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FROM  THE   9th    TO   THE    19th    CENTURY. 

Part  II. 


Division  L 

Henry  H.  Howorth,  f.s.a. 


Longmans,     Green,    and    Co. 







I  DEDICATE  the  following  pages  to  two  friends  whom 
I  deem  it  a  singular  privilege  to  have  known.  Colonel 
Yule,  who  has  restored  to  us  so  much  of  the  romantic 
history  of  the  East,  and  whose  accuracy  and  breadth  of  view 
have  made  his  works  European  classics.  He  has  proved  to 
the  letter  the  truth  of  the  adage,  that  he  who  seeks  to  bring 
home  the  wealth  of  the  Indies  must  fill  his  galleons  with 
corresponding  wealth  before  he  starts.  He  will  not  blame  a 
scholar  who  wishes  to  put  his  master's  name  on  the  threshold 
of  his  work.  Nor  will  my  other  friend,  Mr.  Franks,  facile 
princeps  as  an  archaeologist  within  our  four  seas,  who 
distributes  his  bountiful  knowledge  with  the  generous 
prodigality  that  becomes  the  possessor  of  an  overflowing 
store.  Those  who  know  hinv*^  best  will  not  dwell,  however, 
on  what  is  so  well  assured  as  his  reputation,  but  will  rather 
revert  to  that  urbanity  and  unfailing  kindliness  which  knits 
men  closer  together  than  all  the  wisdom  of  Solomon. 


IT  is  with  great  diffidence  I  venture  to  publish  a  second  instalment  of  this 
history,  an  instalment  dealing  with  a  singularly  unfrequented  chapter  in 
the  great  drama  of  human  life,  which,  so  far  as  English  literature  is  concerned, 
may  be  said  to  be  completely  unexplored.  I  know  its  faults  and  shortcomings 
too  well  to  permit  me  to  claim  for  it  more  than  a  modest  reputation.  I  beUeve 
that  it  condenses  the  results  of  some  honest  labour,  perhaps  of  more  than  the 
casual  reader  would  imagine;  that  it  deals  with  a  complicated  and  intricate 
subject;  that  it  attempts  to  arrange  in  logical  sequence  and  continuity  a  series 
of  hitherto  disintegrated  and  broken  facts;  and  I  hope  that  it  may  furnish 
some  future  historian  with  a  skeleton  and  framework  upon  which  to  build  his 
palace,  when  he  shall  clothe  the  dry  bones  with  living  flesh.  Beyond  this  I  make 
no  claims.  My  critics  have  been  singularly  forbearing  in  their  treatment  of  my 
former  volume,  and  it  is  a  supreme  satisfaction  to  me  to  have  made  through  it  a 
number  of  friends,  whose  tenderness  to  my  failings  has  been  as  conspicuous  as 
their  own  learning.  Perhaps  I  may  claim  their  general  consent  that  underneath 
the  superficial  faults  there  remains  a  substantial  addition  to  historical  literature 
which  future  researches  will  not  entirely  displace.  If  a  few  remarks  have 
seemed  unfair,  it  is  only  a  very  small  element  compared  with  the  great 
number  of  suggestions  which  have  been  not  only  fair,  but  generous.  As  some 
of  the  criticism  passed  upon  the  former  volume  will  apply  equally  well  to  this, 
I  would  hold  a  parley  beforehand  with  those  who  wield  the  scalpel  upon 
points  in  which  the  patient  may  perhaps  claim  to  be  heard  as  well  as  the 
doctor.  One  has  complained  of  my  style,  that  it  has  not  the  majestic  ring  of 
Gibbon,  or  the  easy  flow  of  Macaulay.  It  is  indeed  easy  for  me  to  plead 
guilty  to  this  charge.  I  question  whether  either  Gibbon  or  Macaulay,  gifted 
as  they  were,  far  beyond  my  capacity,  could  have  traversed  the  arid  steppes  of 
Asiatic  history,  tracked  out  the  rivulets  and  streams  which  must  be  traced  if 
its  course  is  to  be  known  at  all,  and  dealt  with  unfamiliar  localities,  uncouth 
names,  perpetual  and  monotonous  fighting,  and  with  materials  such  as  these 
have  presented  a  pleasant  picture  to  the  fancy.  To  embroider  a  glorious  quilt 
we  must  not  only  have  fine  colours,  but  a  chaste  pattern ;  but  when  the  colour 
is  uniformly  dull,  and  the  pattern  is  uncouth  and  rude,  we  cannot  hope  to 
attract  the  casual  eye.  But  why  this  mass  of  details  ?  why  not  paint  a  few 
generalities,  grasping  the  main  story  in  a  few  choice  phrases,  and  leaving 
the  rest  to  oblivion?  Here  we  have  an  issue  on  which  I  must  not  cry  quarter. 
Generalities,  broad  deductions,  the  philosophy  of  history,  that  is  pleasant 
reading  enough,  and  for  that  pleasant  writing  too,  but  it  is  surely  as  vicious  as 
the  dialectic  of  the  schoolmen,  until  we  have  mapped  out  the  details  of  our 


subject.  lie  who  comes  after,  who  can  epitomise,  who  can  point  the  moral 
of  the  whole  story,  whose  view  of  the  wood  is  not  blunted  and  obscured  by 
the  profusion  of  trees,  may  do  all  this,  and  will  assuredly  gain  the  reward  of 
being  read  for  his  pains ;  but  before  he  can  begin  it  is  necessary,  especially  in 
such  fields  as  those  of  Asiatic  history,  that  some  one  should  trace  out,  step  by 
step  and  link  by  link,  the  crooked  story,  and  spend  nights  and  days  in  doing 
the  work  of  the  backwoodsman,  in  clearing  away  the  tangle,  in  cutting  down 
the  rude  forest,  in  running  his  plough  through  the  virgin  furrow ;  and  when  he 
has  made  all  more  or  less  clear,  then  his  children  will  come  and  plant  gardens 
and  orchards  where  he  toiled.  They  will  not  remember  perchance  the  work 
that  went  before,  they  will  grumble  if  some  rude  stump  that  defied  the 
pioneer's  axe  still  blocks  their  way,  but  the  harvest  will  be  none  the  less  largely 
due  to  his  labour ;  and  when  he  lies  down  to  sleep,  if  he  have  done  no  man, 
dead  or  living,  an  injustice,  if  he  have  not  stolen  what  he  displays  as  his  own, 
and  bravely  confesses  that  his  rough-hewn  chair  is  not  so  comfortable  to  sit  in 
as  that  made  by  a  more  practised  hand,  he  will  perchance  have  the  satisfaction 
which  some  say  is  worth  living  for,  of  having  done  his  best  at  what  his  hand 
found  to  do. 

Style  I  profess  in  this  work  to  have  none.  In  some  places,  where 
perseverance  has  almost  succumbed  under  the  load  of  monotonous  detail, 
I  feel  on  reading  the  phrases  again  as  if  they  had  been  written  in  the 
unsophisticated  days  of  early  school  life,  when  style  and  punctuation  were 
both  contemned.  It  has  been  as  much  as  patience  and  vigilance  could  secure 
that  the  narrative  should  be  intelligible,  and  in  many  places  where  the 
pen  would  willingly  have  run  riot,  where  a  little  poetry  might  have 
been  scattered  among  the  phrases,  the  temptation  has  had  to  be  sternly 
resisted,  for  fear  the  facts  should  be  distorted,  and  lest  what  is  neces- 
sarily a  very  compressed  narrative  should  swell  over  untold  volumes.  The 
facts  I  have  tried  to  make  clear  and  accurate.  In  many  places  I  know  I 
have  failed,  non  omnia  possumus  omnes  —  sometimes  through  the  frailty 
which  all  suffer  from  occasionally,  sometimes  when  ill  health  has  made  the 
task  of  revision  irksome  and  difficult,  sometimes  when  new  material  has 
reached  me  after  the  story  was  irrevocably  printed  ;  but  I  have  at  least  this 
excuse,  that  none  of  the  giants  under  whose  shadow  I  have  walked  have 
escaped  similar  casualties — all  of  them  are  found  tripping  sometimes.  It 
would  be^  a  poor  and  a  mean  victory  for  their  scholar  to  drag  out  and  pin 
down  the  occasions  of  their  faltering,  and  it  is  no  ambition  of  mine  to  do  so. 
In  nearly  all  cases  I  have  told  the  story  as  I  thought  it  should  be  read,  giving 
my  authority,  and  passing  by  my  master's  mistake  without  calling  attention  to 
it.  It  would  be  blind  indeed  to  attribute  to  merit  what  is  the  mere  result  of 
good  fortune.  Perfection  is  indeed  beyond  our  grasp,  as  the  most  shallow 
philosophy  will  teach  one ;  but  if  it  be  so,  it  becomes  doubly  true,  as  the 
proverb  says,  that  "  the  best  is  the  greatest  enemy  of  the  good."  He  whose 
fastidiousness  prevents  him  giving  the  world  no  product  which  is  not  perfect, 
is  not  only  postponing  publication  to  eternity,  but  is  robbing  the  world  of  its 
due  heritage  in  utilising  the  advance,  faulty  as  it  may  be,  which  he  has  made. 
I  am  conscious,  therefore,  that  the  following  pages  are  full  of  faults ;  but  I 

PREFACE.  ^  Vii 

would  ask  the  more  caustic  of  my  critics,  before  they  tie  my  scalp  to  their 
girdle,  to  at  least  look  at  my  too  ample  table  of  errata  and  additions,  especially 
those  attached  to  Chapter  IV.,  which  deals  with  such  a  difficult  section  of  this 
history.  The  book  has  had  to  be  both  written  and  printed  under  considerable 
difficulties,  while  the  resources  of  the  author,  upon  whom  the  burden  and  cost 
of  such  a  work  naturally  fall,  have  been  too  small  to  allow  him  to  have  an 
unlimited  number  of  proofs  for  correction.  If  some  blunder  therefore  seems 
more  than  usually  stupid,  do  me  the  favour,  most  benevolent  critic,  who 
would  be  nothing  if  not  frank,  to  turn  to  the  calendar  of  sins  at  the  end,  where 
I  have  committed  "  The  Happy  Despatch,"  and  saved  you  the  trouble  of 
running  your  steel  into  me. 

In  the  spelling  of  the  names  I  have  had  even  greater  difficulty  than  before. 
It  is  a  peculiarity  of  the  Turkish  dialects  that  familiar  proper  names  assume 
different  forms  among  them,  and  that  the  names  which  good  Muhammedans 
give  their  children  from  the  Koran  become  distorted  in  different  ways  by  the 
Tartars  of  Kazan,  by  the  Kazaks,  etc.,  etc.,  and,  therefore,  add  another 
difficulty  to  the  usual  sources  of  embarrassment  in  regard  to  Eastern  names. 
With  every  deference  to  the  arguments  I  have  seen  on  this  subject,  the 
difficulty  remains  at  present  insoluble,  and  our  way  must  be  a  compromise — 
too  often  an  inconsistent  compromise.  This  I  know  has  been  the  case  with 
me.  I  can  only  hope  that  some  reasonable  solution  may  sometime  be 
forthcoming,  and  that  in  the  following  pages,  bristling  with  proper  names, 
that  this  frailty  has  not  caused  any  serious  errors  of  statements  of  fact. 

Fault  may,  perhaps,  also  be  found  with  the  number  and  iteration  of  my 
references.  Here,  again,  I  have  a  theory  which  may  not  be  that  of  my 
critics.  The  greater  j)art  of  history  is  an  induction  from  certain  facts.  It 
comprises,  therefore,  besides  the  actual  data  of  our  authorities,  the  personal 
equation  of  the  historian.  For  the  student,  the  critical  student,  it  is  absolutely 
necessary  that  he  should  be  able  to  separate  these  two  elements.  In  science, 
at  least,  we  can  admit  of  no  infallibility.  In  such  inquiries  as  ours,  there  is 
no  court  of  final  appeal,  which  can  decide  once  and  for  ever  the  truth  or 
falsity  of  any  position.  The  prejudice  and  the  bias  of  the  historian's  political 
and  social  theories  inevitably  colour  his  arguments,  and  make  him,  even  when 
most  judicial,  more  or  less  an  advocate;  nor  can  any  man  be  omniscient,  even 
in  the  limited  range  of  one  historical  panorama.  While  it  is  quite  certain 
that,  however  well  finished  the  work,  it  must  inevitably,  before  many  years, 
become  in  part,  if  not  altogether,  obsolete  from  new  discoveries.  A  coin,  an 
inscription,  a  mere  trifle  in  appearance,  may  dislocate  the  whole  of  a  long  chain 
of  inference,  and  demand  that  the  work  shall  be  redone.  For  these  reasonsi 
therefore,  it  is  assuredly  necessary  that  a  history,  which  is  more  in  the  form  of 
mosaic  than  aught  else,  in  which  the  various  pieces  have  had  to  be  brought 
together  from  many  sources,  should  contain  references  for  every  fact.  But 
there  is  another  and  a  more  important  reason— one  which  has  a  moral  aspect 
rather  than  a  critical  one— and  that  is  that  no  man  has  a  right  to  appropriate 
the  work  of  others,  the  deductions  of  others,  even  when  slightly  altered  by 
himself,  without  assigning  them  due  credit  for  the  same.  For  a  man  to  parade 
himself  in  a  costume  that  he  has  borrowed  from  a  thousand  sources,  and  to 


which  he  has  added  a  mere  feather  or  two,  or  even  two  hundred,  and  to  make 
believe  before  the  world  that  he,  "  Jupiter  omnisciens,"  is  the  author  of  it  all, 
is  to  act,  indeed,  the  part  of  the  cormorant,  and  to  invite  a  fierce  onslaught 
from  the  critical  anatomists  of  the  future  (such  an  onslaught  as  Leibnitz  made 
on  Descartes,  for  instance),  when  they  pull  his  work  in  pieces,  and  show 
whence  he  has  drawn  his  matter,  and  how  unjust  has  been  his  appropriation. 
It  is  not  a  mere  shadow  I  am  arguing  against,  it  is  the  active  theory  of  a  large 
school  of  historians,  especially  in  Germany;  and  I  may  instance  one  famous 
example  without  hesitation,  since  I  greatly  venerate  him  and  his  immense 
learning,  and  look  upon  him  as  the  profoundest  and  most  accurate  writer  which 
historical  science  has  in  our  day  produced — I  mean  Mommsen.  His  Magnum 
Opus  is  a  work  of  genius  such  as  has  hardly  been  matched  in  historical 
inquiry,  but  it  is  literally  of  very  little  value  to  the  student.  From  end  to 
end  there  is  scarcely  a  reference ;  the  whole,  which  is  a  masterly  condensation 
of  most  heterogeneous  and  scattered  materials,  has  to  be  accepted  on  the 
ipse  dixit  of  its  author.  This  is  well  enough  if  we  are  reading  "  Ivanhoe  "  or 
♦'  Romola,"  but  assuredly  it  is  unfair  to  the  reader  and  useless  to  the  student 
of  serious  history  unless  we  know  on  what  data  certain  views  are  propounded, 
while  it  is  eminently  unfair  to  those  who  went  before.  Will  anyone  say  that 
Mommsen's  work  would  have  been  possible  if  Niehbuhr  had  never  written,  and 
yet  the  name  of  Niehbuhr  occurs  hardly  once  throughout  the  book  ;  nor  do  the 
names  of  others  who  have  followed  up  certain  difficult  inquiries.  To  reap 
their  harvest,  to  put  it  all  in  our  own  corn-rick,  and  then  to  label  it  with  our 
own  name,  is  assuredly  not  quite  right,  whatever  scheme  of  historical  casuistry 
we  adopt.  It  is  not  right  in  a  small  man,  but  it  is  grievously  wrong  in  a  giant, 
whose  knowledge  overshadows  that  of  all  others,  and  whose  reputation  is 
dwarfed  rather  than  enhanced  thereby. 

Another  writer  from  whom  I  have  learnt  a  great  deal  more  than  I  can  tell, 
and  whose  praises  I  have  sung  in  a  former  volume,  is  a  second  example  of  this 
fault.  It  is  only  after  going  through  the  intricate  mazes  of  a  difficult 
ethnographic  problem  that  one  can  thoroughly  appreciate  the  skill  and 
knowledge  of  Klaproth,  but  the  preparation  for  the  same  work  at  the  same 
time  brings  vividly  before  us  how  very  much  of  his  material  has  been  taken 
from  other  sources  without  a  word  of  acknowledgment.  Thus,  in  his 
"Travels  in  the  Caucasus"  there  is  a  graphic  account  of  the  Kalmuks 
running  through  nine  chapters,  which  is  literally  transferred  from  Pallas's 
little  known  work,  entitled  "  Samlungen  Historischer  Nachrichten  ueber  die 
Mongolischen  Volkerschaften  "  without  acknowledgment.  Elsewhere  he  has 
similarly  laid  under  contribution  the  translations  from  the  Chinese  of  the 
Russian  archimandrite,  Hyacinthe  Biturinski.  This  is  assuredly  unworthy  of 
such  a  man. 

There  is  another  charge  of  which  I  feel  inwardly  guilty,  and  to  which  I 
would  make  a  reply  beforehand,  and  that  is  as  to  the  focus  of  various  parts  of 
the  work.  It  may  be  said  that  I  have  enlarged  too  much  upon  the  obscurer  and 
less  important  parts  of  the  story,  and  thus  by  comparison  dwarfed  the  relative 
importance  of  the  other  parts — that  in  some  cases,  in  fact,  I  have  looked 
through  a  telescope,  and  in  others  through  a  microscope ;    in  some  have 

PREFACE.  •  ix 

sketched  in  the  whole  wood  in  broad  lines,  in  others  elaborated  separate  trees 
in  monotonous  detail.  This  is  true  enough,  and  it  no  doubt  affects  the  artistic 
symmetry  of  the  picture  very  materially.  The  excuse  is  perhaps  only  a  partial 
one,  but  such  as  it  is  I  offer  it.  Some  parts  of  the  journey  are  over  well 
trodden  and  well  surveyed  ground.  We  have  not  to  make  sure  of  our  foothold 
in  a  quaking  morass  by  driving  in  piles  before  we  step.  Here,  therefore,  we 
can  march  with  greater  freedom  and  safety,  and  need  not  elaborate  our  road 
as  we  go  along.  Other  parts  are  less  known,  and,  although  politically 
less  important,  are  ethnologically  not  so,  and  it  is  absolutely  necessary 
to  trace  them  out  accurately  and  fully  if  we  are  to  grasp  the  whole  subject 
firmly— here  we  necessarily  have  to  link  together  details,  and  to  labour 
small  facts,  which  are  the  only  materials  we  possess,  and  thus  to  fashion 
ourselves  a  roadway  through  the  virgin  swamp.  It  is  assuredly  very 
wonderful  that  the  heritage  of  Jingis  Khan,  broken  as  it  is  into  so  many 
fragments,  should  be  capable  of  being  cemented  together  again  by  a 
continuous  story ;  that  we  should  be  able  to  recover  the  pedigrees  of  so  many 
lines  of  princes  claiming  descent  from  him  in  their  entirety,  and  thus  to 
aggregate  into  one  historic  whole  a  landscape  that  seems  at  first  all  broken 
into  substantive  units.  This  can  only  be  done  by  the  collection  at  many 
points  of  the  story  of  obscure  details,  and  this  alone  justifies  their  collection, 
a  labour  which,  if  tedious  to  the  reader,  has  been  tenfold  more  tedious  to  the 
writer,  who  has  had  to  glean  over  acres  of  barren  and  unproductive  ground  to 
secure  here  and  there  a  solitary  ear  of  grain. 

I  will  now  condense  briefly  a  syllabus  of  the  contents  of  the  following 
pages :  The  volume  may  be  considered  almost  a  separate  work  from  that 
which  went  before.  The  greater  part  of  it  has  only  a  collateral  connection 
with  it.  Jingis  Khan  had  four  sons.  Of  these,  the  eldest,  Juchi,  died  before 
him,  but  he  had  already  been  assigned  his  portion  of  the  inheritance  by  his 
father.  That  portion  consisted  in  the  tribes  encamped  in  the  district  formerly 
composing  the  empire  of  Kara  Khitai.  In  this  inheritance  Juchi  was 
succeeded  by  his  eldest  son,  Orda.  After  the  deaths  of  both  Juchi  and  his 
father,  Batu,  a  younger  brother  of  Orda's,  undertook  an  expedition  into  Central 
Europe,  and  conquered  a  wide  area  of  the  country,  which  he  left  to  his 
descendants.  This  comprised  the  country  from  the  Yaik  to  the  Carpathian 
mountains,  and  included  a  suzerainty  over  Russia.  Another  brother,  named 
Sheiban,  was  assigned  the  tribes  living  in  the  country  of  the  Kirghiz  Kazaks, 
while  another  descendant  of  Juchi,  Nogai,  was  given  the  various  tribes  of 
Turks  once  known  as  Pechenegs,  and  in  later  times  called  Nogais  from 
himself.  These  various  tribes  were  recruited  sometime  in  the  fourteenth 
century,  on  the  break  up  of  the  special  appanage  of  Ogotai,  Jingis  Khan's 
second  son,  by  a  large  migration  from  Sungaria.  .  These  various  tribes  and 
peoples  were  subject  to  a  hierarchy  of  chiefs,  all  owing  more  or  less  supreme 
allegiance  to  the  ruler  whose  metropolis  was  Serai,  on  the  Volga,  and  the 
whole  are  comprised  in  the  phrase,  the  Golden  Horde.  The  first  chapter  of 
this  work  contains  an  ethnographical  account  of  the  different  tribes  and  clans 
composing  the  Golden  Horde  in  this  its  widest  sense.  The  second  chapter 
gives  a  history  of  Juchi  Khan,  of  Batu  Khan,  and  of  his  son  Sertak,  and 


describes  the  early  campaigns  of  the  Mongols  in  Central  and  Eastern  Europe. 
The  third  chapter  deals  with  the  history  of  the  Golden  Horde  during  the  reign 
of  Bereke,  the  brother  and  successor  of  Batu,  and  of  the  latter's  descendants 
to  the  time  of  the  extinction  of  his  family,  during  which  time  Russia  was 
virtually  a  Mongol  province.  The  fourth  chapter  deals  with  the  struggles  that 
thereupon  ensued  between  the  descendants  of  other  sons  of  Juchi  for 
supremacy  in  the  Khanate,  which  ended  in  the  triumph  of  the  family  of  Orda. 
The  fifth  chapter  traces  the  history  of  the  Golden  Horde  during  the  period 
of  its  decay,  and  until  it  had  by  various  secessions  dwindled  down  to  the 
small  Khanate  of  Astrakhan,  and  traces  the  history  of  this  petty  Khanate  till 
it  was  overwhelmed  by  Russia.  In  these  four  chapters  I  have  endeavoured  to 
trace  out  the  story  of  the  original  conquest  of  Russia  by  the  Mongols  (whom 
I  have  here  called  Tartars),*  the  condition  of  Russia  during  the  Tartar 
domination,  and  the  interesting  process  by  which  it  gradually  emancipated 
itself  from  this  yoke,  and  eventually  trampled  under  its  oppressors ;  and  have 
tried  to  point  out  how  far  the  conquest  has  affected  the  history  and  the  social 
economy  of  that  great  and  interesting  empire.  I  have  also  tried  to  show  how 
during  the  Tartar  supremacy  the  South  of  Russia,  under  the  influence  of  a 
strong  rule,  was  the  focus  of  a  vast  trade  and  culture,  and  the  means  by  which 
Cairo,  Baghdad,  and  Peking  were  brought  into  very  close  contact  with  Venice, 
Genoa,  and  the  Hanseatic  towns  ;  and  have  described  the  terrible  campaign 
which  the  Great  Timur  waged  in  Europe,  and  which  broke  the  power  and 
prestige  of  the  Golden  Horde. 

As  I  have  said,  the  empire,  connoted  by  this  phrase,  broke  asunder  into 
several  fragments.  Of  these,  one  was  the  Khanate  of  Kazan,  on  the  Middle 
Volga,  which,  with  its  subordinate  satellite,  the  Khanate  of  Kazimof,  forms 
the  subject  matter  of  the  sixth  chapter.  The  chief  interest  of  this  is  the 
perpetual  struggle  it  carried  on  with  Russia  in  the  very  heart  of  that  empire, 
until  it  was  conquered  and  appropriated  in  the  sixteenth  century.  The 
conquest  of  the  Khanates  of  Kazan  and  Astrakhan  carried  the  borders  of 
Russia,  which  had  hitherto  not  extended  further  east  than  the  river  Sura,  as 
far  as  the  Volga,  and  immensely  increased  its  resources.  A  more  important 
fragment  of  the  Golden  Horde  is  that  whose  history  is  told  in  the  seventh 
chapter,  namely,  the  Khanate  of  Krim,  or  the  Crimea,  which  was  only 
crushed  and  annexed  by  Russia  at  the  end  of  the  last  century.  This  Khanate, 
which  became  an  outpost  of  the  Ottoman  Turks  for  several  centuries,  barred 
Russia  from  access  to  the  Black  Sea,  as  the  possessions  of  the  Swedes  and 
Danes,  and  of  the  Livonian  knights,  barred  it  from  access  to  the  Baltick,  and 
thus  prevented  an  immense  community  from  partaking  readily  in  the  fruits  of 
culture  and  civilisation,  which  were  the  heritage  of  Western  Europe. 

East  of  the  Volga,  the  Kirghiz  Kazaks  are  a  race  whose  history  is  difficult 
to  follow,  and  yet  who  form  one  of  the  most  interesting  of  nomadic  communi- 
ties. They  are  the  descendants  for  the  most  part  of  the  tribes  subject  to  the 
eldest  son  of  Juchi  Khan.  The  history  of  these  tribes,  from  the  time  when 
they  first  became  a  distinct  entity  until  they  were  absorbed  by  Russia,  occupies 

•  For  a  justification  of  this  see  infra,  page  37. 


the  eighth  chapter,  which  I  believe  contains  a  considerable  amount  of  matter 
new  to  English  readers.  The  tribes  who  were  governed  by  Sheiban,  and  who 
were  afterwards  known  as  Uzbegs,  under  which  name  they  have  filled  such 
an  important  role  in  Asiatic  history,  are  the  subject  matter  of  the  ninth,  tenth, 
and  eleventh  chapters.  The  ninth  chapter  deals  with  the  history  of  the 
important  Uzbeg  Khanates  of  Bukhara  and  Khokand,  and  of  the  various 
petty  Uzbeg  principalities  which  have  broken  away  at  various  times  from  the 
former.  It  traces  the  history  of  these  areas  from  their  invasion  by  the  Uzbegs, 
at  the  beginning  of  the  sixteenth  century,  down  to  our  own  day.  The  tenth 
chapter  deals  with  the  Khanate  of  Khuarezm,  or  Khiva,  which  was  also 
founded  by  the  Uzbegs  shortly  after  that  of  Bukhara,  and  traces  its  crooked 
and  difficult  history  down  to  its  virtual  conquest  by  Russia  a  few  years  ago. 
The  eleventh  chapter  deals  with  the  Khanate  founded  in  Siberia  by  a  branch 
of  the  Uzbegs,  and  contains  a  full  and  detailed  notice  of  its  destruction  by  the 
Cossacks  in  the  sixteenth  century.  The  last  chapter  is  devoted  to  the  Nogais, 
the  most  disintegrated,  broken,  and  scattered  of  any  of  the  branches  of  the 
Golden  Horde,  and  traces  out  their  dry  and  monotonous  history  as  far  as  our 
materials  will  permit. 

Thus  we  complete  our  survey  of  the  various  fragments  into  which  the 
Golden  Horde  was  broken.  It  will  be  seen  that,  with  the  exception  of  three 
or  four  comparatively  unimportant  links,  we  are  able  to  trace  out  the 
genealogies  of  the  many  princes  who  have  ruled  over  this  area  and  its  sections 
back  to  their  great  progenitor  Jingis  Khan,  and  thus  to  give  unity  and 
completeness  to  a  vast  mass  of  details  which  almost  evade  logical  treat- 
ment from  their  sporadic  and  dislocated  nature.  We  by  this  means,  as  it 
were,  thrust  our  hand  into  a  vast  complicated  and  knotted  skein  of  cords,  and 
by  seizing  one  knot,  the  key  of  the  whole,  drag  out  a  portion  and  arrange 
its  threads  in  symmetrical  order.  A  second  portion  occupied  us  in  our 
former  volume,  dealing  with  the  Mongols  proper  and  the  Kalmuks ;  a  third, 
treating  of  the  khanates  of  Jagatai  and  Kashgar,  of  the  empire  of  the  Ilkhans 
of  Persia,  of  that  founded  by  the  great  Timur,  and  lastly,  of  its  more  famous 
daughter,  the  Moghul  empire  of  India,  with  an  index  to  the  whole,  will 
complete  our  task,  and  we  hope  that  we  may  have  strength  and  patience  to 
compass  it. 

As  this  work  is  professedly  a  collection  of  details,  it  will  not  be  deemed 
unprofitable  that  we  should  try  and  abstract  some  general  lessons  from  them. 
These  lessons  are  of  two  kinds— ethnological  and  political.  In  tracing  out 
the  migrations  of  a  strong-backed  race  of  nomades,  in  tracking  them  from  the 
steppes  and  prairies,  where  the  herdsman  and  the  shepherd  are  alone  at  home, 
until  we  find  them  invading  the  latitudes  of  cities  and  of  cornfields,  gradually 
changing  their  method  of  living  and  becoming  citizens  and  settlers,  we 
naturally  follow  in  the  spoor  of  the  great  human  procession  which  comes  out 
of  darkness,  and  is  marching  whither  we  cannot  tell.  Not  in  Mongolia  only, 
and  not  among  Tartars  only,  has  the  herdsman  and  the  nomade  been  the 
progenitor  of  the  ploughboy  and  of  the  quidnuncs  that  gather  together  in 
cities.  This  seems  to  be  a  general  law  of  human  progress.  So,  at  least,  it  has 
been  considered  by  many  reputable  writers  on  public  polity,  and  we  need  not 

xii  PREFACE. 

waste  our  rhetoric  in  proving  it.  We  may  garner  a  more  profitable  harvest  by 
a  less  ambitious  survey.  What,  then,  are  the  facts,  stated  briefly?  A  broken 
race  of  shepherds  occupies  the  country  round  the  southern  shores  of  Lake 
Baikal  and  the  district  to  the  east  of  it,  a  race  numbering  perhaps  half  a 
million  souls  at  the  outside.  This  race,  broken  into  various  fragments,  is 
welded  together  into  a  homogeneous  whole  by  a  strong  hand.  It  has  the 
usual  virtues  of  those  who  have  to  labour  hard  for  their  livelihood  under  harsh 
circumstances.  It  is  strong  and  healthy  and  enduring,  as  all  races  of 
nomades  are.  It  has  few  wants,  and  little  culture.  Its  life  is  a  variation 
between  tending  camels  and  cattle  and  fighting  for  its  own  against  robber 
neighbours.  Its  home  is  between  the  polar  wind  of  winter  and  the  unbearable 
sun  of  the  steppe  in  summer.  With  it,  frugality  and  temperance,  perseverance 
and  a  belief  in  rigid  obedience  and  discipline,  are  elementary  virtues.  Courage 
to  face  all  odds,  supreme  confidence  in  itself,  supreme  contempt  for  the  weak 
and  the  frivolous,  without  any  traces  of  mere  philanthropy  in  its  national  spirit, 
and  with  all  the  stiff-necked  assurance  of  the  prosaic  Philistine.  These  are 
not  amiable  virtues,  but  they  are  at  least  strong  and  moving  ones;  they  secrete 
the  underlying  marrow  in  the  bone  which  enabled  three  uhlans  to  enter 
a  hostile  town  with  a  laugh  on  their  lips,  which  nerved  that  famous  soldier 
who  seized  the  Great  Moghul  by  the  collar  and  dragged  him  forth  from 
the  midst  of  a  crowd  of  fanatical  followers,  and  which  was  the  companion  of 
Colonel  Stoddart  when  he  madly  rode  his  charger  into  the  royal  square  at 
Bukhara  during  the  solemn  season  of  Ramazan,  as  we  shall  show  further  on. 
It  explains  all  those  acts  of  heroic  courage  and  pertinacity  where  a  man 
has  dared  to  face  outrageous  odds— the  Thermopylae  of  history;  the  sus- 
taining examples  whfen  in  difficulty  of  those  brawny  races  who  have  made 
their  neighbours  bow  the  neck  and  have  dragged  their  country  to  the  fore. 
Of  this  hard  grit  were  the  Mongols  made.  When  such  folk  have  been 
manipulated  by  a  master  hand,  who  has  been  a  born-warrior,  who  could 
invent  a  new  system  of  tactics  and  devise  a  commissariat  that  is  still  the 
wonder  and  riddle  of  the  inquirer,  could  plan  vast  schemes,  and  have  the 
courage  to  face  any  difficulty,  who  trained  a  crowd  of  subordinates  with  few 
other  ambitions  than  to  receive  his  favour  from  whom  their  own  skill  and 
resources  seemed  inspired ;  when  the  soldiery  he  commanded  were  ready  to 
do  anything  he  ordered  them,  were  never  cowed  or  disheartened  by  momentary 
checks  or  defeats,  but  seem  to  have  looked  upon  their  leader  as  a  god,  and 
lost  all  sense  of  individual  aim  in  eagerly  struggling  to  be  his  servants,  and 
when  by  a  series  of  victories  that  most  potent  of  all  human  motives  is 
begotten,  namely,  the  confidence  a  people  has  in  its  own  invincibility,  the 
feeling  that  the  earth  is  its  special  heritage  and  that  all  other  races  and 
peoples  who  will  not  obey  must  perforce  be  swept  away  like  stubble,  that 
underlying  reserve  of  power  which,  according  to  Beranger,  makes  the  Gallic 
cock  crow  the  loudest  when  gashed  with  the  deepest  wounds— then  you  get 
such  an  extraordinary  movement  as  took  place  in  Eastern  Mongolia  in  the 
beginning  of  the  thirteenth  century.  Jingis  Khan,  Timur,  Nadir  Shah,  in 
the  East— Alexander,  Cresar,  Napoleon,  in  the  West— are  the  symbols  of  such 
movements,  having  a  common  explanation  and  teaching  a  common  lesson  ; 
but  the  revolution  effected  by  Jingis  Khan  was  far  more  potent  than  the  rest. 

PREFACE.  xiii 

What  did  he  in  fact  do  ?  Having  organised  and  consolidated  his  Mongol 
countrymen,  he  speedily  conquered  the  various  Turkish  tribes  of  Central  Asia. 
Differing  in  language,  there  was  yet  a  common  bond  of  union,  in  common 
customs,  and  in  the  fact,  which  has  been  too  little  observed,  that  he  and  his  race 
were  of  Turkish  origin,  and  not  Mongols.  The  Turks  in  all  parts  of  Asia,  after 
a  momentary  resistance,  collapsed  altogether  and  joined  his  army.  It  thus 
grew  like  a  rolling  snowball  in  the  Alps.  Every  tribe  that  it  encountered  and 
defeated  fell  into  rank  behind  him  and  joined  in  his  triumphal  march,  just  as 
Hessians,  and  Poles,  and  Italians  followed  Napoleon,  and  as  the  various  races 
of  Europe  were  enrolled  in  the  Roman  armies.  There  was  little  outbreak  or 
rebellion  among  them,  and  where  it  occurred  it  was  mercilessly  repressed  by 
the  extirpation  of  the  whole  race.  The  perpetual  success  of  his  arms  was 
the  most  potent  of  consolidating  forces,  and  when  he  died  those  whose 
master  he  was,  were  not  a  disintegrated  mob,  but  a  nation — a  nomadic  nation, 
no  doubt,  but  bound  together  by  a  fanatical  loyalty  to  himself  and  his  family, 
and  linked  also  by  a  singularly  ingenious  and  practical  hierarchy  of  rulers. 

His  empire  was  divided  into  four  sections  among  his  sons.  These  divisions 
subsisted  long,  and  were  all  feudally  subservient  to  the  senior  house,  which 
reigned  in  the  far  east.  Then  they  broke  asunder.  Then  each  one  disintegrated 
into  smaller  fragments,  and  eventually  into  still  smaller.  One  extraordinary 
feature,  however,  as  I  have  stated,  ruled  meanwhile — a  feature  which  made 
the  work  we  are  writing  possible.  All  these  sections,  great  and  small,  were 
ruled  by  princes  of  the  sacred  caste,  and  had  an  aristocracy  of  the  same 
descent.  Jingis  Khan  was  the  fountain  of  all  their  princely  houses,  while 
the  upper  caste,  equivalent  to  the  aristocracy  and  middle-class  with  us, 
which  there  as  everywhere  in  history  kept  alive  the  love  of  freedom,  the 
aspiration  after  other  things  than  those  which  distract  the  ambition  of  the 
bovine  masses,  who  added  the  salt  to  the  lump,  the  iron  to  the  blood,  who 
formed  the  steel-head  of  the  wooden  spear,  were  also  in  the  main  of  Mongol 
descent.  They  belonged  in  the  language  of  the  Kazaks,  the  proudest  and  most 
illustrious  of  robbers,  whose  polity  is  the  most  democratic  of  oligarchies,  to 
the  class  of  white  bones;  while  those  whom  they  led  and  taught  and 
commanded  belonged  to  the  class  of  black  bones.  This  was  more  universal 
than  is  generally  supposed.  The  fragments  of  the  Mongol  empire  may  be 
roughly  divided  into  two  classes.  Those  which  continued  nomadic  as  before, 
whose  people  perforce  remained  herdsmen  and  shepherds,  since  their  country 
was  beyond  the  limits  of  cultivated  land ;  of  these  the  Kazaks  and  Kalmuks 
are  notable  examples  to  this  day,  and  the  rule  about  white  bones  and  black 
bones  is  universal  amongst  them.  In  the  other  section  the  Mongols  overran 
and  conquered  settled  countries  —  Russia,  China,  and  Persia.  Here  the 
same  law  applied  in  a  disguised  form.  Here  also  the  ruling  caste,  the 
aristocracy  and  upper  strata  of  the  country,  were  descended  from  the  vigorous 
invaders ;  the  handicraftsmen  and  hinds  who  worked  and  suffered  for  them 
were  the  old  indigenes  whom  they  had  conquered,  and  their  descendants.  In 
China  and  Persia  it  was  notably  so.  In  Russia  it  was  so  also  on  a  smaller 
scale,  as  the  note  on  page  362  will  partially  evidence.  The  invaders  in 
all  cases  were  of  course  a  fraction  merely  of  the  old  inhabitants.    They 

xiv  PREFACE. 

for  the  most  part  accepted  wives  from  the  latter,  and  thus  their  language 
and  other  superficial  qualities  disappeared.  They  were,  in  fact,  in  ordinary- 
phraseology,  absorbed ;  but  this  word  must  not  be  taken  too  literally.  We 
can  test  its  meaning  by  a  parallel  instance  elsewhere— England,  for  example, 
at  the  Norman  Conquest.  The  aristocracy,  the  upper  caste,  in  this  country 
was  virtually  swept  away  or  trodden  under,  and  was  replaced  by  a  more 
vigorous  and  energetic  one.  This  substitution  in  the  class  which  alone  has 
wealth  and  leisure,  the  two  foster  mothers  of  the  arts ;  which  can  alone  indulge 
in  the  luxury  of  education  and  display,  means  a  huge  impulse  given  to  progress 
of  all  kinds.  It  is  a  curious  feature  in  the  history  of  civilisation  that  it  is 
not  continuous,  that  it  should  have  to  pass  through  periods  of  stagnation  and 
decay,  and  have  to  be  renewed  by  fresh  ideas,  sown  by  rough  and  unsophisti- 
cated hands.  Just  as  in  nature  the  most  bountiful  harvests  of  summer  are 
generally  garnered  after  the  severest  winters,  just  as  the  proverbial  green  of 
the  Nile  valley  needs  that  periodically  the  river  shall  overflow  its  banks, 
and  cover  the  remains  of  last  year's  crops  with  a  layer  of  mud,  so  it  is  with 
human  progress.  Worn  out  and  sophisticated  communities  require  to  be  over- 
whelmed for  awhile  by  a  wave  from  the  deep  water  which  has  not  been 
tainted  nor  disturbed,  and  apparently  the  deeper  the  ground  is  torn  up,  the 
greater  the  desolation  for  the  moment,  the  longer  the  fields  lie  fallow,  the 
more  generous  will  be  the  harvest.  The  instance  of  the  Mongols  is  only  a 
type  of  a  general  law.  As  a  rule  the  several  strata  or  layers  which  form  a 
human  community  represent  the  several  waves  of  successive  conquerors  or 
immigrants  who  have  fertilised  and  strengthened  the  race.  Where  the 
country  is  small  and  homogeneous,  these  social  strata  are  generally  arranged 
in  vertical  fashion,  the  aristocracy  and  middle  class,  who  are  virtually  drawn 
from  the  same  source,  representing  the  later,  and  the  hewers  of  wood  and 
drawers  of  water  the  earlier  streams  of  migration.  Where  the  area  is  large 
and  its  surface  much  diversified,  these  layers  have  rather  a  horizontal 
distribution ;  the  remoter,  more  rugged,  and  inaccessible  parts  of  the  country 
being  the  refuge  of  what  remains  of  the  earliest  inhabitants,  the  more 
fertile  and  desirable  parts  being  appropriated  by  the  latest  comers.  England, 
excluding  Wales,  may  be  taken  as  a  concrete  example  of  the  former  rule,  and 
India  of  the  latter.  The  Calabrian  peasant  and  the  Milanese  noble,  the 
Gallician  boor  and  the  Castilian  hidalgo,  the  Galway  squatter  and  the 
Norman  peer,  are  European  instances  of  a  contrast  which  is  universal,  and 
which  the  historian  explains  by  the  contemporaneous  existence,  side  by  side, 
of  a  primitive  indigenous,  and  an  invading  and  more  developed  type  of 
human  being.  In  Russia  the  Mongols  have  produced  examples  of  both  laws; 
not  only  have  they  largely  recruited  the  upper  ranks  in  the  country,  but  they 
have  planted  large  colonies  in  the  valley  of  the  Volga,  which  will  no  doubt 
be  as  easily  assimilated  by  that  most  absorbent  of  Arian  races,  the  Eastern 
Slavs,  as  the  other  races  whom  it  has  swallowed  up.  Presently  this  mixture 
may  develope  a  human  type  which  our  philosophy  has  hardly  contemplated. 
The  Slavs  as  a  race  are  notoriously  as  mobile  as  mercury — so  notoriously 
that  a  national  saying  compares  them  to  junket.  Wherever  they  have  proved 
themselves  a  strong-willed  and  coherent  race,  they  have  been  led  and  governed 


by  strangers,  who  have  given  bone  and  sinew  to  the  invertebrate  mass.  The 
old  Russian  aristocracy,  as  is  well  known,  was  of  Scandinavian  origin  ;  the 
later  has  a  cosmopolitan  pedigree,  and  it  may  well  be  that  the  mixture  of 
Russian  with  Tartar  that  is  taking  place  on  the  Volga  and  in  Western  Siberia 
will  evolve  "  the  coming  race,"  which  shall  have  its  day  when  our  children 
have  ceased  to  be — 

"  The  heirs  of  all  the  ages  in  the  foremost  ranks  of  time." 

There  is  another  ethnological  problem  of  a  wide  and  general  interest,  of 
which  the  study  of  the  Mongols  helps  us  to  a  solution.  When  we  examine 
for  the  first  time  the  race  changes  which  have  taken  place  in  such  a  compli- 
cated area  as  Central  Asia,  we  are  baffled  by  their  seeming  perversity  and 
aimlessness.  A  close  and  detailed  study  of  these  movements,  which  alone  is 
of  any  value,  will  show  that  they  are  not  so  irregular  as  they  at  first  seem,  but 
that  a  more  or  less  general  law  underlies  them.  Movements  of  races  are 
limited  very  sharply  by  physical  considerations.  Mountains  and  deserts  are 
practically  as  great  barriers  as  the  ocean  itself ;  they  thus  govern  very  largely 
the  direction  of  migration.  Again,  the  existence  of  strong  powers  at  certain 
points  act  as  potent  breakwaters  to  the  drifting  of  nomadic  tribes.  Hence  it 
follows  that  when  we  have  tracked  out  a  large  migration  like  that  of  the 
Mongols  through  its  various  eddies  and  fluxes,  we  can  more  or  less  map  out 
the  general  route  which  other  similar  migrations  must  have  followed.  We 
can  not  only  gauge  the  direction  of  the  gravitation,  but  also  put  our  fingers  on 
the  weak  parts  of  the  embankment,  where  the  tide  is  the  most  likely  to  have 
broken  through.  We  thus  find  that  with  the  Mongols  who  came  from  the 
banks  of  the  Onon  and  the  Kerulon,  although  they  eventually  fought  with  and 
won  China,  yet  that  that  powerful  empire  acted  for  a  time  as  a  barrier,  and  a 
large  division  of  various  tribes  which  were  set  in  motion  by  Jingis  Khan  moved 
westward  with  the  sun  until  it  reached  the  Carpathians ;  another  great 
wave,  turning  round  the  great  outliers  of  the  Pamir  plateau,  flooded  over  the 
Jaxartes  and  the  Oxus,  and  stopped  not  till  Baghdad  was  in  their  power; 
while  a  third  and  later  wave,  an  afterflow  of  the  main  tide,  swept  over  North- 
western India  and  put  the  great  Moghul  on  the  throne  of  Delhi.  This 
involved  a  vast  movement,  which  shifted  the  centre  of  gravity  of  the  Turkish 
tribes  many  degrees  to  the  west  of  its  former  position.  If  we  now  remit  the 
Mongols  to  their  original  home,  and  restore  things  to  the  condition  they  were 
in  at  the  accession  of  Jingis  Khan  at  the  end  of  the  twelfth  century,  and 
analyse  the  race  revolutions  of  the  centuries  preceding  that  date— a  work 
which  I  have  tried  to  do  in  some  detail  elsewhere — we  shall  find  that  the 
Turks  who  preceded  the  Mongols  as  the  dominant  race  in  Asia  followed  the 
same  lines.  They,  too,  pushed  westwards  to  the  Carpathians;  they,  too, 
flooded  over  the  Jaxartes  and  the  Oxus,  and  overran  Syria  and  Asia  Minor,  thus 
stretching  their  hands  even  beyond  the  Mongol  reach,  while  at  the  other  end 
of  Persia  they  crossed  the  Indus,  and  also  founded  an  empire  of  Delhi ;  and 
as  if  to  make  the  parallel  complete,  although  they  did  not  conquer  all  China, 
they  did  overrun  its  northern  portion  and  ruled  it  for  awhile.  This  carries  us 
back  to  the  sixth  century. 

xvi  PREFACE. 

Before  the  Turks,  the  various  Hunnic  races  were  the  most  influential  in 
Central  Asia.  Here  we  reach  a  difficult,  and  an  as  yet  but  partially  explored, 
ethnographic  region ;  but  so  far  as  we  have  information,  the  story,  on  a 
smaller  scale,  is  the  same ;  and  I  have  tried  to  illustrate  it  partially  in  a  series 
of  papers  in  the  journal  of  the  Ethnological  Society  on  '♦  The  Westerly  Drifting 
of  Nomades."  This,  then,  seems  to  be  a  law  of  some  generality,  and  we 
can  at  least  carry  back  the  story  to  the  days  of  Herodotus,  who,  in  explaining 
the  eviction  of  the  Cimmerians  from  Southern  Russia,  tells  us  how  they  were 
pushed  on  by  the  Scyths,  the  Scyths  by  the  Massagetae,  they  by  the  Issedones, 
and  they  in  turn  by  the  Arimaspi. 

Is  this  law  the  cardinal  law  of  human  migration  ?  It  may  well  be  so.  We 
dare  not  say  more  until  the  ground  has  been  closely  scrutinised  and  mapped 
out,  but  a  priori  it  seems  most  probable,  and,  if  so,  it  is  clear  that  the 
revolutions  we  have  traced  are  most  important,  as  the  latest,  and  perhaps  the 
widest,  and  that  if  we  are  to  enter  and  trace  out  the  long  and  diminishing 
avenue  leading  back  to  the  cradle  of  our  race — a  goal  to  which  many  longing 
eyes  are  turned — the  traveller  must  first  pass  through  the  countries  which 
have  occupied  us  so  long,  and  make  the  history  of  the  Mongols  his  starting- 

Let  us  now  consider  some  political  lessons,  more  attractive  than  these 
speculations  to  those  who  in  the  guise  of  the  men  of  Gath  are  ever  crying 
out  **  Cui  bono  "  to  ourselves  and  such  as  we.  A  portion  of  the  area  whose 
history  is  covered  by  this  volume  is  very  interesting  as  the  battle  ground  of 
current  diplomacy,  and  the  subject  of  rival  aspirations  on  the  part  of  England 
and  Russia,  and  political  problems  are  waiting  for  solution  here  which  cannot 
be  solved  satisfactorily  or  finally  without  due  regard  to  certain  historical 
considerations.  Nor  is  this  the  only  political  problem  which  our  studies 
throw  seme  light  upon. 

It  is  assuredly  an  interesting  inquiry  to  analyse  the  conditions  under  which 
such  a  community  as  that  of  Russia  was  moulded.  We  shall  not  fail  to  trace 
many  of  those  singular  social  characteristics  which  repel  or  attract  us  to  the 
discipline  which  the  race  has  suffered,  and  the  crimes  of  which  it  has  been 
the  victim.  When  the  Mongols  invaded  the  West,  Russia  was  broken  up  into 
a  number  of  feudal  principalities,  owning  but  a  slight  allegiance  to  the  over- 
chief  of  the  whole,  the  so-called  Grand  Prince,  The  Mongol  invasion  was 
accompanied  here,  as  elsewhere,  by  ruthless  destruction  and  havoc,  for  it  was 
their  wont — to  use  a  phrase  of  Sir  Thomas  Browne — "  to  treat  human  beings 
as  flies,  and  to  convert  whole  nations  into  wildernesses."  It  was  a  fortunate 
thing  for  Europe  that  the  greater  part  of  Russia  had  no  attractions  as  a 
residence  for  the  shepherds  and  herdsmen  of  Tartary.  Its  forests  and  marshes 
were  a  hindrance  to  them,  and  when  they  had  laid  it  waste  they  withdrew 
from  Russia  proper  to  the  Ukraine  and  the  level  plains  of  never-ending  grass 
which  extend  from  the  Dnieper  to  the  river  Ural,  ever  the  paradise  of  herdsmen. 
The  wreck  and  ruin  which  they  had  caused,  the  backs  they  had  harrowed  so 
deeply  were  abandoned  to  their  own  resources,  and  the  gaping  wounds  had 
to  heal  as  best  they  might  without  aid  from  the  outside. 

When  the  Mongols  withdrew  they  left  behind  them  comm.issaries  to  collect 

PREFACE.  •  xvii 

dues  and  taxes  from  the  various  towns  and  districts — publicans  who  farmed  out 
the  revenue,  and  who,  like  this  famous  genus  throughout  the  East,  had  a  common 
ancestor  in  the  horse-leech  that  ever  cried  for  more,  and  who  drained  the  very 
vitals  of  the  land.     These  gadflies,  and  the  ruin  caused  by  periodical  raids 
for  plunder,  were  the  main  economical  hindrances  to  the  nation's  progress. 
A  hindrance  of  another  kind  was  the  fierce  inquisitorial  and  jealous  super- 
vision which  the  Mongol  suzerains  exacted  at  every  turn  from  the  ruling 
caste,  and  which  was  aggravated  by  the  jealousies  and  strifes  of  the  various 
princes,  who  outdid  each  other  in  sycophancy.      Those  ignoble  vices  which 
men  who  crawl  inherit  became  naturally  prevalent,  and  spread  with  natural 
rapidity  to  the  lower  strata  of  society— deceit,   chicanery,    servility,   and 
mutual  distrust,  the  common  property  of  slaves.    Nor  is  it  easy  for  those  who 
have  never  had  the  ploughshare  run  through  their  own  flesh  and  that  of 
their  children;  who  have  had  a  strong  arm  to  lean  upon,  and  have  not  been 
perpetually  linked  arm-in-arm  with  suspicious  and  treacherous  neighbours,  to 
preach  homilies  on  such  a  state  of  things.     Presently,  two  potent  reforms 
began  the  work  of  lifting  the  nation  out  of  the  slough.     By  their  address,  and 
by  their  ample  promises  and  faithful  services,  the  Russian  princes  obtained 
from  the  Tartars   the  privilege   of  being   the   farmers  of  the    tax.     They 
made    themselves    answerable    for    it,    and    thus    got    rid    of  the    hateful 
presence  of  the  commissaries.    At  the   same  time  the  culture  which  was 
grafted  upon  the  Tartars  by  their  conversion  to  Muhammedanism,  and  the 
intercourse  that  ensued  between  Cairo  and  Sultania  on  the  one  hand  and  the 
banks  of  the  Volga  on  the  other,  together  with  the  wealth  and  luxury  induced 
by  the  great  trade  route  from  India  and  China  passing  through  their  country 
to  the  marts  frequented  by  the  energetic  merchants  of  Genoa  and  Venice, 
introduced  a  much  milder  regime  and  more  humanitarian  views  at  the  Tartar 
court,  which  was  reflected  in  their  treatment  of  their  proteges.    Meanwhile  the 
line  of  princes  at  Moscow  had  secured  for  themselves  the  hereditary  position 
of  Grand  Prince  and  of  imperial  tax  masters  to  the  Mongols,  who  were  not 
loath  to  encourage   the   strengthening  of  the   hands  of   such  faithful  and 
devoted  servants.     On  the  other  hand,  the  feeling  grew  apace  in  Russia,  and 
especially  among  the  ecclesiastics  and  better  educated  and  more  far-seeing 
men,  that  if  the  hated  shadow  which  overhung  the  land  was  ever  to  be 
dissipated,  if  the  servile  chains  that  hung  about  their  limbs  were  ever  to  be 
struck  off,  it  could  only  be  by  consolidating  the  power  of  Russia  in  one  strong 
hand,  and  by  concentrating  in  it  every  form  of  authority  until  that  aggre- 
gation of  very  ignorant  and  very  superstitious  peasants  should  look  upon  their 
ruler  as  a  Messiah  whose  mission  it  was  to  lead  them  out  of  the  land  of 
bondage  where  they  lay,  and  who  could  claim  from  each  one  the  sacrifice  of 
everything  he  possessed.     This  was  the  creed  that  was  gradually  and  firmly 
implanted  in  every  breast.    It  first  enabled  the  Grand  Prince  to  crush  out  and 
destroy  the  various  appanaged  princes,  and  to  create  a  homogeneous  power 
out  of  them,  with  its  metropolis  at  Moscow,  and  then  to  show  a  bolder  front  to 
his  patrons.    While  this  was  going  on  in  Russia,  the  power  of  the  Golden 
Horde  was  being  sapped  by  internal  decay,  and  received  a  staggering  blow 
from  the  hands  of  the  great  Timur.    Under  these  influences  it  broke  into  several 

xvm  PREFACE. 

fragments.  After  a  tedious  struggle  the  Grand  Prince  of  Moscow,  in  the 
middle  of  the  eleventh  century,  succeeded  in  destroying  and  annexing  those 
parts  of  the  Golden  Horde  known  as  the  Khanates  of  Kazan,  Astrakhan,  and 
Siberia ;  and  within  less  than  a  century,  through  the  enterprise  of  the  Cossacka, 
the  national  flag  was  carried  as  far  as  Kamskatka  and  the  Yellow  Sea. 

These  external  conquests  were  effected  by  the  famous  Tzars  Ivan  the 
Third  and  Ivan  the  Terrible,  who  probably  carried  the  autocratic  theory  of 
government  more  completely  to  its  logical  conclusion  than  it  was  ever 
carried  before.  Russia  in  their  hands  became  in  fact  a  mere  multitude  of 
abject  slaves  subject  to  a  most  tyrannical  master,  who  crushed  out  and 
destroyed  the  old  aristocracy,  while  almost  every  trace  of  municipal  and  social 
freedom  disappeared.  The  servility  which  had  been  exacted  by  the  Mongols 
was  transferred  to  the  Tzar  and  his  officials  :  all  power  was  directly  dependent 
on  himself;  birth,  reputation,  wealth,  were  of  no  influence  when  in  opposition 
to  his  whim,  and  every  trace  of  liberty  was  uprooted.  Serfdom  was  introduced, 
the  peasant  was  tied  down  to  the  land,  and  the  whole  nation,  by  an  ingenious 
hierarchy  of  officials,  was  made  a  mere  machine,  of  which  the  key  was  in  the 
hands  of  one  irresponsible  person,  and  during  one  long  reign  in  the  hands  of  a 
madman  and  a  monster.  All  this  was  perhaps  necessary  to  the  consolidating 
of  sufficient  power  to  expel  the  foreigner  whose  heel  was  on  the  nation's  neck, 
but  it  meant  something  much  more.  Just  at  the  very  epoch  when,  through 
the  influence  of  the  Renaissance  and  of  the  Reformation,  Western  Europe 
was  entering  upon  an  entirely  new  era  of  progress  and  culture,  Russia  was 
beginning  to  settle  down  into  that  long  period  of  stagnation  which  followed  the 
expulsion  of  the  Tartars,  when  every  man's  individuality  was  crushed  out  of 
him,  and  ignorance  and  social  degradation  prevailed  everywhere.  Learning 
practically  disappeared.  The  Church  shared  in  the  general  arrest,  and  the 
whole  land  was  steeped  in  Bceotian  darkness,  a  veneer  of  superficial  luxury 
of  a  gross  and  sensual  character  making  the  stagnation  below  more  revolting. 

Such  was  the  land  which  Peter  the  Great  was  called  upon  to  govern  at  the 
end  of  the  seventeenth  century — the  uncongenial  soil  in  which  he  endeavoured 
with  such  persevering  energy  to  plant  German  and  French  civilisation, 
endeavouring  to  transplant  the  vine  and  the  fig-tree  to  the  frozen  soil  of 
Moscow ;  and  is  it  wonderful  that  he  failed  very  largely,  as  the  great  body 
of  Russian  historians  confess  he  did.  The  soil  was  not  ready  for  such  plants. 
The  country  needed  a  remedy  of  another  kind  first,  and  this  Peter  the  Great 
did  apply  with  a  success  that  has  scarcely  been  appreciated. 

When  he  mounted  the  throne  the  Russians  were  enclosed  on  all  sides  by 
hostile  neighbours,  and  had  no  access  to  the  outside  world.  Choked,  as  it 
were,  in  an  iron  girdle,  they  were  literally  compelled  to  "  stew  in  their  own 
gravy,"  to  vegetate  alone;  and  those  who  believe,  as  all  students  of  history 
must,  that  under  such  conditions  progress  is  impossible,  must  feel  some 
sympathy  with  the  struggles — rude  and  brutal  no  doubt  very  often,  but  yet 
the  justifiable  struggles — of  the  young  Colossus  to  break  through  the  barriers 
which  enclosed  it,  and  to  get  a  breathing  space  where  the  fresh  air  from  the 
outer  world  could  inflate  its  lungs  with  a  new  and  virgin  sensation,  that  of 
having  vast  needs  and  vast  wants,  the  prelude  to  having  them  supplied. 

PREFACE.  .  xix 

It  is  almost  incredible  how  shut  in  Russia  was  at  this  time.  On  the  south, 
the  Crimean  Tartars  barred  all  access  to  the  Black  Sea.  In  the  west  and 
north-west,  the  Swedes  and  Danes,  the  Livonian  and  Prussian  knights,  and 
the  Germans,  created  a  cordon  of  fiscal  and  other  barriers  which  absolutely 
closed  all  ingress  and  egress  for  the  arts  and  humanities  except  through  the 
narrow  portals  of  the  Hanseatic  league.  The  best  test  perhaps  of  the  isolation 
of  the  empire  at  this  time  is  to  be  found  in  the  great  influence  exercised  upon 
its  internal  condition  when  such  an  uninviting  entrance  to  it  as  the  White 
Sea  was  discovered  by  Chancellor  and  the  other  English  navigators  in  the 
sixteenth  century. 

Peter  began  his  work  by  forcing  his  way  to  the  Baltic  and  to  the  Sea 
of  Azof.  The  foundation  of  St.  Petersburg — which  was  perhaps  the  greatest 
mistake  of  his  life,  since  it  planted  the  heart  of  the  empire  in  one  of  its 
extremities,  instead  of  near  its  centre  of  gravity ;  planted  it,  too,  in  an  extremity 
which  was  numbed  and  enfeebled  by  the  harshness  of  its  surroundings — 
was  merely  an  attempt  to  create  a  great  emporium  for  western  culture  at  a 
point  easily  accessible  from  the  sea.  What  Peter  began  was  only  completed 
by  Catherine  at  the  end  of  the  last  century,  when  she  conquered  the  Krim, 
and  for  the  first  time  enabled  Russia  to  have  perennial  intercourse  with 
the  world,  undisturbed  by  intermittent  close  seasons  of  frost.  This  is  the 
story  we  have  traced  out  in  detail  in  the  following  pages.  It  is  assuredly 
a  very  instructive  story.  It  is  only  yesterday  that  Russia's  sun  began  to 
emerge  from  behind  the  cloud-banks  which  have  overshadowed  it  so  long. 
The  glacial  period  in  its  history,  when  the  Tartars  were  its  masters,  was 
followed  by  a  terrible  period  of  oppression,  supplemented  by  exclusion  from 
the  world  of  culture.  Is  it  to  be  wondered  that  so  much  remains  behind  that 
is  uncouth  and  barbarous,  and  almost  hopeless.  Those  who  try  to  plant 
roses  in  its  uncongenial  soil,  and  find  them  wither,  are  apt  to  break  out  into 
jeremiads,  tempered  by  abuse;  while  others  who  see  in  its  homogeneous, 
ignorant,  happy-go-lucky,  servile,  drunken  peasants,  nothing  but  the  natural 
incapacity  of  the  race,  forget  the  social  chaos  from  which  these  weeds  have  been 
inherited.  It  is  a  very  crude  philosophy  which  fancies  that  every  race,  how- 
ever invertebrate,  and  every  community,  however  guiltless  of  public  virtue,  is 
fit  material  for  the  nostrums  of  our  day — parliaments,  juries,  self-government. 
Because  the  Anglo-Saxons,  who  have  always  been  free  men,  have  worked  out 
a  form  of  government  that  essentially  requires  the  virtues  of  free  men  for  its 
support,  it  does  not  follow  that  those  who  have  been  ground  down  by  ages  of 
terrible  oppression  should  also  be  fit  for  the  same  heritage.  It  is  impossible  that 
culture  which  is  to  reach  not  merely  the  superficial  layers  of  a  community  but 
the  lower  grades  of  the  social  edifice  can  be  produced  at  once,  and  before  the 
plough  has  gone  deep  down  below  the  sod,  and  the  broad  furrows  have  been 
disintegrated  by  many  a  frost  and  many  a  burning  sky.  The  work  is  being  done 
slowly,  and  amidst  immense  difficulties.  Those  who  will  turn  to  the  sardonic 
phrases  Voltaire  applied  to  the  Russians,  or  the  character  which  the  history  of 
the  last  century  gave  the  Cossack ;  those  who  have  read  the  story  of  Suvarof's 
murderous  campaigns  with  an  unbiassed  mind,  and  compared  it  with  that  of 
the  campaigns  of  Russian  armies  lately ;    those  who  will  put  side  by  side  the 

Xk  PREFACi£. 

Russia  of  Catherine  the  Great  and  of  Alexander  the  Third,  must  feel  that  the 
Russian  race  is  immensely  altered,  and  that  the  metaphorical  Tartar 
apostrophised  by  Voltaire  is  no  longer  the  prominent  feature  in  it.  We 
shrink  no  doubt  from  many  of  the  characteristics  of  Russian  public  life — from 
its  Oriental  system  of  diplomacy,  from  the  atmosphere,  tainted  with  corruption, 
in  which  its  bureaucracy  lives,  the  want  of  genuine  patriotism  among  its  masses, 
the  crass  ignorance  of  its  people,  and  the  degraded  position  of  its  Church 
in  the  rural  districts.  We  would  see  these  things  disappear,  and  we  believe 
they  are  disappearing,  and  that  a  genuine  leaven  is  gradually  leavening  the  lump. 
Meanwhile,  the  too  level  mass  of  ignorance  and  Philistinism  can  only  be  kept 
together  at  present  by  a  strong  hand,  and  to  import  Western  specifics  among  its 
untrained  people  is  to  court  inevitable  failure.  Those  who  like  myself  are  privi- 
leged to  know  many  Russian  scholars,  and  to  feel  how  very  close  akin  in  many 
ways  they  are  to  Englishmen,  and  to  have  seen  the  kindly,  unselfish,  hospitable 
Russian  peasant  at  home,  will  continue  to  hope,  and  feel  a  justification  in 
hoping,  that  the  slough  in  which  the  race  was  so  long  buried,  and  which  we 
have  tried  to  explore,  will  not  always  leave  its  mud  spots  upon  it,  but  that 
presently  it  will  stand  shoulder  to  shoulder  with  our  own  people,  which  it  rivals 
in  fertility  and  numbers,  and  which  it  must  be  the  hope  of  every  decent  person 
it  will  rival  in  the  noble  work  of  making  humanity  bow  its  neck  to  nobler  and 
more  ideal  idols  than  it  has  hitherto  done. 

When  we  leave  this  historical  survey  to  consider  the  critical  questions 
of  policy  which  embarrass  the  present  moment  we  at  once  enter  a  region 
where  dispassionate  and  judicial  language  is  so  unusual  that  it  almost  sounds 
inappropriate,  and  we  feel  that  our  judgment  may  be  easily  warped  by  the  passing 
fanaticism  of  the  hour.  The  rivalry  of  England  and  Russia  in  the  East  is  an 
old  story,  and  one  which  has  not  very  attractive  features  for  those  students 
who  endeavour  to  look  beyond  the  ephemeral  politics  of  to-day  and  to  view 
the  wider  horizon  in  which  these  incidents  are  mere  details.  It  involves  two 
distinct  factors — the  policy  of  Russia  on  the  Bosphorus,  and  in  Central  Asia. 
The  two  are  very  often  named  together,  much  to  the  confusion  and  misappre- 
hension of  the  subject.  Let  us  first  briefly  consider  the  former.  Russia's  links 
with  Byzantium,  "  that  sublime  theatre  of  religious  and  political  vicissitude,"  as 
it  has  been  well  apostrophised,  are  co-extensive  with  her  history.  From  Byzan- 
tium she  first  received  her  Christianity.  Byzantium  was  the  object  of  piratical 
attack  on  the  part  of  her  early  Scandinavian  princes.  During  the  long  period 
of  her  degradation  it  was  the  perennial  intercourse  of  her  priesthood  with 
Byzantium  which  created  the  mere  twilight  of  culture  which  alone  illumined 
her  unfortunate  provinces.  When  the  Turk  captured  Byzantium  and  trod 
under  foot  the  centre  and  focus  of  Greek  Christianity,  Russia  became  the  most 
powerful  and  important  home  of  that  Church,  the  hope  and  the  support  of 
its  priesthood.  Many  cultured  Greeks  then  made  their  way  to  Russia,  and 
finally  in  1472  the  Tzar  Ivan  the  Third  married  Sophia,  the  niece  of 
Constantine  Palaeologus,  and  thenceforward  looked  upon  himself  as  having 
hereditary  claims  upon  what  he  described  as  "that  imperial  tree  whose 
shadow   had   once    covered    all    orthodox    and    brother    Christians."*      He 

*  Vide  infra,  313,  etc. 

PREFACE.  •  xxi 

also  adopted  the  double-headed  eagle,  the  blazon  on  the  old  imperial  standard, 
as  the  national  arms  of  Russia.  Meanwhile,  the  Turk  (who  held  the 
Bosphorus),  was  hated  for  his  religion — that  of  the  Tartar,  who  had  so 
long  trampled  upon  Russia— and  was  hated  also  because  he  held  all  the 
approaches  to  the  Black  Sea,  and  thus  created  a  barrier  between  the  frozen 
land  and  the  sun,  which  was  unbearable.  He  was  hated,  further,  because  he 
dominated  over  and  ill-used  the  Slavs,  who  lived  south  of  the  Danube,  and 
who  were  near  akin  in  blood  and  language  and  faith  to  the  Russians.  It  is 
true  the  Latin  Christians  of  the  West  were  even  more  hated  than  the  Turk, 
and  that  their  stronghold  in  Central  Europe — Poland,  was  a  constant  thorn  in 
Russia's  side,  and  that  her  Machiavellian  princes  did  not  scruple  to  utilise  a 
Turkish  alliance  very  often,  as  the  following  pages  will  testify ;  yet  the  great 
underlying  current  remained  as  we  have  sketched  it,  and  Tzargorod,  the  city 
of  the  Casars,  was,  in  the  popular  creed  of  Russia,  long  before  Peter  the 
Great,  and  his  more  or  less  problematical  will,  the  object  of  yearning  ambition. 

On  the  other  hand,  we  must  remember  that  until  recently  the  only  strong 
arm  which  the  Southern  Slavs  could  lean  upon  was  that  of  Russia.  Austria 
was  ambitious  of  being  not  a  Danubian  power,  but  a  great  German  empire, 
and  habitually  sacrificed  her  other  vast  provinces  to  satisfy  the  natural 
leanings  and  sympathies  of  the  petty  archduchy  out  of  which  she  grew. 
This  threw  the  Southern  Slavs  into  the  arms  of  Russia,  as  well  as 
another  race  whose  exceeding  fertility  is  such  a  marked  feature  in  its 
character,  and  which  is  far  other  than  Slav  in  tradition  and  blood.  I 
refer  to  the  Rumans  or  Vlakhs,  whose  only  point  of  contact  with  Russia, 
besides  their  geographical  position,  is  their  religion.  All  this  is  matter 
of  history,  and  cannot  be  disputed.  It  explains  a  great  deal  of  what  has 
recently  happened  in  the  East,  and  it  might  lead  captive  our  judgment, 
if  history  and  sentiment  were  the  only  factors  in  politics.  Russia  is  not, 
however,  the  cynosure  of  every  eye.  Its  past  has  been  a  cruel  one,  and  it 
naturally  lags  far  behind  much  of  the  rest  of  the  world  in  culture  and 
civilisation.  Its  foot  is  heavy,  and  few  daisies  grow  where  it  has  trod.  We 
feel  that  that  foot  is  doing  effective  service  when  it  stamps  on  the  incorrigible 
robbers  of  Asia,  but  we  feel  more  strongly  that  its  presence  is  unwelcome  and 
hurtful  where  more  cultured  races  have  already  settled.  When  Russia 
annexes  a  province,  it  ceases  to  be  a  part  of  the  world's  common  capital  of 
culture  and  wealth,  and  sinks  into  the  common  Philistinism  that  more  or  less 
inevitably  surrounds  races  trained  as  the  Russians  have  been.  She  not  only 
closes  the  door,  but  buries  the  key,  with  the  narrow  political  selfishness 
which  supposes  that  a  nation  is  poorer  which  allows  the  stranger  to  warm  his 
hands  at  its  fire,  and  forgets  that  the  barter  of  mental  gifts  is  as  necessary  to 
human  progress  as  the  exchange  of  material  commodities. 

Again,  there  are  certain  critical  geographical  positions  which  in  all  history 
have  been  of  vital  consequence  to  others  than  their  mere  possessors.  What 
Gibbon  has  said  about  the  position  of  Byzantium  is  too  familiar  to  need 
quotation,  and  his  panegyric  assuredly  contains  a  momentous  truth,  enshrined 
in  splendidly  coloured  phrases. 

It  is  felt  by  politicians  of  all  schools  that  Constantinople  in  the  hands  of 


Russia  means  the  freezing  up  of  one  of  the  most  important  channels  the  world 
possesses,  and  the  consequent  shrinkage  of  the  world's  stock  of  wealth  and 
resources.  The  possession  by  Russia  of  the  mouths  of  the  Danube  means 
giving  over  the  gateway  to  the  chief  thoroughfare  of  Central  Europe  to  the 
most  backward  and  unscrupulous  of  its  communities.  In  both  cases 
a  corporate  interest  is  threatened  which  is  of  far  higher  value  in  every 
way  than  the  mere  historical  sentiment  which  has  been  nursed  for  so  many 
generations,  and  at  all  costs  and  sacrifices  it  is  necessary  that  this  sentiment 
should  not  bear  too  luxurious  fruit,  and  that  the  Bosphorus  and  Dardanelles 
should  not  be  in  the  grip  of  a  giant  who  could  close  them  when  his  whim  so 
dictated,  and  create  an  arsenal  in  the  Black  Sea  which  would  imperil  the 
world's  peace  for  many  a  decade,  and  retard  proportionately  the  growth  of 
freedom  in  Russia  itself.  We  do  not  affect  to  feel  much  pain  at  the  blows 
which  have  fallen  on  the  Turk.  We  have  no  sympathy  with  his  antecedents 
and  his  history — or,  to  speak  more  faithfully,  his  history  in  Europe.  Here 
he  has  done  little  but  destroy  and  devastate,  and  where  he  has  not  done 
this  the  musty  incense  which  arises  from  stagnation  and  decay,  and  which 
harbingers  his  coming  shadow,  is  more  in  harmony  with  the  Philosophy  of  Sir 
Thomas  Browne  than  our  own.  We  have  not,  on  the  other  hand,  any  leaning 
towards  that  heroic  policy  which  consists  in  perpetually  and  unceasingly 
thrusting  out  bricks  from  the  bottom  of  our  neighbour's  wall  until  it  falls 
in  glorious  ruin,  and  then  philosophising  with  unctuous  insincerity  on  the 
sins  and  follies  of  those  whose  apple  croft  is  in  the  way  of  our  envious 
eye,  as  has  been  so  often  the  case  in  the  Foreign  Office  of  Russia,  nor 
with  the  art  of  leading  astray  too  honest  and  unsuspicious  strangers 
with  a  pretence  of  philanthropy  when  we  really  mean  aggrandisement. 
Our  sympathy  for  many  years  has  been  with  another  solution,  one 
which  is  in  process  of  accomplishment  at  this  moment.  Austria  has  ceased  to 
contend  in  the  futile  struggle  for  Charlemagne's  crown  with  the  broad- 
shouldered  Pomeranians.  She  has  begun  to  turn  her  eyes  elsewhere.  Her 
very  name  suggests  that  she  is  an  Eastern  Empire.  Her  Slav  peoples,  the 
most  cultured  and  civilised  of  all  the  Slavs,  are  the  most  powerful 
element  in  her  population.  It  is  round  her  that  the  Danubian  nationalities 
will  inevitably  range  themselves.  Thus  shifting  her  centre  of  gravity  further 
East  she  will  become  the  mother  of  the  southern  Slavs,  who  have  a  much 
closer  common  tie  of  blood,*  and  a  tie  which  binds  them  more  closely  to  the 
Magyars,  who  are  so  jealous  of  them,  than  generally  supposed.  She  will 
thus  pay  back  in  some  measure  the  debt  the  Western  world  owes  to  the 
Eastern,  by  forming  the  link  between  the  two,  and  handing  some  of  the 
treasures  that  have  overflowed  on  her  ample  knee  while  she  lay  between  the 
Adriatic  and  the  Carpathians,  to  the  less  fortunate  although  more  energetic 
dwellers  in  the  valley  of  the  Lower  Danube.  Presently  Russia  will  face 
the  inevitable  at  least  with  composure.  She  has  enough  work  on  her  hands 
already.  Her  empire  is  already  too  vast  and  unwieldy.  The  possession  of 
Constantinople  would  be  a  temptation  to  shift  her  metropolis  away  from  her 

See  Papers  on  the  Migrations  of  the  Slavs,  by  H.  H.  Howorth,  Journal  of  the 
Anthropological  Institute. 

PREFACE.  xxiil 

own  people  to  the  sunny  latitudes  of  the  Golden  Horde,  and  thus  to  repeat 
the  blunder  of  Peter  the  Great.  Her  great  strength  now  is  due  to  the 
homogeneousness  of  her  people.  It  would  be  a  source  of  weakness,  and  not  of 
strength,  for  her  to  be  hampered  with  the  contending  ambitions  of  Rumans, 
Bulgarians,  Greeks,  and  Turks.  She  has  already  got  a  splendid  sea  board 
on  the  Euxine,  and  ports  for  her  southern  provinces,  as  well  as  her  Trans- 
Caucasian  ones.  What  advantage  save  a  sentimental  one  would  the 
possession  of  Constantinople  bring  unless  it  be  deemed  an  advantage  to 
make  the  Euxine  a  private  Russian  lake  altogether.  The  case  seems  so  plain 
that  it  will  need  no  great  sacrifice  of  vanity  or  of  repute  if  the  direction 
of  the  nation's  ambition  is  directed  elsewhere ;  and  meanwhile,  if  prudence,  ■ 
statesmanship,  and  foresight  be  brushed  aside  altogether  by  Russian  diplo- 
macy, and  if  its  eye  still  turns  towards  the  city  of  Constantine,  the  world 
has  one  gauge  for  its  own  security  in  the  undisguised  alliance  of  Germany 
and  Austria,  an  alliance  dictated  not  by  philanthropy,  but  by  mutual  interest, 
which  is  a  far  more  potent  factor  in  politics  than  philanthropy. 

Let  us  now  turn  our  view  further  east.  The  progress  of  Russia  in  Central 
Asia  has  been  the  subject  of  much  rhetoric,  inflated  and  otherwise,  recently, 
in  which  its  more  important  elements  have  been  a  good  deal  overlooked. 
The  Russian  advance  in  Central  Asia  comprises  two  periods  and  two  sets  of 
conditions  entirely  differing  from  one  another.  The  appropriation  of  the 
steppes  of  the  Kirghiz  Kazaks,  the  so-called  independent  Tartary,  is  quite  a 
different  matter  in  origin  and  in  character  to  the  Russian  attack  upon  the 
Uzbeg  Khanates  of  Central  Asia. 

In  regard  to  the  former,  I  hold  most  completely  that  the  course  adopted  was 
amply  justified  in  every  way.  The  Kazaks,  whose  very  name  is  a  synonym 
for  freebooters  and  robbers,  have  been  the  scourge  of  all  their  neighbours  for 
generations,  habitually  given  to  robbery  and  pillage,  bound  by  no  promise  and 
no  oath,  and  constantly  disintegrating  under  the  solvent  of  rival  chiefs,  with 
rival  reputations,  as  leaders  of  bandits.  The  Russians  were  long-suffering  for 
years  (as  we  shall  amply  prove),*  to  their  habitual  treacheries  and  deceits. 
They  tried  means  of  various  kinds  to  secure  peace  among  them,  and  to  protect 
their  own  frontier  populations  from  perpetual  harass,  but  with  no  avail.  Murder, 
robbery,  harrying  of  women  and  children,  of  cattle  and  goods,  waylaying 
of  caravans  of  merchants,  all  the  vexatious  and  irritating  forms  of  border 
marauding  which  a  long  inheritance  of  robber  habits  had  taught  them,  were 
continually  being  practised.  Under  such  circumstances  annexation  was 
inevitable.  The  stamping  out  of  these  practices  could  only  be  compassed  by 
the  complete  conquest  of  the  race,  and  by  putting  it  under  surveillance,  and  this 
was  done  effectually,  and  with  humanity  and  prudence.  Those  who  affect  to 
admire  the  savage  in  his  unsophisticated  condition,  generally  live  upon  velvet, 
and  write  their  allegories  far  away  from  danger.  To  the  backwoodsman 
and  pioneer,  who  live  in  immediate  contact  with  him,  the  picture  has  a 
much  more  lurid  light,  and  it  is  assuredly  inevitable  and  right  that  where  a 
great  empire  has  an  uncertain  boundary,  across  which  its  predatory  neighbours 

*  See  chap,  viii. 


are  habitually  crossing  for  other  than  peaceful  purposes,  that  it  should  crush 
them.  If  they  will  submit  and  become  peaceful  subjects,  all  is  well ;  if  not, 
they  must  take  their  departure  to  the  other  country,  as  the  Red  Indian,  the 
Australian,  and  the  Tasmanian  have  done,  or  are  doing.  In  the  case  of  the 
Kazaks,  they  have  preferred  the  former  alternative.  They  have  largely  accepted 
the  new  conditions,  and  become  a  thriving  community,  their  herds  having 
increased  immensely.  It  is  true  they  have  lost  their  freedom,  but  freedom  is 
an  intangible  term  which  does  duty  to  point  many  an  ambiguous  moral.  It 
will  require  a  very  cynical  critic  to  confess  that  the  world  is  not  better 
because  rapine  has  ceased  in  the  Kazak  steppes,  and  because  a  horde  of 
unlicensed  robbers  has  been  subjected  to  the  restraining  discipline  of  a 
strong-heeled  power  like  Russia,  and  a  very  captious  one  to  argue  that  this 
conquest  was  a  menace  to  any  other  civilised  power.  We  may  now  turn  to 
the  more  difficult  questions  involved  in  the  recent  subjection  of  the  Uzbeg 
Khanates,  which  I  have  described  in  detail  in  the  later  chapters  of  this 

This  conquest  has  certainly  brought  little  honour  or  profit  to  Russia,  and  its 
justification  is  by  no  means  universal  in  Russian  circles.  Russia  has  a  large 
army;  it  has  no  representative  institutions  worthy  of  the  name,  and  all  its 
bolder  and  more  adventurous  spirits  choose  the  army  for  their  profession. 
There  alone,  to  a  large  extent,  a  man  can  elbow  himself  into  the  front  rank, 
and  acquire  at  least  the  factitious  glory  of  being  talked  about  and  envied  by 
his  countrymen.  The  army  is,  in  fact,  the  dominant  caste  of  Russian  society  ; 
and  the  army  everyvi^here,  under  such  conditions,  is  a  bad  school  of  public 
morals  or  of  international  equities.  To  a  man  whose  only  capital  is  his 
sword  it  is  a  great  temptation  to  flesh  it  somewhere,  and  if  there  be  no 
convenient  victim  at  hand,  to  manufacture  one.  Fortune  has  literally  to  be 
carved.  Again,  Russia  is  a  vast  empire,  in  which  means  of  communication 
are  few  and  slow,  and  in  which  the  heart  is  remote  from  the  extremities,  and 
they  accordingly  do  not  always  beat  in  unison.  The  border  commanders, 
like  those  of  ancient  Persia,  are  virtually  satraps,  with  great  powers  of 
initiation  in  their  hands,  and  cannot  be  always  controlled.  These  conditions 
favour  the  existence  of  such  soldiers  of  fortune  as  General  Kaufmann  and 
others,  who  have  not  been  restrained  by  tender  scruples  from  pushing  their 
neighbours  into  an  aggressive  attitude  and  then  falling  upon  them,  reaping  a 
shower  of  decorations  in  doing  so.  It  is  no  secret  that  he  and  such  as  he  are 
not  the  favourites  in  the  better  Russian  circles  that  they  are  made  to  appear. 
They  are  neither  very  respectable  nor  very  popular  instruments  of  aggression, 
but  they  are  more  or  less  indispensable.  It  is  true  the  authorities  at  St. 
Petersburg  condone  their  actions  when  successful.  The  fruit  garnered  by 
an  army  in  an  autocratic  empire  must  go  to  the  wine-press  even  although  it 
set  the  teeth  on  edge,  for  it  has  cost  much  sacrifice,  and  the  army  has  a 
voice  which  must  be  obeyed,  since  it  forms  the  only  cohesive  element  in  the 
body  politick.  It  matters  little  that  the  budget  of  Turkestan  furnishes  an 
accelerating  deficit;  that  all  the  dreams  begotten  of  the  famous  golden  sands 
of  the  Bukharian  rivers  are  as  delusive  as  the  pearls  which  attracted  Ccesar  to 
these  shores ;    that  the  poor  baubles  that  are  exhibited  at  the  capital  as  the 


spoils  of  Khokand  raise  a  smile  in  the  artist  and  a  sneer  in  the  student  of 
political  economy.  All  this  has  to  be  concealed,  for  the  prestige  of  the  army  is 
at  stake,  and  men  must  try  and  believe  that  what  cost  so  much  sacrifice  must 
be  worth  a  good  deal.  These  scattered  postulates  will  at  all  events  go  to 
show  that  we  have  little  sympathy  with  that  aspect  of  recent  Russian  aggres- 
sion dissected  so  well  by  our  friend  Mr.  Schuyler,  and  one  of  whose  fruits  was 
the  famous  massacre  of  the  Turkomans  ;  but  we  shall  have  run  our  scalpel 
into  but  a  very  superficial  layer  if  we  fancy  we  have  probed  the  whole  question 
when  we  have  thus  stated  some  of  its  features.  That  question  involves  a 
much  wider  issue,  namely,  the  jealous  antagonism  of  England  and  Russia 
in  Central  Asia  for  the  last  half  century,  which  gives  the  most  colourable  of 
all  the  pretences  for  these  aggressive  border  commanders. 

The  history  of  this  rivalry  and  its  fruits  is  assuredly  one  of  the  most  painful 
chapters  in  human  annals.  The  ruling  principle  of  English  policy  hitherto 
has  been  to  create  and  perpetuate  a  neutral  zone  between  our  frontiers  and 
those  of  Russia,  a  policy  which  is  equivalent  to  a  regulation  by  which  some 
thoroughfare  dividing  two  adjacent  crowded  areas  shall  be  declared  to  be  a 
sanctuary -to  which  no  policeman  shall  have  access,  and  in  which  all  k'nds 
of  vagabonds  and  intriguers  and  criminals  shall  have  elbow-room.  It  is 
assuredly  a  paradox  that  such  a  policy  should  have  been  formulated  in  our 
time,  nor  is  it  wonderful  that  it  should  have  produced  the  chaos  which  now 
exists  in  Afghanistan  and  its  borders.*  When  Bukhara  was  a  strong  power,  as 
in  the  days  of  the  great  Abdulla  Khan,*  or  when,  still  later,  Afghanistan  was 
controlled  by  the  sturdy  hands  of  the  founders  of  the  Durani  empire,  then  it 
was  plausible  to  urge  such  a  policy,  for  there  was  a  ruler  strong  enough  within 
the  neutral  zone  to  compel  those  who  harboured  there  to  behave  decently;  but 
in  Asia  power  is  always  short-lived,  and  the  chronic  condition  of  all  govern- 
ment is  disintegration,  and  accordingly  during  the  last  half  century  we  find 
hat  persistent  decay  has  overtaken  the  States  between  the  frontiers  of 
England  and  Russia.  Meanwhile  both  empires  have  persistently  employed 
open  and  covert  means  for  checkmating  each  other's  influence  there.  The 
journeys  of  Abbott  and  Shakespear,  of  Stoddart  and  Conolly,  which  are 
detailed  later  on,  are  familiar  to  our  readers.  They  were  counterchecked  by 
agents  from  Russia  ;  and  what  have  been  the  fruits  ?  Can  Russia  look  back 
with  anything  but  grim  regret  to  the  expedition  of  Perofski,  or  England  to  the 
massacre  of  Kabul  and  the  murder  of  Stoddart  and  Conolly?  all  of  them  Dead 
Sea  apples  in  the  same  basket.  Has  anything  been  solved  or  furthered?  It 
is  true  the  Russians  have  annexed  Khokand  and  are  the  masters  of  Khiva  and 
Bukhara,  and  that  we  are  in  possession  of  Kabul,  but  the  intervening  area  is 
reduced  to  confusion,  and  both  the  rival  empires  have  serious  problems  on 
their  hands  to  solve. 

Is  this  a  comfortable  subject  either  for  a  retrospect  or  for  present  study  for 
those  who  are  patriots  in  either  country?  I  trow  not.  If  not,  is  it  not  time 
that  the  exploded  fallacy  of  a  neutral  zone  should  be  discarded,  and  that  we 
should  look  elsewhere  for  a  more  reasonable  and  lasting  remedy? 

Before  we  turn  to  this  we  may  glance  elsewhere  for  a  moment.      There 

*  Vide  itifra,  page  733,  etc. 


is  a  general  impression  abroad  everywhere  in  England  that  Russia's  great 
object  in  her  Eastern  policy  is  the  eventual  conquest  of  India.  This  may 
be  so ;  I  can  find  little  to  support  such  a  view  in  public  documents.  It  is  true 
that  in  the  time  of  Peter  the  Great,  before  the  English  had  an  Indian  empire, 
there  was  a  notion  prevalent  in  Russia,  as  elsewhere,  that  India  was  an 
El  Dorado  whence  stores  of  fabulous  wealth  were  to  be  obtained,  and  he  no 
doubt  sent  officers  to  try  and  explore  the  route  thither.  This  is  not  only  true, 
but  it  was  assuredly  most  justifiable.  Again,  it  is  true  that  a  constant  tension 
and  irritation  having  existed  in  the  mutual  relations  of  Russia  and  England 
for  many  years,  involving  one  terrible  war  and  the  preparations  for  another, 
Russia  has  endeavoured  to  create  trouble  for  us  in  the  weakest  part  of  our 
armour.  It  is  true,  also,  that  the  diplomatic  language  and  amenities  of  Russia 
are  of  that  tortuous  character  which  a  fervid  popular  orator  once  described  as 
attorneyship  rather  than  statesmanship.  All  this  we  grant  freely,  but  it  does 
not  involve  the  notion  that  the  current  aim  and  object  of  Russian  policy  is 
the  conquest  of  India. 

India  is  known  to  involve  burdens  as  well  as  responsibilities  which  the 
Russian  back  is  by  no  means  able  to  support,  while  the  advantages  it  holds 
out  in  the  shape  of  trade  are  but  poor  attractions  to  a  nation  whose  manufac- 
tures are  a  sickly  plant.  The  glamour  that  affected  many  European  eyes 
in  regard  to  India  is  fast  disappearing.  It  is  now  known  that  the  chief  virtue 
of  that  fruit  is  in  its  external  attractiveness,  and  that  its  juices  have  been  long 
ago  exhausted  by  generations  of  hungry  robbers.  When  we  grant  this,  does 
it  imply,  however,  that  we  may  fold  our  arms  and  close  our  lids,  and  let  our 
ship  sail  with  the  nearest  current  and  the  nearest  breeze,  as  if  we  were  the 
companions  of  the  ancient  mariner  ?  Those  who  navigate  after  this  fashion 
inevitably  run  their  ship  on  the  rocks.  Assuredly  not.  We  cannot  leave  India 
if  we  would  ;  there  is  no  one  to  take  our  place,  and  while  there  we  are  bound 
by  every  sacred  tie  to  secure  the  safety  of  its  inhabitants,  not  only  from 
external  attack,  but  from  perennial  panic.  The  people  of  India  know  well 
what  a  menace  Afghanistan  has  been  to  them ;  that  it  has  been  from 
Afghanistan  that  every  invading  horde  has  come,  which  has  spread  desolation 
over  the  country,  and  made  slaves  of  its  peoples.  If  Afghanistan  is  turbulent 
and  unfriendly,  and  if,  further,  the  exigencies  of  rival  policies  elsewhere 
make  it  prudent  and  desirable  for  Russia  to  employ  it  as  an  advance 
guard,  and  to  keep  a  sword  of  Damocles  hanging  over  our  two  hundred 
millions  of  helpless  fellow  subjects,  it  becomes  not  only  our  right,  but  our 
manifest  duty,  to  interfere.  It  is  almost  puerile  to  discuss  the  right  or  wrong 
of  interfering  with  our  neighbour,  who,  we  know,  is  undermining  our  wall, 
and  lodging  dynamite  there  to  blow  down  our  homestead.  To  speak  of  his 
right  in  such  a  case  is  to  pervert  the  language  of  morals  and  of  law  altogether. 
My  neighbour  may  do  his  will  so  long  as  he  does  not  menace  me  and  my 
interests ;  when  he  does  so,  I,  who  am  a  trustee  for  a  nation  of  feeble  men 
and  women,  am  a  criminal  if  I  do  not  warn  him,  and  if  he  will  not  listen, 
run  my  rapier  through  him  ?  War  is  wholesale  murder,  we  are  told.  If  it 
be  murder  to  strangle  a  person  who  has  seized  us  by  the  throat,  or  is 
planning  our  destruction,  it  is  a  form  of  murder  which   no   law  but  that  of 


inanity  will  deem  unjustifiable,  whether  it  be  retail  or  wholesale.  When  it 
became  clear  that  the  Amir  of  Kabul,  the  ruler  of  a  brutal  fanatical  nation, 
was  unfriendly  to  us,  and  intriguing  with  Russia  against  us,  and  when  this 
became  a  possible  danger  to  India,  we  were  bound  to  interfere,  and  if  need  be 
to  smite  him  to  the  ground.  We  have  done  so,  and  the  question  remains, 
what  are  we  to  do  with  his  inheritance  ?  In  the  first  place,  as  we  have  seen, 
the  notion  of  a  neutral  zone  between  the  frontiers  of  England  and  Russia  is 
one  which  has  been  found  to  be  impracticable,  and  full  of  constant  menace. 
This  view  is  felt  as  strongly  in  Russia  as  here,  and  has  lately  been  urged  with 
force  by  Professor  Martens,  of  Moscow.  The  only  prudent  solution  of  present 
difficulties  to  which  things  are  inevitably  tending,  is  that  England  and  Russia 
shall  have  a  common  frontier.  This  solution  has  pressed  upon  me  more  and 
more  in  writing  the  history  of  recent  events  among  the  Uzbegs. 

Let  us  now  consider  some  of  the  practical  bearings  of  this  hypothetical 

Under  the  name  Afghanistan  we  include  three  districts,  varying  in  history 
and  traditions.  I.  Afghanistan  proper,  bounded  on  the  north  by  the  magnifi- 
cent frontier  of  the  Hindu  Kush,  the  most  perfect  scientific  frontier  in  the 
world,  which  is  traversed  by  the  difficult  passes  of  Bamian,  etc.  This  includes 
Kabul  and  Kandahar,  the  Sulimani  mountains,  and  the  country  occupied  and 
inhabited  by  the  Afghans  proper.  2.  Afghan  Turkestan,  lying  north  of  the 
Hindu  Kush,  and  watered  by  the  head  streams  of  the  Oxus,  and  including 
inter  alia  the  well-known  districts  of  Balkh  and  Badakhshan.  This,  as  we 
shall  show  further  on,*  is  but  a  recent  Afghan  conquest.  It  is  inhabited  by  a 
race  which  is  not  Afghan  in  blood,  and  is  dominated  by  a  warrior  caste  of  Uzbegs 
whose  connections  and  sympathies  are  with  Bukhara.  These  districts  once 
formed  a  part  of  the  Uzbeg  empire,  of  which  Bukhara  was  the  focus,  and  have 
never  submitted  quietly  to  the  ruler  of  Kabul.  3.  Herat,  and  its  surrounding 
district.  This,  also,  is  but  a  recent  Afghan  conquest.  Herat  was  for  many 
centuries  the  eastern  buttress  of  Persia.  It  was  the  ancient  capital  of 
Khorasan,  the  richest  of  the  Persian  provinces.  It  has  been  long  coveted  by 
the  Persian  ruler,  and  its  natural  destiny  is  to  be  joined  once  more  to  Persia. 

To  attempt  to  make  these  three  sections  obey  one  sovereign,  and  he  a 
nominee  of  the  hated  Kaffirs,  is  impossible,  unless  we  employ  an  army 
continually,  and  then  it  will  be  the  old  story  of  yoking  discordant  elements 
to  the  same  plough.  There  can  be  no  good  reason  why  Afghan  Turkestan 
should  not  be  allowed  to  gravitate  into  its  natural  alliance  and  to  be  absorbed 
by  the  Khanate  of  Bukhara.  The  country  south  of  the  mountains,  largely 
homogeneous  in  race  and  in  sentiment,  would  be  very  manageable  under 
British  tutelage,  either  ruled  by  one  chief  at  Kabul  or  controlled  after  the 
fashion  which  has  been  so  successful  in  Beloochistan.  The  Hindu  Kush 
would  then  be  the  virtual  boundary  between  England  and  Russia,  Bukhara 
being  ^protege  of  the  former  and  Afghanistan  proper  of  the  latter. 

Herat  might  most  reasonably  be  restored  once  more  to  Persia,  with  the 
inhabitants  of  which  its  citizens  have  close  religious  ties,  both  belonging  to 
the  Shia  sect,  while  the  Uzbegs,  like  the  Osmanli  Turks,  belong  to  the 

*  Infra,  page  853,  etc. 

xxviii  PREFACE. 

hated  rival  sect  of  the  Sunnis.  I  confess  that  nothing  would  be  more  likely 
to  give  stability  and  prestige  to  that  dislocated  country  which  has  been 
so  much  neglected  by  English  diplomacy  of  late  years,  and  where  our 
interests  are  so  closely  involved,  as  the  addition  to  its  area  of  a  district 
which  it  once  possessed,  and  which  in  the  hands  of  the  Afghans  has  been 
a  perpetual  thorn  in  its  side.  This  separation  of  Afghanistan  into  its 
constituent  elements  and  their  readjustment  is  so  feasible,  would  meet 
so  perfectly  the  aspirations  of  the  inhabitants,  and  would  secure  such  a 
magnificent  frontier  between  England  and  Russia,  that  it  has  a  singular 
attractiveness.  In  Russia,  as  in  England,  public  opinion  is  weary  of  this  per- 
petual embroglio  in  Central  Asia.  The  defeats  in  Turkestan,  the  ever-recurring 
petty  wars  in  which  no  glory  is  reaped,  while  the  resources  of  the  country  are 
drained,  and  the  adventurous  policy  of  border  commanders,  have  been  a  terrible 
burden  to  the  country,  which  has  enough  and  more  than  enough  territory,  and 
which  in  reaching  the  Hindu  Kush  would  reach  the  term  of  its  natural  exten- 
sion, while  to  all  right-thinking  folk  it  would  be  indeed  a  new  leaf  in  the  book 
of  statecraft  if  the  tension  and  irritation  that  separate  two  such  mutually 
sympathetic  races  as  Englishmen  and  Russians  always  prove  themselves 
to  be  in  private  intercourse,  should  give  place  to  a  more  amiable  temper. 
When  our  memory  reverts  to  the  days  of  good  Queen  Bess  and  her 
intercourse  with  the  Tzar  of  Muscovy,  which  I  have  described  later  on  ; 
reverts  to  the  days  of  Chancellor,  of  Jenkinson,  and  "  the  Russia  company"  of 
Horsey  and  of  Hanway,  and  sums  up  the  vast  amount  of  cordial  good- 
fellowship  that  once  united  the  two  countries  so  closely,  it  is  more  than  a 
chimerical  dream  that  would  wish  to  see  these  ties  renewed  on  a  firmer  basis, 
and  a  scheme  developed  by  which  we  might  be  again  close  friends,  and 
work  hand  in  hand,  if  by  different  methods,  in  restoring  to  Asia,  the  nursery 
of  the  human  race,  some  of  its  ancient  prosperity  and  renown. 

Having  made  this  survey  of  some  of  the  lessons  suggested  by  these  studies, 
I  must  now  enumerate  the  authorities  which  I  have  chiefly  used. 

In  the  first  place,  my  thanks  are  due  to  Von  Hammer  Purgstall,  the  historian 
of  the  Turkish  empire.  In  January,  1833,  the  Imperial  Academy  of  St. 
Petersburg  offered  a  prize  for  a  work  on  the  history  of  the  Golden  Horde,  to 
be  composed  from  Eastern  and  Western  authorities,  from  coins,  etc.  Appar- 
ently the  only  response  to  this  was  made  by  Von  Hammer,  who  composed 
his  famous  work,  the  basis  of  four  of  the  following  chapters,  entitled  "  Geschichte 
der  Goldenen  Horde  in  Kiptschak,"  which  he  published  at  Pesth  in  1840. 
This  great  monument  of  erudition  and  skill,  carved  out  an  entirely  new 
country,  and  with  singular  insight  and  capacity.  I  am  only  echoing  the 
language  of  the  great  Eastern  numismatist  Soret  in  speaking  in  indignant 
terms  of  the  unfair  and  small  spirit  in  which  the  Imperial  Academy  received 
this  work,  which  has  never  been  equalled  in  its  own  line,  and  which  more 
than  amply  met  the  conditions  of  the  prize.  Von  Hammer  speaks  in  naturally 
strong  language  of  the  slight  that  was  put  upon  him,  but  he  enabled  posterity 
to  judge  better  of  his  claims  by  printing  the  reports  of  Fraehn,  Schmidt,  and 
Krug,  upon  which  the  prize  was  withheld.  There  breathes  through  them  all 
a  littleness  which  is  unworthy  of  such  names,  and  beyond  and  behind  this 

PREFACE.  •  xxix 

a  jealousy  of  the  fact  that  some  other  than  a  Russian  had  done  for  the  most 
difficult  part  of  Russian  history  what  no  Russian  had  then  or  has  since 
accomplished.  Of  course,  the  book  contains  mistakes ;  so  in  all  conscience  do 
the  writings  of  the  three  Academicians  ;  but  the  surprising  fact  in  a  work 
involving  such  immense  research  is  that  they  should  be  so  few,  and  it  is  at 
least  a  satisfactory  lesson  which  Nemesis  will  dictate  to  every  candid  inquirer 
that  Von  Hammer's  work  towers  in  the  mind's  eye  of  the  historian  far  above 
any  of  the  works  of  his  critics  as  a  contribution  to  the  history  of  Eastern 
Europe,  and  there  is  a  home-thrust  which  meets  with  genuine  sympathy  from 
those  who  shrink  from  injustice  when  Von  Hammer,  in  replying  to  one  of 
Fraehn's  small,  carping  criticisms,  says  sharply,  in  the  language  of  Moliere, 
"  Vous  etes  orfevre  M.  Josse." 

Besides  this  work  I  have,  also  quoted  frequently  Von  Hammer's  "  Osmanische 
Geschichte,"  from  the  Pesth  edition  of  1834,  and  a  third  work  by  him, 
"  Geschichte  der  Chane  der  Krim,  Wien,  1856,"  which  is  a  standard  work  on 
its  subject.  I  have  also  used  the  edition  of  Wassaf,  by  Von  Hammer,  and  his 
history  of  the  Ilkhans,  noticed  in  the  former  volume.  Next  to  Von  Hammer, 
I  have  in  the  earlier  chapters  most  frequently  quoted  Karamzin,  the  well- 
known  Russian  historian,  whose  work  closes  abruptly  at  the  beginning  of  the 
seventeenth  century.  I  need  not  stay  to  praise  the  conscientious  accuracy, 
skill,  and  patriotism  of  his  narrative,  which  have  made  it  a  classic.  I  have 
consulted  it  constantly,  both  in  the  French  and  the  German  editions,  the 
latter  of  which  contain  a  larger  number  of  Karamzin's  original  notes. 
Wherever  a  reference  is  made  to  this  work,  unless  the  words  "  Germ,  ed." 
follow,  it  is  to  the  French  edition. 

In  the  later  chapters  of  this  work  I  have  been  most  indebted  to  my  honoured 
friend ;  he  will  allow  me  to  call  him  so,  M.  Veliaminof  Zernof,  himself  a  de- 
scendant from  one  of  the  old  Tartar  princes,  and  now  a  member  of  the  Imperial 
Academy.  It  is  a  subject  of  great  regret  that  his  works  are  still  untranslated. 
They  are  vast  mines  of  carefully-arranged  material,  and  will  more  than  sustain 
the  reputation  of  the  Academy  of  which  he  is  an  honoured  member.  His 
magnum  opus  is  the  history  of  the  Khans  of  Kasirr^of,  in  three  volumes, 
published  by  the  eastern  branch  of  the  Russian  Archaeological  Society.  The 
first  volume  was  translated  into  German  by  Dr.  Julius  \|rheodor  Zenker,  and 
published  at  Leipzig  in  1867,  and  wherever  the  first  volunie  is  quoted  here,  it 
is  from  this  German  translation ;  the  second  and  third  volumes  have  been 
translated  for  me  by  two  of  my  friends,  to  whom  I  shall  presently  refer.  They 
have  also  brought  within  my  reach  the  well-known  monograph  on  the  coins  of 
Bukhara  and  Khiva,  with  its  great  wealth  of  illustrative  matter,  by  the  same 
author,  and  a  memoir  on  the  coins  of  Khokand,  also  by  him,  both  published  in 
the  series  just  referred  to.  I  have  to  regret  that  I  have  not  been  able  to  meet 
with  a  work  on  the  Kirghiz  Kazaks,  published  many  years  ago  by  M.  Vel. 
Zernof,  and  often  quoted  in  his  larger  work.  In  the  sources  last  quoted,  is 
condensed  the  result  of  Russian  researches  upon  large  portions  of  Tartar 
history,  and  I  feel  that  I  cannot  express  my  gratitude  too  much  for  them. 
Another  Russian  scholar,  whom  it  is  my  privilege  to  know,  is  Professor 
Grigorief,  well-known  as  a  sturdy  patriot,  as  an  able  administrator  of  a 


difficult  Eastern  province,  and  as  a  profound  writer  on  the  history  and 
literature  of  the  various  Turkish  tribes.  His  memoir  on  Serai,  the  capital  of 
the  Golden  Horde,  is  too  well  known  to  need  mention.  I  have  consulted  his 
notes  to  the  journey  of  Blankennagel  to  Khiva,  which  throw  much  light 
on  the  darkest  period  of  the  history  of  that  Khanate,  his  translation  into 
Russian  of  the  narrative  of  the  Murza  Shems,  dealing  with  the  history  of 
Khokand,  and  his  criticism  of  Vambery's  history,  published  as  an  appendix  to 
Mr.  Schuyler's  Turkestan,  and  I  shall  have  to  turn  to  him  again  for  help  in  the 
concluding  part  of  this  work. 

One  Russian  writer,  who  lies  prostrate  with  paralysis,  I  must  not  forget — 
M.  Lerch,  whose  kind  urbanity  and  genuine  good  heart  have  made  him  so 
many  friends.  His  memoirs  on  the  historji  of  Khiva  and  on  the  archaeology 
of  the  valley  of  the  Jaxartes  will  be  found  quoted  in  the  following  pages.  I 
hope  sincerely  it  may  be  given  him  once  more  to  prosecute  his  studies,  and,  if 
not,  that  the  sun  may  always  shine  brightly  on  his  head. 

M.  Schmidt  has  collected  together  from  Russian  sources,  in  a  series  of 
memoirs  in  the  Russische  Revue,  a  detailed  account  of  the  Russian  campaigns 
against  Khiva.     These  I  have  largely  used. 

Fraehn,  who  was  the  creator  of  Eastern  numismatics,  and  of  whom  I  have 
spoken  some  heated  words  above,  has  done  too  much  to  make  my  way  certain 
and  clear  for  me  not  to  doff  my  cap  to  his  memory.  I  have  constantly 
consulted  his  famous  "Resentio,"  and  supplement,  his  catalogue  of  the 
Fuchs  collection,  as  well  as  his  memoir  on  the  town  of  Uvak  in  the  "  Trans- 
actions of  the  Imperial  Academy,"  and  I  must  express  my  great  regret  that 
his  works  in  MS.  are  not  made  available  for  students.  The  papers  of  M.  Soret 
on  the  coins  of  the  Tartar  dynasties,  published  in  the  I^evue  de  Numismatique 
Beige,  have  been  of  great  service  to  me,  as  has  the  famous  catalogue  of  the 
coins  in  the  Odessa  collection  by  the  late  Professor  Blau. 

To  the  Russian  scholar,  Des  Maisons,  we  owe  the  best  edition  and  translation 
of  the  indispensable  history  of  Abulghazi.  This  was  published  at  St,  Peters- 
burg in  1870,  and  has  been  constantly  at  my  elbow.  I  have  also  consulted 
the  older  edition  of  Leyden. 

Miiller's  famous  collections  for  Russian  history,  in  eight  volumes,  published  at 
St.  Petersburg,  have  been  of  great  service  to  me.  I  have  also  consulted  Fischer's 
history  of  Siberia,  which  work,  however,  is  founded  almost  entirely,  and  with 
but  scant  acknowledgment,  upon  Miiller.  Levchine's  well  known  history 
of  the  Kirghiz  Kazaks,  which  was  translated  into  French  by  Ferry  de  Pigny 
and  published  at  Paris  in  1840,  has  been  the  main  foundation  of  the  history 
of  the  Kazaks  in  the  following  pages.  It  will  be  seen,  however,  that,  thanks 
to  recent  researches,  this  history  is  now  much  more  completely  known  than 
when  Levchine  wrote.  Inter  alia  I  have  been  able  to  illustrate  it  largely  in 
its  earlier  portion  from  th»  well  known  '*  Tarikhi  Rashidi  "  of  Haidar.  This 
I  have  consulted  in  a  MS.  translation  in  the  British  Museum,  which  is 
apparently  in  the  handwriting  of  Erskine,  and  which  unfortunately  has  such  a 
confused  pagination  that  I  have  only  been  able  to  give  general  references  to 
it.  The  "  Tarikhi  Abulkhair,"  which  contains  an  interesting  account  of  the 
origin  of  the  Sheibanids,  has  been  consulted  for  me  by  rny  friend  Dr.  Rieu, 

PREFACE.  -  xxxi 

who  for  this  and  other  favours  (at  all  times  granted  with  the  lavish  generosity 
that  becomes  one  richly  gifted),  I  cordially  thank  him.  Baber's  "  Memoirs  "  I 
have  consulted  in  the  admirable  edition  of  Erskine,  Makrizi  in  that  of 
Quatremere,  and  Ibn  Batuta  in  that  published  by  the  Oriental  fund. 

My  most  esteemed  friend,  Mr.  C.  Schefer,  who  has  lately  been  elected  a 
member  of  the  French  Academy,  it  would  be  an  impertinence  in  me  to  praise. 
He  \%  Jacile princeps  among  living  Persian  scholars,  while  his  knowledge  of  the 
literature  and  arts  of  the  East  is  encyclopaedic.  I  deem  his  friendship  one  of 
the  chief  privileges  which  I  have  secured  by  my  Eastern  researches.  His 
edition  of  the  work  of  Abdul  Kerim  on  the  Khanates  of  Bukhara  and  Khiva, 
etc.,  has  been  of  great  service  to  me.  With  Mr.  Schuyler  it  has  also  been  my 
good  fortune  to  have  had  friendly  intercourse,  which  I  much  regret  has  been 
interfered  with  by  his  migration  to  Italy.  His  work  on  Turkestan  is  one  o^ 
the  most  masterly  books  of  travel  in  our  language,  not  only  from  the  insight 
and  power  of  observation  it  displays,  but  also  from  the  very  valuable  Russian 
materials  he  has  collected  and  translated.  I  am  greatly  indebted  to  the 
Memoir  on  the  History  of  Khokand,  which  is  appended  to  that  work,  and 
for  details  on  Khiva,  Bukhara,  and  especially  the  obscure  and  little  known 
Uzbeg  principalities  south  of  Bukhara.  In  the  French  translation  of  Forster's 
Voyage  to  Bengal,  there  is  an  appendix  by  M.  Langles,  giving  an  account  of 
the  Khans  of  the  Golden  Horde  and  of  Krim,  and  chiefly  founded  on  the 
work  of  Abdul  Ghaffar,  which  has  been  too  little  consulted  by  Von  Hammer. 
I  have  quoted  from  it  frequently.  Also  from  a  rare  work  entitled  "  Histoire 
du  royaume  de  la  Chersonese  Taurique,"  by  M.  Stanislas  Siestrzencewicz  de 
Bohucz,  Archbishop  of  Mohilef,  published  at  St.  Petersburg  in  1824.  It 
contains  much  interesting  matter  on  the  history  of  the  Krim  Khans,  from 
Polish  and  other'sources.  The  history  of  Krim  has  also  been  largely  extracted 
from  the  well-known  account  of  that  Khanate,  translated  from  Turkish  into 
French  by  M.  Kazimirski,  and  published  in  the  twelfth  volume  of  the 
Nouveau  Journal  Asiatique  ;  from  the  Memoirs  of  the  Baron  de  Tott  (English 
edition) ;  from  the  well-known  work  of  Peyssonel  on  the  Commerce  of  the 
Black  Sea,  Paris,  1787;  from  the  "Histoire  des  Kosaques,"  byLesur;  the 
'♦  Annales  de  la  Petite  Russie,"  by  Scherer ;  and  the  anonymous  "  Histoire  de  la 
Nouvelle  Russie ; "  as  well  as  from  the  well-known  travels  of  Pallas,  Gmelin, 
Guthrie,  Clarke,  Seymour,  and  De  Hell.  Among  the  standard  works,  unneces- 
sary to  detail,  which  I  have  gleaned  over,  are  St.  Martin's  "  Memoires  sur 
I'Armenie ;"  the  "Ugrische  Volkstamm,"  of  Miiller ;  the  great  corpus  of  extracts 
from  the  Byzantine  historians,  by  Stritter ;  Lelewel's  "  Poland,"  Erdmann's 
"  Travels,"  the  "  Histoire  des  Huns,"  of  De  Guignes,  and  especially  the 
supplemental  volume,  by  Senekofski,  containing  the  history  of  Bukhara  in  the 
sixteenth  and  seventeenth  centuries.  Mr.  Tracy  Tornirelli's  mistaken  loyalty, 
which  has  made  him  lately  a  prominent  figure  in  popular  cartoons,  must  not 
make  us  forget  his  valuable  and  interesting  work  on  Kazan  and  its  history. 
Klaproth's  various  works,  especially  his  "Journey  to  the  Caucasus,"  have  been 
scoured  for  plunder.  For  Timur's  campaign  in  Europe,  I  have  consulted  the 
well-known  and  very  exhaustive  memoir  by  M.  Charmoy,  in  the  third  volume 
of  the  transactions  of  the  St.  Petersburg  Academy,  and  also  the  *'  History  of 
Timur,"  by  Sherif  ud  din,  translated  by  Petis  de  la  Croix, 


For  the  history  of  the  Khanates  of  Central  Asia,  besides  the  works  already 
quoted,  I  have  freely  used  the  "  Travels  "  of  Frazer  and  of  Ferrier,  of  Wood 
and  Moorcroft,  of  Burnes  and  Conolly,  of  Abbott  and  Wolff,  of  Khanikof 
(edited  by  Bode),  of  Muravief,  Meyendorf,  Vambery,  etc.,  Malcolm's  "  Persia," 
and  Elphinstone's  "  Caubul,"  Erskine's  "History  of  India"  and  Michell's 
well  known  essays  on  Central  Asia,  translated  from  the  Russian,  Hellwald's 
"  Russen  in  Central  Asien,"  Wathen's  well  known  paper  in  the  Journal  of  the 
Asiatic  Society  of  Bengal,  and  Hitter's  "Asien."  The  "  Tabakat  i  Nasiri," 
as  edited  by  Major  Raverty  (when  are  we  to  see  the  concluding  part?),  has 
furnished  me  with  some  valuable  matter  for  my  first  chapter.  I  have  been 
greatly  indebted  to  the  Hackluyt  Society's  publications  for  the  travels 
of  Barbaro,  Contarini,  Herberstein,  Horsey  and  Fletcher,  and,  most  im- 
portant of  all,  for  "Cathay,  and  the  Way  Thither,"  by  Colonel  Yule.  The 
edition  of  Schiltberger,  which  it  has  just  brought  out,  I  have  only  been  able 
to  utilise  in  the  notes ;  in  the  text  the  quotations  are  from  Neumann's 
edition.  The  older  Hackluyt  collection  has  supplied  me  with  the  travels 
of  Jenkinson  and  Johnson.  Jonas  Hanway  and  his  famous  quartoes  are 
too  well  known  to  detain  us.  Bell  of  Antermony  has  been  consulted  in 
"  Pinkerton's  Voyages."  The  admirable  editions  of  Carpini  and  Rubruquis  by 
D'Avezac  have  been  constantly  at  my  elbow,  as  have  the  various  volumes  of  the 
yournal  Asiatique,  and  the  Melanges  Asiatiques  of  the  St.  Petersburg  Academy. 
Klaproth's  Magazin  Asiatique,  the  Geographical  Magazine,  the  Russische  Revue, 
Fettrma-nn^ s  MiiiJieilunoen,  Baer  and  Helmersen's  Beiirage,  and  the  "  M^moires 
sur  la  Chine,"  by  the  French  Jesuits,  will  be  found  quoted  for  several  valuable 

Vambery's  "  History  of  Bukhara"  and  his  "  Travels  "  I  have  found  very  useful 
in  the  later  chapters.  It  is  to  be  regretted  that  the  former  work,  which  is  full 
of  graphic  power,  was  written  with  such  want  of  care.  It  ought  not  to  be 
forgotten  that  Senkofski,  in  his  well  known  supplement  to  De  Guignes,  had 
already  given  from  the  "Tarikhi  Mekim  Khani"  the  history  of  the  Astrakhanids, 
which  M.  Vambery  claims  as  a  discovery  of  his  own.  These  are  my  principal 
authorities;  others,  such  as  Erdmann,  Wolff,  D'Ohsson,  Pallas,  Yule,  etc.,  I 
have  already  mentioned  in  my  former  volume ;  others  which  I  may  have 
here  overlooked  will  be  found  duly  mentioned  in  the  following  pages,  when 
1  have  drawn  inspiration  from  them. 

On  looking  over  the  roll  of  great  men,  living  and  dead,  whose  garners  I 
have  rifled,  I  feel  more  than  ever  how  small  my  efforts  have  been  compared  with 
theirs,  and  how  much  I  am  indebted  to  them.  I  hope  I  have  done  them  no 
injustice.  If  my  readers  find  anything  of  value  in  the  following  pages,  let 
them  assign  it  to  those  under  whose  shadow  I  have  found  shelter,  and  leave 
the  rest  to  me.  In  many  places,  I  may  say  with  Charron,  I  only  claim  the 
form  and  method,  and  not  being  able  to  say  the  thing  better  than  my 
authority,  have  without  scruple  used  his  words.  A  man  is  not  jealous  of  his 
father,  or  a  scholar  of  his  master.  What  they  have  taught  me  I  have  tried  to 
interpret  for  others.  I  shall  be  well  content  to  have  cast  some  seed  from 
their  baskets   into  corners  where  nothing  grew  before,    and   to  make  men 

PREFACE.  xxxiii 

understand  the  value  of  the  gold  which  they  laboured  to  carve  oat  of  the  rock 
and  which  they  sometimes  left  barely  visible,  while  the  easy  task  remained 
of  chipping  off  a  few  splinters  and  laying  it  all  bare. 

I  must  now  return  my  thanks  to  others  who  have  assisted  me.  In  the  first 
place,  these  are  due  to  the  kind  good  friends  who  have  opened  up  for  me 
sources  which  were  otherwise  a  sealed  book.  I  mean  the  various  works  here 
quoted  from  the  Russian.  None  can  exaggerate  the  dreary  labour  involved  in 
spending  many  days  and  nights  in  translating  from  another  tongue,  and  purely 
out  of  good  nature,  for  the  writer  of  a  book  whose  very  enthusiasm  for  such  an 
arid  subject  is  near  akin  to  madness  in  their  eyes.  Among  those  who  have 
assisted  me  in  this  way,  I  have  to  mention  my  friend,  Mr.  Fairbrother,  whose 
unaffected  goodness  has  left  him  stranded  without  an  enemy,  which  is  as  great 
a  temptation  to  one's  virtue  as  authorship  would  be  in  the  absence  of  criticism. 
He  has  now  migrated  to  Moscow,  where  my  gratitude  I  hope  may  reach  him. 
Next,  my  younger  friend,  Mr.  Kinloch,  who  is  not  only  a  good  Russian  scholar, 
but  an  ingenious  chemist.  He  has  not  spared  himself  for  me,  and  a  great  deal 
that  is  of  value  in  the  following  volumes  would  have  been  hidden  in  Egyptian 
darkness  but  for  his  assistance  and  zeal.  I  have  also  received  help  at  all  times 
in  the  most  free  and  generous  manner  from  my  friends,  Mr.  Schuyler,  Mr.  Robert 
Michell,  and  Mr.  Delmar  Morgan,  all  well  known  as  Russian  scholars,  and  from 
whom  the  world  expects  a  rich  harvest  of  translation  in  the  future.  To  Dr. 
Rieu,  of  the  MS.  department  of  the  British  Museum,  I  am  much  indebted  for  a 
translation  from  the  Persian  of  several  pages  of  the  Tarikhi  Abulkhair,  for 
some  long  passages  of  Khuandemir,  and  for  a  perennial  good  nature  which 
has  never  flagged  towards  me  and  my  work.  Dr.  Rost,  of  the  India  Library; 
Mr.  Vaux,  of  the  Asiatic  Society,  and  Mr.  Edward  Thomas,  I  have  to  thank 
for  unfailing  urbanity,  and  for  the  loan  of  rare  books,  a  loan  on  the  only 
condition  that  is  of  any  value  to  a  student  doing  original  work,  namely,  for  an 
indefinite  time. 

Lastly,  there  are  those  who  live  closer  to  our  hearth,  and  who  know  us  better 
than  the  rest.  A  Chinese  proverb  says,  "  The  conjuror  never  takes  in  the  man 
who  plays  the  gong  for  him."  On  his  own  carpet  there  is  not  elbow  room  for 
an  impostor  to  play  the  hero,  or  to  formulate  the  pretences  with  which  he  can 
mystify  the  crowd.  On  the  other  hand,  the  ties  that  bind  him  there  are  not  so 
ephemeral  as  the  bonds  which  connect  him  to  those  whose  lions  never  live 
beyond  the  conventional  nine  days.  It  is  no  part  of  the  world's  business 
assuredly,  but  it  is  none  the  less  a  part  of  our  duty  to  think  at  this  time  of  those 
who  have  meanwhile  made  our  home  happy  and  bright.  When  a  terrible 
calamity  has  thrown  a  shadow  across  our  lives,  it  is  a  great  temptation  to  invoke 
oblivion,  by  burying  one's  life  in  a  work  like  this,  and  to  forget  meanwhile 
that  others  are  in  the  shade  perhaps  more  deeply  than  ourselves.  More 
thanks  for  the  overflowing  kindness  and  gentleness  which  never  grumbled 
or  complained.  As  for  other  justification  for  what  many  deem  wasted 
hours,  health,  and  money,  there  is  a  ring  of  something  like  a  great  truth 
behind,  which  I  would  shelter  in  the  quaint  and  rugged  words  of  Sir  Thomas 
Browne :  "  There  is  no  sanctum  sanctorum  in  philosophy,"  he  says,  "  the 
world  was  made  to  be  inhabited  by  beasts,  but  studied  and  contemplated 


by  man;  'tis  the  debt  of  our  reason  we  owe  unto  God,  and  the  homage  that 
we  pay  for  not  being  beasts.  .  .  .  The  wisdom  of  God  receives  small 
honour  from  those  vulgar  heads  that  rudely  stare  about,  and  with  a  gross 
rusticity  admire  his  works.  Those  highly  magnify  him,  whose  judicious 
inquiry  into  his  acts,  and  deliberate  research  into  his  creation,  return  the 
duty  of  a  devout  and  learned  admiration.     Therefore — 

"  Search  while  thou  wilt ;  and  let  thy  reason  go, 
To  ransom  truth,  e'en  to  the  abyss  below. 
Rally  the  scattered  causes  ;  and  that  line 
Which  Nature  twists  be  able  to  untwine. 

Give  thou  my  reason  that  instructive  flight 

Whose  weary  wings  may  on  thy  hands  still  light. 

Teach  me  to  soar  aloft,  yet  ever  so, 

When  near  the  sun  to  stoop  again  below. 

Thus  shall  my  humble  feathers  safely  hover, 

And  though  near  earth  more  than  the  heavens  discover. 

And  then  at  last,  when  homeward  I  shall  drive. 

Rich  with  the  spoils  of  nature,  to  my  hive. 

There  will  I  sit,  like  that  industrious  fly, 

Buzzing  thy  praises  ;  which  shall  never  die 

Till  death  abrupts  them,  and  succeeding  glory 

Bids  me  go  on  in  a  more  lasting  story." 

Derby  House,  Eccles,  January,  1880. 


THIS  chapter  is  devoted  to  an  account  of  the  various  races  which 
formed  the  heritage  of  the  eldest  son  of  Jingis  Khan  and  his 
descendants.  This  heritage  was  called  Togmak  by  the 
Mongols,  apparently  from  a  frontier  town  on  the  river  Chu  with  which 
they  came  early  into  contact.  It  was  called  Desht  Kipchak,  or  the 
Steppe  of  Kipchak,  from  the  tribe  of  Kipchak,  which  was  once  its  most 
prominent  occupier,  and  was  known  in  the  West  as  the  Golden  Horde. 

Such  of  my  readers  as  are  not  interested  in  minute  ethnology  and  the 
dry  discussions  of  details  which  chiefly  constitute  it,  will  do  well  to  pass 
on  at  once  to  the  next  chapter,  in  which  the  narrative  properly  begins. 
I  have  used  the  name  Tartar  as  the  generic  name  of  the  race  described 
in  this  volume.  A  justification  of  this  I  shall  give  later  on.  Here  it 
will  suffice  to  say  that  the  tribes  to  which  attention  will  be  confined 
are  of  Turkish  race,  the  aristocracy  and  leaders  alone  being  of  Mongol 
descent.  The  aim  and  scope  of  our  work  are  to  integrate  a  large  part 
of  the  broken  history  of  the  Asiatic  nomades  around  that  of  the  famous 
imperial  race  which  claimed  descent  from  Jingis  Khan. 

The  Mongol  word  yurt  meant  originally  the  domestic  fireplace,  and 
according  to  Von  Hammer,  the  word  is  identical  with  the  German 
herde  and  the  English  hearth,  and  thence  came  in  a  secondary  sense  to 
mean  house  or  home,  the  chief's  house  being  known  as  Ulugh  Yurt  or  the 
Great  House. 

An  assemblage  of  several  yurts  formed  an  ordu  or  orda,  equivalent  to 
the  German  hort  and  the  English  horde,  which  really  means  a  camp. 
The  chief  camp  where  the  ruler  of  the  nation  lived  was  called  the  Sir 
Orda,  i.e.,  the  Golden  Horde.* 

The  name  is  applied  by  Carpini  and  Benedict  of  Poland  to  the  great 
tent  tenanted  by  Kuyuk  Khan.  Tentorium  proeparatiim  quod  apud  ipsos 
Orda  Aurea  appellatur :  ubi  K^cyuk  debebat  poni  in  sede,  etc.,  says  the 
former.t  Invenerunt  imperatoreiii  apud  tentorium  magnum  quod 
vacatur  Syr  a  orda,  says  the  latter.  J  The  name  was  apparently  similarly 
applied  to  Batu's  chief  tent,  whence  it  came  about  that  eventually  the 
whole  nation  was  known  as  the  Golden  Horde. 

As  I  shall  show  further  on,  the  Golden  Horde  was  from  the  beginning 
divided  into  two  main  sections;    that  subject  to  the  older  branch  of 

*  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  32,  33.  t  Ed.  D'Avezac,  757»  I  Id'^  777' 



Juchi's  family  dominated  in  the  east,  had  a  titular  suzerainty  over 
the  other,  and  was  known  as  the  Ak  Orda  or  White  Horde,  while  that 
living  in  the  western  part  of  the  Khanate,  which  held  the  real,  although 
not  the  nominal,  authority,  was  styled  the  Kok  Orda  or  Blue  Horde. 
These  were,  however,  political  divisions,  and  not  ethnographic  ones. 

The  ethnography  of  the  Golden  Horde  is  not  very  difficult  to  make 
out.  In  the  first  place,  the  tribes  who  composed  it  may  be  divided  into 
two  well  marked  and  distinct  sections,  one  of  which,  the  Manguts  or 
Flat-Noses,  formed  the  patrimony  of  Nogai  Khan  and  his  family, 
and  the  other  and  much  more  numerous  one  comprised  the  remaining 
Tartars,  who  were  distinguished  by  a  variety  of  names. 

We  will  first  consider  the  Nogais,  who  are  also  called  Manguts.  All 
observers  have  agreed  in  separating  them  sharply  from  the  other  Tartars. 
Thus,  Dr.  Clarke  says  of  them  :  "  They  are  a  very  different  people  from 
the  Tartars  of  the  Crimea,  and  may  be  instantly  distinguished  by  their 
diminutive  form  and  the  dark  copper  colour  of  their  complexion,  sometimes 
almost  black.  They  have  a  remarkable  resemblance  to  the  Laplanders, 
although  their  dress  and  manner  has  a  more  savage  character."* 

Pallas  enlarges  also  upon  their  specially  Mongolian  features.  Klaproth 
says:  '*  Of  all  the  Tartar  tribes  that  I  have  seen  the  Nogais  bear  by  far 
the  strongest  resemblance  in  features  and  figure  to  the  Mongols,  a 
circumstance  which  authorises  the  inference  of  an  intermixture  with  that 
nation,  which  perhaps  took  place  during  their  residence  to  the  north  and 
north-west  of  the  Caspian."! 

These  extracts  will  suffice  to  show  that  the  Nogais  differ  essentially 
from  the  other  Tartars  in  physique.  They  differ  also  in  language. 
Thus,  Pallas  says  :  "  The  language  and  writing  of  the  real  Tartars  differ 
little  from  those  of  the  Turks,  and  the  dialect  of  the  mountaineers  who 
are  subject  to  the  Turkish  dominion,  bears  a  still  greater  analogy  to  that 
of  their  masters.  On  the  contrary,  the  tongue  of  the  Nogais  deviates 
more  remarkably,  as  they  have  retained  numerous  Mongolian  phrases, 
and  make  use  of  an  ancient  mode  of  writing,  likewise  mixed  with  the 
latter,  and  called  Shagaltai."|  This  mixture  of  Mongol  with  their 
language  is  denied  by  Klaproth,  and  with  justice.  "On  the  other 
hand,"  he  says,  "you  still  find  among  them  some  remains  of  the  old 
Tartar  dialect,  which  they  make  use  of  in  writing  and  which  is  called 
Jagatai,  or  as  it  is  there  commonly  pronounced,  Shagaltai."§  This  is 
very  interesting.  As  is  well  known,  the  Turkish  race  is  divided  by 
ethnographers  into  two  great  sections,  the  western  Turks,  of  whom  the 
greater  part  of  the  Tartars  of  the  Golden  Horde  are  good  examples,  and 
the  eastern  Turks,  of  whom  the  Uighurs  and  the  so-called  Jagataians,  of 
whom  we  shall  have  much  to  say  in  our  next  volume,  are  the  type. 

*  Clarke's  Travels,  i.,  588.  t  Travels  in  the  Caucasus,  161. 

I  Travels  in  Southern  Russia,  ii.,  356.  §  Op.  cit.,  161. 


It  follows,  from  what  has  been  stated,  that  the  Nogais  speak  a 
dialect  closely  allied  to  that  of  the  eastern  Turks,  with  whom  they  also 
agree  in  physique.  This  view  is  supported  by  another  curious  circum- 
stance. In  the  mythical  traditions  of  the  Turks,  the  race  is  descended 
from  two  stem-fathers,  Nokus  and  Kiat,  who  are  said  to  have  been 
brothers.  The  Turks  proper  are  apparently  comprised  under  the  head 
of  Kiats,  and  thus  we  read  of  Kiat  Kungrads  and  Kiat  Kanglis. 
Nokus,  on  the  other  hand,  seems  to  be  the  representative  of  the  eastern 
Turks  and  Uighurs.  In  this  view,  it  is  curious  to  find  one  division  of 
the  Uzbegs  called  Nokus  Mangut. 

From  all  these  circumstances  it  would  seem  probable  that  the 
Manguts  were  in  fact  a  section  of  the  eastern  Turks  who  had  found 
their  way  into  the  west,  where  they  are  an  intrusive  element.  Have  we 
any  direct  proof  of  such  a  migration  ?  I  believe  such  a  proof  exists. 
The  empire  of  the  eastern  Turks  or  Uighurs,  according  to  the  Chinese, 
was  overturned  by  the  Hakas  in  the  year  840.  Thereupon,  we  are  told 
that  Pingtele,  or  Pangtele,  one  of  the  ministers  of  the  late  Khan,  fled 
at  the  head  of  fifteen  tribes  of  Uighurs,  to  the  Kololu  or  Karluks.* 
This  migration,  I  believe,  first  brought  the  Manguts  into  the  west. 
Now,  on  turning  to  western  writers,  we  find  a  new  and  aggressive  race 
of  Turks  appearing  shortly  after  this  very  date  on  the  Volga,  namely, 
the  Pechenegs.  I  propose  tentatively  to  identify  the  Pechenegs  with  the 
followers  of  Pangtele,  and  with  the  later  Manguts. 

The  first  appearance  of  the  Pechenegs  in  Europe  is  dated  by  Constan- 
tine  Porphyrogenitus  about  the  year  894-899,  when,  as  he  tells  us,  they 
were  attacked  by  the  Khazars,  and  Uzi  in  alliance,  and  driven  from  their 
ancient  seats.f  Previously,  according  to  the  same  author,  they  had  lived 
on  the  Atil,  i.e.,  the  Volga,  and  the  Geech,  i.e.,  the  Jaik,  and  were  the 
neighbours  of  the  Uzi  and  the  Mazari.J  In  another  place  he  tells  the 
story  in  another  way.  He  says  that  "  the  Patzinakitai,  who  were  formerly 
called  Kangar,  which  name,"  he  adds,  "  among  them  meant  nobility  and 
strength,  having  taken  up  arms  against  the  Khazars,  were  beaten,  and 
deserted  their  country,  and  were  obliged  to  enter  the  land  inhabited 
by  the  Turks."§     By  Turks  Constantine  always  means  the  Magyars. 

After  a  while,  Constantine  goes  on  to  say,  the  Pechenegs  quarrelled 
with  the  Turks,  and  having  defeated  them,  drove  one  section  towards 
Persia,  i.e.,  as  I  believe,  to  the  north  of  the  Caucasus,  and  the  other 
towards  the  Carpathians.  The  Pechenegs  now  definitely  occupied  the 
old  Turkland  on  each  side  of  the  Dnieper,  and  divided  their  country 
into  eight  provinces — four  east  of  that  river  called  Tzur,  Culpee,  Talmat, 
and  Tzopon  ;  and  four  west  of  it,  namely,  Chopon,  Gyla,  Kharoboe,  and 
Ertem,||  and  thus  occupied  the  very  country  held  by  the  Nogais  in  later 

*  Bretschneider,  op.  cit.,  118, 146.  t  Stritter,  iii.,  797-  I  ^<^- 

5  Id.,  798.  II  Id.,  iii.,  806-7. 


times.  Elsewhere  Constantine  tells  us  the  name  Kangar  was  not  applied 
to  all  the  Pechenegs,  but  only  to  three  of  their  tribes  who  were  stronger  and 
nobler  than  the  rest.*  This  shows  that  Pecheneg  and  Kangar,  which  is 
apparently  only  another  form  of  Kankali,  were  not  quite  convertible  terms. 
Nestor,  the  early  Russian  annalist,  confirms  the  account  of  Constantine, 
except  as  to  the  date ;  in  dates,  however,  he  is  often  astray.  He  says  the 
Pechenegs  appeared  for  the  first  time  in  Russia  {i.e.,  in  the  principality  of 
Kief),  in  the  year  915.  They  made  peace  with  Igor  the  Russian  chief, 
and  advanced  as  far  as  the  Danube,  and  had  intercourse  with  the  Greek 
empire.t  Zeuss  thus  gives  the  synonymy  of  the  Pechenegs.  They  were 
called  Pizenaci  by  Liutprand,  Pecenatici  by  Cosmas  of  Prague  and 
Pincenates,  Pecinei,  Petinei,  Postinagi,  by  other  western  writers ; 
Patzinakitai,  by  Constantine  Posphyrogenitus  ;  Peczenjei,  by  the  Slavs; 
and  Bisseni,  or  Bessi,  by  the  Hungarians.  This  last  form  of  the  name 
probably  gave  its  appellation  to  Bessarabia  ;  Snorro  calls  the  race  Pezina 
vollr.  That  the  Pechenegs  were  Turks  there  cannot  be  any  doubt.  Ibn 
el  Vardi  describes  them  as  a  Turkish  race  who  had  separated  from  the 
other  Turks,  and  settled  between  the  Khazars  and  Krim.  He  calls  them 
Beknakije,  and  tells  us,  that  although  they  had  lived  there  so  long  they 
had  not  any  houses.  J  Anna  Comnena  tells  us  they  spoke  the  same 
language  as  the  Comans.  The  meaning  of  the  word  Pecheneg  is 
explained  very  plausibly  by  M.  Vambery  as  being  a  corruption  of 
bash  mak,  i.e.,  chief  prince.  §  Von  Hammer,  and  Dr.  Schott,  in  his 
memoir  on  the  Kangar,  say  the  name  Bejnak  means  the  related,  or 
aUied.  It  is  undoubtedly  a  personal  name;  thus  we  read  that  when  the 
Cossack  Yermak  attacked  the  Siberians  on  the  Tawda,  a  prince  called 
Pecheneg  was  among  the  slain,  so  that  it  is  exceedingly  probable  that 
the  race  was  named  after  some  chief  named  Pecheneg,  as  it  was  at  a 
later  day  after  Nogai.  It  will  be  noted  also  that  the  chief  who  ruled  on 
the  Volga  at  the  time  of  Batu's  invasion,  was  called  Bachiinan,  which 
seems  another  form  of  the  same  name. 

The  Pechenegs  occur  for  the  last  time,  eo  7iomine,  in  the  Russian 
annals  in  the  year  11 52,  but  in  1162,  and  in  that  section  of  Nestor, 
written  by  the  fourth  continuation,  we  find  a  new  name  applied  to  the 
rivals  and  enemies  of  the  Comans,  in  the  steppes  of  southern  Russia, 
who  can  be  no  other  than  the  Pechenegs,  namely,  Chernoklobuks  or 
Black  Caps.  II 

They  are  also  mentioned  in  the  years  1174,  1187,  1190,  1 192,  and  1200.^ 
We  again  meet  with  the  name  in  the  accounts  of  Batu's  invasion,  when 
we  are  told  that  in  the  autumn  of  1239  he  with  the  other  princes  marched 
against  the  Russians  and  the  Karakalpaks  or  Black  Caps.**  This  name  of 
Black  Caps,  or  Karakalpaks,  is  actually  a  well-known  tribal  name  among 

*  Stritter,  iii.,  808.  t  Op.  cit.,  ed.  Paris,  i.,43.  I  Zeuss,  op.  cit,  743. 

^  Geographical  Magazine,  iv.,  78.  \  Nestor,  xi.,  98. 

^  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  454-6.  **  D'Ohsson,  ii.,  627. 


the  Turks,  and  applied  to  an  important  section  of  the  Nogais.*  One  of 
the  principal  features  of  the  Karakalpaks,  distinguishing  them  from  the 
other  Turkish  tribes,  is  the  possession  of  a  considerable  quantity  of  hair 
on  their  faces  ;  and  Bakui  says  of  the  Pechenegs,  they  had  long  beards 
and  large  mustaches.  He  adds,  that  their  food  consisted  chiefly  of 
millet. t  Vambery  says  the  favourite  food  of  the  Karakalpaks  is  kazan 
djappay,  i.e.,  meal  baked  in  a  pan  with  fat. 

One  of  the  tribes  of  Kipchak,  as  given  by  Novairi  in  1325,  was  named 
Kara  Burkli,  i.e.,  Black  Caps ;  and  lastly,  StrahlenbergJ  tells  us  that 
east  of  the  Jaik  there  survived  when  he  wrote  places  called  Talmasata 
and  Curcutata,  which  are  clearly  identical  with  the  Talmat  and  Tzur  of 
Constantine  Porphyrogenitus,  which  he  names  as  two  sections  of  the 
Pechenegs.  For  these  reasons,  I  am  disposed  to  identify  the  Manguts 
and  Karakalpaks  as  the  descendants  of  the  Pechenegs. 

Having  separated  the  Manguts  and  shown  how  they  were  an  intrusive 
element  in  the  population  of  "  the  Kipchak,"  we  may  now  turn  to  its 
remaining  Tartar  inhabitants.  These  have  a  more  or  less  homogeneous 
history.  Of  course,  in  certain  areas,  as  in  the  Krim  and  at  Kazan,  they 
have  been  largely  sophisticated  in  blood  by  a  mixture  with  other  races, 
but  in  the  main  they  are  under  their  various  names  very  pure  and  typical 
specimens  of  the  Turkish  stock.  We  will  now  consider  some  of  their 
divisions,  and  begin  with — 

The  Kazaks.  The  name  Kazak  has  no  ethnic  value.  It  is  applied  to 
Turkish  tribes,  to  the  Slavic  Cossacks  of  the  Ukraine,  the  Don,  the 
Volga,  etc.,  and  to  the  Circassians,  a  part  of  whose  country  was  called 
Kasachia  by  Constantine  Porphyrogenitus,  while  they  themselves  are 
called  Kessek  or  Kazak  by  their  neighbours  the  Ossetes,  who  affirm  that 
the  Circassians  called  themselves  Kasak  before  the  coming  of  the 
Kabardian  princes  from  the  Krim.§  Klaproth  argues  that  the  word  has 
been  adopted  by  the  Tartars  to  denote  a  man  who  leads  a  martial  and 
roving  life  like  that  of  the  Circassians,  and  he  adds  further,  that  in  the 
old  Tartar  and  its  kindred  Turkish  dialects  it  is  not  to  be  found,  and 
many  Tartars  even  know  nothing  of  its  meaning.  ||  Erskine  says 
distinctly  that  the  name  is  formed  of  two  Arabic  words,  and  adds  that  the 
Russian  travellers  call  them  Tartar  words,  as  they  do  manyiArabic  and 
Persian  terms  which  have  been  introduced  into  th6^artar  or  Turkish 
language.^  This  Arabic  etymology  is  a  very  probable  one,  and  accounts 
for  the  word  being  found  both  on  the  banks  of  the  Sir  and  north  of  the 
Caucasus  in  early  times,  Constantine  Porphyrogenitus  in  the  tenth  century 
and  Firdusi  somewhat  later  both  using  it.  It  no  doubt  passed  from 
the  Circassians  to  the  Russian  Cossacks.  The  name  means  merely 
freebooter  or  nomade  soldier.     Haidar,  in  describing  the  young  days 

*  Vide  infra,  chap.  xii.  t  t>'Ohsson,  Abul  Cassim,  117, 118.  J  Op.  cit.,  282. 

§  Klaproth,  Travels  in  the  Caucasus,  310-11.         ||  Id.,  311.         f  Erskine's  Baber,  xlv.,  note. 


of  Weis  Khan,  when  after  his  father's  death  he  took  to  robbery, 
uses  the  word  kazaki.  The  term  was  also  apphed  specially  to  the 
hired  soldiery  employed  by  the  various  appanaged  princes  in  Russia. 
Thus  we  read  of  Cossacks  of  Riazan,*  Cossacks  of  Ustiuge,  etc.f 
Similarly,  we  read  of  Kazaks  of  Gorodetz  or  Kasimof,t  and  Abulghazi 
speaks  of  the  vagabond  soldiery  in  the  service  of  the  princes  of  Urgenj 
as  Kazaks.  § 

We  thus  see  that  the  term  "kazak"  has  in  its  origin  no  ethnic 
value.  We  have  now  to  consider  how  it  came  to  be  applied  as  a  race 
name  to  those  who  are  often  called  Kirghiz  Kazaks  (they  are  called 
Kirghiz  by  the  Bashkirs,  while  I  believe  the  Great  Horde  is  also 
so  called  by  the  other  Kazaks),  but  who  are  now  properly  known  as 
Kazaks.  This  has  been  explained  for  us  by  Haidar,  the  author  of  the 
Tarikhi  Rashidi.  He  tells  us  how  on  the  death  of  Abulkhair  the  Ulus  of 
the  Uzbegs  fell  into  confusion,  and  how  many  repaired  to  Girai  Khan 
and  Janibeg  Khan,  the  representatives  of  the  White  Horde,  to  the  number 
of  20,000  persons,  and  how  they  thus  got  the  name  of  Kazak  Uzbegs ; 
and  he  afterwards  refers  to  the  same  tribes  merely  as  the  Kazaks.  Their 
history  from  this  time  can  be  followed  out  in  detail.  ||  Before  this  date 
no  reference  is  made  to  any  such  race  so  far  as  I  can  make  out,  and  it  is 
in  every  way  certain  that  they  so  called  themselves  at  this  time,  as  being 
fugitives  and  vagabonds,  par  excellence^  and  that  the  name  as  a  race- 
name  is  no  older  than  the  second  half  of  the  fifteenth  century.  Before 
this  the  greater  part  of  the  so-called  Kazaks  constituted  the  "  White 
Horde,"  subject  to  Orda  Ichen  and  his  descendants,  from  whom,  as  we 
shall  show,  the  chieftains  of  the  modern  Kazaks  claim  to  descend. 

As  I  have  said,  they  call  themselves  Kazaks,  and  by  this  name  they 
are  known  to  the  Persians,  Bukharians,  and  Khivans,  while  the  Chinese 
soften  the  k,  and  call  them  Khassaki,  and  also  Hakas.  I  will  now  give 
a  list  of  their  divisions.  They  are,  in  the  first  place,  divided  into  three 
sections,  respectively  known  as  ulugh  iuz,  urta  iuz,  and  kichik  iuz,  j>., 
the  Great,  Middle,  and  Little  Hordes,  iuz  meaning  literally  a  hundred  or 
a  century, H  and  being  applied  to  a  horde,  as  the  Mongols  apply  the 
terms  minggan,  tuman,  etc. 

Originally,  we  are  told,  the  Great  Horde  comprised  the  three  sections  of 
Uisun  or  Usiun,  Tulatai,  and  Sargam.  Eventually,  the  horde  of  Kunkurad 
or  Kungrad  detached  itself  from  the  Middle  Horde,  and  joined  it. 

The  Middle  Horde  consists  of  the  four  sections  named,  Arghin, 
Naiman,  Kipchak,  and  Uvak-Girai. 

The  Little  Horde  originally  comprised  the  powerful  tribe  of  Alchin, 
with  seven  petty  clans,  who  were  united  into  one  tribe  by  Tiavka,  in  order 
to  protect  them  from  the  aggressions  of  their  neighbours.     They  were 

*  Karamzin,  v.,  476.  t /</.,  viii.,  125.  |  Vel.  Zernof,  i.,  note  99,  etc. 

S  Op.  cit.,  247.  g  Vide  infra,  chap.  viii.  f  Levchine,  150,  note. 


given  the  name  of  Semirodsk,  i.e.,  the  seven  tribes,  while  the  Alchin 
tribe  was  itself  divided  into  two  branches  known  respectively  as  the 
Alimuli  and  the  Baiuly.* 

I  will  now  enumerate  the  names  and  habitats  of  the  smaller  divisions 
of  the  Kazaks  as  given  by  Levchine,  etc. 

I.— The  Little  Horde. 

The  tribe  of  Alimuli  consists  of  six  divisions,  called  Kara  Sakal,  Kara 
Kissiek,  Kitie,  Dort-Kara,  Chumekei,  and  Chikly.  When  Levchine 
wrote,  it  encamped  in  winter  on  the  Sir,  the  Kuvan,  the  dried  up  bed  of 
the  Jany  Daria,  on  the  sands  of  Karakum  and  Burzuk,  and  at  the  mouth 
of  the  Yemba.  A  small  section  lived  on  the  Ilek,  the  Or,  and  the  Ural, 
from  the  fort  of  Krasnogorsk  as  far  as  Verkhni  Ozernaia.  Their  summer 
camps  were  on  the  rivers  Temir,  Yemba,  Saghiz,  Uil,  Ilek,  Khobda, 
Or,  and  Irghiz,  in  the  hills  of  Mugojar,  and  the  Karakum  sands. 
The  tribe  of  Baiuli  is  divided  into  twelve  sections,  and  comprises  the 
clans  of  Adai,  Cherkes,  Tana,  Baibakti,  Shikhlar,  Maskar,  Kizil-kurt, 
Issen-Temir,  a  part  of  that  of  Jappas,  and  the  greater  part  of  those  of 
Alacha,  Tazlar,  and  Bersch.  All  nomadised  over-against  the  fortified  line 
of  the  Lower  Ural  passed  the  summer  between  the  Ural  and  the  Yemba, 
near  the  lakes  of  Karakul,  and  the  rivers  Kuldaghaiti,  Buldurti,  Ulenti, 
Jusali,  Chungurlaou,  Ankati,  and  Uilu,  as  far  as  Khobda  ;  the  winter  on 
the  Caspian,  at  the  mouths  of  the  Ural  and  the  Yemba,  and  near  Gurief. 
A  part  of  the  tribe  Adai  lived  at  Mangushlak ;  the  sections  Tazlar,  Alacha, 
and  Bersch  on  the  Sir,  the  Kuvan,  and  the  Karakum  sands.  The  greater 
part  of  the  Yappas  encamped  in  summer  on  the  Tobol,  and  the  Turgai 
opposite  Troitsk,  and  in  winter  on  the  Sir  and  the  Kuvan.f  As  we  shall 
see  later  on,t  a  part  of  the  Baiuhs  detached  themselves  about  1801 
and  1802,  under  their  leader  Bukei,  and  settled  in  the  government  of 
Astrakhan,  and  in  the  district  of  Rin  Peski.  Wahl  says  the  emigrants 
originally  numbered  1,500  kibitkas,  which  number  rapidly  increased, 
amounted  in  1820  to  upwards  of  7,500,  and  in  1862  to  25,000  kibitkas,  or 
upwards  of  100,000  souls.  Their  number  would  be  still  larger  had  it  not 
been  for  the  disastrous  winter  of  1822,  when  the  whole  steppe  was  turned 
to  ice,  and  frightful  snow-storms  and  icy  blasts  destroyed  all  animal  life. 
The  losses  of  the  horde  during  that  dreadful  season  amounted  to  280,000 
horses,  73,000  head  of  cattle,  and  1,000,000  sheep.  Overwhelmed  with 
terror  they  fled  into  the  Government  of  Saratof,  but  have  been  quietly 
settled  again  in  their  old  territory  since  1863. 

The  Semirodsk,  or  Seven  Tribes,  comprise  the  Tabin,  Tama,  Kerderi, 
Jagal-Baiuli,  Kerait,  Tiliaou,  and  Ramadan.  They  for  the  most  part 
wintered  near  the  Irghiz,  the  Or,  the  Kumak,  the  Sugunduk,  and  the  hills  of 
Karacha.  They  passed  the  summer  near  the  Russian  frontier  between 
the  forts  of  Verkhni  Ozernaia  and  Verkhni  Uralsk,  and  thence  southwards 

*  Levchine,  302-4.  t  Id.,  304-6.  I  Vide  infra,  671. 


to  the  Irghiz.  The  winter  camps  of  the  clans  Kerder  and  Tama  were 
on  the  Ural  between  Orenburg  and  Uralsk;  and  their  summer  ones, 
on  the  Donghuz,  Khobda,  Kanlis,  and  Ilek. 

The  greater  part  of  the  clan  Tabin  camped  near  the  two  preceding 
tribes,  another  portion  on  the  Tobol,  Sir,  Kuvan,  and  Yemba,  while  the 
rest  lived  with  the  Middle  Horde  on  the  Issel,  Chu,  and  the  sands  of 
Aremetei.  The  clan  Kerait  wintered  on  the  Sir,  and  passed  its  summer 
on  the  Irghiz  and  the  mountains  of  Karacha  and  Troitsk. 

The  clans  of  Tilief  or  Tilieou,  and  Ramadan,  wintered  on  the  Sir  and 
Kuvan,  near  the  Keraits,  and  summered  on  the  Turgai,  and  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  lake  Urkach-Kandikli.* 

II.— The  Middle  Horde. 

The  tribe  or  division  Arghin,  comprises  the  sections  Kara  Kissiek, 
Karavul-Kissiek,  Charjitim,  Janjar,  Chakchak,  Dort-Avul,  Atigai,  Altai, 
Tebich,  Tabakli,  Borchi,  Karpak,  Bassantien,  Aghich-Kalkaman, 
Kanjigali,  Koziugan,  and  Kukshal.  These  clans,  according  to  Levchine, 
lived  near  the  mountains  Ulugh,  Boyan-ula,  Ireimen,  Kizil,  Kuyucha, 
Mukcha,  and  the  districts  of  Uch-Burlik,  Kilchakti,  Uch-Kundan, 
Bikchentei,  and  the  banks  of  the  Turgai,  Nura,  Tobol,  Irtish,  Sarisu, 
Ishim,  Issel,  Ubagan,  Ulkoiak,  and  Ayati,  the  sands  of  Kara  Tussun, 
and  the  borders  of  the  lakes  Kizil,  Kurjan,  Tiba,  and  Bishkun.f 

The  Naimans  comprised  the  clans  of  Akbura  {ie.,  White  Wolf), 
Bulachi,  Kara-Girai,  Tirs-Tamgali,  Dort-Avul,  Kuk-Jarli,  Irghiniekli, 
Semis-Baganali  (/.^.,  possessors  of  fat  lambs),  and  Sadir.  The  greater 
part  of  the  Naimans  lived  in  the  mountains  of  Tarbagatai,  the  Upper 
Irtish,  and  other  places  on  the  Chinese  frontier ;  the  remainder  on  the 
upper  Ishim,  the  Turgai,  Kara  Uziek,  Sir,  Kuvan,  Lap-su,  Kuk-su,  the 
borders  of  the  lake  Ak,  and  the  mountains  of  Ulugh,  Kichi,  etc.J 

The  Kipchaks  comprised  the  clans  of  Tori-Aighyr,  Tuiuchka,  Kitabak, 
Bultun,  Karabalik,  Kundelien,  Tana-Buga,  Uzun,  and  Kuk-Boron. 
They  Hved  on  the  Issel,  the  Turgai,  Chakiek,  Ubagan,  Tobol,  Ayat, 
Munyunli,  and  Uya,  near  the  forts  of  Troitsk,  Stepnoi,  and  Ust  Uiskoi; 
and  on  the  sands  of  Karakum,  as  well  as  in  the  districts  of  Aman- 
Karagai,  Ebelei,  Yedis,  and  Tiriekli.§ 

The  Uvak-Girais  consist  of  the  clans  Uvak,  Girai  or  Kirai,  and 
Tarakli.  They  nomadised  on  the  rivers  Ubagan,  Ishim,  Uya,  Taguzac, 
Irtish,  Issel,  Sari  Su,  and  Chu;  on  the  sands  of  Ich-Kungur,  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  lake  Kechubai-Charkar,  and  near  the  fortified  line 
between  the  forts  of  Stepnoi  and  Verkho  Uralsk;  and  also  near  the 
forts  of  Zuerinogolofskoi  and  Presnogorkofskoi. 

III.— The  Great  Horde. 

The  lesser  divisions  of  the  Great  Horde  comprise  the  clans  of  Botboi, 
Chimir,  Janis  or  Vanish,  Sik-Am,  Abdai  Suvanc,  Sara-Suli,  Chanish-Kili, 

*  Levchine,  307.  \  Id.  I  Id.,  303-8.  h  Id. 


Kanii  or  Kankli,  Jelair,  etc.  The  tribe  of  Kungrad,  which,  as  I  said,  joined 
the  Great  Horde  in  recent  times,  includes  the  clans  of  Bailar-Janjar, 
Uras  Gheldi,  Kuljegach,  Bochman,  Tok-Bulad,  Iman-Bai,  Kura-Kusia, 
Etimlier,  and  Kuyush-Kansiz,  These  various  clans  of  the  Great  Horde 
wandered  on  the  rivers  Chu,  Tala-Su,  He,  Kuk-Su,  Karatal,  Chirchik,  Sir, 
Sari-Su,  near  lakes  Kara,  Ala,  Al-Su,  Anamas,  and  in  the  towns  of  Kulja 
Kashkar,  Khokand,  Tashkend,  Turkestan,  near  the  mountains  Kara-Tau, 
Tarbagatai,  Chinghiz-Tsazan,  and  in  the  district  known  as  the  Seven 
Rivers,  as  well  as  in  other  places  on  the  borders  of  China,  and  in  the  old 
country  of  the  Sungars,  One  portion  of  the  Kungrads  lived  in  these 
localities,  and  another  encamped  with  the  Naimans.* 

In  enumerating  these  sections  of  the  Kazaks,  we  must  not  forget 
that  they  comprise  smaller  divisions,  and  these  again  still  smaller 
ones,  which  are  constantly  altering  in  name,  etc.,  so  that  the  hierarchy 
of  the  various  sectional  divisions  would  require  almost  a  volume  to 
illustrate  it.     We  will  now  turn  to — 

The  Uzbegs,  First,  as  to  their  name.  Here  I  have  to  break  a  lance 
with  Professor  Gregorief,  for  whom  I  entertain  the  profoundest  respect, 
and  to  whose  wide  researches  and  learning  I  am  greatly  indebted.  In  a 
fierce  criticism  of  Mr.  Vambery's  History  of  Bukhara,  much  of  which  is, 
if  severe,  at  all  events  unanswerable,  he  pours  words  of  scorn  upon  those 
who  derive  the  name  of  the  Uzbeg  confederacy  from  Uzbeg,  the  great 
chief  of  the  Golden  Horde.  Nevertheless,  the  view  so  denounced  I 
think  is  supported  by  irrefragable  evidence.  M.  Gregorief  denies  that  it 
is  the  custom  of  the  Turks  to  name  their  tribes  after  noted  heroes.  I 
can  hardly  understand  this  phrase.  If  we  go  back  to  legendary  times, 
we  shall  find  that  Oghuz,  Kipchak,  etc.,  are  stated  by  the  Turkish 
genealogists  to  have  given  their  names  to  the  tribes  they  governed  ;  but 
we  need  not  go  back  so  far.  Assuredly  the  Seljuki  and  the  Osmanli 
among  the  greater  Turk  races  and  the  various  lesser  clans  of  Turkomans 
are  instances  of  this  practice  ;  while,  if  we  turn  to  the  Golden  Horde, 
we  shall  find  it  even  more  the  case.  The  Bereke  Tartars  are  so  called 
not  only  by  Marco  Polo,  but  by  Abulfeda,  and  were  so  named  from  Bereke 
Khan.  The  Nogais  are  another  instance  in  point,  while  the  various 
tribes  of  Nogais  are  notoriously  named  from  their  founders  as  separate 
and  substantive  tribes  ;  so  is  it  with  a  considerable  number  of  the  lesser 
clans  among  the  Kazaks  and  Uzbegs. 

Again,  Professor  Gregorief  says  the  name  Uzbeg  does  not  occur  till 
the  second  half  of  the  fifteenth  century,  a  hundred  years  after  the  death 
of  Uzbeg.  Sherif  ud  din,  the  historian  of  Timur,  completed  his  famous 
Zefer  Nameh  in  1424,  and  was  a  contemporary  of  Timur  ;  he  distinctly 
speaks  of  Idiku  as  Idiku  the  Uzbeg,  and  of  the  Kipchaks  as  Uzbegs.f 

This  shows  us  that  the  name  was  in  use  much  earlier  than  M.  Gregorief 
says.    His  third  argument  is  that  Uzbeg  did  not  rule  over  the  tribes  called 

Levchine,  303-3.  t  Charmoy,  Mems.,  St.  Pet.  Acad.,iii.,364;  Sherif  ud  din,  iii.,34. 




Uzbegs.  So  far  as  we  know,  he  was  acknowledged  as  their  over  chief  by 
all  the  tribes  of  the  Ulus  of  Juchi  Khan,  and  his  coins  are  found  minted 
at  all  the  towns  in  the  Horde  which  up  to  his  date  had  struck  money. 

I  cannot,  therefore,  see  any  good  reason  for  rejecting  the  very  natural 
and  current  account  that  the  Uzbegs  were  so  named  from  the  Great  Uzbeg 
Khan,  while  the  etymology  of  Uzbeg  generally  suggested  in  lieu  of  this 
derivation,  namely,  from  Uz,  self,  and  bek,  bek,*  is  exceedingly  impro- 
bable and  far-fetched. 

Abulghazi  tells  us  that  Uzbeg  converted  his  subjects  to  the  Mussulman 
faith,  and  it  was  due  to  him  that  all  the  inhabitants  of  the  land  became 
converts  to  Islam,  and  that  the  II  of  Juchi  adopted  his  name,  which  it 
would  retain  till  the  day  of  judgment.!  The  name  Uzbeg,  therefore,  like 
that  of  Kazak,  is  a  comparatively  recent  name,  and  does  not  date  back 
further  than  the  reign  of  Uzbeg  Khan,  who  died  in  1340.  Klaproth  tells 
us  the  Uzbegs  are  divided  into  four  main  divisions,  namely,  the  Uighur- 
Naiman,  Kangli-Kipchak,  Kiat-Kungrad,  and  Nokus-Mangut.J 

The  following  table  of  the  various  branches  of  the  Uzbegs  was  taken 
from  a  work  entitled  "  Nassed  Nameti  Uzbekia,"  by  Khanikof :— 

I.  Mangut. 

I.  Juk-Mangut. 

2.  Ming. 

2.  Ak-Mangut. 

3.  Yuz. 

3.  Kara-Mangut. 

4.  Kirk 

5.  Ung. 

6.  Ungachit. 

7.  Jilair. 

8.  Sarai. 

g.  Kungrad. 

I.  Kanjagali. 

1.  Urus. 

2.  Kara-Kursak. 

3.  Chullik. 

4.  Kuyan. 

5.  Kuldauli. 

6.  Miltek. 

7.  Kurtughi. 

8.  Gal6. 

9.  Tup  Kara. 
10.  Kara. 

n.  Kara-bura. 

12.  Nogai. 

13.  Bilkelik. 

14.  Dustnik. 

II.  Omli. 

1.  Ax-Tana. 

2.  Kara. 

3.  Churan. 

4.  Turkmen. 

5.  Kuuk. 

6.  Bishbala. 

7.  Kara-kalpak. 

8.  Kachai. 

9.  Haj-becha. 

*  Schuyler,  i.,  106. 

t  Op.  cit.,  184. 

I  See  Polyglotta,  218. 


III.  Kushtamgali. 

10.  Yelchin. 

11.  Arghun. 

12.  Naiman. 

13.  Kipchak. 

14.  Chichak. 

15.  Aurat. 

16.  Kalmak. 

17.  Kar-tu. 

18.  Burlak. 

19.  Buslak. 

20.  Samarchim. 

21.  Katagan. 

22.  Kalechi. 

23.  Kunegaz. 

24.  Butrek. 

25.  Uzoi. 

26.  Kabat. 

27.  Khitai. 

28.  Kangli. 

29.  Vz. 

30.  Chuplechi. 

31.  Chupchi. 

32.  Utarchi. 

33.  Upulechi. 

34.  Julun. 

35.  Jid. 

36.  Juyut. 

37.  Chil  Juyut. 

38.  Bui-Maut. 

39.  Ui-Maut, 

IV.  Yaktamgali 

V.  Kir. 

40.  Aralat, 

41.  Kireit. 
4a.  Ungut. 

43.  Kangit, 

44.  Khaleuat. 

45.  Masad, 

46.  Murkut, 

47.  Berkuut. 

48.  Kuralas. 

49.  Uglan. 

50.  Kari. 

51.  Arab. 

52.  Ulechi. 

53.  Julegan. 

54.  Kishlik. 

55.  Ghedoi. 

56.  Turkmen. 

57.  Durmen. 

58.  Tabin. 

59.  Tama, 

60.  Rindan. 

61.  Mumin. 

62.  Uishun. 

63.  Beroi. 

64.  Hafiz. 

65.  Kinghiz. 

66.  Uiruchi. 

67.  Juiret. 

68.  Buzachi. 

69.  Sihtiyan. 

1.  Kul-abi. 

2.  Barmak. 

3.  Kujahur. 

4.  Kul. 

5.  Chuburgan. 

6.  Karakalpak- 


7.  Saferbiz. 

8.  Dilberi. 

9.  Chachakli. 
I.  Tartugu. 

•  2.  Aga-maili. 

