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ARTHUR Ὁ AUNT, bp Lirr. 



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BERNARD QUARITCH, 11 GraFrTon St., NEw Bonp 51.) W. 


All rights reserved 


. ‘ Pa ef 
ἊΨ» Γ ἣν 
yee ee 
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Tur delay, for which I must beg the indulgence of subscribers, in 
the publication of this volume, is chiefly due to the lengthy pre- 
liminaries which were necessary for the production of two of the new 
classical texts, the J/eliaméd of Cercidas (1082) and the fragments of 
an anonymous Satyric drama (1083). Those papyri, with 1091-2, are 
derived from the second of the large literary finds made in 1906 
(cf. the Avchacological Report for that year, p. 12), which was at once 
more extensive, more scattered, and in worse condition than the first. 
Before any text from it could be dealt with, some thirty thousand 
pieces of various sizes had to be flattened and examined, a task which 
occupied several weeks of last year. Possibly some further small 
fragments may yet be identified; but the great bulk of the find, at 
any rate, has now been prepared for sorting and copying; and that 
serious additions will be made is a contingency not sufficiently probable 
to justify a further postponement. 

In editing the new classical fragments (1082-7) I have once more 
enjoyed the great advantage of the assistance of Professor U. von 
Wilamowitz-Méllendorff, to whom I am deeply indebted, especially 
with regard to 1082 and 1086. Professor U. Wilcken was again kind 
enough to look through the proof-sheets of the non-literary section 
and to contribute a number of valuable comments. Occasional 
suggestions received from other friends are recorded in connexion with 
the texts concerned. To all my helpers, including the Proof-reader of 
the University Press, I here return hearty thanks. 

Another instalment of Oxyrhynchus papyri is designed for the 
next volume, which I hope to issue early in 1912. 


Quegn’s CoLLEGE, OxForD, 
May, 1911. 

ee μ  λνν 


List or PiaTEs 
TaBLE oF Papyri 

Note on THE ΜΈΤΗΟΡ oF Pitiaes AND hee OF Aguas 


New Crassicat Texts (1082-1089) 
Extant Crassicat AuTHors (1090-1099) 
(2) Official (1100-1108) 
(ὁ) Declarations to Officials (1109-1116) 
(c) Petitions (1117-1121) : : : 
(4) Contracts (1152-1184). : : . 
(6) Taxation (1185--1188) 
(/) Orders (1139-1142) 
(g) Accounts (1143-1147) 

(2) Oracular Questions, Amulets, &c. (1148-1152) : 

(ἢ Private Correspondence (1153-1165) 


New Literary TExtTs: 
(α) 1082 (Cercidas) 
(ὁ) Other Texts 


Consuts, Eras, Fameriies 

Montus anp Days . 

PrersonaL NaMeEs 


3 Gaeta 

πα fa ae " as 
: os i ΑΝ ae Tih 
me a 

VI. GEOGRAPHICAL : : ᾿ Ξ : : ; ᾿ : 
VII. Reicion ς : } Ξ ΝΡ ee : : Ἔ Ε 2 
VIII. Orricran anp Miitary TITLES ; ; ; 3 ᾿ : ‘ 
IX. Wetcuts, Measures, Coins . : : ; an el ote Del a 
(EASES "- τ Mgt ΐ : : : : : ? f 
XI. Generar Inpex or GREEK AND LaTIN Worps : Ἶ “ 5 
XII. Inpex or Passages DiscussEpD Ἶ : ; : i aaa 


I, 1074 recto, 1075, 1077, 1080 recto . : ὁ Ἔ 
II, 1082 Frs. 3,4 - : : : : ‘ : : 
III. 1088 Fr. 1, 1084 Ξ : ; Ξ a os SOR 
IV. 1087 Oe I a ee 
Vv. 1090,1092Col.ix,l1l00. - : : : ὶ >) ΜΕΝ 
VI. 1073 verso, 1097 recto, 1098 verso . ἢ . : 
VII. 114. : ἢ : : ae ὺ : : 








Old Latin Version of Genesis v—vi 
Exodus xxxi, xxxii 

Exodus xl . : 

New Recension of Tobit ii . 
Amulet: St. Matthew iv 

Epistle to the Hebrews ix 
Revelation i 

Revelation iii, iv : 

Gnostic Gospel . 

Cercidas, Meliambz 

Satyric Drama 

Hellanicus, Adanizs i 

Pancrates, Hadrian and Abate 
Scholia on Ziad ii 

Scholia on Ziad vii 

Medical Receipts : 

An Alexandrian Chronicle . 
Hesiod, Opera . - : - 
Bacchylides, Dithyrambs 
Herodotus ii : 
Demosthenes, Contra Rains ‘ 
Demosthenes, De Falsa Legatione 
[Isocrates,] Ad Demonicum . 

Isocrates, Panegyricus and De Pace 
Cicero, De Imp. Cn. Pompei and In Verrem IL ie: 

Vergil, Aeneid ii. 

Greek Paraphrase of γε ἢ Asie 

Edict of a Praefect 

Edict of a Praefect . , 

Report of Legal Proceedings 
Proceedings of the Senate . 

4th cent. 
3rd cent. 
3rd cent. 
6th cent, 
6th cent. 
4th cent, 

Late 3rd or 4th cent. 

4th cent. 

Early 4th cent. 
2nd cent. 

2nd cent. 

Early 2nd cent. 
2nd cent. 

Ist cent. B.c. 
Late 1st cent. B.c. 
Early 1st cent. 
3rd cent. 

Late 1st cent, 
2nd cent. 

Late 2nd cent. 
2nd cent. 

5th cent. 

4th cent. 

4th cent. 

5th cent, 

4th or 5th cent. 
5th cent. 



About 146 . 



Application for Payment 

Notice to the Agoranomus . 

Letter to Paulus . 

Letter of Eudaemon 

List of Officials 

Selection of Boys (ἐπίκρισις) 

Purchase of Acacia-trees 
Return of Unirrigated Land 

Declaration of Inheritance . 

Reply to a Strategus 
Nomination to an Office 
Petition to a Praefect . 
Petition to an Archidicastes 

Petition to a Strategus, &c. . 

Petition : 
Petition to a Bencticasian 
Engagement of Services 
Devolution of Domain-land 
Lease of Land 

Lease of Land and Loan 
Lease of Land 

Lease of a Pigeon-house 
Lease of a Dining-room 
Lease of Dining-rooms 
Loan of Money . 
Promissory Note 
Repayment of a Loan . 

Official Receipt Ἢ oe 
Receipt for Anabolicum 
Receipt for Anabolicum 

Receipt for Dues on Land . 

Receipt for Money-taxes 
Order from a Logistes 
Order for Vegetable-seed 
Order for Wine . 

Order for Purchases 


81-96 . 

6th cent, 

5th or 6th cent. 
Late 6th or 7th aus 

~ /166—% 

363 : 
About 18. 

Late rst or “ἀν 2nd cent. 

1+ ee 

Early 3rd cent. 





2nd cent. 

5th cent. 

183 . : 
Ue ee : : - 
449. : ; : 

5th cent. 

About 162 . 



3rd cent. 



5th or 6th cent. 

4th cent, 


3rd cent, 

Late 3rd cent. . 
About 1 : 








Account of a Sitologus 
Account of Payments . 
Account of Arrears 
Question to the Oracle 
Question to the Oracle 
Christian Prayer 
Christian Amulet 
Christian Amulet 
Letter of Apollonius 
Letter of Theon . 
Letter of Theonas 
Letter of Anubion 
Letter of Pathermouthis 
Letter of Lucius . 
Letter to a Wife . 
Letter of Trophimus 
Christian Letter . 
Letter of Leon 

Letter of Heraclammon 
Letter of Theodosius . 
Letter of Victor . 


Late 1st or early 2nd cent. 
Ist cent. 

Early 4th cent. 

Late 6th cent. 

Ist cent. 

2nd cent. 

6th cent. : : 
5th cent. (?) . : : 
5th or 6th cent. 

Ist cent. 

Late 1st cent. 


3rd cent. 

Late 3rd cent. 

3rd cent. 

Late 3rd cent. ὃ 
Late 3rd or early 4th cent. 
4th cent. 

4th cent. 

5th cent. 

6th or 7th cent. 

6th cent. 



THE general method followed in this volume is the same as that in 
Parts I-VII. Of the new literary texts, 1082-8 and 1086-7 are printed in a dual 
form, a literal transcript being accompanied by a reconstruction in modern 
style; 1088-9 are given in modern form only. In the others, and in the 
fragments of extant authors, the originals are reproduced except for division 
of words, capital initials in proper names, expansion of abbreviations, and 
supplements of lacunae. Additions or corrections by the same hand as the 
body of the text are in small thin type, those by a different hand in thick 
type. Non-literary documents are given in modern form with accentua- 
tion and punctuation. Abbreviations and symbols are resolved ; additions 
and corrections are usually incorporated in the text and their occurrence is 
recorded in the critical apparatus, where also faults of orthography, &c., are 
corrected if they seemed likely to give rise to any difficulty. Tota adscript has 
been printed when so written, otherwise iota subscript is employed. Square 
brackets [ ] indicate a lacuna, round brackets () the resolution of a symbol or 
abbreviation, angular brackets { ) a mistaken omission in the original, braces 
{ } a superfluous letter or letters, double square brackets [| ]] a deletion in the 
original. Dots placed within brackets represent the approximate number of 
letters lost or deleted; dots outside brackets indicate mutilated or otherwise 
illegible letters. Letters with dots underneath them are to be considered 
doubtful. Heavy Arabic numerals refer to the texts of the Oxyrhynchus papyri 
in this volume and in Parts I-VII, ordinary numerals to lines, small Roman 
numerals to columns. 

The abbreviations used in referring to papyrological publications are 
practically those adopted in the Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung, viz. :— 
P. Amh. = The Amherst Papyri (Greek), Vols. I-II, by B. P. Grenfell and 
Α. Sebi unit. 
Archiv = Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung. 
B. G. U. = Aeg. Urkunden aus den K. Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden. 
P. Brit. Mus. = Greek Papyri in the British Museum, Vols. I-II, by F. G. Kenyon ; 
Vol. III, by F. G. Kenyon and H. I. Bell; Vol. IV by H. I. Bell. 


. P. Herm. = Corpus Papyrorum Hermopolitanorum, Vol. I, by C. Wessely. 

. P. R. = Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, Vol. I, by C. Wessely. 

. Cairo Cat. = Catalogue des Antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, 
Papyrus grecs d’époque byzantine, by J. Maspero. 

. Fay. = Fayim Towns and their Papyri, by B. P. Grenfell, A. 5. Hunt, and 
D. G. Hogarth. 

. Flor. = Papiri Fiorentini, Vol. I, by G. Vitelli; Vol. II, by D. Comparetti. 

. Gen. = Les Papyrus de Geneve, Vol. I, by J. Nicole. 

. Giessen = Griechische Papyri zu Giessen, Part 1, by E. Kornemann and 
O. Eger ; Part 2, by P. M. Meyer. 

. Grenf. = Greek Papyri, Series I, by B. P. Grenfell, and Series II, by B. P. 
Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. 

. Hamburg = Griechische Urkunden der Hamburger Stadtbibliothek, Part 1, 
by P. M. Meyer. 

. Hibeh = The Hibeh Papyri, Part I, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. 
. Klein. Form. = Griech. Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats, Stud. Pal. iii and 

viii, by C. Wessely. 

. Leipzig = Griech. Urkunden der Papyrussammlung zu Leipzig, Vol. I, by | 
L. Mitteis. 

. Leyden = Papyri Graeci Musei Antiquarii Lugduni-Batavi, by C. Leemans. 

. Oxy. = The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Parts I-VI, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. 
Hunt ; Part VII, by A. 5. Hunt. 

. Par. = Les Papyrus grecs du Musée du Louvre, Wotices et Exiraits, t. xviii. 2, 

by W. Brunet de Presle and E. Egger. 

Reinach = Papyrus grecs et démotiques, by Théodore Reinach. 

. Rylands = Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the Rylands Library, Manchester, 
Vol. I, by A. S. Hunt. 

. Strassb. = Griech. Papyrus der K. Universitatsbibliothek zu Strassburg im 
Elsass, Vol. I, Parts 1-2, by F. Preisigke. 

. Tebt. = The Tebtunis Papyri, Part I, by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and 
J. G. Smyly; and Part Il. by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and E. J. 

Wilcken, Ost. = Griechische Ostraka, by U. Wilcken. 



17X5:4cm. Fourth century. Plate VI (verso). 

A small fragment from Egypt of the Bible in the Vulgate has recently 
made its appearance at Aberdeen (Winstedt, Class. Quarterly, 1907, p. 266), and 
Oxyrhynchus now contributes the following specimen of the Old Latin version, 
a specimen which is not only more extensive but of much greater value, since 
the Old Latin is imperfectly known and the present text is for about half its 
contents the sole authority. It is written on a portion of a vellum leaf from 
a book in a well-formed uncial hand, which is probably not later than the fourth 
century. The ink is of a reddish-brown colour. As is common in early Latin 
MSS., the columns, of which there were no doubt two on each page, are narrow. 
Rulings were lightly made with a hard point. The text was divided up into 
rather short paragraphs, of which the first lines were made to protrude slightly 
into the left margin and are further rendered conspicuous by enlarged initial 
letters. A medial stop is occasionally employed, and points in the same 
position are placed before and after numerals; the first of the pair of points is, 
however, omitted when the numeral stands at the beginning of the line, and the 
second when at the end. It may be also noted that when representing a figure 
d has the minuscule not the uncial form. Contractions and abbreviations were 
sparingly used. mm at the end of a line is sometimes denoted by an over- 
written horizontal stroke with a dot beneath it; since the regular purpose of 
this dot was to distinguish from z, it may be inferred that 7 in the same 
position was also represented by the horizontal stroke, though no actual 
example is preserved. dominus deus appears as dus ds in|. 31. Traube con- 
sidered the former of these contractions to be not older than the fifth century 



(Nomina Sacra, p. 167), but pending fuller evidence the script is a better criterion 
of the date of this codex than the occurrence of a particular compendium. 

Textually the fragment is of considerable interest. As has been already 
stated, several of the verses here preserved are not otherwise extant in the Old 
Latin version, though since they tend to follow a definite formula they could to 
some extent be correctly reconstructed. Others among them were already 
known from patristic citations, with which, however, the new witness does not 
always coincide. Minor divergences may easily be attributed to inexact 
quotation ; but some of the peculiar readings of this manuscript point rather to 
a different recension, of which a prominent characteristic may have been its 
closeness to the Greek; cf. ll. 28-30 and the note. A variant noted by 
Augustine makes its appearance in 1. 46. Sfleczosae in 1. 48, in the light of 
a comment by the same Father (cf. note ad Joc.), looks very like an interpolated 
gloss. . 

Recto. Verso. Plate VI. 
genuit Se[th anni -dcc ν. 4. [men eiuls Noe dicens V. 29 
et genultt filios et “1 [1516 requies'cere faciet 
as et fulelrun|t omnes 5 πος ab 0] per|tb\us nostris 
dies Adae quo|s vixit [et tristiltiis manum nos 
5 annis -dccccxxx: et 30 «6 [traru\m et a terra cut 
mortuus est |vixit auté 6 [maled \ixit Dus Ds- et vi 30 
Seth annis «εἶσ: et ge [ait La|mech annis -dixv 
nuit Enos: et |vixit i [et gen\uct filios et filias 
Seth: postqualm genuit [et fuer\unt omnes dies 31 
το [Alenos annis ἰαἰσσου 1: et 38 [guos vixit Lamech 
genuit filios {et filias [anni -\dcecliti. et mor|tu 
et fuerunt omnes at 8 [ws est] 
es Seth: anni -dccccxit [Et fuit N\oe annorum vi. I 
et mortuus lest [guinge|ntorum et ge 
15 Et vixit Aeno|s annis xc 9 40 [nuit Noe tres filios- 
et genuit Caiinan et vi 10 [Sem Chalm lapeth 
xit Aenos pos tquam [Zt factulm est postqua 
genut Caina\n annis (cocper|unt homines 
dccxv: et gelnuit filios [multi frelrt super terra 
20 67 filias et fue runt om II 45 [et filiae| natae sunt eis 
nes dies Aenlos annis [videntles autem filii 2 
aceccv: et miortuus est [Di filias| hominum . 

PP ay eee 

ἘΣ Pe 

ere a, a a a ΨῸ ὙΌΡ RL eee 


Et vixit Caina\n annis -lex 12 [guia spleciosae sunt 
et genuit M\aleleel [sumpse\runt 5102 uxo 
(25 et vixit Cainian - 13 50 [res ex o\mnibus quas 

-1. This verse is preserved in Jerome, Quaest. Hebr. in Gen. 313, where sepiingentt annt 
is written ; cf. 1]. 12-14, note. 
3-6. Verse 5 is not extant elsewhere. For Adae cf. e.g. Gen. ii. 16 pracepit Dominus 

- Deus Adae (from Augustine). Jerome in verse 4 has dies Adam. annis should be annz. 

6—7 = Augustine, De Civ. Dez, xv. 15. Augustine has guingue et ducentos annos, but 
the ablative is attested in verses 3 (Hilary) and 25 (Jerome) and is no doubt correct ; 
of ]. 30. 

8-11. Verse 7 as far as ἀγχοῦ is preserved only here; Augustine, 2.¢., gives δ genutt 
κὸν λας. ᾿ ; 

12-14 = Augustine, /.c., where duodecim et nongentt annz is given ; cf. note on ]. 1. 

15-25. These five verses are not found elsewhere. 

26sqq. The verse is extant in Jerome, Quaest. Hebr. 314, and part of it in Ambrose, De 
Noe οἱ Arca,1. 2 (227d). The former has 2516 reguzescere nos factet, the latter hic facet nos 
requiescere. It is useless to attempt to decide whether s/e or hic stood in our Μ5. ; οὗτος 
is the Greek. 

28-30. Jerome, /.c., has ad operzbus nosiris, Ambrose, /. c., omits zos/ris and continues 
et a tristitia et a terra; the Greek is ἀπὸ τῶν ἔργων ἡμῶν καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν λυπῶν τῶν χειρῶν ἡμῶν. It 
is noteworthy that manuu)m nos|traru\m, which is absent in Ambrose’s version, appears in 
our MS. as the equivalent of τῶν χειρῶν ἡμῶν, and that the preceding word is not /restta. 
What replaced /ris/zt/a is, however, doubtful. In 1. 28 either ad o|per|zd]us or a la\bor{zblus 
can be read, but the former seems preferable both in itself and on account of the patristic 
evidence. If a /a\bor{zb]us were substituted, oferzbus would be available for the next line (cf. 
the Vulgate αὖ operibus et laboribus manuum nostrarum, and |bus is a possible reading ; but 
it is unconvincing, and ]/77s is really more suitable. /rzs/z]“7s would be a literal rendering 
of τῶν λυπῶν ; the difficulty is that [e¢ ¢rzs/’]“zs is a longer supplement than is expected in 
the lacuna. Perhaps /r7s/#7s was written, by a lipography; but 7 and ¢ are both narrow 
letters and on the whole the reading suggested seems to be the least objectionable, though 
it is adopted with no great confidence. At the end of 1. 29 os was written as a monogram, 
the o being utilized as the lower curve of the s. 

31-41. Verses 30 and 31 of chap. v and the first part of verse 1 in the next chapter 
are found here only. In verse 31 there is nothing corresponding to pera τὸ γεννῆσαι αὐτὸν 
τὸν Νῶε, and pos/guam genuit Noe must have dropped out. If the length of the lines were 
the same in the archetype as in this copy, postguam ... Noe would just about have filled 
one line. 

42 sqq. = Augustine, De Civ. Dez, xv. 23. 

45. ets: so Tertullian, De Vel. Virg. 7, where also cum coepissent appears for pos/guam 
coeperunt and plures for multi; Augustine, /.c., has 2115. In1. 44 multi suits the space much 
better than plures. 

46. [vidents: so Augustine, 2¢., and Jerome, Quaest. Hebr. 314; conspicatt 
Tertullian, 7. c. 

. μέ: so Jerome and Tertullian, //. cc. ; angelz Augustine, /.c., remarking LXX guidem 
inlerpretes et angelos Dei dixerunt ‘stos et filios Det; quod quidem non omnes codices habent, 
nam quidam nist filios Dei non habent; cf. Aug. Quaest. in Heptateuch. i. 3 quamvis non- 

B 2 


nulli et Latini et Graect codices non angelos habeant sed filios Det. υἱοί has considerable 
support both in MSS. and the versions and citations. 

48. splectosae: bonae Augustine and Jerome, //. cc., pulchrae Tertullian, /.c. Cf. Aug. 
lc. bonas, td est pulchras. consuetudo quippe Scripturae hutus est etiam spectosos corpore 
bonos vocare. ‘The Greek is καλαί. 

sunt; so Augustine and Jerome, ἢ. cc. ; essent Tertullian, 7, c. 

49. Either [swmpse|runt (Augustine, /. c.) or [accepelrunt (Tertullian, 1. ς.) is possible. 

1074. ExODUS xxxi, xxxii. 

% 2-7 X 5-1. cm. Third century. Plate I (recto). 

The following fragment of the book of Exodus in the version of the 
Septuagint is of insignificant size but is probably older than any of the known 
MSS. of that book, with the possible exception of 1075, which is of about the 
same period. 1074 is written in a neat round hand, displaying some tendency 
towards cursive forms, among which the « is the most pronounced. This hand 
could not be referred to a time later than the reign of Diocletian, and might well 
be placed quite at the beginning of the third century or even earlier. The 
fragment may thus be reckoned with 1, 2, 208, and 656 as one of the most 
ancient examples of the papyrus codex that have been preserved. A high stop 
is the only lectional sign occurring. 

The character of the text cannot be gauged from so small a sample. 
Agreements with AM against B are noticeable in 1]. 2 and 7. 

Recto. Plate I. 

[τιν] πίαρ εμοι και εν vpW εἰς Tas γενεας ὑμῶν La γνω ΧΧΧΙ. 14 
τε o7t ἐγω Ks ο αγιαίζων ὑμας Kat φυλαξεσθε το σαβ 14 
βατον ort αγιον τουῖτο ἐστιν Ku υμιν ο βεβηλων αὐτο 
θανατω θανατωθίησεται Tras os Tolnoe εν avTw Ep 

5 γον εξολεθ[ρευθησεται 

eee ete gue nein XXXil. 7 

[ ηνομησεν yap] ο λαος cov ovs εξηγα 

———— ee ee a 


[yes ex yns Aryumrou παρ]εβησαν ταχυ εκ της 8 
[odov ns ενετειλω αὕὑτοις}" εποιῆσαν avTois 
10 [μοσχον και προσκεκυνηκασιὶν avTw Kat 

2. TO σαβΊΒατον: so AM; τα σαββατα Β. In]. 3 A has eora for τουτο εστιν Κυριου. 

6-7. The vestige of a letter remaining in 1. 6 is insufficient to determine whether the 
papyrus placed ro raxos evrevOev before (B) or after (AM) καταβηθι. ους : so AM; ov Β. 

9. avras; so ἢ (Holmes 75 = Bodl. Univ. Coll. 52); eavras BAM. 

1075. EXODUS xl. 

15:1 X 9-8 cm. Third century. Plate I. 

This fragment containing the conclusion of the book of Exodus is, like 
1074, remarkable for its early date. The MS. was in the form of a roll, not 
a book, and the sloping uncial hand does not seem to be later than the third 
century. Ν is sometimes given the cursive form with a nearly horizontal cross- 
bar. A stop in the high position apparently occurs in 1.8. Κύριος is abbreviated 
in the usual way, but not υἱοί (1. 15) or ᾿Ισραήλ (Il. 15, 21). On the verso is 1079, 
which may itself have been written in the third century. 

The text, which is of a ‘mixed’ type, is of some interest. It shows an 
agreement with BG against AFM in ]. 1, but on the other hand two agreements 
with AFGM against B in ll. 13-14 and 18. In]. 4 ὡς δέ we obtain very ancient 
testimony to a reading otherwise dependent on mediaeval authority (cf. e.g. 656, 
847, 1007, and 1078). A new variant is found in 1. ro. 

[ke παρα] τίας θυρας της σκηνὴης ΧΙ. 26 
και [εἐστ]ησεῖν τη]ν [αυλην κυκλω ; 27 
της σ[κ]ηνης και τοῖν θυσιαστηρι 
ov ὡς de συνετίελεσεν Μωυσης 

5 παντὰ τα εργα [kat εκαλυψεν 28 
ἢ νεφελὴη τὴν [oKnvnv τοῦ pap 
τυριου καὶ δοξίης Ku ἐπλησ 
™ ἡ σκηνης" Καὶ οὐκ ηδυϊνασθη 29 
Movons εἰισελθει]ν εἰς τηῖν 

10 σκηνὴν του μαρτύριου ETE 


[σἸκιασε yap ἐπ αὑτὴν ἡ veded[n 
και δοξης Ku εἐπλησθὴ ἡ σκὴ 

vn ἡνικα δὲ aveBn ἡ νεφῖε 30 
An amo της σκηνης avegev 
15 γνυσαν οἱ νιοι Iopand συν [τη 
απαρτια avtwy [εἰ] δὲ pn [ave 31 
Bn η νεφελη ου[κἹ] ανεζίευγνυ 
σαν ews της ἡμέρας ns [aveBn ς 
νεφελη yap nv emt τῆς [σκηνὴης 32 
20 ἡμερᾶς Kat πὺυρ xiv] εἶπ αὑτης 
νυκτὸς εναντιον [mavtos ἴσρα 
nA εν πασαις ταις ανἰαζυγαις 

αυτων Sap 
vu v 

1. After σκηνης AFM add του μαρτυριου. 

2-3. ΑΔ omits και. .. θυσιαστηριου. 

4. ὡς δε: so the cursive w (Athens, Bibl. Nat. 44); cf. the Lyons Octateuch cum 
autem consummaret; xa other MSS. 

4-8. 1. ἐπλησθη ἡ σκηνη. At the end of 1. 8 either ηδυϊνασθη or ηδυΐνηθη (AFM) makes 
a rather long supplement. 

10. επ[εσΐκιασε yap is peculiar to the papyrus; ort ἐπεσκιαζεν MSS., though the cursive r 
(Holmes 129=Rome, Vat. Gr. 1252) has ἐπεσκιασεν and x (Brit. Mus. Curzon 66) ἐσκιασεν : 
cf. Arm. Boh. Eth. Lyons Oct. obumbravit. 

12. επλησθη: ενεπλησθη F. 

13-14. δε: so g (Par. Reg. Gr. 5) w and Cyril of Alexandria ; ὃ av others. 

7... σκηνης: SO AFGM ; απο τῆς σκηνῆς ἡ νεφελη B. 

18. της: soAFGM; om. B. After ἀνεβη BAFM add ἡ νεφελη, which is omitted as in 
the papyrus by G, several cursives (including x), Aeth. Syr. 

24. εξοδος is ‘the subscription in BFGM ; A adds τῶν υἱων I(apa)nd εξ Αἰγυπτου. 

9-5 X 13-9 cm. Sixth century. 

A fragment of the book of Tobit, in a text not otherwise extant. Of the 
Greek version of this popular apocryphon there are two main texts, the one 
represented by the Vatican and Alexandrine codices (BA), the other by the 
codex Sinaiticus (53), the latter being the longer, though this greater length is 
due more to verbosity of style than to the incorporation of fresh matter. On 


the question which is the earlier critics are still divided. Besides these two, 
however, for chaps. vi. 9—xiii. 8, there is found in three cursives a third Greek 
recension, which may be said to occupy an intermediate position between BA 
and δὲ ; from chap. viii onwards this text agrees closely with the Syriac. 

Now the present fragment from the second chapter is clearly to be dis- 
tinguished from BA on the one hand and δὲ on the other ; the obvious question 
then arises, Can it belong to the third recension partially preserved in the 
cursives(C)? This view appears to be highly probable. The relation of 1076 
and C to BA and ® respectively is closely similar. Both 1076 and C belong to 
the 8 type, but are more concise, while at the same time they occasionally add 
points of their own. In ii. 3, for instance, the elaborate forms of address in & 
disappear in 1076, just as-in vi. 11 they are omitted in C (cf. note on 1.15). On 
the other hand, the insertion of καὶ ἀπώλεσεν πάντα τὰ ὑπάρχοντα αὐτοῦ in 1076 
32-5 (ii. 8) has parallels in C, e.g. in vi. 15 the addition of ἀπὸ τοῦ πνεύματος τοῦ 
ἀκαθάρτου and φιλεῖ αὐτήν. These like characteristics strongly suggest a common 
origin ; and corroborative evidence for this theory is supplied by the Old Latin 
version. A peculiarity of that version is that while generally following δὲ it 
occasionally reflects C. Thus in vi. 15 hoc daemonium corresponds to ἀπὸ τοῦ 
πνεύματος τοῦ ἀκαθάρτου and diligit cam to φιλεῖ αὐτήν. It therefore seems highly 
significant that just in the same way in ii. 8 the Old Latin alone of the versions 
reproduces the phrase καὶ ἀπώλεσεν πάντα τὰ ὑπάρχοντα αὐτοῦ Of 1076 with ez 
perdidit substantiam suam. 

The fragment consists of the lower part of a vellum leaf, on which the text 
was written in two columns in carefully formed, large round uncials, which may 
date from the sixth century. Hands of a similar type on papyrus are shown 
e.g. in Amh. II, Plate 24. One side of the leaf has shrivelled, with the con- 
sequence that the letters are here considerably reduced from their original size. 
The ink is of the brown colour commonly found in the Byzantine period. 
Rulings were made in the usual way with a hard point, which has left a dark 
mark upon the surface. Punctuation was effected by dots in the medial position, 
accompanied by a short blank space; in 1. 30 the dot was omitted or has 
disappeared. A new section is indicated,by a marginal sign at 1.11. Small 
curved marks resembling circumflex accents do ee for rough breathings 
(11. 5, 22) as well as diaereses (Il. 34, 36). 

(οι. 1. Col. ii. 

λα. ειπα il. 2 10 σῦθαι ce >— 


Τωβια To τ και ezopev ii. 

view μου. θη Τωβιας 

Badige και και ἀνεστρε 
5 ayaye ov ε yas εἰπεν 

αν evpns 15 μοι. ιδου 

εκ τῶν αδεὰλ εῖς τῶν 

gov ἡμῶ amo τοῦ ε 

πτωχῶν θνους ἡμῶ 

(οι. 1. Col. ii. 

Kal pa αὑτὸ 11. 4 ekivOuvev ii. 8 
20 εκ TNS TAG σεν αποθα 

τειας εἰς 30 γεν και 

ἐν τῶν οι απεδρα. 

κηματων και αἀπῶλε 

μεχρι δυεῖ σεν παντα 
25 Tov nALov Ta ὉὕὉπαρχοῖν 

και θαπτω 35 Ta avTov 

avrov[-] και 5 kat tov 

For the purpose of comparison it will be convenient to give the new text 
with the corresponding portions of the two extant Greek versions in parallel 

columns :— 


ii. 2 πολλά, εἶπα Τωβίᾳ 
τῷ υἱῷ μου Βάδιζε καὶ ἄγαγε 
ὃν ἐὰν εὕρῃς ἐκ τῶν ἀδελ- 
φῶν ἡμῶν πτωχῶν 

ii. 2 παραγενέ]σθαι σε. 
καὶ ἐπορεύθη Τωβίας καὶ 
ἀναστρέψας εἶπέν μοι ᾿1δοὺ 

πολλά, καὶ εἶπα τῷ υἱῷ 
μου Βάδισον καὶ ἄγαγε ὃν 
ἐὰν εὕρῃς τῶν ἀδελφῶν 
ἡμῶν ἐνδεῆ 

καὶ ἐλθὼν 
εἶπεν Πάτερ, εἷς ἐκ τοῦ 


> ~ 
πλείονα, καὶ εἶπα τῷ To- 
’ = bed 7 
βείᾳ τῷ υἱῷ pou Παιδίον, 
βάδιζε καὶ ὃν ἂν εὕρῃς 
πτωχὸν τῶν ἀδελφῶν ἡμῶν 
... kal ἄγαγε 

σε ἐλθεῖν. καὶ ἐπορεύθη 
Τωβίας ζητῆσαί τινα πτω- 

χὸν τῶν ἀδελφῶν ἡμῶν καὶ 

ae | 


τ A ~ 
eis τῶν ἀπὸ τοῦ ἔθνους 


li. 4 καὶ ἦρα αὐτὸν ἐκ 
“ 7 > ἃ eX 
τῆς πλατείας εἰς ἕν τῶν 
9 ’ , ἊΣ Ν 
οἰκημάτων μέχρι δύειν τὸν 
ἥλιον καὶ θάπτω αὐτόν. καὶ 

ii. 8 ἐκινδύνευσεν ἀπο- 

“ A > 7 4A 3 2 

θανεῖν Kai ἀπέδρα Kai ἀπώ- 

λεσεν πάντα τὰ ὑπάρχο[ν]τα 
᾽ ~ a 3 AY 
αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἰδοὺ 


γένους ἡμῶν 

᾽ ? δ ἐὰν ἢ 
ἀνειλόμην αὐτὸν εἴς τι 
οἴκημα ἕως οὗ ἔδυ ὁ ἥλιος. 


(Οὐκέτι φοβεῖται φονευ- 
θῆναι περὶ τοῦ πράγματος 
’» bee ΜΆ Ὧν. ον 
τούτου) καὶ ἀπέδρα, καὶ ἰδοὺ 

The old Latin runs as follows :— 

ἐπιστρέψας λέγει Πάτερ. 

Χ > SIE δον So 5.6 Ὁ 
καὶ εἶπα αὐτῷ ᾿Ιδοὺ ἐγώ, 
παιδίον. καὶ ἀποκριθεὶς 
εἶπεν Πάτερ, ἰδοὺ εἷς ἐκ τοῦ 
"» Pe we 
ἔθνους ἡμῶν 

ἈΝ 3 ~ pV ae ᾽ 
καὶ ἀναιροῦμαι αὐτὸν ἐκ 
“ 4 ‘ bf “Δ ~ 
τῆς πλατείας καὶ εἰς EV TOV 
> 7 ww 7 “- 
οἰκιδίων ἔθηκα μέχρι τοῦ 
τὸν ἥλιον δύειν καὶ θάψω 
LW a 

(Οὐ φοβεῖται οὐκέτι ; ἤδη 
γὰρ) ἐπεζητήθην τοῦ φονευ- 
θῆναι περὶ τοῦ πράγματος 

is Χ δες \ 
TovTouv’ καὶ ἀπέδρα, καὶ 
πάλιν ἰδοὺ 

(2) complura, et dixt Thobiae filio meo Vade εἰ adduc quemcunque pauperem inveneris ex 

Jratribus nostris | 

(3) vencas. et abitt Thobias quaerere aliquem pauperem caphivum ex fratribus nostris, et 
reversus dixit mihi Pater; et ego dixt Quid est fili? et att mihi Ecce unus ex fratribus 


(4) e¢ sustuld tllum de platea in domum apud me, donec sol occtderet, ut illum sepelirem. et 
(8) (guomodo non timet hic homo? tam enim) inquisitus est huius ret causa ut occideretur, 
et fugit et perdidit substantiam suam etiterum.,. ‘The words ef perdidit substantiam suam occur 
in Cod. Par. Reg. 3654, but are omitted in the St, Germain MS, and by Lucifer of Calaris 

who quotes the passage. 

7-9. εκ... πτωχων : Dr. Charles informs me that the Aethiopic (Dillmann, Ver. Zest. 
Aeth. v) shows the same construction. ; 
11. For the marginal sign marking a new paragraph or section cf. e.g. 851. 1, 

1011. 233. 

15. Cf. the passage in vi, 11, where the similar verbiage of δὲ λέγει Ῥαφαὴλ τῷ παιδαρίῳ 
Τωβεία ἀδελφέ.. καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ ᾿Ιδοὺ ἐγώ. καὶ εἶπεν αὐτῷ is altogether omitted in C, which simply 
has εἶπεν ὁ ἄγγελος. Even B is there fuller, εἶπεν ὁ ἄγγελος τῷ παιδαρίῳ ᾿Αδελφέ ... ; it will be 
noticed that in the present verse also B retains the vocative Πάτερ, which 1076 discards. 

26. Dr. Charles points out that this resolution of an infinitive into a finite verb (cf. 8 

SO ee a Oe ee ee ee a a ee. 

θόψωλν is a common Hebraism and may be taken as a sign of translation from a Hebrew or 
Aramaic original. Ndldeke, in AZonaisd. d. K. Akad. d. Wissensch. 5. Berlin, 1879, pp. 458qq-, 
maintained that the original language was Greek, but there are not a few arguments on the 
other side ; see the evidence adduced by Marshall in Hastings, Dict. of the Bible, iv. p. 788. 



6 X II-Icm. Sixth century. Plate I. 

This curious relic contains verses 23-4 (both, but especially the latter, 
reduced by omissions) of the fourth chapter of St. Matthew, written out most 
probably as an amulet. Verse 23 ‘And Jesus went about all Galilee’, &c., is 
preceded by the title ‘The gospel of healing according to Matthew’; cf. Berliner 
Klasstkertexte, V1. vii. τ. 17-20, where this same twenty-third verse is incor- 
porated in an amulet containing the opening words of the four gospels besides 
other biblical citations, and 1151. In the present case the words are inscribed on 
an oblong piece of thin vellum in five columns, and are so arranged as to assume 
the form of a series of small crosses, which in the first and last column are 
emphasized by a surrounding border. Each column contains three such crosses 
except the central one, where in the place of the second cross a human bust has 
been roughly drawn. A further attempt at ornament has been made by cutting 
out small rectangles between the columns and by notching the edges in such 
a way that the spaces on which the crosses stand are given on octagonal shape. 
The disposition is not quite symmetrical, for the first cross has a line more 
and the last a line less than the others. The date may be as late as the sixth 
century. ‘ 

Col. i. Col. ii. Col. iii. Col. iv. Col. v. 
ia δα ων λα προσ 
μα σκω πα κιᾶ nvev 

TLKOV εν και KN σαν νοσο εν τω λα Kav av 
αγγελιο 59. μβύῦσ an Και 45. ὦ καὶ 60 τω 
5 κα σω πα α TOUS 
τα --- - -— 

Mar TO πηλ κα 

θαι ευ θεν κως 
ον κῳῷ περι αγγελι «akon εἐχοντας 
Ιο γεν 25 ov 50 au 65 Και 

o Is της του εθε 


oAn Ba σαν εἰς ρὰ 

τῆ σει vo oAn πευ 
Γαλιλε λειας ky σον k πα την Supt σεν aUTOUS 

15 av 30 θερα 40 σαν 55 αν ο οἷς 

δι TeV pa και - 

11. 0 Ἰ(ησου)ς: so SCD, after Γαλιλαιαν EKM, &c., T(extus)-R(eceptus) ; om. B, 

12- τοῦ; Νὰ την Γαλιλ(αιδαν : so NPDEKM, &e., T-R; ev ody (om. N*) τη Γαλιλαια 
S8*BC, W 

059. ev ταις συναγώγαις αὐτῶν is omitted after διδάσκων. 

38-40. The dittography of νοσον κ(αι) πασαν was no doubt due to the recurrence of 

46-8. ἀπηλθεν : so BDEKM, &c., T-R, W-H; εξηλθεν NC. 

53. oAnv: πασαν &. 
: 61. τους : mavras τους MSS. 

64. After yrs the ordinary text continues ποικίλαις νόσοις καὶ βασάνοις συνεχομένους [καὶ] 
δαιμονιζομένους καὶ σεληνιαζομένους καὶ παραλυτικούς. 

70. o Ι(ησουὴς : om. MSS. 

14:2 X 8-4 cm. Fourth century. 

Part of a leaf from a papyrus book, containing a few verses from the ninth 
chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Only five lines are missing between the 
end of one page and the beginning of the next, whence the height of the inscribed 
surface can be estimated at about 19 cm., and it is clear that the leaf was nearly 
square in shape. The hand is of the same type as 850 (Part VI, Plate 1: fourth 
century ἢ) ; the letters in 1078 are larger and coarser, but in formation so closely 
resemble those of 850 that it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the two 
texts are the work of the same scribe. A mark of elision occurs in 1. 2 and the 
same sign is used after a final ¢; there is also one instance of a rough breathing 
(1. 15). But the chief feature of interest is the system of punctuation by means 
of double dots, which had already been found in 657, another early papyrus of 
this Epistle, and was believed by Blass to confirm his view of the metrical 
structure of the work; cf. Lit. Zentralbl., 1904, 928. .In the two places where 
the colon is preserved it stands at the end of a verse, but there is some reason 
to think that it was not confined to that position; cf. notes on Il. 19 and 21. 
A single medial stop is used in 1. 20. So far as can be gathered from these slight 



remains, the text had less than 657 in common with the Claromontanus (D). 
A notable reading is found in 1. 7, where a variant known from two cursives 
has apparently been interlineated. 




δια δὲ [τοῦ] ι([δ)ι[ο]ν [arparos εἰσηλθεν 
ep amag’ εἰς τα ayia αἰωνιαν λυτρωσιν 
ευραμενος : εἰ γίαρ το alba τραγων Kat 
ταυρων καὶ σπίοδος δαμαλεως 
ραντιζουσα τοὺς [κεκοινωμενους 
αγιαζει προς τηῖν τῆς σαρκος καθαροτητα 

[soc [μαἸλίλ]ον τίο awa του xu os δια 
πνίος αιων]ιου [εαυτον mpoonvey 
[κεν apopoy τω Oo καθαριει την 
[συ]ν[εἰδησιν ημα[ν 


ot κεκλημΊεῖνοι T]ns allo 
ἱνιον KAnpovopta)ls : omov yap διαθηκη [ 
[θανατον avaykn φ]ερεσθαι του διαθε [ 
[μενου διαθηκη yap] em νεκροις βεβαιαΪ 
[emt μη τοτε ἰσχυι ore] (yn ὃ διαθεμενος Ϊ 
[οθεν ovde ἡ mpwrn χἼωρις αἰματος ev [ 
ἱκεκαινισται λαληθ]εισης yap πασης Ϊ 
[evToAns Kata τὸν voluov [vo Μωυ͵Ίσεωϊς 
παντι To Aaw ; AaPwly τίο atpa Thor [ 

20 ἱμοσχὼν Kat τῶν τραγω]ν. μίετα vdalros Ϊ 

[και εἐριρυ κοκκινου Kat υἹσσίωπου ;] αὐτο 

e 8 

2: aya : Blass adds των αγιων, with P, 

3. evpapevos: SO BRA; evpopevos Τὴ. 
Tpayov kat] Tavp@y : SO BNAD, W-H 5 ταύρων Kal Tpaywv KLP, T-R. 


ix. 12 



ix. 15 




7. In the insertion above the line is probably to be recognized the variant found in the 
cursives 14 and 17 πολλω. It may be due to the same hand as the body of the text; 
whether the o of ποσω was cancelled or not cannot be certainly determined. But the 
decipherment is doubtful, the first supposed A being of a curiously rounded shape. 

8. awv}ov (BS*ADCE) suits the space better than αγ)ιου (ReD*). 

το. It is of course impossible to say whether the papyrus had ἡμων (AD*) or ὑμων 

15. tote: ΟΥ̓ ποτε, with NCADcE. 

τό. Evidently διαθηκη did not follow πρώτη as in D*E*. 

18. τον (so NCACD: om. N*DcE) is required before νομὸν in order to fill up the 
lacuna, unless τῆς be inserted before evroAns, as in D*, with which MS. the papyrus shows 
no tendency to agree. ᾿ 

19. The colon after λαω is conjectural, but without it the supplement is rather shorter 
than would be expected from a comparison of the preceding and following lines; cf. 1. 21, 

20. SCKL omit καὶ των τραγων, and so Blass. 

21. A colon after υ]σσζωπου is again desirable to fill the space. I had already inserted 
it both here and in 1. r9 before noticing that Blass makes a metrical division at ὑσσώπου and 
λαῷ. But the colon does not always occur at his divisions ; it is absent after ταυρων in |. 4 
and ayage in |. 6. 

1079. REVELATION i. 

151 Χ 9-8 cm. Late third or fourth century. 

The verso of the roll containing the book of Exodus (1075) was utilized for 
a copy of the Apocalypse, the writing travelling in the contrary direction, and 
the end of the one work thus coinciding with the commencement of the other. 
The script is a clear, medium-sized cursive, upright and heavily formed, which 
should perhaps be attributed to the fourth rather than to the third century, 
though the latter is not at all impossible. Both a high and medial point were 
used for purposes of punctuation. Ἰησοῦς Χριστός is written τῇ Xp, a form of 
abbreviation which is unusual in literary texts but is found in inscriptions ; cf. 
Traube, Nomina Sacra, pp. 115-16. θεός is contracted in the ordinary way, but 
not πατήρ (1. 12). 

Textually the papyrus shows little consistency ; it has, however, two agree- 
ments with the Codex Alexandrinus against the other two chief uncials (Il. 11 and 
14), while supporting none of the peculiar variants of B or δὴ. 

[Iwavyns tales ental ex[kAno}tats i. 4 
[ταις ev Ty] Acta xapis ὕμειν και εἰρη 


[vn απο 0 wy] και ὁ NY Και ὁ ἐρχομε 
[vos Kat απὸ των ἐπτὰ πνευμα 
5 [των a] ενίωπιον του θρονου αὖ 
[τ]ου: Kat απο In Xp ο μαρτυς o πι 5 
στος oO πρωτοτοκος τῶν νεκρῶ 
και ο apxov tov βασιλεὼν της yns 
τω αγαπῶωντι nuas και λυσαντι ἢ 
10 [plas εκ των apapTioy ἡμῶν εν 
[τ]ω αἰματι αὐτου και εποιησεν ημῖϊ 6 

[βασιλείαν ἵερεις me θυ} και πία]τρι 

[αυτοῖν. αὐτω To Κρατος Kat ἡ δοξα 

[εἰς Tolus αἰωνας apny ἴδου 7 
15 ἰερχεῖται μετα Tov νεφελων 

[καε οψεῖται avrov mas οφθαλ 

[μος καὶ οἼιτινες autov εξε 

5. a (BC) suits the space better than των (SA). 

9. λυσαντι: SO NAC, W-H; λουσαντι B, T-R. ΣΝ omits the following nyas. 

το. εκ: So NAC, W—H; azo B, T-R. 

μων: so BRC; om. A. 

I1. mp{c is assured by the remains of the stroke above the line representing the final ν. 
npw is the reading of A, qpas that of &B, W-H, T-R 3; ἡμων (. ποιήσαντι for ex. Β. 

12. [Balo[A]ecav : 50 N*AC, W-H; βασιλειον B, βασιλεις και P, T-R. 

τω O(c): this is the reading of the MSS. The scribe first wrote του 6(eo)v, but altered 
it before proceeding with the line ; he did not delete the ov of του. 

13. 7 δοξα και to κρατος MSS. 

14. rolus awvas: 50 A, W—-H; tous awvas τῶν aver BW (τον atova 8*) C, T-R. 

16. οψεῖται : so BAC; οψονται (δ) is unsuited to the size of the lacuna. 

17. avroy: Om. N*, 

1080. REVELATION iii, iv. 

9°5X7:8cm. Fourthcentury. Plate 1 (recto). : 

A practically complete leaf from a vellum codex of the Apocalypse. The 
two pages are numbered in the outside upper corner 33 and 34 respectively, 
from which it is clear that the MS. began with the book of Revelation un- 
preceded by another work. Indeed, the dimensions of the leaf would not be well 


suited to lengthy matter, unless the script was very small, which is here not 
the case. Books of these miniature proportions, of which other examples are 842, 
1010, 1096, and P. Rylands 28, seem to have been designed for carrying in the 
pocket. The hand is a good-sized upright uncial, fairly regular and having 
a certain amount of ornamental finish; it may date from the fourth century. 
Marks of elision and a sign of similar form to separate two mutes were added by 
the original scribe; a rough breathing (if it be a rough breathing) in 1, 12 is due 
to the corrector who has introduced several textual alterations. No stops occur, 
and instead a short blank space marks a pause (Il. 2, 6, 14, 19). Some of the 
usual contractions appear, ovvos among them, though the word is written at 
length in 1.19. The text is usually in agreement with B, but seems to have 
been rather inaccurately copied; a substitution of a reading of δὴ for that of BA 
is noticeable in 1. 1. 

Recto. Plate I. Verso. 
Ay rAd 


Pe ταυτα tov Kat ἴδου θυ 
@ (λα [ε]] ουν καὶ pera iii. 19 

“ a ανεωγμενῆΉ εν 
vonoov ἴδου εστηκα emt 20 - γβερῆ 

τω ovpavw καὶ 4 bo 
την Ovpav και T etoedevoo Ῥ τῷ 

μαι προς αὕὑτον και de ΕΘ Mi Ol aaa Re ἘΠ ΟΠ oe de 

5 Wvyno®@ μΕΙ͂ αὐὑτοὺ Kal au Ὡς σαλπιγ γος λαλουσης 

€T εμου λεγων αναβα 
Tos per ἐμοῦ ο νεικων 21 gaia ες γ β 

mde και δέειξω σοι a det 
δωσω αὐτω καθεισαὶ τ 

δ τὸ {1 τῷ parler μου [yelvecOale μ]ετα ταυτα 2 

; [σ 25 «Ja. [ευ]θεως εγ[ενομην ev 
ὡς Kayo [[ν]ενεικ [κ]}[α [. .] mvt Kale] cov [0θ]ρο. 

10 καὶ [[κ]εκαθισα pera roy vos εκειτὸ [εἶν τω ουνῶ 

πρς μου ev τω θρονω καὶ emt τοῖν] θρονον κα 
auTov ὃ εχὼν ous αἀκου 22 θημενον Kat o καθη 
ἰσατ]ω τι το TVA λεγει ἐπι τὸν θροῖνον 

ταις €KKAnolals μετα iv. I 30 μενος ὁμοιος opacet 

15 ΓΤ ρουω e[a]v τ[.5] axov[on της 

[φων]ης μίου καὶ ανοιξη᾽ την θυραν και 

1. ἔλευε (BAC, W-H) was the original reading, for which ὥλωσον (8, T-R) was 
subsequently substituted. . ( 

3. The omission of the words kpovw ... και, which have been supplied at the bottom 
of the column by the original scribe, was due to the recurrence of θυραν και ; cf. note on 


1.16. A sign of the usual form marks the place where the omission occurred; the symbol 
at 1. 15 above xpova is of a different shape. 

8. μου, which was originally omitted, was inserted by another hand; the addition is in 
accordance with the MSS. 

9--το. νενεικήηκα και κεκαθικα, the reading of the first hand, is not meric attested. 

12. The supposed rough breathing over o is doubtful ; it might be regarded as a kind 
of paragraph-mark to divide o exe» from the previous sentence. 

τό. That και, which follows θυραν in BX (om. A), stood here is indicated by the character 
of the copyist’s error ; the eye would more readily pass from the first θυραν και to εισελευσομαι 
if the second θύραν was also followed in the archetype by και. Line 16 must then have been 
carried some way beyond ]. 15, unless the insertion was continued in a third line which has 
been broken away. 

18. a in avewypern is by the second hand, and the preceding a and following v have 
also been retouched ; at the end of the line too there has been some alteration. It looks as 
if the original hand wrote 6vpay avewypevny. Between the tops of the two alphas there 
is a horizontal stroke (by the corrector ?) which seems meaningless. avewy. B, nvewy. SA. 

19. The last three letters of this line are again due to the corrector, and no trace 
remains of the previous reading. Possibly ἐδου φωνη had been written, as in N. 

22. avaBa: SO BN; avaBn& A 

23. a: 50 BN; οσα A. 

25. Some vestiges in the margin in front of this line are perhaps to be ine as 
κἾαι, which is added before evéews in P (T—R). 

26. Before πν(ευματ)ι there is room for two or three letters. Perhaps τω preceded, but 
there is no other authority for this, 

28. 1. καθημενος. 

30. em τον θροἶνον, which was subsequently inserted above the line, has no support. 


20-3 X 10-7 cm. Early fourth century. 

This interesting fragment of heretical literature consists of a leaf from 
a papyrus book, copied probably in the earlier decades of the fourth century. 
The bold, slightly inclined script is in its general aspect comparable with that of 
406 (Part III, Plate 1, third cent.(?)) and 847 (Part VI, Plate 6, fourth cent.), 
and must be referred to approximately the same period. No stops or other 
lectional signs occur. The use of the contraction 7p for πατήρ side by side with 
the commoner 77p is noticeable. θεός and κύριος appear in the ordinary 
compendia, but σωτήρ and perhaps ἄνθρωπος (1. 20) are unabbreviated. 

The lower part of the leaf is broken away, and it is uncertain in what order 
the two pages should be placed. The recto opens with a question addressed by 
the disciples to the Saviour how they were to obtain faith, and the answer is 
made that to those who pass from darkness into the light, the way to faith 


is revealed by the operation of their own consciousness. This is followed by an 
unfortunately mutilated passage in which a distinction is developed between the 
Father (πατήρ) and the Fore-father (προπάτωρ). In the verso, which is again 
occupied by an address of the Master, it is laid down that the offspring of 
corruption is essentially perishable, while the offspring of incorruption is 
essentially eternal, and that failure to recognize this truth has been the cause of 
error. Such a warning might naturally call forth the question of the disciples, 
how they in contradistinction to those who had been deceived were to find the 
true belief; while the abstruse theology with which the recto concludes might 
well have been continued at considerable length, whereas at the commencement 
of the verso a different subject is under discussion. For these reasons the verso 
has been selected as the prior of the pages, though the arrangement is admittedly 

Regarding the circle of ideas represented in this document there is little 
doubt. A claim to superior γνῶσις underlies Il. 20-30; and the words σ]ωτήρ, 
ἀφθαρσία, ἀπόρροια, ἔννοια, ἀγέννητος are all characteristic of the Gnostic school. 
But the most unambiguous indication is provided by the distinction in ll. 36 sqq. 
between πατήρ and προπάτωρ, which is embodied in the well-known Valentinian 
and Marcosian theory of Aeons. The Προπάτωρ was the first of the Aeons, the 
primary principle from which all other existence proceeded; cf. eg. Iren. 
C. Haer. i. τ. 1 λέγουσι γάρ twa εἶναι ... τέλειον Αἰῶνα προόντα' τοῦτον δὲ καὶ 
(Προαρχὴν καὶ) Προπάτορα καὶ Βυθὸν καλοῦσι. The first emanation from the 
Προπάτωρ was Nois,. . . τὸν δὲ Νοῦν τοῦτον καὶ Μονογενῆ καλοῦσιν, Πατέρα καὶ ᾿Αρχὴν 
τῶν πάντων: similarly i. 12. 3 ὅπερ ἐνενοήθη προβαλεῖν ὁ Προπάτωρ τοῦτο Πατὴρ 
ἐκλήθη, and i. 11.1. In chap. 19 Irenaeus specifies certain passages of Scripture 
by which this particular doctrine was supported. He also tells us (i. 11. 5) that 
it took many forms: περὶ αὐτοῦ τοῦ Βυθοῦ (= Προπάτορος) πολλαὶ καὶ διάφοροι 
γνῶμαι παρ᾽ αὐτοῖς ; and its precise shape in the present document can hardly be 
gleaned from so mutilated a passage. It appears equally idle to speculate upon 
the identity of the work of which only this tattered leaf has survived. Dr. Carl 
Schmidt, who has endeavoured without success to trace the fragment in the 
Coptic literature of the same class, suggests that it might belong to the imper- 
fectly preserved ‘Gospel of Mary’, observing that the expressions σωτήρ and 6 
ἔχων ὦτα κτλ. (cf. 1]. 6-8, 27, 35) are also found in that work. But the same 
might be said for example of the Pzstis Sophia, and the combination in question 
can scarcely have been rare in the Gnostic writings. That the work from which 
1081 is derived was in the form of a Gospel is, however, sufficiently evident ; and 
probably its revelations were placed, as often in the later apocryphal Gospels, in 

the period after the resurrection. Possibly, as Prof. Swete has suggested, it 


comes from the Valentinian ‘Gospel of Truth’, which is mentioned by Iren. 
C. Haer. iii. 11. 9 Hi vero qui sunt a Valentino... in tantum processerunt auda- 
ciae, uti quod ab his non olim conscriptum est, Veritatis evangelium titulent, 772 
nihilo conveniens apostolorum evangeliis. But the fragment is best left anonymous, 
as a remnant of that large body of Gnostic literature which Irenaeus describes as 
ἀμύθητον πλῆθος ἀποκρύφων καὶ νόθων γραφῶν (op. cit., i. 20. 1), and which was still 
further swelled in the third century. . 

Verso. Recto. 

25 [ot μαθηταῖῆι Ke mos ουνΪ 
ἱπιστιν ευρ]ισκομεν eye 

τὰ γεγονοσιή:. . 3 +s. 
To eupaves |... . TOA?) 



An λυθεισα rj... . 
pa Te πολλὴ [......6% 
tov αφθαρϊτ]ωῖν τυγχα (?) 
νει 0 €xov wl7ja τία ovta 
περαν τῶν [alkololy a | 

κουετω Kalt] τοις αγρη Ϊ 

γορουσιν [εγω λαλω ετιΐ 

προῖΐς . . .«. εἶπεν Tay 

[αυτοις ο σ]ωτηρ διελθοίυ 
[ow εκ των] αφανων kat 
[εἰ)ς το [φω]ς των φαινοΪ 
30 [μενων Kat αὑτὴ ἡ αποὶ 
δ ροια τηΐς εἸννοιας ava Ϊ 
δειξει υἱμιῖν πως ἡ mores | 
] tov ευρ[ετ]εα] ἡ φαινομε 
τοὶ νη τοῦ a.{... κου mps 

TO γείινομεῖνον απὸ 35 0 εἐχὼν ὠτία ακουΊειν a 

της ἰφθορας] απογει κουετω [0 τῶν ολ]ων de 
νεται ὡς απο φθορας 
γεγίονος το] δὲ yelt]vo 

15 peviov απο] αφ[θ])]αρ 

σποτης οἷυκ εστ]ῆι πρ ar 
λα προπαΐτωρ o γαὶρ mp [ap 
xn εἰσΊτίιν τῶν μΊελλον [ 

σιας [ovkK αποἸγεινΐεται AG ΤΩ a. iho Sh eaten εἸκεινοί. 
αλλία μ]εν[εἰ] αφῖθαρ ἘΣ ret aoe προ]παταῖρ 
Tov ὡς amo αἰφ]θίαρσι astaneag Ἰν amo ylelveas . |. 
[als yeyovos [.] τίενες Borges Ἰρω ομί. .je.. [. 
20 [de] των αἰ θριἴπων. [nee eee Ἰεται αὖυΪ..... 

45 [-- + -Jof-Jeo αν... .. 

ἱπροπατΊωρ Os πηϊρ]. [. . 

ἐπλανηθἴησαν .. .. 
pen ecdozvies...... 

φίθο)ραν raf.....--. PSs ts Ἱπιαντί.]π . [. 
θανονΐ [epee ΠΕ let αγεννητί. 
ΣΝ tee ]ο. μὲν τουΐ 


6--22. ‘ He who hath hearing beyond his ears, let him hear: I speak also to those 
who watch not. Again he said to..., Everything that is born of corruption perisheth, as 
having been born of corruption; but that which is born of incorruption abideth incor- 
ruptible, as having been born of incorruption. Some men have been deceived, not 
knowing...” ; 

_ 5. τυγχαίνει Swete, who further proposes »[apxn (dative) in 1. 3 and [η αφθαρσια in 1. 4. 

ἡ. [αἸκοζω]ν : the space between o and » is hardly filled by an o, but no other supple- 
ment suggests itself. By the ‘ears that are beyond the ears’ is meant the faculty which 
perceives the inner significance of the spoken or written word. 

10. προΐς avrovs is too much for the lacuna. Perhaps προΐσω και, which is proposed by 

15. There was a syzygy of Christus and Aphtharsia (Zucorrupiela) according to 
certain Gnostics ; cf. Iren. C. Haer. i. 29. 1, Theodoret, Haer. i. 13. 

24. Probably εἤθανον or Gavor{r . . 

25-39. ‘The disciples [ask him,] Lord, how then can we find faith? The Saviour 
saith unto them, If ye pass from the things that are hidden and into the light of the things 
that are seen, the effluence of conception will of itself show you how faith that appeareth from (?) 
the ... Father must be found. He who hath ears to hear, let him hear.. The lord of all 
is not the Father but the Fore-father ; for the Father is the beginning of what shall be...” 

25. If μαθηταῖι is right, ηρωτων αὑτὸν or some equivalent expression is to be supplied. 
But the |: may belong to the verb, e.g. Aeyove| or εξεταζουσἾι, sc. ov μαθηται. 

26. 1. ευρ]ισκωμεν. 

27. The use of the term σωτήρ instead of κύριος is expressly mentioned by Irenaeus, 
]. 1. 3, as a Valentinian characteristic. 

29. [ειἧς το [φω]ς is very doubtful; the first visible vestige is quite indecisive, and a rather 
longer supplement before it would be more suitable. There follow the bases of a vertical 
stroke (e.g. 1, τὴ and of a round letter (e.g. «, 0, c). The restoration suggested pre- 
supposes a direct opposition between agavey and qawolpe|vov; but Dr. Bartlet takes 
exception to this, and thinks that something like rns πλανης is required before τῶν φαιν. 

30. αποροια : cf. the ἀπόρροια Juminis in Pistts Sophia 134 sqq. 

33-4. The intention of the adscript is not very clear. The words των [αἰδηλων could 
be inserted in the text after moz[is]; or they may be a marginal indication of the contents of 
the passage. It is not certain that any letters preceded των, but there is a speck of ink over 
the , and the margin above is imperfect. ἡ φαινομενη .. . π(ατ)ρ(οὴς is rather obscure, partly 
owing, perhaps, to the loss of the adjective. α is followed by a straight vertical stroke which 
is consistent with y, 1, v, or ; and the letter before ov may be v or x instead of x. αἰωνίου 
cannot be read. Bartlet suggests αγ[γελικου (faith 27 the Father ?). 

37-8. πατὴρ is similarly abbreviated in e. g. a third-century fragment of Philo at Paris; 
ef. Traube, Vomina Sacra, pp. 56,96; the more usual form πὴρ is used below, |. 46. 



1082. CERCIDAS, Meliambi. 
Height 18-2 cm. Secondcentury. Plate II (Frs. 3, 4). 

Cercidas, the philosopher and poet of Megalopolis, has hitherto been 
represented by about a dozen lines gleaned from a few scattered citations. This 
shadowy figure is at length given some substance by the remains here published, 
the authorship of which is established not only by two coincidences with 
fragments already extant, but also by the title surviving at the end of the work. 

This papyrus, like 1088, comes from the second of the large literary finds 
of 1906. It is unfortunately much broken, and the results of repeated efforts 
to fit the pieces together have been rather disappointing. The fifth column, such 
as it is, of Fr. 1 has been built up from several scraps, and probably enough 
other portions of that column remain among the many unplaced fragments, if 
their right position could be found; but it is to be feared that some connecting 
links are missing. The papyri belonging to this find were scattered over 
a wide area, and possibly further small pieces may eventually make their 
appearance; but there is no ground for hope of material additions. 

The slightly inclined columns are carefully written in well-formed upright 
uncials which approximate to the oval type, the round letters ε, 0, 0, σ being 
decidedly narrow; a has sometimes a rounded, sometimes an angular loop. 
I should attribute this hand to the second century, a date which also suits the 
cursive marginalia. These consist of both explanatory notes and variants on 
the text, and seem to have been for the most part added by one person, who 
commonly used a rather larger and clearer script for the variants than for the 
other notes. A third hand has perhaps to be postulated for the more straggling 
letters of the adscript at Fr. 2. ii. 16. As usual, the scholia include several of 
the common abbreviations, « for καί, &c. To the first annotator also fall most 
of the alterations in the body of the text, and to him are probably due many of 
the accents, breathings, and other aids to the reader which it is natural to find in 
so difficult a work. Some of them may have been put in by the actual copyist, 
but the subsequent origin of others is seen in the somewhat lighter shade of the 
ink. The system of accentuation resembles that in other papyri of the period, 
e.g. 841 and 852. Unaccented syllables are sometimes marked with a grave 
accent, e.g. Fr. 3. ii. 6 πὶμελὸσαρκοφαγῶν. Oxytones receive a grave on the 
penultimate, Fr. 1. iii. 15 πατρὼος ; if an enclitic follows the final syllable is 


accented, as Fr. 1. iv. 6 δοιά τις, Fr. 3. ii. 8-g οὐδέν ποκα, and the same accent 
may be used in the absence of an enclitic, e.g. Fr. 3. ii, 2 κανθόυς. A curved 
stroke is sometimes drawn under compound words, as in 841 and 862, e.g. Fr. τ. 
ii. 18. On the other hand, in several places words are separated by comma- 
like marks at the bottom of the letters, e.g. Fr. 1. ii. 17 ; a similar diastole occurs 
in the Bacchylides papyrus xvi. 102, and in later texts, for instance P. Rylands 
10, For punctuation both high and medial dots are employed, the latter 
commonly placed well above the line. 

Of the four principal fragments which have survived, the relative position of 
the first three is undetermined ; the fourth contains the final column of the roll. 
Fr. I is given priority as the most substantial piece. This comprises five columns, 
three of which are in good preservation. They are divided between two poems, 
distinguished by a large marginal coronis (iv. 5). The first is a discussion 
concerning the gods and divine providence. How are the facts of life to be 
reconciled with the view that the so-called gods are at once just and all-power- 
ful? Zeus the king of Olympus is really impotent. He may hold the scales, as 
Homer says, but he merely registers Fate’s decree. Why, if he is the father of 
all, are some of us treated in such a step-fatherly fashion? The poet professes 
himself unable to answer these questions. Let us leave them, he concludes, to 
the astrologers; and in opposition to the fictitious gods of heaven he sets up 
as objects of veneration a remarkable triad of earthly divinities, Paean, the god 
of healing, Giving, and Retribution, under the figure of which he commends 
the practical duties of succour for the needy in body or soul, and punishment 
for the doers of evil. Antagonism to the current polytheism was a salient 
feature of the Cynic philosophy. Antisthenes is reported to have said τὸ κατὰ 
νόμον εἶναι πολλοὺς θεούς, κατὰ δὲ φύσιν ἕνα (Philodemus, Περὶ εὐσεβ., p. 72, 
Gomperz), and his contemptuous refusal to make a gift to a priest of Cybele is 
also on record (Clement, Protrepi., p. 64, Potter οὐ τρέφω τὴν μητέρα τῶν θεῶν). 
Similar tendencies, in conjunction with a real religious feeling, are traceable in 
his disciple Diogenes (cf. e.g. Diog. Laert. vi. 57), and Cercidas carries on the 
tradition. Bernays (Lucian und die Kyniker, pp. 36 544.) has drawn attention 
to this characteristic as a point of contact between Cynics and Christians; in 
extolling ‘Merddws’ Cercidas shows himself in harmony with another side of 
Christian doctrine. 

The second poem, of which Col. iv gives the commencement, is on the 
subject of love. It is addressed to a friend named Damonomus, and opens with 
a reference to a passage of Euripides (formerly anonymous ; cf. note on 1. 5), in 
which Cupid is represented as having two kinds of breath, one making the 
course of love smooth, the other stormy. The choice rests with the individual, 


who is counselled to prefer the gentle breeze and, aided by temperance, to make 
a safe and easy voyage. Here there is a break, and the following column is 
unfortunately mutilated ; but it contains a few significant verses which advocate . 
the simplest and cheapest satisfaction of animal instincts. Cercidas adopts the 

attitude expected in a follower of Diogenes, who decried marriage (Diog. Laert. 

vi. 54, 72), and described love as the occupation of the idle (id. 51) and a painful 

pursuit of pleasure (id. 67). Love is again referred to in Fr. 4 ; see below.. 

Frs. 2 and 3 differ in appearance from Fr. 1 in being more. worm-eaten, 
especially Fr. 3. In Fr. 2 there are remains of three columns, all more or less 
damaged. Of the first no more is left than two imperfect marginal adscripts. 
This fragment might be conjectured to form the continuation of Fr. 1, the broken 
marginalia referring to Col. v, and Fr. 2, Col. ii making the sixth successive. 
column. The subject of the latter is not clear; but so far as they go the 
contents would not be inconsistent with such a combination. Expressions like ᾿ 
‘pain-shunning’ (?), ‘shadow-fed races (of men)’, ‘pleasure-stricken mortals’ 
harmonize well enough with the foregoing theme. But this phraseology might 
of course occur in many other contexts, and the fragment more probably comes 
from ἃ different part of the roll. At any rate the edges of the papyrus do not 
join up, and a gap of some centimetres must be supposed. It should also be 
noticed that the hand in Fr. 2. ii is slightly larger and less compact than in 
Fr. 1. v, and, what is more significant, that there is a junction between two 
selides at the end of this second column, whereas, on the hypothesis of a com- 
bination of Frs. 1 and 2, the junction would be expected to occur at a point 
rather more to the right. At Col. iii. 10, which was within a line or two of the 
end of the column, the poem, whatever it was, is brought to a conclusion. 

No such tentative combination with any of the other main pieces has to be 
considered in the case of Fr. 3. This, comprising one nearly complete column, 
with scanty remnants of those which preceded and followed, is particularly 
interesting, since it is in some degree autobiographical. After a reflection upon 
the tenacity with which men cling to life, the poet speaks of his own indomitable 
spirit, which had shown him the way to all that was best, and of the ardour with 
which he had devoted himself to the pursuit of the Muses. His hair is already 
grey, and the poem must have been written comparatively late in life. It is 
a retrospect of his declining years, and from that standpoint he contemplates 
with. satisfaction the path which he had followed. Perhaps it is his farewell 
to poesy. ' ; Ϊ 

Fi. 4 contains the final column, below which is the subscription giving the 
title of the manuscript, ‘the Meléambi of Cercidas the Cynic’. The verses here 
are disfigured by small lacunae which at present remain imperfectly filled, and 


the subject is not clearly defined. Lines 5 sqq. contain a warning against fretting 
the mind with the endeavour to attain something, but what exactly is meant is 
obscure. A reference follows to Zeno, presumably the philosopher of Citium, 
and a ‘Zenonian’ love of man for man is apparently contrasted with an un- 
equally balanced passion. Wilamowitz suggests that these last four lines form 
an independent whole, a little poem or skolion which has been relegated to the 
end of the book. But there is no sign in the margin of a coronis, which marks 
the termination of poems in Frs. 1. iv and 2. iii, and which should be partially 
visible opposite 1. 10; and in the absence of any such indication the internal 
evidence is hardly cogent enough for the proposed division. The concluding 
reference to love is a point of contact between this fragment and Fr. 1. iv-v. 
Can the φόβος in 1. 4 be of the same kind as that in Fr. 1. v. 15? If so, it 
would be a natural hypothesis that Fr. 4 contains the end of the incomplete 
second poem in Fr. 1. So far as the appearance of the papyrus goes, this 
column might even be the immediate successor of Fr. I. v; but the broken 
edges do not directly join, and the combination can thus be at best a possibility. 

The remaining smaller fragments call for little notice, Fr. 5 mentions the 
name of Sphaerus, which has an important bearing on the date of Cercidas 
(see p. 26). Fr. 7 coincides with one of the two quotations from our author in 

The metre used in these poems is what is commonly known as dactylo-epitritic. 
This assumes different forms, of which the normal elements are the enhoplius 
—~vv—vv--Y, and the epitrite -u—“ It is seen at its simplest in the 
second poem of Fr. 1, where a large proportion of the lines are Prosodiaci of the 
kind described by Hephaestion, p. 51. 10,as ἐγκωμιολογικὸν Tryoixopevovy, — Vy —v 
υ-π.-υ--; in 1. 16 the epitrite stands first (προσοδιακὸν ἀπὸ τροχαίου). 
Monotony is avoided by occasional trochaic rhythms. Greater freedom and 
variety are displayed in the first poem of Fr. 1 and in Fr. 3, where there is an 
admixture of Adonei (— vu -- 5), with a rare Choriambus (1. iii. 5) or dactylic 
tetrameter (1. ii. 3). An extra syllable, either short or long, is often pre- 
fixed to a verse. Wilamowitz remarks that the nearest parallel to the metrical 
structure of Cercidas is to be found in the Δεῖπνον attributed to Philoxenus 
(Bergk, Poet. Lyr. iii. pp. 601 sqq.). This structure has not been brought out 
intelligibly by the writer of the papyrus. Only here and there do the lines 
correspond with the natural cola (e.g. Fr. 1. ii. 8 (7), iii. 23 (17), iv. 10-1 (8-9)). 
For the most part the text is copied in what seems to have been the usual fashion 
with the later dithyrambists, in lines of fairly even length, very much as if it 
were prose. Hence in the reconstruction given below it has been found necessary 
to discard the stichometry of the original in favour of a division indicating more 


clearly the metrical scheme. When, however, owing to mutilation the scheme is 
uncertain, as in Frs. 2 and 4, the arrangement of the papyrus is reproduced. 
Resolution of a long syllable is rare, but is found in a trochee apparently in 
Fr. 4. 11 and Fr. 32. 3. The shortening of a final vowel or diphthong before 
a following vowel occurs infrequently (Fr. 1. ii. 6, Fr. 3. ii. 4, 8, 10, possibly 
Fr. τ. iii. 14), hiatus before an original digamma once only (Fr. 3. ii. 2). 

In the matter of dialect also slight confidence can be placed in the 
tradition of the original. Cercidas uses a Doric speech; but there are degrees 
and varieties of Doric, and it is not very clear which of them is here to be 
recognized. The broad a, naturally, takes the place of the Attic ἡ, verbs in -μι 
have the infinitive in -μεν, ἦμεν or εἶμεν = εἶναι, and πόκα, ὅκα, ὅκκα, τᾶμος, al, ἐμίν, 
τίν, ἁμέ, moti, ἧς, Ans, ἐσλός are other well-defined and characteristic forms. But 
did the poet employ the vowels of the ‘stricter’ Doric and write ὦ for ov and ἡ 
for «.? Here the papyrus is inconsistent. Occasionally is given by the 
original scribe as the genitive singular of the second declension (Fr. 1. iii. 9 τώ, 
ν. 17 oBodw, Fr. 3. ii. 19 χρονω), but ov is much more common. In No. 4 of the 
previously extant fragments of Cercidas (see p. 50), Bentley's emendation of 
παλῷ ... δυσεκνίπτῳ τρυγί to TaAG ... δυσεκνιπτῷ τρυγός is plausible, though un- 
necessary. Of an original accusative plural in ws there is no clear instance, but 
in one place w has been inserted above ov by the second hand (Fr. 3. ii. 3 κανθώς). 
οὖν is constant, and the corrector leaves this untouched (Fr. 1. 11. 15, 20, iii. 5, 11, 
22, iv. 18). The question then arises whether uniformity should be obtained by 
eliminating the few instances of ὦ or the many of ov. It is hard to believe that 
the sporadic w is not a genuine survival. That ὦ should have been gradually 
replaced by ov is natural enough, and such weakening of dialectical peculiarities 
in the process of transmission is too common to need illustration. Other instances 
of violation of the dialect are to hand in this papyrus: Fr. 1. ii. 5 εἰ for ai first 
hand, Fr. 3. ii. 11 μουσῶν, perhaps Fr. 1. v. 18-19 rolr(e). The choice between εἰ 
and ἡ in infinitives is more difficult. εἰ is written in ten places by the copyist, 
Fr. 1. iii. 8 Aeyew, 19 exe, iv. 19 exAeyerv, 22 εὐθυπλοειν, Fr. 4. 3 ἱμοφλυακεῖν, 7 
ποιεισῖθαι, 8 orpepew, Fr. 22. 3 opew, Fr. 36. 2 djayacew, Fr. 48. 2 Ἰμαθειν, in one of 
which (Fr. 1. iii. 19) ἡ has been interlineated by the second hand ; the solitary ex- 
ample of εἰμεν = εἶναι (Fr. 1. v. 19) similarly has this alternative ἡ above the line, 
as in the Paris papyrus of Aleman ii.11. ἦμεν is perhaps preferable; and in the 
other cases ἡ may be correct. In (είς, Fr. 2. 3 Bergk following Froben gives 
χῆλος for the traditional χεῖλος. The natural tendency towards εἰ, it may be 
observed, would be much assisted by the palaeographical similarity of ΕἸ and H, 
which is a frequent cause of corruption. But the infinitival -ν is not very 
common in literary Doric. ἁνδάνην is found in the Paris Aleman papyrus iii. 20, 


ἰδῆν in 8. 7. The MSS. of Theocritus have κανῆν in xxiv. 92, and in other 
passages are divided between -ew and -nv ; θιγῆν is the reading of the Codex 
Ravennas in Aristoph. Lysist.1004. In both Aristophanes and Theocritus -ew 
is commonly preferred by editors, whose example I should be inclined to follow. 
Purity of dialect is certainly not to be expected in poetry of the age of 
Cercidas; and an instance of the epic genitive -oo (Fr. 1. ν. 16), which was 
also used by Theocritus (e.g. i. 68, ii. 8, iv. 17-18), betrays artificiality in the 
language. But, while naturally the author himself cannot be credited with all 
the incongruities of the papyrus, the preferable course in a first edition, at any 
rate, is to leave these for the most part as they have been handed down. Similar 
inconsistencies are to be found in plenty in the inscriptions. A notable example 
of the dialectical fusion of this period survives in the poems of Isyllus (C. I. G. 
950), where not even the Doric a is constant. I have accordingly allowed ov to 
stand side by side with o, and ἡ with εἰ. Where it is not clear from the context 
whether a final w is genitive or dative, no iota subscript has been added. Of 
specifically Arcadian influence there is no clear trace ; the use of the non-Doric 
ay (Fr. 1. iii. 9, iv. 8) does not prove it, since ἄν had already been admitted 
by Theocritus in his Doric poems. 

A few words must be added concerning the personality and literary 
qualities of the poet. The former has been a subject of much uncertainty. Two 
politicians of Megalopolis who were named Cercidas are known, one a con- 
temporary of Demosthenes, who accuses him of having betrayed his countrymen 
to Philip (De Cor. 295; cf. Harpocrat., Kepkidas . . . ὅτι δ᾽ οὗτος τῶν τὰ Μακεδονικὰ 
φρονούντων ἦν εἴρηκε καὶ Θεόπομπος ἐν ιε΄ Φιλιππικῶν, Polyb. xviii. 14), the other 
a friend of Aratus and an actor in the war with Cleomenes towards the close 
of the next century (Polyb. ii. 48-50, 65). Can either of these personages be 
identical with Cercidas the poet? If the Grammarians are to be trusted, he too 
played a part in public affairs. Megalopolis, says Stephanus of Byzantium, was 
the city of Cercidas ἄριστος νομοθέτης καὶ μελιάμβων ποιητής. νομοθέτης is also the 
word used by Ptolemy ὁ Ἡφαιστίωνος ap. Phot. Bibl. 190 (p. 151 Bekker) ὁ μέντοι 
νομοθέτης ᾿Αρκάδων Κερκίδας συνταφῆναι αὑτῷ τὸ a καὶ β τῆς ᾿ἸἸλιάδος κελεύσειεν. 
Probably the same tradition is to be recognized in the statement of Eustath. 72. 
B, p. 199 παρασημειοῦται δὲ καὶ ὁ Πορφύριος. . . ἱστορῶν καὶ ὅτι νόμους τινὲς ἐξέθεντο, 
ἀποστοματίζειν τοὺς παιδευομένους τὸν Ὁμήρου κατάλογον, ὡς καὶ ὁ Κερδίας νομοθετῶν 
τῇ πατρίδι. In view of the alleged partiality of Cercidas to the second book of 
the Πα (cf. his aspiration recorded by Aelian, Var. Hist. xiii. 20, to meet 

‘Homer after death, and Fr. 1. iii. 2 below), Cuper’s emendation (Apoth. Hom. 
p. 130) of Kepdfas to Kepxidas is convincing. Meineke proposed to identify the 
poet with the philo-Macedonian denounced by Demosthenes (Anal. Alkex. 


pp. 385sqq.); but this view did not well accord with the mention in ( εἴς: 
Fr. 2 (cf. p. 50) of the death of Diogenes, which occurred in B.C. 323 and does 
not seem, when that fragment was written, to have been a quite recent event. 
Stronger objections are now found in two fairly certain allusions of the papyrus, 
one (Fr. 4. 14) to the Stoic Zeno, who is said to have lived as late as the 130th 
Olympiad (Diog. Laert. vii. 6) and cannot have become famous beforé the 
beginning of the third century, the other to Zeno’s disciple Sphaerus (Fr. 5. 4). 
These references bring the poet down well into the third century, while on the 
other hand he cannot be placed very much later, since there is good reason to 
believe that his works were used by Aristophanes of Byzantium, who is sup- 
posed to have succeeded Eratosthenes at the Alexandrian library about B.C. 195. 
As has been pointed out by Strecker (Hermes, xxvi. pp. 276-7), the explanation 
of μαγίς citing Cercidas in Phot. Bzb/. 279 (Cerc. Fr. 8; cf. p. 51) is likely to 
be derived from Aristophanes’ Περὶ τῶν ὑποπτευομένων μὴ εἰρῆσθαι τοῖς παλαιοῖς ; 
cf, Eustath, Od. ξ, p. 1761. 34 ἔφη δὲ (sc.’Apiotoddvns) καὶ ὅτι ἣ μαγὶς ἀπὸ τῆς μάζης 
ἢ τοῦ μαστεύειν ῥηθεῖσα κτλ., and Pollux vi. 83, x. 81. To this Wilamowitz adds 
the very plausible suggestion that the citation of πατρωός (Cerc. Fr. 9 ; cf. p. 51) 
comes from the same grammarian’s Περὶ συγγενικῶν ὀνομάτων. Our author's 
floruit will accordingly fall in the second half of the third century, and it 
becomes natural to identify him with the Megalopolitan Cercidas who appears 
on the political stage at precisely that period. But it will not follow that, as 
Leo inclines to believe (Hermes, xli. p. 444), the statement that he was a νομοθέτης 
rests upon a confusion. ‘Die Gesetzgebung hangt mit der Griindung (von 
Megalopolis) zusammen.’ Not necessarily ; constitutional ordinances are by no 
means limited to the period of a city’s foundation, and a well authenticated 
tradition is not so lightly to be set aside. The absence of any hint in 
the narrative of Polybius that he was speaking of the well-known writer 
will hardly be regarded as a serious objection to the proposed identifica- 
tion. That the philosopher-poet, besides being a lawgiver and a practical 
politician, should also have been a general (Polyb. ii. 65), is more surprising ; 
but evidently he was far removed from the typical Cynic sage, and there is 
no great difficulty in adding some military capacity to his varied accomplish- 
ments. How it comes about that he is described by Diogenes Laertius as 
Μεγαλοπολίτης ἢ Κρής (vi. 76) remains unexplained on any view of the poet’s 
personality. S. Bochart wished to remove this complication by the not very 
happy expedient of substituting ’Apxds for Κρής. Croénert (Rhein. Mus. xii. 
pp. 311-12) proposes the emendation ᾿Αρκὰς Μεγαλοπολίτης, or Μεγαλοπολίτης τῆς 
᾿Αρκαδίας, but makes no attempt to explain how a phrase of this kind became 
corrupted to ἢ Κρής. If the passage is to be corrected at all, it would be better 


to follow Cobet and delete ἢ Κρής as an interpolation. But, as Wilampwitz 
remarks, conflicting statements of the same kind occur about other celebrated 
individuals, e.g. Sotades. Perhaps the family had some Cretan connexion. 
There are no independent grounds for supposing Cercidas to have lived else- 
where than at Megalopolis ; and he may reasonably be regarded as a kinsman of 
his namesake the statesman of the Demosthenic period. 

Cercidas is expressly described as a Cynic for the first time in the title at 
the end of Fr. 4. That he was an adherent of that school of philosophy had, 
however, been rightly inferred from the extant fragments 2, 4, 5-(p. 50), and the 
phrase τὸν ἐμὸν Μεγαλοπολίτην Κερκίδαν (Athen. viii. 347 6) in the mouth of the 
Cynic Cynulcus (Kaibel, Azhen. iii. p. 561). His wish to meet after death 
Hecataeus and Olympus, as well as Homer and Pythagoras (Aelian, Var. Hist. 
xiii. 20), implies that besides philosophy and poetry, he cultivated history and 
music ; and the comprehensiveness of his intellectual interests is directly witnessed 
by Fr. 3. Nor did he confine himself to one class of poetry, for Athenaeus 
quotes his Jamz (Cerc. Fr. 1) and that there is no mistake in the name is proved 
by the metre of the quotation. But no doubt it was upon the Meliamdz, so 
called as combining lyrical forms with critical or satyrical matter, that his 
literary fame chiefly rested ; to Ptolemaeus, af. Phot. 8201. 279, he is simply ὁ 
μελοποιός. No other representative of this class of composition is known to us, 
and to that fact rather than to any conspicuous literary merit the discovery of 
these Oxyrhynchus fragments, from which a fair idea of the poet can now be 
obtained, owes its particular interest. In the matter of style they confirm and 
emphasize the impression given by the few verses already known. An outstanding 
feature is the frequency of unfamiliar compounds, in which Cercidas displays the 
facility and boldness of a dithyrambist. Some of these διπλᾶ or τριπλᾶ have 
a distinct vigour and aptness: ῥυποκιβδοτόκων, συοπλουτοσύνη, πιμελοσαρκοφαγεῖν, 
φῦλα σκιόθρεπτα, ὀλβοθύλακος λάρος are among the more striking. The poet clearly 
possessed a feeling for the picturesque, as well as a faculty of expression. His 
versification is accomplished, and the syntax usually simple. The most pleasing 
specimen of his work is the exordium of the poem on love (Fr. 1. iii. 5 sqq.) 
which, though the leading idea is not original, has a grace of its own. That 
but the points are well put, and reinforced by some happy phrases and lines. 
The fragments of Cercidas reveal a cultivated man, of no great originality, 
perhaps, but well qualified to expound and popularize his philosophic creed, 
and endowed with at least some of the qualities which go to make a poet. 

My debt to Wilamowitz in the reconstruction of this text, as of 1086, is 
especially large. 




Col. i. 

Ἰαρο ].@ 

Aa ] 

Ἰεν 10 ] 

jyao ] 

5 ] Ἰανιοψιάδαι 

Ἰν Ἰτοσ 

] ] K σπυροιοιπυροι 
Col. ii. 

τεκαιακρασίωναθηκεπενὴη ακρατησί 





τυλιδανξένωνα'ποταγαγε Ὑνωστοστισπικροσ 
δ᾽ αμιναργυρονεισανονατα 


τελεσαιχρημ᾽ OKKETLVOUV 
ητὶ -Ἱνπαλινεκχυμενΐταν 
τωνκτεανωνπλεθροντου ολεθρον 


σύνασδομενδ᾽ επιταδεο 




κασοφθαλμοσαπεσπαλακω chargeable cca 
Ta-yopacborv,povddt,yAn  S'BAL.|re 

ναπαραυγεικαιθεμισαλι  «""οφθαλμωιπίβλεπει 

— Φ 

παρακαταχλυωταιπωσετιδαι επεσκοτισί ]αι 
μονεσθυτοιμητακουανμή ουνοιμἢ 

[- .« Ἱετασμεσσοντονολυμπον 


Fr, 1. 
Col. i. 
apo ]᾽.α 
Aa J 
lev το | 
yar | 
5 ] Ἰανιοψιάδᾳ 
Ἰν |ros 

] ] k(ai) Srtigel ot πυροί. q Of 

Col. ii. 
«νον τε Kal ἀκρασίωνα pepe ti ined 
‘ γνωστός tis κ(αὶ) πικρός. 
lal 7 
θῆκε πενητυλίδαν Ἐένωνα, ποτάγαγε δ᾽ ἁμὶν 
ἄργυρον εἰς ἀνόνατα ῥέοντα ; 
kali] τί τὸ κωλύον ἧς, αἴ τίς (c)p ἔρο[το; 
ean 7 2 A a > 7 Ψ 
5 ῥεῖα γάρ ἐστι θεῷ πᾶν ἐκτελέσαι χρῆμ Ν 
ὅκκ᾽ ἐπὶ νοῦν ἴῃ, 7 τὸν ῥνυποκιβδοτόκωνα 
καὶ τεθνακοχαλκίδαν 
ἢ Td παλινεκχυμενίταν τῶν κτεάνων ὄλεθρον 
τοῦτον κενῶσαι TAS συοπλουτοσύνας, 
) 2 ἂν 4 
10 δόμεν δ᾽ ἐπιταδεοτρώκτᾳ κοινοκρατηροσκύφῳ 
τὰν ὀλλυμέναν δαπάνυλλαν, 

μήποτ᾽ οὖν ὁ τᾶς Δίκας ὀφθαλμὸς ἀπεσπαλάκωται; Sov ὃ τύπους μ(ὲν) ὀφθαλμ(ῶν) 

ἔχει, ὀφθαλμοὺς δ᾽ οἷς οὐ- 

χὠ Φαέθων μονάδι γλήνᾳ παραυγεῖ, ae Fa ates 4 
3 ἑνὶ ὀφθαλμῷ π(αρα)βλέπει. 
καὶ Θέμις ἁ λιπαρὰ καταχλύωται; τ puted μὲν Ὧν se 

15 πῶς ἔτι δαίμονες οὖν Tol μήτ᾽ ἀκουὰν μήτ᾽ ὁπὰν πεπαμένοι; 
καὶ μὰν τὸ τάλαντον ὁ σεμνὸς 

ἀστεροπα[γερ]έτας μέσσον τὸν "Ολυμπον [ἐνί(ει] 






Col. 111. 
ΤΈΣ ἐπ: JopOor[.......]. evevev 



ΠΣ senbonnepll Airey 
τασταδἔσχάταφρυγιαμυσων βρυγια 

[- . . ἡγειτοπαραυτοιστωδιοσ 

Tal. Wy ytov'mooveerava 

οι σ 
νιδασκιωνανευρη πῶλα 




μετεωροκοποισ'Τουτουσ αστρολογοισ 

γαρεργονουθενελπομεχειν' ἄμινδε 
παιανκαιαγαθαμεταιδωσμελε τ αθη 

ουριαφυσι αειτιματεταῦταν 

Col. iv. 
po . [. -JeAgl 

TVXAC'TAUT εἶ. .« . ἥμιννει εκβαθεῳΐ 



ew ws. SS 



Col. iii. 
ὀρθὸν [ἴσχων klat νένευκεν οὐδαμῆ" 
καὶ τοῦθ᾽ “Ὅμηρος εἶπεν ἐν ᾿Ιλιάδι" 
. [ἢ > 3 4 ’, > 
ῥέπει © ὅταν αἴσιμον apap ἀνδράσι κυδαλίμοις ἢ. 
“ > basta > 2 , x b ΄ 
πῶς οὖν ἐμὶν οὐ ποτέρεψεν ὀρθὸς ὧν ἐυγοστάτας, 


Ἐν ὦ ? “ 7 
τᾷ 0 ἐσχάτᾳ Μυσῶν Βρυγίᾳ; 
ἅξζομαι δέ θην λέγειν ὅσον ἱπαράγει τὸ παρ᾽ αὐτοῖς 
τῶ Διὸς πλαϊ[στ]ΐγγιον. 
ποίους ἐπ᾽ ἀνάκτορας οὖν τις 
ἢ τίνας Οὐρανίδας κιὼν ἂν εὕροι 
πῶς AdB(or) τὰν ἀξίαν, ὅθ᾽ ὁ Κρονίδας ὁ φυτεύσας 
πάντας ἁμὲ καὶ τεκὼν 
“- ἈΝ Ν “ X 7 7 
τῶν μὲν πατρωὸς τῶν δὲ πέφανε πατήρ; 
λῷον μεθέμεν περὶ τούτων τοῖς μετεωροκόποις" ἀστρολόγοις. 
τούτους γὰρ ἔργον οὐ(δὲ) ἕν ἔλπομ᾽ ἔχειν. 
ἁμὶν δὲ Παιὰν καὶ {dyaba} Μετάδως μελέτω, ἐπεὶ ‘ δὼς ἀγαθή: 

A dy lias 
θεὸς yap attra, καὶ Νέμεσις κατὰ γᾶν. μέσφ᾽ οὖν ὁ δαίμων 

οὔρια φυσιάει τιμᾶτε ταύταν, 

Col. iv. 
φῶτίες,) eAal με- 
ταΐξαντες Ϊ νεμε- 
σητὸν dA ] τύχας, ταῦτ᾽ ἐϊστὶν 

νειόθεν ἐξεμέσαι. 


ἐκ βαθέωϊν. 










φροδιτασδαμονομ' "ουτιγ[Ἰρει 

μενανπραειακαιευμενὲΐϊ. .. .. ] 

deétrepal] ν] ππνευσησιαγων 



κατακυπρινοπορθμοσ.μὴ αφροδισιοσ 

Col. v. 

5 or 6 lines lost. 

KIT). τι eo 1.7» pnger. 
σιν»... es Ἰπλοοσπαννΐ 

FOE Vo [ese nia ]xaumpokoO| 

NUPQI SG 6 oe τύ Ἰναβλαψιτε. 

αν-Καιμ. ..... Ἰδυναν.ἀδεῖ 



eS << lhl 

ὙΠ συ νυν, Ms 


5 Δοιά τις ἁμὶν ἔφα γνάθοισι φυσῆν δοι[ὰ δισσά. 




τὸν κυανοπτέρυγον παῖδ᾽ ‘Adgpodiras, 
Δαμόνομ᾽- οὔτι γ[ὰ]ρ εἶ λίαν ἀπευθής" 
καὶ βροτῶν γὰρ [τῷ] μὲν ἂν πραεῖα K εὐμενεῖΐ πνοᾷ) 
ροτῶν γὰρ [τῷ] μ ρ μ ; 
δεξιτερὰ πνεύσῃ σιαγών, 
a 2 3 7 ἣν ~ ΝΜ 
οὗτος ἐν ἀτρεμίᾳ τὰν ναῦν ἔρωτος 
σώφρονι πηδαλίῳ πειθοῦς κυβερνῇ' 
οι. ΝΥ A > A - 2 , 
τοῖς δὲ τὰν ἀριστερὰν λύσας ἐπόρσῃ 
λαίλαπας ἢ λαμυρὰς πόθων ἀέλλας, 
κυματίας διόλου τούτοις ὁ πορθμόύς. 
εὖ λέγων Εὐριπίδας. οὐ κάρρον οὖν ἐστὶ(ν) δύ᾽ ὄντων 
᾽ x. » «ε A A 
ἐκλέγειν τὸν οὔριον ἁμὶν ἀήταν, 
καὶ μετὰ σωφροσύνας οἴακι πειθοῦς 
χρώμενον εὐθυπλοεῖν bx’ ἢ κατὰ Κύπριν ὁ πορθμός; ἀφροδίσιος. 

πώ τὸ. 

Col. ν. 
καὶ 1|. Ὁ ὙΠ ΜΕ} 4.05} ρηξεῖ. | 
GTPAyY|. . “τ... Ἱπλόος: παννΐ 

ro Bi..[..+--..] καὶ προκοθὶ 

λύμαν [ βλαψιτε.1 Ἰαν, 

καὶ μῖ... . «- ὀλδύναν: ἁ δ᾽ ἐξ ἀγορᾶς ᾿Αφροδίτα 
καὶ τὸ μη[δε]νὸς μέλειν ὁπίαἸνίκα λῇς ὅκα χρήζῃς; 



δαρεοιοδοκειγαμβρ . Ϊ 

ἢ κοί 

FY. 2. , 
Col. i. Col. ab 

[...]. TéKav7|.}ro . [ 
Jor[.] κροτησιγόμφί 
1% 5 Takatpove..[ 
θεϊκὴ. dv. [ 
ταφευξιπ. [.]. ovar[ 
φῦλα[ ε]]σκιόθρεπτακί. .] . οσ 
εγχεσίμωροσ, ἃδον.Ἵπ|.]ά 
10 κτωνβροτωνκαιμ[. ἤλεπι 
σταμενωσωπασᾳ .. o¢.] 
ἊΝ X - ἄγασί ψ[-Ἰγραγῖ. . Joi 
5 1.«γας.[1.... [. . Πανμενωλεσικαρπον 
‘ [. . - Πυγαφυσὰλέανᾳυδαν 
τ ae pee ]- « ἢ'νεῦραδεκαικρα 
[.. 2. τ᾽ ἐλέλιγμαϊ. . . . 7.. σκρα 

About 4 lines lost. 
Col. iii. 
10 lines lost. 





15 οὐ φόβος οὐ ταραχά: tajvjrav ὀβολῶ κατακλίνας 

Τίυν]δαρέοιο δόκει γαμβρὸϊς τόϊκ᾽᾽ ἦμεν. 
ar | 

Fr. 2. 
Col. i. 
Opposite 1. 4 Opposite ll. 12-13 
Jor{-] ree 
Opposite ll. 5-6 ey Sa Ἢ ee 
]- evte 
] ob(rws) p(ev) 
Col. ii. 

Bes aves Ἰακάρδιον [ 
[. . .] - τικαντί.Ἶπο . [ 
κροτησιγόμφί κα- 
5 τὰ καιρὸν €..{ 
θεῖ xn. ad. [ 
τα gevéir .[.]. ονανΐ 
᾿φῦλα σκιόθρεπτα κί. .] . os 
ἐγχεσίμωρος ἁδον[οἸπί λ]ά- 
10 κτων βροτῶν καὶ μίάϊλ᾽ ἐπι- 
σταμένως ὠπασα.. σεΐ.} 
Χ - - αγασί ἡ Ψ[-Ἰτραγῖ. - .15 πι- 
ἱμελ]ὰν μὲν ὠλεσίκαρπον 
[καὶ σφ]ύγα φυσαλέαν αὐδάν 

15 [re ...].- 4° νεῦρα δὲ καὶ κρα- 
[τερᾶς ν]ῶτ᾽ ἐλέλιγμαϊι ... 1. -5 κρα- 
PEt ce 1: εὐπαλί.. ..- τ]αιᾶς. 

Col. iii. 
γὰρ οὔ 









vara. . | 
opr οστασιΪ 

ησκαινοὼκ .Ϊ 

+ πὶ. .]. ἀμυρο 
Ἐ- [ 
Ἢ 4 
Plate II. 
Col. ii. 


τὶνδαμάραντονεσωστερ αμαλακτον. 

Ν Ν Las 

. [Ἰνδιεφευγενκαλονου 
δένποκα“παντατεοισι[ ν]}} 

μουσῶνκνωδαλα"π[ €]|Le ea uni, 
ριδωνθαλί.Ἰευτασεπλεο : 
θυμεκαιϊχνευτασαριστί .Ἶσ' 
Aevkatkopug[.].. «εἰ 



fase oe 
[λικιασχρονωτεπαξιονκοΐ .Ἶμελ «1. 1] 

προορωνμι. .] . 

λακευειδερκομεναβιοτᾶσ λωσί. .Jrel. ...1.ν 


δον.ιτὰμοσεσλᾶσμεν ταμοσεῖ 


ναται . [ 
15 TOS ἀεικί 
ὦ φίλος τᾶς tf 
ἧς καὶ vow K.[ 
πενίᾳ ποτιφί (?) φιλο- - 
τιμοτάτω δεπί 

20 πΐ. .] . αμυροὶ 

Be. 3. Plate IT. 



Col. ii. 
[πολλάκις δμαθεὶς βροτὸς οὔτι ἑκὼν 
ἔκλᾳξε κανθώς. τὶν δ᾽ ἀμάλακτον ἔσω 
στέρνων καὶ ἀνίκατον κέαρ ἔσκεν, 
πιμελοσαρκοφαγῶν πάσας μελεδώνας. 
τ(ῷ) rly διέφευγε καλῶν οὐδέν ποκα' πάντα τεοῖ- 
σιν δ᾽ ὑπὸ σπ[λ]άγχνοισί(ιν) ἔσκ(εν) ἁβρὰ Μουσᾶν κνώδαλα, Deny rane 
Πιερίδων θ᾽ ἁλ[ευτὰς ἔπλεο, θυμέ, καὶ ἰχνευτὰς dproz(ols. 
νῦν δ᾽, ὅκκα μὲν ἐκφανέες λευκαὶ κορυφ[ᾳ] περιαιω- 
ρεῦνται co[.]... νακιλεω λάχναι, 
κναϊκ]ὸν δὲ γένειον, Kai τι ματεύει 

κράγυον [ἁἸλικίας χρόνω τ᾽ ἐπάξιον κολακεύει aut ra) [ Shida a) a. J 
δερκομένα βιότας εὐρὺν ποτὶ τέρματος οὐδόν, ἘΠΕῚ δ ae 
τᾶμος ἐσλᾶς μὲν [ Awol. .]πεί.. .] . v. 

τᾶμος ἔπειτα. 



Col. iii. Plate II. 
δί τανΐ 
[ ηκὸρυϊ 
γί : τασδαΐ᾽ 
vo | 15 KTOL 
σὶκί Tair . | 
axapty| εκταὶ 
ναν,οἷ στακ . [ 
peda . [ βεβὶ 
τὶσαλαΐ 20 pe.[ 
mep . [ ακτιΐ 
vow οἷ 

Plate II. 

Ae .Ἰηθρασκὼπτίλλιο ᾿ 4 “λη 
[....7..(Ὁ «δ΄. ωσιβλαβανακλη 
leanne Jez . [. . “μοφλνυακεῖν 
τοποσηφί.Ἰβοσαυτοσυ.. [. . - « 

5 ρων |roorop|.JracdnTo.| 
αυτασσκεπτοσυνασκενῖ. .| 
μησπουδανποιεισθῖ. ... - ] 
στρεφεινανωκατωλὶί. - . . 

. [νευρησδια. θεαν.] - [- - - «] 
το σικωσαρμοσμενον 

["Ἰοτανισοντονποθονελκῖ. «- αἱ 

[. .] . αθευτονιμ[.Ἰροντί.] . [- « «J 

[. Ἰστιποταρσενασᾳρσ .[.-- « +] 

[. « ἡτε[-Ἰωσξανωνικοσ 

ΓΒ κερκιδα 


Fr. 4. 

Col. iii. Plate II. 
δ᾽ τανΐ 
[ ἡ κορυΐ 
yl τας dal 
vo. | 15 KTo| 
5 otk| main . [ 
ἄχαριν [ ἐκταῖ 
vav οἷ 'στακ .Ϊ 
μεθα . [ ᾿ βεβὶ 
τις ἀλα[θ (ἢ) 20 με.Ϊ 
το περ.Ϊ ἀκτιΐ 
vow .Ϊ 
Plate IT. 
[. «Ὁ ηθρα σκωπτίλλιο.. αὖ- ληΓ 
[- « «7... δὶ. ως" βλάβαν ἀκλη- 
Lease, she ler . [. . ἡμοφλυακεῖν 
τόπος ἢ φίό]βος αὐτὸς ὑ .[... . 
5 pov [ἀἸποστομ[οἱ. τᾶς δὴ το[ι]- 
avras σκεπτοσύνας κενἰεᾶς] 
μὴ σπουδὰν ποιεῖσθαι καὶ] 
στρέφειν ἄνω κάτω λί. .. .} 
«[ν εὕρῃς dia. θεαν.] . [- μου]- 
10 σικῶς ἁρμοσμένον. 
[π]|οτ᾿ ἄνισον τὸν πόθον ἑλκί.] . αἱ 
[. .1. αθευτον ἵμ[εϊρον z[.].[.. -] 
[. ἐϊστὲ mor’ ἄρσενας dpo.[....- ] 

[ιν 7τ΄ Fplos Ζανωνικός. 





Fr. 5. Pt 6. 
Ἰαθωτουτευθυδικω Ἰλοπωλονΐ 
Ἰοικεκαλλιμεδων" Ἰβουσόωμυωϊ 

Ἰστιπονηρακαι Ἰιππονχρεῖ 
Ἱμενασφαιρωγαρ Ἰγογαρεσταγᾳΐ 

5 Ἰπροβαλησηκαιτι Bs Ἰεαστᾶστωϊ 
Ἰχιτονεισαρεταν ign 
Ἰδεσιχνευεισαλ 121 
Ἰφεροντοπωραν : 

|. κουτουτί ναῦν 

SS es 

]- eof 

Ἰκαιφιλο. [ 

Fr. 8. Fr, 9. 
Col. i. Col. ii. - eae 
Ἰσεὶδέμεν kal Ἰηπολιοῖ 
Ἰαδεπειλαπι σχεῖ Jwakoral 
Ἰλὲννοτεὶου *TUAAL Ἰλεωνπυκινΐ 
Ἰυσωκαιδο a : Ἰχουσιγηροιδῖ 
5. 1. Lire 3 5 Ῥεκετιπανθαΐ 

es eee ΤῊΝ 


Joar . [ 

Pe ee es eee ee ey ee νυ = 

1082. NEW 

Fr. 5. 

Ἰαθω τοῦτ᾽ εὐθυδίκω 
ἔϊοικε Καλλιμέδων 
ἐϊστὶ πονηρὰ καὶ 
Ἱμενα: Σ᾽ φαίρω γὰρ 
5 ] προβάλῃς ἢ καί τι 
Ἰχίτον εἰς ἀρετὰν 
1δὲς ἰχνεύεις ἀλ- 
Ἰφέροντ᾽ ὀπώραν 
7. κου τοῦτ[οἱν αὐ 

71. εσί 


Fr. 6. 

(Ὁ) αἰοἸλόπωλον [ 
] βουσόω μυαίπ 
] ἵππον χρεϊμετίζοντα 
Ἶγο γάρ ἐστ᾽ ἀγαΐ 
5 Ἰεας τᾶς Tol 


ΒΕ 7. 

τὸ] τᾶς Δίικνᾶς χελώνας 

ναμόν)ευ᾽" οἷκος [γὰρ ἄριστος ἀλαθέως 
μναμ γὰρ ἄρ 

καὶ φίλοϊς 
Fr, 8. Fr. 9. 
Col. i. Col. ii. : : ; 
Ἰσεῖδε μὲν καὶ Ἰη =o 
Jad ἐπ᾽ εἰλαπι- oxe Ἰιν ἀκολαῖστ (Ὁ) 
Ἱλεννοτειου ΜΙ Ἰλεων πυκινΐ 
Ἰυσω καὶ δο- a Ixov ὅσος δῖ 
aaa 5 οὐκέτι trav 
5 }-L}r¢.] πράτ eal 

my Berd re 



Fr. Io. 

]. μιτοῦτο"νί 
5 Ἰφερεικαιγᾳΐ 
Ἰελθεδω.. [“ 
10 Ἰαρμοιτοῖ 
]. αλαιοσῖ 

Fr. 15. 

Ἰτονπελασδ' εἶ 

Fr. 18. 


Ἰ. ασαλί 

5 Ἰνυνΐ 

Fy. 21. 
Fr. 13. 
Ἰ. κυβερνί 
5 Ἰνμεναλλί 



ΕΥτ. τό. 

71. o¢ be 

Fr. το. Fr. 20 
cae. ‘ae 
Ἰομιζ - [ 

ΕἾ. 12. 
J. of. .1.1 


Fr. 14. 
Ἰνεκαστω γῖ 

Ἰ. νεταιγαριΐ 


Ἐγ 1. 

Ἰνοσε .. αἱ 

Ἰδιωκτί 1α 

Ἰλλοικραῖ.1 . [ 


5 1-.- φαμῖ 


Fr. 11. 

Ἰη νομιζ 
(?) κάτω ῥευσείϊ 

Fr: το. 

Ἰρτον AapBaly 
Is μι τοῦτο' νΐ 
] ἀπ ελεῖν τί 


1. τοῦ Tal 

5 Ἰφέρει καὶ γὰρ ([) Fr. 13. 
Jos μὴ Acyol ἜΣ 
Ἰελθε" δω. Ε Jaf 
|nva: καιτί Ἴστω Bi 
φ])ντεύσῃϊ 1. κυβερνΐ 
10 Ἰαρμοι Tol Ἰσω δοξαί 
]Ἰ. ἀλαιος [ 5 Ww μὲν ἀλλί 
- Ἱτεων" ὧΐ |xa νίκα pl 
Ἰναλαβουΐ ral 
Fr. 15. Fr. τό. 
ἐν Pie δ᾽ 4 zy 
: : : 71. οσθεῖ 
Jetpos ὑΐ 
Fr. 18. Fr. 19 Fr. 20 
Je yap οἱ Jos yol[ ΤΣ ΤΩΣ 
Wweror ay 1. coup 
Jatparf Joueg . [ 
]- ασαλί Ἰατανΐ lf 
5 Ἰνῦν [ 5.}- υὑμαῖ Jara .[ 
; 5 Da 


Fr. 12. 

Ἰφέρει ral 
Je τὰ μέλλοντα 

Fr. 14. 

| ἑκάστῳ" γί 
1. νεται γὰρ ¢ 

Fr. 17. 

Ἰνοσε... αἱ 
Ἰσίαν σκοπεῖϊ 

] διωκτ{έ]α[ 

Fr 21. 


Ἰλλοι κρα[.}. [ 
|r’ én’ αὐτὰν [ 

5 )-+ φαμῖ 



Pr, 22. Fr. 23. 

doa: Fame BA 

Ἰεεσί. (Ἰκαυτων 


Ἰλβοθυλακονλαρον απολαυονΐ 

Jo. . ορεινπαρεστινεῖ 

Fr. 24. Fr. 25. Fr. 26, 
]. . αισί Ἰλουσακαὶ Ἰδυσπαλεστωι . [ 
Τ. ευχρητοΐ Ἰωπαλι. | Ἰιλονενθα 
Jar... . φρί Ἰεσσοσι .. ἷ ἸἹκεσκαθιζεῖ 
Ἰκεσιβουλί rE τυ: ἢ. ] 

8 }ro.-. λαν ιν har Σ . 

Fr. 27. 

Fr. 28. 

Fr. 29 
δρί Ἰαρσεῖ Ἰμονΐ 
δι Ἰρεθοσβλεί Ἰανον .Ϊ 
: Ἰλοσυρομῖ Ἰσοστί 
Fr. 31 Ε 22; 
λί kk. A-[ 
xa «[ Juexpe 
eval “ol 
; Ἰεριδιατρίβαϊ 

1. γερπεῖ 

Fr, 30. 
| cae 

Br, 22: 
1... gai 
Ἰεκῴφα . [ 


Fr, 22. Ὁ 22: 
ΠΡ a Jeol. κ᾿ αὐτῶν 
| Ζεὺς κοιρανΐ ὀϊλβοθύλακον λάρον ἀπολαύονϊτα 
jo.. ορεῖν πάρεστιν εἶ 
Fr. 24. Fr. 25. Fr. 26. 
]-. aol JAoveakal ] δυσπαλὲς τῷ . [ 
1. εὐ χρὴ Tol Jo mar . [ Ἰιλον ἔνθα 
A... φρί μ]έσσος t.. [ Ἰκις καθιζεί 
ἀρ]κεσιβουλί ΠΣ | ] 
5 Ἵπο...- Aar| . 
Pr. 27. Fr. 25. Fr. 29. ΡΙ 20: 
bol Ἰαρσε Ἱμον ae 
δι | ῥέθος Brel Ἰανον . [ Ἰη φάσσασί 
aes βἸλοσυρομίματ (?) Ἰσοστί (rag aes 2} 
Fr, 31. Fr. 22. Fr. 42. 

λί k.A.[ i: 

xe. [ Ἰ μέχρι | ἐκφα 

mlept διατρίβαϊ 
Py aed 

. aol 



Fr. 38. 

]-. aud 

5. Ἰτουδοι 

Fr, 25. 
Ἰνκα[εν. [Π 

Fr. 20. 

Ἰ. pny. 1. wf 
joco-. [. «Ἱμει 
5 ἸἸίασ'πολλαί .1δ΄ 
|goto-ade . uf 
πα. vAAa . [ 


Fr. 43. Fr. 44. 

Ἰερθενῖ }- ἡ 

Fr. 47. Fr. 48. 


Werf Ἰρί.] - - 


Fr. 36. 

- Ἰατοσῖ. .Ἷ - « «οἱ 
Ἰκαια.. [.] . θαλί 

Fr. 40. 

]. - δρυΐ 
Ἰ1...{|ν 01} 
Ἰλω-πεφ . [ 

Fr, 41. 

lee. ἂαλ .[- ....1φν...1 

Fr. 45. 

Τ. of 

Fr. 49. 


Fr. 34. Fr. 35. . Fr. 36. 
τί ]ro δίκαν δεῖ φ{{ὖῦὅΓ : πκεβές 
ἐξά Ἰνκα[.]ν. [.]τ΄ Ἰατοσί. .]... αἱ 
και ; : δ]αμάξειν af 
Ἰκαια. [.] . θαλί 
ἘΠῚ 37. Fr. 39. Fr. 40. | 
Bi πἸόκα' pl ].. δρυΐ 
: Ἰ-. μην .1. wf 1. 1ν ΟἹ 
Ου.[ Joss. [. «Ἱμε fo wed. [ 
ουτί Ἰλοιδε και 

δ las: πολλαί.] δῖ 
Ἰφοις: ἁ δε. uf 

ἀἸπατυλλα. [ 

Fr. 38. 


]- - apd 
πἸ]ολίτας [ 
5 ἸτουδοιΪ 


Ὁ νἹέρθεν [ 
1..} eee ins 

F : aE Fr. 47. 
& ᾿Ἰνοσεῖ 

] καλὸν [ 

Fr, 41. 
[ee GN [....«1φυ...1 
yalp Προμαθεὺς 
| τάχα ῥῆ- 
Fr. 45. 


2 lines lost. 


] -ag[ 

Fr. 50. 
; eee 

Fr. 54. 


Fr. 66. 







Fr. 65. 


Fr. 69. 



Ἱμαθειν [ Ἰγαλί 

᾿ Ἱμαυτὶ Ἰηραν ποῖ 
2 lines lost. Pe Kes c (?) προ]σχορδηΐ Ἱνπὰ . | 
5 1. δὶ : J SUMO eee er mats 
] ασί 
Fr. 50. Fr. 51. Fr. 52. εἰ 52. 
1. ὡς ἀλλοί Ἰεραΐ Ἰν at.[ Ἰαρωΐ 
jb. 1 Ἰυμῖ | γὰρ αἱ al 
Fr. 54. Fr. 55. Fr. 56. Fr. 57. 
Ἴρις δὶ Ἰασκί Ἰψαυΐ J. AL 
] mapa Ἰαιατί Ἱμενΐ Ἰκσει 
Os ore aes 1 ἢ 
Fr. 58. Fr. 59. Fr. 60. Fr. 61. 
ke | ] ]. λει i 
γον οἵ Jor μ ] ] 
: Fr. 62. Fr, 63. Fr. 64. Fr. 65. 
es | Ἰλεσί ἐνφί Ἰαλοχον [ 
1 συντονΐ ie alt ΤῊ τι τς 
ΒΥ, 66. Fr. 67. _Fr. 68. Fr. 69. 
a kel vite ig roy 
Weel mah Ἱμεσισί Jal 


It may be convenient to add here the previously known fragments of 
Cercidas, which I transcribe from Bergk, Poetae Lyrici, ii. pp. 513-15. 

1. Athen. xii. 554d: 

ἦν καλλιπύγων (ζεῦγος ἐν Συρακούσαις. 


2. Diog. Laert. vi. 76: 

οὐ μὰν 6 πάρος ya Σινωπεὺς 

τῆνος ὁ βακτροφύρας, διπλοείματος, αἰθεριβόσκας, 

ἀλλ᾽ ἀνέβα χῆλος ποτ᾽ ὀδόντας ἐρείσας 

καὶ τὸ πνεῦμα συνδακών' 

5 ἧς γὰρ ἀλαθέως διογενὴς 

Ζανὸς γόνος οὐράνιός τε κύων. 

1. ya Bergk; ye Cobet, γ᾽ ἔα vulg. 4. This line was bracketed by Cobet. ΕΣ 
διογενής is placed here instead of at the beginning of ]. 6 by W-M. 

The reference is to the death of Diogenes. The language of this fragment is reflected 
in [ Diog.] Lpzst. 7 Μὴ ἀνιῶ, ὦ πάτερ, ὅτι κύων λέγομαι Kai ἀμπέχομαι τρίβωνα διπλοῦν κτλ. 

4. Stob. Flor. lviii. 10 = 1082. Fr. 7. 2-4. 

4. Stob. Flor. iv. 43: 

~ wv 
πῶς Kev ἴδοιεν 
τὰν σοφίαν πέλας ἑστακυΐαν ἄνδρες 
Φ x , a 2 ‘ 2 ΄ 
ὧν τὸ κέαρ παλῷ σέσακται καὶ δυσεκνίπτῳ τρυγί ; 
1. The preceding line νοῦς ὁρῇ καὶ νοῦς ἀκούει (= Epicharmus, Fr. 117) is not to be 

assigned to Cercidas. κεν ἴδοιεν Meineke; x’ ἴδοιεν B, ἐνίδοιεν vulg. 2. ἄνδρες W—-M ; 
ἀνέρες vulg. 3. W-—M with Bentley would prefer the genitive rad@ . . . δυσεκνίπτω τρυγός. 

5. Galen x. 406: 


ἐν κριομύξοις ἀνδράσιν [εὐδοκιμήσει]. 

The passage is Θέσσαλος δὲ ἅμα τοῖς ἑαυτοῦ σοφισταῖς ἐφ᾽ ὑψηλοῦ θρόνου καθήμενος ἐν κριο- 
μύὕξοις ἀνδράσιν, ὡς 6 Κερκίδας φησίν, εὐδοκιμήσε. W-—M agrees with Meineke, Azal. Akx. p. 394, 
that εὐδοκιμήσει does not belong to the quotation, notwithstanding its metrical aptness. 



6. Athen. viii. 347 e: 

οὕτω μοὶ δοκεῖ καὶ ὁ λεβητοχάρων Οὐλπιανός, κατὰ τὸν ἐμὸν Meyado- 
πολίτην Κερκίδαν, μηδὲν μὲν ἐσθίειν τῶν ἀνδρὶ προσηκόντων, τηρεῖν δὲ τοὺς 
ἐσθίοντας, εἰ παρεῖδον ἢ ἄκανθαν ἢ τῶν τραγανῶν τι ἢ χονδρῶδες τῶν παρα- 

7. Greg. Naz. De Virt. 595: 
ἅπαντα δ᾽ ἕρπειν εἰς βυθὸν τὰ τίμια 
τῶν γαστριμάργων σῖτα, μήτε oir ἔτι 
τῶν εὐτελεστάτων λέβητος ἐξ ἑνός, 
ὀρθῶς λέγει που Κερκίδας ὁ φίλτατος, 
5 τέλος τρυφώντων αὐτὸς ἐσθίων ἅλας, 

αὐτῆς τρυφῆς ἔθ᾽, ἁλμυρὸν καταπτύων. 
A corrupt passage, which Bergk does not attempt to emend. 

8. Phot. Bz6/. 279, p. 533 Ὁ: 

καὶ ἡ μαγὶς δὲ ἀντὶ τῆς τραπέζης Αἰγύπτιον δόξει καὶ παντελῶς ἔκθε- 
σμον. ᾿ἘΕπίχαρμος δὲ ὁ Δωριεὺς καὶ Κερκίδας ὁ μελοποιὸς ἐπὶ τῆς αὐτῆς 
διανοίας ἐχρήσαντο τῇ λέξει. 

9. Pollux iii. 27: 

ἐπιπάτωρ: βέλτιον yap τοὔνομα τοῦ πατρωοῦ, εἰ Kai Kepxidas κέχρηται. 

ef. Fr. τ. ii. 12. 

Fr. 1, i. 12. Ἰανιοψιάδᾳ is probably a variant; cf. 6. g. ii. το and 20. ᾿ὈὈψιάδης occurs 
as a proper name, 6. σ. C. I. G. 169. 

