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ἔν ΒΕ ee Ε 



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AND 527 TREMONT TEMPLE, BosToN, Mass., U.S.A. 


All rights reserved 

aa ΑἹ 




For the rather late appearance of this volume the nature of its 
contents will perhaps in some degree be accepted as an excuse. It 
includes two texts of more than usual importance and interest, the 
new fragments of Sophocles and the Life of Euripides by Satyrus. 
In the reconstruction and elucidation of these I have again been 
most fortunate in obtaining the invaluable aid of Professor U. von 
Wilamowitz-Mollendorff. 1 am also under considerable obligations, 
more particularly with regard to the Sophoclean fragments, to Professor 
Gilbert Murray. The proof-sheets of the non-literary documents were 
seen by Professor U. Wilcken, whom I have to thank for some very 
useful comments and suggestions. Occasional contributions kindly 
made by other scholars are acknowledged elsewhere. 

A small edition of the fragments of the /chneutae and Eurypylus 
is in preparation, and will be issued by the Clarendon Press in the 
course of a few weeks. 


QuzeEn’s CoLLEGE, OxForp, 
May, 1912. 





List or PLaATEs 

TasBLE oF Papyri : 
Note on THE ΜΈΤΗΟΡ oF Beas, AND Lee OF Aeucariiriine 


TuroLocicaL FraGMEnts (1166-1173) 
New Crassicat Texts (1174-1176) 
Extant Crasstcat Autuors (1177-1184) 

Documents oF THE Roman AND Earty BYZANTINE PERIODS : 

(a) Official (1185-1193) 

(2) Declarations to Officials {104-1200) 

(c) Petitions (1201-1204) 

(4) Contracts (1205-1209) 

(e) Accounts (1210-1212) 
(7) Private Correspondence, &c. (1213-1228) . 



New Literary Texts: 
(2) 1174, 1175 (Sophocles, /ehneutae and Eurypylus) 
(ὁ) 1176 (Satyrus, Lz/e of τ ies : 
(c) Citations in 1176 


ConsuLs . 

Montus aNnp Days . 

PrrsonaL Names 






OrriciaL AND Minitary TITLES ‘ : . 
Wercuts, Measures, Coins. : δῆτ 
ΠΑ ot τος ΤΣ ἥ : ᾿ ἢ abate 

1. 1166, 1171 recto,1178,1170__.. : 
IJ. 1174 Cols. iv-v . . : : ‘ 
II. 1175 Fr. 5, Cols. i-ii - : : ὃ 
IV- 1175 Frs. 3, 6, 79, 80, 91,94. 
V. 1176 Fr. 39, Cols. xvii—xxiii 
Wi BOO τοι or ea ΕΝ ὦ 


Genesis xvi 

Genesis xxxi 

Joshua iv—v 

St. Matthew’s Gospel» vi 

St. πε παν ϑ Gospel X=xi . 

The Shepherd οἱ Hermas 

Philo ; 

Sophocles, /chneutae . 
Sophocles, Eurypylus . 

Satyrus, Le of Euripides 
Euripides, Phoentssae . 

Euripides, Orestes 

Apollonius Rhodius ii . 
Thucydides v 

Xenophon, Azadasis vii 
Demosthenes, De Falsa Lanne 
Isocrates, Zrapeziticus 

Letter of a Praefect, &c. 

Edict of a Praeses 

Proclamation of a GEattons 
Official Correspondence 

Letter of a Strategus . 

Letter of a Strategus . 

Official Correspondence 

Order for Payment 

Order from a Speculator 

Arrears of Annona : 
Promise of Attendance in Court . 
Declaration of a Tax-collector 


3rd cent. 

4th cent. 

4th cent. 

5th or 6th cent. 
5th cent. 

Late 3rd cent. 
4th cent. 

3rd cent. 

Late 2nd cent. 
Late 2nd cent. 
2nd cent. 

Early rst cent. 
Early 1st cent. B.C. 
Early 3rd cent. 
3rd cent. 

Early 3rd cent 
2nd cent. 

Late rst cent. 
Early 1st cent. 
About 200 

4th cent. 



About 117 




4th cent. 

3rd cent. (about 266) 


Declaration of a Shipper 
Notification of Death . 
Notification of Purchase 
Registration of a Deed 
Succession to an Inheritance 
Petition concerning an Ephebus . 
Claim of Creditors 

Petition to a Strategus 
Manumission 77fer amicos 

Lease of a Camel- hie 

Public Acknowledgement of a δι οὶ οἵ Sale 
Sale of a Slave 

Poll-tax Register 

Articles for a Sacrifice 
List of Vegetables 
Question to the Oracle 
Invitation to a Birthday-feast 
Letter of Sinthonis 
Letter of Sarapas 
Letter of Eudaemonis. 
Letter of Didymus 
Letter of Aristandrus . 
Letter of a Bailiff 
Letter of Isidorus 

Letter to Demetrius 
Letter of Hermias 


3rd cent. 



217 ; 
Late rst cent. 


EB τ. τ 
τ75-6 (?) 



Late ist cent. B.c. or 

early rst cent. A.D. 

2nd cent. 

2nd cent. 

2nd cent. 

5th cent. 

2nd or 3rd cent. 

2nd or 3rd cent. 

3rd cent. 

3rd cent. 

3rd cent. 

3rd cent. 

Late 3rd or datip ith 

4th cent. 

Late 4th cent. 





THE general method followed in this volume is the same as that in 
Parts I-VIII. The new literary texts are printed in a dual form, a literal 
‘transcript being accompanied by a reconstruction in modern style. In the 
fragments of extant authors, the originals are reproduced except for division 
of words, capital initials in proper names, expansion of abbreviations, and 
supplements of lacunae. Additions or corrections by the same hand as the 
body of the text are in small thin type, those by a different hand in thick 
type. Non-literary documents are given in modern form with accentua- 
tion and punctuation, Abbreviations and symbols are resolved; additions 
and corrections are usually incorporated in the text, their occurrence being 
recorded in the critical apparatus, where also faults of orthography, &c., are 
corrected if they seemed likely to give rise to any difficulty. Iota adscript has 
been printed when so written, otherwise iota subscript is employed. Square 
brackets [ ] indicate a lacuna, round brackets () the resolution of a symbol or 
abbreviation, angular brackets { ) a mistaken omission in the original, braces 
{ } a superfluous letter or letters, double square brackets [1] a deletion in the 
original. Dots placed within brackets represent the approximate number of 
letters lost or deleted; dots outside brackets indicate mutilated or otherwise 
illegible letters. Letters with dots underneath them are to be considered 
doubtful. Heavy Arabic numerals refer to the texts of the Oxyrhynchus papyri 
in this volume and in Parts I-VIII, ordinary numerals to lines, small Roman 
numerals to columns. 

The abbreviations used in referring to papyrological publications are 
practically those adopted in the Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung, viz. :— 
P. Amh. = The Amherst Papyri (Greek), Vols. I-II, by B. P. Grenfell and 
oo A. 9. Hunt. 
Archiv = Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung. 

B. G. U. = Aeg. Urkunden aus den K. Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden. 
P. Brit. Mus. = Greek Papyri in the British Museum, Vols. I-II, by F. G. Kenyon ; 
Vol. III, by F. G. Kenyon and H. I. Bell; Vol. IV, by H. I. Bell. 

C. P. Herm. = Corpus Papyrorum Hermopolitanorum, Vol. I, by C. Wessely. 




"Ὁ "Ὃ "Ὁ 



P. R. = Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, Vol. I, by C. Wessely. 

Cairo Cat. = Catalogue des Antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, 
Papyrus grecs d’époque byzantine (two parts), by J. Maspero. 

Class. Phil. = Classical Philology, 1. 2, Papyri edited by E. J. Goodspeed. 

. Fay. = Fayim Towns and their Papyri, by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and 

D. G. Hogarth. 

. Flor. = Papiri Fiorentini, Vol. I, by G. Vitelli ; Vol. II, by D. Comparetti. 

Gen. = Les Papyrus de Genéve, Vol. I, by J. Nicole. 

. Giessen = Griechische Papyri zu Giessen, Vol. I, by E. Kornemann, O. Eger, 

and P. M. Meyer. 

. Grenf. = Greek Papyri, Series I, by B. P. Grenfell, and Series II, by B. P. 

Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. 

. Hamburg = Griechische Urkunden der Hamburger Stadtbibliothek, Part 1, 

by P. M. Meyer. 

. Hibeh = The Hibeh Papyri, Part I, by B. P. Grenfell and A. 5. Hunt. 
. Leipzig = Griech. Urkunden der Papyrussammlung zu Leipzig, Vol. I, by 

L. Mitteis. 

. Oxy. = The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Parts I-VI, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. 

Hunt ; Parts VII-VIII, by A. S. Hunt. 

. Par. = Les Papyrus grecs du Musée du Louvre, Notices et Extraits, t. XViii. 2, 

by W. Brunet de Presle and E. Egger. 

. Petrie = The Flinders Petrie Papyri, Parts I-II, by J. P. Mahaffy ; Part III, by 

J. P. Mahaffy and J. G. Smyly. 

. Reinach = Papyrus grecs et démotiques, by Théodore Reinach. 
. Rylands = Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the Rylands Library, Manchester, 

Vol. I, by A. S. Hunt. 

. 5.1. = Papiri della Societa italiana, Vol. I, by G. Vitelli and others. 
. Strassb. = Griech. Papyrus der K. Universitatsbibliothek zu Strassburg im - 

Elsass, Vol. I, by F. Preisigke. 

. Tebt. = The Tebtunis Papyri, Part I, by B. P. Grenfell, A. 5. Hunt, and 

J. G. Smyly; and Part II, by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and E. J. 
Thead. = Papyrus de Théadelphie, by P. Jouguet. 

Wilcken, Ost. = Griechische Ostraka, by U. Wilcken. 


1166. GENESIS xvi. 
Fr. (¢) 13:5 Χ 4:7 cm. Third century. Plate I. 

Remains of one column from a roll of Genesis in the LXX version. The 
large and upright calligraphic handwriting is apparently an early example of the 
so-called Biblical uncials, and may well fall within the third century; cf. e.g. 
661, 867, 1179, P. Rylands 16. A papyrus of this date is textually valuable, 
especially for the book of Genesis, where the Vaticanus is defective. Several 
interesting readings occur,—an agreement in |. 20 with MSS. of Philo, two 
coincidences with a group of cursives against other older evidence (Il. 3, 24), and 
two peculiar variants (ll. 14, 16). A medial point, followed, sometimes at any 
rate, by a short blank space, is used for purposes of punctuation ; and a rough 
breathing is once added. These signs are apparently due to the original writer. 

π]αιδισκη [2a xvi. 8 
pas ποθεὴν epxy [Kau 
που πορευη]: ἡ δε ἐἰι 
πεν απο προσ]ωπίου 

5 1 line lost. 
[ 1: 
pth ee PE a ay 9 
[yeAos Κυ- atr|o 

ἰστραφηθι προς την 
10 [κυριαν σου και Tale 
[νωθητι ὑπὸ τας χΊἸεί! 
pas avu\rns|:| Kall εἰπεν 10 
αὐτὴ] ὃ αγγελος Kv 
ιδου (?)] πληθυνων [ 


15 πληθυνω To ome p 
μα gov] kat ovk εξαίρι 
O6unOyce|ra[t] απο τίου 
πληθου]-- και ειπῖεν ΓΙ 
avTn οἿ αγγελος [Κυ 
20 ἰδου ev] γαστρι εχέΪις 
και τεξη παιδιον Ϊ 
και καλἾΊεσεις To οἶνο 
μα avtov Io|uand [ 
οτι. επηκ]ου]σεν ΚΙς 
25 0 Os τη] ταπεινωσίει 
σου ουτΊος εσται al 12 
γροικῆος avOpwrros [ 

at xelples αὐτου em [ 

3. ἢ Se: so the cursives fir (Holmes 53, 56, 129); «ac DM, &c. The supposed stop 
preceding is very uncertain, and may be a vestige of another letter. 

7-8. Line 8 is shorter than would be expected, even when allowance is made, on the 
analogy of Il. 12 and 18, for a blank space after the stop. But the y at the end of 1. 7, 
though broken, is highly probable. 

14. There is no authority for .dov, but some addition is necessary to fill the lacuna; 
perhaps :douv came in here from 1. 20. 

τό. εξαϊριθμηθησε]τα[ ιἾ : ἀαριθμηθησεται or αριθμησεται MSS. 

20. ov seems to have been omitted after .dov, as in mor (Holmes 72, 82, 129) Syr. 
Chrysostom. δου is omitted in some MSS. of Philo. 

21. παιδιον : so some MSS. of Philo ; νιον other authorities. 

24-5. The addition of o θ(εο)ς after K[(vpio)s, as in fir, is indicated by the spacing. 

1167. GENESIS xxxi. 

IO X 11-4 cm. Fourth century. 

This fragment of a leaf from a papyrus book is less ancient than 1166, but 
still sufficiently early to be of some value. It is written in medium-sized sloping 
uncials which may be roughly assigned to the fourth century. There is a loss 
of five lines between the end of the recto and the beginning of the verso, so that 
the number of lines on a page was about 22, and the leaf was nearly square in 
shape, A comma-like mark divides two mutes in ]. 2; ν at the end of a line 


is sometimes written as a horizontal stroke over the preceding vowel. The 
chief characteristic of the text is a tendency to agree with combinations of 
DEM against the Codex Alexandrinus ; an exception occurs in ]. 20. 


κοποὶν Tov XXxi 42 
[χειρων μου ιδὲν o Os κ͵αι ndey ἕεν 
[ce χθες αποἸκίριθεις Se AaBav] ε[ιπε 43 
ἴτω Ιακωβ αἱ Owyalrepes θυ]γαϊ[τἹερ[εἸἰς μου 
ἱνη μον καὶ παννῖτα oa σὺ opas] cua ε 
ἰστι]ν καὶ τῶν θυγαϊτε]ρίων μου] τι mon 
[ow] ταυταις [σημερον ἡ τοις τεκνοις αν 
[των] ous ετεκον νὺν οὐν [δΊευρο διαζθω 44 
10 [μεθα διἸαθηκην eyo Kat ov και εἶσται εἰς 
ἱμαρτυριῆον ava μεσον εἶμ]ου Kale σου εἰ 
πεν δὲ αὐτω idoly ουθεις μεθ ἡμων εἰσ 
[τιν δου o Os] μαρτυς ava μεσον ἐμου 
[και σου λαβων)] δὲ ἴακωβ λιθον εἐστησῖε] 45 
15 [avrov στηλη]ν εἰπεν δὲ ἴακωβ τοις 46 
[adeAgors αὐτου συλΊλεγετε ALOovs Kafe 
[συνελεξαν λιθους Kale ἐποιησαν βουν[ο 


[lev αἰυτον Bovvos papruper εἰπεν δε 48 

Δ[αἸβαν τω Ιακωβ idov o βουνος ovtos 
20 [και ἡ] στ[ηλη αὑτὴ] nv εἶστησα ava 

Heololy εἐμίου Kat σου μαρτυρίει ο βου 

vos ουτοῖς Klas [μαρτΊῆυρει ἡ στηλη [αυτη 

δια τουΐτ]ο [εἸκλ[η]θη τὸ ονομα βουνῖος pap 

Tupel καὶ ἡ ορᾶσις ny εἰδον επιδοῖι ο Os 49 
25 ava μεσὸν εμου καὶ σοὺ οτι αἀποσίτη 

Β 2 


σομεθα ετερος an(o] του erepov εἰ τίαπει 50 

νώσει εἰς Tas θυγατερας μοῖυ εἰ λημ 

[W]n γυν[αικας ἐπι raltls θυγαίτρασιν μου 

opa ovdes μεθ ηἡμωϊν]) εἶστιν εαν τε 52 
30 yap yo μη διαβω προῖς σε μηδε ov δια 

[β]ης προς ἐμε τον Bolvvoy τουτον Kat 

τὴν στήλην ταὐυτίην ETL KaKLA oO 53 

θς Αβρααμ και o [Os Naxop κρινει a 

va pecov nuoly Kat ὠμοσεν Ιακωβ 54 

4-5. The blurred and broken letters are here difficult to identify, but the indications 
favour the supposition that σου was omitted after a θυγατερες, οι υἱοι and τα κτηνη, as in EM, 
various cursives and versions, and Philo. E omits o before vou and κτηνη before μου. 

6. v of παντα was apparently repeated by mistake ; cf. 1. 30, where there is an inadvertent 
omission, and note on ll. 26-7. After opas E adds oda, with ra in place of ova; but these 
variants are less suitable to the space. 

7. τῶν Ovyalre|p[wv: so EM ; ras θυγατρασιν other MSS. (6vyarepes A), om. Philo, 

9-10. διθηκην διαθησωμεθα E. 

12. Iaxw8 which stands after avrw in A was doubtless omitted in the papyrus, with 
DslEM, &c. 

13. Unless ἐστιν was divided εἰστιν, wou (DM) seems rather better adapted to the space 
than ide (A); om. E. 

15. εἰς στήλην (E) is also admissible. 

18. alurop : TO ονομα αὐτου (Ε) does not suit. 

20. avrn is omitted in DsilEM, &c. 

23. ονομα : so DsilM and a number of cursives; ονομα αὐτου A, ovopa του τοπου exewou E. 
After Bouvos E reads paprupiov instead of μαρτυρει. 

24. ἡ ορασις : om. 7 E. 

edov: 50 D (ior), edev E; εἶπεν AM. 

emdo[e: 50 DSlEM ; εφιδοι A. 

26-7. ταπεινωσειεις Was perhaps written by a dittography for ταπεινωσεις ; cf.1. 6. ΜΒ 
marginal reading ἀδικήσεις does not help. For λημψη D reads λαβοις, E λαβης. 

30. |. eyo. 

1168. JOSHUA iv-v. 
7:3 X 6-5 cm. Fourth century. 

A fragment from the bottom of a vellum leaf inscribed with well-formed 
upright uncials of a medium size, and probably of the fourth century. ὦ is 
shallow and high in the line, as in 847. A high stop is twice added in a blacker 
ink than that used by the original writer. Eleven lines are lost at the top of 
the recto, and the height of the leaf may be estimated at about 15-5 cm. 


The character of the text can hardly be gauged from so small a sample, but 
two agreements with B against A are noticeable, and the support against both 
of a variant found in a few cursives. 

Verso. Recto. 
ἴτην epvO|pay ἰθαλασ iv. 23 [ore απ]εξηΐρανεν Ks oe 
[cay nv αἸπεξηΐρανεν το [o θς τον Ἰορίδανην πο 
[Ks ο Os μων ἐνπρο : ταμον εκ τῶὴν ἐνπρο 
[cOev nluwv cos παρ σθεν των ὕϊων Inv 
5 ἰηλθο]μεν: ὁπως γνω 24 εν τῶ διαβαινΐειν av 
ἰσιν] παντα τα εθνη τους" καὶ ετακηΐσαν 
[Ts] yns οτι ἡ δυνα 15 αὑτῶν at διανοίιαι 
[mls Kv ἴσχυρα εστιν Kal κατεπλαγησῖαν 
2-4. ἣν... ἐνπροῖσθεν ημων: F* omits ἣν and has τὴν ἐρυθραν θαλασσαν in place of 

ἐμπροσθεν ἡμων. 
8. Κ(υριο)υ : so several cursives ; τοῦ κυριου BAF. 
13. διαβαιιζειν : so B; διαβηναι A. 

14-15. ετακηΐσαν... διανοΐιαι : 50 B ; κατετακῆσαν at διανοιαι αὐτων A. 


8X 14-1 cm. Fifth or sixth century. 

This is a fragment from the outer part of a vellum leaf, of which the upper 
portion seems to have been cut off, while the lower is worm-eaten and decayed. 
Two columns of about 27 lines each were contained on the page, and the original 
dimensions of the leaf may be estimated roughly at 25x20 cm. No clear 
traces of ruling are discernible. The hand is an upright uncial, rather large and 
carefully finished, with strongly marked contrasts of light and heavy strokes. 
It is of the same type as 848, and the fragment reproduced in Schubart’s Pap. 
Gr. Berol. 44 a, and must belong to approximately the same period. The 
text is divided up into paragraphs or verses, a new line with an enlarged initial 
letter commencing each paragraph, much after the manner of, e.g., the Codex 

Col. i. ‘ Col. ii. 
Ἰγαᾳὠρ vi 8 
[Ὁ] πῆρ ὑμῶν [ | 
ὧν χρείαν EXE 
απεΐχουσιν vi. 5 IO τε προ Tov VU 
[rov μιῖσθον pas αἰτησαι 
[αυτω]ν. ἶ αυτον. 
[Σὺ δὲ ora προσ 6 Ουτωΐς ov προσ 
5 ἰευχη εἰσεῖλθε εἰς ευχεσθαι vpelt|s 
[ro ταμειον σῆου 15 περ ἡμῶν o ev 
Se fs : τοις OUVvOLS 
[ἰαγιαἸσθίηγτω τὸ 
ἴονομα σου] ελ 
Col. i. Col. ii. 
κηΐΞ nas εἰς πει vi. 13 
20 ρασμῶν αλλία pu 
: σαι ἡμᾶς anjo Tov - Ε Ε = 
πονηρου" 30 Σὺ δὲ ἰνηστευων͵ 
Εαν [yap\ αφητε 14 αλειψίαι cov τὴν 
[τ]οῖς ἀνοὶς τα κεφαΐλην Kat τὸ 
25 ἱπαραπτωματα προσΐωπον σου 
αὐτῶν αφησει νιψίαι 
καὶ ὑμῖν ο mip ear 
: ὑμῶν © ουνῆιος i 

aa [ 15 

7. The vestige suits y and is inconsistent with a round letter ; i is tes eid ot able 
that the MSS. did not agree with BN* in adding o ὁ 6(co)s before o m{ar)np. oa 


13. προσευχεσθαι is for -σθε. 

19. ᾿ πειΐρασμον. 

23. yap: om. D*L. 

28-9. The decipherment of the end of |. 28 and 1. 29 is very uncertain. 

1170. ST. MATTHEW’s GOSPEL x-xi. 
22:0 Χ9 cm. Fifth century. 

The following leaf from a papyrus book is complete at the top and bottom, 
but broken at the sides; the surface is also very much damaged, and partly 
owing to this cause, partly also to the brown shade of the ink used, decipher- 
᾿ ment is in places extremely difficult and uncertain. Nothing of much importance 
seems to be involved, for the text is not distinguished by accuracy. It is, 
however, probably the oldest authority for the reading αὐτόν in x. 32; and an 
otherwise unrecorded variant may be noted in 1. 7. The rather widely spaced 
lines are written in a good-sized upright uncial hand, which is less heavy and 
probably rather earlier than that of 1169. An unusual characteristic is the 
avoidance of the ordinary theological contractions. 

ἐνπροσθεν των ανθρωπὼν opodo Χ. 32 
[y]no@ [καγω avtov εἐνπροῖσθεν του πατρος 
μου τίου εν ουρανοις οσΐτις δὲ apyn 33 
σητε pe ἐνπροσθεν τωῖν ανθρωπων 
5 apyno . καγω αὕτον ενΐπροσθεν του 
πατρος pov του εν oupalvois μὴ : 34 
ovv νομισήτε ote ηλίθον βαλειν 
εἰρηνηὴν ἐπὶ τὴν γὴν [ουκ ηλθον 
[Barew εἰρηνην αἷλλα] μίαχαιραν 
10 ίηλθον yap] διχασαι ἀανθίρωπον κα 35 
[ta του mlatpos αὐτου [kat θυ 
[yarepa κατα τῆς μῆτρος [αυτης και 
ἰνυμφην Kalra της πενθεῖρας aurns 
[kat εχθροι] του ανθρωΐπου οἱ οικι 36 
15 [ακοι] αὐτου o φιλων [πατερὰα ἡ μὴ 37 
τερα ὕπερ εμε οὐκ εστῖιν μου a 








tos ο εὐρων την Wivyny αὐτου 
αἰποίλεσει αὐτὴν Kale 0 ἀπολεσας 
την ψυχὴν avrou ενΐεκεν μου 
ευρησει αὑτὴν [o δ]εχίομενος 
ὕμας εμε δεχεται klar o epe δὲ 

Χομενος δέχεται τοῖν ἀποστει 


[Aavra pe o dlexouevos προφητην 
[ets ovopja προφητου μισθον προ 
ἰφητου λημίψεται καὶ ο δεϊχομενος 
ἰδικαιον elis ονομα δικαίου μισθδ 
[δικαίου λημψεται καὶ os εαν πο 
[tion ενἾα των μικρων τουτων 
ἱποτηριοὴν ψυχροῦ μονον εἰς o 
νομα μ]αθητου ἀμὴν λεγω ὕμιν 

του καὶ] εἰγεἸνείτ]ο [ore εἐτελεσεν o In 

lov μη αἸπολε[ση τον [μισθον αὖ 

gous δι]ατὶ ασσων Tolls δωδεκα μα 
[θηταις] αυτοὴν [με]τίεβη εκειθεν 

[avyns a|kolvoas ev Tw δεσμωτηρι 


του διδαἸσκ[ει]ν και [κηρυσσειν 
ev ταις] ποΐλεσι]ν ἰαυτων o δὲ Iw 

ὦ τὰ eplya του Χρι[σ]τοῖν πεμψας 
δια των ᾿μαθηίϊτων αὐτου εἰπεν αὖ 
τῶ σὺ εἰ) ο ερχομενος] ἡ [ετερον 

προσδοἸκωμεῖν Kat αποκριθεις o 

απαγγειΐλατε ἴωαννη ᾳ ακου 
eve καὶ βλεπετε τίυ]ῴλοι ανα[βλε 
[mover Kat] χωλοι περιπαᾳτίουσι dle 

[Incous elrev avros [πο]ρευθεν τ]ε[ς 

2. avrov: SO DL; ev avrw most MSS. 
3: ovpavois: SO NDEFGL, &c. ; rows ovpavois BCK. Cf. 1. 6. 




apynonte is for -ται. 


5. There is no room for ἀρνήσομαι or -με, and the scribe evidently made some error ; 
possibly he wrote apyno®. Kay avTov is the order of BND; αὑτὸν Kayo CEFGKL. 

6. ουραΐνοις : So SCDEGKL ; τοις ουρανοις B. 

7. The insertion of οὐν before νομισητε is apparently peculiar to the present text. 
Bade at the end of this line is placed after etpyvqv in δ᾽, 

Io. ανθἤρωπον : viov D. 

17. The conclusion of verse 37 καὶ οφιλων..... αξιος, and verse 38 καὶ os ov AapBaver. . . 
αξιος, are omitted. The former of these omissions, which the repetition of o φίλων and the 
homoeoteleuton of αξιος made easy, occurs also in B*D, and the latter in M. Cf. note 
on 1]. 25-7. 

18. The vestiges at the end of the line are very faint, but seem to suit καίε rather 
better than o fe (D). 

25—7. kat... λημψεται is omitted in D. 

28. μικρων : ἐλαχιστων Ὁ. 

29. Ψύυχρου μονον : υδατος ψυχρου 1). 

38. Χρι[σήτοίυ. Ι(ησονυ D. 

43. To Iwavyn N*. 

45. D omits καὶ χωλοι περιπατουσι. 

1171. ST. JAMES’S EPISTLE ii-iii. 
115 X 4:3 cm. Late third century. Plate I (recto). 

A strip from a leaf of a papyrus book, neatly written in an upright semi- 
cursive hand which is more likely to belong to the latter half of the third 
century than to the commencement of the fourth. The comma-shaped sign not 
infrequently used is placed after the final consonant of non-Greek names. 
πνεῦμα, κύριος, and θεός are contracted in the usual way, but πατήρ and ἄνθρωπος 
' are written out. If, as is probable, the lacuna at the bottom of the recto was 
contained in six lines, the height of the leaf was about 16 cm. 

The lines were of some length, and since the point of division is quite 
uncertain I have not made a conjectural restoration of the gaps but only completed 
imperfect words. The fracture along the right-hand side of the recto, except at 
ll. 1 and 20, is practically straight. So far as can be judged the text was a good 
one, being generally in agreement with that of the Vaticanus ; but there is one 
coincidence with C (1. 34) and one with L (I. 9) against the other more important 
MSS., besides a probable divergence from B in 1. 15. 

Recto. Plate I. 
κ]αλως ποίζεις ii. 19 

κα]. φριζουσιν Gerdes 20 
Kleve οτι ἡ πιστις χίωρις 






AB)paap’ ο πατὴρ nplov 
] aveveyxas ἴσαίακ 
] θυσιαστηριον βλείπεις 
] τοις εργοις αὐτου και εἶκ 
ετεἸλειωθη και επληρ[ωθη 
επιστίευσε ABpaap [ 
| εξ epyov [ 
καὶ]. οὐκ [e]k πιστεαῖς 
PjaaB’ ἡ ποίρἸνη ουΐκ 
] υποδεξ[αμενη τίους 
οἹδω εγβαλουσα αἷσπερ yap 
Xoplis mvs νεκρὸν εἶστιν 
] x@pis epyov vexpa [ 
δι]δασκαλοι γεινεσθε [ 
οἦτι μειζον κριμα λίημψομεθα 
] yap πταιοῖμεν 


peT|ayopev ἵἴδου κίαι 

1 κα[ι] ὑπο avepov | 

1 μεταγεται imo [ 

οπῆου ἡ ορμὴ Tov ευἰθυνοντος 

ουτω]ς Kat ἡ yAwooa [ 

1 μεγαλα avyer ἵδίου 
υἹλην ἀνάπτει Kale 
κοσἾμος της αδικ[ι]ας [ 

] εν τοις μελεσίιν] ημων 
σίωμα και φλογιζζουσα 
γεν]εσεως kat φ[λογιζομενη 
yeelvyns πασὰα yap φἴυσις 
πε]τεινων ερπετων | 

δεδαμασται και δαμαζεται [ 





35 ανθρωπ͵ινη την de γλωσσίαν 8 
δυν]ατα[] ανθρωπων αἰκαταστατον 
] μεστὴ tov θανατηζφορου 
ευλογουἷμεν τον KV και 9 

καταρ)ωμεθα τουΐς 
40 ομοι]ωσιν θυ [ 

2. φριζουσιν is a misspelling οὗ φρισσουσιν ; the interchange οὗ o and ¢ is not uncommon 
from an early period, e. g. P. Grenf. ii. 14 α 17 ἀζμένως, P. Tebt. 35. 4, 16 ζμύρνα. 

9. extorlevoe: 580 L (-ev); emorevoev de BRA, &c. 

11. Considerations of space make it unlikely that τοινυν was added after opare 
as in KL. 

15. Without yap, which follows worep in SACKL, the lacuna would be abnormally 
short; B omits yap. 

17. epyov: SO BN; των epyov ACKL. 

21. αὐτῶν μετ]αγομεν: μεταγομεν AUT@Y Α. 

22. ἀνεμων σκληρων is also the order of BNC; σκληρων ἀνεμων AL. 

24. orlov: so BN; omov av ACKL. 

26. μεγαλα avyes: SO BAC* ; μεγαλαυχει SC?KL. 

27. kale is omitted by N*. 

31. yeverews ἡμων &. 

34. Sedayalora και δαμαζεται : so C; dap. καὶ δεδαμ. BRA, &c. 

36. The initial a of αἰκαταστατὸν is represented only by a small vestige which might 
equally well belong to a ὃ, but the spacing clearly shows that the papyrus followed the order 
of BC; NAK have δυναται δαμασαι ἀανθρωπων, L duvara avd, dap. 

38. κ(υριοὴν : θεον KL. 

19:2 X 12:9 cm. Fourth century. 

Several fragments of the Hermae Pastor, both in Greek and Coptic, have 
recently been obtained from Egypt, and their comparative frequency clearly 
indicates the popularity of the book in the early Christian church. Those in 
Greek include 404, P. Amh. 190, P. Berl. 5513 and 6789 (Berl. Klasstkertexie, 
vi. pp. 13-20), and a vellum fragment at Hamburg (Sztzungsb. d. Berl. Akad., 
phil.-hist. Kl., 1909, pp. 1077 sqq.); cf. 5 recto, where Mand. xi. g is quoted. 
To this list has now to be added the present fragment, a nearly complete leaf 
from a papyrus book, the two pages, which are numbered 70 and 71 respectively, 
containing the greater part of Szm. ii. The script is a medium-sized sloping 


semi-cursive which I should assign to the fourth century. v has a waved tail, 
and the angular loop of the a is often considerably exaggerated. A somewhat 
doubtful accent occurs in |. 2; there is no clear instance of punctuation. θεός 
and κύριος are abbreviated in the usual way, but not ἄνθρωπος. A few corrections 
have been made, and some at least of them are probably due to a different 
though practically contemporary hand, which is perhaps also responsible for 
the numeration of the pages. 

The Greek text of this part of the Hermae Pastor is dependent upon the 
fourteenth-century Codex Athous, since δὲ contains only an earlier portion. 
From |. 23, however, of the papyrus onward, P. Berl. 5513 is also available for 
comparison. The latter comes from a roll which is most probably of the third 
century and no doubt somewhat older than 1172. There is, however, a striking 
uniformity in the testimony of the two papyri, and they are usually in agree- 
ment as against the Athous, such discrepancies as they show (ll. 29, 36, 39) 
being comparatively slight. This unanimity is most marked in the order of 
words, and it is likely that these early witnesses are here generally the more 
credible. Of the other variants the most noteworthy are those in Il. 4, 6,9 
(disposing of an old crux), 10-11, 17, 18, 25, 26, and 47. 

The collation given below is based on the 1877 edition of Gebhardt and 
Harnack, whose symbols are reproduced: ca = Codex Athous, L! = the old 
Latin (Vulgate), L? = the Latin Palatine version, A = Aethiopic, C = Coptic. 

καλον διδοι ερ[ριμμενη δὲ οἤλιγον καὶ σαπρον φερει 
[avtn olvy ἡ παϊ[ρ)]αβοϊλη εἶις τους δουλους] του θυ κεῖται 
ts πτίω]χον Kat πλοῖυσιον πὼς φημι] κίε] γν[ω]ρισον 
μοι αἰκουῆε φησιν [o μεν πλουσιος)] εχίι χρηματα τα 
5 δὲ προς τον Kv πτωχείυ]ει περισπωϊμενοὶς περι 
τον πλουτον εαὐτοὺυ Kat ἰλι]ΐαν μακραν] εχει τίη]ν εν 
τευξιν καὶ τὴν εξομολογησιν προΐς Tlov Kv 
και nv exer βληχραν και μικραν καὶ a.. nv μη εχ[οὴν [ 
σαν δυναμιν οταν ovy emavaman emt Tov πενητὰ 
10 0 πλουσιος καὶ xopnyn avTw τα δεοντα πι[στευει οτι 
εαν εργασητε εἰς τον πενητα δυνηθησεται Tov ple 
σθον ευὑρειν παρα τω Ow οτι ο πενῆσ πλουσιος εστἶι 








ev τὴ ἕξει αὐτου και ev τη εξομολογησίει] κα[ι] δυναίμιν 

μεγαλην ἐχεῖὶ Tapa Tw θω ἡ [εν]τευξίις αἸυϊτου) ἐπι 
Χορηγει ovv ὁ πλουσιος τω TEVyTL πᾶντ αδ[ιστακτως 
Oo πενὴς οὺὐν επιχορηγουμένος ὕπο Tov πλουΐσιου εν 
τυγχάνει τω θω εὐχαριστων avTw ὕπερ [Tov διδον 
[Tos] avT@ κακεινος ετί καὶ ETL επισπουδαζίει περι 

[του] πενητος ἵνα αδιαλιπτος γενηται εν [tn ζωὴ 
αὐτου ode yap ott ἡ του πενῆτος ἐντευξιἰς προσ 

δεκτὴ] ἐστιν Kat πλουσια πρὸς KY ἀμῴφοΐτεροι ουν 


[To epyov] τελουσιν o μεν mevns εργαζεται [τὴ 
[εἐντευΐξι εν ἢ tourer nv ἐλαβεν παρα του [Ku Trav 
την απο]διδωσι τω Κῶ τω επιχορηγουΐντι αὐτω 


Kat 0 πλουσιος woavTws To TAoUTOS o ελίαβεν παρα 


---- . 
του Kv αδιστακτως παρἰείχετε τω πενήτι και του Ϊ 

To epyo. Ϊ.] : [γα ἐστιν καἰ!) δεκτον παρα τω Ow Ϊ 
οτι συνῆκεν ἐπὶ τω πλουτω αὐτου καὶ ηργασα Ϊ 

TO ἐπι τὸν πενῆτα εκ των δωρηματων του κυ [ 

καὶ εἐτελεσεν τὴν διακονιαν ορθως παρα τοῖς 

ουν avOpwros ἡ πτέλεα δοκει καρπὸν μὴ φεΪ 

ρειν Kat οὐκ οιδία)σι [ο]υδε νοουσι οτι οταν αβροχια | 
[γ]ενίη)γαι ἡ πτελίεα] ἐχουσα ὕδωρ rpeper τί[η]ν ap [ 
πελ[οἱν καὶ ἡ apmedlo|s αδιαλιπτίο]ν exovca To [ 
[υ]ἱδωρ διπλουν τοῖν] καρπὸν αποδιδωσιν και ὃ 

[wlep εαυτης Kal ὑπερ τῆς πτέλεας οὑτως ουν Kale 
ἰοι melyntes ὕπερ] των πλουσίων ετυγχανον [ 

[tes] προῖς Tlov Kv πληροφορουσι το πλουτος av 
[Toy κίαι marily οἷ. πλου[σ]ιοι επιχορηγουντες 

ἱτοιῖς πένησι τα δεοντα πληροφορουσι τας ψυ 

νὴ τ 
[xas] avT@y γειονε ovy ἀμῴφοτεροι κοινωΐνοι 


[rov εἸργου του δικαιου ταυτα ovy o ποίων ουΐκ cy 
[κα]ταλειφθησεται ὕπο του θυ adda eoTalt γε 
ἰγραἸμμενος εἰς τας βιβλους των ἕωνταῖν μα 

45 [κ]αριοι οἱ exovTes καὶ συνΐεντες οτι πίαρα Tov κυ - 

ἱπἸλουτιζοντε ο yap συνΐων τουτο δυνηΐσεται 
[κ]αι διακονησε τα αγαθον 

} 6 mapaBorn δ᾽ 

1. dior... campov: δίδωσιν ἐρριμμένη δὲ χαμαὶ σαπρὸν καὶ ὀλίγον ca. There is no room 
for χαμαι in the lacuna, which is already of full length. L has 7” serra, but supports the 
order of the papyrus by reading exiguum et nugacem. 

4. χρηματα: so LLA3 χρήματα πολλά ca. 

5-6. περισπαΪμενος -.. Καὶ! so ca; LLA seem to have read περισπώμενος γάρ, 
omitting καί. 

6. eavrov: αὐτοῦ Ca. 

μακραν : μικράν ca LL A. Since μικράν is repeated immediately below, an avoidance of 
this tautology would be an advantage, and μακραν in the sense of remote is not 

6-7. τ[η]ν ἐντευξιν και την eLopodoynow : τὴν ἐξομ. καὶ τὴν vt. ca. LL omit τὴν ἐξομ. 

8. βληχραν και μικραν: ca again inverts the order. 

a.. mv: avov ca, emended by Tischendorf to ἄνω; cf. L? apud dominum (om. 11 A). 
But neither avo nor ava suits the papyrus, where the termination is apparently m7». The 
vestiges of the letter or letters intervening between a and ἡ are very slight, but ἀρχην is not 
satisfactory since the long tail of a p should have left some trace, and this word would not 
at all account for the corruption of ca. avy i.e. ἀν(θρωπιν)ην, which is a just possible 
reading, would be better from the latter point of view, but the abbreviation is unlikely, 
especially with ἀνθρώποις in 1. 31, nor does the adjective seem appropriate in itself. 

9. ewavaray: this is no doubt the original of ca’s ἀναπλῆ, for which various conjectures 
have been made (ἀναβῇ Geb.—Harn. with Hollenberg, ἀναπνῇ Hilgenfeld, δαπανῇ Harnack). 
ἐπαναπάῃ is accurately translated by A (zunixus fuerit); L? (om. L?) has refictetur (reficttur 
Dressel) pauper a divite, which is rather far from the Greek. ἐπάην and παήσομαι are attested, 
but not apparently the subjunctive. 

Q—I0. emt Toy mevnta ὁ πλουσιος : ὁ mA. ἐπὶ τὸν π. Ca. 

10. χορηγη : χορηγήσῃ Ca. 

1Ο-ἼΙ. mo}rever.. . εργασητ(αι): cf. L? credet utique dives quoniam st operatur; πιστεύων 
ὅτι ὃ ἐργάσεται Ca, confisus A. 

δυνηθησεται: δυνήσεται Ca. 

13. αὐτου και εν τη; καὶ τῇ Ca: LL om. καὶ τῇ ἐξομολογήσει. 

14. mapa... αἸυϊτου] : ἡ ἔντευξις αὐτοῦ παρὰ τῷ θεῷ Ca. 

15. The remains before the lacuna are also consistent with a, but it is desirable to 
shorten the supplement, if possible. Perhaps the supposed tail of the v of avrov in the line 
above is an interlinear a. 

16. ow: d€ca. The v of ὑπο was corrected from o. 

17. to We)o...avtw; ca has αὐτῷ τῷ θεῷ, which Geb.—Harn. retain (αὐτῷ, τῷ θεῷ), with 


no evident sense. Tischendorf’s reading εὐχαριστῶν is confirmed by the papyrus; (καὶ 
εὐχαριστεῖ ed, pr. 

ὑπερ! περί ca. For ὑπερ cf. A orabit pauper. pro divite ad dominum gratias agens, L? 
gratias agit Deo pro eo qué tributt. 

18, και ers: OM. Ca, 

20. ἡ του πενητος evrevéils: ἡ ἔντ. τοῦ π. Ca. 

21. κ(υριοὴν : τὸν θεόν Ca. 

22-3. [rm εντευΐξι : οἵ, L?A oratione; τὴν ἔντευξιν ca. τη however is a shorter 
supplement than would be expected at the end of |. 22. A dot after |& might be taken for 
a high stop. 

23. mapa: so P. Berl.; ἀπό ca. 

25. To πλουτος 0: τὸν πλοῦτον ὅν ca. P. Berl. is defective, but reads ro πλουτος at |. 38, 
and it is noticeable that in the present passage a reduction of two letters would give a line 
corresponding better in length to those adjacent. The rare neuter would be more likely to 
be converted to the masculine than vice versa. 

26. maple|xer(ar): παρέχει ca. P. Berl. is again defective, but one or two more letters 
in the lacuna would be an advantage, and here too the principle of dfficzlor lectio potior 
may be applied. 

27. The deletion presumably included the mutilated letter following o of epyov ; what 
was originally written is not apparent. The supposed y of yeya is more like a τ. 

28. Tischendorf’s reading συνῆκεν is confirmed; συνίει ed. pr. The word is not 
preserved in P. Berl. ηργασατο is the form in P. Berl., εἰργάσατο ca ; but the ἡ here is imperfect, 
and py. might be read. 

29. emt: eis ca, P. Berl. 

30. dvaxomay: so P. Berl. L?; διακ. rod κυρίου ca. 

30-1. roils] ovy ἀνθρωποις : so P. Berl. ; τοῖς ἀνθ. οὖν ca. 

32. orav: so P. Berl. and cf. L? cum ; ἐάν ca, eftams? A. 

33. exovoa vdwp: so P. Berl.; ὕδ, ἔχ. ca. 

34. to: so P. Berl.; om. ca. 

35. αποδιδωσιν : so P. Berl. ; δίδωσι ca. 

36. The papyrus apparently agreed with ca in reading eaurns (cf. 1. 6); avrns P. Berl. 

ovres ovv: ουτως P, Berl., οὕτω ca. L? A also omit ov». 

37- ume[p].. - e(v)rvyxavor[res], This is also the order in P. Berl.; ca has ἐντυγχ. πρὸς 
τὸν κ. ὑπὲρ τῶν Tr. 

38. ro πλουτος : so P. Berl.; τὸν πλοῦτον ca. Cf. ]. 25. 

39. €mtxopnyourtes : χορήγουντες P. Berl., Ca. 

43. ὑπο: so P. Berl.; ἀπό ca, rightly corrected by Hilgenfeld. γεγραΐμμενος (P. Berl.) 
suits the papyrus better than emy. (ca), the fracture at the ends of ll. 42-4 being practically 

44. tas βιβλους : so P. Berl. ca; A L? C have the singular. 

_ 46-7. 0 yap xrd.: so P. Berl., with 7 only after διακονησαι; om. ca. Cf. L* poferct 
aliquid ministrare. ta ayaOov is presumably a slip for rc ay., τι being a variant forro; cf. L? 
aliquid bont operart, A bona opera agere, C διακονήσει τὸ ἀγαθόν. It is not clear what is the 
original reading. 

48. This line may be regarded as either an δαί or an znczpzt, though at the bottom 
of a column the former is more natural. In either case the papyrus differs from the 
ordinary arrangement, according to which the foregoing Szmz/itudo is the second. It is to 
be noticed that the hypothesis that in P. Berl. the usual order was observed implies, as the 
editors have remarked, a very tall column, and the suggestion may now be made that 
Sim. ii was there directly followed by Szm, iv. The other number, if it be a number, which 


stands. in front of παραβολή may refer to some such larger division ‘into sections as is 
apparently also indicated by P. Amh. 190 (4). There are traces of ink in front of the 
(quite doubtful) 6, but whether another figure preceded is not clear. 

1173. PHILO. 
Fol. ἡ. 17°5X15 cm. Third century. 

The papyrus codex of which remains here follow was a large volume, 
comprising numerous works of Philo. The surviving fragments are shown by 
the numeration of the pages to be curiously scattered, and as many as four extant 
books are represented, Sacrarum Legum Alleg.i, Quod Deterius Potiori Lnsid., 
De Ebrietate,and De Mercede Meretricis. Moreover, some treatise or treatises 
no longer extant were also included, for there is one nearly entire leaf which is 
doubtless novel, besides some smaller pieces at present remaining unidentified. 
These are reserved for a future volume, and I now print only such fragments as 
I have been able to find of the four books mentioned above. 

The leaves were nearly square in shape, each page containing 24-5 rather 
long lines. The gatherings were of six sheets at least, as is shown by one sheet 
of which the pages are respectively numbered 192, 193 (not published) and 214, 
215 (Fol. 5). Down the middle of the inside sheet of the quire a narrow strip 
of vellum was gummed in order to protect the papyrus against the binding string ; 
both vellum and string still adhere to the margin between Fols. 2 and 4. That 
more writers than one should be employed upon so long a MS. is not 
surprising. Apparently three hands are to be distinguished. The most formal 
of them is that of Fols. 2-3, a sloping somewhat negligently formed uncial of 
rather less than medium size. Fols. 1 and 5-7 are in a sloping semi-cursive 
hand, while Fol. 9 is written in a less flowing round and upright script. All these 
hands are of third-century type, and the codex may be regarded as of approxi- 
mately the same antiquity as the Paris papyrus; the impossible date assigned 
to the latter by Scheil (1Zém. de la Mission Arch. Franc. au Caire, ix. 2) has 
been rightly questioned by Wilcken (ap. Cohn-Wendland, i. p. xlii) and Kenyon 
(Palacography, p. 145). In several respects these two early books show 
similarities: the size of the leaf; the informal character of the hands (only one of 
those in the Paris MS. can be described as ‘ une belle onciale’) ; and the occasional 
insertion of breathings and accents. In 1178 these proceed from the diorthotes 
who has throughout made occasional alterations, and to whom the signs of elision, 
pagination, and to a large extent, at least, the punctuation by means of a high 
dot should also be assigned. θεός is regularly contracted in the usual manner, 


and υ(ἱό)ς is written in Fol. 5 recto 25; but none of the other compendia common 
in Christian literature occurs (ἄνθρωπος 5 recto 14, πατήρ, μήτηρ 5 recto 23, οὐρανός 
7 verso 20). 

Apart from obvious errors, several of which have escaped the corrector’s 
vigilance (cf. e.g. 3 recto 9, 5 verso 8-9, 6 recto 3,7 recto 10, 21, verso 6), the 
text of the papyrus is fairly correct, and where the MSS. differ, commonly 
supports the better reading ; cf. e.g. 7 recto 3,5,24. In a few places small 
editorial emendations are confirmed (5 recto 2, 7 recto 20, 22; cf. verso 4). 
Other readings peculiar to the papyrus, some of which may be right, while 
others are doubtless wrong, occur at 1 recto 14, 5 verso 3, 19, recto 2, 10--Ἴ1, 25, 
7 recto 3, 4, 12, 24, verso 6, 7, 12, and apparently. 9 verso 7, recto 4, 11, 12, τό. 
The qualification ‘apparently’ is necessary, because my collation of Fol. 9 has 
to depend upon the meagre information of Mangey, since the treatise De Mercede 
Meretricis is not» yet included in Cohn-Wendland’s critical edition, which is 
available for the preceding fragments. On the whole the papyrus leaves the 
satisfactory impression that the text of Philo as reconstituted by modern 
criticism is substantially sound. 

Legum Alleg. i. 
(Cohn-Wendland, i. 75, Mangey, i. 54.) 
Fol. 1 verso. 
τη[5] glans] ev μέσωι Tar παρίαδεισωι Kat τὸ gv 56 
λον tov εἰδεναι γνωστον [καλου Kat πονηροῦ 
& gurever ev την ψύυχηϊι δενδρα ἀρετίης νυν 
υπογραφεῖι] ἐστι δὲ ταυτα ai τε κίατα μερος 
5 ἄρεται Και αἱ κατ avTas ενεργείαΐι και TA 
κατορθωματα' καὶ Ta λεγομενα πίαρα τοις 
φιλοσοφουσιν κ[α]θηκοντα" τίαυτα ἐστι του 
παραδειίσου tla φυτα' χαρακτηρ[ιζει μεν Ϊ 57 
To. ταῦτα δηλων οτι To ayabov [κ͵]αι οφθη [ 
10 vat καλλιστον ἐστι" καὶ απ[ο]λαυσθηναι" 

evial yap των τεχνῶν Oewpl]el|rekar μεν [ 
εισιν ov πρακτικαι de γεωμετρια ἀστρονο | 

μια" ενιαι δὲ πρακτικαι [δεν [ov θ]εωρητι | 




και δε TEKTOVIKN χαλκευϊτικη)] καὶ ooalL 
βαναυσοι λεγονται ἡ δὲ αρίετη Kat θεωρὴ 
TIKN ἐστιν Kal πρακτικη" [Kat yap θεωριαν 

Exel omoTe Kal ἡ π᾿ αὐτὴν οἶδος φιλοσοφια δι 

a τῶν τριῶν [avTns| μερῶν του λογικοῦ τοῦ 
ηθικου τοῖυ φυσικου και] πρίαξεις ολου yap 

[rov βιου ἐστι τεχνὴ ἡ αἀρε͵τη [ev ὦ και αἱ συμ 
ἵπασαι πραξεις adda] καίιτοι 

Fol. τ recto. 


[ort και εἰς οἱρασιν ἐστιν ὠρᾶιον ὁπὲρ ἣν Tov 
[θεωρητ]ικου συμβολον" και καλον εἰς βρω 
[ow οπερ) ἐστι του χρηστικου καὶ πρακτικου 
ἰσημειον»] το de ξυλον της ζωης ἐστιν 

ἴη γενικωτατη aplelrn ἣν τινες ayaborn{ra 
ἰκαλουσιῖν' ap ns αἱ κατὰ μερος ἀρεται 
[ἰσυνιστανται] τουτου χίαριὴν κίαι μΊεσον [elle 
δρυται [του παραϊδειΐσου" τηῖν συνεκτικω 
τατὴν χωραν εχον' ἵνα ὕπο τωΪνῚ εκατε 

το ρωθεν βασιλεως τροπον δορυφορηται" 


οἱ δὲ λεγουσι την καρδιαν ἕυλον εἰρησθαι 
Cons: ἐπειδὴ αἰτια τε Tov (nv εστιν Και 
[τ]ην peo[ny τῇον σωματίος)] χῶραν ἐλαχεν ὡς 
[aly καθ αἰυτην] ἡγεμονικον ὑπαρχουσα" αλλ 
ἴουτοι μεν ιατ]ρικην δοξαν εκτιθεμενοι 
[μαλλὸον ἡ φυσίκην μη λανθανετωσαν' 

ἴημεις δὲ ὡς κ͵αι προτερον ἐλεχθη τὴν γε 
[ἱνικωτατὴν alperny ἰξυλΊον εἰρησθαι (jw 

ης΄ λέγομεν Tov|ro μεν ovy ρητως φησιν 

20 [ott ἐστιν ev plerw | 






1 verso I. τῶι παρἰαδεισωι: τοῦ παραδείσου ὈΕῚ,. 

2. γνωστον : γνωστοῦ AP. 

3. Φφυτευει: φύει UL. 

5. kar auras; κατὰ ταύτας UFL, 

8. x οἵ χαρακτηρ[ιἾζει has been altered ; perhaps the copyist began to write a x. 

perro Tavta: μέντοι γε αὐτὰ ταῦτα MSS., but αὐτά is omitted in the Armenian. 

9. δηλων ort: δηλονότι APU. 

11. θεωρητικαι : θεωρηματικαί UF here and in ]. 13. 

12. The first ε of εἰσιν is written over ἃ σ. 

14. xaAxev[rixy|: om. U. 

15. και, which AP omit, clearly stood in the papyrus. UFL have θεωρηματική as before. 

17. kat is omitted in L. 

19. The size of the lacuna points to the omission of a before mplages, as in the 
Armenian (so Turnebus and Cohn) ; ai πράξεις UFL, πρᾶξιν MAP. 

21. « Of καΐιτοι is only moderately satisfactory, and the preceding supplement is 
somewhat short. 

1 recto 1. ὡραιον : ὡραίου AP. ην is omitted by UFL. 

3. ἐστι: OM. U. 

4. Mangey reads καὶ σημεῖον, and there might be room for xa in the lacuna here. 
5. [η γενιἸκωτατη : ἡγεμονικωτάτη N (excerpta Neapol.) Arm. 

7. ἱδρύεται UFLN. 

9. exov: ἔχων AP. 

14. καθ αἴυτην ἢ]: Kar’ αὐτούς MSS. 

15. δοξαν exriBepevor: ἐκτ. δόξ. AP. ἐκτεθειμένοι UFL. 

11. γε[νικωτατὴν : ἡγεμονικωτάτην Arm. 

Quod Det, Potiort Insid. Soleat. 
(Cohn-Wendland, i. 270, Mangey, i. 201.) 

Fol. 2 recto. 

| ατεκνι 
[av ενδειξαμενη παντελη wlomelp| ὃ o Bra 52 
ἵπτων Tov αστειον επιδεδεικται (nproly 

[avTov ovTm καὶ ο προνομίας τοὺς αἸμενοὺυς 

ς 2 





[αξιων Aoyw μεν εκεινοις epyw ὃ avTo] πε 

[ριποιειται ayabov-paptupea δὲ μου τω ol 

[yo ἡ φυσις και Ta ακολουθως avtn vopoble. 
I line lost. 

παν 220+, ΕΟ]. 4 recto. . 

de υ͵πο νου κίυβερναν και ηἡνιοχειν Tas ado 

yous] ev ἡμῖίιν δυναμεις επισταμενου cay μεν 

τε καὶ. vous avaykn [Tov κεχρήμενον αμῴο 

[οὖν] ns εἰπὸν. εκατεῖρον Aaxn Tins αἰσθησις 

Telplouls ewe ευεργείτεισθαι εαν de πορρω τον 

λογοίυς}] [απο νου [και αἰσθησεῶὼς ἀπαγαγὼν πα 

τερα μεῖν Tov γίενησαντα κοσμον μητερα δε 
[τ]ην σοφ[ι]αῖν δὶ ns απετελεσθὴ τὸ παν τιμῆς 

αξιωθης αὐτος ev meion δειται yap ovdevos οὐτε 
[0] πληρης [[.]] Os ovre ἡ axpa και παντελὴς em 

στημὴ wore [Tov θεραπευτικον τουτων μη τοὺς 
θεραπευομενουΐς avevdeets ovtas αλλ eavToy | 
μαλιστα [w|pedew {ἰππικὴ μεν yap. Kat σκυλα 
Κευτικη [επι]στημη θεραπειας ἡ μεν ἱππων 

ἡ δὲ σκυλακὼν ουΐσα ποριζει τοις ζώοις Ta ὦ 
φελιμα wv [εκ]εινα δειται 

Fol. 3 verso. Ξ 

1 διο[ἤσει δὲ [rari 
[ore οἱ μεν δεσποται υπηρέσι]ας ενδεεις [o δὲ 
[Os ov Χρεῖος ὥστε εκεινοις μεν TA ὠφεληΐσον 
[Ta avrovs ὑπηρετουσι τω ὃ ovdey εξω [φι 

[λοδεσποτου γνωμης πἸαρεξουσι βελτει[ζωσ]ας 

[Mev yap οὐδεν ευρησουσι] των δ εἸσποτικωΐν͵ 
ἵπαντων εξ apxns οντων] αρ[ιστων peya [ 
λα ὃ αὐτοὺς ονησόυσι γνωρισθη]ναι θὼω πῖρο 




[μηθουμενοι TavTa μεν ο[υ]ν ἰκανα5] εἰρη 
10 ἰσθαι νομιζω προς τους ev ἡ κἸακως ετερου ποι --᾿ 

[ev δοκουντας ευρεθησαν] yap εαυτοίυς εἶκα Ϊ 
τερον δρωντες τα ὃ εξη]ς ερευνησομεν εστι 
[δε πευσις τοιαυτη που] Αβελ [ο alde[A]gos σου 
προς nv amokpetve|tac ov] γινωσκω" 

15 [un φυλαξ του αδελφου) μου [εμὲ ἐγω" ουκοῦ 

2 recto 1. dreyviay UF. 
4. I write αὑτὸν and ovr (so HL) to shorten the supplement. The « supposed to have 
been inserted is represented only by a tiny vestige. τς 

3 recto 5. eve: Markland’s conjecture ἅμα is not confirmed. 
9. 1. a€twons with the MSS. 

13. [ωἸφελειν : ὠφελεῖ H. 

13-14. σκυλευτική UF. 

3 Verso 3. wore: or ws with UF. 

6. ὃδ[ε]σποτικωίν : δεσποτικῆς HL. . 

12. ερευνησομεν : SO UF; ἐρευνήσωμεν ΗΙ,, Cohn. 

14. The supplement is slightly shorter than would be expected, even when the spelling 
amrokpewerat ig assumed ; but there is no variant except that HL give ὅν for ἥν. 

De Ebrietate. 
(Cohn-Wendland, ii. 171, 212, Mangey, i. 358, 390.) 

Fol. 5 verso. 
[και] αλγηδοίν]α φυσει μαχομενας αἷς o] παλαι Ϊ 8 
[os λῆογος [els μίαν κορυφην συναψας [ο] Os εκα [ 
[replas εξ αν[αἸ]γκη[5] αἰσθησιν οὐκ εἶν ταυτω 
διαλλαττουσιν δὲ χρονοις ενειργασατίο Kara 
5 τὴν φυγὴν τῆς ετερας Kabodov τη ενίαντια 
Ψψηφισαμενος ovTws amo μίας ριζης τίου nye 
μονικου Ta τε apeTns Kat κακιαΐς δ)ιττία ave 
δραμεν ερνη μεταβλαστανίον]τα μίητε καρ 
ποφορουντὰα εν τούτω οποτε μεν] yalp] φίυλλο 9 







poet και abaveverat θατερον αρΐχεται ἀναβλα 

στανειν Και ΧΑ πο popew To εναντίον ὡς ὑπὸ 
λαβειν ort εκατερον tn θατερου δυσίχεραινὸ 
εὐπραγια στελλεται δι nv αἰτιαν φυϊσικωτατη 
Ιακωβ εξίο]δον εἰσοδον Ησαυ παριστησίιν [[εξηλ Ὁ] 
[Oe παλιν] eyevero yap φησιν οσον εἶξηλθεν 
Ιακωβ ηἡκειν Hoav ο αδελῴος αἰυ͵του μίεχρι μεν yap 10 
ενσχολαζει Kat ενπεϊρ]ήίπατει [tn Ψψυϊχίη φρονη 
σις ὑπεροριος πᾶς ο αφροσίυνης εταιρος EKTETO 
ξευται emer ὃ αν μεταϊναστὴ γεγηθὼς κατει 
σιν exelilvos τῆς [π]ολεμ[ίίου και δυσμενους δι ἣν 
η[λ]αυνίεἶτο Kale εφ]υγαίδευετο μηκετι τον avTov 
χωρ[οἦν [οἹικ[ ουσης' τα [wey ovy woavet προ ΓΙ 
[oulusa της γραϊφης αἀρκίουντως λελεκται τας 
δ᾽ αποδι[ξεις εκἸαστων πρί[οσαποδωσομεν ἀπὸ 

Fol. 5 recto. 

[rTlov mplwlrov πρωτον apgapevo: διδαίσκειν 
[tn τοινυν απαιδευσιαν [tov λ[ηρ]ειν [κἹα[ 1 aplap 
[τανει]ν αἰτίαν εφαμην εἰναι καθαπερ μυριοις | 
των αἸφρονων τὸν πολὺν ακρατον' απαιδευσια Ϊ 12 
[yap των ψυχης αμαρτηματῶν e δει ταλὴη 
[θες εἴπειν To ἀρχεκακον ad ἧς womep απὸ πὴ 
[γης ρεοΊυσιν [ale [τ]ον βιου mpages ποτιμον μεν 
[και σωτήριον ovdert ναμα εκδιδουσαι το] map 
[amav αλμΊυρον δὲ νοσου καὶ φθορας τοις [χ]ρῆ 
[σομενοις} αἰτιον" ουτῶς [γήουν ... ., ous 13 
[κατα ανα]γώγων και απαιδευτων o νομοὸ 
[θετης φοῖνα ws κατ ovdevos [ ε]ισως erepov 
[τεκμηρι]ον δε" τινες εἰσιν οἱ μὴ επιτηδευσε[ι] 
[μαλλον] ἡ φυσει συμμαχοι mapa τε ἄνθρω 
ποις καὶ] εν τοι]ς aAAols γενεσι τῶν ζωων" ἀλλ 
[ουδὲ μανεις ετεΐρους αν εἰπίοι] τις ἡ [τους ἰτο]κ[ε 


[as εἰναι κηδεται yap a\dt\dakz[o τ]η φυσει To 

ἱπεποιηκος αἰει Tov γ]ενομενου Kat olw|rnpias 

[avrov Kat διαμονης ns] εἰισ]α[παὴν πρ[οἹνοια[ν] 
20 [exer Tous οὐν εκ φύσεως σ]νυνα[γωνιστας υἱπαρ) 

[xovras εἰς εχθρων μετἸ)ελβϊει]ν i εσίπου] 
ἰδασε κατηγορους επ͵]ιστησας τοὺς δΊεον 
[Tos αν συναγορευονΊτας πατίερα Kat μητερία 
[ww up wy εἰκος nv] σωζεσθαι μίονων) πα[ρ)]απο 
25. ἰλωνται εαν yap τινι φησι qe vs [απειθῆης Kale a 

Fol. 6 recto. 

ἡμίων' συμβολοκίοπων 14 
λιθοβολησουσΊιν avrov ot [ 
| movnpov εξ nplov 

Fol. 6 verso. 

Tlovro oxvm Ϊ 
προ]διδοναι διεγίνωκοτα 
λεκτεον' o τε [[de]] μη [ 

Fol. 7 recto. 
opvis Kal Ta παραπλησία ποικιλως αρτυσῖαι 219 
και κατασκευασαι καὶ οσα αλλα οψα ηδυναι 

περιττοι τὴν επιστημην [εἾισιν ΕἸ ΠΕΠ πεν 
οψαρτυται “μυρια yap χώρις wv nkovoay 

5 ἢ εἰδον adda εκ της συνεχοὺυς μελετης καὶ 
τριβης τῶν εἰς αβροδιαιτον καὶ τεθρυμμε 
voy Tov aBiwrov βιον επινοησαι δεινοι" 




adda yap ovTo. παντες εδειχθησαν ευνου 
xor σοφιας αγονΐο]ι προς ov de συμ[βατηρι]ους- 
10 τίθεται orovdials ο γαστρις βασιλεὺς [vous 
οινοχοοῖς] nv φιλοίνον yap vmepgu|]..[...- 
To ανθ]ρηωπων yevos: Kat προς μονον εστι 
τουτο διιαφ]εροντως ακορ[ εἸ]σίτο]ν εἰ] γε ὕπνου 
μεν καὶ εδωδης κα[ι] συνουϊσιας)] και τῶν ομοι 
15 ὧν αἰπλη]ρωτ[ οἷς οἰυ]δεις ακρία]του δὲ σχεδῦ 
amavires και μαλιστα ols το πρᾶγμα ἀσκει 

ται πιονΐτ]ες yap εἶτι διψΊἸω[σ]ι [κ]αι ἀρχονται pe 

απο [των βραχυτίερω]ν κυαθων' προΐοντες 

[δ]ε ταῖς μειζοσῖιν οἰ]ν[οἸχοαις evyew παραγ 
20 γελλουσιν' επεῖιδανἾἿ de axpoOwpakes γενομε 

νοι καὶ ανθωσ]ιν οὐκ[ εἶτι κ[ρ]αίτε]ιν εαυὐτων 

δυναμενοι τας οινηρυσειϊΐς κ)αι ἀαμυστεις 

καὶ τοὺς Κκρατηρ[α)ς οἷλ]ους προσενεγκαμενοι 

akpatous σπαϊσιῖν αθρωους μεχρι αν ἡ Ba 

Fol. 7 verso. 
[θ0]εἰ umvm δαμασθωσι ἡ τῶν oyK@v ἀπὸ 
[π]ληρωθεντων ὑπερβλυσὴ το επεισχέεομε 
νον" ἀλλα καὶ TOTE ομὼς ἡ αἀπληστος EV αὖ 
τίοι)ς ορεξις ὠσπερ ετι λειμωττουσα μαι 
5 pal εκ yap apmedov Σοδομων ἡ αμπελος 
αυτων' nv φησι Mavons: καὶ ἡ κληματεισα av 

τῶν εκ Topoppas::n σταφυλὴ αὐτῶν xMo]hns 
βοτρυς πικριας avtois: θυμος δρίαἼκοντων 
ο [ovo|s avtwy: καὶ θυμοῖς] ασϊπ]ιδων ava 
10 [τος] Σόδομα μεντο[ι] στειρωσις και TU 
φίλω]σις epunveverat ἀμπελω [δὴε Kale το] ς 
cf auTns ywopevols| απεικαζει τοὺς ot 
νοφλυίγ]ιας Kat Tov α[σχιστωῖν ηἼδονων 
ἡττοὺυς a [δ᾽ αἰνίττεται τοιαυῖτα εσῆτιν evdpo 






15 guvns μεν αἰλ]ηθους [olvdey ενπίεφ)]υκεν τὴ 
tov φαζυίλου ψυχὴ φυτοῖν] ate οὐχ υἰγιαι)ν[ο]υσα[ις 
κεχρημενὴ ρ[ιζαις αλλ εἸμ[πεπρησμΊεναις 
καὶ TeppwOeijoas [οποτεῖ ανθ vdaros τας 
κεραυνίους φλογας Ou τη]ν κατα ασ[εβΊων 
20 kahws δικασαντος δικ[ην] ο ovpavos alfa] 
σβεστοὺυς everpe ἀκροτίη)τος ὃ επιθυμι 
ας της εστειρωμενης Ta καλα Kall] πεπήρω 
μενῆς προς travra τὰ θεας αξ[ι]α nv ἀαμπε 
Aw παραβεβληκεν ovxt TH καρπῶν 


5 verso 3. εξ arfalykn|s|: om. MSS. 

6. ψησάμενος for ψηφι. G. 

8. μεταβλασταιζον]τα: ]. μητε BA. with MSS. (μήποτε H). 

9. tora: ταὐτῷ rightly MSS. 

10. ahavevera is for apavawera. 

13. There hardly seems to be room in the lacuna for @votkwraryy τὴν or φυσικωτατα τῆν, 
as conjectured by Wendland, and probably the papyrus agreed with F in omitting την. 

14-15. Why εξηλ ?]6e παλιν was originally written is not clear. The letters θεπαλιν have 
dots placed above them. 

16. The supplement at the end of the line is slightly longer than would be expected. 

17. περιπατεῖ F, 

18. mas: om. L. 

19. ewe 8 av: ἐπειδὰν δέ MSS. 

5 recto 2. [mv . . . απαιδευσιαν : so Turnebus, Wendland ; τῆς ἀπαιδευσίας UFH, τῆς 
ἀπαιδευσίαν G. 

[τ]ου : so Wendland with Richter ; om. MSS. 

6. πηΐγης: γῆς G. 

8. ουδενι : so D (Io. Damasc. Sacra Paral.) ; οὐδὲν οὐδενί MSS. 

εἐκδιδουσαι : SO FH; ἐκδιδοῦσα GD, Wendland, ἐκδιδοῦται U. 

10-11. The reading of the papyrus was evidently longer than the ordinary text, 
which 15. γοῦν κατὰ. ἀναγώγων. [ [κατα avalywyov is rightly restored, something additional 

12-14. ὡς... συμμαχοι : OM. Η. 

20. ow: om. F. 

23. συναγορευοντας (Wendland) suits the space better than συναγορεύσονἾτας (GUH) ; 
συναγορεύοντα Β΄. ᾿ ' 

24. πα[ρ]αποΐλωνται: 50 GUH, Wendland ; παραπόλλωνται FL. παραποΐλλωνται would 
be an irregular division. 


25. mu v(to)s: υἱὸς 7 MSS.; but ἢ vids is the order in the LXX (Deut. xxi. 18). Ὁ omits 
ἀπειθὴς . . . φωνῆς. 

6 recto 3. ημίων : 1. υμων with the MSS. 
6 verso 3. The deletion of δε (om. MSS.) is probably due to the corrector. 

7 recto 2. κατασκευασαι : σκευάσαι H. 

3. εὐτρεπεις: so Mangey and Wendland from a Trinity College MS.; eumpemeis others. 
The corrector’s evrepreis is novel. 

4. yap: om. MSS. 

5. ἢ: και G. 

συνεχους : SO H, Wendland; συνεχούσης GUF. 

6. των: so GF: τόν U, τῆς H. 

10. τίθενται HL. 1. yaorpos. 

11. ἦν οἰνοχόος F. At the end of the line υπερφυως was originally misspelled, but what 
was written is doubtful. 

12. ἐστι : om. MSS. 

20. The papyrus confirms Wendland’s insertion of δέ, which the MSS. omit, after 

21. καὶ ανθωσιν) : 1. χλιανθ, with the MSS. 

22. οινηρυσείς : the papyrus gives the correct spelling (Turnebus) ; οἰνηρεύσεις MSS. 

αμυστεις : τοὺς ἀμυστεῖς MSS., ras ἀμύστεις Turnebus, Wendland. H omits ras oi... . 

24. ἀκρατους σπαΪσιν: ἀκράτου σπῶσιν U, Wendland, ἀκράτους πίνωσιν GFH, ἀκράτους 
πίνουσιν vulg. v in the papyrus has been altered apparently from ε. 

αθρωους : ἀθρόως MSS. The spelling μέχρι is also found in G; μέχρις others. 

7 verso 1. After δαμασθῶσιν H repeats οὐκέτι κρατεῖν ἑαυτῶν δυνάμενοι. 

3. ev: Om. τ. 

4. ο Of ορεξις has the appearance of having been crossed through. 

papa: μαρμάζει MSS., μαιμάζει Benzelius, Wendland; papa was conjectured by 
Mangey. The stroke above « apparently here does duty for a circumflex accent ; a some- 
what similar stroke is employed in the Coptos papyrus of Philo, according to Scheil, p. iv. 

5. ἀμπέλου: τοῦ ἀμπέλου GUF, τὸ dun. H, τῆς ἀμπ. Turnebus, Wendland. ὲ 

6. ην: 7 MSS. κληματεισα is a slip for κληματις. 

7. xoAns: σταφυλὴ χολῆς MSS., as in the LXX. 

8. ὁ βότρυς H. 

11. ἄμπελος H. 

12. οινοφλυΐγ)ιας : oivod. καὶ λαιμαργίας MSS. (om, καί G). 

14--|5. ἀφροσύνης F, εὐφροσύνη μὲν ἀληθῆ οὐδέ H. 

15-16. rhs... Ψυχῆς Ἡ. φιλαύτου for φαύλου L. 

17. A dot at the end of the line is probably accidental. 

19. If ἀσεβων was written, the letters «8 were strangely cramped; perhaps 4 was 

20-21. For the alteration of the word-division cf. Fol. 9 recto 17. 

21. ενειφε: ἕνιφεν F, ἔνηφεν UH, ἐνέφηνεν G. 

axpor|n|ros: so GUFL?, ἀκρότητα HL"; ἀκράτορος Wendland with Mangey. 

22. Ta... πεπηρωμενῆς : om. U. 




De Mercede Meretricts. ‘ 
(Mangey, ii. 268.) 
Fol. 9 verso. 

[ra αφ]ην και πασία]ν αιἰσθησιν καὶ To τίηςἾ ak 


[... σεως αφηδυνασα προσαγωγῶ" τας αλλας 
ἱνοσους] και Knpas eavTns οὐκ εμηνυσεν" ais 
[εξ αν]αγκης εκεινα atpovpevos χρησην" ἵνα 
[avpa τιϊνοῖς ωἸφελιας ἐπαρθεις εντος ἀαρκυων 
[ληφθηὴς [ιἰσθι οἱυν w ὀδῦτος ὅτι γενομενος git] 
[Andovols πίαντα)] εἕεις ταυτα' πανουργος θρ]α 
[cvs αναρμοστΊος ἀμ εἼμικτος δυσχρηστος 
[exOeopos αρ]γαλέος" ἀκραχολοῖς] ανεπίσχε 
[ros φορτικος αἸνουθετητος evxepns κακοτε [ 
ἴχνος αδιαγω]γος αδικος avicos ακΚοινωνητοϊ 5] 
ἰασυμβατος] acrovdos πλεονεκτης Κακονο 
ἰμωτατος αφιλος αἸοικος ἀπολις στασιωδης 
ατακτος ασεβης] ανΐερος αἴδρυτος αστατος 
ἀνοργίαστος βεβηλοὴς evayns: βωμολοχος ada 
oTwp παλαμναιῖος ανελευήθερος ἀποτομος 

ακοσμος αἰσχρουργος αἰσχροπαθης)] ἀχρω 

[Onpiwdns avdpamodwdns δειΐλος akodacTos 
ματος apetpos ἀπληστος αλαζων) δοκησι 

ἰσοφος avOadns βαναυσος βασκανος φιλεἾν]] 

Fol. 9 recto. 
[nro|s δυσωνυμος δυσευρετος duc .[..... 

εξ[ω]λης Kakovovs acuppeTpos ακαιρολό 

γος pakpnyopos adoAc(a]xns αἀερομίυθος Ko 
λαξ νωθης απερισκεπτος απροορίατος a 



5 προνοῆτος oAvywpos απαρασκευοῖς απει 
ροκαλος πλημμέλης σφαλίλομἸενοῖς διαπι 
πτων αδιοικητος απροστίασιασΊτίος λιχνος 
ἄγομενος διαρρεων ευενδίοτος δολιωτατος 
διχονους διγλωσσος επιβοΐυλος ενεδρευ͵ 

10 τίκος. pa'dioupyos αδιορθωτίος evdens αει 

σ ω 
αβεβαιος. adnrns [{ε]]π|[οἤμμενος φίορα χρωμε 
vos επιβουλος" επιχειρητος επιμανης ae 
κορος φιλοζωνος δοξοκοπος β[αρυμηνις Ba 

ρυσπλα νἾίχνος βαρυθυμος BalpumevOns duo 
15 opyntos ΨοφοδεηΞ] υπερθέΐτικος μελλητης νυ 
ποπτος ἀπιστος ἰδυσιατος καχυπονους δὺσ]] 

σελπις εριδακρυς [επιχαιρεκακος λελυττηκως 

παρα[κεϊκομίμενος αδιατυπωτρς κακομη 
χανίος αιἰσχροκερδὴης φιλαυτος εθελοδουλος 
20 εθεΐλεχθρος 

9 verso. The page-numbers of this leaf are not preserved, the upper margin being 

I-2. Tau... προσαγωγωι τας: SO Mangey with M Vat; ray... προσαγωγάς others. At 
the beginning of |. 2 there has been some correction of axpoacews, but its nature and reason 
are doubtful. Besides adding a above the line, the second. hand seems to have 
retouched the e. 

3. ἐμηνισεν Was apparently written by the first hand. 

6. οἦυν: so Mangey with M; om. others. 

4. εξεις : ἔσῃ Mangey with no ν. ]. 

9. axpaxodo[s|: ἀκρόχολος Mangey. 

20. For another substitution of y for an original ν cf. recto 14. 

9 recto 1. The vestige of a letter before the lacuna is indecisive between δυσεῴικτος 
(M) and δυσφευκτος. 

3. γ Of μακρηγορος has been altered, perhaps from A. The corrector’s spelling αιἰδολεσχης 
is found in MSS. 

4. After νωθης the ordinary text has BapumevOns, δυσάλγητος, Ψψοφοδεής, ὑπερθετικός, which 
words occur below in Il. 14-15 with the variant édvc]opynros for. δυσάλγητος. 

8. evevd[oros: so vulgo; dvevevdoros Mangey with M. In ayoyevos the remains of the 
letter following a suggest χ rather than y. 


10. The first p of padiovpyos has been corrected; apparently ὃ or A was originally 
At the end of the line ae, which is absent in M, is required to fill the space. 

II. emopevos, as Originally written, is the ordinary reading; ἐπτοημένος M. The 
corrector’s σπώμενος is not mentioned as a variant by Mangey. 

12. emBovdos: om. vulgo. The word has already occurred in ]. 9. 

επιχειίρητος is found as ἃ ν. 1. in Dion. Hal. 411. Rom. iv. 29; εὐεπιχείρητος vulg. 

14-15. Cf. note onl. 4. The letters om in vrorros have undergone some correction. 

16. amoros: om. vulgo, the word having occurred above (Mangey, p. 268. 42); cf. 

note on |. 12. 
17. εριδακρυς, Vv. 1. ἀαριδακρυς, which is the usual form. 



1174. SOPHOCLES, /chneutae. 

Height 18-3 cm. Ὁ Late second century. 
Plate II (Cols. iv—v). 

That Satyric Drama should be represented by but a single play, and that too 
by the youngest of the three great tragedians, has often been deplored. A 
specimen by Aeschylus, commonly reckoned the greatest exponent of the art 
(Diog. Laert. ii. 133, Pausan. ii. 13. 5), or of Pratinas, might have been a more 
welcome gift, but in presenting us with the considerable remains here published 
of the /chneutae of Sophocles, fortune does something to remove a reproach 
and to fill one of the many gaps in the history of Greek dramatic art. 

The greater part of this papyrus was obtained in 1907, but some minor 
fragments made their appearance close by in the previous winter, when the main 
portion of 1175 was found. That text is apparently a sister-MS. to the present, 
and the work of the same scribe; and it is quite likely that some of the smaller 
pieces placed there belong to 1174, while, on the other hand, among the mis- 
cellaneous fragments assigned to the /chneutae there may be a few stragglers 
from 1175. The difficulty of distinguishing is further increased by the fact that 
the finds to which 1174 and 1175 belong include a number of prose fragments 
written in a closely similar if not identical handwriting. 

This hand is seen at its best in 1174. It is a fine specimen of the common 
oval type, slightly inclined, and executed with much firmness and precision. It 
may, I think, be assigned with probability to the closing decades of the second 
century, a date suggested as well by the character of the uncial script as by 
the occasional cursive marginalia. The columns, which contain from 26-7 lines, 
tend to lean over a little towards the right, so that the last line of a column 
generally projects to the left of the first by the space of two or three letters. 
Choral odes are distinguished from iambics by indentation, as in the Hypszpyle 
papyrus (852), where too, as here, the parts of an iambic verse which is divided 
between two or more speakers are written below one another in separate lines 
(viii. 15 sqq.; cf. 1177). Paragraphi and diaereses were inserted by the original 
scribe, and to him are also due the stichometrical figures, which mark off the 
lines by hundreds (cf. e.g. 841, 852). Stops, which are usually in the form of 
a high dot, though points in the medial and low position occur, accents, breath- 
ings, marks of elision and long or short quantity, all of which are fairly frequent, 
and other occasional symbols, including a low-placed comma to separate words 


(viii. 19; cf. e.g. 1082), the coronis marking the beginning and end of the first 
chorus (iii. 4, 19), and the x surmounted by an iota sometimes inserted as a xota 
bene in the left margin, are largely, at any rate, subsequent additions, often easily 
distinguishable by the darker colour of the ink; and they may be attributed 
to the revisor who has not only corrected the text but inserted a number of 
various readings. Some of these he kindly refers to their source, the authority 
most frequently named being Theon, a grammarian who flourished in the 
Augustan period and was probably cited in 841. ii. 37. A few references are 
made to Αρν and Ap, of which the former probably, and perhaps the latter also, 
means Aristophanes (cf. 841), and to a name appearing as N with a vertical 
stroke through the middle, possibly Nicanor (cf. note on iv. 23). Explanatory 
notes are rare; there is one of some length apparently in Frs. 23 (a), (0), while 
a bare gloss occurs at iii. 6. The dramatis personae are specified here and there ; 
a single stage direction is put in the body of the text atv. 2. The accentual 
system, which is similar to that of other papyri of the period (e.g. 841, 852, 
1082), calls for no detailed notice. 

The numerous fragments in which this papyrus was recovered have for- 
tunately fitted together in a very satisfactory way, producing large remains of 
seventeen columns from the beginning of the play. Of these the first fifteen are 
certainly successive, as is shown by the stichometry ; the remaining two, which 
are very scantily represented, perhaps follow immediately, and at any rate are 
not separated by more than a slight interval; cf. the note on Col. xvi. Up to 
a point the course of the action is thus clear ; and the story of the /chneutae 
turns out to be something very different from what it was conjectured to be 
by Welcker, to whom the title suggested the wanderings of Europa (Wachirag, 
pp. 311-12). Yet one of the three extant fragments, had its reference been per- 
ceived, would have given the clue: the fragment which describes the abnormal 
growth of the youthful Hermes and occurs in the papyrus at xi. 12-13, establish- 
ing beyond question the identity, already sufficiently evident, of the drama. It 
is the myth of the infant god’s exploits, his theft of Apollo’s cattle and his | 
invention of the lyre, that provides the plot. The scene is laid on Mt. Cyllene | 
in Arcadia (ii. 4), and the characters are Apollo, Silenus and the Satyric chorus, | 
the nymph Cyllene, and doubtless Hermes himself, though the papyrus breaks | 
off before he appears. In the πρόλογος Apollo announces the loss of the cattle, | 
for which he has vainly sought in the northern districts of Hellas, and offers | 
rewards for their discovery (i-ii. 11).  Silenus then comes forward, with the 
Satyrs in attendance, proffering his services, and Apollo promises them their | 
freedom, as well as gold, for success (ii. 12-iii. 4). The Chorus sing a short ode | 
(iii. ere and then, urged by Silenus, start out on the quest; they are the 

: ? 
~*~ ' t [τ - ". ῥ ! ie eS ἴω τ he ψ »γν 
Lt Dytor't Ah pres ary) Oral |: 2 at nal aed  bwhe κοὐ. he δὲ Ῥυυνίανε! be Py yh 

»- - - ἃ 
a a Vist ce ™m fahy< TVA 


' ὁ Trackers’ from whom the play was named. Confused traces of the cattle are 


soon found (iv. 15-v. 19), leading towards the entrance to a cave-dwelling (ῥῆγμα 
γῆς, Philostrat. Jmag.i. 26). But at this point the seekers are alarmed by strange 
sounds, the notes of the newly-invented lyre upon which Hermes was playing 
within (v. 20-vi. 6). Silenus upbraids them roundly for their cowardice, and 
promises them the encouragement of his presence (vi. 7—-viii. 11); they take 
heart and sing a lively little stasimon, which is unfortunately much damaged. 
Then again the terrifying sound is heard, and they are with difficulty restrained 
from decamping by Silenus, who at last himself beats loudly at the cave’s mouth 
(ix. 2-4). The nymph Cyllene emerges, and after remonstrating against their 
unseemly behaviour (ix. 6-27), and warning them of the necessity for secrecy, 
explains that she is the nurse of the child lately born to Zeus and Maia, and 

_ tells them of his astonishing growth (xi. 8-13) and of the lyre which he had: 
"made from the shell of a tortoise and some cowhide (xi. 14-xiii. 4). This 

provides the ‘ Trackers’ with another clue; and they express their suspicion that 
| the hide was obtained from the cows of Apollo (xiii. 5-13). Cyllene indignantly 

| repels this accusation, and is still stoutly maintaining the innocence of Hermes 

at the end of Col. xv. Here there is a lacuna; of the next column, if it was the 
next, all that remains is a marginal variant containing the words ‘ cows’ dung’, 
_and in Col. xvii, represented by the beginnings of the last sixteen lines, Apollo, 
_summoned by Silenus and the Satyrs, reappears upon the scene, and apparently 
accepts their evidence as entitling them to the promised reward (xvii. 18-19). 
In the gap between xv. 22 and xvii. 5, therefore, the proofs were reinforced and 
| Cyllene’s discomfiture completed. What happened next is a matter of con- 
\jecture ; presumably the sequel was in the main that of the Homeric Hymn: 
Hermes was confronted with Apollo, and appeased him with the gift of the lyre. 
This dénouement may not have occupied more than another two or three hundred 
lines ; if the Cyclops is an average specimen, the length of Satyr-plays was con- 

siderably less than that of tragedies. 
It is perhapssomewhat surprising that the name of Sophocles has not previously 

_ figured in the list of authors known to have treated this ancient myth. Antoninus ἡ 

Liberalis, who (c. 23; cf. Ovid, 2761. ii. 676 sqq.) relates the incident of the 
informer Battus, quotes as sources the ᾿Ἑτεροιουμένων a’ of Nicander, the Μεγάλαι 
"Hota: of Hesiod, the Μεταμορφώσεις of Didymarchus, the ᾿Αλλοιώσεις of Antigonus, 
and the ᾿Επιγράμματα of Apollonius Rhodius. Alcaeus is also known to have 
dealt with the story in a hymn to Hermes (Fr. 5; cf. Pausan. vii. 20. 4). Of 
the later authorities the chief is Apollodorus (iii. το. 2), whose version is 
analogous to that of the Homeric Hymn, though differing in certain details. In 
particular, he inverts the order of the Hymu in making the theft of the cows 


precede the invention of the lyre. Whether Apollodorus used any source other ἢ 
than the Hymn is a question on which opinion has been divided. .Some scholars | 
have maintained that his discrepancies came out of his own head (cf. Gemoll, 
Die Homerischen Hymnen, pp. 191-2). So much, at any rate, is now clear, that in 
regard to the sequence of the two events he was anticipated by Sophocles, who | 
likewise represented Hermes as utilizing the cattle for the production of the lyre. | 
It does not necessarily follow that Sophocles originated this conception, or that | 
he was responsible for the introduction of the nymph Cyllene, although the ' 
earliest authority for her in this connexion has hitherto been Philostephanus 
(Schol. Pindar, OZ. vi. 144 ®. ἐν τῷ περὶ Κυλλήνης φησὶ K. καὶ Ἑλίκην θρέψαι, sc. τὸν 
Ἑρμῆν; cf. Festus ap. Paul. Diaconus, De Verb. Signif., s.v.Cyllenius . . . aliz quod 
a Cyllene sit nympha educatus), To the poet himself, however, may reasonably be 
attributed two innovations at least in the story, which are bound up with his 
dramatic treatment of it, the discovery of the thief by means of the Satyrs, and 
the transference of the hiding-place of the cattle from the neighbourhood of the 
Triphylian Pylos to Mt. Cyllene, a course dictated by the unity of place. 
With reference to the invention of the lyre, it is of interest to note that this 
subject had a peculiar attraction for Sophocles as an expert on the instrument. 
Weare told in the anonymous Blos Σοφοκλέους that he turned his accomplishment 
to account by appearing in the Thamyras (κιθάραν ἀναλαβὼν ἐν μόνῳ τῷ Θαμύριδί | 
ποτε ἐκιθάρισεν᾽ ὅθεν καὶ ἐν TH ποικίλῃ στοᾷ μετὰ κιθάρας αὐτὸν γεγράφθαι pact) ; and 
in the present play too it is highly probable that, as Wilamowitz suggests, the 
dramatist took an active though unseen part "Ἢ αν — the scenes | 
the strains which terrified the Satyrs. {1} &. © blo w= | 
Apart, however, from the musical interests δ the poet, for the purposes 
οὗ Satyric drama the theme was well chosen. There was a strong element 
of comedy in the thievish and lying propensities of the infant god, which, 
according to the Homeric Hymn, provoked Zeus himself to great laughter ; 
and we may surmise that it was in the later scenes, when the mischievous 
child was confronted with the indignant Apollo, that the humour of the 
piece was chiefly developed. So far as the papyrus extends there is nothing 
so amusing as the scene in the Cyclops where Silenus acts as cup-bearer to 
Polyphemus. The imitation by the Satyrs of dogs upon the scent no doubt 
lent itself to fun of a rather boisterous kind, though there is throughout much | 
less coarseness than in the drama of Euripides—not that Sophocles’ Satyric 
-plays were always above reproach in this respect. Small comic touches are | 
also noticeable here and there, such as the comparison of the Chorus starting on | 
the search to colonists setting out for new lands (iv. 17), or the invitation which | 
seems to be addressed by Silenus to the spectators to give information (iv. 5). | 



But there is a general air of light-heartedness and good humour which in the 
complete piece must have been very attractive. A certain amount of popularity 
is argued by the existence of the present copy; and as Wilamowitz points out, 
there is some reason to suppose that Euripides was moved to emulation. In the 
Antiope of Pacuvius an enigmatical description of the tortoise, similar to that 
in Col. xii, was given by the lyre-player Amphion (Cic. de Dzvin. ii. 133; cf. 
note on xii. 2). It is most probable that this feature was derived from Euripides, 
whom Pacuvius in the Aztiope seems to have followed closely (Cic. De Luv. i. 

| 94; De Fin. i. 4). If that were so, a terminus ante quem for the appearance of 

the Ἰχνευταί is provided, since the production of Euripides’ Aztzope did not long 

_ precede that of the Frags of Aristophanes in B.C. 405 (Schol. Frogs 53). But in 


any case our play may reasonably be placed considerably earlier than this, if only 
on account of its metrical strictness (see below). 

Upon the much discussed question of the garb of the Chorus in Satyric 
drama (cf. Wernicke, Hermes, xxxii. pp. 290 sqq.; Reisch, Festschrift Gomperz, 
Pp. 451 544.) the fragments throw no new light of importance, but confirm the 
indications of the Cyclops. As there (Il. 13, 42, 100, 369) the Satyrs, who are 
addressed as θῆρες and θηρία (vi. 9, 15, ix.6; cf. Cycl. 624), are the sons of Silenus 
(vi. 15, vii. 5, viii. 13, ix. 13), from,which it is reasonable to infer identity of 
nature. The upholders of the goat-type can hardly claim as a proof of their 

_view the simile of the goat in xiv. 16, for that has a quasi-proverbial cast, and 

does not imply that the person to whom it was applied was habited as a goat, 
though it might gain point if he were. Certainly, if the goat-form was employed 

at all on the Attic stage, it would be expected in a play the scene of which is 

laid in the mountain-haunts of Pan. 

In the matter of language the /chneutae falls fairly into line with conclusions 
previously formulated concerning the Satyric drama, which occupied an inter- 
mediate position between tragedy and comedy. The diction is predominantly 
tragic, but there is some slight admission of the words and phrases of common 

| parlance: v. 7 val μὰ Ala (cf. Cycl. 555, 558, 586), v. 9 τουτί, vi. 13 φαλῆτες are 

instances, the speaker in each case being Silenus or the Satyrs. Exclamations 
and interjections are frequent, as in comedy, e.g. iii. 7 ἀπαπαπαῖ (cf. Cycl. IIo, 
572 παπαῖ, 503 παπαπᾶ), 111. 8 ὦ ὦ, iv. 2, viii. 25, xvii. ο id, iv. 7 ἄγ᾽ εἶα, 22% ἰδοὺ ἰδού, 
v. 200004, vii. 12 005, wy, ἃ ἃ (cf. Cyel. 49 ψύττα, 157 ἃ ἃ ἃ), xvii. 5 ἰοὺ ἰού (cf. 
Cycl. 464). A leaning towards popular speech is also to be discerned in certain 

_ homely figures and comparisons, v. 16-17 ἐχῖνος ὥς τις ἐν λόχμῃ .. ἤ τις πίθηκος κύβδα, 

vi. 8-10 μάλθης.... σώματ᾽ ἐκμεμαγμένα.... ἐν πάσῃ σκιᾷ φόβον βλέποντες, 23 φοβεῖσθε 
παῖδες ὡς πρὶν εἰσιδεῖν, xiv. 16 ὡς τράγος κνήκῳ χλιδᾷς.ς The diminutive forms 
which are rather frequent in the Cyclops are not here in evidence. On the whole 


the Silenus and Satyrs of Sophocles show more restraint in language as well | 
as in sentiment than those of Euripides. 

This observation can be extended also to the metre, and the common) 
doctrine concerning the Satyric trimeter must be applied to Sophocles with | 
some reserve. Resolution is indeed commoner than in the tragedies. Statistics 
collected by A. Mancini, 71 dramma satirico, pp. 82 sqq., show for the fragments 
of Sophoclean Satyric dramas a proportion of about 1 resolution in 6 lines. 
In the /chneutae the proportion is somewhat lower, about 1 in 8; but this is more 
than twice as frequent as in the tragedies, where the ratio isabout 1:17. Of the 
tribrachs all the instances are in the third (i. 12, v. 14, ix. 6, xiii. 14, 20 (?)) or 
the fourth (iv. 18, v. 7, vii. 9, ix. 25) foot, and the dactyls all in the third (v. 9, 
15, 18, 21, 22, vi. 22, ix. 26, x. 19, xiv. 17). The position of the tribrachs must, 
however, be to some extent accidental, since in the Fragments they are found 
elsewhere. An anapaest in the first foot occurs not improbably in i.15 ; in ν. 17 
the papyrus gives an anapaest in the fourth foot, but the passage is suspect 
on other grounds, and the metrical severity which marks the rest of the play is 
strongly in favour of emendation. There is no instance of double resolution 
within a verse, nor can a case be cited from the Fragments. In Fr. 305, to 
which Mancini refers, the a of δέατος was probably long. The iambics of the 
Cyclops show very much greater freedom. It has been pointed out (e.g. by | 
Hermann, Elementa doctr. metr. p. 125) that this freedom is chiefly apparent in| 
the lines spoken by Silenus or the Satyrs.: In the /chneutae the distinction is | 
less clear ; the tribrachs are fairly evenly divided, but Silenus or the Satyrs see 
responsible for all but two of the dactyls. Besides the trimeters there is the 
curious novelty of a dialogue of about 30 lines in iambic tetrameters (xii. 2-| 
xiii. 4). : ᾿ 

The lyrical parts are, like those of the Cyclops, somewhat slight, and | 
probably this reduction in scale was a usual feature of Satyric drama. In two 
places a short strophe is separated from the antistrophe by passages in dialogue ; 
x. 1-8 = xi. 20-7, xiii. 5-11 = xiv. 20-6; cf. xvii. 5-7 = 10-12. The other 
strophes are free. A large use is made of cretics (x. 1-8, xiii. 5-11, xvii. 5-7). 
In the parodos (iii. 5~19) a considerable dochmiac element is remarkable ; the 
longest stasimon, vii. 12-viii. 12 consists largely of anapaests and proceleus- 
matics, with some admixture of cretics. 

In the reconstruction of this and the two following papyri I am under deep 
obligation to Professor U. von Wilamowitz-Mdllendorff, who’saw copies at an 
early stage, and both then and since has rendered generous assistance. I am 
also not a little indebted to Professor Gilbert Murray, and. have received some 
useful suggestions on the Sophoclean texts from Mr. A. C. Pearson. 



= Ι 


Col, “i. 
[ae in ne ΟΣ ee vayyerol.|poro[ 
τ Site at se |xvodparreAed 
Sere ay ee ea Ἰποπροθεν. 
[. «6 OP. a eee saan τ: Ἰλοφονῴρενι 
5 dead RBs sie ee myaieur eer Ἰυσαμολγαδασ af 
[ctw wdc! OUND |e msm γαῖ oe ysis 0 Ξ Ἰαπορτιδων 
Ὁ Σ᾽. ἐς 2 ῸΣ pe Ἰνεχνοσκοπὼ «διασί 
[. . .Ἱραϊζαϊον. 10... ..5.Ὁ Ἰστάθμουκάπης = al 
[. . .y@orexval....--- Ἰγὼὐκανωιομην ἫΝ 
10 [... ςἸνθεωντιν. .. «ὁ Ἰερωνβροτων 
[... «Ἰαιτόδ᾽ εργῖ. « « «- Ἰπροστολμηνπεσειν" 
ree Τουνεπέιπερϊ. ..-Ἰθονεκπλαγεισοκνῶι 
[. «2 .Jo pars Tere: ἐχων 
[- . « ἡσβροτοιστεμηδέν᾽ ΠΤ ἀμ: 
ἔπ ΠΣ τὴν Ἰυθιαιγαρέμμανἤ ε]]σκυνηγετω" 
ΚΡ or Ἰωνδεπηλθί.Ἰνφί.Ἰλατί. «Ἱπαντοσστρατὶ Ιτου- 
Sere cc eee sew ab die wes Pay 
Psa 9 vA Ἰκεοί 
G0 ff.» «> Ἰισί Ἰπειταῖ 
[αθεσσαλωνΐ Ἰπεσσύθί 
βοιωτιαστεγῖί ΤῊΝ 1. οὔ" 

. ταδὶ 1.1 

Col. ii, 
Barer ee Ἰσδωρικοῖ 
ΨΩ . -jrov’ ev Of 
[-.ececvess Ἰηκωξυν[.]α . [ 
[αὐτὸν e eee. Anvnoredul 

7 Coe Ἰτεχωρονεσδ᾽υΐ KL +] 


Col. i. 

(Ἀπόλλων) [Πᾶσιν θεοῖς καὶ rao ἀγγέλλω [B]porolis 
τ τ ΤΣ τ: δῶρ᾽ ὑπισἸ]χνοῦμαι τελεῖΪν 
ΠΟ a Rute ace ae ἀἸπόπροθεν" 

Pe aU. ft Sas δύσἸλοφον φρενὶ 




iL, | Pa Re Bojis ἀμολγάδας αἱ 
Πδέϊῥηον [τε καὶ νέων νόμευμ]α πορτίδων. 
ἅπαϊντα φρ[οῦδα καὶ μάτη]ν ἰχνοσκοπῶ διασί 

sa Was réxvaliow: ὡς ἐϊγὼ οὐκ ἂν φόμην ores) ae 

[- - 
[AaO]pat’ idv[ra τῆλε βου]στάθμου κάπης λαίθρ 
[οὔτ᾽ aly θεῶν τιν᾽ οὔτ᾽ ἐφημ]έρων βροτῶν 
[δρᾶσ]αι τόδ᾽ ἔργον ὧδε] πρὸς τόλμ(α)ν πεσεῖν. 

[ταῦτῇ οὖν ἐπείπερ [ἔμα]θον, ἐκπλαγεὶς ὄκνῳ 

ἰστείχ]ω ματεύω, παντελὲς κήρυγμ᾽ ἔχων 

[θεοϊ]ς βροτοῖς τε μηδέν᾽ ἀγνοεῖν τάδε: 

[ἀκολο]υθίᾳ γὰρ ἐμμαν(ὴ)ς κυνηγετῶ. 

[Θρᾳκ]ῶν δ᾽ ἐπῆλθοὴν φ[Ὀ]λα τοῦ] παντὸς στρατ[οῦ, Ἴτου. 
νυν ἥν ρον το ea ko x οἱ 

[ ν [ 
al ak Yj ]xcol 
ae kof ἔϊπειτα [δὲ 

[τ]ὰ Θεσσαλῶν [τ᾿ ἔγκαρπα medi’ ἐἸπεσσύθην 

Βοιωτίας τε γ[ῆς πολυκτήτουἸς [πό]λζεις, 1. οὕ(τως) [ἦν ἐν τ(ῷ) Θέω(νος). 
[ἔπει]τα Of Pai 
Col. ii. 
στ. ]s Δωρικοῖ 
ΡΤ γείτον᾽, ἔνθεν 
| agers OS ΤῊΣ ] ἥκω ξυν[.]α. [ 
ΤΑΣ Τὴν ΚυλἸλήνης τε δύσβατον 

εὐ ας ] τε χῶρον ἐς δ᾽ XH 161... 



ἐστ Ὡς: Ἱμηνειταγρωστηϊ 
fe ie ot ee -|TwvevAoywlTrap| lv 
ἔμεν : Ἰειωννυμφογεννήϊ 

[- ..- ἡἠντισεστιπασιναγγελ! 

[- . . .Joparovratmvocagrical, 

[. ...]. τοχρημαμισθοσεσθ᾽ οκεῖ 

[. . « σουφωνηματὼσεπέκλυον 

[. . Πντοσορθιοισισυνκηρυγμασὶ 

[-Ἰσουδηιτάδ᾽ ἡπαρεστιπρεσβυτηΐ 

15 [-JoeporB’ απολλονπροσφιλησευεῖ 
θελωνγένεσθαιτῶ'δεπεσσυθηνδβρ[.] . « [.} 
ἄνπωστοχρηματουτοσοικυνηγ .Ἰσω" 
τί ἸΤαγγ εἶ. σμοικειμενονχρ.]σ «[. -|Tepe 
pal. Joren| SF, SUAS Ἰαισί. «Ἰρόσθεσ΄. [. .... . . a es 

20 παιδασδε. [. Se iana . javel\Baj. .|. [. . « ἘΠ 

{εν νος ΠΠνειπερεκτε.Ἰεϊσἄπερλεγεισ 

[pee eee τον 1. [ω"μουνονεμπί. . ... 1άδ. .] 
ταῖ. «000 τν εν Ἰοι'συδεμπεδουΐ. .. .Ἷν 
[Seen eo ez]. . .Jul.] . ε 
A ae a ee te ALO τ: [-Jel-lenz[ Saar a nee Ἰοτριατί 

Οἱ. iii. 
1 line lost. 
[- ..]. af 

ΤιΤοῦ ΟἼΤΟΙ: τ. 'e ah oe a eae Bos Ws :|εἴ0] 
ENCODE poo... eels + aca 

5 i? χῦσατῦ θ᾽ ἄγε 1 -.:.- 5 ee τ τὴ 

ἀπᾶπαι οὐ BIAS Pee as 
OO σετδι]: es 2s Se eee ie ἢ 
EmOUKA@T. ~. sos se ws ἐτῶν ἡ: 








s εἴτε ποιμὴν εἴτ᾽ ἀγρωτήρων τις ἢ 
αριλοκαυ]τῶν ἐν λόγῳ παρίἰΐσταται 7υ 
τῶν ὀρ)]είων νυμφογεννήϊτου γένους 

ρῶ]ν τίς ἐστι, πᾶσιν ἀγγέλ[λω τάδε, 

[τὸν φ]ῶρα τ(ῶν) Παιῶνος ὅστις ἂΐϊν λάβῃ, 

[τῷδ᾽ αἸὐτόχρημα μισθὸς ἔσθ᾽ ὁ κε[ίμενος. 

[ὦ Φοῖβε, σοῦ φωνήμα(θν)᾽ ὡς ἐπέκλυον 

[Bo@|vros ὀρθίοισι σὺν κηρύγμασίι, 

[σπουδῇ τάδ᾽ ἣ πάρεστι πρεσβύτῃ [μαθών, 

[σ]οί, Φοῖβ᾽ "άπολλον, προσφιλὴς εὐε[ργέτης 

θέλων γενέσθαι τῷδ᾽ ἐπεσσύθην δρ[ό]μ[ῳ,] 

ἄν πως τὸ χρῆμα τοῦτό σοι κυνηγϊέ]σω. 

τίό]τ᾽ ἀγγεϊλόϊς μοι κείμενον χρ[υ]σὸϊν σ͵τέφε 
μάϊλι]στ᾽ ἐπί... .. Ἰαιάξε, mlpdcbe o .[........ Ἰν, 
παῖδας δ᾽ ἐμ[οὺ]ς ὄσσοισι |. . .]αυε[.1βαϊ. .]. [- .. . 
.[.... ἐμ [aly εἴπερ ἐκτεϊλ]εῖς ἅπερ λέγεις. 
ἤκουον δε 71. [1 μοῦνον ἐμπίέδου τ]άδιε. 

Tals βοῦς ἀπάξω clo σὺ δ᾽ ἐμπέδου [δόσιϊ]ν. 

[ἔξει σφ᾽ ὁ γ᾽ εὑρὼν ὅστι[ς] ἔϊ σ]θ᾽ . ἑτ[οἴμ[α] δέ. 
ΕΝ ΩΣ lor. 5 lee eyes se ἀλλΊ]ότρια τί 

Col. iii. 
[ J 
Sere ΠΟ} }e 
πο ΠΟΤ." AOE τὸς cele a a ὡς λέγ]εις; 
ἐλεύθερος σὺ [πᾶν τε γένος ἔσται τέκνων. 

Β΄ παρὸν) Σατύρων 19. aye. Κα Ὁ on es cee cen εις, 

πόδα βάϊσιν τε... ...... |v τὰ ἴχνα), 
GOAT αἴ. τις shar λιν ] 

GD: GE TOE fe seo ον ως πον τς τανε ἢ | 

ἔπιθι κλώπ ooo) 5 πο πες: ] 



| fe) 


10 υπόνομακΪ]. sos oe eb ee wi nle oes] 
διανύτωνό. . . . ee ee ee eee ] 
TATPLKAVYNpl. - 2 ee ee ] 
πωσπαίταλαθρι[. . . «+ + + + + + javuXoYroa 
KAeuparamoroy., 2... 6. + « aplmeveyPavOe® 
15 εἰπωσαντυχωπο .[... +++ + see] 

marpit ελευθερονβῖ. .]. . μετ. 

συνᾶμαθε οσοφιλοσανετω 
1 χρυσουπαραδειγματα 

20 σιληνϑ θεοιτυχηΐ.Ἰαιδαιμοντθυντηριε εἶ. ]υντηριεαρῦ 


τυχί.Ἰινμεπραγοσούδραμημ' επειγεται 
λειανάγρανσυλη  Ἱινεκκυνηγεσαι 
[-Ἰνέιτισοπτηρεστι[.Ἰηκατήηκοοσ AL 


bigest bras Ye Τανακτιπροστελησευεργ Ἰτησ" 
ΒΤ ae 1α[. .7τ[. «Ἰστουλοί. .]. . anal 
Col. iv. 
μηνυΐ ] 
twat Ἰηνεντθεῶ 
ὑποῖ Ἰϑηνεντθεὼῶ 
δ᾽ ουδὶ ] 
φησίντισ.ηῖ ] 
εοικενήδη κί ] 
dy εἰαδηπασσί ] 
ρινηλατῶνοσμί ] 
αυρασεάνπηνπρί ] 
διπλουσοκλάζωϊ. .. ee ee ee ee eee v 
Vrogporevy par ἃ ἤν sees eee ΟΣ, ] 

OUT@OEPEVVAVKGLT|. . 6 ee eee eee j; 




ὑπόμομο, Κις. ........ 6s SRLS | 
διανύτων Mes 8 NN ] 
πατρικὰν ynpivy...... hey 

TOS πᾷ τὰ AGO pila νύχια δ]ήιανύχ(ια)" οὕ(τως) τὸ (πρῶτον) 
κλέμματα ποσσὶ [........+. ] a reyeyrtonse) Seer 
eb στα Ge FUNG. [a ee... νυ μὰ ] 

πατρί τ᾽ ἐλεύθερον Bi. .] . . μετί.] 

συνάμα θεὸς ὁ φίλος ἀνέτω 

πόνους προφήνας 

ἀρίζηλα χρυσοῦ παραδείγματα. 

20 Σιληνό() θεοὶ Τύχη [κ]αὶ δαῖμον ἰθυντήριε, ε[ἰθ]υντήριε ᾿Αρ(ιστοφάλν(ης). 



5 (Σ) 


τυχ[ε]ῖν με mpdyous οὗ δράμημ᾽ ἐπείγεται, 
λείαν ἄγραν σύληϊσ)ιν ἐκκυνηγέσαι 

Φ[ο]ίβου κλ[ο]παίας βοῦς ἀπεστερημένοϊν. 

[τἸῶν εἴ τις ὀπτήρ ἐστι[νῚ ἢ κατήκοος, AL 
[ἐϊμοί (τ) [aly [elin προσφιλὴ[ς] (p)pdoas τόδε, 
[Φοίβῳ τῇ ἄνακτι (συν)τελὴς εὐεργ[έ]της. 

ἘΝ ἧς 1α[. .1τ[. .]s τοῦ λόϊγο]υ θ᾽ ἅμα [ 
Col. iv. 
ἰὼ σί oU(Tws) | ἦν ἐν τ(ῷ) Oew(vos). 
ὑποῖ ο]ύ(τως) ἦν ἐν τ(ῷ) Θέω(νοΞ). 
δ᾽ οὐδὶ 

φησίν τις, ἢ [ 
ἔοικεν ἤδη kl 
ay εἶα δὴ πᾶς of 
ῥινηλατῶν ὀσμῖ[αῖσι 
αὔρας ἐάν πῃ πρὶ 

διπλοῦς ὀκλάξζωϊν 2. eee eee eee 7 
ὕποσμος ἐν xp@.[..-.+---- Py ee 

οὕτως ἔρευναν Kal Te. 22+ sere ἣν 







amavTaxpnoTakal.........5. JAev —_xpyoParoYnvevTe® 

θεοσθεοσθεοσθεοσ'εα]......... ] 

εχεινέοιγμεν ἰσχε" μὴ . pl. - - «τει 
TauT εστ' εκεινατωνβοωντ Ἰσηματα 

2σιγ[θεοστιστηναποίϊ. . payer 



[ε]τιδρωμενῶτἄνητοδεονΐ. .]. νομεν ἔτιδρ [. .7τιχ 

καιτὀυπισημοναυτοτωνοπλωνπαλι[.]1, επισίμωμϑν" 
aur εστιτουτομετρον .Ἰκμέΐ:. |p. Jvov 
δρομωιοὕην ᾿ 
Χί:]ρειχετί.] . μἱκανταῖ se. se es ἦτ νέχοῦ 
[πλήν ΠΣ ges dai Mls τευ ta Ἱμενοσ 
Col. v. Plate II. 

