finger  is  more  thick  and  short  than  all  the 
others ;  that  of  the  index  is  a  little  longer  and  thinner,  and  that  of  the 
ring  and  of  the  little  finger  much  more  so. 

From  a  pit  on  the  outside  of  the  metacarpal  bone  of  the  index,  there 
appears  reason  for  believing  that  a  metacarpal  bone  of  the  thumb  had 
existed  in  this  animal.  In  the  fore-foot  of  the  megalonix,  therefore, 
there  would  have  been  two  complete  fingers,  the  index  and  the  middle 
fingers :  and  besides  these,  the  vestiges,  at  least,  of  three  more.  But 
one  of  these  three,  at  least,  was  more  than  a  vestige,  since  there  was  a 
third  ungual  bone,  which  in  all  probability  was  that  of  the  annulare. 

The  examination  of  the  radius  and  of  the  ulna  gave  reason  for  con- 
cluding that  they  also  had  belonged  to  an  animal  of  the  sloth  kind,  and 
appeared  perfectly  to  accord  with  the  preceding  bones  of  the  fore-foot. 

From  the  information  yielded  by  the  examination  of  the  preceding 
bones,  no  doubt  could  exist  of  their  having  belonged  to  an  animal  which 
might  be  considered  as  either  belonging  to  the  sloths  or  ant-eaters.  In 
determining  under  which  of  these  genera  the  megalonix  should  be  placed,, 
the  tooth  which  had  been  obtained  by  M.  de  Beauvois  was  entirely  de- 
cisive, since  the  ant-eaters  have  no  teeth  at  all.  An  examination  of  this 

VOL.  in.  3o 


tooth  showed  also,  that  it  was  certainly  that  of  a  sloth ;  it  possessing  the 
same  simplicity  of  structure,  and  the  same  hollow  in  its  middle,  pro- 
duced by  attrition  on  the  central  bony  part  of  the  tooth. 

If  the  living  analogue  of  this  fossil  animal  existed,  it  could  hardly, 
from  the  vastness  of  its  size,  have  been  hitherto  concealed.  The  bones 
of  its  fore-arm  are  about  a  sixth  longer  than  those  of  a  common  ox;  and 
supposing  that  the  other  parts  possessed  at  least  the  same  proportion,  the 
whole  animal  must  have  equalled  the  largest  oxen  of  Switzerland,  or  of 

Plate  XXI.  Fig.  10,  is  the  claw-bone  of  this  animal,  which  was  found 
in  America.  On  the  middle  of  its  articular  surface  is  a  well-marked 
ridge,  which  necessarily  restrained  the  motion  of  the  joint.  A  similar 
ridge  exists  in  the  ant-eaters  and  sloths;  but  nothing  of  the  kind  is  dis- 
coverable in  the  lion,  or  in  any  of  the  genus  felis. 

Plate  XXI.  Fig.  11,  is  the  tooth  found  by  M.  de  Beauvois,  in  the  ca- 
verns in  Virginia,  as  were  the  preceding  bones.  This  tooth  at  once 
determines  the  genus  to  which  this  animal  belonged.  It  is  the  tooth  of 
an  animal  of  the  sloth  kind.  The  ant-eaters  have  no  teeth. 

About  the  same  time  that  the  extraordinary  fossil  remains  of  the  me- 
galonix  were  found  in  North  America,  several  bones,  equally  extraor- 
dinary and  unknown,  were  found  in  the  excavations  made  in  the  banks 
of  the  river  Luxan,  a  league  south-east  of  a  village  of  the  same  name, 
about  three  leagues  west-south-west  of  Buenos  Ayres.  These  bones 
were  sent  to  the  Royal  Museum  at  Madrid,  in  1789,  by  the  Marquis  of 
Loretto,  Viceroy  of  Buenos  Ayres.  The  bones  of  a  second  animal  of 
the  same  kind,  which  were  found  at  Lima,  were  also  sent  to  the  same 
museum  in  1795 ;  and  the  bones  of  a  third,  which  had  been  found  at 
Paraguay,  were  presented  by  -a.  lady  to  Father  Fernando  Scio.  Thus  it 
appears  that  the  remains  of  this  extraordinary  animal  exist  in  the  most 
distant  parts  of  Southern  America. 

On  the  first  view  of  the  head  of  this  animal,  the  most  striking  agree- 
ment is  observed  with  those  of  the  sloths,  and  particularly  with  that  of 


the  ai.     This  is  particularly  the  case  with  the  long-descending  apophysis 

placed  at  the  anterior  base  of  the  zygomatic  arch.     This  arch,  which  is 

interrupted  in  the  sloths,  is  complete  in  the  megatherium.     The  rising  ^ 

branch  of  the  lower  jaw  resembles  that  of  the  sloths ;  but  its  lower  part 

forms  a  convexity,  of  which  but  a  slight  resemblance  is  found  in  the 


The  bony  muzzle  is  more  projecting  in  this  fossil  animal,  the  Mega- 
therium, than  in  the  ai,  in  consequence  of  the  advancing  of  the  sym- 
phisis  of  the  lower  jaw.  The  bones  of  the  nose  are  very  short;  which, 
from  what  takes  place  in  the  elephant  and  tapir,  gives  reason  for  suspect- 
ing that  this  animal  had  a  trunk,  which,  however,  there  is  also  reason 
for  supposing  must  have  been  very  short. 

The  teeth  are  sixteen  grinders,  four  on  each  side,  in  each  jaw.  They 
are  of  a  prismatic  form,  and  have  their  crown  crossed  by  a  groove.  Th?e 
vertebrae  are  seven  cervical,  sixteen  dorsal,  and  three  lumbar.  The 
megatherium,  therefore,  differs  in  the  number  of  cervical  from  the  ai, 
who  we  have  seen  differs  in  this  respect  from  all  the  other  quadrupeds, 
but  agrees  with  it  exactly  in  the  number  of  the  dorsal  and  lumbar.  The 
number  of  the  ribs  are  of  course  sixteen  on  each  side. 

The  relative  proportions  of  the  extremities  of  the  megatherium  differ 
exceedingly  from  those  of  the  sloths,  and  indeed  from  those  of  any 
known  animal.  In  the  sloths,  we  have  seen  that  the  length  of  the  fore 
extremities  is  double  that  of  the  hinder ;  but,  in  this  animal,  the  dif- 
ference is  much  less.  But  the  great  thickness  of  the  bone  of  the  thigh 
observable  in  the  sloths,  tatous,  and  pangolins,  is  carried  to  a  much  fur- 
ther extent  in  the  megatherium ;  the  length  of  the  femur  of  this  animal 
being  only  double  its  thickness.  The  inability  of  this  animal  for  leap- 
ing, or  running,  must  be  obvious :  it  could  only  have  walked,  and  that 

The  scapula  possesses,  on  a  large  scale,  the  same  proportions  as  that 
of  the  sloths ;  and  the  clavicles  which  this  animal  possesses,  with  the 


unau,  shows  how  widely  it  differs  from  the  elephant,  rhinoceros,  and 
other  large  ruminants,  which  have  not  this  bone ;  and  with  the  length 
of  the  phalanges  which  carry  the  nails,  prove  that  this  animal  employed 
its  fore-feet  for  the  purpose  of  seizing,  and  perhaps  of  climbing. 

The  humerus  of  the  megatherium  is  remarkable  for  the  width  of  its 
lower  part,  produced  by  the  large  surface  of  cristae  placed  above  the  con- 
dyles,  and  serving  for  the  attachment  of  muscles,  which  must  have  been 
very  considerable,  and  of  course  must  have  given  the  animal  prodigious 
powers  in  the  fore  extremities.  This  considerable  width  of  the  lower 
extremity  of  this  bone  is  also  found  in  the  ant-eater,  which  employs  his 
enormous  claws  to  allow  him  to  hang  from  the  branches  of  trees,  or  to 
tear  up  the  solid  nests  of  the  termites.  In  the  ant-eater  the  width  is 
three  fifths  of  the  length  of  the  bone,  whilst  in  this  animal  it  is  a  half)  as 
it  is  also  in  the  long-tailed  manis  (Manis  tetradactyla).  In  the  rhino- 
ceros the  width  is  only  one  third,  and  in  the  elephant  one  fourth  of  the 

The  olecranon  of  this  animal  is  of  such  a  length,  as  to  give  consider- 
able power  to  the  extensors;  but,  in  the  sloth,  this  bone  is  extremely 
short.  The  radius,  as  in  the  sloth,  turns  freely  on  the  cubitus.  In  the 
skeleton  at  Madrid,  and  in  its  annexed  representation,  it  must  be  ob- 
served that  this  bone  has  been  reversed  in  the  mounting,  the  humeral 
end  being  placed  downwards. 

The  hand  rested  entirely  on  the  ground  whilst  the  animal  walked. 
The  visible  fingers,  armed  with  claws,  are  three  in  number;  the  two 
others  being  hidden  under  the  skin,  as  in  the  ai,  and  as  three  are  in  the 
unau  and  two-toed  ant-eater.  The  bones  of  the  metacarpus  are  not 
joined  together,  as  in  the  ai. 

The  bones  of  the  pelvis  differ  much  from  those  of  the  neighbouring 
genera.  Those  of  the  ilium,  which  are  alone  preserved  in  the  skeleton 
at  Madrid,  forms  a  large  and  widely-spread  half  basin,  placed  perpen- 
dicular to  the  spine,  resembling  that  of  the  elephant,  and  still  more  that 


of  the  rhinoceros.  From  the  form  of  the  pelvis,  it  may  be  concluded, 
that  the  belly  of  the  animal  was  large,  and  hence  that  its  food  consisted 
of  vegetables. 

The  pubis  and  ischium  are  wanting  in  the  skeleton ;  and,  as  M.  Cu- 
vier  supposes,  were  lost :  but  if,  on  the  contrary,  this  defect  is  natural, 
an  approach  to  it  will  be  found  in  the  two- fingered  ant-eater,  in  which 
the  bones  of  the  pubis  are  not  united  in  the  fore  part. 

The  enormous  thickness  of  the  thigh-bone  has  been  already  noticed. 
The  tibia  and  fibula  are  united  at  both  ends,  and  yield  together  a  vast 
surface.  But  one  toe,  armed  with  a  claw,  is  seen  in  the  hind-foot  of  the 
skeleton.  In  this  respect  M.  Cuvier  thinks  there  must  exist  room  for 
doubt,  since  only  two  others  are  shown  without  claws :  and  his  anato- 
mical researches  have  taught  him,  that  it  is  a  rule  without,  hitherto,  any 
known  exception,  that  all  the  clawed  animals  have  five  fingers,  existing 
either  outwardly  or  within  the  skin,  or  reduced  to  their  simple  bony 

The  tail  is  wanting  in  the  skeleton ;  and  the  smallness  of  the  posterior 
face  of  the  os  sacrum  gives  reason  for  believing  that  it  was  very  short  in 
this  animal. 

From  a  general  view  of  the  skeleton  of  this  animal,  so  completely  pre- 
served, we  are  able  to  form  well-founded  conjectures  as  to  the  nature  of 
the  animal  itself. 

His  teeth,  M.  Cuvier  observes,  prove  that  he  lived  on  vegetables; 
and  his  fore-feet,  robust  and  armed  with  sharp  claws,  point  out  that  roots 
were  his  chief  objects  of  search.  His  claws  supplied  him  with  arms 
sufficient  for  his  defence.  His  progress  was  not  swift,  nor  was  it  requi- 
site that  it  should  be,  since  he  was  not  under  the  necessity  of  flying  or  of 

It  would  then,  M.  Cuvier  adds,  be  very  difficult  to  find,  in  the  orga- 
nization of  this  animal,  the  causes  of  his  destruction ;  and  yet,  if  he  still 
exists,  where  can  he  be  ?  or  can  he  have  escaped  from  all  the  researches 
of  huntsmen  and  naturalists. 


As  far  as  an  opinion  can  be  formed  from  the  few  parts  of  the  mega- 
lonix  which  have  been  found,  there  seems  to  exist,  in  M.  Cuvier's  opi- 
nion, almost  an  identity  of  form  with  the  megatherium  ;  but  the  size, 
he  observes,  is  different,  the  bones  of  the  megatherium  being  one  third 
larger  than  that  of  the  megalonix.  This  difference  of  size,  he  thinks, 
is  a  real  specific  difference ;  in  confirmation  of  which,  he  observes,  that 
the  sheaths  of  the  claws  are  more  complete  and  long  in  the  last  pha- 
langes of  the  megatherium  than  in  those  of  the  megalonix.  To  these,  I 
think,  may  be  added  another  difference,  which  M.  Cuvier  does  not 
appear  to  have  noticed.  In  the  megalonix  he  found  a  tooth  resembling 
the  canine  tooth  of  the  ai,  whilst  the  megatherium  is  only  supplied  with 

There  can  therefore,  I  think,  exist  no  difficulty  in  agreeing  with  this 
celebrated  naturalist,  that  these  two  animals  formed  two  species  of  the 
same  genus,  belonging  to  the  family  of  edentata,  and  requiring  to  be 
placed  between  the  sloths  and  the  ant-eaters,  but  nearer  to  the  former 
than  to  the  latter  *. 

Plate  XXII.  Fig.  1,  represents  the  complete  skeleton  of  the  megathe- 
rium, as  existing  in  the  Royal  Museum  at  Madrid. 

*  Ann.  du  Mus.  Cat.  29,  p.  387. 







IT  has  been  with  considerable  pleasure  that  I  have  heard  you  describe 
the  terrific  magnificence  of  the  caverns  of  the  Peak,  arid  of  several  other 
similar  caverns  in  this  island.  But  these  must  yield  to  the  caverns  of 
Germany  and  of  Hungary,  in  which  we  have  not  only  to  admire  pro- 
digious subterranean  excavations,  embellished  with  stalactitic  decorations, 
but  to  contemplate  an  inexhaustible  accumulation  of  the  remains  of  ani- 
mals of  a  former  world,  some  of  which  appear  to  be  unknown  to  us  in  a 
living  state. 

Many  of  these  caverns  have  been  noticed  by  different  authors.  Bau- 
man's  Cave,  near  Blankenbourg,  has  been  described  by  Leibnitz,  Pro- 
togaa,  p.  7  ;  and  Einhornshcele,  in  Scharzfeld,  in  Hanover,  has  been 
described  by  the  same  author,  and  by  M.  de  Luc,  in  his  letters  to  the 
Queen.  In  the  chain  of  the  Hartz  are  several  also,  which  have  been 
described  by  Behrens,  in  Hercynia  Curiosa.  Hungary,  also,  has  several 
similar  caverns,  which  have  deservedly  engaged  the  attention  of  several 
learned  men. 

Among  the  most  remarkable  of  these  caverns  are  those  of  Gaylen- 


reuth,  on  the  confines  of  Bayreuth.  The  opening  to  these,  which  is 
about  seven  feet  and  a  half  high,  is  at  the  foot  of  a  rock  of  limestone  of 
considerable  magnitude,  and  in  its  eastern  side.  Immediately  beyond 
the  opening  is  a  magnificent  grotto,  of  about  three  hundred  feet  in  cir- 
cumference, which  has  been  naturally  divided  by  the  form  of  the  roof 
into  four  caves.  The  first  is  about  twenty-five  feet  long  and  wide,  and 
varies  in  height  from  nine  to  eighteen  feet,  the  roof  being  formed  into 
irregular  arches.  Beyond  this  is  the  second  cave,  about  twenty-eight 
feet  long,  and  of  nearly  the  same  width  and  height  with  the  former. 
In  this  cave  the  stalactitic  crust  begins  to  appear,  and  in  considerable 
quantity;  but  not  in  such  quantity  as  in  the  third  cave,  which  is  beau- 
tifully hung,  as  it  were,  with  this  sparry  tapestry.  The  roof  now  begins 
to  slope  downwards ;  so  that  in  the  next,  the  last,  of  these  caves,  it  is 
not  above  four  or  five  feet  in  height.  In  the  caves  forming  this  first 
grotto,  fragments  of  bones  are  found ;  and  it  is  said  that  they  were  as 
plentiful  here  as  they  now  are  in  the  interior  grottoes. 

The  passage  into  the  second  grotto  is  about  six  feet  high  and  fourteen 
feet  wide.  This  grotto,  which  extends  straight  forwards  sixty  feet  from 
the  opening,  and  is  about  forty  feet  wide,  and  at  its  commencement 
about  eighteen  feet  high,  would  commodiously  hold  two  hundred  men. 
Its  appearance  is  rendered  remarkably  interesting  from  the  darkness  of 
its  recesses,  and  from  the  various  brilliant  reflexions  of  the  light  from  the 
stalactites  with  which  its  roofs  and  sides  are  covered.  The  constant  drip 
of  water  from  the  root  and  the  stalagmatic  pillars  on  the  floor,  assist  in 
perfecting  the  wonders  of  the  scene.  In  this  grotto  no  search  was  made 
for  bones,  on  account  of  the  thickness  of  the  sparry  crust. 

A  low  and  very  rugged  passage,  the  roof  of  which  is  formed  of  pro- 
jecting pieces  of  rock,  leads  to  the  third  grotto ;  the  opening  into  which 
is  a  hole  three  feet  high  and  four  feet  wide.  This  grotto  is  more  regular 
in  its  form,  and  is  about  thirty  feet  in  diameter,  and  nearly  round  :  its 
height  is  from  five  to  six  feet.  This  grotto  is  very  richly  and  fantas- 
tically adorned  by  the  varying  forms  of  its  stalactitic  hangings.  The 


floor  is  also  covered  with  a  wet  and  slippery  glazing,  in  which  several 
teeth  and  jaws  appear  to  have  been  fixed. 

From  this  grotto  commences  the  descent  to  the  inferior  caverns. 
Within  only  about  five  or  six  feet  an  opening  in  the  floor  is  seen,  which  is 
partly  vaulted  over  by  a  projecting  piece  of  rock.  The  descent  is  about 
twenty  feet;  and  occasioned  to  M.  Esper  and  his  companions  some  little 
fear  lest  they  should  never  return,  but  remain  to  augment  the  zoolithes 
contained  in  these  terrific  mansions.  This  cavern  was  found  to  be  about 
thirty  feet  in  height,  about  fifteen  feet  in  width,  and  nearly  circular: 
the  sides,  roof,  and  floor,  displaying  the  remains  of  animals.  The  rock  it- 
self is  thickly  beset  with  teeth  and  bones,  and  the  floor  is  covered  with 
a  loose  earth,  the  evident  result  of  animal  decomposition,  and  in  which 
numerous  bones  are  imbedded. 