14. For σπυροί, which evidently occurred in the text of the poet, cf. Etym. Magn. 724. 
32 Ἡρωδιανὸς λέγει ὅτι τοὺς πυροὺς σπυροὺς λέγουσιν οἱ Συρακόσιοι, and Hesych. σπυρούς" πυρούς. 
The word occurs in Paton-Hicks, Juscr. of Cos, 39. 11, Collitz, Gr. Dralektinschr. 4736 
(Thera), Dittenberger, Sy//oge, ed. 2, 938. 23 (Epidaurus). 

ii. 1-iii. 17. ‘|Why did not Fortune] reduce to penury the .. . and incontinent Xenon, 
and bring us his money that was running to waste? What was to prevent, supposing 
some one should ask her? For it is easy for a god to accomplish everything whenever it 
comes into his mind, and to empty of his swinish wealth the dirty usurer and hoarder or 
this outpourer and ruin of his substance, and to give the squandered means to the man 
who takes his bite in season and shares his cup with a neighbour. Is then the eye of 
Right blinded like a mole’s? Does Phaethon see crookedly with a single orb, and is the 

E 2 


vision of fair Justice dimmed? How can they who have neither hearing nor inlet of sight be 
yet taken for deities? Nay, the august lightning-compeller sits on mid Olympus holding 
even the balance and in no wise signifies his will. And so said Homer in the had; 
it sinks when the fated day comes to noble men. For why does not he who controls the 
weights, if he is upright, incline them to me, or to Phrygia at the ends of the earth? 
Of a truth I fear to say how perversive is the scale of Zeus with men. To what sort of 
lords, then, or to what children of Heaven can one go to find how he may get his deserts, 
when the son of Cronus, the begetter and parent of us all, is found to be a father to some 
and a stepfather to others? Better to leave these questions to the astrologers, for they, 
I expect, will have no manner of trouble. For us let Paean and Giving be our care, for 
she is a goddess, with Retribution, on earth. While, then, the deity sends a favouring 
breeze, hold her in honour, men, and pursue her ... and you may then utterly rid your- 
selves of the reprehensible [desire for] wealth and for [the other gifts] of fortune.’ 

I. Τύχη Or some deity is the subject of the sentence. ἀκρασίων is only found here. 

2. Two short syllables are required between πεένητ and av, and πενητυλίδαν, although 
palaeographically unconvincing, satisfies that condition and is a tolerable word. πενητύλος 
(cf. e. δ. μικκύλος) is, as W(ilamowitz)-M(6llendorff) remarks, in harmony with the style, 
and the termination -idas recurs in |. 7 τεθνακοχαλκίδας. πένητ᾽ of course would be satis- 
factory, if the problem of the next word could be solved. For the first damaged letter 
it is difficult to read anything but a v; a mark of elision followed by an ε is much less 
suitable. The second, if not A, can be 6 or a, possibly ». With », there would be only one 
more letter before av; with δ, δ, or a, there are probably two, and the slight vestiges seem 
most consistent with ἐσ, but ἐδ is, I think, just possible. A « is hardly admissible. 

The marginal note evidently refers to Xenon, who is not, apparently, otherwise known 
to fame. 

4. (σφ᾽ W-M. τις φέροιἾτο gives inferior sense, and is abnormal in syntax. 

6-8. These three opprobrious compounds are all new. The first two go together and 
express the opposite character to that of the intemperate Xenon (τοῦτον, 1. 9); the miser 
makes no better use of his wealth than the spendthrift. τεθνακοχαλκίδας is perhaps not 
impossible for such a bold coiner of words as Cercidas; cf. παλινεκχυμενίτας in the verse 
below. The idea it expresses is that hoarded wealth is dead and unprofitable. There is 
really very little doubt about the first syllable, and though the vestiges of the supposed « 
are slight they suit that letter well. The mark of length above the « must in any case be 

The variant ὄλεθρον inserted in the margin is obviously right. 


Q-10. συοπλουτοσύνα, ἐπιταδεοτρώκτας, and κοινοκρατηρόσκυφος are three more otherwise 

unattested compounds. 

11. The diminutive δαπάνυλλα is another unfamiliar word; for the form cf. e.g. 
φθίνυλλα, and Fr. 39. 7. 

12. The marginal note gives a ‘definition of σπάλαξ, from which the novel ἀποσπαλακοῦν 
is formed. For Δίκας ὀφθαλμός cf. Soph. Fr. 11, Dionys. Fr. 5, Fr. Adesp. 421 Nauck, &c. 

13-14. W-M observes that the introduction of Phaethon, i.e. Helios, between Δίκα 
and Θέμις is not unnatural, the sun as all-seeing being regarded as the avenger of the innocent ; 
hence the practice of calling the sun to witness. λιπαρά is Hesiod’s epithet of Θέμις, 
Theog. 901. ᾿ παραυγεῖν and καταχλυοῦν, which are found here only, are glossed in the adscripts. 
The form αὐγεῖν occurs in Job xxix. 3 ;‘ cf: Hesych. αὐγῶ" αὐγάζομαι. 

15. The marginal variant, with the slight alteration of ro: for οι, is no doubt right. 
οὗτοι τοί would be unmetrical. - édv here refers especially to the sense of vision. 


16-iii. 3. The complaint here seems to be that Zeus does not actively intervene in the 
interests of right. He only holds the balance and observes its indications; the weights 
are determined by Fate. Cf. iad © 70-2 ἐν δ᾽ ἐτίθει δύο Knpe . . . ἕλκε δὲ μέσσα λαβών' ῥέπε 
δ᾽ αἴσιμον ἦμαρ ᾿Αχαιῶν. As an alternative to the supplements adopted G. Murray proposes 
[ἔχων] ὀρθὸν [καθίξει, which is a more difficult order, though not more involved than e.g. 
Aristoph. Zhesm. 811. He would also prefer to read ὃ cduvos... καθίζει, ... οὐδαμῆ, καὶ 
τοῦθ᾽... Ἰλιάδι perer(v), ὅταν αἴσιμον ἦμαρ, ἀνδράσι κυδαλίμοισζι)ν. But does Homer say this? 

5. βρυγια is more likely to have been altered to φρυγια than vice versa; the shortening 
of the v, which is long in Apoll. Rhod. iv. 330 Βρυγηίδας, 470 Bpvyoi, Scymnus 433 Bpvyoi, 
occasions little difficulty; cf. Bpiyes. Sufficient regularity is restored to the metre by the 
transposition suggested by W-M. ἐσχάτα Μυσῶν Bpvyia is a variation of the common 
proverb Μυσῶν ἔσχατος to indicate an insignificant or unknown person; cf. e.g. Plato, 
Theaetetus 209 Ὁ αὕτη οὖν ἡ διάνοια ἔσθ᾽ ὅτι μᾶλλον ποιήσει pe Θεαίτητον ἢ Θεόδωρον διανοεῖσθαι, ἢ τῶν 
λεγομένων Μυσῶν τὸν ἔσχατον ; On which the Scholiast remarks ἐπὶ τῶν εὐτελεστάτων. Μάγνης Ποα- 
στρίᾳ". οὐκ ἔστιν οὐδεὶς οὐδ' 6 Μυσῶν ἔσχατος" καὶ Μένανδρος ᾿Ανδρογύνῳ΄. Μυσῶν ἔσχατος πολέμιος. 
The poet would have justice rewarded even in the most obscure and humble of men. This 
seems a more suitable interpretation than to make the δέ adversative ‘but inclines them 
instead to...’ 

An erroneous accent on the first syllable of esyara has been cancelled by the dots 
placed on either side of it; cf. 841. vi. 88 and ix. 17, where we wrongly supposed the two 
accents to be alternatives. 

6. [παρα͵γει W—M ; the letter after the lacuna could equally well be τ. αὐτοῖς refers not 
to Μυσῶν but vaguely to people in general. Ve 

9-10. εὕροι, as emended by the corrector, is evidently right, and λάβοι would naturally 
follow, as e.g. in Plato, Crit. 45 Ὁ οὐκ ἂν ἔχοις ἐξελθὼν 6 τι χρῷο σαυτῷ. 

12. πατρωός : cf. Pollux [1]. 27 ἐπιπάτωρ' βέλτιον yap τοὔνομα τοῦ πατρωοῦ, εἰ καὶ Kepxidas 
κέχρηται (= Cerc. Fr. 9). The allusion may well be to the present passage. 

13. μετεωροκόποις : cf. Aristoph. Pax 92 ποῖ δῆτ᾽ ἄλλως μετεωροκοπεῖς ; The substantive 
is found only here. For this sarcastic allusion cf. Diog. Laert. vi. 24 ἔλεγε δὲ (sc. Διογένης) 
kat ὡς Ore μὲν ἴδοι... ὀνειροκρίτας καὶ μάντεις καὶ τοὺς προσέχοντας τούτοις... οὐδὲν ματαιότερον 
νομίζειν ἀνθρώπου. 

14. οὐ(δὲν ἕν is restored by W—M on metrical grounds ; ἔλπομαι οὐθέν (Murray) is an 
alternative remedy. The corrector’s ἔχην may be the original form ; cf. introd. p. 24. 

15. μεταιδως, as W—M points out, is probably for Merddws, a substantive formed from 
μεταδιδόναι on the analogy of das in Hesiod’s das ἀγαθή (Opera 354), to which passage the 
adscript of the papyrus refers. Aides has no doubt some speciousness in view of the passage 
in Hesiod, Opera 197-200, where Aidés and Νέμεσις are described as leaving the earth for 
Olympus. Cercidas might be held to be directly controverting that statement: Hesiod was 
wrong; they are still on earth (xara γᾶν, 1. 16), and are the true divinities. But, besides 
metrical difficulties, the objection to this is that the marginal note becomes quite irrelevant 
and must be supposed to be a mistake. The corruption to aides, on the other hand, would 
be easy, apart from the possible influence on the copyist of Hesiod’s conjunction of Aides 
and Νέμεσις. 'W-M seems also right in regarding ἀγαθά as an interpolation from the verse 
of Hesiod cited here by the annotator. With θεὸς yap αὕτα in the following verse the 
epithet is otiose, and its removal leaves the metre normal. If ἀγαθά is retained, it must be 
scanned as an anapaest, καί being elided before the following short vowel, which would be 
in accordance with the later practice. Murray, keeping Αἰδώς, proposes the transposition 
καὶ per’ Αἰδὼς ἀγαθά. 

The inclusion of Paean among these deities is noteworthy, though hardly surprising ; 


both Antisthenes (Diog. Laert. vi. 6) and Diogenes (Stob. xiii. 25) are reported to have 
compared their office to that of doctors, and Bernays remarks on the fact that Diogenes, 
who spared few, seems to have respected medical men (Luczan und die Cyntker, p. 95; 
cf. Diog. Laert. vi. 24). Perhaps, as W—M thinks, Νέμεσις here has a wider meaning than 
retribution, and is rather the principle of zus suum cuigue; cf. Arist. De Mundo 7 Νέμεσιν δὲ 
ἀπὸ τῆς ἑκάστῳ διανεμήσεως, and the similar explanation of Cornutus, Vat. Deor. 13. There 
seems, however, to be no parallel for the actual use of νέμεσις in this sense. 
17. τιμᾶτε: strictly the dialect requires τιμῆτε, but this need hardly be pressed. 

iv. 1-4. The supplements adopted are for the most part due to W—M. μεΪ]ταΐξαντες is 
to be taken with τιμᾶτε, the circumflex accent, which is inconsistent with the diaeresis, being 
erroneous. A complementary clause, specifying the contrasted objects of aversion, followed; 
ζῆλον νεμεσητὸν ὄλβου καὶ πάντων τῶν ἀπὸ τύχας is the paraphrase suggested by W—M. -σητον 
could be the termination of e.g. μισητόν, but νεμεσητόν is recommended by Νέμεσις in 1. 16. 
ἐϊστίν is also doubtful, and <[érov, alluding to an injunction given earlier in the poem, is 
a possible alternative ; «[ixrdéy is rather too long for the space. Owing to the mutilated 
condition of the text, the correct division of these concluding lines remains uncertain. μέσφ᾽ 
οὖν... φυσιάει and τιμᾶτε... ckalu U— may be separate verses, and ταῦτ᾽... ἐξεμέσαι another 
in the same rhythm. 

5-18. ‘It has been said, Damonomus—you are not devoid of knowledge—that the 
dark-winged son of Aphrodite blows on us from his mouth two kinds of breath. The 
man on whom his right cheek breathes softly with gentle breath steers in calm weather the 
ship of love by the sane rudder of persuasion. But they on whom he looses the left cheek 
and stirs forth the storms and wanton blasts of desire have their course ever set on 
asurging sea. Well said Euripides. Is it not then better to choose of the two the favouring 
breeze, and wisely using the rudder of persuasion to sail straight while our course lies in 
Aphrodite’s waters?’ 

5. A new poem, as is indicated by the coronis, begins at this point. The passage 
alluded to was identified by W—M as Zrag. Gr. Frag. Adesp. 187 δισσὰ πνεύματα πνεῖς, Ἔρως, 
from Hermias on Plat. Phaedr. p. 76; cf. Lucian, Amor. 37 δισσὰ γὰρ ὄντως κατὰ τὸν τραγικὸν 
πνεύματα πνεῖ ὁ Ἔρως, ἑνὸς δὲ ὀνόματος οὐχ ὅμοια πάθη κεκοινώνηκε. Meineke had already 
attributed the line to Euripides (Com. Frag. iv. p. 171), a conjecture which is now verified 
by 1. 15 below. Cf. 221. Aul. 543-57. 

6. xvavorrépvyos is not otherwise attested. 

ἡ. Damonomus is unknown ; it is implied that he was sufficiently well-read to recognize 
the allusion rather than that he was experienced in love. 

8-9. The restoration of this passage is a little doubtful. It is not clear in the first place 
whether γάρ, which has been added above the line, was intended to replace or to supplement 
μέν. W-M would ignore the punctuation of the original and connect καὶ βροτῶν with ἀπευθής, 
making [τῷ] μὲν yap ἄν or [τῷ] yap ἄν the beginning of the fresh sentence. But καὶ βροτῶν 
seems more naturally taken, as marked in the papyrus, with the succeeding relatives, and 
with [τῷ] I prefer to suppose that the inserted γάρ is slightly out of its proper position. At 
the end of the line εὐμενε[στέρα] is indicated by the grave accent on the third ε; but 
the juxtaposition of two words in -repa is not satisfactory, and since other instances of 
mistaken accents occur in this MS., I have adopted W-M’s εὐμενεϊ πνοᾷ], for which there 
is just room in the lacuna. Since Euripides had written πνεύματα πνεῖς, there is no objection 
to the repetition of mvoa...avevon, The verse is then a trochaic tetrameter, for which 


ef. 1. 15. This will leave -Uu U—— instead of the usual -YbU—uUv—¥ for the first 
part of 1. 9; but other examples of an Adoneus are not wanting in these poems, 6. g. ii. 5, 
Fr. 3. ii. 3-4, 11, and there is no particular objection to one at this point. Murray makes 
the suggestion that εὐμενεστέρα δεξιά may be the original text, δεξιτερά being due to the 
influence of the preceding word ; this would not be unattractive, were εὐμενεστέρα assured. 

10. ἔρωτος is probably to be connected with ναῦν rather than with drpepia, in spite of the 
absence of the article, for which passages like Xen. Cyrof. viii. 1. 8 ras θύρας Κύρου may be 
compared. Or a more normal construction can easily be obtained by the transposition 
vauy ταν. 

15. For Εὐριπίδας cf. note on |. 5. I adopt in the second part of the verse the slight 
alterations suggested by W—M in order to restore the dislocated metre. Another expedient 
would be to substitute καλὸν for κάρρον, which would give the favourite rhythm -- σῷ -τυυ -- --; 
but κάρρον looks right, and is unlikely to have displaced an original καλόν. 

Vv. 11. xo6{ might be a derivative of the Doric form κοθαίρειν for καθαίρειν (cf. Collitz, Gr. 
Dialektinschr. 1646 κοθαρῶν, 1156 κοθάρσι). The choice of words beginning with κοθ is very 

13-16. In the restoration of this commendation of a cheap and easy love I owe 
several points to W—M. Cf. e.g. Diog. Laert. vi. 46, Horace, Sav. i. 2. 119 namque 
parabilem amo venerem facilemgue. A dot before Ayo is presumably accidental ; there is 
another superfluous dot after οβολω. In 1. 16 (19) the high stop after εἰμεν might be 
interpreted as one of the dots enclosing the insertion above the line. 

Fr. 2. ii. 1-3. Fr. 31 might be placed at the top of this column so far as external 
appearances are concerned. 

4. κροτησίγομφος is another novel compound. 

6. A vestige from the top of the letter following ἡ suggests A or ὃ. 

4. Perhaps φευξιπήμονα, though the cross-bar of the ἡ must be supposed to have been 
drawn abnormally high; cf. however 7 in]. 15. The letter after 7 is more like another π 
than anything else, but an « is also possible. Compounds of φυξι- occur, but none with 
φευξι-. Or should we combine κα]ταφεύξ(ενι ? 

8. σκιόθρεπτος occurs only here. 

9. The letter between the two lacunae is represented by an upright stroke which 
may well be one of the limbs of a π, and ἁδ[ο)ν[οἸπ[λ]άκτων (W—M) is quite suitable ; cf. 
ἡδονοπλήξ, which was used by Timon. ‘The supposed rough breathing above the initial 
a may be a mark of long quantity. 

12. yao[: or yap. The letter after |rpa may be π. 

13 sqq. As restored by W—M this passage describes the physical condition of some one 
suffering from self-indulgence; the first person is used in ]. 16, but the poet cannot be 
here speaking of himself. For ὠλεσίκαρπον cf. Homer κ 510 ἰτέαι ὠλεσίκαρποι, which 
Hesychius explains διὰ τὸ ταχέως ἀποβάλλειν τὸν καρπόν, ἢ ὅτι πινόμενος 6 καρπὸς ἀγόνους ποιεῖ ; 
cf. Oppian, Cyn. iii. 283 τύμπανον εὐκέλαδον, Διδυμήϊον, ὠλεσίκαρπον. The word would here 
signify useless fat which ἀπόλλυσι τὸν καρπὸν τῆς τροφῆς. σφύξ is included in a list of words 
in -vé by Theognostus (Cramer, Anecd. Ox. ii. 132), and does not merit the suspicion with 
which it has been regarded (Lobeck, Paraip. p. 108). According to Erasistratus, πνεῦμα 
is comprised in the arteries, and σφύγα φυσαλέαν might therefore mean an inflated pulse. 
φυσαλέος occurs in Nonnus, Dron. xliii. 405 φυσ. χόανον. For xpa{repas cf. the gloss below, 
]..s κρα[τ]αιᾶς. ]. ας or ].. as is there possible, but xpar|epas cannot be read.—This would 
not be an unsuitable context for Cerc. Fr. 7. 


iii. 20. Perhaps λαμυροί ; the letter before » is more-like a than A, but it is noticeable 
that ἁλμυρόν occurs in Cerc. Fr. 7. 6. This line ended the poem. 

Fr. 8. ii. 2-14. ‘Many a mortal to whom death comes closes his eyes unwillingly. 
And thy heart within thy breast was stubborn and unconquered, making a rich meal of 
every care. Therefore nought goodly ever escaped thee. All the dainty prey of the Muses, 
O my soul, was deep in thy affections, and thou wert a most skilled fisher and hunter of the 
Pierian maids. But now when white hair plain to view hangs about the head... and the 
chin is hoary, and life, if it seeks any good thing suited to its age and years, uses flattery, 
looking to the broad threshhold of its end, now... 

3. Of the three variants ἀμάραντον, ἀπέραντον, and ἀμάλακτον the last seems the most 
suitable. καί is best scanned as a short syllable, -UW -- --ἰ —Uvu—-; οὗ]. 11. 

5. πιμελοσαρκοφαγεῖν is another new compound. The termination is apparently -ῶν, 
a Doric contraction of eo for which cf. e.g. C.I.G. 2556.15 ὠνώμενος, 2557. 26 εὐχαριστῶμες. 

6. τ(ῷ) zi» W-M. For the accus. z[{i}» cf. Theocr. xi. 39, &c.; the remains of the 
first letter are quite consistent with τ. καλῶν, the reading of the corrector, is shown by the 
metre to be right. ‘To the same hand is due the deletion of the final ν of τεοισιν, where the 
justice of the alteration is questionable. 

4. The metre is easily restored by the slight modifications proposed by W-M. υπο is 
unsatisfactory, the πὶ occupying too wide a space; but perhaps some mistake had to be 

8. ἁλ[ι]ευτάς and ἰχνευτάς keep up the metaphor of κνώδαλα. 

g-10. This is a difficult passage. In the first place the indicative here and in ]. 12 
after ὅκκα is extraordinary. It would be easy to write περιαιωρῶνται and κολακεύῃ, but the 
past tenses in ll. 4 and 8 and νῦν in |. 9 show that the reference is to the present rather 
than the future, so that the indicative is really more in place. Possibly, since ὅκα could 
govern either mood, a similar licence was extended to the longer form. ‘Then is Adyva the 
subject of the sentence? And what is the case of κορυφά ἡ περιαιωρεῦνται seems probable, 
and the first three letters are consistent with the very slight vestiges. But the preceding 
lacuna would then be so short as practically to involve the dative xopug[a]. 1{περ[ι], which 
is also quite admissible, were read, there would be room for another narrow letter, e. g. 
xopug|ai|. The middle of ]. 10 is much damaged; χ may be read for the doubtful «, x or a 
for δ, and o oro for ε. The next letter looks like w, but χ(ε)ίλεα (not -σι) is not quite 

11. W—M notes that Cercidas as a Cynic philosopher did not conform to the fashion 
of shaving the beard. 

12. κράγυον suits the sense as well as the palaeographical conditions, but the a is 
perhaps a false Doricism ; κρήγυον is the Theocritean form (xx. 19, Epzgr. xix. 3). A com- 
plication is, however, introduced by the apparent interlinear insertion, which remains 
unexplained. ‘There may be merely a dot before the supposed τ. 

13. βιοτας appears to have been wrongly accented ; if βιοτᾶς be read, δερκομένα is left 
suspended, unless, as Murray suggests, ἡλικίας be emended to ἡλικία. κολακεύει lacks an 
object. sori is only moderately satisfactory ; the vestige of the letter after rather points 
to a, A, or perhaps; παρα or περι could well be read if they fitted the context. The marginal 
adscript is too much damaged to be of much assistance ; προορῶν evidently refers to depxopeva. 
Possibly there was another line below λωσ κτλ. 

Fr.4. τ. The letters ηθρασ are on a detached fragment which appears to be rightly placed 
here. Ao is in any case wanted to precede κ of oxwmriAXo ., a novel compound presumably 


formed from σκώπτειν and ἰλλός : the termination may be ον, os, or os]. Or perhaps 
σκωπτιλλις could be read; the supposed accent on the first « is hardly certain. The circum- 
flex above a of av seems to have been intended as an alternative to the acute, which, to 
judge by its position, was the original accent. It is not clear whether the two last letters 
of the line belong to the text or to anadscript. If to the text, they should be read σηΐ, 
preceded by a medial stop. 

. -μοφλυακεῖν is another unfamiliar compound, in which φλυακεῖν is a form of 
φλυαρεῖν. Cf. φλύαξ, φλυακογράφος, and Hesych. φλυάσσει' φλυαρεῖ, φλύει, id. φλουάζεὶ; 
φλυαρεῖ, ληρεῖ. ᾿ 

5-10, These lines may be arranged thus: 

ras δὴ τοιαύτας σκεπτοσύνας xer[eas| μὴ 
σπουδὰν. ποιεῖσθαι καὶ] στρέφειν ἄνω κάτω, 
ΜῈ [ν᾿ εὕρῃς δια --γ,Ἦυ-- 

[μουσικῶς ἁρμοσμένον. 

In |. 6 there is barely room in the lacuna for κενΐεας] and perhaps xevas was mistakenly 
written. λ[ημ]μ᾽ [Zp is suggested exempli gratia by W-M ; a tiny vestige of the first letter 
of 1. 9 is consistent with a μ, but no restoration which does not include the remainder of 
the verse can be considered satisfactory. In the latter part of that line @ could be p, and 
the doubtful ν may be 8 or A; the broken letter following might be the μ of povorxas,—if 
that is the right word. 

11-14. The conclusion of the poem, where in all probability there is a reference to 
the Stoic Zeno, unfortunately remains obscure. In 1. rr the first o stands somewhat to the 
right of the initial letter of the line above and, with a slight allowance for the slope of 
the column, a lacuna of one letter at the beginning of the line is probable, apart from the 
consideration that ὅτ᾽ or ὅταν would be contrary to the dialect. Moreover, near the top of 
the o there is a very small speck of ink which may be a survival of the lost letter. At the 
end of this line, a is on a detached strip, which was found folded with Fr. 4 and with little 
doubt belongs to it, though the combination adopted is uncertain. The exiguous remains 
of the preceding letter are consistent with e.g. « or μ, but not 7; @dx[ojua is possible. 
In 1. 12, if [wJor above is right, three letters are expected before aevrov. The vestiges 
in front of the a do not suit τ, nor is σταθευτόν here very attractive. Perhaps τὸν is 
the article. apo is probable in |. 13 after ἀρσενασ and a repetition of that word in some 
form, e.g. ἀρσένων or ἄρσην, seems to be indicated. ε is not impossible for the fourth 
letter, though the very slight trace does not suggest it; a letter having a perpendicular 
stroke like » would be more satisfactory. [ἢ]. 14 the first letter may be y or τ, and we 
have the choice between yéA]os and 7τ᾽ (or γ᾽) é[plos : the latter accords better with πόθον 
and ἵμ[εῖρον just above. 

On the meaning of these lines and their relation to the foregoing passage see p. 23. 
It is not necessary to assume that the masculine relationship which seems to have been 
here commended was the ordinary παιδεραστία, to which Zeno, as the fragments show 
(cf. Frs. 247-53, v. Arnim), was supposed to have been addicted. The poet was possibly 
upholding a sentiment of a more spiritual order as the true ‘Zenonian” love. The adjective 
Ζηνωνικός is used by Sopater, af. Athen. iv. p. 160 f. 

15. Kepxida: Κερκιδᾶς is the common spelling, that being the accent according to 
Arcad. 21. 19 and apparently Herodian, Περὶ pov. λέξ. 10. 30 (though the MS. there has 
Kepxidas). But Kepkidas, as in Harpocration, Stobaeus, and others is, as W-M observes, 
better adapted both to Doric nomenclature and to a period prior to the vogue of hypocoristica 
in -ds. Stobaeus makes the genitive -a, as here, in lvili. 10, τοῦ in iv. 43. 


Fr. 5. 2. Καλλιμέδων may be the Philo-Macedonian orator ridiculed for his gluttony by 
comic poets; cf. e.g. Athen. iii. 104 cd. 

4. σφαῖρος was a form used of the κόσμος by Empedocles, but no doubt Σφαίρω should 
here be taken, with W-M, as a proper name, and the Stoic philosopher (Diog. Laert. vii. 6) 
is meant. This allusion is of cardinal importance in the question of the poet’s date 
(cf. p. 26), and has a secondary interest from the fact that Sphaerus had been an 
instructor of Cleomenes, the enemy of Megalopolis (Plut. Cleom. 11). 
- 8, Ἰφεροντ᾽ may be the participle or = Ἰφέρουσι. 

Fr. 6. 2-3. Restored by W-M. For ]. 2 cf. Callimachus, Fr. 46 βουσόον, ὅν re μύωπα 
βοῶν καλέουσιν ἀμορβοί. 

Fr. 7. 1. A dark fibre running down the verso would suit a combination with Fr. 9. 6, 
a lacuna of one or two letters dividing cam . [ from ]. eo[; but the edges of the papyrus do not 
directly join. 

2-4. The identification of these lines with Cerc. Fr. 3 (Stob. For. lviii. 10) is due to 
W-M. μναμόνευ᾽ is Meineke’s emendation of the reading of AB ἀμναμονεῦ : ἐμναμόνευ᾽ Bergk, 
ἀμναμονεῖ Gaisford, ἀμνάμονα vulg. 

Fr. 8. i. 1. Ἰσεῖδε μέν : or perhaps |s εἰδέμεν ; προειδέμεν is found in a citation from 
Archytas in Gaisford’s Stobaeus App. p. 46. 

2. Some case of εἰλαπίνη is probable. 

3. βἸλεννοτέρου cannot be read. 

Fr. 9. 4. ovynpoi: cf. Moeris, p. 343 σιγηλὸς ἐν τῷ A ᾿Αττικοί, ἐν τῷ ρ Ἕλληνες. 
5. W-M suggests wavOa[mevpa. πᾶν θωΐ or πάνθ᾽ ὧΐ might also be read. 

Fr. 10. 4. ἐκτελεῖς is a variant for συντελεῖς. 

7. An interlineation at the end of the line is perhaps a mark of short quantity. 
10. Perhaps dppoi,—unless it is γ]άρ μοι. 

11. παλαιός is possible: or the division may be ]. a Aatés [. 

Fr. 11. This fragment might well be from the top of Fr. 1. v. yy. . . νόμιζε would be 
a convenient combination. 

2. Some form of the Doric future of ῥέω seems probable. 

4. τοῦ τῶ: OF τοῦτ᾽ af. τούταΐ is excluded by the accent. 

Fr. 13. 5. A dot between ν and μ half-way up the letters is probably accidental, since 
there is no word pevadA ... 

6. The preceding « is against the division ἁνίκα pl . 

Fr. 20. 6. In the interlinear insertion the supposed v may be a rough breathing 
belonging to the a below; there would then be a dot between the breathing and pf. 

Fr. 22. 3. If ορειν = ὁρᾶν the form is comparable with e.g. Theocr. xxvi. 14 ὁρέοντι ; 
but ὁρῆν would also be a good Doric form (Fr. 1. iv. 5 φυσῆν, &c.). 

Fr. 23. 2. ὀϊλβοθύλακον W—M. This word, which is not found elsewhere, is explained 
by the marginal droAavor[ra; ἀπολαυστἧικόν is unsuitable. 


Fr. 24. 2. An ink-spot above the line before ε may represent a high stop. 
4. ἀρκεσίβουλος is unknown, but cf. ἀρκεσίγυιος. 

Fr. 25. τ. The letter before the lacuna may be τ; it is probably not ». 
Fr. 28. 2. ] ῥέθος is more likely than ]p ἔθος on account of I. 3. 

Fr. 30. 2. At the left edge of the papyrus between Il. 1 and 2 there is an ink-mark 
which may belong to some insertion. 

Fr. 31. Cf. note on Fr. 2. ii. 1-3. 

Fr. 32. 4. The acute accent on διατριβαί is singular; but perhaps it has been 
affected by the alternative termination. 

Fr, 34. This fragment has a deeper margin at the top of the column than is found 
elsewhere in this papyrus. Frs. 34-41, 43-4, 59-61, 64-5 are much worm-eaten, ἃ 
circumstance which dissociates them from Fr. 1. 

Fr. 37. The hand of this fragment is apparently identical with that of the rest, but the 
coronis is rather different from those in Fr. 1. iv and Fr. 2. iii, and the paragraphus below 
]. 3 is unusual in this papyrus. 

Fr. 39. 7. ἀἸπάτυλλα is suggested by W—M on the analogy of δαπάνυλλαν in Fr. 1. ii. 11. 
Possibly the latter word was originally written here by mistake. 

Fr. 40. 3. me: or yep (yepup-). 

Fr. 41. 5. This apparent insertion immediately below 1. 4 is not easy to interpret, 
A letter may be lost after the A, but there is no sign of other letters. The fragment is 
- from the bottom of a column. 

Fr. 43. 2. Ἰερθεν perhaps ended the line. The attribution of this fragment to 1082 is 
somewhat doubtful. 

Fr. 46. 6. The interlineation could perhaps be read -ap-. The first dot is rather far 
from the a and may be a high stop. 

Fr. 47 is apparently from the top of a column. 

Fr. 49. It is hardly certain that this fragment, which seems to be from the top of 
a column, belongs to the MS.; the letters are slightly smaller and the lines rather closer 
together than usual. 

Frs. 68-69. These two small fragments are doubtfully assigned to the MS. 



Fr. 1 18-5 X 13-1 cm. Second century. 

Plate ΠῚ (τ. 1). 

The following fragments of a Satyric drama are written in upright uncials 
which are slightly above the medium size and of rather heavy and ungraceful 
appearance. They may be assigned to the second century, a date to which the 
cursive notes, added in Frs. 15 and 19 by a hand perhaps not to be distinguished 
from that of the text, would also seem to point. The names of the dvamatis 
personae in the margin of Fr. 1 are more clearly original; but a different hand 
is probably to be discerned in one or two of the corrections, and may also well 
be responsible for some of the accents and other signs which occur. Punctuation, 
however, is to a large extent at any rate due to the first scribe. For this purpose 
both high and medial dots are used, though without any clear differentiation of 
values. Marginal paragraphi as usual denote alternations of dialogue; whether 
a colon in Fr. 1. 1 marks the division of a verse between two speakers is 
questionable (cf. note ad /oc.). 

Both the nature of the plot and the authorship of the play are unfortunately 
matters of uncertainty. Besides the chorus of Satyrs, which is expressly 
designated in the adscript to Fr. 1. 6, two other characters are mentioned, 
Oeneus, whose name is entered in the margin as the speaker of Fr. 1. 19-20, and 
Phoenix, who is twice referred to in the text (Frs. 4. 6, 14.3) as well as, probably, 
in an explanatory note (Fr. 19. 8-9). It would perhaps be palaeographically 
just possible, though not at all satisfactory, to redd the name at Fr. 1.10 as 
Phineus instead of Oeneus, and Phineus and Phoenix would be a very natural 
conjunction. But there seems to be nothing known of Phineus which suits the 
situation of Fr. 1, where the daughter of the person in question is being sought 
in marriage by the Satyric chorus, evidently as one among several suitors 
(cf. 1. 20), Oeneus, on the other hand, is said to have promoted a contest for 
his daughter Deianira, in which the river-god Acheloiis was defeated by 
Heracles; and with these two figures a chorus of Satyrs would be thoroughly 
in keeping. But who then is Phoenix? Possibly he was introduced as another 
unsuccessful aspirant to the maiden’s hand. There was, indeed, a tradition 
actually connecting Phoenix with Oeneus, for according to the Epic poet Asius 
(ap. Pausan. vii. 4.1) Phoenix married Perimede, a daughter of Oeneus ; and it 


would not be very far-fetched to suppose that in this story he was consoled for 
the loss of Deianira by a marriage with her sister. 

That the drama from which these fragments are derived was of an early 
period is indicated as well by the considerable use of the choral element (cf. . 
Frs. 1 and 18-20) as by the language, which is not inconsistent with a fifth- 
century composition. Can the piece be attributed to one of the three great 
tragedians? The style is not that of Aeschylus or of Euripides; but to exclude 
Sophocles is not so easy. The anaphora of ἔστι in Fr. 1. 9 sqq. has a good 
parallel in Soph. Fr. 855. 3-5. Moreover, Sophocles wrote a play called 
‘ Phoenix ’, of which practically nothing is known, and an ‘ Oeneus’ has also been 
assigned to him on doubtful evidence. It is, then, conceivable that Sophocles was 
the author. On the other hand tthe repetition of ἀλλά in Fr. 1. 3 and 19 betrays 
some lack of polish, and Wilamowitz would prefer, if any conjectural attribution 
is to be made, to refer the piece to Ion of Chios. That poet is credited with 
two plays named after Phoenix, the Φοῖνιξ ἢ Καινεύς and a Φοῖνιξ δεύτερος ; from 
both of these a few short citations have been preserved, but their plots are quite 
obscure. It is nowhere stated that either of them was a Satyric drama, though 
this silence does not justify a contrary conclusion ; the character of Caeneus, who 
is said to have been turned by Poseidon from a woman into a man (Nicander, 
ap. Anton. Lib. 17, Schol. Apoll. Rhod. i. 57, &c.), would lend itself to Satyric 
treatment. The suggestion, however, is made with all reserve; there is not even 
any certainty that the play was a product of the classical period. 

Of the order of the fragments but few indications are obtainable. Fr. 1, in 
which Oeneus asks the Satyrs who they are and they give an account of 
themselves and their occupations, presumably stood early in the play, and on 
that account as well as in consideration of its superior size takes precedence of 
the rest. The position assigned to the smaller pieces is for the most part 
arbitrary. Three in which a metre other than the iambic is more or less 
certainly to be ‘recognized (Fr. 18 anapaestic, Frs. 19 and 20 metre doubtful) 
are placed together near the end. Ina few other cases, to which attention is 
called in the notes, the grouping has been influenced by the rather hazardous 
evidence of script ‘or colour. 









Fr. I. Plate III. 
κυρεινδρωνταδηλουντί : x pn 

ann εξερουμενιαλλαπρωταβουλομὶ 
βλαστοντεσ'ουγῖ. ἡνυνγεπωμαθῖ 
απανταπευσηΪ.Ἰνυμφιοιμενηΐ. - « «|v 
παιδεσδενυμφων. βακχιουδυπηρεται: 
θεωνδ᾽ ομαυλοιπασαδηρμοσταιτεχνῆ 


: . 
ἐνεισιδ ὡδαιμουσικησ᾽ενεστιδὲ 



ἱμάτωντ' ελεγχοσ'εστινουρανου 
χρηιζηισεαντηνπαιδα[ Ἱροστιθηισεμοι 


καιτονδαθρησαιπρωτοί Ἰοστισερχεται 

Fr. 2. 
= Ἰνησκειπροσαυγηνηλιοῖ 
Ἰκπνειδετονδ᾽ αυμελαναβοΐ 
Ἰπ᾽ εὐᾷ[.Ἰωσφυγάδαποτεϊ 

Irey[-] - [ 


Fr, 1. Plate III. 

κυρεῖν δρῶντα δηλοῦν τί. χρὴ [-. .. 
ἐργάτην τοιοῦδ᾽ ἀγῶνος αἰχμάλ[ωτον ἐννέπειν. 
(Oiv.) ἀλλ᾽ ἐξεροῦμεν: ἀλλὰ πρῶτα Bovroplat 
γνῶναι τίνες π[ά]ρεστε καὶ γένους ὅϊτου 
5 βλαστόντες- οὐ γ[ὰρ)] νῦν γέ πω μαθὼν ἔχω. ᾿ 
X0(pos) ἅπαντα πεύσῃ. νυμφίοι μὲν ἥϊκομεῖν, 
σατύ(ρων).. παῖδες δὲ νυμφῶν, Βακχίου δ᾽ ὑπηρέται, 
θεῶν δ᾽ ὅμαυλοι: πᾶσα 8 ἥρμοσται τέχνη 
πρέπουσ᾽ ἐν ἡμῖν" ἔστι μὲν τὰ πρὸς μάχην 
10 δορός, πάλης ἀγῶνες, ἱππικῆς, δρόμου, 
πυγμῆς, ὀδόντων, ὄρχεων ἀποστροφαΐ, 
ἔνεισι 8 @dai μουσικῆς, ἔνεστι δὲ 
μαντεῖα πάντα γνωτὰ κοὐκ ἐψευσμένα, 
ἰαμάτων τ᾽ ἔλεγχος, ἔστιν οὐρανοῦ 
15. μέτρησις, ἔστ᾽ ὄρχησις, ἔστι τῶν κάτω 
λάλησις: ap ἄκαρπος ἡ θεωρία; 
ὧν σοι λαβεῖν ἔξεστι τοῦθ᾽ ὁποῖον ἂν 
τὸ χρήζῃς, ἐὰν τὴν παῖδα [π]ροστίθῃς ἐμοί. 
Οἰνεύς. ἀλλ᾽ οὐχὶ μεμπτὸν τὸ γένος: ἀλλὰ βούλομαι 

]. 20 Kal τόνδ᾽ ἀθρῆσαι πρῶτο[νἹ] ὅστις ἔρχεται 
ρ ρ PX 
ΕΠ 2. 
(4) φρο]ῦδον οὐδ᾽ ἀποδέρκ[ομαι 

Ἰασω χθονὸς σεληναί 

(Β) [ἰδοὺ τὸ φῶς βέβηκεν, οἴχεταίι σέλας" 

[ἀλλ᾽ ἧ τι νυκτὸς ἄστρον ἢ [μήνης κέρας 

5 [θ]Ἰνήσκει πρὸς αὐγὴν ἡλίοίϊν μαυρούμενον, 

[ἐκπνεῖ δὲ τόνδ᾽ αὖ μέλανα βόϊζστρυχον καπνοῦ. 
(A) Ἰσονὰ πρόφρων ἰδέ pe πα[ρόντα 
|x εὐάϊιως φυγάδα ποτὲ [ 

Ir] 1 





φοινιξοραισ. . [ 
[. - - -]Tpel 


Pe. 6. 
poo ber . [ 

1. εἰσδετί 


Fr. 9. 

Ἱρποσιοσ. ἷ 

Fr 2. 


5 Jo Baxi 


Fr. 5. 

}. ἡ 
|r aveigor . 

[. Jon .[ 

Ἰωκυριωσκεκτί Ἵμενον 
Ἰστιτηνγαρυΐ. .jarnv 
> μιαανειργωνῦδον 


Fr. 7. 

1. v7 αντισὶ 
Ἱκοσοφ « [ 


Fr, 4. 

(Goiv.) ὦ τί 

(Β) ὑφοί 
(Doiv.) ὀδινΐ 
(Β) ἀποσπάσεις ple 

(Φοῖν.) 5 τῶνδ᾽ οὕνεκ᾽ ἦλθον 
Poth) Φοῖνιξ, ὁρᾷς. . | 
(oiv.) [... .|rpof 

Fr, 6. 

mlpécer . [ 
7ται" νομί 
71. εἰς δὲ τί 

5 Ἰτοισί 

Fr. 9. 

ἸἹμονεῖ τιΐ 

]p πόσιος . [ 


Fr. 4. 

-Ἰ στροβεῖ σοφ[ῶς 
-Ἰ τίνος τε συμί 
-Ἰ ἱκέσθαι καπί 
Ἰσις Baul 
Pr 5. 
jr ἂν εἰ φων. ἷ. ση .1 
Ἰω κυρίως κεκτίήμενον 
ἐϊστί: τὴν γὰρ ὑϊστ]άτην 
5 jay εἴργων ὁδὸν 
ἀν)]ὴρ κλύων σοφὸς 

Ἐτ. ἡ. 

1. ντι δ᾽ ἀντισῖ 
Ἰκοσοφ. [ 


Pe. 12. 

Ἱμιτυμβ εἶ 

Pr. 10. 
5 }.- σανπερισου 
Jet. Joy. 
Ἰ. ἰισθαλεγω 

10 Ἰων 

Jer. .. . Jf 



Fr. 19. 

Ἰ. of-Jexl 


; σουτοσώ | 





Fr. 12. 

Ἰβολη κλυΐ 
In παρεῖ 
Ἱμι τυμβεῖυ 

Fr. 15. 

ἄνευ Ϊ 
νι λπ ) Karl 
Fr. 18, 
βἸλαβείη . | 
5 ἸΪἸσαν 6 γε 
1. σαν περὶ σοῦ 
] μὴ καλὸν 7 
1 οἶσθ᾽ ἃ λέγω 
ιο Τ εἴφ᾽ ὅ τι μοι 
δεν. . . «Ἱν 



Fr. 14. Fr. 14 
AL. Joev yap Ἰυνΐ 
τε]τραζυγεῖς. ὄχ[ους Ἰωνΐ 
Ἰρίων ἐεύξας μὶ 1 Φοίνιξ | 
Ἱμησον ἢ 
5 1]. ησαί 
ΕΥ. τό. Ετ, 17 
Ἰνποτί Ἰκεὶ 
Ἱμονηΐ 1ε. χρόνῳ 
ΠΕΡῚ ] διδοὺς 
ote εἸξίαι 
Pr. το. 

Ἰ. σ(Ἰαχί 
Ἰρέσσεται | 
]-. 8 οὗτος &.[ 
] μὲν εἰπεῖν ὁ Φοίνιξ 

Ἰσοδους iv’ ἐμφυΐ 


Fr. 20. 


Fr. 22. 

Fr. 26. 

Ἰσδ᾽ οικοῖ 

Fr. 20. 



Ετ. 27. 
]. αἱ 
1. τᾳρηΪ 


Fr. 21. 


Fr, 25. 

Jeo . [ 




Fr, 20. 

Ἰερμα παφί 
|] Σιπύλιον εἰ 
Jovde διαπυΐ 

Fr 22 
Fr. 26. 
|noous δὶ 
Js δ᾽ οἰκοῖ 
Fr. 30. 
Ju λαχὼν [ 
Br 24. 

Fr. 21. 
Jap’ emrof 
|. tov 
Fr. 24. 
\yo . | 
Fr. 27. Fr. 28. 
Lea] Ἰοστί 
Ἰειναΐ ; x4 
|. ταρηΐ Jol 
Fr. 31. Fr, 32. 
Ἰληνων κί Ἰυχοῖ 
| | 
Fr. 35. Fr. 36 
at Jes 
Reet Ἰτοσοΐ 


Fr. 1. 1-2. In papyri of dramatic works a colon regularly denotes a change of 
speaker, but such a division is objectionable in a verse of this kind. Possibly then the colon 
here indicates a metrical division—a purpose for which it is sometimes employed, though 
that explanation too is quite unconvincing. Above the colon is an oblique mark which is 
probably to be interpreted as a rather carelessly written accent on τι. Either δηλοῦν τί 

δρῶντα (ue?) κυρεῖν... Or δῆλ᾽ οὖν τί δρῶντα (ce?) κυρεῖν... would be intelligible. ἐννέπειν 
or some similar word is implied by the following ἐξεροῦμεν. A small coronis below 1. 2 
marks the transition to another metre. . 

2-20. ‘(Oen.) Well, I will tell you. But first I wish to know who ye are and from 
what stock ye are sprung; for as yet I have not learnt. 

Chorus of Satyrs. Thou shalt hear all. As suitors are we come, sons of nymphs, 
servants of Bacchus, fellow-dwellers with gods; and we are supplied with every fitting 
art: we are equipped for the spear-fight, ours the contest in wrestling, in horse-racing, 
running, boxing, biting, ours twisting of testicles, we have the strains of music, we have 
oracles fully known and not falsified, and medicines to put to the test, we know the meting 
out of the skies, and dancing, and lore of the nether world. Is our study fruitless? 
And it is thine to take of these whatever thou wilt, if thou givest thy daughter to me. 

Oeneus. There is indeed no fault with your stock ; but I wish first to see this man 

who is coming...’ 

16. An acute accent was mistakenly placed on the a of θεωρια and not afterwards 

17. To the left of this line there are slight remains of a marginal note. 

19. The o of owevs is incomplete, but fairly secure, the stroke below it not being in the 

right position for the tail of a @. xawevs is clearly out of the question. 

Fr. 2. 1. ἀποδέρκεσθαι is unexampled but can hardly be avoided; the p, though 
rubbed, is clear, and the « is nearly as certain. 

3 sqq. Restorations suggested by W-M are printed exempli gratia. It may be 
supposed that the flame of an altar or torch had been extinguished. 7 in 1. 4 must be for 7, 
not # or #, since of course a star or the moon could not be said to ἐκπνεῖν μέλανα Bol orpuxor. 

7. Ἰσόνα: a proper name is rather expected here, but is not easily obtained; the first 
letter might be y or τ, the second is possibly ὦ. There is no doubt about the accent. 

8. eval.|os is again difficult ; the ὦ may be o. 

Fr. 3. The appearance of the papyrus and the comparative compactness of the 
writing suggest that this fragment came from the same column as Fr. 2. Perhaps the 
broken letters in Fr. 2. 9 and Fr. 3. 1 belong to one line, but I can find no satisfying 
combination. ᾿ 

Fr. 6. This and the following five fragments are grouped with Fr. 5 on account 
of a certain similarity of colour, which however may well be deceptive. 

5. The letters of this line are rather smaller and closer to the line above than usual ; 
apparently the scribe wished to keep the end of the column even with its neighbours. 

Fr. 7. 3. The vestige after @ suits e.g. a or A. 
Fr. 8. 6. a enclosed between two dots is an interlineation referring to the next verse. 

Fr. 9. 2. To the right of the circumflex accent there are some further marks of ink 
to which I can attach no meaning. A junction between two selides occurs in this fragment. 


: Fr. 11. 3. The accent is placed slightly to the left of the v, which therefore probably 
formed a diphthong with a preceding vowel. 

Fr. 13. 2. τε]γραζυγεῖς ὄχζους W-M, comparing Eurip. Hel. 1039 τετραζύγων ὄχων. 
Fr. 18. 2. |yyou was perhaps the end of the line. 

Fr. 20. 1. Perhaps θ]ερμὰ παφΊλαξ. ..: cf. Aristoph. Fr. 498 (Kock) τὸ δ᾽ ἔτνος . . 
τουτὶ θερμὸν καὶ τοῦτο παφλάζον. Fr. 20 like Fr. 19 is apparently in a lyric measure. 
2. Σιπύλιον : or Ἶσι Πύλιον. 

Fr. 30. This and the two following small pieces may well be from the ends of columns. 
Fr. 34 is from the top of a column. 

1084. HELLANICUS, Atlantis τ. 

11-5%7-9 cm. Early second century. Plate III. 

The origin of this fragment is demonstrated by a citation in the Venetian 
Scholia on Homer = 486 (=Hellan. Fr. 56): φησὶ δὲ καὶ Ἑλλάνικος ἐν τῷ πρώτῳ 
τῶν ᾿Ατλαντικῶν τὰς μὲν ς΄ (sc. τῶν ὙὝἀδων) θεοῖς συνελθεῖν, Ταὐγέτην Διί, ὧν γενέσθαι 
Λακεδαίμονα, Μαῖαν Διί, ἀφ᾽ ὧν Ἑ, μῆς, ᾿λέκτραν Διί, ὧν Δάρδανος, ᾿Αλκυόνην 
Ποσειδῶνι, ὧν Ὑριεύς, Στερόπην "Aper, ὧν Οἰνόμαος: Κελαινὼ Ποσειδῶνι καὶ αὐτὴν 
συγγενέσθαι, ὧν Λύκος." Μερόπην δὲ Σισύφῳ θνητῷ ὄντι, ὧν Γλαῦκος" διὸ καὶ ἀμαυρὰν 
εἶναι. This passage alludes so patently to the text before us as to assure beyond 
any question an identification which the subject and dialect would of themselves 
naturally suggest. References to Hellanicus are not infrequent, but quotations 
of his wpszsstma verba are extremely scarce; and the present addition to them, 
though regrettably small, is very acceptable. 

Its handsome appearance indicates with sufficient clearness that this 
manuscript contained the A/dlaniis itself, and not merely some commentary or 
grammatical treatise in which the A/¢/antis was excerpted. The rather narrow 
column is written in a round upright hand very similar to that of 844, though 
still more calligraphic. Of the two 1084 is perhaps slightly the older; but 
they no doubt belong to approximately the same period, probably the earlier 
part of the second century. Dots in the high and middle position, as well as 
paragraphi, are used for purposes of punctuation, the medial point marking 
a briefer pause (1. 15). Short lines are filled up by small angular signs turned in 
the opposite direction to that in which they are usually found. 


Col. i. Col. ii. 
]. v7. vov ev omni τίων 
: : de γίγνεται Epplns 

φιλητης᾽ οτι av | 

τηι φιλησιμίως 


και γίιγνεται Oe 

wv κηϊρυξ) αγηρίαος 
και αθανατος: Kle 

10 λαινοι δὲ μισγε < 

ται Ποσειδεων" -« 

Tov de γιγνεται 
Avkos ov o πατὴρ 
κατοικιζει EV μα 
I5 Kapov νησοις- < 
καὶ Tole. abava 
τον: Τηυγετηι δε 
[Zeus μισγεται: τῶν 
[δε γίγνεται Aake] 
20 ἰδαιμων. .. 

2. The sentence may be restored Maa δὲ Ζευς μισγεται λανθα͵νων κτλ. This simple 
construction, as Wilamowitz remarks, is better suited to the style than a sentence containing 
a genitive such as μισγομεΐνων. Cf. Apollodor. iii. το. 2. 1 Μαῖα... Διὶ συνελθοῦσα ἐν ἄντρῳ 
τῆς Κυλλήνης Ἑρμῆν τίκτει. 

σπηι is an Epic form which is out of place here ; omee: or σπεῖ is expected. 

3-4. Cf. Hom. A. Herm. 292 ἀρχὸς φηλητέων κεκλήσεαι, 446 φηλῆτα, Διὸς καὶ Μαιάδος vie, 
Eurip. Rhes. 217 Ἑρμῆς, ὅς ye φηλητῶν ἄναξ. The spelling φιλητης is a common error which 
the grammarians try to defend, e. g. Eustath. p. 781. 11 τὸ δέ ye φηλῶ φηλήσω τῶν ὕστερόν ἐστι" 
διὸ καὶ τὸ πέποιθ᾽ ὅγε φιλήτῃσιν (Hesiod, Opera 373) οὐ διὰ τοῦ ἡ ἔχει τὴν ἄρχουσαν ἐν τοῖς ἀκρι- 
βέσιν ἀντιγράφοις, ἀλλὰ διὰ τοῦ ἰῶτα, and Helladius, apf. Photius, .5121. p. 535. 6, where the 
derivation from φιλεῖν is advanced, as in the text here: ὅτι κατ᾽ εὐφημισμὸν οἱ ᾿Αττικοὶ τὸν 
κλέπτην φιλητὴν λέγουσιν, οἱονεὶ μισητόν" ἢ καὶ φιλητὴς ὁ κλέπτης, διότι φιλεῖ λαμβάνειν τὰ ἀλλότρια; 
cf. Choerob. in Cramer, Anecd. Oxon. ii. p. 271. Anns in the present passage seems at 
first sight guaranteed by the following sentence; but om . . . συνεκοιμ[ατο may well be a gloss 
which has become incorporated into the text. As an interpretation it is no happier than its 
rivals, for φιλητής should have an active, not a passive sense. 

1 δ. 13:.:16: Cf. Apollodor. iii. το. 1. 3 Κελαινοῖ, ἐξ ἧς Λύκος ἐγένετο, ὃν Ποσειδῶν ἐν μακάρων 
@KLOE νήσοις, 


1085. PANCRATES, Hadrian and Antinoiis. 

19-6 X 14-2 cm. Second century. 

It is related by Athenaeus (xv. 677 d-f) that Pancrates, an Alexandrian poet 
and an acquaintance of his own (τῶν ἐπιχωρίων ποιητής, dv Kal ἡμεῖς ἔγνωμεν), 
suggested to the Emperor Hadrian when at Alexandria that a certain variety of 
lotus resembling the rose should be called after Antinoiis, saying that it had 
sprung from the blood of a famous lion (τοῦ Μαυρουσίου λέοντος) which had been 
killed by Hadrian in the neighbourhood of the city. This fearsome beast, we 
are told, had long ranged over Libya and terrorized the inhabitants. The 
emperor was so pleased with the idea that he rewarded its originator with free 
maintenance at the Museum. Athenaeus proceeds to quote from ‘the poem’ of 
Pancrates four ‘not inelegant’ hexameter lines in which the lotus of Antinoiis 
was referred to: 

οὔλην ἕρπυλλον, λευκὸν κρίνον ἠδ᾽ ὑάκινθον 
πορφυρέην γλαυκοῦ τε χελιδονίοιο πέτηλα 

καὶ ῥόδον ἐαρινοῖσιν ἀνοιγόμενον ζεφύροισιν" 
οὔπω γὰρ φύεν ἄνθος ἐπώνυμον ᾿Αντινόοιο. 

Pancrates, therefore, embodied his idea in a poem which, it may be pre- 
sumed, was recited to the emperor. Now the fragment of which the text 
follows below describes in epic style a great lion hunt the heroes of which were 
Hadrian and Antinoiis. The inference is obvious, and will hardly be called in 
question. Here evidently we have the episode which inspired Pancrates; and 
the poem is none other than that from which Athenaeus quotes. 

A further sample of that poem is an interesting acquisition, although its 
recovery is not likely to add to the literary reputation of Pancrates. His 
versification is sufficiently good; but his style is diffuse and turgid. The 
long description of the infuriated lion (Il. 10-25) is a laboured performance, 
exaggerated but undistinguished either by force or originality. It will be felt 
that the rather faint praise bestowed upon his contemporary by Athenaeus 
was the utmost that he deserved. 

The sheet upon which the verses are inscribed had been used as the cover 
of a glass bottle, about the mouth of which it was found wrapped. They are 
written in an upright and rather small cursive hand which does not look 
subsequent to the latter part of the second century, and can therefore be 
removed by but few stages from the author’s autograph. Marks of elision and 
stops in the high position were added by the original scribe. 






Col. i. 

About 27 lines lost. 

(οί. 11. 

[urmov] δ᾽ Αδρ[ηἼστοιο θοωτερον" os ποτ᾽ ἀνακτα 

[... .Jos φευγοντα κατα κλονον εξεσαωῶσε 

[rovlov εφεζομενος δαμασηνίο]ρα μιμνε λεοντα 
[4]Ἱντινοος λαιηι μεν εχων ρυτηρα χαλινον" 

δεξιτερηι δ᾽ εγχος κεκορυθμενοῖν)] εὖ αδαμαντος 
πρωτος δ᾽ Αδριανος προΐεις χαλκηρεον εγχος 

ουτασεν' οὐδὲ δαμασσεν εκων yap αἀπημβροτε θἼηρος 
[εἸυστοχιης yap παμπαν εβουλετο πειρηθηναι 
[4]Ἱργειφοντιαδαο μεγηρᾳτίου Αντι]νοοιο" 

[0]ηρ Se τυπεὶς ert μαλλον [ο]ρίνετο ποσσι δ᾽ ἀαμυσσῖε 
γαιαν τρηχαλ[ε]η[ν] Ovpovplelvos: εκ δὲ Koven 

οἷς »νἹεφ[ος9] torapern φίαος ηἼχλυεν ηελιοιο' 

patvero 8 ὡς οτε κυμ[α] πολυκλυστοιἾο θαλασσης 
Στρυϊμ]ονιου κ[αἸτοπισθεν εγειρομενου Ζεφυρίοιο 

n.[. 6 εἶπ αμφοτεροισιν ἐπωρορε' pactie δ᾽ ουρίηι 
[ἰσχία και πλευρας σφετερηι μαστιγι κε ..Ϊ 

πὴ" Joss οσσε δὲ δεινον ὑπ οφρυσι πυρ φίλεγεθεσκον 
εκ δ αὖ λ]αβροβορίων στοματων ποΐλυν αφρον οδοντων 
εξανιει)] συναρασσομενὼν εντοσθεν es [αιαν 

a τσὶ he 

Kpatos 6] εκ μεγάλοιο Kat avxevos εκ λασιοΐιο 
[χαιτη] ἀειρομενη κατεσειετο ἡ μὲν am αἰλλων 
[δασκιος] nv μελεων ate devdpea ἡ δ᾽ απὸ viwrov 
ἘΌΤΕΝΣ Ἱμενη θηκτοισιν ομοιΐος nev ακωϊκαις 

[as o y εβη] κατεναντα Oeov| κλυτου Αντιΐνοου τε 
ola γιγαντ[οἸλίεταο] Ζτος πα[ροὶς αντα Τυφωευΐς 
τον δὲ Bows pa μαθὼν ἐσσε[υμ]ενον [ 

ἵππωι ἐπ ΑυΪτινο. . ακΚ. Ue... eee Ἰρομῇ 

ρηξεν μεν στομαχον θεῖ... . . ..«. je τίενοντας 


avxevious Kat παντα δι. Ϊ 
30 οφρα κατα χθονος ὠκα παγὶ 
αὐτίου θ]ηροφονοιο θεου Ϊ 

ΠΤ 5, ene 1. πυματον βρυϊκωμενος 
πον Ἰμνομενοις ox 
ΣΕΥ ΩΝ | εν κονιηισι πεσεν προπετωῖς 
ΣΡ xk Ἱππειοισι βαλεν πλατυν | 
ΠΑ te he οἸπλαισιν eats KateTuT([TE 
ARS Ve aE Ore a Kar avTia πυγμαχοΐ 
Rarer eee Ἱμενος προς εἶ. . . οἸκοσὶ 
VEE Te τς Ὁ ] . οσαπί 
Meare Gis ate Ste hobs te oom Ἰσατὶ 
Col. iii. 
One line lost. 

δουρι (Ϊ. .] - [ 

Unplaced fragment. 

Ἰατ᾽ «1 

ii. 1-25. ‘...and swifter than the horse οἵ Adrastus which once saved the king as 
he fled the battle-throng. Such was the steed whereon Antinoiis sat in wait for the 
deadly lion, holding in his left hand the bridle-rein and in his right a spear shod with 
adamant. First Hadrian hurling his brass-fitted spear wounded the beast but slew him 
not, for of purpose he missed the mark, wishing to test to the full the sureness of aim of 
beauteous Antinoiis, son of the Argus-slayer. Stricken, the beast was yet more aroused, 
and tore up in his wrath the rough ground with his paws, and the dust rising in a cloud 
dimmed the light of the sun; he raged even as the wave of the surging sea when Zephyrus 
is stirred forth after the wind of Strymon. [Straight] he rushed upon them both, scourging 
with his tail his haunches and sides . . . while his eyes, beneath his brows, flashed dreadful 
fire; and from his ravening jaws’ the foam showered to the earth as his teeth gnashed 


within. On his mighty head and shaggy neck the hair stood bristling; on his other limbs 
it was bushy as trees, and on his back . .. it was like whetted spear-points. In such wise he 
came against the glorious god and upon Antinoiis, like Typhoéus of old against Zeus, 
slayer of giants.’ 

ii. 1-2. Adrastus was saved by his horse Arion in the expedition of the Seven 
against Thebes; cf. e.g. Apollodor. iii. 6. 7 “Adpacrov δὲ μόνον ἵππος διέσωσεν ᾿Αρίων, 
Homer ¥ 346-7. In 1. 2 Jos, which is quite clear, is no doubt the termination of an 
adverb qualifying φευγοντα. κλονον then remains indefinite, but this causes no difficulty 
in view of the recurrence of the phrase κατὰ κλόνον in the Ziad (Il 331, 713, 789, ® 422) 
and the familiarity of the allusion. The first a of avaxra has been converted apparently from 
an ε, i.e. the scribe at first wrote wore unelided. 

3. δαμασηνζο]ρα, which was suggested by W-M, is a new compound. 

7. Onpos is very doubtful; the remains of the initial letter suggest rather σ. 

9. [Δ]ργειφοντιαδαο: cf. Kaibel, Zuscr. Gr. Ttal. 978 (a), where Antinoiis is described as 
νέος θεὸς “Eppdwy. In a coin struck at Bithynium in his honour Hermes is figured on the 
reverse (Eckhel, vi. p. 532). 

10. ποσσι ὃ awvoole: cf. the passage quoted from Hesiod, Scud. in the note on Il. 15-17. 

12. For ηἴχλυεν (W-M) cf. Q. Smyrn. xi. 248 κόνιν δ᾽ dxdpavres ἀῆται ὦρσαν ἀπειρεσίην" 
ἤχλυσε δὲ πᾶσαν ὕπερθεν ἠέρα θεσπεσίην. 

13. pawvero ὃ ὡς ore: cf. Homer Ο 605. 

15. Some adverb such as ὦκα would be suitable, but that word cannot be read. 

15-17. Cf. Homer ¥ 170 οὐρῇ δὲ πλευράς τε καὶ ἰσχία ἀμφοτέρωθεν μαστίεται, whence ἰσχία 
is adopted in 1. 16, and Hesiod, Scu/. 430-1 γλαυκιόων δ᾽ ὄσσοις δεινὸν πλευράς τε καὶ ὥμους οὐρῇ 
μαστιόων ποσσὶ γλάφει. σῴετερηι μαστιγι perhaps refers to the belief that the lion’s tail 
carried a sting; cf. Etym. Gud. 36. 13 ἔχει yap (sc. ὁ λέων) ἐπὶ τῇ οὐρᾷ κέντρον, ἀφ᾽ οὗ παρο- 
Evverat, καθώς φησιν Ἱερώνυμος καὶ ᾿Επαφρόδιτος. At the end of 1]. τό W-M proposes κελ[αινηι, 
which is quite possible. 

17. mup is followed by a small vestige which only shows that the next letter was 
a rather tall one, e.g. « or Φ, and φἼλεγεθεσκον (W—M) gives the requisite sense. δεινὸν is 
better taken adverbially than as an adjective. 

18-19. Cf. Homer ¥ 168 περί 7 ἀφρὸς ὀδόντας γίγνεται. [εξανιει], which was suggested 
by W-M, can of course be replaced by several other words, 6. g. exmpoves OF εσταζεν. ες 
[aay at the end of this verse is not very satisfactory, and it is likely enough that the verb 
stood here, but ex[evev is unsuitable. The initial ε is hardly to be avoided, and odjovray is 
thus excluded. 

22, ἰδασκιος] W-M. 7ην may also be Ἶων, i.e. some epithet of μελεων, 6. g. [exmayA]ov. 

23. ἰισταμενη would be weak and hardly sufficient for the lacuna, [eypo|evy (Callim. 
FZ, Apoll. 64 Ocpeidua . . . ἐγείρειν) is also unlikely. 

25. γιγαντ[ οἸλίεταο] and zalpo|s were proposed by W-M; the lacuna is too small for 

26. εσσεϊυμ)ενον : there is little doubt about the first σ, and the preceding ε is very 
suitable ; hence it seems likely, as W—M suggests, that Pancrates ventured on an otherwise 
unexampled perfect form. ἐσσύμενος, besides having a short v, is adjectival. 

27. It is uncertain who is the subject here. Neither Av[rlwooo nor Av[r|woov nor 
ΑὐἼτ]ινοος suits the vestiges at all well; ΑὐτήἼινοιο for -ooo is possible, but this too is uncon- 

vincing. The supposed v before the lacuna might be p or ¢, and Jpop{ can be Ἰφομί. 
28. tlevovras W-M. 

33: σκΐ : or σιδῖ or σιφί. 


Unplaced fragment. The third letter in 1. 1 is clearly τ not v, and so this small piece 
cannot well be placed at the beginning of Il. 19-20. [Ιη 1. 2 the mark of elision is very 

1086. ScHOLIA ON /kad ii. 

23:2 X 41cm. First century B.c. 

This considerable fragment of a commentary on the second Book of the 
Iliad is written in a sloping semi-cursive hand which may be assigned to about 
the middle of the first century B.C. Certain Ptolemaic characteristics are evident, 
e.g. the linking of ἡ to the succeeding letter; but these are not so marked as to 
render probable a date prior to the first century. Palaeographical material for 
that period is still very scanty; some resemblances may, however, be found 
between the present script and 286 (a)-(c) (P. Oxy. II, Plate V) which are dated 
in the reign of Ptolemy Auletes. A probably rather earlier specimen of the 
same type is to be seen in P. Brit. Mus. 133 of Demosth. Ef. 3 (Classical Texts 
in the B. M., Plate III); cf. also 1087. The verso of 1086 contains a series of 
medical receipts in an early first-century A.D. hand. A remarkable feature of 
the recto is the great breadth of the columns, which measured about 16 cm. 
across. The letters are usually rather small, but there is much unevenness, 
due partly to a tendency to enlarge initials of clauses and even of words, which 
the scribe is rather inclined to separate from each other ; a is often a conspicuous 
letter. 1 is commonly of the uncial form, but the cursive h-shaped character also 
appears. The head of a final σ frequently slopes upwards above the line. An 
accent and a mark of short quantity are once used (1. 49). No stops occur, 
pauses in the sense being marked by blank spaces which are here and there 
accompanied by marginal paragraphi. Shorter blanks, as has been said, are 
sometimes allowed after individual words when there is no real pause ; an attempt 
has been made in the transcript to indicate the more noticeable divisions, but it 
is impossible accurately to reproduce the original. Several of the conventional 
abbreviations not infrequently found in works of this kind are employed ; cf. e.g. 
668, 856, and the Berlin Didymus. κ-- = καί, ῥὶ = μέν, y = γάρ, T = τῶν, / = ἐστί, 
\. = εἶναι, while πρός is represented by a semicircle (= 7) enclosing a short 
vertical stroke which stands for the p. A monogram of x and p in the margin 
stands for χρηστόν and calls attention to passages considered to be of special 
value. Such corrections as have been introduced into the text are probably by 
the original scribe, who, however, has not succeeded in eliminating all the errors. 


For the history of the Homeric scholia, and more especially of the 
Aristarchean tradition, this new commentary is of no little interest and importance. 
Its scope is comprehensive. Exegesis plays a considerable part, the less obvious 
words and phrases being briefly explained more or less in the style of the 
Scholia Minora or the Lericon of Apollonius. Certain coincidences with those 
two authorities are pointed out in the notes appended below. Geographical 
and mythological references are also elucidated ; cf. e.g. ll. I-9, 49-51. Another 
class of comments deals with differences of reading, e.g. ll. 26-7, 119. Thirdly, 
the critical signs of Aristarchus are frequently prefixed to the lemmata and their 
grounds are explained. This is the feature that gives the treatise its significance. 
As is well known, our knowledge of the work of Aristarchus is largely derived 
from the extracts from Aristonicus, Περὶ τῶν ᾿Αριστάρχου σημείων, and Didymus, 
Περὶ τῆς ᾿Αρισταρχείου διορθώσεως, which have been incorporated together with 
the signs themselves in the Venetian Codex A of the /zad. But the papyrus 
must on account of its date be independent alike of Aristonicus and Didymus, 
who both flourished under Augustus. In it, therefore, the tradition of Aristarchus 
is carried a stage further back. The anonymous commentator is to be regarded 
as a representative of the Aristarchean school, and upon such writings as this, 
along with those of the great critic himself, the work of Aristonicus may be taken 
to have been based. Speculation concerning the author’s identity is not likely to 
be profitable. The most obvious name perhaps is Ammonius, who was probably 
the successor of Aristarchus at the Alexandrian library. But the field is too 
large. Suidas puts the number of the grammarians who were disciples of 
Aristarchus at about forty (s.v. ᾿Αρίσταρχος), and there are several even among 
those who are known to us any one of whom might have been the author. A 
certain similarity in ll. 2-3 to a passage of Strabo provides no trustworthy clue ; 
cf. the note ad Joc. 

The papyrus and Aristonicus are often in close agreement ; see the notes on 
ll. 11, 29, 63-7, 98, 120-1. But the two authorities by no means coincide. An 
interesting passage of some length (ll. 11-18), describing Aristarchus’ defence of © 
the poet against the criticism of Praxiphanes, does not here come into account, 
since the reference is to the Odyssey, not the Jad, and is only brought in by 
way of illustrating a principle. Apart from that, however, Aristarchean signs 
and their explanations which are unrecorded in Venetus A occur in the papyrus, 
and vice versa: cf. ll. 46-7, 54-5, 86-7, 93-4, 107, 114-16, 120-1, and the notes. 
In one place (1. 83) Ven. A has the σημεῖον but lacks the explanatory scholium, 
which is supplied by the papyrus. Similar discrepancies have been observed in 
some other papyri (445, P. Rylands 51, P. Brit. Mus. 128, and the Hawara 
papyrus, on which cf. the notes below) with regard to the use of the critical 


signs, which tend to be more frequent:in the mediaeval MS. In the present 
case, however, the advantage is rather the other way, and it is plain that Ven. A 
is not exhaustive. The Aristarchean σημείωσις seems to have been thinned 
down by a process of eclecticism. Its details’ would appeal differently to 
different minds, and what might be rejected as of comparative unimportance by 
one critic would be retained by another. Some allowance must also be made 
for accidental omissions. 

The presence of this large “Aristarchean strain in so early a text naturally 
lends no little weight to the other elements in it which have less definite 
authority, though how far these elements are likely to represent the teaching of 
Aristarchus is of course open to question. To some extent they are already to 
be found in the various extant sources; new views and explanations to which 
attention may be called are recorded in ll. 5-6, 42-3, 49-51, 58-60, γ75--7. 
A measure of consideration is also due to the textual evidence of the papyrus, 
although the presence of Aristarchean symbols does not at all necessarily imply 
an Aristarchean text. This is evident from e.g. the Bodleian papyrus from 
Hawara (2nd cent.), in which not only diacritical signs but also occasional 
Aristarchean variants are entered ; cf. Ludwich, Flomervulgata, pp. 42sqq. On 
the other hand the text of that papyrus did not coincide with the vulgate, to 
which reference is sometimes made,’ and does embody certain readings of 
Aristarchus. As much may be expected of 1086, in spite of the fact that in 
two passages (Il. 75 and 83) it diverges from the Aristarchean reading. Several 
agreements are noticeable between the lemmata here and the exceptionally well 
written Hawara papyrus; cf. notes on Il. 62, 63, 73, 75. Other lections of 
interest occur at 1]. 26-7, 38, 61, and 119; the last named passage mentions the 
otherwise unrecorded variant ᾿Ανδείροιο for Αἰσήποιο in B 825. 

In supplementing the large lacunae of Cols. i and iii, the number of letters 
lost has been estimated on the basis of the passages containing citations, where 
the extent of the loss is exactly determined, i.e. in Col. i, ll. 19, 28, and 34, and 
in Col. iii, 1.97 and 102. No more than δὴ approximate accuracy is often 
obtainable, especially in Col. iii, where inequalities in the length of the line as 
well as variations of spacing and script have to be reckoned with; a few letters 
either above or below the number adopted would here be generally admissible. 

1 The adscript at 1. 769 e.g. should be read ἡ κο(ινη) peprepos nev, not nro p. ἡ. as given by Sayce, 
Cf. 445, 685. 



Ἱμερτοντιταρησιονερῖ. νεμοντο εἰμερτον 
Ἰκαλλιρροονυδωρ οτιταρησιοσποταμοσεχωντὴν 
Ἰστυγοσυδατοσ επιρρεωντωιπηνήω ουσυμμισ 
Ἰπερελαιον emipper τονπήνειον λεγεταιδεδὶ 

5 Ἰδιατοτονπηνειονθολερονειναι τοισδετιταρη 
ἸμπηεκατερωθενῪὸς τουπηνείου αεστιδενδρηισου 
Ἰζειτονποταμον ᾿ὡστετοναεραμηορασθαιδιατὴν 
Ἰοοστενθρηδονοσυιοσ ημαγνησιαχωραωώνομασ 
Ἰιπηνειον κ--πηλιονεινοσιφυλλον κινησιφυλλον 

10 Ἰυθουντοσ βουλεταιτοσυνδενδρονδηλουν 
|e φτοδευτερονπροτεροναπηντήσεν τηνδα 
Ἰισταρχοσπεποιήται 7.) πραξιφανηνεκεινοσ 
Ἰπαρη[.Ἰορικωσ ὠὡμειληκοτατηίμητρι κα 
Ἰπηνελοπησερωτήησαι επειδηπερωσενιμαλιστο 

15 Ἰπουσιαιηδεφησιν ηαντικλεια συνετωτατη 
Ἰγινεται διηναιτιανοαρισταρχοσ δεικνυσο 

]η ηαντικλειασημειουταιδεοτιδιαπαντοσ 


Col. i. 

οἵ τ᾽ apd ἱμερτὸν Τιταρήσιον ἔρ[γα] vépovto: 
ἱμερτὸν 751 
[ἐπιθυμητόν. ὅς ρ᾽ és Πηνειὸν προΐει] καλλίρροον ὕδωρ’ ὁ Τιταρήσιος 
ποταμὸς ἔχων τὴν 152 
[πηγὴν ἐν Τιταρίῳ ὄρει ἐκ τοῦ] Στυγὸς ὕδατος ἐπιρρέων τῷ Πηνειῷ 

οὐ συμμίσ- : 
Oe cleo es ΡΤ ἀλλὰ wolrep ἔλαιον ἐπιρρεῖ τὸν Πηνειόν. 

λέγεται δὲ δι- 
5 [& τοῦτο τοῦ Στυγὸς (εἶναι) ἀπορρῶγα ἢ] διὰ τὸ τὸν Πηνειὸν θολερὸν εἶναι 
τοῖς δὲ Τιταρη- 
[σίον ὕδασιν ἀνόμοιον, ἢ διὰ τὸ τὰ Τέμπη ἑκατέρωθεν (εἶναι) τοῦ Πηνειοῦ 
e 2 ?, 2 
ἅ ἐστι dévdplas σνγύ- 
“ x 2 , x x Ψ x 37 S 
MIE vial Bem oes ταῦτα y(ap) emiokid|fer τὸν ποταμὸν ὥστε τὸν ἀέρα μὴ 

ὁρᾶσθαι διὰ τὴν 
ἰσκιάν. Μαγνήτων δ᾽ ἦρχε Πρόθ]οος Τενθρηδόνος vids: ἡ Μαγνησία 

χώρα ὠνόμασ- 756 

[rat ἀπὸ Μάγνητος τοῦ Αἰόλου. οἱ περ]ὴ Πηνειὸν kai) Πήλιον εἰνοσί- 

φυλλον’ κινησίφυλλον" "51 

10 [τοῦ y(ap) κινεῖσθαι πλήθει συνακολο]υθοῦντος βούλεται τὸ σύνδενδρον 

[ἵπποι μί(ὲν) μέγ ἄρισται: τὸ σημεῖον ὅτι πρ(ὸς) τὸ δεύτερον πρότερυν ἀπήν- 

τησεν. τὴν δ᾽ ἀ- 763 

[πολογίαν τοῦ ποιητοῦ ἐντεῦθεν ὁ ‘Ap\icrapxos πεποίηται mp(ds) Πραξι- 
φάνην. ἐκεῖνος 

[γὰρ θαυμάζει τὸν ᾿Οδυσσέα διὰ τὸ] παρη[γ]ορικῶς ὡμειληκότα τῇ μητρὶ κα- 

[τὰ τὴν τελευτὴν περὶ Τηλεμάχου x(ai)| Πηνελόπης ἐρωτῆσαι, ἐπειδήπερ 
ὡς ἔνι μάλιστα 

15 [ἀκοῦσαι θέλει τὰ συμβάντα ἐν τῇ ἀπουσίᾳ. ἡ δέ, φησίν, ἡ ᾿ἈΑντίκλεια 


[οὖσα εὐθὺς περὶ αὐτὰ ταῦτα καταἸγίνεται: δ ἣν αἰτίαν ὁ ᾿Αρίσταρχος 
δεικνὺς ὅ- 

ΑΕ ΚΡ δ τὸ Lad A Pine τς ἐνννννν ἤη ἡ ᾿Αντίκλεια,. σημειοῦται δὲ ὅτι 

διὰ παντὸς 


Ἰοτεροσαπαντα καταιδιανσυνηθειαν Tac 
Ἰωσ ορνιθασωσωσορνιθασ ουτωσταχῆ 
20 Ἱμενα οτριχασοιετεασταφυληιεπινωτον 
Ἰιχασ οιετεασισοετεισ σταφυληιεπινωτονεεισασ 
Ἰισ ὠστεσταφυληι αφισουσθαι σταφυληδεεστινολαο 
Jet. επαυτουσπαρτον κ--επακρουτουσπαρτουμολυβιονεξ 
Ἰγτηνισοτητα σταφυληνδεωνομασεν εἐπειτο 
25 ἱκτηι ομοιον τασεμπηρειηθρεψαργυροτοξοσαπολλων 
1 ενιοιδεαγνοουντεσγραφουσιν τασεμπειεριηπλα 
Ἰατησμακεδονιασ ηδεπηρεια τησθεσσαλιασσαμφωθη 
Ἰεουσασ τοσημειον provpoBoy οτιτηντουα 
1 τουτεστιντονεκτουπολεμου φυγην υπομε 
390 Ἰοιελαβον επικεχαραχθαιαυταισπροσώπονο / φοβου 
Ἰκαλων τοεμπαραταξειιππουσθηληασεχειν οἰγαρσε 
Ἰτουριζονται αιδεθηλειαιουδεντουτ ποιουσιν ετιδε 
Ἰιφυγειν χρησιμευΐ Ἰυσιν οθενκ--επιτ'᾿ τουαινειαιφησιν 
Ἰενοιπεδιοιο κραιπναμαλενθακαιενθαδιωκεᾷ 
35 Ἱἱνερεπτομενοιελεοθρεπτοντεσελινον λωτονερε 
Ἰναναρπαζοντεσ λ[.Ἰτονδεητοιτονπαρημεινλεγομενον 

Ἱμοιοντιτουτωίεδεσμα ελεοθρεπτονδεσελινοντο 

]  €o|.]avavappatadavrenvKkacpeva κειτοανα 

] πεπυκασμενα εκδετουτουταεπιμελειασκα 

40 7] φοιτΐἸνθαΐ. . θακαταστρατον φοιταν / Toatet 


[6 ποιητὴς οὕτως εἰς τὰ ὕστερα πρ]ότερος ἀπαντᾷ κατὰ ἰδίαν συνή- 
θειαν. τὰς 
[Εὔμηλος ἔλαυνε ποδώκεας ὄρνιθας] ὥς: ὄρνιθας ὡς ὡς ὄρνιθας, οὕτως ταχεῖ- 
20 [αν ποιοῦντες πορείαν ὡς ὄρνεα πετόμενα. ὄτριχας οἰέτεας (σγταφύλῃ 
ἐπὶ νῶτον 165 
[ἐείσας: ὄτριχας ὁμότρ]ιχας, oléreas ἰσοετεῖς, σταφύλῃ ἐπὶ νῶτον ἐείσας 
[οὕτως ἴσας τοῖς νώτο]ις ὥστε σταφύλῃ ἀφισοῦσθαι. σταφύλη δέ ἐστιν ὁ λαο- 
[ξοϊκὸς διαβήτης ὃς ἔχ]ει ἐπ’ αὐτοῦ σπάρτον Kai) ἐπ᾿ ἄκρου τοῦ σπάρτου 
μολύβιον ἐξ- 
[ηρτημένον ᾧ μετροῦσι] τὴν ἰσότητα: σταφύλην δὲ ὠνόμασεν ἐπεὶ τὸ 
25 ἱμολύβιόν (ἐστι) σταφίδι τρω]κτῇ ὅμοιον. τὰς ἐν Πηρείῃ θρέψ᾽ ἀργυρότοξος 
᾿Απόλλων: 766 
[pe eee eee ee eee es ἢ ἔνιοι δὲ ἀγνοοῦντες γράφουσιν τὰς ἐν Πιερίῃ, πλα- 
[νῶνται δὲ ἐπεὶ ἡ μ(ὲν) Πιερία τῆς Μακεδονίας ἡ δὲ Πήρεια τῆς Θεσσα- 
λίας. > ἄμφω θη- 767 
[λείας φόβον ΓΑρηος φορ]εούσας: τὸ σημεῖον mp(ds) τὸν φόβον ὅτι τὴν τοῦ Ἄ- 
[pews φυγὴν σημαΐίνει,] τοῦτ᾽ ἔστιν τὴν ἐκ τοῦ πολέμου φυγὴν ὑπομε- 
30 [νούσας. ἀτόπως δὲ ἔνιοι ἔλαβον ἐπικεχαράχθαι αὐταῖς πρόσωπον, 6 
(ἐστι) φόβου 
[σημεῖον. δῆλος δὲ (ἐστὴ παρακαλῶν τὸ ἐν παρατάξει ἵππους θηλείας 
ἔχειν: οἱ γ(ὰρ) ἄρσε- 
[ves........ καὶ. ἡτουρίφονται, αἱ δὲ θήλειαι οὐδὲν τοὐύτ(ων) ποιοῦσιν. ἔτι δὲ 
[κατὰ πόλεμον κ(αὶ) ἐν τῷ] φυγεῖν χρησιμεύ[ο)υσιν, ὅθεν Kal) ἐπὶ τ(ῶν) τοῦ 
Αἰνεία φησίν, 
[Τρώιοι ἵπποι, ἐπιστάμενοι πεδίοιο κραιπνὰ μάλ᾽ ἔνθα καὶ ἔνθα διωκέμ(εν) 
35 [ἠδὲ φέβεσθαι. λωτὸ]ν ἐρεπτόμενοι ἐλεόθρεπτόν τε σέλινον: λωτὸν ἐρε- 776 
[πτόμενοι οἷον λωτὸ]ν ἀναρπάζοντες, λίω]τὸν δὲ ἤτοι τὸν παρ᾽ ἡμεῖν λεγόμενον 
[μελίλωτον ἢ K(al) ἄλλο δ]μοιόν τι τούτῳ ἔδεσμα. ἐλεόθρεπτον δὲ σέλινον τὸ 

[ἐξ ἕλους φυόμενον. ἕσίτ]ασαν: ἅρματα δ᾽ αὖ πεπυκασμένα κεῖτο ἀνά- 777 
ίκτων ἐν κλισίῃς᾽" πεπυκασμένα, ἐκ δὲ τούτου τὰ ἐπιμελεία κα- 
40 [θηκούσης τυγχάνοντα.) φοίτ(ων) [ἔνθα ἱκ(αὶ) ἔν]θα κατὰ στρατόν" 


φοιτᾶν (ἐστὶ) τὸ αἰεὶ 119 





Col. ii. 
επιτοναυτουτοπουενθουσιωδωσορμαν οιδαρισανωσεῖ Ἰτεπυριχθωνπαϊ. Ἰανεμοιτο 
ουτωσδεεπορενοντοωσί ]εδοξαιοτικαθοληντηνγηνπυρκατανεμεται τουΐ.Ἰοδεδειλα 
βεινηιτοανω τοιπποιθοιφορῖ. (Ἰσκοναμυμονα οιδαρισανωσειτεπυριχθων ταδελοιπαπα 
ραναπεφωνηται σγαιαδυπεστεναχιζεδιιωστερπικεραυνωι χωομενωιοτεταμφιτυ 

φωειγαιανιμασσηΐ.Ἶ ηδεγηουτωσυπε νεἤτενεν ὡσοτεπεριτωιτυφωεῖ χωομενοσ 

οζευσεπλησεναυτην ιμασσαιγκυριωσ / TolpavTimAngar καταχρηστικωσδεο 
πωσδηποτε τοδεσημειονητοχωομενωιοτινυντοχολουμενωιδηλοι ἐσχή 
ματικεδετατυφωεα αποτηστυφωεὺυσ ειναριμοισοθιφασιτυφωεοσεμμεναι 
ευνασ ἀριμᾶ τησπισιδιασ͵ 2, υφοισδοκειοτυφωςν. καθομηρον οιῤτοιγενεωτε 

pot υποτηναιτνῖΐ. . .\roevotkeAtat οροσφασιναυτονὶ. ὠνπινδαροσ κεινωβμε 
aitva δεσμοσυπερφιαλοσαμφικειταίι ωσαρατ᾽ υποποσσιμεγαστεναχίζετο 
γαιαὰα  woapaTovtwstovT μεγα αντιτουμεγαλωσ στενεχίζετο αντιτουεσ' 
τενεν τωιπαθητικω! αντιτουενεργητικου οδελογοσουτωσ τουτὶ υποτοισ 
ποσσινμεγαλωσεστενενηγη δερχομενωνμαλαδωκαδιεπρησσονπεδιοιο ἢ 

διπληοτιελλειπεί.] ηδιαπροθεσισ ᾿ὡκαδὲε αντιτουωκεωσ ὠκεωσδεδιεπρησ 

σονδιαπεδιοιο παρδιοσαιγιοχοιοσυναγγελίηι ἀλεγεινηι αλεγεινηιτηναλγοσε 


(οί. 11. 

2” ὦ 

ἐπὶ τοῦ αὐτοῦ τόπου ἐνθουσιωδῶς ὁρμᾶν. οἱ δ᾽ ἄρ᾽ ἴσαν ὡς et] τε πυρὶ χθὼν 
πᾶ[σ]α νέμοιτο" : 780 
οὕτως δὲ ἐπορεύοντο ὥσ[τ]ε δόξαι ὅτι καθ᾽ ὅλην τὴν γῆν πῦρ κατανέμεται. 
τοὔϊτ]ο δὲ δεῖ λα- 
εὐ βεῖν πρ(ὸ5) τὸ ἄνω τὸ ἵπποι θ᾽ οἱ φορίέε]ϊσκον ἀμύμονα. οἱ & ἄρ᾽ ἴσαν 
ὡς εἴ τε πυρὶ χθών: τὰ δὲ λοιπὰ πα- 
ραναπεφώνηται. γαῖα δ᾽ ὑπεστενάχιζε Διὶ ὡς τερπικεραύνῳ χωομένῳ, 
ο΄ ὅτε T ἀμφὶ Tv- 781—2 
45 φωέι γαῖαν ἱμάσσῃ ἡ δὲ γῆ οὕτως ὑπέστενεν ὡς ὅτε περὶ τῷ Τυφωέι 
ὁ Ζεὺς ἔπλησσεν αὐτήν' ἱμάσσαι γ(ὰρ) κυρίως (ἐστὴ τὸ ἱμάντι πλῆξαι, 
καταχρηστικῶς δὲ ὁ- 
πωσδήποτε. τὸ δὲ σημεῖον mp(ds) τὸ χωομένῳ ὅτι νῦν τὸ χολουμένῳ δηλοῖ. 

μάτικε δὲ τ(ὴνγὺ Τυφωέα ἀπὸ τῆς Τυφωεύς. εἰν ᾿Αρίμοις ὅθι φασὶ 
Τυφωέος ἔμμεναι 783 

εὐνάς: “Apia τῆς Πισιδίας (ἐστίν), bp οἷς δοκεῖ ὁ Τυφὼς (εἶναι) καθ᾽ 
“Ὅμηρον. οἱ μί(έν)τοι γε νεώτε- 
50 pot ὑπὸ τὴν Αἴτνην] τὸ ἐν Σικελίᾳ ὄρος φασὶν αὐτὸν (εἶναι), ὧν Πίνδαρος" 
κείνῳ μί(ὲν) 
Αἴτνα δεσμὸς ὑπερφίαλος ἀμφίκειτα.. ὡς ἄρα τ(ῶν) ὑπὸ ποσσὶ μέγα 
στεναχίζετο 784 
yaia: ὡς dpa τῶν οὕτως τούτ(ων)͵ μέγα ἀντὶ τοῦ μεγάλως. στεναχί- 
(eto ἀντὶ τοῦ ἔσ- 
τενεν, τῷ παθητικῷ ἀντὶ τοῦ ἐνεργητικοῦ. ὁ δὲ λόγος οὕτως, τούὐτ(ωνῚ ὑπὸ τοῖς 
ποσσὶν μεγάλως ἔστενεν ἡ γῆ. > ἐρχομένων: μάλα δ᾽ ὦκα διέπρησσον 
«τεδίοιο". ἡ 785 
58 διπλῆ ὅτι ἐλλείπε[7] ἡ διὰ πρόθεσις. ὦκα δὲ ἀντὶ τοῦ ὠκέως: ὠκέως δὲ 
σον διὰ πεδίοιο. πὰρ Διὸς αἰγιόχοιο σὺν ἀγγελίῃ ἀλεγεινῇ: ἀλεγει- 
νὴ(ν) τὴν ἄλγος ἐ- 787 





πιφερουσαν _ of. Ἰδαγορασαγορευονεπιπρίιαμοιο οιἰονμυθουσελεγον μυθουσεμυθουν 
το δειδενοεινοί.Ἴικαί. . ἡτοντονχρονοντουονειρονοτικ--αὐτεαπεσταλται οδεποιή 
τησδιηγηματικοσων Ἰυδυναμενοσαπανταειπειν τακατατονχρονονπραχθεντα 
παραμεροσειρηκεν αγχουδισταμενηφεφηποδασωκεαιρισ ἱἰσταμενηαντι 
τουστασα εἰ[.Ἰατοδεφθογγηνυειπριαμοιοπολειτηι --οστρωωνσκοποσιζεποδὼω 
κειησιπεποιθωσ --τυμβωιεπακροτατωιαισυιηταογεροντοσ --τωισφινεεισα 

μευ οσ]μετεφηποδασωκεαιρισ αθετειτουτουσαρισταρχοσ οτιπρωτονβμουδεπο 
τευποδιοσπεμπομενηηιρισομοιουταιτινι αλλαιειαυτοπροσωποσπαραγεινε 

ται ετιδεκ--ηαπιθανοσ εἰγενεκατουψιλωσειπεινοτιερχονται παρηκταιηιρισ 
τουτο κ--οπολιτησηδυνατοποιησαι εἰδεηνουτοιναοιπροτερονμητολμωντεσ 
εἐελθεινεξελθωσιν [.] ἐιρισεστωλεγουσα ὡσκ- παρατουδιοσαπεσταλμενὴ οτι 
δεομηροσοταντιναεικαζητινι κ--τουσπρεποντασλογουσπεριτιθησινδηλον 7 
γουναρχηουπολιτου͵, αλλυπερτονπολιτην φησι ὠγεροναιειτοιμυθοιφιλοι 

ακριτοιεισιν τουτοηβηειρισλεγουσα πρεποντωσεχει ειδεουιοσπατριαπρε᾽ 
mos εδειγλεγεινωπατερ κ-τομυθοιφιλοιακριτοιεισιν 0H αἀχωριστοι Κρι 

ναιγτοχωρισαι κ- τουτοουπολιτουηνπατεραακουοντωσλεγεινεοικεν adrAapar 

λοντησιριδοσ ὡστεποτε[.]Ἰρηνησπολεμοσδαλιαστοσορῶρεν αλιᾳστοσαν 






πιφέρουσαν. oft] δ᾽ ἀγορὰς ἀγόρευον ἐπὶ Πριάμοιο οἷον μύθους ἔλεγον, 
μύθους ἐμυθοῦν- ; 788 

το. δεῖ δὲ νοεῖν ὅϊτ]ι Kal adlréy τὸν Χρόνον τοῦ ὀνείρου κ(αὶ) αὐτ(ὴ) 
ἀπέσταλται, ὁ δὲ ποιη- 

τὴς διηγηματικὸς ὦν, [ο]ὐ δυνάμενος ἅπαντα εἰπεῖν, τὰ κατὰ τὸν ὄνειρον 

παρὰ μέρος εἴρηκεν. ἀγχοῦ δ᾽ ἱσταμένη πρ(οσ)έφη πόδας ὠκέα Ἶρις: 
ἱσταμένη ἀντὶ 790 

τοῦ στᾶσα. εἴ[σ]ατο δὲ φθογγὴν ὑεῖ Πριάμοιο Πολίτῃ, - ὃς Τρώων σκοπὸς 
tle, ποδω- 791-5 

κείῃσι πεποιθώς, - τύμβῳ én’ ἀκροτάτῳ Αἰσυιήταο γέροντος - τῷ σφιν ἐεισα- 

μένη μετέφη πόδας ὠκέα Ἶρις: ἀθετεῖ τούτους Apiorapxos ὅτι πρῶτον 
μί(ὲν) οὐδέπο- 

τε ὑπὸ Διὸς πεμπομένη ἡ Ἶρις ὁμοιοῦταί τινι, ἀλλ᾽ αἰεὶ αὐτοπρόσωπος 

ται. ἔτι δὲ κ(αὶ) ἡ (ὑγπόκρισις ἀπίθανος: εἰ γ(ὰρ) ἕνεκα τοῦ ψιλῶς 
εἰπεῖν ὅτι ἔρχονται παρῆκται ἡ Ἶρις, 

τοῦτο κ(αὶ) ὁ Πολίτης ἠδύνατο ποιῆσαι, εἰ δὲ πρ(δς) τοῦτο ἵνα οἱ πρότερον μὴ 

ἐξελθεῖν ἐξελθῶσιν, [ἡ] Ἶρις ἔστω λέγουσα ὡς κ(αὶ παρὰ τοῦ Διὸς 
ἀπεσταλμένη. ὅτι 

δὲ Ὅμηρος, ὅταν τινὰ εἰκάζῃ τινί, κ(αὶ) τοὺς πρέποντας λόγους περιτίθησιν 
δῆλον. ἡ 

γοῦν ἀρχὴ οὐ Πολίτου (ἐστὴ ἀλλ᾽ ὑπὲρ τὸν Πολίτην' φησὶ γ(άρ), ὦ 
γέρον, αἰεί τοι μῦθοι φίλοι 


ἄκριτοί εἰσιν. τοῦτο εἰ μ(ὲν) ἡ Ἶρις λέγουσα, πρεπόντως ἔχει, εἰ δὲ 
υἱὸς πατρί, ἀπρε- 

πῶς" ἔδει γ(ὰρ) λέγειν, ὦ πάτερ. K(al) τὸ μῦθοι φιλοι ἄκριτοί εἰσιν, ὅ 
(ἐστιν) ἀχώριστοι, κρῖ- 

vat γ(ὰρ) τὸ χωρίσαι, Kal) τοῦτο οὐ Πολίτου πρ(δς5) πατέρα, ἀκουόντως 
(γὰρ) λέγειν ἔοικεν, ἀλλὰ μᾶλ- 

λον τῆς ΓΙριδος. ὥς τέ ποτ᾽ εἰρήνης πολεμὸς δ᾽ ἀλίαστος ὄρωρεν" 
ἀλίαστος ἀν- 797 


ἐκκλιτοσ αναποτριπτοσ ovoupadioy /ekkAlvat κ--γεναλλοισνοσφιλιασθειστου 

το / χωρισεκκλιων ηῤδημαλαπολλαμαχασεισηλυθονανδρων κ--τοῦυ 


τοδεαποεοικοσπολιτηιλεγειν τηιδειριδιησιηκον οτιαιειποτε͵,' 
εμπολεμοισεκεινοσδεον αλλουπωτοιονδετοσονδετελαονοπωπα K—oU 
TOTOETNTAVTNTEVVOLATEXETAL ὠωστεειβηιρισλεγουσα wed Med do 
σωποσειχοικειωσεχεινειδεπολιτηὴσ απιθανον ποτε“ |..... eRe 

80 o¢ /Oavpacpov επιστασθαιουνιριδιοικειονπολιτηιδεουΐ. . «Ἰποῖ. +... 

Col. iii. 
ηνγφυλλοισινεοικοτεσηψαμαθοισιν [Ϊ 
᾿“ριδοσλεγοιτο εχοιανπρεποντῶσ ειδεπὶ 
μαχησομενοιπεριαστυ τοσημειον δ 
τορσοιδεμαλιστεπιτελλομαιωδεδερεξαι κί 

85 τερονοντααδελφοναπιθανον εδειγειπεῖ 
τοπροσωποσηιρισ παραγεινεται κ- γλεγεισί 
Touro... [Ἰξωπί]αξαι απιθανονουναδῖ 
τασσειν [νεκεντουτ mavt ηθετησεῖ 

9° τοσαν[ Ἱρσημαινετωοισιπεράρχει τουτοισδεεκαστοσεπιτασσετί 





Exkhitos, ἀναπότριπτος, ὃν οὐ ῥᾷδιόν (EoTiv) ἐκκλῖναι: xK(al) γ(ὰρ) ἐν 
ἄλλοις νόσφι λιασθείς, τοῦ- 

To (ἔστι) χωρὶς ἐκκλίνων. ἢ μ(ὲν) δὴ μάλα πολλὰ μάχας εἰσήλυθον 
ἀνδρῶν x(al) τοῦ- 798 

το δὲ ἀπεοικὸς Πολίτῃ λέγειν, τῇ δ᾽ “I pide πρ(οσ)ῆκον, ὅτι αἰεί ποτέ (ἐστιν) 

ἐν πολεμοῖς, ἐκεῖνος δὲ ov. GAN οὔ πω τοιόνδε τοσόνδε τε λαὸν ὄπωπα: 
K(ai) οὗ- 799 

τος δὲ τῆς αὐτῆς ἐννοίας ἔχεται, ὥστε, εἰ μ(ὲν) ἡ Ἶρις λέγουσα αὐϊτ]οπ[ρ]ό- 

σῶπος, οἰκείως ἔχειν, εἰ δὲ Πολίτης, ἀπίθανον: πότε - γχὰρ) εἶδε λαϊ]ὸϊν 
ὃς ἄξ]ι- 

ds (ἐστ) θαυμασμοῦ; ἐπίστασθαι οὖν ἼΙριδι οἰκεῖον, Πολίτῃ δὲ οὐ 
[πρέϊποῖν. λί- 800 

Col. iii. 

HY γί(ὰρ) φύλλοισιν ἐοικότες ἢ ψαμάθοισιν' [x(ai) τοῦτο “ὁμοίως ἀπίθα- 
> - fy Ἀ» 
μον. εἰ y(ap) ὑπὸ ᾽1- 
pidos λέγοιτο, ἔχοι ἂν πρεπόντως, εἰ δὲ ΠΙολίτης λέγει, οὔ. ἔρχονται 
πεδίοιο 801 
μαχησόμενοι περὶ ἄστυ’ τὸ σημεῖον ὅτίι ἐλλείπει πάλιν ἡ διὰ πρόθεσις. 
Ὕκ- 802 
Top, σοὶ δὲ μάλιστ᾽ ἐπιτέλλομαι, ὧδε δὲ ῥέξαι’ κί[(αὶ) τοῦτο λέγειν mp(ds) 
“ ’ 
Εκτορα πρεσβύ- 
τερον ὄντα ἀδελφὸν ἀπίθανον, ἔδει γ(ὰρ) εἰπείῖν, ὦ ἀδελφέ. ἀλλὰ ἔχει 
οἰκείως, εἰ αὐ- 
τοπρόύσωπος ἡ Ἶρις παραγίνεται: κ(αὶ) γ(ὰρ) λέγει, σ[οὶ 25 letters 
τοῦτο... [.|f@ πίρ]ᾶξαι. ἀπίθανον οὖν ἀδελφῷ πρεσβυτέρῳ νεώτερον ἐπι- 
τάσσειν. [ἕνεκεν τούτ(ων) πάντ(ων) ἠθέτησεϊν ὁ ᾿ἀρίσταρχος τοὺς στίχους. 

ἄλλη 804 
δ᾽ ἄλλων γλῶσσα πολυσπερέων ἀϊνθρώπων" ............ τοῖσιν 
ἕκασ- 805 

90 Tos ἀν[ὴ]ρ σημαινέτω οἷσί περ ἄρχει: τούτοις δὲ ἕκαστος ἐπιτασσέτ[ω 

ὧν ἄρχει' (ἔστι) γ(ὰρ) τὸ 





σημαινειντοεπιτασσειν φαινεταιδεπαλινεπιτασσεινοπολιτησῖὶ 
κειονυποαυτουλεγεσθαι αλλυποιριδδοσ τουτὶ δηγεισθωδιαταξασὶ 
λιτασ ωσεφαθεκτωρδουτιθεασεποσηγνοιήῆσεν τουτοαμφιβολῖ 
μαινει οιονεγνωοτιθεασ “εποσ ετερονδεουΐ. εἸγνοησεντοτησῖὶ 
ονουκηφροντιστησεν οκαιμαλλον οτιβγ εξ. [.Ἰἡ 

τὴν ομοιωσθαι αυτοπτινδελεγεινδηλον €xT πρὶ 
γεινωσκομενησοτιιρισ͵ , παλιμηαγνοεισθαιτοεποσ => 
δεσσυτολαοσ τοσημειονήντουτο οτιτηνπυληνπὶ 
τιδετισπροπαροιθεπολιοσαιπειακολῶνη τουτοοποιηὶ 
δετουτουτοναυτοπτί Ἵνενδεικνυσι ᾿κολωνη 7,7: .]- [1.1 
νευθεπεριδρομοσενθΐ. .Ἰαιενθα απανευθεχαΐ 
θεθεοιθνητεσανανδδων τηνητοιανδρεσὶ 
τοιδετεσημαπολυσκαρθμοιομυρινησ ταυτηΐ 

γυναικα οιδεουαλλαμιαντ αμαζονιδων | 

θμον δεαυτηνειρηκεν τηνπολυσκαριστον σὶ 
θατοτετρωεστεδιεκριθενηδεπικουροι evOaorrov ἷ 

σιῤηγεμονευεμεγασκορυθαιολοσεκτωρ τοση μἷ 





σημαίνειν τὸ ἐπιτάσσειν. φαίνεται δὲ πάλιν ἐπιτάσσειν ὁ Πολίτης, 
[ὥστε οὐκ (ἔστιν) οἱ- 

κεῖον ὑπὸ αὐτοῦ λέγεσθαι, ἀλλ᾽ ὑπὸ “Ipidos. (τῶν δ᾽ ἐξηγείσθω κοσμη- 
σάμενος πολιήτας) τούτ(ων) δ᾽ ἡγείσθω διατάξας [ἕκαστος τοὺς πο- 806 

λίτας. ὡς ἔφαθ᾽- “Extwp δ᾽ οὔ τι θεᾶς ἔπος ἠγνοίησεν: τοῦτο ἀμφί- 
βολῖίον: ἕτερον μί(ὲν) γ(ὰρ) ση- 807 

paiver οἷον ἔγνω ὅτι θεᾶς (éorw) ἔπος, ἕτερον δὲ οὐϊκ ἠγνόησεν τὸ τῆς 
[θεᾶς ἔπος, οἷ. 

ον οὐκ ἠφροντίστησεν. ὃ καὶ μᾶλλον" ὅτι μ(ὲν) γ(ὰρ) ἐξ. [.1... διὰ τὸ μὴ 
Πολίτῃ αὐ- 

τὴν (ὡ)μοιῶσθαι αὐτόπτιν δὲ λέγειν δῆλον ἐκ τ(ῶν) προειρημένων" τῆς δὲ 
λεγούσης ᾿ 

γινωσκομένης ὅτι ἾΙρίς (ἐστι), πάλι μὴ ἀγνοεῖσθαι τὸ ἔπος. > [πᾶσαι δ᾽ 
ὠίγνυντο πύλαι, ἐκ 809 

δ᾽ ἔσσυτο λαός: τὸ σημεῖον πρ(ὸς) τοῦτο ὅτι τὴν πύλην πίληθυντικῶς 
εἴρηκεν. ἔσ- 811: 

τι δέ τις προπάροιθε πόλιος αἰπεῖα κολώνη" τοῦτο ὁ ποιηϊτὴς περὶ τῶν 
ἐφ᾽ ἑαυτοῦ λέγει, ἐκ 

δὲ τούτου τὸν αὐτόπτ[η]ν ἐνδείκνυσι. κολώνη (ἐστὶ [π|ᾶ[ν] ἀϊνάστημα 
γῆς. ἐν πεδίῳ ἀπά- 812 

νευθε, περίδρομος ἔνθία κ]αὶ ἔνθα: ἀπάνευθε yalpis σημαίνει ὡς εἵως 
μίέν) ῥ᾽ ἀπάνευ- 

θε θεοὶ θνητίῶν) ἔσαν ἀνδρῶν. τὴν ἤτοι ἄνδρες [Βατίειαν κικλήσκουσιν, 
ἀθάνα- 813. 14 

τοι δέ τε σῆμα πολυσκάρθμοιο Mupivys: ταύτηϊν of piv) Δαρδάνου 
λέγουσι γενέσθαι 

γυναῖκα, οἱ δὲ οὔ, ἀλλὰ μίαν τ(ῶν) Apagovidwr[........... esee.. πολύσκαρ- 

θμον δὲ αὐτὴν εἴρηκεν τὴν πολυσκάριστον, σϊκαρθμὸς γ(ὰρ) ἡ τί(ῶν) ποδῶν 
κίνησις. ἔν 

θα τότε Τρῶές τε διέκριθεν ἠδ᾽ ἐπίκουροι" ἔνθα ὅπου, οἷον... ...« «Ὁ νον ν νον ὡς 
Τρω- 815, 816 

σὶ μίὲν) ἡγεμόνευε. μέγας κορυθαίολος “Extwp> τὸ σημίεῖον mp(ds) τὴν 

ἀνταλλαγὴν τῆς 

λεξανδροσθεοειδηὴσ κορυθαιολοσδε “ητοιοποικιληΐ 

110 λονγτοποικιλον ηκαιοεντηιπερικεφαλαιαι οἕεωΐ 
“Ε τουσφρυγασανερασαιολοπωλουσ οθεναλκαιοσαμφοΐ 
λεγωνουτῶσ καιχρυσοπασταντανκυνιανεχῶν ελαφραπὶ 
(ov soa nuainaratipn egesiesret aay TO σημῖ 
115 τουστρί.Ἰασ διεστακεντὶ δαρδανων τοδεεξησ͵, Sapdal 
παισαγχισαοαινειασ οὐκοιοσ ταδελοιπαπί 
εὐυγενειαν οιδεζελειανεναιονυπαιποδανιατοῖ᾽ 
τί- ποδατησειδὴσ αφνειοιπειν Ἰντεσυδωρμί 
ε].. « Al. .7... μελανᾶνδειροιο πανδαροσωκ--τοῖ 
120 Ϊ. . .Ϊν νοητεονεκτουΐ. .. . .]. [-]-- [1.. τοξικηναΐ 
[. - JoevavrocyeavTaiy..........) 1 

Unplaced fragments. 

Fy a Ετ..2. 
|. εἰδεταυτί Ἰσαΐ 

an Te eae iS jel 

1. [ya] νέμοντο : so Aristarchus ; but the papyrus may of course have read ép[y’ ἐνέμοντο 
with the MSS., including the Hawara papyrus and P. Oxy. 20. 
2. [ἐπιθυμητόν : cf. Schol. Didymi ἱμερτόν" ἐπιθυμητόν, καλόν. 
| 8: ἐν Τιταρίῳ ὄρει is restored by W—M from Strabo, p. 329 6 Πηνειὸς. .. συνάπτει τοῖς 
Τέμπεσι, παραλαβὼν πλείους ποταμούς, ὧν καὶ ὁ Evpwros, ὃν Τιταρήσιον εἶπεν ὁ ποιητής, τὰς 
πηγὰς ἔχοντα ἀπὸ τοῦ Τιταρίου ὄρους. It would be rash to infer from this unimportant 


πτώσεως, ὅτι εἴρηκεν Τρωσὶν ἀντὶ τοῦ Τρώων, dpoilws τῷ Τρωσὶν μίὲν) 
προμάχιζεν 4-- 
λέξανδρος θεοειδής. κορυθαίολος δέ (ἐστιν) ἤτοι ὁ ποικίλην ἔχων τὴν 
περικεφαλαίαν, αἰό- 
110 λον γ(ὰρ) τὸ ποικίλον, ἢ καὶ ὁ ἐν τῇ περικεφαλαίᾳ ὀξέωϊς καὶ εὐκινήτως 
φερόμενος" εὐ- 
θετεῖ γ(ὰρ) κ(αὶ) ἐπὶ τοῦ ὀξέος καὶ εὐστραφοῦς τὸ αἰόλον, οἷον ὅταν λέγῃ 
ἔϊνθα ἴδον πλείσ- 
Tes Φρύγας ἀνέρας αἰολοπώλους. ὅθεν ᾿Αλκαῖος ἀμφοϊτέρως ἔλαβε τὸ ὄνομα, 
λέγων οὕτως" καὶ χρυσοπάσταν τὰν κυνίαν ἔχων ἔλαφρα πί.. - +++: Ee ce 
(ov. > Aapdaviov αὖτ᾽ ἦρχεν ἔὺς πάις ᾿Αγχίσαο: τὸ σημίεῖον ὅτι 
ΠΕ at a et a 64s 819 
115 τοὺς Τρίῶ]ας διέσταζλγκεν τ(ῶν) Δαρδάνων. τὸ δὲ ἑξῆς (ἐστι) Δαρδαϊἰνίων 
αὖτ᾽ ἦρχεν ἐὺς 
πάις ᾿Αγχίσαο Αἰνείας οὐκ οἷος, τὰ δὲ λοιπὰ πἰαρεμβέβληκε διὰ μέσου 
ἐμφανίζων τὴν 
εὐγένειαν. οἱ δὲ Ζέλειαν ἔναιον ὑπαὶ πόδα νείατοίν "Ἴδης" τὴν ὑπώ- 

ρειαν, τὸν ἔσχα- ᾿ 824 
τίον] πόδα τῆς Ἴδης. ἀφνειοί, πίνίοντες ὕδωρ μίέλαν Αἰσήποιο' 
oe ἰδ κ᾿ κι αὶ Ὁ es 825 
e{.].. Af. .].. μέλαν ᾿ἀνδείροι. Πάνδαρος @ K(al) Té[Eov ᾿Απόλλων αὐτὸς 
ἔδωκεν: ... 827 
120 [...| νοητέον ἐκ τοῦ [rdgor]. [.] . τὴ]ν τοξικὴν αἱ 23 letters 
[..-Joev, αὐτὸς γ(ὰρ) ἑαυτῷ [ἐποίησεν.Ἶ [ 

coincidence, even if ἐν Τιταρίῳ ὄρει were not a restoration, that Strabo was acquainted with 
the present scholia. If he were here utilizing any Homeric commentary, his source might 
well be the often quoted work of Apollodorus on B, which was not concerned with textual 

5-6. (εἶναι) in 1.6 appears to imply that the construction of |. 5 was continued and 
that therefore alternative reasons were proposed. But the shadiness of the Peneus can 
have nothing to do with the phenomenon referred to in ll. 3-4, and hence it is probable, 
as Mr. Allen suggests, that ll. 5-7 are concerned with the supposed derivation of the 
Peneus from the Styx (I. 755), and the restoration proceeds on that hypothesis. Cf. 841. 
Frs. 129-31. 4, Schol. For Τέμπη cf. the passage from Strabo cited in the note on ]. 3. 
At the end of 1.6 the reading of the papyrus gives no sense, and I have adopted an 
emendation suggested by W—M. 

8. TevOpnddvos is the accepted spelling ; vv. ll. Τερθ., Tevd., Ted. 


9. Cf. Schol. Β Μάγνης εἷς τῶν Αἰολιδῶν κτλ. : 
g—-1o. Cf. Apollon. Sophist. Lex. εἰνοσίφυλλον κινησίφυλλον. . . ὄρος δὲ εἰνοσίφυλλον 

τὸ σύνδενδρον θέλει σημαίνειν. 

11-18. ‘ The sign is affixed because he has dealt first with what comes second. This 
is the basis of Aristarchus’ defence of the poet against Praxiphanes. The latter is surprised 
at Odysseus because in his soothing intercourse with his mother he asked only at the end 
about Telemachus and Penelope, since he wishes above all else to hear what has happened 
in his absence. But Anticleia, he says, with great intelligence at once proceeds to this very 
subject. Aristarchus therefore points out that ... Anticleia. The passage is marked 
with a sign because it is the peculiar habit of the poet to deal first in this way with what is 


11. Line 763 has a diplé in Ven. A, the scholiast similarly remarking ὅτε πρὸς τὸ 
δεύτερον πρότερον ἀπήντηκεν. The diplé is absent in the Hawara papyrus. 

11-18. The restoration of these lines is in the main due to W—M. The passage of the 
Odyssey referred to is } 164-203, where Anticleia deals with the questions of Odysseus in 
the inverse order to that in which they are put. There is no parallel to this note in the 
extant scholia on the //zad, but points of contact occur in Schol. A 177 εἰδὼς ὁ ᾿οδυσσεὺς τὰς 
ἑκυρὰς ἐχθρωδῶς περὶ τὰς νυοὺς διακειμένας περὶ Πηνελόπης ὑστάτης ἠρώτησεν. ἡ δὲ εὐφραίνουσα τὸν 
υἱὸν περὶ πρώτης αὐτῆς ἀπεκρίνατο. Praxiphanes is presumably the Peripatetic philosopher, 
whose name has reeently occurred in a contemporary Delian inscription; cf. Wilhelm, 
Jahresh, d. Ost. Arch. Inst. 1905, pp. 1-5, Crénert, Kolotes und Menedemos, pp. 69-74, 119. 
He was a pupil of Theophrastus, and wrote a dialogue Περὶ ποιητῶν, in which criticism of the 
kind here mentioned may well have been incorporated. The Praxiphanes cited in the 
scholia on Qed. Col. goo is probably identical. It was natural to give credit for σοφία to 
Anticleia as the daughter of Autolycus. Lines 16-17 δι ἣν αἰτίαν... ᾿Αντίκλεια remain 

19-20. The restoration was suggested by W—M. ταχη Pap., but the substitution of ἡ 
for εἰ was particularly common at this period; cf. e.g. 1088, and ll. 31 and 70 below. 

21-2. Restored by W-M; cf. Schol. B τὸ δὲ ὄτριχας ἀντὶ τοῦ ὁμόχροας, οἰέτεας ὁμήλικας, 
ἐΐσας τοῖς νώτοις ὁμοίας. Schol. Did. has ἰσοετεῖς as the gloss on οἰέτεας. 

22-3. Cf. Scholl. AB ἔστι δὲ ἄμφω ἴσας τῷ νώτῳ ὡς σταφύλῃ μετρεῖσθαι, ὅ ἐστι λαοξικῷ 
διαβήτῃ, ὃς ἅμα πλάτος καὶ ὕψος μετρεῖ. 

25. The supplement was suggested by W—M. 

26-7. A note on the name Πηρείῃ, v. 1. Πιερίῃ, on which the extant scholia make no 
comment. Πιερίῃ is the common reading, and is retained by Leaf, but Πηρείῃ, which is 
preferred by most modern editors, is found in the Bodleian Hawara papyrus and two other 
MSS., besides Eustath. and Steph. Byz., and is confirmed, as Mr. Allen remarks, by the 
occurrence of oi Πηρεῖς in Jnscr. Gr. ix. 2. 205 = Dittenberger, Syll. 425. Schol. A has 
Πιερίῃ in the note on ¥ 383. πλανῶνται was suggested by W-M. The beginning of the 
line, he thinks, contained a reference to the service of Apollo to Admetus; cf. Schol. Did. 
τὰς ᾿Αδμήτου ἵππους δύο κτὰ., and Schol. A on ¥ 383. Perhaps, however, there was merely 
some phrase like ‘ So we should read’ or ‘ So the best copies ’. 

24. The diplé is prefixed to the lemma; cf. ll. 54, 61-2, &c. Ven. A also has a 
diplé here, 

29. φυγὴν σημαίνει W-M. Cf. Schol. A ὅτι τὴν ἐν πολέμῳ φυγὴν φόβον ἤΑρεως εἴρηκεν. 

ἀρετὴ γὰρ ἵππων οὐ μόνον διώκειν ἀλλὰ καὶ ὅτε δέοι ἀταράχως φεύγειν, διωκέμεν ἠδὲ φέβεσθαι. 


3o-1. This curious explanation that the horses’ heads were branded is referred to in 
Schol. B τὸ δόρυ, ἢ τὸν ἐκ σιδήρου καυτῆρα. Cf. Eustath. ἄλλοι φόβον “Apeos τὸν ἐκ σιδήρου καυτῆρα 
ἐνόησαν" “Apns γὰρ καὶ 6 σίδηρος" ἵνα λέγῃ ἐγκεκαῦθαι αὐταῖς ἀπὸ σιδήρου σφραγῖδα. ἤρεσε δέ τισι 
καὶ δόρυ ἐνταῦθα εἰπεῖν τὸν τοῦ ἤΑρεος φόβον, ὡς δόρατος ἐγκεκαυμένου αὐταῖς εἰς ἐπίσημον. The 
supplement in 1. 31 is due to W-M. 

32. Cf. Schol. B θηλείας ἤγαγον . .. ὅπως τε of ἄρσενες ῥυθμίζοιντο μὴ ἐξοιστροῦσθαι, ἔστι 
γὰρ μάλιστα αἰσθόμενον ἵππος, διά τε τὸ μὴ χρεμετίζειν ἐν τοῖς λόχοις. Something of the same 
sort was no doubt said in the papyrus, but Ἰγουριζονται is an intractable termination. The 
doubtful + may be y, ε, or o. Perhaps, as W—M suggests, μεϊτζεω)ρίζονται should be read. 
At the end of the line he would alter er: to ὅτι, which, however, is hardly necessary. 

33-4. The quotation is from E 222-3. 

37. μελίλωτον W—M. 

38. [ἐξ ἕλους φυόμενον] : cf. Schol. A ἠτυμολόγηκε δὲ διὰ τοῦ ἐλεόθρεπτόν re σέλινον τὸ ἐξ ἕλους 
σευόμενον (1. φυόμενον, for which W-M compares Schol. Nicander, Ther. 597). In the 
following lemma the a of av does not seem to have been cancelled, and the two readings 
αὖ and εὖ were therefore intended to stand side by side as variants. εὖ is the usual lection, 
but αὖ is found in several MSS. 

40. The restoration is due to W—M. 

42-3. Cf. Schol. Did. ὡς ἂν εἰ ἐπὶ πᾶσαν τὴν γῆν νέμοιτο καὶ κατεσθίοι τὸ Tip. The view 
that οἱ δέ means the horses of Achilles (1. 770) is remarkable. Other commentators take 
ll. 780-5 more naturally as referring to the Hellenic host in general; cf. Schol. Did. οἵδ᾽ ἄρ᾽" 
οἵδε δὴ Ἕλληνες, and Eustath. τὸν κατάλογον πληρώσας 6 ποιητής, εἶτα ἱστορήσας ἀνδρῶν καὶ ἵππων 
τοὺς ἀρίστους, ἐπὶ τὴν Ἑλληνικὴν ἔρχεται σύνταξιν κτλ, παραναπεφώνηται apparently means ‘ is 
parenthetical’; I can find no other instance of the word. 