με σ 
poBd-e-avritor[...... } sneha τ ἐς , οἹοιβδημ᾽ εάν 
ΠῚ ροιβδοσ 
ουκεισακόυωπαϊ. .. «Ἰστουφθ. . Ἱματοσ 

ἀλλ᾽ αυταμηνϊχί. ες ΠἸχωστί[λ]βοσταδε 
κεινωνεναργ τωνβ᾽.Ἰωνμαθεινπαρα 

εἰστόυμπαλινδεδορκεναῦταδ᾽ εισιδεῖ. .] 
“ὦ. dae 
τιεστιτουτι τισοτροποστουταγματἶ. «| πραγματοσ 

εἰ. Ἰγουμπισωταπροσθενηλλακταιταδαῦ 
εναντί αλληλοισισυμ.. [..... Ἱμενα 
devooxuknopocely[...... Ἰλατην 

τίν᾽ αὐτεχνηνσυτηνΐ.. .. "Ἰευρεσ᾽ τιν᾽ ad 
πρόσπαιονωδεκεκλιμί. .. Ἰκυνηγετειν 


ἅπαντα χρηστὰ Kali........ τελεῖν. χρῆσθαι: οὕ(τωΞ) ἦν ἐν τ(ῷ) O€w(vos). 
(‘Hyty.) θεὸς θεὸς θεὸς θεός" ἔα [éa- 100 
Ψ ») wv Ν 
15 ἔχειν ἔοιγμεν' ἴσχε" μὴ . pl... .|reL. 

(Hytx.) ταῦτ᾽ ἔστ᾽ ἐκεῖνα τῶν βοῶν τίὰ] σήματα. 
(Hyx.) σίγ[α]' θεός τις τὴν ἀποι[κία]ν ἄγει. 

(Hytx.) τί δρῶμεν, ὦ τᾶν ; ἢ τὸ δέον [ἐξ]ήνομεν ; ἔτι δρῶ(μεν) [. .1τιχ(.Ψ 
τί; τοῖσι] ταύτῃ πῶς δοκεῖ; 
20 (Ἡμιχ.) δοκεῖ πάνυ. 

σαφῆ [γ]ὰρ αὔθ᾽ ἕκαστα σημαίνει τάδε. 
(Ἡμιχ.) ἰδοὺ ἰδού" 
καὶ τοὐπίσημον αὐτὸ τῶν ὁπλῶν πάλιν. ἐπίσιμζ(ον ?) μό(νος) Nu ). 
(Hyx.) ἄθρει μάλα: 
25 αὔτ᾽ ἐστὶ τοῦτο μέτρον [ἐϊκμε[τρού]μ[ εἸνον. 
(Ημιχ.) χίώ]ρει δρόμῳ καὶ ταί... .. .....- 1. ν ἔχου 
ΠΤ Pe, Pe ἐς ΠΕ ΤΣ er ue ἸἹμενος 

Col. ν. Plate II. 
ῥοίβδημ᾽ ἐάν τις τῶν [βοῶν de οὖς [λάβῃ. ῥ]οίβδημ᾽ ἐάν. 
poiBAoc ; 
(Hytyx.) οὐκ εἰσακούω πω [τορῶ]ς τοῦ φθ[έγ]ματος, 
ἀλλ᾽ αὐτὰ μὴν ἴχνη τε] χὠ στίβος τάδε 
5 κείνων ἐναργῆ τῶν β[ο]ῶν μαθεῖν πάρα. 
(Πμιχ.) ἔα μάλα. 
παλινστραφῆ τοι ναὶ μὰ Δία τὰ βήματα. 
εἰς τοὔμπαλιν δέδορκεν αὖ' τάδ᾽ εἴσιδε. 
τί ἐστὶ τουτί; τίς ὁ τρόπος τοῦ τάγματος ;] πράγματος. 
10 εἰϊς] τοὐπίσω τὰ πρόσθεν ἤλλακται, τὰ δ᾽ αὖ 
ἐναντί᾽ ἀλλήλοισι συμπίεπλεγ)μένα. 
δεινὸς κυκησμὸς εἶχ[ε τὸν βοηἸλάτην. [ 
(Σ) tiv αὖ τέχνην σὺ τήνδ᾽ ἄρ᾽ ἐξ]εῦρες, τίν᾽ αὖ; 
πρόσπαιον ὧδε κεκλιμ[ζένον] κυνηγετεῖν 









Ἰχίνοσωστί Ἰσενλοχμηικεισαιπεσων" 


[:ἸΓισπιθη. «Ἰσκυβαποθυμαινειστινι 

[- (Ἰταυτα"πί. .]γησεμαθετ᾽ ἐνποῖ.Ἰωιτροπωι 

Ἢ μήνατ᾽ οἷ. Ἰαριδρισειμιτουτροπου 


τ᾿ ΑΕ τον μὲ Ἰτιναφοβῆτίν᾽ εἰσοραισ 

3 πρό ΕΣ Ἰασ'τιποτεβακχευεισεχων. 
Bless os Mie ]Ἰ. κερχν᾽.]σ[[ε]]ἱμειρει[μαθειν 

Te Gas a's ἤν Ee τις bare Ὥς -J@TOL σιγᾶθ᾽οιπροτο 
ΤΑ ΡΣ es): ] τὰν a 
ἬΕΙ ees Ἰναπονοσῖ. . .]Ἰεισεχων 

Col. vi. 
καιπωσακουσΐ. .. ... Ἰοσφωνηνκλυων 
ἘΠΕ 48s eae an 1. ὥσονήσετε 

ακουσοναυτί Ἰυχ .[.. .|7[.|oxpovovTiva . 
[-Ἰιωιπ|.Ἰαγεντεσενΐ.. Jeg[. ie γισμεθα διωικπλαΎ aP ενθαδ᾽ εξε 

ψοφωιτονουδεῖ.Ἰσπί. . πεν ροτῶων ὍΣ aa οὐ 

τιμοιψί. Ἰφον"φοβῖ. . . .Ἰκα[.Ἰδείμαινετε 
μαλθησάναγνασαί. .Ἶτ᾽ ἐκμεμαγμενοι μενααρν" 
κακισταθηρῶνοντί. .Ἰν[.Ἰασηισκιαι 
φοβονβλεποντεσπανΐ. .Ἰδειματουμενοι 
ανευρακακομιστί Ἰκανεῖ. .Jvbepa 
διακονουντεσΊ.1.. [.Ἰατ᾽ εἰ([.7ιδῖ.}νμονον 

καί. (Ἰλωσσα καί .Ἰφ. .Ἰητεσ' ειδεπουδεηι 

ὀῦπολλ᾽ εφηβησμνηματ᾽ ανδρειασυπο 
ουκεισφυγηνκλινοντοσ' ουδουλί. Ἰυμενου ουδειλουμενου 




20 (Χο. ὃ 




x a ΄ ΕΑ ε ΄ Ξ 2 ON ΄, 
πρὸς γῇ. τίς ὑμῶν ὁ τρόπος ; οὐχὶ μανθάνω. 
BJ “ [4 2 v4 A 7 
[ἐχῖνος ὥς τίι)ς ἐν λόχμῃ κεῖσαι πεσών, 
[ἢ] τις πίθη[κο]ς κύβδα θυμαΐίνεις τινί. 
τί] ταῦτα ; mod] γῆς ἐμάθετ᾽ ἐν πο[ίῳ τόπῳ ; 
] Tatra; πἰοῦ] γῆς ἐμ Ὁ; 
7 ᾽ > BS a ἘΝ “- 4 
σηἹμήνατ᾽, οὐ γ]ὰρ ἴδρις εἰμὶ τοῦ τρόπου. 
e A « 
ὑ)] ὃ v. 
(Σ) τί τοῦτ᾽ ies ;] τίνα φοβῇ ; τίν᾽ εἰσορᾶς ; 
ὃδ eT ὁ bs ἐν ,ὕ ᾿ 2 
εἶμ᾽ ὄπωπΊ]ας ; τί more βακχεύεις ἔχων ; 
3 ~ Ψ ΓΑ ¢ ’ Co) 
ἀϊγχοῦ τις ἤχει κέρχνος: ἱμείρει["] μαθεῖν 
ΜΝ rs ἀν ον Ν OX rN 1 ‘a Ase ‘ a 
τίίς nv; τί σιγ]ᾶτ᾽, ὦ πρ[ὸ τοῦ λαλίστἼ]ατοι ; σιγᾶθ᾽ οἱ πρὸ Tod: 
οὕ(τωΞ) ἦν μό(νον) ἐν τ(ῷ) Oéw(vos), 



(Σ1.) τίν’ ἔστ᾽ ἐκεῖθεῖν ἁπονοσ[φίᾷεις ἔχων ; 

(Χο.) ἄΐκουςε δή.] 

Col. vi. 

(Σ) καὶ πῶς dxovolm μηδεν]ὸς φωνὴν κλύων ; 
(Χο.) ἐμοὶ πιθοῦ. 

(Σ 1.) ἐμ[ὸν] δίω[γμά γ᾽ οὐδαμῶς ὀνήσετε. 

(Χο.) ἄκουσον αὖ τίο]ῦ χρ[ήμα]τ[ο]ς χρόνον τινά, 

[ο]ΐῳ ᾿κπίλ]αγέντες ἐν[θάδ᾽ ἐξενίσμεθα ἀφ iis τὸν ᾿Αρ(ιστοφάνης 3). 
7 Ν > Ν 7 y aA é δ᾽ ἐ eS 
ψόφῳ τὸν ovde[i]s π[ώπο]τ᾽ ἤκουσεν βροτῶν. “γίσμεθα: οὕ(τως) ἦν μό(νον) 
(Σ) τί μοι ψ[όὀ,φον φοβ[εῖσθε] Kali] δειμαίνετε, “" ΕἸ ΗΝ ταῦ 
μάλθης ἄναγνα σώϊμα]τ᾽ ἐκμεμαγμένα, -μένα ᾿Αρι(στοφάλν(ης). 

κάκιστα θηρῶν ὄντες, ἐΐν [π]άσῃ σκιᾷ 

φόβον βλέποντες, πάντα] δειματούμενοι, 

ἄνευρα κἀκόμιστ[α] κἀνε[λε]ύθερα 

διακονοῦντες, [σ]ώ[μ]ατ᾽ εἰ[σ]ιδί εἴν μόνον 

kali γλῶσσα Kali] φ[αλ]ῆτες ; εἰ δέ που δέῃ, 

πιστοὶ λόγοισιν ὄντες ἔργα φεύγετε. 

τοιοῦ[δὴε πατρός, ὦ κάκιστα θηρίων, 

οὗ πόλλ᾽ ἐφ᾽ ἥβης. μνήματ᾽ ἀνδρείας ὕπο 

κί εἸῖται map οἴκοις νυμφικοῖς ἠσκημένα, 

οὐκ εἰς φυγὴν κλίνοντος, οὐ δουλ[ο]υμένου, οὐ δειλουμένου 

οὐδὲ ψόφοισι τῶν ὀρειτρόφων βοτῶν me 2 




20 [σησσοντοσ' αλλαΐί. “Ἱμαισινεξει[. Ἴγασμενα 





ipso pauealle . πορρυπαινεται 
Joparvedperkora|. |rrotpevovn|.|Oev 
[. .,δηφοβεισθεπαιδεσωσπρινεισιδειν" 



Col. vii. 

υμιντεκαμοιταυταφΐ! a||yrecevdere 
τασβουσοπη!βεβᾶσικαιτον βουκολοῖ 
iv εὐκατειδηισειτισεστιδειλια 

κυνορτικονσυριγμαδιακαλουμενΐ. «| 
αλλ[ ε}{:φιστωτριζυγησδιμουβασιν 
eyoder|. Ἰργοισπαρμένωνσ᾽ απευθυνω 
΄ χϑ υυυψψααλεγ᾽ οτιπονεισ 

υπεμ[ εἤ]ιδεσεχεται υὑυπομιδεσ 
ν ι 

επρωτωτισύδετροπί. -. + «| 

εχειεληλυθενεληλί. . .. .- ] 


δευτερωιτισοδε. .[... .1. TNT δευτεώτισ 
χ' ὁδρακισ'ὁγράπισΊ. .... ] 

[υριασουριασ"αδῖ...... Ἰκεισ 

παρεβησ'μεθυΐ.. . ....... ] 



5 (Χο) 





[π]τήσσοντος, ἀλλ᾽ ἀϊκἸμαῖσιν ἐξει[ρ]γασμένου: 
[ἃ] νῦν ὑφ᾽ ὑμῶν λάμ[πρ' ὑἸπορρυπαίνεται 
[ψ]όφῳ νεώρει κόλακ[ι] ποιμένων πο]θέν, 

[ὃν] δὴ φοβεῖσθε παῖδες ὡς πρὶν εἰσιδεῖν, 
πλοῦτον δὲ χ[ρ]υσόφαντον ἐξαφίεἾτε 

ὃν Φοῖβος ὑμῖν εἶπε κ[ἀ]νεδέξατο, 

᾿" x 2 , a el ΄ 
Και THV ἐλευθέρωσιν U4 KATNVEOEV 

Col. vii. 

ς > ᾽’ a 3 > 7 ee 
ὑμῖν τε κἀμοί: ταῦτ᾽ ἀφέντες εὕδετε. 
> Lee 4 b ’ 
εἰ μὴ ᾿νανοστήσαντες ἐξιχνεύσεϊτε 
τὰς βοῦς ὅπῃ βεβᾶσι καὶ τὸν βουκόλοϊν, 
ἊΝ > ~ 7 ua 
κλαίοντες αὐτῇ δειλίᾳ ψοφήϊσ]ετε. 
πάτερ, παρὼν αὐτός με συμποδηγέτεϊι, 
ἵν᾿ εὖ κατειδῇς εἴ τίς ἐστι δειλία. 
γνώσει] γὰρ αὐτός, ἂν παρῇς, οὐδὲν λέγαϊν. 
ἐγὼ πα[ρ]ὼν αὐτός σε προσβιβῶ λόγῳ 
κυνορτικὸν σύριγμα διακαλούμειος.] 
ἀλλ᾽ ei’ [ἐϊφίστω τριζύγης οἴμου βάσιν, 

Lee 2 wt va > > ~ 
ἐγὼ δ᾽ ἐν [€lpyos παρμένων σ᾽ ἀπευθυνῶ. 

Χο(ρός). Bt, wp, ἃ a, λέγ᾽ 6 τι πονεῖς. 

ia 4 ¢ 7 ε 7 
τί μάτην ὑπέκλαγες ὑπέκριγες 
ὑπό pe ides; ἔχεται ὑπό μ’ ἴδες. 
2 vA 4 ed v4 
ἐν πρώτῳ τίς ὅδε τρόπῳ; 
ἔχει: ἐλήλυθεν, ἐλήλ[υθεν" 
ἐμὸς εἶ, ἀνάγου. 
δεῦτ᾽, &, τίς Ode .[....]. τῆς δεῦτε, ὦ, τίς. 
ὁ δράκις, ὁ γράπις [.....] 
[οἹὐρίας οὐρίας αδῖ. . . . . «Ἶκεις 

παρέβης" peOu[.........] 







οτιποτεφερεῖ. ... ee eee ]. {.}ν νομοσνομον 
EMOXOVEXELTE. . . eee ee ees ] οὕηνενῖθς 
ortBooddeved|... 1... eee ] 
στρατιοσστρατῖ. . 2... eevee Jul. -] 
δεθρεπον" 171-180]. δ oie, i Ὁ τὸ οτον τ wae Nels 

Col. viii. 

μη[[δε]θηικρί. κε. [ 
συτικαλί Ἰνεπιδὶ 
odey αγαθοσότρεΪ 

εἰιταχ᾽ οποταναπιηΐ 

απελευθεροσωνολ . [ 
[(]] ἐπί.1θ{.Ἰπεχ᾽ ἐισιθιιθιῖ 
7. ]δεπλαγιονεχομί 
B χ' πἰ.Ἱτερτισί.]γαισμωναληθ! 
7" ov. .|urakol. .Ἰἰσηκεκώφηϊ 

Bcc dane πὶ 




μεν᾽ ἐ.θελεισ 

ουκεστιν'αλλαυτὸσσὺ, ταυθῖ eT CRE ΡΝ τ Ἰ.. οπηιδυναι Ber 
ζήτειτεκαξιχνευεκαιπλόυϊ. ........ «νον Τοπηιθελεισ 
τασβουστεκα Ἰτονχρυσονΐ. .. 6. ee eee eee jel] 
μηπλειστῖ. .jeTto[. «Ἷν[. ese cen ees cess Ἰχρονον 
αλλ᾽ ὀυτιμί. ἬΕΙ ΡΤ le witha ‘<lale pent te atte ] 

PUDEL UT. Mls ald acs tap aietnle ἌΔΕΙΑ Maree Ἰφωσ 

ειδωμενὄνϊ. malaise ie Gc Sle a τὸ eh ga ] 






6 TL ποτε DEPE[n- oe eee ]- {ν ἘὈνόμος vopov: 

COMME χει τῆ sere! os oo ] ΕΣ Te) Chere): 
στίβος ὁδενεσί. .. ........... ] 

oTparios oTpadz[los......-.. Jul. .] 

Geer ener Fel δρι a cletrs els «ce so ᾷς ] 

Col. viii. 

ἔνι Blolis ἔνι πόνο] 

μὴ μεθῇ κρίοἰκι. [ 

σὺ τί καλ[ὸ]ν endl 

ὅδε γ᾽ ἀγαθὸς ὁ τρεΪ 

κατὰ νόμον ἕπεται 

ἐφέπου ἐφέπου pl 

ὀπποποῖ: ἃ μιαρέ, γεῖ 


ἢ τάχ᾽ ὁπόταν ἀπίῃς 
ἀπελεύθερος ὧν or. [ 
ἀλλὰ μὴ παραπλακί 
ἔπ[1θ᾽ [ἔἸπεχ᾽ εἴσιθ᾽ ἴθι [ 
τὸ] δὲ πλάγιον ἔχομ[εν 
πίά]τερ, τί σ[γᾷς ; μῶν ἀληθὲς εἴπομεν ; 200 
οὐϊκ elicakolvelis, ἢ κεκώφη[σαι, ψόφον ; 
(3t.) oflya:] τί ἔστιν ; 
(Xo.) οὐ μενῶ. 
(3u.) μέν᾽, et] (ddva.) 
(Xo.) οὐκ ἔστιν, ἀλλ’ αὐτὸς od ταῦθ᾽ [ὅπῃ θέλεις ταῦ]θ' ὅπῃ πῶς βέλ(τιεν) 

ταῦθ] ὅπῃ θέλεις. 
ὥτει τε κἀξίχνευε καὶ πλούϊτει λαβὼν 7 ὅπη 

τὰς βοῦν, τε. καὶ ἢ] τὸν ᾿χρύσον, [3.1.0 {τὶ oe 8 1ε[.] 
pal Whelan On| ἔτι σ᾽ Ὁ Ple Peter nt oe ὡς. ] χρόνον. 

(Σ..) GAN οὔ τι μ[ή σοί] pl ἐκλιπεῖν ἐφήσομαιϊ 
οὐδ᾽ ἐξυπελ[θεῖ]ν τοῦ πόνου πρίν γ᾽ ἂν σαϊφῶς 
εἰδῶμεν ὅντιν ἔϊνδον ἥδ᾽ ἔχει στέγη.] 








Oo[. «Ἰὁμοισινολβισηισ 

of. jugar}. . Παιτοισιν᾽ αλλεγωταχα 

φί. ἡωνκτυΪ.Ἰονπέδορτονεξαναγκασω 


| of] 
| np 

τ᾿ εἰσακουσαικειλιανκωφοστισει 

εστιί[. νδεχλοερονυλωδηπαγον 



TLOHOETEXVN τισμετασισπονὼν 



υμεινοσαιεινεβρινηικαθὴ μμένϊ .\o 
δοραιχερῖ.Ἰιντεθυρσὶ Ἰνευπαλῆφερων" 

οπισθενευϊάζε[ τ᾽ Παμφιτονθεον 


vuvd αγνοωτοχρημα'ποιστροφᾶινεῖ.}ν 
MAVO[. . |v οὕηνεντθε 
μανιῶνστρεφουσι' θαυμαγαρκατεκλί .Ἶον 

ομουπρεπονκελευμαπωσκῖ .Ἰνηγετί .Ἷν 

εγγυσμολοντωνθηροσευναίι. .|rpo|.|no- 

opovd αναυτίΐ. . .].. αἰφωρί. . .} « . [- . 
γλωσσησετεινεῖ. .]ἸΙσκλοπηνΐ. . . . .- 7. εναι" 
autiodal.... .]r]...-|-- Mevov[.....-.- ja 
κηρύκις -] το er ]. κηρύγμα]." «.... “1 τὺ: ἿΝ 
καιτί. Ἰυτ᾽ αφεισα . . . ποδωνλακΐ. . «- «. «Ὁ ] 
[. And@vopoumdugup|.Jeyerty[... + «0. ] 

ey ἡταυτ᾽ ἀνάλλωσηκλί .] ἀπ ΟΣ ΕΗΒ ΟΣ oreo 
[- - . Πωνακο[. Ἰσασωδεπαραπεπαισμενἶ. . . ... ] 
ἐν ν [ον 1Φ « [12]. «Ὁ. νωνυμασνοσεινΐ 

Ἰνετίποειτ αναιτιαν 

) φθεγγμααφυσί 1ισ 


φθέγμα eit τς ΦΡΣΣ ἘΣ ek Jou φθέγμα ἀφύσίε]ις. 

Col. ix. 
θὸν δ]όμοισιν ὀλβίσῃς. 
(Σ) ὁ [δ᾽ of φαν[εἴτ]αι τοῖσιν: ἀλλ᾽ ἐγὼ τάχα 
φ[έρ]ων κτύϊπ]ον πέδορτον ἐξαναγκάσω 

4 ~ Ν 7 
πί[η]δήμασιν κραιπνοῖσι καὶ λακτίσμασιν 

᾿ @[a]r εἰσακοῦσαι Kei λίαν κωφός τις (7). 
(Κυλλήνη). θῆρες, τί [τόνδε χλοερὸν ὑλώδη πάγον χῶρον [᾿Αρ(ιστοφάγἼν(ηΞ). 

ἔν[θ]ηρον ὡρμήθητε σὺν πολλῇ βοῇ ; 

τίς ἥδε τέχνη, τίς μετάστασις πόνων 

ods πρόσθεν el(x)es δεσπότῃ χάριν φέρων, 
IO ὑμεῖν ὃς αἰεὶ veBpivn καθημμέν[οὴ]ς 

δορᾷ χερ[ο]ῖν τε θύρσ[ο]ν εὐπαλῆ φέρων 

ζή(τει). ὄπισθεν εὐιάζετ᾽ ἀμφὶ τὸν θεὸν 
σὺν ἐγγόνοις νύμφαισι καὶ πί(αΐγδων ὄχλῳ ; 
νῦν & ἀγνοῶ τὸ χρῆμα, ποῖ στροφαὶ νέω]ν 
-ἤλυθ εν’ of(Tws) ἦν ἐν τ(ῷ) O€(wvos). 

15 μανιῶν στρέφουσι: θαῦμα γάρ' κατέκλ[υ)ον 

ὁμοῦ πρέπον κέλευμά πως κ[υ]νηγετ[ῶ]ν 

ἐγγὺς μολόντων θηρὸς edvailov] τροϊ φ]ῆς, 

ὁμοῦ ὃ av avris..].. at popf...]..[. .] 

γλώσσης ἐτείνεϊτ᾽ elis κλοπὴν [..... 7. έναι: 
20 Omnis @ ale. We ss sp Εν ἢ, τὸ νος Ja 
MADUR <><) ei lhe: at πιὸ} ]. Knpvypal... 

kal τ[α]ῦτ᾽ ἀφεῖσα σὺν ποδῶν λακ[τίσμασι 
[κἸληδὼν ὁμοῦ πάμφυρϊ[τ] ἐγειτν[ία στέγῃ. 
[καὶ] ταῦτ᾽ ἂν ἄλλως ἢ κλί.]..... Palak as oe'h εν: ] 
25 [φων]ῶν ἀκο[ύ]σασ’ ὧδε παραπεπαισμένζων 
woe [εν Φ . [Joi]... . νων ὑμᾶς νοσεῖν 
volo. . τί νύμφη]ν ἔτι ποεῖτ᾽ ἀναιτίαν ; 
Ε 2 







ol: x. 

x° νυμφηβαθυζωνεπὶί 
τοῦδ᾽ ουτεγαρνεικοσηϊ 
δαϊϊ.Ἰυμαχασουδ᾽ αξενοῖ 
μη δε]]μεμηπροψαλί 
αλλ. «Ἱπετωσμοιπρί 
μ᾽ εν[.Ἰοποιστοισὶ 
/TQUT εστεκεινωννυνΐ 
αλκασματί.Ἱνδί. .. .]σὶ 
vupgno-eporyal. .| . | 
ορθοψάλακτονεν .]ογοί. . jr 
arr ἡσυχοσπροφαινεκαιμ «Ἰνυΐ 
τοπωνανασσατων Ἰεκυλληνησσθενοσ 
ὁτουμενύυνεκ᾽ NAO]. Ἰνυστερονφρασω': 
τοφθεγγμαδημιντου Ἰοπερφωνειῴρασον τουτοπὼσ 


καιτισποτ᾽ αυτωιδι[ Ἰχαρασσεταιβροτων οὕηνεντθε 

υμασμεναυτουσχρητάδ᾽ ειδεναισαφωσ 
ὠὡσειφανείτετονλ] .Ἰγοντονεξεμου. 
αυτοισινυμί. Ἰημιαποριζεται: 
καιγαρκεκρυπί. . Ἰτοῦργονεν .]εἰ.Ἰνεδραισ 


ἤρανοπωσμῖί.. “στί.Ἰσΐξεταί. .Joyou: 

gi. «Ἰσγί-Ἰκρυφί. ........ Ἰγηνα[ Ἰλαντιδοσ 

Be OP ae Ἐν ἘΣ ee σὺ Ἰευσατο" 

{πὸ abides. oa) ον τρις ya jah Vee eet lu . [Ἰφιλασ 
Col. xi. 

[Sais Bie acre Ἰληθηιτησβαθυζωνουθεασ 

ἘΣ τ Ἰοσδεπαιδ᾽ εῤιτυσενμονον" 

ΠΣ Ἰχερσιταισεμαισεγωτρεῴφω 





Cok. x. 

Xo(pés). νύμφη Babigove πἰ[αῦσαι χόλου (στρ.) 

τοῦδ᾽, οὔτε γὰρ νεῖκος ἥϊκει σέ τοι 

δά[ο]υ μάχας οὐδ᾽ ἀἄξενόϊς που σέθεν 

yA[dloo ἂν μάταιός τί ἀφ᾽ ἡμῶν θίγοι. 

μή με μὴ προψαλίάξῃς κακοῖς, 

ἀλλ᾽ [εὐπετῶς μοι πρ[ὄφανον τὸ πρᾶγ- 

μ᾽, ἐν [τ]όποις τοῖσδε τίς νέρθε γᾶς ὧδ᾽ ἀγα- 

“~ > 7, 7 > 4 
στῶς ἐγάρυσε θέσπιν αὐδάῖϊν ; 

K rg oe Ine 5 > 4 7 ~ , rs 
(Kv.) ταῦτ᾽ ἔστ᾽ ἐκείνων viv [τρόπων πεπαίτερα, 

καὶ τοῖσδε θηρῶν ἐκπύϊθοιο μᾶλλον ἂν 

ἀλκασμάτίω]ν δ[ειλῆ]ς [τε πειρατηρίων 

νύμφης" ἐμοὶ γὰϊρ οὐκ [ἀρεστόν ἐστ᾽ ἔριν 
ὀρθοψάλακτον ἐν [λ]όγοζισ])ιν [ἑἱστάναι. : 
ἀλλ᾽ ἥσυχος πρόφαινε καὶ μ[ή νυϊέ μοι 

ὅτου μάλιστα πράγματος χρείαν ἔχεις. 

(Χο.) τόπων ἄνασσα τῶν[δ]ε, Κυλλήνης σθένος, 


ὅτου μὲν οὕνεκ᾽ ἠλθ[οὴν ὕστερον φράσω: 
τὸ φθέγμα δ᾽ ἡμῖν τοῦθ ὅπερ φωνεῖ φράσον τοῦτο πῶς 
mans > até ὃ , φωνεῖ op dco 
καὶ τίς ποτ᾽ αὐτῷ δι[αἸἰχαράσσεται βροτῶν. οὕ(τωΞς) ἦν ἐν ἐν (16) Θέ(ωνοΞ). 
ε [41 Ν > ‘ LS 4 2 ~ 
ὑμᾶς μὲν αὐτοὺς χρὴ τάδ᾽ εἰδέναι σαφῶς 
ὡς εἰ φανεῖτε τὸν λ[ό)γον τὸν ἐξ ἐμοῦ, 
αὐτοῖσιν ὑμῖϊν ὥημία πορίζεται. 

καὶ γὰρ κέκρυπται] τοὔργον ἐν [θ]ε[ῶ]ν ἕδραις, 

Ἥραν ὅπως μ[ὴ πύ]στ[ι]ς ἵξεται λ]όγου. 

Ζ[εὺ]ς γ[ὰρ] κρυφ[αίαν ἐς στέγην ᾿ἀτλαντίδος 
De ΟΣ Rate it oy ae AS Ne Ἰεύσατο 

SARACEN Ἐν τος ἢν. [1 φίλας 

Col. xi. 
[.......] λήθῃ τῆς βαθυζώνου θεᾶς. 
[κατὰ σπέος δὲ παῖδ᾽ ἐφίτυσεν μόνον, 

[τοῦτον δὲ] χερσὶ ταῖς ἐμαῖς ἐγὼ τρέφω" 




Ῥ-. Ἰαρισχυσεννοσωιχειμαζεται 
a, - τ ἘΣ Ἰακαιποτητακαικοιμηματα 
ees? Ἰαργανοισμένουσαλικνϊτιντροφην 
Ls epee Ἰετίζωνυκτακαικαθημεραν. 
[... Πυξεταικατημαρουκεπεικοτα 
[. . . ἡστοσ᾿ωὡστεθαυμακαιφοβοσμεχει 
EGA ce τ᾿ Ἰαρεκτονημαρεκπεφασμενί.) σ ημερασπεφασμενοσ 
ree Ἰσερειδειπαιδοσεισηβησακμην' 
ἘΤ ΕΣ Ἰμεν[[ ε]ιζεικουκετισχολαζεται 
ieee iemouBeudatad jaepneeres γτ[. «Ἴφει 
ΓῸΣ ee lr... [. - .Γἐεστιτουπατροσθεσει" 
15 αφί- - - «.-.«ὐὐ εν Ἰθεγγμμηχανηιβρεμῖ 
καὶ 9 Pee i: Bee ee Δ Ἰσημεραιμιαι 
EEUNTIAOK. .. 2+ + +05 javnoato 
TOWVOEO | ..- a.» o> oun + os Ἰοσηδονησ 
éupecroval......+.-. JatkaTod. . .| 
B02 ἀῴρασι: νι SE ne Ἰπαισβοησ 
ΒΟ es ae ne a ie te jeagetol 
ἜΣ 1λεγε.Ϊ 
Te a ie ΤΕ τὸ eae ΣῊ: Ἰσεθουΐ 
FO WIENS 2 τς ἐνὶ τς ὧν jor 
25 TOTELED|. τ 2 ee ee ees ] 
pov’ dara sis oat as yes lel 
Col. xii. 

μη νυναπίστεϊ[.) πισταγαρσεπροσγελαιθεασεπὴ 
πιθουθανωνγαρεσχεφωνην᾽ τωνδαναυδοσῆνοθηρ ἕωνδεγῃ 
βραχυσχυτρόιδησποϊ.Ἰκιληιδορα'κατερρικνωμενοσ τροχοιδῆ 

xt πλειστονμεῖ.Ἰαξυ᾿ γογγυλονγαρεστικαιβραχυσκελεσ 


μητρὸς γ]ὰρ ἰσχὺς ἐν νόσῳ χειμάξεται' 
κἀδεστ]ὰ καὶ ποτῆτα καὶ κοιμήματα 

πρὸς σπ]αργάνοις μένουσα λικνῖτιν τροφὴν 
ξευθ]ετίζω νύκτα καὶ καθ᾽ ἡμέραν. 

« ᾽ » Fi Se ’ 2 / 

ὁ δ᾽ αἸὔξεται kar’ ἦμαρ οὐκ ἐπεικότα 


[μέγι]στος, ὥστε θαῦμα καὶ φόβος p ἔχει. 
10 [οὔπω γ]ὰρ ἕκτον ἦμαρ éexmehacpérfols ἡμέρας πεφασμένος. 
[γνίοι]ς ἐρείδει παιδὸς εἰς ἥβης ἀκμήν, 

[κἀξορ]μενίζει κοὐκέτι σχολάζεται 

[βλάστη τοιόνδε παῖδα θησαυρὸς στέγει. τ[ρέ]φει. 


δυσεύρε)τός [τ᾿ ἔτ᾽ ἐστὶ τοῦ πατρὸς θέσει. 
15 ἀφίανεῖ δ᾽ ὃ πεύθῃ plOéypula) μηχανῇ βρέμϊον 
καὶ πίόλ]λ᾽ ἐθάϊμβεις, αὐτὸ]ς ἡμέρᾳ μιᾷ 
ἐξ ὑπτίας κ[ίστης γ᾽ ἐμηχ]ανήσατο" 
τοιόνδε θηρὸς ἐκ θανόντ]ος ἡδονῆς 
ἔμμεστον ἄγγος εὗρε κ]αὶ κάτω δ[ονεῖ. 

το (Χο) ΡΟ δ τ wah es τ: | παῖς βοῆς (ἀντιστρ.) 

25 ον Pes ese boa ae ies She ] 

POUT GUE. ΔΑ aie ΟΣ |] &« θανόν- 

Col. xii. 

τος πορίζειν τοιάνδε γῆρυν. 
(Κυ.) μὴ νῦν ἀπίστεζι] πιστὰ γάρ σε προσγελᾷ θεᾶς ἔπη. 
(Χο.) καὶ πῶς πίθωμαι τοῦ θανόντος φθέγμα τοιοῦτον βρέμειν ; 300 
(Kv.) πιθοῦ: θανὼν yap ἔσχε φωνήν, ζῶν δ᾽ ἄναυδος ἦν ὁ θήρ. sav δδενη[ 
(Xo.) ποῖός τις ἦν εἶδος ; πρί[οἹμήκης, ἢ ᾿πίκυρτος, ἢ βραχύς ; 
(Kv.) βραχὺς χυτρ(ώ)δης πο[ικίλῃ δορᾷ κατερρικνωμένος. τροχ(ώ)δη() [ 
(Χο.) ὡς αἰέλουρος εἰκάσαι πέφυκεν, ἢ τως πόρδαλις ; 
(Kv.) πλεῖστον με[τ]αξύ, γογγύλον γάρ ἐστι καὶ βραχυσκελές. 


ovd ωὡσιχνευμί.Ἰνιπροσφερεσπεφυκενουδωσκαρκινῶι 
ουδ᾽ αὑτοιουτί Ἰνεστιναλλ᾽ αλλοντιν᾽ εξευρουτροπον 
αλλωσκεραστί Ἰσκανθαροσδῆτ᾽ εστιναιτναιοσφυην 
νυνεγγυσεγνΐ. Ἰὠιμαλισταπροσφερεστοκνωδαλον 

Weds eer Ἰφωνΐ. .veorivavtodrovytéc.jrovgappaco|. | 
ΕΞ τὺ τ: " ΠΧ: ἡορ[[ε]ινησυγγονοστωστρακρεων᾽ “Venere 
ΒΕ ες Ἰνε[. . .1. πόρσυνονειτιπλ[.]ονεχειῖσ 
[ 21 letters Ἰυνδ᾽ addAvpavor|. . «Ἰαλει 
[ ao Soy ] . κτεανονησύϊ. . .] . τινι 
[ Fy eg Ἰδερμακί. .jor . [ 
[ ner Ἰονωδί Ἰκλαγγ αἱ 
[ Ὁ Wee Ἰόρωσερειδεταῖ 
[ 24 55 Ἰπλεκτα . [ 
[ pa Ἰλάδοσκί 
[ eae Aorrecde[ 

[ Bas Piss Ἰαμματαῖ 
ἶ 25» Jor[ 

Col. ΧΗ. 

καιτουτολυπη[.Ἰεστακεστρονκαιπαραψυκϊ.Ἰηρῖ-. «Ἰνΐ 
κεινωιμονον' x al Ἰρειδαλυιωνκαιτιπροσφωνΐ 
ξυμφωνον' εξα[ Ἱρειγαραυτοναιόλισματησλ] |jpag| 
\ serra a Bele TOTES a Ra 
5 | x? οψαλακτοστισομφηκατοιχνείτοπουϊΐ 
πρὲπταδιατονουφάσματ᾽ ey 
Xop erravbe puget ppietditonts εντθέ 
τοπραγμαδ᾽ δ-υπερπορευωβάδην 
ισθιτονδάϊ .|uov’ οστίσποθ᾽ ba 
αντεκεινουγυναισάφ᾽ ἰσθι' 

το (Kv.) οὐδ᾽ αὖ τοιοῦτ[]ν ἐστιν, ἀλλ᾽ ἄλλον tw’ ἐξευροῦ τρόπον. 
(Χο.) ἀλλ᾽ ὡς κεράστ[η]ς κάνθαρος δῆτ᾽ ἐστὶν Αἰτναῖος φυήν ; 
(Κυ.) νῦν ἐγγὺς ἔγνως] ᾧ μάλιστα προσφερὲς τὸ κνώδαλον. 
(Xo.) τίζ δ᾽ αὖ τὸ] φων[οδὴν ἐστιν αὐτοῦ, τοὐντὸς ἢ τοὔξω, φράσοϊν.] 
Bea yi [sess 8 Ἰλοί. . .Jopivy σύγγονος τῶ(ν ὀ)στράκων. τ  ς 
τ (Xo.) [ποῖον δὲ τοὔνομ᾽ ἐν]νέϊπει]ς ; πόρσυνον, εἴ τι πλ[έϊον ἔχεις. ἰ[Θ]έζωνοΞ). 
ae [τὸν θῆρα μὲν χέλυν, τὸ φωνο]ῦν δ᾽ αὖ λύραν ὁ παῖς κἸαλεῖ. 
Xo.) [ 22 letters 1. κτέανον ησύϊ.. .] - τίνι; 
δὰ [ Dy a 1 δέρμα κί. .Jo7 . [ 
[ + chor Jov ὧδε] κλαγγάϊνει 
20 [ τις Ἰόρως ἐρείδεταζι 
[ ἜΣ ΦΉΙΣ ] πλεκτα .Ϊ 
[ τὺ Ἰλάδος xi 
[ oh ao κόλ]λοπες δεῖ 
[ ben, Ἰαμματαΐ 
25 [ I Jor[ 
I or 2 lines lost. 
Col. xiii. 
καὶ τοῦτο λύπηΪς] ἔστ᾽ ἀκεστρον καὶ παραψυκ[τ]ήρ[ιο]ν 
κείνῳ μόνον, χα[ί]ρει δ᾽ ἀλύων καί τι προσφωνῶν μέλος 
ξύμφωνον' ἐξα[ί]ρει γὰρ αὐτὸν αἰόλισμα τῆς λί[ύ]ρας. 
οὕτως 6 παῖς θανόντι θηρὶ φθέγμ᾽ ἐμηχανήσατἴο. 
5 X0(pds). ὀ(ρθογψάλακτός τις ὀμφὴ κατοιχνεῖ τόπου, (στρ.) 
πρεπτὰ (δ᾽ av) διὰ τόνου φάσματ᾽ ἔγ- 
Xap’ éerrav Oepi¢ Εἰ" ἐπανθεμίζεται ἐν τ(ῷ) O€(wvos). 
τὸ πρᾶγμα δ᾽ οὗπερ πορεύω βάδην, 
ἴσθι τὸν δα[ίμον᾽ ὅστις ποθ᾽ ὃς 
10 ταῦτ᾽ ἐτεχνήσατ᾽, οὐκ ἄλλος ἐστὶν κλ[οπεὺς 


(Xo.) οὐδ᾽ ὡς ixvetu(wv) προσφερὲς πέφυκεν οὐδ᾽ ὡς Kapkivios) ; 

ἀντ᾽ ἐκείνου, γύναι, σάφ᾽ ἴσθι. 
σὺ δ᾽ ἀντὶ τῶνδε μὴ χαλε- 

φθῇς μ(η)δὲ δυσφορηθῇς. 






τῶν ΕΣ “νησε"τινακλοπηνωνειδισὶ 

πο τ eee Ἰ. εἰραχειμαζεινΐ 
τ τ Ἰνταφιλήτηνκαϊ 

[Svs SS ER RR es ὁ JavavtniTnikAo| 
μον MNS SOx Ἰιγετα[.]ηθηλεῖ 
Pee hia goes ware Ἰαληθηλεγί 

ΡΥ ΠΝ δ δ Ἰφεναισαφί 

[πε “Bint dig tes δ eosiel tele τας Ἰδεβουσπανυΐ 
ἈΠΕ Τ ν ties we Ἰαικ aOn pl. lof 
τς τή eau ee Ἰλουτεμωνΐ 

δ: ΡῊΣ fie wees ΩΣ ἘᾺΝ ἃ 1φο. ὅ[.Ἰραΐ 

Col. xiv. 
ΞΘ ἢ Ἰαρτιμανθανωιχρονωι 
Bee oe pe Ἰασκοντατηιμηιμωριαι 
ἘΝ are bre Ἰυδεν'αλλαπαιδιᾶσχαριν' 
gee Rik ea Ree eroep’evdiavexov 
ew Eek ene ah eee Ἱμ᾽ ητικερδαινεινδοκεισ 
Ro ee ee ae Ἰχαζεκαιτερπουφρενα" 
ΣΝ ΛῊν Ἰντατουδιοσσαφειλογωι 
᾿Ξ Εν ΚῸΣ ee ois Ἰωνεννεωινεονλογον'" 
Petree Rona ep 3 Ἱπροσπατροσκλεπτησεῴφυ 
TOW Ὁ ὁ οὐ ΤΥ τ Ἰητρωσινηκλοπηκρατει" 
Peta aerate Ἰισεστιτονκλεπτηνσκοπτει 

Bea ee Ἱκαρποντουδετουπανᾶιδομοσ 
[- - εἰὐγενοσπροσαπτετηνπονηριαν 
[-. Πσοντιν᾽ ἡκει" τῶ"δεδ᾽ ουχουτωπρεπει" 
15 αἱ. .Ἰαιενεισιπαισ'νεοσ᾽ γαρωνανηρ-- 
πί. ωνιθαλλωνωστραγοσκνικωιχλιδαῖσ' 

[-Ἰανοντακλαιεινυστερωιτεγωγελω υστερωσεγω 


) [τίς ἔχει πλάνη σε; τίνα κλοπὴν ὠνείδισας ; 
ι5 (Xo.) [οὐ μὰ Δία σ᾽, ὦ πρέσ]βειρα, χειμάζειν [θέλω. 

(Kv.) ἱμῶν τὸν Διὸς παῖδ᾽ ὄϊντα φ(η)λήτην καϊλεῖς ; 
ρον [οτος ἡδτν ΛΚ er ΟΣ ΟἿΟΝ | ἂν αὐτῇ τῇ κλοϊπῇ. 
Ἐν a ary hag en ae eli ye τἀϊλ]ηθῆ λέγεις. 
0) A er Hh ee ag Sara τ]ἀληθῆ λέγίω. 
20 ta Fd ote eRe κεκλοϊφέναι cad| 

Poy ee, coal os acter δ ae ae 1 δὲ βοῦς πάνυ 

Bc ick. » goons ρον κι Ja καθήρϊἰ μ]οῖσε 

ΕΣ ἘΣ ΣῈ gear tren Ἰλου τεμὼν [ 

ΠΟ τ ἈΥτὰς |po . δ[ο]ραί 

2, or 3 lines lost. 

Col, xiv. 
«A 1 πολ» δες ] ἄρτι μανθάνω χρόνῳ é 
Byte ee Ἀν ἐγχ]άσκοντα τῇ ᾿μῇ μωρίᾳ 
ἘΣ a wes οἸὐδέν, ἀλλὰ παιδιᾶς χάριν. 

[od & οὖν τὸ λοιπὸν εἰς ἔμ᾽ εὐδίαν ἔχων, 

[εἴ σοι φέρει χάρ)μ᾽ ἤ τι κερδαίνειν δοκεῖς, 

[μὴ σκῶπτε ποι]ῶν ἐν νέῳ νέον λόγον 
μη d yov. 



mas θέλεις Kdlxage καὶ τέρπου ppéva: 

τὸν παῖδα δ᾽ dra τοῦ Διὸς σαφεῖ λόγῳ 

[οὗτος γὰρ οὔτε] πρὸς πατρὸς κλέπτης ἔφυ 


Io οὔτ᾽ αὖτις ἐν μ]ήτρωσιν ἡ κλοπὴ κρατεῖ. 



[ed δὴ κλοπή Tis ἐστι, τὸν κλέπτην σκόπει 
[ἄπορον ἄκαρπον: τοῦδε δ᾽ οὐ πί(ειγν(ῇ) δόμος. 
[ἄθρ]ει Eres, πρόσαπτε τὴν πονηρίαν 

[πρὸς ὅντιν᾽ ἥκει: τῷδε δ᾽ οὐχ οὕτω πρέπει. 

15 ἀϊλλ᾽ αἰὲν εἶ σὺ παῖς: νέος γὰρ ὧν ἀνὴρ 

πίώγ]ωνι θάλλων ὡς τράγος κνζήγκῳ χλιδᾷς. 
παύου τὸ λεῖον φαλακρὸν ἡδονῇ πιτνάς. 

[οἹὐκ ἐκ θεῶν τὰ μῶρα καὶ γέλοια χρὴ 

ἰχ]ανόντα κλαίειν ὕστερ᾽ ; ὼς ἐγὼ (λ)γέζγχω. ὕστερ’ ὡς ἐγώ. 


| fe) 








οποιανθελεισ[ σ]βαξινευρισκ᾽ απο 
ρινοκολλητοναλλωνεκλεψενβοων Ov”... le 
πουδοραΐ. . .αποτωνλοξιου" 

[1ημεταΐ. . .Ἰξοδουβιβαζε' 

Cel. παν: 

] . αισκλοΐ 


Ἰιδεστ᾽ αληΐ 





γ' feova dln ἢ 

πἰ.Ἰειουσδεγ᾽ ηδηνυνΐ 
τί Ἰσωπόνηρ᾽ ἐχει᾿τιπλί 

οπαισ[ τ] δ᾽ ενδονεγκεκληΐ 

[. ἡνκαιδαπαυσαιτουδιοσὶ 

ηδημεπνεϊ. ἡγεισκαισυχαΐ 

[- - ]λεισεπρί. . .Juf. «Ἰξελαυνΐ 






(Xo.) στρέφου λυγίζου τε μύθοις, ὁποί- 

αν θέλεις βάξιν εὕρισκ᾽ ἀπό- 

Ψψηκτον' οὐ γάρ με ταῦτα πείσεις 

(ὅγπως τὸ χρῆμ᾽ οὗτος εἰργασμένος τὸ χρῆμα ovros: 
οὕ(τωΞς) ἦ[ν ἐν τ(ῷ) ΘΊἐ(ωνοΞ). 

ῥινοκόλλητον ἄλλων ἔκλεψεν βοῶν 
που δορὰϊς ἢ] πὸ τῶν Λοξίου. 

[μ]ή pe τάἄϊσδ᾽ el ὁδοῦ βίβαξε. 

Col. xv. 

Xo.) [ὁ Zleds yap [ 

(Κυ.) [ὁ 


(Kv.) [kjax@s ἀκούειν οὐ πρέπει Διὸς γόνῳ. 

ji δ᾽ ἔστ᾽ ἀλη[θῆ, χρή με καὶ λέγειν τάδε. 
(Κυ.) [old μὴ τάδ᾽ [εἴπῃς 

ΡΣ We ἤν πὸ σὴν ἘΠ 

(Κυ.) πο[Ὁ] καὶ βόας νέμουσι τί 
(Xo.) πίλ]είους δέ γ᾽ ἤδη νῦν 
(Kv) τ 

(Χο.) ὁ παῖς o(s) ἔνδον ἐστὶν ἐγκεκλῃϊ μένος. 

τίς, ὦ πόνηρ᾽, exer; τί TAL 

[τὸν παῖδα παῦσαι τὸ(ν) Atos [κακῶς λέγων. 

(Χο.) πία]ύοιμ᾽ [ay [εἰ] τὰς βοῦς τις ἐϊξελᾶν θέλοι. 

(Kv.) ἤδη με mviijyes καὶ σὺ χα[ἱ βόες σέθεν. 
(Xo.) [. . λεισεπρί. . .Jul . ἐϊξελαυν 




Col, xvi. 
ππΠ  Ἐπ 
Ἵνεντο“ 15 

nl . 


των Ἰοωΐ 
᾿ιπολλζῆνυ . [ 
¢[- Jed 
peta Boo}, 


Unplaced Fragments. 

Probably from the bottom of Cols. i-iii. 

Be. a Fr. 2. Pr 3. 

ἢ δ paal 
aI Jor Jaa .[ 

Re 1.1 Je | 

Fr. 4. 



a. f 
ἢ A 


Col. xvi. Col. xvii. 

5 (Xo.) ἰοὺ ἰοὺ | 

(Σ) ὦ Alogia (9) 
ἰὼ δὶ 
το 6(Xo.) ὦ Λοξία δεῖ 
καὶ παρηΐ 

τῶν [βΊοάϊν 
᾿Απόλλ(ων) [Ἰνυ . [ 
π͵ελέθοις βοῶν." id 
οὔζτωε) iy Be 1G) Θέζωνοο) 15 Boj 
μισθὸς [ 
25 (Σὲ) τὸν ἐγί 

Unplaced Fragments. 

Probably from the bottom of Cols. i-iii. 

ar 1, Fr. 2. Ba Fr. 4. Fr. 5. 
(4) ἴα van Je i 
(B) ὃ Jov: of Jada . [ Ἰσσαιΐ of 
Peck lee : : 


Fr. 23 (a). 




Fr. 8. 

Fr. 9. 

Ἰ. of ial 
Probably from Col. ix. 
Fr, 12. Fr. 13. 
J--[ Jarol 
Ἰυσί 1.1 
ed Sa es 
Fr, τό. Br.29: 
Ἰατὶ J.» 
1.1 ol 
m Col. xv? 
Fr. 20. Fr. 21 
Ἰνβοωΐ J 
Ἰανεξί J 
Ἰστιτοῖ ] 
Ἰγᾳσὶ Ἰγυνΐ 
Fr. 23 (0). Fr. 24. 
Ἰθουρι Ἰνκεχὶ 
ae Ἰιμαζΐ 

Fr. 10; 

From Col. xvii? 

Fr. 22. 

Fr. 23 (a). 

\ }....- 
Ἰχρυσῷ πλί 


Fr. 10. 

Probably from Col. ix. 

Fe ΤΩ. Ἐπ 15. Fr, 14. 
ΣΝ, Ἰατοῖ Jeon 
Ἰυσί le Joe . | 
Fol ἤρου 

Fr. τό. Br, ἢ. Εν, 18. 

From Col. xv? 

From Col. xvii? 
Fr. 20. Fr, 21. Fr: 29. 
τῶ]ν βοῶϊν ] 

javeg ] 

ἐστὶ τοῖ 


|rao| ] γύναι IAA 

Ἰ - ε' 5 |---| 

Jae : : 

Fr. 23 (6). Fr. 24. Fr, 25. 

is i Ἱνκεχί J. agf 



|Beval.] . [ Ἰπόϊ Ἰξυναί 
Ἰπονήσᾳϊ Joa IxHor| 
Fr. 26. Hr, 27. Fr. 28. 
\BpaBevp| 1. «ανειφρασὶ 1δ.1.1 
: ; : |p ax. .]- [ Ἰτοιοῖ 
: Ἰκτί 
Fr. 50. Fr. 31 ἘΠῚ 52: 
] ] 1. 
Ἰαρουΐ Ἰροτ Ἰφλεβοῖ 
Joval Ἰριαῖ ] 
Ἰλει Ἰευθυΐ Ἰμηῖ 
Ἵν Jeol 
Fr. 34; Fr. 35. Fr. 36, 
| Ἰραί Ἰεπί 
] ] Ἰιδιαί 
Ἰατον Ἰουθα.. of ] 
Ἰσ ] | 
] } ] 
Ἰελεασ oe 


Ἰβωναί.]. [ Ἰπό ] Euval jor pi 
| πονήσαί σαί Ἰχμονΐ Ἱμηπί 
πον pe 
Fr, 26. Fr. De ἘΥ 20: Er, 20. 
| βραβευμῖα |]. taver φράσ] ΤΠ} ἘΠ [ Ἰφ| 
: ‘ : 12 ἀκ} ] τοιοῖ Ἰπαιαΐ 
Ἰκτί Ἰεστι 
Fr. 30 Pia Fr. 32 Fr. 33 
] ] J. Ja 
Ἰαρουΐ Ἰροτί 1 φλεβὸς Ἰαισ. [ 
oval Ἰριαί | Jreo[ 
lec ] evOuf \en| Ἰοφί 
“ἢν Ἰατώϊ : 5 Ἰνηλί 
J \ 
Fr. 34 Fr. 35. Fr. 36. το Ἰχεί 
é 408% ie jov . [ 
pal Jen Jad] 
] ] Ἰιδιαί Ἰομί 
Ἰατον Ἰουθα. of ] Ἰαεφί 
\s | | ] 
| ] ] 
Ἰελεας Ἐπ λον 

F 2 


Of the three previously known fragments of the /chueutae, two have occurred 
above (xi. 12-13, xii. 6; cf. notes ad loc.) ; the third is :— 

203. Pollux x. 34 

ἐνήλατα ξύλα 
τρίγομφα διατορεῦσαί σε δεῖται 

A corrupt passage, on which cf. Lobeck, Phrynichus, p. 178. 

To this play may now be referred with W(ilamowitz)—M (6llendorff) 

932. Athen. ix, p. 409 Ὁ 


The word is given as an epithet of Hermes παρὰ Σοφοκλεῖ. βοοικλεψ A, 

βοόκλεψ C Eustath., βοίκλεψ Musurus, βοῦκλεψ Dindorf. 

i. 1-3. For the supplement of 1. 1 cf. ll. 10 and 143; βροτοῖς involves an accompanying 
θεοῖς, which will naturally precede. ‘This line is probably the first of the play. Line 14 of 
Col. iv, which is marked as the rooth verse, is indeed not more than the g4th from this point, 
and possibly a foregoing column, of which the upper part was occupied e.g. by a hypothesis 
or a list of characters, has been lost ; but the numeration of lines in papyri is not always 
exact, and if iv. 20, 22, &c., are counted as whole lines, the figure 200 at viii. 13 is but one 
in excess, with i. 1 as the starting-point. Apollo’s name ought then to occur in |. 3. 

4-5. Something like [δειν]ὸν [yap ἐστ᾽ ἐμῇ δὲ δύσἸλοφον may have stood in 1. 4, but the 
restoration depends upon that of the next verse. Murray suggests [εἰ pevge|ra[e κλέψας γε, 
but the initial supplement is too long. , 

6. νόμευμ]α (W—M) is somewhat long for the space, and perhaps a more recondite peri- 
phrasis was employed, 6. g. νεανίευμ]α, which W—M has also proposed. ‘Three classes of the 
cattle are apparently distinguished, (1) the full-grown cows, (2) their calves, (3) the immature 
heifers ; Murray’s γένη νεογνά is thus less suitable. 

4-16. ‘They have all disappeared, and in vain I track them, wandering in secret far 
from the cattle’s manger, hidden by some artifice. For I would not have thought that any 
one either of the gods or of the mortal creatures of a day would have dared so far as to 
do thisdeed. On learning it distraught with fear I set forth and search, with full proclama- 
tion to gods and men, so that none may beignorant. For I follow frantic in pursuit. AndI 
have visited in haste the peoples of the whole host of Thrace, but no one...’ 

7-8. The restoration of ]. 7 and τῆλε βου]στάθμου in 1. 8 are due to W-M; Murray 
suggests that rapp may refer to a ditch surrounding Apollo’s byre (e.g. τάφρ[ων ὕπερθε vi|v. 
In 1. 8, where there was some difference of reading, neither the circumflex accent nor the 
diaeresis on « is quite certain ; but [λα6} 5 clearly indicated by the marginal Aq[. διασί above 
is possibly διασίκοπῶ as a variant for ἰχνοσκοπῶ. 

13. [oretx]o: or e.g. [(ητ]ῶ, as both W—M and Murray suggest. ν of ματευων was 
deleted by means of dots placed above and beneath it. 

14. Either τάδε or τόδε may be right; a similar choice between singular and plural is 
given at ili. 25 and ν. 9. 

15. [ἀκολο]υθίᾳ W-M, supposing this to be the passage referred to in Bekker, Amecd. 
367. 32 ἀκολουθία" ἡ ἀκολούθησις. Σοφοκλῆς (Nauck, Fr. 899). Murray suggests [δυσπε]υθίᾳ. 

16-17. [Θρᾳκ]ῶν and ἀλλ᾽ οὔἾτις W-M. Another method of treating the passage is to 
take Jov as the genitive of a more general term or as a participle, e.g. [σπεύδ]ων, and to put 


Θρμ]κιοῖ in 1. 19. Something like [ζητῶν] ris [αὐτὰς εἷλε (Murray) or [εἴ πώς] τις [. . . would then 
follow in 1. 17. ἤἸτου in the margin may well be orpalrod again, with something other than 
Tov παντός preceding as a variant. 

18—23. That these two small fragments belong to Col. i is clearly indicated both by 
their appearance and contents, but their relation to each other and to the rest of the 
column is not definitely fixed. The worm-eaten edges of both show the same pattern, 
according to which τ]ὰ Θεσσαλῶν should be in the same line as ἔπειτα [δέ, Βαϊ the worming 
is not an infallible guide, since the papyrus may not have been folded quite straight ; and if 
ἔπειἾτα δ᾽ is right in 1. 23, it is desirable to lengthen the interval between this and the foregoing 
é|mera ἰδέ. This being granted, a further comparison of the worm-marks in Col. iii suggests 
that there is no loss between ll. 17 and 18; the adscript of which a few letters remain in the 
left margin of Col. ii will then be opposite 1. 22, and the loss below 1. 23 will extend to four 
verses, in which no doubt Attica was mentioned. At ii. 1 the Peloponnese is reached 
(Δωρικο[). In ll. 21-2 supplements suggested by W-M are printed exempli gratia. 

11. 3-5. ἥκω and δύσβατον W-M, who points out that the words KO... Κυλ]λήνης 
«νον Χῶρον give a complete sense, which only requires some ornamental amplification (ll. 4—5, 
6. g. du[eBarov or δύϊσκρημνον πέτραις δυσήνεμόν) re). In 1. 5 he would emend és to εἰ (e. g. 
εἰ δ᾽ ὑ[ληβάτης ἐνταῦθα ποι]μὴν «rd.), but this is hardly justifiable in a passage so mutilated, 
especially when ἐς suits the context, and the corruption of εἰ would be inexplicable. To 
substitute θ᾽ for δ᾽ would be less objectionable ; the 16] in the margin (which suggests Θ[έ(ωνος) 
again) shows that there was some variant here. 

6-17. ‘ Therefore if any shepherd or husbandman or charcoal-burner is by, or one of 
the nymph-born race of hill-roving satyrs, I announce to them one and all, whosoever 
captures the thief of Apollo's kine, his forthwith is the reward lying ready. 

Stlenus. O Phoebus, I heard thy voice raised in loud proclamation, and apprised of the 
matter with the haste that an old man can command, wishing to become thy favoured 
benefactor, Phoebus Apollo, I set out on this quest, if haply I may hunt down this thing 

for thee.’ 

6-10. The supplements are largely due to W—M, whose restoration of [μαριλοκαυ]γῶν 
in 1. 7 from Soph. Fr. 964 is especially attractive (μαριλοκαυτῶν' ἀνθρακευτῶν Hesych., καὶ 
(μαριλοκαύτας) τοὺς ἀνθρακευτάς. Σοφοκλῆς Phot. Lex. 247. 17). ἀγρωστήρ is an unattested form, 
and the o is perhaps better omitted, though there is some evidence for ἀγρώστης = dyparns ; 
ἀγρωτήρ occurs in Steph. Byz. s.v. ἀγρός. In 1. το, if [ra δ]ῶρα is supplied, the verse may be 
continued without alteration τοῦ Παιῶνος ὅστις ἄξρνυται, but the lacuna is more satisfactorily 
filled by [τὸν φ]ῶρα, and the alteration of the following του to τῶν is no violent remedy. 

12. ὦ Φοῖβε is a rather longer supplement than is expected; perhaps an epithet of 
φωνήμαθ' stood here. 

τό. The alteration of τῷδ᾽ to τῇδ᾽, which is proposed by W-M, is unnecessary in view 
of iii. 21. 

17. That the aorist of κυνηγεῖν should be formed with a short vowel is remarkable; 
cf. ili. 22 ἐκκυνηγέσαι. 

18-21. This is a puzzling passage. If |. 18 is rightly reconstructed, Silenus means 
that he wishes his success to be proclaimed, like that of a victor in the games. This, 
however, is not convincing, nor can I regard Murray’s τά] τ᾽ ἄγγε᾽, [ot]s μοι... μάλι]στ᾽, ἐπ’ 
[αὐλείαισ[ι π]ρόσθε cold *pepo|y as more satisfactory. It is not certain at the end of |. 18 that 
ge was not followed by some other letter; and the first of the two gammas is not quite clear 
and may possibly be p or o, but τ[ὸ] yap yé[pa]s will hardly improve matters. In 1. 19 επί 
may be εγΐ ; the difficulty of obtaining a conjunction makes π]ρόσθε o .[ preferable to πρόσθες... 


In 1. 20 ὄσσοισι not ὅσοισι is probably to be read ; the loss of a σ is intelligible but not its 
erroneous insertion ; some adjectival expression, meaning ‘ sharp-sighted’, seems indicated, 
but the remains of the end of the verse are not readily adaptable. υ before « can hardly be 
avoided, and above the line, between this and the supposed a, there is a slight vestige of ink 
which might represent a circumflex accent. The letter after 8 may as well beX asa. In 
1. 21 the elision mark is uncertain, but it appears to stand rather too high in the line for the 
top of a p, and an optative here is not unsuitable: ‘I would get my sharp-eyed sons to help, 
if you will perform your promises.’ 

22. The vestige in front of |.]o is hardly sufficient to give a clue to the verb; something 
like χρυσόν or μισθὸν παρέξω is wanted, but παρέξω is improbable. μοῦνος in iambics is 
a Sophoclean use. 

23. The letters ral are on a small fragment which no doubt belongs to one of the first 
three columns, and must on account of the paragraphi come from the bottom of Col. ii; its 
location in this line is, however, quite conjectural. If it is rightly placed, Fr. 1 will follow 
below, though whether in 24-5 or 25-6 cannot be determined. 

26. The papyrus is broken close beneath this line, but it was most probably the last of 

the column, since it ranges with iii. 27, and the dialogue works out right on the supposition 
of the loss of a line at the top of Col. iii. 

iii. 3. Murray suggests πο[ιήσειν μ᾽ ἐλεύθερον, but ποί is perhaps more likely to be ποῖος 
in some form. Silenus could not easily anticipate what the additional boon was to be. 

4. Restored by W—M ; cf. vi. 26-vii. 1. From whom Silenus and the Satyrs were to 
be ‘freed’ is obscure. 

5 sqq. The metre of this short choral ode was partially, and perhaps to a large extent, 
dochmiac; 1. 19 is a dochmiac dimeter, and dochmii occur also in 1]. 15-16, while the 
remains of many of the preceding verses are compatible with the same measure. This 
dochmiac element, which is rarely employed in songs of the entire chorus—Soph. £7. 1384-- 
97 is another example—may be regarded as expressing the eagerness and excitement of the 
Satyrs. ΑΞ 

‘5. It is not clear whether a dot after aye is the vestige of a letter or a low stop. The 
cross-bar of the e has been lengthened by the second hand. 

6. βάϊσιν, as W-M remarks, is indicated by the marginal note. 

8. Cf. Aristoph. Av. 274 οὗτος ὦ σέ τοι. 

12. Cf, note on x. I. 

13. That νύχια or a kindred word stood in the text may be inferred from the adscript. 
ἣν we ποσσί is a remarkable form, which is, however, credited to Cratinus (Fr. 100,. 

15. Murray suggests that eras is for εἴφ᾽, ὡς (cf. ii. 12), but alterations are undesirable 
with so doubtful a context. The purpose of the paragraphus below this line is obscure. 

16-19. The slight remains of the letter before μετί suggest the base of ε or o, and are 
preceded by a diagonal stroke consistent with a, κ, A, ν, or x; Al, though imperfect, is almost 
certain. Alioly ἐμέ rie] or A. .1ας per[a] would suit. It is, however, difficult to obtain 
a suitable connexion with what follows, which I leave as it stands in the papyrus, though 1. 17 
is Open to some suspicion. συναμα θὲς was apparently originally written, the final o being 
corrected to o by the second hand, which completed the verse. If συνάμα is right, this is the 
earliest instance of the word. Taken by themselves 1]. 17-19 may be construed: ‘ Therewith 
let the friendly god end our toils, who has displayed clear samples of his gold,’ i.e. their 
life would be eased by the attainment of the reward. It appears from this that the gold was 

actually exhibited on the stage. dvérw can come from either ἀνιέναι or ἄνειν ; the latter, giving 
another dochmius, is perhaps preferable. 


20-6. Si/. ‘O ye gods, Fortune and the deity who guidest steps straight, grant me 
success in the quest whereon I am now to speed forth to track down the plunder, booty, 
spoil of Phoebus from whom the stolen kine have been ravished. If any man has seen or 
heard tidings of them, he would both earn my gratitude by telling it, and join in benefitting 
king Phoebus.’ 

20. ᾿Αρζιστοφά)ν(ης) : there is some variation in the abbreviations taken to represent this 
name. Here the letters, if rightly read, are ap with ν above. In vi. 8 and ix. 6 the v is on 
a level with ap, and has an. drawn through its middle ; this might well stand for ᾿Αρ(ιστό)νι(κος), 
if he were known as a Sophoclean commentator. At vi. 5 ap only is written, the p passing 
through the a, by which e.g. ’Apiorapyos could be meant, as we supposed in the Pindar 
papyrus (cf. 841. ii. 61 note). But the annotator may have allowed himself a certain 
amount of inconsistency, just as he writes θεω and θεὲ for Θέωνος ; and I have therefore 
avoided a multiplication of the names. 

25. ἐμοιγ, not evo τ, was apparently written, but the latter is probably to be read with 
W-M, as well as φράσας for dpacas. 

26. I substitute συντελής for mpooreAns, which does not occur elsewhere and may be due 
to a reminiscence of |. 15 aided by the recurrence of προσφιλής immediately above. For the 
dative cf. Eurip. H. 2. 1252 εὐεργέτης βροτοῖσι. 

27. ‘Moreover the informer shall be substantially rewarded’ seems to have been the 
sense of this verse and the next ; the very slight traces before aya are sufficiently consistent 
with λόϊγο]υ Θ᾽ which both W—M and Murray suggest. 

iv. 2-6. The Chorus apparently make an appeal for informers to come forward, and this 
is taken up by Silenus : ‘ Does any one profess knowledge or are all ignorant? Then we 
must act for ourselves’; 6. g. φησίν τις ἢ [οὐδείς φησιν εἰδέναι τάδε ;| ἔοικεν ἤδη καὶ πρὸς ἔργ᾽ ὁρμᾶν 
με δεῖν. Cf. Eurip. 1 7. 1072. 

7. ela: οἵ, vii. 10,1175. 91. 4. The aspiration is stated to be Attic by the Venetus 
Scholiast on Homer I 262; cf. Herodian, ed. Lentz i. p. 495. 

9. The acute accent on εαν is doubled, probably because the first accent fell too close 
to the ε. 

10. W—M’s δίπους for dumovs is plausible, but as usual I hesitate to accept emendations 
in a very defective passage. 

13. In the present state of the text the merits of the variant χρῆσθαι can hardly be 
estimated. The paragraphus below this line seems to be due to the second hand. 

14-v. 12. Half-Chor. ‘A god, a god, a god, a god. Let be, let be! We seem to have 
them; hold; donot... 

Haif-Chor. These are the tracks of the kine. 

Half-Chor. Hush! A god is leading our colony. 

Half-Chor, What are we to do, friend? Were we performing our task aright? What? 
How say those on this side? 

Half-Chor. They say yes, for these marks of themselves give clear proof. 

Haif-Chor. See, see, here again is the very print of the hoofs! 

Half-Chor. Look well! This is the exact measurement. 

Half-Chor. Come quickly and . . . if any one’s ear catches the noise of the kine. 

A notse. 

Haif-Chor. 1 do not yet hear their voice clearly, yet here are the very footmarks and 
the track- of those kine plain to view. 

Half-Chor. Let be! By Zeus, the footprints are reversed! They look in the opposite 
direction again; see here! What is this? What is the manner of their arrangement? 


The front has been changed to the rear, or again they are entangled in opposite directions. 
A strange confusion possessed the driver.’ 

14 sqq. As the paragraphi indicate, the Chorus is here divided into two or more 
sections, but the distribution of the lines in the papyrus seems to be sometimes at fault. In 
one place (I. 18) a paragraphus has been cancelled, but probably wrongly, by the second 
hand. I have adopted the arrangement suggested by W—M, with the slight difference that 
he would recognize a third section of the Chorus at 1. 26. Α still further multiplication of 
parts is quite possible, but smaller divisions than ἡμιχόρια are not absolutely necessary. 

14. [ἔα W-M. 

15. The vestiges of the letter before p, which seems to have been partially rewritten, 
rather suggest φ, but a r is not impossible. The imperative of a verb in -rew or -ye is 
apparently required ; it would not be satisfactory to suppose that ere. was written for ἔτι. 

17. The first three letters of the line were supplied by the corrector, and the sign in 
the margin no doubt has some reference to the original defect (cf. 1175, Fr. 3. 7) ; the dash 
following the y was presumably inserted to fill up a blank space. ἀποι[κία]ν, which appears 
unavoidable, may be explained as a comic touch. 

18. Here again the initial letters proceed from the second hand, but in this case 
something was previously washed out. The authority apparently quoted in the margin for 
the v. |. ἔτι was not ’Apiorapxos. [ἐξ᾽ήνομεν, which was suggested by W—M, seems probable, 
though compounds of ἦνον have not previously occurred ; the compound can be avoided, as 
Murray remarks, by writing [ἀρ᾽] ἤνομεν. 

19. With punctuation after ri, as suggested by Murray, a sufficiently good sense can be 
extracted from this line. roto[.] is hardly to be avoided; ro is followed by part of a vertical 
stroke like that of ε or v, and o has apparently been written by the second hand through the 
base of the next letter. 

23. αὐτό seems preferable to αὖ τό; cf. 1. 256. In the marginal note ἐπίσιμον, if that 
be meant, may be taken to signify ‘devious course’; cf. ἐπισιμοῦν, ἀποσιμοῦν : ἐπίτιμον 
would give no sense. The abbreviated name consists of a N with a long I through the 
cross-stroke, and so may begin with either Ne or Iv. Of these the former is the more 
likely combination, e.g. Nicander or Nicanor, though neither of these grammarians is 
known to have commented upon Sophocles. 

25. [é|kue[tpov|u[elvov: or perhaps [ἐ]κμείμαγ]μ[ νον, as Pearson suggests. 

26. What was originally written in place of δρομωι, which looks right, is doubtful ; there 
does not seem to have been a dittography of xwpe. The absence of a reference after οὕ(τως) 
jv may imply that dpoue was in the archetype. After the lacuna Ἰων is possible; some 
traces of ink above and beyond exov are perhaps accidental. 

24. This should be the last line of the column, but since the margin is broken off there 
is no certainty. 

v. 1. The correction in the text is repeated as an adscript perhaps for the sake of 
greater clearness. ροιβδοι was originally written, and the e may be due to the second hand. 

2. ῥοῖβδος is a stage-direction ; the context indicates that notes on the lyre are meant. 

3. mw is very doubtful: the may also be y or τ; τοι, e.g. is not impossible. [τορῶ]ς 
is due to W-M. φδ[έγ]ματος was doubtless written with two gammas, as in viii. 26 Schol., 
x. 18, &c.; cf. the note on viii. 25-7. 

4. The letters av of avra were converted apparently from οἱ or ἡ. I take ty[m . . . στίβος 
as the subject of πάρα and μαθεῖν as epexegetic; W-M would place a stop after στίβος 
and make τάδε the direct object of μαθεῖν. 

ἡ sqq. Cf. H. Herm. 74-8 ἀντία ποιήσας ὁπλάς, τὰς πρόσθεν ὄπισθεν, τὰς δ᾽ ὄπιθεν πρόσθεν, 
κατὰ δ᾽ ἔμπαλιν αὐτὸς ἔβαινε. 


8. ad: so the papyrus, apparently implying punctuation after βήματα. If the accent 
were ignored and αὐτὰ δ᾽ adopted, a stop should be placed after δέδορκεν instead of at the 
end of 1. 7. 

An indistinct mark above the first ε of ewe might be taken for a grave accent, 
which would, however, be incorrectly placed. 

9. τουτί: the deictic form, so frequent in comedy, has hitherto been regarded as alien 
from the tragic writers; cf. introd. p. 34. 

11. For συμπ[επλεγ)]μένα cf. Xenophon, Cyn. 5. 6. 

13-15. The construction is somewhat doubtful. Possibly πρόσπαιον is an adverb and 
κεκλιμ[ένος] κυνηγετεῖν epexegetic to τέχνην [ἐξ]εῦρες ; there would then be only a comma after 
αὖ, the mark of interrogation being transferred to γῇ. 

13-vi. 6. Sz/. ‘What then is this art that you have found, what, I say? It is strange to 
hunt thus prone on the ground. What is your method? Ido not understand. You lie 
fallen like a hedgehog in a copse, or stooping like an ape you vent your spleen. What 
is this? Where in the world, in what sort of place, did you learn it? Tell me, for Iam 
ignorant of these ways. 

Chor. Hu! Hu! Hu! Hu! 

Stl. Why do you make this cry? Whom do you fear? Whom do you see? What terror 
do you behold? Why do you keep raving? There was a harsh sound hard by: do you 
desire to learn what it was? Why are ye silent, ye who were erst so loud? 

Chor. Nay, be silent ! 

Sz/. What is it there that you keep turning from? 

Chor. Listen now! 

Si7. How can I listen when I hear no man’s voice? 

Chor. Be persuaded by me. 

S77. You will never help my pursuit. 

Chor. Listen again awhile to this thing, a noise such as no mortal ever heard, whereby 
we are here dumb-struck and confounded.’ 

17. ἀποθυμαίνεις, which stands in the papyrus, might perhaps, as W-M suggests, here 
have the sense of ἀποθυμιᾷς, flatum emittis ; cf. ὁρμαίνειν and ὁρμᾶν. But there is no other 
trace of such a use, and the anapaest is very objectionable. κύβδα appears to be sound, 
though the δ was originally omitted; there is no authority for κύβα. It is easy to restore 
metrical regularity by the omission of the preposition ; but the sense is unsatisfactory, since 
the meaning of ἀποθυμιᾷς is hardly to be attributed to the simple verb, and the reading of 
the papyrus remains unexplained. I have been tempted to suppose that the original text had 
ἀπιθμαίνεις, which might easily produce ἀποθυμαίνεις : cf. Hesych. ἰθμαίνων' ἀσθμαίνων and 
ἰσμαίνει" ἀναψύχει, ἀποψύχει, O¢e. But the evidence for this verb is too doubtful to justify its 
insertion. I therefore print θυμαίνεις, but only faute de mieux. Pearson, to whom κύβδα 
suggests some erotic term, proposes ποθομανής. 

18. W-M is no doubt right in substituting τόπῳ for τρόπῳ, which may easily have been 
brought in from the next line. 

20. Cf. vii. 12 and Aristoph. Plut. 895 where ὃ 6, repeated six times, is used to 
imitate the sound made by a person smelling a feast. 

21-5. The restorations are made exempli gratia. Those in ll. 21 and 25 were proposed 
by Murray (who compares with 1]. 21 Soph. ZV. 1475 τίνα φοβεῖ ; ri’ ἀγνοεῖς ;), those in ll. 23-4 
by W-M. That xépxvos is here to be interpreted as a harsh, grating sound is indicated by } 
the context; cf. Galen, Gloss. Hippocr. (Kiihn xix, p. 111), who says that the word may | 
signify either ἡ τραχύτης τῆς φάρυγγος or ὁ ἐν τῷ πνεύμονι ψόφος. _W-M would emend | 
ipetpe|s], to ἱμείρω, but a fair sense is obtainable without alteration, as above, or by writing 


ἀ[γχοῦ τίς ἤχει κέρχνος ἱμείρεις μαθεῖν; τίί δῆτα κτλ. The first ε of ειμειρεις was probably deleted 
by the second hand; it has a dot over it besides being crossed through. The marginal οἱ 
for ὦ is no improvement in 1. 24. 

26. dmovoo|pifjas was suggested by W—M; cf. Soph. Ο. 7. 480. The restoration of 
the first half of the line is facilitated by the crasis adopted in the text; the supplement 
adopted is of course only one of several possibilities. 

vi. 3. Murray here proposed ἐμ[ὴν] dia[év, but yv can certainly not be got into the 
lacuna, which is indeed strained to the utmost by the modification printed ; οι, ov or a single 
letter would be more satisfactory. The accented letter after ὃ is probably either « or a, and 
the vestige succeeding is not inconsistent with ὦ; y or 7 would also be suitable. ἔμ᾽ [ὦ δ᾽ 
ἄπἰιστοί γ᾽ would be consistent with the palaeographical conditions, but is not otherwise 
convincing. δίχα cannot be read. A small vestige before ds suits e.g. » or A, hardly π. 

4. For χρήματος cf. xiv. 23. 

5. ἐξωργίσμεθα, if that was the verb of the text, is less appropriate than the marginal 
ἐξενίσμεθα, although this use of ξενίζειν seems otherwise to be post-classical. "The compound 
ἐκπλαγέντες, aS read by Aristophanes, is also preferable to the simple verb. 

q—-vii. 11. S77. ‘Why, pray, are you afraid and fearful of a noise, unclean bodies 
fashioned of wax, vilest of beasts, who see a terror in each shade and are alarmed at 
everything, who render slack, heedless, illiberal service, mere bodies, all talk and lust, 
professing faithfulness, but if ever it is called for, flying from performance. Yet your father, 
ye vilest of beasts, is one by whose youthful prowess many trophies have been set up at the 
homes of his brides, who was not wont to turn in flight nor be subdued nor to cower at the 
noises of hill-fed herds, but did deeds of strength. And their lustre is now disfigured by 
you at some new cheating noise of shepherds, which you fear like children before seeing its 
source, abandoning the hope of golden wealth which Phoebus told of and secured, and the 
freedom which he promised both to you and me; this you neglect, and sleep. If you do 
not pursue and track down the kine and their driver to their hiding-place, you shall make 
a noise in lamentation for your very cowardice. 

Chor. Father, be present with me and yourself be my guide, that you may know well 
if there be any cowardice; for you yourself shall learn, if you are present, that your words 
are nought. ͵ 

S77. I will myself be present and urge you on by my voice, sounding the whistle that 
speeds on the hounds. Come, take your stand at the cross-ways, and I will stay on the 
scene of action and direct you.’ 

7. The punctuation apparently indicated by the papyrus is quite defensible (cf. e. g. 
Aristoph. Acharn. 345 μή μοι πρόφασιν) but less natural than that adopted. It can hardly 
be doubted that a stop was intended, though the dot is not quite in the proper position, 
being too far from the v and close to the vertical stroke of φ. 

8. Aristophanes’ reading is again preferable to that of the text. 

9. v was written by the second hand over an original ». The masculine ὄντ[ες is some- 
what awkward with κάκιστα, but ὄντα κἀν, which Pearson would prefer, is not adapted to the 
lacuna, which barely accommodates three narrow letters. 

16 sqq. Cf. Eurip. Cycl. 2-9. 

τ. οἴκοις νυμφικοῖς : i. 6. the caves of the nymphs; cf. Homer, H. Aphrod. 262 (Pearson). 

18, δουλ[ο]υμένου is probably sound; δειλοῦν is rare and, so far as known, post- 

20. ἀϊκ]μαῖσιν : or perhaps α[ἰχ]μαῖσιν, and this is preferred by Pearson. For ἐξειργασμένου 
in the active sense, which gives a better antithesis than ἐξειργασμένα, cf. e.g. Soph. Ant. 262, 384. 


21. ὑμῶν is clearly right. Neither ὑπορρυπαίνειν nor ἀπορρυπαίνειν occurs elsewhere. 

22. kddax{e] is an unexpected epithet, the meaning of which perhaps here approximates 
to that of γύης ; cf. Moeris, p. 113 γόης ᾿Αττικοί, κόλαξ Ἕλληνες. 

23. [ὅν] W-M. 

24. χίρ]υσόφαντος is apparently found only here. 

Vii. 2. ἀνανοστήσαντες is another novel form, which here seems to mean ‘ pursue’ ; 
cf. Soph. Phil. 43 ἐπὶ φορβῆς νόστον. It could hardly signify ‘ returning from the error of 
your ways ’. 

5. συμποδηγεῖν is used by Plato, Pol. 269 c, 270 a, but συμποδηγετεῖν is not elsewhere 
attested. , 

7. The variant on λέγων, which is doubtless right, appears unintelligent. 

το. W-M suggests the easy emendation τρίζυγ᾽ εἰς, but cf. Soph. Trach. 339 τοῦ pe (?) 
τήνδ᾽ ἐφίστασαι βάσιν ;, which confirms the testimony of the papyrus, while this in turn may be 
cited in support of the view that ἐφίστασαι in Trach. 339 is intransitive. For the rough 
breathing on οἵμου W—M refers to Arcadius 199 (Herodian i. 546, Lentz) τὸ οἷμος, οἱμῶ δασύνεται. 

12 sqq. The rhythm of this song, which is unfortunately defective nearly throughout, is 
largely anapaestic, the anapaests being often resolved into proceleusmatics ; cf. Aristoph. 
Av. 327 sqq. and the Hyporcheme of Pratinas (Fr. 1, Bergk). Cretics are also used, while 
], 15 is apparently Glyconic. 

12. here is apparently used like irra or irra, ‘ Pst!’ 

13. ὑπέκλαγες is a novel compound, but ὑποκρίζειν is used by Aelian, WV. A. 6. το ; 
for the form cf. the variant xpiye for κρίκε in Hom. Π 470, and the commentators 

15. The second ὦ οἵ πρωτω has been rewritten. . 

16. ἔχει is the second person of the passive: ‘I have you’; οἵ, 1]. 17. η of eAndudev 
has been altered by the second hand from ε in both instances. 

18. The marginal reading is the more attractive; δευτέρωι was probably due to the 
influence of πρώτῳ τίς ὅδε in |. 15. 

19. δράκις is an unknown form, which, -however, in consideration of the adjacent ypams 
it is rather hazardous to emend to δρακείς (Pind. Vem. vii. 3, Fr. 123. 2); W-M compares 
Adpxs. An acute accent may have disappeared above the a. γράπις is described by 
Hesychius as εἶδος ὀρνέου. 

22. The narrowness of the lacuna indicates that the letter lost before the final » was 
probably o, but the word was apparently not νομὸν ; νο]μι[οἦν is not impossible. 

26. Spl: or δέ. 

Viii. 2. de is cancelled by a stroke above the line; cf. x. 6 and 848. 142-3, ἄς. 

8. The confusion between ἡ and εἰ is common; the former here seems likely to 
be correct. 

9. Not ods: the letter after ἃ was probably o or w. 

11. εἴσιθ᾽ : W—M would prefer ἔπιθ᾽. 

13-24. Chor. ‘Father, why are you silent? Did we speak the truth? Do you not 
hear the sound, or are you deaf ? 

Sz]. Be silent ; what is it? 

Chor. 1 shall not stay. 

Sz. Stay, if you can. 

Chor. I cannot; but do you search and track them down as you please, and enrich 
yourself by getting the kine and the gold... 


S77. But I will by no means allow you to leave me or to withdraw from this task, before 
we know clearly what is within this dwelling here.’ 

13-14. εἴπομεν and ψόφον were restored by W—M. If εἴπομεν is right, μῶν, for which 
οὐκ would rather be expected, may have an ironical sense, ‘ You don’t mean that we spoke 
the truth?’ But μῶν sometimes practically loses its negative force; cf. Stallbaum’s note on 
Plato, Zys. 208 c. With the form of 1. 14 cf. e.g. Eurip. Rhes. 565-6 Διόμηδες, οὐκ ἤκουσας, 
ἢ κενὸς ψόφος στάζει δ Srav, τευχέων τινὰ κτύπον ; 

15. Since Il. 13-14 and apparently 18--21 must be assigned to the Chorus, the verse 
contained in ll. 15-17 should be distributed into three parts instead of four as in the 
papyrus. τί ἔστιν is therefore to be combined either with ci[ya] or οὐ μενῶ, and the former 
alternative is the more natural. W-M prefers σιγῶ]. 

A quite different and in some respects not unattractive view of this passage is taken 
by Pearson. He would keep the arrangement given by the papyrus in ll. 15-19, assigning 
16 τί ἔστιν, 18 per’, εἰ θέλεις and 23 sqq. to the Chorus, 17 od μενῶ and 19-22 to Silenus; 
the latter then becomes the person anxious to leave the scene, and would do so at ]. 22, 
where the restoration ὡς ἐμοὶ δοκἾε[1] μὴ πλεῖστ ον] ἔτι plé)[ovra διατρίβειν] χρόνον is suggested 
exemplt gratia. So sudden a volte face on the part of both Silenus and Satyrs might be 
comic, but it is hardly natural; moreover this theory also involves a departure from the 
original, where changes of speaker appear to be indicated by the paragraphi below 1]. 24 (25) 
and ix. 1. Those paragraphi are not easily interpreted as marking the distinction between 
iambics and lyrics ; cf. 1. 12, where there is no paragraphus. 

' 17-18. It is clear from the marginal note that 1. 18 ended ὅπῃ δύνᾳ. For this the 
annotator wished to substitute ὅπῃ θέλεις, and there would be something to be said for his 
preference were it not for the awkwardness—which he apparently did not feel—of the 
repetition of θέλεις. W-—M points out that this may be removed to the advantage of the 
sense by simply transposing the two verbs. δύνᾳ in |. 17 is well suited to the reply of 
the Chorus οὐκ ἔστιν. If θέλεις and δύνᾳ are retained as they stood in the papyrus, pér’, εἰ 
θέλεις is perhaps best regarded as an unfinished sentence: ‘ Stay, if you wish (to share in the 
reward)’ ; ‘Stay, if you please’ would be too polite,—unless, indeed, the tone was ironical. 

19. λαβών W-M. 

20 sqq. Since the ends of these lines are on a different fragment, their length cannot be 
determined very accurately. Some standard of measurement is, however, provided by 1. 18, 
where the supplement is certain, though it is of course not certain at what distance the 
marginal note was begun from the conclusion of the line. Assuming an interval of average 
extent, I estimate that there would be about thirteen letters in 1. 20 between χρυσὸν and |e, 
and the loss in the lines below has been calculated on that basis. 

21. πλειστί is hardly to be avoided; mAcov can certainly not be read. The letter after 
the lacuna is probably ε or 7; that after τι may be μ or ». 

22-4. The restorations of course only aim at giving the apparent sense. ἐξυπέρχεσθαι 
is unknown, but would be a not unnatural poetical variation of ὑπεξέρχεσθαι. In 1. 24 
Murray proposed διτιν᾽; 7[8 ἔσω κρύπτει στέγη, which I have adapted to the requirements of 
the papyrus, the η of ἥδε being inadmissible. The letter in question, if not e, should be p 
or possibly 8. . 

25-4. The Chorus make an ineffective summons to the occupant of the cave. μισἾθόϊν 
was restored by W-M, who in the marginal note above proposes ἃ φυσζᾷ]ς; but the 
narrow space and the flourished form of the « are both against a and in favour of -εις. 
Possibly ἀφύξεις stood in the text. I write φθέγμα according to the ordinary orthography, 
although as W-M remarks, the doubled y which is found here and at x. 18, xi. 15, xii. 3, 
xiii. 4 was preferred by Herodian ; cf. Crénert, Mem. Gr. Hercul. p. 69. 


ix. 2-18. Sil. ‘He will not appear tothem ; but I by making a noise upon the ground 
with many leaps and kicks will quickly compel him to hear though he be very deaf. 

Cyllene. Beasts, why came ye rushing with many shouts to this green wooded hill, 
abode of animals? What is this device, what this change from the tasks wherewith you erst 
pleased your Jord, who clad in fawn-skin and bearing the light thyrsus was ever wont to 
raise before you the cry evoe in the god’s train along with the nymphs his offspring and the 
throng of his sons? But now I understand not the matter, whither the gusts of new frenzy 
whirl you. For it is a riddle! I heard a cry befitting hunters who have come near to the 
brood of an animal in their lair, and at the same time... .’ 

2. τοῖσιν after par[eirja could hardly be taken as instrumental. For the demonstrative 
use cf. e.g. Soph. O. C. 742 ἐκ δὲ τῶν μάλιστ᾽ ἐγώ. 

3. πέδορτος, like κυνορτικός in Vii. 9, is a ἅπαξ εἰρημένον. 

5. 9: the third person is evidently required, and the correction is easy; cf. Soph. 
Ant. 710 kel τις ἦ σοφός, and vi. 13 above. 

For the redundant ὥστε cf. e.g. Soph. O. C. 1350 δικαιῶν ὥστ᾽ ἐμοῦ κλύειν λόγους. 

6. The marginal variant would have the effect of balancing the epithets, χῶρον ὑλώδη ΞΞ 
πάγον ἔνθηρον, but does not seem very probable; possibly even yopov is a mistake for 

9. εἰπες is strange, and W—M’s correction εἶχες is an evident simplification. 

ro-11. Cf, Eurip. Fr. 752 θύρσοισι καὶ νεβρῶν δοραῖς καθαπτός, Bacch. τ 6 θύρσους ἀνάπτειν 
καὶ νεβρῶν δορὰς ἔχειν, Strabo c. 719 καθημμένοι νεβρίδας. vpew, not ὑμῶν, was apparently the 
reading of the papyrus; it may be explained as a dativus commodi. νέβρινος is novel. 
εὐπαλής and εὐπαλέως are used by Ap. Rhod. ii. 618, iv. 193. 

12. For the middle form εὐιάζετ᾽ cf. Eurip. Bacch. 67 Βάκχιον edafopéva, The corrector’s 
eviates, which is unintelligible, looks as if he had taken εὐιάζετ᾽ for a second person plural 
active. It was presumably to this word that the marginal note ζή(τει) referred. The 
alteration of the termination involved the transference of the accent, and that on a was 
cancelled by means of the dots on either side of it, as in 841. vi. 88, ix. 17, 1082. τ. 
iii. 7 (5). 

‘ 5) The emendation of ποδῶν to παίδων is due to W-M. 

14. νέϊωῆν : the space seems almost too narrow for #, and would better suit νέον, which 
however is less apposite. 

15. Theon’s variant, with which of course there would be no stop after γάρ, is less 

16. The first o of ovov has been converted from ε, and in 1. 18 also ewou was probably 
first written, though there the alteration is less obvious and may be due to the original 

18-23. Though the wording of this passage is elusive, its purport is evident. After 
mentioning the sounds of hunters on the trail (Il. 15-17) the nymph says that she has also 
heard accusations of some theft (Il. 18-19), proclamations (Il. 2ο-- 1), and finally knocks and 
kicks on the door (11. 22-3). In 1]. 18-19 ἂν... éreive[r’, if correct, is iterative. ἀν᾽ adra[y 
might be read, but the « is more suitable, and there seems to be nothing for αὐτήϊν to refer 
to except τρο[φ]ῆς, which is unsatisfactory, while to emend to αὐλήν, as Murray suggests, is 
too precarious. The letter before a (or ας ?) may well be κ, i. 6. καί ; }reat is not possible. ἐτείνε[ τ᾽ 
is more probably third person singular passive than second person plural active, or érewe[v 
could be restored, with the division αὖ rs, ἔτεινέϊν τις being of course excluded on metrical 
grounds ; there is not room for ἐτείνοϊντ᾽ elis. It remains to find some word like βέλη to be 
the subject of éreive[r’ or the object of ἔτεινείν and to go with γλώσσης. τόξ]α καί, however, is 
too long, while ἐ]ὰ καί is hardly long enough, even if Sophocles were likely to have used the 


neuter form, which occurs only once in Homer. A vestige of ink above the lacuna might 
indeed be the remains of a diaeresis on 1, but it suggests rather a circumflex accent or an 
inserted letter. ].eva at the end of the line is doubtless a perfect infinitive, |xéva: or 
Xevat. . 
20, αὖτις: this form is now admitted as Attic beside αὖθις; cf. W—M’s note in 
Sitsungsber. Preuss. Akad. 1907, p. 872. 

22. I adopt Murray’s σύν, which is perhaps not inconsistent with the remains, though 
not at all convincing. λακ[τίσματος depending on [κ]ληδών is an alternative. 

24-7. The sense seems to be ‘ But for some other evidence I should have supposed 
(or, ‘In other circumstances I should suppose”) from such a conflict of sounds that you 
were mad’. Given the probable ¢ in 1. 26, ἔἸφηΐν, as Murray suggests, is attractive ; but 
I cannot reconcile the remains with ἔφην ἄν, and ¢af{é|y[v is another possibility, e. g. αἰν[αῖσι] 
φαίην] ἂν φρενῶν ὑμᾶς νοσεῖν vd[cos,—though ἄν and φρενῶν could hardly both be read. θεῶν 
is inadmissible before ὑμᾶς, but δαιμόνων might serve. In ]. 24 αλλως, if that is right (the s is 
extremely doubtful), may be followed by ἡ or εἰ, and the letter after « can be a. 

27. I should like to read ri νύμφη]ν ἐπτοεῖτ᾽, but though the supposed a of woe may 
well be τ (or y), π᾿ for τι is not possible. A fair sense, however, is obtainable with ἔτι ποεῖτ᾽, 
‘What will you do next to an innocent nymph?’ 

xX. I-xi. 19. Chor. ‘ Deep-girded nymph, stay this wrath, for indeed no strife of hostile 
conflict approaches thee, nor methinks would any unfriendly or vain words from us touch 
thee. Do not thou be forward in reviling me, but graciously disclose this thing, who is it who 
here below the ground uttered in such wondrous wise an awesome sound. 

Οὐ]. This is now a gentler mood than before, and seeking thus will you more easily 
learn than by deeds of strength and attempts upon a hapless nymph. For it pleases me not 
thus to stir up shrill strife of words. Come, reveal and tell to me calmly what is the 
thing that ye chiefly need. 

Chor. Queen of this region, mighty Cyllene, I will tell thee afterwards for what I came. 
But tell us of this voice which resounds and what mortal expresses himself therewith. 

Οὐ. You must know this clearly, that, if you reveal these words of mine, a penalty is 
in store for yourselves. For in the seats of the gods the deed is concealed in order that 
no tidings of the story may reach Hera. For Zeus came to the hidden dwelling of the 
daughter of Atlas... and in a lonely cave he begat a son, whom I nurse in my arms; for 
his mother’s strength is shaken by illness. And I staying by the cradie prepare an infant’s 
nurture, food and drink and rest, night and day. But he grows daily toa more than natural 
stature, so that I am seized by wonder and fear. For though he has been born not yet six 
days his limbs press on to the maturity of boyhood, and this shoot springs upward and tarries 
not. Such is the boy who is stored within; and he is still concealed by the command of 
his father. And the voice of which you ask, ringing out by an unseen instrument, and at 
which you were much amazed, he himself devised in a single day out of an upturned box ; 
such is the vessel brimful of delight which he fashioned out a dead beast and makes resound 

x. 1-8. This short ode is no doubt in strophic correspondence with xi. 20-xii. 1, where 
the number of lines is the same and so far as preserved they are metrically equivalent, xii. 1, 
the one complete verse, coinciding with x.8. The measure is predominantly cretic, with an 
iambic monometer (Il. 1, 2, 4, 6) or dimeter (1. 3) at the beginning of some of the lines; the 
last line ends with a brachycatalectic trochaic tetrapody (ithyphallic) ; cf. xiii. 5-13, xiv. 
20-6. The supplements at the ends of Il. 1-4 were suggested by Murray ; the restoration 
of |. 6 and partially of ]. 7 is due to W—M. 


I. νύμφη: cf. xi. 20 βοῆς, iii, 12 and xii. 1 γῆρυν, xiii. 5 ὀμφή, forms which stand in 
contrast with iii. 12 πατρικάν, x. 3 μάχας, 8 éydpuce . . . αὐδάϊν, xiv. 26 ra[ad.’ I leave these 
inconsistencies unaltered. 

2. ὃ of τοῦδ᾽ was a later insertion, i. 6. the original text combined τόδ᾽ with νεῖκος, which 
is quite intelligible. ; 

6. δε of μηδὲ has been cancelled in the same way as in viii. 2 by a horizontal stroke 
over the letters. 

8. This line, which was originally omitted, has been inserted by the corrector in the 
upper margin. Probably the note ἄνω (‘ see above’) was added at the end of 1. 7. 

9-13. The restorations printed of the ends of these lines are substantially Murray’s. 
In 1. ro he proposed ἐκπύζθοισθε ῥᾷον ἄν, suggesting that θηρῶν was a mistake for θῆρες. 
But this is unnecessary if θηρῶν be regarded as the participle and the singular substituted 
for the plural; while I prefer μᾶλλον to ῥᾷον as softening the construction of the following 
genitives, which are equivalent to # with the dative (as e.g. Eurip. Cycl. 273-4 τῷδε τοῦ 
“Ῥαδαμάνθυος μᾶλλον πέποιθα). ἀλκασμάτ ωὴν in |. 11 and ὀρθοψάλακτον in |. 13 are new words. 
For the former, to which the sign in the left margin is probably intended to draw attention, 
W-M suggests Aaxacydz[o|v, and this would be an easy correction; but since ἀλκάξειν is 
attested both by the Etym. Magnum and Hesychius, it is hardly necessary, and λάκασμα itself 
would be ἅπαξ εἰρημ., though λακάζειν is used by Aeschylus. The recurrence in this play of 
ahdooew or its derivatives is rather curious; cf., besides 1. 5 above, xiii. 5. If ὀρθοψάλακτος 
is rightly restored in the latter passage, ὀρθο- would seem to have the sense of ὀρθιο-. [οὐ]κ 
in 1. 12 is very uncertain, but perhaps preferable to, 6. g., οὐ] π[ρέπει. 

14. μ[η)νυέ [μοι W—M and Murray. 

τό. It is questionable whether the speaker here and in the following dialogue is Silenus 
or the Chorus. W—M would prefer the former, chiefly on account of xiv. 15-17, where see 
the note; but xii. 2-3 and xiii. 14-16 distinctly point the other way. To give those lines to 
Silenus is practically to make him here Coryphaeus, It may also be noticed that in ix. 9-13 
Silenus (if he is meant by δεσπότῃ) is apparently spoken of as if he were not present ; 
and a comic effect would be produced if, after his valiant protestations, when Cyllene 
actually emerged he beat a temporary retreat and left the Satyrs to cope with the situation. 
Pearson would get rid of Silenus rather sooner; cf. the note on viii. 15. 

18. The text is probably sound ; Theon’s v. 1. looks like an attempted improvement. 

19. δι[αἸχαράσσεται here appears to have the metaphorical sense acquired by χαρακτήρ, 
&c., but I have found no other instance of such a use of the verb. 

25-7. The general sense is evident, but its precise expression is beyond recovery. In 
Ἰ. 25 the initial ¢ is quite doubtful and may be τ ; and y of στεἤγην, which was suggested by 
W-M, may also be τ At the end of |. 26 Murray proposes ἁβουλ]εύσατο, and the verse 
might then be completed e. g. [τήνδ᾽ ἦλθε, κἀξέπραξεν. 

xi. 2-3. Restored by W-M. Cf. Homer, H. Herm. 6-9. 

5: ἱκάδεστ᾽ά (W—M) is the natural correlation of ποτῆτα and need not occasion surprise 
in the case of such a prodigy. [κἀσθῆτ]α would be preferable for a more ordinary infant of 
six days. 

6. λικνῖτις is a ἅπαξ εἰρημένον. On the use of the λίκνον as a cradle cf. Miss Harrison’s 
article in J. H. S. xxiii. pp. 294 sqq. 

7- Compounds of εὐθετίζειν seem not to occur; [ἐξευθ]ετίζω is well-adapted to the space 
and, as W—M remarks, has the analogy of ἐξευτρεπίζειν, which is used by Euripides in 27. 75. 

8. ὁ δ᾽, which is the obvious supplement, is admissible on the supposition that the e was 
unelided ; otherwise the space would not be filled. 

9. A stop may have disappeared at the end of the line. 


IO-II. οὔπω and [yviorls were restored by W-M. The latter, however, does not 
produce a very satisfactory line, since παιδός, which has to be constructed with what follows, 
is awkward, and some supplement on which παιδός would depend, like ἰσχύς or δέμας, would 
have decided advantages. But it seems difficult to obtain this without altering ἐκπεφασ- 
μένζο]ς, for I cannot regard Murray’s suggestion [πρίστη]ς for mpiornp ὀδούς as probable; 
neither is Pearson’s [μέτροις (cf. Eur. Jon 354) convincing. By the marginal note a variant 
éxrnv ἡμέραν πεφασμένος is presumably implied; but there is no reason for preferring this to 
what stands in the text. 

12-13. [κἀξορἸμενίζει. . . [Adorn] = Soph. Fr. 294, preserved in Athen. ii. p. 62 f. and 
without the name of the play in Eustath. 71. p. 899. 17, in both places with the reading 
ἐπισχολάζεται, for which Meineke proposed κοὐκ ἔτι σχολ., a conjecture now confirmed by the 
papyrus. Of the variants στέγει and τρέφει the former seems preferable. 

14. [Svcedpe]ros, which Murray suggests, gives a good sense, though the supposed s is 
a little too far apart from the o. It is necessary to write [7’, not [8, in order to account 
for the accent, which is clear. [ἐγκλῃσΊτέος (Pearson) does not suit the remains. 

- 15-19. The restoration of this first account of the lyre is very problematical. W-M’s 
supplement in 1. 18 and δὅ[ονεῖ] αἱ the end of ]. 19 look probable ; and a relatival construction 
in 1. 15, as desired by Murray, seems well suited to the run of the sentence. For the rest 
I only aim at an indication of the sense. At the beginning of 1. 15 the supposed tail of 
the ¢ might be taken for an acute accent on the a below, but this is less likely, and ag{ or 
ay[ is practically certain. In]. 16 xa is followed by an upright stroke suiting y, x, ν, 7, 
or τ. The word beginning with κί in 1. 17 is rather puzzling; neither κ[ίστης, κ[άλπης 
(Murray), nor «[éyyns is convincing,—any more than 4[yyos in 1. 19. 

A word must be added concerning the arrangement of the latter part of this column. 
The beginnings of Il. 15~26 are on a detached fragment, and since the papyrus is broken 
immediately below the ε of ἐϊκθανόνἾτος (?), there is the bare possibility that there was another 
line below this Ἰεῖ, in which case the beginnings of Il. 15-26 would have to be moved a line 
lower down, ἀφΐ corresponding with |s ἡμέρᾳ μιᾷ, and so on. An additional verse in the 
much compressed account of the lyre might be thought no disadvantage, and the close con- 
junction of παῖς and παιδο[ in ll. 20-1 would also be obviated. On the other hand the top 
of the column would not be level with Col. x but would protrude above it, and I am satisfied 
that the arrangement adopted is correct. 

22. The supposed high stop may be the top of an inserted «. 

24. Ἶον is perhaps the end of the line. 

26. ex θανόνἾτος, W—M ; cf. 1. 18. 

xii. 2-16. Cy//. ‘Be not now faithless; faithful are the words of a goddess which 
greet your ear. 

Chor. How can I believe that the voice of what is dead sounds so loudly? 
Cyll. Believe, for the beast received a voice by death, but in life was speechless. 
Chor. What was his shape? Long, or curved, or short? 

Οὐ]. Short like a pipkin, curved, with a dappled skin. 

Chor. Is he to be compared to a cat or to a panther? 

Οὐ]. Something between, for he is round and short-legged. 

Chor. Does he not resemble a lizard or a crab? 

Cyll. No, he is not like that either; find some other guise. 

Chor. Well, is his shape that of a horned beetle of Etna ἢ 

Οὐ, Now you have nearly guessed what the animal most resembles. 
Chor. Tell us what is the part that sounds, the inside or the outside. 

Cyll., akin to a shell. 


Chor. By what name do you call it? Supply it if thou hast ought further to tell. 
Cyll. The boy calls the beast a tortoise, and the part that sounds, a lyre.’ 

2 8464. This use of iambic tetrameters in dialogue is unique in Attic drama. The 
neglect of diaeresis between the two halves of the verse is a noticeable feature. Murray 
observes that the same metre is possibly to be recognized in Soph. Fr. 672. With the 
enigmatical description of the tortoise cf. the grzphus of Pacuvius, ap. Οἷς, De Divin. ii. 133: 
Quadrupes tardigrada, agrestis, humilis, aspera, 

Capite brevi, cervice anguina, aspectu truci, 
= Eviscerata, inanima, cum animali sono. 
See introd. p. 34. 

4. Cf. Nicand. Alex. 561 αὐδήεσσαν ἔθηκεν ἀναύδητόν περ ἐοῦσαν. των is obviously an 
error for ζῶν, which is rightly supplied by the marginal note. How this continued is 
uncertain ; νη[ῦδος, which is suggested by Mr. Allen, is plausible, but the form is unknown; 
νεῖ may also be read. 

6. There is not much to choose between χυτρώδης and the v. |. τροχώδης ; the former 
occurs only here. ῥικνοῦσθαι is cited from the /chneutae by Photius and Suidas (Soph. Fr. 
295), the reference perhaps being to the present passage, although their interpretations of 
the word are inapposite here. / 

7. αἰέλουρος was known to be a Sophoclean form from the Berlin MS. of Photius lately 
edited by Reitzenstein, Anfang Lex. Phot. 

The use of τως for ὡς, which here does not admit of the same easy in ii. 12, 
is very remarkable.. ras = ds is common in Epic poetry and also occurs in the lyrics of 
Aeschylus and in Soph. 47. 841, a passage generally regarded as spurious. Of τως = ὡς, 
ut, the only examples adduced are Aristoph. Ach. 762 (Doric) and Aesch. S. c. Th. 637. 

9. W-M’s substitution of the nom. for the datives after ὡς is plainly necessary. 
προσφερής ὡς does not apparently actually occur, but cf. e.g. the use of ὁμοῖος with ὥσπερ, 
ὥστε, &c. 

τι. Aérvaios: cf. Soph. Fr. 165 ἀλλ᾽ οὐδὲ μὲν δὴ κάνθαρος τῶν Αἰτναίων πάντως, and Aristoph. 
Pax 13 Αἰτναῖον μέγιστον. κάνθαρον with the scholia thereon, whence the Sophoclean fragment 
is derived. 

14. Ἰορινη seems to be a compound of ῥινός formed in the same way as κοσκινόρινος, which 
is cited by Hesychius, although a compound of this kind would not be expected to have 
three terminations. opewn was written by the copyist, but over the ε there is a clear dot 
which was presumably intended to cancel it; ὀρεινή would be a suitable epithet of the 
tortoise itself (cf. e.g. A. Herm. 33 χέλυς ὄρεσι ζώουσα, 42 ὀρεσκῴοιο χελώνης) but hardly of its 
shell in this context, and a reference to the shell is expected from the question inl. 13. At 
the end of the verse_neither the text nor the marginal variant is intelligible ; the former, 
as W-M remarks, looks like a mixture of τῶν ὀστράκων and ὀστρέων, and, with Jopivn, it 
appears probable that τῶν. ὀστράκων was the original reading; cf. H. Herm. 32-3 πόθεν τόδε 
καλὸν ἄθυρμα αἰόλον ὄστρακον ἕσσ(ο); If on the other hand the verse be supposed to refer to the 
whole animal and not only the shell, ὀρείνη and ὀστρέων will make the better antithesis. 

15. πλ[έ]ον : or possibly πα[ρ]όν. 

16. τὸν... χέλυν. Murray. ; 

18. sqq. Cf. the description of the lyre in H. Herm. 47 sqq., Lucian, Deor. Dialog. 4. 4. 
δέρμα probably refers to the cow’s hide; cf. xiii. 21-4 and xiv. 24. For the next word 
k||orp[axov, which W-M suggests, is possible. cue 

Where the stichomythia stops is uncertain; it may extend a few lines beyond 
this point. . 

19... κλαγγάΪνειν is used by Soph. Fr. 874. 4 of birds. 


24. Ἰαμματωῖ might well be ἁμμάτωΪϊν, for which the corrector wished to substitute 
ὀμμάτωϊν. Too little of the a is preserved to show whether there was a deletion. 

xiii. 1-16. Cyll. ‘... And this is an assuagement of pain and refreshment to him 
alone, and he delights in the mad joy and in singing an accompaniment of song; for he is 
exalted by the cunning device of the lyre. Thus did the boy design a voice for a dead 

Chor. A loud voice goes forth over the land, and through its tones culls clear images 
of the scene (?). But the point to which step by step I bring the matter is, know that the 
deity, whoever he is, who invented this, he and none other is the thief, lady, for sure. But 
be not enraged nor wrathful at this. 

Cyil. What delusion possesses you? Whom do you revile for theft? 

Chor. By Zeus, lady, I would not vex thee. 

Chor. Do you call the son of Zeus a robber?’ 

1. ἄκεστρον as a synonym of φάρμακον is attributed by Hesychius to the Palamedes of 
Sophocles (Fr. 439); παραψυκτήριον is not otherwise attested. 

2-3. The nymph does not seem to have taken much pleasure in Hermes’ musical 
efforts. Homer makes the audience more appreciative: 27. Herm. 60 ἀμφιπόλους τε γέραιρε 
kai ἀγλαὰ δώματα νύμφης, though there too (54, 420) the lyre σμερδαλέον κονάβησε. For καὶ 
2. ξύμφωνον cf.ibid. 54-5 θεὸς δ᾽ ὑπὸ καλὸν ἄειδεν ἐξ αὐτοσχεδίης πειρώμενος. At the end 
of the line W-M’s μέλος is better than ἔπος, of which I had thought. 

3. αἰόλισμα : cf. Soph. Fr. 826 μηδ᾽ αἰόλιζε ταῦτα (Schol. Theocr. i. 56), and Bekk. 
Anecd, 361. 2 αἰολίζειν' τὸ ποικίλλειν" οὕτω Σοφοκλῆς. The substantive is found only here. 