3.  Ishikali. 

4.  Kizin-Zili. 

5.  UyugH. 

6.  Bukajli. 

7.  Kaigali. 

1.  Juzili. 

2.  Kusauli. 

3.  Tirs. 

4.  Balikli. 

5.  Kuba. 

70.  Betash. 

71.  Yagrini. 

72.  Shuldur. 

73.  Tumai. 

74.  Tleu. 

75.  Kirdar. 

76.  Kirkin. 

78.  Uglan. 

79.  Gurlet. 

80.  Iglan. 

81.  Chilkes. 

82.  Uigur. 

83.  Aghir. 

84.  Yabu. 

85.  Narghil. 

86.  Yuzak. 

87.  Kahet. 

88.  Nachar. 

89.  Kujalik. 

90.  Buzan. 

91.  Shirin. 

92.  Bakhrin. 

93.  Tume. 

94.  Nikuz. 

95.  Mugul. 

96.  Kayaan. 

97.  Tatar. 


In  regard  to  the  localities  occupied  by  the  principal  of  these  tribes, 
Khanikof  says  the  Manguts  live  partly  near  Karshi  and  partly  near  Buk- 
hara, while  others  of  them,  especially  the  elder  branches,  have  established 
themselves  in  both  these  towns.  The  Khan  of  Bukhara's  family,  as  we 
shall  see,  belongs  to  this  stock.  The  Khitais  are  settled  between  Bukhara 
and  Kermineh;  the  Naimans  live  near  Ziyan  ud  din;  the  Kipchaks  between 
Katta  Kurghan  and  Samarkand  ;  the  Sarai  near  the  road  leading  from 
Samarkand  to  Karshi ;  the  Kungrads  partly  in  Karshi,  and  partly 
between  that  town  and  the  mountains  of  Shehri  sebz  ;  the  Turkmen  on 
the  Amu  Daria  ;  the  Arabet  between  Karshi  and  Bukhara ;  the  Buzachi 
near  Buzachi,  between  the  same  places;  the  Durmans  in  and  near 
Khijuvan ;  the  Yabu  partly  nomadise  near  Bukhara  and  partly 
with  the  Khitai  Naimans  in  Miankal ;  the  Jid  and  Juyut  are  partly 
settled  on  the  Amu  Daria,  and  partly  wander  about  with  the  Turk- 
men; the  Betash  are  all  settled  near  Bukhara;  the  Bakhrin  in  Miankal.* 
To  this  enumeration  of  Khanikofs  I  ought  to  add  that  made  by 
Vambery,  who  tells  us  the  Uzbegs  are  divided  into  thirty-two  principal 
taife  or  tribes,  viz.,  the  Kungrad,  Kipchak,  Khitai,  Manghit  or  Mangut, 
Noks,  Naiman,  Kulan,  Kiet,  Az,  Taz,  Sayat,  Jagatai,  Uighur,  Akbet, 
Durmen,  Ushun,  Kanjigali,  Nogai,  Balgali,  Miten,  Jelair,  Keneguz, 
Kanli,  Ishkili,  Bagurlu,  Alchin,  Achmaili,  Karakursak,  Birkulak,  Tirkish, 
Kettekeser,  and  Ming.f 

As  I  have  said,  Haidar  calls  the  Kazaks,  Uzbeg  Kazaks,  suggesting 
that  both  confederacies  were  closely  related.  This  appears  more  vividly 
when  we  examine  the  tribal  names  comprising  each.     Thus — 

Uzbeg  tribes.     Kazak  tribes. 

Kungrad.  Kungrad,  a  tribe  of  the  Great  Horde. 

Kipchak.  Kipchak,  a  division  of  the  Middle  Horde. 

Khitai.  Kitie,  a  clan  of  the  Little  Horde. 

Naiman.  Naiman,  a  division  of  the  Middle  Horde. 

Oshiin.  Uzun    and  Usiun  tribes   of  the  Middle   and  Great 

Horde  respectively. 

Taz.  Tazlar,  a  tribe  of  the  Little  Horde. 

Uighur.  Tori  Uighur,  a  clan  of  the  Middle  Horde. 

Kanjigali.  Kanjigali,  a  clan  of  the  Middle  Horde. 

Jelair.  Jelair,  a  tribe  of  the  Great  Horde. 

Kanli.  Kanli  or  Kankli,  a  tribe  of  the  Great  Horde. 

Ich  kili.  Chan  ich  kili,  a  tribe  of  the  Great  Horde. 

Alchin.  Alchin,  the  main  tribe  of  the  Little  Horde. 

These  lists  will  show  that  the  confederacies  were  composed  largely 
of  common  elements,  but  we  must  not  exaggerate  this  fact  too  much 
and  mistake  a  result  due  to  the  disintegrating  and  re-welding  process 

»  Bokhara,  by  De  Bode,  74-8.  f  Vambery,  Travels  in  Central  Asia,  345-6,  note. 


which  went  on  during  the  Mongol  domination  for  an  initial  identity. 
When  we  examine  the  tribal  names  of  the  two  confederacies  closely, 
we  shall  find  not  only  that  they  consist  of  very  heterogeneous 
elements,  but  that  these  elements  are  separable  into  two  main  branches, 
those  which  inhabited  the  Kipchak  before  the  Mongol  invasion,  and 
those  who  migrated  thither  in  consequence  of  it.  The  great  ethnological 
fact  underlying  the  history  we  are  dealing  with  is  the  thrusting  of  the 
Turkish  community  westwards.  Before  the  Mongol  period  the  Turks 
occupied  all  Sungaria,  and  (as  we  showed  in  the  notes  to  the  former 
volume)  all  the  so-called  Mongolian  desert  as  far  as  the  borders  of 
Manchuria,  the  Mongols  being  confined  to  the  country  round  Lake 
Baikal  and  to  Dauria.  The  great  effect  of  the  Mongol  conquests  was  to 
push  the  Turks  out  of  the  eastern  part  of  their  former  country,  and  to 
drive  them  very  largely  into  the  west.  A  large  portion  of  these  more 
eastern  Turks  probably  formed  the  Ulus  of  Ogotai  and  his  family. 
When  this  ulus  was  broken  up  and  destroyed,  they  seem  to  have 
migrated,  or  were  perhaps  driven  by  the  advancing  Kalmuks  into  the 
steppes  of  Kipchak.  It  was  apparently  in  the  main  these  new  subjects 
who  were  converted  by  Uzbeg  Khan,  and  who  adopted  his  name.  Let 
us  examine  this  position  somewhat  more  closely. 

If  we  turn  to  the  Uzbegs  we  shall  find  that  two  out  of  the  four  main 
divisions  into  which  they  fall  belong  to  this  category  of  immigrants, 
namely,  the  so-called  Naiman-Uighurs  and  the  Kiat  Kungrads,  while  the 
Naimans,  the  Uvak  Girais  in  the  Middle  Horde,  and  the  Kungrads  in  the 
Great  Horde  among  the  Kazaks  fall  within  the  same  class.  If  we  examine 
the  minor  divisions  of  the  race,  as  given  by  Klaproth,  Khanikof,  etc., 
we  shall  find  a  large  number  of  names,  such  as  Jelair,  Khitai,  etc, 
which  also  belong  to  this  immigrant  section.  Now,  it  is  curious  that 
Levchine,  in  describing  the  origin  of  the  Kazaks,  tells  us  distinctly  that 
the  Kipchaks,  the  Naimans,  the  Kungrads  or  Kunkurats,  the  Jelairs,  and 
the  Kanklis,  the  Durmans  and  Karluks,  formed  no  part  of  their  race 
originally.*  This  confirms  the  view  arrived  at  above  from  different 
data.    We  will  now  consider  briefly  these  immigrant  tribes. 

To  what  I  said  of  the  Naimans,  the  Jelairs,  the  Durmans,  and  the 
Uighurs  in  the  former  volume  I  have  nothing  to  add.  The  Naimans 
(as  I  there  showed),  at  the  accession  of  Jingis  Khan,  dominated  over 
Northern  Sungaria,  from  the  Irtish  as  far  as  Karakorum.  The  Jelairs 
and  Durmans  were  Turkish  tribes  living  among  the  Mongols,  while  the 
U  ighurs  lived  at  the  well-known  Bishbaligh  and  its  neighbourhood. 

The  conclusion  I  came  to  in  that  volume  in  regard  to  the  Keraits  has 
been  strengthened  by  further  consideration.  I  have  no  doubt  that  they 
were  Turks  and  not  Mongols.  I  ought  here  to  mention  that  they  occur 
in  the  pages  of  Haidar.     In  describing  one  of  Timur's  campaigns,  he 

*  op.  cit.,  138. 


tells  US  that  he  sent  Behram  the  Jelair,  Khitai  Behadur,  and  Sheikh  AH 
Behadur  to  the  territory  of  Almatu.  They  engaged  the  Kerayets,  i.e.,  the 
Keraits,  on  the  river  Aishek  Khatun.  The  t  in  Kerait  is  merely  the 
Mongol  plural,  and  the  tribe  still  survives  in  Eastern  Sungaria,  under  the 
name  of  Girai  or  Kirai.  I  have  little  doubt  it  also  survives  in  the  Uvak 
Girais  of  the  Middle  Horde. 

The  Kunkurats  form  such  a  notable  factor  in  Mongol  history,  and  one 
hitherto  so  neglected,  that  we  may  be  pardoned  for  adding  a  few  lines  to 
our  former  account  of  them.  Rashid  ud  din  says  expressly  they  sprang 
from  the  two  people  who  came  out  of  Irgene  Kun,  i.e.  (in  his  legendary 
history  of  the  origin  of  the  Mongols),  from  Kian  and  Nokus.*  The 
story  went  that  before  they  left  there  they  trampled  on  the  hearths 
of  the  other  tribes,  whence  the  Kunkurads  suffered  greatly  from 
pains  in  their  feet  caused  by  their  having  been  burnt.  As  they 
migrated  sooner  than  the  Mongols,  the  latter  in  former  times  had 
been  greatly  at  issue  with  them,  and  hated  them.  They  themselves 
reported  that  they  were  sprung  from  "  Bestui  Zerrin,"  i.e.^  the  Golden 
Vase,  which  story  Erdmann  compares  with  that  of  the  Golden  bowl  of 
Targitaos,  etc.  He  argues  that  the  tale  is  compounded  of  the  notion  of 
the  noble  Kumis  bowl  and  the  mountain-girdled  valley  of  Irgene  Kun.f 
Bestui  Zerrin  is  said  to  have  had  three  sons — Jurluk  Mergen,  the 
ancestor  of  the  Kunkurads  proper ;  Kabai  Shireh,  who  had  two  sons, 
named  Angiras  and  Olkhonud,  the  ancestors  of  the  Angirasses  and 
the  Olkhonuds ;  and  Tusbudau,  who  had  two  sons,  named  Karanut 
and  Kungeliut.  The  latter,  we  are  told,  married  his  father's  widow,  by 
whom  he  had  a  son  named  Miser  Ulug,  who  also  married  his  father's 
widow,  and  by  her  had  a  son,  Kurulas,  whence  sprang  the  tribe  of  the 
Kurulas.  Miser  Ulug  afterwards  married  a  Khitaian,  by  whom  he  had  a 
son,  Iljigin,  the  stem  father  of  the  tribe  of  the  same  name.J  The 
interesting  thing  for  us,  of  course,  about  the  Kunkurads  is  that  the 
Mongols  trace  the  descent  of  their  Imperial  house  from  them. 

Burtechino,  the  wolf-ancestor  of  the  Mongol  imperial  stock,  we  are 
told,  was  a  descendant  of  Kian,  and  belonged  to  the  tribe  Kurulas. § 
The  Kurulas,  as  we  said,  were  a  branch  of  the  Kunkurads.  Rashid 
ud  din  several  times  tells  us  that  Alung  Goa,  who  was  the  real  ancestress 
of  the  Mongol  Khans,  belonged  to  the  same  tribe  of  the  Kurulas,  ||  whence 
it  follows  that  the  Mongol  Khans  were  descended  from  the  Turkish 
tribe  of  the  Kunkurads.  When  we  come  down  to  later  times,  we  find 
that  the  Mongol  sovereigns  constantly  chose  their  principal  wives  from 
among  the  Kunkurads.  Thus,  Kabul  Khan  married  Goa  Gulka,  who  was 
a  Kunkurat.U  Yissugei  married  Ulun  Egeh,  or  Oghelen  Eka,  who  was  an 
Olkhonud.**     Temujin's  chief  wife,  Burte  Fujin,  was  also  an  Olkhonud. 

*  Erdmann  Temujin,  197.         t  /d-i  "^l^,  ^97, 198.  I  Id.,  201,  202.  ^  Abulghazi,  33. 

I  Id.,  64,  note  3,  by  Des  Maisons.  %  Erdmann  Temujin,  170.  **  Id.,  253. 


The  "Yuen  chao  pi  shi"  says  she  was  of  the  tribe  Unghir,  i.e.^ 
a  corruption  of  Kungur,  or  Kunkur,  and  that  her  father  enlarged  to 
Yessugei,  on  the  fact  that  it  had  been  customary  for  the  Mongol 
princes  to  marry  the  beautiful  daughters  of  his  house.  This  is  also 
said  by  Ssanang  Setsen.*  The  beautiful  wife  of  Khubilai  Khan,  Jabun 
Khatun,  was  a  Kunkurat.f  Another  of  his  wives,  Nembui  Khatun,  was 
also  a  Kunkurat,  as  was  Katakash,  the  wife  of  the  Kutchu,  son  of  Ogotai 
and  Bulughan  Khatun,  the  wife  of  the  Ilkhan  Gazan,  etc.J  On  the 
other  hand,  three  of  Jingis  Khan's  five  daughters,  named  Kujin  Bigi, 
Tumalun,  and  Altalun,  married  respectively  the  Kurulat,  Huladai 
Gurgan,  the  Kunkurat,  Shenggu  Gurgan,  and  the  Olkhonud,  Javer 
Sagan.§  Again,  the  soubriquet  of  Kiat,  borne  by  the  Imperial  house 
among  the  Mongols,  is  also  closely  connected  with  the  Kunkurats,  who, 
as  we  have  seen  in  the  legend,  are  not  only  deduced  from  Kian  or 
Kiat,  but  we  actually  find  to  this  day  that  one  of  the  four  main  divisions 
of  the  Uzbegs  is  called  Kiat  Kungrad.  The  Kungrads  again  are 
deemed  at  Khiva  the  senior  and  most  noble  tribe.  All  these  facts 
concur  in  making  it  pretty  certain  that  the  Mongol  rulers  were  in  fact 
descended  from  the  royal  house  among  the  Kunkurads. 

A  question  which  remains  is  as  to  the  district  occupied  by  this 
race.  I  have  discussed  this  question  in  the  former  volume,  with  an 
unsatisfactory  result,  having  no  other  authority,  practically,  but  Rashid 
ud  din.  Since  writing  it,  however,  I  have  been  able  to  cousult  the 
"Yuen  chao  pi  shi." 

In  note  69  to  this  work  Palladius  tells  us  that  it  is  stated  in  the  life  of 
Dai  Setzen,  the  father-in-law  of  Jingis  Khan,  as  told  in  the  Yuen  Shi, 
that  the  Kunkurads  lived  in  the  place  called  Kulehrundurgin  and  Dalai 
Nur,  and  on  the  river  Yehhgun.  Dalai  Nur  is  the  well  known  lake  into 
which  the  Kerulon  falls,  and  Yehhgun  is  assuredly  the  Chinese  transcrip- 
tion of  the  Argun,  the  river  that  flows  out  of  the  Dalai  lake.  In  regard 
to  the  other  name,  Undur  in  Mongol  means  hill  or  elevation,  ||  and 
Kulehr  may  perhaps  be  a  form  of  Kerulon,  the  1  and  r  being  transposed. 
This,  then,  would  make  the  home  land  of  the  Kunkurads  on  Lake  Dalai, 
the  Lower  Kerulon,  and  the  Argun.  In  confirmation  of  this,  I  may 
mention  that  the  Chinese  author  translated  by  Gaubil  makes  Potu  or 
Botu,  the  chief  of  the  Inkirasses,  live  on  the  river  Ergone,  ?>,,  the 
Argun.1I  When  Temujin  set  out  to  bring  his  wife  home  from  her 
father's  yurt,  we  are  told  in  the  Yuen  chao  pi  shi  that  he  went  down  the 
Kerulon.  All  this  is  conclusive  as  to  the  position  of  the  Kunkurads,  and 
we  have  only  to  reconcile  it  with  the  statement  of  Rashid  ud  din.  As 
D'Ohsson  says,  Rashid  uses  the  term  ongu  very  loosely ;  sometimes  he 
applies  it  to  the  Inshan  mountains  and  to  the  great  wall  which  separates 

*  Ante,  i.,  50.  t  Erdmann,  op.  cit.,  200.  I  Id.,  200-3. 

§  Erdmann,  op.  cit.,  445.  |!  D'Ohsson,  i.,  82,  note,  f  Op.  cit.,  3. 


China  from  Mongolia,  at  other  times  to  the  Khingan  range,  which 
separates  Manchuria  from  Mongolia.*  He  doubtless  treats  Manchuria 
as  a  part  of  China,  which  it  in  fact  was,  during  the  domination  of  the 
Kin  dynasty,  who  ruled  it  during  the  reign  of  Jingis  Khan.  He 
also  gives  the  name  of  Jai  Alchia  to  the  same  Khingan  range  ;  and 
in  another  place  mentions  "Alchia  Kungur,  which  was  formerly  the 
winter  quarters  of  the  Kunkurads,"  D'Ohsson  points  out  that  a  river 
Kungur,  which  springs  in  the  Khingan  range,  is  marked  by  D'Anville  as 
falling  into  Lake  Taal,  about  N.L.  43.  I  may  add  that  the  river  Olkui, 
which  is  marked  as  springing  from  the  same  range  somewhat  further 
north,  not  improbably  gave  its  name  to  the  Olkhonuds,  one  of  the 
divisions  of  the  Kunkurads.  I  have  little  doubt,  therefore,  that  the 
Kunkurads  occupied  the  eastern  and  north-eastern  part  of  Mongolia, 
west  of  the  Khingan  chain,  and  including  the  environs  of  the  Dalai  or 
Kulun  Lake  and  the  river  Argun,  being  thus  planted  between  the 
Mongols  and  the  Tartars  properly  so  called.  Let  us  now  return  once 
more  westwards. 

Having  discarded  the  various  tribes  which  invaded  and  settled  in  the 
Kipchak  during  the  Mongol  domination,  let  us  try  and  realise  the 
condition  of  things  there  before  that  event.  The  Kazaks,  as  we  have 
seen,  were  in  the  main  the  White  Horde,  under  another  name.  The 
White  Horde  occupied  the  country  of  the  lower  Sir,  the  Chu,  and  the 
Talas.  If  we  are  to  credit  the  express  statement  of  Carpini,  who 
travelled  through  the  country,  Orda,  the  founder  of  the  White  Horde, 
had  a  yurt  east  of  I  mil.  It  would  seem,  in  fact,  that  his  portion  was 
largely  conterminous  with  the  empire  of  Kara  Kitai,  which  was  probably 
his  father's  ulus,  and  that  the  modern  Kazaks  are  largely  the  descendants 
of  the  Kara  Khitaians,  whence  we  still  find  the  name  Khitai  surviving 
as  a  clan-name  in  the  steppes  of  Kipchak. 

The  Kara  Khitaians,  however,  had  only  a  short-lived  empire ;  they 
had  succeeded  to  the  former  power  of  the  Turkish  sovereigns  of 
Turkestan,  called  the  Ilkhanids,  and  who  have  been  shown  by  Professor 
Gregorief  to  have  been  Karluks.  The  name  Karluk  survived  as  that  of  a 
tribe  even  down  to  the  time  of  Jingis  Khan,  but  in  its  wider  and  earlier 
sense  it  included  the  various  tribes  which  obeyed  the  old  Turkish  sove- 
reigns at  Balasaghun  and  Almaligh,  who  were,  as  I  believe,  the  ancestors 
of  the  Kazaks.  These  Karluks  were  called  the  Lion  Hoei  hu,  or  Lion 
U  ighurs  of  Kashgar,  by  the  Chinese.  Their  supremacy  only  dates  from  the 
ninth  century ;  before  that  date  the  older  Turks  dominated  in  the  valleys 
of  the  Talas  and  the  Chu.  The  Turks,  who  were  ruled  over  by  princes, 
descended  from  the  half-mythical  Afrasiab.  These  Turks  were,  I  believe, 
driven  out  by  the  Karluks  when  the  latter  founded  their  power.  They 
then  moved  southwards  into  Transoxiana,  and  further  south  still  towards 

*  D'Ohsson,  i.,  68,  note. 


the  borders  of  India,  where  they  are  well  known  as  Khilj,  Kalladjis,  etc. 
Let  us  now  revert  again  to  the  Uzbegs.  When  we  have  discarded  from 
our  consideration  the  various  tribes  who,  as  we  have  seen,  joined 
the  Uzbegs  under  the  influence  of  the  Mongols,  we  shall  have  remaining 
two  principal  divisions,  namely,  the  Nokuz  Manguts  and  the  Kangli 
Kipchaks.  The  former  of  these  we  have  already  considered.  Let  us 
now  turn  to  the  latter. 

The  Kipchaks,  who  gave  their  name  to  the  Khanate,  and  who  were  a 
very  important  element  in  its  population,  have  a  history  which  is  very 
obscure  and  difficult  to  unravel.  One  section  of  them  who  lived  west  of 
the  Volga,  and  who  were  known  as  Comans  to  the  Western  writers,  have 
already  occupied  us  in  the  former  volume,  and  we  need  say  no  more 
about  them,  but  east  of  the  Volga  there  was  another  section  which  has 
been  much  neglected.  These  were  the  ancestors  of  the  Kipchaks,  who 
now  form  such  an  important  element  in  the  population  of  Khokand  and 
Mavera  un  Nehr.  As  we  have  seen,  the  Kazaks  treat  them  as  strangers 
to  their  confederacy,  and  they  formed  doubtless  the  original  nucleus  of 
the  Horde  of  Sheiban,  brother  of  Batu.  Where  did  they  live  ?  We  have 
no  absolute  statements  on  the  subject,  and  can  only  reach  an  answer  by 
a  process  of  exhaustion.  The  Kankalis,  as  we  shall  see,  occupied  the 
steppes  north  of  the  Aral,  from  the  Volga  as  far  east  as  the  Sarisu.  The 
country  east  of  the  Volga  on  the  Middle  and  Upper  Jaik  and  further 
east  was,  as  we  have  seen,  in  all  probability  occupied  by  the  Pechenegs 
and  Manguts,  and  we  are  driven  to  find  a  habitat  for  the  Kipchaks  in 
the  country  north  and  north-west  of  the  Balkhash  Lake,  where  the 
Middle  Horde  of  the  Kazaks  has  its  camping  ground,  and  where  the 
Horde  of  Sheiban  apparently  had  its  focus.  These  Eastern  Kipchaks 
lived  beyond  the  region  easily  accessible  to  Arab  traders,  and  we 
consequently  find  hardly  any  mention  of  them  in  the  writings  of  Arab 
geographers.  They  are  probably  referred  to,  however,  in  an  obscure 
passage  of  the  Nubian  geographer  Edrisi,  in  the  9th  section  of  his 
description  of  the  6th  climate,  under  the  name  of  Khafshakh.*  These 
Kipchaks  no  doubt  formed  a  substantive  power  of  their  own  before  they 
were  attacked  by  the  Mongols.  There  is  a  very  interesting  passage  in 
the  Yuen  shi  which  I  believe  refers  to  them,  and  which  is  so  valuable  as 
dealing  with  an  exceedingly  obscure  district  that  I  shall  take  the  liberty  of 
extracting  it  from  Mr.  Bretschneider's  very  valuable  work.  The  passage 
is  contained  in  the  128th  chapter  of  the  Yuen  shi,  in  the  biography 
of  Tu  tu  ha  {?  Toktoghu),  who  was  a  prince  of  the  Kincha  (the  Chinese 
form  of  Kipchak).  It  reads  thus  :  "  The  ancestors  of  the  people  of 
Kincha  originally  dwelt  north  of  Wuping,  on  the  river  Jelien,  near  the 
mountain  Andahan.  Kuchu  emigrated  to  the  north-west,  to  the 
mountain  called   Yuliboli,  and  this  name  was   then  adopted  for  the 

•  Op.  cit.,  ed.  Jaubert,  ii.,  416. 


reigning  family.  Kuchu  had  a  son  Somona,  who  also  had  a  son  Inosze  ; 
they  were  all  hereditary  princes  of  Kincha.  When  Jingis  was  at  war 
with  the  Mieliki  (Merkits),  the  prince  Huodu  fled  to  Kincha.  Jingis 
demanded  his  delivery,  which  was  refused,  when  the  emperor  gave 
orders  to  attack  Kincha.  When  Inosze  became  old,  his  realm  was 
troubled  by  insurrection ;  and  his  son  Hulusuman  then  determined  to 
send  envoys  to  Jingis,  and  offered  his  submission.  Mengko  (Mangu, 
subsequently  emperor)  received  orders  to  occupy  Kincha.  Hulusuman's 
son  Banducha  surrendered  with  his  people.  Black  mare's  milk,  which 
is  very  pleasant  to  the  taste,  used  to  be  sent  from  Kincha  to  the  Court 
of  China  ;  whence  the  Kincha  were  called  also  Halachi.  Tutuha,  whose 
biography  is  found  in  the  Yuen  shi,  was  a  son  of  Banducha.  He  died 
in  1279.  His  son  Chuangwur,  who  died  in  1322,  was  also  a  renowned 
general;  and  his  son  Yientiemur*  was  a  Minister  of  China,  1328-1333  ; 
Yientiemur's  brother  Santun  was  also  minister,  as  was  Santun's  son 

A  few  words  will  suffice  for  the  consideration  of  the  Kankalis,  to 
whom  we  devoted  a  paragraph  in  the  former  volume. t  I  have  there 
identified  them  with  the  Nogais,  and  this  is  partially  correct.  We 
still  have  among  the  Nogais  clans  with  the  names  of  Chushan-Kangli, 
and  Kabil-A'rt^/^-Agakli ;  §  in  the  same  way,  as  we  have  seen,  some 
of  the  Pecheneg  tribes  were  also  Kankalis,  and  the  most  probable 
solution  of  the  question  is,  either  that  the  Kankalis  actually  invaded  the 
west,  together  with  the  Manguts,  or  that  they  derived  their  name,  which 
means  cart  or  araba,  from  some  mixture  with  them.  A  few  words  on 
their  name  of  Kanklis  may  not  be  inopportune. 

In  describing  the  war  of  Oghuz  Khan  against  the  Tartars,  Abulghazi 
says  that  he  had  not  sufficient  sumpter-beasls  on  which  to  carry  off  his 
booty,  whereupon  a  brave  boy  who  was  with  his  army  invented  a 
cart.  His  example  was  followed  by  the  whole  army.  To  these  carts 
they  gave  the  name  of  kank.  They  were  previously  unknown,  as  was 
their  name.  They  produced  when  in  motion  a  sound  resembling  kank- 
kank,  whence  this  name.  The  inventor  of  the  cart  was  thereupon 
called  Kankli,  and  from  him  were  descended  the  Kanklis  or  Kankalis.  || 
It  will  be  noted  as  a  remarkable  fact,  and  one  referred  to  by  Erdmann, 
that  the  Kankalis  are  treated  as  the  allies  rather  than  as  the  subjects  of 
Oghuz  Khan.H  Dr.  Schott  says  that  among  several  tribes  of  Siberia  a 
cart  is  still  known  as  kanga.** 

Let  us  now  consider  another  curious  fact  in  the  biography  of  Buhuman, 
a  KankaU  chief,  which  is  given  in  the  Yuen  shi.  In  this  it  is  expressly 
said  that  the  Kankalis  derived  their  origin  from  the  Kaokiu,  a  people 

•  See  his  special  biography  ia  chap,  cxxxviii.  t  Bretschneider,  op.  cit.,  174-5. 

I  Ante,  vol.  i.,  i8,  19.  $  Asia,  Polyglotta,  219,  230. 

I  Op.  cit.,  17.  %,  Erdmann  Temujin,  499. 

**  Cbiaesiscbe  Nachrichten  ueber  di  KftDggar,  etc.,  Metnt.  Berlin  Acad.,  1844, 154,  note. 


mentioned  in  the  Han  history.*  This  people  is  also  and  more  frequently 
called  Kaoche,  the  particle  ch6  also  being  read  as  kiu.  Kaoch6  means 
in  Chinese  high  cart,  and  Dr.  Bretschneider  tells  us  further  that  in  the 
history  of  the  Wei  (i.e.,  in  the  5th  century  of  our  era)  the  name  of  this 
people  is  explained  by  the  high  wheels  they  used  to  put  on  their  carts.f 
Remusat  also  tells  us  that  kaochd  in  Chinese  means  the  same  thing  as 
kankali  in  Turkish.J  This  is,  therefore,  a  complete  proof  that  the 
Kankalis  were  in  fact  of  the  same  race  as  the  Kaoche.  I  would  mention 
parenthetically  that  Von  Hammer  tells  us  the  Chinese  kaoche  is  the 
same  as  the  Turkish  kochi  and  the  English  coach. §  I  have  sufficient 
sins  of  my  own  to  answer  for  without  being  responsible  for  all  Von 
Hammer's  etymologies,  but  this  one  certainly  seems  reasonable  and 

The  Kaoche  are  well  known  in  Chinese  history.  The  name  is  a 
synonym,  in  fact,  for  the  Uighurs,  which  is  another  proof  of  the 
connection,  direct  or  indirect,  of  the  Kankalis  with  the  Eastern  Turks. 
Among  the  shreds  of  the  Kankalis  who  escaped  the  Mongol  arms  was  a 
small  tribe  called  Kayi  or  Kiat  Kangli,  which  dwelt  at  Mahan,  near  Merv. 
On  the  Mongol  approach,  they  retired  westward  into  the  district  of 
Akhlatt,  in  Armenia.  Eight  years  later,  when  the  Mongols  appeared 
there,  they  again  retired  into  Asia  Minor.  Their  chief  was  named 
Ertogrul.  He  and  his  people,  consisting  of  about  440  famihes,  obtained 
the  grant  of  a  district  near  Angora,  from  the  Seljuk  Sultan  of  Rum, 
and  he  was  given  the  title  of  Uj  Bey,  or  Margrave.  He  was  the 
father  of  the  famous  Othman  or  Osman,  the  founder  of  the  Ottoman 
Empire.  II  So  that  the  Ottomans  proper,  the  original  nucleus  of  the  race, 
were  Kankalis. 

Constantino  Porphyrogenitus  calls  the  Kankalis,  Kangar.  Of  this 
name,  Kangkiu  is  the  natural  Chinese  transcription,  a  change  which 
may  be  compared  with  that  of  the  Latin  conclusum  into  the  Italian 
conchiuso;1[  and  Kangkiu  is,  in  fact,  a  name  apphed  to  the  Kankalis 
by  the  Chinese,  as  De  Guignes  long  ago  showed.  Now,  in  Schmidt's 
criticism  of  Von  Hammer's  "  Golden  Horde,"  we  are  told  that  among 
all  the  peoples  of  Central  Asia,  Mongols  as  well  as  Turks,  the  Osmanli 
to  this  day  are  known  as  Khangar.**  This  is  a  curious  confirmation  of 
the  fact  that  the  nucleus  of  their  race  was  the  small  tribe  of  Kayi  Kangli, 
who  left  Khorassan  on  the  invasion  of  the  Mongols.  In  a  small  Chinese 
book  published  in  1777,  and  entitled  "Si  in  wen  kian  lo,"  is  a  curious 
account  of  the  Russians,  who,  we  are  told,  were  then  governed  by  a 
female  khan.  They  are  described  as  having  been  at  war  in  the  twentieth 
year  of  Kien  lung, /.<?.,  in  1755,  with  the  Kanggar,  which  Schott  agrees 

*  Bretschneider,  Notices  of  Med.  Geog.  and  Hist.,  74,  note  143.  t  Id. 

I  Recherches  sur  les  Langues  Tartares,  315.  $  Golden  Horde,  17,  note  2. 

j  D'Ohsson,  i.,  393. 294.  f  Schott,  op.  cit.,  154,  note.  ♦♦  Golden  Horde,  608, 


with  Schmidt  is  the  name  by  which  the  Osmanli  are  ftow  known  in 
Central  Asia.*  The  account  is  very  quaint  in  its  details,  and  makes  the 
war  terminate  by  the  Russians  becoming  tributary  to  the  Kanggar,  and 
having  to  submit  to  pay  an  annual  tribute  of  500  boys  and  500  girls  to 
the  victors.  All  this  is  the  manufacture  of  Chinese  patriotism,  nor  does 
the  date  seem  to  be  correct ;  but  the  account,  as  Schott  says,  doubtless 
refers  to  the  war  which  the  Empress  Catharine  fought  against  the  Turks, 
in  the  years  1769  to  1774,  and  which  ended  in  the  peace  so  disastrous 
for  the  latter,  secured  by  the  treaty  of  Kuchuk  Kainarja.f 

Let  us  now  condense  the  result  of  our  inquiry.  It  would  seem  then  that 
at  the  time  of  the  Mongol  invasion  the  valleys  of  the  Chu  and  the  Talas 
were  occupied  by  certain  tribes  once  subject  to  the  famous  dynasty  of 
the  Karluk  Khans,  and  later  to  the  Khans  of  Kara  Khitai.  These  tribes 
are  now  mainly  represented  by  the  Kazaks.  West  of  them,  in  the  steppes 
north  of  the  Aral,  and  wandering  as  far  as  the  Volga,  were  the  Kankalis. 
West  of  them  again,  in  the  steppes  of  southern  Russia,  were  the  Comans, 
a  section  of  the  Kipchaks  proper.  The  other  section  of  the  Kipchaks 
lived  to  the  north  and  north-west  of  the  Balkhash  lake,  in  the  present 
country  of  the  Middle  Horde  of  the  Kazaks.  West  of  them,  and  on 
the  Middle  Yaik  and  the  Yemba,  were  the  Pechenegs,  Manguts,  or 
Karakalpaks.  To  the  north  of  the  latter  were  the  Bashkirs,  who  did  not 
form  any  substantive  community  during  the  Mongol  domination,  and 
who  were,  as  I  have  shown  elsewhere,t  closely  related  to  the  Magyars 
and  to  the  Meshkeriaks  of  eastern  Russia,  and  to  the  Uzes  of  the 
Byzantine  authors. 

A  few  words,  in  conclusion,  on  the  present  condition  of  the  various 
Tartar  Hordes.  The  Uzbegs,  as  we  have  seen,  have  practically  left  the 
Kipchak  steppes  altogether,  and  are  now  living  in  the  country  of  Mavera 
un  Nehr,  in  Turkestan,  and  in  Khuarezm.  Those  who  remain  in  Turan 
are  represented  partially  by  the  Siberian  Tartars,  who  live  chiefly  in  the 
governments  of  Tobolsk  and  Tomsk.  The  Tobolsk  Tartars  take  their 
name  from  the  river  Tobol,  on  which  and  its  tributaries  they  are  chiefly 
found.  The  Tartar  inhabitants  of  the  city  of  Tobolsk  itself  are  chiefly 
of  Bukharian  descent.  When  Georgi  wrote  they  numbered  about 
4,000  men,  and  lived  in  villages  of  from  ten  to  fifty  houses.  They 
were  Muhammedans,  and  practised  agriculture,  as  well  as  being 
herdsmen.  § 

Latham  says  they  are  found  about  Tiumen,  on  the  Tura,  and  also 
about  Tara,  on  the  Irtish,  and  are  divided  into  six  tribes,  the  Osta,  Ali, 
Kundei,  Sarga,  Tav,  and  Otus.|| 

The  Tomsk  Tartars  live  in  villages  on  the  river  Tom,  from  its  sources 
in  the  mountains  of  Kusnezk  to  its  outfall  into  the  Ob.     The  Tartars  of 

*  Schott,  op.  cit.,  156.  t  Id.,  158. 

1  Geographical  Magazine,  iv.    Author's  paper  on  the  Uzes,  Torks,  or  Magyars. 

5  Beschreibung  Alt.  Nat.,  etc.,  115, 116.  jj  Native  Races  of  the  Russian  Empire,  174. 


the  city  of  Tomsk  are  also  Bukharians.  The  Tomsk  Tartars,  Hke  those 
of  Tobolsk,  are  agriculturists  and  cattle  breeders.  Their  chief  tribes  are 
the  Tshagi,  Ayus,  and  Tayan.* 

The  Kazaks  we  have  already  described.  They  are  now,  with  the 
exception  of  a  portion  of  the  Great  Horde,  entirely  subject  to  Russia. 
Of  the  Nogais  and  their  present  distribution  we  shall  reserve  a  notice 
for  the  concluding  chapter  of  this  volume.  Here  we  will  content 
ourselves  with  giving  a  list  of  the  chief  Karakalpak  tribes,  as  reported  by 
Vambery,  the  Karakalpaks  being,  as  we  shall  show  in  chapter  xii.,  a 
section  of  the  Nogais.  Vambery  thus  enumerates  them  :  The  Baimakli, 
Khandekli,  Terstamgali,  Achamaili,  Kaichili  Khitai,  Ingakli-Keneguz, 
Tomboyun,  Shaku,  Ontonturuk.f  We  will  now  turn  to  the  Tartars 
properly  so  called,  those  who  formed  the  backbone  of  the  Golden  Horde. 

They  may  be  best  divided  into  the  Tartars  of  the  Crimea,  of  Kazan, 
and  of  Astrakhan.  Of  the  first  of  these  the  number  in  1858, 
according  to  Wahl,  was  240,000,  but  most  of  them  afterwards  migrated 
to  Turkey,  according  to  some  prophecy  which  predicted  the  union 
of  all  Muhammedans  on  Turkish  ground.  "  They  have,  however,  had 
cause  to  repent  of  their  rash  piety,  for  the  holy  soil  did  not  offer 
them  anything  like  what  they  had  left  behind,  and  it  is  said  they 
are  returning  to  the  meat  pots  of  Crimean  Egypt."J  The  Crimean 
Tartars  are  very  mixed  in  blood.  Many  of  them  are  of  Nogai  descent. 
These  are  described  as  slight  in  build,  but  wiry,  with  a  dark  yellowish 
complexion  (often  passing  into  copper  colour),  black  eyes,  small  and  flat 
nose,  black  hair,  and  little  beard.  The  formation  of  their  eyes  and 
temples  is  strikingly  peculiar,  inasmuch  as  the  latter  are  very  projecting, 
and  make  the  former  appear  very  deeply  set  in  their  cavities.  The  eyes 
are  narrow,  long,  and  turn  up  slightly  at  the  corners  towards  the  arch  of 
the  eyebrow. 

"  The  Tartars  of  the  northern  mountains  of  the  Crimea,  and  of  the 
steppes  and  valleys  of  that  part  of  the  country,  are  distinguished  from  the 
others  by  their  tall  stature,  powerful  frames,  and  their  resemblance  to  the 
Circassians.  Their  complexion  is  lighter,  they  have  big  and  dark  eyes, 
black  beard  and  hair.  They  are  a  very  handsome  people.  In  the  south 
of  the  Crimea  they  seem  to  have  much  Greek  blood  in  their  veins.  They 
are  also  tall,  strong,  and  dark  (but  not  yellow,  like  those  of  the  central 
plains),  and  have  long  and  agreeable  faces,  straight  noses,  of  sometimes 
Greek  and  Roman  form,  and  black  eyes  and  hair.  The  form  of  the  Tartar 
ear  is  very  peculiar,  and  is  probably  caused  by  their  habit  of  wearing 
the  big  sheepskin  caps.  Thus  it  happens  often  that  the  ear  is  actually 
broader  than  it  is  long.  The  fairness  of  the  skin  of  their  women,  who 
take  care  never  to  expose  it  to  the  air,  is  really  extraordinary. "§ 

*  Georgi,  op.  cit.,  117 ;   Latham,  174.  t  Vambery,  Travels,  348,  note, 

I  The  Land  of  the  Czar,  178.  §  Wahl,  178  and  179. 


There  is  a  colony  of  Tartars  in  Lithuania  numbering  about  8,000.  Of 
these  3,000  live  in  the  governments  of  Minsk ;  2,800  in  that  of  Vilna ; 
400  in  Kovno ;  and  200  in  northern  Poland.  They  are  composed  partly 
of  Krim  Tartars,  who  were  made  prisoners  of  war,  and  colonised  in  1395 
by  Vitut,  the  ruler  of  Lithuania,  who,  we  are  told,  "  also  established  a 
bodyguard  of  Tartar  warriors,  still  forming  a  part  of  the  lesser  Polish 
nobility.  Although  they  intermarry  with  Polish  women  of  rank,  they 
remain  Muhammedans,  and  contract  no  marriage  below  their  caste,  so 
that  the  Tartar  type  and  martial  spirit  has  been  preserved  by  them  in  all 
their  ancient  force.  But  forty  years  since  there  still  existed  a  Tartar 
regiment,  the  first  rank  of  which  was  armed  with  pikes,  the  second 
consisting  of  the  servants  of  the  first,  which  was  entirely  composed  of 
nobles.  They  are  generally  poor,  but  lead  an  irreproachable  life,  as  if 
to  prove  the  respect  with  which  they  regard  the  memory  and  escutcheon 
of  their  fathers.  They  are  almost  exclusively  engaged  in  the  tanning 
trade,  and  altogether  a  most  worthy,  excellent  people ;  faithful,  and 
brave  soldiers;  modest,  sober,  and  discreet  in  word  and  deed.  Only 
the  educated  can  read  Tartar,  but  without  understanding  it,  and  write 
Russian  or  Polish  with  Arabic  letters.  They  read  the  Koran  in  the 
Russian  or  Polish  Translation."*  The  Tartars  of  Astrakhan,  who  were 
once  a  notable  power,  have  dwindled  down,  as  I  shall  show  further  on, 
into  a  very  small  community,  and  consist  mainly  of  Nogais.f 

The  purest  representatives  of  the  old  Tartar  Khanate  of  the  Golden 
Horde  are  no  doubt  the  Tartars  of  Kazan.  Besides  those  who  live  in 
the  government  of  Kazan  itself,  whose  number  is  put  down  by  Latham 
at  over  300,000,  we  are  told  that  there  are  of  them  in  the  government 
of  Samara  105,000,  in  that  of  Simbirsk  85,000,  Viatka  80,000,  Saratof 
50,000,  Pensa  45,000,  Nijni  Novgorod  37,000,  Perm  35,000,  Tambof 
13,000,  Riazan  5,500,  St.  Petersburg  3,500,  Kostroma  300,  Moscow 
300,  and  among  the  Don  Cossacks  600.  Wahl  says  of  these  Tartars  : 
"They  are  industrious,  particularly  at  their  national  trade,  the 
preparation  of  skins,  manufacture  also  morocco  leather,  and  even 
work  in  the  mines.  Their  nankins  and  soups  are  celebrated.  The 
Tartar  idiom  spoken  by  their  tribe  is  the  purest  of  all  the  Turkish  dialects 
spoken  in  Russia,  and  has  produced  a  literature  by  no  means  despicable. 
They  are  an  affable,  gentle,  honest,  sober,  and  very  cleanly  people, 
so  that  they  are  much  in  request  everywhere.  Their  family  life  is 
exemplary,  and  their  children  are  carefully  educated."! 

Tornirelli  says  of  the  Kazan  Tartars  :  "  The  number  of  their  race 
inhabiting  the  town  of  Kazan  is  about  seven  thousand.  They  are  in 
general  well  formed  and  handsome  ;  their  eyes  are  black  or  grey ;  they 
have  a  keen,  piercing  look,  a  rather  lengthened  form  of  face,  a  long 
nose,  lips  somewhat  thicker  than  those  of  Europeans,  a  black  beard, 

♦Wahl,  op.  cit,  180.1.  tChap.  xii.  2  Wahl,  1 8a. 


carefully  trimmed,  and  hair  entirely  shaven  from  the  head,  which  is 
covered  with  a  small  cap  called  a  tebeteika ;  their  ears  are  large,  and 
standing  out  from  the  head  ;  a  long  neck,  very  wide  shoulders,  and  a 
broad  chest.  Such  is  the  description  Dr.  Fuchs  gives  of  their  form  and 
physiognomy.  They  are  moreover  generally  tall  and  erect ;  their  gait  is 
manly  and  imposing.  The  doctor  was  always  warm  in  his  praise  of  this 
race.  He  says  that  whenever  he  entered  a  Tartar  mosque  he  was 
always  struck  with  the  fine  and  noble  features  of  their  elders,  and  he 
asserts  his  behef  that  the  ancient  ItaUan  artists  might  have  chosen  from 
among  this  race  most  admirable  subjects  for  their  sacred  pictures." 

Of  the  women,  TornireUi  says :  "  They  are  middle-sized,  and  rather 
stout ;  like  the  men,  they  stand  erect,  but  walk  badly  and  awkwardly,  a 
circumstance  principally  owing  to  the  heavy  dress  they  wear.  They 
soon  grow  old,  so  that  a  woman  of  twenty-seven  has  the  look  of  one  of 
forty ;  this  is  owing  to  the  custom  they  have  of  painting  their  faces. 
Their  complexion  is  rather  yellow,  and  their  faces  are  often  covered  with 
pimples  and  a  rash,  which  proceeds  partly  from  the  habit  of  constantly 
lying  on  feather  beds  and  partly  from  their  heavy  and  over-warm 

Dr.  Fuchs  thus  sums  up  the  character  of  the  race  :  "  They  are,"  he 
says,  "proud,  ambitious,  hospitable,  fond  of  money,  cleanly,  tolerably 
civihsed,  intelligent  in  commerce,  incHned  to  boasting,  friendly  to  each 
other,  sober  in  every  way,  and  very  industrious.  What  is  particularly 
striking  is  the  tenacity  with  which  they  have  retained  their  national 
characteristics,  customs,  and  manners,  although  nearly  three  centuries 
have  elapsed  since  the  race  was  subdued  by  the  Russians."*  Our  author 
goes  on  to  describe  in  graphic  fashion  the  manners  and  customs  of  the 
Tartars  in  very  great  detail.  I  will  content  myself  with  extracting  a 
paragraph  or  two.  One  describing  their  dress  is  as  follows  :  "  The 
dress  of  the  Tartars  of  Kazan  is  so  different  from  that  of  every  other 
nation  that  it  certainly  deserves  description.  They  wear  a  shirt 
(kulmiak)  made  of  calico,  sometimes  white  and  sometimes  red ;  their 
drawers  (schtann)  are  worn  very  wide,  and  are  made  likewise  of  calico, 
or  occasionally  of  silk ;  their  stockings,  called  yuk,  are  of  cotton  or 
linen  ;  a  species  of  leather  stockings,  generally  of  morocco  leather,  called 
ichigi,  red  or  yellow,  are  worn  over  the  stockings,  or  sometimes  are 
substituted  for  them.  Their  slippers,  called  kalut,  are  made  of  black  or 
green  leather.  Over  the  shirt  they  wear  two  garments,  somewhat  in  the 
shape  of  a  European  frock-coat  without  a  collar ;  the  under  one,  having 
no  sleeves,  is  made  of  silk ;  the  upper,  with  sleeves,  likewise  of  silk,  is 
called  kasaki.  Over  these  they  wear  a  long  wide  robe,  generally  of  blue 
cloth,  called  chekmen,  which  is  attached  to  the  body  by  a  scarf  (poda). 
In  a  pocket  of  this    garment    they  keep    their    pocket-handkerchief 

*ToraireIli,  ii.,30faz. 


(chaoulok).  Their  heads,  which  are  shaven  to  the  skin,  are  covered 
with  a  species  of  skull-cap,  called  takia  ;  this  is  covered  when  they  go 
out  with  a  hat  (burik),  made  of  velvet  or  cloth  and  ornamented  with 
fur ;  the  rich  Tartars  use  for  this  purpose  beaver-skins  of  great  value."* 

The  following  phrases  from  the  love  letter  of  a  Kazan  Tartar  exhibit 
the  graceful  fancy  of  the  race  : — 

"In  the  garden  there  are  many  flowers,  many  various  flowers ;  but  that 
flower  which  recalls  you  to  my  mind,  my  beloved  friend,  is  the  most 
short-lived  of  any. 

"All  that  we  need  can  be  satisfied;  hunger  can  be  satisfied  with  a 
piece  of  bread,  thirst  with  a  draught  of  water,  but  what  can  satisfy  my 
love  for  you  ? 

"Alas  !  you  are  passing  your  time  in  the  midst  of  pleasures,  I  am 
passing  mine  in  the  midst  of  sighs  and  sadness ;  you  are  blooming  in 
the  midst  of  the  world  like  a  flower  of  Paradise,  I  am  fading  and 
perishing  here  in  the  midst  of  soUtude  and  silence. 

"  The  Volga  flows  rapidly,  time  flies  still  more  rapidly,  but  how  slowly 
move  the  minutes  of  absence  !  "f 

A  more  pathetic  passage  is  the  following  epitaph  from  a  tombstone 
near  Ufa,  on  the  banks  of  the  river  Diurna,  which  is  much  revered  by 
the  Tartars.     It  is  as  follows  ; — 

"  Goss  Gussian  Bey,  a  judge,  full  of  equity,  and  well  informed  in  all 
the  laws,  here  lies  buried. 

"  We  beseech  Thee,  O  Lord,  to  have  pity  upon  him,  and  pardon  his 

"  He  died  in  the  year  774  (of  the  hejira),  in  the  seventh  night  of  the 
sacred  month. 

<'He  planned  and  projected— he  wished  to  execute;  but  Death 
opposes  the  vain  projects  of  man. 

"  No  one  on  earth  can  escape  Death.  Stranger  or  friend !  when  thou 
shalt  pass  this  tomb,  think  of  thy  last  end."  J 

The  influence  of  the  Tartars  was  naturally  very  great  upon  the  various 
Ugrian  races  of  the  Volga,  and  it  is  not  at  all  improbable  that  one  of 
them,  which  is  very  important  from  its  numbers,  namely,  the  Chuvashes 
(and  who,  the  most  recent  Russian  investigations  make  it  probable,  are 
descended  from  the  ancient  Bulgars),  received  from  contact  with  the 
Kazan  Tartars  the  Turkish  dialect  which  they  speak,  and  which  is 
clearly  not  their  original  language,  but  one  which  has  been  adopted. 
This  question,  however,  is  only  remotely  connected  with  our  present 

♦  Tornirelli,  ii.,  a8,  29.  t  Id.,  41,  43.  I  /</.,  76. 


JUCHI     AND     BATU. 


IN  the  earlier  and  less  lucky  days  of  Jingis  Khan,  the  Merkits  made 
a  raid  upon  his  tent  and  carried  off  his  wife  Burte,  who  was  then 
enceinte.  Wang  Khan,  the  chief  of  the  Keraits,  recovered  her 
and  restored  her  to  her  husband.  On  the  way  she  gave  birth  to  a  son, 
who  was  named  Juchi,  i.e.,  the  unexpected  or  the  recently  arrived.*  The 
man  who  went  to  fetch  her,  covered  the  infant  with  dough,  and,  putting 
him  in  the  fold  of  his  cloak,  went  off  with  him  on  horseback.  This  was 
about  the  year  1176.  Such  was  the  birth  of  a  prince  whose  posterity 
governed  a  vast  empire.  His  name  occurs  for  the  first  time,  according  , 
to  Abulghazi  in  1203,  when,  we  are  told,  he  commanded  the  left  wing  of 
his  father's  army  against  Tayang  Khan,  the  chief  of  the  Naimans  ;t  but 
this  is  probably  a  mistake  for  his  uncle  Juchi  Kasar.  He  took  part  in 
his  father's  campaign  against  China  \%  but  it  was  after  this  and  when 
Jingis  Khan  came  into  conflict  with  the  Khuarezm  Shah  Muhammed 
that  Juchi  becomes  prominent.  The  origin  and  early  history  of  this 
campaign  is  only  told  cursorily  in  the  former  volume,  and  may  well 
occupy  a  small  space  here. 

It  was  not  probable  that  two  vast  empires  which  bordered  upon 
one  another,  which  were  both  peopled  by  warlike  inhabitants,  and  both 
ruled  by  ambitious  princes,  would  long  remain  at  peace,  and  cause  of 
quarrel  soon  arose  between  the  ruler  of  Khuarezm  and  the  great 
conqueror  in  the  East,  Jingis  Khan.  At  first,  however,  their  intercourse 
seems  to  have  been  amicable.  The  fruitful  valleys  of  Transoxiana  were 
then  exceedingly  prosperous — filled  with  busy  cities,  the  focus  of  Asiatic 
culture,  and  merchants  from  thence  seem  to  have  made  their  way  into 
remote  corners  of  Asia,  they  trafiicked  with  Bulgaria  for  the  products  of 
the  fur  countries  of  Siberia,  and  with  the  Mongols  for  objects  of  eastern 
origin.  We  are  told  that  a  number  of  these  merchants  found  themselves 
at  the  court  of  Jingis  soon  after  he  had  subdued  the  nomades  of  Eastern 
Asia.  Among  them  there  are  specially  named  Ahmed  of  Khojend,  the 
son  of  the  Emir  Hussein  San,  and  Ahmed  Tajik.§ 

*  Abulghazi,  178.  t  Abulghazi,  89.  \  Erdmann's  Temudjin,  319. 

§  Erdmann's  Temudjin,  356. 


We  are  told  that  one  of  them  exhibited  his  wares  before  the  Great 
Khan,  and  asked  him  an  exorbitant  price  for  them,  two  or  three  gold 
balishes  for  things  only  worth  ten  to  twenty  dinars.  Jingis  was  enraged, 
and  said,  "This  man  fancies  that  we  have  never  seen  such  things 
before ;"  and  he  ordered  the  riches  of  his  wardrobe  to  be  displayed 
before  him,  and  then  had  the  merchant's  goods  confiscated,  and  had  him 
put  under  arrest.  When  his  two  companions  were  introduced  they 
diplomatically  put  no  price  on  their  goods,  and  merely  said,  "  We  have 
brought  these  for  the  emperor."  This  pleased  him  so  much  that  he 
ordered  a  golden  balish  to  be  given  them  for  each  piece  of  golden  tissue, 
a  silver  balish  for  every  two  pieces  of  fine  cotton,  and  another  for  every 
two  pieces  of  coarse  cloth.  He  then  summoned  the  merchant  whose 
goods  had  been  confiscated  and  paid  him  after  the  same  rate.  The 
three  traders  were  well  treated,  were  supplied  with  food,  and  also  with 
white  felt  tents.*  On  their  departure  Jingis  ordered  his  relatives  and 
the  noyans  and  other  grandees  to  choose  two  or  three  agents  each,  and 
to  supply  them  generously  with  money,  and  then  ordered  the  whole  body 
to  return  with  the  merchants  to  the  empire  of  Khuarezm  to  purchase 
some  of  its  products,  and  no  doubt  also  to  report  on  the  condition  of 
the  country.  This  caravan,  according  to  Juveni  and  Rashid,  con- 
sisted of  450  persons,  who  are  said  to  have  been  all  Muhammedans. 
Muhammed  of  Nessa,  who  was  a  high  official  at  the  court  of 
Muhammed's  son,  and  is  therefore  very  reliable,  says  their  number  was 
only  four,  whom  he  names  Omar  Khoja,  of  Otrar ;  El  Jemal,  of  Meraga  ; 
Fakhr  ud  din,  of  Bokhara  ;  and  Amin  ud  din,  of  Herat. t  They  were 
probably  the  four  leaders  of  the  caravan.  The  caravan  was  apparently 
preceded  by  three  envoys  specially  sent  by  Jingis,  who  were  named 
Mahmud  Yelvaj,  of  Khuarezm ;  Ali  Khoja,  of  Bukhara ;  and  Yusuf 
Gemrga,  of  Otrar.  They  took  with  them  silver  bars,  musk,  jade, 
and  robes  made  of  white  camel's  wool  called  Tarkul,  as  presents  for 
the  Khuarezm  Shah,  and  they  also  bore  letters  in  which  Jingis 
recounted  to  him  the  various  kingdoms  he  had  subdued  and  the 
power  he  had  acquired;  he  urged  that  it  would  be  well  that  they 
should  cultivate  each  other's  friendship,  and  he  commended  the 
merchants  to  his  care.  The  letter,  however,  breathed  that  arrogant  spirit 
which  pervaded  all  Mongol  documents,  and,  although  politely  worded, 
Muhammed  was  given  to  understand  that  his  correspondent  was  really 
his  patron,  and  in  addressing  Muhammed  as  his  son  he  really  meant 
that  he  should  consider  himself  his  vassal.  Muhammed  treated  the 
envoys  well,  and  in  the  evening  he  summoned  Mahmud  Yelvaj  to  him, 
and  addressed  him  thus:  "You  are  a  Mussulman  and  a  native  of 
Khuarezm.  Tell  me  the  truth.  Has  your  master  conquered  Tamghadj 
or  no  ?"    At  the  same  time  he  gave  him  a  costly  stone  from  his  casket. 

*  Erdmann,  op.  cit„  357.    D'Ohsson,  i.  205.  t  D'Ohsson,  i.  2061 

JUCHI  KHAN.  •        27 

"  As  true  is  it  as  that  the  Almighty  lives  ;  and  more,  he  will  shortly  be 
the  master  of  the  whole  world,"  was  the  answer.  "  Oh,  Mahmud,"  the 
Sultan  said,  "  you  know  the  extent  of  my  empire  and  my  wide-spreading 
power.  Who  is  this  Khan  of  yours,  who  presumes  to  call  me  his  son, 
and  speaks  to  me  in  such  an  arrogant  tone  ?  How  great  is  his  army — 
how  extended  his  power?"  To  which  he  replied, " The  army  of  Temudjin 
is  to  that  of  the  Sultan  like  the  light  of  a  lamp  beside  the  sun  ;  like  the 
face  of  a  monster  compared  to  that  of  a  Rumelian  Turk."  The  result  of 
this  interview  was  the  arranging  of  a  treaty  of  peace  between  the  two 
sovereigns.    After  which  the  envoys  returned  home  to  their  master.* 

Meanwhile  the  caravan  I  have  named  above  made  its  way  to  Otrar 
which,  as  I  have  said,  was  governed  by  Inaljuk  Gair  Khan.  We  are 
told  he  was  offended  at  the  impertinence  of  one  of  the  party,  who  is  said 
to  have  been  a  Hindu,  and  who  addressed  him  very  familiarly,  but  he 
was  doubtless  more  moved  by  the  chance  of  confiscating  so  much  wealth 
which  had  come  in  his  way,  for  he  was  famous  for  his  avarice,  and  he 
determined  to  put  them  to  death  and  to  seize  their  treasure.  He 
apparently  treated  them  with  great  civility,  but  meanwhile  sent  a 
despatch  off  to  Muhammed,  in  which  he  represented  to  him  that  these 
people  who  came  in  the  guise  of  merchants  were  really  spies.  This 
crafty  letter  had  the  desired  effect.  Muhammed's  suspicions  were 
aroused,  and  he  sent  back  word  that  Gair  Khan  was  to  do  what 
prudence  suggested.  The  latter  accordingly  invited  the  merchants  to  his 
palace,  where  he  gave  them  an  entertainment,  and  then  had  them  secretly 
murdered  ;  but  one  of  the  victims  managed  to  escape.  We  are  told  he 
was  a  camel  driver,  who  had  gone  to  one  of  the  public  hot  baths,  and 
managed  to  escape  by  the  fireplace.  He  returned  to  Jingis  and  reported 
to  him  the  slaughter  of  the  envoys.t 

Jingis  Khan  was  naturally  enraged.  He  sent  off  envoys  to  complain 
to  Muhammed  about  his  subordinate's  treachery,  to  acquaint  the  Sultan 
that  the  greater  number  of  the  murdered  envoys  were  Mussulmans,  and 
to  remind  him  of  the  very  different  treatment  his  subjects  had  met  with 
in  Mongolia.  He  demanded  that  Gair  Khan  should  be  surrendered, 
and  offered  him  war  as  the  alternative  of  refusal.  The  bearer  of  the 
message  was  a  Turk  named  Bagra,  whose  father  had  been  in  the  service 
of  Sultan  Takish.  But  Gair  Khan  was  too  powerfully  connected  to  allow 
the  Sultan  to  surrender  him,  nor  does  he  seem  to  have  been  pleased  with 
the  tone  of  the  message,  for  he  put  Bagra  to  death,  and  sent  back  the 
two  Mongols  with  their  beards  cut.|  Jingis  Khan  was  so  moved 
by  this  atrocity  that  he  wept  and  could  not  rest.  He  chmbed  a 
mountain,  where,  uncovering  his  head  and  throwing  his  girdle  over  his 

*  Erdmann,  op.  cit,  357,  358.    D'Ohsson,  i.  203,  204. 

t  Tabakat  i  Nasiri,  271,  272.    Notes.    Petis  de  la  Croix,  146-148. 

I  D'Ohsson,  i.  207,  2p8>    Petis  de  la  Croix,  148. 


shoulder,  he  invoked  the  vengeance  of  God,  and  passed  three  days  and 
nights  fasting.  Abulfaraj,  to  whom  we  owe  the  account,  adds  that  on 
the  third  night  a  monk  dressed  in  black  appeared  to  him  in  a  dream  and 
bade  him  fear  nothing,  that  he  would  be  successful  in  the  campaign  he 
meditated.  On  awaking  he  repeated  the  dream  to  his  wife  Obulgine, 
the  daughter  of  Wang  Khan,  of  the  Keraits.  She  assured  him  that  the 
monk  was  a  bishop  who  was  in  the  habit  occasionally  of  visiting  her 
father  and  of  giving  him  his  blessing.  Jingis  Khan  appealed  to  the 
Uighur  Christians  if  they  had  any  such  bishop  among  them.  They 
accordingly  summoned  Mar  Denha,  upon  which  Jingis  said  that 
although  the  bishop  was  similarly  dressed  to  the  apparition  which  he  had 
seen  that  his  face  was  different.  The  bishop  then  said  it  must  have 
been  one  of  the  Christian  saints  who  had  gone  to  him.  After  this 
adventure,  we  are  told,  Jingis  treated  the  Christians  with  especial  con- 

It  will  be  confessed  that  Jingis  Khan  had  enough  provocation  for  the 

invasion  he  made  of  the  West,  but  he  had  other  reasons  than  those  I 

have  enumerated.    The  Khalif,  who  had  grown  jealous  of  the  power  of 

the  Khuarezm  Shahs,  also  made  overtures  to  the  Mongol  chief.    We  are 

told  that  he  summoned  his  advisers  about  him,  and  represented  to  them 

the  danger  the  Khalifate  stood  in  from  the  ambition  of  Muhammed,  and 

that  he  was  determined  to  enter  into  communication  with  Jingis  Khan, 

whose  vizier,  Mahmud  Yelvaj,  was  a  Muhammedan.     The  council,  we 

are  told,  was  much  divided.    The  minority  approved  his  suggestion,  but 

the  majority  urged  that  it  was  impious  and  wrong  to  make  allies  of 

infidels  in  struggling  with  good  Mussulmans.     The  Khalif,  in  reply,  said 

that  a  Muhammedan  tyrant  was  worse  than  one  who  was  an  infidel,  and 

that  Jingis  had  numbers  of  Mussulmans  about  him,  one  of  his  chief 

ministers  being  one.     His  view  prevailed,  and  a  suitable  envoy  was 

chosen.     In  order  that  he  might  not  be  discovered  in  traversing  the  very 

crooked  gauntlet  he  would  have  to  pass,  it  was  determined  to  write  his 

passport  on  his  bald  head.     Having  given  him  the  message  he  was  to 

deliver,  they  then  tattooed  his  credentials  in  a  few  words  on  his  head, 

in  the  violet  colour  called  by  them  nil  {i.e.,  Indian  blue),  in  the  manner 

(De  la  Croix  says)  they  do  to  pilgrims  at  Jerusalem,  and  then  sped  him 

on  his  way.     The  envoy  reached  the  chancellary  of  Mahmud  Yelvaj  in 

safety.    He  was  received  in  secret  audience  by  Jingis  Khan,  and  when 

asked  for  his  credentials  bade  them  shave  his  head.     They  did  so,  and 

found  that  the  Khalif  proposed  that  he  and  Jingis  should  attack  the 

empire  of  Khuarezm  on  either  side.    At  that  time  it  would  seem  that 

Jingis  was  not  disposed  to  fight,  and  gave  the  envoy  a  diplomatic  answer, 

but  the  Khalif's  invitation  no  doubt  formed  a  considerable  ingredient  in 

the  motives  which  afterwards    moved    him.      This    invitation,  which 

*  Erdraann,  op.  cit.,  614,    Petis  de  la  Croix,  149-151. 

JUCHI  KHAN.  •       29 

eventually  brought  so  much  disaster  upon  the  Mussulmans,  has  drawn 
much  blame  down  on  the  Khalif  s  head.  Mirkhond  compares  him  to 
the  three  devout  pilgrims  in  the  fable,  who  one  day  met  in  the  fields  with 
a  heap  of  rotting  bones.  They  began  to  dispute  about  them,  but  could 
not  agree  as  to  what  the  animal  was.  They  then  determined  to  pray 
consecutively  to  God  to  revivify  the  animal.  The  first  had  hardly 
finished  his  prayer  when  a  great  wind  arose  and  brought  the  bones 
together,  when  the  second  was  praying  the  bones  were  covered  with 
flesh,  while  in  answer  to  the  prayer  of  the  third  the  object  began  to  move 
with  life.  They  then  found  it  was  a  lion,  who  sprang  upon  them  and 
devoured  them.* 

In  the  year  12 16  Jingis  sent  his  general,  Subutai,  against  an  army  of 
Merkits  which  had  assembled  on  the  Altai  mountains,  under  command 
of  Khudu  or  Khodu,  the  brother  of  Tukta  Bigi,  the  chief  of  the  Merkits, 
and  the  latter's  three  sons  Jilaun,  Jiyuk,  and  Kutulkan  Mergen.  The 
Merkits  were  badly  defeated,  and  Kultukan  was  captured  and  conducted 
before  Juchi.  He  was  a  famous  archer,  whence  he  got  his  soubriquet  of 
Mergen.  Juchi,  who  was  his  father's  chief  huntsman,  wished  to  save 
his  life,  and  appealed  to  his  father.  The  latter  refused,  urging  that  the 
Merkits  had  been  among  their  deadliest  foes,  and  that  after  conquering 
so  many  kingdoms  they  could  well  dispense  with  one  man.  He  was 
accordingly  put  to  death.t 

The  authors  who  recount  this  story  would  make  out  that  the  whole 
Merkit  nation  was  thus  exterminated,  but  we  read  in  other  accounts  that 
two  years  later  a  Mongol  army  was  in  pursuit  of  a  body  of  Merkits  which 
had  fled  westwards  to  the  country  of  the  Kankalis,  and  according  to 
Ibn  al  Athir  and  Muhammed  of  Nessa,  this  army  was  commanded  by 
Juchi  in  person.J  There  is  some  confusion  in  the  accounts.  Some  of 
them  call  the  leader  of  the  Merkits  Tuk  Tughan.§  Rashid  calls  him 
Khudu,  and  he  is  called  Huodu  in  the  Yuan  Shi.||  The  two  latter 
authors  make  the  Mongols  be  commanded  by  Subutai,  and  it  is  probable 
that  they  confused  the  expedition  of  12 18  with  that  of  12 16. 

To  continue  our  story,  the  Mongols  had  pursued  the  Kankalis  in  the 
direction  of  Jend,  had  overtaken  them  between  the  rivers  Kabli  and 
Kamadj — the  Kaili  and  Kamich  of  Erdmann — and  had  completely 
defeated  them.  It  is  very  probable  that  this  battle  was  fought  in  the 
valley  of  the  Chu. 

Muhammed  was  returning  from  Irak,  where  he  had  left  his  son  Rokn 
ud  din  in  charge,  and  had  reached  Samarkand  when  he  heard  of  the 
approach  of  the  fugitives  under  Tuk  Tughan.  He  consequently  marched 
in  the  direction  of  that  town,  by  way  of  Bukhara,  to  prevent  them 

*  Petis  de  la  Croix,  138.  t  Erdmann,  op.  cit.,  333.    D'Ohsson,  i.  156. 

D'Ohsson,  i.  209.    Note.        §  D'Ohsson,  i.  208.    Raverty,  Tabakat  i  Nasiri,  268.    Note.  4. 

[|  Bretscbneider,  Notices  of  Mediaeval  Travellers,  &c.,  174.    Note,  303. 


crossing  into  his  territory.  He  then  heard  that  they  were  being  pursued 
by  an  army  of  Mongols  under  a  son  of  Jingis  himself.  This  induced 
him  to  return  to  Samarkand  for  reinforcements,  with  which  he  again 
advanced  towards  Jend,  thinking,  in  the  quaint  language  of  the 
chronicler,  "  to  bring  down  two  birds  with  one  arrow."  He  pushed  on 
towards  the  scene  of  the  recent  struggle,  where  numerous  dead  bodies 
were  lying  about,  among  which  was  a  wounded  Merkit  who  was  still 
alive.  From  him  he  learnt  that  the  Mongols  had  retired  after  their 
victory.  He  pursued  and  overtook  them  in  a  place  called  Karaku, 
perhaps  the  lake  Kara  kul.  The  Mongol  chief  (who,  according  to  Ibn  al 
Athir,  was  Juchi  himself)  sent  word  to  Muhammed  that  their  two 
kingdoms  were  not  at  war,  that  they  had  already  entrapped  the  prey 
whom  they  were  in  search  of,  and  that  he  had  orders  to  treat  the 
Khuarezmians  as  friends.  He  also  offered  Muhammed  a  portion  of 
the  booty  and  prisoners  whom  he  had  captured  from  the  Merkits. 
Muhammed,  whose  forces  were  much  more  numerous  than  those  of  the 
enemy,  replied  that  if  Jingis  had  given  no  orders  on  the  subject  that  God 
had  ordered  him  to  attack  the  Mongols,  and  that  he  would  win  his 
approval  by  destroying  the  pagans.  Then  the  two  armies  prepared  to 
fight ;  the  great  trumpet,  Kerrena,  fifteen  feet  long,  was  blown,  the  brass 
timbrels,  called  Kus,  the  drums,  fifes,  and  other  warlike  instruments 
sounded  the  charge.*  Major  Raverty  says  the  right  wings  of  either 
army,  as  is  often  the  case  in  eastern,  as  it  has  frequently  been  in  western 
battles,  broke  their  respective  opponents.  The  Mongols  then  attacked 
the  Khuarezmian  centre.  The  Sultan  was  in  some  danger  when  his 
gallant  son  Jelal  ud  din,  who  had  been  victorious  on  the  right,  charged 
the  Mongols  in  flank,  and  saved  the  centre  from  defeat.  The  fight  was 
maintained  with  great  obstinacy  until  nightfall,  when  the  two  armies 
retired  to  a  short  distance  confronting  each  other.  The  Chinese  author 
translated  by  Gaubil  adds  a  curious  fact  to  those  reported  by  the  western 
writers.  He  tells  us  that  Pitu,  the  son  of  Yelu  liuko,  whom  Jingis  had 
appointed  king  of  Liautung,  took  part  in  this  fight  on  the  side  of  the 
Mongols,  as  did  his  relative  Yelu  kohay.  The  former  was  badly 
wounded,  but  seeing  Juchi  surrounded  by  the  enemy  he  rushed  to  the 
rescue,  and  both  managed  to  force  their  way  out.t 

After  the  fight  the  Mongols  lighted  an  immense  number  of  fires  to 
deceive  the  Khuarezmians,  and  decamped  quietly  during  the  night  to 
join  the  camp  of  Jingis.^  The  site  of  this  battle  is  not  very  easy  to 
determine.  One  account  says  it  was  in  the  country  of  Kashgar,§  other 
accounts  say  on  the  frontier  of  the  country  of  the  Jetes,  while  one  says 
it  was  within  the  borders  of  Khuarezm.  This  seems  to  show  it  was  on 
an  indefinite  frontier,  and  strengthens  the  identification  of  it  with  some 
place  in  the  valley  of  the  Chu. 

•  Petis  de  la  Croix,  159-161.       t  Gaubil,  Histoire  de  Gentchiscan,  &c.,  36. 
I  Tabakat  i  Nasiri,  268,  209.  §  Id. 


Sultan  Muhammed,  we  are  told,  having  thus  witnessed  and  beheld 
with  his  own  eyes  in  this  encounter  the  warlike  feats,  the  activity,  and 
the  efforts  of  the  Mongol  forces,  the  next  day  retired  from  that  place,  and 
fear  and  dread  of  them  took  possession  of  his  heart  and  mind,  and  he 
never  again  came  against  them.*  He  retired  to  Samarkand,  where  he 
was  seized  with  unaccountable  irresolution  although  his  forces  probably 
numbered  400,000,  but  they  were  wanting  in  the  discipline  and  soldierly 
virtues  of  the  Mongols.  Nor  had  they  the  latter's  incentive  to  fight.  To 
them  victory  would  bring  little  but  barren  honours,  while  to  the  Mongols 
it  would  open  the  gate  to  the  rich  treasures  of  Transoxiana.  We  are 
told  that  Juchi  was  well  received  and  much  praised  for  his  conduct  by 
his  father.t 

Meanwhile,  in  the  autumn  of  1219,1  Ji^gis,  who  had  summered  his 
horses  on  the  Irtish,  in  the  country  of  the  Naimans,  marched  westwards 
with  the  main  army.  This  he  presently  divided  into  four  divisions,  one 
of  which,  under  the  command  of  Juchi,  was  sent  against  Jend  and 
Yanghikent.  With  him  marched  the  ulus  Bede,  that  is,  the  Uighurs.§ 
He  first  attacked  Sighnak,  which  afterwards  became  the  capital 
of  the  White  Horde.  In  order  to  avoid  bloodshed,  he  sent  an  envoy 
to  summon  its  inhabitants.  He  chose  for  this  purpose  a  Mussulman 
named  Hassan  Haji  (?>.,  the  pilgrim),  who  had  been  in  Mongolia  as  a 
trader.  II  He  urged  upon  the  inhabitants  the  prudence  of  coming  to 
terms  with  the  Mongols.  This  counsel  was  rudely  declined,  and  in  the 
popular  tumult  which  followed  in  the  bazaar  he  was  torn  to  pieces. 
This  treacherous  conduct  enraged  Juchi,  and  he  determined  to  press  the 
attack  with  the  utmost  vigour,  relays  of  fresh  men  continually  replaced 
those  who  were  wearied  out,  until  the  place  was  captured.  This  was  after 
a  seven  days'  siege.  According  to  Mirkhond,  all  the  garrison  was  put  to 
death,  and  more  than  one-half  of  the  principal  inhabitants  paid  with 
their  lives  for  the  murder  of  Hassan.  The  town  and  the  rest  of  the 
inhabitants  were  spared,  inasmuch  as  the  Mongols  needed  it  as  a 
base,  a  magnificent  mausoleum  was  raised  in  the  chief  place  in  the 
city  to  the  memory  of  Hassan,  and  a  splendid  funeral  was  accorded  to 
his  remains  according  to  the  Muhammedan  custom.'ff  This  account 
seems  so  circumstantial  that  we  must  adopt  it  rather  than  the  conven- 
tional description  of  its  fate  followed  by  Erdmann  and  D'Ohsson.  Juchi 
gave  the  government  of  Sighnak  and  the  surrounding  district  to  Hassan's 
son.**  The  fate  of  Sighnak  overawed  the  neighbouring  towns.  Uzkend 
determined  to  surrender,  and  when  the  Mongols  were  within  two  days' 
march  of  it  they  sent  in  their  submission,  the  governor  and  garrison 
meanwhile  retiring  to  Benaket.    Juchi  treated  the  town  with  great  con* 

'■  Id,,  270.  t  Abulghazi,  107.  I  Bretschneider  Notices,  &c.,  59-    Note,  87. 

^  Erdmann's  Temudjin,  371.  1|  Abulghazi,  112.    D'Ohsson,  i.  221. 

f  De  la  Croix,  175,  176.  **  D'Ohsson,  i.  222.  ] 



sideration,  and  having  levied  a  contribution  of  food  merely,  forbade  it  to 
be  plundered,  and  advanced  towards  Eshnash.  Von  Hammer  and 
others  identify  this  town  with'Tashkend,  considering  the  name  to  be  a 
corruption  of  El  Shash,  but  it  is  written  Hanasa  in  the  Chinese  authority 
translated  by  Gaubil,  nor  was  Tashkend  at  all  in  the  direction  taken  by 
Juchi.  It  is  probable  that  all  three  towns  were  situated  north  of  the 
mountains  separating  the  valleys  of  the  Sihun  and  Chu.  We  are  told 
Eshnas  made  a  gallant  defence,  and  was  not  captured  without  some 
bloodshed.*  He  then  captured  Bakhaliaket  or  Barkhaligkend,  and  after- 
wards advanced  upon  Jend.  It  was  a  famous  town  in  the  east,  having 
been  the  birthplace  of  several  celebrated  men.  From  it,  according  to 
Mirkhond,  twenty  Scythian  envoys  went  to  meet  Alexander,  praying  him 
if  he  were  a  god  to  show  it  by  doing  good  to  men,  and  if  but  a  man  to 
reflect  on  the  uncertainty  of  his  condition,  instead  of  proceeding  further 
with  the  design  to  rob  them  of  their  goods  and  quiet.t  At  this  time  it 
was  ruled  by  a  petty  dynasty.  The  name  of  the  ruler  was  Kutlugh  Timur, 
whose  father  had  submitted  to  the  Khuarezm  Shah  and  was  a  dependent 
of  his.  He  was  very  rich,  and  on  the  approach  of  the  Mongols  thought 
it  prudent  to  retire  westwards  towards  Khuarezm  with  his  treasures. 
The  inhabitants  meanwhile  determined  to  defend  the  town.  Juchi  sent 
an  emissary  named,  Chin  Timur,  to  counsel  them  to  submit,  and  he 
reminded  them  of  the  fate  of  Sighnak.  They  would  have  killed  him  but 
that  he  promised  to  persuade  the  Mongols  not  to  touch  the  city.  When 
he  reported  the  result  of  his  journey  and  the  condition  of  the  place, 
he,  according  to  Khuandemir,  suggested  to  Juchi  that  he  should  storm  it 
on  the  side  where  the  inhabitants  deemed  it  most  inaccessible,  namely, 
where  it  was  defended  by  a  ditch.  His  suggestion  was  adopted.  Three 
false  attacks  were  made  elsewhere,  and  the  battering  engines  were 
planted  at  the  weakest  part  of  the  defences.  When  the  day  for  the 
attack  had  arrived,  the  latter  were  assailed  amidst  great  shouts  and  the 
sound  of  timbrels,  drums,  &c.  ;  the  battering  rams  were  planted,  and  the 
Mongol  slingers  drove  the  besiegers  from  the  wall.  This  was  at  dusk. 
When  suspicion  had  been  lulled,  Chin  Timur  placed  his  bridges  on  the 
ditch  and  planted  two  ladders  against  the  wall,  one  of  which  he  mounted 
himself.  The  walls  were  scaled,  the  gates  were  opened,  and  the 
Mongols  let  in  before  the  garrison  was  properly  aroused.  Thus,  says 
Petis  de  la  Croix,  was  the  city  of  Jend  taken  without  any  loss,  for  the 
Mongols,  meeting  with  no  resistance,  did  not  destroy  any  one.  The 
inhabitants  were  ordered  to  leave  the  town  and  to  go  into  a  neighbouring 
plain,  where  they  remained  for  nine  days  and  were  numbered.  The 
Mongols  then  plundered  the  houses,  and  having  planted  a  garrison  there 
under  the  orders  of  Ali  Khoja,  who  was  a  Muhammedan  from  Bokhara, 
and  had  been  with  the  Mongols  before  the  war,  as  I  have  mentioned, 

*  De  la  Croix,  177.  t  De  la  Croix,  177. 


they  allowed  them  to  return,  only  two  or  three  of  them,  who  had  abused 
Chin  Timur  in  his  conference  with  the  inhabitants,  were  killed.* 

Juchi  now  despatched  a  tuman  or  division  to  capture  ,the  town  of 
Yanghikent,  which  was  situated  on  the  Jaxartes,  two  days'  journey  from 
its  outfall  into  the  sea  of  Aral.  There  also  he  placed  a  commander. 
Soon  after  this  the  ulus  Bede,  ?>.,  the  Uighurs,  were  permitted  to  return 
home,  and  Juchi  replaced  them  by  a  body  of  10,000  auxiliaries  from  the 
Kankali  steppe,  under  the  command  of  Ainal  Noyan,  and  sent  them 
towards  Khuarezm.  They  went  on  with  the  advance  guard,  but  these 
unruly  nomades  killed  the  commander  Ainal  Noyan  set  over  them,  and 
afterwards  scattered  and  sought  refuge  about  Amuyeh  and  Meru.t 

While  Juchi  was  subduing  the  towns  on  the  lower  Jaxartes,  his 
brothers  were  conquering  those  further  east,  and  his  father  advanced  on 
Samarkand  and  Bokhara.  After  the  fall  of  those  towns  Jingis  sent  his 
three  eldest  sons,  Juchi,  Jagatai,  and  Ogotai,  against  Khuarezm,  where 
there  were  at  this  time  three  commanders,  Khumar  Tikin,  Moghol 
Hajib,  and  Feridun.  The  first  of  these  was  the  eldest  brother  of  the 
famous  Turkan  Khatun,  the  mother  of  Muhammed  Khuarezm  Shah, 
and  he  had  been  appointed  governor  of  Urgenj  by  his  nephew. 

Urgenj  was  then  very  populous,  and  its  people  were  Hving  an  easy 
life,  not  suspecting  the  storm  which  was  about  to  break  over  them. 
When  the  Mongol  advance  guard  approached  the  gates  and  carried  off 
some  horses  and  asses,  the  hyperbolic  Abulghazi  would  have  us  believe 
that  they  were  pursued  by  100,000  horsemen  from  the  town,  who  overtook 
them  at  a  garden  situated  a  farsang  distant,  and  named  Baghi-Kurrem, 
/.<?.,  Garden  of  Delights  ;  there  the  Mongols  had  planted  an  ambush,  and 
such  a  carnage  ensued  that  but  ten  men  escaped  of  the  100,000  !  !  !  The 
Mongols  pursued  them  as  far  as  a  place  called  Tenure,  and  ravaged 
the  whole  country  round.  On  the  following  day  they  beleagured  the 
town.J  Juchi  sent  in  a  summons  for  it  to  surrender,  telling  its  people 
that  it  had  been  given  him  by  his  father,  and  that  he  wished  to  preserve 
its  beauty  intact.  This  summons  was  not  obeyed,  and  the  siege 
proceeded.  It  lasted  for  seven  months,  the  Mongol  catapults,  for  lack  of 
stones,  having  to  be  served  with  balls  made  out  of  the  neighbouring 
mulberry  trees  soaked  in  water ;  the  besiegers  further  attempted  to  divert 
the  waters  of  the  Oxus  above  the  town,  and  sent  3,000  men  to  dig  the 
necessary  ditch,  but  the  garrison  attacked  and  destroyed  these  workmen. 
The  siege  work  was  hampered  by  the  quarrels  of  the  two  brothers  Juchi 
and  Jagatai,  and  to  punish  them  Jingis  superseded  them  and  appointed 
Ogotai,  whose  generous  and  docile  disposition  was  well  suited  to  restore 
peace.  This  policy  was  successful,  and  the  siege  was  pressed  on. 
Gaubil's  Chinese  authority  tells  us  the  inhabitants  had  planted  their  best 

*  Petis  de  la  Croix,  178-183.    Erdmann,  op.  cit.,  372*  373-    D'Ohsson,  i.  222,  223. 
t  Erdmann,  374.  J  Abulghazi,  118, 


troops  along  the  river,  and  had  constructed  ten  entrenchments.  They 
had  also  prepared  a  well  armed  fleet.  Kopaoyu,  who  had  been  an  officer 
of  the  Kin  empire,  but  had  passed  over  to  the  side  of  Jingis  on  the 
tatter's  great  victory  in  121  r,  was  ordered  to  attack  the  fleet.  We  are  told 
he  made  a  number  of  fire  arrows,  which  he  discharged  during  a  wind,  and 
which  set  the  boats  in  a  blaze.  Under  cover  of  the  confusion  and  smoke 
caused  by  this  fire  the  Mongols  attacked  and  forced  the  entrenchments 
and  captured  the  town.*  Its  inhabitants  were  ordered  to  evacuate  it,  the 
artisans,  consising  of  100,000  families,  were  set  apart ;  the  girls  and  boys 
were  reduced  to  slavery ;  the  rest  were  distributed  among  the  soldiers' 
twenty-four  to  each,  and  all  were  then  slaughtered. 

Abulghazi  says  it  is  reported  that  the  Sheikh  Nadjmud  din  Kubra,  son 
of  Omar  the  Khivan,  whose  name  had  a  world-wide  repute,  was  then  at 
Urgenj.  The  Mongol  princes  sent  to  ask  him  to  go  out,  so  that  he  might 
not  be  trodden  under  by  the  horses.  He  replied  that  he  was  not  alone? 
but  had  relatives  and  slaves.  They  then  bade  him  go  with  ten  persons. 
He  replied,  he  had  more  than  ten.  Then  they  said  he  might  go  out  with 
100  persons.  He  said  he  had  more  than  100.  Then  said  they,  take 
1,000  persons  ;  but  he  replied,  "  In  happifer  days  I  knew  all  these  people, 
who  were  my  friends.  How  can  I  abandon  them  in  their  misfortune  ? 
No,  I  cannot  leave."  At  this  moment  the  Mongols  arrived  at  his  house, 
and  after  sending  several  of  them  to  Hades,  he  ended  by  himself 
receiving  the  crown  of  martyrdom.  It  is  said  (/.<?.,  in  the  Koran,  sura  ii,, 
verse  151),  "We  belong  to  God,  and  we  return  to  him."t  This  very 
problematical  story,  partially  constructed  out  of  the  old  history  of  the 
fall  of  the  cities  of  the  plain,  one  only  quotes  as  illustrating  eastern 
modes  of  thought.  Its  details  are  entirely  contrary  to  what  we  know  of 
Mongol  poHcy,  which  was  not  over  tender  to  Mussulman  saints. 

Juchi  was  much  piqued  at  being  superseded,  and,  after  the  capture  of 
Urgenj,  he,  according  to  the  Persian  authors,  retired  to  the  deserts  of  the 
Kirghiz  Kazaks,  and  subdued  the  Kankalis  and  other  tribes  there; 
probably  making  himself  master  of  the  various  nomades  who  lived  in  the 
steppes  between  the  Yaik  and  the  Jaxartes. 

The  Yuan  chao  pi  shi  and  the  Ts  ing  cheng  lu,  however,  say  that  after 
the  fall  of  the  city  all  three  brothers  repaired  to  their  father's  camp.  It 
was  probably  after  this  he  retired  in  dudgeon. J  The  cause  of  the 
quarrel  with  his  brothers,  which  led  to  important  results  afterwards,  is 
perhaps  to  be  found  in  the  fact  of  the  ambiguous  circumstances  sur- 
rounding his  birth,§  and  which  made  it  possible  for  people  to  suggest 
that  he  was  a  bastard,  a  soubriquet  that  is  not  easily  forgiven.  It  was 
perhaps  because  of  this  suspicion  that  his  father  made  his  brother  Ogotai 
and  not  himself  the  head  of  the  house.  He  spent  his  time  in  hunting, 
and  was  master  of  the  hunt  in  the  establishment  of  Jingis.    When  in 

*  Op.  cit.,  37.  t  Abulghazi,  119, 120.  J  Bretschncidef,  66,  67.  §  Vide  ante. 

JUCHI   KHAN.  •        35 

1224  Jingis  returned  home  from  his  Indian  campaign,  he  ordered  Juchi 
to  go  and  meet  him  at  Kolan  Taslii,  near  the  Jaxartes,  and  drive  a  vast 
body  of  wild  animals,  so  that  they  should  concentrate  there  and  he  might 
enjoy  his  favourite  sport.  Juchi  himself  did  not  go,  but  he  had  the 
myriads  of  wild  asses  his  father  loved  to  hunt  driven  to  the  appointed 
rendezvous.  His  father  had  given  him  orders  to  conquer  the  country 
north  of  the  Black  Sea,  including,  according  to  Rashid,  Ibir  Sibir, 
Bulgaria,  Kipchak,  Baschguerdia  {i.e.,  Hungary),  Russia,  and  Circassia  ; 
but  the  lazy  hunter  neglected  this  duty,  and  was  content  with  the 
appanage  he  had  already  acquired.  This  consisted  of  the  Eastern 
Kipchak,  a  great  part  of  which  was  known  in  later  days  as  Desht  Jitteh. 

Irritated  at  Juchi  for  not  prosecuting  the  conquest  of  the  desert  tribes,* 
Jingis  had  on  his  journey  homewards  from  Persia  sent  him  several 
summons  to  go  to  him.  He  had  excused  himself  on  the  ground  of  his 
bad  health,  and  he  was  in  fact  unwell.  When  Jingis  arrived  once  more 
at  his  ordu,  in  February,  1225,  a  Mangut  also  arrived  there  from  Juchi's 
country,  who  reported  that  he  was  well  and  that  he  had  seen  him 
recently  engaged  in  hunting.  Jingis,  we  are  told,  was  convinced  his  son 
had  wilfully  disobeyed  him,  and  determined  to  bring  him  back  to  his 
obedience  sharply  ;  and  his  two  other  sons,  Ogotai  and  Jagatai,  had  in 
fact  set  out  with  the  advance  guard,  Jingis  himself  proposing  to  follow  on 
that  errand,  when  news  arrived  that  he  was  dead.t  Juchi  died  in  1224, 
and  according  to  M.Veliaminof  Zernof,  he  was  buried  near  Seraili  (.?Serai).J 
He  was  then  forty-eight  years  old. 

Whether  Jingis  had  the  intention  to  displace  his  eldest  son  from  the 
heirship  of  the  Mongol  empire,  either  from  his  questionable  birth  or  from 
his  repeated  disobedience  or  not,  it  is  clear  that  his  death  made  matters 
more  easy  for  such  a  revolution.  According  to  Mongol  law  a  sovereign  is 
always  succeeded  by  his  eldest  surviving  brother,  and  thus  the  immediate 
heritage  on  Juchi's  death  fell  not  to  his  sons  but  to  his  brother,  and  by 
the  will  of  Jingis,  Ogotai  was  in  fact  named  his  heir.  Juchi's  family 
succeeded,  therefore,  not  to  the  Imperial  dignity  but  only  to  their  father's 
special  ulus  or  appanage,  which  was  apparently  conterminous  with 
Khuarezm  proper  and  the  steppes  of  the  Kankalis;  the  Ural,  the  Jaxartes, 
and  the  Oxus  being  the  rivers  which  watered  it. 

The  senior  wife  of  Juchi  was  Bekutemish,  the  daughter  of  Yakembo, 
brother  of  the  Wang  Khan  of  the  Keraits.  She  was  one  of  three  famous 
sisters,  the  other  two  being  Siurkukteni,  the  wife  of  Tului,  and  Abika,  the 
wife  of  Jingis,  whom  he  afterwards  married  (being  directed  thereto  in 
a  dream)  to  a  Urut  prince,  who  was  acting  as  his  body  guard.§ 
His  second  wife  was  Oki  or  Ukin  Kuchin,  the  daughter  of  Ilji  Noyan 
of  the  Kunkurats.d     Another  of  his  wives  was  Sultan  Khatun,  of  the 

*  Abulghazi,  140,  141,    D'Ohsson,  i.  353,  354.    Erdmann,  Note,  336. 

+  Erdmann,  Note,  336.  \  Abulghazi,  141.    Note,  i. 

]§  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  93.  \  Klaproth,  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  274.    Note, 


tribe  Imen.*  Khuandemir  mentions  a  fourth,  also  a  Kunkurat,  who  was 
called  Sarkan.t  By  these,  and  probably  other  wives,  he  had  a  numerous 
family.  Rashid  says  forty  sons,  but  this  is  doubtless  a  mistake  for 
fourteen,  and  Khuandemir  says  expressly  he  had  fourteen  sons.  He 
also  left  two  daughters,  one  of  whom  was  married  to  the  Khan  of  the 
Karluks,  and  another  to  Sighnak  Tikin,  chief  of  Almaligh.§ 


The  various  sons  of  Juchi  are  divided  by  Rashid  into  two  divisions. 
Those  of  the  right  hand,  i.e.,  the  western  division,  and  those  of  the  left 
hand,  i.e.,  the  eastern  division,  a  division  which  probably  coincides  with 
their  relationship,  those  in  each  section  having  been  by  a  different 
mother.  Orda,  the  eldest  son  of  Juchi,  was  the  head  of  the  eastern 
house,  and  Batu  of  the  western,  the  latter  being  in  a  position  of  feudal 
dependence  on  the  former.  This  dependence  was,  however,  almost 
nominal.  We  find  Batu  taking  command  of  the  army  which  invaded 
Hungary  (to  whose  doings  I  shall  return  presently),  and  according  to 
Abulghazi,  whose  authority,  however,  on  such  a  point  is  not  of  much 
value,  he  was  nominated  as  successor  to  Juchi  by  Jingis  Khan  himself. 
He  tells  us  that  after  the  customary  mourning  Jingis  sent  his  brother 
Uchegin  to  instal  Batu,  surnamed  Sain  Khan,  or  the  good  prince,  and  to 
insist  upon  his  brothers  submitting  to  him.  In  case  any  of  them  refused 
he  was  to  be  sent  to  Jingis  to  be  dealt  with  by  him.  When  Batu 
heard  of  the  approach  of  Uchegin  he  sent  his  sons,  brothers,  and  emirs 
to  meet  him,  and  then  set  out  himself.  The  first  three  days  after  his 
arrival  were  devoted  to  mourning  for  the  death  of  Juchi.  After  which 
Uchegin  duly  installed  Batu,  who  was  recognised  by  all  his  brothers.  A 
great  feast  followed,  in  which  the  Mongols,  as  was  their  custom, 
presented  Batu  with  the  cup,  who  in  turn  presented  it  to  them  again,  and 
distributed  rich  presents.  It  was  in  the  midst  of  these  rejoicings  that 
news  arrived  of  the  death  of  Jingis.  ||  This  story,  as  I  have  said,  I  believe 
to  be  largely  fabulous.  Among  the  Mongols,  as  among  nomadic  people 
generally,  the  father  left  his  clans  and  his  herds,  rather  than  any  distinct 
territory  to  his  sons.  The  land  was  merely  the  pasturing  ground  of  the 
cattle,  and  its  area  was  limited  by  their  necessities.  On  turning  to  the 
army  Ust  of  Jingis  Khan  we  find  that  but  4,000  men  of  Mongol  race  were 
left  to  Juchi  and  his  family.  This  is  a  very  good  proof  of  the  small 
Mongol  element  there  was  in  the  Golden  Horde.  It  formed  but  the  steel 
head  of  the  spear,  the  shaft  of  which  was  comprised  of  heterogeneous 

*  /</.,  290.    Note.        t  Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  sen,  xvii.  108.         I  Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  io8. 
%  Von  Hammer,  op.  cit.,  93.  ||  Op.  cit.,  178,  179. 

BATU   KHAN.  '      37 

These  four  thousand  Mongols  were  divided  into  four  Hezarehs,  or 
battalions  of  a  thousand,  the  first  one  commanded  by  the  Saljiut 
Munggur,  who  commanded  the  left  wing  in  Batu's  army,  and  was 
succeeded  by  his  son  Jerkes  ;  the  second  by  Gingetai  Kuman  Noyan,  of 
the  Ginget  tribe,  whose  son  Huran  was  a  distinguished  prince  ;  the  third 
by  Hushitai,  of  the  Hushin  tribe,  one  of  the  subjects  of  Burji  Noyan  ; 
and  the  fourth  by  Barku,  who  was  attached  to  the  right  wing.  A  portion 
of  these  Mongols,  in  the  subsequent  civil  strife  which  occurred  among 
the  Mongol  princes,  settled  in  the  territory  of  the  Ilkhans,  i.e.,  in  Persia.* 

Such  was  the  salt  of  the  army ;  the  main  body  was  composed  of 
Russians,  Circassians,  Magyars,  and  Turks,  of  whom  the  Turks,  as  I 
have  said,  formed  the  overwhelming  number.  This  being  so,  the  term 
Mongol,  as  applied  to  the  people  constituting  the  Ulus  of  Juchi  and  his 
descendants,  is  in  some  sense  a  misnomer,  for  it  only  describes  the 
leaders  and  the  cream  of  the  army.  Ulifortunately  no  name  is  unexcep- 
tionable, but  after  some  hesitation  I  have  decided  to  designate  them  as 
Tartars,  the  name  by  which  the  mediaeval  travellers  and  the  Russian 
chroniclers  called  them,  and  the  name  by  which  their  descendants,  the 
Krim  Tartars,  the  Tartars  of  Kazan,  the  Nogay  Tartars,  &c.,  are  still 
known.  In  using  this  name  it  must  be  remembered,  as  I  showed  in  the 
former  volume,  that  the  Tartars  proper  were  a  different  race,  probably  of 
Tungus  origin,  and  that  we  only  use  it  in  the  present  instance  from  its 
being  so  generally  diffused  as  connoting  the  subjects  of  Batu  Khan,  and 
in  default  of  a  better  name.  As  I  have  said,  I  discredit  the  statement  of 
Abulghazi  about  Batu  having  been  nominated  to  the  head  of  his  house 
by  Jingis,  nor  did  he  acquire  that  dignity  for  some  time  and  probably 
until  after  his  great  success  as  a  general. 

At  this  time  the  princes  of  the  left  hand  were  no  doubt  the  most 
important.  Orda,  Tuk  Timur,  Singkur,  and  Siklumt  are  named  as 
constituting  it,  and  Orda  was  the  eldest  son  of  Juchi.  His  mother, 
according  to  Khuandemir,  was  called  Sarkan.J  There  are  reasons  for 
believing  that  these  princes  had  the  greatest  share  in  the  division  of 
Juchi's  heritage.  It  would  seem  that  soon  after  Juchi's  death  they  began 
an  aggressive  war  upon  the  neighbouring  tribes.  From  the  narrative  of 
the  friar  Julian,  who  travelled  as  far  as  Great  Hungary,  or  the  country  of 
the  Bashkirs,  in  1236,  we  learn  that  the  Tartars,  i.e.,  the  Mongols,  then 
lived  in  contact  with  and  had  been  defeated  in  battle  by  them,  that 
afterwards  they  formed  an  alliance  together,  and  as  allies,  that  they 
conquered  fifteen  kingdoms.§  He  describes  these  Eastern  Hungarians, 
or  Bashkirs,  as  heathens,  and  as  neither  having  any  knowledge  of  the 
true  God  nor  worshipping  other  gods,  but  as  living  like  wild  beasts. 
They  did  not  practise  agriculture,  ate  horses  and  wolves'  flesh,  and  drank 

*  Erilmann,  453.  tVon  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  95. 

I  Journ.  Asiat,,  4th  sen,  xvii.  108.  (Von  Hammer  reads  it  Oturkan  or  Olserkan.  Golden 
Horde,  95.    Note.)  §  Wolff,  266. 


milk,  wine,  and  blood.  They  had  horses  and  weapons  in  abundance,  and 
were  very  warlike.  They  had  a  tradition  that  the  Hungarians  had  gone 
from  their  country,  but  did  not  know  where  they  had  gone  to.* 

But  to  revert  to  our  story,  the  Tartars  seem  to  have  carried  their  arms 
as  far  west  as  Bolghari,  on  the  Volga,  the  capital  of  the  Eastern 
Bulgarians.  It  is  well  known  that  among  the  ruins  of  that  town,  which 
still  remain,  there  have  been  found  a  number  of  ancient  gravestones  with 
inscriptions  in  Arabic  and  Armenian.  Klaproth  wrote  a  paper  on  these 
stones,  which  was  printed  in  the  Journal  of  the  French  Asiatic  Society.t 
The  most  ancient  of  these  inscriptions  are  dated  in  the  year  of  the 
arrival  of  the  oppression,  and  bear  a  chronogram,  which  Klaproth  has 
read  623  of  the  hejira,  i.e.^  the  year  1226,+  and  his  view  has  been 
generally  accepted,  that  the  curious  phrase  and  date  have  reference  to  an 
invasion  of  Bulgaria  by  the  Tartars  in  that  year.§ 

Jingis  Khan  died  in  1227,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Ogotai.  On 
the  latter's  accession  he  sent,  or  rather  ordered  Singkur,  who  is  otherwise 
called  Suntai,  one  of  the  princes  of  the  left  division  already  named,  to 
march  at  the  head  of  30,000  men  against  the  tribes  on  the  lower  Yaik  or 
Ural ;  and  we  read  how  in  the  year  1229  the  Saksins,  the  Poloutsi,  and 
a  section  of  the  Bulgars  fled  and  found  refuge  in  Bulgaria,  and  Suntai 
apparently  wintered  in  1232  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Bolghari.  ||  The 
Bulgarians  appealed  for  assistance  to  the  Grand  Prince  George  II.  of 
Vladimir,  while  the  Poloutsi  were  aided  by  Isiaslaf  Mitislaf  of  Smolensko 
and  Vladimir  Rurikovitch  of  Kief,  and  the  Tartars  seem  to  have  been 
forced  to  retire  once  more  to  the  Yaik.  Wolff  urges  that  the  Poloutsi 
probably  took  part  in  this  struggle,  since  Kotiak,  their  chief,  in  his  com- 
munications with  Bela  IV.  of  Hungary,  claims  to  have  twice  defeated  the 
Tartars  in  former  years.  U 

When  the  friar  Julian  visited  Great  Hungary,  as  I  have  mentioned,  in 
the  spring  of  1236,  he  met  some  Tartars  and  an  envoy  from  their  chief 
(doubtless  from  Singkur).**  It  is  not  easy  to  see  why  Singkur  should 
have  had  charge  of  the  army  rather  than  his  brother  Orda,  unless 
perhaps  the  latter  with  Batu  accompanied  Ogotai  on  his  expedition  to 
China,  as  Abulghazi  says.  When  Batu  made  his  great  expedition  into 
Hungary  Singkur  was  left  behind,  apparently  in  charge  of  the  ulus 
of  Juchi.  It  was  probably  the  report  of  Singkur's  want  of  success 
in  Bulgaria  which  weighed  with  the  great  Kuriltai  which  assembled 
in  1235,  where  it  was  decided  inter  alia  that  an  army  should  march 
westwards  against  the  Russians.  The  command  of  this  army  was 
not  given  to  Orda,  the  eldest  brother,  but  to  Batu,  who  had  probably 
shown  his  prowess  in  the  Chinese  campaign.  Under  him  marched  his 
brothers  Orda,  Sheiban,  and  Tangut ;   Baidar,  the  son,  and  Buri,  the 

*  Id.  t  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  viii.  483,  &c.  ;7d.,485. 

§  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  99.    Wolff,  123.  1|  Karamzin,  Eerman  ed.,  3.    Note,  175. 

f  Wolff,  124.  **Id.,2b6. 

BATU   KHAN.  39 

grandson  of  Jagatai ;  Kuyuk  and  Kadan  Ogul,  the  sons  of  Ogotai  ; 
Mangu  and  Bejak,  the  sons  of  Tului ;  and  Kulkan,  the  half-brother  of 
the  Great  Khan  Ogotai.* 

This  was  not  the  first  time  the  Tartars  had  crossed  arms  with  the 
Russians.  I  have  in  the  previous  volume  described  the  campaign  which 
they  fought  against  them  under  their  generals  Subutai  and  Chepe, 
whose  central  point  was  the  great  fight  on  the  Kalka.  Ibn  al  Athir  tells 
us  that  on  retiring  from  Russia  on  that  occasion  they,  in  January,  1224, 
made  a  raid  upon  Bulgaria,  where  they  were  entrapped  into  an  ambush 
and  suffered  severely.  He  tells  us  that  during  the  time  when  the 
Mongols  were  in  Southern  Russia  the  communication  with  the  country 
to  the  north  (which  was  the  land  of  furs  to  the  then  civilised  world)  was 
interrupted,  and  that  in  consequence  the  trade  in  burtasi,  /.<?.,  so  called 
"  Russian  leather,"  and  in  the  furs  of  the  ermine  and  beaver,  was  for  a 
while  interrupted.! 

Let  us  now  turn,  however,  to  the  more  important  invasion  of  1238. 
The  grand  army  seems  to  have  assembled  on  the  borders  of  the  Yaik, 
and  was  doubtless  composed  very  largely  of  Kankahs,  Naimans,  &c.,  the 
debris  of  the  old  empire  of  Kara  Khitai  and  of  the  Naimans,  and 
resembled  a  huge  encampment  of  the  Kirghiz  Kazaks  of  our  day,  who 
are  so  nearly  allied  in  blood  and  otherwise  with  Batu's  followers. 

The  army  was  divided  into  three  divisions.  One  marched  against  the 
Saksins,  on  the  lower  Volga,  whose  chief  was  Pachiman.  The  town 
attacked  by  this  body  was  apparently  the  Sumerkent  of  Rubruquis,  which 
he  tells  us  took  eight  years  to  capture.  This  probably  includes  a  former 
siege  by  Singkur.  While  Mangu  and  Bejuk  marched  with  this  army 
towards  the  lower  Volga,  Subutai,  the  hero  of  so  many  fights,  and 
especially  of  the  celebrated  campaign  in  which,  in  company  with 
Chepe,  he  forced  the  Caucasus  and  defeated  the  Russian  princes  on  the 
Kalka,  marched  against  Bolghari.  He  doubtless  acted  the  part  of 
Marshal  Moltke  in  the  recent  war  between  Germany  and  France,  and 
was  the  head  of  the  staff  and  general  superintendent  of  the  strategy.  He 
reduced  the  Bulgarians  (two  of  whose  princes  did  homage),  and  when 
they  afterwards  rebelled  he  was  sent  to  punish  them.| 

At  the  time  of  Batu's  invasion  George  Vsevolodovitch  was  grand  prince 
of  Vladimir ;  his  brother  Yaroslaf,  who  had  for  many  years  reigned  at 
Novgorod,  had  only  just  seized  the  throne  of  Kief,  and  had  left  his 
famous  son  Alexander  Nevski  at  Novgorod.§    Thus  the  three  virtual 

♦  In  the  account  of  this  campaign  in  the  former  volume,  I  have  mentioned  Kaidu,  a  son  of 
Jagatai,  as  having  taken  part  in  it  on  the  authority  of  Wolff,  but  I  believe  this  to  be  a  mistake. 
He  is  not  named,  so  far  as  I  know,  by  other  writers,  and  the  mistake  seems  founded  on  one  of 
Dlugocz,  the  Hungarian  historian.  I  have  also  been  mistaken  in  calling  Buri  a  son  of 
Jagatai's,  as  Bergeron  in  fact  calls  him.  (Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  118.  Note.)  He  was 
Jagatai's  grandson. 

t  Defremery  Extracts  from  Ibn  al  Athir.     Journal  Asiatique,  4th  series,  xiv.  459,  4^0. 
I  Rashid,  D'Ohsson,  ii.  623.  ^  Karamzin,  iii.  332,  333- 


capitals  of  Russia  were  in  the  same  hands.  The  grand  prince  was  also 
acknowledged  as  their  lord  paramount  by  the  Mordvins,  who  had 
suffered  much  at  the  hands  of  his  people,  while  the  Bulgarians  on  the 
Kama  were  also  more  or  less  subordinate  to  him.  The.  Mordvins, 
however,  had  felt  the  heel  of  their  patrons  too  much  to  be  very  contented, 
and  were  no  doubt  ready  to  help  any  invaders  who  might  offer  them 
surcease,  and  such  invaders  were  now  at  hand  in  the  persons  of  Batu  and 
his  followers.  The  life  of  Mangu  in  the  Yuan  shi  tells  us  that  after 
capturing  Pachiman  he  joined  Batu  in  his  expedition  against  the 
Russians,  and  fought  in  person  at  the  capture  of  Riazan.* 

The  main  army  of  the  Tartars  advanced,  as  I  have  described,!  through 
the  modern  governments  of  Simbirsk,  Pensa,  and  Tambof,  then  chiefly 
peopled  by  the  Mordvins,  who  acted  as  their  guides,  towards  the  eastern 
frontiers  of  Russia.  These  coincided  with  the  eastern  boundary  of  the 
modern  government  of  Riazan,  then  constituting  the  principahty  of  Riazan. 
I  have  described  this  campaign  in  my  former  volume  as  it  is  told  by  the 
contemporary  writers,  but  a  more  romantic  story  is  told  in  the  more 
modern  chronicle  of  KostromaJ  (which  was  written  in  the  seventeenth 
century),  perhaps  founded  on  reliable  traditions.  According  to  this 
account,  when  Batu  appeared  on  the  frontier,  George,  the  Prince  of 
Riazan,  sent  his  son  Feodor  with  presents  to  him.  Batu  accepted  them, 
and  ordered  the  Russian  princes  to  send  him  their  sisters  and  daughters ; 
and  having  heard  that  Feodor  had  a  beautiful  wife,  an  Imperial 
princess  named  Euphrasia,  he  asked  to  see  her.  Feodor  replied  that  it 
was  not  the  custom  for  Christian  princes  to  show  their  wives  to  infidels;, 
upon  which  he  was  decapitated.  A  few  days  after  Euphrasia,  who  was 
in  one  of  the  top  rooms  of  the  palace  holding  in  her  arms  her  little  son, 
Ivan  Feodorovitch  Postnik,  having  heard  the  news  of  how  her  husband 
had  sacrificed  his  life  for  her  beauty,  threw  herself  from  the  window,  and 
thus  perished.  Another  narrative  says  that  she  threw  herself  down  from 
the  church  of  Saint  Nicholas  with  her  child.  The  site  of  this  deed  after- 
wards bore  the  name  of  uboi,  i.e.^  "  fall."§  The  names  in  Rashid's  MSS. 
are  frequently  very  corrupt.  In  the  MS.  of  Vienna,  Riazan  is  given  as 
Erjan,  while  in  that  of  Paris,  as  given  by  D'Ohsson,  it  is  further  corrupted 
into  Ban.  II  The  Riazan  of  those  days  is  now  represented  by  the  ruins 
and  village  of  Staraia  Riazan,  ten  leagues  distant  from  the  modern 
Riazan.^  One  of  the  Russian  chronicles  tells  us  that  during  the  attack 
on  Riazan,  Ingor,  one  of  its  princes,  was  at  Chernigof  with  a  nobleman 
named  Eupathius  Kolurat.  When  the  latter  heard  of  the  Tartar 
invasion  he  marched  to  the  rescue,  but  Batu  had  already  passed  on.  He 
went  on  in  pursuit  with  7,000  warriors,  with  whom  he  broke  the  Tartar 
rear  guard,  who  thought  that  they  were  the  warriors  of  Riazan  who  had 

*  Bretschneider,  82.  t  Vol.  i.  136.  \  Karamzin,  3.    Note,  43. 

S  Karamzin,  iii.  337.  Note,  43.  ||  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  102.  Note,  4. 

'i  Nestor,  ed.  Paris,  Table  des  Origines,  167. 


come  to  life  again,  but  they  were  overwhelmed  and  perished.  Mean- 
while Ingor  returned  once  more  to  the  principality,  which  he  found 
strewn  with  ruins  and  corpses.  Having  collected  together  the  priests 
and  others  who  had  escaped,  he  began  to  inter  the  dead.  The  body 
of  Prince  George  was  found  after  some  trouble,  taken  to  Riazan,  and 
there  buried,  and  stone  crosses  were  erected  over  the  tombs  of  Feodor, 
his  wife,  and  son,  who  were  buried  on  the  banks  of  the  Osseter,  where 
the  church  of  Saint  Nicholas  Zarasky  now  stands.*  Zaras  means  the 
murder.t  Karamzin  mentions  that  a  great  curiosity  still  exists  in  the 
monastery  of  Saint  John  the  Evangelist,  about  thirty-six  versts  from 
Riazan,  namely,  a  golden  Mongol  tablet,  i.e.,  a  paizah,  which  was 
deposited  for  safety  against  the  depredations  of  the  Mordvins  in  the 
metropolitan  church  by  the  Archbishop  Misael  in  1653.]:  After  the 
capture  of  Riazan  the  Tartars  proceeded  along  the  Oka  and  captured 
Kalomna,  as  I  have  described.  §  In  the  battle  which  followed,  where 
Roman  Igorovitch||  was  killed,  Vsevolod,  son  of  the  grand  prince 
George,  was  present,  but  he  escaped  to  his  father  at  Vladimir. T[  The 
Mongols  then  took  and  burnt  Moscow,  which  is  called  Mokos  in  the 
Jihankushai.**  They  afterwards  advanced  against  Vladimir,  the  capital 
of  the  principality  of  Suzdal,  and  at  this  time  the  seat  of  the  grand 
principality  of  Russia.  The  grand  prince  had  retired,  as  I  have 
described,tt  and  left  the  town  in  command  of  his  sons  Vsevolod  and 
Mitislaf.  Having  invested  it,  the  Tartars  sent  off  a  contingent  to  the 
neighbouring  town  of  Suzdal.  There  they  destroyed  the  church  of  Our 
Lady,  and  set  fire  to  the  palace  of  the  prince  and  the  monastery  of  Saint 
Dimitri.  I  was  misled  by  Von  Hammer  and  Wolff  into  stating  that  the 
monks  and  nuns  were  spared.  It  was  only  the  young  ones,  together 
with  the  young  girls,  that  were  spared ;  the  old  ones  perished  with  the 
bUnd,  the  infirm,  and  the  cripples.]:]:  After  the  fall  of  Vladimir§§  the 
Mongols  divided  into  three  bodies.  One  marched  upon  Gorodctz,  on  the 
Volga,  not  far  from  Nishni Novgorod;  another  upon  Galitch,  situated  on 
the  river  Kostroma,  and  known  as  Galitch  Merski  from  the  Meriens 
who  lived  there ;  ||  ||  while  a  third  marched  upon  Rostof  and  Yaroslavl, 
and  proceeded  to  destroy  the  various  towns  of  the  grand  principality, 
which  I  have  already  enumerated.!  IT  When  the  grand  prince  fell  in 
battle  on  the  Sitti,  there  perished  with  him  his  nephews  Vsevolod  and 
Vladimir,  the  sons  of  his  brother  Constantine.  His  son  Vassilko  was 
taken  prisoner,  but  he  refused  to  take  food  ;  and  on  being  pressed  by  the 
Mongols  to  join  their  banners,  he  refused  with  scorn,  and  called  them 

*  Karamzin,  iii.  339-341.    Note,  45.  t  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  102. 

I  Karamzin,  3.    Note,  45.  %  Vol.  i.  139. 

il  He  was  the  nephew  of  George  of  Riazan  (Karamzin,  iii.  341),  and  not  his  brother,  as  Wolfif 
says,  141. 

U  Karamzin,  iii.  341,  **  D'Ohsson,  ii.  619,  tt  Vol.  i.  139. 

II  Karamzin,  3.    Note,  46.  5§  Vol.  i.  139.  ||||  Karamzin,  345.    Note,  46. 

■[•f  Vol.  i.  140. 


tigers,  polluted  with  blood,  enemies  of  Christ,  and  enemies  of  his 
country.  "  You  shall  never  be  my  friends,"  he  said,  "  you  are  doomed  to 
perdition.  There  is  a  God,  and  you  shall  be  destroyed  when  your  cup  is 
full."  They  accordingly  put  him  to  death,  and  threw  his  body  into  the 
forest  of  Scherensk.  Cyril,  bishop  of  Rostok,  afterwards  found  the 
corpse  of  George  ;  it  was  beheaded,  but  he  recognised  it  by  its  rich 
garments.  That  of  Vassilko  was  also  recovered,  and  father  and  son  were 
deposited  in  the  same  tomb.* 

On  their  march  towards  Novgorod  they  captured  Volok  Lamsky  (now 
called  Volo  Kolansk),t  Tuer,  and  Torjek.  The  last  place  having  resisted 
them  was  destroyed,  according  to  the  Mongol  law  under  such  circum- 
stances. The  Tartars  advanced  as  far  as  the  lake  Seliger,  where  the 
Volga  springs,  "  The  villages,"  says  the  chronicler,  "  disappeared,  and 
the  heads  of  the  Russians  fell  like  grass  before  the  sickle."|  Torjek  was 
captured  on  the  14th  of  March,  and  if  we  consider  that  the  battle  on  the 
Sitti  was  fought  on  the  4th,  we  shall  have  a  measure  of  the  terrible 
vigour  of  the  invaders. 

So  far  the  history  of  the  campaign  is  tolerably  plain.  At  this  point, 
however,  difficulties  arise.  We  know,  as  I  have  said,  that  the  Tartars 
retired  towards  the  south,  and  that  they  laid  siege  to  and  captured 
Koselsk,  in  the  government  of  Kaluga,  and  somewhat  south-west  of 
Moscow.§  According  to  the  chronicle  of  Nikon  they  afterwards  went 
again  to  Riazan.  ||  Rashid  says  that  after  taking  Koselsk  they  went  into 
cantonments,  i.e.^  encamped ;  and  this,  the  main  army  may  well  have 
done  somewhere  in  Central  Russia,  and  not  improbably  near  Riazan, 
while  different  contingents  made  expeditions  in  various  directions.  A 
second  body,  under  Bereke,  the  brother  of  Batu,  attacked  the  Kipchaks, 
no  doubt  in  their  homeland,  the  Desht  Kipchak,  between  the  Volga  and 
the  Don,  and  compelled  their  chief  Kotiak  to  escape  to  Hungary.  This 
district  was  afterwards  assigned  as  a  camping  ground  to  Bereke.  A 
third  army,  under  Sheiban,  Bujek,  and  Buri,  marched  against  the 
Marimes,  a  branch  of  the  Chinchaks,  as  we  read  it  in  the  corrupt  Paris 
text  of  Rashid.^  I  have  suggested  that  these  Marimes  may  have  been 
the  Marl  or  Cheremisses,  but  inasmuch  as  Karamzin  mentions  the 
conquest  of  the  Mordvins  of  Murom  and  Ghorokhovetz,  the  former  town 
on  the  Oka,  and  the  latter  on  the  Khasina,  it  may  well  be  that  the 
Marimes  of  Rashid  were  the  inhabitants  of  Murom,  and  that  Chin- 
chakes  is  merely  a  corruption  of  Chudes,  the  generic  name  for  the 
various  Ugrian  race  of  South-eastern  Russia.  A  fourth  army  was  sent, 
under  Kadan  and  others,  against  the  Caucasian  mountaineers,  and 
defeated  the  Circassians  and  killed  their  chief  Tukan.  This  was  in  the 
autumn  of  1238.    Later  in  the  year  Kadan,  Buri,  and  others,  no  doubt 

*  Karamzin,  iii.  347.         t  Wolff,  145.  J  Karamzin,  iii.  349.  $  An\c  vol.  i.  140* 

I)  Karamzin,  iii.    Note,  47.  ^  D'Ohsson,  i.  626. 

BATU  KHAN,  .  43 

with  the  same  contingent,  laid  siege  to  Mangass  or  Mikes.*  It  would  seem 
that  Mangu  took  part  in  this  campaign,  for  we  are  told  in  the  Yuan  shi 
that  in  the  winter  of  1238  and  1239  he  invested  Asu  Mie  kieze,  and  took 
it  after  three  months'  siege.t  The  name  Asu  means  here  Alan.  This  was 
doubtless  the  capital  of  the  Alans  or  Ossetes,  which  is  called  Magass  by 
Masudi.  D'Ohsson  identifies  it  with  a  place  called  Mokhatschla,  on  the 
Cherek,  a  tributary  of  the  Terek.t  This  they  captured  after  a  siege  of 
six  weeks,  and  in  the  spring  of  1239  sent  Kukdai  to  attack  Derbend. 
Meanwhile  the  main  army  under  Batu  wintered,  as  I  believe,  somewhere 
in  Central  Russia,  probably  near  Riazan. 

On  Batu's  retreat  Yaroslaf,  prince  of  Kief  and  brother  of  the  late  grand 
prince  George,  went  to  Vladimir  to  occupy  the  vacant  throne,  "  to  reign," 
in  the  quaint  language  of  Karamzin,  "over  ruins  and  corpses."§  He 
buried  the  dead,  collected  together  the  fugitives,  and  began  once  more 
to  restore  order  to  the  desolated  provinces,  and  then  invested  his  elder 
brother  Sviattosaf  with  the  principality  of  Suzdal;  the  younger  one, Vladimir 
Dimitri,  with  Starodub  ;  and  the  grandsons  of  his  elder  brother  Con- 
stantine,  Boris,  Gleb,  and  Wasili,  with  Rostof,  Bielosero,  and  Yaroslaf.  || 
Nor  was  he  so  weak  that  he  failed  to  defeat  the  Lithuanians  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Smolensko  and  Pskof.  In  the  spring  of  1239  the  main 
body  of  the  Mongols  under  Batu  was  again  in  motion.  This  time 
against  the  'inhabitants  of  the  Dnieper,  the  later  Malo-Russians,  and 
their  clients  the  Karakalpaks  or  black  bonnets,  the  Turkish  representatives 
of  the  later  Slavic  Zaporogian  Cossacks.*[[  Against  what  in  fact  was 
alone  Russia  in  the  eyes  of  Nestor  and  the  other  old  chroniclers,  for 
Great  Russia  or  Muscovy,  as  we  now  term  it,  was  no  part  of  the  primitive 
Russia,  which  was  limited  to  the  districts  of  Little  Russia.  While  Kief 
lost  its  paramount  importance  by  its  sack  in  11 69,  as  I  have  mentioned, 
it  was  by  no  means  extinguished,  and  in  the  hands  of  some  of  its  princes 
obtained  an  intermittent  importance  only  second  to  that  of  Vladimir.  It 
became  in  fact  the  capital  of  the  south-west  districts  of  Russia,  those 
districts  which  are  now  called  Malo-Russian. 

When  Batu  marched  against  the  grand  prince  George  II.,  the  latter's 
brother  Yaroslaf  Feodor  was  prince  of  Kief,  but  he  had  only  been  so  for 
a  few  months.  On  his  brother's  death  he  moved  to  Vladimir,  and 
succeeded  to  the  principality,  as  I  have  mentioned.  The  throne  of  Kief 
was  thereupon  immediately  seized  by  Michael  of  Chernigof,  the  son  of 
Vsevolod  the  Red,**  who  ever  since  the  year  1224  had  carried  on  a 
struggle  with  the  Yaroslaf  first  named  for  the  possession  of  Novgorod. 
Michael's  son  Rostislaf  was  given  the  town  of  Galitch  as  an  appanage, 
but  having  made  a  raid  into  the  lands  of  Daniel,  the  prince  of  Volhynia 

*D'Ohsson,  ii.  ii8and626.  t  Bretsch.,  83.  J  Les  Peuples  du  Caucase,  23.    Note, 

§  Id.,  iv.  2.  I!  Wolff,  149.  If  Rashid,  D'Ohsson,  ii.  627. 

**  Wolff,  148. 


and  Gallicia,  he  was  driven  away  and  sought  refuge  in  Hungary  *  There 
he  married  a  daughter  of  Bela  IV.,  the  Hungarian  king. 

It  would  thus  seem  that  on  the  approach  of  the  Tartars  the  princes  of 
South-western  Russia,  instead  of  being  united,  were  at  variance  with 
each  other,  and  could  offer  no  decent  resistance  to  the  enemy,  who  now 
marched  upon  Kief,  the  mother  of  the  Russian  cities.  On  their  approach 
Michael  fled  westwards  to  Poland,  to  Duke  Conrad  of  Mazovia,t  and 
thence,  after  a  short  stay,  he  went  on  to  Silesia.  While  staying  at 
Neumarkt,  in  that  district,  his  people  were  attacked,  his  treasure  robbed, 
and  one  of  his  grand-daughters  was  killed.| 

While  one  army  attacked  Pereislavl,  on  the  Trubetch,  twelve  German 
miles  south  of  Kief;  another  attacked  Chernigof,  on  the  Desna,  about 
the  same  distance  to  the  north  of  the  capital,  where  Mitislaf,  cousin  of 
Michael  of  Kief,  ruled.  Both  towns  were  captured  and  destroyed,  as 
was  Glukhof,  in  the  government  of  Chernigof.  I  have  already  described 
the  capture  of  these  towns  and  of  their  metropolis  Kief,  nor  have  I 
anything  to  add  to  that  account.!  It  was  apparently  in  the  autumn 
of  1239  that  the  princes  Kuyuk,  Mangu,  and  apparently  also  Buri, 
that  is,  a  son  of  each  of  the  three  brothers,  Ogotai,  Tului,  and 
Jagatai,  were  summoned  to  return  home  by  the  Khakan  Ogotai,  whose 
wife  Turakina  was  determined  that  her  son  Kuyuk  should  succeed  his 
father  Ogotai.  They  accordingly  left  the  grand  army  and  made  their 
way  back  to  Mongoha.  This  is  not  only  stated  by  Rashid,||  but  also  in 
the  Chinese  account  followed  by  Gaubil.  Wolff,  who  has  made  Kuyuk 
take  an  active  part  in  the  campaign,  has  done  so,  as  he  says,*[[  on  the 
authority  of  the  monk  Roger,  who,  by  the  way,  does  not  mention  a 
Kuyuk  but  a  Coacton  ;**  and  I  have  followed  in  his  footsteps  in  the 
former  volume,  but  it  is  quite  clear  to  me  now  that  this  view  is  erroneous, 
not  only  from  the  statements  already  quoted  from  Rashid  and  Gaubil, 
but  from  all  the  circumstances  surrounding  the  accession  of  Kuyuk,  and 
I  am  quite  sure  that  Rashid's  authority  must  be  followed  in  denying  to 
Kuyuk  any  part  in  the  Hungarian  campaign. 

The  plan  of  that  campaign  was  a  skilful  one.  While  Batu  with  the 
main  army  advanced  upon  Hungary  directly,  two  other  armies  were  sent 
to  outflank  that  great  natural  fortress  on  either  side,  one  through  Poland 
and  the  other  by  way  of  Wallachia.  The  most  northern  of  these  armies 
was,  according  to  Rashid,  commanded  by  Orda,  Batu's  elder  brother,tt 
while  the  western  writers  make  it  be  led  by  Baidar  (whom  they  call 
Peta),  the  son  of  Jagatai ;  the  probable  explanation  being  that,  as  was 
usual  in  Mongol  armies,  the  chief  command  was  divided,  and  that  Orda 
and  Baidar  had  a  joint  command.     The  statement  of  Dlugocz,  that 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  4,  5.  t  Wolff,  151.  J  Id.,  153.  §  Vol.  i.  141,  142. 

II  D'Ohsson,  ii.  627.  ^37i.    Note.  **  Von  Hammer,  op.  cit.,  118.    Note. 

tt  D'Ohsson,  ii.  627. 



Kadan  had  a  share  in  this  northern  campaign  is  clearly  a  mistake,  which 
is  only  aggravated  by  the  gloss  which  Wolff  has  put  upon  it  in  his  note.* 
The  Caidan  of  Dlugocz  was  clearly  the  Kadan  who  commanded  in 
Transylvania.!  This  northern  army,  under  Baidar  and  Orda,  seems 
to  have  marched  westwards  from  Kief  by  the  great  route  which  leads 
through  Schitomir  and  Rowno,  in  Volhynia,  and  to  have  wasted  the 
districts  ruled  over  by  Daniel,  the  brave  prince  of  Gallicia.  Vladimir  of 
Volhynia,  otherwise  called  Lodomeria,  one  of  his  towns,  was  captured.f 
I  have  already  described  the  raids  made  upon  the  districts  of  Lublin  and 
Cracow.  §  The  place  where  the  fight  there  described,  which  was  fought 
with  the  Palatine  of  Craco\v,  was  called  Great  Turksko,  near  Polamiez, 
on  the  banks  of  the  Czarna.  || 

As  I  have  said,  after  this,  the  northern  army  was  divided  into  two 
sections.  The  contingent,  which  made  a  detour  through  Sieradia, 
Lancitia,  and  Cujavia,  was  probably  commanded  by  Orda,  and  it  seems 
to  have  rejoined  the  main  army  near  Breslau.H  I  have  already  suffi- 
ciently described  this  march  and  the  subsequent  fatal  battle  of  Lignitz, 
where  so  many  of  the  first  men  in  Poland  perished.**  I  may  add  that 
the  figure  of  Henry  II.  on  his  tomb  at  St.  Jacob's,  at  Breslau,  is 
represented  with  its  feet  on  a  prostrate  Tartar.  A  representation  of  the 
lower  portion  of  this  tomb  may  be  seen  in  the  second  edition  of  Colonel 
Yule's  Marco  Polo.  Besides  other  souvenirs  of  the  fight  already  named, 
I  may  mention  that  a  family  of  Tader  still  exists,  which  was  named  after 
the  ruthless  victors,  while  a  tradition  exists  in  the  families  of  Haugwitz 
and  Rechenberg  that  only  two  members  survived  the  fight,  to  one  of 
whom  Henry  is  said  to  have  addressed  the  words,  "  Haugwitz,  rdcJie  den 
berg"  /.<?.,  Haugwitz,  defend  the  hill,  whence  the  name  of  Rechenberg. 
The  Jesuits  also  found  materials  for  some  of  their  religious  dramas  in 
the  terrible  slaughter  of  the  faithful. tt  Among  the  colonies  of  Germans 
founded  in  Silesia  by  Bishop  Bruno  to  occupy  the  land  left  desolate  by 
the  invaders,  Wolff  mentions  Liebenthal,  Pilgersdorf,  Hennersdorf, 
Johannesthal,  Matzdorf,  Rosvald,  Schlakau,  Pittarn,  Schlatten,  &c4t 

The  short  campaign  of  this  division  of  the  Tartars  in  Moravia  is,  as  I 
have  said,  not  easy  to  follow,  and  the  difficulty  is  increased  by  the 
probability  that  it  has  been  confused  with  an  invasion  of  the  Comans  a 
few  years  later.  There  are  three  popular  Sagas  relating  to  this  campaign 
which  Wolff  has  dissected  in  his  sixth  chapter.  In  one  of  these  we  are 
told  that  on  the  approach  of  the  Tartars  the  neighbouring  inhabitants 
took  refuge,  partly  in  the  wooden  town  of  Stramberg  and  partly  on  the 
mountain  Kotusch,  where  they  were  blockaded  by  the  invaders.  At 
length,  on  the  evening  of  the  feast  of  the  Ascension,  i.e.,  of  the  8th  of 

*  Op.  cit.,  163.  +  Vide  infra.  I  Wolff,  154  and  162.    Karamzin,  iv.  14. 

§^nf«,  i.  142, 143.  II  Wolff,  163.  f  Wolff,  170.  **^«f«,  vol.i.  143,  144. 

tt  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  115.  J I  Wolff,  193. 


May,  there  fell  a  tremendous  deluge  of  rain,  which  swelled  the  neigh- 
bouring rivers  until  they  burst  their  banks  and  swept  over  the  camping 
ground  of  the  Tartars  ;  many  of  whom  perished,  while  the  remainder 
retired.  We  are  told  that  in  this  neighbourhood  gingerbread  cakes  in 
the  shape  of  hands  and  ears  are  eaten  at  the  Ascension  tide,  in  memory 
of  the  fact  that  the  Tartars  were  in  the  habit  of  cutting  off  these 
members  ;  and  we  are  told  further,  that  in  digging  the  foundations  of 
the  church  of  Stramberg,  in  1660,  there  were  found  many  cauldrons 
and  instruments  in  the  shape  of  hoe  blades,  which  perhaps  had 
belonged  to  the  invaders.  In  confirmation  of  this  Saga,  which  was 
only  recorded  by  Palacky  in  the  seventeenth  century,  it  seems  tolerably 
certain  that  the  Tartars  were  in  Northern  Moravia  in  the  early  part  of 
May,  1 24 1.  Stramberg  is  a  little  town  situated  on  a  mountain  a  short 
distance  from  Neutitsch,  whose  crest  is  crowned  by  some  ruins  marking 
the  site  of  a  town  called  Sternberg,  which  was  founded  in  1242  by  Idislaf 
of  Chlumec,  son  of  Divish  of  Davikhof  ;*  and  if  the  legend  applies  to 
the  Tartar  attack,  it  doubtless  refers  to  some  Slavic  wooden  fortress 
which  existed  previously  on  the  same  site,  a  site,  as  Wolff  shows,  the 
focus  of  many  legends  and  tales  of  the  old  heathen  days. 

A  second  Saga  centres  about  Hostein  or  Hostyn,  a  mountain  not  far 
from  Bistriz,  which  was  crowned  in  early  times  by  a  temple  to  Radegast, 
and  in  later  ones  by  a  church  dedicated  to  the  Virgin.  This  Saga  is  a 
good  type  of  the  way  in  which  popular  legends  grow  and  get  distorted, 
and  being  so,  is  an  instructive  example. 

As  I  have  said,  Michael,  the  prince  of  Kief  and  Chernigof,  had  fled 
from  the  Mongols,  and  after  some  wanderings  had  found  refuge  at 
Neumarkt,  whose  Slavic  name  was  Sreda,  whose'citizens  seem  to  have 
received  him  badly,  to  have  plundered  his  treasure,  and  inter  alia  to 
have  killed  one  of  his  grand-daughters.f 

This  adventure  was  transferred  to  Batu  in  an  old  German  legend  of 
St.  Hedwig,  dating  from  the  fourteenth  century.  In  this  edition  of  it  the 
wife  of  Batu,  having  a  great  desire  to  see  different  peoples  and  their 
customs,  set  out  with  a  great  following  and  much  treasure,  and  eventually 
reached  the  Silesian  town  of  Neumarkt,  whei^e,  in  order  to  possess  them- 
selves of  her  treasure,  the  townspeople  slew  her  and  her  followers,  except 
two  young  girls,  who  reported  the  event  to  Batu.  The  latter  thereupon 
invaded  Poland  and  Silesia.J  This  legend  was  again  distorted  in  a  poem 
entitled  "  The  War  between  the  Christians  and  the  Tartars,"  which  was 
found  at  Koniggratz  in  18 17,  in  which  we  read  that  the  daughter  of  the 
Tartar  chief  Kublai,  with  ten  noble  youths  and  two  maidens,  beautifully 
dressed,  set  out  for  the  west  and  were  slain  by  the  Germans  in  a  wood, 
upon  which  the  Tartar  Khan  set  out  to  revenge  them.  He  bade  his 
magicians,  soothsayers,  and  astrologers  foretel  the  issue  of  the  battle. 

*  Wolff,  213.  t  Wolff,  153  and  161.  \  Id.,  161. 

BATU   KHAN.  •     47 

They  accordingly  split  a  reed  in  two,  called  one  half  of  it  Kublai  and  the 
other  half  the  king,  and  said  some  magical  sentences  over  them,  where- 
upon the  two  halves  began  to  struggle  with  one  another,  and  eventually 
that  called  Kublai  won.  The  battle  having  commenced  the  Christians 
at  first  had  the  advantage,  but  the  magicians  brought  out  the  split  canes 
and  aroused  the  enthusiasm  of  the  Tartars,  who  thereupon  defeated  the 
Christians,  and  captured  Kief  and  Novgorod,  after  which  they  divided 
into  four  bodies.  They  overran  Poland  and  advanced  as  far  as  Olmutz, 
the  Tarters  having  been  reinforced,  the  Christians,  who  were  encouraged 
by  Wneslaf,  retired  fighting  to  the  hill  of  Hostinof,  which  they 
beleagured.  The  Christians  defended  it  bravely,  and  cut  down  twenty 
trees,  whose  trunks  they  rolled  down  upon  the  Tartars  as  they  advanced. 
There  was,  however,  no  spring  on  the  hill,  and  the  garrison  began  to 
suffer  from  thirst,  nor  were  the  prayers  they  offered  to  the  Virgin 
answered ;  and,  beginning  to  despair,  they  thought  of  surrendering, 
when  Wratislaf  renewed  his  entreaties  at  her  altar,  a  violent  thunder- 
storm then  came  on  which  fed  the  rivulets  on  the  mountain.  Soon 
after  a  general  muster  of  the  people  of  the  surrounding  districts  came  to 
the  rescue,  the  battle  was  renewed,  and  the  Tartars  were  beaten,  or,  as 
the  story  says,  "  the  Hanna  was  freed  from  the  Tartars."  Wolff  has 
pointed  out  the  anachronisms  in  this  story,  the  mention  of  Kublai,  whose 
name  was  not  known  probably  in  Central  Europe  until  the  end  of  the 
thirteenth  century,  the  murder  of  his  daughter,  which  is  clearly  another 
edition  of  the  story  told  above  of  Batu's  daughter.  The  story  of  the 
split  canes,  which  was  perhaps,  as  Wolff  suggests,  derived  from  Marco 
Polo.  The  hill  of  Hostein  is  marked  by  a  considerable  spring  of  water, 
so  that  the  thirst  of  the  Christians  is  not  accounted  for.  The  district  of 
Hanna  is  some  distance  from  Hostein,  and  not  far  from  Kremsir,  where 
the  river  Hanna  flows.  Nor  does  the  description  of  Hostinof  in  the 
poem  agree  with  the  facts  as  they  occur  on  the  real  hill  of  Hostein.  For 
these  and  other  reasons  Wolff  deems  the  whole  story  a  romance,  con- 
structed by  some  Bohemian  contemporary  of  the  old  German  epic 
writers.*  I  have  already  mentionedt  the  case  of  the  third  Saga,  relating 
to  the  capture  of  Olmutz,  which  has  been  so  admirably  dissected  by 
Wolff,  and  shown  by  him  to  refer  to  the  Comans  and  not  to  the 

We  may  take  it  that  after  the  great  fight  near  Lignitz,  Baidar  and  his 
army  proceeded  to  waste  the  eastern  fringes  of  Bohemia  and  the  western 
of  Silesia,  including  the  towns  of  Heinrichau,  Ottmachau,  Glatz, 
Hotzenplotz,  Leobschutz,  &c.,  and  broke  into  Moravia  in  the  first  week 
of  May,  1 241,  by  the  valley  of  the  river  Oppa  and  the  town  of  Troppau.§ 

I  have  already  related  how  Moravia  was  devastated,  and  given  the 

*  Wolff,  215-221.  t  ^«^^»  vol.  i.  145.  I  Wolff,  op.  cit.,  219-241* 

$  Wolff,  241. 


names  of  the  towns  which  chiefly  suffered.*  The  whole  country,  from 
the  river  March  in  the  east  to  the  towns  of  Orlava  and  Iglava  on  the 
west,  seems  to  have  been  harried.t  Roger  tells  us  that  the  Tartars 
passed  into  Hungary  by  the  Hungarian  gates,  and  as  we  know  from  old 
documents  that  the  towns  of  Trentschin,  Neutra,  and  Tyrnau  were 
devastated,  Wolff  has  concluded  that  by  this  expression  he  means  the 
Hrosinka  pass,  which  crosses  the  Carpathians  south  of  the  mountain 
Yawornik  from  Ungarsch-Brod  and  Banof  on  the  Olschawa,  a  tributary 
of  the  March,  to  the  valley  of  the  Waag.|  Thence  this  division 
doubtless  joined  the  main  army  under  Batu,  which  was  then  encamped 
north  of  the  Danube. 

Let  us  now  turn  to  Batu  himself  with  the  main  army.  It  would  seem 
that  besides  his  grievance  against  the  Hungarian  king  Bela,  in  that  he 
had  given  an  asylum  to  his  enemies  and  had  not  answered  his  summons, 
he  was  also  invited  to  invade  Hungary  by  Dimitri,  a  voivode  of  Kief 
who  was  a  prisoner  in  his  hands,  and  who  hoped  to  turn  aside  the 
terrible  scourge  from  his  own  land,  and  accordingly  aroused  the 
suspicions  of  Batu  by  representing  Bela  as  collecting  a  large  army  to 
attack  him.§  Batu  apparently  advanced  by  way  of  Kremenetz,  in 
Volhynia,  which  he  He  then  seems  to  have  traversed 
Gallicia,  skirting  the  Carpathians,  and  at  length  arrived  at  the  famous 
pass,  which  leads  to  the  districts  of  Ungvar  and  Munkatz,  in  North- 
eastern Hungary.  The  same  route,  according  to  Von  Hammer,  was 
followed  by  the  Magyars  themselves  in  invading  the  land.lF  Batu's 
army  was  preceded  by  a  body  of  40,000  men,  who  cut  roads  and  acted 
as  pioneers  through  the  terribly  difficult  country.**  The  incredible 
speed  at  which  the  Tartars  marched,  and  which  was  no  doubt  one 
secret  of  their  successes,  is  shown  by  the  fact  that  in  three  days  they 
covered  a  distance  of  nearly  seventy  German  miles,  and  suddenly 
appeared  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Pesth  ;tt  but  this  was  clearly  only  a 
body  of  videttes  or  skirmishers,  for  the  great  fight  took  place  a  con- 
siderable distance  from  Pesth,  on  the  river  Sayo,  about  half  way  between 
Munkatz  and  the  capital,  and  close  to  the  modern  town  of  Miskolcz. 
While  Batu  himself,  with  the  main  army,  skirted  the  Eastern  Car- 
pathians on  their  outer  flank,  he  apparently  detached  an  army  under  his 
cousin  Kadan,  the  son  of  Ogotai,  which  marched  upon  Kamenetz,  in 
Podolia,  and  Chernovitz,  in  the  Bukovina,|$  and  thence  over  the  Borgo 
pass  into  Northern  Transylvania.  This  pass  was  also  called  the  pass  of 
Rodna,  from  the  town  of  that  name,  the  centre  of  the  gold  mining 
enterprise  in  these  districts,  which  was  formerly  occupied  by  Saxon 
colonists,  but  now  by  Roumans,  who  have  displaced  them.    Ruins  of 

*  Ante,  145.  t  Id.,  244.  I  Id.,  349,  350.  §  Karamzin,  iv.  15. 

II  Karamzin,  iv.  15.  %  Golden  Horde,  iig.  **  Id.    Note,  4. 

tt  Golden  Horde,  120.  H  Wolff,  154. 

BATU  KHAN.  49 

the  old  town  of  Rodna  still  remain,  especially  massive  debris  of  the 
church,  proving  its  former  importance. 

At  Rodna,  we  are  told  the  Tartars  found  the  garrison  so  threatening 
that  they  made  a  feigned  retreat,  whereupon  the  too  confident 
Christians  returned  in  triumph,  and  not  only  discarded  their  arms,  but 
also,  according  to  the  monk  Roger,  an  Italian,  and  no  lover  of  strong 
drink,  "  got  drunk  in  the  wild  Teutonic  manner."  (Theutonicorum  furia 
is  his  phrase.)  While  in  this  condition  the  Tartars  returned  and  captured 
"  the  town  of  the  gold  mines."  They  were  assisted,  we  are  told,  by  a  con- 
tingent of  600  Germans,  under  Count  Ariscald.  The  invaders  were 
apparently  divided  into  various  bodies,  and  not  only  ravaged  the  various 
towns  of  Transylvania,  as  I  have  mentioned,*  but  also  the  neighbouring 
districts  of  Hungary,  and  in  a  document  of  King  Ladislas  IV.,  dated  in 
1277,  we  are  told  how  the  districts  of  Marmarosch,  Szathmar,  and 
Solnoker  still  remained  desolate  from  the  devastation  they  had  suffered 
at  the  hands  of  the  Tartars.t  It  would  seem  that  they  marched  into 
Hungary  by  the  Meszez  pass,  by  way  of  Zilah  and  Somlyo,  and  directly 
upon  Great  Varadin  or  Wardein,  of  which  Roger,  the  author  of  the 
Miserabile  carmen^  was  archbishop,  and  of  whose  devastation  he  was 
an  eyewitness. 

Great  Wardein,  like  most  mediaeval  towns,  was  built  of  wood,  with 
wooden  towers  on  its  walls.  The  town  itself  was  doubtless  open, 
but  was  protected  by  a  strong  citadel  or  fortress.  It  was  easily 
captured  and  destroyed,  and  as  it  had  resisted,  its  inhabitants  were, 
according  to  Mongol  fashion,  destroyed.  The  captors  then  retired  for 
some  distance,  and  when  the  garrison  in  the  citadel  thought  they  had 
finally  retreated,  and  returned  once  more  to  their  houses,  they  went  back 
and  surprised  many  of  them.  They  then  bombarded  the  citadel  with 
seven  balistas  until  they  breached  its  walls,  and  finally  stormed  it.  The 
cathedral  and  other  churches  were  inside  the  citadel,  and  there  the 
women,  old  and  young,  had  taken  refuge.  As  they  could  not  force  an 
entrance  into  these  buildings  the  Tartars  fired  them,  and  their  inmates 
perished  miserably.  Women  were  ravished  in  the  churches,  while  the 
leading  inhabitants  were  conducted  outside  the  town  and  there 
slaughtered,  the  tombs  of  the  saints  were  desecrated,  and  the  vessels  of 
the  altar  defiled  ;  nor  did  the  Tartars  fail  to  return  again  and  again  to 
search  among  the  ruins  and  the  corpses  for  some  new  victims  who 
should  have  hidden  away  in  the  woods  and  returned  in  the  false  hope 
that  the  storm  had  passed  away.t  Roger  tells  us  how,  when  he  escaped 
from  Wardein  with  a  number  of  his  people,  he  went  to  Thomas'  Bridge 
on  the  Black  Koros,  where  the  German  garrison  refused  them  permission 
to  cross,  and  wished  to  insist  upon  their  stopping  to  defend  it.  They, 
however,  hurried  on  to  an  island  where  the  people  of  Agra,  Waydam, 

*  AnU,  vol.  i.  146.  \  Wolff,  323-  \  Wolff,  z^^^l^^,    D'Ohsson,  ii.  149, 150. 


Geroth,  &c.,  had  taken  refuge.  It  was  probably  such  an  island  as 
Athelney,  surrounded  by  marshes,  and,  we  are  told,  was  approached 
by  only  one  narrow  way,  which  was  protected  by  fortifications  and 
barricades.  There  he  determined  to  stay,  but  having  heard  that  the 
Tartars  were  close  by,  the  archdeacon  prudently  slipped  away  secretly 
and  made  his  way  to  Czanad.  The  very  next  day  Czanad  was  attacked, 
as  Roger  says,  by  another  body  of  Tartars,  who  had  invaded  Hungary 
from  another  side.*  It  would  seem  that  the  contingent  under  Kadan, 
having  laid  waste  Northern  Transylvania  and  North-eastern  Hungary, 
rejoined  Batu's  main  army  after  the  great  fight  on  the  Sayo,  and  pro- 
bably in  the  rich  country  of  Tokay. 

Let  us  now  turn  to  the  doings  of  this  army.  According  to  Wolff,  it 
was  led  by  Subutai  Baghatur  and  Kuyuk,t  but,  as  I  have  said,  Kuyuk 
took  no  part  in  this  expedition,  and  Rashid  distinctly  gives  the  leadership 
of  this  army  to  Bujek,  the  son  of  Tului  ;  and  it  is  probable  that  it  was 
led  by  the  latter  and  Subutai  in  conjunction.  It  seems  to  have  marched 
through  Moldavia,  inhabited  by  the  Vlakhs  or  Roumans,  who  were 
styled  Kara  Iflah  by  the  Osmanli  Turks,  and  Kara  Ulugh  by  Rashid.| 
This  army  having  crossed  the  Sireth,  attacked  the  south  of  Transylvania. 
It  was  this  division  which  chiefly  ravaged  the  various  towns  of  Tran- 
sylvania, as  I  mentioned  in  the  former  volume.§  I  notice  that  there  is  a 
town  in  the  district  of  Gyergyo  which  is  still  called  Tatarhago,  which 
name  is  probably  a  souvenir  of  their  passage.  This  army  seems  to  have 
followed  the  valley  of  the  Maros,  while  that  of  Kadan  marched  along 
that  of  the  Koros.  It  was  probably  the  contingent  commanded  by 
Subutai  which  suddenly  appeared  before  Czanad  while  Roger  was 
sheltering  there. 

Let  us  continue  his  story.  He  tells  us  he  was  deserted  by  two  of  his 
servants,  and  having  heard  of  the  storming  of  Thomas'  Bridge  by  the 
ruthless  enemy  and  the  slaughter  of  its  inhabitants,  he  returned  once 
more  to  the  island  or  marsh,  which  was  probably  situated  in  the  marshy 
district  between  Bekes  and  Gyola,  where  he  counselled  the  people  to 
fortify  their  retreat,  but  he  himself,  according  to  his  own  confession,  soon 
left  again,  and  hid  away  in  the  woods,  where  he  bade  his  servant  bring 
him  food.  The  island  was  captured,  and  a  horrible  slaughter  ensued,  as 
I  have  It  was  not  till  after  several  days  that  Roger 
ventured  to  visit  it,  and  he  gives  a  most  piteous  account  of  the  horrors 
which  he  saw,  and  describes  the  inhuman  skill  of  the  Tartars  in  finding 
out  fresh  victims  in  their  hiding  places  as  like  that  of  hounds  when 
hunting  boars  and  hares.  They  issued  orders  that  those  who  surrendered 
freely  should,  after  a  short  time,  once  more  return  home.  A  large 
number  of  people,  driven  by  hunger,  accepted  these  hollow  promises,  and 

*  Wolff,  327.  t  Op.  cit.,  155, 156.  J  Wolff,  156.    D'OhssoD,  ii.  628. 

^  Vol.  i.  146.  I  Id. 

BATU  KHAN.  51 

the  district  was  more  or  less  repeopled  and  divided  into  sections,  each 
under  a  petty  chief.  The  Tartars  had  in  fact  determined  to  winter  there, 
and  required  food.  It  was  harvest  time  (July,  1241),  and  the  returned 
fugitives  were  allowed  to  reap  their  harvest,  but  they  frequently  had  to 
purchase  a  respite  in  their  lives  by  surrendering  their  wives,  sisters,  and 
daughters  to  the  lustful  Tartars,  who  ravished  them  before  their  eyes. 
The  Tartars  appointed  officers,  whose  duty  it  was  to  see  them  supplied 
with  food,  clothing,  arms,  and  horses.  There  were  about  a  hundred  of 
these  bailiffs,  and  the  one  under  whom  Roger  lived  had  authority  over 
nearly  a  thousand  villages.  These  bailiffs  were  men  of  taste,  and  furnished 
themselves  with  the  fairest  girls ;  those  who  brought  them  such  were 
rewarded  with  presents  of  sheep,  oxen,  horses,  &c.  They  generally  met 
together  weekly,  and  Roger  tells  us  that,  in  the  hope  of  learning  more  of 
their  way  of  living,  of  becoming  acquainted  with  some  of  their  grandees, 
or  of  finding  a  way  of  escape,  he  used  to  attend  these  meetings  with  his 
bailiff.  On  one  occasion  the  inhabitants  of  the  various  villages  were 
summoned  to  meet  the  bailiffs  and  to  bring  presents.  Suspecting  some 
evil  play,  Roger  at  length  hired  himself  as  a  slave  to  a  Hungarian  prince. 
His  fears  were  well  founded,  for,  having  appropriated  their  gifts,  the 
Tartars  collected  the  poor  people  together  and  slaughtered  them. 
They  now  brought  together  all  the  provisions  they  could  collect,  having 
determined  to  winter  there,  and  afterwards  devastated  the  whole 
province,  and  made  a  hideous  slaughter  of  the  inhabitants.  They  would 
not  allow  them,  doubtless,  to  consume  the  winter  provisions  they  them- 
selves needed.  In  the  spring  of  1242  they  once  more  set  out,  and,  as  I 
have  mentioned,*  destroyed  Perg  with  a  vast  mass  of  people,  only  two 
girls  and  those  who  feigned  death  amidst  the  corpses  of  their  relatives 
and  were  stained  with  their  blood,  escaped.  They  then  stormed  the 
monastery  of  Egres,  where  they  seem  to  have  spared  some  women  and 
monks.t  This  division  of  the  Tartar  army  seems  to  have  passed  the 
summer  of  1241  on  the  Theiss,  and  then  probably  made  its  way 
towards  the  middle  Danube,  in  which  neighbourhood  Batu  himself  was 

The  story  of  the  fatal  battle  on  the  Sayo  is  told  with  some  graphic 
details  which  I  have  not  related  in  my  previous  notice,  both  in  the 
Jihankushai  and  the  Chinese  annals.  In  the  former  we  are  told  that 
Batu  sent  Sheiban  with  10,000  men  to  reconnoitre,  and  that  he  returned 
in  a  week  reporting  that  the  enemy  had  a  superior  force.  This  was 
probably  the  advanced  division  to  which  I  have  already  called  attention.^ 
"When  the  two  hosts  faced  one  another  Batu  retired  to  a  hill  for  a  day 
and  night  to  implore  divine  assistance.  He  had  also  ordered  all  the 
Mussulmans  in  his  army  to  pray  to  heaven.  Next  day  he  detached 
Sheiban  with  some  troops  to  cross  the  Sayo,  but  their  attack  was 

*  Vol.  i.  147.  t  Wolff,  331,  332.  lAnte,^8. 


unsuccessful,  their  numbers  having  been  too  small.  The  main  body  then 
rushed  upon  the  Hungarians,  and  penetrated  to  the  camp  of  their  kelar 
{i.e.^  kiraly,  the  Hungarian  name  for  a  king),  and  cut  the  ropes  of  his 
tent,  upon  which  his  troops  fled.  The  Yuan  shi  assigns  the  command  of 
the  advance  guard  to  Subutai,  who  in  face  of  the  strength  of  the  enemy's 
army  had  recourse  to  stratagem.  While  Batu  crossed  the  river  where  it 
was  shallow  and  where  there  was  a  bridge,  Subutai  crossed  it  lower 
down  where  it  J^was  deeper,  and  built  a  bridge  by  fastening  beams 
together.  Meanwhile  Batu  had  been  engaged,  and  had  lost  thirty  men, 
including  one  of  his  adjutants  styled  Ba  ha  tu.  Batu  began  to  be 
discouraged  and  would  have  retired,  but  Subutai  insisted  that  they 
should  go  on,  and  completely  defeated  the  enemy.  Some  time  after 
Bature  proached  Subutai,  and  said,  "  while  we  were  fighting  together  on 
the  river  Tiuming  I  lost  my  Ba  ha  tu  because  of  your  tarrying."  Subutai 
replied,  "that  while  Batu  crossed  easily  at  a  shallow  place,  he  was 
delayed  by  having  to  build  a  bridge  over  a  deep  one."  At  a  feast,  on 
another  occasion,  Batu  did  more  justice  to  his  brave  general,  and  gave 
him  the  credit  of  the  victory  over  the  Hungarian  king.* 

After  the  battle  on  the  Sayo,  Bela  fled  to  the  woods  Dios  gior,  thence 
he  probably  escaped  by  way  of  Szomolnok  and  Leutschau  to  the  castle 
of  Piewnicza,  south  of  Sandecz,  almost  directly  north  of  the  battle  field, 
where  he  met  his  son-in-law  Boleslaf,  of  Cracow.t  There  he  did  not 
tarry  long,  having  doubtless  heard  of  the  terrible  march  of  Baidar 
through  Cracovia,  but,  adopting  the  disguise  of  a  pilgrim,  he  fled  along 
the  Carpathians  towards  the  frontier  of  Austria,  doubtless  to  rejoin  his 
family  at  Oedenburg.  A  body  of  the  Tartars  followed  him  sharply ;  it 
marched  through  the  defiles  of  Zips  or  Spisky,  in  the  central  Car- 
pathians, west  of  Piewnicza  and,  doubtless  mistaking  his  traces,  fell 
upon  Cracow,  which  had  so  recently  been  devastated,  and  then  marching 
through  the  districts  of  Auschwitz  and  Teschen,  reached  Hungary  again 
by  the  Yablunka  pass.J  Bela  reached  Neitra  in  safety,  and  was  escorted 
thence  to  the  Austrian  frontier  by  the  German  colonists.  They  were 
afterwards,  namely,  in  1258,  rewarded  for  their  fidelity  by  being  made 
free  burghers  of  Stuhlweissenburg.§  He  was  made  to  pay  a  heavy 
ransom  by  the  Duke  of  Austria,  as  I  have  mentioned.  ||  Having  rejoined 
his  wife  and  young  son  Stephen,  he  made  his  way  to  Agram,  in  Croatia. 
The  Duke  of  Austria,  it  would  seem,  had  also  insisted,  as  a  part  of  the 
ransom,  that  Bela  should  surrender  three  of  his  provinces  (probably  those 
of  Wieselburg,  Oedenburg,  and  Eisenburg  are  meant).  IT  He  now  seems 
to  have  invaded  them,  and  thus  took  advantage  of  the  dire  necessity  of 
Hungary  to  spoil  her  further.** 

The  terrible  battle  of  Lignitz  and  the  rapid  march  of  the  Tartars 

^  Bretschneider,  91-94.    D'Ohsson,  ii.  620,  t  Wolff,  310. 

%U.  |M»^cvol.i.  150.  f  Wolff,  313.  **W.3i9. 

I  W.,  3". 

BATU  KHAN,  53 

through  Poland  and  Moravia  had  naturally  aroused  much  feeling  in 
Germany,  and  measures  began  to  be  concerted  there  for  the  defence  of 
the  empire.  At  the  wish  of  King  Wenceslaus  of  Bohemia,  and  of  Henry 
Raspe,  the  Landgrave  of  Thuringia,  a  meeting  of  princes  and  prelates 
took  place  at  Merseburgh,  north  of  the  Platen  Sea,  where  it  was  decided 
that  old  and  young  should  take  the  cross,  and  all  capable  of  taking  arms 
should  set  out,  those  who  were  rich  and  not  so  capable,  paying  for  others 
who  were.  This  scheme  broke  down,  however,  through  the  fierce 
strife  between  Kaizar  and  Pope  which  was  then  raging,  and  to  which  I 
shall  presently  refer  ;  but  as  the  Tartars  continued  their  march,  and 
threatened  to  overwhelm  the  empire  itself,  even  the  fierce  combatants  of 
church  and  state  respectively  drew  nearer  to  one  another.  Konrad  IV., 
the  emperor's  son,  a  boy  of  but  thirteen  years,  and  therefore  but  little  fitted 
to  cope  with  these  troubled  times,  convoked  a  meeting  of  notables  at 
Eslingen,  on  the  Neckar,  for  the  19th  of  May,  1241,  where  a  pact 
was  made  that  until  the  feast  of  Saint  Martin,  i.e.,  the  loth  of  November, 
and  longer  if  necessary,  they  should  unite  in  a  common  crusade  against  the 
Tartars,  not  compromising  meanwhile  any  of  their  intentions  in  the  civil 
strife  just  named,  and  that  an  army  should  be  assembled  at  Nuremberg 
to  march  against  the  invaders,  while  the  Franciscan  friars  who  had  been 
sent  by  Pope  Gregory  IX.  to  excommunicate  the  emperor,  his  sons,  and 
supporters,  were  to  preach  the  crusade.  This  was  allowed  to  be  preached 
within  their  dioceses  by  the  Bishop  of  Costniz,  the  Archbishop  of 
Mayence,  and  the  Bishop  of  Augsburgh.*  Presently  the  news  of  the 
Tartar  doings  reached  Rome,  and  the  Pope  himself  sent  orders  to  the 
heads  of  the  two  great  orders  of  friars,  and  also  to  the  abbots  of  the 
Cistercian  monasteries  in  Germany,  to  preach  the  same  holy  war.  The 
Tartars  were  informed  by  their  spies  of  these  movements  in  Germany, 
and  we  accordingly  find  that  Batu,  who  was  encamped  in  the  country 
about  Comorn,  north  of  the  Danube,  sent  a  detachment  to  the  borders 
of  Austria,  where,  according  to  a  letter  of  the  Austrian  Duke  Frederick 
II.,  dated  the  13th  of  June,  1241,  he  claims  that  his  people  slew  300  of 

The  Tartar  invasion  was  synchronous  with  the  terrible  strife  between 
the  civil  and  religious  powers — between  the  emperor  and  the  pontiff— 
which  caused  so  much  damage  and  scandal  to  Christianity.  The  Kaizar 
was  the  redoubtable  Frederick  II.,  and  the  Pope  was  Gregory  IX.  The 
former  was  master  of  Naples  and  Sicily,  and  was  determined  to  put  his 
foot  on  all  the  land  beyond  the  Alps.  The  Pope,  who  was  equally  vigorous 
and  determined,  would  not  submit  to  have  the  land  overshadowed  by  the 
double-headed  eagle,  and  the  strife  had  grown  very  envenomed.  While 
the  Tartars  were  ravaging  Russia,  Poland,  and  Hungary,  namely,  from 

*  Wolff,  246.  t  Id.,  250. 


August,  1240,  until  April,  1241,  Frederick  was  laying  siege  to  the  papal 

city  of  Faenza,  which  he  at  length  captured.     On  his  side,  the  Pope  had 

excommunicated  him  on  the  20th  of  March,  1239,  being  Palm  Sunday, 

and  had  a  year  later  permitted  a  crusade  to  be  preached  against  him  ; 

and,  lastly,  he  had  created  a  party  among  the  princes  of  Germany,  who 

were  banded  together  against  his  great  enemy.     These  consisted  of  the 

treacherous  Duke  of  Austria  Frederick  II.,  Otto  II.  of  Bavaria,  Otto  the 

younger  and  John  of  Brunswick,  Henry  II.  of  Silesia,  and  the  Landgraf 

Henry  Raspe,  all  headed  by  Wenceslaus  of  Bohemia  ;  and  the  Pope  had 

even  gone  so  far  as  to  decree  the  dethronement  of  the  Kaizar,  and  to 

nominate  another  in  his  place,  a  claim  which  was  far  beyond  his  rights, 

which  did  not  go  beyond  the  crowning  of  the  prince  who  should  be 

elected  by  the  rest.*    With  such  an  enemy  it  is  not  to  be  wondered  at 

that  Frederick,  who  was  the  great  mediaeval  champion  of  the  civil  power, 

should  have  been  most  careful  not  to  let  his  rival  have  a  chance  of 

escaping.     It  was,  consequently,  a  terrible  time  of  feud  and  dislocation 

for  any  effort  to  be   organised  against  the  common  foe  of  all,  who 

threatened  to  stamp  both  Kaizar  and  Pope  underneath  his  heel.     When 

Bela,  the  Hungarian  king,  reached  Agram  in  his  flight  he  despatched  the 

Bishop  of  Waitzen  with  a  letter  to  the  emperor  and  the  pope,  setting  out 

the  devastation  of  Hungary,  and  promising  the  former  to  acknowledge 

him  as  his  suzerain  if  he  would  come  and  help  him.t    These  letters  were 

dated  the  i8th  of  May,  1241.     The  bishop  first  repaired  to  Rome,  where 

the  pope,  who  possibly  mingled  benevolence  and  diplomacy  in  his  acts, 

and  who  did  not  wish  to  see  Hungary  become  an  imperial  appanage, 

took  Bela  under  the  immediate  protection  of  the  holy  see,  offered  the 

same  indulgences  and  immunities  to  all  who  would  march  against  the 

Tartars  as  were  offered  in  the  case  of  the  crusades,  and  ordered  the 

Hungarian  clergy  to  help  their  king.J     From  Rome  the  bishop  repaired 

to  Spalatro,  where  the  emperor  was  then  staying.   The  emperor  replied  to 

him,  "That  if  he  left  Italy  before  the  war  there  was  ended,  that  Germany 

would  lose  the  benefit  of  the  blood  and  treasure  it  had  poured  out  in  his 

support,  and  that  if  he  marched  against  the  Tartars  he  would  expose  his 

own  states  {i.e.,  Naples  and  Sicily)  to  attack,  since  the  pope  was  so  much  at 

issue  with  him,  but  he  hoped  before  long  to  restore  peace  to  the  Christian 

world  ;  and,  having  pacified  Italy,  he  said  that  he  would  march  at  the 

head  of  a  great  force  against  the  invaders."§    Well  might  Matthew  Paris, 

in  his  commentary  on  these  proceedings,  say  that  God  must  have  been 

at  enmity  with  the   Christians  to  permit   such  feuds  in  face  of  the      Meanwhile,  however,  the    emperor  wrote    to    his    son 

Konrad,  and  to  the  Swabian  princes  and  dukes  to  aid  in  repelling  the 

barbarians,  and  he    also   wrote    to    the    other  European    sovereigns. 