44. ὑπεστενάχιζε: so ΑΒΕ, &c., Eustath.; ὑπεστονάχιζε is a well represented variant. 
The ein the papyrus is coarsely written, but the letter is sufficiently clear. 

45. ἱμάσσῃ (AB, &c., edd.) seems more probable than ἱμάσσει], which is found in 
several MSS. and Eustath. 

46-7. These notes do not appear in the extant scholia, nor is there any σημεῖον in 
Ven. A or apparently P. Hawara at ]. 782. Cf. however, Schol. A on ¥ 603 ὅτι χωόμενος 
νῦν ἀντὶ τοῦ χολούμενος, ᾧ 519, ¥ 385, &c., Apollon. Lex. χωόμενος χολούμενος κτλ. 

47-8. Cf. Schol. A “ Τυφωέι γαῖαν ἱμάσσῃ᾽ ἀπ’ εὐθείας τῆς Τυφωεύς. ta is an error, and 
the accusative Τυφωέα is unexpected when the dative and genitive stand in the Homeric 
text. But the Hawara papyrus has [Τ]υῴωεα in |]. 782, and perhaps that variant is reflected 
here also. 

49-51. Our commentator evidently interpreted εὐνάς in the same sense as Schol. B 
εὐφήμως δὲ τὸν τάφον εὐνὰς ἐκάλεσεν. The location of Arima in Pisidia-is new; Schol. B and 
Eustath. place it in Cilicia, others in Mysia, Lydia, or Syria. For the reference to Etna 
and Pindar cf. Eustath. ὁ δὲ (sc. ὁ Ζεὺς) κεραυνώσας τὸν Τυφῶνα τὴν Σικελικὴν Αἴτνην. . . αὐτῷ 
ἐπέθηκεν. οἷδε τὰ μυθικὰ ταῦτα καὶ Πίνδαρος. The quotation κείνῳ... ἀμφίκειται is also found 
in Strabo, p. 627 (= Pindar, Fr. 92). ὧν refers to νεώτεροι : it is unnecessary to write ὡς. 
The two short strokes after 4 in 1. 50 were apparently added for the purpose of filling up 
the line.- At the beginning of this line the letters ry seem to have been divided from a on 
account of a flaw in the papyrus. 

54-5. ‘The diplé marks the absence of the preposition διά. πρόθεσις was recognized 
by W-M. There is no diplé nor accompanying note in Ven. A, but the diplé is found 
here in the Hawara papyrus. 

56. Either adeyewn or τὴν. . . επιφερουσαν needs alteration. 

58-60. This note referring the mission of Iris to the time of ‘the dream’ = (B 1 sqq.) 


seems to be quite novel. L. 58 needs correction, for the second or is plainly superfluous, 
and avre must be meant for αὐτή or αὑτή. 

60-1. So Schol. Did. ἱσταμένη" στᾶσα. 

61. An obelus, which on the analogy of the succeeding verses is expected before 
εἰισατο, has been omitted. The papyrus supports the better tradition in reading δέ and not 
yap (Eustath, and a number of MSS.). ὑεῖ is an Attic spelling. 

62. Αἰσυιήταο: so the Hawara papyrus; Αἰσυήταο is the accepted form. 

γέροντος : ἄνακτος 20 (second cent.) and one or two mediaeval MSS. The final σ is 
really more like an e. 

Line 794 δέγμενος ὁππότε ναῦφιν ἀφορμηθεῖεν ᾿Αχαιοί has been omitted, possibly by 
a mere oversight; cf. 1. 92. But it is noticeable that this verse only of 791-5 is obelized 
in P. Hawara, and the omission here may be taken to indicate that the line was absent 
from the text of Aristarchus. It is found accompanied by an additional verse in 
P. Hibeh 19 (¢). 

σφιν: so 20 (which no doubt also had μετέφη later in the verse), the ninth-century 
MS. in the library of Victor Emmanuel at Rome, and one or two later copies, including 
Harl. 1771, which also agrees in the reading Πηρείῃ (cf. note on ll. 26-7). 

63. μετέφη : so the Hawara papyrus, v. 1. Al, B and many other MSS. 

63-73. ‘ Aristarchus athetizes these lines on the ground, first, that when Iris is sent by 
Zeus she is never made to resemble some one else, but always appears in her own person. 
Secondly, her pretence is unconvincing ; for if Iris is brought in merely for the purpose of 
announcing their approach, Polites could easily have done this; if, however, it is in order 
to make the Trojans go out when they were afraid to do so, then let Iris speak as the 
messenger of Zeus. It is also clear that, when Homer makes one person resemble another, 
he also puts in their mouth the appropriate language. Now the commencement is not like 
Polites, but goes beyond him. He says “ Old man, interminable words are ever pleasant 
to thee”. If Iris is the speaker, this is appropriate, but if the son is addressing his father, 
it is inappropriate; for he ought to say, “My father.” And “interminable words are 
pleasant” (that is, continuous, for to determine is to separate) is also unlike Polites 
addressing his father (for he should speak with deference) but is more like Iris.’ 

The adverse criticism of Aristarchus on ll. 791-5 was already known from Schol. A, 
where the same objections are put rather more concisely. ἀπὸ τούτου ἕως τοῦ τῷ μιν ἐεισαμένη 
ἀθετοῦνται στίχοι πέντε. εἰ yap ἕνεκα τοῦ mpoayyetAat ὅτι παραγίνονται οἱ Ἕλληνες, ἤρκει 6 Πολίτης, 
εἴπερ ὅλως ἐπετήρει. εἰ δὲ ἕνεκα τοῦ προτρέψασθαι μὴ τολμῶντας προελθεῖν, ἔδει αὐτοπρόσωπον παρεῖ- 
ναι. ἔθος τέ ἐστι τοῖς μεταμορφουμένοις θεοῖς κατὰ τὴν ἄφοδον ἀπολιπεῖν τεκμήριον εἰς ἐπίγνωσιν. οἵ 
τε λόγοι οὐχ οὕτως εἰσὶν ἐσχηματισμένοι τοῦ ΠΠολίτου ὡς πρὸς πατέρα, ἀλλ᾽ εἰσὶν ἐπιτεταμένοι καὶ 
ἐπιπληκτικοί. καὶ τὸ Ἕκτορ, σοὶ δὲ μάλιστ᾽ ἐπιτέλλομαι Πολίτῃ ἀνοίκειον' μᾶλλον δὲ Ἴριδι ἁρμόζει 
ἐπιτάσσειν. It is to be observed that the words ἔθος τέ ἐστι. . . ἐπίγνωσιν, which do not 
support the argument of Aristarchus, but rather the opposite view, have no counterpart in 
the papyrus. The concluding sentence καὶ τὸ Ἕκτορ xrA. corresponds to ll. 84 544. below. 

ἀπόκρισις in |, 65 is inapposite, since the speech of Iris is not an ‘answer ”, and 
W-M’s emendation ὑπόκρισις is clearly an improvement. 

71-2. Cf. e.g. Schol. B ἄκριτοι δὲ of ἀναρίθμητοι, Schol. Did. ἄκριτοι" ddudxptrot, πολλοί. 
A similar idea was probably intended to be conveyed by ἀχώριστοι; cf. Apollon. Lex. 
ἀκριτόμυθε ἄκριτα καὶ ἀδιάστατα λαλῶν. The letters of φιλοι are faint, and it might be supposed 
that they had been partially erased; this, however, would imply that ἄκριτοι was taken for 
a predicate, ‘ words are inseparable from you,’ which is not a likely interpretation. In the 


latter part οὔ]. 72 some emendation is necessary, and perhaps ἀκουόντως .. . ἔοικεν Should be 
rejected, as W-M would prefer. 

43. ὥς τέ ποτ᾽ : so the Hawara papyrus; ὥς ποτ᾽ ἐπ᾿ most MSS. 20 has an unmetrical 
combination of the two readings, ws re ποτ en. [ws τε ποΐτε eepnvy in P. Hibeh το is likely to 
be a corruption of [ws τε more ειρηνης. 

ἀνέκκλιτος : SO Schol. Did. ; ἀνέγκλιστος (576) Apollon. Lex. 

44. The reference is to A 349, A 80. 

15. 7 p(ev) δή : the ordinary view of Homeric editors (e.g. Ludwich, Allen) that the 
reading of Aristarchus in this passage was ἤδη μέν, is supported by a partially effaced note in 
the Hawara papyrus beginning ΑἸρ{στα]ρχ(ος) ἢ δὴ μεν (so probably, as in several MSS., not 
ήδη). It may nevertheless be questioned whether the passage in Schol. A relating to the 
Aristarchean reading has been correctly interpreted. This is given in Dindorf’s edition as 
follows: ἦ μὲν 54° οὕτως ai ᾿Αριστάρχου, ἤδη μέν, καὶ ἐν τοῖς πρὸς Κώμανον ὁμοίως προφέρεται, καὶ 
μήποτε παραπλήσιόν ἐστι τῷ “ ἤδη καὶ Φρυγίην εἰσήλυθον ἀμπελόεσσαν᾽ (Τ' 184). But μέν after ἤδη 
is not in the original text, but an editorial insertion; and the combination ἤδη καί seems 
confirmed by the comparison of Γ 184, which with Dindorf’s reading loses its point. 
I venture to suggest that the note should stand unaltered either in the form 4 μὲν δή" οὕτως 
ai’ Aptordpyou, ἤδη καί. ἐν τοῖς πρὸς Κι. ὁμοίως προφέρεται, καὶ μήποτε παραπλήσιόν ἐστι τῷ ἤδη καὶ κτλ. ; 
or 7 μὲν δή" οὕτως ai ᾿Αριστάρχου. ἤδη καί ἐν τοῖς κτλ. If this is right, there will be a conflict 
between Schol. A and the Hawara papyrus. A possible explanation is that the copyist of 
the former transposed μεν and δη in the lemma owing to an inadvertence. But it should be 
observed that the note in the papyrus is incomplete; it was continued in a second line, 
which may have modified in some way the statement of the first. 

ἦ μὲν δή is also found in the text of the Hawara papyrus as well as in AB and the 
majority of MSS., Hdn., Eustath.; ἤδη μέν is superscribed in A and is otherwise well 
supported. In Schol. A ἡ μὲν δὴ was written. 

75-7. The commentator’s opinion is directly opposed to that of Leaf, who thinks (note 
ad loc.) that ‘1. 798 is rather suited to a human warrior than to a goddess’. 

79. πότε γὰρ) [ide λα]όϊν was suggested by W-M. I have been much inclined to 
assign the first of the unplaced fragments to this position, reading πότε y(ap) εἶδε ταῦτα, but 
the difficulty then is, without assuming some corruption, to find a suitable combination with 
what follows. To add ἢ λαὸν ὃς ἄξιος would make the line too long. 

80. A synonym of οἰκεῖον apparently followed od, though the sense would be complete 
without further addition. 

81-2. The supplements only aim at giving the general sense, which is evident. 

83. mepi: so MSS. (including 20), with the exception of the late Ambrosianus 
E 35, which gives mpori, a reading also inserted asa ν.]. in A, with the note μαχησόμενοι 
προτὶ ἄστυ" οὕτως προτὶ ἄστυ, ov περὶ ἄστυ, iva Gow ἐρχόμενοι πρὸς τὴν πόλιν. ὁμοίως καὶ Zyvddoros 
καὶ ᾿Αριστοφάνης γράφουσιν. Aristarchus is not here directly named, but analogy strongly 
supports the usual inference that mpori was his reading. 

τὸ σημεῖον κτλ. : the supplement is derived from 1. 55; cf. Eustath. τὸ δὲ ἔρχονται πεδίοιο, 
ἀντὶ τοῦ διὰ τῆς πεδιάδος, καὶ ἔστιν ὅμοιον τῷ διέπρησσον πεδίοιο, and Schol. Did. πεδίοιο" διὰ τοῦ 
πεδίου. A diplé is inserted against the verse in A as well as in the Hawara papyrus, but 
there is no corresponding note. 

84. ὧδε dé: so most MSS.; wv. ll. ὧδέ ye, ὧδέ τι. 

86-7. τοῦτο... π[ρ]ᾶξαι seems to be a paraphrase of ὧδε δὲ ῥέξαι, and the word 
preceding πρᾶξαι. should then be a verb meaning ‘I command’, but neither κελεύω nor 
ἀξιῶ is suitable, and a future would be out of place. The remains suggest 0, not fa, and 
plé]éa πρᾶξαι is therefore improbable. λέγει in 1. 86 may be followed by any round letter. 



Line 802 in A has a diplé prefixed with the note ὅτι περισσεύει ὁ δέ σύνδεσμος ; there is 
also a diplé in P. Hawara. 

88. The obvious [é]vexey is very dubious, but I can find nothing more appropriate ; 
there may be no loss before the traces of the supposed first ν. 

ἠθέτησε: OF HOerqo bla, not ἠθέτηκϊε. 

89. The lost note probably referred to πολυσπερέων; cf. Schol. Did. πολυσπερέων" ἐπὶ 
πολλὰ μέρη τῆς γῆς διεόπαρμένων, πολυγενῶν ἢ πολυεθνῶν. 

90. ὧν ἄρχει : cf. Schol. Did. οἷσί περ ἄρχει" ἀντὶ τοῦ ὧν ἄρχει. 

92. The lemma τῶν . .. πολιήτας has dropped out. Cf. Schol. Did. τῶν’ τούτων. ἐξηγεί- 
σθω" ἀφηγείσθω. - κοσμησάμενος" διατάξας. πολιήτας" πολίτας. 

93-4. ἕτερον μ(ὲν) γ(ὰρ) and ἔπος οἷον were restored by W—M. A has a diplé against 
1. 807 (so too P. Hawara) with the accompanying scholium ὅτι τοῦτό ἐστι τὸ πλανῆσαν τὸν τὰ 
ἐπάνω διασκευάσαντα (i.e. a misunderstanding of ἠγνοίησεν led to the interpolation of ll. 791-5). 
οὐ κεῖται δὲ συνήθως ἡμῖν τὸ ἠγνοίησεν, GAN ἀντὶ τοῦ οὐκ ἀπίθησεν. : 

95-7. The supplements at the ends of Il. 95-6 are those proposed by W-M. ὃ καὶ 
μᾶλλον in 1. 95 is a much compressed phrase, but it is hardly necessary to suppose an 
omission. διὰ τό must have been preceded by some word meaning ‘ he recognized her’ or 
‘she was recognized’, e.g. ἐξ ἀρχῆς ἔγνω (W—M) or ἐξεφάνη, but neither of these will fit the 
vestiges. ἀγνοεῖσθαι = ἀφροντίζεσθαι, and δῆλον is of course to be supplied from the pre- 
ceding sentence. The vulgar spelling πάλε is found in late prose (e. g. that of Philodemus ; 
cf. Cronert, Mem. Gr. Hercul. p. 140) and in papyri of the Roman age (e.g. B. G. U. 
423. 3, 1). 

97. For the diplé cf. 1. 54, &c.; but the decipherment is uncertain and the vestige before 
the lacuna would also be consistent with a π᾿. The diplé is also found in Ven. A and 
P, Hawara. 

98. π[ληθυντικῶς εἴρηκεν was suggested by W-M; cf. Schol. A ὅτι ἔμφασιν ἔχει πολλῶν 
πυλῶν, pia δέ €or καὶ ἔστι τὸ πᾶσαι ἀντὶ τοῦ ὅλαι, and the similar remark on the parallel 
passage © 58 ὅτι pia ἐστὶ πύλη, καὶ πληθυντικῶς εἶπε πύλαι. Eustathius attributes this note to 
Herodorus and Apion. 

99-100. The restorations, which are due to W—M, are made exempli gratia. For that 
of l. 100 cf. Apollon. Lex. κολωνὸς πᾶν ἀνάστημα τῆς γῆς" ἔστι δέ τις κτλ. aly] d[vdorqua is 
consistent with the vestiges, but they are extremely slight. ‘The remark that the present 
tense in ]. 811 proves the poet to have been an eyewitness of what he describes is remark- 
able, though not cogent, for the description might depend on hearsay evidence; it would 
have been more exact to say ‘a contemporary’. 

101. The quotation is from Y 41. 

103-4. Cf. e.g. Schol. A Mupwa δὲ ᾿Αμαζόνος ὄνομα, Strabo, p. 573 Μυρίνης ἣν ἱστοροῦσι 
μίαν εἶναι τῶν ᾿Αμαζόνων, Eustath. Μύριννα κεῖται καὶ παρὰ Λυκόφρονι, λεγομένη παρά τινων Τεύκρου 
θυγάτηρ, γυνὴ Δαρδάνου. 

105. σἰκαρθμὸς κτλ. is adopted from Schol. A πολυσκάρθμοιο' πολυκινήτου.... σκαρθμὸς γὰρ 
ἡ τῶν ποδῶν κίνησις. Cf. Apollon. Lex. s.v. ἐύσκαρθμοι, ἐπὶ δὲ τοῦ πολυσκάρθμοιο Μυρρίνης τῆς 
πολυσκαρίστου ἢ πολυκινήτου. ᾿ 

106. It seems likely, as W-M suggests, that ὅπου was followed by an example, 
e.g. A 610. 

το. Restored by W—M. There is no σημεῖον nor corresponding note in A, though at 
Y τό, the verse cited for comparison in the next line, the remark is made Τρωσίν' ἀντὶ τοῦ 
Τρώων. πτωτικὸν τὸ σχῆμα" ταῖς δοτικαῖς yap ἀντὶ γενικῶν χρῶνται of ποιηταί. Ῥ, Hawara similarly 
lacks the σημεῖον, 

109-14. Schol. A has κορυθαίολος" ὁ αἰόλλων τὴν περικεφαλαίαν, 6 ἐστι κινῶν, διὰ τὰς ἐν τῷ 


πολέμῳ συνεχεῖς καὶ σφοδρὰς ἐνεργείας. ἢ ὁ αἰόλον καὶ ποικίλην ἔχων τὴν περικεφαλαίαν. ἢ ὁ εὐκίνητος ἐν 
τοῖς πολέμοις. The third of these explanations is more akin than the first to the second 
interpretation in the papyrus,—where the restoration of course makes no pretence to 
exactness. Eustath. is nearer: κορυθ. δηλοῖ... τὸν ἔχοντα αἰόλην κόρυθα, ἤγουν ποικίλην περι- 
κεφαλαίαν.. .. ἢ τὸν εὐκίνητον ἐν πολέμοις παρὰ τὸ αἰόλον τὸ ταχύ, . . . ἵνα εἴη κορυθαιόλος ὁ αἴόλος εἰς 
μάχην μετὰ ὅπλων, 

111. ἔνθα ἴδον κτλ. is from Γ' 185. ‘ 

112-13. Iadopt the supplement of W-M. The meaning clearly is that the two lines of 
Alcaeus, which are not elsewhere extant, combined the alternative explanations of κορυ- 
θαίολος given above. χρυσοπάσταν €XPTeSSeS τὸ ποικίλον τῆς περικεφαλαίας, and the second 
verse, as ἔλαφρα indicates, was more or less equivalent to ὀξέως καὶ εὐκινήτως κλ. W-M 
proposes πίαίζει after ἔλαφρα. 

114-16. Line 810 is marked with a diplé in Ven. A, with the not very illuminating note 
ὅτι τῶν Δαρδάνων ἦρχεν Αἰνείας καὶ αὐτὸς dv Δάρδανος" πρὸς τὸ τὸν δ᾽ ἔκτανε Δάρδανος ἀνήρ (Β 701), 
The papyrus is more explicit; cf. Eustath. καὶ dpa ὅτι διαφορὰν οἶδε Δαρδάνων καὶ Τρώων. 
διέσταζλγκεν is an easier emendation than διέστζησγεν. In P. Hawara the diplé is absent at 
1, 819; at ]. 820 the papyrus is defective, 

The rest of the scholium relates to the construction of IL 819 sqq.: ‘The sequence 
is...’ It is noticeable that there is no further remark on |. 820 ; A has a diplé and the 
note ὅτι περισσεύει ἡ ind. The supplement at the end of |. 116 is substantially that 
of W-M. 

117. For ὑπώρειαν (W—M) cf. Schol. B ὑπαὶ πόδα' ἔμπροσθεν τοῦ ποδός, ἣν ἡμεῖς ὑπώρειαν 
καλοῦμεν, and Plutarch, De Vit. Hom. ii. 20 ‘ ὑπαὶ πόδα νείατον Ἴδης᾽, τὴν ὑπώρειαν. 
119. This variant ᾿Ανδείροιο for Αἰσήποιο is not otherwise recorded. ‘Cf. Demetrius ap. 
Strabo, p. 602 συμπίπτει δ᾽ εἰς αὐτὸν 6”Avdipos ἀπὸ τῆς Kapnonvas .. . παρακειμένης τῇ Δαρδανικῇ 
μέχρι τῶν περὶ Ζέλειαν καὶ Πιτύειαν τόπων. At the beginning of the line ἐν ἄλλ[ο]ις would 
be a possible reading, but the vestiges are too slight for any confidence. 

110-21, A diplé is prefixed to ]. 827 in A (so too P. Hawara), the note being ὅτι οὐ τὸ 
τόξον λέγει, ἀλλὰ τὴν τοξικὴν ἐμπειρίαν" τὸ γοῦν τόξον αὐτῷ 6 κεραοξόος κατασκευάζει (A 110), 
Schol. B is more elaborate: Πορφυρίου. τόξον ᾿Απόλλων αὐτὸς ἔδωκεν" τοῦτο μάχεσθαι δοκεῖ τῷ 
“αὐτίκ᾽ ἐσύλα τόξον... ν᾽ (Δ 105). δηλοῖ γὰρ ἐκεῖ Πάνδαρον ἑαυτῷ πεποιηκέναι τὸ τόξον. λύοιτο δ᾽ 
ἂν καὶ λέξει καὶ ἔθει, λέξει μὲν οὕτως, τὸ yap “ᾧ καὶ τόξον αὐτὸς ἔδωκεν᾽ δύναται ἐπὶ τὴν τοξικὴν 
μεταφέρεσθαι, ἔθει δέ, ὅτι εἰθίσμεθα οὐχ ἕν ἔχειν ὅπλον, καὶ μάλιστα οἱ περί τινα τέχνην ἐσπουδακότες. 
A similar interpretation was evidently given in the papyrus, though the precise wording is 
uncertain. There is no trace of writing between } and vonreov, and it is therefore in- 
admissible to restore τὸ on|pciolv [ὅτι] νοητέον ; the rather wide’ space after [...]» may be 
partly due to the junction of two selides here. To read ἔδω[κε]ῖν would make 1, 119 
abnormally short. The long blank interval in 1. 121 indicates that the sentence was 
complete at that point. ἢ 

Fr. 1. See note on ]. 79. 


1087. SCHOLIA ON Jad vii. 

24:3X17-1 cm. Late first century B.c. Plate IV. 

The following text belongs like 1086 to an elaborate Homeric commentary, 
but one of a rather different order. 1086 is a product of the school of Aristar- 
chus, and is a more or less direct exposition of his teaching. 1087 on the other 
hand shows but the slightest traces of the Aristarchean tradition, which is 
perhaps to be recognized in no more than a single passage (Il. 85-6, note). No 
references occur to the σημεῖα ; and it is significant that one of the citations from 
Homer contains a reading of Aristophanes and Zenodotus (Il. 32-3). Another 
feature of these scholia, which in 1086 is much less conspicuous, is a tendency to 
learned disquisition. A long note, which might have been most interesting, on 
the subject of burial is unfortunately mutilated beyond recovery; but a large 
part of the two more or less complete columns is occupied by a list of ‘ parony- 
mous ’ words, illustrated by citations and references, and it is to the presence of 
this list that the papyrus owes its importance. Not only does the writer adduce 
several forms for which there is no other testimony, but he commonly supports 
his instances by stating where they were to be found, and thereby adds to the 
fragments of a number of Greek authors. Quotations for which the papyrus is 
the sole authority are given from Pindar, Euripides Temenus and Aegeus, 
Aeschylus Phineus, Sophocles Phineus I, Cratinus Malthaci, Archilochus, 
Xenophanes S7//z, Antimachus Thebais, ‘ Leandrius’ (cf. note on ll. 44-5), Eupolis, 
Stesichorus Ovesteia, Alcaeus, Hesiod and the Hesiodic Κήυκος Γάμος, Leucon 
Phrateres, and Ananius. 

The παρώνυμα or derivative words here discussed are forms of the second 
declension having a nominative which is the same as the genitive of a cognate 
form belonging to the third declension, e.g. χρυσάορος χρυσαόρου, which is parallel 
with χρυσάωρ xpvodopos. Treatises on παρώνυμα by Tryphon, Habron, and 
Apollonius Dyscolus are mentioned by Suidas, 5. v. ᾿Απολλώνιος ᾿Αλεξανδρεύς, and 
are cited by Stephanus of Byzantium, s.vv. ᾿Αγάθη, ἀγυιά, ᾿Ιβηρίαι, Σχοινοῦς. 
Several of the examples found in these excerpts appear also in the papyrus (ef. 
notes on Il, 23, 37-8), and from some similar theoretical treatise our anonymous 
author presumably drew his information. It is, however, doubtful whether any 
of the three grammarians named was his actual source. Tryphon, who flourished 
in the latter half of the first century B.C. (Suidas, s.v.), might perhaps have been 
utilized if the composition of these scholia were very little anterior to the date 
of the papyrus. But Tryphon may well have had his predecessors in this 


particular field. Coincidences in the examples of παρώνυμα do not occur in 
connexion with him, and even if they did they would not really count for much. 
There was no doubt a good deal of repetition in grammatical works of the type 
under consideration, and the instances and quotations would tend to become to 
some extent stereotyped. 

The rather short columns, which lean over considerably to the right, are 
written in a clear and neat semi-cursive of medium size. Archaic characteristics 
are less marked than in 1086, but the present papyrus is probably not much 
posterior. τ and π especially are formed on an early pattern, and though some of 
the letters, e.g. ν, would be consistent with a later date, they do not demand it. 
There are several points of similarity in this script to that of P. Brit. Mus. 1 33 
(Plate III in Classical Texts from the British Museum), which Kenyon attributes 
to the second century B.c. There too a p approximating to the form found here 
is employed. On the whole I do not think that 1087 is subsequent to the reign 
of Augustus, and I should be inclined to place it before rather than after the 
turn of the century. Besides marginal paragraphi, both high and medial stops 
are used, but without any clear differentiation of value, and it is not always easy 
to be sure which position was intended. At the end of a note double dots 
commonly appear, as in 856. Accents are added in some of the words quoted 
in the long grammatical note, and occasionally elsewhere. Abbreviation is much 
less frequent than in 1086; o¥(rws), φη(σί), and ἀν(τὶ τοῦ) are the only shortened 
forms occurring. Lemmata, when they commence a line, project by about two 
letters into the left margin ; if they occur within a line, then the line following is 
made to project. 


Col. i. 
J. ++ [ σον... ereg . « pol.] . φαιπαν 
].-[. . . ἡΠεικοσηνκαιπαληλαχεινδι 

jun . [. . Ἱνετιδαπολυσεσθαιτουγω. 
].. oof. . «Ἱνσί.]ν . αἀσωσελενοσαυτωι 
5 reve. [.. .| mpoporeppevat.avte 
Ἰσωσκᾳΐ. . μηδεπρομοσιστασοτου 
Ἰε:εκτί. . . «]ωι-αἴεμοι-συΐ.Ἰεχεσγαρ 
Ἰχημαί.1. (Jerol-JOnt- uni. . Ἰχησθε 

|: ἐσεμφαί. Ἰεινεξονομῖ. . .]. ποιο .. 
10 1: ἐινπεριαυτωνλεγων. αλλουκαν 
᾿ς Ἰτεξουρανοθενπεδιον δεζηνυπί .1 
Ἱμηστωρί.]. καιοαπολλωνδεπιθα 
Ἰνδιασαφεικαιεαυτον θαρσεινυν 
15 Ἰοιαοσσητηρακρονιωνεξιδησ 
20 Ἰμμι-τωιτεξυμωνπροελεύσομε 





25 7ιζήνοιο.χρυσαοροσιενθενχρυ 

Ἱμενωι-τομέλητοσου ὃ ej 
30 Ἰατηγορησασιτοτανυπτερυ 







Col. i. 
ΞΟ 1... -Joor[.].. τεσ... ραΪ.] . σαι παν 
ΕΣ ].-[--..] εἰκὸς ἦν καὶ πάλῃ λαχεῖν δι- 

[- - «μη. [... .]ν ἔτι δ᾽ ἀπολύσεσθαι τοῦ yo. 
[- . 0.7... οσί. ..|v of. ας ὡς “Ελενος αὐτῷ 
[ἐπέ]τειλε.. [.. . πρόμος ἔμμεναι: ἀντί- 
ἱπαλο]ς, ὡς Kali τὸ] μηδὲ πρόμος ἵστασο τού- 
[τῳ.] “Extiopt δίῳ’ ἀν(τὶ τοῦ) ἐμοί: συϊν]εχὲς γὰρ 
[- --. σχῆμα [.]. [{Ἰεπο[.Ἰθη[.ν ὑπίερο]χῆς θε- 
ἐν +s). ἐς ἐμφαίν]ειν ἐξ ὀνόμζατο]ς ποιο.. 
ἐν ν ἦν uy περὶ αὐτῶν λέγων: ἀλλ᾽ οὐκ ἂν 
[ἐρύσαι]τ᾽ ἐξ οὐρανόθεν πεδίον δὲ Ζῆν᾽, ὕπ[α]- 
[τον] μήστωρα 1: καὶ ὁ ᾿ἀπόλλων δὲ πιθα- 
[vals εἰς ῥῶσιν τοῦ “Exropos καὶ τὴν ὑπερ- 
[βολὴ]ν sid ak καὶ ἑαυτόν: θάρσει viv: 
[τοῖόν τῆοι ἀοσσητῆρα Κρονίων ἐξ ”Idns 
προέηκε παρεστάμεναι καὶ ἀμύνειν, 
[Φοίβ)ον ᾿ἀπόλλωνα. αὐτέπαινος δ᾽ ἑαυ- 
[τὸν δῖον καλῶν: πλὴν ὅμοιος τοῖς 
[γε πλ]είστοις ἐκ σκηνῆς στρατιώταις. 
[Ζεὺς δ᾽ ἄμμι: τῷ τ᾽ ἐξ ὑμῶν προελευσομέ- 
[v@] καὶ ἐμοί. ἐπὶ μάρτυρος ἔστω’ τὸ 
[ὅλον ἐπ]έστω. τὸ δὲ μάρτυρος παρώνυμον 
[TH γ)ενικῇ τοῦ πρωτοτύπου συμ- 
[πέϊπτωκεν, ὡς τὸ Τροίζηνος, ἔνθεν 
[Τρο]ιζήνοιο, χρυσάορος, ἔνθεν χρυ- 
[ἰσαό]ραις εἴρηκε Πίνδαρος, τὸ Χάροπος, 
[EvOew τὸ Χαρόποιό 7 ἄνακτος, τὸ Χά- 
[AvBos,] ἔνθεν Χαλύβοις εἶπεν Εὐριπίδης 
[ἐν Τημένῳ, τὸ Μέλητος, oi(rws) δ᾽ ἐλέγετο ὁ Σω- 
[xpdrous κ]ατηγορήσας, τὸ τανυπτέρυ- 
γος, ἔνθ]εν Σιμωνίδης ὠκεῖα γὰρ οὐδὲ τα- 
ἱνυπτερύ]γου μυίας, τὸ διάκτορος, ἀφ᾽ οὗ ‘Ep- 
[μείαν] πέμψαντε διάκτορον, τὸ ἅρπαγος, 




Col. ii. 
ενθ].Ἱν επί.Ἰηθυνεναισχί Ἰλοσενφινει 
35 αρπαγοιχί.Ἰροιν'καισοφοκλησενφινειᾶ 
ιβηροσ.τοτραΐ. .] - - ὠὡνοσπάρακρα 
παραρχιλοχωι. .ιτολαοσαφουφΐἾσιμωνι 
40 δησ.ξυλακαιλάουσεπιβαλλων.τοερυ 
κοσπαραξεν Ἰφανειενεσιλλων.τοαῖ 
45 θηκελεανδριοσκαωνον.τοριψασπι 
50 τουπαριδοσιτοαπατωροσενθενεντῶι 
55 δμί. Ἰοναλλουκοικετην'τοτρωοσπα 
pou. "Ἰωιτευκρουδετρωοσ-τοσωληνοσ 
al. “Ἰατικηνειρηκενευριπιδησεναι 
60 γειαγῖ. . Ἰναθλησαντα καιτοἴκτινοϊ ἢ 
deve. [.. .] ταναηκεϊχαλκωιτετὰ 
ὡσαιτωλί [.Ἰοξυθηκτωιωσλοκροι:δὸ 
65 μενοσ:ὀφραπυροσμε-πυριγαρεκαι 






Col. ii. 
ἔνθ εἰν ἐπ[λ]ήθυνεν Αἰσχ[ύϊλος ἐν Φινεῖ 
ἅρπαγοι x[elpoiv, καὶ Σοφοκλῆς ἐν Φινεῖ a’ 
χερσὶν ἁρπάγοις, τὸ πολυπίδακος, τὸ 

Ἴβηρος, τὸ τρα[γοπ]ώγωνος παρὰ Κρα- 

τίνῳ ἐν Μαλθακοῖς, τὸ ἄτμενος 

map ᾿ἀρχιλόχῳ, τὸ Ados, ἀφ᾽ οὗ φη(σι) Σιμωνί. 

ons ξύλα καὶ λάους ἐπιβάλλων, τὸ "Ερυ- 
Kos παρὰ Ἐεν[οἸφάνει ἐν ε΄ Siddov, τὸ “At- 
δος, ἔνθεν τὴν αἰτιατικὴν τέθηκεν 
Αντίμαχος ἐν α΄ Θηβαΐδος "άιδον δέ, 

τὸ Κάωνος, ἔνθεν τὴν αἰτιατικὴν τέ- 

θηκε Λεάνδριος Κάωνον, τὸ ῥιψάστι.- 

dos ἀφ᾽ οὗ φη(σιν)ὴ Εὔπολις ῥιψάσπιδόν τε χεῖ- 

pa τὴν Κλεωνύμου, τὸ λιθακός, ἔνθεν 

φη(σὴ Σ᾽ τησίχορος ἐν ᾿Ορεστείας β΄ λιθακοῖς, 
τὸ Κόρυθος, γέγονε δ᾽ οὗτος υἱὸς ᾿Αλεξάνδρου 
τοῦ Πάριδος, τὸ ἀπάτωρος, ἔνθεν ἐν τῷ 
Κήιν[κ]ος γάμῳ εἴρηται τὸ ἀπάτωροι, τὸ 
κόκκυγος, ἡ δὲ λέξις παρ᾽ ᾿Αλκαίῳ, τὸ 

δμῶος παρ᾽ ‘Hoiddw, δμῶος ἔχων μα- 

κέλην, καὶ παρὰ Λεύκωνι ἐν Φράτερσι, 
δμ[ῶ]ον ἀλλ᾽ οὐκ οἰκέτην, τὸ Τρῶος πα- 

p ἩἩσι[όδηῳ, Τεύκρου δὲ Τρῶος, τὸ σωλῆνος 
πία]ρ᾽ Avavio.. ἔσθ᾽ ὅτε δὲ καὶ ἀλλασσομέ- 
vou τοῦ τόνου, ὡς τὸ ἄγωνος, ἔνθεν τὴν 
α[ἰτ]ιατικὴν εἴρηκεν Εὐριπίδης ἐν Αἱ. 

γεῖ ἀγ[ωνοὶν ἀθλήσαντα, καὶ τὸ ἴκτινοϊς] 

δ᾽ ἐνίκ[ησε.) ταναήκεϊ χαλκῷ: τετα- 

μένην ἔχοντι τὴν ἀκμήν. Μῆνις δὲ ἢ ὀξεῖ 


ὡς Αἰτωλ[ο]ὶ [ἢ] ὀξυθήκτῳ ὡς Λοκροί. δό- 

pevalt] πάλιν: ἀποδότω ὁ πρὸς ἐμὲ μαχό- 

μενος. ὄφρα πυρός per πυρὶ γὰρ ἐκαί- 

ετο πάντα τὰ σώματα εἰς τὸ μὴ νεκρῶν 





Col. iii. 
[ τουτοί 
σί 86 ὠσφῆκί 
A τα λαχεινΐ 
yo ὃ φρων δὶ 
σι μεμφεὶ 
αἱ ποικιλί 
τροΐ go εἰδεκεγί 
πτοῖ μοιευχοσαπί 
15 νοΐ εἶ 
εινΐ : ἜΡΡΕΙ 
τιδὶ Gay . [ 
Toy 95 paxgoal 
αντί ποτινηον-ουσῖὶ 
80 μητρί voo-ovdevi| 
φρυξι.[ παρεπομενΐ 
οιδενΐ δεβαρυτονΐ 

1-5. This note, which apparently refers to ]. 74, is difficult to reconstruct from the 
damaged remains. The extant scholia do not help. 

2. πάλῃ is not satisfactory, apart from the fact that the omission of iota subscript is 
unusual in this papyrus. τὸ dy could be read, but not wada: nor mado. 

3. απολυεσθαι cannot be read. At the end of the line rovyw, not rovrw, seems to 
be clear. 

4. Ἰνσΐ : the doubtful σ᾿ can be any round letter. |v . av may be ἴησασ (-noas?), and the 
following ὡσ is very uncertain. 

5. The supposed point after the second lacuna may be the tip of a letter. ἀντίπαλος is 
hardly the natural synonym for πρόμος, which is usually explained as equivalent to πρόμαχος, 
e.g. in Schol. A and Apollon. Zex.; moreover a supplement of five letters would be better 
than one of four. But there is no room for a suitable word if dvri[ read, and 
that phrase would be likely to have been abbreviated, as in 1. 7. It may be noticed that 
Eustathius uses the word ἀντίπαλος in his discussion of the passage (p. 666), τὸ δὲ τὸν ἀντίπαλον 
ἀριστέα πεσεῖν θεῖόν τι νομίζει. 

7. Cf. Schol. A ὅτι ἐδίως ὡς περὶ ἑτέρου. ε 

8. επο[ι]ειτ does not seem admissible, and {π|επο[εἼθη is hardly adapted to the context. 
For ὑπ[ερο]χήν cf. Schol. B δῖον ἑαυτὸν κατ᾽ ἐξοχὴν ἐκάλεσεν. 

g-10. The name of Zeus is expected somewhere in these two lines. 

10-12. © 21-2; “Ζῆν᾽ ὕπατον᾽ is similarly quoted in illustration in Schol. B. The 


Col. iii. 
σί Big) OS PA OU) abe ate niga sere λελάχωσι θανόν- 80 
λί Ta: λαχεῖν [ποιήσωσιν .. ........... Δυκό- 
f° ἃ boar δ 
σι μέμφεϊται 
al ; ποικίλ[λει 
T pol go εἰ δέ K ἐγζ[ὼ τὸν EAM... .- «νος δώῃ δέ 8ι 
πτοΐ μοι εὖχος ᾿Απί[όλλων 
75 νοΐ εἶ 
εἰν Ξ.} 
τιδῖ δαν.Ϊ 
των 95 μάχαις af........2+4.. Καὶ κρεμόω 83 
ἀντί ποτὶ νηόν: ov of 50 letters 
8ο μητρί WOS SOG. GPL [ores s ἐξ eters a cee ἐν TOS 
Φρυξὶ. παρεπομένζοις στίχοις. τὸ κρεμόω 
οἱ δὲ rf δὲ βαρυτον[ητέον. 
δ: τοὺς | 

supplement [ἐρύσαιἾτ᾽ is slightly long and perhaps the initial letter stood in 1. το. The sup- 
posed point in ], 12 may be a vestige of the a of μηστωρα. 

13. Wilamowitz suggests «i]s ἐπίρωσιν, but this is hardly consistent with the remains, 
ὑπερ[βολή]ν (W—M) suits the lacuna rather better than ὑπερ[οχή]ν. 

14-17. The quotation is from O 254-6. 

17-18. Cf. Schol. A καὶ ὅτι ἀκαίρως δῖον ἑαυτὸν ὁ Ἕκτωρ. 

21-2. The separation of ἐπί from μάρτυρος is indicated by ], 22, and so Cramer, 
Anecd. Par. iii, 135. 15 μάρτυροι: μάρτυρες, Ἰακῶς δὲ μάρτυροι: Ζεὺς δ᾽ ἅμα (sic) ἐπὶ μάρτυρος 
ἔστω. W-M proposed τὸ [πλῆρες ἐπ]έστω, but πλῆρες would overload the lacuna, while πλῆ(ρες) 
would not quite fill it. 

23. The vestiges do not at least suggest Jem, but γ]ενικῇ, as W—M remarks, seems 
indispensable here. Cf. Steph. Byz., s.v. Ἰβηρίαι : ἀπὸ τῆς γενικῆς Ἴβηρος εὐθεῖα, ὡς τῆς φύλακοφ 
ὁ φύλακος. ᾿Απολλώνιος ἐν τοῖς παρωνύμοις φησίν" ἀπὸ γενικῶν εὐθεῖαι παράγονται, τῶν μὲν ὑπὲρ δύο 
συλλαβὰς ὁμοίως τῇ εὐθείᾳ κατὰ τὸν τόνον προπαροξυνόμεναι, καὶ ἢ ἐν ἁπλῷ σχήματι ἢ ἐν συνθέτῳ, 
ἁπλοῦν μὲν οὖν μάρτυρ μάρτυρος ὁ μάρτυρος, Χάροψ Χάροπος ὁ Χάροπος “ Χαρόποιό τ᾽ ἄνακτος ᾿ (ef, 
ll. 26-7), Τροίζην Τροίζηνος ὁ Τροίζηνος “ υἱὸς Τροιζήνοιο᾽ (cf. ll. 24-5), Ἴβηρ Ἴβηρος ὁ Ἴβηρος 
(cf. 1. 37). 

25. [Τρο]ιζήνοιο : B 847. 

25-6. χρυσαόραις is not found in the extant works of Pindar, who uses the form χρυσάωρ 
in Pyth. v. 104 and Fr. 139. xpvodopos occurs e.g. in Homer, E 509, Ο 256. 

27. Χαρόποιό τ᾽ ἄνακτος : B 672. 


28-9. Χάλυβος is known as a Euripidean form ae Alc. 980 and Fr. 472. 6, but this 
citation from the Zémenus is new. 

31-2 =Simonides, Fr. 32. 

32-3. a 38. The scholia state that Aristophanes and Zenodotus here read πέμψαντε, 
and Buttmann was no doubt right in his inference that they also read διάκτορον, which is 
found in Vat. Ottob. 308 and Vind. 307. πέμψαντες ἐύσκοπον other MSS. and edd. 

33-6. The form ἅρπαγος was known only from Schol. Dorv. Aristoph. Plut, 800 and 
Arcadius, p. 102. 9, whence Dindorf describes it in Stephanus Zhes. as a forma recentioris 
Graecismz. Only one certain citation of the Phzmeus of Aeschylus (Fr. 258) and one of the 
first Phineus of Sophocles (Fr. 641) were previously known. 

36. πολυπίδακος is a well-supported variant in Homer, = 307, and elsewhere; it is also 
read e.g. inthe 27. 7 Ven. 54 and is found in Hesychius. 

37-8. Cf. Steph. Byz., s.v. ᾿Ιβηρίαι : Ἴβηρ Ἴβηρος ὁ Ἴβηρος" ἀφ᾽ οὗ παρὰ Kovadpare ἐν 
Ῥωμαικῆς χιλιάδος ε' ἐστὶν ᾿Ιβήροισιν οὕτως" καί τοι Λίγυσί θ᾽ ἅμα καὶ ᾿Ιβήροισι πολεμέοντες. τὸ αὐτὸ 
καὶ ἌΔβρων ἐν παρωνύμοις φησί. καὶ αὐτὸς Ἴβηρος τραγοπώγων ἐν Μαλθακοῖς εἴρηται Κρατίνου (= Fr. 
tor, Kock). If the papyrus is to be trusted, there must be an error here, and τραγοπώγων 
should be emended to τραγοπώγωνος ; αὐτός also has occasioned difficulty. It is true that the 
form τραγοπώγωνος is not otherwise attested, and not a little remarkable that Ἴβηρος and 
τραγοπώγωνος Should have occurred in actual juxta-position. But to attribute the confusion 
to the papyrus and bring it into conformity with the text of Stephanus by some such 
alteration as τὸ Ἴβηρος, (ὡς) τὸ (Ἴβηρος) τραγοπώγων παρὰ Κρατίνῳ is hardly justifiable. Perhaps, 
however, a καί has dropped out after Ἴβηρος. τρα[γοπ]ώγωνος would be a very uncertain 
reading apart from the passage of Stephanus, [yom being rather cramped and the vestiges 
of some of the other letters exiguous ; but as it is, little doubt remains. 

38-9. The form ἄτμενος is found in Heysch., Eustathius, Od. p. 1750. 62, and 
Ammonius, 5. 2. 64s, who says that it means οὐ μόνον ὁ δοῦλος, ἀλλὰ καὶ ὁ ὑποτεταμένος ἐλεύθερος, 
That the word occurred in Archilochus was unknown. Was he the source of the anony- 
mous citation in Hesychius ἄτμενον οἶτον ? 

39-40. Ados has hitherto rested on the support of Soph. O. C. 195 én’ ἄκρου Adov, on which 
the Schol. in L remarks ἀπὸ τῆς Ados ἐστὶ παροξυνομένης εὐθείας, γενομένης ἀπὸ γενικῆς τῆς λᾶος. 
(Ὅμηρος aos) ὑπὸ ῥιπῆς. οὕτως Ἡρωδιανὸς ἐν τῷ ε΄ τῆς καθόλου. Jebb follows Dindorf and 
Wecklein in substituting λᾶος for λάου, and hazards the guess that ‘ Herodian had perhaps 
no warrant besides this passage (of Sophocles)’, Grammarians had better information than 
what is commonly credited to them. The traditional Adov should in future be allowed 
to stand. W-M notes that the word is probably to be also recognized in Hesiod Fr. 115. 3 
λεκτοὺς ἐκ γαίης λάους (λαούς Et. Gud. Et. Angel., ἀλέους Strabo vii. p. 322, ἁλέας Rzach with 
Villebrun ; cf. Cramer, Anecd. Ox. i. 264. 27 Ἡσίοδος δὲ mapa τὸ ἁλὲς τὸ σημαῖνον τὸ ἀθροῦν, 
adads, λαὸς ἀφαιρέσει τοῦ a). 

40-1. Ἔρυκος is not a known form for "Ερυξ, but the first letter is most probably ε and | 
the occurrence of the name in the works of Xenophanes is eminently natural. ‘The present 
is the first reference to separate books of the Sz//, the attribution of which to Xenophanes 
by Strabo (p. 643) and others has occasioned much discussion. A careful review of the 
evidence is given by C. Wachsmuth in his Szlographi Graect. He arrives at the sensible 
conclusion that the δ. of Xenophanes were a poem or series of poems in hexameters 
wherein various philosophers and poets were attacked; and that they were so called by 
grammarians on account of their similarity to the S7/’ of Timon. Only one line is quoted 
expressly from the work (Schol. Aristoph. Zguzt. 406), but eleven other in are 
assigned to it by Diels, Poet, Phil. Fragmenta, pp. 39-41. 

41-3. Αιδος : this is another new form. 


44-5. Κάων, gen. Κάωνος, is cited by Theognostus in Cramer, Anecd. Oxon. ii. ps 39, 
and Κάωνος is found without explanation in Suidas. Who this Leandrius may be is 
uncertain. C, Keil has shown good reason (Vindiciae onomat., 1843) for correcting Λέανδρος 
or Λεάνδριος in a number of passages, e.g. Diog. Laert. i. 1. 28, to Μαιάνδριος, i.e. the 
Milesian historian whose name is guaranteed by C. I. G. 2905. 8; and Meineke goes 
a step further by reading Μαιάνδριος in Steph. Byz., s. v. Ὕδη, for the Λέανδρος or Néavdpos 
of the MSS. The best evidence for a writer called Leandrius is this papyrus, which 
very possibly has fallen into a common error, though its early date entitles it to some 

45-7- ῥιψάσπιδος occurs only here. Cf. Aristoph. Wud. 353 Κλεώνυμον αὗται τὸν 
ῥίψασπιν χθὲς ἰδοῦσαι and the Schol. τοῦτον ὡς δειλὸν καὶ ἐπὶ τῆς παρατάξεως ῥίψαντα τὴν ἀσπίδα οἵ 
τε ἄλλοι κωμῳδοὶ διαβάλλουσι πάντες καὶ ἐν τοῖς Σφηξὶν ὁ αὐτός. 

47-8. λιθακός is included in a list of words in -akos by Arcadius, p. 51. 7. Bekker’s 
Anecd. ii. p. 783 (= Bergk, Fr. 31) is the only other express citation of the second book of 
the Oresteza. 

5O-I. ἀπάτωρος is not otherwise attested. It is noticeable that the name of Hesiod 
does not accompany the Κήυκος γάμος, regarding the authenticity of which doubts were 
entertained in antiquity; cf. Athen. ii. P. 49 Ὁ Ἡσίοδος ἐν τῷ Κήυκος yapo—kav γὰρ γραμμα- 
τικῶν παῖδες ἀποξενῶσι τοῦ ποιητοῦ τὰ ἔπη ταῦτα, ἀλλ᾽ ἐμοὶ δοκεῖ ἀρχαῖα εἶναι--- τρίποδας τὰς τραπέζας 
φησί, and on the other side Plutarch, JZor. 730 ἔ καθάπερ οὖν τὸ πῦρ τὴν ὕλην ἐξ ἧς ἀνήφθη, 
μητέρα καὶ πατέρ᾽ οὖσαν, ἤσθιεν, ὡς 6 τὸν Κήυκος γάμον εἰς τὰ Ἡσιόδου παρεμβαλὼν εἴρηκεν. The 
poem is also cited as Hesiod’s in Schol. Apollon. Rhod. i, 1289; six fragments are 
attributed to it by Rzach. 

52. κόκκυγος, which I owe to W-M, is another unknown form. There is little doubt 
of the correctness of the reading. 

53. Hesiod, Erga 470. Whether the word should be accented duaos Or Suwds was not 
agreed ; cf. Choerob. in Bekker, Anecd. Pp. 1181 ὥσπερ ὁ Τρώς τοῦ Tpwds καὶ 6 Τρῶος, ὁ δμώς 
τοῦ δμῶος" δμῶος ἔχων μακέλην, and Etym. Magn. p. 770. 35 ἔστι Τρώς Tpwds καὶ Suds dyads 
χωρὶς τοῦ ι, καὶ μετάγεται ἡ γενικὴ εἰς εὐθεῖαν καὶ γίνεται Τρωός καὶ ὃμωός χωρὶς τοῦ ι. 

55- The papyrus makes a small addition to the three existing fragments of Leucon 
(Kock, i. p. 704). The ®pdrepes were produced on the same occasion as the Peace of 

55-6. For the form Tpéos cf. the note on 1. 53. It must of course be a nominative 
and is apparently equivalent to Τρώς, the mythical king of Troy, as in Malalas iv. Tros 
was the great grandson of Teucer. Τεύκρου δὲ Τρῶος does not occur in the extant remains 
of Hesiod; but the name of the author, though quite suitable, is by no means certain. 

56-7. σωλῆνος is otherwise unexampled. The scanty remnants of the Iambographer 
Ananius are mostly derived from Athenaeus. 

58-60. ἄγωνος is given by Hesychius as an Aeolic form; cf. Phot. Zex. ἄγωνος κατὰ 
σχηματισμὸν ἀντὶ τοῦ ὁ ἀγών' ἀπὸ δὲ γενικῆς ἐσχηματίσθη" οὕτως ᾿Αλκαῖος ὁ λυρικὸς πολλάκις 
ἐχρήσατο (Fr. 120, Bergk). The quotation from the Aegeus is new. 

60-1. If ἐνίκ[ησε], which was suggested by W-M, is right, it would be equivalent to 
ἐξενίκησε, ‘has come into vogue. ‘This is very suitable, since ikrwos is a common form : 
and the use of the simple verb, though unusual in this sense, seems quite possible. 
δ᾽ &e... is less likely. 

With regard to the accent, Theognost. 67. 17 and Etym, Magn. 470. 35 agree with 
the papyrus, while Herodian, ag. Eustath. Pp. 1825. 12, writes ἰκτῖνος, which is commonly 

61-2. Cf. Schol. Did. ἐπιμήκει καὶ τεταμένην ἔχοντι, τουτέστιν ἠκονημένην, τὴν ἀκμήν, and 


Apollon. Lex. s.v. tavinxes, Gre μὲν τὸ ξίφος... συνθέτως λέγει τὸ τεταμένην ἔχον τὴν ἀκήν, 
τουτέστι τὴν axunv. Menis is an otherwise unknown commentator. 

64. A stop is likely to have disappeared after παλιν. 

65 sqq. The loss of this long note concerning burial is very unfortunate. Schol. A 
merely remarks ὅτι καθόλου διὰ πυρὸς οἶδε γινομένας τὰς ταφάς. 

73-5. These three lines project slightly into the margin, though not so much as the 
Homeric lemmata. Perhaps the indentation was unintentional; or these lines may be 
a quotation from some other source. 

86-9. Cf. Schol. A AcAdywou ὅτι ἀντὶ τοῦ λαχεῖν ποιήσωσιν. ἀναδιπλασιασμὸς λελάχωσι. 
Λυκόφρων and ποικίλίλει are restored by W-M, who suggests that something like ἡ δὲ 
dvabimhaots| ποικίλλει τὴν ποίησιν Stood in Il. 88-9. The letter following φρὼν may well be 
a, 0, Or ὦ instead of ὃ. 

go-1. Verse 81 seems to have been divided into two lemmata, separated by a very 
short comment; or the scribe might be supposed to have made a mistake and to have 
written several letters which he had to delete. Unless some such hypothesis is adopted 
]. go will be about ten letters shorter than those of Cols. i-ii, which there is no reason to 
suppose and Il. 85-6 tend to disprove. 

96-9. mori: so most MSS. and Eustath.; apori edd. with Vind. 117 and a 
Breslau MS. For τὸ κρεμόω, which was restored by W-M, cf. Eustath. ad loc. τὸ δὲ κρεμόω 
πλεονασμὸν ἔχει τοῦ ο τῆς παραληγούσης, εἴληπται δὲ ἀντὶ μέλλοντος τοῦ κρεμάσω. 


23:2 X41 cm. Early first century. 

The following series of medical receipts is written on the verso of 1086 in 
a cursive hand probably dating from the earlier part of the first century. Three 
columns are nearly entire, and there are traces of a fourth, but practically 
nothing of it remains. Col. i is preceded by a blank space considerably wider 
than the margins between the columns and therefore was presumably the 
commencement, the roll which contained the Homeric scholia having been 
subdivided before these prescriptions came to be inserted in it. They are 
a miscellaneous collection, including local applications for wounds and sores, 
leprosy, flow of blood, polypus, and to induce sneezing, and potions for quartan 
fever, liver-complaints, dropsy, insomnia, and convulsions (Ὁ). Papyri of this class 
are not infrequent ; cf. e.g. 284, P. Tebt. 273, P. Rylands 29-29 (4), Berl. Klas- 
stker texte, iii. pp. 32-3. The writer, who was rather inaccurate, shows anoticeable 
fondness for ἡ instead of εἰ before another vowel; he also has a curious datival 
form in 1. 32. 


Τὸ μήλινον κολλ(ύριον) πρὸς ῥεῦμα 

καὶ ἑλκώματα καὶ πληγὰς 

καὶ αἱμάλωπας: 







καδμήας (Spaxpai) δ, ψιμιθίου (paypal) η, 
ἀμύλου (δραχμαὶ) ὃ, λίθον σχι(στοῦ) πεπλ(υμένου) (δραχμὴ) a, 
κρόκου (δραχμὴ) a, ὀπίου (τριώβολον), κὀμμε(ως) (δραχμαὶ) ὃ, 
ἀρεστὴι πρὸς λεπτὰ ῥεύματα 
καὶ ἑλκώματα" 
ἀμύλον (δραχμαὶ η, στίμεως (δραχμαὶ β, 
ὀπίου (τριώβολον), λεπίδος (τριώβολον), 
ψιμιθίου (δραχμαὶ B, κόμμε(ως) (δραχμαὶ β, 
λεπρική: {a}kavOapid(wv) (δραχμὴ) a, ἄμι, 
εὐζώμου σπέρμαί(τοΞ), παραιθου, 
μελανθίου, σινάπε(ως), καρδάμου, 
πίσσης ὑγρᾶς. χρῶι τοῖς 
ἴσχαιμον: χαλκίτιδει λήᾳ χρῶι 
καὶ εὐθέως ἐπιστήσει. 
αἷμα ἀπὸ μυκτήρων στῆσαι" μάνναν 
φύρασον χυλῶι πράσωι καὶ ἐνάλιψον 

τὸν χυλὸν ἐνδόθεν. 

Col. ii. 
πταρνικόν: ἐλλεβόρου λευκοῦ 
προσφατώτερον τρίψας éudioa{s} 
εἷς τοὺς μυκτῆρας, ἢ στρουθήωι 
ὡσαύτως ἢ καστορήῳ ὡσαύτως. 
πρὸς ὀξαίνας' ἀρσενικὸν τρῖψον 
λῆον, ὕπτιον κατακλίνας τὸν ἄν- 
θρωπον θεράπευε, ἢ ἑλλεβόρωι 
μέλανι ὡσαύτως χρῆσον. 
πρὸς πυλύπους τοὺς ἐμ μυκτήρεσ- 
σιν γεινομένους" ἀφροῦ νίτρου ὀπτοῦ (τριώβολον), 
κυμίνου (δραχμή), ἴρεως (δραχμή) τρείψας ἐμφύσ(ησνον 
εἰς τοὺς μυκτῆρας, ἐὰν δὲ ξηρότεροι 



ὦσι cukniov τὸν φλοιὸν ξηρὸν τρίψας 
λῆον ἐμφύσα. 
πρὸς τοὺς τεταρταίους" ὀποῦ σιλφήου (ὀβολός), 
Cudbpyn(s) (ὀβολός). ἄλλο ψώμισίμα) κωνήο(υ) (δραχμαὶ) γ, ὑοσκυάμο(υ) 
(Spaxpat) γ, 
40 ὀπίου (δραχμαὴ B, καστορήου (δραχμὴ) a, ἑλλεβόρου μέ(λανος) (δραχμὴ) a, 
λῆα ποιήσας καὶ χωρὶς ἕκαστον ἀναπλά- 
σας μεθ’ ὕδατος κολλύρια πόει ἡλίκον 
Αἰγύπί(τιον) κύαμον, εἶταίν) ἐν τῆι σκιᾷ ξηρά- 
vas ταῦτα νήστηι δίδου πεῖν τρίψας ἐν γλυ- 
45 κέωι ἱμικοτυλίωι, προλούσας πρὸ τῆς λήμ- 
Weo(s) ὁρῶν β καὶ φακὸν πρὸς τοὺς πόδας 
προτιθείς, καὶ σκεπάζειν ἱματίοις. 
Col. iii. 
πότημα πρὸς ἡπί[α]τικΙ οἹύς" 
ἀκόρου (δραχμή), πανάκους (ὀβολός), νάρδου (ὀβολός), 
50 davcov{s} (δραχμαὶ B). Bpaldéws 
πινέτωι μετὰ γλυκέως 7 μέλιτοϊς. 
ἄλλο: πανάκους (δραχμαὴ B, ἀκαρους (δραχμαὴ β, 
SavKkov{s} (δραχμή), νάρδου (ὀβολός) μετὰ 
γλυκέως καὶ μέλιτος καὶ 
55 στροβίλων k(ex)[plapévav δὸς πεῖν. 
ἄλλο ἐνεργὲς ἱκανῶς- κιννάμο(υ) Ϊ. ., 
ἐμύρνης (δραχμαὴ 1, νάρδου (δραχμαὴ ς, σε(σδ)λείως 
Αἰθιοπικοῦ (δραχμαὶ) s+ per φίω}οῦ λεάϊνας 
χωρὶς ἕκα[σ]τον καὶ κενταυρεῖϊου 
60 XVAGL ἀναπλάσαϊς)] ἡλίκον Ailyin(riov) 
κυάμου δίδου πεῖν ἐν μελικρ[ά- 
τωι θερμῶι. 
πότημα ὑδρωπικῶν: ὀρεοσύσὶ ελίνο(υ). [., 
μυρσίνη(ς) (Spaxpat) ἡ, καρύων πικρῶ(ν) (δραχμαὴ 6, 
65 δαύκου σπέρμαί(τος) (δραχμαὴ) ς. 

ὑπνωτικὸν πότημα" ὑοσκ[υάμου . ., 


ἀννήσου (δραχμὴ) a, ὀπίου (τριώβολον): μείξας δός. 
κατασπασμικός" αβρυᾳνου (δραχμὴ) a, A... 

(ῃστός). ΐ 
Be Mahone: ς ) evr) ϑραχμαν Be | 
4. ψιμυθιο Pap. and so passim. 22. |. πράσον. 24. 1. πταρμικόν, 31. ]. χρῆσαι. 
32. 1. πολύπους. 34. ε Of τρειψας and o of εμῴφυσον corr. from a. 39. ψωμισ(μα) 
added above the line. 43. « of oxa corr. from εὐ 44. 1, γλυκέως, 45. 1. ἡμικοτυλίωι. 
46. 1]. ὡρῶν. 52. 1." ἀκόρου. 61, 1. κύαμον. 

1-67. ‘The yellow salve for discharges, wounds, bruises, and weals; calamine 4 dr., 
white lead 8 dr., fine meal 4 dr., purified schist 1 dr., saffron 1 dr., opium 3 ob., gum 4 dr., 

A good remedy for small discharges and wounds: fine meal 8 dr., antimony 2 dr., 
opium 3 ob., flake of copper 3 ob., white lead 2 dr., gum 2 dr., water. 

For leprosy: cantharides 1 dr., ammi, rocket-seed, . . ., nigella, mustard, cress, raw 
᾿ pitch. Apply locally, 

Styptic: use pounded rock-alum, and it will stop (the blood) at once. 

To stop nose-bleeding : mix ‘frankincense with onion-juice and apply the juice inside. 

To cause sneezing : pound fresh some white hellebore and blow it into the nostrils, or 
use soap-wort or castor in the same way. 

For sores in the nose: rub yellow orpiment smooth, then lay the man on his back and 
treat him, or use black hellebore in the same way. 

For polypus growing in the nostrils: baked soda 3 ob., cummin 1 dr., orris-root 1 dr, ; 
tub them and blow into the nostrils, Ifthe sore is rather dry, rub smooth some dry bark of 
fig and blow in. 

For quartan fever: juice of silphium 1 ob., myrrh 1 ob. Another dose : hemlock 3-dr., 
henbane 3 dr., opium 2 dr., castor 1 dr., black hellebore .x dr. ; pound and work them up 
separately with water and make pastilles of the size of an Egyptian bean, then dry in the 
shade and give them to the patient to drink fasting, rubbing them in half a cotyle of raisin 
wine, having previously given him a bath two hours before taking ; apply a warm bottle to 
the feet, and cover him up with blankets. 

Draught for liver-patients: sweet flag 1 dr., opopanax 1 ob., spikenard 1 ob., parsnip 
2 dr. ; to be drunk slowly with raisin wine or honey, 

Another receipt: opopanax 2 dr., sweet flag 2 dr., parsnip 1 dr., spikenard 1 ob. ; 
give to drink with raisin wine and honey and pine-cones mixed. 

Another, tolerably strong: cinnamon ..., myrrh 1o dr., spikenard 6 dr,, Aethiopian 
seseli 6 dr. ; rub smooth separately with egg and work up with juice of centaury, and give 
a dose of the size of an Egyptian bean in warm honey and water. 

Draught for dropsy-patients ; mountain-parsley .,., myrtle 8 dr., bitter almonds 4 dr. 
seed of parsnip 6 dr. 

Soporific; henbane , . ., anise x dr., opium 4 ob.; mix and administer,’ 

I. μήλιναι ἔμπλαστροι are dealt with in Galen, xiii, pp. 503 sqq., where a number of pre- 
scriptions are given, He says καλεῖν δ᾽ ἔθος ἐστὶ τοῖς ἰατροῖς ἁπλῶς μὲν χλωρὰς καὶ μηλίνας καὶ 
κιρράς, ὅσαι κολλῶσί τε τὰ μὴ πάνυ μεγάλα τραύματα καὶ ἕλκη συνουλοῦσιν, At the end of the line 
perhaps ῥεύμα(ταν) should be read. 

5. For λίθος σχιστός cf. Galen, xii. p. 196. 7, Diosc. v. 144, It is said by the latter to 



come from Western Iberia, and πληρυῖ δὲ καὶ κοιλώματα... καὶ πρὸς pnges ... λίαν ἐνεργεῖ. 
πλύνεσθαι is used of λίθοι e. g. in Galen, xiii. p. 407. 

8. dpeor){c} is very doubtful, but I can find no other reading that yids any sense. 
The letters are more like ἀρσυηι or aperm:. τ is comparable to the supposed τ of ro(__) in 
1. 69; 7 has a taller first stroke than usual, like that of a ¢ or ψ, but neither of those letters 
seems admissible. apoem is unsuitable, nor would such a distinction be likely. 

14. For xavOapid(v) cf. Galen, xii. p. 363 ἐμίξαμεν δὲ (sc. τὰς κανθ.) καὶ ταῖς πρὸς ψώρας καὶ 
λέπρας ἁρμοζούσαις δυνάμεσι, and Diosc. Ἑὐπορ. i. 128. The initial a was probably added 
owing to some confusion with ἄκανθα. 

15. mapat6ov is fairly clear, but is nota known word. Was πυρέθρου meant? Dioscorides 
says that it πρὸς ἐψυγμένα δὲ ἢ παρειμένα μέρη τοῦ σώματος ἄκρως ἁρμόζει (iii. 79). 

16. For μελανθίου here cf. e. g. Galen, xii. p. 70 οὐδ᾽ ὅτι Aémpas . . . ἐκβάλλει θαυμαστόν ἐστι, 
for owdre(ws), Diosc. ii, 183 σὺν ὄξει δὲ πρὸς λέπρας, and for καρδάμου ib. 184 ἀποσμήχει λέπρας. 

19. χαλκίτιδει : cf. e.g. Galen, xil. p. 241 μεμιγμένας ἔχει τήν τε στυπτικὴν καὶ δριμεῖαν δύναμιν. 
It is a common remedy of modern barbers. 

21-3. Cf. Diosce. ii. p. 178 αἷμα 6 χυλὸς αὐτοῦ (sc. τοῦ πράσου) ἵστησι σὺν ὄξει, καὶ μάλιστα 
τὸ ἐκ μυκτήρων φερόμενον, μάννης ἢ λιβανωτοῦ μιγέντος. A number of other receipts are given in 
Galen, xiv. pp. 337-9, 416-18. 

24. Cf. Diosc. iv. 148 πταρμούς τε ἐρεθίζει (se. ἑλλέβ. λευκ. ) and Εὐπορ. i. 3: 

i Diose. ii. 102 Says of στρουθίον, κινεῖ δὲ καὶ πταρμούς, and of καστύριον, ἔστι δὲ καὶ 

28-37. Remedies for ὄζαιναι and πόλυποι are specified e.g. by Diosc. Εὐπορ. i. 159, 160, 
and Galen, xiv. 336-7, 416-17. ἀρσενικόν is prescribed by the latter, p. 337; white hellebore 
and ἀφρόνιτρον, pp. 416, 417. At the end of ]. 28 a horizontal stroke might be interpreted 
as the sign for 1 obol, but the amount seems immaterial here, and a rather smaller dash at 
the end of the next line clearly has no such meaning. 

32. μυκτήρεσσιν: the use of the Aeolic dative is remarkable; cf. C. P. R. 242. to 

36. συκηιου might be for συκ(ε)ίου, but that word is only used in the sense of a decoction 
of figs. Possibly σικύου is meant. 

38 5464. In aprescription of Harpalus for quartan fever in Galen, xiv. p. 167, σμύρνα and 
καστόριον are included ; other remedies are given ib. pp. 524, 561, Diosc. Εὐπορ. ii. 21. 

39. Ψψώμισ(μα), which has been inserted here, is used by Galen, xii. p. 1004, in 
connexion with the feeding of infants. 

43. The Egyptian bean was a common. measure of magnitude; cf. e.g. Galen, xiv.” 
Pe 462 χαλκοῦ κεκαυμένου ὅσον κυάμου Aiy. Its equivalent weight is given ib. xix. p. 780 as 
Ig ob. 

44. νήστηι: cf. Moeris, p. 270 νῆστις ᾿Αττικοί, νήστης Ἕλληνες and e.g. Apollon. A7zs/. 
Mirab. 51 ὅτε νήστης ὑπῆρχεν, Berl. Klasstkertexie, iii. p. 31. 2. 1, where read νήστης χρῶ. 
The termination of γλυκέωι (for -ws) was probably affected by that of ἡμικοτυλίωι ; cf. 1. 22. 
-éws for -éos is frequently found in later Greek ; cf. Lobeck, Phrynichus, Ρ- 247. 

46. φακόν : cf. e. δ. Hippocr. Περὶ γυν. μέσ: ii. p. 571 Kiihn, αὐτοῖς τοῖς ῥάκεσι θερμαίνων, 
καὶ τοῖς φακοῖς τοῖς ὀστρακίνοις τὸ ὕδωρ ἐγχέων ζεστόν. They were so called on account of their 

48. If ἡπ[αἸτικ[ούς i is right, the letters rs, the remains of which are scanty, were rather 
widely spaced. πρὸς ἡπατικούς OCCUTS as a heading i in Galen, xiv. p. 454, and it appears to 
suit the character of the prescriptions of Il. 49-62. Cf. ib. PP- 374-5, ΧΙ. pp. 198 sqq., 
Diosc. Εὐπορ. ii. 58-9. 

τ 55+ kpapevev seems to have been written for κεκραμένων : there would barely be room for 


k{ai] even if ἀμενων were a word. For στροβίλων cf. Diosc. i. 88 στρόβιλοι 8€ . . . μετὰ γλυκέος 
ἢ σικύου σπέρματος πινόμενοι . . . ἀμβλυντικοὶ τῶν περὶ κύστιν Kai νεφροὺς δριμυτήτων. 
᾿ 57-8. The letter before the lacuna may be ε, but since σέλινον Αἰθιοπικόν is apparently 
not a known variety, it seems likely that there was another lipography here and that σέσελι 
Αἰθιοπικόν (Diosc. iii. 54) was meant. At the end of the line λευκοῦ is not impossible, but 
the remains of the last letter before the lacuna suit a rather better than v. 

63. Various πότιμα πρὸς ὑδρωπικούς are given in Galen, xiii. p. 205, xiv. 462, Xv. 912, 
Diosc. Εὐπορ. ii. 63-5 ; ἀφέψημα ῥιζῶν σελίνων and μυρσίνης φύλλα are mentioned by the latter. 

68. κατασπασμικός does not occur, but this word seems more intelligible than κατασπασ- 
τικός, and the letter before « suggests » rather than τ. aSpvavov is perhaps meant for ἀβροτόνου, 
which according to Diose. iii. 26 βοηθεῖ σπάσμασιν, infer alia. For the marginal note of 
approbation, written as usual in the form of a monogram, cf. 1087. 43; it was repeated in 
the margin of the lost fourth column. 

69. The letters after ov might be read z[:Jkov. τοί ) is possibly υδ(. 1), i. 6. ἐν ὕδ(ατι), 

25 X 14-1 cm. Third century. 

The recto of this papyrus contains a fragment, too much mutilated to be 
worth reproduction, of a second-century land-survey. On the verso are remains 
of three columns, written in upright uncials, which may be assigned with 
probability to the third century. The hand is sufficiently well formed, though 
marked by no great regularity ; towards the ends of the lines there is a rather 
‘strong tendency to compression and reduction in the size of the letters. No 
stops occur nor other lection signs beyond the diaeresis. In one or two places 
marks of doubtful significance are inserted in the margin (Il. 26, 32). 

Of Cols. i and iii only a few disconnected letters have survived, but the 
intermediate column, though also much damaged, is in its upper portion in fair 
preservation. It belongs to a narrative of certain events in which the principal 
actors are, on the one hand Flaccus, on the other Isidorus and Dionysius. The 
identity of the first two of these is immediately evident. Flaccus is no doubt 
the praefect L. Avillius Flaccus, the subject of Philo’s diatribe ; and Isidorus 
must be the well-known Alexandrian gymnasiarch, one of the instigators of 
Flaccus in his oppression of the Jews, subsequently his accuser, and eventually, 
as the papyri have proved, himself a victim. Dionysius also may now be 
recognized in a hitherto obscure passage of the Adversus Flaccum. Philo 
describes the abettors and tools of Flaccus as Διονύσιοι, δημοκόποι, Λάμπωνες, 
γραμματοκύφωτες, ᾿Ισίδωροι, στασιάρχαι, φιλοπράγμονες, κακῶν εὑρεταί, ταραξιπόλιδες 

I 2 


(Mangey, ii. p. 520). Mangey here proposed to read Διονυσιοκόλακες, with an 
allusion to the Sicilian tyrant, on the very insufficient ground that, while 
Lampon and Isidorus were familiar names, the history of the period had no 
record of an Alexandrian Dionysius. This criticism, which the structure of 
Philo’s sentence is itself enough to condemn, is finally disposed of by the appear- 
ance of a Dionysius in the company of Isidorus and Flaccus. He, too, was 
obviously a prominent figure in local politics, and may be presumed to have 
been associated with Lampon and Isidorus in the anti-Semitic movement. 
Unfortunately the situation disclosed by the papyrus is not very clear, and 
our knowledge, which for the most part depends upon Philo, is too limited 
to throw much light upon it. According to Philo’s account Isidorus, after having 
been in close relations with Flaccus, became estranged on finding himself less 
influential than he had imagined. He therefore endeavoured to stir up odium 
against the praefect, and by means of bribery brought about a demonstration 
against him at the Gymnasium. Some of the demonstrators were arrested and 
confessed that they were agents of Isidorus, who thereupon found safety in 
flight (Adv. Flaccum, pp. 537-8). No doubt he disappeared from the scene 
until the fall of Flaccus, which was not long delayed, enabled him to return. 
The episode described in the papyrus therefore belongs to the period prior to 
the exposure of Isidorus. Flaccus is represented as going to the Serapeum, i.e. 
the famous Alexandrian temple, having previously given certain secret instruc- 
tions. Isidorus accompanied by Dionysius and a woman named Aphrodisia, 
who is not otherwise known, thei enter and are accosted by a certain γεραιός, 
who prostrates himself before Isidorus and begs him not to insist on making his 
way into the presence of Flaccus (μὴ βιάζου πρὸς τὸν] Φλίάϊκκον, ll. 27-38). 
Dionysius declines to be deterred (ll. 38-42). Flaccus, who seems meanwhile to 
have been in concealment, thereupon approaches and engages with Isidorus in 
a conversation which the mutilated condition of the papyrus renders obscure 
(ll. 42 sqq.), but towards the end (ll. 56-9) relates to the payment of a sum of 
five talents. It would appear from the narrative that Dionysius was supposed 
to be in danger (cf. ll. 48-9), and that Flaccus was setting a trap for him or 
Isidorus or both of them. But who then is the γεραιός and what is the meaning 
of his intervention? His own reference in 1. 36 to the γέροντες strongly suggests 
that the term yepaids here, as occasionally elsewhere (e.g. Dittenberger, 
Or. Gr. Inscr. 751.1), has the technical meaning of ‘ elder’; and the body of 
elders to which this γεραιός belonged was presumably the council which at this 
period presided over the Jews of Alexandria, and of which Flaccus, as Philo 
relates, had thirty-eight members publicly scourged (Adv. Flaccum, pp. 527-8). 
If the γεραιός was a Jewish elder, the emphasis laid by him on his presence 


in the temple of Serapis (Il. 33-4) is readily understood: that was not the place 
where he would be expected to be found. But the part which he here plays 
becomes very surprising. He does not seem to be acting as the tool of Flaccus, 
but to be animated by concern and regard for Dionysius. Is it possible that 
acommon opposition to the praefect brought about a temporary reconciliation 
between the party of Isidorus and the Jews? In subsequently becoming the 
accuser of Flaccus, Isidorus may in a sense be regarded as fighting the battle 
of his former enemies. But the truce, if truce there was, did not last, for it was 
as an anti-Semite that Isidorus was himself sentenced by Claudius. 

There is indeed small chance of success, without further and less ambiguous 
data, in following the tortuous paths of Alexandrian intrigue during this stormy 
time. But the interest with which the policy and fate of Isidorus and his 
fellows were evidently regarded by their compatriots, encourages the hope of 
fresh accessions to the evidence. An account of his trial together with Lampon 
is preserved in the well-known papyrus fragments at Berlin and Cairo of which 
a revised text has recently been published by Wilcken in Adbhandl. d. Phil.-Hist. 
Kl. d. K. Sachs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. xxvii. No. 23. That their memory 
was kept green is clear from the allusion made by another Alexandrian, 
Appianus, when he was himself in a similar position, as reported by 33. The 
present text deals with an earlier stage in Isidorus’ career, and is not necessarily 
connected with the documents concerning his trial and sentence or that of other 
Alexandrian citizens. The relation between those various documents is itself 
still a matter of uncertainty. Deissmann suggested that they belonged to a 
history of Alexandrian anti-Semitism (Zheol. Literaturz. 1898, 602-6), Reinach 
to a chronicle of the vicissitudes of Alexandrian gymnasiarchs (Rev. des Etudes 
jJuives, Xxxvii. p. 224), while others do not regard them as parts of any single 
whole. So much, however, seems agreed, that these ‘heathen acts of Martyrs’ 
(Bauer, Archiv, i. pp. 29-47) were written from the Alexandrian-Greek point 
of view, and it is highly probable that their real motive was hostility to the 
Roman Government rather than to the Jews, The Alexandrians were anti- 
Semitic because the Jews were pro-Roman (cf. Wilcken, Δ c., pp. 786-7 and 825, 
where further references are given). It is natural to refer 1089 to the same class 
of what may be roughly described as ‘nationalist’ literature. Perhaps this is 
even some of the setting in which an account of the ‘martyrdom ’, as recounted 
in the Berlin and Cairo papyri, was embedded. That, however, is quite pro- 
blematical, and a negative answer would leave unprejudiced the view that this 
new Isidorus text represents ideas and interests similar to those of its prede- 
cessors, and that it originated and was current in similar circles. 











Col. sii 

οὖν ὁ Φλάκκίος εἰς τὸ ΣἸαραπεῖον κε- 
λεύσας ἐν κρυπίτῷ ἑτοιμ]άζεσθαι τὸ χρῆμα. 
ἀνέρχεται δὲ κ[αὶ] ὁ ᾿Ισίδωρος σὺν τῇ A- 
φροδισίᾳ Kali] τῷ Διονυσίῳ, ἐντὸς δὲ 

τοῦ νεὼ εἰσελθόντες {de} ὁ ᾿Ισίδωρος 
καὶ ὁ Διονύσιος προσεκύνησαν. καὶ 
τότε ἔριπψεν ἑαυτὸν [ὁ γ)]εραιός, γονυ- 
κλινὴς δ᾽ ἐχ[ὀ]μεν[ο]ς [τ]οῦ 4 Πονυσίου 
λέγων, ἰδού, δίέϊσπ[οτ]α Διονύσιε, ἀν- 
τικρὺ τοῦ Zalpd|mols] ὁ γεραιός" μὴ βι- 
ἄξου πρὸς τὸν Φλ[ά]κκον, ἀλλὰ σὺν 

τοῖς γέρουσιν Ϊ. .θ. .jav. τί σοῦ πορευ- 
θέντος ἡ... €.aTp.. ph. μεν; μετα- 
νόησον, τέκνον A{ijovdate. ὁ δὲ ayrei-. 
πεν, εὐθετῖς [.. ... djé Sedre[plov μὴ 
βούλει ἀρνήσασθαι τὸν Φλάκκον ; εἰ 
δεῖ τῇ νέᾳ σ[ελήνῃ oy αὐτῷ εἶναι, 
εἶμ[ ἐλε[υθ)ερίως. ἐπῆλθεν ὁ Φλάκ- 
kos Kali] {dja[y τὸν ᾿Ισζδίω)ρον εἶπεν, 

τὸ pev... vf... .Jul.]. ἐστίν τις 

λοιπὸν ἡμῶϊν .. . . .1...« EGE. εὐειν 
O ἢ εὖ Ὁ «ὅτ Ὁ Έ ΣῊ Ψ O TpoKa- 
θήμενοϊς . ...... AL]. @ οὖν σὲ τίὸ]ν 

[- ἦν .ον Σαρίαπ΄.. .. .}... ν κακὸν ποι- 
Ἰεῦ) τῶν τὺ Διο]νυσίῳ. ὀμνύ- 
[om ole τ΄. [- «.«...«.«.ἴα.. at ἐμὲ τῷ σῷ. 

[6] δὲ Διονύσιος εἶπεν (9),] μηδέποτε 

Orie ie BE ΓΗ ΜΕ ee λυ» ον 

oes nr cree τς Tov “I}o[é\Swpov οὐδὲ 
[Prdk]kos [.JAof.. ...].[....] τὴν τῆς τη- 

Col. ἡ. 

65 αἱ 

[- «- ἀϊλήθειαν δαϊσἹ .. [.. .1 ὑπὲρ τοῦ ε- 
[...Jos τάλαντα πέντίε. .]. ἐν χρυσῷ 
[. . ἀγριθμῆσαι τα[ῦ]τα [π]Ἰροθέμενοι κα- 

τὰ péloov τοῦ ἱεροῦ. [.. .. σοι ὁ ᾿Ισίδωρος 
60 Ϊ... .]ηθη παρακί. .. .]. . τὸν τόκον 

τ 1) GAM δ. ἘΎ ΕΝ | κατερχέϊ. . -] 

[ 18 letters ]. τὸν ᾿Ισίδ[ω-Ἴ 

ere eee Bites οἱ 




]--[ Ir -[ 

Led . 

| es | 

.μ----ὄ ed τι... ee ὁ 
. Φ . 

co oe 

oO A 
. σι 
ca ° 


26. το added above the line. 24. ἴσιδωρος Pap.: so in ll. 29 and 62. 33. idov 
Pap. 34. 7 Of μη corr. 56. ὕπερ Pap. 59. ἵερου Pap. : 

18-19. These two lines are closer together than they should be. 

26. The supplement suggested is a little long for the lacuna. There is an oblique 
stroke in the left margin against this line. 

27. A mark resembling a circumflex accent over the initial a of ᾿Αφροδισίᾳ seems 

32. €x(dluer[o|s is unsatisfactory, since a finite verb is wanted, and the remains of the 
letter after de suggest p» or ν rather than x. Two short strokes are prefixed to this line ; 
cf. note on 1. 26. 

33. δ[ἐ]σπ[οτῆα is a very doubtful reading; π᾿ and a are quite uncertain, and [or] barely 
fills the space. 


34. Zalpd|mo[s], which was suggested by Wilcken, sufficiently accords with the 
ambiguous traces. 

35. σύν is very insecure, but appears on the whole more suitable than οὖν or οὖς. 

36-7. With the reading adopted, the sense would seem to be ‘What do we gain by 
your going?’, but I cannot identify the principal verb. The termination may be -opey 
or -ayev, hardly -opev, and before this there is probably a φΦ (not Ψ). εἰ may be read in 
place of η after Gevros, but εἰ μὴ ἔλαττον is not satisfactory. In 1. 36 τι could well be η, and 
the preceding v may be μ. If τί is right, [ἐλ]θοις] ἄν might serve. 

38. τέκνον]: cf. 88. 11. 

39. εὐθετ(ε)ῖς : or possibly εὖ θεοῖς or θεοὶ σ΄...» hardly εὖ θέλ(ε)ις. 

42. ἐἸπῆλθεν : ἀἸπῆλθεν seems less appropriate, since the presence of Dionysius (I. 51) 
indicates that the encounter of Flaccus and Isidorus took place on the same spot, not at 
some later time. 

43. [i8]é[y is suggested by the context and the space, but the traces are barely 

45. Between ε and evew are two upright strokes which would suit 7 or »; or the 
doubtful « may be read by the help of one of these strokes as 6, θιευειν. εἰ, er, Or 9 are 
possible in place of the preceding ec, 

47. Apparently not κε]λ[εἸύω. . 

48. [80|dAov is not satisfactory; if there were two letters between the supposed v and », 
they must have been narrow ones. The υ may be x. The size of the lacunae at the 
beginnings of the lines from this point onwards is doubtful. There is a tendency in 
this column for the commencements of the lines to advance not, as often happens, to the left, 
but to the right; and if the slant shown by Il. 34-48 was continued uninterruptedly, ἀλλά 
would be the first word οἵ]. 61. But it is not easy to restore ll. 55-60 on that hypothesis, 
and I have therefore assumed that the progress to the right was arrested. If [ΦλάκἾκος 
in], 55 is correct, the tendency must even have been slightly reversed. 

51. εἶπεν is of about the right length, but it is not at all clear that Dionysius here 
intervenes, and Flaccus may still be the speaker. 

55. There is perhaps nothing lost before Ao. 

Frs. 1-3. Fr. 1. 6-7 and 2. 2-3 might perhaps be combined so as to read Jew{ and 
7ονηῖ, but the appearance of the other side of the papyrus is rather against this. It is hardly 
certain that Fr. 3 belongs to 1089. 



1090. HESIOD, Ofgera. 

32-3 X1I-4 cm. Late first century. Plate V. 

One column, originally containing from 35 to 40 lines, written in a good- 
sized round hand probably towards the close of the first century. There is much 
similarity of style between this hand and those of 220 and 844, 1090 being 
perhaps rather the earliest of the group. A more or less definite terminus ante 
quem is provided by a fragment of a mathematical treatise inscribed in second- 
century cursive on the verso. No accents, breathings, or marks of elision occur ; 
the one example of a stop, a point placed well above the line (1. 268), may be 
due to a second hand which has added a few corrections or variants. There 
is a deep margin of 7-4 cm. at the top of the column: that at the bottom is also 
partially preserved, but the last few lines have disappeared owing to the decom- 
position of the papyrus. 

Notwithstanding inaccuracies, which the corrector has not always eliminated 
(cf. ll. 269-71), the text, as might be expected from its early date, is of some 
interest. Three small emendations proposed by modern critics are supported 
(ll. 263, 264, 268); and there are some other novel readings, which may be 
correct (Il. 257, 284-5). An agreement with the Rainer papyrus of the fourth 
century and several ancient citations against the other MSS. is noticeable 
in 1. 278. Erroneous iotas adscript are ignored in the collation below. 

[κυδρη τ αἰδοιηι τε θεων folk Ολυμπον ἐεχουσι 
[kat p| οποτ av τις μιν βλαπίτ]ηι σκολιως ονοταζων 
[αυτιῖκα παρ Au πατρι καθε[ζομενηι Kpov[torr 

260 [γηρυ]ετ ἀανθρωπὼν αδ[ιἸ]κ[ο]ν νοον [ο]Ἱῴρ απίοτεισηι 
[δημ]ος ατασθαλιας βασ[ιλεζω]ν οἱ λυ[γρα)] νοεζυντες 

[αλλη]. παρκλεινωσι δικας σκολιως ενεΐποντες 
[ταυτ]α φυλασσομενοι β[α]σιλης εἰθυνετε [....., 


[Swplopayor σκολιεωῖν δὲ δ)ικεων emt πίαγχυ λαθεσθε 
263 ἴοι y αἴυτωι Kaka τεύχει alynp αλλω kaka τευΐχων 
n δεῖ κακηι βουληι tale β]οἰυλ]ευσαντι κακιϊστη 
παν͵ῆτα ἴδων Ζιος οφί θαἸλίμ]ος καὶ παντὰ νἱοησας 



[και] νυ κε at K εθεληι [emi|dlelpxerar- οὐδὲ € λίηθει 

[ornv] de και τηνδὲ διικηὶν πολιν ἐντὸς εἶεργει 

270 [νυν ὃ eyo pnt αὐτῖίος εν] ἀνθρωποισι δικαζιος 
[εἰη]ν pnt ἐμὸς υἱιος emer κακἾον apa δικαιον 
[εμΊμεναι εἰ μ[ειζω γε δικη]ν αδικωτερίος εξει 
[αλλα] τὰ γ ov [πἼω εἶολπα τελεῖν Arla μητιοενῖτα 
[ω Περση] ov δὲ τίαυτα μετα φρεσῖι βαλλεο σηΐΐϊσι 
[και νυ δικης επίακουε Bin|s δ᾽ επ[ιληθεῖο πίαμπαν 
[rovde yap αἸνθρίωποισι νο͵μον [διε]ταξε ΚΙρονιων 
[txOvor μεν] και [θηρσι και orjwvoli|s πετεηνΐοις 
[ἐσθειν αλλἸ]ηλουϊς emer ov δικΊηι εἶσῖτι μετ αὐΐτοις 
[ανθρωποιῖσι ὃ [εδωκε δικη]ν ne [πΊολλον αἰριστη 
280 [γίνεται εἰ yap τις K εθεληι τα] δικαι [αγ)ορευσῖαι 
[γινωσκων τῶι pely τ οἰλβοὴν διδοι ευρίνοπα Zeus 
[os de κε μαρτυριηισι] εκ[ω]ν επι[ο]ρκίον ομοσσας 
{ψευσεται ev δὲ δικηνῚ βλαψας νηκ[εἸστίον ἀαασθηι 
[του δὲ τ αμαυροτερὴ γε]νείη)] κατοπίισθε λελειπται 
285 [avdpos ὃ evopkov yelven κατοπίῖσθεν ἀμεινων 


[cor ὃ eyo εσθλα νοεωὶν ἐρεω μεγία νηπιε Περση 
[την μεν τοι κακοτητα Kalt εἰλαδὸον [ear ελεσθαι 
[ρηιδιως λειη μὲν odos] pada ὃ ἴεγγυθι ναίει 

[της ὃ ἀρετης ἰδρωτα θεῖοι προΐϊπαροιθεν εθηκαν 

25%. θεων : θεοις MSS. Genitives of this kind are familiar in such phrases as dia θεάων, 
ἀριδείκετος ἀνδρῶν, &c. 

260. αδ[εἸκ[οἱν (GILMQ and ν. I. in others, Proclus 184. 8 g) seems better adapted to 
the space than αδ ζωὴν (CF HDKENOP). 

262. das, as originally written, is the reading of the MSS. Neither δίκης nor δίκῃ 
commends itself as an alternative. 

263. β[αἸσιλης : so Schaefer; βασιλεῖς IK, βασιλῆες, CDE, &c., Rzach. 

It is unfortunate that the papyrus breaks off at euvere and leaves unsolved the crux 


of the final word of this verse. The MSS. are divided between δίκας, which is corrupt, 
and μύθους, which is not convincing. Rzach prints tdikas. 

264. σκολιεωῖν Se δΊικεων ; σκολιῶν δὲ διῶν MSS. δικέων had been desiderated by 
Kirchhoff and isadopted by Rzach. There is a light mark through the e of δ᾽ικεων, perhaps 
inserted by some one who wished to cancel that letter; but the ε of σκολιεωΐν is certainly 

_ 265. A mark through the tail of the ¢ in the line above may possibly be meant for 
a circumflex accent on αἤυτωι, but an accent would more naturally have been written to the 
right of the φ. τ 

268. rad, which has been interlineated by the corrector, is the traditional reading; κε 
is corrupt. 

εθεληι : so Heinrich; there does not seem to be room for the e4eAn{o of the MSS. 

269. πολιν: 1. rods. ν Of δ[ικη]ν is damaged but is suited by the remains. 

270. δε: so FGH; δή CDE, &c., Rzach, δ᾽ ἄρ᾽ Bentley, δέ τ᾿ Gerhard. 

2471. apa: 1. avdpa with the MSS. 

273. A slightly inclined stroke above the τ of μητιοεντα seems meaningless. 

278. It is clear that the papyrus agreed with the MSS. in reading ἐσθειν, not eodepev 
(Rzach with Clement), which is too long for the space. 

εἶσΊ]τι wer: 50 the Rainer papyrus, Plutarch, Aelian, Sextus Emp., Orion, also Clement 
and Porphyry with the genitive αὐτῶν ; ἐστὶν ἐν the mediaeval MSS., Rzach. 

280. [αγ]ορευσΐαι : [αγ]ορευέ[ιν, which is the reading of most MSS., besides Pseudophoc., 
Orion, and Tzetzes, is equally possible. 

284-5. xaron[icbe .. . atom{obev: petomobe .. . μετοπισθεν MSS. 

289. Faint indications remain of two more verses, below which the column may have 
been continued for five lines further. 

1091. BACCHYLIDES, Dithyrambs. 

Fr. I 19:4 X 9-3 cm. Second century. 

Remains of one column containing part of Bacchylides’ Ode xvi (xvii). To 
the top of the column is affixed a vellum σίλλυβος or label bearing the title 
Βακχυλίδου Διθύραμβοι. This roll was therefore limited to the Dithyrambs and 
did not include the Epinician or other poems, a fact which supports the view of 
Blass (Bacchyl. pp. v-vi) that the British Museum fragments were derived from 
two rolls, rather than, as Kenyon supposed, from one. The corresponding 
column of the British Museum papyrus (I) has some small lacunae, and the 
present second copy is not only an independent witness to the existing text 
but in a few passages usefully supplements it. Lines 50 and 53 are now 
completed, the former in accordance with a conjecture of Jurenka, the latter not 
quite corresponding with any editorial restoration. An emendation of Blass in 
1. 62 and his transposition of that verse are confirmed, while on the other hand 
one or two further slight alterations adopted by him do not receive support 


(Il. 51, 58, 66, 69, 75, 116). In general the agreement between II and 1091 is 
close, extending to the arrangement of the verses, in regard to which only one 
small discrepancy occurs (1. 51); and there is but a single difference of reading 
that amounts to a serious variant (1. 70 πανταρκέα for πανδερκέα). Π is the more 
careful and accurate, the writer of 1091 being rather liable to small graphical 
errors, though some of these have been subsequently eliminated. His semi- 
cursive script is also in strong contrast to the formal uncials of IT; it is round, 
upright, and clear, but makes no pretence to calligraphy. It may be dated to 
about the middle of the second century. Punctuation, accents, and other aids 
have been freely inserted by a second hand, which has also made some cor- 
rections in the text. A few of the signs, however, seem to be original,—the 
diaeresis in 1. 71, the mark of elision in the same line and perhaps that in 1. 64, 
and the short curved stroke placed above the letters instead of, as usual, below 
them (cf. e.g. 1082. ii. 18) to connect the component parts of the compound 
word ποταινίαν in]. 51. The accentuation is similar to that of 1082. Examples 
of σίλλυβοι intended both for literary and non-literary rolls have been previously 
found (e. g. 801, 381, 957), but the present, so far as I am aware, is the first 
which has survived in its primitive position, It measures 2-1 x Io-I cm. and is 
stuck on to the verso so that the edge of the papyrus coincides with the initial 
letters of the title, which is written on the outer side. When the MS. was rolled 
up, these initial letters must have been concealed, but enough would remain 
uncovered for easy identification. This label seems to have been attached at 
a period rather later than that to which the manuscript itself belongs, the sloping 
uncials of the title suggesting the third century. It is, moreover, a palimpsest, 
and the original hand, again a sloping uncial, which is visible on the side inscribed 
with the title, is unlikely to be earlier than the latter part of the second century, 
if indeed so early. Portions of three lines are legible, apparently hexameters, but 
I have failed to identify them. 


[]όσ᾽ εἶπεν [αἹρεϊτ]αϊ]χμος [η]ρως 
[τ]άφον δε ναυβαται 
φ]ὼτος ὕπεραφανον 
50 [θ]αρσ[ο]ς: ἁλίου τε γαμβρω χόλωσεν ητορ [ 

[υἹἱφαινέ τε ποξαινίαν μῆτιν" 
[εἦπεν τε μεγαλοσθενες 


Z\ev πατερ ακουσον' εἰπέρ με vuplpa 


[Ploutcoa λευκωλενος σοὶ τεκεν. [ 
55 [ν]ῦν προπεμπ' [[οὐσ]] απ ουρανου θοῖαν 
[π]υριέθειραν ἀστραπαν 
[ca]u αρίγνωτον" et 
[Je και σε Τροιζηνίὰ σεισίχθονι 
[φ]ύτευσεν AiOpa Ποσειδᾶνι 
60 [τ]όνδε χρύσεον 
[x]ecpos αγλαον 
62 εν[εἶνκε κοσμον εκ βαθειας ἀλος" Ϊ 
64 [€loeale] ὃ dix’ ἐμᾶς κλύηι 
65 [K]povos ευχᾶς 
[ανα]ξ[βρέντας o παΐντων μεδεων 
[κλυε δ] ἄμεμπτον ευὐχίαν μεγασθενης 
[Ζευς υἹπέροχόν τε Do φυτευσε 
[τιμαν] φιλω θελων 
7° [παιδι] πὰνταρκέα θέμεν 
[αστρ]αψέ 7 o δε θὕμαρμίενον 
[ἰδίων τερας yxetpal|s]] πέτ[ασσε 
[κλυ]ταν ες aepa μενίεπτολεμος ἡρως 
[εἰρε]ν τε’ Θησευ' τάδε [ 
75 [μεὴν βλεπει σαφη Auols 
ἰδωρ]α συν ὃ ὀρνυσ᾽ [fol] ες [βα 
[ρυβροΊμον [πελ]αγίος Κρονιδας 
[δε τοι] πατηρ αναξ τελει 

Fr 2: 

gt [viv Bolpleas εξοπιθε πνεουσ anra 
ἴτρίεσσαν [ὃ Αθαναιων 

Label attached to top of column 




Remains of a previous text 

Ἰαντη . . .ε δ᾽ ary 
ἃ Ελενη φαος αιτη 

jaBe - - 

49. [ploros: so rightly B(lass), [dv5]p[és] K(enyon). As B. observed, there was not 
room for ανδ in front of the supposed p (which was in fact ἃ τ 

50. χολαΐ I (P. Brit. Mus.), xoda[ car’ ἦτορ K., Jebb, χολάζθη κέαρ Β. who in the corre- 
sponding verse of the second epode (I. 116) altered ῥόδοις ἐρεμνόν into ῥόδοις εἰρμένον. K.’s 
reading proves to have been nearer the truth, and the tradition of the MS. at 1. 116 is upheld. 
There is no analogy for the intransitive use of χολοῦν, and the subject must be ἀρέταιχμας 
ἥρως, bi a is readily understood from 1. 47. 

τ. [v]pawe: so Π; ὕφανε needlessly B. In Π μῆτιν stands in 1. 52. 

Ἢ με νυμῖφα confirms Jurenka’s conjecture. ple xovpla B., [μ᾽ ἀλαθέως] K. with 
Palmer ; B. was correct in reading the vestige of the final letter of the verse as a. 

54. texev: rex| II. Since the corresponding syllable in the second epode is short, the 
ν ἐφελκυστικόν is better omitted. The supposed low stop after rexev is just above the dot 
referred to in the next note, and may be due to accident. 

55. The correction is by the second hand. A misplaced mark of elision after the μ 
of προπεμπ is rather fainter than that after the + and has perhaps been partially erased. 
There is an unexplained dot above the line where the a of θοαν would have stood ; it does 
not suit an accent, and is probably accidental. 

58. Τροιζηνια is the spelling of 1; B. writes Τροζηνία. 

62. κόσμον βαθείας 11, which between this verse and χειρὸς ἀγλαόν reads δικὼν θράσει σῶμα 
πατρὸς [és δόμους. Β. inserted ἐκ before βαθείας and put δικὼν θράσει «rr. after 1. 62, thereby 
obtaining a closer metrical correspondence and improving the construction. These 
alterations, which were accepted by Jebb, are now confirmed. Line 63 has been accidently 
left out, but by reading the ἐκ restored by B. 1091 shows that 1. 62 corresponds to 1. 128, 
not tol. 129. The probability of Jebb’s suggestion, that the dislocation was caused by an 
omission of ]. 63, which was subsequently supplied in a wrong position, is also demonstrated. 

66. [avalé [-]Spevras : soll. K., B., and Jebb all substitute ἀναξιβρόντας, Κ. remarking 
that the MS. reading is an example of the confusion of ε an o in the papyrus. It is now 
evident that the ε is no individual vagary, and the spelling is quite defensible. There is 
analogy for the interchange of o and ε in Aeolic, e.g. ἐδύνας for ὀδύνας (Greg. Cor. p. 597, 
Schaefer) and mpés for πρός according to Joannes Gram. 244 Ὁ ; moreover, βρένται is directly 
attested by Hesychius, a fact which the editors of Bacchylides appear to have overlooked. 

67. ἀμεμπτον : apectpov for ἄμετρον K., ἀμεπτον for ἄμεμπτον B., whose reading is proved 
to have been correct. The facsimile does not support Jebb’s assertion that ‘the sixth 
letter is clearly p’. 

68-9. The readings of Π are upheld. B. in his second edition adopted Housman’s 
φίλον. .. παῖδα. 

70. πανταρκεα : πανδερκέα II, a more difficult reading (and therefore perhaps preferable), 
since mavdepxns has elsewhere only an active sense. Aeschylus calls Darius πανταρκὴς 
βασιλεύς (Pers. 855); cf. Hesych. πανταρκέα' πᾶσι βοηθόν. πανταρκής" ὁ πᾶσιν αὐταρκῶν. In 
the present passage the word would mean ‘all-sufficient ᾿ and would be apposite enough. 


471. τ᾽: 1.6. The diaeresis over v of θυμαρμίενον is unintelligent, 
: 72. xetpas, the original reading, is that of 0, which also gives πέτασσε. As thus 
written the verse has a long syllable more than the three corresponding lines, an irregularity 
which K. removed by emending to χεῖρε mérace, while others have preferred πέτασε χεῖρας. 
B. in his first edition considered the metre of this ode too obscure for a departure here from 
the tradition, while in his second he transposed χεῖρας and πέτασσε. But it is now seen that 
tradition was not stable, and the corrector’s deletion of the final ς of χειρας anticipates in 
some sense the emendation of K. χέρε πέτασσε would give a closer strophic correspondence. 

75- Bdere arose from a lipography ; 1. βλέπεις with 1, The emendations by which it has 
been sought to give regularity to the metre ((σὺν τάδε K. with Jebb, ἔβλεπες B. ed. 2 with 
Richards) receive no support, though Platt’s τάδ᾽ (ἐμάν is not excluded. 

76. συν is an error for ov, correctly written in I. For ορνυσ(ο) Π has dpw’, which may 
be preferred as the rarer form. 
76-8. It is not quite certain how these lines were divided, but [Spo] and [τοι] would 
barely fill the space at the beginnings of 1]. 77 and 78, and the probabilities are that the 
arrangement coincided, as elsewhere except in 1. 51, with that of 1. 

91--2. This.small detached fragment from the bottom of a column seems to be 
rightly identified. Both the hand and the texture of the papyrus are closely similar. If 
it is correctly placed, the height of the roll was about 30 cm. 

Σίλλυβος. The mark of elision in the first line of the original text is doubtful and the 
last word may be daiy. In]. 2 Ἐλενη can of course be divided ἕλεν ἤ. 

1092. HERODOTUS ii. 

Height 23-1 cm. Late second century. 
Plate V (Col. ix). 

The following group of fragments from the Second Book of Herodotus is 
of rather more respectable compass than the Herodotean papyri which have 
hitherto been published, whether from Oxyrhynchus (18, 19, 695) or elsewhere 
(P. Rylands 55, and a Munich papyrus in Archiv i. p. 471). It extends from 
chapter 154 to chapter 175, though some of the pieces are very small and the 
gaps extensive. Perhaps more scraps of this roll will eventually make their 
appearance, since 1092 is derived from the same large find as 1082-3, and 
moreover was in the company of another fragmentary text written in a hand 
which in the minor samples is practically indistinguishable from that of the 
Herodotus. Meanwhile I print so much as I have up to the present been able 
to identify. The extremely mutilated state in which this papyrus proves to be 
is not of happy augury for the numerous other MSS. which have still to be 
dealt with from the same source. 

The small neat uncials are of the sloping oval type and may be referred to 


the latter part of the second century ; they are more careful and regular than 
those of the Oxyrhynchus He/lenica (841), and are perhaps rather earlier in 
date. Though of no great height, the columns, which are strongly inclined to 
the right, contained about 41 or 42 lines each. Punctuation is effected by high 
stops, inserted perhaps by the original scribe; they are accompanied by short 
blank spaces and the usual paragraphi. A second, but no doubt practically 
contemporary, hand is apparently responsible for a semicursive entry at the top 
of Col. ix, where a different version of a passage has been copied at length. 
To this writer may be due a few other small corrections and insertions, but since 
there is no difference in the colour of the ink no certainty is here attainable. 

The MSS. of Herodotus are divided into two groups known as the Florentine, 
which is headed by AB, and the Roman, represented by RSV. As might be 
expected from the analogy of other papyri, 1092 does not consistently support 
either family, but agrees here with one and there with the other. Readings 
of RSV occur in v. 6, vi. 6, viii. 24, ix. 32, of the Florentine group in i. 2, 3, vii. 
I, 5, Viil. 22, ix. 44, x. 5; in viii. 7 the papyrus occupies a position midway 
between the two. The text thus exhibits a stage prior to the differentiation of 
the families as we know them. But there were already divisions, for, as has been 
mentioned, an alternative version of several lines in chapter 162 has been inserted 
‘from certain other copies’ at the top of Col. ix; and occasional variants have 
been recorded elsewhere (cf. v. 5 and notes on viii. 3,12). In omitting ἀπαρτί 
in v. 8 the papyrus is in agreement with the MSS. as against some other 
authorities. Readings apparently not otherwise attested are found in vi. 15, viii. 
3,12, ix. 1-- (cf. ix. 12), 46, xii. 11-12, and xv. 4, the last confirming a commonly 
accepted correction of Abresch. 

Col. i. 

[yAwoo|av οἱ νυν ερμηϊνεε)ς ev Ac [ il. 154 
[γυπτΊωι γεγονασι[" οἱ de ἴωνες τε 
[kat ot] Kapes rovrovs τους χωρους οι Ϊ 

Col. v. 
τη] de ελαΐχιστον εστι 158 
[kat συντ]ομωτατον εκ [rns βορη 






[ens] θαλασσης υπερβηναῖι es την 
ἰνοτ]ιην καὶ Ἐρυθρην τηῖν αὑτὴν 

[ralurny καλευμενὴν αἴπο του 
[Kacltov ορεος του οριζοντοῖς Αιγυ 
ἱπτοὴν τε Kat Συριην' amo [τουτοῦυ 
ἰεισι σήταδιοι χιλιοι ες τον ΑΓραβι 
[ov κολπον" τοῦτο μεν τὸ συΐντο 
[μωτατ]ον [ 

Col. vi. 

ετραπεῖτο mplos στρα 
ἰτηιὰς Kat τριηρεες] αι μεν εἶπι τηι 
[βορηιηι θαλασσΊηι εποιη[ζθησαν 
[a δὲ ely tax ἄραβιωι κολπαῖι ε 
[we tye Ἐρ]υθρηι θαλασσηι των [ert 
[οι ολκοῖι εἰσι δηλοι: και] ταυτηισι 
[7 explaz[o εν τωι δεοντι και ΣΊνρίοι 
ἰσι πεζίηι o Nexws σ[υμ͵βαλων εν Ϊ 
[Μαγδῖωλωι ενικησε[" μετα δὲ τηΐν 
[μαχη]ν Καδυτιϊν πολιν] της Συρίης 
[εουσ]αν μεγαίλην εἰλε ev τῇηι [de 
[ἐσθη]τι ετυχε ταυτα καϊἰτε͵ρίγασα 
μενοῖς αν]εθηκε ται Απολλαῖνι 
πεμψίας es Blpayyidas τας Μιλησι 
[ω]ν" μίετα de εκ]καιδεκα ετεα α 
ἰπαντα αρξας 

Col. vii. 

@v καὶ των αλλων Ελληνων o 

μοιως τῶι βίουλομενωι εξειναι 

αγων[ἠῤεσθίαι οἱ de Αιγυπτιοι eda 









σαν [σφεας ov[To τιθεντας παντος 
του δικαιον ηἱμαρτήκεναι ovde | 
μιαν yap εἶναι μηχανὴν οκῶς 
ov τωι αστωι [αγωνιζομενῶι προσ 
[θησονταῖι αδίικεοντες 
6 or 7 lines lost. 
οἱ Ἡλιοισῖι υπεθηκαντο Papp 
os δε εἰ εἶτεα μουνον βασιλεὺ 
σαντος Αιγυπτίου και oTpaTevoa 
μένου es Διθιοπίιην και μεταυτι 
κα τελευτησανΐίτος εξεδεξατο 
Απριης ο Ψαμίμιος os μέτα Wap 
μητιχον Tov ἰεωυτου προπατορα 
eyeveTo ευδαιϊμονεστατος τῶν 
προτερον βασιλίεων ἐπ ετέεὰ TEV 
τε και εἰκοσι αρξίας εν τοισι ETL 
πε Σιδωνα στρατίον nAace Kat 
evavpaxnoe τῶι [ΤύΌυριωι επει δὲ 
[or] edlele κακως γενίεσθαι 
6 lines lost. 
ταυτα [εἐπιἡμεμίφο 

[μενοι απεστησαν)] απ αὐτου ojo 

ἵκεοντες TOV ΑπριηνῚ εκ προνοι[η)ς [ 

[ἰαυτους αποπεμψαι ες φαινομε [ 
(voy κακον wa 6 o|peov pOopn [ 
[γενηται αὑτὸς δὲ Tlov λοιπὼν 
[4τγυπτιων ασφαλεήστερον ap 

[χοι tavra de δεινα qrotlevpevol ov 
Col. viii. 
[yap εἐστησίαντο μιν βίασιλεα 

τίω]ν ΔΑιγυπτιων οἱ απίεστεω 
τες παρεσκευϊαἸζετίο ὡς ἐλὼν ε 





πι tov Ampiny[-] πυθομίενος 
5 δὲ ταυτα o Ampins επεμπίε ε 
a ἅμασιν avdpa δοκιί[μ]ον [των 
ἱπα]ρ εωυτον Αιγυπτιων ταῖι 
[ουνομα nv Πα͵ταρβημις ἴεντει 
3 lines lost. 
12 Je 
8 lines lost. 

; Απριη]ν’ 
[παρεσεσθαι yap Klat avtos και a{A>] 
[λους] agev [τον] de Παταρβημιν 
[εκ των Te λογων οὐκ αγνοειν 

25 [τὴν διανοιαν' kale] παρα[σκΊευ > 

[αζομενοὴν ορωντα σποίυ]δηι 

(οἱ. 1: Plate V. 

εν or ] Tovrov και οὐκ a 
[yovra tov Αμασιῆν Armpins ovde 

[va Aoyov autw. Sovra] αλλα περιθυ 
[θυμως exovra προσταῖξαι περιταμεῖιν 

[αὐτου τὴν τε ρινα] και τα wra ου(τως) ev τίισιν) a[AA(ots) 

[απιεναι βουλομεῖνον τὴν τα 
[χίστην βασιλει δ)ηλωσαι τὰ 
[πρησσομενὰ ws dle απικεσθαι 
[αὐτὸν πρὸς τον Ampliny οὐκ a 
10 [yovra τὸν μασιν olvdeva λο» 
[γον αὐτωι δοντα αλΊλα περιθυ 
[μως εἐχοντα προσταξ͵]αι περιτα 
[μειν avTov Ta τε wTa κἾαι THY pl 
[va ἰδομενοι ὃ ot λοιπῖοι των At 
15 [γυπτιων οἱ ετι Ta εκειΐνονυ εῴρο 
[veov ανδρα τον δοκιμ͵ωτατον 
[ewvTwy ovrw αἰσχρὼς λυμηι δι 
[ακειμενον ovdeva δὴ]. χρονον 
K 2 





[ἐπισχοντες amtoteato πΊρ[ος Tous 

erepous κίαι εδιδοσαν σῴεας av 

τους Apao[t πυθομενος de και 163 
ταυτα o Almpins wmdige Tous ε 

πικουρουΐς Kat nAavve επι TOUS 

Αιγυπτιους [ειχε δὲ περι εωυτον 

Kapas τε κίαι Ιωνας avdpas em 

κουρους τρι[σμυριους nv δε οἱ τὰ 

βασιληΐα εἶν Sat πολι μεγαλα ε 

οντα και αἰξιοθεητα Kat οἱ TE 




περι tov An|piny emt tous Avy 
πτιους noaly Kat oc περι Tov ἅμα 
σιν emt tous ἰξεινους ev τε δὴ 


Μαἰν]μεμφίε πολι ἐγένοντο 
[αἸμφοτεροι κίαι πειρησεσθαι 
ἐμελλὸον αλίληλων εστι δὲ 164 
Αιγυπτιων εἐἶπτα γενεὰ Και 
τουτων οἱ μεν [pees οἱ δὲ μα 
χίμοι κεκλεαῖται οἱ de βουκο 
λοι" οἱ δὲ συβαΐται οἱ de καπη 
λοι: οἱ δὲ ερμηΐνεες οἱ δε κυβερ 
νηται' yevea [μεν Atyumtiov 
τοσαυτα εστιν [ουνοματα δὲ σφι 
κεεται ἀπὸ τωῖν TEXVE@Y οἱ 

de μαχιμοι αὐὑτίων καλεονται 

μεν Καλασιριεΐς τε και Eppo 
τυβιες: εκ νομωΐν δὲ τωνδε 

εισι' κατα yap νοΐμους Ayu 

(οἱ. x: 

ἴπτος amaca διαραιρΊηταίι Ep 165 
[μοτυβιων μεν οιδε] εἰσι νΐίομοι 
[Βουσιριτης Σαιτη)ς [ 



| fe) 




Many lines lost. 
σας κίαι Avdovs και σχεδὸν παν 
τας τίους βαρβαρους αποτιμοτε 
ρους Ϊ 

Col. xii. 

οἰκια] προτεῖρον eovTa Τὸ 
[re de Apactols ndq [βασιληια εν 
[Oavra de Tews] μὲν ετίρεφετο ev 
ἰτοισι βασιληϊ)οισι" και μιν ἅμα 
[σις ev περιειἾπε" τελίος 

2 lines lost. 
εχθιστον ουτίω on 
[παραδιδοι τον Απριην τοισι [AL 
[γυπτιοισι οἱ δε μινῚ απεπνιξαν 
[και emerta εθαψαν εἰν τη] παΐτρω 
[ene ταφηι ἡ δε εστῆι ev τῶι [ιρωι 
τηῖϊς AOnvains αγχοτα͵τωι [Tov με 
γαρίου εσιοντι αριστ]ερης χίέειρος 
balay de Σαιται παντας τοὺς 
εκ ἰνομου τουτοῦυ 
About 1g lines lost. 
}-[ λιμ 

[νη τε εστι εἸἰχομείνη λιθινηι 
[κρηπι]δι κεκοσμηϊμενη εὖ 
[κυϊκλωε καὶ μεγαθος αἷς 

Col. xv. 

επεμείλετο [και 







Owvpacia| ora e€[erroince 
5 υπ]ερβαίλομενος 

i. 2. τε: so the older MSS., om. RSV. H(ude) prints re in brackets. 

3. xwpous: χρόνους RSV. This fragment comes from near either the top or the end of 
a column, but since the papyrus is broken immediately above and below the letters of ll. 1 
and 3, the point cannot be definitely decided. My numeration of the columns proceeds 
on the second alternative, and if that is correct, ]. 3 was probably the last of the column. 

v. 1. The papyrus seems to have agreed with C in reading δὲ (so H.); δή other MSS. 
Only the bases of the letters remain, but these on the whole suit δὲ edal better than δὴ eA . 

2 sqq. A hypothetical division of the lines is adopted. 

5. καλευμενην, Ὁ. 1. καλεομενην : the MSS. here apparently agree on the latter spelling. 

6. οριζοντοῖς : so PRSV ; οὐρίζοντος others, and H. 

8. χίλιοι : so the MSS. H. inserts ἀπαρτί before χίλιοι on the authority of Bekker, 
Anecd. 418, Schol. Aristoph. Plus. 388, Suidas, 5. v. 

vi. 1. This line was probably the first of the column. 

5. των: ὧν PRSV. 

6. εἰσι δηλοι: SO RSV; ἐπίδηλοι other MSS., H. 

7. Σ]υροζισι could also be read with ABCP. 

9. Mayd|@Aw: Μαγδίολωι (SV) is equally possible, but ΜαγδΊαλωι (R Lex. Vind. 165) 
is unlikely. ἴ 

15. αἷπαντα : πάντα RSV, τὰ πάντα other MSS., H. 

vii. 1. καὶ is omitted in RSV. 
3. ayer[t|fecOa: so H. with most MSS.; ἀγωνίσασθαι RV. 
4. ov[r@: τοῦτο S. 

5. ovde|mav : οὐδὲ μίην RSV. 

viii. 3. The Ἶν at the end of this line is preserved on the edge of the papyrus in the 
margin of Col. ix. It is too close to the beginnings of the lines of that Column to be the 
normal conclusion of a line, nor is there in the text an available final ν followed by a stop. 
I can therefore only suppose that |y represents an alternative reading enclosed, as often, 
between medial dots ; perhaps ἐλασων was a variant on ἐλων or vice versa, though no such 
variant is known, and ἐλῶν would be the regular Herodotean form. 

7. [παρ εωυτον : ε of ewuroy is represented only by an ambiguous vestige, which could 
just as well belong to an ε, but this would leave no room for the ε. R similarly has παρ᾽ αὐτόν, 
SV παρ᾽ αὐτῶν : περὶ ἑωυτόν other MSS., H. περί is certainly the natural preposition here, 
and παρά may have come in from ἀγαγεῖν παρ᾽ ἑωυτόν just below, though the analogy of 
expressions like Xen. Cyrop. i. 4. 18 μένειν παρ᾽ ἑαυτόν might be used in its support. 
Nearly all MSS. have τὴν viv παρ᾽ ἐμὲ ἐοῦσαν δύναμιν in Hdt. viii. 140 (ἐμοί H. with P). 

12. What appears to be a final |e stands, like |» at the end of ]. 3, in the margin of the 
next column. It is not so near to the beginnings of the lines as the |» is, but is nevertheless 
rather further out than would be expected, even in a line of more than the average length; 
and since there is no e in the text hereabouts with which it can be readily identified, this 
may be another instance of a marginal variant. 

22. avros: so H. with the older MSS.; αὐτόν RSV. 

24. [ex tlov τε λογων : SO RSV; ἔκ τε τῶν λεγομένων other MSS., H. 


ix. 1-5. These five lines give an alternative version of Il. 9-13, with the remark that 
it was found ‘in certain copies’ ; for ov(rws) ev τῴισιν) αἰλλ(οις) cf. e.g. 874. The second 
version differs considerably from the ordinary text, which coincides with what stands in 
ll. 9-13; it has, however, left no trace in the mediaeval MSS. In one respect it seems 
clearly wrong, for Απριης does not harmonize with mpooralfa. This may be merely an 
isolated slip, but the accusative participles certainly produce rather longer supplements than 
would be expected in 1]. 3-4, especially in ]. 4, where the lacuna is of the same extent as 
that at the beginning of the line below. Perhaps, therefore, the writer was consistent and 
dovs and exwy followed, though unless something essential has been omitted this construction 
could not be justified. 

9-13. See the previous note. mpooragé|a περιταΐμειν is an inversion of the order found 
imine MSS. Cf. 1. 4. 

30. noaly : so CPRSV; 1. nav. 

32. μωιμεμφι, which has been corrected from μωνμεμῴι, may be merely a misspelling of 
Mopepdu, though it is likely enough that the letters were understood to be divided δημῶι 
Μεμφι, asin RSV. δὴ Μέμφι other MSS. 

42. κεεταῖι: so MSS. ; κεῖται H, 

44. pev: so AB, &c., H.; om. RSV. 

46. yap: yap δὴ MSS. 