4. Cf. H. Herm. 38 ἣν δὲ θάνῃς, τότε κεν μάλα καλὸν ἀείδοις, 

5-. Lines 5-11 evidently correspond to xiv. 20-6, as x. 1-8 did to xi. 20-xil. 1, and 
the metrical scheme is of the same character as before. In 1. 5 owadakros is a vox nihil, and 
a comparison of xiv. 20 indicates that a syllable is missing. W-M suggests ἀπροψάλακτος, 
Murray ὀρθοψάλακτος, of which I adopt the latter partly because there is already evidence 
for that compound (x. 13), partly because it would perhaps lend itself rather more readily 
to the corruption. A further defect is disclosed at the beginning of |. 6, where the papyrus 
gives a spondee instead of a cretic. The mark of length on πρεπτά, which was accordingly 
constructed with ὀμφή, is thus suspect, and becomes further discredited through W-M’s 
apt reference to Hesych. πρεπτά" φαντάσματα, εἰκόνες, which appears to relate to this very 
passage. I have therefore inserted δ᾽ αὖ, which removes the asyndeton and might rather 
easily have dropped out before διά. 

But though metrical regularity may be restored without difficulty, ll. 6-7 remain not 
a little obscure. ἐπανθεμίζειν does not occur, but ἀνθεμίζεσθαι is used by Aeschylus, Suppl. 73 
γοεδνὰ δ᾽ ἀνθεμίζομαι, which the scholiast explains τῶν γόων τὸ ἄνθος ἀποδρέπομαι. “ The song 
plucks local images’ might be interpreted as meaning that the scenery was depicted by the 
song; if Hermes was singing as well as playing, this mode of description is perhaps not 
incredible. It is hardly to the point to cite P. Hibeh 13. 31-2 οὐδὲ aicxvr|suevole ἐξειπ| εἴν] 
τῶν] μελῶν τὰ μὲν δάφνης ἕξειν [ἴδιόν] τι, τὰ δὲ κιττοῦ, for the Satyrs who are hearing music for 
the first time could not be credited with perceptions of this kind. Or possibly ἐπανθεμίζει is 
intransitive and repeats the idea of κατοιχνεῖ, ‘fantasies flit over the scene’ like a bird or bee 
from flower to flower. In any case the active form, and not Theon’s variant ἐπανθεμίζεται, 
is shown by xiv. 23 to be correct. 

Line 6 originally protruded slightly beyond Il. 7 sqq. and the irregularity has been 
removed by the corrector, who washed out and converted the p to π, interlineating another p. 
Why the scribe wrote the line thus is not clear, The simplest explanation perhaps is that 


he inadvertently ranged it with xo(pds) instead of with owaNaxros, and then observing the 
mistake put the rest of the ode in its right position. The objection to this is that the first 
hand is not elsewhere responsible for the dramatzs personae. Owing toa hole in the papyrus 
at this point both the hand and the reading are uncertain. 

8. υ of ovmep has been enclosed, by the second hand no doubt, between two dots, but 
a long syllable is demanded by the metre. It is perhaps unnecessary to emend to oimep; cf. 
Kiihner-Gerth, i. p. 548. 

g-10. The construction is changed, the sentence having begun as if ὄντα τὸν κλοπέα 
was to follow. 

12-13. Line 13 is unsatisfactory both metrically and because μηδέ is expected. One 
easy method of correction is to insert μη between ἐμοί and 8¢,which produces an iambic dimeter + 
a cretic (cf. x. 3) followed by an ithyphallicum. W-M however prefers to emend ἐμοὶ δέ to 
μηδέ, regarding ll. 12-13 not as forming part of the strophe but as a catalectic iambic tetra-. 
meter closing the foregoing tetrametric series. The question is not decided by the 
antistrophe in Col. xiv, since the papyrus is defective after the line corresponding to 1. 11. 
δυσφορηθῇς (not -σῃς) is noticeable; cf. the v. 1. δυσφορούμενος in Xen, Cyr. ii, 2. 5. 

15. Restored by W—M;; the slight remains of the letter before eipa are quite consistent 
with a8. For χειμάζειν cf. Ammon. p. 146 χειμάζειν οὐ μόνον τὸ παραχειμάζειν ἀλλὰ καὶ τὸ ἐνοχ- 
λεῖν, ὡς Μένανδρος Ἡνιόχῳ. W-M points out that εὐδίαν ἔχων in xiv. 4 reverts to the same 

16. Cf. xiv. 7. W-M suggests as an alternative [τὸν ἐκ Aios δὲ φύΪντα, which, however, 
is hardly long enough to fill the space. In the spelling φιλήτην the papyrus repeats a common 
error; cf, 1084. 3, note. 

17. κλοπῇ here perhaps has a concrete sense similar to that given to the plural 
by Eurip. 27εἰ. 1675 ἐπεὶ κλοπὰς σὰς ἐκ δόμων ἐδέξατο (om. ods LG, add. ]., κλοπαίαν σ᾽ 
Herwerden). If so, something like [ὅν γ᾽ ἐντυχὼν λάβοιμ᾽] ἄν might be restored. 

20-4. The first 20 lines of Col. xiv are occupied by a speech of Cyllene, but at what 
point this commenced is uncertain. There is no clear evidence that the stichomythia 
extends beyond ]. 19. κεκλοἸφέναι (?) σάφ᾽ οἶδ᾽ ἐγώ (?) in 1]. 20 may be attributed to either the 
Chorus or Cyllene, according as the sentence is supposed to have been positive or negative. 
Lines 21-4 apparently relate to the cowhide as evidence of the theft, and if the hide had 
been referred to in Col. xii (cf. note on xii. 18), all these lines might perhaps belong 
to the Chorus ; but in any case Cyllene’s long speech is not likely to have begun more than 
a line or two before xiv. 1. 

In 1]. 24 the supposed ¢ is very doubtful; what has been taken to represent the top of 
it may be e.g. part of an acute accent. 

xiv. 1-3. W-M supposes the meaning of these lines to have been ‘I now see that 
I was wrong in supposing that I was being made the object of just a harmless jest’. This 
however is uncertain, for an admission of error is not necessarily implied by the context, and 
the sense may be more simply ‘I see that you are merely amusing yourselves at my expense ; 
that is all very well, but don’t include the boy’. 

4-26. ‘ For the future with tranquillity so far as regards me, if it gives you pleasure or 
you think to gain, laugh and make your heart glad as you will. But mock not at the boy, 
who is of a surety the son of Zeus, bringing a novel tale against a new-born child. For he 
inherits not from his father a thievish nature, nor does theft prevail in his mother’s stock. If 
then there is a theft, seek the thief ina man who is needy and poor ; but in the boy’s house 
is no hunger. Look at his birth, fasten the crime wherever it is due, but on him it is not 
meet to fasten it. Nay, you are ever a child; for though you are a young man with beard 

G 2 


full-grown you revel as a goat in the thistles. Cease courting pleasure with your bald pate. 
Will not the utterer of foolish jests anon be caused by the gods to weep? So I think. 

Chor. Turn and twist with thy tales, find what polished legend thou wilt; for of this 
thou wilt not persuade me, that he who wrought this hide-fastened thing stole the skin from 
other kine than those of Loxias. Draw me not away from this path.’ 

4-10. A restoration exempli gratia of 1]. 5-10 has been made by W-—M, and I have 
added a provisional completion of ].4. The supplements in ll. 7 and 9 were also proposed 
independently by Murray. In 1. 4 εὐδίαν ἔχων is the opposite of χειμαζόμενος : the jest may 
run a free course if it is confined to Cyllene. In 1. 8 I have substituted ποιῶν for W—M’s 
mAdoa|ov, which is too long with σκῶπτε. 

12. mavac is unintelligible, and W-M plausibly emends this to πεινᾷ, 1. 6. πεινῇ, 
according to the Attic spelling. With the corrector’s δ᾽ for τ ἃ good sense is thus obtained ; 

his rough breathing instead of a smooth was perhaps a mere slip. Pearson suggests as an | 

alternative τοῦδε δ᾽, οὗ πζ(λγανᾷ δόμο(υνς, [ὄκν]ει, which is rather less forcible.—Cf. Philostr. 
Imag. 1. 26 οὔτι που ταῦτα πενίᾳ δρῶν ὁ θεός. 

13-14. Restored by W-M. For zpos .. . ἥκει cf. Aristoph. Τά. 919 εἰς ἔμ᾽ ἥκει τῆς 
πόλεως τὰ πράγματα. ὃ before οὐχ is written over an almost effaced τ. 

15. εἶ σύ is an easy correction of εἰσι: the o shows signs of alteration. For νέος W-M 
would substitute πάλαι, which is certainly more consistent with the tenor of the sentence as 
well as with 1. 17. νέος could have come in as a gloss on παῖς ; that some difficulty was felt 
about it might possibly be inferred from the erratic punctuation. But a young Satyr may 
very well be πώγωνι θάλλων, and baldness, though no doubt a characteristic of the Pappo- 
silenus (cf. Eurip. Cyc/. 227), is in Satyrs not necessarily a sign of age ; it will suffice to refer 
to the well-known Brygos vase (Brit. Mus. E65). Miss Harrison, to whom I am indebted 
for some information on this point, writes ‘ Practically the young Satyrs are as often bald as 
haired’. Cf. also Eurip. Cyc/. 434. I have therefore considered it safer to leave the text as 
it stands, more particularly since this is consistent with what appears to be the more natural 
attribution of xii. 3 sqq. and xiii. 15 sqq.; cf. the note on x. 16: 

Whether the short horizontal stroke at the end of this line has any significance 
is doubtful. 

τό. Cf. Soph. Fr. 764 σφαδάζεις πῶλος ὡς εὐφορβίᾳς. The inferior spelling κνῖκος is found 
in- MSS. of Theophrastus and elsewhere. 

18-19. This is a difficult couplet. The last seven letters of 1. 18 were inserted by the 
corrector, who probably washed out some previous writing, though no legible trace of it 
remains. ‘The latter part of 1. 19 as originally written makes no sense, nor does the inter- 
linear r improve matters ; a suitable construction is, however, supplied by the marginal 
adscript. But the passage is still hardly satisfactory, though not impossible, since the result 
of an action is sometimes expressed as a purpose and ὡς ἐγὼ γελῶ might thus be interpreted 
as practically meaning ‘and then I shall laugh’. The metathesis adopted of y and A is, 
however, a very gentle remedy; additional clearness might perhaps be obtained by the 
insertion of σ᾽ after κλαίειν. W-M would emend ἐκ θεῶν to cis θεούς, suggesting ὡς ἐγώ (σ᾽ ὁρῶ) 
at the end of 1. 19. 

21. θελοις was the reading of the first hand; the corrector has written « over the o 
and turned the « into s, deleting the original s both by a dot above and crossing the 
letter through. ἀπόψηκτος, ‘ well-groomed,’ i.e. elaborate, is a new adjective, as is also 
ῥινοκόλλητος below. 

23. The correct reading is again given inthe margin. An additional syllable required 
at, the beginning of line to restore correspondence with xiii. 8 is easily obtained by writing 
ὅπως (50 W-M and Murray), 

25. ἢ) ᾽πό W-M. 



~- xv. 1-6. This small detached fragment is apparently stichomythic and is suitably 
placed in the upper part of Col. xv. Perhaps Il. 6 and 7 should be combined. In]. 2 the 
vestige from the bottom of a letter before a suits a 7, but is very indecisive. The restorations 
in ll. 3-6 attempt to indicate the purport of the passage. 

15. The scanty remains suggest που] rather than πωΐς. oes might well be read, but 
νέμονται would then be expected rather than νέμουσι, and the top, which is all that remains, of 
the doubtful letter is perhaps not inconsistent with an a; but the form βόας is also questionable. 
In front of this line there are some inkmarks which may be read as e. g. ao with a dot above, 
but their meaning is quite dubious. 

18. The alteration of 6 δ᾽ to és, which is proposed by. both W-M and Murray, is an 
improvement. 4 δ᾽ is a correction by the second hand from 108. 

1g. There is no reason for preferring the v. ]. παύου to παῦσαι. W-M’s emendation of 
τοῦ to τόν produces a normal attributive genitive. Parallels to rod here are however not 
altogether wanting, 6. g. Hdt. i. 2 rod βασιλέος τὴν θυγατέρα, Thuc. ii. 8 5 τὴν γῆν τῶν Κυδωνιατῶν. 

20. ἐϊξελᾶν θέλοι (W-M) is one of several possible supplements, 6. g. ἐϊξάγοι ποτέ. 

21. After completing this line, for the form of which cf. Soph. «πη. 573 ἄγαν γε 
λυπεῖς καὶ σὺ καὶ τὸ σὸν λέχος, I was glad to find that the same supplement had occurred 
to both W—M and Murray. 

22. Perhaps [ἀπο]λεῖ σε, as Murray suggests. The letter following is either y or π, and 
the next possibly 7. Between υἱ and ἐἤξελαυν there would only be room for a narrow letter, 

6. δ. σ. 

xvi. The position of the fragment containing the remains of Cols. xvi and xvii 
is unfortunately a matter of doubt. After some hesitation I have rejected the hypothesis, to 
which I was at one time inclined, that Cols, xv and xvi should be combined. What chiefly 
suggested that view was the coincidence that |vos in the third line of the scholium is on a level 
with xv. 18, where rod has been altered to o 8; and hence a marginal variant éykexAypévos on an 
original ἐγκεκλῃμένον would be very natural. The further possibility then presented itself that 
the mutilated first word in xv. 16 might be πελέθους, to which 1]. 1 of the scholium would refer. 
To this, however, there are grave palaeographical objections, for even if the exiguous traces 
were consistent with 1εθ, as I think they are not, the space between these letters and z is too 
narrow for «A as ordinarily written. That π]ελέθοις βοῶν would stand slightly below ]. 16 is 
a minor matter. When to these external considerations are added (1) the wide difference 
which would have to be supposed between the variant and the text, if π]ελέθοις βοῶν referred 
to 1. 16, and (2) the difficulty urged by W-M, that more than the ro-r11 lines which would 
intervene between xv. 22 and xvii. 5 seem to be needed to bring about the discomfiture of 
the nymph, who is still stoutly maintaining her position at the end of Col. xv and might be 
expected to make a speech of some length before her disappearance,—the case for the 
combination of Cols. xv and xvi cannot seriously be defended. Whether more than 
a single column of text intervened between Col. xv and Col. xvii is indeterminable ; but it 
is well to make the gap as slight as possible, and quite legitimate to suppose that Cols. xv 
and xvi were consecutive. 

Xvii. 1-4. Enough of the margin above 1. 5 is preserved to show that the four 
preceding lines were indented like ll. 8-9. ὃ 
5-7. So far as they go these lines correspond metrically with 10-12. Their rhythm 
is like that of x. 1 544. and xiii. 5. 544. 
In]. 5 some vestiges of ink above the letters deleted after the second ιου are regarded 
as representing a paragraphus, but they might be remains of letters inserted above the line. 
The mark following the interlinear τ in]. 6 might be taken for 1, but a dot is expected’on 


both sides of the τ, and τί here would be difficult. A short oblique stroke between gy and 
the next letter (which may be y) is possibly meant for a high stop. 

13. [ri] viv [ is improbable. 

19-20. Some inkmarks in the margin here are very likely accidental. 

Frs. 1-10. These small pieces accompanied the earlier columns of the papyrus and are 
shown to come from the lower portions by their worm-eaten appearance ; they are likely to 
belong for the most part to Cols. i-ii. 

Fr. 1 being part of a dialogue must be from the bottom of Col. ii, and is to be 
referred to ll. 24-5 or 25-6, if the small fragment containing the letters ral is rightly placed 
in 1.23: 

Fr. 2. This fragment cannot, I think, be placed so that the ὅ in |. 2 forms part of the 
first o of ὄσσοισι in ii. 20. 

Frs. 11-18. Col. ix rather than Col. x is probably the source of these small decayed 

Fr. 21. If γυνΐ is the vocative γύναι, as its position near the end of the line suggests, 
this fragment may well belong to Col. xv, more especially if it is the top of a column. The 
stop after ε in 1. 2 is doubtful, and might be part of a v which need not be the end of the 

Fr. 22. Col. xvii is rather suggested by the appearance of the fragment. 

Frs. 23 (a) and (δ). These two fragments are brought into connexion by the 
scholium in the upper margin, but there is no direct junction. 

Frs. 26-7. I am unable to find a likely place for either of these pieces, both of which 
are from the top of a column, in Col. iii, 

Frs. 34-5, These fragments do not appear to belong to any of the choral parts 
in Cols. i-xv. In Fr. 35. 3 τ]οῦ θανόϊντος is possible, but it is improbable that the fragment 
came from the bottom of Col. xi. 


1175. SOPHOCLES, Eurypylus. 

Fr. 5 14:2 X 32-5 cm. Late second century. Plates 
III-IV (Frs. 3, 5, 6, 79, 
80, 91, 94). 

These fragments of a tragedy, as explained in the introduction to 1174, come 
from a MS. which was apparently designed to be uniform with that papyrus. The 
height of the columns is the same, the hand though varying sometimes in size is 
identical, accents, &c., have been inserted in the same manner, and the same 
corrector has added variants similar in character to those in 1174. That the 
two dramas were included in a single roll is however unlikely, since this would 
involve a roll of abnormal length, if the tragedy was of ordinary compass. The 
columns of Fr. 5 contain one or two lines more than is usual in 1174, but this is 
due to a reduction in the size of the script. The ink also in those columns 


is blacker than generally in the /chneutae papyrus, but in other fragments, 
e.g. Frs. 4, 6, 9-40, it is of the same reddish-brown colour as there. 

There is thus a prima facie probability that the tragedian is Sophocles; and 
internal evidence raises the probability to a practical certainty. The style is 
hardly to be mistaken, and to clinch the argument a coincidence occurs at Fr. 5. 
i. 9 with an extant Sophoclean fragment. But that fragment is not referred to 
any particular play, and to determine this is not quite so easy. Its subject 
however is evident: it was concerned with the Trojan War and related the death 
of Eurypylus at the hands of Neoptolemus. This event is reported by a messenger 
in Fr. 5, and his account is addressed to a woman (ii. 11 φυρτάν, cf. 6), who laments 

her loss and blames herself for the occurrence. She must therefore be Eurypylus’ | 

mother Astyoche, sister of Priam and wife of Telephus, who had been induced 

by the gift of the golden vine to allow her son to go from Mysia to the assis- | 

tance of the Trojans (Schol. Homer A 520, Quintus Smyrn. vi. 135 566. ; cf. v. 
Wilamowitz, Hom. Untersuch. p. 152). Of the known titles of plays by Sophocles, 
though there are several, e.g. the Phrygians, which vaguely imply a Trojan 
theme, only one is at all suggestive of this particular story, the Myszans. So 
far as the papyrus goes, a Mysian Chorus is quite possible. But one of the 
extant fragments of the Μυσοί (377) indicates that the scene of that play was laid 
in Mysia, whereas in the papyrus the scene, as would rather be expected, appears 
to be Troy (see below). To suppose that the queen accompanied her son thither 
would fall in with the tradition which represents her as taken into captivity with 
the other daughters of Laomedon at the end of the war (Tzetzes, Lyc. 921. 1075). 
If, however, a new title has to be found, the most obvious is the name of the 
hero whose death was such a prominent incident. Moreover, there is already 
some slight independent evidence for the attribution of an Eurypylus to 
Sophocles. A play so called is mentioned by Aristotle, Poetics, p. 1459 Ὁ, 
among others based upon the Little Iliad (cf. Schol. Eurip. 770. 822); and 
a guarded suggestion that the author was Sophocles was put forward by T. Tyr- 
whitt, Arist. Poet. p. 191, on the strength of Plutarch, De cohib. ira, c. 10 (Soph. 
Fr. 768), which proved that a play of his dealt with the combat of Eurypylus 
and Neoptolemus ; cf. the note below on Fr. 5. i. 9-10. But this shrewd guess 
(the reference to which I owe to Wilamowitz) rested on rather slender foundations, 
and has received scant attention; Nauck passes it unnoticed. Nevertheless it 
seems to have hit the truth; at any rate the Ewrypylus is a most suitable title 
for the fragments before us, and this accordingly is provisionally adopted. 

The papyrus is in a deplorable condition, which is the more unfortunate 

because the remains indicate a play of much originality and interest. Of one | 

peculiar feature there is no doubt, the division of the messenger’s report into | 



+ two parts, divided by a short interlude in which Astyoche expresses her grief, 

and is answered in brief lyric passages by the Chorus (Fr. 5. ii. 2-20). Fr. 6 with 
little doubt followed on the conclusion of the messenger’s speech, and seems to 
be part of a longer and more elaborate commos between the Chorus andthe 
bereaved queen. In Frs. 7 and 8 references may be recognized to arrangements 
for the burial of Eurypylus (Fr. 7. 3-7, Fr. 8. ii. 8), and those pieces with Fr. g, 
which may well belong to the same context (Il. 5, 7), are suitably assigned to 
a succeeding scene. A few fragments on the other hand may be supposed to 
precede Fr. 5, though their position is more hypothetical. In Frs. 1 and 3 there is ~ 
a rapid dialogue, and Wilamowitz suggests that the speakers are Eurypylus and 

| Neoptolemus (cf. Fr. 1. 8 Σκύρου), engaging in the altercation which was the usual 
᾿ antecedent of the heroic duel (cf. Quintus Smyrn. viii. 138 sqq.). This, if correct, 

would seem to involve another singularity of structure, for Eurypylus and 
Neoptolemus could hardly meet except on the battlefield, whereas Astyoche 
would naturally be kept in the city. It is, however, quite uncertain that 

᾿ Neoptolemus was introduced here. The reference to Scyros can easily have been 

made by some other person, and Fr. 3 is capable of a quite different interpreta- 
tion; cf. the note on ll. 4-6. Fr. 2 is doubtfully grouped with Frs. 1 and 3. 
Fr. 4 is perhaps concerned with the preliminaries of the contest (ll. 10-11), 
Further back the papyrus fails to carry us. In the Zadbula [liaca the repre- 
sentation of the death of Eurypylus is preceded by a scene in which two men 
stand before an altar. Wilamowitz has conjectured (/sy/los, p. 48°) that the 
hero is there promising deliverance to the Trojans, and something of the sort 
may be supposed to have occurred in the earlier part of Sophocles’ drama; but 
this is only guesswork. 

In the arrangement of the remaining fragments, whose contents psa no 
real clue to their order, the main principle has been theirappearance. Frs. 9-40, 
with Frs. 4, 6, and 7, are distinguished by a comparative smallness in the size of 
the letters and the light colour of the ink; Frs. 76-7, which were found separately, 
are akin to that group. In Frs. 41-75 and 78, as in Frs. 1-3 and 8, the hand 
tends to be larger and the ink blacker. A further increase in size, accompanied 
for the most part by a brown ink, is seen in Frs. 79-107, Frs. ΟἹ sqq. being 
marked off by the uprightness of the writing ; Fr. 64 should perhaps be put in 
the latter class. That all these belong to the Eurypylus is by no means certain 
or even probable. Some of them, as stated in the introduction to 1174, may 
come from the /chneutae, others from another source. The only. substantial 

| piece, apart from those already considered, is Fr. g1. In 1. 4 some one is told to 

start with speed on some errand; subsequently a lady of rank (Astyoche ?) is 
addressed by the Chorus, and an allusion made to the departure of a stranger. 


Further on Agamemnon is mentioned, apparently as waiting in the distance 
(ll. 22-3); and Wilamowitz suggests that he was expecting the stranger, now re- 
cognized to have been a spy. The situation might thus have been something 
like that of the Rhesus, and there is no difficulty in attributing such a scene to the 

present play, for which the story of the death of Eurypylus by itself perhaps — 

hardly provided sufficient material. On the other hand, since the connexion of 
the scene with that story is not clear, and the evidence of the script is indecisive, 
the attribution of Fr. 91 and the associated smaller pieces to the Eurypylus must 

be made with a certain reserve. Fr. 95, which contains some colourless reflections | 

on the instability of fortune, gives no assistance. 

In addition to the lection-signs noted in connexion with 1174, a curved 
ligature connecting parts of words is twice used (Fr. 5. ii. 3, iii. 11; cf. e.g. 841, 
852, 1082). This is the complement of the diastole, employed to separate 
words, which occurs in several places (Fr. 3. 4, Fr. 5. iii. 10, 11, Fr. 6.12). An 
oxytone word is sometimes given an acute accent on the final syllable instead 
of a grave on the penultimate (Fr. 5. ii. 24, iii. 11; cf. 1082. Fr. 3. ii. 2), 


Fr. τ᾿ Fr. 2. 
atl wenvyevol 
εραί Ἰφουδακνεῖ 
x χαλι Ἰοπονκακοΐ 
ελθονΪ] ἼΩΝ 
5 bool Ἰτίτουτο"νΐ 
5 αυτόσσί : 
eiz[[ov . [ 5a 
ποιαδεῖ Jey 
σκυρουτί Ἰρα 
10 πολ] 
Ἰπιμε αλλί Fr. 3. Plate IV. 
7λε εμαΐ a : . 
-- yal φημηγαραΐ 
15 Neue a ie 
ελθοντί κοραξ,επᾶιδί 
μονονΐ 5 αριστοσωδὺυ . | 
Sips κραζειθυηληΐ 
λογοισμί Lik 1 
eee 2 τίδ᾽ οὐνοσωσδί 
εργοντιδειλο. [ 
10 [. λωνακηδῖ.]σ. [ 
[ Ang 



5 Ἰήγεθυμί 


Fr. 1. 

(A) ail 

5 αὐτός σΐε 


(B) ποία δὲ [ 
Σκύρου τὶ 

(A) τοσοι[ 


(Β) - [1.- γὰρ 

13 (A) λείπει 
(B) ἐλθόντί 
(A) μόνον [ 
(B) λόγοις μί 


Fr. 2. 

Ἰυμην γένοϊ 
Τηλέφου δάκνει 
τρ]όπον κακοΪ 


, ~ ; 
τί τοῦτο; | 


5 ] 

Pr. 4. Plate TV; 
(A) ape 
φήμη γὰρ αἱ 
(B) ἐδεξάμην τί 
κόραξ ἐπᾳδῖ 
5 (A) ἄριστος, ὦ δύστηνε (9) 
κράξει θνηληΐ 
(B) τί δ᾽ οὖν ὁ σῶς δὶ 
ἔργον τί detdo . | 
᾿ς (A) ἀϊλ]λ᾽ οὔ τι μὴ oval 
10 [φίλων ἀκηδ[ὴ]ς . [ 
[Ap’ 44 

Fr. 4. 
Ἰλη dal 

] γαῖα xk 
Ἰήγεθ᾽ ὑμῖ 

(9) κἸονίας of 




10 Ἰεικατη 

ΒΥ. 5. ῬΙαίε 1Π|. 
Col. i. 

5 Ἵτηναι 
Ἰσαί ] 

Ἰηνμεταιχί ] 
Ἰιαβεβλημῖ ] 
10 Jo . [. .]ατερου" 
Ἰνπροσουρανΐ... .| 
15 Ἰδεστεναΐζετο 
Ἰαλλειχεροσ . © 
20 Ἱμεσον ἐγχοσοΐηνμϑενετί ] 
Ἰ. ιταιπροσὼ 





ju παραΐ 

ιο κῆρυξ δῖ 
ἀγγ)έλλει pl 



Fr. 5. Plate III. 

; Col. i. 
(Ayyedos) Τηϊλεφοί ) 

θηρασιμοί ). 
σαι pos 
Ἰην μεταιχΐμι ] 
δ)᾽Ιιαβεβλημῖίέν ] 
[ἐρρηξάτην és κύκλα χ)]αλκέων ὅπλων : 
[ἄκομπ᾽ ἀλοιδόρητα... .1σ. [. θ]ατέρου" 
1 ἄνεν δορὸς 
Ἰν πρὸς οὐραν[ὸν] 
1 δ᾽ ἐστενάζετο 
ὀϊργάνων στένει 
πάλλει χερὸς 
Ἰγματος φυγὼν 
Ἰς δορὸς 
ἔγχος : ] μέσον ἔγχος᾽ οὕ(τως) ἦν μό(νον) ἐν ἑτ(έρῳ). 
]. (rat πρόσω... 



25 Jovcd twpevn 
᾿τ]ασατί .]" 
Ἰκ. νουσταχυσ 

Col. 11. Plate 111. 

Ee € 
καθεϊλ᾽ οσωταΐ. .|nup . | 

ma Be 
διπλουσανεστεναξί. - eee vee ees Ἰραί. . « .Ἷ 
γι ΕΘ eee ee ] 
5 PUPET | 5 sia wk eee eae Ἰμοσΐδετεκνωνΐ 
τριγηνδεπεμῖ. 2. ee ee ees Ἰκ[-Ἰγαρουν 

προσᾶγῖ.Ἰγ᾽ ωδι[.1.. ιγῖ. . εἸνδὶάινεισ". ... [.Ἰακρυεῖ 
επεικτησιωνφρενωνεξεδυσ' συ θραυσι 
ὡδαιμονωδυσδαιμονωκέιρασί .Ἶμε 

Το αγχουπροσειπασ'ουγαρεκτοσεστῶσ 

Bee ee ee τᾶν oYnvev[. . .] 
τ΄ δικᾶιναι" 
αλλώσταχιστ᾽ αριστα ηταχιστηαριστηῖ 
15 rire 


20 γελωτεχ[.Ἰντεσαί. -Ἰοναργειοιβιᾶι" 
ουκ᾿ εστοσουτονηλθονωστ᾽ ἐπεγχαν.Ἶιν 
επειπαλαισμακοιν[.Ἰνηγων (μεν. 
εκειν[.ἸονεκροιτυΪ.Ἶθον Ἰλληλωναί .1ο’ 






jupnoas κάτω 
ὀμμ]άτων φάος 
Ἰους δ᾽ ἰωμένη 
ΤΊήλεφον λέγω" 

|x . vous ταχὺς 

Col. ii. Plate III. 

καθεῖλ᾽ ἔσω τὰ ἱπλἸευρὰ [ 

ὠβστυόχη) οἰοιοῖ. 
διπλοῦς ἀνεστέναξία ............. Προ - προ 
(Χορός) ΠΕ HON aCe Ἐν EY Boe τῆς ] 
MORTEM λυ τ νας. Πρίαμος ἴδε τέκνων. 
(4σ.) τρί(τγηην δ᾽ ἐπ᾽ ἐμ[ὲ........ . + «| (Xo.) κ[αὶ γὰρ οὖν 

mpoodylaly wdi[.]. ty[...Ju διαίνεις, .. .[S]axpve[is 

ἐπεὶ κτησίων φρενῶν ἐξέδυς. a ead 
(Ac.) ὦ δαῖμον, ὦ δύσδαιμον, ὦ κείρας [ἐϊμέ. 
(Χο.) ἀγχοῦ προσεῖπας, οὐ γὰρ ἐκτὸς ἑστὼς 
σύρει δὴ φύρδαν. -ταν' οὕ(τως) ἦν ἐν [β΄. 
(4σ.) ἐπισπάσει δίκα με. 
(Xo.) δίκα vai. 
(‘Ac.) GAN ὡς τάχιστ᾽ ἄριστα. ἣἧ ταχίστη ἀρίστη. 
(Χο.) ἐέ: 


τί φήσομεν, τί λέξομεν ; 

(4σ.) τίς οὐχὶ τοὐμὸν ἐν δίκῃ βαλεῖ κάρα; 

(Xo.) δαίμων ἔκειρεν, οὐ δικᾷ σε δαίμων. 

(4σ.) 7 καὶ βεβᾶσι τὸν [ν]εκρὸν πρὸς τῷ καἰ κ]ῷ 
γέλωτ᾽ éxlolvres αἰὐτ]ὸν Ἀργεῖοι Bia; 

(‘Ay.) οὐκ ἐς τοσοῦτον ἦλθον ὥστ᾽ émeyxarieliv, 
ἐπεὶ πάλαισμα κοιν[δὴν ἠγωνι[σἸμέν[ο]. 6Όῦϑὃ 
ἔκεινϊτ]ο νεκροὶ τυϊτ]θὸν [ἀλλήλων ἀΐπΊο, 



ὀμενδ[.Ἰκητόσ"οδε. .|rav[.]. |... Joo 

[.Jupnvaya.....-- Joon[...- ++ |voo: 
wodexTeTA .[. 2+. τ Ἰοταί. .. 
[. -(]τουσδιαί. .... Sees SANE sane lo 

[- -lef-Jeronf 

Col. iii. 

[ 24 letters Ἰσιδων 

[ ae Ἱεκρου 

[ 46 ᾿, lof- val 
25» Ἰηχ 1 
[ 26, Ἰανηρί 
[ 54... Jorpog| 
[ Bess Ἰρήματι" 

[a yas setae ἐπε μεν (2 eae Breer act Ἰκυρωνετιΐ 
PO Ren τ - Ἰρρηξεννοτοσ' 

[- «[᾿αυτα,πολλῶϊ. . ... Ἱνερρ[.Ἰθειστομα" 


ἡολληδε,σίνδῶν. . λαδιστρί.Ἰανίδων 
ὑφηγυναικωνανδῖ. Ἵσερριπτίζετο 
νεκρωδιδοντεσοῖ. .Ἰενωφελί .Ἰυμενωι" 
οδαμφιπλευραισκαισφαγαισι .Ἰειμενοσ 
πατί. ἡμεν᾿ουπατρῶιαδεξαυδὶ |vern 
mpi. . . Πεκλαιετοντεκνωνομί. .|uova: 
τον .Ἰαιδακαιγεροντακαινεανΐ. .Ἱν' 
τονουτεμυσονουτετηλεφουΐ. «Ἰλων' 
αλλωσφυτευσασαυτοσεκκαλουμί. .Ἶοσ" 
ομοιτεκνον" πρ[υδωκάσ᾽ ἐσχατηϊ. «Ἰχὼν 
φρυξινμεγιστηνελπιδωνσωτηΐ. «|v 
χρονονξενωθεισουμακρον" πὶ. «Ἰλωνΐ 
μνημηνπαρεξειστοισ. ἶ............. Ἰοισαί 
ὅσαουτεμεμν \vouTeral 

a. .Ἰθηπί. .1 . [- - ]Ἰαιπεραιχὶ 


ὁ μὲν dlolknrés, ὁ δὲ [τὸ] πᾶν [.]. [- - - .Jos 


ὡς δ᾽ ἔκ τε πληγῶν Kall κόϊπων κεκμηκ]όταϊς 
[αὐτοὺς διαϊστείχοντας εἴδομεν πύλαϊς, 

[ἀν] Πρπομῖεν 
Col. iii. 

[ 24 letters ]s ἰδὼν 

[ wae ν]εκροῦ 

[ 26 ὡς Ἰρί-Ἰνηῖ 

[ 25 ys Inx[-e γί 
5 | 26s, Ἰανηρῖ 

[ 24 Jo tpog| 
} [ 22 ” v ἤματι' 

eae xa hie ἐς δ xcenre νέον τὰ ἀγκυρῶν ἔτι 

PBS ES a τ τὶ Elepnéev νότος. 

το [το]ϊιαῦτα πολλῶν λυγρὸ]ν ἐρρ[ό]θει στόμα, 
[π]ολλὴ δὲ σινδὼν [πολ]λὰ δ᾽ ᾿Ιστρ[ι]ανίδων 
ign γυναικῶν ἀνδ[ρὸ]ς ἐρριπτί ἀ]ζετο 
νεκρῷ διδόντες ο[ὐδὴὲν ὠφελ[ο]υμένῳ. 

ὁ δ᾽ ἀμφὶ πλευραῖς καὶ σφαγαῖσι [κἸείμενος, 

15 πατ[ὴρ] μὲν οὔ, πατρῷα δ᾽ ἐξαυδίῶ]ν ἔπη, 
Πρί[αμος] ἔκλαιε τὸν τέκνων ὁμ[αίμονα, 
τὸν [π]αῖδα καὶ γέροντα καὶ νεαν[ία]ν, 
τὸν οὔτε Μυσὸν οὔτε Τηλέφου [καλῶν 
ἀλλ᾽ ὡς φυτεύσας αὐτὸς ἐκκαλούμενος" 

20 Οἴμοι, τέκνον, πρ[ο]ύδωκά σ᾽ ἐσχάτηϊν ἔχων 
Φρυξὶν μεγίστην ἐλπίδων σωτη[ρία]ν. 
χρόνον ξενωθεὶς οὐ μακρὸν πίολ]λῶν [ἐτῶν 
μνήμην παρέξεις τοῖς λ[ελειμμέν]οις Ἄρεως, 
ὅσ᾽ οὔτε Μέμν[ω]ν οὔτε Σ᾽ αἱρπηδών ποτε 

25. πίέν]θη πίοήσ]αϊς κ]αΐίπερ αἰχίμητῶν ἄκροι 
BONN: BES ν χες Ἐπ τας Jo. [ 

Fr. δ: Plate IV. 




oceox([[-7 [αἱ 

[. «Ἱλλοισι 

εἶ. ««Ἱνερξαι | 
Sie pvapoo| 


Rape Eo i oe 

]- . [[Ἰσευτί. «“]ειθανων'" 
Ἰγκαλωσδῖ Ἰπωλετο 
5. Ἰσιθε[.Ἱμονὶδρυσθαιτονυΐ 
Ἰκοινοθακἄλάξοα dal 
Ἰιτωιδε" μηδ᾽ ἄναϊ 
10 Ἰτιτικτουση"τεῖ.].. | 
161.]σιν"ο[. .Japool 
Ἴπεΐ. . εἶναλ 
15 Ἰεινΐ........1αν 

_ pov 


Pro. . Plate IV. 

(4σ.) pidas καὶ τὸν 
᾿Ιδαῖον βασιλ[ῆα 
Πρίαμον, ὃς pl 
πάσᾳ καταρὶ 

5 ἔπεισεν ἀβουϊλίᾳ 
ἔϊργο]ν ἔρξαι. | 

(Χο.) μναμοσίύναν 

10 (Ao.) ἰὼ δόρυ Τηλ[εφ 
παιδὶ συνκύϊρσαν 
ὦ λόγχα σώτϊίειρα 
ee ΤΊ 

6: ἡ. 

οὐϊχὶ τεύχ[εσι 
σαι Διὸς 
]-- [Js εὐτίυχ]εῖ θανών" 
παγκάλως δ᾽ [ἀπώλετο 
5 Jou θε[σ]μὸν ἱδρῦσθαι τὸ νῦϊν 
] κοινόθακα λάξοα dal 
Τηλέφου ξυνουσίαν 
δ]εῖπνα πλησιαίτατος 
|e τῷδε, μηδ᾽ ἄνω | 
10 |re τικτούσῃ Teé.] . | 
τί]θ[ηἼ]σιν: ofd πάρος [ 
Ἰὀρφανὴ mpoond| 
Ἰδρόπον πλόκον [ 

(Χο.) “πεῖ. . «Ἱναλ- 
15 jew]. . . .]1αν 

Fr. 8. 
Col. i. 
5 ] 
J Col. ii. 
Ἰεν - 
Ἰανᾳ: -[ 
]. Too Ecol 
| fe) Ἰν εσσὶ 
| εστὶ 
Ἰεισ' 5 atral 
] Spapl. «Ἰσεναλλοί 
} κἄγωφυλαξωπί 
] εωσανευκρυψη"τί 
J ee epéwrorral 
Fr. 9 Fr. το, Fr. 11. 
ο΄ Ἱμηδέ [ 
Ἰυγναί. τί Ἰπασανευφρί σὶ 
Ἰυγί.Ἰρε.. . μηλᾳΐ Ἰνυνδ᾽ομενΐ γί 
Jo . ακαιτριτουΐ Ἰλεφουκαραλί κρυΐ 
Ἰοιξασδεσποταισὶ 5 ]ηλευσασεμεῖ 5 σοιδῖ 
5 ΓΤ ΤΉΝ τοῦτ ἹΚΎΜΕΡΕΟΡαΙ papi 
JeAoor εἶ δυρμ 
Ἰσωδεχρί.Ἰνιονΐ ᾿ 
τς lyeray| Kato] 
Ἰλληπημονη . [ eae ibe 
i ial ‘el 10 rovay| 



Col. i. 

10 Ἰν 


Ἰνγί.]ρε... . μη Aal 

Ἰω. α καὶ τρίτουϊ 

ἀν)οίξας δεσπόταις [ 

5 εἴγτε πένθος εἴτε τηΐ 
Ἰσω δὲ χρ[ό]νιον [ 

Ἰλλη πημονη . [ 

Ἰδη πόλλ᾽, εἰ 


Ετ, 8. 
Cok i. 
(40. «| 


5 απαΐ 

Opal. .Js ἐν ἄλλοις 
κἀγὼ φυλάξω πὶ 
ἕως ἂν εὖ κρύψῃϊτε 

(Χο.) ἔρξω τὸ tral 
Fr, το. Ἐν τὰν 
Ἰμηδεῖ (A) .[ 
] πᾶσαν εὐφρίον of 
1 viv δ᾽ ὁ μὲν γί 
Τηλέφου κάρα Af κρυΐ 
5 νοσ]ηλεύσας ἐμὲ | . 5 (B) σοὶ δ᾽ [ 
Ἰαγμένος Bol φαρμί ὀ- 
Ἰελος 7 ἐΐ Suppl 
lve war καὶ of 
τὸν pl 
10 τὸν αγί 


Fr, τὸ. Ετ. 12. 
; Col. i. 
lol i 
Jery[ J 
jar{. « ἡσουδῖ 
Jap6l. - -Jooer| 
τοὶ 7. [- - «(1δεοῖ 
5 Ἰβιοσ- ] 
)Oavevarar| Ιν 
Ἰσενμυσά[ σ]βαΐ ] 
᾿Ἱμεγανδωμαΐ Sari: Col. ii 
Ἰαρρυ 6 "σθησενοῦηνμ[ ΟἹ, il. 
Ιο Ἰκαιπαλί εὐ ‘ie 
ees J 7+ [ 
Ἰημιν" . [ ] τ 
] x τί 
| τί 
Ετ. 14. Fe, 15, Ετ. τό. Fr, 17 
Jorn] ] ] μά | 
Ἰομυριωνΐ Ἰεσχαρωνΐ ] Ἱπρῇ 
Ἰγοφωσερί Ἰανων" Ἰποραΐ ]Ἰ. σγαί 
Ἱμοιπροσέϊ leror poo Jeval Ἰντοῖ 
5 Ἰνναλγουσί Ἰλεγί Ἰπλεῖ J 
Ἰσασί sg σ ] 
Fr. 18. Fr. 19. Piv2e Fr, 21. 
1 [ἢ ] 
Ivan Jwdaul Ἰων ] 

Ἰθέ Ἰενα .Ϊ Ja ] 


Fr. 12. 



Jaz7[. . «Ἰσουδῖ 
Ἰαρθῖ. . «Ἰοσωτί 

5. 1 βίος: 
] θανὼν ἅπαν [ 
Ἰσεν Μυσᾷ Bol | 
] μέγαν δωμαϊ 
Ἰ ἀρρυθμ 
10 ] καὶ παλί 
1 Gaur [ 

Fr. 14. 

Jo μυρίων [ 
] τὸ φῶς epl 
] μοι προσέΪ 
5 σ]υναλγουσί 
Ἰσαισεῖ 5 

Fr. 18. 



Fr, 12. 
Col. i. 
ἜΝ ἢ 
"JoOnoev ob (ras) ἦν μ[ό(νον) 
ἐν ἑτ(έρῳ). 
Fr. 15. Fr. τό 
] ] 
] ἐσχαρῶν [ ] 
θ]ανὼν |ropal 
le πότμος" Jevo[ 
] déyl IwAe{ 
ie Is 
: : Babes 
Fr. 19. Fr. 20. 
: Jo 
Aad lov 

Col. ii. 
Pr. τῇ. 
| mpd 
]-s yal 
Fr. 21. 



Ἰφεσὶ Ἰοσ 
5 Ἰρυπὶ 5 |p 
Fr. 23. Fr. 24 
]. - ποραὶ Ἰημῖ 
Ἰιβροτονοΐ 1. 4 
Ἰαρθε cial 
Jov \rpe - [ 
Bo AGL 5 Ἰσσαῖ 
Fr, 27. Fr. 28. Fr. 29 

Ἰρουΐ | ] 
Ἰοιμακρῖ ] ] 

Fr. 22. Ir, 55. 
Jeou[ Ἰσ'αἱ 
Ἰσεμέ Jo 

Fr. 36 F +37. 
Ἰωβιΐ Ἰασινΐ 
Ἰισωϊ Ἱμασί 

}. ονᾶσί 
Fr. 25. 


]. unl 
|ker . [ 


Ἰφεσὶ jos oe 
ord τ 1) eat 
Fr. 23; Fr. 24. Fr. 25. 
]- - ποραΐ inal 
τ βροτὸν of 1... Ἰειν τοῦ 
πΊ]αρθε- sul Ἰ. ual 
Ἰων |rpe . [ Ἱκετ . [ 
5 14 5 ἸΙσσα 
Fr. 27. Fr. 28. Fr, 29. Fr. 30. 
Ἰρουΐ ] ] ] 
Jou μακί 1] ] ] 
Ἰξαί Jor[ ] 
] peel ant Πιου 
] Pepe 
Fr. 33. Br. 34. Fr. 34 
Ἰιουΐ 15 αἱ 12} 
Joep Jof col 
Fr. 36 Fr, 37. Fr. 38 
Jo βι Ἰασινί ef 
Ἰισωΐ Ἱμασί Ἰαρσι 



Fr. 39 Fr, 40. 
1.1 Ἰεμων « | 
Jol Ἰλεφουλί 
Ἰαφρί Ἰδοι 
Ἰ. al Ἰεινε 

5. ha 5 ἸἹπᾶστὶ 5 
faa | Ἰηιλεγῖ 



Fr. 43. Fr. 44. 
Jadeco[ oy| 
Ἰναμυσί Ἰογεῖ 
Ἰστισηκί lee] 
Fr. 47. Fr. 48. 
Ἰπαΐ Ἰησθι. [ 
Ἰχενὸσί ovl 
\ravrior| Ἰιταφωΐ 
Ἰ. pagwep| Ἰαρουμιαΐ 
5 |. ἀὄσνυνανα.Ϊ Ἰονουμεῖ 
Ἱιπραξισῆδε.ἴ 5. Ἰουφυλαΐ 
Ἰιζευσγαρόϊ 1δὶ 
Ἰναλλακαι |reoacer| 
Ἰιχρῆμ᾽ οἱ Jo. [ 



Fr. 41. 

|. Kaypavr| 


1. εσθατῶιδἾ 

Fr. 45. 





Fr. 46. 



Fr. 49. 

Ἰσχοσ . — 
IA je 

Fr. 50: Fr. 40. Fr. 41. 
Le Jeuor ἢ Ira 
Jo[ Τηλέφου dA Ἰσαν ἀνδρὸΪς 
Ἰαφρῖ Ἰδοι 1. κα γραῦν 
Ἰ. αλί Ἰεεν δὰ προσμί 
ae | 2 Tol 5 |ras τί 5 \uecOa τῷδ᾽ [ 
3} In λέγί Ἰίσχουσαν [ 
- Ἰμ[.} Japan| 
jra{.]- : 
Fr. 43. Fr. 44. Fr. 45. 
Ἰαδεσσί Ἰνογί ]γονι 
Ἰναμυσί Joye Ἰν ποιοῖ 
Ἰστις ηκΐ ue Ἰηριῖ 
Fr. 47. Fr. 48 
|ra Ἰησθι. [ 
Ἰχενοσί ol 
ir ἀντίων [ I ee 
Reeaea ἐμ] γ]ὰρ ov pal 
5 |. as viv ava. |[ one 5 
le πρᾶξις Ade . [ a Be ne a 
je Ζεὺς yap of Ly 
Ἰν ἀλλὰ καὶ i ᾿ 
a? Oo. 
1. χρῆμ of 

10 Pax 


1 ὦ θεὸς τί 
πρῶτα pl 
loxoc . [ 
] δευτέρ! 



Fr. 57. 

arX οὐκί 

© re 

Fr. 51. 


Ἰδέγ᾽ εινΐ 
6 pon 
Fr. 54. Ετ. 55. 
JA. [ Ἰυν 
Jogi] lel 
] « εργονΐ Ἰσανΐ 
Japa repo 
: : 5 Ἰαστοΐ 
Fr. 58. Fr. 59 
Τ᾽. οσασ ]-e-f 
J jar ἰ 
Fr, 62. Fr. 63 
].-[ Ἰκλί 
Ἰντοσί Jeez 
|rapag . [ Ἰ. exal 


Fr, 52. 


5. Ἱιρίϊ 

Fr. 56. 

lov .1 
Ἰτ᾿ αἱ 

5 κοι 


Fr. 50. 

(A) on 

kai [ 

(B) τίσ 

5 (4) ep .[ 

Fr. 53. 

5 1 apy 

Fr. 57. 
ἀλλ᾽ οὐκ] 





Fr. 51. 

lav αλί 
Ir dex[ 
] παιδιοῖ 
1δέ γ᾽ εἰν 

bn | 


Fr. 65. 

5. ]οσ[.]ενοῦ 

Fr, 66. 

Ke. 77: 



Εν, 67. 

Fr. 78. 

|. age. [ 
Τ. [-Judex[ 
5 ἢ 


Fr. 6 5: 
Jor pf 
Ἰνειδο[ ἡ 

Fr, 76. 
Ἰατεσί. .. .] 
5 jos [γ]ενοῦ 
Ἱκει. φίλοί 

Fr. 66. RA 
Jvov ἁμαξϊ 
] τινα dial 
Be 76 
Fr. 73. 
Pe, 77 
] μόνος 
Jae κακῶν 
] Ε 

Fr. 67. 

Ετ- .η8. 

]. aoe. 

1. [-Judex{ 


Fr. 79. Plate IV. 

Ἰσπαραβασ κρε.ἴ 
5 J 
Τ᾽. nol. -koparano 



Fr. 84. 


Ἰδωι. ν" «λεινσεοδωι- 





Fr. 80. Plate IV. 



Ἰτισ [ 
10 joo [| 

Fr, 82. 
Roo .1 

1. οἱσί 

Fr. 85. 

Ἰ. of 
5 Ἰανονταῖ 


Fr. 81. 
Ἰηλθε ν]ληΐ 
5 Ἰεκηρυ . [ 
1ε 1 

Fr. 83. 

wrayr . [ 

Fr, 86. 

Ἰ. εἰσοιτί 
δ Ἰωδεπρι 
Ἰαρα[ὦ . [ 


Fr. 79. Plate IV. Fr, 80. Plate IV. 

1 Ι 
] 1 Axl 

1ε θριξῖ 
Ἰαθοϊ.] 5 |n δοσί 
|s παραβὰς κρε.[ 

] | 

Ἰων |res 

5 ] ]γος γί 

Ἰ. ησί. ..1. σφαλῇς το ] 



Ἰυσος ἐῶν" Fr, 82. 
Ἰτεύων Ἰλοσ i [ 

Fr, 84. Br, 85. 

Jes Pf 

ὁδῷ Nu( ) -Aew σ᾽ ὁδῷ. Jal 

5 5 Ἰανονταί 

| Ἰ ἐξ ἐμῆς of 
]ην τάδε: 


| Ἰώωμεί 




Fr. 81. 

γ]ὰρ dof 
|rov ὥσπερ if 
Ἰῆλθε ληΐ 
| τοιοῦτος | 

5 Jexnpv . [ 

le - [ 

Fr, 82. 

prov A. [ 
] ξένοι δυσήκοα [ 



Fr. 87. Fr. 88. 
Ἰρελπί Jed 
Ἰσερμηΐ Ἰσητὶ 
Ἰλεξε" κί Ἰλογιατί 
Ἱρανδρῖ Ἰειτασί 
5. 1..{|} Πόι 6 Ῥνηθά 

Fr. 91. Plate IV. 
] - υνανΐ 
Wer επειγεΐ 
5  jeto. . exvol 
Ἰασωτάδ᾽ οἱ 
-10 Ἰυχορω' βεβηκί 
Ἰροσγυναιλαγέτί.1 [ 
Ἰουδοσεσθοξενοσ ἷ 
1. μαχαιοισιναισιωτὶ 
15 71. ητετραπταιτουΐ 
Ἰκηπτοσωραπονω | 

20 Ἰξ.Ἰηθανωναζεταικατὶ 

Ἰαμωσεχοιμ᾽ ανειπειντί 

1. σοιτηλουδοκαζειτηΐ 



Fr. 89. 

Fr. 92. 
5 | 

10 |noeTau 


15 vs 


Fr. 88. 

Jp ἐλπίι Jee 

Js “Eppa Ἰσητί 
Ἰλεξε: κί ] λόγια τί 
Ἰρανδρί Ἰειτασί 
5 Poe ls i 5 σ]ννηθεῖ 
: Ἰλλαδὶ 
Pr, or. Plate IV. 
]. wv arf 
] βλεμμαῖ 

]ros yee ασὶ 
ἀλλ᾽ ef’ ἔπειγε" [ 
Jeto . . εἰνοῖ 
(B) δρ]άσω τάδ᾽ αἱ 
Jas μέλαθρα vf 
(Xo.) va κεινεῖσθαι τὶ 
ἐν] χρόνῳ μάλιζστα 
10 οὐὐχ ὁρῶ: βέβηκε 
δωμάτων ἄγχι pol 
ἀνδ)ρὸς γύναι λαγέτ[α] 
φρ]οῦδός ἐσθ᾽ ὁ ξένος 
1. # Ἀχαιοῖσιν αἰσιωτίατ 
τε 1. η τέτραπται τουΐ 
Ἰῴων ὑπ᾽ ἄτῃ τηλί 
Ja μὴ σὺν κακῷ φθέϊιρ 
Jov ἔπληξ᾽ εὖνις aril 
σἸκηπτὸς ὥρᾳ πόνῳ 
20 1έ[.1η θανὼν ἄφξεται κατί 
οὐδαμῶς ἔχοιμ᾽ ἂν εἰπεῖν τί 
ὡς] ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν ᾽Ατρείδης 
7. σοι τηλοῦ δοκάζει τη 
Ἰνοση Babecal 

Fr. 89. Fr. 90. 

Ἰωσί |o . [ 

1: medal Ἰφεισί 
παν τι τι ]- λημί 
Fr, 92. 
] κρατῶ' 
μοις τάχα 

ἢν" 4] 


το Ἰήσεται 


By) Oe ee. τ ἔπ Ὁ Ἰατιδαΐ 
: Ἰξουσαοσὶ 
~ Ἰβηκενοῖ 
5 |. ἰσονχροΐ 

Fr. 94. Plate IV. Fr. 95. 
|. [- ἡταδρᾳσεῖ Ἰουΐ 
Ἰαλλαταυτεγω .Ϊ Ἰασὶ 
Ἰευρονουδεπωποτὶ Ἰασδί 
ψ Ἰοσί 
Ἰτανπαυλακαικακωνΐ 5° Jol aed 

5 }- ἱστωνητυχημεθισί 

Ἰιδειημενειθρασυντὶ τ 
Ἰτηστυχησαναστατΐὶ a 
Ἰυνημερί. .. .. Ἰῴάεταί 
Fr. 97. Fr. 98. Fr. ΤΥ 
| 1. nkapal Jato: [ 
Ἰιταπάντεϊ Ἰακτασὶ 
ἸδυσαΐΪ Ἰασινυκτοῖ Ἰιμολο. [ 
Ἰιγαρὶ Ἰ τωπολί ἌΡΕΟΣ 
Ἰυτασί ; . : 5 leu 

Ἰασεντί Ἰθρῖ lel 
Joar{.] - [ Ἱεπρί Je [ 
] Ἱενηΐ lea[ 




jan’... [πα . [ 

Fr. 94. Plate lV. 
].[. -Jra δράσεϊτε 
] ἀλλὰ ταῦτ᾽ ἐγὼ . [ 
Ἰ εὗρον οὐδεπώποτίε 
| τ᾽ ἂν παῦλα καὶ κακῶν [ 
5. 7. ἱστῶν ἡ τύχη μεθίσίταται 
Ἰν τάχιστα: τοῦ λόγου [ 
εἸἰδείημεν εἰ θρασὺν τί 
| τῆς τύχης ἀναστατί 
Ἰυνημερῖ. - - -. Ἰζεταίι 

Be. 97. Fr, 98. 

] |. 7 Kdpa | 

] melita πάντεϊς 
Ἰδυσαί βεβἸ]ᾶσι νυκτὸς 
ΠῚ 1 δἰ καὶ 


Fr. ΙΟΙ. Fri 102. 

Jouol Ἰαιψί 

Ἰασεντί. Vol 
Joan] -[ Ἱεπρί 
] : 

βέϊβηκεν cl - 

1, |. tcov χρυΐΪ 

Fr. 95. Εν, οὔ. 

Ἰασδί Ἰκα 
Ἰοσί ov| 
δ 5 Ἰαγί 

| ἀκτὰς. Ἰχετί 
Ἰιμολο . ] και! 
Jas Jad] 
5 jee. [ 5. ἰαδεῖ 
Fr. 103 Fr. 104 
lero, joo 
Ἰεμί Ἱντί 
Ἰευ Ἰφέί 
pal Ἰστί 


Fr. 105. Fr. 106. Fr. 107. 

}-[ Jou al 
Lr as, | Ἰσιλεοῖ Ἰαιμεῖ 
Jara Jl eof Joo) 
ye Se LSS tha Ἰειᾶβϊ 

Fr. 1. On the arrangement and supposed contents of this and the three following small: 
fragments cf. introd. p. 88. 

6. ar: oredply. The following letters are cancelled by a horizontal stroke drawn 
above them; cf.1174. vill. 2, x.6. A very slight vestige of the letter after ov suggests 
a or 6. 

11. The remains in the margin belong to a note referring to the previous column. 

14. The letters ]. ya and the succeeding lines are on a detached fragment, which 
is most probably part of this column, though whether it is rightly placed as above is 
uncertain. A paragraphus may be lost below the beginning of the line. 

18. There are some small traces of ink in the margin opposite this line. 

Fr. 2. I have had some inclination to assign this fragment to 1174 on account partly 
of its appearance and partly of the variant τουτί in 1]. 4, for which cf. 1174. v. 9. Line 2 
is not decisive, since τηλέϊφου would be doubtful even if gov were certain, which it is not; 
gev is possible. Above the ν (or μὴ in]. 4 is a dot which may represent another inter- 
linear letter, but this cannot be brought into connexion with the overwritten ε, from which 
it is separated by the high stop. 

Fr. 3. 4-6. κόραξ. . . θυηληΐ : W-M suggests that the reference is to the rapacity 
which did not respect sacrificial offerings; cf. Aesch. Suppl. 751-2 κόρακες ὥστε, βωμῶν 
ἀλέγοντες οὐδέν, Babrius 78. Murray, understanding the fragment differently, suggests as 
a restoration of ll. 3-6 (Εὐρ.) ἐδεξάμην τὸ ῥηθέν" ὡς ἄριστος ὧν] κόραξ ἐπάδ]ει μάντις... (’Aor.?) 
ἄριστος, ὦ δύσϊτηνε; δύσφημον μὲν οὖν) κράζει θυηλὴϊν "Ἄρεος ὡς ὀλωλότων. The remains are 
really too slight to give any clear clue to the situation. 

7. The sign in the margin is like that at 1174. iv. 17, a line in which an insertion was 
made by the corrector. 

8. τι may of course be indefinite. 

10, [φίϊλων ; or [ἄλἼλων. 

Fr. 5. i 8. δ]ιαβεβλημίέν..., if right, may be constructed with peray{uc..; but perhaps 
a BePAnplév.. should be read. 

g-10. The coincidence with Soph. Fr. 768 was perceived by W-M. The fragment is 
preserved in Plutarch, De cohib. cra, 10, p. 458 € καὶ τὸν Νεοπτόλεμον ὁ Σοφοκλῆς καὶ τὸν Εὐρύπυ- 
λον ὁπλίσας ἐκόμπασ᾽ ἀλοιδόρητα, φησίν, ἐρρηξάτην ἐς κύκλα χαλκέων ὅπλων. ἐκόμπασ᾽ ἀλοιδόρητα 
was emended by Badham to ἄκομπ᾽ ἀλοιδόρητά τε. Other conjectures were proposed by 
W. Headlam, Class. Rev. xvii, p. 288, who maintained that with Badham’s restoration the 
meaning must be not, as usually taken, ‘ They burst without vaunt or reviling into the ring of 
armed men’ but ‘ they dealt unvaunting, unreviling blows upon their enemies’ round brazen 


Fr. 105. Fr. 106. Bre ro7. 
i Ἰου wal 

| aes | Js ᾿Ιλιοί Ἰαιμεῖ 

Ja το[ι]οῖ Ἱκεινί Ἰσοΐ 
Ἰνγεί 2 : Jeca BI 

ἘΠῚ eer 

shields’, W-M however would understand éppyéarny. . . ὅπλων in the ordinary way. 
It is now clear that Plutarch manipulated the quotation to some extent, since ἄκομπ᾽ 
ἀλοιδόρητα does not immediately precede ἐρρηξάτην ; the simplest course is to transfer the 
words to the next verse, although its conclusion is difficult. o, though the base is lost, is 
practically certain and can hardly be «; for the next letter 7 is most suitable, but ε. orc. 
is possible, hardly y. At the end θ]ατέρου seems the only likely word, though the a may 
be A. There is an undeniable high dot after the v. 

15. στενάζειν in the middle voice appears to be novel. The passive occurs in Lycophr. 
412 οὑμὸς ἐστεναγμένος γάμος. 

20. μό(νον) ἐν ε could also be read, but cf. Fr. 13. i. 7. In a fragment of another text 
ev β΄ μό(νῳ) occurs; cf. Fr. 5. ii. 11, note. 

24sqq. The reference is to the spear of Achilles, which had healed Telephus and now 
in the hands of Neoptolemus slew Telephus’ son ; cf. Fr. 6. ro-12. 

28. Perhaps κείνους. 

ii. 1. The remains of this line are puzzling. The accent and mark of elision, as well as 
the interlineated letters, were inserted by the corrector. Since the ε is enclosed between two 
dots this should be a variant and not merely explanatory of the elision; hence o might well 
be the article, i.e. a choice would lie between καθεῖλ᾽ ὁ cor... and καθεῖλε cor... But 
then σωτήρ becomes inevitable, and though this would not be out of place in the context 
(cf. Fr. 6. 12 ὦ λόγχα σώτἠειρα) the slight vestige after r does not suggest 7. The substitu- 
tion of ε for » before vp would be natural in the aorist of εὑρίσκειν, which however is hardly 
to be worked in. W-M proposes καθεῖλ᾽ ἔσω τὰ [πλ]ευρά, and this has been provisionally 
adopted, though the genesis of the corruption remains obscure. The vestige following p is 
not inconsistent with a but is more suitable to a v, and I have been tempted to suppose 
that the name Εὐρύπυλος stood here, but that hypothesis has led to no satisfactory result, 

3 sqq. The paragraphus below this line is not clear, but the base of the 6 is thickened 
and this may be supposed to be due to the partial coincidence of the paragraphus. If this 
is correct, a paragraphus is missing below 1.6, since ll. 7-8 obviously belong to the Chorus. 
Moreover, since γὰρ οὖν can hardly be separated from the following words, it becomes 
necessary to suppose a change of speaker within the line, against the usual practice of this 
scribe (cf. 1174. viii. 15-17). Presumably double dots were used, but an accompanying 
paragraphus would be expected. W-M would make a similar division in ]. 3, but this 
is not essential. 

4. matpds: i.e. Telephus. The word at the end of the line was perhaps συμφο]ράν or 
pot pay. : 
5. Πρία]μος ἴδε τέκνων is a dochmius ; cf. 1. 8. 


6. Cf. the note on 1. 3. τρίτην of course refers to διπλοῦς in 1. 3. The apparent γ of 
the papyrus is possibly due to scaling of the ink; it is certainly curious that the corrector 
should not have observed the error. κ of και may be ». 

7. This verse seems to be a catalectic iambic trimeter, like 1]. 10 and 18, but I have 
not found a satisfactory restoration. The letter after ὡδ may be p or ἢ, and ty may bee. g. 
πὶ διαίνεις, to which δ]ακρύεζες in the margin refers, is preceded either by v or p. W-M 
suggests ὧδ᾽ ἵν᾽ or ὦ. «, [ὅπο]υ (not ὦ δύστηνε) ; ὠδίν᾽ would also be appropriate. 

8. κτησίων, as W-M remarks, is perhaps equivalent to ἰδίων, οἰκείων ; cf. Aesch. Ag. 
1008 χρημάτων κτησίων, Soph. 77. 690 κτησίου Borod. But φρένες and tangible objects like 
χρήματα are in rather different categories, and Murray’s suggestion that κτησίων here means 
‘covetous ’, with a reference to the golden vine, is not unattractive. 

9-23. (Astyoche.) ‘O Fortune, evil Fortune, that has shorn me. 

Chorus. Thou speakest face to face, for misfortune stands not aloof in dragging thee 

(As.) Justice will pull me down. 

(Chor.) Yea, justice. 

(As.) Then soonest best. 

(Chor.) Alas, what shall we say, what shall we speak ? 

(As.) Who will not with justice smite my head? 

(Chor.) Fortune has shorn thee, but Fortune judges thee not. 

(As.) Have the Argives departed adding to the woe violence and mockery of the very 
corpse ὃ 

(Messenger.) They went not so far as insult, since the bodies of them which had 
fought together in combat lay but a little apart. . .’ 

9. Cf. 6. 5. Homer Ψ 97 μῆτερ ἐμή, δύσμητερ, Eurip. 7. Ζ. 203 δυσδαίμων δαίμων. 

II. φυρταν was originally written, but the τ was afterwards washed out and ὃ substituted, 
perhaps by the second hand, though this is uncertain ; the 6 was then enclosed between dots 
and τ restored over the line on the authority of another copy, as recorded in the margin. 
ἐν ἑτ(έρῳ) is not to be read here, since the stroke above the line is completely preserved and 
cannot be the cross-bar of ar. The lost letter was therefore a figure, and I restore 8 on the 
analogy of the fragment referred to in the note on 1. 20. 

13. δίκα : the substitution of the nominative for the dative is evidently necessary, if the 
nom. is retained in the preceding line. 

14. ἧ ταχίστη (sc. ὁδός) ἀρίστη is an explanatory note; the phrase has a proverbial cast. 

18. δικᾷ might be regarded as the future of δικάζειν, but the contracted form, though 
used by Hdt, i. 97, is not found in Attic, nor does δικάζειν take an accusative of the person. 
W-M prefers to postulate a present δικᾶν ; possibly the same verb rather than δικεῖν (Her- 
werden) is to be recognized in the inscription from Eleusis published in Ἔφημ. ᾿Αρχαιολ, 
1900, p. 79 δικηθήσεται τῷ ταμείῳ διπλῆν εἰσπρᾶξαι. 

To interpret δικαι as δίκᾳ produces a weak repetition οἵ δαίμων, as well as an inconsist- 
ency with ll. 12-13. The Chorus may no doubt be supposed to change its opinion, but 
this change seems overabrupt. 

19-20. γελωτ᾽ ἔχ[ο]ντες is used like γέλωτα ποιεῖσθαι, τίθεσθαι, &c., 6. δ΄. Nauck, Fr. Adesp. 
458. 9 γέλωτα δή με ποιοῦνται κόροι. αἰ τόν (W—M) is hard but seems to be the most likely 

22-3. Eurypylus is represented as having fallen close to one or more of his own victims. 
Nireus (Quint, Smyrn. vi. 372, Dictys iv. 17, Hyginus 113), Machaon (Pausan. iil. 26. 7, 
Quint, Smyrn. vi. 408, Hyg. 113), Peneleos (Pausan. ix. 5.15, Quint. Smyrn. vii. 104 sqq., 


Dictys iv. 17) and others (Quint. Smyrn. vi. 615-6, viii. 111-13) are named as having 
been slain by him. 

24. δ[οϊκητός seems almost inevitable, for an adjective δ᾽ εἰκητός, which might be derived 
from the supposed form δικᾶν (cf. note on 1. 18), is not likely here, nor, I think, is δ άἤκη 
τόσ᾽ (‘wounds’) which Pearson suggests. δίοἤκητός may perhaps mean that Eurypylus 
was so little disfigured that death appeared more of a semblance than a reality, in con- 
trast to his adversary, who was, 6. g., τὸ πᾶν zxcopevos,—though that verb could hardly be 
got into the space. ris might be read instead of rés, but would be still more difficult. 
At the end of the line Jos can well be Jos. 

26-8. Restored exempli gratia by W-M. The 7 in 1. 26, though unconvincing, 
is sufficiently suitable ; in 1. 28 y could be read in place of π. 

iii. 6. An iota adscript inserted after ὦ would no longer be visible. 

10-25. ‘Such was the murmur of many mournful lips, and much fine linen and many 
webs of Istrian women were cast upon the man, useless offerings to the dead. And Priam 
clinging to his wounded side, though not his father, speaking a father’s words, wept for the 
kinsman of his children, the boy, the youth, the aged man, calling upon him not as Mysian 
nor the son of Telephus but as of his own seed: “Alas, my child, I have betrayed thee, in 
whom I had the last great hope of safety for the Phrygians. Thou wert a short-lived 
guest, but wilt leave a memory lasting many years with the remnant spared by Ares, who 
hast given us sorrow such as Memnon or Sarpedon never gave, albeit they were mighty 


warriors and...’ 

το. Avypd|y (W-M) is better adapted to the space than οἰκτρόν. πικρόν (cf. And. 424 
πικρὰ ὄρνις) would also be suitable. 

11. The transference of the accent from the second to the first syllable of σινδων 
no doubt implies a desire to interpret the word as the genitive plural of Σίνδοι parallel 
to ᾿Ιστρ[ι]ανίδων ; but σινδών is assured by [π]ολλή. Ἰστριανίς is attested by Steph. Byz. 5.ν. 
Ἴστρος ; and according to Hesychius the name of the artificers was transferred to the product : 
᾿Ιστριανίδες" ai Σκυθικαὶ στολαί ; similarly "Iorpides are described as ἐσθῆτές τινες. 

13. W-M considers this verse to have been interpolated from some other source, 
perhaps through a misunderstanding of the genitive ἀνδρός, which however can be con- 
structed correctly enough with ἐρριπτίάἠζετο ; cf. e.g. Eurip, Cycl. 51 ῥίψω πέτρον τάχα σου, 
Bacch, 1097. αὐτοῦ χερμάδας κραταιβόλους ἔρριπτον. The anacoluthon in διδόντες is undoubtedly 
awkward, but not more violent than in Soph. 422. 259-60; cf. Hdt. viii. 74 πολλὰ ἐλέγετο... 
οἱ μὲν ὡς. .., Aesch. P. V. 202 στάσις τ᾽ ἐν ἀλλήλοισιν ὠροθύνετο, of μὲν θέλοντες... I therefore 
allow the line to stand provisionally, though it must be regarded with suspicion. οὐδὲν 
ὠφελουμένη occurs in Az. 550. 

15. The punctuation of the original evidently needs amendment, 

17. yépovra is strange, since Eurypylus cannot be supposed to have been a really 

old man. But the text seems to be sound and γέρων may possibly here be taken to imply 
᾿ merely a stage beyond that of the νεανίας. Murray and Pearson suppose the meaning to be 
that Eurypylus combined the qualities of different ages, being to Priam a son, a counsellor, 
and a warrior, and compare 6. g. Pindar, (Vem. iii. 72-3. This may be right, but is open 
to the objection that [π]|αῖδα in antithesis to γέροντα and νεαν[ία]ν should indicate a quality 
corresponding to youth rather than to birth, childishness not sonship. 

21. ἐλπίδων wry] pialv,=‘ the means of salvation existing in our hopes ’, comes practically 
to mean ‘ our hope of salvation’, 

22-3. [ἐτῶν and Χλ[ελειμμένἾοις were restored by W—M, who further proposed δ[ορός 
(cf. Aesch. Ag. 517). A ὃ however is inadmissible after Jos; A would be the most 


suitable letter, but a or x is also possible, and I suggest “A[pews on the analogy of δορός. 
λ[ελειμμέν]οις is a somewhat long supplement; perhaps λελιμμένοις was written. Pearson 
would prefer [καλῶν to [ἐτῶν ; cf. Soph. Fr. 534. 

25-6. The restorations are largely due to W-M. The Sophoclean ἧμιν occurs again 
ies 12. ἢ: 

27. εἐσχατ OF ἐσχετ Was presumably written. Dots were placed over the deleted letters 
and the τ is also crossed through. Of the doubtful a following hardly enough remains 
to show whether this also was cancelled or not. 

Of the two small fragments (a) and (4), which were with Fr. 5, the second is likely to 
belong to Col. iii. 

Fr. 6. W-M thinks it unlikely that Astyoche took part in these lyrics; but the coronis 
below ll. 6 and 9 point to changes of speaker rather than strophic divisions in a choral ode; 
and Il. 3-6 and 10-12 are eminently appropriate in the mouth of Astyoche. The reversed 
coronis below 1. 9 was inserted or rewritten by the second hand. 

1. W-M is no doubt right in restoring Πριαμίδας ; a reference to Midas here is 

5. ἔπεισεν : 1. ὁ. by the gift of the golden vine. 

6. é[pyol» W-M. 

7-9. The idea is perhaps similar to that of Fr. 5. iii. 22-3; if so the Chorus is trying 
to administer comfort. Cf. Fr. 7. 4. 

12. σώτειρα, which was restored by W-M, refers to the healing properties of Achilles’ 
spear, now the instrument of death. 

Fr. 7. 6. κοινόθακος is a new compound, and an adjective λάξοος is also novel, λαοξόος or 
λαξόος occurring only as a substantive. The marginal note λαΐ no doubt refers to λάξοα. 
The allusion seems to be to the tomb of Eurypylus. 

10. Possibly τέκνον. 

Fr, 8. ii. 6. There is a small dot between a and p, but a stop here seems unlikely. 

Fr. 9. 1. 6. g. στ]υγνῶί or €liyro[o}r . 
g. Somewhat to the right of the ὦ there is a vestige of ink which probably represents 
another insertion, e. g. a mark of elision. 

Fr. 10. 6. νοσ]ηλεύσας W—M. 
Fr. 11. 11. e.g. [τ]ρισσά or [φ]ρίσσωί. 
Fr. 12. Some at least of these lines are lyrics. 

Fr. 14. 4. The acute accent is uncertain and may be a smooth breathing or an inter- 
linear letter. 

Frs. 35-40 are much wormeaten. The combination of Frs. 36 and 37 co|ya is not | 
probable. In Fr. 40. 1 the supposed top of a letter after » may be a high stop; in 1. 3 Ἰδοι 
possibly ends the line. 

Fr. 47. 4. πρᾶξιν : cf. 1. 6, where however the reading is somewhat doubtful. 

7. The rough breathing on o is probable but not certain. The same may be said 
of the accent on 7 in ]. 9. 

Fr. 48. 1. There isa short blank space before η, but this is no doubt due to the 
junction, which is clearly visible below, of two selides, of which the upper one has at this 
point disappeared. 


Fr. 50. This fragment appears not to belong to the same column as Fr. 1. Εὐρύΐπυλος 
is not to be read inl. 5. 

Fr. 57. 3. A speck of ink to the left of the line may be the remains of a marginal 

Fr. 58. o was preceded by a straight stroke, e.g. ἁρ]μόσας. 
Fr. 69. 7. The supposed stop is doubtful. 

Frs. 76-7. These two fragments, which were found together, may well belong to the 
same column. Fr. 77 is probably the bottom of the column, and Fr. 76 perhaps goes 
immediately above it. 

Fr. 82. 3. The supposed vestige of a letter after σ may be a medial stop. 
Fr. 84. 2. For Ni ) cf. 1174. iv. 23, note. 
Fr. 85. 6. τ after ν has apparently been crossed through. 

Fr. 91. On the subject of this fragment cf. Introd. p. 88. 

- , 3. W-M suggests οὗἾτος yap ἀστήρ, supposing the time to be night ; cf. Fr. 98. 3. Lines 
1-7 look like the beginnings of iambic verses, but if so they were not ranged evenly with 
ll. 21-2, and the trochaics must be supposed to have projected by the space of four or five 
letters into the left margin. 

4. For the rough breathing on εἶα cf. note on 1174. iv. 7. 

8. W-M thinks that the Chorus was here divided into two parts, and would give |. 10 
as restored by him to the second division. This may be correct, but the indications are 

12. The lacuna at the end of the line is too narrow for ov, but there is perhaps room 
for a, and λαγέτα] suits the metre, which is a combination of cretics.and trochaics, better than 
λαγέτ 1; the form λαγέτις moreover is unattested. ἀνδρός was restored by W-M. 

18. ε of ewAné is unsatisfactory, but σ, which would be the easiest reading, gives no word ; 
an o (]ονοπλήξ ἢ) seems hardly possible. ε at the end of the line may be η. 

20, ἄζεται : or era, which might be said of a corpse exposed to the sun. 

22. ὡς W-M. 

23. For δοκάζει cf. Hesych. δυκάζει" μένει, ἐπιτηρεῖ, δοκεῖ, προσδοκᾷ. ἐδόκαζεν' ἀπεδέχετο, 
Sophron Fr. 6 πλόον δοκάζων. 

Fr. 94. 2-5. A restoration of these lines is suggested exempli gratia by W-M: 
ἐγὼ [πάλαι τὰ θνήτ᾽ ἀθρήσας! εὗρον" οὐδεπώποτε [ἡμῖν γένοι τ᾽ ἂν παῦλα καὶ κακῶν ἱλύσις. τῶν γὰρ 
με]γίστων ἣ τύχη μεθίσϊταται φρονημάτων τάχιστα' τοῦ λόγου [δέ ray τὸ πιστὸν εἸϊδείημεν, εἰ θρασύν 
[rwa... A yin |. 5, however, is hardly suitable. In 1. 7 either }. δ᾽ εἴημεν or εἰἰδείημεν is 
possible, but the form is strange in either case, the only analogous instances cited from 
the Attic poets being Eurip. Zoz 943 φαίημεν, Damoxenus Fr. 2. 67 δοίησαν. εἴη μέν however 
seems unlikely. 

Fr. 105. 3. το[ι]ο] is indicated by the narrow space. 


1176. SATYRUS, Life of Euripides. 

Fr. 39 14:2 X 75-5 cm. Second century. Plate V 
(Fr. 39, Cols. xvii—xxiii). 

The identity of this work is fortunately determined by the title preserved in 
the last column of Fr. 39, from which we learn that the roll contained the sixth 
book of the ‘Lives’ of Satyrus, and that the book dealt with the three great 
tragedians. Euripides as the youngest of the three naturally came last ; and to 
him, so far as can be judged, relate all the fragments of the roll which have 

These fragments fall into two main groups. Frs. 37-9, which form the nucleus 
of the whole, are closely associated, Fr. 38 perhaps joining Fr. 39 immediately, and 
Fr. 37 preceding at not more than a short interval ; Frs. 40-57 are some scraps 
which accompanied these larger pieces. Nos. 1-36, on the other hand, are 
miscellaneous fragments which were found sporadically some time before the 
main group made its appearance. Since Fr. 39 contains the end of the roll, 
Frs. 1-36 will naturally precede. Frs. 1-8 are put together as apparently all 
concerned with the style of Euripides. In Fr. 8. ii. 9 544. this subject is dis- 
missed and the writer passes on to consider his character, which is also the 
subject of Fr. 9 and perhaps of Frs. 10-11 also. The arrangement of the rest 
is for the most part arbitrary ; Frs. 33-6 are more akin in external appearance 
to Frs. 37-8 than the preceding pieces, the colour of which is generally lighter. 

The MS. appears to date from the middle or latter part of the second 
century. It is in a small upright hand of the informal type shown also in 221, 
853, the Herodas papyrus, and especially 666, which has other points of re- 
semblance to 1176 (see below) ; all these probably belong to about the same 
period. There is some tendency to cursive forms, e.g. in the letters ε and o. 
A curious feature is the frequent doubling of strokes, which may be partly due 
to the use of an inferior pen. The common angular sign is often added at the 
end of short lines, while in longer ones the final letter is sometimes interlineated. 
Stops in three positions (low rarely) are used besides paragraphi, and there are 
two or three accents (Fr. 2. i. 14, Fr. 33. i. 21, Fr. 39. xv. 37) and a doubtful rough 
breathing (Fr. 33. i. 21). All these signs, as well as the few corrections which 
occur, are to be credited to the original writer; there is nowhere any indication 
of a second hand. This absence of revision is regrettable, since the text is 
clearly erratic. In two places suspicious blanks occur (Fr. 39. x. 34, xi. 6-7), 
while serious corruption is shown in some quotations which are already extant 
(see especially Fr. 39. xi. 20 sqq.). No doubt these mistakes are often older 

_than the papyrus, but it is impossible to acquit of carelessness a writer who 


does not even spell the title correctly (Fr. 39. xxiii. 2). Such aberrations | 
greatly increase the difficulty of reconstructing defective passages. 

The columns are extremely narrow, measuring no more than about 3 cm. 
across, and are set very close together. Their height cannot be accurately ' 
ascertained, since their ends are missing throughout the larger fragments; in 
fact Fr. 20 is the only bottom of a column remaining. Apparently the loss is 
considerable. The best indication of its extent is given at Fr. 39. Cols. xx-i, | 
where the story of the killing of Euripides by the dogs of Archelaus is begun in the | 
former column and continued in the latter. This story is also told in the extant 
Γένος Εὐριπίδου, the source being almost certainly Satyrus ; and on the reasonable 
assumption that the narrative of the original was not more compressed than that 
of the excerptor, some twenty lines at least would be required between xx. 35 
and xxi. 1. An absence of cohesion between other columns bears out this 
conclusion, which is confirmed by a consideration of a quite different kind. 
When the title of a work is written in a separate column, it seems usually to 
have been placed somewhere about the centre of the papyrus; cf. e.g. 848 
(Part V, Plate VI), and the Berlin Hierocles papyrus (Schubart, Das Buch bet 
den Griechen, p. 90). The colophon in Fr. 39. xxiii is opposite Il. 26-33 of 
Col. xxii, from which fact I should suppose that the amount lost in Fr. 39. iv-xxii 
is not much less than what is preserved. This roll would then have been on 
a scale similar to that of 666, where the columns, as here, are very narrow and 
closely packed and extend to about fifty-seven lines. The scripts of that papyrus 
and of 1176, as remarked above, also show a strong resemblance. 

Concerning the author little is known. He is described as a Peripatetic 
(e. g. Athen. xii. p. 541 c), and lived not later than the reign of Ptolemy Philometor 
(B.C. 181-146), since his Lives were epitomized by Heraclides Lembus (/. H. G. 
iii. p. 169), who is stated by Suidas to have lived under that monarch. It may 
be noted as a curious coincidence that Heraclides, whom Suidas calls ’Ogvpvyxirns, 
probably resided in the city from whose ruins the present papyrus was obtained. 
Besides the Zzves, which were Satyrus’ best-known work, a book Περὶ χαρακτήρων, 
of which a single fragment is preserved (Athen. iv. p. 168 e), is with probability 
credited to him. Wilamowitz (Hermes xxxiv. pp. 633-4) has shown reason 
for referring him to the third century B.C. rather than the second, and would | 
identify him with the writer of the treatise on the Alexandrian demes 
(Theophil. ad Autolyc. ii. p. 94), which is apparently a product of the reign of 
Philopator. This date for the biographer is accepted by Leo (Griech.-Rém. 
Biogr. p. 118), and there is nothing in the new fragments at all inconsistent with it. 
If it is correct, he is to be distinguished from the ᾿Αριστάρχου γνώριμος nick- 
named Zijra, διὰ τὸ ζητητικὸν αὐτοῦ (Ptol. Hephaest. af. Westermann, Mythogr. 



Gr. p. 191) as well as from the Satyrus sent on a embassy to Rome by the 
citizens of Rhodes in the year 172 (Livy xlii. 14), whose identification with the 
composer of the Lives was proposed by C. Miiller (7. H. G. iii. p. 159). An 
authority on precious stones, who is thrice referred to by Pliny (V. #. xxvii. 11, 
24-5), and was very likely, though not certainly, a poet, does not need to be 
taken into consideration. But the Satyrus who collected ancient myths (Dion. 
Hal. A. R. i. 68 3. ὁ τοὺς ἀρχαίους μύθους συναγαγών) might very well be our 
author ; and possibly, as Miiller suggested (of. czt., p. 164), it was in the work 
thus referred to that the view which the scholia on Homer = 216 and © 288 
attribute to ‘Satyrus’ concerning the girdle of Aphrodite was stated. 

But whatever the other writings of Satyrus may have been, the biographies, 

| which are repeatedly cited by Athenaeus and Diogenes Laertius, were the work 

to which he chiefly owed his reputation. These biographies are commonly 
alluded to as of βίοι ; the more formal title is given by the papyrus, Βίων ἀναγραφή. 
They included monarchs (Dionysius the Younger, Philip), statesmen and generals 
(Alcibiades), orators (Demosthenes), philosophers (the seven sages, Pythagoras, 
Empedocles, Zeno of Elea, Anaxagoras, Socrates, Plato, Diogenes, Anaxarchus, 
Stilpo), and poets (Sophocles, and, as we now know, Aeschylus and Euripides). 
A division into books was proved by references to the fourth book, which dealt 
with philosophers—though these may well have occupied more books than one, 
The sixth book, as the papyrus shows, treated of poets, and further books 
perhaps followed. Most of the extant citations, which have been collected, 
though not quite exhaustively, by Miiller (7. Z. G. iii. pp. 160 sqq. ; cf. Wilamo- 
witz, op. cit., Ὁ. 633°, Leo, of. cit., pp. 120 sqq.), are quite short, but two considerable 
verbal excerpts are given by Athenaeus (Sat. Frs. 1 and 3), and indicated 
a writer with considerable pretensions to literary style. While confirming this 

impression, the papyrus reveals an unexpected and surprising fact: the life of 

| Euripides is in the form of a dialogue. The fact is indubitable, although the 

copyist has failed to bring it out by distinguishing clearly the parts of the 
| interlocutors by means of the double dots which are commonly employed in 
| works of a dramatic cast. There are at least three speakers, of whom two, 
ee (Fr. 39. iii. 19, xv. 13), and Eucleia, a woman (Fr. 39. xiv. 31), are 
'named. These latter persons play a subordinate part ; the name assigned to the 
|chief speaker, into whose mouth the main narrative is put, is not mentioned. 
Presumably the present Zz/ is a fair sample of the others, and the inference is to 
be drawn that they had a similar shape. The method is a singular one to apply 
to biography. It emphasizes at the outset the nature of Satyrus’ work, which, like 
that of other biographers of the Peripatetic school, was essentially popular in its 
aim, and endeavoured to supply interesting information in an attractive shape. 


Another formal feature, which is not less characteristic of the writer’s school } 
(cf. Wilamowitz, /.c., p. 633, Leo, /. c., pp. 104 sqq.), is the wealth of quotations, | 
both from Euripides and elsewhere. It is easy to understand why in the next | 
generation, with the growth of a more strictly scientific spirit, the biographies of | 
_ Satyrus were reduced by Heraclides to an epitome: they were much too diffuse | 
for a handy book of reference. Their style is smooth and pleasant, and care is 
shown in a general avoidance of hiatus, though the rule is by no means con- 
sistently observed. Very likely the apparent exceptions are less the fault of the 
author than of his transcribers, but drastic measures would be required to 
eliminate some of them (e.g. Fr. 39. xiv. 30-1), and the safer course is to allow 
them to stand. 

The account given of Euripides was evidently comprehensive. Besides the 
main events of his life, his style and position in the development of tragic art 
(Frs. 1-8, Fr. 39. vii), his character (Fr. 8. ii. 20 sqq., Frs. 9-10, Fr. 37. i), his 
philosophical, religious, political, and ethical opinions (Fr. 37. i. 22 sqq., Fr. 38, 
Fr. 39. i-vi), and his views about women (Fr. 39. x—xiii) are discussed at con- 
siderable length. There is little semblance of original research, for which 
a successor of Philochorus could hardly have felt much need. The story of the 
cave at Salamis, reported in Fr. 39. ix. 4 sqq., is expressly attributed to Philo- 
chorus by Gellius (V. 4. xv. 20). A fondness for anecdote, which Satyrus shares 
with his kind, and which was a product of the prevailing interest in individual 
character and personal traits and details, does not necessarily imply an uncritical 
turn of mind. The tales are commonly prefaced with the warning ‘as they relate’, 
‘as is said’, and the like ; in one place a more exact reference is given (Fr. 39. xx. 
29-32), while in another it is not improbable that some scepticism was expressed 
(cf. the note on Fr. 39. xii. 1-16). A fanciful interpretation of a lyric passage 
is propounded with proper reserve (Fr. 39. xviii. 7-20). Diog. Laert. vi. 80 
(Sat. Fr. 17) shows our author disputing the authenticity of the work bearing 
the name of Diogenes. If there were any such critical consideration of the 
plays attributed to Euripides, this must have been given in the lost earlier 
portion of the treatise. 

In the anonymous life of Sophocles which is extant there are three allusions ) 
to Satyrus, but he is not mentioned in the similar account of Euripides (cf. 
Schwartz, Schol. Eurip. pp. 1-7), although this cites Eratosthenes, Philochorus, 
and Hermippus. Nevertheless it now seems plain that Satyrus too was among | 
the sources of the anonymous compilation, the language of which is sometimes | 
very close to that of the papyrus; cf. Fr. 39. ix. 4 sqq., x. 23 sqq., xii. 21 sqq., / 
XX. I-15, Xxi. I sqq., with the parallel passages of the Γένος Εὐριπίδου quoted in 
the notes ad Joc. These related passages, however, do not stand in the sequence 


of their apparent source, and the want of cohesion conspicuous in the Γένος 
becomes still further evident. 

But not only is authority now assignable for several statements about the 
poet which were previously anonymous and their antiquity definitely ascertained; 
the papyrus also makes some contributions of its own to the material. Thus 
we are told that Euripides was prosecuted for impiety by Cleon (Fr. 39. x. 15-20, 
and note), that his retirement from Athens was partly due to irritation with 
certain poets, whose names are givef (Fr. 39. xv. 26 sqq.), and that he composed 
the exordium of the Persae for Timotheus (Fr. 39. xxii. 27-30). There are 
moreover some substantial additions to the Fragments of his poetry, as well as 
a few improvements in the text of others already extant. 

ira: Pr. τ: 
Pet Pe 
Ἰαλλαχη.ποῖ . 7 ἀλλαχῇ; πόϊλ- 
Ἰητορι(εῖ λ᾽ ἐρ]ητόριζεϊν 
Ἰτοισλογοιΐ ἐν] τοῖς λόγοις 
5. Ἰλογικοσῖ ὧν] λογικὸς 
Ἱπαραμιμηΐ καὶ παραμιμή- 
Ἰθαιτονυΐ σασΊθαι τονυΐ 
Ἰκησδυΐ εν ἦκης dv- 
το, ἀπ΄. «ἢ να]τὸς απ... 
Io Ἰν[.7ον οἷ το .. «Ἰν[.Ἰονοἱ 
Ἰο τῆ] - τῇ el Een 3 ee | 
Pr. 2. Fr. 2 
Col. i. Col. ii. Col. i. Col. ii. 
[Nye renee ee a ss aig Seah cen Gees ie cede tee ju. 
ity OP ager 1.1. .1δαϊ. 
..]. oAnsS παρ 


[.. .] . ολησπαρ 
[. .] . εἰδεωλοσ 

[. -τεπαρθε εανΐ 

. .jre παρθέ. ἐὰν [ 




[. .] . opourpe > ασωϊ 
[- . .]. τισκη» ουμί 
[- - νεξηυ» Toul 
[- - .]. οδοσ. 5. Tol 
[- . Ἰσδατιμο ᾿ 
[- - «μηκεινωι θ.1 
oe : -leenav a 
[. - .|vTeeAAn τὰ a 
[. - -καιεναγώ : 
[- - Ἱπροστοὃδ. 
Ε- : .|Ankotal. 
eee 71. oy. 
ir 3 
tol, 1. Col. ii. 
ae Ν 
Ἰατοισ αἱ 
Ἰογοισ τα 
joe al 
Ἰν μεὶ 
|xou 5 {π| 
\nv él 
Ἰτου τηΐ 
Ἰησ by eee E 

᾽.σ yl 


[τς δ᾽ ἄτιμος 

[- . .] μὴ κείνῳ 
[... .Jeen ἂν 

[- - ἦντι ᾿Ελλη- 
[v..] καὶ εὐαγώ- 

[γ -.] πρὸς τὸ ὃ.[ 
. φι]ληκοΐαϊ. 

Col. i. 


5 Joe 



Pr, 4. Fr. 6 Fr. 4 Fr. 6. 
Jeol vel Ἱεισί aa 
Ἰστειΐ Ἰ. ησὶ Ἰστει Ἰ. nol 
Ἰτεχνῃΐ Ἰοωνλί Ἰ τέχνηϊ Ἰοων AL 
Ἰληνεῖ Ἰκαιρωΐ Ἰληνεῖ ] καιρῶϊ 
5 jewel 5 jovw.[ 5 |v ὑπί δ Ἶονω .Ϊ 
Jerod Jevpaer{ Jer σί | ἔγραφεν | 
vi Ἰαμενοσῖ wf Ἰάμενος [ 
]. αυτηιτί : : |. αὐτῇ τί 
Ἰνοπαιαΐ Ἰνοπαιαϊ 
ΕΣ: 10. }. ματὸ. | ἘΣ; 10 |. μᾶτὸ | 
: . Ἰειωτοί Ἰειωτοί 
Ἰφιλί Ἱμισενΐ- Ἰφιλί ἐνόμισεν | 
Ἰμβα .[ Ἰιδιανᾳΐ Ἰμβαλί | ἰδίαν αἱ 
Ἰονπαρί 7. καλονΐ Jov map| 1. καλὸν [ 
Ἰαζομενΐ 15 Ἰαταγμαῖ Jagoper| 15 Jaraypal 
5 ]|- vamor . [ Ἰαδελί 5 7 eon. | ἀδελ[φ 
Ἰησλογοΐ Ἰηντοῖ Ἰης Aoyol Ἰην τοῖ 
Ἰκροασί ἀἸκροασὶ : : 
Ἰαπαυεῖ Ἰαπαυεῖ 
|rovo[ |rovo| 
το Ἰητί το Ἰητί 
Hr, oy: ΒΡ ee 
ru Jro| 


Ἰν καὶ 

Ἰεχνῇ τ]εχνΐ 
ἹἸερπαί ὑπ]ὲρ mal 

5 Idi 


Fr. 8. Fr. ὃ, 

Coli. Col, ii. Col. iii. Col. ii. Col. iii. 
Be eat aie Ἰοσζη δι (ra ᾿Ιων)ος ζη- δι 
es ee Ἰλακαι yal . [λῶν Kalra καὶ ya 
[. . Ἰενκαιε wo] [ndélev καὶ ἐ- wo| 
[. λείωσεν τηθῖ [τε]λείωσεν 76 

5 ὠστετοισ 5 σοφί 5 ὥστε τοῖς 5 ood] 
μεταυτον οντὶ μετ᾽ αὐτὸν ον τὶ 
υπερβολην dn‘ vol ᾿ς ὑπερβολὴν δῃ νοΐ 
μηλιπειν" καιουΐ μὴ λιπεῖν. καιουΐ 
[ἰαταμενοὺυν κατηΐ [κἸατὰ μὲν οὖν κατηΐ 

το [Ἰηντεχνὴν το εἰστασὶ το [τ]ὴν τέχνην το εἰς τασὶ 
[-Ἰνηρτοιου ναΐ. .|. | [ἁνὴρ τοιοῦ- Vala τ [ 
τοσ’διοκαι καὶ τος. διὸ καὶ kal 
ἀριστοφανὴσ τί ᾿ἀριστοφάνης τί 
ἡ. επιθυμει > δὴ τ, ἐπιθυμεῖ 0. 
]> 15 τηνγλωσσὰν τ πολ ι τὴν γλῶσσαν 15 πολ] 
1σ αὑυτουμετρὴη ραλοί αὐτοῦ μετρῆ- parol 
σ᾽ σαιδιηστα ηλθ σαι “δι᾿ ἧς τὰ ἦλθ 
. [. ἡταρηματ eay| λ[επ]τὰ ῥήματ᾽ ἐανΐ 
fe 7 -ἤχετα" τηνΐ [ἐξεσ]μήχετο.᾽ την 
᾿ γον οι, νον} 3 a 20 av. | 
20 τ «Ἰεκαιτή ΕΥ 20 τ : ὩΣ αὶ 
.Ἰχηνμεγασ υἸχὴν 
ἘΝ tie vol [ἦν] gon vel 
δετί ΕΣ αν ον Ὶ δετί 
[. . (Ἰεντοισ Ἵ [ὡς] ἐν τοῖς 
[- . Ἷμασιν" pal [ποιήἹμασιν. pa 
25 α.1 J 25 Gish 
25 [... -je“aye oct 25 ἱγρρο]εμάχε: δ: 
[. . (1.ὀρωσπερ πόσοι [το v\4p ὥσπερ pool 
[. - ἡειρη]α τ ἱπρο]είρηϊκ]α τ 
ἘΞ] vey. [. 6 = [. .]. ver. [..J ἀ 
aol Ε Ἐ aol 
γωνιμαλί. .|v : γῶνι μάᾶλ[λο]ν 
30 [ἡροσπέϊ. . .|o aaa 30 [π]ρὸς mel. . .|s τι 
Tel δ Tel 
[.|rexa[... .Ja 3 [ὅ]τε kal... .α ὍΝ 


.Ἱοσαυτῖ. . .jur| 

. ae 

5 [.- + Ἰαισαπᾷ 

fee -|yeAacat 

[-Jooau7[. . .]υν 

εν. Παισαπα- 

[..-] γελάσαι 

[. - Πτορχησα οὔγτ᾽ ὀρχησά- 
[- .. ἡνηκει [μενοὴν Helly 
[ «ἹἸεεποσί [οὔτ]ε ἔπος Ϊ 
ΤΟ <5 see Ἱκενί 10. 1 ΡΤ τν Ἵκενί 
|. τ τ οἷς Ἰαρρηΐ [- «... mlappn 
ΕΣ eas Ἰενον ἰσιασάμ]ενον 
Fr. 10 Fr. 10 

Col. i. Col. ii. Col. i. Col. ii. 

1." eyo 1. ἐγὼ 
5 Ἰνυγαρ» 5 πάϊνυ γὰρ 
Ἰρανδὶ > Dive. jpav δι- . 
Karn δεῖ Ἰν κατη- δεῖ 
Ἱντα » val [yopod|yra , val 
Jovoo| εινΐ Ἰωνοσί εινΐ 
το Ἰστοηθῖ.]σ Tol 10 Js τὸ 76[o}s Tol 

Ἰστην > 5 marl Ἰστην 5 Waal 

Ἰονκαί αροΐ Ἰον καὶ apo| 
Ἰχειγε Tre ἔϊχει γε πεῖ 
tien με Ἰοθήκην μὲ 
Ἰμηνΐ af ais 15 \enr[ pe ral 
Ἰταυΐ ; |ravj. . Ἢ 
Fr. 11. ies, ΤΙ 
Col. i. Col. ii. Col. i. Col. ii. 
ΤΣ Ἰκεδί. .. Epes ΟΣ Ἰκεδί 
Bees < « Ava. ΑΘ Avda 
aera Ἰουαχιλ Γ΄ τ]οῦ ᾿ἀχιλ- 
op Ree 1ηθοσ ἰλέως .. .] 7008 
ΕΓ. Ὸς. Ἰουνεο δ Ἐν «2,08 τ]οῦ Νεο- 
Β.,, Ἰνυπροσ [πτολέμο]ν πρὸς 
ees ss Eee αἱ ΣΕ ΕΣ γιξει αἱ 
De iicdig + |. An of [ον eters ]. An of 
π:-.--:.: je ἢ Pear ees le [ 
16}... so ] δε ας 16. 2 eae πε ae |- 
Br. 12 Fr. 12 
Col. i Col. ii Col. i. Col. ii. 
Je geek le oy 
J τί ] τί 
J ἰ | [ 
le τί Ἰα τί 
ΠῚ: νΐ fla ἢ yf 
Ἰ: 5 Aol |. 5 Aol 
| ε.[ ] - 
IE πὶ | πὶ 
\v aul Ἰν αὖ 



Fr. 13. 

5 Ἰηπουσὶ 


Fr. 14. errs. 
Ἰακεδί s 
Ἰιοσαΐ Ἰσηΐ 
Ἰτοῖ jar . [ 
᾿ Ἰναΐ eee] 
5 ἹἸντοῖ engl 
\ral 5 Ἰνομί 
Fr. τό 
Col. i Col. ii 
ea ee Κ τῆσ, Bol 
[. . νησικα ᾿ Auf 
[. + « σομενοσ τησὶ 
[. «ἤητησα λανταῖ 
Ἔν ον: Ἰσαυτοσ 5 κακουΐ 
[. ....7. ἡποι voor| 
SE ee ee ae jovcm TLanl 
[. . . .|uvTow . Of. .]εἰ 

το jv καὶ 
ye 10 γέ 
τ α.Ϊ 
jew ee 
Fr, 23: 

. jus Kal ἀμα[θής 
τις] ἐφαινόμην 
ἂν κ]αὶ ἠδίκουν 
αὐτ]ός. Kail... 

5.» » δηήπου, Of. τ 

aye 7 | 
Fr. 14 Fr. 15 
M)axedl ; 
jos αἱ Ἰσηΐ 
Ἰτοῖ Ἰαισι . [ 

Fr. 16. 
Col. i Col. ii 
[. 0. .]. ἐκ τῆς Boj 
εν ἥνης ἱκα- dul 
vos ἐσόμενος τησὶ τά- 
. ἤητησα λαντα | 
Se hres Ἰς abros 5 κακουΐ 
[soe al). ποι: νοστί 
wae Ἰουσω τι" ἀλί 

. σ]ὺν τοῖς . οἷ. «Jef 


Εν τῆς 
Col. i. Col. ii. 
Ἰ. ¢. λεγηί 
υ τοδεΪ 
Τῶι τισί.Ἰεἶ 
Kara. ἀῶ 
5 φ.ῖ 
Fr. 18. 
Col. i. Col: 1: 

SS πε τον τα τ πα eer oe 

. 1.1. πολλα 

1) RT ae 

.AAn-ando Lf 
. ]γαροησιο» ἢ 
εἸσυπερεν > He 
» «|K@LovTL >» ενΐ 

ae νομαν nt 
. + + ἡἠαμηλύυπει τί 
151... τ ς- Ἰην'και 
Fr. 19. 
Col. i. Col. ii. 
|o evAaBl..... 


5 tf.» .]1αυ[. . .. 


Fro αι 
Col. i. Col. ii. 
J. ἐ: λέγηϊ 
ee rele 
| κατα Nat. Jal 
: 5 Φ.ῖ 
Fr. 18 
Col. i Col. ii. 
eed Some) lee a8 
[ποϊ]λλή" ἀηδο- ἯΙ 
[. . 1 yap 6 Ἡσίο- nf 
[δο]ς ὑπὲρ ev- μ 
5 |. «“Ἱκαίοντι ενΐ 
[- ..].. [:]. πολλὰ 5 Tal 
[ean ot lv πολε- φυΐ 
[He . « “νομαν n [ 
[.. + Ja μὴ λυπει- τί 
τ. nvr καὶ shied 
Ff. 19. 
Col. i Col. ii 
|o evrAafi..... 
ie βάλλει τὴν... 
|e τείνουσαϊν τοῖς 
|o ἰδιώταις . . 

Tews «]αυΐ 




το Ἰλων 



ΒΓ 21-: Fr. 20. 
1..1 ἡ τὴ 
\mpo Ἰνδυ 
Ἰην > Ἰυτον of 
|ra ὑποὸν καὶ 
ΤΠ: ᾿ 5 
Fr. 25. Fr. 22. 
Ἰσανί Ἰυραΐ 
pew Ἰοιχί 
eet |v pov 
Ἰδει παἸνηγυρῖ 
Ἰσασί 5 ὑπὲρ πα.[ 5 
Npeare ἢ} Ἰν πολυΐ 
joc χερ.Ϊ 
Fr. 24. Jov γὰ[ρ 
᾿ το Ἰλωνΐ 
Im «1 Ἰουσαῖ 
Fr. 26 Fr. 25. 
Jol J.-[ 
Ἰπὶ yal 
jo[.|r Ἰανεῖ 
1. φί Ἰσαλοί 
5 jor 5 Ἰαρὶ 5 


Fr. 27. Fr, 28. 
Col. i. Col. ii. . 
τ a Ma val 
] κί Ἱκαι.. [ 
] τί 1. εἰσί 
πω σον [ val 
ἢ εἶ 5 +6: 
Fr. 20. Fr. 30. 
cor (Οἱ. ii. 
p+ | Ἰεραΐ 
yf 1. ταί 
εσί Σ 
| αἱ 
Pr, 21. Fr. 22. 

Pana Col. ii. 
eee I 


Ετ. 43. 
(οι. ἰ. Col. ii 
fe leske 
Desire ts Ἰοσή]. 
τ-- Ἰταί.. 
ΤΟΝ Ἰολυ. [ 
5 [- -..0]. οθη . 

Fre 27: Fr, 28. 
Col. &, Col. it. 

Ἰτων eal vat 
Τὸν ‘ : ‘oa 
Er. 20. Fr. 36; 
(οἱ. 1. ΟΟΙ. 11: . 


p-[ Ἰεραΐ 

Fr. 31. Fr. 32. 
Cok it, (οἱ it. . 
bah 1το βι.[ 

Ἰν : : 

Pr. $3.57) 
Col. i. Col. ii 
ε--. 1α{.. 
Oe ie Joon|. 
berate ae |rau{. 
[ πίολυ . [ 


epee Ἰρμαί. 
[- -. «]τοισέϊ. 
[. - + Ἱπεροχί 
[- «ον ἡνδηλί 
10 [.. «Ἰσπροσί. 
[- - [κατατων γί 
[- - .Jovrey εἰ 
[. . «]αισεικαι μὶ 
[. . -|raurne φί 
15 [. - (ηδυνα 5 αἱ 
ΕΣ ΟΣ Ἰιστα τί 
Baer Ἰνκαι αἱ 
eee Ἰατοὸν 
[- ....]. ouval 
BO as. Jac Oau-[ 
lee οσδῦφηϊ 
[5 6.0}. ηἡλογοῦ 

[- - . ἡτασουκ[ 

[- - .Jeoa . [.Jof 

Fr 24. 
Col. i. Gol. ii. 

Reet Ἢ 

1. αἰαλαι σί 
Ἰαιοτεν xl 
Ἱματων» λ΄ 

δ J-« 5 ἢ 

εν τοις. εἰ. 

ες ὑ]περοχί. 

ἰλαϑστς Ἰν δηλί. 
το [...|s προσί. 
[...] κατὰ τῶν γί 
[- . (ωντων εἰ 
[- - .(1αις εἶκαι my 
[-- oR τῇ dg 
15 [. . -|\nduva- 5. al 
ἘΚ PES Ἰιστα τί 
ES See Ἰν: καὶ αἱ 
[ene Ἰατον 
[- 1}. OUP αἱ 
“Tey Ergin Ἰασθαι" 

[-- os οὗ 7- 
[or . .1. ἡ λόγους 
[... τας οὐκ 

εν -Jeoa . [. Jol 

Col. i. Col. ii 
] . atadar o| 
Jar: ὅτ᾽ ἐν χί 
ἹἸματων λί 
5 J.¢ 5 of 
Pre 35. Fr. 36 


Ἰγαρὶ Ἰτηΐ 
Ἰυτί ἘΦ} 

|) est, ΠΤ Oo) a 
About 14 lines lost. 

“A ae ee ee oe 
enews = 4 jroto| 
. |AoTptoic- 

. .|uevoore 

. Πξαγοραν 
. -Jovioc 







[- - «(1αδετον 


ἢ σ΄. |. ᾿φυσι 

Fr. 37. Col. ii. 
About 5 lines lost. 




Be 37) Col? t 
About 14 lines lost. 

CE Bar tt As δῷ 
. ἐπὶ] τοῖς 




[ο]Ἱὐκ ἐπὶ τοῖς 

20 [ἀλ]λοτρίοις 

[ἔργοις ταπει- 
[vod|uevos. ἔ- 
[πειτῖα δὲ τὸν 

25 [δαιμ]ονίως 
Giese ee peed eA a 

Fr. 37-1, Con, if. 

About 5 lines lost. 

10 ] 









παιφί.1ο. [. ἦνᾳ 
τονεναιθέῖ. : 


. τωνφυσιν εἶ. 







Fr. 37. Col. tit. 

4 lines lost. 
aj. . .\og[.... 
kK[. 1] - olo[... 
A. [. «]ὐμεῖ-. -. 
go. «Ἰωιπί. . . 
τωνμεδῖί. .. 


ονομ[.Ἰζη" αἱ 
Tovavag|. . 
yopetoy|. . 
κοσμονΐ. .. 
τρισινπεριί. .. 







παι ‘ole τ]ὸν [(avTodp)\va 
τὸν ἐν αἰθε[ρί- 

<7 4 
φ ῥύμβῳ πίάν- 
tov φύσιν ἐϊν]- 
πλέξανθ᾽ ὃν 

Ἂς A ~ 
περὶ μὲν φῶς 
περὶ δ᾽ [ὀρφναία 
νὺξ αἰολόχρως 
ἀκ[ριτός τ᾽ ἄ- 

σίτρων ὄχλος 

Fr. 27. Colin 
4 lines lost. 

A. [. .Jupe.«- 
coli τ]ῷ πίάν- 
τῶν μεδ[έον- 

τι χλόην πίέ- 
λανόν τε φέρω. “᾿᾿ 
Ζεὺς εἴ[0 “Adns 
ὀνομ[ά]ζῃ᾽, ἀ- 
κριβῶς ὅλως 

τὸν ᾿άναξία- 
γόρειον [διά- 
κοσμον [ἐν 
τρισὶν περι[όδοις. 
καὶ ἄλλῃ γίέ 




25. κοστωνουρα 

νιων᾿ ζευσὶ 

[. ταναγκί. 

PEA ee 

Fr. 38. 

MAREE |]. σπλεω 

[....|. aTooap 
MN aLS ss - Ἰσασθαι- 

[οὖν ἤηρακλεα' 

[- . .1δηκαιτην 
[. .|rnvemih . σ 
[.]. . ἡντοισπρο 
15 εἰρημενοισ 
[- . “ιλεγειτισ 
[. .] - . οθεοσ.Ἶαι 
[- Ἰραδαιμί.. .] 
[. .[ταδελευσ 
20 [. .|voumpod: 


[- (1σθαιμετε 

[. «ζολογωνδε 

5 [. σερριψεν 

Col. i. 
About 6 lines lost. 


πῃ διαπορίεῖ 
τί πότ ἐστι 
τὸ προεστη- 
Ν -~ > 
25 KOS τῶν ovpa- 
viev: ‘ Ζεὺς 
r41, Lene 3 
[ες ἀνάγκη 
[φύσεο]ς «izle 
[νοῦς βροτῶν 

Two columns lost ἢ 

Fry 3836: Cok. 
About 6 lines lost. 