A  gradual  descent  leads  to  another  grotto,  which,  with  its  passage,  is 
forty  feet  in  length,  and  twenty  feet  in  height.  Its  sides  and  top  are  beau- 
tifully adorned  with  stalactites.  Nearly  twenty  feet  further  is  a  frightful 
gulf,  the  opening  of  which  is  about  fifteen  feet  in  diameter ;  and  upon 
descending  about  twent}^  feet,  another  grotto,  about  the  same  diameter 
with  the  former,  but  forty  feet  in  height,  is  seen.  Here  the  bones 
are  dispersed  about ;  and  the  floor,  which  is  formed  of  animal  earth, 
has  great  numbers  of  them  imbedded  in  it.  The  bones  which  are  here 
found  seem  to  be  of  different  animals;  but  in  this,  as  well  as  in  the  for- 
mer caverns,  perfect  and  unbroken  bones  are  very  seldom  found.  Some- 
times a  tooth  is  seen  projecting  from  the  solid  rock,  through  the  stalac- 
titic  covering,  showing  that  many  of  these  wonderful  remains  may  here 
be  concealed.  A  specimen  of  this  kind,  which  I  possess,  from  Gaylen- 
reuth,  is  rendered  particularly  interesting,  by  the  first  molar  tooth  of  the 
lower  jaw,  with  its  enamel  quite  perfect,  rising  through  the  stalactitic 
mass  which  invests  the  bone.  In  this  cavern  the  stalactites  begin  to  be 
of  a  larger  size,  and  of  a  more  columnar  form. 

Passing  on,  through  a  small  opening  in  the  rock,  a  small  cave,  seven 
feet  long  and  five  feet  high,  is  discovered  :  another  small  opening  out  of 

VOL.  in.  3  H 


which  leads  to  another  small  cave ;  from  which  a  sloping  descent  leads  to 
a  cave  twenty-five  feet  in  height,  and  about  half  as  much  in  its  diameter, 
in  which  is  a  truncated  columnar  stalactite,  eight  feet  in  circumference. 

A  narrow  and  most  difficult  passage,  twenty  feet  in  length,  leads  from 
this  cavern  to  another,  five  and  twenty  feet  in  height,  which  is  every 
where  beset  with  teeth,  bones,  and  stalactitic  projections.  This  cavern 
is  suddenly  contracted,  so  as  to  form  a  vestibule  of  six  feet  wide,  ten 
long,  and  nine  high,  terminating  in  an  opening  close  to  the  floor,  only 
three  feet  wide  and  two  high,  through  which  it  is  necessary  to  writhe 
with  the  body  on  the  ground.  .  This  leads  into  a  small  cave,  eight  feet 
high  and  wide,  which  is  the  passage  into  a  grotto  twenty-eight  feet  high, 
and  about  three  and  forty  feet  long  and  wide.  Here  the  prodigious 
quantity  of  animal  earth,  the  vast  number  of  teeth,  jaws,  and  other 
bones,  and  the  heavy  grouping  of  the  stalactites,  produced  so  dismal  an 
appearance,  as  to  lead  Esper  to  speak  of  it  as  a  perfect  model  for  a  tem- 
ple for  a  god  of  the  dead.  Here  hundreds  of  cart-loads  of  bony  remains 
might  be  removed,  pockets  might  be  filled  with  fossil  teeth,  and  ani- 
mal earth  was  found  to  reach  to  the  utmost  depth  to  which  they  dug. 
A  piece  of  stalactite  being  here  broken  down,  was  found  to  contain 
pieces  of  bones  within  it,  the  remnants  of  which  were  left  imbedded  in 
the  rock. 

From  this  principal  cave  is  a  very  narrow  passage,  terminating  in  the 
last  cave,  which  is  about  six  feet  in  width,  fifteen  in  height,  and  the  same 
in  length.  In  this  cave  were  no  animal  remains,  and  the  floor  was  the 
naked  rock. 

Thus  far  only  could  these  natural  sepulchres  be  traced ;  but  there  is 
every  reason  to  suppose  that  these  animal  remains  were  disposed  through 
a  greater  part  of  this  rock  *. 

Whence  could  this  immense  quantity  of  the  remains  of  carnivorous 

*  Description  des  Zo«olithes  nouvellement  decouvertes  d'animaux  quadrupedes  inconnus, 
et  des  cavernes  qui  les  renferment,  &c,  par  J.  F.  Esper.  1774. 


animals  have  been  collected,  is  a  question  which  naturally  arises;  but 
the  difficulty  of  answering  it  appears  to  be  almost  insurmountable. 

It  will  not  appear  surprising,  that  these  extraordinary  accumulations 
should  have  considerably  bewildered  those  who  have  attempted  to  ex- 
plain their  origin  and  formation,  and  have  led  them  to  the  most  extra- 
vagant opinions.  One  of  the  earliest  conjectures,  after  that  of  these 
caverns  having  been  the  dwellings  of  giants,  dragons,  and  pigmies,  and 
of  their  having  been  the  temples  in  which  sacrifices  had  been  performed 
by  the  earliest  inhabitants  of  these  parts,  was  that  they  had  been  the 
retreats  of  robbers,  and  that  these  were  the  bones  of  those  they  had 
murdered.  A  more  plausible  conjecture  was,  that  these  had  been  the 
retreats  of  various  carnivorous  animals,  and  that  the  remains  were 
of  those  animals  which  they  had  devoured.  But  even  this  conjecture 
possesses  not  the  semblance  of  probability;  since  these  are  found  to  be 
chiefly  the  bones  of  carnivorous  animals  themselves,  and  consequently 
would  be  the  remains,  not  of  the  victims,  but  of  the  destroyers.  The 
more  generally  received  opinion  has  been,  that  these  are  the  remains 
of  animals  which,  on  the  advance  of  the  waters  of  the  deluge,  re- 
treated hither  for  shelter,  where  they  perished,  and  their  bones  have 
been  preserved.  The  insufficiency  of  even  this  apparently  more  pro- 
bable conjecture  appears,  when  we  recollect  that  these  remains  are 
almost  of  carnivorous  animals  alone;  and  still  more  so  when  we  learn, 
as  is  the  case,  that  more  than  three-fourths  of  these  remains  belonged  to 
animals,  not  an  individual  of  which  is  now  known  to  exist. 

The  bones  in  the  caverns  of  different  mountains  are  all  found  nearly 
in  a  similar  state.  They  are  detached,  scattered,  often  broken,  but  never 
rubbed  down,  as  if  by  the  action  of  water.  They  are  lighter  and  less 
solid  than  recent  bones,  but  yet  retain  their  real  animal  nature,  and  still 
contain  their  gelatine.  They  have  suffered  but  little  decomposition/  and 
are  not  petrified.  Many  of  them  are  covered  with  a  coat  of  earth,  con- 
taining the  remains  of  animal  matter;  and  frequently  they  are  not  only 
covered,  but  impregnated  and  filled  with  stalactitic  matter.  In  the  earth 
in  which  many  of  them  are  imbedded,  pieces  of  a  bluish  marble  are 


found,  with  their  angles  rounded  as  if  by  bowldering,  and  which  re- 
semble those  which  help  to  form  the  bony  breccia  of  Gibraltar  and  of 

To  the  unremitting  labours  of  M.  Cuvier  we  are  indebted  for  al- 
most every  important  information  relative  to  the  nature  of  these  bones. 
From  the  numerous  specimens  which  he  has  obtained,  he  is  enabled 
to  state  the  astonishing  fact,  that  these  bones  are  similar,  in  the  se- 
veral caverns  of  an  extent  of  more  than  two  hundred  leagues;  that 
three  fourths  of  these  bones  belonged  to  species  of  bear  not  known  now 
to  exist ;  a  half)  or  two  thirds  of  the  other  fourth,  to  a  species  of  hyena 
now  existing ;  and  the  remainder  to  some  species  of  the  lion  or  tiger,  to 
the  wolf,  dog,  fox,  polecat,  or  some  similar  animals. 

Kundrnan,  Walch,  Esper,  and  several  others,  have  failed  in  their  en- 
deavours to  determine  to  what  genus  of  animals  these  bones  had  belonged. 
Bruckman  compared  them  to  those  of  the  bear ;  and  M.  Fuchs  was  of  opi- 
nion, that  the  fossil  skull  very  much  resembled  that  of  the  polar  bear,  which 
opinion  was  opposed  by  the  celebrated  Camper.  M.  Rosenmuller  ap- 
pears to  have  been  the  first  who  obtained  any  correct  notions  respecting 
these  fossils.  His  comparisons  led  him  to  the  conclusion,  that  the  bear  of 
these  caves  was  different  from  the  brown  bear,  as  well  as  from  the  white 
or  polar  bear.  Camper  appears  to  have  proceeded  a  step  further,  and 
to  have  discovered,  that  among  the  bones  of  these  caves  were  those  of 
another  species  of  bear,  which  he  calls  the  true  bear.  Blumenbach  per- 
ceived this  difference  in  the  fossil  species,  and  in  consequence  named  the 
one  the  Ursus  spelceus,  and  the  other  Ursus  arctoideus. 

But  it  is  to  M.  Cuvier  that  we  are  indebted,  not  only  for  a  more 
distinct  separation  of  these  species  from  each  other,  but  for  an  accurate 
comparison  of  the  fossil  with  the  several  living  species.  He  was  supplied 
by  M.  Autenreith  and  Camper  with  the  information  which  they  pos- 
sessed as  to  the  fossils  of  Gaylenreuth ;  by  M.  Carsten  with  correct  draw- 
ings of  the  specimens  of  Sundwich,  in  the  Museum  of  Berlin ;  and  he 
also  had  the  full  advantage  of  the  Museum  of  the  Landgrave  of  Hesse 
Darmstadt,  and  of  several  private  collections.  In  addition  to  these  he 


had  immediate  reference  to  the  splendid  collection  of  the  fossils  of 
Gaylenreuth,  in  the  National  Museum,  which  had  been  presented  to 
M.  BufFon,  for  the  Parisian  Museum,  by  the  late  Margrave  of  Anspach. 

To  enable  himself  to  employ  this  rich  fund  of  materials  successfully,  in 
the  investigation  respecting  the  animals  of  the  caves,  he  first  devoted  him- 
self to  a  careful  examination  of  the  recent  skeletons  of  bears,  wishing  to 
determine  the  number  of  their  species,  and  to  ascertain  their  respective 
differences.  Thus  he  discovered  that  the  bears  of  Europe  were  all  re- 
ferable to  two  species;  the  differences  of  which  were  discoverable  in 
their  forms,  and  particularly  in  the  shape  of  the  bones  of  the  head;  and 
that  one,  at  least,  of  these  species,  was  divided  into  several  varieties,  by 
the  nature  and  colour  of  their  hair. 

The  grand  characteristic  of  one  of  these  species  is,  the  rounded  form 
of  the  whole  of  the  top  of  the  head.  The  forehead  forms  a  part  of  the 
same  curve  which  extends  from  the  muzzle  to  the  occiput ;  and  the  sa- 
gittal ridge  does  not  begin  to  show  itself,  but  near  to  the  occiput.  To 
this  species  he  refers  the  common  brown  bear  of  the  Alps,  Switzerland, 
Savoy,  and  the  Pyrenees.  To  the  variety  inhabiting  the  P}^renees,  he 
considers  that  the  golden  bear  belongs.  To  this  species  also  belongs  the 
Polish  silver  bear,  and  the  terrestrial  bear  of  Pallas. 

In  the  other  species,  the  frontal  part  of  the  skull  is  flattened,  and  even 
concave,  particularly  across.  The  ridges  which  part  off  the  temporal 
fossae  are  strongly  marked,  and  form  an  acute  angle  behind,  which  is 
prolonged  into  a  highly-raised  sagittal  crista,  which  joins  the  occipital 

To  this  second  species  he  refers  that  which  the  naturalists  have  distin- 
guished as  the  black  bear  of  Europe.  He  has  only  seen  one  of  this  spe- 
cies, which  was  of  a  considerable  size,  with  coarse  blackish  brown  hair, 
long  and  rather  woolly. 

The  black  bear  of  America  forms,  in  M.  Cuvier's  opinion,  a  third  spe- 
cies. The  skull,  in  this  species,  is  shorter,  in  proportion  to  its  thickness, 
and  the  zygomatic  arches  are  less  concave,  and  the  small  grinders  more 
numerous,  than  in  either  of  the  preceding  species.  To  this  species  belong 


several  varieties.  It  appears  that  America  produces  also  bears  different 
from  the  common  black.  One  is  described  of  an  enormous  size,  and 
with  a  grey  skin.  In  the  mountains  of  Gates,  in  Indostan,  M.  Chapotin 
says  there  are  bears  marked  on  the  chest  with  an  eye-like  spot. 

The  white  polar  bear  (U.  maximus)  differs  from  all  the  rest  in  the 
form  of  its  skull,  which  appears  as  if  it  were  all  of  one  piece ;  and  instead 
of  rising  higher  than  the  face,  appears,  on  the  contrary,  to  be  rather 
lower.  The  post-orbital  apophyses  of  the  frontal  bones  are  short  and 
obtuse,  the  temporal  ridges  hardly  perceptible,  and  the  zygomatic  arches 
stand  much  less  out  than  in  any  of  the  preceding.  The  head  is,  in  a 
word,  more  cylindrical,  and  more  approaching  in  its  form  to  that  of  the 
martin  or  polecat,  than  to  that  of  the  common  bears. 

In  every  species  of  bear  the  number  and  form  of  the  teeth  are  nearly 
similar.  There  are  six  incisors  in  each  jaw.  In  the  upper  jaw  the  two 
outer  ones  are  strong,  pointed,  and  directed  rather  outwards,  with  a 
rising  behind,  which  descends  obliquely  forwards,  from  without  inwards, 
and  terminates  so  as  to  leave  a  slight  notch  on  their  inner  bases.  The 
four  intermediate  ones  are  a  little  pointed  at  their  fore  edge,  and  have 
behind  a  kind  of  spur,  divided  by  a  notch  into  two  lobes. 

The  two  external  incisors  of  the  lower  jaw  are  wide,  but  pointed,  and 
with  a  lateral  lobe,  deeply  separated,  at  the  outer  bases.  The  two  next 
have  their  base  carried  more  behind,  more  towards  the  inside  of  the 
mouth  than  all  the  others :  they  are  ridged,  and  marked  on  their  pos- 
terior slope  with  two  grooves,  which  terminate  in  two  notches,  the  outer 
one  of  which' is  deepest ;  and  the  inner  one  is  sometimes  wanting.  The 
middle  ones  are  the  least,  and  have  only  one  notch,  a  little  more  towards 

the  outside  than  the  middle. 


In  the  upper  jaw  there  are  three  large  grinders,  and  in  the  lower 
four ;  before  which  there  are,  in  both  jaws,,  a  variable  number  of  smaller 

In  the  upper  jaw,  the  hindmost  is  the  largest :  it  is  oblong,  narrowest 
behind,  with  its  crown  irregularly  wrinkled.  Forwards,  on  its  outer 
edge,  it  has  one  middling  sized  and  two  large  eminences :  and,  on  the 


inner  edge,  three  or  four  middling  sized  eminences,  which  are  sometimes 
very  much  reduced.  The  posterior  extremity  is  merely  crenated.  This 
tooth  has  four  roots,  the  foremost  conical,  two  lateral,  rather  compressed, 
and  one  behind  very  much  so.  Plate  XXII.  Fig.  2.  represents  this 
tooth  of  its  natural  size,  as  found  in  the  caverns,  as  were  all  the  speci- 
mens from  which  the  following  figures  were  taken.  The  penultimate,  or 
middle  upper  grinder,  is  rectangular,  and  has  two  large  conical  emi- 
nences on  the  outer  side,  three  of  which  are  less  marked  on  the  inner . 
side,  and  one  small  one  on  the  outer  side  behind.  It  has  three  roots, 
two  external,  and  one  stronger  internal.  Plate  XXII.  Fig.  3.  The  ante- 
penultimate, or  foremost  grinder,  is  triangular,  with  three  conical  emi- 
nences, two  external  and  one  internal.  Plate  XXII.  Fig.  4. 

Before  this  tooth,  in  the  existing  species  of  bears,  is  a  small  simple 
tooth ;  and  after  a  certain  interval,  and  almost  under  the  canine  tooth,  is1 
another  smaller. 

In  the  lower  jaw,  the  hindmost  is  a  roundish  oval :  its  crown  is  irre- 
gularly wrinkled,  without  distinct  tubercles.  It  has  but  one  root,  which 
seems  to  be  continuous  with  the  crown,  and  is  always  compressed ;  one 
or  two  grooves  giving  the  appearance  of  the  commencement  of  a  divi- 
sion, Plate  XXII.  Fig.  5.  The  penultimate  is,  in  this  jaw,  the  largest 
tooth ;  it  is  rectangular,  and  irregularly  embossed :  four  or  five  emi- 
nences may  be  counted  on  the  internal  border,  and  four  on  the  external, 
two  of  which  are  most  marked.  There  is  a  transverse  rising  from  the 
largest  external  eminence  to  the  internal.  This  tooth  has  two  roots; 
one  conical,  standing  forwards ;  the  other  stronger  and  compressed  in  the 
back  part.  Plate  XXII.  Fig.  6.  The  antepenultimate  is  more  narrow 
than  the  preceding,  and  has  its  eminences  more  strongly  marked  :  these 
are,  one  forwards,  then  one  external,  answering  to  two  internal ;  then 
three  behind,  forming  a  triangle,  and  sometimes  four.  It  has  but  two 
roots,  one  before  and  one  behind.  Plate  XXII.  Fig.  7.  The  foremost 
lower  grinder  is  short,  and  a  little  compressed.  It  has  a  strong  conical 
eminence  in  the  middle,  a  low  one  forwards,  and  two  small  ones  on  the 
inner  side  behind.  It  has  but  two  roots.  Plate  XXII.  Fig.  8.  One,  and 


sometimes  two  very  small  teeth,  are  found  at  the  root  of  the  canine  teeth, 
as  in  the  upper  jaw,  in  the  existing  species  of  these  animals.  The  fossil 
canine  tooth  is  represented  of  its  natural  size,  Plate  XXII.  Fig.  9. 

The  teeth  which  are  found  in  the  fossil  jaws  differ  from  those  of  the 
recent  animals  only  in  their  being  larger  and  less  worn  down.  But  a 
more  striking  difference  between  the  teeth  of  the  bear  of  the  caverns 
and  the  existing  bears  is,  that  the  former  has  very  rarely  the  small  molar 
tooth,  or  teeth,  immediately  behind  the  canine  tooth,  whilst  the  latter 
possess  it  at  every  age.  Another,  and  a  still  more  constant  difference, 
is  the  small  molar  tooth  placed  immediately  before  the  first  large  grinder 
in  the  upper  jaw.  Neither  this  tooth,  nor  its  alveolus,  has  been  seen  by 
M.  Cuvier  in  any  of  the  fossil  skulls,  nor  does  it  appear  to  have  been  seen 
by  any  other  writer  on  these  fossils. 