X. I. διαραιρ]ηταῖι suits the space better than διη]ρηταῖ ι (SV). 
5. τίους : so H., with AB, &c.; om. RSV. 

xii. 1-5. The division of these lines, which is calculated on the basis of the following 
fragment (Il. 8-16) is likely to be approximately correct. 

3. Tews]: or perhaps eas], with RSV. 

II-12. τηι] παϊτρωιηι ταφηι 7 de cot: τῇσι πατρωίῃσι ταφῇσι. αἱ δέ εἰσι MSS. _ There is 
not room for τη[σι, still less τη[ισι7, and τη[ι] has been followed in the supplement to its 
logical conclusion. But of course τῆι may have been no more than a clerical error, and 
πατρωιηισι κτλ. have succeeded. No safe inference can be drawn from the size of the lacuna 
at the beginning οὔ]. 12. The plural is used e. g. in iv. 71, v. 63. 

14. The papyrus may have had εἰσιοντι, with RV. 

38-9. Line 38 is slightly shorter than the average and the point of division is uncertain, 
but no arrangement will admit of the addition of και epyacpern, which is read by most MSS. 
after κεκοσμημενη. The two words are also omitted by Athenag. Ζεραί. 28. καὶ ἑρμασμένη 
RV, καὶ ἁρμοσμένη 5. 

xv. 4. oa confirms the correction of Abresch; of MSS. There is no indication how the 
lines of this fragment were divided. 

1093. DEMOSTHENES, Contra Bocotum. 

Height 29-1 cm. Second century. 

These fragments of the Πρὸς Βοιωτὸν περὶ τοῦ ὀνόματος are comprised in the 
remains of seventeen consecutive columns, covering δὲ 7-23 of the speech. They 
are written in an upright semicursive hand, clear but by no means elegant, 


dating from about the middle of the second century. The columns, which are 
very narrow, vary in length from 27 to 31 lines; a deep margin is left both 
above and below them. Short lines are filled as usual by a conventional sign, 
which here has the shape of the figure 7. The text has been revised by a 
corrector, and to him are probably due one or two accents and in considerable 
measure the elaborate punctuation, for which stops of three kinds, high, medial, 
and low, are employed, as e.g. in 844. Their use, however, is not invariably 
accurate, for a medial point sometimes appears where one in the high position 
would be expected ; there is a clear instance of this, e.g., in xv. 24. A symbol 
resembling the letter 5 is placed after the word preceding the entry μάρτυρες or 
μαρτυρία (xii. 19, xiv. 11). The text of this papyrus, as of so many others, 
shows mixed relationship; there is, however, some tendency to agree with S, 
by common consent the best MS. of Demosthenes. Coincidences with S occur 
at v. 5-6, viii. 14, ix. 2, x. 6, 20-1, xi. I, xii. 26, xiv. 13, against which have to be 
set iv. 7 (=Q), vi. 21-2, viii. 28 (= FQ), xii. 10-11, xiii. τὸ (=FQr), xiv. 15, 
xv. 23 (=r). Of the few peculiar variants (v. 7-8, ix. 6, xii. 17, 21, xiv. 5-6) 
none are striking ; two of these (xii. 17, xiv. 5-6) proceed from the second hand. 


τῶι δηλον οἸυΐν 
εσῖται πἸροτεροῖν 
σε [φερ)ουσιν [η 
εμῖε] συ μεῖν 8 
5 yap φίη]σεις εμῖε 
eyo δε ce και 
δὴ καλει μετα 
τοῦτο 0 ἀρχὼν 
ἡ προς ov{t|iiva 
10 av nt ἡ ὅ᾽ικη 
οὐχ ὑπαΐκουο 
μεν" οὐ ἰληιτουρ 



Gol: ti. 

[o πατήρ κ͵]αι on 
[μος wy οἸντων 
[αμῴφοιν τΊων 

Col. iv. 

ἰουκουν ο] μεν 
ἰαυτον εγω de 
ἰεμαυτον] φησω 
[Tov ειληχοτα 
ἰειναι λοιΐπον εἰς 
το δικασΊτηριον 


[εἰσιεναι] ουκουν 
[ed εκαστΊω Tov 

[Tov δικαστηρι 
[ov pv] ἡ πολις 
[καθιει Kale Tov> 
[μεν κοινου Kat 
ἰἰσου του τοὴν λα 
[xovTa aplyev 
[θα αλληλους 

[δε πλυνο]υμεν" 
[kat ο τῶι Ajoyat 
[κρατησα]ς ap 

[fet και ποῖτερ av 
[βελτιους] εἰη 
μεν Tov υἹπαρ [ 
[χουσων δῆυσκο Ϊ 








Col. iii. 

Awe τινε τωι 10 
XaAktolt προσ 

€oTal. Kale οὐδε 

τοῦτο οπίοτερου 

εστιν οἱ [πολλοὶ 


Col. v. 

[vos aAXov προΞ] 
[nHas avrovs] 

μεν. τι ὃ [aly 12 
apa: de γα[ρ] a 
παντα nylals 
εξετασαι [are 
pos πεισας [Tov 
ετερον. εοἷν 
λαχηι παραΐδου 
ναι αὐτῶι τίην 
apxnv. ovTw Ϊ 
κληρωται: Ϊ 

To δυοιν πιναῖκι 
ow Tov eva [| 

τί αλλο εστιν" 
era ef wt θανα 
Tov ζημιαν 

0 νομος λεγει. > 
Tou7(o] ημιν > 
[aldews εἕε [ 

ἰσ]ται πραττειΐν 




ἰλιων απαλλατ] 
5 ἴτομενοι ἡ] και 
[vas €xOpa|s και 

[as πασ αν]αγκὴη 
ἰσυμβαινειὴν o 
[ταν apxns] ἢ τι 

Col. vi. 
[kaA]ov egov 
[μη] «rev? adda 
ταυτῖα μεν ἡ πο 
dis βίλαπτεται Ϊ 
εἼγω δὲ ἴδιαι τι 

κα κ͵)αι σκοπει 

εαν] τι δοκαι 

[θ]εασασθε ηλι 

λεγει]ν. πολυ yap 

ταυτα ὧν ακὴ 
κοατ ἐστιν. opa 
[τ|ε ΜῈΡ Ὑαρ- 


15 [xplopevoy ε 


ως μεν εζηι 
Μενεκλει και 
τίοις] περι εκει 
violy ανθρωποις" 
νυν δε ετεροις 
ovdev εκεινου 
βελτιοσι και τα 

τοϊιαυτ εἸἰζηλω 



πανυ ye ov yap [ 

av avTo ποιησῖαι 
μεν oda Kayo 
το youv Κατ εμε' 
αλλ ουδ αιτιαν 

τοιαυτὴης ζημι 

30 as εἐνιοὺς Ἔχειν 

Col. vii. 

About 16 lines lost. 


[τ]ωε δημίοσιωι 
[τ]. μαλλίον ov 
τος eyye|ypappe 
vos εἶσται ἐμοῦ 
ort vin Ara ει 
σονταῖι TavTEs 
πίοτ)ερίος ποτε ὦ 



κοῖτα και] δεινον 
25 [δοκειν εἰναι 
5 lines lost. 

(οἱ. νι}. 

% lines lost. 
᾿δικη]ν εἕου 
[Ans αἸυτωι λαχὼν 
10 [μηδ]εν ἐμοι 
gain] προς αυτον 
εἰναι]. κυριαν δὲ 




_ [εγγ]ραψαι: τι pad 

15 [λοὴν av εἰ[η] Tov 
Tlov ἢ epe εγγε 
γραφως. τι ὃ εἰ 

τινας εἰσῴφορας 

μὴ ἜΝ τι ὃ ει 
20. τις αλλ[η] περι τοῦ 

νομα γιγνοιτο 

[ἡ] ληξις dens: 

[7 δοξα ολΊως 

[andns τις] εἰσε 


[prev] κίαλως εαν 
25 [de o τΊ]υϊχον γε 

ἰνοιτ] av [xpovos 

[δι]ελθη. Kale] μη 

εκ]τισθηι τὸ oO 

ἰφήλημα: τί] por 
[λοὴν οἱ τούτου Ϊ 

Col. ix.. 

πατρος οντοιν" 

φερε an] δικὴν 
αστρατειας φεὺ 
γοι.᾿χορευοι δὲ [o 
5 ταν στρατεῦυε 

σθαι δέηι. και νυν 

(orally es Tapv 
[ν]ας παρηλθον 
οἱ αλίλοἾι. ενθα 
10 δὲ Tous χοας 
ayov [αἴπελει 
φθη. κ[αι] τοις Διο 
νυσιϊοις] κατα 
[με]ν[ας exopev 
15 [ev] @[s αἀπαντες 
[εω]ρίατε οἷ. ε [ 
[αἸπελθίοντων >: 
δὲ εἰ Ευβίοιας 
20 τῶν στρατιω 
Tov λ[ηποταξιου 
καγω ταξίαρ + 
᾿χὼν τῆς gu Ϊ 










[Tae των] πολ 
λων ποΊτερος 

[mote ουτΊ]ος εστιν'" 

δυοιν Tav7olv 

(οἹ. χ. 
χεῖσθαι την AN 
gw [και εἰ μι 
σθοῖς επορισθη 
τοις δικαστηρι 
ois [εισηγον 
αν ὅϊηλον ott 
Tavira ὃ εἰ μὴ 
νων η͵δη συν 
εβίη των εχίι 
νων κΊαν pap 
τυρίας υἹμιν 
εἰεν" εἶι dle ge 
vias πίρο]σκλη 

ΓΝ πίολλοιῆς 
[δε π]ροϊσκρουἹει" 
[kat oly [nvalyxa 
ἰσἼθῃ τίροποὴν 
[0] παίτηρ mou 
[calo6[ac avjrov 
[ov λελη]θεν. v 
[mers de οτῇε μεν 
ἴτουτον οὐἹκ ε 
ποιεῖιθ ο πατὴρ 
[nv ἰμη]τερ α 







Ans ηναγκα 
ζομην κατα 

του ονοματος 
του ἐμαυτου 
πατροθεν δε 

Col. xi. 

yeyovos ouTos 
o|\xAnpos 7 > 
παλιν uply πο 

τε Ologer εκεινος 




[adn]On λεγειν" 
[τι ὃ εἰ] yevdo > 
[μαρτυρι]ων a 
[λωσεσθα]ι προσ 
ἰδοκων εἸῴ οἷς 
[ερανιζει τ]ουτοις 
τοις περ]. αὐτον 
ερ[ημην εασει] 

ε τ[ελεσθηναι] 
την δίικη]ν [a 
pla] γε ἱμικραν) 
ηγεισῖθε Bra] 
Bnv ω [ανδρες] 
Αθηναιοι ν΄ 
κοινωνιαι τον 
πάντα βιον > 
της TovTouv do 
éns και τῶν ep 
yov εἰναι. o 

τι τοινυν ov{d] a 
υμιν ματην 





λ[ηθ]η λεγειν 
η[γεισθ]ε αντου" 
[ἐπειδα]ῖν δ᾽ ουτως 

Col. xii. 

kat γραφας 
τινας ὦ avdpes 
Αθηναιοι πε 
φευγεν eb aus 
ovdey aitios 

ἰω]ν eyo συν 

kat TNS apxns 

nv vues με 
σατε" και πολλα 
και δυσχερη 

δια TO ovopa 
new. ὧν wa εἰ 
δητε εΚαστΤων ) €xacTov 
μαρτυρας υμιν 
παρεξομαι ὦ 

τ΄ μαρτῦρες 
ορατε avdpes 20 
Αθηναιοι τα 
[κ]αι την αηδι 
αν τὴν εκ του 

εἰ τοινυν μηδεν 


φοβουμαι. θε 
ὡρήησατε" ov] 

Tos yap ηδη- 

Col. xiii. 
andes nv €k 
τουτων μηδε 
ολως αδυνα 
τον ταυτον ε 
XeElv ovopa 
npw συνεβαι 
vey. ov Ontrov 
δικαιον To με 
pos τῶν χρη 
ματων εχείι]ν 
κατα τὴν ποι 
nol nv o πα 
TNp avTov avay 
κασθεις εποι 
σατο" εμε δε 
τουνομα oO 
kat ovd υφ ε 
νος βιασθεις 
εθετο οὐκ eyo 
Ύ ηγουμαι. ἵνα 
τοινυν «dn 
τε [olre ov μονον 
εἰς Tous Ppa 
Topas ουτως 
ὡς μεμαρ 
Tupy| Tat > 






Col. xiv. Col. xv. 
0 πατὴρ THY 
eyypapny > 
εἰπο]ιησατο. ad | 
λα [klar την de 
καϊτη)ν €poe 
ἐν τ" τουνο 
μα [Tov|ro ε 
[θετο λα]βε μοι 
[και ταυτη]ν » 9 or 10 lines lost. 
τηΐν palprupt ; to δὲ παλιν Kat 
αν ὦ μὴν εἰ ye εἰας΄ 
᾿ μαρτυβ αυτον. ενεγραψεν 
akoveTe ανδρες 21 αν σε εἰς Tous δὴ 

Αθηναιοι οτι 
εγω μεν nv ε 15 
mt] Tovvopa 

[Tos] τουτου παν 

τα τον χρονον" 

τουτονι δὲ 

Βοιωτον εἰς 20 
Tous φρατορας 

ἡνικα ἡναγ 

κασθη eve 

[ylpawev ο πα 

[τ]ηρ. néews δ 
[τ]οινυν εροιμὴν 


αν QUTOV εν 

[ν]αντιον vor 


μοτας οπερ εἰς 
τους φρατορας" 
οὐκουν δεινον 

ω yn και θεοι; 
φασκειν μεν 
εκεινον αὐτοῦ 
πατερα εἰναι" 
τολμαν δε a 
κυρα ποιεῖν a 
εκεινος ἐπραὰ 
ἕεν. eToApa 22 

τοινυν προς τῶι 
διαιτητηι πρα 

γμα αναιδεστα 
τον λεγειν-. ὡς 


Col. xvi. 
About 12 lines lost. 
μίων ayvoey 
οἰομίαι oT ov 

I5 Τ av εποιήῆσε 

δεκατην ovdets 

Col. xvii. 

About 14 lines lost. 
15 ov ἰτοινυν εκ Tov 
τῶν εἶστ ιδειν 

παιδιου μη μονίον 
νομιζωίν av ‘ 
8 or 9 lines lost. 
Unplaced Fragments. 
Be, τ. Pry 2 Fr..2 Fr. 4 
σκί Ἰ. ασσὶ Ἰοπὶ 1.1 
Fr. 5. Fr. 6. Hrs 7: Fr. 8 

60]. 1 Col. τ΄. 

i. 2. π]ροτεροῖν : 1. ποτερον. 

10. ἡ ὅδίικη : so MSS. (δίκη 5); om. B(lass). 

iv. 7. μας was clearly omitted before εἰσιεναι, as in Q; ἡμᾶς Β. with 5, ἡμῖν F. 

Vv. 5-6. αἀπαντα ny[als : 80 5; ἡμᾶς ἅπαντα FQ. B. brackets ἡμᾶς. 

η--8. [ατεῖρος : ἅτερος ἡμῶν MSS. 

11. αὐτωι; this word is bracketed by B. on account of the hiatus. 

vi. 6. ἡλίκα was originally omitted in 5. 

16. ¢ of εζηι has been partially rewritten, probably by the second hand. 
21-2. οὐδεν exewvov BeAtioor: SO vulgo; ἐκείνου βελτίοσιν οὐδέν B, with S. 




viii. 14. [eyy]paya: so S; ἐγγεγράφθαι FQ. The supposed high stop may be part of 
the cross-bar of the following τ. . 

27. A short horizontal mark over the ν of ἐστιν has no evident meaning. It cannot 
satisfactorily be explained as intended to represent the v and then replaced by that letter. 

28. Μωντιθεοιν was apparently omitted after δυοιν, as in the text of FQ. 

ix. 2. φερε ὃ et, as emended by the corrector, is the original reading of S (δὲ εἶδ ; φέρ᾽ 
εἰ δέ Others, B. 

6. και νυν : καὶ yap viv MSS. (καὶ νῦν γάρ τ). 

7. The a οὗ οταν should have been struck out as well as the ν. 

17. The letters μου and part of the » are on a small fragment which is placed here 
with some doubt; it does not join up exactly on either side, and its colour is rather lighter 
than would be expected. 

x. 6. @[ndov: so Sr, B.; pe δῆλον others. 

20-1. [0] πιίτηρ π]οιη[σα]σόαι αὐἾτον : so S and vulg.; ποιησάσθαι αὐτὸν ὁ πατήρ FQ, 
ποιήσασθαι ὁ πατὴρ αὐτόν B. 

25-8. moe and vin ll. 25-6 and the initial letters of ll. 27--ὃ are on detached fragments, 
the position of which is hardly certain; that of the second fragment is more particularly 
doubtful owing to its colour. 

xi. I. yeyovos was a slip due perhaps to the influence of the next two words. οὗτος is 
omitted by FQ. 

10. τῆουτοις [τοις : so the MSS. Harpocration seems to have read τούτους τούς. 

20. marta: SOQ; ἅπαντα other MSS, 

Xii. 3. v of mepevyev has been converted from p, by which hand is uncertain. 

9. ημφεσβητει : so B. with S; ἠμφισβήτει others. 

IO-II. pe εἐπεχειροτονήσατε : SO most MSS. (ἐμέ); ἐπεχειροτονήσατε S first hand, ἐμὲ €xetpo- 
τονήσατε S corr. Q and B. 

17. The marginal variant exaorov is apparently new, but S records ἕκαστα ; the symbol 
prefixed is like that sometimes used in supplying an omission, e.g. 844. 114. 

21. avdpes: ὦ ἄνδρες MSS.; cf. xiv. 13. 

26. The papyrus agrees with Sr in omitting θεωρειτε after πραγματος. 

xiii. 10. tov: so FQ text r; τῶν ἐμῶν 5 and as ν.]. FQ, B. 
26. dparopas is also the spelling of S; φράτερας B. Cf. xiv. 21, xv. 15. 

Xiv. 5-6. εἐμοι πο[ιων], as originally written, is the usual order. For the use of the figures 
aand β to effect a transposition cf. e. g. 16. i. 26, 1018. 38. 

13. avdpes: 50 5, B.; ὦ ἄνδρες others. 

15. nv: so vulg. ; εἰμί B. with 5. 

19. τουτονι : 50 MSS.; τοῦτον B. 

XV. 23. ἐπραξεν : sor; ἔπραξε ζῶν others, Β. 

ΕῪ. 1. The first letter is possibly ε, but the fragment does not suit vii. 28. 

Fr. 2. This fragment cannot well be assigned to ix. 14. 

Fr. 4 may come from x. 29, but does not directly join. 


Fr. 5. This fragment might be supposed to be part of § 14 πολλα γ]αρ [eor ἀανθρωπιν]α, 
but this cannot be reconciled with the τ (or πὴ of the next column, which would belong to 
about the twentieth line from the end, and there is no initial τ or 7 within two lines 
of the twentieth from the end of Col. viii. 

Fr. 6. Apparently not vi. 8-9. 

Fr. 8 does not appear to suit either x. 26 or xiv. 5. It is hardly certain that the 
fragment belongs to this MS., or even which way up it should be read. 

1094. DEMOSTHENES, De Falsa Legatione. 

17 ΧΟ cm. Fifth century. 

A fragment from the upper part of a vellum leaf, containing on the verso 
portions of δῷ 274-5, on the recto portions of δὲ 279-80, of the De Falsa Lega- 
tione. It is clear from the extensive lacuna between ll. 23 and 24 that the leaf 
included more than one column; and we have the alternatives of supposing that 
there were two columns, implying a tall and narrow page of about 35 (at least) x 
20 cm., or three columns, which would give a squarer page measuring some 
28 cm. across and, if the lower margin was as deep as the upper one, of 
approximately the same height. The former is perhaps the likelier shape, but 
in any case this was a large and handsome codex. The script is a sloping 
uncial of medium size, carefully finished and with rather strongly marked con- 
trasts of light and heavy strokes ; it may date from the fifth century. Stops in 
two positions occur, inserted apparently by the original hand. There is a well- 
‘defined vertical ruling down the margin of the recto, but traces of horizontal 
rulings are only to be distinguished in places. 

No particular affinities are traceable in the text, which is inferior in quality 
to that of 1098. A conjecture of Dobree is supported in 1. 38. 


καιτοι KaAAL@ TaluTns εἰρη 274 
νὴν οὔτε προτερίον ουθυ 

στερον οὑδεις av [είπειν ἐεχοι 

πεποιημενὴν τίην πολιν 

5 αλλ ov τοῦτ εσκοΐπουν τουτοῦ 
μὲν yap ἤγοντο την αὐτῶν 




apeTnv Kat την [TNS πολεως 
δοξαν aitiay εἶιναι του de 
προικα ἡ μὴ τοῖν του πρεσβευ 
10 Tov τρόπον τοῖυτον ovy 
δικαιον ἠξιουν [παρεχεσθαι 
και αδωροδοκίητον Tov προ 
σοντα τοῖς κοιϊνοις EKELVOL 275 
μεν τοινυν οἴυτως εχθρον 
15 ἤγουντο To δίωροδοκειν 
και αλυσιτελῖες TN πολει 
@OTE PNT επῖι πραξεως μὴ 
δεμιας pnt εἶπ ανδρος εαν 

γίγνεσθαι ὕμ[εις de w τὴν 
20 αὑτὴν εἰρηνΐην εορακοτες 
Ta μεν τῶν σϊυμμαχων τῶν 

ημετερὼν τίειχη καθηρὴη 
κυϊαν τίας 


τοῖν dwpa ειληφεναι 279 
25 [ec μὲν ἡρίνουντο εξελεγ 
ἴχειν λοιῖπον av nv επειδη 
[δ ομολο]γουσιν ἀπαγειν dn 

που προσἸηκει: τι ουν 8 τοὺ 280 
[Tav ovtlws εἐχοντων ὕμεις 

30 [εκεινων] τῶν ανδρων ον 
[res οἱ δὲ κ͵αι τινες autor 

[ere ἑωντ]ες ὕπομενειτε 

[Tov μεν εἸυεργετην tov dn 

[mov Kat Toy εκ Πειραιως ἔπι 


35 |Kpatnv εκΐπεσειν kat κολα 

ἴσθηναι και] παλιν πρωην- 


[Θρασυβουλ]ον τον OpacuBov 
[Aov του δημοτικου του a 
[πο Φυλης κ]αταγαγοντος 
40 [τον δημον κΊαι τινας adAous 
ἰταλαντα δεῖκα ὠφληκεναι 

[kar tov ad| Αρμοδιου και τῶ 
[ra μεγισθ υἹμας αγαθα ειἰργα 
ἰσμενων ovs] νομωι δια τας 

45 [evepyeoias αἷς ὕπηρξαν εἰς 
ίυμας ev απασι] τοις ἵεροις Kat 
[ere tats θυσιαις σπονδων και 

9-.0. τοῖν του πρεσβευ͵του τροπον : τὸν τρόπον τοῦ πρεσβευτοῦ MSS. 
12. προήσοντα: προσιόντα MSS. ᾿ 
. For the abbreviation of ὦ ἀνδρες Αθηναιοι cf. |. 28 and e.g. P. Rylands 58. 92. 
A as S tobably followed γίγνεσθαι, but it cannot be distinguished. 

22. ἡμετερων: SO ks; ὑμετέρων others. 

25. e&ehey[xev: SO MSS. except S, which has ἐλέγχειν, and this is adopted by Butcher. 

26. λοιΊπον : so SYO ; there is not room for ro λοιἧπον, which is found in other MSS. 

27. opodolyovow: so L and vulg. ὡμολόγουν SQ, Blass, Butcher. 

28. προσηκει: so k; προσῆκεν other MSS. The present tense is consistent with 
opodolyovory in ]. 27. 

30. ἐκείνων apparently stood in the text, not Dobree’s commonly accepted emendation 
εξ εκεινων. 

37. ΘρασυβουλΊον : there is clearly no room for Θρασυβουλον εκεινον which is read by edd. 
with most MSS. Θρασ.. .. τόν is omitted by the first hands in SY; L has ἐκεῖνον τὸν 
Θρασύβουλον instead of Θρασ. ἐκεῖνον τὸν Θρασυβούλου. 

38. του : so Dindorf with Dobree; καὶ τοῦ MSS., Blass, Butcher. 

40. κἾαι τινας addovs: om. MSS. The words perhaps came in from a marginal note. 

42. Appodiov: so S'L text A; ‘App. καὶ ᾿Αριστογείτονος others. 

43. υἿμας αγαθα: οἵ. Libanius iv. 737. 27 Ta μέγ. ἡμᾶς dy. cipy. ἀγάθ᾽ ὑμᾶς most MSS. 
(ἡμᾶς S, &c.), om. ὑμᾶς A; [ὑμᾶς] Blass. 

46. και: om. MSS. 

1095. [ISOCRATES,] Ad Demonicum. 

25-6 X 8-5 cm. Fourth century. 

This is a leaf from a papyrus book, complete at the top and bottom but 
broken at the side, so that about half the letters in each line are lost. It is 
inscribed in a clear semicursive hand of medium size, and probably of the fourth 

L 2 


century. Stops in three positions occur, apparently added by the original scribe, 
to whom a rough breathing in 1. 47 also seems to be due; but a few accents are 
differentiated by a rather darker coloured ink than that of the text, which is of 
a brownish shade. 

Isocrates papyri have not as a rule been distinguished for good qualities 
(cf. e.g. 844), and in particular their chief representative for the Ad Demonicum, 
P. Berlin 8935, which is attributed to the second century, displays an extra- 
ordinary divergence of tradition. 1095 follows the normal type of text and is on 
the whole a creditable witness. As might be anticipated, there are occasional 
coincidences with the deteriores (ll. 3-4, 17), but agreements with the superior 
group of MSS., of which the chief is the Codex Urbinas (I), predominate. In 
the collation appended below, which is based on E. Drerup’s edition, I do not 
include unsupported readings of the eccentric Berlin papyrus. Another papyrus 
at Strassburg is available for comparison only in § 45. 

σιν ἀϊσΊκεῖι] plelydaclrov [yap ev ελαχίστωι 40 
vous ayabos ev ανθρίωπου σωματι πει 
po To plely copa εἰναι φιλοπονος τὴν 
de ψυχὴν φιλοϊσ)οφοῖς wa τωι μεν επιτε 

5 ἴλ]ειν δυϊνη τα dogavtia ry δὲ προοραν emt 

στη Ta συμφερίοντ]α [may o τι αν pedAnis 41 
ἰεἸρειν. προτερον επιΐσκοπει THL γνωμῆηι 
ἱπολΊλοις yap ἡ γίλ]ωττα [mporpexer της δια 
ἱνοι]ας" νομιζιεἸ μηδίεν εἰναι Tov ἂν 
10 [θρω]πίνων βεβαιοῖν ovrw yap ovr ev7vxov 
[ever] περιχαρης οὐδὲ δίυστυχων περιλυπος 
ἰδυο πἸοιοῦ καιρίο]υς του [Aeyery ἡ περι wy οἱ 42 
ἶσθα clapws ἡ περι wy [avayKatoy εἰπειν 
[εν] τοϊυτοις yap μίοϊνοις [o Aoyos της σιγης 
τ5 ἰκρ]ειτίτ]ων: ev δὲ τοις αἷλλοις ἀμεινον σι 
[yaly ἡ λεγειν. χαιρε plev em τοις συμβαι 
ἱνουσι] Tov ἀγαθων και λυπου μετριως ε 
[me Tolls γινομένοις ἱτων κακὼν γινοῦυ 
δὲ τοις] αλλοις μηδ εἶν ετεροις wy καταδη 


20 Aos* atomov yap τὴν [pev ovaltav εν ταις 
οἰκιαὶς αποίκ]ρυπτειν [τὴν de διανοιαν 
φαν[εἸραν εχοντα πΙεριπατειν μαλλον 43 
evrAaBov Ψψογον ἡ κιίνδυνον de yap εἰναι 
φοβεραν τοις μεν ἰφαυλοις τὴν του βιου 
25 τελευτην' τοις δε σπουδαιοις τὴν εν τῶι 
(nv αδίο]ξιαν: μαΐλιστα μεν πειρω ζην 
κατα την ἀσφαϊλ)]ίαν εαν δὲ ποτε σοι συμβηι 
κινδυνευειν ζηΐτει τὴν εκ τοῦ πολεμου 
σωτηρίαν μετὰ καϊλης δοξης adda μὴ με 
30 τ᾽ αἰσχρὰς φημης. tio] μίεν yap τελευτησαι 
παντων ἡ πεπρωμεΐνη κατεκρινε TO δε 
κάλως αποθανειν ἰδιον τοις σπουδαιοις 
ἄπενειμε. Kat μὴ θαζυμασηις εἰ πολλα των 44 
yi εἰρημενων ov πρεπέῖι σοι προς τὴν νυν 


35 ἱπαρουσαν ηλικιαν ov|de yap εμε τοῦτο διε 
[Aabev ἀλλα προειλομην δια της αὐτῆς πρα 
ἰγματειας apa του τε πΊαροντος βιοῖυ σ]υμβον 
[Atay εξενεγκειν καὶ τῇου μ[ελλοντος χρονου 
ἱπαραγγελμα καταλιπΊειν[ τὴν μεν yap τίου 

40 [των χρειαν padiws] ειδήσεις" τοῖν] δὲ ple 

T εὐνοιας συμβουλευ)οντα χαλεπὼς ευ[ρη 
σεις ὁπως οὐν μὴ] παρ ετέρου τα λοιπία 
ζητηις αλλ εντευθεν] ὠὡσπερ εκ ταμείζου 

45 [Aue ὧν exw ool. συμβουλευειν [πολ 45 

Anv ὃ av τοις θεοιΞ] xapw σχοιὴν ec μὴ 

[προφερηις ὠιηθην djev μηδὲν παρα 
[διαμαρτοιμι της Sjogns ἧς exwv πίερι 

σου τυγχάνω Toly μεν yap addy Tous 


ἰπλειστους ευρησομ]εν ὠσπερ των] σιτίιων 

50 [Tos ἡδιστοις μαλλοὴν ἡ τοις υγιεινοταΐτοις 

XalpovTas ovTw καὶ. Tov φιλων τίοις σὺν 


[e€apapravovot πλ]ησιαζοντας" αἰλλ. ov 
[rors νουθετουσι σε Sle νομιζω τουΐναντι 
[ov TovT@y εγνωκε͵ῖναι τεκμηρίιωι χρίω 
55 [μενος Tht περι την] ἀλλην παιδειαν φι 
ἰλοπονίαι Tov yap αὑτωι τα βελτιστα πρατ 
τειν επιταττοντὰ τίουτον εἰκος Καὶ Tay 
[αλλων Tous ἐπι την] ἀρετὴν παρακαλουΐν 
[ras αποδεχεσθαι μαλιστα ὃ αν παροξυν | 46 
60 [θειης ορεχθηναι τωὴν καλων Eepyov 
[εἰ καταμαθοις οτι Kat τας ndovas εκ του 
Tov μαλιστα yvnolw|s ἐχομεν" εν μεν 
yap Tor ραθυμειν και] τας πλησμονας «a 

65 [πεπηγασι To δὲ περι] τὴν ἀρετὴν φιλοπο 

[yamav εὐθυς at λυπαι] Tals ἡδοναις παρα 
[ve καὶ σωφρονως Tov eavtov βιον ot 


KOVOMELY αει τας] τερψεις εἰλικρινεῖς 

3-4. τὸ μ[εἶν copa: so ΛΗΣΥ Ρ. Berl.; τῷ μὲν σώματι Τ. Drerup, with Blass, writes τῷ 
σώματι μέν. 

την] δε ψυχην : SO ΠΣΥ; τῇ δὲ ψυχῇ ΓΤ. φιλοπ.... ψυχὴν om. P, Berl. 

5. enorme: ἐπιστήσῃ ZY. . 

ἡ. [εἤρειν : so probably the papyrus, not [Ae]yew with AMI P. Berl. : 

9-11. The sentence νομι(ε] .. . περίλυπος stands in this position in all MSS. and is 
retained there by Drerup. H. Wolf transposed it and ll. 12-16 dvo... Aeyew, an arrange- . 
ment adopted by subsequent editors. 

11. ovde: 1. ovre. 

12. mlovov καιρ[οἾυς : καιροὺς ποιοῦ Y Stobaeus. 

17. και λυπου : 50 Δ; λυποῦ δέ Τὶ, ἄς. The remains of the « are slight, but they are 
inconsistent with A. 

30. The grave accent on awxpas should have been a circumflex, 

31. mavtwv: πάντοτε 3, πάντως Y Stobaeus. 

32. To add ἡ φυσις (ΠΣῪ Stobaeus) after σπουδαιοις would clearly overload the line, 
and these two words were no doubt omitted as ἴῃ ΓΤ P. Berl. They are retained by Blass 
and other editors, but not by Drerup. 

33. The angular paragraphus below this line marks a new section. 

40-1. per evvotas συμβουλευΊοντα : σοι συμβ. per’ εὐν. AIT, συμβουλευσοντα per evv. P. Berl. 

42. map erepov τα λοιπΐα: SOT; τὰ λοιπὰ μὴ παρ᾽ ér. ATI and P. Berl. (erepor). - 

44—5. It is possible that av preceded exo as in ΛΗΣΥ ; the syllable A: may have stood 
in]. 44. 

47. ns: nv ΛΠ. 

585. madeav: sol P. Berl., P. Arg.; cov παιδείαν ΛΗΣΥ, 

57. Ta|v αλλων : τοὺς addovs P, Arg. 


61. εκ: τὰς ἐκ A. The supplement at the beginning of this line is rather longer than 
would be expected, but, as it includes four iotas and two omicrons, may be passed. 
66. eavrov: the scribe first wrote εαυτων, ἑαυτοῦ ΛΠ Stobaeus, αὑτοῦ Γ, 

1096. ISOCRATES, Panegyricus AND De Pace. 

10 X 7+3 cm. Fourth century. 

A practically complete though much wrinkled and discoloured leaf of thin 
vellum, containing the conclusion of the Panegyricus and the beginning of the 
De Pace, separated by the titles of the two orations. The measurements of 
the leaf are similar to those of 1080; it bears no decipherable number, but this 
must have been a rather bulky little volume, consisting of at least 150 such 
leaves. The handwriting is a well-formed upright uncial, of medium size, 
belonging to the so-called biblical type and attributable to the fourth century ; 
some accompanying cursive documents ranged in date from the third century to 
the fifth. Corrections have been made in blacker ink by a second hand, which 
has also added stops in three positions, occasional breathings, &c. Textually 
there is little to remark beyond the usual absence of well-defined affinities to 
mediaeval MSS.: an agreement with Γ in |. 14 is immediately followed in 1. 19 by 
a ‘vulgate’ (A) reading. No comparison is possible with the British Museum 
papyrus of the De Pace, since the commencement of that copy is lost. My 
collation depends on the edition of Blass. 


και τοις ἄλλοις μεγαλω 
αγαθων αἰτιοι δοξ[οὴυ 

σιν €lVAt >>> 

>> >>> 



απαντες μεν ειωθασιν οἱ 

παριοντες evOade ταυτα 

μεγιστα φασκειν ειναι 

και μαλιστα σπουδης αξι 
IO @ τῆι πολει περι ὧν av αὖ 



τοι μελλωσιν [olvpBovrev 
ειν' οὐ μὴν [αΪλλ εἰ και περι 
αλλων τινων πραγματῶω : 
ἡρμοσεν τοιαυτα προει 

I5 πειν. δοκει μοι πρεπειν 

καὶ περὶ τῶν νὺυν παρὸν 


tov εντευθεν [π]οιησασθαι 
τίη]ν [αρ]χην" ἤκομεν yap 2 
20 [πἼολεμου Kat ειρ[ηἹνης ἁ 
μεγιστην exer δυναμιν 

ev τῶι βιωι Tov ανθρω 

πων. και περι ὧν αναγκὴ 
tous ορθως βουλευομενους. 

25 ἄμεινον τῶν ἀλλωὼν πρατ 
τειν" τὸ μὲν ovy μεγεθος 
ὑπερ ὧν συνεληλυθαμε 
τηλικουτον ἐστιν" ορω 3 
δἾ[ε]] ὑμας ἰου]κ [εἰξ ἰσου τῶν 

30 λεγοντῶν Ἶτ]ην ακροασῖ 
ποιουμενους. αλλα τοις 
μεν προσεχοντας τον 
νουν. τῶν δὲ ovde [[τηΐν]} 

5. περι τῆς ειρηνης : περὶ εἰρήνης Τ', περὶ τῆς εἰρήνης ἢ συμμαχικός vulg. 

33. τὴν was perhaps repeated by an inadvertence on the next page and therefore 


[σ]υμβουλευειν : συμβουλευσειν MSS. 

ἡρμοσεν: SOT (-ε) ; ἥρμοζε vulg. 

νυν : νυνι VUlg. 

περι τε: SO Dionys. Hal. Jsocr. 16 and vulg.; om. τε I. 
The corrector’s reading is that of the MSS. 
βουλευομενους : SO MSS.; βουλευσαμένους Dionys. 

here. A thick ink-mark between δὲ and οὐδὲ may have come through from the 

other side. 


1097. CICERO, De Imp. Cn. Pompei AND In Verrem 11. i. 

154xX8-4cm. Fifth century. Plate VI (recto). 

Two fragments from Egypt of the Pro Plancio, on vellum, were published 
last year by S. de Ricci (Mélanges Chatelain, pp. 442-7), to be followed a few 
months ago by a papyrus of the Second Oration against Catilina (P. Rylands 61), 
and still more recently by another of 702: Verrem 11. i (ed. F. Ramorino in 
Papiri d. Soc. Ttal.). A fourth Ciceronian fragment now makes its appearance. 
It is a portion of a leaf from a papyrus book, containing the conclusion of the 
speech De Imperio Cn. Pompei and the commencement of the Acto Secunda 
against Verres. The script is a small and upright half-uncial, with some 
tendency to a more cursive style, especially towards the ends of lines; the 
linked form of ¢ with the cross-bar at an angle and continued to form the base 
of the next letter is occasionally employed, e.g. in 1. 22 auctoritate. Greek 
documents of the fifth century were found in the company of this papyrus and 
to that century it is itself suitably referred. With the commencement of the 
Verrine oration the hand becomes rather heavier, and very likely the new speech 
was begun on another day or with a different pen. The ink throughout is of 
the brown colour common at the period. The lines are long, and the leaf when 
complete must have measured some 18 cm. across, the column of writing having 
a width of about 13-5 cm. With an allowance of 5 cm. for the margin at the top 
and bottom, the height of the leaf may be estimated at some 29 cm., the propor- 
tions being thus very much the same as those of 1011. A great deal can be got 
into a page of this size, with small writing and closely packed lines; and a 
further economy of space was attained by the abbreviation or contraction of certain 
common words. For punctuation a single high point was used, accompanied by 
a short interval before the next letter, e.g. 1. 62. 

In the text of this papyrus the chief point of interest is its relation to the 
Harleianus (H). Noteworthy agreements with that manuscript occur in Il. 12, 
28, and 31, in the two latter passages against all other authorities. On the 
other hand 1097 and H are opposed in 11. 18, 21, 41, and 44. The affinity 
between the two, therefore, seems to be weaker than that between H and the 
Turin palimpsest. Readings peculiar to the papyrus are limited to two slight 
variations in the order of words (ll. 25-6, 42-3), an apparently erroneous 
addition in 1. 29, a fairly evident interpolation in 1. 58, and the insertion of vir, 
which is of very questionable value, in 1. 13. Fhe collation given below is based 
on the Oxford editions of Clark and Peterson, supplemented occasionally by 


that of Baiter-Halm. Orthographical details such as adgue, opiume, inprobari 
are not noticed. 

Recto (δ 60-65). Plate VI. 

adg> Hispaniense ab uno imperatore & confecta duasg> urbes potentissimas 
guae huic tmperio maxime 
min{i\talbla\ntur Carthaginem adg> Numantiam ab eodem Scipione ce deletas 
72 commemorabo 
nuper ita (vobis patribusg> vestris 56 visum ut in uno C. Mario spes impert 
poneretur ut idem cum Iugurtha idem 
cum Cimbjris idem cum Teutonis bellum administraret in ipso Cn. Pompeto 
in quo novi constitut nthil volt Q. 
5 Catulus quajm) m{ulta sint nova summa Q. Catuli voluntate constituta 
vrecordamini quid tam novum } 
quam aduljescentulum privatum exercitum dificil’ r p tempore conficere 
confecit huic pracee prae . 
fuit rem optume dujctu suo gerere gessit quid tam practer consuetudinem 
guam homini peradu ; 
lescenti cuius aeljas a senatorio gradu longe abesset imperium adg> exercitum 
dari Siciliam permitti 
adg> Africam bellu{mg> in ea provincia administrandum fuit in his provincus 
singulari innocentia 
10 gravitate virtute {bellum in Africa maximum confecit victorem exercitum 
deportavit quid 
vero tam) inauditum quam eq R> triumphare at eam quog> rem populus R> n 
modo vidit sed omnium etiam 
studio vislelndam et colncelebrandam putavit quid tam tmusitatum quam ut 
cum duo consules cla 
vissimi viri fortissim|tg> essent eq R> ad bellum maximum for midolosissimum@g> 
pro consule mitie 
vetur missus est quo quidem tempore cum esset i nemo in senatu qui dweret 
722 opor tere 
15 mitti hominem prijviatum pro consule L. Philippus dixisse dicitur n se illum 
sua sententia pro consule sed ; 
pro cons> mittere tanta in eo Κ p bene gerendae spes constituebatur ut duorum 
consulum munus unius 
adulescentis virtuti ‘committeretur quid tam singulare quam ut ex senatus 
consulto legib> solutus consul ante 




fitleret quam ullum al\ium magistratum per leges capere licusset quid tam 

incredtbile quam ut tterum 

eg R> ex senatus consulto tiriumpharet quae in omnib> hominib> nova post 
hominum memoriam con 

stituta sunt ea tam multa [72 sunt quam haec quae in hoc uno homine vidimus 
adg> haec tot exempla 

nova plrofecta sunt in eundem 

tanta ac tam hominem a Q. Catuli adg> a ceterorum eiusdem dignitatis 
amplissimorum hominum 

auctoritate qua re videalnt ne sit periniquum et n ferendum illorum auctort- 
tatem de Cn. 

Pompei dignitate a vobis conprobatum semper cé vestrum ab illis de codem 
homine tudicium populig> R- 

auctoritatem inprobari plraesertim cum iam suo ture populus R> im hoc homine 
suam auctoritatem vel 

contra omnes qui dissentiunt possit defendere propterea quod isdem istis 
reclamantib> vos illum . 

unum ex omnib deligistis quem bello praedonum praeponeretis hoc st vos 
temere fecistis et 7 2 

parum consuluistis recte {isti studia vestra suis consilius regere conantur Sin 
autem vos plus tum in Ὁ 2 

vidistis vos istis re plugnan tib> per vosmet ipsos dignitatem huic emperto 
salutem orbi terrarum attulistis 

quarie aliquando isti] princlipes et sibi et ceteris populi R> universt auctort- 
tati parendum ee fateantur 

30 adg> in hoc bello Asiatic[o] et relgio Quirites Ἢ solum militaris ula virtus quae 


est in Cn. Pompeto singularis 

sed aliae qguog> animi virtlutes magnae et multae requiruntur difficile est 17 
Asia Cilicia Syria 

vegnisq> imteriorum nattonum ita versart nostrum imperatorem ut nihil 
aliud ntsi de hoste ac de 

laude cogitet deinde etiam {si qui sunt pudore ac temperantia moderatiores 
tamen cos é tales propter mul 

titudinem cupidorum Mominum nemo arbitratur duficile est dictu Quirttes 
quanto in odio simus apuad 

exter \as |nationes 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 





Verso (δῷ 70, 71, x Verrem 11. i. 1-4). 

| eor|u\m qui ad 

(rem publicam adeunt maxime perspiciunt me hoc 1169» rogatu facere cuius- 
guam 7169» quo Cn.| Po\m| plet gratiam 

(mihi per hanc causam conctliart putem neg> quo mihi ex cuiusquam ampli- 
tudine au\t praesidia 

(periculis aut adiumenta honorib> quaeram propterea quod pericula facile ut 
hio\minem praestare 

(oportet innocentia tecti repellemus honorem autem neg> ab uno neg> ex hoc loco 
sled eadem illa nostra 

(laboriosissima ratione vitae si vestra voluntas feret consequemur quam o\b 
vem quidquid in hac causa 

[mthe susceptum est Quirites id ego omne me Κ p causa suscepisse confirmo 
tantumg> abest u\t aliquam mihi gratiam 

[(bonam quaesisse videar ut multas me etiam simultates partim obscuras 
par\tim apertas intellegam 

\mihe 72 necessarias vobis i inutiles suscepisse sed ego me hoc honore praeditum| 
tantis vestris beneficiis 

[adfectum statut Quirites vestram voluntatem et 7 p dignitatem et salutem!| 
provinciarum adg> s\ocio} 

[yum mets omnib> commodis et rationib> praeferre oportere | 

\< >>>> «« } i 


(weminem vestrum ignorare arbitror tudices hunc per hosce d\te|s| sermonem 
volgt adg> h(anc 
\opinionem populi R> fuisse C. Verrem altera actione responsurum 72 ele neq> 
ad tudicium adfuturum | 
\quae fama n tdcirco solum emanarat quod iste certe statuera\t ac deliberaverat 
72 adeé ver\ulm | 
etiam guod nemo quemquam tam audacem tam amentem t\am inpudentem 
Sore arbitr\abatur 


(qui tam nefariis criminib> tam multis testib> convictus| ora iudicum aspicere 
aut (os 
(suum populo R> ostendere auderet est idem Verres qui fuit semper τ] ad 
audendum protectus 
55 [sic paratus ad audiendum praesto est respondet defendi\tur ne hoc gd sibi 
| reliqut faci t 
[wt in rveb> turpissimis cum manifesto teneatur si reticeat et albsit tamen 
inpudentiae suae pludentem 
[exitum quaesisse videatur patior iud> et nr moleste fero| me laboris met vos 
virtutis viestrae 
| fructum 55 laturos nam si iste id fecisset quod prius sta\tuerat ac delibera- 
verat ut i | 
[adesset minus aliquanto quam mihi opus esset cognosceretur| quid ego in hac 
accusatione con 
60 | paranda constituendag> elaborassem vestra vero laus tenulis pl*ne atg> 
obscura iud> \esset 
(xeg> hoc a vobis populus R> exspectat neg> eo potest e contentlus st condem- 
natus sit is φίρῖ 
ladee noluerit et si fortes fueritis in co quent nemo sit au\sus defendere: immo 
vero | 
[adsit respondeat summis opib> summo studio potentissimoru\m hominum 
defendatur cer tet 
(mea diligentia cum illorum omnium cupiditate ves\tra integritas cum istius | pe 
65 [cunia testium constantia cum illius patronorum minis ad'g> ploten\tia 
tum denium 
(alla omnia victa videbuntur cum in contentionem certameng> venerint absens 
st elss(et 

6. The abbreviation of ves publica is nowhere preserved in the papyrus, but it is 
commended by considerations of space here and elsewhere. 

10. virtule gravitate Τ. 

12. ef colncelebrandam: so HE; om. others. 

13. 0171: om. MSS. 

17. The supplement in this line is of unusual length and perhaps sena/us consulto was 
abbreviated, though written out in 1]. 19. 

18. allium: om, H. 

19. A stroke indicating abbreviation may have disappeared above the φ of egues. 

21. eundem| hominem: so MSS. except H, which has eodem homine; this is adopted by 
Clark. The omitted words were added by the original hand. 

a Q. Caltulr(?): so ET ; aque Catuli H, a Q. Catulo dett. 


25-6. 2llum| unum: unum illum MSS.  deligistis is also the spelling of T. 

28. zsts: so H: zs T, his E dett. 

29. gua[rje: om. MSS. The word may have come in from a failure to recognize 
that vos... attulistis belonged to the protasis; or perhaps, as Clark suggests, it is 
a corruption of Quzrites, the abbreviation of which was frequently misunderstood. We 
might then suppose that the Quzrz/es which H inserts in 1. 30 stood earlier in the papyrus. 

30. The addition of Quzrites with H is probable in view of the size of the lacuna, but 
of course not certain ; cf. the preceding note. 

31. animt virfutes: so H, Clark; virtutes animi others. 

41. quidguid: so MSS. with the exception of H, which has sz guid (adopted by Clark). 

42-3. gratiam [bonam: bonam gratiam MSS. It is improbable that donam was left 
out entirely, since this would leave the supplement in 1. 43 abnormally short. That in 
1. 42, on the other hand, is rather longer than would be expected, and perhaps ego was 
omitted, as in one of the dett. 

44. vestris is omitted in H. 

44-8. The title of the speech following as well as of the one preceding seems to 
have been given here; cf. e.g, 1096. 4-5 and 1011. go-1. 

52. The apparent shortness of the supplement may be explained by the repetition of 
the letter 22. 

53. @ of auf is considerably enlarged. 

55. It seems clear that parafus was not omitted as in D, &c. 

58. ac deliberaverat, which the MSS. omit, has doubtless come in wrongly from I. 51. 

60. Why the a of plane was written above the line is not clear. . 

61. The supplement is quite long enough without emzm after neque (so 1), &c.) even if 
populus was abbreviated. 

64. zs/Zus: so Ὁ Schol. Gronov. and dett. ; /us others, Peterson. The initial supple- 
ment is four or five letters shorter than would be expected. 

1098. VERGIL, Aenerd ii. 

5:2 X 20-8 cm. 
Fourth or fifth century. Plate VI (verso). 

Examples of Latin MSS. in square capitals are scarce, and this small 
fragment from the second book of the Aeneid, though textually of no value, 
has a palaeographical interest. The script is not particularly large, but it has 
the roundness and breadth characteristic of the type. Hands of this kind are 
attributed to the fourth or fifth century, and there is no reason to put this 
specimen any later. They may indeed go back to a somewhat earlier period ; 
cf. Wessely, Stud. Pal. i. App. The fragment is part of a leaf of thin vellum, 
which was ruled horizontally and vertically in the usual way with a hard point. 
When complete the page must have been fairly tall, the column consisting of some 
twenty-three lines. The text has been revised by a corrector whose blacker ink is 


easily distinguishable from the brown of the first hand. He also added occasional 
marginal notes (I. 42), inserted some stops in the middle position, and touched 
up others which he already found there. He was not, however, responsible for 
the marginalia on the recto, which are inscribed in small half-uncials in an ink 
of the same colour as that of the text and may be attributed to the original 







(aedificant sectaque intexunt abiete co|stas 

[votum pro reditu simulant- ea fama vagatur. 247 terrlas 
(hkuc delec\ta virum sortit corpora: furtim +. 894 
(cxclud\unt caeco \latert penit\usg: cavernas 

[emgentis uterumaque armato mi\lite conplent: 

[est in conspectu Tenedos noti|ssima fama 

(2nsula dives opum Priami dium regna maneblant 

nunc tantum sinus et statio| male f\ida carinis 

Verso. Plate VI. 

[s\cindi|tur incertum studia in contraria volgus 
primus 101 ante omnis mlagna comitante caterva 

Laocon ardens: summa decurrit αὖ arce 
et procul: o miselri quae tanta in\sania clives 

creditel|s avectios hostis aut ulla putatis 

dona carere {dolis Danaum sic notus Ulixes 

aut hoc inclusi ligno occultantur Achivi 

[aut haec\ in nos|tros fabricata est machina muros 

17. The supposed ¢ in the adscript may be a, but aeras is hardly suitable. 

18. Some further letters of the illegible marginal note may have disappeared. 

42. It is possible that three or four letters preceded Laocoontis, e.g. haec. The 
meaning of the curved mark, which was inserted by the second hand below this line, is not 




25:2 X 14:1 cm. Fifth century. 

A leaf, broken diagonally on one side, from a Latin-Greek vocabulary to 
the Aeneid. An analogous text is P. Rylands 61, which contains part of Cicero's 
In Catilinam II with a paraphrase in Greek. There, however, the Latin is 
transcribed continuously, whereas here it is only excerpted. The Latin words 
and their Greek equivalents are in parallel columns, both written by one copyist 
in a well-formed uncial hand of medium size and dating perhaps from the fifth 
century. The vocabulary extended over at least two books, of which the explicit 
and incipit, inscribed in capital letters and enclosed in an ornamental border, are 
preserved near the end of the second page. A work on so large a scale and 
executed by so practised a hand is evidently not to be credited to a young 
learner ; and it is surprising to find it so full of blunders. Not only are there 
frequent errors both in the Latin and the Greek, but the Vergilian order is not 
always maintained. Words from different verses are sometimes ranged in the 
same line (e.g. 1]. τό, 21) and in two places (ll. 1-6, 27 sqq.) there is a con- 
siderable dislocation. Some of the mistakes have been eliminated by a less 
cultivated hand employing a darker ink, but a good many remain, and no 
attempt has been made to amend the disturbed order. The corrector is 
responsible for the accentuation, which in order to assist pronunciation has 
been applied to the Latin as well as the Greek, stressed syllables receiving an 
acute accent ; in one case (l. 6) a mark of long quantity is used instead. These 
accents were often very lightly written, and were probably inserted in many 
places where they are no longer really visible. The leaf, which is of stout 
vellum, was ruled on the recto with a hard point which has left a light brown 
mark; the horizontal rulings are doubled so as to regulate the size as well as 
the line of the writing. There is no trace of pagination. 

aspiciunt θεωροῦσιν 664 
auriat αντλήση 661 
sparsasq: Kal εραντισμενας 665 
conlapsam ολισθησασαν 664 
5 711 TTOPEVET QL 665 

moriémur αποθάνωμεν 659 








ab alta 






[per cul mi\na 
[exanimis ulnguib: 
[ foedans] 

[ fraude 

[ petebas 
[vogus querar 


ad fata 

[eadem vocasses 
[evaserat fove 




προς Ta uvrnda 


ava Tas opodas 

αψυχος ονυξιν 


] απατα ενέδραι 
| nTes 


π]υρκαΐα μ[ αἤμψομαι 

προς Tas μοιρας 


676, 677 

. Tals avras κεκληκις ἃ 

. ἀμφ)οτέρος 

εξανεβεβΊηκει kK. On 

ετρεφε | 

685, 686 


deficit cubitog’ 
laevdvit toro 

vevolitta est 

40 reperta 

45 drtus mérita 


50 abstulerat 
Orco mille 

55 Diti hutc 

Ἐ [ Lib. cit 
@ incipit lib.v 
60 1 1676α 
αἱ quilone (?) 
Piolluto (Ὁ) 
nlotum (?) 



ατἰω]νεῖ κ᾿ ανκώνει 

εκουφισεν στρωμνὴ 



ο ε 
arred|| ε]ύσις 
και δεδεμέναι 
μέλη άξια 





-ᾳἈΆ,ΓἈὈΓἦΠἧΠΊ σι ee 

689, 690 

690, 691 




695, 696 


699, 701 




Boge se Δι τὴς 

ἡ. ab: 1. ad. 

10. wlulato: cf. M ululat|]olju. 

15. It may perhaps be inferred from κυλίονται that volvuntur and not volvaniur was 
written. volvuniur is the original reading in Pc and was inserted by the second hand in γ. 

17. Some other letter was originally written in place of the first a of μιαινουσα. 

21. mlvpxaia should be oxytone, and possibly the accent, though actually nearer to the 
t, was intended for the a. The accent on μελη in 1]. 45 is similarly somewhat misplaced. 

22. Why the imperative kalrappornoov was written is not easy to see. 

25. Nothing is wanted before rals and probably a defect in the leaf caused the Greek 
line to be begun further to the right than usual; cf. 1. 26. Several other flaws occur in this 
leaf. εμε τας would be an unnatural order. 

26. |orepos here can hardly be anything else than the termination of apqorepos, for 
aporepas, the accented e being a survival of the correct termination. But aydlorepos 
does not account for the space, and since o avros aup|orepos would more than fill it, this line 
tends to confirm the hypothesis suggested by 1]. 25 of a flaw in the vellum at this point. 

24-8. The remains of the Greek appear to suit nothing in the Latin nearer than 
ll. 685-6. 

29. If ll. 27-8 are rightly reconstructed, there was very probably a disturbance in the 
order of the entries, as in ll. 1-6, and Il. 29 544. may return to one of the earlier verses. 
rev however is rather intractable unless we go back as far as 1. 675 hoc illud_fuit, which 
might perhaps be represented by exewvo τουτὶ yv. This would be of about the right length, 
but is not particularly satisfactory. 

_ 35. Clearly marked rulings terminate three or four lines below this one, but there are 
faint traces of further rulings lower down, and the column may have continued some ten 
lines beyond 1. 35. 

37. The second ὁ of foro has been converted from a w. ; 

39. guaesivit: Ὁ and ¢ were written by the corrector over 2 and s (guaesi#is). 

43. 1. αντιπαλαίουσαν. 

44. 1. nexosg(ue). The Greek shares the error. 

46. 1. perzbat. 

47. nondum: necdum Py. ‘The first of ουδωπω is rather damaged and the misspelling 
was possibly amended. 

55. 1. Aunc. 





15: X 11-8 cm. A.D. 206. ΡῬ]αίε Υ. 

A circular letter addressed by the praefect Subatianus Aquila to the 
strategi of the Heptanomia enclosing a copy of an edict which they are directed 
to post up in conspicuous places for a period of not less than thirty consecutive 
days. The edict is unfortunately disfigured by extensive lacunae which render 
it difficult to follow the sense at all closely, and not much more can be said than 
that the object aimed at was the repression of official extortion, διασεισμός. 
Complaints of this are not rare in the papyri (e.g. 240. 5, 284. 5, 285. 12, 
P. Amh. 81. 6), and prohibitions of it go back to Ptolemaic times (cf. P. Paris 
61, P. Tebt. 5. 138-43, &c.). What particular class or classes of officials the 
praefect on the present occasion had in view is not apparent. 

The text, which is on the verso, is copied in a hand approximating to the 
literary type, and so, being accurately dated, has a certain palaeographical 
interest. On the recto is 1110. 

Σουβατιανὸς ᾿Αἀκύλας στρατηγοῖς ᾧ νομῶν [καὶ Apowotrov χαίρειν. διατάγμα- 

τος προτεθέντος ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ ἐν τῇ λαμπροτάτίῃ πόλει τῶν ᾿Δλεξανδρέων 

ὑμεῖς φροντίσατε εὐδήλοις γράμμασι ἐπὶ τῶν μητροπόλεων καὶ ἐν τοῖς 
τῶν νομῶν φα- 

2 ᾽ ~ Ν »»Ἄ 2 ς ~ 4 7 
νερωτάτοις τόποις προ(θγεῖναι μὴ ἔλαττον TplaKor[Ta ἡμερῶν κατὰ play 

τινὰ πε- 
5 ρίοδον. ἐρρῶσθαι ὑμᾶς βούλομαι. ἔτους te ‘AOd[p 25 letters 
μονων [ul] ἐπιμοί. «(ως ὑποκιμένων διασιοῖμεν 84. Ὁ 
μανθάνων [ κα. διὰ τῶν ἔργων ἐπανόρθωσιν 22 ΡΝ 

ὑπομνήσει [κα]λῶς ἔχειν ἐνόμισα [...]. [ 23. yam 

1100. OFFICIAL 165 

πὶ τοῖς τοιούτοις [ν]όμοις ἀποῖ. Ἶαντες τινὰς oO. [ 23 letters 
10 ros τῆς τάξεως [... παρ]άδιγμα κληΐ σ᾽ θήσεταίι,) of ὙΌΣ ΕΝ 

[. νων κατὰ T.[.... « -Ἰομηδονη παρὰ σύστημᾳ Ϊ at 4 = 

[. .]ν δὲ ᾳθί. « «ον ον. ἦντές τινα κατὰ τοιαύτην πρόφίἰασν 17 4, 

[. .]. ots ovf...... .]. διασειόμενοι καὶ évoxAovpevole Boece: 

[. .Jrov 7... [ν διασιόντων τῶν εἰς ταῦτα ὑπηρη . [ Pater Ν ὁ 
15 [με]τὰ παρρησίας, κὰν ἐλεγχθῶσι, τῆς προσηκούσης τεύξ[ονται τιμωρίας. εἰ δὲ .. 

[- .] . ροιντο τοῖς διασείουσι καὶ περιμένοιεν καὶ αὐτοὶ . [ 17 letters 

᾽ a 7 A 3 ? bd \ , “ A 

[ev] τῇ χώρᾳ τῶν ἀδικουμένων ἀλλὰ ἐν τῇ TOV a... Vol ,, τ 

[. .vor τῶν τοιούτων εἰσπράξεως νομισθ. . . . «|» προῖ PATE 

[. .vors κολλητιῶσι ἀπέχεσθαι τῶν ἐντί ἣν ΡΝ 

20 |.» 

[. -] μὴ προσφθείρεσθαι αὐτὸ εἰς καταλὶ 

[διάταγμα φωραθεῖεν ἐπὶ τουτοΐ. .]σ. | 29 

[. αδοθήσονται καὶ οἱ χρώμενοι | Ae tee 

[mploeréOn ἐν ᾿Αντινόου πόλ(ει) ὑπὸ Api 
3. ὕμεις Pap. 4. v of edarrov added above the line. 5. at of eppwoda written 

over ε. 14. ὕπηρη.. ἷ Pap. 17. τη before των added above the line. 19. « Of vos 

added above the line. 23. ὕπο Pap. 

1. For Subatianus Aquila cf. the note on 1111. i. 3-5. The extent of the lacunae at 
the ends of the lines is uncertain, but can hardly be less than I have supposed. The loss 
in 11. 2-23 has been roughly calculated on the basis of the supplement adopted in I. 1. 

2. ᾿Αλεξανδρέων : ᾿Αντινοέων might be preferred on account of 1. 23, but Alexandria 
is the natural place of promulgation. If ’Avrwoéwy were supplied, χωρὶς ᾿Αντινοἴΐτου would 
_ presumably have to be added in 1. 1; οὗ 6.6. Β. 6. U. 484. 9-10. 

3. εὐδήλοις γράμμασι : cf. P. Hibeh 29. (a) recto 9 γράψας εἰς λεύκωμα μ[ε]γάλοις γράμμασιν 
ἐκτιθέτζω, Dittenberger, Or. Gr. Inscr. 665. 11-13 ἔν] τε τῇ μητροπόλει τοῦ νομοῦ καὶ καθ᾽ 
ἕκαστον τόπο]ν αὐτὸ προθεῖναι σαφέσι καὶ εὐσήμοις [γράμμασιν,] ἵνα [παν] τὶ [ἔκ]δηλα ([[εὐ]δηλα) γένηται. 
For the supplement at the end of the line cf., besides that inscription, ibid. 664. 4-5, B.G. U 
1086. 11. 3-4. 

4. In B. αζῦ. 372. ii. 18 the period specified is three months. 

5. βούλομαι is the word also used in the analogous circular B. G. U. 646. 7, and in the 
letter of Subatianus Aquila published by F. Zucker in Stizungsb. der K. Preuss. Akad. 1910, 
p- 113. Zucker’s remark that βούλομαι in place of εὔχομαι is ‘ganz gegen die Regel’ 
is somewhat misleading ; βούλομαι seems to have been preferred in the praefect’s bureau. 

10. κλησθήσεται, if rightly read, may be for κληθήσεται; κλήειν and κλήζειν are 
unlikely here. 

11. Perhaps μηδέν was meant ; the writer was clearly not very accurate. 

14. émnper cannot be read, but perhaps the second ἡ is a mistake for e. 

19. κολλητιῶσι is a remarkable word ; the fourth and fifth letters might be read as av, 
which, however, does not improve matters. τ, not y, isclear. A Grecism of co//atio is hardly 
likely at this date. 


22. If the verb is [παρ]αδοθήσονται, the first syllable would probably belong to the 
previous line. The number of letters lost at the beginnings of ll. 11-22 is not 
precisely fixed. 


28-7 X 17-7 cm. A.D. 367-70. 

Copy of an edict prohibiting recourse to military praepositi on the part of 
civil litigants. The name of the praefect issuing this decree is given as... Imius 
Statianus, i.e. no doubt Flavius Eutolmius Tatianus (Dittenberger, Or. Gr. Iuscr. 
723), who held office in A.D. 367-70; cf. Cod. Theod. xii. 18. 1, Cantarelli, Za 
Serie dei Prefetti, ii. p. 34. He begins by stating that the illegal abuse of 
military jurisdiction was a matter of his own personal knowledge (ll. 2-12). 
Jurisdiction over civilians belonged to the praefect (ll. 13-15) and their recourse 
to praepositi was only permissible when justice was required locally against 
a soldier (Il. 17-21). Nothing else justified neglect of the proper civil courts, 
and future offences in this regard would be punished by deportation or con- 
fiscation, according to the rank of the delinquent (Il. 22-5). The text breaks off 
in an incomplete sentence ordering the local riparii to report any cases which 
they might detect; probably only a few words were wanted to conclude the 
copy of the edict, and if they were added it must have been either along the 
lost left-hand margin or on a separate sheet of papyrus, for this one is complete 
at the bottom and on the right-hand side, and there is no indication of a second 
sheet having been joined on. 

The encroachment against which this proclamation is directed of the 
military authority in judicial matters is illustrated by the frequently recurring 
imperial constitutions on the subject during this period. In Cod. Theod. xii. 1. 
128 of A.D. 392 it was ordained Militaribus viris nihil sit commune cum curiis ; 
nthil sibi licttum sciant, quod suae non subiectum est potestati; cf. id. i. 21. τ 
Numquam omnino negotiis privatorum vel tuitio militis vel executio tribuatur 
(A.D. 393), ii. 1. g SZ guis neglectis iudicibus ordinariis sine caelesti oraculo 
causam civilem ad militare tudicium crediderit deferendam, praeter poenas ante 
promulgatas intellegat se deportationis sortem excepturum (cf. 1. 24 below νῆσον 
οἰκῆσαι κελεύω), nihilo minus et advocatum eius decem librarum auri condemna- 
tione feriendum, Cod. Fust. i. 46.2% Praecipimus, ne quando curiales vel privatae 
condicionis homines ad militare exhibeantur iudicium (cf. ll. 24-5 below). Military 

1101. OFFICIAL 167 

arrogance and aggression form one of the main themes of the oration of Libanius 
De patrocinits (cf. &§ 4-5, 23, &c.) ; and a concrete instance is provided by P. Brit. 
Mus. 408, where a complaint is brought against a praepositus that he had 
prevented certain criminals from being brought to justice (about A. D. 346). 

Ἀντίγραφον διατάγματος. 
[Φλαύιος Εὐτόϊλμιος Στατιανὸς ὁ λαμπρότατος ἔπαρχος ᾿Εγύπτου λέγει" 
οὐ...... ἢ μὲν. €. ρεισει Kal πίαρ᾽ ὀλίγων τῶν πρώτων 
πυθόμενο)ς, ἀλλὰ πρὸς διδασκαλίαν τρόπον τινὰ λαμβάνον 
5 [ἐκ τῶν ells ἑκάστ[η]ν πόλιν τε καὶ ἐνορίαν γιγνομένων. 
ἔγνων yalo ἐξ ἐν[τ]εύξεων ὥς τινες τῶν ἰδιωτῶν τὴν 
τύχην ἄν)ευ πὰ... .. «τας, εἴτε ὑπὸ κακίας ἣ καὶ ὑπὸ κακο- 

τας πάνυ κἸ]αταπονῖν, προσφεύγουσιν τοῖς κατὰ τόπον πραι- 
10 ΕἸ de βιβλία τούτοις ὡς ἐπιδιδόντες καὶ παρασκευάζον- 
τες ἐέπριήστεαθαι Tap αὐτῶν τοὺς τὴν τύχην, ὡς ἔφην, 
ἰδιώτας. ὅτι δὲ κεκώλυται παρὰ τοῖς νόμοις τοῦτο, δῆλον" 


τῷ γὰρ πὶραιποσίτῳ μὲν [των] στρατιωτῶν ἄρχιν ἔξεστι, 


ed τῆς πρ[ο]αιρέσεως βουλόμενοι τοὺς διαδικοῦν- 

ἰδιωτῶν] δὲ οὐκέτι, τοὺς δὲ ἄρχοντες τῆς ἐπαρχίας εθ.. 
15 [---+-. ἦν τούτοις καἰ] δέχεσθαι προσειόντας Tapeyyu- 
[@rat. τοι]γάρτοι διὰ τοῦδε τοῦ προγράμματος ἅπασιν 
[δῆλόν ἐστιν τοῦ λοιποῦ. εἰ γάρ τις τῶν ἰδιωτῶν παρὰ 
[στρατιώτ]η τι ἔχοι Kali] θαρσήσῃ τῇ ἐκδικίᾳ τοῦ πραιποσίτου 
[καὶ ὡς βοηθη]θήσεται map αὐτοῦ πέποιθεν, προσείτω' οὐδὲ γὰρ 
20 [δύναται] ἐπὶ τῶν τόπων τῆς προσηκούσης τυγχάνιν 
[παρ᾽ ἀἄλλο]υ βοηθίας. εἰ δὲ πρὸς ἰδιώτην τὴν τύχην, μὴ δι- 
απιράτω] τοῦτο ποιεῖν. εἰ γάρ τις ὀπτίη παραλιμπάνον 

yov ποτέ, δημοτικῆς] ὃν τύχης, τοῦτον νῆσον οἰκῆσαι κελεύ- 
25 [w, ἐὰν δὲ 7] βουλευτής, δημεύσει ὑποβάλλω. διὸ παρεγγυῶ τοῖς 
[ἐπὶ τόπων] ῥιπαρίοις ἵν᾽, εἴ τινα τῶν ἰδιωτῶν καταλάβοιεν παρα- 

[τὸ olke]iov δικασί[τ]ήριον ἐφ᾽ ods δὲ οὐ προσῆκεν καταφεύ- 


[λιπόντα τ]ὸ οἰκῖον δ[ι]καστήριον ἐπὶ πραιποσίτους καταπεφευγότία 

: 2. 1]. Τατιανός. 4. . λαμβάνων. 9. Second o of προσφευγουσιν corrected 
from ει. 14. v Of τους corr. from t. ἄρχοντες is for -ras. 22. |. ὀφθείη 
παραλιμπάνων. 23. ς Of ovs added above the line. 24. 1. ὧν 


‘ Copy of anedict. Proclamation of Flavius Eutolmius Tatianus, most illustrious praefect 
of Egypt. [My orders are] not based on information gained by . . . and from a few first comers, 
but on instruction in a way derived from what occurs in every city and district. I learn 
from petitions that some persons of civil status, without [excuse ?], whether from malice or 
from perversity of judgement, in their desire thoroughly to worst their adversaries at law, 
have recourse to the local praepositi, presenting petitions to them and procuring exactions 
by their means from persons, as I said, of civil status. That this is forbidden by the law is 
clear. For a praepositus has authority over soldiers, but not over civilians; it is enjoined 
on the praesides to [govern] them and to receive their applications. This, therefore, is for 
the future made clear by this proclamation. If any civilian has a difference with a soldier 
and relies on the vengeance of the praepositus and is confident of receiving assistance from 
him, let him apply; for he cannot obtain requisite assistance on the spot from any one else. 
If, however, it is with a person of civil status, let him not attempt to do this. For should 
any one ever be discovered leaving his proper court and having recourse to unauthorized 
persons, if he is a man of common rank, I order him to be deported, and if he is a senator, 
I subject him to confiscation of property. I therefore command the local riparii, if they 
catch any civilian who has left his proper court and had recourse to praepositi. . .’ 

3 3544. This construction is not very satisfactory, and it is quite possible, as Mitteis 
suggests, that ἔγνων preceded οὐ in ]. 3 and that there is no full stop at the end of 1.5. But 
on that view of the passage I should prefer to write [ἔμαθον, οὐ], and to keep [ἔγνων yalp ἐξ 
évrevéewv as a parenthesis instead of substituting, as he proposes, something like [καθάπε]ρ. 
Neither τῇ ῥήσει nor ἀκροάσει suits the remains after | μέν. 

5. eis ἑκάστίη]ν: this use of εἰς for ἐν is frequent in the Kown, e.g. Diodor. xiii. 12 
καθημένους eis Σικελίαν, Luke xi. 7 τὰ παιδία... εἰς τὴν κοίτην εἰσίν. For évopia cf. P. Leipzig 
64. 45 ἡ πόλις καὶ αἱ κῶμαι τῆς ἐνορίας, and on the significance of this conjunction of πόλις and 
ἐνορία, Gelzer, Byz. Verwalt. Aeg. p. 62. 

7. The illegible word after ἄν]ευ may begin with προσ, and προστασίας would be 
reconcilable with the very slight remains. But such a recognition of the principle of 
patrocinium seems inconsistent with the quite general terms of the prohibition in ll. 17 sqq., 
as well as with the trend of contemporary legislation (cf. e.g. de Zulueta, De Patroc. Vicorum, 
Gelzer, Byz. Verw. pp. 69 sqq-), and a vaguer expression like ἄν]ευ προφάσεως would be 
preferable. προφάσεως, however, cannot be read, and the letter after 7 is more probably 
Δ or o than p, of which part of the tail should be visible. ἄν]ευ too is uncertain; ev may 
belong to the following word. κακο[βουλ(ε)ία]ς produces a tolerable antithesis to κακίας, but 
is highly conjectural. 

13-14. By Cod. Theod. ii. 1. 2 (A.D. 355) military jurisdiction was limited to criminal 
cases in which the defendant was a soldier ; in Cod. Just. iii. 13. 6 (A.D. 413) it extends to 
civil cases of a like character. A differentiation of suits in which one of the parties was 
a soldier is recognized in ll. 17 544. below. No distinction is, however, drawn between 
criminal and civil cases. ᾿ 

ἄρχοντες τῆς ἐπαρχίας : οἷ. 6.5. Cod. Just. i. 4. 30 τὴν τῶν ἀρχόντων τῶν ἐπαρχιῶν περιμένειν 

15. An infinitive is to be supplied before τούτοις. 

19-21. Cf. Cod. Just. iii. 13. 6 (A.D. 413) praesertim cum id ipsum ere esse litigantium 
videatur constelque militarem reum nist a suo tudice nec exhiberi posse nec, δὲ in culpa fuerit, 
coercert. "The supplement in ]. 19. is somewhat long, and perhaps βοη]θησεται was written ; 
cf. Daniel (Theodot.) xi. 34. 

21. The active form διαπειρᾶν is used by Plutarch, Pomp. 51. 

1101. OF FICIAL 169 

24. νῆσον οἰκῆσαι : 7 tnsulam deportari; cf. e.g. Dig. xxxii. 1. 3 deportatos autem eos 
accipere debemus quibus princeps insulas adnotavit vel de guibus deportandts scripsit, 1.12. 1. 3 
relegandi deportandique in insulam ... licentiam habet. For δημοτικῆς] cf. P. Leipzig 65. 12 

δημ. [A]i[r0 jupyias. 
25. βουλευτής : the final letter is possibly ν, 6. g. τὸν δὲ] βουλευτὴν δημεύσει ὑποβάλλω. 


20:4 X 255 cm. About a. D. 146. 

A report of a judgement delivered by a hypomnematographus, Cerealis. 
There are very slight remains of the column preceding that printed below, and 
perhaps the earlier history of the case was originally prefixed. It was evidently 
a complicated and difficult matter, for references are made to decisions already 
given concerning it by the praefect Valerius Proculus (I. 7) and the juridicus 
Neocydes (ll. 16, 24),—familiar names which supply an approximate date for the 
present proceedings. The principal parties to the suit were the representatives 
of a city (Oxyrhynchus?) and one of its citizens, a certain Eudaemon, the 
question at issue being the ownership of some property to which Eudaemon 
was the successor and the city asserted claims. Cerealis re-affirms a decision of the 
praefect Proculus directing Eudaemon to hand over to the city for the gymna- 
siarchy a quarter of the property, with exception of a part which had been 
bestowed as a dowry (Il. 7-11). He ordains a further investigation by the local 
strategus of the question whether certain land was included under the will— 
presumably that under which Eudaemon had inherited the property—and if 
the answer should be in the negative, that the land was to belong to the city 
(ll. 11-15). The ownership of some furniture and slaves had already been 
determined by Neocydes (ll. 15-16). A request was then made by the city- 
delegates to be allowed to keep the revenues of the above-mentioned land, and 
these were awarded to them apparently for one year (Il, 16-18). Eudaemon 
complains that his revenues had been impounded, and Cerealis replies that they 
should be released when the terms of his judgement had been complied with, 
and declines to reconsider further questions raised by the delegates (Il. 18-24). 

Alvriypagpor| ἀϊπ]οφάφεωϊς. (ἔτους) .| Ἁθὺρ κα. 
Lae es ed ae Tubs evkaclos hos esl cobs closed Meme tee [es 

Κα | ieee Ἰσου Ἐρη[.1. [σὺ .[. .]ς καὶ τῶν [σ]ὺν] αὐτοῖς καὶ Εὐϊδ]αίμονϊοὴς καὶ 
᾿ς ΒΡ Rie’ a [eval eet +. [.] Κελεάρις ὁ [ielpeds kal ὑπομνηματογράφος 



5 oxleW|dulevols μετὰ τῶν παρόντων ὑπηγόρευσεν ἀπόφασιν ἣ Kal 
ἀνεγνώσθη Kaila] λέξιν οὕτως ἔχουσα: ἀκολούθως οἷς ὁ κράτιστος 
καὶ φι[λαν]θρωπότατος ἡγεμὼν Οὐαλέριος Πρόκλος ἔκρεινεν δοκεῖ μοι 
πρί[οἹσ[ ἤκ]ον εἶναι τὸν Εὐδαίμονα μηδὲν τὰ ἀδελφοῦ παρειληφότα, ἐπεὶ ἅπαξ 
ἣν a ΄ Η͂ ΄ a >? ’ - €_4 a 
προσῆϊλθε)] τῇ κληρονομίᾳ, TO τέταρτον τῆς οὐσίας εἰσενενκεῖζν) ὑπὲρ τῆς 
ἊΝ “ε > “- 4 « ᾽7ὔ lal a ~ -, 
Io o[tjapxias τῆ αὐτοῦ πατρίδι, ὑφαιρουμένης τῆς προικὸς τῆς προδεδομένης 
“ ’ ‘ Ν “ la 2 \ ΄ CX 
τῇ Ovylarpi.| περὶ δὲ τῆς ποσότητος ἐπεὶ πυνθανομένου pov οὐδὲν 
σαφὲς ἐ- 

7 a. ee 
δήλα[σἸ]εῖν, ὁ τοῦ νομ]οῦ στρατηγὸς ἀκρειβέστερον ἐξετάσει ἢ κατοικῖ, καὶ εἰ 
με. ΤΎνΎ [ον [...1 νῦν ἄρουραι κατὰ τοὺς νόμους καὶ τὰς ἀναγνωσθεί- 
σας μοι κρίσεις δοκοῦσιν τῇ συνγραφοδιαθήκῃ μὴ ὑποστέλλειν, μ. τ .. .[. 

15 αὗται τῇ πόϊλ]ει χ[ω]ρήσουσιν. περὶ δὲ τῆς ἐνδομενείας καὶ τῶν ἀνδραπο- 
δίων ὑπὸ Νεοκύδους τοῦ γενομένου δικαιοδότου κέκριται. τῶν πρέσ- 
βεων ἀξιωσάντων ἐπὶ τῆς προσόδου τῶν ἀρουρῶν στῆσαι ὁ ἱερεὺς καὶ 

φ[ο]ς" ἐνεᾳυίτοῦ͵] τὰς προσόδους ἀπολήμψεται ἡ πόλις. Evdatpovos διὰ 
τῶν παρεστώ- 
τῶν λέγοντος κατεσχῆσθαι αὐτοῦ τὰς προσόδους καὶ ἀξιώσαντος ἀπολυ- 
20 θῆναι αὐτάς, ὁ ἱερεὺς καὶ ὑπομνηματογράφος: ἐπὰν τὰ ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ κελευ- 
- , 4 « ͵ὕὔ XA ~ , δ 3 4 
σθέν[τ]α γένηται, κ[α]ὶ ἡ πόλις τὸ προσῆκον μέρος κομίσηται, ἀπολυθή- 
“ , ᾽ ΄ “~ la ᾿ Ν “ “ἘΤΩ͂Ν 
ἰσοἸνίτα]ι. τῶν πρέσβεων ἀξιωσάντων σταθῆν[α]ΐ τι καὶ περὶ τῶν ἐπ᾽ ὀ- 


νόματο]ς τῆς γυναικὸς τοῦ Απολλωνίου, ὁ ἱερεὺς καὶ ὑπομνηματογράφος" 

[Νεο]κύδης . . epyloly περὶ τούτων ἀπεφήνατο. ἐξῆλθεν Σαραπίων 
5 [ἡγεμ)ον[ικ(ὸς}} ὑϊπ]ηρέϊτ]ης Τρωγοδύτης. ἀνέγνωζν). 

4. 1. Κερεάλις. 17. 1. στῆναι. 
‘Copy of a judgement. ... year, Hathur 21. ... and... δηά their associates and 
Eudaemon and . . . being present, Cerealis, priest and recorder, having considered with 

those in attendance dictated a judgement which was read out as follows :—‘ In accordance 
with the decision of the most high and gracious praefect Valerius Proculus, 1 think it right 
that Eudaemon, without taking any of his brother’s property, having once entered on the 
inheritance, should contribute the fourth part of the estate to his native city for the gymnasi- 
archy, with a deduction of the dowry previously given to the daughter. With regard to 
the amount, seeing that in answer to my question he made no clear statement, the strategus 
of the nome shall hold a more exact inquiry in the place where he lives, and if the... 
arourae appear not to come under the testamentary covenant according to the:laws and 

1102. OFFICIAL 171 

the decisions read to me, . . . these arourae shall go to the city. With regard to the furniture 
and young slaves, a decision has been given by Neocydes, ex-juridicus.’” The delegates 
having requested to remain in possession of the income of the arourae, the priest and recorder 
said : “ The city shall receive the income of one year.” On Eudaemon’s declaring through 
his companions that his income had been impounded, and requesting that it should be 
released, the priest and recorder said: ‘‘ As soon as my orders have been carried out, and 
the city has received its proper share, it shall be released.” The delegates having made 
a request for delay and also concerning the property standing in the name of the wife 
of Apollonius, the priest and recorder said: ‘‘ Neocydes has delivered judgement . . . about 
this. Sarapion, assistant of the praefect, Trogodyte, went out. Read by me.”’ 

2. Perhaps [πα]ρόϊντ᾽ωἷν. Ae may be x, but the remains do not appear to suit ’Ogupvy- 
xirns in any form. 

3. Εὐ[δ]αίμον[ο]ς, though commended by |. 8, &c., is not very satisfactory, the first three 
letters being too cramped. 

4. [ielpets καὶ ὑπομνηματογράφος : cf. Ῥ, Tebt. 286. 15, where our restoration of ἱερεύς is 
now confirmed. On the rank of the ὑπομνηματογράφος see the note ad Joc. Cerealis is perhaps 
identical with the Claudius Cerealis who was strategus of the “Ἡρακλείδου μερίς in A.D. 138-9 
(P. Brit. Mus. 1222. 1 &c.). 

5. Cf. P. Tebt. 286. 15-18, which should be restored on this analogy as follows: 
dvag|ra|s εἰς συμβούλιον (or -iav?) κ]αὶ σκεψάμενος με]τὰ [τ]ῶν [π]αἰρό]ν[ των [ὑπηγόρ]ευσεν ἀπόφαϊΪσιν 
ἢ κ]αὶ ἀνεγνώσθη κα]τὰ λέξιν] οὕτως ἔχουσα. ἀναστὰς... pe|ra ἱτῶν] had already been 
proposed by Wilcken, Archiv v. p. 232. ὑπηγόρευσεν era, occurs in B.G. U. 592. ii. 4-5, 
and no doubt also in C. P. R. 18. 24-5. 

7. L. Valerius Proculus was praefect in the years a. ἢ. 145-7; cf. Cantarelli, Za Serie 
det Prefettt, pp. 49-50. , 

9. mpoon|Ade|: cf. e.g. 76. 22 προσέρχεσθαι τῇ τούτου κληρονομίᾳ, and 907. 5. I had read 
πρόσειϊσιν, but a past tense is rightly preferred by Mitteis. 

11. τῇ Ovy\arpi] is more likely to mean the daughter of the testator (Eudaemon’s brother ? 
cf. ]. 8) than Eudaemon’s own daughter. 

ποσότητος : SC. τῆς οὐσίας. The subject of ἐδήλω σἸεἶν] might be the strategus instead of 
Eudaemon. ἐδηλώ[θ]η is less suitable. 

14. For this intransitive use of ὑποστέλλειν cf. Philo Περὶ τῶν ἐν εἴδει νόμων ad fin. (Mangey, 
ii. p. 357) πρὸς συμπλήρωσιν τῶν δέκα λογίων καὶ τῶν τούτοις ὑποστελλόντων, P, Gen. 16. 1 5 τὰ 
ὑποστέλλοντα τῇ κώμῃ. μ.τ Suggests μετά, and perhaps a limit of time was here ἢχεά, 
€. δ. per’ ἔτος, which would not be inconsistent with the very slight vestiges. 

16. Other references to Claudius Neocydes occur in P. Fay. 203 (= Preisigke, 
P. Cairo 1), P. Brit. Mus. 196. 1, B. G. U. 245. ii. 1, 378. 17, 1019. 5; cf. Archiv 
ili. p. 104. 

18. ἐνιαυτοῦ] is very uncertain. 

23. The wife of Apollonius may be identical with the θυγάτηρ mentioned in ]. 11. 

24-5. Cf. e.g. B. G. U. 592. ii. 9-10 and Gradenwitz, Linfihrung, pp. 10-11; 
[ἡγεμ]ον[ικ(ός) is a doubtful reading, but seems justified by analogy. For the spelling 
Tpwyodurns, which is correct, cf. Wilcken, Zeb. Bank. p. 58. Aethiopic slaves are mentioned 
in P. Flor. 50. 62, 94. 



25°5X 16-3 cm. A.D. 360. 

A minute of a report made to the Oxyrhynchite senate by Eutrygius, 
formerly a logistes, concerning the payment of certain recruits. The dux, or 
commander-in-chief, on visiting the city had received a complaint from these 
recruits that they had not had their dues. Eutrygius states that his department 
had satisfied the dux that the complaint was groundless, and that the recruits 
had as a matter of fact been paid more than they were strictly entitled to. 

The payment in question is apparently to be brought into connexion with 
the χρυσὸς τιρώνων mentioned in several Leipzig papyri of about the same period 
as 1108; cf. 34. verso 7, 61. 14, 62. 3, ὅς. In P. Leipzig 35. 8 (c. A.D. 373) an 
imperial ordinance is quoted limiting the sum payable to recruits to 10 solidi, 
and in A.D. 375 it was fixed at 6 solidi by Cod. Theod. vii. 13. 7. 2, where the 
payment is described as an allowance for clothing and expenses (gratia vestis 
ac sumptuum). At the time when the present document was drawn up no such 
general regulation can have been promulgated, since according to 1. 7 the 
amount was determined by the Treasury. Mitteis has raised the question 
(Introd. to P. Leipzig 54) whether this burden was borne by the State or fell 
upon the municipalities where the recruits were raised; it is now sufficiently 
clear that the latter of these alternatives is to be accepted. 

This text is written on the verso of 1104, which is over fifty years earlier 
in date. For other records of proceedings in the local senates cf. B. G. U. 925, 
C. P. Herm. 7, Archiv iv. pp. 115 544. 

Μετὰ τὴν ὑπατείαν Φλ(αουίων) Εὐσεβίου καὶ ‘Trareiov τῶν λαμ(προτάτων) 
Μεχεὶρ t¢, βουλῆς οὔσης, πρυτ(ανεύοντος) ‘AoxAnmddov ᾿Αχιλλέως γυμ- 
(νασιαρχήσαντος) βουλ(ευτοῦ), 
Εὐτρύγιος ἀπὸ λογιστῶν εἶπ(εν)" τῆς ἐξουσίας τοῦ κυρίου μου τοῦ λαμίπρο- 
τάτου) δουκὸς Φλ(αουίου) Aprepiov + 
εὐτυχῶς ἐπιδημησάσης τοῖς αὐτόθι ἀνεδιδάξαμεν αὐτοῦ τὴν ἀρετὴν ὡς τῶν 
5 νεολέκτων τῶν στρατευθέντων ὑφ᾽ ἡμῶν ἐκ παραλογισμοῦ ἀνενεγκόντων 
ὡς μὴ πληρωθέντων τοῦ συνφώνου τοῦ πρὸς αὐτούς, [lore Sy]| καὶ ὅτι 

1103. OFFICIAL 173 

ς - 3 é 7 b \ > 4 ~ e ? > A “-- id ~ 
ἡμῖς ἐπληρώσαμεν αὐτοὺς ov μόνον τοῦ ὁρισθέντος ἀπὸ τοῦ ταμίου δοθῆναι 
αὐτοῖς ἀλλὰ κ[αὶ διάπισμα ἄλλο, καὶ προσέλαβεν αὐτοῦ τὸ μεγαλεῖον 

[ 35 letters ] 
5. ανενεγ᾽κοντων Pap. 

‘The year after the consulship of Flavius Eusebius and Flavius Hypatius the most 
illustrious, Mecheir 17. At a meeting of the senate, the prytanis being Asclepiades son of 
Achilleus, ex-gymnasiarch and senator, Eutrygius, ex-logistes, said: His highness my 
lord the most illustrious dux, Flavius Artemius, having auspiciously made a visit here, we 
advised his excellency that the new levies raised by us for military service had falsely 
represented themselves as not having received the sum agreed upon with them, and that we 
had previously paid them not only the amount fixed upon by the treasury but a further 
consideration ; and his highness accepted [this statement].’ 

3. ΕἸ. Eutrygius is mentioned in 66. 5, where also he is described as ἀπὸ λογιστῶν. On 
the titular use of ex and ἀπό see Mommsen, “phem. Epigr. v. pp. 128-9, and cf. 6. g. 188. 4 
ἀπὸ ὑπάτων, 893. 2 ἀπὸ μειζόνων, P. Brit. Mus. 233. 5 ἀπὸ ἐπάρχων, P. Flor. 71 passim. 

5. νεολέκτων : cf. P. Leipzig 35. 8. 

8. διάπισμα : cf. P. Tebt. 311. 27-9 and note. 

9. An object for προσέλαβεν, e.g. τὴν ἀπολογίαν ἡμῶν, is probably to be supplied in the 


25:5 X 16-3 cm. A.D. 306. 

A letter from Aurelius Hieracion, prytanis, to the logistes, requesting 
payment of a sum amounting to over fifty talents of silver in order to meet 
expenditure on the public baths. Repairs of the baths of Oxyrhynchus figured 
conspicuously in the municipal budget at this period ; cf. 58 and 896, which are 
dated ten years later than 1104. It is noteworthy that the present outlay is 
stated to have been authorized by the praefect Clodius Culcianus,—whose period 
of office is brought down a year later by this allusion. At the end is an endorse- 
ment showing that the money was duly paid over and an acknowledgement given 
for it by Hieracion. Cf. Wessely, Stud. Pal. v.66 sqq. The document is a good 
deal rubbed, and is difficult in places to decipher ; on the verso is 1108. 

(Emi ὑπάτων τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Αὐτοκρατόρ]ων Ϊ 
ω)ν[σ]ταντίου καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβαστῶν τὸ ς.. 

Adpn[rAlio Σ΄ εύθι τῷ καὶ ‘Npiom λογιστῇ [᾿ ΟἸξϊυρυγχί(ίτου) 


Αὐρήλιοϊς ᾿Περακίων ὁ καὶ Novivos γυμ(νασιαρχήσαΞ) πρυτ(ανεύσας) 
βουλ(ευτὴς) [ἔναρχ(οΞ) 
5 πρύτανεις τῆς λαμπί(ρᾶς) καὶ λαμπί(ροτάτης) ᾽Ο ξυρυγχ(ιτῶν) πόλεως 
τῷ φιλτάτῳ [xai(pecr). 
airobpla\ καὶ νῦν ἐπισταλ[ῆ)ναι ἐξοδιασ[θῆναί pol [ἐκ τῶν 
πολειτικῶν ἀπὸ τῶν διατυπωθέντων εξηΐ...... 
[.......ὡς προχωρῖν εἰς τὰ ἀναλώματα ἀκολούθως 
οἷς πρώην ἀναδέδωκά σοι γράμμασιν τοῦ κυρίου μίου τοῦ 
10 [διἸασημ[οἸτάτου ἡγεμόνος Κλωδίου Κουλκιανοῦ πεῖ. . . .. 
[-Ἰουΐ. . «(ως ἄλλα ἀργυρίου τάλαντα πεντήκοντα [καὶ 
δη[ν]άρια τετρακόσια πεντήκοντα, / (τάλαντα) ν (δηνάρια) vy, δέον © 
ἡγούμενος ἐπισταλῆναι τὸν τῶν πολειτικῶν [ἐπί 
τροπον ὅπως τὸν ἐξοδιασμόν μοι τούτων ποιήσῃ 
15 ἱπρ)ὸς τὸ μηδὲν ἐνπόδιον γενέσθαι τοῖς ἀνήκοϊυσι 
τῷ δημοσίῳ βαλανίῳ καὶ τῶν ἄλλων τῶν ἀνηκόντων 
τίἢ] αὐτὴ πρυτανείᾳ. (2nd hand) ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι, φίλτατέ plolv. 
3rd hand ἘΠῚ (ἔτους) 8] καὶ β (ἔτους) τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίου (καὴ 
Σεβαστῶν καὶ Σ᾽ εουήρου (kal) Μαξιμίνου ἐπιφανεστάτων 
20 Καισάρων Παῦνι ὃ. 
4th hand .].. AmodA@vijoly.[...]. fou τ΄. .«( ) ἐξωδίίασα) τῷ tr...( ) 
πρυτάνει εἰς λόγοϊν τῶ]ν 
w[.......vjrov δίδοσθαι τῇ πρυτανείᾳ pe ἃ ἔσχεν apy(upiov) 
weeeee [ee]... . ἀργ(υρίου) τάλ(αντα) πεντήκοντα (καὶ (δηνάρια) 
τετρακόσια πεντήκοντα, 
[/] (τάλαντα) ν (δηνάρια) [υν,] (καὶ ?)...B.... τὰς συνήθζ(ει5) 
ἀποχί(ὰς) (kai) ἀναδίέδωκα) τῇ τάξι. 
25 (€rous) ιὃ (καὶ ?) [β] [aloe δ. 

16. 1. τοῖς ἄλλοις. 

‘The sixth consulship of our lords the Emperors Constantius and Maximianus. To 
his dearest Aurelius Seuthis, also called Horion, logistes of the Oxyrhynchite nome, from 
Aurelius Hieracion also called Noninus, ex-gymnasiarch, ex-prytanis, senator, prytanis in 
office of the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, greeting. I request that 

1104. OFFICIAL 175 

orders may now be given to pay me out of the city’s funds from the sums publicly 
apportioned . . . to be used for the expenses in accordance with the letters of his highness 
my lord the praefect Clodius Culcianus which I lately handed to you... a further sum of 
fifty talents and four hundred and fifty denarii of silver, total 50 tal. 450 den. I think 
it right that the curator of the civic chest should be sent to make this payment to me, so that 
there may be no obstruction to the interests of the public baths or to the other interests of 
my prytany. I pray for your health, dearest friend.’ Date by the regnal years of the 
emperors, and declaration of the curator (?) that he had paid over the money and obtained 
a receipt. 

3. For Aurelius Seuthis cf. 895. 3. 

6. The last three letters of αἰτοῦμ[α]. are rather cramped, but the reading, which was 
suggested by Wilcken, is doubtless correct; cf. e.g. ὅδ. 6-7. 

ἡ. διατυπωθέντων: cf, P. Leipzig 63. 6 διατυπώσεως γενομένης παρὰ τοῦ προηγησαμένου, 
Gelzer, Byz. Verwalt. Aeg. p. 40. 

8. ὡς is perhaps for ὥστε, or of course it may be'a genitive termination governed by ἐξ, 
or an adverb. 

ro. A new date is here supplied for the praefecture of Clodius Culcianus, who according 
to this passage was still in office on May 29, a.p. 306. He is known to have been 
praefect in Feb. a. Ὁ. 303 from 71; cf. 895. 8 (A.D. 305), P. Amh. 83. 1 (about a. Ὁ. 303, 
Archiv v. p. 268). 

13. In 55. 14 the title ταμίας τῶν πολιτικῶν χρημάτων is used instead of ἐπίτροπος ; cf. 
B. G. U. 934. 3, C. P. Herm. 94. 1, and note on ], 21. 

21. Apollonius was presumably the name of the ἐπίτροπος or of his father, The 
remains do not suggest παρά before ᾿Απολλωνί[ο]ν, +. .( ) is possibly rap(ias). 

22. Some such word as ὀφειλόντων or ἐπισταλέντων preceded δίδοσθαι. 

23. Perhaps ἄλλα dpy(vpiov) as in 1. 11, but the vestiges are very ambiguous. 

24. The apparent β suggests ἀπέλαβον, but I cannot reconcile this with the remains, 


14°2X 10cm. A.D. 81-96... 

A description of this papyrus was printed in Part II, 889 (= P. Brit. Mus. 
805), but since some scepticism has been expressed concerning the accuracy of 
the interpretation there given (Manigk, Gliubigerbefriedigung durch Nutzung, 
Ρ. 23; cf. Ζ. Sav.-St. xxx. p. 283), and I have ascertained, as I think, the nature 
of the yearly payment, previously described as obscure (cf. note on 1. 21), it is 
desirable to publish the complete text. The formula of this document, which 
is common to a number of Oxyrhynchus papyri of the end of the first century, 
was discussed in the introd. to 241; cf. Archiv i. p. 194, Wenger, Siellvertretung, 
p. 80. There is, however, still some doubt whether in such authorizations to the 
agoranomi the verb ἀναγράφειν means ‘ to register’ or ‘to draw up’ a contract. 


It was originally interpreted by us in the former sense (cf. Preisigke, Gzrowesen, 
pp. 307-8, 423, 4461), but the latter, which was advanced by Koschaker in Z. 
Sav.-St. xxxviii. p. 289 is, as I understand, now preferred by Mitteis. 

Φανίας ὁ συνεστάμενος ὑπὸ Φανίου Yapa- 
πίωνος τῷ ἀγορανόμῳ χαίρειν. ἀνάγρα- 
ψον συνγραφὴν ὑποθήκης Θοώνιος τοῦ 
Θοώνιος τοῦ Θοώνιος τῶν am ᾿Οξυρύγχων 
7, ~ ε »» 
5 πόλεως {υποθηκης) τῶν ὑπαρχόντων 
Te 3 2 προς “ Q , 4 
τῇ ὑποθεμένῃ ἐπὶ τοῦ πρὸς ᾿Οξυρύγχων 
πόλει Σ᾽αραπίου ἐπ᾿ ἀμφόδου Νόδου Δρόμου 
μερῶν τριῶν ἀπὸ μερῶν πέντε οἰκίας 
τριστέκου ἐφ᾽ ἥν ἐστιν κατάγεον καὶ τῶν 
το προσουσῶν αὐλῶν καὶ φρέατίρ)ος λιθίνου 
καὶ ἑτέρων χρηστηρίων καὶ τῶν εἰς 
“- ΦΈΡ, Ν 25) A ~ 
ταῦτα εἰσόδων καὶ ἐξόδων καὶ τῶν 
σϊυἹνκυρόντων κοινῶν καὶ (ἀ)διερέτων, 
ὧν ὑπέθετο αὐτῷ Τβῆκις “Ἱέρακος 
15 τοῦ Θοώνι([οἰς τῶν ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως 
πρὸς ἀργυρίου κεφαλαίου δραχμὰς 
’ eS v4 Ψ ’ 
τετρακ[ο]σίας ἐπὶ χρόνον ἔτη τρία 
ἐπ᾿ ἐνοικήσι ἀντὶ τῶν τόκων τῶν 
αὐτῶν τριῶν μερῶν τῆς οἰκίας 
“ ἫΝ 
20 καὶ τῶν ἄλλων, [ἐφ᾽ ᾧ κατ᾽ ἔτος 
τὴν ἀνανεώσεως τάξεται χα(λκοῦ) (ταλάντων) X. 
ἔρρω(σο). ἔτους .... .(1 Adrox[pdropos Καίσαρος 
Δομιτιαν[οῦ Σεβαστοῦ Τερμανικοῦ. .. .... 

7. 1. Νότου. 9. 1. τριστέγου ὑφ᾽... κατάγαιον. 10. ov Of λιθινου corr. from op, 

‘ Phanias, nominee of Phanias son of Sarapion, to the agoranomus, greeting. Register 
(?) a contract of mortgage for Thodnis son of Thodnis son of ThoGnis, of the city of 
_Oxyrhynchus, of the property of the mortgager situated at the Serapeum at Oxyrhynchus 

1 The occurrence of καταγράφειν in these ἐπιστάλματα is more frequent than Preisigke supposes; that 
verb seems to have been regularly used where sales were concerned. On his view would not ἀνάγραψον 
καταγραφήν rather than κατάγραψον be expected ? 

1105. OFFICIAL 177 

in the quarter of the South Square, namely, three-fifths of a three-storeyed house, below 
which is a cellar, and the courts belonging thereto, and a stone well and other fixtures and 
the entrances and exits to them and appurtenances, being joint and indivisible, which 
Tbekis daughter of Hierax son of ThoGnis, of the city of Oxyrhynchus, has mortgaged to 
him for a capital sum of 400 drachmae of silver for a period of three years, with the right 
of inhabiting the said three parts of the house and the rest of the property in lieu of interest, 
on condition that he shall pay annually the charge for the renewal of the mortgage, 
being of the value of 30 talents of copper. Good-bye. The ... year of the Emperor _ 
Caesar Domitianus Augustus Germanicus.. .’ 

18. Other examples of occupation of house property instead of interest are P. Brit. 
Mus. 1168 and B. G. U.1115, which were discussed at length by Manigk, Glaubigerbefriedigung, 
pp- 21sqq. In those two documents, however, there is no technical mortgage of the 
property, as there indubitably is, notwithstanding Manigk’s objections, in 1105. For a later 
instance (A.D. 608) see the papyrus published by Wessely in Weener Stud. vii. pp. 130-1 
πρὸς δὲ ἀσφάλειαν... τοῦ ailr|od xpléolus ὑπεθέμην σοι... μέρος τρίτον ... οἰκίας. «. πρὸς τώ σε 
ἔχειν τὴν τούτου χρῆσίν τε καὶ οἴκησιν ἀντὶ τῆς παραμυθείας. 

21. ἀνανεϊὠσΊεως : cf. 274, 21--2 τέτακται ré[Aos| ἀνανεώ[σ]εως τῆς προκειμένης ὑποθήκης, Ῥ. 
Flor. 1. 6, &c.; Naber, Archiv i. p. 314, had already suggested that this was an annual 
impost. avave is the most probable reading of the first five letters, and the o of the termina- 
tion is also fairly clear; I am, therefore, confident that the payment to be made by Thodnis 
was connected with the dvavéwo.s. More doubt attaches to the identification of the figure 
at the end of the line. In the original description of this papyrus (τάλαντα) ὃ was adopted 
as the object of τάξεται ; but that sum is larger than would be expected in view of the fact 
that the tax on mortgages is known from 248 to have been only 2 per cent. At the normal 
ratio between silver and Ptolemaic copper of 1: 450 (242. introd.), 4 talents of copper 
are 134 per cent. of the capital sum of 400 drachmae. Quite possibly the actual tax was 
not the only expense involved in the process of ἀνανέωσις ; but it can hardly be supposed 
that extra charges could raise the percentage so high as 134. Mr. Bell, who has kindly 
looked at the passage, agrees with me that a, which would be 3% per cent., instead of ὃ is 
palaeographically unsatisfactory, and hence I prefer to read the figure as A and to regard 
this, not as the amount of the τέλος, but as the amount on which the τέλος was paid. At 
a ratio of 1: 450, 400 drachmae of silver and 30 talents of copper are equivalent (cf. 331, 
where these identical sums again stand side by side); and, as is clear from the numerous 
examples (242-3, 327sqq.), it was the rule in documents of this class for the capital 
amount to be expressed in terms of both copper and silver. τήν is accordingly not to be 
altered to τῆς, but some word like δαπάνην must be understood. [For the literature on 
ἀνανέωσις, Which must now be reconsidered, see B. Schwarz, Hypothek, p. 118. ] 


19°5 X 31-2 cm. Sixth century. 

The writer of this letter, apparently a military officer of rank, instructs his 
correspondent, probably a subordinate, to go to a certain village which had been 
raided by some neighbours, and protect it from further molestation. Armed 



intervention is threatened, in case of a repetition of the offence. Both the 
sender and the scribe add their ‘ visé’ (gz) at the foot of the document. 

[ ] Κόμμωϊν] Ταυρί ) (2nd hand) 
Παύλῳ Σιλλᾳαγρί ) ἀδελφ(ῷ) Nappwodros, Παχὼν xy. 
ἜΤΟΣ ἀπὸ ΠΝ eee oe ἐννν ἐϊλθόντες ἐδίδαξαν πάλιν τιν])]ὰς 

᾽ 4 ᾽ a 
ἀγρογείτονας ἐπελθεῖν 
αὐτοῖς kK[al ss. eee. sees καὶ ἄλλα διαφέροντα τοῖς ἀπὸ τῆς εἰρημέ- 
νης κώμης 
~ a ἈΝ Ν of , 4 
Cpe he pha Revere mela a Mee ] τολμῆσαι. γενοῦ κατὰ τὴν εἰρημένην κώμην 
καὶ παραφύλαξον 
5 αὐτοῖς τὸ ἀνεπηρέαστον, καὶ εἴ τινες ἐπι[χ]ειρήσουσιν παράνομόν τι per 
. ἐκείνων πρᾶξαι 
ἃ a 2 ~ 4 = tA : δ... νας > 2 6 
ἢ ὅλως ἐνθυμηθῆναι, παρεγγύησον τοῖς πρωτεύουσιὶν αὐτῶν ἀποσχέσθαι 
τοῦ τοιούτου τολμήματος. εἰ γὰρ ἐπιμείνοιεν, πλῆθος ἐπιστήσεται 
καὶ τούτους [dvlalp|racrovs ποιοῦν τῷ δικαστηρίῳ παραστήσει πρὸς 
UTOUS ap : ΠΡ peor ρ 
ὧν ἂν παρανομῆσαι τολμήσειεν. (3rd hand) + Jegi. + 
10 ist hand legi scribus. 

On the verso 
and hand + Κόμμων Tavp( ) Παύλῳ Σιλλίαγρ ) ἀδελφ(ῷ) Nappwdlijros [ 

ἡ. 1. ἐπιμένοιεν OF ἐπιμείναιεν. 9. ν of ων corrected from σ. 1. τολμήσειαν (or -αιεν) 
ΞΞ τολμήσωσιν). 10. 1. scribas. 

‘Kommon son of Taur ... to Paulus son of (?) Sillagr. . . brother of Narroous, 
Pachon 23. The people of P... have come and informed me that certain neighbours have 
again attacked them and ventured to [carry off . . .] and other objects belonging to 
the people of the said village. Go to the said village and preserve their inviolability, and if 
any persons attempt to do any lawless action to them or even to contemplate it, instruct their 
leaders to abstain from any such outrage. For if they persist, a troop of soldiers will come 
on them and seize and hand them over to a tribunal to be punished for the lawlessness 
upon which they may venture. (Subscribed) Read by me. Read by me, the scribe.’ 
Address on the verso. 

2-4. A similar local feud is referred to in B.G. U. 1035 (Wilcken). 

9. For the endorsement /eg? at this period cf. e.g. P. Cairo Cat. 67030. 6. In 
67031. 17 I would suggest that the subscription is + proronatur for proponatur ; cf. 1. 16, 
where Wilcken’s προτεθῆναι (Archiv v.p. 445) is no doubt right. 

1107. OFFICIAL 179 


6-4 X 31-4 cm. Fifth or sixth century. 

An order to an assistant from an official, whose status is not mentioned, 
not to permit the removal of the produce of a cultivator until he had paid the 
’ rent due to the landowner, who is described as a nurse. The handwriting 
suggests the fifth century rather than the sixth. 


+ Ἐπειδὴ ἡ τροφὸς τοῦ κυρίου Σωφρονίου χρεωστεῖται φόρους παρὰ 

Ψ'θειοῦτος τοῦ Φύτοτ[ο]ς 
“ Ἂς ? δι αν, ΝΥ ~ ss 2 4 3 ? 

τοῦ Kal γεωργήσαντος αὐτῆς τὴν γῆν, μὴ συγχωρήσατε μηδενὶ ἀνθρώπους 
ἅψασθαι τοῦ 

ὑπολοίπου τῆς ἁλωνίας αὐτοῦ μήτε χόρτον ἄχρις ὅταν πληρωθῇ τοὺς 
φόρους ἑαυτῆς. πρὸς : 

«ε ~ X " “- \ 7 ? Yas ’ e re 

ὑμᾶς yap ἔχω ταῦτα τὰ γραφέντα γενέσθαι, καὶ ἐὰν μάθω ὅτι τίς ποτε 
ἔλαβεν αὐτοῦ ; 

5 τί ποτε, ὑμᾶς οἴκοθεν ἀπαιτῶ πάντα τὰ χρεωστούμενα αὐτῇ map αὐτοῦ. 

On the verso 
+ énidos) ᾿Ιωάννῃ βοηθῷ mapa) Evdatpovos. 
3. ὕπολοιπου Pap. 1. χόρτου. 4. ὕμας Pap.; 80 inl. 5. 5. v Of ὕμας corr. 

‘ Since the nurse of the lord Sophronius is owed rent by Pstheious son of Phutos who 
cultivated her land, allow no one to touch what is left at his threshing-floor or the green 
crops until she has received her rent in full. I have to direct this letter to you, and if 
I learn that any one has taken any thing of his, I shall demand from you personally all that 
is owed her by him. (Addressed) Deliver to John, assistant, from Eudaemon.’ 

1108. [1951 OF OFFICIALS. 
341 X 12-2 cm. Late sixth or seventh century. 

A short list of persons bearing various minor titles. The names are 
throughout in the accusative, but the purpose of the list is not stated. 
; N 2 


+ Εὐτυχῶς. 
+ τὸν μεγαλ(οπρεπέστατον) κύρ(ιον) Θεόδωρον 
τὸν πρίγκιπα, ὲ 
τὸν μεγαλοπρ(επέστατον) Γεώργιον σκρ(είβαν), 
5 τὸν περίβλ(επτον) Κόλλουθον, 
τὸν λογιώταί(τον) Γρηγόριον dpyiarp(or), 
τὸν μεγα(λοπρεπέστατον) ἀργυρο(πράτην ?), 
[[τὸν κύρ(ιον) Γεώργιοϊ ν] τὸν yxapr(ovddpror)]| 
[[τῆ(Ὁ) κυρ(ίας) Σοφίας 
10 τὸν κύρ(ιον) Οὐράνιν τὸν τοῦ αὐτοῦ, Ϊ 
ὃν ἀβάκτην ᾿Αλέξαί(νδρον), 
ὃν κύρ(ιον) Θεόδωρον τὸν ἀπὸ xp), [ 
ὃν ἐξκέπτορα τοῦ ἐκδίκ(ου) Al ). 


a | 


6. apX Pap. 13. p Of εξκεπτορα corr. 

3. πρίγκιπα: cf. e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 409. 12, P. Flor. 36. 19, B. G. U. 931.1 
πριγκιπάριος, Wessely, Altersindiz. im Philogelos, p. 23 πρίγκιπι ἡγεμόνος. 

6. dpxiarp(ov): cf. e.g. 126. 23. 

4. For ἀργυρο(πράτηνὴ cf. e. g. 127. 5, 144. 13. 

10. There is probably no loss at the end of the line. 

11. ἀβάκτης = αὖ aciis; cf, P. Flor. 71. 509, where an ἀβάκτης immediately follows 
a πριγκιπ(άριος). 

13. ἐξκέπτορα : cf. 48. recto li. 26, 942. 6, 1139. 2, P. Hamburg 23. 4. 

1109. SELECTION OF BOYS (ἐπίκρισι:). 

10-3 X 10-9 cm, A.D. 160-1. 

An unaddressed application requesting that a boy who had arrived at the age 
of thirteen might be placed on the list of persons paying a reduced poll-tax of 
12 drachmae. The formula is the same as that of 258; cf. also 478 and 1028. 
The ‘ past 23rd year’ mentioned in ll. 9-10 and 13 probably refers to the reign of 


Antoninus. This document was made up with others into a roll, and small 
fragments of the adjoining sheets adhere to each side of it. 
[ITjapa ᾿Ἑρμίππου τοῦ καὶ ‘Aproxpariwvos 
‘Aplijovos πρεσβυτέρου τοῦ ᾿Ερμίππου μη- 
[τ]ρ[ ὃς] Θαΐδος Πεκύσιος ἀπ᾽ ᾿Οὐζυρύγχων πόλε. 
[ols δ ]ὰ Διονυσίου Διδύμου φίλους κατὰ 
5 [τ]ὰ κελευσθέντα περὶ ἐπικρίσεως τῶν 
προσβ(εβηκότων) εἰς (τρισκαιδεκαετεῖς) εἰ ἐξ ἀμφοτ(έρων) γονέων μη- 
τροπολειτ(ῶν) (δωδεκαδράχμων) εἰσίν, ἐτάγη ἐπ’ ἀμφόξ(ου) Teplye- 
νούϊθεως)] ὁ vids μου Πτολεμαῖος μητ(ρὸς) 
. δο[.7.. [. ωνος προσβ(εβηκὼς) εἰς (τρισκαιδεκαετεῖς) τῷ διελθδ]ν- 
10 [rt] κγ (ἔτει), ὅθεν παραγενόμενος πρὸς τὴν τού- 
του ἐπίκρισιν δηλῶ αὐτὸν εἶναι (δωδεκάδραχμον) 
[kal] ἐμὲ ὁμοίως [εἶναι (δωδεκάδραχμον) ἀναγρα(φόμενον) διὰ λα[ογρ]α(φίας) 
τοῦ διελθόντος Ky (ἔτους) ἐπ᾽ ἀμφόδ(ου) “Avo ΠαρϊεἸμβιολῆς) 
[κα]ὶ τὸν] τῆς μητ(ρὸς) τοῦ υἱοῦ μου πατέρα Α. .- 
15 [. .]. Apmoxpatiwvos τοῦ Ἁρποκρατίωνος 
μητ(ρὸς) “Ηρακλείας ὁϊμοίω)ς εἶναι (δωδεκάδραχμον) ε. [.. .. 
Vestiges of the beginnings of 3 more lines. 

3. Oaidos Pap. 8. υἷος Pap. ; so in]. 14. 

‘From Hermippus also called Harpocration, son of Horion elder son of Hermippus, his 
mother being Thais daughter of Pekusis, of Oxyrhynchus, through his friend Dionysius son 
of Didymus. In accordance with the orders concerning the selection of boys who have 
reached the age of 13 years if their parents on both sides are inhabitants of the metropolis 
rated at 12 drachmae, my son Ptolemaeus by... daughter of A.. on was listed in the 
quarter of Teumenouthis as having reached the age of 13 in the past 23rd year; wherefore 
coming forward for his selection I declare that he is a person rated at 12 drachmae and that 
I am similarly rated at 12 drachmae as registered in a poll-tax list of the past 23rd year at 
the Upper Camp quarter, and that the father of the mother of my son, A..on son of 
Harpocration son of Harpocration, his mother being Heracleia, was similarly rated at 
12 drachmae...’ 

7. Cf. 258. 9-12, where similarly read ¢icliv, ἐτάγη ἐπὶ τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἀμφόδου ὁ v{ids pjov . 
Διδύμου προσβεβηκ(ώςν, in accordance with Wilcken’s correction, made on the analogy of an 
unpublished Leipzig papyrus, in Archiv v. p. 237. ἐτάγη had been proposed by Wessely in 
Sitzungsh. K. Akad. Wissen. Wien, cxlii. 9, p. 36, but the remainder of his restoration is 
inadmissible. For the term ἐτάγη cf. the phrase ταγῆναι ἐν τῇ τῶν τετελευτηκότων τάξει (6. δ. 79. 
11), 257. 23 [ἐν ἀνεπικρίτοις τετάχθαι, &c. 

12. διὰ λαϊογρ]α(φίας) : cf. 478. 22--3 δι ὁμολόγου λαογραφίας. 



15:7 X 11-8 cm. A.D. 188. 

This census-return, which is preserved on the recto of 1100, though mutilated, 
is of interest as being concerned, like P. Reinach 49 of the year A.D. 215-16, 
with Antinodpolis (cf. 970). It resembles the Reinach return in being addressed 
to a board of three persons from one φυλή, who had been chosen (by the senate) 
to superintend the census in one of the districts of the city. The return is made 
by a citizen of Antinodpolis, apparently a young man, whose household consisted 
chiefly of slaves. Incidentally it adds to the list of Antinoite demes (cf. the note 
on 1. 1), and provides new evidence for the date of the praefecture of Aurelius 
Papirius Dionysius (ll. 6-7). Both the beginnings and ends of the lines are lost ; 
the extent of the lacunae can be measured by 1]. 6-8, but it is uncertain how the 
lines should be divided, and the arrangement adopted is only hypothetical. Two 
diagonal dashes have been drawn across the top left-hand corner. 

[ 20 letters pov Παρρασείῳ καὶ ᾿Ισιδώρῳ Διδύμου 

Ἐρ[μαιεῖ....... 3 

[ 20 letters 1. “Eppetvou ᾿Ανουβιάδος ᾿Ἑρμαιεῖ τοῖς 
τρι[σὶ φυλῆς ..... 

[ Aig Pe eee αἱρεθεῖσι] πρὸς τῇ Kat’ οἰκίαν ἀπογραφῇ Tod) B 

ἱπαρὰ Διοσκουρίδου. .. (οὐ τοῦ Διοσκουρίδου ‘Ad|p\avetov τοῦ καὶ 
Ὀλυμπίου. ... 
and hand 5 [ 20 letters Ja νεικήσαντος τῷ κὃ (ἔτει) ΑὑρηἸλίου 
Κομμόδου ᾿Αἀνταἰνίνου Καίσαρος 
[rob Kupiov....... π]άνοπλον. ἀπογρίά]φομαι [ral] κατὰ τ]ὰ 
κελευσθέντα ὑπὸ Avpnrliov Παπιρίου 

[Διονυσίου τοῦ κρατίστου ἡγεμόνος εἰς τὴν [πρὸς τὸ ἐϊνεστὸς KN 
(ἔτος) Αὐρηλίου ΚΙομμόδου ᾿άντω- 

[νίνου Καίσαρος το]ῦ κυρίου κατ᾽ οἰκίαν ἀπογραφὴν ... .]. ς εἰς 

τὴν [bmdlpy[ovoav...... 
ἀπο δον πρὶ: Jos Σαβεινίῳ τῷ καὶ ‘Appovet οἰκίαν... . «. οἷν 
Ta.[.... ἐν τῷ β γράμματι 


7 ? 2 Φ en \ 
10 [πλινθείῳ . βορείῳ ἐν ἡ οἰκῶ, κα eiul πρὸς τὸ ἐνεστίδ]ς ἔτος 

(ἐτῶν) κί τό letters 

Bisa Pines + 1. Ζωίλου Ζωίλου γυμνασιαρχήσαντος τῆς Οξυ- 
pilyxev πόλεως .. - . .-- Ὁ 
[. «Ὁ. δουλικὰὶ σώματα ἐμοῦ τοῦ Διοσκουρίδον κατηντηκότα 
POE Dee eet οὐ τ τς 
fateh a6 ὉΠ pecs 1. os [(ἐτῶν) ., Νάρκισσος ἀγοραστὸς (ἐτῶν) Kn, 
Ωρος ὁμοίως [| 15 letters 
[ 19 letters ? Πα)μῶνθις (ἐτῶν) xB, Παυλῆμις ὁ καὶ 
IIavii{vos 12 letters 
15 [ 20 letters (ἐτῶν) . 5, Πλουτίων (ἐτῶν) κβ, Δίδυμος 
νυνὶ εἶ το letters 
[ 17 letters οἰκογ)]ενὴς ἐκ δούλης Σαραπιάδος (ἐτῶν) δὶ 
15 letters 
[ 23 letters 1. Tos (ἐτῶν) ιθ, Σαραπιὰς ὁμοίως 
δούλϊη 14 letters 
[ 24 letters Ἰειναροῦς ἡ καὶ Πεῖνα (ἐτῶν) ιβ, 
Ἴδιοκ.. [ 14 letters 
[ 30 letters Ἰγαι (ἐτῶν ἢ) κδ, ταῦϊτ)α 
πρότεροῖν 14 letters 
ee ee . καὶ ὀμνύω τὴν Αὐρηλίου Κομμόδου ᾿Αν]τωνίνου 

Kalicapos τοῦ κυρίου 

[τύχην 32 letters καὶ ἐξ ὑειοῦς 
καὶ ἐπ᾽ [ἀληθείας ἐπι- 

[δεδωκέναι τὴν προγεγραμμένην ἀπογραφὴν] καὶ μηδὲν δι[εψεῦσθαι. 