. aTOS ἀν- 
td Pata or Ἰσασθαι 
[τὸν] ᾿Ηρακλέα, 
[καὶ δὴ καὶ τὴν 
[αὐτὴν em . σ- 
[.1.. ην τοῖς προ- 
15 εἰρημένοις 
[- -ὄ .. λέγει; « τίς 
[- .].. ὄθεος [κ]αὶ 
[os] τάδε λεύσ- 
20 [σω]ν οὐ προδι- 
[διάσκει ψυχὴν 

[αἸὁτοῦ θεὸν ἡ- 


[γεῖ]σθαι, pere- 
[ωρ]ολόγων δ᾽ ἑ- 
25. [κὰ]ς ἔρριψεν 
ἰσκολιὰ)ς ἀπά- 
ἴτας, ὧν] τολ- 






Fr. 48. Col. ii. 

5 lines lost. 
[. - εἸδυειδρᾳΐ 
[. . «]τα’ενιγαί. 
. [-voorara . [ 
τί. παρεστιν 
πολ. [. «Ἰεπαΐ 
σθεπλοΐ. .ω( 
τεδοκεῖ. .]αρεὶ 
τανΐ. . . .|jpyal 
σεσθαΐ. .1δει 
παγονπῖ. .\t> 




[μηρὰ γλῶσσ᾽ εἰ- 
[κοβολ]εῖ {πε} 

[pt τῶν ἀἸφαϊνῶν 

Ἐν 248:. ΟΠ αἴ 
5 lines lost. 

[. . .JOver δρά- 
[σαντα ἔνι yalp 
πίό]νος" ἀλλ᾽ ὅ- 
τίῳ)] πάρεστιν 
τὸ πονεῖν τῶν 
τ ἀγαθῶν κε- 
κλῆσθαι φίλος 
ὧν ἐμ[ὸ]ς λεγέ- 
σθω. τί μά- 
ταν βροτοὶ dé 
πολλ[ὰ π]έπα- 
σθε πλοἰύτ]ῳ 
τε δοκεῖῖτ᾽ ἀρε- 
τὰν [Katelpyd- 
σεσθαίι. ri] δ᾽, εἴ 
tw Αἴτν[ αἷς 
πάγον ΠΙαρ]- 
αν τε πέτραν 

ἐν θαλάμοις 
ἔχοιτε πασῖίά- 
μενοι πατρέ- 
os ; οὔτοι τίό 

τε μὴ πεφυ- 

30 [κότες 


Fr. 48. Col. iii. 

8 lines lost. 


povirepa . 


Ετ. 28. (Cok iit. 
7 lines lost. 

[ Boo7r6}- 

pov πέρα N{[idov 

το τεναυστολου το τε ναυστολοῦ- 
σιχρηματων» σι χρημάτων 
χαριναστρο» χάριν ἀστρο- 
[- - Ἰπουντεσ ἰσκο]ποῦντες 
[- -Ἰλιαντρικυ» [ἐναἸ]λίαν τρικυ- 
15 [. ο]Ἰανθυραθεν - 15 [μί]αν. θύραθεν 
[. Ἰθελοιμαν > [οὐ] θέλοιμ᾽ ἂν 
[- . ουσανμα [ἐλθ]οῦσαν μα- 
[. . « χρυσουν > ἰκρὰν] χρυσοῦν 
[- . Ἶἰστρον > (rap | Ἴστρον 
20 |. . (Ἰτεβοσπο 20 [ov\(d)é Βόσπο- 
«Ὁ Ἰβων’ [pov λαἸβών. 
Peete ss Ἰστουτο Rare πουρῆς Ἰς τοῦτο 
πε ae eee Ἰροι πο caterers Ἰροι 
CS rr 7. [.10» (ee eer. careers Ve ile 
A SRS eee |. ov ral OSA Cn aa |. ov 
Bre 4 Ἰσυν ΕΣ ΠΕ |] σὺν 
Bens Re 2 Jeav Reverting atk, as πιαν 

Fr. 38. Col. iv, with Fr. 39. Col. i. 

12 lines lost. 

ἱ le 

15 οἱ Jo 

Ahh a ΠΕ 
pevyapai.-.| . 


12 lines lost. 
me le 
ra J 
οἷ Jo 
nl |. 
pl | 
Als) τὺ ΙΒ τὸ 
μὲν γὰρ αἰσχρόν, 


Fr. 38. Col. iv, with Fr. 39. Col. i. 









τοδελογι. .\v" 

Sup: See 


. .|vopeval 


Ἡξωῶ tines 



Fr. 39. Col. ii. 

4 lines lost. 
[PL « - δια 
[.- -Ja.[.-.]. τον» 
[.Jovd[. . .Jov > 
[Ἰροποῖ. . Jab pari 
δετουΐ. Ἴων δρω 





20 τὸ δ᾽ ἐλ(λ)όγι[μο]ν. 




μετῆλθε [dle 
πρὸς 7[6 ailo- 
χίρ)ὸν παρὰ τῷ! 
ὄχλῳ τίῷ 

τὸν Σἰκρά- 

τη πολυί.. 

[. Ja ὡς τάπἰο- 

[ἐν] τῇ Δανάῃ 
[π]ερὶ πλεονε- 
[ξίίας μόνον 
[αὐτὸν πάν- 
[τ]ων ἐποιή- 

σα]τ᾽ ἐξαίρετον 

Fr. 39. © Col. ii. 

4 lines lost. 
[.- -Pf. . . «δια 
[Ὁ 6 ἘΠ ἘΠῚ τον 
[τ]όνδ᾽ ε τ]ὸν 
[τ]ρόποϊν" “ λ]άθρᾳ 
δὲ τούϊτ]ων δρω- 

το μένων τίνας 


φοβῇ ; τοὺς 

μείζονα βλ[έ: 
ποντας ἀΪν- 

θρώπων θεούς. 

εἴη (0) ἂν ἡ τοιαύ- 
Tn ὑπόνοια 

περ[ὴ θεῶν [Σὡ- 


κρατικη τωι 

20 ΤτΤοἰσαορᾶατα 


ee Ἰθηκαι 


FE. 20. 
- -|al.\yrexe .1 
- Ἰκα[Ἰτομηδὶ 





[. -Ἰρεωριζει.] 
[- « -Je7[-Juezpl.] 
[. . (1ηδετυραν 

[. . «Ἰποιεινκαι 

[. . «1οὐσφαυλοισ 
μηδιδοναι > 

10 παροδονπροσ 



20 [. [κΚαιπεριτησ 

Col. iii. 







, A 
κρατική: τῷ 

ἈΝ Bl A 
yap ὄντι τὰ θνη- 

τοῖς ἀόρατα 

τοῖς ἀθανάτοις 

- ‘ Ν Ν 
καὶ μὴν καὶ τὸ 
[καὶ τὰ πλή]θη καὶ 

\ v4 
[ras δυναστἸ)είας 

[Tov ὀλίγ]ων Ϊ 

Fr. 392 (Οἱ iit. 
[εἰπ[ό]ντι, Kal 
[δὴ] Kali] τὸ μηδῖέ- 
[va] τῶν ἀστῶϊν 
[ὑπὲρ τί] μέτρί 1. 
[ον μ]ηδὲ τύραν- 
[νον] ποιεῖν καὶ 
[ἀστ]οῖς φαύλοις 
μὴ διδόναι 

co | 
ν & 


μέγιστον γὰ 
ἕλκος πόλε- 

ὡς κακὸς ῥή- 
τωρ ἰδημαγω- 

γὸς} πέρα τῆς 
ἀξίας πῴ(ρογαγό- 
μενος. ἀλλὰ 

μήν, ὦ Διόδω- 
[pe,] καὶ περὶ τῆς 







κοινησί |ov 

Ετ. 40. “Col. ty: 


[- - ]ηιπονηρί. 

θαϊ. .| . τωιμαΐ 
λισί. . ]Ἰανλεγ. [. 
mol. . .joper| 
Aey[. . -Jerou[ 
πονηΐ. . .]Ἰαλ. [. 

εκκλησιαί. . . 
αυτοσην' πολλαὶ 






κοινῆς [τ]ῶν 
[ἀ]βουλ[ίας .].. 

Ἐπ 20... Col. ἦν 
[οἸὀὐχὶ τ[ο]ῦτον τὸν 
[τ]ρόπον, ἀλλ᾽ ο[ύ- 
[δὲ τ] πονηρίᾳ 
θα [ὅτ]ε τῳ μά- 
λισίθ᾽ 60°] ἂν λέγῃ 
λέγ[ζοντ]ες οὐ 
πονήϊρ᾽ ἁπ]αλο[ῖς 
δὲ χρώϊμενοι, 
κἄπειτα τῆς 
ἐκκλησίας κα- 
τηγορεῖ ἕκασϊτος 
ἡμῶν ἧς ἕκασϊτος 
αὐτὸς nv. (4ι.) Πολλὰ 
καὶ παρὰ τῶν 
κωμικῶν ποι- 
ητῶν, ὡς ἔοικεν, 
ἅμα αὐστηρῶς 
λέγεται καὶ πο- 
λιτικῶς. (4) Πῶς 
γὰρ οὔ; πάλιν 
γοῦν ὁ μὲν Εὐρι- 
πίδης εὖ μάλα 
πρὸς ἀλκὴν καὶ 

εὐψυχίαν πα- 









[-Ἰτεροισινεὺυ > 
[- ἡτεσημεραῖ 
[- - Πονψ Java 

Fr..39. ‘Col. v. 

4 lines lost. 

e . 
Ὃ . 
ae οἱ 


. ἥταενταισ 
. υἹδοισσοι 

. Ἰσγελαί.. 

[. -ἰλοιτουσπί. . 
[. - Ἰκοπουν.]ασ 
[. - -[ελευθερι[.ν 





ρακαλεῖ τοὺς 
νέους, ὑποβάλ- 

[Alov αὐτοῖς ép- 

μὰς Δακωνικὰς 
καὶ θυμοποι[ῶν 

τὸ πλῆηθ]ο]ς οὕτως" 
“«κτήσασθ᾽ ἐν ὑ- 
στέροισιν εὖὔ- 
[κἸλειαν χρόνοις 
[ἅπασαν ἀντλή- 
σαντες ἡμέραν 
[πόν]ον, ψ[υ]χαῖς 
bo eb ld 

Fr. 30:) iCaltw. 
4 lines lost. 
fi ateta areoeteke ΠΣ 
τ ee Ἰαχη 
[-~ =|... Jena 
[pleas pe 
ecard ee 


ἰστά]σεις Kai δὴ 
[καὶ] τά ‘ ἐν ταῖς 
[τριόδοις σοι 
τοὺς ἀστυνο- 
μους τίνες εἰ- 
[ot πυνθάνῃ 
.|Aot τοὺς πῖτε- 

20 [ροϊκοποῦν[τ]ας 

[τὴν] ἐλευθερί[α]ν 





. ]εισουκοῖ.Ἶσι 
[. . νενομικασ 
[- . -Jacma . φ[.]λε 
[5 ade ol. Jevnra 
[. ηματαλλεξ 
[.Juovay . [.|ravd 
oe he 

. εφο. . .ε . ηι 

Fr. Ἴ Col. vi. 

τ λον | ΞΕ ΤΈΚΟΡ 
[. .1π|.Ἰσριδυσ 
αφιγμενοι » 
κυρ. Ἰυσιπολε 
Kp|. \yepovTe 
πατρι φαιὴη 
Kal. |ayeTov 

[. .|vKaKoo 
NY LEvov 

ul. vrevope 






[αν] νενόμικας 
[εἶνἸαι, Πάμφ[ι]λε, 
[ἦν] τῳ [γ]ένηται 
ἰχρ]ήματ᾽, ἀλλ᾽ ἐξ. 

[oluciav. ἔϊν]ταῦθ᾽ 

Fr. 392 ΟΠ τ 

Boar as. Ἰοδῖ. . Jno 
ΤΕ Ἰυσε[ ταί 
ΠΣ Ἰρεων 

[kai τῷ] τεκόν- 
[τι] πία]τρὶ δυσ- 
(ἄλλγων γὰρ ἄρ- 
χεϊεν εἰς ἔρωτ᾽ 

τοῖς φιλτάτοις 
κυρ[ο]ῦσι πολε- 
μιώτατοι. σμι- 
κρ[οὶ] γέροντι 
πα[[δὲς ἡδίους 
πατρί. φαίη 
τις ἂν ἀμέλει 
καϊτ]ά γε τῶν 

[νῦ]ν κακῶς 
νος. σπουδά- 
(ovo. yap ὅ τι 

οὐκ ο[ὐ]σί- 










Fr. 39. Col. vii. 

θεραπί. . .1τι 
προσδ.. .|. 0 
ταταστί. .}» 
πετειασβί. . 


ευριπιδησ > 




τάχος οἱ τοι- 
οὔτοι τοῦ τε 
πατρὸς καὶ τῶν 
ποιήσασθαι τ]ὴν 

Εν, 20. 
Ξ a 
πρὸς γ[υ]ναῖ- 
κα καὶ πατρὶ 
pad en Ν 
πρὸς υ[ἰὸ]ν καὶ 


5 πρὸς δ᾽εσΊπό- 




την, ἢ T[&] Ka- 
τὰ τὰς πίερι]- 
πετείας, β[ια- 
σμοὺς παρθέ- 
νων, ὑποβο- 

λὰς παιδίων, 

διά τε δακτυ- 
λίων καὶ διὰ δε- 
ραίων: ταῦτα 

, , ΄΄ 
γάρ ἐστι δήπου 
τὰ συνέχον- 
τα τὴν νεω- 
τέραν κωμῳ- 
Ot ἃ Ν 
iav, ἃ πρὸς 
ἄκρον ἤγαϊγ]εν 

Col. vii. 









[. never > 
[. .Ju@c-evpr > 
[. .1Ἶδησπου > 
[. - ]σινουτοσ 

[. . Ἱμονοσδυ 

[. .] . aL. lye. . 

Fr. 39. Col. viii. 

TU ᾿ 




Τα] Πρ 2-- 1η 
Eee era 7 
HOt Pos es ] 
WO. Fe he Ὁ |e 







Ὁμήρου []ν- 
τος ἀρχῆς καὶ 
στίχων γε 
paptuple|e δ᾽ αὐ- 
τῷ καὶ τοῦτ᾽ 
[εἸἰκότως ὁ Φι- 
[λ]ήμων ἐν- 
[τα]υθί: «“ Εὐρι- 
[πί]δης πού 
[φη]σιν οὕτ(ω)ς, 
[os] μόνος δύ- 
[να]ται λ[έ]γεἐν 

Fr. 39. Col. viii. 





TOs oss orate vil 
|: eer ar oe 
WG. sista | 
TOs asa pehe leh |o 

Ἁ 2, δὲ 
[.. τὴν αὐτὴ)ν 
ὑϊπ]όκρισιν Ev- 

΄, ed 
ριπίδῃ ὥσ- 

2 Ν 
περ ἐνταυθὶ 
ποιεῖ κατηγῖο- 
ρῶν ‘Apicto- 
γείτονος τοῦ 
m(onpod. “τί 

οὖν οὗτός ἐστι; 


20 φασιντινέΐ. 


αδεφησινφυ > 



ev Otel. .7τινὰ 

30 yapou[. loam 

ee ΓΚ: 
γεν: Ἰινην 
eee lAecov 

5 νί. Jol. 7τοθι 
σπηλαῖιον > 

IO TavevToU 



15 φωναπλωσ 








κύων νὴ Alia, 
φασίν τινεῖς, 
τοῦ δήμου. 
ποδαπός ; οἷ οἷς 
ods μὲν αἰτ[Πᾶ- 
ται λύκους εἷ- 

ναι μὴ δάκνειν, 

ἃ δέ φησιν φυ- 
λάττειν πρό- 
βατ[α] αὐτὸς κατ- 
εσθίεζιν!. τίνα 
γὰρ οὗτ]ος πώ- 
ποτε [κέκρι- 
κεῖν ῥήτορα; 
οὐϊδένα .. 


Fr, 39. Col. ix. 

γος] δ᾽ [αὐἸτόθι 

τὴν ἀναπνοι- 
Ἂς D4 3 
ὴν ἔχον εἰς 
τὴν θάλατ- 
ταν, ἐν τού- 

τῳ διημέ- 

> e 

pevey καθ᾽ av- 
[τ]ὸν μεριμνῶν 
δος ἊΣ Ν fe 
ἀεί TL Kal ypa- 
gov ἁπλῶς 










[- -(Ἱμακωσ"ο 

γί. Ἰυναριστο 

|. |repemrav 
vooT . |.|a 
pevTr|. lee 
Aeye|. |vTor > 
οσεστινΐ. . 

λαθεαί.. .. 

Fr, 39, Col. x. 
amn x Govt 

λιαναΐί. .Ἰεγυ 
ναικεΐ. .Ἶια > 






ed » nN 
ἅπαν εἴ τι μὴ 

I Ν b 

ἢ σεμνὸν 7- 


[ἰτ]Ἱμακώς. ὁ 
γ[ο]ῦν Apioro- 

φ[άνης φησὶν 
ἀσΊπερ ἐπ᾽ av- 
τῷ τούτῳ 

vos, “ oltja 
μὲν πἰοι]εῖ 
λέγε[]ν τοῖ- 
ός ἐστιν. [ἀλ- 
Ad θεάμε- 
vos κωϊμῳ- 
δίαν λ[έγεταί 

ΤΌΤΕ |x a 

Fr. 49. (οἱ. Χ. 
αὐτῷ πάν- 

τες οἱ μὲν 
ἄνδρε[5] διὰ 
τὴν δυ[σΊομι- 
λίαν, afi dle γυ- 
vaikes dla 
τοὺς ψόγους 
τοὺς ἐν τοῖς 
ἦλθεν δ᾽ εἰς 

Sige ee la 
ἀφ εκατέρου 







δικηνεφὺυ > 


επισυνεστῆη > 
σαναῦυτωι > 
θροαιπαρη > 
["Ἰανεπιτον > 
[. «(πονενωι > 
[.]xoAager > 
[. ]rvyxavev: > 
[. -ωρισμεναι» 
..| εφεέί.]» 
. .|ToTav > 
. |oapapev 

. -|Lovcac 

[. - 1ασθεισαι 




TOV γενῶν 
μέγαν, ὑπὸ 
μὲν γὰρ Κλέε. 
ὠνος τοῦ δη- 
μαγωγοῦ τὴν 
τῆς ἀσεβείας 
δίκην ἔφυ- 
γεν ἣν προ- 


αἱ δὲ γυναῖκες 
σαν αὐτῷ 

τοῖς Θεσμο- 
φορίοις καὶ ἀ- 
θρόαι παρῆ- 
[σαν ἐπὶ τὸν 
[τόπον ἐν ᾧ 
[δὲ] ede 
[cav|ro τάν- 
[δρὸ]ς ἅμα μὲν 
[τὰς] μούσας 

es] εὐ ER jor 

Br. 30, » Col. xi 

νοΐυμεναι .. 









καιταναυσΐ. . 
Aovpevael. . 
σινουδερὴη > 


AUT POT aT pw 
pel. . .|rove 
opLo|. |\ompopn 
ουΐ. . ναγυ» 
τωνΐ. ᾿σβαθρα 





“is eT ] 
ἔχει Ἰαν 

[.. ὠτὸς ἐϊκβα- 
λεῖ γυνή. νέ- 
2 yx 
μουσι δ᾽ οἴκους 
καὶ τὰ ναυσῖτο 
λούμενα ἔσω 
δόμων oa fov- 
> 2 
σιν οὐδ᾽ ἐρη- 
μίᾳ γυναικὸς 

οἶκος εὐπινὴς 
οὐδ᾽ ὄλβιζος. 

τὰ δ᾽ ἐν θεο]ϊς 
av: πρῶτα 

γὰρ κρίνω 
τά[δ]ε: μέρος 
μέγιστον ἔ- 
χομεν. ἐν (P)oi- 
(βγου τε γὰρ (δόν)- 
μος προφη- 
τεύϊο]υσι Δοξί- 

- οὐ [φρέϊνα γυ- 



ναϊκ[ εἸς ἀμφί 

θ᾽ ἁγν[ὰ] Δω(δώ- 
vns) βάθρα 
(φηγῷ) παρ᾽ ἱερᾷ 
θῆλυ τὰς Διὸς 
φρένας .. .. 








Fr. 39. Col. xii. 

[. . Ἰκωναρ» 
es Ἰειαεπε 
[- .]JarecAvotA 
[- -Ἰγραμμα» 


ειτισεπιβου > 

. λευειτιτῶι > 

δημωικακον > 
pukever|. .]ευρι 
midi. . .1. τ 
νι 'σαφωσυπο 
[Πενειτο[ τῶν 
Pt als had 
φισοφωνΐ. .1οσ 
φωρασετί ἣν > 
γυναικΐ. . .]ν » 
ἰδιανΐ. . .(]ου 






Fr. 39:.\:Colxit. 

ἰστ]άτει, Λυσιλ- 
[λ᾿ ἐγραμμά- 
τευεν, εἶπε 


‘ef τις ἐπιβου- 
λεύει τι τῷ 
δήμῳ κακὸν 

τῷ τῶν γυναι- 
κῶν ἢ ᾿πικη- 
ρυκεύετ[αι] Εὐρι- 
πίδί(ῃ Μήδοις) 7 
ἐπὶ βλάβῃ τι- 

vi’ (A) Yapas ὑπο- 

νενοήκας ὃ 
λέγω καὶ πα- 
ραλέλυκάς με 
[τ]ῆς ἐξηγήσε- 
[ω]ς. προσώ- 
χίθησεν δὲ τῷ 
[γ]ένει το[ύ]των 
χάριν: ἦν, ὡς 
ἔοικεν, πία]ρ᾽ αὐ- 
τῷ μειρακί- 
σκος οἰκογε- 
vis ὄνομα Kn- 
φισοφῶν. [πρ]ὸς 
τοῦτον οὖν [ἐ]- 
φώρασε τὴ]ν 
γυναῖκα τὴ]ν 
ἰδίαν [αὑτ]οῦ 








Fr. 39. Col 


κωνωσμί. . 
μονευουΐ. . 
τί Ἰνμεναί. 
Al. «Ἰσεντοί. 

πειδηπερῖ. . 

τοιναμΐ. . «. 
εμηνοΐ. οἸοϊ.} 
τοφυλον δῖ .1ε 




. Xiii. 





Fr. 39. Col. xiti- 

τἀδίκημ᾽ ἐνε]γ- 
κών, ὡς μίνη- 

τὴ]ν μὲν ἄϊν- 
θίρίωπον ἐκ[έ- 
λίευ]σεν τῷ 
συνοικεῖν. ἐ- 

met δ᾽ (ἐγπ(ηγρίω- 
7H(On), “ πρὸϊς τί τοῦ- 
το; ‘iva ply τὴν 
ἐμὴν οἰὑτ]ο 9] 

ἔχῃ: φησίν, 

ς ἀλλ᾽ ἐγὼ τὴν 
τούτου, δίκαι- 

ον γάρ, ἄνπερ 

πρὸς ὅλον δὲ 

τὸ φῦλον δίι]ε- 
τέλει μαχόμε- 

νος ἐν τοῖς 

(4ι.) Ny γελοίως γε. 
τί γὰρ av τις εὐ- 

διὰ τὴν φθα- 
ρεῖσαν Ψέγοι 







τασαυτασί. .. 
αμφοινεσί. .. 
πεινδαξί,. ay 
meas uel. = 

Br. 39. Col. xiv. 


[.]- a7. .Jd . oo 



δητηναν » 
εἰ. . .]εισιον 






Tas γυναῖκας 

ἢ διὰ τὸν φθεί- 
ραντα τοὺς ἄν- 
Spas; ἐπεὶ τάς 
γε κακίας καὶ 
τὰς ἀρετὰς καθ- 
ἅπερ édey(e)v 
ὁ Selkp)drn(s) 
τὰς αὐτὰς [ἐν 
ἀμφοῖν ἐσΐτιν 
εὑρεῖν. σίκο- 
πεῖν δ᾽ ἄξιον 

τ. ὑθει 

Fr. 39. Col. xiv. 

γυναῖκα Ol. . 

‘Tordon{. . .| 

Pear Jat γ[ὰ]ρ 
fea Ἰθῆναι 
Seer are oe lve 
[.] . ατί. .1δ. ος 

[π]ρὸς αὐτὴν 
ὡς φαρμάτ- 
[roe φίλτρίο]ις 
[τ]ὸν .Ὑστά- 
σπην. μετα- 
δὴ τὴν ἄν- 
θρωπον ὅτ᾽ 
ei[dev] εἰσιού- 
σης τὸ μέγε- 
θος καὶ τὸ κάλ- 









αἰ. . ]βολαι: 
συγαρί. .Ἶτωι 
πἰ.Ἰοσωπωι > 
τωισαϊ.Ἶκαι > 


[- - «{ενην- |. 

τ aint 

Hy. 29. (ΟΙ. χν. 

εκρατησαν > 



κων οιμεν > 
οσονεφεαῦ > 






λος, “χαῖρε, φη- 
σίν, “ γύναι: ψευ- 
δεῖς ἄρ᾽ ἤσ]αν 
αἱ [δια]βολαί: 

σὺ γὰρ [ἐν] τῷ 

τῷ σῷ καὶ 

τοῖς ὀϊφ]θαλ- 
μοῖς ἔχεις 

τὰ φάρμακα. 

(A) Εὖ γ᾽, ὦ κρατί- 
στη πασῶν᾽ 

καὶ τῷ ὄντι 
Εὔκλεια, δι[6]τ[ι] 
τὰ τοιαῦτα 

τῶν ἠθῶν 

καὶ διὰ μνή- 

μης ἔχεις καὶ 

[- - - Ἰενην. [. 

[ea MGT = ee 

Fr. 39. Col. xv, 
~ 4 

paxeltly τέως 

τῶν ἐναν- 

’ἅ ᾽ 2 
τίων- κατ᾽ ἐ- 

Ἂς Ν x 
μὲ μὲν [γ]ὰρ 
τοῦτο θεϊτ]έον 

Ν 7 
τὸ νίκημα 


τῶν γυναι- 
κῶν. οἱ μὲν 
γὰρ ἄνδρες 

ὅσον ἐφ᾽ ἑαυ- 








{.Joowd ιοδω 


γί Ἰναιξιν"ἐπ' 



πολιτωνα > 
[- - .]Ἰαιδοριλαωι 
. . |Mopotpor 
. ἠμελανθιωι" 





[. - (Ἰωνονομα 
[- - [εγεισῆποι 
[- . . οσ'ποιη 
[. - - «Ἱοινΐ. 


Fr. 20: “Col. xvi: 

B. |. . .Jeme6 > 
7 lev 
vy Eee i pipe age 







τοῖς ἡττῶντο. 

(A) “I[clos, ὦ Διόδω- 
ple] πλὴν ταῦ- 
τα μὲν συνη- 
γορησθω ταῖς 
γ[υἹναιξίν, ἐπ- 

δὲ πάλιν ἐπὶ 

τὸν Εὐριπίδην. 
ἐκεῖνος γὰρ ἅ- 
μα μὲν προσ- 
οχθίσας τῷ 

φθόνῳ τῶν 
πολιτῶν ἅ- 

μα δὲ ἀχθό- 
μενος ἐπὶ 

τῷ συννέ- 

μεσθαι πολ- 
λ[άϊκες ‘Axéoro- 
[pe κ]αὶ Δοριλάῳ 
καὶ Μορσίμῳ 
[Πρὸς τοῦ Διός, 

[rivjov de) 

[ra λ]έγεις ; 7 ποι- 
[ητά]Ἰς ; (A) ποιη- 
[rai γ᾽,] οἱ rf. «Jef. 

Tig; ΟΣ. Col. xvi. 

..) ἔπειθ᾽ 









Els = OVE 
χί- - «Ἰδεσοῴο 
κλί. λαβων 

παΐ. «Ἰσχυλου 
νἷ. . ροσον 

. [| ἐσθολον 
ευριπιδὴν > 

T poo Tole! > 
dep Bade > 
adacpl. .\v7n 
Toval. . .\dd 

Sak|.|vrov > 

τουΐ. «]ομενου 
News. 1-- λλοι 
πα... «τὺ: joo 
Εἰ.’ πο τος 
OU). Sy ete ες 
NOt Shy eae 







KA{. .| λαβὼν 
παΐρ Αἰσχύλου 
yj. . .jp ὅσον 

. 11. ἐσθ᾽, ὅλον 

πρὸς τοισί- 

δ᾽ ἐμβαλεῖν 
ἅλας, μ[εμΊνη- 
μένος δ᾽ ὅπως 
ἅλας καὶ μὴ λά- 
das. (A) ᾿Εοίκασιν 
ἀνδρὸς εἶναι 

τῶν ἀϊντι]δι- 

αὐτῷ, καθά. 

περ εἶπας. 

ἀτ]ὰ]ρ σιναμώ- 
ρῶς γε κἀνταῦ- 
θα πάλιν ὁ κω- 
σκαλος ἐπέ- 
δακίνεῖν τὸν 

τοῦ [(0) ἑπ)ομένου 
χειμ[ῶ]νος ἀλ- 

Aa. . .| . ἄλλοι 

παι joo 







Fr. 39. Col. xvii. 

ενχερσί[. .Ἷν 
σπλαγχνΐ. «| 


ρινεχει ου. 
το.Ἱμενουν » 
οπερειπα > 







Fr. 39. Col. xvii. 

e > ’ 
ὅπου ποτ᾽ oi- 
κεῖ σώματος 
λαχὼν μέρος, 
> > 
ἐν χερσῖϊν, ἐὴν 
σιν, ἢ παρ᾽ [ὄ]μ- 
ματα, προσ- 
τούτοις χλευ- 
αστικῶς “ ὅπ- 

πα καθεύδουσ᾽ 
ἃ κύων τὰν 
n> ᾽ - 
piv’ ἔχει. οὗ- 
Tole] μὲν οὖν, 
“ > 
ὅπερ εἶπα, 
πρὸς τὴν τῶν 
πολλῶν ἐπο- 
χάριν. ἐκεῖ- 
νός γε μὴν 
καθάπερ δια- 
’, 4 
μαρτυρίαν θέ- 
μενος ἀπείπα- 
το τὰς ᾿4θή- 

νας. (4) Ποίαν 

ταύτην; (A) ᾽ν 
τῷδε κατα- 
νὴν τῷ στα- 
4 ae 4 
cine: ‘ χρύσε- 
4 4 
at On μοι πτέ- 
puyes περὶ va- 
τῳ Kal τὰ DE- 



pn. Ἶνπτε ῥήἥϊνω]ν. πτε- 
[- . . .Jramed[.JA 35 [poev]ra πέδ[]λ᾽. 
μον ἥζεταί. ἰἁρμδζεταῖι, 
[ Ἱμαιδαϊ.] [βάσοἹμαι δ᾽ (eis) α[ἢ:- 
ΠΕΣ Ἰπουλυΐ [θέρα] πουλὺϊν 

[ἀερθε)ὶς [Ζηνὶ 

Fr. 39. Col. xviii. Plate V. Fr. 39. Col. xviii. 

εξηρχεντα ἐξῆρχεν τὰς 

μελαΐί. . . .]σ μελᾳίδία]-. 

NovkKi..... ἢ οὐκ [οἶσθα 

CTU Ϊ «x - ὅτι Kali τοῦ. 

τεσί. «Ἰφηΐ.. 5 7 ἔσϊθ᾽ ὃ] φηϊσὶν 

αυτΐ. πωσ» 

αὐτῖός ;) (4u.) Πῶς 




ovr|.|nvicup οὖν; (A) “[ΖἸηνὶ συμ- 
μειξωνορμαν μείξων ὁρμάν᾽ 

Aeyo|. μετα λέγωϊν,] μετα- 
φορικωσεμ 10 gopikas ἐμ- 
φαινειτον» φαίνει τὸν 

μοναρχον» μόναρχον, 

αλλακαΐί. .|v 

ἅ(μγα καὶ [συῚν- 

αὐξωνταν αύξων Tav- 
δροστηνυ» 15 δρὸς τὴν ὕ- 
περοχήΡ- περοχήν. 

κομψοτεῖ.]α » 
φαινεῖ. .. .1» 


απερεστιν » 


(4:.) Κομψότεϊρ]α 
φαίνει μοι] 

λέγειν ἤπερ] 
(4) Πάρεστιν 

ὠσθελεισεκ ὡς θέλεις ἐκ- 

δεχεσθαι με δέχεσθαι. μετ- 
ελθωνδουν ελθὼν δ᾽ οὖν 




Pr. 30. Col. xix. 




λοιπί.] καιδη 
καιμν[.Ἷμο > 
vevel. .. .7τι 

Plate V. 

νηισινΐ. .1δὲ 

Aottwvabn > 

αἰχμάλωτοι > 


25 KaTeynpace - 
ἐν Μακεδονίᾳ 
par’ ἐντίμως 
παρὰ τῷ δυ- 

80 νάστῃ τά τε 
λοιπίά,] καὶ δὴ ΄ 
καὶ μυζημο- 
νεύεϊται ὅτι 

35. πέχ ae τς 

Fr. 39. Col. xix. 
(A) Οὐ κακῶς εἴρη- 
κας' τὰ μὲν 

γὰρ τῶν ᾿4θή- 
νησιν [οὐ]δὲ 

5 λέγειν ἀξι[ο]ν, 
οἵ γε ποιητὴν 
καὶ Σικελιω- 

10 τῶν ὕστερον 
ἤσθοντο. λέ- 
γεται γοῦν, ὅτε 
Νικίας ἐστρά- 
τευσεν ἐπὶ Σ᾿ ι- 

15 κελίαν καὶ πολ- 
Aol τῶν ᾿4θη- 
ναίων ἐγένοντ᾽ 
συχνοὺς αὐτῶν 








ᾳπί. «Ἰατονεὺ 

ἘΣ ge \varre 
ΓΞ, Ἰεν'Και 
ote aes: \rapxe 

Fr, 39," “Col, xx: 

εχεί.Ἰτοστομα > 

ουκευφ[ .Ἰμη 
τί. ]γέγονεν 






διὰ τῶν Εὐρι- 

’ ’ 
πίδου ποημά- 
των, ὅσοι κατ- 
έχοντες τῶν 
στίχων τινὰς 
τοὺς υἱεῖς τῶν 

> ’ LA 
αὐτούς" ov- 
Tos ἡ Σικελ[ί]α 
ἅπίασ)α τὸν Ev- 

᾽’ 3 

[ριπίδη]ν ἀπε- 
[θαύμασ]εν. καὶ 
(μὴν ἐμὴ τς 
[λάου. .1.... 

Ετ. 429. Col. ΧΧ. 
exe] τὸ στόμα 
καὶ [καθ᾿ ὑπΊερ- 
βολὴϊν δυσῶδες. 
ὁ δ᾽ ὑϊπολαβών,) 
« οὐκ εὐφ[η]μή- 
σεις, εἶπεν, “ὦ 
΄ a ν 
παῖ; ποῖον δὲ 
στόμα τοιοῦ- 
το] γέγονεν, 
4 τα td x 
ἢ γένοιτ᾽ ἂν 
ἥδιον dt ov γε 
δὴ τοιαῦτα 
, Ν 
μέλη τε καὶ 
a 4 
ἔπη διαπορεύ- 







daipl. «]ιωσ 
evTat . |.|a > 
ποιητὴν" > 

κεδί Ἰνων πω 

Fr. 89. Col. xxi. 

τοχρονΐ. ... 

στερί. .joul... 
ευρι[. .1δη[. . . 
xeva .. Τερί. 





Plate V. 







(At.) Ὅμοιος 

οὗτος, καθά- 
περ εἰρ(ζηγκας 


ἐν τῷ.. [.]α- 
κοτι πρὸς] τὸν 

(4) Ζῶντι μὲν 
δὴ ταῦθ᾽ ὑπ- 
ἢρξεν Εὐρι- 
πίδῃ" τελευ- 
τῆς δὲ μάλα 

καὶ ἰδίας ἔτυ- 
χεν, ὡς οἱ λό- 
γιοί τε καὶ γε- 
ραίτατοι μυ- 
θολο[γ)]οῦσι Μα- 

κεδίόϊνων. (4ι.) Πῶς 
λέγουσιν (4) "Ἔστιν 
ἐν [Μακεδονίᾳ 


Fr. 39; (οἱ. xxi. 
ὁ δὲ παρῃτήσα- 
To. χρόνῳ δ᾽ v- 
στερ[ον}] ὁ pier 
Εὐρι{πί]δη[ς ἔτυ- 
χεν ἀπωτέρω 

τῆς πόλεως ἐν 
ἄλσει τινὶ Kab? 
αὑτὸν ἐρημα- 
ζόμενος, ὃ 







ηιει" γὙενΌμε. 
ρευταιλυσαν ᾿ 
καναυτοΐ. .. 
πελειποντΐἶ .Ἶ 
γενηθησαν > 

__ voTepov:obev 



. ἥκαικυνοσ 

Fr. 429. Col. xxii. 
παρατΐ. «Ἰσελληΐ 

[- .wdcal.|nver[ 






δ᾽ Apxédaos ἐπὶ 

’ 2 

κυνηγίαν ἐξ- 
A ᾽ὕ 
nel. γενόμε- 
νοι δ᾽ ἔξω τῶν 
πυλῶν οἱ θη- 

4 a 
ρευταὶ λύσαν- 
τες τοὺς σκύ- 
λακας προαφῆ- 
kav, αὐτοὶ δ᾽ ἀ- 
πελείποντ[ οἿ 
κατόπιν. ἐπι- 
τυχόντες οὖν 
οἱ κύνες τῷ 

᾽ 7 
Εὐριπίδῃ po- 

4 , 
νουμένῳ διέ- 
φθειραν αὐτόν, 

ε > 3 

of δ᾽ ἐπιπαρε- 
ὕστερον" ὅθεν 

ἔτι καὶ νῦν λέ- 
γεσθαί φασιν 
[τ]ὴν παροιμί- 
[aly ἐν τοῖς Ma- 
[κἸεδόσιν ὡς “ ἔ. 
[στι] καὶ κυνὸς 
[dé]xn’. καὶ γὰρ 
[ἐκ] τῶν σκυ- 
[Adkov .1. of. . 

Fr..39. Col. xxii. 
τοῦ Τιμοθέου 
παρὰ τίοϊ]ς “Ελλη- 
[σιν διὰ [τ]ο}ὃ.ν. ἐν 



. 25 



τηιμουΐ. «Ἰκη: 
ὠστεκα Ἶτασ 
χειρασεαυτωι “ 
νικη[.Ἰαιπαὺ > 
σασθ]. (κατα > 

Φ{ 101: ὃ. 








τῇ μουσικῇ 

av καὶ καθ᾽ ὑ- 
περβολὴν ἀ- 
ὥστε Kali] τὰς. 
χεῖρας ἑαυτῷ. 
μόνος Εἰὐριπί- 
δης ἀνάπαλιν 
τῶν μὲν θεα- 
τῶν καταγε- 
λάσαι, τὸν δὲ 
Τιμόθεον. αἰἰ- 
[σἸ]θόμενος ἡλί- 
κος ἐστὶν ἐν 
τῷ γένει πα- 
τε λόγους διεξ- 
ιὼν ὡς οἷόν 

τε παρακλη- 
καὶ δὴ καὶ τὸ 
τῶν Περσῶν 
προοίμιον συγ- 

γράψαι, τ(ῷ) τε 
νικῆϊσ)αι παύ- 

σασθαι] κατα- 


[αὐτίκα τὸν Τι[μό]- 

[Ocov.... 1 fe 



Fr. 39. Col. xxiii. 

aio xvAoU 
5 σοφοκλεουσ 


Fr. 40. (From Fr. 37, 

Col. i?) 

Fr, 41. 

Ἰολιχασὃ. [ 
5 Ἰδηλοννω..ἷ 
|. στεῖ 

Plate V. 

Fr. 39. Col. xxiii. 
Βίων ᾿Αναγ(ργαφῆς 
5 Σοφοκλέους, 

Fr. 40. 

Ck eee 
[κ]αὶ νόσῳ ἴβα- 
ἰρε]ῖαν ἐν θαλά- 
ἰμ]οις ἕξεις (ό- 
5 [αν,] δίκαν ἀνέ- 

ρων: οὐ yap. [. 

Fr. 41. 
]η στειχεῖ 
δ]ολιχὰς 6. [ 
5 | δῆλον νω.Ϊ 
Jos ἀριθμῶϊ 
|r@v ὀφειλί 
Ἰτως adi 
1. στεῖ 

Fr. 42. Fr. 43. 
Ἰιπαΐ Ἰνεκφί 
Ἰ. ονδιχαί Ἰναπὶ 
Ἰ. exover[ Ἰγηνῖ 
Ἰγωνεῖ Ἰου 
5 |rnv .[ : : 
Fr. 44. ᾿ Fr. 45. 
. . Col, 1. Col. ii. 
Ἰγαρεί : oa 
|oer[ le xi 
Ἰακραϊ 1 σὶ 
lel ] A.[ 
: τί 
Fr. 46. Fr. 47. 
a. | Ἰοιᾳί 
ov we « | 
pel ]. σσί 
Fr. 48. Fr. 49. 
Ἰυλί Jel 
ll ‘d+ 
Fr, 50. Fr, 51. Fr, 52. 
lat Ἰ. αἱ 19} 
Ἰγ 1 Ἰδὲ J. ¢ 


ἘΥ 42: Fr. 42. 
lero, Ἰν ἐκφί 
1.ον δίχα [ van 
Ἰ. exov ev[ Ἰτην 
]rov εἰ Ἰουΐ 
Ἰγὴν οἵ 
Fr. 44. Ετ. 45. 
Cali. Col. ii. 
] yap εἰ : : 
Ἰσενΐ iY xl 
Ἰακραΐ je σ΄ 
Ja ] A. | 
ΤΣ τί 
Fr. 46. Fr. 47. 
α.Ϊ Ἰοιαί 
ου Ἱμε.1 
pel J. σσὶ 
Fr. 48. Fr. 49. 
Ἰυλί Jauf 
Ἰμί bo. 
Fr. 50. Fr, 51. Pe: 
ἐμ Ἰ. αἱ ΤῊ 


Ἰτατί Ἰχί Ἰε Ἰτατὶ xt act 

Ἰατί ἜΝ τ oak eer ; Ἰατί 

Fr, 55. ΕΠ δό: ἘΠῚ 7: Fr. 58. ΕΥ. 56. Frage 

Ἰ. στί Ἰστί al ).o7| Ἰστί Jal 

Fr. 1.3. Cf. lev. 2 πολλὰ προσεξεῦρε, . . . ῥητορείας, 3 ῥητορικώτατος δὲ τῇ κατασκευῇ. 
Above the ε at the end of the line there is a horizontal stroke which might be supposed to 
represent the final », but that method of abbreviation is not elsewhere used by this writer, 
who interlineates ν at the end of a long line, e. g. Fr. 8. ii. 20, Fr. 39. vi. 26, &c. Moreover, 
this line would not be of undue length with » written in the ordinary position. Cf. Fr. 39. 
vii. 2-3. 

7. Murray suggests τὸν ὑπὸ δίκης, which would suit the space. 

Fr. 2.i. This column is difficult to reconstruct, but the difficulty does not justify the 
supposition that the lines were appreciably longer here than in the other columns of the 
papyrus. It is not clear whether the upper portion is prose or poetry. The language has 
a certain metrical cast, and ll. 10-12 might well be restored, e.g., as Murray suggests, 
[οὔτι]ς δ᾽ ἄτιμος [εἴ γε] μὴ κείνῳ [μόνῳ], followed by εἴη ἂν [τῷ ὄντι Ἕλληνος] καὶ εὐαγώ[γου] πρὸς τὸ 
δέον, though whether the subject of εἴη ἄν was the preceding quotation or ἡ φιϊληκοΐα in 
1. 16 would be doubtful ; on the latter supposition (δ᾽) might be inserted, as in Fr, 39. ii. 15. 
If something of this kind were adopted, oxy in 1. 7 would hardly be likely to be σκηνη in any 
form, xopov in |. 6 is just possible, but extremely uncertain. 

ii. 3. Since a pause in ]. 2 is marked by the paragraphus, the new sentence may well 
begin, as W—M remarks, with οὐ μ[ήν. 

Fr. 3. This fragment might be placed beneath Fr. 2 so that the supposed: ini. 1 
formed the second upright of ν in Fr. 2. i. 17; but I do not think that the combination is 

ii. 5. A diagonal stroke is drawn through the first limb of 7, but that the letter was 
thereby intended to be deleted is hardly certain. 

Fr. 5. 3-4. Perhaps παρ[ρησι]αζομενΐ ; cf. Fr. g. 11. 


Fr. 8. ii. 1-27. ‘ emulation of the beauties of Ion developed πα perfected 
[tragedy] so as to leave no room for improvemient to his successors. Such were the man’s 
artistic qualities. Hence Aristophanes wishes to measure his tongue “By which such fine 
expressions were expunged”. And he was almost as great of soul also as in his poetry. 
For he contended, as we have said...’ 

1-3. Restored by W-M. The subject of course is Euripides ; cf. Fr. 39. vii. 20-2. 

17-19. This citation is novel and the reading is rather doubtful. [ἐξεσ]μήχετο, which 
was proposed by W-M, seems certain, but his λεπ]τά is more questionable, since the initial 
vestige suggests a round letter like o or φ. The top of A, however, as of ὃ and χ, is 
sometimes turned over, and a slight exaggeration of this feature might produce the curve 
found in the papyrus. 

20 sqq. There is some resemblance between this passage and Fr. 37. i.15 sqq.; cf. the 
conjunction of φυσιολογίας with ῥητορείας in Τέν. 2. But the two fragments cannot be brought 
into close connexion. 

25 864. [προσ]εμάχεϊτο suits [π]|ρός in 1. 30, and the absence of a genitive is against 
[ὑπερ]εμάχεΪτο. In 11. 27-8 προ]ειρήϊκ]α[μ]εν ἐν might be read, but the next word is then 
a difficulty ; ν is followed by an upright stroke consistent with e. g. ἢ or 1, or perhaps A or μ, 
but not with τ or 7. Reconstruction of the latter part of this column is the more conjectural 
on account of the fact that ] . νεν with the beginnings of the succeeding lines, and the final 
letters Ja, |v, &c., are respectively contained on two detached fragments whose position here, 
though, I think, probable, is not free from doubt. 

111. 5-7. Soploxdjjs .. . Εὐριπίδῃ seems likely. 
Fr. 9. This fragment, the restoration of which is largely due to W-M, relates to the 
character of Euripides ; cf. Τέν. 5 σκυθρωπὸς δὲ καὶ σύννους καὶ αὐστηρὸς ἐφαίνετο καὶ μισόγελως, 

and Suidas σκυθρωπὸς δὲ ἦν τὸ ἦθος καὶ ἀμειδὴς καὶ φεύγων τὰς συνουσίας. In I], 1o—11 Murray 
proposes [ὡς gor|xev [οὐδέν. 

Fr. 10. i. Murray suggests that Jovos in |. 9 is ᾿Απόλλ]ωνος, and that the reference is to 
the frequent attacks of Euripides upon Apollo. {(τἀγπόλλ]ωνος might be read, but the restoration 
is not readily carried through on this hypothesis. In all probability ὠνοσ ended the line. 
In I. 14 he would see an allusion to the poet’s large library (Athen. i. 3a, Aristoph. Frogs 
943, 1409), and [βιβλι] would be a supplement of the right length, though rather precarious 
in so obscure a context ; ὑπ]οθήκην is an easy alternative: The supposed stop in 1. 4 is 

Fr. 18, Restored by W-M. ks in 1. 1 may well be }ys, i. 6. another adjective parallel 
with ἀμαθής. 

Fr. 16. i. 2. [σκη]νῆς is not supported by what follows. 

Fr. 17. This fragment rather resembles in appearance Fr. 18, and possibly contains 
the tops of those two columns ; but the fibres of the verso do not confirm the combination. 

Fr. 18. i. 2-5. ‘Hoio[do]s in 1. 3 seems inevitable, but the rest of the sentence is difficult, 
In |. 5 « may be vand a bed; Ἰυνον or Ἶκνον is unlikely. 

Fr. 26. 4. The mark before ¢ may well be a stop instead of part of a letter. 
Fr. 29 is probably not to be joined on above Fr. 19. 
Fr. 32. It is not certain that this fragment belongs to 1176. 


Fr. 88. i. 5. \oOq«{ or Ἰποθηκί would be possible; cf. note on Fr. 10. 1. 

14-17. Perhaps τῇ [. . .([) (or [. . .1α) duvalrés μάλιστα [το τοὶ cup. 

21. οὗ is a doubtful reading. What has been regarded as the horizontal stroke of 
a rough breathing might be taken for a small 7 over the v, but an abbreviation of οὕτως, 
though it would suit φηΐσι, is unlikely, and the curved stroke above, which suggests only 
a circumflex accent (cf. Fr. 39. xvi. 37), would be unexplained. At the same time the supposed 
rough breathing must be admitted to be clumsily formed. The v has apparently been 
altered or rewritten. 

Fr. 37. i. The number of lines lost at the top of this and the following columns can 
be estimated fairly accurately by means of the worm-holes which persist in Frs. 38 
and 39. 

20-1. If the reconstruction is correct the dot at the end of |. 20 is accidental or 
erroneous. The y in ]. 21 may equally well be τ. 

22 5644. Cf. Γέν. 2 προσεξεῦρε . . . φυσιολογίας. . . ὡς δὴ ἀκουστὴς γενόμενος ᾿Αναξαγόρου, 
3 σχολάσαντα δὲ ᾿Αρχελάῳ τῷ φυσικῷ καὶ ᾿Αναξαγόρᾳ, Suidas διήκουσε δὲ καὶ ᾿Αναξαγόρου τοῦ 
Κλαζομενίου, ἐπὶ τραγῳδίαν δὲ ἐτράπη τὸν ᾿Αναξαγόραν ἰδὼν ὑποστάντα κινδύνους δι᾿ ἅπερ εἰσῆξε δόγματα. 
The influence of Anaxagoras on Euripides is traced in the following columns ; cf. iii. 17. 
For modern discussions of this subject see Wilamowitz, Her. i. 25, Anal. Hur. 163 sqq., 
Parmentier, Zuripide οἱ Anaxagore. 

ii, 19-28 = Eurip. Fr. 593, from the Przthous. Line το is difficult. The last two 
letters seem to be va, which strongly suggest αὐτοφυᾶ, but that word can only be restored on 
the assumption of a deep corruption ; moreover, there is barely room for er between o and 
o. Perhaps then the quotation began at τόν in |. 20. 

21. ῥύμβῳ: so Hesych., Eustath., Schol. Apoll. Rhod.; ὄμβρῳ Clem. Alex., ῥόμβῳ 
Euseb., Schol. Eurip. Or. 

iii. 7-8. ἀπο]λο[ γο]ύμεϊνος, which W-M suggests, is not very suitable. 

9-14. Eurip. Fr. 912. χλόην in |. 11 confirms Bergk’s conjecture for χοήν, given by the 
MSS. of Clem. Alex., from whom alone the passage was known. Clement has εἴτ᾽ ᾿Αίδης, 
and ὀνομαζόμενος στέργεις. Satyrus’ ὀνομάζῃ is clearly inexact. 

18-20, διάκοσμον and περιόδοις were restored by W-M; the latter is somewhat long. 

26-9 = Eurip. Z7o. 886. 

Fr. 38. i. A loss of two columns between this and the preceding fragment is made 
probable by the worm-holes; cf. the notes on Fr. 37. i and Fr. 39. iv. 

11-16, The quotation in 1]. 16 544. expressing a belief in divine power is in opposition 
to the Anaxagorean tenets exemplified in the foregoing citations, and therefore [dvr|:Aéyer, as 
proposed by W-M, may well be right in 1. 16. But the restoration here depends upon that 
of ll. 13-14, which at present remain a problem. W-—M suggests τὴν [Αὔγην ἐπιφυομένην, 
but this can certainly not be read. την is clear, and though αὐγην might easily be corrupted 
to avrny, the dative in ll. 14-15 suits τὴν [αὐ]τήν very well. The last letter οἵ ]. 13 is probably 
o or e: y or τ is much less likely. Between this and ¢ there may be one or two letters, 
e.g. 6, «, a. In 1]. 14 the letter before ην had a vertical stroke, e.g. r or perhaps ». 
Heracles may have been brought in, as W—M remarks, as one of Euripides’ exponents of 
a pure religion; cf. H. 2. 1345-6. 

16-30. This fragment is cited by Clement, Strom. v. p. 732 (Eurip. Fr. 913) ὁ τοίνυν μὴ 
πειθόμενος τῇ ἀληθείᾳ, διδασκαλίᾳ δὲ ἀνθρωπίνῃ τετυφωμένος δυσδαίμων ἄθλιός τε καὶ κατὰ τὸν ἘΕὐριπίδην 
‘ds τάδε λεύσσων θεὸν οὐχὶ νοεῖ, μετεωρολόγων᾽ κτλ. ὅς was altered by Cobet to τίς (so Nauck), 
but this is now shown to be wrong, τίς having preceded. What followed τίς is uncertain. 


The vestige before o suits e. g. κ, A, μ, x, and neither μισόθεος nor ἐχθρόθεος will do ; [ἀτ]ιμόθεος, 
which Murray suggests, might be read, but, as W-M remarks, an adverb of comparison 
seems needed, and something like ris δ᾽ ὧδ᾽ ἄθεος would be expected, This, however, was 
certainly not written, and to restore it in Opposition to the papyrus is somewhat arbitrary, 
although the inferiority of the text is exemplified in the next line, where παραδαιμων (an 
unknown form) appears to have stood for βαρυδαίμων, 

20-3. od... ἡγεῖσθαι : θεὸν οὐχὶ νοεῖ Clement. The discrepancy is curious. 

23. μετεωρολόγων is confirmed against Nauck’s conjecture peresporddav, 

27. τολμηρά, which was restored by W-M, is a variant for Clement’s ἀτηρά (ἀτειρά 
Μ5.); cf. note on Il. 2ο--3. τολμηρά is perhaps the more apposite epithet. 

29. The ink after the second lacuna may represent an angular sign filling up 
the line. 

ii. The remains of this column are occupied by a lyric citation, the partial coincidence 
of which with Eurip. Fr. 960 was perceived by W-M. Lines 6-14 are not clear and there 
is possibly some defect in the text. In ll. 8-14 the meaning may be ‘ Let the man who 
works and who is known to be the friend of the good (κεκλῆσθαι φίλος (φίλος) dv) be called 
my friend’, but, if so, it is obscurely expressed. Lines 12—14 give an Anacreontic verse 
which perhaps terminates a strophe. 

14 sqq. ‘Why, mortals as you are, have you acquired great wealth for nought, why 
think you to produce virtue by means of riches? What though you possessed Etna’s mount 
or the marble of Paros wrought in gold in your ancestral halls? Not then, unless you are 
[good] of heart [are you deserving of honour], but you sit unblessed in the midst of 

14-29. Cf. Plut. De aud. poet. 14, P. 36 ο καὶ πάλιν ὑπὸ τοῦ Εὐριπίδου παραπλησίως ‘ ἐγὼ δ᾽ 
οὐδὲν πρεσβύτερον νομίζω ras σωφροσύνας, ἐπεὶ τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς ἀεὶ σύνεστι᾽ (ΕἾ. 9 59), καὶ τὸ ‘ τιμᾶν τὰν 
τέτασθε, πλούτῳ δ᾽ ἀρετὰν κατεργάσασθαι δοκεῖτ᾽, ἐν ἐσθλοῖς δὲ καθήσεσθ᾽ ἄνολβοι᾽ (Fr. 960). It is 
now clear that Plutarch has greatly compressed the quotation, which Satyrus gives more 
fully. τί μάταν, which W—M had already restored in Plutarch before I read it in Il. 14-15, is 
obviously the original of the corrupt τιμᾶν τάν. Of the variants τέτασθε and πἸέπασθε the 
former is perhaps the superior, but either may stand. In 1. 19 the MSS. of Plutarch have 
κατεργασάσθω, which was corrected by Jannotius to κατεργάσασθαι: the future, as in the 
papyrus, seems preferable. In 1]. 21 rw not τὸν is clear; after Αἴτνας W-M suggests the 
insertion of re, which may be right. The words ἐν ἐσθλοῖς δὲ κάθησθ' (so Nauck for καθήσεσθ᾽ 
ἄνολβοι were presumably the latter part of the apodosis to μὴ πεφυϊκότες in ]. 29, i.e. the sense 
was something like οὔτοι τότε, μὴ πεφυϊκότες ἀγαθοί, τιμῆς ἄξιοί ἐστε), ἐν ἐσθλοῖς δὲ κτλ. tore, not 
more, was apparently written. Perhaps Plutarch’s preceding quotation (Fr. 959) is from the 
same context ; τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς recalls Il. 10-11, and σωφροσύνας.... σύνεστιν corresponds metrically 
with τῶν τ᾽ ἀγαθῶν... λεγέσθω. 

iii. 8 sqq. Some iambic lines, which are not elsewhere extant, are here quoted in 
further illustration of the theme of the foregoing column, the vain pursuit of wealth. 
Lines 8-9 were restored by W-M; the purpose of the oblique dash prefixed to 1. 9 is 
not clear. 

12-15. ‘ Watching waves as high as heaven’ is the sense. ἀστροσκοπία is found in late 
Greek, but the verb has apparently not occurred previously. 

17. [ἐλθ]οῦσαν μακράν) W-M. The asyndeton of |. τῷ and the difficulty of obtaining 
a substantive to accompany the participle in I. 17 indicate that the verses are not continuous ; 
cf. Fr. 39. v. 12 sqq., vi. 1-15, notes. 

18-19, χρυσοῦς is an unexpected epithet of Ἴστρος, but I do not see how it can be 


avoided. ‘The Ister is naturally coupled with the Bosporus. ovre would be an easy mistake’ 
for ovde. 

iv. The combination of this column with Fr. 39. i is made with some hesitation. Two 
points are in its favour, (1) the coincidence in 1]. 20 of the stop after ν with the~paragraphus, 
(2) the fact that if Fr. 38 is placed thus, certain worm-holes in Col. ii will come at the right 
distance from the corresponding pattern in Fr. 39. ii. On the other hand a high dot at the 
end of 1. 23 is unexplained ; but this is not a fatal objection since similar superfluous dots 
occur elsewhere, e.g. after δηπου in Fr. 39. vii. 16; cf. Fr. 37. 1. 20. The difficulty of 
restoring this column satisfactorily is no argument against the proposed combination, because 
that difficulty is not produced by the remains of Fr. 39. i. 

19. If αἴϊσχρόν is right, the ν must have been written above the line. 

20. δ᾽ ΣΝ as W-M remarks, is preferable to δὲ λόγι[μον. 

23. x{|-Jov is very doubtful ; λὴν or μην could well be read. 

26. For ΣαΪκρά]τη, which was restored by W-M, cf. Fr. 39. ii. 17 and ev. 2 δοκεῖ (Se) 
αὐτῷ Σωκράτης ὁ φιλόσοφος συμπεποιηκέναι τινά, ὥς φησι Τηλεκλείδης, Suidas μαθητὴς . . . Σωκράτους 
δὲ ἐν τοῖς ἠθικοῖς καὶ φιλοσόφοι. The supposed cross-bar of r in |. 27 might be taken for 
a paragraphus. 

27 sqq. There is no apparent connexion between this and the preceding sentence, 
ἐποιήσατ᾽ in 1. 34 lacks a subject and [αὐ]τὸν is undefined; some corruption is therefore to 
be suspected. The passage of the Danaé here referred to is, as W—M suggests, probably 
Fr. 324 ὦ χρυσέ, δεξίωμα κάλλιστον βροτοῖς κτλ. Socrates might be supposed to have excepted 
this passage in a general approval of Euripides’ doctrine about wealth ; or to have excepted 
Euripides from his condemnation of poets, though disapproving of this passage. But no 
such sense can be extracted without the assumption of a considerable dislocation in 
the text. 

Fr. 39. ii. 7-27. ‘... in the following way: “(4) When this is done in secret, whom 
dost thou fear? (2) The gods, who see more than-men.” Such a conception of the gods 
will be Socratic ; for in truth what is invisible to mortals is to the immortal gods easily 
seen. Moreover, the hatred of tyranny and the [condemnation of] democracies and 
oligarchies .. .’ 

re [τὶόνδ[ ε τὴ]όν ν-Μ. 

8-14. These lines are not elsewhere extant. v of rovs has been rewritten. 

15. A conjunction seems a desirable addition and will also obviate the hiatus,—which, 
however, is repeated immediately afterwards in τοιαύτη ὑπόνοια ; cf. Introd. p. 127. 

24-7. The restoration proposed by W-M is attractive (cf. Col. iii), but not altogether 
satisfactory, since, though the vestige before ο in ]. 24 is consistent with o, there is barely 
room in front of it for ws The @also in |. 25 is questionable. An infinitive such as 
ἀποδοκιμάζειν is to be supplied after ὀλίγ]ων. 

iii. ‘. .. and especially to raise none of the citizens above a proper level, nor make 
him tyrant, and to give bad citizens no admission to honours. For the greatest disease in 
a State is a worthless orator promoted beyond his worth. Nevertheless, Diodorus, con- 
cerning the general imprudence and negligence (?) of the Athenians.. .’ 

1--2. [εἰπ[ὀἸντι sik [δη] W-M. 

5. Restored by W-M. 

15-17. ῥήτωρ δημαγωγός is a redundancy, and W-—M seems right in rejecting the latter 
word as well as in substituting προαγόμενος for rapaydpevos. 

23-5. Perhaps kali dued[eias. ὅρα πάϊλιν, as W—M suggests; but the traces at the end 


of 1. 23 though slight do not suggest a, and the preceding space is barely sufficient. 
πα]ραπλ[ήσια cannot be read. 

iv. 1-38. ‘... notin this wise, but we are not also guilty of baseness when we put full 
trust in somebody whatever he says, speaking not what is base but having recourse to what 
is weak, and then each one accuses the assembly of which he was a member. 
: (Dz.) The comic poets, it seems, have said much both with severity and like statesmen. 
(A) Yes, of course. Euripides again admirably incites the youths to valour and courage, 
urging Spartan efforts upon them and emboldening the people thus: ‘‘ Gain glory in the 
time to come by performing every day a labour. ..”.’ 

1-15. The purport of this quotation from a comic poet, which is not extant, is 
apparently to excuse the Demos, which allows itself to be guided by demagogues; we are 
weak, he says, but not base. ὅτ]ε in l. 5 is due to W—M, who would prefer 76... . ὅς to τῳ 

.. ὅσ᾽, In ll. 8-9 he suggests AéylovrKo)s οὐ πονήρ᾽ ἀπ]άτῃ δὲ χρώμεθα, (or χρω[μένου), ‘ his 
words are specious and we allow ourselves to be deceived.’ απΊατ[ηι, however, can certainly 
not be read, though perhaps should be restored. The letter after a (which could be ἃ or’8) 
must be either A or »; it is not unlikely that the scribe wrote καλοις. 

33 564. The citation is new. A diaeresis should perhaps be recognized on the v of 
υστεροισιν, but it does not appear to occur elsewhere in this papyrus. 

38. [πόν]ον W-M. For the conjunction of πόνος and εὔκλεια cf. e.g. Eurip. Fr. 474 
πόνος yap, ὡς λέγουσιν, εὐκλείας πατήρ. © 

V. 11. Joes: ΟΥ̓ 6. g. pes. 

12-24. “‘ The flute-girls smile at you at the street corners. You ask who the astynomz 
are: you mean the men who clip the wings of liberty. Ifa man gains wealth, Pamphilus, 
you regard it not as property but as power.” 

12 5664. These lines from a comic poet are also unknown. They seem disjointed, but 
that is very likely due to a desire on Satyrus’ part for brevity; cf. vi. 1-15 note, viii. 17 sqq. 
note, xii. 1-16. _W-—M, to whom is due the restoration of ll. 14 and 24-6, suggests that 
the idea running through them may be that the astynomz, by regulating the tariff, placed rich 
and poor on a certain equality with regard to αὐλητρίδες. 

19-20. Ἶλοι is difficult; the first letter though imperfect is apparently A, not μι The 
vocative of a feminine name does not seem probable, and a corruption may be suspected, 
perhaps caused by the compression of the citation. πίτεροϊκοποῦντ]ις W—M ; cf. Callim. 
LEpigr. 46. 8 κείρευ τὰ πτερά. 

24. Πάμφ[ι]λε looks probable, but the » is rather cramped. 

28. y could be read in place of m and ε in place of o. 

29. ne: or m; possibly Jem, 

vi. 4-29. ‘“...and most bitter against the father who begat them. For men who have 
come to the passion for rule over others are most hostile to their closest friends. Small 
children are sweeter to an aged father.’ So one would say, doubtless, auguring ill of the 
majority now badly brought up. For such persons are eager to carry out their father to 
burial with all speed, and to dispose of his property.’ 

1-15. The verses, which presumably are from Euripides himself, are again unknown, 
As in Col. v, they appear not to form a consecutive passage ; Il. 12-15, at any rate, have 
no evident connexion with the preceding lines. In]. 7 δαμων must be corrupt ; ἄλλων, which 
I have suggested, might easily have a very similar appearance. 
“τ 2. If ε and τ are right, the intervening letter should be « on account of the narrow 
space ; but r may be y, 6. g. ya[p. 


1g—16. According to the copyist the quotation ended at πατρί, and it seems safer to 
follow him than to place the stop after ἄν and make μ[α]ντευόμενος refer to Euripides himself. 
τις may mean one of the characters in the play. 

19-20. [vdlv.. . ἠγμένων W-M; there is barely room for [vi}». 

28-9. τ]ὴν ἐκφοράν W—M. 

vii. ‘[... the husband] against the wife, and the father against the son, and the servant 
against the master; or in the reversals of fortune, violations of virgins, substitutions of 
children, recognitions by means of rings and necklaces. For these are the things which 
comprise the New Comedy, and were brought to perfection by Euripides, Homer being the 
starting-point in this and in the colloquial arrangement of verses (?). And Philemon 
rightly gives him credit for this in the passage, “So says Euripides, who alone can 
speak ...”.” 

1-6. The restoration is substantially due to W-M. Why thea of και in ll. 2 and 3 has 
a horizontal stroke drawn above it is obscure; cf. the note on Fr. i, 3. 

23-6. W-M objects to Homer being brought in here, and suspects a corruption of 
e.g. ὅτι py. ..; but I have no doubt that 'ομήρου stands in the papyrus. The principle of 
ἀναγνωρισμός at any rate is to be found in Homer as well as an approximation to dramatic 
dialogue, if that is what is meant by σύνταξις λεκτικῆ. But possibly there is some omission 
towards the end of the sentence; στίχων γε(νόμενος . . .), for instance, suggests itself. 

28 sqq. The admiration of Philemon for Euripides is referred to in Γέν, 6 οὕτω δὲ αὐτὸν 
Φιλήμων ἠγάπησεν ὡς τολμῆσαι περὶ αὐτοῦ τοιοῦτον εἰπεῖν ‘ei ταῖς ἀληθείαισιν οἱ τεθνηκότες αἴσθησιν 
εἶχον, ἄνδρες, ὥς φασίν τινες, ἀπηγξάμην ἂν ὥστ' ἰδεῖν Εὐριπίδην. The citation in ll. 32--6, the 
restoration of which I owe partly to W-M, is not elsewhere extant. 

viii. 11. κρίσιν rather than ὑπόκρισιν seems to be the appropriate word. ἡ might be read 
in place of pu. 

17 sqq. The quotation is from the first oration against Aristogiton ὃ 40. Lines 30-3, 
which were restored by W-M, are an abbreviation of the ordinary text, which is τίνα yap τῶν 
ῥήτορων οὗτος εἴργασταί τι κακὸν τοσοῦτον ἡλίκον τοὺς ἰδιώτας, περὶ ὧν ψηφίσματα γράψας ἑάλω ; τίνα 
δ᾽, ἐξ οὗ νῦν πάλιν λέγει, κέκρικεν ῥήτορα; οὐδένας. A high stop is possibly to be recognized at 
the end of |. 21. That in 1]. 29 is not certain. 

ix. 3. |Aecov: or Ἰδειον. 

4-32. ‘He was the owner of a large cave there with the mouth towards the sea, 
and here he passed the day by himself engaged in constant thought or writing, despising 
everything that was not great and elevated, Aristophanes at least says, as though summoned 

as a witness for this very purpose: “ As are hischaracters, so is the man.” But once when 
witnessing a comedy he is said...’ 

4 344. Cf. Γέν. 5 φασὶ δὲ αὐτὸν ἐν Σαλαμῖνι σπήλαιον κατασκευάσαντα ἀναπνοὴν ἔχον εἰς τὴν 
θάλασσαν ἐκεῖσε διημερεύειν φεύγοντα τὸν ὄχλον. Aulus Gellius, V. A. xv. 20, cites Philochorus 
as the authority for this statement: Phzlochorus refert in insula Salamine speluncam esse taetram 
et horridam, quam nos vidimus, in qua Euripides tragoedtas scriptitarit. 

7. Analogies for the spelling ἀναπνοιήν for ἀναπνοήν are found from the third century B. c.; 
cf. Mayser, Gram. d. griech. Papyr?, p. 110. 

19. The stop is uncertain. 

25-8. The quotation, which is apparently in trochaic metre, is not otherwise known. 
For the sentiment W-M well compares Aristoph. Zhesm. 149-50 χρὴ yap ποιητὴν ἄνδρα πρὸς 


τὰ δράματα ἃ δεῖ ποιεῖν πρὸς ταῦτα τοὺς τρόπους ἔχειν. In]. 25 to seems to have been written 
for ova. 
31. Aleyerac W—M. 

x. ‘Every one disliked him, the men because of his unsociableness, the women because 
of the censures in his poems. And he incurred great danger from both sexes, for he was 
prosecuted by Cleon the demagogue in the action for impiety mentioned above, while the 
women combined against him at the Thesmophoria and collected in a body at the place 
where he happened to be resting. But notwithstanding their anger they spared the man, 
partly because of their admiration for his poetical gifts . . .’ 

3-5. On the δυσομιλία of Euripides cf. Fr. 9 and note. 

15-22. This prosecution by Cleon, which the extant accounts of Euripides do not 
mention, was perhaps referred to in the columns lost between Frs. 37 and 38. A charge 
of ἀσέβεια was involved in the property-suit which is mentioned by Aristotle, Rfe/, iii. 15. 8 
(p. 1416 a 28) ὥσπερ Ἑὐριπίδης πρὸς Ὑγιαίνοντα ἐν τῇ ἀντιδόσει κατηγοροῦντα ὡς ἀσεβής, ὅς γ᾽ 
ἐποίησε κελεύων ἐπιορκεῖν “ἡ γλῶσσ᾽ ὀμώμοχ᾽, ἡ δὲ φρὴν ἀνώμοτος. But it is quite credible that 
the accusation was made more than once. 

23 sqq. Cf. Τέν. 5 ai δὲ γυναῖκες ἐβουλήθησαν αὐτὸν κτεῖναι εἰσελθοῦσαι εἰς TO σπήλαιον ἐν ᾧ 
γράφων διετέλει, 6 λέγουσι δὲ καὶ ὅτι αἱ γυναῖκες διὰ τοὺς ψόγους, obs ἐποίει εἰς αὐτὰς διὰ τῶν ποιημά- 
των, τοῖς Θεσμοφορίοις ἐπέστησαν αὐτῷ βουλόμεναι ἀνελεῖν. ἐφείσαντο δὲ αὐτοῦ πρῶτον μὲν διὰ τὰς 
μούσας, ἔπειτα δὲ βεβαιωσαμένου μηκέτι αὐτὰς κακῶς ἐρεῖν. ἐν γοῦν τῇ Μελανίππῃ περὶ αὐτῶν τάδε 
φησί: μάτην dp’ ἐς γυναῖκας ἐξ ἀνδρῶν ψόγος κτλ. (Fr. 499). 

34. A blank space, in which there is no sign of writing, precedes εφεΐ ; cf. xi. 6-7. 

35. For the crasis τἀν δρόΪς cf. xviii. 14. 

37: fal page two letters hardly fill the space, and δι[ὰ τὰς] μούσας might be read, as 
in the Γένος (cf. the note on Il. 23 sqq.); but I can find no suitable word to precede δι[ά. 

38. There may be a high stop after μούσας ; if so, ἅμα δέ followed in the next line. 

39. Joo or possibly 7οις. 

xi. This column is occupied by a long quotation from the AMelanippe Desmoirs 
of Euripides. The lines are also found in the Florilegium recently published in Berd. 
Rlasstkeriexte, V. ii. p. 123 544. with some slight variations partly perhaps due to Satyrus 
himself. The J/clanippe was no doubt quoted in the papyrus, as in Τέν. 6 (cf. note on 
ll. 23 sqq.), in illustration of the poet’s supposed promise μηκέτι αὐτὰς κακῶς ἐρεῖν. 

1-4. The supplements suggested are derived from the Berlin papyrus, where the two 
verses which precede that ending α[ἰσχύ]νην ἔχει (Il. 7-8) conclude |. . κα οὐκ ἀρυζο]υμέναι and 
ἀλἸλήλας π[ό]νους. 

6-7. There is a blank space at the end of |. 6 and at the beginning of |. 7, perhaps 
indicating an omission, though in x. 34, where a similar blank occurs, nothing seems to be 

7-8. ]0..aox... φέρει P. Berl., the editors suggesting οὐ]θὲν αἰσχύνην φέρει, Which is 
now partially confirmed. 

10-11. 7. @ros...[......} P. Berl., but W-M informs me that éxBa[Aci can now be 
recognized. Something like αἰσχροὺς λόγους was apparently the object of the verb. 

11-12 = Eurip. Fr. 492. 6-7 (Athen. p. 613 d). 

νέμουσι : οἰκοῦσι Athen., which is less attractive; the word is lost in P. Berl. 

16-19. ἐρημίᾳ γυναικὸς οἶκος δυσπινὴς ὅγε ὄλβι[ο]ς P. Berl., which will neither scan nor 
construe. W-M suggests that the original may have been ἐν δ᾽ ἐρημίᾳ . . . δυσπινὴς οὐδ᾽ 
ὄλβιος; the papyrus however perhaps gives the verse as Satyrus wrote it,—though the 
mistakes in the following lines do not inspire confidence. 



20. ἃ δ᾽ εἰς θεούς P. Berl. 

21. πρωτα was written twice by mistake. 

25-6. Φοίβου and δόμοις Ῥ, Berl. 

30-1. ἀμφί θ᾽ is correct; [. .. .] δ᾽ P. Berl., restored by the editors [ἔνθα] δ, But 
δωμάτων is evidently a corruption for Δωδώνης, which is given by P. Berl. The o before βαθρα 
may be a survival of the termination of Δωδώνης, but [η]ς would hardly fill the space. 

33-8. The restorations in ll. 33-5 are derived from P. Berl., which continues γένος 
πορεύει τοῖς θέλουσιν Ἑλλάδος. This, however, is not reconcileable with the clear 6 of 1. 36, 
and apparently the text of the papyrus was again erratic. o in |. 37 may be ε ΟΥ̓ o. 

xii. 1-16 = Aristoph. Thesm. 374-5, 335-7. These passages were evidently cited by 
the interlocutor in connexion with the story of the women’s attack upon Euripides, perhaps, 
as W—M suggests, as the actual source of the story. 

2. Τιμόκλεια Aristoph.; the papyrus had some other name, 6. g. ᾿Αρχίκλεια. 

13-14. Εὐριπίδῃ Μήδοις MSS. of Aristoph., τ᾽ being added by Scaliger. There is not 
room for Μήδοις between οἱ and τ, 

16-35. ‘ You have clearly comprehended my meaning and absolved me from develop- 
ing it. He was embittered against the sex for this reason. He had, it seems, in his home 

a young man born in the house named Cephisophon ; and he detected his wife in misconduct 
with this person.’ 

21 sqq. Cf. Tév. 6 ἔσκωπτε δὲ τὰς γυναῖκας διὰ τῶν ποιημάτων δι᾽ αἰτίαν τοιαύτην. εἶχεν 
οἰκογενὲς μειράκιον ὀνόματι Κηφισοφῶντα. πρὸς τοῦτον ἐφώρασε τὴν οἰκείαν γυναῖκα ἀτακτοῦσαν. 

34. [ἀ]τακῖτο ὕῇ σαν is warranted by Γέν. 6 (cf. the previous note), though [ro] hardly fills 
the space. 

xiii. 1-38. ‘.. . bearing the outrage [calmly], as is related, directed the woman to live 
with the young man. When he was asked “ What is the meaning of this?”, he said “In 
order that my wife may not be his, but his mine,—for that is just,—if I wish”. And 
he continued to oppose the whole sex in his poetry. 

(Dz.) Quite absurdly! For why is it more reasonable to blame women because 
of a seduced woman than men because of the man who seduced her? As Socrates said, the 
same vices and virtues are to be found in both,’ 

1. Some adverb such as ῥᾳδίως or εὐχερῶς preceded. 

g-11. Restored by W—M. It seems necessary to assume some error in ll. 9-10, 

23. This use of vj is very questionable, and (Δία) should perhaps be inserted, or ναί 
substituted. νή without an accusative is only found in Lucian in the phrase νὴ καὶ σύγε 
(Zim. 46, Dial. Deor. 20. 7, 22. 1, Dial. Mort. 20. 3). 

24 sqq. Cf. Berl. Klasstkertexte, V. ii. p. 126 ψόγος μάταιος ἀνδρῶν... ψέγειν γυναῖκας, εἰ 
pe [elipe|O]7 κακή, πάσας ὁμοίως and, for 31 sqq-, Plato, Rep. p. 455. 

34-5. W-M’s emendations are clearly right. 

40. The letter before 6 can be x. 

xiv. 4. vis very doubtful and there is perhaps room for another letter, e. g. Ἰθησ[θἾαι. 

6. dpos is possible (τ ἀν]δρός ὃ). 

8-35. ‘... that she was drugging Hystaspes with love potions. So she sent for the 
woman, but when on her approach she saw her stature and beauty, “‘ Welcome, woman,” 
she said; “I see that the accusations were false. For you have the drugs in your face 
and your eyes”. 

(A) Capital, best of women, and rightly named Eucleia, since you remember such 
traits of character...’ 


8 sqq. This story about Hystaspes seems to be new. 
17. ι Of και is corrected. 
21. [δια]βολαί W-M. 

xv. ‘. . . 850 long they prevailed over their adversaries; for in my view this is to be 
ee the victory of the women. The men so far as depended upon themselves were 

. (A) Perhaps, Diodorus. But let this be the defence of the women and let us return to 
Euripides. He partly in vexation at the malice of his fellow-citizens and partly in anger at 
his frequent association with Acestor and Dorilaus and Morsimus and Melanthius— 

(81) By Zeus, whom do you say? Were they poets? 

(A) Yes, poets, who..- 

1-12. Owing to the loss of the context this passage remains obscure. 

21-6. Cf, Τέν. 3 ἐπέκειντο δὲ καὶ of κωμικοὶ φθόνῳ αὐτὸν διασύροντες. ὑπεριδὼν δὲ πάντα εἰς 
Μακεδονίαν ἀπῆρε, 5 ὑπὸ γὰρ ᾿Αθηναίων ἐφθονεῖτο. 

31-4. Morsimus and Melanthius are ridiculed by Aristophanes, who alludes also to 
Acestor in Vesp. 1221 and Aves 31; cf. the scholia on those passages. Dorilaus is 
doubtless identical with the tragedian: mentioned by Aristophanes in the Anpvia, whose 
name is given as Dorillus or Doryllus in Etym. Magn. p. 283. 45 and Hesych. s.v 
δορυαλλός ; cf. Aristoph. Fr. 367 Kock. 

35-9. Restored by W-M. 

xvi. 1-17. A quotation from a comedian, apparently giving a receipt for a dish of 
poetry : ‘Take some of Sophocles and Aeschylus, but put in a whole Euripides,’ i.e. you 
will want the whole in order to extract a flavour. It is clear from the sequel that Euripides 
was being depreciated. Lines 6-10 ought to be restored. In]. το the first letter is perhaps 
a, 8, or 8, and that before ἐσθ can be κ, A, μ, σ, OF x. Aolv|\eo@ is hardly suitable ; ἅλ[ιἾς ἔσθ' 
is possible, though unconvincing. 

17-31. (A) ‘ The verses have the appearance of being by one of his competitors, as 
you say. But here too the comedian’s attack on Euripides is mischievous. In the follow- 
ing winter...’ 

109. ἀντι] W-M. 

30-1. If the words are rightly restored, they are of interest as showing that Satyrus was 
acquainted with the dates ofthe plays mentioned. ὃ seems to have dropped out in 1. 30, as 
in ii. 15. 

xvii. ‘“. . . whatever part of the body it has taken for its habitation, in the hands, the 
inwards, or by the eyes,” added mockingly to this, “ where the dog as she sleeps puts her 
nose”. These then, as I said, in their expression of views sought popular favour. He 
however, after putting in, so to speak, an obstructive plea, renounced Athens. 

(Dz.) What was the plea ? 

(A) It was entered in the following choral ode: “ Wings of gold”, &c.’ 

1-7 = Eurip. Fr. 403. 3-4 (Stob. For. 38. 8) from the Zvo. The first two lines of 
the fragment are: ris dpa μήτηρ ἢ πατὴρ κακὸν μέγα βροτοῖς ἔφυσε τὸν δυσώνυμον φθόνον. At the 
beginning of the third line Stob. gives ποῦ καί ποτ᾽ οἰκεῖ, which has been variously emended. 
The papyrus confirms ποτ᾽ οἰκεῖ, and ὅπου gives some support to mod, ὅπου cannot be right, 
since an interrogative is required. | 

4-13. The poet who added the line in the Doric dialect is unidentified. 

30 sqq. = Eurip. Fr. 911, from Clem. Alex. Strom. iv. p.642. The play is unknown, 

N 2 


but ll. 21-5 show that it was among the latest works of Euripides, presumably one of the 
Orestes group. 

34. πτερόενἾτα : so rightly Grotius ; ἐρόεντα L. 

36. ἁρμόζεται is bracketed by Nauck, whose suspicions prove to be ill-founded. 

37. δ: τ L. The insertion of εἰς with Clement (és L, εἰς Bergk) is desirable on 
metrical grounds. 

37-9. αἰθέρα πολὺν depbcis L, which has been mistakenly emended; Nauck adopts 
Gomperz’s αἰθέριον πόλον dpbeis, The true correction is now given by the papyrus. The 
quotation continued συμμείξων ὁρμάν ; cf. xviii. 7-8. 

Xviii. ‘... began the songs. Or do you not know that it is this that he says ? 

(Di.) How then ? 

(A) In saying ‘to mingle my flight with Zeus” he metaphorically designates the 
monarch and also magnifies the man’s power. : 

(Dz.) What you say seems to me to be more subtle than true. 

(A) Take it as you like. Anyhow, he migrated and spent his old age in Macedonia, 
being held in much honour by the sovereign; and in particular the story is told that...’ 

3-6. The suggested restoration, to which W-M and Murray have both contributed, 
gives a fairly good sense, though there is some awkwardness in making the speaker assume 
a knowledge of Euripides’ meaning. οἶσθα, however, is better adapted to the space than 
εὔδηλον, which W—M suggests as an alternative. In]. 4, or v could be read in place of a, 
and ¢ for σ inl. 5. 

4-8. Ζηνὶ προσμείξων Clement, omitting ὁρμάν. 

13. d{u)a for αλλα W—M. For an analogous interchange of μ and AA cf. vi. 7. 

18. φαίνει seems demanded by the sense; a slight thickening of the cross-bar of the ε, 
which rather suggests that a τ followed, may be deceptive. 

21. ἅπερ is very awkward, and W-—M’s emendation is an evident improvement. 

25. kaTeynpage Conveys a somewhat false impression, since Euripides was over seventy 
when he went to Macedonia, and only survived there about a year and a half. The date of 
his death is given by the Parian chronicle as 407-406, and this is confirmed by Aristophanes’ 

27 sqq. Cf. Suid. ᾿Αρχέλαον... παρ᾽ ᾧ διῆγε τῆς ἄκρας ἀπολαύων τιμῆς, Γέν. 2 mapa ᾿Αρχέλαον 
γενόμενος .. . μάλα ἔπραττε παρ᾽ αὐτῷ, ὅτε καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν διοικήσεων ἐγένετο. 

xix. (A) ‘That is not badly said; for the appreciation of the people at Athens 
is not worth mention, who only afterwards learnt from Macedonians and Sicilians the genius 
of the poet. The story at least is that at the time of Nicias’ expedition against Sicily, when 
numbers of Athenians were captured, many of them owed their release to the poems of 
Euripides, any, that is, who remembered some of his verses and taught them to the sons of 
those who had taken them captive ; so great was the admiration of the whole of Sicily for 
Euripides. Moreover by Archelaus he was.. ? 

2. A paragraphus may be lost below this line. 

11 sqq. This story is also told by Plutarch, Mic. 29 ἔνιοι δὲ καὶ δι’ Εὐριπίδην ἐσώθησαν. 
μάλιστα γάρ, ὡς ἔοικεν, τῶν ἐκτὸς Ἑλλήνων ἐπόθησαν αὐτοῦ τὴν μοῦσαν οἱ περὶ Σικελίαν... τότε γοῦν 
φασι τῶν σωθέντων οἴκαδε συχνοὺς ἀσπάσασθαι τὸν Εὐριπίδην φιλοφρόνως, καὶ διηγεῖσθαι τοὺς μὲν ὅτι 
δουλεύοντες ἀφείθησαν ἐκδιδάξαντες ὅσα τῶν ἐκείνου ποιημάτων ἐμέμνηντο. 

34-5. Restored Ὁγ W-M. yin ]. 35 is very doubtful; the remains suggest rather a τ. 

xx. ‘“... his mouth is... and extremely malodorous.” “ Hush, boy,” he interrupted, 


“what mouth has there been such or could be sweeter than that from which proceed songs 
and words like his?” 

(Dz.) He resembled the man who . . . to the poet, as you have admirably said in . . . 

(A) Well, these were the events of Euripides’ life. The death he met was very 
violent and peculiar, according to the version of the oldest Macedonian story-tellers. 

Di.) What is their account? 

A) There is in Macedonia .. .’ 

I-15. Cf. Tév. 5 μειρακίου δέ τινος ἀπαιδευτοτέρου στόμα δυσῶδες ἔχειν ὑπὸ φθόνου αὐτὸν 
εἰπόντος, ‘ εὐφήμει, ἔφη, ‘ μέλιτος καὶ Σειρήνων γλυκύτερον στόμα. 

4. ὑϊπολαβών W-M. 

19. The text must be defective; perhaps the original was ἐν τῷ (.... τῷν ... ακότι, the 
error being due to a lipography. The supposed iota adscript is rather long and may be 
ρ, p, Ory. 

23. θ of ταυθ was corrected from τ. 

34-6. Cf. Γέν. 4 ἐν τῇ Μακεδονίᾳ κώμη ἐστὶ καλουμένη Θρᾳκῶν, whence ἐν [Μακεδονίᾳ is restored 
here by W-M. The vestiges at the beginning of the next line hardly suggest κώμη. 

xxi. ‘...and he begged them off. Some time afterwards Euripides happened to be 
alone by himself in a grove at a distance from the city, while Archelaus went out to the 
chase. When they were outside the gates the huntsmen loosed the hounds and sent them 
on in front, while they themselves were left behind. The dogs fell in with Euripides 
unprotected and killed him, the huntsmen arriving on the scene later. Hence they say 

3) ᾽ 

the proverb is still in use among the Macedonians “ Justice even for a dog”. 

1 544. Cf. Τέν. 4, the language of which is very close to that of Satyrus, ἐν ταύτῃ ποτὲ 
τοῦ ᾿Αρχελάου Μολοττικὴ κύων ἦλθεν ἀποπλανηθεῖσα. ταύτην Θρᾷκες ὡς ἔθος θύσαντες ἔφαγον. καὶ 
δὴ ὁ ᾿Αρχέλαος ἐζημίωσεν αὐτοὺς ταλάντῳ. ἐπεὶ οὖν οὐκ εἶχον, Εὐριπίδου ἐδεήθησαν ἀπολύσεως τυχεῖν 
δεηθέντος τοῦ βασιλέως. χρόνῳ δὲ ὕστερον Ἑὐριπίδης ἐν ἄλσει τινὶ πρὸ τῆς πόλεως ἠρέμει, ᾿Αρχελάου 
δὲ ἐπὶ κυνηγέσιον ἐξελθόντος, τῶν σκυλάκων ἀπολυθέντων ὑπὸ τῶν κυνηγῶν καὶ περιτυχόντων Ἐὐριπίδη, 
_ διεσπαράχθη καταβρωθεὶς ὁ ποιητής. ἦσαν δὲ ἔκγονοι οἱ σκύλακες τῆς ὑπὸ Θρᾳκῶν ἀναιρεθείσης κυνός, 
ὅθεν καὶ παροιμία ἐστὶ παρὰ τοῖς Μακεδόσι ‘ κυνὸς δίκη ᾿. 

35-7. The general sense is shown by the last sentence quoted in the previous note. 
After σκυϊλάκων the clause perhaps proceeded ἀἸπό[γονοί τινες ἦσαν τῆς κυνός... OF ἀϊπώΐλετο 
ἐκγόνων ὄντων τῆς κυνός. 

xxii. ‘When Timotheus was unpopular in Hellas because of his innovations in 
music and was so exceedingly depressed that he had determined to make away with 
himself, Euripides alone taking a contrary view ridiculed the spectators and, perceiving the 
quality of Timotheus in his art, consoled him with most encouraging words, and even 
composed the proem of the Persae; and Timotheus owing to his victory soon ceased to be 
despised. . .᾽ 

1 sqq. This anecdote about Euripides and Timotheus is narrated by Plutarch, Am senz 
sit ger. 7. 2. 23, P. 795 ἃ Τιμόθεον Εὐριπίδης συριττόμενον ἐπὶ τῇ Kaworopia καὶ παρανομεῖν εἰς τὴν 
μουσικὴν δοκοῦντα θαρρεῖν ἐκέλευσεν ὡς ὀλίγου χρόνου τῶν θεάτρων ὑπ᾽ αὐτῷ γενησομένων. The 
supposed meeting might have occurred at the court of Archelaus, which Timotheus also is 
said to have visited (Plutarch, De Alex. fori. ii. 1, p. 334 Ὁ). 

5. καινοτομίαν is Plutarch’s word (cf. the preceding note) but the reading is not 
particularly satisfactory. The letter after o may well be 7, but neither καινοποιίαν nor 
καινοπραγίαν suits. 

27-9. This statement that the proem of the Persae was written by Euripides is very 


surprising. The time of its composition is not precisely fixed, but fell somewhere between 
the years 412 and 395 (cf. von Wilamowitz, Zzmotheos, pp. 56-61), and though there are 
reasons for putting the date nearer the lower than the upper limit, the statement of Satyrus 
is not chronologically impossible. The poem itself shows that at the time of writing 
detractors had not yet been silenced (Persae 219 sqq.). Of the Προοίμιον only the first line 
is known (from Plutarch, Phzlopoem. 1 1,}. 362) κλεινὸν ἐλευθερίας τεύχων μέγαν Ἑλλάδι κόσμον. 

30-5. The alteration of του to τῷ and the supplements in Il. 33-5 were proposed by 
W-M. [ἢ]. 33 the doubtful o may be 6. g. ε or o, and the initial letter, of which only the 
top of a tall vertical stroke remains, can be Ψ instead of φ. 

Fr. 40. A connexion between this fragment, which contains a lyrical citation, and 
Fr. 37 is suggested by the similar blackening of the verso. In]. 3 thee of [βαρε]ϊαν, which 
with dv<[p|oy in 1. 5 was suggested by W—M, is questionable, but the general sense at any 
rate is probably not misrepresented. δίκαν, if right, will mean ‘after the manner of’ ; αἶσαν, 
which W—M wishes to substitute, cannot be read. The stop in |. 8 most likely marks the 
end of the quotation. 

Fr. 41. This fragment, in which there seems to be another quotation, may well come 
from Frs.37 or 38; but there are no decided indications of its position. 

Frs. 48-57. These small pieces were associated with the larger fragments, Frs. 48-9 
with Frs, 37-8, Frs. 50-4 with Fr. 39. i-xi, Frs. 55-7 with Fr. 39. xv—xxiii. The discoloura- 
tion of Frs. 49, 51, and 55-7 indicates that they come from near the ends of the columns. 


1177. EURIPIDES, Phoentssae. 
11:2 Χ ἢ cm. Early first century. 

The copy of the Phoenissae of which this fragment gives the bottoms of two 
columns was written on the verso of the papyrus in a somewhat crabbed and 
irregular upright hand which is clearly quite early in date. On the recto is 
some cursive writing apparently of the first century B. C., and above this for the 
sake of support strips of other documents have been pasted, one of which is 
dated in the reign of Augustus. This evidence combines with that of its own 
script to place the literary text of the verso somewhere near the commencement 
of the Christian era. When verses were divided between speakers, the several 
parts were written in separate lines,asin1174. Lyrical verses seem to have been 
distinguished by slight indentation. A high stop apparently occurs at the end 


of 1. 12. The copyist was not very accurate, but the age of the papyrus gives 
it some weight, and readings of interest occur in Il. 1, 5, 11, and 20. 

Col. i. 

[ovros ὃ ὦ γεραιε τις πίο]θεν 
[os appa λευκὸν ηἹνιοστροφει βεβίως 
[o μαντις Αμφιαραος) w δεσπονα ode 
ἰσφαγια ὃ a αὐτω γ͵ης φιλαιματοι ροαι 
5 ἰω λιπαροζωνου θ]υγατερ Aedzov 175 
[Seravara χρΊυσεον κυκλοιν φεγγος [as 
ἰατρεμαια κεντρα] Kat σωῴφρονα 
[πωλοις μεταφερΊων ειθυνει 
που ὃ os τα δεινα τη]δ εφυβριζει mode 
10 [Καπανεὺυς ] . 180 
[exetvos προσβασΊεις τεκμαιρεται 
[πυργων avw τε και] κατῶι τειχή μετρων" 
[ww Νέεμεσι και Altos βαρυβρομοι 
[Bpovrat κεραυνιον τε] φως αιθαλο 
15 [ev συ τοι μεγαλανο]ριαν [υπε]ρ 

(οι. 1]. 

γαμασῖι χρυσεοτευκτοις Pou 220 

Bo λατίρις ἐγενομαν ett δε Κασταλιας 

υδωρ [περιμενει με κομας ἐμας δευσαι παρ 

θενιοῖν χλιδαν Φοιβειαισι AaTpeELars 225 
20 ὦ λαμίπουσα 

τ (171). τιὶς πίο]θεν : τίς πόθεν κυρεῖ MSS. Editors generally follow Valckenaer in 
omitting πόθεν which is supposed to have come in here from ]. 123. But κυρεῖ is as likely 
to be the interpolated word as πόθεν, and the papyrus may well give the true text. 

3 (173). 1. δεσποινα. 

5 (175). Aedov: the traditional reading is supported by the papyrus ; Λατοῦς Badham, 
ἁ Λατοῦς Wecklein with Nauck. 

6 (176). χρυσεον κυκλοιν : 1. χρ]υσεοκυκλον, with MSS. (χρυσόκ. B). 

11 (180). The lacuna is of the same length as in the next line, and is satisfactorily 
filled without the addition of ἐπτα which the MSS. read after exewos and which was ejected 


by Valckenaer. The papyrus, however, agrees with tradition in giving Kazavevs to Antigone 
and not to the παιδαγωγός----ἃ needless alteration suggested by Geel and adopted by 

16 (220). 1. αἸγαλμαίσι. 
20 (226). w: so Wecklein with some later MSS.; ἰώ AaBELG. 

1178. EURIPIDES, Orestes. 
Fr. (a) 11-8 x 8-9. Early first century Β. 6. Plate I. 

Remains of two columns written in an upright somewhat informal hand which 
must go back at least to the earlier decades of the first century B.c. The 
columns originally consisted of 24 lines each, but these are fairly widely spaced, so 
that the height of the roll was not less than some 20 cm. No lection signs occur 
beyond the paragraphi, which are used to indicate alternations in the dialogue. 
Verses divided between speakers were put into a single line and not split up, as in 
1177, into two or more; the point of division was probably marked in the usual 
way by double dots. Two small illegible fragments remain unidentified. 

For so early a copy, the text can hardly be called a good one. There is an 
obvious blunder in 1. 1345, besides other probable errors. The arrangement of 
ll. 1347 sqq: is noteworthy; cf. note on 1. 1348. 

Col. i. 

ἰω φιλταται yuvaikes es μέσον φΊονον 
[ηδ Ἑρμιονη παρεστι παυσωμενῚ βοην 
1315 [στείχει yap εἐσπεσουσα δικτυων βροΐχοις 
[καλον To θηραμ nv αλωι γενησεῖται 
[παλιν καταστηθ ἡσυχωι μεν] ομματι 
[xpoat ὃ αδηλωι tov δεδραμείνων περι 
[καγω σκυθρωποὺυς ομματων) e€w κορας 
1320 [ws δηθεν οὐκ εἰιδυια....... ] Kaka 
[o παρθεν nkets τον ΚλυταιμησΊτρας tadov 
ἰστεψασα και σπεισασα νερτεροις) xoas 
[nkm λαβουσα πρευμενειαν adda] μοι 
ἰφοβος τις εἰσεληλυθ ηντιν εν δομοιῆς [ 
1325 ἰτηλουρος ουὐσα δωματων κλυω Bony] 


[τι ὃ age nuw τυγχανει στεναγματων 

1335 [ew ἀξιοισι Tap ανευφημεις δομΊοις 
[wept του yap ἀλλου μαλλον αν φθεγξαιτο τῖις 

Col. ii. 

afAA ελθ]ε και μίετασχες ἱκεσίας idols 

one μη)τρι προσπεσοζυσα τηι pey ολβιαι 

Μεϊνεϊλαον ἡμας μη [θανοντας εισιδειν 
1340 αλίλ] ὦ τραφεισα μίητρος εν χεροιν euns 

οἰκτειρον ἡμᾶς καπίικουφισον κακων 

ιθ εἰς aywva devpo εγίω ὃ ηγησομαι 

σωτηριας yap τερμ [εχεις ἡμιν μονὴ 

ἰδου διωκω τὸν ἐμὸν [ες δομους moda 
1345 o@0n ΟσοΎ γε Tovm ἰεμε ὦ κατα oTEyas 

φιλοι ξιφηρεις ofv]ye [συλληψεσθ ἀγραν 

οι ἐγὼ [τινας τοῖϊυσδ εἰσορω σιγαν χρεων 

ηἷμιν yap nKELs ουχι σοι σωτήρια 

εἴἔχεσθ ἐχεσθε φασγανον de προς δερηι 
1350. βαλονῖτες ησυχαζεθ ὡς εἰδηι τοδε 

1356 [β]οηδρζομησαι προς δομους τυραννικοὺυς 
[wow ετυμως ιἰδίω τον Ελενας φονὸν 
[κἸαθαιμακτον [εν δομοις κειμενον 
ἢ καὶ λογον που πρί[οσπολων πυθωμεθα 

1360 ras pely γ]αρ οιδία συμῴφορας τας ὃ ov σαφως 

1315. βροΐχοις : βρόχους MSS. The dative shows that the papyrus read εσπεσουσα 
OF ἐμπεσουσα, not Wecklein’s ingenious ἐσπαίσουσα. 

206 1 ιν τ Ἰκακα: the MSS. have τἀξειργασμένα, which is quite satisfactory. Some- 
thing like ray δομοις may have preceded xaxa, which was perhaps originally a gloss on 
ταξειργασμενα and afterwards made its way into the text. 

1324. ev doporls: Hartung’s ἐνδοθ]εῖν, which Wecklein accepts, is also possible. 

1335. avevpquers (?) δομΊοις : ἀνευφημεῖ δόμους originally a and perhaps A, ἀνευφημεῖ δόμος 
others, edd. 

1342. ε of εἰς was converted from a straight stroke, i.e. probably the scribe at first 
wrote .& unelided. 


1345. 1. σωθηθ. 

1346. φιλοι: so MSS. except F, which has ἄνδρες. 

1348. The papyrus is broken below the η of |, but if a paragraphus had been 
written it should be partially visible. In this text therefore σιγᾶν... σωτηρία were assigned 
to the speaker of ll. 1349-52, in agreement with Lachmann, who gave σιγᾶν... σωτηρία to 

1350. Bador[res: so Ea, &c., Wecklein; βάλλοντες AL, Murray. 

1359. mov: του MSS. (rod ELG). In this hand ar may be easily mistaken for π. 

1360. τας: so the MSS. except A, which has ra corrected from rds, τάς being restored 
by A*. ra... συμφορᾶς Wecklein. 


8-4 X II-5 cm. Early third century. Plate I. 

This small fragment offers another example of the ‘ biblical’ type of uncials 
upon papyrus. The hand closely resembles those of 664 and P. Rylands 16, and 
may be assigned with some confidence to the earlier decades of the third century, 
if not to the end of the second ; cf. also 1166, which represents a somewhat later 
stage of the same style. Accents, breathings, and marks of elision and quantity 
appear to be a subsequent addition, but the punctuation in ll. 3 and 4 is probably 
original. The text so far as it goes agrees with that of Wellauer. 

τον de tapos κολεων evnKea φασΊγαν ἱεταιροι 
ίεσταν ερυσσαμενοι πρωτος γ]ε μεν avepa Καστωρ 
ἴηλασ εἐπεσσυμενον Kepadns] ὕπερ' ἢ δ᾽ εκατερθεν 
[evOa και ενθ ὠμοισιν ἐπ ἀαμφοτεροισι κεάσθη" 
105 [αυτος ὃ τυμονηα πελωριον] nde Mipavra 
[Tov μεν ὑπὸ στέρνοιο θοω ποδι] λαξ εἐπορουσας 
[wAnge και εν κονίησι βαλεν τοὴῆν 6 αἰσΊσον ἵοντος 
[δεξιτερὴ σκαίης ὑπερ οφρυος ηΐλασε χειρι 
ἰδρυψε δὲ οἱ βλεφαρον γυμνη ὃ υπεἸλειπετ᾽ οπωϊπη 
110 [Ὡρειδὴς ὃ Αμυκοιο βιην υπεροπλος οἸπίάων 

104. Brunck’s ἀμφοτέροις ἐκεάσθη is not supported. 



1180. THUCYDIDES v. 

17:3 X 8-4 cm. 


Third century. 

This fragment contains the lower portion of a column with slight remains 
of the two adjacent columns, written in sloping uncials of the third century. The 
shortness and horizontal position of the third stroke of the κ are noticeable. 
A rather deep margin, of about 53 cm., was left at the bottom of the columns. 

A coronis at 1. 33 probably marks the end of a chapter. 

The papyrus shows 

the antiquity of the reading πρὶν ἢ in 61. 1; but the text is not very correct and 
is of comparatively small interest. 


Col. i. (Opposite 1]. 9-13.) 

ἰμονιοι τε πανστρατια noar| 
[kat ἄρκαδες και ΒοιΊωτοι 
[και Κορινθιοι και Σ᾿ ἤκυω 
[νιον και Πελληνὴης καὶ] Pir 

Col. ii. 

a[mjor[dlas alkvovy Avoat 
προς [rolvs Λακεδαιμονίους 
amleval εκελευοῖν aUTOUS 

καὶ προς Tov Onpoly ov προσ 
nyov βουλομενουΐς xpy 
ματισαι πριν ἡ Μαίντινης 
και Ἠλειοι επίι] παρησίαν κα 
τηναγκασαν δεομεῖνοι και 
ἐλεγον ἄθηνοι Αλκιβ[ιαδου 
πρεσβευτου παροΪν])τοῖς ev τε 
τοις Αργειζοι]ς Kat roils ξυμ 
μαχίοι)ς ταυτα οἶτι] οὐκ οἴρθως 
at σπονδαι avev Tov αλίλων 

ν. 6053 

61. I 


ξυμμαχωὼν γενοιτο Kat 

20 VUV εν Καίρω yap παρει» 
ναι σῴφεις ἀπτεσθαι χρηναι 
του πολεμου και πείσαντες 3 
εκ τῶν λογῶν τοὺς ἕξυμμα 
xous εὐθυς exwpovy emt Op 

25 Xopuevoy τον Apkad.koy 
παντες πλὴν Apyewy [olv 
τοι ὃ opws και πεισθεντῖες 
ὑπελίποντο τὸ πρῶτον | 
ἐπειτα ὃ υστερον Kat ofu 

Col. iii. (Opposite ll. 21-6.) 
30 τίη Μαντινεια ws emt Teyeay 10 62. 2 
viTes Kal τινες QUTOLS και 
αἰυτων Teyeatov ev Tn πόλει ενε 
δίιδοσαν ta πραγματα Aaxedat 63. 1 


μίονιοι δὲ ἐπειδὴ avexw 

35 ρίησαν εὖ Apyous τας τετρα 


11. 7: So Μ55.; δή H(ude) with Haase and Kriiger. 

12. en(c]: 1. ere yap with the MSS. yap has dropped out owing to the similarity of 
the first syllable of παρησαν. 

14. 1. Αθηναιοι. οἱ ᾿Αθην. MSS. 

15. παροΪν]τοῖς : Stahl’s conjecture παριόντος is not confirmed. 

τό. ros: om. 5 

19. yevolv)ro: καὶ γένοιντο MSS, 

28. umehurovro: ὑπελείποντο MSS. But in a papyrus of this type the distinction between 
εἰ and ε is not likely to have been carefully observed. 

TO πρῶτον : OM. To MSS. 

30-6. The relation of Col. i to Col. ii indicates that the remains of Col. iii are to be 
looked for at about the end of Chap. 62, a conclusion which is confirmed by the marginal 
coronis below 1. 33. A slight obstacle, however, occurs at ]. 31 where the division to|p[res 
is irregular. The ν might well be μ, but that letter cannot be worked in here, and the 
arrangement adopted seems to be the most probable that can be suggested. 


1181. XENOPHON, Azabasis vii. 

8-9 X 6-9 cm. Early third century. 

A small fragment containing a few lines from the Azaédasis, written in 
careful upright uncials of medium size and dating perhaps from the earlier 
decades of the third century. Two short dashes inclined to each other at 
a slight angle appear to be used as a mark of punctuation in 1. 2; but the 
papyrus is broken, and the interpretation suggested is therefore uncertain. 

[εἰσω] Tov τίειχους amne vii. I. 40 
et συν ΚλεανδρωιΞ o [ 

δε Κοιραταδης tye plev 

πρωιτηι ἡμεραι ov> Ϊ 

κ αικαλλιερει ovde διε 


[μ]ετρησεν οἷυδεν 

1. The supplement is rather longer than would be expected. 
3. Κοιραταδης : so the better MSS, : Κοιρατάδας edd. 
5. Leg. exaddepet. διεΐμ)ετρησεν is the reading of the better MSS, ; διεμέρισεν dett. 

1182. DEMOSTHENES, De Falsa Legatione. 
27 X 22-6 cm. Second century. 

To the copyist of 1098, the Contra Boeotum, are also to be referred the four 
well-preserved columns following from the De Falsa Legatione. His hand is 
here somewhat less inclined to cursive, but its identity is evident. The two 
MSS., however, were not quite uniform, for, though the columns of 1182 are of 
the same breadth as those in 1098, the latter are shorter, notwithstanding the 
greater height of the papyrus. The elaborate punctuation of 1098 is however 
repeated, and here too may be to some extent a later addition. On the other 
hand it is not clear that the corrections are by the same person in both papyri. 
The marginal insertion in 1093. xii. 17, at any rate, shows no resemblance to the 
interlineations, e. g., at 1182. 122, 127. Perhaps more than one revisor should 
be distinguished in 1098. The complementary symbol at the end of short lines 
is more angular here than in the latter papyrus. 


Textually the characteristics of 1182 are similar to those of 1093: agree- 
ments with S preponderate, but the opposite scale is not left empty. No 
peculiar readings of moment occur; three valueless variants are contributed by 

the corrector. 

Kal τὴν ἐπαγ 
γελιαν επυθον 
Και τας ὑποσχε 
5 σεις. κατα παν 
Tas τοὺς τροποὺυς 
σκοπειτε yap: 
ηἡσαν απίιστουν 
10 τες τίνες αὐτο 
θι τωι Φιλιπ 
Tot [Kat ν͵]οὺυν 
exov[Tes| οὔτοι 
πιστευϊε])ιν UV 
15 πηχθη[σ]αν" δι 
@ τι" οτι [nylovvTo 
ovd εἰ δίεϊκακις 
Φιλιππῖος) avrovs 
εξηπα[τ]α[[1}} ov 
20 δεποτε αν Tous 
γε Αθηναιων 
πρεσβεις AOn 
vatous εξαπα 
ταν τολμησαι: 

25’ αλλ ειναι ταῦτ α 
ληθὴ a ouvtos 
προς vas’ και 








Col.) 11. 

νεσθαι δειν > 
ὠιοντο" ἀλλα 
καὶ τουτοὺυς pa | 
λακοὺυς εποιίησε 
To tov Φιλιππίον 
uTapxXely αὑυτοίις 
πεισθηναι Kale 

[[kac]] το ταὺυτ ι pene © 
ποιησουσιν. υ 

μας em auTous 

ηξειν ous Bo 

ηθησειν αυτοι[ς 
ηλπιζον εκει 

νοι" ἀλλα και 

υμειν @LOVTO 

τινες πεποιῆ 

μένοις τὴν 

προς Φιλιππον 
εἰρηνην: τοῦ 

τοις OTL καὶ τοις 

εγγονοις THY av 

τὴν εψηφισασθε 

επεδειξαν" wo 
τε πανταχὴ 
τα Tap ὑμων 



τοις Θηβαιοις 
NKELY οὐκ αὖ 
Tolls ολεθρον'" 
noalv| adAo τι 
[vles [or] πασχειν 
[οτιουνῚ Kale apu 

Col. iii. 
ανδρα |Ovnrov 

[κ]αὶ δια [και]ρους 





ἰτνας ἰσχυοντὰ 
γρ[αἸφοντας tpn 
νην αθανατον 
συνθεσθαι την 
κατα της πολεως 
αἰσχυνην" και α 
ποστερησαι μὴ 
μονον τῶν 
αλλων αλλα 
Kal των Tapa 
της TUXNS εὐερ 
yeolov τὴν 
πολιν. καὶ τὸ 
σαυτηι περιου 
σιαι χρησασθαι 
πονηριας wo 

τε μη μονον 
TOUS oVTas > 
Αθηναιους adr 
λα και τοὺυς VOTE 
pov ποτε per 








ναι: διοπερ παν [ 
Ta ταῦτα εἰς [ely 
ψηῴφισμα συνε | 
σκευασαν: O Και 
μέγιστον εμοι 

γε δοκουσιν 
ἀπαντῶν > 

υμας ηδικηκε 

ναι" TO yap προς 

Col. iv. 
[vnv TO και τοις 

εἴγγονοις εἰ py 

ταις] παρ ἄϊισχινου 

ρηθεισαιΐς vio 
σχεσεσιν ἴτοτε 
αἰσπερ οἱ Φίω 
κεις πιστευσΐαν 
τες απωλονΐτο 
και yap τοι παΐρα 
δοντες εαἰυτους 
Φιλιππωι [και 
EKOVTES εἶγχει 
ρισαντες εἶκει 
vol Tas πολΊεις 
ἀπαντῶν | > 

τῶν EvavT|Lov 
ων προς vpas [ 

[euros απηγγῖει 
λεν ετυχον" εΪ 

‘ya ὃ εἰδητε σα [ 

φως οτι ταυθ ov [ 





λοντας εσε “ἔχει. ὲ 
5. σθαι παντας τως και δια του Ϊ 
᾿ δικηκεναι τους απολίωΪλεν [ 
ΤΕΣ TOUS χρονοὺς» 

130 ὑμιν λ[ογιοζυμαι 
δεινον ἐστιν" 

= καθ ous εγεινίε 
τουτο τοινυν § 56 


[[σ]]0 exacra: περι 
100 ουδεποθ υμεις 

ov ὃ av τις av 
τιλεγὴ τουτων." 
τ av υστεροΪν])» 

προς τὴν εἰρη 

135 ἀναστας εν τῶι 
ἐμωι υδατι» 

εἰπατῶι ἢ μὲν 


I. ἐπαγγελίαν: so 5) (0) L corr. (0) FQO ; απαγγελιαν ΒΙ(455) and Butch(er) with S corr. 

1g. The erroneous « is crossed through besides having a dot placed above and 
apparently also beneath it. 