*  Wolff,  194-196.  t  Id.,  257  and  314.    D'Ohsson,  ii.  167. 

I  Wolff,  314,  315.  J  D'Ohsson,  ii,  166, 167.    Wolff,  315,  316.  ||  Wolff,  317. 

BATU  KHAN.  55 

entreating  them  to  make  common  cause  against  the  enemy.  The  letter 
which  he  sent  on  the  3rd  of  July,  1241,  to  his  brother-in-law,  Henry  III. 
of  England,  has  been  preserved  by  Matthew  Paris.  He  implored  him  to 
render  assistance  in  the  work  of  repelling  the  invaders,  "  for,"  said  he, 
"  if  the  Tartars  penetrate  into  Germany  and  find  no  barriers  to  their 
progress  there,  other  nations  will  suffer  from  the  terrible  scourge  which 
divine  justice,  as  we  believe,  has  allowed  to  appear  to  punish  the  world 
for  its  crimes,  and  on  account  of  the  decay  of  piety.  He  bade  him  there- 
fore use  diligence  in  affording  his  help,  for  this  people,  he  said  (/.<?,,  the 
Tartars),  have  left  their  own  country  with  the  intention  of  subjugating  alj 
the  west,  and  of  destroying  the  faith  and  the  name  of  Christian  ;  but  we 
have  faith  in  Christ,  who  has  hitherto  enabled  us  to  vanquish  our 
enemies,  and  will  cause  their  pride  to  fall,  and  the  Tartars  to  be  once 
more  remitted  back  to  Tartarus."* 

Matthew  Paris  tells  us  the  emperor  ordered  his  sons  Konrad  and 
Henry  to  march  against  the  Tartars.  The  latter  was  at  the  head  of 
4,000  horsemen  and  a  crowd  of  foot  soldiers,  and  encountered  the 
Tartars  near  Devin,  on  the  river  March.  Wolff  contends  that  Matthew 
Paris  is  here  mistaken,  and  that  the  confederates  were  not  the  sons  of 
the  emperor,  but  the  bishop  of  Costniz  and  the  bishop  of  Freisingen, 
who  had  been  promoters  of  the  crusade  I  have  mentioned.t  In  this 
battle,  which  is  mentioned  by  Haithon,  the  Armenian,  and  by  the 
Dominican  Bieul,  the  Tartars  were  defeated  and  driven  away.f  It  was 
apparently  fought  in  the  autumn  of  1241.  Batu's  army  having  spent 
that  season  north  of  the  Danube,  and  having  been  rejoined  by  the  con- 
tingents under  Baidar  and  Kadan,  began  to  move  again  in  December, 

One  division,  under  Batu  himself,  marched  upon  Gran,  perhaps  by 
the  valleys  of  the  Sayo  and  the  Ipoly.  It  was  an  unusually  severe 
winter,  and  the  Danube  was  frozen  over.  To  test  whether  it  would  bear 
their  army  or  not,  the  Tartars  abandoned  a  number  of  their  cattle  on 
the  opposite  bank,  and  then  made  pretence  of  retiring  altogether.  After 
waiting  three  days,  the  Hungarians  crossed  over  to  secure  what  they 
deemed  their  booty,  upon  which  the  Tartars  crossed  it  also.§  They 
crossed  on  the  25th  of  December,  1241.  I  have  already  described  the 
siege  and  capture  of  the  town.||  One  incident  of  the  sack  is  a  grim 
epitome  of  the  horrible  barbarities  committed  by  the  captors.  Three 
hundred  of  the  first  ladies  in  the  town  were  captured  in  one  house. 
Dressed  in  their  richest  garments  they  presented  themselves  before 
Batu  and  implored  his  pity,  offering  to  become  his  slaves.  He  ordered 
them  to  be  disrobed  and  then  beheaded.  Pity  was  not  to  be  found  in 
the  code  of  the  ruthless  Tartar,  whose  draconic  sentence  upon  every 

*  D'Ohsson,  ii.  168.  *  Wolff,  260.  I  li.,  260, 261.  $  D'Ohsson,  ii.  153. 

II  Ante,  i.  150. 


town  which  resisted,  was  destruction.  After  the  destruction  of  Gran, 
Batu  apparently  spent  a  considerable  time  in  its  neighbourhood.  His 
people,  however,  were  not  idle,  and  were  engaged  in  desolating 
the  valley  of  the  Danube,  advancing  north  of  that  river  as  far  as 
Niunburg  or  Kronnenburgh,  two  German  miles  north  of  Vienna,  where 
they  slaughtered  many  Christians  ;*  while  south  of  the  Danube  they 
advanced,  as  I  have  described^t  as  far  as  Neustadt,  south  of  Vienna, 
where  they  suffered  a  check  at  the  hands  of  the  Archduke  of  Austria,  the 
King  of  Bohemia,  the  Patriarch  of  Aquilia,  the  Duke  of  Carinthia,  and 
the  Margrave  of  Baden  who  had  assembled  a  considerable  army.t  But  it 
would  seem  that  altogether  the  country  west  of  the  Danube  fared  better 
than  that  east  of  the  river,  and  that  several  towns,  such  as  Oedenburg, 
Presburg,  Neitra,  Trentschin,  Comorn,  Turotz,  &c.,  successfully  resisted 
the  Tartar  attack.  § 

While  Batu  and  the  main  army  remained  near  the  middle  Danube,  a 
contingent  was  sent  under  Kadan  in  pursuit  of  Bela,  as  I  have  The  latter  had  sent  his  wife  Maria  and  young  son  Stephen, 
in  the  spring  of  1241,  into  Dalmatia,  and  confided  them  to  the  care  of 
the  people  of  Spalatro,  but  the  queen  was  nervous,  and,  with  a  number 
of  widows  whose  husbands  had  been  killed  by  the  Tartars,  and  with  her 
husband's  treasure,  she  took  refuge  at  the  strong  fortress  of  Clissa,  a 
short  distance  from  Spalatro.  H  Bela  himself  remained  for  a  while  in 
Croatia,  and  he  complains  in  a  document  still  extant  of  the  way  in  which 
he  was  deserted  by  his  grandees  ;  but  he  seems  to  have  been  of  a 
vacillating  disposition,  and  neither  conciliated  enemies  nor  made  many 
friends.  The  clergy  alone  behaved  handsomely  to  him.  Inter  aim  we 
are  told  how  the  monastery  of  Mons.  Pannoniae  made  him  a  present  of 
800  marks  of  fine  gold.  In  the  early  part  of  February,  1242,  having 
heard  of  Kadan's  pursuing  march,  he  fled  to  the  Dalmatian  coast,  and, 
having  removed  his  family  from  Clissa,  went  to  Spalatro.  Kadan 
pursued  him  sharply,  as  I  have  described.**  The  Tartars  seem  to  have 
left  a  considerable  portion  of  their  forces  near  Verbacz,  where  pasturage 
was  abundant,  and  to  have  hurried  on  with  the  light  troops  through  the 
barren  and  inhospitable  mountains  of  Croatia,  where  they  pitilessly 
slaughtered  the  inhabitants,  without  regard  to  age  or  sex.  Fancying  that 
Bela  was  taking  refuge  at  Clissa,  they  poured  a  shower  of  arrows  upon 
it,  and  finding  this  of  little  use,  they  dismounted  and  began  to  clamber 
up  on  hand  and  foot,  and  were  met  by  the  garrison  rolling  down  great 
stones  upon  But  Bela  had  gone  to  Trau,  as  they  learnt  there, 
and  thence  shipped  his  wife  and  family  to  the  neighbouring  islands  of 
Lesina  and  Brazza,  while  he  himself  remained  on  board  ship.  The  two 
islands  were  granted  the  privilege  of  having  their  own  bishops  and  their 

•  Wolff,  340.  +  Ante,  i.  152.  I  Wolff,  344-  ^  ^d;  339- 

fl  Vol.  i.  151,  &c.  •!  Wolff,  350.  **  Ante,  I.  lit.  tt  Wolff,  351- 

BATU  KHAN.  57 

own  Zupan  (the  latter,  however,  to  be  of  the  family  Geviche),  in 
recompense  for  the  refuge  they  thus  afforded  the  royal  family  *  The 
Tartars  advanced  to  the  outskirts  of  Trau,  and  finding  it  unassailable, 
they  sent  a  messenger  to  summon  the  town,  who  spoke  in  the  Slavonic 
tongue  :  ''  Kadan,  the  chief  of  the  unconquered  army,  bids  you  know, 
if  you  do  not  wish  to  share  in  the  penalty  earned  by  one  who  is  a 
stranger  in  blood  to  you,  deliver  the  enemy  into  our  hands."f  No 
answer,  at  the  wish  of  the  king,  was  given  to  this  arrogant  message. 
The  Tartars  then  retired.  They  spent  nearly  the  whole  of  March, 
however,  in  the  neighbourhood,  and  several  times  visited  the  coast  towns, 
but  afterwards  returned  to  Verbacz. 

Several  documents  are  extant  showing  how  Bela  rewarded  the  various 
grandees  who  had  faithfully  served  him  during  this  terrible  time.  Inter 
alia  we  read  how  the  count  Detrikus,  son  of  Matthew,  was  made  Ban 
of  Slavonia.  Similar  rewards  overtook  other  Croatian  notables.  The 
most  important  of  his  friends  at  this  time  were  the  Frangipanni  counts 
of  Veglia,  who  put  not  only  their  men  and  ships  at  his  service,  but  also 
made  him  an  advance  of  20,000  marks.  It  would  seem  that  they 
assembled  a  considerable  fleet  from  the  neighbouring  coasts,  which  acted 
as  an  escort  to  Bela,  when  on  the  i8th  of  March  he  set  out  from  Trau. 
It  was  overtaken  by  a  storm  on  the  open  sea,  between  the  canals  of  Zara 
and  Quarnero,  and  a  portion  of  the  fleet  was  driven  on  to  the  coast  of  the 
peninsula  of  Nona.  A  terrible  struggle  ensued  between  the  castaways 
and  the  Tartars,  who  were  lying  in  wait  on  the  shore,  but  the  latter 
were  badly  beaten.  We  are  told  that  on  this  occasion  three  young 
champions,  named  Krecz,  Yegerlich  (called  Kupissa),  and  Raak,  with 
thirty-eight  followers  (who  came  from  Syrmia,  in  Eastern  Slavonia,  and 
of  whom  twenty-five  perished  in  the  struggle),  distinguished  themselves. 
The  fight  took  place  before  the  king's  own  eyes,  and  the  description  is 
enlivened  by  some  graphic  touches,  the  Tartars  being  hemmed  in  and 
slaughtered,  we  are  told,  like  "  geese  on  a  fish-pond."  They  were  at 
length  defeated  and  driven  beyond  the  Kerka,  near  Brezcza.J 

The  Frangipanni,  who  had  behaved  so  loyally,  were  handsomely 
rewarded  by  the  king.  By  a  deed  of  the  5th  of  April,  1251,  they  were 
granted  the  counties  of  Vinodol  and  Modrus,  in  Croatia  ;  and  by  a  deed, 
dated  four  years  later,  he  made  over  to  them  the  town  of  Zeng,  with 
Zubehor,  Zoll,  &c. ;  while  in  1263  he  heaped  fresh  honours  upon  them, 
and  gave  the  castle  of  Zkrad,  in  Croatia,  to  the  brothers  Philip  and 
Bartholomew  Szkalyk  de  Lyka,  who  had  supplied  a  contingent  of 

Let  us  turn  once  more  to  Kadan  and  his  Tartars.  Finding  he  could 
not  reach  Bela,  he  set  out  at  the  end  of  March,  1242,  and  passed  through 
Turkish  Croatia  and  the  Herzegovina.    When  he  had  reached  as  far 

♦Wolff,  358.  t/<^.  I  Wm  363-365.  5  «.,  360,361. 



south  as  Drivasto,  in  Albania,  he  received  orders  from  Batu  to  return, 
the  death  of  the  Great  Khan  Ogotai  having  summoned  the  various 
princes  back  again  to  Asia.  He  accordingly  marched  east  through 
Bulgaria  to  meet  him. 

Batu  had  remained  apparently,  as  I  have  said,  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  Gran.  When  the  news  of  Ogotai's  death  reached  him  he  set  out 
eastwards.  This  was  probably  about  the  end  of  March.  The  army 
marched  with  a  large  convoy  of  waggons  and  troops  of  cattle  and  horses. 
The  forests  were  tramped  through  on  foot,  so  that  the  insatiable  Tartars 
might  glean  the  few  victims  who  escaped  them  as  they  advanced  into 
the  country.  In  Transylvania  the  ravage  had  not  been  quite  complete 
before,  and  many  towns  and  inhabitants  still  remained.  These  were 
trodden  under  and  destroyed.  The  Tartars  then  crossed  over  into 
Wallachia,  and  thence  into  Bulgaria.  This  was  about  the  beginning  of 
June,  1242,*  and  about  the  same  time  Kadan  reached  Bulgaria  and 
rejoined  Batu  with  his  contingent.  On  his  passage  through  Bulgaria, 
Batu  did  not  fail,  in  Mongol  fashion,  to  lay  waste  the  whole  land.  The 
King  of  Bulgaria,  Kolowan,  appealed  to  his  suzerain,  Baldwin  II.,  the 
Emperor  of  Constantinople,  for  help.  Allying  himself  with  the  Comans, 
who  had  migrated  from  Hungary  in  1241,  he  defeated  the  Tartars  in  a 
first  engagement,  but  was  defeated  and  his  country  subdued  in  a  second 
more  unfortunate  fight.t  It  was  while  in  Bulgaria  that  Batu  assembled 
the  various  prisoners  whom  he  had  captured,  and  after  he  had  given 
them  permission  to  return  home  made  a  great  slaughter  of  them,  as  I 
have  mentioned.^  At  length,  in  the  winter  of  1242-43,  the  Tartars 
once  more  crossed  the  Danube. 

When  the  Tartars  invaded  Gallicia  its  prince,  Daniel,  fled  westwards 
and  found  refuge  with  Konrad,  Duke  of  Mazovia  and  Cujavia,  where  his 
rival  Michael  of  Kief  had  preceded  him.§  When  the  Tartars  passed  into 
Hungary  he  returned  once  more  to  his  principahty,  and,  turning  aside 
from  Brest  and  Vladimir  on  account  of  the  pestilental  odour  emitted  by 
the  corpses  there,  he  settled  at  Kholm,  a  town  which  he  had  himself 
founded,  near  the  ancient  Cherven.  It  had  escaped  the  general  ravage, 
and  was  inhabited  by  a  mixed  population  of  Germans,  Poles,  &c.  It  was 
beautifully  built,  and  adorned  with  gardens,  an  oasis  in  the  general 
desert,  and  from  it  Daniel  commenced  the  work  of  restoring  prosperity 
once  more  to  the  devastated  country.  He  was  opposed,  however,  by  the 
Gallician  boyards,  who  had  tasted  in  his  absence  a  little  liberty,  and  who 
seized  the  salt  mines  of  Kolomna,  the  dues  from  which  went  to  support 
the  princely  exchequer.  They  also  intrigued  with  Rostislaf,  the  son 
of  Michael  of  Kief.  Michael  had  been  well  treated  by  Daniel,  who  had 
ceded  to  him  the  principality  of  Kief,  to  which  he  had  returned. 
Daniel  defeated  the  treacherous   conduct  of  the  boyards  and  of  the 

*  Wolff,  368.  t/(^.,366.  I  Ante,  vol.  1 153'  §  Wolff,  381. 

BATU  KHAN.  59 

bishops  of  Galitch  and  Pereislavl,  drove  Rostislaf  away  from  the  town 
of  Galitch,  defeated  the  Poles,  from  whom  he  captured  Lublin,  and 
made  himself  powerfully  felt.  He  is  styled  Grand  Prince  by  some,  and 
had  certainly  in  South-western  Russia  an  equivalent  position  to  Yaroslaf 
in  Central  Russia  at  Vladimir.* 

When  Batu  crossed  the  Volga  he  sent  the  Poloutzian  Aktai  to  apprise 
him  that  he  had  returned  from  his  campaign  in  Hungary,  and  that  he 
should  send  his  commanders  Memmen  and  Balai  with  an  army  against 
him  if  he  did  not  send  in  his  submission.!  He  then  continued  his  march 
towards  the  Volga. 

We  have  now  completed  the  story  of  Batu's  great  campaign.  And 
what  a  terrible  story  it  is,  what  a  picture  of  utter  destruction  and 
desolation.  From  the  German  frontier  to  the  Volga  hardly  a  town 
survived  the  passage  of  the  tornado.  If  towns  were  an  eyesore  to 
Mongol  eyes,  as  many  of  their  graphic  sayings  attest,  then  assuredly 
they  had  done  credit  to  their  aesthetic  training ;  and  if  the  presence  of 
settled  inhabitants,  and  of  those  who  reap  and  sow,  who  knit  and  weave, 
was  a  menace  to  the  roving  soldiery,  whose  grass  needed  no  tillage,  and 
whose  wealth  was  in  their  flocks,  they  had  had  their  fill  of  satisfaction. 
They  had  few  local  ties  and  scruples,  and  were  on  a  gigantic  scale  what 
the  Turkoman  and  Kazak  frontagers  of  Persia  are  on  a  small  one,  devoted 
to  that  licentious  liberty  which  is  incompatible  with  town  life,  and  that 
obstinate  independence  which  deems  most  laws  the  yokes  of  slaves.  If 
it  be  true  that  man  was  first  a  hunter,  then  a  nomade,  then  a  settler,  and 
that  between  these  forms  of  life  there  is  perpetual  war,  and  that  although 
the  victory  goes  unfailingly  to  the  last,  that  it  has  to  be  won  at  the 
sword's  point,  and  is  only  won  when  its  enemy  is  entirely  extirpated ; 
then  we  have  a  rauon  d'etre  for  much  which  crowds  these  volumes,  and 
we  may  accept  the  campaign  of  Batu  and  its  results  as  one  chapter  in 
that  mighty  warfare  between  the  nomade  and  the  agriculturist,  which  is 
now  waning,  because  the  nomade  has  had  his  day,  but  which  was  then  in 
the  balance,  for  assuredly,  but  for  the  lucky  death  of  Ogotai  and  the 
consequent  recall  of  the  Tartar  leaders,  there  is  no  good  reason  why  an 
acre  of  land  in  Europe  should  have  escaped  being  trampled  upon  by 
Tartar  troops,  and  should  have  been  scorched  accordingly.  I  have  in 
the  previous  volume  collected  some  of  the  reasons  why  the  Tartar  march 
was  so  successful,  others  remain.  The  first  and  most  obvious  cause 
was  that  the  Tartars  were  a  perpetual  standing  army.  "  The  nomade 
nations,"  as  one  historian  of  Russia  says,  "  are  armies,  irregular  indeed, 
but  easily  put  in  motion,  prompt,  and  always  on  foot ;  whatever 
they  leave  behind  them  can  be  guarded  by  old  men,  women,  and 
children.  To  such  nations  war  is  not  an  event,  for  long  marches 
produce  but  little  change  in  the  habits  of  a  wandering  people,  their 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  21-24.  t  Von  Hammer,  136.     Wolff,  381. 


houses,  their  provisions,  march  along  with  them ;  and  this  is  of  some 
importance  in  uncultivated  plains  and  uninhabited  forests."*  There  was 
no  distinction  among  the  Tartars  between  civilian  and  soldier,  all  were 
warriors  who  could  carr}-  arms,  save  perhaps  a  few  Shamanist  medicine 
men.  On  the  other  hand,  what  do  we  find  in  Europe  at  this  time  ?  In 
the  first  place,  it  was  so  divided  in  interests  and  other  respects  by  its 
feudal  institutions,  that  its  patriotism  was  parochial  and  its  strength 
frittered  away.  In  the  next  place,  in  Russia,  and  probably  in  Hungary, 
the  possession  of  arms  was  reserved  for  nobles  and  freemen  only,  and 
from  these  we  must  deduct  the  traders  and  clergy.  Now,  as  the  author 
just  quoted  says,  speaking  of  Russia,  "  continual  wars  had  so  much 
increased  the  number  of  monks,  hired  servants,  and  slaves,  and  so  much 
diminished  that  of  freemen  and  landholders,  that  there  remained  scarcely 
warriors  enough  to  make  head  against  the  Poloutzi."  These  were  the 
natural  warriors,  who  were  trained  to  arms  ;  besides  them  each  of  the 
petty  chiefs  kept  paid  guards  of  mercenaries.  These  in  former  times 
had  been  Varangians  and  Norsemen,  but  in  later  days  they  had  also 
taken  Turkomans  into  their  pay,  and  we  read  of  Berendeens,  Turks, 
&c.,  being  in  the  service  of  the  Russian  princes,  but  these  guards  had 
greatly  diminished  in  numbers.  "About  the  year  iioo  the  guard  of  the 
Grand  Prince  was  only  800  men,  and  he  lost  it."t  These  frail  materials 
formed  the  only  soldiery  in  the  country,  and  the  crowds  who  were 
collected  to  repel  a  sudden  invasion  were  necessarily  but  a  very  indif- 
ferent militia,  and  disappeared  like  chaff  in  the  fire  before  the  terrible 
Tartar  cavalry,  so  well  disciplined  and  with  such  admirable  tactics. 
Badly  armed  foot  soldiers,  with  little  training  or  discipline,  have  never 
been  a  match  for  such  opponents,  and  especially  when  they  have  come  in 
such  multitudes  as  the  soldiers  of  Batu.  Again,  not  only  did  they  excel 
in  discipline,  training,  and  numbers,  but  also  in  weapons.  Here  let  me 
quote  from  a  historian  who  is  too  Httle  appreciated.  He  says,  "  It  is 
unnecessary  to  expatiate  upon  the  influence  exercised  by  military  arms 
in  organisation  and  discipline,  and  in  the  general  science  of  war,  upon 
the  history  of  comparatively  modern  times.  .  .  .  The  system  organised 
by  Gustavus  Adolphus  turned  the  tide  of  victory  against  the  Imperial 
arms  in  Germany,  and  on  more  than  one  hard  fought  field  in  England, 
when  used  by  Fairfax  and  Cromwell  against  the  ill-regulated  valour  of 
the  supporters  of  King  Charles.  .  .  .  The  dagger  screwed  into  the 
muzzle  of  the  musket  first  placed  that  weapon  on  a  footing  with  the  pike 
at  close  quarters  ;  the  bayonet  attached  to  the  end  of  the  barrel  com- 
pleted its  efficiency  without  interfering  with  its  use  as  a  firearm.  The 
firelock  and  the  iron  ramrod  each  made  a  mark,  however  small  that  mark 
may  have  been,  upon  some  portion  of  the  history  of  the  last  two 
centuries.''^    The  same  very  learned  author  then  proceeds  to  discuss  the 

•.Kelly's  Russia,  i.  68.  t  Id.,  69.  I  Robertson,  Historical  Essays,  ix. 

BATU  KHAN.  6 1 

superiority  of  the  Frank  weapons  over  those  of  the  Roman  colonials, 
and  of  the  Normans  at  Hastings  over  those  of  the  English,  in  both  cases 
awarding  the  victory  to  the  well  equipped.  Now,  in  the  case  of  the 
Tartars  we  have  every  reason  for  believing  that  they  were  in  every  way 
better  armed  than  their  opponents.  In  the  magnificent  collection  of 
armour  at  the  Palace  of  Peterhof  there  are  some  specimens  of  the  body 
armour  of  the  Mongols,  made  with  scales  of  iron  overlapping  one 
another,  which  testify  to  the  skill  of  their  smiths,  and  are  marvels  of 
workmanship  compared  with  any  contemporary  armour  then  in  use  in 
Eastern  Europe.  As  to  the  Tartar  weapons  they  have  been  described 
for  us  by  one  of  the  chroniclers.  Their  armour,  he  tells  us,  was  made  of 
buffalo  hides,  with  scales  fastened  on  it.  It  was  impenetrable,  and  formed 
a  capital  defence.  They  wore  iron  or  leathern  helmets,  crooked  swords 
{i.e.,  sabres),  quivers,  and  bows.  The  heads  of  their  arrows  were  four 
fingers  broad,  longer  than  those  used  in  the  west,  and  were  made  of  iron, 
bone,  or  horn,  and  the  notches  were  so  small  that  they  would  not  pass 
over  the  strings  of  western  bows.  Their  standards  were  short,  made  of 
black  or  white  yak's  tails,  and  having  balls  of  wool  at  the  top .  Their 
horses  were  small,  compact,  and  hardy,  and  submitted  to  almost  any 
hardship.  They  rode  them  without  stirrups,  and  made  them  jump  like 
deer  over  rocks  and  walls.* 

It  will  thus  be  seen  that  in  weapons  and  armature  also,  the  invaders 
were  superior  to  their  opponents,  and  we  cannot  wonder,  when  we  gauge 
the  respective  qualifications  of  either  side,  that  the  Mongols  should  have 
been  universally  successful  in  the  open  field.  Their  engineering  skill 
was  also  very  superior  to  anything  then  known  in  Europe.  We  have 
pictured  for  us  in  the  accounts  of  the  Mongol  campaigns  in  China  the 
elaborate  mangonels  and  other  kinds  of  artillery  which  they  had  at 
command,  and  which  enabled  them  to  break  very  readily  the  more  or 
less  frail  barriers  of  wood  or  stone,  which  were  then  deemed  formidable 
fortifications  ;  and  we  accordingly  find  that  when  they  had  enough  time 
they  were  seldom  foiled  in  attacking  towns.  Towns  had  this  additional 
weakness  in  Russia,  that  they  were  so  far  asunder  and  so  separated  by 
forests  and  deserts  that  they  could  not  help  one  another.  All  the  odds, 
in  fact,  were  in  favour  of  the  invaders  ;  and,  as  if  this  was  not  enough, 
the  princes  both  in  Russia  and  Hungary  were,  if  not  in  actual  conflict, 
engaged  too  often,  to  use  a  graphic  colloquial  phrase,  in  "  paddling  their 
own  canoes."  The  Grand  Prince  of  Russia  was  a  very  feeble  person, 
Karamzin,  who  is  ever  tender  to  princes,  speaks  of  him  as  having  taken 
no  measures  for  the  defence  of  Russia,  but  as  having  the  virtues  of  his 
century,  "  he  decked  the  churches,  made  presents  to  the  monks,  and 
his  memory  was  blest  by  the  people,"t  which  is  fiercely  translated  by 
another   writer,  "  He  was  an  idiot,    .     .    .    was    solely  occupied   in 

*  Thomas  of  Spalatro,  Wolff,  334-  t  Op.  cit.,  iv.  3- 


adorning  the  churches,  perpetuating  mendicity  by  alms,  and  fattening 
the  monks." 

In  Hungary,  Bela  was  also  marked  by  feeble  qualities,  and,  as  I 
showed  in  my  former  volume,  had  exasperated  or  alienated  large  numbers 
of  his  people.  We  need  not  wonder,  therefore,  at  the  completeness  of 
the  Tartar  success,  and  if  we  find  cause  of  admiration  from  the  military 
point  of  view,  it  must  be  as  an  engineering  feat,  for  the  marvellous 
rapidity  with  which  the  land  was  won,  and  the  ease  with  which  such  a 
large  force  was  moved  and  provisioned,  and  the  admirable  strategy  by 
which  the  whole  campaign  was  marked  ;  and  in  gauging  this  we  must 
remember  that  in  Hungary,  at  least,  it  is  probable  the  Tartars  were 
assisted  by  the  Comans  as  guides  and  counsellors,  for  they  also  had  a 
grievance  against  the  Hungarians,  while  it  would  seem  from  the  narrative 
of  Roger  that  both  Magyars  and  Germans  did  not  scruple  to  join  the 
ranks  of  the  ruthless  invaders,  driven  as  much  perhaps  by  terror  as  by 

With  these  advantages  the  success  of  the  Tartars  was  inevitable,  and 
when  we  consider  their  mission,  it  is  only  too  easy  either  to  be  cynical, 
or,  if  our  method  be  not  that  of  Diogenes,  to  stand  aside  and  despair 
entirely  of  solving  the  riddle  of  history  ;  but  we  surely  may  do  better 
than  this.  It  is  not  a  mere  phrase  when  we  speak  of  the  tide  of  human 
progress,  and  thus  postulate  for  it  an  ebb  as  well  as  a  flow  ;  and  the  ebb 
has  its  ends  and  uses  no  less  than  the  flow.  And  there  was  one  result  at 
least  of  the  Tartar  invasion  which  was  lasting  and  most  useful,  and  in 
this  it  was  similar  to  the  terrible  invasions  of  the  Danes  in  the  further 
west  at  an  earlier  day.  Through  the  process  of  parcelling  out  the  kingly 
inheritance  a  considerable  danger  was  overhanging  Europe,  every 
province  was  becoming  a  rival  of  its  neighbours,  and  all  the  countries  of 
the  west  were  in  consequence  disintegrating.  It  required  the  sharp  iron 
of  the  Danes  to  weld  together  the  fragments  of  England  into  one  land, 
to  make  men  feel  that  they  had  a  common  heritage  to  guard,  and 
common  interests  to  gather  round,  or,  if  we  would  have  a  more  modern 
example,  we  cannot  doubt  that  all  the  romance  and  fervid  sentiment 
which  surrounds  the  term  Fatherland  in  Germany,  which  has  in  that 
disjointed  mass  of  Uttle  principalities  formed  a  pubhc  opinion  too  strong 
for  any  provincial  loyalties  to  withstand,  and  which  has  demanded  unity 
and  strength  under  one  head,  has  been  born  of  the  roll  of  misfortunes 
and  troubles  which  division  and  mutual  strife  have  entailed  on  her 
children,  and  have  made  her  an  ever  easy  prey  to  her  unscrupulous 
neighbours.  So  it  was  with  the  Russians,  only  in  a  much  greater  degree. 
That  union,  that  obedience  to  authority,  that  terrible  patience  and 
dogged  perseverance,  which  we  recognise  as  the  great  Russian  virtues, 
were  born  doubtless  of  the  terrible  troubles  which  befell  the  land  in 
the  Tartar  and  earlier  period.     So  dislocated  an4  broken  to  pieces  was 

BATU  KHAN.  •    63 

the  whole  fabric  of  the  State  in  the  eariy  thirteenth  century,  that  nothing 
but  blood  and  iron,  the  two  remedies  of  a  strong-fisted  statesman,  were 
capable  of  welding  it  together,  and  these  were  supplied  copiously  enough 
by  the  Tartars.  The  need  of  union  against  the  common  enemy  created 
Russia,  out  of  a  patchwork  of  small  rival  States  with  ignoble  ambitions. 
This  at  least  was  one  result  of  the  struggle,  others  will  suggest  them- 
selves as  we  proceed. 

There  is  a  question,  however,  which  forces  itself  upon  us  at  this 
point  which  is  certainly  very  curious,  and  that  is  a  comparison  of  Batu's 
conduct  in  the  campaign  and  his  conduct  afterwards  ;  and  this  is  so 
much  in  unison  with  what  the  Mongols  did  elsewhere  that  it  has  no 
doubt  a  common  explanation.  During  the  war  the  very  spirit  of  destruc- 
tion seems  to  have  accompanied  him;  after  it  was  over  this  poHcy  ceased. 
Tribute  and  homage  were  exacted,  and  also  obedience,  but  otherwise  the 
victims  were  treated  with  comparative  leniency,  and  seldom  disturbed  at 
home.  This  was  quite  in  character  with  the  precepts  of  Jingis,  "  In  war 
tigers,  in  peace  doves.""  War  with  the  Tartars  was  no  play  time.  It  meant, 
as  it  logically  means,  the  destruction  of  the  enemy  and  all  that  belongs  to 
him.  At  all  events,  the  running  of  no  risks  for  the  sake  of  sentiment,  the 
exacting  of  the  most  terrible  punishment.  Rather  than  leave  a 
population  behind  which  might  grow  into  an  army,  everybody  who  could 
embarrass  the  communications  or  the  retreat  of  the  army  was  destroyed ; 
rather  than  keep  a  great  mass  of  prisoners,  who  must  be  fed  and  clothed, 
and  who  would  hamper  the  movements  as  well  as  the  commissariat  of 
the  army,  their  throats  were  cut ;  no  walls  and  houses  which  could  be 
converted  into  fortresses  were  to  be  left  standing  ;  and  following  out  the 
grim  notion  that  war  means  a  terrible  struggle  for  existence,  and  not  a 
sentimental  game,  they  deemed  everything  fair.  With  your  enemy  at 
your  throat,  every  treacherous  method  was  deemed  honest,  every  cruel 
expedient,  justifiable.  Resistance  brought  destruction  at  once,  while 
submission  only  purchased  safety  when  it  was  not  compromising 
in  any  way  to  the  victors.  The  girls  and  boys,  the  artisans  and  handi- 
craftsmen, who  could  be  made  into  slaves  and  otherwise  employed,  were 
spared  and  sent  to  Mongolia  in  some  numbers,  otherwise  the  decree 
upon  an  enemy's  land  was  that  it  must  be  desolated.  The  issue  is  no 
doubt  awful,  but  it  is  at  least  logical,  and  is  certainly  contrasted  with  that 
decrepit  philanthropy  which,  when  two  combatants  are  determined  to 
fight  it  out,  supplies  plaster  and  medicine  to  enable  them  to  continue  the 
struggle  longer.  When  the  war  was  over,  then  the  necessity  for  such 
menaces  ceased  also.  So  long  as  the  victors  had  plenty  of  broad  lands 
for  pasture,  and  an  occasional  opportunity  of  replenishing  their  harems 
and  houses  with  wives  and  trinkets  by  a  plundering  raid,  they  left  their 
neighbours  alone,  and  eventually  became  demoralised  by  contact  with 
them  and  by  the  enervating  effects  of  luxury  and  ease,  while  their 


former  victims  were  knitting  their  strength  together  until  they  over- 
whelmed them,  a  process  which  we  shall  follow  in  the  succeeding 

Of  the  various  districts  of  Russia  one  portion  alone  now  remained 
independent  of  the  Tartar  arms,  and  that  was  the  principality  of 
Novgorod,  whose  fame  is  widely  spread  as  a  member  of  the  Hanseatic 
league,  as  the  mother  of  modern  republics,  and  as  the  seat  of  power  of 
Alexander  Nevski,  the  son  of  the  Grand  Prince  Yaroslaf,  who  ruled 
there  when  Batu's  army  swept  over  Southern  Russia,  and  whose  good 
fortune  and  happy  reign  form  for  a  few  years  a  bright  relief  to  the 
generally  dismal  annals  of  Russia  at  this  epoch. 

Let  us  now  turn  once  more  to  Batu  and  his  Tartars.  Batu  and  his 
army  had  been  recalled  from  the  campaign  in  Europe  by  the  death  of 
Ogotai,  a  death  which  it  was  suspected  in  some  quarters  had  been  caused 
by  poison,  but  which  was  much  more  certainly  the  result  of  hard 
drinking.  The  death  of  Ogotai  opened  up  serious  questions  of 
succession.  Among  the  Mongols  a  man  was  not  succeeded  by  his  son  so 
long  as  he  had  brothers  living.  When  the  brothers  were  exhausted  the 
inheritance  reverted  to  the  family  of  the  eldest  brother.  Thus,  on  the 
death  of  Ogotai,  whose  last  surviving  brother,  Jagatai,  died  in  1240-1,*  the 
rightful  heirs  to  the  throne  were  the  sons  of  Juchi.  It  is  true  that 
Ogotai,  on  accepting  the  throne,  had  exacted  a  promise  that  it  should 
be  continued  in  his  family,  but  such  promises,  when  made  in  the  face  of 
the  custom  prescribed  by  antiquity,  are  seldom  acquiesced  in,  and  we  may 
beheve  that  on  his  death  the  sons  of  Juchi  looked  forward  to  a  reinstate- 
ment of  their  family.  Matters  were  further  complicated  by  the  fact  that 
Ogotai  had  made  a  will  in  which,  like  his  father,  he  had  displaced  his 
own  son  from  the  heritage,  and  had  named  his  grandson  Shiramun  to 
succeed  him. 

His  chief  widow  was  Turakina,  a  strong-minded  woman,  a  Merkit, 
and  therefore,  as  I  have  shown,  probably  a  Turk  by  origin,  and  having 
sympathy  also,  as  it  would  seem,  with  the  creed  of  Islam.  She  was 
jealous  of  the  three  sisters  Siurkukteni,  the  widow  of  Tului,  Abika, 
and  Bekutemish,  the  widow  of  Juchi,  and  she  determined  to  secure 
the  throne  for  her  son  Kuyuk. 

t  Under  these  circumstances,  it  is  a  curious  and  striking  proof  of  the 
rigid  discipline  of  the  Mongols  and  their  very  loyal  attachment  to  law, 
that  no  attempt  should  have  been  made  to  fill  the  throne  immediately, 
but  that  a  regency  should  have  been  constituted  until  "  the  grand  army '' 
could  return  from  the  west  and  the  princes  could  be  assembled  to  elect 
their  chief  in  proper  form.  Of  these  princes  Batu  was  certainly  now  the 
most  influential.  Although  he  had  an  older  brother,  Orda,  to  whom  he 
acknowledged  his  subservience,  his  wonderful  success  and  his  command 

♦  Abulghwi,  jsfi    Note,  t 

BATU  KHAN,  65 

of  the  army  gave  him  a  predominant  position.  He  was  doubtless 
informed  pretty  accurately  by  his  aunt  Siurkukteni  of  what  was  passing  in 
Mongolia,  and  of  the  intrigues  which  went  on  at  the  regent's  court,  where 
there  must  have  been  much  fear  and  jealousy  of  himself,  nor  would  he 
like  to  trust  himself  there  without  a  strong  escort.  Besides  these  general 
considerations  there  was  a  further  one,  that  he  had  a  personal  feud  with 
Kuyuk,  which  only  intensified  his  feelings  towards  that  rival.  The  origin 
of  this  quarrel  is  thus  described  in  the  Yuan-chao-pi-shi.  We  are  told 
that  Batu  sent  an  envoy  from  Kipchak  to  his  suzerain  Ogotai  with  the 
following  message  : — 

"  By  the  favour  of  Heaven  and  an  auspicious  fate,  oh  emperor,  my 
uncle,  the  eleven  nations  have  been  subdued.  When  the  army  had 
returned,  a  banquet  was  arranged,  at  which  all  the  Mongol  princes  were 
present.  Being  the  eldest,  I  drank  one  or  two  cups  of  wine  before  the 
others.  Buri  and  Kuyuk  were  incensed,  left  the  banquet,  and  mounted 
their  horses,  at  the  same  time  reviling  me.  Buri  said  :  '  Batu  is  not 
superior  to  me  ;  why  did  he  drink  before  I  drank  ?  He  is  an  old  woman 
with  a  beard.  By  a  single  kick  I  could  knock  him  down  and  crush  him.' 
Kuyuk  said  :  '  He  is  an  old  woman  with  bow  and  arrows,  I  shall  order 
him  to  be  thrashed  with  a  stick.'  Another  proposed  to  fasten  a  wooden 
tail  to  my  body.  Such  is  the  language  that  was  used  by  the  princes, 
when  after  the  war  with  the  different  nations  we  had  assembled  to 
deliberate  on  important  matters ;  and  we  were  obliged  to  break  up 
without  discussing  the  affairs.  Such  is  what  I  have  to  report,  oh 
emperor,  my  uncle." 

Ogotai  on  hearing  this  news  got  very  angry,  and  at  first  refused  to  see 
Kuyuk  (who  had  in  the  meantime  arrived  from  the  west);  but  when  those 
around  him  interceded,  he  severely  rebuked  his  son,  and  gave  him  to 
understand  that  the  subjugation  of  some  tribes  of  Russians  attributed  to 
him  afforded  no  reason  for  boasting,  the  whole  merit  being  due  to 
Subutai.  As  to  Buri's  case,  Ogotai  ordered  that  Batu  should  apply  to  his 
father  Jagatai  for  judgment.*  This  incident,  which  is  to  some  extent 
confirmed  by  Rashid  and  Rubruquis,  doubtless  happened  in  the  interval 
between  the  campaign  in  Central  Russia  and  the  attack  on  Hungary, 
and  was  perhaps  a  weighty  reason  for  Kuyuk  returning  to  Mongolia. 
We  can  see  how  it  would  embitter  the  feeling  of  Batu  towards  him. 

For  these  ample  reasons  Batu  did  not  hasten  his  return  to  Mongolia, 
but  loitered  in  his  own  proper  country.  As  Juchi  had  been  given  the 
various  towns  and  camping  grounds  of  the  Kankalis,  which  he  had 
himself  conquered,  together  with  Khuarezm,  which  was  apportioned  to 
him  for  conquest,  so  Batu  acquired  by  the  same  right  the  dominion  over 
the  wide  steppes  of  the  Comans  or  Kipchaks.  These  became  his 
camping   ground,    while    the    various    Russian    princes    became    his 

*  Bretschneider,  94,  95. 


tributaries.  His  elder  brother  Orda  retained  his  father's  portion  on  the 
sea  of  Aral  and  Jaxartes,  and  to  him  Batu  was  feudally  subservient,  a 
subservience  more  nominal  than  real  doubtless,  since  the  importance  of 
his  government  much  outweighed  that  of  his  brother.  Other  brothers, 
as  we  shall  see  presently,  were  provided  for  elsewhere. 

In  order  to  realise  the  kind  of  authority  which  Batu  exercised,  we 
must  think  of  him,  not  as  the  sovereign  of  a  settled  community,  ruling 
over  cities  and  agriculturists  with  fixed  settlements,  but  as  the  leader  of  a 
great  nomadic  host,  whose  herds  required  wide  prairie  lands  to  feed  them, 
and  who  moved  about  as  the  exigencies  of  these  herds  demanded. 
We  still  have  in  miniature  among  the  Kalmuks  and  Kazaks,  conditions 
which  answer  to  this  description.  Now  the  greater  part  of  Russia  proper 
in  the  thirteenth  century,  almost  all  the  country  in  fact,  which  had 
been  occupied  and  settled  by  Slavic  settlers,  and  whose  kernel  is  known 
to  us  as  Great  Russia,  was  in  every  way  unsuited  to  the  life  of  a  nomadic 
race.  For  the  most  part  covered  with  wood  and  morass,  the  towns  were 
mere  clearances  in  the  forest,  and  were  separated  from  one  another  by 
wide  stretches  of  forest  and  bog.  Such  land  as  had  been  reclaimed  was 
under  the  plough,  and  was  not  grass  land.  This  offered  few  temptations 
to  the  invaders  to  settle  in,  especially  as  the  climate  was  harsh  and 
severe.  This  great  kernel  of  Central  Russia,  however,  was  bounded  on 
the  south  and  south-east  by  a  very  different  kind  of  land.  There  were 
huge  flat  plains  covered  with  juicy  grasses.  The  excellence  of  the 
pasture  of  these  plains  is  best  proved  by  their  being  the  homes  of  the 
famous  breed  of  Ukraine  cattle,  the  famous  fat-tailed  sheep,  and  the 
hardy  Cossack  horses.  Here  were  no  interminable  forests  or  quagmires, 
no  boundaries  or  limits.  These  steppes  or  pampas  were  in  effect  a  very 
paradise  for  a  nomadic  race,  and  have  from  the  earliest  recorded  history 
been  the  homes  of  tribes  of  Scyths  and  Huns,  and  Turks  and  Kalmuks. 
Here  then  the  Tartar  conquerors  settled  down.  The  vast  prairies  which 
stretch  from  the  Carpathians  to  the  Balkash  sea  are  threaded  by  some 
famous  rivers,  and  it  was  on  these  rivers  that  the  main  encampments  of 
the  Tartars  were  fixed.  Batu  himself  settled  down  on  the  Volga,  which 
waters  probably  the  finest  pasture  lands  in  the  world,  while  other  and 
subordinate  hordes  were  settled  on  the  Yaik  or  Ural,  the  Don,  and  the 
Dnieper.  As  was  the  universal  habit  in  these  districts,  there  was  an 
annual  migration  up  and  down  the  river.  In  summer  the  camp  was 
fixed  in  the  north,  and  as  winter  came  on  there  was  a  gradual  movement 
further  south.  Except  in  winter  there  was  probably  little  actual  halting. 
During  that  season  a  more  permanent  camp  was  formed,  which,  as 
civilisation  overtook  the  Tartars,  took  the  form  of  a  small  city.  The 
camp  was  gathered  round  the  chief's  golden  tent  or  sira  ordu,  whence 
the  whole  encampment,  and  from  it  the  whole  race  took  its  name  of  the 
Golden  Horde.    This  golden  tent  was  styled  a  serai  or  palace,  and 

BATU  KHAN.  '       67 

what  was  once  but  a  magnificent  yurt  became  the  nucleus  of  a  con- 
siderable town,  and  is  well  known  as  Serai,  the  capital  of  the  Golden 

It  was  lucky  indeed  for  Russia,  and  probably  also  for  Europe,  that  the 
Tartars  thus  planted  themselves  without  its  borders,  and  did  not, 
as  in  Persia  'and  China,  actually  occupy  the  land  itself  and  become 
incorporated  with  the  natives.  As  Karamzin  says,  if  they  had  done  so, 
Russia  might  still  have  been  a  Mongol  possession.  In  other  places 
a  fertile  soil  and  a  genial  climate  won  the  nomades  eventually  to 
settled  habits.  The  hard  conditions  of  life  in  Russia  repelled  the 
invaders,  who  remained  perforce  nomades,  and  they  occupied  only  the 
grass  steppes  where  the  Comans  formerly  dwelt,  and  gradually  encroached 
upon  those  border  districts  still  occupied  at  a  much  later  day,  not  by 
Slaves,  but  by  Finnic  races,  by  Mordvins,  Cheremisses,  &c.  The  Oka 
was  the  great  frontier  river  between  the  Tartars  and  their  protegSsy 
the  Russians,  and  many  a  fight  will  be  recorded  in  these  pages  as 
having  occurred  there. 

During  the  absence  of  Batu  in  Hungary,  the  Tartars  who  were  left 
behind,  probably  under  his  brother  Singkur,  put  to  death  Mitislaf,  the 
Prince  of  Rylsk,  in  the  Ukraine.*  On  his  return  [Batu  summoned  the 
Grand  Prince  Yaroslaf  Vsevolodvitch  to  meet  him.  The  latter  accord- 
ingly went,  and  also  sent  his  young  son  Constantine  to  the  court  of 
Batu's  son  Sertak,  on  the  Don.t  He  himself  was  well  received  by 
Batu,  who  confirmed  him  as  suzerain  over  the  other  Russian  princes, 
and  gave  him  authority  over  Kief,  whose  prince,  Michael,  had  fled 
to  Chernigof.  The  example  of  Yaroslaf  was  followed  by  the  petty 
princes  of  Suzdal.t  Two  years  later  Yaroslaf  was  summoned  to 
attend  the  Imperial  court  in  person,  and  to  assist  at  the  inaugu- 
ration of  Ogotai's  successor  Kuyuk,  a  journey  from  which  he  did 
not  return.  The  same  inauguration  was  attended  by  the  Franciscan 
friar  Carpini,  who  has  left  us  an  admirable  picture  of  the  state  of  the 
Mongols  at  this  time.  King  Bela  of  Hungary  had  scarcely  returned  to 
his  country  again  when  fresh  rumours  arose  as  to  another  attack  of  the 
Tartars.  Pope  Gregory  died  on  the  21st  of  August,  1241.  Celestin 
only  ruled  for  a  few  days,  and  the  chair  of  St.  Peter  was  vacant  until  the 
25th  of  June,  1243,  when  Innocent  IV.  became  Pope.  Bela  wrote  to 
him  to  have  compassion  on  his  kingdom,  and  to  order  a  crusade  in  his 
defence.  The  patriarch  of  Aquilia  was  accordingly  ordered  to  stir  up 
the  German  princes  to  go  to  the  aid  of  the  Hungarians  ;  but  Bela's  fears 
proved  groundless.  The  council  of  Lyons  met  two  years  later,  and 
among  the  objects  there  debated  was  the  necessity  of  taking  some 
precautions  against  the  Tartars.  Solemn  prayers  were  ordered,  towns 
were  to  be  fortified,  roads  to  be  obstructed ;  and  finally,  it  was  decided 

*  Von  Hammer,  Goldca  Horde,  1361  Wolff,  383.     t  Goldea  Horde,  ia6.     I  Karamzin,  iv.  37, 38. 


to  send  missionaries  in  the  name  of  the  pope  to  try  and  convert  the 
barbarians,  and  to  prevent  them  shedding  more  Christian  blood.*  To 
this  pohcy  we  owe  the  work  of  Carpini,  whose  narrative  has  been  edited 
with  capital  notes  by  M.  D'Avezac,  for  the  collection  of  old  travels 
published  by  the  French  Geographical  Society,  from  which  I  shall  quote 

John  of  Piano  Carpini  was  one  of  the  earliest  among  the  Minorite  or 
Franciscan  friars,  and  was  a  companion  of  St.  Francis  himself.  He  was 
probably  born  about  1182.  He  was  doubtless  an  Italian,  and  belonged 
to  the  lords  of  Pian  di  Carpine,  in  the  district  of  Perugia.t  He  is  first 
met  with  in  1221,  as  one  of  the  companions  of  Csesar  of  Spire,  the 
celebrated  Franciscan  preacher  ;t  and  we  find  him  mentioned  with 
others  as  undertaking  *'  a  Revival "  series  of  services  in  Southern 
Germany,  and  especially  in  the  cities  of  the  Upper  Rhine.  In  1223  he 
was  appointed  custodian  of  Saxony,§  the  following  year  he  was  sent  to 
Cologne,  and  in  1228  was  made  Provincial  of  Germany,  and  was 
renowned  as  a  most  active  missionary.  In  1230  he  was  made  Provincial 
of  Spain.  There  he  probably  came  in  contact  with  the  Moorish 
Mussulmans,  and  he  would  seem  to  have  been  also  intrusted  with  a 
mission  to  Tunis  by  the  pope.  In  1241  we  find  him  again  presiding  in 
Germany,  and  employed  in  arousing  a  crusade  against  the  Tartars, 
who  had  recently  won  the  battle  of  Lignitz.  He  was  therefore  a 
person  of  great  experience  and  dignity,  and  as  such  was  no  doubt  chosen 
by  Innocent  IV.  to  go  and  interview  the  terrible  Tartars,  and  seek  to 
convert  them  to  Christianity.  With  him  went  Stephen  of  Bohemia  and 
Benedict  of  Poland.  They  started  on  their  dangerous  mission  on 
Sunday,  the  i6th  of  April,  1245,  from  Lyons.  They  traversed  Germany, 
where  they  met  and  received  some  assistance  from  the  Cardinal  Legate 
Hugh  de  Santocaro,||  and  then  went  on  to  Wenceslaf,  the  King  of 
Bohemia,  from  whom,  as  an  old  friend  of  his  .master's,  he  asked  counsel 
as  to  the  best  route  he  should  adopt.  He  advised  them  to  go  by  way  of 
Poland  and  Russia.  He  gave  them  letters  and  paid  their  expenses 
during  their  transit  through  his  country  and  as  far  as  that  of  his  nephew 
Boleslaf,  the  Duke  of  Silesia.  At  Bre^lau  he  met  his  companion 
Benedict  of  Poland.  Boleslaf  imitated  his  uncle  in  paying  the  expenses 
of  their  route  until  they  reached  the  territory  of  Konrad,  Duke  of  Lenczy 
or  Cracow,  where  he  met  Vassilko,  Duke  of  Vladimir  of  Volhynia,  and 
brother  of  Daniel,  Duke  of  Gallicia  (who  was  then  at  the  court  of  Batu). 
From  Vassilko  he  learnt  some  facts  about  the  Tartars,  which  showed 
him  what  kind  of  men  they  were.  He  accordingly  spent  some  of  the 
money  which  he  had  given  to  him  as  alms  in  buying  some  furs  of 
beaver  and  other  animals.    Duke  Konrad^  the  Duchess  of  Cracow,  the 

D'Ohsson,  ii.  173. 173.  t  D'Avezac,  468, 469.      '         lid.,  470. 

§  14.,  473.  «  ^<i'>  481. 

BATU   KHAN.  ■       69 

bishop  of  the  same  city,  and  some  knights  gave  him  others ;  and  they 
further  commended  him  to  the  good  graces  of  Vassilko,  and  asked  him 
to  do  what  he  could  for  him.  Carpini  now  went  on  to  Vassilko's  capital, 
Vladimir  of  Volhynia,  where,  being  delayed  for  some  days,  he  improved 
the  time  by  trying  to  induce  the  Russian  bishops  to  accept  the  supremacy 
of  the  pope,  but  a  ready  excuse  was  found  in  the  absence  of  Daniel, 
without  whom  nothing  could  be  done.  Vassilko  now  sent  him  on,  on  his 
way  to  Kief,  sending  a  servant  with  him  to  protect  him  from  the  attacks 
of  the  Lithuanians,  the  population  there  being  small,  the  Russian 
inhabitants  having  been  killed  or  carried  off  into  captivity  by  the  Tartars. 
At  Kief  the  friars  had  an  interview  with  the  Mongol  commissary  or 
baskak,  who  counselled  them  to  leave  their  horses  behind,  and  to  get 
Tartar  horses,  which  could  find  food  for  themselves  by  brushing  the 
snow  away  with  their  noses,  and  not  to  trust  to  their  western  horses, 
which  must  starve  in  a  country  where  there  was  no  garnered  hay  or  other 
provender  for  cattle.  They  followed  this  advice,  and  left  Kief  two  days 
after  the  feast  of  the  Purification  of  the  Virgin,  that  is,  on  the  4th  of 
February,  1246,  and  entered  the  country  immediately  subject  to  the 
Tartars,  the  first  village  they  reached  being  Kanief  (Karamzin  translates 
it  "  town  of  the  Khan").  There  Stephen  of  Bohemia  fell  ill,  and  John  of 
Carpini  and  Benedict  had  to  go  on  alone.*  Leaving  this  they  reached 
another  village,  where  an  Alan  named  Mikheas  ruled,  who  is  described 
by  Carpini  as  "  full  of  malice  and  wickedness."  He  refused  to  furnish 
them  with  remounts  unless  they  paid  him  black  mail,  which  they  were 
accordingly  constrained  to  do.  Leaving  him  on  the  19th  of  February, 
they  arrived  on  the  23rd  of  the  same  month  at  the  first  encampment  of 
the  Nomades.  The  Tartars  came  round  them  terribly  armed,  and 
demanded  who  they  were  and  what  was  their  business.  "  We  told  them," 
says  Carpini,  "we  were  envoys  of  the  Lord  Pope,  who  was  Lord  and 
Father  of  the  Christians,  who  had  been  sent  to  the  sovereign  and  chiefs 
of  the  Tartars  to  exhort  them  to  become  Christians,  and  to  remonstrate 
with  them  for  having  made  such  a  slaughter  in  Hungary,  Moravia,  and 
Poland,  whose  inhabitants  had  done  them  no  harm."  They  replied  that 
in  regard  to  these  matters  they  must  depute  the  friars  to  their  chief 
Corenza,t  and  furnished  them  with  horses  for  the  journey;  as  usual, 
taking  black  mail  in  the  shape  of  "  demanded  gifts."!  It  would  seem 
from  Benedict's  narrative  that  the  number  of  Tartars  in  this  camp  was 
8,000.  §  They  then  went  on  to  the  camp  of  Corenza,  who  commanded 
the  Tartar  garrisons  on  their  western  frontiers.    These  were  planted  on 

*  Id.,  ^75. 

t  Benedict  calls  him  Curoniza.    (Op.  cit.,  775-)    Von  Hammer  makes  it  a  corruption  of 

Khurremshah,  and  adds  the  valuable  note  from  Pallas,  that  Khoremshah  is  still  the  title  of  a 

commander  of  troops  among  the  Kalmuks,  so  that  the  name  is  probably  an  official  and  not  A 

personal  one.    (Pallas' Reisen,  i.  402.    Golden  Horde,  139.    Note,  i.    213.    Note  11.) 

I  D'AvezaCi  739.  ^  Id.    Note  of  M.  D'Avezac,  483.    Note,'3.    Appendix,  775. 


the  right  bank  of  the  Dnieper,  and  numbered  60,000  men.  Before  they 
had  an  audience,  he  sent  some  of  his  men  to  ask  in  quaint  terms  how 
they  meant  to  conciliate  him,  i.e.,  what  presents  they  had  brought.  They 
rephed,  "  The  pope  had  sent  no  presents,  but  they  were  wiUing  to  give 
him  somewhat  of  what  they  had."  This  being  accepted,  they  were  taken 
to  his  tent,  and  told  how  they  must  bend  the  left  knee  three  times  before 
the  threshold,  and  take  care  not  to  put  their  feet  on  it,  i.e.,  on  the  cord 
which  fastened  the  tent  door.  "  This,"  says  Carpini,  "  we  were  careful 
to  obey,  for  a  breach  of  the  rule  is  punished  with  death."  Having 
entered,  the  friars,  on  bended  knees,  repeated  the  exhortations  they  had 
previously  made  and  presented  their  letters,  which  none  however  could 

After  this  they  were  supplied  with  three  attendants  and  with  horses  to 
take  them  on  to  Batu.  They  left  Corenza's  camp  on  the  26th  of 
February,  and  rode  from  dawn  till  evening,  and  often  during  the  night, 
changing  horses  three  or  four  times,  traversing  the  whole  land  of  the 
Comani  {i.e.,  the  steppes  of  the  Nogays),  crossing  the  Dnieper,  on  whose 
right  bank  Corenza  governed,  while  its  left  bank  was  controlled  by  a 
greater  chief  named  Maucy ;  then  the  Don,  on  whose  banks  there 
wandered  a  chief  called  Kartan,  who  had  married  a  sister  of  Batu's ;  and 
then  the  Volga,  where  Batu  himself  ruled.  The  two  banks  of  the  Yaik 
or  Ural  were  controlled  by  two  other  chiefs. 

During  the  winter  the  sea  was  frozen  for  some  distance  from  the  shore, 
and  the  friars  travelled  over  the  ice.  Before  they  arrived  at  Batu's  camp 
two  of  the  Tartars  were  sent  on  to  apprise  him  of  their  journey.  They 
had  been  five  weeks  in  crossing  the  steppes  of  the  Comani,  on  whose 
eastern  borders  Batu's  camp  was  placed.  The  friars  encamped  about  a 
league  away.  Before  having  an  audience  they  were  made  to  pass 
between  two  fires,  so  that  any  bad  intentions  or  any  poison  they  might 
carry  with  them  might  be  counteracted  by  the  fire.  Before  entering  the 
tent  they  were  again  enigmatically  called  upon  to  give  presents  by 
Eldegai  (probably  Edegu  or  Idiku),  a  kind  of  chamberlain  of  Batu's. 
They  made  the  same  reply  they  made  to  Corenza,  and,  as  before, 
seem  to  have  given  presents  when  admitted  to  the  Khan's  presence. 
They  asked  for  interpreters,  with  whose  assistance  Carpini  says  the 
letters  of  the  pope  were  transcribed  into  the  Ruthenian  {i.e.,  Russian), 
Saracenic  {i.e.,  Arabic),  and  Tartar  {i.e.,  Uighur)  writing.  The 
letters  were  then  presented  to  Batu,  who  had  them  carefully  read. 
The  friars  were  afterwards  conducted  back  to  their  tent.  Carpini 
complains  that  they  were  not  given  any  food  except  on  the  first  night 
of  their  arrival,  when  they  had  a  little  flour  (millet)  in  a  little 
dish.*  Batu  himself  at  the  audience  was  seated  aloft,  on  a  kind  of 
throne,  with  one  of  his  wives.    His  brothers,  sons,  and  other  grandees 

*  D'Avezac,  745. 

BATU  KHAN.  71 

had  seats  on  a  bench  on  a  lower  level.  The  inferior  people  sat  on  the 
ground.  The  men  on  the  right,  the  women  on  the  left.  The  tent,  which 
was  made  of  fine  linen,  belonged  formerly  to  the  King  of  Hungary. 
Except  his  relatives  none  entered  the  Khan's  tent  without  permission,  it 
did  not  matter  how  high  in  rank  they  were.  As  was  customary  with 
envoys,  the  friars  were  seated  on  the  left;  on  their  return  from  the  Imperial 
ordu,  however,  they  had  seats  given  them  on  the  right  of  the  tent.  In 
the  midst  was  a  table  with  golden  and  silver  cups  containing  drinks. 
Whenever  Batu  or  any  of  the  Tartar  princes  drank,  the  musicians 
played  and  sang.  When  he  went  abroad  on  horseback  an  umbrella  or 
canopy  was  held  over  him,  and  similarly  with  the  greater  princes 
and  their  wives.  Batu,  Carpini  describes  as  genial  and  kind  to  his 
people,  by  whom  he  was  much  feared ;  but  he  says  that  he  was 
exceedingly  savage  in  war,  in  which  he  was  very  skilful,  having  had  a 
long  experience.* 

Benedict,  in  his  narrative,  adds  little  to  the  relation  of  Carpini;  he 
tells  us  the  friars'  presents  to  Batu  consisted  of  forty  beaver  skins  and 
eighty  badger  skins,  and  that  the  gifts  as  well  as  the  givers  had  to  be 
purified  by  passing  between  fires.  After  this  the  friars  had  to  pay 
honour  to  the  car  in  which  the  golden  statue  (or  probably  the  golden 
tablet)  of  the  Khakan  was  contained,  which  they  contented  themselves 
with  honouring  by  a  mere  inclination  of  the  head. 

At  length,  on  the  8th  of  April,  they  set  out  again  for  the  Great  Khan's 
court.  Before  leaving  they  sent  some  letters  back  for  the  pope,  but 
these  were  retained  until  their  return,  by  Mauci.  They  were  in  a  very 
weak  state,  having  fasted  during  all  Lent,  and  having  eaten  only  some 
millet  dissolved  in  water  with  a  little  salt,  and  drank  only  melted 
snow.  So  weak  were  they  that  they  were  tied  on  their  horses.  This  is 
explained  by  M.  D'Avezac  as  a  practice  much  used  in  the  east  to  prevent 
fatigue  in  rapid  riding,  and  consists  in  putting  the  legs  in  bandages.t 
The  friars  rode  hard,  changing  horses  five  or  seven  times  a  day,  except 
in  crossing  the  desert,  where  they  were  mounted  on  more  enduring 
animals.  They  were  eight  days  in  reaching  the  eastern  boundary  of 
Comania,  namely  the  Yaik,  which  was  probably  also  the  eastern  boundary 
of  Batu's  special  ulus.  They  then  entered  the  land  of  the  Kangites,  i.e.^ 
the  Kankalis,  a  terrible  waste  of  salt  marshes  and  desert,  which,  as  well 
as  Comania,  Carpini  describes  as  strewn  with  human  bones,  and  he  tells 
us  that  many  of  the  Russians  who  accompanied  Yaroslaf  on  his  journey 
to  the  Mongol  court  perished  there.  Its  inhabitants,  the  Kankalis,  who 
were  nomades,  had  been  conquered  and  reduced  to  slavery  by  the 
Tartars.  After  crossing  the  wastes  of  the  Kankalis  they  entered  the 
land  of  the  Besermans,  i.e.,  the  Mussulmans,^  the  Turkia  of  Carpini's 
companion  Benedict.    This  land  was  governed  formerly,  according  to 

*  Id.  484.  t  Op.  cit.,  485.    Note.  +  D'Avezac,  op.  cit.,  501-504. 


Carpini,  by  Alti  Soldan,  who  was  destroyed  by  the  Tartars,  i.e.^  by  Ala  ud 
din,  the  Khuarezm  Shah,  and  he  tells  us  many  mined  castles  and  towns 
were  situated  there.  By  it  he  means  undoubtedly  the  empire  of  Khuarezm. 
They  entered  this  country  on  the  17th  of  May,  having  no  doubt 
skirted  along  the  northern  shores  of  the  Aral  sea ;  and  then  reached  the 
valley  of  Jaxartes  and  the  town  of  Yankint,*  i.e.,  the  well  known  Yanghi- 
kent  or  new  town  on  the  Jaxartes.t  Besides  this  town,  Carpini  mentions 
also  Barkhin,  i.e.,  the  Barkhalikent  of  the  Persians,  Ornas,  which  is  clearly 
Urgenj,  and  Lemfinc  (.^  a  corruption  of  Jend).  Carpini  tells  us  the  valley  of 
the  Jaxartes  was  marked  by  ruined  and  deserted  towns.  In  the  borders  of 
this  empire,  the  same  friar  tells  us,  dwelt  Buri  or  Burin  and  Kadan.  He 
calls  them  brothers,  but  this  was  not  their  relationship,  Buri  was  a  grand- 
son of  Jagatai  and  Kadan  a  son  of  Ogotai's.  As  Rubruquis  tells  us  that 
Talas  or  Taras  was  part  of  Buri's  domain,  we  may  locate  them  in  the 
valley  of  the  Taras.J  North  of  their  land  lay  a  portion  of  Kara  Khitai, 
which  was  subject  to  Batu's  brother  Sheiban.§  Having  crossed  a  portion 
of  this  they  entered  Kara  Khitai  proper,  and  were  entertained  at  Omyl 
or  Imil,  a  town  not  long  before  built  by  Ogotai,  and  whose  ruins  still 
remain  at  Chuguchak,  on  the  Imil.  It  was  apparently  the  capital  of 
Ogotai's  special  ulus. 

Leaving  Imil  they  skirted  a  lake  containing  islands,  near  which  was  a 
gorge  through  which  in  winter  there  blew  a  very  strong  wind.  This  is 
described  by  other  authors,  and  the  lake  has  been  identified  beyond 
much  doubt  with  lake  Alakul.  Carpini,  however,  seems  to  confuse 
this  lake  with  the  lake  Balkash,  unless  both  were  in  fact  one  at 
this  time,  for  he  tells  us  he  skirted  it  for  several  days,  keeping  it  to 
the  left,  and  that  it  was  fed  by  many  streams  on  whose  banks  were 
woods.  This  doubtless  refers  to  the  great  plains  east  of  lake  Balkash. 
There,  he  tells  us,  was  the  camping  ground  of  Ordu,  the  eldest  brother  of 
Batu.  11  The  travellers  now  passed  the  first  ordu  or  camp  of  the  Great 
Khan,  i.e.,  one  of  the  encampments  of  one  of  his  wives,  for  each  wife  had 
her  separate  ordu  or  camp.  Having  stayed  a  day  there  they  entered  the 
country  of  the  Naimans  on  the  28th  of  June.  Carpini  says  they  were 
pagans.  Their  land  was  mountainous  and  cold,  and  even  in  the  midst 
of  summer,  when  he  passed,  there  was  a  fall  of  snow.  Having  traversed 
the  Naiman  country,  they  at  length  arrived,  after  three  weeks  hard 
riding  through  the  country  of  the  Mongols,  at  the  ordu  or  great  camp  of 
Kuyuk,  i.e.,  at  Karakorum.  Their  escort  had  pushed  them  on  very 
rapidly,  so  that  they  would  arrive  in  time  for  Kuyuk's  inauguration.^  I 
have  extracted  some  of  Carpini's  statements  about  his  intercourse  with 
the  Great  Khan  in  my  former  volume,  and  will  now  supplement  that 
account  by  other  details  which  I  omitted.      The  friars  had  not  an 

*  Benedict,  in  op.  cit.,  ^]^^.  t  Id,.,  513.  I  D'Avezac,  505.  §  Vide  infra, 

I  This  seems  to  be  a  mistake.    (Vide  infra,  ch.  iv.)  %  D'Avezac,  753, 

BATU  KHAN.  73 

immediate  audience  as  Kuyuk  had  not  been  elected  ;  they  forwarded 
however,  the  translations  of  their  letters  which  had  been  made  at  Batu's 
court.  After  waiting  five  or  six  days,  they  were  summoned  to  an 
audience  by  Kuyuk's  mother,  i.e.,  Turakina,  in  a  vast  tent  of  alba  ptcrpurea 
(?  white  damask),*  capable  of  holding  2,000  people,  which  was  surrounded 
by  a  wooden  dado,  painted  with  various  figures.!  This  was  the  tent  in 
which  the  ceremony  of  installation  was  held.  Carpini  observes  more  than 
once  that  Yaroslaf,  the  Russian  prince,  and  himself  and  his  companion, 
the  envoys  of  the  pope,  were  especially  honoured  among  the  guests. 

Among  the  other  magnificent  presents  which  he  enumerates  were  a 
splendid  state  umbrella  or  portable  tent,  covered  with  jewels ;  numerous 
camels,  housed  with  Baudekin  or  rich  stuff  from  Baghdad,  and  on 
them  howdahs  or  raised  seats;  and  many  horses  and  mules  protected 
by  armour,  some  of  leather  and  some  of  iron.  There  was  also  a  splendid 
tent  of  red  cloth,  which  had  been  made  in  China.  In  this  was  the 
Imperial  throne,  which  was  made  of  ivory,  marvellously  carved  and 
ornamented  with  gold,  precious  stones,  and  pearls.  It  was  placed  on  a 
circular  platform,  around  which  were  ranged  benches  for  the  grandees, 
and  below  these  again  others  for  those  of  inferior  rank.  Besides  the  three 
state  tents,  there  was  another  made  of  white  felt,  used  by  Kuyuk's  wives. 
Carpini  says  that  this  was  divided  into  two  parts.  In  one  of  which  the 
Khan  dispensed  justice,  while  the  other  pertained  to  his  mother,  i.e.,  to 
the  harem.  He  tells  us  that  among  the  victims  to  justice  was  one  of  the 
Khan's  aunts,  who  was  accused  of  poisoning  Ogotai,  and  who  was  put  to 
death,  a  fact  of  which  we  have  no  other  evidence,  but  which  the  friar 
can  hardly  have  manufactured.  About  the  same  time  the  Grand  Prince 
Yaroslaf  also  died.  It  was  supposed  he  was  poisoned,  since  he  sickened 
and  died  after  partaking  of  some  food  from  the  hands  of  Turakina,  the 
empress  mother.  She  afterwards  wrote  to  his  son  Alexander  to  go  and 
receive  investiture  of  his  father's  kingdom,  but  he  deemed  it  prudent  to 
stay  away.  After  some  delay  the  friars  were  conducted  to  the  Imperial  tent, 
but  were  remitted  back  to  the  Khan's  mother.  The  reason  for  their  not 
being  admitted,  Carpini  was  told,  was,  that  the  Khan  was  preparing  an 
expedition  against  the  west,  and  did  not  wish  them  to  know.  The  delay 
was  most  unwelcome  to  the  friars,  whose  money  was  consumed,  while 
the  greedy  Mongols  let  them  have  little  to  eat ;  and  they  would  have 
perished  but  for  the  good  offices  of  a  Russian  named  Cosmas,  who  was 
the  Imperial  goldsmith.  It  was  he  who  had  made  the  ivory  throne.  He 
had  also  carved  the  Imperial  seal,  and  explained  to  them  its  inscription. 
It  was  from  him,  and  from  certain  other  Russians  and  Hungarians, 
who  knew  Latin  and  French,  and  who,  having  been  three  years  there, 
also  knew  Mongol  well,  that  the  friars  learnt  so  much  about  the  internal 
economy  of  the  court. 

*  D'Avezac,  524.    Note,  2.  t  Id..y  754.  755- 


They  at  length  received  orders,  through  Chinkai,  to  communicate  what 
they  wished  to  say  in  writing.  After  some  days  they  were  interrogated 
by  the  chancellor  Kadak  and  his  deputies,  Chinkai  and  Bela,  through 
the  medium  of  a  Russian  interpreter  named  Timur,  whose  name  points 
him  out  as  of  Turkish  descent.  They  were  asked  if  the  pope  had  any 
people  by  him  who  understood  Russian,  Saracenic  {i.e.,  Arabic),  or 
Tartar.  They  replied,  "  No,  but  that  whatever  was  told  them  should  be 
faithfully  translated  and  forwarded."  This  was  at  length  done,  and  the 
Khan's  message  was  duly  translated  into  Latin  in  the  presence  of  his 
officers.  This  letter  has  been  published  by  M.  D'Avezac,*  and  runs  as 
follows  : — 

"  Dei  fortitudo,  Cuyuc  can  omnium  hominum  imperator,  magno  Papse. 
Litteras  certissimas  atque  veras,  consilio  habito  pro  pace  habenda 
nobiscum,  tu  et  cuncti  populi  christiani  qui  in  occidente  consistunt,  nobis 
per  tuum  nuncium  transmisisti ;  qui,  sicut  ab  ipso  audivimus  et  ut  in  tuis 
litteris  habebatur,  pacem  velletis  habere  nobiscum.  Igitur  si  pacem 
desideratis  hauere  nobiscum,  tu  papa,  imperatores,  reges  omnes, 
cunctique  potentes  civitatum,  et  terrarum  rectores,  ad  me  pro  pace 
diffinienda  nullo  modo  venire  differatis,  et  nostram  audietis  responsionem 
pariter  et  voluntatem.  Tuarum  continebat  series  litterarum  quod 
deberemus  baptizari  et  effici  christiani :  ad  hoc  tibi  breviter  respondemus 
quod  non  intelligimus  qualiter  hoc  facere  debeamus.  Ad  id  etiam  quod 
in  tuis  Htteris  habebatur  :  quod  miraris  de  occisione  hominum  et  maxime 
christianorum  ac  potissime  Hungarorum,  Polonorum  et  Moraviorum ; 
tibi  breviter  respondemus  quod  etiam  hoc  non  intelligimus.  Verumtamen 
ne  hoc  sub  silentio  transire  videamur,  taliter  tibi  duximus  respondendum: 
quia  precepto  Dei  et  Chingiscan  non  obedierunt,  et  malum  consilium 
habentes  nuncios  nostros  occiderunt ;  quare  Deus  eos  deleri  praecepit  ac 
manibus  nostris  traduxit.  Ahoquin  nisi  Deus  fecisset,  homo  homini  quid 
facere  potuisset?  Sed  vos,  habitatores  occidentis,  Deum  adoratis,  et 
solos  vos  christianos  esse  creditis,  et  ahos  contemnitis  ;  sed  quomodo 
scitis  cui  gratiam  suam  conferre  dignetur,?  Nos  Deum  adoramus  et  in 
fortitudine  ipsius  ab  oriente  usquo  ad  occidentem  delebimus  omnem 
terram.  Quod  si  homo  fortitudio  Dei  non  esset,  homines  quid  facere 
potuissent  ? " 

The  Khan  wished  to  send  some  of  his  people  back  with  the  friars  as 
bearers  of  his  letters,  but  they  dissuaded  him  from  doing  so  for  several 
reasons  which  are  set  out.  1st,  they  were  afraid  they  would  see  how 
disunited  the  Christians  were  ;  2nd,  that  they  would  be  spies  upon  their 
land ;  3rd,  they  were  afraid  that  violent  hands  might  be  laid  on  them, 
and  thus  bring  destruction  upon  the  Christians,  for  it  was  a  Mongol 
maxim  to  have  no  peace  with  those  who  killed  their  envoys,  &c.  At 
length  on  the  day  of  St.  Brice,  2.^.,  the  1 5th  of  November,  they  took  their 

*  Op.  cit,  594- 

BATU   KHAN.  .     75 

departure,  bearing  with  them  the  Khan's  letter  duly  sealed.  The  seal 
bore  a  legend,  which  was  thus  translated  by  the  Russian  jeweller 
Cosmas  : — "  God  in  heaven  and  Kuyuk  on  earth,  by  the  strength  of  God^ 
the  seal  of  the  emperor  of  all  men."  They  went  to  bid  good-bye  to  the 
queen  mother  Turakina,  who  gave  them  and  their  servant  each  a  cloak 
of  fox  skin  and  a  kaftan  of  honour.*  They  set  out  with  the  envoys  of  the 
Khaliph,  but  after  fifteen  days  parted  company  with  them,  the  latter 
trending  south wards.t  It  was  winter,  and  the  friars  suffered  much  from 
the  cold.  It  was  the  9th  of  May  when  they  once  morp  reached  Batu's 
camp.  On  the  2nd  of  June  they  arrived  in  that  of  Mauci,  and,  passing 
once  more  that  of  Corenza,  reached  Kief  on  the  9th  of  June.  They 
were  received  with  great  honour  by  the  Dukes  Daniel  and  Vassilko, 
whom  they  induced  to  acknowledge  the  supremacy  of  the  pope.  They 
then  proceeded  onwards  through  Poland,  Bohemia,  and  Germany, 
crossed  the  Rhine,  and  went  on  to  Lyons,  where  they  delivered  the 
Great  Khan's  letters  to  Innocent  IV.,  who  shortly  after  made  Carpini 
Archbishop  of  Antivari  and  Metropolitan  of  Dalmatia.J 

From  Carpini's  narrative  we  gather  that  in  1245,  when  he  traversed  the 
Kipchak,  Batu  himself,  with  his  main  horde,  was  encamped  on  the  Volga. 
His  brother-in-law  Kartan,  otherwise  written  Karbon  and  Tyrbon,§  com- 
manded on  the  Don.  On  the  east  of  the  Dnieper  was  Mauci  or  Maucy, 
who  has  been  conjecturally  identified  by  M.  D'Avezac  with  Mauchi,  the 
second  son  of  Jagatai ;  while  on  the  west  of  that  river  was  Corenza  or 
Curoniza.  ||  As  we  shall  see  presently,  Batu's  brothers  had  appanages  in 
other  districts  close  at  hand.  Those  of  the  Western  Horde  were  no  doubt 
immediately  subordinate  to  himself,  while  those  of  the  Eastern  Horde 
were  subordinate  to  Orda.  He  also  seems  to  have  had  commissaries  in 
the  various  towns  where  the  dependent  Russian  and  other  princes  held 
their  Courts.  These  latter  were  effectually  cowed.  In  1244  we  find  four  of 
them,  namely,  Vladimir  Constantinovitch  of  Ughtsh,  Boris  Vasilkovitch 
of  Rostof,  Gleb  Vasilovitch,  and  Vasili  Vsevolodvitch  at  Batu's  court. 
They  deemed  it  more  prudent  to  seek  the  patronage  of  the  Tartars  than 
to  make  common  cause  against  them.  The  next  year  Constantine,  son  of 
Yaroslaf,  with  his  brother  and  nephews,  Vladimir  Constantinovitch,  his 
nephew  Vassilko  of  Rostof,  with  his  sons  Boris  and  Gleb,  and  Vsevolod, 
with  his  son  Vasili,  were  there.  In  1246  Sviatoslaf,  Vsevolodvitch,  and 
his  brother  Ivan,  with  their  sons,  also  went.^ 

These  dependents  were  treated  with  considerable  rigour,  and  in  some 
cases  with  marked  severity,  as  in  the  case  of  Michael,  the  Prince  of  Kief 
and  Chernigof.  He  had  put  to  death  the  Mongol  envoy  who  had 
summoned  the  former  city  when  the  Tartars  first  marched  westwards. 
He  had  then  fled  to  Hungary,  but  being  received  very  coldly  there,  he 

*  D'Avezac,  596  and  779.  t  Id.,  779-  I  Id.,  598.  |  Id.,  588. 

I  Vidt  ante,  69.  H  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  137- 


made  his  way  back  to  Chernigof.  When  he  arrived  the  Mongol  officers 
were  engaged  in  taking  a  census  of  the  inhabitants  for  the  poll  tax.  By 
them  Michael  was  ordered  to  repair  to  the  Tartar  court.  He  went 
there,  accompanied  by  his  grandson  Boris  of  Rostof,  and  one  of  his 
principal  boyards  named  Feodor.*  When  summoned  before  Batu,  he 
was  made  to  pass  between  two  fires,  and  was  then  ordered  to  prostrate 
himself  before  the  tablets  of  Jingis  Khan.  He  replied  that  he  did  not 
object  to  do  obeisance  to  Batu  himself  or  to  a  living  prince,  but  to  adore 
images  of  dead  men  was  repugnant  to  a  Christian.!  As  he  persisted  in 
his  refusal,  Batu  ordered  him  to  be  put  to  death.  Karamzin  says  he 
accordingly  took  a  consecrated  wafer  from  his  pocket,  which  he  divided 
with  Feodor,  and  sang  aloud  the  Psalms  of  David.  In  vain  the  young 
Prince  Boris  entreated  him  to  comply,  and  the  boyards  of  Rostof  offered 
to  take  the  sin  on  their  own  shoulders  and  to  perform  expiatory  penance 
for  it.  "  I  will  not  lose  my  soul  for  you,"  said  the  prince,  and  throwing 
off  his  mantle,  he  said,  "  Take  these  worldly  vanities,  I  wish  to  gain 
eternal  glory."  He  was  then  put  to  death,  and  his  head  was  cut  off  by 
an  apostate  from  Putivle  named  Doman.  Feodor  shared  his  fate,  while 
Boris  was  allowed  to  return  home.  The  two  victims  were  made  saints 
by  the  Russian  church4  Carpini,  in  describing  the  death  of  Michael, 
merely  says  he  was  kicked  in  the  stomach,  and  his  head  was  then  cut 
off.§  He  tells  us  another  story  which  shows  the  brutal  way  in  which  the 
Tartars  treated  their  dependents.  He  says  that  Andrew,  Duke  of 
Cherneglove,  i.e.,  of  Chernigof, ||  was  accused  before  Batu  of  stealing 
Mongol  horses  and  selling  them  elsewhere.  Although  the  charge  was  not 
proved,  he  was  put  to  death,  upon  which  his  widow  and  younger  brother 
went  to  ask  that  the  Khan  would  not  confiscate  the  principality.  Batu 
ordered  the  young  prince  to  marry  the  widow,  according  to  the  Mongol 
custom  ;  both  parties  refused  from  religious  scruples,  but  were  violently 
compelled  to  submit.^ 

This  was  not,  however,  the  universal  treatment  received  by  the  vassal 
princes,  thus  we  are  told  that  Daniel,  Prince  of  Gallicia,  having  been 
summoned  to  Batu's  court,  was  admitted  to  an  audience  without  the 
preliminary  ceremonies.  Batu,  addressing  him,  said,  "  You  have  for  a 
long  time  refused  to  come,  but  have  effaced  your  ill  conduct  by  your 
obedience."  Daniel  diplomatically  made  obeisance  before  the  Tartar 
chief,  and  saluted  him  with  a  draught  of  kumis.  He  was  congratulated  by 
Batu  for  thus  conforming  to  Mongol  customs.  The  latter  was  so  pleased 
that  he  presented  him  with  some  wine,  as  he  was  not  accustomed  to 
drink  kumis ;  and  after  a  stay  of  some  days  he  sent  him  home.  The 
patriotic  Karamzin  says  he  returned  with  the  shameful  titles  of  servant 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  40,  41.  t  D'Avezac,  621. 

Karamzin,  op.  cit.,  iv.  42,  43,  §  Op.  cit.,  621,  622.  ||  D'Avezae,  op.  cit.,  527  and  623. 

^  Carpini,  op.  cit.,  623,  624. 



and  tributary  of  the  Khan*  This  prince  was  with  the  horde  when 
Carpini  passed  through  on  his  travels.  By  his  submission  to  the  Tartars, 
Daniel  of  Gallicia  acquired  great  authority  among  his  neighbours, 
and  Bela,  the  Hungarian  king,  who  had  been  at  issue  with  him,  began  to 
fear  that  his  patrons  would,  in  support  of  their  proteg'e^  make  another 
raid  across  the  Carpathians ;  he  accordingly  proposed  an  alliance  to  him, 
and  Leon,  the  son  of  Daniel,  was  married  to  Constance,  the  daughter  of 
Bela.  Daniel  was  also  on  good  terms  with  the  Pohsh  princes.t  He  was 
a  skilful  statesman  as  well  as  a  king,  and  before  this  had  begun  to  look 
around  for  some  allies  on  whom  to  depend  in  case  he  should  have  to 
struggle  with  the  Tartars.  Byzantium,  which  was  the  metropolis  of  his 
faith,  was  then  threatened  by  the  Arabs,  Turks,  and  Crusaders,  and 
he  accordingly  turned  his  eyes  further  west  to  Rome,  the  common  centre 
of  Western  Christendom.  He  sent  word  to  Innocent  IV.  that  he  wished 
for  a  reunion  of  the  churches,  and  that  he  was  ready  to  march  against 
the  Tartars  under  the  Latin  banner.  This  was  in  1245  or  12464 
Innocent  sent  him  the  title  of  king,  named  him  his  dear  son,  and 
ordered  the  Archbishop  of  Prussia  to  go  to  GaUicia  to  ordain  some 
bishops  there,  and  decreed  that  all  the  ceremonies  of  the  Greek  rite 
which  did  not  conflict  with  Roman  dogma  should  be  preserved. 
Daniel  replied,  "  he  wanted  an  army,  and  that  a  crown  was  a  useless 
ornament  so  long  as  the  yoke  of  the  barbarians  was  laid  upon 
Russia,"  and  he  continued  for  some  time  to  play  a  diplomatic  game. 
The  pope's  legate  became  irritated  and  left  the  country,  and  it 
was  only  by  the  intercession  of  the  Polish  princes,  who  were  Roman 
Catholics,  and  that  of  his  mother  that  he  submitted  and  agreed  to  accept 
the  crown  and  royal  insignia  which  the  pope  had  sent  him.§  It  was  on 
the  7th  of  May,  1253,  that  he  was  crowned  at  Drohiczin  by  the  pope's 
legate,  the  abbot  Opizo  of  Messana.||  Thenceforward  Daniel  styled 
himself  king,  and  the  pope  issued  a  brief  to  the  people  of  Bohemia, 
Moravia,  Poland,  and  Servia,  engaging  them  to  assist  the  Gallicians 
against  the  Tartars.  IT 

It  was  not  only  Daniel  who  had  this  correspondence  with  Rome.  We 
find  that  Innocent  also  wrote  to  Alexander  Nevski,  reminding  him 
that  Yaroslaf,  his  father,  had  promised  the  friar  Carpini,  when  he  met 
him  in  Tartary,  that  he  would  join  the  Roman  Church,  and  that  he  would 
have  done  so  but  for  his  death,  and  bidding  him  follow  his  good 
example.  He  ended  by  praising  him  greatly  for  not  having  acknow- 
ledged the  authority  of  Batu,  for  the  pope  had  not  then  heard  of 
Alexander's  journey  to  the  horde,  to  which  I  shall  refer  presently. 
Having  summoned  a  council  of  learned  men,  he  replied  in  curt  terms  to 
the  pope's  advances, "  We  follow  the  true  faith  of  the  church,  and  neither 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  44.  t  /rf.,'45. 46.  1 1^-,  61.    Note,  7.  §  Id.,  62,  63. 

II  Id.    Wolff,  390.  1  Kararazin,  iv.  63. 


wish  to  know  nor  adopt  yours."    The  patriotic  Karamzen  dwells  with 
pleasure  over  this  emphatic  answer.* 

On  the  death  of  the  Grand  Prince  Yaroslaf,  Alexander  Nevski  of  Nov- 
gorod, who  had  not  as  yet  acknowledged  the  Mongol  supremacy,  was  sum- 
moned to  the  court  of  Batu.  He  went  with  his  brother  Andrew,  and  was 
well  received  ;  but,  like  their  father,  they  had  to  travel  further  and  go  to 
the  court  of  the  Grand  Khan.t  Yaroslaf,  says  Karamzin,  had  been 
succeeded  as  Grand  Prince  (at  Vladimir),  according  to  custom,  by  his 
brother  Sviatoslaf,  but  during  the  absence  of  Alexander  and  Andrew,  their 
younger  brother  Michael,  Prince  of  Moscow,  surnamed  the  Brave,  drove 
his  uncle  Sviatoslaf  from  the  throne.  He  was  himself,  however,  shortly  after 
killed  in  a  battle  with  the  Lithuanians.  This  was  in  1248.  Alexander 
and  Andrew  were  well  received  by  the  Grand  Khan  Kuyuk.  The  former 
was  given  authority  over  all  Southern  Russia,  including  Kief,  while 
Andrew  was  assigned  the  throne  of  Vladimir  or  Suzdal,  and  their 
dispossessed  uncle  in  vain  presented  his  complaints  before  the  horde. 
He  died  two  years  after  the  return  of  the  young  princes,  namely,  in  1251, 
at  Yurief.}  Andrew  was  of  a  proud,  independent  temper,  and  more 
given  to  hunting  and  amusement  than  to  good  government.  He  seems 
to  have  given  umbrage  to  the  Mongols,  who  sent  a  prince  named  Nevrui 
(?  Nurus)  and  two  officers  named  Kotiak  or  Kaitak  and  Alibuga  against 
him.  On  their  approach  he  fled.  The  Tartars  accordingly  spread 
over  the  province  of  Vladimir,  and  harried  the  cattle  and  the  people 
there.  They  killed  the  Voievode  of  Pereiaslavl,  as  well  as  the  wife  of 
the  young  Yaroslaf,  Yaroslavitch,  and  retired  with  a  rich  booty. 
Andrew  fled  to  Pskof,  and  thence  to  Sweden.§  Meanwhile  his  brother 
Alexander  Nevski  repaired  to  the  camp  of  Batu's  son  Sertak,  who,  now 
that  his  father  was  growing  old,  was  taking  the  lead  in  affairs.  He 
succeeded  in  conciliating  Sertak,  and  obtained  the  grand  principality  of 
Vladimir,  which  his  brother  had  so  badly  governed.  He  was  received  in 
that  town  with  great  The  same  year,  i.e.^  in  1252,  Oleg, 
Prince  of  Riazan,  who  had  for  some  time  been  a  prisoner  at  the 
Mongol  court,  returned  home  again.^  It  would  seem  that  the  Tartars 
heard  of  the  tortuous  policy  of  Daniel  of  Gallicia,  and  of  his  intrigues 
with  the  PoUsh  princes,  for  we  find  that  in  1254  a  Mongol  army,  com- 
manded by  Nevrui,  Kaitak,  and  Alibuga,  laid  waste  the  greater  part  of 
his  dominions,  as  well  as  the  districts  of  Sendomir  and  Cracow  in 
Poland.**  This  expedition  is  mentioned  in  a  letter  of  the  pope 
(Alexander  IV.)  to  the  bishop  of  Cracow,  and  written  on  the  4th  of 

Let  us  now  turn  once  more  to  the  doings  of  Batu.    We  have  already 
given  several  reasons  why  he  should  have  absented  himself  from  the 

/rf.,81,82.  tw.,80.  lu.  §/</.,  83-85.  Iiw.,85. 

H  Von  Hammer,  140.  **  Wolff,  392.  ttW.    Note. 

BATU  KHAN.  79 

Kuriltai  where  Kuyuk  was  elected  Grand  Khan.  Nor  did  he  after  all  attend 
it.  The  family  of  Juchi  was  represented  there  by  some  of  his  brothers, 
among  whom  Orda  was  one,  for  we  find  him  with  Mangu  appointed  to 
try  their  great  uncle  Utsuken  for  treason.*  The  election  was  held  in 
August,  1246,  but  the  reign  of  Kuyuk  was  not  protracted.  He  died  in 
April,  1248.  There  is  some  mystery  about  his  death.  He  was  marching 
westwards,  and  Siurkukteni  had  warned  her  nephew  Batu  of  his 
approach.  The  latter  was  himself  marching  eastwards,  and  had  reached 
the  Alaktag  mountains,  as  the  authorities  say,  to  do  homage  ;  but  it 
would  seem  that  a  struggle  was  impending  between  the  two,  and 
Rubruquis,  whom  we  shall  quote  largely  from  presently,  suggests  that 
Kuyuk  did  not  come  by  his  death  fairly.  He  reports  that  Brother 
Andrew  said  he  died  from  having  taken  a  certain  kind  of  medicine  which 
Batu  had  caused  to  be  given  to  him.  He  himself  had  heard  a  different 
story,  viz.,  that  as  Batu  was  on  his  way  to  meet  him  he  sent  forward  his 
brother  Stichan  (?  Sheiban),  who  went  to  meet  Kuyuk,  and  should  have 
presented  the  cup  to  him ;  a  quarrel  arose,  and  in  the  struggle  they  killed 
each  other.  He  further  says  that  he  himself  stayed  a  whole  day  in  the 
house  of  Stichan's  widow.t    This  account  seems  very  probable. 

An  opportunity  had  now  arrived  for  deposing  the  family  of  Ogotai 
from  the  over-chiefship  of  the  Mongols,  and  Batu  was  determined  to 
avail  himself  of  it.  He  did  not,  as  he  well  might,  claim  the  succession 
for  himself  or  his  brother  Orda.  He  felt,  perhaps,  that  their  special 
appanages  were  too  far  removed  from  the  centre  of  gravity  of  the  Mongol 
world ;  but  next  to  being  king,  the  position  of  kingmaker  is  surely  most 
welcome  to  an  ambitious  person.  He  accordingly  selected  the  family  of 
Tului,  related  to  him  both  on  the  father's  and  mother's  side,  for  special 
favour.  They  had  the  additional  claim  of  having  their  special  appanages 
in  Mongolia  itself.  Batu  accordingly  fixed  upon  his  cousin  Mangu  for  the 
post  of  Khakan,  and  to  secure  his  election  he  summoned  a  Kuriltai  in  his 
own  country  of  Alaktag.  Against  this  meeting  the  princes  of  the  family 
of  Ogotai  protested,  declaring  it  to  be  irregular  to  hold  it  anywhere 
except  in  the  Mongol  country  proper ;  but  they  nevertheless  sent  Timur 
Noyan,  the  governor  of  Karakorum,  to  subscribe  in  their  name  to  what 
should  be  decided.l  The  result  of  this  meeting  was  the  selection  of 
Mangu  as  Grand  Khan.  It  was  decided  to  convoke  a  second  Kuriltai 
on  the  banks  of  the  Onon,  where  the  ceremony  of  inauguration  should 
be  carried  out,  and  meanwhile  Ogul  Gaimish,  the  widow  of  Kuyuk,  was 
appointed  regent.  Batu  sent  his  brothers  Bereke  and  Tuka  Timur  with 
an  escort  to  conduct  Mangu  to  the  borders  of  the  Kerulon.§  The  family 
of  Ogotai,  and  Yissu  Mangu,  the  de  facto  ruler  of  the  Khanate  of  Ogotai, 
refused  to  attend  this  second  Kuriltai,  declaring  that  none  had  a  right  to 
the  throne  but  the  family  of  Ogotai.     Batu  and  Siurkukteni  sent  many 

*  AnU,  i.  163.  +  Op.  cit.,  296.  I  D'Ohsson,  ii.  246.  §  Id.,  251. 


envoys  to  induce  them  to  do  so,  and  to  argue  with  them  that  it  required 
a  grown  and  experienced  man  to  govern  such  an  empire ;  but  as  they 
persisted  in  their  refusal,  he,  after  a  delay  of  a  year,  ordered  Bereke  to 
proceed  with  the  installation.*  This  Kuriltai  was  held  in  February, 
125 1, t  and  Bereke  and  Tuka  Timur  received  magnificent  presents  there 
for  themselves  and  their  brother  Batu.| 

The  ceremony  was  followed  by  the  trial  and  punishment  of  several 
persons  who  had  taken  part  against  Mangu.  Among  these,  we  are  told, 
was  the  famous  general,  Ilchikadai,  who  was  arrested  at  Badghiss,  in 
Khorassan,  and  handed  over  to  Batu,  who  had  him  put  to  death.§ 
Buri,  the  grandson  of  Jagatai,  who  seems  to  have  been  a  close  ally  of 
Kuyuk's,  and  against  whom  Batu  had  an  especial  grudge,  as  I  have 
mentioned,  was  also  handed  over  to  the  latter  for  punishment  and  put  to 
death,  ||  as  is  reported  both  by  Rashid  and  Rubruquis.^  The  latter's 
version  of  the  quarrel  is  that  Buri,  not  having  very  good  and  fertile 
pastures,  one  day  when  drunk  addressed  his  men,  saying,  "  I  am  of  the 
stock  of  Jingis  Khan  as  well  as  Batu ;  why,  then,  cannot  I  pasture  my 
herds  on  the  Volga  like  he  can?"  This  being  reported  to  Batu,  he 
ordered  Buri's  people  to  take  him  to  him  bound.  When  asked  if  he  had 
spoken  the  words  he  confessed  that  he  hnd,  but  that  he  was  drunk  at 
the  time.  *'How  dared  you  name  me  when  you  were  drunk?"  said 
the  exacting  Khan,  and  he  had  him  decapitated.** 

It  was  shortly  before  this,  namely,  in  1247,  that  we  read  of  Batu  in  a 
more  tender  light.  Rusudan,  the  beautiful  Queen  of  the  Georgians  and 
daughter  of  Queen  Thamar,  seems  to  have  won  his  heart,  or  at  least  the 
repute  of  her  beauty  had  reached  him,  and  we  find  him  sending  her 
envoys  and  presents,  and  an  invitation  to  go  and  see  him.  As  she  at 
the  same  time  received  other  presents  and  another  invitation  from 
Baichu,  the  Mongol  general  in  Persia,  and  dare  not,  probably,  trust 
herself  with  either  Lothario,  she  sent  envoys  in  return  to  each,  and  sent 
in  addition  her  son  David  as  a  hostage  to  Batu.  Baichu,  irritated  at  her 
refusal  to  go  to  him,  set  up  her  nephew  David,  the  son  of  Lacha  George, 
who  was  then  an  exile  in  Asia  Minor,  as  a  rival.  Baichu  sent  for  him,  and 
then  sent  him  on  to  Kuyuk,  who  ordered  him  to  be  put  on  the  throne. 
Vahram,  Prince  of  Cham'khor,  in  Asia  Minor,  accordingly  conducted 
him  to  Mtskheta,  the  ancient  capital,  where  he  was  consecrated.  After- 
wards, accompanied  by  the  greater  part  of  the  Georgian  princes,  and  the 
Armenian  princes  Avak,  Chahanshah,  and  Alpugh,  he  proceeded  to 

When  Batu  heard  of  this  he  sent  his  ;proiege  David,  the  son  of 
Rusudan,  with  an  escort  to  Kuyuk.     Meanwhile  the  pretty  queen  was 

*  D'Ohsson,  ii.  252.  ,  t'Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  134.    Note,  2. 

I  D'Ohsson,  ii.  271.  §  U.,  ii.  259.  ||  Id.,  ii.  267.  T  Bretschneider,  95, 

**  Bretschneider,  95,  96. 

BATU   KHAN.  .      8 1 

pressed  again  by  both  the  Mongol  leaders  to  go  to  them,  and,  fearing 
one  as  much  as  the  other,  she  poisoned  herself.  Kuyuk  decided  that 
Batu's/r^/<?^^  should  be  subordinate  to  the  other  David,*  a  decision  not 
likely  to  make  the  master  of  the  Golden  Horde  more  amiable. 

We  have  now  reached  a  period  when  considerable  light  is  thrown  on 
Mongol  affairs  by  the  narrative  of  the  Franciscan  friar  Rubruquis,  which 
I  partially  used  in  the  former  volume,  and  from  which  I  now  propose  to 
abstract  some  more  facts.  William  Rubruquis  has  been  supposed  until 
lately  to  have  been  a  native  of  Ruysbroeck,  in  North  Brabant,  but  M. 
D'Avezac  and  Colonel  Yule  have  shown  good  grounds  for  making  him  a 
native  of  Rubrouck,  a  commune  in  the  canton  of  Cassel,  arrondissement  of 
Hazebrouck,  in  the  department  du  Nord,  ?>.,  in  the  district  of  French 
Flanders.t  When  Louis  the  Pious  was  in  Palestine,  rumours  reached 
him  that  Sertak,  the  son  of  Batu,  was  a  Christian.  Deeming  this  a 
favourable  opportunity  for  spreading  the  faith,  he  commissioned 
Rubruquis  to  go  to  the  Mongol  camp  with  letters  from  himself  to  Sertak, 
asking  permission  for  him  to  settle  in  Tartary  and  there  to  preach  the 
gospel.  He  set  out  from  Palestine,  accompanied  by  another  friar  named 
Bartholomew,  of  Cremona.  Having  embarked  at  Constantinople,  they 
crossed  the  Black  Sea  and  landed  at  Soldaia,  in  the  Crimea,  on  the  21st 
of  May,  1253.  There  they  had  an  interview  with  the  governor  of  the 
town,  who  offered  them  choice  of  either  wheeled  cars  with  bullocks,  or 
horses  to  transport  their  party  in.  They  were  counselled,  however,  by 
some  merchants  to  buy  carts  of  their  own,  such  as  were  used  in  the 
transport  of  Russian  furs.  With  these  they  would  not  have  to  unpack 
their  baggage  at  every  post,  as  they  would  if  they  took  horses.  They 
afterwards  found,  however,  that  the  carts  took  two  months  to  do  a 
journey  which  might  have  been  done  on  horseback  in  one  month.  They 
took  with  them  some  fruit,  muscatel  wine,  and  cakes,  which  they  had 
bought  at  Constantinople,  and  which  they  were  told  would  be  very 
grateful  to  Sertak.  Besides  the  two  friars  and  their  clerk  Cosset,  there 
also  went  with  them  a  Turkoman  convert  and  a  boy  named  Nicholas, 
whom  they  had  redeemed  from  slavery— five  persons  in  all.  They  rode 
on  horseback,  while  their  baggage  occupied  four  carts.  They  also  took 
two  men  with  them  to  take  charge  of  carts  and  of  the  horses.  Rubruquis 
tells  us  there  were  forty  fortresses  between  Kherson  and  Soldaia,  of 
which  almost  every  one  had  its  distinct  dialect.  Among  others  there 
were  Goths  there,  who  spoke  the  Teutonic  tongue.  North  of  this  district 
there  was  a  well  wooded  and  watered  country,  and  after  that  a  plain 
extending  for  a  distance  of  five  days.  It  then  became  very  narrow,  and 
had  the  sea  on  either  hand,  and  was  traversed  by  a  deep  ditch.  Our 
author's  description  clearly  refers  to  the  isthmus  of  Perekop.     Here,  he 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  210. 
t  Marco  Polo,  2nd  ed.,  ii.  536-    Ante,  vol.  i.    Introduction,  xxiii. 


tells  US,  the  Comans  took  refuge  from  the  invading  Mongols,  and  were 
driven  to  such  straits  that  they  even  ate  one  another.  On  the  borders 
of  this  steppe  there  were  many  salt  lakes,  whence  the  people  of  Russia 
chiefly  drew  their  supply,  paying-  a  tax  to  Batu  and  his  son  of  two  pieces 
of  cotton  for  each  cart  load.  A  similar  tax  was  imposed  upon  the  export 
of  salt  by  sea,  which  was  carried  on  on  a  considerable  scale.  Three 
days  after  leaving  Soldaia  the  travellers  met  with  the  Tartars,  and,  as 
Rubruquis  says,  he  now  seemed  to  enter  upon  an  entirely  new  world.* 
He  tells  us  how  the  Tartars  surrounded  them  on  horseback,  and  asked  if 
they  had  ever  been  among  them  before.  They  then  began  to  beg  for 
food,  and  the  travellers  gave  them  some  cake.  When  they  offered  them 
a  flask  of  wine  they  asked  for  another,  saying  men  could  not  walk  on 
one  leg.  They  then  asked  them  the  object  of  their  journey,  and  whether 
they  were  going  of  their  own  free  will  or  at  the  instance  of  some  one 
else.  The  friars  replied,  they  had  heard  that  Sertak  was  a  Christian, 
and  that  they  were  the  bearers  of  letters  from  the  king.  They  then 
wished  to  know  what  they  had  in  their  carts,  and  whether  they  had  gold, 
silver,  and  precious  garments  with  them.  This  Rubruquis  refused  to 
disclose.  They  then  conducted  him  to  their  captain,  named  Scatai  or 
Scatatai  (probably  Jagatai),  who  was  a  relative  of  Batu's,  and  to  whom 
the  Emperor  of  Constantinople  had  written,  asking  him  to  assist  them. 
They  provided  them  with  horses  and  cattle  for  this  journey,  and  ceased 
not  to  beg  for  everything  they  could  see,  and  when  they  were  refused 
called  Rubruquis  bad  names;  but  they  stole  nothing.!  The  friar,  whose 
notion  of  giving  was  somewhat  mercenary,  says  it  was  no  use  giving 
them  anything  for  they  never  made  any  return  ;  but  he  contradicts 
himself,  for  he  says  they  gave  him  milk  to  drink.  On  leaving  them  he 
deemed  he  was  escaping  from  the  hands  of  devils.  On  the  following  day 
they  arrived  at  the  camp  of  Scatai,  which  was  in  process  of  migration, 
the  yurts  being  placed  on  carts.  The  procession  seemed  to  Rubruquis 
as  large  as  a  city.  He  was  astonished  at  the  number  of  horses  and 
cattle  and  the  flocks  of  sheep,  and  was  told  that  notwithstanding  he  only 
had  500  herdsmen,  of  whom  one-half  were  on  another  pasture.  Their 
boy  conductor  went  on  to  announce  their  approach,  and  presently 
messengers  came  to  them  to  ask  what  presents  they  bore.  They  sent 
their  master  a  flask  of  wine,  some  cake,  and  a  dish  of  apples  and  other 
fruit,  but  he  was  vexed  that  they  did  not  offer  him  any  precious  cloth. 
They  approached  him  with  fear  and  shyness.  He  was  seated  on  a 
cushion  holding  a  lute  in  his  hand,  and  his  wife  sat  beside  him.  The 
latter,  Rubruquis  says  he  beUeves,  must  have  had  her  nose  amputated, 
for  she  seemed  to  have  none,  it  was  so  flat,  and  the  place  where  it  ought 
to  have  been,  as  well  as  her  eyebrows,  which  looked  very  ugly,  were 
coloured  with    some    black   ointment.     Rubruquis    told  his  message, 

*  Op.  cit.,  220.  t  Id.,  238,  239. 

BATU  KHAN.  *     83 

which,  as  he  had  been  warned,  he  repeated  the  same  terms.  He  asked 
Scatai  to  accept  a  small  present,  since  he,  as  a  monk,  had  neither  gold 
nor  silver  to  offer,  and  could  only  offer  him  some  food  as  a  blessing.  He 
accepted  it  and  distributed  it  among  his  followers.  Rubruquis  then  gave 
him  the  letters  of  the  Emperor  of  Constantinople,  which,  being  written 
in  Greek,  had  to  be  sent  to  Soldaia  for  translation.  He  was  then  offered 
some  cosmas  {i.e.,  kumis).  This  the  priests  of  the  Russians,  Alans,  and 
Greeks  who  lived  there  insisted  upon  their  people  not  drinking,  and 
deemed  one  who  drank  it  no  longer  a  Christian;  and  Rubruquis  hints  that 
to  comply  with  this  queer  prejudice,  which  he  elsewhere  confesses  pre- 
vented many  of  the  people  to  whom  kumis  was  almost  indispensable, 
from  being  converted,  like  wearing  trousers  does  in  our  own  day  among 
the  negroes  of  Africa,  he  excused  himself,  saying  he  had  plenty  to  drink. 
Scatai  was  inquisitive  to  know  what  their  message  for  Sertak  was,  and 
what  their  letters  contained.  They  explained  that  they  went  to  speak  to 
him  of  the  word  of  God  ;  and  as  to  their  letters,  as  they  were  sealed,  he 
could  not  disclose  them,  but  they  only  contained  a  message  of  good  will 
and  friendship.  Rubruquis  then  explained  to  his  host,  through  an 
interpreter,  whose  stupidity  he  enlarges  upon,  the  Christian  message  he 
bore,  but  Scatai  did  not  answer,  and  merely  moved  his  head.  He  tells 
us  the  people  of  these  parts  did  not  use  money,  nor  would  they  sell  their 
goods  for  gold  and  silver,  but  only  bartered  them  for  pieces  of  cloth,  and 
when  money  was  shown  to  them  they  rubbed  it  with  their  fingers  and 
smelt  it  to  see  if  it  was  copper.  Scatai  at  length  sent  them  on  with  a 
guide  and  two  porters,  and  also  presented  them  with  a  goat  for  food,  and 
several  skins  of  milk  and  kumis.  The  travellers  set  out  northwards,  and 
after  some  suffering  crossed  the  well  known  Scythic  dyke,  which  is 
mentioned  by  Herodotus,  and  which  was  then  partially  occupied  by 
officers  of  the  Tartars  who  collected  the  salt  dues.  Having  given  them 
some  cake,  they  received  in  return  another  goat  and  several  skins  of 
milk,  and  were  provided  with  eight  oxen.  They  then  entered  the  steppe 
again,  and  for  ten  days  found  no  water  except  in  certain  stagnant  pools 
and  two  rivulets.  They  then  marched  eastwards,  with  nothing  to  relieve 
the  dreary  steppe  but  the  tombs  of  the  Comans,  with  the  sun  oppres- 
sively hot,  and  their  servants  by  no  means  too  civil,  and  made  their  way 
from  one  post  station  to  another.  At  length,  a  few  days  before  the 
festival  of  Saint  Mary  Magdalene,  they  arrived  at  the  river  Don.  At  the 
point  where  they  touched  it  the  Tartars  had  organised  a  portage,  the 
boatmen  being  Russians.  They  first  took  over  the  travellers,  and  then 
their  carts,  putting  one  wheel  in  one  boat  and  the  other  in  another,  tying 
the  boats  together,  and  then  rowing  them  over.  Their  cattle  and  horses 
were  sent  back  by  their  guide  to  the  former  halting  place,  and  when  they 
asked  for  more  they  were  told  that  in  consideration  of  supplying  the  ford 
with  boats  the  ferrymen  were  relieved  of  the  duty  of  furnishing  post  horses. 


The  travellers  were  consequently  delayed  there  for  three  days.  On  the 
first  they  were  given  a  borbota  (?),  on  the  second  some  rye  bread  and  a 
little  flesh,  and  on  the  third  some  stock  fish.  The  river,  says  Rubruquis, 
was  as  wide  as  the  Seine  at  Paris,  and  there  was  a  second  ford  some 
distance  further  south,  which  was  used  in  the  winter.  The  streams  were 
well  stocked  with  fish,  but  the  Tartars  only  ate  those  wbich  were  very 
large  and  could  be  carved  like  sheep  {i.e.,  no  doubt  sturgeons).  At  length 
the  ferrymen  became  more  accommodating,  and  supplied  them  with 
sumpter  cattle.  They  themselves  travelled  on  foot,  and  reached  the 
camp  of  Sertak  on  the  2nd  of  August. 

His  camp  was  about  three  days  journey  from  the  Volga,  and  it  was  of 
considerable  size.  He  had  six  wives,  while  his  eldest  son  had  two  or 
three  more.  Each  wife  had  a  separate  yurt  and  about  two  hundred  carts 
or  arabas.  The  friars  were  first  taken  to  a  man  named  Coiac  {i.e., 
Kuyuk),  a  Nestorian,  who  was  a  kind  of  chamberlain.  By  him  they 
were  sent  on  to  another  named  Jamia*  or  Jam,  whose  duty  it  was 
to  receive  envoys.  .  In  the  evening  Kuyuk  summoned  them  to  his 
presence.  "  He  was  seated  in  his  glory,"  says  Rubruquis,  "  and  had  a 
lute  played  before  him,  and  some  people  danced."  The  friars  excused 
themselves  for  not  taking  him  any  presents  on  the  ground  that  they  were 
clerics,  and  neither  gave  nor  received  gold  and  silver  and  precious 
garments,  and  their  only  treasures  were  their  books  and  the  chapel  in 
which  they  performed  the  service.  He  seems  to  have  been  conciliated 
by  this  answer,  gave  the  travellers  some  milk,  and  asked  them  for  their 
blessing.  Rubruquis  spoke  to  him  of  the  emperor  and  of  the  King  of 
France,  whom  he  had  heard  of  from  a  previous  traveller  named  Baldwin 
de  Hennonia.t  He  also  met  a  Dominican,  who  had  gone  there  from 
Cyprus,  and  told  him  many  things.  The  friars  presented  their  host  with 
some  muscatel  wine  and  sweet  cake,  and  were  summoned  the  following 
day  to  go  and  see  Sertak,  taking  with  them  their  books  and  chapel  in 
one  cart,  and  bread  and  wine  and  fruits  in  another,  many  Tartars,  both 
Christians  and  Saracens  {i.e.,  Mussulmans),  standing  around.  Rubruquis 
was  clad  in  his  vestments,  with  a  cushion  on  his  arms,  and  carried  the 
Bible  given  to  him  by  Louis,  and  the  illustrated  psalter  given  to  him  by 
the  queen  in  his  hands ;  while  his  companions  bore  the  missal  and 
cross,  and  the  assistant,  dressed  in  a  surphce,  carried  the  thurible.  Thus 
they  approached  the  entrance  to  Sertak's  tent.  The  hanging  which 
generally  closed  it  was  raised  so  that  he  might  see  them.  The  interpreter 
and  Nestorian,  who  accompanied  them,  prostrated  themselves,  but  this 
ceremony  was  not  exacted  from  them.  They  were  warned  not  to  tread 
on  the  threshold  in  entering  or  leaving  the  tent,J  and  told  that  they  must 

*  This  is  probably  an  official  title ;  an  official  with  a  similar  title  is  mentioned  at  Mangu's 
court.    (D'Avezac,  253  and  310.) 

t  i.e.,  Hainault.  J  Vi^e  vol.  i.  731.    Note. 

BATU   KHAN.  85 

chant  a  blessing.  They  accordingly  entered  singing  the  Salve  Regina.  At 
the  entrance  to  the  tent  there  was  the  usual  sideboard  with  vessels  of  kumis 
on  it.  Kuyuk,  the  chamberlain,  took  the  thurible  with  the  incense  from 
them,  and  showed  it  to  his  master.  The  latter  and  his  wife  also  inspected 
the  psalter,  the  Bible,  and  the  cross.  He  asked  if  the  image  upon  it 
was  that  of  Christ.  Rubruquis  adds  parenthetically  that  the  Nestorians 
and  Armenians  did  not  put  figures  on  their  crosses,  and  suggests  that 
they  were  ashamed  of  "  the  Passion."  When  they  had  been  inspected, 
the  friars  handed  Louis's  letters  and  the  translations  of  them  into  Arabic 
and  Syriac,  which  Rubruquis  had  made  at  Acre.  Having  retired,  Kuyuk 
and  some  interpreters  went  with  them  to  translate  the  letters.  These 
having  been  read  to  Sertak,  he  replied  that  before  he  gave  an  answer  he 
must  consult  with  his  father  Batu.  Having  left  their  books  and  vessels 
in  charge  of  Kuyuk,  they  once  more  set  out  on  their  journey,  and  on  the 
third  day  they  reached  the  Volga.  The  route  they  traversed  was  a 
dangerous  one,  for  Rubruquis  tells  us  the  Tartars  owned  a  great  number 
of  Russian,  Hungarian,  and  Alan  slaves,  who  were  in  the  habit  of 
banding  themselves  twenty  or  thirty  together,  and  escaping  by  night  and 
concealing  themselves  during  the  day,  supplying  themselves  with  horses 
from  the  Tartar  herds.  These  men  were  very  dangerous  to  travellers, 
whom  they  were  in  the  habit  of  attacking.  At  the  Volga  they  found  a 
similar  ferry  to  the  one  they  had  passed  at  the  Don,  in  charge  of  some 
Russians  and  Muhammedans.  He  tells  us  Batu  lived  on  the  further  bank 
of  the  Volga,  and  from  January  to  August  moved  northwards  with  his 
people,  returning  southward  in  the  other  six  months  of  the  year.  The 
point  where  they  crossed  was  the  northern  limit  of  this  migration,  and 
therefore  probably  Ukek,  and  as  Batu  had  set  out  southwards,  our 
travellers  sailed  down  the  river  to  Batu's  camp,  which  Rubruquis 
compares  to  a  great  city,  and  to  the  old  camp  of  the  Israelites.  He  tells 
us  such  a  camp  was  called  orda,  that  word  meaning  middle,  and  it 
was  so  named  because  the  chief  was  there  encamped  in  the  midst  of  his 
people,  whose  tents  were  strewed  all  about,  except  towards  the  south, 
where  the  entrance  was,  and  which  was  open.  The  travellers  found 
Batu  in  a  large  tent,  and  were  bidden  not  to  say  anything  until  he  spoke, 
and  then  to  speak  briefly,  and  were  again  warned  not  to  touch  the 
threshold.  They  went  in  barefoot,  with  their  hoods  off.  Rubruquis  says 
that  Carpini,  being  a  papal  nuncio,  had  changed  his  habit,  so  that  he 
might  not  be  contemned.  They  stood  in  the  midst  of  the  tent  while 
they  could  repeat  a  miserere  amidst  a  general  silence.  Batu  sat  on  a 
gilded  couch,  on  a  platform  reached  by  three  steps,  and  one  of  his  wives 
sat  beside  him,  while  some  of  his  followers  were  seated  around.  At  the 
entrance  was  a  sideboard  with  gold  and  silver  vessels  on  it,  ornamented 
with  precious  stones.  Rubruquis  tells  us  naively  that  he  looked  at  Batu 
for  some  time,  and  that  his  appearance  was  like  that  of  John  of  Bello- 


monte,  for  his  face  was  covered  with  red  spots.  He  bade  them  speak,  upon 
which  they  were  told  to  kneel  down,  and  proceeded  to  urge  upon  him  to 
become  a  Christian,  telling  him  that  those  who  would  not  believe  would 
be  lost.  At  this  message  he  smiled  derisively,  and  his  companions 
jeered.  He  told  him  how  they  had  heard  that  Sertak  was  a  Christian, 
and  how  they  in  consequence  had  gone  to  him  as  envoys  from  the 
French  king,  and  had  been  bidden  to  go  to  himself  Batu.  Batu  then 
asked  the  name  of  the  Frankish  king,  and  why  he  was  then  at  the  head 
of  his  army,  and  was  told  that  he  had  gone  to  fight  against  the  Saracens. 
Batu  then  gave  them  some  kumis,  which  was  deemed  a  great  honour. 
When  they  returned  to  their  tent  they  were  told  that  in  order  that  they 
might  have  permission  to  stay  in  the  country,  it  was  necessary  they  should 
have  the  Khakan's  leave,  and  that  Rubruquis  and  his  interpreter  must  go 
on  to  Mangu  Khan  at  Karakorum,  while  his  companions  returned  to  Sertak. 
They  naturally  separated  with  great  grief.  They  were  provided  with  horses 
and  food,  and  travelled  with  Batu  down  the  river,  for  the  space  of  five 
weeks,  along  the  Volga.  On  the  way  the  travellers  suffered  a  good  deal. 
They  met  with  two  Hungarians  and  a  Coman,  who  had  been  baptised, 
and  wrote  out  a  copy  of  the  Hours  of  the  Virgin  and  of  the  Office  of  the 
Dead  for  them.  By  them  they  were  supplied  with  some  meat  and  other 
refreshment.  The  Coman  told  Rubruquis  he  had  been  baptised  in 
Hungary,  and  that  he  had  been  much  questioned  by  Batu  in  regard  to 
the  friars,  and  had  told  him  the  rules  of  their  order.  At  length,  on  the 
feast  of  the  Holy  Rood,  they  were  overtaken  by  a  Mongol,  who  told 
them  he  had  been  deputed  to  conduct  them  to  the  court  of  Mangu  Khan. 
He  was  a  truculent  person,  and  was  very  frank  with  them  about  the 
difficulties  of  the  four  months'  journey  there,  and  of  the  small  scruples 
he  should  have  in  abandoning  the  travellers ;  he  overlooked  their 
wardrobe,  making  them  leave  behind  everything  but  necessaries,  and 
they  were  furnished  with  a  furred  cloak  and  trousers,  made  of  sheep's 
skin,  with  the  wool  still  upon  it,  and  boots,  also  felt  socks  and  fur 
hoods;  and  at  length  the  second  day  after  Holy  Rood  they  set  out 
over  the' terrible  Nogay  steppes,  having  the  Caspian  on  the  south  and 
Great  Bulgaria  on  the  north.  After  riding  twelve  days  from  the  Volga 
they  reached  the  Yaik,  which  Rubruquis  tells  us  flowed  from  Pascatir,  i.e., 
the  land  of  the  Bashkirs.  This  steppe  was  then  inhabited  by  the 
Cangli,  /.<?.,  the  Kankalis.  They  changed  horses  three  and  four  times 
a  day,  and  sometimes  travelled  two  or  three  days  without  meeting 
anyone.  The  friar  quaintly  tells  us  how  he  was  provided  with  a  strong 
horse,  being  corpulent,  and  how  it  behoved  them  to  make  no  complaints, 
since  they  were  lucky  even  to  have  horses  at  all.*  He  is  nevertheless  very 
querulous,  and  complains  that  there  was  no  end  to  the  hunger  and  thirst, 
the  cold  and  weariness  which  he  suffered,  for  his  conductor  gave  them  no 

*  Op.  cit.,  276, 

BATU  KHAN.  87 

meat  except  in  the  evenings,  when  they  had  a  shoulder-blade  of  mutton, 
&c.,  and  some  broth.  In  the  mornings  they  had  only  something  to 
drink  or  a  little  boiled  millet.  Often  they  had  to  eat  their  meat  nearly 
raw  or  half  cooked,  as  they  could  not  find  any  dried  dung  with  which  to 
make  up  their  fires,  for  wood  there  was  none.  At  first  their  guide 
contemned  his  charges  greatly,  but  presently  they  became  more  respected, 
and,  we  are  told,  they  were  conducted  by  the  camps  of  rich  Mongols  for 
whom  the  friars  were  expected  to  pray  ;  and  Rubruquis  regrets  that  he 
had  not  a  good  interpreter  with  him,  to  take  advantage  of  his  oppor- 
tunities for  furthering  his  master's  work. 

Having  proceeded  eastwards  for  a  considerable  time,  the  travellers 
at  length  on  the  eve  of  All  Saints,  i.e.^  on  the  31st  of  October,  turned 
more  to  the  south,  and  passed  over  certain  mountain  ridges  (probably 
the  high  lands  south  of  Akmolinsk).*  Having  gone  southwards  for  eight 
days,  and  seen  many  wild  asses  on  the  way,  they  at  length  reached  a 
fertile  district  bounded  by  high  mountains  {i.e.,  the  Alexandrofski  range), 
and  on  the  eighth  day  after  the  feast  of  All  Saints  they  reached  Kenchat 
(that  is  Kenchak,  not  far  from  Merke).t  There  the  governor  came  out  to 
meet  them,  with  ale  (cervisia)  and  cups.  It  was  the  custom  for  the 
people  of  Mangu  to  thus  treat  those  who  came  from  Batu,  and  vice  versa. 
The  people  of  the  country  told  him  it  was  watered  ty  a  great  river, 
whose  waters  were  largely  diverted  by  canals  and  sluices  for  artificial 
irrigation,  and  that  it  did  not  fall  into  the  sea  but  was  lost  in  the  swamps. 
This  river  was  doubtless  the  Chu.  Rubruquis  found  many  vines  there 
and  drank  of  the  wine.  As  he  passed  this  way  Rubruquis  made  inquiries 
about  the  city  of  Talas  and  a  colony  of  Germans,  who  had  been  settled 
there  by  Buri.  The  latter  had  been  put  to  death,  as  I  have  already 
described,  by  Batu,  while  the  Germans  had  been  removed  by  orders  of 
Mangu  to  Bolac,  a  town  a  month's  journey  from  Talas  {i.e.^  Pulad,  near 
lake  Sairam),:}:  where  they  were  employed  in  digging  for  gold  and  in 
making  armour.  Rubruquis  tells  us  he  passed  within  three  days  of  this 
town  in  journeying  eastwards,  and  soon  after  he  entered  the  country 
subject  immediately  to  Mangu,  namely,  the  district  of  Kara  Khitai.  His 
journey  onwards  I  shall  consider  when  we  write  of  the  Khanate  of 
Jagatai  in  a  later  volume. 

Having  spent  some  time  at  Mangu's  court,  and  been  deputed  by  him 
to  carry  letters  to  his  master  Louis  IX.,  he  returned  again.  His  return 
journey,  he  tells  us,  was  made  further  north  and  in  the  summer.  When 
he  had  travelled  some  twenty  days  he  heard  that  the  King  of  Armenia 
had  passed  by,  and  soon  after  met  Sertak,  who  with  his  family  was  on 
his  way  to  Mangu's  court ;  and  after  some  diplomatic  phrases,  he 
learnt  from  Kuyuk,  Sertak's  dependent,  that  the  books  and  other 
treasures  he  had  left  behind  were  safe.      He  arrived  at  Batu's  court 

*  Schuyler,  i.  404.  t  Schuyler,  i.  402.  I  Vol.  i.  734.    Note. 


the  same  day  on  which  he  had  left  it  the  year  before,  and  met  his 
companions,  who  had  been  well  treated  by  the  King  of  Little  Armenia, 
whose  journey  I  shall  presently  describe.  He  apparently  found  Batu 
encamped  in  his  old  quarters  on  the  Volga,  and  having  obtained 
permission  to  return  home  by  land,  the  sea  route  being  closed  in  winter, 
and  being  provided  with  a  Uighur  guide,  he  set  out  by  way  of  Serai, 
which  Rubruquis  tells  us  had  only  recently  been  founded  by  Batu,  on 
the  east  of  the  Volga,  where  it  divides  into  three  channels,  and  then  by 
the  town  of  Sumerkent,  on  the  Lower  Volga,  and  by  way  of  the  Eastern 
Caucasus  into  Persia. 

The  mission  of  Rubruquis  was  followed  by  that  of  a  more  important 
person,  namely,  Haithon,  the  King  of  Cilicia  or  Little  Armenia.  He 
had  succeeded  to  the  throne  on  marrying  Zabel  or  Isabel,  the  only  child 
of  Leo  II.  He  was  crowned  in  1224,  and  abdicated  in  favour  of  his  son 
Leo  III.  in  1269,  when  he  became  a  monk.*  He  had  sent  his  brother 
Sempad  to  attend  the  inauguration  of  Kuyuk,  and,  as  we  are  told  in  the 
narrative  of  his  journey,  when  Mangu  Khan  mounted  the  throne,  the 
great  "  Basileopator  "  and  general,  Batu,  who  lived  with  a  great  multitude 
of  people  on  the  river  Athil  {i.e.,  the  Volga),  sent  an  invitation  to  Haithon 
to  go  and  visit  him,  and  also  Mangu.t  He  had  previously  {i.e.,  in  1252) 
sent  a  priest  named  Basil  as  an  envoy  to  Batu.j  Having  disguised 
himself  for  fear  of  the  Seljuki  Turks,  whose  sultan  at  this  time  was 
Alai  ud  din,  son  of  Kaikobad,  and  who  hated  him  because  of  his  friendly 
intercourse  with  the  Mongols,  he  at  length  arrived  at  Kars,  where  he  met 
Baiju  Noyan,  the  Mongol  general,  and  other  grandees,  who  treated 
him  with  honour.  He  next  stopped  at  a  village  named  Vardenis,  at  the 
foot  of  mount  Arai,  in  Armenia,  whose  site  is  elaborately  discussed  by 
Klaproth.§  There,  there  was  a  palace  of  a  prince  named  Kurth,  a 
Christian  Armenian,  whose  sons  were  named  Vache  and  Hassan.  He 
remained  there  until  they  brought  him  some  of  his  treasures,  which 
were  necessary  for  presents,  and  which  were  sent  him  by  his  father 
Constantine,  who  was  an  old  man.  When  the  chief  patriarch  Constan- 
tine  heard  that  Haithon  was  passing  this  way,  he  sent  the  abbot  James, 
an  eloquent  and  wise  man,  who  had  previously  been  on  an  embassy 
to  the  Greek  Emperor  John,  the  bishop  Stephen,  the  abbot  Mekhitar,  of 
Skevra,  as  well  as  Basil,  the  priest,  who  had  returned  from  Batu,  Thoros, 
a  priest,  his  companion,  and  Karapet,  another  priest,  to  him.  He 
passed  through  the  country  of  the  Aghuvans  {i.e.,  the  Albanians),  and  by 
the  defile  of  Derbend.  Thence  he  went  to  Batu  and  his  son  Sertak,  "who 
was  a  Christian."  We  thus  see  that  the  rumour  of  Sertak's  having  been 
a  Christian,  which  Rubruquis  had  found  to  be  so  vain,  had  reached  other 
ears  besides  those  of  Louis  the  Pious.     Haithon  was  received  with  great 

•  Klaproth,  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  272.  t  Id,.,  274.  \  Id.,  212. 

%  Op.  cit.,  275.    Note,  2. 

BATU  KHAN,  •     89 

honour  by  the  two,  and  was  sent  on  to  Mangu  by  a  very  long  road 
beyond  the  Caspian. 

He  set  out  on  the  13th  of  May,  and  having  crossed  the  Yaik,  arrived 
at  Hor,  midway  between  Batu's  and  Mangu's  camps,  which  is  no  doubt 
the  river  Or,  giving  its  name  to  Orsk.  It  falls  into  the  Yaik.  He 
crossed  the  Irtish,  and  entered  the  land  of  the  Naimans,  and 
arrived  at  Kara  Khitai  on  the  13th  of  September.  This  is  probably  a 
mistake  for  Karakorum,  for  Kara  Khitai  had  been  left  long  behind. 
The  narrative  goes  on  to  say  that  on  the  festival  of  the  elevation  of  the 
cross  he  had  an  audience  with  Mangu,  who  was  seated  in  all  his  glory, 
and  Haithon  offered  him  presents.  He  was  received  with  special 
honour.  He  was  given  a  warrant  or  diploma,  with  a  seal,  to  guarantee 
that  neither  himself  nor  his  country  should  be  molested,  and  also  given 
a  letter  of  enfranchisement  for  the  churches  of  his  kingdom.  He  left 
again  on  the  ist  of  November,  and  returned  by  a  different  route.  I  shall 
have  more  to  say  about  him  when  I  treat  of  Khulagu. 

Two  years  after  Mangu's  accession,  i.e.,  in  1254,  Iz  ud  din,  the  joint 
sultan  of  Rum,  was  summoned  to  Karakorum.  Afraid  that  his  brother 
Rokn  ud  din,  who  had  long  been  his  rival,  and  to  whom  he  had  given  a 
joint  authority  with  himself,  would  take  advantage  of  his  absence  to  oust 
him  from  his  position,  he  determined  to  send  his  third  brother,  Alai  ud 
din  Kaikobad,  who  accordingly  set  out  (taking  with  him  many  presents) 
by  Avay  of  the  Black  Sea  and  the  Golden  Horde.  He  was  accompanied 
by  one  of  the  principal  Seljuki  generals  named  Seif  ud  din  Tarentai,  and 
by  Shuja  ud  din,  governor  of  the  maritime  districts.  Iz  ud  din  sent  a 
letter  to  Mangu,  in  which  he  excused  himself  for  not  going  just  then  as 
he  had  to  make  way  against  his  enemies,  the  Greeks  and  Armenians ; 
he  said  that  he  hoped  to  be  able  to  go  before  long,  and  that  he  had  sent 
as  his  substitute  a  younger  brother  who  had  joint  authority  with  him.* 

Soon  after  this  party  had  set  out,  the  partizans  of  Rokn  ud  din,  who 
wished  to  circumvent  his  brother,  despatched  the  chancellor  Shems  ud 
din  and  the  Emir  Seif  ud  din  Jalish  with  a  forged  letter,  purporting  to 
have  been  written  by  Iz  ud  din  to  Tarentai,  ordering  the  latter  and  his 
colleague  to  return  to  Iconium.  They  overtook  the  travellers  at  the  ordu 
of  Batu,  with  whom  they  had  an  audience,  and  to  whom  they  explained 
that  Iz  ud  din,  having  discovered  that  Tarentai  had  formerly  been  struck 
by  lightning  (and  was  therefore  an  inauspicious  person),  could  not  be 
presented  to  Mangu,  while  Shuja  ud  din  was  a  doctor,  skilled  in  magic, 
and  carried  with  him  some  drugs  with  which  to  poison  Mangu.  He 
had  therefore  sent  the  two  bearers  of  the  letter  to  replace  them.  Batu 
ordered  the  baggage  of  the  two  former  envoys  to  be  examined,  and  there 
were  in  fact  found  among  them  some  drugs  and  medicinal  roots,  among 
other  things  scammoni.    Batu  ordered  Shuja  ud  din  to  take  some  of 

*  D'Ohsson,  iii.  95. 


these  drugs  himself,  which  he  did  except  the  scammoni.  Batu  was 
thereupon  convinced  that  these  things  were  not  poisons  but  drugs.  He 
decided  that  all  four  officers  should  go  on  to  the  ordu.  The  former  two 
with  their  young  master,  and  the  latter  two  with  the  presents.  Alai  ud 
din,  whose  mother  was  a  daughter  of  the  beautiful  Armenian  queen 
Rusudan,  died  on  the  way,  hke  so  many  travellers  who  had  traversed  the 
terrible  route  leading  to  Karakorum,  and  the  officers  went  on  alone. 
They  pleaded  their  several  master's  cause,  and  Mangu  ordered  Rum  to 
be  divided  between  the  two  brothers.* 

Besides  his  authority  over  his  special  ulus,  Batu  had  a  joint  authority 
elsewhere,  and  notably  in  the  country  south  of  the  Oxus,  which  was  not 
disposed  of  by  Jingis  Khan's  will,  and  which  was  apparently  meant  to  be 
a  joint  possession  shared  by  the  masters  of  the  three  great  Khanates. 
Thus  we  are  told  that  when  Jingis  Khan  evacuated  Persia,  Juchi 
appointed  Chin  Timur  as  his  deputy  in  Khuarezm.  When  in  1230 
Chormagun  was  ordered  by  the  Khakan  Ogotai  to  attack  the  Khuarezm 
Shah  Jelal  ud  din.  Chin  Timur  was  ordered  to  follow  him  with  the  troops 
of  Khuarezm  to  subdue  Khorassan.  He  remained  there  as  governor, 
and,  we  are  told,  had  four  colleagues ;  Kelilat,  nominated  by  the  Khakan, 
Nussal  by  Batu,  Kul  Toga  by  Jagatai,  and  Tunga  by  the  widow  and  son 
of  Tului.t 

On  the  death  of  Chin  Timur  in  1235,  Nussal,  who  was  a  very  old  man 
and  almost  a  centenarian,  took  his  place  as  governor  of  Khorassan4 
Chin  Timur's  chancellor  was  a  Uighur,  named  Kurguz,  who,  being  a  skilled 
penman,  had  been  taken  into  Juchi's  service,  and  had  taught  his  children 
writing.  When  Chin  Timur  was  made  governor  of  Khuarezm,  he  was 
nominated  his  secretary  and  eventually  his  minister.  This  post  he 
retained  under  Nussal.  As  the  latter  was  practically  incapable,  there 
were  two  candidates  for  the  post.  Kurguz,  who  was  supported  by  his 
countryman  Chinkai,  who  had  great  influence  with  Ogotai,  and  Ongu 
Timur,  the  son  of  Chin  Timur,  who  was  supported  by  Chinkai's  rival 
Danishmend  Hajib.  The  quarrel  between  the  two  was  protracted,  and 
eventually  both  repaired  to  the  Imperial  court,  where,  after  hearing  both 
sides,  Ogotai  decided  against  Ongu  Timur ;  "  but,"  he  added,  "  as  you 
belong  to  Batu,  I  will  remit  the  matter  to  him,  and  he  will  punish  you." 
Chinkai  thereupon  interceded  for  him,  saying,  "  Ongu  Timur  says  '  the 
Khakan  is  the  lord  of  Batu.  Is  it  right  that  a  dog  hke  myself  should  be 
the  cause  of  two  sovereigns  deliberating  over  me.  The  Khakan  had 
better  decide.' "  "  You  speak  well,"  said  Ogotai,  "  for  Batu  would  not 
spare  his  own  son  in  a  similar  position  to  yours."  The  companions  of 
Ongu  Timur  were  thereupon  punished  as  calumniators,  and  Kurguz  was 
given  the  government  of  all  the  country  south  of  the  Oxus.  § 

When  Khulagu  set  out  to  conquer  Persia  in  1253,  each  of  the  Mongol 

*  Id.,  96-98.  t  Id.,  103,  104.  I  Id.,  io8.  $  Id.,  109-115. 

BATU  KHAN.  9 1 

princes  furnished  a  contingent  of  troops  for  the  work,  due  doubtless  to 
their  having  common  rights  in  Khorassan,  and  we  are  told  the  con- 
tingent sent  by  Batu  was  commanded  by  the  prince  Alakai,*  son  of 
Sheiban,  with  Ko'tar  Oghul  and  Kuli.t  It  is  probable  that  the  rights  of 
the  heads  of  the  several  minor  Khanates  in  Khorassan,  &c.,  were  not 
territorial,  but  that  they  were  entitled  to  share  a  portion  of  the  revenue 
drawn  from  thence.  This  was  also  the  case  in  China,  and  we  are  told 
in  the  Yuan  shi,  under  the  year  1236,  that  the  emperor  (2>.,  Ogotai) 
granted  [to  the  empress  dowager,  the  princes,  and  princesses  appanages 
in  China.  Among  these  we  are  told  that  Waludo  and  Batu,  ?>.,  Orda  and 
Batu,  received  the  department  of  P'ing  Yang  in  Shansi.  Yelu  Chutsai, 
the  famous  minister  of  Ogotai,  having  presented  a  report  in  which  the 
system  of  appanages  was  condemned,  "  the  emperor  ordered  darughas  or 
governors  to  be  appointed  over  the  places  given  as  appanages,  and  that 
the  princes  and  others  should  merely  receive  the  revenues  from  their 

Batu  Khan  died  in  the  year  1255  or  I256.§  The  name  Batu 
in  Mongol  means  hard,  durable,!  He  was  entitled  Sain  Khan  (2./., 
the  "Good  Khan"),  and  Marco  Polo  and  the  chronicler  of  Kazan 
make  two  distinct  persons  out  of  the  two  names.^  Herberstein  has  a 
curious  story  about  his  death,  which  is  clearly  fabulous.  He  tells  us  that 
according  to  the  annals  "Batu  was  killed  by  Vaslaf,  king  of  the 
Hungarians  (who  on  his  baptism  was  named  Vladislaus,  and  was  enrolled 
among  the  saints),  for  he  had  carried  off  the  king's  sister,  whom  he  had 
accidentally  met  with  during  the  spoiling  of  the  kingdom,  and  the  king, 
moved  by  love  for  his  sister  and  by  the  indignity  of  the  deed,  pursued 
him ;  but  when  he  made  his  attack  upon  Batu,  his  sister  took  up  arms  in 
cause  of  the  adulterer  against  her  brother,  which  so  enraged  the  king 
that  he  slew  his  sister,  together  with  the  adulterous  Batu."  These  things 
were  done  in  A.M.  6745  (a.d.  1237).**  I  need  not  say  that  Batu  did  not 
die  in  1237,  and  that  St.  Vladislaf  of  Hungary  did  not  live  until  long 
before  Batu's  time,  i.e.,  from  a.d.  1076  to  1095. 

Fraehn  has  given  three  coins,  without  dates,  as  having  been  struck  at 
Bolghari  during  the  Batu's  reign,  but  I  deem  it  much  more  probable  that 
they  were  struck  during  the  reign  of  Bereke,  v/ho  was  a  Mussulman 
and  an  innovator  upon  ancient  Mongol  customs.  Among  the  earlier 
Mongols,  as  is  well  known,  coined  money  was  unknown.  I  shall  refer 
again  to  these  coins  in  the  next  chapter. 

•  Bar  HebrsBus  calls  him  Bulgai. 
t  Golden  Horde,  146.    Note.  I  Bretschneider,  103.    D'Ohsson,  ii.  79.    Note. 

§  Klaproth,  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xli.  274.    Note,  i.    Abulghaii,  180.    Note,  6. 

II  NouY.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  274.    Note,  i.    Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  108.    Note,  2. 

%  Yule,  ii.  493, 494.  **  Op-  "t.,  ii.  5i. 



For  some  time  before  his  death  Batu  took  little  share  in  the  government 
of  the  Khanate,  which  was  intrusted  to  Sertak.  He  had,  as  we  have  seen, 
immediate  command  of  the  Mongols  encamped  between  the  Don  and 
Volga,  while  his  father  lived  on  the  Volga.  Here,  like  the  Grand  Khan, 
he  encouraged  the  priests  of  various  religions,  and  it  was  probably  some 
Nestorians  who  had  been  at  his  court  who  spread  the  news  in  the  west 
that  he  was  a  Christian.  This  was  reported  by  the  Muhammedans,  and 
the  Pope  sent  him  a  letter  in  1254  to  congratulate  him.*  The  Armenian 
historian  Chamchean  tells  us  that  he  had  been  brought  up  by  Christian 
nurses,  that  he  was  baptised,  and  hved  like  a  Christian.  He  tells  us, 
further,  that  he  was  permitted  to  do  this  by  his  father,  that  Christianity 
was  tolerated,  and  that  he  forbade  the  churches  to  be  taxed.  He  adds 
that  it  was  by  his  and  his  father's  influence  that  the  Armenian  and 
Georgian  princes  under  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Mongol  general  Baiju 
were  well  treated.t  Rubruquis  was  quite  persuaded  that  the  Christisinity 
of  Sertak  was  all  a  pretence. 

Batu,  according  to  Rubruquis,  had  sixteen  wives,  each  of  whom  had 
her  own  estabUshment.  His  chief  wife  was  Borakchin.t  She  was 
probably  the  mother  of  his  four  sons  Sertak,  Tutukan,  Andewan,  and 
Ulaghji.  As  he  left  brothers,  it  is  clear  that  according  to  Mongol 
laws  of  succession  none  of  these  sons  were  entitled  to  the  throne,  but 
rather  his  eldest  surviving  brother,  who  would  appear  to  have  been 
Bereke.  Nevertheless  we  find  Sertak  named  as  his  successor.  It  came 
about  thus  :  Mangu  Khan  convoked  a  Kuriltai  to  meet  in  the  spring  of 
1256,  in  a  place  called  Orbolguetu,  where  he  entertained  the  various 
princes  and  others  magnificently  for  two  months,  and  gave  them  splendid 
presents.  Apropos  to  this  feast,  D'Ohsson  tells  a  story  from  the 
Yuan  history,  that  in  1253  Batu  had  sent  one  of  his  officers  named 
Tobdja  to  ask  from  Mangu  a  present  of  10,000  golden  ingots.  According 
to  M.  Hyacinthe,  no  million  silver  roubles  in  value,  of  which  he  had 
need  to  buy  a  pearl.  The  Khakan  sent  him  1,000,  saying,  "  If  we  thus 
lavishly  squander  the  resources  collected  by  Jingis  and  Ogotai,  how  can 
we  reward  the  princes  ?  "§ 

To  this  Kuriltai  Batu  sent  his  son  Sertak,  who  set  out  in  1255,  and 
was  met  on  the  way  by  Haithon.  It  was  while  on  his  way  that  news 
arrived  of  his  father^s  death,  and  we  are  told  that  thereupon  Mangu 
appointed  Sertak  as  his  successor,  and  dismissed  him  with  magnificent 
presents.  Von  Hammer!  and  D'Ohsson*![  both  say  he  died  on  his  way 
home  ;**  but  the  Armenian  Chamchean,  who  was  probably  informed  by 

♦  D'Ohsson,  ii.  336.  t  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  211,  212. 

I  Golden  Horde,  143.    D'Ohsson,  ii.  337.  §  Op.  cit.,  ii.  320.    Note.  |)  Op.  cit.,  142. 

H  ii.  336.  **  See  also  Frffihn  Bull,  St.  Petersburgh  Acad.,  iv.  233. 



the  Armenian  Prince  of  Khachen  named  Jelal,  a  resident  for  some  time 
at  Sertak's  court,  and  who  was  his  companion  on  his  journey,  says  he 
was  poisoned  by  his  relatives  Park  'hachah]  and  Parak  'hsar.  Bar 
Hebrasus  also  says  he  was  killed  on  the  way.  Klaproth  has  pointed  out 
that  in  the  names  mentioned  by  the  Armenian  historian  we  find  Bereke, 
the  well  known  fourth,  and  Berekjar,  the  ninth  son  of  Juchi.*  The 
account  is  very  probable,  and  I  have  no  hesitation  in  accepting  it. 

We  are  told  by  Rashid  that  on  the  death  of  Sertak,  Mangu  nominated 
Ulaghji  (who  was  his  brother,  and  not  his  son,  as  D'Ohsson  says,)t  to 
succeed  him,  and  named  his  mother  Borakchin  regent.f  This  nomina- 
tion is  doubtful,  and  so  is  the  statement  that  he  shortly  after  died.  I 
beHeve,  with  Von  Hammer,  that  he  was  the  same  Ulaghji  who  was 
appointed  his  lieutenant  in  Russia  by  Bereke,  and  who  thus  filled 
towards  him  much  the  same  position  that  Sertak  did  towards  his  own 
father  Batu.  If  he  was  nominated  as  Khan,  it  would  seem,  therefore, 
that  he  immediately  gave  place  to  his  uncle  Bereke,  who  was  the  rightful 
heir,  and  whose  history  we  will  reserve  for  the  next  chapter. 

Note  I.— Since  writing  the  above  chapter,  I  have  met  with  a  passage  which 
throws  some  light  on  a  difficult  part  of  the  Mongol  history  of  this  period.  It 
has  always  seemed  strange  to  me  that  an  obscure  son  of  Juchi's  like  Singkur 
should  have  been  chosen  to  command  the  armies  of  his  ulus  in  the  interval 
between  the  death  of  Jingis  Khan  and  the  great  expedition  under  Batu  in  the 
west.  I  have  nevertheless  followed  Wolff  §  and  Von  Hammer  ||  in  identifying 
the  Suntay  of  Abulfaraj  with  Singkur,  a  view  to  some  extent  confirmed  by 
Vassaf,  who  speaks  of  Suntay  as  the  brother  of  Batu.^  Let  us  now  examine 
the  ground  more  closely.  At  the  great  Kuriltai  held  by  Ogotai  in  1235,  it  was 
determined  to  send  an  army  into  the  countries  of  the  west,  and  we  are  told  by 
Raschid  that  accordingly  Kuktai  and  Subutai  Bahadur  were  given  command 
of  an  army  of  30,000  men,  and  ordered  to  conquer  the  country  of  Kipchak,  of 
Saksin,  and  of  Bulghar.**  This  agrees  with  the  Chinese  authorities,  which 
tell  us  that  Ogotai  in  1235  withdrew  Subutai  from  China,  where  he  had  been 
very  successful,  in  order  to  give  him  another  Abulfaraj  also  tells 
us,  in  his  Syriac  chronicle,  that  when  Ogotai  sent  an  army  of  30,000  cavalry 
under  Churmaghun  Noyan  into  Khorassan,  he  ordered  a  similar  army  to 
march  against  Kipchak  and  the  country  of  the  Bulgars,  under  the  command  of 
Sunati  Agonista.  In  the  Arabic  chronicle  of  the  same  author  he  is  called 
Sontay  or  Sitay  Behadur.  This  conversion  of  Subutai  into  Suntai  occurs  also 
in  some  places  in  the  narrative  of  Rashid,  and  is  due  to  the  confusion  of 
diacritic  points  in  the  script.  In  the  Armenian  rescension  of  Abulfaraj, 
in   which   there    is    not   a  similar   difficulty,    the   name  is  written  Sapada 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  290.    Note.  +  Golden  Horde,  op.  cit.,  143.  J  Id. 

5  Op.  cit.,  124  and  266.         [|  Golden  Horde,  98,  99.       %  Golden  Horde,  op.  cit.,  98.    Note,  7* 

**  St.  Martin,  Mcmoires  sur  TArmenie, «.    Note,  4.  tt  D'Ohsson,  ii.  78, 79- 


Bahadur.  Agonista  is  derived  from  a  well  known  Greek  word  signifying 
athlete  or  hero,  and  is  a  mere  translation  of  Behadur.*  This  makes  it  pretty 
clear  that  Suntay  is  a  corruption  of  Subutai,  and  that  it  was  that  renowned 
general,  and  not  Singkur,  who  commanded  the  Tartars  in  their  attack  on 
Bolghari.  The  great  expedition  was  despatched  in  1235.  The  very  next  year 
the  Dominican  friar  Julian  was  travelling,  as  I  have  said,  on  the  Volga.  His 
journey  was  an  interesting  one,  and  we  may  add  a  few  more  facts  about  it. 
There  was  a  tradition  among  the  Hungarians  that  their  nation  had  come  from 
the  east,  but  they  did  not  know  whence.  In  1230  they  sent  four  brothers  to 
explore,  but  after  three  years' fruitless  search,  they  returned  without  finding  the 
desired  cradleland  of  their  race.  One  of  them  named  Otto,  a  merchant, 
reported,  however,  the  existence  of  a  nation  in  the  east  which  spoke  the 
Hungarian  tongue,  but  he  died  shortly  after.  Bela  IV.,  the  Hungarian  king, 
being  interested  in  this  question,  despatched  in  1234  four  Dominican  friars,  of 
whom  Julian  was  one,  to  explore.  They  traversed  Hungary  and  Bulgaria,  and 
at  length  reached  Constantinople,  where  John  of  Brienne  was  then  reigning. 
Thence  they  navigated  the  Euxine,  and  in  three  days  reached  the  town  of 
Matrika  (near  the  modern  Fanagoria),  whence  they  passed  through  Zichia  and 
Alania,  ^^.,  Circassia  and  the  country  of  the  Ossetes,  of  whose  inhabitants  JuHan 
gives  some  account.  There  they  could  find  no  one  to  accompany  them  through 
ear  of  the  Tartars,  who  were  not  far  off.  As  they  ran  short  of  provisions, 
the  friars  determined  that  two  of  their  number  should  be  sold  as  slaves  to 
enable  the  other  two  to  continue  their  journey.  But  as  they  could  not  find  a 
merchant,  and  did  not  understand  the  arts  of  ploughing  and  grinding  corn,  two 
of  them  determined  to  return,  while  the  other  two,  Bernhard  and  Julian, 
persevered,  and  after  a  stay  of  six  months,  during  which  they  suffered  great 
hunger,  living  on  a  little  millet,  which  they  obtained  in  barter  for  some  spoons 
and  other  objects  which  one  of  them  carved  out  of  wood,  they  at  length 
found  some  companions,  with  whom  they  travelled  for  seven  and  thirty  days 
through  deserts,  having  only  twenty-four  cakes,  baked  in  the  ashes,  to  eat,  and 
in  constant  dread  of  being  killed  by  their  companions,  who  suspected  they  had 
gold  with  them.  Bernhard  fell  ill  on  the  way,  and  wished  Julian  to  leave  him, 
but  he  succeeded  with  great  trouble  in  conveying  him  onwards  until,  on  the 
twenty-seventh  day,  they  reached  the  land  of  the  Saracens  {i.e.,  the  Muham- 
medans).  The  people  who  lived  there  Julian  calls  Veda.  I  believe  them  to 
be  the  Berdas  or  Merdas  of  other  authors,  who,  we  are  told,  were  Mussul- 
mans. The  travellers  reached  the  town  of  Bunda.  (?)  There  they  found  no 
shelter,  and  had  to  camp  out  in  the  fields  in  the  rain  and  cold,  but  Julian  and 
his  companion  received  some  alms  from  the  prince  and  people,  who  were 
favourable  to  the  Christians.  Thence  they  went  on  to  another  town,  where 
Bernhard  died  in  the  house  of  a  hospitable  Saracen,  and  Julian,  in  order  to 
prosecute  his  journey  further,  became  the  servant  of  a  Saracen  priest  and  his 
wife,  with  whom  he  went  on  to  Great  Bulgaria,  In  a  large  city  there,  which 
possessed  50,000  warriors,  by  which  no  doubt  Bolghari  is  meant,  he  learnt  from 
a  woman,  whose  husband  had  been  there,  that  he  was  only  two  days'  journey 

*  St.  Martin,  loc  cit. 



from  Hungary  {i.e.,  Great  Hungary),  the  place  he  was]^ searching  for. 
Following  her  instructions,  he  arrived  in  fact  there.  When  the  people  learnt 
he  was  a  Hungarian  they  entertained  him  in  their  houses,  inquired  about  the 
king  and  people  of  their  Christian  brothers.  He  tells  us  they  conversed  freely, 
he  understanding  them  and  they  him.  They  were  heathens,  and  had  no  gods, 
and  lived  like  wild  beasts;  they  did  not  practice  agriculture,  ate  horse  and 
wolf  flesh,  drank  milk,  wine,  and  blood;  had  abundance  of  horses  and 
weapons,  and  were  very  warlike.  They  knew  the  Hungarians  had  migrated 
from  their  country,  but  did  not  know  whither  they  had  gone.  He  doubtless 
refers  to  the  Bashkirs.  The  Tartars  were  near  neighbours  of  theirs.  They 
had  not  been  subjected  by  but  had  in  fact  beaten  them,  and  had  afterwards  in 
alliance  with  them  subjected  fifteen  kingdoms.  He  met  some  Tartars  there, 
and  also  one  of  their  envoys  who  could  speak  Hungarian,  Russian,  Cumanian, 
German,  Saracenic  {i.e.,  Arabic),  and  Tartar.  He  said  that  the  chief  of  the 
Tartars  was  five  days'  journey  away,  and  was  about  to  march  against 
Germany,  but  was  waiting  for  the  progress  of  another  army  which  was  going 
to  Persia.  This  was  in  1236,  and  therefore  the  very  year  after  the  great 
Kuriltai,  and  the  army  referred  to  is  doubtless  that  commanded  by  Subutai. 
On  hearing  the  news  of  the  march  of  the  Tartars,  Julian  returned  home  by  a 
nearer  route  through  the  country  of  the  Mordvins.*  In  1237,  news  having 
arrived  in  Hungary  of  the  advance  of  the  Tartar  king,  Bela  sent  Julian  on 
another  journey  to  explore  and  report.  He  again  traversed  Russia,  and  found 
that  the  Tartars  had  conquered  Great  Hungary  and  Great  Bulgaria,  and  he 
gives  a  confused  account  of  their  further  doings  which  is  of  small  value.t 

Note2. — In  his  account  of  the  various  tribes  of  South-eastern  Russia,Rubruquis 
speaks  of  the  Moxel  or  Mokshas,  a  section  of  the  Mordvins,  and  tells  us  their 
lord  or  sovereign, "  with  a  great  number  of  his  people,  were  killed  in  Alemannia" 
(i.^.jGermany), "  for,"  he  says,"  the  Tartars  led  them  to  the  frontiers  of  Alemannia, 
where  they  offered  to  submit  themselves  to  the  Alemanniens,  hoping  in  this 
way  to  free  themselves  from  the  Tartar  yoke."t  He  implies  that  the  Tartars 
destroyed  them  on  account  of  this  intrigue.  This  notice,  which  had  escaped 
me,  shows  how  the  army  of  the  invaders  grew,  snowball  fashion,  wherever 
it  went  through  the  incorporation  of  conquered  tribes. 

^ote  3.— My  deceased  friend,  the  late  antiquary  Thomas  Wright,  supplied  M. 
D'Avezac  with  a  copy  of  some  verses  taken  from  a  poem  written  by  John  de 
Garlande,  apparently  soon  after  the  Tartar  invasion,  and  entitled,  "  De 
Triumphis  Ecclesise,"  from  which  I  quote  as  follows  :— 

"  The  seventh  book  opens  with  an  account  of  the  inroads  of  the  Tartars  ; 
he  describes  them  as  cannibals : 

"  Gens  est  sasva  nimis,  Sathanasque  domestica,  pestis 
Ecclesise,  fidei  idissona,  c^dis  amans. 
Limpha.  merum,  panis,  caro,  piscis,  friget,  obundat, 

Incandit,  nutrit;  vivit  in  sede  probra. 
Excedit  gens  ista  feras  quod  mundus  abhorret ; 

Cur  ?  quia  naturam  calcat  iniqua  suam. 
Quseris  forte  modum  calcandi ;  sanguinis  haustu 
Emadet  hamani,  se  furor  iste  bibit. 

Wolff,  263-267.  t /<i.,  269-274.  I  Op.  cit.,  251,  252. 


Esuriens  hominem^corrodit  homo  ;  leo  nullus 

Came  leonina  viscera  laxa  replet ; 
Non  lupus  ungue  lupum  lacerat ;  gens  ista  colurnis 

In  vepribus  vertit  membra  veruta  foco. 
Famam.Virgilius  monstrum  depingit  habere. 

Sub  plumis  oculos  instabilesque  gradus. 
Illi  mille  dedit  Hnguas  figmenta  loquentes; 

Falsis  permutat  sic  modo  vera  loquax 
Fingit  fama  tamen  qujedam  conformia  vero. 

Nam  mihi  pro  certo  presbiter  ista  tulit : 
Presbiteros  terrae  prosternunt,  sic  crucifigunt 

Illos  prostatos,  excruciantque  diu. 
Matres  occidunt,  puerosque  per  ubera  matrum 

Flentes,  clamantes,  ire,  perire  sinunt. 
Hac  Feritate  refert  has  fama  bibisse  medullas 

Humanas  :  feritas  quid  scelus  ista  timet  ? 

*  «        *        ♦        • 

Pingaes  et  teneros  et  moUes  et  generosos 

Et  pulcros  horum  rex  coquit  igne  sibi. 
Plebs  vorat  annosos,  nigros,  duros,  scabiosos, 

Hirsutos,  tremulos;  hoc  non  abhorret  opus. 
Quod  sequitur  vere  faciunt :  muliebria  truncant 

Guttura,  post  veneri  corpoa  juncta  sua;. 
»        *        *        *        * 

Hi  quia  sunt  diri  nequeunt  pietate  poliri. 

His  periere  Tyri  Pergameique  viri. 
Cor  gustando  ferum,  foetus  truncant  mulierum, 

Sanctum  (me  miserum!)  non  venerantur  Herum. 

*  m        m        *        * 

Istis  Cnmani  servire  mali  didecerunt, 

Qui  vacui,  vani,  falsa  dolosque  ferunt. 
Hi  sunt  christicolee  falsi,  sine  lege,  severi. 

H4c  de  fraude  scholas  proposuere  quaeri. 

"  He  goes  on  to  speak  of  the  Jews  as  holding  secret  correspondence  with 
them,  and  beheving  their  prince  to  be  the  expected  Messiah : 
"  Consimiles  sacra  dant  judasis  sordida  Divo 

Viscera  ponendo,  mundificant  male  se. 
Se  mal6  mundificant  ponendo  viscera  Divo 

Sordida  judseis  dant  sacra  consimiles 
Dljm  circumcisd  pro  pelle  merentur  Apelle 

Nomen,  cognomen  hoc  valet  esse  suum. 
Ha;  gentes  miserae  mortem  mis^re  per  orbem  : 

Destructas  leges  pec  mala  cuncta  leges. 
Quid  referam  plausus  quos  perfida  dat  synagoga  ? 

Nuntia  quid  promam,  perfidiamque  suam  ? 
Munera  praetereo  quae  mittit  clam  vel  aperte. 

Dum  sibi  Messyam  credit  habere  suum, 
Spes  sua  messe  caret :  expectans  tempore  tanto 

Messyam,  sterilem  spem  miseranda  fovet. 

"After  some  religious  reflections,  this  author  again  describes  the  devastations 
they  committed  wherever  they  came  : 

"  Prostratis  monachis  aras  et  templa  cruentant 
Hisque  boves  statuunt,  carnipedesque  ligant. 
Impedit  Ecclesiam  fera  dum  discordia  legum, 
Tartareos  acuit  liber  ad  arma  furor. 


In  claustris  sacrisque  locis  concumbere  fceda 

Gens  audens;  vollit  sancta  sepulcra  solo. 
Sanctorum  capsas  confringit,  et  eruit  ossa ; 

Et  gemmis,  auro,  fcemia  mcecha  nitet, 
Mundis  Ecclesise  pannis  immunda  perornat 

Membra,  sacros  calices  trectat,  et  inde  bibit. 
Catholici  fulsi  comitantur  eos,  vacuusque 

Vespilio,  cupidus  fur,  homicida,  rapax."* 

W^/^4.— Abulghazit  tells  us  that  Juchi's  capital  was  called  Kok  orda, /.<».,  the 
Blue  Horde.  This  was  probably  the  later  Seraichuk.  Klaproth  tells  us  that, 
according  to  a  short  history  of  Jingis  Khan  and  his  family,  written  in  Jagatai 
Turk,  the  camp  of  Batu  was  at  a  place  called  Utch  kandak.:|:  I  cannot  throw 
any  light  on  this  name,  but  it  would  certainly  seem  from  the  narrative 
of  the  friar  Julian  that  before  the  great  campaign  in  Europe,  and  before 
the  conquest  of  the  valley  of  the  Volga,  the  ulus  of  Juchi  had  a  fixed 
camping  place,  for  he  tells  us  in  his  second  letter,  describing  his  journey  in 
1237,  that  ihe  Tartars  were  then  ruled  over  by  Chayn,  i.e.,  by  Sain  Khan  or 
Batu,  who  lived  in  the  great  city  of  Hornah.§  It  may  be  that  by  this  the 
Ornas  of  other  writers  is  meant,  i.e.^  Urgenj,  which  was  a  city  belonging  until 
the  time  of  the  Great  Timur  to  the  ulus  of  Juchi.  M.  Wolff  deems  the  word 
Hornah  a  corruption  of  Ordu.||  It  will  be  well  before  passing  on  to  say  a  few 
words  about  some  of  the  towns  founded  by  the  Mongols  on  the  Volga,  and  we 
may  naturally  begin  with  their  famous  capital  Serai.  It  is  first  mentioned  by 
Rubruquis,  who  tells  us  it  was  founded  shortly  before  his  passage  through  the 
country  on  his  return  home.  The  name  is  Turkish,  and  means  a  palace.  It 
is  a  mere  translation  of  the  Mongol  term  Ordu.  It  occurs  frequently 
elsewhere,  thus  the  royal  residence  of  the  house  of  Jagatai  was  called  Sali 
Serai.^  We  also  read  of  Arhenkserai  and  Zenjir  Serai.  Ak  Serai  was  the  name 
given  to  his  palace  at  Kesh  by  Timur.**  Baghi  or  Bakshi  Serai,  i.e.,  the 
Garden  Palace,  was  the  name  of  the  capital  of  Krim.  We  are  all  familiar 
with  the  derivatives  Caravanserai  and  Seraglio.  The  town  therefore  took  its 
name  from  the  Imperial  residence  around  which  it  clustered.  We  must  now 
consider  its  situation.  This  is  by  no  means  a  simple  matter,  and  the  Russian 
authorities  are  at  issue  with  two  of  the  most  ingenious  and  learned  foreign 
authors  who  have  treated  of  the  question,  namely  J.  H.  Miiller  and  Colonel  Yule. 
The  latter  has  argued  that  there  were  two  Serais  on  the  Volga,  between  which 
we  must  carefully  distinguish ;  the  one  founded  by  Batu  and  the  other  by 
Janibeg  Khan,  each  one  answering  in  position  to  a  famous  cluster  of  ruins  still 
existing,  and  he  identifies  the  Serai  of  Batu  with  the  ruins  situated  at 
Selitrennoi-Gorodok,  or  Saltpetre  town,  near  Astrakhan.  With  this  view  I 
most  cordially  concur.  In  the  first  place,  I  may  mention  that  Frjehn,  the 
distinguished  numismatist,  has  shown  very  conclusively  to  my  mind  that  the 
Tartars  of  the  Golden  Horde  had  three  mint  places  in  whose  names  Serai 
occurs.     Serai  proper,  Serai   el  Jedid  or  New  Serai,  and  Seraichuk  or  Little 

*  D'Avezac,  op.  cit.,  528-530.    Note. 

t  Op.  cit.,180.  I  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  274.    Note,  i.  §  Wolff,  273. 