The  examination  of  the  teeth  determine  the  skulls  found  in  these 
caves  to  have  belonged  to  the  genus  bear :  the  general  conformation 
of  the  skulls  also  show  it,  and  at  the  same  time  manifest  those  characters 
which  belong  to  the  great  family  of  carnivorous  animals — such  as  a 
transverse  and  partly  cylindrical  condyle,  a  large  and  elevated  coronoid 
apophysis,  a  zygomatic  arch,  very  convex  outwardly  and  rising  upwards, 
with  an  orbit  incomplete  in  the  back  part,  and  there  confounded  with 
the  temporal  fossa. 

The  fossil  skulls  found  in  these  caverns  appear  to  be  of  two  species. 
The  one  has  a  strong  rising  of  the  forehead  from  the  root  of  the  nose, 
with  two  bumps  on  the  forehead,  a  great  length  of  the  sagittal  ridge, 
and  a  considerable  projection  and  speedy  approximation  of  the  temporal 
cristae.  The  other  has  the  forehead  flat,  approaching  in  this  respect  to 
that  of  the  black  bear  of  America,  but  being  a  third  larger :  the  vertical 
elevation  of  these  skulls  is  also  less,  and  the  muzzle  is  longer;  neither  do 
they  possess  those  three  small  teeth  which  are  frequently  found  in  the 
skull  of  that  animal.  M.  Cuvier  indeed  concludes  that  the  two  species 
of  skulls  found  in  these  caverns  differ  from  all  recent  skulls,  and  equally 
as  much  from  each  other. 

The  under  jaws  found  in  the  caverns  also  show,  that  here  are  the 


remains  of  two  species  of  bears :  besides  less  differences,  the  coronoidal 
apophysis  is  much  wider  in  the  more  common  of  the  two  species  than  in 
the  other,  the  width  being  as  10  to  8,  although  the  teeth  are  a  little 
larger  in  the  latter  species.  M.  Cuvier  was  disposed  to  arrange  the  lat- 
ter species  with  the  rounded  skulls;  but  on  considering  that  the  rounded 
skulls  were  most  frequent,  and  this  species  of  jaws  most  rare,  he  found  it 
difficult  to  determine  on  this  point. 

No  remains  of  scapulae  have  been  found  of  sufficient  size  to  allow  any 
judgment  being  formed  respecting  the  animal  to  which  they  belonged. 
Two  sorts  of  os  humeri  have  been  found,  as  figured  by  Mr.  John  Hun- 
ter, Trans.  Phil.  1794,  PL  xx.  both  belonging  to  the  bear,  but  the  one 
differing  from  the  other  in  having  a  hole  above  the  internal  condyle  for 
the  passage  of  an  artery,  much  resembling,  in  this  circumstance,  the  os 
humeri  of  some  animals  of  the  genus  Felis.  Of  the  radius,  the  ulna,  and 
the  bones  of  the  'pelvis,  nothing  particular  can  be  ascertained.  Two 
kinds  of  ossa  femoris,  both  decidedly  of  the  genus  Bear,  but  one  much 
shorter  and  thicker  than  the  other,  have  been  found.  A  tibia  has  also 
been  found,  which,  from  its  being  thicker  in  proportion  to  that  of  the 
common  bear,  M.  Cuvier  is  disposed  to  place  with  the  preceding  os 
femoris.  With  this  bone  he  also  places  part  of  a  fibula  which  is  in  the 

Like  the  present  bears,  and  several  of  the  carnivorous  animals,  the 
bears  of  the  caverns  have  seven  carpal  bones;  and  which,  with  the  me- 
tacarpal  bones,  differ  very  triflingly  from  the  bones  of  the  existing  bears. 
A  similar  agreement  with  those  of  the  existing  bears  is  observable  in  the 
tarsal  and  metatarsal  bones. 

Numerous  vertebrae  are  found  in  these  caverns,  the  greatest  number 
of  which  appear  to  agree  very  closely  with  those  of  the  existing  bears. 
The  last  dorsal  vertebra  was  however  found  under  two  distinct  forms : 
one  resembling  that  of  the  brown  bear,  and  the  other  approaching  to 
that  of  the  polar  bear,  especially  as  the  posterior  supernumerary  apo- 
physes  were  not  so  long  as  the  articular  ones.  Here  M.  Cuvier  sup- 

VOL.  in.  3  i 


poses  the  same  division  of  species  to  be  evinced  as  appeared  by  the  head 
and  jaws. 

From  the  strictest  comparison  of  the  rich  collection  of  these  fossil  bones, 
to  which  he  had  access,  with  each  other,  and  with  the  skeletons  of 
existing  species  of  bears,  M.  Cuvier  considered  himself  authorized  to 
make  the  following  conclusions  : 

1.  The  bones  which  are  most  commonly  found  in  these  caverns,  exa- 
mined each  separately,  belong  to  the  genus  Bear. 

2.  The  skulls,  and  some  of  the  large  bones,  present  such  differences  as 
should  induce  us  to  consider  them  as  proceeding  from  species  of  bears 
different  from  those  which  naturalists  have  hitherto  described. 

3.  These  skulls  and  some  of  the  large  bones,  the  os  humeri  and  fe- 
moris  for  example,  differ  sufficiently  among  themselves  to  allow  us  to 
believe  that  the  bones  of  two  different  species  of  bears  have  been  here 
confusedly  buried  together. 

4.  Some  of  the  bones  of  one  of  these  species  are  more  like  to  those  of 
the  bears  of  the  present  day  than  those  of  the  other.     There  are  even 
bones,  among  those  of  the  one,  as  the  os  humeri,  &c.  which  are  not  to 
be  distinguished,  if  seen  by  themselves,  from  those  of  the  common  bear. 
There  are  others,  in  both  species,  which  appear  to  be  thus  circumstanced, 
as  those  of  the  carpus,  &c. 

5.  But  the  skulls  are  sufficient  to  furnish  such  characters  as  leave  no 
reasonable   doubt;    and   as  those    fossil  skulls,  which   have    the   fore- 
head tumid  (bombc),  appear  to  be  separated  from  our  common  bears 
more  than  the  fossil  skulls  with  a  flat  forehead,  it  is  natural  to  refer  to 
the  former  those  fossil  bones  of  the  limbs  which  differ  in  the  same  degree 
from  their  analogues  in  our  common  bears.     The  bones  of  the  body  or 
limbs,  which  more   resemble  those  of  these  latter  animals,  are   more 
safely  referable  to  the  species  with  a  flat  forehead. 

But  to  complete  our  knowledge  of  the  skeleton,  as  M.  Cuvier  ob- 
serves, it  would  be  necessary  to  have  all  the  bones  of  each  species,  which 
at  present  is  not  the  case,  we  only  having,  under  two  forms,  the  skull, 


lower  jaw  in  part,  os  humeri,  os  femoris,  and  the  last  dorsal  vertebra. 
The  other  bones  having  been  found  only  under  one  form,  it  therefore 
cannot  be  decided  to  which  of  the  two  species  they  ought  to  be  referred. 

Time  and  assiduous  research  may  fill  up  these  chasms ;  but  the  ge- 
neral result  is  not  less  certain,  in  that  which  respects  the  existence,  in 
these  caverns,  of  bones  of  two  species  hitherto  unknown  among  the  living  spe- 
cies of  bears. 

The  species  with  the  raised  forehead,  Blumenbach,  Rosenmuller,  and 
Cuvier,  agree  in  designating  as  Ursus  spelaus ;  and  for  that  with  the  flat 
forehead  Cuvier  proposes  the  name  U.  arctoideiis. 

The  remains  which  I  possess  of  these  animals  are,  a  perfect  skull,  the 
half  of  an  under  jaw,  and  several  well  preserved  parts  of  very  large  jaws, 
all  of  which  appear  to  have  belonged  to  U.  spelaus. 











1  HE  following  observations  on  the  fossil  remains  of  those  which  may 
be  more  strictly  regarded  as  carnivorous  animals,  are  extremely  interest- 
ing. Whilst  placing  them  before  you,  I  must  again  acknowledge  my 
obligations  to  the  zealous  labours  and  perspicuous  relations  of  M.  Cu- 
vier ;  who  has  assiduously  worked,  and  with  his  usual  success,  the  rich 
mine  which  lies  open  to  him. 


The  fossil  remains  of  hyenas,  it  appears,  have  been  found,  not  only  in 
the  same  caverns  which  contain  the  bones  of  bears,  but  in  the  same 
alluvial  beds  in  which  are  found  the  remains  of  elephants. 

Their  remains  are  found  in  the  cavern  of  Gaylenreuth.  In  the  ele- 
gant work  of  Esper,  already  referred  to,  an  atlas,  PI.  III.  Fig.  1 .  is  at- 
tributed by  him  to  this  animal,  which  however  appears  to  have  belonged 
to  the  bear;  and,  on  the  other  hand,  two  teeth,  PI.  X.  Fig.  c,  d,  which 
are  supposed  to  have  belonged  to  the  lion,  are  certainly  those  of  the 
hyena.  Collini,  Memoires  de  I' Academic  de  Manheim,  Tome  V.  PL  u.  has 
represented  the  skull  and  half  of  a  lower  jaw,  found  near  the  surface  of 
one  of  the  mountains  which  border  the  valley  in  which  is  situated  the 
village  of  Eichstaedt.  This  skull  he  describes  as  having  belonged  to  some 
unknown  species  of  phoca;  but  from  the  number  and  figure  of  the  teeth, 
as  well  as  from  the  remarkable  elevation  of  the  sagitto-occipital  crista, 
no  doubt  can  exist  of  its  being  the  skull  of  the  hyena.  Kundman  also 
figures  a  tooth,  which  he  took  himself  from  the  rock  in  the  cavern  of 
Bauman,  and  which  he  supposes  to  be  that  of  a  calf)  but  which  is  un- 
doubtedly that  of  a  hyena.  M.  Cuvier  has  also  received  the  remains 
of  this  animal  from  the  valley  of  Neckar,  near  to  Canstadt,  so  famous  for 
the  quantity  of  elephantine  remains  which  are  there  found. 

Thus  it  appears  that  the  fossil  remains  of  the  hyena  have  been  found 
in  four  different  parts  of  Germany.  In  France  also,  at  Fouvent,  near 
Gray,  in  the  department  of  Doubs,  the  remains  of  this  animal  have 
been  found ;  and,  as  at  Canstadt,  mixed  with  the  bones  of  elephants  and 

The  fossil  bones  of  Canstadt  were  first  found  in  the  year  1700,  and 
considerable  researches  made  for  them  by  order  of  the  then  reigning 
Duke  of  Wirtemberg.  A  dissertation  was  also  written  on  them*,  in 
which,  however,  but  little  information  is  afforded ;  the  author,  Dr.  Da- 
vid Spleiss,  having  chiefly  engaged  himself  in  determining,  whether  these 
fossils  were  really  the  remains  of  animals,  or  merely  the  sports  of  nature. 

*  Oedipus  Osteolithologicus. 


These  bones  having  been  however  preserved  in  the  Museum  of  Stuttgard, 
M.  Autenrieth  favoured  M.  Cuvier  with  a  particular  account  of  them, 
and  of  the  situation  in  which  they  were  found. 

The  place  is  situated  about  a  mile  from  the  small  city  of  Canstadt,  on 
the  eastern  ridge  of  Neckar;  the  bones  are  found  in  disorder,  partly 
broken,  in  a  mass  of  yellowish  clay,  mixed  with  small  round  grains  of 
quartz  and  bowldered  limestones,  with  a  quantity  of  small  white  fresh- 
water shells  *. 

This  mass  appears  to  occupy  the  bottom  of  the  valley  of  Neckar,  be- 
tween the  calcareous  beds,  and  joins  at  the  bottom  of  the  hills  of  red  marl 
which  surround  the  mountains  of  freestone.  These  hills  of  marl  appear  to 
be  older  than  the  limestone,  and  the  limestone  older  than  the  clay.  The 
marl  contains  plants  of  the  reed  family ;  and  the  summits  of  these  hills 
"are  covered  with  marine  petrifactions,  such  as  belemnites  and  ammo- 
nites; of  which,  however,  there  are  none  in  the  beds  of  limestone. 

The  bones  of  elephants  were  found  nearest  to  the  surface ;  the  others 
were  situated  deeper.  The  bones  of  at  least  five  elephants  are  preserved. 
There  were  whole  cart-loads  of  the  teeth  of  horses,  but  not  a  tenth  part 
of  the  bones  of  the  horses  to  which  the  teeth  had  belonged.  Some  bones 
of  rhinoceroses  were  also  found ;  and  the  epiphyses  of  such  large  vertebral 
bodies,  as  could  only  have  belonged  to  some  of  the  cetaceous  animals. 

In  this  clay  were  also  found  the  skull  of  a  hyena,  the  left  half  of  another 
skull,  the  temporal  bone  of  another  of  the  same  species;  eleven  grinders, 
four  canine  teeth,  and  twelve  bones  of  the  toes. 

M.  Autenrieth  has  also  discovered,  in  the  neighbourhood,  an  entire 
subterranean  forest  of  palms,  many  of  which  are  two  feet  in  diameter. 

*  The  circumstance  of  meeting  with  fresh  water,  and  even  land  shells,  among  the  fossil 
remains  of  land  animals,  frequently  occurs.  Thus  the  shell,  Plate  XIV.  Fig.  9,  apparently 
Helix  arbustorum,  was  found  among  the  remains  of  deer,  at  Brentford,  in  a  stratum  of  light 
calcareous  earth,  reaching  from  sixteen  to  twenty-five  feet  from  the  surface.  The  fossils, 
in  this  instance,  had  heen,  in  all  probability,  cotemporary.  Other  instances,  however,  occur, 
in  which  we  find  the  remains  of  animals  of  different  eras  intermingled :  a  circumstance 
which,  I  conceive,  proceeds  from  the  intermixture  of  the  debris  of  different  strata. 


The  yellow  clay  is  found  in  many  other  branches  of  this  valley,  and  fos- 
sils are  met  with  there  very  frequently. 

In  the  year  1800,  M.  Tourtelle,  of  Fouvent-le-Prieure,  a  little  village 
near  Gray,  in  the  department  of  Upper  Saone,  excavating  a  limestone 
rock,  to  extend  his  garden,  found,  in  a  fissure  of  the  rock,  various  un- 
common bones  of  different  shapes  and  sizes.  The  excavations  being 
increased,  several  more  bones  were  found,  and  transmitted  to  the  Na- 
tional Museum.  These  bones  were  chiefly  of  the  jaws  of  elephants  and 
of  horses;  but,  amongst  them,  M.  Cuvier  also  found  a  fragment  of  the 
lower  jaw  of  the  left  side  of  a  hyena,  containing  four  grinders;  a  muti- 
lated canine  tooth,  and  the  inferior  part  of  a  humerus,  well  preserved. 

M.  Cuvier,  from  the  accurate  knowledge  which  he  possesses  in  com- 
parative anatomy,  has  been  enabled  to  discover  that  the  fossil  hyena  is 
of  a  different  species  from  the  common  one  of  the  Levant.  The  last 
molar  tooth  of  the  lower  jaw,  in  the  known  hyena,  is  distinguished  by  a 
strongly  marked  conical  point  on  the  anterior  inner  angle,  and  which 
projects  inwards  towards  the  palate:  but,  in  the  fossil  corresponding 
tooth,  this  projection  does  not  exist. 

M.  Cuvier  was  enabled  to  determine  the  fragment  of  a  lower  jaw,  with 
the  four  molar  teeth,  to  belong  to  the  genus  Hyena ;  but  he  was  also 
led  to  believe  it  to  belong  to  a  different  species  from  the  common  hyena, 
from  the  three  anterior  teeth  possessing  a  less  longitudinal  extent,  in  pro- 
portion to  their  width  and  height,  than  is  observable  in  those  of  the 
common  hyena,  and  from  their  lateral  points  being  less  developed,  and 
particularly  the  anterior  one,  which  was  entirely  wanting  in  the  second 
tooth ;  although  it  is  very  distinct  in  the  common  hyena.  Calculating 
from  the  size  of  some  fossil  teeth,  both  from  Canstadt  and  Fouvent, 
M.  Cuvier  concludes,  that  the  animal  to  which  they  belonged  must  have 
exceeded  the  size  of  the  common  hyena  one  fifth. 

In  a  fragment  of  the  upper  jaw,  from  Gaylenreuth,  he  found  the  third 
molar  tooth,  which,  though  decidedly  of  the  hyena,  was  analogous  with 
the  fossil  teeth  of  the  preceding  lower  jaw,  in  being  short  from  front  to 
back,  in  proportion  to  its  height  and  transverse  diameter.  Its  anterior 
tubercle  was  entirely  wanting,  and  its  posterior  hardly  perceptible. 


From  these  characters  he  is  led  to  think  that  the  fossil  hyena  had  the 
muzzle  much  shorter  in  proportion  than  the  hyena  of  the  Levant, 
by  which  it  must  have  bitten  stronger ;  which  is  not  easy  to  conceive, 
since  the  hyena  is  known  never  to  quit  its  hold.  The  Arabs,  when 
speaking  of  one  obstinate  in  his  opinion,  call  him  the  head  of  a  hyena. 
Calculating  the  size  of  the  hyena  to  which  the  last-mentioned  fragment 
belonged,  M.  Cuvier  believes  that  it  also  must  have  exceeded  the  common 
hyena  of  the  Levant  one  fifth  in  size. 

The  confirmation  of  these  bones  having  belonged  to  a  species  of  hyena 
was  obtained  by  the  appearances  yielded  by  the  other  bones,  and  par- 
ticularly by  the  portion  of  the  humerus  and  by  an  astragalus.  The  dif- 
ference of  species,  between  the  fossil  hyena  and  that  of  the  Levant  was 
also  plainly  shown  by  these  specimens. 

Besides  these  remains  of  the  hyena,  M.  Cuvier  obtained,  from  Gay- 
lenreuth,  the  side  jaw,  with  four  grinders,  very  little  injured,  and  the  ar- 
ticular condyle  and  lower  edge  quite  whole.  By  comparing  this  jaw, 
which  was  of  an  aged  animal,  with  that  of  the  hyena  of  the  Levant,  it 
was  found  to  exceed  it,  in  the  proportion  of  three  to  two. 

There  however  remained  two  more  living  species,  with  which  it  was 
desirable  these  fossil  remains  should  be  compared.  The  skin  of  one  of 
these,  the  hyena  of  the  Cape,  being  in  the  Museum,  with  the  teeth  pre- 
served in  it,  M.  Cuvier  made  a  comparison  of  the  teeth,  and  was  very 
much  surprised  at  finding  a  precise  agreement  between  the  fossil  teeth 
and  those  of  this  animal.  Consequently,  as  M.  Cuvier  remarks,  if  the 
fossil  hyena  has  its  analogue  in  this  world,  it  is  to  be  sought,  for  in  the 
hyena  of  the  Cape. 