22. πρέσβεις eis S, 

23. Bl. brackets ἐξαπατᾶν, 

27. απηγγειλεν : 50 vulg.; ἀπήγγελλε SL, Bl, Butch. 

30. ovk αὐτοῖς : so SL, Bl. ; οὐχ αὑτοῖς A, Butch. 

35. The purpose of the x in the margin at the top of this column is not clear. 

43. ποιήσουσιν : so FYO, Bl. Butch.; ποιήσωσιν SA. The first « seems to be a later 

υ of upas has been corrected, but was most probably the original reading. The 
corrector perhaps substituted ἡ and then changed his mind and restored the v. yas is 
found e. g. in O. 

54. The final v of ἐεἼρηνην was converted by the first hand from o. 

56. εγγονοις is the spelling of SL, and so Bl. and Butch. αὐτου which has been added 
above the line is not otherwise attested. 

62-3. mavra tavta: ἅπαντα ταῦτα SLY, ταῦτα πάντα vulg. Bl. Butch. 

64. συνεσκευασαν : so S*A, Bl, Butch. ; οὗτοι συν. 1, vulg. 

80. των; so 5114, Bl. Butch. ; παρὰ τῶν vulg. 

102. The papyrus agrees with the MSS. in reading vorepo{y] which Bl. and Butch. 
bracket, with Weil. 

I15. εαυτους : avrovs MSS. 

117. ἐγχειΐρισαντες : so most MSS. and edd. ; ἐγχειρήσαντες 50, 

122. The interlinear variant n, i. 6. 7, is novel. 

123. ovros, the corrected reading, is that of the MSS. 

127. There is no support for exe after ovrws, which like αὐτου in 1. 56 is an addition 
of an explanatory character. 

134. A high and a low stop have apparently both been written; the latter is the 
punctuation expected; cf. e.g. 1. 43. 


1188. ISOCRATES, 7vapeziticus. 
27:6 X 20:5 cm. Late first century. 

Three columns written in a hand similar in scale and type to that of 844 
(Part V, Plate vii), but showing a somewhat earlier stage of development. 
I should refer this example of the round upright style to the first century. As 
in 844, the final letters of a line are sometimes much reduced in size in order to 
keep the column even, and with the same object the common angular sign is 
added when lines would otherwise be short. A pause in the sense is marked 
by a slight blank space, which may or may not be accompanied by a marginal 
paragraphus. A doubtful stop occurs in 1. 67. 

The text is interesting on account of the strong support given to the eleventh- 
century Codex Vaticanus (A) against the older Urbinas (I). Slight variations 
from both these authorities are noticeable in ll. 41, 42, and 70. My collation is 
based on the edition of Drerup. 

Gel: 1. Col. ii. 
ενεκίαλεσεν μι ὃ 44 30 σθαι ευρησετε yap τον 
[χαριζομενοὴς τῶν δὲ μεν πατερα pov σίυ͵νει 
[em|ra ταλαντῶν eyyu Anppevov Kat THY > 
[ntns pov εγινετο ἡγοῦ ἰοἸσσιαν amacav αφει 
5 μενος ικανην παρ ε [ρημενον epolc] ὃ ov 
[μου πιστ)ιν exe TO 35 [x] ovov τε ov δια τας na] 
ἰχρυσιον To map €avTw [polucas τυΐϊχας] ουτε αἷντου 
[κειμενον ὡς μεν τοι [μεΐνειὲν οἷυτε εἰς Tov 
νυν ἣν εμοι πῖολλα [ITo|vrov εἰἤσπλειν kale ὃ 46 
το [xpnpata ενθαδὴε και [roe ποτε]ρίον εἰκος] ἐμε 
ἰταυτ ἐπι τη τουτου τρα] 40 [ely τοσουτοις [οἸνίτ]α κα 
[πεζη εκειτο μ͵οι και» κοις αδικως ἐπικα» 
[ex tov epyov| tov Πα λειν ἡ Πασιωνα δια το 
ἰσιωνος dednAlwxa > μέγεθος Tov ηἡμετε 
15 [και παρα των εἰδοΐτων ρων συμῴορων [ac 
[ακηκοατε] δοκει § 45 45 δια To πληθος των 
[τε δὲ μοι w avdples δι χρηματῶν ἐπαρθη 
4 lines lost val Kal THY αποστε 


[ecxev np oTe| eyo 
[Mevegevoy καὶ. Φιλο 

μῆλον προσεπΊεμψα 
απαιτησονταςὶ τὴν πα 


[ρακαταθηκην) Kal] Πασι 
[wy To πρωτον] ετολ- 
[unoev εἕξαρνος yleve 

σας [τη]ν δίυναμιν τὴν 
60 ἐμην εμ[ελλ]εν εἶυθυς 

μοι δωσειν αργΐίυριον 

αλλ [ov]x ουτως [ἡμων 

[εκατερος επίραττεν 

αλλ εἰς aywva κατίαστας 

65 [ω]μηῖν και mapa το ὅϊικαιον 

[πἹλεον εξειν Πασίωνος 
παρ υμειν. οἷς οὐδὲ εν 
θαδὲ μενεῖν παΐῖρε 
σκευαζομην δεδίιως 

ο pn μ εξαιτηση Σατίυρος 
Tap vuwv αλλ wa pln 
dev διαπραττομεῖνος 

Expos τουτωι KaTaloTaL 

ρήσιν ποιησασθαι τις 
δὲ πώποτε εἰς τοσου 
ἰτ]ο συκοφαντιας αφει 
KeTOo ὠστε autos ἵπΊερι 
του σώματος κινδυ-: 
νευων τοις αλλοτριοις 
ἐπιβουλευειν μετα 
ποιας ὃ αν ελπιδος 

n τι διανοηθεις αδι 
κως ηλθον emt του» 

Tov ποτεΐρ]ον ws δει- 

nv ὦ μαλιστα ετυγχα 
γον παντῶν τῶν [Ev 

TNL πόλει χρωμενῖος 

και τις av υμων αξιω | 
σειεν καταγνῶναι μου 
τοσαυτὴην paviay και 
αμαθιαν ενθυμη[θη § 48 
να] ὃ αξιον ect ὦ [ 
αν[δὴρες δικαστία). την- 
ατοπιαν Kale απι]σίΐτιαν 
wv εκαστοτε ΠΙασιων 
επίχειρει λεγειν OTE 
μεν yap ουταϊς] επίρατ 
τον ὥστε οὐυδ av εἰ προῖΐσ 

Unplaced fragment 

4. μου eylvero: SO A; μοι κατέστη T. 

Bl (ass). 

pou ἐγένεθ᾽ D(rerup) with edd. vett., μοι ἐγένεθ᾽ 


. 5-6. ικανΐην. .. exew: ik. πίστιν ἔχειν παρ᾽ ἐμοῦ A; πίστιν ἔχειν ἱκανήν Ὁ. Bl. with r. 

ἀποχρῶσαν is given as a variant on ἱκανήν by the last corrector of I. 

7. εαὐτω! SOA; αὑτῷ Τ', D. BI. 

9. In view of the decided tendency of the papyrus to agree with A, I write evo here 
and exerro in ]. 12; τέ μοι and κεῖται I. 

15. tolv: SOA; τῶν ἄλλων τῶν T, D. BI. 

28. To πρωτον] ετολίμησεν : so D. Bl. with ΓΤ ; ἐτόλμησε τὸ πρῶτον A. 

33. αφει[ρημενον: 1. αφη[ρημενον with MSS. 

41. επικαλειν : ἐγκαλεῖν MSS. 

42. δια: καὶ διά MSS. 

47. και: SOA; om. D. BI. with Γ΄. 

49. τοσου tlo: τοσοῦτον MSS. 

60. aight so D. with A; mp. T, Bl. 

62-3. [nov exalrepos: SO A; éxdr. ἡμῶν D, Bl. with Ir. 

67. A doubt attaches to the supposed stop after vyew, since there is a slight trace of 
ink between this and the following o; but to read ος [ with no stop is still less satisfactory. 
The vestiges after ν would perhaps best suit , but there is no variant, and οἷς does not 
commend itself. 

67-8. ενἼθαδε μενειν : SO A; μένειν ἐνθάδε D, BI. with r. 

70. εξαιτηση : ἐξαιτήσειε 1). Bl. with Τ', ἐξαιτοίη A. 

73. 1. exOpos. Cf. 852. i. iv. 15. 

75. tov: so Ὁ, Bl. with A; om, I. 

83. kale: so 1), with A; καὶ τήν T pr., Bl. 

84. exaorore : ev ἐκ. Τ' pr. 

85. επιχειρει: SO Δ; ἐπεχείρει T, D. BI. 

87. εἰ: om. T. 

The unplaced fragment, if the angular sign is right, must come from the end of a line ; 
but the reading is far from secure. 


32:2 X 22-5 cm. Early first century. 

One complete column, inscribed on the verso of 1210 in a rather large and 
clear cursive hand, which is probably of the reign of Tiberius, if not of Augustus, 
and could not be placed later than the middle of the first century. A document 
with which this papyrus was found is dated A.D. 24—5. 1184 is thus much the 
oldest MS. authority for these Pseudo-Hippocratean letters, being considerably 
earlier than the two Berlin papyri published by Kalbfleisch in Berliner Klassiker- 
texte, III. pp. 5-9. And it possesses several unique features. As originally 
written, Ep. 3 (ll. 1-10) was shortened at the end, the ordinary termination being 
appended as an adscript. Ep. 4 (ll. 11-16) appears in a double shape, a greatly 
compressed version of the longer form, and the shorter form which is found in 
a group of mediaeval MSS. and is here added in the margin ; P. Berlin 7094 has 



only the shorter form. Between Ep. 4 and Ep. 5 three editorial lines (ll. 17-19) 
are inserted which do not occur elsewhere. Of Ep. 5, of which in P. Berlin 7094 
the shorter form follows the longer, the shorter form, with some peculiar 
variations, is alone given (Il. 20-7). Lastly, whereas in both the Berlin papyri 
Ep. 5 is immediately followed by Ep. 11, in 1184 there succeeds (Il. 28-33) 
a letter to Gorgias which apparently occurs nowhere else but has coincidences of 
phraseology with Ep. 6, which is addressed to Demetrius. The papyrus illustrates 
afresh the instability of the tradition regarding these letters. 

The hand of the alterations and additions is probably not to be distinguished 
from that of the body of the text, and is at any rate contemporary. For the 
collation given below, Littré’s edition has been used. 

Βασιλευς βασιλεων peyas AprakepEns 
Υστανη Ελλησποντου ἐπάρχω χαιριν 

Ἱπποκρατους intpov Κωου απο [[δὲ]] Ao 
κληπιου γεγονοτος Και εἰς εμε κλε 
5 ος αἀφεικται dos ουν αὐτῶι χρυσον Kat 
ἀργυρον οποσον εαν βουληται καὶ ταλλα 
χυδην ὧν εαν σπανιζὴ Kat πεμπε προς 
ημεᾶς εσται yap ισοτειμος Ilepoewy 

και εἰ τις addos [ayabos φιλον]] ανηρ των κατ Ἑυρωπην[ 1 
τοις αριστοις διδου ovy pn φειδομε α«Ύαθος φιλον ί 1 
οικω βασιλεωῖϊς 1 
Io νος ολβου 

— Koo 
Υἱστανης Immoxpate: ἰητρωι απο δεῖ] AokAy 

αδεωΐν οντι εγγονῶι 


millov γεγονοτος  χαιριν και υγιαινιν ἣν ἐπεμψεν 
βασιλευ[ 5] emo 
βασιλευς σου χρηζων ἐπεμψεν προς ἢ 

τολὴν σου 

peas διδους χρυσον Kat ἀργυρον omocoy | xXPite πε 
TOUPa σοι 

15 eav βουλει και ταλλα xvdnv wy cay ivi ‘ara ek 

σπανιζης συ ουν παραγεινου svYTOMwS a wf i 
o δε yevvaios Tnpnoas To τῆς TEXYNS aFiw| yu 
μα kat το προς τους EdAnvas φιλοστοργον 
αντεφώνησεν γραψας Tov τροπὸν τοῦτον 

20 Ἱπποκρατης ιήτρος amo yevovs Ασκληπιαδε 

wy ὕστανει Ελλησποντου ἐπάρχω χαί(ιρειν) 


πέμπε ες βασιλεα ὡς ταχος οτι και προσ 
φορὴ Kat εσθητι Kat οἰκήσει και πασὴ τὴ 

es βιον ἀαρκευση ουσιη χρέεομαι και Περ 


σεων oABwi ov θελωι εἐπαυρεσθαι ουδὲ trav 
εἰν βαρβαρους ανθρωποὺυς νουσων εκθρους 
εοντας Βλληνων 

Ἱπποκρατης Γοργια tw φιλτατω πλειστα χαιριν 
kat υγιαινιν βασιλευς ο Περσεων μετα 

380 πεμψασθαι ἡμεας εβουληθη em χρυσωι 

τε καὶ ἀργυρωι πανπληθει αἀγνοων οτι 

λογσο εμος σοφιηὴ κεχρημένος χρύυσου 
μεζονα δυναμιν εχει 

2. Yoravmy: so CDHIKb: Yorave others, Littré, and 1. 21 below. 

xatpw: so CDHJrb; om. vulg. 

4. ews: βου; ἐς others, Littré. 

Texms KNeos αφεικται : κλέος τέχν, ap. p, κλεος αφεικται P, Berl., as originally 1184, κλέος 
ἀφ. τῆς τέχν. (Littré) or κλέος ἀφ. réxv. others. 

5-6. και ἀργυρον is omitted in the MSS.and P. Berl. CFGHIJKb have χρυσίον. οποσον 
is also the spelling of CD, and radda of Ko; ὁκόσον and τὰ ἄλλα others. 

7. eav σπανιζη : SO p with ἄν for εαν ; σπανίζει others, Littré. 

προς: SO CH@b; és or eis others. 

8. Περσέων ἰσότιμος CDHIJKb. ὁμότιμος Περσ. φ. 

9. The interlinear insertion brings the papyrus into agreement with the ordinary text, 
except that τιθεσο (ποιοῦ οστυψ)ὴ has been left out after BaowWews, ποιου could hardly be got 
into the lacuna after φιλον. δίδου οὖν is unattested. 

Tis: SOoorpy: τις ἔστιν Others, Littré. 

to. The sentence ἄνδρας γὰρ εὑρεῖν δυναμένους τι κατὰ συμβουλίην οὐ ῥηίδιον is omitted, as 
in P. Berl. 7o94. The latter has, however, ἔρρωσο which 1184 omits with οτυφ. 

11, Ὑ[σήτανης : so oorvpy P. Berl. ; Ὑ. ὕπαρχος Ἑλλησπόντου others. 

ιἡτρωι Κωωι: SO Φ; utpo P. Berl. 7094, om. others. 

12. eyyovar: ἀπογόνῳ MSS. 

και υγιαινιν: om. MSS. 

13-16. The ordinary form of the longer version is βασιλεὺς μέγας ᾿Αρταξέρξης σοῦ χρήζων 
ἔπεμψε πρὸς ἡμέας ὑπάρχους, κελεύων σοι ἀργύριον καὶ χρυσὸν (χρυσίον H] Kb) καὶ ra ἄλλα χύδην ὧν 
σπανίζεις καὶ ὅσα βούλει διδόναι, καὶ πέμπειν πρὸς ἑωυτὸν ἐν τάχει" ἔσεσθαι γὰρ Περσέων τοῖς ἀρίστοις 
ἰσότιμον. σὺ οὖν παραγίνου ξυντόμως. ἔρρωσο. 

The marginal adscript coincides with the shorter form of the letter, except for the 
absence of the words γράψον οὖν πρὸς ταύτην (ταῦτα p, P. Berl. 7094, αὐτήν v) after σοι. The 
papyrus agrees with @ P. Berl. in omitting o before βασιλεὺς and placing wa before κατα 
raxos, and with @ in reading cov for ceo, and πεπομῴφα for ἐπεμψα. For es βασιλεα P, Berl. 
gives προς βασιλεα; other MSS. omit, ¢ substituting τὴν σὴν ἀπόφασιν. 

20. απο... Ασκληπιαδεων : om. MSS, 

22. es βασιλεα: εἰς Bac. οστυψ,, cis? βα]σιλεως P. Berl. 7094. ii, βασιλεῖ others, 


ws ταχος: ἃ λέγω γράφων ὅτι τάχος most MSS., ἃ (ὡς ὅτι ov) ἐγὼ γράφω οστυψ ; Ὁ also 
has ἐγὼ γράφω for λέγω γράφων, and ᾧ omits ὅτι τάχος. P. Berl. 7094. ii is defective. 

ort: διοτι COGHIJK. ἣ 

24. apkevon ουσιη : 50 τηοϑί MSS. (ἀρκεούσῃ) ; οὐσ. ἀρκ. οτυψ,, περιουσ. ἀρκ. φ, apk. συνουσιη 
P. Berl. 7094, Ἰουσιηι [αρκε]οΐυσηι Ῥ. Berl. 6934. 

χρεομαι: SO tup and the Berlin papyri; xpetoua οσψ, χρεόμεθα (Littré) and χρεώμεθα 

24-5. kat Περσεων ολβωι (1. ολβου) : cf. P. Berl. 7094 και oABou Περσεων ; ὄλβου δὲ Περσῶν φ, 
Περσέων (Περσῶν) δὲ ὄλβου others and P. Berl. 6934. 

θελωι : μοι θέμις MSS., including P. Berl. 7094. 11 and 6934. 

ἐπαυρεσθαι: SO οστυψ, P. Berl. 6934 ; ἐπαύρασθαι others (ἐπάρ. >). 

25-6. mavew . .. νουσων : βαρβάρους ἄνδρας νούσων παύειν MSS. (with P. Berl. 6934) 
except φ, which has νούσων παῦσαι βαρβάρους ἄνδρας. 

27. εοντας: SO otupy: ὑπάρχοντας other MSS., P. Berl. 6934. The papyrus agrees 
with rudy in omitting ἔρρωσο which other MSS. and P. Berl. add after Ἑλληνων. 

28-33. The text of Ep. 6, the phraseology of which is reflected in ll. 32-3 is: 
Ἱπποκράτης Δημητρίῳ ὑγιαίνειν, βασιλεὺς Περσέων ἡμέας μεταπέμπεται, οὐκ εἰδὼς ὅτι λόγος ἐμοὶ 
σοφίης χρυσοῦ πλέον δύναται. ἔρρωσο. ΤῊ ]. 32 read λογος epos Or λογος o Epos. 



9°9 X 14:9 cm. About A.D. 200. 

Though the writer of this papyrus was merely amusing himself or practising 
his hand, its contents are of some interest. On the recto sentences have been 
copied out from four distinct documents: (1) the commencement of a petition from 
Ammonion to the praefect Magnius Felix Crescentillianus (ll. 1, 2,4); (2) a letter, 
or part of one, from the same praefect to the strategi of the Heptanomia relating 
to the offices of gymnasiarch and agoranomus (Il. 3, 5-8); (3) a proverbial 
saying (ll. 10-12); (4) the opening formula of a letter from Ammonion to 
Diogenis (1. 13). On the verso is a partial copy of another letter from Felix to the 
strategi of the Heptanomia and Arsinoite nome, referring to their failure to pay 
the proceeds of the eight-drachma tax, which had been made over to him, and 
ordering the centurions in the nomes to go to Alexandria in order to celebrate 
‘the Emperor’s festival ’. 

1185. OFFICIAL 199 

The papyrus bears no date, but apparently belongs to a period of joint rule 
(l. 21), and since it was accompanied by a document of the reign of Septimius 
Severus, it is most probably to be referred to the time of his association with 
Caracalla, a date which suits the handwriting. In the list of praefects most of 
those years are already accounted for, but there is a blank between 197 and 201, 
and to this Magnius Felix Crescentillianus, who is not otherwise known, may be 
conveniently referred. The tax of eight drachmae, the name of which occurs here 
for the first time, is evidently the same as that which in 916 and one or two other 
texts is represented by the abbreviation nf or 7+. 916 shows that it was levied 
upon land per aroura, and that the praefect Aemilius Saturninus, who may have 
been the immediate predecessor of Felix, had issued instructions regarding it ; 
possibly his interest was of a similar direct kind. What the centurions had to do 
with this is not clear. Military officers are not ordinarily associated with the 
collection of taxes, but the special circumstances of this impost may have rendered 
their co-operation desirable (cf. Wilcken, Os¢. i. 621). 

[[Mayvios]] Μαγνίῳ Φήλικει Κρησκεντιλλια- 
~ 3 4 Ai 4 δέ A 
νῷ ἐπάρχῳ Αἰγύπτου δέησεις παρὰ 
΄σ "“ ε ΩΝ 
Μάγνιος Φῆλιξ στρατηγοῖς Entra νομῶν χαίρειν. 
‘Appoviwvos τοῦ καὶ καὶ Kak. 
5 τὰς περὶ τῶν γυμνασιαρχιῶν καὶ ἀγορανομιῶν 
ἐφέσις τοῖς κρατίστοις ἐπιστρατήγοις ἀπένειμα καὶ 
Ν 4 7, 7 3 ‘ ~ 
περὶ τούτου διάταγμα προυτέθη ἐπὶ τῆς λαμπρο- 
τάτης ᾿Αλεξανδρείας. κονδύϊλ]ους αὐτῷ δείδου. 
κακ καί 
10 ,ον παῖδα τὸν μεικρὸν δεῖ ἄρτον ἐσθίειν, 
ἅλας ἐπιτρώγειν, ὀψαρίου μὴ θινγάνειν, 
ἂν δὲ καὶ οἶνον αἰτῇ, κονδύλους αὐτῷ δείδι. 

χαῖρε, κυρία μου 4Διωγενίς, Aupwviov σε προσ- 

Μάγνιος ΦΉλ[ι]ξ στρατηγοῖς 
15 Ἑπτὰ νομῶν καὶ ‘Apowo- 
frov χαίρειν. γεινώσκιν 
ὑμᾶς θέλω ὅτι τὸ μὲν 
ἀργύριον τῆς καλου 


μένης ὀκταδράχμου 
20 συ(ν)εχώρησαν ἡμεῖν 
οἱ θειότατοι βασιλεῖς καὶ 
οὐκέτι οὐδὲν ἀποδείδοτε 
Ua ΄ » > € ie { 
μέχρι τούτου. εἰ οὖν οἱ Exa}v}- 
we. 7 
τοντάρχαι μέχρ[ι] πολ- 
25 λοῦ ἐν τοῖς τόποις ὑμῶν 
nad 2 4 4 
εἰσίν, ev τάχει παραγεινέσθω- 
3 a 4 
σαν ἐν TH λ[α]μπροτάτῃ 
Ἀλεξανδρέων πόλει καὶ 
τὴν τοῦ βασιλέως ἑορτὴν 
3 4 > \ vA ἃ xX 
30 ἐπιτελείτωσαν. εἰ δὲ μή γε, ὃς ἂν 
ἀπειθήσει τούτῳ μου τῷ διατά- 

10. Second ε of εσθιειν inserted above the line. 12. 1. δίδου. 13. 1. Διογενις, 
31. ]. ἀπειθήσῃ. 

‘To Magnius Felix Crescentillianus, praefect of Egypt, supplication from Ammonion 
also called...’ 

* Magnius Felix to the strategi of the Heptanomia, greeting. I have assigned to the 
most high epistrategi the appeals concerning the offices of gymnasiarch and agoranomus, 
and an edict has been published concerning this in the most illustrious city of Alexandria.’ 

‘A little boy must eat bread, nibble besides some salt, and not touch the sauce; but 
if he asks for wine, give him your knuckles.’ 

‘Greeting, lady Diogenis, I, Ammonion, address you.’ 

‘Magnius Felix to the strategi of the Heptanomia and the Arsinoite nome, greeting. 
I would have you know that the most divine sovereigns granted to me the money from the 
so-called eight-drachma tax, and you have not yet up to the present made any payment. 
If then the centurions are in your districts for long, let them attend with speed at the most 
illustrious city of the Alexandrians and celebrate the festival of the sovereign. Otherwise, 
if any one disobeys this my order...’ 4 

1-8. Lines 3 and 5-8 as far as ᾿Αλεξανδρείας were first written ; the letters of Il. 1-2, 4, 
and 8 (from κονδύλ]ους)--13, though by the same hand, are larger and heavier. Ammonion 
was perhaps the actual writer; cf. 1. 13. 

5-6. The meaning apparently is that the decision in certain cases concerning the 
offices in question had been delegated by the praefect to the epistrategi. 

8. xovdu[A]ous . . . δείδου repeats the conclusion of 1. 12. 

10-12. The third of these iambic lines is known as a proverb from Suidas and the . 
paroemiographi. Diogenianus and Zenobius give it in the form ἂν οἶνον αἰτῇ, κόνδυλον αὐτῷ 
δίδου, but Suidas, 5. v. ἂν οἶνον, rightly has κονδύλους, as in the papyrus; cf. Schol. Aristoph. 
Pax 123, Plutarch, An virtus docert potest, 2 (439 d) παιδὸς ὀψοφαγοῦντος 6 Διογένης τῷ 
παιδαγωγῷ κόνδυλον ἔδωκεν, Aristoph. Vd. 981-3. In 1. το the first letter is possibly ὃ, for τ, 
but looks more like » than anything else. Metre is easily restored by writing (r)sv παῖδα δεῖ 
τὸν μικρόν, With ἂν δ᾽ οἶνον in |. 12. 

1189}5. ‘OFF ICLAL ὁ 201 

13. προσαγορεύω was no doubt the word intended; cf. e. g. 526. 2. 

17-20. For this appropriation of the proceeds of a tax to the praefect cf. the ὑποκείμενα 
ἐπιστρατηγίᾳ &c. as rightly explained by Martin, Zfzs/rateges, pp. 137 sqq. 

29. The festival was perhaps the customary celebration of the emperor’s birthday. 
Since the date was known and was still some little time distant, a celebration in honour of 
the accession of Caracalla, who became full emperor between Nov. a.p. 197 and May 
A.D. 198 (cf. 910 introd.) is less likely to be meant, though it would fit in well enough 
with the supposed date of this papyrus. 

31. Svard-[ypare. 

14:4 X 6-8 cm. Fourth century. 

The recto of this papyrus contains parts of sixteen lines of a late third-century 
account. On the verso, written in a clear semi-cursive hand probably of the first 
half of the fourth century, is part of an edict of Aurelius Herodes, praeses of the 
Thebais, directed against the use of the whip (ἱμάντες) in the punishment of free 
men. For slaves, he says, this is permitted, though to be deprecated ; but for 
the free it is illegal. In their case the proper instrument, according to Roman 
law, was the fwstis, as opposed to the flagellum, and even this came to be re- 
garded as out of place for persons of superior station. Cf. Dzg. xlviii. 19. 10 ex 
quibus causis liber fustibus caeditur, ex his servus flagellis caedi et domino reddit 
wubetur, 19. 28 non omnes fustibus caedi solent, sed hi dumtaxat qui libert sunt 
et quidem tenuiores homines: honestiores vero fustibus non subiciuntur, tdgque 
principalibus rescriptis specialiter exprimitur ; Mommsen, Strafrecht, pp. 983 sqq. 

Αὐρήλιος Ἡρώδης ὁ διασημότατος ἡγούμενος 
Θηβαΐδος λέγει: τὸ τὴν διὰ τῶν ἱμάντων λη- 
ταρι[ὧν ἐπιχωρίως οὕτω καλουμένων αἰκεί- 
αν ὑπομένειν ἐστὶν μὲν καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν δουλι- 

5 Κὴν τύχην εἰληχότων ἀνιαρόν, οὐ μὴν κατὰ 
τὸ παντελὲς ἀπηγορευμένον, ἐλευθέρους δὲ 
ἄνδρας τοιαύτην ὕβρειν ὑπομένειν οὔτε τοῖς 
[νόμοις] ἀκόλ[ουἾ]θον ἀδικείαν τε [ἔϊχον ἐστὶν ἐν 
[ 33 letters ]. are 

2. OnBaidos .. . ἵμαντων Pap. 4. ὕπομενειν Pap. 6. am'nyopevpevov Pap, 
7. UBpew Pap. 

‘Edict of Aurelius Herodes, most honourable praeses of the Thebaid. Subjection to 
the punishment of scourging, called in the native speech .. ., is even for those of servile 


éstate lamentable though not entirely forbidden ; but for free men to be submitted to such 
an outrage is contrary to the laws and an injustice .. .’ 

2-3. The first letter of 1. 3 may be y, τ, or possibly o, and between the ὁ and o there is 
a space and a small hole in the papyrus, but there is no trace of ink and it is not certain 
that any letter is lost. émywpiws naturally suggests that the preceding word is Egyptian, 
but Mr. Griffith, whom I have consulted, does not recognize it. If ἐπιχωρίως is reconcileable 
with a Latin term, ληταρίων might stand for /ethalium; ληγαρίων = legalium is a less likely 
epithet. Mitteis suggests a connexion with the late word “garza; cf. Du Canges.v. In 
P. Leipzig 40. iii. 20 the scourge used for a slave is called dumneura. The reference of the 
words ἐλευθέρους μὴ τύπτητε in the next line there is obscure ; cf. the note on p. 132. 


21:5 X 7-2 cm. A.D. 254. 

A notice issued by the strategus Aurelius Posidonius summoning the in- 
habitants of those quarters of the city upon which devolved the liturgies for the 
coming year to meet for the nomination of a phylarch. This functionary, who is 
rarely mentioned, had duties similar to those of the amphodogrammateus, and 
is perhaps the same official under a different title ; cf. 1119, and the fourth-century 
Leipzig papyrus cited by Wilcken, Chrestomathie, p.67. His business was to 
submit the names of persons suitable for the various public offices. Hence it was 
of much importance to those liable that the man entrusted with that power should 
be honest and impartial ; and this, it is interesting to find, was recognized to the 
extent of giving them the right of election. On the verso there are parts of six 
short lines of an account. 

Αὐρήλιος Ποσειδώ- δύνασθαι αὐτὸν 
Ν 3 Ψ “ ΄ 2 ΄ 
vios στρα(τηγὸς) ᾿Οξυρυγχιίτου)᾽ τοῦ χρόνου ἐνστάν- 
παραγγέλλεται τοῖς τος ὑγιῶς καὶ πιστῶς 
ἀπὸ τῶν μελλόντων ἀντιλαβέσθαι τῆς 
5 λειτουργεῖν τῷ εἰσιόν- 20 λειτουργίας. ἐσημ(ειωσάμην). 
τι ἔτει ἀμφόδων συν- (ἔτους) a «Αὐτοκρατόρων 
ελθε[ν σήμερον ἐν Καισάρων Πουπλίου 
τῷ συνήθει τόπῳ Kali “Λικιννίου ; 
> , ἃ aX os > ~ Ν 
ὀνομάσαι ὃν ἐὰν αἱρῶν- Οὐαλεριανοῦ καὶ 
10 ται φύλαρχον ὄϊν]τα 25 Πουπλίου Λικι[ν]νίου 
εὔπορον καὶ ἐπιτήδει- Οὐαλεριανοῦ 
ον κατὰ τὰ κελευ- Γαλλιηνοῦ Εὐσεβῶν 

σθέντα ὑπὸ τῶν τὸ Εὐτυχῶν ΣΙ εβα]στῶν 

1187. OFFICIAL 203 

> - 
ἀπότακτον συστη- Παῦνι Ks. 

15 σαμένων, πρἰ[ὸ]ς τὸ 

12. τ of ra blotted. 13. ὕπο Pap. 

‘From Aurelius Posidonius, strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome. Notice is given to 
the inhabitants of the quarters about to serve in the coming year to assemble to-day at the 
accustomed place and to name whomever they choose as phylarch, being a person of means 
and suited for the post, in accordance with the orders of those who constituted the appointed 
office (?), in order that when the time comes he may be able to perform the duty honestly 
and faithfully. Signed by me. The first year of the Emperors and Caesars Publius 
Licinius Valerianus and Publius Licinius Valerianus Gallienus Pii Felices Augusti, Pauni 26.’ 

1 544. This is the usual formula in notices promulgated by the strategus; cf. e.g. 
ἘΠ GU. 7; i. 18. 

6. For the ἄμφοδα in this connexion cf. 1119. 6, note. 

9. ὀνομάσαι seems to have been the word intended, but what precisely stands in the 
papyrus is doubtful. Perhaps ovoya was originally written and then amended by the 
insertion of ac. The sense at any rate is evident. 

13-15. τῶν... συστησαμένων is an obscure phrase. ἀπότακτος is commonly applied to 
amounts in kind or money, πυρός, φόρος, ἐκφόριον, &c., and τὸ ἀπότακτον is similarly used, e. g. 
1124, 5, P. Fay. 39. 17. But ἀπότακτον here can hardly be the salary of the phylarch, who 

was probably unpaid. In 84. i. 2 the word is employed of officials, [τοῖς ἀπ])οτάκτοις mpal ypa- 
᾿ τευ]ομένοις ; cf, P. Leipzig 28. 7, P. Flor. 71. 722 ἀποτακτικός. Hence I suggest that τὸ 
ἀπότακτον is ‘ the appointed office ’ of phylarch, a sense which combines well with κελευσθέντα. 
It does not seem likely that of τὸ ἀπότ. συστ. could mean the persons constituting the whole 
body of those liable to λειτουργίαι. 

21 sqq. This date confirms the view taken of 1119. 5 and 30, where Mesore of the 
year 254 is still attributed to the Galli. The dating of that papyrus is clearly abnormal. 

32-6 X 26 cm. A.D. 13. 

This correspondence relates to a proposed sale of some persea-wood and 
acacia-wood which had no private owner and so belonged to the ἴδιος λόγος. 
The series of letters begins with the application of the purchaser, Didymus, to 
the idiologus Quintus Attius Fronto (ll. 18-26; cf. 721), who forwarded it to the 
basilicogrammateus of the nome with instructions to verify details and value the 
wood (ll. 14-17). The correspondence then descended in the usual way from 
the basilicogrammateus to the topogrammateus (ll. 7-13) and from the latter to 
the comogrammateus (ll. 2-6), upon whom devolved the business of supplying 
the information required by the idiologus; cf. e.g. P. Amh. 68. Acacia-trees 
occur in a similar connexion in 1112: a dead persea was the subject of 53; cf. 
C. P. Herm. 7. ii. 28, iii. 7. 





[- .] Κερκεύ(ρων) κλάί(δοι) y. 

Σαραπίων Πετεύρει κω(μο)γρ(αμματεῖ) Κερκεύρων χαίρειν. τοῦ ἐπεσταλ- 
μένου μοι ὑπὸ Διοσκουρίδου βα(σιλικοῦ) γρ(αμματέως) χρη(ματισμοῦ) 
τὸ ἀντίγρα(φον) ὑποτέτακται. 

ἐπελθὼν οὖν ἐπὶ τὰ δη(λούμενα) εἰς Δίδυ(μον) ᾿Ηρακλείδ(ου) ἐν μὲν τῷ 
Θοηρείωι ᾿Οσορφνᾶτο(ς) ἀπὸ περσέας ζωφυτο(ύσης) κλάδον ἕνα καὶ 
ἐν τῶι ἱερῶι Ἁ ρπεβή(κιος) 

ἐπὶ THs) τῶν ἱερῶν ἑῴων θήκης ἀπἰὸ] ζωγονούση(ς) περσ(έας) κλάδους 
ξηρο(ὺς) δύο καὶ ἐπισκ(εψάμενος) εἴ εἰσιν ξηροὶ καὶ ὀφείλ(οντες) 
εἰς ἴδιον δόγον ἀναλη(φθῆνα!) κατὰ τὸν γνώ(μονα), 

emOe(is) τὴν ἐπ᾽ ἀλη(θείας) ἀξίαν μετὰ χειρογρ[ α(φίας)] προσανένε(γκε) 

τ΄ εὐσή(μων), στοχα(σάμενος) τοῦ pnd(év) ayvon(Ojvat) μηδὲ πρὸς 
χά(ριν) οἰκονομηθ(ῆναι), ὡς πρὸς σὲ τοῦ περὶ τῶν ἀγνοη(θέντων) 
ζηίιτήματος) ἐσο(μένου). 

(Erous) μβ Καίσαρος Μεχί(εὶρ) κδ. 

2nd hand. Διοσκουρίδης Σαραπίωνι το(πο)γρί(αμματεῖ) τῆς μέση(Ξ) το(παρχίαΞ) 

καὶ ITeredpea{s} κα(μο)γρίαμματεῖ)ῇ Κερκεύ(ρων) καὶ Διονυσί(ῳφ) 
κω(μο)γρ(αμματεῖ) Πεεννὼ χαίρειν. τοῦ 

μετενη(νεγμένου) ἐφ᾽ ἡμᾶς παρὰ τοῦ ὑπογεγραμμέ(νου) ὀνόματος ἐκ τῶν 

ἐπεστα(λμένων) ὑπὸ Κοίντου ‘Artiov Φρόντωνος τοῦ πρὸς 

τῶι ἰδίωι λόγωι χρη(ματισμοῦ) τὸ ἀντίγρα(φον) ὑποτέτα(κται).. συνελκύ- 
(σαντες) τοῖς δί αὐτοῦ ση(μανθεῖσι) καὶ ἐπελθόντες ἐπὶ τὰς σημαι- 

κλάδους καὶ ἀκάνθας καὶ ἐπισκείψάμενοι!) εἰ ξηροὶ καὶ ὀφεί(λοντες) εἰς 
ἴδιο(ν) Ady(ov) ἀναλη(φθῆνα.) κατὰ τὸν γνώμον(α), ἐπιθέ(ντες) καὶ 
τὴν ἐπ᾽ ἀληί(θείας) ἀξίαν 

μετὰ χειρογρα(φίας) προσανενέ(γκετε) εὐσή(μως), στοχα(σάμενοι) τοῦ 
μηδ(ὲνὺῚ ἀγνοη(θῆνα) μηδὲ πρὸς χά(ριν) οἰκονομη(θῆναι), ὡς πρὸς 
ὑμᾶ(ς) τοῦ περὶ τ(ῶν) ἀγνοη(θέντων) λόγ(ου) συστα(θησομένου). 

(ἔτους) μβ Καίσαρος Μεχί(εὶρ) θ. 

ἰδίου λόγου. Διοσκουρίδης σεση(μείωμαι). (ἔτους) μβ Καίσαρος 

Μεχί(εὶρ) θ. 

τῶι βασιλικῶι γραμμαί(τεῖ) τοῦ ᾿Οξυρυγχίί(του). τοῦ ἐπιδεδομέ(νου) ὑπο- 
μνή(ματος) παρὰ 4Διδίύμου) τοῦ ᾿ἩΗρακλείδίιου) σὺν τῇ ὑπ᾽ αὐτὸ 

1188. OFFICIAL 205 

13 ὑπογραφῆι τὸ dvtiypa(pov) ὑποτέτα(κται). ἐπελθὼν οὖν ἐπὶ τὰ Ot αὐτοῦ 
δηλού(μενα) ξύλα, ἂν ἢ ξηρὰ καὶ ἀδέσποτα καὶ ὀφεί(λοντα) εἰς ἴδιο(ν) 
λόγον ἀναλη(φθῆναι) κατὰ τὸν γνώμον(α), ἐπιγνοὺς τὴν διάθε(σιν) καὶ 

ἐπιθεὶς τὴν ἐπ᾽ ἀλη(θείας) ἀξίαν προσφώνη(σον), στοχα(σάμενος) 
τοῦ μηδ(ὲν) ἀγνοη(θῆναϊ), 
17 ὡς πρὸς σὲ τοῦ λόγου ἐσομένου. (ἔτους) μβ Καίσαρος Μεχί(εὶρ) θ. 
18 Κοίντωι ‘Atrio: Φρόντωνι 
19 παρὰ Διδύμου τοῦ ‘Hpaxdeid(ov). βούλομαι ὠνή(σασθαι) ἐν τῶι ᾽Ο ξί(υρυγ- 
χίτῃ) νομί(ῷ) ἐκ τοῦ ἰδίου λόγ(ου) ξύλα ἐξηραμμέ(να) ἀδέσπ(οτα) 
εἰς ἴδιον Aby(ov) ἀναλη(φθῆναι) κατὰ τὸν γνώμο(να), ἐν μὲν κώμῃ Κερκεύ(ρων) 
τῆς μέση(ς) το(παρχίας) ἐν Θοηριείωι ᾿Οσορφνᾶτος μονόκλαδον 
21 ἀπὸ περσειδί[ο]ν ἐξη(ραμμένον) ἄξι(ον) (δραχμῶν) ἕξ, καὶ ἐν τῶι ἱερῶι 
Ἁρπεβήκιος ἐπὶ τῆι θήκῃ τῶν ἱερῶν ζῴων ἀπὸ (ωγονού- 
22 ons περσέας κλάδους ξηρο]ὺς B ἀξί(ους) (δραχμῶν) δύο, καὶ ἐν κώμῃ 
Πεεννὼ τῆς α(ὐτῆς) το(παρχίας) ἐν τῶι ἱερῶι τοῦ "Aupovos 
23 ἀπὸ ζ(ωγονο(ύσης) περσέας κλάδον ἐξη(ραμμένον) ἄξι(ον) (δραχμῶν) δύο, 
καὶ περὶ τὴν α(ὐτὴν) κώμη(ν) ἐν τῷ Μελανθίου κλήρωι ἐν τῆι 
24 γεγονυίᾳ διασφάϊγ]ι τοῦ peyd(Aov) περιχώ(ματος) ἀκάνθας συνπεπτω- 
κ(υίας) δύο agi(as) (δραχμῶν) ὀκτώι,͵ “ τῆς συντιμ(ήσεωΞς) (δραχμαὶ) en, 
25 καὶ οὔτε πρὸς ἴση(ν). Ϊ. .]. m( ) ofvjde πρὸς ἕτε(ρον) οὐδὲν ἁπλῶς 

παρενοχλή(σω), ἐὰν οὖν φαίνη(ται) ἐπιστ(εῖλαι) τοῖς γραμμαί(τεῦσι) 


26 ὅπως διαγράψαντ[όϊξ μου τὰς προκει(μέναο) τῆς τειμῆς ἀργ(υρίου) 
ο΄ (δραχμὰς) τη λάβωι τὴν καθή(κουσαν) διαγρα(φήν). 
24 τοῖς γραμμα(τεῦσι).. γραφήτωι τῷ βασιλικ(ῷ) γραμμαί(τεῖ) εἰς ἐπί- 
σκε(ψιν). (ἔτους) μβ Καίσαρος Μεχί(εὶρ) θ. 
28 ἀνέγνων. (ἔτους) μβ Καίσαρος Μεχί(εὶρ) θ. 

29 3rd hand, τῶι κω(μο)γρ(αμματεῖ). ἐπισκεψάμενος) προσανένε(γγ)κ(ε). (ἔτους) 
HB Καίσαρος Μεχί(εὶρ) xo. | 

4. 1. λόγον. 

‘ Kerkeura, three branches. 

‘Sarapion to Peteuris, comogrammateus of Kerkeura, greeting. A copy is appended 
of the document sent to me by Dioscurides, basilicogrammateus. Go therefore to the 
objects specified as concerning Didymus son of Heracleides, namely a branch of a live 
persea-tree at the Thoéreum of Osorphnas, and two dry branches of a living persea-tree in 


the temple of Harpebekis at the tomb of the sacred animals, and see whether they are dry 
and ought to be appropriated by the privy purse in accordance with the tariff, add the true 
value with a signed declaration and report clearly, making it your aim that nothing be 
concealed or done by favour, knowing that you will be held accountable in any inquiry 
concerning facts that remain unknown. The 42nd year of Caesar, Mecheir 24. 

‘Dioscurides to Sarapion, topogrammateus of the middle toparchy, and to Peteuris, 
comogrammateus of Kerkeura, and Dionysius, comogrammateus of Peénno, greeting. A 
copy is appended of the document delivered to us from the person below written in accordance 
with the instructions of Quintus Attius Fronto, controller of the privy purse. In furtherance 
of the object stated go to the branches and acacia-trees indicated and see whether they are 
dry and ought to be appropriated by the privy purse in accordance with the tariff, add the 
true value with a signed declaration and report clearly, making it your aim that nothing be 
concealed or done by favour, knowing that you will be held to account for facts that remain 
unknown. The 42nd year of Caesar, Mecheir 9. 

‘For the privy purse. Signed by me, Dioscurides. The 42nd year of Caesar, 
Mecheir 9. 

‘To the basilicogrammateus of the Oxyrhynchite nome. Appended is a copy of the 
memorandum presented to me from Didymus son of Heraclides, with the endorsement 
made below it. Go then to the logs therein stated and see if they are dry and have no owner 
and ought to be appropriated by the privy purse in accordance with the tariff, and after 
learning their condition and adding the true value furnish a report, making it your aim 
that nothing be concealed, knowing that you will be held accountable. The 42nd year οὗ 
Caesar, Mecheir 9. 

‘To Quintus Attius Fronto from Didymus son of Heraclides. 1 wish to purchase in 
the Oxyrhynchite nome from the privy purse some dried logs which have no owner and 
ought to be appropriated by the privy purse in accordance with the tariff, namely at the 
village of Kerkeura in the middle toparchy in the Thoéreum of Osorphnas a single branch 
of a small persea-tree, dried and worth six drachmae, and in the temple of Harpebekis on 
the tomb of the sacred animals two dried branches of a living persea-tree worth two drachmae, 
and at the village of Peénno in the same toparchy in the temple of Ammon a dried branch 
of a living persea-tree worth two drachmae, and near the same village in the holding of 
Melanthius in the cutting made in the great dyke two fallen acacia-trees worth eight 
drachmae, total value 18 drachmae, and I will give no trouble with regard to...nor to 
anything else at all, if it seems good to you to give instructions to the secretaries that on 
my paying as the price the aforesaid 18 drachmae of silver I may receive the proper 

‘To the secretaries. Let a letter be written to the basilicogrammateus for an in- 
spection. The 42nd year of Caesar, Mecheir 9. 

‘Read by me. The 42nd year of Caesar, Mecheir 9. 

‘To the comogrammateus. Inspect and report. The 42nd year of Caesar, Mecheir 24.’ 

1. The number of κλάδοι in this marginal note is three because only those at Kerkeura 

are counted. A parallel document was no doubt sent to the comogrammateus of Peénno, » 

the other village concerned (1. 22). 
3. ζωφυτο(ύσης) : cf. 1. 4 and C. P. Herm. 7. ii. 17 μυξέα ζωφυτοῦντα, 28 περ oe Jav 
ζωφυτ[οῦσαν, P. Brit. Mus. 214. 13 ἀκανθέας δύο ζωφυτούσας. 
For the ἱερὸν “Αρπεβήκιος (Harpebekis = Horus the hawk) cf. the ἱερακεῖα mentioned in 
P. Tebt. 5. 70. Osorphnas, in whom a deified animal is probably to be recognized (cf. 
Wilcken, Grundziige, pp. 105-6), is apparently new. 
- 4. ἱερῶν ζῴων : cf. e.g. P. Tebt. 5. 78. 

Ss ae ee 

1188. OFFICIAL 207 

γνώμονα : the γνώμων of the ἴδιος λόγος is mentioned in the edict of Ti. Iulius Alexander, 
C.1.G. 4957 = Dittenberger, Or. Gr. Jnscr. 669. 44; cf. P. Tebt. 287. 5 note, B. G. U. 
1118. 45, Wilcken, Grundziige, p. 210. 

5» For πρὸς xd(pw) cf. P. Amh. 68. το; the lacuna at the beginning of that line 
should be filled on the analogy of the present passage στοχασάμενοι τοῦ μηδὲν ἀγνοηθῆναι μηδ]ὲ 
πρὸς χάριν κτὰλ., preceded by a verb such as προσανενέγκετε Or προσφωνήσατε. At the end of 
the line I am unable to read any abbreviation of λόγου ; the suspended is fairly clear, and 
the preceding letter can well be ¢. 

9. συνελκύ(σαντες) : cf. P. Par. 64. 29 τοῖς δὲ διαβάλλουσιν (not διαλαβοῦσιν) ὑμῖν ὑπο- 
δέχεσθαι αὐτὸν τοὺς ἀντιδίκους τόπωι καὶ καϊθόϊλου αὐτῶι συνελκύσθαι μὴ προσέχετε. 

19. As Wilcken remarks, ἐκ τοῦ ἰδίου λόγ(ου) may be restored on this analogy in 721. 3. 
Seppius Rufus, the idiologus there concerned, was no doubt the successor of Fronto. 

25-6. Cf. the conclusion of 835 quoted in the note on 781. 14-15. 

27-8. These lines contain the endorsement of the idiologus. The day of the month 
must apparently be @, not ε, and if this is correct, Fronto must have been at Oxyrhynchus 
or in the immediate neighbourhood. 

29. The identity of the date with that in 1. 6 indicates that this line emanated from 
the topogrammateus ; the hand, however, is not the same as in ll. 1-6, which were probably 
written by his secretary. 


16-6 X 13:1 cm. About a. D. 117. 

This letter, of which the conclusion is lost, from the strategus of the 
neighbouring Heracleopolite nome to Apollonius, strategus of the Oxyrhynchite 
nome, relates to a γραφή or schedule of ‘ property which belonged to the Jews’. 
The large upright handwriting cannot be later than about the beginning of 
the second century, and since an Apollonius is known from 74 and 97 to have 
held the office of strategus in A.D. 116 it is highly probable that the papyrus 
belongs to the period of the great Jewish outbreak which occurred in the previous 
year, and was not ended until after the accession of Hadrian. Confiscations 
would be the natural consequence, and it was doubtless with some of the property 
thus forfeited that the γραφή of the text was concerned. For the papyri referring 
to these disturbances cf. Wilcken, Grundziige, pp. 64-5. 

The document was the forty-fourth of a series made up into a roll in the bureau 
of the strategus. Of the one adjoining it on the left the ends of a few lines remain 
mentioning τῷ κρατ]ίστῳ ἐπιϊστρατήγῳ (Ὁ) and στρ]ατηγοῦ ΛητοποΪλίτου, and a detached 
fragment from the commencement of another letter from Aquilius Polion most 
likely belongs to this. 

and hand Ἄκύλιος Πωλίων στρατηγὸς 
᾿Ἡρακλεοπολίτου ᾿ἀπολλωνίῳ 


στρατηγῶι ᾿Οξυρυγχείτ[οἣυ 
τῶι φιλτάτωι χαίρειν. 


ἐπιστολὰς δύο ἃς ἔγραψα 
ἣν μὲν σοὶ ἣν δὲ Σ᾿ αβείνῳ 
στρατηγῷ Κυνοπολείτου 
περὶ γραφῆς τῶν τοῖς [᾿Πουδαί 
10 ols ὑπαρξάντων κ[αὶ αὐτὴν 
τὴν γραφὴν εὖ ποιήσεις 
κομισάμενος καὶ τὴν 
μὲν σοὶ ἱκνουμένην κατα- 
Ν Ν 4 > 4 
σχὼν τὴν δὲ εἰς τὸν Κυνο- 
15 πολείτην διαπεμψάμε- 
On the verso 
Aroddoviot στρα(τηγῷ) Ὄ ξυρυγχίείτου. 

“Νο. 44. 

‘ Aquilius Polion, strategus of the Heracleopolite nome, to his dearest Apollonius, 
strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, greeting. Kindly receive two letters which I have 
written, one to you and one to Sabinus, strategus of the Cynopolite nome, about a list of 
property which belonged to the Jews, with the list itself, and keep the letter coming to you 

and forward the other to the Cynopolite nome .. . (Addressed) To Apollonius, strategus of 
the Oxyrhynchite nome.’ 

26. X 14:5 cm.: A.D. 347. 

A letter from the strategus to two praepositi of a pagus informing them that 
the commander-in-chief had ordered the recruits to proceed to Babylon and 
directing the praepositi to assist in carrying out the order. It was intended to 
add a list of the recruits, but this was not completed. Cf. 1022, 1108. 

Φλαούιοϊς ..-.-- στρ]ατηγὸς ᾿Οξυρυγχίίτου) 
Φλαουίῳ IIj..... καὶ Αὐρηλίῳ Θέωνι 
πραιπί(οσίτοις) ε πάγου ἀδελἸφοῖς χαίρειν. 

ἡ ἐξουσία τοῦ [κυρίου pov] τοῦ διασημοτάτου 

5 δουκὸς Φλαουίοϊυ....... Ἰτίμου προσέταξεν 

1190. OFFICIAL 209 

τοὺς Tipwvals ἀποσταλ]ῆναι εἰς τὴν Βαβυλῶνα. 
σπουδάσατε οὖν, ἀ]δελφοί, τοὺς δημο- 
σίους τῶν eg[....-...+..] Emayopévous 
τοὺς αἱροῦνίῖτας ἑκάστου Tilpwrvas ὡς 

το ἑξῆς δηλοῦται καταστ]ῆσαι ἐπὶ τῆς 
πόλεως καὶ ἑτοιμάσασθαι [τ]ὴν τ[ο]ύτων 
ἀποϊστολήν, ὅπως μηδὲν ἐμποδὼν] ἔσται. 

and hand Ϊ ἐρ)ρ[ὥσθ]αἰ σε [εὔϊχομαι, 

15 ὑπατείας Οὐολκακίοϊυ ‘Povdivjov τοῦ λαμπροτάτου ἐπάρχ[ο]ν 

τοῦ ἱεροῦ πραιτωρίου καὶ Φλ(αουίου) Εὐσεβίου τοῦ λαμ(προτάτου) 

κόμιτος Παῦνι κη. 

grd hand εἰσὶ δέ: 
Σαραπίωνος) Χαιρήμονος 
20 τοὺς δημοσίους μετὰ τῶν τιρώ(νων). .. 

‘Flavius ..., strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, to his brothers Flavius P... and 
Aurelius Theon, praepositi of the fifth pagus, greeting. His highness my lord the most 
honourable dux Flavius ...timus has ordered the recruits to be dispatched to Babylon. 
Take care therefore, my brothers, that the officials of the . . . produce the recruits for which 
they are severally responsible as hereinafter declared and assemble them at the city and 
prepare for their dispatch, in order that there may be no hindrance. I pray for your health, 

brother,’ Date. 

I, στρ]ατηγός : cf. 1057. 2, note; Wilcken, Grundziige, p. 77. 

3. For ἀδελ]φοῖς cf. ll. 7 and 14. A vestige above the line suits the top of a ¢, and 
τοῖς φιλτάτοις is too long, even if πάγου were abbreviated. 

7. The supplement is rather short as compared with those in the adjacent lines. 

8. Perhaps ἑξῆς, as in |. 10. 

10-12. The restoration suggested is of course very uncertain. An alternative in 
ll. 11-12 would be 6. g. πρὸς τὸ δύν]ασθαι [τ]ὴν τ οἠύτων ἀποστολὴν (Or ἀπο δημίαν) γενέσθαι, only 
then it becomes difficult to complete the sentence satisfactorily, unless this be supposed to 
have extended into another line which was begun further to the right than those preceding ; 
οἵ. 1. 17. xaraor|joa in 1. Το is somewhat long for the lacuna. 

13-14. The signatory forgot that he was addressing two persons. 

20. This line appears to lack sense. It is not certain that the word τιρώνων was 
abbreviated at the fourth letter, but the remains are not easily reconciled with ripwvey or 
tipove(v). There is a wide margin (5% cm.) below the line. 


Breadth 12-8 cm. A.D. 280. 

This document consists of two parts. Lines 1-10 are a copy of a letter sent 
by Aurelius Ammonius to the strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome conveying to 
him an order of the praefect Hadrianius Sallustius that all acts emanating 
from the senate with regard to the appointment of various local administrators 
(ἐπιμεληταί) should bear the signature of the secretary (σκρείβας). Appended to 
this is a letter from the strategus to the secretary directing his attention to the 
foregoing document, with a repetition of its provisions. 

Hadrianius Sallustius is a new name to be added to the list of praefects. 
Aurelius Ammonius, who is given the title κράτιστος and was perhaps epistrategus, 
is also unknown. 

Adp\jrdtos Appd[v\os στρατηγῷ ᾿Οξυρυγχίτοϊυ 
[χ]αίρειν. ἀκοϊλο]ύθως τοῖς κελευσθεῖσι ὑπὸ τοῦ 
[μ]εγέθους τοῦ κυρίϊογν μου τοῦ διασημοτάτου ἡγε- 
μόνος Ἁδριανίου Σαλλουστίου περὶ τῆς τῶν 

ΠΡ ἐπιμελητῶν χειροτονίας ἐφ᾽ ἑκάστου τῶν 
περὶ αὐτῶν ἐπιστελλομένων ὑπογραφὴν εὐ- 
[dloxjoews τοῦ σκρείβου λαμβάνειν μὴ πα- 
ἰρΙαλίμπαναι, ἀκολούθως τοῖς περὶ τούτου κελευσ- 
θεῖσι. ἐρρῶσθαί σε πολλοῖς χρόνοις εὔχομαι. 
10 (ἔτους) ς Ἁθὺρ ta. 
Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ολύμπιος γενόμενος ὑπομνημα- 
τἰογράφος σίτρατηγὸὴς [᾿ ΟἸξυρυγχίτου 
[ ' σκρείβᾳ χαίρειν. 
[ἧς ἐλάβομεν ἐπ] στο]λῆς ἱπαρὰ Αὐρηλίου Apupo-| 
15 vilolv τοῦ κρατίστου περὶ τῆς τῶν ἐπιμελη- 
τῶν χειροτονίας κατὰ κέλευσιν τοῦ μεγέ- 
θους τοῦ κυρίου τοῦ διασημοτάτον ἡγεμόνος 
Ἁδριανίου Σ᾿ αλλουστίο[υ] ἐφ᾽ ἑκάστου τῶν πε- 
pt αὐτῶν ἐπιστελλομένων ὑπὸ τῆς κρα(τίστης) βουλ(ῆς) 
20 ἰ[ὑἸπογραφὴν εὐδοκήσεώς σου λαμβάνειν μὴ πα- 
[ρ]αλιμπάνιν τὴν] στρατηγίαν, ὡς ἐκελεύσθη, 
[ἀἸντίγραφον ἐπιστέλλεταί σοι, ἵν᾿ εἰδῇς καὶ τὸ 

1191. OFFICIAL 211 

[κἸελευσθὲν ἐν φροντίδι ἔχῃς. (and hand) {ep} ἐρρῶσθαί 
σε evyop (at). 
25 (ἔτους) ς τοῦ [κυρίου ἡμῶν Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου 

[ΠἸρόβου ΣΙεβαστοῦ ] 
ged hand [. A) συμφο 
I. οξυρυγ᾽ χιτοί Pap. 7. 1. πα[ρ]αλίμπανε. 

‘Aurelius Ammonius to the strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, greeting. In 
accordance with the orders of his highness my lord the most honourable praefect Hadrianius 
Sallustius concerning the election of administrators, on every occasion when instructions are 
issued concerning them do not neglect to take the subscription signifying concurrence of 
the secretary, in accordance with the orders concerning this. I pray for your lasting 
health. The sixth year, Hathur τι. 

‘Aurelius Olympius, ex-hypomnematographus, strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, 
to..., secretary, greeting. A copy is sent to you of the letter which we have received 
from his excellency Aurelius Ammonius concerning the election of administrators in 
accordance with the order of his highness my lord the most honourable praefect Hadrianius 
Sallustius, directing the office of the strategus, on every occasion when instructions are 
issued by the most high senate concerning the administrators, not to neglect to take your 
subscription signifying concurrence, as ordered, so that you may be informed and 
keep the order in view. I pray for your health. The sixth year of our lord Marcus 
Aurelius Probus Augustus...’ 

6. ἐπιστελλομένων : i.e. by the βουλή, as explained in 1. 19. 

7. A σκρείβας appears in connexion with the βουλή in 59. 9. Cf. Ῥ, Leipzig 40. 
ii, 12, &c. 

12. A break occurs below this line, but the gap is evidently slight. 


7°5 X 16-8 cm. A.D. 280. 

An order from a financial secretary to a local agent for a payment of lentils 
to two collectors of annona. The payment was probably due to the collectors as 
part of their remuneration; cf. the note on 1. 4. The writing in this and the 
following papyrus is across the fibres of the recto. 

Χαιρήμων ypa(upareds) δημοσίων λόγων 

᾿Ισιδώρῳ προνοητῇ ᾿Επισήμου χαίρει[ν.] 

μέτρησον ᾿ἀπολλωνίῳ καὶ ᾿Ἑρμείνῳ ἀπαιτη- 

ταῖς ἀννώνης τετάρτης ἑξαμήνου ὀνόμ(ατος) 


5 Appoviovos φακῆς μέτρῳ δε- 
κάτῳ ἀρτάβας e€ ἥμισυ, γ(ίνονται) (ἀρτάβαι) ς 2, 
λαμβάνων γράμματα. ἐρρῶσθαί ole] εὔχομ(α)). 
(ἔτους) ¢ τοῦ Kupiov ἡμῶν Πρόβου Σεβαστοῦ 
Χ[οίακ] γ. 

4. a Of τεταρτης corr. from p. 

‘Chaeremon, secretary for the public records, to Isidorus, agent at Episemou, 
greeting. Measure out to Apollonius and Herminus, collectors of annona, for the fourth 
period of six months on behalf of Ammonion six and a half artabae of lentils by the tenth 
measure, total 64 art., and take a receipt. I pray for your health. The sixth year of our 
lord Probus Augustus, Choiak 3.’ 

2. For προνοητῇ cf. 6. g. 1184. 8, 1147. 17, and Gelzer, Byzant. Verw. p. 87. The 
village ᾿Επισήμου is mentioned in 186. 16, 1081. 8. 

4. The mention of the τετάρτη ἑξάμηνος in conjunction with the fact that the order was 
issued by the γραμματεὺς δημοσίων λόγων indicates that the payment was made to the collectors 
personally in consideration of their services, In that case Ammonion would be another 

5. φακῆς: for the fem. form cf. B. G. U. 14. iv. 24, 977. 2, P. Flor. 171. 6. 
9. Χ[οίακ is more probable than Μεϊχ[είρ. 


Height 7 cm. Fourth century. 

An order addressed to a village police-officer to supply a donkey and 
a guard. 

II(apa) τοῦ σπεκουλ[άτορος] 
[ἀρ]χεφίόδῳ] κώμης Τααμπέμου. [αὐτῆς] ὥρας δεξάμενός 
μου τὰ γράμματα ὄνον ἕνα παϊράσχου] μετὰ καὶ ἑνὸς φύλακος 
τῷ ἀποσταλέντι φρ(ογυρῷς (2nd hand) σεσημίωμαι. Ϊ ] 

‘ From the speculator to the chief of police of the village of Taampemou. Immediately 
on receiving my letter supply one donkey together with one guard to the sentinel whom 
Ihave sent. Signed by me.’ 

1. For σπεκουλ[άτοροςἾ (specudatoris) cf. 1214. 2, 1228. 21, P. Flor. 71. 652, &c. 
2. [αὐτῆς] Spas: cf. αὐθωρόν, which occurs in another (unpublished) order of this period, 
P. Flor. 155. 2, &c., and ἐξαυτῆς (sc. τῆς ὥρας). δεξάμενοι would be an easier reading than 
δεξάμενος, and perhaps [ἀρ]χεφ[όδῳ] is wrong, though it well suits the remains, 



15:8 X 28-9 cm. Third cent. (about a. Ὁ. 265). 

. This papyrus contains a mutilated report of arrears of military supplies 
(annona) which had been ordered for the use of troops accompanying the praefect 
Claudius Firmus but had not been fully delivered. 

The chief point of interest here is the identity of the praefect. A [C]l(audius) 
Valerius Firmus was in office in A.D. 246-7, but his praenomen is only known 
from 720. 1, and even if it is there rightly restored, which is not quite certain 
({Iu]l(ius) is another possibility), usage requires that, where brevity was desired, 
the first and not the second of the two prior names should be omitted. Moreover, 
that usage is followed in the case of this particular man in P. Amh. 72. 10 and 
81. 5, as well as in an unpublished Oxyrhynchus text, where he is called simply 
Valerius Firmus. An identification with the praefect of A.D. 246-7 is therefore 
unsatisfactory, and I prefer to suppose that Claudius Firmus was the praefect 
mentioned by Vopiscus, /irmus, 3... plerique Graecorum alteram tradunt, 
ignart 90 ipso tempore tres fuisse Firmos, quorum unus praefectus Aegypit, alter 
dux limitis Africani idemque proconsule, tertius 1516 Zenobiae amicus ac socius. 
‘Eo ipso tempore’ means the period of the Palmyrene war in the reign of 
Aurelian; an unpublished Berlin papyrus (P. 1463), the knowledge of which 
I owe to Wilcken’s kindness, fortunately fixes the date of Firmus’ tenure more 
precisely. The document, a fragmentary petition, is dated in the twelfth year of 
Gallienus (A.D. 264-5), and in 1. 5 a reference occurs to τῷ λαμπροτάτῳ ἡ]γεμόνι 
Κλαυδίῳ Φίρίμῳ!. Our praefect is accordingly to be placed between Aurelius 
Theodotus (A.D. 262: P. Strassb. 5) and Juvenius Genialis (A.D. 266-7). Whether 
he was after all, in spite of Vopiscus, the same person as the alleged usurper, as main- 
tained by P. Meyer (Hermes xxxiii. pp. 268 sqq.) and Homo (Aurélien, p. 113, n. 2), 
is a further question which need not here be considered. It is curious, however, 
that in the inscription upon which the former relied (Néroutsos, /zscr. d’ Alexandrie, 
48) the name coincides with that of the present document. The text is... (an 
* erased name) Σεβαστοῦ ᾿Επείφι x, ἐπὶ Κλαυδίου Φίρμου λαμπροτάτου ἐπανορθωτοῦ. 
Meyer took the word ἐπανορθωτοῦ to refer to the τόϊε of Firmus as deliverer from 
Roman rule. But as against this Stein has observed (Pauly-Wissowa, Real-Enc. 
iii. 2720; cf. Cantarelli, Za Serie det Prefetti, Ὁ. 75) that the title λαμπρότατος 
ἐπανορθωτής corresponds to clarissimus corrector, and points rather to a period 


subsequent to the reforms of Diocletian. A mere coincidence of names is not 
sufficient to overcome that argument. 

The troops had apparently gone in a southerly direction (1. 4 ἀνελθόντων, 
1. 10 ἀνόδου ; but cf. P. Leipzig 63. 7 ἀνιοῦσιν στρατιώταις eis Πεντάπολιν---ΓΟ τη 
Coptos), and Wilcken makes the plausible suggestion that the Blemyes were 
giving trouble. It may be noted in this connexion that the usurper Firmus is 
stated to have been in league with that people (Vopiscus, /7rmus, 3 idem et cum 
Blemyis societatem maximam tenuit); but the case for the identification of the 
pracfect and the usurper is hardly to be strengthened by this consideration. 

Cal 1: 
πρὸς τὰ ἐπιζητηθέντα ὥστε μεταδο- 
θῆναι τὰ λοιπαζόμενα ἐν ἐπιμεληταῖς 
ἀννώνης τῶν ἀνελθόντων ἅμα τῷ 
5 λαμπροτάτῳ ἡγεμόνι Κλαυδίῳ Φίρ- 
μῳ στρατιωτῶν τὰ γνωσθέντα ὑπο- 
δείκνυται, περὶ ὧν τῆς ἀπαιτήσεως, 
εἰ δόξειεν, δύναται ἐπισταλῆναι τῷ στρα- 
τηγ[ῷ τ]ὰ δέοντα. ἔστι δέ' 
10 ἄρτου ἐϊπεβλ]ήθησαν ὑπὲρ ἀνόδου ἡμε- 
[POP δι, τυ πῶς (ἀρτάβαι)}} pas, 
[ἀφ᾽ ὧν διεδόθησαν διὰ] τῶν ἐπίι- 
[μελητῶν (ἀρτάβαι) ἱ 

Col. ii. 
οἴνου ἐπεβλήθησαν Ϊ 
15 tos ξ(έσται) ᾿Ι(τα)λ(ικοὶ ?) ὃ ἡμερῶν 

ἃ ποιεῖ ξ(έστας) ᾿Ι(τωὠλ(ικοὺς) ρπὶ 
ἀφ᾽ ὧν διεδόθησίαν διὰ τῶν ἐπιμελη- 
τῶν g(éorat) | kK 
Aon(ol) E(Eorat) ρν [ 
20 ὑπίὲ]ρ ὧν... .1 
ὁμοίων rol 
τὰ ex. [ 


ἐκ (δραχμῶν) κ [ 
25 ἡμερῶν γ[ϊ 
ἀνθ᾽ ὧν [ Ἥρα- 
κλείδου [ 
βοίου 1 

In the left-hand margin of Col. i, at right angles 
Ἰν προσδόκα ἐντὸς Ϊ 

30 Ἰ. [-Jovoa rol. .Jver . [ 
On the verso, along the edge opposite the left margin of Col. i 

Ἰ πέμπεσθαι] 

6. ὕπο Pap. 10. ὕπερ Pap.; so in]. 20. 15. ὃ Pap.; sol. 25 7. 28. Boiov 

Lines 1-13. ‘Oxyrhynchite nome: in answer to the requisition for a report of the 
arrears devolving upon the superintendents of the annona on account of the soldiers who 
have gone up with the most illustrious praefect Claudius Firmus, the amounts ascertained 
are declared below, and the proper measures for their collection can, if it be approved, be 
communicated to the strategus. The amounts are as follows: 

Bread, imposed for a journey of four days, 136 artabae; of which there were 
distributed through the superintendents... artabae ; remainder...’ 

3-4. For the ἐπιμεληταὶ ἀννώνης at this period cf. 1115, Wilcken, Grundsiige, pp. 361-2. 
The annona of the present text was no doubt a special levy occasioned by the passage of 
the troops. ; 

11. I prefer ὃ (cf. 1. 15) to γ (cf. 1. 25) because 136 is divisible by 4. 

12. For the supplement cf. 1.17. The διάδοσις here appears as carried out directly by 
the ἐπιμεληταί, and not through intermediary διαδόται ; cf. 48 recto, iv. 8-9, 15. But διαδιδόναι 
is not always strictly used; cf. P. Leipzig 58. 9-14 and note ad Joc. 

15. ᾿Κτα)λ(ικοί) : the abbreviation here and in ]. 16 is «Ad, with a diagonal stroke after 
the second A. Of this, Ἰλλ(υρικοί) would be the natural expansion, but there seems to 
be no other authority for ξέσται “IAAvpixoi, whereas Ἰταλικός is a common epithet of the 
ξέστης and λίτραι. Wilcken suggests that the compendium is a misrepresentation of I™, the 
doubled 2 indicating the plural, after the Latin method. 

23. The ξέστης was apparently valued at 20 drachmae. 

28. Bo(e)iov: sc. κρέως. 



2101 X14 cm. A.D. 135; 

A declaration on oath to appear on the following day before a judge 
‘delegated by the praefect to try a case, the nature of which is not stated. The 
person makjng the declaration was an inhabitant of Hermopolis; his opponent, 
whose patronymics only are given, was presumably an Oxyrhynchite. Cf. 260, 
Β. 6. U. 891, P. Leipzig 52, 53, Hamburg 4, Wenger, Rechishist. Papyrusstudien, 
pp. 61 sqq., Gradenwitz, Archiv ii. pp. 573 sqq. 

᾿ἀπολλωνίωι κριτῆι δοθέντι ὑπὸ Πετρωνίου 
Μαμερτείνου τοῦ κρατίστου ἡγεμόνος. 
ἋἙρμαϊϊο)ς ὁ καὶ ᾿ἀνουβίων ‘Epyatov τῶν ἀπὸ 
“Ερμ[ο]ῦ πόλεως τῆς μεγάλης ὀμνύω 
Αὐτ[οἸκράτορα Καίσαρα Tpataviv Ἁδριανὸν 


Σεβαστὸν ἐρεῖν ἐπὶ σοῦ αὔριον ἥτις ἐσ- 
τὶν εἰκὰς τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος μην[ὸ]ς [ΜΠε- 
χείδ] ἐκβιβάζων τὰ ἐνεστῶτ[ά μοι πρὸς 
‘Epplaliov ᾿ἀπολλωνίδου τοῦ... .... [- Ἶνος, 

10 ἢ ἔνοχος εἴην τῶι ὅρκωι. (ἔτους) ἐνᾳκ[αιδεκ]άτου 
Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Τραιανοῦ Ἁδριανοῦ 
Σεβαστοῦ Μεχεὶρ ἐννακα[ δεκάτῃ. 

8, ¢ of εκβιβαζων corr. from σ. 12. Second ν of εννακα[ ι]δεκατη added above the line. 

‘To Apollonius, the judge appointed by his highness the praefect Petronius Mamertinus, 
I, Hermaeus also called Anubion, son of Hermaeus, inhabitant of Hermopolis Magna, 
_ swear by the Emperor Caesar Trajanus Hadrianus Augustus that I will speak before you 
to-morrow, being the twentieth day of the present month Mecheir, in explanation of my case ~ 
against Hermaeus son of Apollonides son of . . .; otherwise let me be liable to the 
consequences of the oath.’ Date. 

1. If the date in ]. ro is rightly read, this papyrus was written two days after B. G. U. 
19, which has hitherto provided the latest point (11 Feb. a.p. 135) for the praefecture 
of Petronius Mamertinus. 

8. For ἐκβιβάζων cf. e.g. 260. 15, P. Hamburg 4. ro. 

9. The grandfather’s name was possibly ᾿Ανουβίων, but the traces of letters are hardly 

10, For ἐνακ[αιδεκ]άτου, which suits the remains, cf. 1. 12, where the word was originally 
so spelled, though a v has apparently been added above the line. 



13:7 Χ 9:8 cm. A. D. 211-12. 

This declaration upon oath by a person nominated to serve as a collector of 
corn-dues is a parallel text to 81, and fortunately in better preservation, though 
it is itself not quite complete. Cf. also 82. 



On the verso 


AvovBiort στρατηγῷ 'Ogvpuyxei(rov). 
Πτολλᾶς ᾿Ισίωνος μητρὸς Στεφανοῦ- 
tos ἀπ᾽ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως εἰσδοθεὶς 
ἅμα ἄλλοις ὑπὸ τοῦ νυνὶ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλε- 
ὡς ἀμφοδογραμματέως εἰς πρακτορεί- 
αν σειτικῶν μητροπολιτικῶν λημ- 
μάτων γενήματος τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος 

κ (ἔτους) ἀπηλιώτου τοπαρχίας Πακέρ- 
Κη τόπων ὀμνύω τὴν τοῦ κυρίου 
«Αὐτοκράτορος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου 
Σεουήρου ᾿ἀντωνίνου Εὐσεβοῦς 
Σεβαστοῦ τύχην ἀντιλήμψαισθαι 

τῷ προσήκοντι χρόνῳ τῆς δηλου- 
μένης χρείας καὶ ταύτην ἐκτελέ- 

σιν ἐμφανὴς ὧν ὁπόταν ἐπιζη- 

τηθῶ ὑπαντῶν τοῖς γεινομένοις 
μηνιαίοις εἰς τὸ ἐμ μηδενὶ μεμ- 

χι(ρογραφία) Πτολλᾶτ(ος) ᾿Ισίωνος πράκ(τορος) σι(τικῶν) Πακέρκη, 
γνωστ(ὴρ) Aupd(vios) Yapawaros τοῦ... [. . . οἷν ἐξ(ηγητεύσας). [| 

2. ἴσιωνος Pap. 4. πολε Pap. 12. 1]. ἀντιλήμψεσθαι. 

‘To Anubion, strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome. I, Ptollas son of Ision and 
Stephanous, of the city of Oxyrhynchus, having been presented along with others by the 
amphodogrammateus of the same city now in office for the collection of corn-receipts at 
the metropolis from the produce of the current 2oth year in the district of Pakerke in the 
eastern toparchy, do swear by the fortune of the lord Emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus 


Antoninus Pius Augustus that I will take up at the proper time the said office and will dis- 
charge it, appearing whenever I may be required and presenting myself at the regular 
monthly statements, so as to incur blame in no respect...’ Endorsement on the verso. 

5. This analogy makes it certain that rod ἀμφοδογραμματέως is to be restored in 81. 7, 
and Mr. Bell informs me that he can read τίο]ῦ ἀμφοδογραμματέως ; cf. 1119. 6, B.G.U. 
1062. 9-10. 

8. x: or perhaps xa is meant. 

12-14. Cf. e.g. 1187. 17-20, P. Flor. 2. i. g-10, &c., Thead. 50. 12 sqq. 

16-17. Cf. B.G.U. 1062. 16-17 καὶ ὑπακοῦσαι xa [ékalo[rjov μηνιαΐϊον τῷ [τ]οῦ νομοῦ 
στρατηγῷ πρὸς [ras] διαγραφάϊ-. Examples of such monthly reports are frequent, e.g. 
P. Tebt. 339. The termination of γεινομένοις could be read as -as, and in τοῖς too the o is 
not quite clear; the masculine however (sc. λόγοις) is more likely. 

17. The text probably proceeded ἢ ἔνοχος εἴην τῷ ὅρκῳ. παρέσχον δὲ ἐμαυτοῦ γνωστῆρα 
᾿Αμμώνιον ; οἵ, 1. 20 and 82. 7-10. 

20. γνωστ(ήηρ) : cf. 496. τό, note, 976, Ρ. Amh. 139. 23, 140. 5, B.G. U. 1032. 11. 


23+2 X 10-2 cm. A. Ds ΟΖ Τὰ 

A declaration on oath addressed to the strategus by a boat-owner promising 
to supply a boat for the transport of corn. That the supply of vessels for the 
transport-service, on which cf. Wilcken, Grundziige, i. pp. 378-9, Rostowzew, 
Archiv iii. pp. 220 sqq., was not always adequate is shown by C. P. Herm. 6. 

Σαραπίωνι τῷ καὶ Pavia 
στρατηγ(ῷ) ᾿Οξυρυγχίτου. 
Τιθοῆς Σαραπίωνος ἀπὸ Φα- 
κουσῶν μητρ[ὸ]ς ΠΠτολέμας διε- 
5 ραματείτης τῆς αὐτῆς Φα- 
κουσῶν ὀμνύω τὴν Σ᾿ εουήρου 
καὶ ‘Avrwvivov τῶν κυρίων 
Σεβαστῶν τύχην παρασ- 
τήσειν τὸ ὑπάρχον μοι πλοῖ- 
10 ον κύδαρον ἀγωγῆς 
(ἀρταβῶν) ρν πρὸς τὴν διαίρασιν 
τοῦ δημοσίου πυροῦ 
ὁπόταν τὰ ἐξ ἀποστόλων 
πλοῖα παραγένηται, 
15 εἰς τὸ ἐν μηδενὶ μεμ- 
φθῆναι. ἡ χειρογραφία 


κυρία. ἴ. . .Jox . . δὲ ναύ- 
του ἐν. . .1. . [1 Sapa- 

20 Φακουσ[ῶ]ν. 
(ἔτους) ιθ [Adro|kparépaly Καισάρων 
Aovuk{ilov Σ᾿ εἸπτιμίου Σεουήρίου 
Εὐσεβοζῦς] Περτίνακος 
᾿ἀραβικοῦ [41δ᾽ ἡαβηνικοῦ Παρθικοίῦ 

25. Μεγίστου καὶ Μάρκ[ο]ν Αὐρηλίου 
Ἀντωνίνου EliceBolis Σ᾿ εβαστῶν 
Μεϊσ)ορὴ.. (2nd hand) ΤιΠτοῆς Σεραπί- 
ὠνο9] ὥμο[σ]α τὸν ὅρκον ὡς πρ- 
όκ[ιτῆαι. Σ᾽ αραπίωϊν ........... 

30 ἔγίραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ μὴ εἰδό- 
τος [γράμματα. 

27. 1. Ἱ{ε]θοῆς. 

‘To Sarapion also called Phanias, strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome. I, Tithoés son 
of Sarapion and Ptolema, of Phacusae, corn-lader(?) of the said Phacusae, swear by the 
fortune of Severus and Antoninus the lords Augusti that I will provide the small boat 
belonging to me of 150 artabas’ burden for the lading (ἢ) of the government corn when- 
ever the boats collected in accordance with the orders of lading arrive, so as to incur blame 
inno respect. This bond is valid. And...sailor Sarapion son of... of Phacusae.’ Date, 
and signature of Tithoés written for him by Sarapion. 

2. ᾿Οξυρυγχίτου, if that is the word meant, is very cursively written, It is not clear 
that στρατηγῷ was abbreviated. 

4. dvepaparirns, a person who deals with διεράματα, is apparently a new word, For 
διέρασις, which occurs in |. 11, cf. P. Tebt. 328. 3-4 kAnpooeis . . . εἰς διέρασιν δημοσίου πυροῦ ; 
διέραμα is no doubt either to be read or restored in P. Thead. 26. 14 (a receipt issued by 
δεκάπρωτοι; cf. 27. 19) τὰ ναῦλα τῶν diaip(a)udrav, διέραμα could mean sifted corn prepared 
for embarkation, but ‘sifting’ seems a not very apposite sense for διέρασις in ]. 11, where 
‘lading’ would be more suitable to the context. Perhaps the word merely implies pouring 
the corn into the hold of the vessel. In Plutarch, Won posse suaviter vivt 4 (p. 1088 e) 
διέραμα signifies a strainer, but that meaning will clearly not fit P. Thead. 26 and 27. 

10. κύδαρος or κύδαρον is known from the lexicographers, who describe it as πλοίου or 
νεὼς εἶδος, πλοιάριον. ἀγ(ωγῆς) or ἀγω(γῆς) is more probably to be read in P. Amh. 138. 5 
than ayo(yros). 

13. Cf. P. Amh. 138. το, where Mitteis is doubtless right in reading [ἐϊξ ἀποστόλου 
(Chrestomathie, p. 391), Brit. Mus. 256. 9-10 ἀκολούθως τῷ [18 lettersjov ἀποστόλῳ, 


C. P. Herm. 6. 11-12 as restored by Wilcken, Chrestomathie, p. 522 ἐπεὶ oli σοὶ ἐπίτροποι 
τοὺς καλο]υμένους ἀποστόλους [13 letters δι] ὧν κελεύειν aldrolis ἔθος [τὴν] τοῦ σείτου ép[Blo|Aqy 
moteia Oyu. Mitteis has aptly cited 2210. xlix. 6. τ ltveras dimissorias sive apostolos. In 
522 λόγος ἀποστόλου Τριαδέλφου, &c., a somewhat different sense is required. 

17-20. The purport of this additional sentence was broadly to fix the identity of the 
ναύτης. In]. 18 εν... is not improbably a verb, but whether Sarapion is the object or the 
subject is uncertain. The word preceding δέ in 1. 17 is apparently not ὄνομα, [διάδ]οχον δὲ 
ναύτου ἐνέστ]ησα would be a possible reading, but is not at all convincing. 


26-2 X 7:2 cm. A.D. 150. 

A notice addressed to the comogrammateus by an inhabitant of the Oxyrhyn- 
chite village Teis (cf. 1200. 14) of the death of his father and his paternal uncle ; 
cf. 6. g. 79, 262,1030. The present document is peculiar in mentioning that these 
deaths, which had occurred in the previous year, had been too late to be included 
in the periodical return of the comogrammateus relating to that year; and the 
notice was delayed till the last day of Tubi. In P. Brit. Mus. 281 a decease is 
similarly reported the year after it had taken place, but there is no analogous 

explanatory statement. 

Σαραπᾶτι κωμογρα(μματεῖ) 
παρὰ Avreiros “Apupoviov 
τοῦ ἀντεῖτος μητρὸς Ταπε- 

ηῖτος τῶν ἀπὸ κωμῆς Τήε- 

ὑπὸ σοῦ καταχωριζομέ- 
20 νων δημοσίων λόγων, 
᾿} > ’ > 4 
kal ὀμνύω Αὐτοκράτορα 
Καίσαρα Τίτον Αἴλιον 

5 ὡς. ὁ πατήρ μου ᾿Δμμωνᾶς Ἁδριανὸν ‘Avtwveivoy 
Avtetros τοῦ "Ηρακλήου Σεβαστὸν Εὐσεβῆ ἀλεθῆ 
μητρὸς Τανετβέως καὶ ὁ 25. εἶναι [τὰ γ)]εγ[ρ]αμμένα Kall] 
τούτου ὁμογνήσιος ἀδελ- μηθὲν διεψεῦσθαι, ἢ ἔνε- 
pos Avteis ὑπερετεῖς xos εἴην τῷ ὅρκῳ. ἔτους 

10 ἄτεχνοι ἀναγραφόμε- τρισκαιδεκάτου Αὐτοκράτορος 
νοι εἰς τὴν αὐτὴν Thew Καίσαρα Τίτου Αἰλίου 
ἐτελεύτησαν τῶι διελθόν- 30 Ἁδριανοῦ ‘Avtwveivou 
τι δωδεκάτῳ ἔτι ᾿ἀντωνείνου Σεβαστοῦ Εὐσεβοῦς Τῦβι λ. 
Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου μετὰ και 2nd hand ‘Avreis Appoviov ἐπιδέδω- 

15 ταχωρισμὸν λόγων. διὸ κα καὶ ὀμώμεκα τὸν ὅρκον. 

3 ~ - 3 

ἀξιῶ τούτους ἀναγρα- 

φῆναι τῇ τῶν τετελευ- 
vd 4 4 ~ 

τηκότων τάξει διὰ τῶν 

Θέων Appoviov ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ 
35 αὐτοῦ μὴ εἰδότος γράμματα. 


16. vs of rovrous corr. from ν. 21. Final a of avroxparopa corr. from ὁ (Ὁ). 24. 1. ἀληθῆ. 
26. 1. ἔνοχος. 29. 1. Καίσαρος. υ of τιτου and αἰλιου Corr. from ν. 

‘To Sarapas, comogrammateus, from Anteis son of Ammonius son of Anteis, his 
mother being Tapeéis, of the village of Teis. My father Ammonas son of Anteis son 
of Heracleus, his mother being Tanetbeus, and his full brother Anteis, who were past 
age, had no trade, and were registered in the said village of Teis, died in the past 
twelfth year of Antoninus Caesar the lord after the presentation of the accounts, I 
therefore request that they be registered in the list of dead persons through the public 
accounts presented by you, and I swear by the Emperor Caesar Titus Aelius Hadrianus 
Antoninus Augustus Pius that the above declaration is true and that I have made no false 
statement, otherwise let me be liable to the consequences of the oath.’ Date and signature 
of Anteis written for him by Theon son of Ammonius. 

2. ᾿Αμμωνίου : in |]. 5 the name is given as ᾿Αμμωνᾶς. 

9. ὑπερετεῖς : cf. 1080. 8, note, and B. G. U. 1140. 22 τὸ τῶν ἑξήκοντα (?). 

14-15. Cf. ll. 19-20, P. Brit. Mus. 259. 92 τ[ετ]ελευτηκότ(ες) [8] (ἔτει) ple|ra τὸν 
καταχ(ωρισμὸν) τῶν λόγ(ων), 95, &c., ande. g. 514. 4, P. Fay. 35. 9, B.G. U. 1062. 17-18. 


12:4 X 10-5 cm. Third century. 

A notice, addressed to the βιβλιοφύλακες ἐγκτήσεων, of the purchase of 
a house, with a request for the proper official recognition of the change of owner- 
ship. The document is not in the form of the usual ἀπογραφή, but is a ὑπόμνημα 
or memorandum asking for a παράθεσις to be made. It is thus akin to P. Tebt. 
318, B.G. U. 243, P. Gen. 44, Class. Phil. 2, Hamb. 16; but there is a certain 
distinction. According to the usual view of that group of documents, which all 
come from the Fayim, the reason for the substitution of what may be called 
the παράθεσις-ἴογτη for an ἀπογραφή was the fact that the previous owner had not 
made an ἀπογραφή ; cf. Eger, Ag. Grundbuchwesen, pp. 131 sqq., Mitteis, Grundziige, 
pp. 103 sqq. That explanation will not apply to the present case, since in 
11. 24-5 it is distinctly stated that the vendor had declared her ownership in an 
ἀπογραφή. Why the παράθεσις-ἴοττη was nevertheless adopted by the purchaser 
remains obscure; the lost conclusion of the papyrus perhaps gave the solution. 

fetes wages ROP ea eas eis θην: ] γυϊμ(νασιαρχήσαντι) τἹῆς λαΐμ- 
προτάτης ᾿Οξ(υρυγχίτων) π[όλ(εως) κα]ὶ τῷ σὺν αὐτῷ ἀμφο- 
τέροις [β]ιβλ(ιοφύλαξ!) 
παρὰ Αὐρηλίας ᾿Ιουλίας Ἁ ρποκρατιένι Θέωνος 
5 τοῦ καὶ ᾿ἀσκληπιάδου ἐπικαλουμένου Ζωίλον 


μη(τρὸς) Τατρείφιος ἀπὸ τῆς λαμπροτάτης ᾽Ο ξυρυγ- 
χειτῶν πόλεως χρηματιζούση(ς) δικαίῳ τέκνων. 
ἐώνημει καθ᾽ ἱδιόγραφον πρᾶσιν γεγονυῖαν 

τῷ ἐνεστῶ! σὶτι ᾧ (ἔτε) Ἁθὺρ B παρὰ Αὐρηλίας Θε- 

10 ὠνίδος θυγατρὸς Θέωνος τοῦ καὶ Ζωίλου ἐ- 
ξηγητεύσαντος τῆς λαμπροτάτης ‘Ade~avdpeias 
καὶ ὡς ἐχρημά(τιξζεν) ὁμοίως χρηματιζούσης 
δικαίῳ τέκνων μη(τρὸς) Πτολέμας ἀπὸ τῆς αὐ- 
τῆς πόλεως τὴν ὑπάρχουσαν αὐτῇ κληρονομι- 

15 Κῷ δικαίῳ πρότερον τοῦ δηλουμένου αὐτοῦ πατρὸς 
Θέωνος τοῦ καὶ Ζωίλου ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ πόλει ἐπ᾿ ἀμφόδου 
Νότου Δρόμου οἰκίας σὺμ βρονησίῳ ὑφ᾽ ἣν κατάγιοϊν 
καὶ τὰ ταύτης χρηστήρια πάντα ὡς ἡ (ᾧδιόγραφος 
πρᾶσις περιέχι, ἧς ἐκμαρτυρηθείσης ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ 

20 διὰ τοῦ ἐνταῦθα μνημονίου τοῦ αὐτοῦ ¢ (ἔτους) μηνὶ 
Addp μοναχὸν én’ ὑπογραφῇ τοῦ ἀσχολούμενον 
ἐπιφέρουσα ὑμεῖν ἐπιδωμε τὸ ὑπόμνημα 
πρὸς τὸ τὴν δέουσαν παράθεσιν γενέσθαι, 

κ[α]ὶ δηλῶ τὴν αὐτὴν Θεωδίαν [ἀἸπογεγράφθ]αι 

25 τὸ προκείμενον eylyeov .[..Ja.[......- 


4. 1. Αρποκρατιαίνης. 5. Final ov of επικαλουμενου and ξωιλου corr. from ὦ. 6. μη 
Pap.; soinl.13. ς of τατρειφιος added above the line. οξυρυγ᾽ Pap. 4. Final η of 
χρηματιζουση corr. from a. τεκνῶ Pap. 8. 1. ἐώνημαι. 9. Second σ of ἐνεστωστι added 
above the line. 15. 1. αὐτῆς. 17. 1. οἰκίαν... προνησίῳ. 19. ε Of ἐμου corr. from ῃ. 
20. ov Of μνημονιου corr. from ὦ. 21. ἐπ cort.; 1. ep’. 1. ἀσχολουμένου. 22. 1. ἐπιδίδωμι. 
24. 1. Θεωνίδα. 25. «[y|yeov Pap.; 1. ἔγἼγαιον. : 

‘To .. ., ex-gymnasiarch of the most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, and his asso- 
ciate, keepers of the archives, from Aurelia Julia Harpocratiaena daughter of Theon 
also called Asclepiades surnamed Zoilus, her mother being Tatreiphis, of the most illus- 
trious city of Oxyrhynchus, acting in virtue of her children. I have bought in accor- 
dance with an autograph deed of sale made in the present seventh year, Hathur 2, from 
Aurelia Theonis daughter of Theon also called Zoilus, ex-exegetes of the most illus- 
trious city of Alexandria and however he was styled, likewise acting in virtue of her 
children, her mother being Ptolema, of the same city, the house belonging to her by right 
of inheritance and formerly the property of her said father Theon son of Zoilus, situated in 
the same city in the quarter of the South Square with frontage (?) and cellar beneath and all 


appurtenances as contained in the autograph deed of sale; which having been deposed 
to by me through the local record-office in the month Hathur of the same seventh year, 
_ I bring before you a single copy with the subscription of the tax-farmer and present this 
memorandum in order that the proper entry may be made; and I declare that the said 
Theonis registered the aforesaid property...’ 

1. This was perhaps the first line of the address ; γυ[μ(νασιαρχήσαντι) is very uncertain, 
but a title of that kind evidently stood here. ἀγοραϊνομ(ήσαντι) τῆς Aap |r pas] καὶ λαΐμ᾽ προτάτης 
is possible, but cf. 1, 6. tes 

7. χρηματιζούση(ε) : Sc. χωρὶς κυρίου. 

17. For βρονησίῳ, which is for προνησίῳ, cf. P. Brit. Mus. 262. τ οἰκία(ς) καὶ προνησίου καὶ 
αἰθρίο(υ), 355. 3 πύργου καὶ προνησίοζυ), Gen. το. 8 [οἰἸκ[(]ας τριστεγά(στου) σὺν προνησίῳ. The 
word is presumably derived from νῆσος, but what exactly it means is not clear. 

Το sqq. See the introduction to 1208, and for ἀσχολουμένοζυ), sc. ὠνὴν μνημονείου, cf. 
1208. 2, note. 

23. παράθεσιν : παραθή[κη]ν could well be read, but there is apparently no analogous 
instance of the word, although παράθεσις occurs in place of the more usual παραθήκη in the 
sense of deposit ; cf. 1089. 7, note. 


34:3 X 16-1 cm. A.D. 266. Plate VI. 

This long and well-preserved papyrus, which was found rolled up in a cloth, 
is an. application to the archidicastes asking him to communicate to the record- 
office of Oxyrhynchus the publication at Alexandria of a deed of sale; a copy of 
the latter and of the request for publication is enclosed. The component parts 
of the document may be placed in their chronological order as follows : 

(1) Copy of the agreement of sale (Il. 14-40) with the signature of the 
vendor (ὑπογραφ, 1]. 40-3). 

. (2) Application to the archidicastes for the publication (δημοσίωσις) of this 
agreement (Il. 9-13, 44-52). 

(3) Further application to the archidicastes for the communication of the 
publication to the record-office at Oxyrhynchus (Il. 5-8, 53-5). 

(4) Endorsement of the archidicastes ordering the proper steps to be taken 
(1. 56). 

(5) Endorsement prefixed by an official in the bureau of the archidicastes, 
forwarding the document to the proper quarter (ll. 1-4). 

(6) Signature of the applicant, appended at a later time (ll. 57-61; cf. 
note ad /oc.). 

On this process of publication of private agreements cf. P. Oxy. IV. 
pp. 192-3, Mitteis, Grundziige, pp. 82-7, and for analogous documents see 
especially 719, P. Leipzig το, B. G. U. 578. The present example is differentiated 
from that group by the secondary application for communication to the local 
βιβλιοφύλακες ; cf. P.S. 1. 74. 1-9, with which ll. 53-5 agree very closely. 


Αὐρή(λιος) Δίδυμος ὁ καὶ Yapamtolv) ἱερεὺς καὶ ἀρχιδικα(στὴΞ) BuBAvopdragz) Ἕρμο- 
πολείτου χαί(ίρειν). τῆς τετε(λειωμένη) προσφω(νήσεω:) ἀντίγρα(φον) ὑπίόκειται). 
(ἔτους) vy Ταλλιηνοῦ 
Σεβαστοῦ Παῦνι ta. 
ὁ πρὸς τῇ διαί(λογῇ) α.. χει a...( )-- - χρη(ματίζοντοφ). 
5 Αὐρηλίῳ Διδύμῳ τῷ καὶ Σαραπίωνι ἱερεῖ ἀρχιδικαστῇ καὶ πρὸς τῇ 
ἐπιμελείᾳ τῶν χρηματιστῶν καὶ τῶν ἄλλων κριτηρίων 
παρὰ Αὐρηλίας ᾿Ισιδώρας. τῆς τετελειωμένης δημοσιώσεως ἀντίγρα- 
φον ὑπόκειται. 
Αὐρηλίῳ Διδύμῳ τῷ καὶ Σ᾿αραπίωνι ἱερεῖ ἀρχιδικαστῇ καὶ πρὸς τῇ ἐπιμε- 
10 λείᾳ τῶν χρηματιστῶν καὶ τῶν ἄλλων κριτηρίων 
παρὰ Αὐρηλίας ᾿Ισιδώρας χρηματιζούσης μητρὸς “ἀριστῶτος. τῆς 
προειμένης μοι δισσῆς ἀσφαλείας σὺν τῇ ὑπὸ αὐτα ὑπογραφῇ ἀν- 
τίγραφον ὑπόκειται. 
Αὐρήλιος Μῶρος Ἁρεώτου μητρὸς Μινοῦτος ἀπὸ κώμης Τήεως 
15 τοῦ ᾿Οξυρυγχείτου νομοῦ Αὐρηλίᾳ ᾿Ισιδώρᾳ χρηματίζουσα μητρὸς 
᾿Αἀριστῶνος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς κώμης Τήεως χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ πεπρα- 
κέναι σοι καὶ παρακεχωρηκέναι ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν εἰς τὸν ἀεὶ χρόνον τὸ 
ῬΈΥΜΙΝ ἐπιβάλλον τῷ πατρί μου Ἁρεώτῃ ψειλοῦ τόπου ἐν τοῖς ava μέ- 
σον μέρεσι τῆς κώμης οὗ γείτονες νότου Appovaros Πολίτα 
290 ββορρᾶ Κρονίου τοῦ καὶ Νεπωτιανοῦ βουλευτοῦ ἀπηϊλι]ώτου 
Ἀχιλλέως τοῦ καὶ ᾿Αντωνείνου λιβὸς Κορνηλίου ᾿Αρτ εἸμ[ δώ- 
ρου, τειμῆς τῆς συμπεφωνημένης πρὸς ἀλλήλους ἀργυρίου 
Σεβαστοῦ νομίσματος δραχμὰς ἑκατὸν εἴκοσι, γίίνονται) ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμαὶ) pk, ἃς αὐτό- 
θι ἀπέσχον ἱπ]αρὰ σοῦ διὰ χειρὸς ἐκ πλήρους. διὸ ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν 
25 κρατεῖν σε καὶ κυριεύειν σὺν ἐκγόνοις καὶ τοῖς παρὰ σοῦ μετα- 
λημψομένοις τοῦ προκειμένου ψειλοῦ τόπου καὶ ἐξουσίαν ἔ- 
χειν ἑτέροις πωλεῖν καὶ διοικεῖν καὶ ἐπιτελεῖν περὶ αὐτοῦ ὡς 
ἐὰν αἱρῇ ἀνεμποδίστως καὶ μὴ ἐπελεύσασθαι μηδένα κατὰ 
μηδένα τρόπον, ἔτι τε καὶ παρέξομαί σοι βέβαια διὰ παντὸς 
30 ἀπὸ πάντων πάσῃ βεβαιώσει καὶ καθαρὰ ἀπό τε ἀπογραφῆς ἀν- 
δρῶν καὶ γεωργίας βασιλικῆς καὶ οὐσιακῆς γῆς καὶ ἀπὸ παν- 
τὸς εἴδους καὶ] ὀφειλῆς καὶ κατοχῆς πάσης δημοσίας τε καὶ ἰ- 
διωτικῆς, [τὴ]ν δὲ ἀσφάλειαν ταύτην δισσήν σοι ἐξεδόμην ἐπὶ 

ὑπογραφῇ [μοὴν, ἥνπερ ὁπηνίκα ἐὰν αἱρῇ δημοσιώσεις διὰ 


35 τοῦ καταλογείου οὐ προσδεόμενος ἑτέρας μου εὐδοκήσεως ἢ 
μεταλήμψεως διὰ τὸ ἐντεῦθεν εὐδοκεῖν με τῇ ἐσομένῃ δη- 
μοσιώσει, περὶ δὲ τοῦ ταῦτα ὀρθῶς καλῶς γεγενῆσθαι ἐπερωτη- 
θεὶς ὑπὸ σοῦ ὡμολόγησα. ἔτους τρισκαιδεκάτου Αὐτοκράτορος 
! Καίσαρος Πουπλίου Λικιννίου Ταλλιηνοῦ Γερμανικοῦ Μεγίστου 
&(pparos). Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ Χοίακ 6. Αὐρήλιος Μῶρος ‘Aped- 
41 Tov πέπρακα τὸ ἐπιβαλόν μοι ψειλὸν τόπον καὶ ἀπέσχον τὴν 
τειμὴν ὡς πρόκειται. Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αἀπολλώνιος ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ μὴ 
εἰδότος γράμματα. ᾿ 
βουλόμενος δὲ ἀπὸ τῆς δισσῆς ἀσφαλείας μοναχὴν ἐν δημοσίῳ γενέσθαι δίδω- 
45 μι τῇ πόλει τὰς ὁρισθείσας (δραχμὰς) ιβ καὶ τὸ τοῦ τειμήματος τέλος, GEG ἀνα- 
λαβόντας αὐτὴν παρὰ τοῦ διαπεσταλμένου ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ Αὐρήλιου ᾿4πολ- 
λωνίου ὑπογεγραμμένην ὑπὸ αὐτοῦ περὶ τοῦ εἶναι τὴν ὑπογραφὴν 
ἰδιόγραφον τοῦ γράψαντος συνκαταχωρίσαι αὐτὴν τῷδε τῷ ὑπο- 
μνήματι εἰς τὴν Ἁἁδριανὴν βιβλιοθήκην, τὸ δὲ ἴσον εἰς τὴν τοῦ Ναναΐί- 
5° ον, πρὸς τὸ μένιν μοι τὰ ἀπὸ αὐτῆς δίκαια ὡς ἀπὸ δημοσίου χρη- 
ματισμοῦ ἕνεκα τοῦ εὐδοκηκέναι τῇ δημοσιώσει. (ἔτους) vy Γαλλιηνοῦ 
Σεβαστοῦ Παῦνι. 
ταύτην δὲ βουλόμενος προσφωνηθῆναι τοῖς τῶν ἐνκτήσεων τοῦ ᾽Ο ξυρυγ- 
χείτου νομοῦ βιβλιοφύλαξι ἀξιῶ ἐπιλαβοῦσι τὴν δημοσίωσιν ὑπο- 
55 γεγραμμένην ὡς καθήκει συντάξαι γράψαι αὐτοῖς ἵν εἰδῶσι. 
and ὡς καθήκ(ει). (ἔτους) ty τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Γαλλιηνοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Παῦνι 0. 
and «ἀὐρηλία ᾿Ισιδώρα μητρὸς ᾿Αριστῶτος ἐπήνε(γ)κα 
κέ ἐστιν ἐν καταχωρισμῷ. (ἔτους) γ καὶ (ἔτους) ἃ 
Παχὼν dX. Αὐρήλιος Θέων ὁ καὶ Ἅρπαλος 
60 4ημητρίου ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτῆς μὴ εἰδυ- 
fas γράμ(μλατα. 

yn the verso 

and (?) δημοσιώ(σεως) sip τἀ δινὴ ἡ πριδόραν 


5. ἵερει Pap.; so inl. 9. 8. ὕποκειται Pap. ; so in ]. 13. 11. Second r of 
αριστωτος corr. by a later hand from ». 12. io... ὕπογραφη Pap. 1. αὐτῇ. te 
ἰσιδωρα Pap.; so inl. 57. 1. χρηματιζούσῃ. 16. 1]. ᾿Αριστῶτος ; cf, 1. 11. 23. 1. δραχμῶν. 
32. Ἰδιωτικης Pap. 25. |. προσδεομένη. 38. ὕπο Pap.; so inll. 46, 47. 41. 1, τὸν 



ἐπιβάλλοντα OF τὸ ἐπιβάλλον... ψειλοῦ τόπου (cf. 1. 18). 42. 1. ὕπερ Pap.; so ἴῃ]. 60. 
44. 1. βουλομένη. 46. a Of αυρηλιου corr. from π. 47. Umoyeypapyevny . . . ὕπογραφην 
Pap. 48. Ἰδιογραφον . .. ὕπομνηματι Pap. 49. ἴσον Pap. 53. 1. βουλομένη. 

54. ὕπογεγραμμενην Pap. 55. ἵν Pap. 

‘ Aurelius Didymus also called Sarapion, priest and archidicastes, to the keepers of the 
archives in the Hermopolite nome, greeting. A copy is appended of the communication 
that has been made to me. The 13th year of Gallienus Augustus, Pauni 11. The official 
of the bureau... 

‘To Aurelius Didymus also called Sarapion, priest, archidicastes, and superintendent of 
the chrematistae and other courts, from Aurelia Isidora. Appended is a copy of the 
publication which has been effected. 

‘To Aurelius Didymus also called Sarapion, priest, archidicastes, and superintendent of 
the chrematistae and other courts, from Aurelia Isidora styled the daughter of Aristos. 
Appended is a copy of the bond issued to me in duplicate with the subscription 
beneath it. 

‘Aurelius Morus son of Hareotes and Minous, of the village of Teis in the Oxy- 
thynchite nome, to Aurelia Isidora styled daughter of Aristos, of the said village of Teis, 
greeting. I acknowledge that I have sold and ceded to you from henceforth for ever the 
share falling to my father Hareotes of a free space in the middle part of the village, whereof 
the boundaries are, on the south the property of Ammonas son of Politas, on the north 
that of Cronius also called Nepotianus, senator, on the east that of Achilles also called 
Antoninus, on the west that of Cornelius son of Artemidorus, at the price mutually agreed 
upon, namely one hundred and twenty drachmae of silver of the Imperial coinage, total 
120 dr. of silver, which I received from you forthwith from hand to hand in full. Therefore 
from henceforth you shall own and possess with your descendants and successors the afore- 
said free space and shall have power to sell it to others and manage and dispose of it as you 
choose without hindrance and no one shall in any wise proceed against you, and I will 
further guarantee the property always against all claims with every guarantee and free from 
persons’ property-returns and the cultivation of royal or domain land and from every 
obligation or debt or lien of every kind, public or private. And I have delivered this bond 
to you in duplicate with my subscription, and you shall make it public through the bureau 
whenever you choose without requiring any further consent or concurrence from me, 
because I now agree to the future publication, and to your question whether this is done 
rightly and fairly I have given my assent. The thirteenth year of the Emperor Caesar 
Publius Licinius Gallienus Germanicus Maximus Pius Felix Augustus, Choiak 4. I, Aurelius 
Morus son of Hareotes, have sold the free space falling to me and have received the price as 
aforesaid. I, Aurelius Apollonius, wrote for him, as he was illiterate. 

‘And whereas I desire that a single copy of the duplicate bond shall be publicly 
registered, I give to the city the prescribed 12 drachmae and the ad valorem tax, and 
request that on receiving it from the person sent by me, Aurelius Apollonius, with his 

attestation that the subscription is the writer’s autograph, you register it together with this" 

memorandum at the Library of Hadrian, and a copy at the Library of the Nanaeum, 
in order that my rights in virtue of it may be assured as by a public deed, owing to the 
assent to the publication. The 13th year of Gallienus Augustus, Pauni. 
‘ And whereas I desire that this should be communicated to the keepers of,the property 
registers of the Oxyrhynchite nome, I request that on receiving the publication with the 
\ proper subscription you will give orders for a letter to be written for their information. 
‘Let the proper steps be taken. The 13th year of our lord Gallienus Augustus, Pauni 9. 
‘I, Aurelius Isidora daughter of Aristos, have presented this memorandum and it has 

— «( ὦ 


been registered. The 3rd year which = the rst year, Pachon 30. I, Aurelius Theon also 
called Harpalus, son of Demetrius, wrote for her, as she was illiterate. 
(Endorsed) ‘ Communication of publication, forAurelia Isidora.’ 

1-4. These four lines inserted at the top of the application in the bureau of the 
archidicastes are in an extremely cursive hand (see Plate VI) and there are several words 
in them which I cannot read with certainty even with the help of a parallel document 
(unpublished) of the following year, where there is a similar but still worse written endorse- 
ment. In], 1 ἀρχιδικαζστής) is assured, but what immediately precedes and follows is very 
doubtful. ἱερεὺς καί is suggested by similar communications from the archidicastes to 
strategi, e.g. 485. 4, B.G.U. 578. 7. ἱερεύς however is unsatisfactory; the initial letter 
might well be e.g. y, and γενόμενος might perhaps be read, if it were otherwise suitable. 
λαμπρότατος is equally unlikely, since that title is not elsewhere applied to the ἀρχιδικαστής. 
If χα(ίρειν) is right inl. 2, a preceding mention of the βιβλιοφύλακες seems demanded by 
Il. 53-4, and βι is probable here in the parallel text; but ἙἭ ρμοπολείτου is a difficulty, since 
᾿Οξυρυγχείτου is of course expected. Presumably Ἑρμοπολείτου was written by an inadvert- 
ence. πρὸς τῇ ἐπιμελεί(ᾳ) τῶν χρη(ματιστῶν) is clearly impossible. In]. 4 ὁ πρὸς τῇ δια(λογῇ) is 
confirmed by the unpublished text, which has here δια(λογῇ) τ(ῆς) πόλ(εως) ; cf. P. Leipzig 
IO. li. 32-3 of πρὸς τῇ διαλογῇ τῆς πόλεως" διέγραζψεν) Αὐρηλ(ίου) Σαραπάμμωνος χρημ(ατίζοντος). 
On that analogy χρη(ματίζοντος) may be read with some confidence at the end of this line, 
but there is nothing in front of it in the least like διέγραψεν. The letters might possibly be 
intended for ἀπέχει, Αὐρη(λίου) “Qpov, but ἀπέχει especially unconvincing reading, 

For διαλογή cf. e.g. 84. 11, 5 οἱ καλούμενοι ἐπὶ τῆς διαλογῆς τῶν κατὰ καιρὸν ἀρχιδικαστῶν 
[γρα]μματεῖς, and Mitteis, Grundztige, pp. 85, 125. 