II  U,  f  Sherifuddin,  Hist,  de  Timur,  i,  2  and  21. 

**  Muller,  Ugrische  Volkstamm,  ii.  561. 


Serai.  Seraichuk  is  a  place  whose  site  is  well  ascertained,  and  which  was 
situated  on  the  Yaik  or  Ural.  Frashn,  in  a  special  memoir,  has  argued  very 
conclusively  that  Serai  el  Jedid  is  quite  a  different  place  from  Seraichuk,  and 
as  both  Serai  and  Serai  el  Jedid  occur  as  contemporaneous  mint  places,  it  is 
clear  that  these  two  were  also  different  towns.  This  view  agrees  exactly  with 
that  urged  by  Colonel  Yule,  that  we  must  distinguish  the  Serai  of  Batu  from 
the  later  Serai  of  Janibeg  Khan,  which  was  doubtless  the  New  Serai  of  the 
coins.  The  statements  of  Pegolotti,  that  Serai  was  a  day's  journey  from 
Astrakhan,  of  Abulfeda,  that  it  was  two  days'  journey  from  the  outfall  of  the 
Volga,  of  the  Persian  geographer  Sadik,  that  it  was  four  days'  journey  from 
Derbend,  of  the  chronicler  Nikon,  that  it  was  two  days'  journey  from 
Astrakhan  by  water,*  and  of  Ibn  Batuta,  that  he  reached  Serai  in  three 
days  from  the  same  city,  are  only  consistent  with  the  Serai  mentioned  by  these 
authors  having  been  situated  near  Astrakhan  and  not  near  Tzaritzin,  and  the 
Serai  they  mention  is  doubtless  the  old  Serai.  On  the  other  hand,  the  ruins 
near  Tzaritzin  are  actually  called  to  this  day  the  Serai  of  Janibeg  Khan  by  the 
neighbouring  Tartars.t  Fra  Mauro,  as  Professor  Bruun  and  Colonel  Yule 
have  pointed  out,  puts  two  cities  of  Serai  on  the  Akhtuba,  calling  the  northern 
one,  i.e.,  the  Serai  of  Janibeg  Khan,  '•  Great  Serai,"  while  Pegolotti,  having 
carried  his  merchant  from  Tana  (Azof)  to  Gittarchan  (Astrakhan),  takes  him 
one  day  by  river  to  Sara,  and  from  Sara  to  Saracanco,  ?>.,  Sara  Kunk  or  Great 
Serai  eight  days  more.J  The  Saracanco  of  Pegolotti,  I  have  no  doubt,  is  the 
New  Serai  of  the  coins,  whose  extensive  ruins  near  Tzaref  have  been  so 
diligently  explored  by  M.  Grigorief.  I  shall  have  more  to  say  about  it  in  a 
future  chapter.  We  will  now  confine  ourselves  to  the  Southern  Serai,  Its 
foundation  by  Batu  was  probably  rather  nominal  than  real,  that  is,  he  fixed  its 
site,  which  was  probably  the  place  where  his  winter  quarters  were  generally 
planted,  and  he  probably  built  a  number  of  wooden  buildings,  forming  his  more 
permanent  palace  or  ordu.  It  was  probably  Bereke  who  became  a  Mussulman, 
and  who  is  credited  by  one  author  (Jenabi)§  with  the  foundation  of  the 
city,  who  built  its  first  imposing  building  in  the  shape  of  a  mosque,  while  it 
was  reserved  for  Uzbeg  Khan,  as  we  shall  presently  see,  with  the  aid  of  his 
Egyptian  workmen,  to  make  the  city  one  of  the  most  famous  and  beautiful 
then  existing.  The  remains  at  Selitrennoi-Gorodok  are  still  very  extensive,  and 
I  will  abstract  the  account  of  them  by  Pallas.     He  sa>s : — 

"  The  abandoned  saltpetre  work  called  Selitrennoi-Gorodok  is  situated  in  the 
midst  of  a  hilly  tract,  extending  to  upwards  of  ten  versts  in  length ;  here,  along 
the  banks  of  the  Akhtuba,  on  a  place  from  one  to  two  versts  broad,  we 
discovered  in  every  direction  heaps  of  rubbish,  traces  of  buildings,  and  tombs 
of  brickwork,  being  the  ruins  of  an  extensive  city  of  the  Nogays.  There  had 
been  a  small  fort  erected  on  a  hill,  which  unquestionably  contained  the 
principal  and  most  elegant  buildings  of  the  place,  and  was  surrounded  by  a 
strong  wall ;  but  at  present  the  fort,  which  was  oiginally  built  for  the  pro- 
tection of  the  saltpetre  work,  is  in  a  ruinous  state,  together  with  its  dependent 
buildings.    We  particularly  remarked  the  remains  of  two  buildings,  the  most 

*Muller,  op.  cit.,  569,  t  Muller,  op.  cit.,  ii.  571.  \  Yule's  Marco  Polo,  i.  6,  ii.  537, 

§  Golden  Horde,  150.    Note,  5. 


magnificent  of  which  has  lately  been  cleared  of  its  rubbish,  with  a  view  to 
discover  treasures;  the  other,  if  we  may  judge  from  the  existing  ruins,  appears 
to  have  been  a  dwelling-house  with  many  apartments.  The  former  of  these 
buildings,  as  is  evident  from  its  foundation  and  sepulchral  walls,  has  been  the 
family  mausoleum  of  a  Khan,  with  a  superstructure  which  probably  was  a  house 
of  prayer. 

"  This  venerable  place,  as  we  were  informed,  has  been  plundered  of  many 

treasures,  and  whole  coffins  covered  with  silver.     The  fabric  forms  an  oblong 

square,  in  a  direction  from  N.N.E.  to  S.S.W.,  about  twelve  fathoms  long,  and 

eight  fathoms  and  a  half  broad,  when  measured  on  its  southern  point.     We 

could  distinctly  trace  two  equal  divisions,  on  the  northern  side,  beneath  which 

were  the  sepulchral  vaults,  as  is  obvious  from  the  tombs  that  have  fallen  in ; 

while  the  southern  division,  especially  on  its  portico,  has  been  ornamented 

with  Gothic  pilasters,  columns,  and  arches,  the  fragments  of  which  are  still 

distinguishable.      Its  foundation    walls   are   nearly  two  .fathoms    high,   and 

upwards  of  two  ells  thick.     In  the  whole  brickwork,  which  consists  of  beautiful 

broad  squares,  disposed  in  the  most  regular  manner,  there  is  a  degree  of  taste 

and  elegance  of  which  I  have  nowhere  seen  an  instance  among  the  ruins  of  the 

Tartars.    The  outside  of  the  walls  is  not  only  embellished  in  all  the  interstices 

between  the  bricks  with  glazed  earthen  ornaments,  of  green,  yellow,  white, 

and  blue  colour,  in  triangular  and  other  figures,  but  we  also  observed  on  the 

principal  front  of  the  building,  the  remains  of  Gothic  stucco-work,  which  was 

decorated  with  glazed  figures,  such  as  artificial  flowers,  shellwork,  nay,  whole 

tablets  in  the  Mosaic  style. 

"  But  the  tooth  of  time,  and  the  depredations  of  the  vulgar,  have  many  years 
since  converted  these  remarkable  vestiges  of  antiquity  into  heaps  of  ruins. 
Formerly  whole  cargoes  of  bricks  were  carried  from  these  buildings  to 
Astrakhan ;  though,  on  account  of  the  excellent  cement,  the  workmen  who 
were  employed  in  demolishing  entire  walls,  were  obliged  to  destroy  at  least 
two-thirds  of  the  bricks.  Tradition  relates  many  extraordinary  stories  of  the 
coins  and  precious  relics  which  were  formerly  dug  up  and  collected  here  in 
great  quantities,  but  I  doubt  whether  many  of  those  antique  treasures  have 
been  rescued  from  the  plundering  barbarians,  and  judiciously  consigned  to  the 
antiquarian;  or  whether  any  of  them  have  been  transmitted  to  the  Cabinet  of 
Russian  Antiquaries,  which  belongs  to  the  Imperial  Academy  of  Sciences."* 

The  neighbourhood  of  these  ruins  is  surrounded  with  a  number  of  kurgans 
or  mounds,  proving  that  the  site  was  that  of  a  large  city.  F.  H.  Miiller  tells 
us  that  not  long  before  he  wrote  a  number  of  these  were  opened  by 
Kybuschkin,  the  director  of  education  in  the  government  of  Astrakhan,  at  the 
cost  of  the  State.  In  more  than  twenty  places  walls  built  of  dressed  stone  and 
cemented  with  lime  were  found,  as  well  as  floors  made  of  similar  stones.  In 
the  graves  were  found  silver  and  copper  coins,  petrified  shells,  pieces  of  marble, 
bones,  and  urns  with  ashes  in  them,  as  well  as  metal  utensils.t  Having  described 
the  site  of  the  capital,  let  us  now  examine  one  or  two  other  Mongol  settle- 
ments on  the  Volga.     Marco  Polo,  in  describins:  the  travels  of  his  father  and 

*  Pallas'  Travels,  i.  164-166.  t  Op.  cit.,  ii.  576. 


uncle,  tells  us  that  on  leaving  Bolgara  they  proceeded  to  a  city  called  Ucaca. 
which  was  at  the  extremity  of  the  kingdom  of  the  lord  of  the  Ponent.* 
Abulfeda  tells  us  that  almost  midway  between  Serai  and  Bular  (i.e.,  Bolghari), 
on  the  western  bank  of  the  Itil,  and  fifteen  days'  journey  from  each,  was  the 
little  town  of  Ukek,  as  far  as  which,  and  no  farther,  extended  the  horde  of  the 
Tartars  in  the  land  of  Bereke.t  Ibn  Batuta,  in  his  journey  from  Astrakhan 
tells  us  he  went  to  Ukek,  which  was  ten  days'  journey  from  Serai,  and  one 
day's  journey  from  the  mountains  of  the  Russians.^  These  statements  as  to 
Ukek  being  a  frontier  town  of  Kipchak  are  illustrated  by  an  extract  from 
Antoniotto  Usodimare,  who  wrote  about  the  middle  of  the  fifteenth  century,  and 
who  tells  us  the  empire  of  Uzbeg  commenced  in  the  province  of  Borgaria  {i.e., 
Bulgaria),  that  is  to  say,  with  the  town  Vecina  and  ended  with  the  town 
Cerganchi  {i.e.,  Urgenj).§  According  to  Schmidt,  Ukek  in  Mongol  means  a 
dam  or  fence  of  hurdles,  whence  and  from  the  fact  of  its  not  being  named 
before  the  Mongol  invasion,  it  is  probable  that  it  was  of  Mongol  foundation,  1| 
Colonel  Yule  says  it  was  the  site  of  a  Franciscan  convent  in  the  fourteenth 
century,  and  it  was  finally  destroyed  by  Timur.^  It  occurs  as  a  mint  place  on 
coins  of  Tuktagha,  dated  1306.**  In  Russian  documents  it  is  written  Uwek 
or  Uwesh,  a  corruption  compared  by  Fraehn  with  that  of  Azak  into  Azof.  This 
form  occurs  early,  for  in  Wadding's  fourteenth  century  catalogue  of  convents 
it  occurs  as  Uguech.  Anthony  Jenkinson,  in  Hackluyt,  gives  an  observation 
of  its  latitude  as  Oweke,  51.40,  and  Christopher  Burroughs,  in  the  same 
collection,  gives  it  as  Oueak,  There  can  be  little  doubt  that  its  site 
is  marked  by  the  village  of  Uwek,  six  miles  south  of  Saratof,  on  the  right  bank 
of  the  Volga.  Burroughs,  who  travelled  this  way  in  1579,  tells  us  there 
formerly  stood  there  a  fine  stone  castle,  called  Oueak,  around  which  a  town 
formerly  gathered,  which,  according  to  the  report  of  the  Russians,  was 
swallowed  up  by  the  earth  by  the  justice  of  God  for  the  wickedness  of  its 
inhabitants.  Ruins  of  the  castle  and  handsome  tombs,  evidently  constructed 
for  people  of  high  rank,  still  survived  ;  on  one  of  which,  he  says,  could  still  be 
seen  the  figure  of  a  man  on  horseback,  who  held  a  bow  in  his  hand  and  had  a 
quiver  by  his  side.  On  another  was  an  escutcheon  with  characters  engraved 
on  it  which  he  took  to  be  Armenian.  On  another  stone  was  another  kind  of 
writing.|J  Armenian  gravestones,  as  is  well  known,  have  been  found  at  the 
neighbouring  town  of  Bolghari.  These  ruins  have  all  disappeared  under  the 
pressure  of  Russian  Philistinism,  and  amid  the  sighs  of  Fraehn.  Falk,  on  his 
journey  through  here  in  1769,  found  only  a  grave  and  wall  enclosing  a  large 
square  space.  He  tells  us  that  Tartar  coins  were  found  there  by  the  saltpetre 
miners,  of  which  he  obtained  some.§§  Erdmann  visited  the  site  of  the  town 
in  181 5,  and  tells  us  that  there  were  several  mounds  round  it  in  which  ruins 
and  Tartar  coins  were  found.  ||||  Levchine,  who  also  passed  this  way  in  1769, 
found  in  several  places  holes  where  the  inhabitants  quarried  ancient  bricks, 
and  also  potsherds  of  a  beautiful  fabrique.    Besides  coins  there  were  also  found 

*  Yule's  Marco  Polo,  i.  5.  t  Frahn,  Mems.  St.  Petersburg  Acad.,  6th  ser.,  iii.  78. 

:  Id.  §  Id.,  81.  II  Id.,  74.  H  Marco  Polo,  i.  9.  **  Frsehn,  op.  cit.,  77. 

+t  Yule,  loc.  cit.  II  Fraehn,  op.  cit.,  83.  §§  Falk,  Beitrage,  &c.,  i.  114. 

III!  Erdmann,  Beitrage,  &c.,  ii.,  part  i,  71. 



rings,  earrings,  copper  vessels,  and  even  gold  jewels,  which  were  disposed  of 
to  the  goldsmiths  at  Saratof.  Fraehn  has  described  a  small  find  of  seven 
coins,  including  three  of  Uzbeg  Khan,  one  of  Janibeg,  and  another  of 
Berdibeg's,  a  copper  seal,  and  a  small  silver  figure,  which  were  found 
there  *  Abulghazi  says  that  the  Itil  (i.e.,  the  Volga)  flows  past  Ukek, 
then  reaches  the  village  of  Jemer,  and  thence  passes  on  to  Serai,  t 
Von  Hammer  adds  that  Freehn,  in  the  margin  of  the  MS.,  has  written  that 
Jemer  stands  for  Belshemen.l  Jemer  is  undoubtedly  the  place  called 
Sumerkent  by  Rubruquis,  kent  being  the  well  known  Iranian  termination 
to  topographical  names,  which  has  been  illustrated  by  M.  Lerch,  of  St. 
Petersburgh,  and  occurs  so  frequently  in  Transoxiana  and  Turkestan. § 
Rubruquis  tells  us  how,  on  his  return  from  his  journey  to  the  Great  Khan,  he 
on  his  way  towards  Serai  struck  the  Itil  where  it  divided  into  three 
branches ;  one  of  these  again  divided  into  four  lesser  streams,  so  that  he 
crossed  seven  rivers  altogether.  On  the  middle  branch,  he  tells  us,  was  the 
town  of  Sumerkent.  It  was  unwalled,  but  when  the  river  was  inundated 
it  was  surrounded  with  water.  He  tells  us  the  Tartars  attacked  it  for  eight 
years  before  they  captured  it,  and  that  it  was  inhabited  by  Alans  and 
Saracens  (/.<?.,  Muhammedans).  Rubruquis  visited  the  town,  where  he  met  a 
German  and  his  wife,  with  whom  his  man  Goset  had  spent  the  winter,  having 
been  sent  there  by  Sertak  that  he  might  ease  his  court.  Rubruquis  tells  us 
that  Batu  and  Sertak,  one  on  one  side  the  river  and  the  other  on  the  other, 
were  wont  to  descend  as  far  as  this  place  in  their  winter  migration,  but  no 
further,  crossing  over  the  frozen  surface  of  the  Volga  when  they  had  occasion, 
and  taking  shelter  among  the  woods  on  its  banks  in  severe  weather.  He  tells 
us  a  few  sentences  further  on  that  Serai  was  situated  on  the  eastern  bank  of 
the  river,  and  implies  that  it  was  close  to  Sumerkent.  ||  This  description, 
which  is  that  of  a  traveller  who  actually  visited  the  town,  is  not  quite  con- 
sistent with  the  paragraph  quoted  from  Abulfeda,  and  the  latter  seems  to 
be  a  mistake.  The  Sumerkent  of  Rubruquis  v/as  situated  at  the  lower 
extremity  of  the  Volga,  and  within  the  Delta  of  that  river.  That  it  was 
further  south  than  Serai,  Batu's  capital,  is  clear  from  his  statement  that  it  marked 
most  the  southern  part  of  Batu's  migration.  The  description  is  consistent 
only  with  the  neighbourhood  of  Astrakhan,  or  rather  with  the  ruins  of  old 
Astrakhan,  and  I  have  no  doubt  myself  that  Sumerkent  represents  the  town 
which  appears  for  the  first  time  in  the  fourteenth  century  under  the  new  name 
of  Haji  Terkhan,  and  which  will  occupy  our  attention  on  a  future  occasion. 
The  facts  mentioned  by  Rubruquis  about  its  capture  by  the  Tartars  and  its 
being  inhabited  by  Alans  and  Mussulmans,  and  also  its  situation  in  the 
network  of  the  Lower  Volga,  shows  that  it  is  the  same  town  referred  to  by 
Rashid  ud  din  and  the  Chinese  authors,  ruled  over  by  Bachiman,  the  details  of 
whose  capture  I  gave  in  the  former  volume.*[  As  I  have  said,  it  was  virtually 
displaced  by  Astrakhan,  which,  together  with  another  famous  town  on  the 
Volga,  namely,  Bolghari,  will  occupy  us  in  a  future  chapter. 

*  Op.  cit.,  85-87.        t  Golden  Horde,  g.    Note  4.         Mems.  St.  Peters.  Acad.,  6th  ser.,  iii.  78. 

I  Loc.  cit.  §  See  also  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  343.,    Note  5. 

I]  Op.  cit.,  379,  380.  H  Ante,  vol.  i.  138. 


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BATU  had  three  brothers  of  the  whole  blood,  namely,  Bereke, 
Berkejar,  and  Bure,  also    called    Muhammed.      These  three 
brothers  all  had  the  same  mother,  namely,  Sultan  Khatun,* 
and  all  belonged  therefore  to  the  same  ulus    or  grand  encampment. 
Bereke  was  present,  with  several  of  his  brothers,  at  the  inauguration  of 
Ogotai  as  Grand  Khan  in  1229.! 

It  was  a  Mongol  custom  to  intrust  the  more  skilful  princes  with  the 
command  of  separate  armies,  and  afterwards  to  make  over  to  them  as 
their  special  inheritance  the  districts  they  succeeded  in  conquering. 
When  Batu  set  out  on  his  great  expedition  westwards,  we  are  told 
that  Bereke  went  into  the  country  north  of  the  Caucasus  to  conquer 
the  Kipchaks  there.  The  subjugation  of  the  district  north  of  the 
Caucasus,  with  its  heterogeneous  tribes  and  difficult  topography,  occupied 
the  Mongols  for  a  long  time,  and  was  not  in  fact  ever  definitely  com- 
pleted. A  few  words  may  fitly  be  said  here  about  it.  It  would  seem 
that  after  Mangu  had  captured  the  city  of  Bachiman  (z>.,  Sumer- 
kent),  he  rejoined  Batu  and  took  part  in  the  capture  of  Riazan. 
After  the  campaign  in  Northern  Russia,  in  1237  and  1238,  three 
armies  were  despatched  to  conquer  the  tribes  of  the  Northern 
Caucasus.  This  was  in  the  autumn  of  1238.  Mangu  and  Kadan 
marched  against  the  Circassians,  whose  chief,  Tukan  or  Mukan,  was 
killed-l  They  would  seem  to  have  afterwards  (namely,  in  1238  and  1239), 
marched  against  the  Ossetes  or  As,  the  Alans  of  other  writers,  who  were 
the  next  neighbours  and  often  the  close  allies  of  the  Circassians,  and 
after  a  siege  of  three  months  captured  their  capital  Mokhshi  (called 
Mangass  or  Mikass  by  Rashid).  In  the  Yuan  shi  we  are  told  that  Sili 
ganbu  conducted  the  assault.§  This  town  of  Mokhshi,  about  which  I 
shall  have  more  to  say  presently,  became  a  mint  place  of  the  Tartars. 
Rubruquis  tells  us  expressly  that  the  Alans  were  subjected  by  Mangu 
Khan  himself,  and  that  on  his  return  he  passed  a  castle  of  the  Alans 

*  Klaproth,  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  290.    Note.  t  D'Ohason,  ii.  8. 

I  Rashid,  quoted  by  D'Ohsson,  ii.  626.    St.  Martin,  Memoires  sur  rArmenie,  ii.  368. 

$  Bretschneidcr,  83. 


which  belonged  to  Mangu.*  He  tells  us  the  Alans  were  skilled  in 
metallurgy.  Elsewhere  he  tells  us  that  Zichia,  i.e.,  the  country  of  the 
Circassians  proper,  was  not  when  he  passed  a  part  of  the  Mongol 
dominions.!  It  would  seem  that  the  country  of  the  Ossetes  was  so,  and 
further,  that  it  was  an  especial  appanage  of  the  Khakan  Mangu.  This 
accounts  for  what  is  otherwise  a  very  strange  fact,  namely,  that  so  many 
Alans  should  be  mentioned  as  serving  in  the  Mongol  armies  in  China, 
and  as  being  otherwise  in  the  service  of  the  Great  Khan  there. 

While  Mangu  marched  against  the  Circassians,  Sheiban,  Bujek,  and 
Buri  marched  against  the  Merims,  a  portion  of  the  nation  Chinchak.  I 
have  suggested  that  these  may  have  been  the  people  of  Murom,|  but 
it  is  possible  that  by  them  the  Lesghs,  or  else  the  Chetsentses 
are  meant.  The  Lesghs  were  not  completely  subdued,  however,  and 
remained  independent  when  Rubruquis  passed  this  way.§  In  the  spring 
of  1239  Kukdai,  we  are  told,  was  sent  to  capture  Timur  kahalia  (lit  the 
iron  gate),  i.e.,  Derbend,  on  the  Caspian.  ||  Rubruquis  tells  us  how  it  was 
protected  with  high  walls  without  ditches,  and  with  towers  built  of  great 
dressed  stones,  but  that  the  Tartars  battered  down  the  tops  of  the  turrets 
and  the  bulwarks  on  the  walls,  laying  the  turrets  even  with  the  walls.*I[ 
It  was  subject  to  them,  and  commanded  one  of  the  most  important  roads 
in  the  world,  namely,  the  only  really  practicable  trade  route  through  the 
Caucasus.  While  these  expeditions  were  prosecuting  their  work 
and  during  the  winter  of  1238-9  we  are  told  that  Bereke  defeated  the 
Kipchaks  and  made  the  chief  of  the  Mekrits  prisoner.** 

The  term  Kipchak  or  Coman  has  in  my  view  received  too  wide  a 
connotation.  It  was  properly  applied  to  the  nomades  who  lived  on  the 
river  Kuma,  which  district  was  the  Kumestan  of  Edrisi.  This  was  the 
Desht  Kipchak  proper,  whence  the  Comans  or  Kipchaks  extended  their 
raids  into  the  country  of  the  Don  and  the  Ukraine.  When,  after  their 
defeat  by  the  Mongols,  a  large  body  of  the  Kipchaks  migrated  into 
Hungary,  one  portion  remained  behind  in  their  ancient  camping  ground, 
and  it  was  against  this  section  apparently  that  Bereke  marched.  The 
modern  Kumuks  probably  descend  from  these  Comans.  The  Mekrits, 
named  by  Rashid,  bear  a  name  which  was  borne  by  a  Turkish  tribe  on 
the  Sehnga,  and  another  in  the  country  of  the  Uighurs.  I  think  it 
very  probable  that  it  here  meant  the  race  which  then  occupied  the 
Little  Kabardah,  that  is,  as  I  have  elsewhere  shown,tt  the  Malkars, 
&c.,  the  broken  Turkish  tribes  who  now  live  in  the  mountains  behind  the 

Bereke  afterwards  subdued  the  steppe  country  watered  by  the  Kuma 
and  the  Terek,  an  admirable  camping  ground  for  his  ulus.    There  he 

*  Op.  cit.,  381.  t/^.,2i6.  I  Ante,  ^2.  §  Op.  cit.,  380,  381. 

I  Bretschneider,  83,  IT  Op.  cit.,  382.  **  D'Ohsson,  ii.  626.    BretBchneider,  83. 

tt  Journal  Anthrop.  Inst.,  1874,  466,  467. 


apparently  settled  down,  with  his  capital  probably  at  Majar,  on  which 
more  in  the  notes.  The  district  was  afterwards  known  from  him  as 
Desht  Bereke.  When  Rubruquis  passed  through  the  Kipchak  in  1253, 
he  tells  us  Bereke  had  his  camping  ground  towards  Derbend. 

There  he  had  levied  contributions  on  the  travellers  who  were  on  their 
way  from  the  countries  south  of  the  Caucasus  to  the  camp  of  Batu.*  He 
tells  us  Bereke  was  a  Muhammedan,  and  would  not  allow  anyone  at  his 
court  to  eat  pork,  and  that  he  had  been  ordered  to  transfer  himself  to  the 
other  side  of  the  Volga,  as  Batu  was  unwilhng  that  the  Muhammedan 
ambassadors  should  pass  through  his  camp,  for  he  saw  it  was  not  for  his 
profit.t  On  the  inauguration  of  Mangu  Kakhan  in  125 1,  Bereke  and  his 
brother  Tuka  Timur  were  intrusted  by  Batu  with  the  duty  of  seeing  him 
properly  installed.  In  this  both  the  Persian  and  Chinese  authorities  are 
agreed,  f 

On  Batu's  death  Bereke  became,  according  to  the  Mongol  law  of 
inheritance,  his  next  heir,  for  in  the  East  a  man's  son  succeeds  to 
the  throne  only  when  all  his  brothers  are  dead.  Sertak's  transcient 
reign,  therefore,  was  an  usurpation,  and  on  his  death  Bereke  was  duly 
appointed  chief  of  the  Golden  Horde  by  his  cousin,  the  Kakhan  Mangu. 
Abulghazi  says  he  gave  a  great  feast  on  his  accession,  and  also  sent 
presents  to  his  suzerain.  The  same  author  thus  describes  his  conversion. 
He  says  he  was  one  day  at  Seraichuk,  which  had  been  founded  by  his 
brother,  when  he  met  a  caravan  from  Bokhara.  Having  summoned  two 
Bokharians,  he  questioned  them  about  their  faith.  This  led  to  his 
conversion.  He  then  summoned  his  brother  Tuka  Timur,  and  persuaded 
him  to  follow  his  example.§  Other  less  trustworthy  Turkish  authorities 
make  out  he  was  converted  by  a  dervish  from  Khuarezm,  named 
Seifeddin.H  We  are  told  again  that  he  long  concealed  his  conversion, 
and  it  was  only  when  Tuka  Timur  proclaimed  his  that  he  also  acknow- 
ledged it,  and  persecuted  those  who  would  not  become  Muhammedans. 
The  Tartars,  who  despised  Islam,  sent  to  offer  Khulagu  the  crown  of  which 
he  was  unworthy.^  He  was  the  first  Mongol  ruling  prince  to  adopt  "the 
faith,"  and  the  fact  was  a  notable  one,  for  I  believe  that  although  the 
Mongol  empire  must  inevitably  have  fallen  to  pieces  eventually  from  its 
size  and-  unwieldiness,  yet  the  immediate  cause  of  its  collapse  was  the  con- 
version of  the  western  Khanates  to  Muhammedanism,  and  the  consequent 
raising  of  a  very  powerful  barrier  between  them  and  the  eastern  supreme 
authorities.  In  the  case  of  Bereke,  however,  the  conversion  had  no 
ieffect  on  his  loyalty,  which  remained  constant  to  his  cousin  Mangu.  It 
is  important  to  remember  that  he  belonged  to  the  Hanefitish  sect,  and 
was  therefore  a  Sunni  Moslem,  like  the  Turks  of  Asia  Minor,  and 
not  a  Shia,  like  the  Persians.**    This  accounts  for  much  that  is  difficult 

*  Op.  cit.,  263.  t  Id..  264.  I  Bretschneider,  106.  §  Op.  cit.,  181. 

Golden  Horde,  150.  %  Id.    Note.  **  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  150. 


in  the  after  alliances  of  the  horde.  He  collected  at  Serai  many  learned 
and  pious  men,  and  was  tolerant  enough  to  allow  those  of  both  the  rival 
Moslem  rites  to  live  there. 

The  Grand  Prince  Alexander  Nevski,  with  his  brother  Andrew  of 
Suzdal,  and  Boris  of  Rostof,  son  of  Vassilko,  went  to  the  court  of  the 
new  Khan  with  presents,  to  congratulate  him  on  his  accession.  They 
were  received  by  his  lieutenant  Ulaghji  {i.e.,  by  his  nephew  already 
named).  Karamzin  suggests  that  one  object  of  their  visit  (a  very 
hopeless  one)  was  to  save  the  northern  parts  of  Russia  from  an  invasion 
of  Tartar  tax-gatherers.  Kuyuk  had  sent  commissaries  into  Russia  to 
collect  taxes.  It  would  seem  that  their  operations  were  confined  to  the 
principalities  of  Kief  and  Chernigof.*  They  first  chose  one  out  of  every 
three  children,  who,  with  all  the  unmarried  who  could  not  pay  the  tax, 
were  made  slaves.  A  general  tax  was  then  imposed  upon  all — rich  and 
poor,  big  and  small,  young  and  old — consisting  of  five  skins  for  each 
individual,  namely,  the  skin  of  a  white  bear,  of  a  black  fox,  of  a  sable,  a 
beaver,  and  a  polecat.t  After  the  accession  of  Mangu,|  he  sent,  we  are 
told,  one  named  Bidje  Bierko  [i.e.,  Bierko,  the  secretary)  to  take  a  census 
of  the  people.§  He  seems  to  have  gone  to  Suzdal,  Riazan,  and  Murom,  and 
to  have  appointed  head  men  over  lo,  loo,  and  i,ooo,  i.e.,  decurions,  cen- 
turions, and  temniks.  ||  Thus  early  did  the  Mongols  begin  that  systematic 
bleeding  of  their  victims  by  the  tax-gather,  which,  far  more  than  their 
swords  and  spears,  laid  waste  and  made  desert  the  countries  where  they 
settled.  According  to  Karamzin,  it  was  only  out  of  craft,  and  to  secure 
them  as  aUies,  that  an  exemption  was  made  in  the  case  of  monks  and 
ecclesiastics.^  When  Alexander  Nevski  returned  from  the  Horde  he  was 
accompanied  by  Gleb,  the  Prince  of  Bielo  ozero,  who  proved  in  person 
his  nation's  proud  boast  that  it  can  assimilate  very  easily  with  other 
races;  by  marrying  a  young  Christian  Tartar,  "hoping,"  says  the 
historian,  "to  secure  some  advantage  thereby  to  his  unfortunate 

Shortly  after,  the  Grand  Prince,  with  the  Princes  of  Rostof,  Suzdal, 
and  Tuer  returned  once  more  to  the  horde,  when  they  were  told  that 
Novgorod  must  also  submit  to  pay  tribute.  That  proud  and  rich 
republic  had  hitherto  escaped  the  fate  of  Southern  Russia,  and  was 
independent  of  the  Tartars,  but  their  peremptory  orders  could  not  be 
long  withstood,  and  the  great  hero  of  the  Neva  had  to  go  there  himself 
with  the  unwelcome  news.  This  was  ill  received  by  the  Novgorodians, 
but  after  much  turbulence  and  much  pressure  from  the  Grand  Prince 
Alexander,  they  were  brought  to  reason  by  the  news  that  Bierko  and 

*  KaramziOi  iv.  91,  t  Golden  Horde,  151. 

I  The  date  is  somewhat  uncertain.  The  continuators  of  Nestor  date  it  in  1255  and  1257. 
Nikon  and  another  Russian  chronicler  in  1257  (Golden  Horde,  151,  Note,  3).  The  Yuan  shi 
in  1253  (Bretschneider,  179).    1257  is  the  most  probable  date. 

§  Bretschneider,  179,        ||  Karamzin,  iv.  gi.        ^  Id.        **  Id.,  gz. 


Kassachik^    were    on    the  Volkhof  with  their  forces.      The  Russian 
historian  tells  us  that  after  this  the  Tartar  officers  went  from  house  to 
house,  register  in  hand,  to  number  the  people  and  to  award  the  capitation 
tax.t     The  conquest  of  the  Tartars  opened  the  way  for  the  traders  of 
Khuarezm,  who  now  invaded  Southern  Russia  and  farmed  the  imposts 
there.     Their  exactions  were  very  cruel.     Those  who  could  not  pay  were 
made  slaves,  and  the  people  became  so  exasperated  that  at  Vladimir, 
Suzdal,  and  Rostof  many  of  them  were  killed.    Among  the  victims  was  an 
apostate  named  Zozimus,  who,  having  been  a  monk  had  turned  Muham- 
medan,  and  was  then  a  protege  of  Khubilai.    He  distinguished  himself  by 
his  cruelties  to  his  former  co-rehgionists.     His  corpse  was  thrown  to  the 
dogs.     A  Tartar  publican  named  Buka,  who  lived  at  Ustiuge,  and  who 
had  violated  a  young  Christian  girl  named  Mary,  afterwards  won  her 
heart,  and  was  persuaded  by  her  to  be  baptised  under  the  name  of  John. 
Karamzin  tells  us  that  he  became  famed  for  his  virtues  and  his  piety. 
While  engaged  in  hawking  he  one  day  determined  to  build  a  church  to 
St.  John  the  Baptist.     The  site  is  still  known  as  Sokolieou  goriou,  i.e., 
Mount  of  Falcons.J      The  death  of  the  Khivan  tax  farmers  irritated 
the  Tartars,  and   to    appease   them    and   to    secure    exemption  from 
supplying  a  contingent  of  troops,  Alexander  Nevski  repaired  to  the 
court  of  Bereke  at  Serai,  where  the  tolerance  of  the  Khan  had  recently 
allowed    the    Metropolitan    Cyril    to    found    a    fresh    Eparchy,  which 
took    the    name  of    Serai,  and  to    which    the    see  of   the    Southern 
Pereislavl  was   shortly  afterwards  added. §     Alexander's   journey  was 
successful,  both   in  justifying  the  treatment  of  the  tax-gatherers  and 
in  regard  to  the  contingent,  but  he  was  detained  at  the  Tartar  court 
during  the  spring  and  summer,  and  died  on  his  journey  homewards  at 
Goroditz,  on  the  14th  of  November,  1263.    The  news  of  his  death  was 
received  with  consternation  in  Russia,  where  his  prowess  had  so  often 
recalled  to  the  Russians  their  ancient  days  of  glory.     In  the  words  of 
the  Metropohtan,  "  the  sun  of  Russia  had  set." 

At  this  time  Daniel,  Prince  of  Gallicia,  raised  for  a  while  the  hopes  of 
the  Christians  and  the  Slaves.  I  mentioned  how  he  had  submitted  to 
the  Pope,  and  had  afterwards  withdrawn  his  submission.  In  1257  we 
find  Alexander  IV.  writing  to  him  and  teUing  him  how  he  had  forgotten 
the  wellbeing  of  the  Church  which  had  crowned  and  consecrated  him, 
and  threatening  him  with  an  interdict  and  the  weight  of  the  secular  arm 
if  he  did  not  submit;!  but  like  Frederick  II.  he  braved  such  threats. 
He  also  braved  more  dangerous  enemies.  Twice  he  went  to  the  succour 
of  Bela,  the  Hungarian  king,  against  the  Emperor  Frederick,  and  among 
the  glories  of  his  garniture  his  Greek  dress  decorated  with  gold  lace, 
his  sword  and  saddle  adorned  with  precious  stones  and  work  in  relief, 
and  his  Tartar  arms  are  mentioned.^    A  feud  had  arisen  in  regard  to 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  94.      t/rf..  94-96.      J  Op.  cit.,106.      §  Karamzin,  iv.  108.      ll/d.,64.     f/rf. 



the  various  claims  to  the  heritage  of  Frederick,  Duke  of  Austria,  who 
was  recently  dead.  Daniel  had,  as  the  ally  of  the  Hungarians,  ravaged 
Western  Bohemia,  and  burned  the  outskirts  of  Troppau.  He  boasted 
that  neither  Vladimir  nor  his  brave  father  had  carried  war  so  far  into 
Germany.  On  the  other  hand,  he  was  no  less  successful  against  the 
pagan  Lithuanians  who  were  at  this  time  ruled  by  Mindug,  the  real 
founder  of  the  Lithuanian  power,  who  held  court  at  Kernof,  and  to  whom 
the  petty  princes  of  Lithuania  were  subject.  Daniel  had  married  his 
niece,  but  Mindug,  who  was  jealous  of  Tortivil  and  Edivid,  brothers 
of  this  princess,  compelled  them  to  escape  to  Vladimir  of  Volhynia. 
Daniel  took  up  their  quarrel,  and  persuaded  the  Poles  and  the  Germans 
of  Riga,  z.(?.,  the  Livonian  knights,  as  well  as  the  barbarous  tribes  of  the 
Yatviages  and  Samogitians,  to  take  up  arms  against  him.  He  also 
captured  Grodno  and  other  towns.  Meanwhile  Mindug,  seeing  the 
approaching  hurricane,  became  a  convert  to  Christianity,  and  put  himself 
under  the  protection  of  Pope  Alexander  IV.,  who  gave  him  the  title 
of  king,  and  otherwise  incited  him  against  Daniel,  who  was  looked  upon 
at  Rome  as  an  apostate  ;  but  he  could  not  make  head  against  Daniel, 
whose  son  Roman  captured  the  towns  of  Novogrodok,  Slonin,  and 
Volkovisk,  while  Schvarn,  another  son  of  Daniel,  married  his  daughter. 
Mindug  again  relapsed  into  paganism,  and  bitterly  avenged  himself  on 
the  borders  of  Livonia  and  Mazovia,  and  the  Russian  provinces  of 
Smolensko,  Chernigof,  and  Novgorod.* 

These  successes  and  the  advice  of  the  Poles  and  Hungarians 
encouraged  him  to  cross  weapons  with  the  Tartars,  whose  enemy  he 
declared  himself  to  be  ;  they  thereupon  entered  Lower  Podolia  and  cap- 
tured Bakota,  whence  they  were  driven  by  his  son  Leo,  who  also  captured 
one  of  their  baskaks  or  governors,  while  their  chief  general  in  the  west,  the 
Khoremshah,  whom  we  have  already  mentioned,t  was  foiled  in  an  attempt 
to  capture  Kremenetz.  This  in  turn  encouraged  Daniel,  who  rapidly 
captured  the  various  towns  between  the  Bug  and  the  Teteref,  which  were 
governed  by  Tartar  baskaks.  He  was  about  to  besiege  Kief  when  he  was 
recalled  from  his  victorious  march  by  an  attack  of  the  Lithuanians. 
The  Tartars  were  not  long  in  returning,  their  new  general,  being  the 
renowned  and  cruel  Burundai,|  who  took  part  in  Batu's  Hungarian  cam- 
paign,§  the  successor  to  the  Khoremshah.  They,  too,  as  we  have  seen,  had 
a  quarrel  with  the  Lithuanians,  and  demanded  from  Daniel  if  he  was  the 
friend  or  the  enemy  of  their  Khan.  If  the  former,  they  bade  him  send  an 
auxiliary  army  to  march  with  them  into  Lithuania.  This  was  sent  under 
Vassilko,  his  brother,  and  the  country  was  ravaged  with  fire  and  sword, 
the  miserable  inhabitants  taking  refuge  in  the  woods.  The  Yatviages 
suffered  the  same  fate.     Pleased  with  his  Gallician  aUies,  Burundai  now 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  98,  99.  t  Ante,  69. 

The  Buruldai  of  Rashid  ud  din.    (Bretschneider,  85.    Note.)  $  Wolff,  124  and  396. 


retired,  and  South-western  Russia  had  peace  for  a  short  time.  Daniel 
determined  to  abide  his  time,  and  meanwhile  to  fortify  his  newly,  built 
towns,  but  Burundai's  suspicions  were  at  length  aroused.  He  entered 
Gallicia  and  bade  Daniel  attend  him  in  his  camp,  or  in  default  to  expect 
due  punishment.  Daniel  sent  him  his  brother  Vassilko,  his  son,  and 
John,  Bishop  of  Kholm,  bearing  presents.  "  If  you  wish  to  convince  us 
of  your  sincerity,"  said  the  sagacious  Tartar  general,  "  then  raze  your 
ramparts  to  the  ground."  It  was  useless  to  disobey,  and  the  towns  of 
Danilof,  Stoyek,  Kremenetz,  Lutsk,  and  Luof  were  stripped  of  their 
walls,  or  rather  of  their  wooden  ramparts,  which  were  burnt.  The 
burning  of  the  walls  of  Vladimir  in  Volhynia,  we  are  told,  was  a  grateful 
sight  to  Burundai,  who,  having  spent  a  few  days  in  the  palace  there,  went 
on  to  Kholm,  whence  Daniel  escaped,  intending  to  pass  into  Hungary. 
This  town  was  for  a  second  time  saved  from  destruction  ;  on  this 
occasion  by  the  presence  of  mind  of  Vassilko.  Having l)een  sent  with 
two  Tartar  murzas  to  persuade  the  inhabitants  to  surrender,  he  took  a 
stone  in  his  hand,  and  throwing  it  on  the  ground,  said,  "  I  forbid  you  to 
resist."  The  voivode  of  Kholm  understanding  his  meaning,  replied  in 
simulated  anger,  "  Begone,  you  are  the  enemy  of  our  ruler."  Vassilko 
knew  how  strong  the  place  was,  and  wished  it  to  resist,  while  the 
Tartars,  who  hated  long  sieges,  passed  on  to  Poland.* 

The  Polish  princes,  who  dreaded  the  impending  deluge  over  their 
country,  appealed  to  the  Pope  for  help,  and  Alexander  IV.  issued  an 
order  on  the  26th  of  June,  1258,  to  the  Dominicans  in  Germany, 
Bohemia,  Moravia,  and  Pomerania  to  preach  a  crusade  against  the 
Tartars,  and  on  the  17th  of  December  of  the  same  year  issued  orders  to 
the  Teutonic  knights  to  join  their  Polish  neighbours  ;  but  this  crusade 
came  to  nothing.  Central  Europe  was  then  torn  asunder  by  feudal 
fights.  Richard  of  Cornwall  and  Alphonso  of  Castile  were  struggling  for 
the  Imperial  crown.  Ottokar  II.  of  Bohemia  was  at  issue  with  the 
Hungarians.  The  Teutonic  order  had  hard  work  to  make  headway 
against  the  heathen  Prussians,  while  the  Polish  princes  were  themselves 
quarrelling,  and  Casimir  of  Kujavia  had  a^ispute  with  Boleslas  of  Great 
Poland.t  It  was  at  this  juncture  that  the  Tartars,  led  by  Nogai  and 
Tulabugha,  appeared  in  Poland.  The  former  was  a  famous  chief,  of 
whom  we  shall  have  much  more  to  say  presently,  and  the  latter  a  grand- 
son of  Batu's,  both  of  them  no  doubt  very  young  men,  and  probably  both 
under  the  control  of  Burundai.  Vassilko,  the  brother,  and  Leo  and 
Roman,  the  sons  of  Daniel,  were  with  the  Tartars.  They  passed  the 
recently  fortified  town  of  Lublin,  marched  to  the  Vistula,  destroyed  the 
nunneries  at  Zavikhost  and  Lyssen,  and  approached  Sendomir,  where  a 
crowd  of  people  had  found  refuge.  Its  commander  was  Peter  of  Krempen. 
The  Tartars  promised,  through  the   Russian  princes  who  were  with 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  100-193.  t  Wolff,  397. 


them,  that  if  he  surrendered  the  town,  the  inhabitants  should  be  spared 
but  they  broke  their  promise  and  slaughtered  them  mercilessly.  This 
was  on  the  2nd  of  February,  1259.  Von  Hammer  gives  a  long  list  of 
the  victims,  who  are  known  as  the  martyrs  of  Sendomir.  Their 
bodies  were  buried  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary  of  Sendomir,  and  in  com- 
memoration of  their  martyrdom  Pope  Boniface  VIII.  granted  the  church 
an  indulgence.*  The  Tartars  then  went  on  to  Cracow,  which  they  also 
destroyed,  its  prince  Boleslas  taking  refuge  in  Hungary.  Having  ravaged 
the  country  as  far  as  Bythom  in  Oppeln,  they  retired  with  a  crowd  of 
Christian  slaves.t 

The  Tartars  entered  as  a  factor  into  the  pohtics  of  other  European 
kingdoms,  nor  can  the  history  of  the  latter  at  this  time  be  followed 
without  postulating  their  influence.  It  would  seem  from  a  letter  of  Pope 
Alexander  IV.,  written  in  1259,  that  Bela,  the  Hungarian  king,  had 
received  proposals  for  a  treaty  from  them,  and  had  written  com- 
plaining bitterly  of  the  want  of  sympathy  Rome  had  shown  in  his 
sufferings.  He  had  in  consequence  threatened  to  revenge  himself  by 
the  new  alliance.  The  Pope  enlarged  in  his  reply  on  the  forlorn  state 
which  the  Church  itself  had  been  reduced  by  the  attacks  of  the 
Emperor  Frederick.  In  order  to  protect  itself  and  its  children,  it  had 
incurred  grave  debts  which  embarrassed  it.  The  Pope  refers  to  the 
proposals  which  it  seems  had  been  made  to  Bela,  that  his  son  should 
marry  a  Tartar  princess,  and  that  he  should  surrender  his  daughter  to  a 
Tartar  prince ;  that  one-fourth  of  the  Hungarian  nation  should  act  as 
the  advance  guard  to  the  Tartars  in  their  proposed  campaign  against  the 
Christians,  in  return  for  which  one-fifth  part  of  the  booty  should  be 
surrendered  to  them ;  that  no  tribute  should  be  exacted  from  them,  nor 
would  the  Tartars  molest  their  kingdom,  while  they  were  to  undertake 
that  their  ambassadors  should  not  be  escorted  by  more  than  one  hundred 
persons.  The  Pope  inveighed  against  such  a  monstrous  policy,  alike 
contrary  to  religion  and  honour,  and  bade  him  remember  the  general  want 
of  good  faith  shown  by  the  Tartars.  He  told  him  that  the  calamities  which 
afflict  nations  are  a  consequence  and  a  punishment  for  their  iniquities, 
and  bade  him  ward  them  off  by  exhibiting  a  zealous  care  for  piety  and 
justice  within  his  realm,  and  he  ended  by  excusing  his  inabihty  to  supply 
him  with  1,000  bahsteers,  and  by  telling  him  that  the  indulgences  he 
would  offer  for  a  crusade  would  be  much  more  valuable  to  him  than  such 
a  contingent.!  The  Christians  were  kept  in  constant  excitement  by  the 
dread  of  a  new  irruption.  In  a  letter  addressed  to  the  Archbishop  of 
Bordeaux  in  1260,  the  Pope  invoked  the  necessity  of  a  common  alhance 
amongst  the  princes  to  oppose  the  common  danger,  and  denounced 
those  who  should  make  terms  with  the  enemy.    These  facts  should  not 

*  Golden  Horde,  154,  155.  t  Wolff,  397, 398.    D'Ohsson,  ii.  181-183. 

I  D'Ohsson,  ii.  174-178. 


be  forgotten.  It  is  the  other  side  of  the  shield.  We  are  too  apt  to 
remember  in  the  history  of  Christendom  of  the  thirteenth  century  only  the 
fierce  Erastianism  and  worldliness  of  the  struggle,  and  to  forget  that 
when  Europe  was  a  mere  congeries  of  broken  fragments,  made  so  by  the 
feudal  system,  that  the  only  power  which  was  respected  by  all  was 
constantly  raised  in  favour  of  common  action  against  the  terrible  enemies 
who  laid  Eastern  Europe  prostrate  for  so  long ;  but  the  danger  seemed 
as  yet  far  off,  and  the  only  measures  apparently  taken  in  France  were  the 
ordering  of  processions,  prayers,  alms,  and  other  meritorious  acts  on  the 
first  Friday  of  each  month,*  and  nothing  could  apparently  stop  the 
insai;ie  rivalries  and  struggles  of  the  various  princes.  Thus  in  1260, 
while  the  ruins  which  the  Tartars  had  made  far  and  wide  in  Poland  had 
hardly  ceased  smoking,  we  find  Bela  of  Hungary  and  a  posse  of  princes, 
including  Daniel  of  Gallicia,  fighting  a  bloody  battle  with  Ottokar  of 
Bohemia  and  some  other  confederates,  in  which  30,000  men  perished  on 
the  side  of  the  Hungarians  alone.t 

A  new  crusade  against  the  Tartars  was  preached  by  the  Polish 
bishops  in  the  autumn  of  1263,  and  the  Teutonic  knights,  who  had  a 
terrible  work  already  on  their  hands  in  struggling  with  the  Lithuanians 
and  the  Prussians,  were  ordered  to  assist.|  Winter  was  the  season 
chosen  by  the  Tartars  for  their  campaigns.  The  rivers  were  then  frozen, 
and  so  were  the  marshes,  and  therefore  the  roads  were  good,  the 
crops  were  harvested,  and  the  booty,  instead  of  being  scattered  over 
pasture  and  forest,  was  gathered  in  the  homesteads  and  barns,  ready  for 
the  plunderers.  In  the  winter  of  1263  and  1264,  in  alliance  with  the 
Russians  and  Lithuanians,  they  made  a  fresh  inroad  into  Poland,§ 
and  in  1264,  in  alliance  with  Swarno,  a  descendant  of  Roman, 
who  sixty  years  before  had  fallen  on  the  field  of  Zavikhost,  they 
invaded  Poland,  and  were  defeated  at  the  battle  of  Puta  Statt  by  the 
Voivode  Peter  of  Cracow.  ||  This  proves  that  the  Russians  were  already 
showing  their  capacity  for  assimilating  themselves  and  were  marching 
shoulder  to  shoulder  with  their  masters.  They  were  also  beginning  a 
fresh  chapter  in  their  intercourse  with  their  closely  related  but  inde- 
fatigable foe  Poland,  that  vast  plain  without  a  single  mountain  rampart, 
and  as  open  to  attack  on  all  sides  as  a  helpless  unarmed  woman.  It 
would  have  indeed  fared  badly  with  the  Christian  world  if  the  Tartars 
had  been  able  to  give  undisturbed  attention  to  it,  and  had  not  had  their 
energies  distracted  by  quarrels  among  themselves.  We  have  now 
reached  a  period  when  their  colo£;sal  power  began  to  show  signs  of  this 
inevitable  weakness. 

Bereke  was  faithful  in  his  allegiance  to  Mangu  as  long  as  he  lived. 
How  faithful  he  was  may  be  best  gathered  from  the  fact  that  on 
certain  of  the  coins  struck,  as  I  believe,  in  his  reign,  we  find  on  one  side 

D'Ohsson,  ii.  179.       t  Wolff,  399.        I  Id.       f  Id.,  400.       ||  Golden  Horde,  174. 


the  inscription,  "  Mangu,  Supreme  Khan/'  and  on  the  other,  "  Money  of 
Bolghari."*  Bolghari  was  at  this  time  apparently  the  only  mint  place  of 
the  Golden  Horde.  Marco  Polo  tells  us  that  Serai  and  Bolghari  were 
the  two  residences  of  Bereke  Khan. 

According  to  Rashid  ud  din,  Mangu  Khan  died  in  the  beginning  of 
I257,t  but,  as  Von  Hammer  says,  this  is  at  least  two  years  too  soon.  He 
really  died  in  the  spring  of  1259.  Notwithstanding  the  difficulties  raised 
by  the  family  of  Ogotai  at  his  accession,  the  prompt  measures  he  took  to 
secure  order  seem  to  have  cowed  opposition,  and' during  his  reign  he 
was  obeyed  without  question  in  all  parts  of  the  Mongol  world.  His  heir 
according  to  Mongol  law,  was  his  next  brother  Khubilai,  who  was  at  the 
time  of  Mangu's  death  engaged  in  a  distant  expedition  in  China,  from 
which  he  did  not  make  haste  to  return.  The  position  of  the  youngest 
son,  or  hearth-child,  in  the  Mongol  community  was  one  of  great 
importance.  As  in  the  ancient  tenure  of  Borough  English  in  England, 
he  heired  his  father's  house  and  immediate  surroundings,  while  the  other 
brothers  had  their  portions  elsewhere,  and  he  consequently  had  immense 
influence  with  the  courtiers  and  those  immediately  round  the  fountain 
of  power.  It  was  thus  that  Tului,  the  youngest  son  of  Jingis  Khan, 
acquired  the  influence  which  enabled  his  sons  to  eventually  occupy  the 
throne  of  the  Mongol  empire.  It  was  the  hearth-child  who  ruled  during 
the  interregnum  between  one  Khakan  and  another,  and  who  summoned 
the  general  Kuriltai  to  superintend  the  burial  of  the  dead  Kaizar  and  the 
inauguration  of  his  successor.  This  Kuriltai  was  a  very  important 
element  in  the  Mongol  polity.  Although  there  was  a  rule  of  succession 
recognised,  yet  no  Khakan  was  deemed  legitimately  seated  on  the  throne 
until  he  had  been  duly  elected  by  the  various  representatives  of  the  wide 
Mongol  world  meeting  together  in  the  old  Mongol  land.  How  rigid  this 
rule  was,  may  be  remembered  by  those  who  have  read  the  account  of  the 
accession  of  Mangu,  and  how  obedience  was  refused  to  him  although  he 
had  been  elected  at  a  Kuriltai,  because  that  Kuriltai  was  a  provincial  and 
not  a  general  one. 

We  are  accordingly  told  that  on  the  death  of  Mangu,  Arikbugha,  his 
youngest  brother,  summoned  the  various  princes  to  meet  in  the  dead 
Khakan's  ordu  to  elect  a  successor.  Khubilai  perhaps  feared  some  foul 
play,  or  deemed  it  expedient  to  hurry  matters  forward,  and  on  the  plea 
that  the  princes  of  the  houses  of  Juchi  and  Jagatai  were  too  far  off,  he 
summoned  a  special  Kuriltai  at  Kai  ping  fu,  in  China,  and  there, 
supported  by  his  brother  Muke,  by  Kadan,  son  of  Ogotai,  and  Togachar, 
son  of  Utsuken  Noyan,  brother  of  Jingis  Khan,  he  was  elected  Khakan 
on  the  4th  of  June,  1260. 

This  was  clearly  an  illegal  election,  and  precipitated  matters.  Kara- 
korum,  the  capital  of  the  Mongol  empire,  the  heart  and  centre  of  its 

*  Frsehn,  Resc.  Num.  Muh.,  196.     t  St.  Martin  Memoires,  &c. ,  277.  Golden  Horde,  159,  Note,  3, 


administration,  was  controlled,  as  I  have  said,  by  Arikbugha,  who  had 
been  appointed  its  governor.  There  can  be  little  doubt  that  he  was  an 
ambitious  person,  and  had  determined  to  secure  the  throne  for  himself. 
He  was  supported  by  Kotoktai,  the  chief  wife  of  Mangu,  by  the  latter's 
three  sons,  Ustai,  Yurultash,  and  Siregi  or  Shireki,  by  Alghui  and  other 
grandsons  of  Jagatai,  and  by  Arkadai  Oghul,  the  son  of  Kulkan.* 

One  of  his  supporters,  Dureji,  was  also  in  possession  of  Peking,  so 
that  he  controlled  both  capitals  of  the  empire.  On  the  other  hand,  there 
sided  with  Khubilai  the  princes  who  assisted  at  his  inauguration,  arid 
also  Utsuken,  Jingis  Khan's  youngest  brother,  who  must  have  been  a 
very  old  man  of  between  eighty  and  ninety.t  Arikbugha  appointed  his 
cousin  Alghui  to  take  charge  of  the  Khanate  of  Jagatai ;  Khubilai 
nominated  Apisga,  son  of  Buri,  to  the  same  position.  He  was  also  sure 
of  the  support  of  his  brother  Khulagu. 

The  policy  of  the  Golden  Horde  and  its  chief  Bereke  has  been,  as  I 
believe,  entirely  misunderstood  by  D'Ohsson  and  Von  Hammer,  who 
have  followed  the  late  authorities,  Mirkhond  and  Abulghazi.  It  seems 
to  me  clear  from  two  considerations  that  Bereke  supported  the  cause  of 
Arikbugha.  In  the  first  place,  coins  with  Arikbugha's  name  were  struck 
at  Bolghari,^  and  no  coins  were  struck  there  with  Khubilai's  name  upon 
them.  In  the  next  place,  it  is  very  curious  that  in  the  list  of  the  Khans 
of  the  Golden  Horde  contained  in  the  Yuan  shi  the  name  of  Bereke  does 
not  occur,§  as  if  he  was  not  recognised  by  Khubilai's  descendants 
in  China.  It  must  also  be  noted  that  Bereke  had  a  long  and  severe 
struggle  with  Khulagu,  Khubilai's  very  faithful  supporter  in  Persia. 
These  facts  seem  to  me  conclusive. 

The  statement  of  Mirkhond  about  Bereke  and  Arikbugha  having 
fought  a  great  battle  with  one  another  is  incredible  when  we  consider 
that  he  names  the  river  Kerulon  as  the  site  of  the  struggle.  As  Schmidt  has 
said,  the  Kerulon,  in  the  east  of  Mongolia,  is  an  impossible  situation  for  a 
fight  with  the  chief  of  the  Golden  Horde.  I  hold  then  that  in  the 
struggle  between  Arikbugha  and  Khubilai,  Bereke  sided  with  the  former; 
but  this  was  a  mere  episode  in  the  history  of  the  Golden  Horde.  A 
much  more  serious  matter  was  the  feud  that  arose,  as  I  have  said, 
between  Bereke  and  Khulagu.  I  have  already  mentioned  how  the 
Mongols,  south  and  north  of  the  Caucasus,  had  a  rival  policy  in  regard 
to  Georgia  and  its  queen,  Rusudan,  in  the  days  of  Batu,  but  the  causes 
of  quarrel  were  now  much  more  potent. 

When  Khulagu  marched  westwards  into  Persia,  he  was  accompanied, 
as  Batu  was  in  Hungary,  by  princes  belonging  to  the  other  Khanates, 
each  of  whom  seems"  to  have  had  command  of  a  contingent  of  men  from 

*  Wassaf,  22.  t  Golden  Horde,  160. 

X  These  coins  bear  on  one  side  the  inscription  "  The  Great  Khan  Arighbugha,"  and  on  the 
other  "  Money  of  Bolghari."    (Frashn,  loc.  cit.)  §  Bretschneider,  106. 



his  own  people.  The  object  of  this  probably  was  to  act  as  a  check  upon 
the  chief  commander,  and  to  prevent  him  using  his  army  for  the 
furtherance  of  his  ambition  rather  than  in  the  service  of  the  cause. 
With  the  contingent  from  the  Golden  Horde  went,  as  I  have  said,  Kuli, 
the  son  of  Orda  ;  Bulghai,  the  son  of  Sheiban ;  and  Kutar,  the  grandson 
of  Tewel.  On  the  march  into  Syria,  Bulghai  died  at  a  feast,  and  Kutar 
was  suspected  of  having  caused  his  death.  Khulagu  sent  him,  in 
accordance  with  the  Yassa  of  Jingis  Khan,  to  Bereke  to  be  tried.  He  was 
found  guilty  and  remitted  to  Khulagu  for  punishment.  Khulagu  put  him 
to  death.*  Soon  after  Kuli  died,  and  Bereke  suspected  that  he  had  been 
poisoned.  The  families  of  the  three  princes  made  a  hasty  retreat  from 
Persia,  and  embarked  at  Derbend  for  the  Kipchak.  Another,  and  per- 
haps the  most  important  grievance  of  all  was  the  fact  that  Bereke,  who 
was  a  Mussulman,  was  naturally  much  irritated  at  the  conduct  of 
Khulagu  towards  the  Khaliph  and  the  terrible  slaughter  of  the  faithful 
that  occurred  in  his  Syrian  and  other  campaigns. 

Again,  Bereke  filled  the  post  of  agha  or  patriarch  among  the  princes  of 
the  Mongols.  That  post,  according  to  the  laws  of  Jingis,  carried  with 
it  the  subordination  in  many  ways  of  the  other  princes,  and  Bereke 
patronised  Khulagu  somewhat  pointedly,  and  seems  to  have  sent  him 
some  harsh  messages.  Lastly,  Bereke  claimed  the  provinces  of  Arran 
and  Azerbaijan  as  belonging  to  the  Khanate  of  Juchi,  whose  army 
sometimes  wintered  south  of  Derbend  ;  while  they  had  been  assigned  to 
Khulagu  ir^  Mangu's  disposition  of  the  western  lands,  and  in  consequence 
a  fierce  strife  arose  about  them.  This  is  the  statement  of  Wassaf,t 
which  is  confirmed  by  that  of  Marco  Polo.l  The  increasing  tension  of 
the  relations  of  Bereke  and  Khulagu  was  a  warning  to  the  contingents  of 
troops  belonging  to  the  Golden  Horde  which  had  marched  with  the 
latter  that  they  had  better  escape.  They  accordingly  scattered,  one 
section  reached  Kipchak  by  way  of  Derbend,  as  I  have  said ;  another, 
under  the  generals  Nigudar  and  Ongujia,  traversed  Khorassan,  pursued 
by  Khulagu's  forces,  and  took  possession  of  Ghazni  and  the  neighbouring 
district  ;§  a  third  body,  two  hundred  in  number,  took  refuge  in  Syria, 
then  subject  to  the  Mamluk  Sultan  Bibars,  who  ordered  that  they  should 
be  well  treated  and  supplied  with  barley  and  other  grain,  robes  of 
honour,  sugar,  &c.,  and  on  their  arrival  at  Cairo  he  went  out  in  person 
to  meet  them,  assigned  them  quarters  at  Luk,  outside  Cairo,  furnished 
them  with  horses,  &c.,  and  persuaded  them  to  embrace  Islamism.  Their 
chiefs  were  given  the  titleof  Emir,  while  the  rest  of  them  were  incorpo- 
rated among  the  Mamluks.i  Bibars  was  a  Mamluk.  The  Mamluks  were 
a  corps  of  soldiers  originally  founded  by  the  Egyptian  Sultan  Salahuddin, 
and  consisted  of  young  Turks,  chiefly  from  the  Kipchak,  who  were 

*  Von  Hammer,  Ilkhans,  i.  216.  t  Von  Hammer's  ed.,  93.  J  Yule'e  ed.,  ii.  495. 

5  D'Ohason,  iii.  379,  380.  ||  Makrizi,  i.  181. 


bought  as  slaves.  Salih  VI.,  descendant  of  Salahuddin,  rewarded  them 
for  their  faithfulness  by  giving  their  corps  the  pre-eminence.  When  the 
Mongols  overran  the  Kipchak,  a  great  number  of  young  Turkish  captives 
were  sold,  and  augmented  this  force  considerably;  they  were  much 
trusted  by  the  Sultans,  who  chose  from  among  them  their  chief  officers. 
Their  chiefs  had  now  become  Sultans  of  Egypt,  Bibars  had  belonged  to 
the  Kipchak  tribe  of  the  Alborhs.  He  was  the  bitter  enemy  of  Khulagu 
whom  he  had  recently  defeated  and  driven  out  of  Syria.  His  full  name 
was  Rokn  ud  din  Bibars  el  Bundokdar.  He  was  a  Kipchak  Turk  by 
birth,  and  had  been  sold  by  the  Mongols  to  the  Venetians,  by  whom  he 
had  been  again  sold  at  Sivas  to  the  Ayubite  Sultan  Malik  el  Moassem 
Turanshah,  who  put  him  in  the  Life  Guards,  and  gave  him  the  title  of 
Bundokdar,  i.e.,  pillar  of  the  faith.  He  was  then  in  the  service  of  his 
successor,  the  Mamluk  Sultan  Seifuddin  Kotuz.  It  was  by  his  advice 
that  Khulagu's  envoy  was  put  to  death  in  July,  1260,  and  it  was  he  who 
defeated  Khulagu's  general  Keitbuka  on  the  3rd  of  September  of  the 
same  year,  and  recovered  Syria  for  the  Egyptians.  When  returning 
from  this  campaign,  the  Sultan  having  refused  him  the  government  of 
Aleppo,  he  killed  him  while  hunting,  and  made  himself  Sultan.*  Such 
was  the  truculent  person  who  now  ruled  in  Egypt,  and  under  whose 
patronage  the  Khaliphate  was  revived  at  Cairo  in  the  person  of  Abul 
Kasim,  the  uncle  of -the  last  Abassidan  Khaliph  of  Baghdad,  Mostassim. 

As  I  have  said,  he  received  the  Mongol  fugitives  hospitably,  and  they 
were  converted  to  the  faith.  Having  questioned  them  about  their 
country,  Bibars  determined  to  send  envoys  to  Bereke,  and  chose  for  the 
purpose  an  old  employe  (a  jamdar)  of  the  Khuarezm  Shah  Jelal  ud  din, 
named  Seif  ud  din  Keshrik,  who  knew  the  country  and  language,  and 
the  Jurisconsult  Majd  ud  din,  together  with  two  of  the  Mongol  fugitives.t 
These  envoys  were  bearers  of  a  letter,  in  which  Bibars  assured  Bereke  of 
his  friendly  feeling  towards  him,  urged  him  to  fight  against  Khulagu, 
boasted  of  the  number  of  his  troops,  consisting  of  Turks,  Kurds,  and 
Arabs  ;  recounted  the  Mussulman  and  Frank  princes  who  were  his 
vassals,  and  ended  by  telling  him  of  the  recent  arrival  in  Egypt  of  the 
fugitives,  who  had  told  him  he  was  their  master.  He  also  sent  him  a 
solemnly  certified  genealogy  of  the  Khaliph  Hakim,  whom  he  was  about 
to  have  duly  inaugurated.  These  envoys  left  with  provisions  for  several 
months,  but  the  doctor  fell  ill  at  Constantinople  (probably  of  home 
sickness),  and  returned  to  Egypt.+ 

Let  us  now  revert  to  the  quarrel  between  Bereke  and  Khulagu.  The 
tension  having  at  length  become  too  great,  a  body  of  30,000  men,  under 
Nogai,  the  cousin  of  the  murdered  Kutar,  was  despatched  by  Bereke  to 
attack  his  rival.  Wassaf  describes  the  advance  of  this  army  in 
very  turgid  phrases.     The  passage  has  been  well  translated  by  Colonel 

*  Wolff,  403.  1  D'Ohsson,  iii.  384,  385.  I  Makrizi,  i.  188.    D'Ohsson,  iii.  385. 


Yule.  It  runs  as  follows : — "  In  the  winter  of  662,"  i.e.^  1262,  "  when  the 
almighty  goldsmith  covered  the  river  of  Derbend  with  plates  of  silver, 
and  the  furrier  of  the  winter  had  clad  the  hills  and  heaths  with  ermine. 
The  river  being  frozen  hard  as  stone  to  the  depth  of  a  spear's  length,  an 
army  of  Mongols  went  forth  at  the  command  of  Bereke  Oghul,  filthy  as 
ghuls  and  devils  of  the  wilderness,  and  as  numerous  as  the  rain  drops, 
their  waves  rolled  over  the  frozen  river  with  the  speed  of  the  wind  and  of  The  rattling  of  their  waggons  and  horses'  hoofs  was  like  thunder 
and  lightning.  With  the  flaming  fires  of  rage  did  they  advance  as  far  as 
the  Kur.     The  army  of  Khulagu  marched  against  them."* 

Nogai,  having  passed  the  defile  of  Derbend,  encamped  in  the  district 
of  Shirvan.  The  army  of  Khulagu  set  out  meanwhile  from  Alatak 
(his  summer  residence,  situated  in  the  mountains  about  the  sources  of 
the  Euphrates).  It  was  made  up  of  contingents  from  the  different 
provinces  of  Persia.  His  advance  guard,  under  Shiramun,  son  of  the 
great  Chormagun,  was  completely  defeated,  but  another  body,  under 
Abatai  and  Basmahgai,  was  equally  successful  near  Shaburan  or 
Shabran.t  Nogai  was  put  to  flight.  The  forces  of  Khulagu  thereupon 
having  occupied  Shamakhi,  set  out  again  for  Derbend,  the  famous 
fortress  defending  the  eastern  flanks  of  the  Caucasus.  This  was 
captured  after  a  three  days'  struggle,  and  eight  days  later  Nogai  was 
again  defeated.     This  was  on  the  i6th  of  December,  1262. 

Khulagu  had  sent  his  eldest  son  Abaka  to  assist  his  two  generals. 
When  Nogai  had  been  beaten,  they  begged  him  to  return  to  his 
father,  while  they  pursued  the  enemy ;  but  this  he  would  not  consent  to 
do,  and  the  army  accordingly  advanced,  commanded  by  Abaka  and  nine 
other  leaders,  namely,  Shiramun,  Abatai,  Turan  Behadir,  Batu,  Saljidai, 
Chaghan,  Belarghu,  Kodos,  and  Ilkai  Noyan.|  They  advanced  to  the 
Terek,  and  came  up  to  Nogai's  camp,  which  they  found  abandoned. 
The  steppe  was  strewn  with  tents,  horses,  mules,  cattle,  and  sheep,  and 
also  apparently  with  women  and  children.  For  three  days  the  pursuers 
revelled  in  their  booty,  and  made  free  with  the  maidens  they  found  in 
the  camp. 

While  thus  given  up  to  debauchery,  Bereke  arrived  with  a  large  army 
from  the  north.  A  fierce  fight  ensued  on  the  13th  of  January,  1263, 
which  lasted  from  dawn  till  sunset,  and  ended  in  the  defeat  of  Khulagu's 
army,  which  in  retiring  across  the  frozen  Terek  broke  the  ice,  and  thus  a 
great  number  of  the  soldiers  perished.  Abaka  was  pursued  by  Bereke 
as  far  as  Derbend.     Meanwhile  let  us  revert  somewhat. 

The  envoys  who  had  been  sent  by  Bibars  met  on  their  way  some 
ambassadors  who  were  going  to  Egypt  from  Bereke.  The  former  were 
well  treated  by  the  Emperor  Michael  Palaeologos,  who  paid  the  expenses 

*  Yule's  Marco  Polo,  ii.  496.    Von  Hammer's  Wassaf,  93. 
t  Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  123.    Note.  J  Golden  Horde,  167. 



of  their  journey  onwards.      Their  audience  with  the  Emperor  was  at 

Aniah  {i.e.,    ^nia),    whence    they  reached   Constantinople  in  twenty 

days,  and  went  on  by  Istambul  to  Deksaita  (?  Odessa),  which  was  the 

port  of  embarkation  for  Sudak.    The  sea  passage  generally  took  ten 

days,  but  with  favourable  winds  two  days.     Having  arrived  at  the  top 

of  the  mountain  of  Sudak,  they  found  Tabuk  or  Taiuk,  the  governor  of 

the  district,  who  furnished  them  with  horses  and  conducted  them  to 

Krim,  which  was  inhabited  by  Kipchaks,  Russians,  and  Alans.     Having 

gone  on  a  day's  journey,  they  entered  a  great  plain,  where  they  met 

Tukbuka  (?  Tulubuka),  who    commanded  the  whole  province,  and  was 

set  over  a  tuman  or  10,000  horsemen.     After  journeying  for  twenty  days 

over  a  steppe  covered  with  tents  and  herds,  they  reached  the  river  I  til 

{i.e.,  the  Volga),  where  the  camp  of  Bereke  was.    They  tell  us  the  river 

was  as  big  as  the  Nile,  and  was  navigated  by  many  Russian  boats.    The 

travellers  had  been  supplied  with  sheep  and  other  provisions  on  their 

route.     On  nearing  the  Ordu,  the  Vizier  Shiref  ud  din,  who  was  a  native 

of  Kazvin  and  spoke  both  Arabic  and  Turk,  came  out  to  meet  them.    He 

furnished  them  with  very  good  lodgings  and  with  meat,  fish,  milk,  and 

other  provisions.     They  were  at  length  admitted  to  an  audience,  and 

rigidly  observed  the  prescribed  etiquette.     Entering  on  the  left  side  they 

delivered  their  letters,  and  then  passed   on  to   the  right,  where  they 

knelt  down.     No  one  was  allowed  to  enter  the  Khan's  tent  with  a  sword, 

knife,  mace,  or  other  arms.     It  was  forbidden  to  tread  on  the  wooden 

threshold  of  the  tent,  to  remove  one's  armour  except  on  the  left  side  of 

the  tent,  to  carry  a  bow  which  was  strung  or  in  its  case,  or  arrows  in  a 

quiver,  to  eat  snow,  or  to  wash  one's  clothes  within  the  camp.     In  all 

this  the  narrative  of  the  envoys  exactly  confirms  those  of  the  Christian 

missionaries  Carpini  and  Rubruquis.     The  tent  of  audience  would  hold 

100,  or  according  to  others  500  men.     It  was  covered  outside  with  white 

felt,  and  lined  inside  with  rich  silken  hangings,  decorated  with  pearls 

and  precious  stones.     Bereke  was  seated  on  his  throne  with  his  legs 

propped  up  with  cushions,  as  he  had  the  gout.     Beside  him  sat  his  chief 

wife  Tagtagai  Khatun.     He  had  two  other  wives,  Jijek  Khatun  and 

Kehar  Khatun,  but  none  of  them  had  given  him  any  children.     He  had 

but  little  beard,  and  his  face  was  big  and  of  a  yellow  colour.     His  hair 

was  plaited  into  tresses  hanging  beside  his   ears,  from  each  one  of 

which  there  hung  a  precious  stone  of  great  value.     He  was  dressed  in  a 

robe  of  Chinese  silk,  with  his  head  covered  with  a  cap.     His  boots  were 

made  of  red  velvet.     He  did  not  wear  a  sword,  but  had  a  gold  belt 

decorated   with   stones,   from  which   hung  a  purse  of  green  Bolghari 

leather.     In  this  girdle  or  belt  were  inserted  some  black  horns,  bent  and 

incrusted  with  gold.    About  him  were  fifty  or  sixty  emirs  sitting  on 

seats.*    The  envoys  having  been  admitted  presented  their  letters,  and 

*  Quatremere,  Makrizi,  i.  214,  215.    Notes. 


the  vizier  was  ordered  to  read  them ;  they  then  passed  on  from  the  left 
side  to  the  right,  and  were  placed  against  the  wall  of  the  tent 
behind  the  emirs>  They  were  supplied  with  kumiz  and  cooked  honey, 
after  which  meat  and  fish  were  handed  them.  After  they  had  eaten,  the 
Khan  ordered  that  they  should  be  lodged  in  the  quarter  of  his  favourite 
wife  Jijek  Khatun,  and  the  following  morning  they  were  received  by  that 
princess  in  her  tent.  They  had  several  audiences  with  Bereke,  who 
asked  them  many  questions  about  Egypt,  about  elephants  and  giraffes, 
and  one  day  asked  if  the  report  was  true  that  there  was  a  giant's  bone 
thrown  across  the  Nile  which  served  as  a  bridge.  The  envoys  rephed 
that  they  had  not  heard  of  such  a  thing.* 

The  Sultan's  letter  was  translated  into  Turkish  by  the  Kadhi  of  the 
Kadhis,  who  lived  near  Bereke.  A  copy  of  it  was  read  before  Bereke,  who 
seemed  much  pleased  with  the  contents.  He  at  length  sent  the  envoys 
back  again,  accompanied  by  an  embassy  of  his  own.  They  arrived 
safely  in  Egypt  in  the  year  1263.  They  reported  that  each  princess  and 
emir  at  the  court  of  Bereke  had  an  imaum  and  a  crier,  who  cried  out  the 
hours  of  prayer,  and  that  the  children  in  the  schools  were  taught  from 
the  Koran.t  While  these  envoys  were  on  their  way  to  Bereke  the  latter, 
in  view  of  his  impending  struggle  with  Khulagu,  had  himself  despatched 
two  envoys,  whose  arrival  at  Constantinople  I  have  already  mentioned. 
These  envoys  were  named  Jelal  ud  din  el  Kadhi  and  the  Sheikh 
Nureddin  Ali.  With  them  arrived  the  commandant  of  the  Genoese,  and 
envoys  from  the  Emperor  Michael,  and  from  Iz  ud  din.  Sultan  of  Rum. 
Bibars  was  then  on  his  way  home  from  an  expedition  into  Syria,  in 
which  he  had  captured  the  town  of  Karak.  They  were  received  in  a 
grand  audience  by  the  Sultan,  and  there  Nureddin  presented  a  letter 
from  Bereke,  in  which  he  set  out  that  he  had  become  a  Mussulman, 
together  with  his  brothers,  their  children,  and  a  great  number  of  emirs, 
giving  the  name  of  each  and  the  tribe  to  which  he  belonged ;  that  he 
was  the  enemy  of  Khulagu,  against  whom  he  intended  to  fight,  in  order 
to  strengthen  and  restore  the  faith  to  its  ancient  grandeur,  and  to 
revenge  the  death  of  the  Khaliph,  the  imaums,  and  other  Mussulmans  who 
had  been  put  to  death  contrary  to  justice.  He  asked  Bibars  to  send  an 
army  to  the  Euphrates  to  cut  off  Khulagu's  retreat  and  recommended  to 
his  favour  Iz  ud  din,  the  joint  Sultan  of  Rum,  and  the  rival  of  Rokn  ud 
din,  who  was  \}!\q  protege  of  Khulagu,  Bibars  received  the  envoys  with 
great  honour,  gave  them  a  splendid  feast,  and  paid  them  visits  every 

*  In  regard  to  this  report,  M.  Quatremere  tells  us  it  was  founded  on  a  very  ancient  Arabic 
tradition.  In  "  The  History  of  the  Conquest  of  Egypt,"  written  by  Abd  al  Hakam,  we  are  told 
that  a  giant  named  Auj,  having  been  killed  by  Moses,  his  body  fell  across  the  Nile  and  made  a 
bridge.  Schiltberger,  the  Bavarian  traveller,  tells  us  that  there  was  a  bridge  in  Arabia  made 
out  of  a  giant's  leg-bone,  which  united  two  rocks  separated  by  a  deep  chasm.  Travellers  to 
Arabia  had  to  cross  this  bridge.  A  toll  was  charged,  from  the  proceeds  of  which  oil  was  bought 
with  which  to  oil  the  bone,  and  thus  prevent  it  decaying.    (Op.  cit.,  218.    Note. ) 

t  Id.,  215. 

BEREKE  KHAN.  1 19 

Tuesday  and  Saturday,  the  two  days  on  which  he  was  accustomed  to 
play  at  tennis.* 

The  newly  founded  Khaliphate  was  then  represented  by  Hakim  bi  amr 
allah,  and  we  are  told  he  caused  the  khutbah,  or  Friday  state  prayer,  to 
be  pronounced  in  the  presence  of  Bereke's  ambassadors.  The  names  of 
Bereke  and  Bibars  were  mentioned  together  in  the  prayer,  and  after- 
wards the  Khaliph  had  a  conference  with  the  Sultan  and  the  envoys,  in 
which  various  points  of  the  faith  were  discussed.  Some  days  after 
Bibars  presented  the  envoys  with  some  rich  robes  of  State.  On 
their  return  they  were  accompanied  by  two  ambassadors  from  Bibars, 
namely,  the  emir  Fares  ud  din  Akush  Masudi  and  the  sherif  Amad  ud 
din  Hashemi.  They  bore  with  them  a  letter  written  by  the  scribe 
Mohi  ud  din  ben  Abd  aldaher.  This  letter  was  written  on  seventy 
sheets  of  paper  of  Baghdad.  It  contained,  we  are  told,  all  the  verses  of 
the  Koran,  and  all  the  traditions  which  urge  that  war  should  be  made  on 
the  infidels  ;  then  followed  the  passages  and  traditions  referring  to 
Egypt,  an  account  of  the  shrines  there  to  which  pilgrimages  were  made, 
and  of  the  mosques  where  prayers  were  said  for  the  Sultan,  with  pro- 
testations of  amity  for  Bereke,  and  a  recital  of  all  that  could  flatter  that 
prince,  irritate  him  against  his  enemies  and  increase  the  Sultan's  import- 
ance in  his  eyes.  The  tale  of  the  Egyptian  army  was  told,  and  the  results 
of  its  prowess  were  narrated.  The  letter  was  read  over  to  the  Sultan, 
who  made  some  alterations  and  additions.  The  presents  which  Bibars 
sent  form  an  interesting  catalogue  of  what  was  then  deemed  most  valuable 
in  the  East.  Among  them  was  a  copy  of  the  Koran,  traditionally  said  to 
have  been  written  by  the  Khaliph  Othman.  It  was  contained  in  a  case  of 
red  silk  embroidered  with  gold,  and  this  in  another  of  leather ;  a  throne 
decorated  with  carved  ivory  and  ebony,  a  silver  casket  with  a  lock  of  the 
same  metal,  carpets  for  saying  the  Namaz  or  prayer  upon,  of  different 
kinds  and  colours,  curtains  of  different  kinds,  numbers  of  seats,  cushions, 
and  stands  for  torches,  splendid  swords  with  silver  handles,  musical 
instruments  in  painted  wood  wrapped  in  cases,  silver  lamps  and  candle- 
sticks, saddles  from  Khuarezm,  bows  from  Damascus  with  silken  cords, 
wooden  spears  of  Kana  whose  iron  heads  had  been  tempered  by  the 
Arabs,  beautiful  arrows  in  leathern  boxes,  warming  pots  of  the  stone  of 
Beram,  great  enamelled  lamps  with  chains  of  silver  gilt,  black  eunuchs, 
young  girls  skilled  in  cookery,  parroquets  of  gorgeous  plumage,  Arab 
horses,  dromedaries,  swift  and  active  mules,  wild  asses,  and  monkeys, 
saddles  for  the  dromedaries,  bits  and  bridles,  woollen  saddlecloths  for 
the  mules,  silk  dresses  for  the  monkeys,  and  several  giraffes  with 
painted  saddlecloths  and  bridles.t  Among  the  presents  there  was  also  a 
turban  which  had  been  to  Mecca,  for  Bibars  had  commissioned  one  of 
his  officers  to  perform  the  pilgrimage  to  that  town  in  Bereke's  name.f 

*  Id.,  215.    Note,  t  Quatremere,  op.  cit,,  216.    Note.  J  D'Ohsion,  iii.  390.  39i- 


Abul  Kasim,  the  first  of  the  Cairene  line  of  Abbassidan  Khahphs, 
was  the  brother  of  Mostansir,  the  predecessor  of  Mostassim,  the  last 
Khaliph  of  Baghdad,  who  was  killed  by  Khulagu.  He  had  been  defeated, 
and  lost  his  life  in  a  struggle  with  the  Mongols  on  the  20th  of 
November,  1261,  when  he  was  attempting  to  recover  Baghdad,*  and 
was  succeeded  by  El  Hakim  bi  emir  illahi  Abul  Abbas  Ahmed,  who  had 
escaped  in  the  recent  struggle  with  the  Mongols,  and  found  refuge  in 
Egypt.  He  was  the  fourth  in  descent  from  the  Khaliph  Mostereshid, 
who  had  been  killed  by  the  Assassins  in  1135.!  On  the  5th  of  August, 
1262,  the  new  Khaliph  pronounced  the  khutbah  in  presence  of  the  Sultan 
and  his  courtiers,  in  the  name  of  Bibars,  ruler  of  Egypt  and  Syria,  and 
of  Bereke,  ruler  of  the  Kipchak.  Bibars  also  sent  couriers  to  Mecca 
and  Medina  to  order  the  name  of  Bereke  to  be  inserted  after  his  own  in 
this  solemn  Friday  state  prayer  of  the  Mussulman  world.  The  same 
thing  was  done  at  Jerusalem.^  A  copy  of  the  khutbah  was  also 
sent  to  Bereke,  and  likewise  the  200  Tartars  who  had  sought  refuge 
in  Egypt. 

We  can  well  believe  that  in  this  sumptuous  hospitality  there  was 
something  more  than  mere  friendship  on  the  part  of  the  Great  Sultan 
for  a  valuable  ally  and  a  recent  convert  to  the  faith,  that  it  rather 
represented  the  patriotic  yearnings  of  the  Kipchak  slave  for  his  old  land 
and  its  ruler,  and  that  the  Mamluk  Sultan  was  only  too  pleased  to  be 
able  to  intervene  in  the  affairs  of  his  old  land  as  the  dispenser  of  the 
luxuries  and  surroundings  of  civilisation  ;  and  it  was  from  this  source,  as 
we  shall  see  presently,  that  the  Khanate  of  Kipchak  received  its  culture, 
and  was  eventually  converted  from  a  mere  camp  of  Nomades  into  a 
State  with  solidly  built  cities  and  a  well  organised  administration. 
This  culture  acted  no  doubt  beyond  these  limits,  and  among  much  that 
was  deplorable  gave  a  new  life  to  the  Russian  form  of  Greek  civiUsation, 
and  prevented  it  from  dying  of  mere  inanity,  as  it  did  at  Byzantium. 

The  envoys  and  their  charges  were  shipped  on  a  large  vessel,  with  a 
great  number  of  archers  and  arbalisters,  with  provisions  for  a  year.  The 
party  was  detained  at  Constantinople  by  the  Greek  Emperor,  on  the  plea 
than  Khulagu  would  be  suspicious  of  their  intentions,  and  that  he  was 
his  ally.  After  fifteen  months  of  delay,  he  allowed  the  Sherif  to  return 
to  Egypt.  Fares  ud  din  Akush  was  detained  for  two  years,  during  which 
time  the  greater  part  of  the  slaves  and  animals  which  he  took  with  him 
perished,  and  the  other  presents  were  much  spoiled. §  When  news  of 
this  treacherous  conduct  on  the  part  of  the  Greek  Emperor  reached 
Bibars,  the  latter  summoned  the  patriarchs  and  bishops,  and  asked  their 
canonical  decision  in  regard  to  one  who  had  broken  his  word.  They  all 
replied  that  he  ought  to  be  excommunicated.  He  then  despatched  a 
monk  who  was  a  Greek  philosopher,  a  bishop,  and  a  priest  to  the 

*/d.,369.        t/d.,  391.        lid.        §  Quatremere,  op.  cit.,  217.    Note.         B  Makrizi,  i.  240. 

BEREKE   KHAN.  121 

Emperor  to  convey  their  excommunication  to  him.     He  also  wrote  him 
a  very  severe  letter. 

Meanwhile  Bereke,  who  had  ^doubtless  heard  of  the  detention,  had 
made  an  attack  upon  the  empire,  and  approached  Constantinople. 
Michael  thereupon  sent  out  Fares  ud  din  Akush,  who  had  probably  been 
gained  over,  to  say  that  the  detention  had  been  at  his  own  instance,  and 
that  Michael  wished  to  be  the  friend  and  ally  of  Bereke  as  he  was  of 
Bibars.  Upon  this  the  Tartars  retired.  Fares  ud  din  was  released,  and 
allowed  to  continue  his  journey,  and  Michael  sent  an  envoy  with  him  on 
his  own  account,  offering  the  Khan  his  friendship  and  a  tribute  of  300  silk 
robes.  On  his  audience  with  Bereke,  Fares  ud  din  laid  the  blame  of  his 
delay  on  the  Emperor,  whereupon  the  Tartar  Khan  reminded  him  of  his 
former  story,  and  said  he  should  inform  Bibars  and  leave  him  to  punish 
him.  Iz  ud  din,  the  Sultan  of  Rum,  had  written  to  Bibars  to  inform  him 
of  Fares  ud  din's  tortuous  conduct,  and  telling  him  that  he  had  been 
largely  bribed  by  Michael.  On  his  return  to  Egypt  the  latter  was  there- 
fore arrested,  and  the  precious  objects  which  he  had  received,  and  which 
amounted  to  40,000  dinars,  were  confiscated.* 

Three  months  after  the  envoys  of  Bibars  had  left  Cairo,  there  arrived 
there  a  body  of  1,300  Mongols  and  Behadurs  {i.e.^  warriors)  who  had 
migrated  from  Khulagu's  kingdom.  Soon  after,  we  read  that  Hosam- 
eddin,  son  of  Bereke,  who  had  gone  to  Cairo  to  cement  the  friendship 
of  his  father  and  Bibars,  died,  and  on  the  9th  of  November,  1262,  Bibars 
attended  his  funeral,  marching  on  foot  with  the  crowd.t  The  next  day 
there  arrived  another  body  of  Tartars,  whose  chiefs  were  Keremun, 
Amtaghiah  Nokiah,  Jerek,  Kaian,  Nasaghiah,  Taishur,  Bentu,  Sobhi,  Jau- 
jelan,  Aj-Karka,  Adkerek,  Kerai,  Salaghiah,  Motakaddem,  and  Daragan. 
The  Sultan  went  out  to  meet  them.  When  they  saw  him  they  dismounted 
and  kissed  the  ground  before  him.  He  received  them  well  and  gave 
them  State  robes,  and  then  went  to  visit  the  tomb  of  Bereke's  son.  A 
third  body  of  Tartars  soon  after  arrived,  and  were  also  received  with 
honour;  their  leaders  were  given  the  title  of  emir.  At  Bibars'  solicitation 
they  became  Mussulmans  and  were  circumcised.]: 

In  August,  1265,  Bibars  sent  one  of  his  chamberlains,  Shuja  ud  din 
ben  Daiah  the  Hajib  to  prevail  upon  Bereke  to  cease  his  incursions  on 
the  territory  of  the  Greek  Emperor,  who  had  asked  for  his  intercession. 
He  also  sent  him  three  turbans  that  had  been  to  Mecca,  two  marble 
vases,  some  balm,  water  from  the  wells  of  Zemzem,  and  three  pictures 
representing  the  ceremonies  of  the  pilgrimage  to  Mecca,  drawn  on  gilded 
paper  which  he  had  made  at  Bereke's  instance.  § 

This  contest  with  Byzantium  has  been  described  at  some  length  by 
Pachymeres  and  Metrophanes.     The  former  dates  it  in  1265  and  the 

Defremery,  Makrizi,  218.    Note.  t  Makrizi,  op.  cit.,  i.  221,  222.    Ilkhans,  i.  218. 

I  Makrizi,  i.  222,  %  D'Ohsson,  iii.  393>  393-    Makrizi,  ii.  19, 


latter  in  1264.*  I  have  previously  referred  to  the  strife  between 
the  two  brothers  Rokn  ud  din  and  Iz  ud  din,  who  were  joint 
Sultans  of  Rum  or  Asia  Minor.  The  latter  had  allied  himself 
with  the  Egyptian  Sultan  Bibars,  and  had  incurred  the  jealousy 
of  Khulagu.  Pressed  hard  by  his  brother  and  the  Mongols,  he 
took  refuge  at  Constantinople,  where  he  was  well  received  by  Michael 
Palasologos,  who  had  recently  won  back  for  the  Greeks  the  Byzantine 
crown,  which  for  fifty-seven  years  had  been  usurped  by  the  Franks. 
With  Iz  ud  din  there  went  his  general  Ali  Behadur  and  his  equerry 
Oghuslu.  Michael  was  not  powerful  enough  to  quarrel  with  Khulagu,  and 
was  in  fact  negotiating  with  him  for  a  marriage  with  his  daughter,  he 
readily,  therefore,  fell  in  with  a  suggestion  of  Iz  ud  din  that  he  should 
make  him  a  grant  of  land  in  Rumelia.  He  granted  him  the  Dobruja, 
i.e.,  the  land  between  the  Danube  and  the  sea,  a  name  probably  con- 
nected in  etymology  with  the  Dobiros  of  Thucydides. 

Iz  ud  din  accordingly  crossed  the  water  from  Nicomedia  to  Scutari, 
and  took  with  him  the  Turcoman  tribe  Saltukdede,  with  some 
other  Turk  families,  who  all  settled  in  the  Dobruja.  These  were 
the  first  Turks  who  settled  in  Europe,  and  the  date  of  the  occurrence 
was  1263.  The  number  of  the  emigrants  was  from  10,000  to  12,000 
families.  One  day  a  proposal  was  made  to  Iz  ud  din  at  a  feast 
to  dethrone  the  Emperor  and  seize  the  throne.  News  was  taken 
to  Michael,  who  seized  the  conspirators  and  imprisoned  the  Sultan 
and  his  son  at  the  castle  of  Enos,  on  the  south  coast  of  Rumelia, 
fifty  miles  from  Constantinople.  Upon  this  Rokn  ud  din,  the  former 
rival  of  Iz  ud  din,  sent  messengers  to  Bcreke  begging  him  to  invade  the 
Byzantine  dominions  and  release  his  brother.  Iz  ud  din  also  found 
means  to  send  Bereke  a  letter,  and  to  conspire  with  Constantine,  the 
King  of  Bulgaria  and  the  protegd  of  Bereke.  The  latter  sent  a  con- 
siderable army,  which  crossed  the  frozen  Danube  and  marched  to  the 
Haimus,  chased  the  Imperial  forces  from  one  place  to  another,  and 
at  length  laid  siege  to  Enos.  The  Emperor  gained  the  hill  of  Ganos, 
whence  he  escaped  by  sea  to  Constantinople.  The  Bulgarians,  under  their 
King  Constantine,  assisted  with  a  contingent  at  the  siege.  One  section 
of  the  defenders  was  for  surrendering  the  castle,  the  other  for  killing  the 
Sultan  Iz  ud  din.  At  length  terms  were  made  with  Constantine,  by  which 
the  Sultan  was  to  be  surrendered  to  him  but  not  the  castle.  The  Tartars 
retired  with  their  prize.  His  mother,  sister,  and  two  young  sons, 
however,  were  carried  off  to  Constantinople,  and  his  riches  were  con- 
fiscated.t  The  Turcomans  who  had  settled  in  the  Dobruja  were 
carried  off  to  the  steppes  of  Kipchak.  They  were  settled  there,  and  the 
Sultan  was  granted  an  appanage  in  the  Crimea.    There  he  held  the  two 

•  Stritter,  iii.  1047,  &c. 
t  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  J76-179.    Stritter,  iii.  1046-1060. 

BEREKE  KHAN.  1 23 

towns  of  Soljak  and  Sudak,  where  he  died  in  1279.      A  mosque  in 
Moldavia,  where  he  also  had  an  appanage,  bore  his  name.* 

Let  us  now  revert  to  the  strife  between  Bereke  and  his  rival  Khulagu. 
The  latter  returned  to  Tebriz  in  a  very  ill  humour  after  the  defeat  of  his 
troops,  and  gave  orders  for  raising  another  army.  He  wreaked  his 
vengeance  on  the  merchants  from  Kipchak,  who  were  then  at  Tebriz, 
whom  he  seized  and  put  to  death,  and  confiscated  their  goods.  Wassaf, 
in  a  peculiarly  business  like  tone,  says  that  much  that  was  seized  did  not 
belong  to  these  traders,  who  were  mere  agents  for  people  elsewhere. 
Bereke  made  reprisals,  and  put  to  death  the  merchants  in  his  dominions 
who  were  subjects  of  Khulagu.  Upon  this  the  latter  enlarged  his  opera- 
tions. Bokhara  was  at  this  time  garrisoned  by  contingents  from  the  several 
Khanates,  and  we  are  told  that  of  the  sixteen  Hezarehs  (or  regiments) 
there,  five  belonged  to  the  Golden  Horde,  three  to  the  Emperor's  mother 
Siurkukteni,  and  the  rest  to  the  Balghkul,  i.e.,  to  the  common  property 
of  the  Imperial  family.  Khulagu  ordered  the  retainers  of  the  Golden 
Horde  at  Bokhara  to  be  driven  out  of  the  city  into  the  adjoining  plain. 
They  were  there  slaughtered,  their  goods  were  plundered,  and  their 
women  and  children  were  reduced  to  slavery.t 

In  the  next  year,  ?>.,  1264,  rumours  were  abroad  that  another  army 
was  meditating  an  assault  from  Kipchak,  and  Khulagu  sent  the  Sheikh 
Sherif  Tebriz  to  Lesghistan  to  make  inquiries.  He  was  captured  and 
taken  before  Nogai,  who  demanded  of  him  bitterly  why  Khulagu  had  put 
to  death  mere  traders  and  dervishes  instead  of  attacking  warriors  and 
nobles.  The  Sheikh  tried  to  excuse  his  master  on  the  ground  that  he  was 
much  excited  by  the  civil  strife  between  his  brothers  Khubilai  and 
Arikbugha.  He  also  told  him  how  the  civil  war  had  been  quelled,  and 
how  Khubilai  had  named  Khulagu,  Ilkhan  and  Padishah  of  the  country 
from  the  Oxus  to  the  borders  of  Syria,  and  had  sent  him  30,000  youfig 
Mongols  to  reinforce  his  army.  This  news  cooled  the  ardour  of  Nogai, 
and  the  Sheikh  returned  to  Khulagu  with  the  news  that,  although  he  had 
not  secured  peace,  he  need  not  fear  any  attack.  |  Khulagu  died  on  the 
8th  of  February,  1264,  and  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Abaka. 

In  1265  Nogai,  as  the  general  of  Bereke,  made  another  incursion  by 
way  of  Derbend.  Yashmut,  the  brother  of  Abaka,  who  commanded  the 
frontier  from  Derbend  to  Alatak,  crossed  the  Kur  and  encountered  the 
Kipchak  army  near  the  river  Aksu.  After  a  severe  struggle,  during  which 
Nogai  was  wounded  in  the  eye,  the  army  of  the  Golden  Horde  was 
forced  to  retire  in  disorder  to  Shirvan.  Upon  this  Abaka  in  turn  crossed 
the  Kur,  but  hearing  that  Bereke  was  on  the  other  side  with  a  formidable 
army,  which  rumour  put  at  300,000  men,  he  recrossed  the  river,  broke 
down  the  bridges,  and  encamped  on  its  southern  bank.  The  two  armies 
faced  one  another  for  fifteen  days,  and  their  archers  practised  across  the 

*  Golden  Horde,  187.  t  Wassaf,  94.  J  Ilkhans,  i.  221. 


river  upon  each  other,  when  Bereke  marched  westwards,  intending  to 
cross  near  Tiflis ;  but  he  died  on  the  way,  and  his  army  retired.  His 
body  was  taken  to  Serai,  while  his  troops  dispersed.* 

I  must  now  revert  a  Httle  to  mention  some  other  events  of  interest  that 
happened  during  the  reign  of  Bereke.  Probably  piqued  by  the  family 
alliance  that  Khulagu  had  made  with  Michael  Palseologos  in  agreeing  to 
marry  his  daughter,  Bereke  aimed  at  a  similar  alliance,  and  proposed  to 
Bela  IV.,  King  of  Hungary,  that  either  one  of  his  own  daughters  should 
marry  Bela's  son,  or  that  one  of  Bela's  daughters  should  marry  his  son. 
I  have  already  described  how  the  King  of  Hungary  deputed  the  question 
to  the  Pope  Alexander  IV.,  and  how  he  decided  that  it  would  be 
scandalous  to  marry  a  Christian  princess  to  a  heathen. 

It  was  during  the  reign  of  Bereke  that  the  elder  Poli,  uncles  of  Marco 
Polo,  visited  the  Kipchak.  The  Poli  were  Venetian  merchants,  and  had 
a  house  at  Constantinople  and  another  at  Soldaia  in  the  Crimea.  In 
1260,  we  find  that  two  of  the  partners,  who  were  brothers  and  were 
named  Nicplo  and  Maffeo,  setting  out  from  Constantinoplet  on  a  trade 
venture  to  the  Crimea.  They  laid  in  a  store  of  jewels,  and  set  forth  from 
Constantinople,  crossing  the  sea  to  Soldaia ;  having  stayed  there  a  while 
they  went  on  to  the  court  of  Bereke  Khan,  whose  residences  Marco  Polo 
tells  us  were  at  Serai  and  Bolghari.  He  was  esteemed,  he  tells  us,  as 
one  of  the  most  liberal  and  courteous  princes  that  ever  was  among  the 
Tartars.  He  treated  the  two  brothers  with  great  honour,  and  they 
presented  him  with  all  the  jewels  they  took  with  them.  When  they  had 
been  a  twelvemonth  at  his  court  there  broke  out  the  war,  already 
described,  between  Bereke  and  Khulagu,  who  is  called  "Alau  the  Lord  of 
the  Tartars  of  the  Levant "  by  him.t  He  has  devoted  four  chapters  to  the 
struggle  between  the  two  Khans,  but  they  consist  merely  of  conventional 
phraseology,  and  furnish  us  with  no  details  to  add  to  the  account  already 
given.  He  tells  us  that  in  consequence  of  the  war  no  one  could  travel 
without  peril  of  being  taken,  at  least  on  the  route  by  which  the  two 
brothers  had  gone  to  Serai,  so  they  determined  to  go  onwards.  Quitting 
Bolghari  they  proceeded  to  Ukek,  and  thence  passing  the  great  river 
Tigris  {i.e.,  the  Volga),  they  travelled  across  a  desert  for  seventeen  days' 
journey,  meeting  with  no  towns  or  villages  on  the  way,  but  only  with 
Tartar  encampments,  and  at  length  reached  Bokhara. § 

Bereke  died,  as  I  have  stated,  near  Tebriz,  in  1265.  He  left  two 
sons,  one  of  whom  had  four  sons,  the  other  one,  but  none  of  them 
succeeded  to  the  throne.  Abulfeda  tells  us  they  lived  in  the  town  of 
Saksin.  The  fame  of  Bereke  was  very  wide  spread.  As  over-lord  of 
the  Russian  princes,  as  the  ally  of  Bibars,  and  the  rival  of  Khulagu,  he 
fills  an  important  page  in  history.      His  subjects  long  after  his  death 

*  Golden  Horde,  172.    Ilkhans,  254.    D'Ohsson,  iii.  418. 
Yule's  Marco  Polo,  Introduction,  14, 15.  I  Op.  cit.,  text,  4,  5.  $  Id., 


called  the  steppe  that  lies  between  the  Volga  and  the  Ural  after  his 
name.  It  was  known  as  the  Desht  Bereke.  Even  so  late  as  the  time  of 
Abulfeda  the  Mongols  of  the  Kipchak  were  called  the  Barkai  Tartars. 
Bibars,  the  Sultan  of  Egypt,  called  his  son,  Muhammed  Bereke  Khan,  no 
doubt  after  his  friend  and  ally  the  chief  of  the  Golden  Horde. 

It  was  the  intercourse  which  Bereke  had  with  Egypt  and  Byzantium 
which  first  enabled  the  Tartars  to  secure  sufficiently  skilled  artisans 
for  the  building  of  costly  structures,  while  his  conversion  to  Muham- 
medanism  made  his  court  the  resort  of  the  peddlars  and  merchants 
of  Persia  and  other  homes  of  Islam.  This  conversion  was  a  very  serious 
matter  in  other  ways.  It  commenced  a  process  of  disintegration, 
in  consequence  of  which  it  was  found  impossible  presently  to 
keep  up  even  a  formal  obedience  to  the  Great  Khan.  Islam  is  too 
proud  a  faith  to  yoke  itself  at  the  chariot  wheels  of  peaceful  Buddha  or 
of  the  Fetishism  of  the  Shamans  ;  and  it  is  further,  as  we  know  in 
numberless  other  cases,  a  great  civilising  power  among  semi-barbarous 
races.  We  shall  find  that  from  this  date,  however  well  the  Tartars 
of  the  Russian  steppe  kept  up  their  renown  for  martial  virtue,  that 
they  ceased  to  be  the  ferocious  creatures  they  were  but  a  generation 
before,  when  they  desolated  Khorassan.  While  they  became,  by 
accepting  the  law  of  the  prophet,  an  important  factor  in  the  world  of 
nations  who  were  bound  together  by  the  freemasonry  of  the  Crescent. 
That  great  brotherhood  was  as  yet  largely  free  from  the  fierce  strife 
which  separated  Sunni  and  Shia  at  a  later  period,  while  in  regard  to 
literature  and  art  the  very  heyday  of  its  prosperity  was  fast  dawning. 

Bereke,  as  the  first  important  Mongol  convert,  becomes  under  these 
circumstances  an  important  historical  figure  ;  but  we  must  on  with  our 


Bereke,  judged  by  Western  rules  of  succession,  was  a  usurper,  but 
according  to  the  law  of  the  East,  which  prevails  with  the  Mongols  and 
Turks,  and  prevailed  also  in  the  mediaeval  times  among  the  Russian 
princes,  brother  was  succeeded  by  brother,  at  least  until  the  nephews 
were  sufficiently  old  to  reign.  It  is  the  inevitable  and  probably 
the  only  feasible  plan  of  succession  among  nomadic  and  predatory 
peoples,  where  the  strong  man  is  chosen  to  fill  the  place  of  chieftain.  On 
Bereke's  death  his  brother  Berkajar  survived  him,  but  he  did  not  succeed 
to  the  throne,  nor  did  Bereke  himself  found  a  line  of  rulers.  One  son  of 
his,  named  Hosameddin,  is  mentioned  as  dying  in  Egypt  in  1262  ;* 

*  Ilkhans,  218. 


another  one,  named  Salah  ud  din,  as  among  the  leaders  of  the  Mamluks 
there.*  On  Bereke's  death  the  inheritance  passed  again  into  the 
family  of  Batu. 

Batu  left  four  sons,  Sertak,  Tutukan  or  Toghan,  Andewan,  and  Ulaghji 
or  Ghulasji.  Sertak  is  given  a  son  named  Kanju  in  Rashid's  lists, 
but  as  he  does  not  occur  in  history  he  was  doubtless  now  dead.  On  the 
extinction  of  the  line  of  Sertak,  Tutukan's  descendants  became  the  heirs 
to  the  Khanate.  Tutukan  or  Toghan,  i.e.^  the  falcon,t  had  five  sons, 
Bartu,  Mangu  Timur,  Burasinku,  Tuda  Mangu,  and  Udaji,  of  whom 
Bartu  was  probably  at  this  time  dead.  The  mother  of  Mangu  Timur  was 
sister  to  one  of  the  wives  of  Khulagu.  They  were  both  daughters  of 
Buka  Timur,  whose  mother  Chichegen  was  the  fourth  daughter  of  Jingis 
Khan,  so  that  both  on  the  father's  and  mother's  side  he  was  directly 
descended  from  the  great  conqueror.^  We  are  told  he  granted  the 
country  of  the  Ak  Orda  or  White  Horde  to  Behadir,  the  son  of  Sheiban, 
and  to  Ureng  Timur,  the  son  of  Tuka  Timur,  he  gave  the  towns  of  Krim 
and  Kaffa  in  the  Crimea.  Von  Hammer,  in  pursuit  of  a  strange  theory, 
would  make  out  that  this  Tuka  Timur  was  the  grandson  of  Orda,  Batu's 
eldest  brother,  and  further  suggests  that  Ureng  Timur  was  the  grandson 
and  not  the  son  of  Tuka  Timur,  thus  removing  him  by  four  generations 
from  Orda,  an  impossible  theory.  I  have  no  doubt  that  Ureng  Timur 
was  the  son  of  Tuka  Timur,  the  youngest  brother  of  Batu,  the 
founder  of  the  Blue  Horde,  to  which  I  shall  return  presently.  Orda 
and  his  family  lived  far  to  the  cast,  and  were  far  removed  from  Mangu's 

Mangu  Timur  was  nominated  to  the  Khanate  of  Kipchak  by  the 
Khakan  Khubilai,  but  he  did  not  long  retain  his  allegiance  to  him. 
When  Arikbugha  submitted  in  1264,  his  cousin  Kaidu,  one  of  his  chief 
supporters  and  the  heir  to  the  pretensions  of  his  grandfather  Ogotai, 
refused  to  acknowledge  Khubilai,  and  returned  to  the  special  ulus  of  his 
family  on  the  river  Imil.  Endowed  with  considerable  talents,  he 
succeeded,  we  are  told,  in  gaining  the  friendship  of  the  princes  who 
ruled  the  ulus  of  Juchi,  and  with  their  assistance  recovered  the  country 
watered  by  the  Imil  which  belonged  to  Ogotai  and  Kuyuk.§ 

Gaubil  tells  us  that  after  the  death  of  Mangu,  Kaidu  earned  a  con- 
siderable state  for  himself  in  the  country  of  Olimali  (/.^,,  Almaligh),  made 
himself  popular  among  the  people  there,  and  among  the  chiefs  of  the 
tribes  who  camped  north-north-east  of  Turfan  and  west  and  north  of  the 
Altai,  and  also  won  over  several  princes  of  his  family.  ||  That  Mangu 
Timur  was  won  over  seems  clear  from  the  subsequent  proceedings,  and 
from  the  further  fact  that  on  his  coins  the  name  of  Khubilai  does  not 
appear.     Early  in  1267,  we  are  told  that  Bibars,  the  Sultan  of  Egypt, 

*  Makrizi,  ii.  218.  t  Golden  Horde,  248.  J  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  250. 

§  D'Ohsson,  ii.  360,  361.  ||  Op.  cit.,  471.    Ante,\Q\.\.\'ji^. 

MANGU   TIMUR   KHAN.  1 27 

wrote  to  Mangu  Timur  to  condole  with  him  on  the  death  of  Bereke,  and 
to  incite  him  against  the  son  of  Khulagu  {i.e.^  the  Ilkhan  Abaka)  * 

In  1269,  we  read  of  envoys  of  Mangu  Timur  being  at  Damascus,  and 
there  meeting  those  of  the  Greek  Emperor  and  of  Abaka,  the  Ilkhan  of 
Persia.t  Mangu  Timur  continued  the  struggle  which  Bereke  had  begun 
with  Abaka,  but  we  do  not  hear  of  any  direct  invasion  of  Persia,  which 
was  probably  prevented  by  the  rampart  the  Ilkhan  had  erected  near 
Derbend.  In  the  year  1270,  according  to  Makrizi,  the  Egyptian  Sultan 
received  a  letter  from  Bisou  Nogai  informing  him  of  his  conversion  to 
the  faith.  He  is  called  a  relative  of  Bereke's  and  the  commandant  of  his 
army,  and  was  no  doubt  the  Nogai  previously  mentioned.! 

Let  us  now  turn  to  the  intercourse  of  the  Tartars  with  the  Russians  at 
this  time.  On  the  death  of  Alexander  Nevski,  in  1263,  the  grand 
principality  of  Vladimir  fell  to  his  brother  Andrew,  who,  however,  only 
lived  a  few  months,  and  was  in  turn  succeeded  by  his  brother  Yaroslaf 
of  Tuer.  The  people  of  Novgorod  were  engaged  in  the  early  years  of  his 
reign  in  a  very  sanguinary  war  with  the  Danes  and  their  allies  the 
Knights  of  Livonia.  This  was  not  much  favoured  by  the  Grand  Prince, 
but  as  his  dependents  at  Novgorod  were  an  obstinate  race,  they  had 
their  own  way,  and  as  further  they  got  rather  the  worst  of  it  in  the 
struggle,  he  was  constrained  to  assist  them. 

The  position  of  Novgorod  at  this  time  was  a  singularly  interesting  one. 
Perhaps  the  most  important  member  of  the  Hanseatic  league,  its 
merchants  were  very  rich  and  enterprising,  and  it  possessed  municipal 
liberties  which  might  have  been  the  envy  of  Lubeck  and  Hamburgh  in 
later  times.  The  Grand  Prince,  by  a  special  treaty,  had  undertaken  not 
to  appoint  any  but  natives  as  magistrates  there,  and  they  were  to  be 
personcE  gratcE  to  the  possadnik.  The  dues  he  received  were  not  called 
a  tax,  but  were  styled  presents.  He  even  undertook  that  neither 
himself  nor  his  boyards  should  acquire  any  demesnes  in  any  of  the 
possessions  of  Novgorod,  namely,  in  Beyitzi,  Volok,  Torgek,  Vologda, 
Zavolochia,  Kola,  Permia,  or  among  the  Petchorians  or  Yugrians,  He 
was  permitted  to  visit  the  town  of  Russa  in  the  autumn.  While  at 
Ladoga  only  the  officer  who  went  for  the  fish  and  hydromel  supplied  to 
his  table  was  admitted.  He  undertook  that  the  citizens  should  not  be 
transferred  from  their  own  lands,  willingly  or  otherwise,  nor  seized  as 
debtors,  and  that  his  grandees  who  visited  the  republic  should  pay  for 
the  horses,  &c.,  which  they  used.  The  citizens  on  their  part  undertook 
to  pay  a  customs  tax  of  a  squirrel  skin  for  each  small  boat,  cart,  and  bale 
of  linen  or  hops.§ 

Novgorod  at  this  time  had  a  quarrel  with  its  neighbour  Lithuania. 
Mindug,  the  king  of  the  latter  country,  as  well  as  Tortivil,  Prince  of 

*  Makrizi,  ii.  48.  f  Ilkhans,  258.    D'Ohsson,  iii.  426.  \  Makrizi,  ii.  82. 

§  Karamzin,  iv.  114-116. 


Polotsk,  his  brother-in-law,  had  been  assassinated  in  1263.  Tortivil's 
sons  took  refuge  at  Novgorod.  Mindug's  son  Voichelg,  after  a  reign  of 
sanguinary  cruelty  at  Novogrodok,  had  been  baptised  during  his  father's 
lifetime,  had  then  retired  from  the  world  and  founded  a  monastery  on  the 
banks  of  the  Niemen,  where  he  lived.  On  his  father's  murder  he  left 
his  retreat,  headed  an  army,  and  exacted  a  terrible  vengeance.  He  was 
speedily  acknowledged  as  king,  and  300  Lithuanian  families  took  refuge 
at  Pskof,  the  younger  sister  of  Novgorod.  The  citizens  of  Pskof  put  a 
relative  of  Mindug's  named  Dovmont,  who  had  been  baptised,  at  their 
head  without  Yaroslaf's  consent,  and  ravaged  the  province  of  Gerden, 
a  Lithuanian  prince.  It  was  at  this  time  that  the  alhed  Novgorodians 
and  Pskovians  had  a  bloody  struggle  with  the  Danes,  who  were  the 
rulers  of  Esthonia,  and  their  allies  the  famous  German  Knights  of 
Livonia.  As  I  have  mentioned,  the  struggle  was  a  severe  one,  and  many 
lives  were  lost,  the  balance  of  advantages  being  against  the  Russians.* 
The  Grand  Prince,  although  he  disapproved  of  the  war,  agreed  to  assist 
his  protegesy  and  his  troops  with  those  of  his  dependents,  the  princes  of 
Suzdal,  accordingly  assembled  at  Novgorod.  There  also  went  Amragan 
or  Arghaman,  the  chief  Baskak  or  Tartar  commissioner  of  Vladimir,  and 
his  son-in-law  Haidar,  who  took  part  in  the  council,  and  approved  of  the 
Russians  attacking  Revel ;  but  the  Danes  and  the  Livonian  knights 
were  cowed  by  the  preparations,  and  agreed  to  surrender  the  country  on 
the  banks  of  the  Narva  to  the  Russians.t 

Shortly  after  this,  in  the  year  1270,  the  people  of  Novgorod  quarrelled 
with  and  drove  Yaroslaf  away  for  his  incapacity  and  tyranny.  Like 
his  brother  Alexander,  he  seems  to  have  been  on  good  terms  with  the 
Tartars,  and  he  now  appealed  to  them  for  help,  and  sent  Ratibor  as  his 
envoy  to  report  how  his  master  had  been  driven  away,  and  how  the 
people  of  Novgorod  had  determined  to  kill  himself  (Ratibor)  and  others 
merely  because  they  had  demanded  the  tribute  which  was  due  to  the 
"Khan.  The  latter  had  already  despatched  an  army,  when  it  was  recalled 
at  the  instance  of  Vasili,  Yaroslaf's  brother,  who  explained  that  the 
Novgorodians  had  good  reason  for  expelling  Yaroslaf,  and  that  the  story 
of  Ratibor  was  untrue.  Yaroslaf  then  marched  alone  against  his 
rebellious  subjects,  with  whom  peace  was  at  length  made,  at  the  inter- 
cession of  Cyril,  the  Metropolitan  of  Kief.  A  treaty  was  drawn  up 
between  them,  which  is  still  extant  in  the  Russian  archives,  and 
Karamzin  tells  us  the  deed  is  sealed  with  a  leaden  seal,  and  there  is  a 
note  on  the  back  stating  that  Schevgn  and  Banchi,  the  envoys  of  the 
Khan,  had  come  in  his  name  to  reinstate  Yaroslaf  on  the  throne  of 
Novgorod,  showing,  as  he  says,  how  servilely  dependent  the  Russian 
princes  had  become. 

Meanwhile  perfect  tranquillity  reigned  in  the  Grand  Principality,  or,  to 

♦  Id.,  121-125.  1  Karamzin,  iv.  125, 126.    Golden  Horde,  255, 256. 


use  the  phrase  of  Karamzin,  "it  supported  in  silence  the  yoke  of 
siavery."*  Gleb,  the  Prince  of  Bielosersk  made  a  journey  to  the  horde 
and  returned  safely.t  On  the  other  hand,  Roman,  the  Prince  of  Riazan, 
had  the  temerity  to  speak  slightingly  of  Islam,  the  faith  the  court 
had  recently  adopted.  He  was  cut  limb  from  limb,  and  his  head,  after 
being  stripped  of  its  skin,  was  exposed  on  a  lance.J  Notwithstanding 
(this  severity.  Christians  were  tolerated  at  the  court.  In  1269,  Metro- 
jphanes  sent  in  a  description  of  the  bishopric  of  Serai.  He  is  first 
named  as  Bishop  of  Serai  in  I26i.§  He  apparently  died  in  1269,  for  we 
are  told  that  in  that  year  Theognost  was  nominated  Bishop  of  Serai 
and  Pereislavl  by  Cyril,  the  metropolitan  of  Kief.||  In  1272,  the  Grand 
Prince  went  with  his  brother  Vasili  and  his  nephew  Dimitri  Alexandre - 
vitch  to  the  horde,  but  died  on  his  way  home. 

On  the  death  of  Yaroslaf,  he  was  succeeded  as  Grand  Prince  by 
his  brother  Vasili,  Prince  of  Kostroma  ;  his  nephew  Dimitri  and  he 
were  both  candidates  for  the  suffrages  of  the  Novgorodians.  The  former, 
however,  prevailed,  inasmuch  as  he  controlled  Suzdal,  the  granary  of 
Novgorod,  whence  he  had  stopped  the  export  of  grain,  and  thus  threatened 
a  famine.^  The  authorities  followed  by  Von  Hammer  would  make  out 
that  Vasih,  with  the  assistance  of  the  Tartars,  marched  against  and 
pillaged  Novgorod,  while  his  nephew  Sviatoslaf  of  Tuer,  ravaged  the 
towns  of  Volok,  Bejesk,  and  Wobogd  on  the  Volga.**  In  1275,  Vasili 
went  in  person  to  the  horde. 

Meanwhile  let  us  turn  to  Gallicia.  Daniel,  the  brave  prince  of  that 
country,  had  died  in  the  year  1266,  after  a  reign  which,  although  its  latter 
days  were  overclouded  by  the  terrible  Tartar  invasion,  had  shed  great 
lustre  on  his  kingdom,  while  he  had  by  his  various  alliances  made  himself 
respected,  not  only  by  the  Christians  but  even  by  the  Tartar  Khans,  so 
that  his  country  was  far  more  free  than  the  neighbouring  Russian  States 
from  their  After  his  death,  his  sons  Leon,  Mitislaf,  and 
Schvarn  became  respectively  princes  of  Peremysl :  of  Lutsk  and  Dubno, 
and  of  Galitch,  Kholm,  and  Droguichin,  while  his  brother  Vassilko,  as 
Prince  of  the  Southern  Vladimir,  was  acknowledged  as  their  feudal 
superior  by  the  young  princes.  Soon  after  this  Voicheig,  the  Monk 
Prince  of  Lithuania,  who  wore  a  monk's  hood  over  his  royal  robes,  and 
was  therefore  known  as  the  wolf  in  sheep's  clothing,  after  uniting  many 
of  the  petty  principalities  of  Lithuania  in  his  own  hands,  resigned  hjs 
power  in  favour  of  the  young  prince  Schvarn,  already  named,  and 
again  became  a  monk.  This  so  aroused  the  jealousy  of  Leon,  that  the 
latter  assassinated  Voicheig  after  treacherously  inviting  him  to  an  enter- 
tainment. Schvarn  did  not  long  oytlive  his  promotion,  and  was 
succeeded  as  king  of  Lithuania  by  Troiden,  who    was  still  a  pagan. 

*  Op.  cit.,  iv.  133.  t  Golden  Horde,  256.  J  Karamzin,  iv.  133. 

§  Golden  Horde,  173.  O  Id.,  256. 

^  Karamzin,  iv.  147 ,'148.  •*  Op.  cit.,  236.  ft  Karamzin,  iv.  138. 



Vassilko,  who  died  shortly  after,  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Ivan 
Vladimir,  while  Leon  inherited  Galitch,  Kholm,  and  Droguichin,  which 
had  belonged  to  his  brother  Schvarn,  and  fixed  his  capital  at  the  new 
town  of  Lvof.* 

The  Lithuanians  did  not  naturally  forget  the  outrage  committed  on 
their  prince  Voichelg,  and  we  read  how  in  1275  they  captured  Droguichin, 
slaughtered  most  of  its  inhabitants,  and  then  crossed  the  Dnieper 
and  laid  waste  the  inner  recesses  of  the  principality  of  Chernigof. 
Leon  appealed  to  the  Tartars  for  assistance  against  the  Lithuanians. 
They  accordingly  sent  an  army,  which  was  joined  by  contingents 
sent  by  some  Russian  princes,  but  the  result  was  not  successful,  and 
the  Tartars  in  retiring  carried  off  the  cattle,  goods,  and  even  clothes  of 
their  allies  ;  and,  as  one  of  the  annalists  says,  "  pointed  the  moral  that 
an  alliance  with  infidels  is  as  bad  as  war  itself."t 

Irritated  by  the  ill  luck  of  the  Tartar  arms,  Nogai  sent  a  fresh  army  to 
attack  Grodno,  and  ordered  the  Gallician  princes  to  lay  siege  to 
Novogrodek.  The  former  was  defended  by  a  garrison  of  Germans,  who 
had  been  planted  there  by  Troiden,  as  similar  colonies  had  latterly  been 
planted  in  the  larger  towns  of  Poland.J  The  allies  gained  no  advantage 
except  that  they  carried  off  considerable  booty. 

I  have  mentioned  how  the  Grand  Prince  Vasili  went  to  the  court  of 
Mangu  Timur  in  1275.  He  died  on  his  return  at  Kostroma.  During  his 
reign  the  Tartar  publicans  made  a  fresh  census,  and  levied  new  taxes 
upon  Russia,  but,  as  the  Khans  encouraged  commerce  and  the  people 
were  growing  wealthier,  this  was  not  much  felt.§  The  tax  had  hitherto 
been  half  a  griwna,  levied  on  each  plough,  which  counted  for  two 
peasants,  but  it  was  now  increased.! 

The  Grand  Prince  Vasili  was  succeeded  in  1276  by  his  nephew 
Dimitri,  the  son  of  Alexander  Nevski,  a  name  which  is  connected  with 
a  dreary  period  in  Russian  history.  While  he  set  out  for  Novgorod  to 
receive  the  allegiance  of  that  great  city,  the  princes  Boris  of  Rostof,  Gleb 
of  Bielo  Ozero,  Feodor  of  Yaroslavl,  and  Andrew  of  Gorodetz  the  brother 
of  Dimitri,  marched  their  troops  southwards,  at  the  command  of  Mangu 
Timur,  to  assist  the  Tartars  in  their  campaign  against  the  Yasses  or 
Ossetes,  who  rivalled  the  usual  fame  of  mountaineers  in  submitting 
uneasily  to  the  yoke.  The  allies,  on  the  8th  of  February,  1278,  captured 
the  town  of  Tetiakof,  situated  on  or  near  the  site  of  the  modern  fortress 
of  Vladikaukas.  The  grateful  Tartars  divided  the  spoil  with  the 
Russians.^  On  another  side  we  read  how  Mangu  Timur  sent  Theognost, 
the  Bishop  of  Serai,  three  times  to  Byzantium  as  his  envoy  to  the 

Meanwhile  Russia  was  suffering  from  the  jealousies  and  quarrels  of  its 

•  Kararazin,  iv.  138-142.  t /i.,  149.  I /<<.,  150.    Lelewel  Hist,  de  Pologne,  i.  39. 

I  Karanxrin,  iv.  151  and  156.  ||  Golden  Horde,  257. 

IT  Karamzin,  iv.  157.    Golden  Horde,  257. 


many  princes,  and  the  Tartars  were  naturally  reaping  the  fruits  of  such 
disorder.  We  read  that  in  1278  they  burnt  Riazan.  Gleb,  Prince  of 
Rostof,  on  the  other  hand,  returned  from  a  visit  to  the  horde  well  laden 
with  booty  while  his  son  Michael  and  Feodor,  Prince  of  Yaroslavl,  entered 
the  Tartar  service,*  surely  a  degrading  mercenary  duty  for  Christian 
princes  to  be  performing.  In  1279,  on  the  death  of  Boleslas,  King 
of  Poland,  the  Tartars  and  Russians  in  alliance  devastated  the  districts 
of  Lublin  and  Sendomir,  and  although  they  were  beaten  on  the  3rd 
of  February,  1280,  at  Goslic,  near  Sendomir,  they  returned  home  with 
their  plunder.  The  following  year  Andrew,  the  brother  of  the  Grand 
Prince,  incited  by  some  of  the  boyards,  conspired  against  his  brother, 
conciliated  the  Tartars  by  presents  and  flattery,  and  basely  obtained 
from  them  the  title  of  Grand  Prince,  and  Mangu  Timur  sent  his 
"  voivodes  "  Kawghadi  and  Alchidai  with  an  army  to  assist  him,  and  with 
an  order  to  the  various  dependent  princes  to  join  him  with  their  troops. 
They  dared  but  obey,  and  the  Grand  Prince  seeing  himself  deserted  fled. 
The  Tartars  then  proceeded  to  react  the  part  they  performed  in  the  days 
of  Batu.  Murom,  the  environs  of  Suzdal,  Vladimir,  Yurief,  Rostof, 
Pereislavl,  Tuer,  and  Torjek  were  ravaged,  and  they  advanced  as  far  as 
Novgorod.  They  burned  and  pillaged  the  houses,  churches,  and 
monasteries  ;  carried  off  the  sacred  images,  the  precious  vessels,  and  the 
books  with  jewelled  covers  ;  troops  of  people  were  marched  off  as  slaves, 
and  the  nuns  and  wives  of  the  priests  were  made  the  victims  of  Tartar 
lust,  while  the  poor  peasants  who  sought  refuge  in  the  deserts  perished 
there  from  hunger.  Pereislavl  having'dared  to  resist  them,  received  the 
most  dire  punishment,  and,  as  one  chronicler  says,  "  There  was  not  a 
survivor  who  had  not  to  grieve  the  death  of  a  son  or  a  father,  of  a 
brother  or  a  friend ;"  Andrew,  the  son  of  Alexander  Nevski,  meanwhile 
fraternised  with  the  Tartars  and  sent  them  back  to  the  Great  Khan  with 
his  acknowledgments.t  Thus  was  Russia  at  this  time  the  victim  more  of 
its  own  sons  than  of  the  ruthless  foes  whom  they  called  in  to  their  help. 

It  was  in  the  reign  of  Mangu  Timur  that  the  Genoese  greatly  extended 
their  colonies  in  Southern  Russia.  They  had  hitherto  shared  the 
Crimean  trade  with  the  Venetians,  but  now  determined  to  monopolise  it 
altogether.  With  the  consent  of  the  Tartars,  they  founded  factories  at 
Kaffa,  and  built  bazaars  and  shops  there,  and  then  surrounded  the  settle- 
ment with  a  rampart  and  ditch,  and  they  rapidly  monopolised  the  chief 
trade  in  corn,  stock,  fish,  and  caviare  :  the  Venetians  being  Hmited  to 
their  small  settlement  at  Old  Tana. 

Architectural  remains  and  inscriptions  still  survive  to  testify  to  their 
ancient  importance.  The  Genoese  retained  their  power  and  influence 
in  these  parts  until  the  fall  of  the  Eastern  empire,  when  they  were 
almost    exterminated    by    the    Turks.       Marinis    tells     us,    in    1665, 

•  Golden  Horde,  258.  t  Karamzin,  160.    Golden  Horde,  259. 


that  Getioese  families  still  survived  at  Tanais  or  Azof.  Among  these 
were  some  of  the  famous  name  of  Spinola.*  The  rise  of  the  Genoese 
supremacy  was  probably  due  to  the  influence  of  Ung  Timur,  to  whom  the 
city  of  Krim  had  been  granted,  as  I  have  said,  by  Mangu  Timur. 

Krim  was  a  neighbouring  town  to  Kaffa,  and  from  it  the  Crimea 
derived  its  name.  It  was  one  of  the  most  prosperous  towns  of  Asia.  So 
large  was  it  that  a  well  mounted  horseman  could  hardly  ride  round  it  in 
half  a  day.  It  is  now  represented  by  the  poor  village  of  Old  Krim  on 
the  Churuxa,  near  Kaffa.t 

Those  who  know  wliat  the  three  months'  journey  from  the  Crimea  to 
Khiva  means  will  not  fail  to  appreciate  some  of  the  benefits  which  the 
strong-handed  Tartars  conferred  upon  this  district.  We  are  told  that 
although  the  people  of  Krim  were  rich  they  were  also  avaricious.  Ihey 
hoarded  up  their  gold  and  neglected  the  poor,  and  they  built  mosques 
to  make  themselves  a  name  rather  than  for  the  sake  of  religion.  With 
Kaffa,  Krim  was  the  great  entrepot  of  the  slave  trade,  by  which  the 
supply  of  Mamluks,  &c.,  was  furnished ;  and  we  are  told  that  the 
Egyptian  sultans  obtained  the  privilege  from  the,  Greek  emperors  of 
sending  annually  one  ship  for  the  purchase  of  such  slaves  in  Circassia 
and  the  Lesser  Tartary.  Sometime  after  they  possessed  themselves  of 
Kaffa,  the  Genoese  also  occupied  Sudak,  Balaklava,  Azof,  and  Cherson. 
The  Venetians  took  refuge  at  Old  Tana,  not  far  from  Azof,  which  was 
their  mart  in  these  parts  for  a  long  time-l 

I  shall  postpone  the  account  of  Nogai's  intercourse  with  the 
Bulgarians  to  a  later  chapter,  and  shall  now  revert  to  the  Eastern 
politics  of  the  horde. 

Khubilai  Khan  had  in  1265  nominated  Borak  to  the  Khanship  of 
Jagatai,  intending  him  to  make  head  against  his  rival  Kaidu.  He, 
however,  made  friends  with  the  latter,  and  seized  on  Turkestan,  which 
was  an  Imperial  appanage  and  did  not  belong  to  his  Khanate.  The  two 
allies  agreed  to  divide  Transoxiana  between  them,  but  on  Kaidu's 
withdrawal  for  a  while  Borak  seized  a  portion  of  his  friend's  territory. 
Kaidu  having  returned,  was  defeated  on  the  banks  of  the  Sihun  by  his  . 
treacherous  friend.  We  are  then  told  that  Mangu  Timur  sent  an  army 
of  50,000  men,  commanded  by  his  uncle  Berkejar,  to  assist  Kaidu. 
Borak  was  beaten,  but  the  three  princes  afterwards  made  peace  and 
divided  Transoxiana  between  them.S  Borak  took  two-thirds  of  Trans- 
oxiana, while  the  remaining  third  was  divided  between  Kaidu  and 
Mangu  Timur.  This  peace  was  ratified  in  the  year  1269.  As  Borak 
complained  of  the  smallness  of  his  heritage,  it  was  agreed  he  should 
invade  Khorassan.  He  accordingly  did  so  in  the  following  spring,  but 
was  badly  beaten,  and  soon  after  died.    This  was  in  the  year  1270.  || 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  386.  t  Id.,  145.  ;  Von  Hammer,  254,  255. 

♦  Ilkhans,  259,  260.    D'Ohsson,  iii.  428-431.  I  D'Ohsson,  iii.  429  and  432. 

MANGU   TIMUR   KHAN.  1 33 

It  would  seem,  as  I  have  said,  that  Mangu  Timur  inherited  Bereke's 
strife  with  the  Ilkhan  Abaka,  and  we  are  told  by  Wassaf  that  he 
marched  an  army  of  30,000  men  against  him.  Abaka  in  turn  posted  a 
considerable  army  close  to  the  defiles  of  the  Caucasus,  and  built  the  wall 
called  Siba,  at  Derbend,  to  protect  his  frontier.*  The  two  rivals  seem 
then  to  have  made  peace,  and,  according  to  Abulghazi,  were  on  amicable 
terms  for  the  rest  of  their  Hves,  and  frequently  exchanged  presents.! 

We  are  told  consequently  that  Mangu  Timur  sent  to  congratulate 
Abaka  upon  his  victory  over  Borak,  and  offered  him  presents  of 
gerfalcons  and  other  noble  birds.:}:  Abaka  outlived  Mangu  Timur,  and 
died  in  1282.  It  is  probable  that  Mangu  Timur  was  withdrawing 
from  his  older  poUcy.  We  read  that  in  1275  Khubilai  sent  his  sons 
Numugan  and  Kukju  and  some  other  princes  to  make  head  against 
Kaidu  and  his  confederates,  and  appointed  Numugan  as  governor 
of  Almaligh.  Among  the  princes  sent  with  the  latter  was  one  named 
Toktimur,  who  proposed  to  Shireki,  the  son  of  the  Khakan  Mangu, 
to  put  him  on  the  throne.  The  conspirators  seized  Khubilai's  two  sons, 
as  well  as  the  general  Hantung.  The  former  were  handed  over  to  Mangu 
Timur,  chief  of  the  ulus  of  Juchi,  and  the  general  to  Kaidu.  Khubilai 
having  sent  troops  against  the  rebels,  the  latter  were  defeated,  and 
Toktimur,  discontented  with  Shireki,  set  up  Sarban,  the  son  of 
Jagatai,  in  his  place,  and  sent  messengers  to  inform  Kaidu  and  Mangu 
Timur  of  the  fact.  Toktimur  was  himself  shortly  after  killed  by  Shireki, 
to  whom  Sarban  submitted.§  Shireki,  we  are  told,  sent  him  to  Kochi 
Oghul,  grandson  of  Juchi,  but  on  passing  through  the  district  of  Jend 
and  Uskend  his  escort  was  overpowered  by  some  of  his  own  retainers 
who  nomadised  there,  and  he  was  released.  || 

This  Kochi  Oghul,  grandson  of  Juchi,  was  assuredly  no  other  than 
the  Kapge,  son  of  Orda,  son  of  Juchi,  who  is  mentioned  by  Abulfeda,  and 
who  tells  us  he  was  the  lord  of  Ghazni  and  Bamian  and  the  neighbouring 
provinces,  and  that  he  died  in  the  year  1 301. IT  The  direction  taken  by 
the  escort,  which  in  marching  from  the  country  of  the  Imil  towards 
Kochi  Oghul  went  by  way  of  Uzkend  and  Jend,  makes  it  nearly 
certain  that  they  were  bound  for  Ghazni.  Now  the  history  of  Ghazni  at 
this  period  is  singularly  obscure.  As  I  have  mentioned,  in  1262,  when 
the  quarrel  arose  between  Bereke  and  Khulagu,  the  contingent  of  the 
Golden  Horde  which  marched  with  the  latter  scattered,  and  one  of  them 
under  Nigudar  and  Onguja  fled  eastwards  and  seized  upon  Ghazni  and 
other  districts  bordering  on  India.**  There  can  be  small  doubt  that  it 
was  over  these  emigrants  that  Kochi  Oghul  ruled,  and  his  name  is 
perhaps  disguised  in  the  Onguja  above  named  ;  but  let  us  on  with  our 

*  Wassaf,  95.  t  Abulghazi,  182.  J  D'Ohsson,  iii.  456. 

^  D'Ohsson,  ii.  452-454-    yi»tf,  vol.  i.  176.  U  Id.,  454-455.  T  Op.  cit.,  v.  170. 


Story.     Numughan  is  called  Lemghan  by  Wassaf,  who  tells  us  further 
that  Mangu  Timur  sent  him  back  to  his  father  with  suitable  state.* 

Mangu  Timur,  according  to  Novairi,  died  in  the  month  rabi  ul  ewel 
679  (?>.,  in  the  year  1280),  of  a  tumour  in  the  throat,  which  he  had 
pierced,t  and  he  left  nine  sons,  namely,  Alghui  (whose  mother  was  called 
Chichek),  Buzluk,  Seraibuka,  Toghrul,  Bulakhan,  Tudan,  Tukta,  Kadan, 
and  Kutukan.     Rashid  names  a  tenth  son  Abaji. 

The  Mamluk  Sultan  Kalavun  had  sent  two  envoys,  named  Shems  ud 
din  Sankur  el  Gutmi  and  Seif  ud  din  el  Khas  Turki,  to  the  court 
of  Mangu  Khan  with  a  present  of  sixteen  sets  of  State  robes,  of  which 
some  were  for  Mangu  Timur,  others  for  Nogai,  others  for  Aukji,J  others 
for  Tuda  Mangu  (who  succeeded  him  on  the  throne),  for  Tulabugha,  and 
for  the  Khatuns  Chichek,  Elchi,  Tunkin  or  Tutelin,  Kadaran  or  Tataian, 
Sultan,  and  Khutlu ;  for  Maou  or  Madua,  the  commander  of  the  left 
wing ;  for  Tira,  commander  of  the  right  wing  ;  for  Kalik,  wife  of  Kukji,§ 
and  for  the  Sultan  Ghiath  ud  din,  son  of  Iz  ud  din,  the  late  governor  of 
Rum.  The  envoys  also  took  with  them  all  kinds  of  objects  fit  for 
presents,  magnificent  stuffs,  beautiful  robes,  precious  jewels,  bows, 
cuirasses,  and  helmets,  to  be  distributed  to  the  grandees  according  to 
their  rank.  On  the  arrival  of  the  embassy  Mangu  Timur  was  already 
dead,  and  the  presents  were  given  to  his  successor,  by  whom  the  envoys 
were  magnificently  entertained.  They  were  afterwards  received  by  Nogai 
and  the  other  princes.  ||  Mangu  Timur,  we  are  told,  was  styled  Kilk, 
which  means  an  embroidered  cloth,  and  which  Von  Hammer  connects 
with  the  English  word  quilt.lF  He  was  the  first  of  the  sovereigns 
of  Kipchak  to  coin  money  in  his  own  name.  On  some  of  these  coins 
he  styles  himself,  "  Mangu  Timur  the  Supreme,"  and  on  others  "  the 
Just."  They  were  nearly  all  struck  at  Bolghari.**  The  only  exception 
is  a  coin  mentioned  by  M.  Soret,  struck  in  the  year  665,  the  first  of 
Mangu  Timur's  reign,  at 

*  Wassaf,  127.  t  Makrizi  adds  that  he  died  at  Aktukiah.    Op.  cit.  ii.  201. 

I  Makrizi  calls  him  the  brother  of  Mangu  Timur  and  styles  him  King,  but  Mangu  Timur 
had  no  brother  of  that  name.    I  believe  him  to  be  the  person  who  lower  down  is  called  the 
agha  or  patriarch   among   the   Mongol   princes,  and  who   was   the   grandson    of  Bereke 
D'Ohsson,  in  his  translation  of  a  passage  of  Novairi,  calls  him  Edekyi,    (Op.  cit.,  iv.  750.) 
§  He  is  called  Abaji  by  D'Ohsson,  loc.  cit. 
0  Makrizi,  ii.  200.    Novairi  in  D'Ohsson,  iv.  750.  751.  ^  Golden  Horde,  261. 

**  Fraehn,  op.  cit.,  648. 
tt  Froehn  publishes  a  coin  of  Mangu  Timur  with  a  mutilated  inscription,  on  which  he  read 
hypothetically  "  Moneta  Chorasmiae,"  but  the  two  letters  which  alone  remain  of  the  name 
won't  bear  this  reading.  Nor  is  it  probable  that  Mangu  Timur  exercised  much,  if  any, 
authority  in  Khuarezm.  It  would  seem  in  fact  to  have  then  formed  part  of  the  government  of 
Tiansoxiania,  which  was  under  the  control  of  the  Imperial  commissary  Massud  Bey,  for  in  1272 
the  llkhan  Abaka,  who  was  then  at  peace  and  on  cordial  terms  with  Mangu  Timur,  sent  an 
army  under  Yussuf  and  Kargadai,  the  sons  of  Chin  Timur,  of  Churgadai,  and  Ilabugha  against 
Khuarezm.  This  army  devastated  Urgenj,  the  capital,  and  Khiva  and  Karakush,  two  of  the 
chief  towns  of  Khuarezm.  (D'Ohsson,  iii.  457,  458.  Ilkhans,  i.  271,  272.)  This  makes  it 
exceedingly  improbable  that  Mangu  Timur  should  have  had  authority  or  struck  coins  at 

TUDA  MANGU   KHAN.  1 35 


We  now  reach  a  period  when,  to  use  a  French  phrase,  the  solidarity 
of  the  Khanate  of  Kipchak  was  giving  way.  Nogai,  who  had  become 
very  powerful  by  his  experience  in  war,  by  his  alliance  with  the  Byzantine 
empire,  and  by  the  number  of  tribes  who  obeyed  him,  held  a  separate 
court  of  his  own,  and  was  fast  thrusting  aside  the  feudal  bonds  which 
made  him  the  servant  and  not  the  peer  of  the  Lord  of  Serai,  and  events 
were  ripening  which  made  his  path  in  this  direction  more  easy.  He  had 
faithfully  served  both  Bereke  and  Mangu  Timur,  although  it  would 
appear  that  he  had  not  very  cordially,  if  at  all,  adopted  the  faith  of 
Islam,  and  remained  attached  to  that  cosmopoHtan  religion  which  was 
patronised  by  the  early  Mongol  Khans.  The  Mongol  law  of  succession, 
which  was  admirably  suited  to  a  pastoral  or  predatory  life,  gave  rise  to 
difficulties  under  more  settled  conditions,  and  was  the  ready  means  of 
intrigue.  A  sovereign  who  had  once  occupied  the  throne  did  not  like 
the  heritage  to  pass  away  from  his  descendants  to  the  descendants  of  his 
brother ;  and  we  have  lately  witnessed  in  Turkey  the  lever  which  may  be 
made  out  of  this  natural  prejudice  for  opening  huge  rents  in  the  civil 
structure.  Again,  however  reasonable  it  may  be  that  brother  should 
succeed  brother  where  the  children  are  still  children,  it  loses  much  of  its 
force  when  these  children  are  grown  men  and  themselves  fit  to  take 
charge  of  the  helm  of  the  State.  It  was  thus  now.  Mangu  Timer's 
elder  brother  Bartu  had  a  son,  Tulabugha,  who  had,  as  I  have  mentioned 
already,  distinguished  himself  as  the  companion  of  Nogai  in  the  cam- 
paign in  Lithuania.  He  was  the  eldest  son  of  the  eldest  son,  and  was 
now  quite  old  enough  to  rule,  but  the  Mongol  law  of  succession  excluded 
him  in  favour  of  his  uncle  Tuda  Mangu,  the  younger  brother  of  Mangu 

I  have  explained  how  the  Russian  Grand  Prince  Dimitri  was  displaced 
by  his  younger  brother  Andrew,  and  how  the  latter  was  supported  by  the 
court  at  Serai.  It  would  seem  that  on  the  retreat  of  the  Tartar  forces 
which  had  installed  him,  his  partisans  were  overcome,  for  we  find  him 
once  more  repairing  to  Serai  in  the  beginning  of  Tuda  Mangu's  reign. 
The  Tartars  were  only  too  glad  of  such  an  opportunity,  entered  the 
province  of  Suzdal,  and  ravaged  it  in  various  directions,  and  also 
advanced  in  the  same  rwthless  manner  upon  Pereislavl.*  Andrew  himself 
returned  from  the  horde  in  company  with  the  Tartar  grandees,  Turai 
Timur  and  Ali.t  Dimitri  thereupon  repaired  to  the  court  of  Nogai,  and 
was  by  him  reinstated  on  the  throne  of  Vladimir.  About  the  same 
time  that  potent  chief  married  his  daughter  to  Feodor,  the  son  of 
Rostislaf,  Prince  of  Smolensko  and  Pereislavl.    On  the  other  hand,  we 

J  Karam^in,  iv.  164.  t  Golden  Horde,  259. 


read  of  a  visit  paid  by  the'metropolitan  Maximus  to  the  court  at  Serai, 
doubtless  in  connection  with  the  see  there.*  Tuda  Mangu,  who  feared 
Nogai,  was  constrained  to  accept  his  decision  in  regard  to  the  Grand 
Principality,  the  two  brothers  Dimitri  and  Andrew  made  outward 
show  of  reconciliation,  and  even  the  turbulent  people  of  Novgorod,  who 
had  espoused  the  latter's  cause,  deemed  it  prudent  to  submit  to 

Let  us  now  turn  our  view  to  another  part  of  Russia.  The  principality 
of  Kursk  was  at  this  time  governed  by  the  two  princes  Oleg  and 
Sviatoslaf,  both  descended  from  the  ancient  line  of  Chernigof.  The 
former  reigned  at  Rylsk  and  Vorgol,  and  the  latter  at  Lipetsk.  Ahmed, 
the  Mongol  baskak  or  commissary  of  Rylsk,  who  farmed  the  taxes  there, 
had  performed  his  office  in  a  very  tyrannical  manner,  and  had  built  two 
villages  near  Rylsk,  where  many  bad  characters,  who  plundered  the 
neighbourhood,  found  asylum.  Oleg,  at  the  request  of  Sviatoslaf,  went 
to  Serai  to  complain  ;  and  the  Khan  gave  him  a  small  body  of  Tartars, 
with  orders  to  destroy  Ahmed's  two  villages.  This  was  accordingly 
done.  Ahmed  was  then  at  Nogai's  court,  and  he  represented  to  the 
latter  that  Oleg  and  Sviatoslaf  were  his  secret  enemies.  "  Send  your 
falconers  to  catch  swans  in  Oleg's  country,"  he  added,  "  and  summon 
him  to  your  presence,  and  you  will  find  that  he  will  not  obey."  Oleg  was 
not  disposed  to  trust  himself  at  Nogai's  court  to  answer  these  attacks, 
and  on  the  approach  of  Nogai  he  fled  to  Serai,  while  Sviatoslaf  found 
refuge  in  the  forests  of  Voronej. 

Nogai's  troops  handed  over  thirteen  boyards  with  some  poor 
travellers  to  the  vengeance  of  Ahmed,  who,  having  put  the  former  to 
death,  released  the  latter,  gave  them  the  bloody  garments  of  his 
victims,  and  bade  them  return  home  and  show  them  as  a  warning  to 
those  who  should  offend  a  baskak.  The  villages  which  Ahmed  had  built 
were  again  tenanted,  and  became  rich  with  plunder,  while  the  princi- 
pality became  almost  deserted,  the  people  fleeing  before  Ahmed's  agents, 
who  exposed  to  view  the  mangled  remains  of  the  boyards.  Ahmed 
himself  repaired  to  Nogai's  court,  and  left  his  two  brothers  in  charge. 
Sviatoslaf  now  emerged  from  his  hiding-place  and  put  to  death  a  great 
number  of  the  robbers,  not  thinking  of  the  consequences-  When 
Oleg  returned  from  the  horde,  having  brought  together  the  people  and 
buried  the  remains  of  the  boyards,  which  were  still  suspended  from  trees, 
he,  to  avoid  the  vengeance  of  Ahmed,  declared  his  brother  Sviatoslaf  a 
criminal,  in  that  he  had  attacked  the  plunderers  instead  of  submitting 
humbly  to  the  Khan.  Sviatoslaf  bravely  defended  his  conduct,  but 
Oleg,  having  once  more  been  to  Serai,  returned  and  put  his  brother  to 
death.  Well  may  Karamzin  denounce  the  cowardice  and  meanness  of 
the  annalists  who,  in  applauding  this  act,  maintain  that  remonstrance 

•  Id.,  a6o.  t  Karamzin,  iv.  163. 

TUDA  MANGU  KHAN.  .      I  37 

to  such  tyranny  was  a  crime  ;  but  Oleg  and  his  two  sons  were  speedily 
punished,  being  killed  by  a  third  brother  Alexander,  who  found  means  of 
conciliating  the  Tartars.  They  contented  themselves  with  receiving 
presents,  and  left  to  the  Russian  princes  the  privilege  of  killing  each 

Let  us  now  turn  to  Tuda  Mangu's  Eastern  pohcy.  Noyairi  tells  us 
how  in  the  year  1283  he  sent  the  fakir  Mejd  ud  din  Ata  and  Nur  ud  din 
as  envoys  to  the  Egyptian  Sultan  with  a  request  that  they  might  be 
permitted  to  make  a  pilgrimage  to  Mecca,  doubtless  a  vicarious 
pilgrimage  on  his  own  account.  Makrizi  tells  us  he  also  asked  that  a 
standard  of  the  Khahf  and  another  of  the  Sultan  might  be  sent  him, 
under  which  he  could  do  battle  with  the  enemies  of  the  faith.  This  author 
wrongly  calls  him  Mangu  Timur,  who  was  already  dead.t  Novairi  tells 
us  further  that  Tuda  Mangu  was  much  devoted  to  religious  exercises. 
Neglecting  the  affairs  of  State,  he  surrounded  himself  with  sheikhs 
and  fakirs,  and  lived  an  austere  life.  He  was  given  to  understand  that 
the  State  wanted  a  ruler,  and  accordingly  he  resigned  the  throne  to 

This  is  confirmed  by  Abulfeda,§  who  tells  us  he  abdicated  in  favour 
of  Tulabugha  and  dedicated  himself  to  God,  and  by  Makrizi,  who 
says  he  voluntarily  renounced  the  throne  of  Kipchak,  announced  his 
intention  of  devoting  himself  to  a  religious  life,  and  that  he  advised  his 
subjects  to  elect  Tulabugha  as  their  chief. ||  This,  according  to  Novairi, 
was  in  the  year  686,  i.e.^  ii%']. 

Tulabugha  was  in  a  sense  the  rightful  heir  to  the  throne,  and  repre- 
sented the  senior  branch  of  the  family  of  Batu  Khan,  being  the  eldest  son 
of  Bartu,  who  was  the  eldest  son  of  Toghan,  who,  although  he  was 
Batu's  second  son,  became  by  the  extinguishment  of  the  family  of  Sertak, 
the  head  of  the  family  ;  but  his  father  had  never  ruled  himself,  and  he 
lacked  the  prestige,  which  in  the  East  counts  for  a  great  deal,  of  having 
had  a  sovereign  for  his  father.  It  is  generally  supposed  that  he 
succeeded  to  the  throne  as  the  actual  ruler  of  Kipchak,  and  this  view 
is  endorsed  by  the  names  of  Von  Hammer,  D'Ohsson,  Frashn,  &:c.,  yet  I 
believe  it  to  be  erroneous. 

He  is  not  named  among  the  Khans  of  Kipchak  by  Abulghazi,  nor  yet 
in  the  very  ample  Hst  of  Khuandemir.  By  both  of  these  authors  Toktu 
or  Toktugha  is  made  the  immediate  successor  of  Tuda  Mangu.lf  This  is 
the  case  also  in  the  list  of  the  Khans  of  Kipchak  given  in  the  Yuan  shi,** 
which  may  be  considered  as  the  official  list  of  the  Khans  kept  at  the 
headquarters  of  the  Mongol  world.  Marco  Polo  also,  in  his  24th  chapter 
makes  Toktu  the  immediate  successor  of  Tuda  But  we  may 
go  further.    Apparently  there  are  no  coins  known  with  the  name  of 

*  Karamzin,  iv,  166-171.  t  Makrizi,  part  ii.  64.    Note,  65.  +  D'Ohsson,  iv.  751. 

%  Annals,  v.  89.  |I  Op.  cit.,  ii.  91.  <[  Abulghazi,  183.    Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  114. 

**  Bretschneider,  106.  1+  Op.  cit.,  ii.  491. 


Tulabugha  upon  them.  Those  assigned  to  him  by  Fraehn  and  others  are 
so  assigned  on  the  ground  of  their  dates;  but  this  is  a  very  unsafe  guide  in 
such  a  question,  for  we  actually  find  a  coin  of  Tuda  Mangu  which  seems  to 
be  dated  in  1288,  two  years  therefore  after  his  retirement  from  the  world.* 
I  have  small  doubt  myself,  therefore,  that  Tulabugha  was  never  a  Khan 
at  all.  My  own  view  is  that  when  Tuda  Mangu  retired  from  the  world  he 
continued  to  be  the  titular  Khan,  while  Tulabugha  controlled  the  govern- 
ment; a  kind  of  mayor  of  the  palace  to  the  Roi  faindant,  a  sort  of  secular 
ruler  like  the  Tipa  of  Thibet  in  old  days,  or  the  Tycoon  in  Japan,  or 
probably  more  nearly  like  to  the  position  filled  by  the  Great  Timur  in  his 
early  years  as  the  first  subject  of  the  Khans  of  Jagatai.  He  doubtless 
commanded  the  armies  and  otherwise  controlled  matters,  but  Tuda 
Mangu  continued  meanwhile  to  be  the  figurehead  of  the  State  and  the 
nominal  ruler  of  the  Khanate.  Tulabugha  had  distinguished  himself  a 
few  years  before,  as  I  have  mentioned,  in  company  with  Nogai  in  a 
campaign  in  Lithuania.  From  the  account  of  Rashid  it  would  seem  that 
his  brother  Kunjuk-bugha  shared  his  new  authority.! 

In  1285  we  find  the  Tartars  making  a  terrible  invasion  of  Hungary, 
under  the  leadership  of  Tulabugha  and  Nogai,  and  compelling  the 
GaUician  princes  to  march  with  them.  This  campaign,  which  was 
disastrous  for  them,  I  shall  describe  in  a  later  chapter  on  the  Nogais. 
Here  it  will  suffice  to  say  that  Tulabugha  is  reported  to  have  retired  on 
foot  accompanied  only  by  a  woman  and  a  sumpter  beast.f  This  disaster 
did  not,  however,  prostrate  them,  for  two  years  later,  namely,  in 
1286-7,  we  find  Tulabugha  and  Nogai  making  another  great  campaign. 
This  time  against  Poland. 

Boleslas  V.  of  Poland  having  died  without  children,  Leo,  Prince  of 
Gallicia,  deemed  it  a  good  opportunity  to  secure  the  Polish  crown,  but  the 
grandees  of  Cracovia  elected  Leshko,  nephew  of  Boleslas.  Leo  appealed 
to  Nogai  for  assistance,  which  was  granted  him,  but  in  the  battle  which 
followed  he  was  beaten  ;  8,000  of  his  people  were  killed,  and  2,000  of 
them  with  seven  standards  were  captured.  This,  as  I  have  said,  was 
towards  the  end  of  1286. 

The  principal  Polish  chiefs  at  this  time  were  Leshko  (the  black)  of 
Cracow,  and  Konrad  of  Masovia.  The  invaders  advanced  amidst  smoking 
churches  and  monasteries  through  the  districts  of  Lublin,  Masovia, 
Sendomir,  Siradia,  and  as  far  as  Cracow.  Leshko  had  fled  into  Hungary, 
but  his  deputy  George  defeated  a  section  of  them  near  Sendomir.  On 
Christmas  eve  they  set  out  from  Cracow  into  Volhynia.  At  Vladimir 
they  divided  30,000  boys  and  maidens,  and  on  leaving  left  the  plague 
behind  them  as  a  legacy. §  The  chronicler  Dlugos  has  a  lugubrious 
story,  that  this  plague,  which  killed  12,000  men  in  Gallicia  alone,  was 

*  Fraehn,  op.  cit.,  196, 197.  t  D'Ohsson,  iv.  758.  I  Karamzin,  iv.  i8ii 

$  Wolff,  413.    Golden  Horde,  264. 


caused  by  the  Tartars  having  infected  the  water  with  poisonous  matter 
which  they  extracted  from  dead  corpses.* 

According  to  Karamzin  the  crushing  of  Poland  was  only  averted  by 
the  quarrel  of  the  two  generals,  Tulabugha  and  Nogai,  who  separated 
and  returned  by  different  routes.  The  former,  we  are  told,  on  his  return 
halted  in  Gallicia,  and  compelled  the  princes  there,  who  had  been  (perhaps 
not  altogether  unwillingly)  his  companions  in  his  march  across  the 
Vistula,  to  entertain  him,t 

In  1286  we  read  of  an  attack  made  by  the  Tartars,  under  Ortai,  the 
son  of  Timur,  who  was  probably  a  dependent  of  Nogai's,  upon  the 
frontier  districts  of  Murom,  Riazan,  and  Wordvva|  (?  Mordwa). 

About  this  time  we  find  the  Tartars  of  Kipchak  engaging  in  another 
campaign  against  Persia.  The  latter  country  was  now  governed  by  the 
Ilkhan  Arghun,  who  had  succeeded  to  the  throne  on  the  nth  of  August, 
1284,  by  the  murder  of  his  predecessor  Ahmed.  It  was  probably  to 
avenge  his  death  that  we  find  the  Khan  of  Kipchak  sending  an  army  of 
5,000  men  to  invade  Persia.  News  reached  Arghun  at  Pelsuwan  that 
Toktu  had  passed  the  defile  of  Derbend  and  had  plundered  the 
merchants  there.  He  accordingly  set  out  on  the  7th  of  May,  1289,  for 
Shaburan,  but  meanwhile  the  army  of  Kipchak  had  deemed  it  prudent  to 
retire.  In  the  spring  of  1290,  while  Arghun  was  at  Meragha,  news 
arrived  that  a  fresh  and  much  larger  army  was  again  advancing  by  way 
of  Derbend,  Arghun  set  out  once  more  and  reached  Shaburan  on  the 
nth  of  May,  1290,  and  both  armies  met  on  the  banks  of  the  Karasu, 
then  forming  the  boundary  between  Persia  and  Kipchak.  The  army  o 
the  latter  Khanate  was  10,000  strong,  and  was  commanded  by  Abaji, 
Menglibuka,  and  Toktu,  the  sons  of  Mangu  Tim.ur.§  Three  hundred  of 
the  Kipchaks  were  killed,  among  whom  were  the  two  chiefs,  Burultai  and 
Kadai,  while  among  the  prisoners  was  the  Prince  Jeriktai.||  This 
narrative  was  derived  by  Von  Hammer  from  Rashid  and  Binaketi,  and 
seems  all  right  so  far  as  it  goes ;  but  we  can  supplement  it  with  a  very 
valuable  notice  (unknown  apparently  to  Von  Hammer),  from  Novairi, 
whose  knowledge  of  the  Kipchak  was  very  intimate,  and  which  enables 
us  to  clear  up  the  further  story  very  materially.  Novairi  tells  us  that 
Tulabugha  sent  an  army  against  the  country  of  Kerk(Circassia  ?  or  perhaps 
Kirk  Majar,  the  old  name  of  the  city  of  Majar),  and  ordered  Nogai  to 
march  and  join  him  with  his  tumans.^  The  two  armies  having  united, 
advanced  into  the  country  of  Kerk,  where  they  pillaged  and  killed,  and 
then  retired,  but  there  was  much  snow  about,  and  Nogai  left  Tulabugha 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  182.  t  Id,.  \  Golden  Horde,  264. 

§  Von  Hammer  says  no  son  of  Mangu  Timur  called  Menglibuka  occurs  in  the  tables,  and  I 
find  that  Abulghazi  calls  the  Kipchak  generals  Toktu  and  Turktai,  the  latter  probably  a  cor- 
ruption of  Toghrul,  a  son  of  Mangu  Timur,  named  in  the  genealogies.  (Abulghazi,  op.  cit.,  182.) 

II  Golden  Horde,  265,  266. 
%  Tuman  =  10,000  men,  but  it  is  used  by  the  Mongols  as  equivalent  to  a  division  or  section. 


and  went  to  his  winter  quarters,  where  he  arrived  safe  and  sound. 
Tulabugha's  forces,  on  the  other  hand,  got  lost,  and  suffered  great  want. 
His  men  were  forced  to  eat  their  horses,  their  hunting  dogs,  and  their 
dead  companions.  He  suspected  that  Nogai  had  been  treacherous  to 
him,  and  conceived  a  violent  hatred  for  him.  On  his  return  home  from 
the  expedition  he  prepared  an  army  to  march  against  Nogai  and  the 
sons  of  Mangu  Timur,  who  were  his  proteges.  Nogai  was  an  old  and 
crafty  person.  He  pretended  to  be  ignorant  of  Tulabugha's  feelings 
towards  him,  and  when  the  latter  summoned  him  to  his  presence  to  ask 
his  advice,  he  sent  word  to  Tulabugha's  mother.  "  Your  son  is  young, 
and  I  wish  to  give  him  advice,  but  I  can  only  do  so  alone.  He  alone 
ought  to  know  what  I  wish  to  tell  him,  and  I  wish  him  to  come  to  me 
with  a  very  small  escort."  The  princess  advised  her  son  to  trust 
Nogai,  and  he  accordingly  disbanded  his  forces  and  ordered  Nogai 
to  go  to  him.  I  may  add  that  Rashid  tells  us  that  when  Nogai  went 
to  see  Tulabugha  he  feigned  to  be  very  ill,  and  even  put  fresh  blood 
in  his  mouth  to  make-believe  he  was  spitting  blood.*  Nogai  went 
at  the  head  of  his  troops,  and  with  him  went  Toktu,  Buzluk,  Serai- 
bugha,  and  Tudan,  sons  of  Mangu  Timur.  When  he  drew  near  the 
place  fixed  upon  for  the  interview,  he  put  his  troops  in  ambush,  under 
the  command  of  the  four  sons  of  Mangu  Timur  already  named,  and 
went  with  a  few  others  to  see  Tulabugha.  The  latter  went  to  meet  him 
with  Alghui,  Toghrul,  Bulakhan,  Kadan,  and  Kutugan,  other  sons  of 
Mangu  Timur,  who  had  sided  with  him.  The  two  princes  met,  and  were 
about  to  exchange  greetings,  when  the  cavalry,  who  had  been  in  ambush, 
came  forth.  Nogai  compelled  Tulabugha  to  dismount,  and  then  with  the 
assistance  of  his  proteges  strangled  him.  He  then  addressed  the  young 
princes,  and  said, "  Tulabugha  has  usurped  the  throne  of  your  father,  and 
your  brothers  who  are  with  him  have  agreed  to  arrest  you  and  put  you  to 
death.  I  deliver  them  up  to  you,  and  you  may  do  with  them  as  you  will." 
Upon  which  Toktu  had  them  put  to  death.t 

This  account  is  consistent  and  clear,  and  Novairi  no  doubt  got  it  from 
the  Egyptian  archives,  Egypt  then  being  in  very  close  relationship  with 
Kipchak.  He  was  much  more  in  the  way  of  getting  correct  information 
than  Rashid  or  the  writers  of  Persia,  with  which  country  the  Kipchak 
had  only  hostile  intercourse.  It  explains  the  statements  of  Rashid  and 
Binaketi  about  the  four  tetrarchs  or  joint  sovereigns,  which  are  as  they 
stand  at  issue  with  what  we  know  from  the  coins  and  from  other  sources, 
and  otherwise  quite  contrary  to  Mongol  traditions.  The  confused  account 
of  Rashid  has  been  followed  by  Abulghazi,  and  strangely  enough  the 
narrative  of  Marco  Polo,  otherwise  tolerably  correct  in  its  account  of  the 
Kipchak,  is  hopelessly  involved  at  this  point,  as  Colonel  Yule  has 
shown.  X 

*  Von  Hammer,  366.  1  Nov^iiri  in  D'Ohsson,  iv.  751,  752.  J  Op.  cit.,  ii.  497-499. 