2. ερμεινου corr. from eppiov. First ε of eppaver over an erasure? 6. tla before 
κελευσθεντα added above the line. 11. (widov Pap. 18. ἴδιοκ. Pap. 21. € Of veious 
corr. from i, 

τ. Παρράσειος and Ἑρμαιεύς (cf. |. 2) are both new deme names. A new deme of the 
Hadrianian tribe also occurs in ]. 4. 

2-3. Cf. P. Reinach 49. 2, as corrected on p. 240, τοῖς τὶ ρ)Γισὶ φυλῆς Ματιδίας αἱρεθεῖσι 
πρὸς τῇ κατ᾽ οἰκίαν ἀπογραφῇ τί οἱῦ βῆτα γράμματος. Perhaps the φυλὴ Ματιδία was especially 
associated with the 8 γράμμα and should be restored in the present case also; but φυλῆς 
Maridias αἱρεθεῖσι would hardly fill the lacuna. It is not clear in the original that an 

abbreviation of τοῦ was intended, the o not being raised appreciably above the τ. 


4. ᾿Ολ[υμπίου : this very appropriate supplement was suggested by Wilcken; cf. Archid 
iv.p. 556. Clearly neither of the two known Hadrianian demes, Καπιτωλιεύς (B. G. U. 301. 2) 
and Σωσικόσμιος (Β, G. U. 709. 24), suits the remains, but Τί is possible in place of OA. 

5. la is the termination of the name of some athletic festival, perhaps τὰ μεγάλα Ἄντι- 
voei|a, for which cf. B. Brit. Mus. 1164. (2) 14-16. 

6. Either π]άνοπλον or | ἔνοπλον may be read; some such word as δρόμον probably 

For M. Aurelius Papirius Dionysius cf. Cantarelli, Za Serze dec Prefetti, p.61. The 
papyrus provides a welcome confirmation of the inference that he was praefect in a.p. 188. 

7. πρὸς τὸ ἐἸνεστὸς kn (ἔτος): Faytim census-returns were not usually sent in until the 
year after the census-year. From other districts, however, there are several examples, 
besides the present, dated in the actual year of the census; cf. P. Reinach 49, P. Brit. Mus. 
915, P. Hamburg 7, Wessely, Stud. Pal. ii. pp. 27-8, 31. The editors of P. Brit. Mus. 
915 were wrong in suspecting an error on the part of the scribe, not noticing that the date 
in ], 41 is confirmed by ll. 2o—21. For πρὸς τό cf. P. Reinach 49. 7. 

g—-to. Cf. P. Reinach 49. 11 ἐν τῷ βῆϊτα] yplap|pare πλινθείῳ ἕκτῳ vor[ei|o (νουΐ. .}o Reinach, 
vor|ei|jov Preisigke), P. Strassb. 34. 9, where similarly νοτείῳ, not voreiov, is probably to be 
read; for the πλινθία at Antinodpolis see also P. Brit. Mus. 1164. (¢) 12-13. The deme- 
name ἁΑρμονιεύς has occurred in P. Hamburg 15. 3, 16. 12, P. Brit. Mus. 1164. (7) 23, &c. 

IO-II. καὶ τὴν γυναῖκά μου... iS probably to be supplied in the lacuna. 
18. ᾿Ιδιοκ. | is apparently another name; ἰδιώτης (e.g. B.G. U. 123. 13, 137. 10,15) is 

21-2. Cf. 480, 9-11. For the omission of y in ὑ(ε)ιοῦς cf. e.g. P. Par. 42. 2 ὑιαίνομεν. 


10:2 X 13-4 cm. A.D. 203. 

Two returns for the census of A.D. 201-2, relating to the Oxyrhynchite 
village of Mermertha. They were stuck together to form a roll, but the first line 
of Col. 1, owing no doubt to the relative shortness of that particular sheet, corre- 
sponds with the eighth of Col. ii; in the left margin also there are some slight 
remains of the document (no doubt a similar declaration) affixed on that side. 
Col. i, of which the commencement is preserved, is unaddressed, like 479. 

Col. i. 

Παρὰ Adipns Κεφάλωνος pn[7(pos) 

Adipns μετὰ κυρίου ᾿Ηλιοδ(ώρου) Διον(υσίου) 

ἀπ᾽ ᾿Οξυρύγχ(ων) moA(ews). κατὰ τὰ κελ(ευσθέντα) ὑπὸ Μαι- 
κίου Λαίτον τοῦ λαμπ(ροτάτου) ἡγεμόνος ἀπογρά(φομαι) 






πρὸς THY τοῦ διελ(θόντος) ι (ἔτους) κατ᾽ οἰκίαν ἀπογρα(φὴν) 
τὴν ὑπάρχουσάν μοι ἐν τοῖς ἀνὰ μέ- 

σον ἐπ᾽ ἀπηλ(ιώτου) μέρεσι κώμης Μερμέρθ(ων) 

σὺν τοῖς ὁμογνη(σίοις) μου ἀδελ(φοῖς) ᾿Ασκλᾶτι καὶ 
Κεφάλωνι (πρότερον) τῆς μητ(ρὸς) ἡμῶν κατὰ τὸ 

(ἥμισυ) καὶ (πρότερον) τοῦ πατ(ρὸς) ἡμ[ῶν] Told αὐτί(οῦ) 
Κεφάλωνος τὸ λοιπὸν (ἥμισυ)... ..... 

[- .] ὁμοί(ως). [ 

6. ὕπαρχουσαν Pap. ε of ev corr. from v. 
(οι. it: 

ἀπὸ κώμης] 

Μερμ[έρθ(ων). κατὰ τὰ κελ(ευσθέντα) ὑπὸ Μαικίου 
Aairov τοῦ λαμ[π(ροτάτου) ἡγεμόνος 
ἀπογρά(φομαι) πρὸς τὴϊν τοῦ τι (ἔτους) κατ᾽ οἰκ(ίαν)Ὶ 
ἀπογρα(φὴν) τὸ ὑπάρίχον μοι ἐν τῇ κώ(μῃ) 
(πρότερον) τοῦ πατρὸς καὶ (πρότερον ?) [Tod ἐκείνου πα- 
τρὸς ᾿Αδμήτου ἥμισυ μέρος 
rén(ov) περιτετιχισμ(ένου) ἐφ᾽ [οὗ ἀπογρα(φόμεθα)" 
Ἴδδμητος Ηρακλήου (ἐτῶν). : 

μητ(ρὸς) Ταποντῶτϊος. .. .. ’ 

ὃν δηλ(ῶ) τετελ(ευτηκέναι) ἔτι ἀϊπὸ ... .. 
Ἡρακλῆς υἱὸς μητρὸς ἰ........ ; 

dv δηλ(ῶ) τετελ(ευτηκέναι) ἔτι WaAa[L...... 
“Adpunros vids pnr(pos) Tl....... 

dr(exvos) don(pos) [(ἐτῶν) . . 
Μιεῦς ἀδελφὸς 






i. ‘From Didyme daughter of Cephalon and Didyme, with her guardian Heliodorus 
son of Dionysius, of the city of Oxyrhynchus. In accordance with the orders of his 
excellency the praefect Maecius Laetus I register for the house to house registration of the 
past roth year the house belonging to me in the mid-eastern parts of the village of Mer- 
mertha together with my full brothers Asclas and Cephalon, formerly the property of our 
mother in respect of one half and of our father the said Cephalon in respect of the remaining 
half 2c 

i. 3-5. It isclear from this passage that Q. Maecius Laetus remained in office down to 
the beginning of September a.p. 202, and, since census-returns were commonly sent in when 
the year was well advanced, it is probable that his tenure extended into a.p. 203. Cantarelli 
is accordingly mistaken (La Serze de’ Prefetti, p. 65)in dating the praefecture of Subatianus 
Aquila from the year 201-2 on the strength of B.G.U. 484, in which the census of 
A.D. 201-2 is referred to but which cannot itself have been written in that year, as 1111 
proves. The earliest date for the commencement of the tenure of Subatianus Aquila is 
A.D. 202-3 (Euseb. vi. 3. 3; cf. Archiv v. p. 418). 

The statement of the text that the census of a.p. 201-2 was ordered by Laetus is of 
interest for another reason, to which my attention has been drawn by Wilcken. Rostowzew 
in Rém. Kolonat, pp. 209-11, seeks to bring into close connexion with the census the 
edicts of Subatianus Aquila and Valerius Datus directing people to return to their homes. 
It is now clear that Subatianus Aquila was no more the initiator of the census of a.pD. 201—2 
than Valerius Datus was of the census of a.p. 215-16, and hence their edicts at any rate 
formed no part of the original orders for holding the census. Cf. Wilcken’s forthcoming 
Chrestomathie, p. 235. 

ii. ‘... of the village of Mermertha. In accordance with the orders of his excellency 
the praefect Maecius Laetus, I register for the house to house registration of the roth year 
the half share of a walled space belonging to me at the village, formerly the property of my 
father and formerly of his father Admetus; at which we return ourselves as follows: 
Admetus son of Heracleus, aged .. years, my mother being Tapontos daughter οἵ, 
whom I declare to have died in the... year; my son Heracles by ... daughter of ..., 
whom I declare to have died long ago; my son Admetus by T... daughter of . . ., having 
no trade or distinguishing mark, aged... years; my brother Mieus.. .’ 

6. For the repetition of (πρότερον) cf. i. 9-10. a is clear, but whether it is the numeral 
or not is doubtful. 

8. For the supplement cf. 171. 11 (Part II, p. 208). Isuspect that ἐφ᾽ οὗ should also be 
read in P. Flor. 4. 12. 

11. The entries here and in ]. 13 concerning the death of the mother’s father are unusual. 
They can hardly refer to the persons named in ll. 9 and 12, since it is the rule for the name 
of the person making the return to stand first; cf. e.g. P. Flor. 4: 

17. Ahorizontal stroke at the beginning of this line may either belong to a letter, e. δ: τ, 
or represent γίνονται. 



17°3X9 cm. A.D. 188, 

Two extracts from the records of the idiologus giving the substance of 
declarations made by a certain Apollonius concerning purchases by him of 
acacia-trees (ἄκανθαι). These trees were evidently the property of the government, 
and were bought by Apollonius at the rate of 13 drachmae each, a very much 
smaller price than that found in the private contract 909, where 14 trees fetch 
1,200 drachmae. That document, however, is some forty years later in date than 
1112, which belongs to the reign of Commodus, and of course there may have 
been a considerable difference in the size and condition of the trees; some of 
those here sold are described as ‘fallen’ (1. 23). The extracts, which are very 
cursively written and much abbreviated, are written across the fibres on the verso 
of the papyrus ; on the recto are the beginnings of some lines of a second-century 

Τὸ κίατ᾽ ἄνδρα ?) ἰδίου λόγ(ου), a τό(μου)" 
μητροπ(όλεως). ᾿Ἀπολ(λώνιος) ἐπ(ικαλούμενος) ‘Apio(v) ᾿4πολ(λωνίου) ἐξη(γη- 
δηλ(ῶ) κεκυρῶσθ(αι) τὰς σημαν- 
θείσας τῷ Παϊ[ῦν)ι μηνὶ τοῦ 
5 Κη (ἔτους) ἀκάνθας ὑπὸ μὲν τοῦ 
τῆς Νεμέ(ρων) ἐπὶ χώ(ματοΞ) (πρότερον) 
Σαρᾶ Apéiro(s) περὶ Πεεννὼ 
a, ὑπὸ δὲ τοῦ τῆς Σερύ(φεως) 
ἐπὶ χώ(ματος) ἔργου Κονίωνο(ς) 
το περὶ Σ᾽ ενεμελε(ὺ) β, καὶ 
ὑπὸ τοῦ τῆς Σεντὼ ἐπὶ χώ(ματος) 
ἀπεργασίας τοῦ ε (ἔτους) θεο(ῦ) Οὐεσπί(ασιανοῦ) 
ὄντος ἐκ βορ(ρᾶ) τῆς Σ᾿ ενοικοθί ) 
a, (δραχμῶν) vB καὶ τῶν ἑπομέ(νων) 
15 τῷ KO (ἔτει) ᾿Αθὺρ ι, τι(μῆς) (δραχμῶν) vB 
[πρ(οσ)])δ(ιαγραφομένων) (δραχμῶν) γ (ὀβολοῦ) (ἡμιωβελίου), 7 (δραχμαὶ) ve 
(ὀβολὸς) (ἡμιωβέλιον). 


ὁμ(οίως) τοῦ α(ὐτοῦ) τό(μου). 
᾿4πολλώνιο[ς] ὁ προτεταγμέ(νος) 
ἐπ(ικαλούμενος) δηλ(ῷ) κεκυρῶσθ(αι) τὰς ση- 
20 μανθείσας ὑπὸ πρ(εσ)β(υτέρων) δια- 
δεχο(μένων) κωμογρα(μματείαν) Νεμί(έρων) axdvO(as) y 
ἐν τοῖς βορ(ρ]ι]νοῖς μέρεσι yoparo(s) 
εν .ελ... καὶ Θώσβ( Ὶ καταπεπτω(κυίας) 
κυπεί( ) (δραχμῶν) μ καὶ τῶν ἑπομένω(ν) 
25. τῷ KO (ἔτει) Αθὺρ ιβ, τι(μῆς) [(δραχμῶν} μ πρ(οσδιαγραφομένων) B (τριω- 
βόλου), χ“ (δραχμαὶ μβ (τριώβολον). 

I. ἐδιουλ Pap. 2. First @ of @piwy COIT. from δη. vi Second ν of πεεννω corr. 
20. ρ᾽β Pap. 22. Bop|.vos Pap. 25. p’ Pap. 

‘ Individual list of the idiologus, volume 1 ; department of the metropolis. I, Apollonius 
surnamed Horion, son of Apollonius, ex-exegetes, declare that I have been duly assigned 
the acacia-trees designated in the month Pauni of the 28th year, one by the comogrammateus 
of Nemera on the embankment formerly belonging to Saras son of Amois in the neighbour- 
hood of Peénno, two by the comogrammateus of Seruphis on the embankment in the 
tillage of Conion in the neighbourhood of Senemeleu, and one by the comogrammateus 
of Sento on the embankment in the reclamation of the 5th year of the deified Vespasian 
situated to the north of Senoikoth..., for 52 drachmae and extra payments, in the 29th 
year, Hathur το, the price bane 52 drachmae and the additional charges 3 drachmae 
14 obols, total 55 drachmae 14 obols, 

Likewise in the same volume. I, Apollonius the aforesaid surnamed, &c., declare that I 
have been duly assigned the three acacia-trees designated by the elders, being deputies for the 
comogrammateus of Nemera, in the northern parts of the embankment of... and Thosbis, 
which have fallen down ..., for 40 drachmae and extra payments, in the 29th year, 
Hathur 12, the price being 40 drachmae and the additional charges 2 drachmae 3 obols, 
total 42 drachmae, 3 obols.’ 

I. τὸ κ(ατ᾽ ἄνδρα) : so e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 259. iii. 104; the third letter is possibly 8, 
but not μι The superfluous A above the line (cf. the critical note) stood for λ(όγου), but the 
writer changed his mind and added Ady(ov), without cancelling the suspended A. 

5e τοῦ : SC. κωμογραμματέως ἢ cf, Il. 20-1. 

7. For Πεεννώ cf. 718. 26. The scribe seems to have at first intended to abbreviate 
the name after Πεεν ; cf. the note on |. 1, and 1. 22 βορ(ρ) ]νοῖς. 

το. Σενεμελε(ύ) : Σενεκελε(ύ) (899. 7, 1052. 3, &c.) can only be read on the supposition 
that the e was miswritten, which would be natural were it not for the fact that Σενεμελεύ 
seems to have been the spelling in 482.5. Possibly, then, Σενεκελεύ and Σενεμελεύ were 
distinct places. 

14. ἑπόμενα is the usual term for extra charges in connexion with government ΠΕ 50 Ὁ 
513. 12, Ρ. Amh. 97. 14. As suggested in the note on 518. 12, they are not to be dis- 
tinguished from the προσδιαγραφόμενα, on the amount of which see the next note. 


16. For this contraction of προσδιαγραφομένων cf. ll, 20 mp(eo)B(urépar) and 1. 25, where 
the ὃ is omitted. Other instances of such contraction are P. Amh. 35 βα(σιλι)κῶν and the 
common κ(άτ)οι(κος) ; cf. also 1. 22. The προσδιαγραφόμενα amount to 6% per cent. of the 
price, both here and in ]. 25; the same proportion is found in 518. 15. 

19. εἰ 15 no doubt to be interpreted ἐπ(ικαλούμενος) here as in 1. 2, the following name, 
&c., being omitted for the sake of brevity. Apparently in 1. 2 also the scribe originally 
began to write δηλῶ immediately after ἐπ(ικαλούμενος) ; cf. the critical note. 

20. mp(eo)B(urépwr) διαδεχο(μένων) cf. e.g. Β. G. U. 6. 4, 15. i. 8. 

23. It may be doubted whether ἐν is the preposition or the first syllable of a village- 
name. It does not seem possible to read ἐν Τεπούει, a name coupled with Θῶσβις in 721. 9. 

24. The two final letters of κυπει(. ) may be ay. 


17°3 X 14-9 cm. A.D. 203. 

Two declarations, which have been joined together, concerning unirrigated 
land ; cf. P. Grenf. II. 56, P. Fay. 33, P. Tebt. 324, B. G. U. 139, 198, 973, 
P. Hamburg 11. One is addressed to the comogrammateus of the village near 
which the land was situated, the other, like B. G. U. 198, bears no address. 
Such returns were usually made in consequence of an order of the praefect in 
office, but in P. Hamburg 11, as in the present case, the authorization is stated 
to have emanated from the procurator usiacus Claudius Diognetus, who is also 
known from P. Giessen 48. 25 and papyri published by Wilcken in Hermes, xxiii. 
Ρ. 593 (A.D. 197) and Comparetti in Mélanges Nicole, pp. 57 544. (Cols. i and 
iv, A.D. 203, not second century, as was pointed out by Stein, Archiv iv. 165). 

Col. i. 

Κωμογρα(μματεῖῇ Σεντὼ καὶ ἄλλων 
κωμῶν τῆς μέσης τοπ(αρχίαΞ) 
παρὰ Διδύμου τοῦ καὶ Διδυμίω- 
νος ἀρχιερατεύσαντ[ος] τοῦ 

5 ἐν ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλε[ι] σεβασμιωτάτου 
Ἁδριανείου καὶ Διογένο]υς καὶ 
Σ᾿ αραϊπ]ωνος τοῦ καὶ ᾿Δἀριστοκλέους 
ἀμ[φ)]οτέρων Σ᾽ αραπίωνος 
μίη)τ[ρὸ]ς ᾿ἀρι[σ]τ[οἸκλείας τῆς καὶ 


10 [Χαι]ρημονίδος ἀπὸ τῆς av- 

[τῆς] πόλεζω]ς. κατὰ τὰ κελευσθίέντα) 
ὑπὸ Κλα[υ]δίονυ Διογνήτου τοῦ 
κρ[ατῆστου ἐπιτρόπου ἀπογρα(φόμεθα) 
πίρὸ]ς τὸ ἐνεστὸς ta (ἔτους) ἣν ἔχο- 

15 plev] ἄβροχον περὶ Σ᾽ εντὼ 
[ἐκ [το]ῦ Κλεάνδρου σὺν τοῖς 
παρορἰίο]ις εἰς Διονύσιον 
᾿Απίωνος (πρότερον ?) ἀβρόχου 
(dpodpas) . δ΄. 

20 (ἔτους) ta Αὐτοκρατόρων Καισάρων 
“Δουκίου Σ᾿ επτιμίου Σ᾽ εονήρου Εὐσεβ[οῦς] 
Περτίνακος 'ApaBixod ᾿Αδιαβηνικοῦ 
Παρθικοῦ Μεγίστου καὶ Μάρκ[ο]ν 
Αὐρ[ηἸλίου ᾿ἀντωνίνου Εὐσεβοῦς 

18. a’ Pap. 

Col. ii. 

and hand Παρὰ Sapamiwvos τοῦ καὶ Plaviov γυμνασιαρχ(ήσαντος) τῆς 'O- 
[Eupv]yx(@v) πόλ(εως) kal ὡς χρημαί(τίζει) ἀπ᾽ ᾿ΟἸξυρύγχί(ων) πόλ(εως). 
τὴ κατὰ τὰ κελ(ευσθέντα) 

[ὑπὸ] Κλαυδίου Δειογνήτου τίοῦ κρατίστου 
[ἐπιτρ)όπ(ου) τῶν κυρίων Σ᾿ εβαστῶϊν ἀπογρά(φομαι) πρὸς τὸ 
[ca (ἔτος) περὶ κώμην Ψῶβθιν pléons τοπ(αρχίας) ἐκ τοῦ Φι.- 


λονείκου μητρικοῦ πρότ(ερον) A[.........200- 
νυπτᾶτος ἀπὸ (ἀρουρῶν) di’ β' [ἀβρόχου (ἀρούρας) .. 
[κἸαὶ ὀμνύω τὴν Λουκίου Σ᾿ επ[τιμίου Σ εουήρου 

10 [Alvrwvivov Εὐσεβοῦς Σεβασίτῶν τύχην καὶ Που- 
βλίου Σεπτιμίου Γέτα Kaiolapos Σεβαστοῦ μὴ ἐψεῦσθαι). 
[(ἔτους) ta] Αὐτοκρατόρων Καισάρίων Aovkiov Σ΄ ε- 
πτιμίου Σ᾽ εουήρου Εὐσεβο[ῦς Περτίνακος 


‘ApaBixod ᾿Αδιαβηνικοῦ Παρ[θικοῦ Μεγίστου 
15 καὶ Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου ᾿Αντωνἰίνου Εὐσεβοῦς 
Σεβαστῶν καὶ Πουβλίου Σ᾿ εἰπτιμίου Téra 
Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ (2nd hand) Μεχεὶρ [. . Σαραπίων ὁ 
[κα]ὶ Φ[α]νίας γυμνασιαρχ[ήσας ἐπιδέδωκα. 

‘To the comogrammateus of Sento and other villages in the middle toparchy from 
Didymus also called Didymion, ex-chief-priest of the most august temple of Hadrian in the 
city of Oxyrhynchus, and from Diogenes and Sarapion also called Aristocles, both sons of 
Sarapion and Aristocleia also called Chaeremonis, of the said city. In accordance with the 
orders of his highness the procurator Claudius Diognetus we register for the current 11th 
year the unwatered land belonging to us at Sento in the holding of Cleandrus with the 
adjacent ground standing in the name of (?) Dionysius son of Apion, namely . $ arourae of 
land previously unwatered.’ Date. 

_ *From Sarapion also called Phanias, ex-gymnasiarch of the city of Oxyrhynchus, 
and however he is styled, of the city of Oxyrhynchus. In accordance with the orders of 
his highness the Imperial procurator Claudius Diognetus I register for the 11th year at the 
village of Psobthis in the middle toparchy in the holding of Philonicus, once belonging to 
my mother and formerly in the possession of A... son of ... nuptas,. . arourae of 
unwatered land out of 4,4, arourae, and I swear by the fortune of Lucius Septimius Severus 
Pius Pertinax and Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Pius Augusti and Publius Septimius Geta 
Caesar Augustus that I have made no false statement.’ Date. 

i. 14. This date is noticeable, since both B. G. U. 139 and P. Hamburg 11 refer to 
the roth year, and evidence is thus for the first time obtained of the registration of 
unirrigated land in two consecutive years. The fact that such a registration took place 
in the year 202-3 is a slight argument in favour of the supposition that B, G. U. 108 is 
also concerned with ἄβροχος γῆ (cf. Eger, Grundbuchwesen, p. 183, note 3), in which case 
a third consecutive year would have to be added. This, however, would not necessarily 
disprove our view that the returns of unirrigated land were not annual (P. Oxy. II. p. 177), 
for a succession of low Niles is quite possible; cf. Eger, of. cz7., p. 184. 

17. For παρορἰίο]ις cf. P. Flor. 50. 9, 86 (ἡ mapépios). σωματιζομένην or an equivalent 
phrase is probably to be understood before εἰς on the analogy of most of the other returns, 
e.g. P. Fay. 33. 18-19 ai οὖσαι διὰ σωματισμοῦ εἰς. .., B. G. U. 139. 13-14 σωματιζομένας 

cis. .., 198. 8-9 διὰ δὲ σωματισμοῦ eis... On the meaning of σωματισμός cf. the note on 
P. Fay. 33. 18-19, and Eger, Grundbuchwesen, p. 188, Lewald, Rém.-Aeg. Grundbuchrecht, 
p- 79 

18. (πρότερον) is apparently meant; ἀπῴ(ό) is inadmissible. 
ii. 1. Cf. ll. 17-18. 
το. Considerations of space indicate that τύχην stood in this line and not in 1. 11. 



26 Χ 56 cm. a.D. 237. Plate VIE 

A Latin declaration made to the responsible Roman official by M. Aurelius 
Saras, a citizen of Oxyrhynchus, that his wife had died intestate, and that the 
inheritance, which passed to their two daughters, was of the value of 200,000 
sesterces and free from the wvicesima hereditatium or succession duty of 5 per 
cent. To this declaration is appended an affidavit in Greek, duly witnessed, of 
the fact of intestate death, and a subscription in Latin of a notary of the office 
concerned with the tax. 

The persons concerned were all Aurelii, and therefore subject to the vzceszma ; 
it was indeed in the interest of this and similar taxes, so we are told (Dio Ixxvii. 
9), that the constitutio Antonina was promulgated; cf. Archiv v. p. 429. On the 
history of the impost see Bachofen, Ausgew. Lehren des R. Civilrechts, pp. 322 8qq., 
Cagnat, Les [mpéts indirects chez les Romains, pp. 175 sqq., Hirschfeld, K. Ver- 
waltungsbeamten, pp. 96 sqq. Instituted by Augustus it was levied upon all 
inheritances and legacies except where the beneficiaries were near relations or 
the estate inconsiderable (πλὴν τῶν πάνυ συγγενῶν ἢ καὶ πενήτων, Dio lv. 25). 
Caracalla, who raised the rate to 10 per cent., abolished the exemption in virtue 
of close relationship (Dio Ixxvii. 9, Ulpian, Coll. xvi. 9. 3); but these changes 
were reversed by his successor Macrinus (Dio Ixxviii. 12). What degree of 
affinity is to be understood from Dio’s phrases πάνυ συγγενῶν and πάνυ προσήκουσι 
is not clear (cf. Cagnat, of. cit., p. 184), but daughters succeeding to an intestate 
mother, as they were entitled to do by the recent Senatus consultum Orfitianum 
(cf. 1118. 13), would doubtless be included within the exemption, and this benefit 
would extend to their father, who in such a case would be the de facto heir ; cf. 
the note on |. 9. A niece on the other hand seems not to have enjoyed immunity, 
for in P. Amh. 72, a declaration by a woman of the value of an intestate uncle’s 
estate to which she was succeeding (A. Ὁ. 246), there is no mention of any claim 
to exemption. Relationship and not poverty was evidently the ground of the 
claim in the present instance. The taxable minimum is indeed uncertain, but it 
can hardly have reached 200,000 sesterces ; Bachofen puts it at half that amount 
(op. cit., pp. 341-2 ; so Mommsen, Dze Rim. Tribus, p. 120, Marquardt, Staatsverw. 
ii. p. 259). The tax no longer existed in the time of Justinian (Cod. vi. 33. 3) 
and its abolition was perhaps one of the financial reforms of Diocletian and 
Constantine ; this papyrus appears to be the latest document in which it is 
directly mentioned. 


The Latin professio and the subscription of the notary are written in clear 
cursive hands rather similar in type to that of P. Grenf. II, 108 of the latter half 
of the previous century. Dots or short dashes are, as usual, commonly placed 
after abbreviations and occasionally after other words (Il. 5, 37). Line 38 is in 
a smaller and less legible writing. 

' Perpetuo et Corneliano co(n)s(ulibus) anno wt Imperatoris Caesaris 
Gait [uli Vert Maximini 
Pit Alug(usti) Germanici Max(imi) Dacict Max(imi) Sarmiatici 
(Max(imt) et Gait Luli Veri Maximi Germanici Max(imi) 
Dacict M\ax(imi) Sarmatici Max(imi) Caesaris sancti\ssim{i Au- 

e(usti) fili Aug(usit) 
[ 1.1 
5 [A] pud Geminium Valentem 44 letters 
procurationis. [ 
Marcus Aurelius Saras falctus| gymnasiiarchus decurio civ\ttati|s Olxy- 
jilius Marci Aureli Diogenis q(ut) et) Hel{todori facti euthey{i- 
Nd i ee Ca or ae δος δ 
civitatis Alexandrinorum profliteor......... | filiabus melils Aure- 
liabus Stra- 
10 tonice g(uae) e(t) Sosipatrae et Apolloniae |g(uae) e(t) Dieutis) 

hler|editatem seu bonorum posses- 

sionem Aureliae Aplolloniae filiae Marci Aurel{i| Apollont Demetri 
g(uz) e(¢t) Psammi- 

dis facti gymnasiarcht decurionis civitatis Oxyrinchitarum, matris 
ecorum uxoris 

autem suae, intestatae defunctae civitat{a}e Oxyrinchitarum prid(ie) 
non(as) Iul(ias) q(uae) p(roximae?) f(uerunt) 

hora diet tertia secundum testation\e}m de hac re factam cuius 
exemplum subiect, Ἢ 

18 camque hereditatem esse ducenalrilam et inmunem a vicensima. 
exemplum testationtis. 

and hand ”Erous τρίτου Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Taiov ᾿Ιουλίου Οὐήρου Μαξι- 
’ “ , =~ 
μείνου Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς 
Σεβαστοῦ Τερμανικοῦ Μεγίστου Δακικοῦ Μεγίστου Σ᾿ αρματικοῦ 
Μεγίστου καὶ Γαΐου ᾿Ιουλίου 


Οὐήρου Μαξίμου Τερμανικοῦ Μεγίστου Aakixod Μεγίστου _ 
τικοῦ Meyiorov τοῦ. : 
20 ἱερωτάτου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ Σεβαστοῦ ᾿Επεὶφ iB, ἐν 
᾿᾽Οξυρίνχων πόλει. 
Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Σ᾽ αρᾶς ἐν mdewtes a 1. ΛΗ τῆς ᾿Οξυρινχειτῶν 
πόλεως υἱὸς Μάρ- 
κου Αὐρηλίονυ Διογένους τοῦ καὶ ᾿Ηλιοδώρου εὐθηνιαρχήσαντος 
βουλευτοῦ τῆς λαμπροτά- 
της πόλεως τῶν ᾿Αλεξανδρέων καὶ ὡς χρηματίζει ἐμαρτύρατο τοὺς 
τόδε τὸ μαρτυρο- 
ποίημα σφραγίζειν μέλλοντας τῇ ἐνεστώσῃ ἡμέρᾳίν) περὶ ὥραν 
τρίτην ἀπευ- 
25 ktaiws Αὐρηλίαν ᾿Απολλωνίαν Oryatépa Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου ᾿Απολ- 
λωνίου 4ημητρί- 
ov τοῦ καὶ Ψάμμιδος καὶ ὡς χρηματίζει γυμνασιαρχήσαντος βου- 
λευτοῦ τῆς ᾽Οξυριν- | 
χειτῶν πόλ[εωἸ]ς γυναῖκα ἑαυτοῦ μητέρα τῶν κοινῶν θυγατέρων Αὐ- 
ρηλιῶν Σίτρα- . 
τονείκης τῆς καὶ Σωσιπάτρας καὶ ᾿Απολλωνίας τῆς καὶ Διεῦτος 
ἀφηλίκων ἀδι- 

Col. ii. 
[άθετον τελευτῆσαι 
30 3rd-hand () 1 | 6o letters 167: 
4thhand [Salpamioy ὁ kali [.......... Ἰσκὰϊ - “-g0'letters Jo.|.... 2.9m 

ἀποδεδειγμέϊνος] ἀρχιερεὺς βουλευτὴς] (τῆς) προκειμ[ἐϊνη[ς πόλ(εως) 
ἜΣ ΗΟ Κρ ἢ με pe: Ms | 
5th hand Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Σαρᾶς γυμν[α]σιαρχήσα[ς] βουλ(ευτὴς) τῆς ’Ogv- 
πόλ(εως) ἐπιδέδωκα τὴν ἀπογραφήν. 

35 61 hand /uvilinus Aug(usti) lib(ertus) tabul(arius) intestatam dec\e|ssisse 


adfirmationem insertam pr(idie) non(as) Lul\ias) Perpetuo et 
Corneliano co(n)s(ulibus) notavi pr(idie) td(us) Lul(ias) co(n)- 
s(ulibus) s(upra) s(criptis). 

7th hand act(um) s(__)...[.+.+-|L [Ul zas) Perpetuo et Corneliano co(m)s(ulibus). 
17. yaiov Ἰουλιου Pap.: so in |, 18. 20, iepwrarov... tiv Pap. Second σ of 
second σεβαστου corr. from p. 21. isos Pap. 31. Second « corr.? 

‘In the consulship of Perpetuus and Cornelianus, in the third year of the emperor Caesar 
Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus,’ &c., ‘before Geminius Valens . . . of the procuratorship. 
Marcus Aurelius Saras, ex-gymnasiarch, senator of the city of Oxyrhynchus, son of Marcus 
Aurelius Diogenes also called Heliodorus, ex-eutheniarch of the [most illustrious] city of 
Alexandria, declare [on behalf of (?)] my two daughters Aurelia Stratonice also called Sosipatra 
and Aurelia Apollonia also called Dieus the inheritance or possession of the property of 
Aurelia Apollonia daughter of Marcus Aurelius Apollonius son of Demetrius also called 
Psammis, ex-gymnasiarch and senator of the city of Oxyrhynchus, their mother and my 
wife, who died intestate at the city of Oxyrhynchus on the day before the succeeding (?) 
Nones of July at the third hour of the day according to the affidavit made on this matter, of 
which I append a copy, and certify that the inheritance is of the value of two hundred solidi 
and free of the tax of a twentieth. 

‘Copy of the affidavit. In the third year,’ &c., ‘at the city of Oxyrhynchus. Marcus 
Aurelius Saras, ex-gymnasiarch and senator of the city of Oxyrhynchus, son of Marcus. 
Aurelius Diogenes also called Heliodorus, ex-eutheniarch and senator of the most illustrious 
city of Alexandria, and however he is styled, called to witness the persons about to seal the 
present affidavit that on this day at about the third hour to the loss of our hopes Aurelia 
Apollonia daughter of Marcus Aurelius Apollonius son of Demetrius also called Psammis, 
and however he is styled, ex-gymnasiarch and senator of the city of Oxyrhynchus, his wife 
and the mother of their daughters Aurelia Stratonice also called Sosipatra and Aurelia 
Apollonia also called Dieus, who are under age, died intestate...’ Signatures of witnesses 
and of Marcus Aurelius Saras in Greek and of a notary in Latin. 

2-4. The small fragment assigned to the middles of these lines is doubtfully placed, 
sancti|ssim|¢ being unsatisfactory. DJacicz could be read in place of Sarm\atict, but this 
causes greater difficulties in the next line. 

s-6. Geminius Valens, if that was his name, was apparently an official in the office of 
the procurator vicesimae, who was no doubt appointed for Egypt as for other provinces; cf. 
Hirschfeld, K. Verwaltungsbeamten, pp. 102-4. A στατιὼν τῆς εἰκοστῆς τῶν κληρονομιῶν καὶ 
ἐλευθεριῶν at Arsinoitonpolis is mentioned in B. G. U. 326. ii. το. 

ἡ. It is noticeable, as Wilcken remarks, that the term czvz/as was now used where 
before the grant of the βουλή the correct Latin word was metropolts ; cf. e.g. the Cairo 
diptych referred to in the following note. 

8. g(uz’) e(#): the same abbreviation occurs e.g. in the cresiones hereditatium published 
by De Ricci from a Cairo diptych in Nouv. Rev. xxx. pp. 479 564. and reprinted in Bruns, 
ed. 7, pp. 319-20. At the end of this line decurzonis clarissimae is expected, but cannot be 
read. Perhaps decurioni’s was omitted and some longer adjective used, e. g. spl en\d|2\d\z\s- 
s(2yuae, which is a possible though not very satisfactory reading ; or decurtonts was written 
and the adjective was quite short, decu[rioni|s s|.|s . . . ae. 

9. How the lacuna after prof [#eor is to be filled is unfortunately somewhat, doubtful. 

Ο 2 


The daughters could only succeed zussu paitrzs, and he would at this period be the real 
beneficiary (Gaius ii. 87; modifications were subsequently introduced, Cod. Just. vi. 60): 
hence something like me adnutsse would be suitable. The construction of |. 15 rather 
suggests that an infinitive had preceded, otherwise the more neutral supplement [pro duabus| 
might be preferred. 

13. suae: the construction demands meae; that prof[z/eor and not prof|ztetur preceded 
in 1. 9 is indicated by swdzecz in 1. 14. 

The meaning of the letters g. 2. £ here is uncertain; from their position and the run of 
the sentence they should refer in some way to the date, and the interpretation suggested in 
the text will give a tolerable sense. Or possibly might represent praesens as an equivalent 
of the Greek ἐνεστώς ; cf. 1. 24. 9. 2. fis also found in C. I. L. v. 5067. 7 of a.p. 103, 
Lajberio\ a cos.[..... |g. 2. f-[.. curjatores Satur|....t\nfra script. The letters have 
there been explained as standing for gu primi fuerunt, referring to the persons 7#fra scripiz; 
that, however, is very doubtful, and it seems likely that the day of the month preceded in 
the lacuna, and that the meaning of the abbreviation is the same as in the present passage. 

30. If]. 1 was the first of the column the loss at the top of Col. ii above 1. 30 would 
not be expected to exceed more than three or four lines. 

32. μαρτυρῶ or some equivalent term is to be supplied at the end of the line. 
προκειμ[ νης is very doubtfully read. 

35. Lvivilinus is a curious name, but I cannot read the letters otherwise; /ud(zus) 
Vilinus is inadmissible. Zabularz are frequently mentioned in connexion with the vceszma ; 
cf. Hirschfeld, of. cz¢., p. 105. They were commonly freedmen, as here. 

38. If actum is right (cf. e.g. the Cairo diptych, ap. Bruns, p. 320), a place-name would 
be expected to follow, but the s followed by a dot seems clear. Perhaps s(upra) s(cripio) 
die was written. 


23:5 X 20-8 cm. A.D. 284. 

The writers of this letter were three agents for the delivery of the military 
annona, who had been asked by the strategus, in consequence of representations 
from the praefect and dioecetes, for the receipt for a large quantity of bread 
delivered by them to certain military and naval detachments. They accordingly 
forwarded the original receipt, enclosing at the same time a copy which they 
request the strategus to sign. The receipt had been issued in the sixth year of 
Probus (A.D. 281), but the signature of the strategus, which is appended as 
requested, is dated in Pachon of the second year, the reference presumably being 
to the reign of Numerianus. Pomponius Ianuarianus, the praefect in office 
(1. 4), is a new addition to the list of Egyptian praefects. 

Αὐρηλίῳ Φιλιάρχῳ τῷ Kai ἱὩρίωνι σϊτ]ρατηγῷ ᾿Οξυρυγχείτου 
παρὰ Αὐρηλίων ᾿Ισιδώρου καὶ ᾿ἀσκληπιάδου καὶ Πλουτίνου ἀναπίομ- 


πῶν ἄρτου. αἰτηθέντες ὑπὸ σοῦ ἐκ τῶν ἐπισταλέντων σοι ὑπὸ 
τοῦ διασημοτάτου ἡγεμόνος ΠΠομπωνίου ᾿Ιανουαριανοῦ καὶ τοῦ 
5 δι[αἸσημοτάτου διοικητοῦ Αὐρηλίου ['Apioréa] ἣν ἔχομεν αὐθεντικὴν 
[ἀποχ]ὴν οὗ ἀνηνέγκαμεν καὶ δι[αδεδώϊκαμεν ἄρτου, ἐπιδίδομέν σοι 
τὴν] προκειμένην αὐθεντικὴν ἀποχί[ὴν] καὶ ταύτης ἀντίγραϊφον ἀξι-} 
οὔντες ὑποσημιώσασθαί ole] πρὸς τὸ καὶ ἡμᾶς τὸ ἀϊσ)φ[αἸ]λὲς ἔχειν [τῆς αὐ- 
τῆς αὐθεντικῆς ἀποχῆς. Μίκκαλος ἐπὶ διαδόσεως ἀννώνης 
10 ᾿Ισιδώρῳ καὶ ᾿Δσκληπιάδῃ ἐπιμεληταῖς {εἰπ]ιμεληταις} ᾽Ο ξυρυγχείτ[ο]υ. 
παραδιε]δώκατε ἐν τῇ Πανῶν πόλει κατὰ κέλευσιν Αὐρηλίου ᾿4ρ[ισ- 
Téa τοῦ κρατίστου διοικητοῦ ἀκολούθως αἷς ἐπηνέγκατε glop- 
μαλείαις χωρήσασι στρ[ατιώ)ταις καὶ ναύταις adprov..[..... 
ους μυριάδας τρῖς καὶ ὀκτακισχιλ[ίους τ]ετρακοσίους ἐνενή- 
15 κοντα ἕξ, γί(νονται) μ(υριάδες) γ ᾿Ηυης. 
(ἔτους) ς τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου 
Πρόβου ἘΕὐσεβοῦς Σεβαστοῦ Τῦβι ἑκκαιδεκάτῃ, Τῦβι tc. 
and hand Avpydcos Φιλίαρχος ὁ καὶ “Ωρίων orpa(rnyss) Ὃ ξυρ[υ]γχί(ίτου) ἔσχον 
τὴν αὐθεντικὴν ἀποχὴν 
συμφωνοῦσαν πρὸς τὸ προτεταγμένον ἀντίγρα(φον) ἣν καὶ κατέπεμψα 
20 ὧς ἐκελεύσθη. (ἔτους) B Παχὼν κς. 

6. ο of ov corr. from (. ανηνεγκαμεν Pap. 9. μικίκαλος Pap. 12. εἐπηνεγίκατε Pap. 
1. plop|zapias. 17. «x καιδεκατη Pap. 18. orpas Pap. 

‘To Aurelius Philiarchus also called Horion, strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, from 
Aurelius Isidorus, Aurelius Asclepiades, and Aurelius Plutinus, deliverers of bread. Having 
been asked by you in consequence of letters sent to you by his honour the praefect Pom- 
ponius Januarianus and his honour the dioecetes Aurelius Aristeas for the authentic receipt 
in our possession for the bread which we have delivered and distributed, we deliver to you 
the aforesaid authentic receipt and a copy of it which we beg you to sign in order that we 
too may have the security of the said authentic receipt. “ Miccalus, superintendent of the 
distribution of the annona, to Isidorus and Asclepiades, overseers of the Oxyrhynchite nome. 
You have delivered in Panopolis in obedience to the order of his highness the dioecetes 
Aurelius Aristeas, in accordance with the certificates presented by you, to the mobilized (?) 
soldiers and sailors thirty-eight thousand and four hundred and ninety-six modii (?) of bread, 
total 38,496. The sixth year of our lord the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Probus Pius 
Augustus, Tubi sixteenth, Tubi 16.” (Signed) I, Aurelius Philiarchus also called Horion, 
strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, have received the authentic receipt, which agrees with 
the copy above written, and have forwarded it as ordered. Second year, Pachon 26.’ 

9. ἐπὶ διαδόσεως ἀννώνης : cf. 6. α΄. B, G. U. 1025. 11. 15 διαδότης Συήνης, 43. recto iv. 9 εἰς 
διάδοσιν τῶν στρατιωτῶν, and P. Giessen ii. pp. 88-9. 


10. ἐπιμεληταῖς Ὃ ξυρυγχείτ[ οἹυ : cf. 48. recto iv, 21, &c., P. Giessen ὦ. ¢. 

12. For φΪορ]μαλείαις (= φ[ορ]μαρίαις) cf. 48. recto, e.g. ii, 28-9 ἀκολούθ(ως) 'Ρωμαϊκῇ 
αὐτοῦ ppovpapia, iii. 25 τῆς δὲ Ppovpapias ἐστὶν ἀντίγρα(φον), where φρουμαρία is more likely to 
be a misspelling of φορμαρία (= formula) than of φρουμενταρία, and P. Cairo Cat. 67050. 11, 
67051. 6. 

13-14. podijovs suggests itself as the measure (cf. 6. g. P. Leipzig 97), but the vestiges 
do not appear to be very suitable, and moreover there would be plenty of room for so short 
a word in 1. 13, so that its division between two lines is unnatural. But possibly ἄρτου had 
an epithet (not κα[θαροῦ). ; 

19. κατέπεμψα: i.e. to Alexandria. 


15:8 X 11-3 cm. A.D. 363. 

Nomination of a person to act for one year as inspector of dues appropriated 
to the Augusteum at Alexandria. In what these dues consisted is not clear 
owing to the bad condition of the papyrus. The nomination, which is addressed 
to the logistes, was made by the local συστάτης, on whose office see the note on 
1,5. Cf. 580, P. Flor. 2, &c. 

‘Trarcias ᾿Ιουλιανοῦ τὸ δ΄ καὶ Σαλλουστί[ου 
τοῦ λαμπ(ροτάτου) ἐπάρχου τοῦ ἱεροῦ πραιτωρίου. Θὰϊ[θ. 
, A ~ 3 ΄ 
Φλαουίῳ Ψοεῖτι λογιστῃ ᾿Οξυρυγχίτ[ ο]υ 
[πα]ρ[ ἃ] «Α[ὐ]ρηλίου Μουσῆ Θέωνος 
5 ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως συστάτου ἀμφόδου 
Δρόμου Γυμ(νγασίου καὶ ἄλλων ἀμφόδων. 
’ Ν >’ Ψ' ΄“ 307 
δίδωμει Kai εἰσαγγέλλω τῷ ἰδίῳ 
μου κινδύνῳ εἰς ἔπωψιν ε.. .- 
μαριων τῶν ἐξ ἔθους παρεχω- 
la 2 se a ) , Υ͂ 
10 μένον ἐν τῷ ἱερῷ Ayovaorou ὄνϊτι 
ἐπὶ τῆς λαμπ(ροτάτης) ᾿Αλεξανδρ(ίγας ἐφ᾽ ἑ- 
νιαυτὸν ἕνα τὼν ἀπὸ ν]εωμηνίας 
Θὼθ ἕως Μεσορὴ ἐπαγωμένον 
πέμπτης καὶ αὐτῆς τῆς π]έμπτης 
15 τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ἔτους μ (ἔτους) θ (ἔτους) τὸν 


ἑξῆς ἐν[γε]γραμμένον ὄντα ἔπι- 
δήτιον πρὸς τὴν χρίαν, 
ἔστι δὲ 
Αὐρήλιον Ζακάωνος Μελανᾷ [ 
20 ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως τῆς αὐτῆς φ[υλῆς. 
and hand Αὐρήλιος Movons συστάτης ; 
3rd hand 4Ἅιόσκορος [.....].. ας ἔσχον. . [. 

[ ] 

4th hand ᾿Αμμών[ιος 
8. 1. ἔποψιν. 9. 1. παρεχομένων. 10. ἵερω Pap. 12. 1. τὸν... ν]εομηνίας. 
13. 1. ἐπαγομένων. 16. 1. ἐπιτήδειον. 

‘In the consulship of Julianus for the fourth time and Sallustius the most illustrious 
praefect of the sacred praetorium, Thoth.. To Flavius Psoeis, logistes of the Oxyrhynchite 
nome, from Aurelius Moses son of Theon, of the said city, delegate of appointments of 
the quarter of the Gymnasium Square and other quarters. I present and announce at my 
own risk for the inspection of the .. . provided as is the custom at the temple of Augustus 
in the most illustrious Alexandria, for one year from the first day of Thoth up to and 
including the fifth intercalary day of Mesore of the present 4oth which = the gth year, 
the person whose name follows below, who is suitable for the office, namely Aurelius son of 
Zakaon son of Melanas, of the said city and said tribe.’ Signatures of Aurelius Moses and 
other officials. 

5. ovordrou: cf. 86. 10-11, where συστάϊτῃ τῆς νυνὶ λιτουργούσης φυλῆς is rightly restored 
by Jouguet and Wilcken on the analogy of P. Flor. 39. 4 συστάτης τῆς μελλούσης λιτου[ργεῖν 
φυ]λῆς καὶ ἄλλων ἀμφόδων ; cf. Archiv ili. p. 534, iv. p. 557. It was the business of the 
συστάτης to make nominations to λιτουργίαι ; cf. 86 and P. Flor. 39. 6 τὴν ἐνχιρισστῖσάν σοι 
in’ ἐμοῦ. . . λιτουργία. At an earlier period, as appears from 1119, this function was 
performed by amphodogrammateis and phylarchs. For the tribal divisions at Oxyrhynchus 
cf. 1030.. 

8. The initial letter of the mutilated word could also well be η. 

το. The letters following ’Ayovor are very uncertain, but the reading suggested is 
sufficiently suitable. ᾿Αγουστίῳ does not seem possible. The building referred to may well 
be the same as that known as the Καισάριον (Strabo xvii. 794) or Σεβάστιον (Philo, Leg. ad 
Gaium, 22); cf. Lumbroso, L’Zgz#o, pp. 188 sqq., F. Blumenthal, Archiv v. fp. 318-19. 
The Caesareum was turned into a church under Constantine or Constantius II, but 
retained its old name; cf. Archiv v. p. 328. Teh Τ 

13-14. Cf. P. Flor. 39. 8, where the same phrase is to be read (Archiv ili. p. 534). 
It may be suggested that in the next line of that papyrus the letters following ἔτους, which 
are transcribed as ov μί, represent the current years of the Oxyrhynchite eras, which in 
Thoth of a.p. 396 would be oy μίβ; cf. 1. 15 here. : ; 

19. Αὐρήλιον : ἔστι δέ is not allowed to affect the construction, which is carried on from 


l. 17. For Ζακάωνος cf. Ῥ, Strassb. 45. 49 and P. Théad. Inv. 15. iv. 2; it is a variant of 
the common name Σακάων, e.g. 1059. 4. 

20. τῆς αὐτῆς G[vdjs: the reading of the much damaged letters is confirmed by P. Flor. 
39. 5. ¢[vAjs may have been abbreviated. Since an ἄμφοδον only has been named above 
(ll. 5-6) and not a φυλή as such, the close connexion of the φυλαί and ἄμφοδα already 
noticed by Preisigke, Beamstenwesen, p. 18°, is here brought out very clearly; cf. P. Flor. 
39. 4 φυἸλῆς καὶ ἄλλων ἀμφόδων, 1119. 13 ἀμφόδων φυλάρχῳ, and 1110. 2-3, note. 



19:8 X 13-9 cm. About a.p. 178. 

Draft of an appeal to an unnamed praefect from six persons described as 
the superintendents of the golden statue of Athene-Thoéris concerning a case of 
peculation which he had recently decided. The ends of the lines are lost 
throughout, but, though the lacunae as gauged by ll. 1, 7, and 13 are too large to 
be restored with much certainty, the general sense is seldom obscured. Judgement 
had previously been given by an earlier praefect, Pactumeius Magnus (A.D.176-7), 
and it was probably to his immediate successor Aurelius (?) Sanctus (A.D. 177-9) 
that the present petition was addressed. The statue of the goddess had lately 
been made, and a quantity of gold embezzled in the process. Magnus had decided 
that the loss, amounting to eighteen talents of silver, should be made good by 
the artificers and the municipal officials of the year (Il.4-5). His judgement was 
substantially upheld by the new praefect, who distributed the responsibility 
between the contractor, the inspector, the officials who disbursed the money, and 
the overseers, who now apply for relief (ll. 6-8). They make no profession of 
innocence, but in the first place ask that two gymnasiarchs and a third official, all 
of whom, they assert, had been concerned in the disbursements (Il. 9-15), should 
be called on to assist, and secondly apply for an extension of time, offering an 
annual payment of two talents (Il. 16sqq.), and declaring that their existing 
obligation must reduce them to ruin. 

This draft is written across the fibres of the verso; the recto contains 
remains of two columns of a list of persons, in which the word πρεσβύτερος is 
apparently abbreviated in the same way as in 1112. 20, 

11170.. UPETITIONS 201 

Πίαράλ) τι(νος) κ(αΐ) τίινοΞ) γενομένων ἐπιμελητῶν χρυσοῦ ἕοάνου ‘AOnivas 
τῆς καὶ Θοήριδος 
“ 4 Ψ ε XN ’ bd , 2 A ¢t ? 
θεᾶς μεγίστης. ἔναγχος, ἡγεμὼν κύριε, ἐπιδημήϊσας ἐν TH ἡμετέρᾳ 
πόλει διέγνως μεταξὺ ἡμῶν καὶ ἀρχόντων EK(K)ANTO. .. 2... weenie 
περὶ ὧν ὁ κράτιστος Μάγνος ἐκέλευσεν τῇ πόλει εἰσενεχθῆναι ἐν ᾳ [..... 
(τάλαντα) in ὑπὸ τῶν 
x ~ , Ἁ a ~ » 2 ᾽ 3 v4 
5 THY Θοῆριν ποιησάντων καὶ τῶν τοῦ ἔτους ἐστεφανωμένων apy[dvToV: 


περὶ ὧν σὺ ὁ 

Ν «ς ’ 

κύριος κατὰ τὰ δόξαντά σοι ἀπεφήνω οὕτως: ὁ τὴν ὑπόσχεσιν δοὺς καὶ 
ὁ τὴν 
σύνοψιν εἰληφὼς καὶ οἱ ἄρχοντες οἱ ἐξωδιάσαντες καὶ of ἐπ[ιμεληταὶ ἀποκα- 
ταστήσετε τῇ πατρίδι ὑμῶν τὸ ἐνδέον τοῦ χρυσίου κατὰ τὸ [......- 
ἡμεῖς οὖν, 
κύριε, αὐτοὶ μέτριοι ὄντες ἀξιοῦμεν ἀκολούθως καὶ τῇ ἀποφάσει. .. .... 
το καὶ τοὺς ἐξωδιάσαντας δύο γυμνασιάρχους ὄντας τοῦ ἔτους καὶ τὸν 
oo δας ΦΈΡΑΝ eee 
Θέων[α] καὶ αὐτὸν ἐξωδιάσαντα δι ὅλου τοῦ ἔτους καὶ αἵρεσιν .... 6.6.0 ee oe TOM 
ρά τε τεχνειτῶν χρυσοχόων λαβόντα καὶ γράμματα τῆς παρα[δόσεως παρὰ 
ὧν τῶν παραλαβόντων σχόντα καὶ ἐπὶ τόπων εἰς τὴν δημοσίαν τράπεζαν 
καταχωρίσαντα ἀκολούθως οἷς καὶ κατεχώρισεν ὑπομνήμασι συντελεῖν 
15 εἰς φόρους ἡμεῖν ¢ τὸν ἀριθμὸν ἐπιμεληταῖς [.]. ηγε - [- - +++ ee eee ee ees 
ὄντες τὰ tn (τάλαντα) τῇ πόλει ἐκ δυεῖν ταλάντων εἰσεν[ἔγκωμεν . ...... +20 ees 

fe b 

καὶ οὕτως τὸ κελευσθὲν ὑπὸ σοῦ τοῦ κυρίου ἀκολ[ούθως καὶ ois ἀπεφήνω 
γένηται, ἵν᾿ ὦμεν εὐεργετημένοι. ἡμεῖς yap [ 19 letters 
μέτρια κεκτήμεθα ἐὲ ὧν καὶ μόλις ζῶμεν. διὸ δίκαιόν ἐστιν ἄλλας 

20 προθεσμίας ἡμεῖν εἰς τὴν ἀπόδοσιν δοῦναι ἵνα... .. ὑπὸ ἑκάστου 
ἡμῶν τῶν ἐπιμελητῶν Kat ἔτος méde{s εἰσϊενεχθῶσι ... .... 
(δραχμαὶ ᾽Β, καὶ οὕτως καὶ ἡμῖς δυνηθῶμεν] ἐν τῇ ἰδίᾳ παρ[αμένειν ........ 
καὶ μὴ ἀθρόως πολιορκηθέντες πρὸς THY... 6+. ee rere eee 
πρατοὶ γενέσθαι. 

4. 0 κρατιστος added above the line. 5. καὶ tov added above the line. 6. ουτως" 
Pap. 7. Aof eAnpwscorr. |. ἐξοδιάσαντες; cf, ll. 10, 11. 10. εξωδιασαντας added above 
the line. 12. te before rexverrov added above the line. 13. εἰς COIT. 14. ο Of os 


corr. καὶ added above the line. 18. ἦν Pap.; so in 1. 20. 22. ἴδια Pap. 
24. yeverOa corr. from γενωμεθα. 

I. ti(vos) καί r(wos): cf. e.g. 509, 1034; there is no visible mark of abbreviation with 
the second τ, but it may have disappeared. The supplement τῆς καὶ Gonpidos is indicated by 
l.5; cf. 579, where the reading Θοήΐριδος is now confirmed, and 483. 3, note. 

3. ἔκ(κ)λητοῖ : it seems necessary to postulate a misspelling here, for a mention of 
Letopolis is very unlikely, there being no further indication that any other city than 
Oxyrhynchus was concerned. Something like éx(x)Anro[s γενόμενος might be restored, or 
preferably perhaps, as Wilcken suggests, &x(«)Anroly δίκην. 

4. a, if that is the right reading, is a figure, having a stroke above it. Perhaps ére or 
ἐνιαυτῷ followed. (τάλαντα) ιη is derived from |. 16, where it is implied that the amount had 
been previously mentioned. 

5. ἐστεφανωμένων : cf. Demosth. Merd. 17 τὸν ἐστεφανωμένον ἄρχοντα, Aristog. ii. 5 πέπαυνται 
ἄρχοντες Kai τοὺς στεφάνους περιήρηνται, C. I. G. 2330. 6 ὁ ἄρχων τὴν στεφανηφόρον ἀρχήν, &C. ; 
Wilcken adds P. Par. 69. ii. 8 (Philologus 53. 82) [ξστεψεν εἰς γυμνασιάρχζην. 

10. Not τὸν τὴϊν σύνοψιν εἴληφότα (1. 7). 

15. A final conjunction must have occurred in the latter part of this line. 

20. ὑπὸ ἑκάστου is suggested by the figures; if each of the six ἐπιμεληταί paid 2,000 
drachmae, the sum of two talents mentioned in |. 16 would be produced. 

22. ἐν τῇ ἰδίᾳ maplapevew: cf. 6, g. 488. 22 κινδυνεύουσα ἐνκαταλεῖψαι τὴϊν id\avy, P. Tebt. 
327. 27. 

23. πολιορκηθέντες : Cf. Plato, Alc. ii. 142 a ὑπὸ τῶν συκοφαντῶν πολιορκούμενοι. πρατοί in 
I. 24 keeps up the metaphor. 


11-7 X 11-4 cm. Late first or early second century. 

A fragment of an application, addressed no doubt to an archidicastes, for the 
recovery of a debt. The request is made that the strategus of the Small Oasis 
should be authorized to forward a copy of the claim to the debtors, and probably 
this application was appended to a notification to the strategus that the archidi- 
castes had sanctioned the claim, the arrangement being similar to that e.g. of 
485 ; cf. P. Flor. 86. 20-5, where the phraseology is very close to that used here. 

[.. .Jos ἀξιῶι συντάξαι γράψαι] τῷ τῆς Mixpas 
'Odo\ews στρατηγῶι μεταδοῦναι T.. νε...{ 

[. .Javre καὶ Χενενούβι διὰ τοῦ ἀπ᾿ αὐτῶν φανη- 
ἱσομένου ἀντίγραφον τοῦδε τοῦ ὑπομνήματος 
5 [ὅπως ἔτι καὶ νῦν ἀποδῷ μοι τὰ ὀφειλόμε- 

δ. P 

1118. PETITIONS 203 

[να] καὶ τοὺς προσοφειλομένους τόκους καὶ τὰ 
[διάφορα ἢ γεινώσκωσι ἐμβαδεύσον- 
[τά ple εἰς τὰ ὑπίοἸτεθειμένα καὶ καθέξον- 
τία αἰὐτῶν καὶ κυριεύ(σγοντα καὶ ἑτέροις 

το ἐξαλλοτριώσοντα καὶ ἐπιτελέσοντα ὃ ἐὰν 
αἱρῶμαι, οὐδεν ὸ]ς αὐτοῖς οὐδὲ ἄλλῳ οὐδε- 
vi ἐξ ὑστέρου ἱκατ]αλειπομένου λόγου 
[repli οὐδενὸς ἁπλῶς 

7. ἐμ corr. from με. 

‘_.. I beg you to write to the strategus of the Small Oasis to present to ... and 
Chenenoubis, through the one of them who may be found, a copy of this memorandum, in 
order that he may yet pay to me the debt and the interest due in addition and extras, or 
else that they may know that I shall enter on the mortgaged property and shall occupy and 
exercise ownership over it and alienate it and do with it whatever I choose, without any 
claim being left to them or to any one else for the future in any respect . . .” 

1. Perhaps ἀναγ καίϊως ; cf. e.g. 1121. 23, P. Flor. 86. 19. 

. τόκους καὶ τὰ [dud|bopa: cf. P. Flor. 86. 22 τόκους καὶ ra τέλη καὶ δαπάνας, which shows 
what is here meant by [&a}Sopa. διάφορον is sometimes practically synonymous with τόκος ; 
cf. 1040. introd., and 6. g. 1130. τι. 

9. αἰῤτῶν was probably influenced by the coming κυριεύζσοντα. 

28-5 Χ 39-6 cm. A.D. 254- 

The body of this long document consists of a petition from two citizens of 
Antinodpolis who had property at Oxyrhynchus, Theon and Arsinoiis, requesting 
the strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome to notify the existing phylarch that they 
were exempt from nomination to municipal offices. Their rights had been 
established ten years before under an earlier strategus, and they give a narrative 
of the course of events, and enclose copies of official correspondence relating to 
their case. Its history was as follows. Aurelius Sarapion,an amphodogramma- 
teus of Oxyrhynchus, in contravention of the privileges of Theon and Arsinoiis 
as Antinoite citizens, had nominated them as collectors of money-taxes in the 
metropolis. On receiving information of this they applied to the senate of their 
native city, who sent a letter of remonstrance to the epistrategus Antonius 


Alexander. A copy of this interesting letter, which is dated in A.D. 244, is given 
in ll, 14-22. It is a vindication of the privilege enjoyed by Antinoites of immu- 
nity from public burdens outside their own city (cf. note on 1. 16). That privi- 
lege had been granted by their founder Hadrian, had been confirmed by his 
successors, and respected by a long line of praefects and epistrategi. Antonius 
Alexander is asked to follow this example, and to instruct the strategus of 
Oxyrhynchus to call the offending amphodogrammateus to account. He did so 
two months later in a letter transcribed in ll. 22-4. The strategus passed on the 
correspondence to the amphodogrammateus demanding explanations, and the 
reply of the latter follows in Il. 25-8. He acknowledges his error, admitting that 
Theon and Arsinoiis had the rights of Antinoite citizens, and apparently himself 
undertaking the duty which he had wrongly imposed upon them. In the upper 
margin a short note has been added by the strategus to whom the petition was 
addressed, forwarding the document to the phylarch, as requested by the 
petitioners (Il. 2-5); and at the foot (1. 30) is the signature of the agent who 
delivered it. 

The lines are of great length and there is a large lacuna at the commence- 
ment of each. The restorations adopted often aim at no more than indicating 
the general sense, which is for the most part clear. 

I Kn. 

2 [ στρατηγὸς ᾿Οξυρυγχείτυ 1 Αὐρηλίῳ "Ηρᾷ φυλάρχ(ῳ) 
τοῦ εἰσιόντος ὃ (ἔτου:). 

3 [ἐπιστέλλεταί σοι τὸ βιβλείδιον Αὐρηλίων Θέωνος καὶ ‘Apowvdolv 
ἀμφοτέρων Θέωνος Σεβαστείων τῶν καὶ Διοσκουρείων 'Αντι- 
νοέων, ἐντεταγμένων καὶ ἀντιγράφων ἐπιστολῶν δύο, τὴν μὲν 
γρα(φεῖσαν) : 

4 [ὑπὸ τῆς κρατίστης ᾿Δἀντινοξίων βουλῆς ᾿Αἀντωνίῳ Ἀλεξάνδρῳ τῷ 
κρα(τίστῳ) ἐπιστρα(τήγῳ),] τὴν δὲ ὑπὸ τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἐπιστρα- 
(τήγου) τῷ τότε γι(νομένῳ) στρα(τηγῷ), ἀλλὰ καὶ τῆς γενομένης 
προσφωνήσεως ὑπὸ τοῦ τότε ἀμφοδογραμματέως. 

5 [(erovs) y «Αὐτοκρατόρων Καισάρων Γαΐου Οὐιβίου Τρεβωνιανοῦ 
Τάλλου καὶ Ταΐου Οὐιβίο]υ ᾿Αφινίου Τάλλου Οὐελδουμιανοῦ 
Οὐολουσιανοῦ Ἐὐσεβῶν Εὐτυχῶν Σεβαστῶν (2nd hand) 
Μεσορὴ ky. 

6 3rd hand [.... στρατηγῷ ᾿Οξυρυγχείτου παρὰ Αὐρηλίων Θέωνος καὶ 'άρσι- 
νόου Θέωνος Σεβαστείων τῶ]ν καὶ Διοσκουρείων ᾿Αντινοέων. 






1119θ.Ό. PE RITIONS 205 

ἐπεὶ τῇ πρὸ ταύτης περιόδῳ τῶν μελλόντων λειτουργεῖν τοῖς 
ἐνταῦθα ἀμφόδοις ὁ τότε γενόμενος ἀμφοδογραμματεὺς 
[Αὐρήλιος Σ᾽ αραπίων 40 letters εἰσήγγειλεν ἡμᾶς διὰ τῆς 
καταχωρισθείσης im αὐτοῦ γραφῆς λειτουργιῶν εἰς πρακτο- 
ρίαν ἀργυρικῶν τῆς μητροπόλεως, αὐτοί τε εὐθέως περιηχη- 
θέντες ἐκεῖσε 
[ 5iletters οὐχ ἡσυχάσα)μεν, ἀλλὰ προσήλθομεν τῇ κρατίστῃ 
βουλῇ ὑφηγησάμενοι τὴν τόλμαν καὶ τὴν παρανομίαν τοῦ αὐτοῦ 
ἀμφοδογραμματέως, ἥτις ἀγανακτήσασα ἐπέστειλεν τῷ 
΄ οι ΄ ᾽ Z ? , a DY a“ ? 
ἱκρατίστῳ ἐπιστρατήγῳ Avtwviw ᾿Αλεξάνδρῳ, ὃς τὸν νοῦν προσέ- 
7 “" -, lA “ « 2 ͵ 
χων δικαίοις roils μάλιστα δεδομένοις τῇ ἡμετέρᾳ πατρίδι 
ἐπέστειλεν τῷ τότε στρατηγῷ Αὐρηλίῳ Δείῳ τῷ καὶ Περτί. 
νακι κελεύσας αὐτὸν ἐπαναγκασθῆναι ἢ προχειρίσασθαι 
[ἑτέρους ἀνθ᾽ ἡμῶν εἰς τὴν λειτουργίαν ἢ 29 letters ] τὰ 
Ths παρανομίας, 6 τε στρατηγὸς πάντα ἐπέστειλεν τῷ 
ἀμφοδογραμματεῖ, ἐκεῖνός τε εὐλαβῶς ἔχων τὸν ἐπηρτημένον 
᾿Ξ ΘΟ ae “ , ᾽’ 
αὐτῷ ἐκ τοῦ παρανομήματος κίνδυνον 
[ 36 letters αὐτὸς ὑπέσχετο ἀντὶ τῆς dpalprias, ἀγνοίας 
, ¢ ’ ε te \ ~ 
Tplolpacw ὑποτειμησάμενος, ὑποστήσεσθαι τὸ [με]τὰ τοῦτο 
\ Ζ ΄ e Ν ~ ee Ν ~ Ν \ Ἀ \ 
Tas λειτουργίας. ὅθεν Kai viv ὑπὲρ τοῦ μὴ Kal τὸν vuvel 
φύλαρχον δοκεῖν ἀγνοεῖν αὐτὰ ταῦτα 
39 letters διὰ τὸ τὸν ἕτερον ἡμῶν ΑὐἹρήλιον Θέωνα ἐκεῖ 


ἐν τῇ πατρίδι εἶναι προσευκαιροῦντα ταῖς λειτουργίαις εἰς 

ἃ 4 ~ 2 7 A « 7 

als] προεχειρίσθημεν τοῦ στοίχου καταλαβόντος τὴν ἡμετέραν 
βουλὴν τῷ ἐνεστῶ- 

[τε ἔτει .. .... ἐπιδίδομέν σοι τὰ ὑποκείμενα ἀντίγραφα ἀξιοῦντες 

> φ ro) AQ ? αν ἃ ~ \ Nib αὶ ~ 

αὐτὰ ταῦτα φανερὰ γενέσθαι du ἑνὸς τῶν περὶ σὲ ὑπηρετῶν 
τῷ τῶν μελλόντων λειτουργεῖν ἀμφόδων φυλάρχῳ Αὐρηλίῳ 
ε aA a3 0 ΨΜ Φ 2 ’ 
Ἡρᾷ ἵν᾽ εἰδῇ. (ἔτους) y Αὐτοκρατόρων Καισάρων 

[Γαΐου Οὐιβίου Τρεβωνιανοῦ Τάλλου καὶ Γαΐου Οὐιβίου ᾿Αφινίου 
Γάλλον Οὐελδουμιανοῦ Οὐολουσιανοῦ ἘΕὐσεβῶν Εὐτυχῶν 
Σεβαστῶν (2nd hand) Meoopy. (3rd hand) ἔστι δὲ τὰ 
ἀντίγραφα" Avrivoéoy νέων Ελλήνων τῆς λαμπρᾶς πόλεως 
οἱ ἄρχοντες καὶ ἡ βουλὴ 










᾿Αντανίῳ ᾿Αλεξάνδρῳ τῷ κρατίστῳ ἐπιστρατήγῳ xalipely. οἰἶσθα, 
κράτιστε τῶν ἐπιτρόπων, τῷ χρόνῳ τῆς ἐπιτροπῆς εἰ Kai τις 
Ψ 7 » ~ > 7 ~ £ 7 
ἕτερος πλήρης γεγονὸς τῶν ἐξαιρέτων τῆς ἡμετέρας πατρίδος 
δικαιωμάτων, ὅτι πρῶτον μὲν θεὸς ‘Adpiavs 

[ 40 letters ]. εἰς αὐτὴν ἀπὸ τῶν ἐν Αἰγύπτῳ πόλεων 
> ? ~ ‘ 4 4 c σε » ‘ 
ἐνομοθέτησεν σαφῶς παρὰ νόμοις μὲν ἡμεῖν ἄρχειν καὶ det- 

~ ~ A 3 7 ~ ’ » 3 ~ 

τουργεῖν, πασῶν δὲ ἀπηλλάχθη τῶν παρ᾽ ἄλλοις ἀρχῶν τε 
καὶ λειτουργιῶν, ἔπειτα δὲ 

[ 31 letters διαδεξάμ]ενοι τὴν βασιλείαν τὴν indpyxovjclav 

ἡμεῖν καὶ ἐν τούτου ἄδιαν ἐϊβεβ)αίωσαν πολλάκις, οἷς ἑπόμενοι 
εὐσεβῶς καὶ οἱ κατὰ Kaiploly ἡγησάμενοι τοῦ ἔθνους καὶ ὑμεῖς 
οἱ κράτιστοι οὐ μόνον ἀφίεται 

ἡμᾶς πασῶν τῶν map ἄλλοις ἀρχῶν τε καὶ λειτουργιῶὶν ἀλλὰ 
καὶ δίκην ἀπί αἰ τ]εῖται τῆς παρανομίας παρὰ τῶν πλημϊὶμελ]εῖν 
ἐπιχειρούντων εἴς τε τὰς θείας νομοθεσίας καὶ τὰς τῶν 
ἡγεμόνων κρίσις. ἐπεὶ οὖν Αὐρήλιοι Θέων καὶ Apcivoos παρ᾽ ἡ- 

ἱμῖν (?) 36 letters συμ)πολεῖται ἡμέτεροι προσῆλθον ἡμεῖν διὰ 
βιβλειδίων αἰτιώμενοι Σαραπίωνα ἀμφοδογραμματέα τῆς 
᾿Οξυρυγχειτῶν πόλεως ὡς ἀμφοτέρους αὐτοὺς εἰς πρακτορίαν 
μητροπολειτικῶν ᾿ 

[ἀργυρικῶν ἀναδεδωκότα 23 letters ἐπ) δίδομεν σοι TH 
ἐπιμελείᾳ ὅπως κελεύσῃς ἱτὶῷ στρατηγῷ τοῦ αὐτοῦ νομοῦ 
δυοῖν θάτερον γενέσθαι, τὸν ἀμφοδογραμματέα γνωσιμαχή- 
σαντα ἑτέρους ἀντ᾽ αὐτῶν ἀναδοῦναι 

[eis τὴν λειτουργίαν ἢ τό letters ἀπαντῆσαι) πρὸς τὴν εἰὐ)τυχῶς 
ἐσομένην cov ἐπιδημίαν εἵνα κατὰ τοϊὺ)ς πατρίους τῆς ἡμετέρας 
πολειτίας νόμους λόγον ὑπόσχῃ τἰῆ)ς τε τῶν θείων νόμων καὶ 
τῶν ἡγεμοϊν)ικῶν κρίσεων ' 

ὕβρεως 18 letters ἐρρῶσθαΐ σε εὐχόμεθα.) (ἔτους) B Μάρκων 
᾿Ιουλίων ᾿Αθὺρ d. ἀντίγραφον ἐπισίτοϊλῆς- ᾿ἀντώνιος ᾿Αλέξαν- 
dpos στρατηγῷ ᾿Οξυρυγχείτου χαίρειν. τίνα μοι ἐπέστειλαν 
Avtwotov νέων ᾿ΕἙλλήνων λαμ- 

ἱπρᾶς πόλεως οἱ ἄρχοντες καὶ ἡ βουλὴ ὅπως εἰδῇς τοἸύτϊοις] 
μου τοῖς γράμμασι ὑπίο]ταγῆνϊα]ι ἐκέλευσά σοι. φρόντιϊσοὶν 

1119. PETITIONS 207 

τὸν ἀμφοδογραμματέα ὧν αἰτιῶνται τῇ ἑαυτῶν πολειτίᾳ 
προσήκοντας ἀναδεδωκέναϊε εἰς πρακτορίαν παρεῖναι 

24 [ 17 letters λόγον ὑποσχήσοντα ὧν ἔπραξεν παρὰ τὰ 
νενομ]οθετημένα, εἰ ἔτι αἰὐϊτοὺς ὡς προσήκοντας αὐτίῷ ὑπα- 
γαγεῖν ἐπιχειροίη τῇ λειτουργία. ἐρρῶσθαξΐ σε εὔχομαι. 
(ἔτους) 8 Μάρκων ᾿Ιουλίων Μεχεὶρ y. τῆς δὲ προσφωνήσεως" 

25 [4 ὐρηλίῳ Δείῳ τῷ καὶ ΓΕερτίνακι στρατηγῷ Οξυρυγχείτευ παρὶὰ 
Αὐρηλίου Σαραπίωνος ἀμφοδογραμματέως τῆς Ὃ ξυρυγχί εἰ τῶν 
πόλεως. ἐπεστάλην ὑπὸ [co τῇ α τοῦ Φαμενὼθ μηνὸς 
ἐπίσταλμα ᾧ ἐντέτακται ἀντίγραφον 

26 [ἐπιστολῆς τῆς γραφείσης σοι ὑπὸ ᾿Αντωνίου᾿Αλεξάνδρου τοῦ κρατίσ᾽ τίου 
ἐπιστρατήγον, ὑποτεταγμένων αὐτῇ καὶ [τῶν ἀνενί εἰχθιέντων 
αὐϊτῷ ὑπὸ τῆς κρατίσϊτὶης τῶν ᾿Αντινοέων βουλῆς ἕνεκεν 
Αὐρηλίων Θέωνος καὶ ᾿Αρσινόου διδυμα- 

2] [γενῶν 17 letters ἀναδοθέντων ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ εἰς mpaxtopiay 
ἀργυϊρικῶν μητροπόλεως, ὧν τὸν Erepioly Apaivooy ὡς Πᾶατερ- 
πιὰ eee , ὅπωϊς τὴν κάθοδον ποιήσομαι πρὸς τὸν κράτιστον 
ἐπιστράτ[ηγονὶ ἐὰν ἔτι αὐτοὺς ὡς προσήκοντας 

28 ἡμῖν ὑπαγαγεῖν ἐπιχειρῶ τῇ λειτουργία. ἐπισκεψάμενος οὖν 
εὗρον αὐτοὺς ἔχειν δίκαια ᾿Αντινοειτικὰ ἐκ waTpés|, ὡς καὶ 
ἔκτοτε μαθιὼν ὑπέστ]ην τὴν ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν λειτουργίαν. ἅπερ 
προσφωνῶ. (ἔτους) 8B Μάρκων ᾿Ιουλίων Φαρμοῦθι cy. 

29 4th hand [Αὐρήλιοι Θέων καὶ ᾿Αρσίνοος Θέωνος ἐπ)ιδεδώκαμεν. 

30 5th hand [| ] ἐπήνεγκα. (6th 
hand ?) (ἔτους) y Μεσορὴ xé.[.....-].A{ ) κολ(λήματα) 
κε KC. 

3. ἀντινοεων added above the line. 1. τῆς μὲν γραζφείσης). 4. 1. τῆς δέ. ησε in προσφωνη- 
σεως COIT. 7. @ οὗ καταχωρισθεισης above eo which is crossed through. Il. ὕπκοστησεσθαι 
Pap. 12. α Of ταις Corr. 13. ἵν Pap. 15. L γεγονώς. 16. 1. μόνοις for νομοες. 
17. 1. τούτῳ. ν of eGvous corr. from o. tpes Pap. 1. agiere. 18. 1. axial τ]εῖτε. 20. 
σ of σοι corr. from ο; 1. σοῦ. 22. Ἰουλιων Pap.; so in |. 24. 23. 1. ὃν for ov. 28. p 
of dappevé corr. from o. 

«τος Strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, to Aurelius Heras, phylarch for the coming 
a I send you the petition of Aurelius Theon and Aurelius Arsinoiis, both sons 
of Theon, Antinoites of the Sebasteian tribe and Dioscureian deme, enclosed in which are 
copies of two letters, one written by the most high senate of the Antinoites to Antonius 


Alexander the most high epistrategus, the other by the said epistrategus to the then 
strategus, and also a copy of the reply made by the then amphodogrammateus. The third 
year of the Emperors and Caesars Gaius Vibius Trebonianus Gallus and Gaius Vibius 
Afinius Gallus Veldumianus Volusianus Pii Felices Augusti, Mesore 23. 

‘To . . ., strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, from Aurelius Theon and Aurelius 
Arsinoiis, sons of Theon, Antinoites of the Sebasteian tribe and Dioscureian deme. In the 
previous cycle of the persons about to serve in the quarters of this city, the amphodo- 
grammateus then in office, Aurelius Sarapion, [ignoring our rights, ] in the list of burdens 
submitted by him returned us for the collection of money-taxes in the metropolis, and we 
immediately on receiving information of it. . . did not acquiesce but applied to the most 
high senate, recounting the audacity and illegality of the said amphodogrammateus. The 
senate was indignant and sent to the most high epistrategus Antonius Alexander, who, 
heedful of the rights especially accorded to our native city, sent to the then strategus 
Aurelius Dius also called Pertinax directing that the amphodogrammateus should be 
compelled either to present some other persons instead of us for the office, or [to pay the 
penalty for] his illegality. The strategus sent the whole correspondence to the amphodo- 
grammateus, and he, being aware of the danger hanging over him in consequence of his 
illegal action . . ., himself promised in amends for his error, for which he pleaded the excuse 
of ignorance, to undertake the burden for the future. Now, therefore, in order that the 
present phylarch may not appear to be ignorant of these facts ... because one of us, 
Aurelius Theon, is there in our native city attending to the duties to which we have been 
assigned, since the turn has come to our senate in the present year to .. ., we submit to you 
the following copies, begging that they may be communicated for his information by means 
of one of your assistants to Aurelius Heras, phylarch of the quarters about to serve. 
The third year of the Emperors and Caesars Gaius Vibius Trebonianus Gallus and Gaius 
Vibius Afinius Gallus Veldumianus Volusianus Pii Felices Augusti, Mesore. The copies 
are as follows :— 

‘The officials and senate of the illustrious city of the Antinoites, new Hellenes, to 
Antonius Alexander the most high epistrategus, greeting. You are aware, highest 
of procurators, you who during your procuratorship have been especially concerned with 
the exceptional rights claimed by our native city, that originally the deified Hadrian... 
[distinguishing] it from the other cities in Egypt clearly established the law that we should 
bear office and burdens nowhere but at home, and we were relieved of all offices and 
burdens elsewhere ; and next . . . his successors on the throne often confirmed our immunity 
in this respect, and they have been scrupulously followed by the praefects appointed from 
time to time and by you the most high epistrategi, who not only release us from all 
external offices and burdens but also punish the lawlessness of those who attempt to offend 
against the Imperial legislation and the judgements of praefects. Whereas, then, Aurelius 
Theon and Aurelius Arsinoiis . . . our fellow-citizens have approached us in a petition 
accusing Sarapion, amphodogrammateus of the city of Oxyrhynchus, of having illegally 
nominated them both for the collection of money-taxes in the metropolis, ... we apply to 
your heedfulness in order that you may direct the strategus of the said nome to have one of 
two things done, namely that the amphodogrammateus, if he gives way, should nominate to 
the office other persons in their stead, or else [be compelled to] appear before you at your 
coming auspicious visit, in order that in accordance with the ancestral usages of our 
constitution he may render an account for his outrage upon the Imperial laws and the 
judgements of praefects ... We pray for your health. The second year of the Marci Julii, 
Hathur 30th. 

‘Copy of the letter. Antonius Alexander to the strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, 

11190.0. VPETITIONS 209 

greeting. I have ordered the document sent me by the officials and senate of the 
illustrious city of the Antinoites, new Hellenes, to be appended for your information to 
this letter. See that the amphodogrammateus whom they accuse of having nominated to 
the office of collector members of their polity appear ... to give an account for his 
defiance of the law, if he still attempts to subject them to the office as persons within 
his province. I pray for your health, The second year of the Marci Julii, Mecheir 3. 

‘Copy of the report. To Aurelius Dius also called Pertinax, strategus of the Oxyrhyn- 
chite nome, from Aurelius Sarapion, amphodogrammateus of the city of Oxyrhynchus. 
I received from you on Phamenoth the 1st a missive to which was appended a copy of 
aletter written to you by Antonius Alexander, the most high epistrategus, with an enclosure 
in the latter of the appeal made to him by the most high senate of the Antinoftes on 
behalf of Aurelius Theon and Aurelius Arsinoiis, twins . . ., who were nominated by 
me for the collection of money-taxes in the metropolis, one of whom, Arsinoiis, . . . 
directing that I should go down toappear before the most high epistrategus, if I still attempt 
to subject them to the burden as persons within our province. I have accordingly 
investigated the matter and found that they possess hereditary Antinoite rights, and 
I immediately on learning this undertook the burden on their behalf; I accordingly make 
this report. The second year of the Marci Julii, Pharmouthi 13. 

‘Presented by us, Aurelius Theon and Aurelius Arsinoiis, sons of Theon. 

‘Delivered by me,... 3rd year, Mesore 29... pages 25-27.’ 

I. ky is an official number ; cf. 1. 30. 

2. pvddpx(): this title does not seem to have occurred in other papyri of the period, 
but Wilcken informs me that it is found in a fourth-century Leipzig papyrus which he is 
editing in his Chrestomathie; cf. the γνωστὴρ pua(is) of P. Leipzig 65. 7. 

4. ᾿Αντωνίῳ ᾿Αλεξάνδρῳ : cf.1. 22. This epistrategus of the Heptanomia is not otherwise 

5. For the date cf. ll. 13-14 and 30. It is at first sight surprising, because the Galli 
only just reached their third year, and the accession of Valerian and Gallienus must have 
been known in Egypt long before the end of August of 254. The explanation probably is 
that the covering note of the strategus was, like the petition, written early in the year, and 
that the month, which is by the same hand as that which inserted Meoopy in |. 14, was 
subsequently added without any modification of the regnal year. This will not account for the 
date ἴῃ]. 30,which, however, might very naturally be made to conform to those in Il. 2 and 5. 

6. περιόδῳ: cf. 1080. 2, where the word should be taken, as here, in a temporal and 
not a local sense. For the Eucpoda i in connexion with λειτουργίαι cf. 1116. 5 and note, B.G. U. 
958. C. 11-12 τοῦ νυνὶ λιτουργοῦντος ἀμφόδου. The initial supplement here is rather ‘long, but 
perhaps this first line projected slightly. 

ἡ. ἐκεῖσε: i.e, probably at Antinodpolis; cf. 1.12. The division ἐκεῖ σε is less likely. 

8. προσήλθομεν τῇ κρατίστῃ βουλῇ : cf. B. G. U. 1022, a petition to the Antinoite senate 
on a similar occasion. For οὐχ ἡσυχάσαἶμεν cf. e.g. P. Flor. 57. 50, B. G. U. 908. 13, 
P. Tebt. 330. 8; but of course various other phrases are possible. 

10. For the supplement cf. 1. 20. 

11. Cf. 1. 28; but why the amphodogrammateus himself undertakes the λειτουργία, as 
he apparently does, is not clear. The βουλή in 1. 20 only asks that he should be made to 
nominate other persons. 

12. Cf. 487.15 τῇ yeopyia μου προσευκερῖν. The λειτουργία to which the petitioners had 
been appointed at Antinodpolis was apparently some burden which the μητροπόλεις undertook 
in turn, πρὸς τό may be supplied instead of διὰ τό, ‘ in order that he may.’ 



14. νέων Ἑλλήνων : so e.g. Β. G. U. 1022. 2, Dittenberger, Or. Gr. Inscr. 709. 4; cf. 
Wilcken, Archiv iv. p. 118. 

15. Cf. B.G. U. 168. 3 ἐπιτρόπων μ[έγιἾστε, in a petition to an epistrategus, 899. 25, note, 
and V. Martin, Epistrateges, p- 109. It is clear from these passages that the reference 
is to the present and not, as τῷ χρόνῳ τῆς ἐπιτροπῆς at first suggests, to a previous office of 
Antonius Alexander. The supplement at the beginning of the line both here and in 1, 25 
is somewhat shorter than would be expected, but this may be explained by supposing that 
spaces were left before χα]ίρειν and παρ]ά ; or perhaps iotas adscript were written. 

16. The first letter is probably ἡ, v, or p: perhaps χω]ρ(ε)ίς. Cf. Β. 6. U. 1022. 6-10 
οὐκ ἀϊγ]νοεῖτε, ἄνδρες κράτιστοι, ὅτι πασῶν [dew τουργιά[ν] ἀφ {0} είθημεν τῶν ἀλλαχοῦ [κατ]ὰ διάταξιν 
θεοῦ ᾿Αδριανοῦ καὶ οἰκιστοῦ [τ]ῆς ἡμετέραΐἷς πό]λ[ los. 

17. ἐϊβεβ]αίωσαν (Wilcken) is more probable than ἐΐδικ]αίωσαν, of which I had thought. 
For ἡγούμενοι τοῦ ἔθνους cf. 1020. 5. 

22-3. The insertion of ὅπως εἰδῇς gives the sentence the form of an indirect question. 
The use of ris for és is found in the N. T., e.g. Mark xiv. 36, Luke xvii. 8, as well as in 
papyri and inscriptions, e. g. 1155. 13, B. G. U. 822. 5, P. Brit. Mus. 239. το, but is perhaps 
better avoided in a comparatively well written document like the present. 

26. dvdvpalyerav: cf. e.g. B. G. U. 26. 10, 115. i. 12. This fact has not previously 
been stated, unless it was in]. 17. 

27. ὧν τὸν ἕτερ οἷν xrd.: cf. 1. 12; Πατερμ.. seems to be some local Oxyrhynchite name. 
A verb to govern the accusative has to be supplied, but there is very little room for it ; 
perhaps there has been some omission. 

28. iméor|ny is obtained from 1, 11; cf. the note there. 

30. Cf, the note on |. 5. 

1120. PETITION. 

27 X 9-5 cm. Early third century. 

This petition, like 1117, is no more than a draft; it lacks address and conclu- 
sion, and the name of the writer, a widow, is not given. She accuses one man of 
an outrage upon her son-in-law and another of an act of violence against herself. 
The document may have been intended for the strategus. 

Περὶ ἧς πέπονθεν ἐπὶ 
τόπων ὁ ἀνὴρ τῆς θυ- 
γατρός pov Πολυδεύκης 
βιβλείδια ἐπιδέδωκα 

5 ταῖς τάξεσι κατὰ τοῦ 
ὑβρίσαντος αὐτὸν Ev- 
δαίμονος, ἀλλὰ οὗτος ἐξεί- 

1120. PETITIONS 211 

σχυσεν τὰ βιβλείδια ἀθε- 
τηθῆναι, ἵνα μὴ φάνῃ 

το ἐπελευστικός. κατὰ τοῦτο 

4 Ν 7 
μαρτύρομαι τὴν βίαν 
A 2 4 > 7 
γυνὴ χήρα καὶ ἀσθενής. 
Θῶνις γὰρ ὧν κουράτωρ Σ εύ- 
θου εἰσεπήδησεν εἰς 
A 3, Ἀ FAL: 

15 τὴν οἰκίαν μου Kal €TOoA- 
μησεν ἀποσπάσαι δού- 
λην μου Θεοδώραν μὴ 
Ψ > Ss 2 
ἔχων κατ᾽ αὐτῆς ἐξου- 

2 e bd A , 
σίαν, ὡς ἐν παντὶ σθέ- 

20 ver βίαν με σχεῖν. 

6. ὕβρισαντος Pap. 9. iva Pap. 11. After paprupo a blank space. 18. ὦ of 
exov corr. from o. 

« Concerning the outrage suffered at his abode by my son-in-law Polydeuces I presented 
to the officials a petition against the perpetrator, Eudaemon ; but his influence procured the 
failure of the petition, so that he should not seem indictable. I accordingly testify to his 
violence, being a feeble widow woman. For Thonis the curator of Seuthes rushed into my 
house and dared to carry off my slave Theodora, though he had no power over her, so that 
I am subjected to unmitigated violence.’ 

I. ἧς : SC. ὕβρεως ; cf. 1. 6. 
13. κουράτωρ : cf. 888. 3, note. 


25:6 X 16-8 cm. A.D. 295- 

A petition from a woman accusing two neighbours of having seized some 
property which had belonged to her mother and of which she was the heir. The 
writer announces her intention of proceeding against the offenders, and asks that 
they should be made to give security for their appearance. 

᾿Επὶ τῶν ὄντων ὑπάτων. 

Αὐρηλίῳ Appovio β(ενε)φ(ικιαρίῳ) ἐπάρχου Αἰγύπτου 

παρὰ Αὐρηλίας Τεχώσιος Διοδώρου μητρὸς Τεχώσιος ἀπὸ τῆς Μικρᾶς 
P 2 








’Odoews καταγεινομένης ἐν TH λαμπρᾷ Kai λαμπροτάτῃ ᾿Οξυρυγχειτῶν 
πόλι. οὐκ ὀλίγος κίνδυνος οὐδὲ ἡ τυχοῦσα ἐπιστρέφεια ἐπήρτηται 
ἐκείνοις τοῖς εὐχερῶς συλήσει καὶ ἁρπαγαῖς τῶν ἀλλοτρίων ἑαυτοὺς 
ἐπιδιδοῦσι. καὶ αὐτὴ γὰρ ἀνυπέρβλητον ἐπίθεσιν καὶ ἁρπαγὴν πά- 
σχουσα πρόσειμι μαρτυροϊμέν]η τὰ εἴς με ἐπιχειρηθέντα. ἡ προ- 
κειμένη μου μήτηρ Τεχῶσις νόσῳ καταϊ βἸλ[ηἸ]θεῖσα κατὰ τὴν ἐμαυτῆς 
μετριότητα ταύτην ἐνοσοκόμησα καὶ ὑπηρέτησα καὶ οὐκ ἐ- 
παυσάμην τὰ πρέποντα γείνεσθαι ὑπὸ τέκνων γονεῦσι ἀναπλη- 
ροῦσα. ὥσπερ ταύτης πρὸ ὀλίγων τούτων ἡμερῶν τὸν βίον ἀναπαυ- 
4 3 - = ened 3 4 ΄ν Ν va ἈΝ ‘ , 
σαμένης ἀδιαθέτου ἐπ᾽ ἐμοὶ τῇ θυγατρὶ κληρονόμῳ κατὰ τοὺς νό- 

7 4 Ν ἈΝ bk - ee 2 ‘ X 67 
μους, πάλιν τὰ πρὸς τὴν κηδίαν αὐτῆς παρέσχον καὶ τὰ καθήκον- 
τα ἐπὶ τῷ θανάτῳ ἐξετέλεσα. καὶ ὡς ἐμοῦ περὶ τὴν συμφορὰν οὔ- 
σης οὐκ οἶδα τίνι λόγῳ ἢ πόθεν κεινηθέντες Σωτᾶς τις καὶ Πα- 
ποντῶς καταμένοντες ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ οἰκίᾳ ἔνθα ἡ μήτηρ μου 
ᾧκει ἐκ γιτόνων μου ἐπιστάντες τοῖς καταλιφθεῖσι ὑπ᾽ αὐτῆς κεινου- 

͵Ζ 7 = 3 +, 7 > 4 2? ; “ 
μένοις τε πλείστοις, χρυσῷ οὐκ ὀλίγῳ, ἐνδομενείᾳ τοιαύτῃ, αἰσθῆ- 
τι πολυτειμοτάτῃ, καὶ ἄλλοις, ἅπαντα ὡς ἐν ἀνομίᾳ[ς ἀπεσύλη- 
σαν, τίνι ἐπαγόμενοι οὐκ ἐπίσταμαι. καὶ ἵνα [ἐμοῦ τὴν περὶ τούτου ἐκ- 
δικίαν αἰτεῖν μελλούσης παρὰ τῷ μείζονι οὗτοι ἐμφάνιαν ἑαυ- 
τῶν ποιήσωνται ἀναγκαίως ἐπιδίδωμι τάδε τὰ βιβλία μαρτυρο- 

tA A Qa ’ ΄ by] ~ Ἀ 4 3 “- 
μέϊν]η μὲν τὸ ἐπιχείρημα ἀξιοῦσα δὲ τούτους ἐπαναγκασθῆναι 
ἱκ[ανὰ] ἔνγραφα παρασχεῖν μονῆς καὶ ἐμφανείας, ἐμοῦ ἤδη τὴν 
πρ[ὸς τὸν μ]ΐζονα φυγὴν ποιουμένη(9), τούϊτ]ων δὲ τὰ ἴσα διὰ τῆς σῆς 

> 7 3 ~ - 4 7 A we: 
eulperials ἀνυσθῆναι τῇ ἡγεμονίᾳ. ἔϊτο)υς ta καὶ ἔτους t 
τῶϊν κυρίων ἡμῶν Διοκλητιανοῦ καὶ Μαξιμι[αν]οῦ Σεβαστὼν καὶ 

ἔτους γὙ 

τῶϊν κυρίων ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίου καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ τῶν ἐπιφανεστάτων 
Καισίάρων] Μεχεὶρ ιδ. 
Αὐρ[ηλία Τεϊχῶσις ἐπιδέδωκα. Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αγαθὸς Δαίμων Σερήνου 
ἔγρίαψα trip αὐτῆς φαμένης μὴ εἰδ[έϊναι γράμματα. 

On the verso 

and hand Τασαβῆς τῷ Ble)r(€)P(tktapio) κατὰ τῶν τέκνων) αὐτῆς. 

1121. PETITIONS 213 

and at right angles 
3rd hand Πολυδεύκει ἀπὸ τῆς 

πάρος ἔτους τούτου χρόνου. 

1. ὕπατων Pap. 4. ανὕπερβλητον Pap. 10. innpernoa Pap. 19. 1. ἐσθῆτι. 21. 
iva Pap. 25. ἵκζανα Pap. 26. ἴσα Pap. 28. σεβαστων corr. from σεβαστου ἢ 

‘In the consulship of the present consuls. To Aurelius Ammonius, beneficiarius of 
the praefect of Egypt, from Aurelia Techosis daughter of Diodorus and Techosis, of the 
Small Oasis, now living at the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus. No 
small danger and no ordinary severity awaits those who lightly give themselves over to 
plunder and robbery of the property of others. I therefore, being the victim of a most 
outrageous attack and robbery, approach you to testify to the assault upon me. Techosis, 
my aforesaid mother, was stricken with illness, and I in the goodness of my heart nursed 
and tended her and was assiduous in performing what is owing from children to parents. 
When a few days ago she died intestate, leaving me her daughter heir in accordance with 
the law, I provided for her funeral and did all that was fitting on the occasion of her death. 
While I was occupied with my trouble, I know not on what ground or with what impulse, 
a certain Sotas and Papontos, who are my neighbours in the same house where my mother 
lived, possessing themselves of the extensive movables left by her, a considerable amount of 
gold, a quantity of furniture, some very valuable clothes, and other things, lawlessly carried 
them all off, on what inducement I cannot tell. Iam about to demand satisfaction for this 
of the superior official, and in order that they may put in an appearance I perforce present 
this petition, testifying to the assault and requesting that they may be compelled to provide 
written security that they will stay and appear, since I am already having recourse to the 
official, and that a copy of this document be prepared through your grace for the praefect’s 
office.’ Date and signature of Aurelia Techosis, written for her by Aurelius Agathodaemon. 

τ. The document is dated on Feb. 8 (I. 30) when the names of the consuls for 
the year were very likely not yet known. This is a more probable reason for their omission 
than the desire for brevity which prompted the formula ἐφ᾽ ἱερέων καὶ ἱερειῶν τῶν ὄντων καὶ 
οὐσῶν in the later Ptolemaic contracts. Cf. the use of δηλωθησόμενος and ἀποδειχθησόμενος, 
e.g. 902. I9. 

2. Cf. P. Brit. Mus. 1157. 4 βενεφικιαρίου ἐπάρχου Αἰγύπτου and P. Leipzig 20. 4, &c., 
β(ενε)φ(ικιαρίῳ) τάξεως ἡγεμονίας. 

13. κατὰ τοὺς νόμους : i.e. the senazus consultum Orfitianum, Inst. iii. 4, Dig. xxxviil. 17; 
cf. 1114. 

15. Oajdro: δ[υ]νατῷ is less suitable. 

18. κεινουμένοις : cf. e.g. 126. 17 ἀκινήτων πραγμάτων, B, ἃ. U. 8. ii, 8 κεινητοῖς καὶ 

25. ἱκανά] Wilcken, who points out that this passage confirms his restoration of 
[ξνγραφα in P. Brit. Mus. 214. 20; cf. Archiv i. 154, and for ἱκανὰ παρασχεῖν = satis dare, 
Wenger, Rechishist. Papyrusstud. p. 81. For the technical μονῆς καὶ ἐμφανείας cf. 6. g. 
Ῥ, Grenf. II. 62. το, 79. 7, B. G. U. 581. 8. 

33. This endorsement is mistaken ; it was no doubt intended for another document. 

34-6. These three obscure lines have no apparent connexion with the contents of 
the recto. 




13-2 X14 cm. A.D. 407. 

Commencement of a contract for personal attendance and service, in return 
for food and clothing; probably a money wage was also included in the 
agreement, which breaks off before this is reached. Cf. P. Strassb. 40, where 
the servant is described as a φαμιλιάριος ἑδραῖος κατάδουλος παῖς (A. Ὁ. 569), and 
Archiv v. pp. 260-1. On the verso is a small fragment of a money account. 

Μετὰ τὴν ὑπατίαν τοῦ δεσπότου ἡμῶν ‘Apxadiov 
τοῦ αἰωνίου Αὐγούστου τὸ ς καὶ Φλ(αουίου) Πρόβου τοῦ λαμπί(ροτάτου) 
Παῦνι te. 
" - rt ~ ~ 
Aupnrio Adium Oéwvos βουλ(ευτῇ) τῆς Aapn(pas) καὶ λαμπίροτάτης) 
5 Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλεως 
παρὰ Αὐρηλίου Φοιβάμμωνος ἤτοι Λουκᾶ 
ἐκ πατρὸς Μέλανος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως 
’ ε ~ ε ᾿» - > , 4 
χαίρειν, ὁμολογῶ ἑκουσίᾳ καὶ αὐθαιρέτῳ γνώ- 
A 7 Ν Ἀ » Ν a 3 4 
bn συντεθῖσθαί με πρὸς σὲ ἐπὶ τῷ ἐμαὶ 
το παραμένιν παρὰ σοὶ καὶ συναποδημῖν 
σοι ἐπὶ τῆς ἀλλ[ο]δαπῆς καὶ ὑπακούειν σοι 
εἰς ἅπανϊτα τὰ ἐπιτραπησόμενά μοι 

ὑπὸ σοῦ, σϊὲ δὲ τρέφειν με. .. .. ΣΕ 
kai ἱματίξε)εν 22 letters 
sR erie TN Ay ἢ ὠσὶ 
I. ὕπατιαν Pap. 9. 1. ἐμέ. II. ὕπακουειν Pap. 14. ἵματιζ εἰν Pap. 

‘ The year after the sixth consulship of our lord Arcadius, eternal Augustus, and Flavius 
Probus the most illustrious, Pauni 15. To Aurelius Didymus son of Theon, senator of the 
illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, from Aurelius Phoebammon otherwise 
Lucas, son of Melas, of the said city, greeting. I acknowledge of my own free will that 
I have made an agreement with you to attend you and travel with you in other lands and 
obey you in all your commands, while you are to feed and clothe me...’ 

1122... CONTRACTS 215 

ΤΙ. ἀλλ[ο]δαπῆς : so P. Strassbe 40. 33. P. Hernals xvi. 11. 11- 2 (Archiv /.¢.) has 
ἔν τε TH πόλι καὶ κατ᾽ ἀγρούς. 

12. ἐπιτραπησόμενα: cf. e.g. B.G.U. 1021. 163 ἐπιταχθησόμενα (257. 11), OF προστα- 
χθησόμενα (P. Strassb. 40. 40), would also be suitable. . 

13-14. For the conjunction of τρέφειν and ἱματίζειν cf. e. g. 275. 14, B. G. U. τοι. 14, 
1120: 22. 

12-3 X 9-4 cm. A.D. 158-9. 

In this contract the incoming tenant of some domain-land guarantees the 
daughter of the late cultivator, who had died, against any future demands for 
dues upon the land, over which he is given full rights, while he apparently 
promises to make no claims to any other part of the estate. The situation may 
be contrasted with that of 899, where the daughter and heir of a cultivator of 
domain-land petitions to be released from the responsibility (theoretically 
illegal) of continuing the cultivation ; cf. Β. G. U. 648, Rostowzew, Rom. Kolonat, 
pp. 196-7. In the present instance the heir was more fortunate and had found 
somebody willing to relieve her by becoming the tenant in her father’s place. 

Ariov Σ᾽ αραπίωνος τοῦ ᾿Ισχυρίωνος μη- 
[τρὸ]ς Appovodros θέσει Βαλλάρου Πε- 

Rad ghey 71. τος adm’ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως Ta- 
ως 1 Τεῶτος τοῦ Τοτοέως μητρὸς 
Τσεναφύγχιος ἀπὸ τοῦ Πετενούρι- 


os ἐποικίου, μετὰ κ[υρίο]υ τοῦ ἀνδρὸς Θώ- 
vios Διογένουϊς] μητρὸς Ταπετσείριος 
an’ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως χαίρειν. ὁμολό- 
γῶ ἀπὸ τοῦ. νῦν ἀντιλήμψεσθαι τῆς 

DO, αἷς jaye ἀναγραφομένης εἰς τὸν μετηλ- 
[Aaxéra σου] πατέρα Τεῶν περὶ τὸ Πετεν- 
ούριος ἐποίκιον καὶ Πανεχμῶθι]ν δημο- 
σίας γῆς πάσης καὶ ἀπαρενόχλητόν σε 
καὶ ἀνείσπρακτον [παρ]έξιν περὶ τῶν 

15 τῆς. αὐτῆς δημοσίας γῆς τελεσμάτίων 


la 3 4 ~ > ~ ᾿ς 
πάντων ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος δευτέροϊν 
εἰκοστοῦ ἔτους ᾿ἀντωνίνου Καίσαρος 
[rod κυρίου] εἰς τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον, 
[ἐμοῦ μὴ ἀντ])ιποιουμένου κυριεύ(ει)ν 
“ 2 7 ν». « ’ 
20 [τοῦ ἐπιλ]οίπου φανησομένου ὑπίάρ- 
[χειν σοι] πατρικοῦ πόρου παντός, 
᾽ὔ Ν 3 ‘4 4 > 
[μόνον δὲ ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν με οἰκονο- 
[μεῖν περὶ τῆς γῆς διὰ τὸ ἐϊξσεστάσθαζι 
ἷσε τῆς γεωργίας. 

On the verso 
rm]. aX ) Tal 

2. Second p of appevouros corr. from ὦ. 14. εἰ Of ἀανεισπρακτον corr. from wo. 

‘Apion son of Sarapion son of Ischyrion, his mother being Ammonous adopted 
daughter of Ballarus son of Pe... is, of the city of Oxyrhynchus, to Ta.... daughter of 
Teos son of Totoeus, her mother being Tsenaphunchis, of the village of Petenouris, with 
her guardian her husband Thonis son of Diogenes and Tapetsiris, of the city of Oxy- 
rhynchus, greeting. I agree that I wil] henceforward undertake all the public land registered 
in the name of your departed father Teos at the village of Petenouris and Panechmothis, 
and that I will secure you against any trouble or liability in regard to all dues upon the 
said public land from the present 22nd year of Antoninus Caesar the lord continually ; while 
I make no claim to control any remaining part which may be found to belong to you of 

your father’s estate, but only to have power to dispose of the land, since you have resigned 
the cultivation.’ 

5. Πετενούριος ἐποίκιον and Πανεχμῶθις (?, 1. 12) have not previously occurred. 

το. Something like γεωργίας τῆς ἀναγραφομένης xrd, is expected. The vestige of the first 
letter suggests a, ν, or possibly x, but there would hardly be room for x[p(e)ias], which is not 
in itself very satisfactory. αἰὐ]τῆς could be read, but is also unconvincing. 

19 sqq. Apion here seems to be renouncing claims to property other than the land, 
and the proposed restoration proceeds on that hypothesis. The desirability of such 
a stipulation is evident from a comparison of B. G. U. 648, where the claim to the 
petitioner’s inheritance was based on the cultivation of her father’s βασιλικὴ γῆ. 

23. For ἐΐξίσ ξεστάσθαι cf. e.g. 278. 11 ἐξέσταται τῶι ᾿Αντιφάνει τοῦ κατ᾽ αὐτὴν μ[έἤρους, 
P. Tebt. 380. 19--20 ἐκσίστασθαι τῶι Σαμβᾷ πάντων. 

24. σ[υ]νάλ(λαγμαν is unsuitable. 

1124. CONTRACTS 217 


16 X 13-2 cm. A.D. 26. 

The latter part of a lease of land for one year, the rent to be paid partly in 
wheat, but on green crops in money (Il. 13-15, note). 

Εν: τ] να] 

νότον, ἀϊκίνδυν)ον δὲ τὸ ἀπόταϊκτον παντὸς κιν- 


δύνου. ἐὰν] δέ τι πραχθῇ ὁ μεϊμισ]θωμένος 
εἰς TO On 

5. ἢ τῆς γῆϊ 
[δὲ κα]ρπ[ῶν] κυριευέτω Διονύσιος [κ]αὶ of map αὐτοῦ 

μ]όσιον ἢ εἰς ἄλλο τι [ὑπ]ὲρ 4ιονυσίου 

s, ὑἸϊπολογείτω ἀπὸ τοῦ ἀϊπ]οτάκτου, τῶν 

[ξ]ωίς ἂν τὸ ἀἸπότακτοϊν] κομίσηται. τῆς δὲ μισ- 
θώσεως βεβαιουμέϊν]ης ἀποδότω ὁ μεμισθω- 
μένος τῷ Διονυσίῳ [τ] ἀπότακτον ἐν τῷ Παῦνι 
το μηνὶ τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἔτουΪς] ἐπὶ τῶν περὶ τὸ Τρύφωνος 
᾿Ισιήου ἅλω[ν)] πυρὸν νέοϊν] καθαρὸν ἄδολον ἄκρειθον 
μέτρωι τεϊτρ]αχοινίκωζι] ᾿Αμμων[ίο]ν τοῦ Πτολεμαίου, 
ἢ ἀποτισάτίω] αὐτῷ τιμὴν ἑκάστης] ἀρτάβης ἧς ἐὰν 
μὴ ἀποδιῷ ἀἹργυρίϊου Slpaxpds [.].., τῆς δ᾽ ἀπὸ 
15 ξυλαμῆς κ[αὶ] ἐκφόρ[ιο]ν διπλοῦν, τοῦ δ᾽ ἐνκατα- 
λιπεῖν τὴν γε]ωργία[ν] χωρὶς τῶν προκειμένων 
ἐπίτιμον ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμὰς) ἑκατὸν] καὶ εἰς τὸ δημόσιον τὰς 
ἴσας, καὶ ἡ πίρ]ᾶξις ἔστω Διονυσίῳ ἔκ τε τοῦ μεμισ- 
θωμένου [κ]αὶ ἐξ οὗ ἐὰν] αἱρῆται καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρ- 
20 χόντων αὐτῷ πάντων, καθάπερ ἐγ δίκης. κυρία 
ἡ μίσθωσίις.] (ἔτους) vy [Τιβερίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ 
Φαῶφι λ. 
and hand 4ιονύσιος Θέωνος μεμίσθωκα καθότι πρόκειται. 
“ (ἔτους) ty Τιβερίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ Φαδ(φι) λ. 

11. 1, Ἰσιῆον. 


‘,..the rent being free of all risk. If any demand be made upon the lessee for the 
government or for any other purpose on account of Dionysius or the land, the amount 
shall be deducted from the rent; and Dionysius and his agents shall retain the ownership 
of the crops until he recover the rent. The lease being guaranteed, the lessee shall pay 
to Dionysius the rent in the month Pauni of the said year at the threshing-floors of Isieum 
Tryphonis in wheat that is new, pure, unadulterated, and unmixed with barley, by the 
4-choenix measure of Ammonius son of Ptolemaeus, or shall forfeit as the value of every 
artaba which he does not pay . . . drachmae of silver and double the rent of the land 
sown with green produce, while the penalty for abandoning the cultivation, in addition 
to the amounts aforesaid, shall be roo drachmae of silver and to the treasury an equal 
sum; and Dionysius shall have the right of execution upon the lessee or anyone he chooses 
and upon all his property as if in accordance with a legal decision. This lease is valid.’ 
Date and signature of Dionysius. 

3-5. Cf. P. Tebt. 105. 48 and 277. 8-10, where ἢ τ[ῆ]ς γῆς is to be read, as here, before 

12. For similar measures cf. 6. g. 101. 40, P. Tebt 376. 24, note, P. Strassb. 1. 9, note. 

13-15. It may be inferred from this distinction between the rent in wheat and that on 
the land ἀπὸ ξυλαμῆς that different categories of produce had been previously specified. 
ξυλαμή and ξυλαμᾶν are almost always used of green crops like ἄρακος or χόρτος. 

15-16. τοῦ δ᾽ ἐνκαταλιπεῖν κτὰ. ; cf. 729. 20, P. Tebt. 105. 44, Berger, Strafklauseln, 

pp. 154-6, 162-4. 


g:2 X 11-10 cm. Second century. 

Part of a contract for a lease of some land, with an advance from one of the 
lessors of 200 drachmae at the usual rate of interest. The formula is similar to 
that of 101 and 501. 

Poste are: ].a..[..] κατ᾽ ἔτος πυροῦ ἀρτάβης ἥμισίυ. 
ὁμολογεῖ δὲ ὁ μεμισθωμένος ἔχειν παρὰ 
μόνου τοῦ Διονυσίου προχρήσεως ἀργυρίου δρα- 
χμὰς διακοσίας τόκου δραχμαίου ἑκάστης 
5 μνᾶς κατὰ μῆνα ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος μηνὸς 
Θώθ, ἅσπερ σὺν τοῖς τόκοις ἀποδώσει τῷ Διονυ- 
σίῳ τῷ Παῦνι μηνὶ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ἔτους 
ἢ τάξεται καὶ τῆς ὑπερχρονείας τὸν αὐτὸν δρα- 
χμιαῖον τόκον, ἀκίνδυνα πάντα παντὸς κιν- 

1125. CONTRACTS 219 

το Ovvov. ἐὰν δέ τις ἀπὸ τοῦ ἰσιόντος ἔτους ἄβρο- 
Xs γέϊνηται, παραδεχθήσεται τῷ μεμισθω- 
μένῳ, τῶν τῆς γῆς κατ᾽ ἔτος δημοσίων ὄν- 
Tov πρὸς τοὺς μεμισθωκότας ἑκάτερος κα- 
θ᾽ ὃ μισθοῖ μέρος, ods καὶ κυριεύειν τῶν καρ- 
15 πῶν ἕως τὰ ὀφειλόμενα κομίσωνται. βε- 
2? \ “ “ἢ ’ ε 
[βαγιουμένης δὲ τῆς μισθώσεως μετρείτω ὁ 
2 > +f ) ’’ Ν 
[με]μισθωμένος κατ᾽ ἔτος εἰς δημόσιον θησαυρὸν 
ἰδίαις ἑαυτοῦ δαπάναις τὰ δηλούμενα ἐκφόρια, 
ὧν θέμα καθαρὸν ἀπὸ πάντων ἀναδότω τοῖς 
20 [μεμ][σθωἸκόσι ἑκατέρῳ τῶν ἐκφορίων οὗ μισ- 
[θοῖ μέρους Klar’ ἔτος ὑπὸ τὴν πρώτην ἱμέτρη- 

[σιν 5.2 letters ΤΠ τόκοις -- 
᾿ς ἢ, παῦνι Pap. 8. ὕπερχρονειας Pap. 10. iovovros Pap. 13. 1. ἑκάτερον. 
17. « Of κατ Corr. 18. ἴδιαις Pap. 19. avadérw Pap. 

ες νον half an artaba of wheat annually. The lessee further acknowledges the receipt 
from Dionysius singly of an advance of 200 drachmae of silver at the interest of a drachma 
per mina every month, from the present month Thoth, which sum together with the interest 
he will return to Dionysius in the month Pauni of the present year or will pay for the 
overtime interest at the same rate of one drachma, all free of all risk. If any part of the 
land is unirrigated from the present year, an allowance shall be made to the lessee. The 
annual taxes upon the land are to be borne by the lessors in proportion to their share of 
the land leased; and they shall have the ownership of the crop until they receive their dues. 
The lease being guaranteed, the lessee shall deliver annually at the public granary at his 
own expense the specified rent, while he shall place on deposit free of all deductions for 
the lessors, for each the rent of the part leased by him, every year at the time of the first 

1. The word before κατ᾽ ἔτος was apparently not προστατικοῦ (cf. 590). 

19. Cf. e.g. 101. 31-2, Preisigke, Girowesen, pp. 14.544. ὧν] θέμα κἰαθαρὸν ἀπὸ πάντων 
should probably be restored in 501. 39-40. 

20-1. Cf. Il. 13-14. τῶν ἐκφορίων is in apposition with ὧν. For imo... μέτρησιν 
οἵ. 101. 33, P. Amh. 88. 24, &c.; the same phrase, on the significance of which cf. Preisigke, 
op. cit., p. 75, probably occurred in 501. 41-2. 



17.4 X 16-5 cm. Fifth century. 

Lease of four arourae for one year at the rent of 52 carats. The spelling 
of the document is very erratic. 

[ 22 letters ΡΝ τον 

[-- + see ee + ἑκου]σίος ἐπιδέχωμαι μιμισ- 
θῶσθαι παρὰ σοῦ] ἀπὸ τῶν ὑπαρχώντων . . εἶ. 
τῆς σ[ῆ]ῆς προστασίας γῃδίων περὶ πεδίων τῆς 
αὐτῆς κώμης ἐν κλήρου καλουμένου Τσαβατώου 


ἀρο[ύ]ρας τέσσαρες, yivovrat) (ἄρουραι) 6, πρὸς ἀναμέτρησιν 
σχυνίου δικέου, γίτονες νώτου τον ἀπὸ Τάλη, 
βορρᾶ τῆς αἰὐἸτῆς π]ροστασία(ς), λιβὸς λιδηὴς Κήτς, ἀπη(λ)}- 
λιώτου ALOns . peta, εἰς (σγπορὰν οἵαν ἂν βουληθοῦ- 
το μεν εἰς τὸν σπόρων τῆς ἀγαθ(ῆς) ιδ ἰνδ(ικτίωνος), φώρου 
ἀποτάκτου τοῦ μετοξὺ συμπεφωνημένου ἑκάστου 
ἀρουρῶν χρυσοῦ κεράτια δέκα τρία ἰδιωτικοῦ ἐυγῷ, 
γίκνεεται) ὁ(μοῦ) κερ(άτια) vB καθαρὰ ἰδιωτικοῦ ζυγῷ, ὧνπερ ὦ φό- 
ρος ἀποδώσω σοι ἐν καιρῷ ἀπετήσεως τῶν δημ(οσίων) 
15 ἐπὶ τῇ 10 ἰνδ(ικκτίωνι) ἀνυπερθέτος καὶ ἄνευ πάσης ἀντιλ- 
wylas μετὰ καὶ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων ὑμῶν πάντων 
bn... . .] σοι ἐνεχύρου [[r]ladrijs δικέου τῶν αὐτον 
.[.. +. ἡ μί]σθ(ωσις) κυρί(α) καὶ β(εβγαί(α) καὶ ἐπερ(ωτηθέντες) 
τ΄ ὁμ(ολογήσαμεν). (and hand) “ὑρήλιοι 
[ 17 letters ]. [+]. ς “Εἰρμί]ας καὶ Πρανίσχολος υἱὸς Φοιβάμ- 
20 [μωνος Σερήνου μεμισθώμεθα ὡς πρόκειται. 

On the verso 
1st hand [ jos “Eppiov καὶ IIplaviclyodos υἱ ὃς] Φοιβάμ(μωνος) 
Σερήν[ο]υ . [ χρ(υσοῦ) κερ(άτια) vB 
καθαρὰ ἰδιωϊτικῷ ζυγῷ. 

2. 1. ἑκου]σίως ἐπιδέχομαι μεμισθῶσθαι. 3. 1. ὑπαρχόντων. 4. 1. πεδίον. 5. 1. κλήρῳ 
καλουμένῳ. 6. ὃ Pap. 4. 1. σχοινίου δικαίου... νότου τῶν. 9. 1. βουληθῶμεν. 1ο. 