18. A similar marginal entry occurs in the parallel text referred to in the previous note, 
and there the a of αὐ(τῆς ἢ) is fairly clear. 

30-2. Cf. 577, 719. 23-5. 

37. ὀρθῶς καλῶς : SO 1040. 33, where καί is not to be inserted; cf. e.g. 1208. 29, 
1209. 28. 

40. The marginal entry apparently notes the fact that the vendor was illiterate. 

44. βουλόμενος is obviously a clerical error for βουλομένη both here and in 1. 53; 
cf. 1. 35, where προσδεόμενος is written for προσδεομένη. 

51. εὐδοκηκέναι : 50. τὸν Αὐρήλιον Μῶρον. 

58. The date here is strange. Since the month is Pachon (I. 59), this signature must 
be at least a year subsequent to the rest of the document, where the latest date is Pauni 11 
(Il. 3). The writer was unpractised, and the figures, which are in each case above the sign 
for (ἔτους), are not very clear. ὃ might well be read in place of a, but how could a ὃ 
be explained? The third and fourth years cannot be those of Maximian and Diocletian for 
two reasons: (1) y and 8 should be in the reverse order; (2) an interval of 22 years 
between the signature and the other dates is too long. Neither could (ἔτους) γ καὶ (ἔτους) ὃ 
refer to a period of joint rule by Claudius and Vaballathus in a.p. 270-1, since not only is 
there no evidence that the latter was recognized during the lifetime of Claudius,’ but in 
P. Strassb. 8. 1-2 Aurelian is already found associated with Vaballathus in Pharmouthi of 
that year. I therefore adopt the reading (ἔτους) y καὶ (ἔτους) a and suppose that the third and 
last year of Claudius which coincided with the first of Aurelian is meant (a.D. 271), 
Vaballathus being ignored. No doubt the more usual expression for this would be (ἔτους) y 

1 P, Grenf. ii, yo is no doubt to be referred to the reign of Diocletian and Maximian, as was pointed out 
by P. Meyer in Hermes, xxxiii. p. 269; Meyer’s correction has been overlooked by both Preisigke, 
P. Strassb. i. 34, and F. Hohmann, Chronologie der Papyrusurkunden, pp. 18 and 55. 

Q 2 


τοῦ καὶ a, as e.g. in Wilcken, Osv. ii. 109. 2-3; but that objection is hardly to be pressed 
in the case of such an ill-written subscription. 
63. Below Ἰἰσιδώραν there are a few small illegible marks. 

Fr.2 18-4 12-4 cm. A.D, 258. 

An application to the praefect Mussius Aemilianus from a man whose father 
had died intestate, asking for the right of succession to the estate (agnztio bonorum 
possessionis). His request was couched in Latin, with a signature appended in 
Greek (cf. 720, 1114) ; this is followed by an endorsement of the praefect granting 
the petition (1. 11), and a translation, in a very cursive hand, of the Latin text 
into Greek. The central part of the papyrus is decayed, and most of the Latin 
original has disappeared ; but the loss is of small consequence, since a precisely 
similar document, also from Oxyrhynchus, at Giessen has recently been published 
with a valuable commentary by O. Eger in Z. Sav. xxxii. pp. 378 sqq., and by 
means of this the portion here missing is easily restored ; cf.note on 1.4. In the 
Giessen papyrus, on the other hand, the Greek translation, which in 1201 is well 
preserved, has been badly mutilated. The two documents thus supply each other's 
deficiencies in the happiest manner. 

Aemilianus was already known to have held the office of praefect in A. Ὁ. 257 
from Euseb. Hist. Eccl. vii. 11. 9, where he is called διέπων τὴν ἡγεμονίαν as in 
1. 14 here; in the Latin of 1. 1 he is styled pracfectus Aegypti simply. His name 
Mussius is novel ; the praenomen is added by another papyrus not yet published, 
Lucius. This was the man who a few years later revolted against Gallienus. On 
a coin of that period, attributed to him by Poole, Catalogue of coins of Alex. 
p. 299 (cf. introd. p. xxxiv), he is given the initials M. I. 

Mussio Aemiliano v(iro) plerfectisstmo) praef (ecto) Aeg(ypti) 
ab Aurelio Heudaemone. 

rogo domine des mihi b(onorum) p(ossessionem) 

[Catilh|: Variant patris met 

and hand 5 AvpyAws Εὐδαίμων Κατιλλίου ἐπιδέδωκα 
αἰτούμενος διακατοχὴν κληρονομίας 
τοῦ πατρός μου τῶν κατὰ διαδοχὴν κλη- 

1201. PETITIONS 229 

ρονομηθέντων ὑπ᾽ αὐτοῦ ἀδιαθέτου τετε- 
λευτηκότος. Αὐρήλιος Θέων Ἁρπάλου ἔγρα- 

το Ψα ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ μὴ ἰδότος γράμματα. 

(ἔτους) ς Θὼθ κί. (3rdhand) δ: δάϊείο : legi. κόὀλ(λημαὶ ὃ, r(dpos) εἷς. 
ἑρμηνεία τῶν “Ρωμαικῶν' 

Μουσσίωι Αἰμιλιανῷ τῷ λαμπροτάτωι 

διέποντι τὴν ἡγεμονίαν παρὰ Αὐρηλίου Evdai- 

15 μονος. ἐρωτῶ, κύριε, δοῦναί μοι διακατοχὴν 
ὑπ[αρἸχόντων (πρότερον) Κατιλλίου Οὐαριανοῦ πατρός 
μου τετελευτηκότος ἀδιαθέτου, ἐξ ἐκείνου τοῦ 
μέρους τοῦ διατάγματος τοῦ τοῖς νομίμοις 
κληρονόμοις τ[ὴ]ν διακατοχὴν διδόντος. ἐδόθη 

20 mplo n καλ(ανδῶν) ᾿Οκτωβρίωϊν] Τούσκῳ καὶ Βάσσῳ 
ὑπάτοις. (ἔτους) ς Θὼθ Kg. ἐκ τοῦ διατάγμα- 
τος" ἀνέγνων. κόλ(λημα) ὃ, τ(όμος) εἷς. 

4. um Pap. 6. ὕπερ... . ἴδοτος Pap. 12. a (= πρότερον) added above the line. 

‘To Mussius Aemilianus the most illustrious, praefect of Egypt, from Aurelius 
Eudaemon. I beg you, my lord, to grant me possession of the property of my father 
Catillius Varianus.. .’ 

‘J, Aurelius Eudaemon son of Catillius, have presented this petition asking for the 
succession to the inheritance of my father, namely the property inherited in turn by him, 
having died intestate. I, Aurelius Theon son of Harpalus, wrote for him as he was 
illiterate. The sixth year, Thoth 27. (Endorsed) In accordance with the edict; read by 
me. Sheet 4, volume tr.’ 

‘Translation of the Latin. To Mussius Aemilianus the most illustrious, deputy- 
praefect, from Aurelius Eudaemon. I beg you, my lord, to grant me the succession to the 
property formerly belonging to my father Catillius Varianus who has died intestate, 
in accordance with that portion of the edict which grants succession to the lawful heirs. 
Dated the 8th day before the calends of October, in the consulship of Tuscus and Bassus. 
The sixth year, Thoth 27. In accordance with the edict; read by me. Sheet 4, 
volume 1.’ 

1. The letters v 2 have no dots either after or, as in the Giessen papyrus, above them. 
On the other hand dots are placed after pracfand deg. 

2. Heudaemonem : for the erroneous aspiration cf. 6. g. 32. 9 omo. 

4. [Catill’]i seems hardly enough for the space, but Vardani is probable. There are 
some slight illegible traces of the two following lines, which with the rest of the Latin can 
be restored with security from the Greek by the aid of the Giessen papyrus and 1114. 13 
thus: intestati defuncti ex ea parte edicti quae legitimis heredibus (onorum) p(ossessionem) dat. 
datum a(nte) d(zem) viit kal(endas) Oct(obres) Tusco et Basso co(n)s(ulibus). Instead of quae 
.. . dat the Giessen papyrus has gua{e} .. . dafurum te polliceris. The mistake of guae for 


gua may now be explained as due to a change of construction, the writer having guae. . . 
dat in his mind and then substituting daturum [6 polliceris without altering the quae. 

6. Cf. the Giessen papyrus |. 10 αἰτῶ τὴν διακατοχήν, P, Amh. 72. 9-10 διεπεμψάμην τῷ 
λαμπροτάτῳ ἡγεμόνι... τὴν διακατοχήν, and B. Ὁ. U. 140. 21-7 οὔκ εἰσιν νόμιμοι κληρονόμ]οι. .. 
ὅμως κατ᾿ οἰχὴϊν] ὑϊπα]ρχόντων ἐξ ἐκείνου τοῦ μέϊρ]ους τοῦ διατάγματος, οὗ καὶ τοῖς πρὸς γένους 
συνγενέσι δίδοται, αἰτεῖσθαι δύνασθαι καὶ αὐτοὺς Kpe|iv|o. 

11. [η]. 12 of the Giessen papyrus Eger restores do K(onorum) p(ossesstonem)]| before 
ex edicto, but probably those two words stood by themselves, as here. recognovi there 
takes the place of gz. The τ of τ(όμος) is written just like a v, both in this line and 1. 22, 
but τόμος is demanded by analogy. The reference no doubt is, as Eger explains (/.c., 
Ρ. 381), to the Aber ibellorum rescriptorum of the praefect. 

It is hardly certain that the three Latin words are in the same hand as what follows, 
but there seems to be no further change beyond this point. Too many hands are 
probably distinguished by Eger. 

13. λαμπροτάτῳ : διασημοτάτῳ is the correct equivalent of perfectissimus. 

18. Cf. the passage of B.G. U. 140 quoted in the note on ]. 6, and Eger, /. ¢., p. 382. 

21-2. ἐκ τοῦ διατάγματος" ἀνέγνων =]. 11 ex edicto: legi. It is not clear whether 
ἀνέγνων was intended to be abbreviated or not; perhaps ἀνέγ(νων) should be written. 

26-1 X 11-3 cm. A. D2 iG 

This document is an interesting supplement to the existing evidence about 
the enrolment of ephebi, a subject which has recently been discussed at length 
by Wilcken, Grundziige, pp. 139 sqq., and Jouguet, La wie municipale, pp. 150 
sqq. It is a petition to the deputy-epistrategus from the father of a youth 
qualified to become an ephebus, complaining that his son’s name had been 
omitted from the list which was annually prepared by the amphodogrammateus, 
and begging that the error might be rectified. The list in question is stated 
to have been regularly prepared shortly before the time of the contest of the 
ephebi, established at Oxyrhynchus by Septimius Severus and Caracalla (Il. 5 sqq.). 
This reference is explained by 705, which contains a copy of the Imperial rescript 
sanctioning an endowment for the purposes of the festival. The boy’s qualifications 
are set out in Il. 17 sqq. He was already a member of the gymnasium, having 
reached the age of fourteen, and having been admitted through the ἐπίκρισις to 
the privileged body of of ἐκ τοῦ γυμνασίου. But he was not yet an ephebus; to 
become one a further εἴσκρισις, probably by the praefect (cf. P. Flor. 57. 73, 
Wilcken, Δ. ¢., p. 142), was required, a preliminary to which was apparently the 
list of the amphodogrammateus. The fact that the epistrategus is addressed in 
the present petition does not imply that the εἴσκρισις was conducted by that 
official. : 

The date of the papyrus is approximately fixed by the mention in 1]. 19 

ee ee δυο συν". 

and 21 of the 25th year, which was perhaps still current, in spite of the absence 
Caracalla did not attain to a 26th year, and the petition 
seems to have been written before the accession of Macrinus. 
can be little later than A.D. 217. 

of the word éveoros. 


not previously known. 





and hand 

4. οξυρυγ᾽χων Pap. 5. ηὔτυχησαμεν Pap. 10. Of εφηβευειν corr. 11. € Of προσήκει corr. 

> ? - “A ’ ν΄. 

Αὐρηλίωι Σ᾽ εουήρῳ τῷ κρατίστῳ διαδεχομένῳ 
[τ]ὴν ἐπιστρατηγίαν 
[ἰπα]ρὰ Αὐρηλίου Πτολεμαίου Σεμπρωνίου τοῦ Aov- 
[κίου μητρὸς Θαήσιος ἀπ᾽ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως. 
yr Υ͂ 249 “Ὁ > , ) lo a 
ἔθους ὄντος ἀφ᾽ οὗ ηὐτυχήσαμεν EK τῆς τῶν 
[κυρίων Σ᾽ εουήρου καὶ μεγάλου ᾿Αντωνίνου 
[δω]ρεᾶς τοῦ τῶν ἐφήβων ἀγῶνος τοὺς κατὰ και- 
[poly τῆς πόλεως ἀμφοδογραμματέας ἐνγίζον- 
τος τοῦ ἑκάστου ἔτους ἀγῶνος ἐπιδοῦναι καὶ 
προθεῖναι τὴν τῶν ἐφηβεύειν μελλόντων 

,ὕ Ν Nee 2 4? oe 2 ~ 
ypapiy {att πρὸς τὸ ἕκαστον ap οὗ προσήκει καιροῦ 
[τ]ῆς ἐφηβίας ἀντιλαβέσθαι, ἐπεὶ οὖν ὁ νυνὶ τῆς 
[πόλεως ἀμφοδογραμματεὺς Αὐρήλιος Sapari- 
wv ἐν τῇ ἔναγχος προτεθείσῃ ὑπ᾽ αὐτοῦ γραφῇ 
τῶν ἐπ᾽ ἀγαθοῖς ἐφηβεύειν μελλόντων παρεῖ- 
[κεῖν τὸν ἡμέτερον υἱὸν Αὐρήλιον Πολυδεύ- 
κην καὶ αὐτὸν μελλοέφηβον καὶ ὄντα ἐκ τοῦ 
τάγματος τοῦ παρ᾽ ἡμεῖν γυμνασίου προσβάν- 
τος εἰς τεσσαρεσκαιδεκαετεῖς τῷ κε (ἔτει) καὶ ἐπικρει- 
θέντα κατ᾽ ἀκολουθείαν τῶν ἐτῶν καὶ τοῦ γέ- 
νους εἰς τοὺς ἐκ τοῦ γυμνασίου τῷ αὐτῷ κε (ἔτει) 
δ > a DY Ν 3 a 4 
[}Ί|σως ἀγνοήσας, κατὰ TO ἀναγκαίον προσφεύ- 
yo σοι ἀξιῶν ἐνταγῆναι κἀμοῦ τὸν υἱὸν 
τῇ τῶν ἐφήβων γραφῇ καθ᾽ ὁμοιότητα 
~ ‘ + οι A es va 
τῶν σὺν αὐτῷ Kal ὦ BeBonOnpévos. 


«Αὐρήλιος Πτολεμαῖος ἐπειδέδω- 


At any rate it 
Aurelius Severus, the acting epistrategus, was 


14. Pap. τό. ὕιον Pap.; soinl.23. 21. eofexcorr. froma. 25. |. ἵνα 
for καί. 

‘To his highness Aurelius Severus, deputy-epistrategus, from Aurelius Ptolemaeus son 
of Sempronius son of Lucius, his mother being Thaésis, of the city of Oxyrhynchus. It is 
the custom since we gained by the gift of our lords Severus and the great Antoninus the 
contest of the ephebi that those who are for the time being amphodogrammateis of the city 
should, as the contest of each year approaches, submit and publish a list of those about to 
become ephebi, in order that each one may assume the status of ephebus at the proper 
season. Since then the present amphodogrammateus of the city, Aurelius Sarapion, in the 
list recently published by him of those who are auspiciously about to become ephebi, has, 
perhaps in ignorance, passed over my son who is also an incipient ephebus and on the roll 
of our gymnasium, and who reached the age of 14 years in the 25th year, and was passed 
in accordance with his age and parentage into the list of the members of the gymnasium in 
the same 25th year, I perforce have recourse to you, requesting that my son too may be 
entered in the list of the ephebi in the same way as his companions, that so I may obtain 
relief. Farewell. 

‘J, Aurelius Ptolemaeus, presented the petition.’ 

3. Σεμπρωνίου : or perhaps Sevmpwvriov. At the end of the line Λουζ[κίου] seems more 
likely than Δού[πο]υ. 

7. The δωρεά was really that of Aurelius Horion, who gave a large sum to provide 
prizes for the contest ; the emperors merely sanctioned his endowment. 

8-9. In a.p. 323 the date of the contest was Jan. 19; cf. 42. 2, το. 

11. γραφηναι was no doubt due to the influence of the preceding infinitives. 

17. μελλοέφηβον : the word is spelled μελλέφηβος in Censorinus, De die nat. 5, Eustath. 
Od. 1768. 56. Cf. P. Brit. Mus, 1166. 4 μελλογυμνασίαρχος, Giessen 54. 6 μελλοπρόεδρος. 

18. τάγματος : cf. e.g. 891. 15. 

19-21. Fourteen was apparently the usual age for admission to the ranks of the ephebi ; 
cf. Wilcken, /.c., p. 141, Jouguet, 2c., pp. 150sqq. The anomaly of P. Tebt. 316 (which 
of course was found at Tebtunis and not, as stated by Wilcken, Chres‘omathie, p. 173, 
at Oxyrhynchus), where boys of three and seven years are described as ἐφηβευκότες, is still 

For an ἐπίκρισις eis τοὺς ἐκ τοῦ γυμνασίου cf. 25'7, where the importance of the γένος is 
well illustrated. 

25. καὶ is written as if ὅπως or wa and not an infinitival construction had preceded. 


16:1 X 12-2 cm. Late first century. 

Though the commencement of this petition is lost, the main details of the 
transaction involved are sufficiently clear. According to the petitioners’ state- 
ment (the first person plural is used throughout), Leonides after obtaining a loan 
upon mortgage had surreptitiously alienated the security to a third party and 
made a claim against his creditors for a debt which he asserted was due to him 
from their father. A notice of the claim had been served upon them through 
Apion, the son of Leonides, who seems to have been himself absent, and the 

1203. PETITIONS 233 

collection of the debt put into the hands of the ξενικῶν πράκτωρ, The petitioners ac- 
cordingly request that copies of their counter-claim (ἀντίρρησις ; cf. 68. 11) should 
be communicated to Apion and to the πράκτωρ, in order that no further proceedings 
should be taken pending a legal decision. It would naturally fall to the strategus 
to take the steps required, and probably he was the person to whom the petition 
was sent, since there is no mention of written instructions; which would be expected 
if the addressee were the ἀρχιδικαστής ; cf. 68. 29-31, P. Brit. Mus. 908. 29-30. 
At the foot is a signature of an assistant stating that notice had been given to the 
πράκτωρ as desired. 

ἀλλὰ kali 
ἐτόλμησεν] παρὰ τίὸ καἸθῆκον .[....++.-.- 
lad “ ’ 
ἡμῶν ἐξαλλοτριῶσαι ἐν ᾿Αλεξανδρείᾳ τὴν 
5 ὑποθήκην Φιλοστράτῳ Ζωίλου ᾧ καὶ εὐαγῶς 
μεταλαβέόϊν]τος διαστολικὸν μετέδομεν διὰ 
σοῦ περὶ τοῦ μὴ δεόντως ἠγορακέναι. πρὸς 
δὲ τούτοις ὁ αὐτὸς Λεονίδης ἐγλαθόμενος 
τῆς ἐξακολ[ο]υθούσης αὐτῷ εὐθύνης ἐπο- 
10 ρίσατο ἐκ τοῦ καταλογείου ὑπόμνημα 
- Ν ᾽ θάδ “ 4 
πρὸς Tov ἐνθάδε ξενικῶν πράκτορα 
ε 3 la 3 “ ΘΕΟΣ « Ἂς “A 
ὡς ὀφειλομένων αὐτῶι ἑτέρων ὑπὸ τοῦ 
πατρὸς ἡμῶν, τοὐναντίον μᾶλλον προσ- 
οφείλων ἡμεῖν ὡς πρόκειται, Kal μετέ- 
15 δωκεν ἡμεῖν τούτου ἀντίγραφον διὰ τοῦ 
aA a? na 
υἱοῦ αὐτοῦ ‘Amiwvos τῆι τεσσαρασκαιδεκάτῃ 
~ 3 A Q ? 4 a 3 ’, 
τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος μηνὸς Επείφ. ὅθεν ἀναγκαΐί- 
ὡς προερχόμενοι ἀξιοῦμεν τὸ μὲν ὑπόμνη- 
μα ἔχειν ἐν καταχωρισμῷ, μεταδοθῆναι 
Ν > “ A ’ ; ¢ μ, προ 
20 δὲ αὐτοῦ ἀντίγραφον dt ὑπηρέτου τῷ τε 
> “- 
᾿Απίωνι εἰς τὸν τοῦ πατρὸς Acovidou λόγον 
A ~ > > 
καὶ τῶι ξενικῶν πράκτορι, iv ὁ μὲν Ariov 
εἰδῇ πάντα τὰ ὑπὸ τοῦ πατρὸς Acovidou ἐπὶ τῇ 
ς A ᾽ 4 , + ov 4 
ἡμῶν ἀδικίᾳ πραχθέντα ἄκυρα ὄντα καὶ 
25 μένοντα ἡμεῖν πρὸς τὸν Acovidny τὸν πε- 


δι » 
ρὶ πάντων ὧν ἔχομεν πρὸς αὐτὸν λόγον, ὁ δὲ 

ξενικῶν πράκτωρ μηδὲν καθ᾽ ἡμῶν οἷ- 
κονομήσῃ ἀπὸ τοῦ προκειμένου ὑπομνή- 
ματος μέχρι κρίσεως. τῶν γὰρ ὑπόντων 

30 ἡμεῖν δικαίων πάντων ἀντεχόμεθα καὶ 
ἀνθεξόμεθα. (2nd hand) Θέων ᾿Οννώφριος 
ὑπηρέτης μεταδέδωκα τοῦ προκειμί(ένου) 
[ὑπο]μίνή(ματος) ἀντἸ[γἹρᾳίφον) [τῷ] ξενικῶν πρά- 
[kropt ὡς καθήκει. ὗ 

8. 1. Λεωνίδης : cf. Il. 21, 23, 25. 23. Above the left-hand limb of η of ειδη there is 
a vertical stroke, which is not in the right position for an inserted iota adscript. 

*,..[not only}... but also... ventured wrongfully [without our knowledge ὃ] to alienate 
at Alexandria the security to Philostratus son of Zoilus, to whom with your just concurrence 
we presented through you a notification concerning his improper purchase. In addition to 
this the said Leonides, heedless of the reckoning that would follow, provided himself with 
a memorandum from the bureau to the collector of external debts here on the plea of other 
sums being due to him from our father, whereas on the contrary he was our debtor, as stated 
above, and served upon us a copy of this through his son Apion on the fourteenth of the 
present month Epeiph. Wherefore we perforce come forward with the request that this 
memorandum should be duly placed on record, and that a copy of it be served through an 
attendant both upon Apion on his father’s account and upon the collector of external debts, 
in order that Apion may know that everything that has been done by his father Leonides to 
our hurt is invalid and that our claim holds good against Leonides on all the counts that 
we have against him, and that the collector of external debts may take no step against us in 
consequence of the aforesaid memorandum before the trial of the case. For we maintain 
and shall maintain all our subsisting rights. (Endorsed) I, Theon son of Onnophris, assistant, 
have duly presented a copy of the above memorandum to the collector of external debts.’ 

3. Perhaps a[yvoncavray; the letter before the lacuna had a rounded base suiting e. g. 
a, €, 0, OF ὦ. 

6. διαστολικόν is a term applied to notifications of various kinds; cf. e.g. P. Brit. 
Mus. 1231. 25. The document which in |. 10 is described as a ὑπόμνημα is often called 
διαστολικόν ; cf. Mitteis, Grundziige, p. 124. 

g-10. Cf. e.g. 485. 3, B.G.U. 1038. 9, P. Leipzig 120. 3, Mitteis, Grundziige, 
PPp- 159 Sqq- 

11. For the ξενικῶν mpaxrwp-in the Roman period cf. 286. 15, 712. 1, 8, 825, B.G.U. 
970. 26, 1038. 13, P. Leipzig 120. 1, Mitteis, Grundziige, pp. 30,159sqq. It is remarkable 
that here too the person suing for the debt was apparently living outside the Oxyrhynchite 
nome (Il. 4, 15-16, 20-1), but whether the functions of the ξενικῶν πράκτωρ were limited to 
such cases, as suggested in P. Tebt. I. p. 56, P. Oxy. II. p. 279, IV. p. 178, is very doubtful. 
There is no indication of distinction of residence in P. Leipzig 120 (Il. 5-6 ἀπὸ τῆς air(jjs)... 
πόλ(εως) rather implies the contrary). 

Py ee a eS a, 


1203. PETITIONS 235 

19. ἔχειν ἐν καταχωρισμῷ: cf. Mitteis, Leipz. Sitz.-Ber. 1910, pp. 69 sqq., Grundziige, 
PPp- 33--4- 

29-31. Cf. e.g. 282. 18-21, 286. 22-4, and Strassb. 74. 17-18, where no doubt γάρ 
should be read in place of πρό; I do not see in the facsimile the justification for the spelling 

32-4. Cf. 485. 49-50, Ρ. Brit. Mus. 908. 39-40, Flor. 56. 22-3. In 485. 50 καθήκει 
is more probably to be restored than πρόκειται. 

20:4 X 27-2 cm. A.D. 299. 

The following very interesting petition represents a stage in some legal proceed- 
ings taken by Aurelius Plutarchus in consequence of his nomination for the office 
of decemprimus, from which, he maintains, his rank exempted him. In order to 
release himself from municipal burdens, as is expressly stated in 1. 13, Plutarchus 
had obtained from the Emperors the rank of κράτιστος, i.e. vir egregius, Some- 
time afterwards, while absent on a special mission in the Small Oasis, he had 
been nominated to the office in question. He at once instituted proceedings of 
appeal through his father (cf. Dig. 1. 5. 1 gud excusatione aliqua utuntur... 
necesse habent appellare),and had also applied to the rationals (καθολικός), the chief 
of the general department of finance, before whose tribunal he appeared. The 
rationalis reserved judgement, ordering documentary evidence to be produced 
and notice to be given to the official responsible for the appointment. Plutarchus 
accordingly now forwards a copy of the official report of this preliminary bearing 
to the strategus, with the request that the necessary notification should be made. 

That senatorial rank brought release from local manera is well known (cf. Dig. 
1, 1. 22-3). It was not howeyer clear that this privilege was enjoyed by those 
whose dignity was merely honorary ; cf. Mommsen, Rom. Staatsrecht, iii. p. 473 
‘bei einer Person bloss senatorischen Standes, die ausserhalb Rom wohnt, kann 
allerdings die Frage aufgeworfen werden, ob sie nicht als zzco/a leistungspflichtig 
ist’. It is therefore surprising to find a provincial of a rank lower than the 
senatorial claiming exemption, for the egregiatus (κρατιστεία, |. 15) was but a degree 
in the equestrian order (cf. Hirschfeld, Sztz.-Ber. Berl. Akad. 1901, pp. 584 544.) 
No doubt the term κράτιστος was not unfrequently employed where λαμπρότατος 
would be expected (cf. Magie, De Rom. iuris vocabulis sollem. p. 31); but if 
Plutarchus had really acquired senatorial rank the fact would surely have been 
_ expressed on the present occasion with more precision. Nevertheless he asserts 
that the nomination was absolutely illegal ; and though his advocate speaks with 
greater caution (l. 21 ὃ ἀπαλλάττει tows), the rationalis makes no objection on this 
point. The object of the latter’s examination is rather to establish the relative 



dates of Plutarchus’ attainment of rank and his nomination to office; cf. Dzg. 
1. 6. 6. 7 si ante quis ad munera municipalia vocatus sit quam negotiari inciperet, 
vel antequam in collegium adsumeretur quod immunitatem pariat, ... . compellatur 
ad honorem gerendum. 

The papyrus makes an addition to the list of praefects in the person of 

Aelius Publius, who is mentioned in ll. 7-8. 



Eni ὑπάϊτ]Ίων τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Αὐτοκρατόρων Διοκλητιανοῦ τὸ ¢ καὶ 

Μαξιμιανοῦ τὸ ς Σεβαστῶν. ᾿ 
> ἂν 7 ty , 7 

Αὐρηλῳ Znvoyéver στρατηγῷ ΟὐΟξυρυγχείτου 

παρὰ Αὐρηλίου Πλουτάρχου τοῦ καὶ ‘Araxtiov κρατίστου καὶ ὡς χρηματίζω. 
οὐ δεόντως καὶ παρὰ πάντας 

τοὺς νόμους ὀνομασθέντος μου ὡς εἰς δεκαπρωτείαν ὑπὸ Avpndriov 4ημη- 
τριανοῦ δεκαπρώτου 

τῆς πρὸς λίβα τοπαρχίας ἔκκλητον πεποίημαι διὰ τοῦ πατρός μου Αὐρηλίου 
Σαραπάμμωνος τοῦ καὶ Διονυσίου 

΄ι ~ > A an? 

kal ὡς ypnpa(rifer) τῷ pe κατὰ καιρὸν ἐκεῖνον εἶναι ἐν τῇ Μικρᾷ Οάσει 
πρὸς ἐκσφούνγευσιν τῶν ἐκεῖσε 

διακειμένων στρατιωτῶν ἐκ προστάξεως τοῦ κυρίου μου τοῦ διασημοτάτου 
2 4 ’ UA 
ἐπάρχου Αἰγύπτου 

Αἰλίου Πουβλίου, καὶ ποιήσας τὰ ἐπὶ τῇ ἐκκλήτῳ δέοντα κατέφυγον πρὸς 
τὸν κύριόν μου τὸν 

διασημότατον καθολικὸν Πομπώνιον Δόμνον καὶ ἐνέτυχον αὐτῷ ἐπὶ 
ὑπομνημάτων αὐτὰ ταῦτα 
4 , \ τὰ x > , 2 ASS, x ~ > “- 

παρατιθέμενος. ἐπεὶ οὖν διὰ ἀποφάσεως ἐκέλευσεν τὸ μεγαλεῖον αὑτοῦ 
παραγγεῖλαί με τῷ προκειμένῳ, 

τὰ x 2 Zz \ Jan ) ΄ 4 “ἷ, ? \ “ ᾽΄ 

ὧν τὸ διαφέρον μέρος καὶ τῶν ἀποφάσεων οὕτως ἔχει' Emi τῶν κυρίων 
ἡμῶν Διοκλητιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ τὸ ¢ καὶ 

Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ τὸ ς ὑπάτων, πρὸ ιὃ καλανδῶν Σεπτεμβρίων, ἐν 
᾽ 7 5) lal 7 
AdeEavdpeia ἐν τῷ σηκρήτῳ. 

, > 

κληθέντος Πλουτάρχου κρατίστου ᾿Ισίδωρος εἶπ(εν) ἀπαλλαγὴν εὕρασθαι 
πειρώμενος ὁ παρεστὼς 

τῇ σῇ ἀρετῇ Πλούταρχος ὁ κράτιστος τῶν πολειτικῶν λειτουργιῶν δεδέηται 
τῆς θείας τύχης ἔτι ἄνω-' 

θεν τῶν δεσποτῶν ἡμῶν τῶν Σεβαστῶν καὶ τῶν Καισάρων μεταδοῦναι 

> a ~ ~ 7 
αὐτῷ TOV THS KpaTLoTlas 

1204. PETITIONS 237 

> 2? 8 ; , ε ’ ᾽ὕὔ 7 A 4 ta \ ~ 5] 
ἀξιώματος, καὶ ἐπένευσεν ἡ θεία τύχη αὐτῶν Kal μετέδωκεν, Kal νῦν ἐστιν 
2 > ba uA 
ἐν αὐτῷ. διετέλεσεν 
γοῦν ὑπηρετούμενος τῇ σῇ τοῦ ἐμοῦ κυρίου τάξει, εἶτα καὶ τοῖς προστά- 
γμασιν τοῖς ὑμῶν τῶν μειζόνων. 
πρώην δέ, ἐπειδὴ κατὰ τὴν ἴθασιν τὴν Μεικρὰν διέτρειβεν τοῦ κυρίου μου σοῦ 
δὲ ἀδελφοῦ Πουβλίου 
~ ΄ ς Ζ ἀν 7 1 ς 2 ΄ \ 
τοῦ διασημοτάτου ἡγουμένου ἀποστείλαντος αὐτὸν ἐκσφουνγεύειν τοὺς oTpa- 
τιώτας, 4Δημητριανός τις 
᾽ A a “ 
20 Οξυρυγχείτης τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως αὐτῷ ὁρμώμενος τετόλμηκεν αὐτὸν ὀνο- 
μάζειν εἰς δεκαπρωτείαν ; 
μὴ ἐπιγνοὺς ὡς ἀξιώματος μείζονος μετείληφεν, ὃ ἀπαλλάττει ἴσως αὐτὸν 
τῶν λειτουργιῶν τῶν πολει- 
τικῶν. μεθ᾽ ἕτερα, Δόμνος ὁ διασημότατος καθολικὸς einer): ἀνάγνωθι 
Ν « [4 ~ 7 7 
. τὴν ἡμέραν τῆς χειροτονίας. Πλού- 
ταρχος εἶπ(εν" Παῦνι dr. ἀπήμην ἐν ᾿Οάσειι ὅτε ἔγνων ἀπήντησα. 
Δόμνος ὃ διασημότατος καθολικὸς εἶπ(εν) καὶ τὸ βιβλίον 
τῆς χειροτονείας παρασχεθήτω καὶ τὰ ἑξῆς ὡς ἐκέλευσα δειξάτω, ἵνα δὲ 
ἐννομώτερον ἀκουσθείη, παραγγειλά- 
25. τῶ τῷ Ehap.[..... εἰς τὴν δεκαπρωτείαν. Γρηγόριος εἶπ(εν)" τὰ ὑπομνή- 
ματα κέλευσον ἐκδοθῆναι. 
Δόμνος ὁ διασημ[ὀ]τατοῖς καθ]ολικὸς εἶπ(εν): ἐϊκ]δοθήσεται. ᾿Ολύμπιος κομεν- 
ταρήσιος ὀφφικιάλιος ἐξέδωκα τὰ ὑπομνήματα. 
ἘΠΕ Το εἴ νά Ὁ. 12 cn! choad ὅρος 1 ἐάν [σοι δόξῃ ...... ΞΡ ] 
τὸν προκείμενον 4η[μητρια- 


ἢ ὑπα[τἼων Pap. ; 80 ἴῃ]. 12. 4. ὑπο Pap. 9. ὕπομνηματων Pap.; so in J. 25. 
10. παραγ᾽γειλαι Pap.; soinl.24. 11. μέρος... αποφασεων smaller ; ovras exer above the line. 
13. ἰσιδωρος Pap. 17. vmnperoupevos ... ὕμων.. .. μειζονῶ Pap. 20. οξυρυγ᾽χειτης Pap. 
21. απαλλατ᾽τει iows Pap, 22. ἕτερα Pap.; 80 ]. 23 απηντησα, |. 25 εκδοθηναι . 23. 
naive... BiBALo Pap, 24. ἵνα Pap. 26. a Of κομενταρησιος corr. from ¢, ὑπομνήματα Pap. 

“In the consulships of our lords the Emperors Diocletianus Augustus for the seventh 
and Maximianus Augustus for the sixth time. To Aurelius Zenogenes, strategus of the 
Oxyrhynchite nome, from Aurelius Plutarchus also called Atactius, excellency, and however 
I am styled. Having been nominated wrongfully and in contravention of all law for the 
decemprimate by Aurelius Demetrianus, decemprimus of the western toparchy, I brought 
an action of appeal through my father Aurelius Sarapammon also called Dionysius, and 


however he is styled, because I was at the time in the Small Oasis for the discharge of the 
soldiers stationed there, in accordance with the order of my lord the most honourable praefect 
of Egypt Aelius Publius ; and having taken the proper steps for the appeal I had recourse 
to my lord the most honourable catholicus Pomponius Domnus, and applied to him in 
a memorandum setting these facts before him. Whereas then his highness ordered me 
by a judgement to give notice to the aforesaid person, the essential part of the proceedings 
and the judgement being as follows :— 

‘In the consulship of our lords Diocletianus Augustus for the seventh time and 
Maximianus Augustus for the sixth time, August το, at Alexandria, in court. Plutarchus, 
excellency, having been summoned, Isidorus said, “ His excellency Plutarchus who has 
presented himself before your eminence, endeavouring to find for himself a release from 
municipal offices, some time ago besought the divine fortune of our masters the Augusti and 
Caesars to grant him the rank of excellency, and their divine fortune consented and granted 
it,and he now enjoys it. Nowhe has continued in obedience to your lordship’s department 
and also to the orders of you magnates. Lately when he was in the Small Oasis, where 
he had been sent by my lord your colleague Publius the most honourable praefect to discharge 
the soldiers, a certain Demetrianus, an Oxyrhynchite of the same city, made a design upon 
him and ventured to nominate him for the decemprimate, ignoring his acquisition of 
a superior rank, which presumably releases him from municipal offices”. After other 
evidence Domnus the most honourable catholicus said, ‘ Read the day of his appointment”. 
Plutarchus said, “ Pauni 30. I was away in the Oasis; I came back when I knew”. 
Domnus the most honourable catholicus said, “ Let the document containing the appointment 
be produced, and let him also show the following correspondence, as I ordered; and 
that he may be heard in a more regular way, let him give notice to the person who 
nominated (?) him for the decemprimate”. Gregorius said, ‘‘Give orders for the issue of 
the minutes”. Domnus the most honourable catholicus said, “They shall be issued”. 
I, Olympius, official notary, issued the minutes. 

‘ Wherefore I beg, if it seem good to you,...’ 

4. This nomination of one δεκάπρωτος by another is noticeable. 

5. ἔκκλητον : sc. δίκην; cf. 1117. 3, where ἔκζ(κ)λητοῖν is almost certainly to be read, and 
P. Amh. 82. 9—10, where οὐδὲ ἔκκληϊτον ποιεῖσθαι ἐδυνήθην may now be restored with security ; 
ἔκκληϊτον and ἐδυνήθην had already been suggested by Wilcken, Grundziige, p. 353°. 
Plutarchus commenced proceedings through his father because the period during which an 
appeal was allowed was limited ; cf. the passage already cited in P. Amh. 82, which proceeds 
τῷ καὶ τὰς ἡμέρας Tas νενομισμένας . . . παραλελυθέναι, Dig. 1. 5. 1 gut fempora praefinita in 
ordine etusmodi appellationum peragendo non servaverint, merito praescriptione repelluntur. 

6. ἐκσφούνγευσιν : οἵ, 1. 19 ἐκσφουνγεύειν, which is apparently a Graecism of expungere, 
a term technically used of the discharge of soldiers, e. g. Plautus, Curc. 4. 4. 29 miles... 
expuncto in manipulo, Dig. xlix. 16. 15 ex causa desertionis notatus ac restitutus temporis quod 
zn desertione fuerit tmpendits expungitur. No doubt the same word was meant in B. G. U. 435. 
14 ἐξπουγκερος (saec. II-III). ; 

190-11. Perhaps something has been omitted ; cf. the critical note. 

12. σηκρήτῳ = secretario, for which cf. e.g. P. Thead. 13. 1 τη secrefario), Leipzig 
38. i. 1, Ὁ. Just. i. 48. 3, iil. 24. 3, xii, 19. 5. σέκρετον Or σήκρητον is the usual Greek 

form, e.g. Hesych. σέκρετον" συνέδριον, Euseb. Hist, Eccl. vii. 30 σήκρητον δὲ ὥσπερ οἱ τοῦ © 

κόσμου ἄρχοντες ἔχων. 
15. Καισάρων : i.e. Constantius and Galerius. 
16. ἐν αὐτῷ : SC. τῷ ἀξιώματι. 
24. The misuse of the optative is noticeable in an official document of this period. 

ey ae 


1204. PETITIONS 239 

25. The letters λαμ, which are clear, suggest nothing which suits the sense and 
construction. Some word like ὀνομάσαντι is expected, and possibly this has been miscopied ; 
or λαμβάνοντι] might be adopted. The slight vestige of the letter after u is indecisive. 

26. κομενταρήσιος = commentariensis ; cf. P. Flor. 71. 758, 794, Ρ. 5.1. 97. 6. 

τὰ ὑπομνήματα: i.e. the minutes or memoranda of the proceedings, which the petitioner 
was thus enabled to quote. Cf. P. Leipzig 38. i. 17-18, and Cairo Cat. 67131. 28-30, 
where something like ἀντίγραφον κέλευσον is to be supplied in 1. 28. 

27. At this point the petitioner resumes, and of may be ἀξιῶ. Further on ἐνώπιον 
might be read (cf. e.g. P. Flor. 56. 20), but does not combine well with the other remains. 


1205. MANUMISSION inter amicos. 

Fr. 1 14 X 16-9 cm. A.D. 201: 

The solitary specimen hitherto known of a manumission zz/er amicos was 
published in 1904 by S. de Ricci from a tablet in the Amherst collection (Proc. 
Soc. Bibl. Arch. xxvi. pp. 145 sqq.; reprinted by Girard, Textes de droit rom.* 
p. 849, Mitteis, Chrest. p. 405; cf. Grundz. p.272). That document was in Latin, 
with Greek signatures. The following second example, which is of greater 
length, of this form of manumission is in Greek throughout, but here too Latin 
was apparently the original language ; cf. the note on 1. 1. An additional feature 
of interest is that several of the persons concerned were Jews. Unfortunately 
there is a large gap at the beginnings of the lines, extending, as 1. 15 shows, to 
some 40 letters throughout. Nevertheless, though there is some obscurity in 
detail, the general sense is sufficiently clear. The manumittors were either a man 
and his half-sister, acting with a curator, or perhaps two half-sisters; and the 
persons freed were a middle-aged female with her two young children, one of 
whom was named Jacob. The ransom was paid by the Jewish synagogue, 
presumably that of Oxyrhynchus, and reached the large sum of 14 talents 
of silver. To ransom Jewish slaves from Gentile ownership was regarded as 
a duty incumbent upon the community, if their own relatives were unable to 
perform it (this is recognized by the Talmud, e.g. Baba Bathra, fol. 8 ad fin., 
a reference which I owe to Dr. Cowley; cf. 5. Krauss, Talmudische Archéol. ii. 
pp. 98-9); and it seems probable that the action of the synagogue in the present 
case is to be connected with that religious obligation. But there is some 
uncertainty as to the nationality of the manumittors ; cf. the note on 1. 8. 

[ ' “Ερμηνεία ἐϊλευθί ερώσε]ως. 
[Δὐρήλιος 27 letters τῆς λαϊμπρ[ᾶς καὶ] λαμπρο- 
τάτης ᾿Οξυρυγχειτῶν πόλεως καὶ ἡ ὁμομη- 




[τρία ἀδελφὴ Advpnrla 223 letters Jos γεν[οἹμένου ἐξη- 
γητίοὔ] βουλευτοῦ τῆς αὐτῆς πίόλ]εως μετὰ κου- 

[ράτορος 33 letters | παραδόξου Ilapa- 
μόνην οἰκογενῆ δούλην ἑα[υ]τῶν ὡς (ἐτῶν) p [κἸαὶ 

[τὰ ταύτης τέκνα 2,2 letters οὐλὴ τ]ραχήλῳ (@)s (ἐτῶν) 
ι καὶ ᾿Ιακ[ὼ]β ὡς (ἐτῶν) ὃ μεταξὺ φίλων ἠλευθέ- 

[ρώσαμεν καὶ ἀπελύσαμεν 17 letters ἀπὸ] παντὸς τοῦ πατρω- 

νικοῦ δικαίου καὶ ἐξουσίας πάσης, ἀριθμη- 

[θέντων ἡμῖν ὑπὲρ τῆς ἐλευθερώσεως καὶ ἀπολύσ]εως παρὰ τῆς συνα- 
[γ]ωγῆς τῶν ᾿Ιουδαίων διὰ Αὐρηλίων 

[Διοσκόρου 24 letters καὶ ᾿Ιούσ]του βουλευτ[ο]θ᾽ ᾿νει- 
τῶν τῆς Συρίας Παλαιστείνης πατρὸς τῆς 

[ 32 letters ἀργυρίου] ταλάντων δεκατεσ- 

σάρων, ἐπερωτήσεώς τε γενομένης 

ο [ὡμολογήσαμεν ἠλευθερωκέναι καὶ ἀπολελυκέϊναι, ὑπέρ τε τῆς 

αὐτῆς ἐλευθερώσεως καὶ ἀπολύσεως αὐ- 
“ > ‘ZB x 7 3 iA | x ἃ id 
[τῶν ἠριθμηκέναι τὸ προκείμενον ἀργύριον καὶ μ]ηδὲ ev δίκ[α)ιον μη- 
δεμίαν τε ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν εἰς αὐτοὺς ἀπὸ 
[τῆς ἐνεστώσης ἡμέρας, διὰ τὸ ἁπαξαπλῶς ὑπὲρ αὐτ]ῶν διὰ «Αὐρηλίων 
Διοσκόρου καὶ ᾿Ιούστου ἠριθμηκέναι καὶ 

[ἀπεσχηκέναι 16 letters τὸ προκείμενον] ἀργύριον. ἐπράχθη 
ἐν ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλει τῇ λαμπρᾷ καὶ 
[AQAA ΡΟ ΤΉ ios» ed aimee ae 2 Bes ἐπὶ TiBepiavod τὸ β΄ κ[αὶ Aijovos ὑπά- 

τοις, ἔτει ᾧ Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος 

15 [Γαίου Αὐρηλίου Οὐαλερίου Διοκλητιανοῦ καὶ ἔτει | «Αὐτ[οἸκράϊτο)ρος 


Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Οὐαλερίου 
[Μαξιμιανοῦ Nee Μεγίστων Ἐὐσεβῶν Εὐτυχῶν Σ εβαστ]ῶν Ὡς. 
[... ἡμέρᾳ ἐννεακαιδε- 
Vestiges of two lines of signature. 

Fragments of signature 
: . . . 


and hand ] es Αἱ κα]ὶ τὰ tadt[ns Texva...... καὶ ᾿Ιακὼβ 

ieee [ 

1. τος ὅς 

1205. PETITIONS 241 
|r& ὁμ[οἸλογηϊμένα Kabals πρ[όκεὔται. Αὐρήϊλιος 
] ἀγραμμάϊτου ὄντοὶς. (3rd hand) Αὐρήϊλιος] Θέων ὁ κ[αὶ 
ΤῸ [ol Ebel i iat wile oy Jape» [{ω- «00. Jurour ἀρίἡεηβε 

ἘΕθεβαι Ee 70. εἰ “Ὁ Κα οῦ" pf 
25 eee Gna τ Ποὺ νὴ. Πρ Πουσπὶ 
τὰ τοῦ ἀρ[γυρίν . .. . . . . - pra af 
ΒΕ τ εν ον al ee eB: ἡ ἃ (ἡ) ἐχεμθῆερ 
5. ἴακ[ω]Β Pap. 10. ὕπερ Pap. 12. ἴουστου Pap. 14. ὕπατοις Pap. ; 

1. ὑπάτων. 

I. ἀντίγραφον ἐΪλευθερώσεῇως is unsuitable on account of the autograph signatures, and 
ἑρμηνεία is indicated by Latinisms in the Greek; cf. ll. 13-14. Apparently the deed was 
bilingual, as e.g. 1201; there is a fair margin above this line and the edge of the papyrus is 
straight, but perhaps the Latin text preceded in a separate column. 

3. koulpdropos: cf. 888. 3, note, B. G. U. 705. 3, Mitteis, Grundztige, p. 250. 

4. παραδόξου may be either a proper name, as in B. Ὁ. U. 362. xiv. 10, ora title signifying 
athletic prowess; cf. e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 1178. 54 πύκτου ἀλείπτου παραδόξου, 56 παλαιστοῦ 
παραδόξου, &c., and Meyer’s note on P. Hamburg 21. 3. For Παραμόνη cf. 6. g. 1044. 23 

5. τὰ ταύτης τέκνα : οἷ. |. 19. 

4. For the Jewish colony at Oxyrhynchus cf. 385 (a. p. 83) which not only mentions 
of dn’ ᾽Οξ(υρύγχων) πόλ(εως) ἸἸου[δ]αῖοι but shows that one of the quarters of the city was called 
᾿ἸΙουδαικὸν ἄμφοδον. Fragments in Aramaic have occurred among the Oxyrhynchus papyri. 

8. This reference to the ’Qveira is rather puzzling. Since they had a βουλή, their town 
must have been a considerable place, but its identity is not evident. Besides the Egyptian 
Ὧν (Heliopolis), which naturally could not be described as belonging to Palestine, even if 
its inhabitants could be called ’Qveira, there was according to Cheyne in Black’s Eneycl. 
Bibl. Col. 3500 a district bearing the same name in S. Palestine, but the supposed biblical 
allusions to it rest upon conjecture. Possibly the Benjamite Ono, to which references occur 
in post-exilic literature (1 Chron. viii. 12, Ezra ii. 33, Neh. vi. 2), is meant. 

Another question which is not quite easily answered is, of what woman was this βουλευτὴς 
᾽Ωνειτῶν the father? If of the ὁμομητρία ἀδελφή, the manumitting family was Jewish. But her 
father would more naturally be supposed to be the γενόμενος ἐξηγητὴς βουλευτής of Oxyrhynchus 
named in I. 3. Moreover, if the manumittors were Jews, the part played by the synagogue 
is not readily explained, for that body does not merely witness and confirm the transaction, 
as e.g. in the manumissions from Panticapaeum (C.I.G. 2114, Latyschev, Juser. Ponti 
Eux. ii. 52-3 ἐπὶ τῆς προσευχῆς ... συνεπιτροπευούσης δὲ καὶ τῆς συναγωγῆς ; cf. Krauss, Festschrzft 
Harkavy, p. 65), but pays the purchase money. This action would be more intelligible if 
the owners were Gentiles and the slave a Jewess; the objection to that view, however, is 
that the latter is described in 1. 4 as οἰκογενής, and to regard this description as inaccurate 
is a somewhat arbitrary assumption. It is of course not certain that |rov in 1. 8 is to be 
restored Ἰούσήτου : ἐξηγη)τοῦ, as in |. 3, is an alternative; but this does not affect the 

12. The supplement is quite conjectural. In the line below, the gap may be filled by 
some phrase like διὰ χειρὸς ἐξ οἴκου, or ἐκ πλήρους. 



13. ἐπράχθη = actum; cf. e. g. the Amherst tablets ]. 12, 1114. 38, &c. 

14. The day of the month according to the Roman calendar preceded emi; cf. the 
Amherst tablets 1. 13. 

18 sqq. The arrangement adopted of these three detached pieces is suggested as well 
by the handwriting and spacing of the lines as by the satisfactory restorations obtainable in 
ll, 19 and 21-2. Some small unplaced scraps are not printed. 

24. Εὐσεβία was perhaps the name of the ὁμομητρία ἀδελφή. 

25-8. The letters 1 Ἰουστί and those immediately below them seem to be in a different 
hand from those opposite on the left. If that is so, some of the signatures must have been 
written in separate columns. radalvra δέκα cannot be read in |. 26. 

1206. ADOPTION. 
23°5 X 15:6 cm. A.D. 335: 

Like manumission zzfer amicos (1205), adoption has hitherto been represented 
by a single text, P. Leipzig 28, first published by Mitteis in Archzv iii. pp. 173 sqq. 
and lately reprinted by him in Chrestomathie, p. 406. second example is there- 
fore very welcome. It is some fifty years older than the Leipzig specimen and 
rather simpler though essentially similar in form. A husband and wife, Heracles 
and Isarion, agree to the adoption of their two-year-old son by Horion, who 
promises that the boy shall be his heir. Apparently there was no affinity between 
the contracting parties, nor is there any obvious reason for the adoption as in the 
Leipzig text, where an uncle adopts his fatherless nephew. Another small point 
of contrast is the absence here of stipulations about proper food and clothing, 
which are replaced by the negative guarantee that the boy should not be repu- 
diated or reduced to a state of servitude. These however are minor details; the 
important feature from the juristic standpoint is that the transaction is regarded 
as a purely private affair, the forms prescribed at this period by Roman law, 
the sanction of an imperial rescript and the intervention of the praefect (C. Fust. 
Vili. 47. 2), being in complete abeyance, and that the participators are not con- 
cerned with any constitution of patria potestas (although, as 1208. 6 shows, that 
was not quite a dead letter in the provinces), but simply with the upbringing and 
eventual testamentary succession of the adopted child; cf. Mitteis, Grundziige, 
PP. 274-5. 

Ὑπατείας Iovhiov Κωνσταντίου πατρικίου ἀ[δ)ελφοῦ τοῦ δεϊσϊπότου ἡμῶν 

[ΚἸωνσταντίνου Αὐγούστου καὶ “Ῥουφίου ᾿Αλβίνου τῶν λχαμπίροτάτων). 

Αὐρήλιοι Ἡρακλῆς Ἁράσιος τὸ ἐφέστιον ἔχωϊν ἐν] τί] λαμπίρᾷ) καὶ 
λαμπ(ροτάτῃ) ᾽Ο ξυρυγ[χ(ιτῶν) : 

πόλει καὶ ἡ συνοῦσα γυνὴ ᾿Ασάριον ᾿Αγάθωνος ἀπὸ τίῆ]ς αὐτῆς πόλεως 

a ee a ea ae 

1206. CONTRACTS 243 

5 καὶ Αὐρήλιος ‘Apiwv ‘Apiwvos ἀπίὸ τῆ]ς [αὐ]τῆς πόλεως ἀλλήλοις 
χαίρειν. ὁμολογοῦμεν ἡμῖς [μὲν ὅ τ]ε Ἡρακλῆς καὶ ἡ γ[υ]νὴ Εἰσάριον ἐκδε- 
δωκέναι σοὶ τῷ ‘Apion τὸν ἐξ [ἡμ]ῶν υἱὸν Πατερ[μοῦθ)ιν ὡς ἐτῶν 
δύο εἰς νεϊοθεσίαν, ἐμὲ δὲ τὸν [[Ὡρίων)]α ἔχειν το[ῦτ]ον γνήσιον 
υἱὸν πρὸς τὸ μένειν αὐτῷ τὰ ἀπίὸ τ]ῆς διαδοχῆς τῆς κληρονομίας 

To μου δίκαια, καὶ οὐκ ἐξέστε μοι τοῦτον ἀπώσασθαι οὔτε εἰς 
δουλαγωγείαν ἄγειν διὰ τὸ εὐγενῆ αὐτὸν εἶν[α)ι καὶ ἐξ εὐγενῶν 
γονέων ἐλευθέρων, ὥσπερ οὐδὲ καὶ ἡμῖν τῷ Tle Ἡρακλείῳ καὶ 
τῇ γυνεκὶ Εἰσαρίη ἐξέστε τὸν παῖδα ἀποσπᾶν ἀπίὸ cold τοῦ Ὠρίωνος 
διὰ τὸ ἁπαξαπλῶς εἰς νεἱοθεσίαν ἐκδεδωκέναι [σοι αἸὐτόν, οὐδ᾽ αὖ 

15 μετὰ ταῦτα ἐϊξέστ]ε τινὶ παραβένειν τὰ ἐνγεϊγ)ραμμένα διὰ 
τὸ ἐπὶ τούτοις συνπεπῖσθαι καὶ συντετῖσθαι. κύρια τὰ τῆς velo- 
θεσίας γράμματα [δισσ]ὰ γραφέντα πρὸς τὸ ἑκάτερον μέρος 
ἔχειν μοναχόν, καὶ ἐπερωτηθέντες ὑπ᾽ ἀλλήλων ὡμολογήσαί( μεν) 
ὑπατείας τῆς προκί(ειμένης) Φαρμοῦθι | 

and hand [Adp}jAwos 'Ὡρίων παρείληφα τὸν παῖδα ells νἱοθεσίαν 

Ν , 4 : επὰς > 2 “ U4 ey Q Ν 
21 [Kal] ἀπογράψομαι αὐτὸν εἰς ἐμαυτοῦ γνήσιοίν υἱὸν πρὸς τὸ 

[μέϊνιν αὐτῷ τὰ ἀϊπὸ τῆ]ς διαδοχῆς ἐκ κληρ[ο]ν[ομίας μου ᾿ 
[ὡς] πρόκιται, καὶ ἐπίερ]ωτηθ(εὶ) ὡμολόγησα. Αὐρήλιος... .. 

[ἔγρ᾽Ιαψα ὑπιίὲρ) αὐτοῦ γράμμ(ατα) μὴ εἰδότος. 

4. 1. Ἰσάριον ; cf. Il. 6, 13. ἡ. ὕιον Pap.; so inl. 9. 8. ὕειοθεσιαν Pap. ; so in 
ll. 14, 16. 10. 1]. ἐξέσται ; so in Il. 13, 15. Tov... εἰς apparently rewritten over an 
erasure. 13. 1]. γυναικὶ Eicapio. 14. First ε of exdedwxevac corr. from 6. 15. |. mapa- 
βαίνειν. 16. 1. συντεθεῖσθαι. 20. « Οὗ wpiwy rewritten. 

‘In the consulship of Julius Constantius, patrician, brother of our lord Constantinus 
Augustus and Rufius Albinus the most illustrious. Aurelius Heracles son of Harasis, whose 
home is in the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, and his wife Aurelia 
Isarion daughter of Agathon of the said city, and Aurelius Horion son of Horion of the said 
city, mutual greetings. We agree, Heracles and his wife Isarion on the one part, that we 
have given away to you, Horion, for adoption our son Patermouthis, aged about two years, 
and I Horion on the other part, that I have him as my own son so that the rights proceeding 
from succession to my inheritance shall be maintained for him, and it shall not be lawful for 
me to disavow him or to reduce him to slavery, because he is well born and the son of well 
born and free parents, and in the same way it shall not be lawful for us, Heracleus and his 
wife Isarion, to remove the boy from you, Horion, because we have once for all given him 
to you for adoption, nor shall it hereafter be lawful for any one to transgress the terms herein 
written, because we have consented and agreed on these conditions. This deed of adoption, 
done in duplicate so that each party may have a copy, is valid, and in answer to each other’s 
question we have given our assent, in the consulship aforesaid, Pharmouthi. . . 



«J, Aurelius Horion, have received the boy for adoption and will register him as my own 
son so that the rights from succession as my heir shall be maintained for him as aforesaid, 
and in answer to the question I have given my assent. I, Aurelius. . ., wrote for him, as he 
was illiterate.’ 

3. τὸ ἐφέστιον ἔχων is an unusual phrase; cf. P. Brit. Mus. 904. 23-4 ἐπαϊνελΊ]θεῖν εἰς τὰ 
éau| rev ἐἸφέστια. 

6. ἐκδεδωκέναι : it seems not unlikely that the same word should be read in P. Leipzig 28. 
13, where Mitteis gives π[αρ]αδεδωκέναι. 

8. There is no room for ὡς after το[ζῦτ]ον, which however is doubtfully read. Cf. 
P. Leipzig 28. 11-12 τοῦτον τὸν παϊδ]α ἔχειν [καθ᾽ ἢ] υἱοθεσίαν, 18 ὅνπερ Oppo... ὡς υἱὸν 
γνήσιον καὶ φυσικόν. ; 

12. Ἡρακλείῳ : Ἡρακλεῖ is expected from Il. 3 and 6. 


7:2 X93 cm. A.D. 175-6? 

Part’ of a lease for five years of premises which had been used for keeping 
camels, and were now to be turned into a fowl-house. The rent was 300 drachmae 
per annum, with yearly extras of 4 cocks, 8 hens, and 100 eggs, besides a dona- 
tion to the lessors’ servants of 8 drachmae ‘for a libation’. The reign of which 
the seventeenth year is referred to in 1. 2 may be that of Marcus Aurelius. 

an ᾿Οξυρύγχω)ν π[όἸλε[ως] ἐπὶ χρόνον 

a la em Ν ΓΝ va 4 ἃ Υ, 
ἔτη πέντε ἀπὸ a Θὼθ τοῦ ἰσιόντος ιᾧ (ἔτους) ὃν ἔχου- 

᾽ “-- a 
σι ἐπ᾿ ἀμφόδου ‘Eppaiov καμηλῶνα σὺν τοῖς τού- 
του χρηστηρίοις πᾶσι εἰς ὀρνειθῶνα, παρὲξ τόπων 
> 7, 3 2 “oo Le ᾽ν" cA 

5 ἐνχρῃζόντων εἰς ἐλαιουργῖον ὧν ἐὰν αἱρῆται 
Te! , 9 ἂν» Ω “ “ 7 x 4 
ὁ ᾿Επίμαχος, ἐνοικίου τῶν λοιπῶν τόπων ἐπὶ 
3 n~ 
τὴν πενταετίαν κατ᾽ ἔτος δραχμῶν τριακοσί- 
ων καὶ ἐκτάκτων ὁμοίως κατ᾽ ἔτος ἀλεκτρυόνων 
τελείων τεσσάρων, ὀρνείθων τελείων τοκάδων 
> 4 IA c v4 Ἀ ~ 4 
10 ὀκτώ, φῶν ἑκατόν, Kal σπονδίῆς)] παιδαρίοις 

δραχμῶν ὀκτώ. βεβαιουμένης δὲ τῆς μισθώ- 
σεως ἀποδότω ὁ μεμισδωμένος τοῖς μεμισθωκό- 
σι τὰ μὲν ἔκτακτα ὁπόταν βούλωνται τὸ δὲ ἐνοίκι- 
ον ἐν προθεσμίαις δυσὶ Φαμενὼθ καὶ Μεσορὴ ἀνυπερ- 


, 4 > at ot pe ΜΆ ΟῚ ~ 
15 θέτως. χράσθω οὖν ὁ αὐτὸς μεμισθωμένος σὺν τοῖς 

1907. CONTRACTS 245 

παρ᾽ αὐϊτ]οῦ υἱοῖς καὶ ois...... [.]. [rolis [μ]ισθουμίέν]οιϊς 

[αὐτῷ Toros... 

2. ἴσιοντος Pap. 7. First a of πενταετίαν corr. from ε. 14. φαμεύωθ Pap. 

‘[. .. have leased to. . .,] of the city of Oxyrhynchus, for a period of five years from 
Thoth 1 of the coming 17th year the camel-stall which they have in the quarter of the 
Hermaeum together with all its appurtenances, for a fowl-house, excluding any parts needed 
for an oil-press that may be chosen by Epimachus, the rent for the rest of the premises for 
the term of five years being 300 drachmae annually, with an additional payment likewise 
annually of 4 cocks in perfect condition, 8 laying hens in perfect condition, 100 eggs, and 
8 drachmae for the slaves for a libation. On the lease being guaranteed, the lessee shall 
pay to the lessors the additional payments whenever they wish and the rent at the two fixed 
dates of Phamenoth and Mesore with no delay. The lessee with his sons or [other agents] 
shall then utilize the premises leased to him. . .’ 

6. Epimachus was one of the lessors. 

8. ἔκτακτα, like ἐξαίρετα (cf. Berger, Sirafklauseln, p. 156", Meyer, P. Hamburg, p. 18), 
are special or separate payments as distinguished from the φόρος ἀπότακτος or rent proper. 
The word is similarly used of a special bequest in 646 ἃ ἔσται καὶ ἔκτακτον Tov . . . ἀφήλικος, 
and of distinct or special documents in B.G, U. 12. 18 δι’ ἐκτάκτου παρετέθη, P. Leipzig 3. 
il, 12 ἐν ἐκτάκτῳ ἐπήνεγκα (cf. Wilcken, Archiv iv. p. 459). 

Four ἀλέκτορες τέλειοι are similarly part of the rent of a μύλαιον in Β. G. U. 1067; 
cf. ibid. 269. 4, 8. Ina Rylands lease of land one cock is stipulated for. 

9. ὀρνείθων : probably the φόρος ὀρνίθων coupled in P. Strassb. 56. 67-9 with φόρος 
προβάτων refers to fowls and not, as supposed by Preisigke, to pigeons ; cf. P. Giessen 81. 6, 

το. Cf. 780. 13-15 σπονδῆς τῶν ὅλων παιδαρίοις δραχμὰς τέσσαρας, Archiv v. p. 253; 
P. Hamburg 94. 33, n., Ρ. 5.1. 109 A 7. 

τό. ois ἐὰν αἱρητ]α[ι] is not satisfactory though perhaps just possible ; but υἱοῖς καί is very 


23:2 X 37°3 cM. A.D. 291. 

This long and interesting document contains an affirmation (ἐκμαρτύρησις, 
1. 30), drawn up before tlie representative of the agoranomus (cf. note on 1. 2), 
of the validity of a private contract of sale and cession dating from the previous 
year. The property sold and ceded by the contract, a copy of which is given 
(11. 6-28), was # of an aroura of arable land, with a share in appliances for 
irrigating, for which the large sum of 1 talent 3,000 drachmae was paid. 

What is the significance of this process of éxywapt¥pnois? Another example 
of it is 95, a re-affirmation of a contract for the sale of a slave, but that papyrus 
is unfortunately incomplete. It has occurred in the present volume in 1199. 19, 
and a similar allusion is to be recognized, according to Eger’s obviously right 


restoration (Ag. Grundbuchwesen, p. 958), in B. G. U. 619. 14-16 ἐωνῆσθαι [Kalra 
χειρόγρ(αφον) τὸ καὶ ἐϊκμεϊμαρτυρημένον διὰ δημοσίας ὁμολογίας. The four contracts 
to which ἐκμαρτύρησις was thus applied were alike in this, that they were all 
private cheirographa. By the ἐκμαρτύρησις the cheirographon was embodied 
in a notarial document, and so elevated into a δημόσιος χρηματισμός. The 
process would thus appear to be a form of publication. According to 1208. 5, 
however, the purchaser of the land, who makes the ἐκμαρτύρησις, had already 
presented to the keeper of the μνημονεῖον a copy of the original contract for 
registration at the βιβλιοθήκη ἐγκτήσεων. But the ἀγορανομεῖον and μνημονεῖον were 
in close association (cf. e.g. 1. 2), and the possibility remains that the registration 
and the ἐκμαρτύρησις were parts or stages of the same process. According to 
1199, ἐκμαρτύρησις preceded the application to the βιβλιοφύλακες for παράθεσις. 

But in any case we here seem to obtain a proof which has hitherto been 
lacking that δημοσίωσις or public registration of cheirographa could be effected 
elsewhere than at the archives of Alexandria. Some indications of this local 
publication have indeed already occurred: see P. Leipzig 31 (Oxyrhynchus), 
Amh. 98 (Hermopolis), and especially Grenf. ii. 70 (Kusis), which is closely similar 
in form to the present document and can now be better understood ; cf. ibid. 71. 
25-6. But the evidence of those documents was not sufficiently explicit to 
convince Mitteis, who in Grundziige, p. 86, adheres to the view that the publica- 
tion of cheirographa ‘bei den landlichen γραφεῖα nicht vollzogen werden konnte’. 
The clear statement of 1. 5 renders that view no longer tenable. There is no 
word here of the Alexandrian libraries, and the δημοσίωσις provided for in ll. 24-5 
is carried out on the spot. 

1 Ἔτους ¢ Avtoxpéropo|s| Καίσαρος Γαίου Αὐρηλίου Οὐαλερίου Διοκλητιαν  ο]Ὁ 
καὶ ἔτους ¢ Αὐτοκρ[άτο]ρος Καίσαρος Μάρκου] Αὐρηλίου Οὐαλερίου 
Μαξιμιανοῦ Γερμανικῶν Μεγίστων Εὐσεβῶν Εὐτυχῶν Σ᾿ εβαστῶν 

2 [Ξ]Ἰαντικοῦ Μεχεὶρ) ἐν τῇ λ[αμ)πρᾷ καὶ λαμπροτάτῃ ᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλει 
ἐπὶ Aup|nrljov Ayabeivov τοῦ καὶ [. Ἰωγένους ἀσχολοζυμ]ένου ὠνὴν 
ἀγορανομίου καὶ μνημονίου. 

8 ὁμίολο]γεῖ Αὐρηλία Θερὶμοϊύθιον ἐπικεκλημένη Tavexadris Νεφερῶτος μη(τρὸΞ) 
[Ταν]εχώτιδος ἀπὸ κώμης ΠἸακέρκη ἀπηλιώτ[ο]ν οὐδέπω οὖσα τῶν 
ἐτῶν διὰ τοῦ πατρὸς "Αὐρηλίου ΝΝεφερῶτος Διονυσίου 

4 alo] τῆς αὐτῆς κώμης ἐν [ἀ)γυιᾷ ἐκμαρτυρεῖσθαι τῷ ἑαυϊτ]ῆς τιμήματι 
ἣν προξίθεῖτο αὐτῇ Αὐρήλιος Od{viols Θώνιος ἀπὸ (τῆς) λαμπρᾶς 
καὶ λαμπροτάτης Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλεως ἰδιόγραφον πρᾶσιν γενομένην 

ee ee a ee. ὦ .. 

oe oT Δ. σέ 






1208. CONTRACTS 247 

τίῷ διελθόντι ἔτει μηνὶ ᾿Επεὶφ []α, ἧς μοναχὸν αὐθεἸντικὸν ἐπήνεγκεν 
[ἡ ὁϊμολογοῦσα τῷ πρὸϊς τ]ῷ μνημονίῳ συνκαταχωρισθησόμενον εἶς] 
τὸ ἐπὶ τόπων βιβλιοφυλάκιον, (ov) ἐστιν ἀντίγραφον" 

Αὐϊρή)λιος Θώνιος Θώνιος μηί(τρὸφ) [Alprepiddpas ἀπὸ τῆς λίαμ)]πρᾶς καὶ 

λαμπροτάτης ᾿Οἰξυ]ρυγχιτῶν πόλεως μ[ετ]ὰ συνβεβαιωτοῦ τοῦ πατρὸς 
τοῦ καὶ ἔχοντος αὐτὸν ὑπὸ τῇ χειρὶ κατὰ τοὺς Ῥωμαίων v{v}dpous 

Δἰὐρη)λίου Θωνίου Σ᾽ ερήν[ο]ν μ[η]ϊτρὸς) ᾿Ισαροῦτος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς] πόλεως 
Αὐρηλίᾳ Θερμουθίῳ ἐπικεκλημέν[ῃ ΤΊἸανεχώτιδι Νεφερῶτος pn(rpos) 
Τανεχώτιδος ἀπὸ κώμης Πακέρκη ἀπηλιώτου οὐδέπω οὔσῃ τῶν ἐτῶν 

[dia τ]οῦ πατρὸς Αὐρηλίου Nedglep|@ros Διονυσίου ἀπὸ τ[ῆς] αὐτῆς κώμης 
χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ πεπρακέναϊι καὶ παρακεχωρηκέν[α]ι σοι ἀπὸ τοῦ 
νῦν εἰς τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον τὸ ὑπάρχον μοι κληρονομικῷ δικαίῳ 

ἱπρόϊτερον τῆς δηλουμένης μου μητρὸς Αὐρηλίας ‘Ap[re|uddpas Π[αυ]σίριος 
μη(τρὸθ) ᾿Ισεῖτος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς] πόλεως τετελευτηκυίης ἐπί τε ἐμοὶ 
καὶ ἐπὶ τοῖς μου ἀδελφοῖς ὁμογνησίῳ μὲν Αὐρηλίῳ Δημητρίῳ ὁμομη- 

ἱτρίοι)ς δὲ Αὐρηλί[ο]ις Διογένει κ[α]ὶ ᾿Ισιδώρῳ καὶ ᾿Ισεῖτι τοῖς [τρι]σὶ ἐκ 
πατρ[ὸς] ᾿Ερμείου τοῖς πέντε v{folis καὶ κληρ[ον]όμοις καὶ αἰὐτ]ῆς 
κληρονομικῷ δ᾽ Πκαίῳ πρότερον τοῦ ἑα[υ]Ἱτῆς πατρὸς Αὐρηλίου Παυσίριος 

μίη(τρὸς) ‘Alprepidépas ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως ἀκολούθως [ἢ] ἀπολέλυπεν 
δι[αθ]ήκῃ τῷ β (ἔτει) Κλαυδίου, ὃ ἐγένετο] a (ἔτος) Αὐρηλιανοῦ, [μ]ηνὶ 
Τῦβι.., τῇ καὶ μετὰ τελευτὴν αὐτοῦ λυθείίσῃ, ὠνη[σ]αμένου καὶ τοῦ 
ITavoipios πα[ρ]ὰ ΔΑ ὐρηλ[ίου 

‘H[péppjovos Παυσανίου τοῦ κα[ὴ Εὐτύχου μη(τρὸς) Ἑρμειόνης ἀπίὸ tlh 
αὐτῆς πόλεως] καθ᾽ [ἣδιόγραφ[ο]ν πρᾶσιν καὶ [πα]ραχώρησιν γίεν]ο- 
μέϊν]ην τίῷ] ιβ (ἔτει) Ταλλιήνου Παχὼν xy, {emi κώμῃ Πακέρκη 
ἀπηλιώτου ἐκ Tod. αμε. [.. 

σ[ὺν τ]ω EmdvOovs κλήρων πέμπτον [σιτ]ικῶν ἰδιωτι[κῆ]ς ἀρουρῶν τεσσάρων, 

6 [ἐστῆιν ἀρούρης ἥμισυ τέταρτον εἸἰκοστόν, οὐσῶν [ald κοινωνικῶν 
πρὸς ‘Qpiwva ‘Axpovo( ) ἀρουρῶν ὀκτώ, καὶ αὐτῶν οὐσῶν ἀπὸ ὅλων 

εἴϊκοσ)ι [ὀϊκτώ, ἢ ὅσων ἐὰν dol, ἐν] αἷς ὑδρεύματα καὶ μηχ[αν]ὴ ἐξηρτι- 
σμένη πάσῃ ξυλικῇ καταρτείᾳ καὶ σιδη[ρ]ώσει, σὺν τῷ αἱροῦντι 
[μ]έρει τῶν ὑδρευμάτων [κ]αὶ μηχανῆς, τῶν δὲ ὅλων γίτονες νότου 
ὁδὸς καὶ ἐκ τῶν ἄλλων 













Tpilaly ἀνέμων διῶρυξ, τιμῆϊς Kali παραχωρητικοῦ τοῦ [πἸέμπτου μέρους τῶν 
προκειμένων ἰδιωτικῆς ἀϊρουϊρῶν τεσσάρων καὶ τοῦ αἱροῦντος μέρους 
τῶν ὑδρευμάτων καὶ μηχανῆς τῶν συμπεφωνημένων πρὸς ἀλλήλους 

᾽ 4 ~ 7 ~ 3 a 2 

[ἀργυρίου Σεβαστῶν νομίσματος] δραχμῶν evvaxicyiAijov, αἵ εἰσι 
ἀργυρίίηου τάλαντοὴν ἕν «καὶ δραχμαὶ τρισχίίλιαι, ἅσπερ αὐτόθι 
ἀπέσχον παρὰ σοῦ διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ πατρός σου ἐκ πλήρους διὰ χειρός, 
ἀποχαρισθέν σοι ws προσφερη 

‘ 7 > 4 ἈΝ > Ἀ 4 ~ b] ~ 7 
καὶ ἰχ]άριν ἀναφέρετον καὶ apletavd|nrov, καὶ περὶ τοῦ ἠριθμῆσθαί pe 
; ε , 2 ~ ~ ’ Χ Zz 
ἐξ ὁλοκλήρου ἐπακολουθοῦντος τοῦ m[latlpés μου καὶ συναριθμουμένου 
ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὑπὸ σοῦ ὡμολόγησα. κρατῖν οὖν σε καὶ κυριεύειν σὺν 
\ A 4 ~ s ~ A ‘ ? 
καὶ τοῖς παρὰ σοῦ μεταλημϊψομέϊνοις τοῦ πωλουμένοϊυ] Kai παραχωρουμένου 
σοι ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ ὡς πρόκειται] πέμπτου μέρους σιτικῶν ἰδιωτικῆς ἀρουρῶν 
τεσσάρων καὶ τοῦ μέρους τῶν ὑδρευμάτων καὶ μηχανῆς 

Γ A 4 a4 = \ 3 » ‘ ; πον IX fats) 

[Kal ἐϊξουσίαν ἔχ[ιν χρᾶσθαι [Kai οἰκονομεῖν περὶ αὐτοῦ als] ἐὰν αἱρῇ, 
μηδεμιᾶς μοί μηδ᾽ ἄλλῳ μηδενὶ [ὑπ]ὲρ ἐμοῦ ἐφόδου καταϊλιπομένης 
ἐπὶ τοῦτο ἢ ἐπὶ μέρος αὐτοῦ κατὰ μηδένα τρόπον, ὅπερ καὶ ἐπάναγ- 

[ke]s παρέξομαί σοι βέϊβαιον διὰ παντὸς ἀπὸ πάντίω)ν πάσῃ βαβαιώσει 
καὶ καθαρὸν ἀπό τε γεϊωργ]ΐίας βασιλικῆς καὶ οὐσιακῆς γῆς καὶ παντὸς 
εἴδους καὶ ὀφειλῆς καὶ κατοχῆς πάσης δημοσίας τε 

Ἁ 3 ~ ‘ ~ A 3 a A 

[kalt idtwrexys Kai mi............. 1 πολειτικῆς Kal ἀπὸ παντὸς 

οὑτ[ἐνοσοἹῦν ἄλ[λ]ου [εἸἴΐδουϊς κ]αὶ ἀπὸ ἀπίεργ]ασίας καὶ... .1. λ[.]. vas 

χωμάτων Kali ἀπὸ τῶν [ὑἹπ' ἱλλων τελουμένων δημοσίων καὶ 



[kat ἐϊπιμερισμῶν παντοίων [τῶν elas τοῦ ἐνεστίῶτ]ος καὶ αὐτοῦ τίο]ῦ 
ἐνεστῶϊτοὶϊς > (ἔτους) καὶ ε (ἔτους) διὰ τὸ τὰ dard τοῦ ἰσειόντος ¢ (ἔτους) 
Kali ¢] (ἔτους) τούτων πρόσφοϊρα] εἶναι σοῦ τοῦ ὠνουμέν ovpev}ou καὶ 
παραχωρουμένου, ' 

πὶρὸς] ὃν καὶ eiv[ale τὰ ἀπὸ λήξεως τοῦ] αὐτοῦ ἐνεστ[ῶτο)ς ¢ (ἔτους) καὶ 
σ (ἔτους) δημόσια καὶ [ἐπ]ικλασμοὺς πάντα[ς,) πάντα δὲ τὸν καθ᾽ 
ὁνδηποτοῦν τρ[όϊπον ἐπελευσόμενον ἢ ἐμποιησόμενον τούτου 

ὅϊλου] ἢ μέρους αὐτοῦ ἐπάν! ααγκεὶς ἀποστήσω πἰα]ρ[αἸχρῆμα ταῖς ἐμαυΐε- 
μα[υ]) τοῦ δαπάναις καθάϊπερ ἔϊκ δίκης. κυρία ἡ πρᾶσις καὶ παρα- 
χώρ[η]σις τρισσὴ γραφεῖσα, ἥμπερ ὁπηνίκα ἐὰν αἱρῇ ἀποίσις 
διὰ δη- 



= eyes 

— Tr 

a ee eee ee a δ"... 4"." 

1308. CONTRACTS 249 

25. ~~ μίοσίου ov] προσδεομένη ἑϊτέρ)ας pov] εὐδοκήσεως διὰ τὸ ἐντεῦθεν εὐδοκεῖν 
τῇ ἐσομένῃ δημίοσιώ)σι, περὶ δὲ τοῦ ταῦτα ὀρθῶς καλῶς πεπρᾶχθαι 
ἐπερωτηθέντες ὑπὸ σοῦ διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ πατρός σου ὡμολ(ογήσαμεν). 

26 (ἔτους) ς καὶ (ἔτους) ε τῶν κυρίων [ἡμ)ῶν Αὐτοκρατόρων Δ]ιοϊκλητιανοῦ 
καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβαστῶν ᾿Επεὶϊφ] wa. «Αὐρήλιος Θώνιος Θώνιος 
πέπρακα καὶ παρεχώρησα τὸ πέμπτον μέρος τῶν ἀρουρῶν τεσσάρων 

‘ 2 ς , Lond 3 “ , Ν by | Ν ~ 

2) σὺϊν μ]έρι ὑδρευμάτων τῶν aplov|pay τεσσάρων Kal ἀπέσχον τὸ THIS] 

τιμῆς καὶ παραχωρητικοῦ ἀργυρίου τίάλ]αντον ἕν καὶ δραχμὰς 

’ ᾿ ’Ἅ Ν > ~ Sin fe « Ν 2 
τρισχιλίας καὶ BeBai[dlow καὶ εὐδοκῶ τῇ δημοσιώσι, ws καὶ ἐπε- 
ρ(ωτηθεὶς) ὡμολόγησα. 

28 Αὐρήλιος Θώνιος [σ]υνβεβαιῶ rd{v} πέμπτον μέρος τῶν [ἀρο)υρῶν καὶ 


εὐδοκῶ τῇ πράσει, ὡς καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα. Αὐρήλιος 
Ἀπίων ὁ καὶ Θέων ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ μὴ εἰδότος γράμματα. 
ἕως τούτου 
290 τὸ ἀϊντίγραφον). κ[υ]ρία ἡ ὁμολ(ογία), περὶ δὲ [τ]οῦ ταῦτα ὀρθῶς καλῶς 
ΤΠ πεπίρ]ᾶχθαι ἐπερ(ωτηθεὶς) ὁ ὁμολ(ογῶν) ὡμολ(όγησεν) ἐν ἀγυιᾷ τῇ αὐτῇ. 
and hand 30 Αὐϊρ]ηλία Θερμούθι(ον) δι᾿ ἐϊμο]ῦ τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτῆς Νεφερῶτος 
πεποίημαι τὴν ἐϊκμ]αρτύρησιν ὡς πρόκειται. Αὐρήλιος “Ἡτρῆς ὁ καὶ 
‘Apiov ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ μὴ εὐδότος 
31 γράϊμ]ματα. [ 
3rd hand 32 Αὐρήλιος 'Ayabivos ὁ καὶ ᾿Ωριγένης κεχ[ρ]ημάίτικα). 

I. yaiov . ..c¢Baore Pap. 2. οξ[υ]ρυγ᾽χιτων Pap. ; so in ll. 4, 6. 4. idtoypapov Pap. 
5. emnvey kev Pap. 6. ὕπο Pap.; so in Il. 17, 25. 7. ἴσαρουτος Pap. 8, ὕπαρχον 
Pap. 9. ioeros Pap.; so inl. ro. reredeutnkuins Pap. το. iodwpo ... ifioks Pap. 
11. 1. ἀπολέλοιπεν. 13. 1. κλήρου. Ἰδιωτικης Pap.; so in ll. 15, 18. apoup® Pap. 
18. ὕδρευματων Pap.; so in], 27. 19. emavay Pap. 22. ἵσειοντος Pap. 29, 1. ¢ 
(ἔτους) καὶ ε for ¢ (ἔτους) καὶ 5. 25. ἡ Οἵ προσδεομενη corr. from os. 29. ayia Pap. 

‘The seventh year of the Emperor Caesar Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus and 
the sixth year of the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus Germanici 
Maximi Pii Felices Augusti, Xandicus-Mecheir, in the illustrious and most illustrious city of 
Oxyrhynchus, before Aurelius Agathinus also called Origenes, farmer of the tax payable to 
the agoranomi and recorders. Aurelia Thermouthion surnamed Tanechotis, daughter of 
Nepheros and Tanechotis, of the village of Pakerke in the eastern toparchy, being not yet 
_ of age and acting through her father Aurelius Nepheros son of Dionysius, of the said village, 
acknowledges, in the street, that she hereby deposes at her own valuation to the autograph 
deed of sale formerly agreed to with her by Aurelius Thonius son of Thonis, of the 
illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, and drawn up in the past year on the 
rrth of the month Epeiph, of which she, the acknowledging party, presented a single 


authentic copy to the keeper of the record office to be deposited in the local archives, 
of which the following is a copy. 

‘ Aurelius Thonius son of Thonis and Artemidora, of the illustrious and most illustrious 
city of Oxyrhynchus, with his father, who has him under power according to Roman law, 
as co-guarantor, namely Aurelius Thonius son of Serenus and Isarous, of the said city, to 
Aurelia Thermouthion surnamed Tanechotis, daughter of Nepheros and Tanechotis, of the 
village of Pakerke in the eastern toparchy, being not yet of age and acting through her 
father Aurelius Nepheros son of Dionysius, of the said village, greeting. I acknowledge 
that I have sold and ceded to you from henceforth for ever my property by right of 
inheritance and formerly belonging to my aforesaid mother Aurelia Artemidora daughter 
of Pausiris and Iseis, of the said city, who died leaving me and my brothers, namely my 
full brother Aurelius Demetrius and my half-brothers on my mother’s side, Aurelius 
Diogenes, Aurelius Isidorus, and Aurelius Iseis, her three children by Hermias, the five of us, 
her sons and heirs, which was hers by right of inheritance, having formerly belonged to her 
father Aurelius Pausiris son of Dionysius and Artemidora, of the said city, in accordance 
with the will left by him in the second year of Claudius which was the first year of Aurelian, 
the . . of the month Tubi, and opened after his death, and had been bought by the father 
of Pausiris, Aurelius Herammon son of Pausanias also called Eutychus, his mother being 
Hermione, of the said city, in accordance with an autograph sale and cession drawn up 
in the 12th year of Gallienus, Pachon 23, at the village of Pakerke in the eastern toparchy, 
in the holding of... with that of Epanthes, the fifth part of four arable arourae of private 
land, that is 4 of an aroura, forming part of a parcel of 8 arourae held jointly with Horion 
son of Acrono..., which themselves formed part of a total of 28 arourae, or thereabouts, 
containing irrigators and a machine fitted with all wood-work and iron-work, together with 
the proportionate share of the irrigators and machine, the boundaries being on the south 
a road and on the other three sides a canal, at the price and cession-value agreed upon 
between us for the fifth part of the aforesaid four arourae of private land and irrigators and 
machine, namely g,ooo. drachmae of the Imperial silver coinage, that is one talent 3,000 
drachmae of silver, which I have forthwith received from you through your said father from 
hand to hand in full, and for which the land is bestowed upon you as a present and gift 
unchangeable and irrevocable, and to your question whether I have counted the money in 
full with the concurrence and assistance of my father I have given my assent. You shall 
therefore possess and own with your descendants and successors the fifth part sold and ceded 
to you by me as aforesaid of the four arable arourae of private land and the share of the 
irrigators and machine, and shall have power to use and dispose of it as you choose, no 
right of proceeding against it or any part of it in any wise being left to me nor to any one 
else on my behalf, and I will of necessity deliver it to you guaranteed perpetually against all 
claims with every guarantee, free from cultivation of royal or domain land and from every 
impost and debt and lien public and private, and from municipal . . .and every other impost 
and from construction and . . . of dykes and from public dues and requisitions and contri- 
butions paid for other purposes of every kind up to and including the present 6th and 
5th year, because from the coming 7th and 6th year the proceeds of this property are yours 
who are purchasing it and having it ceded to you, and who are to be responsible for the 
public dues and all requisitions from the end of the present 6th and 5th year. And every one 
who in any manner proceeds against or claims this property, whether the whole or a part 
of it, I will of necessity and at once repel at my own cost, as if in consequence of a legal 
decision. This sale and cession, of which three copies are made, is valid, and you 
shall whenever you choose make it public without requiring any further approval from me, 
because I now approve the eventual publication, and to your question made through 
your father whether this is rightly and fairly done we have given our assent.’ Date 


1208. CONTRACTS 251 

and signatures of the parties to the contract and of Agathinus, the official of the record 

2. The second name of Agathinus, as is shown by his signature in 1. 32, was ᾿Ωριγένης, 
which was here misspelled in some way ; perhaps ’Qpayévous was written. 

ἀσχολο[υμένου . . . μνημονίου : cf. 1209. 5 and, for the farmers of the dyopavopeiov, &c., 
44. 6-7 τῶν τὸ ἐνκύκλιον ἀσχολουμένων καὶ τοῦ τὸ dyopavopioy, 22-3 τῶν τε TO ἐνκύκλιον καὶ τὸ 
γραφεῖον ἀσχολουμένων, Wilcken, Οὐ]. il. 1053. 1 μέ(τοχοι) τελ(ῶναι) ἀγο(ρανομείου) ; μνημονεῖον 
as a tax is found in P. Brit. Mus. 856. 17. It is now seen that these tax-farmers could 
discharge the notarial functions of the agoranomus ; the present document is drawn up, like 
others made ἐπὶ ἀγορανόμου at Oxyrhynchus, ἐν ἀγυιᾷ, and is signed by the ἀσχολούμενος τὴν 
ὠνήν with the characteristic κεχρημάτικα. In what circumstances the agoranomus was 
replaced in this manner is obscure. It is noteworthy in this connexion that in Heracleopolite 
contracts of the third century the regular phrase is δι᾿ ἐπιτηρητῶν dyopavopias. 

Be ἀπηλιώτἠ οἦυ : sc. τοπαρχίας ; οἷ. 583. 17, note. 

οὐδέπω οὖσα τῶν ἐτῶν : cf. 275. 8, Mitteis, Grundziige, p. 251. 

4. τῷ ἑαυτ]ῆς τιμήματι : cf. e.g. 85. 7 προσφωνοῦμεν ἰδίῳ τιμήματι, and 1200. 45 τὸ τοῦ 
τειμήματος τέλος, P. Leipzig το. ii.21. The analogy of the two latter passages suggests that 
here too a τέλος was in view, though it is not directly named. 

5. ἐπήνεγκεν : οἵ. Amh. 98. 11, where ἐπηνέχθ(η) κ (ἔτους) Φαῶφι follows the abstract of 
the cheirographon. For συνκαταχωρισθησόμενον οἵ. 6. ». 1200. 47. In the present passage 
too σύν must imply a ὑπόμνημα or some similar accompanying document. 

6. συνβεβαιωτοῦ : cf. B. G. U. 937. 6, C.P. R. 149. 6, P. Leipzig 4. 6, 5. 11. 2. 

ὑπὸ τῇ χειρί = 1771 manu, commonly used of the status of married women, but also of 
children e.g. Just. i. 12. 6 filios suos vel filias .. . sua manu dimitterent, Cod. Just. vii. 40, I. 2 
filtts familias .. . postquam manu paterna ... fuerint liberatt. Mitteis perhaps goes rather 
too far in asserting (Grundziige, p. 275) that the patria pofesias was to the Romanized 
provincial a matter of no importance. 

7. Θωνίου : cf. 1. 28 Θώνιος ; but in 1, 6 Θώνιος is given as the genitive. 

το. Is(e)is is apparently masculine also in P. Brit. Mus. 188. 46. 

11. τῷ B (ἔτει) Κλαυδίου krd.: there must be some error here, for Alexandrian coins 
show that Claudius reached a third year; cf. P. Strassb. 7. 21. Presumably y should be 
read for 6; the copyist makes a mistake in figures in |. 23 also, not to mention other 
inaccuracies. For [ἢ] drodéd(or\rev . . . AvO[ei]on cf. e.g. P. Leipzig ro, ii, 12-13. 

13. σ[ὺν τ]ῷ . . . κλήρων : the same mistake occurs in 1124. 21-4. 

14. Cf. P.S.1. 77. 14-16 μηχανὴν... . ἐξηρτισμένην πάσῃ ξυλικῇ ἐξαρτίᾳ καὶ σιδηρώμασιν ; there 
does not seem to be room here for σιδηϊρώμ]ασει. For καταρτεία cf. Ῥ. Brit. Mus. 1164. (1) 
17, 25, where the same word is meant, and e.g. Artemid. 2. 53 τὸ πλοῖον καὶ 7) καταρτία. 

16-17. προσφερη is apparently for προσφοράν ; cf. e.g. C.P.R. 24. 8 κατὰ προσφορὰν 
ἀναφαίρετον, and for the combination [χ]άριν ἀναφαίρετον καὶ ἀμ[ετανό]ητον, P. Grenf. ii. 70, 7-8. 

21. Perhaps πἰάσης λιτουργίαςἾἿ πολειτικῆς, but the adjective is doubtfully read, and the 
letter preceding ἃ may be a v. ἐργασία τῶν χωμάτων is coupled with δημόσια καὶ ἀννῶναι 
καὶ παντοῖαι ἐπιβολαί in B.G.U. 519. 16. The following substantive was probably not 
ἐπιμελείας. For ἐπικλασμοί cf, P. Tebt. 373. 12, note. 

22. πρόσφορα] here means revenues, as in P. Tebt. 88. 15, &c., ἄλλο πρόσφορον μηθὲν ἔχειν ; 
cf. P. Giessen 51. 18-19 (also from Oxyrhynchus), where ἱτῆς ὠνουμένης or ᾿Αχιλλίδος, πάντα δὲ 
τ]όν should be restored on the present analogy, and e.g. 504. 26-7, Ρ. Leipzig 6. 12-13. 

24. καθάπερ €|k δίκης : so probably P. Giessen 51. 21 rather than καὶ δαπάναις. 

24-5. Cf. e.g. 1200. 34-7. In 95. 35 a negative is to be supplied before 




28-9. ἕως τούτου τὸ ἀ(ντίγραφον) : τάν ρας Is very doubtful, but seems more suitable 
than χ[ζι(ρόγραφον) or y[p(appareiov). Cf. P. Grenf. ii. 70. 19 ἕως τούτου τὸ χειρόγζραϊφον, as 
rightly read by Wilcken, Archiv iii. p. 124. The formula ἐκτὸς τῶν προαστείων found in |. 3 
of that papyrus and in others from the Great Oasis seems to be the local phrase corresponding 
to the Oxyrhynchite ἐν ἀγυιᾷ. 

ste Cf. P. Grenf. ii. 7O. 24 χρηματιστὴς κεχ]ρημάτικα, and 99. 12. Bry’s error in 
supposing this use of χρηματίζειν to be confined to the Ptolemaic period (La vente dans les 
papyrus, p. 87) has already been pointed out by Mitteis, Grundziige, p. 61'. 

21-5 X 12-7 cm. A.D. 251-3. 
A contract for the sale of a young female slave and her infant son at the 
price of 2,000 drachmae; cf. 94-5, 263, B.G. U. 193, &c., Mitteis, Grundziige, 

pp. 192-4. The deed was drawn up, like 1208, before an ἀσχολούμενος ὠνὴν 
᾿ἀγορανομείου, on whom see the note on 1208. 2. 

As a small point of palaeographical interest it may be noted that in two 
places (1. 6 pnrpd(s), 1. 15 μελίχρο(υν)) the writer of this papyrus abbreviates words 
without any suspension of letters or other indication of abbreviation. This 
method is not therefore confined to the early Ptolemaic period, as supposed by 
Wilcken, Grundziige, p. xl; cf. Mitteis, Chrestomathie, p. 101. 

["Erous . ΑὐἸτοκρ[αϊτόρων Καισάρων Γαίου Οὐιβίου Τρεβωνιανοῦ 
[Γάλλου καὶ Ταίο]υ OvjiBilov ᾿Αφινίον Γάλλου Οὐελδουμιανοῦ Οὐολουσιανοῦ 
[Εὐσεβῶν Εὐτυχ[ῶ]ν Σεβαστῶν Δαισίου Φαρμοῦθι 
[ἐν ᾽Οξ]υρύγχων πόλει ἐπὶ Αὐρηλίου ‘Avrimdrpov τοῦ καὶ Διονυσίου 
5 [ἀσχ]ολουμένου ὠνὴν ἀγορανομείου. 
[ἐπρίίατο Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ασκληπιάδης 6 καὶ Σ᾽ αρᾶς Yapamiwvos pyrpas) 
[ΔουκἸίλλης τῆς καὶ Δημητρίας ἀπ᾽ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως ὡς (ἐτῶν) AB 
[ἄσημ(ος] παρὰ Αὐρηλίου Σερήνου τοῦ καὶ Yapamiwvos Ayabeivov 
[μητρὸ]ς Ταποσείριος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως ὡς (ἐτῶν) AO ἀσήμ(ου), ἐν ἀ- 
10 [γυιᾷ, τὴν ὑπάρχουσαν αὐτῷ ὠνηθεῖσαν ὑπ’ αὐτοῦ κατὰ χρη- 
ἱματισμὸν γενόμενον διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἀγορανομείου τῷ ὃ (ἔτει) 
[Φιλίππ]ων μηνὶ Φαμενὼθ ἀπὸ τῆς τοῦ ὠνουμένου μητρὸς 
[4 ὐρηλ)ίας Δουκίλλης τῆς καὶ Δημητρίας Εὐπόρου τοῦ Διογένους 
[μητρὸς] Ταύριος τῆς καὶ Φιλουμένης ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως 
15 [οἰκογεΙνὴν αὐτῆς δούλην ὀνόματι Τερέα ὡς (ἐτῶν) κα μελίχρο(υν) ο(ὐλὴ) 
ΠΡΌΣ ]η σὺν ὑποτιτ(θγίῳ αὐϊτ]ῆς ἀρρενικῷ βρέφει ὀνόματι 

1209. CONTRACTS 253 

[φ]εν ὁ πριάμενος παρὰ τοῦ [ἀϊποδομένου ταῦτα τοιαῦτα 
[ἰἀναπόρ]ιφα ἐκτὸς ὄντα ἱερᾶς] νόσου καὶ ἐπαφῆς, ἀνα- 

20 [κριθίση)ς τῆς Τερεῦτος ὡς διὰ τοῦ προτέρου χρηματισμοῦ 
[ἰδηλοῦται, τὰς δὲ συμπεφωνημένας πρὸς ἀλλήλους 
[ὑπὲρ τῆς αἸὐτῆς δούλης σὺν τῷ ὑποτι(τ)θίῳ ἀργυρίου Σ᾽ εβαστῶν 
[νομίσματος δραχμὰς δισχειλίας ἀπέσχεν ὁ ἀποδόμενος 
᾿[4ὐρήλιος] Σαραπίων ὁ καὶ Σερῆνος παρὰ τοῦ ἀποδομένου 

25, [Ἀὐρηλίου ‘AloxAnmiddov τοῦ καὶ Σαρᾶ διὰ χειρός. πωλεῖ καὶ 
[βεβαιοῖ ὁ ἀποδόμενος τὴν αὐτὴν δούλην σὺν τῷ ὑποτιτ(θ)ί- 

πο π|ὺ... | ὀνόματος αὐτοῦ ὡς πρόκειται ἐν ἀ- 
[γυιᾷ τῇ αὐτῇ, περὶ δὲ τοῦ ταῦτα ὀρθῶς καλῶς γεγε- 
[νῆσθαι ἐπερώτη)σεν ὁ ὠνούμενος ὡμολόγησεν 

30 [ὁ ἀποδόμενος. 

and hand [Ἁ4ὐρήλιος ᾿Ασκληπηάδης ὁ καὶ Σαρᾶς ἐπριάμην τὴν δούλην 
[ὡς πρόκ(ειτα). Αὐρήλιος Σ᾽ αραπίων ὁ κἹ]αὶ Σεἰρῆ)νίος τ]ὴν τειμὴϊν ἔσχο]ν 
[ὡς πρόκί(ειται) . .. 

I. γαΐου Pap. 10. ὕπαρχουσαν.... im Pap. 16. ὕποτιτιω Pap.; so in Il. 17, 22. 
19. iep[as| Pap. 24. |. πριαμένου for ἀποδομένου. 

‘The... year of the Emperors and Caesars Gaius Vibius Trebonianus Gallus and 
Gaius Vibius Aphinius Gallus Veldumianus Volusianus Pii Felices Augusti, Daisius 
Pharmouthi , at the city of Oxyrhynchus, before Aurelius Antipater also called 
Dionysius, farmer of the tax payable to the agoranomi. Aurelius Asclepiades also called 
Saras, son of Sarapion and Lucilla also called Demetria, of the city of Oxyrhynchus, aged 
about 32, with no distinguishing mark, has purchased from Aurelius Serenus also called 
Sarapion, son of Agathinus and Taposiris, of the said city, aged about 34, with no dis- 
' tinguishing mark, in the street, the female slave belonging to him named Tereus, aged about 
21, fair, with a scar on her ..., together with her male nursling child named. . ., who was 
purchased by him in accordance with a deed made through the said office of the agoranomi 
in the 4th year of the Philippi in the month Phamenoth from the mother of the present 
purchaser Aurelia Lucilla also called Demetria, daughter of Euporus son of Diogenes, her 
mother being Tauris also called Philumene, of the said city, and was born in her house, which 
slave together with the nursling the purchaser has forthwith received from the vendor just as they 
are and unrenounceable, free from epilepsy and external claims, Tereus having been examined 
as set forth in the former deed; and the price mutually agreed upon for the said slave and 
the nursling, 2,000 drachmae of silver of the Imperial coinage, has been received by the 
vendor Aurelius Sarapion also called Serenus from the purchaser Aurelius Asclepiades also 
called Saras from hand to hand. The vendor sells and guarantees the said slave with the 
nursling [on the liability of all that stands in (?)] his name, as aforesaid, in the same street, 


"and to the purchaser’s question whether this has been rightly and fairly done the vendor has 
given his assent.’ Signatures. 

3. The day of the month, as frequently happens, has not been filled in. 

15. [οἰκογε]νήν is a justifiable restoration in spite of the final ν, for which cf. e. g. B. G. U. 
13. 8 ὑγιὴν καὶ downy, Ep. Hebr. vi. 19 ἀσφαλήν. 

17. The spelling ὑποτίθιος occurs in B. G. U. 629. 14, 1058. 12. 

19. ἐκτὸς ὄντα... ἐπαφῆς : 850 e.g. P. Leipzig 4. 19, 5. 11. 8; cf. B.G. Ὁ. 887. 5, 937. 11. 
The sense of manus iniectto for ἐπαφή in this context seems now established by P. Strassb. 79 
(cf. Kiibler in Z. Sav, xxxii. pp. 366sqq.), which contains the passage (I. 7) ἀναπόριφον 
(or ἀσυκοφάντητο]νῚ πλὴν ἐπαφῆς. ἐὰν δέ τις ἐπαφὴ γένηται, ἐγδικήσει ὁ ἀποδόμενος ; cf. B.G, Ὁ, 
887. 5-6, 1. For ἀνα[κριθίση)ς (Mitteis) cf. P. Brit. Mus. 251. 7, Leipzig 4. 15. 

27. Some definition of the liability of the βεβαιωτής seems to have stood at the beginning 
of this line, 6. g. ἐν πασὶ τοῖς ἐπ᾽] ὀνόματος. 

29-30. Cf. e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 251. 8-10, Leipzig 4. 31; a similar restoration is 
attractive, as Mitteis has remarked (I. c. p. 368"), in P. Strassb. 79. 9. 



32:5 X 22:5 cm. Late first century B.c. 
or early first century a.p. 

This text is written on the recto of 1184 in a large semi-uncial hand which 
can hardly be later than the reign of Tiberius and is more likely to belong to 
that of Augustus. There are remains of two columns, but those of the first are 
confined to the ends of a few scattered lines and are not worth reproducing. 
The second is entire and is concerned with the poll-tax in the Oxyrhynchite and 
other nomes. At the top of the column are two lines which gave the total of 
persons paying the tax in the Oxyrhynchite and Cynopolite nomes,—or rather, 
which were intended to give them, for the figures here and elsewhere, except in 

}, 12, are omitted, the document never having been completed. Below this . 

are two other sections, one reporting the numbers of persons chosen by their 
parents to support them in their old age, in the same two districts ; the other 
specifying various officials in the Tentyrite, Cynopolite, and Oxyrhynchite nomes 
and in the (Small ?) Oasis, who were exempted on account of their official duties. 
Presumably these two sections stand in close connexion with the one immediately 
preceding them, and imply that special treatment with regard to poll-tax was 
accorded to persons on whom devolved the maintenance of aged parents or who 
served the state in certain official capacities. It further appears that the parents 
selected the son who was to support them ; what further conditions were imposed, 
and whether the son enjoyed complete or only partial immunity, there is no 


1210. ACCOUNTS 255 

evidence to show. With regard to the officials, the privilege is stated to be 
‘customary’. Possibly these immunities, of which there seem to be no traces at 
a later period, were a legacy from the Ptolemaic régime (cf. P. Tebt. 1. p. 447, 
Petrie iii. p. 174, B. G. U. 1198. ii. 7 sqq.). 

Col. i. 
] Te- 
Col. ii. 
λοῦντες Aaoypadiav ’Ogvpvyyxirov dvd(pes) 


ἐπιλελεγμένων ὑπὸ τῶν γονέων 
5 εἰς γηροβοσκίαν ad ὧν ἔχουσι υἱῶν, ἐξ 

γίνονται τούτων ἄνδ(ρες) 

καὶ τῶν διὰ τὸ χρείας τοῖς δημοσίοις παρέ- 
10 χίε]σθαι συνήθως ἀπολυομένων 
βασιαικὸς γραμματεὺς Τεντυρίτου, 
Κυνοπολίτου α, 

τοπογραμματεῖς καὶ κωμογραμματεῖς 
15 Κυνοπολίτου 

[κω]μογρα[μματεῖ]ῆς ᾿Οάσεως τῆς πρὸς τῶι 

11, 1, βασιλικός. 13. π᾿ Of τοπογραμματεις corr. from yp. 

‘Men paying poll-tax in the Oxyrhynchite nome . 

In the Cynopolite nome 

Men chosen by the parents from their sons to support them in old age, in the 
Oxyrhynchite nome . 

In the Cynopolite nome 

Total of these 

Those usually absolved because of service rendered by them to the state: 

The basilicogrammateus of the Tentyrite nome, 

In the Cynopolite nome, ditto I, 

Topogrammateis and comogrammateis : 


In the Oxyrhynchite nome. τῆς 
_In the Cynopolite nome bk : 
~~ Comogrammateus of the Oasis by [the Oxyrhynchite nome]. . .’ 

11. It is rather strange that the Tevrupirys should be associated in this list with the 
Oxyrhynchite and Cynopolite nomes, which were so much further to the north. 
16, rat: sc., probably, ᾿Οξυρυγχίτηι. 


8-9 x 6-7 cm. Second century. 

A short list of objects which had been or were to be supplied to the strategus 
for the celebration of a sacrifice ‘to the most sacred Nile’. Evidence for the 
cult of the Nile-god at Oxyrhynchus has already been supplied by 519. 10 ; there 

a payment of 20 drachmae to the κωμασταὶ Νείλ(ου) is recorded ; cf. the NeAaia 

celebrated at the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus at Arsinoé (B.G. U. 362. xv. 11) 
and, on Nile-worship in general, Lumbroso, Z’£gztto, pp. 1-8. The participation 
of the strategus in the celebration is a point worth noting; cf. Otto, Priester und 
Tempel, ii. p. 79. 
Στρατηγῷ τὰ πρὸς τὴν Ov- 
σίαν τοῦ ἱερωτάτου 
Νείλου Παῦνι λ' 
μόσχος α, οἴνου εὐώ- 
5 On κεράμ(ια) B, λάγανα tc, 
“στέφανοι is, στρόβιλοι ις, 
Ζπλακοῦντες IG, 
Bais χλωρᾶς ts, 
κάλαμοι ὁμοί(ως) ts, 
10 ἔλεον, μέλι, γάλα, πᾶν 
ἄρωμα χωρὶς λιβάνου. 

το. |. ἔλαιον. 

‘To the:strategus, articles for the sacrifice of the most sacred Nile on Pauni 30: 1 calf, 
2 jars of sweet wine, 16 wafers, 16 garlands, 16 cones, 16 cakes, 16 green palm-branches, 
16 reeds likewise, oil, honey, milk, every spice except frankincense.’ 

2. ἱερωτάτου : SO 6.95. 486. 32. 
6. στρόβιλοι: cf. 1144. 11, B.G. U. 362. i. 7 στροβείϊϊλων] καὶ ἀρωμάτων, 801. 17-18 
στροβίλους δέκα [εἴς θυσίαν. 

8. Bais: cf. B.G.U. 362. vii. 13, P. Tebt. 295. 11, note, and the πάλμαι in 519. 18. 

ee sk ee ee oe 

1212. ACCOUNTS 257 


7°5 X17-T cm. Second century. 

The following short account of vegetables supplied to the archephodus of the 
village of Pela is written on the verso of an order for arrest in two lines, of which 
the text is: ᾿Αρχεφ[ίόϊδωι Πέλα' πέμψον Θέωνα Θέωνος καὶ ᾿Απολλώνιαν δούλ(ην) 
α(ὐτοῦ) ἐντυχόντος Μηνᾶτος (cf. e.g. 969). Below the second line there is a long 
row of crosses, and the writing is across the fibres, as is also that of the 
verso, | 
Tod ἀρχεφόδου τίῆ]ς 
Πέλα διὰ Διογᾶτος 
φίύλα]κος ἀπὸ Σεντώ: 
ἀσπαράγου δέσμ(αι) ιθ, 

5 θρύδακ(ος) δέσμ(αι) β, 
yovytAn(s) δέσμ(αι) B, 
ῥαφάνου δέσμ(η) a, 
J *o. 

‘For the archephodus of Pela through Diogas, guard, of Sento: 19 bundles of 
asparagus, 2 bundles of lettuce, 2 bundles of turnips, 1 bundle of radishes, total 24.’ 

4-6. domdpayos occurs in 736. 36, and γογγυλίς (cf. 1. 6) is mentioned in |. 5 of that 
papyrus. θρίδαξ is the usual spelling, e.g. P. Tebt. 112. 11. 


2: Χ 51 cm. Second century. 

A question addressed to the oracle of Zeus-Helios-Sarapis by a man in 
doubt about marriage. Cf. 1148-9, and for another example on the same subject, 
Wessely, Script. Gr. Spec. 26, re-edited by Wilcken, Chrestomathie, p. 150. The 
writing is across the fibres. 

[Διὶ ᾿Η)λίῳ μεγάλῳ Σ᾿αράπιδι 
[καὶ] τοῖς συννάοις θε- 


[οἷς ἀξιοῖ Μένανδρος 
[εἴ δέδοταί μοι γαμῆσαι. 
5 [τοῦ]τό μοι. δός. 
On the verso 

5. ς Of dos corr. 

‘To Zeus Helios, great Sarapis, and the associated gods. Menandrus asks, is it 
granted me to marry? Answer me this.’ 

4. δέδοται rather than 8/]8ora is probably to be restored in Wessely, Script. Gr. Spec. 

26. 2-3. 
5. δός : cf. 1149. 9, note. 

8-6 x 9:6 cm. Fifth century. 