He  then  proceeds  to  observe,  that  it  is  hardly  necessary  to  mention 
that  the  resemblance  between  the  teeth  does  not  absolutely  prove  the 
perfect  identity  of  the  species,  and  that  there  might  be  differences  be- 
tween the  skeletons,  and  even  between  the  integuments.  But  even  ad- 
mitting  this  identity,  in  what  a  new  labyrinth  are  the  geologists  placed  ? 

It  has  been  hitherto  said  that  the  fossil  elephant  is  of  the  Asiatic  spe- 


cies ;  and  here  we  find  it  twice  associated  with  an  animal  of  the  South  of 
Africa.  This  same  animal  is  found  too  associated  with  bears,  which  at 
present  exist  only  in  the  north.  At  what  time,  then,  he  asks,  was  it  that 
the  elephants  and  the  hyenas  of  the  Cape,  of  the  size  of  our  bears,  lived 
together  in  our  climate,  and  were  shaded  by  forests  of  palms,  and  in  which 
they  took  shelter  in  caverns  along  with  bears  as  large  as  our  horses? 

The  remains  of  a  very  large  animal  of  the  genus  Felis  also  exist  in 
great  numbers  in  these  caverns.  Those  of  Hungary  have  been  described 
and  figured  by  Vollgnad,  Ephem.  Nat.  Cur.  An.  4,  Dec.  i.  and  Leibnitz 
gives  the  portion  of  a  skull,  Protog.  PL  xi.  Fig.  1.  This  skull,  which 
has  been  examined,  and  compared  with  the  utmost  degree  of  precision 
by  M.  Soemmerring  with  the  skulls  of  the  bear  of  the  cavern  and  of  the 
lion,  is  found  by  that  celebrated  anatomist  to  agree  with  that  of  the  lion 
of  a  moderate  size,  and  to  differ  from  that  of  the  bear  of  the  caverns  in 
thirty-six  different  points.  But  it  is  remarked  by  M.  Cuvier,  that  the 
greater  part  of  these  points  of  difference  are  referable  to  every  animal  of 
the  genus  Felis,  as  well  as  to  the  lion.  Esper  has  given  the  figures  of 
several  teeth,  which  resemble  those  of  some  feline  animal,  and  which  he 
obtained  from  the  caverns  of  Gaylenreuth.  M.  Cuvier  has  also  obtained, 
from  Gaylenreuth,  the  second  upper  grinder;  and,  by  favour  of  Mr.  A. 
Camper,  the  half  of  a  lower  jaw,  wanting  only  the  condyle  and  the  an- 
tepenultimate grinder  of  some  animal  of  the  same  genus. 

To  determine  to  what  species  this  jaw  belongs,  M.  Cuvier  justly  ob- 
serves, is  by  no  means  easy.  "  I  venture  to  say,"  he  adds,  "  that  it 
would  be  impossible,  without  the  numerous  means  of  comparison  which 
I  have  had  the  happiness  of  bringing  together."  By  these  opportunities 
he  has  been  enabled  to  determine  that  this  piece  belonged  to  neither  the 
lion,  lioness,  nor  tiger,  and  still  less  to  the  leopard  and  small  panther,  as 
it  is  called ;  and  that  if  it  must  be  referred  to  a  living  species,  it  can  only 
be  to  the  jaguar,  or  great  spotted  panther  of  South  America. 

Among  the  bones  of  Gaylenreuth  which  had  undergone  a  considerable 
change,  and  which  were  invested  with  the  same  tufous  matter  as  the 


bones  already  mentioned,  M.  Cuvier  found  several  belonging  to  the  fox, 
or  to  some  animal  nearly  allied  to  it :  and  these  bones,  he  believes,  are 
by  no  means  rare  in  the  caverns. 

In  the  same  mass  of  tufa  in  which  he  found  the  preceding  bones  resem- 
bling those  of  the  fox,  he  found  the  remains  of  a  smaller  carnivorous 
animal,  which  he  thought  were  certainly  the  bones  of  a  martin.  The 
dorsal  vertebra,  thus  found,  appeared  to  agree  with  those  of  the  zorilla, 
or  the  polecat  of  the  Cape — an  agreement  particularly  remarkable, 
since  the  bones  of  the  hyena  of  the  caverns  also  bear  a  strong  resem- 
blance to  those  of  the  spotted  hyena  of  the  Cape. 

From  this  concurrence,  M.  Cuvier  Bad  been  almost  led  to  think,  that 
the  analogues  of  the  animals  found  in  the  caverns  were  perhaps  to  be 
found  at  the  Cape ;  but  this  notion  was  entirely  set  aside  by  discovering 
that  the  fossil  pelvis,  found  among  these  remains,  more  resembled  that 
of  the  polecat  of  Europe. 

The  fossil  bones  which  M.  Cuvier  found  in  the  caverns,  possessing 
no  characters  distinguishing  them  from  those  of  animals  still  living  in 
the  same  countries  where  these  remains  are  found,  were  those  of  the 
wolf  or  dog.  But  it  is  necessary  to  remark,  that  this  occurs  in  a  genus 
where  the  distinction  of  species,  by  separate  bones,  is  almost  impossible. 
Daubenton  had  already  remarked  the  difficulty  of  distinguishing  the  ske- 
leton of  a  wolf  from  that  of  the  shepherd's  dog  of  the  same  size;  and 
M.  Cuvier  has  only  been  able  to  remark,  that  in  the  wolf  the  triangular 
part  of  the  forehead,  behind  the  orbits,  is  a  little  narrower  and  flatter,  the 
sagitto-occipital  ridge  longer  and  more  raised,  and  the  teeth,  particularly 
the  canine,  a  little  larger  in  proportion — shades  of  difference  so  slight, 
as  almost  to  lead  to  the  opinion  of  the  wolf  and  the  dog  being  of  the  same 

Esper  and  Rosenmuller  describe  bones  found  at  Gaylenreuth,  which 
they  refer  to  the  wolf.  A  skull  of  this  kind  is  in  the  cabinet  of  Darm- 
stadt, and  is  figured  by  Cuvier,  Ann.  du  Mus.  d'Hist.  Nat.  Cap.  LIV. 
PL  34.  Whichever  species  these  bones  belong  to,  they  are  found  to 

VOL.  III.  3  K 


agree,  in  the  state  of  preservation,  and  in  the  substance  with  which  they 
are  invested,  with  those  of  the  bears,  and  of  the  hyenas.  Similar  bones 
have  been  found  with  the  elephantine  remains  at  Canstadt  and  at  Ro- 
magnano;  and  at  Kahldorf,  where  the  head  of  the  hyena  already  men- 
tioned, described  by  Collini,  was  found. 

The  quantity  of  remains  of  animals  of  the  former  world  which  has 
been  imbedded  in  the  quarries  of  plaster-stone  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Paris,  must  be  beyond  conception.  Considering  that,  in  certain  beds, 
there  is  not  a  block  of  gypsum  but  which  encloses  perhaps  a  bone,  how 
many  millions  of  these  bones,  as  is  justly  observed  by  Cuvier,  must  have 
been  destroyed  by  the  vast  excavations  which  have  been  already  made  ? 
how  many  more  are  being  perpetually  lost  through  mere  neglect  ?  and, 
even  since  they  have  been  more  in  request,  how  many  must  escape  ob- 
servation in  consequence  of  their  minuteness  ? 

To  such  observations  the  indefatigable  Cuvier  was  led,  by  the  dis- 
covery of  a  skeleton  of  a  small  size,  in  two  pieces  of  gypsum.  By  a  care- 
ful dissection,  as  it  were,  of  these  stones,  he  was  enabled  to  make  out  the 
different  parts'  of  the  skeleton  so  distinctly,  as  to  ascertain  that  it  was  one 
of  the  animals  of  the  family  of  Pcdimanes  of  Dumeril,  which  are  distin- 
guished by  having  a  separated  toe  to  their  hind  foot,  and  a  fold  of 
the  integument  forming  a  pouch  beneath  the  belly ;  or,  as  it  were,  a 
false  uterus. 

The  animals  of  this  description  are  disposed,  in  the  last  edition  of 
Systema  Nature,  in  thirteen  species,  under  the  genus  Didelphis.  This  dis- 
posal, according  to  M.  Cuvier,  is  not  correct.  Independent  of  other 
objections,  which  will  be  presently  noticed,  it  is  to  be  remarked,  that 
Dr.  Shaw  has  found  it  necessary  to  separate  from  these  the  kanguroo, 
Didelphis  gigantea,  Linn,  and  has  formed 'of  it  a  distinct  genus,  to 
which  he  has  given  the  name  Macropus ;  the  animals  of  which  transfer 
their  young,  even  before  they  are  fully  formed,  to  a  pouch  beneath  their 
belly,  or  carry  them,  when  formed,  on  their  backs. 

M.  Cuvier  divides  the  genus  Didelphis  into  the  following  subgenera : — 


I.  Sarigue,  with  ten  incisors,  the  middle  a  little  the  longest,  in  the  upper 
jaw,  and  eight  in  the  lower  jaw ;  the  .canine  teeth  long  and  pointed  ;  the 
tail  naked  and  prehensile.     Here  he  places  the  following  species  :   1 .  Di- 
delphis  marsupialis  and  cardrwpfiaga,   Linn, ;  Did.  virginiana,  Penn.  Did. 
opossum,   Linn.    Did.  inurina,  Linn.  Did.  cayopollin  and  dorsigera,  Linn. 
Did.  brachiura,  Did.  memina. 

II.  Dasyure,  with  eight  incisors  above,  and  six  below:  a  tail  furnished 
with  long  hair,  and  not  prehensile.     The  only  species  which  is  referred 
here  is  Did.  macuata. 

III.  Phalanger,  with  six  incisors  above,  and  two  long  below,  directed 
horizontally  forwards ;  three  or  four  canine  below,  hardly  passing  out  of 
the  gums :  the  second  and  third  toes  of  the  hind  feet,  and  sometimes  the 
fourth,  joined  together  to  the  claw.     Here  are  brought  Did.  orientalis  and 
Did.  volans. 

M.  Cuvier  agrees  with  Dr.  Shaw  in  separating  the  kanguroos  from  the 
genus  Didelphis. 

From  the  elevation  of  the  coronoid  apophysis  above  the  condyle,  and 
the  sharp  projection  formed  by  the  posterior  angle  of  the  lower  jaw, 
M.  Cuvier  drew  his  first  inference,  that  this  fossil  animal  belonged  to  the 
order  of  carnivorous  animals. 

The  elevation  of  the  condyle  much  above  the  horizontal  line  on  which 
the  teeth  are  placed,  prevents  these  remains  from  being  attributed  to  the 
carnivorous  animals  with  teeth  with  a  cutting  edge,  such  as  the  dog,  cat, 
ichneumon,  weasel,  badger,  &c.  which  have  the  condyle  nearly  in  a  line 
with  the  teeth.  This  circumstance  brings  this  fossil  animal  among  the 
small  pcdimanes  or  plantigrades,  or  among  the  insectivorous  animals  gene- 
rally, and  this  we  shall  see  confirmed  by  its  teeth.  But  the  hedgehog, 
the  shrew,  the  mole,  the  didelplds,  and  some  of  the  bats,  have  their  con- 
dyles  placed  in  a  similar  manner. 

The  great  height  and  width  of  the  coronoidal  apophysis  referred  these 
remains  more  particularly  to  the  subgenus  or  species  Sarigue.  The  mole 
has  it  as  wide,  but  it  is  lower,  and  placed  in  a  different  direction : 


Did.  murina  has  it  of  the  same  proportions  as  to  width,  hut  the  height 
is  a  little  less.  In  this  last  circumstance  it  seemed  to  approach  nearest 
to  the  hedgehog. 

The  sharp  projection  at  the  angle  of  the  jaw  also  agreed  with  that  of 
the  hedgehog.  In  that  of  didelphis  there  is  a  particular  circumstance : 
this  projection  bends  inwards,  with  all  the  inferior  edge  of  this  part  of  the 
jaw ;  and,  by  carefully  removing  the  surrounding  stone,  M.  Cuvier  dis- 
covered this  characteristic  peculiarity  in  this  fossil  jaw. 

The  examination  of  the  teeth  confirmed  that  which  was  taught  by  the 
appearances  of  the  jaw,  since  they  possessed  the  general  characters  of 
the  teeth  of  insectivorous  animals,  characters  absolutely  proper  to  the 
pedimanes,  and  above  all  to  the  sarigues.  They  were  beset  with  pointed 
tubercles,  and  not  with  cutting  edges,  nor  a  flat  crown. 

After  carefully  comparing  the  teeth  of  the  fossil  jaw  with  those  of  the 
other  pedimanes,  he  concluded  that  they  agreed  with  those  of  the  dasy- 
ure,  those  animals  of  New  Holland  of  the  genus  Didelphis,  with  a  tail 
furnished  with  long  hair,  and  not  prehensile,  and  with  the  common  sa- 
rigue  of  America :  but  to  which  of  these  animals  they  approached  the 
nearest  he  was  unable  to  determine. 

Examining  the  other  parts  of  these  fossil  remains,  he  found,  that  their 
numbers,  forms,  and  proportions,  fully  agreed  with  those  of  the  pedimanes. 
Thus  he  found  thirteen  ribs,  and  thirteen  dorsal  vertebrae ;  six  very  long 
lumbar  vertebrae,  filling  the  space  of  six  of  the  dorsal ;  the  sacral  verte- 
brae, and  those  of  the  beginning  of  the  tail,  possessing  very  large  trans- 
verse apophyses;  the  radius  and  ulna  very  distinct,  and  capable  of 
moving  easily  on  each  other ;  the  fibula  separate  from  the  tibia,  having 
a  thin  and  enlarged  head;  the  triangle  of  the  scapula  nearly  similar; — 
in  a  word,  nothing  which  appeared  in  this  skeleton  manifested  any 
important  difference  between  it  and  that  of  the  sarigue,  and  especially 
of  didelphis  murena,  with  which,  it  being  of  the  same  size,  it  was  carefully 
compared.  , 

The  animals  with  a  pouch,  different  from  all  other  animals,  have  two 


long  and  flat  bones,  which  articulate  with  the  anterior  edge  of  the  pubis, 
and  serve  to  support  the  edges  of  the  pouch.  M.  Cuvier  therefore  dis- 
sected the  stone  with  a  point  of  a  needle,  and  was  thereby  enabled  to 
prove  the  existence  of  these  supernumerary  or  marsupial  bones  in  the 
fossil,  and  to  determine  that  they  agreed  with  the  analogous  bones  in  the 

The  tapir  is  the  only  known  American  animal  hitherto  found  fossil  in 
Europe,  M.  Cuvier  was  anxious,  therefore,  to  determine  whether  the 
sarigue  might  or  not  be  considered  as  the  second  :  believing  that,  of  the 
genera  of  animals  belonging  to  Austral  Asia,  none  had  been  discovered 
fossil  in  Europe. 

The  sarigues,  properly  so  called,  with  a  scaly  prehensile  tail,  ten  in- 
cisors above,  eight  below,  and  large  canine  teeth,  with  the  great  toes  of 
the  hind  feet  detached  and  without  a  claw,  are  the  animals  of  this  genus 
which  M.  Cuvier  considers  as  the  American  marsupial  animals;  and 
whilst  Austral  Asia  produces  all  the  rest  of  these  animals,  these,  the  sa- 
rigues, are  produced  in  America  alone.  His  task  he  considered,  there- 
fore, as  only  half  performed,  until  he  could  determine  whether  these 
remains  belonged  to  a  sarigue  or  a  dasyure. 

He  found  that  the  dasyure  has  four  toes  nearly  equal,  the  large  one 
being  so  short  that  the  skin  almost  hides  it,  it  appearing  only  like  a  tuber- 
cle ;  but  in  the  sarigue  this  toe  is  long  and  well  marked,  the  other  toes 
being  unequal ;  the  little  toe,  and  particularly  its  metacarpal  bone,  being 
shorter  than  the  others.  By  carefully  exploring  the  stone,  he  found  the 
fourth  and  fifth  metatarsal  bones,  and  ascertained  that  the  fifth,  or  that 
of  the  little  toe,  was  a  third  shorter  than  that  of  the  next  toe,  precisely 
as  in  the  sarigue.  Thus  the  question  was  fully  decided,  and  it  was  proved, 
that  there  exists  in  the  quarries  of  plaster-stone  the  bones  of  an  animal,  the  genus 
to  which  it  belongs  being  at  present  proper  to  America. 

The  eager  inquiries  of  this  illustrious  naturalist  did  not  rest  here :  he 
next  endeavoured  to  discover  if  these  remains  agreed  with  any  living 


species.  But  as  the  history  of  all  the  species  is  not  known,  this  task  wa* 
not  expected  to  be  satisfactorily  accomplished.  He  however  discovered, 
that  it  did  not  exactly  agree  with  that  of  any  of  the  known  species ;  but 
that  the  Didelphus  murina  was  the  only  one  to  which  the  fossil  nearly 
approached  in  its  size.  It  could  not,  however,  be  a  skeleton  of  an  animal 
of  this  species,  since  there  are  essential  differences  in  their  proportions, 
some  parts  being  smaller,  and  others  larger,  in  the  one  than  in  the  other. 

A  jaw  was  found  in  the  plaster  quarries,  which  at  first  sight  appeared 
to  resemble  the  jaw  of  a  dog  or  of  a  fox.  From  its  elevated  condyloid 
apophysis,  the  notch  in  its  posterior  edge  forming  the  arc  of  a  circle, 
its  posterior  angle  being  hooked,  and  from  the  cutting,  triangular,  den- 
telated  molar  teeth,  M.  Cuvier  had  no  hesitation  in  classing  the  animal 
to  which  it  belonged  with  the  carnivorous ;  and,  from  the  number  of 
the  molar  teeth,  he  ascertained  that  it  must  also  have  belonged  to  the 
genus  Canis.  But  after  much  careful  examination,  he  was  unable  to 
discover  any  species  of  the  genus  Canis,  with  whose  jaw  the  fossil  species 
agreed  in  every  respect :  he  therefore  thinks  it  very  probable  that  this 
carnivorous  animal,  like  the  herbivorous  of  these  same  quarries,  belonged 
to  some  species  at  present  unknown.  He  also  found  the  astragalus  of 
another  carnivorous  animal,  much  smaller  than  would  have  been  the 
astragalus  of  the  animal  to  which  this  jaw  belonged. 