1126. CONTRACTS 221 

]. σπόρον... φόρον. ιὃ Pap.; so in]. 15. 11. 1. ἑκάστης. 12. 1. ἰδιωτικῷ ; so in]. 13. 
13. 1. τὸν φόρον. 14. a Of ἀποδωσω corr. from ε. 1. ἀπαιτήσεως. 15. 1. ἀνυπερθέτως ... 
ἀντιλογίας. 16, 1. ἡμῶν. 17. 1. δικαίου. . . αὐτῶν. 21. v Of cepnyiolu above the line. 

«,.. 1 undertake of my free will to lease from you, from the land belonging to your 
patronage in the fields of the said village in the holding called that of Tsabatoiis, four 
arourae, total 4 arourae, by the measure of a fair measuring-line, the boundaries being on 
the south the land of the people of Tale, on the north that in your said patronage, on the 
west ..., on the east . . ., to be sown with any kind of crop we choose, for the sowing of the 
auspicious 14th indiction, at a fixed rent as agreed between us of 13 carats of gold on the 
private standard for each aroura, making together 52 carats of pure metal on the private 
standard; and we will pay the rent of these to you at the time of the collection of public 
taxes in the 14th indiction without delay or dispute of any kind, at the risk of all our 
property, which is pledged to you for this purpose. The lease is valid and guaranteed, and 
in answer to the question we have given our consent.’ Signatures of the lessees, and 
endorsement on the verso. 

3. There are traces of ink after ὑπαρχώντων, though nothing is wanting for the sense. 

4. προστασίας : cf, 1184. 7. The land leased clearly belonged to a considerable 
administrative area, and was perhaps of a similar kind to that concerned in 1184; but more 
probably προστασία here means simply paérocenium, the parties to the contract being a 
patron and one of his dependents. 

6-7. Cf. e.g. P. Amh. 95. 4, 12, 96. 3 δικαίῳ σχοινίῳ, C. Ῥ, R. 40. 11, &c., πρὸς avape- 
rpnow. For Τάλη or Ταλάη, which was in the Κωίτης τόπος of the Heracleopolite nome, cf. 
P. Hibeh 36. 3, note. It is to be distinguished from the Oxyrhynchite Tadao. 

8-9. λιδὴ Or λιδης seems from its repetition to be a common, not a proper name, 
Possibly it is for λιτή or -fs as an equivalent of ψιλή; cf. Alexand. Aetol. ap. Athen. 296 c 
λιτὴ φύει εἴαρι yain. 

g-10. So e.g. C. P. R. 41. 14-15 εἰς σπορὰν πυροῦ eis τὸν σπόρον τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ka 
(ἔτους) ; εἰς σπορὰν ἣν ἐὰν βουληθῶμεν Occurs 6. g. in C. P. R. 42. 15-16. 

12. iSiwrex(@): cf. 1188. 5, note. 

16-17. That ὑμῶν is a misspelling for ἡμῶν is indicated by the next line, of which the 
sense is fairly evident though the construction is obscure; cf. the phrase found in 136. 
39-41 and elsewhere καὶ ὑπεθέμεθα εἰς τὸ δίκαιον τούτου τοῦ συναλλάγματος πάντα ἡμῶν τὰ ὑπάρ- 
χοντα.. . ἐνεχύρου λόγῳ καὶ ὑποθήκης δικαίῳ. in| at the beginning of |. 17 suggests ὑποκειμένου 
(cf. e.g. B. G. U. 740. 9), which, however, is too long. νἱ might be read in place of ὑπί. 

19. ‘E[ppilas is suggested by the verso, but the difference in the case makes the restora- 
tion doubtful. The third letter of the next name may be ὦ. 


28-1 Χ 7°5 cm. A.D. 183. 

Lease of an upper room with a pigeon-cote for four years at an annual rent 
of 60 drachmae. Cf. the fragmentary P. Flor. 10, where two περιστερεῶνες and 
a κέλλα are let for 400 drachmae in the middle of the next century, and for the 
formula 502, 911-12, 1036, 1128. 









᾿Εμίσθωσεν ᾿Απολλώνιος Σό- 
σου τοῦ Σώσου ἀπ᾽ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως 
Πουπλίῳ Οὐεττίῳ Διογένει εἰς ἔ- 

4 3 Ν Ψ» Ν 
τη τέσσαρα ἀπὸ νεουμηνίας Θὼθ 

τοῦ εἰσιόντος κὃ (ἔτους) τὸν ὑπερῷον τό- 

πον τῆς ὑπαρχούσης αὐτῷ ἐν 
Μουχινὺρ οἰκίας καὶ ὃν ἔχει 
ἐκεῖ περιστερεῶνα σὺν τῇ 
τούτου κλείμακι ξυλίνῃ, ἐνοι- 
’ Ν ’ UA ee 4 
κίου Kat φόρου τούτων κατ ετος 
> ’ ~ tp 2 
ἀργυρίου δραχμῶν ἑξήκοντα 
3 ’ XX ’ 
ἀκινδύνων παντὸς κινδύνου. 
βεβαιουμένης δὲ τῆς μισθώ- 
σεως χράσθω ὁ μεμισθωμένος 
a ὧν Ν “ 
τῷ [ve .]] τόπῳ καὶ τῷ περιστερε- 
“ B25 Ν 4 2 ᾽ 4 
ὥνι ἐπὶ τὰ ἔτη τέσσαρα ἀ{πὶ κωλύ- 
Ν 3 , sp 

τως Kal ἀποδότω τῳ μεμισ- 

’ 4 b », Fi ow 
θωκότι τὸ ἐνοίκιον KaT ἔτος 
ἐν δόσεσι δυσὶ διὰ ἑξαμήνου 
τὰς αἱρούσας δραχμὰς τριάκον- 
τα, καὶ μετὰ τὸν χρόνον παρα- 
δότω τὸν αὐτὸν τόπον καὶ τὸν περι[[σ |+ 
στερεῶνα ὡς ἐὰν παραλάβῃ 

Ν Xu > 2 UA ’ὔ 
καὶ τὰς ἐπικειμένας θύρας δύο 
κλεῖν μίαν ἢ ὃ δ᾽ ἂν μὴ παραδῷ 
τὴν ἀξίαν, ὃ δ᾽ ἂν προσοφειλέ- 

3 ΄ ee ὃ», 
on ἀποτεισάτω ped ἡμιολίας, 
τῆς πράξεως γεινομένης ἔκ τε 
αὐτοῦ καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων 
aita{v} πάντων. κυρία ἡ μίσθωσις. 

(ἔτους) ky Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος 
Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Κομμόδου 
᾿Αντωνείνου Σεβαστοῦ "A ppeviakod 
Μηδικοῦ Παρθικοῦ Σαρματικοῦ 

1127. CONTRACTS 223 

35 Γερμανικοῦ Meyiorov Μεσορὴ yf. 
and hand Πούπλιος Ovérrios Atoyé- 
νης μεμίσθωμαι τὸν πε- 
ριστερεῶνα καὶ τὸ(ν) ὑπίερῷ- 
4 Ἁ ᾽ ’ bs 
ov τόπον Kal ἀποδώσω [τὸ 

40 καθ᾽ Eros ἐνοίκιον ὡς πρόκειται. 

4. 1. νεομηνίας. 7. ν Of μουχινυρ corr.; 1. Μουχινώρ (?). 12. s of παντὸς corr. from υ. 
19. a Of εξαμηνου corr. from ἡ. 20. ς of δραχμας corr. 25. ocorr. 1. ἢ οὗ ἄν or οὗ δ᾽ ἄν. 

‘ Apollonius son of Sosus son of Sosus, of the city of Oxyrhynchus, has let to Publius 
Vettius Diogenes for four years from the first day of Thoth of the coming 24th year the 
upper room of the house belonging to him at Mouchinor and the pigeon-house there with 
its wooden ladder at an annual rent and revenue of 60 drachmae of silver free of all risk. 
The lease being guaranteed, the lessee shall use the room and the pigeon-house for the 
four years without hindrance, and shall pay the rent annually in two half-yearly instalments 
of 30 drachmae, and at the end of the term shall return the said room and the pigeon-house 
in the condition in which he receives them and the two doors and one key attached, or 
shall pay the value of anything that he does not restore, and shall forfeit one and a half 
times the amount of any sum owing, right of execution lying against him and all his 
property. This lease is valid.’ Date and signature of Publius Vettius Diogenes. 

7. The village of Μουχινώρ, which is mentioned in 491. 3 and 895, is probably meant. 

Movxio was apparently originally written, the o being afterwards crossed through and then 
converted into a y. Μοῦχις was another Oxyrhynchite village. 


18-6 X 7-4 cm. ADs. 175. 

A lease of a dining-room (συμπόσιον) and a store-chamber within it for two 
years at a rent of 20 drachmae per annum. Cf. 1129, B.G. U. 253, P. Strassb. 
14; the formula resembles that of 1127. 

? v4 v4 e \ > 2? =f: 
Ἐμίσθ(ωσεν) Χαιρή(μων) ὁ κ(αὴ Appovios τῷ μεμισθω- 
> 2 2 v4 9 ΄ = s ?, 
Appaovios Θέ- κότι ‘Aupovio τῳ καὶ O€- 
ὧν μητρὸς Θεανοῦτος τῆς καὶ 20 ὠνι ἐπὶ τέλει ἑκάστου ἐνι- 
2? tee ee 4 2 ΕΝ \ ¢ 2 
Σινθώνιος ἀπ᾽ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πό- αυτοῦ χωρὶς ὑπερθέσεως, 
2 7 :) 7 Ἁ X\ A , 
News Apupovio ἀπελευθέ- καὶ μετὰ TOV χρόνον 
5 ρῷ Σαραπίωνος τοῦ καὶ Θεο- παραδότω τοὺς τόπους 

γένους ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλε- καθαροὺς ἀπὸ κοπρίων 


ws ἐπὶ χρόνον ἔτη δύο ἀπὸ 
ὀγδόης καὶ εἰκάδος τοῦ ὄντος 
μηνὸς Φαρμοῦθι τοῦ ἐνεστῶ- 
το τος τρισκαιδεκάτου ἔτους 
Αὐρηλίου ᾿ἀντωνίνου Καίσαρος 

τοῦ κυρίου ἀπὸ τῆς ὑπαρχούσης 

3 = 3 ’ Ν 8. τὼ» 
αὐτῷ ἐν κώμῃ Σεφὼ οἰκίας 

x s ee. eae 
TO συμπόσιον Καὶ Τὴν EVTOS 

25 καὶ πάσης ἀκαθαρσίας 

Ν 4 2 7 4 

καὶ τὰς ἐπικειμένας θύ- 

ρας καὶ κλεῖς. κυρία ἡ μίσθω 
ΝΜ 3 4 

σις. (ἔτους) ty «Αὐτοκράτορος 

Καίσαρος Μάρκ[ο]υ 

Αὐρηλίου ᾿Αντωνίνου 

Σεβαστοῦ ᾿Αρμενιακοῦ 

Μηδικοῦ Παρθικοῦ 

“- > ~ 
15 αὐτοῦ κέλλαν ἐνοικίου κατ᾽ ἕ- Γερμανικοῦ Μεγίστου 

τος δραχμῶν εἴκοσι, ἃς ἀπο- [Dappod|& Kn. 
δότω ὁ μεμισθώμενος 
1. εμισθ(ωσενὴ .. . κ(αι) and θε in a different hand over anerasure. εμισθωσεν αμμωνιος o 
και θε was no doubt originally written; cf. 1. 19. 20. € Of exaorov corr. from τ. 2.5} 
π᾿ Of τοπους COT. 

‘Chaeremon also called Ammonius Theon, his mother being Theanous also called 
Sinthonis, of the city of Oxyrhynchus, has let to Ammonius, freedman of Sarapion also 
called Theogenes, of the said city, for a term of two years from the 28th day of the present 
month Pharmouthi of the current 13th year of Aurelius Antoninus Caesar the lord, from 
the house belonging to him in the village of Sepho, a dining-room and the store-chamber 
within it at an annual rent of 20 drachmae, which the lessee Ammonius shall pay to the 
lessor Ammonius also called Theon at the end of each year without delay, and at the end 
of the term he shall restore the rooms free of filth and dirt of all kind, and the doors and 
keys attached. This lease is valid.’ Date. 


31-7 X 19-5 cm. A.D. 449. 

Lease of two dining-rooms at the rent of 12,c00,000 denarii, the contract to 
last during the pleasure of the lessor ; cf. 1087. 

Mera τὴν ὑπατίαν Φλαουίων Ζήνωνος καὶ Ποστουμιανοῦ 
. τῶν λαμπροτάτων Topi Ko. 
Αὐρηλίᾳ Miki θυγατρὶ Θεοδώρου ἀπὸ τῆς λαμπρᾶς 
καὶ λαμπροτάτης ᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλεως παρὰ Adpndriov 
5 Φοιβάμμωνος υἱοῦ ᾿ἀρτεμιδώρου ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως. 
ἑκουσίως ἐπιδέχομαι μισθώσασθαι ἀπὸ νευμηνίας 

1129. CONTRACTS 225 

τοῦ ἑξῆς μηνὸς Μεχεὶρ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ἔτους ρκε ηὃ 
τῆς παρούσης δευτέρας ἰνδικτίονος τοὺς διαφέρον- 
τάς σοι ἀπὸ οἰκίας οὔσης ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ πόλει ἐπ’ ἀμφόδου 
το Μικρῆς Τευμε[ν]ούθεως δύο τόπους ἤτοι συμπόσια 
σὺν χρηστηρίοις πᾶσι, καὶ τελέσω ὑπὲρ ἐνοικίου ἐνιαυ- 
4 3 ’ ’ ’ ’ e > 
σίως ἀργυρίου μυριάδας χιλίας διακοσίας, ἅσπερ ἀπο- 
δώσω Kar ἔτος δι’ ἑξαμήνου τὸ ἥμισυ, καὶ ὁπόταν 
βουληθῇς παραδώσω τοὺς αὐτοὺς ἀνυπερθέτως. 
15 κυρία ἡ μίσθωσις καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα. 
and hand «ἀὐρήλιος Φοιβάμμων ᾿Αρτεμιδώρου ὁ προκείμενος μεμίσ- 
θωμαι [rodls τόπους] Kali ἀἸπί[ο]δώσω τὸ ἐνοίκιον [ὡς] πρόκειται. 
By “¢ δε ᾽ "σιν ’ 
ποτ τ Slava νη νον, ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αἰὐτοῦ γράμματα 
μὴ εἰδ[ότος.] 

20 + di emu No... osios.. 
I. φλαουΐων Pap. 4. ov Of αυρηλιου corr. from ας. 5. viov Pap. 11. ὕπερ Pap. 

‘The year after the consulship of Flavius Zeno and Flavius Postumianus the most 
illustrious, Tubi 24. To Aurelia Mikis daughter of Theodorus, of the illustrious and most 
illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, from Aurelius Phoebammon son of Artemidorus, of the said 
city. I undertake of my free will to lease from the first day of the next month Mecheir of 
the current 125th which = the g4th year and of the present second indiction two rooms or 
dining-rooms belonging to you in a house situated in the said city in the quarter of Small 
Teumenouthis with all appurtenances, and I will pay in rent annually 1,200 myriads 
of silver, which I will deliver annually in half yearly instalments of one-half, and whenever 
you wish I will surrender the said rooms without delay. The lease is valid, and in answer 
to the question I have given my consent.’ Signature of Aurelius Phoebammon written for 
him by another person in Greek, and of the scribe in Latin, 

1. Rufius Praetextatus Postumianus has apparently not been called Flavius elsewhere. 

10. The ἄμφοδον Τευμενούθεως is well known, but this is the first mention of the Μικρὰ 

19. εἰδότος was perhaps abbreviated ειδ, 

30:8 X Ig cm. A.D. 484. 

Contract for a loan of Io solidi for a period of about six months, the 
interest consisting of twenty bundles of tow. The document is written in 
a well-formed upright hand, but in very illiterate Greek. 



Μετὰ τὴν ὑπατεία(ν) Φλ(αουίου) Tpwxdvdn τοῦ λαμπροτάτου 
Παχὼν θ τῆς ¢ ἰνδικτί(ωνοο). 
Αὐρ[ήλ][ο9] 4 βραὰμ υἱδὴς ᾿Ισίωϊνος] καὶ Σ᾿ οφία(ς) ἀπὸ κώμης Σ᾽ ενοκώ- 
5 peos τοῦ ᾿Οξυρυγχίτου νομοῦ AlvlpnAim ᾿Ισὰκ υἱῷ Niro ἀπὸ 
τῆς μεγαλωπόλεος Adc~avdpias πραγματευτῇ χαίρειν. 
ὁμολογῶ κυρίου καὶ βεβαίον ὦντος τοῦ προτερων μου 
γραμματῖον καὶ νῦν ἐσχηκέναι με παρὰ σοῦ ἐν χρήσει διὰ 
Q 2 BA > 222 ἈΝ 3 4 ’ 
χιρὸς ἐξ οἴκου σου εἰς ἰδίαν μ[ο]ν καὶ ἀναγκέαν χρίαν 
“- iA DY ’ BA ς ~ 
το χρυσοῦ νἱομ]ισμάτια δεσποτι[κἸὰ δώκεζμα εὔσταθμα ἁπλᾶ 
ἀριθμῷ δέκα, yilverat) χρ(υσοῦ) νο(μισμάτια) ι, κεφαλέου, καὶ ὑπὲρ 
αὐτῶν ἄχρει τῆς ἑξῆς δηλουμένης προθεσμίας σιππίου 
καθαροῦ εὐάρεστου ἀπὸ τοῦ [σ]ταθμοῦ τῆς κώμης 
δεσμίδια εἰ[]κωσεῖι,1 γίνεται) δ(εσμίδια) κ, ἀκίνδυνα] ὄντα ἀπὸ παντὸς 
15 ἐπάναγκες ἀποδώσω σοι ἐν τῷ Φαῶφι μηνὶ τοῦ ἐνεσ- 
τωτου ἔτους ρξα pA ἀρχῆς τῆς ὀγδώης ἰνδικτίωνος ἀνυπερ- 
θέτως καὶ ἄνευ πάσης ἀντιλογίας, καὶ ἐπὶ τούτοις οὐκ ἐξέσ(εσ)- 
θαι μοι λέγειν δεδω[κ]έναι τι ἐκ τοῦ προγεγραμμένου χρέους 
χωρὶς ἐνγραφοῦς ἐντάγιον ἢ οὖν ἀποχῆ(ο) ὃ πρὸ ἀνακωμιτῆς 
20 καὶ λητρώσεϊος] τοῦδέ μου γραμματίου. οἱ δὲ τῆς προθεσμίας 
ἐνστώσης τὴν ἀπόδωσείν σοι μοὶ ποιήσωμαι καὶ βουληθῇς 
3 Ν ~ ’ pore » ~ 7 
ἀξιωθεὶς συνδοῦναί μοι ἑτέραν προθεσμίαν, ταῦτα τελέσω σοι 
καὶ τοῦ μετὰ ταῦτα χρωνον τὼν αὐτὼν τόκον, γιγνομένης (c)ot 
τῆς πράξεος παρά δε ἐμοῦ καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχώντον μοι πάντον. 
25. Κύριον τὸ γραμματῖον ἁπλοῦν γραφὲν καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα. 
and hand «ἀὐρήλιος ᾿Αβραὰμ υἱὸς ᾿Ισίωνος 6 προκίμενος ἔσχον 
ἐν χρύσει τὰ τοῦ χρυσοῦ νομισμάτια δέκα χορὶς τὸ 
ca ~ 7 Ἁ { ἈΝ , > 
πρότερον γραμματῖον καιφαλέο(υ) καὶ ὑπὲρ διαφόρου αὐτον 
’ 4 ᾽, ς , 2. 4 
σιππίου δεσμίδια εἴκ[οἸσι ὡς πρόκιται. Bdvos διάκωνος 
en ? ΒΩ ς Ν > ~ iA Ν > = 
80 υἱὸς Πέτρος ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ γράμματα μοὶ "εἰτώτος. + 
Ist hand P dv ἐμοῦ Πέτρου ἐγράφη. 

1130. CONTRACTS 227 

On the verso 
ypap(mariov) ᾿Αβραὰμ ᾿Ισίωνος ἀπὸ Σ᾿ ενοκόμ(εωΞ) χρ(υσοῦ) νο(μισματίων) 

ι ὑπὲρ σιππίου δ(εσμιδίων) κ καὶ ν. ἴ- . .. 

+ [41β[ρ]αὰμ Εἰσίωνος ἀπὸ Σενοκώμεος καὶ 
ToKov pi...]. Καὶ a.[.... 

. 2. ὕπατεια Pap. 4. 1. Σενοκώμεως ; so inl. 33. 5. vio Pap. 1. Nidov. 6. 
]. μεγαλοπόλεως. 7. κ Of κυριου corr. frome. 1. ὄντος ... προτέρου. 8. ]. γραμματίου. 9. 
1. ἀναγκαίαν. 10. 1. δόκιμα. 11. diz Pap.; 80 ἴῃ]. 32. 1. κεφαλαίου... διαφόρου. 
13. v of [σἤταθμου corr. 15. 1. ἐνεστῶτος. 16. 1, ὀγδόης. Third ¢ of ἐἱνδικτίωνος rewritten. 
19. 1]. ἐνταγίου . . . ἢ πρὸ ἀνακομιδῆς. 20. 1. Avtpwoelas|. . . εἰ δέ. 21. |. ἐνστάσης... 
ἀπόδοσιν... μή. 23. 1. χρόνου τὸν αὐτόν. 24. 1. πράξεως παρά Te. . . ὑπαρχόντων... 
πάντων. 26. m Of προκιμενος Corr. 27. 1. χρήσει . . . χωρὶς τοῦ. 28. 1. προτέρου γραμ- 
ματίου κεφαλαίου. . . αὐτῶν. 29. 1. διάκονος. 30. |. Πέτρου .. . μὴ εἰδότος. 32. 

1. Σενοκώμ(εως). 

‘The year after the consulship of Flavius Troconda the most illustrious, Pachon 9, 
wth indiction. Aurelius Abraham son of Ision and Sophia, of the village of Senokomis in 
the Oxyrhynchite nome, to Aurelius Isaac son of Nilus, of the capital city Alexandria, 
dealer, greeting. I acknowledge, my former bond remaining valid and secure, that I have 
now received from you as a loan from hand to hand out of your house for my own pressing 
need ten solidi of gold of the genuine Imperial coinage, of full weight and unalloyed, total 
ro solidi of gold, as a capital sum, and for interest upon it up to the term herein following 
I will pay twenty bundles of tow, pure and satisfactory, according to the weight of the 
village, total 20 bundles. This sum I will perforce repay to you free of all risk in the 
month Phaophi of the current 161st which = the 130th year, at the beginning of the eighth 
indiction, without delay or dispute of any kind, with the condition that it shall not be lawful 
for me to say that I have paid any of the aforesaid debt without a written deed or receipt 
or before the recovery and annulment of this my bond. If at the expiry of the term I do 
not make the payment to you and you are willing at my request to grant me another term, 
I will pay you this sum with the same interest for the overtime, and you shall have the right of 
execution upon me and all my property. This bond, of which a single copy is made, is 
valid, and in answer to the question I have given my consent.’ Signature of Aurelius 
Abraham written for him by Banos, deacon, signature of the scribe, and endorsement on the 

I. χμγ: cf. 940. 1, note. 

2. Cf. Cod. Just.iv. 59. 2 post consulatum Trocondae ; he is commonly called Trocondus. 
The omen Flavius appears to be new. 

3. There is an inconsistency between this date and the year of the indiction in 1. 2. 
Pachon 9 of the year after the consulship of Trocondus is May 4, a.D. 483, but Pachon 9 
of the 7th indiction is May 4, a.p. 484. The number of the indiction year is supported by 
ὀγδώης in 1. 16 and confirmed by the years of the Oxyrhynchite eras in the same line, where, 
though ἐνεστωτου (sic) must be an error for εἰσιόντος (cf. the note ad Joc.), it is implied that the 
current year was A.D. 484, not 483. Τοῖς τὸ β΄ μετά should therefore have been written in 
|. 2, if the name of the consul for a.p. 484, Theodericus, who occurs in Cod. Just. i. 3. 36, &c., 
on April 28, was not generally known. 



4. Σενοκῶμις is mentioned in 47. τό and 740. 37, where Σενοκώμ[ε]ως should be read. 

6. μεγαλωπόλεος : cf. P. Leipzig 45. 13 as corrected by Wilcken, Archiv iii. p. 565, 
with his supplementary note in Archiv iv. p. 189, P. Cairo Cat. 67030. i. 3, ii. το, and 
P. Flor. 93. 7 καλλιπόλ(εως) ᾿Αντινοέων, Ῥ, Cairo Cat. 67023. 6-7 Πανοπολιτῶν [κἸαλ[λιπόλεως. 

10. So e.g. P. Grenf. II. go. 8 νομισμάτια δεσποτικὰ ἁπλᾶ δόκιμα ; cf. P. Leipzig 61. 11, 
Wessely, Stud. Pal. i. p. 7. (2) 13. 

12. σιππίου, for which cf. P. Brit. Mus. 239. 18, oe 13, B. G. U. 1080. 18, Wessely, 
Altersindiz. im Philogelos, p. 29, is no doubt a vulgar spelling of στιππίου or oman 
as suggested by Wilcken, Archiv i. p. 556. For other instances of interest in kind cf. 
P. Grenf. II. 90, B. G. U. 740. A verb like τελέσω has to be supplied both here and 
in 1. 29. 

14. δεσμίδια οἵ κάλαμοι occur in B. G. U. 837. 27. ἀκίνδυνα ὄντα xrd. Of course refers to 
the νομισμάτια ; the sentence would be improved by some conjunction, e.g. ταῦτα δέ, or 
perhaps (4) should be inserted. 

15-16. Numerous instances show that the year by the eras of οὐδ δος began, 
like the ordinary Egyptian year, on Thoth 1; cf. introd. to 125. Since the contract is 
dated in Pachon (I. 3), to speak of the coming ‘ Phaophi of the present year ’ is a contradic- 
tion, and ἐνεστωτου must be a slip for εἰσιόντος. Though the remains of the figures after pé 
are very slight there is little real doubt about the reading, and I consider pé ρκθ to be 
inadmissible ; cf. the note on 1. 2. The reference to Phaophi as the ἀρχή of the new 
indiction, which usually began in Egypt in the latter part of Pauni, is not to be taken 

17-18. Cf. B. 6. U. 1127. 20 καὶ μὴι ἐξεῖναι τῷ ᾿Απολλωνίῳ λέγιν οὐκέτι παρείληφα. 

32. xaiv.|: or perhaps καινοῦ, though this adjective is not used in the contract. 

33. This line is written in blacker ink but apparently by the same hand. The 
supposed chrism may perhaps be an abbreviation of ypappariov. 


30-2 X IO-I cm. Fifth century. 

An acknowledgement of a debt of 2 solidi less 8 carats, being the pur- 
chase money for some wine which had been delivered but not paid for; ef. 
914. The writing is across the fibres of the recto. 

[...+-]. [-]u[-Joous οἰνοχει(ριστῇ) 
[rod ἐνδό]ξ(ου) [οἴκου ᾿Ιουλιανοῦ 
[νομικ(αρίουλ. ἔχω τῆς σῆς 
ἀρετ[ἢ]ς καὶ χρεωστῶ 

5 [αἸἰὐτῇ ὑπὲρ τιμῆς οἴνου 
πραθέντος μοι παρὰ σοῦ 
χρίυ]σοῦ νομισμάτια 

1181. CONTRACTS 229 

δύο παρὰ κεράτια 
ὀκτώ, γίίνεται) χρ(υσοῦ) νο(μισμάτια) B π(αρὰ) κερ(άτια) η, 

10 καὶ ταῦτα ἑτοζίμως 
ἔχω παρασχεῖν τῇ σῇ 
ἀρετῇ ἐν τῇ λοιπογ[ρ]αφίίᾳ) 
τοῦ ἐνδόξ(ου) οἴκου 

15 ἐγράφ(η) μηνὶ Παῦνι θ 
ivd(iktiwvos) a. ὁ αὐτὸς ᾿Ιουλιανὸς 
νομικάρ(ιος) συμφω(νῶ) τὸ 
πιττάκ(ιον) ὡς mpOK(ELTAL). 

2--3. |. παρὰ Ἰουλιανοῦ Or ἸΙουλιανὸς vopix(dpios), ᾿ 14. 1. ἀνυπερθέτως. 

‘To..., wine-dealer of the honourable house, from Julianus, lawyer. I have from 
your excellency and owe to you, for the price of wine sold to me by you, two solidi of gold 
less eight carats, total 2 solidi of gold less 8 carats, and this sum I am ready to pay your 
excellency at the collection of arrears of the honourable house without delay. Written on 
the 9th of the month Pauni, rst indiction. I, the said Julianus, lawyer, assent to the deed 
as above.’ 

1-3. Julianus, who signs the acknowledgement, is naturally regarded as the debtor, so 
that Ἰουλανοῦ should be Ἰουλιανός or else παρά should be inserted. νομικάριοι (cf. 1. 17) occur 
in 186. 10, 154. ro. 

12. λοιπογραφία is properly a list of arrears, as e.g. B. G. U. 976. 20 ὑπὸ τὴν λοιπο- 
yp(apiav) τιθέμ[εναι, 977. 4 ἀϊπὸ Alorn(o)ypa( pias) κουϊφισθῆν]αι, P. Flor. 67 introd. λοιπογραφίας 
Φαῶφι. It here has a certain temporal signification like λοιπάς in 186. 13 ἐνιαυτὸν λογιζόμενον 
ἀπὸ λοιπάδος χρυσικῶν τῆς παρούσης πρώτης ivd(tKTiwvos). ; 

17-18. συμφω(νῶ) τὸ πιττάκ(ιον) : cf. 6. g. 984. 10 συνεφώνησα γὰρ (dprdBas) κε, where the 
note was mistaken, B. G. U. 799. 2-3 συμφ(ωνῶ) καὶ κριθῶν ἀρτάβην μίαν. The letters do 
are written as a monogram, the o through the tail of the φ. 

9.4 X 7°5 cm. About A.D. 162. 

Acknowledgement of the return of a loan of 600 drachmae, which was being 
repaid before it was due. This promptness may be explained by the fact that 
the interest charged was at double the normal rate. 

ΣΊαραπί ) 
and hand Χαιρήμ[ω]ν Σαραπίωνος τοῦ. [.... 


μητρὸς Tamdouraros ἀπ᾽ ᾽Οξυρύγίχων πό- 
λεως Τρ[ύϊφωνι ᾿ἩΗρακλείδ[ο]υ τ[οῦ. .. 

5 @vos μητρὸς Τααπολλωνίδοζν ἀπὸ 
τῆς αὐτῆς] πόλεως χαΐρειν. ὁμ[ολογῶ 

> - a ~ > Pi δ 
ἀπέχειν παρὰ σοῦ ἀποδιδ[ ὀντοῖς ἑκου- 

’ Q , Ἁ “- , Ν “ 
σίως πρὸ προθεσμία]ς διὰ τῆς ἐπὶ τοῦ 
πρὸς ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλει Σ᾽ αραπείου Paviolv 

το ἀρχιερατεύσαντος καὶ Πτολεμαίου τῶν 

Χ > »». 7 3 
σὺν Avdacio Παυλείνῳ ἐπιτηρ[η- 

~ 4 3 ’ A « 
τῶν τραπέζης ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς ἑξία- 

᾽’ 4 Ν AY ’ 
κοσίας κεφαλαίου καὶ τοὺς τούτων 
μέχρι τοῦ νῦν τόκους ὡς τοῦ μηνὸς 
15 δραχμῶν δύο, τὸ δὲ κεφάλαιον δα- 
νεισθέν σοι ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ κατὰ χειρόγραφίον 
διὰ τῆς αὐτῆς τραπέζης ταῖς ἐπαγομέ- 
vais τοῦ δευτέρου ἔτους ᾿Αντωνίνου 

‘ +7 ~ 7 >’ - 

καὶ Οὐήρου τῶν κυρίων Αὐτοκρατόρων 
20 [εἰς προ]θεσ[μίαν 

16. vm Pap. 

‘Chaeremon son of Sarapion son of ..., his mother being Taplutas, of the city of 
Oxyrhynchus, to Tryphon son of Heraclides son of . . . on, his mother being Taapollonides, 
of the said city, greeting. I acknowledge that I have received from you, who are making 
payment of your own accord before the appointed term, through the bank at the Serapeum 
at Oxyrhynchus of Phanias, ex-chief priest, and Ptolemaeus, the overseers associated with 
Audasius Paulinus, the capital sum of six hundred silver drachmae with the interest thereon 
up to the present time at the rate of two drachmae per month, which sum was lent you by 
me in accordance with a note of hand through the said bank on the intercalary days of the 
second year of Antoninus and Verus, lords and Emperors, until .. .’ 

I. Σ]αραπί ), if right, might refer to the Serapeum (1. 9); but the reading is very 
doubtful, and Japas or Ἰαζας would be also possible. 7 rpam(e¢{ . . .) is not suitable. 

4. A short name such as ᾿Απίίωνος or ‘Qpi|wvos is required. 

8-12. The bank at the Serapeum is in several papyri called after the names of 
individuals, 98. 7 Ἡρακλείδου καὶ μετόχων, 264. 7 Σαραπίωνος τοῦ Λόχου, 267. 4 Σαραπίωνος τοῦ 
Κλεάνδρου, 269. i. 3 ᾿Α[ρχιβίου] τοῦ ᾿Αρχιβίου. ἐπιτηρηταί are mentioned in 91. 8-11 διὰ 
Ἡλιοδώρου καὶ τῶν σὺν αὐτῷ ἐπιτηρητῶν τῆς ἐπὶ τοῦ πρὸς ᾿᾽Οξυρύγχων πόλει Σαραπείου τραπέζης, ἧς 
ὑπόσχεσις ἐδόθη ὑπὸ ᾿Ἐπιμάχου, and an ἀσχουλούμενος ὠνὴν ris... τραπέζης (Ἐπίμαχος) in 518. 
37-8. The present passage is peculiar in describing the bank as that of the ἐπιτηρηταί, In 

1182. CONTRACTS 231 

the note on 518. 37 it was suggested that the persons who successively gave their names to 
the bank were more probably ‘ either the ἀσχουλούμενοι or the ἐπιτηρηταί of it than the owners’. 
This view now receives some confirmation so far as the ἐπιτηρηταί are concerned, and the 
theory that they were only mentioned in 91 because at the time there was no τραπεζίτης 
(Wilcken, Archiv v. p. 212, note 4, Preisigke, Girowesen, pp. 21-3) becomes less plausible. 
ἐπιτηρηταί οἵ banks at Hermopolis occur in P. Flor. 1. 3, P. Strassb. 52. 3. 

15. δραχμῶν δύο: sc. τῇ μνᾷ, which is twice the normal rate at this period. τόκοι δίδραχμοι 
were the usual charge in the second and first centuries B.c. upon overdue loans, e.g. P. Amh. 50. 
19, B. G. U. 1053. 38-9, but are found in ordinary loans, as here, in B. Ὁ. U. 1052. 43, 1056. 
9; &c. (reign of Augustus). In B,G. U.1145 (B.c. 5) interest at the rate of 8 obols occurs. 

1133. RECEIPT. 

27:6 Χ τὸ cm. A.D. 396. 

A receipt for the price of some fruit sold by a grower to a dealer. An 
acknowledgement of indebtedness had previously been made by the latter at 
the time of the sale (cf. e.g. 1181), but this could not now be found and handed 
back to him, and therefore the present document was drawn up releasing him 
from further obligations in the matter. 

Μετὰ τὴν ὑπατίαν Φλαουίων ᾿Ολυμβρίου καὶ Προβίνου 
τῶν λαμπροτάτων Φαμενὼθ κη. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ιωάννης Σαρμάτου πωμαρίτης ἀφ᾽ Ἡρακλέος 
πόλεως κατ[αγινόμενος νῦν ἐπ᾽ ἐποικίου Νύσου Λιμενίου 

5 ἀπὸ πρινπιλαρίων Αὐϊρηλίῳ ᾿ΑἹρτεμιδώρῳ Καλόπου 
ἀπὸ τῆς ᾿ἄρσενοειτον πόλεως κατ]αγινόμενον ἐν τῇ λαμπρᾷ 
καὶ λαμπροτάτῃ ᾿Οξυρυγ[χειτῶν πἸόλει ὀπωροπόλῃ χαίρειν. 
« ~ > 7 \ A ~ ‘\ Το 
ὁμολογῶ ἀπειληφέναι καὶ πεπληροσθαι παρὰ σοῦ τοὺς τέσσαρας 

2? a {δ «ς ἊΨ" ‘ > Ν ’ 

χρυσίνους παρὲξ μυριάδων ἑξακοσίον τοὺς ἀπὸ λόγου 

το τιμῆς καρποῦ τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἐποικίου καὶ οὐδένα λόγον ἔχω 

x XA 4 4 Ν > 2 Ψ > Ved A Ν . 
πρὸς σὲ περὶ τούτου καὶ οὐκ Ev(Ka)AO σοι οὔτε ἐνκαλέσω, καὶ διὰ τὸ 
παραπεπτοκένη τὸ γρίαμματΊ]ϊόν σου καὶ μὴ εὑρίσκεσθαι 
δηλῶ τοῦτω ἄκυρον καὶ... «Ἰτιᾳ[. .]ν εἶναι ἐμοί τε [ 
\ “ » > , > 7 \ > ?, 4 ἈΝ 

καὶ πᾶσι τοῖς ἐπιφέρουσιν αὐτό, καὶ ἐξεδόϊμην σοι τήνδε τὴν 
᾽ Ν Ἂς ᾽ UA v4 4 Ἁ ¢ Yd 

15 ἀποχὴν πρὸς ἀσφάλιάϊν σου καὶ ἐπερω]τηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα. 

and hand «Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ιωάννης Σ᾽ αρμίάἸτου ἐξεδίόϊμην τὴν ἀποχὴν 

ὡς πρόκιται. Αὐρήλιος Θεόδωρος O.|.|pov ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ  adbrov 
γρ(άμματα) μὴ εἰδότος. : 
ist hand δι ἐμ[ο]ῦ Appoviov ἐγρ(άφη). 
On the verso 
ἀποχὴ xp(éous). 

2. 6 corr. 4. 1. Νήσου. 5. 1. πριμιπιλαρίων. 6. 1. ᾿Αρσινοειτῶν, . . καταγινομένῳ. 
4. 1. ὀπωροπώλῃ. 8. 1. πεπληρῶσθαι. 9. 1. ἑξακοσίων. 10. o of ovdeva corr. from εν. 
11. 1]. ἐνκαλῶ. 12. |. παραπεπτωκέναι. 13. 1. τοῦτο. 

‘The year after the consulship of Flavius Olybrius and Flavius Probinus the most 
illustrious, Phamenoth 28. Aurelius John son of Sarmates, fruit-gardener of Heracleopolis, 
now living at the village of Nesus Limenius, ex-primipilarius, to Aurelius Artemidorus son 
of Calopus, of Arsinoitonpolis, living at the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhyn- 
chus, fruit-dealer, greeting. I acknowledge that I have received from you and have been 
paid in full the four gold solidi less 600 myriads due for the price of the produce of the said 
village, and I have no claim upon you in respect of this, and I make and will make 
no charge against you; and since your bond has been lost and cannot be found I declare 
that it is null and [void] both for me and every one producing it, and I have issued this receipt 
for your security and in answer to the question have given my consent.’ Signatures 
of Aurelius John, written for him by Aurelius Theodore, and of the scribe, and title on the 

1. The brothers Olybrius and Probinus do not seem to have been given elsewhere the 
name Flavius. 

3. For πωμαρίτης cf. e.g. B.G.U.643.1. The adjective πωμαριτικός is found in B. G. U. 
90ο. 24. 

5. ἀπὸ πρι(μι)πιλαρίων : cf. P. Flor. 71. 697, 713, P. Leipzig 41. 1. 

8-9. This great depreciation of the μυριάς at the end of the fourth century is somewhat 
surprising. The passage does not necessarily prove that 600 myriads were less than a single 
solidus (cf. 6. g. 1188. 6-8), but they must have at least been considerably less than four. 
Late in the Byzantine period the value of the μυριάς was very much lower than this 
(Wessely, Alfersindiz. im Philogelos, pp. 45-6), but for the fourth century the ratio of 
1: 110 (20:4. pp. 32-3) seems to be the highest that has previously occurred. 

12. For παραπεπτ(ωλκέν(αιδ cf. B. G. U. 214. 15 διὰ τὸ φάσκειν παραπεπ ἱπ)τωκέναι, P. Brit. 
Mus, 918. 22-3 καί φησιν πἰα]ραπεπτωκέναι. 

14. e&edd|unv: or ἐξεθέμην, as in 1084. τό. 

17. @.[.|pov perhaps represents some misspelling of Θεοδώρου. 

18. The last few letters of the signature are a mere scribble, with a p or ¢ at the end. 

1134. CONTRACTS 233 


29:6 X 30:5 cm. A.D. 421. 

A receipt and discharge given to an agent by an official who was in the 

department of the Imperial domains (cf. note on Il. 3-4) for rents collected 
during the preceding two years from local cultivators. A contract of a kind 
similar to 186, the phraseology of which is recalled by 1184 (cf. note on II. 7-10), 
had probably been previously engaged in by the agent. The document, which 
might have been included in section (a), is well written in a large and 
clear hand. 



Micra] τὴν ὑπατείαν τοῦ δεσπότου ἡμῶν Θεοδοσίου αἰωνίου Αὐγούστου 
τὸ θ΄ καὶ 
Φλ[α)ονίου Κωνσταντίου τὸ γ΄ τοῦ λαμπροτάτου πατρικίου Φαμενὼθ ¢. 
Φλαούιος Φοιβάμμων υἱὸς Διογένους ἀπὸ πρωτηκτόρων διοικῶν τὰ πράγματα 
τῆς θειοτάτης οἰκίας ἀπὸ τῆς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λαμπροτάτης ᾽Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλεως 
Αὐρηλίῳ Μαξιμίνῳ υἱῷ “Appovos ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως χαίρειν. 
ὁμολογῶ πεπληρῶσθαι τὰ παντοῖα ἐκφόρια ἤτοι γενήματα καὶ ἀργυρικὸν 
ἅπερ ὑπεδέξω παρὰ τῶν ὑπευθύνων γεωργῶν προστασίας Νεσμίμεως τῆς 
κώμης καὶ ἄλλων τόπων ἀποπληρῶν χώραν προνοητοῦ κατὰ τὴν πίστειν 
~ > 7 2 3 ~ 3 ’ Ν x ’ 3 ’ 
τοῦ ἐπιδοθέντος σοι παρ ἐμοῦ ἀπαιτησίμου πρὸς τὴν μεθοδίαν ἀκολούθως 
τῷ δοθέντι ὑπὸ σοῦ λόγῳ τοῦ τε λήμματος καὶ τοῦ ἐξωδιασμοῦ τῶν παρελθουσῶν 
δευτέρας καὶ τρίτης ἐπινεμήσεων δύο, καὶ ἐντεῦθεν οὐδένα λόγον ἔχειν με 
πρὸς σὲ οὔτε ἐγκαλεῖν σοι οὔτε ἐγκαλέσιν οὔτε γενημάτων οὔτε περὶ 
ἀργυρικοῦ οὔτε 
περὶ ἄλλου τινὸς εἴδους ἢ γένους ὧν ὑπεδέξω ἐπὶ τῆς αὐτῆς δευτέρας 
ἰνδικτίονος καὶ 
od ’ ’ ; ’ BY ~ « ’ “ A 
τῆς παρελθούσης τρίτης ἐπινεμήσεως παρὰ τῶν ὑπευθύνων γεωργῶν κώμης 

τ ~ -, , + e , ΄- 4 ι΄ 
pews καὶ τῶν παρεπομένων γῃδίων ἄλλων ὑπαρχόντων τῇ θειοτάτῃ οἰκίᾳ 
ὄντων ὑπὸ τὴν ἐμὴν διοίκησιν, καὶ πρὸς σὴν ἀσφάλιαν ταύτην σοι ἐξεθέμην 

τὴν ἀποχὴν 
ἁπλῆν γραφίεϊῖσαν) καὶ ἐπερ(ωτηθεὶς) ὡμολ(όγησα). 


I. ὕπατειαν Pap. 2. φλ[α]ουΐου Pap. ; so in ]. 3. 3. vios Pap.; so inl. 5. 4. 
ὕπεδεξω .. . ὕπευθυνων Pap. προστασ over a washed out word, perhaps κζωμΊης. 10. ὕπο 
Pap. 1. ἐξοδιωσμοῦ. 12. ov of third ovve corr. from μη. 13. ἵνδικτιονος Pap. 

‘The year after the consulship of our lord Theodosius, eternal Augustus, for the ninth 
time, and of Flavius Constantius, most illustrious patrician, for the third time, Phamenoth 7. 
Flavius Phoebammon son of Diogenes, ex-member of the body-guard, administrator for the 
divine house, of the iliustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, to Aurelius 
Maximinus son of Ammon, of the said city, greeting. I acknowledge that I have been 
paid in full the rents of every sort, whether in kind or money, which you undertook to 
collect from the responsible cultivators in the administrative district of the village Nesmimis 
and other places, discharging the function of an agent in faithful accord with the list of dues 
handed to you by me and in method corresponding to the account given by you of receipt 
and expenditure in the two past second and third indictions ; and that for the future I have 
no count against you and neither make nor will make any charge against you in respect of 
produce or money or dues of any other sort or kind of those which you undertook to collect 
in the said second indiction and in the past third indiction from the responsible cultivators 
of the village Nesmimis and the other accompanying lands belonging to the divine house 
and under my administration; and for your security I have issued to you this receipt, 
of which a single copy has been made, and in response to the question I have given my 

3-4. πρωτηκτόρων: cf. 48. recto iv. 18 πρωτήκτορι τῶν Σεβαστῶν, Amh. 137. 2, P. Brit. 
Mus. 412. 1 ἐξ ἀποπροτηκτόρων, Mommsen, Ephem. Epigr. v. 121 sqq. 

διοικῶν... οἰκίας : the precise status of this official is not clear, but he was evidently 
concerned with the royal estates, the θειοτάτη οἰκία meaning doubtless the Imperial house. 
Cf. P. Brit. Mus. 234, a letter written in a.p. 346 by an ἐπίτρ(οπος) δεσποτικ(ῶν) κτήσεων 
which refers in Il. 19-20 to τὴν ἀπαίτησιν τοῦ δεσποτικοῦ οἴκου, P. Leipzig 96. i. 3 οὐσίας 
[olixou Καίσαρος, P. Cairo Cat. 67024. 7, ἄς. Whether διοικῶν here implies deputed functions, 
asin P. Klein. Form. roro and probably in 901. 3, may be doubted. 

7-10. Cf. the very similar language of 186. 14 sqq. (A.D. 583) ἐπὶ τῷ pe τὴν χώραν τοῦ 
προνοητοῦ ἤτοι ὑποδέκτου ἀποπληρῶσαι παρ᾽ αὐτῇ ἐμ προστασίᾳ κτήματος Ματρέου ... καὶ κατὰ τὸ 
παρεχόμενόν μοι ἀπαιτήσιμον ... τὴν μεθοδίαν τρέψαι κατὰ τῶν ὑπευθύνων γεωργῶν, εἰς τὸ πάντα 
εἰσπρᾶξαι καὶ καταβαλεῖν... ἀκολούθως τοῖς ἐμοῖς ἐνταγίοις τοῖς ἐκδιδομένοις παρ᾽ ἐμοῦ πᾶσιν τοῖς ὑπευ- 
θύνοις γεωργοῖς ταύτης τῆς προνοησίας. Wilcken remarks that the Apion family seems to have 
modelled the administration of its property upon that of the Imperial domains. For 
προνοητοῦ Cf. e.g. 1147. 17, 19, and Gelzer, Byzant. Verw. p. 87. The village of Nesmimis 
is mentioned in 1058. 21. 

1185. TAXATION 235 


1135. RECEIPT FOR Axabolicum. 

9:8 X 9:2 cm. Third century. 

This and the following papyrus are receipts for ἀναβολικόν or, as it is termed 
in 1185, ἱερὸν ἀναβολικόν, issued in the one case by collectors (ἀπαιτηταί) in the 
other by an ‘assistant’ (βοηθός). The first receipt, which seems to have been 
written about the middle of the third century, is for a money payment, the 
second, dated A.D. 420, is for four tunics. Apparently the only other papyrus 
mentioning the azabolicum is P. Théad. Inv. 15 (the reference to which I owe 
to Wilcken ; cf. Archiv iv. p. 185), a receipt issued in A.D. 324 by the ἀποδέκται 
λίνου τοῦ ἱεροῦ ἀναβολικοῦ for 50 pounds of flax. The name has also occurred on 
some leaden tablets, and in the Edict of Julius Alexander, C. I. G. 4957 = 
Dittenberger, Or. Gr. Inscr. 669. 21 ἀναβολικὰ εἰληφόσι ἐκ τοῦ φίσκου ; cf. Vopiscus, 
Aurel. 45 vectigal ex Aegypto urbi Romae Aurelianus vitri, chartae, lint, stuppae 
atque anabolicas species aeternas constituit. On the nature of this impost see 
Rostowzew’s discussion in Mitt. d. Arch. Inst., Rom. Abth, 1896, pp. 317 sqq., 
Woch. Klass. Phil. 1900, 115; he points out that the commodities mentioned 
by Vopiscus were, with corn, for which there was the special word annona, the 
principal exports of Egypt (ἀναβάλλειν = to lade a ship), and describes the ratio 
anabolica as the taxes upon a certain group of monopolized Egyptian industries. 

Διεγράφ(ησαν) ἀπαιτηταῖς 
ἱεροῦ ἀναβολικ(οῦ) ὀνό(ματος) κληρ(ονόμων 3) 
Σαραπᾶ δι(ὰ) τῆς γυναικ(ὸς) 
δραχμὰς πεντήκοντα 
5 ἕξ, 7 (δραχμαὶ) vs. 
(ἔτους) ε Φαμεν[ὼ]θ ιθ. 
[4ὐρ]ήλ(ιο9) ᾿Αντῴϊν(ιος) ᾿4λ]έξανδ(ρος) 
4. 1. δραχμαί. 

‘Paid to the collectors of the sacred anabolicum on account of the heirs of Sarapas 
through his wife, fifty-six drachmae, total 56 dr. Fifth year, Phamenoth 19. Signed by 
me, Aurelius Antonius Alexander.’ 

2. ἱεροῦ means Imperial; the annona is similarly called ἱερά, e. g. Wilcken, Os¢. 682. 3, 
1019. 3. At the end of the line κληρ(ονόμων) (Wilcken) is preferable to κλήρ(ου). 


1186. RECEIPT FOR Axnabolicum. 
151 X 10-2 cm. A.D. 420. 

Another later receipt for ἀναβολικόν, on which see introduction to the preced- 
ing papyrus. The writing is across the fibres of the verso, the recto containing 
part of a much effaced list of payments in νομισμάτια, headed ἔχθ(εσ )... 

᾿Εντάγιον ἐμοῦ ᾿ἀπφοῦτος δὲ ἐμοῦ 
Σαρμάτου βοη(θοῦ)δ. ἐδεξάμην παρὰ Oé€wv(os) 
αἰγεωθήτης ὑπὲρ ἀναβολικοῦ 
τετάρτης ἰνδικ[τ]ωνος) στιχάριον τέσσαρες; 
5 yiverat) στιχ(άρια) 6, μόνα. 
(ἔτους) af ἕς To[Bl ε. Σαρμάτης 

3. ὕπερ Pap. 4. 1. στιχάρια τέσσαρα. 

‘Receipt issued by me, Apphous, through me, Sarmates, assistant. I have received 
from Theon, goat-butcher, for the anadolicum of the fourth indiction four tunics, total 
4 tunics,andno more. The 97th which = the 66th year, Tubi5. Signed by me, Sarmates,’ 

3. avyewOnrns is probably, as Wilcken remarks, for αἰγοθύτης or αἰγιοθύτης ; cf. mpoBaro- 
θύτης, e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 1028. το. 

4. For the collection of στιχάρια for the clothes-tax cf. P. Leipzig 59. 13, 60. 14. 
Mitteis notes in connexion with those two documents (p. 186) that according to Cod. Theod. 
vii. 6. 3 of Α. Ὁ. 377 this impost was in Egypt payable in money (cf. e.g. B. G. U. 21. iii. 
17-18, 727. 14), and thinks that the delivery in kind attested by P. Leipzig 45-6, 58-60 
is due to the fact that they are all earlier than the year 377. But this view will not account 
for 1136, and hence it is necessary to fall back on the alternative explanation that the 
adaeratio was permissive only and not compulsory. 

12-4 X 30-9 cm. A.D. 562=3. 
A receipt for a payment of 204 carats due upon some land. 

+ Ἔσχων καὶ ἐπληρώθ(ην) Μακαρίου βοηθοῦ κόμης Σεραπίονος Χυρήμωνος 
ὑ(πὲρ) δημοσίου κτήματος Axovrov ὑ(πὲρ) ἑνδεκάτης ἰνδικί(τίωνος) πλήρης 

χρυσοῦ κεράτια 

1187. TAXATION 237 

εἴκοσι τέταρτων, yiverat) xp(vood) κερίάτια) κδ΄ δημ(οσίου) πλήρους, καὶ 
πρὸς τὴ(ν) ἀσφάλειαν 

τὴν ἀποχὴ(ν) ὡς πρόκιτε. ἐγράφη μηνὶ Τῦβι ἰνδικ(τίωνος) ta (ἔτους) 
σλθ on. τ + + 

5 + δι ἐμοῦ Ἱερημίας γραμ(ματέωΞ) καὶ Φοιβάμμωνος pifovos). στέχι με. 
1. 1. ἔσχον . . . Μακάριος βοηθὸς κώμης Σεραπίωνος Χαιρήμονος. Second o οὗ σεραπιονος corr. 
2. 1. ᾿Ακοῦτος ? 3. 1. τέταρτον... . πλήρης. 4. 1. πρόκειται. 5. 1. Ἱερημίου... 
στοιχεῖ μοι. 

«I, Macarius, assistant at the village of Serapion son of Chaeremon, have received and 
been paid in full on account of the public dues upon the land of Akous for the eleventh 
indiction, twenty and a quarter carats of gold, total 203 car. gold for dues in full, and for 
security (have issued) the receipt as above. Written in the month Tubi of the 11th indiction 
in the 239th which = the 208th year. (Signed) Through me, Jeremiah, scribe, and 
Phoebammon, official; agreed to by me.’ 

I. xouns is more probably for κώμης than κόμετος, though this village-name is not 
otherwise known. For these local βοηθοί (λογιστηρίου) cf. e.g. 1147. 4, 6, &c., and 125, 
Gelzer, Archiv v. p. 357- 

2. δημοσίου is to be taken substantivally, not as an adjective agreeing with κτήματος ; 
cf. e.g. P. Klein. Form. 76. 2 δημοσίου ἀρουρῶν, 95. 7 δημοσίου τῆς αὐτῆς τρίτης ἰνδικ(τίωνος). 


24 X 10-2 cm, Fifth or sixth century. * 

Receipt for a payment made on behalf of a church on account of money- 
taxes. Abbreviations are in several cases marked by a dot above the final letter 
as well as by the usual diagonal stroke, as e.g. in 1053. 

+ Κατεβλήθ(η) 
ἐπὶ τὸν ἐκκλ(ησίαΞ) Ady(or) 
πί(αρὰ) ᾿Απφουᾶ πρ(εσβυτέρου) 
im(ép) ἀργυρ(ικῶν) « ἰνδ(ικτίωνος) 
5 Χρ(υσοῦ) ἰδίιωτικῷ) ζυγί(ῷ) 
νομισμ(άτια) δώδεκα 
mapa) κερ(άτια) πεντήκοντα 
ἕν, γίίνεται) χρίυσοῦ) ἰδ(ιωτικῷ) ζυγίῷ) 
νο(μισμάτια) ιβ mapa) να, μό(να). 


10 Gadde n ἰνδ(ικτίωνος) ta, 
δὶ ἐμοῦ GIB yp(apparéos). 

πρὸς ἅπαξ. 

On the verso 

pond hand aed . 4 «1 Bepegaxa ε.. 
10. First @ of φαωφι and δι in 1, 11 blotted. w#8 Pap. 

‘Paid to the credit of the church by Apphouas, presbyter, for the money-dues of the 
10th indiction, twelve solidi of gold less fifty-one carats on the private standard, total 
12 solidi of gold less 51 carats private standard, and no more. Phaophi 8, 11th 
indiction, through me, Phib, scribe. Once for all.’ 

5. On the relative value of a solidus on the private, public, and Alexandrian (e. g. 
1147) standards see 154. 13, note. 

10. «a: or possibly ce, with ἐδ in 1. 4. 

£3:°Cf,B..G. ὕ. to20. 15. 

14. These letters on the verso seem unintelligible and suggest a magical formula. 

(72) ORDERS. 


5°5 X17°5 cm. Fourth century. 

An order from a logistes directing the presidents of the guild of vegetable- 
dealers to supply an exceptor with a certain quantity of vegetables. These trade- 
guilds are frequently mentioned in the papyri of this period, e.g. 58 (carpenters), 
84 (ironworkers), 85 (coppersmiths, beersellers, bakers, oil-sellers, bee-keepers) ; 
cf. Ziebarth, Griech. Vereinswesen, pp. 96sqq. The order is written on the verso, 
the recto containing the beginnings of lines from a list of payments dated in 
Hathur of the 17th = the 15th = the 7th year, i.e. A. Ὁ. 322 (cf. Wilcken, Archiv 
111. pp. 383-4). A κεράμιον of wine is valued at 3,000 drachmae (τιμῆς οἴνου 
κεραμίων ...] ἐκ (δραχμῶν) T). 

1139. ORDERS 239 

II(apa) τοῦ λογιστοῦ 
μηνιάρχαις λαχανευτῶν. δότε ᾿Αρκαδίῳ ἐκσκέπτορι λαχάνων 
ταγὴν μίαν. σεση(μείωμαι). 

2. ek σκεπτορι Pap. 

‘From the logistes to the monthly presidents of the vegetable-sellers. Give Arcadius, 
exceptor, one ration of vegetables. Signed by me.’ 

2. μηνιάρχαι of other Oxyrhynchite guilds are mentioned in 58. 3, 84. 6. For 
ἐκσκέπτορι Cf. 1108. 13. 

3. ταγήν : the word is commonly used in late Greek in the sense of food, especially 
fodder for horses, e.g. Chron. Pasch. p. 138 Ὁ ἡ ταγὴ αὐτοῦ. .. mapa Tov βασιλέως, p. 254 ἃ 
εἰς ταγὴν ἵππου. In the present passage, as in B. α. U. 1118. 16 πράσου γλυκέως rayas d 
(B. c. 23-2), it implies a definite amount, and taydpiov has a similar sense in Const. Porph. 
Cer. p. 311.17 (Bonn). Cf. 1158. 12,note. Possibly τὴν] ταγήν should be read in P. Flor. 
119. 4-5. 


6-1 X 22-8 cm. A.D. 293. 

An order for the payment of an artaba of λαχανόσπερμον. 

Παρὰ) Σ᾿ εύθου Σ᾽ αραπίωνι γεωργῷ χαίίρειν). 
δὸς ‘Hpaxdio ὀνηλάτῃ λαχανοσπέρμου 
μέτρῳ ἐλαιουργικῷ ἀρτάβην μίαν, 
/ (ἀρτάβη) α. ἔρρωσο. 
5 (ἔτους) ἐνάτον καὶ ἡ καὶ a Μεσορὴ d. 

3. ὦ Of ελαιουργικω corr. from ε. 

‘From Seuthes to Sarapion, cultivator, greeting. Give Heraclius, donkey-driver, one 
artaba of vegetable seed by oil-makers’ measure, total 1 art. Good-bye. The gth which 
= the 8th which = the 1st year. Mesore 30.’ 

3. μέτρῳ ἐλαιουργικῷ : cf. P. Flor. 82. 8, 85. 12, in both instances, as here, for 
measuring λαχανόσπερμον. 



9:4 X10 cm. Third century. 

An order to hand over ten jars of wine and the like quantity of ὄξος which 
were due in connexion with certain agricultural operations. The writing is across 
the fibres of the verso; on the recto is a fragment of an account. 

Παρὰ) ᾿Ιουλ(ίου) Διογένους 
Θωνίῳ οἰνοπαρα(λημπτῇ) χαίίρειν). 
δὸς Κἰο]πρεῖ φροντιστῇ Σερύφεως 
εἰς λόγο(ν) κοπ(ῆς) καλαμειφυῆς τοῦ διελ(θόντος) a (ἔτους) 
5 καὶ εἰς τὰ κατεπείγοντα ἄλ(λα) ἔργ(α) | 
χωρί(ίου) Γαϊανοῦ οἴνου γενήματος τοῦ 
διελθόντ(ος) a (ἔτους) κερά(μια) δέκα, ὄξ(ους) ὁμοί(ως) 
κεράμια δέκα. (2nd hand) σεσημίωμαι τὰ τοῦ οἴς- 
νου κεράμια δέκα. 
Io σεσημίωμαι 
τὰ [rolv ὄξ(ους) κεράμια 

Ist hand (ἔτους) B Τῦβι ι. 
5. κατ ἐπειγοντα Pap. 6. γαΐανου Pap. 

‘From Julius Diogenes to Thonius, wine-keeper, greeting. Give to Copreus, agent 
at Seruphis, on account of the cutting of the growth of reeds in the past first year and the 
other pressing work at the farm-stead of Gaianus, 10 jars of wine of the produce of the past 
first year and similarly 10 jars of vinegar.’ Signature of Julius Diogenes. 

4. καλαμειφυή (for kadapod.?) seems to be novel. 

6. Taiavod may be the genitive of the name Γαΐανός or an adjective from Γάιος like 
᾿Αντωνιανός, &C. 


10 X 8-6 cm. Late third century. 

A list of various commodities which an unnamed person and his friends 
wished to be purchased for them. 

1142. ORDERS 241 

᾿Εντολικὸν ᾿Αχιλλῖτι. ὑποστάθμι- 
ον ἀγόρασον ἡμικοτύλην ξυρομύ- 
ρου καλὸν (δραχμῶν) is, πατήματος (δραχμῶν) η, βρέλ- 
λιον ὁλκῆς δ, ὄνυχος τέσσερα δη- 
5 νάρια ὁλκῆς, στυράκιν ὁλκῆς δη- 
ναρ(ίγου, στροβ[ίλια δηναρ(ίγου μεγάλα, 
ξήριον (δραχμῶν) ιβ, στήμιον (δραχμῶν) κ, κτενί.- 
a πρὸς κεφαλὴν δύο δηναρίζου) a, 
ἀρτύματος Onvapilol a. λέει ‘Qpi- 
10 ὧν ὁ κλιβανεὺς ὅτι ἀγόραρόν μοι 
[- .] τετρώβολα ὀριγάνον. Διογέ- 
[ν]ης . [.]s ὅτ[ ἀγόρασον χάρτον α. 
[ἀγόρασον] ἡμεῖν χελάδριον [. 
[...+, ἀγόρα]σον ἡμεῖν ἐλέο(υ) ξέσ- 
15 [T...++- «hs α, ἀγόρασον ἡμεῖν 
[.. 22+. γλ]ύκιον ῥοιτικόν. ἐρ(ρ)ῶ- 
[σθαΐ σε εὔχγομε. 

On the verso 

Bit. ἑηρομύρου. 3. 1. καλοῦ. 5. ολ'κης Pap. 4. ε Of κτενια Corr. 
10. 1, ἀγόρασον. 11. ὀριγάνου) Pap.; 580]. 17 evx ope). 12. 1. χάρτην. 14. 1. ἐλαίου. 

eae. 1. εὔχ]ομαι. 

‘Order to Achillis. Buy half a cotyle of dry precipitate (?) of good perfume at 16 
drachmae, some trodden grapes (9) at 8 drachmae, sweet gum (?) to the weight of 4 drachmae, 
onyx-shell to the weight of 4 denarii, incense to the weight of 1 denarius, some large cones at 
1 denarius, dry powder at 12 drachmae, thread at 20 drachmae, 2 hair-combs at 1 denarius, 
sauce at rdenarius. Horion the baker says, buy me 4 obols of marjoram. Diogenes says, 
buy a sheet of papyrus. Buy us a bedstead. .. buy us 1 (?) sextarius of oil, buy us... 
some pomegranate wine. I pray for your health.’ 

1. Cf. 741. 1 Ady(os) ἐντολικῶν, a list of articles ordered, and Β. G. U. 953. ὑποστάθμιον 
is apparently an adjective formed from ὑποστάθμη, ‘sediment.’ The division ὑπὸ σταθμίον 
‘by weight’ is unsatisfactory, since the article immediately mentioned was to be measured. 

3. For πατήματος cf. 1156. 9, where it is evidently a kind of fodder. Perhaps trodden 
grapes were so used (cf. B. G. U. 1039. 4 of maryrai), or straw of some sort may be meant 
(cf. P. Flor. 150. 5 πατῆσαι ra... θέρη). πατητός as an epithet of φοῖνιξ (e.g. B. G. U. 591. 
22) has a different sense. -βρελλιον, apparently an unknown form, is perhaps for βδέλλιωον, 
which occurs in conjunction with ὄνυξ in Galen, De Antidod. ii. 



4. ὄνυχος : cf. Diosc. ii. 10 ἔστι πῶμα κογχυλίου, ὅμοιον τῷ τῆς πορφύρας, εὑρισκόμενον ev τῇ 
Ἰνδίᾳ ἐν ταῖς ναρδοφόροις λίμναις" διὸ καὶ ἀρωματίζει, νεμομένων τῶν κογχυλίων τὴν νάρδον. 

6. στροβ[ί])λια: οἵ, 1088. 55, 1144. 11, Β. G. U. 362. Fr. 2, 1. 7 στροβεϊϊ λων καὶ 
ἀρωμάτων, 801. 17--18 στροβίλους δέκα [εἰΐς θυσίαν. 

7+ στήμιον: οἷ, Ρ. Tebi. 413. 12. 

9. λέει is for λέγει ; οἷ. 1110. 21 and e.g. 58. 5 λοογράφου. 

11. There is room for a couple of letters before τετρώβολα ; perhaps [ra]. 

. The letter after [ν]ης may be v and v[id|s is a possibility, λέγει (which is apparently 

not ε τὰ read in this line) being understood. 

13. χελάδριον is for χαλάδριον, for which cf. 646, P. Tebt. 414. 13. 

14-15. Possibly ξέσίτην a, ὄξο]υς a; but the remains suggest |s rather than |us, 

16. For ῥοιτικόν cf. Diose. v. 34 ῥοΐτης οἶνος, 



8-7 X 10-4 cm. About A.D. I. 

Both this and the following papyrus are fragments of accounts of payments 
in connexion with one or other of the Oxyrhynchite temples. Not improbably 
they come from the annual reports of receipt and expenditure which it was 
incumbent upon the priests to submit to the civil officials of the nome; cf. 
P. Tebt. 298, introd. The ‘deified lord emperor’ on whose behalf were made the 
sacrifices and libations recorded in 1, 4, was no doubt Augustus, to whose reign 
this document, from the handwriting, is to be attributed. . 

ἐλαίου (?)| κοτυλῶν γ (δραχμαὴ β. 
τ]οῦ ἡγεμόνος τοῖς ἐκ τοῦ ἱεροῦ παστοφύ(ροις) mopevopé(vors) 
1 θυσία(ς) (δραχμαὶ) x. εἰς θυμέλην γυμνασιά(ρχων) (δραχμαὶ) ὃ 
θυσίας καὶ σπονδὰς ὑπὲρ τοῦ θεοῦ καὶ κυρίου Αὐτοκράτορος 
5 ] (δραχμαὶ μ. ἐδαπανή(θησαν) εἰς τὸ ἱερὸν ἁλὸς (dprdBat) B 
περ)στεριδίι ) εἰς τὰς Ovola(s) ἀνηλοῦντι 
Τ΄ — (ὀβολοὶ δύο), ἐλαίο(υ) με(τρηταὴὶ β, περισ(τερίδια) ι, ἁλὸς (dp- 
τάβαι) B, φα(κοῦ) (ἀρτάβαι) te 
1... “δι18΄. 
es Be ce 

. - .Φ . . 


2. παστοφό(ροις) πορευομέ(νοις) : cf. 1144. 3, 5, 9. 
4. Cr, Β.α. Uy 1137. 3 (. €. 6) τοῦ θεοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος. 

1. The two diagonal strokes at the beginning of the line probably marked fractions of 
the artaba ; the horizontal line following apparently indicates a total. 

A fragment of an account of expenditure at a temple; cf. introd. to 1148. 
The goddess Thoéris (cf. 1117. 1, &c.) is named in 1. το. The column printed was 
preceded by another, of which only two or three letters survive. 


14:8 x 7-4 cm. Late first or early second century. 

are the ends of three lines in a different hand. 



1. Second a of ἀναμησιοΐ corr. 3. 1. παστοφόροις ; 50 in 1. 13. 

Col. ii. 
στολ[ι]στῇ ἀναμησιοΐ 
«0 [.. ης τῶν εἰς θάλαϊμον 
παστωφόροις τοῖς προπίορευομένοις 
(δραχμαὶ) ἡ, γενεθλίοις θεοῦ 
τοῖς προπορευομένοις Ϊ 
(δραχμαὶ η, δαπάνης ἱερᾶς κλείϊνης 
ἕως ις (δραχμαὶ) ιδ, παστοφίόροις 
Κλαυδίου μηνὶ Τερμαν[ικ 
παστοφόρο[ι]ς προπορευομἰένοις 
(δραχμαὶ) η, ἱερεῦσει Θοήριδος [ 
τοῖς αὐτοῖς στροβίλου (ὀβολός ?), . [ 
τεσσεράκοντα καὶ περισϊτεριδίων 
παστωφόροις ἐξυπηρετίοῦσι 
ἑνδεκάτης ἕως ¢ | 
(δραχμαὶ μ, ξύλων εἰς θυσίαν τί 
δαπάνης κέλλης [ 
To[ts] ἁγνεύουσι κατὰ . [ 
[.....+..] τοῦ (πυροῦ) ἀρταβῖ 
[-- +--+]. sos τιμῆς τί 

R 2 

On the verso 



7. « of e¢ corr. 


1. ἀναμησιοῖ : the third letter has been altered and might be meant for e, but that is no 
easier. dvay(v)yoio[ts would be intelligible, but the word does not occur. 

6. ἱερᾶς κλεΐϊνης = lectisterniz, Cf. e.g. Pausan. viii. 37. 2 κλίνη τε ἱερὰ τῆς ᾿Αθηνᾶς, 
Marquardt, Rom. Staatsverw. iii. p. 46, 110. 2 κλείνην τοῦ κυρίου Σαράπιδος. 

4-8. Not γενεθλίοις θεοῦ Κλαυδίου or Νέρωνος Κλαυδίου, since neither Claudius nor Nero 
was born in the month Germaniceus (Pachon) or Germanicus(Thoth). But if, as is possible, 
the name Germaniceus was given by Claudius, a festival in his honour in that month would 
be natural enough. 

17. Payments in kind begin at this point ; Wilcken aptly compares the similar arrange- 
ment in B. G. U. τ. 17. 


27-8 X 25-6 cm. First century. 

A fragment from an account recording amounts of wheat delivered on 
different days by various persons who are arranged under their villages,— 
apparently part of the day-book of a sitologus ; cf.e.g. P. Fay. 340. The begin- 
nings of lines of a second column, mentioning the village ᾿Ισιήου Τρύφουϊος (I. 
Τρύφωνος) and the names Taams, Mads, ᾿Αβτιμαρᾳΐ, and Nivyavdpos( = Νίκανδρος ?), 
are not printed. 

Col. i. 
iB, KéBa: 
& ) Πετεχῶν Πελούσις (πυροῦ) νδ, 
θ(. ) Ἀπίων Νιγαίου ἡπὲρ ἄλλων τόπον μέσης 
τοπαρχίας Θέωνος κομον (πυροῦ) κ. 
5 / τῆς ἡμέρας (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβαιὶ) οδ. 
[γ, ἡ αὐτὴ κόμη: 
θ(. ) Πετεχῶν Πελούσις (πυροῦ) ὃ, 

& ) ὯΩρϊος] Πετεχῶντος ἀνθ᾽ ὧν Appovi(os) Πετεχῶν(τος) (πυροῦ λαξ 

χ(οίνικες) ἡ; 

θί. ) Πετεχῶν AmodAwviov προσβ(ύτερος) διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ (πυροῦ) ε, 
10 θ( ) Ὧρος Πτόλλις διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ (πυροῦ) te, 
θ(. ) Ὧρος Ἁρπαήσις (πυροῦ) 166’ χ(οίνικες) β, 
Θρακίτα Κόμ(ωνος ?) διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ (πυροῦ) az, 
& ) Ἡρακλῆς Ἁρπαήσις διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ (πυροῦ) ι, 

& ) Δίδυμος Βατράχου (πυροῦ) κα χί(οίνικες) ἡ, 

1145. ACCOUNTS 245 

15 & ) Ἁτρῆς — διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ | (πυροῦ) ὃ, 
Θρακίτα Κόμ(ωνος) διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ (πυροῦ) aZ, 
θ(. ) Ἁτρῆς Πετενούφις (πυροῦ) ιβ χί(οίνικες) β. 

/ τῆς ἡμέρας (πυροῦ) ρκγδ΄. 
ιδ, Σοβθις-" 

20 θ( ) Δούκις τοῦ Λουκίου μητρὸς AmodXovois (πυροῦ) ς δ’, 

A ) Πεκῦσις Διοδώρου διὰ Λούκις Πετρονίου᾽ (πυροῦ) BS’, 

Δωρίων Ἀλεξάνδρου Εἰλιθηείου δ[ Πὰ (πυροῦ) ρκὃ, 
Κολκούλις Σ 

3. 1. Νικαίου (?) ὑπὲρ... τόπων. 4. 1. κωμῶν ; so inl. 6. 8. 1. ᾿Αμμώνι(ος). χων of 
πετεχωνίτος) above the line: ἀνθ᾽ ὧν... Πετεχῶν was apparently inserted after (πυροῦ) λα 
was written. 9. 1. πρεσβ(ύτερος). ᾿ 12. 1]. @paxidus? so in |, 16. 1g. 1. Σῶβθις. 
20. |. ᾿Απολλωνοῦτος. 21. 1, Aovkiov Πετρωνίου. 22. 1, Εἰλειθυίου. 

1. Κόβα: cf. P. Hibeh, p. 8 and 56. 6, note. Both this village and 2484s (1. 19, P. Hibeh, 
p. 8) were perhaps near the boundary of the Oxyrhynchite and Heracleopolite nomes. 

2. The meaning of the 6 which has been prefixed to most of the names, apparently by 
the same hand as the rest of the account, is uncertain. Above it is a curved or angular 
mark such as is elsewhere used in this papyrus to indicate an abbreviation. In the second 
column this @ is omitted with four names out of fifteen. The letter is sometimes found in 
such a position to indicate a person’s decease (= θάνατος, e.g. P. Fay. 105. iii. 26), but its 
frequency here is hardly consistent with that interpretation. Does it stand for θησαυρός} 

4. ΘέωΪνος κωμῶν is probably to be restored on this analogy in 740. 35. 

9. For the spelling zpooB(urepos) cf. e.g. B. G. U. 102. 2. 

12. Κόμ(ωνος) (48. 8, 13) is only one of several possibilities. 

15. The dash after ᾿Ατρῆς takes the place of the father’s name; there is another 
instance in Col. ii. Cf. e.g. B. G. U. 1150. 3, Archiv. p. 391. 

18. The foregoing items add up to 1223 artabae 20 choenices, which are expressed 
in the total as 1233 artabae, showing that the artaba here used contained 40 choenices; cf. 
1044, introd. 

22. The Alexandrian deme-name Εἰλείθυιος has already occurred in 877 and 623. 


15°7 X 12+5 cm. d Early fourth century. 

A fragment of a list of payments to various persons. There are remains of 
two columns, of ‘which the first consists only of a row of amounts in money, 
ranging from 280 drachmae up to g talents. The second column, though the 
ends of the lines are lost, is worth printing on account of some unusual words. 


This account is on the verso; the recto contains a fragment of a document, 
ey a τς- concerning the division of an inheritance, mentioning a 
κουράτωρ and τὴν δικαιοδοσίαν διοικοῦντι; i.e. a deputy iuridicus. 

Col. ii. 

oy γυϊμν]α(σιαρχήσαντι) ε. [Ἴρομῳ o, Amilo 
] ὑπὲρ Kapl.javns [1 
[Φουλιαν 42 ἐξηγητῇ o, πάμμωνι ἐλεοπίώλῃ 
-5 τῷ αὐτῷ "ὨἸφ)εως ὀθωνίου [ 
Ἀμμωνίῳ ἀρχιερεῖ σέλλα εἰς τρύγην O16] 
᾿Ισίωνι ὀθονιακῷ o, Αὐξάνορι πράτῃ [ 
Τερεῦτι ἀρτοκοπίσσῃ σ, Φουλιανῷ ἐξηϊγητῇ 
᾿Ισιδώρ[ᾳ] ἀρτοκοπίσσῃ σ, Τερεῦτι ἀρτοκ[οπίσσῃ 
10 ἩΗρακλειδίωνι ὑποκαυστῇ σ, Πατερμ[ούθει 
ἩΗρακλήῳ υἱῷ Γεμελλίνου σ, Πτολεμί διὰ 
᾿Ηρακλείδου ἀργυροκόπου [ 
᾿Ισιδώρῳ χρυϊσ]οχόῳ διὰ .. po . ιδίου [ 
Σερήνῳ βαφῖ διὰ χιρὸς [ 
Εὐδαιμονι [[χρυσ]] περικόπτῃ o,... [ 


Διοσκουρίδῃ θαρσικαρίῳ διὰ χιρὸς 
Θέωνι τρα(πεζίτῃ) σ, Σ᾿ αραπίωνι πολζι]τικῷ [ 
Ἀστερίῳ (ἑκαρτοντάρ)χ(ῃ) σ, Θέωνι τρα(πεζίτῃ) [ 
τῷ αὐτῷ σ, Σ᾿αρᾷ ἑκατοντάϊρχῃ 

20 Κοπρῖ προθικαρίῳ. ad... [.1. ul 
᾿Ηρακλειδίίω)νε ὑποκα[υἹστῇ [. .] . [-Ἰοσί 

4. 1. ἐλαιοπ[ώλῃ. 5. 1. ὀθονίου. 7. ἵσιωνι Pap. 9. Ἰσιδωρ[α] Pap, 
11. υἵω Pap. 13. ἰσιδωρω Pap. 16. 1]. ταρσικαρίῳ. 

2. To what the figure o refers, and why it is so constant throughout this column, is 
not clear. 

3. xap|.Javns might perhaps be for χαλ[β]άνης ; or it may be a proper name. 

4. [Φουλιανῷ] is restored from 1. 8; cf. the repetition of Τερεῦτι, Ἡρακλειδίωνι, and 
Θέωνι below. 

5. For the village of *Odus cf. 182. 1, &c. 

8. This feminine form of dproxézos is apparently new. 

1146. ACCOUNTS 247 

10. ὑποκαυστῇ : this word occurs in P. Leyden S iii. 30, vii. 8, T i. 5, where no doubt 
it is a dative masculine, not, as given by Leemans, a nominative feminine. It means, 
apparently, a stoker; cf. e.g. B. G. U. 760. το. 

13. ἰδίου may be a word in itself, but Ὥρου is unsuitable for the preceding name. 

15. περικόπται" κλῶπες Occurs in Photius, p. 418. 6, but the term must have some other 
meaning here. 

τό. θαρσικαρίῳ: cf. P. Brit. Mus. 387. 4, 390. 1, B. G. U. 34. v. 15, Wessely, Stadzen, 
i. p. 2, P. Leipzig 26. 9, &c. 

17. πολιτικός aS a title apparently occurs in C. I. G.add. 4957 ὁ Διόδοτος Σαραπίωνος [τῶν] 
πολιτικῶν (ἢ). 

20. προθικαρίῳ is perhaps for προθηκαρίῳ ; cf. ἀποθηκάριος and συνθηκάριος. 


32x 16-4 cm. Late sixth century. 

An account of sums which had not been included in ‘ the great list’ but had 
either been paid since or were still owing. Some of the items have been subse- 
quently cancelled. The account is described in the heading as relating to the 
district (διοίκησις) of a comes, and mentions several familiar village names (cf. e.g. 
998 and 1053). 

+ 1] ἀπολοιπασί(μὸς ?) 1a ἰνδ(ικτίωνος) μετὰ τὴν μεγάλ(ην) ἔχθεσιν 
οὕτως, ' 
διοικήσ(εως) τοῦ κόμ(ετος) Παπιρίου" 

τοῖς μείζοσι) καὶ τῷ βοηθῷ Τακόνα Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) θ 
κερ(άτια) aZ, 

5 τοῖς σταβλ(ίταις) Τακόνα Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) ἡ 
᾿ κερ(άτια) κγεδ΄, 

[Περημίᾳ βοηθ(ῷ) Τακόνα ὑπὲρ Παμουθίου ἀπὸ πρ(εσβυτέρων) Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) ¢ 
κερ(άτια) OZ, 

Ἀπολλῷ βοηθ(ῷ) Σπανίας Ἀλεξίανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) ς 
κερ(άτια) ιβδ΄, 
τοῖς ἀπὸ Σεφὼ ὑπὲρ λοιπάδιος) τιμ(ῆς) σίτου Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτιον) a 

: κερ(άτια) ις, 
Παμουθίῳ μείζονι) Ταμπέτι ὑπὲρ μειζονίας Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) ἃς 
κερίάτια) ς, 


το [Θ]εοδώρῳ ῥιπαρί(ίῳ) ‘Ade€£(avdpeias) νο(μισμάτια) κε 
κερ(άτια) vy, 

[το]ῖς διαφέρο[υ]σ() τῆς ἁγίας) ἐκκλ(ησίας) ὑπὲρ τῆς λογιστί(ας) ᾿ἀλεξ(ανδρείαΞ) νο(μισμάτια) κε 
κερ(άτια) KyZ, 

[τ]ῷ βοηθ(ῷ) τῶν ὃ κτημί(άτων) Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) KO 
κερ(άτια) 162. 

γίίνεται) νο(μισμάτια) ρνβ κερί(άτιον) a. 

[{ὑπ]ὲρ τῶν β ἀποδείξεων τῶν B μικρ(ῶν) Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) πβ 

κερ(άτια) Oz] 

15 καταβολ(ῶν) 
γίίψνεταὴ Areg(avdpeias) νο(μισμάτια) ρνβ κερ(άτιον) a 
[τ]ὼῷ προν(οητῇ) Παγγουλεείου Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) ὃ 
κερ(άτια) ¢Z, 
[τῷ] αὐτῷ ὑπὲρ τιμ(ῆς) σίτου | Ane£(avdpeias) νο(μισμάτια) ¢ 
κερ(άτια) te, 
[t]@ προν(οητῇ) Θαήσιος ὑπὲρ λοιπάδ(ος) ναύλ(ου) Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) ¢ 
κερ(άτιον) α45΄. 
20 γίνεται) νο(μισμάτια) ιθ κερ(ατίου) δ΄. 
[τῶν προτελεσθ(έντων) ὑπὲρ τῶν τῆς ᾿Ηρακλέους Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) py 

κερ(άτια) Kad’,]] 
[τ]ῶν δοθ(έντων) εἰς τὴν πρόσοδων ὑπὲρ τῶν ὃ κτημ(άτων) ᾿ἡλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια)ογ.] 
[lyverat) ᾿ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) το κερ(άτια) η.}} 
γίζψνεται) ᾿ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) νο(μισμάτια) ιθ κερ(ατίου) δ΄. 

4. μειζζ,) Pap. 5. oraBX'r’ Pap. 9. ὕπερ Pap. 12. κτημμε Pap.; so in]. 22. 
14. pixpp/ Pap. 22. 1. πρόσοδον. : ; 


. ἀπολοιπασ(μόςὴ : or ἀπολοιπάσ(ματαὴ ; I have found no other instance of either word. 
. ᾿Αλεξ(ανδρείας) : cf. 154. 13, note. 
. oraBA(iras): cf. 140. 7, ἄς. 
. μειζονία, the office of a μείζων, seems to occur only here. 
15. This word, which goes with ]. 14, ought also to have been crossed out. 
19. Θαήσιος here, like Παγγουλεείου in |. 17, is a village ; cf. 998. For the mpovonrns 
cf. 1134. 8, note. 
23. This deleted total is the correct sum of the items in Il. 13, 14, 20-2. 

ΨΦ σι .». 



7-1 Χ 5-8 cm. First century. 

The two following papyri contain questions addressed to the oracle of 
Serapis, who in 1148 is identified with Helios, in 1149 with Zeus-Helios. Cf. 928, 
which in the light of 1149 is now intelligible, and the analogous documents to 
which references are there given. The text is written in a crabbed cursive hand 
across the fibres of the recto. 

Κύριέ pou Sapam “Ηλιε 
3 ἊΝ > ’ ’ 
εὐεργέτα, εἶ βέλτειόν 
> ’ Ν e7 
ἐστιν Φανίαν τὸν υἱό(ν) 
μου καὶ τὴν γυναῖκα 

5 αὐτοῦ μὴ συμφωνῆσαι 
νῦν τῷ πατρὶ α(ὐτοῦ) ἀλλὰ 
ἀντιλέγειν καὶ μὴ δι- 
δόναι γράμματα ; τοῦ- 
’ A a4 
TO μοι σύμφωνον ἐνεν- 

2 nest 
IO Ke. ἐἔρρωίσο). 

4. yuvak Pap. 

“Ὁ lord Serapis Helios, beneficent one, is it better for my son Phanias and his wife 
not to agree now with his father, but to oppose him and make no contract? Tell me 
this truly. Goodbye.’ 

τ. Sapam Ἥλιε: cf, 1149. 1. The identification of Sarapis with Zeus and Helios is 
found in many inscriptions. | 

2. εἶ; so e.g. Wessely, Script, Gr. Spec. 26 ef οὖϊν δίδοται. ἢ is probably meant, 
though a word like ἐρωτῶ could readily be supplied. εἰ might also be regarded here 
as the conditional particle, ‘if it is better..., grant me an oracle in that sense,’ and this 
would make σύμφωνον somewhat easier; cf. 1150. 2. But the parallel examples are in 
favour of taking the first sentence as a question; cf. 1149. 3~4, P. Fay. 138. 2 χρημάτισόν 
μοι, ἢ μείνωι ἐν Βακχιάδι, &c. σύμφωνον will then mean ‘in accordance with truth’ or 


9. ἔνενκε: SO P, Fay. 138. 1-3 ἦ Kpeiverac! αὐτὸν ἀπελθεῖν is πόλειν ; τοῦτο ἐξένειγκον, 
Β. G. U. 229. 3-4 ἦ μὲν σοθήσωι (]. μὴν σωθήσομαι). .., τοῦτόΐν) μοι ἐξένικον. It does not, 
I think, mean ‘bring this to pass’ as translated in P. Fay. 138, but ‘deliver an oracle’, 
‘give an answer ’, like χρημάτισον in P, Fay. 137. 4; cf. P: Giessen 20. 18 €xp|n|uaricOnv ὑπὸ 
τῶν Διοσκούρων, and 1150. 6, note. 

9-7 X 6-1 cm. Second century. 

A question similar to 1148 addressed to the oracle of Zeus-Helios-Serapis, 
whether it would be expedient to purchase a slave. The writing is at right 
angles to the fibres of the recto. 

Διὶ ἩΗλίωι μεγάλωι 
Σεράπ[ δι καὶ τοῖς 
συννάοις. ἐρωτᾷ 
Νίκη εἰ σ[υἸμφέρει 

5 μοι ἀ[γο]ράσαι παρὰ 
Τασαρ[αἸπίωνος ὃν 
ἔχει δοῦλον Σ᾿ αραπί- 
ova tov κα[ὶ ΤΊαΐωνα. 

ἰτοῦτό μῖοι δός. 
1. di Pap. 8. γ]αΐωνα Pap.., 

‘To Zeus Helios, great Serapis, and the associate gods. Nice asks whether it is 
expedient for her to buy from Tasarapion her slave Sarapion also called Gaion. Grant 
me this.’ 

1 sqq. On this analogy 928. 1-4 may now be restored [Διὶ ‘H]Aig μεγάλῳ Zapdmi| de. 
ἐρωτ]ῶσί σε ᾿Απίων [ear]. hole sy ‘E€axavz[os χρημ]ατίσαι (cf. Ῥ, Fay. 137. 2) αὐτοῖς, 
p[....] in 1. 6 is no doubt a person. 

9. Cf. 928. 14-15 τοῦτο ἡμεῖν δός, δός means ‘give a reply’, like χρημάτισον and 
ἐξένεγκον ; οἵ, note on 1148. 9. 

1 There is no need to suppose with Wilamowitz, Gott. Gel. Anz. 1901, p. 40, that xpeiverau is for κρίνετε; 
cf. Wessely, Script. Gr. Spec. 26 ef οὖϊν δί]δοταί μοι, whete a single deity is addressed. 



7-5 X 10-8 cm. Sixth century. 

This prayer asking for guidance is, like 925, a Christian analogue of the 
questions to pagan deities exemplified in 1148-9. As with the amulets (cf. 
1151-2), the old practice was carried on under a different nomenclature. 


ς a ~ 
+ O θεὸς τοῦ προστάτου ἡμῶν 

τοῦ ἁγίου Φιλοξένον, ἐὰν 

κελεύεις εἰσενεγκεῖν 

Ν »κ“ἷ ᾽ ? 

εἰς τὸ νοσοκομῖόν σου Ανούπ; 
5 δεῖξον τὴν δύναμ[ίν σου 

καὶ ἐξέλθῃ τὸ πιττί[ἀἸκίιον. 

“40 God of our patron Saint Philoxenus, dost thou bid us take Anoup to thy hospital ? 
Show thy power and let this prayer be accomplished.’ 

2. Φιλοξένου : cf. 1151. 48, note. 

The occurrence of ἐάν here might be held to confirm the view that εἰ and ἢ in the 
parallel passages are really conditional (cf. note on 1148. 2) ; but 1149. 3 supplies strong 
evidence on the other side, and ἐάν may be explained as an indirect interrogative, as e.g. in 
Xen. Mem. iv. 4. 12 σκέψαι ἐὰν... ἀρέσκῃ ; cf. the use of ἄν in modern Greek. 

6. The first r of murz[dj|k{vov is irregularly written, but I can see no alternative. Cf. 
Wessely, Script. Gr. Spec. 26. 5-6 ὑπόδειξόν (so we should read, as the facsimile shows, not 
ὑπόδεξον for ὑπόδεξαι, as W.) μοι Kali] kipw@o|dy] μοι τοῦτο τὸ γραπτόν. “ May my prayer have an 
answer ’ is probably the real meaning. 


23°4X% 44 cm, Fifth century (?). 

An elaborate charm, designed to ward off fever and other ills. Its phrase- 
ology is purely Christian, with no admixture of heathen magic. The opening 
verses of St. John’s Gospel are quoted, just as the Lord’s prayer is inserted in 
B. G. U. 954; and the Virgin and several saints are appealed to. The papyrus 
when found was tightly folded, and tied with a string; it is written in a clear 
upright hand, approximating toa literary type. Cf. 924,1077, Wilcken, Archiv i. 

‘PP. 429 566: 


Φεῦγε πνιεῦμ)α καὶ τὴν δούλην σου 
; ᾽ 
μεμισιμένον, 30 ᾿Ιωαννίαν ἣν ἔτεκεν 
Χ(ριστό)ς σε διώκει" Ἀναστασία ἡ καὶ 
προέλαβέν σε Εὐφημία, καὶ ἀπο- 
5 6 υἱὸς τοῦ θ(εο)ῦ καὶ δίωξον καὶ φυγάδευ- 
Ν a δι 9 9 ϑ » ΄ 
τὸ πν(εῦμ)α τὸ ἁγιον. σον ἀπ αὑτῆς πάντα 
ὁ θ(εὸ)ς τῆς προβατι- 35 πυρετὸν k(al) παντοῖον 
κῆς κολυμβή- pHyos ἀμφημερινὸν 
θρας, ἐξελοῦ τὴν τριτεον τεταρτεον 
10 δούλην σου καὶ πᾶν κακόν. εὔχεσ- 
? 2 “ 
Ιωαννίαν ἣν θαι πρεσβίαις τῆς 
» > ’ ΄ « Aa ~ 
ἔτεκεν Ἀναστασία 40 δεσποίνης ἡμῶν τῆς 
εἰ καὶ Εὐφημία θεοτόκου καὶ τῶν 
> Ν Ἂς “- ᾽ ᾽ὔ ᾽ ta 
ἀπὸ παντὸς κακοῦ. ἐνδόξων ἀρχαγγέ- 
15 - ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν λων κ(αὶ) τοῦ ἁγίου καὶ ἐν- 
ὁ λόγος καὶ ὁ λόγος δόξου ἀποστόλου κ(αὶ) 
ἦν πρὸς τὸν Oecd καὶ 45 εὐαγγελιστοῦ K(at) θεο- 
θ(εὸςς ἢν ὁ λόγος. λόγου ᾿Ιωάννου κ(αὶ) τοῦ 
πάντα δι’ αὐτοῦ ἁγίου Σ᾿ ερήνου κ(αὶ) τοῦ 
20 ἐγένετο κ(αὶ) χωρεὶς ἁγίου Φιλοξένου κ(αὶ) τοῦ 
> ~ > Le e ’ , . “-- 
αὐτοῦ ἐγένετο ἁγίου Βήκτωρος κ(αὶ) τοῦ 
οὐδὲ ἕν ὃ γέγονεν. 50 ἁγίου ᾿Ιούστου κ(αὴ πάντων 
κ(ύριδε + X(pror)é, υἱὲ καὶ . [τῶ]ν ἁγίων. ὅτι τὸ ὄνομά 
λόγε τοῦ θ(εο)ῦ τοῦ σου, κ(ύρι)ε ὁ θζ(εό)ς, ἐπικαλεσά- 
25 ζοντος, 6 ἰασάμε- [μ]1ηὴν τὸ θαυμαστὸν 
νος πᾶσαν νόσον καὶ ὑπερένδοξον καὶ 
καὶ πᾶσαν μαλακίαν, 55 φοβερὸν τοῖς ὑπε- 
, A Ψ » ’ 3 A 
ἴασαι καὶ ἐπίσκεψαι ναντίοις. ἀμήν. + 
2. |. μεμισημένον. 5. vios Pap. 11. twaymay.Pap.; so in |. 30. 13. 1. ἡ. 
23. vie Pap. 25. 1. ζῶντος. ἴασαμενος Pap. 28. ἴασαι Pap. 36. 1. ῥῖγος. 
37. 1. τριταῖον τεταρταῖον. 42. ἀρχαγγελων Pap. 46, iwavyov Pap. 49. 1. Βίκτορος. 
50. ἴουστου Pap. 54. ὕπερενδοξον Pap. πα : 

‘Fly, hateful spirit! Christ pursues thee ; the Son of God and the Holy Spirit have 
outstripped thee. O God of the sheep-pool, deliver from every evil thy handmaid Joannia 
whom Anastasia also called Euphemia bare. In the beginning was the Word, and. the 


Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by him and without 
him was not anything made that hath been made. O Lord Christ, Son and Word of the 
living God, who healedst every sickness and every infirmity, heal and regard thy handmaid 
Joannia whom Anastasia also called Euphemia bare, chase from her and put to flight all 
fevers and every kind of chill, quotidian, tertian, and quartan, and every evil. Pray through 
the intercession of our lady the mother of God and the glorious archangels and Saint John, 
the glorious apostle and evangelist and divine, and Saint Serenus and Saint Philoxenus and 
Saint Victor and Saint Justus and all the Saints. Upon thy name, O Lord God, have 
I called, the wonderful and exceeding glorious name, the terror of thy foes. Amen,’ 

4-8. The allusion is to John v. 2 ἔστιν δὲ... ἐπὶ τῇ προβατικῇ κολυμβήθρα. 

15-22 = Johni. 1-3. 

22. οὐδὲ ἕν : so NCABC, &c.; οὐδέν δ). In ending the sentence at ὃ γέγονεν, instead 
of connecting those words with the following sentence, the writer is in accord with 
CEG*HK, &c.; cf. Ambrose, Ear. in Ps. 36. 35 Alexandrini quidem οἱ Aegyptit legunt 
“ον. factum est nthil quod factum est’, et tnterpostta distinctione subiciunt ‘in 2250 vita est’, 

26-7. Cf. B. G. U. 954. 11-12, and Matt. iv. 23 θεραπεύων πᾶσαν νόσον καὶ πᾶσαν 
μαλακίαν (1077. 30 sqq.); similarly ix. 35, x. 1. 

35-7. Cf. P. Tebt. 275. 20 544. παντὸς piyous . . . τριταίου ἢ τεταρταίου ἢ καθημερινοῦ ἢ 
παρημερινοῦ, B. Ὁ. U. 956. 

38. The infinitive εὔχεσθαι is awkward, but cannot be evaded. 

47-50. St. Serenus appears also in B. G. U. 954. 3, 29, St. Justus in 941, 14. The 
latter, like Victor, was martyred in the reign of Diocletian. Philoxenus (cf. 1150. 2) 
I cannot identify ; the Monophysite bishop of Hierapolis is not likely to be meant. 

55- There is ink between ε and p of φοβερόν, and there was perhaps some mis- 

4:2 X 6-1 cm. Fifth or sixth century. 
A short incantation containing magical, Jewish, and Christian elements ; cf. 
1060. The writing is across the fibres of the recto. 
Ὥρωρ pop ἐλωεί, 
ἀδωναεί, ᾿Ιαὼ σα- 
βαώθ, Μιχαήλ, ᾿᾽Ιεσοῦ 
Χριστέ, βοήθι ἡμῖν 
5 καὶ τούτῳ οἴκῳ. ἀ- 
2. aw of taw corr. from ἐσ (ιεσίου). 3. 1. Ἰησοῦ. 

*Oror phor, eloi, adonai, Iao sabaoth, Michael, Jesus Christ, help us and this house. 

1-3. Cf. 1060. 3 wpwp φωρῴφωρ Ἰαὼ σαβαώθ, ἀδονέ, B. G. U. 955. 1 κύριε σαβαώθ. 




22-2 X 11-8 cm. First century. 

A letter from a father to his son, who, it appears from the address on the 
verso, was staying at Alexandria. Most of the letter relates to clothes of various 
kinds. Nicanor, who is frequently mentioned, and was in the son’s company, 
was perhaps his brother. 

[4ποϊλλώνιος Ἀπολλωνίωι τῶι 
υἱῶι χαίρειν. 
[ἐϊκομισάμην διὰ ᾿Ἡρακλᾶτος τὰς κίστας 
[σὺν] τοῖς βιβλίοις, ὡς γράφεις, καὶ τὸ λεπτίο(ν) 
> c 
[τὸ ἡμίχουν τοῦ ἐλαίου ὃν γράφει Νικάνωρ 
[πεπ]ομφέναι. μετάδος Νικάνορι ὅτι 
[...]. Kev Ἡρακλᾶς ὁ ναυτικὸς τὰς 
[δ]ρ[αἸἰχμὰς ἑξακοσίας μεταβαλέσθαι ἡμεί(ϊν) 
οἰ.]ας τῶν φορτίων αὐτοῦ. σήμερον 
QA ia 2 . X « ‘ A 
10 γὰρ] παρεγένετο' ἐγὼ δὲ εὑρὼν τὸ 
πλοῖον καταπλέον ἀναγκαίως ἔδοξα 
δηλῶσαί σοι περὶ τῶν προγεγραμμέ(νων). 
a » Ree ~ 7 
k[dpliocat διὰ ᾿Ωριγᾶτος καρποδέσμια 
Ν 4 a X uA A uk ~ 
μικτὰ δύο, ev μὲν σανδύκινον καὶ ἕν πορφυροῦν, 
15 ἃ ἐδωρήσατό σοι Παυσανίας ὁ ἀδελφός σου 
πρὸ πολλοῦ ἐκ φιλοτιμίας αὐτοῦ κατηρ- 
»ὥ AP a tA > 7 
τισμένα, περὶ ὧν [κ]ομισάμενος ἀντίγρα(ψυον). 
ἀβόλλην σοι ἐὰν εὕρω ἀγοράσαι ἰδιωτικ(ῶς) 
2 7 7 ᾽ν Ν U4 2 cA . 
ἐν τάχει πέμψω, ἐὰν δὲ μή, ἐν οἴκῳ σὸι καταρ- 
20 τίομαι. αἱ λώδικες ἐξεταμήθησαν, ὁ δὲ λό- 
γος αὐτῶν, (ὡς) γράφεις, ὑπὸ 4Διογᾶτος πεμφθή- 
σεται Νικάνορι δι(ὰ) ‘HpaxdGros. τῆς γινομέ(νης) 
συνθέσεως τὸ πρόσχρωμον ἐνείλικται 
τῇδε τῇ ἐπιστολῇ, ὃ δώσεις τῷ Νικάνορι 


25 [καταἹμαθεῖν, ἵν᾽, ἐὰν αὐτῷ ἀρέσκῃ, γράψῃ ἡμίεῖν)" 
[οὔπ]ου γὰρ ἐξεδόθη. ἐντοπίᾳ δὲ πορφύρᾳ 
χρήσασθ(αι) μέλλομεν. 

In the left margin, at right angles 

ppl ac jo. 
Mex(eip) 5. 

On the verso 


30 Ἀπολλωνίῳ.. .. μί ) mp ) τῶν ἐν Ἄλεξ[ανδιρείᾳ)..... 

By 1: ὅ. 6. [πεπ͵ομφεν:͵, Pap. 14. μικτα added above the line. 19. de 
added above the line. 

‘Apollonius to his son Apollonius, greeting. I have received through Heraclas the 
boxes with the books, as you write, and the half-chous jar of oil which Nicanor writes that 
he has sent. Tell Nicanor that Heraclas the boatman .. . to pay us the 600 drachmae for his 
freights; he was here to-day; I found the boat sailing down and I thought that I ought to 
let you know about what I have said. You will receive through Origas two variegated (?) 
wrist-bands, one scarlet and one purple, which your brother Pausanias went to the expense 
of having made some time ago and presented to you; write and acknowledge their receipt. 
If I can buy a cloak for you privately, I will send it at once, if not, I will have it made for 
you at home. The blankets have been cut out; the account of them, as you write, shall 
be sent by Diogas to Nicanor through Heraclas. A pattern of the colour of the dress that is 
being made is enclosed in this letter ; give it to Nicanor to look at, in order that, if he likes 
it, he may write to us, for it has not yet been given out, We are going to use local purple. 
Good-bye. Mecheir 6.’ Address on verso. 

4. λεπτίον: cf. B. G. U. 14. iv. 18 τιμῆς ταριχίων Χεπτίων ὃ ἑκ(άστου) (δραχμῶν) op, 
a passage misunderstood equally by the compiler of the Β, G. U. index, where λεπτῖος is 
given, and by Herwerden, Lex. Supple/., who translates it ‘monetula’. λεπτά in 920. 4 and 
P. Strassb. 40. 48 ἐλ[α]ίου ξέστας δώδεκα καὶ οἴνου Kvidia . . . καὶ τὰ ἐξ ἔθους διδόμενα λεπτά Should 
no doubt be interpreted like λεπτίον here; cf. P. Flor. 50. 104 λεπτοκεραμίου, 71. 343 

7-9. Perhaps [εἴρηκεν or some similar verb, τὰς [8]p[a]yuds evidently being the object of 
μεταβαλέσθαι, ‘The word at the beginning of 1. 9 begins with a round letter, probably o, @, 
or σ; it does not seem possible to read ἀϊ ξ]ίας: ἡμε(ι)ο[λ]ίας is very unlikely. 

14. There may be one or two letters before the supposed p of μικτά, which word was 
added above the line. 

23 344. Cf. 118. 4-7 συνήλλιξα. ἐκείνῃ τῇ ἐπιστολῇ δεῖγμα λευκόινζονν᾽ πρὸς αὐτό᾽ μοι οὖν 
ἐρωτηθεὶς εὖ ποιήσεις ἀγοράσεις κτὰ., and P. Giessen 20, 14-16 ὅποῖ]ον δέ σοι χρῶμ]α ἀρέσκει 
[δήλω]σον δι᾽ ἐπι[σἸτολῆς ἢ μεικρὸν ἔρ[γοὴν (? ἔμ[ιο]ν) αὐτοῦ π[έμψο]ν. πρόσχρωμον seems to be novel. 
For συνθέσεως cf. 496. 4, Ρ. Hamburg το. 13, and P. Giessen 21. 8 συνθεσείδιον. 

26. [οὔπ]ου, if rightly restored, is for [οὔπ]ω, as e.g. in P. Tebt. 423. 12; cf. 1068. 13. 
Or something like [#5n"] od γάρ may be read. 



12:5 X 10-2°cm. Late first century. 

Commencement of a letter from a man urging his sister (and wife ?) not to 
be anxious during his absence. Line 11 suggests that he was on military service. 

7 ~ a > = 
Θέϊω]ν Σ᾽ αραποῦτι τῇ ἀδελφῃ 
'πρὸ πάντων ὡς ἐνετει- 
λάμην σοι κατ᾽ ὄψιν ἐπιμε- 
5 λοῦ σεαυτῆς ἵνα po vytat- 
A > , Xx 
νῃῇς, μὴ ἀγωνιάσῃς δὲ 
‘ 2 ~ e > ‘ , > 
περὶ ἐμοῦ ὅτι ἐπὶ ξένης εἰ- 
’΄ 3 v4 » ΜΞ ΠΝ 
μί, αὐτόπτης γὰρ εἰμὶ 
τῶν τόπων καὶ οὐκ εἰμὶ 
10 ξένϊοἸς τῶν ἐνθάδε. ἐὰν 
[δὲ σ]τρατεύσζωμαι (?) 

In the left margin, at right angles 
πατέρα gov καὶ τὴν μητέρα καὶ τοὺς ἀδεϊλφοὺς 
ΠΡ ΠΤ ].[..-]-. σίον τοῦ Apowvoeirov [ 

On the verso 
m(apa)| O€wvos [ 

‘Theon to his sister Sarapous, greeting. Above all else, as I enjoined upon you 
when with you, take care of yourself so that I may have you well, and do not be anxious 
about me because I am away from home, for I am personally acquainted with these places 
and am not a stranger here...’ 

12. ἀσπάζου (or ἀσπάζομαι) τόν preceded πατέρα. 
13. Possibly ᾿Αττινο]ῦ Ἰσίου, not Πηλ]ουσίου. But 1... σίου may be a personal and not 
a local name, though Διο]νυσίου is excluded. 



19°4 X15*5 cm, A.D. 104. 

A letter sent from Alexandria to a pastophorus of the temple of Isis. It is 
written in a rude hand and in very vulgar Greek. 

Θωνᾶς πίονι τῷ φιλτάϊτῳ 
πλί[στ]α χ(αίρειν),͵ γινώσκιν σε [θέ. 
Aw ἕτι εὐθὺς ἐπιβέβη- 
κα is AreEdvdpnav, εὐ- 

5 θέως ἔμελκε ἐμοὶ περὶ 
τοῦ πράγία) ματος οὗ με ἡ- 
ρώτηκες. εὗρον τὸν ἄν. 
θροπον καλῶς πράσ(σγοντα 
τὰ μεγάλα. ἀσπάζου 

10 πάντες τοὺς φίλους. 
αὐτὸ τὸ πρόγραμῴ(μ)α τοῦ 
ἡγεμόνος ἔπενψά σοι 
ἵνα ἐπίγοις πρὸς τί σοί ᾽στι. 

éppwc{ oto. 

15 (ἔτους) ¢ Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Nepo(d)a 
Ταλιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανι(κονῦ 
Δακικοῦ Παχὼν α. 

On the verso 
ἀπόδος is τὸ ᾿Ισῖν Arion 
In the reverse direction 

20 παρὰ Θεονᾶτος. 

1. 1. ᾿Απίωνι. 3. 1. ὅτι. 8. First ο of ἀνθροπον corr. from @ ; ]. ἄνθρωπον. 
16. 1, Τραιανοῦ. 20. 1. Θεωνᾶτος. 

‘Theonas to his dearest Apion, many greetings. I wish you to know that as soon as 
I arrived at Alexandria I immediately attended to the matter about which you asked me. 
I found the man prospering in the main, Greet all my friends. I send you the actual 



proclamation of the praefect in order that you may hasten to do what concerns you. 
Good-bye. The 7th year of the emperor Nerva Trajanus Augustus Germanicus Dacicus, 
Pachon 1. (Addressed) Deliver to Apion, pastophorus, at the Iseum, from Theonas.’ 

Θωνᾶς : on the verso Θεονᾶς, i.e. Gewvas, which is the usual form. 

3. ἐπ(ε)ί cannot be read. 

5. ἔμελκε for μεμέληκε is an odd form. 

. πράγματος seems to have been intended rather than προγράμματος (1. 11). 
12. The praefect in office at this date was C. Vibius Maximus ; cf. P. Amh. 64. 

13. τί is for 6, τι; cf. note on 1119. 22-3. 

19. On the pastophori, who were of lower rank than the ἱερεῖς, cf. Otto, Priester und 

Tempel, i. pp. 94-8, ii. p. 152, P. Tebt. 299. 68, note. 


11:3 X 8-6 cm. 

Third century. 

Part of a letter apparently from an agent or steward to his employer, con- 

cerning the purchase of some fodder. 

Xafliple, κύριέ pov 
Avra, π(αρὰ) AvovBiwvos. 
προσῆλθέν μοι Σ'αραπί- 
ov ὁ ἀπὸ Φιλονίκου 
5 ὡς ἕνεκεν ὀλίγων σι- 
ταρίων εἰς πρᾶσιν" 
ἐὰν οὖν θέλῃς αὐτῷ 
δοῦναί [71] καὶ ἀντὶ τῆς τιμῆς 
καὶ τὸ πάτημα παρ᾽ αὐ- 


10 [τοῦ] AaBiv, ἐπὶ μέλλο- 
[με]ῖν χόρτου χρίαν ἔχιν. 
[ἔπεμψα οὖν αὐτὸν πρὸς 
[σὲ ἵνα τοκοῦν σοι μετ᾽ αὐ- 
[τοῦ πΊοιήϊσῃ]ς .[...Jv.. 1. 

On the verso 
15 τῷ ἀρίσίτῳ] πάτίρωνι Arg 

5. κ Of ἕνεκεν corr. from ν. “8, [δουΐναι added above the line. 13 

. 1, δοκοῦν or τὸ (δολκοῦν. 


‘Greeting, my lord Antas, from Anubion. Sarapion of the village of Philonicus came 
to me about a small quantity of provisions for sale. Perhaps you may be willing to give 
him something and take from him the trodden grapes (?) as the price of it, since we are likely 
to be wanting green-stuff? I therefore send him to you in order that you may do as you 
please with him...’ 

4. Φιλονίκου : cf. 965 and P. Hibeh, p. 8. 
9. πάτημα: cf. 1142. 3, note. 


26-1 Χ 8-7 cm. ᾿ Late third century. 

The subjects of this letter are a registration, evidently for the census, and 
a payment of the poll-tax, both of which the writer wished his sister to undertake 
for him. He was uncertain whether she would be allowed to register him in his 
absence, and he asks her, in case this should not be possible, to let him know, in 
order that he might come and do it for himself. 

Kupia μου ἀδελφῇ 4Διονυσίᾳ τες ἀπαιτῆσαι τὸ ἐπικε- 
Παθερμοῦθις χαίρειν. φάλαιον, διάγραψον αὐτὸ 
καθὼς ἔπεμψάς μοι φάσιν καὶ ἀναπέμπω σοι τὸ κέρ- 
ὡς ἕνίεν  εκεν τῆς ἀπογρα- pa ἐὰν δὲ διαγράψῃς 

5 φῆς περὶ τοῦ ὑμᾶς ἀπογρά- 20 τὸ ἐπικεφάλαιον, δέξαι 
ψε, ἐπιδὴ οὖν οὐ δύνα- τὴν ἀποχήν. μὴ οὖν 
μαι ἀναβῆναι ἴδε ἡ δύνῃ ἀμελήσῃς, ἀδελφή, καὶ 
ἡμᾶς ἀπογράψε: ἀλλ᾽ οὖν γράψον μοι περὶ τῆς 
[μ]ὴ ἀμελήσῃς ἀπόγραψον [ἀἸπογραφῆς ὅτι ἡ ἀπε- 

το ἡμᾶς, ἐγώ τε καὶ Πατᾶν' 25 γράψου ἢ οὔ, καὶ ἀντί- 
ἐὰν δὲ μάθῃς ὅτι οὐ δύνῃ γραψον κἀγὼ ἀναβαίνω 
ἡμᾶς ἀπογράψε, ἀντίγρα- - καὶ ἀπογράφομαι. 
ψόν μοι κἀγὼ ἀναβένω. ἐρρῶσθαί [σ]ε εὔχομαι πίοἸ]λ[λο]ῖς 
καὶ μάθε ὅτι τὸ ἐπεικεφάλαι- χρόνοις. 

15 ον ἀπαιτοῦσιν, ἐὰν δὲ ἦσαν (.. .-) 

On the verso 

30 ἀπόδο(ς) Διονυσίᾳ [π(αρὰ) ΠαθἹ]ερμούθιος. 

5. 1. ἀπογράψαι; so in ll. 8 and 12. 7. ἴδε Pap. 1. εἰ for ἢ; soinl, 24. 
10. ]. ἐμέ τε. 13. |. ἀναβαίνω. 24. |, ef ἀπεγράψω. 
S 2 


‘To my sister, mistress Dionysia, from Pathermouthis, greeting. As you sent me 
word on account of the registration about registering yourselves, since I cannot come, see 
whether you can register us. Do not then neglect to register us, me and Patas; but if you 
learn that you cannot register us, reply to me and I will come. Find out also about the 
collection of the poll-tax, and if they are [hurrying on with] the collection of the poll-tax, 
pay it and I will send you the money; and if you pay the poll-tax, get the receipt. Do 
not neglect this, my sister, and write to me about the registration, whether you have done 
it or not, and reply to me and I will come and register myself. I pray for your lasting 
health. (Addressed) Deliver to Dionysia from Pathermouthis.’ 

10, The name Maras occurs in P. Brit. Mus. 1170, 264. There is a small hole in the 
papyrus immediately after the v, but if another letter, except « or o, had been added, it would 
be partly visible. 

14-15. The context indicates that the writer wishes his correspondent to get 
information and is not himself giving it, so that μάθε ὅτι... ἀπαιτοῦσιν practically means 
‘find out when they are collecting ’. 

15-16. res seems to be the termination of a participle of which the commencement has 
been accidentally omitted ; the sense requires some such word as (émetyovyres. For the 
construction cf, e.g. P. Tebt. 333. 13 ἐὰν ἦσάν τι παθόντες, 423. 18 ἐὰν οὖν μὴ ἧς λαβών. 


17:6 Χ 13-9 cm. Third century. 

A letter to a shopkeeper (kdmnAos) from a man who salutes him as 
‘brother’ in 1. 1, but describes himself merely as a friend in the address on the 
verso. The writer requests his correspondent to collect a debt for him and make 
certain purchases, and announces the dispatch of some presents. His Greek is 

Κυρίῳ μου ἀδελφῷ Aoddpo 

Δούκις καὶ Σ᾿ αραπίων{ι} πολλὰ χαίρειν. 

πρὸ μὲν πάντων εὐχόμαιθά σαι ὁλοκληρεῖν 

μετὰ τοῦ οἴκου σου ὅϊλ]ου. θα(μὰ) Ons ἡμέρας προσ- 
5 δοκῶμέν σαι ἐλ[θεῖν πρὸς ἡμᾶς. καλῶς 

οὖν πίο]ιίήσις ἀπελθεῖν πρὸς [4]ρητίωνα 

τὸν ἀρτοκόπον καὶ δέξε male αὐτοῦ τέσ(σν)ε- 

͵ Ψ' 

pa τάλανίν)τα ὧν αὐτοῦ ὄντος ἐν Adeavdpia 
Bev παρ᾽ ἡμῶν: ἀλ(λὺ ὅρα μὴ ἀμελήσῃς. ἐὰ 
το λάβῃς τὰ τέσσερα τάλαντα ἀπ᾽ αὐτοῦ, ἐρχο- 

μένου σου πρὸς ἡμᾶς ἀγόρασον ἡμῖν σειτί- 


> ‘ » ς δὰ Ν 4 7 
a εἰς THY χρῆσιν ἡμῶν καὶ δέξε ταγαρίζα 
καὶ πέμψον ἡμῖν. εἰδοὺ οὖν ἔγραψα Apitiov 
oe Aa QA ? , 24 SS 
civa σοι δῇ Ta τέσσερα τάλαντα. ἐπὶ οὖν 
15 εἴρηκας ὅτι πᾳαστάδα θέλ[ις,] ὅταν εἰσενεχθῇ 
πέμπω σοι. ἔλαβα οὖν τὸ Κνείζειν παρὰ ἄμμω- 
~ a > “- 
νᾶ τοῦ ὄξους καὶ ἔπεμψά σοι δι αὐτοῦ σφυ- 
? be 4 v4 > oe 
pifey τραγημάτων Kal σόλειν. ἀσπάζομεν 
τὴν ἀδελφὴν Kali] θυγατέραν ᾿Ἐλενοῦν 
20 καὶ τὴν θυγατέραν αὐτῆς. ἄσπασον Agiy- 
xew καὶ Τέχωσιν καὶ Πτολεμ(αῖγον ἀφ᾽ ἡμῶν. 
ἐὰν οὖν μάθῃς ὅτι μέλλει ζειαβαλεῖν σε Apn- 
τίων περὶ τῶν χαλκείνων, γράψον μοι 
καὶ πέμπω αὐτῷ ἐπιθήκην. 

, A ’ Ba =~ ? 
25 ἐρῶσστεί σοι εὔχομαι πολλοῖς χρόνοις. 

On the verso 

ἀπί(όδος) Διοδώρῳ καπήλῳ παρὰ Aoukiov φίλου. 
3. 1. εὐχόμεθά σε. 4. 1. τῆς. κ Of προσδοκωμεν corr. 7. 1. δέξαι; so in |. 12. 
8. Aav of ταλανντα added above the line. 1. ἅ for ὧν. 12. ᾧ of ταγαριζα corr. from ὃ ; 
Ἰ. ταγαρίδια ὃ 13. 1. ᾿Αρητίωνι. 14. δῇ = δῷ. 16. 1. Κνίδιν (= Κνίδιον). 
17. 1. σπυρίδιν. 20. apuy yew Pap. 21. ἃ Of πτόολεμον corr. from σ. 25. 1. ἐρρῶσθαι. 
ι of χρονοις corr. from σ. 26. παρα Pap. 

‘To my brother Diodorus, many greetings from Lucius and Sarapion. Before all else 
we pray for your prosperity and that of your whole house. Many times in the day we 
expect you to come to us. It would be kind of you to go to Aretion the baker and obtain 
from him four talents which he had from us when he was at Alexandria. See that you do 
not neglect this. If you get the four talents from him, when you come to us, buy us some 
provisions for our use and obtain stores and send them to us. You must know that I have 
written to Aretion to give you the four talents. As you said that you wish for . . ., I will send 
it you when it is brought. I got the Cnidian jar of vinegar from Ammonas, and I have sent 
you by him a basket of dainties anda... We greet our sister and her daughter Helenous 
and her daughter. Greet Aphunchis and Techosis and Ptolemaeus from us. [If you learn 
that Aretion is going to accuse you about the copper, write to me and I will send him 
an addition. I pray for your lasting health.’ Address. 

2. The position of Σαραπίωνι and the use of ἡμεῖς and σύ make it clear that Σαραπίων 
was intended. 
12. ταγαριζα is probably for ταγαρίδια, a double diminutive of rayn, for which cf. 1189. 3 

and note. τὰ γαρίδια (ydpos) seems less likely. For the interchange of ὃ and ¢ cf. ll. τό and 
22, and e.g. 1069. 


15. παστάδα, if that is the right reading, cannot here have its ordinary meaning. 


may possibly be connected with the form of sauce called πάστη or πάστα. 