This formal invitation has an interest as being considerably later in date than 
those previously published, which are all of the Roman age; cf. e.g. 110-11, 524, 
747, 926-7, Wilcken, Grundziige, p. 419. The present example shows a different 
formula, beginning with an address like a letter. 

“ 7 
Τῷ κυρίῳ [μὴον Μακαρίῳ 
Γεννάδιος σπεκ(ουλάτωρ). 
7 x ᾽ 
φεδρύνων τὴν πία]νήγυριν 
“ ’ἦ ~ en 
τῆς γενεθλίου Tod υἱοῦ pov Tevva- 
5 δίου καταξίωσον ἅμα ἡμῖν 
συνδιπνῆσαι TH Is ἀπὸ 

ὥρ(ας) ¢. 

2. 1. φαιδρύνων. 

‘To my lord Macarius from Gennadius, speculaior. Deign to gladden the birthday 
festival of my son Gennadius by dining with us on the 16th at 7 ὁ ’clock,’ 

There would be room for two or three letters of an abbreviated title after 
2. omek(ovddrwp): cf. 1198, 1, 1228. 21. 


12-5 X 13 cm. Second or third century. 

An illiterate letter written in a rather large uncultivated hand. 

Σινθονις Τηρης τῷ ἀδελῴο χαίριν. 
καλῶς πυήσις ἐλθὼν πρὸς αἰμαὶ 
ἄχρι τὰ. πράγματα κατασταλῇ, 
αἰὰν δ᾽ dpa μή, μὴ ἀπέλθῃς εἰς τὸ 
5 Σατύρου, αἰπεὶ γὰρ ἀκούομεν ὅτι 
κακὰ μέλλι πράσ(σγι(ν)Λ. ἀσπάζεταί σαι 
Σ᾿ αραπίων. 
αἰροσθέ σαι. ΤΌβι ce. 

On the verso 

ἀπόδος ἀπὸ 
10 Τηρῖ Σενθόνις. 
I. 1. Σινθῶνις Typei . . . ἀδελφῷ. 2. κ Of καλως corr. l, ποιήσ(ε)ις ... ἐμέ. 4. 1. ἐάν. 
5. 1. ἐπεί, 6. 1. σε. 8. 1. ἐρρῶσθαί σε. 10. 1. Σινθώνι(ο)ς. 

‘Sinthonis to her brother Tereus, greeting. Please come to me until matters are 
arranged, but if not, do not go to the house of Satyrus, for we hear that he is going to get 
into trouble. Sarapion greets you. Good-bye. Tubi15. (Addressed) Deliver to Tereus 
from Sinthonis.’ : 


18-5 x 9-8 cm. Second or third century. 

A letter to a sister, who is rebuked for having neglected to write. She 
seems to have been lately married. As in 1215, the spelling is erratic. 

Σαραπᾶς. Διωγενίδι τῇ 
ἀδελφῇ χαίρειν. 
αἰγὼ εὔχομαι ἀεὶ πᾶσει 
τοῖς θεοῖς περὶ σοῦ καὶ ἀπὸ 
΄Ζ ‘ τὸ“ Ν 
5 μικρόθεν σὺ οἶδάς μου τὴν 
προαίρεσιν κἂν μή σοι γράφω, 


σὺ δαὶ οὐκ ἠξίωσάς μαι ἀσπά- 
σασθε δι’ ἐπιστωλῆς. ἐνιαυ- 
Ἂς ΄ 2 a “-- 5 
τὸς σήμερον ἐκτὸς σοῦ εἰμί, 
ἐφ 7 + 8, > » 39 
το ἐς τώδε αἰμὲ οὐκ ἠξίωσας πὰ 
ρὰ πάντας αἰπὶ τῷ δηλῶσέ 
Ν ~ \ Ν “- 3 
μοι περὶ σοῦ καὶ περὶ τοῦ ἀδεὰλ 
pod ‘Apiwvos πῶς ἔχων, λείαν 
γὰρ φιλῶ αὐτόν. ἢ καὶ ἀρσενει- 
15 κὸν ἡμῖν ἀφίκαταί|ι  τουτω γὰρ 
εὔχωμαι ὑμᾶς ὁμονωεῖν, 
ἐν πᾶσι ἄξειοι ὄντεϊς.1 καὶ νῦν 
δήλωσόν μοι περὶ ὧν χρίαν 
wy > 2 ’ ~ 3 
αἴχεται map ἐμοί, θεῶν yap Oe 
20 λόντων σπεύδω ἐξορμῆσαι 
‘ ς ~ 3 4 « ~ 
πρὸς ὑμᾶς. ἀσπάζομαι ὑμᾶς 
πάντας. ἐϊρ]ροσθαί σε εὔχομαι. 

On the verso 

Διωγενίδι ἀδελφῇ. 

1. 1. Διογενίδι ; 50 ἰῃ 1. 23. 3. 1. eyo. ἡ. 1. δὲ, ο΄ με ἀσπάσασθαι, 8. |, ἐπιστολῆς. 
ἐνιαυτόν. 90. ε Of εἰμι corr. from a. 10. |, τόδε ἐμέ. 11. 1. ἐπὶ... δηλῶσαι. 13. ν of 
λειαν above the line. 15. 1. ἀφίκατε; τοῦτο. 16. 1. εὔχομαι. . . ὁμονοεῖν. 17. 1, ἀξίους 
dvra{s.| το. 1. ἔχετε. Of θεων corr. 22. 1. ἐϊρ]ρῶσέϊαι. 

‘Sarapas to his sister Diogenis, greeting. I pray always to all the gods for you, and 
you know from close experience my good-will even though I do not write to you; but you 
have never thought proper to send me greetings in a letter. A year to-day I have been 
away from you and all the time you have not thought proper to give me tidings about 
yourself or your brother Horion, how he is; for I love him greatly. Have you produced us 
a male child? For I pray that you may agree in this, as you entirely deserve. Tell me 
now about anything here that you want, for with the help of the gods I am hastening to set 

out to you. I greet you all. I pray for your health. (Addressed) To my sister 

5. μικρόθεν will give a sense, but does not occur, and μακρόθεν was perhaps meant. 
9-10. The purpose of the interlineated letters is obscure. ε of eu, which seems 
inevitable, has been corrected from a or vice versa. μα cannot be read as ἀλλά in 1. το. 

11. aimtis dubious. πάντα σαι τοι might be read, but is meaningless ; oa αἰτῶ is not 

13. Horion was probably the husband of Diogenis. 

a a ς 1 


8-5 X 11-6 cm. Third century. 

A short formal letter of greeting. The writing is across the fibres of the 
3 ‘ 7 ~ , 
Evdaipovis Πτολεμα[ί]ῳ τῶι κυρίωι 
καὶ νῦν διὰ τούτων μου τῶν γραμμάτων 
γράφω σοι, πρῶτον μὲν ἀσπαζομένη ole, 
5 ἔπιτα εὐχομένη παρὰ πᾶσι θεοῖς ὑγιαίνονϊτά 
Ν “ἢ , 3 ~ \ 
σε kal εὖ διάγοντα ἀπολαβεῖν μετὰ 
τῶν ἡμῶν πάντων. ἀσπάζομαι Παλλάδα 
Ν ~ ‘ ‘ « ~ uA 
καὶ Νεῖλαν καὶ τοὺς ἡμῶν πάντας. 
BL “~ 4 a. 
ἐρρῶσθαί σε evyop(ar). 
On the verso 
το Πτολεμαίωι π(αρὰ) Εὐδαιμονίδ[ος. 

‘Eudaemonis to my lord Ptolemaeus, greeting. I am again writing you this my letter, 
first sending you salutations, and secondly praying to all the gods that you may receive 
them in health and prosperity along with all our friends. I salute Pallas and Nila and all 
our friends. I pray for your health. (Addressed) To Ptolemaeus from Eudaemonis.’ 

10-7 X 10-2 cm. Third century. 

A letter to a father from his son who reminds him of some farming opera- 
tions and gives him domestic news. The writing is across the fibres. 

Δίδυμος Χαιρήμονι τῷ πατρὶ πλεῖστα 
Ν > va \ “A wy ~ 4 
μὴ ἀμελήσῃς περὶ τῶν ἔργων τῆς γεού- 
χου καθὼς ἐδεήθης, οἶδα γάρ σου τὸ σπου- 
5 δεὸον καὶ ἐπι(ει)κές. οὐδὲν δύσκολον ἔνι ἐ- 
πὶ τῆς οἰκίας cov. ἡ μήτηρ μου Θαῆσις 
εἰς ᾿Αντινόου, δοκῶ, ἐπὶ κηδίαν ἀπῆλθεν. 


‘ δ IN 2? « - 
περὶ οὗτινος αἰὰν χρήζῃς ἡδέως ποι- 
~ 3 7 A a 
οὔῦντι ἀνόκνως δήλωσον. ἄσπα- 
10 ἐε πολλὰ τὸν φίλτατον Φούλλωνα καὶ 
τὰ ἀβάσκαντα αὐτοῦ παιδία καὶ τὴν σύμβι- 
Δ Bb) 
[oly καὶ ods ἡδέως ἔχομεν κατ᾽ ὄνομα. 
3 , [4 € Ν lA € 3 ΡΝ f 
[ao|magovTe σε οἱ σοὶ πάντες οἱ OLKLOL σου 

[kal] τὰ παιδία σου. ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι. 

On the verso 
15 Χαιρήμί(ονι) Pea Meee 

4. 1. σπουδᾶϊον. 8, 1. ἐάν. 13. 1. [ἀσἸπάζονται. 

‘ Didymus to his father Chaeremon, very many greetings. Do not neglect the things 
to be done for the land-holder, as you desired, for I know your goodness and reasonableness. 
There is nothing unpleasant at your house. My mother Thaésis went, I think, to 
Antinodpolis for a funeral. Tell me freely about anything which you want and I will do it 
gladly. Give many salutations to my dearest Phullon and his children, whom the evil eye 
shall not harm, and his wife and those whom we love severally. All your relatives and 
your children salute you. I pray for you health.’ 

7. eis ᾿Αντινόου : cf, P. Tebt. 416. 6, 417. 26. 
9. doxvos is the usual form. For the active ἄσπαζε cf. 1158. 18, note, P. Leipzig 111. 18. 
15. (apa) Διδύμου is expected, but the traces are really too slight for recognition. 


241 X 12-5 cm. Third century. 

A letter from Aristandrus, of Oxyrhynchus, to his son Apion, basilico- 
grammateus of the Letopolite nome, recommending to the latter’s good offices 
a person who is described as ‘our son’ but was not actually so related to the 
writer, since it is clear that the real father was dead; cf. P. Giessen iii. p. 53 1. 

Apioravdpos ‘Ariwv τῶι 
υἱῶι χαίρειν. 
Θέων ὁ υἱὸς ἡμῶν παραγείνεται. 
Ν Ν ? , Ἂς 
πρὸς σὲ πορευόμενος εἰς τὴν Net- 
5 Κίου ἕνεκα ἀναγκαίου αὐτοῦ μετε- 

΄ x \ “5, 4 , 
ὠροὺυ ἰσὼς O Και OU ἐπιστᾶασαι ETL πα- 

Aat ἀπὸ τοῦ πατρὸς αὐτοῦ: περιὼν. 


δὲ νομίζω γεγραφέναι σοι περὶ av- 
τοῦ. καὶ γὰρ σὺ αὐτὸν φιλεῖς καὶ δι’ αὐ- 
10 τὸν καὶ διὰ τὴν μνήμην τίο]ῦ πα- 
Ν > ~ 3 x > ed ‘ ~ sf 
Tpos αὐτοῦ. ἀλλὰ οἶδα ὅτι καὶ ταῦτά 
\ 4 ΄ ? χες ) 
μου τὰ γράμματα πόλλ αὐτὸν ὠφε- 
λήσει, εἴ τινος [οἱὖν ἐὰν χρείαν ἔχῃ 
εἴτε πρὸς ᾿Απ[ί]Ίωνα τὸν τοῦ Προσωπεί- 
ὴ x x She oF , 
15 του βασιλικὸν εἴτε πρὸς ἕτερόν τινα, 
᾽ν» 7 ἊΝ > ~ 4 ‘ ε 
ἐὰν δεήσῃ] καὶ αὐτοῖς γράψαι μὴ ὑπερ- 
θῇ. (2nd hand) ἐρρῶσθαί [σε] εὔχομαι, 
: τέκνον, εὐϊτ]υχοῦντα 
δι’ ὅλου. 
On the verso 
20 πίωνι υἱῶι βασιλικ(ῷ) γρ(αμματεῖ) “ητοπολίίτου) 
mapa) ᾿Αριστάνδ(ρου) ᾿Ο ξί(υρυγχίτου). 

ἡ. 1, περιόντα. 

‘ Aristandrus to his son Apion, greeting. Theon our son is coming to you on his way 
to the city of Nikias on account of a pressing incompleted negotiation of which you have 
perhaps been aware long since from his father ; I think that he wrote to you about it while 
he was still alive. Indeed you love him both for his own sake and for his father’s memory. 
But I know that this letter of mine also will be of much help to him, if he wants anything 
either with Apion the basilicogrammateus of the Prosopite nome or with any one else, 
if you will ask them and not delay to write to them. I pray for your perpetual health and 
prosperity, my son. (Addressed) To my son Apion, basilicogrammateus of the Letopolite 
nome, from Aristandrus of Oxyrhynchus.’ 

4. The mention in]. 14 of the Προσωπίτης is, as Wilcken remarks, a sufficient indication 
that τὴν Νεικίου here means Νικίου πόλις, the capital of that nome; cf. e.g. Ptol. iv. 5. 49 
Προσωπίτης νομὸς καὶ μητρόπολις Νικίου, B. G. U. 939.5. Theon travelled through the Letopolite 
nome (]. 20) to Nikiu in the Prosopite nome. 

5. μετεώρου: cf. 288. introd., P. Fay. 116. 12, &c. 

16. der[oy]: the first letter appears to be either a or 6; θέλ[ῃς] is unsuitable. 

21-7 X 8-7 cm, Third century. 

A letter from a steward or agent enclosing some accounts and giving other 
information, and asking for various supplies. In the left-hand margin there are 
some indications of a previous column, which perhaps contained the accounts 


referred to; and the verso also is inscribed with 22 lines, incomplete on both 
sides, of an account, but it is in a ruder hand than that of the recto, though 
it corresponds well enough with the description in Il. 3-5. Most of the entries 
refer to payments made to καιναίοται (kevewtat?) ἀναψῶντες cis ὑποδοχεῖον or ἐν 
τρόχῳ who received a uniform wage of 2 drachmae. A curious reference to 
a hippopotamus occurs in 1]. 20 sqq. of the letter. 

1 Τῷ κυρίῳ μου Θέωνι ἐκχυσιαίους ἥλους καὶ γλυοῦ 

[Ε βἸδόμου χαίρειν. κεράμιον α εἰς τὰ ἐργαλῖα 

[ἀϊνέπεμψά σοι διὰ σημι- " τῶν μηχανῶν" καὶ τοῦτο 

4 Ν > € 4 “-- > 7 ef Ν 3 v4 

[dloews τὸ καθ᾽ ἡμέρα(ν) τοῦ ἀν- συνφέρι εἵνα μὴ ἀπόληται 
5 αλώματος hv εἰδῇς. 7 δο- 20 ἀμελίᾳ. οὐδὲν ἠφάνισεν 

Kt σοι, κύριέ μου, πέμψε μοι ὁ ἱπποποτάμις, ἤ τι γάρ ἐστιν 

κέρμα εἰς τὰ γινόμενα περιέργου, ἐφίσταμε αὐτῶν. 

map ἐμοὶ ἔργα τῆς κ(αρπ)οφορίας καὶ περὶ τῶν χωρίων, ἐὰν παρα- 

καὶ ἄλλων ἔργων ; καὶ i τῆ έ ὺν θεῷ, μαθήσι τὴ 

ργων ; καὶ περὶ τῆς γένῃ σὺν θεῷ, μαθήσι τὴν 

10 λέξις τοῦ οἴνου οὗ ἔγραψές- 25 διάθησιν αὐτῶν. 

μοι οὐδὲν βλέπω φαύλου παρ᾽ ἐ- ἐρρῶσθαί σοι εὔχομαι, 

μοί. περὶ γὰρ τοῦ πάκτονος κύριέ μου, εὐτυχοῦντα. 

2 ΄ er 4 8, ~ ΄ Ν 

ἐπισκευάζεται εἵνα με- μαθήσεται διὰ τῶν λόγων τὸ | 

τενέγκω τὸν οἶνον τοῦ καθ᾽ ἕν ὡς περιέχι τὸ πιΐτ- 
τ Σιληνοῦ. πέμψις μοι τοὺς 390 τάκιον. 

2. 1. ἝβΊἼδομος ? 4. ws Of [ω]σεως above the line. Be Wye 6. 1. πέμψαι. 
το. 1, λέξεως. 12. |. πάκτωνος. 13. μετενεγίκω Pap. τό. 1]. γλοιοῦ. 21. 1. εἴ τι. 
22. 1. ἐφίσταμαι. 25. 1. διάθεσιν. 26. 1. σε. 

‘To my lord Theon from Hebdomus (?), greeting. I send for your information in some 
notes the journal of expenditure. Would you be pleased, sir, to send me some money for 
the business of harvesting going on here and the other business? With regard to the 
collection of the wine about which you wrote to me, I see nothing bad in my.behaviour; for 
the boat is being prepared in order that I may transfer the wine of Silenus. You will send 
me the nails for emptying (?) and a jar of gum for the tools of the machines ; this will be 
of use to prevent their perishing ofneglect. The hippopotamus has destroyed nothing, for if 
there is any superfluity, I watch over the place. About the fields, if you come, D. V., you 
will learn their condition. I pray, sir, for your health and prosperity. The accounts will 
show the details as contained in he memorandum.’ 

16. What ἐκχυσιαῖος as applied to ἧλοι denotes is obscure. The adjective occurs 
only here. 


21. ἱπποποτάμις seems to be a combination of the alternative forms ἵππος ποτάμι(οὴς and 


ἱπποπόταμος. I am not aware of other references to the animal in Greek papyri; possibly its 
persistance at Oxyrhynchus is to be connected with the local cult of Thoéris. 

28-30. The papyrus is damaged in front of these lines, but there is apparently no loss 
of letters. 


12-4 x 7-6 cm. Late third or early 
fourth century. 

This letter, in which Demetrianus is informed where the corn-dues of the 
western toparchy were being paid, perhaps belongs to the category of official 
rather than private correspondence. Both the writer and the recipient were 
probably public functionaries of some kind. 

4 > “ 
Κυρίῳ μου ἀδελφῷ 

᾿Ισίδωρος χαίρειν. 
τὰ μετρήματα τῆς 
5 πρὸς λίβα ἐν τῷ Παραι- 

4 bY ~ 3 ~ 

τονίῳ διὰ τῶν ἐκεῖ 

~ 4 ew, 
γεωργῶν κατὰ τὸ ἔθος 
μετρεῖται. τῷ οὖν 

τ X Lae D3 
Zora μὴ ἐνόχλει 

το περὶ τούτου. 
ἐρ[ρ)ῶσθαί σε 
πολλοῖς χρόνοις 

“ΤῸ my lord and brother Demetrianus from Isidorus, greeting. The deliveries of the 
western toparchy are being measured in at Paraetonium by the cultivators there according 
to custom. Do not therefore worry Zoilas about this. I pray for your lasting health.’ 

4-5. τῆς πρὸς λίβα : Sc. τοπαρχίας. For Παραιτόνιον cf. 658. 


6.3 X 25-8 cm. Fourth century. 

The writer of this letter asks his son to send a colt and some medicines 
with which to treat it. The writing is across the fibres of the papyrus. 

᾿Ισίδωρος Δημητρίῳ υἱῷ χαίρειν. . dds τῷ ἀδελφῷ ᾿Αἀμ(μ)ωνιανῷ Tov πῶλον 

τὸ ἅλας τὸ ἀμ(μγωνιακὸν τὸ τετριμ(μδένον καὶ τὸ ἄτριπτον 

εἵνα ἐνεχθῇ μοι καὶ 
καὶ τὸ σπέρ- 
μα τοῦ ὠκίμου εἵνα θεραπεύσω αὐτὸν ὧδε ἔξω, ἐπὶ γὰρ ἠξιώθην ὑπὸ τοῦ 
πατρός μου Ποσιδωνίου παραμεῖναι τῇ ἀπετήση τὰς πέντε ἡμέρας TavTas: 
5 καὶ πέμψον ἐμοὶ περὶ ἧ(ογτινος χρήαν ἔχεται. ἐρρῶσθαι ὑμᾶς εὔχο- 
με πολλοῖς χρόνοις. 

1. ww Pap. 4. ]. ἀπαιτήσει. 5. 1]. obdrwos (?) χρείαν" ἔχετε... εὔχομαι. 

‘Isidorus to his son Demetrius, greeting. Give your brother Ammonianus the colt to 
be brought to me and the salt of ammonia, both the pounded and the unpounded, and the 
basil-seed, in order that I may doctor him away here, for I have been asked by my father 
Posidonius to stay for the collection during these five days ; and send to me about anything 
you need. I pray for your lasting health.’ 

3. αὐτόν : SC. τὸν πῶλον rather than ᾿Αμμωνιανόν ; cf. e.g. P. Flor. 222. 10 sqq. ἐπί is of 
course for ἐπεί, the γάρ being redundant, as 6. g. in 1215. 5. 

26:0 X 9.3 cm. Late fourth century. 

The chief point of interest in this letter, which was written by a man in 
financial difficulties, is the ratio given in Il. 31 sqq. between the current values of 
the gold solidus and the μυριάς of drachmae or denarii. A date in the second 
half of the fourth century is suggested by the handwriting, and the great 
depreciation of the pupids makes it probable that the century was nearing its 
close ; cf. the note ad Joc. 

4 ᾽ lal € ΄ 3 4 ~ 7 € Ν “ 
Κυρίῳ poly ἀδελφῷ Ἁ«Ὠρίων)ι 20 ἀπουσίαν τοῦ γεούχου ὑπὸ τοῦ 
a ? 
Ἑρμείας. . φορτικοῦ Αμμωνίου σπεκουλά- 
θαυμάζω εἴπερ ὁ ἀποστελλό- τορος καὶ τοῦ ἐπαρχικοῦ. εἴ τι δὲ 
Ν ἈΝ Ν ~ > tA » by \ oS ε 
μενος πρὸς σὲ τὸ πλοῖον ἀργύρια ἔχεις παρὰ σοὶ ἢ ὁλο- 
5 τὸ τοῦ γεούχου καταλαμβάνει κόττινα, ἐν τάχει ἀπόστιλον' 
παρὰ σοί. πλὴν ἐὰν διὰ 25. τοσαύτας γὰρ προσδοχὰς χρε- 
> id 4 » ~ \ , , 
ἀμέλιαν τινὰ καταλάβῃ, @OTOUMEV, καὶ OUKETL πιστευ- 
σπούδασον πάραυτα τὸν όμεθα, ἐὰν μὴ εὐγνωμονή- 
‘A 2 Ν Ν ’ὕ te A , 
ναύτην ἐπὶ τὴν πόλειν σωμεν. πέμπων δὲ δήλωσον 
10 ἅμα τῷ πεμφθέντι. συμμάχῳ τοῖς σοῖς παρασχεῖν μοι τὴν ὑπίο)- 

ee a ee ae a 


ἐκπέμψαι. ἀλλ᾽ ὅρα μὴ 30 λοιπάδᾳ[[ν]]} τοῦ οἴνου καὶ τῆς καθό- 
> ᾽’ὕ >’ 4 » > 4 , 7 [2 « 
ἀμελήσῃς. ἢ καὶ εὐδία ἐστὶ λου μονάδαν μίαν ἥμισυ. ὁ 
καὶ τὸ πλοῖον ἀνενέγκε οὐ ὁλοκόττινος νῦν μυ(ριάδων) /Bk 
δύναται ἐν TH σήμερον, ἐστίν: κατέβη γάρ. μὴ ἀμελή- 
15 αὐτὸς ὁ ναύτης ἀπαντήσῃ σῃς ἐν τῇ σήμερον τὸ πλοῖον 
4A ’ > > 7 aA A 4 > ~ ᾽ 
πρὸς χιρογραφίαν, οὐκ ὀλίγως 35 ἢ τὸν ναύτην ἀποστῖλαι. ἐρ- 
γὰρ ἐνοχλούμεθα. ἐὰν δὲ ἀμελή- ρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι 
ons, ὁ οἶκος ἡμῶν περιστάσι πολλοῖς χρόνοις, ἄδελφε. 

κοινωνεῖν μέλλει διὰ τὴν 

On the verso 
κυρίῳ ἀδελφῷ ; 'Ώρίωνι “Ἑρμείαϊς. 

11. add‘ Pap. 16. ουκ' Pap. 20. ὕπο Pap. 24. αποστιλο Pap. 28. dyrwood 
Pap. 29. v) Pap. 34. mroo Pap. 

‘To my lord and brother Horion from Hermias. I am surprised if my messenger 
finds the boat of the landlord with you; if, however, owing to some carelessness he finds it 
there, make haste to send the sailor to the city at once with the attendant whom I have 
sent. See that you do not neglect this. If it is calm weather and he cannot bring back 
the boat to-day, let the sailor himself return in order to make a bond, for I am being worried 
not a little. If you neglect it, our house is likely, owing to the absence of the land- 
lord, to be brought to a critical pass through the tiresome Ammonius the sfeculafor and 
the praefect’s assistant. If you have any silver coins with you or solidi, send me them 
quickly, for I owe on account of so many obligations and I am no longer trusted, unless 
I behave fairly. Send and tell your people to hand over to me the remainder of the wine 
and one and a half units of the general account. The solidus now stands at 2,020 myriads ; 
it has come down. Do not neglect to send the boat or the sailor to-day. I pray for your 
lasting health, brother. (Addressed) To my lord and brother Horion from Hermias.’ 

12 5464. A sense may be obtained by taking ἦ as the interrogative particle, ‘Do you 
pretend that the boat cannot be brought in fair weather like this?’ But probably Wilcken is 
right in supposing that ἡ here represents εἰ, although this mistake is avoided in ll. 3 and 22. 

22. Being coupled with a sfecudator (cf. 1198. 1, &c.) this ἐπαρχικός is perhaps more 
likely to be a person in the service of a military praefect than an official of the ἐπαρχία. 

25. προσδοχάς : cf. e.g. C. 1. G. 1329 προσδεξαμένου τὸ ἀνάλωμα. 

247. For εὐγνωμονήσωμεν cf. e.g. P. Fay. 124. 9, 21, B. G. U. 970. 24. 

30. τῆς καθόλου is obscure. 

31-3. The very low value of the μυριάς shown by this passage points to a late date in 
the fourth century. Other fourth-century equations cited by Wessely, Adfersindiz. im 
Philogelos, pp. 32-3, are 62, 72, and r10 myriads to the solidus; but a papyrus which he 
attributes to the fourth or fifth century (p. 46) gives νο(μισμάτιον) a (apa) 8 μυ(ριάδας), and 
1183. 8-9 shows that in the year 396 a.p. 600 myriads were considerably less than four 
solidi, and in the light of the present passage it is more probable that they were really less 
than one. κατέβη implies that the value of the ὁλοκόττινος had lately been relatively higher. 
Cf. P, Giessen 47. 28-9 τὸ ἄσημον (Sc. ἀργύριον ὃ) viv éor(t) (Spaxuav?)... 





(a) 1174, 1175 (SOPHOCLES, /chneutae and Eurypylus). 

(Roman figures refer to the columns of 1174; Fr. = fragments of 174; numbers 
in thick type refer to fragments of 1175.) 

ἃ vill. 7. 44 Vil. 12. 
ἀβουλία 6. 5 (?). 
ἀγαθός Vili. 4. 

ἀγαστῶς X. 7 (?). 

ἀγγέλλειν. τ; 11.9.; 4. 11 (?). 

ἄγγελος ii. 18 (?). 
ἄγειν iv. 11. 
ἄγκυρα 5. iii, 8. 
ἀγνοεῖν i, 143 ix. 14. 
ἄγρα iii. 22. 

ἀγρωτήρ ii. 6. 

ἄγχι 91. τι. 

ἀγχοῦ 5. il. το. 
ἀγωνίζεσθαι 5, ii. 22. 
ἄζειν 91. 20 (ἢ). 
ἀθρεῖν iv. 24. 
αἰεί ix. 10. 
αἰέλουρος Xi. 7. 
αἰόλισμα xiii. 3. 
αἰσιώτατος 91. 14. 
Αἰτναῖος xii. 11. 
αἰχμητής 5. iii. 25 (0). 
ἄκαρπος XIV. 12, 
ἄκεστρον xiii. T. 

ἀκηδής 8. το. 

ἀκμή vi, 20 (Ὁ); xi. 11. 
ἀκολουθία i. 15 (?). 
ἀκόμιστος Vi. 11. 
ἄκομπος 85. i. 10. 

ἀκούειν V. 27; Vi. I, 4, 6; 

25; XV. 4. 
ἀκτή 99. 2. 

αἰέν XiV. 15. 


aye iii. 535 iv. 7. 

ἀληθής Vili. 13; xiii. 18, 19 ; 
SY, 5 

ἄλκασμα Χ. 11. 

ἀλλά Vv. 4; Vi. 20; Vil. 10; 
wile 10, 18, 22 ΙΧ. 25. Xs 
δ. 14; Xil. 10, LE; SIV. 3, 
15; 1.11(); 8. 9, τι (ἢ); 

5. ii. 14, ill. 19; 47. 8; 
57. 1; 74.35; 91. 4; 
94. 2. 

ἀλλάσσειν V. το. 

ἀλλήλων ν. τι ; 5. ii. 23. 

ἄλλος xii. το; xiii, τὸ; Xiv. 
24; 8.11.6. ἄλλως ix. 24. 

ἀλλότριος ii. 25 schol. 

ἀλοιδόρητος 5. i, 10. 

ἀλύειν Xiii. 2. 

ἅμα iii. 27 (?). 

dupa xii. 24 (?). 

ἀμολγάς i. 15. 

ἀμφί ix. 12; 5. iil. 14. 

ἄν i. 9,10; ii. 21 (ἢ); ili. 255 
ix. 18, 24; X. 4; ΧΙ. 17; 
Χν. 20° 8.11.9; 91. 21; 
94. 4. Seu. τῇ ; 11], 
153 Vii. 7. 

ἀνάγειν Vii. 17. 

ἄναγνος Vi. 8. 

ἀναδέχεσθαι Vi. 25. 

ἀναίτιος iX. 27. 

ἀνανοστεῖν Vii. 2. 

ἄναξ ili. 26; 91. 22. 

ἄνασσα X. 16. 
ἀνάστατος 94. 8. 
dvacrevatew 5. li. 3. 
ἄναυδος Xii. 4. 

ἀνδρεία Vi. τό. 

ἄνειν iii. 17 ; iv. 18 (). 
ἀνελεύθερος Vi. ΤΙ. 
ἀνέρπειν 5. ii, 28. 

ἄνευ 5. 1. 11. 

ἄνευρος Vi. II. 

ἀνήρ Xiv. 15; 5. ill. 12 ; 

2; 91. 12, 22. 
ἀνοίγειν 9. 4 (?). 
ἀντί Xilil. 11, 12. 
ἀντίος 47. 3. 
ἄνω 7. 9. 
ἄξενος Χ. 3. 
ἀπαπαπαῖ iii. 7. 
ἅπας iv. 13; 12. 6. 
ἀπελεύθερος Vill. 9. 
ἀπευθύνειν Vii. IT. 
ἀπιέναι Vili. 8. 
ἀπιστεῖν Xii. 2. 
ἀπό Xiv. 25; 5. il. 23. 
ἀπογράφειν iii. 13 schol. 
ἀποικία iV. 17. 
ἀπόλλυσθαι 7. 4. 
᾿Απόλλων ii. 153 

ἀρυρνοξ v. 26 (?). 
ἀπόπροθεν i. 3. 
ἀπόψηκτος Χὶν. 21, 





᾿Αργεῖοι 5. ii. 20. 

"Apns 5. iii. 23 (?). 

ἀρίζηλος iii. 19. 

ἄριστος 8. 5; 

᾿Αριστοφάνης iii, 20 schol. ; 
vi. 5 schol., 8 schol. ; ix 
6 schol. 

dppvop ...12. 9. 

ἄρτι XIV. 1. 

ἀσκεῖν Vi. 17. 

ἄτη 91. τό. 

᾿Ατλαντίς Χ. 25. 

᾽Ατρείδης 91. 22. 

αὖτ v. 8, 10,13; Vi. 
10, 16; xiii. 16(?). 

αὐδή x. 8. 

αὔξειν ΧΙ. 8. 

αὔρα iv. 9. 

ait... 5. li. 7 Schol. 

αὖτις ix. 18(?), 20. 

αὐτός ἵν. 21, 23, 25; V. 43 
Vil. A,.5, 7,05 Vill. EO.s x. 
10; 20) 22; ΧΙ 15.,) ΚΠ 
3,17; 1.5; 5.11. 20, 27, 
ili. 19. 

αὐτόχρημα ii, 11. 

ἀφανής Xi. 15(?); ἀφανῶς i. 
9 (?). : 

ἀφιέναι Vil. τ; 1X. 22. 

ἄφραστος Xi. 20. 

ἀφύειν vii. 26 v. 1. 

᾿Αχαιοί 5. ii. 25; 91. 14. 

᾿Αχιλλεύς 5. 1. 243 80. 2. 

4 “ΣΙ. 

βάδην xiii. 8, 

βαθύζωνος Χ. I ; 

βαθύς 91. 24. 

βαίνειν Vil. 3; 5. il. 19; 91. 
10; 93. 4; 98. 3. 

βακχεύειν V. 22. 

βάλλειν 5. ii. τῇ. 

βάξις Xiv. 21. 

βασιλεύς 6. 2. 

βάσις iii. 6 ; Vii. TO. 

βελτίων viii. 18 schol. 

βῆμα ν. 7. 

Bia 5. ἰϊ. 20. 

βιβάζειν xiv. 26. 

Bois 12. 5. 

Xi. I. 


| βλάστη Xi. 13. 

βλέμμα 91. 2. 
βλέπειν Vi. 10, 

5. ii. 14 and | βλώσκειν ix, 17. 

βοᾶν ii. 13. 

Bon ix. ἡ; xi. 20. 

βοηλάτης ν. 12. 

Βοιωτία 1. 22. 

βοτόν vi. 19. 

βουκόλος Vii. 3. ἔτ 

βοῦς i. 5; iv. 16; ν. 5; Vii. 
3: Vil, 1, 20: Si, ans 
Xiv. 243; XV. 15, 20; XVi. 
i SV, 12,15 5 ΒΥ 50. π᾿ 

βούσταθμον i. 8. 

BpaBevpa Fr. 26. 

βραχύς xil. 5, 6 

Bpaxvoxedns xil. 8. 

βρέμειν Xi. 15 ; Xil. 3. 

βροτός i. 1, 10, 143 Vi. 63 X. 
19; 23. 2. 

γαῖα 4. 4. 

yap i. 153 iV. 215; v.19; Vii. 
Pc ak: PEs ko, ΠΛ ΩΣ 
ΧΙ. ἋΣ DO's ΣΙ 4.29; 
ΧΙ 2 Riv. “DR 22 = RY. 
1 3. 44s 9. 2 ee 
schol. το ; 47. 7; 48. 3; 

81.1; 91. 3; 97. 2. καὶ 
γάρ Χ. 23. καὶ γὰρ οὖν 5. 
li. 6. [ 

ye Vili. 4; xi. 17 (?); xv. 16; 
5.1. 4. 

γειτνιᾶν ἾΧ, 28. 

γείτων 11... 

γελᾶν xiv. το (I. wa , 

γέλοιος xiv. 18. 

γέλως 5. il. 20. 

γένος Xiv. 13; 2. 1. 

γέρων 5. 111. 17. 

γῆ ν. 15, 18. 

γηρύειν x. 8. 

γῆρυς ili. 125 Xil. 1. 

γίγνεσθαι ii. 16; 76. 5. 

γιγνώσκειν Vil. 73 Xil. 12. 

γλῶσσα Vi. 13; 1X. 193 X. 4. 

γογγύλος xii. 8. 

γράπις Vii. 19. 

γραῦς 41. 3. 

γυνή ΧΙΪ, τι; Fr, 21. 1; 5. 
111, 12 ; 91. 12: 

δαίμων iii. 20; xiii. g; 5. ii. 
9; 18. 

δάκνειν 2, 2. 

δακρύειν 5. ii. 7 schol. 

Odos X. 3. 

δειλία Vii. 4, 6. 

δειλός X. τι (?) ; 

δειλοῦν vi. 18 v. 1. 

δειμαίνειν Vi. ἢ. 

δειματοῦσθαι Vi, το. 

δειλοῦν vi. 18 ν. ]. 

δεῖν iv. τὃ ; vi. 13. 

δεινός V. 12. 

δεῖπνον 7, 8. 

3. 8. 

'δέρκεσθαι ν. 8. 

δέρμα xii. 18. 

δεσπότης 1X. 9; 9. 4. 

δεῦρο vii. 26. δεῦτε vii. 18 
(v. 1. δεύτερος). 

δεύτερος vii. 18 ν.].; 49. 5. 

δέχεσθαι 8. 3. 

δὴ iv. 75 Vi. 25; δ᾽ τ π᾿ 

δῆτα Xil. 11. 

διά iv. τ (?); ΧΙ, 6. 

διαβάλλειν 5. 1. 8 (?). 

διαίνειν 5. 11. 7. 

διακαλεῖσθαι Vil. 9. 

διακονεῖν Vi. 12. 

διανύτειν iii, 11, 

διανύχιος 111. 13 V. 1. 

διαχαράσσεσθαι X. TQ. 

διδόναι 5. ili. 13. 

δικᾶν 5. 11. 18. 

δίκη 5. li. 12, 13, 17, 18. 

διπλοῦς iv. 10; 5. il. 3. 

δίωγμα vi. 3 (?). 

δοκάζειν 91. 23. 

δοκεῖν iv. 19, 203; Χἰν. 5. - 

δοκητός 5. il. 24 (?). 

δόμος ix. τ; Xiv. 12. 

Soveiv Xi. το (9). 

δορά ix. I1; Xii. 63 xiii. 243 
KIV. 25. 

δόρυ 5.1. 11, 19 5 6. To. 

doo... 80.5. 

δουλιοῦν. vi. 18 (v. 1. δειλοῦν). 

δράκις Vii. IQ. 

— i al 


δρᾶμα 8. ii. 6 (?). 

δράμημα iii. 21. 

δρᾶν i. 11(?); iv. 18; 9]. 
6(?); 94. τ. 

δρόμος ii. 16; iv. 26. 

. . δρόπος 7, 13. 

δύνασθαι viii. 17 (θέλειν Pap.), 
18 v.1. 

δύσβατος ii. 4. 

δυσδαίμων 5. ii. 9. 

δυσεύρετος xi, 14 (?). 

δυσήκοος 88. 3. 

δύσλοφος i. 4. 

δύστηνος 8. 5 (?). 

δυσφορεῖσθαι xiii. 13. 

δῶμα 12.8; 91. 11. 

Awpixés 1]. τ. 

ἐάν ἵν. 9; ν. 2. Cf. ἄν. 

ἐᾶν ἵν. 14; ν. 6; 79. 9. 

ἔγγονος ix. 12. 

ἐγγύς ἸΧ. τ; xii. 12. 

ἐγκαλεῖν Xv. 18. 

ἐγχάσκειν XIV. 2. 

ἔγχος 5. i. 20. 

ἔγχωρος Xill. 6. 

ἐγώ 1.9; 11. 18; ili. 21, 25; 
ΠΣ 7; Vil. 1, 5,8, 11, 
G4, vil. 22 (?); ix. 2; x. 
mae ἢ, Τῷ, 21; Xi. 3,9; 
xiii. 13 (1. pyde?); xiv. 4, 
ΕΠ 22, 26; xv. 21: 5. ii. 
6, 9, 12; 8. ii. 7; 10. 51 
14. 4; 94. 2. 

ἕδρα Χ. 23. 

ἐέ 5. ii. 15. 

ee Wil, 55, 245 Vi. 13; Vii. 2, 
ἔπ τυ Τὴ} X, “21: xii. 
15; XV. 5, 20; 94. 7. kei 
is δ. 

εἶα iv. 7; vii. 10; 91. 4. 

εἰδέναι Vill. 243 X. 203 Xiil. 
9, 11; 94. 7(?). 

εἶδος xii. 5. 

εἰκάζειν Xii.-7. 

εἶναι i. 8 schol., 22 schol. ; 
eG; DX, 245 Wi.) ani; iv. 
2 schol., 3 schol., 13 schol., 
16, 25 ; V.9, 19, 24 schol.; 
vi, 5 schol. ; vi. 9, 14 ; Vii. 

6, 17, 22 schol.; viii. 9, 
TR, ES;.ix.: 6, 15 °schol, ; 
SO Sl 4} ΣΙ 4,6, 8. 
10, I1, 13, 14 schol. ; xiii. 
I, τὸ τὸ); xiv. 7 (2), 
EI, 15, 23 schol.; xv. 5, 
18; xvi. 1 schol.; Fr. 20. 
9; 5.1. 20 schol, 11: 11 
schol. ; 18. i. 6 schol. ; 91. 

εἰπεῖν Vi. 25; Χν. 6: 91]. 21. 

εἴπερ ll. 21. 

εἷς Xi. 16. 

cis V. 8, 10; vi. 18; ix. 19 (?); 
Ei, ELS) Riv. 4ὲ 

εἰσακούειν ν. 3 ; Vili. 143 ΙΧ. 5. 

εἰσιέναι Vill. II. 

εἰσορᾶν V. 8, 215 Vi. 12, 23. 

εἴτε 11, 6; 9. 5. 

ek, ἐξ X. 21 + Xi. 17, 26; xiv. 
18, 26; 5. ii. 26; 85. 7. 

ἕκαστος iv. 21. 

exdvew 5. ii. 8. 

ἐκεῖνος iV. 16; X. Q ; Xili. 11. 
κεῖνος V. 53 Xill. 2. 

ἐκκαλεῖσθαι 5. ili. 19. 

ἐκκυνηγεῖν 111. 22. 

ἐκμάσσειν Vi. 8. 

ἐκμετρεῖν iv. 25 (2). 

ἐκπλήσσειν i. 12; vi. 5 (ν. 1. 

ἐκπυνθάνεσθαι Χ. το. 

ἐκτελεῖν 11. 21. 

ἔκτος Xi. 10. 

ἐκτός 5. ii, το. 

ἐκφαίνειν xi. 10 (ν. ]. φαίνειν). 

ἐλεύθερος ili. 4, τό ; xvii. 19. 

ἐλευθέρωσις Vi. 26. 

elm... 87. I. 

ἐλπίς 5. iii. 21, 

ἐμμανής i. 15. 

ἔμμεστος Xi. 19. 

ἔμπαλιν v. 8. 

ἐμπεδοῦν ii, 22, 23. 

ἐμός ii. 20; νἱ. 3 (?) ; vii. 17; ΧΙ. 
93 Xiv 25. 6.11.07 5.OBu 7. 

ἐν i. 8 schol., 22 schol. ; ii. 
7; i. 18. sthols ava 
schol., 3 schol.; iv. 11, 

13 50ΠΌΪ, ἡ 5 16, 18..24} 


schol.; vi. 5 schol., 9; 
vii. 11, 15, 22 schol. ; ix. 
16 Scho: %1)7, 13: 235 
xi. 43 xii. 14 schol.; xiii. 
7 schol. ; xiv. 8, 23 schol. ; 
XVL. r.séhol.: δ᾽ 1 20 
schol., ii. 11 schol., 17; 8. 
ii. 6; 18. i. 6 schol, 

ἐναντίος V. 11. 

ἐναργής V. 5. 

ἔνδον viii. 24 (?); xv. 18. 

ἐνεῖναι, ἔνι Vill. I. 

ἐνθάδε Vi. 5. 

ἔνθεν ii. 2. 

€vOnpos 1X. ἢ. 

ἐννέπειν Xli, 15 (?). 

ἐντός Xil. 13. 

ἐξαίρειν Xili, 3. 

ἐξαναγκάζειν ἸΧ. 3. 

ἐξάνειν iv. 18 (?). 

ἐξαυδᾶν 5. 11]. 15. 

ἐξαφιέναι Vi. 24. 

ἐξελαύνειν XV. 22. 

ἐξεργάζεσθαι νὶ. 20. 

ἐξευθετίζειν Xi. 7 (?). 

ἐξευρίσκειν ν. 13; ΧΙ], 10. 

ἐξιχνεύειν Vii. 2 ; Vill. 19. 

ἐξορμενίζειν Xi. 12. 

ἐξυπέρχεσθαι Viil. 23. 

ἔξω ΧΙΪ. 13. 

ἐοικέναι ἵν. 6, 15. 

ἐπάδειν 8, 4. 

ἐπανθεμίζειν Xili, 7. 

ereyxaivew 5. ii, 21. 

ἐπεί 5. li, 8, 22, iii, 28. 

ἐπείγειν ill, 22; 91. 4. 

ἐπείκειν, ἐπεικώς Xi. 8. 

ἐπείπερ 1. 12. 

ἔπειτα 1. 20, 23; 98. 2(?). 

ἐπέρχεσθαι i. τό. 

ἕπεσθαι Vii, 26; Vili. 5. 

ἐπέχειν Vili. 11. 

ἐπί Vi. 16; 5. ii. 6. 

ἐπιέναι iii, Q ; Viil. IT. 

ἐπικλύειν ii. 12. 

ἐπίκυρτος Xii. 5. 

ἐπισεύειν i. 21; ii. 16, 

ἐπίσημον iv. 23. 

ἐπίσιμος iv, 23 v. 1. 

ἐπισπᾶν 5, li, 12. 


ἔπος ΧΙΪ. 2; ὅ. lil, 15. 
ἔποχος Vii. 23. 
ἐργάζεσθαι Xiv. 23. 
ἔργον i. 115 Vi. 143 Vil. IT; 
X. 23; 8. 8; 6. 6(?); 54.3. 
ἔρδειν 6. 6; 8. ii. 9. 
ἐρείδειν Xi. II; Xil. 20. 
ἔρευνα iv. 12. 
Ἑρμῆς 871. 2. 
ἔρχεσθαι vil. τό ; X. 17; 1. 
4, 26.566. 273 91...5: 
épo...1. 2. 
és il. δ΄, 5.1. 0, i. 21. 
ἐσχάρα 15, τ. 
ἔσχατος 5. iii. 20, 27 (?). 
ἔσω 85. il. I. 
ἕτερος 5. i. 10 (θἄτερος), 20 
schol.; 18. i. 6 schol. 
ἔτι iv. 18 ν.]. ; villi. 215 ix. 
247; 5. iii. 8. 
ἑτοῖμος li. 24. 
ἔτος δ. 111. 22. 
εὖ vii. 6; 8. ii. 8. 
εὕδειν Vil. I. 
εὐδία XIV. 4. 
εὐεργέτης ii. 153 ill. 26. 
evOu... Fr. 31. 3. 
εὐιάζειν 1X. 12. 
εὐναῖος 1X. 17. 
εὖνις 91. 18. 
εὐπαλής 1X. 11. 
εὐπετῶς Χ. 6. 
εὑρίσκειν il. 24; XiV. 21; 94. 3. 
εὐτυχεῖν 7. 3. 
evppov ... 10. 2. 
ἐφέπεσθαι Vill. τό. 
- ἐφήμερος i. το. 
ἐφίστασθαι Vii. το. 
ἔχειν i. 13; lV. 15; V. 12, 
22, 26; vii. 16, 233 Vili. 
12; ix. 9 (εἶδες Pap.); x. 
ἘΠ; Xi. Ὁ; ΧΙ, TH piv 
43 Xv. 373 Got? 20: iil. 
20; 91. 21. ἔχεσθαι iv. 26. 
ἐχῖνος ν. τό. 
ἕως 8. li, 8. - 

Zeus V. 72 X. 25; Xiv. 475 XV. 
rd?) 196 922 5 47g. 
ζημία X. 22, 


ὧν Xil. 4. 
ζητεῖν viii, 19 ; ix. 12 marg. 

qi.) 24 5 ἵν, δον. 73 Vili. 
TA cox, 23: Xi. 5,7; Σιν. 
5» 25. 

ἦ iv. 183 viii. 8; 5. ii. 19. 

ἥβη Vi. 163; Xi. 11. 

ἤδη iv. 6; xv. 16, 21. 

ἡδονή Xi. 18; Xiv. 17. 

ἥκειν ii. 33 X. 2(?); xiv. 14; 
3. II. 

ἦμαρ xi. 8, 10 (v.1. ἡμέρα) ; 5. 
111. 7. 

ἡμεῖς X. 18; 5. iii. 26(?); 
12. τι. 

ἡμέρα Xi, 7, το ν. 1]. ; ΧΙ. τό. 

"Hpa xX, 24. 

ἥσυχος Χ. 14. 

θάλλειν xiv. 16. 

θαμβεῖν xi. 16 (?). 

θαῦμα ix. 15; ΧΙ. 9. 

θεά Xi, τ; ΧΙΪ. 2. 

θέλειν ii, 16 ; vill. 18; XIV. 21. 

θεός i, το, τὰς Si 107 3 ἵν. 
14, Τῇ 5 ΣΟΙ͂Σ; ΣΟ 2510)5 
xiv. 18; 49. 2. 

θέσις Xi. 14. 

θεσμός Ἴ. 5. 

θέσπις x. 8. 

Θεσσαλοί 1. 21. 

Θέων i. 8 schol., 22 schol.; 
iii. 13 schol.; iv. 2 schol., 
3 schol., 13 schol. ; v. 24 
schol. ; vi. 5 schol.; vii. 
22 schol.; ix. 15 schol. ; 
xii. 14 schol.; xiii. 7 
schol.; xiv. 23 schol. ; 
x,t schol. 5 δ, 1... 20 

Onp Vi. 9; 1X. 6,173 xi. 183 
Xli. 4; ΧΙ]. 4. 

θηρᾶν Χ. το. 

θηράσιμος 5. i. 5 schol. 

Onpevpa Xi, 22. 

θηρίον Vi. 15. 

θησαυρός Xi. 13. 

θνήσκειν xi, 26 (?) ; xii. 3, 43 

| wi. 4; 97. 33 18.6.0 15 

2; OL. 20. 
θρασύς 94. 7. 
θρίξ 80. 4. 
θυηλή 8. 6. ' 
θυμαίνειν Vv. 11 (ἀποθ. Pap.). 
θύρσος ix. τι. 

ἰᾶσθαι 5. i. 25, 27. 

᾿Ιδαῖος 6. 2. 

ἰδεῖν 5.11. 5, iii. 1. 

ἰδού iv. 22. 

ἴδρις ν. 19. 

ἱδρύειν 7. 5. 

ἰέναι i, 8; ili. 5 5 Vili. 11. 
ἰθυντήριος 111. 20. 

ἱκνεῖσθαι X. 24. 

| Ἴλιον 106. 2. 

ἱμείρειν V. 23. 

iva Vii. 6. 

ἰοὺ ἰού XVil. 5. 

ἱστάναι 5. ii. 10. 

ἸΙστριανίς 5. iii. 11. 

ἴσχειν iV. 15. ...eoxew 41, 6. 

ἰσχύς Xi. 4. 

ἰχνεύμων Xil. 9. 

ἴχνος iii. 6 schol. ; v. 4. 

ἰχνοσκοπεῖν 1. 7. 

ἰώ iv, 2; villi, 25; ΧΥ]Ϊ. 9; 
6. 10; 98. 4. 

καθαιρεῖν 5. il. 1. 

καθάπτειν 1X. ΤΟ. 
καθαρμόζειν Xiil. 22. 

καί, καὶ γάρ Χ. 23. καὶ γὰρ 
οὖν 5. ii. 6. κἀγώ 8. ii. 7. 
κἀκόμιστος Vi. 11. κἀνεδέ- 
ξατο vi. 25. κἀνελεύθερος 
Vi. 11. κἀξίχνευε Vili, 19 ; 
κἀξορμενίζει Xi. 12. κεὶ 1X. 
5. κοὐκέτι Xi, 12. ai XV. 

21 (ἢ). χὠ ν. 4. 

καίπερ 5. ili. 25. 

κακός 2.3; δ. 11. 195 77. 3; 
91.17; 94.4. κακῶς XV. 
4. κάκιστος Vi. 9, 185- 

καλεῖν xii, 163 ΧΙ. τό: 5. 
iii, 18 (?). 

καλός Vili. 3. 

κάνθαρος Xii. 11. 


κάπη i. 8. 

κάρα §. ii. 1; 10.4; 98.1. 

καρκίνος Xii, 9. 

κατά Vill. 5; ΧΙ. 7, 8. 

καταινεῖν Vi. 26. 

κατακλύειν iX. 15 (ν.]. κατή- 

καταρρικνοῦν Xii. 6. 

κατειδέναι Vii. 6. 

κατέρχεσθαι ix. 15 ν.]. 

κατήκοος iii. 24. 

κατοιχνεῖν Xili. 5. 

κάτω Xi. 19; 5. i. 22. 

καχάζειν xiv. 6. 

κεῖνος. See ἐκεῖνος, 

κείρειν 5, ii. 9, 18. 

κεῖσθαι ii. ττ, 18; ν. 16; Vi. 
17; 5. 11. 23, ili. 14. 

κέλευμα ix. τό. 

κεράστης ΧΙΪ. 11. 

κερδαίνειν Xiv. 5. 

κέρχνος V. 23. 

κήρυγμα i, 13; ii. 13 ; 1X. 21. 

κῆρυξ ix. 21: 4. το; 81.5(?). 

κινεῖν 91. 8. 

κίστη Xi. τῇ (?). 

κλαγγάνειν Xii. 19. 

κλαίειν Vii. 43 ΧΙν. 
ili, τό. 

κλέμμα 11]. 14. 

κλέπτειν xiii. 20 (?); xiv. 24. 

κλέπτης XiV. 9, II. 

κληδών IX, 23. 

κλίνειν V. 143 Vi. 18. 

κλοπ. .. XV. 2. 

κλοπεύς Xili. 10. 

κλοπή ix. 19; Xiil. 14, 17; 
Xiv. 10. 

κλύειν Vi. I. 

κλώψ iii. g (?). 

κνῆκος Xiv, 16. 

κνώδαλον xii, 12. 

κοίμημα Xi. 5. 

κοϊϑόθακος 7. 6. 

κοινός 5. ii. 22, 

κόλαξ Vi. 22. 

κόλλοψ᾽ xii. 23 (?). 

κονία 4. 6 (?). 

κόραξ 8. 4. 

κράζειν 3. 6. 

Ig; 5. 


κραιπνός iX. 4. 

κρατεῖν XiV. 10; 92. 2. 
kpe... 79. 2 schol. 
Kpokxt.. . Vili. 2. 
κρύπτειν X. 23; 8. ii. 8. 
κρυφαῖος X, 25 (?). 
κτέανον Xii, 1. 

κτήσιος ὅ. ii. 8 

κτύπος iX. 3. 

κύβδα ν. 17. 

κυκησμός ν. 12. 

κύκλος 5, i. 9. 

Κυλλήνη ii. 4; X. τό. 
κυνηγεῖν li. 17. 
κυνηγετεῖν 1.15; V. 14. 
κυνηγέτης ix. τό. - 
κυνορτικός Vil. 9. 

κωφᾶν viil. 14. 

κωφός IX. 5. 

Aayerns 91. 12. 

λαθραῖος i. 8 and schol. 

λάθριος ili. 13. 

λάκτισμα 1X. 4, 22. 

λαλίστατος V. 24. 

λαμπρός Vi, 21. 

λάξοος 7, 6. 

λέγειν ii, 21; iii. 3; vii. ἢ, 
Poe ἘΠ᾿ 22 5. Fill, 18, FQ; 
xiv. 19 (γελᾶν Pap.); 5. i. 
26, li. 163 15. 4; 40. 6; 
87. 3. 

λεία 111, 22. 

λεῖος χὶν. 17. 

λείπειν 1. 15 ; δ. iii, 23 (?). 

λήθη xi. τ. 

λίαν ix. 5. 

λικνῖτις Xi. 6, 

λόγιον 88. 3. 

λόγος ii. 7 ; iii. 27 (?); iv. 14; 
Vill, S 3 Ms 13; 32, 24 3) Ziv. 
4, 8:1. 18; 92. 12 (?); 
94. 6. 

Adyxn 6. 12. 

Λοξίας Xiv. 25; xvii, 8 (?), 10. 

λόχμη V. τό. 

λυγίζεσθαι xiv, 20, 

λύμη 5. ii. 25. 

λύπη xiii. 1, 

λύρα xii. τό ; xiii. 3. 



μάν. ἡ. 

μακρός 5, iii. 22; 27.2 (?). 

μάλα iv. 24; v. 6, μάλιστα 
is’ ΤΟΙΣ Σ: ΤῊ RH. Ess 
91. 9. 

μάλθα vi. 8. 

μανθάνειν i. 123; Υ. 5, 15, 18, 
a5 IV. fT, 

μανία ix. 15. 

μαριχοκαύτης ii. 7 (?). 

μάταιος X. 4. 

parevew i. 13. 

μάτην Vii. 13. 

μάχη X. 3. 

μέγας 12. 8. μέγιστος xi. 9 (?); 
δ. iii. 21. 

μεθιέναι Vili. 2. 

μεθιστάναι 94, 5. 

μέλαθρον 91. 7. 

Μέμνων 5. 11]. 24. 

μέν X. 17, 203 5. ii. 24, iii. 
15; 10. 3. 

μένειν Vili, τό, 17; Xi. 6. 

μέσος 5, i. 20. 

μεταίχμιος 5. i. 7. 

μεταξύ xii. 8. 

μετάστασις ix, 8. 

μέτρον iv, 25. 

μή iv. 153 vil. 2; viii. 2, 10, 
21 22.(Ἐ}} Xai 5s ose 
2: Sil, 12 36x; 26> OL. 
1. οὐ py xv. 6; 8. 9. 

μηδέ xiii, 13 (ἐμοὶ δέ Pap.) ; 
a 9. 

μηδείς 1. 14; Vi. I. 

μήν ν. 4. 

μηνύειν Χ, 14. 

μήνυτρον iv. I. 

μήτρων XIV, 10. 

μηχανᾶσθαι xi. 17 ; Xili. 4. 

μηχανή Xi. 15. 

μιαρός Vill. 7. 

μισθός ii, τι; Vili. 275 xvii. 
1g: Fe 

μνῆμα Vi. τό... 

μνήμη 5. iii. 23. 

μνημοσύνη 6. 7. 

μόνος iv, 23 schol.; xi, 2; 1. 
17; 77. 2. μόνον ν. 24 
schol. ; vi. 5 schol., 12; 


ΧΙ, 2: 5. i. 20 schol.; 
18. 1. 6 schol. μοῦνον ii. 22. 

μόσχος i. 6. 

μῦθος Xiv. 20. 

μυρίος 14, 2. 

Μυσός 5. ili. 18; 12. 7. 

μῶν Vili. 13. 

μωρία Χὶν. 2. 

μῶρος Xiv. 18, 

ναί V. 7; 5. ii. 13. 

νεανίας 5. ill. 17. 

νέβρινος ix. 10. 

νεκρός 5.1]. 19, 23, lil. 2, 13. 

νέμειν XV. 15. 

νέος ix. 143 Xiv. 8, 15. 

νεώρης Vi. 22. 

N... iv. 23 schol; vi. 18 
schol. ; 84. 2 schol. 

vopos Vii. 223 Vili. 5. 

. νοσεῖν ix. 26. 

voonreve 10. 5 (?). 

νόσος ix. 27 (?); ΧΙ. 4. 

νότος 5. iii. 9. 

vopon IX. 135 X. I, 12. 

νυμφικός Vi. τῇ. 

νυμφογέννητος il. 8. 

νῦν Vi. 21; iX. 14; X 
9,52 παυστθ; 1: 
3; 41.5. 

νύξ xi. 7; 98. 3. 

Eevifew Vi. 5. 

ξένος 83. 3; 91. 13. 
ξενοῦν 5. ili. 22. 
ξύμφωνος Xiil. 3. 
fa... Fr. 24. 3. 

ξυνουσία 7. 7. 

ὁ, ἡ, τό. Oarepov 5.1.10. τοὺν- 
τός Xii. 13. τοὔξω ΧΙ]. 13. 

6, ἧ, τό (demonstr.). 6 pev, 6 
δέ v. 10; ΙΧ. 2; XV.418 
(.. és); 5. ii. 24, ili. 14; 
10. 3. πρὸ τοῦ V. 24. 

6, ἥ, τό (relat.). τόν vi. 6. τῶν 
iii. 24. 

doe i. 11, 14; il. 11, 14, 16, 
225 ii. 253 iv. 215 V. 4, 
3, 225 ΝΠ τὸ, ΓΘ aa: 


Vil, 25 ak. ΒΕ ΧΡ, ἢ; 
10, 16, 20; xi. 243 ΧΗ: 
12> ἘΣ, 14, 263 Ἢ: 
9; 47.6; 84.8; 91. 6. 

ὁδός xiv. 26; 84. 2. 

odupp ... 11. 6. 

οἴεσθαι i. 9. 

οἶκος Vi. 1ἤ. 

οἴμοι 5. ili. 20. 

οἶμος Vil, το. 

οἰοιοῖ 5. ii. 2. 

οἷος Vi. 5. 

ὀκλάζειν ἵν. IO. 

ὄκνος i. 12. 

ὀλβίζειν ix. I. 

ὁμαίμων 5, 111, 16. 

ὄμμα 85. 1. 23. 

ὁμοῦ 1x. 16, 18, 23. 

ὀμφή ΧΙ]. 5. 

ὀνειδίζειν Xilil. 14. 

ὀνινάναι νὶ. 3. 

ὅπῃ Vii. 3; Vill. 18. 

ὄπισθεν ἸΧ. 12. 

ὀπίσω ν. το. 

ὁπλή ἵν. 23. 

ὅπλον 5. 1.9. 

ὁποῖος XIV. 20. 

ὁπόταν Viil. 8. 

ὀπποποῖ Vill. 7. 

ὀπτήρ iii. 24. 

ὅπως X. 24; XIV. 23. 

ὁρᾶν 91. 10. εἶδες for εἶχες ix.9. 

opy... 58. 5. 

ὄργανον 5. i. 16. 

ὀρεινός xii. 14 (?). 

ὄρειος il. 8, 

ὀρείτροφος Vi. τυ. 

ὄρθιος li. 13. 

ὀρθοψάλακτος Χ. 13 ; Xili. 5 (?). 

ὁρμᾶν ix. ἢ. 

ὀρφανός 7. 12. 

ὅς ii. 14; iii. 21; v. 25 (?); 
Wi. 16, 21, 23, 25,265 Ax. 
Q, 10; ΣΙ 12; xlii.g; xv. 
18 (68 Pap.); xvii. 16; 
6. 3. 

ὀσμή iv. 8. 

ὅσος δ. iii. 24 ; 42. 2. 

ὅσπερ li, 21; Χ. 18. 

ὄσσε li, 20. 

ὄστρακον Xii. 14. 

ὅστις ii. 10, 24; Vii. 12, 22; 
vill, 24 (?); ‘=. τῷ. 1} 
xiii. 9; xiv. 14. 

ov, οὐκ 1. 9; V. 3,19; νἱ. 18 ; 
Vili. 14, 16, 18, 22 5 ix. 2; 
x. 12(?); xi. 8; seme 
Xiv. 12, 14, 18, 22: Vil. 
7; 5. 11. 10, 1S, ae τ 
15, 22; 7.10 (?}; 48. 3; 
57. 1; 91. το. οὐχί 5. ii. 
17; 7. 1. ov μὴ Ἐν δ. 
3. 9. 

οὐδαμῶς Vi. 3; 91. 21. 

οὐδέ iv. 4 (?); vi. το; Viil. 23; 
X. 35 ΣΙ] Ὁ; ΤΕῸ 

οὐδείς Vi. 63 Vii. 73 XiV. 3; 
5. iii. 13. 

οὐδεπώποτε 94, 3. 

οὐκέτι Xi, 12. 

ow 1. 12; 8.7; 5. il, 6. 

οὕνεκα X. 17. 

οὗπερ Xili, 8 (]. οἷπερ ?). 

οὔποτε 6. 9. 

οὐρανός 5. i. 14. 

οὔριος Vii, 20. 

οὖς iv, I. 

ovre i, το; X. 2; 5. iil, 18, 

οὗτος ii, 17; iii, 3; iv. 16, 
25; v.18; vii. 1; vill. 18; 
ix, 22, 24; X. 9, 165 mie 
I, 10; Xiv. 22, 23: meee 
7; 2. 43 94.2. οὗτοσί 
V. 9. ταύτῃ iv. 19. 

οὕτω, οὕτως i. 8 schol., 22 
schol.; iii. 13 schol.; iv. 
2 schol., 3 schol., 12, 13 
schol.; v. 24 schol.; vi. 5 
schol. ; vii. 22 schol. ; ix. 
15 schol.; xii. 14 schol. ; 
xiii. 4, 143 xiv. 23 schol. ; 
xvi. I schol.; 5. 1. 20 
schol., ii. 11 schol.; 13. i. 
6 schol. 

ὄχλος ΙΧ. 13. 

παγκάλως 7. 4. 
πάγος ix. 6. 
παιδιά XIV, 3. 

—— ὗν». ““ἡἃ 


παιδίον 51. 3. 

παῖς li, 20; Vi. 23; ix. 13 
(πούς Pap.); xi. 2, 11, 13, 
20, 21; xii. 16(?); xiii, 
41 XIV. 15; Χν. 2, 18,19; 
5. 111. 173 6. 11. 

Παιών ii. 10. 

πάλαισμα 5. 1. 12, ii. 22. 

πάλιν iv, 23. 

παλινστραφής V. 7. 

πάλλειν 5. i. 17. 

πάμφυρτος ΙΧ. 23. 

παντελής i. 13. 

πάνυ ἵν. 203 Xili, 21. 

παρά νὶ. τῇ. 

παραβαίνειν Vil. 21; 79. 2. 

παράδειγμα lil, 19. 

παραμένειν Vii, 11. 

παραπαίειν iX. 25. 

mapamAak .. . Viil. 10. 

παραψυκτήριον Xiil. 1. 

παρεῖναι il, 14; Vil. 5, 7, ὃ. 
πάρα = πάρεισιν. 5. 

παρέχειν 5, 11]. 23. 

παρθένος 28. 3 (?). 

παρίστασθαι ii. 7 (?). 

πάρος 7. II. 

πατήρ ill. 16; vi. 153 Vil. 5; 
Vili. 13; Xi. 4; xiv. 9; 5. 
M04, 111. 15. 

πατρικός ill, 12. 

πατρῷος 5, iii, 15. 

παύειν XV. 20. παύεσθαι x. 
1(?); xiv. 17; xv. 19. 

παῦλα ΘΑ. 4. 

mas 1.16; ii. 9; iv. 7; vi. 9, 
fo; 5. il. 24; 6. 4; 10. 
2, 8()); 98. 2. 

πέδορτος iX. 3. 

πείθειν Χὶν. 223 6. 5. 
σθαι Vi, 2; Xil. 3, 4. 

πεινῆν XIV. 12 (? πανᾶν Pap.). 

πελα. .᾿. 89. 2. 

πέλεθος Xvi. I. 

πένθος 5. iii. 25 (?); 9. 5. 

πῇ iv. 9. ma@iii, 13. 

πήδημα ἸΧ. 4. 

πημονή 9. 7. 

πίθηκος V. ΤΊ. 

πίπτειν i, 11; V. 16. 



πιστός Vi. 143 ΧΙΪ. 2. 

πιτνάναι XIV. 17. 

πλάγιος Vili, 12. 

πλάνη Xili, 14 (9). 

πλείων ΧΙϊ, 153 XV. 16, 
στος Vili. 21 ; xii. 8. 

mexra ... Xil. 21. 

πλευρά 5. 11]. 14. 

πλευρόν 8. ii. τ (?). 

πλησιαίτατος 7. 8. 

πλήσσειν Vi. 5 ν. ]. ; 91. 18. 

πλόκος 7, 13. 

πλουτεῖν Vili. 19 (). 

πλοῦτος Vi, 24. ᾿ 

πνίγειν XV. 21. 

ποθέν Vi, 22. 

ποῖ ix. 14. 

ποιεῖν xiv. 8 (?). 
5. iii. 25 (Ὁ). 

ποικίλος xii. 6. 

ποιμήν ii, 6 : Vi. 22. 

ποιο... 45, 2. 

ποῖος 11]. 3, 18 ; ν. τ; ΧΙ]. 
53 1. 7. 

πολύς Vi. 163 ΙΧ. 73 Xi. 163 
1,10; 5. iii, 10, 11, 22, 26, 
29; 9.83 98. 4. 

πονεῖν Vii, 12; Fr. 23.(a) 4. 

πονηρία XiV, 13. 

πονηρός XV. 3, Τῇ. 

πόνος 111. 18; vill. 1; ix. 8; 
91. 19. 

πόρδαλις Xii. 7. 

mopevew Xiii. 8, 

πορίζειν X. 223 Xli. 1. 

πορσύνειν Xii, 1 5. 

πόρτις 1. 6. 

ποτέ V. 22; Vil. 223 X. 19; 
xiii. 9. 

ποτής ΧΙ. 5. 

πότμος 15. 3. 

ποῦν. 18; XV. 15. 

που Vi, 13; XiV. 25. 

πούς iii, 6, 14 3 ix. 13 (I. παῖς), 

πρᾶγμα Υ. 9, ν.]. τάγμα; x. 
6 (?), 15; xiii, 8, 

mpayos iii, 21. 

πρᾶξις 47, 4, 6. 

πρέπειν IX, 16; Xiv. 14. 



ποεῖν 1X. 273 


πρεπτός Xiii. 6. 

πρέσβειρα xiii. 15? 

πρεσβύτης li, 14. 

Πριαμίδης 6. τ (?). 

Πρίαμος 5. li. 5, ili, 16; 6. 3. 

mpiv Vi. 23. 

πρό V. 24. 

προδιδόναι 5, ill. 20, 

προλείπειν 6. 8. 

προμήκης Xii, 5. 

πρός i, IL; V. 153 ΧΙν. 9,14; 
Gil. 14,11. 19. 

προσάγειν 85. li. 7. 

προσάπτειν Χὶν. 13, 

προσβιβάζειν vii. 8. 

προσγελᾶν Xii, 2. 

προσειπεῖν ὅ. il. 10. 

πρόσθε, πρόσθεν li. το ; V. 10; 
ix. 9. 

πρόσπαιος V. 14. 

προσφερής Xil. 9, 12. 

προσφιλής li. 15; iil. 25. 

προσφωνεῖν Xili. 2. 

πρόσω 85. i, 21. 

προφαίνειν ili, 18; X. 6, 14. 

προψαλάσσειν Χ. 5. 

πρῶτος Vil. 15; 49. 3. 
τον ili. 3 schol. 

πτηνός 5. 1. 5 schol. 

πτήσσειν Vi. 20. 

πύστις Χ. 24. 

πω V. 3. 

πώγων XiV. 16, 

πώποτε Vi. 6. 

πῶς ili, 13 3 iv. το; Vin BF 
xii. 3. 

mos li. 173 ili, 15; ix. 16. 


ῥηγνύναι 85. i, 9, iii. 9. 
ῥινηλατεῖν iv. 8. 
ῥινοκόλλητος Χὶν. 24. 
ῥιπτάζειν δ. ili. 12. 
ῥοθεῖν δ. ili. το. 
ῥοίβδημα ν. I. 

ῥοῖβδος ν. 2. 

Σαρπηδών 5. ili. 24. 
σάτυρος iii, 5 Marg. 
aap... Xiii, 20. 
σάφα xili, 11. 


σαφής iv. 21; Xiv. 7. 
viii. 23 (?); xX. 20. 

σῆμα iv. τό. 

σημαίνειν ἵν. 21 ; V. 10. 

σθένος Χ. τό. 

σιγᾶν iv. 17; ν. 24; Vill. 13, 

Σιληνός 111. 20 marg. 

σινδών 5. ili, 11. 

σκηπτός 9]. 19. 

σκοπεῖν XiV. II. 

σκιά Vi. 9. 

Σκῦρος 1. 8. 

σπάργανον Χὶ. 6. 

σπέος Xi. 2 (?). 

σπουδή il. 14. 

στέγειν Xi. 13, V. |. τρέφειν. 

στέγη X. 25 (?). 

στενάζεσθαι 5. 1. 15. 

στένειν 5, i. τό. 

orepey ii. 18, 

στίβος ν. 4 ; Vii. 24. 

στόμα 5. iil. 10. 

στράτιος Vii. 25. 

στρατός 1. 16. 

στρέφειν 1X. 15. 
Xiv. 20. 

στροφή ix. 1: 

ov ii, 12, 05, 235 1|: 8.5}. Ὁ. 
13; vii. 8, Il 5; Vill. 3, 1833 
xii. 23 xili. τι 14; Xiv. 
In; xv. 21: ἢ: 50)5 8 
ii. 7 schol., iii. 20; 11. 5; 
84. 2 v.1.; 86. 2; 91. 

σύγγονος Xil. 14. 

συγκυρεῖν 6, II. 

σύλησις 11]. 22. 

συμπλέκειν V. τι (9). 

συμποδηγετεῖν Vii. 5. 

σύν ii. 13; ix. 7, 13, 22(?); 
91. 17. 

συναλγεῖν 14. 5. 

συνάμα ili. 17. 

συνήθης 88. 5 (ὃ). 

συντελής iii. 26 (? mpoor. Pap.). 

ovpew 5. ii, 11. 

σύριγμα Vii. 9. 

σφαγή δ. iii. 14. 

σφάλλειν 79. 6. 





σχολάζεσθαι Xi, 12. 
σῶμα Vi, 8, 12. 
σῶς 3. 7. 

σώτειρα 6. 12(?). 
σωτηρία 5. iii. 21. 

τάγμα ν. 9 V. |. 

τᾶν, ὦ τᾶν iv. 18. 

τάφος 48. 2. 

τάχα Vili, 8; ΙΧ. 2; 92. 4. 

ταχύς 5.1. 28. τάχιστος 5. ii. 
14 5000]. ; 94.6. τάχιστα 
Βτι πὰ. 

ve 1, £4; 22; Ud, τ; BLES; 
25 (ye Pap.), 26; ν. 43 
Vii. I's Vill. 19,20; 1%. 11; 
x. .4(?); xiv. 20 ;, xvii ΟΝ 
5. 11. 265 10:7. 

τείνειν iX. 10. 

τέκνον iii. 4; 5. ii. 5, iii. 16, 

τελεῖν i. 2; iV. 13. 

τέμνειν Xili, 23. 

τέρπεσθαι Xiv. 6. 

τεῦχος 7. τ. 

τεχνᾶσθαι Xill. 10. 

réxyn i. 9; V. 13; ix. 8. 

Τήλεφος 2. 2; 5. i. 1 schol., 
26, ill. 18; 8: τὸ; ἡ. 95 
10. 4; 40. 2. 

τηλοῦ 91. 23. 

τιθέναι ‘7. τὶ (?). 

τίκτειν J, 10. 

tis iii. 3; iv. 18 (v. ]. ἔτι), 19; 
v. 9, 13, 15; 17, 18, 21, 
22, 24, 26; νὶἱ. 7; ViL 13, 
15, 195 Mil 5. 15,15. 1Σ. 
6, 35 XO} ΣΙϊ.-12, Τῇ; 
ΧΗ 1s KV, 172.) ee aS 
8. Wy 55. δ. Made atys 
50. 4. 

τις ii, 9; ili, 243 IV. 5, 17; 
ν. τό; Vi. 4; vii. 6 ; viii. 
22; ix. δὶ Sil. 5, 10, 18] 
Kill, 2, 5, 153 Χῖν. 5,ετ; 
XV. 20; 3.9; 66, 2. 

τοι Uli, 8s ν. 7.1 Ἐν. 3: 

roto. «. Fr. 28. 2. 

τοιόσδε IV. 153 Xle 13, 18; 
xii. I. 

τοιοῦτος Xli, 3, 103; 5. iii. 10; 
68. τ; 81. 4; 105. 3(?). 

τόλμα 1. 11. 

τόπος V. 18 (τρόπος Pap.); x. 
4, τό; ΧΙ; 5. 

τόσος 1. 9 (?). 

τοσοῦτος ὅ. il. 21. 

τότε ii, 18. 

τράγος Xiv. τό. 

τρε... Vill. 4. 

τρέπειν 91. 15. 

τρέφειν Xi. 3, 13 ν.]. 

τρίζυγος Vil. το. 

τρισσός 11. τι (Ὁ). 

τρίτος 5. ii. 6; 9. 3. 

τρόπος V. 9, 15, 18 (I. τόποεὶ), 
19; Vil.15; Xi το; 2. 3. 

tpop ... 5. iii. 6. 

τροφή 1X. 17; Xi. 6. 

τροχώδης xii. 6 v. 1. 

Tpo-. . . Lae 

τυγχάνειν ili, 15, 21. 

turds δ. ii, 23. 

τύχη 94.5, 8. Τύχη iii. 20. 

τως ΧΙΪ. 7. 

ὺ ὗ ὑ ὗ ν. 20. 

ὑλώδης ix. 6. 

ὑμεῖς V. 15; Vi. 21, 253 Vil. 
1; ix. 10, 26; x, 28, 55. 

ὑπισχνεῖσθαι i, 2. 

ὑπό Vi. τό, 21 : 91. τό. 

ὑποκλάζειν Vii. 13. 

ὑποκρίζειν vii. 13. 

ὑπόνομος ili, 10. 

ὑπορρυπαίνειν Vi, 21. 

ὕποσμος iv. II. 

ὕπτιος Xi. 17. 

ὕστερος XiV. IQ. ὕστερον Κι, ἢ. 

ὑφορᾶν vii. 14 (ὑπό μ᾽ ἴδες). 

ὕφος 5. ili. 12. 

660 vii. 12. 

φαίνειν X. 21; xi. τὸ (v1. 
exp.). φαίνεσθαι ix. 2. 

φαλακρός Χὶν. 17. 

φαλῆς vi. 13. 

φάναι iv. 53 xvii. 6; 5. ii. 16. 

φάος 5.1. 23. 

φαρμ.. . 11. 6. 

φάσμα xiii. 6. 

——S ee ee eee a re 


φέρειν Vii. 22 ; ix. 3,9, II. 

φεύγειν Vi.14; δ. i. 18. 

φηλήτης xiii. 16. 

φήμη 8. 2. 

φθέγμα ν. 3 ; vill. 26; x. 18: 
ἘΠ ΣῈ ;. ΧΙ, 35 Χ111..4. 

φθείρειν 91. 17. 

φίλος 111,1 ; x, 27; 8. 10(?); 

6. 9. 

φιτύειν ΧΙ. 2. 

φλέψ Fr. 32. 2. 

᾿ φοβεῖσθαι ν. 21; Vi. 7, 23. 

φόβος vi. το ; Xi. 9. 

Φοῖβος ii. 15 ; iii. 26 ; vi. 25. 

φράζειν 11]. 25 (δράσας Pap.); 
ΣΧ. 17, ta; ΧΙ. 13; ΕἾ. 27, 1. 

φρήν i. 4; xiv. 6 ; δ. 1]. 8. 

φροῦδος i. 7 (Ὁ); 91. 13. 

Φρύγες 5. iii, 21. 

φυγή vi. 18. 

φύειν xii. 7, 9; Xiv. 9. 

gun xii. 11. 

φυλα... 48. 5. 

φυλάσσειν 8. ii. 7. 

φῦλον i. τό. 

φύρδην δ. ii. 11 (v. 1. φυρτάν). 

φυτεύειν 5. iii. 19. 

φωνεῖν x. 18; xii. 13, 16(?). 
φωνή Vi. 1 ; ix. 25 (?); xii. 4. 
φώνημα li. 12 ; Xi. 23. 

pop ii. 10; ix. 18. 

φῶς 14. 2. 

χαίρειν xiii. 2. 

χαλέπτειν xili. 12. 

χαλινός 1. 3. 

χαλκοῦς 5.1. 9. 

χαρι... 80. 6. 

χάρις ἸΧ. 9. 

χάσκειν Xiv. 10. 

χειμάζειν Xi, 43 Xill. 15. 

χείρ ἸΧ. τι; Χὶ. 3; δ. 1. 17. 

χλιδᾶν xiv. τό. 

χλοερός ix. 6 (ν.]. x@pos). 

χορός ill. 5 Marg. ; X. I marg. ; 
xiii, 5 marg. 

χρεία Χ. 15. 

χρή Χ. 20; xiv. 18. 

χρῆμα ii. 173 Vi. 4; ΙΧ. 143 
Xlv. 23; 47. 9. 

χρῆσθαι iv. 13 ν.]. 

χρηστός iv. 13 (v. 1. χρῆσθαι). 

χρόνιος 9. 6. 

| χρόνος Vi. 4 ; Vill. 21; Xiv.13 


δ. Π. 22; 93. 
5 (ἢ). 

χρυσός ii, 18; 111. το; viii. 
20; ΕἾ..25: (4) 2. 

χρυσόφαντος Vi. 24. 

χρώς iv. τι (ἐν χρῷ). 

χυτρώδης xii. 6 (v. ]. τροχώδης). 

χωρεῖν iv. 26. 

χῶρος ii. 5; ix. 6 ν.]. 

ΨΨ vii. 12. 
ψοφεῖν vii. 4. 
ψόφος vi. 6, 7, 19, 22. 

91. 9; 

ὦ N. 243 Vi If} ZV. 17s 
XVil, 8, 10; 8.5; 5.11.9; 
6. 12; 49. 2. ὦ τᾶν iv. 
18. ὦ νἱϊ. τ8, ὦ ὦ ἢ]. 8. 

ὧδε V. 143 ΙΧ. 25; ΧΙ]. 19. 

ὥρα 91, 19. 

Gs). ER εὐ Ve GS ΜΙ 25. Ἐπ: 
21. ΧΗ ΡΥ TEs XIV. τάς; 
δ. ii, 14, 26, ill. 19, 27. 
ὥς xiv. 19 (?). 

ὥσπερ 81]. 2. 

ὥστε ix. 5; Xi. 9; 5. ii. 21. 

ὠφελεῖν δ. ili. 13. 

(ὁ) 1176 (SATYRUS, Life of Euripides.) 

(Numbers in thick type refer to fragments.) 

ἀβουλία 89. 111. 23. 

ἀγαθός 81. 1. τὴ ; 88. ii. 11. 

ἄγασθαι 89. Χ. 37. 

ἄγειν 89. vi. 20, vii. 21, xviii. 

ἀγών 8. li. 28. 

adap... 6. τό. 

ἀδικεῖν 18. 3. 

ἀδίκημα 89. xiii. 1. 

ἀεί 89. ΙΧ. 14. 

ando... 18. 1. 2. 

ἀθάνατος 89. ii. 21. 

᾿Αθῆναι 89. xvii. 24. ᾿Αθήνη- 
ow 89. xix. 3. 

᾿Αθηναῖοι 89. iii. 22, v. 10(?), 
xix. 16. 

ἀθρόος 89. X. 27. 

ἀθυμεῖν 89. xxii. 7. 

αἰσθάνεσθαι 89. XiX. ΤΙ, ΧΧΙΪ. 

αἰσχρός 88. iv. το (7), 22. 

Αἰσχύλος 89. xvi. 8, xxiii. 4. 

Αἴτνη 88. ii. 21. 

αἰχμάλωτος 89. xix. 18. 

᾿Ακέστωρ 89. XV. 31. 

ἀκούειν 22, 8. 

ἀκριβῶς 87. ili. 14. 

ἀκρόασις 5. 7. 

ἄκρος 89. vii. 21. 

ἀληθινώτερος 89. Xviii. 20. 

ἀλκή 89. iv. 25. 

ἀλλά 88. ii. 8; 39. iii. 18, 
iv. 2, v. 26, ix. 28, xiii. 14, 
xViii. 13 (1. ἅμα). 

ἀλλαχῇ 1. 2. 

ἄλλος 89. vi. 7 (δαμων Pap.), 
XVi. 31, 32. ἄλλῃ 87. iii. 21. 

ἀλλότριος 87. 1. 20. 

ds 89. xvi. 14, τό. 

ἄλσος 89. XXi. 7. 

dpa 89, iv. 19, Χ. 36, XV. 21, 
26, xviii. 13 (ἀλλά Pap.) 

ἀμαθής 18. 1 (?). 

ἀμελει 89. Vi. τό. 

ἄμφω 39. xiii. 37. 

ἄν 2.1. 12; 18. 3 (Ὁ) ; 38. iii. 
16; 39. ii. 15, iv. 6, vi. 16, 
ΧΙ, 24, ΧΧ. tee 

ἀναγνωρισμός 839. vii. 12. 

ἀναγραφή 89. xxiii. 2. 

᾿Αναξαγόρας 87. i. 24. 


᾿Αναξαγόρειος 87. ili. 17. 

ἀνάπαλιν 89. XXii, 14. 

ἀναπνοιή 89. ix. 7. 

ἀνασῴζειν 89. ΧΙΧ. 20. 

ἀνήρ 8. ll. 4; 89. Χ. 4, 35, 
Rill. “20, Χὺ: 10, ΣΎ]. 18, 
Xviiil. 14; 40. 5. 

ἄνθρωπος 89. il. 13, xiii. 4, 
xiv, 13. 

ἄνπερ 39. xiii. τό. 

ἀντιδιδάσκειν 89. Xvi. 10. 

ἀντλεῖν 89. iv. 36. 

ἀξία 89. ili. 17. 

ἄξιος 89. xiii. 39, XIX. 5. 

ἀόρατος 89. li. 20. 

ἁπαλός 89. iv. 9 (?). 

ἅπας 89. iv. 36, ix. 16, xix. 

a2 (Ὁ): 

ἀπείπασθαι 89. xvii. 23. 

ἀπεχθάνεσθαι 89. X. I. 

ἁπλῶς 89. ix. 15. 

ἀπό 39. Χ. 13. 

ἀποθαυμάζειν 89. xix. 33 (Ὁ). 

ἀπολείπειν 89. Xxi. 18 (or ὑπ... 

ἀποφαίνεσθαι 88. iv. 28. 

ἀπωτέρω 89. XXi. 5. 

ἄρα 89. Xiv. 20. 

ἀρετή 89. ΧΙ. 33. 

ἀριθμός 41. 6. 

᾿Αριστογείτων 89. viii. 15. 

᾿Αριστοφάνης 8. ii. 13; 89. 
ix. 20. 

ἄρχειν 89. vi. 7. 

᾿Αρχέλαος 89. Xix. 35, XXi. 10. 

ἀρχή 89. Vii. 24. 

ἀσέβεια 89. X. το. 

ἀστός 89. iii. 3. 8 (?). 

ἀστροσκοπεῖν 88. ili. 12. 

ἀστυνόμος 89. ν. τό. 

ἀτακτεῖν 39. xii. 34. 

ἀτάρ 39. xvi. 23. 

ἀτιμάζειν 89. ix. 18. 

ἄτιμος 2. i. το. 

αὐλητρίς 89. ν. 15. 

αὔξειν 8. ii. 4 (?). 

αὐστηρῶς 39. iv. 19. 

αὐτόθι 89. ix. 5. 

αὐτός 6. 8; 8. ii. 6, 16; 18. 
4 ve 16. 1. og 3 BB 
13 (?), iv. 33; 89, iv, 15, 


20,7 NUS 29; 1% 22. Χ. 2, 

an, ΠῚ 20); Xi. 36, xiv. ἢ, 

XVI. 21, Xyiil.. 6, ΧΙΧ. 10, 

30, ΧΧΙ. 18, 25. 
ἀφικνεῖσθαι 39. vi. 9. 
ἄχθεσθαι 39. XV. 27. 
᾿Αχιλλεύς 11. i. 3. 

βάλλειν 19. ii. 2. 
βαρυδαίμων 88. i. 18. 
βαρύς 40. 3 (Ὁ). 

Be ee 82: 

βιασμός 89. vii. 8. 

Bios 89. xxiii. 2. 

βλέπειν 89. ii. 12. 
Βόσπορος 88. iii. 8 (?), 20. 
βούλεσθαι 89. xiii. 17. 
βροτός 88. ii. 15. 

γάρ 8: 1....26; AD, 1 δ; 
18. 1. 3; 22. 9; 85. 4; 
98. li. 7, iv. 19; 39. ii. 19, 
lil, 12, Iv. 22) ν1: ἢ, 2, ΜΙ: 
16, x. τό, ΧΙ, τό, 24, Χὶν. 
53. 22, XV..5, BO, δε Re. 
3, ΧΧΙ. 35; 40.6; 44. τ. 

ye 10. i. 13; 87. iii. 21; 39. 
vi. 17, Vii. 25 (?), xiii. 23, 
32, xiv. 28, ΧΥΪ. 24, XVil. 
20, ΧΙΧ. 6, ΧΧ. 11. 

γελᾶν 9. 6. 

γελοίως 39. xiii, 23. 

γένος 89. X. 14, ΧΙ]. 23, XXil. 

γεραίτατος 39. XX. 30. 

γέρων 89. Vi. 13. 

γίγνεσθαι 89. ν. 25, ΧΙΧ. 17, 
XX. 9, 10, ΧΧΙ. 12. 

γλῶσσα 8. il. 15. 

γοῦν 89. iv. 23, ix. 20, ΧΙΧ. 12. 

γράφειν 6. 6; 39. ix. 14. 

γυνή 89. vii. I, Χ. 6, 23, ΧΙ]. 
32, ΧΙ, 28, xiv. 1, 19, Xv. 
8, 17. ‘ 

δαιμονίως 37. 1. 253; 89. xx. 

δακτύλιον 89. vii. 13. 

Δανάη 88. iv. 30. 

δέραιον 39. Vii. 14. 

δεσπότης 89. Vii. 5. 

δή 89. xiv. 13, XX. 12, 23. 
καὶ δὴ καί 88. 1.12; 89. v. 
11, XVili. 31, ΧΧΙΪ, 27. 

δηλ... 83. 1.9. 

δῆλος 41. 5. 

δημαγωγός BQ. ill. 15, Χ. 17. 

δήπου 18. 6; 89. vii. 16, 

διά 8. 11. 173 39. vii. 13, 14, 
x. 4, 7, ΣΙ. 26; 20, Σιν. 
34, XiX. 21, XX. ΤΙ, ΧΧΙΪ. 3. 

διαβολή 89. Xiv. 21. 

διαγιγνώσκειν 89. ΧΧΙΪ. 11. 

διάκοσμος 87. iii. 18. 

διαμαρτυρία 89. Xvil. 21. 

διαπορεῖν 87. ili. 22. 

διαπορεύεσθαι 89. XX. 14. 

διατελεῖν 89. xiii. 19. 

διαφθείρειν 89. ΧΧΙ. 24. 

διδάσκειν 89. xix. 26. 

διδόναι 89. iil. 9. 

διεξιέναι 89. ΧΧΙΪ. 23. 

διημερεύειν 89. ix. 11. 

δίκαιος 89. xiii. 15. 

δίκη 89. Χ. 20, Xxi. 35. δίκην 
40. 5 (9). 

διό 8. il. 12. 

Διόδωρος 89. iii. 19, XV. 13. 

διότι 89. XiV. 31. 

δίχα 42. 2. 

δολιχός 41. 2. 

Δορίλαος 89. Χν. 32. 

δρᾶν 88. 11. 6; 89. ii. 9. 

δύειν 88. ii. 6. 

δύνασθαι 89. vii. 35. 

δυναστεία 89. ii. 26 (Ὁ). 

δυνάστης 89. xviii. 29. 

δυνατός 1. 8, 

δυσμενέστατος 89. Vi. 5. 

δυσομιλία 89. Χ. 5. 

δυσχερής 89. ΧΧ. 2}. 

δῶμα 89. xi. 31 (I. Δωδώνης). 

ἐάν 2. ii, I. 

ἑαυτοῦ, αὑτοῦ 38. i. 225; 89. 
ix, 12, Xil. 33, XV. εἴ, meen 
8, Xxli. 10. 

ἐγώ 10. i. 4; 89. xii. 19, xiii. 
14, Χν. 4. : 

εἰ 88.11}. 20; 39. ix. 16, 


εἶναι 16. i. 3; 87. i. 18, iii, 
23; 38. ii. 13; 89. ii. 15, 
ἷν. 15, Vs 17, 24, Vile τό, 
23, ix. 28, xii. 24, xili. 37, 
xiv, 20, xvi. 18, xviii. 5 (Ὁ), 
meed4, XX). 35, Xxil. 20; 
τῷ ὄντι 89. ii, 19, XiV. 30. 

εἰπεῖν 59. XVi. 22, XVil. 15,Xx.6. 

εἰς 8. ili. 10; 89. vi. 8, ix. 8, 
m 11. 

εἰσιέναι 89. XiV. 15. 

ἐκ 16. i. 1. 

ἕκαστος 39. iv. 13, 14. 

ἑκάτερος 89. X. 13. 

ἐκδέχεσθαι 89. xviii. 22. 

ἐκεῖνος 89. XV. 21, Xvii. 10. 
κεῖνος 2. 1. 11. 

ἐκκλησία 89. iv. 12. 

exopnxew 8. li. 19. 

ἐκφορά 89. vi. 29. 

ἐλευθερία 89. ν. 21. 

ἕλκος 89. iii. 13. 

Ἕλλην 2. i. 13; 89. xxii. 2. 

ἐλλόγιμος 88. iv. 20 (Ady. 

ἐμβάλλειν 39. Xvi. 13. 

ἐμός 88. ii. 13; 39. xiii. 12. 

ἐμφαίνειν 89. XVili. IO. 

ev 34, i. 3; 87. lil. 19; 
11, 25, ἷν. 30; 89. iv: 
ΙΧ. £0, X. 9, 30, Xi. 
mil, 21, 36(?), xiv. 22, 
XVil. 26, xviii. 26, xx. 19, 
ext. 6, 22; xxii. 3, 20; 
40. 3. 

ἐνάλιος 88. ili. 14. 

ἐναντίος 89. XV. 3. 

ἐνταῦθα 89. ν. 27, XVi. 24. 
ἐνταυθί 89. vii. 31, Vili. 13. 

ἔντιμος 89. [1]. II. ἐντίμως 
89. xviii. 27. 

ἐνεῖναι 88. ii. ἡ (ἔνι). 

ἐξαίρετος 88. iv. 35. 

e€dpxew 89. xviii, τ. 

ἐξήγησις 89. Xi. 20. 

ἐξιέναι 89, Xxi. 11. 

ἐξοργίζειν 89. x. 33 (?). 

ἐξουσία 39. v. 26. 

ἔξω 39. xxi. 13. 

ἐοικέναι 89. iv. 18, xii. 25, 




XVi. εἰκότως 89. Vii. 

ἐπανάγειν 89. Xv. 17. 

ἐπεί 89. Xiii. 8, 31. 

ἔπειτα 87. 1. 223 89. iv. 11, 
Xvi. I. 

ἐπερωτᾶν 89. ΧΙ, 9. 

ἕπεσθαι 89. xvi. 30 (?). 

ἐπί 87. 1. 16, 19; 89. ix. 22, 
X. 29, XV. II, 19, 28, xix. 
14, ΧΧΙ. TO, 

ἐπιδάκνειν 89. Xvi. 27. 

ἐπιθυμεῖν 8. ii. τ4. 

ἐπιπαραγίγνεσθαι 89. ΧΧΙ. 26. 

ἐπισυνιστάναι 89. Χ. 24. 

ἐπιτυγχάνειν 89. XXi. 20. 

ἐπιχώριος 89. Χν. 24. 

ἔπος 9.9; 89. Xx. 14. 

ἔργον 37. 1. 21. 

ἐρεῖν 89. XIX. I, XX. 17. 

ἐρημάζειν 89. xxi. 8. 

ἔρχεσθαι 8. iil. 17; 88. iii. 
17(?); 89.x. 11. 

ἔρως 39. vi. 8. 

ἔτι 89. ΧΧΙ. 29. 

εὖ 39. iv. 24, xiv. 28. 

εὐάγωγος 2. 1. 14. 

εὐκάτοπτος 89. il. 22. 

εὔκλεια 89. iv. 34. 

Εὔκλεια 89. Xiv. 31. 

evrAaB .. . 19. ii. 1. 

εὐλογώτερος 89. ΧΙ]. 24. 

εὐπινής 89. ΧΙ. 18. 

Εὐριπίδης 8. iii. 6 (?); 89. iv. 
25. Nil. 22, 3.2, Vill, UL, Xv. 
20, KVi.. 11, 29, ΧΙΧ. 21, 
93. 3X. 24. ΧΕΙ; 4. “25, 
ΧΧΙΪ. 13, ΧΧΙΠ, 6. 

Εὐριπίδιον 89. xii. 13 (I. Ev- 

εὑρίσκειν 89. ΧΙ]. 38. 

εὐφημεῖν 89. ΧΧ. 5. 

εὐψυχία 89. iv. 26. 

ἔχειν 10. i. 13; 38. li, 26; 
89. ix. 8, xi. 8, xiii. 13, 
Χὶν, 26, 35, Xvi. 13, XX. 1; 
40. 4. ... εχειν 42. 5. 

ἕωλος 2. 1. 4. 


Ζεύς 890. XV. 35. 


χοῦν 8. ii. τ (Ὁ). 
ὧν 39. Xx. 22. 
ζό 40. 4. 

ἦ 89. Xv. 37. 

ἤ 89. vil. 6, ix. 18, xili, 29, 
EVIE 2, Xx. 10; 

ἡγεῖσθαι 88, 1. 22. 

ἡδίων 89. Vi. 14, XX. II. 

ἦθος 10. i. το; 11.1.4; 39. 
XIV. 33. 

ἥκειν 9. ὃ. 

ἡλίκος 89. xxii. 19. 

ἡμεῖς 89. iv. 14. 

ἡμέρα 89. iv. 37. 

ἤν 89. ν. 25 (?). 

ἤπερ 89. xviii. 19. 

Ἡρακλῆς 88. i. 11. 

Ἡσίοδος 18. i. 3. 

ἡττᾶσθαι 89. Xv. 12. 

θάλαμος 88. ii. 25; 40. 3. 

θάλαττα 39, ix. 9. 

θαυμάζειν 88. iv. 25. 

θεᾶσθαι 89. ἰΧ. 29. 

θεατής 89. ΧΧΙΪ. τ5. 

θέλειν 88. iii. 16; 89. xviii. 

θεός 89. ii. 14, 17. 

θεράπων 39. vil. 4. 

Θεσμοφόρια 39. x. 26. 

θετέος 89. Xv. 6. 

θηρευτής 89. ΧΧΙ. 14. 

θνητός 89. ii. 19. 

θυμοποιεῖν 89. iv. 31. 

θύραθεν 88. iii. 15. 

ἰδεῖν 89. xiv. 15. 

ἴδιος 6.13; 87.1.7; 39. xii. 
33, Xx. 28. 

ἰδιώτης 19. ii. 4. 

ἱκανός 16. i. 2. 

ἵνα 89. xili, II. 

Ἴστρος 38. 11]. 19. 

ἴσως 89. XV. 13. 

Ἴων 8. ii. 1 (?). 

καθάπερ 89, Xili. 33, XVi. 21, 
Xviil. 21, Xx. 16. 
καθεύδειν 890. XVil. 11. 


καί, κἀνταῦθα 89. XVi, 24. κἄ- 
πειτα 89. IV. II. 

καινοτομία 89. ΧΧΙΪ. 5. 

καιρός 6. 4. 

κακία 89. xiii. 32. 

κακός 16. ii. 5; 89. ill. 14. 
κακῶς 39. Vi. 19; XiX. 1. 

καλεῖν 88. ii. 11; 89. ix. 24. 

κάλλος 89. xiv. 17. 

καλός 6. 14; 8. ii. 2 (Ὁ). 

κατά 8. ii. 9; 33.1. 11; 389. 
vi, 17, Vil. ὅ; 1x, Ὑ2,,Χν. 4: 
EX, 2, ΧΕΙ, ἡ; Xxil. 6. 

καταγελᾶν 89. xxii. τό. 

καταγηρᾶν 89. XVill. 25. 

καταφρονεῖν 89. ΧΧΙΪ. 32. 

καταχωρίζειν 89. xvii. 28. 

κατέχειν 89. ΧΙΧ. 23. 

κατηγορεῖν 10. 1, 7; 39. iv. 
12, 11], 14. 

κατόπιν 89. XXi, 20. 

κελεύειν 89. Xiil. 5. 

κεῖνος. See ἐκεῖνος, 

Κηφισοφῶν 89. xii. 28. 

κίνδυνος 89. Χ. 12. 

Κλέων 89. x. 16. 

κοινός 89. ill. 21. 

κομψότερος 89. XViil. 17. 

κρατεῖν 89. XV. 2. 

κράτιστος 89. xiv. 28. 

κτᾶσθαι 89. iv. 33, ix. 4 (?). 

κυρεῖν 89. Vi, 11. 

κύων 89, ΧΥ]]. 12,XXi, 22, 34. 

κυνηγία 89. XXi. 11. 

κωμικός 89. iv. τῇ. 

κωμῳδία 89. Vii. 19, ix. 30. 

κωμῳδιδάσκαλος 859. Xvi. 25. 

λάθρᾳ 89. ii. 8. 

Λακωνικός 89. iv. 30. 

λάλος BY. xvi. τό. 4 

λαμβάνειν 88. 111. 21; 39. 
XVI. ἢ, xix, 28. 

λέγειν 17, ii. 1; 88. i, 16, ii. 
14; 39. iv. 6, 8, 20, Vv. 
22(?), vii. 36, ix. 27, 31(?), 
ΧΙ, 18, xiii. 34, XV. 37, 
XViii. 9, 19, XIX, 5, II, XX. 
34, ΧΧΙ. 29. 

λείπειν 8. ii. 8, 


λεκτικός 89. Vii. 27. 

λεπτός 8. ii. 18. 

λογίζεσθαι 8. ii. 8. 

λογικός 1. 5. 

Adyipos 88. iv. 20 (1. ἐλλόγ. ?). 

λόγιος 39. Xx. 29. 

λόγός 1. 4; 8. i. 4; 5. 6; 
33. i. 22; 39. xxii. 23. 

λοιπός 89. XVili. 31. 

λύειν 89. XXi. 15. 

λυπεῖν 18. 1. 9. 

Μακεὸ... 14. I. 
Μακεδόνες 89. xix. 8, XX. 32, 

Xxi. 32. 

Μακεδονία 39. xviii, 26. 
μακράν 88. 111. 17. 
μάλα 89. iv. 24, xvill. 27, Xx. 

26. μᾶλλον 8. il. 29. μά- 

λιστα 89. iv. 5. 
μαντεύεσθαι 89. Vi. 21. 
μαρτυρεῖν 89. vii. 28. 
μάτην 88. ii. 14. 

. + μαχεῖν 89. XV. I 
μάχεσθαι 89. xiii. 20. 
μεγαλεῖος 89. ix. 17. 
μέγας 8. ii. 213; 39. x. 15. 

μείζων 89. 11. 12. μέγιστος 

39. ili. 12. 
μέγεθος 89. xiv. 16. 
μειρακίσκος 89. xii. 26. 
Μελάνθιος 89. Xv. 34. 
μέλος 89. Xx. 13. 
μελῳδία 89. XVii. 2. 
μέν 88. iv. 19; 89. iv. 23, ν. 

23; Ax. (20, ΕΚ: 206,46, 

Kili, 4, XV./5, 9, 16,'22, 

XIX, 2, ΟΥΣ 22, EX. TR, 

μὲν οὖν 8. ii, 9; 89. xvii. 

μεριμνᾶν 89. ix, 13. 
μετά 8. ii. 6. 
μεταβολή 40. ο (ἢ). 
μεταπέμπεσθαι 89. xiv. II. 
μεταφορικῶς 89. xviii. 9. 
μετέρχεσθαι 88. iv. 21; 890. 

XViii. 23. 
μετεωρίζειν 89. iil. 4. 
μετρεῖν 8. ii. 16. 
μέτριος 89. ili. 5. 

μή 2.1.11; 8.11.8; 18.1.9; 
38. il. 29; 89. ili. g, ix. 
16, ΧΙ. 11, Xvi. τό. 

μηδέ 89. iii. 6. 

μηδείς 89. iii. 2 (Ὁ). 

μήν 89. xvii. 20. ἀλλὰ μήν 
39. iii. 19. καὶ μήν 89. ii. 

μιμνήσκεσθαι 89. Χνὶ. 14. 

μισοτυραννεῖν BQ. ii. 24. 

μνήμη 89. xiv. 34. 

μνημονεύειν 89. xiii. 2, XViil. 

μον... 22. 3. 

μόναρχος 89. XViil. 12. 

μόνος 88. iv. 32; 39. vil. 35, 
xxii. 13. 

povovy 89. Xxi. 23. 

Mépomos 89. XV. 33. 

μοῦσα 89. x. 38. 

μουσική 89. ΧΧΙΪ. 4. 

μυθολογεῖν 89. ΧΧ. 31. 

ναυστολεῖν 88, ili. 10. 

νεανίσκος 39. Xiil. 7. 

νέμειν 89. Xi, 12. 

Νεοπτόλεμος 11. 1. 5. 

νέος 80. iv. 28. νεώτερος 89. 
vii. 18. 

νή 89. ΧΙ], 23. 

νικᾶν 89. ΧΧΙΪ, 31. 

νίκημα 89. Χν. 7. 

Νικίας 89. xix. 13. 

Νῖλος 88. iii. 9 (Ὁ). 

νομίζειν 6.12; 89. ν. 23. 

νόσος 40. 2. 

νῦν 89. vi. 19 (?), xxi. 29. 

6, ἡ, τό. ἁνήρ 8. ii, 11. τάν- 
δρός 89. X. 35, XVill. 14. 
τἀποφαινόμενα 88. iv. 28. 

6, ἡ, τό (demonstr.), ὁ μέν, 
ὁ δέ 89. v. 28, xi. 20, xix. 
2, ΧΧΙ. 1. 26. 

ὅδε 89. ii. 7, Xvi. 12, XVii. 27. 

ὅθεν 39. xxi. 28. 

οἷος 89. ix. 25. 
ΧΧΙΪ, 24. 

οἰκογενής 89. xii. 27. 

ὀλίγος 89. ii. 27 (?). 

οἷός τε 89. 

eer. ae ee Σ“ὦ 

ee Δεν νὰ ὁ, νὰ 5. 2)κ....- κ-." 



ὅλος 89. xiii. 18, xvi. TO. 
ὅλως 87. ili. 15. 

Ὅμηρος 89. vii. 23. 

ὅμοιος 89. XX. I5. 

ὄνομα 89. xii, 28, xv. 36. 

ὅπου 89. Χν]]. 1. 

ὅππᾳ 89. xvii. 10. 

ὅπως 89. xvi. 15. 

ὁρμή 89. iv. 29, xviii. 8. 

ὀρχεῖσθαι 9. 7. 

ὅς 8. ii. 17; 38.1. 21; 89. 
ἷν. 14, Vil. 20, 35, Χ. 21, 
30, xii. 17, xv. 39(?), xviii. 
5 (Ὁ). ὅς ye 89. xix. 6, 

mx, τὶ. 

ὅσος 89. XV. II, XVi. 9, xix. 

ὅσπερ 39. Xvii. 15, XVili. 21 

ὅστις 88. ii. 8 (ὅτῳ). 

ὅτε 8. ii. 31 (0); 84. 1. 3; 
89. iv. 5 (ἢ), xiv. 14, xix. 

6 τι, ὅ τι τάχος 89. Vi. 23. 

ὅτι 89. Xviii. 4, 33. 

ov, οὐκ 33. 1. 23; 37. i. το; 
38. i. 20, iii, 16; 39. iv. 
8, 22, v.22, xviil. 3, xix. 
I, XX. 5; 40.6. οὐχί 89. 
ἷν. 1. 

οὐδέ 88. iii. 20 (οὔτε Pap.); 
89. iv. 2, xi. 16, 19, Xix. 4. 

οὖν 8. ii. 9; 89. xii. 30, xvii. 
14, Xviiil. 7, xxi. 21. 8 
οὖν 89. xviii. 24. 

οὐράνιος 37. 111. 25. 

οὖς 89. xi. Io. 

οὐσία 89. ν. 22. 

οὔτε 9. 7, 9; 988. iii. 20 Pap. 

οὔτοι 88. ii. 28. 

᾿οὗτος 88. iii. 22 ; 39. ii. 9, iv. 
I, Vii. 15, 29, 34 (I. οὕτως), 
ἾΧ. 10, 25, XH. 23, 30, ΧΙ]. 
10, 12, 15, xv. 6, 14, ΧΥ]]. 
9, 13, 26, xviii. 4, 34 (ἢ), 
XX. 16, 23. 

οὕτω, οὕτως 89. iv. 32, Vil. 34 
(οὗτος Pap.), xviii. 34 (?), 
XIX. 30. 

ὀφείλειν 41. ἡ. 


ὀφθαλμός Xiv. 25. 
ὄχλος 88. iv. 24. 

πάγος 88. il. 22. 

παιδίον 89. vii. 11. 

παῖς 89. Vi. 14, XX. 7. 

πάλιν 89. iv. 22, XV. 19, Xvi. 

Πάμφιλος 89. ν. 24. 

πανήγυρ.... 22. 4. 

πάνυ 10. 1. 5. 

παρά 88. iv. 23(?); 89. iv. 
16, xii. 25, xvi. 8, xviii. 
29, XXil. 2. 

παραιτεῖσθαι 89. XXiv I. 

παρακαλεῖν 39, iv. 26. 

παρακλητικώτατος 89. XXii. 25. 

mapadvew 89. xii. 18. 

παραμιμεῖσθαι 1. 6. 

παραμυθεῖσθαι 89. XXii. 21. 

παρεῖναι 88. 11. 9; 839. x. 28, 
XVili. 21 (ἅπερ ἐστίν Pap.). 

παρθένος 2.1. 5; 39. vii. 9. 

Πάριος 38. li. 22. 

πάροδος 89. ili. το. 

παροιμία 89. ΧΧΙ. 31. 

παρρησιάζεσθαι 9. τι. 

πᾶς 88. iv. 33; 39. x. 2, xiv. 

πάσασθαι 88. ii. 16, 26. 

πατήρ 89. Vi. 5, 15, 26, Vii. 2. 

πάτριος 88. ll. 27. 

παύεσθαι 89. xxii. 31. 

πεῖρα 88. ii. 23. 

πένης 39. ν. 28. 

πέρα 88. ili. 9; 39. iii. 16. 

περί 38. iv. 31; 39. ii. 17, 
iii. 20. 

περιλαμβάνειν 87. 111. 16. 

περίοδος 37, 111. 20. 

περιπέτεια 89. Vil. 7. 

περίστασις 89. V. το (?). 

Πέρσαι 89: xxii. 28, 

πῃ 87. ill. 22. 

πιστεύειν 17. i, 2; 89. iv. 7. 

πλεονεξία 88. iv. 31. 

πλέων 88. i. 8. πλεῖστος 39. 
vi. 18. 