He  afterwards  found,  in  the  great  quarry  of  Montmartre,  a  fragment 
of  a  lower  jaw,  very  different  from  that  of  the  dog.  Jn  this  piece  there 
only  remained  a  complete  tooth  and  the  fragment  of  another ;  but,  by 
a  most  careful  and  nice  examination  and  comparison,  he  was  enabled  to 
ascertain  that  it  belonged  to  some  species  of  the  genus  Canis,  the  skeleton 
of  which  is  unknown ;  or  to  some  carnivorous  animal  between  the  genus 
Canis  and  Viverra  genctta  and  ichneumon. 

The  lower  head  of  an  os  humeri  was  obtained  from  the  same  quarry, 
and  appeared  to  have  belonged  to  a  species  of  martin  about  the  size  of  a 
common  cat.  If  it  belonged  to  the  same  animal  to  which  the  preceding 


jaw  did,  M.  Cuvier  remarks,  that  it  must  have  been  of  a  genus  entirely 
distinct  from  the  other  carnivorous  animals. 

A  small  astragalus  was  also  found,  resembling  that  of  the  cat  or  of 
the  ichneumon,  and  which  very  probably  belonged  to  the  same  animal 
as  the  humerus. 

'  An  ulna  was  also  found,  belonging  to.  some  carnivorous  animal,  and 
of  those  species  which  have  short  legs,  as  the  otters,  &c.  but  larger  than 
those  of  the  largest  sea-otters.  From  this  bone  alone,  he  does  not  hesi- 
tate in  saying,  that  the  animal  to  which  it  belonged  is  unknown  to  na- 

A  metacarpal  bone  was  found  also  at  Montmartre,  which  in  its  thick- 
ness agreed  with  that  of  the  cats,  ichneumons,  and  otters;  but  being  dou- 
ble the  size  of  the  analogous  bone  in  the  otter,  he  thinks  it  may  be  con- 
sidered  as  belonging  to  the  same  animal  as  the  ulna. 

Thus,  then,  M.  Cuvier  appears  to  have  discovered  the  remains  of  three 
carnivorous  animals  in  the  plaster  quarries ;  and  M.  Camper  possesses 
a  metacarpal  bone,  which  is  of  the  same  proportional  length  as  that  of 
the  dog ;  but  its  absolute  size  is  such,  as  will  not  allow  of  referring  it  to 
any  of  the  species  whose  fragments  have  been  obtained.  This  points 
out  a  fourth  fossil  carnivorous  animal  in  these  quarries.  These,  with  the 
small  sariguc,  are  all  which  have  been  there  discovered  of  this  class. 





1  HAVE  now  arrived  at  the  termination  of  my  proposed  attempt,  having 
placed  before  you  as  correct  a  sketch  as  I  was  able  of  the  fossil  remains 
of  those  organized  beings,  which  existed  on  this  planet  previous  to  its 
possessing  its  present  form. 

Your  attention  has  been  hitherto  called,  chiefly,  to  the  original  modes 
of  existence  of  those  beings,  and  to  the  nature  of  the  changes  which 
they  have  undergone.  You  have  seen,  that  some  of  these  remains  have 
belonged  to  beings  whose  living  analogues  may  still  be  found ;  whilst 
others  have  belonged  to  beings  differing  essentially  from  any  which  are 
now  known  to  exist,  and  in  those  particular  characters  which  are  em- 
ployed by  naturalists  as  marking  generic  difference. 

You  have  also  seen,  that  the  fossil  remains  of  both  vegetables  and  ani- 
mals have  undergone  the  most  extraordinary  changes.  I  have  endea- 
voured to  prove  to  you  that  most  vegetable  fossils  had  undergone  a  pro- 
cess of  bituminization,  by  which  their  conservation  was  secured,  previ- 
ously to  their  impregnation  with  earthy  or  metallic  salts.  I  have  also 
suggested  the  probability  of  a  correspondent  preparatory  change,  in 
many  animal  substances,  previous  to  their  mineralization*. 

*  In  addition  to  the  instances  which  have  been  already  adduced  in  proof  of  the  petrifac- 
tion of  vegetables  having  been  in  general  affected  by  the  impregnation  of  previously  bitu- 
minized  vegetable  matter,  with  earthy  or  metallic  solutions,  and  not  by  substitution,  I  have 
met  with  one  striking  fact.  I  two  years  since  obtained  from  the  shore  at  Walton,  wood 
changed  into  marble,  capable  of  receiving  a  beautiful  polish,  and  which,  on  being  deprived 
of  its  carbonate  of  lime  by  the  action  of  muriatic  acid,  left  the  light,  inflammable,  bitumi- 
nous wood,  possessing  a  volume  very  little  less  than  that  of  the  marble  in  which  it  had  been 


Other  important  circumstances  respecting  the  situations  in  which  these 
fossils  are  found  must  also  have  excited  your  attention.  From  the  inte- 
grity of  numerous  delicate  fossil  shells,  and  from  the  congregation  of 
numerous  similar  animals  in  a  fossil  state,  it  has  been  evinced,  that  these 
animals  must  have  lived  on  the  very  spots  in  which  they  are  now 
found  imbedded.  It  has  been  also  shown,  that  these  fossil  remains  are 
found  in  those  parts  of  the  world  in  which  no  similar  beings  now  exist, 
and  in  climates  in  which  it  is  presumed  that  they  could  not  live ;  that  the 
remains  of  numerous  unknown  plants  are  found  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  coal,  at  considerable  depths ;  and  that  the  remains  of  marine  ani- 
mals are  found  in  very  lofty  mountains,  as  well  as  far  beneath  the  surface 
of  the  earth. 

The  consideration  of  these  circumstances  must  have  filled  your  mind 
with  wonder,  and  have  led  you  to  regard  with  reverence  these  stupen- 
dous proofs  of  the  power  of  the  Almighty  Creator.  But  from  the  consi- 
deration of  these  circumstances  alone,  but  little  information  can  be  ob- 
tained respecting  the  age  or  formation  of  this  planet :  to  obtain  any  use- 
ful knowledge  on  these  subjects,  it  is  necessary  that  the  examination  of 
these  fossil  bodies  should  be  connected  with  that  of  the  strata  in  which 
they  are  found. 

For  calling  the  attention  of  geologists  to  this  mode  of  directing  their 
inquiries,  we  are  much  indebted  to  Mr.  William  Smith,  who,  long  since, 
not  only  pointed  out  the  necessity  of  ascertaining  the  fossils  belonging  to 
each  particular  stratum,  but  also  collected  and  preserved  for  the  informa- 
tion of  others,  specimens  of  numerous  strata,  with  some  of  their  peculiar 

Without  the  hope  of  making  any  important  addition  to  our  knowledge 
of  these  subjects,  but  merely  with  the  wish  of  showing  how  beneficial  our 
inquiries  may  prove  when  thus  connected,  I  will  endeavour  to  ascer- 
tain the  proper  strata  of  some  of  the  fossils  mentioned  in  this  work.  To 
perform  even  this,  I  must  avail  myself  of  the  observations  made  by  the 
gentleman  above  mentioned,  and  by  Mr.  John  Farey,  author  of  several 

VOL.  III.  3  I. 


excellent  essays  on  stratification.  To  Mr.  Farey  I  acknowledge  con- 
siderable obligations  for  his  exceedingly  liberal  and  unreserved  commu- 
nications on  subjects  connected  with  these  inquiries. 

According  to  the  actual  observations  of  Mr.  Smith,  as  given  by  Mr. 
Farey,  in  his  General  View  of  the  Agriculture  and  Minerals  of  Derby- 
shire, Vol.  I.  p.  Ill,  the  following  are  the  upper  strata  which  have  been 
discovered  in  this  island,  disposed  in  the  order  in  which  they  occur. 

1.  Sand.  il 

2.  Clay,  with  septaria. 

3.  Sand,  with  shells,  varying  in  thickness  and  in  mixture  with  other 

4.  Soft  chalk  with  flinty  nodules, 
5  Hard  chalk. 

6.  Chalk  marl. 

7.  Aylesbury  limestone. 

8.  Sand  and  clay  strata,  in  one  of  which  is  a  dark  coloured  shelly 
limestone,  called  Sussex  marble. 

9.  Woburn  sand,  in  which  is  a  stratum  of  fuller's  earth. 

10.  A  thick  clay,  called  the  clunch  clay. 

11.  Bedford  limestone* 

12.  A  thick  clay. 

13.  Rag-stone  of  Barnack,  &c. 

14.  Limestone  and  grey  slate  of  Stunsfield,  Colley  Water,  &c. 

15.  Sand. 

16.  Bath  free-stone. 

17.  Sand  and  clays. 

18.  Maidwell  limestone. 

19.  Lias  clay,  containing  the  blue  and  white  Lias  limestone. 

20.  Sand. 

21.  Red  marl. 

Beneath  these  follow  the  grit-stones  and  coal  shales,  and  the  alternating 
limestones  and  toadstones.  Parts  of  these  inferior  strata  appear  to  have 
been  so  raised  and  so  denudated  of  their  superincumbent  strata,  by  some 


astonishing  power,  in  Derbyshire,  Staffordshire,  and  other  adjacent  coun- 
ties, as  to  give  the  opportunity  of  examining  the  out-crop,  or  appear- 
ance on  the  surface,  of  these  strata,  which  were  originally  covered  by  all 
the  strata  which  have  been  enumerated  above.  The  last  discovered,  en- 
trochaj,  limestone  of  Derbyshire,  must  have  originally  lain,  according  to 
Mr.  Farcy's  calculation,  three  miles  perpendicularly  lower  than  the  upper 
part  of  the  chalk  strata. 

Previously  to  considering  more  particularly  the  superior  strata,  it  is 
necessary  to  make  a  few  remarks  on  these  strata  of  COAL  and  of  limestone, 
which  appear  originally  to  have  existed  at  such  considerable  depths.  The 
coal  measures,  according  to  the  observations  of  Mr.  Farey,  when  found 
at  or  near  the  surface,  are  in  situations  in  which,  by  the  agency  of  that 
unknown  power  just  alluded  to,  the  strata  which  had  lain  over  them  has 
been  removed*.  Coal,  as  I  have  already  endeavoured  to  show,  appears 
to  be  the  product  of  vegetable  matter,  buried  under  particular  circum- 
stances, as  is  almost  proved  by  the  simple  fact  of  the  traces  of  vegetables 
being  almost  constantly  discoverable  in  it  and  in  its  accompanying  strata. 
If  this  opinion  be  correct,  coal  may  then  have  been  formed  at  any  period 
since  the  creation  of  vegetables ;  and  of  course  it  would  be  improper  to 
confine  its  origin,  as  is  done  in  the  first  of  these  volumes,  to  that  period 
at  which  the  deluge  occurred  which  is  spoken  of  by  Moses.  The  ob- 
servations of  Werner  support  this  opinion,  he  having  ascertained  the 
formation  of  coal  to  have  taken  place  at  different  periods,  from  that 
formation  which  rests  on  the  granite  rock,  and  is  accompanied  by  por- 
phyry and  greenstone,  to  that  of  bituminous  wood,  peat,  &c. 

The  ENTROCHAL  LIMESTONES  of  Derbyshire,  &c.  have  their  antiquity 

*  Similar  instances  of  this  abstraction  of  the  superior  strata  which  has  been  observed  by 
Mr.  Farey,  in  Derbyshire,  have  been  also  discovered  by  Dr.  Richardson,  in  the  basaltic 
country  in  the  counties  of  Derry  and  Antrim.  Mr.  Farey  denominates  these  exposures  of 
the  inferior  strata,  denudations,  and  Dr.  Richardson  those  removals  of  the  superior  strata, 
abruptions.  Phil,  Trans.  1808. 


manifested  by  their  original  deep  situation,  and  by  the  peculiar  fossil** 
which  they  contain.  These  are  the  entrochi  and  other  encrmal  remains, 
so  much  dwelt  on  in  the  second  of  these  volumes.  With  these  remains 
of  different  species  of  encrini,  these  limestones  are  in  some  parts,  and  to 
a  very  wide  extent,  entirely  filled.  In  the  limestone  of  Dudley,  in  Wor- 
cestershire, they  are  accompanied  by  a  tubiporites  (the  chain-coral),  and 
some  beautiful  minute  flustrita  and  milleporita,  none  of  which,  any  more 
than  the  encrinus  itself,  are  ever  seen  in  any  of  the  superincumbent 
strata.  Of  this  animal,  indeed,  it  may,  T  believe,  be  said  decidedly,  that 
it  must,  have  been  lost  ever  since  the  formation  of  these  very  ancient 


Respecting  the  stratification  of  Bradford,  near  Bath,  where  we  have 
seen  that  the  pear  mcrinite,  Vol.  II.  •  p,  208,  has  been  so  plentifully 
found,  I  have  no  authority  to  speak  decidedly ;  I  have,  however,  little 
doubt,  that  it  would  be  found  to  be  a  portion  of  a  lifted  stratum,  whose 
original  situation  was  beneath  the  blue  Lias.  As  has  been  just  observed 
respecting  the  Derbyshire  species,  so  it  may  be  here  observed,  that  no 
remains  of  this  species  have  been  found  in  any  of  the  superior  strata. 
Nor  has  any  recent  animal  been  found  that  could  be  placed  in  the  same 
genus  with  the  animals  to  which  these  remains  belonged. 

Above  these  strata  are  those  of  the  alternating  COAL  SHALES  and  GRIT- 
STONES ;  and  on  these  is  disposed  a  stratum  of  RED  MARL.  Over  this  is 
a  stratum  of  SAND  ;  but  neither  in  this  nor  the  preceding  stratum  does  it 
appear  that  any  fossils  have  been  noticed. 

THE  LIAS  CLAY  is  the  next  superior  stratum,  and  contains  beds  of 
limestOQe  called  THE  BLUE  and  THE  WHITE  LIAS  LIMESTONE.  This 
stratum  has  its  continuity  most  decidedly  evinced  ;  it  appearing  on  the 
coast  of  Dorsetshire,  and  ranging  through  the  island,  is  again  seen  on 
the  northern  coast. 

The  fossils  of  this  stratum  are  exceedingly  numerous,  and  some  of  them 
are  again  seen  in  some  of  the  superior  strata:  but  the  characters  of  the 


greater  part  are  such  as  to  point  them  out  decidedly  as  peculiar  to  this 


In  this  stratum  the  fossil  shells  are  exceedingly  numerous:  particularly 
ammonite,  nautilitte,  terebratulita,  gryphitte,  mytulita,  modiolita,  spondylit*, 
trigonitte,  belemnit<e,  and  the  large  dona.r-formed  bivalve  mentioned  p.  182. 
In  this  stratum  are  also  found  fish  of  an  unknown  genus,  with  large  square 
Kales,  PL  XVIII,  Fig.  9,  and  several  species  of  Testudo,  Lacerta,  &c. 

It  is  to  this  stratum  that  the  pentacrinitte  seem  peculiarly  to  belong. 
These  fossil  remains  occur  with  great  frequency  on  the  Dorsetshire  coast. 
When  the  vertebrae  of  this  animal  appear  in  any  of  the  superior  strata, 
it  is  most  probable,  that  they  are  alluvial,  having  been  washed  out  of 
the  raised  or  basseting  edges  of  this  stratum,  by  that  ocean  which  depo- 
sited the  stratum  in  which  they  are  found.  The  confinement  of  the  remains 
of  this  genus  of  animals  to  so  low  a  stratum,  is  very  extraordinary,  since 
we  have  seen,  that  animals  of  this  genus  exist  in  the  present  ocean. 

Immediately  above  this  stratum  is  a  blue  marl-stone,  called  the  MAID- 
WELL  LIMESTONE,  with  the  fossils  of  which  I  am  unacquainted.  Nor  am 
I  able  to  speak  with  more  information  of  a  great  number  and  thickness 
of  SANDS  and  CLAYS  which  lie  over  the  Maidwell  limestone. 

To  these  succeed  the  BATH  FREE-STONE  strata,  which  may  be  traced  in 
their  range  through  the  island.  The  upper  part  is  a  white  or  light  grey 
limestone;  beneath  which  is  the  oolithe,  or  row-stone,  and  under  this  a 
considerable  thickness  of  very  light  coloured  free-stone,  then  sand  and  clays, 
and  <a  free-stone  of  various  hues  of  yellow  and  red. 

The  fossils  of  this  strata  are  chiefly  bivalve  shells,  of  which  generally 
only  the  casts,  or  the  impressions  remain.  The  casts  are  chiefly  of 
arks,  bucardita,  (of  Plott)  a  shell  whose  genus  is  not  yet  known,  trigo- 
nit£,  mytulita,  and  various  other  bivalves,  the  casts  or  impressions  of 
which  only  remaining,  the  genus  of  the  shell  cannot  always  be  deter- 
mined. Among  the  more  perfectly  preserved  bivalves  are  several  tere- 
bratulitG,  particularly  the  shell  whose  curious  internal  structure  is  figured 
PL  XVL  Fig.  11  and  13,  and  which  has  been  also  mentioned  and 


figured  by  Mr.  Walcott  in  his  descriptions,  &c.  of  the  petrifactions  found 
near  Bath,  p.  22,  Fig.  33.  To  this  stratum  I  believe  the  patellita  of  Glou- 
cestershire belong,  and  in  different  parts  of  the  stratum  are  found 

Above  these  is  a  SAND  STRATUM,  and  in  this  is  the  LIMESTONE  and 
GREY  SLATE  STRATA  of  Stunsficld,  Colley  Weston,  Chippenham,  &c. 
In  this  stratum,  the  discoidal  echinita  abound,  as  well  as  the  trigonitce  and 
belemnitcc .  In  this  strata  are  also  found  pinnitae^  crenatulitte,  and  the  flat 
fossil  oyster.  But  the  fossils  which  are  here  most  abundant  are  the  bufo- 
nitce,  and  other  parts  of  the  palates  and  the  teeth  of  fishes. 

On  these  strata  lies  the  RAG-STONE,  which  has  been  employed  for  most 
of  the  ancient  well  preserved  buildings  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  island. 
This  stone  is  formed  of  small  bivalves,  chiefly  anomitte. 

Above  this  is  a  thick  clay,  on  which  is  the  limestone,  called  the  BED- 
FORD LIMESTONE;  in  which  are  found  small  gryphitce,  bclemnita,  ostreitte, 
pectinitce,  minute  crenatulita,  pinnita,  a  few  trigonitie,  the  uncommonly 
marked  bivalve  PI.  XIII.  Fig.  16.  and  various  other  shells. 

Immediately  over  this  is  a  stratum  of  clay  called  CLUNCH  CLAY,  from 
the  beds  of  clunch,  a  soft  chalk-like  stone,  which  is  found  towards  the 
top  of  it.  Ammonite,  large  gryphita,  belemnitce,  and  various  bivalves  are 
found  in  this  stratum. 