Tulabugha  was  killed  in  the  autumn  of  1290,  and  it  is  probable  that  with 
him  also  perished  his  brother  Kunjuk,  who  is  made  one  of  the  tetrarchs  by 
Von  Hammer.  I  don't  know  when  Tuda  Mangu  died.  As  I  have  said,  we 
have  a  coin  of  his  probably  dated  in  688  heg.,  i.e.,  1289.*  It  may  be  that 
he  was  put  to  death  by  Tulabugha  and  Nogai,  as  the  exceedingly  con- 
fused narrative  of  Marco  Polo  in  chapter  xxix.  of  his  work  imphes.  We 
have  no  notice  of  him  after  the  coin  just  named-  Tuda  Mangu  was 
styled  Kasghan,  another  form  of  the  word  Kazan,  which  means  a  kettle.t 
On  his  coins  he  styles  himself  Tuda  Mangu  Khan  and  Tuda  Mangu 
Padishah.  They  were  struck  both  at  Bolghari  and  Krim,t  and  Fraehn 
publishes  specimens  of  the  years  682,  683,  686,  and  688.§  Von  Hammer 
says  his  wife  was  called  Kutluk,  and  that  she  belonged  to  the  Tartar 


The  accession  of  Toktu  was  the  first  event  of  the  kind  in  the  history 
of  Kipchak  which  was  marked  by  violence.  It  was  in  a  measure  con- 
doned by  the  strong  hand  with  which  he  held  the  reins  of  power 
afterwards,  and  thus  secured  a  period  of  considerable  prosperity  for  the 
Khanate,  and  by  the  necessity  there  was  to  integrate  a  power  which  was 
in  danger  of  faUing  to  pieces.  It  is  not  improbable  that  Rashid's  story 
already  told  about  the  tetrarchs  may  have  had  this  foundation  also,  that 
during  Tulabugha's  reign  Mangu  Timur's  sons  did  set  up  claims  to  the 
succession,  and  were  supported  by  Nogai,  who  no  doubt  welcomed  the 
part  of  Warwick,  and  liked  nothing  better  than  being  a  king-maker. 
Besides  Nogai,  Toktu  had  also  courted  the  friendship  of  Ilkeji  or 
Bilkeji,  the  son  of  Kukju,  the  son  of  Bereke  who  was  then  Agha  or  senior 
prince  of  the  Imperial  family.  || 

Toktu's  mother  was  Elchi  Khatun,  the  daughter  of  Gulmish  Agha.^ 
His  name  is  written  Toktu  in  Arabic  and  Toktogu  in  Mongol  characters. 
On  one  of  his  coins  published  by  M.  Savilief  he  seems  to  style  himself 
"  The  just  Sultan,  Mir  Toktu,"  which  is  probably  the  explanation  of  the 
name  Toktumir,  sometimes  given  him  by  the  Russian  chroniclers.** 

When  Nogai  had  put  his  protege  on  the  throne  and  pardoned  the 
chiefs  who  had  taken  the  part  of  Tulabugha,  he  returned  home  again,tt 
and  shortly  after,  in  1291,  we  read  of  an  invasion  by  the  Tartars  in 
Poland.    They  marched  in  their  usual  manner  as  far  as  Sendomir.{| 

Meanwhile  let  us  turn  for  a  while  to  the  Grand  Principality.  I  have 
described  how  Andrew  was  constrained  to  retire  after  attempting  to 
displace  his  brother  Dimitri.     He  remained  quiet  for  two  years,  and  then 

*  Vid.e  ante,  138.  f  Golden  Horde,  261. 

I  Frffihn,  op.  cit.,  196  and  648.         J  Id.    Opusc.  Post.,  110.         (|  Golden  Horde,  266. 

■I  Journ,  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  114.  **  Soret,  Lettre  au  cap.,  Kossikofski,  Brussels,  :86o. 

It  Novairi  in  D'Ohsson,  iv.  753,  \l  Golden  Horde,  267. 


sent  for  Tzarevitch  from  the  horde  and  prepared  for  war ;  but  Dimitri 
assembhng  his  feudatories  drove  away  the  prince  and  captured  some  of 
Andrew's  boyards.  A  similar  feat  of  bearding  the  Tartars  was  performed 
at  Rostof,  where  a  number  of  the  invaders  who  had  settled  down  and 
were  pillaging  the  inhabitants  were  driven  away.  The  Prince  of  Rostof 
sent  his  brother  to  justify  the  conduct  of  his  people,  and  the  Tartars  were 
either  pacified  by  his  presents,  or  else  the  internal  troubles  of  the  horde 
did  not  allow  them  to  take  advantage  of  such  temerity.* 

In  1292  Alexander,  the  son  of  the  Grand  Prince  Dimitri,  went  to  the 
horde  of  Nogai  and  there  died.  The  intrigues  of  Dimitri's  brother 
Andrew  began  to  have  effect  at  headquarters.  We  read  that  he  repaired 
there  with  the  dependent  Princes  of  Rostof,  Bielosersk,  Yaroslavl, 
Smolensk,  and  Tuer,  and  the  Bishop  Terasi,  who  were  his  allies. 
Karamzin  says  he  went  to  Nogai's  camp,  who  was  the  patron  of  Dimitri, 
but  Von  Hammer,  with  greater  probability,  makes  them  go  to  Toktu's 
headquarters  at  Serai.  They  went  partially  to  have  their  titles  con- 
firmed, but  also  to  complain  of  Dimitri.  Toktu  accordingly  sent  his 
brother  Tudakan,who  is  called  Diuden  by  the  Russian  writers.  Andrew 
himself  and  Feodor  of  Yaroslavl  performed  the  disgraceful  duty  of  guides 
into  the  interior  of  the  country.  The  Grand  Prince  fled  to  Pskof  to  his 
relative,  the  Lithuanian  Dovmont,  while  the  Tartars  proceeded  to  seat  his 
brother  on  the  throne.  They  had  not  taken  so  much  trouble,  however,  for 
this  very  small  reward.  They  proceeded  after  their  wont  to  attack  and 
pillage  the  Russian  towns.  Murom,  Suzdal,  Vladimir,  Moscow,  and 
many  others  suffered  ;  their  inhabitants  were  carried  off  as  slaves, 
and  their  girls  and  women  dishonoured.  The  churches  were  sacked,  and 
even  the  iron  roof  of  the  cathedral  of  Vladimir,  quoted  as  a  wonderful 
piece  of  workmanship  by  the  chroniclers,  was  broken.  Pereislavl  was 
deserted  by  its  inhabitants,  who  took  refuge  in  the  woods.  Tuer  alone 
of  the  cities  of  Central  Russia  escaped.  Although  its  prince  was  absent 
at  the  horde,  the  boyards  and  citizens  swore  on  the  cross  to  perish  rather 
than  give  up  their  town.  They  assembled  a  large  army,  which  was 
reinforced  by  fugitives  from  the  other  desolated  districts,  and  presently 
Michael,  their  young  prince,  having  returned,  he  was  received  enthusiasti- 
cally by  the  people.  The  prudent  Tartars,  who  did  not  wish  to  spend 
their  blood  but  to  acquire  treasure,  turned  aside  when  they  found  the 
preparations  going  on,  went  towards  Novgorod,  and  pillaged  the 
town  of  Volok.  The  merchants  of  Novgorod  sent  presents  to  Tudakan, 
with  protestations  of  devotion  to  Andrew,  whom  they  received  with 

The  succession  of  the  Russian  princes  resembled  very  curiously  that 
of  the  Tartars.  When  a  father  distributed  appanages  to  his  sons, 
they  became   their  private  domains    for    life,  [and    when   the    eldest 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  171. 


succeeded  to  the  overlordship  of  the  rest  as  Grand  Prince  he  retained  his 
minor  appanage.  Thus  Dimitri,  when  driven  away  from  Vladimir,  tried 
to  return  to  his  special  appanage  of  Pereislavl,  but  his  march  was 
arrested  at  Torjek  by  his  brother,  to  whom  he  was  obliged  to  abandon 
his  treasure.  He  afterwards  fled  to  Tuer.  Michael  of  Tuer  and  the 
bishop  of  that  ancient  town  concurred  in  urging  peace  upon  the  brothers. 
Dimitri  at  last  consented  to  abdicate  the  throne,  but  he  fell  ill  and  died 
almost  immediately.    This  was  in  the  year  1294.^ 

During  his  reign  Russia  reached  almost  the  lowest  point  of  its 
degradation.  The  Tartars  harried  it  to  and  fro,  led  by  its  own  princes. 
In  1293  the  Swedes  founded  the  town  of  Wiborg  to  overawe  the  Fins. 
This  fortress  was  a  menace  to  the  Novgorodians,  and  was  meant  as  a 
focus  whence  to  spread  the  Roman  Catholic  faith  in  Carelia,  whence  also 
to  intercept  the  profits  of  the  trade  between  the  other  Hanseatic  towns 
and  Novgorod  the  Great.  On  another  side  the  Lithuanians,  downtrodden 
but  cruel,  also  inflicted  deep  wounds  on  the  neighbouring  Russian 

In  the  year  1294  Toktu,  who  is  here  called  Toktimur,  made  a  raid 
into  the  principality  of  Tuer  and  ravaged  the  land.j  In  the  early  spring 
of  that  year  Toktu  sent  an  embassy  to  Gaikhatu,  the  Ilkhan  of  Persia, 
who  was  spending  the  winter  at  Meragha.  The  Princes  Kalmitai  and 
Pulad  were  at  the  head  of  this  embassy.  They  were  well  received,  and 
on  the  7th  of  April  joined  in  the  ceremony  of  founding  a  new  city  on  the 
river  Kur,  which  was  named  Kutlugh  baligh  or  the  lucky  city.§  Gaikhatu 
died  the  next  year,  as  did  also  Khubilai,  the  great  overlord  of  the  Mongol 
world,  to  whom  Toktu,  like  the  other  Western  Khans,  was  to  some  extent 
feudally  subject.  The  same  year,  i.e.,  in  1295,  Andrew,  the  new  Grand 
Prince  of  Russia,  went  with  his  wife  to  Toktu's  camp  to  pay  his  respects, 
and  no  doubt  also  to  receive  due  investiture,  and  to  settle  a  quarrel 
between  himself  and  the  dependent  princes.  Alexander  Newrui  was 
appointed  by  the  Mongols  to  go  to  Vladimir  and  mediate  between  the 
rivals.  D  We  are  told  he  listened  to  both  sides  with  patience,  but 
even  his  presence  could  not  restrain  the  passions  of  the  contending 
princes,  who  drew  their  swords.  The  bishops,  Simeon  of  Vladimir  and 
Ismael  of  Serai,  intervened  and  prevented  bloodshed.  A  hollow  peace 
was  made,  and  the  Tartar  envoy  retired  covered  with  presents,  but  the 
princes  were  soon  at  strife  again.^  Meanwhile  a  quarrel  between  more 
important  persons  occurred  elsewhere.  This  was  between  Toktu  and  his 
former  patron  Nogai.  The  latter  had  been  several  times  summoned  to 
the  court,  but  had  always  evaded  the  invitation,  and  at  length 
matters  were  brought  to  a  crisis,  which  I  have  described  further  on.** 

*  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  s68.     Karamzin,  iv,  171-178. 

t  Karamzin,  iv.  178-180.  J  Karamzin,  iv.  190.    Golden  Horde,  268. 

§  Golden  Horde,  269.    Ilkhans,  i.  404.  |]  Karamzin,  iv*  19a,  193.    Golden  Horde,  269. 

IT  Karamzin,  iv.  193.  **  ViAtf  sub.  voc.  Nogai. 


Here  I  need  only  say  that  it  ended  in  the  complete  defeat  and  death  of 
Nogai  and  the  suppression  of  his  family.  On  the  final  defeat  of  Chaga, 
Nogai's  son,  we  are  told  that  Toktu  gave  the  appanage  of  Nogai  to  his 
brother  Buzluk,  and  gave  Yanji,  the  son  of  Kumush,  the  inheritance  of 
his  brother  Abaji,  while  he  gave  two  of  his  own  sons,  Irbasa  and 
Beguilbugha,  appanages  within  the  old  territory  of  Nogai;  the  former  was 
settled  on  a  river  whose  name  D'Ohsson  does  not  transliterate,  while  the 
latter  was  planted  in  the  country  of  Saikji  on  the  Don  (?  Saksin),  and  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  Derbend.  Toktu  also  gave  an  appanage  to  his 
brother  Seraibugha.*  Shortly  after  this,  namely,  in  1301,  Turai,  the 
surviving  son  of  Nogai,  plotted  to  recover  his  father's  dominions.  He 
persuaded  Seraibugha  to  rebel  against  his  brother.  The  latter  tried  to 
draw  his  other  brother  Buzluk  into  the  plot,  but  Buzluk  informed 
Toktu,  who  had  the  conspirators  seized  and  put  to  death,  and  he  gave 
Seraibugha's  inheritance  to  his  own  son.t  In  1307  died  Buzluk,  Toktu's 
brother,  and  also  his  son  Irbasa,  who  commanded  the  forces  under  him.J 
Novairi  tells  us  that  in  the  same  year,  in  707,  i.e.,  1307,  news  arrived  in 
Egypt  that  Toktu,  irritated  against  the  Genoese  and  "  the  pagans  of  the 
northern  countries"  by  reports  which  reached  him  that  they  were  in 
the  habit  of  capturing  Tartar  children  and  selling  them  to  the  Mussul- 
mans, sent  troops  against  Kaffa.  The  Genoese  took  to  their  ships,  so 
that  not  one  of  them  was  captured.  Toktu,  however,  seized  such  of  their 
goods  as  were  deposited  at  Serai  and  in  its  neighbourhood^ 

Let  us  now  turn  again  to  the  Tartar  intercourse  with  Russia.  In  the 
year  1299  Tartar  auxiliaries  fought  beside  the  Russians  in  Poland,  and 
were  defeated  near  Lublin.  ||  The  same  year  the  final  death-blow  was 
given  to  the  ancient  precedence  of  Kief,  which  had  been  so  long  a  mere 
shadow  by  the  removal  of  the  metropolitan  throne  to  Vladimir,  the  seat 
of  the  Grand  Principality.  This  was  the  work  of  the  metropolitan 

We  now  reach  a  time  when  the  principality  of  Moscow  begins  to  come 
more  to  the  front.  It  was  held  as  an  appanage  by  Daniel,  the  younger 
brother  of  the  Grand  Prince  Andrew.  In  1302  Ivan,  the  Prince  of 
Pereislavl  and  Dimitrof  died,  and  left  his  province,  which  from  its 
population,  the  number  of  its  boyards  and  soldiers,  and  the  strength  of 
its  capital,  was  second  in  importance  only  to  Rostof  among  the  appan- 
ages to  Daniel,  the  Prince  of  Moscow,  who  was  a  brave  prince,  and  had 
two  years  before  severely  defeated  the  Prince  of  Riazan,  and  dared  to 
put  a  number  of  Tartars  to  death.  Andrew,  Daniel's  brother,  resented 
the  latter's  growing  power,  and  went  to  the  horde  to  complain  of  his 
occupying  Pereislavl,**  but  meanwhile  the  Prince  of  Moscow  died 
suddenly.     He  was  the  first  of  the  Russian  princes  to  be  buried  in  the 

Novairi  in  D'Ohsson,  iv.  756.  I  Id.  \  Id.  \  D'Ohsson,  iV.  757 

II  Golden  Horde,  274.  f  Id.  **  Karamzin,  iv.  195, 196. 


church  of  Saint  Michael  at  Moscow,  and  he  prepared  that  city  to  become 
the  eventual  capital  of  Russia.*  He  was  succeeded  by  his  son  George, 
who  proceeded  once  more  to  enlarge  the  principality  by  the  conquest  of 
Mojaisk,  a  dependency  of  Smolensk.t  After  a  stay  of  twelve  months  at 
the  horde,  Andrew  returned  in  1303  with  the  Khan's  envoys,  called 
a  diet  at  Pereislavl,  and  there,  in  th«  presence  of  the  metropoHtan 
Maximus,  he  read  out  the  Khan's  message,  which  announced  that  his 
wish  was  that  there  should  be  peace  in  the  Grand  Principality,  and  that 
the  princes  should  cease  their  strife  with  one  another.^  The  Grand 
Prince  Andrew  died  in  1304,  and  was  buried  at  Gorodetz  on  the  Volga. 
"  None  of  the  princes  brought  so  many  calamities  on  his  family  as  he," 
says  Karamzin,  "  and  his  reign  of  ten  years  was  marked  by  disasters  of 
various  kinds — famine  and  pestilence,  drought  and  hurricane  caused 
dreadful  destruction."  While  the  palace  of  the  princes  of  Tuer  was 
burnt  in  1298,  with  all  its  treasures,  a  similar  fate  overtook,  in  the  next 
year,  a  large  part  of  Novgorod  ;  and  these  ills  in  popular  prejudice  were 
fitly  marked  by  the  appearance  of  the  famous  comet  of  1301,  which 
exercised  the  skill  of  the  Chinese  astronomers,  and  was  described  in 
verse  by  Pachymeres.§  The  death  of  Andrew  was  no  less  disastrous 
than  his  reign.  I  have  already  remarked  how  the  Russians  had  adopted 
the  Eastern  laws  of  succession,  by  which  the  eldest  male  within  two 
degrees  succeeded  to  the  throne.  That  throne  was  now  contested  by 
George,  Prince  of  Moscow,  nephew  of  Andrew,  and  Michael  of  Tuer,  his 
uncle,  and  brother  of  the  two  last  Grand  Princes.  The  latter,  according 
to  the  rules  just  referred  to,  was  the  rightful  heir,  and  was  so  acknow- 
ledged by  the  boyards  of  the  Grand  Principality  and  by  the  people  of 
Novgorod ;  but  George  refused  to  concur,  nor  would  he  listen  to  the 
metropolitan  Maximus,  and  the  matter  was  referred  to  the  Tartars.  The 
various  towns  of  Russia  were  in  mutual  strife  and  in  open  war  with  one 
another.  The  Tartars  decided  for  Michael,  who  returned  from  the  horde 
with  the  patent  of  Grand  Prince,  and  having  been  duly  enthroned, 
marched  against  Moscow,  which  he  besieged  twice  without  success,  and 
finally,  apparently  contented  himself  with  his  own  territory.!  It  would 
seem  to  have  been  a  common  fashion  at  this  time  for  the  Russian  priaces 
to  marry  Tartar  wives.  Thus  we  read  that  in  1304  Michael,  the  Prince 
of  Nishni  Novgorod,  who  had  gone  to  the  horde,  doubtless  to  get  his 
position  confirmed,  was  there  married.^ 

If  we  turn  elsewhere  we  read  that  Toktu,  in  the  year  1302,  sent  an 
embassy  to  the  court  of  Gazan  Khan,  the  greatest  of  the  Ilkhans  of 
Persia.  Mirkhond  tells  us  the  chief  envoy  of  Kipchak  was  Issa  Gurkhan, 
and  that  he  was  deputed  to  ask  for  the  surrender  of  the  two  provinces 
of  Arran  and  Azerbaijan,  so  long  an  object  of  contention.     Gazan  was 

*  Id.,  196,  t  Id.,  197.  I  Id.  §  Id.,  205.  j  Id.,  212. 

1"  Id.,  212. 



irritated  at  their  extravagance,  they  having  required  325  post  horses  at 
each  station,  and  he  told  them  that  if  they  went  to  conquer  his  kingdom 
they  were  too  few,  while  if  they  were  merely  bearers  of  a  message 
that  a  suite  of  five  persons  to  each  ambassador  was  enough.  As  to 
the  two  provinces,  he  told  them  they  had  belonged  to  his  house  since  the 
reign  of  Khulagu,  and  that  he  meant  to  keep  them  *  Wassaf  reports 
the  arrival  of  this  embassy  at  some  length.  He  tells  us  that  in  the 
year  1 303  there  arrived  three  aimaks  of  envoys  with  370  couriers  from 
Toktu,  by  way  of  Derbend.  He  dates  the  great  defeat  of  Nogai  in  the 
beginning  of  the  same  year,  and  tells  us  that  Toktu  had  in  consequence 
of  it  become  so  arrogant  that  he  sent  to  demand  the  surrender  of  the 
provinces  of  Arran  and  Azerbaijan,  and  threatened  in  case  of  refusal  to 
put  in  motion  the  tribes  who  encamped  from  Karakorum  to  Derbend  ; 
and  as  a  further  gauge  of  his  meaning,  he  sent  no  presents  except  a 
bag  of  millet,  as  if  to  say  his  army  was  as  numerous  as  the  grains  in  the 
sack.  Toktu's  son  Temta  (?  Tuluk),  who  feared  the  consequences,  had 
sent  Issa  Gurkan  to  accompany  the  envoys  as  bearer,  unknown  to  his 
father,  of  various  presents.  Among  these,  we  are  told,  were  Kirghis 
Sonkors  {i.e.,  jerfalcons),  Karluk  oxen,  Slave  ennines,  Bulgarian  sables, 
and  Kipchak  mares. 

The  Ilkhan  spoke  defiantly  to  the  envoys,  and  complained  to  them  of 
the  number  of  their  escort,  as  I  have  already  mentioned,  and  in  answer 
to  the  symbolical  message  conveyed  by  the  bag  of  millet,  he  ordered 
some  hens  to  be  brought  in  and  loosened,  which  speedily  ate  up  the 
grain,  and  he  said,  "  It  is  well  known  that  the  hen,  above  all  things  likes 
peace  and  order,  and  objects  to  fly  about  like  a  dove,  while  the  wolf 
destroys  the  greater  part  of  the  herd  from  mere  wantonness."! 

On  the  feast  of  the  Mongol  New  Year,  1303,  which  fell  on  the  17th  of 
January,Gazan  Khan  gave  a  grand  reception,which  was  attended  by  a  large 
concourse  of  notables,  including  the  envoys  from  the  Kipchak.!  The 
latter  were  presented  with  costly  robes  and  other  gifts.  The  twenty- 
one  jerfalcons  they  had  taken  with  them  were  sent  to  his  hunting 
establishment.  Each  of  the  envoys  was  presented  with  pearls  to  the 
value  of  1,000  ducats.  They  were  also  commissioned  to  carry  a  letter 
and  rich  presents  for  their  master, § 

While  Toktu  thus  carried  on  intercourse  with  the  Ilkhan  of  Persia,  we 
find  him  forming  a  closer  tie  with  the  Byzantine  empire,  the  masters 
of  which  had  latterly  adopted  the  pohcy  of  securing  the  alliance  of  their 
northern  neighbours  by  marriages  with  their  natural  daughters.  As 
Michael  had  married  Irene  to  Nogai,  so  we  now  find  Andronicus 
surrendering  his  daughter  Maria  to  the  harem  of  the  Kipchak  Khan.  Her 
hand  had  been  offered  to  him  during  the  struggle  with  Nogai,  but  he 
postponed  the  alliance  until  he  had  subdued  that  refractory  relative.     On 

*  D'Ohsson,  iv.  319,  330.    Note.  t  Wassaf,  Ilkhans,  ii.  350.  I  li.,  351-  5  H^  "9. 


the  termination  of  the  war  the  match  was  completed,  and  Toktu  seems 
to  have  paid  the  price  in  supplying  his  father-in-law  with  a  contingent  of 

By  these  marriages,  which  had  now  become  frequent,  the  Emperors 
endeavoured  to  secure  the  alliance  of  the  Tartars  against  their  trouble- 
some neighbours,  the  Turkomans  of  Asia  Minor,  nor  was  it  felt  to 
be  degrading  in  the  artificial  atmosphere  of  Byzantium  for  the 
Christian  Emperor  to  send  his  bastard  daughter  to  the  harems  of  the 
barbarous  but  powerful  Mongols.  With  the  pride  that  the  family  of 
Jingis  generally  displayed,  it  is  hard  to  see  how  they  were  satisfied  with 
"  these  children  without  a  name,"  and  that  they  did  not  aspire  to 
princesses  of  more  legitimate  blood. 

In  the  year  1307  Toktu  lost  his  son  Irbasa,  who  commanded  his  armies 
and  also  his  brother  Buzluk.t 

Let  us  now  turn  once  more  to  the  intercourse  of  the  Tartars  with  the 
Russian  princes.  I  have  mentioned  how  Daniel,  the  Prince  of  Moscow, 
had  defeated  Constantine,  the  Prince  of  Riazan.  It  seems  that  he  had 
also  imprisoned  him,  and  probably  intended  to  appropriate  his  appanage. 
George,  Daniel's  son,  deemed  that  this  prize  might  best  be  secured  by 
putting  his  prisoner,  who  had  been  in  durance  for  six  years,  to  death, 
which  he  accordingly  carried  out.t  This  was  in  1308.  Yaroslaf,  the 
son  of  Constantine,  appealed  to  the  Tartars,  who  accordingly  put  him  on 
the  throne.  George,  however,  retained  possession  of  the  town  of 
Kostroma. §  In  the  following  year,  Vasili,  Prince  of  Briansk,  went  to  the 
horde  to  complain  of  his  unci©  Sviatoslaf  Glebovitch.  The  Tartars 
suppHed  him  with  a  contingent  of  troops,  with  which  he  defeated  the 
latter.  He  afterwards,  with  the  same  allies,  defeated  the  prince  of 
Karachef  || 

Toktu  died  in  the  year  712  of  the  Hejira,  ?>.,  in  I3I3.T[  According 
to  Khuandemir,  he  was  drowned  in  a  boat  in  the  middle  of  the  Volga.** 
Abulghazi  says  he  was  buried  at  After  the  defeat  of  Nogai 
and  his  family  he  became  absolute  ruler  of  the  Kipchak,  and  one  of  its  most 
powerful  sovereigns.  He  was  a  pervert  from  Islam,  and  reverted  to  the 
old  faith  of  Jingis  Khan,  and  with  it  adopted  that  old  chief's  tolerance. 
He  patronised  the  Christians.  In  the  last  year  of  Toktu's  reign  the 
metropolitan  Peter  dethroned  Ismael,  the  bishop  of  Serai,  and  nominated 
Warsonof  in  his  place.U 

The  extent  of  Toktu's  dominion  and  power  is  best  shown  by  the 
number  of  his  mints.  Coins  of  his  are  extant  struck  at  Serai,  New 
Serai,  Bolghari,  Ukek,  Khuarezm,  Krim,  Jullad,  and  Majar,  and  they 
range  from  the  year  691,  ?>.,  1291,  to  711, /.^.,  1312.  The  legends  on 
these  coins  are  very  various. 

*  Golden  Horde,  276,  &c.        t  Norairi  in  D'Ohsson,  iv.  757, 75S.        %  Karamzin,  iv.  213. 

§  M.  II  Golden  Horde,  279.  If  Novairi,  D'Ohsson,  iv.  758.    Golden  Horde,  279. 

**Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,xvii.,  115.  1tOp,cit.,  183.  JI  Golden  Horde,279. 


Thus  he  is  styled  Toktogu,  Ghaiyas  el  Toktogu  the  Just  and  Toktubeg* 
Frajhn  has  made  a  second  Khan  out  of  this  last  name,  but,  as  I  think, 
without  warrant.  H  e  publishes  coins  struck  by  him  at  Serai,  the  capital 
of  the  Golden  Horde  and  the  seat  of  Toktu's  court,*  and  others  struck  at 
Khuarezm,  at  the  other  end  of  the  empire,t  while  they  range  in  dates 
from  693, /.^.,  1293-4,10707,  i.e.,  1307-8.  This  makes  it  pretty  certain 
that  Toktubeg  is  a  mere  synonym  of  the  Khan  Toktu,  whose  history  we 
have  just  been  relating. 


According  to  Binaketi,  Toktu  left  three  sons  behind  him,  Tukel  aka, 
Ilkasar,  and  Pirus,  but  none  of  them  succeeded  to  the  throne,  nor  were 
they  in  fact  heirs  to  it,  since  Toktu  had  an  elder  brother,  Toghrul,  who 
left  issue.  The  person  who  now  succeeded  was  Uzbeg,  the  son  of 
Toghrul.  Toghrul  had  sided  with  Tulabugha  in  the  struggle  between 
him  and  Toktu,t  and  had  in  consequence  been  put  to  death  by  the  latter. 
In  order  to  secure  the  throne  for  his  own  children,  he  had  sent  Toghrul's 
young  son  Uzbeg  to  live  in  the  dangerous  country  of  the  Circassians, 
and  thereupon  married  his  widow.  On  his  death-bed,  having  repented 
of  what  he  had  done,  he  confessed  to  his  wife,  the  boy's  mother,  where 
the  boy  was  living,  and  sent  two  Begs  to  bring  him  home,  but  before 
their  return  Toktu  was  already  dead. 

Toktu's  son  Tukel  did  not  appreciate  his  father's  generosity,  and 
determined  to  seize  the  throne  and  to  put  Uzbeg  to  death.  The  latter 
was  however  warned  in  time,  and  the  two  Begs,  who  had  safely  convoyed 
Uzbeg,  fell  upon  Tukel  in  the  palace  at  Serai  and  put  him  to  death.  This 
is  one  story  reported  by  Von  Hammer.§  Another  is  told  by  a  continuator  of 
Rashid,  who  assigns  the  controversy  to  the  resentment  of  certain  generals 
of  Toktu,  who  disapproved  of  the  proselytising  tendencies  of  Uzbeg,  and 
who  consequently  determined  to  support  the  son  of  Toktu.  "  Content 
yourself  with  our  obedience,  what  matters  our  religion  to  you.  Why 
should  we  abandon  the  faith  of  Jingis  Khan  for  that  of  the  Arabs,"  had 
been  their  language  to  him.  They  now  determined  to  assassinate  him  at 
a  feast.  He  was  warned  of  the  plot  by  one  Kutlugh  Timur,  and  escaped 
in  time.  He  hastily  mounted  his  horse  and  fled  to  his  troops,  with  whom 
he  returned  and  put  to  death  Tukel,  who  is  called  Tuklughbeg,  and  120 
of  his  principal  supporters,  and  rewarded  Kutlugh  Timur  by  giving  him 
the  chief  post  in  the  government,  namely,  the  charge  of  the  great 
province  of  Khuarezm  or  Khiva.  |I 

*  R^sc,  &c.,  203.  t  Id.    Opusc,  Post.,  296.  I  Novairi,  D'Ohsson,  753, 

§  Golden  Horde,  282.  |I  D'Ohsson,  iv.  573.    ©olden  Horde,  t%z. 


In  131 5  Baba,  a  prince  of  the  Golden  Horde,  who  is  probably  to  be 
identified  with  one  of  the  rebel  generals,  passed  with  his  ulus  or  tribe 
into  Persia,  and  entered  the  service  of  Uljaitu,  the  Ilkhan  of  Persia.  He 
then  made  an  invasion  of  Khuarezm.  Kutlugh  Timur,  its  governor, 
marched  against  him  with  15,000  troops,  but  most  of  his  men  deserted, 
and  he  had  to  retreat.  Baba  proceeded  to  ravage  the  province  in  all 
directions.  He  sacked  several  towns,  and  retired  with  50,000  captives 
and  loaded  with  booty.  The  hordes  of  Juchi  and  Jagatai  were  generally 
on  very  good  terms.  At  this  time  Yassavur,  a  prince  of  the  house  of 
Jagatai,  was  encamped  at  Khojend  with  20,000  men,  and  marched  to 
the  rescue  so  quickly  that  he  compassed  a  month's  journey  in  eight  days. 
He  attacked  Baba  on  his  return,  defeated  him,  and  compelled  him  to 
abandon  his  prisoners.  Uzbeg  was  greatly  irritated  at  this  invasion, 
and  the  irritation  was  increased  by  the  counsel  of  Issenbugha,  the  Khan 
of  Jagatai,  who  doubtless  wished  to  see  the  two  hordes  north  and  south 
of  the  Caucasus  at  war.  Uzbeg  sent  Akbugha,  of  the  race  of  the  Kiyats 
{i.e.,  the  Mongol  royal  race),  to  Tebriz  as  his  envoy,  to  demand 
satisfaction.  He  arrived  at  Tebriz  on  September,  131 5,  and  the  Emir 
Houssein  Gurkan,  the  commander-in-chief  on  the  frontiers  of  Arran,  gave 
him  a  grand  feast  there.  His  host,  however,  presented  him  with  the  cup 
without  rising.  The  envoy  upon  this  said  sharply,  "  That  he  could  not 
accept  the  cup  from  a  slave  who  was  seated,  and  who  had  forgotten 
the  ancient  etiquette  of  the  Mongols,  by  which  a  gurkan  {i.e.,  one  who 
had  married  into  the  Imperial  family)  ought  to  stand  in  the  presence  of 
a  prince  of  the  blood."  Houssein  replied  that  he  was  there  to  execute  a 
mission,  and  not  to  regulate  etiquette.*  At  the  audience  with  Uljaitu  at 
Sultania  Akbugha  said  to  him, "  If  the  Prince  Baba  has  acted  on  his  own 
accord,  let  him  be  delivered  up  to  us.  If  he  did  it  by  your  orders,  we 
counsel  you  not  to  winter  in  Arran,  for  we  shall  enter  that  province  with 
an  army  as  numerous  as  the  sand  of  the  desert."  Uljaitu  disowned 
the  act  altogether,  and  had  Baba  put  to  death  in  the  presence  of  the 
ambassador,  whom  he  sent  home  shortly  after  with  a  friendly  message. 

The  previous  year  Uzbeg  had  sent  envoys  to  Egypt  with  magnificent 
presents  and  a  letter,  in  which  he  congratulated  the  Khalif  Nassir  on  the 
spread  of  I slamism  to  the  borders  of  China.  In  it  he  said  that  in  his 
empire  there  were  now  only  Muhammedans.  That  on  his  elevation  to 
the  throne  he  had  left  the  northern  tribes  the  option  of  war  or  conversion, 
that  those  who  had  been  obdurate  had  been  beaten  and  reduced  to 
obedience.  Nassir  sent  envoys  back  with  this  embassy  on  its  return, 
bearing  rich  presents  with  them.t  Uzbeg's  messengers  had  been  accom- 
panied by  a  representative  of  the  Byzantine  Emperor.  The  Egyptians 
returned  home  in  the  end  of  131 5,  and  the  next  year  Nassir  sent  other 
envoys,  demanding  in  marriage  a  princess  of  the  house  of  Jingis,  with 

*  D'Ohsson,  id.    Golden  Horde,  284.  t  Novairi  in  D'Ohsson,  ir.  575. 


suitable  presents.  These  envoys  having  dehvered  their  letters,  asked 
for  a  private  interview,  but  were  told  by  Uzbeg,  through  the  interpreter, 
that  if  they  had  anything  else  to  communicate  than  a  simple  compliment 
they  must  do  it  through  the  Emirs  (surely  a  very  constitutional  monarch). 
The  proposition  was  thereupon  renewed  in  the  assembly  of  the  military 
chiefs,  who  were  met  together  to  the  number  of  seventy.  They  feigned  to 
be  much  shocked  at  the  demand.  Such  a  thing  had  never  happened 
since  the  days  of  Jingis  Khan.  Why  should  a  daughter  of  Jingis  be  sent 
across  the  seven  seas  to  Egypt  ?  The  first  day  they  rejected  the  demand, 
but  the  next,  having  received  the  presents  Nassir  had  sent  them, 
they  were  more  yielding,  and  ended  by  giving  their  consent,  but  the 
marriage  was  to  be  postponed  for  four  years  ;  the  first  year  to  be  spent 
in  negotiations,  the  second  for  the  formal  demand,  the  third  for  the 
mutual  presents,  and  the  fourth  for  the  marriage.  One  hundred  tumans 
(J.e.y  1,000,000  gold  pieces  or  dinars),  besides  a  great  number  of  horses, 
suits  of  armour,  &c.,  were  fixed  as  the  price  of  the  young  lady,  and  a  large 
cortege  of  Emirs  with  their  wives  was  to  be  sent  to  escort  her. 
Impossible  conditions  were  in  fact  annexed.  The  Tartars  perhaps 
deemed  it  a  good  opportunity  for  a  large  extortion.  Nassir  on  hearing 
of  the  conditions  simply  dropped  the  subject.  Other  embassies 
passed  between  the  two,  but  it  was  not  named.  At  length  Uzbeg 
reopened  the  question  on  the  return  of  one  of  Nassir's  envoys,  named 
Seif  ud  din,  who  had  taken  him  a  present  of  a  royal  robe  decorated 
with  gold  and  jewels.  He  told  him  he  had  assigned  to  Nassir  a  princess 
of  the  house  'of  Jingis  and  sprung  from  Bereke,  the  former  Khan  of  the 
Golden  Horde.  Seif  ud  din  said  that  it  was  no  part  of  his  commission 
to  undertake  the  resporisible  duty  of  a  matchmaker,  and  that  if  he  waited 
his  master  would  send  suitable  presents.  Uzbeg,  who  was  a  man  of  busi- 
ness, would  not  hear  of  delay,  and  said  the  lady  should  return  with  him, 
and  asked  for  the  usual  marriage  gift.  The  envoy  said  he  had  brought 
nothing  with  him.  Uzbeg,  with  the  usual  Mongol  skill  in  monetary 
matters,  bade  his  merchants  advance  Seif  ud  din  20,000  dinars.  They 
also  advanced  him  a  further  sum  of  7,000  dinars,  which  he  spent  in 
feasting.  He  then  set  out  with  his  charge,  with  many  ladies,  and  with 
the  chief  Kadhi  of  Serai. 

They  embarked  on  the  17th  of  October,  13 19,  and  landed  at  Alexandria 
in  the  month  of  April  following.  When  she  left  the  ship,  the  Khatun 
entered  a  tent  of  golden  tissue,  placed  on  a  carriage  which  was  dragged 
to  the  palace  by  the  Mamluks.  The  Sultan  sent  chamberlains  and 
eighteen  boats  to  meet  her.  On  her  arrival  at  Cairo,  she  was  received  in 
State  by  the  Emir  Seif  ud  din  Argun,  the  Sultan's  lieutenant,  at  the  head 
of  the  chief  Mamluks,  and  borne  on  their  shoulders  in  a  palanquin  to 
the  pavilion  called  Meidan  us  Sultaniyu.  There  had  been  erected  a  silken 
tent,  in  which  she  was  feasted.    Three  days  after,  Nassir  gave  audience 

UZBEG  KHAN.  151 

to  the  envoys  of  Uzbeg  and  those  of  Byzantium  and  Georgia  who  had 
accompanied  them.  The  princess,  taken  from  the  Meidan  to  the  "  Castle 
of  the  Mountain"  in  an  araba  drawn  by  a  mule,  was  at  length  conducted 
to  her  apartments  in  the  palace,  which  had  been  decorated  in  a  fashion 
hitherto  unknown  among  the  Mussulmans.  Eight  days  after,  the  marriage 
contract  was  drawn  up,  by  which  the  Sultan  paid  over  30,000  mitscals, 
from  which  were  deducted  the  20,000  dinars  already  advanced.  The 
envoys  and  the  attendants  on  the  princess  were  sent  home  with  rich 
presents  for  themselves  and  the  Khan,  This  account,  which  is  taken 
fronj  Novairi,  gives  a  good  view  of  the  mercenary  tactics  of  the  Tartars 
in  their  marriage  transactions,  and  of  the  luxury  of  the  court  of  Egypt  at 
that  date.* 

Let  us  now  turn  our  attention  to  Russia.  We  have  described  how 
Michael  became  Grand  Prince,  and  how  he  struggled  with  and  at  length 
compelled  George,  the  Prince  of  Moscow,  to  keep  the  peace  with  him. 
He  lived  chiefly  at  Tuer,  and  ruled  both  the  Grand  Principality  and  also 
the  appanage  of  Novgorod  by  his  lieutenants.  The  democratic  citizens 
of  the  latter  district  having  made  a  successful  and  sanguinary  expedition 
against  Finland,  began  to  quarrel  with  Michael  on  the  ground  that  he 
had  not  kept  the  terms  of  the  treaty  with  them.  He  accordingly  seized 
Torjek,  and  brought  them  to  submission  by  cutting  off  their  supplies 
of  corn.  Peace  was  ratified  through  the  intervention  of  David 
archbishop  of  Tuer.  This  was  in  1312.  It  was  apparently  in  the 
following  year  that  Michael  was  summoned  to  the  horde,  and  arrived  there 
to  find  Toktu  dead  and  his  successor  on  the  throne.  There  he  had  to 
stay  for  two  years,  doubtless  against  his  will,  and  as  the  Carelians  and 
Swedes  used  the  opportunity  for  attacking  Novgorod,  it  naturally  caused 
great  discontent  there.  George,  the  Prince  of  Moscow,  deeming  the 
troubled  waters  good  to  fish  in,  sent  his  relative  Feodor  of  Kief  to  seize 
Michael's  partisans  at  Novgorod,  and  he  was  soon  master  of  that 
republic.  He  too  was  now  summoned  to  the  horde  to  answer  the 
charges  of  Michael,  and  left  his  brother  Athanasius  in  charge  of 
Novgorod.     This  was  in  131 5.t 

Michael  had  already  set  out  to  recover  his  own,  and  was  assisted  by  a 
Tartar  contingent,  commanded  by  Taitimur,  Omar  Khoja,  and  Indrui. 
He  marched  upon  Novgorod  with  these  allies  and  the  troops  of  Vladimir 
and  Tuer.  The  troops  of  Novgorod  met  him  at  Torjek,  and  a  fierce 
fight  took  place  in  the  early  spring  of  1 316.  Michael  won  the  battle,  and 
compelled  his  opponents  to  pay  a  large  tribute,  and  to  surrender 
Athanasius  and  some  of  the  boyards  as  hostages. 

While  Michael  was  thus  asserting  his  authority,  his  rival  George  of 
Moscow  was  circumventing  him  by  more  peaceful  methods.  He  so 
ingratiated  himself  into  the  favour  of  the  young  Khan  Uzbeg  that  he 

*  D'Ohsson,  iv.  652-657.    Golden  Horde,  284-286.         t  Karamzin,  iv.  217.    Golden  Horde,  286. 


appointed  him  chief  of  the  Russian  princes,  and  gave  him  his  sister 
Konchak  in  marriage.  She  was  baptised  and  received  the  name  of 
Agatha,  which  fact,  as  Karamzin  says,  seems  very  inconsistent  with 
Uzbeg's  usual  zeal  for  the  Muhammedans.  Having  been  three  years  at  the 
Tartar  court,  George  returned  with  an  army  of  Tartars  and  Mordvins, 
the  former  led  by  Kawgadui,  Astrabit,  and  Ostref  (?  Chosref).  Michael 
sent  envoys  to  him  to  say  that  if  it  was  the  Khan's  wish  he  would 
surrender  the  Grand  Principality  to  him,  but  he  asked  to  be  allowed  to 
retain  his  hereditary  appanage  (Tuer).  The  ruthless  George  answered 
this  temperate  message  by  ravaging  the  villages  of  Tuer  as  far  as  the 
Volga.  Michael  then  summoned  his  boyards  and  told  them  his 
story.  They  gladly  undertook  to  support  him,  and  having  assembled  his 
forces  he  fought  a  battle  against  his  nephew  at  Bortnovo,  not  far  from 
Tuer.  This  was  in  December,  1318.  He  was  completely  victorious, 
and  freed  an  immense  number  of  captives  whom  the  Tartars  were 
carrying  off.  He  also  captured  George's  wife,  his  brother  Boris, 
and  Kawgadui,  Uzbeg's  deputy.  The  latter  he  treated  with  great 
civiHty,  made  him  some  handsome  presents,  and  sent  him  back  to 
the  Khan.  George  fled  to  Novgorod,  where  he  raised  an  army  and 
marched  towards  the  Volga.  Michael,  who  seems  to  have  been  a  very 
humane  person,  suggested  that  their  quarrel  should  be  remitted  to  the 
Khan  for  decision,  and  meanwhile  he  consented  that  George  should  be 
treated  as  Grand  Prince.  At  this  juncture  Agatha,  the  latter's  wife, 
unfortunately  died  at  Tuer,  and  it  was  suggested  that  Michael  had  poisoned 
her.  George  repaired  with  a  large  body  of  boyards  and  notables  to  the 
horde,  while  Michael  intrusted  his  case  to  his  son  Constantine,  a  boy  ot 
twelve  years  of  age,  and  no  match  for  his  crafty  opponent.* 

George  intrigued  successfully,  and  also  distributed  gold  freely  among 
the  leading  Tartars.  He  was  supported  too  by  Kawgadui,  and  it  was 
determined  to  summon  Michael  to  the  horde  in  person.  A  Tartar 
named  Akhmil  was  sent  to  bring  him. 

The  Grand  Prince,  who  had  a  presage  that  this  journey  would  be 
his  last,  made  a  disposition  of  the  appanages  among  his  sons,  and  set  out 
against  the  advice  of  the  boyards.  He  met  Uzbeg  on  the  shores  of  the 
sea  of  Azof,  and  near  the  mouth  of  the  Don.  He  distributed  presents 
among  the  chief  Tartars,  and  for  six  weeks  lived  in  peace  among  them, 
when  suddenly  Uzbeg  ordered  the  grandees  to  judge  of  the  matters  in 
dispute  between  the  uncle  and  nephew,  and  to  decide  impartially  which 
of  them  deserved  punishment.  The  trial  took  place  in  a  tent  adjoining 
the  Khan's,  and  there  Michael  was  accused  by  several  baskaks,  /.<?.,  Tartar 
commissioners,  of  not  having  paid  the  whole  tribute  fixed  by  the  Khan. 
These  he  answered  successfully ;  but  Kawgadui,  his  principal  accuser, 
was  also  one  of  his  judges.    At  the  second  sitting  of  the  court  he  was 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  221-22G.    Golden  Horde,  257. 

UZBEG  KHAN.  153 

led  in  with  a  cord  about  his  neck,  and  charged  with  having  taken  up 
arms  against  the  Khan's  ambassador,  and  with  having  poisoned  the  Khan's 
sister.  "  One  cannot  distinguish  envoys  in  a  battle,"  said  the  Grand 
Prince,  "but  I  saved  the  hfe  of  Kawgadui  and  sent  him  back  covered  with 
honours.  As  to  the  other  charge,  I  call  God  to  witness,  as  a  Christian, 
that  I  never  committed  such  a  horrible  crime."  But  the  judges  were 
obdurate.  The  Chinese  prisoner's  yoke,  called  the  cangue,  was  fastened 
round  his  neck,  and  his  rich  garments  were  divided  among  the  guards, 
At  this  time  Uzbeg  set  out  on  a  hunting  expedition  with  his  army  and  a 
troop  of  tributary  princes  and  ambassadors.  These  were  occasions  of 
great  festivity,  when  each  soldier  donned  his  richest  uniform  and 
mounted  his  best  horse  :  in  which  merchants  from  India,  Byzantium, 
and  Cathay  offered  their  treasures  in  the  vast  camp.  Michael  went  with 
the  rest,  for  Uzbeg  had  not  yet  pronounced  judgment.  He  spent  his 
time  in  religious  exercises,  and  as  his  hands  were  bound,  a  page  turned 
over  the  leaves  while  he  .  sang  the  psalms.  Meanwhile  Kawgadui  made 
him  undergo  the  indignity  of  a  public  exposure  in  the  market  place.  He 
refused  to  escape,  pleading  that  he  would  not  make  his  country  the 
victim  of  his  imprudence.  The  horde  had  already  crossed  the  Terek, 
and  was  encamped  near  Derbend,  and  near  the  Ossetian  town  of 
Tetiakof,  which  Mangu  Timur,  in  alliance  with  the  Russian  princes,  had 
captured  in  1277.  Uzbeg,  who  was  young  and  disposed  to  be  just,  long 
delayed  his  sentence ;  but  at  length,  induced  by  the  representations  of 
Kawgadui,  he  ordered  the  execution. 

The  fatal  day  arrived,  and  having  blessed  his  son  Constantine  and 
repeated  the  religious  services,  a  crowd  of  people  came  in  sight,  and  with 
them  his  nephew  George  and  Kawgadui.  They  ordered  the  executioners 
to  enter  the  tent  and  finish  their  work.  The  attendants  were  driven  out ; 
he  was  then  seized  by  the  cangue,  thrown  down  and  trampled  under  by 
the  Tartars ;  and  lastly,  a  Greek  or  Russian  named  Romanetz  thrust 
a  knife  into  his  side  and  dragged  his  heart  out.  This  happened  on 
the  22nd  of  November,  13 19,  and  the  place  of  martyrdom  was 
beyond  the  river,  which  bears  the  fitting  name  of  Ajissu  or  Bitter  Waters. 
Like  his  relatives  Boris,  Gleb,  and  Michael  of  Chernigof  he  was  made  a 
saint.  His  tent  was  plundered  by  the  Tartars,  as  was  customary. 
George  and  Kawgadui  then  rode  up  to  it  and  looked  in  at  the  naked 
corpse,  where  the  Christian  was  reproached  by  the  Muhammedan  in  the 
words,  "He  is  your  uncle,  will  you  permit  his  corpse  to  be  outraged ?" 
One  of  George's  attendants  then  threw  his  mantle  over  the  remains. 
These  were  conveyed  to  the  town  of  Majar  on  the  Kuma,  and  thence 
to  Moscow,  and  were  buried  in  the  monastery  of  Saint  Saviour  in 
the  Kremlin.*  Thus  perished  another  of  the  Grand  Princes,  the  victim 
rather  of  his  own  ruthless  relatives  than  of  Tartar  brutality,  and  thus 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  226-234.    Golden  Horde,  290,  291. 


did  the  Prince  'of  Moscow  sustain  the  character  which,  two  centuries 
later,  gave  his  descendants  a  wide  notoriety  for  unscrupulous  vigour. 
The  reign  of  Michael  was  marked  by  two  or  three  minor  incidents  in 
which  the  hands  of  the  Tartars  had  a  part.  Thus  we  are  told  that  in 
1 316  Constantine,  Prince  of  Rostof,  having  died  at  the  horde,  his  son 
Vasili  returned  to  his  capital  with  two  Tartars  named  Sawlich  and 
Kasanji,  whose  extortions  were  long  remembered.  Such  officials  bore 
the  harmless  title  of  ambassadors.  In  1318  Kochka,  who  filled  such  a 
post,  had  120  men  put  to  death  at  Kostroma,  pillaged  Rostof,  with  the 
church  of  Our  Lady  there,  and  the  monasteries  and  villages  in  the 
neighbourhood,  and  carried  off  a  number  of  the  inhabitants.* 

The  church  fared  well  at  the  hands  of  the  Tartar  Khan.  The 
metropolitan  Maximus  had  died  in  1305.  His  position  was  seized  by  an 
abbot  named  G^rontius,  but,  at  the  instance  of  the  Prince  of  Gallicia,  the 
patriarch  Athanasius  deposed  him,  and  in  1308  consecrated  Peter,  Abbot 
of  Volhynia,  metropolitan  of  Russia.  It  was  he  who  deposed  Ismael 
the  Bishop  of  Serai,  as  I  have  mentioned.  In  13 13  he  accompanied 
Michael  to  the  horde,  and  obtained  a  diploma  from  Uzbeg  granting 
special  favours  to  the  clergy,  which  was  thus  phrased  : — 

"  By  the  will  and  power  the  grandeur  and  grace  of  the  most  high  and 
immortal  God.  Uzbeg  to  all  our  princes,  great  and  small;  to  our 
voivodes,  grandees,  appanaged  princes,  superior  and  inferior  officers; 
to  our  learned  men  and  doctors  of  law,  our  men  of  letters,  baskaks,  and 
ambassadors,  our  couriers  and  receivers  of  tribute,  our  scribes,  our 
envoys  en  route,  our  huntsmen,  falconers,  and  all  people  of  high,  mediate, 
and  low  degree ;  our  grandees  in  all  our  provinces  and  uluses,  wherever 
by  the  power  of  the  eternal  God  our  rule  is  established  and  our  word 
is  law. 

"  It  is  forbidden  to  injure  in  Russia  the  metropolitan  church,  of  which 
Peter  is  the  head,  or  his  subordinates  ;  to  seize  their  property,  wealth,  or 
people.  He  is  empowered  to  judge  his  own  people  in  all  cases  of  theft 
and  plunder,  according  to  right  and  justice,  and  he  alone  or  his  deputy 
is  to  be  arbiter.  All  his  subordinates  in  the  church  are  to  obey  him 
according  to  the  ancient  laws,  and  according  to  our  former  orders  and 
those  of  the  Khans  our  predecessors.  No  one  is  to  meddle  with  the 
affairs  of  the  church,  since  they  are  divine.  He  who  disobeys  us  in  this 
will  commit  sin  against  God,  and  he  will  suffer  from  his  anger  and  from 
our  punishment.  .  .  .  We  promise  for  ourselves,  our  children,  and 
the  governors  of  our  provinces,  not  to  meddle  with  the  church's  affairs  ; 
and  we  forbid  anyone  to  interfere  in  its  towns,  districts,  villages,  chases, 
and  fisheries,  beehives,  lands,  fields,  forests,  towns,  or  places  under  its 
bailifs;  its  vineyards,  mills,  winter  quarters  for  cattle,  or  any  of  its 
properties  and  goods.     .    .     .    That  the  mind  of  the  metropolitan  may 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  336  and  390. 

UZBEG  KHAN.  155 

be  always  at  peace,  so  that  with  an  upright  mind  he  may  pray  to  God  for 
us,  our  children,  and  our  nation.  Such  is  our  wish  according  to  the 
poHcy  of  the  Khans  our  fathers.  .  .  .  Our  baskaks,  customs  officers, 
receivers  of  tribute,  scribes,  &c.,  will  take  care  that  all  the  Basilicas 
of  the  metropoHtan  are  unharmed,  and  that  no  one  does  them  injury. 
That  the  archimandrites,  abbots,  priests,  and  other  ecclesiastics  are 
also  respected.  When  imposts  such  as  those  from  customs,  the  plough- 
tax,  and  that  for  transit  or  requisitions  of  farm  produce,  and  for  the 
post  service  are  made,  or  in  cases  of  general  levies  of  our  subjects  in  time 
of  war,  nothing  shall  be  demanded  from  the  cathedral  churches,  from  the 
metropolitan  Peter,  or  any  of  his  clergy,  for  they  pray  to  God  for  us  and 
protect  our  army.  Who  is  ignorant  that  at  all  times  the  Eternal  gives 
means  of  sustaining  life  or  providing  for  war  ?  .  .  .  We  desire  that 
nothing  shall  be  demanded  for  the  support  of  our  envoys,  ourselves, 
or  our  horses.  ...  If  anything  be  demanded  from  the  clergy  it 
shall  be  returned  threefold,  and  those  who  use  violence  against  it  shall  be 
duly  punished.  It  is  forbidden  to  employ  the  servants  of  the  church,  such 
as  painters,  masons,  carpenters,  huntsmen,  falconers,  &c.,  for  our  pur- 
poses. .  .  .  Anyone  who  condemns  or  blames  this  religion  shall  not  be 
allowed  to  excuse  himself,  but  shall  suffer  death.  The  brothers  and  sons 
of  priests  and  deacons,  living  at  the  same  table  with  them,  shall  enjoy  the 
same  privileges.  Any  priest  not  immediately  subject  to  the  metropoHtan 
shall  not  be  deprived  of  his  office,  but  shall  pay  tribute.  The  priests, 
deacons,  &c.,  who  enjoy  the  immunities  we  grant  them  shall  pray  for  us 
unceasingly  with  a  pure  heart.  Evil  to  him  who  neglects  to  do  so. 
All  authority  in  the  church  is  given  to  the  metropolitan,  so  that  he 
may  exact  rigid  conformity.  .  ,  .  It  is  thus  we  have  decreed  the 
present  ordinance,  which  we  shall  see  duly  carried  out. 

"  Given  at  our  camp  the  year  of  the  hare,  the  i  st  month  of  autumn,  the 
4th  of  the  ancient  days."* 

This  document  pomts  several  morals.  It  shows,  in  the  first  place,  how 
terribly  down-trodden  at  this  period  the  Russians  must  have  been.  How 
every  act  and  movement  of  life  was  under  surveillance  and  subject  to 
taxation,  and  how  the  hungry  tax-collectors,  many  of  whom,  according  to 
Karamzin,  were  Jews  from  the  Crimea  and  the  Kuban,  sucked  like  an 
army  of  leeches  the  very  life-blood  of  the  nation. 

It  shows,  on  the  other  hand,  to  some  extent  how  the  church  acquired 
its  paramount  influence  in  Russian  life.  It  was  the  only  institution 
in  the  country  free  from  taxes  and  claims.  Its  property  was  essen- 
tially a  sanctuary,  and  its  dependents  privileged  people,  while  such 
diplomas  as  that  given  by  Uzbeg,  by  concentrating  and  centrahsing 
the  whole  authority  in  the  metropolitan  and  making  him  absolute, 
created  that  discipUne  in  religious  matters  which  can  best  be  compared 

Karamzin,  iv.  390*395 


with  the  condition  induced  in  the  Roman  Catholic  church  by  the  policy 
of  the  Vatican  in  our  day. 

Uzbeg's  tolerance  was  very  Catholic,  and  not  confined  merely  to  the 
Greek  Christians,  for  we  read  that  a  year  before  the  metropolitan  Peter 
appeared  at  the  horde,  the  Pope  John  XXII.  had  written  Uzbeg 
a  letter,  in  which  he  thanked  him  for  the  kindness  he  had  shown  the 

Let  us  now  turn  to  the  Tartar  doings  elsewhere.  The  expedition  of 
Uzbeg  and  his  army  towards  Derbend,  which  the  Russian  chroniclers 
describe  as  a  grand  hunt,  was  that  and  something  more  ;  it  was  a 
demonstration  against  Abusaid  the  Ilkhan  of  Persia.  The  Egyptians, 
doubtless  in  concert  with  him,  made  an  attack  at  the  same  time  upon 
Diarbekr.  It  was  decided  at  a  council  of  war  that  the  emir  Irenchin 
should  defend  the  latter  province  while  the  Ilkhan  in  person  marched 
against  Uzbeg,t  The  emir  Taremtaz  was  sent  on  as  an  advance  guard 
to  the  frontier.  Meanwhile  Serai  Kutlugh,  brother  of  Kutlugh  Timur,  on 
behalf  of  Uzbeg,  ravaged  the  country  far  and  wide. 

Taremtaz  was  not  strong  enough  to  resist  Uzbeg's  powerful  army,  in 
which,  we  are  told,  each  warrior  had  three  horses,  and  he  retired  to 
Abusaid's  orda.t  Uzbeg,  who  was  a  zealous  Mussulman,  visited  the 
tomb  of  the  emir  Pir  Houssein  Perwana,  and  was  told  at  the  mosque 
there  that  the  guardians  of  the  tomb  had  been  robbed  by  Serai  Kutlugh's 
troops  of  30,000  sheep  and  20,000  cattle  and  asses,  and  that  two  Tartars 
had  entered  in  at  the  windows  and  stolen  the  sacred  carpets.  He  ordered 
the  robbers  of  the  carpets  to  be  put  to  death,  and  issued  a  sharp  Yarligh, 
/.<?.,  mandate,  to  the  emirs  Kutlugh  Timur  and  Issa  to  halt  the  troops, 
and  to  inform  th^m  that  the  stolen  herds  must  be  restored.  He  also 
presented  the  guardians  of  the  tomb  with  several  bars  of  gold,  polished 
on  both  sides,  called  sum,  each  worth  twenty  gold  pieces.  He  also  gave 
them  some  sable  and  ermine  skins.  "  On  the  following  morning,"  says 
the  gloriously  inflated  Wassaf,  "  when  on  the  green  sea  the  golden  ship 
unreefed  its  morning  sails,"  that  is,  he  explains,  "  when  the  sun  had 
thrown  its  dazzling  banners  of  light  over  the  edge  of  the  tower  of  the  blue 
enamelled  castle,  the  hoarse  trumpets  were  sounded,  and  the  march  was 
continued  towards  the  river  Kur." 

It  would  seem  that  Uzbeg  was  induced  to  invade  Persia  by  a  report 
that  Choban,  the  Ilkhan's  general-in- chief,  who  was  now  in  Khorassan, 
meant  to  rise  against  his  master,  for  we  are  told  when  he  reached  the  Kur 
he  inquired  from  the  guardians  of  the  tomb  how  it  was  that  Choban  did  not 
appear,  and  where  he  was.  Choban  was  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Bailakan.  The  emir  Issa  Kutlugh,  who  had  marched  into  Arran,  had 
lost  nearly  all  his  mules  and  horses  with  the  plague,  and  such  distress 
reigned  in  the  Sultan's  own  camp  through  the  mortality  among  the  cattle 

*  Goldett  Hofde,  Jtgo.  t  D'Ohsson,  iv.  613.  J  Ilkhans,  ii.  27%, 

UZBEG  KHAN.  I  57 

and  the  dcarness  of  everything,  that  a  load  of  straw,  only  worth  ten 
dirhems,  was  sold  for  forty-five  ducats.  •  Messengers  were  sent  to 
summon  the  various  armies.  As  soon  as  Choban  heard  of  his  master's 
peril  he  set  out  post  haste  for  Derbend.  Uzbeg  was  told  of  his  approach, 
and  that  he  was  marching  with  ten  tumans,  i.e.,  100,000  men,  from 
Karjagha  directly  upon  Derbend,  and  thus  threatening  him  in  rear.  He 
gave  orders  to  retire.  The  army  retreated  hastily,  but  lost  several 
prisoners  to  Choban,  who  pursued  it  rapidly.  This  campaign  took  place 
apparently  in  the  winter  of  131 8- 13 19.* 

In  this  year  we  unfortunately  loose  the  assistance  of  three  of  the  best 
Eastern  historians,  namely,  Rashid  ud  din,  Binaketi,  and  Wassaf,  and 
become  largely  dependent  on  the  Russian  annalists.! 

Michael  had  intrusted  his  young  son  Constantine  to  the  generosity  of 
Uzbeg's  wife,  who  protected  him  and  also  such  of  the  boyards  as  put 
themselves  under  her  aegis.  On  his  return  home  George  took  his 
young  cousin  with  him.  When  the  sad  news  of  the  martyrdom  of 
Michael  reached  Tuer,  its  people  put  his  eldest  son  Dimitri  on  his 
father's  throne,  and  set  out  dressed  in  mourning  to  ask  for  the  surrender 
of  their  late  master's  ashes.  George  agreed  that  the  corpse  should  be 
exhanged  for  that  of  his  Tartar  wife  Konchak,  the  sister  of  Uzbeg,  and 
a  mournful  cavalcade  set  off  down  the  Volga  to  escort  it  home.  About 
this  time, /.<?.,  in  1320,  we  read  of  a  Tartar  commissary  named  Baidar 
being  at  Vladimir  and  committing  great  excesses  there.  We  are  also 
told  that  the  prince  John  Danilovitch  made  a  journey  to  the  horde,  while 
another  prince  named  George  Alexandrovitch  died  there.;]:  Dimitri,  the 
son  of  Michael,  seems  to  have  now  repaired  to  the  horde,  and  there 
secured  the  punishment  of  Kawgadui,  the  instigator  of  his  father's 
murder.  The  next  year,  i.e..,  in  1321,  a  Tartar  deputy  named  Tayanchar 
went  to  Kashin  with  a  Jew  to  collect  the  arrears  of  taxes.  He  com- 
mitted considerable  depredations. § 

Meanwhile  George,  the  Grand  Prince,  was  prosecuting  his  plans  in 
Russia.  He  compelled  the  Prince  of  Riazan  to  submit  to  him,  and 
extracted  from  his  cousin  Dimitri  of  Tuer  a  treaty  by  which  he  agreed  to 
pay  him  a  tribute  of  2,000  roubles  and  to  resign  all  pretensions  to  the 
Grand  Principahty.  This  is  the  first  occasion,  according  to  Karamzin, 
when  roubles  are  mentioned.  They  were  not  coins,  but  pieces  of  silver  four 
inches  long  and  of  the  thickness  of  one's  finger,  weighing  2I  Russian  ounces. 
A  number  of  these  old  roubles  are  preserved,  and  may  be  seen  in  the 
splendid  room  devoted  to  Russian  coins  at  the  Hermitage  at  St.  Peters- 
burgh.  George  now  went  to  Novgorod  and  prosecuted  a  war  against  the 
Swedes.  On  his  return  he  found  the  Tartar  Akhmil  had  been  once  more 
in  the  Grand  Principality,  making  sad  ravage  there,  had  devastated 

*  Ilkhans,  ii.  271-27  ,  372-380.    Golden  Horde,  290.  t  Golden  Horde,  291. 

I  Golden  Horde,  293.  %  Id, 


the  town  of  Yaroslavl,  under  the  plea  of  restoring  order,  and  had  triumph  to  his  master.  He  also  heard  that  his  cousin  had 
solicited  at  the  horde  the  Grand  Principahty  for  himself,  and  that  the 
Tartar  Sewinj  Bugha  had  arrived  at  Tuer  with  the  Yarligh  or  patent  of 
investiture.  George  wished  the  people  of  Novgorod  to  supply  him  with 
some  troops,  but  the  prudent  merchants  there  declined.  He  then 
repaired  to  Pskof,  where  he  was  amicably  received,  but  where  he  found 
the  people  unable  to  assist  him,  as  they  were  engaged  in  war  with  the 
Esthonian  Knights,  who  were  at  this  time,  says  Karamzin,  commanded  by 
David,  Prince  of  Lithuania,  known  in  the  history  of  the  Teutonic  order 
as  the  "  Castelan  of  Garden."  Returning  once  more  to  Novgorod, 
George  made  a  favourable  peace  with  the  Swedes,  the  Lithuanians,  and 
the  Ustiughes,  and  having  thus  won  the  regard  of  the  Novgorod  people, 
he  deemed  it  prudent  to  repair  to  the  horde  to  try  and  regain  his  former 
influence  there.  He  travelled  by  way  of  Permia,  and  descended  the 
Kama  to  the  Volga. 

Meanwhile  let  us  turn  to  the  doings  at  the  horde.  In  1323 
Uzbeg  lost  his  wife  Beilun,  and  in  the  same  year  the  Pope  John  XXIL 
sent  him  a  brief  asking  him  to  send  back  the  Christians  who  had  been 
driven  away  from  Soldaia  in  the  Crimea  by  the  Muhammedans.  In  the 
same  year  an  army  of  Tartars  made  an  invasion  of  Lithuania.*  They 
also  kept  up  an  intermittent  intercourse  with  the  Eastern  empire.  Thus 
we  read  that  in  order  to  conciliate  them  the  Emperors  supplied  their 
chiefs  with  beautiful  girls  for  wives.  The  chronicler  Cantacuzenus 
qualifies  the  statement  by  the  questionable  argument  that  they  were 
maidens  of  plebeian  origin.t  This  did  not  entirely  pacify  the  Tartars, 
for  we  read  that  in  1319  a  number  of  them  made  an  incursion  as  far  as 
Adrianople.  The  next  year  they  made  a  similar  raid  into  Thrace.  In 
1 324  an  invasion  took  place  on  a  much  larger  scale.  We  are  told  that 
they  were  120,000  in  number,  and  were  led  by  their  chiefs  Taitach 
(?  Kaitak)  and  Toghlu  Toghan.  They  ravaged  Thrace  for  forty  days,  and 
captured  a  great  booty  and  many  captives.  The  Emperor's  nephew  took 
measures  against  them.  Having  put  Adrianople  in  a  state  of  defence,  he 
planted  his  army  .near  the  Hebrus,  and  there  fought  a  bloody  battle 
with  a  section  of  their  forces,  which  was  badly  beaten,  many  of  them 
being  drowned  in  the  Hebrus.  Having  spoiled  the  corpses  and  carried 
off  other  plunder,  the  Romans  returned  to  Didymotichum.  This  was,  it 
would  seem,  but  a  contingent.  When  the  news  of  the  disaster  reached 
the  main  army  they  sent  a  division  to  punish  the  victors  and  to  inter  the 
dead.  Having  buried  the  corpses,  this  division  returned,  not  to  the  main 
army,  but  to  their  own  homes.  Meanwhile  the  Emperor,  having  collected 
a  considerable  force,  marched  with  them  against  the  main  army.  The 
Greeks  and  Tartars  were  separated  by  the  river  Tuntza.    Each  party 

*  Golden  Horde,  292,  393.  t  Stritter,  iii.  1104. 

UZBEG  KHAN.  1 59 

was  afraid  to  attack  the  other,  but  we  are  told  that  the  Emperor  with  a 
few  of  his  followers  held  a  colloquy  with  Tasbugas/  one  of  the  Tartar 
chiefs.  The  Tartar  began  by  asking  who  they  were.  The  Emperor 
replied  by  an  interpreter  who  spoke  Greek  and  Mongol,  that  they  were 
people  like  themselves,  on  the  look  out  for  what  they  could  get.  That 
they,  the  Tartars,  behaved  neither  justly  nor  in  a  manly  fashion,  but  were 
only  robbers,  who  approaching  by  stealth  adopted  a  hostile  method, 
and  imposed  servitude  on  mere  peasants  unused  to  war.  It  would  be 
more  manly  if  they  were  to  announce  their  coming  and  to  fight 
with  soldiers  trained  to  war,  then  if  they  vanquished,  they  might 
fairly  carry  off  the  others  as  the  reward  of  their  victory.  Tasbugas 
replied  that  all  this  was  nothing  to  them,  who  were  under  another  ruler, 
and  who  according  to  orders,  were  willing  to  advance  or  retire,  or  to  stay 
where  they  were.  He  also  inquired  if  it  were  true  that  some  of  his 
people  had  recently  been  defeated  by  the  Romans.  The  Emperor 
answered  that  if  such  a  thing  had  occurred  it  was  not  his  soldiers  who 
had  beaten  them,  and  that  he  had  not  heard  of  it,  but  it  might  be  that 
they  had  suffered  elsewhere  in  making  an  incursion,  a  disaster  which 
might  perhaps  have  been  repeated  again  there,  if  the  river  had  not  divided 
them.  Tasbugas  assented,  and  ended  by  affirming  that  those  were 
very  cruel  who  transfixed  innocent  people  with  darts.  Having  spoken 
thus  he  retired,  unaware  that  he  had  been  having  a  colloquy  with  the 
Emperor  himself.  After  this  the  Tartars  withdrew  and  returned  to  their 
own  homes  again.  This  was  in  i324.t  They  seem  at  this  time  to  have 
made  frequent  visits  to  Thrace,  and  to  have  taken  part  there  in  the 
rebellions  and  struggles  of  a  very  unsettled  period. 

I  have  mentioned  how  George,  the  Prince  of  Moscow,  repaired  to 
the  horde  to  try  and  regain  his  former  influence.  He  was  speedily 
followed  by  his  nephew,  the  Grand  Prince  Dimitri  of  Tuer,  who  having 
met  his  father's  murderer  plunged  a  sword  into  him,  and  thus  revenged 
himself.  This  was  on  the  21st  of  November,  1325.  His  body  was 
removed  to  Moscow  and  buried  in  the  church  of  the  Archangel  Michael. 
Dimitri  by  this  act  of  violence  had  courted  the  vengeance  of  the  Tartars. 
It  was,  however,  delayed  for  ten  months,  and  his  brother  Alexander 
was  allowed  to  return  to  Tuer  with  the  Tartar  commissaries.  He  was, 
however,  at  length  executed,  together  with  the  Prince  of  Novossilk,  a 
descendant  of  Michael  of  Chernigof,  who  was  also  accused  of  a  capital 
crime.  They  were  put  to  death  on  the  river  Landraklei.  Dimitri's 
brother  Alexander  was  nominated  Grand  Prince  in  his  place.  He  also 
held  his  court  at  Tuer.  Ivan  Danilovitch  now  became  Prince  of  Moscow, 
and  repaired  for  investiture  to  the  horde.    With  him  went  Constantino 

*  Probably  the  Tashbeg,  son  of  Choban,  mentioned  by  Mirkhond  as  being  sent  against  the 
Circassians.    (Golden  Horde,  293.    Note,  4.) 

t  Stritter,  iii.  1107,  iioS. 


Michaelovitch  of  Tuer,  and  an  envoy  of  the  people  of  Novgorod  named 

In  the  summer  of  1327  there  appeared  at  Tuer  a  cousin  of  Uzbeg's 
named  Cholkan  (he  is  called  Shevkal  by  Karamzin).  His  father  Tudakan 
had  led  an  army  into  Russia  four  and  thirty  years  before.  He  was 
accompanied  by  bands  of  Tartars.  A  rumour  spread  that  his  object  was 
to  make  an  end  of  Alexander,  the  Grand  Prince,  and  to  occupy  his 
throne,  to  divide  the  various  Russian  towns  among  his  grandees,  and  to 
convert  the  Russians  to  Muhammedanism.  The  feast  of  the  Assumption, 
when  a  large  gathering  of  Christians  took  place  at  Tuer,  it  was  said,  was 
fixed  for  the  slaughter.  The  rumour  was  doubtless  false,  for  Cholkan 
had  only  a  few  of  his  people  with  him,  and  such  an  act  was  entirely 
ontrary  to  Uzbeg's  ecclesiastical  policy ;  but  these  rumours,  as  Karamzin 
says,  soon  arise  and  spread  very  fast  among  ignorant  and  downtrodden 
people.  The  young  prince  himself  was  infected  with  the  panic.  Having 
killed  Michael  and  Dimitri,  he  was  persuaded  the  Tartars  were  about  to 
exterminate  his  race. 

The  citizens  were  easily  persuaded,  they  rushed  to  Michael's  palace, 
where  the  Tartar  prince  was  lodging.  Meanwhile  the  Tartars  were 
aroused,  and  planted  themselves  in  the  garth.  They  fought 
desperately,  but  were  overwhelmed  by  numbers  ;  some  took  refuge  in 
the  palace,  which  was  fired  by  Alexander,  and  Cholkan  and  his  people 
all  perished.  Even  the  Tartar  merchants  were  put  to  death.  This  act 
of  madness,  which  is  fitly  called  the  vespers  of  Tuer  by  Von  Hammer, 
soon  brought  a  terrible  vengeance.  Uzbeg  summoned  Ivan,  Prince  of 
Moscow,  and  conferred  on  him  the  Grand  Principality  of  Russia.  He 
also  gave  him  an  army  of  50,000  men,  commanded  by  five  temniks,  of 
whom  four  were  called  Theodor,  Chuk,  Turalik,  and  Singa.*  With  him 
also  marched  Alexander  Vasilivitch  of  Suzdal  and  his  people.  It  was  a 
strange  and  crafty  policy  thus  to  exact  vengeance  from  the  Russian 
ruler  at  the  hands  of  another  Russian  prince. 

At  the  approach  of  the  terrible  army  Alexander  fled  to  Pskof,  and  his 
brothers  Constantine  and  Vasili  to  Ladoga.  It  was  winter,  and  the 
ground  was  thickly  covered  with  snow.  The  capital  Tuer,  the  towns  of 
Kashin  and  Torjek,  with  the  neighbouring  villages  were  devastated,  and 
the  inhabitants  put  to  death  or  carried  off  into  slavery,  while  the  people 
of  Novgorod  appeased  the  Tartars  by  a  fine  of  2,000  roubles,  &c.t  This 
victory  was  very  welcome  at  Serai,  where  about  this  time  Ivan  Yaro- 
slavich,  Prince  of  Riazan,  was  put  to  death,  and  his  son  Ivan  Karotopol 
mounted  a  throne  "  still  stained  with  his  father's  blood." 

The  accession  of  Ivan  (surnamed  Kalita  or  "the  Purse,"  from 
the  alms'  bag  he  carried  round  his  neck),  to  the  throne  of  the 
Grand  Principality  was  a  famous  epoch  in  Russian  history.     Moscow 

*  Golden  Horde,  294-    Karamzin.  iv.  234.  t  Golden  Horde.  2gs<    KaramziOj  iY>  256. 

UZBEG  KHAN.  l6l 

then  became  the  capital  of  Russia,  and  it  was  from  this  period  that 
the  parties  to  the  great  struggle  which  led  eventually  to  the  expulsion 
of  the  Tartars  from  Russia  ranged  themselves  fairly  on  either  side. 
At  this  epoch  also  the  Russians  of  the  North  began  to  get  very  isolated 
and  separate  from  the  Russians  of  the  South  and  West,  /.<?.,  from  the 
people  of  Kief,  Volhynia,  and  Gallicia.  These  latter  districts  became  the 
prey  of  the  Lithuanians,  who,  having  suffered  terribly  at  the  hands  of  the 
Russians  and  the  Livonian  Knights  for  many  years,  now  began  that 
career  of  conquest  which  made  them  a  terrible  menace  to  Muscovy  for  a 
long  period.  I  have  mentioned  how,  about  1275,  Lithuania  was  ruled  by 
a  prince  called  Troiden.  He  seems  to  have  been  succeeded  by  Lutewer, 
who  was  reigning  in  1291,  and  he  in  turn  by  his  son  Viten.*  Viten  was 
assassinated  by  his  master-of-the-horse  Gedimin,  who  usurped  the  throne 
and  who  founded  a  famous  dynasty,  he  is  described  as  brave  and 
ambitious.  Having  reunited  the  ancient  principality  of  Pinsk  to 
Lithuania,  he  married  his  sons  Olgerd  and  Lubart  to  the  daughters  of 
the  Princes  of  Vitebsk  and  Lodomiria.  They  succeeded  to  the  heritage 
of  their  fathers-in-law,  and  thus  enlarged  the  territory  subject  to 

Meanwhile  George  Danilovitch,  Prince  of  Volhynia  and  Gallicia, 
having  died  in  131 6,  was  succeeded  by  his  sons  Andrew  and  Leo,  who 
determined  to  attack  their  neighbour  the  ambitious  King  of  Lithuania, 
They  took  advantage  of  a  struggle  he  was  engaged  in  with  the  Teutonic 
Knights  to  invade  his  borders,  but  having  successfully  finished  his 
German  war,  he  marched  against  them,  and  fought  a  savage  battle  under 
the  walls  of  Vladimir.  With  him  were  Russian  soldiers  from  Polotsk, 
while  the  enemy  was  supported  by  a  contingent  of  Tartars.  Gedimin 
won  a  complete  victory,  and  having  captured  Vladimir,  marched  upon 
Lutsk,  the  capital  of  Leo.  He  won  his  way  as  much  by  his  clemency  as 
his  sword.  Having  passed  the  winter  at  Brest,  he  advanced  in  spring 
upon  Ovrutch  and  Gitomir,  dependencies  of  Kief,  and  then  to  the 
Dnieper.  Stanislas,  Prince  of  Kief,  in  alliance  with  the  Princes  Oleg 
of  Pereislavl,  Leo  of  Lutsk,  Roman  of  Briansk,  and  a  body  of  Tartars, 
met  him  on  the  river  Irpen.  They  were  however  defeated,  Oleg  and 
Leo  were  killed,  Stanislas  and  Roman  fled  to  Riazan,  and  Gedimin, 
having  distributed  the  captured  booty,  laid  siege  to  Kief,  which  was  at 
length  obliged  to  open  its  gates.  The  clergy  and  inhabitants  having 
sworn  allegiance  to  the  Lithuanian  King,  the  latter,  who  was  still  a 
heathen,  left  his  Christian  nephew  Mindug  there,  and  proceeded  to 
conquer  Southern  Russia,  as  far  as  Putivle  and  Briansk.  Such  is  the 
story  told  by  the  historian  of  Lithuania.  Karamzin  questions  its  details, 
but  in  the  main  it  probably  represents  pretty  accurately  the  overwhelming 
of  South-western  Russia  by  the  Lithuanians.    It  seems  certain,  however, 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  398,  399. 


that  there  were  baskaks  of  the  Khan  at  Kief  in  1331,  which  was  still 
governed  by  a  Russian  prince,  while  it  was  in  the  year  1324  that  the 
Princes  Leo  and  Andrew  of  Volhynia  perished,  and  were  succeeded  by 
George,  a  young  off-shoot  of  the  great  Daniel,  who  calls  himself  "  Prince 
and  sovereign  of  all  Little  Russia."  In  letters  still  extant,  which  he  wrote 
to  the  Teutonic  Knights,  he  undertook  to  protect  the  country  of  the 
latter  from  the  Tartars.*  He  lived  sometimes  at  Vladimir  and  some- 
times at  Luof.  It  is  probable  that  he  was  dependent  on  Gedimin.  The 
latter  now  took  the  title  of  Grand  Prince  of  Lithuania  and  Russia,  and 
held  his  court  at  the  famous  city  of  Vilna.  He  preserved  the  old 
customs  of  the  people,  patronised  the  Greek  religion,  and  allowed  his 
people  of  that  faith  to  acknowledge  the  metropolitan ;  he  wrote  to  the 
pope  telling  him  he  had  protected  the  Franciscan  and  Dominican  friars 
in  his  dominions,  and  asking  him  to  restrain  the  Livonian  Knights  who 
plundered  his  country,  and  it  was  only  when  the  latter  continued  their 
attacks  that  he  refused  to  receive  the  pope's  envoys.  He  allowed  free 
trade  in  his  dominions  to  the  merchants  of  the  Hanseatic  league,  and 
remitted  ten  years'  taxes  to  all  handicraftsmen  who  settled  in 
Lithuania.  Besides  dominating  over  the  districts  of  Little  Russia,  he 
was  also  master  of  Polotsk  or  White  Russia.!  Such  was  the  power 
which  grew  up  in  Western  Russia  at  the  time  when  Moscow  became  the 
capital  of  the  Grand  Priacipality.  As  was  usually  the  case  now  that  the 
Golden  Horde  was  in  the  hands  of  a  strong  master,  the  condition  of  its 
dependents  much  improved.  This  was  due  largely  to  the  judicious 
conduct  of  Ivan  Kahta.  Like  his  predecessors,  he  looked  upon  Vladimir 
as  a  mere  official  capital,  and  resided  in  Moscow,  his  own  appanage,  and 
he  determined  at  length  to  make  that  the  de  jure  as  well  as  the  de  facto 
capital.  He  persuaded  the  metropolitan  to  move  his  seat  from 
Vladimir,  and  on  the  4th  of  August,  1 326,  he  laid  the  foundations  of  the 
first  stone  church  there,  and  dedicated  it  to  the  "Assumption  of  the 

One  of  the  first  acts  of  the  Grand  Prince  was  to  make  a  journey  to 
the  horde  in  company  with  Constantine,  a  younger  brother  of  Alexander 
of  Tuer,  and  of  some  merchants  from  Novgorod.  They  were  well 
received  by  the  Tartars,  who,  however,  insisted  that  Alexander,  the 
author  of  the  vespers  of  Tuer,  should  be  handed  over  to  them  for  punish- 
ment. An  important  deputation,  representing  the  Grand  Prince,  the 
people  of  Novgorod,  and  accompanied  by  the  archbishop  Moses  and  a 
superior  officer  named  Abraham,  went  to  Pskof  to  entreat  Alexander  to 
submit  himself  to  the  Khan.  He  reproached  them,  but  said  he  would 
nevertheless  go  for  the  sake  of  his  country ;  the  people  of  Pskof,  however, 
gathered  round  him,  and  offering  to  die  for  him,  told  him  not  to  obey. 
These  citizens  were  then  rich,  for  Pskof  divided  the  German  trade  with 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  263.  t  li.,  266.  J  /d,,  271. 

UZBEG  KHAN.  1 63 

Novgorod.  They  put  their  walls  in  order,  and  also  built  a  fortress 
at  Izborsk.*  Ivan  with  the  dependent  princes  upon  this  marched  against 
them.  He  ordered  the  metropolitan  to  put  Alexander  and  his  people 
under  an  interdict,  a  proceeding  until  then  unknown  in  Russia.  Still  the 
citizens  stood  by  him,  but  he  determined  to  escape  to  Lithuania,  in  order 
to  free  them  from  the  interdict.  He  was  well  received  by  Gedimin,  and 
after  a  while  returned  home  again  to  his  people,  who  now  separated  from 
Novgorod  and  put  him  on  the  throne.t 

About  1230  there  died  at  the  horde  Timur,  the  son  of  Uzbeg,  who  had 
killed  "the  Khan  beyond  the  mountains"  (?  of  Circassia).  His  death 
caused  great  grief  there. |  We  also  read  that  in  this  year  the  Tartar 
Beg  Hasan  was  killed  by  his  wife,  and  Feodor,  Prince  of  Starodubsk, 
was  executed,  being  the  fifth  Russian  prince  who  had  fallen  a  victim 
at  Serai  since  the  accession  of  Uzbeg.  On  the  other  hand,  we  are  told 
how  the  bishop  of  Serai  received  certain  privileges  from  the  Khan.  This 
year  Pope  John  XXH.  again  sent  Uzbeg  a  letter  commending  the 
CathoHcs  and  their  bishop  Mancarolo  to  his  good  graces. § 

Ivan  seems  to  have  made  several  journeys  to  the  horde.  Thus  he 
went  in  1332  with  Constantine,  the  young  Prince  of  Tuer,  and  had 
scarcely  reached  home  again  when  the  Tartar  envoy  Saraichik  was  sent  to 
summon  him  again.  He  returned  to  Russia  the  following  year  laden  with  The  horde  was  becoming  a  cemetery  of  Russian  princes.  In 
1333  Boris  of  Dmitrof  died  there.  We  also  read  that  Dimitri  of  Briansk 
made  an  attack  upon  Ivan  Alexandrovitch,  and  was  assisted  by  a  Tartar 
contingent.^  Kutlugh  Beg,  called  Kadlubeg  by  the  Polish  writers,  was 
one  of  Uzbeg's  vassals  or  governors,  and  held  dominion  in  the  Krim. 
We  read  that  in  the  summer  of  1333  he  with  the  Princes  Demetrius  and 
Kaizibeg  (?  Hajibeg)  made  a  raid  into  Podolia.  They  were  defeated  by 
Prince  Olgerd.  Their  people  were  driven  down  towards  the  mouth  of 
the  Dniester,  and  eventually  were  scattered  in  the  Dobruja  and  the 
Nogay  steppe. 

It  was  in  August,  1333,  that  a  pact  was  made  on  the  Kuban  between 
Kutlugh  Beg,  on  behalf  of  Uzbeg,  and  the  Venetian  consul,  by  which  the 
Venetians  at  Tana  were  granted  a  space  of  ground  behind  the  church  of 
the  Hospital  for  a  trading  mart.  This  was  where  their  consul  lived,  and 
where  their  magazines  were.  It  was  agreed  that  they  should  pay  a  tax 
of  three  per  cent,  upon  the  commodities  they  sold,  and  dues  were  charged 
on  their  ships  according  as  they  had  one  or  two  sails,  while  it  was  agreed 
that  the  settlement  of  the  duties  should  be  made  in  the  presence  of  an 
agent  of  either  side.** 

In  the  same  year,  /.<?.,  1333,  the  great  traveller  Ibn  Batuta  was  in  the 
Kipchak.    He  tells  us  he  landed  at  the  port  of  El  Kirash,  in  the  steppe 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  273,  274.  1 1^-,  276.  t  Golden  Horde,  296. 

§  Id.;297.  I  Id,  H  Id.  **  Id.,  298  and  25. 


country  of  Kipchak,  and  speaks  of  this  steppe  as  treeless,  and  as  having 
neither  hill  nor  wood  on  it,  and  tells  us  how  the  inhabitants  (as  they  do 
still)  burnt  dung  for  fuel.  The  greater  part  of  the  people  of  Kaffa,  he 
says,  were  Christians.  Thence  he  went  on  by  way  of  Krim  towards 
Serai,  travelling  on  an  araba  over  the  steppes.  He  remarks  how 
although  these  abounded  in  cattle  yet  theft  was  unknown,  it  having  been 
suppressed  by  the  law  "that  any  beast  stolen  was  to  be  restored  ninefold, 
and  if  the  culprit  had  not  enough  for  this  his  children  were  to  be  taken, 
and  if  he  had  no  children  then  he  was  to  be  slain  himself."  The  first 
town  he  mentions  was  Azak,  situated,  as  he  tells  us,  on  the  sea  shore, 
where  Uzbeg  Khan  had  a  deputy.  Thence  he  travelled  towards  the 
Kuma  and  to  the  city  of  Majar.  Our  ingenious  traveller  was  surprised 
at  the  honourable  position  held  by  the  women ;  he  remarks  as  strange 
that  they  went  unveiled,  and  he  tells  us  they  were  given  to  almsgiving 
and  other  good  works.  From  Majar  he  went  on  to  Beshtau,  the  famous 
five  mountains  now  occupied  by  the  Circassians,  but  where  Uzbeg  had 
an  ordu  or  camp.  There  Ibn  Batuta  tells  us  he  witnessed  a  moving  city, 
with  its  streets,  mosques,  and  cooking-houses,  the  smoke  of  which 
ascended  as  they  moved  along.  Ibn  Batuta  was  evidently  much 
impressed  with  the  power  and  grandeur  of  his  host,  and  he  tells  us  he 
was  one  of  the  seven  great  kings  of  the  world,  the  others  being  the 
Takfur  of  Constantinople,  the  Sultan  of  Egypt,  the  King  of  the  two 
Iraks  {i.e.,  the  Ilkhan),  the  Khakan  of  Turkestan  and  Mavera  un  nehr, 
the  Maharajah  of  India,  and  the  Faghfur  of  China. 

Every  Friday  after  prayer  the  Khan  sat  under  a  golden  canopy  on  a 
throne  covered  with  silver  plates  and  richly  jewelled.  His  four  wives  sat 
beside  him  on  the  throne,  two  on  either  side.  Before  it  stood  two 
of  his  sons,  one  on  the  right  the  other  on  the  left.  In  front  of  him 
sat  his  daughter.  When  any  of  his  wives  came  in,  he  rose,  took  her  by 
the  hand,  and  showed  her  to  her  place.  They  were  all  unveiled.  Then 
came  the  great  emirs,  who  sat  on  chairs  right  and  left  of  the  throne. 
Next  to  them  stood  his  nephews  and  the  other  princes  of  the  blood. 
Next  again  the  sons  of  the  great  emirs  in  their  order  of  precedence. 

When  all  was  ready  the  people  entered  according  to  their  rank,  and 
having  saluted,  returned  to  their  seats.  After  evening  prayer,  the 
supreme  queen  returned,  followed  by  the  others,  and  attended  by 
beautiful  slaves.  The  women,  who  were  separated  on  account 
of  any  uncleanness,  were  on  horseback ;  the  rest  were  in  carriages, 
were  preceded  by  cavalry  and  followed  by  handsome  mamluks.  Ibn 
Batuta  tells  us  he  was  very  well  received  by  the  Sultan,  who  sent  him  a 
present  of  some  sheep  and  a  horse,  with  a  leathern  bottle  of  kumiz.  He 
tells  us  that  the  Sultan's  wives  were  highly  honoured.  Each  one  had  a 
separate  estabhshment  for  herself,  her  followers,  and  servants,  and  each 
visitor  at  the  horde  was  expected  to  pay  his  respects  to  each  of  the  wives 

UZBEG  KHAN.  .     1 65 

of  the  prince.  He  tells  us  it  was  in  consequence  of  his  having  done  so 
that  Uzbeg  Khan  received  him.*  He  goes  on  to  say  how  he  had  heard 
of  the  fame  of  the  city  of  Bulghar,  and  wished  to  test  for  himself  the 
stories  he  had  heard  about  it,  and  at  his  request  Uzbeg  furnished  him 
with  a  guide.  It  was  ten  days'  journey,  he  says,  from  the  Tartar  camp, 
and  he  stayed  three  days  there.  He  describes  how  the  night  was  so 
short  that  he  had  barely  time  to  recite  his  evening  prayer  before  he  had 
to  begin  that  of  midnight,  and  then  that  called  el  witr,  when  he  was 
overtaken  by  the  dawn.t  There  he  was  told  of  the  land  of  darkness, 
situated  forty  days  further  north,  where  travellers  had  to  go  on  sledges 
drawn  by  big  dogs,  and  during  the  whole  journey  the  roads  were  covered 
with  ice,  upon  which  neither  the  feet  of  man  nor  the  hoofs  of  beasts  could 
take  hold.  The  dogs,  however,  he  says,  had  nails  which  clung  to  the  ice. 
None  went  there  except  merchants,  each  with  some  hundred  sledges 
loaded  with  provisions,  drinks,  and  wood,  for  there  were  neither  trees, 
stones,  nor  horses  there.  The  guide  on  these  occasions  was  an 
experienced  dog,  for  which,  as  much  as  a  thousand  dinars  was  paid.  He 
formed  the  leader,  and  with  him  were  three  other  dogs,  who  stopped 
when  he  stopped.  The  master,  he  tells  us,  never  chastised  this  leader ; 
at  meals  the  dogs  were  fed  first.  The  trading  with  the  natives  was  done 
by  barter,  the  merchant  depositing  his  goods  and  then  retiring,  and  next 
day  finding  sable  and  ermine  skins,  and  the  fur  of  the  sinjab  in  their 
place.  If  the  merchant  was  content  he  took  this  with  him ;  if  not,  he 
left  it  and  more  was  added.  Sometimes  the  natives  would  withdraw 
their  own  goods  and  leave  those  of  the  merchants.  The  latter,  says  the 
old  traveller,  did  not  know  whether  they  were  mankind  or  demons  they 
had  to  deal  with.t  After  his  return  to  Uzbeg,  Ibn  Batuta  set  out  again 
with  him  for  Haji  Tarkhan  or  Astrakhan,  where  he  had  his  winter 
quarters,  and  he  tells  us  that  in  the  winter,  when  the  river  and  adjoining 
waters  were  frozen  over,  hay  was  strewn  about  in  immense  qnantities  on 
the  ice,  on  which  he  travelled. § 

Uzbeg  had  married  a  daughter  of  the  Greek  Emperor.  Ibn  Batuta 
calls  her  the  Khatun  or  Lady  Beilun.  This  seems  a  generic  name  for 
princess;  one  so  named,  a  wife  of  Uzbeg's,  died  in  1324.II  She  was 
doubtless  a  daughter  of  Andronicus  II.,  who  followed  the  pohcy  of  the 
Emperors  of  his  house  in  allying  himself  with  the  Tartar  chiefs.  Von 
Hammer  suggests  that  the  match  between  Uzbeg  and  the  princess  was 
arranged  when  the  metropolitan  Theognost  went  to  Constantinople  as 
Uzbeg's  envoy.^  The  young  wife  of  Uzbeg,  it  would  seem,  was  enceinte 
on  Ibn  Batuta's  arrival,  and  was  about  to  pay  her  father  a  visit,  intending 
to  leave  the  child  with  him,  and  our  traveller  requested  permission  to 
accompany  her.    This  was  at  first  refused,  Uzbeg  being  apparently 

*  Ibn  Batuta,  Trans,,  ^^.       t  U>,  78.       1 1^-,  79-       §  Z^.       I  Golden  Horde,  298.    Note,  3. 

f  li,,  399. 


jealous  of  him,  but.  after  some  diligent  flattery  he  at  length  received 
permission.  Uzbeg  accompanied  them  for  a  day's  journey,  and  they  had 
an  escort  of  about  S,ooo  men,  500  of  them  being  cavalry.  They  first 
arrived  at  Ukek,  which  our  author  says  was  a  moderately  sized  town,  but 
very  cold.     He  tells  us  further,  it  was  ten  days  distant  from  Serai. 

At  Ukek  the  travellers  left  the  Volga,  and  in  ten  days  arrived  at 
Sudak,  i.e.,  Soldaia,  their  intention,  as  Colonel  Yule  suggests,  being 
doubtless  to  travel  by  sea.  They  seem,  however,  to  have  changed  their 
minds,  and  to  have  completed  their  journey  overland.  They  passed 
through  a  town  which  Ibn  Batuta  calls  Baba  Saltuk  or  Babatagh  in  the 
Dobruja,  which  was  named  from  Saltuk,  whose  tomb  is  still  reverenced 
there.*  This  was  the  frontier  of  the  Turks  he  says,  and  on  leaving  it 
they  had  an  eighteen  days'  journey  before  reaching  Rum,  i.e.^  the 
Byzantine  dominion.t  The  first  Byzantine  town  they  reached  was 
Mahtuli.  He  tells  us  he  paid  his  respects  every  morning  and  evening 
to  the  princess,  who  treated  him  very  kindly,  and  made  him  several 
presents,  inUr  alia  were  fifteen  horses. 

MahtuU  was  twenty-two  days  from  Constantinople,  The  Emperor 
having  heard  of  his  daughter's  approach,  sent  out  some  ladies  and  nurses 
with  an  escort  to  meet  her.  The  road  being  bad,  they  had  to  leave  their 
carriages  behind  and  to  joroceed  on  horse  and  mule  back.  The  post 
roads  of  the  Mongols,  it  must  be  remembered,  were  very  good.  The 
Tartar  escort  having  returned  home,  she  now  proceeded  with  her  own 
people.  She  had  a  mosque  with  her,  which  was  set  up  at  every  stage,  as 
in  the  case  of  her  husband,  and  in  which  daily  prayers  were  said,  but  this 
was  left  at  Mahtuli,  and  after  leaving  that  town  the  saying  of  the  Muezzin 
ceased.  She  drank  wine  and,  evidently  to  Ibn  Batuta's  horror,  ate  swine's 
flesh ;  some  of  her  Kipchak  servants  alone  said  their  prayers  with  our 
traveller.  "  Thus,"  says  he,  "  were  tastes  changed  by  entering  into  the 
territories  of  infidelity."  At  a  day's  journey  from  the  city  the  princess's 
brother  went  out  to  meet  her  with  about  5,000  cavalry  in  armour.  He 
met  her  on  foot  as  he  was  her  junior.  When  she  had  kissed  his  head  he 
passed  on  with  her.  Next  day  her  elder  brother,  who  was  heir-apparent, 
went  out  accompanied  by  10,000  horse.  In  this  case  both  dismounted 
to  greet  one  another.  They  then  went  on  together.  When  she  reached 
the  city,  the  greater  part  of  the  inhabitants  came  to  meet  her  in  hoUday 
attire.  The  crowd  was  so  great  that  Ibn  Batuta  got  separated  ;  he  was 
told,  however,  that  when  she  met  her  parents  she  alighted,  kissed  the 
ground  before  them,  and  [also  their  horses'  hoofs.l  They  entered  Con- 
stantinople at  sunset  amidst  a  tremendous  ringing  of  bells. 

The  porters  refused  to  admit  Ibn  Batuta  until  a  special  permit  was 
obtained  from  the  Emperor  by  the  princess,  when  he  was  also  given  a 
letter  of  safe  conduct,  to  enable  him  to  pass  about  the  city  as  he  liked, 

*  Golden  Horde,  299.  t  Ibn  Batuta,  80.  J  U.,  82. 

UZBEG  KHAN,  •        167 

and  was  lodged  next  to  his  charge,  who  sent  him  provisions  morning 
and  evening.  On  the  fourth  day  he  was  introduced  to  Andronicus.  He 
tells  us  he  was  searched  before  entering  the  palace,  for  fear  he  should 
have  any  concealed  weapons.  He  found  the  emperor  and  empress 
seated  on  their  throne,  with  their  daughter,  whom  he  had  accompanied, 
beside  them,  while  her  brothers  were  seated  below.  He  was  kindly 
treated,  he  tells  us,  and  was  asked  about  Jerusalem,  the  temple  of  the 
Resurrection,  the  cradle  of  Jesus,  Bethlehem,  the  city  of  Abraham  (z>., 
Hebron),  Damascus,  Egypt,  Irak,  and  the  country  of  Rum.  A  Jew,  he 
tells  us,  acted  as  interpreter.  Andronicus  presented  him  with  a  State 
robe,  and  a  saddled  horse  with  one  of  his  own  umbrellas,  which  was  a 
mark  of  protection.  An  officer  was  also  appointed  to  escort  him  about 
the  city.  He  mentions  seeing  St.  Sophia,  which,  however,  he  would  not 
enter  as  he  would  not  make  obeisance  to  the  cross  at  its  door.  He  also 
tells  us  there  were  other  churches,  monasteries,  &c.,  almost  innumerable. 

Th^  people  of  Kipchak  who  had  accompanied  the  princess,  seeing  she 
wished  to  be  a  Christian  and  to  remain  at  Constantinople,  asked 
permission  to  return  home,  which  was  granted  them.  Ibn  Batuta 
accompanied  them,  and  received  a  present  of  300  dinars  and  2,000 
dirhems  in  money  from  the  princess,  with  dresses  of  cotton  and  woollen, 
and  horses  from  her  father.  He  had  been  at  Constantinople  a  month 
and  six  days,  and  returned  once  more  to  Astrakhan.  Finding  that 
Uzbeg  had  gone  thence  to  Serai,  he  followed  him  thither,  and 
reported  the  result  of  his  journey,  and  was  reimbursed  his  travelling 
expenses.  There  he  met  the  famous  sheikh  Nejmeddin  El  Khuarezmi, 
who  behaved,  he  tells  us,  proudly  before  Uzbeg,  but  humbly  with  the 
poor  and  his  pupils.     The  former  visited  him  every  Friday. 

From  Serai  he  went  to  Khuarezm,  a  journey  of  forty  days,  which  was 
travelled  in  carriages  drawn  by  camels.  He  passed  on  the  way  the  city 
of  Seraijuk,  situated  on  the  river  Ulugh  su  {i.e.,  the  great  river, 
this  was  the  Yaik),  which  he  tells  us  was  crossed  there  by  a  bridge  like 
the  one  at  Baghdad.  Khuarezm,  he  tells  us,  was  the  largest  city  of  the 
Kipchak  Turks,  and  was  subject  to  Uzbeg,  who  had  an  emir  there  as  his 
viceroy.  He  tells  us  he  had  never  met  better  bred  or  more  liberal  people 
than  those  of  Khuarezm,  nor  any  more  friendly  to  strangers  (surely  a 
curious  contrast  to  the  present  Uzbeg  lords  of  Khiva).  He  tells  us  they 
had  one  commendable  practice.  When  anyone  absented  himself  from 
his  place  in  the  mosque,  he  was  beaten  by  the  priest  in  the  presence  of 
the  congregation  and  fined  five  dinars,  which  went  towards  the  repair  of 
the  mosque.  Each  mosque  was  provided  with  a  whip  for  the  purpose.* 
The  prevailing  sect  at  Khuarezm,  he  tells  us,  was  that  of  the  Schismatics 
(z.^.,  the  so-called  Kadarits,  who  denied  predestination),  but  this  they 
kept  secret  as  Uzbeg  was  a  Sunni.     He  also  describes  the  celebrated 

*  Ibn  Batuta,  86. 


melons  of  Khuarezm,  which  he  tells  us  were  green  outside  with  red  flesh, 
very  sweet  and  somewhat  hard.  They  were  cut  into  oblonj  pieces  and 
dried,  and  were  carried  as  far  as  India  and  China,  where  they  were  much 
esteemed  as  dried  fruit.*  From  Khuarezm  he  went  on  towards  India,  by 
way  of  Bokhara  and  Samarkand. 

Let  us  turn  once  more  to  Russia.  The  various  princes  kept  up  a 
string  of  visits  to  the  horde,  and  the  Grand  Prince  Ivan  was  there  again 
in  1334.  Meanwhile  Alexander  of  Tuer,  who  had  for  so  many  years  been 
a  practical  exile  at  Pskof,  was  growing  weary  of  his  expatriation,  "Alas," 
he  said,  "if  I  live  in  exile  my  children  will  be  without  inheritance."  He 
accordingly  determined  to  pay  a  visit  to  Uzbeg  in  person,  but  to  prepare 
the  way  he  sent  his  young  son  Michael  Feodor,  who  returned  with  a 
Tartar  deputy  named  Abdul.t  The  news  they  brought  was  reassuring, 
so  he  determined  to  go  himself.  When  he  was  presented  to  the  Khan 
he  addressed  him  thus:  "Great  King,  I  deserve  your  anger,  and  I  submit 
my  fate  to  you.  Act  according  to  the  dictates  of  heaven  and  your  own 
heart.  To  you  belongs  the  right  to  pardon  or  punish  me.  In  the  one 
event  I  shall  thank  God  for  your  clemency,  in  the  other  I  offer  you  my 
head."  Uzbeg  was  appeased  by  this  language,  and  granted  him  the 
principality  of  Tuer.  He  was  accompanied  home  by  the  two  Tartars 
Kindak  and  Abdul,  and  he  sent  his  son  Feodor  to  the  horde,  where 
Ivan  Kalita  once  more  repaired  with  his  two  sons  Simeon  and  Ivan.  His 
object  in  going  there  was  to  undermine  the  position  of  Alexander,  of 
whom  he  was  jealous.  He  was  himself  a  persona  grata  at  the  Tartar 
court,  where  he  had  always  been  subservient.  He  now  poisoned  Uzbeg's 
mind  against  his  rival,  suggested  that  he  was  an  irreconcilable  enemy  of 
the  Tartars,  and  the  head  and  front  of  the  Russian  opposition.  Uzbeg 
thereupon  despatched  his  envoy  Istrochei  to  bring  Alexander  and  other 
princes  his  friends  to  Serai.  The  crafty  Ivan,  to  remove  all  suspicion 
from  his  own  shoulders,  returned  himself  to  Moscow.  Alexander  set  out 
amidst  bad  omens ;  a  hurricane  blew  so  fiercely  that  the  rowers  could 
scarcely  control  their  oars.  He  was  accompanied  by  Roman  Michael- 
ovitch  of  Bielozersk  and  Vasili  Davidovitch  of  Yaroslavl,  while  his  young 
son  had  already  preceded  him.  The  presents  offered  by  the  Prince  of 
Tuer  were  received  in  silence.  For  a  month  matters  remained  undecided, 
and  Uzbeg's  wife  and  some  of  the  Tartar  grandees  seem  to  have 
interested  themselves  on  his  behalf;  but,  urged  on  probably  by  Ivan's 
sons,  who  had  now  arrived,  the  authorities  were  immovable.  Having 
received  the  sacraments  in  his  tent  with  his  son,  they  were  both  put 
to  death,  and  their  bodies  hewn  limb  from  limb.j  The  date  of  the 
martyrdom  was  the  28th  of  October,  1339,  and  they  were  the  sixth  and 
seventh  Russian  princes  who  were  thus  victims  during  Uzbeg's  reign. 
As  Karamzin  says,  he  doubtless  thought  it  good  policy  to  thus  strike 

*  Ibn  Batuta,  86.        t  Karamzin,  iv.  284.    Golden  Horde,  300.        \  Karamzin,  iy.,  290,  291. 

UZBEG   KHAN.  1 69 

terror  into  the  dependent  princes,  but  in  fact  he  merely  strengthened  the 
hands  of  the  Grand  Prince  at  the  expense  of  his  subordinates. 

Ivan  was  very  ambitious.  He  probably  saw  that  the  degradation  to 
which  Russia  had  been  reduced  was  due  to  its  power  being  frittered 
away  by  its  feudal  institutions,  and  he  determined  to  get  into  his  own 
hands  at  least  the  ancient  appanages  of  Vladimir. 

Alexander,  Prince  of  Suzdal,  having  died  in  1333  without  children, 
Ivan  seized  the  throne  and  displaced  Constantine,  Alexander's  brother. 
He  married  one  of  his  daughters  to  Vasili,  Prince  of  Yaroslaf,  and 
another  to  Constantine  of  Rostof,  and  followed  this  up  by  dictating 
the  internal  policy  of  those  principalities  ;  and  it  was  because  Alexander 
of  Tuer  was  in  some  sense  a  rival  that  he  pursued  him  so  ruthlessly. 
He  largely  justified  his  ambition  by  restoring  order  and  exacting 
obedience  to  the  laws  within  his  borders,  and  thus  making  the  Grand 
Principality  a  contrast  to  the  surrounding  appanages,  where  lawlessness 
largely  prevailed.*  He  surrounded  Moscow  with  a  wooden  wall,  rebuilt 
the  Kremlin,  originally  called  Kremnik,  or  burnt  stone  from  the  volcanic 
rock  on  which  it  was  placed,t  and  built  several  churches,  among  others 
that  of  St.  Michael  the  Archangel,  which  became  the  burial  place  of  the 
Russian  princes.|  Meanwhile  trade  flourished.  The  Hanseatic  league 
furnished  Russia  with  the  products  of  the  northern  seas,  while  the 
Genoese  traders  at  Kaffa  and  Azof  distributed  those  of  a  more  southern 
latitude,  the  merchants  being  provided  with  safe  conducts  by  Uzbeg. 
The  first  of  the  great  Russian  fairs  was  organised  at  Kholopigorodok,  at 
the  mouth  of  the  Mologa,  where  a  great  concourse  of  traders  assembled 
annually.§  Seventy  inns  there  provided  for  the  needs  of  the  visitors,  and 
7,200  pounds  weight  of  silver  was  collected  in  the  shape  of  dues  by  the 
Grand  Prince.  ||  These  dues  and  the  increasing  prosperity  of  the  country 
increased  also  the  relative  wealth  of  the  Princes  of  Moscow.  Periodical 
censuses  and  perennial  imposts,  which  were  apparently  introduced 
by  the  Tartars,  were  another  potent  instrument  in  breaking  down  the 
feudalism  of  Russia  and  pouring  a  stream  of  wealth  into  the  lap  of  the 
Grand  Prince.  With  this  he  bought  special  demesnes  elsewhere,  as  in 
the  governments  of  Novgorod,  Vladimir,  Kostroma,  and  Rostof.  His 
most  important  purchases  were  the  towns  of  Uglitch,  Bielosersk,  and 
Galitch ;%  but  probably  the  most  potent  revolution  introduced  by  him 
was  acquiring  the  post  of  farmer  of  the  taxes  in  Russia  on  behalf  of  the 
Tartars,  and  it  was  under  the  pretence  that  such  was  the  will  of  the 
Khan  that  he  required  the  stiff-necked  burghers  of  Novgorod,  in  1337,  to 
pay  a  double  tribute.  "  Armed  against  the  Russians,"  says  Kelly,  "  with 
the  dread  inspired  by  the  Tartar  name,  and  against  the  Tartars  with  the 
money  of  the  Russians,  intoxicating  the  Khan  and  his  courtiers  with 

Karamzin,  iv.  300.  t  Id.,  413.    Note,  52.  I  Id.,  301.  §  Id.,  303. 

il  Kelly's  Russia,  i.  85.    Note.  H  Karamzin,  iv.  308, 



gold,  and  adulation  in  his  frequent  journeys  to  the  horde,  he  was  enabled, 
as  lord  paramount,  to  bring  about  the  first  union  of  all  the  appanaged 
princes  against  his  competitor  the  Prince  of  Tuer.  .  .  .  From  the 
Kremlin  which  he  fortified,  he  proclaimed  himself  the  arbiter  of  his 
kinsfolk;  he  reigned  in  their  principalities  by  the  medium  of  his  boyards; 
he  arrogated  to  himself  the  right  of  being  the  sole  distributor  of  gifts, 
judge,  and  legislator;  and  if  the  princes  resisted  and  dared  to  wage  war 
against  him — a  war  of  the  public  good — he  hurried  to  the  horde,  purse 
in  hand  and  denunciation  on  his  lips,  and  the  short-sighted  Uzbeg, 
deceived  by  this  ambitious  monitor,  was  impolitic  enough  to  disembarrass 
him  of  the  most  dangerous  of  his  competitors."*  His  renown  attracted 
many  celebrities  to  his  court,  among  others,  we  are  told  that  the  Tartar 
Prince  Chetmurza  was  baptised  under  the  name  of  Zacharias,  and  settled 
at  Moscow.t 

Ivan  died  in  the  year  1340.  It  was  apparently  in  the  latter  months  of 
his  reign  that  we  read  of  the  rebellion  of  the  Prince  of  Smolensk,  who, 
having  allied  himself  with  the  great  Lithuanian  Gedimin,  ventured  to 
break  off  his  vassalage  to  the  Tartars.  Uzbeg  sent  his  envoy  Tawlubeg 
{i.e.,  Tuklughbeg)  and  the  emir  Mengkukash  to  bring  him  to  his  senses, 
and  ordered  the  Russian  princess  to  assist  them.  They  marched  two 
armies,  one  led  by  the  Prince  of  Riazan,  the  other  by  the  dependents  of 
the  Grand  Prince,  which  advanced  until  in  sight  of  Smolensk,  when, 
either  deterred  by  its  fortifications  or  soothed  by  a  payment  of  black 
mail,  they  withdrew.^ 

On  Ivan's  death  his  sons  went  to  the  horde  to  secure  the  succession. 
Constantine  Prince  of  Tuer,  and  Constantine  of  Suzdal  had  pretensions 
to  the  throne,  but  the  Grand  Prince  had  left  his  family  too  rich  to  make 
them  fear  competitors  in  the  eyes  of  the  Tartars,  who  were  soon 
appeased  by  a  heavy  largess.  We  accordingly  find  that  Simeon,  son  of 
Ivan,  was  duly  nominated  Grand  Prince.  While  he  adopted  his  father's 
humility  towards  the  horde,  he  acquired  the  title  of  "  Proud "  from  his 
rigorous  attitude  towards  the  other  princes. § 

We  have  now  reached  the  term  of  Uzbeg's  life.  "It  was,"  says 
Karamzin,  "  at  this  time  that  the  Russian  proverb  originated,  *  Near 
the  king  near  to  death.' "  The  princes  went  to  the  horde  as  if  they  were 
bound  for  the  last  judgment.  Happy  those  who  returned  safe  and  sound. 
The  oldest  Russian  will  extant  is  the  one  made  by  Ivan  Danilovitch 
when  he  set  out  on  one  of  these  journeys.  ||  *  Von  Hammer  mentions  nine 
such  victims  among  the  Russian  princes.lf 

Let  us  now  turn  shortly  to  Uzbeg's  intercourse  with  other  powers. 
Karamzin  remarks  how  he  was  on  terms  of  friendship  with  Pope 
Benedict  XXII.,  who  had  great  hopes  of  his  conversion.     He  allowed 

*  Kelly,  i.  83,  84.  t  Karamzin,  iv.  303.  J  Id.,  agS.    Golden  Horde,  302. 

S  Karamzin,  iv.  315-  II  I<i-,  304-  If  Golden  Horde,  303, 

UZBEG  KHAN.  171 

him  to  introduce  Christianity  into  the  countries  bordering  on  the  Black 
Sea,  and  it  was  during  Uzbeg's  reign  that  the  Yasses  or  Ossetes  were 
converted  by  the  monk  Jonas  Valent.  This  we  learn  from  the  letters  of 
their  princes,  called  the  Princes  of  the  Alans,  written  in  1338,  to  tell  the 
Pope  that,  having  been  converted  eight  years  before  by  that  monk,  they 
were  then  without  any  spiritual  guide.*  Uzbeg,  his  wife,  and  son  several 
times  sent  envoys  to  the  Pope.  In  the  year  1340  Benedict,  in  a  letter 
addressed  to  him,  mentions  the  arrival  of  two  Genoese,  Petromer  de 
Lorto,  formerly  governor  of  Kaffa,  and  Albert,  his  companion,  as  the 
Khan's  envoys,  accompanied  by  Helym  of  Hungary,  a  minor  friar,  the 
envoy  of  his  son  Tinibeg.t 

This  friendly  intercourse  on  the  part  of  a  rigid  Muhammedan  like 
Uzbeg  is  a  matter  of  some  interest.  As  Kelly  says,  it  is  remarkable  that 
Muhammedanism  stopped  short  at  the  Russian  frontier.  It  has  nowhere 
apparently,  except  in  Bosnia,  made  a  permanent  conquest  of  a  purely 
Arian  race ;  and  while  there  can  be  small  doubt  that  Uzbeg  forced  the 
faith  of  Islam  upon  his  Siberian  subjects  and  proteges,  his  far-seeing 
prudence  or  some  other  potent  cause  led  him  to  treat  Christianity  with 
great  deference.  Like  his  predecessors,  he  was  in  a  state  of  chronic 
quarrelling  with  the  Persian  Ilkhans.  I  have  described  his  campaign 
beyond  Derbend  in  1319.  In  1327  Choban,  the  commander-in-chief  of 
the  Ilkhan's  forces,  and  his  eldest  son  Jelad  were  executed  by  the  com- 
mand of  Abusaid.  He  left  nine  other  sons,  the  eldest  of  whom,  the  emir 
Hassan,  had  been  governor  of  Khorassan  and  Mazanderan,  while 
Hassan's  son  Talish  governed  the  provinces  of  Ispahan,  Kerman,  and 
Fars.  Hassan  and  Talish,  on  their  father's  flight,  went  first  to 
Mazanderan.  Thence  they  escaped  to  Khuarezm  by  way  of  Dabistan, 
where  they  were  well  received  by  Kutlugh  Timur,  Uzbeg's  deputy. 
Having  made  their  way  to  the  court  of  Uzbeg,  they  were  also  hand- 
somely treated  by  him,  and  shortly  after  they  shared  in  a  campaign 
which  he  ordered  against  Serai-Majar,  and  the  Circassians.  Hassan 
was  wounded  there  and  died.    Talish  died  shortly  after. t 

A  few  years  later,  namely,  in  1334,  Uzbeg  determined  to  make  an 
invasion  of  Persia  by  way  of  Derbend.  Abusaid  the  Ilkhan  was  pre- 
paring to  meet  him  when  he  suddenly  died  at  Karabagh,  and  was 
succeeded  by  Arpa  Khan.  The  latter  marched  against  the  invaders  in 
the  middle  of  the  winter.  When  opposite  each  other,  Arpa  Khan 
detached  a  division  to  take  Uzbeg  in  rear,  but  the  latter  was  saved  by 
the  arrival  of  his  dependent  Kutlugh  Timur,  who  soon  after  died,  and 
Arpa  Khan  retired.§ 

Uzbeg  seems  to  have  made  another  attack  on  Persia  in  the  last  year 
of  his  reign.  II     He  died  in  1340,  after  a  reign  of  twenty-eight  years, 

*  Karamzin,  iv,  425.    Note,  62.  t  Id.  X  D'Ohsson,  iv.  685.    Golden  Horde,  296. 

§  Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  132.    Golden  Horde,  301.    D'Ohsson,  iv.  720. 

(1  Golden  Horde,  303. 


which  was  the  most  flourishing  period  in  the  history  of  the  Kipchak. 
His  realm  extended,  in  the  alliterative  phraseology  of  Eastern  writers, 
from  Solgat  in  the  Krim  to  Sogd  in  Transoxiana,  a  distance  of  six 
hundred  fersenkhs.  In  Khuarezm  he  was  represented  by  his  deputy 
Kutlugh  Timur,  and  in  the  Krim  by  Kutlughbeg.*  On  his  coins  Uzbeg 
is  called  Ghaiyas  ud  din  Uzbeg  Khan,  Muhammud  Uzbeg  Khan,  Uzbeg 
Khan  the  Just,  &c.  His  coins  occur  from  the  year  713  (/.^.,  1313-14) 
to  the  year  740  {i.e.,  1 339-40).  They  were  struck  at  Serai,  Khuarezm, 
Mokshi,  Bolghari,  Azak,  and  Krim.t  Mokshi  and  Azak  first  occur 
as  mint  places  in  his  reign.  His  strong  religious  tendencies  are 
shown  by  the  mottoes  on  the  reverses  on  his  coins,  on  which  we 
read,  "The  Succourer  of  the  Faith,"  "The  Exalted  Great  Khan," 
&c.  We  also  find  on  them  the  blazon  which  was  put  on  Solomon's 
seal,  i.e.,  a  falcon  or  eagle  on  a  sunlion.l  Langles  says  Uzbeg 
was  not  originally  a  Muhammedan,  but  that  he  was  converted  by  four 
doctors  from  Persia,  named  Seyid  Sheikh  Muhammed,  Sheikh  Kolkat, 
Sheikh  Ahmed,  and  Sheikh  Hassan  Kerkan.§  So  great  was  his  influence 
in  Asia  that  the  important  tribes  of  the  Uzbegs  beyond  the  Ural, 
who  were  probably  converted  during  his  reign,  adopted  and  still  retain 
his  name, II  while  the  principal  square  of  Cairo  was  called  Esbekye  after 

The  names  of  three  of  his  wives  are  recorded,  one  the  daughter  of  the 
Emperor  Andronicus,  to  whom  we  have  already  referred  ;  Sheritumgha, 
the  mother  of  Janibeg,  and  probably  also  of  his  other  sons,  Timur, 
Tinibeg,  and  Khidrbeg  ;^  and  Taidula,  a  Christian,  who  gave  her  name, 
according  to  the  tradition  reported  by  Karamzin,  to  the  famous  iron 
capital  of  Russia,  Tula.** 

It  is  curious  to  find  that  Uzbeg  still  kept  up  the  intercourse  of  the 
Golden  Horde  with  China,  and  we  are  told  in  the  Yuen  shi  or  Imperial 
annals  of  the  Yuen  dynasty  how,  in  1336,  he  sent  an  embassy  to  the 
Emperor  asking  for  the  payment  due  for  his  appanages  in  China,  viz.. 
Ping  yang  in  Shansi,  Tsin  chau  in  Cheli,  and  Yung  chau  in  Honan. 
This  money  was  required  for  the  establishment  of  post  stations  to 
faciUtate  the  movement  of  troops.  The  envoy  reminded  the  Emperor 
(who  was  evidently  still  considered  as  the  nominal  sujrerain)  that  the  post 
stations  within  his  master's  dominions  were  not  kept  up  by  the  Emperor 
but  by  Uzbeg 

*  Golden  Horde,  303. 

+  Fraehn  Die  Munzen  der  chane  von  ulus  Dschutschi  ans  der  Samlung  Fuchs,  6-10. 

X  Golden  Horde,  304.  §  Forster's  Voyage  du  Bengale,  &c.    Appendix,  368. 

Khuandemir.  Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  115.  Abulghazi,  184.  ^  Golden  Horde,  309-31 

**  Karamzin,  quoted  in  Golden  Horde,  411. 

tt  Bretschneider  Notices  of  Medieval  Geography,  &c.,  105. 

JANIBEG  OR  JANBEG  KHAN.  •       1 73 


Uzbeg  had  four  sons,  Timur  (whose  death  I  have  already  mentioned), 
Tinibeg,  Janibeg,  and  Khidrbeg.  Tinibeg  is  called  Insanbeg  or  Insan 
by  Western  writers,  but  this  seems  to  be  clearly  a  mistake.  He  is  called 
Tinibeg  not  only  by  the  Russian  writers  but  in  the  Pope's  letter,  in  which 
he  acknowledged  receiving  an  envoy  from  him.*  Tinibeg  only  occupied 
the  throne  a  few  months,  when  he  was  murdered  by  his  younger  brother 
Janibeg.  According  to  the  chronicle  of  Troitzki,  Janibeg  also  killed  his 
brother  Khidr  Beg.t 


Notwithstanding  the  murder  by  which  he  secured  the  throne,  Janibeg 
ruled  very  exemplarily,  and  is  much  praised  by  Eastern  writers  for  his 
wisdom  and  justice.  "  He  was,"  says  Ibn  Haidar,  "just,  God-fearing, 
and  the  patron  of  the  meritorious."  Mewlana  Saad  ud  din  Testasani, 
one  of  the  two  pillars  of  Arabic  learning  in  the  eighth  century  of  the 
hejira  (the  other  being  Seid  Sherif  Jorani),  dedicated  to  him  his  work 
entitled  "  Telkhisol  Miftah."  It  was  an  epitome  of  the  philosophical 
encyclopaedia  of  Sekaki,  called  "  Miftah"  or  the  Key.  Like  his  father,  he 
was  a  great  patron  of  learned  men,  who  resorted  to  Serai  in  large 
numbers  during  his  reign. 

On  his  accession  the  Russian  princes  and  the  metropolitan  Theognost 
received  a  summons  to  attend  and  do  honour  to  their  new  sovereign. 
The  Grand  Prince  Simeon  was  very  civily  treated.  Theognost  was 
detained,  and  pressure  was  put  upon  him  to  pay  an  annual  ecclesiastical 
tribute  out  of  his  large  revenues,  information  about  which  was  apparently 
furnished  by  the  Russians.  Theognost  cited  the  various  documents  by 
which  his  predecessors  and  the  Russian  clergy  had  been  exempted  from 
taxes.  The  latter  were  much  pleased  with  the  address  of  their  hierarch, 
who,  instead  of  assenting  to  a  regular  taxation,  persuaded  Janibeg  to 
content  himself  with  the  payment  of  a  lump-sum  of  600  roubles.|  It  was 
probably  on  this  occasion,  says  Karamzin,  that  Theognost  received  from 
Taidula,  the  widow  of  Uzbeg,  with  the  assent  of  the  Khan,  a  special 
exemption  from  taxation.  The  edict  had  a  scarlet  tamgha  or  official 

Alexander,  Prince  of  Pronsk,  had  been  murdered  by  Ivan  Korotopol, 
Prince  of  Riazan,  about  1339,  when  he  was  on  his  way  to  the  horde  with 
tribute.  II  Alexander's  son  Yaroslaf  sought  assistance  from  Janibeg,  who 
sent  an  officer  named  Kinduk,  and  apparently  an  army,  with  him.     They 

Karamzin,  iv.  425.    Note,  62.        t  Id.        \  Id.,  319.  §  Id.,  426.    Note,  62.        |  Id.,  300. 


besieged  Ivan  in  his  capital.  He  was  captured  and  put  to  death,  and  a 
portion  of  his  principahty  was  added  to  Yaroslaf' s.  The  Tartar  con- 
tingent who  had  assisted  him,  as  usual,  plundered  the  district.*  We  also 
read  that  at  the  accession  of  Janibeg  Constantine  of  Rostof,  Constantine 
of  Suzdal,  and  Vasili  of  Yaroslavl  went  to  the  horde  to  get  a  confirmation 
of  their  authority.! 

In  the  year  1343  the  Tartars  made  a  raid  into  Poland,  which  was  the 
same  year  devastated  by  locusts.  The  Tartars  were  invited  by  Dasko, 
whom  Casimir  had  made  governor  of  Przemisl,  and  by  Daniel  Ostreg. 
Casimir  hastened  against  them,  and  prevented  their  crossing  the  Vistula 
near  Sendomir.  Having  spent  some  days  in  ravaging  the  neighbourhood, 
and  tried  in  vain  to  capture  Lubhn,  they  once  more  retired.  About  the 
same  time  strife  arose  at  Tana  between  the  Tartars  and  the  Genoese  and 
Venetians.  It  arose  out  of  a  trade  dispute  between  a  Genoese  and  a 
Tartar,  in  which  the  latter  was  killed.  Janibeg  accordingly  called  upon 
the  Genoese  to  leave  the]  town.  They  ^treated  his  message  cavalierly, 
and  sent  him  an  insolent  reply,  and  not  only  so,  but  proceeded  to  arm 
their  galleys  and  to  plunder  the  coast.  In  February  of  1344  they 
attacked  the  Tartars,  who  were  besieging  the  town,  killed  15,000  of  them, 
and  destroyed  their  siege  apparatus,  and  the  latter  were  at  length  con- 
strained to  give  up  the  attack.  Two  months  later  some  Tartar  envoys 
appeared  at  Genoa  to  offer  reparation,  and  peace  was  accordingly 
ratified.!  Shortly  after  we  find  the  Grand  Prince  Simeon  and  his 
brothers  Ivan  and  Andrew  once  more  at  the  horde. 

Let  us  turn  our  attention  elsewhere  for  a  short  time.  Gedimin,  the 
founder  of  the  Lithuanian  kingdom,  died  in  1341,  leaving  each  of  his 
seven  sons  an  appanage.  He  was  succeeded  in  his  chief  authority  by  the 
second  of  these,  named  Olgerd,  who  surpassed  all  the  rest  in  bravery 
and  skill.  We  are  told  he  avoided  drinking  both  wine  and  hydromel, 
nor  did  he  engage  in  frivolous  amusements,  but  devoted  himself  to 
improving  his  position.  §  Olgerd  apparently  reigned  at  Vitebsk,  Unuti 
at  Vilna,  Narimant  at  Pinsk,  and  Kestuti  at  Troki. 

Olgerd,  who  was  ambitious,  in  alliance  with  his  brother  Kestuti,  pro- 
ceeded to  displace  Unuti  and  Narimant  from  their  appanages  and  to 
make  himself  sole  monarch  of  Lithuania.  Narimant  took  refuge  with 
the  Tartar  court.  ||  Constantine,  Prince  of  Tuer,  also  went  to  the  horde 
to  settle  a  dispute  with  his  nephew  Vsevolod  of  Kholm,  the  son  of  the 
famous  Alexander.  Constantine  having  died  while  among  the  Tartars, 
they  thereupon  gave  the  principality  to  his  nephew  Vsevolod,  but  the 
lattefs  victory  was  short  lived.  Vasili  of  Kasin,  another  brother  of 
Constantine's,  secured  the  countenance  of  Sheritumgha,  Janibeg's  mother, 
and  other  influence  there  to  enable  him  to  displace  his  nephew,  who  had 

*  Karamzin,  319,  320.  t  Id.,  426.      Note,  62.  J  Golden  Horde,  307. 

(j  Karamzin,  iv.  325.  |)  Id. 


to  content  himself  eventually  with  his  smaller  heritage  of  Kholm.*  In 
1352  the  Khan  sent  Ahmed  with  a  special  yarligh  or  patent  of  office  for 
Vasili.t  In  1345  a  Tartar  Beg  named  Emir  made  a  descent  on  the  town 
of  Alexin,  and  plundered  the  house  of  the  metropolitan  there.t  The 
same  year  (z>.,  in  1345)  the  black  plague  appeared  in  Russia.  It  seems 
to  have  originated  in  China,  where  13,000,000  people  became  its  victims. 
Thence  it  spread  over  the  Mongol  world.  The  country  on  both  sides  of 
the  Caspian  was  devastated  by  it.  Khuarezm,  Turkestan,  Serai,  and 
Beshdeshe  (?  the  village  of  Wesedef  below  Yenotacwsk  on  an  arm  of  the 
Volga),§  all  fell  under  its  influence.  The  Armenians,  Abkhazians,  and 
Circassians ;  the  Jews,  the  Genoese,  and  the  Venetian  colonists  in  the 
Krim  were  decimated.  ||  It  also  swept  over  Greece,  Syria,  and  Egypt. 
The  Genoese  ships  carried  it  to  Italy,  France,  England,  and  Germany. 
Fifty  thousand  people,  says  Karamzin,  were  buried  in  one  cemetery  in 
London.  At  Paris  the  distracted  people  wished  to  exterminate  the  Jews, 
whom  they  charged  with  having  introduced  it.  In  1 349  it  appeared  in 
Scandinavia,  and  thence  passed  to  Pskof  and  Novgorod.  One-third  of 
the  inhabitants  of  Pskof  perished.  Each  priest  found  as  many  as  thirty 
bodies  daily  for  burial  in  his  church,  and  the  service  for  the  dead  was 
performed  for  them  en  masse.  The  cemeteries  being  full,  the  bodies 
were  baried  beyond  the  walls  and  in  the  forests.  The  contagion  was  so 
dangerous  that  the  rich  even  could  not  find  nurses.  Children  fled  from 
their  parents,  and  the  despairing  people  devoted  their  wealth  to  the 
service  of  religion.  Winter  put  an  end  to  the  plague.^  It  seems  to  have 
been  a  violent  dysentery  or  cholera,  and  was  marked  by  an  effusion  of 
blood,  after  which  the  victims  lived  but  two  or  three  days.  Its  effects 
among  the  nomades  were  doubtless  terrible.  Such  diseases  when  they 
attack  strong  hearty  people,  for  the  most  part  flesh  eaters,  are  singularly 
fatal,  and  the  history  of  the  spread  of  such  scourges  as  small-pox, 
measles,  &c.,  in  Siberia  and  North  America  is  a  grim  story. 

On  the  15th  of  February,  1347,  a  treaty  was  made  between  the 
Venetians  and  Janibeg,  of  which  the  terms  at  full  length  are  set  out  by 
Von  Hammer.  It  was  made  in  the  name  of  God  and  Muhammed.  The 
document  was  addressed  by  Janibeg  to  all  his  commanders  of  tumans  (/>,, 
10,000  men),  his  millenarians,  centurions,  and  decurions,  and  all  those 
subject  to  Mogolbeg  ;  to  all  the  barons  and  rulers  of  the  city,  and  to  all 
the  gumrukje  (/.<?.,  the  customs  officers),  to  his  envoys,  messengers,  &c, ; 
and  he  ordered  that  a  piece  of  ground  be  set  apart  at  Tana,  separate  from 
that  occupied  by  the  Genoese,  where  the  Venetians  might  do  their 
trafficking.  Reference  was  made  to  a  former  ordinance,  no  doubt  the  one 
issued  by  Uzbeg,  to  which  I  have  referred,  and  detailed  instructions  were 
given  as  to  the  amount  of  duty  which  was  to  be  paid  for  imports,  for 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  349.    Golden  Horde,  309.  t  Golden  Horde,  309. 

t  /</.,  308.  §  Id.  n  Chronicle  of  Trotski,  quoted  by  Karamzin,  iv.  437.    Note,  75. 

51  Karamzin,  iv.  300,  &c. 


shipping  dues,  for  the  various  customs-charges,  &c.  Provisions  were 
inserted  regulating  the  intercourse  of  the  merchants  and  Tartars  at  Tana, 
whose  governor  is  styled  Sichibeg.  The  document  was  signed  with  a 
red  tamgha  or  seal,  and  was  dated  from  Gulistan  in  the  year  748,  the 
22nd  Ramasan  («>.,  15th  February,  1346),  which  was  the  year  of  the  pig 
in  the  Mongol  cycle,  in  the  presence  of  Mogolbeg  of  Thuazi,  Yagaltai, 
Yerdhezin,  and  Kutlughbugha. 

In  1346  the  Grand  Prince  Simeon  made  another  journey  to  the  horde, 
and  returned  laden  with  gifts.  We  now  find  him  getting  into  conflict 
with  his  powerful  neighbour  Olgerd  of  Lithuania,  who  was  still  a 
heathen.  The  latter  sent  his  brother  Koriad  to  ask  the  Khan's  assistance 
against  the  Germans,  who  were  pressing  him  hard.  Simeon  having  told 
the  Khan  that  Olgerd  was  a  dangerous  person,  the  Tartar  chief,  contrary 
to  the  comity  of  nations,  surrendered  the  envoy  Koriad  to  Simeon. 

Olgerd  was  not  at  this  time  in  a  position  to  beard  Michael.  His 
neighbour  on  the  west  was  the  powerful  Casimir  of  Poland,  who  had  in 
1339  conquered  Gallicia  and  the  neighbouring  province  of  Volhynia,*  and 
as  a  zealous  Roman  Catholic,  had  begun  that  policy  of  persecution  of  the 
followers  of  the  Greek  faith  in  that  province  which  the  Poles  have  ever 
practised;  the  priests  were  oppressed  and  the  ritual  changed.  This  threw 
the  people  into  the  arms  of  the  Lithuanians,  and  induced  also  the 
Russian  metropolitan  to  urge  upon  his  master  the  Grand  Prince  that  he 
should  treat  Olgerd  generoiisly.  Simeon  accordingly  released  Koriad 
and  paid  his  ransom,  and  even  gave  his  relative  Julienne,  the  daughter  of 
Alexander  of  Tuer,  to  the  still  pagan  King  of  Lithuania,  on  condition 
that  his  children  should  be  brought  up  as  Christians.  Having  secured 
the  Russian  princes,  Olgerd  with  his  various  satellites,  including  his 
brothers  Kestuti  and  Lubart,  mustered  their  forces  and  drove  the  Poles 
out  of  Volhynia.t 

In  1349  Theognost,  the  metropolitan,  made  another  journey  to  the 
horde,  doubtless  to  get  a  renewal  of  the  privileges  granted  him  by 
Taidula.  He  was  followed  the  following  year  by  the  Grand  Prince 
Simeon  with  his  two  brothers,  and  later  in  the  year  by  Constantine  of 

In  1351  the  Tartars,  impelled  by  famine,  made  a  raid  into  the  district 
of  Bratislaf,  then  under  a  Russian  prince,  and  Louis  of  Hungary,  who  was 
his  protector,  assisted  in  driving  them  away.§  In  conjunction  with  the 
PoHsh  King  Casimir,  he,  in  1354,  crossed  the  Bug  and  captured  a  young 
Tartar  Prince,  but  the  Tartars  retained  their  hold  on  the  Dniester 
for  some  time  longer.  Gallicia  became  subject  to  Poland,  while  the 
western  provinces  of  Russia  {i.e.,  Little  Russia)  remained  in  the  hands 
of  the  Lithuanians  till  the  sixteenth 

Karanuiin,  iv.  421.    Note,  58.  t  Id,,  357.  I  Golden  Horde,  309. 

§  Karamrin,  iv»  337.  II  Id.,  338. 


Thus  was  broken  up  effectually  the  power  of  the  Little  Russians  or 
original  Russians,  and  Moscow  and  Great  Russia  became  more  than  ever 
the  rallying  point  of  the  eastern  Slaves  against  the  Tartars.  This  break 
up  had  two  important  consequences.  Many  of  the  inhabitants  migrated 
and  settled  down  in  a  semi-nomade  state,  and  organised  in  military 
fashion  along  the  Dnieper  and  the  Don,  and  formed  eventually  the  two 
military  repubhcs  of  the  Zarporogian  and  Don  Cossacks.*  Another 
event  which  happened  at  this  time,  due  also  doubtless  to  the  utter 
feebleness  of  the  Little  Russians,  was  the  foundation  of  the  principalities 
of  Moldavia  and  Wallachia.  It  would  seem  that  Moldavia  and  Bessarabia 
were,  before  the  Tartar  invasion,  inhabited  by  a  mixed  race  of  Slaves  and 
Turks,t  with  perhaps  a  small  sprinkling  of  Vlakhs  or  Rumans,  who  were 
all  subject  to  the  princes  of  Gallicia.  On  the  destruction  of  that  prin- 
cipality, the  two  provinces  became  the  prey  of  the  Tartars,  and  its  towns 
and  villages  were  devastated  and  almost  depopulated.  When  the 
prowess  and  victories  of  the  Hungarian  King  Louis  compelled  the 
Tartars  to  withdraw,  the  Vlakhs,  who  lived  in  the  district  of  Marmaros  in 
Hungary,  and  who  belonged  to  the  Greek  faith,  and  were  consequently  per- 
secuted by  the  Roman  Catholic  Hungarians,  migrated  under  their  voivode 
Bogdan  or  Dragosh,  settled  on  the  river  Moldava,  and  founded  the  prin- 
cipality of  Moldavia,  which  remained  tributary  to  the  Hungarian  crown. 
Its  princes  were  styled  voivodes,  and  were  elected  by  the  people  them- 
selves.J  Wallachia  was  similarly  founded  by  fugitives  from  Transylvania, 
who  migrated  under  their  chief  Niger,  and  founded  Tergovitz  and 
Bukharest.  He  also  founded  a  line  of  voivodes  dependent  on  the 
Hungarian  crown. §     We  must  now  revert  again  to  Russia. 

Simeon  the  Grand  Prince  died  in  1353.  It  would  seem,  says  Karamzin, 
from  his  great  seal  that  he  was  the  first  to  style  himself  "  Grand  Prince 
of  all  the  Russias,"i|  On  his  death  there  were  two  claimants  for  the 
vacant  throne,  who  made  their  way  to  Serai,  namely,  Ivan  Ivanovitch, 
the  brother  of  Simeon,  and  Constantine  Vasilovitch  of  Suzdal.  The 
people  of  Novgorod  sent  the  boyard  Simon  Sudakof  to  solicit  the 
position  for  the  latter.  Janibeg,  however,  gave  it  to  Ivan,1[  but  the 
people  of  Novgorod  refused  to  recognise  him  until  the  death  of 
Constantine,  which  occurred  a  few  months  later. 

Constantine's  son  Andrew  was  confirmed  by  the  Khan  in  the  towns  of 
Nijni-Novgorod,  Gorodetz,  and  Suzdal,  which  formed  his  father's 
appanage.**  Dimitri  also  succeeded  Ivan  Feodorovitch  of  Starodub, 
but  he  had  to  wait  twelve  months  for  the  Khan's  authorisation,  which 
alone  legitimised  his 

*  Kelly,  op.  cit.,  i.  85.  t  Pechenegs,  &c. 

I  Until  the  seventeenth  century  the  Russian  language  was  not  only  used  in  the  services  of 
the  church  but  also  in  the  civil  tribunals  of  Moldavia.    (Karamzin,  iv.  369.) 

§  Id.,  369.  I  Id.,  345.  «T  Id.,  353.  **  Id.,  355.  tt  Id, 



The  town  of  Murom,  which  seems  to  have  remained  desert  since  the 
invasion  of  Batu,  was  restored  by  George  or  Yuri  Yaroslavitch  in  1351.* 
Four  years  later  George  was  attacked  and  driven  away  by  his  relative 
Feodor.  Both  princes  repaired  to  the  horde,  where  Feodor  was  duly 
invested,  and  George  was  handed  over  to  him.  Soon  after  this  the 
principaUty  of  Murom  was  swallowed  up  in  that  of  Vladimir.t  The  same 
year  Vasili  was  nominated  Prince  of  Briansk  by  the  Tartars,  but  he  died 
the  following  year,  and  that  town  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  Lithuanians.} 
About  the  same  time  Irinchi  was  sent  on  some  errand  by  Janibeg  to 
Moscow.  M.  Schmidt  says  the  name  is  Tibetan,  which  makes  it 
probable  he  was  a  Buddhist.§  He  was  attended  by  merchants  from  the 
sea  of  Azof.  II  The  strife  between  Vasili  of  Tuer  and  his  nephew 
Vsevolod  of  Kholm  still  continued.  The  latter  having  appealed  to  the 
Khan,  was  handed  over  to  his  uncle,  who  treated  him  as  a  slave,  and 
imposed  a  heavy  tribute  on  his  people.lF 

The  metropoUtan  Theognost  died  in  1356,  leaving  behind  him  a 
reputation  for  vigour  and  avarice.  Alexis  was  appointed  in  his  place 
by  the  metropolitan  of  Constantinople,**  inter  alia  he  consecrated  Ivan 
as  bishop  of  A  year  later  he  was  summoned  to  the  horde  by 
Taidula,  the  widow  of  Uzbeg,  to  whom  I  have  already  referred,  who  in 
Tartar  fashion  had  afterwards  married  Janibeg.  She  was  apparently  a 
Christian.}!  She  sent  to  ask  for  his  prayers  as  she  was  very  ill.  "  We  have 
heard,"  also  wrote  the  Khan  to  the  Grand  Prince,  "  that  heaven  refuses 
no  favour  to  your  senior  priest.  His  prayers  therefore  may  cause  the 
recovery  of  my  wife."  He  accordingly  went  to  the  horde  and  sprinkled 
her  with  holy  water,  after  which  she  recovered.§§  The  grateful 
Janibeg  sent  an  envoy  named  Koshak  to  requite  the  Russian  princes.  ||  || 
Alexis  remained  a  year  at  the  horde,  and  returned  only  after  the  death  of 

On  the  destruction  of  the  power  of  the  Ilkhans  in  Persia,  Ashraf,  a 
son  of  the  Choban  I  have  previously  named,  seized  upon  the  chief 
authority  in  Azerbaijan.  By  his  rapacity  he  alienated  the  affection  of  the 
people,  and  also  arrayed  against  him  the  various  sheikhs.  One  of  these 
named  Abul  Hassan  Mohayeddin  of  Berdaa  escaped  to  Serai,  where,  in 
a  sermon  he  preached  at  the  Friday  service,  he  described  the  misery  of 
Azerbaijan  in  such  pathetic  terms  that  he  persuaded  Janibeg  and  his 
people  to  march  against  Ashraf.  He  advanced  at  the  head  of  200,000  men, 
by  way  of  Derbend  and  Shirvan.  Ashraf  on  his  side  collected  a  force  of 
90,000  at  Tebriz,  but  the  elements  fought  against  him,  and  when  Janibeg 
appeared  his  forces  were  demoralised.  They  sustained  a  great  defeat. 
Ashraf  and  his  emir  and  councillor  Kaus,  were  captured.  Ashraf  was 
beheaded,  and  his  head  was  sent  to  Trebiz  to  be  suspended  at  the 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  350.        f  /d.,  356,  357.        :  Id.,  356.       §  Golden  Horde,  311.    Note,  2. 

\IA.  H  Karamzin,  iv.  357,  358.  ** /d.,  362.  t1  Golden  Horde,  311. 

11  Karamzin,  iv.  440.    Note,  83.  §5  Id.,  363.    Note,  83.  |!||  Id.,  363. 


door  of  the  mosque  of  Meragha.  He  had  sent  a  caravan  of  treasure 
consisting  of  one  hundred  mule  and  camel  loads,  to  take  refuge  in  the 
castle  of  Alinjak.  This  caravan  was  waylaid  by  Janibeg's  people,  which 
gave  point  to  the  verse, 

See  how  the  donkey  Ashraf  does  his  fate  unfold, 
Securing  death  for  self,  for  Janibeg  his  gold. 

After  his  victory,  Janibeg  held  a  tight  rein  over  and  forbade  his  people 
to  pillage  the  enemy's  towns.  He  only  stayed  forty  days  in  Tebriz,  and 
having  said  his  prayers  at  the  great  mosque  of  the  vizir  Alishah  Khoja, 
went  on  to  Aujan,  whence  he  returned  to  Kipchak,  leaving  his  son 
Berdibeg  at  Tebriz  with  15,000  horsemen.  Falling  ill  on  the  way,  he 
sent  his  general  Tughlukbeg  to  summon  Berdibeg,  so  that  he  might 
instal  him  as  his  successor.  Fearing  that  his  father  might  recover, 
Berdibeg  murdered  him.  This  was  done  apparently  by  the  advice  of 
Tughlukbeg.*  The  body  of  Janibeg  was  taken  to  the  Imperial  cemetery 
of  the  Golden  Horde,  near  Seraichuk  on  the  Yaik,  and  there  buried  with 
those  of  his  ancestors. 

His  reign  of  seventeen  years  was  the  complement  of  that  of  his  father's, 
and  the  two  form  the  most  flourishing  epoch  of  the  history  of  the  Golden 
Horde,  and  a  dismal  contrast  to  the  period  which  follows.  He  was 
called  the  Good  Janibeg  by  the  Russian  annalists.t  His  coins  range 
from  the  year  741  (?.^.,  1340-1)  to  758  {i.e.,  1357),  and  they  were  struck  at 
Serai,  Gulistan,  New  Serai,  New  GuUstan,  the  New  Ordu,  Khuarezm, 
Mokhshi,  Barchin,  and  Tebriz.]:  On  some  of  his  money  he  styles  himself 
the  "  Supreme  Sultan  Jelal  ud  din  Mahmud  Janibeg  Khan,"  On  other 
specimens  we  have  a  legend  both  in  Mongol  letters  and  in  Persian,  the 
former  representing  his  name  as  "  Chambek  Khan,"  while  the  titles  "Just 
Sultan  Jelal  ud  din  Mahmud"  are  given  in  the  latter  script.§  Riswan- 
pashasade  and  Aali  both  write  the  name  Janbeg,  which  is  explained  by 
Von  Hammer  as  meaning  "  der  Seelen  furst"  (/.^.,  the  prince  of  spirits). 


Berdibeg  succeeded  to  the  throne  in  the  year  1357,  and,  according  to 
Russian  authors,  he  proceeded  to  put  to  death  twelve  of  his  brothers  a 
piece  of  statecraft  which  is  very  common  in  eastern  countries,  and  is  in 
a  measure  justified  by  the  terrible  anarchy  so  frequent  there,  arising  from 
the  contests  between  brothers  for  the  succession.  One  of  Berdibeg's 
first  acts  was  to  send  Itkar  to  threaten  the  Russian  princes.  Upon  this 
the  metropolitan  Alexis  once  more  repaired  to  Serai,  and  through  the 
intervention  of  Taidula  he  obtained  favourable  terms  for  them  and  also 
for  the  church.    A  second  Tartar,  however,  soon  appeared  in  Russia 

*  Golden  Horde,  312.  1  Karamzin,  iv.  363. 

I  Fraehn,  Description  of  Fuch's  Collection,  10-13.  5  Frs&hn,  Resen.,  &c.,  229,  &c. 


who  is  called  the  tzarevitch  Mamat  Khoja  by  Karamzin.  He  went  to 
Moscow  to  fix,  as  he  claimed,  the  limits  of  the  Grand  PrincipaUty  and 
that  of  Riazan.  His  real  object,  however,  was  plunder,  and  the  Grand 
Prince  replied  that  so  long  as  he  fulfilled  the  Khan's  regulations  it  was 
forbidden  for  the  Khan's  envoys  to  interfere  in  the  internal  concerns  of 
Russia.  This  temerity  of  the  Grand  Prince  was  probably  due  to  the  fact 
that  Mamat  Khoja's  invasion  was  disowned  by  Berdibeg.  Having  been 
summoned  back  to  the  horde,  he  presumed  to  kill  a  favourite  of 
Berdibeg's,  and  we  are  told  he  was  sent  off  to  Ornatch  {i.e.,  Urjenj)  to 
his  uncle.  Von  Hammer  calls  him  a  son  of  Berdibeg's,  but  this  is,  I 
believe,  altogether  improbable,  and  Karamzin  speaks  of  him  as  if  he 
was  no  near  relative  of  the  Khan's.*    We  shall  hear  of  him  again. 

Meanwhile  we  are  told  that  the  Grand  Prince  Ivan,  Vasili  of  Tuer, 
and  his  nephew  Vsevolod  of  Kholm,  went  to  the  horde,  where  they  were 
confirmed  in  their  governments. 

A  treaty  made  between  Berdibeg  and  the  Venetians  is  still  extant. 
This  is  dated  in  September,  1358,  the  Venetians  being. represented  by 
Giovanni  Quirino  and  Francisco  Buono.  It  is  addressed,  as  Janibeg's 
was,  to  the  various  grandees,  &c.,  of  the  empire.  Among  the  rest, 
however,  we  find  in  this  document  "  the  Signori  of  the  Kumani " 
mentioned.!  It  confirms  the  various  privileges  granted  to  the  Venetians 
by  the  former  diplomas  of  Uzbeg  and  Janibeg  already  cited,  and  makes 
new  regulations  as  to  dues,  and  special  provision  as  to  the  amount  which 
was  to  be  paid  to  Tughlukbeg,  the  Lord  of  Tana.  The  document  was 
signed  at  the  ordu  on  the  Aktuba  on  the  8th  of  the  month  Shewwal,  in 
the  year  759  of  the  hejira,  being  the  year  of  the  dog  in  the  Mongol 
calendar,  and  is  attested  by  Asanibei  {i.e.,  Hassanbeg),  Megalbei  (?>., 
Mogolbeg),  Sarabei  (?  Serai  Kutlugh,  previously  mentioned),  Yagaltai, 
Tolobei  {i.e.,  Tughlukbeg),  and  Cotulubeg  {i.e.,  Kutlughbeg).  A  special 
clause  was  added  as  to  the  claims  of  Kutlugh  Timur,  the  lord  of 

The  success  which  Janibeg  had  gained  in  Azerbaijan  bore  but  short- 
lived fruit,  for  the  deputy  or  governor  whom  Berdibeg  nominated  there, 
named  Akhitshuk,  was  killed  by  the  emir  Sheikh  Uweis,  the  Ilkhan,  who 
reoccupied  Tebriz.§  Berdibeg,  like  his  predecessors  Uzbeg  and  Janibeg, 
renewed  the  privileges  of  the  Russian  church.  || 

The  Grand  Prince  Ivan  died  in  the  autumn  of  1359,  and  was  speedily 
followed  by  Berdibeg,  who  was  killed  by  Kulpa,  with  Tughlukbeg,  the 
instigator  of  his  paricidal  crime.  With  him  ended  for  a  while  the 
prosperous  period  of  Kipchak  history.  This  is  neatly  affirmed  in  an 
Uzbeg  proverb,  which  says  "The  hump  of  the  camel  was  cut  off  in  the 
person  of  Berdibeg."1I     On  his  coins  Berdibet^  is  styled  Berdibeg  Khan, 

*  Op.  cit.,  iv.  365,  366-  t  Ciolden  Horde,  5KJ.  I /'/.,  521,  522. 

%  U.,  316.  Ij  Id.    Karamzin,  iv.    Note,  83.  H  Abulghazi,  ed.  Desmaisons,  186. 


and  also  Muhammed  Berdibeg  Khan.  They  were  struck  at  Serai,  New 
Serai,  Khuarezm,  Gulistan,  and  Azak.  (SaviHef  has  also  published  a  coin 
of  his  struck  at  El  Aguir,  a  place  whose  situation  I  do  not  know.)  They 
range  in  date  from  758  {i.e.,  1357)  to  760  (?>.,  1358-9)- 


We  now  enter  a  period  of  great  confusion  in  the  history  of  the  Golden 
Horde.  Khuandimir,  who  gives  the  fullest  list  of  the  Khans  of  Kipchak, 
makes  Berdibeg  be  succeeded  by  Kildibeg.  The  Russian  authors  call 
Berdibeg's  successor  Kulpa,  and  the  question  arises  whether  these  two 
names  are  mere  variants  or  are,  as  they  have  been  treated  by  Frashn, 
Von  Hammer,  &c.,  the  names  of  distinct  persons.  The  termination  beg 
is  of  course  only  a  title,  and  Janibeg  is  sometimes  styled  Jani  Khan,  while 
we  find  a  Mamluk  leader  in  Egypt  called  Berdi  Ghazali,  so  that  the 
question  we  have  to  decide  is  whether  Kildi  and  Kulpa  were  the  same 
person.  Now  Kulpa  does  not  seem  in  form  like  a  Turkish  name,  nor  do 
I  know  of  its  occurrence  elsewhere  in  history.  Again,  on  none  of 
the  coins  which  are  assigned  to  Kulpa  is  the  name  written  Kulpa, 
but  in  all  it  is  written  Kulna  or  Kulnah.*  This  seems  to  show  that 
the  name  is  in  some  way  corrupted.  Again  the  general  view  is 
that  Kulna  was  killed  and  succeeded  by  Nurus  Khan,  yet  it  is  curious 
that  coins  both  of  Kulna  and  Nurus  occur  both  in  the  years  760  and  761, 
struck,  too,  apparently  in  all  parts  of  the  Khanate,t  so  that  it  would 
appear  that  their  reigns  were  in  fact  concurrent  and  contemporary,  and 
not  actually  successive.  Now,  while  we  have  coins  with  the  name  of 
Kulna  struck  in  760  and  761,  we  find  coins  with  the  name  of  Kildibeg 
struck  in  762  and  763,  that  is  the  very  next  years.  This  evidence  of  the 
coins,  coupled  with  the  facts  mentioned  from  Khuandimir  and  the 
Russian  annahsts,  make  me  disposed  to  think  that  Kulpa,  Kulna,  and 
Kildibeg  were  in  fact  the  same  person.  I  may  add  that  he  is  also  called 
Askulpa.t  Kildibeg,  according  to  Karamzin,  passed  himself  off  as  the 
son  of  Janibeg.  Coins  with  the  name  of  Kulna  were  struck  at  Guhstan, 
New  Serai,  Azak,  and  Khuarezm  in  the  years  760  and  761  {i.e.,  i359-6o).§ 
Those  with  the  name  Kildibek  were  struck  at  New  Serai,  Azak,  and 
Mokhshi  in  the  years  762  and  763  {i.e.,  I36i-2).||  According  to  the 
authority  followed  by  Von  Hammer,  Kulpa  only  occupied  the  throne  for 
six  months  and  five  days,  when,  with  his  sons  Ivan  and  Michael,  he  was 
killed  by  Nurusbeg.^ 

•  Frahn,  Resc,  261,  262.  t  W.,  261-264,  and  651.  I  Golden  Horde,  315. 

§  Frxhn,  Resc,  2G1,  262.         \  Id.,  273,  274.         1  Golden  Horde,  316. 



Khuandimir  tells  us  Nurus  falsely  pretended  to  be  a  son  of  Janibeg's,* 
that  is  therefore  a  brother  of  Berdibeg's.  Karamzin  merely  says  he  was 
a  descendant  of  Juchi  Khan.t  On  his  accession  the  various  Russian 
princes  repaired  to  the  horde  for  investiture.  Thus  went  Vasili 
Michaelovitch  of  Tuer,  with  his  nephews  the  Princes  of  Riazan  and 
Rostof.  Dimitri  Ivanovitch  of  Moscow  did  not  go  himself,  but  sent  his 
sword-bearer  to  ask  for  the  yarligh  or  diploma.  Nurus,  however,  insisted 
that  he  should  go  in  person.  The  next  year  {t.e.,'m  1360)  Andrew, 
Constantinovitch  of  Suzdal,  and  his  brother  Dimitri  went  there,  and 
were  well  received  by  Nurus.  That  Khan  offered  the  Grand  Principality 
of  Vladimir  to  Andrew,  who  refused  it.  He  then  gave  it  to  his  brother 
Constantine.  This  position  passed  therefore  for  a  while  from  the  Princes 
of  Moscow  and  the  family  of  Kalita.  Dimitri  returned  home  with  a 
representative  of  the  Khan,  and  was  well  received  at  Vladimir,  where  he 
was  duly  consecrated  by  the  metropolitan  Alexis,  who,  however,  refused 
to  remove  his  seat  from  Moscow.  Dimitri's  appointment  was  welcomed 
by  the  people  of  Novgorod,  who  were  jealous  of  the  Princes  of  Moscow. 
Meanwhile  Dimitri,  the  prince  of  that  appanage,  remained  for  some  time 
at  the  horde,  and  distributed  presents  to  the  Khan,  his  wife,  and  the 
grandees  there.  He  was  invested  with  the  Principality  of  White  Russia 
and  the  towns  of  Vladimir  and  Pereislavl.J 

The  reign  of  Nurus  was  but  a  short  one.  We  are  told  that  Khidr,  who 
had  for  a  long  time  wandered  beyond  the  Yaik,  having  won  over  some 
of  the  Tartar  grandees,  killed  Nurus,  his  son  Timur,  and  the  old  Khatun 
Taidula.§  The  chronicle  of  Nikon  adds  that  he  put  to  death  all  the 
people  of  a  certain  Mualbuza.  II  This  was  probably  the  Mogolbeg  who 
appears  prominently  as  a  signatory  to  the  treaties  between  Janibeg  and 
Berdibeg  and  the  Venetians.^  On  one  of  his  coins  Nurus  is  styled 
Muhammed  Nurus.  His  money  was  struck  in  760-1  (?>.,  1359-60),  at 
Gulistan,  New  Serai,  and  Azak.** 


Khuandimir,  in  his  list  of  the  Khans  of  Kipchak,  makes  Nurus  Khan 
be  succeeded  by  Cherkes  Khan,  who  he  says  the  emirs,  for  some 
diplomatic  reasons,  made  out  to  be  a  son  of  Janibeg  His  name 
does  not  occur  elsewhere  as  succeeding  at  this  period,  and  it  is  not  till 

*  Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  117.  t  Op.  cit.,  iv.  370.  J  Golden  Horde,  31G. 

i  id.,  417.    Karamzin,  iv.  373.  |J  Karamzin,  iv.  88.  «[  Golden  Horde,  517-519,  and  521. 

**  Frjehn,  Resc,  263,  264,  tt  Journ.  Asiat,  vii.  117. 

CHERKESBEG   KHAN.  •       1 83 

sixteen  years  later,  namely,  in  the  year  776  of  the  hejira  (1374-5),  when 
we  find  Cherkesbeg  Khan  coining  money  at  Astrakhan.*  It  may  be 
that  he  mounted  the  throne  ephemerally,  and  then  survived  for  many 
years,  but  we  know  nothing  more  about  him.  With  his  shadowy  figure 
we  may  well  close  another  chapter  of  our  work,  for  we  now  find  the 
family  of  Batu  Khan  had  reached  the  term  of  its  rule  in  the  Kipchak. 
Whether  his  descendants  were  absolutely  extinct  or  not  it  is  impossible 
to  say,  but  none  of  them,  so  far  as  we  know,  occupied  the  throne,  which 
passed  into  the  hands  of  the  descendants  of  other  sons  of  Juchi.  Their 
history  I  shall  trace  in  the  succeeding  chapters. 

Note  I.— In  the  account  of  Uzbeg  Khan  I  overlooked  some  notices  of  him 
contained  in  the  narrative  of  the  Roman  Catholic  missionaries,  published  by 
Colonel  Yule  in  "  Cathay  and  the  Way  Thither."  Thus,  in  a  work  entitled 
"  The  Book  of  the  Estate  of  the  Great  Caan,"  set  forth  by  the  archbishop  of 
Soldaia  (supposed  to  be  the  Dominician  John  de  Cora),  and  written  about  1330, 
we  are  told  how  Uzbeg  was  one  of  the  three  great  lieges  of  the  Great  Caan, 
and  that  each  year,  like  the  rest,  he  sent  as  presents  to  his  suzerain  five 
leopards,  camels,  and  jerfalcons,  and  a  great  store  of  precious  jewels.  He 
also  says  that  in  his  war  with  Abusaid,  Uzbeg  put  in  the  field  an  army  of 
707,000  horsemen  ! !  !t  Our  next  authority  is  John  of  MarignolH,  who  passed 
through  the  Kipchak  in  1339.  He  tells  us  he  found  Christians  at  Kaffa 
of  many  sects,  that  on  leaving  that  town  he  visited  Uzbeg  Khan,  and  presented 
the  letters  which  he  had  with  him  from  the  Pope  for  the  Khan  himself,  for  his 
eldest  son  Tinibeg,  and  for  Elias  the  ungarian  (the  Helym  of  the  text),J  who 
was  in  favour  with  the  latter.  He  also  presented  him  with  certain  pieces  of 
cloth,  a  great  war  horse,  with  some  strong  liquor,  and  the  Pope's  presents ; 
and  after  the  winter  was  over,  having  been  well  fed,  well  clothed,  and  loaded 
with  handsome  presents,  and  supplied  by  Uzbeg  with  horses  and  travelling 
expenses,  he  proceeded  to  Almaligh.§ 

The  Roman  Catholics  made  extraordinary  missionary  efforts  in  the 
fourteenth  century.  About  1307  Khanbaligh  was  created  a  metropolitan  see, 
with  John  of  Montecorvino  at  its  head,  and  directly  after  seven  suffragan 
bishops  were  nominated  to  various  sees  in  China.  ||  John  is  said  to  have 
converted  the  Mongol  Khakan.  Wadding  tells  a  very  improbable  story  that 
when  the  Khakan  died  he  was  buried  in  the  convent  church  ;  that  when 
the  troubles  broke  out  in  later  times  and  the  friars  had  to  leave  China, 
they  removed  the  Imperial  body  with  them  to  Serai^  and  that  when  taken  up 
it  was  found  as  fresh  as  when  buried.*[[  To  prove  how  strongly  established  the 
Latin  church  was  in  the  Kipchak,  I  may  quote  a  list  of  convents  in  that 
province,  which,  although  written  in  the  year   1400,   refers  probably  to   an 

*  Fraehn,  Resc,  &c.,  300.  t  Cathay  amd  the  Way  Thither,  i.  238.  \  Ante,  171. 