πλῆθος 89. ii. 25 (?), iv. 32. 

πλήν 89. xv. 14. 


mo... 16. i, 6. 

ποιεῖν 88. iV. 343; 89. 1]. 7, 
vi. 28, viii. 14, ix. 26. 

ποίημα 8. ii. 24(?); 39. x. 
IO; ΧΙ]. 22, ΧΙΧ. 22. 

ποιητής 39. iV. 17, XV. 37, 38, 
xix, 6; ZX; 2%. 

motos 89. XVii. 25, XX. 7. 

mode... 18. i. 7. 

πολεμιώτατος 89. Vi. 11. 

πόλις 89. lil. 13, ΧΧΙ. 6. 

πολιτεύεσθαι 89. Χν]]. 17. 

πολιτικῶς 89. iV. 20. 

πολίτης 39. xv. 26. 

πολλάκις 89. XV. 30. 

πολύς 1. 2; 18. i. 2 (Ὁ), 6 (Ὁ); 
22. 6 (ἢ; 88. 1. 4 (?); 
88. ii. 16, iv. 27 (Ὁ); 89. 
iv. 15, XVii. 17, 38 (πουλύς), 
RIX. 15. 

πονεῖν 88, li. TO, 

πονηρία 89. iv. 3. 

πονηρός 39, iv. 9, Vill. 17. 

πόνος 88, ii. 8; 89. iv. 38. 

πότε 87. ili, 23; 89. ix. 32. 

που 89. Vii. 33. 

προάγειν 89. iii. 17 (παραγ. 

προαφιέναι 89. XXi. 17. 

προδιδάσκειν 88. i. 20. 

προερεῖν 8. il. 27; 88. i. τ4; 
39. Χ. 21. 

προιστάναι 87. 111. 24. 

προοίμιον 89. ΧΧΙΪ. 29. 

πρός 2.1.15; 8: ii. 30; ΗΠ 
i. 6; 88. iv. 22; 39. iii. 
IO, Iv. 25, Vii. 1, 3, 5, 20; 
ΧΙΪ, 29, xiii. 10, 18, xiv. 7, 
XV. 35, XVI. 12, Xvii. 16, 
XX. 20, 

προσγελᾶν 39. ν. 14. 

προσμάχεσθαι 8. ii, 25 (?). 

προσοχθίζειν 89. Xii. 21, XV. 22. 

προσυποτιθέναι 89. Χν]]. 7. 

προσφέρειν 89. XXil, 12. 

προσχρῆσθαι 89. iv. 4. 

πρόσωπον 89. xiv. 23. 

πτερόεις 89. XVii. 34. 

πτεροκοπεῖν 89. V. το (?). 

πύλη 89. XXi. 14. 


πυνθάνεσθαι 89. ν. το. 

πῶς 89. iv. 21, XViil. 16, XX. 33. 

ῥῆμα 8. ii. 18. 
ῥητορίζειν 1. 3. 
ῥήτωρ 89. 11]. 14. 
pis 89. xvii. 13. 

Σάτυρος 3Q. ΧΧΙΪ. I. 
σαφῶς 39. xii. τό. 
σεμνός 89. ix. 18. 
Σικελία 89. XIX. 14, 31. 
Σικελιώτης BY. XIX. 9. 
σιναμώρως 89. XVi. 23. 
σκοπεῖν 89. xiii. 38. 
σκύλαξ 89. xxi. τό, 36. 
σμικρός 89. Vi. 12. 
σός 89. Xiv. 24. 
Σοφοκλῆς 8. iii. 5(?); 89. 
Xvi. 6, XXiil. 5. 
σπήλαιον 89. ix. 6. 
σπουδάζειν 89. Vi. 22. 
στάσιμον 89. xvii. 29. 
στείχειν 41. τ. 
στίχος 89. Vil. 25, XIX. 25. 
στόμα 89. Xx. I, 8. 
στρατεύειν 89. XIX. 13. 
σύ 89. ν. 13, XIV. 22. 
συγγράφειν 89. ΧΧΙΪ. 29. 
συμμιγνύναι 89. Xvill. 7. 
σύν 16. 1. 8; 388. iil. 26. 
συναύξειν 89. Xviil. 13. 
συνέχειν 89, Vil. 17. 
συνηγορεῖν 89. XV. 15. 
συννέμεσθαι 39. XV. 29. 
συνοικεῖν 59. xiii. 8. 
σύνταξις 89. vii. 26. 
συχνός 89. XIX. 19. 
σχεδόν 8. ii. 22. 
σχολάζειν 89. Κ΄. 31. 

Σωκράτης 88. iv. 26; 59. xili.35. 

Σωκρατικός 89. il. 17. 

εν Taypa 6, 15. 
tddavroy 16, ii. 3. 
ταπεινοῦν 37. 1. 21. 
τάχος 89. Vi. 24. 
τε 38.11. 11, 18, 23, 11 10; 
39. Vi. 25, vii. 13, XViii. 
30, XK. 13, 30) Xx11129790. 


. τείνειν 19, 11. 3. 

τελειοῦν 8. ii. 4. 

τελευτή 89. XX. 25. 

τέχνη 4.3; '7. 3 (?); 8. li. 10. 

τέως 89. XV. I. 

τηλικοῦτος 89, XIX. 7. 

τίθεσθαι 89. XVil. 22. 

τίκτειν 89. Vi. 4. 

Τιμόθεος 89, xxii. 1, 18, 34(?). 

tis 87. iii. 23; 88. i. 16, ii. 
14, 20; SO. 115 ΤΟΙ. 1: 
xiii. 10, 24, Xv. 36 (?). 

τις 88. ii. 21; 39.iv. 5 (τῳ), 
v. 25 (re), vi. τό, ix. 14, 
10; ΧΗΣ 24, X1X/25 (REL. 

τοῖος 89. ΙΧ. 27. 

τοιοῦτος 8. il. 11; 89. ii. 15, 
Vis 24, ΣΙΝ 32: 18X58, 08s. 

τολμηρός 88. 1. 27. 

τόπος 89. Χ. 30. 

τότε 88. ii. 28. 

τρεῖς 87. ill, 20. 

τρικυμία 88. ill. 14. 

τρίοδος 89. ν. 13 (Ὁ). 

τρόπος 89. ii. 8, iv. 2. 

τυγχάνειν 89. Χ. 32, XX. 28, 
XXl. 4. 

τυραννεῖν 89. 111. 6. 

vids 89. vii. 3, XIX. 27. 

ὑπάρχειν 89. vi, 27, XX. 23. 

ὑπέρ 7.4; 18. 1. 4; 22. 5; 
39. ill. 5. 

ὑπερβολή 8. ii. 7; 89. XX. 2, 
Xxii. 6. 

ὑπεροχή 83.1.8; 39. xviii. 15. 

ὑπό 89. X. 15, XiX. 35 (?). 

ὑποβάλλειν 89. iv. 28. 

ὑποβολή 89. vil. IO. 

ὑπόκρισις BY. vill. ΤΙ. 

ὑπολαμβάνειν 89. Xx. 4 (?). 

ὑπονοεῖν 59. xii. 16. 

ὑπόνοια 89. ii. τό. 

ὑποχείριος 89. XIX. 29. 

Ὑστάσπης 89. XiV. 2, 1Ο. 

ὕστερος 89. iv. 33. ὕστερον 
839. xix. 10, xxl. 2, 28. 

ὑψηλός 37. i. 18. 

φαίνεσθαι 18. 2; 39. xviii. 18. 

φάναι 88. 1. 21; 39. Vi. 15, 
Vii. 34, 1X. 21, xiii. 13, Xiv. 
18, xVili. 5, ΧΧΙ. 30. 

φάρμακον 39. Xiv. 27. 

φαρμάττειν 39. xiv. 8. 

φαῦλος 89. iii. 8. 

φείδεσθαι 89. X. 34. 

φέρειν 89. xiii. τ (ἐνεγκών). 

φεύγειν 89. Χ. 20. 

φθείρειν 89. xiii. 26, 29. 

φθόνος 89. XV. 25. 

φιληκοία 2. i. τό. 

Φιλήμων 89. vii. 30. 

φίλος 88. ii. 12. 
39. vi. το. 

φίλτρον 39. Xiv. 9. 

φοβεῖσθαι 89. li. 11. 

φύειν 88. 11. 29. 

φῦλον 89. Xili. 19. 

φυσι... 87. 1. 26. 

φωρᾶν 89. ΧΙ]. 30. 


χαίρειν 89. xiv. 18. 

χάρις 89. xvii. 19. χάριν 38. 
iii. 12; 89. xii. 24. 

χειμών 89. Xvi. 31. 

χείρ 22. ἢ; 39. xxii. Io. 

χλευαστικῶς 89. ΧΥ]]. 9. 

χλόη 871. ili. τι. 

χορός 2. i. 6. 

χρῆμα 88. ili. 11; 39. ν. 26. 

χρῆσθαι 89. iv. το. 

χρησμός 89. xi. 26 (1. δόμοις). 

χρόνος 89. IV. 35; ΧΧΙ. 2. 

χρυσήλατος 88. il. 24. 

χρυσοῦς 88. 111. 18. 

ψέγειν 89. xill. 27. 

ψευδής 39. Xiv. 19. 

ψόγος 39. x. 8. 

ψυχή 8. ii. 21; 38. i. 21; 
39. iv. 38. 

ὦ 88. 111. 19; 39. xiv. 28, xv. 
13, ΧΧ. 6. 

ὡς 8. li. 23 ; 88. iv. 28; 89. 
iv. 18, xii. 24, ΧΙ. 2, Χὶν. 
8, xviii, 22, XX. 29. XXi. 
39, ΧΧΙ]. 24. 

ὥστε 8. ii. 5; 39. xxii. 9. 

Sa ον ι..- ἄνω 


(c) CITATIONS IN 1176. 

ARISTOPHANES : Pirithous (Fr. 593) 877. ii. 19-28. 
Thesm. 335-7 89. xii. 8-15. Troades 886 877. iii. 26-9. 
374-5 39. xii. 1-7. Incert. 2. 1 sqq.; 87. iii. 9--τ4 (Fr. 912); 
Incert. 8. 17-19; 89. ix. 25-8. 38. i. 16-30 (Fr. 913), ii. (Fr. 960, &c.), 
DeEMosTHENEs : lil, 8-21; 89. ii. 8-14, iv. 33-9, vi. 
¢. Aristog.i. 40 89. viii. 17-33. I-15, xvii. 30-9 (Fr. 911), xviii. 7-8 
EvripipEs: (Fr. 911); 40; 41. 
Ino (Fr. 403. 3-4) 89. xvii. 1-6. | Purremon, Incert. 89: vii. 32-6. 
Melanippe Desm. (Berl. Klass. V.ii. p.123, | Aprsp. 89. iv. I-15, V. 12-30, xvi. I-16, 
Fr. 492. 6-7) 89. xi. xvii. 0-13. 



Καῖσαρ 1188. 6 ef saep. 

Αὐτοκράτωρ Καῖσαρ Τραιανὸς ᾿Αδριανὸς Σεβαστός 1195. one, 

Αὐτοκρ. Καῖσ. Tiros Αἴλιος “Αδριανὸς ᾿Αντωνῖνος Σεβ, Εὐσεβής 1198. 21, 28. 
᾿Αντωνῖνος Καῖσ. ὁ κύριος 1198. 13. 

SEpTimius Severus ΑΝῸ CARACALLA. 

Αὐτοκρ. Καίσαρες Λούκιος Σεπτίμιος Σεουῆρος Εὐσεβ. Περτίναξ ’A ραβικὸς ᾿Αδιαβηνικὸς Παρθικὸς 
Μέγιστος καὶ Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντωνῖνος Εὐσεβ. Σεβαστοί 1197. 21. 

Σεουῆρος καὶ ᾿Αντωνῖνος οἱ κύριοι Σεβ. 1197. 5. 

οἱ κύριοι Σεουῆρος καὶ μέγας ᾿Αντωνῖνος 1202. 6. 


ὁ κύριος Αὐτοκρ. Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Σεουῆρος ᾿Αντωνῖνος Εὐσεβ. ZB. 1196. 9. 

Φίλιπποι 1209, 12. 

Αὐτοκρ. Kaioapes Τάιος Οὐίβιος Τρεβωνιανὸς Τάλλος καὶ Γάιος Οὐίβιος ᾿Αφίνιος Γάλλος Οὐελ- 
δουμιανὸς Οὐολουσιανὸς EvoeBeis Εὐτυχεῖς Σεβ. 1209. τ. 


Αὐτοκρ. Kaicapes Πούπλιος Ackivvios Οὐαλεριανὸς καὶ Πούπλιος Λικίννιος Οὐαλεριανὸς Γαλλιηνὸς 
Εὐσεβεῖς Ἑὐτυχεῖς Σεβ. 1187. 21. 


Αὐτοκρ. Καῖσ. Πούπλιος Λικίννιος Ταλλιηνὸς Τερμανικὸς Μέγιστ. EvoeB. Εὐτυχ. Σεβ, 1200. 38. 
ὁ κύριος ἡμῶν Γαλλιηνὸς Σέβ, 1200. 56. 
Γαλλιηνὸς Σεβ. 1200. 51. 
Ταλλιηνός 1200. 53 ; 1208. 12. 

Κλαύδιος 1208. 11. 

Αὐρηλιανός 1208. IT. 
ὁ κύριος ἡμῶν Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος Πρόβος Σεβ. 1191. 25. 
ὁ κύριος ἡμῶν Πρόβος Σεβ. 1192. 8. , 
DiocLeTIAN AND Maximian. 

Αὐτοκρ. Καῖσ. Τάιος Αὐρήλιος Οὐαλέριος Διοκλητιανὸς καὶ Αὐτοκρ. Καῖσ. Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος 
Οὐαλέριος Μαξιμιανὸς Τερμανικοὶ Μέγιστ. Εὐσεβ. Evrvy. Σεβ. 1205. 14; 1208. 1. 

οἱ κύριοι ἡμῶν Αὐτοκρ. Διοκλητιανὸς Σεβ, καὶ Μαξιμιανὸς Σεβ. 1204, 11. 

οἱ κύριοι ἡμῶν Αὐτοκρ. Διοκλητιανὸς καὶ Μαξιμιανὸς Σεβαστοί 1204. 1; 1208. 26. 


οἱ δεσπόται ἡμῶν of Σεβαστοὶ καὶ ot Καίσαρες. 


ὁ δεσπότης ἡμῶν Κωνσταντῖνος Αὔγουστος 1206. 1. 

βασιλεῖς 1185. 29. βασιλεῖς θειότατοι Σεβαστός, Σεβαστοί 1200. 22 ; 1208.16; 
1185. 21! 1209. 22. 
ἔτος γ καὶ ἔτος a (Α. Ὁ. 266)? 1200. 58. 


Τούσκῳ καὶ Βάσσῳ ὑπάτοις (A.D. 258) 1201. 20. 

ἐπὶ Τιβεριανοῦ τὸ β καὶ Δίωνος ὑπ. (A.D. 291) 1205. 14. 

ἐπὶ ὑπάτων τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Αὐτοκρ. Διοκλητιανοῦ τὸ ¢ καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ τὸ > SB. (A.D. 299) 
1204. τ. 

ἐπὶ τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Διοκλητιανοῦ Σεβ, τὸ ζ καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβ. τὸ ς ὑπ. (A.D. 299) 1204, 11. 


Lea one Ee NT eee ee oe ee 



a) Ὺ Υ ἢμἱμ 





ὑπατίας ᾿Ιουλίου Κωνσταντίου πατρικίου ἀδελφοῦ τοῦ δεσπ. ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίνου Αὐγούστου καὶ 
‘Pougiou ᾿Αλβίνου τῶν λαμπροτάτων (A.D. 335) 1206. 1. 

ε , > , ε , aA , » 4, a ε -“ , 4 , 

ὑπατίας Οὐολκακίου ἹῬουφίνου τοῦ λαμπροτάτου ἐπάρχου Tov ἱεροῦ mpatrwpiouv καὶ Φλαουίου 

Εὐσεβίου τοῦ λαμπροτ. κόμιτος (A.D, 347) 1190. 15. 


(4) MONTHS. 

Δαίσιος 1209. 3. 
Ξαντικός 1208. 2. 

᾿οκτώβριος 1201. 20. 
Σεπτέμβριος 1204. 12. 

(6) Days. 

eixds 1195. 7. 
πρὸ ἡ καλανδῶν ’OxrwBpiov 1201. 20. 

| πρὸ 16 καλανδῶν Σεπτεμβρίων 1204, 12. 


᾿Αγαθῖνος f. of Aurelius Serenus also called 
Sarapion 1209. 8. 

*Ayabivos, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Α, also called Origenes 
1208. 2, 32. 

᾿Αγάθων 1206. 4. 

᾿“Αδριάνιος Σαλλούστιος praefect 1191. 4, 18. 

Αἴλιος Πούβλιος praefect 1204. 8, 18. 

Αἰμιλιανός, Μούσσιος Ai. praefect 1201. 13. 
Mussius Aemilianus 1201. 1. 

*Akpovo. . .f. of Horion 1208. 13. 

᾿Ακύλιος Πωλίων strategus of the Heracleopo- 
lite nome 1189. introd., 2. 

ἔλμμων god 1188. 22. 

᾿Αμμωνᾶς 5. οὗ Anteis 1198. 5. Called ᾿Αμμώ- 
vos 1198. 2, 32. 

᾿Αμμωνᾶς 5. of Politas 1200. 19. 

᾿Αμμωνιανός 5. of Isidorus 1222. 1. 

᾿Αμμώνιος f. and 5. of Anteis 1198. 2, 32. 
Called ᾿Αμμωνᾶς 1198. 5. 

᾿Αμμώνιος, Αὐρήλιος ’A. epistrategus (?) 1191. 
1, 14. 

᾿Αμμώνιος ex-exegetes, s. of Sarapas 1196. 20. 

᾿Αμμώνιος speculator 1228. 21. 

᾿Αμμωνίων 1185. 4, 13; 1192. 5. 

᾿Ανουβίων, “Epyatos also called Anubion, 5. of 
Hermaeus 1195. 3. 

᾿Ανουβίων strategus 1196. τ. 

᾿Αντεῖς 5. Οὗ Ammonius or Ammonas 1198. 
2: foe 

᾿Αντεῖς 5. Of Anteis 1198. 9. 

’Avreis 5. Of Heracleus and f. of Ammonius 
or Ammonas and Anteis 1198. 3, 6. 

᾿Αντίπατρος, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Α. also called Dionysius 
1209. 4. 

᾿Αντωνῖνος also called Achilleus 1200. 21. 

᾿Απίων, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Α. also called Theon 1208. 

᾿Απίων basilocogrammateus of the Letopolite 
nome, s. of Aristandrus 1219. 1, 20. 

᾿Απίων basilocogrammateus of the Prosopite 
nome 1219. 14. 

᾿Απίων 8. of Leonides 1208. 16, 21, 22. 

᾿Απολλωνία 1212. introd. 

᾿Απολλωνίδης f. of Hermaeus 1195. 9. 

᾿Απολλώνιος, Αὐρήλιος ᾽Α. 1200. 42, 46. 

᾿Απολλώνιος κριτής 1195. I. 


᾿Απολλώνιος strategus 1189. 3, 17. 

᾿Απολλώνιος tax-collector 1192. 3. 

“Αρᾶσις f of Aurelius Heracles 1206. 3. 

‘Apedrns f. of Aurelius Morus 1200. 14, 18, 

᾿Αρίστανδρος f. of Apion 1219. 1, 21. 

᾿Αριστῶς 1200. 11, 16, 57. 

Ἅρπαλος f, of Aurelius Theon 1201. 9. 

“Aprados, Αὐρήλιος Θέων also called H.., 5. of 
Demetrius 1200. 49. 

“Αρπεβῆκις god 1188. 3, 21. 

Ἁρποκρατίαινα Αὐρηλία ᾿Ιουλία “A. d. of Theon 
also called Asclepiades 1199. 4. 

᾿Αρτεμιδώρα 1208. 11. 

᾿Αρτεμιδώρα, Αὐρηλία A. d. of Pausiris 1208. 


᾿Αρτεμίδωρος f. of Cornelius 1200. 21. 

᾿Ασκληπιάδης, Αὐρήλιος *A. also called Saras, 
s. of Sarapion 1209. 6, 25, 31. 

᾿Ασκληπιάδης, Θέων also called A., surnamed 
Zoilus 1199. 5. 

᾿Ατάκτιος, Αὐρήλιος Πλούταρχος also called A., 
s. of Aurelius Sarapammon also called 
Dionysius 1204. 3. 

‘Atpijs, Αὐρήλιος ‘A. also called Horion 1208. 


ae Κόιντος ᾿Α. Φρόντων idiologus 1188. 8, 

Αὐρηλία Ἀρτεμιδώρα ἃ. of Pausiris 1208. 9. 

Αὐρηλία Θερμούθιον surnamed Τανεχῶτις, ἃ. of 
Nepheros 1208. 3, 7, 30. 

Αὐρηλία Θεωνίς d. of Theon also called Zoilus 
1199. 9. 

Αὐρηλία “IovAia ‘Aproxpariava d. of Theon 
also called Asclepiades 1199. 4. 

Αὐρηλία Ἰσάριον ἃ. of Agathon 1206. 4, 6, 13. 

Αὐρηλία “Iceisid. of Hermias 1208. ro. 

Αὐρηλία ᾿Ισιδώρα 1200. 7, 11, 15, 57, 62. 

Αὐρηλία Λουκίλλα also called Demetria, d. of 
Euporus also called Diogenes 1209. 7, 13. 

Αὐρήλιος 1205. 21; 1206. 23. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αγαθῖνος also called Origenes 1208. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αμμώνιος epistrategus (?) 1191.1, 14. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντίπατρος also called Dionysius 
1209. 4. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Απίων also called Theon 1208. 28. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Απολλώνιος 1200. 42, 46. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ασκληπιάδης also called Saras, 5. of 
Sarapion 1209. 6, 25, 31. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ατρῆς also called Horion 1208. 30. 

Αὐρήλιος Δημητριανός decaprotus 1204. 4, 19, 

Αὐρήλιος Δημήτριος 8. Of Aurelius Thonis 
1208. 9. 

Αὐρήλιος Δίδυμος also called Sarapion, archi- 
dicastes 1200. 1, 5, 9. 

Αὐρήλιος Διογένης 5. of Hermias 1208. το, 

Αὐρήλιος Διόσκορος 1205. 7, 12, 25. 

Αὐρήλιος Ἐὐδαίμων s, of Catillius 1201. 5, 14. 
Aurelius Heudaemon 1201. 2. 

Αὐρήλιος Ζηνογένης strategus 1204. 2. 

Αὐρήλιος Ἡρακλῆς 5. of Harasis 1206. 3, 6, 12. 

Αὐρήλιος Ἡράμμων 5. of Pausanias also called 
Eutychus 1208. 11. 

Αὐρήλιος Ἡρώδης praeses of the Thebaid 
1186. I. 

Αὐρήλιος Θέων 1205. 22. 

Αὐρήλιος Θέων also called Harpalus, 5. of 
Demetrius 1200. 59. 

Αὐρήλιος Θέων s. of Harpalus 1201. 9. 

Δὐρήλιος Θέων praepositus pagt 1190. 2. 

Αὐρήλιος Θώνιος 5, of Aurelius Thonis or 
Thonius 1208. 4, 6, 26. 

Αὐρήλιος Θῶνις (Θώνιος) 5. of Serenus and f. of 
Aurelius Thonius and Aurelius Demetrius 
1208. 4, 6, 7, 28. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ιοῦστος senator 1205. 8, 12, 25. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ισίδωρος 5. of Hermias 1208. to. 

Αὐρήλιος Μῶρος s. of Hareotes 1200. 14, 40. 

Αὐρήλιος Νεφερῶς 5. of Dionysius 1208. 3, 8. 

Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ολύμπιος Strategus 1191. 11. 

Αὐρήλιος Παυσῖρις 5. of Dionysius 1208. 9, 10. 

Αὐρήλιος Πλούταρχος also called Atactius, 5. of 
Aurelius Sarapammon also called Diony- 
sius 1204. 3. 

Αὐρήλιος Πολυδεύκης 5. of Aurelius Ptolemaeus 
1202. 16. 

Αὐρήλιος Ποσειδώνιος strategus 1187. 1. 

Αὐρήλιος Πτολεμαῖος 5. of Sempronius 1202. 
3» 7: 

Αὐρήλιος Σαραπάμμων also called Dionysius, f. 
of Plutarchus also called Atactius 1204. 5. 

Αὐρήλιος Σαραπίων amphodogrammateus 1202. 

Δύὐρήλιος Σεουῆρος deputy-epistrategus 1202. 1. 

Αὐρήλιος Σερῆνος also called Sarapion, 5. of 
Agathinus 1209. 8, 24, 32. 

Δὐρήλιος ‘Qpiey 5. of Horion 1206. 5 ef saep. 

"Ayes also called Antoninus 1200. 21. 

- 5 ε 

ΠΣ a  ΨΎ ΤΣ 


Τεννάδιος 5. of Gennadius speculator 1214. 4. 
Γεννάδιος speculator, f. of Gennadius 1214. 2. 
Γρηγόριος 1204. 25. 

Catillius s. of Varianus and f. of Aurelius 
Eudaemon 1201. 4. 

Δημητρία, Αὐρηλία Λουκίλλα also called D., d. 
of Euporus also called Diogenes 1209. 
7, 13. 

Δημητριανός 1221. 2. 

Δημητριανός, Αὐρήλιος A. decaprotus 1204. 4, 
19, 27. 

Δημήτριος f. of Aurelius Theon also called 
Harpalus 1200. 60. 

Δημήτριος, Αὐρήλιος Δ. 5. of Aurelius Thonis 
1208. 9. 

Δημήτριος 8. of Isidorus 1222. 1. 

Δίδυμος, Αὐρήλιος A. also called Sarapion, 
archidicastes 1200. 1, 5, 9. 

Δίδυμος 5. of Chaeremon 1218. 1. 

Δίδυμος 5. of Heraclides 1188. 3, 14, 19. 

Avoyas guard 1212. 2. 

Διογένης, Αὐρήλιος Δ. 5. of Heraclas 1208. ro. 

Διογένης, Εὔπορος also called D. 1209. 13. 

Avoyevis 1185. 13; 1216. 1, 23. 

Διονύσιος, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αντίπατρος also called D. 
1209. 4. 

Διονύσιος f. of Aurelius Nepheros 1208. 3, 8. 

Διονύσιος f. of Aurelius Pausiris 1208. το. 

Διονύσιος, Αὐρήλιος Σαραπάμμων also called D., 
f. of Aurelius Plutarchus also called Atac- 
tius 1204. 5. 

Διονύσιος Comogrammateus 1188. 7. 

Διόσκορος, Αὐρήλιος A. 1205. 8, 12, 25. 

Διοσκουρίδης basilicogrammateus 1188.2,7,1 3. 

Aédpvos, Πομπώνιος A. catholicus 1204. 9, 22, 
23, 26. 

"EBdopos 1220. 2. 

᾿Ἐπίμαχος 1207. 6. 

‘Eppaios also called Anubion, s. of Hermaeus 
1195. 3. 

‘Eppaios 5. of Apollonides 1195. 9. 

‘Eppaios f. of Hermaeus also called Anubion 
1195. 3. 

“Eppeivos tax-collector 1192. 3. 

‘Eppias 1223. 2, 38. 

‘Eppias f. of Aurelius Diogenes and Aurelius 
Tsidorus 1208. ro. 


Ἑρμιόνη 1208. 12. 

Εὐδαιμονίς 1217. 1, το. 

Εὐδαίμων, Αὐρήλιος Ev. s. of Catillius 1201. 5, 
14. Aurelius Heudaemon 1201. 2. 

Εὔπορος also called Diogenes 1209. 13. 

Εὐσεβία 1205. 24 (?). 

Εὔτυχος, Iaveavias also called E., f. of Aure- 
lius Herammon 1208. 12. 

Ζεύς god 1213. τ. 

Ζηνογένης, Αὐρήλιος Z, strategus 1204. 2. 

Ζωιλᾶς 1221. 9. 

Zaidos, Θέων also called Asclepiades, sur- 
named Z. 1199. 5. 

Ζωίλος, Θέων also called Z., ex-exegetes of 
Alexandria 1199. 10, 16. 

Ζωίλος f. of Philostratus 1203. 5. 

Ἥλιος god 1208. 1. 

Ἡρακλείδης 1194. 26. 

Ἡρακλείδης f. of Didymus 1188. 3, 14, 19. 

Ἡράκλειος. See Ἡρακλῆς. 

“HpakAnos f. of Anteis 1198. 6. 

Ἡρακλῆς, Αὐρήλιος ‘H. 5. of Harasis and f. of 
Petermouthis 1206. 3, 6. Called ‘Hpa- 
κλειος 1206, 12. 

Ἡράμμων, Αὐρήλιος “H. s. of Pausanias also 
called Eutychus 1208. 11. 

Ἡρώδης, Αὐρήλιος Ἢ. praeses of the Thebaid 
1186. τ. 

Θαῆσις 1202. 4; 1218. 6. 

Θερμούθιον, Αὐρηλία Θ. surnamed Tanechotis, 
d. of Nepheros 1208. 3, 7, 30. 

Θέων 1219. 3; 1220. 1. 

Θέων 5. of Ammonius 1198. 34. 

Θέων also called Asclepiades, 
Zoilus 1199. 4. 

Θέων assistant, 5. of Onnophris 12038. 31. 

Θέων, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Απίων also called T.1208. 28. 

Θέων, Αὐρήλιος Θ. 1205. 22. 

Θέων, Αὐρήλιος Θ. pracposttus pag? 1190. 2. 

Θέων, Αὐρήλιος Θ. also called Harpalus, 5. of 
Demetrius 1200. 59. 

Θέων, Αὐρήλιος Θ. 5. of Harpalus 1201. 9. 

Θέων f. of Theon 1212. introd. 

Θέων 5. of Theon 1212. introd. 

Θέων also called Zoilus, ex-exegetes of Alex- 
andria 1199. το, τό. 



Θεωνίς, Αὐρηλία Θ. d. of Theon also called 
Zoilus 1199. 9, 24. 

Θώνιος, Αὐρήλιος Θ. 5, Of Thonis 1208. 4, 6, 

Gaus (or Θώνιος) s. of Serenus and f. of 
Aurelius Thonius and Aurelius Demetrius 
1208. 4, 6, 7, 26, 28. 

Ἰακώβ 1205. δ. 

Ἰουλία, Αὐρηλία “I. ‘Apmoxpariawa d. of 
Theon also called Asclepiades 1199. 4. 
᾿Ιοῦστος, Αὐρήλιος "I. senator 1205. 8, 12, 25. 
Ἰσάριον, Αὐρηλία “I. d. of Agathon 1206. 4, 6, 

Ἰσαροῦς 1208. 7. 
Ἰσεῖς 1208. 9. 
Ἰσεῖς, Αὐρηλ. Ἶ. 5. (?) of Hermias 1208. ro. 
ἸΙσιδώρα, Αὐρηλία “I. 1200. 7, 11, 15, 57, 62. 
᾿Ισίδωρος 1204. 13; 1221. 3. 
᾿Ισίδωρος, Αὐρήλιος Ἰ, 5. of Hermias 1208. ro. 
Ἰσίδωρος 5. of Posidonius and f. of Deme- 
trius and Ammonianus 1222. 1. 
᾿Ισίδωρος mpovonrns 1192. 2. 
Ισίων f. of Ptollas 1196. 2, 19. 

Κατίλλιος 5. οἱ Varianus and f. of Aurelius 
Eudaemon 1201.5, 16. Catillius 1201. 4. 

Κλαύδιος Φίρμος praefect 1194. 5. 

Κόιντος “Artios Φρόντων idiologus 1188. ὃ, 18. 

Κορνήλιος 5. of Artemidorus 1200. 21. 

Κρησκεντιλλιανός, Μάγνιος Φῆλιξ K. praefect 
1185. I, 3, 14. 

Κρόνιος also called Nepotianus, senator 1200. 

Λεωνίδης f. of Apion 1208. 8, 21, 25. 
Λουκίλλα, Αὐρηλία A. also called Demetria, d. of 

Euporus also called Diogenes 1209. 7, 13. 
Λουύ[κιοῆς f. of Sempronius 1202. 3. 

Μάγνιος Φῆλιξ Κρησκεντιλλιανός praefect 1185. 
τ3. 11: 

Μακάριος 1214. 1. 

Μαμερτῖνος, Πετρώνιος Μ. praefect 1195. 1. 

Μένανδρος 1218, 5, 6. 

Μηνᾶς 1212. introd. 

Μινοῦς 1200. 4. 

Μούσσιος Αἰμιλιανός praefect 1201. 13. 
sius Aemilianus 1201. 1. 



Μῶρος, Αὐρήλιος M. 5. of Hareotes 1200. 14, 

Νεῖλα 1217. 8. 

Νεῖλος god 1211. 3. 

Νεπωτιανός, Κρόνιος also called N., senator 
1200. 20. 

Νεφερῶς, Αὐρήλιος N. 5. of Dionysius 1208. 3, 
7, 8, 30. 

᾿Ολύμπιος a commentariis 1204. 26. 

᾿Ολύμπιος, Αὐρήλιος *O. strategus 1191. 11. 

"Owadprs f. of Theon, assistant 1208. 31. 

Οὐαριανός f. of Catillius 1201. 16. Varianus 
1201. 4. 

Παλλάς 1217. 7. 

Παράδοξος 1205. 4 (?). 

Παραμόνη 1205. 4, 19. 

Πατερμοῦθις 5. of Aurelius Heracles 1206. 7. 

Παυσανίας also called Eutychus, f. of Aurelius 
Herammon 1208. 12. 

Παυσῖρις, Αὐρήλιος Π. 5. of Dionysius 1208. 
9; 10. 

Πετεῦρις Comogrammateus 1188. 2, 7. 

Πετρώνιος Mapeprivos praefect 1195. 1. 

Πλούταρχος, Αὐρήλιος II. also called Atactius, 
s. of Aurelius Sarapammon also called 
Dionysius 1204. 3, 13, 14, 22. 

Πολίτας f. of Ammonas 1200. 19. 

Πολυδεύκης, Αὐρήλιος II. s. of Aurelius Ptole- 
maeus 1202. 16. 

Πομπώνιος Δόμνος catholicus 1204. 9, 22, 23, 

Ποσειδώνιος, Αὐρήλιος II. strategus 1187. 1. 

Ποσειδώνιος f. of Isidorus 1222. 4. 

Πούβλιος, Αἴλιος II, praefect 1204. 8, 18. 

Πτολέμα 1197. 4; 1199. 13. 

Πτολεμαῖος 1217. 1, Το. 

Πτολεμαῖος, Αὐρήλιος II. 5. of Sempronius and 
f. of Aurelius Polydeuces 1202. 3, 27. 

Πτολλᾶς praktor, 5. of Ision 1196. 2, 19. 

Πωλίων, ᾿Ακύλιος II. strategus of the Heracleo- 
polite nome 1189. introd., 2. 

Σαβεῖνος strategus of the Cynopolite nome 
1189. 7. 

Σαλλούστιος, ᾿Αδριάνιος 3. praefect 1191. 4, 18. 

Σαραπάμμων, Αὐρήλιος Σ. also called Dionysius, 


f. of Aurelius Plutarchus also called Atac- 
tius 1204. 5. 

Σαραπᾶς 1216, τ. 

Σαραπᾶς ἴ, of Ammonius 1196. 20. 

Σαραπᾶς Comogrammateus 1198. 1. 

Σαρᾶπις god 1218. 1. 

Σαραπίων 1197. 18, 29; 1215. 7. 

Σαραπίων f. of Aurelius Asclepiades also called 
Saras 1209. 6. 

Σαραπίων, Αὐρήλιος Δίδυμος also called S., 
archidicastes 1200. 1, 5, 9. 

Σαραπίων, Αὐρήλιος Σ. amphodogrammateus 
1202. 13. 

Σαραπίων, Αὐρήλιος Σερῆνος also called Sara- 
pion, s. of Agathinus 1209. 8, 24, 32. 

Σαραπίων s, of Chaeremon 1190. 19. 

Σαραπίων also called Phanias, strategus 1197.1. 

Σαραπίων f, of Tithoés 1197. 3, 27. 

Σαραπίων topogrammateus 1188. 2, 7. 

Zapas, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ασκληπιάδης also called S., 
s. of Sarapion 1209. 6, 25, 31. 

Σάτυρος 1215. 5. 

Σεμπρώνιος 5. Of Lucius and f. of Aurelius 
Ptolemaeus 1202. 3. 

Zeounpos, Αὐρήλιος - 5. 
1202.1. . 

Σερῆνος, Αὐρήλιος . also called Sarapion, 5. of 
Agathinus 1209. 8, 24, 32. 

Σερῆνος f. of Aurelius Thonis 1208. 7. 

Σιληνός 1220. 15. 

Σινθῶνις 1215. 1, 10. 

Στεφανοῦς 1196. 2. 


TaverBevs 1198. 7. 

Τανεχῶτις 1208. 3, 7. 

Tavex@ris, Αὐρηλία Θερμούθιον surnamed T., d. 
of Nepheros 1208. 3, 7. 

Ταπεῆις 1198. 3. 

Ταποσεῖρις 1209. 9. 

Τατρεῖφις 1199. 6. 

Ταῦρις also called Philumene 1209. 14. 
Tepevs 1209. 15, 20. 

Τηρεύς 1215. τ, το. 

Τιθοῆς s. of Sarapion 1197. 3, 27. 

Varianus f. of Catillius 1201. 4. 

Φανίας, Σαραπίων also called P., strategus 
1197. τ. 

Φῆλιξ, Μάγνιος ᾧ, Κρησκεντιλλιανός praefect 
1185. 1, 3, 14. 

Φιλόστρατος 5. of Zoilus 1203. 5. 

Φιλουμένη, Ταῦρις also called P. 1209. r4. 

Φίρμος, Κλαύδιος Φ. praefect 1194. 5. 

Φλαούιος I. . . Praeposifus pagi 1190. 2. 

Φλαούιος . . . rywos dux 1190. 5. 

Bdaowos .. . strategus 1190. 1. 

Φούλλων 1218. το. 

Φρόντων, Κόιντος λττιος Φ, idiologus 1188. 8, 

Χαιρήμων f, of Didymus 1218. 1, 15. 
Χαιρήμων f. of Sarapion 1190, 19. 
Χαιρήμων secretary 1192. 1. 

᾿Ωριγένης, Αὐρήλιος *Ayabivos also called O. 
1208. 2, 32. 

‘Opiov 1216. 13 ; 1223. 1, 38. 

‘Opiov 8. of Acrono ... 1208. 13. 

'Ωρίων, Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ατρῆς also called Horion 
1208. 30. 

‘Qpiwy, Αὐρήλιος ‘OQ. 5. of Horion 1206. 5 eZ saep. 

‘Qpiev f. of Aurelius Horion 1206. 5. 



Αἴγυπτος 1185. 2; 1204. 7. Aegyptus 
1201. 1. 
᾿Αλεξάνδρεια 1208. 4; 1204. 12. ἡ λαμπρο- 

τάτη A, 1185. 8; 1199. 11. 
᾿Αλεξανδρέων λαμπροτάτη πόλις 1185. 28. 
᾿Αντινόου (πόλις) 1218. 7. 

’Apowoirns (νομός) 1185. 15. 
Βαβυλών 1190. 6. 

Ἑπτὰ vopoi 1185. 3, 15. 
Ἑρμοπολίτης (νομός) 1200. τ. 

Ἑρμοῦ πόλις ἡ μεγάλη 1195. 4. 
“Ἡρακλεοπολίτης (νομός) 1189. 3. 
Θηβαΐς 1186. 2. 

᾿Ιουδαῖος 1189. 9 ; 1205. 7. 
Ἰταλικός 1194. 15, τό. 

Κυνοπολίτης (νομός) 1189. 8,14; 1210. 3,12, 15- 
Λητοπολίτης (νομός) 1189. introd. ; 1219. 20. 
μητροπολιτικός 1196. 6. 

Mixpa” Oaots 1204. 6, 18. 
1210. 16. 

ρασις 1204. 23; 

Νικίου (πόλις) 1219. 4. 
νομός 1188. 19 ; 1200. 15, 54. 
1185. 3, 15. 

Ἑπτὰ vopoi 

"Oaots. See Μικρὰ Ὄ. i 

᾿Οξυρυγχίτης (νομός) 1187. 2; 1188. 14, 19; 
1189. 4,17; 1190.1; 1191.1, 12; 1194. 
1; 1196. 1; 1197. 2; 1200. 15, 53; 
1204. 2; 1210. 2, 6, 14. 

᾿Οξυρυγχίτης 1204. 20; 1219. 21. λαμπρὰ 
᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλις 1199. 1, 6. λαμπρὰ καὶ 


λαμπροτάτη "Of. π. 1205. 2; 1206. 3; 
1208. 2, 4, 6. 

᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλις 1196. 3; 1202. 4; 1207.1 ; 
1209. 4, 7. λαμπρὰ καὶ λαμπροτάτη OE. π. 
1205. 13. 

mayos, € 7. 1190. 3. 

Παλαιστίνη, Συρία II, 1205. ὃ. 

Παραιτόνιον 1221. 5. 

πόλις = Alexandria 1200. 45. 7m. = Oxy- 
rhynchus 1190. 11; 1196.4; 1199. 14, 
16; 1202. 8, 13; 1204. 20; 1205. 3; 
1206. 4, 5; 1208. 7, 9, 11, 12; 1209. 
9, 14; 1223. 9. Cf. ᾿Αλεξανδρέων, “Eppod, 
᾿Οξυρυγχίτης, Ὃ ξυρύγχων. 

Προσωπίτης (νομός) 1219. 14. 

“Ῥωμαϊκός 1201. 12. 
“Ῥωμαῖοι 1208. 6. 

Συρία Παλαιστίνη 1205. ὃ. 

Τεντυρίτης (νομός) 1210. τι. 

τοπαρχία, ἀπηλιώτου 1196. 8; 1208. 3, 7, 
12. πρὸς λίβα 1204. 5; 1221. 5. μέση 
1188. 7, 20, 22. 

᾽Ωνείτης 1205. 8. 


᾿ΕἘπισήμου 1192. 2. 
Kepxevpa 1188. I, 2, 7, 20. 
Πακέρκη 1196. 8, 19; 1208. 3, 7, 12. 

Πεεννώ 1188. 7, 22. 
Πέλα 1212. introd., τ. 

Σεντώ 1212. 3. 

Τααμπέμου 1193. 2. 
Ths 1198. 4, 11; 1200. 14, τό. 

Φακοῦσαι 1197. 3, 5, 20. 

(c) ἄμφοδα. 

Ἑρμίου 1207. 3. 

| Νότου Δρόμου 1199. 17 

(α) κλῆροι. 

᾿Ἐπάνθους 1208. 13. 

| Μελανθίου 1188. 23. 


“Αδριανὴ βιβλιοθήκη 1200. 40. 

μέγα περίχωμα 1188. 24. 

Ναναῖον 1200. 49. 

(a) Gods. 

“Appov 1188. 22. 

“Αρπεβῆκις 1188. 3, 21. 

Ζεὺς Ἥλιος μέγας Σαμᾶπις 1218. 1. 
Ἥλιος, See Ζεύς. 

θεός 1216. 4, το; 1217. 5. 
24. θεοὶ σύνναοι 1218. 2. 
Νεῖλος, ἱερώτατος N. 1211. 2. 
᾿Οσορφνᾶς 1188. 3, 20. 
Σαρᾶπις, Ζεὺς Ἥλιος μέγας Σ, 1218. 1. 

σὺν θεῷ 1220. 

(4) Temples, &c. 

Θοηρεῖον 1188. 3, 20. 
ἱερὸν “Appovos 1188. 22. 

ἱερὸν “Αρπεβήκιος 1188. 3, 21. 
συναγωγὴ τῶν ᾿Ιουδαίων 1206. 7. 

(c) Priests. 

« ‘ ὌΝ ,ὔ 
ἱερεὺς καὶ ἀρχιδικαστής. 

See Index VIII. 

(ὦ) Miscellaneous. 

βασιλέως ἑορτή 1185. 29. 
(@a ἱερά 1188. 4, 21. 


ἀγορανομία 1185. 5. 

dyopavopetov 1209. 11. 
ἀγορανομίου 1209. 5. 
μνημονίου 1208. 2. 

ἀμφοδογραμματεύς 1196. 5; 1202. 8, 13. 

ἀπαιτητὴς ἀννώνης 1192. 3. 

ἀρχέφοδος 1193. 2; 1212. introd., 1. 

ἀρχιδικαστής, ἱερεὺς καὶ ἀρχ., Αὐρήλιος Δίδυμος ὁ 
καὶ Σαραπίων (A. Ὁ. 266) 1200. 1. ἱερ. ἀρχ. 
καὶ πρὸς τῇ ἐπιμελείᾳ τῶν χρηματιστῶν καὶ τῶν 
ἄλλων κριτηρίων, Αὐρ. Aid. 1200. 5, 9. 

ἀσχολούμενος ὠνὴν ayopavopiov 1209. 5. 
ὠνὴν ay. καὶ μνημονίου 1208. 2. dey. (τὸ 
μνημονεῖον) 1199. 21. 

βασιλικὸς γραμματεύς 1188. 14, 27; 1210. rr. 
Διοσκουρίδης (A.D. 13) 1188. 2. ᾿Απίων 
(Letopolite nome, 3rd cent.) 1219. 1, 20. 
᾿Απίων (Prosopite nome, 3rd cent.) 1219. 

βιβλιοφυλάκιον 1208. 5. 

> 7 5 ‘ 
ἀσχολούμενος ὠνὴν 
docx. ὠνὴν dy. καὶ 


θήκη ἱερῶν ζῴων 1188. 4, 21. 
θυσία τοῦ ἱερωτάτου Νείλου 1211. τ. 


βιβλιοφύλαξ 1199. 3; 1200. τ. 
σεων 1200. 54. 

βουλευτής 1200. 20; 1205. 3, 8. 

βουλή, κρατίστη B. 1191. το. 

βιβλ. ἐγκτή- 

γυμνασιαρχήσας 1199. 1. 

γυμνασιαρχία 1185. 5. 

γραμματεύς 1188. 25, 27. βασιλικὸς yp. See 
βασιλικός. γρ. δημοσίων λόγων 1192. 1. 

δεκαπρωτεία 1204. 4, 20, 25. 
δεκάπρωτος 1204. 4. 

διαλογή, ὁ πρὸς τῆ ὃ. 1200. 4. 
διεραματίτης 1197. 4. 

δούξ, διασημότατος δ. Φλαούιος . . 

347) 1190. 5. 

. τιμὸς (a. D. 

ἑκατοντάρχης 1185. 23. 
ἐξηγητεύσας 1196. 20. 
ἐξηγητής 1205. 3. ἐξ. ᾿Αλεξωνδρείας 1199. το. 



ἐπαρχικός 1228. 22. 

ἔπαρχος Αἰγύπτου. See ἡγεμών. 

ἔπαρχος τοῦ ἱεροῦ πραιτωρίου 1190. 15. 

ἐπιμελητής 1191. 5, 15. ἐπιμ. ἀννώνης 1194. 
3, 12, 17. 

ἐπιστρατηγία. See emorparnyos. 

ἐπιστράτηγος 1185. 6; 1189. introd. Αὐρήλιος 
Σεουῆρος ὁ κράτιστος διαδεχόμενος τὴν ἐπιστρα- 
τηγίαν (A.D. 217) 1202. 1. Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αμμώ- 
vos ὃ κράτιστος (ἐπ. ὃ A. Ὁ. 280) 1191. 1, 14. 

ἡγεμονία. See ἡγεμών. 

ἡγεμών. Πετρώνιος Μαμερτῖνος 6 κράτιστος ny. 
(a. D. 135) 1195. 1. Μάγνιος Φῆλιξ Κρησ- 
κεντιλλιανός (c. A.D. 200) 1185. 1, 3, 14. 
Μούσσιος Αἰμιλιανὸξ ὁ λαμπρότατος διέπων 
τὴν ἡγεμονίαν (A. Ὁ. 258)1201. 12. Mussius 
Aemilianus vir perfectissimus praefectus 
Aegypti 1201. 1. Κλαύδιος Φίρμος 6 hap- 
πρότατος jy. (about A.D. 265) 1194. 5. 
‘Adpiamos Σαλλούστως ὁ διασημότατος ry. 
(a. Ὁ. 280) 1191. 3, 17. Αἴλιος Πούβλιος ὁ 
διασημότατος ἔπαρχος Αἰγύπτου (A.D. 299) 
1204. 7. Πούβλιος 6 diac. ἡγούμενος 1204. 

ἡγούμενος, Αὐρήλιος Ἡρώδης ὁ διασημότατος ἡγού- 
μενος Θηβαΐδος (4th cent.) 1186. τ. Cf. 

ἴδιος λόγος 1188. 4 εἰ Saep. ὁ πρὸς τῷ ἰδ. λ. 
Κοίντος "Atrios Φρόντων (a. D. 13) 1188. 8. 

καθολικός, Πομπώνιος Δόμνος ὁ διασημότατος κ. 
(A.D. 299) 1204. 9, 22, 23, 26. 

κομενταρήσιος 1204. 26. 

copes 11490. 16. 

κριτής 1195. τ. 

κωμογραμματεύς 1188. 2, 7, 29; 1198. 1; 
1210. 13, 16. 

μείζων 1204. 17. 
μνημονεῖον, ἀσχολούμενος (τὸ p.) 1199. 21. 


dcx. ὠνὴν ἀγορανομίου καὶ μ. 1208. 2. ὁ πρὸς 
τῷ μ. 1208. 5. 

ὀφφικιάλιος 1204. 26. 

praefectus. See ἡγεμών. 

πραιπόσιτος πάγου 1190. 3. 

πραιτώριον, ἔπαρχος τοῦ ἱεροῦ 7. 1190. 15. 

πρακτορεία σιτικῶν 1196. 5. 

πράκτωρ, ξενικῶν π. 1208. 11, 22, 27, 32. π- 
σιτικῶν 1196. 19. 

mpovontns 1192. 2. 

σκρείβας 1191. 7. 

σπεκουλάτωρ 1198. τ; 1214. 2; 1228. 21. 

otparnyia 1191. 21. 

στρατηγός 1185. 3, 14; 1191. τ; 1194. 8; 
1211, 1. ᾿Απολλώνιος (c. A. D. 117) 1189. 
3, 17. Σαραπίων ὁ καὶ Φανίας (A, Ὁ. 211) 
1197. 1. ᾿Ανουβίων (A. D. 211-12) 1196. rf. 
Αὐρήλιος Ποσειδώνιος (A. D. 254) 1187. Ee 
Αὐρήλιος ᾿ολύμπιος γενόμενος ὑπομνηματογρά- 
φος (A.D. 280) 1191. 11. Αὐρήλιος Ζηνογένης 
(A.D. 299) 1204. 2. Φλαούιος. .. (A.D. 
347) 1190. 1. στρ. Ηρακλεοπολίτου, ᾿Ακύ- 
λιος Πωλίων (¢. A.D. 117) 1189. introd., 2. 
στρ. Κυνοπολίτου, SaBeivos (ς. A.D. 117} 
1189. 8. στρ. Λητοπολίτου 1189. introd. 

στρατιώτης 1194. 6; 1204. 7, το. 

τίρων 1190. 6, 9, 20. 
τοπογραμματεύς 1188. 7; 1210. 13. 

ὑπατία, ὕπατος. See Index III. 
ὑπηρέτης 1208. 20, 32. 
ὑπομνηματογράφος 1191, 11. 

φρουρός 1133. 4. 
φύλαξ 1193. 3; 1212. 3. 
φύλαρχος 1187. το. 

χρηματιστής. See ἀρχιδικαστής, 

1 ass 









ἄρουρα 1208. 13, 15, 18, 26-8. 
ἀρτάβη 1192. 6; 1194. 11; 1197. τι. 

δέσμη 1212. 4-7. 

κεράμιον 1211. 5; 1220. 17. 
μέτρον δέκατον 1192. 5. 
ξέστης 1194. 18, 19. ξ. ᾿Ιταλικός 1194. 15, 16. 

(4) COINS. 

ἀργύριον 1185. 18; 1188. 26; 1200. 23; 
1205. 9, 13, 23, 26; 1208.27. ἀργύρια 
1223. 23. dpy. Σεβαστοῦ (-dv) νομίσματος 
1200. 22 ; 1208. 16; 1209. 22. 

δραχμή 1188. 21-4, 26; 1194. 23; 1200. 
moan, 1207. 7, τι; 1208. τό, 27; 
1209. 23. 

κέρμα 1220. 7. 

μυριάς 1228. 32. 

νόμισμα 1200. 22; 1208. 16; 1209. 22. 
ὁλοκόττινος 1223. 23, 32. 

τάλαντον 1205. 9 ; 1208. τό, 27. 


dyopavopeiov 1208. 2 ; 1209. 5. 
ἀννώνη 1192. 4; 1194. 4. 

δημόσια 1208. 21, 23. 

εἶδος 1200. 32; 1208. 20, 21. 
ἐπικλασμός 1208. 21, 23. 
ἐπιμερισμός 1208. 22. 


ab 1201. 2. 

ἀβάσκαντος 1218. 11. 

ἀγαθός, ἐπ᾽ ἀγαθοῖς 1202. 15. 

ἄγειν 1206. τι. 

ἀγνοεῖν 1188. 5, 11, τό ; 1202. 22. 
ἀγορανομία 1185. 5. 

ἀγορανομεῖον 1208. 2 ; 1209. 5, II. 
ἀγοράζειν 1208. 7. 

λαογραφία 1210. 2. 
μνημονεῖον 1208. 2. 
ὀκτάδραχμος 1185. 19. 
σιτικά 1196. 19. σ΄. μητροπολιτικά 1196. 6. 

τέλος τιμήματος 1200. 45. 


ἀγράμματος 1200. 40 marg.; 1205. 22, 27. 

ayuda, ev ἀγυιᾷ 1208. 4, 29; 1209. 9, 27. 

ἀγωγή 1197. το. 

ἀγών 1202. 7, 9. 

ἀδελφή 1205. 3; 1216. 2, 23. 

ἀδελφός 1190. 3, 7,14; 1198.8; 1204. 18 
1206. 1; 1208. 9; 1215. 1; 1216. 12 
1221. 1; 1222. 1; 1228. 1, 37, 38. 


ἀδέσποτος 1188. 15, 10. 

ἀδιάθετος 1201. 8, 17. 

ἀδικία 1186. ὃ ; 1208. 24. 

ἀεί 1200. 17; 1216. 3. 

aixia 1186. 3. 

αἱρεῖν 1190. 9; 1208.14, 15. αἱρεῖσθαι 1187. 
9; 1200. 28, 34; 1207.5; 1208. 19, 24. 

αἰτεῖν 1185. 12; 1201. 6. 

ἄκανθα 1188. Το, 24. 

ἀκολουθία 1202. 20. 

ἀκόλουθος 1186. 8. 
1208. I1. 

ἀκούειν 1204. 24; 1215. 5. 

ἄκυρος 1208. 24. 

ἅλας 1222. 2. 

ἀλεκτρυών 1207. ὃ. 

ἀλήθεια, ἐπ᾿ ἀληθείας 1188. 5, Io. 

ἀληθής 1198. 24. 

ἀλλήλων 1200. 22 ; 1206.5, 18; 1208. 15; 
1209. 21. 

ἄλλος 1196. 4 ; 1200. 6, το; 1208. 14, 19, 
21; 1220. 9. 

ἅλς 1185. 11. 

ἅμα 1194. 4; 1196. 4; 1214. 5; 1223. το. 

ἀμελεῖν 1218. 3, 17; 1223. 12, 33. 

ἀμέλεια 1220. 20 ; 1228. 7. 

ἀμετανόητος 1208. 17. 

ἀμμωνιακός 1222. 2. 


ἄμφοδον 1187. 6. 

ἀμφότερος 1199. 2. 

ἄν 1185. 12, 30; 1188.15. 

ἀναγιγνώσκειν 1188. 28 ; 1201. 22 ; 1204. 22. 

ἀναγκαῖος 1202. 22; 1219. 5. ἀναγκαίως 
1208. 17. 

ἀναγράφειν 1198. το, τό. 

ἀνακρίνειν 1209. 19. 

ἀναλαμβάνειν 1188. 4, το, 16, 30; 1200. 45. 

ἀνάλωμα 1220. 4. 

ἀναπέμπειν 1220. 3. 

ἀναπόριφος 1209. 19. 

ἀναφαίρετος 1208. 17. 

ἀναφέρειν 1228. 13. 

ἀναψᾶν 1220. introd. 

ἄνεμος 1208. 15. 

ἀνεμποδίστως 1200. 28. 

ἀνέρχεσθαι 1194. 4. 

ἀνήρ 1186. 7; 1200. 30; 1210. 2, 8. 

ἀνιαρός 1186. 5. 

ἀννώνη 1192. 4; 1194. 4. 

ἀκολούθως 1191. 2, 8; 

See Index VIII. 
Cf. Index VI (¢). 


ἄνοδος 1194. το. 

ἀνόκνως 1218. 9. 

ἀντέχεσθαι 1208. 30, 31. 

ἀντίγραφον 1188. 2, 9, 15; 1191. 22; 1200. 
2,7, 12; 1208. 15, 20, 33; 1208. 5, 29. 

ἀντιλαμβάνειν 1187. 19; 1196. 12; 1202. 12. 

ἀνυπερθέτως 1207. 14. ; 

ἄνωθεν 1204. τ4. 

ἀξία 1188. 5, το, τό. 

ἄξιος 1188. 21-4; 1216. 17. 

ἀξιοῦν 1198. 16; 1200. 45,54; 1202. 23; 
1203.18; 1213. 3; 1216.7, 10; 1222. 3. 

ἀξίωμα 1204. τό, 21. 

ἀπαγορεύειν 1186. 6. 

ἀπαίτησις 1194. 7; 1222. 4. 

ἀπαιτητής 1192. 5. 

ἀπαλλαγή 1204. 13. 

ἀπαλλάσσειν 1204. 21. 

ἀπαντᾶν 1204. 23; 1228, 15. 

ἁπαξαπλῶς 1206. 14. 

ἅπας 1208. 8. 

ἀπειθεῖν 1185. 31. 

ἀπεῖναι 1204. 23 (ἀπήμην). 

ἀπεργασία 1208. 21. 

ἀπέρχεσθαι 1215. 4; 1218. 7. 

ἀπέχειν 1200. 24, 41; 1208. 16, 27; 1209.23. 

ἀπηλιώτης 1196. 8 ; 1200. 20 ; 1208. 3, 7, 12. 

ἁπλῶς 1188. 25. 

ἀπογράφεσθαι 1199. 24; 1206. 21. 

ἀπογραφή 1200. 30. 

ἀποδιδόναι 1185. 22; 1207. 12; 1209. 18, 
23, 24 (I. πριάμενος), 26 ; 1215. 9. 

ἀπολαμβάνειν 1217. 6. 

ἀπολείπειν 1208. 11. 

ἀπολλύναι 1220. 19. 

ἀπολύειν 1210. το. 

ἀπόλυσις 1205. 7, το. 

ἀπονέμειν 1188. 6. 

ἀποσπᾶν 1206. 13. 

ἀποστέλλειν 1198. 4; 1204. 19; 1223. 3, 24, 

ἀπόστολος 1197. 13. 
ἀπότακτος 1187. 14. 
ἀπουσία 1228. 20. 
ἀπόφασις 1204. 10, 11. 
ἀποφέρειν 1208. 24. 
ἀποχαρίζεσθαι 1208. τό. 
ἀπωθεῖσθαι 1206. 1ο. 
ἄρα 1215. 4. 
ἀργύριον. See Index ΙΧ (6). 


ἀρετή 1204. 14. 

ἀριθμεῖν 1205. 6, 12 ; 1208. 17. 

ἀρρενικός 1209. 16; 1216. 14. 

ἀρτάβη. See Index IX (a). 

ἄρτος 1185. το; 1194, το. 

ἀρχέφοδος. See Index VIII. 

ἀρχιδικαστής. See Index VIII. 

ἄρωμα 1211. τι. 

ἄσημος 1209. 8, 9. 

ἀσπάζειν 1218.9. ἀσπάζεσθαι 1215. 6; 1216. 
geet; LAL7. 4, 7; 1218. 13. 

ἀσπάραγος 1212. 4. 

ἀσφάλεια 1200. 12, 33, 44. 

ἀσχολεῖσθαι 1199. 21 ; 1208. 2; 1209. 5. 

arexvos 1198. Io. 

ἄτριπτος 1222. 2. 

αὖ 1206. 14. 

αὐθεντικός 1208. 5. 

αὔριον 1185. 6. 

αὐτόθι 1200. 23 ; 1208. 16; 1209. 17. 

ἀφανίζειν 1220. 20. 

ἀφιέναι 1216. 15. 

ἀφιστάναι 1208. 24. 

ἄχρι 1215. 3. 

Bais 1211. 8. 

βασιλεύς 1185. 21, 29. 

βασιλικὴ γῆ 1200. 31; 1208. 20. 
γραμματεύς. See Index VIII. 

βέβαιος 1200. 29; 1208. 20. 

βεβαιοῦν 1207.11 ; 1208. 27 ; 1209. 26. 

BeBaiwors 1200. 30; 1208. 20. 

βιβλίον 1204. 23. 

βιβλιοθήκη 1200. 49. . 

βιβλιοφυλάκιον, βιβλιοφύλαξ. See Index VIII. 

βλέπειν 1220. 11. 

βόειος 1194. 28. 

βοηθεῖν 1202. 25. 

bona 1201. 3. 

Boppas 1200. 20. 

βούλεσθαι 1188. το ; 1200. 44, 53; 1207. 13. 

βουλευτής, βουλή. See Index VIII. 

βρέφος 1209. 16. 


γάλα 1211. το. 

γαμεῖν 1218. 4. 

ye 1185. 30. 

γείτων 1200. 19; 1208. 14. 
γενέθλιος 1214. 4. 

γένημα 1196. 7. 


γένος 1202. 20. 
yeovxos 1218. 3; 1223. 5, 20. 
γεωργία 1200. 31 ; 1208. 20. 
γεωργός 1221. ἡ. 
γῆ βασιλική 1200. 31; 1208. 20. ἰδιωτικὴ 

(γῆ) 1208. 13, 15; 18. 
31; 1208. 20. 

ynpoBockia 1210, 5. 

γίγνεσθαι 1188. 14, 24; 1191. 11; 1192. 6; 
1196. 16; 1199. 8, 23: 1200. 37, 44; 
1205. 3, 9; 1208. 4, 11, 12; 1209. τι. 
28; 1210.8; 1220. 7. 

γιγνώσκειν 1185. 16; 1194. 6; 1204. 23. 

γλοιός 1220. τό. 

γνήσιος 1206. 8, 21. 

γνώμων 1188. 4, 10, 16, 20. 

γνωστήρ 1196. 20. 

γογγύλη 1212. 6. 

yovevs 1206. 12; 1210. 4. 

γοῦν 1204. 17. 

γράμμα 1192. 7 ; 1193. 3; 1198. 35; 1200. 
43, 61; 1201. 10; 1206. 17, 24; 1208. 
28, 31; 1217. 3; 1219. 12. 

γράφειν 1188. 27; 1189.6; 1197. 30; 1198. 
25, 34; 1200. 42, 48, 55, 60; 1201. 9 ; 
1206. 17,24; 1208. 24, 28, 30; 1216. 6; 
1217. 4; 1219. 8, 16; 1220. Io. 

γραμματεύς. See Index VUI. 

γραφή 1189. 9, 11; 1202. 11, 14, 24. 

γυμνασιαρχεῖν 1199. 1. 

γυμνασιαρχία 1185. 5. 

γυμνάσιον 1202. 18. οἱ ἐκ τοῦ y. 1202. 21. 

γυνή 1206. 4, 6, 13: 

γῆ οὐσιακή 1200. 

δαπάνη 1208. 24. 

dare 1201. 3. 

δέησις 1185. 2." 

δεικνύναι 1204. 24. 

δεῖν 1185. το; 1194.9; 1199. 23; 1204. 9. 
δεόντως 1208. 7; 1204. 3. 

δεῖσθοι 1204. 14; 1218. 4; 1219. τό. 

δεκαπρωτεία, Sexdmpwros. See Index VIII. 

δέσμη 1212. 4-7. 

δεσπότης 1204. 15; 1206. 1. 

δέχεσθαι 1198. 2. 

δηλοῦν 1188. 3, 15; 1190. 10(?); 1196. 13 ; 
1199. 15, 24; 1208.9; 1216. 11, 18; 
1218. 9; 1223. 28. 

δημόσιος 1190. 7, 20; 1200. 32, 50; 1208. 
20. δημόσια 1208. 21, 23. τὰ ὃ. 1210. 9. 

296 INDICES — 

διὰ δημοσίου 1208. 24. ἐν δημοσίῳ 1200. 
44. 6. λόγοι 1192. 1; 1198. 20. ὃ. πυρός 
1197. 12. 

δημοσιοῦν 1200. 34. 

δημοσίωσις 1200. 7, 18 marg., 36, 51, 54, 62; 
1208. 25, 27. 

διάγειν 1217. 6. 

διαγράφειν 1188. 26. 

διαγραφή 1188. 26. 

διαδέχεσθαι 1202. 1. 

διαδιδόναι 1194. 17. 

διαδοχή 1201. 7; 1206. 9, 22. 

διάθεσις 1188. 16; 1220. 25. 

διαθήκη 1208. 11. 

διακατοχή 1201. 6, 15, 19. 

διακεῖσθαι 1204. 7. 

διαλογή 1200. 4. 

διαπέμπεσθαι 1189. 15. 

διαποστέλλειν 1200. 46. 

διασημότατος 1186. 1; 1190. 4; 1191. 3, 17 ; 
1204. 7 εἰ saep. 

διαστολικόν 1208. 6. 

διασφάξ 1188. 24. 

διάταγμα 1185. 7, 31; 1201. 18, 21. 

διατελεῖν 1204. τό. 

διατρίβειν 1204. 18. 

διαφέρειν 1204. τι. 

διαψεύδεσθαι 1198. 26. 

διδόναι 1185. 8, 12 (δειδι = δίδου) ; 1195. 1; 
1200. 44; 1201. 15, 19; 12138. 4, 5; 
1222. 1. 

διέπειν 1201. 14. 

διεραματίτης 1197. 4. 

διέρασις 1197. 11. 

διέρχεσθαι 1198. 12; 1208. 5. 

duevrdyxety 1202. 26. 

δίκαιον 1199. 7, 13, 15; 1200. 50; 1208. 
30; 1205. 6,11; 1206.10; 1208. 8, το. 

δίκη 1208. 24. 

διό 1198. 15 ; 1200. 24. 

διοικεῖν 1200. 27. 

δισσός 1200. 12, 33, 44; 1206. 17. 

διῶρυξ 1208. 15. 

δοκεῖν 1194. 8; 1218. 7; 1220. 5. 

dominus 1201. 3. 

δουλαγωγία 1206. 11. 

δούλη 1205. 4; 1209. 15, 17, 22, 26, 31; 
1202. introd. 

δουλικός 1186. 4. 

dové. See Index VIII. 

δραχμή. See Index IX (4). 

δύνασθαι 1187. 16; 1194, 8; 1223. 14. 
δύσκολος 1218. 5. 

δωρεά 1202. 7. 

ἑαυτοῦ 1205. 4; 1208. 4, το. 

ἔγγαιον 1199. 25. 

ἐγγίζειν 1202. 8. 

ἐγγράφειν 1206. 15. 

ἔγκτησις 1200. 3. 

ego 1201. 3. 

ἐγχρήζειν 1207. 5. 

edictum 1201. 11. 

ἔθος 1202. 5; 1221. 7. 

εἰδέναι 1191. 22 ; 1197. 30; 1198. 35; 1200. 

43, 55, 60; 1201. 10; 1203. 22; 1206. 

24; 1208. 28, 30; 1216. 5; 1218. 4; 
1219. 11 ; 1220. 5. 

εἶδος 1200. 32; 1208. 20, 21. 

εἰκάς 1195. 7. 

εἰπεῖν 1204. 13 ef saep. 

εἴπερ 1228. 3. 

cis, τὸ καθ᾽ ἕν 1220. 309. 

εἰς, εἰς τό 1196. 17 ; 1197. 15. 

εἰσδιδόναι 1196. 3. 

εἰσιέναι 1187. 5 ; 1207. 2; 1208. 22. 

εἶτα 1204. 17. 

εἴτε 1219. 14, 15. 

ἕκαστος 1191, 5, 18; 1202. 9, 11. 

ἑκάτερος 1206. 17. 

ἑκατοντάρχης 1185. 23. 

ἐκβιβάζειν 1195. 8. 

ἔκγονος 1200. 25 ; 1208. 17. 

ἐκδιδόναι 1200. 33; 1204. 25, 26; 1206. 
6, τά. 

exet 1221. 6. 

ἐκεῖνος 1201. 17 ; 1204. 6. 

ἐκεῖσε 1204. 6. 

exkAntos 1204. 5, ὃ. 

ἐκλανθάνεσθαι 1203. 8. 

ἐκμαρτυρεῖν 1199. 19; 1208. 4. 

ἐκμαρτύρησις 1208. 30. 

ἐκπέμπειν 1223, 11. 

exogovyyeve 1204. το. 

exopovyyevors 1204. 6. 

ἔκτακτος 1207. 8, 13.- 

ἐκτελεῖν 1196. 14. 

ἐκτός 1209. 19; 1216. 9. 

ἐκχυσιαῖος 1220. 16. 

ἔλαιον 1211. Io. 


ἐλαιουργεῖον 1207. 5. - 

ehevOep .. . 1205. 27. 

ἐλεύθερος 1186. 6; 1206. 12. 

ἐλευθεροῦν 1205. 5. 

ἐλευθέρωσις 1205. 1, το. 

ἐμαυτοῦ 1206. 21 ; 1208. 4. 

ἐμποιεῖσθαι 1208. 23. 

ἐμφανής 1196. 15. 

ἔναγχος 1202. 14. 

ἐναντίος 1208. 13. 

ἐνεῖναι 1218. 5. 

ἕνεκα 1200. 51; 1219. 5. 

ἐνθάδε 1208. το. 

ἐνιαυτός 1216. 8. 

ἐνιστάναι 1187. 17; 1195. 7, 8; 1196. 7; 
1199. 9; 1203. 17; 1208. 22, 23. 

ἐννομώτερον 1204. 24. 

ἐνοίκιον 1207. 6, 13. 

ἐνοχλεῖν 1221. 9 ; 1228, 17. 

ἔνοχος 1195. το; 1198. 26. 

ἐντάσσειν 1202. 23. 

ἐνταῦθα 1199. 20. 

ἐντεῦθεν 1200. 36; 1208. 25. 

ἐντός 1194. 29. 

ἐντυγχάνειν 1204. 9 ; 1212. introd. 

ex 1201. τι. 

ἐξακολουθεῖν 1208. 9. 

ἐξαλλοτριοῦν 1208. 4. 

ἑξάμηνος 1192. 4. 

ἐξαρτίζειν 1208. 14. 

ἐξεῖναι 1206. 10, 13, 15. 

ἐξηγητεύειν, ἐξηγητής. See Index VIII. 

ἑξῆς 1190. το ; 1204. 24. 

ἐξορμᾶν 1216. 20. 

ἐξουσία 1190. 4; 1200. 26; 1205. 6, τι; 
1208. 19. 

ἔξω 1222. 3. 

ἑορτή 1185. 29. 

ἐπάγειν 1190. ὃ. 

ἐπακολουθεῖν 1208. 17. 

ἐπάναγκες 1208. 19, 24. 

ἐπαρχικός 1228. 22. 

ἔπαρχος. See Index VIII. 

ἐπαφή 1209. 19. 

ἐπεί 1202. 12; 1204. το. 
1222. 3. 

ἐπειδή 1204, 18. 

ἔπειτα 1217. 5. 

ἐπέρχεσθαι 1188. 3, 9, 15; 1200. 28; 1208. 


ἐπεὶ yap 1215. 5; 

ἐπερωτᾶν 1200. 37 ; 1206. 18, 23; 1208. 
17, 25, 27-9 ; 1209. 29. 

ἐπερώτησις 1205. 9. 

ἐπιβάλλειν 1194. 10, 14, 24; 1200. 18, 41. 

ἐπιγιγνώσκειν 1188. 16; 1204. 21. 

ἐπιδιδόναι 1188. 14; 1198. 32; 1199. 22; 
1201. 5; 1202. 9, 27. 

emeckns 1218. 5. 

ἐπιζητεῖν 1194, 2; 1196. 15. 

ἐπικαλεῖν 1199. 5; 1208. 3, 7. 

ἐπικλασμός 1208. 21, 23. 

ἐπικρίνειν 1202. 19. 

ἐπιλαμβάνειν 1200. 54. 

ἐπιλέγειν 1210. 4, 

ἐπιμέλεια 1200. 6, 9. 

ἐπιμελητής. See Index VIII. 

ἐπιμερισμός 1208. 22. 

ἐπινεύειν 1204. τό. 

ἐπισκέπτεσθαι 1188. 4, 10, 29. 

ἐπίσκεψις 1188. 27. 

ἐπισκευάζειν 1220. 13. 

ἐπίστασθαι 1219. 6. 

ἐπιστέλλειν 1188. 2, 8, 25; 1191. 6, 19, 22; 
1194. 8. 

ἐπιστολή 1189. 6; 1191. 14; 1216. 8. 

ἐπιστρατηγία, ἐπιστράτηγος. See Index VIII. 

ἐπιτελεῖν 1185. 30; 1200. 27. 

ἐπιτήδειος 1187. 11. 

ἐπιτιθέναι 1188. 5, το, τό. 

ἐπιτρώγειν 1185. 11. 

ἐπιφέρειν 1199. 22; 1200, 57; 1208. 5. 

ἐπιχωρίως 1186, 3. 

ἐργαλεῖον 1220. 17. 

ἔργον 1218. 3; 1220. 8, 9. 

ἐρεῖν 1195. 6. 

ἑρμηνεία 1201. 12. 

ἔρχεσθαι 1215. 2. 

ἐρωτᾶν 1201. 15. 

ἐσθίειν 1185. το. 

ἕτερος 1188. 25; 1200. 27, 35; 1208. 12; 
1204. 22; 1208. 25; 1219. 15. 

ἔτι 1200. 29; 1204. τ4; 1219. 6. 

ἔτος, τὰ ἔτη 1202. 20; 1208. 3, 7. 
1207. 7, 8. 

εὖ 1189. τι ; 1217. 6. 

εὐαγῶς 1203. 5. 

εὐγενής 1206. 11. 

εὐγνωμονεῖν 1223. 27. 

εὐδία 1228. 12. 

εὐδοκεῖν 1200, 36, 51; 1208. 25, 27; 28. 

ΚΑΤ ετος 


εὐδόκησις 1191. 6, 20; 1200. 35; 1208. 25. 

εὔθυνα 1208. 9. 

εὔπορος 1187. τι. 

εὑρίσκεσθαι 1204. 13. 

εὐσήμως 1188. 5, II. 

εὐτυχεῖν 1202. 5; 1219. 18 ; 1220. 27. 

εὔχεσθαι 1190. 13; 1191. 9, 24; 1192. 7; 
1216. 3, 16, 22; 1217. 5, 9; 1218. 14; 
1219. 17; 1220. 26 ; 1221.13; 1222.5; 
1223. 36. 

εὐώδης 1211, 4. 

ἔφεσις 1185. 6. 

ἐφέστιον 1206. 3. 

ἐφηβεία 1202. 12. 

ἐφηβεύειν 1202. το, 15. 

ἔφηβος 1202. 7, 24. 

ἐφίστασθαι 1220. 22. 

ἔφοδος 1208. 19. 

ἔχειν 1186. 8; 1191. 23 ; 1200. 26; 1208. 
19, 26; 1204. 11; 1205. 11; 1206. 3, 
8, 18; 1207. 2; 1208. 6, 19; 1210. 5; 
1216. 13, 19; 1218. 12; 1219.13; 1222. 
5; 1223. 23. 

ἕως 1208. 22, 28. 

(jrnpa 1188. 5. 

ζωγονεῖν 1188. 4, 21, 23. 
ζῷον 1188. 4, 21. 
ζωφυτεῖν 1188. 3. 

7 1216.14; 1220. 5; 1228. 12. 

ἤ 1195. το; 1198. 26; 1200. 35; 1208.. 

24; 1223. 23, 35. 
ἡγεμονία, ἡγεμών, ἡγούμενος. See Index VIII. 
ἡδέως 1218. 8, 12. 
ἧλος 1220. τό. 
ἡμέρα 1194. το, 15, 25; 1204. 22; 1205. 
16; 1220. 4 (τὸ καθ' ἡμέραν); 1222. 4. 
ἡμέτερος 1202. τό. 

θαυμάζειν 1223. 3. 

θεῖος 1185. 21; 1204. 14, τό. 
θέλειν 1185. 17; 1216. το. 
θεός. See Index VII (a). 
θεραπεύειν 1222. 3. 

θήκη 1188. 4, 21. 

θιγγάνειν 1185. 11. 

θρίδαξ (θρύδαξ) 1212. 5. 
θυγάτηρ 1199. το. 

θυσία 1211. 1. 


ἰδιόγραφος 1199. 8, 18 ; 1200. 48; 1208. 4, 

ἴδιος λόγος. See Index VIII. 

ἰδιωτικός 1200. 32; 1208. 13, 18, 20. 

ἱερεύς. See Index VII (c). 

ἱερόν. See Index VII (4). 

ἱερός 1188. 4, 21; 1190.16; 1211. 2. 
νόσος 1209. 19. 

ἱκνεῖσθαι 1189. 13. 

ἱμάς 1188. 2. 

ἵνα 1191. 22 ; 1200. 55; 1208. 21; 1204. 
24; 1220. 5, 13, 19; 1222. 2, 3. 

ἱπποποτάμιος 1220. 21. 

ἴσος 1188.25. τὸ ἴσον 1200. 49. 
22: 1204. 21; 1219. 6. 

εὖ ἃ 

tows 1202. 

καθάπερ 1208. 24. 

καθαρός 1200. 30; 1208. 20. 

καθήκειν 1188. 26; 1200. 55, 56; 1208. 3. 

καθολικός. See Index VIII. 

καθόλου 1228. 30. 

καθώς 1218. 4. 

kai, καὶ γάρ 1219. 9. κἀμοῦ 1202. 23. κἄν 
1216. 6. ; 

καιρός 1202. 7, 11 ; 1204. 6. 

κακός 1215. 6. 

κάλαμος 1211. gy. 

καλάνδαι 1201. 20; 1204. 12. 

καλεῖν 1185. 18 ; 1186. 3; 1204. 13. 

- καλῶς 1200. 37; 1208. 25, 29; 1209. 28; 

1215. 2. 

καμηλών 1207. 3. 

καρποφορία 1220. 8. 

καταβαίνειν 1228. 33.- 

κατάγειον 1199. 17. 

καταλαμβάνειν 1223. 5, 7. 

καταλείπειν 1208. 19. 

καταλογεῖον 1200. 35; 1203. το. 

καταξιοῦν 1218, 5. 

καταρτία 1208. 14. 

καταστέλλειν 1215. ΗΣ 

καταφεύγειν 1204. 8. 

καταχωρίζειν 1198. 19. 

καταχωρισμός 1198. 14 ; 1200. 58; 1208. 19. 

κατέχειν 1189. 13. 

κατοχή 1200. 32; 1208. 20. 

κελεύειν 1187. 12; 1191. 2, 8, 21, 23; 1204. 
10, 24, 25. 

κέλευσις 1191. τό. 

κεράμιον. See Index IX (a). 


κέρμα 1220. 7. 

κενεωτής (?) 1220. introd. 

κηδεία 1218. 7. 

κλάδος 1188. 1 ef saep. 

κληρονομ .. . 1199. 26. 

κληρονομεῖν 1201. 7. 

κληρονομία 1201. 6; 1206. 9, 22. 

κληρονομικός 1199. 14; 1208. 8, το. 

κληρονόμος 1201. το ; 1208. Io. 

κλῆρος 1188. 23 ; 1208. 13. 

κοινωνεῖν 1223. 10. 

κοινωνικός 1208. 13. 

κόλλημα 1201. II, 22. 

κομενταρήσιος 1204. 26. 

κόμες 1190. τό. 

κομίζεσθαι 1189. 12. 

κόνδυλος 1185. 8, 12. 

κουράτωρ 1205. 3. 

κρατεῖν 1200. 25; 1208. 17. 

κρατιστεία 1204. 15. 

κράτιστος 1185. 6; 1189. introd.; 1191. 15, 
19; 1195. 2; 1202.1; 1204. 3, 13, 14. 

κρέας 1194. 24. 

κρίσις 1208. 29. 

κριτήριον 1200. 6, το. 

κριτής 1195. 1. 

κύδαρον 1197. το. 

κυριεύειν 1200. 25; 1208. 17. 

κύριος (title) 1191. 3, 17; 1201]. 15; 1204. 
ἢ, 8, 17,18; 1214.1; 1217.1; 1220. 1, 
6, 27; 1221. 1; 1223.1, 38. Cf. Indices 
II, 111. κυρία 1185. 13. 

κύριος (adj.) 1197. 17 ; 1206. τό ; 1208. 24, 

κώμη 1188. 20, 22, 23; 1198. 2; 1198. 4; 
1200. 14, 16, 19; 1208. 3, 4, 7,8, 12. 

κωμογραμματεύς. See Index VIII. 

Adyavoy 1211. 5. 

λαγχάνειν 1186. 5. 

λαμβάνειν 1188. 26; 1191. 7, 20; 1192. 7. 

λαμπρός 1185. 7, 27; 1190. 15, 16; 1199. 
1, Ὁ, τὶ 1901, 15); 1205. 2, 3, 14; 
1206. 2, 3; 1208. 2, 4, 6. 

λαογραφία 1210. 2. 

legere 1201. 11. 

λειτουργεῖν 1187. 5. 

λειτουργία 1187. 20; 1204, 14, 21. 

λέξις 1220. το. 

λῆμμα 1196. 6. 

λῆξις 1208. 23. 

ληταρι. ος 1186. 2. 

λίαν 1216, 13. 

λίβανος 1211. τι. 

λίψ 1200. 21; 1204. 5; 1221. 5. 

λόγος 1188. 11,17; 1198.15, 20; 1209. 21, 
26; 1220. 28. A. δημόσιος 1192. τ. 
Adyos. See Index VIII. 

λοιπάζειν 1194. 3. 

λοιπός 1194. 19; 1207. 6. 

λύειν 1208. 11. 


μᾶλλον 1208. 13. 

μανθάνειν 1220. 24, 28. 

μεγαλεῖον 1204. το. 

μέγας 1188. 24; 1195. 4; 1219. 1. 
1204. 21. μείζονες 1204. 17. 

μέγεθος 1191. 3, τό. 

μέλλειν 1187. 4; 1202. 
1228. το. 

μέλι 1211. το. 

μελίχρους 1209. 15. 

μελλοέφηβος 1202. 17. 

μέμφεσθαι 1196. 17; 1197. 15. 

μένειν 1200. 50; 1203. 25; 1206. 9, 22. 

μέρος 1200. 19; 1204. τι; 1206. 17; 
1208. 14, 15, 18, 19, 24, 26-8. 

μέσος 1188. 7, 20. ἀνὰ μέσον 1200. 18. 

μεταδιδόναι 1194. 2; 1203. 6, 14, 19, 32; 
1204. 15, 16. 

μεταλαμβάνειν 1200. 25 ; 1203.6; 1204. 21 ; 
1208. 18. 

μετάλημψις 1200. 36. 

μεταξύ 1205. 5. 

μεταφέρειν 1188. 8; 1220. 13. 

μετέωρος 1219. 5. 

μετρεῖν 1192. 5 ; 1221. 8. 

μέτρημα 1221. 4. 

μέτρον 1192, 5. 

meus 1201. 4. 

μέχρι 1185. 23, 24; 1208. 29. 

μηδείς 1188. 5, 11,16; 1196.17; 1197.15; 
1200. 28, 29; 1203. 27; 1205. τι; 
1208. 19. μηδὲ cis 1205. 11. μηθείς 
1198. 26. 

μήν 1195. 7; 1199. 20; 1208. 17; 1208. 
5, 11; 1209. 12. 

μήν (particle) 1186. 5. 

μηνιαῖος 1196. 17. 

μήτηρ 1196. 2; 1197.4; 1198. 3,17; 1199. 


10, 15; 1215. 6; 


6᾽ 5: 2200. 11, 14, 15, 57; e202 as 
1208. 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12; 1209. 6, 9, 12, 
14; 1218. 6. 

μητροπολιτικός 1196. 6. 

μηχανή 1208. 14, 15, 18; 1220. 18. 

μικρόθεν, ἀπὸ μ. 1216. 5. 

μικρός 1185. το. Μικρὰ ἴασις 1204. 6, 18. 

μισθοῦν 1207. 12, 15, 16. 

μίσθωσις 1207. τι. 

μνήμη 1219. το. 

μνημονεῖον. See Index VIII. 

povas 1223. 31. 

μοναχός 1199. 21; 1200. 44; 1206. 18; 
1208. 5. 

μονόκλαδος 1188. 20. 

μόσχος 1211. 4. 

μυριάς 1223. 32. 

ναύτης 1197. 17 ; 1228. 9, 15, 35. 

νομίζειν 1219. 8. 

νόμιμος 1201. 18. 

νόμισμα. See Index IX (4). 

νόμος 1204. 4; 1208. 6. 

νομός. See Index VI (a). 

νόσος ἱερά 1209. IQ. 

νότος 1200. 19; 1208. 14. 

νῦν 1200. 17, 24; 1204. 16; 1208. 8; 
1216. 17; 1217. 3; 1223. 32. νυνί 1196. 
4; 1202. 12. 

ξενικός, ξενικῶν πράκτωρ. See Index VIII. 
ξέστης. See Index IX (a). 

ξηραίνειν 1188. 19, 21, 23. 

ξηρός 1188. 4, 10, 15, 22. 

ξυλικός 1208. 14. 

ξύλον 1188. 15, 19. 

6, ἡ, τό. τοὐναντίον 1208. 13. 

ὅδε 1200. 48; 1216. το. 

ὁδός 1208. 14. 

ὅθεν 1208. 17 ; 1204. 27. 

οἰκεῖος 1218. 13. 

οἰκία 1199. 17; 1218. 6. 

οἰκογενής 1205. 4 ; 1209. 15. 

οἰκονομεῖν 1188. 5, 11 ; 1208. 27 ; 1208. το. 

οἶκος 1223. 18. 

οἶνος 1185. 12; 1194. 14; 1211. 4; 1220. 
10,14; 1228. 30. 

ὀκτάδραχμος 1185. το. 

ὀλίγως 1228. τό. 


ὁλόκληρος 1208. 17. 

ὁλοκόττινος 1228. 23, 32. 

ὅλος 1208. 13, 14, 24. δι᾽ ὅλου 1219. 19. 

ὀμνύειν 1196. το; 1197. 6, 28; 1198. 21, 33. 

ὁμογνήσιος 1198. ὃ ; 1208. 9. 

ὅμοιος 1194. 21. ὁμοίως 1199. 12; 1207. 8; 
1211. 9. 

ὁμοιότης 1202. 24. 

ὁμολογεῖν 1200. τό, 38; 1205. 21; 1206. 6, 
18, 23; 1208. 3, 5, 8, 17, 25; 27-9. 
1209. 29. 

ὁμολογία 1208. 29. 

ὁμομήτριος 1205. 2; 1208. 9. 

ὁμονοεῖν 1216. τό. 

ὄνομα 1188. 8; 1192. 4; 1209. 15, 16, 27; 
1218. 12. 

ὀνομάζειν 1187. 9 ; 1204. 4, 20. 

ὄνος 1198. 3. 

ὁπηνίκα 1200. 34; 1208. 24. 

ὁπόταν 1196. 15; 1197. 13; 1207. 13. 

ὅπως 1188. 26. 

ὁρᾶν 1223. τι. 

ὀρθῶς 1200. 37 ; 1208. 25, 29; 1209. 28. 

ὁρίζειν 1200. 45. 

ὅρκος 1195. το; 1197. 28; 1198. 27, 33. 

ὁρμᾶσθαι 1204. 20. 

ὀρνιθών 1207. 4. 

ὄρνις 1207. 9. 

ὅς, ὃς μέν, ὃς δέ 1189. 7. 

ὁσδηποτοῦν 1208. 23. 

ὅσος 1208. 14. 

ὅσπερ 1200. 34; 1208. 16, 19, 24; 1209. 17. 

ὅστις 1195. 6; 1218. 8; 1222. 5. 

ὁστισοῦν 1208. 21. 

ὅτε 1204. 23. 

ὅτι 1185.17 ; 1215. 5; 1219. τι. 

οὐδείς 1185. 22; 1188. 25 ; 1218. 5; 1220. 
11, 20. 

οὐδέπω 1208. 3, 7. 

οὐκέτι 1185. 22; 12238. 26. 

οὐλή 1209. 15. 

οὖν 1185. 23; 1188.3, 15; 1202. 12; 1204. 
10; 1207. 15; 1219. 13; 1221. 8. cw 
ovv 1188. 25. 

οὐσιακὴ γῆ 1200. 31; 1208. 20. 

οὔτε 1186. 7; 1188. 25 ; 1206. το. 

οὗτος 1185. 7, 23, 31; 1190.11; 1198. 8, 
16; 1199. 18; 1200. 33, 37, 53; 12038. 
8, 15 ; 1204.9; 1205. το; 1206. 8, το, 
15, 16; 1207. 3; 1208. 19, 22, 23, 2 


28, 20; 1209. 18, 28; 1210. 8; 1218. 
5; 1216.15; 1217.3; 1219. 11; 1220. 
18; 1221. 10; 1222. 4. 

οὕτω, οὕτως 1186. 3 ; 1204. 11. 

ὀφείλειν 1188. 4, 10, 15, 19; 1208. 12. 

ὀφειλή 1200. 32 ; 1208. 20. 

ὀφφικιάλιος 1204. 26. 

ὀψάριον 1185. τι. 

πᾶγος 1190. 3. 

παιδάριον 1207. το. 

παιδίον 1218. 11, 14. 

παῖς 1185. 10; 1206. 13, 20. 

πάκτων 1220. 12. 

πάλαι 1219. 6. 

πανήγυρις 1214. 5. 

παντελής 1186. 6. 

παντοῖος 1208. 22. 

παραβαίνειν 1206. 15. 

παραγγέλλειν 1187. 3; 1204. IO, 24. 

παραγίγνεσθαι 1185. 26 ; 1197. 14; 1219. 3; 
1220. 23. 

παράδοξος 1205. 4. 

παράθεσις 1199. 23. 

παραλαμβάνειν 1206. 20; 1209. 17. 

mapadipravew 1191. 7, 20. 

παραμένειν 1222. 4. 

παρατιθέναι 1204. το. 

πάραυτα 1228. ὃ. 

παραχρῆμα 1208. 24. 

παραχωρεῖν 1200. 17; 1208. 8, 18, 22, 26. 

παραχώρησις 1208. 12, 24. 

παραχωρητικόν 1208. 15, 27. 

παρενοχλεῖν 1188. 25. 

παρέξ 1207. 4. 

παρέχειν 1193. 3; 1200. 29; 1204. 24; 
1208. 20; 1210. 9; 1223. 29. 

παριέναι 1202. 15. 

παριστάναι 1197. 8; 1204. 13. 

mas 1199. 18; 1200. 29-32; 1208. 23, 26, 
30; 1204. 3; 1205. 6; 1207. 4; 1208. 
DA, 20, 21. 23: 121]. τὸ; 1216. 3, τι; 
17, 22; 1217. 5, 7,8; 1218. 13. 

πατήρ 1198. 5; 1199.15; 1200. 18; 1201. 
4, 16; 1208. 13, 21, 23; 1204.5 ; 1205. 
8 ; 1208. 3, 6, 8, 10, 16, 17, 25, 30; 1218. 
1; 1219. 7, 10; 1222. 4. pater1201. 4. 

πατρίκιος 1206. 1. 

πατρωνικός 1205. 6. 

πειρᾶσθαι 1204. 13. 


πέμπειν 1194. 31; 1220. 6, 15; 1222. 5; 
1223. 10, 28. 

πενταετία 1207. 7. 

perfectissimus 1201. 1. 

περιεῖναι 1219. 7, 

περίεργος 1220. 22. 

περιέχειν 1199. 19; 1220. 29. 

περίστασις 1223. 18. 

περίχωμα 1188. 24. 

περσέα 1188. 3, 22, 23. 

περσείδιον 1188. 21. 

πιπράσκειν 1200. 16, 41; 1208. 8, 26. 

πιστεύειν 1223, 26. 

πιστός 1187. 18, 

πιττάκιον 1220. 29. 

πλακοῦς 1211. 7. 

πλήν 1228. 6. 

πλήρης, ἐκ πλήρους 1200. 24 ; 1208. τό. 

πλοῖον 1197. 9, 14; 1228. 4, 13, 34. 

ποιεῖν 1189. 11; 1194. 16; 1204, 5, 8: 
1208. 30; 1215. 2; 1218. 9. 

πόλις. See Index VI (a). 

πολιτικός 1204. 14, 21; 1208. 21. 

πολύς 1185. 24; 1191. 9; 1219. 12; 1221. 
12; 1222.6; 1228.37. πλεῖστος 1218. 1. 

πορεύεσθαι 1219. 4. 

πορίζεσθαι 1208. 9. 

possessio 1201. 3. 

πρᾶγμα 1215. 3. 

praefectus 1201. 1. 

πραιπόσιτος 1190. 3. 

πραιτώριον 1190. τό. 

πρακτορεία, πράκτωρ. See Index VIII. 

πρᾶσις 1199. 8, 19; 1208. 4, 12, 24, 28. 

πράσσειν 1208. 24; 1205. 13; 1208. 25, 
29; 1215. 6. 

πρίασθαι 1209. 6, 18, 24 (ἀποδόμενος Pap.), 31. 

πρό 1201. 20; 1204. 12. 

προαίρεσις 1216. 6. 

προέρχεσθαι 1208. 18. 

προθεσμία 1207. 14. 

προιέναι 1200. 12. 

προκεῖσθαι 1188, 26; 1197. 28; 1199. 25; 
1200. 26, 42; 1203. 14, 28, 32; 1204. 
10, 27; 1205. 21; 1206. 19, 23, 1208. 
15, 18, 36; 1209. 27. 

προνήσιον 1199. 17. 

mpovontns 1192. 2. 

mpos, πρὸς 76 1199. 23; 1200.50; 1202. 11; 
1206. 9, 17, 21. 


προσαγορεύειν 1185. 13 (9). 

προσαναφέρειν 1188. 5, 11, 29. 

προσβαίνειν 1202. 18. 

προσδεῖσθαι 1200. 35; 1208. 25. 

προσδοκᾶν 1194, 29. 

mpoodoxn 1223. 25. 

προσήκειν 1196. 13 ; 1202. 11. 

προσοφείλειν 1208. 13. 

πρόσταγμα 1204. τῇ. 

πρόσταξις 1204. 7. 

προστάσσειν 1190. 5. 

προσφεύγειν 1202. 22. 

προσφορά 1208. τό. s 

πρόσφορος 1208. 22. 

προσφωνεῖν 1188. τό ; 1200. 53. 

προσφώνησις 1200. 2, 18 marg., 63. 

πρότερος 1209. 20. πρότερον 1199. 15; 1201. 
16 ; 1208. 9, το. 

προτιθέναι 1185. 7 ; 1202. 10, 14 ; 1208. 4. 

πρώην 1204. 18. 

πρῶτον 1217. 4. 

πυρός 1197. 12. 

πωλεῖν 1200. 27; 1208. 18; 1209. 25. 

πῶλος 1222. 1. 

πῶς 1216. 13. 

ῥάφανος 1212. 7. 

rogare 1201. 3. 

ῥωννύναι, ἐρρῶσθαι εὔχομαι 1190. 13; 1191. 9, 
23; 1192. 7; 1215. 8 (épp. omitted); 
1216. 22; 1217. 9 ; 1218. 14 ; 1219. 17; 
1220. 26; 1221. 11; 1222. 5; 1223. 35. 

σήκρητον 1204. 12. 

σημαίνειν 1188. 9. 

onpepoy 1187. 7; 1216. 9; 1228. 14, 34. 
σημειοῦσθαι 1187. 20 ; 1188. 13; 1198. 4. 
onpeiwors 1220. 3. 

σιδήρωσις 1208. 14. 

σιτικός 1196. 6 ; 1208. 13, 18. 

σκρείβας 1191. 7. 

ods 1204, 14, 17; 1218. 13; 1223. 29. 
σπεκουλάτωρ. See Index VIII. 

σπέρμα 1222, 2. 

σπεύδειν 1216. 20. 

σπονδή 1207. το. 

σπουδάζειν 1190. 7 ; 12238. ὃ.. 

σπουδαῖος 1218. 4. 

στέφανος 1211. 6. 

στοχάζεσθαι 1188. 5, τι, τό. 

στρατηγία, στρατηγός, See Index VIII. 


στρατιώτης. See Index VIII. 
στρόβιλος 1211. 6. 

συγκαταχωρίζειν 1200. 48 ; 1208. 5. 
συγχωρεῖν 1185, 20. 
συμβεβαιοῦν 1208. 28. 
συμβεβαιωτής 1208. 6. 
σύμβιος 1218. 11. 
σύμμαχος 1228. το. 
συμπείθειν 1206. τό. 
συμπίπτειν 1188. 24. 
συμφέρειν 1220. 19. 
συμφο... 1191, 27. 
συμφωνεῖν 1200. 22; 
συναγωγή 1205. 7. 
συναριθμεῖσθαι 1208. 17. 

συνδειπνεῖν 1214. 6. 

συνεῖναι 1206. 4. 

συνέλκειν 1188. 9. 

συνέρχεσθαι 1187. 6. 

συνήθης 1187. 8. συνήθως 1210. 10. 
συνιστάναι 1187. 14; 1188. 11. 
σύνναος 1218. 2. 

συντάσσειν 1200. 55. 

συντίμησις 1188. 24. 

συντίθεσθαι 1206. τό. 

1208. 15; 1209. 21. 

τάγμα 1202. 18. 

τάλαντον. See Index IX (4). 

τάξις 1198. 18 ; 1204. 17. 

τάχος, ev τάχει 1185. 26; 1223. 24. 

τε 1186. ὃ ; 1200. 29, 30; 1203. 20; 1205. 

1; 1206. 6, 12; 1208. 20. ᾿ 

τέκνον 1199. 7,13; 1219. 18. 

τελεῖν 1208. 21 ; 1210. 1. 

τέλειος 1207. 9. 

τελειοῦν 1200. 2, 7. 

τελευτᾶν 1198. 12,17; 1201. ὃ, τ ; 1208.9. 

τελευτή 1208. 11. 

τέλος 1200. 45. 

τεσσαρεσκαιδεκαετής 1202. 19. 

τιμή 1188. 26; 1200. 22, 42; 
1209. 32 

τίμημα 1200. 45; 1208. 4. 

tipov 1190. 6, 9, 20. 

ms 1204. 19; 1206. 15; 1219. 13, 15 
1220. 21; 1223. 7, 22. 

τοιοῦτος 1186. 7 ; 1209. 18. 

toxds 1207. 9. 

τολμᾶν 1208. 3; 1204. 20. 

τόμος 1201. 11, 22. 

1208. 15, 27 ; 


ronapxia. See Index VI (a). 

ronoypapparevs. See Index VIII. 

τόπος 1185. 25; 1187. 8; 1196. 9; 1200. 
18, 26, 41; 1207. 4,6; 1208. 5. 

τοσοῦτος 1223. 25. 

τράχηλος 1205. 5. 

τρίβειν 1222. 2. 

τρισσός 1208. 24. 

τρόπος 1200. 29; 1208. 19, 23. 

τροχός 1220. introd. 

τύχη 1186.5; 1196.12; 1197.8 ; 1204.14,16. 

ὕβρις 1186. 7. 

ὑγιαίνειν 1217. 5. 

ὑγιής 1187. 18. 

ὕδρευμα 1208. 14, 15, 18, 27. 

υἱοθεσία 1206. 8, 14, τύ, 20. 

vids 1202. 16, 23; 1203. 16; 1206. 7, 9, 
21; 1207. 16; 1208. to; 1210. 5; 
1218. 4; 1219. 2, 3, 20; 1222. 1. 

ὑπαντᾶν 1196. τό. 

imépyew 1189. 10; 1197. 9; 1199. 
1201. 16; 1208. 8; 1209. το. 

ὑπατία 1206. 19. Cf. Index III. 

ὕπατος. See Index III. 

ὑπεῖναι 1203. 29. 

ὑπερετής 1198. 9. 

ὑπερτίθεσθαι 1219. τό. 

ὑπηρετεῖσθαι 1204. 17. 

ὑπηρέτης 1208. 20, 32. 

ὑπογράφειν 1188. 8; 1200. 47, 54. 

ὑπογραφή 1188. 15; 1191.6, 20; 1199. 21; 
1200. 12, 34, 47. 

ὑποδεικνύειν 1194. 6. 

ὑποδοχεῖον 1220. introd. 

ὑποθήκη 12038. 5. 

ὑποκεῖσθαι 1200. 2, ὃ, 13. 

ὑπολοιπάς 1223. 29. 

ὑπομένειν 1186. 4, 7. 

ὑπόμνημα 1188. 14; 1199. 22; 1200. 48; 
1208. το, 18, 28, 33; 1204. 9, 25, 26. 

ὑπομνηματογράφος 1191. τι. 

ὑποτάσσειν 1188. 2, 9, 15. 

ὑποτίτθιος 1209. 16, 17, 22, 26. 

vir 1201. 1. 

φαιδρύνειν 1214, 3. 
φαίνεσθαι 1188. 25. 
φακῆ 1192. 5. 
φαῦλος 1220. 11. 


φέρειν 1222. 2. 

φιλεῖν 1216. 14; 1219. 9. 

φίλος 1205. 5. φίλτατος 1189. 5; 1218. το. 
φορτικός 1228. 21. 

φροντίς 1191. 23. 

φρουρός 1198. 4. 

φύλαξ. See Index VIII. 

φύλαρχος 1187. το. 

χαίρειν 1185. 3, 13, 16; 1188. 2, 7; 1189. 
5; 1190. 3; 1191. 2; 1192. 2; 1200. 2, 
16; 1206. 6; 1208.8; 1215. 1; 1216. 
2; 1217.2; 1218, 2; 1219. 2: 1220. 2; 
1221. 3; 1222. 1. 

χάρις 1188. 5, 11; 1208. 17. 

χείρ, διὰ χειρός 1200. 24; 1208. 16; 1209. 
25. ὑπὸ χειρί 1208. 6. 

xepoypapia 1188. 5, 11; 1196. 19; 1197. 
16; 1228. 16. 

χειροτονία 1191. 5, 16; 1204. 22, 24. 

χλωρός 1211. 8. 

χρεία 1196. 14; 1210. 9; 1216. 18; 1219. 
13; 1222. 5. 

χρεωστεῖν 1223. 25. 

χρήζειν 1218. 8. 

χρηματίζειν 1199. 7, 12; 1200. 4, 11, 15; 
1204. 3, 6; 1208. 32. 

χρηματισμός 1188. 2, 9; 1200. 50; 1209. 
10, 20. 

χρηματιστής. See Index VIII. 

χρῆσθαι 1207. 15; 1208. 19. 

χρηστήριον 1199. 18 ; 1207. 4. 

χρόνος 1187. 17; 1191.9; 1196. 13; 1200. 
17; 1207. 1; 1208.8; 1221.12; 1222. 
6; 1223. 37. 

χῶμα 1208. 21. 

χωρίον 1220. 23. 

χωρίς 1211. τι. 

ψιλός 1200. 18, 26, 41. 

ὧδε 1222. 3. 

ὦκιμον 1222. 3. 

ὠνεῖσθαι 1188. 19; 1199. 8; 1208. 11, 22; 
1209. 10, 12, 29. 

avn 1208. 2; 1209. 5. 

adv 1207. Io. 

ὥρα 1198. 2; 1214. 7. 

ὥσπερ 1206, 12. 

ὥστε 1194. 2. 

ὠφελεῖν 1219. 12. 






Aristoph. Zhesm. 337, 374 178 | Ptol. Hephaest. ag. Westermann 
Aristot. Poet. p. 14596. : eS Mythogr..Gr.p. 191 125-6 
Etym. Magn. p. 283. 45 179 | Soph. A/. 841 . f ἕ 08 Se 
Eurip. Fr. 403. 179 Trach. 339 : 2 DRS Bee 
Fr. 492. 0 : yi Fr. τόρ. 3 : πο 
Τα ἢ: 5 - 179-80 294. 4 ; Ε Δ 80% 
Fr. 912. : ὃ 172 205 - B - ke ..- 
Fr. 913. ; 172-3 305. ᾿ : ἡ 35 
Fr. 959, 960 . 173 ΘΖ Ὁ ἐ 81 
Hesych, 5.0. δορυαλλός 179 768." 3 87, 118-9 
ἰθμαίνων é Ε Ba ὙΠ} “Ὁ ἣ Ξ ς 68 
πρεπτά. : Ε “ΠΡ 964 ἈΝ {τ 
Liv. xlii. 14 126 | Theophil. Ad Autol. ii. Pp: 94 125 
Vopiscus, Fvrmus 3 « 213-14 
P, Amh. 68. το 204 | P. Oxy. 95. 55: B ὃ δον, .1 
82. g-10 ; 27238 485. 50 : : aia 5 
98. 3 ὃ 5 240 720.1. 213 
138. 5 - ni 200 Bue SP o Fe ets oe eee 
B. G. U. 243 221 841. ii. 37. é ξ ἀκα ir 
435. 14 238 916 : : ἾΡΟΣ 199 
619. 14-6 . 246 1040. 33 αν 
Berl. Klasstkertexte V. ii. p. 123 117-8 1093 . . 189 
psa Ὁ Sts II1y. 3 238 
Be Brit, Mus. 1164 (2) 17, 25 . 251 | P. Par. 64. 39 « 
P. Cairo Cat. 67131. 28 . 239 Philo (Men. Miss. Frant au 
P. Class. Philol. 2 221 Catreix.2) . 16 
P. Flor. 71. 722 203 | P. Strassb. 56. 67-9 245 
P. Gen. 44 221 14. sy A 235 
P. Giessen 47. 28-9 . 267 79. 9 254 
51. 18-ο,) 21. 286 Ὁ P. Tebt. 316 : Ὁ 555 
in Ζ. Sav. xxxii. 378 229- 30 3218. : 5 MAL 2}: 
P. Grenf. II. 70 227, 246, 252 | P. Thead. v6 a 219 
P. Hamburg 16 eT ; : 2 ae 9 
P. Leipzig 28. 7 203 | Wessely, Sout Gr. Spec. 26. 2-3. . 25 
Néroutsos, oo @ aes 8 > 213 | Berl: 5 : : : - ΠΕ τ 
P. Oxy. 81 ; 217-8 | Oxy. : : 5 213, 227, 228 
95 : 2 : Ἶ 245-6 | Rylands . 3 5 ᾿ ΠῚ ΕΠ 


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XXII. ABYDOS, PartI. For 1901-2. By W.M.F. Perriz. Eighty-one Plates. 255. 

XXIII. EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. An Extra Volume. By D. Ranpaty-Maclver, 
A. C. MACE, and F. Lt. GRIFFITH. Sixty Plates. 255. 








ABYDOS, Part I. For 1902-3. By W.M.F.Petrm. Sixty-four Plates. 25s. 
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DEIR EL BAHARI, Part V. For 1904-5. By Epovarp Navitte. Plates 
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CLI-CLXXIV (one coloured) with Description. Royal folio, 3os. 

For 1907-8. By EDOUARD NAVILLE. Twenty-four Plates. 255. 

E. R. AYRTON and W.L.S. LoaT. 285. 

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Edited by F. Li. GRIFFITH. 

BENI HASAN, Part I. For 1890-1. By Percy E. Newperry. With Plans 
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. BENI HASAN, Part II. For 1891-2. By Percy E. Newserry. With Appendix, 

Plans, and Measurements by G. W. FRASER. Thirty-seven Plates (two coloured). 25s. 

. EL BERSHEH, Part I. For 1892-3. By Percy Εν Newserry. Thirty-four 

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. EL BERSHEH, Part II. For 1893-4. By F. Ly. Grirritn and Percy E. 

NEWBERRY. With Appendix by G. W. FRASER. Twenty-three Plates (two coloured). 255. 

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one Plates (three coloured). 255. 


SAQQAREH, Part II. For 1898-9. By Ν. ΡῈ G. Davigs and F.LL. GRIFFITH. Thirty- 
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. THE ROCK TOMBS OF SHEIKH SAID. For 1899-1900. By N. pEG. 

Davies. Thirty-five Plates. 255. 


N. DE G. DAVIES. , Pwenty- seven Plates (two coloured). 255. 

. DEIR EL GEBRAWI, Part II. For 1901-2. By N. pe G. Davis. Thirty 

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DaAvigs. Forty-one Plates. 255. 

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. ELAMARNA, Part III. For 1904-5. By N.pEG.Daviss. Forty Plates. 255. 
. ELAMARNA,PartIV. For 1905-6. By N. pz G. Davigs. Forty-five Plates. 255. 
. EL AMARNA,Part V. For 1906-7. By N. pe G. Davies. Forty-four Plates, 25s. 
. ELAMARNA, Part VI. For 1907-8. By N. peG. Davirs. Forty-four Plates. 255. 

INSCRIPTIONS, Part I. For 1908-9. By F. Lt. GRIFFITH. Thirty- -five Plates. 255. 

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and A. 5. Hunt. Eight Collotype Plates. (Out of print.) 
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A. S. Hunt, and Ὁ. G. HoGarTH. Eighteen Plates. 255. 
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and A.S. Hunt. Eight Collotype Plates. 25s. 
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VIII THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part V. For 1906-7. By B. P. Grenrery 
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IX. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part VI. For 1907-8. By B. P. GrenFeLy 
and A.S. Hunt. Six Collotype Plates. 255. 
X. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part VII. For 1908-9. By A. 5. Hunt. 
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ΧΙ. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part VIII. For 1909-10. By A. 5, Hunt. 
Seven Collotype Plates. 255. 
XII. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part IX. For 1910-11. By A. S, Hunt. 
Six Collotype Plates. 255. 

(Yearly Summaries by F. G. Kenyon, W: E. Crum, and the Officers of the Society, with Maps.) 
Edited by F. LL, GRIFFITH. 
THE SEASON’S WORK. For 1890-1. By Epovarp Navitie, Percy E. NewBerry, and* 
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And eleven successive years, 25. 6d. each. 


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HUnT. Is. net. 

‘ ATLAS OF ANCIENT EGYPT. With Letterpress and Index. (Out of print.) 
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Slides from Fund Photographs may be obtained through Messrs. Newton & Co., 3 Fleet Street, E.C. 
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