Above  this  is  the  WOBURN  SAND,  containing  in  its  lower  parts  frag- 
ments of  silicified  wood.  To  this  succeed  several  sand  strata  and  clays, 
and  in  one  of  these  a  thin  bed  of  the  shelly,  limestone  called  Sussex 
marble.  Above  this  is  the  Aylesbury  limestone  containing  large  ammo- 
nitce,  gryphita,  &c. 

Over  this  is  disposed  the  CHALK  MARL.  The  lower  or  HARD  CHALK 
rests  on  the  chalk  marl,  and  acquires  in  different  parts  different  degrees 
of  hardness,  forming  in  some  places  a  white  free-stone,  and  in  others  a 
softer  fire-stone.  This  stratum  affords  striking  instances  of  the  fact,  first 
noticed  by  Mr.  Smith,  of  certain  organic  remains  being  peculiar  to,  and  only 
found  lodged  in,  particular  strata.  The  chief  fossils  which  are  found  in  this 


Stratum  are  ammonite  of  a  tolerably  large  size;  and  a  smaller  species  of  an 
oval  form,  different  from  those  found  in  any  other  strata,  Vol.  III. 
PI.  IX.  Fig.  6.  Having  obtained  a  specimen  of  this  species  from 
Steyning  in  Sussex,  and  knowing  that  the  stratum  of  hard  chalk  was 
worked  near  Heytesbnry  in  Wiltshire,  I  wrote  to  my  late  respected 
friend,  Mr.  Cunnington,  to  inquire  if 'these  fossils  were  found  there  or 
not ;  and  I  was  agreeably  surprised  at  receiving  of  him,  from  that  stra- 
tum, an  oval  ammonite  of  the  same  species  with  that  which  I  had  found 
at  Steyning.  In  this  stratum  are  also  found  the  remains  of  scaphittf, 
Vol.  III.  PI.  X,  Fig.  10*. 

Immediately  on  this  stratum  is  placed  that  of  the  SOFT  CHALK,  contain- 
ing silex  in  the  state  of  sand  with  interposed  layers,  and  large,  interspersed, 
and  irregular  nodules  of  black  flint.  The  fossils  of  this  stratum  differ 
in  a  very  remarkable  degree  from  those  of  all  the  inferior  strata.  Here 
are,  I  believe,  never  found  ammonite,  trigonita,  or  scaphita,  which  were 
found  in  the  preceding  stratum.  The  fossil  remains  which  are  here 
found  are  of  echinita  of  different  species,  particularly  of  cidaris,  galea, 
galeola  and  spatangus ;  here  are  also  found  stellita,  terebratulit<z,  serpulitg, 
ostreita,  belemnita,  a  thorny  pectenites,  turbinated  and  other  madreporita, 
The  remarkable  limpet-like  shell,  p.  51.  PI.  V.  Fig.  3.  of  the  present 
volume,  which  is  seen  I  believe  in  no  other  stratum;  teeth,  and  rarely 
the  scales  and  bones  of  fishes.  I  believe,  in  this  stratum  alone,  occur  the 
remains  of  those  small  animals  figured  in  Vol.  II.  PI.  XIII.  Fig.  24, 
31,  34,  38,  and  39,  and  which  from  several  of  their  characters  seem  to 
deserve  to  be  regarded  as  belonging  to  the  family  of  encrinites. 

*  The  specimen,  PI.  XVIII.  Fig.  4,  is  very  interesting  from  its  showing  the  peculiar 
nature  of  the  fossils  of  this  stratum.  It  was  found  in  the  upper  part  of  the  Sussex  hard 
chalk.  It  has  very  much  the  appearance  of  an  echinital  spine;  but  the  smaller  end  is  split 
into  several  rugae;  and  in  another  specimen,  not  in  other  respects  so  perfect,  it  is  seen,  that 
this  rufous  termination,  was  an  organ  of  attachment,  the  fossil  being  thereby  attached  to  a 
piece  of  shell.  On  this  account,  there  appears  to  be  reason  for  supposing  it  to  be  part  of 
a  shell  of  the  same  genus  with  the  fossil  represented  Plate  VII.  Fig.  18,  of  this  volume, 


On  this  chalk  is  deposited  a  thick  stratum  of  WHITE  SAND,  over  which 
is  a  sand  of  a  darker  colour,  arjd  above  this  various  thin  strata,  or 
OF  SHELLS,  PEBBLES,  &c.  The  sand  and  several  of  these  strata  exist  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  Woolwich,  and  may  be  distinctly  traced  through 
different  parts  of  Kent ;  but  do  not  appear  to  have  been  examined  in 
the  other  parts  of  the  island.  The  shells  of  these  strata  are  chiefly  of 
the  genera  calyptr&a,  cerithium,  pleurotomia,  natica,  and  cyclas ;  but  from 
their  fragile  and  mutilated  state,  many  of  the  species  or  even  genera, 
cannot  be  made  out.  In  these  shells  a  considerable  approach  is 
observable  to  the  shells  of  the  present  ocean. 

Above  this  is  the  stratum  of  CLAY,  employed  round  the  metropolis  for 
brick  and  tile  making,  containing  septaria  of  different  sizes,  lying  hori- 
zontally in  parallel  lines.  In  this  stratum  are  found  pleurotomitz,  ceri- 
thitte,  similar  to  those  of  the  preceding  stratum,  the  shells  figured  by 
Brander,  as  Hampshire  fossils,  nautilitx,  an  immense  number  of  fruits, 
fossil  wood,  and  the  numerous  other  remains  noticed  by  Jacobs  and 
others  as  Shepey  fossils.  Similar  fossils  with  those  obtained  at  Shepey 
and  in  Hampshire,  have  been  also  found  in  this  stratum,  at  Kew  and  at 
Highgate.  At  the  latter  of  these  places,  and  at  Shepey,  a  resinous  sub- 
stance  has  been  also  found,  which  yields,  on  friction,  a  peculiar  aromatic 

At  Walton,  near  Harwich,  as  has  been  already  noticed,  the  remains  of 
several  quadrupeds  have  been  found.  There  have  been  obtained  the  re- 
mains of  the  elephant,  rhinoceros,  Irish  fossil  elk,  hippopotamus,  o.r,  stag, 
&c.  Those  which  I  found  myself  were  on  the  beach,  and  the  others 
I  had  been  taught  to  suppose  had  been  dug  out  of  the  blue  clay.  This, 
however,  I  have  been  led  to  doubt  from  the  kind  communications  of  the 
late  Mr.  William  Trimmer.  This  gentleman  ascertained  that  the  bones 
of  the  elephant,  hippopotamus,  &c.  found  at  Kew,  were  imbedded  beneath 
sandy  gravel,  on  a  BED  OF  CALCAREOUS  EARTH,  from  one  foot  to  nine 
feet  in  thickness;  that  these  remains. were  not  found  in  any  parts  to 


which  this  calcareous  stratum  did  not  extend;  and  that  a  few  feet  of 
sandy  gravel  separated  this  bed  from  the  stratum  of  blue  clay.  It 
appears,  from  the  matter  contained  in  the  cavities  of  the  Essex 
fossil  bones,  and  from  the  colour  of  their  substance,  that  they  have 
lain  in  a  similar  bed.  This  also  appears  to  have  been  the  case  with 
bones  of  the  elephant  and  teeth  of  the  rhinoceros,  from  Warwickshire 
and  Gloucestershire.  Hence  it  appears,  that  these  animals  lived  on  the 
dry  land  left  by  the  departure  of  the  waters  which  constituted  the  ocean, 
from  which  the  clay  stratum  was  deposited  ;  and  that  they  were  over- 
whelmed by  the  deposition  from  the  waters  which  formed  the  grave] 

This  deposition,  which  lies  over  the  blue  clay,  is  formed  of  strata,  ot 
of  patches,  of  SANDY  GRAVEL  and  SANDY  CLAY  ;  and  at  Walton  and 
Harwich,  in  Essex,  and  in  Suffolk  and  Norfolk,  it  contains  numerous 
fossil  shells,  many  of  which  are  similar  to  those  of  the  present  day.  With 
these  fossil  shells  are  also  found  fragments  of  fossil  bones,  which  there  is 
some  reason  for  supposing  may  have  belonged  to  the  mammoth  or  mas- 
tadon.  Patches  of  roundish  pebbles,  doubtlessly  formed  at  the  bottom 
of  a  sea,  exist  in  great  quantities  in  extensive  patches  over  this  stratum 
of  clay.  !. 

Even  from  this  slight  and  imperfect  sketch  it  appears  that  the  forma- 
tion of  the  exterior  part  of  this  globe,  and  the  creation  of  its  several 
inhabitants,  must  have  been  the  work  of  a  vast  length  of  time,  and  must 
have  been  effected  at  several  distant  periods. 

In  the  first  of  these  periods,  the  granitic  and  other  primary  rocks  were 
separated  from  the  water*.  That  this  separation  took  place,  as  is  stated 
in  the  scriptural  record,  previous  to  the  creation  of  vegetables  and  ani- 
mals, is  evident  from  no  remains  of  any  organized  substance  having  been 
ever  found  in  any  of  these  substances. 

In  the  next  period  we  are  informed,  by  Scripture,  that  the  creation  of 
vegetables  took  place -f-.  Almost  every  circumstance  in  the  situation  and 

*  Genesis,  i.  9.  t  Genesis,  i.  12. 

VOL.  III.  3  M 


disposition  of  coal  accords  with  this  order  of  creation;  excepting  that  in 
many  of  the  coal  measures,  the  alternating  limestones  are  full  of  the  re- 
mains of  shells.  But  on  the  other  hand  it  must  be  observed,  that  as  the 
formation  of  coal  may  have  taken  place  soon  after  the  creation  of  vege- 
tables, and  have  continued  even  to  a  very  late  period,  so,  consequently,, 
the  accompanying  strata  may  vary  materially  as  to  their  contents.  In 
the  later  formation,  the  remains  of  marine  animals  may  be  expected  to 
be  met  with  ;  but  in  the  earliest  formation,  that  which  is  found  on  granite, 
and  accompanied  by  porphyry,  green-stone,  £c.  it  is  probable  that  no 
remains  of  animals  would  be  found,  and  fair  proof  would  be  yielded,  of 
an  accordance,  in  this  instance,  between  the  order  of  creation  as  related 
by  Moses,  and  the  order  in  which  the  investing  strata  of  the  earth  are 

The  creation  of  the  succeeding  period,  according  to  the  scriptural  rela- 
tion, was  that  of  the  inhabitants  of  the  water  and  of  the  air*.  In  agree- 
ment with  this  order  of  creation,  are  the  contents  of  all  the  numerous 
strata  lying  above  those  already  mentioned ;  including  the  blue  clay 
which  we  have  seen  disposed  in  many  places  almost  at  the  surface.  In 
all  these  strata  no  remains  are  to  be  found  but  those  of  the  inhabitants  of 
the  waters ;  excepting  those  of  birds,  which  exist,  though  rarely  in  some 
particular  spots.  But  in  none  of  these  strata  has  a  single  relic  been  met 
with  which  can  be  supposed  to  have  belonged  to  any  terrestrial  animal. 

In  the  next  period  it  is  stated,  that  the  beasts  of  the  earth,  cattle,  and 
every  thing  that  creepeth  upon  the  earth,  were  madef .  The  agree- 
ment of  the  situations  in  which  the  remains  of  land  animals  are  found 
ijrith  this  stated  order  of  creation,  is  exceeding  exact ;  since  it  is  only  the 
surface,  or  in  some  superficial  stratum,  or  in  comparatively  some  lately 
formed  deposition,  that  any  remains  of  these  animals  are  to  be  found. 

The  creation  of  man,  we  are  informed,  was  the  work  of  the  last  pe- 
riod J :  and  in  agreement  with  his  having  been  created  after  all  the  other 

*  Genesis,  i.  20»  t  Genesis,  i.  24.  J  Genesis,  i  26° 


inhabitants  of  the  earth  is  the  fact,  that  not  a  single  decided  fossil  relic  of 
man  has  been  discovered. 

This  last  circumstance  will  be  considered  by  many  as  contradictory  of 
the  account  of  the  Deluge,  by  which  the  earth,  with  man,  was  said  to 
have  been  destroyed;  since  in  the  remains  of  the  deluged  world  mari 
might  be  expected  to  be  found  in  subterraneous  situations.  The  fact, 
however,  is,  that  although  no  remains  of  man  are  found,  the  surface  of 
the  earth,  which  is  inhabited  by  man,  displays,  even  at  the  present  day, 
manifest  and  decided  marks  of  the  mechanical  agency  of  violent  currents 
of  water.  Nor  is  there  a  single  stratum  of  all  those  which  have  been 
mentioned  which  does  not  exhibit  undeniable  proofs  of  its  having  been 
broken,  and  even  dislocated,  by  some  tremendous  power,  which  has 
acted  with  considerable  violence  on  this  planet,  since  the  deposition  of 
the  strata  of  even  the  latest  formation. 

From  the  whole  of  this  examination  a  pleasing,  and  perhaps  unexpected 
accordance  appears  between  the  order  in  which,  according  to  the  scriptural 
account,  creation  was  accomplished,  and  the  order  in  which  the  fossil 
remains  of  creation  are  found  deposited  in  the  superficial  layers  of  the 
earth.  So  close  indeed  is  this  agreement,  that  the  Mosaic  account  is 
thereby  confirmed  in  every  respect,  except  as  to  the  age  of  the  world, 
and  the  distance  of  time  between  the  completion  of  different  parts  of  the 
creation.  These,  in  consequence  of  the  literal  acceptation  of  the  word 
day,  in  that  account,  are  reckoned  to  be  much  less  than  what  every 
examination  of  the  earth's  structure  authorizes  their  being  supposed.  If 
we  are  constrained  to  receive  this  word  as  descriptive  of  that  length  of 
time  in  which  this  planet  now  performs  its  diurnal  revolution  ;  and  are 
to  consider  the  words  morning  and  evening,  applied  to  a  time  when  the 
sun  is  said  not  to  have  been  formed,  as  bearing  the  same  meaning  which 
they  now  convey,  it  must  be  acknowledged  that  the  stumbling-block  is 
immoveable.  But  if,  on  the  other  hand,  the  word  day  be  admitted  as 
figuratively  designating  certain  indefinite  periods,  in  which  particular 
parts  of  the  great  work  of  creation  were  accomplished,  no  difficulty  will 


then  remain.  The  age  of  the  world,  according  to  the  scriptural 
account,  will  then  agree  with  that  which  is  manifested  by  the  pheno- 
mena of  its  stratification. 

I  am  aware,  that  I  shall  obtain  very  little  support  in  such  a  change 
from  the  critical  expositors  of  this  part  of  scriptural  history,  even  should 
I  plead,  that  in  the  poetical  language  of  the  prophets  this  word  is  some- 
times thus  used.  I  however  trust,  that  I  shall  have  produced  no  slight 
authority  in  its  favour,  if  I  show  you  that  Moses  himself  employs  this 
word  in  this  sense,  when  speaking  of  the  whole  creation  of  the  heavens  and 
the  earthy  and  all  the  host  of  them.  "  These,"  he  says,  "  are  the  genera- 
tions of  the  heavens  and  the  earth,  when  they  were  created,  in  the  day 
that  the  Lord  God  made  the  earth  and  the  heavens."  Genesis,  ii.  4. 

It  is  not  necessary  to  proceed  any  further  on  this  subject :  it  is  how- 
ever fair  to  state,  that  I  did  not  commence  the  inquiries  contained  in 
these  volumes  without  being  forewarned  of  the  great  probability,  that 
they  would  terminate  in  the  establishing  of  certain  facts,  which  might 
materially  contradict  the  Mosaic  account  of  the  creation.  This,  how- 
ever, instead  of  checking,  served  only  to  promote  the  investigation  ;  it 
being  concluded,  that  if  this  were  made  with  a  due  attention  to  impar- 
tiality, truth  would  be  the  result,  and  a  fair  criterion,  by  which  the 
authority  of  this  account  might  in  some  measure  be  judged,  would  be 
produced.  Unapprised  of  what  would  be  the  termination  of  this  inquiry, 
I  resolved  to  prosecute  it  with  fairness;  to  shrink  from  no  question,  on 
account  of  its  supposed  tenderness ;  and  to  conceal  no  conclusion,  how- 
ever repugnant  to  popular  opinion  or  prejudice.  That  the  result  should 
be  so  strongly  confirmatory  of  the  Mosaic  account,  I  acknowledge  was 
unexpected;  and  that  so  close  an  agreement  should  be  found  of  the 
order  of  creation,  as  stated  in  Scripture,  with  the  actual  appearances  of 
the  depth  of  stratification  which  has  been  examined  in  modern  times, 
must  satisfy  or  surprise  every  one — Moses  could  not  have  learned  this 
accordance  from  the  Egyptians. 

But   leaving  this  subject  to  be  examined  by  those  whose  extensive 


knowledge  will  enable  them  to  form  a  more  correct  judgment  on  these 
points,  I  will  only  remark,  that  supposing  the  creation  to  have  been  per- 
formed in  the  order  related  in  Genesis,  and  at  particular  periods,  as  is 
there  stated,  it  becomes  only  necessary  to  consider  these  periods  as 
occurring  at  considerable  indefinite  lengths  of  time,  to  prove  an  exact 
agreement  between  that  particular  history  and  those  phenomena  which 
appear  on  examining  the  stratification  of  the  earth.  But  quitting  con- 
jecture, I  shall  conclude  with  placing  before  you  a  recapitulation  of  the 
more  important  of  those  phenomena,  which  seem  to  demand  more  par- 
ticular attention. 

I.  The  outer  part  of  this  globe,   examined  to  as  great  a  depth   as 

circumstances  have  permitted,  appears  to  be  formed  of  numerous 
strata  differing  from  each  other  in  their  composition,  many  of 
them  containing  remains  of  organized  bodies,  and  all  of  them 
appearing  to  have  been  formed  by  deposition  from  water. 

II.  These  strata  which  appear  once  to  have  been  continuous,  have 

been  broken  through  their  whole  depth,  and  so  dislocated,  that 
some  masses  of  the  lower  strata,  now  form  considerable  eleva- 
tions on  the  surface,  and  in  many  of  these  the  superior  strata 
are  carried  away. 

III.  Coal  and  traces  of  vegetables,  with  some  particular  marine   ani- 
mals, are  found  in  the  lowest  strata  that  have  been  yet  examined. 
In  the  other  strata,  up  to  the  surface,  the  remains  of  the  inhabi- 
tants of  the  water  only  are  met  with.     Near  to,  and  on  the  sur- 
face, only,  are  found  the  fossil  remains  of  various  land-animals; 
but,  no  where  have  yet  been  discovered  any  fossil  remains  of 

IV.  In  some  of  the  earlier  strata,  THE  CUBROCHAL  LIMESTONE,  the 
remains  of  animals  are  found,  the  cap  and  turban  encrinite,  &c. ; 
but  no  similar  fossils  are  seen  in  any  of  the  succeeding  superior 
strata,  nor  are  any  similar  animals  found  in  our  present  seas, 


V.  Some  species  of  fossil  animals  (pentacrinita)  occur  in  the  LIAS,  and 

are  not,  I  believe,  seen  in  any  of  the  succeeding  superior  strata, 
but  a  recent  similar  animal  is  found  in  our  present  seas. 