§  Cathay  and  the  Way  Thither,  ii.  337.  \ld.,\.\jo.  %  Id.,  171, 


earlier  period.  There  were  ten  within  the  custodia  of  Serai  and  four  in  that  of 
Gazaria  or  the  Crimea.  Those  of  Serai  were  Tana,  Agitarchan  (/>., 
Astrakhan),  Serai,  Comuch  (Le.,  Kumuk,  the  land  south  of  the  Terek),  Tarchis 
(i.e.,  Terki,  at  the  mouth  of  the  river  Terek,  now  represented  by  Kisliar, 
higher  up,  and  which  was  distinct  from  the  modern  Tarkhu),  Mamui  (?  Serai- 
chuk),  Majar,  Uguech  (/.<».,  Ukek),  Ak  Serai  {i.e.,  white  building  perhaps,  says 
Colonel  Yule,  "  Al  Baidha,"  which  means  the  same  thing,  and  which  Edrisi 
couples  with  Samander,  and  possibly  the  Abserai  of  the  Catalan  map  on  the 
coast  below  Terki),  and  Organae  (/.<?.,  Urgenj). 

In  another  list  given  by  Wadding  in  1314,  we  have  named  Beler,  probably 
Bulghari,  and  S.  Joannes,  a  monastery  three  miles  from  Serai.  According  to 
Wadding,  a  young  man  of  this  monastery  named  Stephen,  resenting  some  severe 
discipline,  deserted  and  publicly  professed  Islam ;  he  afterwards  as  publicly 
recanted,  and  thereupon  the  enraged  Muhammedans  hacked  him  in  pieces 
in  front  of  the  fire  that  was  to  have  burnt  him.* 

Neie  2. — In  a  note  to  the  previous  chapter,  I  accepted  Colonel  Yule's  conclu- 
sions that  the  site  of  the  ancient  Serai  of  Batu  Khan  was  probably  near  the  salt 
works  called  Selitrennoi  Gorodok,  and  also  that  there  was  a  "  New  Serai,"  con- 
siderably further  up  the  river,  which  was  known  as  the  Serai  of  Janibeg  Khan. 
Its  ruins  exist  on  a  very  large  scale  at  Tzaref.  They  have  been  explored  with 
great  diligence  by  M.  Grigorief,  who  has  published  a  considerable  work  upon 
them,  which  is  unfortunately  written  in  Russian.  A  plan  of  the  ruins  may  be 
seen  in  the  first  volume  of  Colonel  Yule's  Marco  Polo.  This  New  Serai  became, 
from  its  importance,  the  chief  capital  of  the  Golden  Horde,  and  was  also 
known  as  Great  Serai.  From  Janibeg's  name  being  so  closely  connected  with 
it  in  tradition,  it  probably  owed  a  good  deal  of  its  importance  to  him.  It  first 
occurs  under  the  name  of  New  Serai  on  a  coin  of  Toktoghu  of  the  year  710 
{i.g.,  1310-11),  but  the  site  is  so  important  from  the  neighbouring  pasturage  being 
so  good,  that  it  marks  probably,  as  Pallas  suggested,  the  usual  summer  quarters 
of  the  Tartar  Khans.  Pallas  described  the  ruins  at  Tzaref  in  some  detail,  and 
I  shall  abstract  his  account.  He  says,  "  Near  the  Podpalatnoi  Yerik  (a  ditch 
which  empties  itself  by  one  branch  into  the  Tzarefka,  and  by  another  into 
the  Akhtuba),  there  are  some  curious  remains  of  Tartarian  antiquity.  I 
remarked  there  several  traces  of  houses  and  sepulchral  hills,  similar  to  those 
which  I  had  before  observed  above  the  river  Kugultu  on  the  higher  steppe. 
Among  them  are  three  ruins  enclosed  by  a  square  bank  of  rubbish,  without  a 
a  ditch,  and  with  an  outlet  towards  the  south.  The  monument  at  Podpalatnoi 
Yerik  is  a  sepulchral  mound  of  a  flat  form,  raised  on  a  square  eminence,  and 
consisting  of  six  contiguous  and  very  low  arches  covered  with  earth ;  its  base 
is  about  one  hundred  and  fifty  paces  in  circumference,  and  not  above  a  fathom 
high,  but  together  with  the  square  on  which  the  vaults  are  erected  it  is  three 
fathoms  in  perpendicular  height.  This  square  monument  is  enclosed  by  the 
foundation  of  a  thick  wall,  which  consists  of  an  imperfect  sandstone  quarried 
on  the  opposite  bank  of  the  Volga.  There  appears  to  have  been  an  entrance 
in  the  northern  side  of  this  wall,  which  forms  an  oblong  square  of  twenty-nine 

•  Cathay  and  the  Way  Thither,  t33,  234.    Notes. 

NOTES.  185 

fathoms  long  and  twenty-seven  fathoms  broad  ;  its  base,  measured  from  north 
to  south,  is  fifty-seven  fathoms  in  extent,  and  fifty-six  from  east  to  v^est.  The 
space  around  the  vaulted  hillocks  is  considerably  excavated  within  the 
enclosure,  and  the  vaults  of  the  monument,  which  probably  have  long  since 
been  plundered  of  a  considerable  booty,  deserve  a  more  accurate  description 
on  account  of  the  solidity  of  their  construction.  The  walls  that  support  them 
are  formed  of  pieces  of  rough  unhewn  sandstone,  about  an  ell  high.  The  vaults 
themselves  are  almost  flat,  and  consist  of  about  six  layers  of  square  oblong 
bricks  placed  alternately,  so  that  one  by  its  breadth  supports  and  covers  two 
others.  The  spaces  between  them  are  nearly  an  inch  broad,  and  filled  up  with 
a  cement  which  in  some  places  appears  to  have  been  poured  in  while  in  a 
liquid  state.  It  has,  however,  acquired  such  a  solid  consistence  that  it  is  easier 
to  break  the  well-burnt  bricks  than  to  separate  the  mortar.  This  grey  cement 
appears  to  be  a  mixture  of  unslacked  lime,  pulverised  charcoal,  and  pounded 
sandstone,  instead  of  the  sand  used  for  building.  In  that  mass  I  observed 
many  particles  of  lime  as  white  as  snow,  which  readily  crumbled  into  dust,  as 
well  as  large  and  small  particles  of  charcoal,  this  substance  being  reduced  to 
a  fine  powder,  probably  imparted  the  grey  colour  to  the  cement.  Perhaps  the 
admixture  of  charcoal  dust  may  produce  an  effect  similar  to  the  earth  of 
Pozzuola,  which,  however,  must  be  decided  by  experiment.  The  durability  of 
the  cement  may  also  be  ascribed  to  a  mixture  of  sour  milk,  which  we  may 
suppose  must  have  been  in  great  abundance  among  a  wealthy  pastoral  people. 
In  short,  the  mortar  of  their  vaults  is,  notwithstanding  the  constant  moisture 
from  above  and  the  saline  nature  of  the  surrounding  soil,  the  best,  hardest,  and 
driest  I  have  ever  seen,  and  the  ruins  of  the  flat  vaults  almost  resist  the  force 
of  the  pick-axe,  insomuch  that  they  can  only  be  reduced  by  small  fragments. 

"  On  the  western  side  of  this  mausoleum,  distant  about  forty-two  fathoms, 
there  is  a  round  heap  of  rubbish,  apparently  the  ruin  of  a  brick  tower,  from 
which  a  wall  of  an  ell  thick  extends  five  fathoms  to  the  east-south-east,  and 
thirty-one  fathoms  to  the  south-south-east,  forming  an  obtuse  angle  at  a 
circular  pit,  where  it  terminates.  The  brick  and  shards  scattered  here 
probably  belonged  to  an  ancient  aqueduct.  I  shall  not  attempt  to  decide 
whether  this  has  been  an  apparatus  for  raising  water,  but  so  much  is  certain 
that  the  circumjacent  soil  having  been  made  perfectly  level,  indicates  a  former 
state  of  agriculture,  besides,  it  is  manifest  that  at  the  lowest  side  of  the  parapet 
there  has  been  a  mound  or  bank  formed  in  regular  angles,  from  eight  to  ten 
paces  broad,  and  upwards  of  a  thousand  paces  long.  The  earth  for  this  bank 
has  been  taken  from  pits  discoverable  in  several  places.  This  enclosure  could 
have  served  no  other  purpose  than  that  of  a  reservoir  of  water  for  gardens."*" 

"The  popular  tradition  relative  to  the  monument  near  the  Podpalatnoi 
Yerik  is  that  the  palace  of  the  Khan  formerly  stood  there.  I  imagine,  however, 
that  this  ruin,  as  well  as  the  numerous  vaulted  piles  of  brickwork,  are  the 
ancient  sepulchres  of  the  Mongol-Tartar  princes  and  other  persons  of 
distinction.  The  leaden  tubes  which  are  said  to  have  been  found  near  these 
vaults  have  probably  been  used  instead  of  the  spiracles  usually  made  in  Muham- 
medan  tombs.     It  is  certain  that  in  the  sepulchres  of  this  country  immense 

*  Pallas's  Travels  in  the  Southern  Provinces  of  Russia,  i.  ij4-ig6. 


riches  have  formerly  been  discovered,  consisting  of  jewels  and  vases  and 
ornamental  horse  furniture  of  massy  gold  and  silver.  The  major  part  of  this 
treasure  has  been  secretly  disposed  of  to  the  goldsmiths  and  merchants,  while 
the  remainder  is  still  preserved  in  the  cabinet  of  curiosities  belonging  to  the 
Imperial  Academy  of  Sciences  at  St.  Petersburg. 

•'  About  one  hundred  fathoms  north-west  from  the  great  mausoleum  there 
is  a  large  heap  of  rubbish  or  ruins  thrown  together,  and  nearly  one  hundred 
fathoms  in  circumference.  It  appears  to  have  been  part  of  the  materials  of  a 
building.  About  sixteen  fathoms  farther  towards  the  west-south-west  is 
another  square  mass  of  ruins  of  a  moderate  size.  One  hundred  fathoms  north- 
west from  the  latter,  and  above  one  hundred  fathoms  from  the  large  monument, 
a  third  oblong  and  very  considerable  pile  appears,  which  is  probably  the  ruins 
of  a  building ;  and  two  hundred  fathoms  westward  there  is  a  circular  sepulchral 
hill,  simply  vaulted  with  bricks.  This  hill  is  opposite  to  and  about  one 
hundred  fathoms  distant  from  a  lake,  which  is  a  verst  long  and  surrounded 
with  dwarf  willows.  The  lake  contains  a  sweetish  water,  and  is  much 
frequented  by  a  variety  of  the  feathered  tribe.  According  to  tradition,  it  is 
asserted  to  be  the  true  sugar  lake  of  Kharashish,  the  divorced  consort  of  the 
Khan  Dshenovak  (/.<?.,  of  Janibeg  Khan),  who  is  so  often  the  subject  of  con- 
versation among  the  Kalmuks.  This  lady,  it  is  reported,  had  fixed  her 
habitation  near  the  above  lake,  and  ordered  a  large  quantity  of  sugar  to  be 
thrown  into  it,  to  decoy  aquatic  birds  from  the  circumjacent  parts.  By  this 
stratagem  the  Khan  (her  husband),  who  was  a  great  lover  of  hawking,  was 
induced  to  resort  to  the  vicinity  of  her  residence,  and  thus  she  eventually 
effected  a  reconciliation.  All  the  heaps  of  ruins  in  the  valley  are  distinctly 
visible  from  this  lake,  and  there  is  also  a  distance  prospect  of  the  pile  situated 
on  the  high  steppe  beyond  the  Tzaritza,  which  I  have  already  mentioned  in 
my  former  travels,  and  the  large  sepulchral  hillocks  beyond  the  Kugultu."  * 

"  In  some  parts  of  this  low  country  there  is  said  to  be  a  regular  road  paved 
with  bricks  leading  over  a  swampy  ditch,  and  in  other  places  small  regular 
arches  of  brickwork  are  discoverable,  which  probably  have  served  as  a  ground- 
work for  the  felt  tents  of  the  chiefs  in  a  country  so  rich  in  pasturage.  In  my 
opinion  the  ruins  are  not  the  remains  of  the  dwelling-houses,  but  partly  of 
mosques  and  partly  of  vaulted  chapels  which  have  been  enclosed  by  walls 
like  the  modern  cemeteries  of  the  Nogays.  A  wandering  nation,  such  as 
the  Golden  Horde  of  these  countries,  could  no  more  be  induced  to  reside 
in  houses  than  the  Khans  and  princes  of  the  Kalmuks  along  the  banks  of  the 
Volga;  though  the  fortress  of  Yenataevka  had  been  purposely  established  the 
dwelling-houses  built  for  their  accommodation.  The  whole  border  of  the  high 
steppe  above  the  valley  of  Tzarevy  Pody  is  covered  with  innumerable  sepulchral 
hills,  and  those  called  Kurgans,  which  are  scattered  down  along  the  banks  of 
the  Akhtouba,  as  far  as  the  Solanka,  and  upwards  beyond  Saplavnaya.  Some 
of  these  hills  are  very  large,  and  may  be  seen  at  a  great  distance,  but  nearly 
the  whole  of  their  vaults  have  been  opened.  The  largest  sepulchral  monu- 
ments are  erected  on  the  most  prominent  parts  of  the  country,  gs  in  Siberia." 

The  ruins  of  the  old  Tartar  capital  and  its  dependent  villages  stretch  over 

*  Id.,  198, 199. 

NOTES.  1S7 

a  wide  area  of  the  steppe  on  the  upper  Akhtuba,  and  cover  a  space  of  seventy 
versts,  including. the  bends  of  the  river,  and  stretch  from  the  village  of  Nishni 
Akhtubinsk,  opposite  Zaritzin,  towards  the  east  and  south-east,  as  far  as 
Saplawinskoi  and  the  village  of  Prishibinskoi.*  Near  Saplawinskoi  there  is  a 
large  heap  of  bricks,  which  the  Russians  call  Metshetnoi  Bugar,  or  the  hall  of 
the  house  of  prayer,  and  the  Kalmuks,  Temahne  Balgasun,  or  the  camel's 
tower.  The  Kalmuks  report  that  Janibeg  Khan  kept  his  mares  there, 
whose  milk  was  conveyed  by  tubes  from  this  tower  to  his  residence, 
"  but,"  says  Pallas,  "  the  numerous  sepulchral  hillocks  scattered  over  the 
steppe  sufficiently  indicate  the  purpose  to  which  this  building  was  formerly 

♦'  From  Prishibruskoi  may  be  seen  the  beautiful  valley  of  Tzarevy  Pody,  or 
the  Royal  residence.  It  is  upwards  of  fifteen  versts  long  and  seven  broad.  By 
the  Kalmuks  it  is  called  Jan  Wokhani  Balgassun  (i.e.,  the  town  where  Khan 
Wokhan  ruled).  The  Tartars,  however,  call  it  Janibeg  Khan  Serai.  | 
Many  coins  have  been  found  over  this  area,  while  the  worked  stones  and 
debris  have  been  used  in  building  the  tower  of  Zarefka,"  &c.§ 

I  have  no  hesitation,  as  I  said,  in  identifying  the  ruins  just  described  with 
New  Serai,  as  distinguished  from  the  old  Serai  of  Batu  Khan.  Now  it  is 
curious  that  when  the  name  of  New  Serai  appears  on  the  coins  that  of  Serai'' 
proper  becomes  very  infrequent,  and  presently  ceases  altogether.  We  have 
it  replaced  by  a  new  name,  "  Gulistan  "  {i.e.,  the  town  of  roses),  a  name 
which  occurs  in  other  sites,  as  on  the  coast  of  Abkhazia  on  the  Black  Sea,  and 
is  a  very  pretty  synonym.  I  have  no  doubt  that  it  represents  the  older  Serai, 
and  was  given  to  it  doubtless  when  the  name  Serai  became  distinctively 
attached  to  the  larger  town  on  the  Akhtuba,  and  it  naturally  occurs  for  the 
first  time  under  Janibeg  Khan  in  1351,  who  gave  New  Serai  its  importance. 
On  a  coin  of  Murid's,||  struck  in  763,  the  mint  place  is  "  Gulistan  lis  Serai  " 
{i.e.,  Gulistan  which  is  Serai), ^  which  proves  that  Gulistan  is  only  another 
name  for  Serai.  I  may  add  that  New  Serai  was  apparently  sometimes  called 
New  Gulistan,  which  name  occurs  on  some  coins  of  Janibeg,  Pulad,  and  Azis 
Khan.  There  was  still  another  synonym  by  which  Serai  was  known,  and  this 
was  the  Mongol  name  of  Ordu,  the  meaning  of  which  I  have  explained  in  the 
Introduction.  It  first  occurs  under  the  Khan  Abdullah  in  the  year  1365-6,** 
and  was  used  by  most  of  the  succeeding  Khans.  The  name  was  also  applied 
to  New  Serai,  which  was  called  Ordu  el  jedid,  or  New  Ordu,  on  some  of  the 
coins  of  Toktamish  and  his  successors. 

I  may  add,  as  confirming  the  view  here  taken,  that  the  diploma  granted  by 
Janibeg  to  the  Venetians,  already  cited,  is  dated  from  Gulistan,  while  that  of 
his  son  Berdibeg  is  similarly  dated  from  the  ordu  on  the 

I  shall  reserve  the  description  of  Bolghari  and  Astrakhan  for  a  later  chapter, 
and  will  now  consider  the  sites  of  certain  towns  which  occur  as  mint  places  of  the 
Golden  Horde,  and  were  probably  situated  on  the  Kuma  and  the  Terek,  namely, 
Majar,  JuUad,  and  Mokhshi.     In  regard  to  Majar  we  have  abundant  materials. 

*  Muller  Ugrische  Volkstamm,  ii.  570.  t  Pallas,  op.  cit.,  i.  192. 

I  MuUer,  op.  cit.,  571.  §  Id.  ||  Vide  next  chapter.  H  Fraehn  Resc,  &c.,  276. 

**  Vide  infra.  tt  Golden  Horde,  519  and  521. 


The  ruins  of  the  city  are,  or  rather  were,  in  recent  times,  situated  on  the  river 
Kama.  The  site  was  visited  by  Gmelin  in  1772,  and  he  tells  us  the  ruins  occur 
in  three  places.  The  principal  ones  are  called  Middle  or  Great  Majar,  and 
are  situated  on  the  left  bank  of  the  Kuma,  between  the  lakes  of  Biwalla  or 
Bibala  and  Tamuslava.  When  Gmelin  was  there  he  found  an  elevated 
quadrangular  plain,  five  versts  in  diameter,  the  whole  of  which  was  occupied 
with  ruins. 

"  These  ruins,"  he  says,  "  are  evident  indications  of  the  former  existence  of 
a  great  and  magnificent  city,  and  some  remains  of  buildings  are  yet  in  such 
a  state  as  to  prove  this  to  demonstration.  Others  are  more  completely 
destroyed;  and  of  the  greater  part,  the  ravages  of  time  have  left  nothing  but 
rubbish  and  the  foundations,  vaults  more  or  less  perfect,  and  similar  relics. 
Such  of  the  ruins  as  are  in  the  best  preservation  are  situated  in  general  on  the 
extreme  border  of  the  quadrangle,  and  surround  the  rest  of  the  town.  They 
are  of  superior  dimensions,  built  of  larger  and  more  durable  bricks,  more 
profusely  embellished,  and  stand  more  detached ;  they  likewise  exhibit  traces 
of  ditches  and  walls,  and  seem  from  all  appearances  to  have  been  castles  of 
the  grandees,  erected  with  a  view  to  strength,  splendour,  and  durability.  The 
bricks  resemble  those  still  made  by  the  Tartars  of  Astrakhan,  that  is  to  say, 
they  are  broader  and  thicker  than  ours.  In  the  external  walls,  a  mortar  com- 
posed of  lime  and  sand  is  used  only  here  and  there,  the  cement  generally 
employed  being  clay  alone  ;  but  within  almost  all  the  rooms  are  plastered  and 
whitewashed.  The  foundations  are  mostly  of  brick,  some  few  of  stone,  but  all 
extremely  solid.    The  beams  and  wood-work  are  fir. 

"  The  figure  of  the  buildings  yet  preserved  is  square,  octagonal,  and  circular. 
All  of  them  are  from  four  to  nine  fathoms  in  height,  and  the  square  and 
octagonal  are  surmounted  by  a  kind  of  pyramid,  or  rather  diminish  upward  in 
the  form  of  a  pyramid.  Narrow  mnding  staircases,  seldom  more  than  fifteen 
inches  wide,  concealed  in  the  walls,  conduct  to  these  pyramids  or  cupolas, 
which  receive  light  through  apertures  resembling  windows  in  the  sides.  The 
cupolas  are  arched  at  the  top.  In  every  house  there  is  a  lofty  and  spacious  hall 
with  two  windows,  likewise  built  of  stone,  from  which  a  door  leads  into  the 
principal  apartment  on  the  ground-floor.  The  entry  to  the  hall  is  on  the 
outside,  and  low.  Thus  every  building  consists  of  no  more  than  one  principal 
apartment  on  the  ground-floor,  the  hall,  and  the  cupola  or  pyramid.  The  first 
receives  light  from  a  small  narrow  window  at  a  considerable  height  on  each 
side,  and  on  one  or  two  sides  there  is  a  still  smaller  aperture  very  near  the 
floor,  likewise  for  the  purpose  of  light,  or  perhaps  of  air.  On  the  outside  of  the 
walls  of  the  principal  apartment  and  of  the  hall,  there  is  a  recess  a  brick  in 
depth,  and  this  recess  is  always  arched  at  the  top,  probably  for  ornament. 
Within  are  several  similar  recesses  or  niches. 

"The  style  of  the  circular  buildings  differ  still  more  from  the  modern 
European  and  Asiatic  architecture.  These  are  likewise  from  four  to  nine 
fathoms  in  height,  not  large,  arched  and  pointed  at  top ;  and  they  so  nearly 
resemble  the  round  Persian  and  other  watch-towers,  that  they  might  be  taken 
for  them,  if  they  did  not  stand  among  the  other  buildings  on  level  ground,  and 
had  not  windows  instead  of  loopholes.  These  were  probably  magazines. 
"  In  the  middle  of  the  principal  apartment  is  a  circular  aperture  three  or 

NOTES.  189 

four  feet  in  diameter,  closed  with  a  stone  which  exactly  fits  it.  This  aperture 
leads  to  a  horizontal  subterraneous  passage,  frequently  no  longer  than  the 
room  itself,  but  which  in  many  instances  proceeds  in  a  straight  line,  and  runs 
to  the  extremity  of  the  court-yard,  where  is  also  a  closed  entrance.  It  is 
provided  with  several  air-holes. 

"  The  decorations  of  the  buildings  consist  of  blue,  green,  red,  or  white 
glazed  bricks,  which  are  neatly  inlaid  among  the  others  in  the  form  of 
triangles/squares,  parallelograms,  crosses,  hearts,  and  other  figures,  both  in 
the  interior  and  exterior  of  the  walls  of  the  lower  apartment,  and  of  the 
pyramid  or  cupola;  just  in  the  same  manner  as  in  the  buildings  of  Selitrennoi 

*'  The  smaller  wall  incloses  the  court-yards  of  the  above-described  principal 
buildings  in  the  form  of  a  square,  be  the  buildings  themselves  of  whatever 
figure  they  may.  Each  of  these  court-yards  has  one  or  more  graves,  probably 
of  the  owners  and  their  relations.  Where  there  are  several,  they  are  all  placed 
by  the  side  of  one  another.  Every  grave  has  a  stone,  either  standing  upright 
or  flat.  The  latter  are  about  two  yards  long,  and  on  the  upper  side  there  is 
generally  the  figure  of  a  coffin  common  in  Germany ;  but  some  have  also 
geometrical  and  other  figures,  which  to  me  appeared  arbitrary ;  but  might  be  a 
representation  of  the  signature  or  arms  of  the  deceased  :  thus  you  see  upon 
them  triangles,  crosses,  squares,  &c.  The  surface  of  one  large  gravestone  was 
divided  by  two  diagonal  lines  into  three  compartments ;  in  the  centre  was  the 
figure  of  a  coffin,  and  a  figure  in  each  of  the  two  others, 

"  Besides  these  detached  graves  in  the  court-yards,  there  are  also  general 
burial-places,  and  one  in  particular  beyond  the  lake  of  Biwalla  (the  river 
Bywalla)  full  of  gravestones  of  different  kinds. 

"  The  buildings  in  the  centre  of  the  city,  surrounded  by  these  durable 
edifices,  are  now  almost  all  mere  heaps  of  rubbish  forming  small  hills.  They 
must  have  been  run  up  with  bad  materials,  and  have  been  partly  built  of 
unburnt  brick  alone.  Nevertheless,  every  house  has  its  court-yard  encom- 
passed with  a  wall  and  ditch,  and  its  tenants  repose  in  their  own  ground,  as 
traces  of  the  walls  and  gravestones  plainly  evince— proofs  of  the  once 
flourishing  state  of  this  city. 

"  Not  far  from  Majar,  near  the  lake  of  Biwalla,  I  saw  a  sepulchre,  the 
occasion  of  which  I  was  quite  at  a  loss  to  divine.  This  burial-place  cannot 
have  been  discovered  but  by  some  accident,  perhaps  by  some  person  sinking  in 
there;  for  it  is  totally  destitute  of  any  of  the  marks  that  would  excite  a 
suspicion  of  the  existence  of  such  a  receptacle.  In  a  spot  overgrown  with 
reeds  is  a  hole  two  yards  deep,  four  long,  and  about  the  same  in  breadth,  with 
shelving  sides,  which  was  covered  with  clay  and  turf,  as  it  partly  is  still.  It  is 
almost  full  of  decayed  human  bones,  to  all  appearance  the  remains  of  persons 
slain  in  battle. 

"  The  first  Majar  (or  Lower  Majar)  is  situated  on  the  Kuma,  eighteen  versts 
from  Great  Majar,  and  consists  of  the  ruins  of  three  edifices  and  court-yards 
at  some  distance  from  one  another.  One  of  them  exactly  resembled  the 
octagonal  buildings  described  above,  both  in  form  and  architecture,  but  was  of 
larger  dimensions  than  any  of  those  structures,  and  the  ornaments  of  glazed 
brick  had  sustained  less  injury.    The  two]  others  stand  each  at  the  distance 


of  about  two  hundred  fathoms  from  this  edifice,  and  all  three  in  the  form  of 
a  triangle. 

"  On  the  Kuma,  three  versts  beyond  Middle  Majar,  are  the  ruins  of  houses 
the  same  kind,  which  are  called  by  the  Russians  Upper  Majar,  Opposite  to 
Middle  Majar,  on  the  other  (the  right)  side  of  the  Kuma,  are  some  few  relicg 
of  former  settlements  and  habitations. 

"  To  this  description  of  the  remains  of  Majar,  Gmelin  adds  that  in  1735, 
while  the  Tartars  were  still  masters  of  this  country,  Tatischtschew,  governor 
of  Astrakhan,  sent  some  persons  with  a  strong  escort  to  explore  these  ruins, 
and  to  collect  antiquities.  By  this  means,  as  we  are  told,  he  obtained  a 
writing  upon  very  strong  blue  paper*  and  several  coins,  which  he  (as  an 
antiquary  !)  took  to  be  Scythian.  It  is  matter  of  regret  that  nobody  knows 
what  has  become  of  these  collections,  for  in  1735  much  greater  curiosities 
must  have  existed  there  than  in  Gmelin's  time,  or  at  present ;  since  the  avarice 
of  the  Russian  peasants  prompts  them  to  such  researches  wherever  there  are 
ruins  and  ancient  graves,  as  leave  nothing  to  be  gleaned  after  them. 

"  Giildenstadt,  who  was  at  Majar  on  the  4th  of  July,  1773,  found  there,  in 
an  area  of  four  hundred  square  fathoms,  about  fifty  different  buildings  of  brick. 
He  considers  them  not  as  habitations  but  sepulchral  edifices,  all  of  which  were 
provided  with  subterraneous  vaults,  which  are  not  cellars  but  graves  where  the 
coffins  were  deposited.  About  five  hundred  fathoms  to  the  west  of  this  burial- 
place  were  the  ruins  of  a  Muhammedan  mosque  with  its  tower  or  minaret,  and 
five  hundred  fathoms  further  to  the  west  the  remains  of  another  edifice  of  the 
same  kind.  He  is  of  opinion  that  between  the  two  might  once  have  stood 
houses,  of  which  indeed  no  traces  are  now  left,  but  which  were  probably, 
according  to  the  mode  of  building  common  in  this  country,  of  light  boards  and 
wickerwork.  From  some  inscriptions  Giildenstadt  ascertained  that  Majar  was 
inhabited  in  the  eighth  century  of  the  hejira ;  and  from  the  style  of  the  ruins 
he  concludes  that  the  people  were  Muhammedans,  and  according  to  history 

"  Pallas  says,  that  in  1780  thirty-two  buildings  were  yet  left,  partly  in  good 
preservation,  partly  lying  in  ruins,  and  that  there  had  formerly  been  ten  others 
in  the  form  of  towers  :  but  since  numerous  colonists  have  settled  on  the  Kuma, 
and  erected  villages,  all  these  remains  of  Majar  have  disappeared ;  as  they 
employed  the  bricks  in  building  their  houses,  because  timber  is  a  great  rarity 
in  the  adjacent  country.  Thus  seven  years  later  Pallas  found  but  four  chapels, 
as  they  are  called,  standing,  the  sites  of  the  others  being  marked  only  by 
heaps  of  rubbish."t 

He  tells  that  similar  bricks  to  those  found  in  the  Tartar  ruins,  and  glazed 
on  one  side  only,  were  used  when  he  wrote  for  chamber  ovens,  and  were  made 
at  Cherkask,  on  the  banks  of  the  Don.  After  describing  in  detail  the  ruins  as 
he  saw  them,  he  says : — "  We  often  met  with  similar  enclosures  near  the 

*  "  The  Mongols  still  use  the  same  kind  of  paper,  which  is  either  blue,  brown,  or  black,  for 
copying  the  sacred  books  of  Lama  religion  upon,  in  gold,  silver,  or  white  letters.  Of  this  sort 
were  the  Tibetian  and  Mongol  writings  found  at  Semipalatna  and  Ablai-kit,  which  excited  so 
much  attention  at  the  commencement  of  the  last  century.  (See  Bayer  Museum  Sinicum, 
Petrop.  1730,  vol.  i.,  Pref.,  108,  and  G.  F.  Miiller  Comment,  de  Script.  Tangut.  in  Siberia 
repertis,  in  the  Comment.  Acad.  Petrop.,  vol.  x.,  420,  et  seq." 

t  Klaproth's  Travels  in  the  Caucasus,  226-230. 

NOTES.  191 

principal  tombs  on  the  banks  of  the  Volga,  and  I  have  not  the  least  doubt  that 
all  these  remains  of  antiquity  formerly  belonged  to  the  same  horde.'*  He  gives 
some  excellent  plates  of  two  or  three  of  the  more  imposing  structures. 

Let  us  now  add  Klaproth's  account.     He  says: — 

"  These  ruins,  of  which  I  could  find  nothing  but  the  traces,  are  situated  on 
the  elevated  brow  of  the  steppe  on  the  left  of  the  Kuma,  and  on  both  sides  of 
the  Bibala,  and  extend  northward  as  far  as  two  small  lakes  of  salt  water. 
They  occupy  an  area  of  about  four  versts  and  a  half  in  length  from  north  to 
south,  and  very  little  less  in  breadth.  The  destruction  of  these  remains  of 
antiquity  has  been  occasioned  chiefly  by  the  settlement  of  several  colonies, 
which  have  established  themselves  in  this  neighbourhood,  and  have  pulled 
them  down  for  the  sake  of  the  serviceable  bricks.  Their  total  demolition, 
however,  is  to  be  ascribed  more  particularly  to  Count  Paul  Ssergeitsch 
Potemkin,  who  ordered  the  greatest  part  of  the  buildings  remaining  in  his 
time  to  be  taken  down,  that  the  materials  might  be  employed  in  the  erection 
of  the  governmental  town  and  fortress  of  Yekaterinograd,  projected  by  himself. 
The  peasants  of  Pokoinoi  and  Praskowyno  have  since  carried  away  such 
quantities  of  bricks,  that  out  of  all  the  edifices  only  two  burial  chapels  are  now 
left,  and  these  are  going  rapidly  to  decay. 

"  As  the  particulars  already  quoted  from  Gmelin  and  Giildenstadt  are  more 
circumstantial  than  any  that  I  am  capable  of  giving,"  says  Klaproth,  "  I  shall 
merely  subjoin  the  description  of  a  burial-vault  underneath  one  of  the  chapels 
still  standing,  which  I  caused  to  be  opened.  The  sunken  floor  of  this  building, 
which  was  quite  open  towards  the  east,  was  covered  to  the  depth  of  more  than 
two  feet  with  bricks,  rubbish,  and  earth ;  these  were  cleared  away  with  shovels, 
when  I  found  a  hole,  two  feet  and  a  half  in  depth  and  two  in  width,  covered  with 
a  large  limestone.  This  was  the  entrance  to  the  vault,  which  was  nine  feet  long 
and  five  and  a  half  feet  broad,  but  scarcely  high  enough  to  allow  a  person  to 
stand  upright.  It  was  built  of  bricks  laid  edgewise;  and  in  the  middle,  upon 
an  elevation  of  brickwork,  was  a  coffin  made  of  thick  deal  boards,  with  the 
bones  of  the  deceased,  of  the  ordinary  size,  but  which  were  much  decayed, 
and  authorise  the  inference  that  they  must  be  of  considerable  antiquity.  The 
skull  had  fallen  to  pieces,  otherwise  I  should  have  taken  it  with  me.  Besides 
these  objects  there  was  nothing  whatever  worthy  of  notice  in  the  vault.  The 
air  was  pure,  and  our  wax  tapers  burned  extremely  bright  in  it.  The  coffin 
lay  in  the  direction  from  north  to  south.  I  would  have  had  the  vault  under 
the  other  chapel  opened  also ;  but  the  Armenians  assured  me  that  they  had 
examined  it  about  a  year  before,  and  that  it  exactly  resembled  this  in  every 

"  From  the  remaining  ruins  and  from  the  foundations,  the  site  of  the  town 
may  easily  be  recognised,  and  it  was  evident  that  the  burial-place  was  towards 
the  Kuma.  Every  impartial  person  must  admit  that  most  of  these  remains  are 
indications  of  a  city,  as  are  also  the  numerous  ancient  European  and  Tartar 
silver  and  copper  coins,  the  gold  and  silver  rings  and  earrings,  the  bronze 
mirrors,  and  other  utensils  which  are  still  frequently  found  buried  in  the  earth ; 
further,  the  mosaic  pavements  of  blue,  white,  and  green  glazed  tiles,  stone 

*  Pallas,  op.  cit.,  i.  331. 


seats,  and  among  the  rest  also  a  large  reservoir  for  water  of  hewn  stone,  which 
now  serves  a  peasant  at  Praskowyno  for  a  corn  bin. 

"  The  name  Majar,  given  to  these  ruins,  is  old  Tartar,  and  signifies  a  stone 
building;  it  is  synonymous  with  Thashtan.  By  the  neighbouring  Nogays  and 
Turkomans  they  are  likewise  called  Kirk  Majar,  that  is,  the  forty  stone 
buildings.  Here,  as  in  Turkish,  Kirk  does  not  merely  signify  forty,  but  it  is 
the  number  which  denotes  a  great  multitude,  like  six  hundred  in  Latin.  In 
some  Tartar  dialects  indeed,  the  word  Majar  also  means  a  large  four-wheeled 
waggon,  but  here  that  signification  seems  to  be  totally  inapplicable.  Some 
tribes  of  the  Russian  Tartars  in  the  lofty  mountains  of  the  Caucasus,  at  the 
source  of  the  Chegem  and  Terek,  assert  that  they  are  descended  from  the 
inhabitants  of  this  Kirk  Majar. 

"  The  following  facts  afford  incontestable  proofs  that  Majar  was  a  town 
built  and  inhabited  by  Kipchak  Tartars. 

"  I.  The  form  of  the  buildings  and  sepulchral  chapels  is  characteristic  of 
Southern  Asia  ;  and  the  latter  in  particular  exactly  resembles  those  which  are 
to  be  seen  near  Tiflis  in  the  Tartar  burial-place  on  the  rivulet  of  Zakuissi. 
The  fashion  of  adorning  the  walls  with  tiles,  which  are  glazed  on  one  side  with 
different  colours,  is  also  Tartar  and  Mongol.  Thus  in  Dauria  are  to  be  found 
the  ruins  of  an  ancient  city,  and  the  same  kind  of  green,  blue,  and  red  bricks  as 
here ;  and  in  Tiflis  the  walls  of  the  citadel  of  Naraklea,  erected  by  the  Turks, 
are  in  like  manner  ornamented  with  glazed  tiles  of  different  colours. 

*'  2.  The  inscriptions  in  the  Arabic  language  yet  extant  on  gravestones  are 
of  Muhammedan  Tartar  origin.  Several  that  I  saw  were  inscribed  in  letters 
resembling  the  Cufic,  and  others  in  Niss'chi  characters  ;  the  two  most  perfect 
of  which  are  the  following : — '  Here  is  buried  the  deceased,  who  needs  the 
mercy  of  God  in  eternity,  Sina,  son  of  Muhammed,  the  son  of  Chalil  ...  in 
the  year  of  the  aera  seven-and-forty  and  seven  hundred.' 

•'  The  year  of  the  hejira  747  commences  April  23,  1346,  and  ends  the  nth 
April  in  the  year  1347  of  the  Christian  era. 

"  The  other  inscription,  which  is  of  later  date  by  about  thirty  years,  is  as 
follows : — *  The  Judge  of  the  Faithful,  Kassi  Muhammed,  son  of  Taij-uddin 
(Crown  of  the  Faith),  in  the  year  seven-and-seventy  and  seven  hundred.' 

"  The  year  777  of  the  hejira  falls  between  the  ist  of  June,  1375,  and  the 
19th  of  May,  1376.  This  stone,  which  is  in  excellent  preservation,  I  took 
away  with  me  from  Majar  for  the  sake  of  the  date. 

"  All  the  other  sepulchral  inscriptionsi,  containing  dates,  which  were  partly 
expressed  in  words  and  partly  in  figures,  belonged  to  the  eighth  century  of  the 
hejira  ;  and  of  these  I  found  five  more  ;  but  excepting  the  lower  part,  compre- 
hending the  date,  they  were  too  much  defaced  to  be  entirely  made  out.  When 
Pallas  asserts  that  he  found  no  stones  with  inscriptions  at  Majar,  he  proves 
that  he  took  no  great  pains  to  look  for  them.  They  are  now,  indeed,  no  longer 
to  be  met  with  among  the  ruins,  but  may  be  seen  in  the  court-yards  of  the 
neighbouring  peasants,  who  use  them  for  building.  Many  of  them  also  are 
said  to  have  been  employed  in  the  walls  of  Yekaterinograd. 

"3.  Almost  all  the  silver  and  copper  pieces  found  at  Majar  were  coined 
at  Serai,  the  residence  of  the  Jingiskhanids  in  the  Kipchak,  or  in  other  cities 
of  their  empire." 

NOTKS.  193 

Klaproth  describes  in  detail  a  considerable  number  of  the  coins  found  at 
Majar,  ranging  from  one  of  Mangu  Timur,  struck  in  the  year  1274-5  to  one 
of  Pulad  Khan,  who  reigned  from  1406  to  1408.*  Great  and  Little  Majar  are 
mentioned  in  the  Derbend  Nameh  as  early  as  the  second  century  of  the  hejira, 
and  then  had  their  respective  governors.t  According  to  Abulghazi,  Mangu  Timur 
made  over  Kaffa,  Krim,  and  Majar  to  Ureng  Timur,  the  son  of  Tuka  Timur.J 
Abulfeda  also  mentions  Kumajar  in  the  country  of  the  Tartars  of  Bereke,§ 
Kum  Majar,  as  Klaproth  says,  is  compounded  of  Kum  and  Majar  {i.e.,  Majar 
on  the  Kuma).||  Majar  occurs  as  a  mint  place  on  a  coin  dated  in  710  or  715  (i.,?., 
i3ioor  1315),  and  New  Majar  on  a  coin  of  Muhammud  Bulak  in  774  {i.e., 
1372-3). IF  Klaproth  says  the  town  was  probably  destroyed  in  the  turbulent 
times  which  followed  the  reign  of  Toktamish. 

The  inhabitants  of  the  district  up  to  this  time,  as  I  have  shown  in  the 
introduction,  were  probably  the  ancestors  of  the  Basians  and  Karachai  of  the 
Caucasus,  who  were  gradually  pushed  southwards,  and  eventually  driven  from 
the  two  Kabardas  into  the  mountains  by  the  encroachments  of  the  Circassians. 

A  second  mint  place  in  this  district,  in  the  days  of  the  Golden  Horde,  was 
Jullad,  which  occ«rs  on  a  coin  of  692  or  696  {i.e.,  1293  or  1296).  Fr^ehn  says  it 
was  situated  on  the  right  of  the  Terek,  where  its  ruins  still  remain,**  I 
find  in  Koch's  very  detailed  map  of  the  Caucasian  Isthmus  there  is  a  place  on 
the  Upper  Terek,  but  on  the  left  bank,  called  Julatsk,  which  is  perhaps  the 
site  referred  to.  I  may  add  that,  like  Majar,  Jullad  is  also  named  in  the 
Derbend  Nameh  as  having  a  special  governor  of  its 

In  regard  to  Mokhshi  there  has  been  hitherto  a  singular  difficulty  in  dis- 
covering its  whereabouts.  It  occurs  on  many  coins  of  Uzbeg,  on  one  of 
Janibeg,  and  on  one  of  Kildibeg.  Frashn  was  apparently  altogether  ignorant 
of  its  site,  and  its  name  is  given  with  several  orthographies,  as  if  its 
form  was  uncertain.  I  would  propose  to  identify  it  with  the  ancient  capital  of 
the  Alans  or  Ossetes,  which,  according  to  Masudi,  was  called  Magas.}]:  This 
was  probably  situated  in  the  Little  Kabarda.  Klaproth,  in  describing  this 
district,  says  "  in  all  probability  the  most  ancient  sepulchral  monument  in  the 
Little  Kabarda  is  situated  on  the  east  side  of  the  rivulet  Yaman  Kul,  about 
three  versts  from  Botashewa  Kabak,  in  the  plain  at  the  foot  of  the  second 
Greben.  It  is  an  edifice  of  hewn  stone,  and  around  it  are  about  a  hundred 
hillocks  of  earth,  called  Bugri,  which  probably  mark  the  graves  of  the  princes 
whose  remains  are  deposited  in  the  monument.  The  building  is  an  octagon, 
each  of  its  sides  measuring  six  feet.  In  that  facing  the  south  is  an  arched 
door,  on  each  side  of  which  is  a  wall  projecting  to  the  distance  of  two  yards. 
In  the  sides  fronting  the  east  and  west  are  two  corresponding  windows,  about 
nine  inches  from  the  ground.  The  height  of  the  walls  is  about  twelve  feet. 
At  the  bottom  of  the  building  is  a  deep  vault,  the  stone  supporters  of  which 
have  fallen  in  so  that  the  regular  sides  of  a  central  aperture  leading  to  the 
vault  are  no  longer  to  be  seen.  This  place  is  so  incumbered  with  stones  that 
no  remains  of  bodies  are  discoverable.    Almost  the  whole  west  side  of  the 

*  Id.,  236-238.  t  Id.,  »39.  I  Id.,  239.  §  Jd.,  240. 

11  Id.,  240.  H  Frffihn  die  Munzen  der  Chane  von  Ulus  Dschutschi*  **  Resc,  201. 

t1  Klaproth,  op.  cit.,  239.  II  D'Ohsson  Voyage  d'Abul  Cassim,  23. 


194  Hi.^»v>.<i    VM     HI.,  :vlONG0LS. 

building  is  in  ruins,  and  tho  wall  there  is  two  feet  thick.  On  the  stone  inserted 
over  the  door  is  engraved  a  Tartar  inscription  in  three  lines,  of  which  only 
these  words,  Kuban  Khan,  son  of  Berdi,  in  the  year  860  {i.e.,  a.d.  1455),  ^^^ 
legible.  Berdibeg,  the  son  and  successor  of  Janibeg,  reigned  only  from 
1357  to  1359.  If  the  Kuban  Khan  mentioned  in  the  inscription  were  a  son  of 
this  Berdibeg,  he  must  have  lived  upwards  of  one  hundred  years,  a  circum- 
stance by  no  means  rare  among  the  roving  Tartars."  * 

Note  3. — Since  writing  the  above  chapter  I  have  met  with  a  curious  note  in 
a  work  by  M.  Butkowski,  now  publishing  with  the  title  "  Dictionnaire 
Numismatique."  On  page  251  he  says,  "  A  great  curiosity  is  preserved  in  the 
Archducal  Museum  at  Jena,  namely,  a  crown  in  massive  gold  which  formerly 
belonged  to  Janibeg  Khan."  The  origin  of  which,  he  says,  is  perfectly 
attested.  Such  an  object  is  quite  unique.  I  have  no  other  information  about 
it.  I  may  add  that  Janibeg  is  the  last  Khan  of  the  Golden  Horde  mentioned 
in  the  Yuen  shi,  where  his  name  occurs  in  the  form  Ja  ni  bie.t 


Batu  Khan. 


Sertak  Khan.  Tuktukan.  Andewan.  Ulaghji. 

Kanju.        Bartu.  Mangu  Timur  Khan.  Tuda  Mangu  Khan. 

I  I  I  I  I  I  I 

Tulabugha.    Kunjukbugha.      Alghui.    Toghrul.    Tudakan.    Toktu  Khan.    Five  other  sons. 

I  Cholkan.         Tu 

Uzbeg  Khan. 


Timurbeg.        Tinibeg  Khan.        Janibeg  Khan.        Khidrbeg, 

Berdibeg  Khan.    Kildibeg  Khan    Nurusbeg  Khan.   Cherkesbeg  Khan. 

or  Ku 

In  the  above  table  I  have  only  inserted  those  names  which  occur  in  the  text. 
A  more  detailed  genealogy,  as  given  by  Rashid,  &c.,  is  appended  to  Von 
Hammer's  Golden  Horde. 

*  Kiaproth,  Travels  in  the  Caucasus,  359,360. 
t  Bretschneider  Notices  on  Med.  Geogr.,  &c.,  106, 



WITH  the  extinction  of  the  family  of  Batu  Khan  we  are  landed 
in  a  practical  chaos,  from  which  Ave  only  emerge  into  clear 
daylight  after  some  time.  As  I  have  before  mentioned,  a 
great  Mongol  chief  divided  his  clans  among  his  sons,  as  a  Russian 
Grand  Prince  divided  his  appanages.  These  portions  became  the 
hereditary  heritage  of  his  family.  Thus,  when  Batu  Khan  succeeded  to 
the  throne  of  the  Golden  Horde,  his  elder  brother  Orda  succeeded  to 
that  of  the  White  Horde,  which  camped  on  the  Jaxartes  and  in  the  east 
of  the  Khanate.  Tuka  Timur's  son  Ureng  was  granted  the  towns  of 
Krim  and  Kaffa  in  the  Crimea,  with  the  surrounding  district,  by  Mangu 
Timur.  Bereke  and  his  family  had  the  country  on  the  Kuma  and  the 
Terek.  The  Nogay  Horde  apparently  nomadised  on  the  Yaik  or  Ural 
and  the  Yemba,  while  the  descendants  of  Sheiban  ruled  over  the 
confederacy  which  was  afterwards  widely  famous  as  that  of  the  Uzbegs, 
in  the  country  now  occupied  by  the  Middle  Horde  of  the  Kirghiz 

When  the  leading  family  died  out,  and  there  were  no  longer  any 
descendants  of  Batu  living,  it  was  natural  that  strife  should  ensue  among 
the  several  collateral  branches  for  the  Imperial  throne  of  the  Khanate, 
and  this  is  what  apparently  happened.  Unfortunately  our  authorities  at 
this  point  are  so  sparse  and  their  information  so  slight,  that  we  cannot 
give  the  story  a  clear  outline,  and  our  conclusions  are  necessarily  but 
tentative.  In  tracing  out  the  early  stages  of  the  revolution,  I  shall  adopt 
the  account  given  by  the  Haji  Abdul  Ghassar,  whose  account  has  been 
translated  by  Langles.* 

He  tells  us  that  on  the  death  of  Berdibeg  the  Tartars  assembled 
together,  and  seeing  there  did  not  remain  at  Serai  any  prince  of  the 
Royal  blood,  offered  the  throne  to  the  Sultana  Taid  Ughlu  Begum.  She 
had  married  Uzbeg  Khan,  and  was  the  mother  of  Janibeg.  (This  was 
the  Taidula  whom  we  have  named  more  than  once.  She  was  not, 
however,  Janibeg's  mother.)  She  thanked  them,  but  said  she  could  not 
accept  an  honour  to  which  she  was  not  entitled,  that  religion  forbade  an 

*  Appendix  to  Forster,    Op.  cit.,  372,  &c. 

196  lllSrURV    OK    [HE    MONGOLS. 

usurpation,  and  she  recommended  them  to  put  on  the  throne  some 
prince  of  the  house  of  Jingis.  Pleased  with  her  answer,  the  Tartars 
thought  they  could  not  trust  themselves  in  safer  hands  than  her  own,  and 
asked  her  to  choose  a  sovereign.  She  chose  Khizr  Khan,  who  lived  at 
Akgul,  I.e.,  the  White  Lake.  He  did  not  rule  over  either  wing  of  the 
Mongols,  and  his  only  claim  was  that  he  was  descended  from  Jingis 
Khan.  He  left  for  Serai,  where  he  had  an  audience  with  the  Sultana. 
She  was  much  pleased  with  his  figure  and  graces,  and  offered  to  put  the 
crown  on  his  head  on  condition  of  sharing  his  bed.  This  happened,  we 
are  told,  in  the  year  724  of  the  hejira  {i.e.,  1324-5).* 

This  account  and  what  follows  has  been  entirely  passed  over  by  Von 
Hammer.  It  seems  to  me  to  be  in  the  main  true.  The  date,  of 
course,  is  an  impossible  one,  but  otherwise  the  story  seems  to  be  founded 
on  fact.  We  know  from  other  sources  what  an  important  person  Taidula 
was.  We  are  told  by  the  Russian  authors  that  Khizr  Khan  wandered 
for  some  time  beyond  the  Yaik,  which  agrees  with  the  story  that  he  lived 
at  Akgul.  Who  then  was  Khizr  Khan  ?  We  are  told  he  did  not  belong 
to  either  the  right  or  left  wings  of  the  Mongols  (J.g.,  did  not  belong  either 
to  the  family  of  Orda  or  Batu),  that  he  lived  beyond  the  Yaik,  and  also 
at  Akgul.  This  Akgul  or  White  Lake  can  surely  be  no  other  than  one 
of  the  two  lakes  of  Akgul  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  Kirghiz  Kazak 
country,  west  of  the  Irtish  and  south  of  Omsk,  that  is,  in  the 
country  occupied  by  the  subjects  of  Sheiban  ;  and  it  seems  to  me  the 
description  of  Khizr  Khan  suits  this  conclusion  remarkably  well.  Khizr 
may  be  a  mere  appellative  meaning  Christian,  as  it  does  elsewhere, 
which  would  account  for  his  being  the  chosen  husband  of  the  Christian 
princess  Taidula.  This  is,  however,  a  mere  conjecture.  We  will  treat  Khizr 
Khan  therefore  as  a  descendant  of  Sheiban,  and  proceed  with  our  story. 

Karamzin  tells  us,  as  I  have  said,  that  Khizr  Khan  put  Nurusbeg,  his 
son  Timur,  and  the  Khatun  Taidulat  to  death.  The  last  statement  is 
not  consistent  with  the  account  given  by  the  Turkish  author,  and  is 
probably  a  mistake.  The  revolution  by  which  he  secured  the  throne 
took  place  in  the  year  1360.  He  invested  Constantine  with  the  prin- 
cipality of  Rostof,  and  gave  Galitch  to  Dimitri  Ivanovitch,  the  grandson 
of  the  Great  Gallician  Prince  Daniel-t  In  the  same  year  some  bands  of 
plunderers  from  Novgorod  made  a  raid  upon  Yukotin,  a  town  of  Great 
Bulgaria,  in  the  district  of  Laichevski,  and  near  the  outfall  of  the  Kama. 
There  they  killed  a  number  of  Tartars  and  carried  off  some  plunder. 
The  Tartars  revenged  themselves  by  an  attack  on  the  Christians  in 
Bulgaria.  The  princes  of  Yukotin  made  a  complaint  to  Khizrbeg,  who 
sent  three  representatives  named  Urus,  Kairmek  or  Kairbek,  and 
Altunshibeg,  to  punish  the  plunderers. §    The  Grand  Prince,  his  brother 

Op.  cit.,  373  and  375.  t  Op.  cit.,  iv.  373.  ;  Jd. 

$  Chronicle  of  Nikon,  cited  by  Karamzin,  iv.     Note,  88. 

KHIZR    KHAN.  197 

Andrew  of  Nigni  Novgorod,  and  Constantine  of  Rostof,  were  summoned 
to  meet  the  Khan's  envoys  at  Kostroma,  to  answer  for  the  recent 
brigandages.  They  sought  out  the  guilty  parties  and  handed  them  over 
to  the  Tartars,  to  whom  they  also  paid  black  mail.*  Meanwhile  Khizr 
Khan  was  displaced  from  the  throne. 

According  to  the  Turkish  account  already  cited,  the  choice  of  the 
Sultana  excited  a  civil  war  among  the  Tartars,  and  Zekireh  Nughai,  born 
of  the  Royal  blood,  who  commanded  the  hordes  of  the  left  wing,  hearing 
that  Khizr  Khan  had  been  preferred  to  him,  determined  to  revenge 
himself.  He  did  not  seek  the  crown  for  himself,  we  are  told,  but  offered 
it  to  Kara  Nughai,  his  son.  Tlie  young  prince  took  counsel  during  the 
night  with  the  Tartars  of  his  faction,  and  it  was  determined  in  the 
morning  to  enter  by  stealth  the  palace  of  Khizr  Khan  and  to  kill  him. 
Khizr  Khan,  we  are  told,  succeeded  in  escaping,  and  Kara  Nughai  was 
then  proclaimed  Khan.t 

The  Sultana  had  been  forced  to  separate  from  a  charming  lover, 
whom  she  long  regretted.  A  new  passion  made  her  forget  her  old 
love.  Notwithstanding  the  frigidity  of  age,  she  had  preserved  alight  the 
fires  of  love,  and  now  became  enamoured  of  a  young  man  of  the  house 
of  Jingis  Khan  named  Bazarji.  She  offered  to  obtain  the  crown  for  him 
if  he  responded  to  her  passion,  thus  mistaking  ambition  for  love,  she 
forgot  her  great  age,  and  thought  her  charms  were  still  powerful. J 
Bazarji  proved  himself  an  infamous  tyrant,  and  quite  unworthy  of  a 
throne,  which  the  caprice  of  a  woman  had  given  him,  and  he  signalised 
his  advent  by  a  thousand  excesses.  He  caused  Alibeg,  one  of 
the  most  distinguished  Tartars,  to  be  put  to  death.  Hassan,  son 
of  this  beg,  took  refuge  with  Hussein,  the  ruler  of  Khuarezm,  and 
implored  his  help.  Hussein  accordingly  marched  against  and  defeated 
Bazarji,  who  was  killed  with  his  wife.§  Bazarji  is  not  named  in  the 
Russian  chronicles,  nor  have  we  any  coins  of  his,  but  he  is  mentioned  by 
Khuandemir,  and  it  would  seem  that  he  and  the  Turkish  author  just  quoted 
must  have  derived  their  information  from  a  common  source.  I  see  no 
reason  for  invalidating  a  story  told  with  such  circumstantial  detail,  and 
am  surprised  it  has  been  entirely  ignored  by  Von  Hammer.  But  to 
continue,  on  the  death  of  Bazarji,  Khizr  Khan  returned,  but  he  was  born 
to  be  unfortunate,  and  was  killed  by  his  own  son  Berut.||  This  is  no 
doubt  the  Merdud  of  Khuandemir,  B  and  M  being  interchangeable 
letters  in  Turkish. 

I  may  add,  that  while  the  other  Russian  chroniclers  make  Khizr  Khan 
be  killed  by  Timur  Khoja,  that  of  Troitzki,  which  is  generally  to  be 
depended  upon,  makes  him  be  murdered  by  his  brother  Murat.^  The 
chronicle    of    Nikon   calls    Khizr    good.**       On    his    coins    he    styles 

*  Karamzin,  iv.  373.    Note,  88.  t  Op.  cit.,  375,  376.  J  Id.,  376,  377. 

5  Id.,  377.  II  Id.  5[  Karamzin,  iv,  446,    Note,  8F.  **  /d. 


himself  the  just  Sultan  Khizr  Khan,  and  also  Mahmud  Khizr  Khan. 
They  are  apparently  numerous,  and  were  struck  at  Gulistan,  New  Serai, 
Azak,  and  Khuarezm,  in  the  years  760  to  762  of  the  hejira  {i.e.,  1359  to 


This  is  but  a  shadowy  figure,  and  we  are  merely  told  that  having  killed 
his  father,  he  was  in  turn  killed  two  months  later.*  We  have  no  coins 
of  his,  but  Von  Hammer  tells  us  that  amidst  the  dearth  of  other  infor- 
mation there  remains  a  coin  struck  during  the  year  1361  at  Azof,  with 
the  name  Ordu  Malik  upon  it,t  and  of  this  name  he  makes  a  separate 
Khan  ;  but  surely  Malik  means  king  and  Ordu  is  simple  the  horde,  and 
Ordu  Malik  is  a  mere  title  applicable  to  any  of  the  sovereigns  of  the  Golden 
Horde,  and  not  the  name  of  any  particular  one.  This  generalisation  of 
the  Khan's  name  is  a  fair  gauge  of  the  state  to  which  matters  were  at 
this  time  reduced  in  the  Khanate. 


We  now  get  into  the  very  recesses  of  our  historical  quagmire,  in  which 
we  can  only  thread  a  very  crooked  way.  We  have  in  the  list  of  Khans 
given  by  Khuandemir  several  names  of  chiefs,  whose  close  relationship 
he  vouches,  whom  he  makes  Khans  of  the  Kipchak,  but  who  have  left  but 
few  traces  elsewhere,  either  in  the  shape  of  coins  or  in  the  pages  of  the 
Russian  chronicles.  More  than  one  of  them  bears  the  title  of  Khoja. 
Now  this  title  or  soubriquet  was  applied  to  those  who  belonged  to  the 
family  of  the  prophet,  and,  as  is  well  known,  the  Khojas  had  at  a  later 
day  the  chief  pohtical  influence  at  Kashgar  and  its  neighbourhood.  It 
is  probable  that  one  of  the  Tartar  chiefs  married  a  wife  who  belonged  to 
a  Khoja  family,  and  thus  engrafted  his  stock  on  the  famous  tree  which 
bore  Muhammed  himself.  At  all  events,  the  use  of  the  soubriquet  Khoja 
is  a  strong  support  to  the  fact  attested  by  Khuandemir,  that  the  princes 
we  are  speaking  about  were  closely  related. 

Now  the  first  one  who  bore  the  name  in  the  Kipchak,  so  far  as  I 
know,  was  the  Mamat  Khoja' already  referred  to,  who  was  exiled  to 
Urgenj  in  the  reign  of  Berdibeg  Khan.  I  believe  him  to  be  the  same 
person  as  the  Mamai,  who  occupies  such  a  prominent  place  in  the 
immediately  succeeding  narrative.  Who  then  was  he  .'*  This  is  a  very 
difficult  question,  and  one,  so  far  as  I  know,  not  hitherto  discussed. 
Von  Hammer's   authority  tells   us  that  when  he   went  to  Urgenj  he 

*  Langles,  op.  cit.,  371.  t  Golden  Horde,  317, 


went  to  his  uncle  there.*  Now  Khuarezm,  of  which  Urgenj  was  the 
capital,  was  during  the  reign  of  Uzbeg  ruled  by  the  latter's  friend  and 
protege  Kutlugh  Timur,  who  was  probably  the  uncle  referred  to  by  Von 
Hammer.  This  does  not  advance  us  very  far,  but  let  us  turn  to  another 
thread  of  our  argument. 

Klaproth  tells  us  that  the  Tartars  who  roam  about  the  ruins  of  Majar 
relate  that  this  place  was  the  residence  of  Khan  Mamai.  Hence  also 
he  says  the  Russians  in  the  vicinity  give  this  place  the  appellation  of 
Mamaiski  Qorod.t 

Now  we  are  told  by  Abulghazi  that  Majar,  together  with  Krim  and 
Kaffa,  were  assigned  by  Mangu  Timur  to  Ureng,  the  son  of  Tuka 
Timur,t  so  that  Majar  was  probably  dominated  over  by  the  latter's 
descendants,  and  if  so,  Mamai  was  probably  one  of  them.  Let  us  adopt 
this  as  a  provisional  hypothesis.  Mamai  then  stands  out,  not  only  as 
"  the  kingmaker "  but  as  the  champion  of  the  family  of  Tuka  Timur 
against  the  pretensions  of  those  of  Sheiban  and  Orda. 

Let  us  then  shortly  turn  to  the  family  of  Tuka  Timur.  Tuka  Timur 
was  the  youngest  son  or  hearth-child  of  Juchi,  the  founder  of  the  Golden 
Horde.  We  first  hear  of  him  in  1229.  In  that  year  all  the  sons 
of  Juchi  except  Tuka  Timur  went  to  assist  at  the  inauguration  of  Ogotai 
Khan,  and  he  was  left  behind  in  charge  of  the  Golden  Horde.  On  Batu's 
return  home  on  this  occasion,  Tuka  Timur  gave  a  grand  feast  which 
lasted  three  days.§ 

On  the  inauguration  of  Mangu  Khakan,  in  1251,  the  Golden  Horde  was 
represented  by  Tuka  Timur  and  his  brother  Bereke.  Ii  He  was  apparently 
the  first  of  the  princes  of  the  Kipchak  to  openly  adopt  the  religion 
of  Islam,  and  was  followed  in  doing  so  by  Bereke  Khan.  Tuka 
Timur,  with  his  two  brothers  Singkur  and  Siklum,  belonged  to  the  left 
wing  of  the  Golden  Horde,  which  was  presided  over  by  Orda,  Batu's 
elder  brother.  We  don't  know  when  Tuka  Timur  died.  On  the 
accession  of  Mangu  Timur  to  the  throne  of  the  Golden  Horde,  we  are 
told,  he  gave  Kaffa  and  Krim  to  Ureng  Timur,  son  of  Tuka  Timur.  1"  It 
would  seem  he  also  made  over  Majar  to  him.**  This  took  place  in  the 
year  1265,  and  it  is  probable  that  it  was  Oreng  Timur  who  first  allowed 
the  Genoese  to  settle  down  at  Kaffa  in  the  According  to 
Bohucz,  Oreng  Timur  owed  his  good  fortune  to  the  assistance  he  afforded 
Mangu  Timur  in  a  war  against  the  Yazyges  of  Lithuania.JJ  He  was 
probably  also  called  Uz  Timur.  He  had  several  sons,  one  of  whom  was 
named  Saricha.§§  Saricha  is  called  Saricha  Kunchak  Oghlan  by 
Abulghazi,  while  Rashid  makes   Kunchak  a  son  of  Saricha.  ||||      The 

*  Golden  Horde,  314.  t  Travels  in  the  Caucasus,  239.  I  Ante,  ig^. 

§  Abulghazi,  179,  180.  i|  Golden  Horde,  134  and  149.  ^  Abulghazi,  182. 

**  Ante,  193.  tt  Golden  Horde,  254.  H  History  of  the  Taurida,  343. 

$j  Golden  Horde,  Genealogical  Table.    Abulghazi,  187. 

I!!]  Veliaminof  Zcrnof,  History  of  the  Khans  of  Kasimof,  Trans.,  i.  41. 


former,  whose  account  is  generally  based  on  Rashid,  probably  had  a 
better  manuscript  before  him  than  we  have  now.  It  may  be  he  is  the 
same  person  who  was  sent  in  1333  by  Uzbeg  to  summon  the  Russian 
princes  to  his  presence.*  He  is  there  called  Seraichik,  and  it  is 
equally  probable  that  he  was  the  Serai  Kutlugh  who  commanded  an 
army  in  the  campaign  waged  by  Uzbeg  against  the  Ilkhan  in  1318  and 
1 3 19,  and  who  is  described  as  a  brother  of  Kutlugh  Timur.f 

Our  information  is  so  slight  at  this  time  that  we  can  only  fill  in  a  very 
clouded  and  uncertain  picture.  In  1333  an  army  of  Tartars  invaded 
Poland,  in  command  of  Kadlubeg  (/.<?.,  Kutlughbeg),  Demetrius,  and 
Kaizibeg.t  This  Kutlughbeg  was  doubtless  the  Kutlugh  Timur  just  named, 
who  held  such  an  important  position  at  Uzbeg's  court,  and  who  is 
mentioned  as  one  of  the  grandees  of  the  Krim  in  the  treaty  which  the 
Venetians  the  same  year  entered  into  with  Uzbeg.§  This  position  makes 
it  very  probable  he  was  a  descendant  of  Tuka  Timur,  and  increases  the 
probability  that  he  was  a  brother  of  Saricha.  For  the  services  he 
rendered  Usbeg  he  was  nominated  governor  of  Khuarezm.H  Von 
Hammer  makes  the  governors  of  Krim  and  Khuarezm  two  distinct 
persons  in  one  place,^  while  in  another  he  apparently  identifies 
them  as  one.**  I  am  now  disposed  to  think  the  latter  view  is  right. 
Mirkhond  tells  us  that  Kutlugh  Timur  died  in  I335,tt  but  this  seems  to 
be  a  mistake,  for  it  is  probable  he  was  the  same  person  as  the  Cotloboga 
or  Kutlughbeg  who  attested  Janibeg's  diploma  to  the  Venetians  and  the 
Kutlugh  Timur,  lord  of  Sorgat,  who  fills  an  important  position  in  the 
similar  diploma  granted  by  Berdibeg  in  1358.  If  this  be  so,  it  is  not 
unlikely  that  he  still  retained  his  position  as  governor  of  Khuarezm.  As 
I  have  said  I  believe  Mamai,  "the  Warwick"  of  Kipchak,  was  his 


Abdul  Ghassar,  the  Turkish  author,  translated  by  Langles,  speaks  of 
a  chief  whom  he  calls  Zekireh  Nughai  as  heading  the  party  against 
Khizr  Khan.  I  would  suggest  that  he  was  the  brother  of  our  Mamai. 
This,  I  think,  reconciles  some  of  the  difficulties  which  beset  the  story  at 
the  point  we  have  reached.  We  are  told  in  that  narrative  that,  not 
wishing  to  have  the  throne  for  himself,  he  offered  it  to  Kara  Nughai,  his 
son,  who  accordingly  secured  it.  This  Kara  Nughai  was  no  doubt  the 
Nukai,  son  of  Sibachi,  who  is  made  to  succeed  Bazarchi  by  Khuandemir. 
He  was  again,  as  I  believe  and  as  was  suggested  by  Von  Hammer,  the 
same  person  as  the  Tughai  of  the  Russian  annalists.  In  fact  the  name 
in  Khuandemir's   list  is  read  Tukai   by  De  la  Croix,  Grigorief,  and 

•  Golden  Horde,  297.  t  Ante,  156.  I  Ante,  163.  §  Golden  Horde,  297,  298. 

II /rf.,  301.  If  Op.  cit.,  303.  **  Id.i2<37>  tt  Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  123. 


Von  Hammer.*  Khuandemir  calls  him  the  son  of  Sibachi,  which  is 
therefore  a  synonym  with  the  Zenkireh  Nogai  of  Abdul  Ghassar.  The 
same  name  is  read  Shahican  by  De  la  Croix.t  They  are  perhaps 
all  corruptions  of  Saricha.  The  Russians  call  him  Toghai  of 
Beshdeshe.  ^This  was  a  town  desolated  by  the  black  death  in 
J  346.  It  has  been  identified  with  the  village  of  Wesedef  on  the  Volga,|: 
but  it  is  quite  as  probable  that  this  name  is  a  corruption  of  Beshtau  in 
Circassia,  where  Uzbeg  had  an  ordu,  and  which  was  doubtless  within  the 
camping  ground  of  Tuka  Timur's  Horde.  The  Russians  tell  us  Tughai, 
about  the  year  1361,  occupied  the  country  of  the  Mordvins,  where  the 
town  of  Naruchat  is  now  situated.§  Having  settled  down  in  this  district, 
answering  to  the  modern  government  of  Penza,  he  proceeded  to 
burn  the  town  of  Riazan.  Oleg  joined  himself  to  the  Princes  of  Pronsk 
and  Koselsk,  and  defeated  Tughai  in  a  bloody  struggle  on  the  Woinova. 
The  latter  returned  home  with  only  a  few  Von  Hammer 
attributes  to  him  the  foundation  of  the  town  of  Taghai  in  the  government 
of  Simbirsk.^  We  have  no  coins  struck  by  him,  nor  do  I  know  anything 
more  of  him.  We  may  safely  say  that  he  was  a  mere  local  ruler,  and 
not  truly  a  Khan  of  the  Golden  Horde. 


Khuandemir  makes  Tughai  be  succeeded  by  Tughluk  Timur  Khan, 
who,  he  says,  was  the  son  of  the  brother  of  Tughai.**  If  Tughai  was 
the  son  of  Saricha,  as  I  have  suggested,  then  if  we  follow  Abul- 
ghazi,  he  was  the  brother  of  Tokul  Khoja  Abulghazi  says 
Tokul  Khoja  Oghlan  had  a  younger  brother  called  Tulek  Timur. 
Perhaps  there  is  a  mistake  either  in  Khuandemir  or  Abulghazi,  but  this 
very  close  agreement  makes  it  probable  that  the  Tughluk  Timur  Khan 
of  Khuandemir  was  the  Tulek  Timur  of  Abulghazi.  His  brother  was 
probably  the  Tawlubeg  who  was  sent  by  Uzbeg  as  an  envoy  to  Russia  in 
Jt339)++  who  is  mentioned  under  the  name  of  Taughly  Tuli  Bai  by  Abdul 
Ghassar  as  the  first  minister  of  Berdibeg  and  the  instigator  of  his 
parricidal  crime,§§  and  again  in  Berdibeg's  diploma  to  the  Venetians 
under  the  name  of  Tolobei,  as  the  lord  of  Tana.Hil  He  was  killed,  we 
are  told,  with  his  master  in  1 358.11^ 

As  to  Tughluk  Timur  himself  I  know  nothing,  unless  he  be  the  same 
person  as  the  Timur  Khoja  who  some  of  the  Russian  chroniclers  make 
the  son  and  murderer  of  Khizr  Khan.     I  have  shown  that  the  son  and 

*  Golden  Horde,  322.    Note,  4.     De  la  Croix,  History  of  Genghiz  Khan,  &c.,389. 

t  Loc.  cit.  I  Golden  Horde,  308.    Note,  3.    Ante,  175. 

§  Karamzin,  iv.  374.    Golden  Horde,  32J.  ||  Karamzin,  v.  11.    Golden  Horde,  320. 

H  Golden  Horde,  320.  **  Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  117.  ft  Abulghazi,  187, 

11  Golden  Horde,  302.  §5  Op.  cit.,  372,  Il||  Golden  Horde,  531.  %%  Jd,^  314, 



murderer  referred  to  was  not  Timur  Khoja  but  Merdud,  and  the  title 
of  Khoja  points  to  the  former  belonging  to  the  family  which  we  are  now 
dealing  with,  namely,  the  descendants  of  Tuka  Timur.  This  is 
supported  by  a  statement  in  the  Russian  chronicles  that  Timur  Khoja, 
after  a  very  short  reign,  was  driven  away  by  his  temnik  or  general 
Mamai.  The  latter  was  hardly  likely  to  be  the  temnik  of  the  rival  family 
of  Khizr  Khan.  He  had  time,  however,  to  coin  money ;  specimens  are 
extant  struck  at  New  Serai  in  762  (  i.e.,  1 360-1).* 


Khuandemir  makes  Tughluk  Timur  be  succeeded  by  his  brother 
Murad,  who  has  been  confounded  by  previous  historians  with  Merdud  or 
Berdud,  the  son  of  Khizr  Khan,  but  who  that  author  makes  an  entirely 
different  person.  Murad  was  a  more  important  ruler  than  the  shadows 
we  have  been  considering.  He  held  court  at  Serai,  and  was  at  deadly 
issue  with  Mamai,  who,  as  I  have  argued,  was  his  near  relative.  The 
times  were  dangerous  also  for  the  Russian  Princes.  Andrew  Constan- 
tinovitch  of  Nishni  Novgorod,  on  his  way  home  from  the  horde,  was 
attacked  by  the  Tartar  Retahos.  The  other  Russian  princes  who  were 
there  at  his  accession  made  the  best  of  their  way  homewards.t  The  horde 
was  virtually  split  in  two,  one  section  obeying  Murad  and  the  other  Mamai 
(who  was  playing  the  part  once  played  by  Nogai)  and  his  protege  Abdullah. 
A  fierce  struggle  took  place  between  the  two  sections.  In  1 361  Mamai 
made  a  raid  and  killed  several  dependants  of  Murad,  while  the  following 
year  Murad  or  Amurath  repaid  this  attack  by  crossing  the  Volga  and 
killing  a  great  number  of  Mamai's  people,  t 

In  Russia  we  now  find  Dimitri  Ivanovitch  of  Moscow,  probably 
supported  by  the  metropolitan  Alexis,  setting  up  claims  to  the  Grand 
Principality,  which,  as  I  have  said,  had  been  granted  to  his  namesake 
Dimitri  Constantinovitch  by  Nurus  Khan.  The  question  was  referred  to 
the  Khan  Murad,  who,  amidst  his  domestic  troubles  (according  to 
Karamzin),  found  consolation  in  this  proof  of  confidence  and  of  power. 
Having  summoned  the  envoys  to  his  presence,  he  adjudged  the  Grand 
Principality  to  Dimitri  Ivanovitch  of  Moscow. §  His  rival  of  Suzdal 
refused  to  recognise  Murad's  patent  of  investiture  and  to  evacuate 
Vladimir  and  Pereislavl  Zalesky ;  but  the  Prince  of  Moscow,  supported 
by  his  boyards,  marched  against  him,  forced  him  to  escape  to  Suzdal, 
and  was  duly  crowned  and  installed  at  Vladimir.  The  young  prince  was 
but  twelve  years  old,!  but  he  worthily  justified  the  confidence  of  his 
advisers.    Seated  on  the  throne  by  the  favour  of  the  Khan  Murad,  Dimitri 

*  Frsehn  Rcsc,  371.  t  Golden  Horde,  318.  I  Karamzin,  iy.  456.    Note,  88. 

^  Karamzin,  iv.  375-  II  ^^■'  376- 

PULAD   TIMUR   OR   PULAD   KHOJA   KHAN.  .     203 

wished  also  to  have  the  patronage  of  his  rival  Abdullah,  whose  envoy 
appeared  at  Vladimir  with  a  yarhgh  or  diploma  for  him.  He  accordingly 
went  again  to  Vladimir,  and  once  more  went  through  the  ceremony  of 
inauguration  there.  This  act  offended  Murad.  Ivan  of  Bielosersk  being 
at  this  time  (1363)  at  Serai,  he  sent  him  home,  and  with  him  an  envoy 
named  Ilak  with  a  yarligh  authorising  Dimitri  of  Suzdal  to  take 
possession  of  the  throne  of  Vladimir.  The  latter  did  so,  but  the 
grandson  of  Kalita,  who  knew  the  weakness  of  the  Tartars  at  this  time, 
marched  against  his  rival  and  drove  him  away.  He  permitted  him  to 
retain  Suzdal  as  bis  vassal  only.*  The  Princes  of  Rostof,  Starodub,  and 
Galiich  were  also  obliged  to  submit  to  the  young  Grand  Prince.  Mean- 
while the  Lithuanians  continued  to  increase  in  power,  Olgerd  had  lately 
occupied  the  towns  of  Mitislavl,  Kief,  and  Belor  in  the  principality  of 
Smolensk©,  while  he  had  kept  up  a  perpetual  struggle  with  the  Poles 
and  the  Livonian  Knights.  In  1363  he  marched  into  Podolia  and 
attacked  three  Tartar  hordes  which  nomadised  on  the  Lower  Dnieper. 
He  defeated  them,  drove  them  to  the  Krim,  and  plundered  Kherson, 
whose  inhabitants  he  slew,  while  he  pillaged  the  churches.  From  this 
time  Kherson  apparently  disappears  from  history,  and  the  Tartars  west 
of  the  Dnieper  became  to  some  extent  subject  to  the  Lithuanians.t 
Coins  of  Murad  Khan  occur  only  in  the  years  763  and  764  {i.e.,  1361  and 
1363).  They  were  struck  at  Gulistan,  which  on  one  of  his  coins,  as  I 
have  mentioned,  is  called  Gulistan  lis  Serai.  We  do  not  know  how 
he  was  displaced. 


Khuandemir  makes  him  be  succeeded  by  Kutlugh  Khoja,  whom  he 
calls  the  brother  of  Tughai,  and  by  implication  the  uncle  of  Murad. t 
Fortunately  we  have  a  document  signed  by  him  still  extant.  It 
is  referred  to  by  Von  Hammer,  who  tells  us  Kutlugh  Khoja  was  a 
nephew  of  Mamai's,§  which  exactly  confirms  the  conclusion  arrived  at  in 
the  previous  pages.  This  document  is  a  yarligh  or  patent  granted  to  the 
father  confessor  and  seal  bearer  of  the  Russian  Prince  Dimitri,  who  had 
been  detained  by  the  Tartars  in  the  steppes  of  the  Poloutzi,  and  is 
expressed  in  very  gracious  terms.  1|     We  know  nothing  more  of  him. 


About  this  time  we  read  that  Pulad  Timur  made  a  raid  upon  the 
northern  part  of  the  Khanate  of  Kipchak,  and  captured  the  town  of 
Bolghari,  where  he  set  up  authority.     He  is  also  styled  Mir  Pulad  Khan 

*  Karamzin,  v.  4.       t  Id.,  16,        I  Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  117.    De  la  Croix,  op.  cit.,  389. 
%  Golden  Horde,  325.  U  Id. 


and  Pulad  Khoja  Khan  on  his  coins.  The  use  of  the  soubriquet  Khoja 
makes  it  probable  that  he  belonged  to  the  same  family  as  the  group  of 
chiefs  last  described,  and  was  not  a  descendant  of  Sheiban,  as  some 
have  argued.  On  some  of  his  coins  he  is  called  the  son  of  Nugan,  which 
name  is  read  doubtfully.  It  is  probably  a  form  of  Nugai  or  Tughai,  and 
I  would  provisionally  suggest  that  he  was  the  son  of  the  Tughai  already 
named.  His  coins  first  occur  in  the  year  764  {i.e.,  1362-3),  at  New  Serai, 
when  he  styles  himself  "  The  Just  Sultan  Mir  Pulad  Khan."  Two 
years  later  we  have  another  of  his  coins,  struck  at  the  same  place,  in 
which  he  is  called  "  The  Supreme  Sultan  Pulad  Khoja  Khan."  Two 
years  later  again,  we  have  a  coin  of  his  with  the  name  "  Pulad  Timur, 
son  of  Nugan."  On  the  reverse  of  this  coin  is  the  curious  posthumous 
ejaculation,  "  The  sanctified  Sultan  Janibeg  Khan,  may  his  empire 
endure."*  His  coins  were  struck  at  New  Serai,  which  city  is  also  named 
New  Gulistan  on  them.  Master  of  the  country  on  the  middle  Volga, 
he  harassed  the  Russian  frontiers.  We  are  told  that  Dimitri,  Prince  of 
Nijni  Novgorod,  and  his  brother  Boris  attacked  him  and  drove  him 
beyond  the  Plana.  A  great  number  of  his  people  were  slain  or  drowned. 
This  took  place,  according  to  Karamzin,  in  1367.  Pulad  sought  refuge 
at  Serai,  where  Azis  was  then  ruUng,  and  by  his  orders  he  was  put 
to  death.t 


Azis  Khan  is  not  mentioned  in  Khuandemir's  list  of  the  chiefs  of  the 
Kipchak.  Abdul  Ghassar  tells  us  that  after  the  death  of  Merdud,the  son 
of  Khizr  Khan,  troubles  ensued,  and  that  Alaji  Oghlu,  a  prince  of  the 
blood,  settled  on  the  Volga,  where  many  Tartars  went  over  to  him.|  He 
was  doubtless  the  Azis  Khan  to  whom  we  now  turn.  Aziz  is  styled  the 
Sultan  Aziz  Sheikh  Khan  on  his  coins,  which  were  struck  at  Gulistan, 
New  Gulistan,  and  New  Serai,  in  the  years  766  to  768  {i.e.,  1365-6  to 
1 367-8). §  He  is  called  Osis  in  the  Russian  chronicles.  I  don't  know 
who  he  was,  but  it  would  seem  from  his  putting  Janibeg's  name  on  his 
coins  that  he  claimed  to  represent  in  some  way  the  legitimate  Hne  of  the 
chiefs  of  Kipchak.  The  name  of  Janibeg  is  mentioned  with  a  formula 
showing  he  was  dead,  a  custom,  says  M.  Soret,  which  prevails  in  the 
modern  Janid  coins  of  Bokhara.  I  have  mentioned  how  it  occurs  in 
a  similar  manner  on  a  coin  of  Pulad  Timur.  This  use  of  the  name  of 
the  dead  Khan  has  led  to  a  curious  invention  of  a  second,  and  even  a 
third  Janibeg  by  the  Russian  numismatists,  for  whose  existence  there  is 
no  other  warrant.  Azis  continued  the  same  policy  towards  the  Russians 
which  was  patronised  by  Murad.     Vasili,  surnamed  Kirdapa,  the  son  of 

*  Frjehn,  Description  of  Fuch's  Collection,  i8,  19.  t  Karamzin,  v.  11. 

Op.  cit.,  i.  378.  §  Soret  Lettre  a  M.  le  Capit^inc  Kossikofski,  23. 

A2IS   KHAN.  •    205 

Dimitri  of  Suzdal,  being  at  the  horde,  was  sent  home  with  a  diploma 
constituting  his  father  Grand  Prince  in  the  place  of  the  grandson  of 
Kalita,  Dimitri  Ivanovitch,  but  the  latter  shrank  from  the  dangerous 
patronage  of  the  Khan.  Andrew,  Prince  of  Nijni  Novgorod,  dying 
about  this  time,  the  Prince  of  Suzdal,  who  was  his  brother,  endeavoured 
to  secure  the  succession  for  himself,  but  was  forestalled  by  his  younger 
brother  Boris.  The  former  now  appealed  to  the  Grand  Prince,  and  the 
latter  to  the  Tartars.*  We  are  told  that  Beiram  Khoja  on  the  part  of 
the  Khan  Azis,  and  Hassan  on  the  part  of  the  Khan's  wife,t  who  was 
probably  a  person  of  some  consequence,  duly  installed  Boris  as  Prince 
of  Nijni  Novgorod.  The  Grand  Prince,  assisted  by  the  clergy,  who 
closed  the  churches  of  Nijni,  speedily  brought  the  recalcitrant  prince  to 
submission,  and  he  resigned  his  position  at  Nijni  to  his  brother,  while 
he  was  allowed  to  retain  Gorodetz.  The  same  year  Russia  was  again 
ravaged  by  the  plague.  This  terrible  plague  is  described  in  graphic 
terms  by  the  annalists,  "  The  victims  were  suddenly  struck,"  says  the 
chronicler,  "  as  with  a  knife,  at  the  breast,  at  the  shoulder-blade,  or 
between  the  shoulders ;  a  devouring  fire  consumed  the  entrails,  blood 
flowed  at  the  mouth,  a  burning  fever  was  succeeded  by  a  shivering  cold, 
tumours  appeared  on  the  neck,  the  hips,  under  the  arms,  or  behind  the 
shoulder-blade.  The  issue  was  always  the  same — inevitable  death,  swift 
but  terrible."  Out  of  each  hundred  persons  but  ten  remained  well.  The 
dead  were  buried  seven  or  eight  together  in  the  same  grave,  and  whole 
houses  were  stripped  of  their  inhabitants.  In  1364  it  ravaged  Nijni 
Novgorod,  Kolomna,  and  Pereislavl ;  the  next  year  Tuer,  Torjek,  and 
Rostof ;  in  1366,  Moscow.  It  came  and  went  intermittently,  and  we 
are  told  that  after  three  visits  but  five  people  were  left  alive  in  1 387  at 
Smolensko,  which  was  filled  with  corpses, J  We  may  be  sure,  although 
we  have  no  direct  information  on  the  subject,  that  the  same  pestilence 
must  have  devastated  the  Kipchak,  whence  it  probably  first  passed  into 
Russia.  At  Moscow  the  plague  was  followed  by  a  fire  which  burnt  its 
four  quarters,  and  led  to  the  construction  of  a  stone  Kremlin  in  place  of 
the  wooden  one  which  previously  existed  there.  § 

Meanwhile  we  read  how  the  merchants  of  Novgorod,  who,  Hke  most 
mediaeval  merchants,  were  attached  to  buccaneering,  formed  bodies  of 
irregular  troops  styled  volunteers,  who  pillaged  the  neighbouring 
districts.  In  1367,  under  a  young  man  named  Alexander,  they 
followed  the  course  of  the  Obi  as  far  as  the  sea,  and  plundered  not  only 
the  Ostiaks  and  Samoyedes  but  also  the  dwellers  on  the  Dwina. 
Another  section  descended  the  Volga  on  one  hundred  and  fifty  vessels  of 
various    kinds,  ||    massacred   a  great   number  of  Tartars,  Armenians, 

*  Karamzin,  v.  7,  8.  t  Golden  Horde,  320.  I  Karamzin,  v.  9,  10.  §  Id.,  10. 

0  Seven  kinds  of  boats  are  mentioneil,  namely,  Pauski,  Uchani,  Misfaani,  Bafchiti,  Strugi> 
Kerbati,  and  Lodi. 


Khivans,  and  Bukharias,  at  Nijni  Novgorod,  and  carried  off  their 
wives,  children,  and  goods.  They  penetrated  to  the  Kama,  ravaged  the 
towns  of  Bulgaria,  and  returned  home  laden  with  booty.  The  Grand 
Prince  did  not  fail  to  reprimand  the  Novgorodians  for  thus  acting  as 
brigands  and  attacking  the  foreign  merchants  who  brought  wealth  to 
Russia.*  I  don't  know  when  and  how  Azis  was  displaced.  We  have 
no  coins  of  his,  however,  after  768  (?.<?.,  1367-8). 


During  the  period  of  confusion  which  we  have  been  describing, 
Mamai  apparently  filled  the  same  role  which  Nogai  filled  at  an  earlier 
day.  Although  Fraehn  publishes  a  coin  of  his  struck  at  Azak  in  763,! 
it  is  doubtful  if  he  actually  occupied  the  throne.  He  preferred  the  part 
of  a  maker  and  patron  of  kings. 

When  he  displaced  Timur  Khoja  in  1361,  as  1  have  mentioned,  he 
nominated  a  Khan  of  his  own  named  Abdullah,  with  whom  and  with  a 
large  section  of  the  horde  he  crossed  the  Volga,  and  settled  down  in  the 
hilly  country  beyond.*  The  chronicle  of  Troitski  calls  him  Audulia.§ 
He  was  probably  a  nephew  of  Mamai's,  and  doubtless  belonged  to  the 
family  of  Tuka  Timur.  While  Mamai  and  his  protege  retired,  as  I  have 
said,  beyond  the  Volga,  Murad  reigned  at  Serai.  In  1361  he  fought 
against  Murad,  and  put  to  death  many  princes  of  the  horde.  Another 
battle  was  fought  between  them  in  1362,  in  which  Mamai's  people  were 
surprised  and  similarly  slaughtered.  ||  Abdullah  first  appears  on  coins, 
according  to  M.  Soret,  in  the  year  764,  during  which  year  and  765  he 
coined  money  at  Azak  and  New  Serai ;  after  this  it  has  been  suggested 
that  he  led  a  purely  wandering  life,  as  his  mint  place  is  almost  always 
"  the  Ordu."  In  766  and  767  Abdullah  was  living  in  the  East,  as  is  shown 
by  his  striking  money  then  at  Yanghicher  and  Cher  el  Jedid,  both 
meaning  the  same  place ;  but  he  again  struck  a  coin  at  Azak  in  769, 
which  has  been  published  by  M.  Savilief,  showing  he  had  then  returned. 
His  last  coins  are  dated  in  770  (/.<?.,  1368-9). 


On  the  flight  of  Pulad  Timur  from  Bulgaria,  as  I  have  mentioned, ||  it 
would  appear  that  this  district  of  the  Khanate  did  not  fall  into  the  hands 
of  Azis  Khan.  We  are  told  that  in  the  year  1366  Karach,  Haidar,  and 
Tutekash  made  a  raid  on  the  Russian  borders,  which  was  repeated  in 
1 368.  Two  years  later,  we  read  that  Dimitri,  Prince  of  Suzdal,  sent  his 
brother  Boris  and  his  son  Vasili,  accompanied  by  the  Tartar  Haji  Khoja, 

*  Karamzin,  v.  12.  t  Catalogue  of  Fuch's  Collection,  20. 

\  Karamzin,  iv.  446.    ^ote,  88.  S  Id.  \  Ante,  202. 

ILBAN.  207 

against  Bulgaria,  and  we  are  told  they  deprived  Haidar  of  his  authority- 
there  and  gave  it  to  the  son  of  the  bek.*  Who  then  was  this  bek  or 
beg  ?  Abul  Ghassar  tells  us  that  one  of  the  crimes  of  Bazarji  was  that 
he  killed  Alibeg,  one  of  the  most  distinguished  Tartars,  and  that  Hassan, 
son  of  AH,  took  refuge  with  Hussein,  the  ruler  of  Khuarezm.t  I  believe 
the  bek  above  referred  to  was  Alibeg,  and  that  his  son,  who  was 
appointed  ruler  of  Bulgaria  by  the  Russians,  was  Hassan.  He  was 
probably  the  Hassan  who  was  sent  as  an  envoy  by  the  wife  of  Azis  Khan 
to  the  Russian  court  in  1364.:}:  Nikon  tells  us,  according  to  M.  Savihef, 
that  he  captured  Serai  in  768.§  He  is  the  same  person  who  is  called 
Hassan  Kasanji  by  the  Russians,  II  A  coin  struck  by  him  in  771  (2>,, 
1372)  was  found  at  Tetiuchy,^  and  he  is  again  named  as  Khan  of 
Bulghari  in  1376.  We  read  that  in  that  year  the  sons  of  Dimitri  of 
Suzdal,  uniting  with  the  Muscovite  troops,  advanced  upon  Kazan,  where 
Hassan  and  Muhammed  Sultan  then  reigned.  The  people  of  Kazan 
marched  to  meet  them  mounted  on  camels,  intending  in  this  way  to 
frighten  the  Russian  horses;  but  this  policy  was  unavailing,  the  Russians 
burnt  their  villages,  their  winter  quarters,  and  their  boats,  and  compelled 
Hassan  and  Muhammed  Sultan  to  submit  and  to  pay  a  tribute  of  2,000 
roubles,  part  of  which  was  assigned  to  the  princes  of  Suzdal.  They  also 
paid  down  a  sum  of  3,000  roubles  to  be  distributed  among  the  troops, 
and  they  even  consented  to  allow  a  Muscovite  customs  officer  or  com- 
missary of  taxes  to  reside  in  their  town.**  We  do  not  hear  of  Hassan 


In  772  and  773  we  find  coins  struck  at  New  Serai  by  Tulunbek.  The 
curious  thing  about  this  personage  is  that  on  some  of  these  coins  Tulunbek 
appears  as  the  name  of  a  king  and  on  others  as  those  of  a  It  is 
probable  that  it  was  a  queen  who  thus  used  ambiguous  phrases,  and  it 
may  be  that  she  was  the  widow  of  Azis,  for  the  wife  of  the  latter  during 
his  hfe  exercised  the  exceptional  right  of  sending  a  special  ambassador 
(Hassan)  to  represent  herself,  while  Azis  was  represented  by  an  envoy 
named  Beiram  Khoja. 


In  775  we  find  one  Ilban  striking  coins  at  Seraichuk.  M.  Savilief  reads 
the  name  on  a  coin  very  like  his  Alp  Khoja.  Ilban  was  the  son  of 
Maengu  Timur,  and  belonged  to  the  line  of  Sheiban.  I  know  nothing 
more  of  him.  On  another  coin  Kaganbek,  son  of  Ilban  and 'grandson  of 
Maengu  Timur,  is  mentioned. 

*  Golden  Horde,  321.  t  Langles,  op.  cit.,  378.  J  Golden  Horde,  320. 

S  Soret,  op.  cit.,  24.  ||  Golden  Horde,  323.  T  Soret,  op.  cit.,  24. 

**  Kurwnzin,  op.  cit.,  v.  51.  tt  Frshn,  Catalogue  of  Fuch's  Collection,  22. 



Kaganbek,  the  son  of  Ilban  and  grandson  of  Maengu  Timur,  struck  a 
coin  published  by  M.  Savihef.  He  is  probably  the  same  person  of  whom, 
under  the  name  of  Ghayas  ud  din  .  .  .  aghabek,*  we  have  a  coin  struck 
at  New  Serai  in  the  year  'JT]  {i.e.,  1377).  I  know  nothing  more  of  him, 
nor  yet  of  Cherkesbek,  who  struck  a  coin  at  Astrakhan  in  776,  unless  he 
was  the  Cherkes  Khan  already  referred  to,  as  I  have  suggested.t 


Let  us  revert  from,  these  somewhat  spectral  figures  to  a  more 
substantial  person.  On  the  disappearance  of  Abdullah,  we  find  him 
replaced  by  another  protege  of  Mamai's,  namely,  Muhammed  Sultan. 
His  proper  name,  according  to  M.  Frsehn,  was  Muhammed  Bulak.  He 
is  severally  styled  Muhammed  Khan,  Bulak  Khan,  Ghayasuddin  Ved 
dunya  Muhammed  Khan,  and  Ghayasuddin  Muhammed  Bulak  Khan 
on  his  coins.  M.  Soret  has  published  a  coin  of  his  struck  at  New  Serai 
in  773.  Otherwise  he  does  not  seem  to  have  struck  any  money  at  Serai 
or  the  other  older  mint  places  of  the  horde,  but  at  Astrakhan  (which  now 
occurs  for  the  first  time  in  history),  at  New  Majar,  and  for  the  greater 
part  in  the  Ordu.  His  coins  range  from  the  year  771  to  777. | 
I  believe  he  was  the  Muhammed  Sultan  who  is  mentioned  more  than 
once  as  the  son  of  Hassan,  the  ruler  of  Bulgaria,  already  mentioned.  He 
was  only  nominally  khan,  however,  and  the  chief  authority  no  doubt 
rested,  as  previously,  with  Mamai,  who  appears  in  the  Russian  annals  as 
the  de  facto  ruler. 

In  Russia  the  terrible  civil  strife,  occasioned  by  the  rules  of  succession 
and  the  various  jealousies  of  the  princes,  continued  in  spite  of  the  attack 
of  the  Tartars  from  without  and  the  plague  from  within.  The  strife 
especially  showed  itself  at  Tuer,  where  the  young  Prince  Michael  and 
his  uncle  were  rivals  for  the  throne  ;  the  former  leaned  on  the  support  of 
his  powerful  brother-in-law  Olgerd,  the  Prince  of  Lithuania,  and 
eventually  prevailed.  He  was  ambitious,  and  took  the  title  of  Grand 
Prince  of  Tuer,  which  was  a  menace  to  the  Princes  of  Moscow.  This 
was  in  I367.§  His  intentions  were  not  sobered  by  the  treacherous 
conduct  of  the  Grand  Prince  Dimitri,  who,  having  invited  him  to 
Moscow,  arrested  him,  but  Karacha,  a  distinguished  representative  of  the 
Khan,  arriving  at  Moscow,  took  his  part  and  compelled  Dimitri  to  give 
him  his  liberty.  The  army  of  Muscovy  having  entered  his  dominions, 
he  appealed  to  the  Lithuanians,  whose  chief  Olgerd  was  not  unwilling  to 
interfere.      He  marched  with  his  brother  Kestute,  and  his  son  Vitut 

•  Fmhn,  Resc,  SOI.  ti4n<<-,  183.  I  Soret,  op.  cit,  24.  i- Kwamzin,  v.  14. 


compelled  the  Prince  of  Smolensk  to  join  him.  He  kept  his  secrets 
well,  and  his  attack  on  Russia  was  as  sudden  as  it  was  disastrous.  For 
forty  years  it  had  been  free  from  war,  but  it  now  suffered  at  the  hands  of 
one  quite  as  terrible  as  the  Tartar.  Its  towns  were  burnt,  its  people 
slaughtered,  and  its  army  dispersed.  Dimitri  and  his  friends  shut 
themselves  up  in  the  Kremhn  and  burned  its  environs.  There  they 
resisted  for  three  days  the  Lithuanian  attack,  while  Olgerd  pillaged  the 
churches  and  monasteries.  Fearing  to  besiege  the  fortress  in  winter,  he 
at  length  retired,  leaving  behind  him  many  tokens  of  his  ferocity.*  This 
attack  was  followed  by  another  by  the  Livonian  Knights  on  the  small 
principality  of  Pskof,  to  redress  the  grievances  of  the  German  traders 
who  resorted  there. 

In  1370  Michael,  who  had  been  allowed  to  settle  in  his  appanage  of 
Tuer  once  more,  quarrelled  with  Dimitri,  who  had  ruthlessly  plundered 
the  town  of  Zubtsef.  He  again  appealed  to  the  Lithuanians.  He  also 
went  to  Mamai  to  solicit  from  him  the  patent  of  Grand  Prince  of 
Vladimir.  Mamai,  who  apparently  wished  to  conciliate  Olgerd  and  the 
Lithuanians,  sent  an  envoy  with  him  to  invest  him  duly  at  Vladimir,  but 
Dimitri  had  the  roads  guarded  and  compelled  him  to  seek  shelter  at 
Vilna.  There  his  sister  urged  upon  her  husband  Olgerd  to  make  a  fresh 
attack  upon  the  Grand  Prince  of  Moscow.  As  soon  as  the  roads  were 
hardened  by  the  frost  he  set  out,  and  battered  in  vain  for  three  days  at 
the  wooden  fortifications  of  Volok  Lamski.  Failing  to  take  it,  he 
marched  on  and  appeared  before  Moscow  in  the  first  week  of  November, 
1370.  He  was  again  foiled  by  the  defences  of  the  Kremlin,  by  the 
assembling  of  forces  at  Peremysl,  which  jeopardised  his  retreat,  by  the 
threatening  conduct  of  the  Teutonic  Knights,  and  more  especially  by 
the  terrible  weather,  "  for  this,"  says  Karamzin,  "  was  the  severest  winter 
mentioned  in  the  Russian  annals.  Snow  began  to  fall  in  the  beginning 
of  September,  and  prevented  the  reaping. of  the  crops.  December  and 
January  proving  very  open  the  snow  disappeared,  and  the  harvest,  which 
had  been  covered  with  snow,  was  only  got  in  in  February."!  Olgerd 
accordingly  agreed  to  terms,  and  gave  his  daughter  Helena  in  marriage 
to  the  Prince  of  Vladimir.  The  unfortunate  Prince  of  Tuer  once  more 
repaired  to  Mamai,  who  offered  him  an  army,  but  he  dreaded  introducing 
the  Tartars  among  his  own  people,  and  contented  himself  with  the  company 
of  Sari  Khoja,  the  Khan's  envoy.  The  people  of  Vladimir  would  not 
receive  him,  nor  would  Dimitri  admit  his  claims.  Sari  Khoja  therefore 
merely  gave  him  his  diploma,  and  then  went  on  to  Moscow,  where  he 
was  sumptuously  feasted  and  gained  over.  Dimitri  determined  to  adopt 
the  same  policy  towards  Mamai,  and  being  assured  of  the  good  offices  of 
Sari  Khoja,  he  set  out  for  the  horde,  and  was  accompanied  as  far  as  the 
Oka  by  the  metropolitan  Alexis.     He  was  received  by  the  Khakan  and 

*  Karamzin,  v.  16-20.  t  Karamzin,  v.  25. 



Mamai  with  great  honour.  They  confirmed  him  in  the  office  of  Grand 
Prince,  reduced  the  amount  of  the  taxes  which  Moscow  was  wont  to  pay, 
and  went  so  far  as  to  scornfully  tell  Michael  of  Tuer  that,  having  refused 
their  offer  of  an  army  to  seat  him  on  the  throne  of  Vladimir,  he  might 
now  seek  protectors  elsewhere.  Michael's  son  Ivan  was  retained  as  a 
hostage  at  the  horde  for  the  sum  of  10,000  roubles,  which  his  father 
owed  the  Khan.  Dimitri  redeemed  him,  and  kept  him  himself  as  a 
hostage  for  Michael's  good  behaviour  until  he  in  turn  redeemed  him. 
The  latter  was  not  appeased  by  this  act,  however,  but  continued  his 
attacks,  nor  was  the  Grand  Prince  a  very  conciliatory  person.  We  now 
find  him  attacking  the  turbulent  Oleg,  Prince  of  Riazan,  and  making  a 
terrible  slaughter  of  his  arrogant  people.  He  would  probably  have  been 
crushed,  but  that  Michael  of  Tuer  prevailed  once  more  on  his  friends  the 
Lithuanians  to  invade  the  Muscovite  dominions.  They  approached 
Pereislavl,  whose  suburbs  they  burnt,  imposed  a  heavy  fine  on  Dmitrof, 
made  the  Prince  of  Kashin  acknowledge  Michael  as  his  master,  and 
also  captured  Torjek.  Meanwhile  the  crafty  citizens  of  Novgorod,  not 
knowing  exactly  whether  Michael  or  Dimitri  was  doomed  to  dominate 
over  Russia,  threw  in  their  influence  with  the  former,  whom  they  elected 
as  their  prince  in  case  he  should  be  confirmed  by  the  Khan.  When 
Dimitri  received  his  diploma  they  transferred  their  allegiance  to  him, 
and  marched  to  recapture  Torjek,  but  were  badly  defeated,  and  Michael, 
in  revenge,  set  fire  to  the  town,  which,  like  the  other  wooden  towns  of 
Russia,  burnt  very  easily.  The  monasteries,  churches,  &c.,  were 
destroyed,  and  their  treasures  and  those  of  the  inhabitants  plundered. 
The  visit  of  Michael  recalled  at  Torjek  the  terrible  apparition  of  Batu.* 

Olgerd  now  prepared  for  a  third  invasion  of  Russia,  and,  as 
usual,  advanced  with  great  rapidity.  He  was  joined  by  Michael  at 
Kaluga.  But  the  Muscovites  were  this  time  prepared,  defeated  his 
advanced  guard,  and  marched  on  till  their  army  confronted  that  of  the 
Lithuanians-  Only  a  narrow  ravine  separated  them,  and  both  sides  were 
afraid  to  begin,  the  risk  supervening  on  defeat  in  either  case  being  very 
great,  and  overtures  were  made  for  a  treaty  of  peace.  By  it  Michael 
surrendered  all  the  conquests  he  had  made  in  Muscovy  and  agreed  not 
to  molest  its  frontiers  ;  Dimitri  made  a  similar  promise  in  regard  to 
Tuer,  and  Olgerd  undertook  not  to  intrigue  at  the  horde  against  either 
of  them.t 

During  the  year  1374  there  was  peace  between  the  horde  (where  the 
plague  had  made  sad  ravages)  and  Russia,  but  we  read  of  a  Lithuanian 
army  defeating  the  Tartar  chief  Tahmuras.J  Meanwhile  some  envoys  of 
the  Tartars,  who  arrived  with  a  considerable  following  at  Nijni 
Novgorod,  began  to  pillage  the  inhabitants  of  that  town,  who  turned 
upon  and    slaughtered  them    and    their    escort   to    the   number  of  a 

*  Karam^in,  v.  32-53.  t  Id,,  36-38,  J  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  323. 



thousand.  Their  leader,  the  murza  Seraiko,  was  at  the  same  time 
imprisoned,  but  having  escaped,  he  tried  with  some  of  his  remaining 
followers  to  fire  the  archbishop's  palace.  He  was  thereupon  attacked 
and  torn  in  pieces.  Mamai  revenged  the  slaughter  by  sending  an  army 
into  the  province,  which  harried  the  country  on  the  Kisha  and  the  Piana 
and  as  the  Grand  Prince  Dimitri  was  deemed  to  be  privy  to  the  deed 
Mamai  prepared  to  revenge  himself  upon  him  also. 

There  still  remained  at  Moscow  an  institution  dating  from  the  ante 
feudal  period.  This  was  the  office  of  Tissiachsky,  the  boyar  of  the 
city  or  of  the  commune,  a  kind  of  civil  and  mihtary  tribune  elected 
by  the  people.*  Dimitri  aboUshed  this  office,  which  was  too 
democratic  for  the  feudal  notions  that  were  rapidly  spreading.  The 
last  Tissiachski,  Vasili  Veliaminof,  left  a  son  Ivan,  who  was  ambitious  to 
succeed  his  father,  and  repaired  with  a  rich  Moscow  merchant  named 
Nekomat  to  Michael  of  Tuer,  and  persuaded  him  that  circumstances 
were  favourable  for  him  to  make  a  venture  upon  the  Grand  Principality. 
He  sent  them  on  to  Mamai,  and  repaired  himself  to  Olgerd,  who  agreed 
to  assist  him,  while  Mamai  sent  Haji  Khoja  with  a  diploma.  He  would 
not  wait  for  them,  however,  but  invaded  Muscovy  and  attacked  Torjek 
and  UgHtch.  The  Grand  Prince  Dimitri  was  not  less  active  ;  he 
collected  a  great  army,  summoned  the  dependent  princes,  and  proceeded 
to  lay  siege  to  the  city  of  Tuer,  while  the  province  of  the  same  name  was 
devastated,  and  as  the  Lithuanians  prudently  delayed  coming  to  the 
rescue,  Michael  was  compelled  to  sue  for  peace.  This  was  concluded, 
and  its  terms  were  generous.  Michael  renounced  all  claims  to  the 
principality  of  Vladimir,  and  to  the  allegiance  of  the  people  of  Novgorod 
and  of  Kashin,  agreed  to  release  all  the  Muscovites  whom  he  had  taken 
prisoners,  and  to  restore  the  treasures  he  had  captured  at  Torjek.  He 
agreed  further  to  enter  into  close  alliance  with  Dimitri  against  the  latter's 
enemies,  that  the  boyards  should  be  free  to  pass  from  the  service  of  one 
prince  to  that  of  another  on  condition  of  their  forfeiting  their  land  in  the 
principality  they  deserted,  that  each  citizen  should  own  allegiance  and 
pay  tribute  to  the  prince  of  the  district  where  he  had  his  domicile, 
notwithstanding  his  being  in  the  service  of  another,  &c.  Michael  also 
entered  into  a  separate  treaty  with  Novgorod,  in  which  mutual  advan- 
tages were  secured.  Content  with  having  humbled  his  rival,  Dimitri  left 
him  his  practical  independence  and  his  crown.  His  country  had  paid 
dearly  for  his  ambition,  for,  as  Karamzin  says,  "  the  recognised  mode  of 
warfare  in  those  days  was  to  lay  everything  waste  with  fire  and  sword.t 
Ivan  and  Nekomat,  the  instigators  of  the  war,  were  executed  at 

Next  year  there  happened  the  campaign  against  Bulgaria,  to  which  I 
have  already  referred.|    This  was  followed  by  the  appearance  of  a  fresh 

*  Kelly's  Russia,  i.  90.  t  Op.  cit.,  v.  4?.  I  Ante,  207. 


Tartar  leader,  in  the  person  of  Arabshah,   the   chief  of  the  horde  of 

Sheiban,  of  whom  a  coin  struck  at  New  Serai  in  779  is  extant,  and  who 

arrived  with  a  large  force  from  the  borders  of  the  Blue  Sea  {i.e.,  of  lake 

Aral).     The  Grand  Prince  of  Moscow   was  informed  of  this  by  Iiis 

father-in-law,  Dimitri  of  Suzdal,  to  whom  he  sent  a  considerable  army. 

This  army  he  incorporated  with  his  own  and   sent  them  against  the 

enemy.      They  allowed    themselves  to  be    surprised  while  refreshing 

with   hydromel  and   beer   and   sheltering  unarmed   in    the    hot    sun. 

The  Tartars  were    guided   by  the   willing    Mordvins.     We  are  told 

Arabshah  was  small  in  stature,  but  had  great  energy.     He  attacked  the 

Russians  on  five  sides,  and  so  impetuously  that  they  were  panic-stricken. 

They   fled    towards    the    Plana    amidst    a    great    slaughter.      Prince 

Simeon  was  killed  in  the  flight,  and  Ivan,  the  son  of  Dimitri  of  Suzdal, 

was  drowned  in  the  river,  whose  name  Plana    means    the   river  of 

drunkards,  and  this  disaster  gave  rise  to  the  Russian  proverb,  "  one  is 

drunk  on  the  banks  of  the  Plana."*    The  victorious  Tartars  marched 

quickly  on,  and  appeared  on  the  third  day  after  at  Nishni  Novgorod, 

which  was  burnt.     Dimitri,  the  Prince  of  Suzdal,  fled  to  Suzdal,  and 

most  of  the  inhabitants  took  to  their  boats  on  the  Volga.     They  next 

captured  Riazan,  and  we  are  told  not  a  village  remained  unburnt  on 

the  river  Sura.     Having  wreaked  their  vengeance  they  retired,  but  their 

advent  was  followed  by  that  of  marauding  Mordvins,  who   destroyed 

what  the  Tartars  had  spared.      The  latter  were  intercepted  on  their 

retreat  by  Prince   Boris    Constantinovitch,   Prince    of   Gorodetz,  who 

slaughtered  a  great  number  of  them,  and  their  bodies,  says  Karamzin, 

joined  the  corpses  of  the  Russians  which  crowded  the  Plana.     Boris 

then  overran  their  land,  fired  their  houses,  slaughtered  their  people,  and 

put  their  wives  and  children  in  irons.    Many  of  their  chiefs  were  put  to 

death  at  Nijni,  where  the  enraged  people  dragged  them  along  the  ice, 

and  had  them  worried  with  dogs.      This  terrible  revenge  excited  the 

anger  of  Mamai,  for  the  country  of  the  Mordvins  was  dependent  on 

him.     He  sent  a  fresh  army,  which  again  captured  Nishni  Novgorod, 

and  again  fired  it  and  devastated  its  neighbourhood.    It  then  marched 

to  join  a  larger  force  which  Mamai  had  sent  against  the  Grand  Prince. 

This  was  in  July,  1378.    The  Tartars  were  commanded  by  the  murza 

Beguitch.     They  were  met  by  the  Muscovites  under  Dimitri  on  the 

banks  of  the  Volga,  in  the  province  of  Riazan,  and  were  badly  beaten 

and  driven  across  the  river.    They  lost  several  thousand  men,  among 

them    being    their    commander    Beguitch    and    the    murzas    Hajibeg, 

Kowergui,  Karabalik,  and  Kostrok.    The  Russians  afterwards  secured 

the  deserted  camp  and  baggage  of  the  enemy.    This  remarkable  victory 

was  the  first  of  any  consequence  which  the  Russians  had  gained  over  the 

Tartars  since  the  year  1224.!     Mamai  was  naturally  enraged  at  the 

'*'  Karamzin,  v.  54.  t  Karamzin,  v.  564    Golden  Horde,  325. 


defeat,  and  marched  with  a  fresh  force  against  Riazan,  whose  Prince 
Oleg  was  too  weak  to  resist,  and  fled  beyond  the  Oka.  The  Tartars 
overran  the  province,  burnt  Pereislavl,  and  took  possession  of  Dubak.* 

Meanwhile  the  Muscovites  gained  an  important  success  against  their 
mortal  enemies  the  Lithuanians.  The  famous  Olgerd  died  in  1337,  after 
he  had  been  baptised  under  the  name  ot  Alexander,  and  was  succeeded 
by  his  favourite  son  Yagellon,  who  put  his  uncle,  the  aged  Kestut,  to 
death,  and  compelled  Vitut,  the  latter's  son,  to  seek  shelter  in  Prussia. 
Yagellon's  brother  Andrew  of  Pronsk  also  left  the  country  and  repaired  to 
Moscow,  where  these  civil  commotions  in  Lithuania  were  very  welcome. 
Dimitri  determined  to  take  advantage  of  them,  and  sent  an  army  which 
occupied  Starodub  and  Trubchevski,  old  dependencies  of  Russia,  which 
had  been  appropriated  by  the  Lithuanians. 

We  now  find  him  interfering  in  a  very  arbitrary  way  with  the 
government  of  the  Russian  church.  As  is  well  known,  the  Russian 
clergy  consist  of  two  entirely  different  classes,  the  white  clergy  or 
seculars,  who  supply  the  parish  priests,  and  the  black  clergy  or  regulars. 
The  bishops  and  dignitaries  are  chosen,  I  believe,  entirely  from  the 
latter  class,  who  are  better  educated.  The  aged  metropolitan  Alexis  was 
on  the  verge  of  the  grave,  and  the  patriarch  Philothaeus  nominated 
Cyprian,  a  learned  Servian,  as  his  successor  without  consulting  the 
Grand  Prince.  The  latter  was  aggrieved,  and  determined  to  appoint 
Mityai,  the  parish  priest  of  Kolomna,  who  was  his  confessor  and  keeper 
of  the  seals,  and  had  a  wide  reputation,  but  who  was  a  secular. 
He  secured  the  secret  benediction  of  Alexis  for  him.  On  the  death  of 
Alexis  he  was  accordingly  seated  on  the  metropolitan  throne,  much  to 
the  surprise  of  the  clergy,  and  he  set  out  for  Constantinople  to  get  the 
patriarch  to  ordain  him  bishop.  He  set  out  with  a  lordly  attendance, 
including  three  archimandrites,  six  priests,  &c,,'  but  as  he  travelled 
beyond  the  frontiers  of  Riazan  in  the  deserts  of  the  Poloutsi,  he  was 
arrested  by  the  Tartars  and  taken  before  Mamai,  whom  he  succeeded  in 
conciUating,  and  received  a  safe  conduct  from  the  Khan  Talubeg,  the 
nephew  of  Mamai,  says  Karamzin,  who  was  then  reigning.t  Perhaps 
the  Tughluk  Timur  previously  mentioned  still  survived.^  Mityai, 
however,  did  not  reach  his  destination,  but  died  en  route.  Dimitri 
had  given  his  protegi  several  signed  warrants  to  be  filled  up  as 
Mityai  wished.  Pimen,  the  archimandrite  of  Pereislavl,  who  was 
apparently  one  of  his  foUc^ers,  had  the  audacity  to  fill  one  of  these  up 
asking,  on  the  part  of  Dimitri,  that  the  patriarch  should  consecrate 
himself,  Pimen,  as  metropohtan,  and  although  suspicions  were  aroused 
at  Constantinople,  an  antidote  was  found  for  them  in  a  liberal  distribution 
of  presents,  and  he  was  duly  consecrated  in  St.  Sophia. 

The  Grand  Prince  was  naturally  enraged  when  he  discovered  the  trick. 

*  Golden  Horde,  325.    Karamzin,  v.  58.  t  Op.  cit.,  v.  66,  67.  J  Ante,  201. 


He  refused  to  recognise  him,  and  had  him  seized  and  conducted  to 
Chuklom,  where  he  was  divested  of  his  white  mitre,  and  Cyprian  was 
duly  inaugurated  as  metropohtan  of  Russia* 

Controlling  all  the  forces  of  the  horde,  Mamai  apparently  determined 
to  overwhelm  the  Russians.  He  summoned  his  people  from  all  sides, 
Tartars,  Poloutsi,  Circassians,  Yasses  or  Ossetes,  Burtanians  or 
Caucasian  Jews  (?  the  Kaitaks),  Armenians,  and  Genoese,t  and  at  a 
council  of  his  chiefs  he  told  them  he  meant  to  follow  the  example  of 
Batu.  "  Let  us  punish  the  rebel  slaves,"  he  said,  "  reduce  their  towns, 
villages,  and  churches  to  ashes,  and  appropriate  their  wealth."  He  made 
a  treaty  of  alliance  with  Yagellon,  who  promised  to  invade  Russia  on  the 
further  side,  while  Oleg,  Prince  of  Riazan,  who  felt  sure  that  Muscovy 
would  be  annihilated  by  such  a  combination,  and  that  he  would  be  the 
first  victim,  entered  into  negotiations  with  both,  and  promised  to  be  on 
the  Oka  with  his  forces  to  assist  them  in  September.  Mamai  on  his  part 
promised  to  surrender  all  Muscovy  to  him  and  Yagellon  on  condition 
of  their  paying  tribute. 

Dimitri,  on  hearing  the  terrible  news,  first  fulfilled  the  calls  of  religion* 
and  then  summoned  all  the  troops  of  the  Grand  Principality  to  Moscow. 
The  Princes  of  Rostof,  Bielosersk,  and  Yaroslavl,  the  boyards  of 
Vladimir,  Suzdal,  Pereislavl,  Kostroma,  Murom,  Dimitrof,  Moyaisk, 
Zwenigorod,  Uglitch,  and  Serpukof  joyfully  went  to  him  with  their 
troops,  and  rendezvoused  at  the  Kremlin.  When  all  was  ready  Dimitri 
repaired  to  the  famous  monastery  of  the  Trinity,  where  the  abbot  Sergius 
blessed  him  and  bade  him  go  and  triumph,  foretelling  that  he  would 
succeed  after  a  terrible  carnage,  and  after  the  laurels  had  been  crimsoned 
with  the  blood  of  many  a  Christian  hero.+ 

Leaving  the  voivode  Feodor  in  command  at  Moscow,  he  set  out,  and 
was  joined  at  Kolomna  by  the  troops  of  Polotsk  and  Briansk.  The 
Russian  host  was  larger  than  any  which  had  hitherto  been  brought 
together,  and  numbered  more  than  150,000  men.  Mamai  was  encamped 
on  the  Don,  awaiting  the  arrival  of  Yagellon.  He  sent  a  summons  to 
Dimitri  to  pay  the  tribute  which  Russia  had  paid  in  the  days  of  Janibeg, 
Dimitri  replied  he  was  willing  to  pay  a  moderate  tribute,  but  he  could 
not  see  his  country  ruined  to  satisfy  outrageous  demands,  an  answer 
which  was  not  deemed  satisfactory.§ 

The  Russians  crossed  the  Oka  on  the  26th  of  August,  and  entered  the 
province  of  Riazan.  Oleg  in  perplexity,  f«r  he  did  not  expect  the 
Russians  so  soon,  sent  couriers  to  Mamai  and  Yagellon  with  the  news. 
On  the  6th  of  September  the  army  approached  the  Don.  Counsels  were 
divided  as  to  whether  the  river  should  be  crossed  or  no,  but  it  was 
determined  to  pass  over  in  order  to  prevent  the  junction  of  Mamai  and 
Yagellon.     On  the  8th  of  September  the  river  was  crossed,  and  the  army 

*  Karamzin,  v.  61-69.  t  Id.,  69.  J  Id.,  74.  §  Id.,  76, 


was  set  out  in  battle  array  on  the  banks  of  the  Nepriadwa.  It  was  a  glorious 
sight  that  was  surveyed  by  Dimitri  from  a  piece  of  elevated  ground, 
the  sun  shining  on  the  several  ranks.  "  Great  God,  give  the  victory  to  our 
sovereign,"  was  the  cry  that  rose  from  them,  while  Dimitri  on  his  knees, 
surveying  the  image  of  the  Saviour  on  his  black  banner,  prayed  for  the 
Christians  and  for  Russia,  and  then  rode  round  the  ranks  on  horseback.* 
The  battle  took  place  on  the  plain  of  Kulikof,  and  raged  with  varying 
success  over  a  distance  of  ten  versts.  The  issue  was  at  length  decided 
by  a  sudden  attack  of  Dimitri  of  Volhynia  and  Dimitri's  brother  Vladimir, 
who  had  been  planted  in  ambush,  which  caused  the  route  of  the  enemy. 
Mamai  cried  out  when  he  saw  the  result,  "The  God  of  the  Christians  is 
great,"  and  then  headed  the  crowd  of  fugitives.  They  were  pursued  as 
far  as  the  Mesha,  where  many  of  them  perished.  A  vast  booty  became 
(as  usual  in  battles  with  nomades  who  carry  much  of  their  wealth  with 
them)  the  prize  of  the  victors. 

When  the  fight  was  over,  Vladimir  returned  to  the  battle-field,  planted 
the  black  standard  there,  and  sounded  the  big  trumpet  to  summon  the 
various  princes  to  him.  Dimitri  was  not  among  them,  a  search  was 
made  for  him,  and  he  was  found  fainting  under  a  tree.  He  had  been 
stunned  by  a  terrible  blow,  but  on  seeing  his  victorious  people  about  him 
speedily  recovered,  and  rode  over  the  field  on  horseback.  There  lay, 
according  to  some  of  the  annalists,  100,000  of  the  enemy,  together  with 
many  Russians.  Among  the  latter  was  Alexander  Peresvet,  a  monk  of 
Saint  Sergius,  who  had  engaged  in  single  combat  with  a  Pecheneg,  one  of 
Mamai's  champions.  He  dragged  him  from  his  horse,  and  each  fighting 
on  foot  gave  the  other  a  mortal  stroke.  Dimitri  promised  to  reward  his 
faithful  followers,  and  tarried  by  the  more  illustrious  of  the  dead  to  cover 
them  with  praises,  and  a  special  feast,  known  as  the  Saturday  of  Dimitri, 
was  appointed  to  commemorate  the  battle.  There  was  naturally  immense 
enthusiasm  when  the  news  reached  the  various  towns  of  Russia.  The 
people  gave  the  hero  of  the  victory  the  soubriquet  of  Donski,  by  which 
he  is  known  in  history,  and  also  of  "  The  Brave,"  and  although  Russia 
was  more  than  a  century  before  she  finally  emancipated  herself,  this  was 
in  effect  the  death-knell  of  Tartar  supremacy.  Yagellon  was  only  about 
thirty  or  forty  versts  distant  when  the  battle  took  place,  and  when  he 
heard  of  the  result  he  returned  quietly  home,  where  he  was  joined  by  the 
perfidious  Oleg  of  Riazan.  Dimitri's  return  was  a  continuous  triumph. 
Some  months  later  he  pardoned  Oleg  on  condition  that  he  gave  up  his 
alliance  with  the  Lithuanians. 

The  rivers  Oka  and  Zna  were  fixed  as  the  boundaries  of  Riazan 
and  Muscovy,  the  town  of  Tula,  so  named  from  the  Tartar  princess 
Taidula,  and  formerly  governed  by  her  agents,  was  conceded  to 
Dimitri,   as  well  as  the  district  of    Mechera  in  the  country  of   the 

*  Karamzin,  v.  80. 


Mordvins,  bought  by  him  from  its  chief  Alexander  Ukovitch,  who  had 
been  converted  to  Christianity. 

Mamai  retired  to  the  horde  determined  upon  having  his  revenge,  but 
his  career  was  cut  short.  We  now  reach  a  new  turn  in  the  history 
of  the  Golden  Horde.  Toktamish,  the  protege  of  the  great  Timur, 
marched  against  him.  Retiring  from  the  Don  to  the  Kalka,  a  battle 
ensued  near  Mariupol,  at  the  place  where  the  Russian  princes  had  been 
so  terribly  beaten  in  1224.  Mamai  was  completely  defeated  and  fled 
to  Kaffa,  where  he  was  treacherously  put  to  death  by  the  Genoese.* 


I  have  already  described  how  the  patrimony  of  Juchi  was  divided,  and 
how  Batu  came  to  have  a  much  larger  share  than  his  elder  brother 
Orda,t  but  although  the  most  powerful  and  the  dominant  chief,  Batu  was 
not  treated  as  the  head  of  the  family  at  Karakorum.  This  honour  was 
allowed  to  Orda,  the  eldest  son,  and  continued  in  his  family,  which  held 
an  independent  though  smaller  territory  in  the  Eastern  Kipchak.  This 
family  and  its  subjects  is  known  to  Eastern  writers  as  the  Ak  Orda  or 
White  Horde  {i.e.y  the  Dominant  Horde),  while  the  horde  of  Batu  is 
known  as  the  Blue  or  Black  Horde  {i.e.,  the  Dependent  Horde).  The 
Russians  have  confused  matters  a  good  deal  by  sometimes  applying  the 
name  Blue  Horde  to  the  Eastern  division,  because  it  lived  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood of  the  Sea  of  Aral  or  the  Blue  Sea.  For  a  long  time  the  Blue 
Horde  was  naturally  supreme.  The  prestige  of  ancient  victories,  a 
beautiful  capital,  and  a  commanding  situation  were  advantages,  supple- 
mented by  the  possession  of  vast  dependencies  in  Russia,  Poland,  and 
Khuarezm.  The  black  death,  the  rising  power  of  the  Russians,  and 
internal  feuds,  as  we  have  seen,  broke  it  to  pieces.  In  the  further  east, 
in  the  harsher  cradle  of  the  desert,  the  White  Horde  preserved  a  more 
vigorous  hfe. 

Abulghazi  and  Ghassari  are  at  issue  about  the  ancestry  of  Urus  Khan, 
the  real  founder  of  the  supremacy  of  the -White  Horde.  Von  Hammerf 
has  discussed  the  relative  authority  of  these  two  authors,  and  has 
decided,  as  I  think  most  reasonably,  that  Abulghazi  is  wrong,  and  that 
we  ought  to  follow  the  relation  of  Abulfeda,  Ghassari,  &c.  In  the  first 
place,  Abulfeda  and  Ghassari  are  older  writers  than  Abulghazi.  In  the 
next  place,  their  narrative  is  very  trustworthy  where  we  can  test  it,  and 
in  describing  the  history  of  the  White  and  the  Blue  Hordes  agree  with 
that  of  Rashid.    The  account  of  Ghassari,  after  Rashid  ceases  to  write, 

*  Karamzin,  V.  91.    Golden  Horde,  326.  \Ante,i^.  J  Golden  Horde,  327, 328. 


is  most  consonant  with  the  history  of  the  two  hordes  as  we  otherwise 
know  them,  while  that  of  Abulghazi  is  the  reverson  Abulghazi  makes  a 
clean  jump  over  the  fifteen  years  which  separated  Berdibeg  from  Urus 
Khan,  and  makes  the  latter  immediately  succeed  the  former.  He  ignores 
the  famous  Mamai  altogether.  He  tells  us  the  country  of  Krim  being 
very  far  off  he  did  not  know  the  ancestry  of  its  Khans  rightly.  He 
even  hints  that  the  sovereigns  of  Germany  were  descended  from  Sheiban. 
The  fact  is,  that  Abulghazi  is  not  of  great  value  as  an  authority  for  the 
history  of  any  of  the  Mongol  Royal  houses  except  the  one  to  which  he 
himself  belonged. 

I  shall  therefore  follow  the  authority  of  Abulfeda,  Ghassari,  and  of 
Munejimbashi.  As  I  have  said,  Orda  dominated  over  the  Eastern 
Kipchak,  His  chief  towns,  according  to  Von  Hammer,  were  Sighnak, 
Taras,  and  Otrar.*  Orda  accompanied  the  Tartar  army  in  its  invasion 
of  Europe,  but  as  a  subordinate  commander,  the  chief  authority  being 
held,  as  I  have  shown,  by  Batu,  the  skilful  general,  and  not  by  the  head 
of  the  horde.  With  his  other  brothers  Orda  went  to  attend  the 
inauguration  of  Ogotai.t  Carpini,  in  describing  the  plains  east  of  lake 
Balkash,  tells  us  Orda,  who  was  older  and  superior  to  Batu,  lived  there.J 
It  is  almost  certain  that,  like  the  Tartars  elsewhere,  the  tribes  subject  to 
him  moved  their  quarters  in  winter  and  summer,  and  that  these  were 
the  summer  quarters  of  the  White  Horde,  which  retired  to  the  Jaxartes 
in  the  winter. 

According  to  Rashid,  Orda  left  seven  sons,  namely,  Sertaktai,  Kuli, 
Kurmishi,  Kunkrat,  Jurmakai,  Kutukui  (Kirikui),  and  Khulagu.§  I 
know  nothing  of  any  of  these  princes,  and  Sertaktai  looks  suspiciously 
like  a  repetition  of  the  name  Sertak,  the  eldest  son  of  Batu.  The  same 
author  gives  Sertaktai  a  son  Kubinji.  He  is  called  Kapchi  or  Kapge 
by  Abulfeda,  and  is  no  doubt  the  same  person  as  the  Kochi  Oghul 
mentioned  about  the  year  1280.  II  Abulfeda  makes  him  the  son  and  not 
the  grandson  of  Orda,  in  which  he  is  confirmed  by  the  authority  followed 
by  D'Ohsson,1[  who  makes  him  a  grandson  of  Juchi,  and  it  is  very 
probable  that  the  name  Sertaktai  has  been  interpolated  by  mistake  into 
Rashid's  table. 


Kubinji  or  Kochi,  as  the  head  of  the  White  Horde,  was  a  much 
more  important  person  than  is  generally  supposed.  He  is  mentioned 
among  the  chiefs  of  the  Kipchak  in  the  Yuen  shi,  and  is  there  called 
Kuan  sa.**  He  is  also  mentioned  by  Marco  Polo,  who  has  a  somewhat 
romantic  account  of  him,  as  follows  : — 

♦  Golden  Horde,  329.  t  Abulghazi,  179.  I  D'Avezac,  751. 

§  Golden  Horde,  Genealogical  Table.  0  Ante,  133.  f  ii.  454- 

**  Brctschneider,  Notes  on  Medieval  Geography,  &c.,  106. 



*'  You  must  know  that  in  the  far  north  there  is  a  king  called  Conchi. 
He  is  a  Tartar,  and  all  his  people  are  Tartars,  and  they  keep  up  the 
regular  Tartar  religion.  A  very  brutish  one  it  is,  but  they  keep  it  up  just 
the  same  as  Jingis  Kaan  and  the  proper  Tartars  did,  so  I  will  tell  you 
something  of  it.  .  .  .  The  king  is  subject  to  no  one,  although  he  is  of 
the  Imperial  lineage  of  Jingis  Kaan,  and  a  near  relative  of  the  Great 
Kaan.  This  king  has  neither  city  nor  castle ;  he  and  his  people  live 
always  either  in  the  wide  plains  or  among  great  mountains  and  valleys. 
They  subsist  on  the  milk  and  flesh  of  their  cattle,  and  have  no  com. 
The  king  has  a  vast  number  of  people,  but  he  carries  on  no  war  with 
anybody,  and  his  people  live  in  great  tranquillity.  They  have  enormous 
numbers  of  cattle,  camels,  horses,  oxen,  sheep,  and  so  forth. 

"  You  find  in  their  country  immense  bears  entirely  white,  more  than 
twenty  palms  in  length.  There  are  also  large  black  foxes,  wild  asses, 
and  abundance  of  sables ;  those  creatures  I  mean  from  the  skins  of 
which  they  make  those  precious  robes  that  cost  i,ooo  bezants  each. 
There  are  also  vairs  in  abundance,  and  vast  multitudes  of  the  Pharaoh's 
rat,  on  which  the  people  live  all  the  summer  time.  Indeed  they  have 
plenty  of  all  sorts  of  wild  creatures,  for  the  country  they  inhabit  is  very 
wild  and  trackless. 

"  And  you  must  know  that  this  king  possesses  one  tract  of  country 
which  is  quite  impassable  for  horses,  for  it  abounds  greatly  in  lakes  and 
springs,  and  hence  there  is  so  much  ice,  as  well  as  mud  and  mire,  that 
horses  cannot  travel  over  it.  This  difficult  country  is  thirteen  days  in 
extent,  and  at  the  end  of  every  day's  journey  there  is  a  post  for  the 
lodgement  of  the  couriers  who  have  to  cross  this  tract.  At  each  of  these 
post-houses  they  keep  some  forty  dogs  of  great  size,  in  fact  not  much 
smaller  than  donkeys,  and  these  dogs  draw  the  couriers  over  the  day's 
journey  from  post-house  to  post-house,  and  I  will  tell  you  how.  You  see 
the  ice  and  mire  are  so  prevalent,  that  over  this  tract  which  lies  for  those 
thirteen  days*  journey  in  a  great  valley  between  two  mountains,  no 
horses  can  travel,  nor  can  any  wheeled  carriage  either.  Wherefore  they 
make  sledges,  which  are  carriages  without  wheels,  and  made  so  that  they 
can  run  over  the  ice  and  also  over  the  mire  and  mud  without  sinking  too 
deep  in  it.  Of  these  sledges  indeed  there  are  many  in  our  country,  for 
they  are  just  the  same  as  are  used  in  winter  for  carrying  hay  and  straw 
when  there  have  been  heavy  rains  and  the  country  is  deep  in  mire.  On 
such  a  sledge,  then,  they  lay  a  bear  skin,  on  which  the  courier  sits,  and 
the  sledge  is  drawn  by  six  of  those  big  dogs  that  I  spoke  of.  The  dogs 
have  no  driver,  but  go  straight  for  the  next  post-house,  drawing  the 
sledge  famously  over  ice  and  mire.  The  keeper  of  the  post-house, 
however,  also  gets  on  a  sledge  drawn  by  dogs,  and  guides  the  party  by 
the  best  and  shortest  way.  And  when  they  arrive  at  the  next  station 
they  find  a  new  relay  of  dogs  and  sledges  ready  to  take  them  on,  whilst 



the  old  relay  turns  back ;  thus  they  accomplish  the  whole  journey  across 
that  region  always  driven  by  sledges. 

"The  people  who  dwell  in  the  valleys  and  mountains  adjoining  that 
tract  of  thirteen  days'  journey  are  great  huntsmen,  and  catch  great 
numbers  of  precious  little  beasts  which  are  sources  of  great  profit  to 
them.  Such  are  the  sable,  the  ermine,  the  vair,  the  erculin,  the  black 
fox,  and  many  other  creatures,  from  the  skins  of  which  the  most  costly 
furs  are  prepared.  They  use  traps  to  take  them,  from  which  they  cannot 
escape.  But  in  that  region  the  cold  is  so  great  that  all  the  dwellings  of 
the  people  are  underground,  and  underground  they  always  live-"* 

This  description  clearly  applies  to  Siberia,  and  it  is  very  probable,  as 
Colonel  Yule  suggests,  that  it  may  have  been  derived  from  some  member 
of  the  embassy  sent  by  Kochi  to  Gaikhatu,  to  which  I  shall  refer 

Let  us  now  turn  to  other  notices  of  Kochi.  Abulfeda  calls  him  lord 
of  Bamian  and  Ghazni  and  the  other  districts  of  that  province,  and  has 
some  notices  of  his  descendants  in  that  neighbourhood.  This  is  very 
curious,  for  it  implies  either  that  he  had  been  ousted  from  his  northern 
possessions  or  that  he  had  acquired  an  additional  dominion  in  the  south, 
which  was  separated  from  his  ancient  patrimony  by  the  Khanate  of 
Jagatai.  I  believe  this  latter  view  to  be  correct,  and  that  the  explanation 
is  to  be  found  in  the  facts  I  have  before  stated,t  namely,  that  when  the 
contingent  which  was  furnished  by  the  princes  of  Kipchak  to  Khulagu 
left  the  latter  and  seized  upon  Bamian  and  Ghazni,  they  placed  them- 
selves under  the  domination  of  Kochi,  the  ruler  of  the  White  Horde.  It 
will  be  remembered  that  the  troops  furnished  by  the  White  Horde  for 
this  expedition  were  commanded  by  Orda's  son  Kuli,  who  it  was 
suspected  was  poisoned  at  the  instance  of  his  cousin  Khulagu.+  I 
believe  Kochi  Oghul  to  be  the  prince  called  Buchi  Oghul  on  one 
occasion  by  D'Ohsson,§  and  confused  by  Von  Hammer  with  Tekshin, 
the  son  of  Khulagu.  ||  Ghazni  and  Bamian  doubtless  formed  a  part  of 
the  original  Khanate  of  Jagatai,  and  we  are  told  that  when  Borak,  the 
grandson  of  Jagatai,  crossed  the  Oxus  to  attack  Khorassan,  he  sent  word 
to  Buchi  Oghul  to  evacuate  the  district  between  Badghis  and  the  Indus 
{i.e.,  the  district  ruled  by  Kochi),  which  had  belonged  to  his  ancestors, 
which  he  refused  to  do.^  He  said  that  he  had  been  given  it  by  his  agha 
and  lord  Abaka,  and  that  he  must  first  consult  him.  Abaka  the  Ilkhan, 
on  being  consulted,  insisted  that  the  district  belonged  to  the  Khanate  of 
Khulagu  and  not  to  that  of  Jagatai.**  This  was  in  the  year  1270. 
Borak's  campaign  against  Khorassan  will  occupy  us  in  the  next  volume. 
Here  I  may  say  that  it  does  not  seem  to  have  affected  the  domination  of 
the  White  Horde  over  Ghazni  and  the  neighbourhood.    I  may  add  that 

*  Yule's  Marco  Polo,  ii.  410-412.  t  Ante,  114.  J  Id. 

5  iii.  436.  I  Ilkhans,  i,  264.  1  D'Ohsson,  iii.  436.  **  Ilkhans,  i.  264. 


it  is  not  improbable  that  the  Karaunas  of  Marco  Polo,  to  whom  Colonel 
Yule  has  devoted  a  long  note,  characterised  by  his  usual  learning  and 
ingenuity,*  were  the  subjects  of  Kochi  Oghul.  When,  in  1284,  Arghun 
was  hard  pressed  by  the  Ilkhan  Ahmed,  we  are  told  he  was  recom- 
mended by  the  emir  Nurus  to  take  shelter  with  Kubinji  {i.e.,  Kochi) 
beyond  the  Oxus.t  This  was  clearly  our  Kochi,  and  not  the  insig- 
nificant twelfth  son  of  Sheiban,  with  whom  Von  Hammer  identifies 
him.  In  1293  we  are  told  how  Kubinji  sent  an  embassy  to  the  Ilkhan 
Gaikhatu  with  assurances  of  goodwill.?  Abulfeda  tells  us  that  Kochi 
died  in  the  year  701  {i.e.^  i3oi-2).§ 


A(;cording  to  Abulfeda,  Kochi  left  six  sons,  namely,  Bayan,  Koblokum, 
Tok  Timur,  Buka  Timur,  Mongatai,  and  Sasai,  who  after  their 
father's  death  struggled  with  one  another  for  supremacy,  but  Bayan  at 
length  prevailed,  and  obtained  the  kingdom  of  GhazniJ  Other 
authorities  make  Kochi  have  only  four  sons,  namely,  Bayan,  Bajg- 
sartai,  Chaganbuka,  and  Magatai.^  The  struggle  he  refers  to  was 
apparently  between  Bayan  and  Kobluk  or  Kiulek,  who  is  called  his 
cousin  and  rival  by  Rashid,**  and  not  his  brother,  as  by  Abulfeda.  It 
would  seem  that  Bayan  succeeded  to  the  country  north  of  the  Jaxartes, 
properly  subject  to  the  White  Horde,  while  Kobluk  probably  retained 
Bamian  and  Ghazni.  Bayan  I  take  to  be  the  Bohu  named  immediately 
after  Kuan  sa  in  the  list  of  the  chiefs  of  Kipchak  in  the  Yuen 

D'Ohsson  tells  us  Bayan,  whom  he  calls  Nayan,  was  chief  of  the  ulus 
of  Orda,  and  that  he  carried  on  a  long  struggle  with  the  two  allies  Dua 
and  Kaidu,  who  supported  Kobluk,  during  which  fifteen  battles  were 
fought.  Weakened  by  this  war,  Bayan  proposed  to  the  Ilkhan  of  Persia 
and  the  Khakan  Timur  to  attack  their  common  enemies  on  three  sides 
at  once.  This  plan  promised  well,  but  was  not  carried  out  because 
Timur,  on  his  mother's  persuasion,  would  not  venture  so  far  into  the 
desert,  and  Bayan's  envoys  were  sent  back  with  a  civil  answer.  Abulfeda 
tells  us  that  in  the  year  709  {i.e.,  1309-10)  Bayan  deprived  Kobluk  of  his 
kingdom  of  Ghazni.  Presently,  however,  Kobluk  collected  some 
adherents,  and  in  turn  ousted  Bayan,  but  he  soon  after  died.  His  son 
Kash  Timur  continued  the  work  he  had  begun  but  was  not  able  to 
complete.  We  are  told  further,  that  a  section  of  Bayan's  people  obeyed 
neither  Kobluk  nor  his  son,  but  were  governed  by  Mangatai,  who  was 
Bayan's  brother. +]; 

Op.  cit.,  i.  102-109.        t  Ilkhans,  i.  354-        I  ^d.,  403.        %  Op.  cit.,  v.  179.        |  ld.»  180, 181. 

^  Von  Hammer's  Table.  •*  D'Ohsson,  ii.  515.  It  Bretschneider, Notes,  &c.,  106. 

II  Abulfeda,  v.  225. 



Bayan  left  four  sons,  Shadi,  Sasibuka,  Tekne,  and  Saljikutai,  and 
was  succeeded,  as  Rashid  tells  us,  by  Sasibuka.*  Munedjimbashi 
makes  him  a  son  of  Tuli  (?  Kuli),  the  son  of  Orda.t  Abulfeda,  in 
tabulating  the  various  rulers  of  Asia  in  the  year  8ii  (£<?.,  131 1),  tells  us 
that  Ghazni  and  Bamian  were  governed  by  Mangatai,  the  son  of  Kochi, 
while  the  country  beyond  the  Oxus  in  Turkestan  {i.e.,  the  country  of  the 
White  Horde  proper)  was  ruled  by  Saru  Capgi,|  which  is  probably  a 
corruption  of  Sasibuka. 


Sasibuka  was  succeeded,  according  to  Ghassari,  by  his  son  Ebisan, 
who  is  called  Eideren  by  Haidar.§    He  died  in  i32o,|j 


Ebisan  was  succeeded  by  his  brother  Mubarek  Khoja.  He  died  in 
1344,  and  was  buried  at  Sighnak.1I  A  very  interesting  coin  of  Mubarek, 
being  the  earliest  coin  of  the  White  Horde  extant,  was  found  in  the 
famous  hoard  at  Ekaterinoslaf.  It  is  inscribed,  The  Just  Sultan 
Mubarek  (Kho)  ja,  whose  reign  may  God  prolong.  •  Struck  at  Sighnak  in 
the  year  729  (or  perhaps  739),  i.e,  1329  or  1339.** 


Mubarek  was  succeeded  by  his  nephew  Chimtai,  the  son  of  Ebisan, 
who  reigned  for  seventeen  years  (/.<?.,  till  1360  or  1361).  According  to 
Munedjimbashi,  he  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Himtai,  who  after  a  reign  of 
two  years  was  followed  by  his  brother  But  Himtai  does  not, 
I  believe,  occur  elsewhere,  and  I  am  disposed  to  think  his  name  an 
interpolation,  and  that  Chimtai  was  immediately  followed  by  his  son 
Unas.    This  was  in  the  year  762  {i.e.,  1360). 


Urus  was  an  ambitious  person,  and  being  opposed  in  his  schemes  by 
Tuli  Khoja,  he  attacked  and  killed  him.JI     Von  Hammer  makes  Tuli 

*  Golden  Horde,  329.  t  Ilkhans,  i.  414. 

I  Op.  cit.,  V.  351.      §  Ilkhans,  i.  413.      ||  Golden  Horde,  329.      U  Ghassari,  Golden  Horde,  329. 

**  Soret  Lettre  et  M.  le  Capitane,  &c.,  Kossikofski,  Brussels,  i860,  25. 

It  Golden  Horde,  329.    Note,  7.  II  Golden  Horde,  329,  330. 


Khoja  the  cousin  of  Urus.  I  believe  him  to  have  belonged  to  another 
stock  altogether,  namely,  to  the  rival  family  of  Tuka  Timur.*  On  the 
death  of  Tuli  Khoja,  his  son  Toktamish  fled  for  shelter  to  Timur,  the 
famous  Timur,  who  is  so  widely  celebrated  as  Timur  i  leng  (or  the  lame). 
It  was  while  Timur  was  engaged  in  his  fifth  campaign  against  the 
Jets  or  people  of  Mongolistan  that  Toktamish  sought  refuge  at  his 
court.  Timur  ordered  his  temnik  or  general  Timur  Uzbeg  to  receive 
him  with  all  honour  and  ceremony.  He  himself  made  his  way  back 
to  Samarkand,  where  Timur  Uzbeg  conducted  Toktamish.  The  great 
conqueror  received  his  guest  in  Imperial  fashion,  gave  him  a  magnificent 
feast  and  made  him  many  rich  presents  ;  gold  and  precious  stones,  arms 
and  rich  dresses,  furniture  and  horses,  camels  and  tents,  drums  and 
banners,  horses  and  slaves,  and  ended  by  styling  him  his  son.t  He 
also  invested  him  with  the  government  of  Sabran,  Otrar,  Sighnak, 
Sairam,  Serai,  and  other  towns  of  the  Kipchak.f  Von  Hammer  replaces 
Serai  by  Seraichuk,  and  argues  that  Toktamish  was  invested  with  the 
towns  of  the  Eastern  Kipchak  between  the  Yaik  and  the  Sihun  only.§ 
When  he  had  established  himself,  Urus  Khan  sent  an  army  under  his 
son  Kutlugh  Buka  against  him.  In  the  battle  which  followed  Kutlugh 
Buka  was  wounded,  and  died  the  next  day  of  his  wounds.  Toktamish  was 
however  defeated,  and  he  was  obliged  to  again  take  refuge  with  Timur,  who 
received  him  with  even  greater  honours  than  before,  and  supplied  him 
with  a  fresh  army.  He  was  again  met  by  the  troops  of  Urus  Khan, 
commanded  by  the  latter's  eldest  son  Toktakia,  who,  with  Ali  Beg  and 
other  princes  of  his  house,  was  determined  to  revenge  the  death  of  his 
brother  Kutlugh  Buka.  Toktamish  was  again  defeated,  and  having 
retired  to  the  Sihun,  plunged  in  to  save  his  life.  He  was  pursued  by 
Kazanji  Behadur,  who  fired  an  arrow  at  him  and  wounded  him  in  the 
hand.  When  he  had  traversed  the  Sihun  he  entered  a  wood  bareback, 
wounded,  and  alone,  and  threw  himself  on  the  ground  among  the  brush- 
wood to  rest.  He  was  there  rescued  by  Idiku  Berlas,  who  had  been  sent 
to  him  by  Timur  to  be  his  councillor  in  governing  his  kingdom,  and  who 
passed  by  chance.  Having  supplied  him  with  some  refreshment,  he 
conducted  him  to  Timur,  who  was  then  at  Bukhara,  and  who  again 
supplied  him  with  a  fresh  outfit  in  a  lordly  style.  At  this  time  Idiku,  of 
the  tribe  of  the  Manguts  (and  according  to  Abulghazi,  a  son  of  Timur 
Kutlugh  Khan),  II  who  had  been  a  supporter  of  Toktamish,  arrived  at 
Bokhara  with  the  news  that  Urus  Khan  was  marching  at  the  head  of  his 
troops  to  punish  that  chief;  and  soon  after  Kepek  Mangut  and  Tulujian 
arrived  at  Timufs  court  as  envoys  with  the  message,  "  Toktamish  has 
killed  my  son,  and  has  since  sought  refuge  with  you.  I  demand  the 
surrender  of  my  enemy,  and  in  case  you  refuse,  I  declare  war.    We  must 

*  Vide  infra.  t  De  la  Croix's  Sherifuddin,  i.  276, 277.  I  Id.,  278. 

§  Golden  Horde,  331.  ||  Op.  cit,  171. 

URUS  KHAN.  223 

choose  a  battle  field."  Timur  replied,  "  Toktamish  has  put  himself  under 
my  protection.  I  will  defend  him  against  you.  Return  to  Urus  Khan, 
and  tell  him  that  I  not  only  accept  his  challenge,  but  also  that  I  am 
ready,  and  my  soldiers  are  like  lions,  who  do  not  live  in  forests  but  have 
their  abode  in  the  battle  field."* 

Leaving  the  emir  Yaku  in  charge  of  Samarkand,  Timur  set  out  towards 
the  end  of  the  year  of  the  crocodile  (?>.,  1376),!  and  encamped  on  the 
plains  of  Otrar.  Urus  Khan  had  rendezvoused  his  men  at  Sighnak,  which 
was  twenty-four  leagues  off.t  A  terrible  storm  of  rain,  followed  by 
intense  cold,  prevented  any  action  for  three  months.  At  length  Timur 
ordered  Katai  Behadur  and  Muhammed  Sultan  Shah,  with  five  hundred 
men,  to  make  a  night  attack  upon  the  enemy.  Timur  Malik  Aghlan,  a 
son  of  Urus  Khan,  met  them  at  the  head  of  three  thousand  men.  The 
battle  was  fought  in  the  night.  Katai  Behadur  and  Yarek  Timur  were 
both  killed,  while  on  the  other  side  Prince  Timur  MaHk  was  wounded  in 
the  foot  and  Elchi  Buka  in  the  hand,  but  Sherifuddin  claims  that  the 
victory  remained  with  Timur's  men,  who  were  received  with  triumph  at 
their  camp.§  Timur  now  sent  Muhammed  Sultan  Shah  to  explore.  The 
emir  Mubasher  was  sent  out  on  the  same  errand.  They  each  returned 
with  a  captive,  from  whom  they  learnt  that  two  brave  warriors  named 
Satkin,  the  elder  and  the  younger,  had  been  sent  out  by  Urus  Khan, 
with  two  hundred  men,  on  a  similar  errand  to  their  own.  They  were 
encountered  by  accident  by  Uktimur  and  AUahdad,  who  had  been  to 
Otrar  to  provision  the  troops  there.  Aktimur  and  his  men  feigned  a 
retreat,  and  when  the  enemy  were  broken  in  their  pursuit,  he  turned  on 
them  and  utterly  scattered  them.  His  nephew  Kebekji,  the  yurtji  {i.e., 
the  quartermaster),!  killed  the  younger  Satkin,  and  Indushah  seized  the 
elder  one  and  took  him  to  Timur. 

Meanwhile  Urus  Khan,  apparently  despairing  of  success,  returned 
homewards.  He  left  Karakesel  in  command  of  the  troops,  the  latter 
shortly  after  deemed  it  prudent  to  retire  too,  and  thereupon  Timur 
returned  once  more  to  Kesh. 

When  the  season  became  favourable,  Timur  set  out  once  more  towards 
the  Kipchak,  and  gave  the  command  of  the  advance  guard  to  Tok- 
tamish, who  acted  as  guide  to  the  troops,  and  marched  so  rapidly  that 
in  fifteen  days  he  had  reached  Geiran  Kamish  {i.e.,  the  reeds  of  the 
deer).  The  inhabitants  were  taken  by  surprise,  the  town  was 
pillaged,  and  a  large  number  of  horses,  camels,  and  sheep  were  carried 
off.  But  Urus  Khan  was  already  dead.^  As  I  have  said,  he  only  reigned 
in  the  Eastern  Kipchak,  and,  according  to  M.  Soret,  his  only  undoubted 
coins  were  struck  at  Sighnak  in  774  (/.<?.,  1372-3)  and  ^^^  {i.e., 
1375-6).    Fraehn  mentions  a  coin  of  his  struck  at  Schihun,  which  he 

*  Sherifuddin,  i.  »8i,  282.  t  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  332.    Note,  i. 

I  Sherifuddin,  i.  282.         S  Id.,  284*         Golden  Horde,  332.      H  Sherifuddin,  i.  286, 287. 


identifies  with  a  ruined  town  on  the  Terek,  but  its  reading  is  very 


Urns  Khan  was  succeeded  by  his  eldest  son  Tuktakia,  who  soon  after 


Tuktakia  was  succeeded  by  his  brother  Timur  Malik.  Toktamish  was 
meanwhile  warmly  supported  by  his  former  patron  Timur,  who  again 
presented  him  with  a  Royal  equipage,  and  also  presented  him  with  the 
horse  Kunk  Oghlan,  whose  speed  was  famous,  and  which  would  equally 
enable  him  to  overtake  a  flying  enemy  or  to  escape  pursuit.^  In  the 
struggle  which  ensued  Toktamish  was  again  defeated,  and  had  to  escape 
once  more  to  Timur.  The  latter  again  supported  him,  and  sent  him  to 
Sighnak,  escorted  by  the  temnik  Timur  Uzbeg,  his  son  Balti  Koja, 
Ozuntimur  (?  Uzbeg  Timur),  Ghayassuddin,  Terkhan,  and  Benki 
Kuchin.§  Abdcrresak  calls  his  companions  Ghayassuddin,  Terkhan, 
Toman  Timur,  Yahia  Khoja,  Uzbeg  Timur,  and  Nikbei.ll  They 
accordingly  installed  him  at  Sighnak,  and,  as  was  customary,  strewed 
gold  and  jewels  over  him.lf 

When  Toktamish  escaped  to  Timur  he  was  accompanied  by  Uzbeg 
Timur.**  Urus  Khan  had  therefore  confiscated  the  latter's  goods,  and  he 
was  accordingly  recompensed  by  Timur.  Having  accompanied  his 
master  Toktamish  against  Timur  Malik,  he  was  made  prisoner;  being  set 
at  liberty  again,  and  reduced  to  great  distress,  he  appealed  to  Timur  Malik 
to  give  him  his  former  seignory,  offering  him  his  services.  The  haughty 
Khan  refused  him,  and  said  he  should  be  more  pleased  to  be  without  his 
services.  He  accordingly  fled,  and  escaped  to  Samarkand,  where  he  had 
the  honour,  says  Sherifuddin,  of  kissing  the  carpet  of  Timur's  throne. 
He  reported  there  how  Timur  Malik  spent  his  days  and  nights  in 
debauchery.  That  he  slept  until  ten  o'clock  in  the  morning,  which 
was  dinner  time,  that  no  one  dared  to  awaken  him  to  attend  to  his 
duties,  that  his  people  were  weary  of  him,  and  wished  for  the  return 
of  Toktamish.  Timur  accordingly  sent  to  the  latter,  who  was  at 
Sighnak,  and  told  him  to  march  against  Timur  Malik,  who  had  spent  the 
winter  at  Karatal  {i.e.y  no  doubt  the  Karatagh  hills).    He  accordingly 

•  Resc,  &c.,  303.  t  Sherifuddin,  i.  287. 

I  lA.,  287.  %  Id.,  288.  II  Golden  Horde,  333.         IT  Sherifuddin,  i.  288. 

**  Sherifuddin  says  Orkitmur,  but  Von  Hammer  says  this  is  a  corruption.  (Golden  Hordcj 
333,    Note,  3.) 

TOKTAMISH   KHAN.  •    225 

marched  against  him  and  defeated  him,  and  sent  Urus  Khoja  to  Timur 
with  the  news.  Timur  was  greatly  dehghted,  spent  several  days  in 
feasting,  and  granted  an  amnesty  to  the  prisoners,  while  he  presented 
Urus  Khoja  with  a  robe  and  girdle  of  gold  brocade,  and  some  jewels, 
and  provided  him  with  money  and  horses  for  his  return  journey.  All 
this  took  place  apparently  in  1277,  and  Toktamish  returned  to  winter  at 
Sighnak.  Hitherto  the  princes  of  the  White  Horde  had  confined  their 
struggles  to  their  own  district,  the  Eastern  Kipchak,  but  we  now  read 
that  in  the  spring  following,  Toktamish  levied  a  considerable  army  and 
marched  against  the  kingdom  of  Serai  and  the  country  of  Memak*  {i.e., 
the  Western  Kipchak,  and  the  country  governed  by  Mamai).  This 
campaign  was  probably  only  a  renewal  of  the  struggle  with  Timur 
Malik,  who,  we  are  told,  had  repaired  to  Prince  Muhammed  Oghlan, 
perhaps  the  titular  Khan  of  Serai,  and  asked  for  his  alliance  against 
Toktamish.  On  his  refusing  and  trying  to  dissuade  him  from  the  war 
he  killed  him,  and  again  marched  against  his  former  enemy  Tok- 
tamish. He  found  him  near  Karatagh.  Timur  Malik  was  himself 
defeated  and  killed.t  We  are  told  that  Balinjak,  the  faithful  companion 
of  Timur  Malik,  was  taken  before  the  conqueror,  who  would  have  spared 
him,  but  going  down  on  his  knees,  he  said  :  "  I  have  spent  the  best 
part  of  my  life  in  the  service  of  Timur  Malik.  I  cannot  bear  to  see 
another  on  his  throne.  May  his  eyes  be  torn  out  who  wishes  to  see  you 
on  Timur  Malik's  seat.  If  you  would  be  gracious  to  me,  cut  off  my 
head  and  put  it  under  that  of  Timur  Malik,  and  let  his  corpse  recUne  on 
mine,  so  that  his  delicate  body  may  not  be  begrimed  with  dust." 
Toktamish,  we  are  told,  granted  the  request  of  the  faithful  Balinjak,  and 
sent  him  to  join  his  master.:|:  It  would  surely  be  hard  to  match  the 
chivalry  of  some  of  these  Eastern  heroes  in  our  western  cradles  of 
preux  chevaliers. 


As  I  have  said,  I  am  disposed  to  make  Toktamish  Khan  descend  from 
Tuka  Timur,  and  not  from  Orda,  as  Ghassari  and  Munedshimbashi  do. 
Toktamish  Khan  and  his  descendants  were  constantly  at  feud  with  the 
descendants  of  Urus  Khan,  which  seems  to  point  to  their  being 
champions  of  rival  dynasties.  Again  AbuJghaxi  is  supported  in  making 
Toktamish  descend  from  Tuka  Timur  by  the  old  Russian  genealogical 
tables  of  the  Mongol  Khans. §  This  conclusion  is  only  tentative  as  s 
many  others  unfortunately  are  in  this  inquiry,  but  I  believe  it  accords 
with  the  balance  of  evidence. 

Sherifuddin,  i.  294.  t  Golden  Horde,  333,  334.  j  j^,^  33^^ 

%  Veliamingf  Zernof,  op.  cit.,  i.  40,  41. 



All  the  authorities  are  at  one  in  making  Toktamish  the  son  of  Tuli 
Khoja,  who  is  styled  Tui  Khoja  Oghlan  by  Abulghazi  *  and  Togoza 
Ulan  in  the  Synodal  Register. t  According  to  Abulghazi  TuH  Khoja  was 
the  son  of  Tokul  Khoja  Oghlan,  the  son  of  Saricha  Kunchak  Oghlan,  the 
son  of  Uz  Timur,  the  son  of  Tuka  Timur.J  Let  us  now  on  with  our 

Toktamish,  by  the  defeat  of  Mamai,  secured  the  Western  as  well  as 
the  Eastern  Kipchak,  the  latter  of  which  alone  had  been  subject  to  Urus 
,Khan.  The  Russian  princes  hastened  to  send  their  sword-bearers  with 
their  homage,  and  we  are  told  that  Kutlughbugha  and  Mokshi,  the  two 
armour-bearers  of  the  Grand  Prince  Dimitri,  with  other  sword-bearers, 
returned  to  the  various  principalities  bearing  gifts  and  diplomas,  sealed 
with  golden  seals.  §  But  Toktamish  was  not  to  be  satisfied  with  these 
courtesies.  He  wanted  tribute  also,  and  to  restore  the  '  dominant 
authority  of  the  Khans,  upon  which  such  great  inroads  had  lately  been 
made.  He  accordingly  sent  the  tzarevitch  Ak  Khoja  with  an  escort  of 
seven  hundred  soldiers  to  summon  the  Russian  princes  to  go  in  person 
to  the  horde.  The  chief  envoy  himself  stayed  at  Nijni  Novgorod,  and 
sent  some  of  his  people  on  to  Moscow  with  his  message.  The 
Russians  were  too  much  elated  with  their  recent  great  victory  on  the 
Don  to  listen  patiently  to  this  summons,  and  an  excuse  was  sent  by  the 
Grand  Prince  Dimitri.  ||  A  year  passed  by  without  further  intelligence 
from  the  horde,  during  which  interval  Toktamish  was  mustering  and 
preparing  his  army,  then  news  suddenly  arrived  that  the  Tartars  had 
seized  the  Russian  boats  in  Bulgaria  in  order  to  transport  their  army 
across  the  Volga,  and  that  the  treacherous  Oleg  of  Riazan  was  prepared 
to  act  as  a  guide  to  the  invaders,  and  to  show  them  the  best  way  of 
crossing  the  Oka.  The  courage  of  many  began  to  quake.  Dimitri  of 
Nijni  Novgorod,  godfather  of  the  Grand  Prince,  sent  his  two  sons  to 
the  Tartars  with  presents,  but  Toktamish  had  already  left,  and  they 
overtook  him  at  Sernach.  The  Grand  Prince  himself  left  his  capital  in 
the  hands  of  the  boyards,  and  retired  to  Kostroma  to  collect  a  larger 

Toktamish,  having  captured  Serpukof  on  the  Oka,  marched  onwards 
to  Moscow.  The  citizens  were  summoned  by  the  ringing  of  the 
church  bells  to  a  general  meeting,  and  the  ancient  Russian  custom  was 
appealed  to,  by  which  the  vote  of  the  majority  decided  the  course  to  be 
taken.  A  large  number  of  the  people  lost  heart  and  retired  from  the 
city,  following  the  example  of  the  metropolitan  Cyprian,  who  went  to 
Tuer,  and  whose  conduct  is  grimly  excused  by  Karamzin  on  the 
ground  that  he  was  not  a  Russian.  General  confusion  spread  over  the 
town.     Meanwhile  there  arrived  a  brave  young  Lithuanian,  a  grand- 

Op.  cit.,  187.    Golden  Horde,  330.  t  Vcliaminof  Zernof,  i.  41.  J  Id. 