18. code is for σόλιον, which occurs also in 741. 8 σόλια ἀρσενικὰ ζεύγ(η) ς. Wilamowitz 
proposed to interpret the term in that passage as the Latin so/eae, but the occurrence of the 
singular here is not in favour of this explanation. 
σόλιον (ἢ) σιτυροῦν (I. σιδηροῦν). 

ill. p. 205. 96 and in Hesychius. 

This letter has lost the commencement and is unaddressed on the back ; 
but it was sent to a woman who, since the writer sends salutations to his children 
and ‘our mother’, was probably his wife. 



‘,.. that I may not trouble him about provisions, since I wrote to him that I was 
coming by the 30th; otherwise, arrange with him that he shall come by the 13th Phamenoth, 


συνκοι. «ὧν .α. 

ἑαυτοῦ ἵνα μὴ βα- 

ρήσω αὐτῷ ὀψωνί- 

ov, ἐπεὶ ἔγραψα αὐ- 
el ed 4 

τῷ OTL μέχρι A 

Ψ > ἈΝ - 

ἔρχομαι. εἰ δὲ μή γε, 
» yaw ae, 

σύνταξαι avT@ ὅτι 

2 - 4 

ἐλεύσεται μέχρι 

ιε Φαμενώθ. 

περὶ δὲ τοῦ θέμα- 

τος τοῦ σείτου μὴ 

᾽ U4 “- > 

ἀμελήσῃς τοῦ ἐνο- 

χλῆσαι Θωνίῳ. 

Ἀ ἈΝ 4 ~ ’ 
περὶ δὲ Kal τῶν ἐ- 
μῶν συνέργων, 
τάξαι τοῖς ἀνθρώ- 

ποις ὅτι πέμπω 

2. ἵνα Pap. 

See moreover P. Cairo Cat. 67006. 47 
The active form ἀσπάζω (cf. 1. 20) occurs in Boiss. Amecd. 

23-1 Χ 5:8 cm. 





Late third century. ᾿ 

He gives her various commissions. 

X 3 ra 
τὰ ἀναλώματα 
αὐτῶν, ἔασο]ν δὲ 
, ~ 
παρ αὐτοῖς Ta σύν- 
“ va Ξ 
[ερ]γα ἕως πέμ- 
“A > UA 
Wo τὰ ἀναλώματα. 
> 4 + 
ἐρχομένη ἔνεγ- 
κον τὸ τυλάριον τίὸ 
Ν ἈΞ ed 
παλαιὸν τὸ ἐν τῷ 
συμποσίῳ ἄνω. 
ἄσπασαι τὰ ἀβ[άσ- 
καντά μου 
΄ Ν ΑΥ 
παιδία καὶ τὴν 
μητέρα ἡμῶν 
καὶ τὴν ἀδελφήν 
σου καὶ τοὺς ἡμ[ῶν 

23. ενεγίκον Pap. 


With regard to the deposit of corn, do not neglect to worry Thonius. With regard to my 
tools, tell the men that I am sending the expenses for them, and leave the tools with them 
until I send the expenses. When you come, bring the old cushion that is up in the 
dining-room. Salute my children, whom the evil eye shall not harm, and our mother 
and your sister and all our friends.’ 

1. The letter after κοι is not ». 
το. Cf. 1125. 19. 

12. There are ink-marks above the latter part of this line, but they are probably 

15. συνέργων: cf. 1069. 8, 12, where σύνεργα apparently mean weaving-implements. 


27-1 X 10-7 cm. Late third or early fourth century. 

This letter, which like 1155 is in more than usually vulgar Greek, was written 
by a son at Alexandria to his father. The pair seem to have been on very good 
terms, in spite of the father’s aspersion on his son’s morals in ll. 24 sqq. 

Κυρίῳ pov πατρὶ ᾿Ωριγένης 
Τρόφιμος πολλὰ χαίρειν. 

πρὸ μὲν πάντων πολλά σε ἀσπά- 
(opat καὶ τὴν σύμβιόν σου Κοπρίαν 

5 καὶ ᾿Ισίδωρος καὶ Φούλλων καὶ ᾿Ελένη [| 
καὶ τοὺς ἡμῶν πάντες κατ᾽ ὄνομα. 
ἔγραψάς μοι διὰ τῶν σῶν γραμ- 
μάτων ὅτι καυχώμενος ἔχ(ω) ὄνομα Ϊ 
Διοδώρου ὅτι ἔπεμψά σοι ἀργύρια: 

10 ἐγὼ γὰρ οὐ καυχομαι ἐμαυτὸν (ἃ) ἔπεμ- 
ψά σοι διὰ Φιλοξένου. εἰ ἐπράκαται 
δὲ τὰ ἴδη ὧν ὑμᾶς ἔπεμψα, γράψον 
μοι εἵνα ἄλλα ὑμῖν πέμπω. 
διμήνου δὲ ἤργηκα ὧδη, εἰ μή, 

15 ἤμελλα ὑμῖν πᾶ(σγει ἄλλα πέμπιν. 
τὰ σεσύλληχα δὲ κέρμα(τα) τηρῶ αὐ- 
τὰ εἰς τὴν δίκην: τὰ ὑπομνή- 
ματα γὰρ μένω. ἔγραψές μοι 


ὅτι ἔντίυ]ῖχε κατὰ Πολυδεύκης" 
20 ἐὰν δὲ ἔλθῃ μοι τὰ ὑπομνή- 
ματα, ἐντυγχάνω κατ᾽ αὐτοῦ 
καὶ τατὰ Σαραποδώρου. ἠ δο- 
Kt σοι δέ, πέμψον μοι κούκκου- 
μαν ἐλαίου. ἔγραψές μοι δὲ ὅτι κά- 
25 θῃ ἐν Ade~avdpiav μετὰ τοῦ 
~ iA Ἀ » ᾽ 
μυχο[Ὁ] σου" γράψον μοι δὲ τίς ἐστιν 
ὁ μυχός pov, [le χριαν] 
᾽ ~ , Μ 
ἐρρῶσ{σ) θαΐ σε εὔχομαι. 

On the verso 

ἀ(πόδος) ᾿Ωριγέν[ἢ m(apa) Τροφίμου. 

1. 1. ᾽Ωριγένει. 5. ἴσιδωρος Pap.; 1. ἸΙσίδωρον καὶ Φούλλωνα καὶ “Ἑλένην, 8. χ οἵ 
καυχωμενος written above φ, which is crossed through, and μενος also added above the line. 
10. 1]. καυχῶμαι. υ Of evavrov added above the line. 11. 1. πεπράκατε. 12. ἴδη Pap. |. ἅ. 
o Of γραψον corr. 13. ὕμιν Pap.; so inl. 15. 14. 1. ὧδε. 17. ὕπομνηματα Pap. 5 
so in ], 20. 19. 1]. Πολυδεύκου. 21, evtuy xavo Pap. 22. Second τ of rara corr. 
from g; |. card. ἢ corr. from e; ]. εἰ, 25. 1. ᾿Αλεξανδρίᾳ. 26--". 1, μοιχο[Ὁ].... 


‘To my revered father Origenes, many greetings from Trophimus. Before all else 
I send many salutations to you and your consort Copria and Isidorus and Phullon and 
Helene and all our friends severally, You wrote to me in your letter that my boastfulness 
earns me the name of “‘ Gift of Zeus” because I sent you money ; but I do not boast about 
what I sent you by Philoxenus. If you have sold the various things which I sent you, write 
to me in order that I may send you more. I have been idle here for two months, other- 
wise I would have sent you all some more, I am keeping for the trial the money that 
I have collected; for I am waiting for the memoranda, You wrote to me, “ Petition against 
Polydeuces.” If the memoranda come to me, I will petition against him and against 
Sarapodorus. If it seems good to you, send me a pot of oil. You wrote to me “ You are 
staying at Alexandria with your paramour”. Write and tell me, who is my paramour, 
I pray for your health. (Addressed) Deliver to Origenes from Trophimus.’ 

8-9. The name Diodorus seems to have been jestingly applied to the son on account 
of his liberalities, 

το. (ἅν : or perhaps (ὧν), the loss of which would be easier after ἐμαυτόν ; cf. 1. 12. 

16. τά is for & a use not uncommon in the papyri. σεσύλληχα for συνείληχα is 
a noticeable form. 

23. κούκκουμα = cucuma; another form found in P. Amh. 126. 30 and P. Hamburg 
10. 36 is κοκόμαν Or κοκκόμαν. The diminutive κουκκούμιον (κοκκούμ(ιον) P. Grenf. II. 111. 23) 
OF κουκούμιον is More common. 

29. ᾿Ωριγένι] : or ’Opryér[y(s)], as in 1. 1. 



7 x 8-8 cm. Fourth century. 

This and the next papyrus are both somewhat early specimens of Christian 
letters. 1161, written by a sick woman, is only a fragment. The upright semi- 
uncial hand is hardly likely to be earlier than the fourth century. 

].- as καὶ 
τῷ ἀγαθῷ ἡμῶ]ν σωτῆρι 
ys eee Nee b np 
QA ~ qn > ~ A > 
καὶ τῷ οι[ῷ αὐτοῦ τῷ ἠγα- 
Le e ze 
πημένῳ ὅπως οὗτοι 
5 πάντες β[ο]ηθήσωσιν ἡμῶν 
A , a an aA 
τῷ σώματι, τῇ ψυχῇ, τῷ [[Tr(evpaT)]] 
πν(εύματη. ταῦτα δέ σοι ἔγραψα 
νοσοῦσα, δ[ιν]ῶς ἔχουσα, πά- 
νυ μὴ δυναμένη ἀναστῆ- 

10 val ἐκ τῆς κοίτης μου, ὅτι πά- 
νυ δινῶς ἔχω. περὶ δὲ οὗ μοι 
ἔγραψας διαμένιν ὅτι ἔπι- 
γε αὐτὸν τῶν εἴκοσι ἡμερῶν 

ἡ νέη αὖ πρὶν νοσήσω ὑπῆ- 

; ] 

15 γεν Kal εἰ 

In the left margin, at right angles 
ἀσπάζονται ὑἹμᾶς πάντες of ἐνταῦθα 
On the verso 
] x* τῆς ἀδελφῆς Σ΄. [. 
3. I. υ[ῷ. 14. ὕπηγεν Pap. 

‘, , . (to our God) and gracious saviour and to his beloved Son, that they all may 
succour our body, soul, and spirit. I write this to you in sickness, being very ill and quite 
unable to rise from my bed, because I am very ill. With regard to what you wrote 
ἴο me"; . .᾽ 


2. If ἡμῶ]ν is right, θεῷ accompanied by other epithets preceded καί in 1. 1. Or 
θ(ε)ῷ κ]αί might be read in place of ἡμῶν. Cf. e.g. Luke i. 47 τῷ θεῷ τῷ σωτῆρί pov. 

12-15. These last lines are obscure. διαμένιν is unconvincing, and it is not clear 
whether ἔπειγε is imperative or for ἤπειγε, or how the letters yvenav should be interpreted ; 
ven for νέα is hardly satisfactory. νοσήσω should strictly be ἐνόσησα. 


12:5 X 9-2 cm. Fourth century. 

A letter from a priest commending a brother-Christian to the good offices 
of the priests and deacons of a iocal church. There is considerable variation in 
the size of the writing, ll. 5, 9, 12 and the word ἐρρῶσθαι in |. 13 being especially 

Aéwy πρεσβύτερος τοῖς κατὰ 
τόπον συνλιτουργοῖ 5] πρεσβυτίέ. 
pos καὶ διακώνοις ἀϊγ]απητοί[5] 
ἀδελφοῖς ἐν κ(υρί)ῳ θ(ε)ῷ 

5 χαρᾷ χαϊΐρειν. 
τὸν ἀδελφὼν ἡμῶν Appori- 
ον παραγινόμενον πρὸς 
ὑμᾶς συνδέξασθαι αὐτὸν 
ἐν ἰρήνῃ, δι’ οὗ ὑμᾶς 

10 καὶ τοὺς σὺν ὑμῖν ἐγώ de 
καὶ οἱ σὺν ἐμοὶ ἡδέως ὑμᾶς 
προσαγορεύεσθαι κ(υρί)ῳ. 
ἐρρῶσθαι ὑμᾶς [εἸὔχομε 
ἐν κ(υρῦῳ [6 LO ᾿Εμμ(ανουὴ)λ μάρτ(υς ?), 

15 αθ. 
2. ν of συν added above the line. 3. 1. διακόνοις. 6. 1. ἀδελφόν. 7. First a of 
παραγινομενον COIT. 8. ὕμας Pap.; soin Il. 10, 11, 13. 1. συνδέξασθε. 9. ἵρηνη Pap. 
to. 1. re. 12. A blot, perhaps due to a correction, between προσαγορευ and εσθαι. 

‘Leon, presbyter, to the presbyters and deacons who share the local service, beloved 
brothers in the Lord God, fullness of joy. Our brother Ammonius, who is coming to you, 
receive in peace ; through whom we and those with us greet you and those who are with 
you kindly in the Lord. I pray for your health in the Lord God. Emmanuel is my 
witness. Amen.’ 

ee ee ee ὦ 


2. συλλειτουργός is a good ecclesiastical word, and is sufficiently satisfactory as a 
reading here. 

5. Cf. e.g. John ili. 29 χαρᾷ χαίρει. 

9-12. Cf. P. Giessen 55. 13-14 σὲ καὶ τοὺς σὺν σοὶ ἀδελφοὺς ἐν x(upi)p καὶ οἱ σὺν ἐμοὶ ἐν 
κ(υρῇῳ προσαγορεύομεν. A verb such as θέλομεν may be understood with the infinitive. 

18 X 30-6 cm. Fifth century. 

This incomplete letter, which is addressed to a comes, was written from the « 
Cyrenaica giving news of the writer’s movements. The writing in this and the 
two following papyri, as usual in Byzantine letters, is across the fibres. On the 
recto is a fragmentary account, headed, like the recto, with 7/. 

Τῇ τετράδι καταλαβὼν εἰς ἑσπέραν τὴν Δαρνιτῶν καὶ συντυχὼν 
τῇ ἑξῆς τῷ δεσπότῃ μου τῷ τὰ πάντα μεγαλοπρεπεστάτῳ καὶ ἀνδρι- 
οτάτῳ κόμιτι κ[αὶ ἐρωτηθὶς παρὰ τῆς αὐτοῦ μεγαλοπρεπίας ὅσα 
2 lol 2 , 3 A Ν ~ « , 7 4 
5 ἐχρῆν avedidaga αὐϊτ]ὸν περὶ τῆς ὑμετέρας peyadompemias Kal 

, ΝΣ ἃς : , ς κ 
πάραυτα Kal τὴν [one ese ween . παρεσκ]εύασα ὑποβληθῆνϊαι 
καὶ γραφῆναι καὶ τί 

4 Ἀ Ν 2 
πρὸς τὴν σὴν [μεγαλοπρέπιαν 

On the verso 
ἐπίδ(ος) τῷ δεσπότῃ pov τῷ τὰ πάντα μεγαλοπρεπεστάτῳ λαμπροτάτῳ 

το κόμιτι “Ἡρακλάμμωνι ΚΙ. αὦὀῥρ. opi... 

5. ὕμετερας Pap. 6. ὕποβληθηνΐαι Pap. 

‘J arrived on the 4th at the western border of Darne, and on the next day met my 
master the most magnificent and most courageous comes. On the inquiry of his magnifi- 
cence I told him what was fitting about your magnificence, and immediately had the... 
submitted and written and... (Addressed) Deliver to my master the most magnificent 
and most illustrious comes Heraclammon from .. .’ 

1. 7: cf. 1165. 1 and note on 941. 1. 
2. Darne (the modern Derne) was in the extreme east of the Cyrenaica. τήν suggests 
that ἑσπέραν is also to be given a capital initial, but perhaps we should write τῶν. 



251 Χ 29:4 cm. Sixth or seventh century. 

Letter to a comes from a minor local magnate concerning a dispute for the 
possession of a camel, which was claimed by their respective subordinates. The 
writer proposes arbitration and promises that the sentence should be respected. 

+ Οἱ γραμματηφόροι ἦλθαν πρὸς ἐμὲ φέροντές μοι γράμματα τῆς ὑμετέρας 
πατρικῆς μεγαλοπρεπείας ἕνεκεν καμήλου, καὶ πάνυ μὲν ηὐχαρίστησα τῇ 
ἀφορμῇ τῇ δεδωκυίᾳ μοι ἀξιωθῆναι διὰ χρόνου τιμίων αὐτῆς συλλαβῶν. 

> “ X\ ua ‘ ᾽ va > “ Ν - 3 ᾽ 7, 
εὐθέως δὲ παρήνεγκα τἱο]ὺς ἀντιδίκους αὐτῶν καὶ προήνεγκαν οὐκ ὀλίγους 

5 ἄνδρας μαρτυροῦντας ὡς αὐτῶν ἐστιν ἡ κάμηλος" οὐ μὴν δὲ ἀλλὰ καὶ οἱ 

JZ ar » ~ ΄ € | Pe 2 ¢ 3. | 
γραμματηφόροι ἤνεγκαν ἄλλους μαρτυροῦντας πάλιν ὡς αὐτῶν ἐστιν ἡ αὐτὴ 
4 ‘ ~ 3 ,΄ ᾽ fd , > bd ua 3 ‘ Ὰ 
κάμηλος, καὶ τῶν ἀμφοτέρων ἐνεγκόντων μάρτυρας οὐκ ἐδυνήθην αὐτοὺς 
ἀπαλλάξαι. ἀλλὰ ἐὰν κελεύετε, ἐπιτρέψατε αὐτοῖς ἐλθεῖν εἰς δίαιταν 
μετὰ τῶν 
Θ᾽. eS x ἃ Ἃ γα td ie Ν a 9 22 4 7 aA 
ἐμῶν πρὸς ὃν ἂν ἑρήσωνται of ἀμφότεροι καὶ τὰ ἀπὸ διαίτης ποιῆσαι, 
‘ X » , Ν ᾽ AY ᾽ A =~ Υ̓, ᾽ al 

10 παντὶ yap τρόπῳ παρασκευάζφω Tov(s) ἐμοὺς ἐμμεῖναι τῇ διδομένῃ αὐτοῖς 

»» ἊΣ \ ε > e lA ᾽ v4 Ἁ la iA 
κρίσει. μαρτυρεῖ μοι yap ὁ θεὸς ὅτι σπουδάζω ἐν ἅπασιν τὰ κελευόμενά μοι 
παρ᾽ ὑμῶν ἀποπληρῶσαι. ταῦτα γράφω πλεῖστα προσκυνῶν καὶ 
ἀσπαζόμενος τὴν ὑμετέραν πατρικὴν μεγαλοπρέπειαν. + 

On the verso 

+ δεσπό(τῃ) ἐμῷ τῷ πά(ντων) μεγαλοπρε(πεστάτῳ) me... ταί )...-( ) 
προσκ(υνήσεως) ἀξί(ίῳ) m..( ) Πέτρῳ κόμε(τι) + Θεοδόσιος. + 

I. ὕμετερας Pap, 3. Sedwxvia Pap. 9. 1. αἱρήσωνται. 13. ὕμετεραν Pap. 

‘ The letter-carriers came to me bringing me a letter from your paternal magnificence 
about a camel, and I was very grateful for the opportunity granting me to be deemed 
worthy after so long of your honoured words. I immediately brought in their opponents 
and they produced not a few persons testifying that the camel is theirs, while on the other 
hand the letter-carriers brought other persons testifying that the said camel belongs to 
them; and since both sides brought witnesses, I could not settle the point between them. 
But if it be your bidding, order them to come to an arbitration with my people before any 
one whom they shall both select, and to accept the results of the arbitration ; for I will 
use every means to secure that my people abide by the judgement given them. God is my 
witness that I am anxious in everything to perform your orders. I write this with many 


reverences and greetings to your paternal magnificence. (Addressed) To my master the 
most magnificent... reverend . . . comes Peter, from Theodosius,’ 

8-9. Wilcken notes the parallelism to P. Grenf. II. 99. (4) 5-8 ἀνελθῖν εἰς δίαιταν καὶ τὰ 
ἀπὸ διαίτης ποιήσῃ (cf. Archiv iii. p. 126). 

14. Some abbreviation of πάσης probably preceded προσκ(υνήσεως) as in 1165. 13, but 
the traces of the letters are too faint for identification. Perhaps the proper name begins 
immediately after ἀξ(ίῳ), though Πέτρῳ looks right. 


16-9 X 29-8 cm. Sixth century. 

A letter from one advocate (σχολαστικός : cf. 902. 1, note, and Gelzer, Byz. 
Verwalt. p. 34) to another expostulating about the treatment of some cultivators 
in the writer's employ, and threatening reprisals. The cause of the trouble was 
apparently a dispute about some camels, perhaps a question of ownership like 
that involved in 1164. 


+"Eda τὴν ὑμετέραν ἀδελφικὴν λ[α]μπρὰν παίδευσιν ἀντιποιηθῆναι τῆς 
εὐτελείας μου 
καὶ μὴ ἐᾶσαί με ἐπὶ τοΐυ  σοῦτον λυθῆναι καὶ οὐ μόνον μὴ ἐπηρεάζειν αὐτῇ 
καὶ τοῖς διαφέρουσίν μοι 
εὐτελέσιν πράγμασιν, ἀλλὰ καὶ κωλύειν ἄλλους ἐπηρεάσαι βουλομένους. 
ταῦτα δέ μοι εἴρηται 
5 διὰ τοὺς γεωργούς μου τοὺς ἐν τῷ ApotdrAn ἐν τοιαύτῃ διαστροφῇ γενέσθαι, 
διὰ δὲ κάμηλα ἄξια 
εἴκοσι νουμμίων. καὶ εἰ μὲν ἐς δικαιολογίας χωροῦμεν καὶ λέγει ἡ 
ὑμετέρα ἀδελφικὴ σοφία ὡς ἡ 
παραφυλακὴ τοῦτο ἐποίησεν, καὶ κύριοι ἐστὲ τῆς παραφυλακῆς καὶ ἀντι- 
πίοι]ηθῆναι μᾶλλον ἢ ἐπεξελθεῖν | 
ὀφείλετε καὶ τὸ ὅλον καταλεῖψαι τῇ εὐτελείᾳ pov. καὶ θεὸς οἶδεν, 
ἐδυνάμην καὶ ἐγὼ ἐπηρεάσαι 
κτήματι πλησίον τοῦ Μύρμυκος τῆς δεσποίνης τῆς παραφυλακῆς ἐκείνης, 
ὡς καὶ ἐποίησα 
10 ἄλλοτε ἐπὶ τοῦ ἐνδόξ(ου) κόμιτος Παύλου ἐπηρεασθεὶς πάλιν παρὰ τῶν 
ἀπὸ Τερύθεωϊς.1 ...[. δ]ὲ εἴπω τὸ δέον" 


παρακληθῆτε οὖν, εἴτε ἔπταισαν εἴτε οὐκ ἔπταισαν, ποιῆσαι αὐτοὺς ἀπολυ- 
θῆναι, ἵνα μὴ εἰς ἐκε[νο ἔλ[θ]ω 

ἢ καὶ εἰς ἄλλα δυνάμενα λυπῆσαι ἀλλήλους. ταῦτα γράφω μετὰ τῆς 
ἐποφειλ[ο]μένης πίρ]οσκυνήσεως. 

On the verso 

+ δεσπό(τῃ) ἐμῷ τί(ῷ) πά(ντων) λαμπρ(οτάτῳ) σοφ(ωτάτῳ) πίάσης) προσκ(υνήσεωΞς) 
π(άντων) φιλ(τάτῳ) ἀδελφί(ῷ) λαμπροτάτῳ σχολ(αστικῷ)- Βίκτωρ σὺν θ(ε)ῶ 

2. ὕμετεραν Pap.; so in |. 6. 3. μη after μονον added by the second hand above the 
line. 5. εσθαι of yeveoOa by the second hand over an erasure, probably of yevopevous. 
The top of the original ε is visible. 9. ns and owns of της δεσποινης corr. by the second hand. 

11. ovy added by the second hand above δε, of which the ὃ is lightly crossed through. 

‘Your fraternal, illustrious learnedness ought to have helped my insignificance and not 
have allowed me to be so far undone, and not only not to injure me and my insignificant 
property, but to prevent others who wish to do so. 1 have said this because my cultivators 
at Amoules have been put to such straits, and because of some camels worth a score of 
denarii. If we go to litigation and your fraternal wisdom says that the guard did this, you 
control the guard and you ought to help me rather than to proceed against me and then 
leave the whole matter to my insignificance. God knows, I too could have injured an 
estate near Murmux belonging to the mistress of that guard, as I did on another occasion 
in the time of the honourable comes Paul, when I was injured once before by the inhabitants 
of Teruthis. Let me tell you then what you should do; be persuaded, whether they made 
an error or whether they did not, to have them released, so that I may not come to that 
or to other steps which might cause us vexation. I write this with due reverence. 
(Addressed) To my master the most illustrious, most wise, worthy of all reverence, my 
dearest brother the most illustrious advocate, from Victor, by the grace of God, advocate.’ 

1. πὶ cf. 1168. 1. 

3. αὐτῇ : δε. τῇ εὐτελείᾳ μου ; but the writer immediately after relapses into μοι. 

ἘΞ ᾿Αμούλῃ here and Μύρμυκος (= Μύρμηκος νὴ) in 1. 9 appear to be local names. 

6. νουμμίον = λεπτόν OF denarius, the smallest monetary unit (cf. Hultsch, Je/rol. 
Ρ. 343), and ἄξια εἴκοσι νουμμίων will here be a contemptuous phrase meaning that the 
quarrel was all over a mere trifle ; cf. P. Cairo Cat. 67009. 24 τοῖς πένησι λουομένοις τῶν 
νουμ[ων. Probably the camels did not belong to Victor. 

1. For παραφυλακή cf. e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 1012. 23 3664. ἀρούρας... . διακειμ(ένας) . .. ἐν 
πεδιάδι κώμης Ovvews καὶ ὑπὸ τὴν ταύτης παραφυλακήν, P. Giessen 56. το, P. Cairo Cat. 67001. 
11sqq. Inthe present passage the person or persons constituting the παραφυλακή are meant. 

to. A conjunction such as ἵνα or an adverb like νῦν or ἤδη probably preceded δ]έ ; the 
vestiges are extremely slight. φέρε cannot be read. τΤερῦθις is mentioned in 65. 2, 998, 
1040.14. The name is also found in other nomes; cf. P. Giessen 6. 7, P. Hamburg 17. ii. 1. 

11. ἐκεζῖνο : i.e. what he had done on the previous occasion. 




(a) 1082 (CERCIDAS). 

(Numbers in thick type refer to fragments ; Cerc. Fr. = a fragment previously 

ἁβρός 8. il. 7. 

ἀγαΐ 6. 4. 

ἀγαθός 1. iii. 15 and sch, 

ἀγορά 1. v. 13. 

ἄγρευμα 8. ii. 7 sch. 

ἁδονόπλακτος 2. ii. 9. 

ἀεικ[ής 2. iii. 15. 

ἄελλα 1. iv. 13. 

ἅζεσθαι 1. iii. 6. 

ἀήτης 1. iv. 16. 

ai 1.11. 4; 8.11. 11. 

αἰθεριβόσκας Cerc. Fr. 2. 2. 

αἰο]λόπωλος 6. τ. 

αἴσιμος 1. iii. 3. 

ἀκληΐ 4. 2. 

ἀκόλαστος 9. 2 (3). 

ἀκουά 1. ii. 15. 

ἀκρασίων 1. ii. 1. 

ἀκρατής 1. ii. τ sch. 

ἀκτι[ 8. iii. 20. 

ἀλα[θ 8. iii. 9. ἀλαθέως 7. 3; 

ere, ΒῪ. Ζ. 5. 

ἁλιευτάς 8. ii. 8. 

ἁλικία 8. ll. 12. 

ἀλλά Cerc. Fr. 2. 3. 

ἄλλος 50. 1 (?). 

ἄλοχος 65. I (?). 

ἀμάλακτος 8. ii. 3 (vv. Il. dud- 
pavros, ἀπέραντος). 

dap 1. iii. 3. 

ἀμάραντος 8. ii. 3 (vv. 1]. ἀμά- 
λακτος, ἀπέραντος). 

extant; sch. = scholium.) 

dpeis 1. li. 2, iil. 15, iv. 5, 16. 
ἁμέ 1. iii. 11. 

ἄν 1. iii. 9, iv. 8. 

ἀναβαίνειν Cerc. Fr. 2. 3. 

ἀνάκτωρ 1. iii. 8. 

ἀνήρ 1. 11.323; Cerd, ΕἾ, 4. 2; 
Gere, Pr. πὶ 

ἀνίκατος 8. 11. 4. 

ἄνισος 4. ΤΙ. 

ἀνόνατος 1. ii. 3. 

ἀντί 8. il. 12 Sch. 

avo 4, 8. 

ἀξία 1. iii. το. 

ἀπάτυλλα 89. 7 (?). 

ἀπέραντος 8. ii. 13 (vv. Il. ἀμά- 
λακτος, dudparros). 

ἀπευθής 1. iv. 7. 

ἀπολαύειν 28, 2 sch. 

ἀποσπαλακοῦν 1. ii, 12. 

ἀποστομοῦν 4. 5. 

ἄργυρος 1. ii. 3. 

dperd 5. 6. 

ἀριστερός 1. iv. 12. 

ἄριστος 8. ii. 8; 7. 3. 

ἀρκεσίβουλος (?) 24, 4. 

ἁρμόζειν 4. το. 

ἁρμοῖ 10. 10 (?). 

ἄρσην 4. 13. 

ἀστεροπαγερέτας 1. ii. 17. 

ἀστρολόγος 1. iii. 13 sch. 

ἀτρεμία 1. iv. 10. 

αὐδά 2. ii. 14. 

αὐτός 1, 111. 6; 4.45; 21.4; 
23. I. 

᾿Αφροδίσιος 1. iv. 18 sch. 

᾿Αφροδίτα 1, iv. 6, ν. 13. 

ἄχαρις 8. ili. 6. 

βαθύς, ἐκ βαθέων 1. iv. 4 sch. 

βακτροφόρας Cerc. Fr. 2. 2. 

βεβ 8. iii. 19. 

βιότας (or Brora) 8. ii. 13. 

βλάβα 4. 2. 

βλαψιτ. [ 1. v. 12. 

Brel 28. 2. 

βλέπειν 1. ii. 12 Sch. 

βλοσυρόμματος 28. 3 (?). 

βουσόος 6. 2. 

βροτός 1. iv. 83 2. ii. 
Sait, 2: 

Βρυγία 1. iii. 5 (ν. 1. Φρυγία). 


γᾶ 1. iii. 16. 

ya Cerc. Fr. 2. 1. 

γαμβρός 1. v. τό. 

γάρ 1. ii. 5, 14, ill. 16, iv. 7, 
8; 2: 11.1.2. δύ Gh 4; 
1.-.3.: 10. Gye aa; 
18.. τ; 41. οὐ ΒΑ: 
Cerc, Fr. 2+ 5. 

γένειον 8. ii. 11. 

γλήνα 1. ii. 13. 


γνάθος 1. iv. 5. 
γνω 19. 1 sch. 
γνωστός 1. ii. 1 sch. 
γόνος Cerc. Fr, 2. 6. 

δαίμων 1. 11. 15, ili. 16. 

δαμάζειν 36. 2. 

δαμνᾶν 8. ii. 2. 

Δαμόνομος 1. iv. 7. 

δαπάνυλλα 1, ii. 11. 

δέ 1. 11. 2, 12 sch. iii. 3, 6, 
τ, ἵν, 12, ν. 93°21: ΤῈ; 
3. ii. 3, 5, 8, 10; 15; 39. 
6 (?). 

δεῖν 35. I. 

δεξιτερός 1. iv. 9. 

δέρκεσθαι 8. il, 13. 

δή 4. 5. 

διατριβά 82. 3. 

διαφεύγειν 8. i. 6. 

διδόναι (δόμεν) 1. ii. 10. 

δίκα 85. 1. Δίκα 1. ii, 12. 

διογενής Cerc. Fr. 2. 5. 

διόλου 1. iv. 14. 

διπλοείματος Cerc. Fr. 2. 2. 

διωκτέος 17. 3. 

δοιός 1. iv. 5 and sch. 

δοκεῖν 1. v. τό. 

δοξαί 18, 4. 

δύο 1. iv. 15. 

δυσέκνιπτος Cerc. Fr. 4. 3. 

δυσπαλής 26. I. 

δώς 1, iii. 15 sch. 

ἐγχεσίμωρος 2. ii. 9. 

ἐγώ, ἐμίν 1. ili, 4. 

εἰλαπίνα 8. i, 2 (Ὁ). 

εἶναι 1. ii. 5, iii. 3, 4, iv. 3(?), 
» τὸ, τὸς 4.195: .6.'3% 
Gere. Fr, τ. ἧς 1. 1. 4; 
“λιν Hie 17; Ceri by 
5. ἔσκεν 8. il. 4, 7. ἦμεν 
(ν. 1. εἶμεν) 1. ν. 16. 

εἰπεῖν 1. iii. 2. 

εἷς 1. ii. 13 sch., iii, 14. 

eis 1. ii. 3; 5. 6. 

ἐκ, ἐξ 1. iv. 4 sch., v. 13. 


ἕκαστος 14, 2. 

ἐκλέγειν 1. iv. 16. 

ἐκτελεῖν 1. ii. 5; 10. 4 (ν. 1. 

ἐκφανής 8. ii. 9. 

ἑκών 8. il. 3. 

ἐλελίζειν 2. ii. 16. 

ἕλκειν 4. IT. 

el. it, 2, iv. τὸς; Cere. 
Fr. 2 > Cere, ΠῚ: 5. 

ἐνέργημα 8. 11. 7 sch. 

ἔνθα 26. 2. 

ἐξεμεῖν 1. iv. 4. 

ἐοικέναι 5. 2. 

ἐπάξιος 8. 11. 12. 

ἐπεί 1, ili, 15 Sch. 

ἔπειτα 8. ii. 14 sch.(?). 

ent. Ἀν dis 6, in. 85. 8. 
21. 4. 

ἐπισκοτίζειν 1. ii. 14 Sch. 

ἐπισταμένως 2. li. 10. 

ἐπιταδεοτρώκτας 1. ii. 10. 

ἐπορνύναι 1. iv. 12. 

ἔργον 1. ili, 14. 

ἐρείδειν Cerc. Fr. 2. 3. 

ἔρεσθαι 1. ii. 4. 

ἕρπειν 82. 4 (?). 

ἔρχεσθαι, Ἰελθε 10. 7. 

ἔρως 1. iv. 10; 4. 14. 

ἐσλός 8. 11. 14. 

ἔσχατος 1. iii. 5. 

ἔσω 8. ii, 2. 

ἔτι 1. 11. 15. 

εὖ 1. ἵν. 15; 24. 2(?). 

εὐθύδικος 5. 1. 

εὐθυπλοεῖν 1. iv. 18. 

εὐμενής 1. iv. 8. 

εὐπαλί 2. ii. 17. 

Εὐριπίδας 1. iv. 15. 

εὑρίσκειν 1. iii. g; 4. 9. 

evpus 8. il. 13. 

ἔχειν 1. ii, 12 50ἢ., ili, 14. 


Ζανωνικός 4. 14. 

Ζεύς 22. 2. Διός 1. ili, 7. 
Ζανός Cerc. Fr. 2. 6. 

ζυγοστάτας 1. ili. 4. 

ζῷον 1, ii. 12 sch, 

7 1. ii. 6, 8, iii. 9, iv. 13; 4. 
4; 5. 5. 

Θέμις 1. ii. 14. 
θεός 1. ii. 5, iii. 16. 
Onv 1. iii. 6. 

θυμός 8. ii. 8. 

ἰδεῖν 8. i. 1(?); Coren Ba, 
4s ἅς 

ἰέναι 1. ii. 6. 

Ἰλιάς 1. 11]. 2. 

ἵμερος 4. 12. 

ἵππος 6. 3. 

ἱστάναι Cerc. Fr. 4. 2. 

ixvevew 5. 8. 

ἰχνευτάς 8. ii. 7. 

καθίζειν 26. 3. 

καί, elided 1. iv. 8; 8. ii. 3. 
kat 8. ii, 11. χὠ 1. ii. 13. 
καὶ γάρ 10. 5. καὶ pay 1. 
ii. τό. 

καιρός 2. ii. 5. 

Καλλιμέδων 5. 2. 

καλλίπυγος Cerc. Fr. 1. 

καλός 8. ii. 6; 39. 8. 

κανθός 8. il. 3. 

κάρρον 1. iv. 15. 

κατά 1. ili, 16, iv. 18; 2. 
ii. 4. 

κατακλίνειν 1. Vv, 15. 

καταχλυοῦν 1. ii. 14. 

κέαρ 8. ii. 4; Ὅετο. Fr. 4. 3. 

κεν Cerc. ΕἾ. 4. 1. 

κενεός 4. 6. 

κενοῦν 1, il. 9. 

Κερκίδας 4. 15. 

κίειν 1. iii. 0. 

κλάζειν 8. ii. 3. 

κνακός 3. ii. 11. 

κνώδαλον 8. li. 7. 

κοινοκρατηρόσκυφος 1. li. 10. 

κοιρανΐ 22. 2. 

κολακεύειν 8. ii, 12. 

κορυΐ 8. lil. 13. 

κορυφά 3. ii. 9. 

κράγυος 8. il. 12. 

κραταιός 2. ii. 16 sch. 
κρατερός 2. ii. 15 (Ὁ). 
κριόμυξος Cerc, Fr. 5. 
Kpovidas 1. iii. 10. 
κροτησίγομφος 2. ii. 4. 
κτέανον 1. 11. 8, 
κυανοπτέρυγος 1. iv. 6. 
κυβερνῆν 1. iv. 11; 18. 3. 
κυδάλιμος 1. 111. 3. 
κυματίας 1. iv. 14. 
Κύπρις 1. iv. 18. 
κύων Cerc. ΕἾ. 2. 6. 

κωλύειν 1, 11. 4. 

Κύων 4. 

λαῖλαψ 1. iv. 13. 

λαμβάνειν 1. ili. 10; 10. 2, 13. 
λαμυρός 1. iv. 13; 2. iii. 20(?). 
λάρος 28. 2. 

λάχνα 8. ii. 10. 

λεβητοχάρων Cerc. Fr. 6. 
λέγειν 1. iii. 6, iv. 15; 10. 6. 
λευκός 8. ii. 9. 

ληΐ 4. 1 sch. 

Anv 1. ν. 14. 

λίαν 1. iv. 7. 

λιπαρός 1. ii. 14. 

λύειν 1. iv. 12. 

λύμα]. ν. 12. 

λῷον 1. ili. 13. 

μαγίς Cerc. Fr. 8. 

μάλα 8. il. 10. 

μάν 1, ii. 16; Cerc. Fr. 2. 1. 

μανθάνειν 48. 2. 

pareve 8, ii. 11, 12 sch. 

μεθιέναι, μεθέμεν 1. iii. 13. 

μελεδώνα 8. ii. 5. 

μέλειν 1. iii. 15, ν. 14. 

μελίαμβος 4. 17. 

μέλλειν 12. 4. 

μέν 1. ii. 12 sch, iv. 8; 2. 
i. 3sch., 11, 13; 8. ii. 9, 14; 
8. i. 1; 18. 5. 

μέσσος 1. ii. 17; 25. 3. 

μέσφα 1. iii, 16. 

pera 1. iv. 17. 

Μετάδως 1. iii. 15. 

peraiooew 1. iv. 1, 


μετεωροκόπος 1. ili, 13. 
μέχρι 82. 2. 

μή 1. ἵν. 19; 4. 7; 10. 6. 
μηδείς 1. ν. 14. 
μήποτε 1. ii. 12. 

μήτε 1. ii. 15. 
μναμονεύειν 7. 3. 

μονάς 1. ii. 13. 

Μοῦσα 8. li. 7. 
μουσικῶς 4, 9. 

Μυσοί 1. iii. 5. 

μύωψ 8. 2. 

ναῦς 1. iv. 10. 

νειόθεν 1. iv. 4. 

νεμεσητός 1. iv, 2 (?). 

Νέμεσις 1. iii, τό. 

νέρθεν 48. 2. 

νεύειν 1. iii. 1. 

νεῦρον 2. il. 15. 

νίκα 18. 6. 

νομίζειν 11. 1. 

νόος 2. iii, £7; 8. iii. 11 (?). 
νοῦς 1. ii. 6. 

vf 1. ν. 17. 

νῦν 8. li. 9; 19. 5. 

νῶτον 2. ii, τό. 

Ξένων 1. ii. 1, 2 sch. 

ὃ, ἥ, τό. τοί 1. i 15. τῷ 
(= therefore: τοι Pap.) 
3. 11. 6. ὁ μέν, ὁ δέ 1. iii. 

6, ἥ, τό (relat.). τῷ 1. ἵν. 8 (?). 
τοῖς 1. iv. 12. 

ὀβολός 1. ν. 15. 

ὀδούς Cerc. Fr. 2. 3. 

ὀδύνα 1. ν. 13. 

otaé 1. iv. 17. 

οἶκος 7. 3. 

ὅκα 1. iv. 18, v. 14. 

ὅκκα 1, ii. 6; 8. ii. 9. 

ὀλβοθύλακος 23. 2. 

ὄλβος 1. iv. 3 (?). 

ὄλεθρος 1. ii, 8. 

ὀλλύναι 1. ii. 11. 

Ὄλυμπος 1. ii. 17. 

Ὅμηρος 1. iii, 2. 



oma 1. ii. 15. 

ὀπάζειν 2. ii, 11. 

ὁπανίκα 1. ν. 14. 

ὀπώρα 5. 8. 

ὁρεῖν 22. 3 (?). 

ὀρθός 1. iii. 1, 4. 

és 1. ii. 12 sch.; Cerc. Fr. 4. 3. 

ὅσος 1. iii. 6. 

ὅταν 1. iii. 3. 

ὅτε 1. iii. 10. 

οὐ, οὐκ 1. iii. 4, iv. 15, ν. 15; 
2. 111. 12 (0); 817.2.; (ετς, 
ΕἾ. 2. 1. 

οὐδαμῇ 1. iii. 1. 

οὐδέ 1. ii, 12 Sch., iii. 14. 

οὐδείς 8. ii. 6. οὐδὲ ἕν 1. 11]. 
14 (? οὐθέν Pap.). 

οὐδός 8. ii. 13. 

οὐθείς 1. iii. 14 (? 1. οὐδὲ ἕν). 

οὖν 1. ii. 12, iii. 4, 8, 16, iv. 15. 

Οὐρανίδας 1. iii. 9. 

οὐράνιος Cerc. Fr. 2. 6. 

οὔριος 1. ili. 17, iv. 16. 

οὔτι 1. iv. 7; 8. ii, 2. 

οὗτος 1. 11. 9, ili. 2, 13, 14, 
16, τῇ, iv. 3, 10,14, ν.15; 
Ὁ. ἢ. τα; δ. 1,9; 10. 3. 
οὕτως 2. i. 3 sch. 

ὀφθαλμός 1. ii. 12 and sch., 
13 sch. 

Παιάν 1, iil. 15. 

παῖς 1. iv. 6. 

παλαιός 10. 11 (?). 

παλι. | 25. 2. 

παλινεκχυμενίτας 1. ii. 8. 

πάλος Cerc. Fr. 4. 3. 

πανθωΐ 9. 5. 

παρά 1. iii. 6. παραΐ 54. 2. 

παραβλέπειν 1. ii. 13 sch. 

παράγειν 1. iii. 6, 

παραυγεῖν 1. ii. 13. 

παρεῖναι 22, 3. 

πάρος Cerc. Fr. 2. I. 

πᾶς 1. ii. 5, iii. 11, ν. τὸ (?); 
8. ii. 5, 6; 9. 5 (?). 

πατήρ 1. iil. 12. 

πατρωός 1, iii, 12 (= Cerc. 

Fr. 9). 


πειθώ 1, ἵν. 11, 17. 

πέλας 15 ; (ετο. Fr. 4. 2. 

πέλεσθαι, ἔπλεο 8. ii. 8. 

πενητυλίδας 1. 11. 2. 

πενία 2. ili. 18. 

πεπᾶσθαι 1. li. 15. 

περί 1. iil. 13; 82. 3. 

περιαιωρεῖν 8. ll. 9. 

πηδάλιον 1. ἵν. 11. 

Πιερίδες 8. 11. 8. 

πικρός 1. ii. τ sch, 

πιμελά 2. 11. 12. 

πιμελοσαρκοφαγεῖν 8. ii. 5. 

πλαστίγγιον 1. li. 7. 

Ἰπλόος 1. Vv. τό. 

πνεῖν 1, iv. 9. 

πνεῦμα Cerc. ΕἾ. 2. 4. 

πόθος 1. iv. 13; 4. 11. 

ποιεῖσθαι 4. 7. 

ποῖος 1, iil. 8. 

ποκά 8. 11.6; 39. 1. 

πολιοῖ 9.1. 

πολίτας 88. 4. 

πολλάκις 8. li. 2. 

πολύς 89. 5. 

πονηρός 5. 3. 

πορθμός 1. iv. 14, 18. 

ποτάγειν 1. ii, 2. 

fark; ΘΔ) απ κι 4 ἀπ τον 
Cerc.' Fr: 2.5. 

ποτιρέπειν 1, 111. 4. 

ποτιφ] 2. iii, 18. 

mpavs 1. iv, 8. 

προβάλλειν 5. 5. 

προκοέΐ 1. ν. τι. 

Προμαθεύς 41. 2. 

προορᾶν 3. il. 13 sch. 

προσχορδεῖν (?) 48. 3. 

πυκιμός 9. 3 (?). 

πυρός 1.1. 14 sch. 

ms 1.11.15, ili. 4, 10; Cerc. 
Fr. 4.9. 

ῥέθος 28. 2(?). 
ῥεῖα 1. ii. 5. 
ῥεῖν 1. ii. 3; 11s 2: 


ῥέπειν 1. ili. 3. 

pil 41. 4. 

ῥικνός 7. 2. 
ῥυποκιβδοτόκων 1. ii. 6. 

σάττειν Cerc. Fr. 4. 3. 
σεμνός 1. ii. τό. 

σιαγών 1, iv. 9. 

σιγηρός 9. 4. 

Σινωπεύς Cerc. Fr. 2. 1. 
σκεπτοσύνα 4. 6. 
σκιόθρεπτος 2, ii. 8. 
σκοπεῖν 17, 2. 
σκωπτίλλιος (?) 4. I. 
σοφία Cerc. Fr. 4. 2. 
σπλάγχνον 8. li. 7. 
σπουδά 4. 7. 

σπυρός 1. i. 14 Sch. 
στέρνον 8. ii. 4. 

στρέφειν 4, 8. 
συνδάκνειν Cerc. ΕἾ. 2. 4. 
συντελεῖν 10. 4 (v. |. ἐκτελεῖν), 
συντονΐ 62. 2. 
σνοπλουτοσύνα 1. ii. 9. 
Συράκουσαι Cerc. ΕἾ. 1. 
Σφαῖρος 5. 4. 

σφε 1. ii. 4. 

σφύξ 2. ii. 14 (?). 
σωφροσύνα 1. iv. τῇ. 
σώφρων 1. iv. 11. 

τάλαντον 1, ii. 16. 

tapos 8. il. 14 and sch. 

ταραχά 1. ν. 15. 

τάχα 41. 4. 

τε 1. 11.1; 8. ii. 8, 12; Cerc. 

τεθνακοχαλκίδας 1, ii. 7. 

τεός 8. 11. 6. 

τέρμα 8. il, 13. 

τῆνος Cerc. Fr. 2. 2. 

τιθέναι 1. ii. 2. 

τίκτειν 1, 111. 11. 

τιμᾶν 1. ili, 17. 

τίς 1, li. 4, 11..0; 8. ili. g (0). 

τέο 1. ii, 1 ΞΟΠ ΩΣ M1.) 8,civ, 
53 3. ii, 10, ii. '9(?); 5.5. 

τοιοῦτος 4, 5. 

τόκα 1. v. 16(?). . 

τύπος 4, 4. 

τρύξ Cerc. Fr. 4. 3. 

τύ, τίν (acc.) 8. ii. 6; (dat.) 
8. 11. 3. 

Τυνδάρεος 1. ν. τό. 

τύπος 1. li, 12 sch. 

τύχα 1. iv. 3. 

ipl 20. 6. 
ὑμεῖς 1. iv. 3. 
ὑπό 8. 11. 7. 

Φαέθων 1. ii. 13. 

φάναι 1. iv. 5. 

φάσσα 80. 2. 

φέρειν 5. 8: 10. 5; 12. 3. 
φευξιπάμονος (?) 2. ii. 7. 
φίλος 2. 111. 16; 7. 4. 
φιλότιμος 2. iii. 18 (?). 
φόβος 1. v. 15; 4. 4. 
Φρυγία 1. ili. 5 (ν. 1. Bpvyia). 
φῦλον 2. i. 8. 

φυσαλέος 2. ii. 14. 

φυσὴν 1, iv. 5. 

φυσιᾶν 1. 111. τῇ. 

φυτεύειν 1. iii. 10; 10. 9. 
φώς 1. iv. 1. 

χελώνα 7. 2. 

χῆλος Cerc. Fr. 2. 3. 
χρεμετίζειν 6. 3. 

χρή 24. 2. 

xengew 1. v. 14. 
χρῆμα 1. 1]. 5. 
χρῆσθαι 1. iv. 18. 
χρόνος 8. ii. 12. 

ὦ 2. iil. τό. 
ὠλεσίκαρπος 2. ii. 14. 

Ἰακάρδιος 2. ii. 2. 
|nOpa 4. τ. 
Ϊλεννοτείου 8. i. 3. 
ἱμοφλυακεῖν 4. 3. 

σεν AS 





(Numbers in thick type refer to papyri.) 

a 1087. 35, 43. 

ἁβρός 1091. label. 

αβρυανου ( = aBpordvov?)1088. 

ἄγειν 1076. 5. 

ἀγέννητος 1081. 48. 

dynpaos 1084. 8. 

ἀγκών 1099. 36. 

ἀγνοεῖν 1086. 26, 94, 97. 

ἀγρῃγορεῖν 1081. 8. 

ἀγών 10838. I. 2, το. 

ἄγωνος 1087. 58, 60. 

Adam 10738. 4. 

ἀδάμας 1085. li. 5. 

ἀδελφός 1076. 7; 1086. 85, 

ἄδηλος 1081. 34. 

"Αδρηστος 1085, ii. 1. 

“Adptavés 1085. ii. 6. 

deipew 1085. ii. 21. 

ἀήρ 1086. 7. 

ἀθάνατος 1084. 9, 16.. 

ἀθετεῖν 1086. 63, 88. 

ἀθλεῖν 1087. 60. 

ἀθρεῖν 1083. I. 20. 

aia 1091, label. 

Αἰγεύς 1087. 59. 

Αἰγύπτιος 1088. 43, 60. 

ἔΑιδος 1087. 41. “Aidov δέ 
1087. 43. 

αἰεί 1086. 40, 64, 76. 

Αἰθιοπικός 1088. 58. 

αἷμα 1088. 21. 

αἱμάλωψ'᾽ 1088. 3. 

Αἰνείας 1086. 33. 

αἰόλος 1086. 10g, 111. 

αἴρειν 1076. το. 

Αἰσχύλος 1087. 4. 

αἰτεῖν 1091. label (?); 1099. 

αἰτία 1086. τό. 

αἰτιατικῆ 1087. 42, 44, 58. 

Αἴτνη 1086. 50. 

Αἰτωλοί 1087. 63. 

αἰχμάλωτος 1083. I. 2. 

ἀκμή 1087. 62. 

ἀκοή 1081. 7. 

ἄκορος 1088. 49, 52. 

ἀκούειν 1081. 7, 35. 
tos 1086. 72. 

ἄκρος 1086. 23. 

ἀκωκή 1088. ii. 23. 

ἄλγος 1086. 56. 

ἀλεγεινός 1086. 56. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος 1087. 49. 

ἀλήθεια 1089..56. 

᾿Αλκαῖος 1086. 112; 

ἀλλά 1081.17, 37; 1083. I. 
3,19, 2. 4; 1086. 64, 69, 
72, 92, 104; 1087. 55; 

> , 

1089. 35, 61. 
ἀλλάσσειν 1087. 57. 
ἄλλος 1085. ii. 21; 1086. 

74; 1088. 39, 52, δύ. 
᾿Αμαζονίς 1086. 104. 
ἄμι 1088. 14. 
ἄμυλος 1088. 5, 10. 
ἀμύσσειν 1085. li. το. 
ἀμφίβολος 1086. 93. 
ἀμφότερος 1085. iil. 15; 1099. 
26. ἀμφοτέρως 1086, 112. 
ἄν 1083. 1.17, 5. 2; 1086. 
82; 1099. 25. 
ἀνά 1099. 14. 
ἀναδεικνύναι 1081. 31. 
᾿Ανάνιος 1087. 57. 
ἄναξ 1085. ii. 1. 
ἀναπλάσσειν 1088. 41, 60. 
ἀναπότριπτος 1086. 74. 
ἀναρπάζειν 1086, 36. 
ἀνάστημα 1086. τοο. 
ἀναστρέφειν 1076. 13. 
“Avderpos 1086. 119. 
ἀνέκκλιτος 1086. 73. 
ἀνέρχεσθαι 1089. 27. 

T 2 


ἄνευ 1088. 15. 2. 

ἄνθρωπος 1081. 20; 1088. 

ἀνήρ 10838. 5. 6. 

ἄννησον 1088. 67. 

annus 1078. 5 ef saep. 

ἄντα 1085. ii. 25. 

ἀντειπεῖν 1089. 38. 

ἀντί 1086. 52, 54, 55, 60, 
τοῦ ; 1087. γ. 

᾿Αντίκλεια 1086. 15, 17. 

ἀντικρύ 1089. 33. 

᾿Αντίμαχος 1087. 43. 

*Avrivoos 1085. ii. 4, 9, 24, 
24. | 

ἀντίος 10885. ii. 37. 

ἀντιπαλαίειν 1099. 43. 

ἀντίπαλος 1087. 5. 

ἀντλεῖν 1099. 2. 

ἄνω 1086. 43. 

ἄξιος 1086. 79 (?); 1099. 45. 

ἀπαντῶν 1086. 11, 18. 

ἅπας 1088. 1. 6; 1086. 59. 

ἀπάτη 1099. 19. 

ἀπάτωρος 1087. 50, 51. 

ἀπεοικώς 1086. 76. 

ἀπίθανος 1086. 65, 79, 85; 

ἀπό 1076. 17; 1081. 11, 13, 
15, 18, 42; 1088. 11. 21, 
22; 1086. 9, 48; 1087. 
32, 39, 46; 1088. 21. 

ἀπογίγνεσθαι 1081. 12, 16. 

ἀποδέρκεσθαι 1083. 2. τ. 

| ἀποδιδόναι 1087. 64. 

ἀποδιδράσκειν 1076. 31. 

ἀπόδυσις 1099. 42. 

ἀποθνήσκειν 1076. 29 ; 1099. 
6, 23. 

ἀπολλύναι 1076. 32; 1099. 

᾿Απόλλων 1087. 12. 

| ἀπολογία 1086. τι (?). 


ἀπολύεσθαι 1087: 3. 

ἀπόρροια 1081. 30. 

ἀποσπᾶν 1088. 4. 4. 

ἀποστέλλειν 1086. 58, 67. 

ἀποστροφή 1083. 1. 11. 

ἀπουσία 1086. 15. 

ἀπρεπῶς 1086. 70. 

apa 10838. 1. 8. 

᾿Αργειφοντιάδης 1088. ii. 9. 

ἀρεστός 1088. 8. 

"Apns 1086. 28. 

ἀριθμεῖν 1089. 58. 

"Aptpa 1086. 49. 

᾿Αρίσταρχος 1086. 12, τό, 63, 

ἁρμόζειν 1088. 1. 8. 

ἀρνεῖσθαι 1089. 40. 

dprayos 1087. 33, 35, 36. 

ἀρσενικόν 1088. 28. 

ἄρσην 1086. 31. 

ἀρχή 1081. 38; 1086. 69. 

᾿Αρχίλοχος 1087. 39. 

ἄστρον 1083. 2. 4. 

dre 1085. ii. 22. 

ἄτμενος 1087. 38. 

ἀτονεῖν 1099. 36. 

αὖ 10838. 2. 6. 

αὐγή 1083. 2. 5. 

αὐτέπαινος 1087. 17. 

αὐτοπρόσωπος 1086. 64, 86, 

αὐτόπτης 1086. 100. 

αὐτόπτις 1086. 96. 

αὐτός 1076. 19, 27, 35; 1081. 
30; 1084. 4; 1085. ii. 
31; 1086. 23, 30, 46, 50, 
58, 78, 92, 95, 105, 121; 
1087. 4, 10; 1089. 41, 
52; 1099. 25. 

αὐχένιος 1085. ii. 29. 

αὐχήν 1085. ii. 20. 

ἀφαιρεῖσθαι 1099. 50. 

ἀφαμαρτάνειν͵, ἀπήμβροτε 1085. 
ii. 7. 

ἀφανής 1081. 28. 

ἀφθαρσία 1081. 15, 18. 

ἄφθαρτος 1081. 5, 17. 

ἀφισοῦν 1086. 22. 

᾿Αφροδισία 1089, 27. 


ἀφροντιστεῖν 1086. 95. 
ἀφροῦ νίτρον 1088. 33. 
axdvew 1085. ii. 12. 
ἀχώριστος 1086. 71. 
ἄψυχος 1099. τό. 

β' 1087. 48. 

βαδίζειν 1076. 4. 

βαίνειν 1088. 2. 3. 

Βάκχιος 1088, 1. 7. 

βάλλειν 1088. ii. 35. 

βαρυτονεῖν 1087. 99. 

βιάζεσθαι 1089. 34. 

βλάπτειν 1088. 18. 2. 

βλαστάνειν 1088. 1. 5. 

Ἰβολή 1088. 12. 2. 

βόστρυχος 1088. 2. 6. 

βούλεσθαι 1088. 1. 3, 19; 
1085. il. 8; 1086. το; 
1089. 40. 

βραδέως 1088. 50. 

βρυκᾶσθαι 1085. ii. 32. 

Cainan 1078. τό, 18, 23, 25. 
Cham 1073. 41. 

γαῖα 1085. ii. 11. 

γαμί 1083. 13. 1. 

γάμος Κήυκος 1087. 51. 

yap 1081. 38; 1083. 1. 5, 
5.4; 1085. ii. 7,8; 1086. 
31, 46, 65, 69, 71, 72, 
74, 79, 85, 86, 95, 110, 
111, 121; 1087. 7, 65. 

ye 1083. 1. 5, 18. 5; 1086. 


yevea 1081. 42. 

γενική 1087. 23. 

γένος 1083. 1. 4, 19. 

γεραιός 1089. 31, 34. 

γέρων 1089. 36. 

γῆ 1086. 42, 44, 54. 

γιγαντολέτας 1088. ii. 25. 

gignere 1073. 9 ε΄ saep. 

γίγνεσθαι 1081. 1, 11, 14,19; 
1084. 3, 7, 12; 1087. 
49; 1088. 33. 

γιγνώσκειν 1083, 1.4; 1086. 
94, 97- 

γλυκύ 1088. 44, 51, 54. 
γνωτός 1088. 1. 13. 
γονυκλινής 1089. 31. 
γοῦν 1086. 69. 

γράφειν 1088. 26. 
γρόνθος 1099. 18. 

γυνή 1086. 104. 

δαμάζειν 1085. ii. 7. 

δαμασήνωρ 10885. ii. 3. 

Δάρδανοι 1086. 115. 

δαῦκος 1088. 50, 53, 65. 

dé, "Acdov δέ 1087. 43. 

δεικνύναι 1086. τό. 

δεῖν (bind) 1099. 44. 

δεῖν 1086. 42, 58, 71, 85; 
1089. 41. 

δεινός 1085. ii. 17. 

δένδρεον 1085. ii. 22. 

δένδρον 1086. 6. 

δεξιτερός 1085. ii. 5. 

δεσπότης 1081. 36 ; 1089. 33. 

δεύτερος 1086. 11. τὸ ὃ. 
1089. 39. 

δῆλος 1088. 1. 1; 1086. 68, 

δηλοῦν 1086. το, 47. 

διά 1086. 4, 5, 7, 16, 1: 
55, 56. 

διαβήτης 1086. 23. 

διάκτορος 1087. 32, 33. 

διασαφεῖν 1087. 14. 

διαστέλλειν 1086. 115. 

διατάσσειν 1086. 92. 

διδόναι 1088. 17. 3; 1088. 
44, 55, 61; 1089. 56. 

διέρχεσθαι 1081. 27. 

dies 1073. 4, 21, 34. 

διηγηματικός 1086. 59. 

Διονύσιος 1089. 28 ef saep. 

dios 1087. 18. 

διπλῆ 1086. 55. 

δμῶος 1087. 53, 55- 

δοκεῖν 1086. 49. 

δόρυ 1088. 1. 
ili. 2. 

δρᾶν 10838. I. 1. 

δραχμή 1088. 4 ef saep. 

δρόμος 10838. 1. 10. 

10; 10865. 


δύειν 1076. 24. 
δύνασθαι 1086. 59, 66. 
δυσχερής 1099. 41. 

ε' 1087. 41. 

ἐάν 1076. 5; 1083. 1. 
1088. 35. 

ἑαυτοῦ 1086. 121 ; 1087. 14, 
17; 1089. 31. 

ἐγείρειν 1085. ii. 14. 

ἐγκυλίνδειν 1099. 38. 

ἔγχος 1086. ii. 5, 6. 

ἐγώ 1076. 3, 15; 1081. 9; 
1083. 1.18, 4. 4, 18. 10; 
1087. 7, 21, 64; 1089. 



ἔδεσμα 1086. 37. 

ἔθνος 1076. 17. 

εἰ 1083. 5.2; 1086. 65, 66, 
70, 78, 79, 81, 82; 1089. 

εἰδέναι. 1081. 22; 10838. 
18. 9. 

᾿εἰκάζειν 1086. 68. 

εἰκός 1087, 2. 

εἶναι 1081. 37, 39; 10838. τ. 
9, 14, 15, δ: 4, 19. 2; 
1085. ii. 22, 23 (ἦεν); 
1086. 5, 6, 22, 29, 30, 
40, 46, 49, 50, 59, 67, 
69, 71, 74-6, 80, 85, 94, 
97, 100, 109, III, ΠΡ; 
1087. 2, 57 (ἔσθ᾽ dre); 
1088. 36; 1089. 41, 44. 

εἰπεῖν 1076. 1, 14; 1081. 
10; 1083. 18. το, 19. 8; 
1086. 59, 65, 85; 1087. 
28; 1089. 43. 

εἴργειν 1088. 5. 5. 

εἷς 1076. 16, 22 ; 1086. 104. 

eis 1076. 21; 1081. 29; 
1087. 13, 66; 1088. 26, 
353; 1089. 52. 

εἰσέρχεσθαι 1089. 29. 

εἰσπέμπειν 1099. 11. 

εἶτα 1088. 43. 

ex, ἐξ 1076. 7, 20; 1083. 
15.3; 1086. ii..5, 11, 20; 


1086. 2y, 39, 96, 120; 
1087. 9, 19, 20. 
ἕκαστος 1086. 90; 1088. 41, 


ἑκατέρωθεν 1086. 6. 

ἐκεῖνος 1081. 40; 1086. 12, 

ἐκκλίνειν 1086. 74, 75. 

ἐκπνεῖν 1083. 2. 6. 

ἐκσαοῦν 1088. ii. 2. 

Ἕκτωρ 1087. 13. 

ἑκών 1085. ii. 7. 

ἔλαιον 1086. 4. 

ἐλαφρός 1086. 113. 

ἔλεγχος 1088. 1. 14. 

Ἑλένη 1091. label. 

Ἕλενος 1087. 4. 

ἐλευθερίως 1089. 42. 

ἕλκωμα 1088. 2, 9. 

ἑλλέβορος 1088. 24, 30, 40. 

ἐλλείπειν 1088. 55. 

ἐμαυτοῦ 1089. 53. 

ἐμφαίνειν 1087. 9. 

ἐμφανής 1081. 2. 

ἐμφυΐ 1083. 19. 9. 

ἐμφυσᾶν 1088. 25, 34, 37. 

ev 1088. 1. 9; 1084. 2, 14; 
1085. ii. 34; 1086. 26, 
31, 50, 74, 773 1087. 29, 
34, 35, 38, 41, 43, 50, 54, 
59; 1088. 32, 43, 44, 61; 
1089. 26, 57. 

evareipew 1088. 22. 

ἐναντίος 1099. 53 (?). 

ἐνδεικνύναι 1086. 100. 

ἔνδοθεν 1088. 23. 

ἐνέδρα 1099. το. 

ἐνεῖναι 1088. 1. 12. 
14; 1087. 97. 

ἕνεκα 1086. 65. 

évepyns 1088. 56. 

evepyntixés 1086. 53. 

ἔνθεν 1087. 24 ef saep. 

ἐνθουσιωδῶς 1086. 41. 

ἔνιοι 1086. 26, 30. 

ἔννοια 1081. 31 ; 1086. 78. 

Enos 1078. 10, 15, 17, 21. 

ἐντός 1089. 28. 

ἔνι 1086. 

ἕνεκεν 1086. 


ἔντοσθεν 1085. ii. το. 
ἐξαναβαίνειν 1099. 27 (3). 
ἐξαρτᾶν 1086. 23. 
ἐξεῖναι 1088. I. 17. 
ἐξερεῖν 1088. 1. 3. 
ἐξέρχεσθαι 1086. 67. 
ἑξῆς 1086. 115. 

.. εξία 1083. 17. 4. 
ἐοικέναι 1086. 72. 
éds 1085. ii. 36. 
ἐπεί 1086. 24. 
ἐπειδήπερ 1086. 14. 
ἐπεῖναι 1087. 22. 
ἐπέρχεσθαι 1089. 42. 
ἐπί 1085. li. 15, 27; 1086. 

33, 41, 111. 

ἐπιβάλλειν 1087. 40. 
ἐπιμέλεια 1086. 39. 
ἐπιρρεῖν 1086. 3. 4. 
ἐπισκιάζειν 1086. 7 (?). 
ἐπίστασθαι 1086. 8ο. 
ἐπιτάσσειν 1086. 87, 90, 91. 
ἐπιτέλλειν 1087. 5. 
ἐπιφέρειν 1086. 56. 
ἐπιχαράσσειν 1086. 30. 
ἐπορνύναι, ἐπώρορε 1085. il. 15. 
ἔπος 1086. 94, 97- 
ἐργάτης 1083. 1. 2. 

ἐρεῖν 1086. 60, 105, 108; 
1087. 26, 51, 59. 

Ἑρμῆς 1084. 3. 

ἜΡρυκος 1087. 40. 

ἔρχεσθαι 1083. I. 20, 4. 

5 (?); 1086. 65. 
ἐρωτᾶν 1086. 14. 
és 1085. ii. 19. 
esse 1073. 3, 20, 34, 38. 
ἔσχατος 1086. 117 (?). 
ἕτερος 1086. 93, 94- 
ἔτι 1081. 9; 1085. ii. 10; 
1086. 32, 65; 1087. 3. 
ἑτοιμάζειν 1089. 26. 
eda|.los 1088. 2. 8. 
εὐγένεια 1086. 117. 
εὔζωμον 1088. 15. 
εὐθετεῖν1 086. 110; 1089. 39. 
εὐθέως 1088. 20. 
Εὔπολις 1087. 46. 
Εὐριπίδης 1087. 28, 59. 


εὑρίσκειν 1076. 6; 1081. 26, 
33; 1099. 40. 

evoroxin 1085. ii. 8. 

εὐστραφής 1086. III. 

ἐφέζεσθαι 1085. ii. 3. 

ἐφιστάναι 1088. 20. 

ἔχειν 1081. 6, 35; 1089. τ. 
5, 11. 2; 1085. il. 4; 1086. 
2, 23, 31, 79, 79, 82, 
113; 1087. 62. ἔχεσθαι 
1086. 78; 1089. 32. 

filia 1078. 20. 
filius 1073. 19, 40. 

Cevyviva 1088. 13. 3. 
Ζεύς 1084, 18, 25; 
46, 64, 67. 
Ζέφυρος 1085. il. 14. 
(nr| 1088. 23. 3. 
¢nretv 1099. 30. 
Cuvpva 1088. 39, 57. 


7 1088. 2. 4; 1086. 37. 
110; 1087.62, 63; 1088. 
20,27, 30).5 0: 

7 1088. 2. 4. 

ἡγεῖσθαι 1086. 92. 

ἤδη 1099. 27. 

ἠέλιος 1085. il. 12. 

ἥκειν 1088. 1. 6. 

ἡλίκος 1088, 42, 60. 

ἥλιος 1076. 25 ; 10838. 25. 

"ἡμεῖς 1076. 8, 18; 1088. 1. 
9; 1086. 36; 1089. 45. 

ἡμικοτύλιον 1088. 45. 

ἡπατικός 1088. 48. 

Ἡσίοδος 1087. 53, 56. 

ἤτοι 1086. 36, 109g. 

ἦτορ 1091. 50. 

θάλασσα 10865. 1]. 13. 

θάπτειν 1076. 26. 

θαυμασμός 1086. 8ο. 

θεά 1086. 94. 

θεός 1081. 46; 1088. 1. 8; 
1084. 7 ; 1085. ii. 24, 31. 

θεραπεύειν 1088. 30. 

θερμός 1083. 20. 1; 1088. 
Θεσσαλία 1086. 27. 
θεωρεῖν 1099. I. 
θεωρία 1088. 1. 16. 
OnBais 1087. 43. 
θηκτός 1085. il. 23. 
θῆλυς 1086. 31, 32. 
Onp 1085. 11. 7, 10. 
θηροφόνος 1085. ii. 31. 
θνήσκειν 1081. 24(?); 1088. 

2. 5. 
θολερός 1086. 5. 
θοῶς 1085. ii. 26, 
1085. ii. τ. 
θυμοῦσθαι 1085. ii. TI. 


ἴαμα 1088. 1. 14. 

Ἴβηρος 1087. 37. 

ἰδεῖν 1083. 2. 7; 1086. 79; 
1089. 43. 

Ἴδη 1086. 118. 

ἴδιος 1086. 18. 

ἰδού 1076. 15, 36; 1083. 2. 
3; 1089. 33. 

ἰέναι 1089. 42. 

ἱερόν 1089. 59. 

ἱκανῶς 1088. 56. 

ἱκνεῖσθαι 1083. 3. 4. 

ἴκτινος 1087. 60. 

ἱμάς 1086. 46. 

ἱμάσσειν 1086. 46. 

ἱμάτιον 1088. 47. 

iva 1088. 19. 9; 1086. 66. 

ἵππειος 1088. ii. 35. 

ἱππική 1088. 1. Io. 

ἵππος 1085. ii. 27 ; 1086. 31. 

Ἶρις 1086. 64, 65, 67, 70, 73, 
76, 78, 80, 81, 86, 92, 97. 
ἔρις 1088. 34. 

᾿Ισίδωρος 1089. 27 ef saep. 

isoerns 1086. 21. 

ἴσος 1086. 22. 

ἰσότης 1086. 24. 

ἱστάναι 1085. ii. 
61; 1088. 21. 

ἴσχαιμον 1088. 19. 

12; 1086. 

καδμεία 1088. 4. 

καθήκειν 1086. 30 (?). 
καί, κοὐκ 1088. I. 13. χοὐτ᾽ 
1088. 23. 2. καὶ γάρ 1086. 
74, 86. 
καίειν 1087. 65. 
κακός 1089. 48. 
καλεῖν 1087. 18; 1099. 25. 
καλός 1083. 18. 7. 
κανθαρίδες 1088. 14. 
κάρδαμον 1088. τό. 
κάρυον 1086. 64. 
Καρχηδών 1099. 13. 
καστόριον 1088. 25, 40. 
κατά 1085. il. 2, 30, 37; 
1086. 13, 18, 42, 49, 58, 
59; 1089. 58. 
καταγίγνεσθαι 1086. τό. 
κατακλίνειν 1088. 29. 
κατακρίνειν 1099. 51. 
κατανέμεσθαι 1086. 42. 
κατασείειν 1085. ii. 21. 
κατασπασμικός 1088. 68. 
κατατύπτειν 1085. ii. 36. 
καταφρονεῖν 1099. 22. 
καταχρηστικῶς 1086. 46. 
κατέναντα 1085. ii. 24. 
κατέρχεσθαι 1089. 61. 
κατηγορεῖν 1087. 30. 
κατοικίζειν 1084. 14. 
κατόπισθεν 1085. ii. 14. 
κάτω 1083. I. 15. 
Κάωνος 1087. 44, 45. 
Κελαινώ 1084. 9. 
κελεύειν 1089. 25. 
κενταύρειον 1088. 59. 
κεραννύναι 1088. 55. 
Κήυκος γάμος 1087. 51. 
κῆρυξ 1084. 8. 
κινδυνεύειν 1076. 28. 
κινησίφυλλος 1086. 9. 
κίνναμον 1088. 56. 
Κλεώνυμος, 1087. 47. 

: κλόνος 1085. il. 2. 
κλυ 1088. 12. 2. 
. κλύειν 1088. 5. 6. 

ἐλυτός 1085. ai. 24. 
κόκκυγος 1087. 52. 
κολλύριον 1088. 1, 42. 
κολώνη 1086. 100. 


κόμμι 1088. 6, 12. 
κονίη 1085. il. 11,34. 
κοπετός 1099. 9. 
κορυθαίολος 1086. 109. 
Κόρυθος 1087. 49. 
κορύσσειν 1085. ii. 5 
κουφίζειν 1099. 37. 
Κρατῖνος 1087. 37. 
κρίνειν 1086. 71. 
κρόκος 1088. 6. 
κρυπτός 1089. 26. 
κτᾶσθαι 1088. 5. 3. 
κύαμος 1088. 43, 61. 
κυλίειν 1099. 15, 
κῦμα 1085. ii. 13. 
κύμινον 1088. 34. 
κυνία 1086. 113. 
κυρεῖν 1088. I. τ. 
κύριος 1081. 25. 

- 5. 3; 1086. 46. 
κώνειον 1088. 30. 

λαβροβόρος 1085. ii. 18. 

λαγχάνειν 1083. 30 ; 1087. 2, 

86. _. 
λαιός 1085. ii. 4. 
λαλεῖν 1081. 9. 
λάλησις 1088. I. τό. 
λαμβάνειν 1088. 1.17; 1086. 
3°, 42. 
Lamech 1078. 32, 35. 
λανθάνειν 1084. 2 (3). 
λαοξοϊκός 1086. 22. 
λαός 1086. 79. 
λάος 1087. 39, 40. 
λάσιος 1085. il. 20. 
λεαίνειν 1088. 58. 
Λεάνδριος(]. Maravdpros?) 1087. 


Aéyew 1081. 26; 
9; 1086. 4, 36, 57, 67, 
70-2, 76, 78, 82, 86, 96, 
EII, 113; 1087. το, 29; 
-1089. 33. 

λεῖος 1088.19, 29, 37, 41. 

λέξις 1087. 52. 

λεπίς 1088. 11. 

λεπρική 1088. 14. 

λεπτός 1088. 8. 

κυρίως 1083. 

1083. 18. 


λευκός 1088. 24. 

Δεύκων 1087. 54. | 

λέων 1085. ii. 3. 
An( ) 1083. 15. 3. 

| λῆψις 1088. 45. 

λιθακός 1087. 47, 48. Ι, 

λίθος σχιστός 1088. 5. | 

λόγος 1086. 53, 68. 

λοιπός 1086. 43, 116; 1089. | 

Λοκροί 1087. 63. 

λύειν 1081. 3. 

Λύκος 1084. 13. 

Λυκόφρων 1087. 86 (?). 

λυμαίνειν 1099. 17 (μαινουσα | 

λωτός 1086. 36. 

Μάγνης 1086. 9. 

Μαγνησία 1086. 8. 

μαθητής 1081. 25 (?). 

Μαιάνδριος (ἢ Λεάνδριος Pap.) 
1087. 45. 

μαίνεσθαι 1088. ii. 13. 

μακάρων νῆσοι 1084. 14. 

Μακεδονία 1086. 2}. 

Maleleel 1078. 24. 

μᾶλλον 1085. ii. 10; 1086. 

72,95. μάλιστα 1086. 14. 
μανθάνειν 1088. 1. 5; 1085. 
il. 26. 

μάννα 1088. 21. 
μαντεῖον 1088. I. 13. 
manus 1073. 29. 
μάρτυρος 1087. 22. 
paotiew 1088. ii. 15. 
μάστιξ 1085. 11. τό. 

‘ μάχεσθαι 1087. 64. 

μάχη 1088. 1.9; 1087. 95. 
μέγας 1085. li. 2ο. μεγάλως 
1086. 52, 54. 

| peynpatos 1085. ii. 9. 
᾿ μελάνθιον 1088. τό. 
| μέλας1088.2.6;1088.5:,40. 
: Μέλητος 1087. 29. 
‘pede 1088. 51, 54. 
| μελίκρατον 1088. 61. 
| μέλλειν 1081. 39. 
μέλος 1085. ii. 22; 1099. 45. 


-peurrros 1083. τ. 19. 

μέμφεσθαι 1087. 8; 1099. 21. 

μέν 1081. 49; 1088. τ. 6, 9,- 
19. ὃ; 1085. ii. 4, 24:28, 
1086. 63, 70, 78, 93, 95. 

μένειν 1081. 17. 

μέντοιγε 1086. 49. 

μέρος 1086. 60. 

μέσος, κατὰ μέσον 1089. 59. 

peta 1088. 42, 51, 53, 58. 

μετανοεῖν 1089. 37. 

μετεωρίζειν 1086. 32 (?). 

μέτρησις 1083. 1. 15. ‘ 

μέχρι 1076. 24. 

μή 1081. 22; 1088. 18..7; 
1086. 7, 66, 97; 1087. 
66; 1089. 34, 39, 46. 

μηδέποτε 1089. 51. 

μήλινος 1088. 1.. 

Μῆνις 1087. 62. 

μήτηρ 1086. 13; 1087. 80(?). 

᾿ μιγνύναι 1088. 67. 

μίμνειν 1085. ii. 3. 
μίσγεσθαι 1084. το, 18. 
μοῖρα 1099. 24. 
μολύβιον 1086. 23. 
moriri 1073. 22, 36. 
μουσική 1083. τ. 12. 
μυθεῖσθαι 1086. 57. 
μῦθος 1086. 57. 
μυκτήρ 1088. 21, 26, 32 (μυκ- 
τήρεσσω)ὴ, 35. 
μυρσίνη 1088. 64. 

_vapdos 1088. 49, 53, 57: 

νεκρός 1087. 66. 
νέος 1089. 41. νεώτερος 1086. 

Ι 49. x 

, νέφος 1085. 11. 12. 

: νεώς 1089. 29._ 

: νῆσοι μακάρων 1084. 15. 
᾿ νήστης 1088. -44. 

) νικαν 1087. 60. 

νίτρον ἀφροῦ 1088. 33. 
Noe 1073. 38, 40. 

᾿ νοεῖν 1086. 58, 120.. 
-noster 1073. 29. 
᾿νύμφη 1088. 1. 7; 1091. 53. 

νυμφίος 1083. 1. 6. 


νῦν 1083. 1.5; 1086. 47. 

νύξ 1088. 2. 4. 

νῶτον 1085. ii. 22; 1086. 

ξανθός 1099. 48. 

Ξενοφάνης 1087. 41. 

ξηραίνειν 1088, 43. 

ξηρός 1088. 36. 
1088. 35. 

ξύλον 1087. 40. 



ὁ, ἡ, τό, ὅ γε 1088. 18.5. ὁ 
δέ 1084. 2,12, 18; 1085. 
iil. 26; 1086.15; 1089. 
38. ὁ pe... ὁ δέ 1085. 
ll. 21-2; 1086. 103-4. 

ὀβολός 1088. 38, 39, 49- 

ὅδε 1088. 1. 20, 2. 6, 4. 5. 

dds 1088. 5. 5, 19. 9 (?). 

ὀδούς 1088. 1. 11. 

᾿᾽οδυσσεύς 1086. 13. 

ὄζαινα 1088. 28. 

ὅθεν 1086. 33, 112. 

οἰκεῖος 1086. 80, 91. 
1086. 79. 

οἰκέτης 1087. 55. 

οἴκημα 1076. 22. 

οἰκοῖ 1088. 26. 2. 

οἷος, οἷα 1085. ii. 25. 
1086. 57, 94, III. 

Oiveds 1083. 1. 19. 

οἴχεσθαι 1088. 2. 3. 

ὀλισθάνειν 1099. 4. 

ὀλολυγμός 1099. το. 

ὅλος 1081. 36 ; 1086. 42. 

ὅμαυλος 1083. 1. 8. 

Ὅμηρος 1086. 49, 67. 

ὁμιλεῖν 1086. 13. 

omnis 1073. 3, 20, 34. 

ὀμνύειν 1089. 49. 

ὁμόθριξ 1086. 21. 

ὅμοιος 1085. ii. 23; 1086. 
25, 37; 1087.18. ὁμοίως 
1086. 108. 

ὁμοιοῦν 1086. 64, 96. 

ὄνειρος 1086. 58, 59. 

ὄνομα 1087. 9. 

ὀνομάζειν 1086. 8, 24. 

> , 



ὄνυξ 1099. τό. 

ὀξύς 1086. 111; 1087. 62. 
ὀξέως 1086. ττο. 

ὀξύθηκτος 1087. 63. 

ὄπιον 1088. 6, 11, 40, 67. 

ὁπλή 1088. ii. 36. 

ὁποῖος 1088. 1. 17. 

ὁπός 1088. 38. 

ὅπου 1086. 106. 

ὀπτός 1088. 33. 

ὁπωσδήποτε 1086. 46. 

ὁρᾶν 1083. 4. 6; 1086. 7. 

ὀρεοσέλινον 1088. 63. 

ὀρίνεσθαι 1085. ii. 10. 

ὁρμᾶν 1086. 41. 

ὄρνις 1086. 19. 

ὄρος 1086. 50. 

ὀροφή 1099. 14. 

ὄρχις 1088. 1. 11. 

ὄρχησις 1088. 1. 15. 

ὅς 1076.5; 1088. 1. 17, 18. 
9; 1084. 13; 1085.ii. 1; 
1086. 6, 16, 23, 30, 49, 
50, 71,74, 95; 1087. 32, 
39, 46; 1089. 53. 

ὄσσε 1085. ii. 17. 

ὅστις 10838. 1. 4 (ὅτου), 20, 
18. Io. 

ὅταν 1086. 68, 111. 

ὅτε 1085. ii. 13; 1086. 45; 
1087. 57. 

ὅτι 1084. 4; 1086. 11, τό, 
17, 28, 42, 47, 55, 58, 63, 

65, 67, 76,94, 95, 97, 98; 

ov, ovk 1081. 16, 37; 1088. 
I. 5» 18; 1086. 3: 59> 69, 
72, 74, 77, 80, 94, 95; 
1087. 55, 96. 

οὐδέ 1088. 2.1; 1085. ii. 7; 
1087. 97; 1089. 54. 

ovdeis 1086. 32. 

οὐδέποτε 1086. 63. 

οὐδέπω 1099. 47. 

οὖν 1081. 25; 1086. 8ο, 87; 
1089. 25, 47. 

οὕνεκα 1088. 4. 5. 

οὐρά, 1088. ii. 15. 

οὐρανός 1088. 1. 14. 

οὖς 1081. 6, 35. 

οὐτάζειν 1088. ii. 7. 

οὗτος 1088. 1. 17, 19. 4, 23. 
2(?); 1086. 29, 32, 37, 
39; 42, 52,53, 63, 66, 70, 
72, 74, 75, 77, 86, 88, 
90, 92, 93, 98-100, 103; 
1087. 49, 84; 1088. 44; 
1089. 58. οὕτως 1086. 
19, 22, 42, 45, 52, 53; 
113; 1087. 29. 

οὐχί 1083. 1. 19. 

ὄφρα 10865. ii. 30. 

ὀφρύς 10865. ii. 17. 

ὄχος 1083. 13. 2. 

παθητικός 1086. 53. 
παῖς 1088. τ. 7, 18. 

πάλη 1088. τ. το; 1087. 
2 (?). : 
πάλιν 1086. 81; πάλι 1086. 


πάμπαν 1085. ii. 18. 

πάνακες 1088. 49, 52. 

πανταρκής 1091. 70. 

παππαπαππαπαῖ 1088. 19. 6. 

mapa 1086. 36, 60, 67; 1087. 
37> 39; 41, 52-5; 57- 

παράγειν 1086. 65. 

παραγίγνεσθαι 1076. 10; 1086. 
64, 86. 

παραιθον (? πύρεθρον) 1088. 15. 

παρακαλεῖν 1086. 31. 

παραναφωνεῖν 1086. 43. 

παράταξις 1086. 31. 

παρεῖναι 1088. 1. 4, 2. 7- 

παρέπεσθαι 1087. 98. 

παρηγορικῶς 1086. 13. 

Πάρις 1087. 50. 

πάρος 1088. ii. 25. 

παρώνυμος 1087. 22. 

πᾶς 1076. 33; 1081. το; 
1083. 1. 8, 13; 1085. 
ii. 29; 1086. 17 (διὰ παν- 
tos), 88, 100(?); 1087. 
1(?), 66. 

πατήρ 1081. 34, 37, 38; 46 ; 
1084. 13; 1086. 70-2. 


rag] 1088. 20. 1. 

πειρᾶν 10885. ii. 8. 

πέμπειν 1086. 64. 

πέντε 1089. 57. 

πέραν 1081. 7. 

περί 1088. 18. 6; 1087. Io. 

περικεφαλαία 1086. 110. 

περιτιθέναι 1086, 68. 

Περσεφόνη 1099. 49. 

πέτεσθαι 1086, 20. 

Πηνειός 1086. 3-6. 

Πηνελόπη 1086. 14. 

Πήρεια 1086. 27. 

Πιερία 1086, 26, 27. 

πιθανῶς 1087. 12. 

πικρός 1088. 64. 

Πίνδαρος 1086. 50; 1087. 

πίνειν 1088. 44, 51, 55, 61. 

πίπτειν 1085. il. 34; 1099. 

Πισιδία 1086. 49. 

πίσσα 1088. 17. 

πίστις 1081]. 32. 

πλανοῦν 1081. 21; 1086. 26. 

πλατεῖα 1076. 20. 

πλατύς 1085. ii. 35. 

πλεῖστος 1087. 19. 

πλευρά 1085. ii. τό. - 

πληγή 1088. 2. 

πληθύνειν 1087. 34. 

πληθυντικῶς 1086. 98 (?). 

πλήν 1087. 18. 

πλήσσειν 1086. 46. 

πλύνειν 1088. 5. 

ποιεῖν 1084. τό; 1086. 12, 
32, 66; 1088. 41, 42; 
1089. 48. 

ποιητής 1086. 58, 99. 

ποικίλλειν 1087. 88 (?). 

ποικίλος 1086. 109, ITO. 

moto... . 1087. 9. 

πόλεμος 1086. 29, 77. 

Πολίτης 1086. 66, 69, 72, 76, 
79, 80, 82, gI. 

πολίτης 1086. 92. 

πολύκλυστος 1085. ii. 13. 

πολυπίδακος 1087. 36. 

πολύπος 1088. 32. 

πολύς 1076. 1; 108]. 2, 4; 
1085. ii. 18 (?). 

πολύσκαρθμος 1086. 104. 

πολυσκάριστος 1086. 105. 

πορεύεσθαι 1076. 11 ; 1086. 
42; 1089. 36; 1099. 5. 

Ποσειδέων 1084. τι. 

πόσις 1083. 9. 3. 

postquam 1078. 9, 17. 

ποταμός 1086. 2, 7. 

πότε 1086. 79. 

ποτέ 1088. 2.8; 1085. ii. 1; 
1086. 76. 

πότημα 1088. 48, 63, 66. 

πούς 1085. ii. 10; 1086. 54, 
118; 1088. 46. 

Πραξιφάνης 1086. 12. 

πράσον 1088. 22. 

πράσσειν 1086. 59, 87. 

πρέπειν 1083. τ. 9; 1086. 
68, 80(?). πρεπόντως 1086. 
70, 82. 

πρεσβύτερος 1086. 84 (?). 

πρό 1088. 45. 

mpoepew 1086. 96. 

προέρχεσθαι 1087. 20. 

πρόθεσις 1086. 55. 

προϊέναι 1085. ii. 6. 

προκαθῆσθαι 1089. 46. 

προλούειν 1088. 45. 

προπάτωρ 1081. 38, 41, 46. 

προπετῶς 1085. 1]. 34. 

πρός 1081. 10(?); 1083. 1. 9, 
2.5; 1085.11. 38; 1086. 
11, 12, 28, 43, 47, 66, 72, 
98; 1087. 64; 1088. 1, 
8, 28, 32, 38, 46, 48; 
1089. 35; 1099. 7, 24. 

προσήκειν 1086. 76. 

πρόσθεν 10838. 6. τ. 

προσκυνεῖν 1089. 30. 

προστιθέναι 10838. τ. 18. 

προσφατώτερον 1088. 25. 

προσφιλέστατος 1083. 7. 1. 

πρότερος 1086. 11, 18. πρό- 
τερον 1086. 66. 

προτιθέναι 1088. 47; 1089. 

πρόφρων 1088. 2. 7. 


πρῶτος 1085. ii. 6. 
1086. 63. 

πρωτότυπος 1087. 23. 

πταρμικός 1088. 24. 

πτῶσις 1086. 108. 

πτωχός 1076. 9. 

πυγμάχος 10885. ii. 37. 

πυγμή 1088. 1. 11. 

πύλη 1086. 98. 

πύματον 1085. ii. 32. 

πυνθάνεσθαι 1088. τ. 6. 

πῦρ 1085. iil. 17; 1086. 42; 
1087. 65. 

πύρεθρον ( παραιθον 
1088. 15. 

πυρκαϊά 1099. 21. 

πῶς 1081. 25, 32. 


πρῶτα 1088. 


qui 1078. 4, 35. 
quingenti 1073. 39. 

pa 1085. ii. 26. 

ῥάδιος 1086. 74. 
ῥαντίζειν 1099. 3. 

ῥεῦμα 1088. I, 8. 
ῥηγνύναι 1085. ii. 28. 
ῥίπτειν 1089. 31. 
ῥιψάσπιδος 1087. 45, 46. 
purnp 10865. ii. 4. 

ῥῶσις 1087. 13. 

Σάτυρος 1083. I. 6. 

σεληναΐ 1088. 2. 2. 

σελήνη 1089. 41 (?). 

Sem 1078. 41. 

Σεραπεῖον 1089. 25. 

Σερᾶπις 1089. 34, 48 (?). 

σέσελι 1088. 57 (?). 

Seth 1073. 9. 

σεύεσθαι 1085. ii. 26. 

σημαίνειν 1086. 91, 93. 

σημεῖον 1086. 28, 47, 83, 98, 
107, 114. 

σημειοῦν 1086. 17. 

Σικελία 1086. 50. 

Σίλλοι 1087. 41. 

σίλφιον 1088. 38. 


Σιμωνίδης 1087. 31, 39. 

σίναπι 1088. τό. 

Σιπύλιος 1088. 20. 2 (9). 

σκαρθμός 1086. 105. 

σκεπάζειν 1088. 47- 

σκηνή 1087. 19. 

σκιά 1088. 43. 

σός 1089. 50. 

Σοφοκλῆς 1087. 35. 

σοφός 1088. 5. 6. 
1083. 3. 2. 

σπάρτον 1086. 23. 

speciosus 1073. 48. 

σπέος 1084. 2. 

σπέρμα 1088. 15, 65. 

σταφυλή 1086. 22, 24. 

στένειν 1083. 25. 3 (?); 1086. 
52, 54. 

Στησίχορος 1087. 48. 

στῖμι 1088. 10. ᾿ 

στόμα 1085. il. 18. 

στόμαχος 1085. ii. 28. 

στρατιώτης 1087. 19. 

στροβεῖν 1088. 3. 2. 

στρόβιλος 1088. 55. 

στρούθειον 1088. 26. 

Στρυμόνιος 1085. il. 14. 

στρωμνή 1099. 37. 

Στύξ 1086. 3. 

σύ 1076. 10; 1088. τ. 17, 
18. 6; 1086. 86(?); 1089. 
36, 47; 59; 59: 

συγκοιμᾶν 1084. 6. 

σύκειον (1. σίκυος ?) 1088. 36. 

συμμίσγεσθαι 1086. 

συμπίπτειν 1087. 23. 

σύν 1089. 27, 35, 41. 

συνακολουθεῖν 1086. το (?). 

συναράσσειν 1085. il. 10. 

σύνδενδρος 1086. το. 

συνετώτατος 1086. 15. 

συνεχής 1087. 7. 

συνήθεια 1086. 18. 

συντινάσσειν 1099. 8. 

σύσκιος 1086. 6 (?). 

σφέτερος 1085, ii. τό. 

σχῆμα 1087. ὃ. 

σχηματίζειν 1086. 47. 

σχιστὸς λίθος 1088. 5. 



Σωκράτης 1087. 29. 
σωλῆνος 1087. 56. 
σῶμα 1087. 66. 
σωτήρ 1081. 27. 

τάλαντον 1089. 57. 

τανυπτέρυγος 1087. 30. 

ταχύς 1086. 19. 

τε 1081, 4; 1083. 1. 14, 3. 
3; 1085. ii. 24; 1087. 
20, 46. 

τείνειν 1087. 61. 

τέκνον 1089. 38. 

τελοΐ 1083. 35: 

Τέμπη 1086. 6. 

τένων 1085. ii. 28 (?). 

τεταρταῖος 1088. 38. 

τετραζυγής 1088. 13. 2. 

Τεῦκρος 1087. 56. 

τέχνη 1083. 1. 8. 

Τήμενος 1087. 29. 

Tnvyern 1084. 17. 

τιθέναι 1087. 42, 44. 

tis 1088. 1. 1, 4, 3.3; 1089. 

τις 1081. 19; 1088. 2. 4; 
1086. 37,64,68;1089. 44. 

Τιταρήσιος 1086, 2, 5. 

τοῖος 1085. il. 3. 

τοιόσδε 1083. 1, 2. 

τόκος 1089. 60. 

τολμᾶν 1086. 66. 

τόνος 1087. 58. 

τοξική 1086. 120. 

τόπος 1086. 41; 1088. 18. 

tore 1089. 31. 

τραγοπώγωνος 1087. 37. 

tres 1073. 40. 

τρηχαλέος 1085, ii. 11. 

τρίβειν 1088. 25, 28; 1088. 
34, 36, 44. 

τριώβολον 1088. 6, 11, 33, 

Τροίζηνος 1087. 24. 

Τρῶες 1086. 108, 115. 

Τρῶος 1087. 55, 56. 

τρωκτός 1086. 25 (3). 

τυγχάνειν 1081. 5 (?). 

τυμβεύειν 1088. 12. 4. 

τύπτειν 1085. 11]. 10. ing 

Tupwevs 1085. ii. 25; 1086. 
45, 48. 

Τωβίας 1076. 2, 12. 

ὑγρός 1088. 17. - 

ὑδρωπικός 1088. 63. 

ὕδωρ 1086. 3; 1088. 7, 13, 

vids 1076. 3; 
1087. 49. 

ὑμεῖς 1081. 32 ; 1087. 20. 

ὑοσκύαμος 1088. 39, 66. 

ὑπάρχειν 1076. 34. 

ὑπέρ 1086. 69; 1089. 56. 

ὑπερβολή 1087. 13. 

ὑπεροχή 1087. 8. 

ὑπηρέτης 1083. 1. 7. 

ὑπνωτικός 1088. 66. 

ὑπό 1085. il. 17; 1086. 49, 
5°; 53> 64, 81, 92." of” 

ὑπόκρισις 1086. 65 (ἀπόκρ. 

ὑπομένειν 1086. 29. 

ὑποστένειν 1086. 45. 

ὕπτιος 1088. 29. 

ὕστατος 10838. 5. 4. 

ὑψηλός 1099. 8. 

1086. 70; 

vivere 1073. 4 ef saep. 

φαίνεσθαι 1081. 29, 33; 1086. 

φακός 1088. 46. 

φάναι 1086. 15, 33, 50, 69; 
1087. 39, 46, 48, 85. 

φάος 1085.ii.12; 1091. label. 
φῶς 1081. 29; 1083. 2. 3. 

φεύγειν 1085. ii. 2; 1086. 

33: ' 
φηλήτης 1084. 4 (pr. Pap.). 
φθορά 1081. 3, 13, 23. 
φιλησίμως 1084. 5. 

Φινεύς 1087. 34. weds a 

1087. 35. 
Φλάκκος 1089. 

42, 55+ 78 
Φλεγέθων 1088. il. 17. 
φλοιός 1088. 26. 

25: 35; 40, 


φόβος 1086. 28, 30. 
Φοῖνιξ 1088. 4. 6, 14. 3, 
Ig. 8. 
φοιτᾶν 1086. 40. 
Φράτερες 1087. 54. 
φροῦδος 1088. 2. 1. 
Φρύξ, 1087. 8:. 
φυγάς 10838. 2. 8. 
φυγή 1086. 29. 
φυρᾶν 1088. 22. 
φων 1088. 5. 2. 

χαλινός 1085. li. 4. 

χαλκήρεος 1085. ii.. 6. 

χαλκῖτις 1088. 19. 

Χάλυβος 1087. 27, 28. 

Χάος 1099. 52. 

Χάροπος 1087. 26. 

χείρ 1087. 35, 36, 46. 

χθών 1088. 2. 2; 1085. ii. 30. 



χολοῦσθαι 1086. 46. 

χορός 1083. τ. 6. 

χρή 1083. 1. 1. 

χρήζειν 1088. 1. 18. 

χρῆμα 1089. 26. 

χρησιμεύειν 1086. 23. 

χρῆσθαι 1088. 17, 19, 31 

χρηστός 1086. 43. 
1088. 68. 

χρόνος 1088. 17. 2; 1086. 

χρυσάορος 1087. 25- 

χρυσόπαστος 1086. 113. 

ἘΞ 5.: 

'χρυσός 1089. 57. 

χυλός 1088. 22, 23, 60. 

χώεσθαι 1086. 45. 

χώρα 1086. 8. 

χωρίζειν 1086. 72. 

χωρίς 1086. 75, 101; 1088. 
41, 59. 


Geos καὶ κύριος Αὐτοκράτωρ 1148. 4. 


Τιβέριος Καῖσαρ Σεβαστός 1124, 21, 23. 


θεὸς Κλαύδιος 1144. 8. 


ψεύδεσθαι 1083. τ. 13.. 
ψιλῶς 1068. 65. 
ψιμύθιον 1088. 4, 12. 
ψώμισμα 1088. 39. 

ὦ 1083. 4. 1; 1086. 71. 

067 1083. 1. 12. 

ὠδίς 10838. 4. 3 (9). 

ὦκα 1085. ii. 30. 

ὠκέως 1086. 55. 

ody 1088. 58. 

ὥρα 1088. 46. et 

ὡς 1081. 13, 18; 1085. ii. 
12,13; 1086. 14,19, 45, 
67; 1087. 4, 6, 24, 58, 
63, 85. 

ὡσαύτως 1088. 27, 31. 

ὥσπερ 1086. 4. 

ὥστε 1086. 7, 22, 42, 78. 

Αὐτοκράτωρ Καῖσαρ Δομιτιανὸς Σεβαστὸς Γερμανικός 1105. 22. 


θεὸς Οὐεσπασιανός 1112. 12. 


Αὐτοκρ. Kaio. Népovas Τραιανὸς Σεβ. Tepy. Δακικός 1165. 15. 



θεὸς ᾿Αδριανός 1119. 15. 
“Adpiavés 1088. ii. 6. 

Antoninus Pius. 

᾿Αντωνῖνος Καῖσ. ὁ κύριος 1128. 17. 


᾿Αντωνῖνος καὶ Οὐῆρος of κύριοι Αὐτοκρ. 1182. 18, 

Marcus AvuRELIUS. 

Αὐτοκρ. Kaito. Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Ἀντωνῖνος Σεβ. ᾿Αρμενιακὸὲ Μηδικὸς Παρθικὸς Tepp. 
Μέγιστος 1128. 28. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντωνῖνος Καῖσ. ὁ κύριος 1128. 11. 


Avtokp. Καῖσ. Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Κόμμοδος ᾿Αντωνῖνος 8. “App. Μηδ. Παρθ. Σαρματικὸς Τερμ. 
Μέγιστ. 1127. 31. 

Αὐρήλιος Κόμμοδος ᾿Αντωνῖνος Καῖσ. ὁ κύριος 1110. 5, 7, 20. 


Αὐτοκρ. Καίσαρες Λούκιος Σεπτίμιος Zeounpos Εὐσεβὴς Περτίναξ ᾿Ἀραβικὸς ᾿Αδιαβηνικὸς Παρθ. 
Μέγιστ. καὶ Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντωνῖνος EvoeB. Σεβαστοὶ καὶ Πούβλιος Σεπτίμιος Γέτας Καῖσ. 
Σεβ. 1118. i. 20, ii. 12. 

Λούκιος Σεπτίμιος Σεουῆρος EvocB. Περτίναξ καὶ Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντωνῖνος EvoeB, Σεβαστοὶ 
καὶ Πούβλιος Σεπτίμιος Τέτας Καῖσ. Σεβ, 1118. ii. 8. 

Maximinus AND Maximus. 

Adrokp. Kato. Τάιος lovAvos Οὐῆρος Μαξιμῖνος Εὐσεβ. Εὐτυχὴς Σεβ. Τερμ. Μέγιστ. Δακ. Μέγιστ. 
Σαρματικὸς Μέγιστ. καὶ Ἰούλιος Οὐῆρος Μάξιμος Τερμ. Μέγιστ. Δακ. Μέγιστ. Sapp. Μέγιστ. 6 
ἱερώτατος Καῖσ. Σεβ. υἱὸς τοῦ Σεβαστοῦ 1114. 17. 

Imperator Caesar Gaius Iulius Verus Maximinus Pius Augustus Germanicus Maxt- 
mus Dacicus Max. Sarmaticus Max. et Gatus Iulius Verus Maximus Germ. Max. 
Dac. Max. Sarm. Max. Caesar sanctissimus Augustus fiius August 1114. τ. 

Μάρκοι Ἰούλιοι 1119. 22, 24, 28. 

Αὐτοκρ. Kaicapes Tasos Οὐίβιος Τρεβωνιανὸς Τάλλος καὶ Tacos Ov (Bios ᾿Αφίνιος Γάλλος OveA- 
δουμιανὸς Οὐολουσιανὸς Εὐσεβεῖς Εὐτυχ. Σεβ, 1119. 5, 13. 


κύριος ἡμῶν Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Πρόβος EvoeS, Σεβ. 1115. 17. 

ἔτος β 1115. 20. 

DiocLteTIaAN AND MaxiMian. 

, ς “- “- 
κύριοι ἡμῶν Διοκλητιανὸς καὶ Μαξιμιανὸς Σεβαστοὶ καὶ οἱ κύριοι ἡμῶν Κωνστάντιος καὶ Μαξιμια- 
νὸς οἱ ἐπιφανέστατοι Καίσαρες 112]. 28. ' 

ἔτος θ καὶ ἡ καὶ a 1140. 5. 


c ’ c - > - - 
οἱ κύριοι ἡμῶν Αὐτοκρ. Κωνστάντιος καὶ Μαξιμιανὸς Σεβαστοὶ καὶ Σεουῆρος καὶ Μαξιμῖνος 

ἐπιφανέστατοι Καίσαρες 1104. 18. Cf. Index III. 

Maximinus, ConsTANTINE, AND LicINIUs. 

iC ἔτος tn ἔτος ¢ ἔτος 1189. introd. 


ὁ δεσπότης ἡμῶν ᾿Αρκάδιος 6 αἰώνιος Αὔγουστος 1122. 1. 


ὁ δεσπότης ἡμῶν Θεοδύσιος αἰώνιος Avy. 1184. 1. 

Αὔγουστος 1116. το. Augustus 1114, 35. 
θειοτάτη οἰκία 1114. 35. 
κύριοι Σεβαστοί 1113. ii. 4. 



Perpetuo et Corneliano co(n)s(ulibus) (237) 1114. 1, 36, 38. 

ἐπὶ τῶν ὄντων ὑπάτων (295) 1121. 1. 

ἐπὶ ὑπάτων τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίου καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβαστῶν τὸ > (306) 1104. τ. 

pera τὴν ὑπατίαν Φλαουίου Εὐσεβίου καὶ Ὑπατείου τῶν λαμπροτάτων (360) 1108. 1. 

ὑπατίας ᾿Ιουλιανοῦ τὸ δ΄ καὶ Σαλλουστίου τοῦ λαμπροτ. ἐπάρχου τοῦ ἱεροῦ πραιτωρίου (363) 
1116. 1. 

μετὰ τὴν ὑπατίαν Φλαουίων ᾿Ολυμβρίου καὶ Προβίνου τῶν λαμπροτ. (396) 1188. 1. 

μετὰ τὴν ὑπατίαν τοῦ δεσπότου ἡμῶν ᾿Αρκαδίου τοῦ αἰωνίου Αὐγούστου τὸ ς καὶ Φλαουίου Πρόβου 

τοῦ λαμπροτ. (407) 1122. 1. 


pera τὴν ὑπατίαν τοῦ δεσπότου ἡμῶν Θεοδοσίου αἰωνίου Αὐγούστου τὸ θ΄ καὶ Φλαουίου Κωνσταν- 
τίου τὸ γ τοῦ λαμπροτ. πατρικίου (421) 1184. 1. 

μετὰ τὴν ὑπατίαν Φλαουίων Ζήνωνος καὶ Ποστουμιανοῦ tev λαμπροτ. (449) 1129. τ. 

μετὰ τὴν ὑπατίαν Φλαουίου Τρωκώνδη τοῦ λαμπροτ. (484) 1180. 2. 


ἔτος p 6 (363) 1116. 15. 

ἔτος OC ἔς (420) 1186. 6. 
ἔτος pke 98 (449) 1129. 7. 
ἔτος p£a pd (484) 1180. τό. 
ἔτος oO on (562-3) 1187. 4. 


ist (5th cent.) 1181. τό. ~ 

and (418-19) 1184. 11, 13; (449) 1129. 8. 
3rd (419-20) 1184, 11, 14. 

4th (420) 1186. 4. 

7th (484) 1180. 3. 

8th Phaophi, ἀρχῆς (484) 1180. τό. 

roth (sth or 6th cent.) 1138. 4. 

11th (5th or 6th cent.) 1188. 10; (562-3) 1187. 2, 4; (late 6th cent.) 1147. 1 
14th (5th cent.) 1126. 10, 15. . 


(a) MONTHS. 

Teppaviuc.. . 1144. 8. 

(6) Days. 

εἰκάς 1128. 8. 

ἐπαγόμεναι 1116. 13; 1182. 17. 

idus Luliae 1114. 37. 

veounvia 1116. 12 ; 1127. 4; 1129. 6. 
nonae luliae 1114. 13, 36. 

τετράς 1163. 2. 




᾿Αβραάμ, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Α. 5. of Ision 1130. 4, 26, 

32, 33: 

᾿Αβτιμαραΐ 1145. introd. 

᾿Αγαθὸς Δαίμων, Αὐρήλιος ’A. A. s. of Serenus 
1121. 31. 

Λδμητος 5. of Admetus 1111. ii. 14. 

“Adunros f. of Heracleus (9) 1111. ii. 7. 

“Adpunros 5. of Heracleus and f. of Heracles 
and Admetus 1111. ii. 9. i 

᾿Αθηνᾶ also called Thoéris, goddess 1117. τ. 

᾿Ακοῦς (? gen. ᾿Ακούτου) 1187. 2. 

᾿Ακύλας, Σουβατιανὸς ᾿Α. praefect 1100. τ. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος αὖ actis 1108. 11. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος, ᾿Αντώνιος ᾿Α. epistrategus 1119. 
4,9, 15, 22, 26. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντώνιος ᾽Α. 1185. 7. 

᾿Αλέξανδρος f. of Dorion 1145. 22. 

"Au( -) 1108. 13. 

Αμμων f. of Aurelius Maximinus 1184, 5. 

᾿Αμμωνᾶς 1158. τό. 

᾿Αμμώνιος 1116, 24; 1188. 18; 1162. 6. 

᾿Αμμώνιος, Αὐρήλιος ‘A. beneficiarius 1121. 2. 

᾿Αμμώνιος chief priest 1146. 6. 

᾿Αμμώνιος freedman 1128. 4, 18. 

᾿Αμμώνιος Θεών also called Chaeremon 1128. 
τ. Cf, 1138. το: 

᾿Αμμώνιος 8. of Petechon 1145, 8. 

᾿Αμμώνιος 5. of Ptolemaeus 1124. 12. 

᾿Αμμωνοῦς 1123. 2. 

᾿Αμόις f. of Saras 1112. 7. 

᾿Αναστασία also called Euphemia 1151. 12 

᾿Ανουβιάς 1110. 2. 

᾿Ανουβίων 1156. 2. 

᾿Ανούπ 1150. 4. 

᾿Αντᾶς 1156. 2. 

ε᾽Αντώνιος ᾿Αλέξανδρος epistrategus 1119. 4, 9, 
15, 22, 26. 

᾿Αντώνιος, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Α, ᾿Αλέξανδρος 1185. 7. 

᾿Απάμμων 1146. 4. 

᾿Απίων 1146. 2. 

᾿Απίων f. of Dionysius 1118. i. 18. 

᾿Απίων 5. of Nicaeus 1145. 3. 

᾿Απίων pastophorus 1155. 1, 18. 

᾿Απίων 8. of Sarapion 1128. 1. 

᾿Απολλωνία, Αὐρηλία ᾿Α. also called Dieus, d. 


of Marcus Aurelius Saras 1114. 28. 
relia Apollonia, &c. 1114. το. 

᾿Απολλωνία, Αὐρηλία ᾽Α. ἃ. of Marcus Aurelius 
Apollonius 1114. 25. Aurelia Apollonia, 
&c. 1114. 11. 

᾿Απολλώνιος 1102. 24; 1104. 21. 

᾿ Απολλώνιος f. of Apollonius 1158. 1. 

᾿Απολλώνιος f. of Apollonius also called Horion 
1112. 2. 

᾿Απολλώνιος 8. Of Apollonius 1158. 1, 30. 

᾿Απολλώνιος also called Horion, 5. of Apollo- 
nius ex-exegetes 1112. 2, 18. 

᾿Απολλώνιος, Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ᾿Α. senator, 5. of 
Demetrius also called Psammis 1114. 25. 
Marcus Aurelius Apollonius, &c. 1114. 11. 

᾿Απολλώνιος f. of Petechon elder 1145. 9. 

᾿Απολλώνιος 8. Of Sosus 1127. τ. 

᾿Απολλωνοῦς 1145. 20. 

᾿Απολλώς assistant 1147, 7. 

᾿Απφουᾶς presbyter 1138. 3. 

᾿Απφοῦς 1186. I. 

᾿Αρητίων 1158. 6, 13. 

Apq 1100. 23. 

᾿Αριστέας, Αὐρήλιος A. dioecetes 1115. 5, 11. 

᾿Αριστόκλεια also called Chaeremonis 1113. 

᾿Αριστοκλῆς, Σαραπίων also called A., s. of 
Sarapion 1118. i. 7. 

“Αρπαῆσις f, of Heracles 1145. 13. 

“Apmanows f. of Horus 1145. τι. 

“Ἁρποκρατίων, Ἕρμιππος also called H., 5. of 
Horion 1109. τ. 

‘Aproxpariov f. of Harpocration 1109. 15. 

“Αρποκρατίων 5, Of Harpocration and f. of 
A..on 1109. 15. 

᾿Αρσίνοος, Αὐρήλιος ’A. 5. of Theon 1119. 3, 6, 
18, 26, 27, 29. 

᾿Αρτεμίδωρος f. of Aurelius Phoebammon 1129. 

, 16. 

aa aeae Αὐρήλιος ᾽Α. 5. of Calopus 1188. 5. 

᾿Αρτέμιος 1108. 3. 

᾿Ασκλᾶς 5. of Cephalon 1111. i. 8. 

᾿Ασκληπιάδης, Αὐρήλιος "A, ἀναπομπὸς 
1115. 2, τὸ. 

᾿Ασκληπιάδης senator, 5. of Achilleus 1108. 2. 

᾿Αστέριος centurion 1146. 18. 




“Arpys 1145. 15. 

“Ατρῆς 5. of Petenouphis 1145. 17. 

Αὐδάσιος Παυλῖνος banker 1182. 11. 

Αὐξάνωρ 1146. 7. 

Αὐρηλία ᾿Απολλωνία also called Dieus, d. of 
Marcus Aurelius Saras 1114. 28. Aurelia 
Apollonia, &c. 1114. το. 

Αὐρηλία ᾿Απολλωνία d. of Marcus Aurelius 
Apollonius 1114. 25. Aurelia Apollonia, 
&c. 1114. τι. 

Αὐρηλία Minis d. of Theodorus 1129. 3. 

Αὐρηλία Στροτονίκη also called Sosipatra, d. of 
Marcus Aurelius Saras 1114. 27. Aurelia 
Stratonice, &c. 1114. 9. 

Αὐρηλία Τεχῶσις d. of Diodorus 1121. 3, 31. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αβραάμ 5. Of Ision 1180. 4, 26, 32, 33. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αγαθὸς Δαίμων 5. of Serenus 1121. 31. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αμμώνιος beneficiarius 1121. 2. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντώνιος ᾿Αλέξανδρος 1135. 7. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αριστέας dioecetes 1115. 5, 11. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αρσίνοος 5. of Theon 1119. 3, 6, 18, 
26, 27, 29. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αρτεμίδωρος 5. of Calopus 1188. 5. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ασκληπιάδης ἀναπομπὸς ἄρτου 1115. 
2, 10. 

Αὐρήλιος Δῖος also called Pertinax, strategus 
1119. 9, 25. 

Αὐρήλιος Δίδυμος senator, 5. of Theon 1122. 4. 

Δὐρήλιος Ζακάων 5. of Melanas 1116. 19. 

Αὐρήλιος ‘Hpas phylarch 1119. 2, 13. 

Αὐρήλιος Θεόδωρος 8. Of Th... 1188. 17. 

Αὐρήλιος Θέων 5. οὗ Theon 1119. 3, 6, 12, 18, 
26, 29. 

Αὐρήλιος Ἱερακίων also called Noninos, senator 
1104. 4. 

Αὐρήλιος Ἰσάκ s. of Nilus 1180. 5. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ισίδωρος ἀναπομπὸς ἄρτου 1115. 2, to. 

Αὐρήλιος Ἰωάννης ex-primipilarius, 5. of Sar- 
mates 1133. 3, 16. 

Αὐρήλιος Μαξιμῖνος 5. of Ammon 1184. 5. 

Αὐρήλιος, Μάρκος Av. ᾿Απολλώνιος senator, 5. of 
Demetrius also called Psammis 1114. 25. 
Marcus Aurelius Apollonius, &c. 1114, 11. 

Αὐρήλιος, Μάρκος Av. Διογένης also called 
Heliodorus, f. of Marcus Aurelius Saras, 
senator 1114. 21. Marcus Aurelius 
Diogenes, &c. 1114. 8. 

Αὐρήλιος, Μάρκος Av. Sapas senator, 5. of Mar- 
cus Aurelius Diogenes also called Helio- 


dorus 1114. 21, 33. Marcus Aurelius 
Saras, &c. 1114. 7. 

Αὐρήλιος Μουσῆς συστάτης, 5. Of Theon 1116. 
4, 21. 

Αὐρήλιος Παπίριος Διονύσιος praefect 1110. 6. 

Αὐρήλιος Πλουτῖνος ἀναπομπὸς ἄρτου 1115. 2. 

Αὐρήλιος Πρανίσχολος 8. of Phoebammon 1126. 

Αὐρήλιος Σαραπίων amphodogrammateus 1119. 
7, 19, 25. 

Αὐρήλιος Φιλίαρχος also called Horion, strate- 
gus 1115. 1, 18. 

ἀεὶ bi Φοιβάμμων 5. of Artemidorus 1129. 5, 

Αὐρήλιος Φοιβάμμων also called Lucas, 5. of 
Melas 1122. 6. 

Αὐρήλιος Σεῦθις also called Horion, logistes 
1104, 2. 

᾿Αφῦγχις 1158. 20. 

᾿Αχιλλῖς 1142. 1, 18. 

᾿Αχιλλεύς f. of Asclepiades 1108. 2. 

Βάλλαρος 8. Of Pe. . . 1128. 2. 
Bavos deacon, 5. of Peter 1180. 29. 
Βάτραχος f. of Didymus 1145. 14. 
Βίκτωρ saint 1151. 49. 

Βίκτωρ scholasticus 1165. 14. 

Taiavés 1141. 6. 

Taiwy, Sarapion also called G. 1149. 8. 
Γεμελλῖνος f. of Heracleus 1146. 11. 
Geminius Valens 1114. 5. 

Tewpytos chartularius 1108. 8. 

Γεώργιος scribe 1108. 4. 

Γρηγόριος chief physician 1108. 6. 

Δημήτριος also called Psammis, f. of Marcus 
Aurelius Apollonius 1114. 25. Demetrius, 
&c. 1114. τι. 

Διδύμη 1111. 1. 2. 

Διδύμη d. of Cephalon 1111. i. 1. 

Διδυμίων, Δίδυμος also called D., ex-chief priest 
1118. i. 3. 

Δίδυμος 1110. 15. 

Δίδυμος, Αὐρήλιος A. senator, 5. of Theon 
1122. 4. 

Δίδυμος 5. of Batrachus 11465. 14. 

Δίδυμος also called Didymion, ex-chief priest 

113. i. 3. 


Δίδυμος f. of Dionysius 1109. 4. 

Δίδυμος f. of Isidorus 1110. 1. 

Διεῦς, Αὐρηλία ᾿Απολλωνία also called D., d. of 
Marcus Aurelius Saras 1114. 28. Aurelia 
Apollonia, &c. 1114. το. 

Atoyas 11538. 21. 

Διογένης 1142. τι. 

Διογένης f. of Flavius Phoebammon Imperial 
administrator 1134. 3. 

Διογένης, Ἰούλιος A. 1141. 1. 

Διογένης, Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Δ. also called Helio- 
dorus, f. of Marcus Aurelius Saras 1114. 
21. Marcus Aurelius Diogenes, &c.1114. 8. 

Διογένης, Πούπλιος Overrios A. 1127. 3, 36. 

Διογένης 5. of Sarapion 1118. i. 6. 

Διογένης f. of Thonis 11238. 7. 

Διόγνητος, Κλαύδιος Δ. procurator 1113. i. 12, 
ii. 12: 

Διόδωρος 1158. 1, 26; 1160. ο. 

Διόδωρος f. of Aurelia Techosis 1121. 3. 

Διόδωρος f. of Pekusis 1145. 21. 

Διονυσία 1157. τ, 30. 

Διονύσιος 1125. 3, 6. 

Διονύσιος 8. of Apion 1118. i. 17. 

Διονύσιος, Αὐρήλιος Παπίριος A. praefect 1110. 6. 

Διονύσιος 5. of Didymus 1109. 4. 

Διονύσιος f. of Heliodorus 1111. i. 2. 

Διονύσιος 5. of Theon 1124. 4, 6, 9, 18, 22. 

Διόσκορος 1116. 23. 

Διοσκουρίδης 1110. 4, 12; 1146. τό. 

Δωρίων 5. of Alexander 1145, 22. 

“Ἑλένη 1160. 5. 

“λενοῦς 1158. το. 

Ἑρμεῖνος 5. of Anubias 1110. 2. 

‘Eppias f. of Aurelius . . . 1126. 19, 21. 

Ἕρμιππος also called Harpocration, 5. of 
Horion and f. of Ptolemaeus 1109. 1. 

Ἕρμιππος f. of Horion 1109. 2. 

Evdaipov 1102. 3, 8, 18; 1107.6; 1120. 6; 
1146. 15. 

Εὐτόλμιος, Φλαούιος Ed. Τατιανός praefect 1101. 2. 