VI.  Some  fossil  animals  (ammonites)  are  first  seen  in  the  LIAS  and 
appear  in  most  of  the  succeeding  strata,   but  appear  to  have 
become  extinct  in  the  ocean  which  deposited  the  hard  chalk. 

VII.  Some  fossils    (bekmnitte)    appear  in  the  early  strata,    and  are 
continued  upwards  to  the  SOFT  CHALK  stratum,  after  which  they 
are  not  seen. 

VIII.  Some  fossils  (oval  ammonites,  scaphittz,  Sfc.)  are  not  known  in  the 
early  strata,  but  occur  in  the  HARD  CHALK,  and  are  not  seen  after- 
wards: as   if  they  had  been  created   at  a  comparatively   late 
period,  and  had  been  soon  afterwards  suffered  to  become  extinct. 

IX.  Some  fossil  shells  (trigonitce)  are  found  in  the  LIAS  and  in  MOST 
OF  THE  SUCCEEDING  STRATA,,  and  sometimes,  but  very  rarely,  in 
the  hard  chalk.     After  this  they  are  not  seen  in  the  remaining 
superior  strata,  but  of  late  years  one  species  has  been  found  in 
our   present   seas.     This   however   requires   some   explanation. 
The  trigonita  are  shells  differing  materially  from   any  others  in 
the  structure  of  the  hinge,  and  obtain  therefrom  the  most  decided 
generic   characters.     Until   lately   no   shell   of  this   genus   was 
known   in   a   recent   state :   one   however   has   been   found   by 
M.  Peron,  in  the  South  Seas ;   but  this  shell,  although  really  of 
this  genus,  is  of  a  different  species  from   any  shell,  which  has 
been  found  in  a  fossil  state.     So  that  none  of  the  species  of  shells 
of  this  genus,  which  are  known  in  a  fossil  state,  have,  in  fact, 
been  found  in  any  stratum  above  the  hard  chalk,  or  in  our  pre- 
sent seas. 

X.  In  the  SAND  and  in  the  BLUE  CLAY  above  the  chalk,  many  species 

of  shells  occur,  of  which  not  one  is  to  be  seen  in  the  preceding 
strata ;  but  of  which  several  approximate  to  those  in  the  present 


XI.  In  the  GRAVEL,  lying  on  the  blue  clay,  shells  are  found  which 
differ  from  those  of  any  of  the  preceding  strata,  and  nearly  agree 
with  our  recent  shells. 

XII.  In  these  UPPER  and  LESS  ANTIENT  STRATA  are  found  the  fossil 
remains   of  land  animals:  and  on  this  surface,   which  bears  the 
marks  of  considerable   torrents,   are   disposed,  at  least   in  this 
island,  the  present  inhabitants. 

Does  it  not  appear  from  this  repeated  occurrence  of  new  beings,  from 
the  late  appearance  of  the  remains  of  land  animals,  and  from  the  total 
absence  of  the  fossil  remains  of  man,  that  the  creative  power,  as  far  as 
respects  this  planet,  has  been  exercised,  continually,  or  at  distant  periods, 
and  with  increasing  excellence,  in  its  objects,  to  a  comparatively  late 
period :  the  last  and  highest  work  appearing  to  be  man,  whose  remains- 
have  not  yet  been  numbered  among  the  subjects  of  the  mineral  king- 



PLATE    I. 

Fig.     1 .  Part  of  a  fossil  lunated  star,  resembling  that  of  Pentagonaster  Semilunatus. 

2.  An  echinite  from  France. 

3.  Part  of  a  stellite,  resembling  Pentagonaster  Regularis. 

4.  A  small  echinite  from  Wiltshire,  possessing  many  characters  of  C.  diadema. 

5.  An  echinite  with  its  attached  spines,  imbedded  in  flint. 

6.  A  mammillated  echinite  from  Wiltshire. 

7.  Cidaris  Corollaris,  a  silicious  cast. 

8.  An  echinite  with  its  spines  attached,  from  Stunsfield,  similar  to  Fig.  4. 

9.  A  globose  mammillated  echinite  from  Oxfordshire. 

10.  An  echinite  from  Kent,  with  its  spine. 

11.  A  conoiclal  mammillated  echinite  from  Kent. 

12.  An  echinite  from  Wiltshire,  with  a  remarkable  anal  appendage. 

13.  Another  echinite  from  the  same  place.     The  appendage  is  here  extended  in  a  tre- 

lissed  manner,  like  the  markings  of  the  next  fossil. 

14.  The  markings  of  an  unknown  fossil,  figured  by  Walch,  and  which  seem  to  resemble 

the  markings  on  the  echinite,  Fig.  13. 

15.  A  small  stellites,  approaching  to  S.  lacertosa. 

16.  Small  fossil,  resembling  the  coriaceous  pentapetalous  sea-star,  from  Baier. 



,  'Minute  stellitsB  from  Verona. 



Fig.     1.  Clypeus  sinuatus  of  Leske,  from  Oxfordshire. 

2.  Echinanthites  orbicularis  of  Leske. 

3.  Echinites  vulgaris  of  Leske,  from  Sussex. 

4.  Echinocorys  scutatus  of  Leske,  from  Kent. 

5.  Echinanthus  ovatus  from  Verona. 

6.  Echinodiscus  bisperforatus  from  Verona. 

7.  Discoides  subuculus  of  Leske. 

8.  A  cast  of  Echinanthus  humilis  from  Malta. 

9.  Part  of  the  cast  of  a  galeated  echinite. 

10.  Conulus  albogalerus  of  Leske,  from  the  Kentish  chalk-pits. 

11.  The  under  part  of  the  same  fossil. 


Fig.    1.  Echinites  saxatilis,  with  its  spines  imbedded  in  flint. 

2.  Echinodiscus  subrotundus  from  Italy. 

3.  Spatangites  ovalis. 

4.  The  upper  surface  of  Spatangus  radiatiis  from  Maestricht. 

5.  The  under  part  of  the  same  fossil. 

6.  Echinites  pyriformis. 

7.  Echinites  lapis  cancri. 

8.  Spatangites  brissoides  ovalis. 

9.  Spatangus  purpureus  from  Malta. 

1 0.  Echinodiscus  laganum  from  Verona. 

11.  Spatangus  cor  marinum  from  Kent. 

12.  Spatangus  lacunosus  from  Malta, 

wan    fioxton      AT.y-    /  "/S/0 


C    o    fr  c» 

Pi  i 

-.,    tl»  Art  <l<f,cts,  iy  ./»"«  Pirl/nj™,  Halt",  Orfkmttl'  j) 



Fig.    1.  Clavated  spines  of  an  echinus  attached  to  the  shell,  imbedded  in  chalk. 

2.  A  long  spine  of  the  species  Cucumerina,  attached  to  a  mammillated  echinite. 

3.  Cylindrical  denticulated  spines,  with  the  shell  in  chalk. 

4.  A  fossil  echinital  spine,  resembling  a  belemnite. 

5.  A  fossil  spine,  named  Bacolo  di  Santa  Paulo  by  Scilla. 

6.  A  knobbed  cucumerine  spine. 

7.  A  cast  of  Echinanthus  altus  from  Malta. 

8.  A  cucumerine  spine. 

9  An  echinital  spine  of  the  species  glandaria. 

10.  A  cordated  echinite  from  Verona. 

11.  An  echinital  spine  of  the  species  glandaria  ,  formerly  called  petrified  Olives, 
1  2.  A  curious  flat  serrated  spine  from  Verona. 

13.  A  sulcated  fossil  from  Shepey,  apparently  an  echinital  spine. 

14.  An  echinital  spine  of   an  uncommon  character,   bearing  a  resemblance  to  the 



..Varieties  of  the  cucumerine  species. 
17.    ' 



19.  A  fossil  spine,  in  chalk,  possessing  the  structure  of  a  belemnite. 

20.  A  mammillated  echinite  from  Wiltshire. 

21.  Clavated  spines  attached  to  the  shell,  imbedded  in  flint. 


Fig.    1.  A  fossil  cone  from  Verona. 

2.  A  minute  silicious  rostellarite  from  Devonshire. 

3.  Part  of  an  uncommon  fossil  shell,  supposed  to  resemble  a  patella  in  some  of  its 


4.  Auricula  ringens,  completely  silicious. 

5.  Chiton  octavalvis,  with  magnified  figures  of  adherent  serpulae. 
VOL.  III.  3  O 


Fig.    6.   Cerithium  spiratum,  completely  calcedonic. 

7.  Terebra  plicatula. 

8.  A  fossil  shell  from  Courtagnon,  of  the  genus  Cancellana. 

9.  Mdania  marginata. 

10.  Calyptr&a  sinensis  from  Essex. 

1 1 .  A  silicious  rostellarite  from  Devonshire,  imbedded  in  sandstone. 

12.  Turrit  ellites  perforatus. 

13.  A  volute  from  Essex. 

14.  Marginella  eburnea  from  Grignon. 

15.  Murex  tubiferfroui  Grignon. 

16.  Murex  rugosus  from  Essex. 

17.  A  fossil  shell  partaking  of  Cassis  and  Buccinum. 

18.  A  fossil  shell  approaching  to  the  genus  Delphinula. 

19.  The  opposite  side  of  the  fossil  shell,  No.  17. 

20.  Buccinum  stromboides  from  Grignon. 

21.  A  fossil  patella  from  Gloucestershire. 

22.  A  fossil  shell  resembling  Murex  Erinaceus. 

23.  A  fossil  shell  possessing  some  of  the  characters  of  Harpa,  Cassis,  and  Buccmum, 

24.  A  cast  of  a  large  species  of  sulcated  Cypraa  from  Verona. 

25.  Eburna  glabrata. 

26.'  A  species  of  Pleurotoma  from  Grignon. 

N.  B.  The  shells  in  this  plate  are,  by  mistake,  reversed. 


fig.    1.  A  fossil  shell  of  an  unknown  genus  somewhat  resembling  Delphinula. 

2.  Natica  Canrena,  completely  silicious,  from  Devonshire. 

3.  'The  opposite  side  of  the  fossil,  Fig.  1. 

4.  A  calcedonic  cast  of  Nerita  Conoidea  with  the  containing  shell. 

5.  The  under  side  of  Fig.  4. 

6.  Murex  contrarius  from  Essex. 

7.  )  The  upper  and  under  sides  of  a  fossil  of  the  same  genus  with  that  figured  Fig.  1. 

8.  j      and  3. 

9.  A  magnified  representation  of  a  fossil  shell  of  the  genus  Sigarctus. 

10.  The  same  shell  of  its  natural  size. 

11.  A  spirulite  in  red  marble  from  Oeland. 

12     % 

I  Vermiculita  in  the  fissile  stone  of  Pappenheim. 

13.   ) 







Fig.    8.  A  belemnites  of  a  large  size. 

9.  A  belemnite,  the  substance  of  which  appears  to  have  been  eroded* 

10.  A  cylindrical  belemnite,  in  which  a  small  linear  canal  is  observable. 

11.  A  belemnite,  terminating  gradually  in  a  point. 

12.  A  belemnite,  terminating  suddenly  in  a  point. 

13.  A  fusiform  belemnite. 

14.  A  cylindrical  belemnite,  with  its  alveolus. 

15.  A  conical  belemnite,  with  the  concamerated  part. 

16.  A  minute  fossil  orthoceratite  from  Sienna. 

17.  The  same  magnified. 


Fig.    1 .  A  belemnite  imbedded  in  flint. 

2.  A  baculites  from  Maestricht. 

3.  A  spondylolite,  a  cast  formed  in  the  chamber  of  an  ammonite ;  a  depression  on  the 

back,  marking  the  situation  of  the  siphuncle. 

4.  Part  of  an  ammonite,  showing  the  siphuncle  in  situ. 

5.  The  section  of  an  ammonite,  showing  the  course  of  the  siphuncle. 

6.  An  oval  ammonite. 

1.  A  pyritical  ammonite,  showing  the  foliaceous  sutures. 

8.  An  ammonite,  possessing  a  considerable  portion  of  the  shell. 

9.  The  section  of  an  ammonite,  showing  the  sinuous  septa. 


Fig.    1.  Part  of  a  Hamites,  nearly  straight. 

2.  Another  specimen,  slightly  turning. 

3.  A  large  specimen,  the  hooked  form  being  completed. 

4.  A  specimen,  in  which  the  turn  is  so  made  as  to  show  that  it  could  not  have  termi- 

nated in  a  spiral. 

5.  Another  specimen,  from  the  green  sand  of  Wiltshire,  showing  that  it  could  not  have 

been  of  a  spiral  form. 

6.  |  Two  views  of  a  fossil  shell,  resembling   the  nautilus,  but  whose  genus  is  not 

7.  )      determined. 





Fig.    8.  Spirolina  depressa. 
9.  Spirolina  cylindracea. 

10.  A  supposed  variety  of  the  preceding  fossil. 

1 1 .  Miliolites  ringens. 

\  The  upper  and  under  surfaces  of  Miliolites  saxorum, 
13.   > 


1 5.  >  Different  views  of  M.  cor  anginum. 

16.  ) 

17.  J 

18.  >Dii 

•  Different  views  of  M .  trigonula. 

20.  M.  opposita. 
11.  Renulinites  opercularia. 

22.  The  bellied  semilunar  worm-shell  of  Mr.  Walker,  introduced  for  the  sake  of  com- 

parison with  the  preceding. 

23.  Gyrogonites. 

24.  A  detached  carinated  rib  of  Gyrogonites. 

25.  A  minute  nautilite,  resembling  N.  crispus,  Lin.  from  the  Appenines. 

26.  Another  minute  nautilite  from  the  same  place. 

27.  A  minute  fossil  shell,  N.  Beccarii,  from  the  Appenines,  resembling  the    minute 

recent  shells  which  have  been  supposed  to  be  recent  ammoniac. 

28.  A  reversed  shell  of  the  same  species. 

29.  An  arcite,  of  an  uncommon  form,  from  Germany. 

30.  A  fossil  shell,  with  a  pellucid  border,  from  the  Appenines. 

31.  A  microscopic  pinnite,  approaching  to  Pinnasaccata. 

32.  A  mytulite,  the  surface  resembling  a  leaf 


Fig.    1 .  The  structure  of  the  hinge  of  the  right  valve  of  Trigonia, 

2.  That  of  the  hinge  of  the  left  valve. 

3.  Trigonia  clavdlata. 

4.  T.  costata. 

5.  T.  cccentrica. 

6.  T.  d<edal*a. 

7.  T.  spinosa. 



Fig.    8.  The  magnified  spines  of  the  preceding  shell. 
9.   T.  aliformis. 

10.  T.  rudis. 

11.  T.  rugosa. 

12.  A  calcedonic  cast  of  a  shell  of  the  genus  Trigom'a. 

13.  T.  sinuata. 

14.  The  inner  surface  of  the  flat  valve  of  Harpax. 
15. convex  valve. 

16.  A  magnified  view  of  the  hinge  teeth  of  the  flat  valve, 

17. convex  valve. 

1 8.  A  magnified  view  of  the  outside  of  the  flat  valve. 


Fig.    1.  A  fossil  shell  of  the  genus  Cucullaa. 

2.  Crassatella  tumida. 

3.  A  calcedonic  shell  resembling  Cardium  aoh'cum. 

4.  A  rostrated  shell,  perhaps  of  the  genus  Tettina. 

5.  Cyclus  deperdita,  with  crenulated  teeth. 

6.  A  donax-formed  fossil  shell  from  Gloucestershire. 

7.  Another  fossil  shell,  supposed  to  be  of  this  genus. 

8.  Another  fossil  shell,  apparently  of  this  genus. 

9.  The  inside  of  Trigonellites  l&ta. 

10.  The  inside  of  Trigonellites  lamellosa. 
"11.  The  outside  of  Trigonellites  lamellosa. 

12.  The  outside  of  Trigonellites  lata. 

13.  Erycina  Items,  on  the  inside. 
14. •-,  on  the  outside. 

15.  Outside  of  Venericardia  senilis  from  Essex. 

16.  An  uncommonly  marked  fossil  bivalve  from  Bedfordshire. 

17.  Inside  of  Venericardia  senilis. 



Fig.    J .  A  fossil  shell  of  the  genus  Panopea. 

2.  Bivalve  of  the  genus  Fistulana. 

3.  A  fossil  oyster  from  Essex,  resembling  O.  deformis,  of  Lamarck. 

4.  Bivalve  of  the  genus  Fistulana. 

5.  A  fossil  oyster  from  Essex,  resembling  O.  biauriculata,  of  Lamarck. 

6.  Mass  of  limestone,  with  the  ampullaceous  tubes  of  Fistulante. 

7.  The  bivalves  of  Fistnlana,  with  part  of  their  including  tubes. 

8.  Fistulana  personata,  with  its  rotula. 

9.  Snail  shell  found  with  the  fossil  remains  of  land  animals  at  Brentford 

10.  Fistulana  personata,  without  its  rotula. 

11.  A  concamerated  teredo. 

12.  a,  b,  Fistulana  from  France,  with  their  tubes. 

13.  Chama  calcarata. 

'    t  Fossil  vertebrae  of  the  tail  of  fish. 

15.  ) 

16.  Small  oyster,  with  a  spathose  structure. 


Fig.    1.  Ostrea  diluviana. 

2.  A  fossil  oyster,  to  which  the  name  of  Crista  galli,  or  cockscomb  oyster,  seems  most 


3.  Gryphites,  out  of  the  blue  lias,  Gloucestershire. 

4.  Ostrea  Jrons  -vel folium. 

5.  Cast  of  a  shell  of  the  genus  Crenatula,  from  Shotover  Hill. 

6.  T  The  outer  and  inner  side  of  a  minute  fossil  shell,  of  the  genus  Crenatula,  from 

7.  J      Bedfordshire. 

8.  A  fossil  shell,  of  the  genus  Perna,  from  Piedmont. 


'^r^t  «f 




Fig.  1.  A  specimen  of  Radiolites,  copied  from  the  work  of  Picot. 

2.  The  smooth  valve  of  Corbula  gallica. 

3.  Anomia  craniolaris  from  Bosc. 

4.  Terebratulites  triquetra. 

5.  Terebratulites  coarctata. 

6.  The  bony  structure  existing  in  a  recent  shell,  resembling  A.  terebratula. 
1.  Bony  structure  in  a  recent  shell,  resembling  A.  lacunosa. 