^  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  334.  p  Karamzin,  v.  92.  _ 


son  of  Olgerd,  called  Ostei,  who  had  been  sent  by  Dimitri.  His  conduct 
reassured  confidence.  The  peasants  from  the  surrounding  villages  came 
with  their  families  and  treasures  for  shelter  in  the  mother  city.  Even 
the  monks  demanded  arms,  and  numerous  regiments  of  brave  but 
untrained  militia  garrisoned  the  ramparts.  At  length  the  smoke  of 
burning  villages  in  the  distance  heralded  the  approach  of  the  Tartars, 
who  reached  the  outskirts  of  the  town  on  the  23rd  of  August,  1382. 
Some  of  the  invaders  knew  Russian,  and  asked  where  the  Grand  Prince 
was,  and  on  being  told  he  was  not  at  Moscow,  they  closely  examined  the 
Kremlin.  The  siege  now  began.  The  showers  of  arrows  which  were 
poured  in  killed  whole  ranks  of  the  inhabitants,  but  the  attacking 
parties  were  met  with  showers  of  boiling  water  and  crushed  by  heavy 
stones.  For  three  days  the  attack  was  pressed  with  great  bravery  by 
the  Tartars,  who  had  no  battering-rams  or  other  artillery  with  them. 
Finding  himself  baffled,  Toktamish  had  recourse  to  stratagem.  Some 
of  his  principal  chiefs  were  sent  to  tell  the  inhabitants  that  the  Khan 
loved  them  as  his  faithful  subjects,  and  that  he  bore  no  ill-will  to  them, 
but  only  to  his  personal  enemy  the  Grand  Prince,  and  that  he  would 
withdraw  without  delay  if  they  would  send  him  presents  and  allow  him 
to  enter  the  city  to  see  its  curiosities.  These  messengers  were 
accompanied  by  Vasili  and  Simeon,  the  two  sons  of  Dimitri  of  Nijni 
Novgorod,  who  were  either  acting  under  compulsion  or  beheved  the 
Khan  to  be  sincere,  and  pledged  their  words  as  Russians  and  Christians 
that  the  Tartars  would  keep  their  word.  Ostei  thereupon  took  counsel 
with  the  priests,  the  boyards,  and  the  people,  who  all  agreed  that  the 
word  of  the  two  princes  would  not  be  broken.  The  gates  were  accord- 
ingly thrown  open.  Ostei  was  the  first  to  go  out,  bearing  rich  presents, 
and  was  followed  by  priests  bearing  a  cross,  the  boyards,  and  the 
people.  He  was  taken  to  the  Khan's  tent,  where  he  was  killed,  and 
upon  a  given  signal  thousands  of  Tartars  drew  their  swords  and  began 
their  work  of  slaughter.  They  entered  the  city,  where  the  soldiers 
without  leaders  were  a  mere  rabble,  and  rushed  about  the  streets  crying 
like  women.  Old  men  and  children,  women  and  priests,  were  equally 
made  victims  of  the  indiscriminating  sword  of  the  Tartars.  The  church 
doors  were  burst  open,  and  the  various  treasures  brought  there  for  safety 
from  the  country  round  were  plundered.  A  vast  booty  in  images  and 
precious  vases,  the  gathered  treasures  from  the  Grand  Prince's  exchequer, 
and  of  the  boyards  and  rich  merchants,  fruits  of  long  saving  were  pillaged; 
and  while  the  historian  notes  these  losses,  he  lingers  more  regretfully  over 
the  story  of  the  manuscripts  and  ancient  books  which  were  also  destroyed. 
Having  gorged  themselves  with  booty,  they  set  fire  to  the  houses,  and 
driving  before  them  a  crowd  of  young  Russians,  they  went  to  feast  in  the 
neighbouring  fields.  The  army  of  Toktamish  then  spread  over  the 
Grand    Principality.      Vladimir,    Zwenigorod,    Yurief,    Mojaisk,    and 


Dimitrof  met  with  the  same  fate  as  Moscow.  Pereislavl  was  burnt, 
but  its  inhabitants  took  to  their  boats  and  thus  escaped.  Kolomna 
was  also  captured,  and  then  Toktamish  prepared  to  return  home. 
Crossing  the  Oka,  he  traversed  the  Principality  of  Riazan,  which  was 
terribly  ravaged  and  plundered,  notwithstanding  the  treachery  of  Prince 
Oleg,  who  was  himself  constrained  to  fly.*  He  also  sent  Sheikh  Ahmed 
as  an  envoy  to  the  Prince  of  Suzdal  or  Nijni  Novgorod,  and  at  the 
same  time  sent  back  Simeon,  one  of  his  sons,  the  other,  Vasili,  he  took 
with  him  to  Serai.t  The  terrible  destruction  of  so  many  flourishing 
cities,  which  had  taken  so  much  care  to  nurse  to  their  then  condition, 
and  the  general  prostration  of  the  country  was  a  heavy  blow  to  Russian 
progress,  and  it  would  be  easy,  but  hardly  just,  to  draw  the  moral  that  it 
would  have  been  better  to  follow  the  pliable  attitude  of  Ivan  I.  or  of 
Simeon,  whose  sycophancy  to  the  Khans  enabled  their  country  to  thrive 
so  much,  instead  of  attempting  to  beard  him  when  neither  the  discipline 
of  the  people  nor  perhaps  their  resources  were  equal  to  a  conflict. 
The  disaster  was  not  so  crushing  as  it  would  seem  from  the 
wail  raised  by  the  beaten  princes,  who  cried  out,  "  Our  fathers,  who 
never  triumphed  over  the  Tartars,  were  not  so  unfortunate  as  we  are."  t 
The  fact  is,  that  the  victory  on  the  Don  had  broken  the  spell  of  Tartar 
invincibility,  and  there  was  now  a  trysting-place  in  Moscow  and  its 
Grand  Princes  which  did  not  exist  in  the  disintegrated  Russia  of  an 
earlier  day,  and  we  find  the  burning  of  Moscow  followed  directly  by  the 
extension  of  the  Grand  Principality.  Dimitri  having  returned  to  his 
capital,  ordered  the  dead  to  be  buried.  We  are  told  a  rouble  was  paid 
for  every  eighty  corpses  disposed  of,  and  three  hundred  roubles  were  so 
spent ;  thus  making  the  number  of  victims,  independent  of  those  who 
were  burnt  and  drowned,  24,000.  He  then  marched  to  punish  Oleg  of 
Riazan,  to  whose  treachery  he  attributed  his  misfortunes.  Oleg  fled,  but 
his  city  of  Riazan  was  razed  to  the  ground.  The  craven  Cyprian  was 
reproved  in  strong  language  by  Dimitri,  who  recalled  Pimen  from  his 
exile  and  made  him  metropolitan  of  Russia.  He  nominated  Sawa  as 
bishop  of  Serai.§  Cyprian  retired  to  Kief.  It  seems  he  had  been 
intriguing  with  Michael,  Prince  of  Tuer,  who  was  ambitious  of  displacing 
Dimitri  from  his  position  as  Grand  Prince. 

Michael,  we  are  told,  had  sent  his  sword-bearer  Gurlen  to  the  Khan 
with  presents,  and  was  rewarded  with  the  diploma  of  Grand  Prince. 
The  next  year  {t.g.,  in  1382)  he  went  in  person  with  his  son  Alexander. 
There  he  had  to  leave  his  son  as  a  hostage  for  the  payment  of  8,000 
roubles,  but  he  did  not  gain  his  end.  Toktamish,  like  his  immediate 
predecessors,  favoured  the  policy  of  strengthening  Moscow,  probably 
deeming  it  easier  in  this  way  to  recover  his  dues.    He  had  sent  one  of 

*  Karamiin,  v.  92-102.  t  Golden  Horde,  335.  J  Karamzin,  v.  102. 

$  Golden  Horde,  336. 


his  murzas  named  Karachai  with  a  conciliatory  message  to  Dimitri. 
The  latter  thereupon  sent  his  son  Vasili  to  the  horde.  He  took  no  pre- 
sents, for  Moscow  being  destroyed  he  was  too  poor,  but  was  well  received. 
He  was  detained  as  a  hostage,  and  a  fresh  levy  of  taxes  was  levied  upon 
the  Muscovites.  Each  hamlet  of  two  or  three  houses  was  in  future  to 
pay  half  a  rouble  of  silver,  and  each  town  a  quantity  of  gold.*  We 
read  that  at  this  time  Boris  Constantinovitch  of  Gorodetz,  the 
brother  of  the  Prince  of  Suzdal,  was  entertained  at  the  horde.t  The 
Grand  Prince  Dimitri  now  showed  his  statesmanship  by  making 
advances  to  and  concluding  a  peace  with  Oleg,  the  treacherous  Prince 
of  Riazan,  and  by  overlooking  the  recent  intrigues  of  his  rival  the 
Prince  of  Tuer.  He  then  turned  his  attention  to  the  affairs  of  Novgorod. 
The  democratic  citizens  of  that  old  trading  mart  had  lately,  to  appease 
the  Lithuanians,  ceded  to  them  the  towns  of  Ladoga  and  Russa,  and  the 
banks  of  the  Narva,  without  his  consent.  Its  inhabitants,  like  the 
ancient  Noresmen  and  the  merchants  of  Elizabeth's  day,  had  also  been 
engaged  in  buccaneering  as  well  as  trade.  Under  the  name  of  "  brave 
people  "  they  marauded  along  the  banks  of  the  Volga,  the  Kama,  and  the 
Viatka.  In  1371  they  had  captured  Yaroslavl  and  Kostroma,  and  in  1375 
they  again  captured  the  latter  town,  put  its  inhabitants  in  irons,  burnt 
its  houses,  and  threw  into  the  river  what  they  could  not  carry  away. 
Thence  they  went  on  to  Nijni  Novgorod,  where  they  made  many 
Russians  prisoners,  and  actually  sold  them  as  slaves  to  the  Eastern 
merchants  who  frequented  Bolghari ;  but  they  made  even  a  bolder 
venture,  and  under  the  command  of  a  leader  called  Procopius  and  of  an 
ataman  from  Smolensk,  they  ravaged  the  borders  of  the  Volga  as  far  as 
Astrakhan,  where,  however,  they  were  destroyed  by  the  Tartar  Prince 
Salchei.t  In  1378  another  band  of  these  plunderers  was  destroyed  near 
Kazan  by  the  Viatkans.  The  people  of  Novgorod  further  went  so  far  as 
to  sequestrate  the  revenues  due  from  them  to  the  Grand  Prince,  and  to 
refuse  to  recognise  the  supremacy  of  the  metropoHtan  of  Moscow. 

Dimitri  determined  to  punish  them.  He  marched  a  large  army 
northwards,  which  cowed  the  delinquents,  and  peace  was  concluded 
on  the  terms  of  their  acknowledging  his  suzerainty  and  paying  the  annual 
tribute,  as  well  as  a  fine  of  8,000  roubles  for  their  recent  excesses, 
retaining  meanwhile  their  old  rights  of  self-government. § 

Lithuania  was  now  growing  into  a  very  important  kingdom,  and  was 
becoming  a  menace  to  the  Russians.  It  was  governed  by  Ladislaus, 
well  known  as  Yagellon.  He  had  married  Hedwig,  the  heiress  of  the 
PoUsh  crown,  a  marriage  which  was  accompanied  by  his  baptism.  It 
reads  almost  like  a  farce  to  be  told  that  he  ordered  his  subjects  to  be  bap- 
tised at  the  same  time,  and  that  there  being  a  large  number  of  them  they 

*  Karamzin,  v.  106.  t  Golden  Horde,  336.  I  Karamzin,  v.  107-109, 

§  Id.,  112,  114. 


were  baptised  in  batches,  the  priest  sprinkling  them  with  water  and 
naming  one  batch  Peter,  another  John,  &c.  The  sacred  groves  and 
idols  at  Vilna  were  destroyed,  and  the  neophytes  had  white  garments 
distributed  to  them  in  lieu  of  their  former  skin  dresses.  Most  people  are 
scarcely  aware  that  in  the  end  of  the  fourteenth  century  paganism  was 
still  the  State  religion  so  near  Central  Europe  as  Vilna.  The  conversion 
was  the  work  of  Polish  priests,  who  were  Roman  Catholics,  and  Yagellon, 
who  had  previously  tolerated  the  Greek  church,  began  to  persecute  its 
followers,  and  forbade  the  marriage  of  Russians  and  Cathohcs.  Many 
of  the  Lithuanian  nobles  remained  faithful,  however,  to  the  Eastern 
church,  and  from  these  events  we  must  date  that  religious  feud  which  has 
made  the  history  of  White  Russia  and  Lithuania  so  famous  in  later  days. 
Soon  after  the  Lithuanians  laid  siege  to  Polotsk,  which  they  captured, 
and  sent  its  prince,  Andrew,  a  prisoner  to  Poland.  Sviatoslaf,  Prince  of 
Smolensk,  having  invaded  Mohilef,  to  niake  a  diversion  in  favour  of 
Andrew,  committed  the  most  terrible  atrocities  there.  The  Lithuanians 
marched  to  the  rescue,  and  having  met  him  near  Mitislaf,  they  defeated 
and  killed  him,  and  made  many  distinguished  prisoners.  Retaining  a 
son  of  Sviatoslaf  as  a  hostage,  they  placed  Yuri,  the  other  one,  on  the 
throne  of  Smolensk.  The  latter  acknowledged  himself  as  their  vassal. 
These  wars  broke  down  the  ramparts  which  defended  Muscovy  on  the 
west,  but  Dimitri,  who  had  also  the  Tartars  to  reckon  with,  was  powerless 
to  avenge  them. 

Dimitri,  Prince  of  Nijni  Novgorod  and  Suzdal,  died  in  1383,  after 
surrounding  the  former  town  with  a  stone  wall.  The  Khan  now  divided 
his  appanage,  and  gave  Nijni  to  his  brother  Boris,  while  Suzdal  was 
granted  to  his  two  sons  Simeon  and  Vasih,  on  condition  that  the  latter 
stayed  at  the  horde  as  a  hostage.  He  was  some  time  after  allowed  to 
go  home,  when  the  two  brothers  drove  their  uncle  out  of  Nijni.  Boris 
went  to  the  Tartar  court,  while  his  nephews  appealed  to  the  Grand 
Prince.  Vasili,  the  latter's  son,  who  had  been  a  hostage  at  the  horde  for 
three  years,  now  escaped  to  Moldavia,  and  by  the  favour  of  the 
Lithuanians  was  permitted  to  join  his  father  at  Moscow.*  These  events 
were  sufficient  to  create  a  tension  between  the  courts  of  Serai  and  Moscow. 
They  were  followed  by  a  quarrel  between  the  Grand  Prince  Dimitri 
and  his  brother  Vladimir,  who,  like  Damon  and  Pythias,  had  hitherto 
been  most  faithful  to  each  other.  The  treaty  by  which  they  made  friends 
again  is  a  famous  one  in  Russian  history,  and  effected  one  of  the  most 
important  revolutions  in  its  administration.  Hitherto  the  law  of 
succession  in  Russia  had  been  that  brother  should  succeed  brother,  a 
very  pernicious  rule.  Kelly  has  the  following  pertinent  remarks  on  the 
change  then  made  : — 

"This  natural  order  of  succession   Dimitri   Donski  established,  by 

*  Id,,  118,  119. 


a  treaty  in  which  his  kinsman  consented  to  renounce  the  mode 
of  succession  from  brother  to  brother.  It  was  the  most  remarkable 
among  them,  Vladimir  the  Brave,  who  was  the  first  to  sign  this  act.  In 
several  other  conventions  he  acknowledged  himself  the  vassal  and 
lieutenant,  not  merely  of  Dimitri  but  also  of  Vasili  his  son,  and  even  of 
the  son  of  Vasili  when  he  was  only  about  five  years  old.  ...  It  is  easy 
to  conceive,"  says  the  historian,  "the  infallible  effect  of  this  succession, 
and  with  what  promptitude  it  must  necessarily  have  extended  and 
consolidated  the  power  of  the  Grand  Prince.  In  fact  the  ideas  of  the 
father  being  transmitted  to  the  son  by  education,  their  policy  was  more 
consistently  followed  up,  and  their  ambition  had  a  more  direct  object,  for 
no  one  labours  for  a  brother  or  a  nephew  as  for  his  own  children.  The 
nobles  could  not  fail  to  attach  themselves  devotedly  to  a  prince  whose 
son  and  heir,  growing  up  amongst  them,  would  know  only  them  and 
would  recompense  their  services  in  the  person  of  their  children  ;  for  the 
consequence  of  the  succession  of  power  in  the  same  branch  was  the 
succession  of  favours  and  dignities  in  the  same  families."  The  boyards 
had  already  seen  this.  "  This  was  the  reason  of  their  restoring  the 
direct  line  in  the  person  of  the  grandson  of  Ivan  Kahta.  It  was  they 
who  made  him  Grand  Prince  at  the  age  of  twelve  years,  and  who 
subjected  the  other  princes  to  him.  .  .  .  The  contemporary  annalists 
declare  that  these  ancient  boyards  of  the  Grand  Principality  detested 
the  descent  from  brother  to  brother ;  for  in  that  system  each  prince  of 
the  lateral  branch  arrived  from  his  appanage  with  other  boyards,  whom 
he  always  preferred,  and  whom  he  could  not  satisfy  and  establish  but  at 
the  expense  of  the  old.  On  the  other  hand,  the  most  important  and 
transmissible  places,  the  most  valuable  favours,  an  hereditary  and  more 
certain  protection  and  greater  hopes  attracted  a  military  nobility  around 
the  Grand  Princes.  In  a  very  short  time  their  elevation  to  the  level  of 
the  humbled  petty  princes  flattered  their  vanity,  and  completed  their 
junction  with  the  powerful  authority.  This  circumstance  explains  the 
last  words  of  Dimitri  Donski  to  his  boyards,  when  he  recommended  his 
son  to  their  protection,  *  Under  my  reign,'  said  he,  *  you  were  not 
boyards,  but  really  Russian  princes.'  In  fact  we  see  that  the  armies  were 
as  often  commanded  by  boyards  as  by  princes,  and  that  from  this  epoch 
it  was  no  longer  a  prince  of  the  blood,  but  a  boyard  of  the  Grand  Prince, 
who  was  his  lieutenant  at  Novgorod."* 

The  treaty  with  his  brother  was  speedily  followed  by  the  death  of  the 
Grand  Prince.  Dimitri's  imposing  presence  (he  was  very  tall  and  stout, 
with  black  hair  and  beard  and  brilliant  eyes),  his  engaging  manners,  and 
his  magnificent  victory  on  the  Don,  made  him  the  idol  of  his  people. 
The  first  vanquisher  of  the  Tartars,  his  reign  was  not  marked  by 
any  great  extension  of  the  empire,  but  it  was  a  famous  epoch  in  other 

*  Kelly's  Russia,  i.  88,  89. 


respects.  It  was  then  that  Stephen,  one  of  the  missionary  apostles  of 
the  Eastern  church,  converted  the  Permians  who  lived  between  the 
Dwina  and  the  Ural  mountains.  The  bonds,  both  religious  and  com- 
mercial, which  tied  Russia  and  Constantinople  were  drawn  closer. 
Karamzin  has  translated  a  curious  narrative  of  the  journey  of  the 
metropohtan  Pimen  to  Constantinople.  In  it  we  are  told  how  the 
travellers  went  along  the  Don  past  Sarkel,  the  famous  capital  of  the 
Khazars  (then  in  ruins).  It  was  there,  says  the  traveller,  we  first  saw 
on  both  banks  of  the  Don  the  Tartars  of  the  horde  of  Sarikhosa,  as 
well  as  an  immense  multitude  of  sheep,  lambs,  oxen,  camels,  and  horses. 
They  were  not  ill-treated  by  the  Tartars,  who  merely  asked  where  they 
were  going  to  and  gave  them  milk.  They  afterwards  passed  the  camps  of 
Vulat  and  Akbuguin  (/.<?.,  Pulad  and  Akbugha),  arrived  at  Azof,  and  thence 
went  on  their  journey.*  It  is  during  the  reign  of  Dimitri  we  first  meet  with 
coined  money  among  the  Russians.  "  Before  this  time  the  chronicles  make 
frequent  mention  first  of  grivnas  and  afterwards  of  roubles,  but  by  these 
words  are  understood  a  certain  weight  of  silver.  Foreign  commerce  was 
therefore  carried  on  after  the  manner  of  the  East,  by  barter  or  by 
exchange  against  gold  or  silver  taken  by  weight.  For  petty  transactions 
the  current  money  was  bits  of  marten  skins  called  mortki,  and  still 
smaller  scraps  of  fur,  consisting  of  squirrels'  heads,  or  even  the  ears  only 
(marked  with  the  official  stamp),  called  polushki,  worth  some  fraction  of 
a  farthing.  Moscow  and  Tuer  were  the  first  towns  that  employed  a 
Tartar  coin  called  denga,  named  from  the  word  tamgha,  Mongol  for  a 
seal  or  stamp.  At  first  the  legend  was  only  in  the  Tartar  language,  then 
Tartar  on  one  side  and  Russian  on  the  other^  and  finally  Russian  only."t 
These  dengas  were  of  silver ;  besides  them  another  Tartar  coin  in 
copper,  called  a  pula,  was  also  in  circulation.  The  silver  coins  bore  a 
horseman  on  one  side.  Accounts  were  kept  in  altins  (derived  from  the 
Turkish  for  six),  consisting  of  six  dengas,  and  in  dengas.l  The  last  year 
of  Dimitri  was  also  marked  by  the  introduction  of  firearms  (which  were 
to  effect  such  a  mighty  change  in  the  conditions  of  Eastern  warfare) 
into  Russia. 

Dimitri  was  succeeded  in  1389  by  his  son  Vasili,  who  was  duly 
installed  at  Vladimir  by  Sheikh  Ahmed,  the  Khan's  deputy,  and  soon  after 
Boris  Constanovitch,  who  had  been  dispossessed  of  his  appanage  by  his 
nephews,  and  had  gone  to  Serai  for  redress,  as  I  have  mentioned, 
returned  home  again  with  the  Khan's  diploma.§ 

We  have  now  reached  a  period  when  the  rulers  of  the  Golden  Horde 
found  a  foeman  more  than  his  equal  in  power  in  the  person  of  the  Great 
Timur ;  but  before  we  treat  of  their  struggle  we  must  take  a  short  survey 
of  some  transactions  elsewhere. 

In  the  year  1380  Ramasan,  who  represented  Toktamish  at  Solgat  in 

*  Karamzin,  v.  140.  t  Kelly,  i.  94i  95*  I  Karamzin,  v.  142.  ^  Id.,  146. 


the  Crimea,  concluded  a  treaty  with  the  Venetians.  Andrea  Venerio 
represented  the  republic  on  this  occasion.  It  was  arranged  that  the 
Venetian  merchants  should  pay  a  duty  of  three  per  .  cent,  on  their 
goods,  except  on  goods  not  for  sale  and  those  for  the  consumption  of  the 
Venetians  themselves  ;  that  disputes  should  be  decided  by  the  com- 
planiei ;  that  where  an  attempt  was  made  to  cheat  the  customs  the 
goods  should  be  forfeited.  Three  years  before  this  a  treaty  had 
been  made  between  Elias,  the  beg  of  Solgat,  Gianone  del  Bosco,  the 
consul,  and  Barnabo  Riccio  and  Teramo  Pichenotti,  the  two  syndics  of 
Kaffa,  on  behalf  of  the  republic  of  Genoa  and  its  colony,  by  which 
protection  was  extended  to  all  the  subjects  of  the  Khan  resident  at 
Soldaya  while  eighteen  neighbouring  villages,  with  the  district  between 
Cembalo  and  Soldaya,  which  had  been  colonised  by  the  Genoese,  and  of 
which  they  had  been  forcibly  deprived,  were  restored  to  them. 

Seven  years  later,  namely,  on  the  12th  of  August,  1387,  a  fresh  treaty 
was  entered  into.  Yunisbeg  Kutlughbugha,  beg  of  Solgat,  repre- 
senting the  Khan,  and  Gentile  di  Grimaldi  and  Gianone  del  Bosco,  the 
syndics  and  procurators  of  the  republic,  Giovanni  degli  Innocenti, 
who  was  styled  consul  of  Kaffa,  of  the  Genoese,  and  of  all  Ghazaria 
{i.e.,  the  Crimea),  and  Nicolo  di  Marin  and  Gianone  di  Vivaldis  as 
syndics  on  behalf  of  the  citizens.  The  former  treaties  were  confirmed, 
and  Kutlughbugha  promised,  on  behalf  of  himself  and  the  Khan,  that 
the  money  coined  should  be  as  good  as  in  the  days  of  his  predecessor 
Elias.  This  notice  is  very  curious,  and  seems  to  point  to  the  money 
having  been  coined  for  the  use  of  the  Genoese  traders.  There  are  coins 
extant  of  Toktamish,  struck  at  New  and  Old  Krim.* 

After  his  great  campaign  in  Russia,  Toktamish  busied  himself 
chiefly  with  the  affairs  of  the  eastern  part  of  his  Khanate.  He  seems 
to  have  been  of  a  ruthless  disposition.  We  are  told  he  caused  his 
wife  Towlui  or  Tawlui  to  be  executed.  He  also  quarrelled  with  his 
protector  and  patron  Timur.  The  cause  of  this  quarrel  would  seem 
to  have  been  the  appropriation  by  Timur  of  Khuarezm,  which  formed 
a  portion  of  the  Golden  Horde.  During  the  troubled  times,  when 
Urus  Khan  was  chief  of  the  Eastern  Kipchak  and  Mamai  of  the 
Western,  a  chief  named  Hussein  Sofi,  son  of  Yanghadai  of  the 
Kunkurat  tribe,  seized  upon  the  districts  of  Kat  and  Khiva.  Timur  sent 
an  embassy  to  him  at  Khuarezm  claiming  that  these  districts  belonged  to 
the  Khanate  of  Jagatai,  and  demanded  their  surrender.  Hussein  said  he 
had  conquered  the  district  with  the  sword,  and  that  it  must  be  taken 
from  him  in  the  same  way.  Timur  would  have  marched  against  him, 
but  the  mollah  Jelal  ud  din  of  Kesh,  who  filled  the  post  of  mufti,  per- 
suaded him  to  let  him  go  and  try  to  bring  Hussein  to  reason.  Hussein 
not  only  refused  his  counsel  but  cast  liim  into  prison.!     Timur  accord- 

*  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  337,  338.  t  De  la  Croix's  Sherifuddin,  i.  226-229. 



ingly  marched  against  him.  Leaving  Bokhara  he  went  by  way  of 
Sepaye  (?)  on  the  Oxus,  where  some  advanced  pickets  were  captured  and 
beheaded.  The  army  then  went  on  to  Kat,  which  made  a  determined 
resistance,  but  was  at  length  captured.  The  greater  part  of  its  garrison 
was  put  to  death,  as  well  as  a  large  number  of  its  inhabitants,  and  the 
women  and  children  were  carried  off  as  captives.  The  enemy's  army 
was  now  defeated  and  the  country  devastated.  Hussein  Soft  took  refuge 
in  Khuarezm,  and  having  been  misled  by  a  false  rumour  that  a  large 
section  of  Timur's  army  would  pass  over  to  his  side,  he  had  the  temerity 
to  march  out  and  offer  battle  on  the  banks  of  the  river  Kaun,  two  leagues 
from  Khuarezm.  The  troops  of  Timur  were  victorious,  and  forced  the 
enemy  to  take  shelter  in  the  town,  where  Hussein  Sofi  shortly  after  died 
of  despair.*  Peace  was  now  made.  Timur  granted  Khuarezm  to  Yusuf 
Sofi,  the  son  of  Hussein  Sofi,  on  condition  that  the  latter's  cousin,  a 
famous  beauty  called  Sevin  Bei,  and  surnamed  Kanzade  {i.e.,  daughter 
of  the  king),  was  married  to  his  son  Jehanghir  ;t  but  soon  after  some 
fugitives  from  Timur's  camp,  who  had  a  grudge  against  him,  incited 
Yusuf  Sofi  to  break  the  treaty  he  had  made,  and  we  find  him  attacking 
and  ravaging  the  town  of  Kat  and  dispersing  its  inhabitants.  In  the 
spring  of  1372  Timur  set  out  to  take  his  revenge.  Yusuf  Sofi 
submitted  with  the  greatest  deference  and  received  a  pardon.  The 
marriage  which  had  been  agreed  upon  now  took  place.  It  is  described 
in  great  detail  by  Sherifuddin,  but  forms  no  part  of  our  present  subject. 

Two  years  later  we  again  find  Timur  marching  an  army  upon 
Khuarezm,  which  he  entered  by  way  of  Kat.  He  had  reached  Khas 
when  he  was  suddenly  recalled  by  an  outbreak  of  some  of  his  officers, 
who  had  marched  uponr  Samarkand.  It  was  shortly  after  this  that 
Toktamish  was  nominated  as  Khan  of  Kipchak  by  Timur,  as  I  have 
mentioned,  although  for  some  time  his  authority  was  only  nominal. 
While  Timur  was  wintering  at  Otrar  watching  Urns  Khan,  Yusuf  Sofi 
took  advantage  of  his  absence,  and  made  a  raid  upon  the  district  of 
Bokhara.  Timur  sent  an  envoy  to  remonstrate  with  him,  who  was 
cast  into  prison  by  the  ruthless  chief  of  Khuarezm.  A  courteous  letter 
was  now  sent  to  complain  of  this  breach  of  the  law  of  nations, 
and  we  are  told  that,  as  an  especial  honour,  it  was  written  in  fresh  musk 
upon  silk.  Yusuf  Sofi  replied  by  sending  the  messenger  to  join  the 
envoy  in  prison,  while  he  made  a  raid  upon  the  camels  of  some 
Turkomans  then  near  Bokhara.  Timur  was  not  the  person  to  submit 
quietly  to  such  treatment.  Accordingly,  in  the  spring  of  the  year  1378, 
he  marched  by  way  of  Eskizkuz,  (?)  and  at  length  sat  down  before 
the  capital.  Yusuf  Sofi  sent  him  a  challenge,  saying  it  was  better 
they  two  should  fight  it  out  than  that  so  many  Mussulmans  should 
perish.    Timur  gladly  accepted  it,  donned  his  Imperial  casque  and  the 

*  Id.,  229-238.  t  Id.,  239,  24c. 


armour  he  kept  for  duels,  and,  against  the  entreaties  of  his  friends,  went 
out  to  meet  his  rival.  He  went  near  the  city  and  called  to  him  to  come 
out,  and  told  him  it  was  better  to  die  than  to  live  after  breaking  one's 
word ;  but  the  prudent  Yusuf  did  not  reply.  Meanwhile  we  are  told  that 
some  of  the  first  melons  of  the  year  were  taken  to  Timur  from  Termed. 
He  gracefully  sent  some  in  a  golden  salver  to  his  rival,  who  replied  in  a 
characteristic  fashion,  by  throwing  them  into  the  ditch  and  giving  the 
salver  to  the  porter.  The  garrison  made  a  brave  sortie,  and  there  was 
terrible  bloodshed  on  both  sides.  The  siege  now  progressed,  and  the 
walls  were  much  battered  with  the  primitive  artillery  then  in  use.  The 
attack  lasted  for  three  months  and  sixteen  days,  and  the  matter  went  so 
badly  with  the  Khuarezmians  that  Yusuf  Sofi  died  of  grief  and  chagrin. 
Matters  were  now  pressed,  and  after  a  stubborn  resistance  the  breaches 
were  stormed,  many  of  the  people  killed,  and  a  large  treasure  of  pearls 
and  precious  stones  captured.  All  -the  sherifs,  doctors,  and  men  of 
letters  were  sent  to  Kesh,  with  a  vast  crowd  of  women  and  children.* 
The  capture  of  Khuarezm  took  place  in  1379.  Thus  was  this  ancient 
province,  which  had  long  formed  a  part  of  the  Khanate  of  Kipchak, 
added  to  the  dominions  of  Timur. 

When  Toktamish  had  defeated  his  various  rivals  and  had  firmly 
seated  himself  on  the  throne,  he  doubtless  also  wished  to  recover 
possession  of  Khuarezm  from  Timur,  who,  although  his  patron,  he  must 
have  felt  was  in  fact  a  person  who  did  not  belong  to  the  Imperial 
Mongol  stock  descended  from  Jingis  Khan.  It  is  probable  that  Timur, 
who  was  not  given  to  surrendering  what  he  had  won,  refused,  and  that 
this  was  the  cause  of  quarrel  between  the  two  chiefs.f  The  first  open 
strife  between  them  commenced  on  the  side  of  Persia,  where  Toktamish 
probably  also  kept  up  the  claims  of  his  ancestors  to  the  provinces  of 
Arran  and  Azerbaijan. 

During  the  winter  of  1385  Toktamish  advanced  upon  Tebriz  by  way 
of  Derbend,  at  the  head  of  90,000  men.  Under  him  were  twelve  Oghlans 
(the  princes  of  the  Royal  blood  were  so.  named),  the  chief  of  whom  was 
Bek  Pulad.  Three  others  were  called  respectively  Aisa  Beg,  Yagli  Beg, 
and  Gazanshi.  Having  passed  Shirvan,  they  entered  Azerbaijan  and 
laid  siege  to  Tebriz.  Its  governor  was  an  incapable  person,  and  the 
inhabitants,  by  the  advice  of  the  emir  Veli,  and  Mahmud  Kalkali, 
fortified  the  town  and  repulsed  the  enemy  for  eight  days,  but  eventually 
the  superior  numbers  of  Toktamish  prevailed,  and  he  captured  it, 
and  Veli  and  Mahmud  Kalkali  fled  to  the  country  of  Kalkal.  The  troops 
of  Kipchak  ravaged  the  town  most  severely,  and  the  vast  riches  and 
works  of  art  which  had  been  accumulated  there  for  many  years  were 
plundered  in  the  course  of  the  ten  days'  sack.  After  which  Toktamish 
and  his  people  retired  once  more  before  the  winter  was  over  by  the  same 

*  De  la  Croix,  i.  295-306.  t  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  339. 


route  by  which  they  had  invaded  the  country.  Timur  was  much  grieved 
at  this  disaster  to  a  town  so  attached  to  Islam,  but  he  had  the  conquest 
of  Iran  on  his  hands  at  the  time,  and  postponed  his  revenge  for  a  while.* 
Von  Hammer  reports  how  Toktamish  on  this  occasion  carried  off  the 
famous  poet  Kemal  of  Khojend,  who  lived  four  years  at  Serai,  and  wrote 
verses  aboutlts  beauties.t  In  the  spring  of  1 387,  when  he  had  finished 
his  enterprise  in  Persia,  and  had  been  spending  the  winter  on  the  banks 
of  the  river  Urus,  Timur  heard'  that  Toktamish  was  meditating  another 
invasion  by  way  of  Derbend.  This  was  contrary  to  the  advice  of  Ali 
Bey  the  Kunkurat,  of  Oronk  Timur,  and  Akbuka  the  Barin,  who 
bade  him  remember  what  he  owed  to  Timur.  "Who  knows,"  said 
they,  "  if  in  some  change  of  fortune  yoH  may  not  have  to  go  again  to  him 
for  help  ;"  but  their  counsel  was  overborne  by  that  of  Gazanshi,  a 
parricide,  and  of  Ali  Bey,  at  whose  instance  he  determined  to  break  with 
Timur  and  to  invade  Azerbaijan.^ 

Timur  set  out  from  Berdaa,  and  when  he  arrived  on  the  Kur,  finding 
a  body  of  unknown  people  on  the  other  side,  he  sent  the  Sheikh  Ali 
Behadur,  Ikutimur,  Osman  Abbas,  and  others  to  reconnoitre,  and  if  these 
were  the  troops  of  Toktamish  he  ordered  them  not  to  molest  them  on 
account  of  the  treaty  he  had  with  that  prince.  They  went  to  inquire,  and 
having  discovered  that  the  strangers  were  the  troops  of  Toktamish,  they 
were  retiring  when  they  were  fiercely  attacked,  and  "being  overborne  in  a 
bad  position  for  defence,  were  defeated  and  lost  forty  chiefs.  Meanwhile 
Timur  had  sent  the  murza  Miran  Shah,  Haji  Seifuddin,  and  others  to 
support  them.  Having  crossed  the  Kur,  the  latter  were  spectators  of  the 
disaster,  attacked  the  victorious  army,  and  routed  them.  They  were 
pursued  to  Derbend  and  lost  many  prisoners,  among  whom  was  Khuridi, 
brother  of  Mubasher.  The  prisoners  were  sent  to  Timur.  He  inquired 
about  Toktamish,  whom  he  reproached  with  ingratitude  and  bade  them 
warn  him  to  remain  on  good  terms  with  him.  The  prisoners  were  then 
given  clothes  and  money  and  sent  home.  Sherifuddin,  apropos  of  this 
generosity,  quotes  a  verse  of  Saadi's,  "  How  can  he  stint  his  favours  to 
his  friends  when  he  is  so  generous  to  his  enemies."§  Timur  after  this 
fought  against  the  Turkoman  Kara  Muhammed,  and  also  marched 
against  Fars,  which  he  annexed.  Hardly  had  he  done  so,  when  a  courier, 
who  had  arrived  in  seven  days  from  Mavera  un  nehr,  brought  word  that 
Toktamish  had  sent  an  army  to  invade  that  province.  He  had  probably 
found  it  impracticable  to  attack  Timur  by  way  of  Derbend.  This 
army  was  commanded  by  the  Bek  Yarok  Oghlan,  Aisa  Beg,  Satgan 
Behadur,  &c.,  who  having  advanced  from  Sighnak,  attacked  Sabran  and 
laid  siege  to  it.  Timur  Khoja  Akbugha,  who  commanded  there  for  Timur, 
bravely  defended  it,  and  the  enemy  was  obliged  to  raise  the  siege,  and  pro- 

♦  Sherifuddin,  i.  402-404,  t  Golden  Horde.'sag.  I  Id.,  4x2-425. 

§  Op.  cit.,  427-429. 

TOKTAMISH   KHAN.  .        237 

ceeded  to  lay  waste  other  districts.  The  murza  Omar  Sheikh,  who  was  at 
Andikan,  collected  some  troops,  and  was  joined  by  the  emirs  Suliman  Shah 
and  Abbas,  who  took  with  them  a  portion  of  the  troops  of  Samarkand. 
They  crossed  the  Sihun  and  attacked  the  enemy  on  the  plain  of  Yukhk, 
five  leagues  to  the  east  of  Otrar.  Omar  Sheikh,  "  the  bravest  man  of  the 
century,"  penetrated  into  the  thick  of  the  forces  of  Kipchak.  His  people 
thought  he  was  killed,  lost  heart,  and  fled,  and  the  emir  Abbas  was 
wounded  with  an  arrow.  The  Sheikh  had,  however,  escaped,  and 
reached  Andikan,  where  he  collected  the  broken  debris  of  his  people. 

News  now  arrived  that  Ankatura,  a  chief  of  Mongolistan,  had  also 
broken  faith  with  Timur,  and  was  with  an  army  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Sairam  and  Tashkent.  He  was  opposed  by  Omar  Sheikh,  and  retired 
after  a  fruitless  campaign.  The  troops  of  Kipchak  meanwhile  proceeded 
to  plunder  the  rich  valley  of  Soghd,  and  one  section  of  them  appeared 
before  Bokhara,  and  burnt  the  beautiful  palace  of  Zendgir  Serai,  for 
which  Timur  exacted  ample  vengeance  at  a  later  day.*"  When  he  heard 
of  these  doings  he  set  out  for  Samarkand,  and  at  the  approach  of  his 
troops  the  enemy  scattered.  One  section  retired  towards  Khuarezm,  the 
other  went  northwards  towards  the  deserts  of  Kipchak.t  Sherifuddin 
says  naively,  that  the  troops  being  accustomed  to  victory,  he  deemed  it 
strange  that  they  should  have  been  beaten  in  the  battle  at  Yuklik,  and 
he  had  the  commanders  tried.  Those  who  had  been  unskilful  were 
punished,  while  others  who  had  displayed  courage  were  rewarded. 
Among  the  former  was  Berat  Khoja  Kukiltash,  who  had  his  beard  cut  off, 
his  face  was  painted  white  and  vermilHon,  his  head  was  dressed  hke  a 
woman's,  and  he  was  then  made  to  run  barefoot  through  the  town.J 
Timur  does  not  seem  to  have  taken  means  to  revenge  this  defeat 
immediately,  but  undertook  another  campaign  in  Khuarezm. 

After  the  death  of  Yusuf  Sofi  that  district  had  fallen  into  the  hands  of 
Suliman  Sofi,  probably  Yusuf's  brother,  and  of  Ilikmish  Oghlan,  a  Prince 
of  Kipchak,  who  had  married  Suliman's  sister.  They  were  doubtless 
dependents  of  Toktamish.  Timur  now  marched  against  them,  and  his 
advance  guard  was  commanded  by  Timur  Kutlugh  Oghlan  and  Kunji 
Oghlan,  two  princes  of  the  White  Horde,  who  had  taken  refuge  with 
him.  Having  passed  the  rivers  Bagdadek  (?)  and  Shedris  (?)  they 
learnt  that  Suliman  Sofi  and  Ilikmish  had  fled  to  Toktamish,  a  division 
under  Timur's  eldest  son  Miranshah  was  sent  in  pursuit.  They  went  by 
way  of  Kongkend  (?  Khanki)  and  Kiz  (?  Kazavat),  overtook  the  fugitives, 
and  captured  a  large  booty.  Timur  now  went  to  the  capital  {i.e.^  Old 
Urgenj),  whose  inhabitants  he  transported  to  Samarkand,  while  he  razed 
the  city  to  the  ground  and  sowed  its  site  with  barley,  in  punishment  for 
its  rulers  having  declared  war  against  him.§  Three  years  later,  and 
after  his  return  from  the  campaign  in  Kipchak,  which  we  shall  presently 

*/d„  463-469.  t /rf.,  472.  I -W.,  473-475-  S   Sherifuddin,  ii.  1-4. 


describe,  he  sent  Musiki,  the  son  of  Yunki  Kutshin,  to  restore  the  ruined 
city.  He  was  very  successful  in  this,  rcpeopled  and  rebuiU  it,  and  also 
surrounded  the  towns  of  Kat  and  Khiva  with  walls.*  We  now  read 
of  another  aggression  made  by  Toktamish,  who,  we  are  told,  col- 
lected the  forces  of  Russia,  Circassia,  Bulgaria,  Kipchak,  the  Crimea, 
Kaffa,  Alania,  and  Azak,  as  well  as  those  of  Bashkirland  and 
Muscovy,  a  force  so  numerous  that  the  poets  compared  it  to  the  drops 
in  a  hurricane  or  the  leaves  in  a  thick  grove.  He  set  out  towards  the 
end  of  the  year  ygo.f  When  Timur  heard  of  his  march  he  also 
set  out  with  the  troops  of  Samarkand  and  Kesh,  and  encamped  sa 
Sagruj,  a  village  six  leagues  from  Samarkand.  He  also  sent  the 
Tavachis  into  various  parts  of  the  empire  to  collect  his  people.  The 
winter  was  an  exceedingly  cold  one  and  the  ground  covered  with  snow. 
The  news  presently  arrived  that  the  advanced  guard  of  the  army  of 
Kipchak,  commanded  by  Ilikmish  Oghlan  (the  chief  of  Khuarezm,  who 
had  taken  refuge  with  Toktamish),  had  crossed  the  Sihun,  and  that  it  was 
encamped  near  Azak  Zernuk.J  Timur  determined  to  attack  the  enemy, 
and  when  his  chiefs,  on  their  bended  knees,  begged  him  to  wait  till  his 
other  men  had  come  up  he  would  not  listen,  but  set  out  over  the  snow 
(which  reached  the  breasts  of  his  horses),with  only  the  troops  of  the  district. 
He  marched  day  and  night,  and  was  joined  en  route  by  the  murza  Omar 
Sheikh  with  the  troops  of  Andikan.  Detaching  a  division  to  cut  off  the 
retreat  of  the  troops  of  Kipchak,  he  on  the  following  day  crossed  the 
hill  of  Telanbar,  and  found  himself  before  the  enemy.  The  great  war 
cry  of  Suron  was  raised,  and  a  bloody  battle  ensued.  The  enemy  fled, 
many  of  them  were  drowned  in  the  Sihun,  the  remainder  were  for  the 
greater  part  surrounded  and  killed.  Airdi  Berdi,  secretary  of  State  to 
Toktamish,  was  well  received  by  Timur,  who  gave  him  presents  and 
otherwise  honoured  him.  Timur  now  returned  home  again,  and  encamped 
at  Akar,  near  Samarkand.     This  was  in  February,  791. 

When  spring  fairly  arrived  there  also  came  to  him  the  various  con- 
tingents he  had  summoned  for  the  war.  The  murza  Miranshah,  at  the 
head  of  the  troops  of  Khorassan,  while  others  came  from  Balkh,  Khunduz, 
Bakalan,  Badakhshan,  Katlan,  Hissar,  Shaduman,  and  many  other 
towns.  He  ordered  a  bridge  of  boats  to  be  built  on  the  Sihun  opposite 
Khojend,  and  others  in  other  places,  and  set  out  early  in  the  year  791. 
The  advance  guard  of  his  army  was  commanded  by  Timur  Kutlugh 
Oghlan,  Sevinjik  Behadur,  and  Osman  Behadur.  They  sent  people  ahead 
to  reconnoitre,  who  discovered  the  enemy's  advanced  posts  off  their 
guard  and  surprised  them.  This  was  on  the  river  Arch  (?  the  Arys). 
The  army  of  Toktamish  had  attacked  Sabran,  but  it  had  resisted  so 

*  /</.,  ii.  5.  t  Id.,  ii.  23. 

I  This  was  one  of  the  halting  places  of  Jingis  Khan  on  his  march  to  Samarkand,  and  is 
mentioned  in  the  journey  of  Haithon.  It  was  situated  on  the  left  bank  of  the  Jaxartes,  not  far 
from  Otrar. 



bravely  that  he  had  been  forced  to  raise  the  siege,  and  to  retire  towards 
Yassi  or  Turkestan,  in  whose  meadows  he  was  encamped  with  the  main 
army,  collected  with  so  much  pains,  as  I  have  mentioned.  No  sooner 
did  they  hear  of  the  approach  of  Timur's  people  than  they  decamped, 
"  like  grasshoppers  in  a  plain,"  and  the  pursuers  saw  only  the  dust  raised 
by  their  horses'  feet.  A  few  troopers  were  sent  on  ahead  to  follow  their 
traces,  and  came  up  with  their  rear  guard  in  a  place  called  Sarek  Uzan 
(?  the  Sari  Su  river).  This  they  dispersed,  and  captured  Kitba  Terkhan, 
a  chief  of  a  hundred  men,  with  his  people.  They  returned  safely  to  Ak 
Suma  (/.^.,  the  modern  Ak  Sumbe,  north  of  the  Alexandrofski  mountains), 
where  Timur  himself  was  encamped. 

The  latter  now  advanced  with  the  main  army  by  way  of  Uzenk 
Shakel  (?),  and  arrived  at  Bilen  (?),  thence  by  way  of  Sarek 
Uzan  (?  the  Sari  Su),  and  Kurjun  (?).  He  pitched  his  camp  at 
Alkushun  (?).  There,  at  a  council  held  with  his  principal  chiefs,  it  was 
determined  before  proceeding  against  Kipchak,  to  secure  the  rear  of  the 
attacking  force  by  first  destroying  the  power  of  the  Khan  of  Mongolistan 
(/..?.,  the  Khan  of  the  house  of  Jagatai),  who  held  his  court  at  Almaligh.* 
This  Timur  succeeded  in  doing  very  effectually,  and  then  once  more 
returned  to  Samarkand. 

At  length,  in  the  year  792  (z>.,  in  A.D.  1390),  he  set  out  on  his  famous 
expedition,  in  which  he  completely  overthrew  the  power  of  Toktamish, 
and  to  which  he  was  incited  not  only  by  repeated  treachery  but 
also  by  the  solicitations  of  one  of  the  latter's  principal  chiefs,  named 
Idiku  Uzbeg,  who  is  called  chief  of  the  Nogais,t  and  about  whom  we 
shall  have  more  to  say  elsewhere. 

A  campaign  in  the  deserts  of  Kipchak  is  a  very  serious  matter,  how 
serious  may  be  judged  by  the  accounts  of  the  recent  expedition  of  the 
Russians  against  Khiva,  when  they  crossed  the  same  country,  and 
Timur  made  adequate  preparations.  He  sent  out  Tevachis  or  couriers^ 
to  summon  the  troops,  and  also  the  contingents  of  those  tribes  who  were 
tributary,  "  both  Turks  and  Tajiks,"  and  to  collect  provisions  for  a  year. 
Each  man  was  ordered  to  furnish  himself  with  a  bow,  with  thirty  arrows, 
a  quiver,  and  a  buckler.  The  army  were  mounted,  and  a  spare  horse 
was  supplied  to  every  two  men,  while  a  tent  was  furnished  for  every 
ten,  and  with  this  were  two  spades,  a  pickaxe,  a  sickle,  a  saw,  an 
axe,  an  awl,  a  hundred  needles,  half  a  men  {i.e.^  8|lbs.)  of  cord,  an  ox's 
hide,  and  a  strong  pan.  They  were  also  furnished  with  horses  from  the 
studs,  coats  of  mail  and  cuirasses,  and  money  was  distributed  among 
them.§  Orders  were  issued  that  after  leaving  Tashkend  each  soldier  should 
Hmit  himself  to  one  men  {i.e.,  lylbs.  troy)  of  flour  per  month,  forbidding  the 
cooking  of  bread,  biscuits,  and  macaroni  in  the  camp,  and  ordering  that 
they  should  limit  themselves  to  hasty  pudding  or  flour  porridge.  || 

*  Id.,  ji.  31.         t  Charmoy  Memoirs,  St.  Petersburgh  Academy,  ii.  502. 
I  Charmoy,  op.  cit.,  131.    Note,  2.  ^ /d.,  100,  422,  444.  ||  M,  423. 


He  left  Samarkand  when  the  sun  was  in  the  sign  of  Capricorn,  and 
having  built  a  bridge  over  the  Sihun,  he  took  up  his  winter  quarters  in 
the  district  of  Tashkend,  between  Barsin  {i.e.,  Barchin)  and  Chihas  (?).* 
Before  setting  out  he  visited  the  tomb  of  the  Sheikh  Maslahet,  at 
Khojend,  where  he  distributed  10,000  kupegi  dinars  in  alms.t 

Having  returned  to  Tashkend  he  fell  dangerously  ill,  and  was  so 
for  forty  days.  When  he  recovered,  his  son,  the  murza  Miran  Shah, 
arrived  with  the  contingent  of  Khorasan,  and  Timur  proceeded  to 
distribute  largess  (okulga)t  among  the  troops.  He  appointed  three 
Princes  of  Kipchak,  who  had  sought  refuge  with  him,  namely  Timur 
Kutlugh  Oghlan,  son  of  Timur  Malik  Khan,  Guneje  Oghlan,  and  Idiku 
Uzbeg,  to  act  as  guides  to  the  army.  Having  made  arrangements  for 
the  government  of  the  empire  during  his  absence,  he  set  out  on  the  19th 
of  January,  1391,  accompanied  by  his  favourite  wife  Chulpan  Mahk  Agha, 
daughter  of  Haji  Beg  Irkanut,  Prince  of  Mongolistan.  The  army  was 
detained  for  some  days  at  Kara  Saman.§  There,  there  arrived  envoys 
from  Toktamish,  who  were  honoured  with  a  special  audience  by  Timur, 
and  who  presented  him  with  a  sonkar  or  royal  falcon ||  and  nine  horses. H 
They  prostrated  themselves,  and  touched  the  ground  with  their  fore- 
heads in  the  recognised  manner,  and  delivered  the  message  of  their 
master.  The  latter  has  addressed  Timur  in  humble  terms,  and  asked  that 
his  revolt,  which  he  attributed  to  evil  counsels,  &c.,  might  be  forgiven. 

Timur,  putting  the  falcon  on  his  fist,  replied  that  "  The  whole  world 
was  witness  of  how  he  had  protected  Toktamish,  what  sacrifices  he  had 
made  to  place  him  on  his  throne.  How  he  had,  notwithstanding,  used 
the  opportunity  when  he  (Timur)  was  absent  in  Irak  and  Fars  to  revolt. 
How  he  had,  nevertheless,  been  ready  to  forgive  him  if  he  had  shown  any 
contrition  ;  but  instead  of  this  he  had  again  invaded  his  borders  with  a 
number  of  vile  infidels,  who  pillaged  and  devastated  far  and  wide,  and 
when  he  returned  to  the  rescue  of  his  people  he  had  basely  retreated, 
and  now  wished  once  more  to  beguile  him  with  his  false  promises,  but 
that  be  had  been  treacherous  too  often  for  him  (Timur)  to  be  again 

t  Charmoy  has  a  note  on  this  money,  whose  name  recalls  the  Russian  copecks.  Kupegi 
dinars  mean  dinars  with  the  dog,  and  were,  he  thinks,  the  same  as  the  gold  Dutch  coins  called 
in  Egypt  abu  kelb  (the  father  with  the  dog),  and  by  corruption  abokelle.  They  were  so  called 
on  account  of  the  lion  on  them,  the  noble  animal  being  styled  dog  either  out  of  contempt  for 
the  Christians  or  on  account  of  the  base  metal  of  which  they  were  made.  These  lion  thalers 
were  of  less  value  than  those  of  Venice  and  Spain.  (Id.,  135.  Note,  8.) 
I  De  la  Croix,  ii.  y^. 

§  This  name  means  black  straw  in  Turkish,  and  is  written  Karaiman  and  Ferahman  in  other 
manuscripts.  De  la  Croix  places  Kara  Saman,  on  what  authority  Charmoy  cannot  say,  in 
45.6  north  latitude  and  99  east  longitude.  It  was  probably  situated  to  the  north  of  Tashkend 
and  the  south-east  of  Yassy  or  Turkestan,  and  not  far  from  the  Bodame,  a  tributary  of  the 
Sihun.    (Id.,  136,     Note,  13) 

I  These  abound  in  the  mountains  of  Ufa,  and  the  falcons  of  that  province  are  still  very 
famous.    (Charmoy,  op.  cit.,  137.    Note,  14.) 

H  Probably  from  Kazan,  whose  breed  is  also  famous. 

TOKTAMISH   KHAN.  •      24I 

misled,  and  he  meant  to  carry  out  his  purpose  of  punishing  him.  Never- 
theless, if  he  was  sincere  and  wished  to  give  a  proof  of  his  real  intentions, 
let  him  send  his  first  minister  Alibeg  to  treat,  and  he  (Timur)  would  act 
in  the  way  that  wisdom  and  the  interests  of  his  empire  required."* 
Timur  gave  the  envoys  a  grand  feast  and  presented  them  with  em- 
broidered kaftans.  They  were  assigned  special  quarters,  but  orders  were 
given  to  watch  them  closely. 

A  grand  council  of  war  or  kuriltai  was  held  on  the  21st  of  February, 
I39i.t  A  day  under  an  auspicious  star  was  chosen  for  the  start,  and 
the  envoys  of  Toktamish  were  sent  home.  The  army  marched  by  way 
of  Yassy  (the  modern  Turkestan),  Karachuk  (a  river  which  falls  into  the 
Sihun  about  five  versts  from  Turkestan),  and  Sabran,  then  turning  more 
to  the  north,  it  went  for  six  weeks  over  barren  steppes,+  where 
it  lost  many  horses  for  want  of  fodder,  and  at  length  reached  Saruk 
Uzen  or  Saruk  Erin,  as  other  manuscripts  have  it,  that  is  the  yellow 
water  which,  as  M.  Charmoy  has  argued,  is  undoubtedly  the  well-known 
river  Sari  Su.§  They  reached  this  river  on  the  6th  of  April,  1391,  and 
the  horses  were  unhaltered  for  a  few  days,  and  thanks  were  offered  to 
heaven  for  the  happy  progress  of  affairs.  The  river  was  flooded,  and  the 
halt  was  necessary  until  it  could  be  forded.  The  evening  when  the 
crossing  was  effected  two  dependents  of  Idiku  escaped  to  Toktamish, 
and  evaded  all  efforts  for  their  capture.  On  the  26th  of  April  the  army 
reached  the  mountain  Kuchuk  Tagh  (/.(?.,  the  Little  Mountain),  one  of  the 
most  famous  of  the  steppe.  Two  days  later  they  reached  the  Ulugh 
Tag  {i.e.,  the  great  mountain).  It  is  called  ulugh  or  great  because  the 
inhabitants  deem  it  the  greatest  mountain  of  their  country.  In  this  chain 
rise  the  various  affluents  of  the  Sari  Su,  known  as  the  Jeilanlu  Kinghir, 
Jislu  Kinghir,  Kara  Kinghir,  and  Saru  Kinghir.  The  Ulugh  Tag  and 
Kunchuk  Tag  mountains  were  anciently  known  as  the  Ortagh  (high 
mountain),  and  Kar  Tagh  {i.e.,  dirty  mountain),  and  were  the  summer 
residence  of  the  Khans  of  the  Oghuz  Turks.  |i  Timur  climbed 
the  Ulugh  Tagh,  and  from  this  magnificent  vantage  looked  over 
the  beautiful  prairies  that  stretch  far  away  towards  the  horizon 
and  caused  a  stone  obeHsk  to  be  planted  on  the  summit,  with 
the  date  and  an  account  of  his  presence  there ;  a  monument  which 
was  supplemented  in  later  days  by  a  similar  one  in  his  own  honour,  set 
up  by  the  Uzbeg  chief  Abdullah  Behadur  Khan.^  Setting  out  again,  and 
hunting  en  route,  the  army  arrived  on  the  following  day  at  the  river 
Ilanchuk  {i.e.,  the  snakelike).**      Eight  days  after    crossing    it    they 

♦  Id.,  102,  103.    De  la  Croix,  ii.  76-78.  t  Charmoy,  id.,  138.    Note,  15. 

I  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  346.  $  Op.  cit.,  139,  140.    Note,  17. 

\  Id.,  140-143.    Note,  19.  T  Id.    Vide  infra. 

**  This  river  is  mentioned  by  Levchine,  who  reports  from  the  accounts  of  the  Kirghiz 

Kazaks  that  it  springs  in  the  Ulu^h  Tagh  and  falls  into  the  lake  Yakan  ak  gul  (i.e.,  the  White 

lake  that  burns),  one  hundred  versts  south-east  of  lake  Ak  Sakal  Barbi.    {Id.,  143,) 



reached  Atakaraghui  or  Ana  karaghui.*'  The  army  had  been  four 
months  on  the  march  from  Tashkend,  and  provisions  began  to  run 
short.  As  much  as  a  hundred  kupeghi  dinars  was  paid  for  a 
sheep,  while  the  price  of  corn  was  similarly  augmented,  and  the 
troops  had  recourse  to  the  eggs  of  wild  birds,  probably  of  wild 
geese,  which  abound  there,  and  all  kinds  of  animals  and  herbs  for  food,t 
while  the  only  rations  issued  consisted  in  a  kind  of  soup,  made  of  flour 
and  flavoured  with  an  herb  called  muthr  (/.^,,  the  tuft  of  the  millet), J 
and  the  officers  were  constrained  to  live  like  their  men.  On  the  6th  of 
May,  1 39 1,  Timur  ordered  a  grand  hunt  to  be  organised  on  the  old 
Mongol  method  of  enclosing  a  large  space  with  a  ring  of  men.  This 
was  very  successful,  and  a  vast  number  of  steppe  antelopes  (the 
cervus  pyrargus  of  Pallas),  deer,  and  elks  were  killed.  The  latter  were 
new  to  Timur's  people,  and  are  called  kandaghai  by  the  Mongols,  while 
the  inhabitants  of  the  steppes  call  them  bulans.§  So  numerous  were  the 
game  that  only  the  fat  ones  were  used  (the  lean  ones  being  allowed  to 
escape),  and  they  furnished  the. army  with  meat  for  several  days.|| 

After  the  hunt  Timur  held  a  grand  review  of  his  men.  Charmoy 
conjectures  that  this  review  was  held  in  the  great  plain  stretching 
between  the  mountains  Kezbel  and  Kotur  and  the  Kara  Adir  range, 
about  five  degrees  east  of  Orskaia  Krepost,  where  the  Tobol  springs.^ 
He  inspected  the  troops  drawn  up  in  battle  array,  and  variously  armed 
with  lances,  swords,  daggers,  maces,  and  lassoes,  with  bucklers  covered 
with  crocodile  hides,  and  with  tiger  skins  on  their  horses.  Such  a 
gathering  must  have  been  a  grand  and  unique  spectacle  in  the  lonely 
Siberian  steppes.  Timur  himself,  we  are  told,  had  a  crown  ornamented 
with  rubies  on  his  head,  and  bore  a  mace  terminating  in  the  head  of  an  ox. 
As  he  passed  by,  the  various  commanders  knelt  and  did  homage,  and  one 
of  them  presented  him  with  a  splendid  charger.  He  examined  the  troops 
carefully,  and  finding,  we  are  told,  that  they  were  equipped  as  well  as  if 
on  parade  on  the  flowery  meadows  of  Akiar,  dear  Kesh,  where  he  held 
his  reviews,**  he  distributed  rewards.  The  army  marched  past  to  the 
sound  of  timbals,  shouting  the  war  cry  Surun  (/.^.,  charge). 

Timur  now  sent  on  an  advance  guard,  of  which,  at  his  request,  he  gave 
the  command  to  his  grandson  the  murza  Muhammed  Sultan  Behadur, 
and  the  latter  set  out  on  the  I2th  day  of  May,  a  day  which  had  been 
declared  propitious  by  the  Great  Mollah  Abdullah  Lisan  (?  Kisan).tt 
Two  days  after  setting  out  the  young  prince  found  traces  of  the  enemy. 

*  Probably,  as  M.  Charmoy  has  argued,  a  corruption  of  Karaturghai,  a  river  which  springs 
in  the  lead  mountains,  spurs  of  the  Ulugh  Tagh,  and  which,  after  running  for  a  certain  course, 
changes  its  name  to  Ulugh  Turghai  (i.e.,  the  Great  Turghai).  It  traverses  the  marshes  of 
Bishe  Kupa  and  the  sands  of  Koshelok  and  falls  into  the  lake  Ak  Sakal  Barbi.  The  epithet 
ulugh  great  explains  the  parallel  epithets  of  ata  (x.«.,  father),  and  ana  (t.r,  mother),  used  by 
Sherifuddin,  Mirkhond,  &c.    {/d.,  144.) 

i  Id.,  4^6.  I  Jd.,145  a.nd  S71,    Note,  23.  § /rf.,  106  and  146.    Note,  27. 

II /i.,  106.  IT/rf.,  148.    Note,  38,  ♦*/</.,  149.    Note,  30.  1t/</.,  108  and448. 


and  came  upon  a  recently  abandoned  camp,  in  which  the  fires  were 
scarcely  out.*  Following  up  the  traces  he  hastened  on,  and  at  length 
reached  the  well  known  river  Tobol,  upon  which  the  city  of  Tobolsk  is 
built,  and  which  derives  its  name  from  a  small  tree  called  Tobul  by  the 
Kazaks  and  Tavolga  by  the  Russians.  This  river  was  the  old  frontier 
between  the  government  of  Orenburgh  and  the  Kazaks.  The  route 
followed  by  Timur  and  his  people  was  doubtless,  as  M.  Charmoy  says, 
the  same  which  is  still  used  between  the  Ulugh  Tag  mountains  and  the 
Tobol.t  Having  crossed  the  river  videttes  were  sent  out,  and  reported 
that  they  had  found  abandoned  fires  in  seventy  different  places,  but  had 
not  seen  the  enemy. 

Timur  having  heard  of  this,  advanced  by  forced  marches,  and  soon 
reached  the  Tobol,  and  rejoined  his  advance  guard.  He  then  sent 
on  an  experienced  Turkoman  named  Sheikh  David,  who  had  been 
brought  up  on  the  steppes,  to  reconnoitre.  After  a  forced  march  of 
two  days  and  nights  he  came  upon  some  huts,  where  he  lay  in 
ambush,  and  waited  until  he  saw  a  horseman  come  out.  Having  over- 
taken and  seized  him,  he  returned  to  Timur,  who  rewarded  him  with  a 
gilt  shoulder  strap  on  which  to  sling  his  quiver,  and  a  caftan. 

The  captive  informed  him  that  he  had  left  the  country  of  Toktamish 
a  month  before,  and  had  seen  nothing  of  his  men  till  a  few  days  ago, 
when  he  had  noticed  ten  men  in  armour,  who  were  then  concealed  in 
an  adjoining  wood.  Timur  sent  to  surprise  these  warriors.  They 
resisted,  and  some  were  killed,  while  the  others  were  captured.  Having 
heard  definite  news  from  them  about  his  enemy,  Timur  once  more 
advanced  by  forced  marches,  and  after  traversing  several  rivers  and 
lakes,  arrived  on  the  29th  of  May  on  the  banks  of  the  Yaik.f  There  the 
army  halted.  One  of  the  guides  informed  Timur  that  there  were  three 
fords  over  the  river,  namely,  Aighir  Yaly,  Bura-Guechit,  and  Chapma 
Guechit  or  Khime  Guechit.§  Timur  preferred  not  to  cross  by  these 
fords,  as  the  enemy  might  be  ambushed  behind.  He  therefore  crossed 
it  higher  up,  where  the  water  was  deep,  and  six  days  later  reached  the 
river  Semur,  where  he  halted.!  There  he  heard  that  the  army  of 
Toktamish,  which  had  been  posted  in  the  neighbourhood,  had  recently 
retired.  He  accordingly  issued  orders  that  the  advance  should  be  made 
very  circumspectly,  and  that  no  fires  were  to  be  lighted  at  night.    On 

*/^.,382.  Ud.,151. 

I  This  was  probably  near  Kizilskaia.  We  still  find  on  the  route  from  the  Tobol  to  this 
station  several  lakes,  such  as  the  Aghatch  Gul  (lake  of  the  wood),  Balik  Gul  (the  fish  lake)^ 
Sari  Gul  (yellow  lake),  Ala  Gul  (blue  lake),  and  several  rivers,  such  as  the  Tagh  Karaghai 
(mountain  pines),  Kara  Ali  Aiat,  Tuguzak,  and  Sarimsaklu  (the  garlic  river),  (Charmoy,  op. 
cit.,  151.    Note,  34.) 

§  These  Charmoy  identifies  with  great  probability  with  the  positions  of  the  modern  forts  of 
Orskaia,  Tanalitzkaia,  and  Kizilskaia. 

II  This  was  probably  the  Sakmara,  which  springs  in  the  mountain  Ak  tuba  (white  hill),  in 
the  district  of  Verkhni  Uralsk,  and  running  parallel  for  some  distance  with  the  Yaik,  at 
length  falls  into  it,    {Id.,  152.    Note,  35.) 



the  4th  of  June,  1391,  he  arrived  at  the  river  Ik.*  Meanwhile  Toktamish 
had  been  encamped  at  a  place  variously  called  Kerk  Gul  {i.e.,  the  forty 
lakes)  or  Koruk  Gul  (the  dry  lake),  where  he  awaited  the  contingents  of 
the  dependent  hordes  of  Bulghar  and  Azak  {i.e.,  of  the  later  Kazan  and 
Krim  Tartars).  He  had  planted  ambuscades  at  the  usual  ferries  over 
the  Yaik.t 

Timur  ordered  his  men  to  exercise  renewed  vigilance,  to  keep 
close  watch  over  the  camps,  and  also  to  make  a  circuit  of  the  immediate 
neighbourhood  every  night,  so  as  to  prevent  a  surprise.  Having  passed 
a  night  on  the  banks  of  the  Ik,  the  troops  again  set  out,  marching  with 
difficulty  over  the  marshy  ground,  and  soon  the  advanced  posts  reported 
having  seen  three  of  the  enemy's  regiments.  Timur  accordingly  ordered 
his  men  to  range  themselves  in  order  of  battle,  and  made  a  fresh 
distribution  of  bucklers,  cuirasses,  and  money.J  From  a  prisoner,  who 
was  afterwards  put  to  death,  he  learnt  that  Toktamish  was  adopting 
a  Fabian  pohcy,  as  he  understood  that  provisions  were  wanting  in 
Timur's  camp.  Sending  forward  Mubesheshir  Behadur  to  reconnoitre, 
the  latter  came  up  with  a  detachment,  of  whom  he  made  forty  prisoners. 
From  them  he  learnt  that  they  had  set  out  to  join  Toktamish  at  the 
rendezvous  of  Kerk  Gul,  but  had  not  met  with  him.  These  prisoners 
were  also  cruelly  put  to  death.  Soon  after  a  more  important  capture 
was  made  in  the  son  of  Mamai,  who  was  wounded,  and  who,  falling  on 
his  knees,  also  reported  that  he  had  set  out  from  Serai  to  join  Toktamish, 
but  had  not  found  him  at  the  rendezvous. §  Shortly  after  this  the  army 
of  Toktamish  was  discovered  by  an  advance  guard  which  Timur  sent  out 
to  explore,  under  Jelal  ud  din,  the  son  of  the  emir  Hamed,  and  other 
chiefs.  When  Timur  heard  this  news  he  ordered  Aiku  Timur,  a  chief  of 
the  Berlas  tribe,  to  advance  with  a  body  of  troops  and  reconnoitre. 
Having  gone  some  distance  and  crossed  two  rivers,  probably  the 
Dema,  a  tributary  of  the  Belaia,  and  the  Great  Kinel,  a  feeder  of  the 
Samara,  or  perhaps  the  Sok,||  he  came  up  with  Jelal  ud  din  and  the  other 
videttes.  Seeing  some  of  the  enemy's  troops  encamped  on  a  hill  he  went 
up  to  them,  and  when  they  descended  occupied  their  position,  whence 
he  discovered  a  considerable  force,  in  coats  of  mail,  drawn  up. 
Deeming  his  people  too  weak  to  cope  with  them,  he  ordered  them  to 
retreat,  and  himself  took  charge  of  the  rear  guard  of  seven  or  eight  men. 
The  enemy,  seeing  his  isolated  position,  marched  upon  him.  His  horse 
was  wounded  by  an  arrow,  and  he  was  struck  by  a  second  one.  He  now 
sped  along,  but  his  horse  fell  exhausted.  Receiving  a  remount,  another 
arrow  struck  his  second  horse.  He  was  now  surrounded  and  killed,  and 
his  head  was  cut  off.     Some  of  his  companions  suffered  the  same  fate. 

*  There  are  four  rivers  of  this  name  in  the  government  of  Orenburgh,  but  M.  Charmoy  con- 
biders  that  the  one  meant  is  a  tributary  of  the  Sakmara.    (/rf.,  153.    Note,  37.) 

+  Id,,  III.  I  U.  §  Id.,  i.  12.  II  ld„  159.    Note,  44. 



The  pursuit  of  the  enemy  was  stopped  by  a  body  of  troops  which  Timur 
ordered  to  the  rescue,  and  which  poured  in  a  well-directed  flight  of 
arrows.  He  rewarded  all  those  who  had  distinguished  themselves  in  the 
skirmish,  conferring  upon  the  sons  of  the  emir  Aiku  the  distinguished 
title  of  Terkhan,  and  issued  instructions  to  the  Yesauls  or  orderhes  to 
permit  them  at  all  times  to  enter  the  Imperial  palace  or  tent  without 
question,  and  not  to  inflict  punishment  upon  them  or  their  descendants 
until  they  had  offended  nine  times,  privileges  which,  it  will  be  remem- 
bered, Jingis  associated  with  the  title  of  Terkhan.  The  great  seal  and 
the  seal  for  sealing  despatches  were  intrusted  to  Shah  Malik,  son  of 
Kaljighai,  who  was  invested  with  the  office  filled  by  Aiku  Timur.  The 
latter's  death  caused  great  depression  in  the  army. 

Timur's  army  had  advanced  to  the  54th  degree  of  latitude,  and  to  the 
district  where  there  was  no  tme  night  in  summer.  The  Mussulmans 
accordingly  received  dispensations  from  the  Imams  in  regard  to  their 
saying  the  midnight  prayer.  As  Toktamish  continued  his  Fabian 
tactics,  with  the  intention  of  wearing  out  his  army,  the  great  conqueror 
called  a  council  of  his  principal  chiefs,  where  it  was  determined 
that  the  murza  Omar  Sheikh  should  advance  by  forced  marches  with 
20,000  men  and  force  an  engagement.  He  was  accompanied  by  the 
emir  Sevinjik,  Sultan  Sanjar,  Haji  Self  ud  din,  the  emir  Otsman,  son  of 
Abbas,  Hasane  Jandar,  and  other  distinguished  officers.  They  soon 
came  up  with  the  rear  guard  of  the  enemy,  and  in  the  grim  phrase  of  the 
chronicler,  "  The  sun  hid  himself  in  thick  clouds,  so  as  not  to  light  up 
the  horrors  of  the  fight."*  It  was  very  cold,  and  snow  fell  for  five  or 
six  days.  At  length,  on  Monday  the  i8th  of  June,  the  weather  cleared.t 
Timur  set  his  men  in  order  at  Kandurcha,  in  the  country  of  the 
Bulghars.l  He  divided  them  into  seven  divisions,  from  a  reverence 
he  felt  for  the  number  seven,  which  is  the  number  of  verses  in  the  first 
Sura  of  the  Koran,  and  gave  them  to  his  principal  officers  and 
dependents.  Although  much  harassed  by  their  long  march,  while  the 
enemy  was  more  or  less  fresh,  there  was  great  enthusiasm  in  the  ranks, 
and  a  general  desire  to  test  the  issue.  Timur,  it  seems,  had  seduced  the 
standard-bearer  of  Toktamish,  and  ordered  him  to  pull  down  his 
standard  when  the  two  armies  were  engaged.  A  more  serious  defection 
from  his  duty  was  that  of  an  emir  of  the  tribe  Aktaf  or  Aktagh  (?>.,  of 
the  White  Mountain),!  who  commanded  the  left  wing  of  the  army  of 
Toktamish.  Having  a  deadly  quarrel  with  another  emir  who  had 
murdered  one  of  his  relatives,  he  chose  the  moment  when  the  two  armies 
were  before  each  other  to  demand  the  surrender  of  his  enemy.  Tok- 
tamish promised  to  surrender  him  after  the  struggle  was  over.     Dis- 

*  Id.,  116.  Ud.    Note,  56. 

I  This  was  probably  the  place  still  called  Kandurchinskaia  on  the  borders  of  the  governments 
of  Orenburgh  and  Simbirsk,  on  the  left  bank  and  near  the  sources  of  the  Kandurcha,  which 
falls  into  the  Sok  near  Krasnoiarska.  $  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  353. 


contented  with  this  answer  he  withdrew,  and  with  him  a  number 
of  others,  and  the  whole  of  the  tribe  of  Aktagh.  Von  Hammer  says 
these  Tartars  of  Aktagh  had  settled  in  the  Dobrudja  when  Timur 
overran  Asia  Minor.*  They  now  retired  beyond  the  Danube,  and 
planted  themselves  near  Adrianople.t 

When  his  men  were  set  out  in  battle  array,  it  was  found  that  both  on 
the  right  and  the  left  wing  they  overlapped  those  of  Timur.  His 
principal  generals  are  thus  enumerated : — Tash-Timur,  Beg  Yaruk, 
Ilkimish,  Beg  Pulad,  AH  Oghlan,  and  Jinta  Oghlan.  These  were  all 
descendants  of  Juchi.  Besides  these  there  were  Ali,  Suliman  Sofi,  and 
Nurus,  of  the  tribe  Kunkurat ;  Aktaf,  Akbuta  (Akbuye  of  Von  Hammer), 
and  Uruschuk,  of  the  tribe  Kiat;  Ika  beg  (Isa  beg  of  Von  Hammer),  the 
elder  brother  of  Ideku,  Hasan  beg,  Serayi,  Kuke  bugha,|  and  Yaghli  bi, 
of  the  tribe  Baharin ;  Kunkur  bi  or  Kunkurti,  and  others  from  the 
steppes  of  Kipchak. 

On  the  side  of  limur  the  first  corps  was  commanded  by  Sultan 
Mahmud  Khan,  assisted  by  Suliman  Shah.  The  second  corps,  which 
was  the  main  body,  was  commanded  in  person  by  Timur,  assisted  by 
Prince  Muhammed  Sultan,  son  of  Jihangir.  The  murza  Miran  Shah 
Gurkhan  was  placed  at  the  head  of  the  third  corps,  and  was  assisted  by 
Prince  Muhammed  Sultan  Shah.  The  fourth  corps  was  commanded  by 
the  emir  Haji  Seif  ud  din,  the  fifth  by  the  murza  Omar  Sheikh.  The 
names  of  the  commanders  of  the  other  two  corps  are  not  mentioned, 
but  we  are  told  that  among  the  eminent  chiefs  on  Timur's  side  there 
were  also  Berdibeg,  son  of  Sarbuka,  Khudad  i  Huseny,  and  many  others.§ 
Before  the  battle  Timur  prayed  to  God,  and  dismounting  prostrated 
himself  twice,  while  the  troops  deployed  to  the  famous  cry  of  Allah 
akbar  (God  is  very  great),  and  the  shout  of  Surun  [i.e.,  charge)  mingled 
on  each  side  with  the  clang  of  drums  and  iron  timbals. 

Meanwhile  the  chief  of  the  Sherifs  Seid  Bereke,  a  descendant  of  Ali, 
who  had  prophesied  that  Timur  would  prove  victorious,  uncovered  his 
head  and  raised  his  hands  aloft  in  prayer,  while  the  Imam  Khauja  Zia 
ud  din  Yusuf  and  Sheikh  Ismael,  both  descended  from  the  Sheikh  ul 
Islam  Ahmed  Jam,  recited  in  concert  a  verse  from  the  Koran,  "  Oh, 
believers,  remember  the  blessings  of  the  Lord.  It  is  he  who  stops  the 
arms  of  your  enemies  when  they  venture  to  turn  their  weapons  towards 
you.  Fear  God.  It  is  in  him  whom  beUevers  ought  to  trust."  Then 
throwing  a  handful  of  gravel  towards  the  enemy,  the  Imam  cried  out, 
"  May  their  faces  be  darkened,"  and  then  towards  Timur,  he  said,  "  Go 
where  thou  wilt,  God  protects  thee."|| 

The  emir  Seif  ud  din  was  the  first  to  attack  the  enemy,  whose  left 
wing  he  broke.     The  people  of  Toktamish,  who,  as  I  have  said,  over- 

/</.,  353.        t  Charmoy,  118.       I  Von  Hammer,  351.    Note,  4.       $  Charmoy,  op.  cit.,  117. 

II /^.,  1 19. 



lapped  on  either  flank,  tried  to  surround  him,  but  were  prevented  by  the 
emir  Jihan  Shah  Behadur,  who  forced  them  back  again.  Kilinjik 
Behadur  and  the  emir  Mirian  Shah  Gurkhan  also  charged  the  left  wing, 
which  was  partly  destroyed  and  partly  forced  to  retire.  Afterwards 
the  various  commanders  brought  their  men  into  conflict  with  the  troops 
opposite  them,  and  a  terrible  slaughter  ensued.  Toktamish,  finding  that 
he  could  not  stop  the  centre  and  right  of  Timur's  army,  concentrated 
himself  on  the  left.  Nothing,  we  are  told,  could  withstand  the  im- 
petuosity of  his  attack  there,  and  Timur's  left  flank  was  broken,  its 
divisions  were  detached  from  the  main  army,  and  Toktamish  actually 
pierced  through  the  opposing  ranks  and  took  up  his  ground  behind  them. 
Notwithstanding  the  critical  state  of  affairs,  Timur,  in  order  to  inspire 
his  men  with  confidence,  ordered  his  grandson  Abubekr,  with  the 
advance  guard  of  10,000  horsemen,  to  dismount  and  to  proceed  to  pitch 
their  tents,  light  their  fires,  and  prepare  their  victuals.  This  piece  of 
bravado  disconcerted  Toktamish,  who  was  further  distressed  when  he 
found  his  standard-bearer  lowering  his  standard,  as  he  had  agreed.  He 
thereupon  retired  in  all  haste,  and  fled,  according  to  some,  to  the 
mountains  of  Georgia,  and  according  to  others,  to  the  court  of  Withold 
or  Vitut,  Duke  of  Lithuania.*  The  battle  had  lasted  three  days,  and  was 
a  terrible  disaster  for  the  forces  of  Kipchak,  a  space  of  forty  ferasenks  was 
strewn  with  corpses.  The  number  of  which,  we  are  told,  amounted  to 
100,000.  The  baggage  and  an  immense  booty  became  the  prize  of  the 

The  conqueror  encamped  on  the  field  of  battle,  and  returned  thanks  to 
God  for  his  victory.  His  various  great  officers  then  paid  their  respects 
to  him  on  their  knees,  and  bestrewed  him  with  gold  and  precious  stones. 
Timur  returned  their  felicitations,  set  aside  large  sums  for  charity,  and 
then  ordered  seven  men  out  of  every  ten  to  set  off  in  pursuit  of  the 
enemy.  They  followed  them  to  the  Volga,  where  those  who  were  not 
drowned  were  slaughtered.  A  few  only  escaped,  but  their  wives,  children, 
slaves,  and  worldly  goods,  as  well  as  the  harem  of  Toktamish,  became 
the  prey  of  the  victors.  The  troops  of  Timur  spread  over  the  Kipchak 
as  far  as  Azak,  and  the  towns  of  Serai,  Seraichuk,  and  Haji  Terkhan  or 
Astrakhan  were  ravaged  and  devastated.  This  battle  and  its  con- 
sequences were  a  fatal  blow  to  the  Golden  Horde,  from  which  it  never 
recovered.  Its  population  was  so  terribly  decimated  and  its  towns  so 
ravaged  and  destroyed,  that  its  glory  may  fairly  be  said  to  have  passed 
away.  We  who  are  accustomed  to  a  temperate  climate  and  a  rich  soil 
cannot  realise  the  terrible  task  of  building  up  a  stable  and  prosperous 
civilisation  where  climate  and  soil  are  both  harsh,  where  the  desert 
and  its  robber  tribes  are  close  at  hand,  where  the  inhabitants  are 
only  half  reclaimed  nomades  themselves,  and  where  civilisation  is  not  a 

*  Id.,  121.  lid.,  122. 



home-grown  plant,  but  an  exotic  which  grows  only  under  constant  care 
and  with  prosperous  surroundings.  Such  was  the  civilisation  on  the 
Volga  which  the  terrible  vengeance  of  Timur  trod  under.  We  cannot 
say  that  he  was  not  provoked,  but  it  makes  us  shudder  to  think  how 
under  such  conditions  the  ruin  and  misery  of  large  nations  may  be 
entirely  at  the  mercy  of  intemperate  and  wayward  rulers,  whose  one  false 
step  may  sweep  away  what  centuries  have  accumulated. 

The  campaign  of  Timur  was  facilitated,  as  so  many  Eastern  cam- 
paigns previously  have  been,  by  the  divisions  and  treachery  of  the 
commanders  of  the  other  side.  Three  great  chiefs  of  Kipchak  served  in 
his  army ;  these  were  Timur  Kutlugh  Oghlan,  who  afterwards  became 
Khan,  Guneje  Oghlan,  who  also  belonged  to  the  Royal  stork,  and  Idiku' 
the  Nogay  chief.  They  were  treated  with  great  consideration  by  Timur, 
who  loaded  them  with  gifts,  jewelled  girdles,  precious  robes,  and  splendid 
chargers  with  gilded  saddles.  After  the  defeat  of  Toktamish  they 
requested  permission  on  bended  knees  to  join  their  respective  hordes, 
under  pretence  that  they  wished  to  conduct  them  to  pay  honour  to  Timur 
himself.  This  permission  was  given,  and  Timur  also  gave  them  special 
yarlighs  or  "letters  patent"  exempting  them  from  taxation  and  sur- 
veillance. They  accordingly  departed,  and  Timur  followed  his  victorious 
advance  guard  to  the  Volga,  and  pitched  his  camp  in  the  beautiful 
meadows  of  Urtupa,  in  which  perhaps  we  have  a  corruption  of  Atiuba, 
one  of  the  lower  branches  of  the  Volga,  not  far  from  the  Kandurcha,  in 
the  district  of  Stavropol.*  There  the  warriors  encamped  and  rested  from 
their  fatigues,  and  feasted  generously.  Of  the  three  princes  of  Kipchak, 
who  had  left  with  fair  promises  on  their  lips,  only  Guneje  Oghlan 
returned  with  his  people  according  to  promise,  and  was  treated  very 
graciously.  The  other  two  had  "  fish  of  their  own  to  fry,"  and  we  shall 
hear  of  them  again.  Meanwhile  the  net  was  thrown  over  the  devoted 
land,  and  a  vast  booty  in  horses,  camels,  cattle,  sheep,  and  young  slaves 
was  drawn  into  it.  The  Krim  and  the  district  of  Bulghar  apparently 
escaped  most  easily.  So  great  was  the  number  of  captives  that  we  are 
told  5,000  maidens  and  pages  distinguished  by  their  figures  and  their 
bright  complexions  were  reserved  for  the  personal  service  of  Timur 
himself,  while  the  whole  army  was  satiated  with  wealth.t 

Timur  spent  twenty-six  days  at  Urtupa,  where  he  sat  on  his  Royal 
throne  and  presided  at  the  splendid  banquets.  Wine,  kumiz,  hydromel, 
date  wine,  and  arak  were  handed  round  in  golden  cups,  amidst  music 
and  singing,  while  the  lovely  banks  of  the  river,  shaded  by  trees  and  the 
pure  serene  air  made  a  splendid  background  to  the  picture.  The 
conquest  of  Kipchak  was  also  celebrated  by  special  compositions  called 
Fath  nameh  i  Kipchak  (bulletins  of  the  conquest  of  Kipchak).J 

Timur  now  set  off  on  his  retnrn  home.     His  march  being  that  of  a 

Charmoy,  op.  cit.,  167. 

t  Id.,  124. 

I  Id.,  169. 


conqueror  loaded  with  spoils,  and  we  are  told  that  among  these 
were  a  great  number  of  kibitkas  or  portable  felt  tents,  which  were 
carried  on  waggons.  On  arriving  at  the  river  Yaik,  Guneje  Oghlan 
and  his  people  withdrew  without  notice,  and  went  back  to  their  own 
country.  Shortly  after  passing  the  river,  Timur,  having  confided  the 
command  of  the  troops  to  Haji  Seif  ud  din  and  other  emirs,  returned 
home  by  forced  marches.  He  arrived  at  Sabran  in  October,  1391,  and 
thence  went  on  by  way  of  Otrar  to  Samarkand,  where  he  was  received 
with  great  rejoicings.* 

Thus  by  one  fatal  battle  (which  was  curiously  enough  fought  on  the 
18th  of  June,  the  day  of  Waterloo)  Toktamish,  like  Napoleon,  lost  an 
empire  and  made  his  country  the  camping  ground  of  foreign  hosts.  We 
must  now  examine  how  the  debris  of  the  Golden  Horde  were  gathered 
together,  and  how  the  story  of  its  decline  proceeded. 

It  would  seem  that  in  the  confusion  that  immediately  followed  the 
defeat  of  Toktamish,  one  of  the  chiefs  set  up  an  independent  authority. 
This  was  Beg  Pulad,  of  whom  we  have  coins  struck  during  the  years 
793-796  {i.e.^  1 390- 1  to  1393-4),  struck  at  Krim,  Azak,  the  New  Ordu,  and 
Beled  {i.e.,  the  town  or  city).  Beg  Pulad  is  mentioned  as  one  of  his 
opponents  in  the  yarligh  addressed  to  Yagellon,  mentioned  below.  He 
is  also,  probably,  the  ^^^  Pulad  mentioned  in  the  account  of  the 
metropolitan  Pimen's  journey  to  Constantinople  in  1283,  when  he  had  an 
ulus  on  the  Don.t  M.  Soret  makes  him  a  son  of  Toktamish.  I  don't 
know  on  what  authority,  and  it  is  hardly  likely,  if  he  was  the  same 
as  the  person  just  mentioned,  nor  do  I  know  who  he  was,  but  he 
probably  belonged  to  the  rival  family  descended  from  Urus  Khan.  I  may 
add  that  there  occur  certain  coins  during  the  years  789  {i.e.,  1387)  with  the 
name  of  Toktamish  on  one  side  and  on  the  other  Berdibeg  or  Muhammed 
Berdibeg  Khan.f  M.  Fraehn  identifies  him  with  Kerimberdi,  the  son  of 
Toktamish,  but  if  so  he  would  hardly  be  striking  coins  during  his  reign. 
It  is  more  probable  that  he  was  the  Berdi,  also  mentioned  in  the  yarligh 
already  referred  to.  Berdibeg,  son  of  Sarbuka,  is  named  as  one  of 
Timur's  generals  against  Kipchak.  If  Sarbuka  be  the  same  as  Sarikhoja, 
it  may  be  that  the  Berdibeg  of  the  coins  was  the  son  of  Sarikhoja,  who 
also  had  an  ulus  on  the  Don  when  Pimen  passed  that  way. 

Let  us  now  turn  for  a  while  to  Russia.  Vasili,  as  I  have  mentioned, 
was  now  Grand  Prince.  He  had  married  Sophia,  the  daughter  of  the 
Lithuanian  Prince  Vitut,  who  afterwards  became  so  famous.  He  was 
the  son  of  Kestut,  who  had  been  killed  by  Yagellon,  and  had  himseh 
been  an  exile  in  Prussia,§  where  Vasili  met  his  bride  on  his  circuitous 
journey  from  Serai  to  Moscow.  This  marriage  took  place  on  the  9th  of 
January,  1391.  It  was  probably  in  the  spring  of  the  same  year  that 
Toktamish  sent  Bektut  with  an  army  along  the  Volga  and  the  Kama 

*  U.,  125, 1x6.  Vii»  ante,  132.  I  Frsehn,  Rose,  355i  356.  §  Karamzin,  v.  59. 

I  I 


into  the  province  of  Viatka,  which  was  inhabited  by  emigrants  from 
Novgorod  and  by  indigenous  tribes  of  Ugrian  race.  This  raid  was 
probably  made  in  punishment  of  the  buccaneering  excursion  of  "The 
Brave  People,"  to  which  I  have  before  referred.  The  country  was  much 
ravaged.  We  are  told  that  a  section  of  the  inhabitants  determined 
to  revenge  themselves.  They  united  with  the  Novgorodians  and  the 
people  of  Ustiug,  and  embarking  in  some  large  boats,  descended  the 
Viatka,  and  passing  along  the  Volga,  ravaged  Yukotin,  Kazan,  and  the 
Bulgarian  towns  dependent  on  the  Tartars,  pillaging  without  mercy  the 
merchants  whom  they  encountered.  On  the  15th  of  July,  we  find  the 
Grand  Prince  repairing  in  person  to  the  horde,  where  he  was  received  by 
Toktamish  with  great  honour,  as  a  friend  and  ally  rather  than  a 
tributary.  It  was  clear  that  he  wished  to  secure  his  friendship  in  his 
terrible  struggle  with  Timur.  He  not  only  gave  him  the  principality  of 
Nijni  Novgorod,  with  which  he  had  endowed  Boris  Constantinovitch, 
but  also  the  districts  of  Gorodetz,  Mechera,  Torussa,  and  Murom  ;  the 
two  last  had  been  appanages  of  the  Princes  of  Chernigof,  and  had 
not  belonged  to  the  descendants  of  Monomakhos.  Vasih,  no  doubt,  in 
return  furnished  Toktamish  with  material  assistance  in  men  or  money 
for  his  great  war.  He  arrived  at  Moscow,  accompanied  by  the  Khan's 
deputy  Alan  (.''  Oghlan),  who  went  to  instal  him.  Nijni  was  surrendered 
by  the  boyards,  who,  when  Boris  appealed  to  them,  cried  out,  "  We 
no  longer  belong  to  you."*  Here  we  have  a  palpable  example  of  the 
boyards  helping  on  the  centralising  tendency  of  Moscow.  "  The  motive," 
says  Kelly,  "  is  to  be  found  only  in  their  interest,  as  the  Grand  Prince  of 
Moscow  intrusted  them  with  the  government  of  the  appanages,  and  thus 
substituted  the  nobles  in  the  place  of  princes."!  Vasih  soon  after  went 
there  in  person,  and  appointed  Dimitri  Vsevolof  as  its  governor.  Thus 
terminated  the  independent  history  of  the  principality  of  Suzdal.  On  the 
death  of  Boris,  his  nephews  tried  to  reconquer  their  appanage,  and 
appealed  to  the  Khan.  Simeon,  with  the  aid  of  the  Tartar  Eitiak^ 
captured  Nijni  by  stratagem,  but  was  too  weak  to  retain  it.  His  wife 
escaped  to  the  country  of  the  Mordvins,  who  were  dependents  of  the 
horde,  and  lived  in  a  village  near  a  Christian  church  founded  by  a 
converted  Tartar  named  Khazibaba,  while  Simeon  himself  wandered 
about  for  eight  years  with  the  Tartars,  and  having  served  under  four  of 
their  Khans,  returned  to  Russia,  and  not  long  after  died. 

Soon  after  Vasili's  return  from  the  horde,  we  read  that  three  of  the 
Khan's  chamberlains,  named  Batu  or  Bashti  Khoja,  Khizr  Khoja,  and 
Muhammed  Khoja,  were  baptised  at  Moscow,  and  that  the  Tartars 
ravaged  Riazan,  as  they  had  done  two  years  before.  In  the  archives  of 
Moscow  there  is  preserved  a  yarligh  or  missive  of  Toktamish  to 
Yagellon,  written  in  the  Uighur  character  and  the  Mongol  language,  and 

Karamzio,  v.  154.  t  Op.  cit.,  i.  89. 


dated  the  20th  of  May,  1393.  In  it  Toktamish  mentions  seven  of  his 
opponents,  namely,  Idiku  (z>.,  the  Nogay  chief),  Beg  Pulad  (who  lived 
on  the  Don),  Khojamuddin,*  Begish  (?),  Turduchak  (?),  Berdi,  and 
David,  and  in  the  Lithuanian  copy  we  are  told  that  Toktamish  had 
informed  Yagellon  by  his  envoys  Hasan  and  Kutlughbugha  of  his 
accession  to  the  throne.f 

We  must  now  turn  once  more  to  the  intercourse  between  Toktamish 
and  Timur. 

It  was  three  years  after  his  previous  campaign  in  the  Kipchak  that, 
having  traversed  Persia  and  Georgia  and  found  himself  on  the  banks  of 
the  Kur,  Timur  determined  once  more  to  march  into  the  steppes  of  the 
Volga  to  punish  Toktamish,  who  had  not  only  recovered  his  former 
position  there,  but  also  threatened  his  frontiers.  Having  distributed 
largess  among  his  soldiers,  and  sent  one  portion  of  his  harem  for  safety 
to  Sultania  and  another  to  Samarkand,  he  set  out  on  the  28th  of 
February,  1395,^  the  left  wing  of  the  army,  as  was  customary  among  the 
Tartars,  leading  the  van.  Before  setting  out  he  forwarded  a  letter  to 
Toktamish,  in  which  he  demanded  of  him,  "whom  the  demon  of  pride 
had  turned  from  the  right  path,  what  was  his  motive  in  issuing  from  his 
borders.  He  asked  him  if  he  had  forgotten  what  had  occurred  in  the 
previous  war,  where  his  country  and  goods  were  crushed  to  powder  ;  he 
reminded  him  how  those  who  had  treated  him  amicably  had  been 
similarly  treated  in  return,  while  he  had  pursued  with  his  vengeance 
those  who  had  behaved  in  a  contrary  fashion.  He  reminded  him  also  of 
his  own  victorious  career,  which  made  him  indifferent  whether  he  was  at 
peace  or  war  with  Toktamish ;  that  he  was  ready  to  welcome  either  his 
friendship  or  enmity  with  open  arms,  and  he  bade  him,  in  conclusion, 
send  him  speedy  word  of  his  intentions." 

This  letter  was  taken  by  Shemsuddin  Almalighi,  a  person  who  is 
described  as  a  consummate  diplomatist,  and  well  versed  in  the  maxims 
of  Turan  and  of  the  Tartars.  Having  had  an  interview  with  Toktamish, 
he  had  almost  persuaded  him  to  submit,  when  a  contrary  policy  was 
urged  by  his  courtiers  and  generals,  to  whom,  according  to  Sherifuddin, 
war  was  profitable.  Following  their  advice,  Toktamish  returned  a 
haughty  answer  by  Timur's  envoy,  to  whom  he  presented  a  robe  of  State. 
The  latter  rejoined  his  master  on  the  river  Samara,  at  the  foot  of  the 
Caucasus,  five  leagues  from  the  Caspian. 

Timur  now  passed  his  troops  in  review  on  the  banks  of  the  Samara. 
The  left  wing  of  his  army  rested  on  the  mountains,  while  the  right  wing 
reached  to  the  sea.  The  various  emirs  and  chiefs  did  homage  to  their 
master  on  their  knees.  The  big  drums  and  the  war  trumpet  Kerenai 
were  sounded.     The  soldiers  thereupon  seized  their  swords  and  turned 

*  Von  Hammer  thinks  him  the  same  as  the  Guneje  Oghlan  already  named, 
t  Golden  Horde,  355.    Note,  9,  t  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  358, 


in  the  direction  of  Kipchak,  and  having  cried  out  Surun  {i.e.,  forwards), 
they  set  out  headed  by  their  officers.  After  passing  the  defile  of 
Derbend,  news  arrived  that  the  Kaitaks,  who  were  subjects  of  Toktamish, 
were  prepared  to  oppose  them.  Timur,  deeming  that  a  good  com- 
mencement of  a  campaign  is  a  gauge  of  a  good  ending,  ordered  them  to 
be  exterminated.  A  terrible  slaughter  accordingly  took  place,  and  their 
villages  were  destroyed. 

An  envoy  from  Toktamish  now  drew  near,  but  when  he  saw  the 
number  of  Timur's  forces  he  withdrew  hurriedly  to  report  to  his  master. 
At  Terki,  Timur  learnt  that  the  enemy's  outposts,  commanded  by 
Gazanshi,  were  posted  on  the  Kayussu  {i.e.,  the  Osen).  Marching  all 
night,  a  body  of  troops  was  sent  over  the  river,  which  overwhelmed  the 
advanced  guard  with  great  slaughter.  Timur  then  continued  his  march 
to  the  Sewinje,*  where  he  halted  for  the  rest  of  his  people  to  come  up. 

Toktamish  meanwhile  was  encamped  on  the  Terek.  His  position  was 
strong,  and  was  protected  by  a  number  of  waggons  ranged  in  the  form 
of  a  rampart  or  barricade,  but  on  Timur's  approach  he  abandoned  it  and 
retired.  Timur  now  crossed  the  Terek,  while  his  rival  encamped  on  the 
Kura.t  He  marched  along  the  Terek  towards  Jullad  in  the  Little 
Kabardahjt  called  Kulat  by  De  la  Croix,  but  hearing  that  Toktamish 
was  following  him  beyond  the  river,  he  turned  to  meet  him.  The  armies 
faced  each  other  on  the  14th  of  April.  Timur's  was  intrenched,  and  he 
gave  orders  that  no  fires  should  be  lighted,  and  that  silence  should  be 
kept.  During  the  night  of  the  21st,  Ibashi  Oghlan  deserted  him  and 
went  over  to  the  enemy.  On  the  22nd  he  ranged  his  forces  in  seven 
divisions,  which  he  inspected.  The  main  body  of  his  army  was  com- 
manded by  his  son,  the  murza  Muhammed  Sultan,  while  he  himself  was  at 
the  head  of  twenty-seven  companies  of  picked  men,  who  formed  the 
reserve.  The  conflict  commenced  amidst  a  shower  of  arrows  and  cries 
of  Dar  u  gar  {i.e.,  give  and  kill,  hold  and  take).§  A  messenger  came  to 
Timur  to  tell  him  that  Guneje  Oghlan,  Barkiarok  Oghlan,  Aktau,  Utarku, 
and  Daud  Sufi,  the  son-in-law  of  Toktamish,  were  advancing  upon  his 
right  wing.  He  thereupon  charged  them  at  the  head  of  his  twenty-seven 
companies,  and  drove  them  back,  but  his  men  pursued  too  far,  and  were 
in  turn  pushed  back  and  their  ranks  broken.  The  enemy  seeing  this, 
pressed  in  pursuit,  and  Timur  himself,  whose  quiver  was  exhausted  and 
his  lance  and  his  sword  broken,  would  have  been  surrounded  if  Sheikh 
Nuruddin,  with  fifty  other  heroes,  had  not  dismounted  and  covered  him, 
and  k^pt  up  a  flight  of  arrows.  Three  others  of  his  chiefs  succeeded  in 
seizing  three  of  the  enemy's  carts,  and  fixing  them  together  formed  a 
kind  of  bulwark  before  their  master.  His  troops  now  began  to  gather 
round  ;  the  trumpets  sounded  the  rally,  while  the  dismounted  soldiers. 

*».«.,  the  Kcissu,  also  called  the  Sulak  and  the  Shellinje  (see  Koch's  map),     t  ?  the  Kuru  Terek. 
J  Frsehn,  quoted  in  Golden  Horde,  359.    Note,  i.        §  Sherifuddin,  ii.  346.    Golden  Horde,  539. 


kneeling  on  one  knee,  kept  up  a  flight  of  arrows.  Meanwhile  the 
enemy's  ranks  grew  thicker,  but  they  tried  in  vain  to  break  the  cordon 
about  Timur.  Khodadad  Hussein,  with  the  advanced  guard  of  the  left 
wing,  broke  in  between  Kuneje  Oghlan,  who  commanded  the  right  wing 
of  Toktamish's  army,  and  the  contingent  under  Aktau  (doubtless  the 
same  chief  who  had  been  treacherous  in  the  former  battle),  and  attacked 
the  latter,  who  was  pressing  Timur  hard  in  rear,  while  the  murza 
Muhammed  Sultan  brought  up  strong  reinforcements,  planted  them  on 
his  father^s  left,  and  speedily  routed  the  enemy's  right  wing,  compelling 
Aktau  to  fly. 

While  this  was  taking  place  on  Timur's  left,  his  right  wing  was  faring 
badly.  The  enemy,  commanded  by  Aisa  Beg  and  Bashi  Khoja,'  broke 
and  surrounded  it.  Thereupon  its  commander  ordered  his  men  to 
dismount  and  crouch  down  under  their  shields,  forming  a  defence 
analagous  to  our  squares.  They  were  hard  pressed  by  the  opposing 
cavalry,  who  charged  them  scimitar  and  lance  in  hand.  Seeing  their 
dangerous  position,  Jihansha  Behadur  went  to  the  rescue  with  his 
cavalry,  and  the  assailants  were  charged  on  either  flank  by  Timur's 
lancers  and  mace  men.  This  attack  reversed  the  previous  condition  of 
affairs.  The  two  chiefs  united  their  forces,  and  drove  back  the  enemy's 
left.  The  main  body  on  either  side  then  joined  issue,  that  of  Kiprhak 
commanded  by  Yagblibi  Behrin,  a  relative  of  Toktamish,  while  on  the 
other  side  the  command  was  in  the  hands  of  the  young  murza  Rustem, 
son  of  Omar  Sheikh.  Yagblibi  challenged  Osman  Behadur  to  single 
combat,  and  they  accordingly  rushed  at  one  another,  their  followers 
imitating  their  example.  The  combat  was  very  fierce  and  bloody,  but  at 
length  the  troops  of  Kipchak  gave  way,  a  proceeding  which  was  heralded 
by  the  flight  of  Toktamish  with  his  Oghlans  and  Noyans.  The  people 
of  Timur  rushed  in  pursuit,  and  with  terrible  vengeance  slaughtered 
a  vast  number  of  the  fugitives,  and  we  are  told  they  afterwards  hanged 
most  of  those  they  captured  alive.  Timur  knelt  down,  uncovered 
himself,  and  thanked  heaven  for  his  victory,  while  his  principal  chiefs 
congratulated  and  scattered  gold  and  jewels  over  him.  He  in  turn 
rewarded  his  faithful  followers,  especially  the  Sheikh  Nuruddin,  who 
had  rescued  him.  He  promoted  him  and  presented  him  with  a  noble 
courser,  a  robe  of  gold  brocade,  a  jewelled  girdle,  and  a  hundred 
thousand  kupeghi  dinars.  He  then  distributed  treasure  among  his  other 
soldiers,  and  made  a  general  promotion  of  his  officers.* 

The  details  of  this  battle  show  what  a  matter  of  uncertainty  an  Eastern 
fight  was,  with  its  sudden  rushes  and  its  intermittent  fortunes.  While 
the  jeopardy  of  Timur,  who  was  the  keystone  of  a  vast  organisation, 
shows  also  how  the  existence  of  the  mediaeval  empires  of  the  East  were 
perpetually  menaced.    We  cannot  also  doubt  that  defeat  in  such  cases 

Sherifuddin,  346-354. 


was  much  more  fatal  and  disastrous  than  it  is  with  our  better  disciplined 
and  more  orderly  armies.  Having  left  his  baggage  and  the  booty  he  had 
captured  near  the  battle  field  in  charge  of  the  murza  Miran  Shah,  who ' 
had  been  wounded  in  the  struggle,  Timur  went  on  in  pursuit  of 
Toktamish.  He  halted  for  a  while  on  the  Volga,  at  the  ford  called 
Turatu,  and  summoning  Koirijak  Oghlan,  a  son  of  Urus  Khan  and 
brother  of  the  Khans  Tuktakia  and  Timur  Malik,  who  was  one  of  his 
household.  He  invested  him  with  a  robe  of  golden  tissue  and  a  rich 
girdle,  gave  him  an  escort  of  Uzbeg  cavalry,  and  nominated  him  Khan 
of  Kipchak. 

Timur's  troops  now  pursued  the  enemy  along  the  Volga  as  far  as 
Ukek,  -capturing  and  killing  many  of  them  on  the  way.  Toktamish 
himself  sought  shelter  in  the  woods  of  Bolghari.  Having  advanced  to 
the  point  where  they  had  crossed  the  Volga  in  their  former  campaign, 
the  victors  returned  again  with  a  vast  booty,  gold  and  silver  and  furs, 
rubies  and  pearls,  beautiful  boys  and  girls.  Murza  Miran  Shah,  with 
the  baggage,  &c.,  rejoined  Timur  at  Yulukluk  Asukluk.  The  latter  sent 
back  some  of  his  principal  chiefs  with  part  of  the  army  to  Persia,  to 
look  after  the  administration  there,  while  he  himself  determined  to  go  on 
to  the  Dnieper. 

Osman  commanded  his  advance  guafd.  On  the  Dnieper,  at  a  place 
called  Mankirman,  he  came  up  with  Barkiarok  Oghlan,  who  lived  there 
with  some  other  chiefs.  He  destroyed  nearly  all  of  them.  Barkiarok 
with  difficulty  escaped.  Tashtimur  Oghlan  and  Aktau  fled,  says 
Sherifuddin,  to  the  country  of  Hermedai  (?  between  the  Dnieper 
and  the  Danube),*  where  the  people  were  hostile  to  them,  so  they 
went  to  Asia  Minor,  where  they  settled  in  the  plain  of  Isra 
Yaka,  whence  they  were  transported  to  the  neighbourhood  of 
Adrianople  by  Muhammed  I.  The  place  where  they  settled  is  still 
called  Tatarbasari  or  the  Tartar  market.t  Timur  now  returned  to  the 
Don,  whither  Barkiarok  had  fled,  and  where  he  was  overtaken.  His 
harem  was  captured,  but  he  himself  escaped  to  the  Karasu  (probably  the 
river  of  this  name  in  the  Krim).  Timur  treated  his  captured  family 
with  generosity,  gave  them  horses  and  other  presents,  and  then  sent 
them  back  to  him.  Meanwhile  the  murza  Miran  Shah,  with  other  troops, 
were  busy  elsewhere.  We  are  told  they  exterminated  Beg  Khoja  and 
other  chieftains  of  Kipchak,  and  also  the  subjects  of  Onkul.l  They 
captured  Eletz,  where  reigned  Feodor,  a  descendant  of  the  Princes  of 
Karachef  and  a  tributary  of  Oleg  of  Riazan. 

Vasili,  the  young  Grand  Prince  of  Moscow,  leaving  his  uncle  Vladimir 
in  charge  of  his  capital,  had  escaped  with  his  forces  to  Kolomna,  behind 
the  Oka.  Thence  he  wrote  to  the  metropolitan  bidding  him  take  the 
ancient  image  of  the  Virgin,  which  Andrew  Bogolubski  had  removed  from 

♦  De  la  Croix,  ii.  35i.  t  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  361.  J  Pe  la  Croix,  ii.  363. 


Vuichegorod,  to  Vladimir,  and  with  which  he  had  triumphed  over  the 
Bulgarians,  to  Moscow.  The  image  was  conveyed  in  State  between  two 
rows  of  worshippers,  who  cried  out  as  it  passed,  "  Mother  of  God,  save 
Russia  ! "  She  was  welcomed  at  Moscow,  and  was  met  outside  by  a 
procession  of  ecclesiastics  and  grandees,  and  was  conveyed  to  the  church 
of  the  Assumption.*  It  was  to  this  image  the  Russians  ascribed  their 
deliverance,  for  Timur,  after  marching  for  some  distance  along  the  Don, 
suddenly  halted  and  turned  his  steps  elsewhere.  Sherifuddin  is 
mistaken  in  reporting  that  Timur  actually  captured  Moscow.  His 
retreat  wus  probably  influenced  by  the  approaching  autumn  and  the 
menacing  attitude  of  the  Russian  army,  which  had  so  lately  triumphed 
over  Mamai.  The  invaders  retired  with  a  vast  booty,  gold  ingots  and 
silver  bars,  pieces  of  Antioch  linen  and  of  the  embroidered  cloth  of 
Russia,  mule  loads  of  furs,  beavers,  sables,  and  ermines,  black  and  red 
foxes,  &c.,  as  well  as  a  vast  number  of  colts  which  had  not  been  shod.t 

To  the  murza  Muhammed  fell  the  task  of  wasting  the  district  ruled 
over  by  Kabonji  Karaul  and  the  tribes  of  Kurbuka,  Pirlan,  Yurkun,  and 
Kelaji,  who  were  nomades,  and  whose  tents  and  famihes  were  plundered. 
I  cannot  identify  these  tribes,  but  they  were  probably  Nogais.  We 
are  told  that  Timur  now  wended  his  way  southwards,  and  went  to 
Balchinkin,  which  De  la  Croix  identifies  with  the  Maeotic  marshes.!  At 
Azak  he  was  joined  by  the  troops  of  murza  Miran  Shah.  When  he 
reached  Azak  he  was  met  by  a  deputation  from  the  town,  which  was  then 
the  entrepot  where  the  merchants  of  the  East  and  West  exchanged  their 
wares.  Egyptians,  Venetians,  Genoese,  Catalans,  and  Basques  thronged 
there.  In  vain  they  tried  to  soften  the  great  conqueror's  heart  with 
presents.  He  ordered  the  Muhammedans  to  be  separated  from  the 
other  inhabitants,  whom  he  then  put  to  the  sword,  and  afterwards  gave 
the  town  up  to  the  flames.  §  He  now  marched  through  the  Kuban,  where 
he  lost  many  of  his  horses,  the  Circassians  having  burnt  the  herbage. 
He  punished  them  by  ravaging  their  territory,  and  then  crossed  over  into 
the  land  of  the  Ossetes,  who  were  Christians,  and  therefore  an  object  of 
religious  hatred  to  him.  They  were  then  governed  by  Bura  Khan. 
Their  country  was  overrun,  as  were  also  the  fastnesses  of  the  Central 
Caucasus,  and,  according  to  Sherifuddin,  he  destroyed  many  Georgian 
fortresses.  After  this  he  held  a  grand  fete.  His  tent  of  audience  was 
hung  with  silk ;  its  poles  were  golden,  or  probably  covered  with  golden 
plates,  the  nails  being  silver;  his  throne  was  of  gold,  enriched  with 
precious  stones ;  the  floor  was  sprinkled  with  rose  water.  The  meats 
were  served  on  golden  dishes,  and  after  they  were  eaten,  as  is  customary 
in  the  East,  where  people  do  not  drink  at  meals  but  after  them,  Georgian 
wines  were  passed  round  amidst  the  playing  of  vioHns  and  the  singing  of 
songs.    A  week  was  thus  consumed  in  feasting,  and  the  camp  was  at 

*  Karamzin,  V.  i;6, 177.       t  De  la  Croix,  ii.  364.       X /rf.,  ii.  365.       §  Sherifuddin,  iL  365. 


length  raised  on  a  day  declared  by  the  astrologers  to  be  auspicious. 
Timur  then  captured  the  mountain  fortresses  of  Kula  (?  Jullad)  and  Taus.* 
They  were  situated  on  almost  impregnable  sites,  the  latter  being  described 
as  hke  a  nest  on  a  rock,  and  the  ablest  archer  could  not  shoot  over 
its  ramparts.  It  had  not  hitherto  been  taken,  and  Timur  summoned 
the  tuman  or  division  of  the  Merkits,  who  were  skilled  in  mountain 
warfare  and  accustomed  to  hunt  the  gazelle  and  the  mountain  goat,  but 
they  failed  to  find  an  approach.  Beginning  to  despair,  he  had  a 
number  of  ladders  fastened  together,  and  a  forlorn  hope  of  reckless 
characters  were  ordered  to  mount.  Many  of  them  were  killed  by  the 
stones  hurled  at  them  by  the  besieged,  but  fresh  swarms,  eager  for 
martyrdom  in  the  service  of  Timur,  followed  them,  the  garrison  was 
at  length  intimidated,  and  the  fortress  captured  and  burnt,  while  the 
people  of  the  race  of  Irkaun,t  who  had  sought  refuge  there,  were  put 
to  the  sword.  Timur  then  went  on  to  Balakan  (.''),  famous  for  its  honey, 
where  his  soldiers  had  their  fill ;  thence  to  a  town  governed  by  Pulad, 
where  Utarku,  one  of  the  great  chiefs  of  the  Kipchak  had  sought 
refuge.  Timur  summoned  Pulad  to  surrender  the  fugitive,  but,  relying 
on  the  strength  of  his  fortress,  he  refused.  He  accordingly  determined 
to  capture  the  place  at  whatever  cost.  There  was  a  thick  forest  between 
him  and  his  goal,  so  thick  that  the  wind  could  scarcely  penetrate  it. 
Through  this  he  ordered  a  route  to  be  cut,  which  was  three  leagues  in 
length.  The  garrison  defended  themselves  bravely,  but  the  place  was 
taken,  its  inhabitants  were  converted  into  slaves,  and  its  dwellings  burnt. 
Three  companies  of  the  enemy,  having  sought  refuge  in  the  mountains, 
were  captured  and  thrown  into  the  fire.  This  campaign,  which  reminds 
one  of  that  of  the  Russians  against  Schamyl  and  his  mountaineers,  was 
probably  fought  against  the  tribes  of  Daghestan. 

Meanwhile  the  murza  Miran  Shah,  who  commanded  the  right  of 
Timur's  army,  reported  that  he  had  chased  Utarku  (who  had  escaped 
by  way  of  the  Elburz  mountains)  across  the  Caucasus  into  the  country 
of  Abkhasia.  There  he  was  followed  and  captured,  and  when  taken 
before  Timur  he  was  ordered  to  be  put  in  chains.^  He  now  went 
to  the  country  of  Sem  sem  (?),  governed  by  Muhammed,  the  son  of 
Gaiur  Khan,  who  was  submissive,  and  was  appointed  an  officer  of 
Timur's  court.  Some  of  his  people  having  hidden  in  the  mountains  were 
pursued.  Timur  ordered  that  they  should  have  their  hands  tied  and  be 
thrown  down  from  the  mountains.  The  war  in  the  mountains  was 
treated  by  Timur  as  a  holy  war,  like  his  campain  in  India,  and  we  are 
told  he  purged  the  land  of  the  infidels  who  inhabited  it,  burnt  their 

*  There  is  a  mountain  called  Taus  Tau  on  the  Koissu,  on  the  borders  of  Lesghistan  and 

t  A  place  called  Irgauni  is  marked  on  Koch's  map  as  situated  on  the  Koissu,  a  little  south 
of  Taus  Tau. 

I  Sherifuddin,  ii.  374,  375. 


dwellings,  and  destroyed  their  churches  and  statues ;  and  to  show  the 
difficulties  he  overcame,  we  are  told  his  men  had  in  some  places  to  slide 
down  from  one  position  to  another,  there  being  no  paths.  He  now  went  to 
mount  Auher(?),  which  he  gave  up  to  pillage,  and  thence  to  Beshkent  (?  the 
town  at  Beshtau),  whose  inhabitants  had  been  very  submissive,  and  were 
duly  rewarded  with  privileges  and  exempted  from  the  menace  of  his 
soldiers.  He  then  passed  on  to  the  country  of  the  Kazaks  of  Yutur  (.?).  He 
put  them  all  to  death  and  harried  their  country,  whence  his  soldiers  also 
obtained  a  large  quantity  of  honey  ;  thence  he  went  to  the  land  of  Bogaz 
Kum  (.?),  where  he  wished  to  pass  the  winter,  and  where  the  people  of 
Kazikumuk  sent  him  their  submission,*  and  were  well  received  by  him. 
There  only  remained  in  these  districts  the  islands  (?  in  the  Caspian), 
whose  inhabitants  were  called  Balekchian  {i.e.,  the  fishermen),  who  had 
not  submitted.  Troops  were  sent  to  reduce  them,  who  marched  over 
the  ice.t 

On  another  side  Omar  Taban,  who  commanded  at  Astrakhan  for 
Timur,  having  noticed  some  symptoms  of  treachery  in  Mahmudi,  who 
was  kelanter  or  governor  of  that  town,  sent  information  to  his  master, 
who  determined  to  destroy  it.  He  marched  his  army  during  the  winter, 
which  was  very  severe,  leaving  the  murzas  Muhammed  Sultan,  Miran 
shah,  and  the  emir  Haji  Seifuddin  with  the  baggage. 

The  Volga  washed  the  walls  of  Astrakhan,  and,  according  to  Sherif- 
uddin,  the  inhabitants  were  accustomed  to  pile  up  masses  of  ice  round 
it  in  the  winter,  over  which  they  poured  water,  and  thus  formed  an  ice 
rampart  round  the  town,  through  which  they  cut  a  gate.  On  the 
approach  of  Timur,  Mahmudi  was  cowed  and  went  out  submissively 
to  meet  him,  but  he  was  put  under  arrest  and  sent  towards  Serai. 
Timur  then  entered,  and  having  ordered  the  inhabitants,  cattle,  and  pro- 
perty there  to  be  taken  out,  he  destroyed  the  place.  Mahmudi,  according 
to  orders,  was  forced  underneath  the  ice  of  the  Volga  by  his  conductors. 
From  Astrakhan  Timur  passed  to  Serai,  the  residence  of  the  Kipchak 
Khans.  There  also  the  inhabitants  were  driven  out  hke  sheep,  and  the 
town  destroyed,  in  revenge  for  the  destruction  of  the  capital  of  Ghazan, 
the  Jagatai  Khan,  namely,  Zendjar  Serai,  which  the  people  of  Kipchak  had 
destroyed  in  the  absence  of  Timur  on  an  expedition  in  Persia.  The  army 
had  been  much  reduced  by  the  severity  of  the  winter  and  the  hardness 
of  the  campaign.  Most  of  the  horses  had  perished.  A  pound  of  millet 
sold  for  seventy  kupeghi  dinars,  a  cow's  head  for  one  hundred,  and  a 
sheep's  head  for  two  hundred  and  fifty.  Timur  accordingly  ordered  that 
the  spoils  captured  at  Astrakhan  and  Serai  should  be  divided  among  the 
troops,  a  task  which  was  performed  by  the  Tawachis,  and  thus  each  man 
was  remounted. 

Having  crushed  the  empire  of  the  Kipchak,  Timur  set  out  on  his 

*  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  362.    Note,  4.  t  De  la  Croix,  Sherifuddin,  ii.  375-378. 

IK  a 


return  home.  Leaving  his  winter  quarters  of  Bugaz  Kum,  he  marched 
by  way  of  Derbend  and  Azerbaijan,  reducing  the  Kazikumuks,  Kaitaks, 
and  Kubechi  on  his  route. 

Timur  had  laid  the  Khanate  of  the  Golden  Horde  prostrate,  and  it 
never  recovered  again  properly.  Many  of  the  inhabitants  were  driven 
away,  and  Von  Hammer  enumerates  six  colonies  formed  of  emigrants 
who  left  at  this  time.  The  most  important  of  them  perhaps  were 
the  Kara  Kalpaks  or  Black  caps,  who  previously  lived  on  the  Volga, 
near  Bolghari,  and  who  now  migrated  to  the  borders  of  the  Aral  Sea, 
where  their  descendants  still  remain  ;  the  Aktau  Tartars,  who  settled  in 
the  Dobruja,  others  in  the  district  of  Memnen,  near  Smyrna,  others  at 
Tatarbazari,  near  Adrianople,  others  in  Moldavia,  which  was  thence 
known  as  Karaboghdan ;  and  lastly  the  Likani  in  Lithuania.  These  last 
were  apparently  descended  from  a  body  of  several  thousand  Tartars  who, 
with  their  wives  and  children,  were  captured  and  carried  off  in  1 397  by 
Vitut,  the  famous  Lithuanian  chief.  There  they  abandoned  Islam,  and 
having  mixed  with  the  people  and  lost  their  characteristics,  retained  only 
the  name  of  Tartars.*    They  were  settled  between  Vilna  and  Troki. 

On  the  retreat  of  Timur,  Toktamish  seems  to  have  emerged  from  his 
retreat  in  Bolghari,  collected  some  forces,  and  re-entered  Serai,  apprising 
his  neighbours  of  his  arrival  there.  This  was  about  1398,  but  he  was 
soon  after  attacked  by  Timur  Kutlugh,  by  whom  he  was  defeated  and 
driven  away  from  Serai.  He  then,  with  his  wife  and  two  sons,  his 
treasures,  and  a  numerous  following,  repaired  to  Kief.  For  four  and 
twenty  years  he  had  reigned  in  the  Kipchak,  and  was  certainly  one  of 
the  most  potent  of  its  chiefs,  and  one  too  in  whose  reign,  and  by  whose 
policy  most  important  events  of  far  wider  interest  than  that  which  attaches 
to  the  steppe  lands  of  Southern  Russia  were  brought  about.  He  was  the 
last  really  great  figure  in  the  history  of  the  Golden  Horde. 

The  coins  of  Toktamish  are  the  most  numerous  in  the  series  of  the 
Khans  of  the  Golden  Horde.  On  these  coins  he  styles  himself  Toktamish 
Khan,  Nasir  ud  din  Toktamish  Khan,  Jelal  ud  din  Mahmud  Toktamish 
Khan,  and  Ghayas  ud  din  Ved  dunya  Toktamish  Khan.t  Fraehn 
mentions  a  coin  of  his  struck  in  the  Ordu  in  the  year  tjt^  but  this  is  a 
soUtary  specimen,  and  it  is  not  till  .783  when  the  series  of  his  money  may 
really  be  said  to  begin,  and  when  by  the  defeat  of  Mamai  he  secured  the 
whole  Khanate.  In  that  year  he  struck  coins  at  Khuarezm,  Krim, 
New  Krim,  Azak,  Serai,  New  Serai,  Seraichuk,  and  Astrakhan.  In 
later  years  we  also  find  as  mint  places  Ordu,  the  New  Ordu,  Derbend, 
Shamakhi,  Shaberan,  Baku,  Mahmudabad,  and  Kas^  Kath  or  Keth  in 
Khuarezm.J    His  coins  occur  as  late  as  the  year  799  (?>.,  i396-7).§ 

*  Golden  Horde,  384.     Karamzin,  v.  196.  t  FrBehn,  Res.,  304-354« 

\  X  Mahmudabad  was  situated  in  the  province  of  Karabagh  on  the  Caspian,  between  the  Kur 
and  the  Chepehchal.    (Fraehn,  Fuch's  Coll.,  39.) 

%  Frahn  Res.,  326. 

TIMUR  KUTLUGH   KHAN.  •         259 

I  ought  to  have  mentioned  that  in  797  there  occurs  a  coin  bearing  on 
one  side  the  name  of  Toktamish,  and  on  the  other  that  of  Tash  Timur. 
It  was  struck  at  Krim.  Fr^hn  suggests  he  was  a  son  of  Ulugh 
Muhammed,  but  the  date  makes  this  impossible.*  I  beUeve  he  was  a 
brother  of  Ulugh  Muhammed,  and  shall  refer  to  him  later. 


We  have  said  little  of  Koirijak,  the  nominee  of  Timur  as  Khan  of 
Kipchak,  because  little  is  to  be  said.  In  the  West  he  was  a  mere 
puppet,  and  his  throne  depended  on  the  support  of  Timur's  troops. 
When  they  withdrew  he  seems  to  have  disappeared  also,  for  we  hear  no 
more  of  him,  and  the  Western  half  of  the  Khanate  became  the  object 
of  struggle  between  Toktamish  and  Timur  Kutlugh,  the  son  of  Timur 
Malik  and  grandson  of  Urus  Khan,  and  the  protege  of  Idiku,  the  Nogay 
chief,  both  of  them,  as  I  have  mentioned,  had  lived  for  some  time  at 
Timur's  court.  Koirijak,  however,  doubtless  retained  his  hold  on  the 
Eastern  Khanate,  and  continued  to  rule  over  the  White  Horde. 

When  Toktamish  retired  to  Bolghari  Timur  Kutlugh  seems  to  have 
occupied  the  southern  parts  of  the  Khanate,  and  we  find  him  the  year 
after  Timur's  retreat  on  the  Dnieper,  granting  a  diploma  with  the 
privileges  of  a  terkhan  to  a  person  at  Sudak  in  the  Krim.t 

Kief  was  then  governed  by  the  Lithuanian  Prince  Vitut,  who,  by  a 
treaty  with  Yagellon  the  Polish  King,  had  been  ceded  the  provinces  of 
Volhynia  and  Brest,  and  who,  as  I  have  said,  was  the  Grand  Prince's 
father-in-law.  He  had  been  converted  by  the  Germans  of  Prussia,  and 
was  a  violent  and  ambitious  person.  He  ordered  the  deaths  of  three  of 
his  relatives,  the  sons  of  Olgerd.  These  were  Vigunt,  Prince  of  Kief, 
who  was  poisoned ;  Narimant,  whom  he  ordered  to  be  transfixed  with 
arrows  after  he  was  suspended  from  a  tree ;  while  the  third,  Kongailo, 
was  decapitated.  Their  brother  Koribut,  who  reigned  at  Novgorod 
Severski,  was  imprisoned.  He  drove  away  Vladimir,  another  brother, 
from  Kief,  which  he  for  a  short  time  gave  to  Skirigailo,  the  brother  of 
the  King  of  Poland,  but  he  was  poisoned  by  the  archimandrite  of  the 
convent  of  Petchersky,  who  was  probably  a  creature  of  Vitut,  and  who  put 
Prince  John  Olkhanski  there  as  his  deputy.  He  soon  after  seized  upon 
Podolia,  a  dependence  of  the  crown  of  Poland.  He  also  subdued  the 
Princes  of  Drutsk,  and  seized  upon  Orsha  and  Vitebsk.  He  was  thus 
master  not  only  of  Lithuania  bnt  also  of  Little  Russia.  He  next  assailed 
the  principality  of  Smolensk,  then  governed  by  his  brother-in-law  Yuri 
Sviatoslavitch.  He  appeared  suddenly  before  its  capital,  cajoled  the 
garrison  by  fair  promises  to  come  out  to  him,  pretending  all  the  while  he 

*  Soret,  op.  cit.,  31.  t  Golden  Horde,  364. 


was  on  the  inarch  against  Timur.    The  credulous  people  came  out  to  see 
the  hero,  but  they  were  soon  undeceived.    The  chiefs  were  seized,  the 
suburbs  burnt,  and  the  city  captured  and  plundered.     Having  stayed 
some  months  to  consolidate  his  power,  he  left  Yamont,  a  Lithuanian 
there  as  governor,  and  then  made  some  raids  upon  Riazan. 

Thus  was  a  dangerous  power  thrusting  its  arms  nearer  and  nearer  to 
Muscovy.  Vasili  knew  his  danger,  but  he  dissembled  his  suspicions,* 
and  went  in  person  to  Smolensk  to  meet  his  father-in-law,  and  after- 
wards received  a  visit  from  him  at  Kalomna.t  The  two  then  adopted  a 
common  poUcy  against  Novgorod.  Vitut  wished  to  detach  the 
merchant  republic  from  its  alliance  with  the  Germans  of  Livonia,  the  old 
enemies  of  the  Lithuanians,  and  the  Grand  Prince  to  insist  upon  their 
acknowledging  the  supremacy  of  the  patriarch  Cyprian.  The  people  of 
Novgorod  had  only  recently  concluded  a  peace  with  the  Germans  after  a 
long  strife,  and  the  trade  with  them  was  too  valuable  to  be  lightly 
sacrificed.  They  accordingly  repHed,  '•'  Grand  Prince,  we  are  and  wish 
to  be  at  peace  with  you,  Vitut,  and  the  Germans."  They  treated  the 
envoys  civilly,  but  would  not  give  way.  Vasili  thereupon  declared  war 
against  Novgorod,  and  while  on  the  march  his  troops  received  the 
submission  of  the  people  of  the  Dwina,  the  great  entrepot  for  Siberian 
furs  and  the  silver  of  the  Northern  Urals  ;  the  country  also  whence 
the  falcons  used  by  the  Russian  princes  came.  This  was  perhaps  the 
most  valuable  dependency  of  Novgorod.  Vasili  appointed  Feodor  of 
Rostof  as  its  governor.  This  was  in  1397.  But  the  victory  was  short- 
lived, the  Novgorodians  took  up  arms  and  prosecuted  their  campaign 
vigorously,  and  Vasili  was  forced  to  see  his  acquisitions  pass  away  again, 
for  he  learnt  that  the  treacherous  Vitut  was  having  secret  communi- 
cations with  Novgorod  and  offering  to  become  its  protector,  and  he 
deemed  it  prudent  to  treat  the  stiff-necked  repubhc  with  tenderness. 

Vitut  no  doubt  had  ambitious  views  in  the  direction  of  Novgorod,  but 
these  were  postponed  for  a  while  by  the  arrival,  as  I  have  mentioned,  of 
Toktamish  at  Kief.  He  was  only  too  happy  to  become  the  patron  of 
so  important  a  person,  and  hoped  through  him  to  further  his  ambitious 
schemes.  He  accordingly  sent  Yamont,  the  governor  of  Smolensk,  on 
an  embassy  to  the  Russian  Grand  Prince,  to  ask  him  to  join,  him  in  his 
enterprise,  but  the  Russians  were  quite  equal  to  the  occasion.  To  them 
a  war  between  the  Lithuanians  and  the  Tartars,  their  two  greatest 
enemies,  would  be  a  welcome  spectacle,  and,  as  Karamzin  says,  their 
sympathies  were  by  no  means  with  the  former  in  such  a  struggle,  for 
while  the  Tartars  beyond  exacting  a  heavy  tribute  left  them  to  govern 
themselves,  the  Lithuanians  were  ambitious  of  annexing  the  Grand 
Principality.  The  Grand  Prince  was  not,  however,  strong  enough  to 
defy  his  father-in-law,  so  he  sent  his  wife,  with  a  number  of  boyards,  to 

*  Karamzin,  v.  186.  t  /d.,  189. 

TIMUR  KUTLUGH  KHAN.  '         261 

Smolensk  with  a  courteous  message.  She  was  cordially  received  and 
her  father  presented  her  with  a  number  of  pictures  of  the  Saviour, 
recently  arrived  from  Greece.*  While  he  kept  himself  free  from  any 
entangling  alliances  with  the  Lithuanians,  Vasili  determined  upon  a 
campaign  on  his  own  account  against  the  Tartars,  to  revenge  their  recent 
attack  on  Nijni  Novgorod.  He  sent  an  army  commanded  by  his  brother 
into  Bulgaria,  which  captured  its  capital  Bolghari,  Yukotin,  Kazan,  and 
Kremenchug,  and  returned  home  laden  with  booty.  After  this  war 
Vasili  styled  himself  "  Conqueror  of  the  Bulgarians." 

Meanwhile  Vitut  was  prosecuting  his  plans,  one  of  which  was  no  doubt 
the  subjection  of  the  Grand  Principality,  of  which  he  hoped  to  get  a 
grant  from  his  protege  Toktamish.t  He  assembled  his  forces  at  Xief, 
which  consisted  not  only  of  Lithuanians  but  of  large  contingents  from 
Poland  and  from  his  dependent  Russian  provinces.  The  Tartars  of 
Toktamish  formed  a  detached  corps,  as  did  also  five  hundred  Germans 
richly  equipped,  sent  by  the  grand  master  of  the  Prussian  knights.  The 
whole  were  commanded  by  fifty  Russian  and  Lithuanian  princes,  under 
the  guidance  of  Vitut.  He  heeded  not  the  warnings  of  Hedwig,  the 
Polish  queen,  who  claimed  the  gifts  of  prophecy,  when  she  foretold  that 
misfortune  would  overtake  him.| 

Timur  Kutlugh  sent  an  envoy  to  Vitut  with  the  message,  "  Surrender 
Toktamish,  my  enemy  :  Toktamish,  once  a  great  prince,  but  now  only  a 
vile  deserter.  Such  is  the  fickleness  of  fortune."  "  I  will  go  and  find 
Timur,"  was  the  reckless  answer,  and  he  accordingly  set  out,  taking  the 
same  road  which  Monomakhos  had  formerly  taken  in  his  campaign 
against  the  Poloutsi.  Timur  Kutlugh  was  posted  on  the  banks  of  the 
Vorskla,  beyond  the  Khorol  and  the  Sula.  "  Why  do  you  march  against 
me  !  I  never  made  a  hostile  attack  on  your  land,"  was  the  message  he  now 
sent  him.  Vitut  replied,  "  God  has  appointed  me  master  of  the  world. 
You  may  choose,  either  be  my  son  and  tributary,  or  be  my  slave.'' 
According  to  the  Russian  annalists,  Timur  was  willing  to  acknowledge 
Vitut  as  his  elder  brother  and  to  pay  an  annual  tribute,  but  the  exacting 
Prince  of  Lithuania  also  insisted  that  his  arms  should  appear  on  the 
Tartar  coins.  Timur  asked  for  a  respite  of  three  days,  during  which  he 
sent  presents,  and  it  seems  what  he  wanted  was  some  delay.  This  was 
marked  by  the  arrival  at  the  Tartar  camp  of  Idiku,  the  Nogay  chief, 
which,  as  Von  Hammer  says,  was  like  the  arrival  of  Camillus  at  the 
Roman  camp,  putting  an  end  to  further  parley  with  Brennus.  He  recom- 
mended death  rather  than  submission  to  such  terms,  and  then  sent  to 
ask  for  an  interview  with  Vitut.  The  two  chiefs  met  on  the  banks  of  the 
Vorskla.  "  Brave  Prince,"  said  Idiku,  "  our  King  has  rightly  recognised 
you  as  his  father,  since  you  are  his  elder ;  but  as  you  are  younger  than  I, 
pray  recognise  me,  and  put  my  portrait  on  the  coins  of  Lithuania."    The 

*  Karamzin,  v.  197.  t  Id.,  198.  i99'  1 1^-,  199- 


irony  enraged  Vitut,  who  ordered  the  fight  to  begin.  Spitko  of  Cracow, 
the  wisest  of  his  voivodes,  on  seeing  the  numbers  of  the  Tartars, 
counselled  his  master  to  make  peace  with  them  on  honourable  terms. 
This  counsel  was  rejected  by^the  Lithuanian  chiefs.  The  illustrious 
Stchoukofski  being  their  spokesman,  said  :  "  If  love  for  your  young  and 
beautiful  wife,  if  the  irresistible  charms  of  ease  and  luxury  can  make  you 
shrink  from  death,  do  not  interfere  when  heroes  wish  to  sacrifice  their 
lives  for  glory."  "  Madman,''  he  replied,  "  I  shall  die  in  the  fight  while 
you  will  seek  safety  in  retreat."*  Vitut  expected  great  things  from  his  fire- 
arms, which  were  then  a  new  invention  in  Europe,  but  the  Tartars,  who 
fought  in  loose  order,  outflanked  his  solid  battalions,  and  artillery  was 
then  too  rude  to  be  well  or  quickly  served.  The  Lithuanian  lines  were 
broken  by  an  attack  from  the  rear,  made  by  Timur  Kutlugh.  Toktamish 
was  among  the  first  to  fly,  and  he  was  followed  by  Vitut  and  the  vain- 
glorious Stchoukofski,  while  Spitko,  the  palatine  of  Cracow,  died,  as  he 
had  said,  in  the  fight,  and  with  him  seventy-four  noble  Lithuanians. 
The  carnage  was  terrible.  Two-thirds  of  the  Lithuanian  army  perished, 
among  the  slain  being  Gleb  of  Smolensk,  and  Michael  and  Dimitri  of 
Gallicia,  descended  from  the  famous  Gallician  Prince  Daniel.  The 
fugitives  were  pursued  as  far  as  the  Dnieper.  Kief  had  to  pay  a  heavy 
fine,  and  the  monastery  of  Petcherski  was  similarly  mulcted,  while  the 
Tartars  ravaged  the  territory  of  Vitut  as  far  as  Lutsk.t 

This  decisive  battle  was  fought  on  the  5th  of  August,  1399,  nor  was  its 
issue  probably  at  all  unwelcome  at  Moscow,  where  the  Lithuanian  power 
was  becoming  a  dangerous  menace.  Toktamish  lived  on  for  seven 
years  longer,  and  was  then  according  to  the  Russian  chroniclers,  put  to 
death  by  order  of  Shadibeg,  in  the  district  of  Tumen  in  Siberia,  where 
he  had  fled.  Palitzin  would  read  Simbirsk  for  Siberia.J  According  to 
Arabshah  and  others  he  fell  by  the  hands  of  Idiku. 

Sherifuddin  tells  us  how,  while  Timur  was  engaged  in  his  war 
against  the  Siah  Posh  Kaffirs  of  Kaferistan,  envoys  went  to  him  from 
Timur  Kutlugh  and  Idiku,  who  were  well  received  by  him.  It  is  curious 
that  he  should  in  one  place  call  them  envoys  of  the  Uzbegs.§ 

Timur  Kutlugh  does  not  seem  to  have  survived  his  victory  many 
months,  and  died  in  the  autumn  of  1399. 11  The  news  of  his  death,  we 
are  told,  was  pleasing  to  Timurleuk,  as  was  the  news  of  the  confusion 
which  reigned  in  Kipchak,  since  Timur  Kutlugh  had  treated  the  great 
conqueror  ungratefully.^  Coins  of  Timur  Kutlugh,  struck  at  New  Ordu 
and  Krim,  are  known  from  the  year  799  to  802  (1396-7  to  1399- 1400). 

♦Karamzin,  V.  20s.      1^,204.     i  Golden  Horde,  370.  Note,  3.     §  De  la  Croix,  iii.  30  and  34. 
11  Golden  Horde,  366.    Note,  4.  •[  De  la  Croix,  iii.  212. 

SHADIBEG  KHAN.  •  263 


On  the  death  of  Timur  Kutlugh,  he  was  succeeded  by  his  brother 
Shadibeg  as  de  jure  Khan,  while  Idiku  was  probably  the  real  controller 
of  his  policy.  He  only  ruled  over  the  Western  Khanate  however.  The 
Eastern  was  subject  to  Koirijak.  Abdul  Ghassar  says  expressly  that  he 
ruled  concurrently  with  his  uncle  Koirijak.*  The  history  of  the  Golden 
Horde  at  this  time  is  closely  connected  with  Russia.  Michael,  Prince  of 
Tuer,  who  was  in  some  respects  a  rival  to  the  Grand  Prince  of  Moscow, 
died  in  1399,  and  divided  his  dominions  among  his  sons  and  grandsons. 
Michael  had  been  a  close  friend  of  the  Lithuanian  chief  Vitut,  with  whom 
he  was  united  by  the  marriage  of  his  son  with  Vitut's  sister.  On  the 
defeat  of  the  latter  by  the  Tartars,  Michael's  son  prudently  sent  envoys  to 
the  Khan  Timur  Kutlugh,  bearing  rich  presents  for  himself,  his  wives,  and 
begs,  to  ask  for  a  confirmation  of  his  authority.  This  embassy  arrived 
about  the  time  when  Timur  Kutlugh  died.  Michael's  sword-bearer 
(Kilichi),  called  Elcha,  returned  with  the  Tartars  Bechin  and  Satkin, 
bearing  the  yarligh  or  diploma  for  him ;  but  he  being  dead,  fresh  envoys, 
in  the  persons  of  Constantino  and  Theodore  Gushen,  and  the  Tartar 
Safrak,  were  again  sent,  and  returned  with  a  similar  diploma  for  his  son.t 

Ivan  having  received  the  Khan's  diploma,  began  to  persecute  his 
brothers  and  nephew.  He  also  formed  a  close  alliance  with  his  brother- 
in-law  Vitut  of  Lithuania,  whose  fortunes  had  received  such  a  shock  in 
his  fight  with  the  Tartars  that  Yuri,  the  Prince  of  Smolensk,  collected  an 
army  and  captured  his  ancient  capital.  He  was  received  joyfully  by  the 
inhabitants,  but  proceeded  to  take  cruel  revenge  on  the  Lithuanians  and 
their  adherents,  which  led  the  citizens  to  remark,  "  The  stranger  Vitut 
reigned  peaceably  within  our  walls,  while  a  Russian  prince  only  enters 
them  to  bathe  in  our  blood. "{  Yuri  successfully  resisted  the  attacks  of 
Vitut's  armies,  but  the  town  was  afterwards  surrendered  by  treachery 
when  he  was  absent  at  the  court  of  Moscow.§  An  attempt  on  the  part 
of  the  Prince  of  Riazan  to  recover  possession  of  Briansk,  which  formerly 
was  dependent  on  Chernigof,  and  had  been  appropriated  by  the 
Lithuanians,  was  also  defeated  by  Vitut,  who  made  Rostislaf,  the  son  of 
Oleg  of  Riazan,  prisoner.  The  latter  prince  soon  after  died,  and  was 
succeeded  by  his  son  Feodor,  who  received  a  diploma  from  Shadibeg  and 
married  a  daughter  of  the  Grand  Prince.  Meanwhile  the  Tartars  were 
becoming  more  and  more  indifferent  to  the  doings  of  the  Russians.  In 
the  year  1400,  we  are  told  the  Princes  of  Riazan,  Pronsk,  Murom,  and 
Koselsk  defeated  an  army  of  them  on  the  borders  of  Chernayar,  near 
Khobr  on  the  Don,  and  captured  a  chief  named  Muhammed  Sultan. 
The  following  year  the  Grand  Prince  Vasili  sent  an  army  into  the 
country  of  the  Mordvins  to  find  the  widow  of  Prince  Simon  Dimitrovitch, 

*  Langles,  op.  cit.,  385.        t  Von  Hammer,  368.        I  Karamzin,  v.  zit.        §  U,,  m-zij. 


who,  as  I  have  said,  had  taken  refuge  at  Chebirchia.*  The  following 
year  (/.<?.,  in  1402)  the  Tartars  ravaged  the  borders  of  Riazan.t  In  1403 
Aintak,  their  envoy,  went  to  Moscow,  and  the  same  year  there  died  Sawa, 
bishop  of  Serai,  while,  as  we  read  in  the  narrative  of  the  Spanish 
traveller  Clavigo,  there  also  went  envoys  to  Timur  to  announce  to  him 
the  accession  of  a  nephew  (nieto)  of  Toktamish  to  the  throne.t  In  1404 
the  Tartars  made  another  invasion  of  Riazan,  but  were  defeated  and  lost 
many  prisoners.§  Their  country  was  the  asylum  where  many  desperate 
characters  sought  refuge.  Thus  we  read  that  in  1402  Vasili,  who  had 
many  grievances  against  the  people  of  Novgorod,  sent  an  army  under 
two  brothers,  named  Aifal  and  Gerassim,  formerly  priests  and  renegades, 
also  from  Novgorod,  to  ravage  the  country  of  the  Dwina.||  This  they 
accomplished,  but  having  been  defeated  near  Kholmogory,  the  mother  of 
the  later  Archangel,  they  were  obliged  to  fly.  We  are  told  that  Aifal 
turned  buccaneer.  He  had  two  hundred  and  eight  boats  on  the  Volga, 
and  one  hundred  on  the  Kama.  With  these  he  made  an  excursion 
towards  Serai.  The  flotilla  on  the  Kama  was  captured  by  the  Tartars, 
that  on  the  Volga  escaped.  He  himself  was  made  prisoner,  and  was 
eventually  killed  at  Viatka  by  Rassokhin,  who,  like  himself,  was  a 
deserter  from  Novgorod.lF 

A  more  distinguished  fugitive  escaped  to  Novgorod  in  1406.  This  was 
Yuri  of  Smolensk,  who,  after  he  had  lost  his  city  and  in  vain  appealed  to 
the  Grand  Prince  for  aid,  turned  to  the  people  of  Novgorod,  who 
willingly  listened  to  him,  hoping  no  doubt  to  utilise  him  against  their 
exacting  suzerain.  They  granted  him  an  appanage  consisting  of  the 
towns  of  Roussa,  Ladoga,  &c.  Growing  weary  he  returned  to  Moscow, 
and  was  appointed  governor  of  Torjek  by  Vasili,  but  his  violent 
temper  undid  him.  Conceiving  a  passion  for  Julienne,  the  wife  of 
Simeon,  Prince  of  Viazma,  he  tried  to  seduce  her,  and  failing,  stabbed 
her  husband  at  a  feast,  and  was  proceeding  to  take  liberties  with  her 
when  she  wounded  him  in  the  hand  with  a  knife.  Enraged  at  this, 
he  drew  his  sword,  cut  her  to  pieces,  and  threw  her  remains  into  the 
river.  Flying  from  the  consequences  of  his  crime,  he  escaped  to  the 
horde,  and  after  wandering  for  a  while  in  the  steppes,  ended  his  days  in 
a  monastery  at  Riazan.  He  was  the  last  Prince  of  Smolensk  descended 
from  Rostislaf  Mitislavitch,  grandson  of  Monomakhos.** 

We  now  find  the  long  gathering  storm  which  had  been  collecting 
between  Moscow  and  Lithuania  coming  to  a  crisis.  Pskof,  the  sister 
republic  to  Novgorod,  had  formerly  been  tributary  to  it,  but  had  been 
enfranchised,  and  now  elected  its  own  magistrates  and  princes,  and  had 
its  own  laws.  The  Grand  Prince,  however,  had  a  deputy  there,  and  it 
acknowledged  his  suzerainty  as   Novgorod  did.      Its  position  was  a 

*  Vide  ante,  250.    Golden  Horde,  369.  t  Golden  Horde,  369.  I  Id.    Note,  7. 

5  Id.  11  Aifal  is  called  Nikitish  by  Von  Hammer.    (Golden  Horde,  373.) 

•f  Karamzin,  v.  217, 218.    Golden  Horde,  373,  '*  Karamzin,  v.  219-221. 


PULAD  KHAN.  265 

critical  one,  however,  for  it  had  the  Livonian  knights  on  the  one  side  and 
the  Lithuanians  on  another,  while  the  people  of  Novgorod  were  very- 
jealous  of  its  wealth  and  commerce,  and  far  from  having  cordial  feelings 
towards  it,  were  in  the  habit  of  attacking  its  borders.  It  had  also 
recently  been  devastated  by  the  plague.  Vitut  determined  to  take 
advantage  of  its  position.  He  accordingly  attacked  one  of  its  depend- 
encies, namely,  the  town  of  Koloje,  where  he  made  11,000  prisoners, 
while  the  grand  master  of  Livonia  ravaged  the  environs  of  Izborsk, 
Ostrof,  and  Kotelno.  The  brave  citizens  of  Pskof  succeeded  in  defeating 
both  antagonists,  but  feeling  that  the  contest  was  unequal,  they  appealed 
to  the  Grand  Prince.  He  determined  to  support  his  j(>rofe^e,  and  sent  his 
brother  Constantine,  who  demanded  explanation  from  the  Lithuanians, 
while  he  collected  an  army  together.  He  also  made  a  close  alliance  with 
the  Prince  of  Tuer. 

For  some  years  Vasili  had  refrained  from  sending  tribute  to  the  horde, 
and  had  evaded  the  messages  of  Shadibeg's  envoys  to  go  in  person  to  his 
court.  Such  an  envoy  went  in  1405,  in  the  person  of  Shadibeg's  treasurer  ; 
instead  of  tribute,  however,  he  only  received  some  small  presents.* 
Before  entering  upon  his  hazardous  venture  against  Lithuania,  Vasili 
deemed  it  prudent  to  send  to  the  Khan  to  ask  him  for  assistance, 
inasmuch  as  Lithuania  was  their  common  enemy.  He,  however, 
refrained  from  mentioning  either  tribute  or  dependence.  Shadibeg  sent 
some  troops,  but  no  decisive  action  took  place.  Both  sides  seemed 
afraid  of  the  risk,  and  after  several  border  raids  a  peace  was  ratified. 
The  river  Ugra  was  fixed  as  the  boundary  of  the  Muscovites  and 
Lithuanians,  the  towns  of  Kozelsk,  Peremysl,  and  Lubutsk  were  ceded  to 
the  Grand  Prince,  and  Vitut  promised  not  to  molest  Pskof.t 

We  now  reach  the  end  of  Shadibeg's  reign.  We  are  told  that  Ivan, 
JPrince  of  Tuer,  having  repaired  to  the  horde  in  the  year  1407,  to 
complain  about  the  usurpation  of  Yuri,  brother  of  the  last  Prince  of 
Kholm,  Shadibeg  was  no  longer  Khan,  having  been  driven  away  by 
Pulad.  He  seems  to  have  fled  to  Daghestan  and  Shirvan.J  According 
to  Schiltberger  he  fled  when  he  heard  of  the  approach  of  Idiku,  by  whom 
he  was  slain.§  Shadibeg  seems  to  have  been  generally  acknowledged  as 
Khan  of  the  Western  part  of  the  Kipchak,  and  his  coins  are  found 
minted  at  Bulghari,  Serai,  New  Serai,  Azak,  Astrakhan,  and  New 
Astrakhan,  between  the  years  802  (1399-1400)  and  809  (i4o6-7).|| 


Shadibeg  was  succeeded  by  Pulad,  who  is  made  the  nephew  of 
Shadibeg  and  son  of  Timur  Kutlugh  by  Ibn  Arabshah,  a  conclusion  in 
which    he    is    followed    by  Von    Hammer, IT    Munejimbashi,    Khuan- 

*  Karamzin,  v.  229.  t  Id.,  223-227.  J  Frsehn's  Criticism,  Golden  Horde,  585. 

§  Op.  cit.,  ed.  Neumann,  90.  I!  Fraehn  Res.,  362-366.  %  Golden  Horde,  370. 



demir,*  whose  account  is  adopted  by  De  Guignes,  and  M.  Soret,  make 
him  the  son  of  Shadibeg.  I  am  not  sure  that  either  conclusion  is 
right,  and  am  disposed  to  beheve  he  was  Shadibeg's  brother.  He  was 
perhaps  the  Beg  Pulad  already  named.t  I  may  add  that  that  chieftain 
was  probably  the  same  Pulad  against  whom  Timur  marched  in  1395.+ 
He  was  certainly  z.  protege  of  Idiku's.§ 

In  the  summer  of  1409  Ivan,  Prince  of  Pronsk,  returned  laden  with 
honours  and  gifts  from  the  horde.  With  the  help  of  the  Tartars,  he 
drove  Theodore  from  the  throne  of  Riazan,  and  annexed  that  princi- 
pality to  his  own.  In  the  autumn  of  the  same  year  Pulad  made  an 
invasion  of  Lithuania.  Next  year  he  sent  an  embassy  to  Moscow.  As 
Von  Hammer  suggests,  this  was  probably  to  order  the  Grand  Prince  to 
join  him  against  the  Lithuanians.  It  would  seem  that  VasiU  refused  to 
obey.  He  had  persistently  for  many  years  ignored  his  dependence  on  the 
Tartars,  and  had  abstained  from  sending  tribute  to  their  Khan  or  one  of 
his  relatives  as  an  ambassador.  He  now  dared  to  offer  an  asylum  to  the 
sons  of  Toktamish.  Pulad,  whose  policy  was  really  dictated  by  his  great 
subject  Idiku,  accordingly  assembled  an  army  and  sent  it  towards 
Moscow.  This,  it  was  pretended,  was  meant  to  fight  the  Lithuanians, 
and  to  punish  them  for  the  evils  they  had  brought  upon  Russia,  and 
Vasili  was  ordered  to  go  in  person  to  meet  it,  or  to  send  his  brother,  his 
son,  or  one  of  his  grandees  as  his  The  Grand  Prince  was 
misled  by  the  Tartar  professions,  and  at  Moscow  people  were  living 
in  fancied  security  when  the  news  came  that  the  Tartars  were  marching 
rapidly  on  the  town.  Vasili  followed  the  example  of  his  father,  and  retired 
with  his  wife  and  family  to  Kostroma,  leaving  the  defence  of  his  capital 
to  his  uncle  Vladimir  the  Brave,  his  brothers,  and  a  number  of  boyards. 
The  Grand  Prince  had  great  faith  in  the  fortifications  of  Moscow,  in  his 
artillery,  and  in  the  winter,  which  promised  to  be  one  of  great  severity, 
while  he  determined  himself  to  raise  an  army  in  Northern  Russia  to  raise 
the  siege  ;  but  his  retreat  disspirited  the  inhabitants,  who  murmured  at 
being  thus  deserted.  Vladimir  ordered  the  outskirts  to  be  burnt,  while 
their  wretched  inhabitants  were  refused  an  asylum  within  the  walls,  for 
fear  that  provisions  should  run  short.  The  Tartar  army  appeared  before 
the  city  on  the  ist  of  December,  1410.  Among  the  chiefs  who  accom- 
panied it  were  the  princes  Buchak  and  Tanriberdi ;  the  begs  Erekliberdi 
and  Altamir ;  Pulad  Muhammed,  Yusuf,  the  son  of  Suliman ;  Tegin, 
the  son  of  the  Sheikh  Urus,  and  his  son  Serai ;  Ibrahim,  the  son  of 
Tahmuras ;  Yashibeg  and  Seid  Ahbeg,  the  sons  of  Idiku ;  while  Idiku 
himself  was  commander  in  chief. IF  Having  detached  a  body  of  30,000 
men  to  besiege  the  Grand  Prince  at  Kostroma,  and  ordered  Ivan,  Prince 
of  Tuer,  to  join  them  with  his  army,  his  arquebusiers,  and  his  artillery, 

*  Id.    Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  118.  t^»<«,  249.  I  Ante,  256. 

$  Schiltbcrgor,  90.  ||  Karamzin,  v.  231.  f,  Golden  Horde,  371. 

PULAD   KHAN.  267 

the  Tartars  spread  over  the  Grand  Principahty.  They  burnt  Pereislavl 
Zalesky,  Rostof,  Dimitrof,  Serpukof,  Nijni  Novgorod,  and  Gorodetz. 
The  horrors  of  the  invasions  of  Batu  and  Toktamish  were  revived.  "  The 
miserable  Russians,"  says  Karamzin,  "  instead  of  resisting,  were  like  a 
flock  of  sheep  pursued  by  wolves.  Some  were  decapitated,  others  made 
into  butts  for  the  Tartar  archers.  The  young  people  were  reserved  as 
slaves,  the  old  were  stripped  of  their  clothes  and  left  to  perish  in  the 
cold.  The  prisoners  were  chained  together,  and  one  Tartar  sufficed  to 
keep  guard  over  forty  of  them," 

Meanwhile  Idiku  waited  for  the  artillery  which  the  Prince  of  Tuer  was 
to  bring,  but  the  latter  returned  home  again  on  the  plea  of  illness  after 
he  had  gone  half  way.  The  contingent  which  was  sent  after  the  Grand 
Prince  also  failed  in  its  object.  Nevertheless  Idiku  determined  to  winter 
at  Kostroma  and  to  blockade  Moscow,  but  he  was  suddenly  recalled  by 
news  which  came  from  the  horde.  The  Tartars  no  longer  could  muster 
their  former  numbers.  The  plague,  the  attack  of  Timur,  and  internal 
dissensions  had  made  terrible  ravages.  We  accordingly  find  that  Pulad, 
who  had  remained  at  Serai  while  his  army  marched  to  Moscow,  was  at 
the  mercy  of  another  aspirant  to  the  throne,  and  wrote  to  recall  Idiku 
to  go  to  his  defence.  Meanwhile  the  Grand  Prince  was  assembling  an 
army  at  Kostroma  to  attack  him. 

He  determined  therefore  to  raise  the  siege.  He  promised  to  retire  on 
the  payment  of  3,000  roubles.  This  was  gladly  acceded  to  by  Vladimir, 
who  commanded  in  the  town,  where  the  people  were  in  a  state  of  panic 
and  given  up  to  religious  exercises.  Retiring  by  way  of  Kolomna,  he 
captured  Riazan  en  route.  The  traces  of  his  invasion  were  not  effaced 
for  a  long  time.  From  the  Don  to  Bielo  ozero  and  Gallicia  the  land  was 
terribly  devastated. 

On  leaving  Muscovy  he  wrote  a  letter  to  the  Grand  Prince  in  these 
terms  : — "  Idiku,  after  holding  counsel  with  the  tzarevitches  and  princes, 
sends  Vasili  greeting.  Having  learnt  that  you  have  given  shelter  to  the  sons 
of  Toktamish,  the  Great  Khan  ordered  me  to  march  against  you.  You  not 
only  ill-treat  our  merchants,  but  you  also  insult  our  envoys.  Ask  your 
old  men  if  it  was  so  formerly.  Russia  was  then  famous  for  its  fidelity  to 
us.  It  preserved  a  sacred  respect  for  the  Khans,  paid  its  tribute 
regularly,  and  respected  our  merchants  and  envoys.  Instead  of  this, 
what  have  you  done  1  When  Timur  {i.e.,  Timur  Kutlugh)  mounted  the 
throne,  did  you  go  in  person  to  him,  or  send  one  of  your  princes,  or  even 
a  boyard  ?  After  the  death  of  Timur  and  during  the  eight  years'  reign  of 
Shadibeg,  did  you  make  a  single  act  of  submission  ?  And  lastly,  during 
the  three  years  Pulad  has  been  on  the  throne,  have  you,  as  the  senior 
Russian  prince,  gone  to  the  horde,  as  it  was  your  duty  ?  All  your  actions 
have  been   criminal.      When  Theodore   Koshka*  lived    the   Russians 

*  Doubtless  a  Tartar  commissaryat  Moscow. 


heeded  his  counsel  and  behaved  well,  but  you  no  longer  heed  John, 
his  son,  your  treasurer  and  friend.  You  reject  the  wise  counsel  of  the 
elders.  See  the  consequences  in  the  wasting  of  your  country.  If  you 
would  avoid  this,  listen  to  your  wisest  boyards,  to  Ilia  and  Peter,  and 
John  Nikitich,  &c.,  and  send  me  one  of  your  grandees  with  the  tribute 
Russia  used  to  send  to  Janibeg.  All  the  excuses  you  have  made  to  the 
Khans  about  the  poverty  of  the  Russian  people  were  false.  We  have 
overrun  your  country,  and  we  know  that  every  two  ploughs  pay  you  a 
rouble.  What  becomes  of  this  money?  We  do  not  wish  to  ill-treat 
you.  Why  should  you  behave  like  a  miserable  fugitive?  Reflect  and 
listen  to  the  counsels  of  prudence,"* 

This  magniloquent  letter  had  little  effect  on  the  Grand  Prince,  who 
knew  of  the  dissensions  that  reigned  at  the  horde.  He  returned  again 
to  Moscow,  where  he  greeted  his  uncle,  the  brave  Vladimir.  "  The  first 
of  all  the  Russian  princes,"  says  Karamzin,  "  to  serve  under  one  of  his 

Meanwhile  Pulad  had  been  driven  from  the  throne  by  Timur.  Of 
Pulad  as  Khan  we  have  coins  struck  at  Bulghari,  New  Bulghari,  Azak, 
Astrakhan,  Khuarezm,  and  Radjan  or  Rasan,  which  some  have  read 
Majar,  but  it  may  be  a  corruption  of  Riazan.  They  range  from  8io 
(1407-8)  to  815  (1412-13).  Frcehn  suggests,  I  know  not  why,  that  the 
coins  struck  at  Khuarezm  belong  to  another  Pulad. t 


According  to  Abdul  Ghassar,  Timur  and  Pulad  were  the  proteges  of 
Idiku  and  his  son  Nur  ud  din  respectively,  Idiku  supporting  the  former  ; 
but  from  the  facts  already  mentioned,  it  is  much  more  probable  that  it 
was  his  son  who  supported  the  new  Khan,  while  Idiku  was  the  patron  of 
Pulad.  The  author  just  cited  tells  us  that  Idiku  and  Nur  ud  din 
quarrelled  about  their  candidates  for  the  throne,  and  that  the  former, 
rather  than  fight  his  son,  retired  to  Khuarezm,  where  Nur  ud  din, 
unmoved  by  his  father's  generosity,  pursued  him.§ 

We  are  told  that  at  this  time  Daniel,  the  son  of  Boris,  Prince  of  Nijni 
Novgorod,  endeavoured  to  recover  his  father's  patrimony,  which  had 
been  appropriated  by  the  Grand  Prince,  and  at  the  head  of  five  hundred 
men,  the  guards  of  the  Bulgarian  princes,  he  defeated  the  latter's  brother 
at  Liskof,  while  his  voivode  or  general  Talich,  supported  by  the 
Tzarevitch  of  Kazan,  with  a  combined  army  of  less  than  five  hundred 
Russians  and  Tartars,  surprised  and  pillaged  the  city  of  Vladimir,  which 
was  now  but  the  shadow  of  its  former  self,  and  was  unfortified.  His 
allies,  the  Tartars  of  Kazan,  returned  home  with  their  booty.  || 

*  Karamzin,  v.  239-241.  t  Id.,  242.  \  Res.,  372.  §  Langles,  op.  cit.,  385,  &c. 

\  Karanwa,  v.  244i  245- 

JELAL  UD  DIN   KHAN.  *  269 

Timur  had  only  a  very  short  reign,  and  was  succeeded  by  Jelal  ud  din 
Sultan,  a  son  of  Toktamish,  who  was  apparently  living  at  Kief,  and  who 
was  a  close  friend  of  the  Lithuanian  Prince  Vitut.  This  took  place  about 
the  year  141 1.  Although  his  undisputed  reign  was  short,  Timur  seems 
to  have  struck  coins  during  several  years.  The  first  one  of  him  known, 
according  to  Soret,  is  dated  in  809.  That  was  before  the  accession  of 
Pulad.  It  was  struck  at  Krim,  and  is  now  in  the  Ouwarof  collection. 
On  the  other  hand,  there  is  a  coin  of  his  of  the  year  818  (z>.,  141 5-16), 
some  years  after  the  accession  of  Jelal  ud  din,  which  may,  however,  have 
a  blundered  legend.  Two  or  three  dateless  coins  of  Timur  were  struck 
at  Astrakhan,  the  rest  at  Bulghari. 

JELAL    UD    DIN    KHAN. 