Εὐτρύγιος 1108. 3. 

Εὐφημία, ᾿Αναστασία also called E. 1151. 13, 

Ζακάων, Αὐρήλιος Z. 5. οἵ Melanas 1116. 19. 
Ζεύς god 1149. 1. 


Ζωίλος ex-gymnasiarch, 5. of Zoilus 1110. rr. 
Ζωίλος f. of Zoilus 1110. 11. 

Ἡλιόδωρος 5. of Dionysius 1111. i. 2. 

“Ἡλιόδωρος, Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Διογένης also called 
H., f. of Marcus Aurelius Saras 1114. 22. 
Marcus Aurelius Diogenes, &c. 1114. 8. 

Ἥλιος god 1148. 1; 1149. τ. 

“‘HpaxAdupey comes 1163. Io. 

ρακλᾶς 1153. 3, 7, 22. 

Ἡράκλεια 1109. τό. 

Ἡρακλείδης 1146. 12. 

Ἡρακλείδης 5. οἵ. .. ion and f. of Tryphon 
1132. 4. 

Ἡρακλειδίων 1146. 10, 21. 

“Ἡράκληος f. of Admetus and Mieus 1111. ii. 9. 

Ἡράκληος 8. of Gemellinus 1146. 11. 

Ἡρακλῆς s. of Admetus 1111. il. 12. 

Ἡρακλῆς s. of Harpaésis 1145. 13. 

Ἥράκλιος 1140. 2. 

Ἡρᾶς, Αὐρήλιος ‘H. phylarch 1119. 2, 13. 

Sais d. of Pekusis 1109. 3. 

Θεανοῦς also called Sinthonis 1128. 2. 

Θεογένης, Σαραπίων also called Th. 1128. 5. 

Θεοδόσιος 1164. 14. 

Θεοδώρα 1120, 17. 

Θεόδωρος f. of Aurelia Mikis 1129. 3. 

Θεόδωρος ἀποκρί ) 1108. 12. 

Θεόδωρος, Αὐρήλιος Θ. 5. of Th... 1188. 17. 

Θεόδωρος princeps 1108. 2. 

Θεόδωρος riparius 1147. το. 

Θεονᾶς Or Θωνᾶς 1155. 1, 20. 

Θέων 1117. 11 ; 1186. 2 ; 1154. 1, 14. 

Θέων, ᾿Αμμώνιος Θ. also called Chaeremon 
1128.1. Cf. 1128. 19. 

Θέων ἢ, of Aurelius Arsinoiis and Aurelius 
Theon 1119. 3, 6. 

Θέων f. of Aurelius Didymus senator 1122. 4. 

Θέων, Αὐρήλιος ©. 5. Of Theon 1119. 3, 6, 12, 
18, 26, 29. 

Θέων f. of Aurelius Moses 1116. 4. 

Θέων banker 1146. 17, 18. 

Θέων f. of Dionysius 1124. 22. 

Θοῆρις goddess 1117. 5. ᾿Αθηνᾶ also called 
Th, 1117. 1. 

Θοῶνις ἔ, of Hierax 1105. 15. 

Θοῶνις f. of Thodnis 1105. 4. 


Θοῶνις 5. of Thodnis 1105 3. 

Θοῶνις 5. of Thodnis and f. of ThoGnis 1105. 4. 
Θρακίδας 5. of Komon (?) 1145. 12, τό. 
Θώνιος 1141. 2; 1159. 13. 

Sans 1120. 13. 

Gaus 5. of Diogenes 1128. 7. 

Θωνᾶς Or Geovas 1155. 1, 20. 

"lavovaptavds, Πομπώνιος “I. praefect 1115. 4. 

"Ido 1152. 2. 

Ἰδιοκ.. { 1110. 18. 

Ἱερακίων, Αὐρήλιος ‘I. also called Noninos, 
senator 1104. 4. 

“Ἱέραξ 5. of Thoonis and f. of Tbekis 1105. 14. 

‘Iepnuias assistant 1147. 6. 

ἹΙερημίας scribe 1187. 5. 

ἸΙουλιανός lawyer 1181. 2, 16. 

᾿Ιούλιος Διογένης 1141. 11. 

᾿Ιοῦστος saint 1151. 50. 

ἸΙσάκ, Αὐρήλιος Ἰ. 5. of Nilus 1180. 5. 

Ἰσιδώρα 1146. 9. 

᾿Ισίδωρος 1146. 13; 1160. 5. 

᾿Ισίδωρος, Adpydtos’I.dvaropnés ἄρτου 1115. 2,10. 

Ἰσίδωρος 5. of Didymus 1110. 1. 

᾿Ισίων 1146. 7. 

Ἰσίων f. of Aurelius Abraham 11380. 4, 26, 

᾿Ισχυρίων f. of Sarapion 1123. 1. 

Ivivilinus (?) tabularius 1114. 35. 

ἸΙωαννία 1151. 11, 30. 

᾿Ιωάννης assistant 1107. 6. 

᾿Ιωάννης, Αὐρήλιος I. ex-primipilarius, s, of 
Sarmates 11338. 3, τό. 

ἸΙωάννης evangelist 1151. 46. 

Κάλοπος f. of Aurelius Artemidorus 1185. 5. 

Κερεάλις hypomnematographus 1102. 4. 

Κεφάλων f. of Asclas, Cephalon and Didyme 
1111.1. 1. 

Κεφάλων 5. of Cephalon 1111. i. 9. 

Κλαύδιος Διόγνητος procurator 1113. i. 12, ii. 3. 

Κλέανδρος 1118. 1. τό. 

Κλώδιος Κουλκιανός praefect 1104. ro. 

Κολκοῦλις 1145. 23. 

Κύλλουθος 1108. 5. 

Κόμμων s. of Taur... 1106. 1, 11. 

Κόμων (?) f. of Thracidas 1145. 12, 16. 

Κονίων 1112. 9. 

Korpevs 1146. 20. 


Κοπρεύς agent 1141. 3. 
Kozpia 1160. 4. 
Κουλκιανός, Κλώδιος K. praefect 1104 το. 

Λαῖτος, Maixwos Aairos praefect 1111. i. 3, ii. 2. 

Δέων presbyter 1162. 1. 

Λουκᾶς, Αὐρήλιος Φοιβάμμων also called L., 5. 
of Melas 1122. 6. 

Λούκιος 1158. 2, 26. 

Λούκιος f. of Lucius 1145. 20. 

Λούκιος 5. of Lucius 1145. 20. 

Λούκιος 5. of Petronius 1145. 21. 

Μάγνος praefect 1117. 4. 

Maixtos Aairos praefect 1111. i. 3, ii. 2. 

Μακάριος assistant 1137. 1. 

Μαξιμῖνος, Αὐρήλιος Μ. 5. of Ammon 1184. 5. 

Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ᾿Απόλλώνιος ~Senator, 5. of 
Demetrius also called Psammis 1114. 25. 
Marcus Aurelius Apollonius, &c. 1114. 11. 

Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Διογένης also called Heliodo- 
rus, f. of Marcus Aurelius Saras 1114. 21. 
Marcus Aurelius Diogenes, &c. 1114. 8. 

Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Sapas senator, 5. of Marcus 
Aurelius Diogenes also called Heliodorus 
1114. 21. Marcus Aurelius Saras, ὅσ: 
1114. 4. 

Mads 1145. introd. 

Medavas f. of Aurelius Zakaon 1116. το. 

Μέλας f. of Aurelius Phoebammon also called 
Lucas 1122. 7. 

Meets 5. of Heracleus 1111. ii. τό. 

Μίκις, Αὐρηλία M. d. of Theodorus 1129. 3. 

Μίκκαλος διαδότης 1115. 9. 

Μιχαήλ archangel 1152. 3, 

Movojs, Αὐρήλιος M. συστάτης, 5. of Theon 
1116. 4, 21. 

Νάρκισσος 1110. 13. 

Nappwois 1106. I, 11. 

Neoxvons ex-iuridicus 1102. τό, 24. 

Nixavos f. of Apion 1145. 3 (Νιγ. Pap.). 

Νίκανδρος 1145. introd. (Nuvy. Pap.). 

Νικάνωρ 1158. 6, 22, 24. 

Νίκη 1149. 4. 

Nidos f. of Aurelius Isaac 1180. 5. 

Νόνινος (?), Αὐρήλιος Ἱερακίων also called N. 
1104. 4. 

Οὐαλέριος Πρόκλος praefect 1102. 7. 


Οὐέττιος, Πούπλιος Οὐ, Διογένης 1127. 3. 36. 
Οὐράνιος 1108. 1ο. 

Παθερμοῦθις 1157. 2, 30. Tar. 1148. το. 

Παμούθιος ex-elder 1147. 6. 

Παμούθιος official 1147. 9. 

Παμῶνθις 1110. 14 (?). 

Παπίριος comes 1147. 3. 

Παπίριος, Αὐρήλιος Π. Δεονύσιος 1110. 6. 

Παποντῶς 1121. τό. 

Πατᾶς 1157. το. 

Παωτερμοῦθις 1146. το. Tad. 1157. 2, 30. 

Παυλῆμις also called Paulinus 1110. 14. 

Παυλῖνος, Παυλῆμις also called P. 1110. 14. 

Παυλῖνος, Αὐδάσιος Π. banker 1132. 11. 

Παῦλος comes 1165. 10. 

Παῦλος 5. of Sillagr . .. 1106. 1, 11. 

Παυσανίας 1153. 15. 

Neiva also called Ἰειναρους 1110. 18. 

Πεκῦσις 8. of Diodorus 1145. 21. 

Πεκῦσις f. of Thais 1109. 3. 

Πελοῦσις f. of Petechon 1146. 2, 7. 

Περτίναξ, Αὐρήλιος Acios also called P., strate- 
gus 1119. 9, 25. 

Πετενοῦφις f. of Hatres 1145. 17. 

Πετεχῶν 5. of Pelousis 1145. 2, 7. 

Πέτρος 1130. 31. 

Πέτρος f. of Ammonius 1145. 8. 

Πέτρος f. of Banus 1180. 30. 

Πέτρος comes 1164. 14. 

Πέτρος elder, s. of Apollonius 1145. 9. 

Πέτρος f. of Horus 1145. 8. 

Πετρώνιος f. of Lucius 1145. 21. 

Πλουτῖνος, Αὐρήλιος Π. ἀναπομπὸς ἄρτου 1115, 2. 

Πλουτίων 1110. 15. 

Πολυδεύκης 1120. 3; 1121. 33; 1160. 19. 

Πομπώνιος ᾿Ιανουαριανός praefect 1115. 4. 

Πούπλιος Οὐέττιος Διογένης 1127. 3, 36. 

Πρανίσχολος (?) 5. of Phoebammon 1126. 19, 

Πρόκλος, Οὐαλέριος I, praefect 1102. 7. 

Psammis, Demetrius also called P., f. of 
Marcus Aurelius Apollonius 1114. τι. 

Πτολεμί 1146. τι. 

Πτολεμαῖος 1158. 21. 

Πτολεμαῖος f. of Ammonius 1124. 12. 

Πτολεμαῖος banker 1182. 10. 

Πτολεμαῖος s. of Hermippus 1109. 8. 

Πτόλλις f. of Horus 1145. το. 


Σαραπᾶς 1135. 3. 

Σαραπιάς 1110. 16, 17. 

Zapams god 1148. 1; 1149. 2. 

Σαραπίων 1102. 24; 1114. 31; 1140. 1; 
1156. 3; 1158. 2. 

Σαραπίων also called Aristocles, 5. of Sarapion 
1113. i. 7. 

Σαραπίων, Αὐρήλιος =. amphodogrammateus 
ELMO: 7,19, 25. 

Σαραπίων f. of Chaeremon 1182. 2. 

Σαραπίων 8. of Chaeremon 1187. 1. 

Σαραπίων also called Gaion 1149. 7. 

Σαραπίων s.of Ischyrion and f.of Apion 1128. r. 

Σαραπίων also called Phanias, ex-gymnasiarch 
1113. ii. 1, 17. 

Σαραπίων ἔ, of Phanias 1105. 1. 

Σαραπίων πολιτικός 1146. 17. 

Σαραπίων f. of Sarapion also called Aristocles 
1113. i. 8. 

Σαραπίων also called Theogenes 1128. 5. 

Zupanddwpos 1160. 22. 

Σαραποῦς 1154. τ, 

Σαρᾶς 8. of Amois 1112. 7. 

2apas Centurion 1146. 19. 

Zapas, Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος 3. senator, 5. of Marcus 
Aurelius Diogenes also called Heliodorus 
1114. 21,33. Marcus Aurelius Saras, &c. 
1114. 7. 

Σαρμάτης assistant 1186. 2, 6. 

Σαρμάτης f. of Aurelius John 1188. 3, 16. 

Σερῆνος 1146. 14. 

Σερῆνος f. of Aurelius Agathodaemon 1121. 31. 

Σερῆνος f. of Phoebammon 1126. 20, 21. 

Zepyvos Saint 1151, 47. 

Σεύθης 1120. 13 ; 1140. 1. 

Σεῦθις Αὐρήλιος Σ. also Called Horion, logistes 
1104. 2. 

Σιλλαγρί ) f. of Paulus 1106. 1, 11. 

Σινθῶνις, Θεανοῦς also called S. 1128. 3. 

Σουβατιανὸς ’AxvAus praefect 1100. 1. 

Σοφία 1108. 9 ; 1180. 4. 

Στρατονίκη, Αὐρηλία Σ. also called Sosipatra, 
d. of Marcus Aurelius Saras 1114. 27. 
Aurelia Stratonice, &c. 1114. 9. 

Σωσιπάτρα, Αὐρηλία Στρατονίκη also called S., 
d. of Marcus Aurelius Saras 1114. 28. 
Aurelia Stratonice, ἄς. 1114. το. 

Σῶσος f. of Sosus 1127. 2. 

Σῶσος 8. Of Sosus 1127. 1. 

U 2 


Σωτᾶς 1121. τό. 
Σωφρόνιος 1107. 1. 

Ταᾶπις 1145. introd. 

Τααπολλωνίδης 1182. 5. 

Ταπετσίρις 1123. 7. 

Ταπλουτᾶς 1132. 3. 

Ταποντῶς 1111. ii. 10. 

Τασαραπίων 1149. 6. 

Τατιανός, Φλαούιος Εὐτόλμιος T. praefect 1101. 2. 

Ταυρί ) f. of Komon (?) 1106. 1, 11. 

Τβῆκις ἃ. of Hierax 1105. 14. 

Tepeds 1146. 8, 9. 

Τεχῶσις 1121. 3, 9; 1158. 21. 

Τεχῶσις, Αὐρηλία T. d. of Diodorus 1121. 3, 31. 

Teds 5. of Totoeus and f. of Ta... 1123. 4, 

Τοτοεύς f. of Teos 1128. 4. 

Τρόφιμος 5. of Origenes 1160. 1, 29. 

Τρύφων 5. of Heraclides 1182. 4. 

Ῥσεναφῦγχις 11238. 5. 

Valens, Geminius V. 1114. 5. 

Φανίας 1105. 1; 1148. 3. 

Φανίας ex-chief priest and banker 1182. 9. 

Φανίας 5. of Sarapion 11065. 1. 

Φανίας, Σαραπίων also called Ph., ex-gymnasi- 
arch 1118. ii. 1, 18. 

ΦΙβ 1188. 11. 

Φιλίαρχος, Αὐρήλιος &. also called Horion, 
strategus 1115. 1, 18. 

Φιλόνικος 1118. 11. 5. 

Φιλόξενος 1160. 11. 

Φιλόξενος saint 1150. 2; 1151. 48. 

Φλαούιος Ἀρτέμιος dux 1108. 3. 

Φλαούιος Ἑὐτόλμιος Τατιανός praefect 1101. 2. 

Φλαούιος Φοιβάμμων Imperial administrator, 
5. of Diogenes 1184. 3. 

Φλαούιος Voeis logistes 1116. 3. 


Ῥοιβάμμων, Αὐρήλιος ᾧ, also called Lucas, 5. of 
Melas 1122. 6. 

Φοιβάμμων, Αὐρήλιος & 5. of Artemidorus 1129. 
5, 16. : 

Φοιβάμμων Official 1187. 5. 

Φοιβάμμων s. of Serenus and f. of Aurelius 
Pranischolus 1126. 19, 21. 

Φοιβάμμων, Φλαούιος &, Imperial administrator, 
5. of Diogenes 1184. 3. 

Φουλιανός exegetes 1146. 4, 8. 

Φούλλων 1160. 5. 

Φύτως (?) f. of Pstheious 1107. 1. 

Χαιρημονίς, ᾿Ἀριστόκλεια also called Ch. 1113. i. 

Χαιρήμων also called Ammonius Theon 1128. 
1. Cf. 1128. το. 

Χαιρήμων f. of Sarapion 1187. 1. 

Χαιρήμων 5. of Sarapion 1182. 2. 

XevevovBis 1118. 3. 

Ψάμμις, Δημήτριος also called Ps., f. of Marcus 
Aurelius Apollonius 1114. 25. 

Ψθειοῦς 5. of Phutos 1107. 1. 

Woeis, Φλαούιος ¥. logistes 1116. 3. 

᾽Ωριγᾶς 11538. 13. 

᾽Ωριγένης f. of Trophimus 1160. 1, 29. 

Ὡρίων 1142. 9. 

“ΩὩρίων, Ἀπολλώνιος also called Horion, 5, of 
Apollonius 1112. 2. 

‘Qpiwy, Αὐρήλιος Σεῦθις also called H. 1104. 2. 

‘Qpiwv, Αὐρήλιος Φιλίαρχος also called H., 
strategus 1115. 1, 18. 

‘Qpiwy s. of Hermippus and f. of Hermippus 
also called Harpocration 1109. 2. 

*Qpos 1110. 13. 

*Qpos 8. of Harpaésis 1145. 11. 

ὯΩρος 5. of Petechon 1145. 8. 

ὯΩρος 5. of Ptollis 1145. το. 






Αἴγυπτος 1101. 2 ; 1119. 16; 1121. 2. 

᾿Αλεξάνδρεια 1147. 3 εἰ saep.; 1158. 30; 
1155.4; 1158.8; 1160. 25. ἡ λαμπροτάτη 
᾿Αλεξ. 1116. 11. μεγαλόπολις ᾿Αλεξ. 1180. 6. 

᾿Αλεξανδρέων λαμπροτάτη πόλις 1100. 2 ([) ; 
1114. 23. 

Alexandrinorum civitas 1114. 9. 

᾿Αντινοειτικός 1119. 28. 

᾿Αντινοεύς 1119. 3, 4, 6, 26. 
Ἕλληνες 1119. 14, 22. 

᾿Αντινοέων λαμπρὰ πόλις 1119. 14, 22. 

᾿Αντινόου πόλις 1100. 23. 

*Apoworrns 1100. 1 ; 1154. 13. 

᾿Αρσινοϊτῶν πόλις 1133. 6. 

Aapvira 1163. 2. 

Ἕλληνες νέοι 1119. 14, 22. 

évopia 1101. 5. 

ἐπαρχία 1101. 14. 

“Ηρακλέους πόλις 1188. 3; 1147. 21. 

μεγαλόπολις ᾿Αλεξάνδρεια 1180. 6. 

μητρόπολις = Oxyrhynchus 1112. 2 ; 1119. 7, 

μητροπολίτης 1109. 6. 

μητροπολιτικός 1119. 19. 

᾿Αντινοεῖς νέοι 

Μικρὰ “Oaors 1118. 1 ; 1121. 3. 

νομός 1102. 12; 1119. 20; 

ἤρασις Μικρά 1118. 1; 1121. 3. 

᾽Οξυρυγχίτης (νομός) 1104. 3; 1115. τ, 10, 18; 
1116. 3; 1119. 6, 22, 25; 11380. 5. 

᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλις 1117. 21, 26, 33; 1119. 
19, 25- λαμπρὰ καὶ λαμπροτάτη ᾽Οξ. 7.1104. 
5; 1121. 4; 1122. 4; 1129. 3; 1183. 7; 
1134. 4. 

᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλις 1105. 4, 6; 1109. 3; 1110. 
11: Ee 3 EPS Py, 8; δὲ. PE 
20; 1123. 3,8; 1127. 2; 1128. 3; 1182. 
3) 9. 

Oxyrinchitarum civitas 1114. 7, 12, 13. 

Πανῶν πόλις 1115. 11. 

πόλις 1101. 5; 1119. 16. = Oxyrhynchus 
1110. 2, 15, 18, 21; 1105. 15; 1118.i. 
11; 1114. 32; 1116. 5, 20; 1117. 3, 4, 
16, 21; 1122. 7; 1128.6; 1129. 5,9; 
1182. 6; 1134. 5. 

τοπαρχία μέση 1118, i. 2, il. 5; 1145. 3. 

Tpwyodirns 1102. 25. 

ζ νομοί 1100. 

(ὁ) VILLAGES, ἐποίκια, τόποι. 

(1) Oxyrhynchite. 

᾿Αμούλης (?) 1165. 5. 

Θαήσιος 1147. 19. 

Θέωνος κῶμαι 1145. 4. 

Θῶσβις 1112. 23. 

Ἰσιείου Τρύφωνος 1124. το; 11465. introd. 
Μερμέρθα 1111. Nee aay Uae. 2; 
Μουχινύρ (1. -νωρ ?) 1127. 7. 
Μύρμυξ (?) 1165. 9. 

Nepépa 1112. 6, 21. 

Νεσμῖμις 1184. 7, 14. 

Νήσου Λιμενίου ἐποίκιον 1183. 4. 
Παγγουλεείου 1147. τό. 
Πανεχμῶθις (3) 1128. 12. 
Πεεννώ 1112. 7. 

Πετενούριος ἐποίκιον 1128. 5, II. 

Σαραπίωνος Χαιρήμονος κώμη 1137. 1. 
Σενεμελεύ 1112. 10. 

Σενοικοθί ) 1112. 13. 

Σενοκῶμις 1180. 4, 32, 33. 

Σεντώ 1112. 11; 1113. i. 1, 15. 
Σερῦφις 1112. 8; 1141. 3. 

Σεφώ 1128. 13; 1147. ὃ. 

Σπανία 1147. 7. 

Τακόνα 1147. 4-6. 

Ταμπέτι 1147. 9. 

Τερῦθις 1165. το. 

Τρύφωνος ᾿Ισιείου 1124. το ; 1145. introd. 
ψῶβθις 1118. ii. 5. 

*Odis 1146. 5. 

294 INDICES ὴ 

(2) Heracleopolite. 

Κήτς 1126. 8. Τάλη 1126. 7. 
Κόβα 1145. τ. Φιλοιίκου 1156. 4. 

Σῶβθις 1145. 109. 

(c) ἄμφοδα. 

Ἄνω Παρεμβολῆς 1109. 13. Νότου Δρόμου 1105. 7. 
β΄ γράμμα (Antinodpolis) 1110. 3, 9. πλινθίον [.] βόρειον (Antinodpolis) 1110. το. 
Δρόμου Τυμνασίου 1116. 6. Τεμγενούθεως 1109. 7. 

Μικρᾶς Τευμενούθεως 1129. 10. 

(1) Alexandrian. 
Εἰλείθυιος 1145. 22. 

(2) Antinoite. 

Σαβείνιος ὁ καὶ ‘Apporievs 1110. 9. 

᾿Αδριάνειος ὁ καὶ ᾽Ολίύμπιος (?) 1110. 4. 
Σεβάστειος ὁ καὶ Διοσκούρειος 1119. 3, 6. 

Ἑρμαιεύς 1110. 1, 2. 
Παρράσειος 1110. 1. 

(6) κλῆροι, &c. 

κλῆρος καλούμενος Τσαβατώου 1126. 5. 

Γαϊανοῦ χωρίον 1141. 6. 
Φιλονίκου 1118. ii. 5. 

Κλεάνδρου 11138. i. 16. 

βαλανεῖον δημόσιον 1104. 16. | Πατερμ.[ 1119. 27. 


(a) PAGAN. 
(1) Gods. 
᾿Αθηνᾶ ἡ καὶ Θοῆρις θεὰ μεγίστη 1117. 1. Θοῆρις 1117. 5; 1144. το. ᾿Αθηνᾶ ἡ καὶ ©. 
Ζεὺς Ἥλιος μέγας Σαρᾶπις 1149. τ. 1117. 1. 
Ἥλιος, Sapam Ἡ. 1148. 1. Ζεὺς Ἥλιος μέγας | Sapams Ἥλιος 1148. 1. Ζεὺς Ἥλιος μέγας 
Σαρᾶπις 1149. 1. Σαρῆπις 1149. 1. 

θεός 1144. 4. Cf. Index 11, θεά 1117. 1. 




(2) Zemples, &c. 

“Adpiaveiov 1118. 1. 6. 
Αὐγούστου ἱερόν 1116. 10. 
ἱερὰ κλίνη 1144, 6. 

ἱερόν 1148. 2, 5. ἱ. Αὐγούστου 1116. το. 

Ἰσιεῖον 1124. 11; 1155. 18. 

Σαραπεῖον 1105. 7; 1182. 1 (?), 9. 

(3) Priests, &c. 

ἀρχιερατεύσας 1113. i. 4 ; 1132. το. 

ἀρχιερεύς 1114. 32; 1146. 6. 

ἱερεύς 1144. 10. ἱερεὺς καὶ ὑπομνηματογράφος 
1102. 4. 

παστοφόρος 1148. 2; 1144. 3, 7,9, 13; 1155. 
στολιστής 1144. τ. 


ἅγιοι 1151. 51. 

ἀμήν 1151. 56 ; 1152. 5; 96 1162. 15. 

ἀπόστολος 115]. 44. 

ἀρχάγγελος 1151. 42. 

Βίκτωρ, ὁ ἅγιος Β. 1151. 49. 

διάκονος 1180. 29; 1162. 3. 

ἐκκλησία 1138. 2. ἁγία ἐκ. 1147. 11. 

᾿Ἐμμανουήλ 1162. 14. 

εὐαγγελιστής 1151. 45. 

θεός 1150. 1; 1151. 5, 7, 24; 1164. 11; 
1165. 8, 14. κύριος θεός 1151. 52; 1162. 
3, 14. 

θεοτόκος, δέσποινα ἡμῶν ἡ θ. 115]. 40. 

᾿Ιησοῦς Χριστός 1152. 3. 

᾿Ιοῦστος, ὁ ἅγιος “I. 1151. 50. 

ἸΙωάννης, ὁ ἅγιος καὶ ἔνδοξος ἀπόστολος καὶ evayye- 
λιστὴς καὶ θεολόγος I. 1151. 43. 

κύριος 1162. 12. κύριος θεός 1151. 52 ; 1162. 
4, 14. 

Μιχαήλ 1152. 3. 

πνεῦμα ἅγιον 1151. 6. 

πρεσβύτερος 1188. 3 ; 1162. 1, 2. 

Σερῆνος, ὁ ἅγιος Σ. 1151. 47. 

σωτήρ 1161. 2. 

υἱὸς τοῦ θεοῦ 1151. 5. 

ει 4 , - - 
υἱὸς καὶ λόγος τοῦ θεοῦ 

1151. 22. υἱὸς ὁ ἠγαπημένος 1161. 3. 
Χριστός 1151. 32. Χ. υἱὸς καὶ λόγος τοῦ θεοῦ 
1151. 22. Ἰησοῦς X. 1152. 3. 

Φιλόξενος, ὁ ἅγιος &. 1150, 2; 1151. 48. 
χμγ 1180. 1. 

(c) MAGIc. 

adwvai 1152. 2. 
ἐλωί 1152. 1. 
᾿Ιαὼ σαβαώθ 1152. 2. 

op 1152. 1. 
pop 1152. τ. 


ἀβάκτης 1108. 11. 

ayopavépos 1105. 2. 

appodoypapparevs 1119. 4, 6, 8, 10, 19, 20, 23. 
ἀναπομπὸς ἄρτου 11165. 2. 

ἀννώνης, ἐπὶ διαδόσεως av. 1115. 9. 

ἀπαιτητής 1135. 1. 

ἀπογραφή, αἱρεθέντες πρὸς τῇ κατ᾽ οἰκίαν ἀπ, 
1110. 3. 

ἀποκρί Υγ 1108. 12. 

ἀργυροπράτης 1108. 7 (?). 


dpxiarpos 1108. 6. 

dpxtaparevoas 1118. i. 43 1132. το. 

ἀρχιερεύς 1114. 32. 

ἄρχοντες 1117. 3, 57; 1119. 14, 22. 
ἐπαρχίας 1101. 14. 

ἄρχ. τῆς 

βενεφικιάριος ἐπάρχου Αἰγύπτου 1121. 2. 

βοηθός 1107. 6; 1186. 2; 1187. 1; 1147. 4, 
6, 9554: 

βουλευτής 1101. 25; 1108. 2; 1104. 4; 
1114. 21, 22, 26, 32, 33; 1122. 4. 

βουλή 1108. 2; 1119. 12, 14, 22. κρατίστη 
βουλή 1119. 4, 8, 26. 

γραμματεύς 1187. 5; 1188. 11. 

γραμματηφόρος 1164. 1, 6. 

γυμνασιάρχης 1143. 3. γυμνασίαρχος 1117. 10. 
gymnasiarchus 1114. 7, 12. 

γυμνασιαρχήσας 1108. 2; 1104, 4; 11138. ii. 
1,18; 1114. 21, 26, 33; 1146. 2. factus 
gymnasiarchus 1114. 7, 12. 

γυμνασιαρχία 1102. 9. 

decurio 1114. 7, 12. 

διαδεχόμενος κωμογραμματείαν 1112. 20. 

διάδοσις, ἐπὶ διαδόσεως ἀννώνης 1115. 9. 

δικαιοδοσίαν διοικῶν 1146. introd. 

δικαιοδότης, Νεοκύδης γενόμενος δ, 1102. 16. 

διοίκησις 1184. 16; 1147. 3. 

διοικητής, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αριστέας 6 διασημότατος ὃ. 
(A. D. 284) 1115. 5; ὁ κράτιστος ὃ. 1115. 11. 

διοικῶν τὰ πράγματα τῆς θειοτάτης οἰκίας 1184. 3. 
διοικῶν τὴν δικαιοδοσίαν 1146. introd. 

δούξ͵, Φλαούιος ᾿Αρτέμιος ὁ λαμπρότατος ὃ. (A. Ὁ. 
360) 1108. 3. 

ἑκατοντάρχης 1146. 4, 8. 

ἔκδικος 1108. 13. 

eEnynrevoas 1112. 2. 

ἐξηγητής 1146. 4, 8. 

ἐξκέπτωρ 1108. 13; 1189. 2. 

ἐπαρχία 1101. 14. 

ἔπαρχος Αἰγύπτου 1121. 2. Cf. ἡγεμών. 

ἔπαρχος Tov ἱεροῦ πραιτωρίου 1116. 2. 

ἐπιμελητής (ἀννώνης) 1115. 10, ἐπιμ. χρυσοῦ 
ξοάνου ᾿Αθηνᾶς 1117. 1, 7, 15, 21. 

ἐπιστράτηγος, ὁ κράτιστος ἐπ. 1119. 27. ᾿Αντώ- 

νιος ᾿Αλέξανδρος ὁ κράτ. ἐπ. (A.D. 244) 1119. 

4.9, 15, 22, 26. 


ἐπιτηρητὴς τραπέζης 1132. 11. 

ἐπιτροπή 1119. 15. 

ἐπίτροπος 1119. 15. ἐπ. πολιτικῶν 1104. 13. 
ἐπ. τῶν κυρίων Σεβαστῶν, Κλαύδιος Διόγνητος 
(a. D. 203) 1118. i. 13, ii. 4. 

εὐθηνιαρχήσας 1114. 22. factus eutheniarcha 
1114. 8. 

ἡγεμονία 1121. 27. 

ἡγεμονικός 1119. 21. ἦγ. ὑπηρέτης 1102. 25. 

ἡγεμών 1117. 2; 1119.18; 1148. 2; 1155. 
12. Οὐαλέριος Πρόκλος 6 κράτιστος καὶ φιλαν- 
θρωπότατος ny. 1102. 7. ὁὃ κράτιστος Μάγνος 
1117. 4. Αὐρήλιος Παπίριος Διονύσιος ὃ κρά- 
τιστος Hy. (A.D. 188) 1110. 6. Maixtos 
Aairos ὁ λαμπρότατος Hy. (A.D. 203) 1111. i. 
3, li. 2. SovBarcavds ᾿Ακύλας (A.D. 206) 
1100. I. Πομπώνιος ᾿Ιανουαριανὸς ὁ διασημό- 
τατος ny. (A. Ὁ. 284) 1115. 4. Κλώδιος Κουλ- 
κιανὸς 6 διασημότατος Hy. (A.D. 306) 1104. 
10. Φλαούιος Εὐτόλμιος Τατιανὸς 6 λαμπρό- 
τάτος ἔπαρχος Αἰγύπτου 110]. 2. 

ἡγούμενοι τοῦ ἔθνους 1119. 17. 

ἴδιος λόγος 1112. 1. 

κόμες 1147.3; 1168. 4,10; 1164.14; 1165. 

κωμογραμματεία 1112. 21. 

κωμογραμματεύς 1118. i. 1. 

λογιστεία 1147. 11. 

λογιστήῆς 1189. τ. Αὐρήλιος Σεῦθις ὁ καὶ ‘Apiov 
(A.D. 306) 1104. 2. ἘΕὐτρύγιος ἀπὸ λογιστῶν 
(A.D. 360) 1108. 3. Φλαούιος Ψοεῖς (A.D. 
363) 1116. 3. 

μειζονία 1147. 9. 
μείζων 1121. 22, 26; 1187. 5; 1147. 4, 9. 
μηνιάρχης 1189. 2. 

ναύτης 1115. 13. 
νεόλεκτοι 1108. 5. 
νομικάριος 1181. 17. 

πατρίκιος 1184. 2. 
πολιτικός 1146. 17. 


πολειτικῶν ἐπίτροπος 1104. 


πραιπόσιτος 1101. 9, 13, 18, 27. 
πραιτώριον, ἔπαρχος Tov ἱεροῦ 7. 1116. 2. 
πρακτορεία ἀργυρικῶν 1119. 7, 19, 23, 27. 
πρεσβύτερος (κώμης) 1112. 20; 1145.9; 1147. 6. 
πρίγκεψ 1108. 3. 

πριμιπιλάριος, ἀπὸ πριμιπιλαρίων 1188. 5. 
procuratio 1114. 6. 

προνοητής 1184. 8; 1147. 17, 19. 
προστασία 1184. 7. 

mputaveia 1104, 17, 22. 

πρυτανεύειν 1108. 2; 1104. 4. 

πρύτανις 1104. 21. mp. ἔναρχος 1104. 5. 
πρωτήκτωρ, ἀπὸ πρωτηκτόρων 1184. 3. 

ῥιπάριος 1101. 26; 1147. το. 

σκρείβας 1108. 4. 

στρατηγός 1100. 1 : 1102. 12; 1119. 4,6, 10, 
20, 22. Αὐρήλιος Acios ὁ καὶ Περτίναξ (A. Ὁ. 
244) 1119. 9, 25. Αὐρήλιος Φιλίαρχος ὁ καὶ 

ὑπατία, ὕπατος. 


“Ὡρίων (A. D. 284) 1115. 1, 18. 
*Odoews 1118. 2. 
στρατιώτης 1101. 13, 18; 1115. 13. 
στρατιωτικός 1106. 7. 
συστάτης 1116. 5, 21. 
σχολαστικός 1165. 14. 

στρ. Μικρᾶς 

tabularius 1114. 35. 
τάξεις 1120. 5. 
τραπεζίτης 1146. 17, 18. 

ὑπηρέτης 1119. 13. ὑπ. ἡγεμονικός 1102. 25. 

See Index III. 

ὑπομνηματογράφος, Κερεάλις ὁ ἱερεὺς καὶ ὑπ. 1102. 
4, 17; 20, 23- 

φροντιστής 1141. 3. 
φύλαρχος 1119. 2, 11, 13. 

χαρτουλάριος 1108. 8. 



ἄρουρα 1102. 17; 1118. i. 19, ii. 7; 1126. 6, 

ἀρτάβη 1124. 13; 1125.1; 1140.5, 4; 1148. 
5, 7; 1144, 18; 1145. 5. 

δεσμίδιον 1180. 14, 29, 32. 
᾿ δηνάριον 1142. 4, 5. 

ἡμικοτύλη 1142. 2. 
ἡμίχους 1158. 5. 

κεράμιον 1139. introd, ; 1141. 7-9, 11. 
Κνίδιον 1158. τό. 
κοτύλη 1148. 1. 

μετρητής 1148. 7. 

μέτρον ἐλαιουργικόν 1140. 3; μ. τετραχοίνικον 
᾿Αμμωνίου τοῦ Πτολεμαίου 1124. 12. 

μόδιος 1115. 13 (?). 

ξέστης 1142. 14. 

σταθμὸς τῆς κώμης 1180. 13. 
ταγαρίδιον (?) 1158. 12. 
ταγή 1189. 3. 

τετρώβολον 1142. 11. 

χοῖνιξ 1145. 8, 11, 14, 17. 

(ὁ) COINS. 

ἀργύριον 1104. 11, 22, 23; 1105. 16; 1124. 

14, 17; 1125. 3; 1127.11; 1129.12; 

1132. 12. ἀργύρια 1160. 9. 

δηνάριον 1104. 12, 23, 24; 1142, 5, 6, 8, 9. 

δραχμὴ 1105. 16; 1112. 14-16, 24, 25; 
W17. 22; 124. 14, 17; 1125-3"; 1137: 
11,20; 1128.16; 1182. 12, 15; 1185. 
4,5; 1189. introd.; 1142. 3, 7; 1148. 
I, 3, 5; 1144. 4 ef saep. ; 1158. 8. 


ζυγόν, ᾿Αλεξανδρείας (¢.) 1147. 3 ef sacp. ¢. 
ἰδιωτικόν 1126. 12, 13, 22; 1188. 5, 8. 

ἡμιωβέλιον 1112. 16. 

κεράτιον 1126. 12, 13, 21; 1181. 8, 9; 1187. 
2,3; 1138. 7; 1147. 3 εἰ saep. 

κέρμα 1157. 18; 1160. τό. 

pva 1125. 5. 
puptds 1129. 12; 1159. 9. 

νομισμάτιον 1180. 11, 27, 32; 1181. 7, 9; 


vouppiov 1165. 6. 
ὀβολός 1112. τό: 1148. 7; 1144. 11. 

τάλαντον 1104. ΤΙ, 12, 22, 24; 1105. 21; 
1117. 4, 16; 1158. 8, 10, 14. 
τριώβολον 1112. 25. 

χάλκινος 1158. 23. 

χαλκός 1105. 21. 

χρύσινος 1133. 9. 

χρυσίον 1117. 8. 

χρυσός 1121. 19; 1126. 12, 21; 1180. 10, 

1136. introd.; 1138. 6, 9; 1147. 3 é 11, 27, 31; 1181. 7, 9; 1187.2,3; 1188. 
saep. ν. δεσποτικόν 1180. 10. 5, 8. 

ἀναβολικόν 1185. 2 ; 1186. 3. 

ἀνανέωσις 1105. 21. 

ἀννώνη 1115. 9. 

ἀργυρικόν 1184. 6, 12. ἀργυρικά 1119. 7, 20, 
27; 1188. 4. 

δημόσιον 1187. 2, 3. 

δημόσια 1125. 12 ; 1126. 


a 1114. 15. 

ἀβάκτης 1108. 11. 

ἀβάσκαντος 1159. 27. 

ἀβόλλη 1158. 18. 

ἄβροχος 1118. i. 15, 18, ii. 7; 1125. 10. 
ἀγαθός 1126. 10; 1161. 2. 

ἀγανακτεῖν 1119. 8. 

ἀγαπᾶν 1161. 3. 

ἀγαπητός 1162. 3. 

ἅγιος 1147. τι ; 1150. 2; 1151. 6 ef saep. 
ἁγνεύειν 1144, 17. 

ἐπικεφάλαιον 1157. 14, 16, 20. 
ἑπόμενα 1112. 14, 24. 

λαογραφία 1109. 12. 
προσδιαγραφόμενα 1112. 16, 25. 

τέλεσμα 1123. 15. 


ἀγνοεῖν 1119. 11. 

ἄγνοια 1119. 11. : 

ἀγοράζειν 1142. 2 εἰ saep.; 1149. 5; 1158. 
18; 1158. 11. 

dyopavépos. See Index VIII. 

ἀγοραστός 1110. 13. 

ἀγρογείτων 1106. 2. 

ἀγωνιᾶν 1154. 6. 

ἄδεια 1119. 17. 

ἀδελφή 1154. 1; 1157. 1, 22; 1158. το; 
1159. 31; 1161. 17. 


ἀδελφικός 1165. 2, 6. 

ἀδελφός 1102. 8; 1106. 1, 11; 1111. i. 8, 
16; 1158. 15; 1154.12; 1158.1; 1162. 
4,6; 1165. 14. 

ἀδιαίρετος 1105. 13. 

ἀδιάθετος 1114. 28; 1121. 13. 

ἀδικεῖν 1100. 17. 

ἄδολος 1124. τι. 

ἀδωναί 1152. 2. 

affirmatio 1114. 36. 

agere 1114. 38. 

ἀθετεῖν 1120. 8. 

ἀθρόως 1117. 23. 

αἰγιοθύτης (?) 1186. 3. 

αἱρεῖν 1110. 3 ; 1127. 20. 
1124. 19; 1164. 9. 

αἵρεσις 1117. 11. 

αἰτεῖν 1115. 3; 1121. 22. 

αἰτιᾶσθαι 1119. 19, 23. 

αἰώνιος 1122, 1; 1184. τ. 

ἀκαθαρσία 1128. 25. 

ἄκανθα 1112. 5, 21. 

ἀκίνδυνος 1124. 2; 1125. 9 ; 1127. 2; 1180. 14. 

ἀκολούθως 1102. 6; 1104. 8; 1115. 12; 
1117. 9, 14,17; 1184. g. 

ἀκριβής 1102, 12. 

ἄκριθος 1124, τι. 

ἄκυρος 1188. 13. 

ἀκωλύτως 1127. τό. 

ἀλήθεια, ἐπ᾿ ἀληθείας 1110. 21. 

ἀλλήλων 1165. 12. 

ἀλλοδαπή 1122. 11. 

ἄλλος 1108. 8; 1104. 11, 16; 1105. 20; 
1106. 3; 1113. i. 1; 1116. 6; 1119. 16; 
1121. 20; 1124. 4; 1184. 8, 13, 15; 
1141. 5; 1145. 3; 1160. 13,15; 1164.6; 
1165. 4, 12. 

ἄλλοτε 1165. 10. 

ἀλλότριος 1121. 6. 

as 1148, 5, 7. 

ddovia 1107. 3. 

ἅλως 1124, τι. 

ἁμαρτία 1119. 11. 

ἀμελεῖν 1157. 9, 22; 1158. ; 1159. 12. 

ἀμήν 1151. 56; 1152. 5. 96 1162. 15. 

ἀμφημερινός 1151. 36. 

ἀμφοδογραμματεύς. See Index VIII. 

ἄμφοδον 1119. 6, 13. Cf. Index VI (c). 

ἀμφότερος 1109. 6; 1119. 19; 1164. 7, 9. 

αἱρεῖσθαι 1118. 11; 

αἰτεῖσθαι 1104. 6. 



ἀναβαίνειν 1157. 7, 13, 26. 

ἀναβυλικόν 1135. 2; 1136. 3. 

ἀναγιγνώσκειν 1102. 6, 13, 25. 

ἀναγκαῖος 1180. 9 ; 11538. 11. 

ἀναγράφειν 1105. 2 ; 1109. 12; 1123. Io. 

ἀναδιδάσκειν 1108. 4; 1168. 5. 

ἀναδιδόναι 1104. 9, 24; 1119. 20, 23; 1125. 19. 

ἀνακομιδή 1180. 10. 

ἀνάλωμα 1104. 8; 1159. 18, 22. 

ἀναμέτρησις 1126. 6. 

ἀναμησιοΐ () 1144, τ. 

ἀνανέωσις 1105. 21. 

ἀναπαύεσθαι 1121. 12. 

ἀναπέμπειν 1157. 18. 

ἀναπληροῦν 1121. 11. 

ἀναπομπός 1115. 2. 

ἀναρπαστός 1106. 8. 

ἀναφέρειν 1108. 5; 1115. 6 ; 1119. 26. 

ἀνδραπόδιον 1102. 15. 

ἀνδρειότατος 1163. 3. 

ἀνείσπρακτος 11238. 14. 

ἀνεπηρέαστος 1106. 5. 

ἄνευ 1101. 7; 1126. 15; 1180. 17. 

ἀνήκειν 1104. 15. 

ἀνηλοῦν 1148. 6. 

ἀνήρ 1120. 2; 1123.6; 1164. 5. 
1112. 1. 

ἄνθρωπος 1107. 2; 1155. 7; 1159. 16. 

ἀνιστάναι 1161. 9. 

ἀννώνη 1115. 9. 

ἀνομία 1121. 2ο. 

ἀντιγράφειν 1158. 17; 1157. 12, 25. 

ἀντίγραφον 1101. 1; 1102. τ; 1115. 7, 19; 
1118. 4; 1119. 3, 13, 14, 22, 25. 

ἀντίδικος 1164. 4. 

ἀντιλαμβάνεσθαι 1128. 9. 

ἀντιλέγειν 1148. 7. 

ἀντιλογία 1126. 15; 1180. 17. 

ἀντιποιεῖσθαι 1123. 19 ; 1165. 2, 7. 

ἀνύειν 1121, 27. 

ἀνυπέρβλητος 1121. 7. 

ἀνυπερθέτως 1126. 15 ; 1129. 14; 1180. 16; 
1131. 14. 

ἄνω 1159. 26. 

ἀξία 1127. 26. 

ἄξιος 1164. 14; 1165. 5, 13. 

ἀξιοῦν 1102. 17, 19, 22; 1115. 7; 1117. 9; 
1118. 1; 1121. 24; 1180. 22 ; 1164. 3. 

ἀναγκαίως 1121. 

κατ᾽ ἄνδρα 


ἀπαιτεῖν 1107. 5; 1119. 18; 1157. 15, τό. 

ἀπαιτήσιμον 1184. 9. 

ἀπαίτησις 1126. 14. 

ἀπαιτητής 1185. 1. 

ἀπαλλάσσειν 1119. τό ; 1164. 8. 

ἅπαξ 1102. 8. πρὸς ἅπαξ 1138. 13. 

ἀπαρενόχλητος 1128. 13. 

ἅπας 1101. 16; 1121. 20; 1122. 12; 1123. 
18; 1164. 11. 

ἀπελεύθερος 1128. 4. 

ἀπεργασία 1112. 12. 

ἀπέρχεσθαι 1158. 6. 

ἀπευκταίως 1114, 24. 

ἀπέχειν 1182. 7. ἀπέχεσθαι 1100. 19; 1106.6. 

ἀπηλιώτης 1111. i. 7; 1126. 8. 

ἁπλοῦς 1180. το, 25; 1184. 17. 

ἀπογράφειν, ἀπογράφεσθαι 1110. 6 ; 1111. i. 4, 
i, 43 1119... 55; iL 4 SUT. τ δὲ sue. 

ἀπογραφή 1114. 34; 1157. 4, 24. κατ᾽ οἰκίαν 
ἀπ. 1110. 3, 8; 1111. i. 5, ii. 4. 

ἀποδεικνύναι 1114. 32. 

ἀπόδειξις 1147. 14. 

ἀποδιδόναι 1118. 5; 1124. 8, 14; 1125. 6; 
1126. 14; 1127. 17, 39; 1128.16; 1129. 
12, 17; 1180. 15; 1182. 7; 4155.18; 
1157. 30; 1158. 26; 1160. 29. 

ἀποδιώκειν 1151, 32. 

ἀπόδοσις 1117. 20; 1180. 21. 

ἀποκαθιστάναι 1117. 7. 

ἀπολαμβάνειν 1102. 18; 1188. 8. 

ἀπολοιπασμός 1147. τ. 

ἀπολύειν 1102. 19, 21; 1165. τι. 

ἀποπληροῦν 1184. 8; 1164. 12. 

ἀποσπᾶν 1120. 16. 

ἀπόστολος 1151. 44. 

ἀποσυλᾶν 1121. 20. 

ἀπότακτος 1124. 2, 5, 7, 9; 1126. 11. 

ἀποτίνειν 1124. 13 ; 1127. 27. 

ἀποφαίνεσθαι 1102. 24; 1117. 6. 

ἀπόφασις 1102. 1, 5; 1117. 9. 

ἀποχή 1104. 24; 1115. 6,7, 9,18; 1180. 19; 
1188. 15, τό, 19; 1134. 16; 1137. 4; 
1157. 21. 

ἅπτεσθαι 1107. 2. 

ἀργεῖν 1160. 14. 

ἀργυρικόν. See Index X. 

ἀργύριον. See Index IX (é). 

ἀργυροκόπος 1146. 12. 

ἀργυροπράτης 1108. 7. 


ἀρέσκειν 1158. 25. 

ἀρετή 1103. 4; 1181. 4, 12. 

ἀριθμός 1117. 15; 1180. 11. 

ἄριστος 1156. 15. 

ἄρουρα. See Index IX (a). 

ἁρπαγή 1121. 6, 7. 

ἀρτάβη. See Index IX (a). 

ἀρτοκόπισσα 1146. 8, 9. 

ἀρτοκόπος 1158. 7. 

ἄρτος 1115. 3, 6, 13. 

ἄρτυμα 1142. 9. 

ἀρχάγγελος 1151. 42. 

ἄρχειν 1101. 13; 1119. 16. 
ἄρχοντες 1117. 3, 5, 7. 

ἀρχή 1119. 16; 1180. τό. 

dpxtarpos 1108. 6. 

dpxteparevew 1118. i. 4; 1182. το. 

ἀρχιερεύς 1114. 32; 1146. 6. 

ἄσημος 1111, ii. 15. 

ἀσθενής 1120. 12. 

ἀσπάζειν 1158. 18, 20. ἀσπάζεσθαι 1155. 9; 
1159. 27; 1160. 3; 1164. 13. 

ἀσφάλεια 1188. 15 ; 1184. 16; 1187. 3. 

ἀσφαλής 1115. 8. 

ἄτεχνος 1111. ii. 15. 

αὐθαίρετος 1122 8. 

αὐθεντικός 1115. 5, 7, 9, 18. 

αὐλή 1105. το. 

autem 1114. 13. 

αὐτόθι 1108. 4. 

αὐτόπτης 1154. 8. 

ἀφηῆλιξ 1114. 28. 

ἀφιέναι 1119. 17. 

ἀφορμή 1164. 3. 

ἄχρι 1180. 12. 

ἄρχων 1101. 14. 

ἄχρις 1107. 3. 

βαλανεῖον 1104. 16. 

Bape 1159. 2. 

βασιλεία 1119. 17. 

βαφείς 1146. 14. 

βέβαιος 1126. 18; 1180. 7. 

βεβαιοῦν 1119. 17; 1124. 8; 
1127. 13. 

βελτίων 1148. 2. 

βενεφικιάριος 1121. 2. 

Bia 1120. 11, 20. 

βιβλίδιον 1119. 19; 1120. 4, 8. 

βιβλίον 1101. το; 1121. 23; 1153. 4. 

Bios 1121, 12. 

1125. 15; 


βοήθεια 110]. 21. 

βοηθεῖν 1101. 19; 1152. 4; 1161. 5. 

βοηθός. See Index VIII. 

bona 1114. το. 

βόρειος 1110. 11. 

βορρᾶ 1126. 8. ἐκ β. 1112. 13. 

βορρινός 1112. 22. 

βούλεσθαι 1100. 5; 1101. 8; 1126. 9; 1129. 
14; 1180. 21; 1165. 4. 

βουλευτής. See Index VIII. 

βουλή. See Index VIII. - 

βρέλλιον (? 1. βδέλλιον) 1142. 3. 

civitas 1114. 7, 9, 12, 13. 
consul. See Index III. 

ye 1159. 6. 

γείτων 1121. 18; 1126. 7. 

γενέθλια 1144. 4. 

γένημα 1184. 6, 12; 1141. 6. 

γένος 1184. 13. 

γεωργεῖν 1107. 2. 

yewpyia 1124. 16. 

γεωργός 1184. 7, 14; 1140.1; 1165. 5. 

γῆ 1107. 2; 1124. 5; 1125. 12. γῆ δημοσία 
1123. 13, 15. 

γήδιον 1126. 4; 1184. 15. 

γίγνεσθαι 1101. 5; 1102. 16, 21; 1104. 15; 
1106. 4; 1107. 4; 1117.1, 18, 24; 1119. 
4, 6, 13, 15, 20; 1121, τι; 1126. τι; 
1126. 6, 13; 1127. 28; 1180. 11,14,23; 
1186. 5; 1187. 3; 1188. 8; 1147. 13 
et saep.; 1153. 22; 1165. 5. 

γιγνώσκειν 1118. 7; 1155. 2. 

γλύκιον 1142. τό. 

γνώμη 1122. 8. 

γνωσιμαχεῖν 1119. 20. 

γονεύς 1109. 6 ; 1121. 11. 

γράμμα 1100. 3; 1104. 9; 1110. 3,9; 1117. 
12; 1119. 23; 1121. 32; 1180. 30; 
1188. 17; 1148. 8; 1160. 7; 1164. 1. 

γραμματεῖον 1130. 8 ef saep.; 1183. 12. 

γραμματεύς. See Index VIII. 

γραμματηφόρος 1164. τ, 6. 

γράφειν 1107. 4; 1118. 1; 1119. 3; 1121. 
32; 1129. 18; 1180. 25, 30, 31; 1181. 
15; 1183. 17, 18; 1184. 17; 1187. 4; 
1158. 4, 5, 21, 25; 1157. 23; 1158. 13, 



23; 1159. 4; 1160. 7 εἰ saep.; 1161. 7, 
12; 1163. 7; 1164. 12; 1165. 12. 
γραφή 1119. 7. 
γυμνασιαρχεῖν, γυμνασιάρχης. 
γυμνασιαρχία 1102. 9. 
gymnasiarchus 1114. 7, 12. 
γυνή 1102. 24; 1114. 27; 1120. 12; 1185. 
3; 1148. 4. 

See Index VIII. 

δανείζειν 1132. 15. 

δαπανᾶν 1148. 5. 

δαπάνη 1125. 18 ; 1144. 6, τό. 
de 1114. 14. 

decedere 1114. 35. 

decurio 1114, 7, 12. 
defungi 1114. 13. 

δεικνύναι 1150. 5. 

δεῖν 1104. 12 ; 1165. 2, Io. 
δεινῶς 1161. 8, 11. 

δεσμίδιον 1130. 14, 29, 32. 

᾿ δέσποινα 1151. 40; 1165. 9. 
| δεσπότης 1122. 1; 1184, 1; 1168. 3, 9; 

1164. 14; 1165. 13. 

δεσποτικός 1130. το. 

δέχεσθαι 1101. 15 ; 1186.2; 1157.20; 1158. 
7, 12. 

δῆλος 1101. 12. 

δηλοῦν 1102. 11; 1109. 11; 1111.11.11,18; 
1112. 3, 19; 1125. 18; 1180. 12; 1138. 
13; 1153. 12. 

δήμευσις 110]. 25. 

δημόσιος 1104. 16. ὃ. γῇ 1128. 12, 15. ὃ, 
θησαυρός 1125. 17. ὃ. τράπεζα 1117. 13. 
τὸ δημόσιον 1124, 4, 17. δημόσιον, δημόσια 
1125. 12; 1126. τ4; 1187. 2, 3. 

δημοτικός 1101. 24. 

δηνάριον. See Index X (a) (2). 

di(a) 1129. 20. 

διαβάλλειν 1158. 22. 

διαγιγνώσκειν 1117. 3. 

διαγράφειν 1185. 1 ; 1157. 17, 19. 

διαδέχεσθαι 1112. 20; 1119. 17. 

διαδιδόναι 1115. 6. 

διαδικεῖν 1101 8. 

διάδοσις 1115. 9. 

δίαιτα 1164. 8, 9. 

διάκονος 1180. 29; 1162. 3. 

διαμένειν 1161. 12. 

διαπειρᾶν 1101. 21 (?). 


διάπισμα 1108. 8. 

διασείειν 1100. 6, 13, 14, τό. 
διάσημος 1104. 10; 1115. 4, 5. 
διαττροφή 1165. 5. 

διάταγμα 1100. 1, 21; 1101. τ. 
διατυποῦν 1104. 7. 

duapéeperv 1106 3; 1129. 8; 1147. 11; 1165. 3. 

διάφορον 1118. 7; 1180. 11, 28. 

διαψεύδεσθαι 1110. 22. 

διδασκαλία 1101. 3. 

διδάσκειν 1106. 2. 

διδόναι 1108. 7; 1104. 22; 1116.7; 1117. 
20; 1119. 9; 1180. 18; 1134.10; 1139. 
2; 1140. 2; 1141. 3; 1147. 22; 1148. 
4; 1149. 9; 1153. 24; 1156. 8; 1158. 
14; 1164. 3, το. 

διδυμαγενής 1119. 26. 

διέρχεσθαι 1109. 9,13; 1111. 1.5 ; 1141. 4, 7. 

dies 1114. 14. 

δικαιοδοσία 1146. introd. 

δικαιοδότης 1102. 16. 

δικαιολογία 1165. 6. 

δίκαιος 1117. 19 (?); 1126. 7. 
28; 1128. 17. 

δικαίωμα 1119. 15. 

δικαστήριον 1101. 23, 27; 1106. 8. 

δίκη 1119. 18; 1124. 20; 1160. 17. 

δίμηνος 1160. 14. 

διό 1101. 25; 1117. 19. 

διοικεῖν 1184. 3 ; 1146. introd, 

διοίκησις 1184. τό ; 1147. 3. 

διοικητής. See Index VIII. 

διπλοῦς 1124. 15. 

διώκειν 1151. 3. 

δοκεῖν 1102. 7,14; 1117.6; 1119. 85; 1153. 

11; 1156. 13; 1160. 22. 
δύκιμος 1130. το. 
δόσις 1127. 10. 

δούλη 1110. 16, 17 ; 1120. 16; 1151. 10, 29. 

δοῦλος 1149. 7. 

δούξ 1108. 3. 

δραχμή. See Index IX (4). 

δραχμιαῖος 1125. 4, 8. 

ducenarius 1114. 15. 

δύναμις 1150. 5. 

δύνασθαι 1117. 22; 1157. 6, 7, 11; 1161. 9; 
1164. 7; 1165. 8, 12. 

δυοῖν θἄτερον 1119. 20. 

δωδεκάδραχμος 1109. 7, 11, 12, 16. 

δίκαιον 1119. 


δωρεῖσθαι 1153. 15. 

eav 1159. 19; 1165. 3. 

ἑαυτοῦ 1107. 3; 1114. 27; 1119. 23; 1121. 
6, 22; 1125. 18; 1159. 2. 

ἐγγράφειν 1116. 16. 

ἔγγραφος 1121. 25 ; 1130. 19. 

ἐγκαλεῖν 1188. 11; 1134. 12. 

ἐγκαταλείπειν 1124. 15. 

ἐγώ, emu 1129. 20. 

ἔθνος 1119. 17. 

ἔθος 1116. 9. 

εἰδέναι 1119. 13, 15; 1121. 16, 32; 1129. 
19; 1130. 30; 1133. 17; 1165. 8. 

εἶδος 1184. 13 ; 1160. 12. 

eixds 1128. 8. 

εἰπεῖν 1108. 3; 1165. το. 

εἰρήνη 1162. 9. 

εἷς, εἷς μὲν... καὶ εἷς 1153. 14.. δι’ ἑνός 1119. 13. 

εἰσαγγέλλειν 1116. 7; 1119. 7. 

εἰσιέναι 1119. 2; 1125. 10; 1127. 5. 

εἴσοδος 1105. 12. 

εἰσπηδᾶν 1120. 14. 

εἴσπραξις 1100 18. 

εἰσφέρειν 1102. 9 ; 1117. 4, 16, 21; 1150. 3; 
1158. 15. 

etre 1101. 7; 1165. 11. 

ἕκαστος 1101. 5; 1117. 20; 1124. 13; 1125. 
4; 1126. 11 ; 1128. 20. 

ἑκάτερος 1125. 13, 20. 

ἑκατοντάρχης 1146. 18, 19. 

ἐκδιδόναι 1188. 14, 16; 11538. 26. 

ἐκδικία 1101. 18; 1121. 21. 

ἔκδικος 1108. 13. 

ἐκεῖ 1119. 12 ; 1127. 8. 

ἐκεῖνος 1106. 5; 1119. 10; 1121.6; 1165. 

ἐκεῖσε 1119. 7. 

ἐκκλησία. See Index VII (8). 

ἔκκλητος 1117. 3 (?). 

ἑκούσιος 1122. 8. 
6; 1132. 7. 

ἐκπράσσειν 1101. τι (Ὁ). 

ἐκτελεῖν 1121. 15. 

ἐκτέμνειν 1158. 20. 

ἐκτίθεσθαι 1184. τό. 

ἔκτοτε 1119. 28. 

ἐκφόριον 1124. 15; 1125. 18, 20; 1184. 6. 

ἔλαιον 1142. 14; 1143. 7; 1153. 5; 1160. 

ἑκουσίως 1126. 2; 1129. 


ἐλαιοπώλης 1146. 4. 

ἐλαιουργικός 1140. 3. 

ἔλαττον 1100. 4. 

ἐλέγχειν 1100. 15. 

ἐλωί 1152. τ. 

ἐμαυτοῦ 1121. 9; 1160. Io. 

ἐμβαδεύειν 1118. 7. 

ἐμμέλεια 1121. 27. 

ἐμμένειν 1164. 10. 

ἐμός 1159. 14; 1164. 9, το, 14; 1165. 13. 

ἐμπόδιος 1104. 15. 

ἐμφάνεια 1121, 22, 25. 

ἔναγχος 1117. 2. 

érapxos 1104. 5. 

ἐνδεῖν 1117. 8. 

ἐνδομενεία 1102. 15 ; 1121. 19. 

ἔνδοξος 1131. 2, 13; 1151. 42, 43; 1165. το. 

ἐνελίσσειν 1158. 23. 

ἕνεκεν 1119. 26; 1156. 5; 1157. 4; 1164. 2. 

ἐνέχυρον 1126. 17. 

ἔνθα 1121. 17. 

ἐνθάδε 1154. το. 

ἐνθυμεῖσθαι 1106. 6. 

ἐνιαυσίως 1129. τι. 

ἐνιαυτός 1102. 18; 1116. 11; 1128. 20. 

ἐνιστάναι 1110. 7, 11; 1118. i. 14; 1114. 24; 
1116. 15; 1119. 12; 1123. 16; 1125. 5, 
7; 1128. 9; 1129. 7; 1180. 15, 21. 

ἐνοίκησις 1105. 18. 

ἐνοίκιον 1127. 9, 18, 40; 1129. 11, 17. 

ἐνορία 1101. 5. 

ἐνοχλεῖν 1100. 13; 1159. 12. 

ἐντάγιον 1180. 19; 1186. 1. 

ἐντάσσειν 1119. 3, 25. 

ἐνταῦθα 1119. 6 ; 1161. 16. 

ἐντέλλεσθαι 1154. 3. 

evret Oev 1184. II. 

ἔντευξις 1101. 6. 

ἐντολικόν 1142. 1, 18. 

ἐντόπιος 1158. 26. 

ἐντός 1128. 14. 

ἐντυγχάνειν 1160. 19, 21. 

ἐξαιρεῖν 1151. 9. 

ἐξαίρετος 1119. 15. 

ἐξαλλοτριοῦν 1118. To. 

ἑξάμηνος 1127. 19; 1129. 13. 

ἐξεῖναι 1101. 13 ; 1180. 17. 

ἑξέρχεσθαι 1102. 24; 1150. 6. 

ἐξετάζειν 1102. 12. 


ἐξηγητεύειν, ἐξηγητής. See Index VIII. 

ἑξῆς 1116. 16; 1129. 7; 1180. 12; 1163.3. © 

ἐξίστασθαι 1128. 23. 

ἐξισχύειν 1120. 7. 

ἐξκέπτωρ 1108. 13. 

ἐξοδιάζειν 1104. 6, 21; 1117. 7, 10, 11. 

ἐξοδιασμός 1104. 14; 1184. το. 

ἔξοδος 1105. 12. 

ἐξουσία 1108. 3 ; 1120. 8; 1123. 22. 

ἐξυπηρετεῖν 1144. 13. 

ἐπάγειν 1121. 21. ἐπαγόμεναι 1116, 13; 1182. 

ἐπάν 1102, 20. 

ἐπαναγκάζειν 1119. 9; 1121. 24. 

ἐπάναγκες 1180. 15. 

ἐπανόρθωσις 1100. 7. 

ἐπαρχία 1101. 14. 

ἔπαρχος. See Index VIII. 

enaptav 1119. 10; 1121, 5. 

ἐπεί 1102. 8 ; 1119. 6, 18 ; 1156. το; 1159. 4. 

ἐπείγειν 1155. 13; 1161. 12. 

ἐπειδή 1107. 1 ; 1157. 6. 

ἔπειτα 1119. τό. 

ἐπελευστικός 1120. Io. 

ἐπεξέρχεσθαι 1165. 7. 

ἐπέρχεσθαι 1106. 2. 

ἐπερωτᾶν 1126. 18; 1129. 15; 1180. 26; 
1133. 15; 1184. 17. 

ἕπεσθαι 1112. 14, 24; 1119. 17. 

ἐπηρεάζειν 1165. 3, 4, 8, Io. 

ἐπί, ἐπὶ τῷ 1122. 9. ἐφ᾽ 6 1105. 20, 

ἐπιβαίνειν 1155. 3. 

ἐπιδέχεσθαι 1126. 2; 1129. 6. 

ἐπιδημεῖν 1108. 43; 1117. 2. 

ἐπιδημία 1119, 21. 

ἐπιδιδόναι 1101. 10; 1107. 6; 1114. 34; 
1115. 6; 1116. 21; 1119. 20, 29; 1120. 
4; 1121. 7, 23, 31; 1184. 9; 1163. 9. 

ἐπίθεσις 1121. 7. 

ἐπιθήκη 1158. 24. 

ἐπικαλεῖσθαι 1112. 2, 19; 1151. 52. 

ἐπικεῖσθαι 1127. 24; 1128. 26. 

ἐπικεφάλαιον 1157. 14, 16, 20. 

ἐπίκρισις 1109. 5, 11. 

ἐπίλοιπος 1128. 20. 

ἐπιμέλεια 1119. 20. 

ἐπιμέλεσθαι 1154. 4. 

ἐπιμελητής. See Index VIII. 

ἐπιμένειν 1106, 7. 


ἐπινέμησις 1184. ΤΙ, 14. 

ἐπισκέπτεσθαι 1151. 28. 

ἐπίσταλμα 1119. 25. 

ἐπίστασθαι 1121. 21. 

ἐπιστέλλειν 1104. 6, 13; 1115. 3; 1119. 8— 
10, 22, 25. 

ἐπιστολή 1119. 3, 22; 11538. 24. 

ἐπιστράτηγος. See Index VIII. 

ἐπιστρέφεια 1121. 5. 

ἐπιτελεῖν 1118. το. 

ἐπιτήδειος 1116. τό. 

ἐπιτηρητής 1182. 11. 

ἐπίτιμον 1124. 17. 

ἐπιτρέπειν 1164. 8. 

ἐπιτροπή 1119. 15. 

ἐπίτροπος. See Index VIII. 

ἐπιφανής 1104. το. 

ἐπιφέρειν 1115. 12; 1119. 30; 11383. 14. © 

ἐπιχειρεῖν 1106. 5; 1119. 18, 24; 1121. 8. 

ἐπιχείρημα 1121. 24. 

ἐποίκιον 1133. 4, 10. 

ἐποφείλειν 1165. 12. 

ἔποψις 1116. 8. 

ἔργον 1100. 7 ; 1112. 9; 1141. 5. 

epew 1106. 3, 4; 1158. 15; 1165. 4. 

ἔρχεσθαι 1106. 2; 1158. 5, 10; 1159. 6, 8, 
23; 1160. 20; 1164. 1, 8; 1165. 11. 

ἐρωτᾶν 1149. 3; 1155. 6; 1163. 4. 

ἐσθής 1121. το. 

ἑσπέρα 1168. 2. 

esse 1114. 13, 15. 

ἕτερος 1105. 11; 1118. 9; 1119. 15, 20, 27; 
1130. 22. δυοῖν Oarepov 1119. 20. 

ἔτι 1111, 11. 11,132; 1119. 24, 27. 
1118. 5. 

ἑτοίμως 1181. το. 

ἔτος, κατ᾽ ἔ, 1105. 20; 1117. 21; 1125. 1, 12, 
1, πὸ; S127. πὸ, ἀϑ, 40: 1155. 1τρΡ; 
1129. 13. 

εὐαγγελιστής 1151. 45. 

εὐάρεστος 1180. 13. 

εὔδηλος 1100. 3. 

εὐεργετεῖν 1117. 18. 

εὐεργέτης 1148. 2. 

εὐθύς 1155. 3. 
1164, 4. 

εὐθηνιαρχεῖν 1114, 22. 

εὐλαβῶς 1119. το. 

εὑρίσκειν 1188. 12; 1158. 10, 18; 1155. 7. 

»” ‘ a 
€. Και νυν 

εὐθέως 1119. 7; 1155. 4; 


εὐσεβῶς 1119. 17. 

εὔσταθμος 1180. το. 

εὐτέλεια 1165. 2, 8. 

εὐτελής 1165. 4. 

eutheniarcha 1114. 8. 

εὐτυχής. See Index II. 
1108. 1; 1119. 21. 

εὐχαριστεῖν 1164, 2. 

εὐχερῶς 1121. 6. 

εὔχεσθαι 1104. 17; 1119. 24; 1142. 17; 
1151. 38 ; 1157. 28; 1158. 3, 25; 1160. 
28; 1162. 13. 

ἐφιστάναι 1106. 7; 1121. 18. ; 

ἔχειν 1100. 8, 18; 1104. 22; 1107.4; 1118, 
i. 14; 1115. 5, 8, 18; 1116, 25. Σ ΠῚ 
13; 1119. 10, 28; 1120. 18, 20; 1123. 
22.5 1125. 2; 1127. 7; 1190. e σὺ 
1131. 3, 11; 1133. το; 1184. 11; 1137. 
1; 1149. 7; 1156. 11; 1160. 8; 1161. 
eat 2 

ἔχθεσις 1186 introd.; 1147. τ. 

exemplum 1114. 14, τό. 

ἕως 1125. 15; 1144. 7, 14; 1159. 21. ἕως 
ἄν 1124. ἡ. 

εὐτυχῶς 1108. 4; 

facere 1114. 7, ὃ, 12, 14. 
filia 1114. 9, 11. 
filius 1114. 8. 

ζῆν 1117. 19; 1151. 25. 
ζυγόν, See Index IX (4). 

7 1148. 2 (?). 

#1106. 6; 1118. 7; 1119. 9, 10; 1121.16; 
1124. 13; 1125. 8; 1127. 25; 1180. 19; 
1157. 25; 1165. 7, 12. ἢ οὖν 1130. 19. 

7 1102. 12. 

ἡγεῖσθαι 1104. 13; 1119. 17. 

ἡγεμονία 1121. 27. 

ἡγεμονικός 1102. 25; 1119. 21. 

ἡγεμών. See Index VIII. 

ἡδέως 1162. τι. 

ἤδη 1121. 25. 

ἡμέρα 1100. 4 ; 1114. 24; 1121. 12; 1145. 
5, 18; 1158. 4; 1161. 13. 

ἡμέτερος 1119. 9, 12, 15, 19, 21. 

ἡμικοτύλη 1142. 2. 

ἡμιολία 1127. 27. 

ἡμίχους 1153. 5. 


ἡμιωβέλιον 1112. τό, 
ἡσυχάζειν 1119. 8 (?). 
ἤτοι 1129, το; 1184. 6. 

θ( ) 1145. 2 efsaep. 

θάλαμος 1144. 2. 

θαμά 1158. 4. 

θάνατος 1121. 15. 

θαρσεῖν 1101. 18. 

θαυμαστός 1151. 53. 

θεά 1117. 2. 

θεῖος 1119. 18, 21. θειότατος 1134. 4, 15. 

θέλειν 1155. 2; 1156. 7; 1158. 15. 

θέμα 1125. 19; 1159. το. 

θεολόγος 1151. 45. 

θεός. See Indices II and VII (a) 1, (4). 

θεοτόκος 1151. 41. 

θέσις 1123. 2. 

θησαυρός 1125. 17. 

θυγάτηρ 1102. 11; 1114. 25, 27; 1120. 2; 
1121. 13; 1129. 3; 1158. 19, 20. 

θυμέλη 1148. 3. 

θύρα 1127. 24; 1128. 26. 

θυσία 1143. 3, 4, 6; 1144. 15. 

hereditas 1114. το, 15. 
hic 1114. 14. 
hora 1114, 14. 

ἰᾶσθαι 1151. 25, 28, 

ἰδεῖν 1157. ἡ. 

ἴδιος 1116. 7; 1125. 18; 1180. 9. 
1117. 22. ἴδιος λόγος 1112, 1. 

ἰδιώτης 1101. 6 ef saep. 

ἰδιωτικός 1126. 12, 13, 22; 1188.5,8; 1153. 

ἰδού 1158. 13. 

idus 1114. 37. 

ἱερεύς. See Index VII (a) 3. 

ἱερόν 1116. 10; 1148. 2, 5. 

ἱερός 1114. 20; 1116. 2; 1185. 2; 1144. 6, 

ἱκανός 1121. 25. 

ἱματίζειν 1122. 14. 

immunis 1114, 15. 

wa 1101. 26; 1117. 18, 20; 1119. 13, 21; 
1120. 9; 1121. 21; 1153. 25; 1154. 5; 
1155. 13; 1156. 13; 1158. 14; 1159. 2; 
1160. 13; 1165. 11. 

ἰνδικτίων. See Index III. 

ἡ ἰδία 


inserere 1114. 36. 

intestatus 1114, 13, 35. 

is 1114. 12, 15. 

ἴσος 1124. 18. ἴσον 1121, 26. 
ἱστάναι 1102. 17, 22. 

καθάπερ 1124. 20. 

καθαρός 1124. τι; 1125. 19; 1126. 13, 22; 
1128. 24; 1180. 13. 

καθήκειν 1121. 14. 

καθῆσθαι 1160. 24. 

κάθοδος 1119, 27. 

καθότι 1124, 22. 

καθώς 1157. 3. 

καί, κἀγώ 1157, 13, 26. κἄν 1100, 15. 

καιρός 1119, 17 ; 1126. 14. 

κακία 1101. 7. 

κακοβουλία 1101. 7 (?). 

κακός 1151. 14, 38. 

καλαμοφυή (Ὁ) 1141. 4. 

καλεῖν 1100. 10; 1126. 5. 

καλός 1100. 8; 1142. 3. 
1158. 5. 

κάμηλος 1164, 2, 5, 7; 1165. 5. 

κάπηλος 1158. 26. 

καρποδέσμιον 1153. 13. 

καρπός 1124. 6; 1125. 14; 1188. το. 

καταβάλλειν 1121, 9 ; 1188. 1. 

καταβολή 1147. 15. 

κατάγαιον 1105, 9. 

καταγίγνεσθαι 1121. 4; 1188. 4, 6. 

καταλαμβάνειν 1101. 26; 1119. 12; 1168. 2. 

καταλείπειν 1118. 12; 1121. 18; 1165. 8. 

καταμανθάνειν 1158. 25 (?). 

καταμένειν 1121, 17. 

καταντᾶν 1110. 12. 

καταπέμπειν 1115. 19. 

καταπίπτειν 1112, 23. 

καταπλεῖν 1153. 11. 

καταπονεῖν 110]. 9. 

καταρτίζειν 1158. τό, το. 

καταφεύγειν 1101. 23, 27. 

καταχωρίζειν 1117, 14; 1119. 7. 

κατεπείγειν 1141. 5. 

κατέχειν 1102. 19; 1118. 8. 

κατοικεῖν 1102, 12, 

καυχᾶσθαι 1160. 8, το. 

κελεύειν 1101. 24; 1102. 20; 1109.5; 1110. 
6; 1111.1.-3, ii. 2; 1113.1. 11, i. 2; 1115. 

καλῶς 1155. 8; 


19; 1117. 4,17; 1119. 9, 20, 23; 1150. 
3; 1164. 8, 11. 

κέλευσις 1115. 11. 

κέλλα 1128. 15; 1144. τό. 

κεράμιον. See Index IX (a). 

κεράτιον, See Index IX (2). 

κέρμα 1157. 18; 1160. 16. 

κεφάλαιον 1105, 16; 1180. 11, 28; 1182. 
12, 1, 

κεφαλή 1142. 8. 

κηδεία 1121. 14. 

κίνδυνος 1116. 8; 1119. το; 1121. 5; 1124. 

2; 1125. 9; 1127. 12; 1180. 14. 

κινεῖν 1121. τό, 18. 

κίστη 1153. 3. 

κλείς 1127. 25; 1128. 27. 

κληρονομία 1102. 9. 

κληρονόμος 1121. 13 ; 1185. 2 (?). 

κλῆρος 1126. 5. 

κλιβανεύς 1142. το. 

κλῖμαξ 1127. 9. 

κλίνη 1144. 6. 

Κνίδιον 1158. τό. 

κοινός 1105. 13; 1114. 27. 

κοίτη 1161. το. 

κόλλημα 1119. 30. 

κολλητιῶσι (ἢ) 1100. 19. 

κολυμβήθρα 1151. 8. 

κόμες. See Index VIII. 

κομίζεσθαι 1102. 21; 1124. 7; 1125. 15; 
1153. 3, 13, 17. 

komm 1141. 4. 

κόπριον 1128. 24. 

κοτύλη 1148. τ, 

κούκκουμα 1160. 23. 

κουράτωρ 1120. 13 ; 1146. introd. 

κράτιστος 1102. 6; 1110. 7; 1113. i. 13, il. 
3; 1115. 12; 1117. 4; 1119. 4, 8, 9, 15, 
17, 26, 2ῆ. 

κρίνειν 1102. 7, 16. 

κρίσις 1102. 14; 1119. 18, 21 ; 1164. 11. 

κτᾶσθαι 1117. 10. 

κτενίον 1142. 7. 

κτῆμα 1187. 2; 1147. 12, 22; 1165. 9. 

κυπει( γ (Ὁ) 1112. 24. 

κυριεύειν 1118. 9 ; 1128. το ; 1124, 6; 1125. 

κύριος (‘ guardian ᾽) 1111. i. 2; 1128. 6. 

κύριος (title) 1108. 3; 1104. 9; 1107. 1; 


1108. 2, 8, 10, 12; 1117. 2, 6. Ὁ ἘΠῚ 
1148. 1; 1151. 23,52; 1156.1; 1157.1; 
1158. 1; 1160. 1; 1162. 4, 12, 14. Cf. 
Index IIT. κυρία 1108. 9. 

κύριος (‘valid’) 1124. 20; 1126.18; 1127. 
30; 1128. 27; 1129.15; 1180. 7, 25; 
1165. 7. 

κυροῦν 1112. 3, 10. 

κωλύειν 1101. 12; 1165. 4. 

κώμη 1106. 3, 4; 1111. i. 7; 1118. i. 2, il. 5; 
1126. 5; 1128. 13; 1180. 4, 13; 11384. 
8,14; 1187. 1; 1145. 4, 6. 

κωμογραμματεία 1112. 21. 

κωμογραμματεύς 1113. i. 1. 

λαμβάνειν 1101. 3; 1107. 4; 1117. 7, 12; 
1156. 10; 1158. 8, το, τό. 

λαμπρός 1108. 3; 1163. ; 1165. 2, 13; 14. 
Cf. Indices III and VI. 

λαογραφία 1109. 12. 

λαχανευτής 1139. 2. 

λάχανον 1139. 2. 

λαχανόσπερμον 1140, 2. 

λέγειν 1101. 2; 1102. 19; 1180. 18; 1142. 
9 (λέειν) ; 1165. 6. 

legere 1106. 9, 10. 

λειτουργεῖν 1119. 6, 13, 16. 

λειτουργία 1119. 7, 11, 12, 16, 24, 28. 

λέξις 1102. 6. 

λεπτίον 1153. 4. 

λῆμμα 1134. το. 

libertus 1114. 35. 

λιβός 1126. 8. 

λιδη (? λιτή) 1126. 8, 9. 

λίθινος 1105. το. 

λογιστεία 1147. τι. 

λογιστῆς. See Index VIII. 

λογιώτατος 1108. 6. 

λόγος 1104. 21; 1118. 12; 1119. 21; 1121. 
16; 1188. 9, το; 1184. το, 11; 1188.2; 
1141. 4; 1151. 24; 1153. 20. ἴδιος A. 
1112. 1. 

λοιπάς 1147. 8, 19. 

λοιπογραφία 1181. 12. 

λοιπός 1101. 17; 1111.1. 11. 

λύειν 1165. 3. 

λυπεῖν 1165. 12. 

λύτρωσις 1130. 20. 

λῶδιξ 1153. 20. 


μαλακία 1151. 27. 

μᾶλλον 1165. 7. 

μανθάνειν 1100. 7; 1107. 4; 1119. 28; 1157. 

rt. 64> 1158. 22. 

μαρτυρεῖν 1164. 5, 6, τι. 

μαρτύρεσθαι 1114. 23; 1120.11; 1121. 8, 23. 

μαρτυροποίημα 1114. 23. 

μάρτυς 1162. 14 (?); 1164. 7. 

mater 1114. 12. 

μεγαλεῖον 1103. 8. 

μεγαλόπολις 1180. 6. 

μεγαλοπρέπεια 1168. 4, 5; 1164. 2, 13. 

μεγαλοπρεπής 1108. 2, 3, 7; 1168. 3, 9; 
1164. 14. 

μέγας 1117. 2; 1142.6; 1147.1; 1149.1; 
1155. 9. 

μεθοδία 1184. ο. 

μειζονία 1147. 4. 

μείζων. See Index VIII. 

μέλειν 1155. 5. 

μέλλειν 1114. 24; 1119. 6, 13; 1121. 22; 
1153. 27; 1156.10; 1158. 22; 1160. 15. 

μένειν 1160. 18. 

μέρος 1102, 21; 1105. 8, 19; 1111. i. 7; 
1112, 22 ; 1125. 14, 21. 

μέσος 1113.1, 2, 11.5; 1145.3. ἀνὰ μ. 1111. i. 6. 

μεταβάλλεσθαι 1158. 8. 

μεταδιδόναι 1118. 2; 1158. 6. 

μεταλλάσσειν 1128. το. 

μεταξύ 1117. 3; 1126. 11 (μετοξύ). 

μετρεῖν 1125. τό. 

μέτρησις 1125. 21. 

μετρητής 1143. 7. 

μέτριος 1117. 9, 19. 

μετριότης 1121. το. 

μέτρον. See Index ΙΧ (a). 

meus 1114. 9. 

μέχρι 1182. 14; 1159. 5, 8. 

μηδείς 1100. 11(?); 1102. 8; 1104. 15; 
1107. 2; 1110. 22. 

μήν 1119. 25; 1124, 10; 1125. 5, 7; 1129. 
7; 1180. 15; 1131.15; 1132. 14; 1137. 
4; 1144. 8. 

μήν, ov μήν 1164. 5. 

μηνιάρχης 1189. 2. 

μήτηρ 1109. 2, 8, 14,16; 1111. i. 1, 9, ii. 10, 
12, 14; 1114. 27; 1121. 3, 9,17; 1123. 
1, 4,7; 1128. 3; 1182, 3,5; 1145. 20; 
1154. 12; 1159. 30. 


μητρικός 1118. ii. 6. 

μητρόπολις. See Index VI (a). 

μητροπολίτης 1109. 6. 

μητροπολιτικός 1119. 19. 

μικρός 1147. 14. 

μικτός 1158. 14 (?). 

μισεῖν 1151. 2. 

μισθοῦν 1124. 3, 8, 18, 22; 1125. 2 ef saep.; 
1198. 2: 1157. 1 τὰ; 1ἢ,. 31.} ALS. 
17, 18; 1129. 6, 16. 

μίσθωσις 1124. 7, 21; 1125. 16; 1126, 18; 
1127. 13, 30; 1128. 27; 1129. 15. 

μνᾶ, See Index IX (4). 

μόδιος 1115. 13 (?). 

μοιχός 1160. 26, 27. 

μόλις 1117. το. 

μονή 1121. 25. 

μόνος 1119. 16; 1125. 3 ; 1186. 5; 1138. 9. 
ov μόνον 1108, 7; 1119. 17; 1165. 3. 

μυριάς 1115. 14, 15; 1129. 12. 

ναῦλον 1147. το. 

ναύτης 1115. 13. 

ναυτικός 1153. 7. 

νεόλεκτος 1103. 5. 

veounvia (vevp.) 1116. 12; 1127. 4; 1129. 6. 

νέος 1119. 14; 1124. 11; 1161. 14(?). 

νῆσος 1101. 24. 

νικᾶν 1110. 5. 

νομίζειν 1100. 8, 18. 

νομικάριος 1181. 17. 

νομισμάτιον. See Index IX (ὁ). 

νομοθεσία 1119. 18. 

νομοθετεῖν 1119. 16, 24. 

νόμος 1100. 9; 1101. 12; 1102. 13; 1119. 
21; 1121. 13. 

νομός. See Index VI (a). 

nonae 1114. 13, 36. 

νοσεῖν 1161. 8, 14. 

νοσοκομεῖν 1121. το. 

νοσοκομεῖον 1150. 4. 

νόσος 1121. 9; 1151. 26. 

notare 1114. 37. 

νότος 1124. 2; 1126. 7. 

vouppiov 1165. 6. 

νῦν 1102. 13; 1104. 6; 1118. 5; 1119. 11; 
1128. 9; 1180. 8; 1132. 14; 1183. 4; 
1148. 6. νυνί 1110. 15; 1119. τι. 



ξένος 1154. το. 
E€orns 1142. 14. 
ξήριον 1142. ἢ. 
ξηρόμυρον 1142. 2. 
ξόανον 1117. I. 
ξυλαμή 1124. 15. 
ξύλινος 1127. 9. 
ξύλον 1144. 15. 

ξένη 1154. 7. 

ὀβολός. See Index IX (4). 

ὅδε 1114. 23; 1130. 20; 11383. 14; 1153. 24. 
ὅθεν 1119. Io, 11. 

ὀθονιακός 1146. 7. 

ὀθόνιον 1146. 5. 

οἰκεῖν 1101. 24; 1110. το; 1121. 18. 

οἰκεῖος 1101. 23, 27. 

οἰκία 1105. 8, 19; 1110. 3, 8,9; 1111. 1. 5, 

M45 1150; πη 115] 17; 1127, 4; 
1128. 13; 1129. 9. θειοτάτη οἰκ. 1184. 4, 

οἰκογενής 1110. 16. 

οἴκοθεν 1107. 5. 

οἰκονομεῖν 1123. 22. 

οἶκος 1152. 5; 1158. το; 1158. 4. 
1180. 9. ἔνδοξος οἶκ. 1181. 2, 13. 

οἰνοπαραληιιπτής 1141. 2. 

οἶνος 1181. 5 ; 1139. introd. ; 1141. 6, 8, 

οἰνοχειριστῆς 1181. τ. 

οἷος 1126. 9. 

ὀλίγος 1101. 3; 1121. 5, 12, 19; 1156. 5; 
1164. 4. 

ὁλκή 1142. 4, 5. 

ὁλοκληρεῖν 1158. 3. 

ὅλος 1117. 11; 1158. 4; 1165. 8. 
1106. 6. 

ὀμνύειν 1110. 20; 1113. ii. 8. 

ὁμογνήσιος 1111. 1. 8. 

ὁμοίως 1109. 12, 16; 1110. 13, 17; 1111. i. 
12; 1112.17; 1141. 7. 

ὁμολογεῖν 1122. 8; 1123. 8; 1125. 2; 1126. 
18; 1129. 15; 1180. 7, 26; 1182. 6; 
1183. 8, 15; 1134. 6, 17. 

ὁμοῦ 1126. 13. 

ὀνηλάτης 1140. 2. 

ὄνομα 1102. 23; 1135. 2; 1151. 51; 1160. 
6, 8. 

ὄνυξ 1142. 4. 

ὄξος 1141. 7, 10; 1158. 17. 

ὁπόταν 1129. 13. 

ἐξ οἴκου 



ὀπωροπώλης 1133. 7. 

ὅπως 1104. 14; 1118. 5; 
1161. 4. 

ὁρᾶν 1101. 22; 1158. 9. 

ὀρίγανον 1142. τι. 

ὁρίζειν 1108. 7. 

ὅσος 1168. 5. 

ὅσπερ 1119. 28; 1125. 6; 1126. 13; 1129. 
12; 1134. 7. 

ὅστις 1119. 8. 

ὅταν 1107. 3; 1158. 15. 

ὅτι 1101. 12; 1108. 6; 1107. 4; 1142. το, 
12; 1151.51; 1153.6; 1154.7; 1155.3; 
1157. 24; 1158. 22 ; 1159. 5, 7, 17; 1160. 
8,9,19, 24; 1161. το, 12; 1164. 11. 

οὐδὲ yap 1101. 19. 

οὐδείς 1102. 11; 1118. ΤΙ, 13; 1188. το; 
1134. τι. 

οὐκέτι 1101. 14. 

οὖν 1119. 18; 1180. 19; 1156. 7, 12; 1157. 
6, 8, 21; 1158. 6 εἰ saep.; 1165. 11. 

ovrov 1153. 26 (?). 

οὐσία 1102. 9g. 

οὔτε 1183. τι ; 1134. 12. 

οὕτως 1102. 6; 1117. 6, 17, 22; 1147. 2. 

ὀφείλειν 1118. 5; 1125. 15; 1165. 8. 

ὄψις 1154. 4. 

ὀψώνιον 1159. 3. 

1119. 20, 27; 

π΄ 1168. introd., 1; 1165. 1. 

παίδευσις 1165. 2. 

παιδίον 1159. 29. 

mada 1111. ii. 13. 

παλαιός 1159. 25. 

πάλιν 1106. 2; 1121.14; 1164.6; 1165. 10. 

mavorrhos 1110. 6 (?). 

παντοῖος 1134. 6; 1151. 35. 

πάνυ 1161. 8, το; 1164. 2. 

παραγίγνεσθαι 1109. 10; 1158. το; 1162. 7. 

παράδειγμα 1100. 10. 

παραδέχεσθαι 1125. ΤΙ. 

παραδιδόναι 1100. 20 (ἢ) ; 1115. 11; 1127. 21, 
25; 1128. 23; 1129. 14. 

παράδοσις 1117. 12. 

παρακαλεῖν 1165. 11. 

παραλαμβάνειν 1102. 8; 1117. 13; 1127. 23. 

παραλείπειν 1101. 26. 

παραλιμπάνειν 1101. 22. 

παραλογισμός 11038. 5. 


παραμένειν 1117. 22; 1122. το. 

παρανομεῖν 1106. 9. 

παρανόμημα 1119. 10. 

παρανομία 1119. 8, 10, 18. 

παράνομος 1106. 5. 

παραπίπτειν 1133. 12. 

παρασκευάζειν 1101. 10; 1163. 6 ; 1164. το. 

πάραυτα 1163. 6. 

παραφέρειν 1164. 4. 

παραφυλακή 1165. 7, 9. 

παραφυλάσσειν 1106. 4. 

mapeyyvav 1101. 15, 25; 1106. 6. 

παρεῖναι 1102. 5; 1119. 23; 1129. 8. 

παρέξ 1188. 9. 

παρέπεσθαι 1184. 15. 

παρέρχεσθαι 1184. το, 14. 

παρέχειν 1116. 9; 1121. 14, 25; 1128. 14; 
1181. τι. 

παριστάναι 1102, 18; 1106. 8. 

παρόριον 11138. i. 17. 

πάρος 1121. 36, 

παρρησία 1100. 15. 

mas 1119. το, 16; 1120. 19; 1123. 13, τό, 
21; 1124. 20; 1125. 9, 19; 1126. 16; 
1127. 12, 30; 1128. 25; 1129.11; 1130. 
14, 17, 24; 1158. 14; 1151. 14 εἰ saep.; 
1154. 3; 1155. 10; 1158. 3; 1159. 33; 
1160. 3, 6, 15; 1161. 5, 16; 1168. 3, 9; 
1164. 10, 14; 1165. 13, 14. 

παστάς 1158. 15 (?). 

παστοφόρος. See Index VII (a) 3. 

πάσχειν 1120. 1; 1121. 7. 

πάτημα 1142. 3; 1156. 9. 

πατήρ 1109. 14; 1111. i. ro, ii. 6; 1119. 28; 
1122. 7; 1123. 11; 1148. 6; 1154. 12; 
1160. 1. 

πατρίκιος 1184. 2. 

πατρικός 1128. 21; 1164. 2, 13. 

πάτριος 1119. 21. 

marpis 1102. 10; 1117. 8; 1119. 9, 12, 15. 

πάτρων 1156. 15. 

παύεσθαι 1121. το. 

πεδίον 1126. 4. 

πείθειν 1101. 19 (πέποιθεν). 

πέμπειν 1158. 6, 19, 21; 1155.12; 1156.12; 
1157. 3; 1158. 13, τό, 17, 24; 1159, 17, 
21; 1160. 9 é saep. 

περίβλεπτος 1108. 5. 

περιηχεῖν 1119. 7. 


περικόπτης 1146. 15. 

περιμένειν 1100. τό. 

περίοδος 1100. 4 ; 1119. 6. 

περιστερεών 1127. 8, 15, 22, 37. 

περιστερίδιον 1148. 6, 7; 1144. 12. 

περιτειχίζειν 1111. il. 8. 

πιπράσκειν 1181. 6; 1160. 11. 

πίστις 1184, 8. 

πιττάκιον 1131. 18 ; 1150. 6. 

πλεῖστος 1121. 19; 1155. 2; 1164. 12. 

πλῆθος 1106. 7. 

πλημμελεῖν 1119. 18. 

πλήρης 1119. 15; 1137. 2, 3. 

πληροῦν 1103. 6, 7; 1107. 3; 1133.8; 11384. 
Os. 1157. τ. 

πλησίον 1165. 9. 

πλινθίον 1110. το. 

πλοῖον 1158. 11. 

πνεῦμα 1151. τ; 1161. 7. 

πόθεν 1121. τό. 

ποιεῖν 1101. 22; 1104.14; 1106.8; 1117.5; 
1119. 27; 1121. 23, 26; 1180. 21; 1156. 
14; 1158. 6; 1164. 9; 1165. 7, 9, 11. 

πολιορκεῖν 1117. 23. 

πόλις. See Index VII (a). 

πολιτεία 1119. 21, 23. 

πολιτικός 1146. 17. τὰ π. 1104, 7, 13. 

πολλάκις 1119. 17. 

πολύς 1157. 28; 1158. 2, 25; 1160. 2, 3. 
πρὸ πολλοῦ 1153. τό. 

πολύτιμος 1121. 20. 

πορεύεσθαι 1148. 2. 

πόρος 1123. 21. 

πορφύρα 1158. 26. 

πορφυροῦς 1158. 14. 

ποσότης 1102. 11. 

possessio 1114. ro. 

ποτέ 1107. 4, 5. 

πρᾶγμα 1184. 3; 1155. 6; 1165. 4. 

πραγματευτής 1180. 6. 

πραιπόσιτος. See Index VIII. 

πραιτώριον 1116. 2. 

πρακτορεία. See Index VIII. 

πρᾶξις 1124, 18; 1127. 28; 1180. 24. 

πρᾶσις 1156. 6. 

πράσσειν 1106. 5; 1124. 3; 1155. 8. 

mpatns 1146. 7. 

πρατός 1117. 24, 

πρέπειν 1121, 11. 

πν. ἅγιον 1151. 6. 


πρεσβεία 1151. 39. 

πρέσβυς 1102. τό, 22. 

πρεσβύτερος (adj.) 1109. 2; 1117. 
mp. (title). See Indices VII (4), VIII. 

πρίγκεψ 1108. 3. 

pridie 1114. 13, 36, 37. 

πριμιπιλάριος 1188. 5. 

πρίν 1061. 14. 

προαίρεσις 1101. 8. 

προβατικός 1151. 7. 

πρόγραμμα 1101. 16; 1155. 12. 

προγράφειν 1180. 18; 1153. 12. 

procuratio 1114. 6. 

προδιδόναι 1102. το. 

profiteor 1114. 9. 

προθεσμία 1117. 20; 1180. 12, 20, 22; 
8, 20. 

προθηκάριος (?) 1146. 20. 

προίξ 1102. το. 

προκεῖσθαι 1114. 32 ; 
16, 22; 1127. 40; 1129. 16, 
26, 29; 1181. 18; 1133. 17; 1187. 4. 

προλαμβάνειν 1151. 4. 

προνοητής 1134. 8; 1147. 17, 19. 

προπορεύεσθαι 1144. 3, 5, 9. 

πρός, πρὸς τό 1104. 15; 1115. 8. 

προσαγορεύειν 1162. 12. 

προσβαίνειν 1109. 6, 9. 

προσδιαγράφειν 1112. τό, 25. 

προσδοκᾶν 1158. 4. 

προσεῖναι 1105. 10; 1121. 8. 

πρυσέρχεσθαι 1102. 9; 1119. 8, 19; 1156. 3. 

προσευκαιρεῖν 1119. 12. 

προσήκειν 1100. 15; 1101. 20, 23; 1102. 8, 

1; 1119. 23, 24, 27. 
προσιέναι 1101. 15, 19. 
προσκυνεῖν 1164. 12, 
προσκύνησις 1164. 14; 1165. 12, 13. 
προσλαμβάνειν 1108. 8. 
πρόσοδος 1102. 17-19 ; 1147. 22. 
προσοφείλειν 1118, 6; 1127. 26. 
προστασία 1126. 4, 8; 1184. 7. 
προστάτης 1150. 1. 
προσφεύγειν 1101. 9. 
προσφθείρειν 1100. 19. 
προσφωνεῖν 1119. 28. 
προσφώνησις 1119. 4, 24. 
πρόσχρωμος 1158. 23. 
προτάσσειν 1112. 18; 1115. 19. 



1115.7; 1121. 8; 1124. 
17; 1180. 


προτελεῖν 1147. 21. 

πρότερον 1110. το ; 1111. i. 9, 10, ii. 6; 1112. 
6; 1118. i. 18, i. 6; 1180. 7, 28. 

ngioriicas 1100. 2, 4, 23. 

πρόφασις 1100. 12; 1119. 11. 

προφέρειν 1164. 4. 

προχειρίζεσθαι 1119. 9, 12. 

πρόχρησις 1125. 3. 

προχωρεῖν 1104. 8. 

proximus 1114. 13 (?). 

mputaveia 1104. 17, 22. 

πρυτανεύειν, πρύτανις. See Index VIII. 

πρώην 1104. 9. 

πρωτεύειν 1106. 6. 

πρωτήκτωρ 1184. 8. 

πρῶτος 1101. 3; 1125. 21. 

πταίειν 1165. 11. 

πυνθάνεσθαι 1102. 11. " 

πυρετός 1151. 35. 

πυρός 1124. τι; 
2 εἰ saep. 

πωμαρίτης 1188. 3. 

πρῶτον 1119. 15. 
1125. 1; 1144. 18; 1145. 

q. p. f. 1114. 13. 

que 1114. 15. 

qui 1114. 13, 14. qui et 1114. 8, ro, 11. 

res 1114. 14. 

ῥῖγος 1151. 36. 

ῥιπάριος. See Index VIII. 

ῥοϊτικός 1142. τό. 

ῥωννύναι, ἔρρωσο 1105. 22; 1140. 4; 1148. 
10; 1158. 28; 1155. 14. ἐρρῶσθαι βούλο- 
μαι 1100. 5. ἐρρῶσθαι εὔχομαι 1104. 17 ; 
1119. 24; 1142. 16; 1157. 28; 1158. 25; 
1160. 28; 1162. 13. 

σαβαώθ 1152. 2. 
σανδύκινος 1158. 14. 
σαφής 1102. 11. σαφῶς 1119. 16. 
scribas 1106. το. 
scribere 1114. 37. 
σεαυτοῦ 1154. 5. 
σεβάσμιος 1113. i. 5. 
secundum 1114. 14, 35. 
σέλλα 1146. 6. 

seu 1114. το. 

σημαίνειν 1112. 3, 10. 
σήμερον 1158. 9. 


σημειοῦσθαι 1136. 7; 1139. 3; 1141. 8, Io. 

σθένος 1120. 19. 

σίππιον 1180. 12, 29, 31. 

σιτάριον 1156. 5. 

σιτίον 1158. 11. 

σῖτος 1147. 8, 18; 1159. 1Ι. 

σκέπτεσθαι 1102. 5. 

oxpeiBas 1108. 4. 

σόλιον 1158. 18. 

σός 1121. 26; 1181.3, 11; 1134.16; 1163.8. 

σοφία 1165. 6. 

σοφός 1165. 13. 

σπονδή 1143. 4. 

σπορά 1126. 9. 

σπόρος 1126. το. 

σπουδάζειν 1164. 11. 

σταβλίτης 1147. 5. 

σταθμός 1180. 13. 

στεφανοῦν 1117. 5. 

στήμιον 1142. 7. 

στιχάριον 1136. 4, 5. 

στοιχεῖον 1137. 5. 

oroixos 1119. 12. 

στολιστής 1144. 1, 

στρατεύεσθαι 1103. 5; 1154. 11. 

στρατηγός. See Index VIII. 

στρατιώτης 1101. 13, 18; 1115. 13. 

στρατιωτικός 1106. 7. 

στροβίλιον 1142. 6. 

στρόβιλος 1144. 11. 

στυράκιον 1142. 5. 

_ subicere 1114. 14. 

συγγραφή 1105. 3. 

συγγραφοδιαθήκη 1102. 14. 

ovyxvpev 1105. 13. 

συγχωρεῖν 1107. 2. 

σύλησις 1121. 6. 

συλλαβή 1164, 3. 

συλλέγειν 1160. τό. 

συλλειτουργός 1162. 2. 

σύμβιος 1160. 4. 

συμπολίτης 1119, 10. 

συμπόσιον 1128. 14; 1129. 10; 1159. 26. 

συμφέρειν 1149. 4. 

συμφορά 1121. 15. 

συμφωνεῖν 1115. 19; 1126. 11 ; 1181. 17; 
1148. 5. 

σύμφωνος 1103. 6; 1148. 9. 

συναποδημεῖν 1122. 10. 


συνδέχεσθαι 1162. 8. 
συνδιδόναι 1180. 22. 
σύνεργον 1159. 15, 20. 
συνήθης 1104. 24. 
σύνθεσις 1158. 23. 
συνιστάναι 1105. 1. 
σύνναος 1149. 3. 
σύνοψις 1117. 1. 
συντάσσειν 1118. 1; 1159. 7. 
συντίθεσθαι 1122. 9. 
συντυγχάνειν 1168. 2. 
supra 1114. 37. 
συστάτης 1116. 5, 21. 
σύστημα 1100. 11. 
suus 1114. 13. 
σφραγίζειν 1114. 24. 
σφυρίδιον 1158. 17. 
σχοινίον 1126. 7. 
σχολαστικός 1165. 14. 
σῶμα 1110. 12; 1161. 6. 
σωτήρ 1161. 2. 

tabularius 1114. 35. 

ταγαρίδιον (Ὁ) 1158. 12. 

ταγή 1139. 3. 

τάλαντον. See Index IX (4). 

ταμεῖον 1103. 7. 

τάξις 1100. 10; 1104. 24; 1120. 5. 

ταρσικάριος (θαρσ.) 1146. τό. 

τάσσειν 1109. 7. τάσσεσθαι 1105. 21 : 1125. 
8; 1159. τό. 

τάχος 1158. 19. 

τε 110]. 5; 1119. το; 1124. 18; 1127. 28; 
1130. 24; 1133.13 ; 1157.10; 1162. το. 

τέκνον 112]. 11, 

τελεῖν 1129. 11; 1180. 22. 

τέλεσμα 1128. 15. 

τελευτᾶν 1111. ii. 11, 13. 

τέλος 1128. 20. 

tertius 1114. 14. 

testatio 1114. 14, τό. 

τεταρταῖος 1151. 37. 

τέταρτον 1102. 9. 

τετράς 1168. 2. 

τετραχοίνικος 1124, 12. 

τετρώβολον 1142. 11. 

τεχνίτης 1117, 12. 

τηρεῖν 1160. τό. 

τίκτειν 1151. 12, 30. 


τιμή 1112. 15, 25; 1124.13; 1181.5; 1188. 
10; 1139. introd. ; 1144. 19 ; 1147. 8, 18; 
1156. 8. 

τίμιος 1164. 3. 

τιμωρία 1106. 8. 

ris 1119. 22; 1121. τό, 21 ; 1160. 26. 

τις kai τις 1117. 1. τις relat. 1155. 13. 

τοιγάρτοι 1101. τό. 

τοιοῦτος 1100. 9,12, 18 ; 1106.7; 1121. 19; 
1165. 5. 

τόκος 1105. 18; 1118. 6; 1125.6; 1180. 23, 
33; 1182. 14. τ. δραχμιαῖος 1125. 4, 9. 
τ. δραχμῶν δύο 1182. 14. 

τόλμα 1119. ὃ. 

τολμᾶν 1106. 4, 9; 1120. 15. 

τόλμημα 1106. 7. 

τόμος 1112. I, 17. 

torapxia. See Index VI (a). 

τόπος 1100. 4; 1111. ii. 18; 1127. 5, 15, 22, 
39; 1128. 23; 1129. το, 17; 1134. ὃ: 
1145. 3; 1154. 9. ἐπὶ τόπων 1101. 20; 
1117. 13; 1120. 2. κατὰ τόπον 1101. 9 ; 
1162. 2. 

τοσοῦτος 1165. 3. 

τότε 1119. 4, 6, 9. 

τράγημα 1158. 18. 

τράπεζα 1182. 12, 17. 

τραπεζίτης 1146. 17, 18. 

τρισκαιδεκαετής 1109. 6, 9. 

τρίστεγος 1105. 9. 

τριταῖος 1151. 37. 

τρίτος 1114, 24. 

τριώβολον 1112. 25. 

τρόπος 1101. 3; 1164. το. 

τροφός 1107. 1. 

τρύγη 1146. 6. 

τυγχάνειν 1100. 15; 1101. 20; 1121. 5. 

τυλάριον 1159. 24. 

τύχη 1101. 7, 11, 21, 24; 1110. 21. 

τ. δημοσία 1117. 13. 

ὑβρίζειν 1120. 6. 

ὑγιαίνειν 1154, 5. 

ὑγιής, ἐξ ὑγιοῦς 1110. 21. 

υἱός 1109. 8, 14; 1111. ii. 12, 14; 1114. 20, 
213; 1126. 19, 21; 1129. 5; 1180. 4, 5, 
26, 30; 1184. 3, 5; 1146. 11; 1148. 3; 
1151. 5, 23; 1153. 2; 1161. 3. 

ὑμέτερος 1163. 5; 1164. 1, 13; 1165. 2, 6. 

ὑπάγειν 1119. 24; 1161. 14. 


ὑπαγορεύειν 1102. 5. 

ὑπακούειν 1122, 11. 

ὑπάρχειν 1105. 5; 1110. ο; 1111. i. 6, ii. 5; 
1119. 17; 1124. 19; 1126. 3, 16; 1127. 
6, 29; 1128. 12; 1180. 24; 1184. 15. 

ὑπατία, ὕπατος. See Index III. 

ὑπεναντίος 1151. 55. 

ὑπερένδοξος 1151. 54. 

ὑπέρθεσις 1128. 21. 

ὑπερχρονία 1125. 8. 

ὑπερῷος 1127. 5, 38. 

ὑπεύθυνος 1184 7, 14. 

ὑπέχειν 1119. 21. 

ὑπηρετεῖν 1100. 14 (?); 1121. ro. 

ὑπηρέτης. See Index VIII. 

ὑποβάλλειν 1101. 25 ; 11638. 6.. 

ὑποδέχεσθαι 1184. 7, 13. 

ὑποθήκη 1105. 3. 

ὑποκαυστής 1146. 10, 21. 

ὑποκεῖσθαι 1100. 6. 

ὑπολογεῖν 1124. 5. 

ὑπόλοιπος 1107. 3. 

ὑπόμνημα 1117. 14; 1118. 4; 1160. 17, 20. 

ὑπομνηματογράφος. See Index VIII. 

ὑπόμνησις 1100. 8. 

ὑποσημειοῦσθαι 1115. 8. 

ὑποστάθμιος 1142. τ (?). 

ὑποστέλλειν 1102. 14. 

ὑπόσχεσις 1117. 6. 

ὑποτάσσειν 1119. 23, 26. 

ὑποτίθεσθαι 1105. 6, 14; 1118. 8. 

ὑποτιμᾶσθαι 1119. 11. 

ὕστερος, ἐξ ὑστέρου 1118. 12. 

ὑφαιρεῖν 1102. το. 

ὑφηγεῖσθαι 1119. 8. 

ὑφιστάναι 1119. 11, 28. 

uxor 1114, 12. 

vicesima 1114. 15. 

φαίνειν 1118. 3; 1120. 9; 1123. 20. 
φακός 1148. 7. 

φάναι 1101.11. φάσθαι 1121, 32. 

φανερός 1100. 3 ; 1119. 13. 

φάσις 1157. 3. 

φέρειν 1148. 9; 1159. 23; 1164. 1, 6, 7. 
φεύγειν 1151. 1. 

φθάνειν 1108. 6. 

_prdrOpemos 1102. 7. 

φίλος 1104. 5, 17; 1109. 4; 1155. 10; 
1158. 26. φίλτατος 1155. 1; 1165. 14. 

φιλοτιμία 1153. τό. 

φοβερός 1151. 55. 

φορμαρία 1115. 12. 

φόρος 1107. 1, 3; 1117. 15; 1126. 10, 13; 
1127. το. 

‘hopriov 1153. 9. 

φρέαρ 1105. το. 

φροντίζειν 1100. 3; 1119. 23. 

φροντιστής 1141. 3. 

φυγαδεύειν 1151. 33. 

φυγή 1121. 26. 

φύλαρχος 1119. 2. 

φυλή 1116. 20. 

gop (magic) 1152. τ. 

φωρῶν 1100. 20. 

χαίρειν 1105. 2; 1119. 15, 22; 1122. 8; 
1123. 8; 1180. 6; 1182. 6; 1133. 7; 
1134. 5; 1140. 1; 1141. 2; 1153. 2; 
1154. 2; 1155. 2; 1156. 1; 1157. 2; 

1160. 2; 1162. 5. 
χαλάδριον 1142. 13. 
χάλκινος 1158. 23. 
χαλκός 1105. 21. 
xapa 1162. 5. 
χάρτης 1142. 12. 
χαρτουλάριος 1108. 8. 
χείρ, dia χειρός 1180. 9 ; 1146. 14, τό. 
χειρόγραφον 1132. τό. 
χήρα 1120. 12. 


χμγ 1180. τ. 

χοῖνιξ. See Index IX (a). 

χόρτος 1107. 3; 1156. 11. 

χρεία 1116. 17; 1130. 9; 1156. 11 

χρέος 1180. 18 ; 1188. το. 

χρεωστεῖν 1107. 1, 5; 1181. 4. 

χρή 1168. 5. 

χρηματίζειν 1113. ii. 2; 1114. 23, 26. 

χρῆσις 1130. 8, 27; 1158. 12. 

χρῆσθαι 1100. 22; 1127. 14; 1153. 27. 

χρηστήριον 1105, 11; 1129. 11. 

χρόνος 1105. 17; 1119. 15; 1121. 36; 1123. 
18. 112}. 22> 1128: ἡ, 22; 1180..25: 
1157. 29; 1158. 25; 1164. 3. 

χρυσοῦς 1117. τ. 

χρύσινος 1188. 9. 

χρυσίον 1117. 8. 

χρυσός. See Index VII (6). 

χρυσοχόος 1117. 12; 1146. 13. 

χῶμα 1112, 6, 9, 11, 22. 

χώρα 1100. 17; 1134. 8. 

χωρεῖν 1102. 15; 1115. 13; 1165. 6. 

χωρίον 1141. 6. 

χωρίς 1124. 16; 1128. 21; 1180. 19, 27. 

; 1160. 

ψυχή 1161. 6. 

ὧδε 1160. 14. 

ὥρα 1114. 24. 

wpwp (magic) 1152. τ. 
ὥσπερ 1121. 12. 



Arcadius, p. 21. 19 . - : Saas, 
Athenaeus xv. 677 d-f ‘ ΕἾ oa 
Cercidas Frags. 2-5. : . butt 
Brags ἢ > - 55»56 
Frag. 9 26, 53 

Cramer, Anecd. Oxon. ii. 132 : 55 

Cratinus Frag. ΤΟῚ 108 
Diog. Laert. vi. 76 ὃ 26, 27 
Eustath. Homer B, p. 199 . 25-6 
Hellanicus Frag. 56. : ᾿ aay 
Herodian, Μον. Λέξ. 10, 32 , ma Be 
Hesiod Frag. 115.3. : : 108 


Hesychius s. 2. arpevos 

Homer a 38 

Philo ii, p. 520 Mangey 

Photius, B76/. 190 

Schol. Homer B 776 



. 25-6 

Schol. Soph. O. C. goo 
Sophocles O. C. 195 
Steph. Byz. s. Ὁ. Ἰβηρίαι 

5. Ὁ. Μεγάλη πόλις 
Trag. Gr. Fr. Adesp. 187 (Nauck) . 

P. Oxy. II. 258. g—12 

B. Git. Tf. τὰ νὰ. 8 

108 - 

ΠΤ 92 F. 

484 : - - 
Berl. Klassikertexte iii. p. 31. 2.1 
P. Brit. Mus. 11. 214. 20 . 

III. 915 
C.L L. v. 5067. ἢ 
C. P. R. 18. 24-5 ; 
P. Cairo Cat. 67031.17 . 

Dittenberger, Or. Gr. Inscr. 665. 13 ' 

P. Fay. 138.1. 
P. Flor. 4.12 . 
20. a6 
119. 4-5 
P. Giessen 20. 16 
P. Hawara, Homer B 769. 
P. Leipzig 34, &c. 3 
ἢ, BCs” ς 
P. Leyden = ᾿ς 36: 
1, § 
P. Oxy. I. 20 
43 recto ii. 28-9, &c. 
ΟΙ. 8-11 . 4 




339 - . 
III. 501. 39-42 


IV. 740. 35 

V. 841. 


vi, 88 
ἄχ, ἢ 

VI. 92ο. 40 


1-4, 6 

VII. 1030. 2 
P. Reinach 49. 11 
P. Strassb. 34. 9 



P. Tebt. II. 286. 15-18 

Wessely, Script. Gr. Spec. ἐν. 5-6 



. 25-6 



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. EL BERSHEH, Part II. For 1893-4. By F. Lu. Grirritu and Prrcy E. 

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. BENI HASAN, Part III. For 1894-5. By F. Lx. Grirritu, (Hieroglyphs, 

and manufacture, &c., of Flint Knives.) Ten coloured Plates. 255. 


EXPLORATION FUND. For 1895-6. By F.Lu. GRIFFITH. Nine coloured Plates. 255. 

. BENI HASAN, Part IV. For 1896-7. By F. Lx. Grirritu. (Illustrating 

beasts and birds, arts, crafts, &c.) Twenty-seven Plates (twenty-one coloured). 255. 


SAQQAREH, Part I. For 1897-8. By N, DE G. Davies and F, Lt, GrirFirH, Thirty- 
one Plates (three coloured). 255. 


SAQQAREH, Part II. For 1898-9. By Ν. ΡῈ G. Davis and F.Li. GRIFFITH. Thirty- 
five Plates. 255. 

. THE ROCK TOMBS OF SHEIKH SAID, For 1899-1900. By N. pre 6. 

Davies, Thirty-five Plates. 255. 


N. DE G. DAviIEs. Twenty-seven Plates (two coloured). 255. 

. DEIR EL GEBRAWI, Part II. For rgo1-2. By N. pe 6. Davies. Thirty 

Plates (two coloured). 255. 

. THE ROCK TOMBS OF EL AMARNA, Part I. For 1902-3. By N. pEG. 

Davies. Forty-one Plates. 255. 

. ELAMARNA, Part II. For 1903-4. By N. pz G. Daviss. Forty-seven Plates. 255. 
. EL AMARNA, Part III. For rg04-5. By N.peG. Davies. Forty Plates. 255. 
. ELAMARNA,PartIV. For 1905-6. By N. pz G. Davis. Forty-five Plates. 255. 
. EL AMARNA, Part V. For 1906-7. By N. pr G. Davies, Forty-four Plates. 25s. 
. EL AMARNA, Part VI. For 1907-8. By N. pe G. Davirs. Forty-four Plates. 255. 


I. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part I. For 1897-8. By B. P. Grenrecy 
and Α. 5. Hunt. Eight Collotype Plates. (Out of print.) 
II. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part II. For 1898-9. By B. P. Grenrecy 
and A. 5. Hunt. Eight Collotype Plates. 255. 
A. 5. Hunt, and Ὁ. G. HoGartH. Eighteen Plates. 255. 
IV. THE TEBTUNIS PAPYRI. Double Volume for 1900-1 and 1g01-2. By B.P. 
GRENFELL, A. 5. HunT, and J. G. SMyLy. Nine Collotype Plates. (JVot for sale.) 
V. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part III. For rg02-3. By B. P. Εν: τ, 
and Α. 5. Hunt. Six Collotype Plates. 255. 
VI. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part IV. For 1903-4. By B. P. Grenrety 
and A.S. Hunt. Eight Collotype Plates. 285. 
VII. THE HIBEH PAPYRI, Part I. Double Volume for 1904-5 and 1905-6. By 
B. P. GRENFELL and A. 5. HunT. Ten Collotype Plates. 45s. 
VIII. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part V. For 1906-7. By B. P, Grenrecy 
and A.S. Hunt. Seven Collotype Plates. 25s. 
and A.S. Hunt. Six Collotype Plates. 255. 4 
X. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part VII. For rg908-9. By A. 5. Hunt. 
Six Collotype Plates. 2655. 
XI. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part VIII. For 1909-10. By A. 5. Hunt. 
Seven Collotype Plates. 255. 
XII. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part IX. For 1910-11. (Jn preparation.) 

(Yearly Summaries by F. G. Kenyon, W. E. Crum, and the Officers of the Society,.with Maps. ) 
Edited by F. LL. GRIFFITH. 
THE SEASON’S WORK. _ For.1890-1. By Epouarp NavitteE, Percy E. Newserry, and 
G. W. FRASER. 25. 6d. 

For 1892-3 and 1893-4. 25. 6d. each. 
»» 1894-5. 35. 6d. Containing Report of ἢ. G. HoGarTu’s Excavations in Alexandria. 
», 1895-6. 3s. With Illustrated Article on the Transport of Obelisks by EDOUARD NAVILLE. 
»» 1896-7. 25. Δ. With Articles on Oxyrhynchus and its Papyri by B. P. GRENFELL, and a Thucydides 

Papyrus from Oxyrhynchus by A. 5. HUNT. 

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», 1899-1900. 25. 6d. With Article on Knossos in its Egyptian Relations by A. J. EVANs. 

And ten successive years, 25. 6a. each. 


AOTIA ΤΗΣΟΥ : ‘Sayings of Our Lord,’ from an Early Greek Papyrus. By B. P. GRENFELL 
and Α. 8. HuNT. 25. (with Collotypes) and 6d. net. ὶ 

B. P. GRENFELL and A. 5. HUNT. 15. net. 

ΗΝΤ. 15. net. 

ATLAS OF ANCIENT EGYPT. With Letterpress and Index. (Out of print.) 

GUIDE TO THE TEMPLE OF DEIR EL BAHARI. With Plan. (Ou/ of prini.) 

COPTIC OSTRACA. By W. E. Crum. tos. 6d. net. 

Slides from Fund Photographs may be obtained through Messrs. Newton & Co., 3 Fleet Street, E.C.; 
and Prints from Mr. R. C. Murray, 37 Dartmouth Park Hill, N.W. 

Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund: 



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