8.  Another  specimen  of  Terebratulites  triquetra. 

9.  The  upper  part  of  Anomites  producta  of  Mr.  Martin,     a .  The  beak  of  the  shell. 

c.  A  cavity  in  the  superior  part  of  the  shell. 

10.  The  under  part  of  the  shell,     b.  A  depression  receiving  the  beak  of  the  shell. 
1O*.  A  terebratulite,  with  a  fissure  in  the  upper  shell. 

11.  An  imperforate  shell,  with  an  extraordinary  internal  structure. 

12.  A  patch  of  square  scales  of  a  fish  from  Dorsetshire. 
IS.  Another  view  of  the  spiral  tute  seen  in  Fig.  11. 

14.  The  internal  surface  of  the  flat  semicircular  valve  of  Calceola  sandalina. 

15.  The  anterior 'part  of  the  large  valve  of  Calceola  sandalina.     a.  The   tooth  in  the 

posterior  margin  of  this  valve  magnified,     b.  The  reteporean  surface  of  a  part  of 
this  valve. 

16.  A  fossil  shell,  possessing  a  large  area  belonging  to  the  hinge,  and  a  deep  triangular 


17.  A  fossil  shell,  with  a  still  larger  area,  and  a  longer  triangular  depression. 

18.  A  stone,  bearing  an  impression  resembling  some  species  of  Anatifa. 

1 9.  Coronulites  diadema. 

20.  The  beak  of  a  terebratulite,  the  cast  of  which  is  the  hystcriolithes  of  the  oryctologists. 

VOL.  III.  3  P 



Fig.  1.  A  fossil  crab  from  Shepey. 

2.  Insects  in  stone  from  Papenheim. 


Insects  on  coal-slate,  as  figured  by  Lhwydd. 




7.  A  fossil  crab  from  Shepey. 

8.  A  fossil  shrimp  from  Anspach. 

9.  The  impression  of  a  fossil,  the  analogue  of  which  is  entirely  unknown. 

10.  The  claw  of  a  crab  from  Maestricht. 

11.  An  extended  trilobite  from  Dudley. 

12.  A  fossil  crab  from  the  East  Indies. 

13.  A  trilobite  from  Llanelly.     b.  its  inner  surface. 

14.  A  contracted  trilobite  from^Dudley.     a.  the  eye  enlarged. 

15.  The  remains  of  some  large  unknown  insect. 

1 6.  Another  species  of  trilobite. 

17.  Another  species  with  a  caudal  process. 

18.  Another  species  imbedded  in  ironstone. 

19.  The  remains  of  an  unknown  insect  from  Dudley. 


Fig.  1.  A  fossil  body  resembling  part  of  a  tortoise  from  Gloucestershire. 

2.  The  inferior  part  of  a  fossil  tortoise  from  Shepey. 

3.  The  fossil  head  of  a  tortoise  from  Shepey. 

4.  A  fossil  shell  from  the  hard  chalk  of  Sussex. 

5.  1  Fossil  Vertebrae  of  Crocodiles  from  Cuvier,  showing  the  existence  of  two  distinct 

6.  j     fossil  species  in  France. 

7.  A  sketch  of  the  fossil  lower  jaw  of  a  crocodile  from  Les  Annales  du  Museum. 

8.  One  of  the  vertebrae  of  the  tail  of  the  fossil  animal  of  Maestricht. 

9.  A  single  scale  of  a  fish  with  its  processes  of  attachment. 


-  22.  :SH 



Fig.  4.  Part  of  a  jaw  of  some  ruminant  in  the  calcareous  mass  of  the  Gibraltar  rock. 

5.  A  fossil  elephant's  tooth  with  plates  in  an  undulating  form. 

6.  A  fossil  elephant's  tooth,  remarkable  for  the  thickness  of  its  plates. 

7.  A  fossil  elephant's  tooth,  remarkable  for  the  disposition  of  its  plates. 

8.  A  fossil  elephant's  tooth,  in  which  twenty  plates  exist  in  the  length  of  six  inches 

and  a  half. 

9.  A  fragment  of  a  fossil  tusk,  showing  its  structure. 


Fig.  1.  A  fossil  molar  tooth  of  the  hippopotamus  of  the  right  side  of  the  lower  jaw,  and 
which  has  not  long  pierced  the  gums. 

2.  A  fossil  upper  molar  tooth  of  the  rhinoceros. 

3.  A  fossil  tooth  of  the  tapir. 

4.  The  outer  surface  of  the  fourth  molar  tooth  of  the  lower  jaw  of  Palaotherium 


5.  The  inner  surface. 

6.  The  outer  surface  of  one  of  the  molares  of  the  upper  jaw. 

7.  The  inner  surface, 

8.  The  antepenultimate  lower  grinder  of  the  Anoplotherium. 

9.  The  grinder  which  stands  before  the  one  Fig.  8. 

10.  The  fossil  claw-bone  of  the  Megalonix ;  half  the  natural  size. 

11.  A  fossil  tooth  of  the  Megaknix. 


Fig.  1.  Skeleton  of  the  Megatherium. 

2.  The  hindmost  grinder  of  the  upper  jaw  of  the  fossil  bear  of  the  caverns. 

3.  The  middle  upper  grinder. 

4.  The  foremost  upper  grinder. 

5.  The  hindmost  grinder  of  the  lower  jaw. 

6.  The  penultimate  grinder  of  the  lower  jaw. 

7.  The  antepenultimate  lower  grinder. 

8.  The  foremost  lower  grinder. 

9.  The  canine  tooth  of  the  fossil  bear. 



£    SIZE 

V  aJ  t'n,  ,-  ^7  '*  ///; 


"References  to  the  Memoirs  of  M.  Cuvier,  in  Les  Annales  du  Museum 


Vol.  III.  p.  132.  On  the  fossil  Tapir. 

275.  On  the  species  of  animals  to  which  the  fossil  bones  belonged  which  are 
dispersed  through  the  plaster-stone  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Paris. 
Restitution  of  the  head  (Paleeotherium  and  dnoplotherium). 
364.  Examination  of  the  teeth,  &c. 
442.  Restitution  of  the  feet. 
IV.        66.  The  bones  of  the  trunk. 
V.        52.  Additions  and  corrections  to  the  Memoir  on  the  fossil  Tapir. 

99.  Fossil  remains  of  the  Hippopotamus, 
277.  Skeleton  of  an  animal  of  the  genus  Sarigue. 
358.  On  the  Megalonix. 
376.  On  the  Megatherium. 

VI.  127.  On  the  fossil  bones  of  the  Hyena. 

253.  Bones  more  or  less  resembling  those  of  the  Paltfotherium. 

VII.  1 9.  On  the  fossil  Rhinoceros. 

301.  On  the  bones  of  the  genus  Bear,  found  in  the  caverns  of  Germany  and 

VIII.          1.  1 

93.    >  On  the  living  and  the  fossil  Elephants. 
249.  } 

270.  On  the  great  Mastodon. 

401.  On  different  teeth  of  smaller  species  of  the  genus  Mastodon. 
420.  Recapitulation  of  the  history  of  the  fossil  bones  of  Pachydermata  found  in 

loose  and  alluvial  beds. 

IX.         1 0.  The  fossil  bones  of  the  environs  of  Paris.     The  Phalanges. 
16.  The  bones  of  the  extremities. 
89.  The  long  bones  of  the  fore  extremities, 
205.  The  scapulae  and  pelves. 
X.      210.  On  the  bones  of  some  carnivorous  animals  found  in  the  plaster  quarries  in 

the  environs  of  Paris. 

XI.       272.  Description  of  two  nearly  entire  skeletons  of  the  common  Anoplotherium. 
336.  On  the  bones  of  birds  found  in  the  plaster  quarries  near  Paris. 
428.  On  the  species  of  carnivorous  animals,   the  bones  of  which  are  found 
mixed  with  those  of  Bears  in  the  caverns  of  Germany  and  Hungary. 

Vol.  XII.  p.  73.  On  the  fossil  bones  of  Crocodiles,  and  particularly  of  those  of  the  neigh- 
hood  of  Havre  and  Honfleur,  with  remarks  on  the  skeletons  of  some  of 
the  lizard  tribe  from  Thuringia. 

145.  On  the  large  fossil  animal  of  the  quarries  of  Maestricht. 
271.  On  the  fossil  bones  of  the  environs  of  Paris. 
332.  On  the  fossil  bones  of  Ruminants. 
XIII.       169.  On  the  Osseous  Breeds  of  Gibraltar,  &c. 


References  to  M.  Lamarck's  Memoirs   on  the  Fossils  of  Paris,  in  Les 
Annales  du  Museum  d'Histoire  Naturelle. 

Tome  I.  p.  308.  Chiton,  Patella,  Fissurella. 

383.  Emarginula,  Calyptrtea,  Conus,  Oypnea,  Tercbellum,  Oliva. 
474.  Ancilla,  Voluta. 

II.        57.  Mitra,  Marginella,  Cancettaria,  Purpura. 
163.  Buccinum,  Terebra,  Harpa,  Cassis. 
217.  Strombus,  Rostellaria,  Murex. 
315.  Fusus. 
385.  Pyrula. 

III.  163,  266.  Pleurotoma. 
268,  343,  436.   Cerithium. 

IV.  46.  Trochus,  Solarium. 

105.  Turbo,  Delphwula,  Cydostoma. 
212.  Scalaria,  Turritella,  Bulla. 

289.  Bulimus,  Phasianella,  Lymneea. 
429.  Melania,  Auricula. 

V.        28.  Volvarta,  Ampularia,  Planorbis. 

91.  Helicina,  Nerita,  Natica. 

179.  Nautilus,  Discorbis,  Rotalia,  Lenticulina. 

237.  Nummulites,  Lituola,  Spirolina. 

349.  Miliola,  Renulina,  Gyrogona. 

VI.      117.  Pinna,  Mytulus,  Modiola,  Nucula. 

214.  Pectunculus,  Area. 

337.  Cucullcea,  Cardita,  Cardium. 

407.  Crassatella,  Mactra,  Erycina. 

VII.        55.  Venericardia,  Venus, 

131.  Cytherea,  Donax. 

231.  Tellina,  Lucina. 

419.  Cyclas,  Solen,  Fistulana. 

VIII.      156.  6>^rra. 

347.  Chama,  Spondylus,  Pec  ten. 

461.  Lima,  Corbula, 

Whittingham  and  Rowland,  Printers, 
ioswcll  Street,  London. 




ACARDO  ....................................... 

Achatina  .....................  •  ..................... 

Aciculae  capitatce  ...........  .  ..................... 

Ammonites  .  ........................................  • 

Amphibiolithi  ............  ........................... 

Ampullaria    ....................................... 

Anatifa  ............................................. 

Ancilla  ............................................. 

Animals  resembling  Palceotherium,  fossil  re 

mains  of 
Anoplothenum,  fossil  remains  of  ............... 

Anocysti  ............................................. 

Anodonta  ..  ....................  .  ................... 

Anomia  ............................................. 

Antelope,  fossil  bones  of.  ....................... 

Antibes,  fossils  of.  ................................ 

Area  ................................................ 

Astropecten  ecltinatus  minor  .......  .....  .  ........ 

Astrophyton    ...  ....................  .  ............... 

Avicula  ............  .  ............................  .... 

Auricula    ...........  .  ........................  ...... 



















Bacolo  di  Santa  Paulo 40 

Baculites    142 

Balanus 239 

Bears,  fossil  remains  of    415 

Bekmnites 122 

Birds,  fossil  remains  of    302 

Brontice 9,  12,  19 

Buccinum 58 

Bufonites   258 

Bulimus 82 

Bulla 81 



Calyptrcea • ---.  52 

Cuncdlaria 57 

Capstones ,. 19 

Caput  Medusa,  supposed  fossil  remains  of...  85 

Cardita - 178 

Cardium 179 

Capsa    192 

Carinaria 89 

Cassis    60, 

Catocysti   19,  21 

Caverns  in  Germany,  fossils  of  415 

Cerigo,  fossils  of • »•  330 

Ceraunii  lapides.. » 9 

Cerithium 69 

Ceti,  fossil  remains  of  «  309 

Chalk  bottles 43 

Chama   206 

Chelonites  ••••••  9 

Cherso,  fossils  of  330 

Chiton    -••»  49 

Cidaris  Corollaris •  1* 

Coronalis • 'b. 

Mamillata  '  12 

— i Miliaris  *•• •  9 

angulosa ...»  10 

esculenta. ,....••••••••'•••••••••  9 

cxcavata • 10 

hcemisphcKrica  ib. 

saxatilis 9 

Papillata.... • •  1? 

Variolata  1° 

diadema •  • ib. 

Clavicular  .....  . 

Clypcus  sinuatus. 





Columbella 57 

Concholepas 52 

Concud,  in  Arragon,  fossils  of. 331 

Conulus 19 

albogalerus  ib. 

Corbula 223 

Cor  marinum 28 

Coronula    240 

Crabs,  fossil ,260* 

Crania    , . 226 

Crassatella 181 

Crenatula  219 

Crepidula 51 

Crocodiles,  arrangement  of 270 

fossil 272 

Cucullaa    170 

CucumerincE,  spines  of  Echini 46 

Cyclas    , 189 

Ci/dostoma 79 

Cytherea -. 188 

Cyprcsa 53 

Delphinula 76 

Dental  i  urn . 91 

Discoides  20 

Dtscorbis    159 

Dolium  59 

Donax    182 

Dudley  fossil.     See  Trilobites, 

Eburna 58 

Echinanthus  23 

— altus  24 

• humilis ib. 

—  orbicularis ... , 24 

-•• ovatus    ib- 

Echinarachnius 28 

Echinitcs 8 

assulata 15 

favaginea    16 

— — — -  lapis  cancri    ,  36 

patellaris ib. 

1  —  pyriformis 35 

•  •     •••-.  quaterfasciatus  ...I.....,,....,.  20 

Echinites  sexiesfasciatus...,,.,,., 20 

Echinocorys , 21 

— = ovatus    22 

quaterradiatus  ib 

•  scutatus 21 

Echinodiscus  bisperforatus 25 

laganum    26 

subrotundus  ib. 

Elephants,  fossil  remains  of 33$ 

Elk,  fossil  remains  of  314 

Entomolithi    ...  . 257 

Erycina 181 

Fallow-deer  31U 

Fasciolaria 67 

Fasciolites 158 

Felts,  remains  of  an  unknown  animal  of  this 

genus 432 

Fibula    .               19 



Fisb,  teeth  of    254 

— —  palates  of 260 

— scales  of  263 

vertebrae  of..... ib. 

Fissurdla 51 

Fox,  fossil  remains  of  433 

Fossils,  connected  with  their  strata    440 

Fusus < 67 

Galta 21 

Galeola: 21 

Gibraltar,  fossils  of  329 

Glycemeris • 193 

Gryphaa    209 

Gyrogonites 164 

Haliotis 89 

Hamites « 144 

Harpa    59 

Harpax 221 

Helicina     •• 85 

Helix ib. 

Hippopotamus,  fossil  remains  of  .,.•.».. 374 



Hippopus • •••• 178 

Hippurites ••• 1 18 

Honey  Cake 25 

Horse,  fossil  remains  of  311 

Hj/tcna,  fossil  remains  of 428 

Hyaloid 238 

lanthina.. ••••     81 

Insects  in  stone • 257* 

in  coal-slate 258* 

Isocardia  • 179 

Laganum,  or  pancake ••••     26 

Lamantin,  fossil  remains  of 309 

Lamarck,  his  arrangement  of  shells  48 

Lapides  Judaici 45 

Lenticulina     161 

„  224- 



Lingula • 

Lituites.     See  Spirula. 

Lituola 161 

Lutraria • ••    181 

Lymneea     ... • 83 

Mactra « 181 

Maestricht,  large  fossil  animal  of  286 

Malleus 218 

Mammalia,  fossil  remains  of   307 

Marginella    57 

Mammoth.     See  Mastodon. 

Mastodon  352 

Megatherium 410 

Megalonyx 406 

Melania 83 

Melita,  or  Honey  Cake    25 

Mice,  fossil  bones  of    335 

Miliola 162 

Minute  fossil  shells  approaching  to  nautili ...  107 

Mitra 56 

Modiola 168 

Monitor 291 

fossil 273,  300 

Monodon  monoceros,  fossil  remains  of 309 

Monodonta    ,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,     75 


Mosaic  account  of  the  creation  referred  to...  449 

Multilocular  shells   99 

Murex    64 

Mya  193 

Mytilus 167 

Nassa 53 

Natica   85 

Nautilus , 100 

Nerita    85 

Nice,  fossils  of  331 

Nucula 168 

Nummulites    14.3 

Oliva 54. 

Ombria 9,  20 

Orbicula     238 

Ornitholites 302 

Orthocera m 

Ostrca     210 

Ova  anguina 12 

Ovida 53 

Ox,  fossil  remains  of    321 

Pachydermata,  fossil  remains  of  339 

Palaotlierium,  fossil  remains  of  382 

Pancake 26 

Pandora 224 

Panopcea 194 

Paphia  . 180 

Patella 51 

Pecten    222 

Fectunculus    « 169 

Pedum   224 

Pencils 43 

Penicillus  ..  91 

Penlaceros  reticulatus    3 

.  lentiginosus ib. 

Pentagonaster  semilunatus ib. 

'  regularis..... ib. 

Perna 219 

Petricola    182 

Phasianclla    83 

Pholas    .  198 




Placentae    25 

Placuna 221 

Planorbis 85 


Pleurotoma • 67 


Polar  stone • 

Pterocera • • 

Pupa «  •••• 

Purpura     » 



Rabbit,  fossil  bones  of 335 

Radiolites 206 

Rat,  fossil  bones  of  336 

Renulina    '. 163 

Rhinoceros,  fossil  remains  of  367 

Rostellaria ••  62 

Rotalites    160 

Rianinantia,  fossil  remains  of 313 

Fanguinolaria 193 

Sarigue,  fossil  remains  of 43-1 

Scalaria 79 



Scutum.     Vide  Echinanthus. 
Sea  star.     See  Stella  marina. 

Serpula «« 

Sheep,  fossil  bones  of 334 

Shells,  arrangement  of. 

Shells  fossil 48,  et  seq, 


Siliquaria 97 

Solarium    74 

Solen • «•• 

Spatangus  ananchytis 

bicordatus 34 

i.  .  brissus ib. 

————— carinatus ib 

»«— —  coranguinum..,*,, ,,,,,,.,.„,.,,. 









31  <j 






.          spat/tula  

Star-fish.     See  Stella  marina. 

—  —  lumbricalis,  corpore  pentagono  

.  —  ,     __.  —  ,  —  .  fossil  remains  of 

Stratification  considered  in  connection  with 

—  —  -  fortalititiorum,  pallisado-like  spines.... 

Tellina  ,  
















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