The  rapidity  of  these  revolutions  and  the  ease  with  which  they  were 
effected  proves  how  weak  and  disintegrated  the  central  authority  at 
Serai  was  becoming.  Jelal  ud  din  Sultan  was  the  eldest  son  of 
Toktamish.  He  is  called  Seleni  Sultan  and  Seledin  by  the  Russian  and 
Polish  chroniclers,  and  Jelalberdei  by  the  Turkish  writers.  Schiltberger 
calls  him  Segelalladin.*  Abdul  Ghassar  tells  us  that,  having  profited  by 
Idiku's  absence,  he  marched  against  Timur,  who  fled.  Jelal  ud  din  seized 
the  throne,  and  having  strengthened  his  position,  he  attacked  and  sought 
to  kill  Nur  ud  din,  and  did  succeed  in  killing  Pulad,  who  it  seems  still 
survived,  in  the  struggle.t  Schiltberger  also  tells  us  it  was  he  who  drove 
away  Pulad. |  Nur  ud  din  escaped,  but  repented  not  "having  followed 
his  father's  advice.  It  was  doubtless  at  the  instance  of  Idiku  that  the 
Mankuts  or  Kara  Kalpaks,  his  special  subjects,  now  made  an  attack  on 
the  borders  of  Kipchak  from  beyond  the  Yaik.§ 

I  have  described  how  Daniel,  son  of  Boris,  Prince  of  Nijni  Novgorod, 
made  an  effort  to  regain  his  ancient  patrimony  and  attacked  Vladimir. 
We  now  find  the  sons  of  Boris  repairing  to  the  Tartar  court,  which  at 
their  instance  sent  orders  to  Vasili  to  cede  the  principality  to  them.  This 
intrigue  and  the  fact  that  Vitut  of  Lithuania  was  in  close  alliance  with 
Ivan,  the  Prince  of  Tuer,  and  also  with  Jelal  ud  din,  induced  the  Grand 
Prince  to  go  himself  to  the  horde,  with  some  of  his  principal  boyards. 
Fourteen  days  later  the  Prince  of  Tuer  followed  his  example,  and  also 
went  to  the  horde,  but  another  revolution  had  taken  place  there.  We 
are  told  that,  inflated  by  his  success,  Jelal  ud  din  became  quite  insup- 
portable on  account  of  his  pride  and  avarice,  and  neglected  his  nearest 
relatives,  to  whom  he  had  been  indebted  for  his  advancement.  |j  In  a 
battle  with  Idiku  he  was  treacherously  shot  with  an  arrow  by  his  brother 

*  Op.  cit.,  90.  t  Langles,  385,  &c.  :  Op.  cit.,  go. 

$  Golden  Horde,  374,  375.  1|  Langles,  loc.  cit. 


Kibak.  Von  Hammer  says  by  Kerimberdei.*  Jelal  ud  din  struck  coins 
at  Astrakhan  and  Bulghari,  and  one  of  them  bears  the  uncertain  date 
814  {i.e.,  I4ii-I2).t     He  was  killed,  according  to  Langles,  in  1412. 


Jelal  ud  din  was  succeeded  by  his  brother  Kerimberdei.  The  new 
Khan,  who  had  no  doubt  with  his  other  brothers  found  a  useful  asylum 
in  Russia,  was  well  disposed  towards  Vasili,  and  received  him  very 
graciously.  He  promised  not  to  support  the  Princes  of  Suzdal  {i.e.,  of 
Nijni  Novgorod),  and  that  he  would  not  second  the  machinations  of 
Vitut  against  Russia.  At  the  horde  Vasili  met  a  quasi  rival  in  the  person 
of  Ivan  of  Tuer,  who  was  also  well  received  by  the  Khan.  Ivan  behaved 
in  a  friendly  way,  and  promised  not  to  molest  the  Grand  Principality.^ 
Vasili,  however,  seems  to  have  renewed  the  obUgation  to  pay  annual 
tribute  to  the  Tartars,  which  was  duly  carried  out  during  the  rest  of  his 
reign,  notwithstanding  the  commotions  that  went  on  at  Serai. 

In  April,  141 3,  we  read  of  an  embassy  which  went  to  Ofen  in  Hungary, 
bearing  rich  presents,  offering  Ladislaus  the  alliance  of  the  Khan.  Two 
years  later  the  Tartars  west  of  the  Don  invaded  the  district  of  Riazan, 
and  captured  and  pillaged  the  town  of  Eletz,  whose  prince  was  killed. 
While  Kerimberdei  was  on  friendly  terms  with  the  Russians  he  was  the 
reverse  with  the  Lithuanians.  His  brother  Jelal  ud  din,  we  are  told,  had 
fought  with  Vitut  and  Ladislaus  against  the  Prussian  knights.  Kerim- 
berdei, on  the  other  hand,  was  hostile  to  them,  and  we  actually  find  Vitut 
nominating  a  new  Khan  of  his  own.  He  was  called  Betsa  Pulad,  and 
was  solemnly  invested  at  Vilna,  decked  in  a  splendid  cap  of  golden 
tissue  and  a  superb  pelisse  covered  with  scarlet  cloth.  He  was,  however, 
captured  and  beheaded  by  Kerimberdei,  who  was  soon  after  himself 
killed  by  his  brother  Jebbarberdei,  also  called  Jarimferdei,  who  was  a 
creature  of  Vitut.§  The  coins  of  Kerimberdei  do  not  bear  dates.  They 
were  struck  at  Serai  and  Astrakhan.  11 


The  name  of  Kibak  appears  in  several  corrupt  forms.  He  was  called 
Thebacht  by  Schiltberger,  who  tells  us  he  reigned  both  before  and  after 
his  brother  Kerimberdei,  whom  he  eventually  supplanted.  He  lived 
amidst  constant  difficulties.  These  difficulties  are  shared  by  the 
historian,  who   has   now  few    dated   coins   to   rely  upon,   and  has  a 

*  Golden  Horde,  375.    Schiltberger,  90.    Langles,  loc.  cit.  t  Soret,  op.  cit.,  32. 

I  Karamzin,  v.  246.  §  Golden  Horde,  376.    Karamzin,  v.  246.  ||  Soret,  op.  cit.,  32. 

CHEKRE  KHAN.  27 1 

number  of  names  of  various  Khans  whom  he  finds  it  difficult  to  place, 
and  who  were  doubtless  rivals  for  the  throne.  Amidst  this  dearth  of 
materials  one  can  only  make  a  tentative  arrangement.  Kibak  struck 
coins  at  Astrakhan  and  Bulghari.*  From  their  'scarcity  it  is  probable 
that  he  did  not  occupy  the  throne  ver>'  long.  It  would  seem  that,  like 
his  brothers,  he  was  at  issue  with  Idiku,  who  set  up  Chekre  in  his  place. 


Khuandemir  names  Jebbarberdei  as  the  successor  of  Kibak,  Abdul 
Ghassar,  on  the  other  hand,  tells  us  both  he  and  Kerimberdei  died  from 
the  wounds  they  received  in  a  single  combat.t  We  have  no  coins  of  his, 
and  merely  the  sohtary  statement  by  Karamzin,  who  calls  him  Jerem- 
ferdei,  that  he  was  in  close  alliance  with  the  Lithuanians.! 


Chekre  is  said  by  Abdul  Ghassar  to  have  been  a  relative  of  Idiku's,  but 
he  probably  belonged  to  the  family  of  Urus  Khan.  The  Bavarian 
traveller  Schiltberger,  who  was  in  his  service,  tells  us  he  had  lived  for 
some  years  at  the  courts  of  Miran  Shah,  and  Abubekhr,  the  son  and 
grandson  of  Timur.  While  there  an  embassy  came  to  him  from  Idiku, 
asking  him  to  return  to  the  Kipchak.  He  accordingly  did  so,  and  was 
supplied  by  Abubekhr  with  a  force  of  six  hundred  horsemen,  to  whom 
Schiltberger  was  attached.  They  travelled  by  way  of  Georgia  to 
Shirvan,  and  thence  to  Derbend,  Astrakhan,  and  a  place  called  Setzulet 
(probably  a  corruption  of  Serai),  where  there  were  many  Christians,  who 
had  a  bishop.  Their  priests,  he  says,  knew  Latin,  but  read  and  chaunted 
their  prayers  in  'x'artar.  They  then  went  on  to  find  Idiku.  The  latter 
set  out  on  an  excursion  to  Siberia,  and  Chekre  and  Schiltberger  went 
with  him.  Our  traveller  calls  Siberia,  Ibissibur,  and  this  is  one  of  the 
earliest  notices  we  have  of  the  name.  He  tells  us  that  in  Siberia  was  a 
mountain  two  and  thirty  days  long  {i.e.,  the  Urals),  beyond  which, 
according  to  the  inhabitants,  was  an  uninhabited  waste  reaching  to  the 
end  of  the  world.  In  this  mountain  the  people  were  wild,  and  lived 
apart  from  other  nations,  and  only  their  hands  and  faces  were  free 
from  hair.  They  hunted  wild  animals  in  the  mountains,  and  also 
ate  leaves  and  grass,  and  whatever  they  met  with.  The  ruler  of  the 
country  sent  Idiku  a  wild  man  and  woman  who  had  been  captured  there, 
also  a  wild  horse  not  larger  than  an  ass,  and  other  animals.  In  that 
land  (/.^.,  Siberia),  he  says,  there  were  also  dogs  who  drew  carts  and 

*  Soret,  op.  cit',  33.  t  Langles,  388.  J  Karamzin,  v.  247. 


sledges,  containing  furs  and  cloths.  These  dogs  were  as  big  as  asses, 
and  were  also  used  as  food.  The  people  who  lived  there  were  called 
Ugine  (z>.,  Ugri).  When  a  young  unmarried  person  among  them  died, 
they  dressed  him  in  his  best  clothes,  held  a  feast,  put  the  corpse  on  a 
bier,  and  raised  a  beautiful  canopy  over  it.  This  they  carried  in  pro- 
cession. In  front  went  the  young  people  in  their  best  clothes,  and 
behind  the  father  and  mother  and  other  relatives,  raising  lamentations. 
They  carried  the  eatables  and  drinkables  to  the  edge  of  the  grave,  where 
they  held  a  funeral  feast,  the  young  folk  sitting  round  eating  and 
drinking  and  the  relatives  wailing.  The  latter  were  afterwards  accom- 
panied home.  In  that  land  men  ate  no  bread,  nor  had  they  any  corn  but 
only  beans.  These  facts  Schiltberger  reports  came  within  his  own 
observation.*    We  must  now  on  again  with  our  story. 

Kerimberdei  having  been  driven  away,t  Idiku,  we  are  told,  put  his 
protege  Chekre  on  the  throne,  as  he  had  promised.  His  reign 
lasted  for  nine  months.  He  and  Idiku  were  then  attacked  by  Ulugh 
Muhammed,  Chekre  fled  to  Desht  Kipchak,  and  Idiku  was  made 
prisoner.t  Chekre's  coins  are  dated  in  817  and  818  (;>.,  1415-16), 
and  were  struck  at  Bulghari,  Astrakhan,  and  the  Ordu.  If,  as  Von 
Hammer  suggests,  Kibak  be  the  same  person  whom  the  Russian 
chroniclers  call  Kuidat  or  Kuidadat,  as  is  very  probable,  then  it  would 
seem  that  Ulugh  Muhammud's  war  against  Chekre  was  in  support  of  the 
dispossessed  Kibak,  and  was  in  fact  in  favour  of  the  family  of  Toktamish 
as  against  that  of  Urus  Khan.  This  is  favoured  by  the  fact  that  Chekre 
is  found  in  alliance  with  Idiku,  the  enemy  of  Toktamish  and  his 
descendants,  while  we  find  Kuidat  the  object  of  resentment  to  Borrak, 
the  representative  of  the  house  of  Urus  Khan  in  the  Eastern  Kipchak. 


Abdul  Ghassar  and  Khuandemir  make  Chekre  be  succeeded  by  Seyid 
Ahmed,  to  whom  we  shall  revert  in  the  next  chapter.  He  seems  to  have 
been  a  boy,  for  the  former  writer  says  he  had  no  experience  in  ruling, 
and  was  deposed  after  only  forty-five  days'  rule.§ 


At  this  time  we  meet  with  another  Khan  named  Derwish,  who  is  made 
the  successor  of  Seyid  by  Khuandemir  and  Abdul  Ghassar.  His  coins  are 
not  unfrequent.  They  are  also  found  minted  in  several  places,  as  Astrakhan, 

*  Op,  cit.,  ed.  Neumann,  88-90. 
t  Schiltberger  tells  us  Kibak  regained  the  throne,  but  he  only  kept  it  for  a  short  time. 
I  Id.,  91.    Golden  Horde,  377.  (  Langles,  389. 



Serai,  Bulghari,  Ordu,  and  an  uncertain  locality,  Bing  Bazar.*  His  dates 
are  very  corrupt  and  uncertain.  They  seem  to  range  from  805  to  822,  but 
the  matter  is  very  doubtful.  He  is  called  the  son  of  Alchi  Khan  by 
De  la  Croix.t  It  is  strange  that,  with  the  wide  authority  which 
his  various  mint  places  show  he  had,  that  we  should  know  so  little  of  his 
history.  It  is  not  improbable  that,  like  Chekre,  he  was  a  member  of  the 
family  of  Urus  Khan. 


As  I  read  the  authorities,  Kibak  or  Kuidat,  the  protege  of  Ulugh 
Muhammed,  still  lived,  aud  he  seems  now  to  have  again  occupied  the 
throne  of  the  Western  Kipchak.  In  the  Eastern  Kipchak  or  the 
country  of  the  White  Horde,  Koirijak  was  dead,  and  his  place  was 
occupied  by  his  son  Borrak.  In  1422  he  marched  against  Kibak  or 
Kuidat,  as  he  is  called,  defeated  him,  and  laid  siege  to  the  town  o^ 
Odoyef,  but  did  not  take  it.  The  next  year  Kibak  returned  with  a  fresh 
army  and  attacked  the  same  town.  He  captured  many  prisoners,  but 
these  were  retaken  by  the  Russian  Prince  Yuri  Romano vitch  of  Odoyef 
and  the  voivode  of  Mzensk.  He  made  another  attack  some  time  after, 
but  was  severely  beaten  and  apparently  killed  by  Yuri  and  a  contingent 
sent  by  the  Lithuanian  Vitut,  and  both  his  wives  were  taken  prisoners 
and  carried  off,  one  to  Lithuania  and  the  other  to  Moscow.l 


We  now  find  the  Khanate  dominated  by  Ulugh  Muhammed  Khan,  who 
was  a  patron  of  the  family  of  Toktamish  and  himself  belonged  to  the 
family  of  Tuka  Timur,  as  I  shall  show  in  a  future  chapter.§  M.  Soret 
says  that  a  coin  of  the  collection  Pflug,  struck  at  Astrakhan  in  822 
(,  in  1419),  shows  that  Muhammed  was  then  reigning.  ||  In  1424  we  find 
him  attacked  and  defeated  by  Borrak.  The  account  of  what  followed 
is  contained  in  an  interesting  passage  from  the  work  of  Abderresak, 
quoted  by  Von  Hammer. 


That  historian  of  Timur  and  his  son  Shahrokh,  in  an  extract  given  by 
Von  Hammer,  says  that,  having  in  1424  defeated  Muhammed  Khan  and 
possessed  himself  of  the  command  of  the  Uzbegs,  Borrak  the  following 

*  Soret,  op.  cit.,  32.  t  Journ.  Asiat.,  4th  ser.,  xvii.  119.  \  Golden  Horde,  382. 

§  Sub.  voc,  Kazan^  ||  Op.  cit.,  32,  ^  Golden  Horde,  378.  ♦*  378. 

I  M 


year  demanded  from  Ulughbeg,  the  governor  of  Turkestan,  the  surrender 
of  Sighnak,  the  old  capital  of  the  White  Horde,  which  had  been  incor- 
porated by  Timur  with  his  dominions.  Arslan  Khoja,  the  Terkhan  who 
governed  at  Sighnak,  reported  that  the  messengers  of  Borrak  had  com- 
mitted some  depredations  in  the  neighbourhood.  Their  demands  were 
submitted  by  Ulughbeg  to  his  father  Shahrokh,  then  Khan  of  Jagatai,  as 
heir  to  the  dominions  of  Timur.  The  demand  was  met  by  preparations 
for  war.  Shahrokh  sent  an  army  to  his  son's  assistance,  commanded  by 
another  of  his  sons  named  Muhammed  Choki.  They  set  out  for 
Samarkand  on  the  15th  of  February,  1427.  Meanwhile  Ulughbeg  set 
out  with  his  own  troops  towards  Sighnak,  and  was  soon  joined  by  his 
brother  with  the  army  of  Khorassan.  The  battle  field  was  very  hillocky 
and  ill-adapted  for  a  cavalry  struggle.  When  the  armies  drew  near  to 
one  another  it  was  seen  that  the  troops  of  Borrak  were  superior.  He 
would  not,  however,  risk  an  open  fight,  says  the  chronicler,  but  had 
recourse  to  a  ruse.  Collecting  his  men,  he  made  a  sudden  rush  with 
them  altogether.  The  right  and  left  wings  of  Ulughbeg's  army  were 
overthrown,  the  centre  was  shaken,  and  eventually  the  whole  army  took 
to  flight.  They  were  pursued  to  the  very  walls  of  Samarkand,  and  the 
rich  and  beautiful  country  of  Transoxiana  and  Turkestan  was  terribly 
ravaged,  the  victors  retiring  with  a  rich  booty. 

It  would  seem  that  during  the  absence  of  Borrak  in  the  East, 
Muhammed  regained  a  temporary  authority  in  the  Western  Kipchaki 
He  was  soon  driven  away  again  by  Devlet  Berdi.* 


Devlet  Berdi  is  made  a  son  of  Tash  Timur  by  Khandemir,t  but  it 
seems  more  probable  that  he  was  a  son  of  Toktamish  and  the  brother  of 
the  other  princes  whose  names  were  compounded  with  Berdi.  According 
to  Schiltberger,  he  only  reigned  for  three  days.f  He  issued  coins,  however, 
at  New  Serai  and  Astrakhan. §  The  only  one  known  to  me  with  a  date 
was  struck  in  831  (?>.,  1427-28).  ||  He  was  displaced  by  Borrak  Khan, 
who  was  afterwards  defeated  and  killed  by  Muhammed.  This  defeat  took 
place  in  the  year  831  of  the  hejira.^  According  to  M.  Soret,  no  coins  of 
Borrak  are  known,  proving  what  little  hold  he  can  have  had  on  the 
towns  of  the  Khanate. 

We  now  meet  with  another  son  of  Toktamish  with  the  name  of 
Kadirberdi.    He  struck  a  coin  at  Bulghari,  published  by  Fraehn.**    He 

•  Schiltberger,  91.  t  Joum.  Asiat.,  4th  ser,  xvii.  119.  I  Op.  cit.,  91. 

§  Soret,  32.  B  Frshn  Res.,  395.  il  Golden  Horde,  383.  **  Res.,  385. 



is  not  named  by  Khuandemir,  but  we  are  elsewhere  told  that,  having 
refused  to  acknowledge  Idiku,  the  latter  marched  against  him  and  killed 
him.  According  to  one  account  Idiku  was  also  killed  in  the  struggle, 
while  another  makes  him  be  drowned  in  the  Sihun.* 

ULUGH    MUHAMMED   (restored). 

Muhammed  again  found  an  opportunity  and  mounted  the  throne. 
Chekre,  the  patron  of  Schiltberger,  who  it  seems  was  still  living,  marched 
against  him,  but  was  also  slain,t  and  Muhammed  was  for  a  while  the 
master  of  the  Kipchaks. 

We  must  now  make  a  long  digression  to  bring  up  the  narrative  of 
events  in  Russia  to  this  point.  The  latter  years  of  the  reign  of  Vasili 
were  spent  for  the  greater  part  in  peace  with  his  neighbours.  We  find 
him  sending  some  troops  to  assist  the  Lithuanians  against  the  Livonian 
knights,^  and  having  a  passing  brush  with  the  Swedes, §  but  otherwise 
Great  Russia  was  tolerably  tranquil.  It  was,  however,  again  ravaged  by 
the  plague,  which  was  apparently  a  form  of  cholera,  and  which  was  more 
or  less  chronic  from  1352  to  1427,  and  destroyed  a  great  number  of 
people.  To  avert  this  terrible  attack  various  methods  were  employed, 
churches  were  built,  wealth  was  devoted  to  charity,  and  at  Pskof  the 
distressed  people  burnt  twelve  witches.  ||  1419  was  marked  by  a  thick 
snow  which  prevented  the  seed  from  being  sown,  and  which  was 
succeeded  by  a  famine  lasting  three  years,  and  this  by  the  terrible  winter 
of  1422.  Hearing  that  there  were  stores  of  grain  at  Pskof,  the  people  of 
Novgorod,  Tuer,  Moscow,  the  Chudes,  and  Carelians  hastened  there, 
and  soon  caused  a  dearth,  and  the  fugitives  were  driven  back  again. 
Novgorod  and  Moscow  were  devastated  by  fires.  In  1421  a  large  part 
of  Novgorod  and  nineteen  monasteries  were  overwhelmed  in  an  inun- 
dation ;  terrible  hurricanes,  falls  of  aerolites,  and  the  great  comet  of  1420,^ 
which  the  Italians  believed  foretold  the  death  of  John  Galeas,  Duke  of 
Milan,  seemed  to  be  a  warning  that  the  end  of  all  things  was  at  hand.  It 
was  amidst  these  evil  days  that  Vasili  died,  on  the  27th  of  February, 
1425,  after  a  reign  of  thirty-six  years. 

During  his  reign  Nijni  Novgorod,Suzdal,  andMurom,  some  districts  in  the 
country  of  the  Viatiches,  formerly  belonging  to  Chernigof,  such  as  Torussa, 
Novossil,  Kozelsk,  Peremysl ;  and  others,  such  as  Beyetski-Verkh,  and 
Vologda,  belonging  to  Novgorod,  were  added  to  the  Grand  Principality, 
while  the  repubUc  of  Viatka  was  practically  subjected  to  his  authority ; 
but  he  made  no  marked  inroad  upon  the  Tartars,  whose  government  was 
breaking  to  pieces,  nor  could  he  recover  for  Russia  those  fair  Western 

*  Golden  Horde,  384.  t  Schiltberger,  91.  I  Karamzia,  v.  248.  §  Id.,  230* 

II  W.,  256.  f?i492.    See 


and  Southern  provinces  which  were  ruled  by  his  father-in-law  Vitut,  the 
master  of  the  neighbouring  and  much  larger  empire  of  Lithuania.  By 
his  will  he  left  his  infant  son  Vasili  the  title  of  Grand  Prince,  and 
the  various  domains  he  had  received  from  his  father,  together  with 
his  own  acquisitions.  It  is  strange  to  read  the  list  of  this  private 
property,  including  the  principalities  of  Nijni  Novgorod  and  Murom,  the 
mill  at  Khodinka,  a  house  at  the  gate  of  Barovitsk,  and  another  beyond 
the  gate  near  Saint  Vladimir,  a  cap  of  gold,  a  superb  collar,  the  cross  of 
the  patriarch  Philotheus,  a  stone  vase  sent  by  Vitut,  a  crystal  cup 
presented  by  Yagellon,  &c.  To  his  wife  he  left  Tiis  other  property 
for  life,  and  inter  alia  he  left  each  of  his  five  daughters  five 
slaves  or  serfs.*  By  a  treaty  which  he  made  with  the  Prince  of 
Riazan,  and  which  was  dated  in  1403,  the  Oka  was  fixed  as  their 
common  boundary.  He  ceded  the  town  of  Tula  to  him,  and  that  prince 
in  return  promised  to  live  at  peace  with  the  princes  of  Torussa  and 
Novossil,  vassals  of  the  Grand  Prince,  who  were  probably  Tartars. 

Vasili,  when  the  Emperor  Manuel  of  Constantinople  was  terribly 
harassed  by  the  Ottomans,  sent  him  a  welcome  supply  of  money,  and  the 
grateful  Kaiser  married  his  son  John  Palseologos  to  Anne,  the  daughter 
of  Vasili,  who  however  died  three  years  later  from  the  plague.t  During 
a  large  part  of  Vasili's  reign  Cyprian  was  metropolitan,  and  he  ruled  the 
Church  with  firmness  and  prudence,  and  was  also  famous  for  his 
learning.  Inter  alia  we  are  told  he  had  the  satisfaction  of  converting 
three  Mongol  nobles,  named  Bakhti,  Khidir,  and  Mamat,  who  were 
baptised  with  great  pomp  on  the  banks  of  the  Moskwa,  in  the  presence 
of  the  Grand  Prince  and  his  court.  The  three  neophytes  received  the 
names  of  Ananias,  Azarias,  and  Misael.  Cyprian  died  in  1406,^  and  was 
succeeded  by  Photius,  a  Greek  from  the  Morea,  who  was  skilled  in 
the  Slave  tongue,  but  who  was  avaricious,  and  thought  more  of  the 
worldly  than  the  spiritual  wants  of  the  Church,  and  engaged  in  quarrels 
and  litigation  with  the  grandees.  He  was  in  consequence  unpopular. 
Although  living  at  Moscow,  the  metropolitans  were  styled  metropolitans 
of  Kief,  the  old  mother  city  of  the  Russian  empire,  whence  they  drew  a 
considerable  income.  This  position  kept  up  a  close  bond  of  union  with 
the  Southern  provinces  now  under  the  Lithuanians,  not  at  all  to  the  taste 
of  Vitut,  who  was  a  Roman  Catholic.  Cyprian  had  conciliated  him  by 
living  a  long  time  at  Kief,  and  otherwise ;  but  Photius,  who  was  a 
bigoted  Greek,  refused  to  make  any  visitation  of  the  Southern  provinces, 
although  he  insisted  on  them  sending  him  his  proper  dues.  Vitut 
persuaded  the  Southern  bishops  to  address  a  remonstrance  to  Photius, 
and  on  the  refusal  of  the  patriarch  at  Constantinople,  who  was  the 
latter's  friend,  to  consecrate  a  fresh  metropolitan,  these  Southern  bishops 
repaired  to  Novgorod  in  Lithuania,  and  having  issued  a  famous  pro- 

t  Karanizin,  v.  264.  t  Id.,  267.  J  td,,  267-271. 


clamation  to  the  people,  proceeded  themselves  to  consecrate  Gregory 
Tsamblak  as  their  hierarch.  In  this  proclamation,  signed  by  the 
archbishop  of  Polotsk  and  Lithuania  and  the  bishops  of  Chernigof,  Lutsk, 
Vladimir,  Smolensk,  Kholm,  and  Turof,  and  in  which  they  call  Vitut  the 
hospodar  of  Lithuania,  they  recite  how  Photius  refused  to  visit  them  or 
govern  them,  and  was  only  engaged  in  amassing  wealth  and  robbing 
Kief  of  the  ornaments  of  its  churches.  They  recite  also  that  from  early 
times  the  bishps  had  had  the  right  of  electing  a  metropolitan,  and  had  in 
fact  in  the  reign  of  Isiaslaf  consecrated  Clement ;  that  Bulgaria  and 
Servia,  less  important  countries  than  "  Little  Russia,"  had  their  own 
metropolitans;  that  it  was  not  the  patriarch  of  Constantinople  who 
nominated  the  metropolitan  but  the  Emperor,  whence  had  arisen  many 
abuses,  &c.  The  whole  document  is  interesting  to  those  \yho  study 
ecclesiastical  changes.  The  election  took  place  on  the  15th  of 
November,  141 5. 

Photius  protested  in  vain.  His  rival,  zealous  for  religion  and  for 
learning,  made  an  effort  to  join  the  churches  of  the  East  and  West,  and 
journeyed  to  Rome  and  Constantinople,  but  the  attempt  was  fruitless.  He 
died  in  14 19,  and  was  succeeded  as  Southern  metropolitan  by  Gerassim, 
bishop  of  Smolensk.* 

For  the  first  time  since  the  days  of  Yaroslaf  the  Great,  we  find  the 
Russian  sovereign  issuing  a  set  of  laws ;  at  least  no  intervening  ones  are 
extant.  These  were  issued  for  the  people  of  the  Dwina  in  1397.  The 
usual  feudal  method  of  paying  fines  for  various  offences  is  carried  out. 
Some  of  the  clauses  are  curious.  No  one  was  to  interfere  with  a  quarrel 
at  a  feast  which  terminated  on  the  spot,  but  if  it  was  prolonged  the 
Grand  Prince's  representative  was  to  receive  a  marten's  fur ;  labourers 
removing  landmarks  were  to  be  fined  a  sheep  or  its  equivalent ;  promises 
made  under  durance  were  void ;  thieves,  when  caught,  were  to  be  marked 
{i.e.,  branded) ;  those  taking  the  law  into  their  own  hands  or  assisting 
criminals  to  escape  were  to  be  fined;  no  lord  of  a  serf  was  to  be 
responsible  for  killing  him  by  inadvertence,  whipping  him  until  he 
died,  &c.  The  merchants  of  the  Dwina  were  to  have  free  trade  with 
the  Grand  Principality,  paying  only  to  the  Grand  Prince's  deputies  at 
Ostiugh  and  Vologda  a  tax  of  two  measures  of  salt  for  each  boat  and  two 
furs  (?)  for  each  cart. 

During  the  reign  of  Vasili,  Novgorod  and  Pskof  began  to  imi- 
tate Moscow  and  introduced  a  metal  coinage  in  place  of  the  old 
system  of  paying  by  skins.  In  his  reign  the  Russians  also  began 
to  date  their  years  from  the  Creation,  and  to  make  September 
instead  of  March  the  beginning  of  the  year  as  formerly.  This 
was  doubtless  an  innovation  of  Cyprian's,  in  imitation  of  the  Greeks. 
Meanwhile   the    arts    made    some    progress    although    the    Germans 

*  Karamzin.'v.  273-278. 


of  Dorpat  prevented  their  artisans  from  entering  Russia  and  other- 
wise hindered  its  progress.  Simeon  the  Black,  the  monk  Prokhor, 
and  Daniel  of  Gorodetz  are  named  as  famous  painters  at  this  period,  and 
we  are  told  that  in  1420  the  method  of  preparing  lead  for  roofing 
churches  was  introduced  at  Pskof.*  In  1404  the  first  clock  that  struck 
was  erected  at  Moscow.  It  was  made  by  a  Servian  monk  of  Mount 
Athos  and  was  put  up  in  a  pubhc  place.  It  was  deemed  a  prodigy.  In 
a  letter  addressed  by  the  metropolitan  Photius  in  1410  to  the  Archbishop 
of  Novgorod,  we  have  some  curious  details  of  the  times,  those  who  were 
united  in  marriage  without  the  usual  benediction  were  excommunicated. 
Marriages  were  to  be  celebrated  after  mass  and  not  at  night.  Only 
young  people  who  had  no  children  were  to  marry  a  third  time.  Girls  of 
less  than  twelve  years  were  forbidden  to  marry.  Oaths  and  obscenities 
were  condemned.  Nuns  and  monks  were  forbidden  to  live  in  the  same 
monasteries.  The  clergy  were  forbidden  to  trade  or  to  practise  usury, 
&c.t  But  on  surveying  the  period  we  cannot  avoid  the  conclusion  that 
progress  was  well  nigh  impossible  so  long  as  Muscovy  was  tightly  held 
all  round  her  borders  in  the  grip  of  strong  and  barbarous  powers,  who 
closed  every  inlet  into  the  country  and  created  an  isolation  scarcely 
paralleled  in  history.  We  must  remember  that  she  had  at  this  time  no 
seaboard  at  all,  that  no  traveller  could  enter  her  borders  or  leave  them 
without  crossing  more  or  less  hostile  territory,  and  that  she  was 
absolutely  cut  off  from  all  knowledge  of  the  renaissance  in  the  West  and 
limited  for  teachers  to  the  crystallised  and  mumified  ecclesiastical  caste 
which  dominated  the  church  of  Byzantium. 

Vasili  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Vasili,  a  boy  ten  years  old.  He  is 
well  known  in  history  as  Vasili  the  Blind.  From  the  first  his  uncle  Yuri 
or  George,  who  wished  to  revive  the  old  form  of  succession,  refused  to 
submit  to  him.  He  had  retired  to  Galitch,  and  when  he  heard  of  his 
nephew's  enthronement  he  collected  an  army,  but  dared  not  face  that  of  the 
latter  and  fled  beyond  the  Sura.  He  then  proposed  an  armistice  for  a 
year.  Vasili  sent  Photius,  the  metropolitan,  to  treat  with  him,  and  when 
he  ventured  to  intimidate  him  by  the  presence  of  a  crowd  of  the  people 
of  his  own  appanage,  the  proud  prelate  reminded  him  that  peasants  were 
not  soldiers  and  shirts  were  not  cuirasses.  The  result  of  the  mission  was 
that  Yuri  agreed  to  forego  his  claims  until  the  matter  had  been  decided  by 
the  Khan  of  the  Tartars. J  Meanwhile  the  plague  again  ravaged  Russia, 
several  princes  perished  both  at  Tuer  and  Moscow.  This  was  in  1426 
and  again  in  1431.  In  1430  there  was  a  great  drought  followed  by 
famine.  Thus  was  the  new  reign  inaugurated  with  sad  omens.  In  1426 
the  redoubtable  Vitut,  who  deemed  no  doubt  that  Russia  was  now  in 
weak  hands,  besieged  Apochka,  in  the  district  of  Pskof,  with  an  army  of 
Bohemians,  Wallachians,    and    of    Tartars,    furnished    by    the    Khan 

*  Karanuin,  y.  284.  t  M,  286.  I  Id.,  290-294' 


Muhammed.  The  citizens  having  dug  a  large  hole  and  planted  stakes  in 
it,  covered  it  with  a  bridge  hung  on  cords,  and  posted  themselves  behind 
their  wall.  Into  this  ambush  the  Lithuanians  fell,  many  of  them  were 
killed,  while  those  who  were  taken  prisoners  were  burnt  alive.  Having 
withdrawn  his  army  it  was  overtaken  with  a  terrible  hurricane  which  was 
deemed  a  visitation  of  heaven,  and  Vitut  the  more  readily  agreed  to  make 
peace  on  condition  of  the  Pskofians  paying  a  sum  of  1,450  silver  roubles. 
Two  years  later  he  marched  through  the  marshy  district  called  the 
Black  Forest  to  punish  the  Novgorodians,  who  given  up  to  luxury  and 
confident  that  they  were  safe  among  their  marshes,  treated  his  threats 
with  contumely,  and  sent  him  word  they  were  preparing  hydromel  for 
him.  An  advance  guard  of  10,000  men  with  axes  cut  their  way  through 
the  forest,  a  corduroy  road  was  then  made  by  laying  the  trunks  of 
trees  side  by  side,  and  marching  over  it  Vitut  proceeded  to  besiege 
Porkof.  His  largest  cannon  had  been  made  for  him  by  a  German  work- 
man and  was  drawn  by  forty  horses.  One  shot  from  this  cannon 
knocked  down  a  tower  as  well  as  the  wall  of  the  church  of  Saint 
Nicholas,  but  it  eventually  burst  and  killed  many  Lithuanians  including 
the  man  who  had  made  it.  The  town  at  length  offered  5,000  roubles  for 
peace.  The  people  of  Novgorod  made  similar  advances,  and  the  prudent 
Vitut  contented  himself  with  exacting  a  sum  of  10,000  roubles,  and  1,000 
more  as  a  ransom  for  his  prisoners,  a  price  which  taxed  the  powers  of 
the  Novgorodians.* 

Vitut,  who  was  now  eighty  years  old,  made  his  grandson  Vasili 
promise  not  to  meddle  with  the  affairs  of  Novgorod  and  Pskof,  and  he 
in  1429  invited  him  to  go  and  see  him.  He  was,  no  doubt,  the  most 
powerful  monarch  in  Europe,  and  at  this  time  there  were  assembled  at 
his  court  such  a  series  of  notables  as  were  seldom  collected.  There  were 
the  Princes  of  Tuer,  Riazan,  Odoef,  and  Mazof,  the  khan  of  the  Taurida 
or  of  Krim,  who  had  now  become  independent ;  Ilia,  the  exiled  hospodar 
of  Wallachia,  the  ambassador  of  the  Greek  Emperor,  the  grand  master 
of  the  Prussian  Knights,  the  grand  commander  of  those  of  Livonia,  and 
Yagellon,  the  king  of  Poland.  They  vied  with  each  other  in  their 
display,  and  were  magnificently  entertained.  Each  day  there  were  con- 
sumed seven  hundred  casks  of  hydromel,  besides  beer  and  the  wine  of 
Roumania;  while  among  the  eatables  furnished  by  his  kitchens  were 
700  cows  and  heifers,  1,400  sheep,  100  buffaloes  (probably  bisons),  and  as 
many  elks  and  wild  boars.  The  feast  lasted  for  seven  weeks.  Vitut, 
following  the  counsel  of  the  Emperor  Sigismund,  with  whom  he  had  an 
interview  in  1429,  wished  to  have  himself  crowned  King  of  Lithuania  by 
the  Pope's  legate  ;  but  this  was  opposed  by  the  Polish  grandees,  whose 
kingdom  would  be  overshadowed,  and  as  they  were  supported  by  the 
legate,  they  had  their  way.    Sigismund  probably  intended  to  separate  the 

KaV^mzio,  v.  298, 


interests  of  Poland  and  Lithuania,  and  to  make  the  two  countries  attack 
each  other.*  Vitut  was  irritated  at  the  turn  of  affairs.  He  fell  ill  and 
died.  This  was  in  1429.  He  was  a  crafty  and  powerful  statesman, 
abstemious  and  open-handed,  unscrupulous  and  ambitious.  His  reign 
was  the  apogee  of  Lithuarian  greatness,  which  fell  to  pieces  rapidly  in 
the  hands  of  his  successors.  He  was  succeeded  by  Suidrigailo,  the 
brother  of  Yagellon.      Let  us  now  return  to  the  Tartars. 

For  some  years  they  had  not  had  much  intercourse  with  Russia.     In 
1426  they  made  a  raid  on  Riazan,  and  three  years  later  a  body  of  them 
from  Kazan,  commanded  by  a  tzarevitch  and  a  prince,  ravaged  the 
towns  of  Galitch,  Kostroma,  Plesso,  and  Lug.    They  were  attacked  by 
the    people    of  Riazan,  and    made    to   disgorge    their    booty.      The 
tzarevitch  was  pursued  by  the  uncles  of  the  Grand  Prince  as  far  as  Nijni, 
while  his  rear  guard  was  cut  to  pieces  by  the  Prince  of  Starodub.     In 
the  autumn  of  1430,  a  Tartar  prince,  named  Haidar,  entered  Lithuania, 
and  laid  siege  to  Mtsensk.    The  town  resisted  for  three  weeks.     Its 
governor,  Gregory  Protassief,  trusting  to  the  promises  of  Haidar,  went  to 
his  camp,  where  he  was  made  prisoner,  and  sent  on  to  the  Khan 
Muhammed,  who  honourably  released  him,  and  reprimanded  Haidar.J 
About  this  time  the  Russian  prince,  Feodor  Pestri,  made  a  raid  upon 
Eastern  Bulgaria  and  the  country  of  the  Kama.§     It  was  now  six  years 
since  the  treaty  between  Vasili  and  Yuri,  by  which  it  was  agreed  that 
their  claims  to  the  Grand  Principahty  should  be  remitted  for  decision  to 
the  khan  of  the  Tartars.     In  1428,  by  a  fresh  treaty,  each  of  them  agreed 
to  retain  his  own  territory;  but  in   1431,  Yuri,  having  attacked  his 
nephew,  the  latter  proposed  to  appeal  to  Muhammed,  who  was  then  khan. 
This  was  agreed  to,  and  both  princes  set  out.    Both  arrived  together  at 
the  camp  of  Minkulad,  the  Daruga,  who  was  stationed  at  Moscow.]] 
He  was  a  friend  and  strong  partisan  of  Vasili ;  but  Yuri  found  a  champion 
in  Tegin  Murza  (the  Teguinia  of  Karamzin),  who  took  him  with  him  to 
pass  the  winter  in  the  Krim,  and  promised  to  secure  him  the  Grand 
Principality.    Ivan  Dimitrovitch,  an  active  boyard  of  Vasili,  aroused  the 
jealousy  of  the  other  grandees  against  Tegin,  who,  he  said,  would  end  by 
dominating  over  Russia  and  Lithuania,  and  displacing  the  authority  of  the 
khan.    The  jealousy  of  Haidar,  Minkulad,  and  the  other  grandees  was 
aroused,  and  they  so  worked  upon  the  Khan  Muhammed  that  he  pro- 
mised to  put  Tegin-to  death  if  he  should  declare  for  Yuri. 

On  the  arrival  of  the  latter  with  his  patron  at  the  Horde,  Muhammed 
assembled  a  court  to  decide  the  question,  over  which  he  presided  him- 
self. Vasili  urged  the  recent  rule  of  succession  which  had  been  adopted 
by  the  Muscovite  princes.    Yuri  appealed  to  the  ancient  rule  and  to  the 

*  Karamzin,  V.  300.  t /^.,  301.  ; /^.,  303.    Golden  Horde,  383. 

§  Karamzin,  v.  304. 

Golden  Horde,  384.    Karamzin  calls  bim  Bulak,  and  styles  him  a  baskak. 


will  of  Dimitii  Donski,  in  which  he  was  named  the  successor  of  Vasili 
the  elder.  The  astute  boyard  whom  I  have  mentioned  then  approached 
the  throne,  and  asked  the  Khan  not  to  consider  these  precedents,  but  to 
decide,  as  he  had  the  power  to  do,  according  to  his  own  wish  ;  and  he 
further  urged  him  to  confirm  the  will  of  the  late  sovereign,  who  had 
nominated  his  son  as  his  successor.  Muhammed  decided  in  favour  of 
Vasili,  and,  according  to  Asiatic  custom,  he  ordered  Yuri  to  hold  the 
horse's  bridle  for  his  nephew,  which  the  latter,  however,  magnanimously 
refused  to  allow  him  to  do.*  Meanwhile,  Kuchuk  Muhammed,  of  whom 
we  shall  have  much  to  say  presently,  began  his  rebellion  against  the 
Khan,  and  Tegin  seized  the  opportunity,  and  secured  for  his  protege  the 
towns  of  Swenigorod,  Rusi,  Wishogorod,  and  Dmitrof.t  On  their 
return  to  Russia,  Ulan,  the  Khan's  deputy,  enthroned  Vasili  as  Grand 
Prince  at  Moscow^  at  the  golden  gate  of  the  Church  of  the  Virgin. 
Hitherto  this  ceremony  had  been  performed  at  Vladimir.  The  latter 
town  continued,  however,  to  be  named  before  Moscow  in  the  titles  of  the 
grand  princes. | 

The  decision  of  the  Khan  did  not  settle  matters  in  Russia.  The 
boyard  Ivan,  who  had  served  Vasili  so  well,  wished  to  insist  upon 
his  marrying  his  daughter ;  and,  on  his  refusing  to  do  so,  and 
marrying  Maria,  the  daughter  of  Yaroslaf  and  grand-daughter  of 
Vladimir  the  Brave,  he  left  the  court,  determined  upon  vengeance,  and 
joined  Yuri  at  Galitch.  Yuri's  two  sons,  Vasili  the  Squinter  and 
Shemiaka,  had  gone  to  Moscow  to  attend  the  Grand  Prince's  wedding. 
The  former  wore  a  famous  golden  girdle,  enriched  with  diamonds,  which 
had  belonged  to  Dimitri  Donski,  but  had  been  surreptitiously  changed  for 
one  of  inferior  value  by  one  of  the  grandees,  and,  after  passing  from  hand 
to  hand,  had  reached  those  of  its  present  wearer.  Sophia,  the  mother 
of  the  Grand  Prince,  having  been  told  of  this,  had  it  publicly  seized, 
and  the  two  young  princes,  naturally  much  vexed,  left  the  court  and 
went  to  join  their  father.  By  the  persuasion  of  these  fugitives  Yuri 
having  collected  an  army,  suddenly  attacked  Vasili,  .made  him 
prisoner,  and  overran  Muscovy.  By  the  advice  of  one  of  his  boyards 
named  Simeon  Morozof,  he  granted  Kolomna  to  his  nephew  as  an 
appanage  and  seated  himself  at  Moscow.  But  the  boyards  there  were 
not  willing  to  see  the  new  rule  of  succession  thus  rudely  set  aside^ 
"  Public  opinion,"  says  Mr.  Kelly,  "  disarmed  as  it  was,  yet  stronger  than 
a  victor,  neutralised  his  victory ;  priests,  people,  nobles,  all  disavowed 
him.  The  entire  population  of  the  great  Moscow  followed  the  lineal 
heir  into  his  banishment ;  the  conqueror,  struck  with  dismay,  remained 
alone  ;  and,  vanquished  by  this  terrific  insulation,  he  descended  from  his 
solitary  throne,  and  restored  it  to  the  legitimate  heir."§  ^  Yuri's  two  sons 

•  Karamzin,  v.  304-307-  t  Golden  Horde,  386.  \  Karamzin,  v.  308. 

S  Op.  cit.,  i.  97, 
I  N 


avenged  themselves  on  their  father's  adviser  Morozof  by  assassinating 
him.  Vasili  returned  to  his  capital  in  triumph,  the  vast  crowd  of  people, 
in  the  quaint  words  of  the  old  annalists,  "  surging  about  him  like  bees 
about  their  queen,"*  but  his  triumph  was  short-lived.  Pusillanimity 
seemed  to  control  his  council,  and  Yuri,  having  continued  the  struggle 
notwithstanding  his  promises,  successfully  contended  against  his  armies, 
again  occupied  Moscow,  and  captured  Vasili's  mother  and  wife,  while 
the  latter  fled  successively  to  Mologa,  Kostroma,  and  Nijni  Novgorod. 
Yuri,  having  taken  the  title  of  Grand  Prince,  almost  immediately  after 
died,  at  the  age  of  sixty.  In  his  will,  which  had  apparently  been  made 
in  his  days  of  comparative  obscurity,  he  had  not  provided  for  the  new 
state  of  things.  He  merely  divided  his  own  appanage,  and  ordered  his 
sons  to  contribute  1,026  roubles  towards  the  tribute  of  7,000  roubles 
which  the  Grand  Prince  had  to  pay  to  the  horde. 

Vasili  the  Squinter,  notwithstanding,  had  himself  proclaimed  his 
father's  successor,  but  his  brothers  refused  to  acknowledge  him,  and 
drove  him  away  from  Moscow.  They  were  duly  rewarded  by  Vasili 
Vasilovitch,  who  was  once  more  seated  on  the  throne,  Shemiaka 
receiving  as  his  portion  Uglitch  and  Kief.t  The  Squinter  took  up  arms 
and  ravaged  the  borders  of  Muscovy  and  the  principality  of  Novgorod, 
and  the  Grand  Prince,  who  suspected  his  brother  Shemiaka's  fidelity, 
had  him  seized  and  imprisoned  at  Moscow.  In  a  struggle  which  ensued 
between  the  two  Vasilis  ;  the  son  of  Vasili  captured  his  rival  the  Squinter 
and  had  his  eyes  put  out,  and  he  passed  the  remainder  of  his  life  in 
obscurity.  Shemiaka  was  released  and  restored  to  his  appanage,  on  con- 
dition of  his  returning  the  treasures  which  his  father  had  carried  off  from 
Moscow.t  Soon  after  the  Grand  Prince  punished  the  temerity  of  the 
Novgorodians,  who  had  imposed  a  tribute  of  50,000  squirrel  and  240 
sable  skins  on  Ustiughe,  a  dependency  of  Muscovy,  by  himself  com- 
pelling a  payment  of  8,000  roubles. 

Meanwhile  the  Russians  continued  to  pay  their  tribute  regularly  to  the 
Tartar  Khan  Muhammed.  The  latter's  reign  at  Serai  was,  however, 
drawing  to  a  close.  I  have  mentioned  how  he  was  troubled  with 
a  rival  named  Kuchuk  Muhammed,  or  Little  Muhammed.  The  latter 
now  {i.e.y  in  the  year  1437)  finally  drove  him  away  from  his  capital. 
Ulugh  Muhammed  sought  refuge  in  Russia,  where  he  expected  to  be  well 
received  by  Vasili.  He  was,  on  the  contrary,  ordered  to  leave  the 
country  immediately.  The  Russians  prepared  an  army  to  enforce  this 
order,  but  with  a  most  craven  disposition  it  broke  to  pieces  and  fled 
at  the  sight  of  the  very  inferior  forces  possessed  by  Muhammed ;  so 
inferior  that  he  could  not  follow  them  up,  but  deemed  it  wiser  to  retire. 
He  crossed  the  land  of  the  Mordvins  into  Bulgaria,  which  had  been 
terribly  ravaged  by  the  Russians  in  1399.    There  he  rebuilt  the  city  of 

*  Karamzin,  v,  314.  t  Id.,  317.  I  td.,  321* 

NOTES.  -  283 

Kazan  and  became  the  founder  of  a  separate  empire,  known  as  the 
Khanate  of  Kazan,  on  which  a  separate  chapter  will  follow. 

We  are  told  that  Ulugh  Muhammed  had  wearied  out  his  people  by  his 
continual  migrations.  He  had  so  dragged  his  court  from  place  to 
place  that  they  had  no  leisure  in  which  to  sow  or  reap  their  harvest,  and 
there  had  been  great  scarcity  of  grain  among  them.*  Driven  away 
from  Serai,  the  family  of  Tuka  Timur  continued  to  rule  both  at  Kazan 
and  in  the  Krim,  under  which  heads  their  future  fortunes  are  traced  out. 

Note  I. — The  land  occupied  by  the  White  Horde  is  one  of  the  least 
known  parts  of  Asia.  Once  dotted  with  flourishing  towns,  these  have  long 
since,  for  the  niost  part,  disappeared,  and  are  now  marked  merely  by  ruins 
or  mounds.  As  the  country  has  been  little  explored,  we  can  only  in  a  few 
cases  fix  the  sites  of  the  old  settlements. 

It  would  seem  that  the  land  of  the  White  Horde  was  conterminous  largely 
with  that  occupied  by  the  Oghuz  Turks  of  the  Arab  writers.  Thus  it  included 
the  lower  Jaxartes  and  the  valley  through  which  it  flows,  the  western  part  of 
the  Alexandrofski  range,  the  valley  of  the  Sarisu,  the  Ulugh  Tagh  and  Kuchuk 
Tagh  mountains,  and  the  present  camping  ground  of  the  Middle  Horde  of  the 
Kirghiz  Kazaks.  Its  boundary  on  the  east,  where  it  was  conterminous  with 
the  Khanate  of  Jagatai,  is  very  uncertain.  Von  Hammer  enumerates  Sighnak, 
Otrar,  and  Taras  as  its  chief  towns,!  and  we  find  that  in  Ssanang  Setzen  the 
Golden  Horde  is  spoken  of  as  the  Khanate  of  Togmak,  which  name  it  doubt- 
less derived  from  the  town  of  Togmak  on  the  Chu.  This  seems  to  show  what 
is  otherwise  probable,  that  it  included  all  the  valley  of  the  Chu,  a  famous  river 
which  loses  itself,  after  a  considerable  flow,  in  the  sands  of  Karakum.  On  the 
north  it  was  apparently  limited  by  the  Khanate  of  Sheiban,  which  we  shall 
describe  in  a  later  chapter,  on  the  west  by  the  Horde  of  Batu,  on  the  south-east 
by  the  Alexandrofski  mountains,  and  on  the  south-west  by  the  deserts  of 
Kizil  kum,  which  separated  it  from  Khuarezm. 

As  I  have  said,  this  country  is  at  present  singularly  unexplored.  Once  it 
was  no  doubt  a  very  thriving  region.  We  have  reason  to  believe  that  the  Chu 
once  rose  in  lake  Issikul  and  flowed  into  the  Caspian,  and  that  the  Talas  and  the 
Sari  Su  were  its  tributaries.  Its  banks  were  thickly  peopled,  and  its  borders 
irrigated  with  artificial  canals.  The  district  was  traversed,  too,  by  the  great 
highway  which  in  Mongol  times  connected  the  East  and  West,  and  was  then 
much  frequented.  We  can  only  throw  a  partial  light  on  the  topographical 
riddles  that  meet  us  at  every  turn.     First  let  us  consider  this  trade  route. 

The  problem  of  tracing  out  some  of  the  vaguely  described  journeys  of 
ancient  travellers  is  much  facilitated  by  certain  physical  features  which  limit 
our  hypotheses  very  considerably.     Oceans  cannot  be  crossed  without  ships, 

*  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  346.  t  Golden  Horde,  329, 


nor  high  mountain  ranges  by  large  armies  except  at  certain  passes.  This  is 
familiar  enough,  but  it  is  hardly  as  familiar  that  deserts  are  almost  as 
impassable  as  oceans,  and  that  we  cannot  therefore  hypothecate  a  direct  march 
from  one  point  to  another  unless  we  know  the  nature  of  the  intervening 
country.  It  is  the  necessity  of  avoiding  physical  barriers  that  makes  ancient 
trade  routes  in  the  East  so  persistent ;  perhaps  more  persistent  than  any 
human  institutions.  The  great  trade  route  from  China  to  Persia,  which  was 
travelled  by  Chinese  as  well  as  Western  travellers,  led  by  all  accounts  along 
the  northern  slopes  of  the  Alexandrofski  range  and  by  the  road  which  still 
remains  the  only  route  from  Togmak  to  Avlie  Ata.  It  is  well  delineated  in 
Colonel  Walker's  capital  map  of  Central  Asia.  In  traversing  this  district  it 
crosses  the  very  numerous  head  streams  of  the  Chu,  which  spread  out  like  a 
fan,  and  form  the  well  known  Ming  Bulak  or  thousand  springs,  to  which  I 
shall  presently  refer.  Between  Togmak  and  Avlie  Ata  its  course  is  pretty 
nearly  east  and  west,  and  is  bounded  on  the  south  by  the  impenetrable 
Alexandrofski  mountains. 

At  Avlie  Ata  the  mountain  range  is  broken  by  a  gorge  through  which  flows 
the  river  Talas  or  Taras.  This  gorge  forms  one  of  the  most  important  passes 
in  the  world;  the  pass  which  connects  Iran  and  Turun,  and  by  which  it  is 
probable  that  many  of  the  earlier  nomadic  invaders  of  Persia  entered  the 
valley  of  the  Jaxartes.  This  important  site,  now  marked  by  the  town  of  Avlie 
Ata,  was  formerly  the  meeting  place  of  two  distinct  trade  routes.  One  of 
them  has  been  almost  discontinued,  and  formerly  led  westwards  along  the 
northern  slopes  of  the  mountains  towards  the  sea  of  Aral.  The  Uzbegs  and 
other  nomades  have  swept  away  its  towns  and  made  it  otherwise  imprac- 
ticable. The  other  route  is  still  frequented,  and  goes  through  the  gorge  to  the 
south-west  to  Chimkend.  From  the  fact  of  two  great  roads  meeting  there,  and 
from  the  fact  also  of  its  being  the  only  feasible  trade  route  across  the 
mountains,  the  gorge  I  have  referred  to  must  always  have  been  a  very 
important  station,  and  it  is,  I  believe,  universally  held  now  that  in  former  times 
it  was  commanded  by  the  town  of  Taras,  and  that  Taras  occupied  a  site  not  far 
from  the  modern  Avlie  Ata. 

"Avlie  Ata  owes  its  name,"  says  Mr.  Schuyler,  "  to  the  tomb  of  the  patron  saint 
of  the  Khirghiz,  Avlie  Ata  (holy  father),  said  to  have  been  a  certain  Kara  Khan, 
and  a  descendant  of  the  Sheikh  Ahmed  Yasavi,  who  is  buried  at  Turkestan. 
The  tomb  itself,  which  is  an  ordinary  brick  building,  is  in  a  woful  state  of 
dilapidation,  and  is  by  no  means  as  interesting  as  the  similar  monument 
erected  over  the  grave  of  Assa  bibi,  some  female  relation  of  Kara  Khan,  which 
can  be  seen  on  the  road  side,  ten  miles  west  of  the  town.  Ten  miles  below 
Avlie  Ata  on  the  Talas,  amidst  the  sands  of  the  Muyun  Kum,  are  the  ruins  of 
what  was  apparently  a  city  called  by  the  natives  Tiume  Kent,"  which  the 
author  adds,  "  may  perhaps  prove  to  be  those  of  the  city  of  Talas."  Tradition 
says  that  a  maiden  once  lived  there  who  was  beloved  by  the  prince  of  the 
Divs,  giant  spirits  who  dwelt  in  the  neighbouring  mountains.  In  order  to 
prepare  a  fit  residence  for  her,  this  Div  began  to  build  a  city,  and  for  that 
purpose  threw  down  immense  stones  from  the  mountain  of  Makbal.  The  city 
was  never  finished,  but  its  remains  are  still  visible,   called   by  the   natives 

NOTES.  285 

Akhyr  tash  (Akhyr  tepe)  or  Tash  kurgan.  The  legend  may  be  absurd,  but  the 
ruins,  which  are  about  thirty  miles  east  of  Avlie  Ata,*  are  very  curious.  They 
consist  of  an  immense  unfinished  building,  600  feet  by  450  feet,  of  reddish  sand- 
stone, the  lower  layer  of  the  front  being  built  of  large  stones,  7  feet  long  by 
4  feet  broad.  M.  Lerch,  who  investigated  the  river,  thinks  it  was  intended  for  a 
Buddhist  monastery.  The  scattered  stones  are  supposed  by  the  natives  to 
have  been  mangers  or  feeding  troughs  for  an  encampment,  and  hence  the 
name  Akhyr  tash  (stone  manger).  The  Chinese  traveller  Chang  Chun,  who 
passed  here  in  122 1,  says,  "We  travelled  westwards  along  the  hills,  and  after 
seven  or  eight  days  journey  the  mountains  suddenly  turned  to  the  south.  We 
saw  a  city  built  of  red  stone,  and  there  are  the  traces  of  an  ancient  encamp- 
ment. To  the  west  we  saw  great  grave  moulds,  placed  like  the  stars  in  the 
Great  Bear."  These  mounds  also  still  exist,  and  from  a  short  distance  they 
indeed  appear  to  be  seven,  disposed  like  the  seven  stars  of  the  Great  Bear. 
In  reality,  however,  there  are  sixteen  mounds  of  different  sizes,  the  largest 
being  two  hundred  to  two  hundred  and  fifty  paces  in  circumference.  They  are 
called  by  the  Kirghiz  Jitte  tepo  or  the  seven  mounds.  On  one  of  these  M. 
Lerch  found  a  stone  bearing  a  Manchu  inscription,  relative  to  a  victory  of  the 
Chinese  over  the  Sungars  in  lysS.t 

Having  shown  that  there  are  abundant  ruins  to  satisfy  those  who  wish  to 
have  proofs  of  the'  former  existence  in  this  neighbourhood  of  a  large  city,  we 
will  now  pass  on  to  collect  such  notices  of  it  as  we  can  find.  I  propose  to 
begin  my  short  survey  of  this  difficult  area  with  Taras  or  Talas,  as  it  is 
oftener  called.  This  is  probably  one  of  the  oldest  sites  in  the  world.  Edrisi 
writes  the  name  Taran,  and  I  would  suggest  as  possible  that  the  name  Taran, 
the  complement  of  Iran,  is  connected  with  it,  for  Taras  commands  the  main 
pass  which  leads  from  Iran  into  Central  Asia.  It  first  occurs  in  the  pages  of 
Menander  Protector,  who  wrote  towards  the  end  of  the  sixth  century,  and 
who,  in  describing  the  embassy  of  Zemarchus  to  the  Turkish  Khan  Dizabulus 
in  the  year  569,  tells  us  that  while  the  Khan  was  engaged  in  an  expedition 
against  the  Persians,  and  while  his  camp  was  pitched  at  a  place  called  Talas, 
an  ambassador  from  the  Persians  went  to  meet  Dizabulus,  who  invited  him 
and  the  Romans  to  dinner.:}: 

About  the  year  729  Hiuen  Thsang,  the  famous  Chinese  pilgrim,  passed 
through  Taras.  He  tells  us  that  about  400  li  west  of  the  Su  ye  {i.e.,  the  Chu), 
he  arrived  at  Thsien  thsiuen  {i.e.,  the  thousand  springs  answering  to  the 
Mingbulak  of  the  Mongols).  The  country  of  Thsien  thsiuen  was  about  200  li 
square.  On  the  south  it  was  bounded  by  snowy  mountains,  and  on  three  other 
sides  by  continuous  plains.  The  land  was  well  watered  and  the  vegetation 
abundant.  .  .  .  The  Turkish  Khan  went  there  every  year  to  pass  the 
summer  heats.  After  travelling  about  140  li  or  150  li  to  the  west  of  Thsien 
thsiuen,  he  arrived  at  the  town  of  Ta-lo-si.§ 

The  thousand  sources,  called  Thsien  thsiuen  or  Ping  yu  by  the  Chinese, 
Mingbulak  by  the  Mongols,  and  Bin  gul  by  the  Turks,  is  a  name  occurring  in 

*  He  says  above  they  were  ten  miles  below  Avlie  Ata,  and  perhaps  a  different  set  of  ruins  is 
here  meant. 

t  Schuyler's  Turkestan,  ii.  121,  122.  I  Cathay  and  the  Way  Thither,  clxv. 

§  Vivien  St.  Martin,  Memoir  on  Hiuen  Thsang's  Travels,  18. 


several  places,  and  meaning  in  effect  a  well  watered  country.  This  Mingbulak 
which  was  bounded  on  the  south  by  snowy  mountains,  was  doubtless  the 
district  watered  by  the  cluster  of  small  rivers  and  torrents  which  form  the 
head  waters  of  the  Chu,  and  the  Talosi  of  the  Buddhist  traveller  is  no  doubt 
Taras.  In  the  Tang  shu  or  history  of  the  Tang  dynasty,  under  the  article  Shi 
(i.e.,  Shash  or  Tashkend).  We  read  of  Ta-Io-sze  as  a  city  situated  west  of  the 
river  Sui  ye  (i.e.,  the  Chu).* 

In  the  travels  of  Chang  chun,  who  visited  Western  Asia  in  1221,  and  whose 
narrative  is  very  confused,  he  mentions  that  four  days  after  leaving  Almaligh 
he  arrived  at  the  river  Talasu  molien  (i.e.,  the  Talas  muren),  a  river  which  is 
described  as  deep  and  broad,  coming  from  the  east  and  cutting  across  the  Yin 
shan  mountains,  and  running  in  a  north-western  direction.  To  the  south  of 
the  river  were  snow-covered  mountains.f  In  the  Si  shi  ki,  describing  Shang 
tis  journey  westwards  in  1259,  he  tells  us  that  he  passed  Ta  la  S2,e,  without 
mentioning  whether  it  was  a  river  or  a  town.J  In  the  Si  yu  lu  we  are  told 
that  several  hundred  li  to  the  west  of  Hu  sze  wo  lu  do,  the  capital  of  Kara 
Khitai,  which  last  town  was  400  li  from  K'u  jan  (i.e.,  Khojend),  was  the  city 
Ta  la  sze.§  All  these  references  point  to  one  conclusion  only,  namely,  to  the 
Ta  la  sze  of  the  Chinese  being  the  Taras  or  Talas  identified  with  Avlie  Ata. 

Ishtakhri  tells  us  Teraz  was  on  the  extreme  border  between  the  land  of  the 
Turks  and  Mussulmans,  and  that  all  about  there  were  strong  castles,  called  in 
general  after  Terez.    The  region  of  Islam  extended  as  far  as  this  spot.|| 

Let  us  now  turn  to  the  Western  authorities.  Edrisi  calls  the  town  Taran. 
He  says  it  was  a  place  of  passage  for  the  Mussulmans,  who  had  established  forti- 
fications  there  against  the  Khizilji  Turks  with  whom  the  Mussulmans  were  for 
the  most  part  at  war.  When  there  was  peace  between  them  then  there  was 
an  exchange  of  commodities  in  merchandise,  cattle,  furs,  &c.^  This  answers 
exactly  to  the  frontier  town  of  Avlie  Ata,  but  the  fact  is  made  certain 
when  we  examine  the  route  which  he  gives  from  Samarkand  to  Taran,  which 
we  can  trace  step  by  step  to  Isfidjab,  now  called  Chimkent,  whence  it  was 
three  days'  journey  to  Taran,  with  one  intervening  station  at  Badakh  kath, 
between  which  and  Taran  was  a  wild  country  without  inhabitants  or 

In  a  work  quoted  by  Quatremere  as  the  Mesalek  alabsar  fi  memalek  alamsar, 
whose  author  was  born  in  the  year  700  and  died  in  749  hej.,  we  are  told  it  was 
tv/enty  days'  journey  from  Samarkand  to  Yanghi,  and  that  Yanghi  consisted 
of  four  towns,  separated  from  each  other  by  a  distance  of  a  fersenkh  each. 
They  all  had  distinct  names,  and  were  known  as  Yanghi,  Yanghi  baligh, 
Kanchuk,  and  In  the  Tarakhi  Rashidi  we  read  that  Taras  was  called 
Yanghi  by  the  Mongols,  and  that  there  were  many  people  of  Yanghi  in  Mavera 
un  nehr  who  were  called  Yangelik.  In  the  steppe  of  Yanghi,  says  its  author, 
are  found  the  remains  of  several  cities,  and  of  domes,  minarets,  and  schools, 
but  he  adds,  it  is  not  known  which  of  these  ancient  cities  was  Yanghi  or  what 

•  Bretschneider,  Notices  of  Mediaeval  Geography,  &c.,  59. 

t  Bretschneider,  Notes  on  Mediseval  Travellers,  &c.,  34.  ;  /^., 

§  Jd.,  114,  115.  II  Ishtakhri,  published  by  Ousely  as  Ibn  Hauka),  269. 

1  Edrisi  ed.,  Jaubert,  ii.  208,  209.  **  Id,  214. 

tt  Quatremere  Notices  et  Extracts,  xiii.  224-226. 

NOTES.  287 

were  the  names  of  the  others.*  In  the  Geography  of  Heft  Iklim  we  are  told 
that  Taras  was  formerly  a  celebrated  town,  then  destroyed  by  the  Uzbegs.  Its 
environs,  to  which  the  name  of  Taras  was  given,  were  desert.t  Baber  and  the 
Akbar  Nameh  seem  to  confuse  Yanghi  and  Otrar,  and  Klaproth  and  others 
among  modern  writers  have  confused  it  with  Yassy  or  Turkestan. 

Having  fixed  the  site  of  Taras,  let  us  now  proceed  further.  There  is  a 
passage  in  the  history  of  the  Kara  Khitai  which  has  not  hitherto  been  rightly 
explained.  We  are  told  that  after  the  Gurkhan  had  conquered  the  country 
which  he  ruled  over,  he  appointed  governors  from  Kum  kidjik  (Le.,  the  desert 
of  Kipchak)  to  Barsedjan,  and  from  Taras  to  Tamdj  (i.e.,  to  Tamghadj  or 
Taugas)  answering  to  Uighuristan. 

Barsedjan  has  been  a  puzzle  to  most  inquirers.  Dr.  Bretschneider  says 
that  Du  Halde,  in  the  map  of  China  appended  to  his  history  of  China  in  1734, 
places  Bersagian  la  haute  or  Sairam  on  the  river  Talas.j  This  name  of 
Sairam  reminds  us  that  Mirkhond  associates  a  Kara  Sairam  with  Taras,  and 
tells  us  it  was  a  vast  town,  a  day's  journey  from  end  to  end,  having  forty  gates, 
and  inhabited  by  Mussulmans,  and  that  it  belonged  to  Kaidu.g  On  turning 
to  Edrisi  we  find  him  mentioning  two  Barsedjans ;  Upper  Barsedjan,  remote 
from  the  neighbourhood  we  are  describing,  and  Lower  Barsedjan,  a  town 
surrounded  with  inhabitants  and  cultivated  fields,  and  thirty-three  miles  from 
Taran  or  Taras. ||  Again,  reporting  the  famous  voyage  made  by  the  Arab  Salam 
among  the  Turks  in  the  ninth  century,  he  tells  us  that  in  returning  homewards 
from  the  East  he  came  by  way  of  Gharian,  Barsedjan,  and  Taran  to 
Samarkand.^  These  extracts  seem  to  show  that  Barsedjan  was  situated  on  the 
grand  route  to  the  East  some  thirty-three  miles  from  Taran,  which  agrees  very 
well  with  the  site  of  the  ruin  of  red  stones  mentioned  by  Mr.  Schuyler,  which 
he  tells  us  was  thirty  miles  east  of  Avlie  Ata,  and  which  he  seems  to  have  con- 
fused with  other  ruins  some  ten  miles  further  down  the  Talas  than  Avlie  Ata, 
as  I  have  mentioned.  On  journeying  eastwards  from  Taras  the  first  important 
place  met  with  is  the  fort  of  Togmak  on  the  Chu.  Mr.  Schuyler  says,  "  The 
old  town  of  Togmak,  of  which  only  undistinguishable  ruins  remain,  was  about 
fifteen  miles  above  the  present  one,  which  is  a  small  place  with  a  Russian 
population  of  800,  and  is  on  the  site  of  a  Khokandian  fort  captured  in  iSeo."** 
Togmak  must  have  been  of  great  importance  in  mediaeval  times,  for  it  gave  a 
name  to  the  Khanate  of  Kipchak. 

The  name  Togmak,  as  Dr.  Schmidt  says,  was  used  by  the  Mongols  to 
designate  the  Khanate  of  Kipchak.  Ssanang  Setzen,  whose  geography  is  not 
very  clear,  applies  the  name  also  to  the  empire  of  Khuarezm.ft  He  calls  Juchi 
"  Khan  of  Togmak,"|J  and  speaks  of  the  ruler  of  Togmak  in  1452  as  a 
descendant  of  Juchi.  §§  Abd  el  Razzak,  in  describing  Timur's  campaign  in 
1391,  calls  the  people  of  Kipchak  Togmaks,  and  after  their  victory  the  soldiers 
of  Timur  sang  a  song  in  which  they  boasted  of  being  the  vanquishers  of  the 

Rubruquis,  as  I  have  mentioned,  ||||   having  on  his  journey  towards  Kara- 

*  Veliaminof  Zernof,  op.  cit.,  ii.  156. "  t  Quatremere,  loc.  cit. 

I  Notices,  &c.,  37,        §  Quatremere,  Notices  et  Extracts.        |1  Op.  cit.,  ii.  217.        1  Id.,  ii.  420. 
**fd.,n.i26.       tt  Op.  cit.,  87  and  383.  Note,  41.       llld.,iii>       §§ /<i..  165.       M  Ante,  87, 


korum  travelled  southwards  for  eight  days  from  certain  alps  or  mountains, 
which  were  doubtless  the  Urtagh  chain  and  its  shoulders,  arrived  at  a  well 
watered  and  cultivated  plain,  bounded  on  the  south  by  high  mountains,  and 
entered  a  town  which  the  Saracens  (i.e.,  the  Muhammedans)  called  Kenchat, 
and  which  was  watered  by  a  large  river  which  sprang  in  the  mountains,  and 
was  lost  eventually  in  the  sands,  and  was  six  days'  journey  from  Talas. 
Mr.  Schuyler  has  identified  Kenchat  with  Merke,  and  I  followed  him  in  so 
doing,*  but  I  am  now  convinced  that  Togmak  must  have  been  the  town  other- 
wise called  Kenchuk.  The  distance  from  Taras,  as  given  by  Rubruquis,  suits 
it  better  than  Merke,  where  Mr.  Schuyler  puts  it,  and  it  is  further  the  con- 
verging point  of  the  trade  route  along  the  north  of  the  mountains  and  that 
east  of  the  river  Chu,  which  latter  seems  to  have  been  followed  by  Rubruquis. 
Taras  and  Kenchuk  are  associated  together  several  times  by  the  Persian 
writers.  Thus  Rashid  ud  din  speaks  of  the  meadows  of  Talas  and  Kenchuk, 
and  Haidar  Razi  talks  of  •'  the  meadows  of  Talas  and  Kenchuk,  which  are 
commonly  called  Meske  and  Taraz."  The  two  places  were  at  each  end  of  the 
well  watered  tract  of  Ming  bulak,  and  the  whole  district  was  thus  well  described 
by  its  limiting  towns. 

Kenchuk  was  apparently  a  new  name  given  to  the  town  after  the  Mongol 
conquest,  for  I  do  not  meet  with  it  before.  It  is  in  form  similar  to  Seraichuk, 
and  may  be  a  corruption  of  Kent  or  Kcnd,  a  town,  and  Kuchuk,  small. 

Having  examined  the  topography  of  the  country  east  of  Taras,  let  us  now 
turn  to  that  west  of  that  city.  Here,  unfortunately,  we  have  but  scant 
information.  The  road  followed  by  nearly  all  travellers  was  through  the  gorge 
at  Avlie  Ata,  and  down  upon  the  Jaxartes  by  Chimkent,  a  route  which  is  well 
known.  For  information  as  to  the  road  westwards  along  the  northern  flanks 
of  the  Alexandrofski  range,  we  are  in  fact  limited  to  one  writer,  namely,  the 
Armenian  royal  traveller  Haithon.  He  went  to  visit  Mangu,  as  I  have  men- 
tioned, and  travelled  from  Cilicia  by  way  of  the  Kipchak.  It  would  seem  that 
it  was  his  intention  to  return  by  the  same  route.  When  he  therefore  reached 
Taras  on  his  way  home,  and  there  had  an  interview  with  Khulagu,  he  tells  us 
he  there  turned  to  the  north-west,  and  came  successively  to  Kutukchin,  Berkent, 
and  Sukulkhan,  none  of  which  places  are  apparently  named  elsewhere,  but 
they  were  doubtless  on  the  main  route  from  Avlie  Ata  to  Suzak,  He  then 
reached  Urusokan.  Ur  is  a  particle  occurring  in  many  Turkish  names,  as 
Urtepe,  Urtagh,  &c.,  and  simply  means  high.  Usokan  is  assuredly  but  a  form 
Uzkend.  Uzkend  was  one  of  the  cities  captured  by  Juchi,  as  I  have  men- 
tioned, and  I  have  also  shown  that  this  Uzkend  was  not  the  Uzkend  on  the 
eastern  limits  of  Ferghanah,  but  was  situated  much  further  west.  It  is  not  at 
all  improbable  that  it  was  the  same  place  which  Haithon  calls  Urusokan. 

Let  us  follow  his  further  steps.  After  leaving  the  latter  place  he  passed 
Kayi  kent  (?),  and  then  arrived  at  Khuzak.  This  is  identified  by  Mr.  Schuyler 
with  great  probability  with  Suzak,  a  well  known  town  marked  on  Colonel 
Walker's  map,  and  mentioned  in  the  account  of  M.  Mazarof's  journey  to 
Tashkend  in  1813.     He  reached  it  after  crossing  the  Chu  and  crossing  some 

*  Ante,  By. 

NOTES.  289 

sands  beyond.*  After  leaving  Suzak  our  traveller  passed  successively  Kamotz, 
Khendakhoir,  and  Sighnak. 

Slghnak  w^as  a  famous  town,  the  capital  of  the  White  Horde,  and  it  is  curious 
that  its  site  should  be  quite  unknown.  Haithon,  in  speaking  of  it,  says,  "  There 
is  the  mount  Kharchuk  whence  the  Seljuks  came  and  where  mount  Thoros 
begins."  The  mountains  of  Kharchuk  were  no  doubt  the  range  of  Kara  Tau,  in 
which  the  river  Kara  Ichuk,  a  tributary  of  the  Jaxartes,  springs.  Klaproth  says 
Sighnak  was  situated  on  the  Muskan,  a  tributary  on  the  right  of  the  Jaxartes, 
which  had  its  origin  in  the  Karachuk  mountains.!  He  does  not  cite  his 
authority,  but  the  position  is  in  itself  probable.  Sherifuddin  speaks  of  Sabran 
and  Sighnak  as  the  two  frontier  towns  of  Turkestan,  and  tells  us  Sighnak  was 
situated  four-and-twenty  miles  from  Otrar,  while  the  biographical  work  entitled 
Tabakatol  hanefiyet  of  Kesevi  speaks  of  it  as  being  near  the  town  of  Yassy.J 
Vambery,  I  know  not  on  what  authority,  says  it  was  united  to  Jend  by  a 
canal. §  These  various  hints  point  to  the  neighbourhood  of  Babai  kurgan 
(which  is  named  on  Colonel  Walker's  map)  as  the  most  likely  site  for  the 
capital  of  the  White  Horde.  It  would  therefore  seem  that  Haithon  on  leaving 
Suzak  crossed  the  mountains  by  the  Bivpik  pass,  and  went  to  Sighnak. 
Thence  he  retraced  his  steps  again  to  pay  a  visit  to  Sertak,  who  was  on  his 
way  to  Mangu  Khan.  After  which  he  returned  to  Sighnak,  and  thence  went 
on  to  Sabran,  which  he  tells  us  was  extremely  large.  Sabran  is  a  well  known 
site  on  the  main  route  from  Yanghi-kent  to  Turkestan,  and  is  marked  on 
Colonel  Walker's  map.  Edrisi  says  that  Sabran  was  a  town  where  the  Ghuz 
met  to  make  peace  or  a  truce,  and  to  trade  in  times  of  peace.  He  tells  us  it 
depended  on  Nukath,  the  capital  of  Ilak.[|  In  another  place  he  tells  us  that 
after  passing  Sabran  one  enters  the  desert  of  the  Ghuzzes.^  Its  site  was 
passed  by  Schuyler  a  little  above  the  Russian  fort  of  Julek.  He  says  its  ruins 
lay  some  distance  from  the  post  station,  so  that  he  could  not  visit  them. 
"  They  were  noted  a  few  years  ago  for  containing  two  tall  brick  towers  or 
minarets  of  very  graceful  construction,  having  spiral  staircases  within.  One 
of  them  fell  a  few  years  ago,  and  as  the  other  was  greatly  injured  by  the 
Kirghiz,  it  is  now  also  probably  in  ruins."**  From  Sabran,  Haithon  went  to 
Kharchuk,  situated  doubtless  on  the  river  of  the  same  name,  flowing  between 
Sabran  and  Turkestan,  and  then  went  on  to  Yasun  (i.e.,  Yassy),  the  old  name 
for  the  town  of  Turkestan,  recently  visited  by  Mr.  Schuyler,  and  whose 
description  will  occupy  us  in  a  later  chapter.  From  Yassy  our  traveller  went 
on  to  Savri,  which  is  probably  to  be  identified  with  the  ruins  north  of  the  river 
Aris,  marked  in  Colonel  Walker's  map.  The  next  station  he  reached  was  the 
famous  Otrar,  whose  ruins  are  still  to  be  seen  a  little  to  the  south  of  the  river 
Aris.  It  was  a  famous  city  in  early  times,  and  we  have  described  how  the 
truculence  of  its  governor  led  to  the  invasion  of  the  Khuarezmian  empire  by 
Jingis  Khan,  and  how  his  people  wreaked  their  vengeance  upon  it.  It  was 
also  at  Otrar  that  the.  Great  Timur  died.  It  first  appears  under  the  name  of 
Otrar  in  the  thirteenth  century,  and  was  previously  known  as  Farab.  It  is 
mentioned  by   and  seems  to  have  been  the  capital  of  a  small 

*  Levchine,  Kirghiz  Kazaks,  104.  |  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  285.    Note. 

I  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  11.     Note,  8.  $  History  of  Bokhara,  124. 

II  Op,  cit.,  ii.  208.  %  Id.,  209.  **  Op.  cit.,  i.  68.  tt  Ouseley's  ed.,  passim, 



territory,  a  position  which  it  retained  after  its  change  of  name,  for  in  the 
Chinese  account  of  the  travels  of  Yelu  Chutsai,*  it  is  said  ten  other  cities 
were  dependent  on  it.  In  Pegolotti's  land  routes  to  Cathay,  compiled  in  the 
first  half  of  the  fourteenth  century,  we  are  told  Oltrarre  was  forty-five  days' 
journey  with  pack  asses  from  Almaligh,  while  it  was  a  journey  of  thirty-five  or 
forty  days  with  camel  waggons  from  Urgenj.t  As  Colonel  Yule  says,  Otrar 
was  the  great  frontier  city  between  the  Khanates  of  Kipchak  and  Jagatai, 
and  we  find  it,  with  the  other  towns  of  the  White  Horde,  assigned  as 
the  appanage  of  Toktamish  by  his  patron  Timur. 

On  leaving  Otrar  Haithon  crossed  the  Jaxartes  and  went  on  by  way  of 
Zernuk,  whose  ruins  are  marked  on  several  maps,  on  the  left  bank  of  the 
Jaxartes  and  Jizak,  which  still  retains  its  name,  and  so  on  to  Samarkand. 

We  have  not  completed  our  survey  of  the  towns  of  the  White  Horde,  and 
still  have  to  consider  those  which  were  to  the  west  of  Sighnak.  In  speaking 
of  the  ntountains  of  Kharchuk,  Haithon  says  they  began  with  Taurus  and 
reached  to  Parchin.  This  will  be  recognised  as  the  name  of  a  mint  place  of 
the  Golden  Horde.  Among  the  towns  captured  by  Juchi  in  his  first  campaign 
was  Barchin,  otherwise  called  Barkhaligkent.  It  is  called  Barjen  in  the  Yuan 
shi,  and  Barchilikan  in  the  Chinese  map  published  by  Dr.  Bretschneider.|  It 
is  mentioned  by  Carpini  under  the  name  Barchin. §  These  are  all  the  notices 
of  the  town  known  to  me,  and  it  seems  to  have  been  situated  at  the  western 
termination  of  the  long  chain  of  mountains  known  now  as  the  Alexandrofski 
range,  where  all  accounts  agree  that  the  country  is  strewn  with  ruins  as  yet 
unexplored.  Between  this  point  and  Suzak  is  the  station  of  Ak  Sumba, 
marking  no  doubt  one  of  Timur's  halting  places  on  his  journey  towards  the 
Urtagh,  and  which  he  calls  Ak  Saman. 

Let  us  now  examine  the  towns  on  the  Lower  Jaxartes.  Of  these  the  most 
important  in  every  way  was  Yanghi  kent.  Yanghi  kent  simply  means  new 
town,  a  name  which  is  in  some  measure  misleading,  since  it  is  mentioned  in 
early  days.  Mr.  Erskine  tells  us  it  is  the  Alkariah  al  jadideh  of  the  Arabs.|| 
It  is  mentioned  by  Masudi  under  the  name  of  Haditse  (tr.,  "  the  new  ").  He 
tells  us  it  was  situated  a  fersenkh  from  the  Sihun  or  Jaxartes,  and  two  days' 
journey  from  its  outfall  into  the  lake  of  Khuarezm.  He  tells  us  further,  it  was 
the  chief  winter  residence  of  the  ruler  of  the  Oghuz  Turks.«[  Edrisi,  in 
describing  the  course  of  the  Sihun  or  Jaxartes,  tells  us  that  after  passing 
Sabran  it  entered  the  desert  of  the  Ghuz,  and  passed  at  a  distance  of  three 
miles  from  the  town  of  Ghozzia  the  New,  and  then  fell  into  the  lake  of 
Khuarezm  at  two  days'  journey  from  that  town.  He  tells  us  this  town  was  the 
capital  of  the  Ghuz  and  the  winter  residence  of  their  ruler,  and  that  Mussul- 
mans were  found  there.  It  was  twelve  days'  journey  from  Khuarezm  and 
twenty  from  Farab  or  Otrar.**  Carpini  mentions  the  town  under  the  name  of 
Jane  kin.  Abulfeda  tells  us  Yanghi  kent  was  situated  on  a  river  which  fell  into 
the  lake  of  Khuarezm.  It  was  ten  days' journey,  he  says,  from  Urgenj,  twenty 
from  Otrar,  and  twenty-five  leagues  from 

•  Bretschneider,  Notes  on  Mediaeval  Travellers.  &c.,  115. 

t  Cathay  and  the  Way  Thither,  288.  J  Notices  of  Mediaeval  Geography,  193,  et  passim. 

5  Ed.  Dav..  750.  IBaber,  II.    Note,  6.  f  D'Ohsson,  Abul  Cassim.  147. 

••  Op.  cit.,  ed.  Jaubert,  ii.  aog,  210.  1 1  D'Avezac,  op.  cit.,  513.    Note,  2. 

NOTES.  291 

Levchine  tells  us  its  ruins  are  situated  at  a  distance  of  an  hour's  ride  on 
horseback  from  the  Syr  or  Jaxartes,  and  a  day's  journey  from  its  mouth.  In 
the  last  century  it  belonged  to  the  Karakalpaks.  Gladychef,  who  was  sent  on 
a  mission  to  these  people  in  1742,  found  the  town  then  in  ruins,  but  its 
ramparts  and  towers  still  remained,  and  the  Khan  of  the  Karakalpaks  lived 
inside  the  enclosure.  It  was  afterwards  occupied  by  the  Kirghiz  Kazaks,  who 
reported  that  its  primitive  inhabitants  had  been  driven  away  by  serpents.* 

M.  Lerch  explored  the  ruins  of  Yanghi  kent  in  1867.  He  opened  several  of 
the  mounds,  and  found  various  articles  of  pottery  and  household  ware,  but 
nothing  which  could  enable  the  age  of  the  ruins  to  be  ascertained. f 

Another  town  of  the  Lower  Jaxartes,  which  was  captured  by  the  army  of 
Juchi  Khan,  and  which  occurs  frequently  in  Eastern  history,  is  Jend  or  Jund. 
I  have  no  doubt  it  is  the  Kojend  of  Edrisi  (not  to  be  confounded,  of  course, 
with  his  Khojend  much  further  east).  He  mentions  it  as  one  of  the  three 
cities  of  the  Ghuz  on  the  Lower  Jaxartes.]:  Masudi  expressly  calls  it  Jend,  in 
a  passage  which  was  probably  copied  by  Edrisi.§  It  is  very  probable  that 
the  name  Lemfinc,  a  town  mentioned  in  this  neighbourhood  by  Carpini,  is  a 
blundered  legend  for  Jend. 

M.  Lerch,  who  has  studied  the  archasology  of  Turkestan  so  diligently,  fixes 
the  site  of  Jend  at  some  ruins  on  the  right  bank  of  the  Jaxartes,  between  the 
fort  of  Kazalinsk  and  that  known  as  No.  2.  Of  this  famous  city,  where  the 
founder  of  the  family  of  the  Seljuki  adopted  Islam  and  also  died,  there  only 
remain  some  mounds  of  rubbish  and  some  tombstones  with  Arabic  inscriptions. 
Its  bricks  have  been  largely  used  by  the  modem  Kazaks  to  build  their 
mausoleums  with.||  I  may  add  that  the  third  town  of  the  Ghuz  on  the 
Jaxartes  is  called  Khuara  by  Masudi.  The  name  is  written  Hawara  in  the 
translation  of  Edrisi. 

Note  2. — In  the  following  tables  I  have  endeavoured  to  reconstruct  the 
family  tree  of  the  Royal  houses  descended  from  Orda  Ichen,  as  contained  in 
the  previous  chapter. 

Orda  Ichen. 

Kubinji  or  Kochi. 



1                           1                             II 
Koblokum.        Tok  Timur.        Buka  Timur.        Mongatai. 






Mubarek  Khoja. 


Urus  Khan. 


Timur  Malik  Khan. 


Borrak  Khan. 

Timur  Kutlugh  Khan. 

Shadibeg  Khan.               Pulad  Khan. 

Timur  Khan. 

Hist,  des  Kirghiz  Kazaks,  114.  t  Schuyler,  op.  cit.,  68  and  401.  %  Op.  cit.,  ii.  209. 

%  D'Ohsson,  op.  cit.,  147.  II  Russische  Revue.,  i.  31. 




WE  have  now  reached  a  notable  crisis  in  the  history  of  the 
Golden  Horde,  whose  eastern  half  had  become  independent 
of  the  ruler  of  Serai,  and  was,  as  I  shall  show  in  a 
future  chapter,  the  subject  of  contention  between  the  Kirghiz  Kazaks  and 
the  Uzbegs.  Its  western  half  was  also  undergoing  disintegration.  The 
northern  districts  of  Bulghar  were  subject  to  Ulugh  Muhammad,  and  I 
shall  follow  their  fortunes  in  a  later  chapter  on  Kazan.  In  the  south- 
west a  new  and  vigorous  branch  of  the  Tartars,  founded  a  separate 
and  substantive  Khanate  in  the  Krim,  and  dominated  probably  also 
over  the  Circassians.  On  this  also  I  shall  have  much  to  say  in  future 
chapters.  Meanwhile  we  find  in  the  west  and  in  the  country  included 
between  the  Don  and  the  Dnieper,  and  probably  for  a  while  also  in  the 
Krim,  a  third  more  or  less  independent  sovereignty  set  up  by  a  chief 
named  Seyid  Ahmed. 

This  person  has  been  identified  by  Von  Hammer*  and  others  with 
Abusaid  Janibeg,  the  son  of  Borrak  Khan,  an  identification  in  which  I 
cannot  concur,  and  which  seems  to  me  quite  misleading,  nor  is  it  based, 
so  far  as  I  can  see,  on  any  evidence  save  mere  conjecture.  I  believe 
that  this  Seyid  Ahmed  was  the  same  person  already  mentioned,!  who 
was  set  up  as  Khan  for  a  short  time  on  the  deposition  of  Chekre,  and 
then  almost  immediately  deposed  because  of  his  youth  and  inexperience. 
As  at  that  time  Borrak  Khan  was  still  living,  it  is  exceedingly  improbable 
and  contrary  to  Tartar  notions  to  suppose  that  his  grandson  should  have 
been  then  nominated  as  Khan.  The  only  statement  I  can  find  in  any 
Eastern  author  as  to  his  origin  is  in  the  Turkish  authority  followed  by 
Langles,  who  has  by  far  the  fullest  details  about  this  crooked  period,  and 
who  tells  us  he  was  a  descendant  of  Toktamish,  but  the  same  writer  tells 
us  just  before,  that  at  this  time  the  family  of  Toktamish  was  extinct.  When 
Seyid  Ahmed  occupied  the  country  between  the  Don  and  the  Dnieper  it 
would  seem  that  he  was  followed  by  a  considerable  body  of  Nogais,  and 
according  to  an  authority  I  have  mislaid,  he  is  looked  upon  by  the  Nogais 

*  Golden  Horde,  38S.  1  Anit,  273. 

KUCHUK   MUHAMMED   KHAN.  .        293 

as  having  introduced  them  into  Europe.  It  may  be,  therefore,  that  he  was 
related  to  the  great  Nogai  leader  Idiku,  who  had  a  son  named  Seyid  Ali. 
The  Russians  named  his  people  "the  Swift,"  which  answers  to  their 
description  in  the  Turkish  annals  and  to  the  style  they  gave  themselves, 
z.<?.,  Tatari  badreftar,  or  *'  Tartars  who  fly  like  the  wind."*  Seyid  Ahmed 
is  mentioned  as  holding  joint  authority  with  Kuchuk  Muhammed  as 
early  as  1434,  when  we  are  told  Vasili  Vasilovitch  sent  his  tribute  to  the 
Khans  of  the  horde,  Kuchuk  Ahmed  and  Seyid  Ahmed.t 

Seyid  Ahmed's  joint  rule  is  a  token  of  the  growing  disintegration  of 
the  Golden  Horde.  Luckily  for  Russia,  a  similar  decay  occurred  at  this 
time  in  the  empire  which  had  so  long  threatened  it  in  the  west,  namely, 
Lithuania.  On  the  death  of  Vitut  he  was  succeeded  by  Suidrigailo, 
brother  of  Yagellon,  who,  as  I  have  mentioned,  reigned  in  Poland,  and 
from  whom  he  tried  to  conquer  the  districts  of  Podolia  and  Volhynia.J 
He  was  on  friendly  terms  with  the  Russians  and  devoted  to  the  Greek 
church,  but  he  was  a  drunkard  and  otherwise  weak,  was  driven 
away  by  his  people,  and  eventually  became  a  shepherd  in  IVloldavia. 
The  Lithuanians  called  in  Sigismund,  the  brother  of  Vitut,  a  cruel 
and  avaricious  tyrant,  who,  we  are  told,  kept  savage  beasts  as 
guardians  of  his  gates.  He  was  assassinated  by  Ivan  and  Alexander, 
princes  of  Chertorisk  and  grandsons  of  Olgerd,  and  was  succeeded  by 
Casimir,  son  of  Yagellon,  whose  brother  Vladislas  was  now  King  of 
Poland.  This  was  in  1440.  On  the  latter's  death  Casimir  once  more 
united  the  crowns  of  Poland  and  Lithuania. § 

We  now  arrive  at  a  famous  crisis  in  the  history  of  the  Greek  Church. 
The  metropolitan  Photius  had  died  in  1431,  and  during  the  next  six 
years  there  was  a  vacancy  in  the  office,  which  Gerassim,  the  metropoHtan 
of  Lithuania,  tried  to  usurp,  but  the  Russian  bishops  would  not  tolerate 
l>im.  A  council  was  at  length  summoned  to  elect  a  new  chief  of  the 
church,  and  the  choice  fell  upon  Jonas,  bishop  of  Riazan  ;  but  mean- 
while the  patriarch  of  Constantinople  had  consecrated  Isidore  of 
Thessalonica,  a  learned  theologian,  equally  versed  in  the  Greek  and  the 
Latin  theology,  and  furthermore  a  friend  of  the  pope,  the  famous 
Eugenius  IV.  At  this  time  the  Imperial  throne  at  Byzantium  was 
occupied  by  John  Palasologus,  who  had  married  the  Russian  princess 
Anne.  He  was  but  a  shadow  of  an  emperor,  and  the  Turks  pressed 
upon  his  borders  more  and  more.  Under  these  circumstances  the  pope 
promised  to  support  him,  and  to  preach  a  European  crusade  against 
the  invaders  on  condition  that  the  Greek  Church  would,  after  an 
impartial  examination  of  the  points  in  dispute  between  themselves  and 
the  Latins,  conform  to  the  decision  of  a  general  GEcumenical  council  to 
be  called  in  Italy.    These  terms  were  agreed  to,  and  the  Emperor  with 

•  Golden  Horde,  394.  t  Id.,  388. 

Latham  Nationalities,  i.  50.       ^  Karamzin,  v.  301,  302.    Lelewel,  Hist,  de  Pologne,  i.  93,  94. 


his  brother  (the  despot  Demetrius),  together  with  Joseph,  the  patriarch 
of  Constantinople,  and  seven  hundred  of  the  Greek  clergy,  set  sail  from 
Byzantium'on  the  24th  of  November,  1437.* 

Isidore,  the  new  metropolitan,  who  had  now  no  rival,  Gerassim  having 
been  burnt  alive  by  Suidrigailo  at  Vitebsk  for  having  had  secret  com- 
munications with  his  rival  Sigismund,  set  off  on  the  same  errand  from 
Moscow  on  the  8th  of  September,  1437,  with  a  large  cortege,  and  soon 
proved  himself  an  ardent  champion  of  the  Latin  cause.  It  is  curious  to 
trace  his  route  ;  he  went  by  way  of  Novgorod,  Riga,  Lubeck,  Luneburgh, 
Brunswick,  Leipzic,  Erfuhrt,  Bamberg,  Nuremberg,  Augsbourg,  and  the 
Tyroljt  and  was  very  cordially  welcomed.  The  various  objects  of 
art,  the  rich  cities  and  gardens,  the  stone  aqueducts  and  palaces  were 
objects  of  astonishment  to  the  hitherto  secluded  Russians  ;  nor  were 
they  who  knew  only  the  wide  plains  and  steppe  land  of  Central  and 
Southern  Russia  less  amazed  with  the  sight  of  the  Tyrolean  Alps.j 

The  council  thus  summoned  was  the  famous  Council  of  Florence,  and 
the  four  chief  points  in  dispute  were  the  procession  of  the  Holy  Ghost, 
the  use  of  unleavened  bread  only  in  the  sacrament,  purgatory,  and  the 
supremacy  of  the  pope.  It  is  no  part  of  my  subject  to  recount  its  history 
and  how  its  apparent  success  was  brought  about.  Isidore,  the  metro- 
politan of  Russia,  was  rewarded  for  his  complacency  with  a  cardinal's 
hat,  and  appointed  apostolical  legate  of  the  North.  He  returned  home 
by  way  of  Venice  and  Hungary,  and  arrived  at  Moscow  in  the  spring 
of  1440,  bearing  a  letter  from  the  pope  for  the  Grand  Prince.  But 
Vasili  refused  to  give  up  the  old  faith  of  his  ancestors,  declared  that  the 
Greeks  had  been  taken  in,  and  declared  further  that  Isidore  was  a 
heretic ;  and  having  called  a  council  of  bishops  and  learned  boyards, 
who  agreed  with  him,  he  had  him  imprisoned,  but  he  escaped  and  fled  to 
Rome,  where  he  was  always  known  as  the  bishop  of  Russia. 

Jonas,  the  former  choice  of  Yasili,  was  again  nominated  metropolitan. 
As  the  Emperor  of  Byzantium  had  declared  for  Rome,  Jonas  did  not  go 
to  Byzantium  for  consecration,  nor  was  he  acknowledged  outside 
Muscovy.  The  bishops  of  Southern  or  Lithuanian  Russia  obeyed  as 
their  metropolitan  a  Bulgarian  named  Gregory,  a  disciple  of  Isidore's  and 
a  partisan  of  union,  who  had  his  seat  at  Kief  and  ruled  the  dioceses  of 
Briansk,  Smolensk,  Percimysl,  Turof.  T.nislc.  \n;u]iniir,  Polotsk,  Kholm, 
and  Galitch. 

Thus  ended  the  attempt  to  piece  togctlicr  tlic  broken  unity  of 
Christendom.  The  effort  may  be  said  to  have  failed  because  of  the 
obduracy  of  Vasili,  and  although  his  obsequious  bishops  flattered  him  by 
saying  he  had  kept  awake  while  they  slept,  an  impartial  observer,  who 
considers  the  terrible  expenditure  of  blood  and  hatred  which  the 
separation  of  the  two  churches  afterwards  caused  in  the  long  continued 

♦  Karamzin,  V.  334.  t/rt',  337  I ///.,  i.  338. 

KUCHUK   MUHAMMED   KHAN.  .        295 

and  still  lively  strife,  between  the  Poles  and  the  Lithuanians  on  the  one 
hand  and  the  Russians  on  the  other,  cannot  help  thinking  that  a  mistake 
was  made.  Whatever  the  means  employed,  it  is  pretty  certain  that  the 
most  learned  prelates  of  the  Eastern  church  acquiesced  in  the  decision, 
and  if  it  be  deemed  a  misfortune  for  Europe  that  the  Turks  should  have 
supplanted  the  Greeks  at  Byzantium,  we  cannot  help  feeling  that  a 
patent  cause  was  the  disunion  of  Christendom.  The  chief  effect  of  the 
council  of  Florence  in  Russia  was  to  create  a  bitter  feeling  of  hatred 
there  against  the  church  of  the  Latins. 

In  1441  the  strife  between  Vasili  and  his  cousin  Shemiaka  again  broke 
out,  and  the  latter  even  made  a  momentary  attempt  upon  Moscow,  but 
his  time  had  not  yet  arrived,  and  afraid  of  the  power  of  the  Grand 
Prince,  he  seems  to  have  again  withdrawn  to  his  appanage.* 

On  another  side  Vasili  had  a  contest  with  Casimir,  the  King  of 
Lithuania,  whose  enemy  Yuri,  the  son  of  Lugveni,  had  found  shelter  at 
Moscow.  This  led  to  a  declaration  of  war  in  1444,  during  the  winter  of 
which  year  Vasili  sent  two  Tartar  princes  in  his  service  against  Briansk 
and  Viazma.  This  force  ravaged  the  country  as  far  as  Smolensk.  The 
raid  was  revenged  by  the  Lithuanians,  who  with  7,000  men  plundered 
the  environs  of  Kozelsk,  Kaluga,  Moyaisk,  and  Vereia,  and  defeated  the 
Russian  force  sent  against  them.     They  afterwards  withdrew.!' 

Let  us  now  revert  again  to  the  Golden  Horde.  The  Khan  at  Serai  at 
this  time  was  Kuchuk  Muhammed,  or  the  Little  Muhammed,  who  is 
proved  by  the  best  of  all  authorities,  namely,  his  coins,  by  Khuandemir,  by 
the  authority  followed  by  Langles,  and  the  Rodos.  Kniga,J  to  have  been  the 
son  of  Timur  Khan,  the  former  ruler  of  the  Kipchak.  The  details  of  the 
overthrow  of  Ulugh  Muhammed  are  given  by  a  very  interesting  con- 
temporary author,  the  merchant  traveller,  Josafa  Barbaro,  who  lived  so 
long  in  Southern  Russia,  and  whose  work  has  recently  been  edited  for 
Ahe  Hackluyt  Society  by  Lord  Stanley  of  Alderlcy.  He  tells  us  that  in 
the  year  1438,  when  Ulugh  Muhammed  ruled  in  the  champaigns  of 
Tartary,  Nurus,  the  son  of  Idiku,  who  was  one  of  his  chief  captains, 
having  quarrelled  with  him,  went  with  a  number  of  his  people  to  the  I  til 
(/.«?.,  the  Volga),  to  his  rival  Kuchuk  Muhammed.  Having  united  their 
forces  they  marched  by  way  of  Astrakhan,  which  he  calls  Citerchan,  and 
then  by  the  steppes  of  the  Tumen  and  the  Don  towards  the  sea  of  Azof, 
which,  like  the  Don,  was  frozen  over.  The  army  had  in  its  march  to 
occupy  a  considerable  distance,  so  that  those  who  went  before  should  not 
consume  the  forage  of  those  who  were  to  follow.  So  great  was  the  line 
that  when  the  advance  guard  was  at  Palastra  (?)  its  rear  guard  was  at 
Bosagaz,§  on  the  Don,  the  two  places  being  120  miles  apart.     The  news 

*  Karamzin,  v.  356.  t  /</.,  366,  367.  J  Golden  Horde,  389.    Note,  i. 

$  This  Jehosaphat  Barbaro  explains  as  the  grey  wood,  but  Von  Hammer  as  the  ice  wood. 
(Barbaro's  Travels,  Hackluyt  Society,  1873,  p.  9.    Golden  Horde,  389.) 


of  their  march  had  reached  Tana  or  Azof  four  months  before,  during 
which  time  scouts,  in  parties  of  three  and  four,  and  leading  spare  horses, 
had  appeared  there.  Some  of  them  were  taken  before  the  consul,  who 
interrogated  them,  but  could  only  learn  that  they  were  travelling  for 
pastime.  They  stayed  only  an  hour  or  two,  but  their  numbers  kept 
increasing,  and  when  the  army  was  five  or  six  days'  journey  off  they 
came  in  twenty-fives  and  fifties.  At  length  Kuchuk  Muhammed  arrived 
himself,  and  was  lodged  in  a  mosque  an  arrow-shot  from  Tana.  The 
consul  sent  him  and  his  mother  and  Nurus  each  a  present  of  novena 
(/>.,  a  present  of  nine  things,  as  bread,  wine,  honey,  &c.),*  and  Barbaro 
himself  headed  the  deputation,  and  commended  the  '  town  and  its 
inhabitants  to  his  favour.  He  found  him  reclining  in  the  mosque  with 
his  head  towards  Nurus,  and  he  tells  us  he  was  twenty-two  years  old  and 
Nurus  twenty-five.  He  received  them  well,  jocularly  remarking  "  what  a 
town  is  this,  where  three  men  have  but  three  eyes  among  them."  This 
he  said  because  Buran  Taia-Pietra,  their  Turkoman  attendant,  Zuan 
Greco,  the  consul's  servant,  and  he  that  carried  the  hydromel  had  each 
lost  an  eye.t 

Barbaro  tells  us  that  the  scouts  who  preceded  the  army  each  carried  a 
bottle  made  of  goat's  skin,  and  containing  a  paste  made  of  millet  and 
honey  and  a  wooden  bowl,  so  that  when  they  failed  to  kill  any  game 
they  mixed  some  of  the  paste  with  water  and  drank  it.  They  also  ate 
different  herbs  and  roots.  A  necessity  of  their  diet  was  salt,  without 
which  he  says  their  mouths  swelled  and  festered. 

On  the  march  the  Khan  went  first,  then  herds  of  horses,  sixty,  one 
hundred,  or  two  hundred  together,  then  camels  and  oxen,  and  lastly, 
small  beasts — a  procession  six  days'  journey  long — and  this  was  only  the 
advanced  division.  "  We  stood  on  the  walls,"  says  Barbaro  "  (for  we 
kept  the  gates  shut),  and  in  the  evening  we  were  weary  of  looking,  for  the 
multitude  of  these  people  and  beasts  was  such  that  the  diameter  of  the 
plain  which  they  occupied  seemed  a  Paganea  of  120  miles."J  At  Bosagaj, 
on  the  Don,  where  Barbaro  had  a  fishing  place,  the  fishermen ' told  him 
that  after  fishing  all  winter  they  had  salted  a  great  quantity  of  moroni 
and  caviare,  but  the  invading  Tartars  had  carried  off  all  their  fish,  both 
fresh  and  salt,  and  also  their  salt,  nor  did  they  even  leave  the  barrels, 
but  broke  them  up,  perchance,  he  says,  to  use  the  staves  to  trim  their 
carts  with,  and  broke  three  small  mills  which  were  there  to  grind  salt, 
merely  to  get  the  little  iron  in  them.§  They  even  found  a  cache  of  thirty 
barrels  of  caviare  which  had  been  buried  by  one  Zuan  de  Valle,  who 
burnt  wood  over  the  spot  to  hide  it.  The  people,  he  says,  were  accom- 
panied by  innumerable  carts  with  two  wheels,  "  higher  than  ours,"  partly 
covered  with  cloth  and  partly  with  felt,  and  closed  with  mats  (/.<?•,  arabas). 
Some  of  these  carts  carried  their  yurts. 

*  Barbaro,  lo.    Golden  Horde,  389,  t  Barbaro,  10,  11.  t  Id.,  12.  $  Op.  cit.,  13, 


After  Kuchuk  Muhammed  had  passed  on  two  days  he  was  followed 
by  his  brother-in-law  Edelmugh  (/.^.,  Aadil  Mulk),  who  was  entertained 
by  Barbaro  in  his  own  house  at  Tana  for  two  days,  and  who  entreated 
him  to  accompany  him.  This  he  agreed  to  do,  and  he  went  accompanied 
by  two  Tartars  from  the  town.  His  host,  he  says,  was  so  drunk  that  the 
blood  ran  from  his  nose,  and  when  he  would  have  persuaded  him  not  to 
drink  any  more,  he  made  mouths  like  an  ape,  saying,  "  Let  me  drink ; 
when  shall  I  find  any  more  of  this  ?"* 

The  whole  party  traversed  several  rivers  which  were  frozen  over,  the 
prince's  course  on  the  ice  being  naturally  very  aberrant-  When  they 
neared  the  camp  of  Kuchuk  Muhammed  the  party  were  received  with  the 
Mongol  hospitality  usual  when  Royal  princes  were  guests ;  flesh,  milk,  and 
bread  were  given  without  stint.  They  found  the  Khan  in  his  tent,  and  we 
are  told  those  who  desired  audience  were  kneeling,  detached  from  one 
another,  and  had  left  their  weapons  a  stone's  cast  away.  '''  Unto  some 
of  them,"  says  Barbaro,  "  the  lord  spake,  and  demanding  what  they 
would,  he  always  made  a  sign  to  them  with  his  hand  that  they  should 
rise.  Whereupon  they  would  rise,  but  not  approach  eight  paces  more 
till  they  kneeled  again,  and  so  nearer  and  nearer  till  they  had  audience." 
According  to  Barbaro,  litigation  was  settled  in  a  very  simple  fashion. 
When  a  quarrel  arose,  a  stranger  at  haphazard  was  chosen  to  decide, 
and  he  did  it  according  to  his  judgment,  the  bystanders  being  witnesses 
Barbaro  calculates  that  in  the  whole  ordu,  including  the  encampment  of 
Ulugh  Muhammed,  there  were  300,000  people.  Barbaro  tells  us  the 
more  valiant  among  the  Tartars  were  called  Tulubagator,  which  signifies 
a  valiant  fool.t  Barbaro  says  the  class  was  held  in  great  repute  among 
the  Tartars,  and  from  his  description  they  would  seem  to  have  been  a 
kind  of  Berserkers.  The  man  of  peace  has  a  quaint  remark  about 
th^ir  name.  "This  surname,"  he  says,  "to  my  seeming  is  very  con- 
venient for  them,  because  I  see  none  that  deserveth  the  name  of  a 
valiant  man  but  he  is  a  fool  indeed.  For,  I  pray  you,  is  it  not  folly  in 
one  man  to  fight  against  four  ?  Is  it  not  madness  for  one  with  a  knife 
to  dispose  himself  to  fight  against  divers  that  have  swords."J  He  then 
tells  a  story  which  reminds  one  of  the  feats  recited  in  the  last  volume, 
performed  by  some  of  the  soldiers  of  Jingis  in  Persia,  and  in  our  own 
day  by  the  Uhlans  in  the  French  towns.  Being  one  day,  he  says,  in 
the  street  at  Tana,  some  Tartars  reported  that  in  a  wood,  about  three 
miles  from  the  town,  there  were  some  hundred  Circassians  intent  on 
making  a  raid  upon  the  place,  as  was  their  custom.  Barbaro  was  in  a 
butcher's  shop,  he  says,  with  a  Tartar  merchant,  who,  on  hearing  the 
news,  asked  how  many  there  were  of  the  enemy.     On  being  told  one 

*  Id.,  14. 
t  Lord  Stanley  adds  in  a  note  that  this  is  Tula  behadur,  and  that  Bahadury  means  swag- 
gering or  boasting. 

I  Op.  cit.,16,  17. 

I  P 


hundred,  he  said  well,  we  are  five,  and  addressing  Barbaro,  how  many 
horses  will  you  make  ?  The  latter  said  forty.  That  was  forty-five  in  all. 
The  Circassians,  said  the  Tartar,  are  not  men  but  women ;  let  us  go  and 
take  them.  They  accordingly  went,  and  attacked  them  unawares  and 
killed  about  forty  of  them.  The  Tartar  wished  to  pursue  the  remainder, 
and  as  the  others  did  not  do  so  he  went  on  himself,  but  he  did  not 
capture  any.  As  soon  as  their  lord  was  lodged,  the  remaining  Tartars 
unloaded  their  yurts  and  pitched  their  camp,  which  had  broad  ways 
between  the  yurts,  and  was  very  miry  in  winter  and  dusty  in  summer 
from  the  treading  of  the  cattle.  They  then  put  up  their  ovens  and 
roasted  and  boiled  their  flesh,  and  dressed  it  with  milk,  butter,  and 
cheese,  and  generally  they  had  some  venison  or  wild  flesh,  especially  red 
deer.  They  had  many  artificers  with  them,  as  clothiers,  smiths, 
armourers,  &c.  They  had  no  walls  or  towers  about  their  camp,  a 
peculiarity  which  received  an  epigrammatic  explanation  from  one  of 
them,  who  said,  "He  that  is  afraid  buildeth  towers,"  an  aphorism 
which  is  not  easy  to  gainsay,  and  which  proves  the  martial  habits  of  the 
people.  There  were  also  many  merchants  with  them.  The  Tartars  were 
much  addicted  to  falconry,  using  large  falcons  which  they  flew  at  deer, 
&c.  "Sometimes  there  passeth  over  the  army  a  flock  of  geese,  at  which 
some  of  them  shoot  crooked  unfeathered  arrows,  which  in  ascending 
hurle  about  breaking  everything  in  their  way,  necks,  legs,  and  wings."* 

Their  herds  of  horses  were  enormous,  and  they  were  very  skilled  in 
catching  them  and  putting  a  collar,  which  they  carried  on  a  pole,  over 
their  necks.  These  horses  were  not  very  good,  being  little  with  grekt 
bellies  and  eating  no  provender.  They  were  in  fact  similar  to  the 
Cossack  horses  of  our  own  day.  The  chief  market  for  them  apparently 
was  Persia.  Their  oxen  were  very  big,  and  were  exported,  Barbaro  tells 
us,  by  way  of  Poland,  and  also  through  Wallachia  and  Transylvania  into 
Germany,  whence  they  passed  into  Italy.  This  breed  was  apparently 
the  origin  of  the  famous  cattle  of  the  Campagna.  They  also  had  a  great 
number  of  two-humped  camels,  which  they  sold  in  Persia  at  twenty-five 
ducats  each,  while  those  with  one  hump  were  smaller,  and  only  brought 
ten  ducats.  Their  sheep  were  also  big  and  long  legged,  with  long  wool 
and  fat  heavy  tails.  These  sheep  are  no  doubt  represented  by  the 
modern  sheep  of  the  Kirghiz  steppes.  Barbaro  describes  what  may  still 
be  seen  there,  namely,  how  small  carriages  with  wheels  were  attached  to 
the  sheep  so  as  to  support  their  tails.  The  Tartars,  he  says,  practised 
some  agriculture,  sowing  their  seed  in  March,  at  two  or  three  days' 
journey  from  the  encampment.  The  rest  of  the  story  must  be  told  in  his 
own  quaint  words  : — "  The  Emperor  with  the  ordu  doth  meanwhile  as 
a  mother  is  wont  to  do  with  her  children.  For  when  she  letteth  them 
go  to  play  she  ever  keepeth  her  eye  on  them,  and  so  doth  he  never 

*  Id.,  19. 


depart  from  these  ploughmen  more  than  four  days'  journey,  but  com- 
passeth  about  them,  now  here  now  there,  till  the  corn  be  ripe,  and  when 
ripe  he  sendeth  those  who  sowed  it  or  who  wished  to  buy  it,  with  carts, 
oxen,  and  camels."  Lord  Stanley  tells  us  in  a  note  that  in  Wallachia  the 
villagers  still  go  in  their  carts  to  a  distance  from  their  village  and  from 
any  water,  plough  and  sow  the  ground,  and  return  again  in  the  same 
way  to  gather  in  the  harvest.* 

The  ground  was  very  fertile,  and  returned  fifty  bushels  of  wheat  and 
a  hundred  bushels  of  millet  for  one  of  seed.  While  speaking  of  the 
agriculture  among  the  Tartars,  he  tells  us  an  interesting  fact  in  regard  to 
Ulugh  Muhammed's  family,  proving  that  he  must  at  this  time  have  been 
a  very  old  man.  He  tells  us  that  a  grandson  of  Ulugh  Muhammed,  who 
had  reigned  for  some  years,  fearing  that  his  cousin  Cormayn  (?),  who  lived 
beyond  the  Itil  {i.e.,  the  Volga),  might  overwhelm  them,  would  not  let  a 
portion  of  his  people  go  out  for  their  tillage,  and  thus  they  did  not  sow 
or  reap  for  eleven  years,  and  had  to  live  on  flesh  meat,  except  a  scanty 
portion  of  meal  and  paste.  He  was,  nevertheless,  eventually  driven 
away  by  his  cousin.  Barbaro  tells  us  that  in  crossing  rivers  the  Tartars 
made  rafts  or  platforms  of  dry  wood,  under  which  they  fastened  bundles 
of  reeds.  The  latter  they  also  put  under  their  carts  and  about  their 
horses,  to  serve  as  floats  ;  and  he  tells  us  how,  when  he  was  once  on  the 
river,  he  met  the  floating  debris  of  such  a  crossing  in  great  numbers  of 
these  reed  bundles  on  the  bank,  &c.  In  speaking  of  the  good  side  of  the 
Tartar  character,  he  mentions  how  he  received  a  second  visit  from 
Edelmulk,  Kuchuk  Muhammed's  brother-in-law,  at  Tana,  who  intro- 
duced his  son  to  him  and  presented  him  with  eight  slaves,  which 
he  described  as  part  of  the  prey  he  had  captured  in  Russia.  He  made 
some  presents  in  return,  and  then  adds  with  naive  quaintness  :  "  Some 
^here  be  that  departing  from  others,  thinking  never  to  meet  again,  do 
easily  forget  their  amity,  and  so  use  not  those  courtesies  they  ought  to 
use,  wherein  by  my  small  experience  it  seemeth  to  me  they  do  not  well. 
For  as  the  saying  is,  mountains  shall  never  meet,  but  men  may."t 

Barbaro  makes  another  digression  from  his  story  which  throws  some 
light  on  the  curiously  adventurous  times  in  which  he  lived.  He  says  that 
being  in  a  vintner's  cellar  in  the  Rialto  in  1455,  he  saw  at  the  end  of  the 
cellar  "  two  men  tied  in  chains,  which  by  their  countenance  he  thought 
to  be  Tartars."  He  was  told  they  had  been  slaves  of  the  Catalans,  from 
whom  they  had  fled  in  a  small  boat,  and  had  then  been  captured  by  this 
vintner.  Having  reported  the  matter  to  the  Signori  di  Notte,  he  had  the 
two  prisoners  brought  into  court  and  released.  On  taking  them  to  his 
house  he  asked  them  whence  they  were.  One  of  them  replied  he  was  a 
native  of  Tana,  and  had  been  the  servant  of  one  Kazadahuch,  whom 
Barbaro  says  he  had  known  well,  since  he  was  the  Emperor's  {i.e.,  the 

*  Id.,  21.  t  Op.  cit.,  23. 


Khan's)  customs-officer  over  everything  that  went  into  Tana.  "  I  asked 
him,"  he  says,  "  what  was  his  name.  He  answered  Chebechzi,  which 
signifies  a  bulter  of  meal.  And  when  I  had  well  beheld  him,  I  said  unto 
him  dost  thou  know  me  ?  He  answered  no.  But,  as  soon  as  I 
mentioned  Tana  and  Yusuph  (for  so  they  called  me  there),  he  fell  to  the 
earth,  and  would  have  kissed  my  feet,  saying  unto  me, '  Thou  hast  saved 
my  life  twice  ;  now  when  being  a  slave  I  reckoned  myself  dead,  and 
another  time  when  Tana  was  on  fire,  thou  madest  a  hole  in  the  wall 
through  which  many  so  creatures  escaped,  amongst  whom  was  I  and  my 
master  both.'  "  Barbaro  says  he  kept  the  two  Tartars  in  his  house  about 
two  months,  and  when  the  ships  departed  towards  Tana  he  sent  them 
home.  "Wherefore  I  say,"  adds  the  good-hearted  old  man,  "that 
departing  one  from  another  with  opinion  never  to  return  into  those  parts 
again,  no  man  ought  to  forget  his  amity  as  though  they  should  never 
meet,  for  there  may  happen  a  thousand  things  that,  if  they  chance  to 
meet  again,  he  that  is  most  able  shall  have  need  of  his  succour  that  can 
do  the  least."* 

Let  us  now  revert  to  the  Golden  Horde.  Barbaro,  as  I  have  said, 
dates  the  revolution  by  which  Ulugh  Muhammed  was  driven  out  in  1438. 
Kuchuk  Muhammed  was  apparently  acknowledged  as  Overkhan  of  the 
Golden  Horde,  with  his  capital  at  Serai.  His  accession  did  not  secure 
immediate  peace,  however,  for  we  are  told  how  he  proceeded  to  put  to 
death  Manshuk,  the  first  of  his  princes,  and  others. 

In  1438  we  read  of  an  attack  made  on  PodoUa  by  the  horde  of  Seyid 
Ahmed,  in  which  the  brave  Michael  Busa  perished.t  Our  notices  of  the 
Great  Horde  or  Horde  of  Serai  become  very  jejune.  In  the  years 
1437  and  1438  these  Tartars  made  raids  upon  Riazan.  In  1442  they 
again  plundered  the  borders  of  that  exposed  principality.  In  1445  they 
are  found  in  Poland,  and  advanced  as  far  as  Lemberg.  The  last  of 
these  were  doubtless  the  subjects  of  Seyid  Ahmed.  In  1445  the  invasion 
of  Riazan  was  repeated,  under  a  commander  named  Mustapha.  The 
history  of  this  expedition  is  told  by  Karamzin.|  He  calls  Mustapha  the 
Tzarevitch  of  the  Golden  Horde  {i.e.,  probably  the  son  of  the  Khan). 
The  winter  was  very  cold.  The  Tartars  captured  Riazan,  where  they 
made  some  prisoners  and  exacted  ransoms,  and  then  marched  upon 
Pereislavl,  where  they  appeared  as  suppliants  rather  than  enemies.  The 
severe  weather  had  destroyed  all  their  horses,  and  they  had  no  means  of 
returning  home.  The  people  of  the  town  allowed  them  to  enter,  but  the 
Grand  Prince  sent  Prince  Obolenski  against  them  with  a  body  of  the 
Cossacks  of  Riazan  and  of  Mordvins  mounted  on  wooded  pattens,  called 
in  Russian  liyi  (snow-shoes  or  snow-skates),  and  armed  with  maces, 
swords,  and  javelins.  The  cold  prevented  the  Tartars  using  their  bows, 
but  Mustapha,  who  had  planted  his  men  on  the  banks  of  the  Listana, 

t  /<!.,  24,  25,  t  Golden  Horde,  391.  J  v.  367. 


refused  to  give  way,  threw  himself  with  his  men  on  the  Russian  spears 
and  was  killed.  No  prisoners  save  the  wounded  were  taken.*  We 
are  told  that  Mut  Mursa  and  Usberdi,  son  of  Nushirwan,  were  captured.t 
The  vigour  of  the  blood  of  Jingis  was  clearly  not  yet  extinct.  Some 
time  after  a  fresh  army  marched  towards  Riazan  and  the  country  of  the 
Mordvins  to  revenge  the  death  of  Mustapha,  but  was  driven  out.  We 
now  reach  the  famous  crisis  in  Russian  history  when  Vasili  was  made 
prisoner  by  the  Khan  of  Kazan,  which  I  have  described  in  a  later 

The  capture  of  the  Grand  Prince  was  a  great  stroke  of  fortune  for  his 
cousin  and  rival  Shemiaka,  who  had  retired  to  Uglitch,  where  he  plotted 
with  Boris,  Prince  of  Tuer,  Ivan  of  Moyaisk  (whom  he  had  persuaded 
that  Vasili  intended  to  resign  Muscovy  to  the  Tartars  and  appropriate 
Tuer  to  himself),  with  the  boyards  of  the  deceased  Constantine  Dimitro- 
vitch,  who  were  jealous  of  those  of  the  Grand  Principality,  together 
with  many  boyards  and  others  at  Moscow.  This  proved  how  disliked  the 
weak  VasiH  was.  On  the  latter's  return  from  Kazan  it  was  determined 
to  seize  him,  and  this  was  accompHshed  while  he  and  his  sons  were  on  a 
visit  to  the  famous  monastery  of  the  Trinity.  During  the  night  of 
February  the  12th,  the  conspirators  seized  the  Kremhn  unawares,  with 
the  wife,  mother,  and  treasures  of  Vasili,  as  well  as  the  houses  of  many 
boyards,  which  were  plundered.  Troops  were  then  despatched  to  the 
monastery,  the  Grand  Prince  was  captured  in  the  church  of  St.  Sergius,  and 
his  friends  about  him  were  arrested  and  pillaged.  But  worse  was  to  come. 
On  his  arrival  at  Moscow  the  conspirators  ordered  him  to  be  blinded. 
This  was  done  in  the  names  of  Dimitri  Yurivitch  (/.<?.,  Shemiaka),  Ivan 
of  Moyaisk,  and  Boris  of  Tuer.  "  You  favour  the  Tartars  so  far  even 
as  to  appoint  whole  towns  for  their  entertainment.  You  continually  gorge 
them  with  the  gold  and  money  of  the  Christians.  You  weigh  down  your 
people  with  taxes.  You  caused  our  brother  Vasili  the  Squinter  to  be 
blinded."  The  unfortunate  prince  and  his  wife  were  conducted  to 
Uglitch,  while  their  two  sons  were  taken  to  Murom  by  a  faithful  prince 
named  Ivan  Riapoloviski.J  Shemiaka  signaHsed  his  victory  by  excesses 
of  various  kinds,  but  the  nobles  of  Moscow  were  overawed  and  did  him 
homage.  He  began  once  more  to  disintegrate  the  Muscovite  dominions 
which  had  been  so  carefully  consohdated  during  the  previous  reigns,  and 
his  conduct  became  so  arbitrary  that  it  gave  rise  to  a  proverb  still  in  use, 
expressive  of  some  ill-judged  act,  which  is  said  to  be  "  a  judgment  of 
Shemiaka."§  By  fair  promises  he  induced  the  ingenuous  Jonas,  bishop  of 
Riazan  to  repair  to  Murom,  and  to  bring  the  young  sons  of  Vasili  to 
Moscow,  when  he  treacherously  broke  his  word  and  sent  them  to  join 
their  father  at  Uglitch.    But  he  soon  began  to  find  his  position  intolerable, 

*  Karamzin,  v.  367-369.  t  Golden  Horde,  392.  J  Karamzin,  v.  384. 

f  Id.,  V.  386. 


and  that  a  very  general  conspiracy  was  rising  against  him.  He  therefore 
determined  to  adopt  another  policy.  Having  gone  in  State  to  Uglitch,  he 
summoned  Vasili  to  his  presence  and  behaved  in  a  seemingly  courteous 
way  to  him ;  he  gave  him  his  hberty  and  the  town  of  Vologda  as  an 
appanage,  while  Vasili,  with  unusual  and  doubtless  feigned  humiUty 
wished  his  rival  a  happy  reign  over  Moscow.  After  a  few  days'  residence 
at  Vologda  he  repaired  to  the  monastery  of  St.  Cyril  at  Bielo  Ozero? 
where  the  abbot  absolved  him  from  the  promise  he  had  made  to 
Shemiaka,  and  bade  him  return  and  regain  his  appanage.  His  partisans 
began  to  gather  at  Vologda,  while  he  secured  a  useful  friend  in  Boris  of 
Tuer,  who  made  peace  with  him  on  condition  that  Vasili's  son,  who 
was  seven  years  old,  was  affianced  to  his  daughter  Mary.  With  this 
help  he  determined  to  march  upon  Moscow.  On  the  way  his  people 
were  joined  by  an  army  of  Tartars  from  Kazan,  who  went  to  his 
assistance.  The  Kremhn  was  seized  by  stealth  by  his  partisans,  and 
this  news  reaching  Shemiaka,  together  with  that  of  the  march  of  an 
army  against  him,  he  fled  to  GaUtch,  and  thence  to  Kargopol,  taking 
with  him  Vasili's  mother,  whom  he,  however,  restored  before  long,  and 
soon  after  he  and  the  other  conspirator,  Ivan  of  Moyaisk,  submitted. 
They  agreed  to  restore  all  the  provinces  they  had  usurped,  together  with 
the  treasures,  crosses,  the  precious  images,  and  the  deeds  and  letters- 
patent  of  the  Khan's,  on  condition  that  they  were  allowed  to  retain  their 
appanages  peaceably. 

Misfortune  had  taught  Vasili  some  lessons,  and  his  second  reign 
was  marked  by  considerable  prudence.  He  retained  his  ecclesiastical 
prejudices  however.  For  eight  years  there  had  been  no  metropolitan 
in  Russia.  He  now,  in  1448,  had  Jonas  consecrated  to  the  office  by  an 
assembly  of  Muscovite  bishops,  including  the  bishops  of  Rostof,  Suzdal, 
Kolomna,  and  Perm,  those  of  Novgorod  and  Tuer  assenting.  Jonas  did 
not  repair,  as  was  customary,  to  Constantinople  for  benediction,  but,  on 
the  contrary,  an  edict  was  issued  to  the  bishops  of  Lithuanian  Russia 
denouncing  the  conduct  of  the  Greeks  at  the  council  of  Florence,  and 
Vasili  was  in  turn  denounced  by  Pope  Pius  II.  in  1458,  as  an  impious 
son  of  the  church,  an  apostate,  &c.*  This  appointment  formed  a  notable 
epoch  in  the  history  of  the  Russian  church.  It  thenceforward  became 
entirely  independent  of  its  mother  at  Byzantium,  which  had  hitherto  had 
the  appointment  of  its  metropoUtan.t  To  secure  the  succession  for  his 
son  Ivan,  Vasili  now  had  him  associated  with  himself  in  the  government, 
while  the  various  princes  who  ruled  in  the  appanages  renewed  their 
allegiance,  and  undertook  not  to  ally  themselves  with  the  Tartars  or 
Lithuanians  against  the  Grand  Prince.  He  rewarded  Vasili  of  Borosk 
and  Michael,  brother  of  Ivan  of  Moyaisk,  with  the  grant  of  certain  towns, 
and  also  made  over  to  them  a  portion  of  the  revenues  of  Moscow,  and 

*  Karamzin,  v.  398-400.  t  Id. 


took  upon  himself  the  payment  of  the  tribute  which  they  owed  to  the 
horde.  These  various  treaties  were  signed  by  the  metropohtan  Jonas, 
who  also  brought  about  a  good  feehng  between  Muscovy  and  Poland, 
and  styled  himself  the  father  both  of  Casimir  and  the  Grand  Prince. 

Shemiaka  continued  to  behave  treacherously.  He  refused  to  return 
the  sacred  images  and  treasures  which  he  had  carried  off,  refused  to  pay 
his  quota  of  the  tribute  owing  to  the  horde,  on  the  plea  that  he  did  not 
recognise  the  Khan  Seyid  Ahmed,  and  continued  to  intrigue  with 
Novgorod,  Ivan  of  Moyaisk,  and  the  people  of  Viatka  and  Kazan.  The 
bishops  of  the  Grand  Principahty  thereupon  addressed  him  a  famous 
letter,  recounting  his  various  ill-deeds,  recalling  the  fate  of  his  father  and 
brother,  reproaching  him  for  not  having  assisted  the  Grand  Prince  when 
attacked  by  the  Tartars,  and  with  having  on  the  contrary  taken  advantage 
of  his  misfortunes.  They  summoned  him  to  make  restitution  and 
repent,  and  in  default  threatened  him  with  the  terrors  of  the  church.'* 
This  letter  had  no  effect,  and  two  years  after  he  took  up  arms  and 
made  an  attack  on  Kostroma,  where,  however,  he  was  defeated.  The 
Grand  Prince  now  determined  to  punish  him  effectually.  He  collected  a 
large  force  and  gave  its  command  to  Prince  Obolenski.  With  his  own 
people  there  also  marched  a  contingent  of  Tartars,  which  advanced  to 
Galitch  in  the  government  of  Kostroma,  where  Shemiaka  had  encamped 
in  a  very  favourable  position.  The  fight  was  a  terrible  one,  and  was 
memorable  as  the  last  of  the  struggles  between  the  Russian  princes. 
Shemiaka  was  completely  defeated,  his  boyards  captured,  and  his 
infantry  almost  destroyed,  while  he  found  shelter  at  Novgorod.  There, 
the  citizens  took  up  his  quarrel,  and  allowed  him  to  collect  some  forces, 
with  which  he  captured  Ustiugue,  where  those  who  remained  faithful  to  the 
Grand  Prince  had  stones  tied  round  their  necks  and  were  thrown  into 
the  river  Sukhoma.  He  afterwards  made  a  diversion  towards  Vologda, 
but  failed  to  capture  a  single  town. 

In  1449  the  Grand  Principality  was  again  invaded  by  the  Tartars  of 
the  Golden  Horde,  who  attacked  the  neighbourhood  of  the  Pokhra  and 
of  Bitiugue,  carried  off  the  wife  of  Prince  Vasih  Obolenski,  and  com- 
mitted other  ravages.  They  were  defeated  by  Kassim,  the  son  of  Ulugh 
Muhammed,  who  was  z.  protege  of  the  Grand  Prince,  and  the  founder  of 
the  principahty  of  Kazimof.  Others  of  them  pillaged  the  district  of 
Eletz,  and  even  advanced  as  far  as  the  province  of  Moscow.t 

Von  Hammer  tells  us  that  in  1450,  under  the  leadership  of  Malberdei 
Ulan,  the  Tartars  once  more  advanced  against  the  Grand  Prince,  who 
was  then  at  Kolomna.  He  sent  his  faithful  vassal  Kassim  against  them, 
and  they  were  defeated  on  the  river  Batiutza,  and  one  of  their  chiefs 
named  Romodan  was  killed.  They  then  entered  Podolia,  and  wasted  the 
borders  of  Gorodek  and  Belz,  and  nearly  captured  Vladislas  of  Madof, 

*  Karamzin,  v.  403-406.  t  Id.,  410,  411. 


Prince  of  Belz,  who  was  out  hiintin;^.  They  returned  home  with  a  great 

In  1451  wc  hear  ol  .m  inv.i-iit^ii  on  a  larger  scale,  liu^^  vv.i:>  com- 
manded by  Masofsha,  the  son  of  Seyid  Ahmed,  and  its  declared  object 
was  to  insist  on  the  Grand  Prince  paying  a  tribute.  The  Prince  of 
Zuenigorod  was  ordered  to  guard  the  passage  of  the  Oka,  but  he 
deserted  his  post.  The  Grand  Prince  himself,  who  was  not  a  heroic 
person,  withdrew  to  the  Volga  to  collect  the  contingents  of  the  various 
towns,  while  Moscow  was  confided  to  the  care  of  his  mother  Sophia, 
his  son  Yuri,  the  boyards,  and  the  metropolitan  Jonas. 

The  Tartars  reached  Moscow  on  the  2nd  of  July,  set  fire  to  the 
suburbs,  and  were  defeated  by  the  Russians  in  a  sortie.  They  were 
afterwards  seized  with  unaccountable  panic  and  withdrew  in  the  night, 
leaving  behind  them  carts  filled  with  iron  and  copper  vessels,  and  arms 
and  merchandise  strewn  about. 

The  Grand  Prince,  freed  from  this  danger,  now  determined  to  suppress 
his  old  enemy  Shemiaka,  the  Prince  of  Ustiugue,  who  on  the  approach  of 
the  Muscovites  fled  to  the  Dwina,  and  eventually  sought  refuge  at 
Novgorod,  where  he  was  poisoned.  This  was  in  1453.  The  turbulent 
prince,  whose  end  was  probably  dictated  by  Vasili  himself,  was  buried  in 
the  monastery  of  Yuricf.t 

In  1452  the  Tartars  of  Seyid  Ahmed  made  another  raid  upon  Podolia. 
They  captured  the  fortress  of  Rosof  and  carried  off  the  noble  Stogney 
Rey  of  the  house  of  Oksha,  with  his  wife  anrl  children,  to.^cthcr  with  the 
landgraf  Mrozko  and  others4 

Casimir  of  Poland  collected  an  aim^  ..y  ,,..,.,„,,  ii.,.,  i,,v,i.^iw.,,  uui  vvmn. 
his  nobles  were  assembling  at  Siradien  the  Tartars  made  another  attack 
upon  the  district  of  Lemberg,  which  they  apparently  repeated  five  times. 
They  were  incited  to  these  attacks  by  the  nobles  of  Lithuania,  who 
doubtless  resented  being  in  a  subordinate  position  to  the  Poles,  and  who 
had  sent  Radzivil  Hostikovitch  as  their  envoy  with  presents  to  Seyid 
Ahmed.  The  Poles  found  a  friend  in  Haji  Girai,  the  Khan  of  Krim,  who 
marched  against  and  defeated  the  Nogai  subjects  of  Seyid  Ahmed ;  but 
this  was  only  a  temporary  relief,  for  in  the  year  1453  we  find  the  Tartars 
making  two  new  raids  into  "  the  land  of  plains."  One  of  their  armies 
marched  by  way  of  Lichtmess,  Lusy,  and  Olyeshko,  and  carried  off  9,000 
young  men  and  maidens  as  prisoners.  The  other  army  was  divided  into 
two  sections.  One  of  them  was  defeated  on  the  ist  of  April,  1453, 
between  Ostrog  and  Zinkowiccz,  on  the  river  Skucz,  by  Yorio  Lascz, 
Johannes  Niemiecz,  and  Maczieiek,  and  forced  to  surrender  their  booty. 
A  similar  fate  overtook  another  body  of  them  who  were  nearly  over- 
whelmed by  the  citizens  of  Breczlaf.§ 

In   1455  Seyid  Ahmed  was  again  attacked  by  Haji  Girai,  and  so 

♦  Golden  Horde,  305.  t  Kartmrin,  v.  414,  415,  I  Golden  Horde,  393.  S  Id.,  396. 

AHMED   KTIAN.  .        305 

badly  beaten  that  he  lied  with  his  nint;  sons  anil  other  princes  to  Kief. 
Andrew  Odrowasz,  the  palatine  and  captain  of  Lcniber^%  marched 
against  him  at  the  bidding  of  Casimir,  and  made  him  prisoner.  There- 
upon the  people  of  Kief  fell  on  such  of  the  Tartars  as  they  could  lay 
hands  upon  and  killed  them.  Scyid  Ahmed  was  shortly  after  sent  to 
Kovno,  where  he  died  miserably.*  The  same  year  that  he  was  made 
prisoner  the  Tartars  of  his  horde  crossed  the  Oka  and  defeated  IMince 
Simon  Jiabitch.  They  were  driven  back,  however,  by  a  Russian  nrmy 
under  Theodore  Basenok  Vasilivitch,  the  voivode  of  Moscow, 

Two  years  later,  namely,  in  September,  1457,  they  once  more  entered 
Podolia.  Bartholoma^iis  lUiczacski,  whose  prowess  had  .dready  been 
tested  in  struggles  with  the  Tartars,  was  at  Potilicz  with  Johannes  Lascz, 
the  sub-chamberlain  of  I'odolia,  when  news  arrived  of  the  Tartar  attack, 
Having  surprised  the  outposts  of  the  enemy,  they  ventured  to  attack  the 
main  body,  which  w.'is  strongly  posted.  They  were  defeated  and  both 
killed,  and  the  Tartars  returned  home  in  triumph.! 

In  1459  the  Tartars  of  Scyid  Ahmed  again  crossed  the  Oka,  and 
advanced  as  far  as  Kolomna,  whence  they  were  driven  back  by  Ivan,  the 
son  of  the  Grand  Prince.  A  church  was  built  by  the  metropolitan 
in  commemoration  of  this  victory.J 

The  year  of  Kuchuk  Muhammcd's  death  is  nowhere  recorded,  so  far 
as  I  know.  All  we  can  say  is,  that  it  happened  before  the  year  1460, 
when  the  Great  Horde  was  ruled  by  his  son  Ahmed. 

On  his  coins,  which  were  struck  at  Serai,  Astr.ikhan,  Ordiibazar,  and 
liulghari,  Kuchuk  Muhammcd  styles  himself  the  fust  Siiltan  Mnliammcd 
Khan,  the  Supreme  Sultan  Muh.immed  Khan,  and  Muiuimmed,  the  son 
of  Timur  Sultan,  the  Supreme  Khan.§ 


Kuchuk  Muhammed  left  four  sons,  Mahmud  Khan,  Ahmed  Khan, 
Yakub  Sultan,  and  Bakhtiar  Sultan. ||  Of  Mahmud  Khan  we  have  no 
mention  in  the  Russian  annals,  and  he  proba]>ly  reigned  only  a  short 
time.  Coins  struck  by  him  at  Astrakhan  and  Ordub.azar,  but  without 
dates,  are  extant.  On  some  of  these  he  styles  himself  Mahmud  Khan, 
the  son  of  Muhammcd  Khan,  the  son  of  Timur  Khan.^ 


Mahmud  Khan  was  succeeded  by  his  brother  Ahmed  Khan,  who  was 
a  more  important  figure  in  history.  M.  Sorct  mentions  a  coin  struck  by 
him  on  which  he  styles  himself  the  Supreme  Sultan  Ahmed  Khan.** 

Id,i9;.         Ud.,  3gS.  lid,  ♦  Fr«hn,  Rei.,  3W-30«,  i  VtU  Zwn.,  I.  iS,  39, 

H  Frsbn,  Re*.,  393,  394.  **  Lettrc  a  M.  Ic  Cap.  Roan,,  &c,,  33, 



He  first  occurs,  as  far  as  I  can  discover,  about  the  year  1460,  when, 
according  to  Karamzin,  Ahmed,  son  of  Kuchuk  Muhammed  and  Khan 
of  the  Great  Horde,  besieged  Pereislavl  of  Riazan,  but  was  obhged  to 
retire  with  loss.  He  accused  his  principal  commander  Kazat  Ulan  of 
being  a  secret  partisan  of  the  Russians.*  We  must  now  again  take  up 
the  thread  of  Russian  history. 

The  death  of  Shemiaka  removed  the  great  rival  who  had  so  persistently 
opposed  Vasili,  and  he  now  began  to  consolidate  his  power.     Ivan  of 
Moyaisk,  who  had  refused  to  march  with  him  against  the  Tartars,  was 
driven  into  Lithuania  and  his  appanage  annexed.t    The  proud  and 
independent  merchants  of  Novgorod  were  his  next  victims.    They  had 
given  shelter  to  his  enemies,  refused  to  acknowledge  the  decrees  of  his 
council,  and  appropriated  his  revenues.     He  marched  against  them  in 
the  winter,  and  captured  Russa,  one  of  their  richest  entrepots,  with  a 
large  booty.    A  body  of  5,000  Novgorodian  cavalry,  who  went  to  the 
rescue  under  the  Prince  of  Suzdal,  was  dispersed,  and  Tucha,  the  first 
possadnik  of  Novgorod,  was  captured.     Terror  now  reigned  at  the  city 
of  merchants,  where  a  majority  declared  themselves  for  diplomacy  rather 
than  war,  and  the  archbishop  Euphemius  and  other  notables  were  sent 
with  an  open  commission  to  settle  terms.   These  were  granted.  A  fine  of 
8,500  roubles  was  to  be  paid.    All  decrees  of  the  national  council  tending 
to  limit  the  authority  of  the  Grand  Prince  were  annulled,  and  the  citizens 
undertook  not  to  give  asylum  to  his  enemies.    The  treaty  was  signed  by 
the  Novgorodians  and  Pskofians,  who  had  assisted  them.    Thus  did 
VasiH  pave  the  way  for  his  sons  and  grandsons. f   Ivan,  Prince  of  Riazan, 
dying  at  this  time,  left  his  children  under  the  care  of  Vasili,  who  removed 
them  to  Moscow  and  sent  his  deputies  to  rule  the  principahty.     He  then 
turned  upon  Vasili  of  Borosk,  who  had  been  so  loyal  and  faithful  to  him 
in  his  misfortunes,  and  under  the  pretext  that  he  was  ambitious  of 
displacing  him,  he  had  him  conveyed  to  UgHtch  under  arrest.     Ivan,  the 
son  of  the  Prince  of  Borosk,  fled  to  Lithuania,  where  he  shortly  after- 
wards died.    This  appropriation  was  shortly  afterwards  followed  by  that 
of  the  throne  of  Suzdal,  whence  the  grandsons  of  Kirdiapa  were  con- 
strained to  fly;  and  in  1458-9  the  republic  of  Viatka,  a  vigorous  daughter 
of  Novgorod,  which  had  persistently  defied  the  Muscovite  princes,  was 
compelled  to  pay  tribute  and  to  place  its  forces  at  the  disposal  of  Vasili. 
Successful  on  all  sides,  he  did  not  venture,  however,  to  interfere  with 
Tuer,  whose  princes  had  been  so  powerful  in  the  last  generation,  and  we 
are  told  that  when  its  prince,  Boris  Alexandrovitch,  died  in  1461,  he  was 
succeeded  by  his  son  Michael.§    This  death  was  followed  by  that  of 
Vasili  himself.     He  apparently  sufi"ered  from  phthisis,  and  had  recourse 
to  an  extraordinary  remedy  then  in  vogue,  namely,  to  put  German  tinder 

*  Kuramzin,  v.  427.    Golden  Horde,  399.  t  Karamzin,  v.  415. 

» Id.,  435. 

I  Id.,  419. 

AHMED   KHAN.  307 

on  different  parts  of  his  naked  body  and  to  set  fire  to  it.  This  terrible 
remedy  only  produced  ulcers  which  gangrened,  and  he  at  length  died  on 
the  17th  of  March,  1462.  By  his  will  he  created  a  number  of  appanages 
for  his  younger  sons,  thus  undoing  much  of  what  he  had  previously  done. 
Ivan  succeeded  to  the  throne  of  the  Grand  Principality  and  one-third  of 
the  revenues  of  Moscow ;  his  second  son  Yuri  was  given  the  towns  of 
Dimitrof,  Moyaisk,  Serpukof,  and  the  domains  belonging  to  his  mother 
Sophia,  who  had  died  in  1453 ;  his  third  son  Andrew  received  Uglitch, 
Verkh-Beyetsky,  and  Zuenigorod  ;  Boris,  his  fourth  son,  Volok-Lamski, 
Kief,  and  Russa  ;  a  second  Andrew,  his  youngest  son,  Vologda,  Kubena, 
and  Zavzeria.  To  their  mother  he  left  the  little  town  of  Romanof,  his 
treasures,  all  the  domains  which  had  belonged  to  the  Grand  Princesses, 
as  well  as  those  he  had  bought  or  confiscated  for  treason.^ 

Vasili  was  a  weak  and  vain  tyrant.  His  reign  was  disgraced  by  many 
cruel  acts,  and,  according  to  Karamzin,  by  the  introduction  of  the  knout 
as  a  punishment  even  for  grandees.  It  was  borrowed,  he  says,  from  the 
Mongols.t  The  period  was  marked,  as  usual  in  times  of  misfortune  in  the 
Russian  annals,  with  apparitions  and  natural  phenomena — bloody  rain, 
showers  of  wheat,  weeping  images,  &c.,  are  among  the  marvels  named. 
The  ancient  ingots  or  roubles  were  abolished  by  him.  The  same  period 
was  remarkable  for  the  foundation  of  the  famous  monastery  of  Solofsky 
on  the  White  Sea,  and  for  the  first  intercourse  the  Russians  had  with  the 
Voguls,  a  tribe  of  Ugrian  origin  living  in  the  Middle  Urals.  It  was 
remarkable,  too,  for  another  event  which  deeply  touched  Russian 
sympathies,  and  this  was  the  capture  of  Constantinople  by  the  Turks, 
which  took  place,  as  is  well  known,  in  1453.  As  Karamzin  says,  Con- 
stantinople was  a  second  homeland  to  the  Russians.  Thence  they  had 
received  their  religion  and  their  culture,  and  people  at  Moscow  spoke  of  it 
as  Europeans  in  the  time  of  Louis  XIV.  did  of  Paris.  The  contemporary 
Russian  annalists  write  in  gloomy  terms  of  the  catastrophe,  but  they 
speak  with  some  impartiality  also.  Listen  to  their  phrases  as  quoted  by 
Karamzin.  "Without  the  fear  of  the  law  an  empire  is  like  a  steed 
without  reins.  Constantine  and  his  ancestors  have  allowed  their 
grandees  to  oppress  the  people.  ...  the  judges  have  amassed  treasures 
from  the  tears  and  blood  of  the  innocent.  Greek  soldiers  were  proud 
only  of  the  magnificence  of  their  dress,  the  citizens  did  not  blush  at 
being  traitors.  The  soldiers  were  not  ashamed  to  fly.  The  Lord  has 
consequently  raised  and  supported  Muhammed,  whose  warriors  delight  in 
combat,  and  whose  judges  do  not  betray  their  trust.  There  remains  not 
an  orthodox  empire  save  that  of  the  Russians.  See  how  the  prophecies 
of  Saint  Methodius  and  Saint  Leo  the  Sage  have  been  fulfilled,  that 
sometime  the  children  of  Ishmael  should  conquer  Byzantium.  It  may  be 
that  we  shall  also  see  accomplished  another  prophecy,  by  which  the 

*  Id.,  427>  428.  t  Id.,  430. 


Russians  shall  triumph  over  the  children  of  Ishmael  and  reign  over  the 
seven  hills  of  Constantinople."*  Little  did  the  Russians  know  of  the 
fierce  future  that  this  conquest  was  to  bring  for  them,  and  less  of  the 
terrible  gadfly  which  the  Tartars  of  Krim,  who  now  began  to  fonn  a 
separate  kingdom  of  their  own,  would  also  prove.  The  succession  of 
Ivan  III.  to  the  throne  of  Muscovy  forms  a  notable  epoch  in  its  history, 
and  we  may  imitate  Karamzin  in  giving  a  short  resume  of  the  then 
condition  of  Russia. 

Its  long  subjection  to  the  Tartars  had  had  a  natural  result  in  breaking 
down  the  spirit  of  independence  of  its  people,  and  in  introducing  those 
habits  of  chicanery  and  diplomacy  which  are  generally  the  inheritance  of 
slaves.  It  was  well  for  the  Russians,  however,  that  their  oppressors  did 
not  parcel  out  the  land  and  settle  there,  as  they  did  in  China,  and  as  the 
Turks  did  in  Europe,  but  contented  themselves  with  ruling  it  from  a 
distance,  and  merely  exacted  taxes  and  black  mail  by  means  of  their 
agents,  or  it  may  well  have  been  that  Russia  would  still  be  groaning 
under  their  rule.  I  have  already  mentioned  how  effective  the  Mongol 
suzerainty  was  in  inducing  the  growth  of  extremely  autocratic  institutions 
within  the  Grand  Principality,  where  the  bell  summoning  the  vetche  or 
popular  assembly  was  now  no  longer  heard,  as  it  once  had  been  in  the 
more  ancient  Russian  cities.  Moscow,  Tuer,  &c.,  the  more  modern  ones, 
had  not  known  the  privilege,  and  only  one  such  summons  is  mentioned 
in  the  former  town,  when  it  was  at  once  threatened  by  the  Tartars 
and  abandoned  by  its  prince.  The  towns  had  also  lost  the  privilege 
of  electing  their  military  chiefs.  The  boyards  or  old  grandees,  who 
filled  the  various  administrative  posts  in  the  Russian  pohty,  whose 
office  was  a  personal  rather  than  an  hereditary  one,  but  who  had  the 
singular  privilege  of  changing  their  allegiance  with  their  retainers  from 
one  prince  to  another,  formed  the  only  aristocracy  of  Russia,  and 
were  really  the  heads  of  its  principal  families.  They  had  now  sunk 
greatly  from  their  former  importance,  the  subjugation  of  the  southern 
provinces  by  the  Lithuanians  and  of  the  appanages  by  the  Grand  Princes 
left  them  practically  at  the  mercy  of  the  great  autocrat  who  filled  the 
throne  of  Moscow,  and  whose  hand  the  Russian  annalists  are  fond 
of  arguing  it  was  necessary  to  strengthen  by  the  ehmination  of 
democratic  institutions,  in  order  that  when  a  blow  was  struck  for  freedom 
it  should  be  a  strike-down  blow,  and  not  be  distracted  by  internal 
dissensions.  We  can  sympathise  better  with  the  welding  together  of  the 
various  broken  fragments  of  the  land  under  one  hand,  and  the  conse- 
quent sweeping  away  of  local  laws,  coins,  institutions,  and  armies,  which 
led  to  the  Grand  Prince  becoming  something  more  than  receiver-general 
of  Tartar  taxes  and  the  commander-in-chief  of  the  general  levy.  This 
consolidation  we  may  well  believe  could  never  have  been  effected  but  for 

AHMED  KHAN.  309 

the  external  pressure  of  the  Tartars  and  the  relative  importance  which 
the  deputed  authority  of  their  Khans  gave  to  the  great  autocrat. 

Ivan  III.  was  only  twenty-two  when  he  succeeded  to  the  throne.  One 
of  his  first  acts  was  to  send  back  Vasili,  the  young  Prince  of  Riazan, 
who  had  married  his  sister  Anne,  to  his  principaHty.  He  then  entered 
into  an  offensive  and  defensive  alliance  with  his  brother-in-law  Michael, 
Prince  of  Tuer,  the  brother  of  his  wife  Mary.*  Three  years  after  his 
accession  we  find  him  at  war  with  Ahmed,  the  Khan  of  the  Golden 
Horde.  It  would  seem  that  he  had  not  only  neglected  to  get  an 
investiture  of  his  kingdom  from  the  Tartars,  but  had  also  failed  to  pay 
them  the  accustomed  tribute.  Ahmed  had  collected  his  people  for  an 
attack  upon  Muscovy,  but  meanwhile  he  quarrelled  with  Haji  Girai,  the 
Khan  of  Krim,  and  a  struggle  ensued  between  them  on  the  banks  of  the 
Don.t  This  was  the  beginning  of  a  long  feud,  which  was  itself  the  after- 
flow  of  the  struggle  between  Urus  Khan  and  Toktamish,  and  which  was 
very  opportune  for  Muscovite  interests.  In  Muscovy  the  early  years  of 
Ivan  were  marked  by  various  calamities,  by  famine  and  a  pestilence  known 
as  "  Glandes,"  which  destroyed  a  vast  number  of  people,  48,400  dying  at 
Novgorod  alone.  It  was  now  nearing  the  seven  thousandth  anniversary 
of  the  Creation,  and  a  popular  delusion  was  spread  abroad  that  the  end 
of  the  world  was  at  hand.  Many  people  became  monks,  and  the 
metropolitan  Theodosius  resigned  his  office  and  went  to  live  in  a  hut 
with  a  leper.  Philip,  bishop  of  Suzdal,  was  elected  in  his  place.t  To 
restore  confidence  to  his  people,  Ivan  determined  upon  a  war  with  his 
neighbours  the  Tartars  of  Kazan,  which  will  be  described  in  a  future 
chapter,  and  which  ended  favourably  for  the  Muscovites.  It  took  place 
in  1469.  The  same  year  we  read  that  a  great  army  of  Tartars,  led  by  a 
prince  named  Maniak,  made  an  irruption  into  Poland.  It  divided  into 
three  streams.  One  marched  by  way  of  Vladimir  Kremenetz,  Kuzmin, 
Czudov,  and  Zathomir,  and  carried  off  10,000  prisoners.  Another  went 
by  way  of  Trabovlya,  and  retired  again  with  its  prey  on  learning  of  the 
approach  of  the  Polish  army.  The  third  division,  which  invaded 
Moldavia,  was  twice  defeated,  and  the  son  of  Maniak  was  captured. 
Maniak  sent  one  hundred  of  his  people  to  demand  the  return  of  his  son. 
Ninety-nine  of  them  were  slaughtered,  and  the  remaining  one  was  sent 
back  with  his  nose  cut  off.§ 

Casimir,  the  Pohsh  king,  was  in  close  alliance  with  the  Tartars  of 
Krim,  and  it  is  probable  that  these  invaders  were  Nogais,  and  Maniak  a 
son  of  Seyid  Ahmed.  We  now  find  him  intriguing  against  Muscovy. 
The  people  of  Novgorod,  it  would  seem,  were  impatient  to  recover  the 
liberties  they  had  surrendered  to  Vasili,  and  began  to  act  very  inde- 
pendently. Ivan  sent  to  warn  them,  in  generous  but  firm  language,  of 
the  consequences  of  their  acts,  and  his  words  seemed  to  have  produced 

Karamzin,  vi.  5.  1  Id,.,  8.  I  Id.^  9-12.  §  Golden  Horde,  403. 


their  proper  effect  when  there  broke  out  at  Novgorod  a  very  strange 
sedition.  Marfa,  the  widow  of  the  possadnik  Isaac  Boretski,  an 
ambitious  woman  with  great  wealth  and  influence,  conceived  the  project 
of  freeing  Novgorod  from  the  domination  of  the  Grand  Prince,  and  of 
placing  it  under  the  patronage  of  Casimir  of  Poland,  who  she  probably 
expected  would  make  her  son  his  deputy.  She  was  opposed  by  the 
higher  clergy  and  notables,  who  did  not  wish  to  become  proteges  of 
an  heretical  Latin  prince,  nor  to  change  the  allegiance  which  Novgorod 
had  faithfully  owned  since  the  days  of  Ruric ;  but  their  influence  was 
overborne  by  the  crowd,  and  eventually  an  embassy  was  sent  to  Casimir 
to  offer  him  the  title  of  chief  of  Novgorod.  This  he  accepted,  and  a 
strange  treaty  was  drawn  up  between  the  Polish  king  and  the  authorities 
of  the  town,  by  which  he  was  to  have  a  deputy  of  the  Greek  religion,  who 
was  to  live  at  Goroditche,  and  was  not  to  have  a  retinue  of  more  than 
fifty  men.  He  was  to  sit  conjointly  with  the  possadnik  of  the  town,  but 
was  to  have  no  voice  in  the  affairs  of  the  tissiatski,  the  archbishopric,  or 
the  monasteries  ;  besides  this  lieutenant,  he  was  to  be  represented  by  an 
intendent  and  a  judge.  Casimir  undertook  to  aid  them  against  the 
Muscovites.  The  towns  of  Kief,  Veliki-Luki,  and  Kholm  were  to  remain 
subject  to  Novgorod,  but  to  pay  tribute  to  Casimir.  The  Lithuanians  and 
Novgorodians  residing  in  each  others  land  were  to  be  judged  by  the  lex 
loci.  The  dues  from  ten  salt  pits  at  Russa  were  assigned  to  Casimir  for 
a  revenue.  While  he  undertook  not  to  buy  their  slaves  and  their  villages, 
they  promised  that  his  dues  should  be  regularly  paid  ;  his  deputies 
were  not  to  make  any  exactions  upon  them,  and  their  domains  were  to 
be  managed  by  their  own  magistrates.  He  was  to  have  a  joint  judge 
with  theirs  at  Veliki-Luki,  Torjek,  and  Volok.  The  Lithuanians  were  not 
to  trade  directly  with  the  Germans,  but  through  themselves.  The  German 
quarter  at  Novgorod  was  to  be  outside  Casimir's  jurisdiction.  They  were 
to  be  permitted  to  have  their  metropolitan  consecrated  at  Moscow  or  at 
Kief,  as  they  wished,  he  was  not  to  build  any  church  of  the  Latin  rite 
within  their  borders,  and  in  case  he  should  succeed  in  appeasing  the 
Muscovites,  they  promised  to  make  a  general  levy  to  repay  him.* 

But  the  Muscovites  were  not  likely  to  be  appeased.  Once  more  the 
Grand  Prince  sent  his  envoys  to  recall  the  recalcitrant  citizens,  and  as 
they  were  obdurate,  war  was  determined  upon.  The  people  of  Tuer  and 
Pskof  undertook  to  assist  the  Grand  Prince.  The  citizens  of  Ustiuge 
and  Viatka  were  ordered  to  repair  to  the  Dwina  with  their  contingents. 
Prince  Daniel  Kholmski  marched  upon  Russa,  and  Prince  Vasili 
Obolenski  Striga,  with  the  Tartar  cavalry,  to  the  Amsta.  This  was, 
only  the  advanced  guard,  the  main  body  followed.  A  terrible 
vengeance  was  exacted  from  the  wretched  people.  Vuichegorod  was 
captured,  and  Russa  was  burnt.      Marfa  meanwhile,  with  the  usual 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  35-38. 


pertinacity  of  martial  women,  inspired  vigour  into  the  councils  of  her 
people.  Even  the  poorest  labourers  were  drawn  into  the  ranks  of  the 
regiments  or  made  to  man  the  war  boats.  A  momentary  success  of  the 
Novgorod  infantry  was  followed  by  a  disastrous  defeat,  in  which  500  men 
perished,  and  the  captives  had  their  noses  and  lips  cut  off— a  barbarous 
custom,  probably  learnt  from  the  Mongols — while  their  captured  cuirasses 
and  helmets  were  flung  into  the  stream  contemptuously  by  the  troops  of 
the  Grand  Prince,  who  declared  they  needed  not  the  arms  of  traitors. 
Presently  a  more  important  battle  was  fought  on  the  river  Chelone,  in 
which  the  Muscovites  were  greatly  outnumbered,  but  were  superior  in  dis- 
cipline and  skill  to  the  armed  mob  opposed  to  them.  The  Novgorodians 
were  completely  defeated,  and  their  chronicler  assigns  an  ambuscade  laid 
by  the  Tartar  cavalry  as  the  cause  ;  12,000  men  perished,  and  1,700  were 
made  prisoners,  among  them  some  of  the  principal  rebels.  The  draft 
treaty  of  peace  already  mentioned  was  also  captured.  The  victorious 
Muscovites  proceeded  to  ravage  the  country  as  far  as  the  Narova  and  the 
frontiers  of  Livonia.  The  Grand  Prince  repaired  to  Russa,  where  some 
of  the  ringleaders  were  beheaded  or  imprisoned,  while  others  were  freely 
sent  home.  Meanwhile  the  division  of  the  Muscovite  army  which  had 
marched  to  the  Dwina  gained  a  victor)-  there  over  the  combined  troops 
of  the  Dwina  and  the  Petchora,  colonists  and  faithful  subjects  of  Great 
Novgorod.  Nor  did  the  Polish  king  send  any  succour.  The  envoy  in 
fact  who  had  been  sent  to  apprise  him  had  not  been  allowed  to  cross  the 
Livonian  territory,  and  had  had  to  return.  Want  began  to  be  felt  within 
the  city,  and  the  more  martial  spirits,  who  were  determined  to  prosecute 
the  war,  were  met  by  the  dangerous  cries  of  bread  and  peace.*  The 
archbishop  Theophilus  and  the  principal  notables  of  the  town  were  sent 
to  the  Muscovite  camp  at  the  mouth  of  the  Chelone  to  entreat  for  the 
citizens.  They  prostrated  themselves  humbly,  and  when  Ivan  ordered 
his  secretary  to  read  out  a  list  of  the  various  grievances  which  the  Grand 
Princes  had  suffered  at  their  hands,  they  rephed  that  they  had  not  gone 
to  justify  anything  but  to  ask  for  pardon.  Pardon  was  granted  them,  but 
they  undertook  to  pay  a  fine  of  15,500  roubles  or  80  pounds  of  silver,  to 
restore  the  domains  they  had  appropriated,  to  duly  pay  the  annual  taxes 
to  himself,  and  the  ecclesiastical  dues  to  the  metropolitan,  to  have  their 
archbishops  consecrated  at  Moscow,  and  promised  to  renounce  all 
connection  with  Casimir  and  the  other  enemies  of  Moscow,  that  they 
would  abolish  the  acts  of  the  vetche  or  national  assembly,  recognise  him 
as  supreme  judge,  and  issue  no  judicial  acts  not  previously  confirmed 
by  himself.  He  on  his  part  gave  up  to  them  again  Torjek  and  his  recent 
conquests  on  the  Dwina,  and  swore  not  to  violate  their  rights.  Marfa 
was,  as  if  in  disdain,  not  even  mentioned  in  the  treaty,  and  the  Grand 
Prince  returned  home  in  triumph,  while  the  rash  merchants  of  Novgorod 

*  Id.,  50-54- 


had  to  deplore  at  leisure  the  terrible  ravage  of  their  country,  which 
became  for  a  time  the  prey  of  roving  bands  of  robbers.* 

Although  Casimir  did  not  render  any  direct  aid  to  his  proteges  the 
people  of  Novgorod,  it  was  not  through  any  good  will  he  felt  for  the 
Muscovite  power,  and  we  now  find  him  intriguing  and  causing  it  trouble 
in  another  direction.  Vasili  Dimitrovitch,  ancestor  of  the  Grand  Prince 
Ivan,  had  bought  in  Lithuania  a  Tartar  named  Misur,  who  had  been 
captured  by  Vitut.  A  grandson  of  this  Misur,  named  Kiree  (?  Girai), 
deserted  the  Muscovite  service  and  sought  refuge  in  Poland,  where  he 
gained  the  ear  of  Casimir,  and  was  sent  by  him  to  the  Golden  Horde  to 
incite  Ahmed  against  the  Russians,  urging  that  the  ambition  of  the 
Grand  Prince  was  to  break  off  his  allegiance  and  to  cease  paying  tribute. 
His  persuasion  was  supported  by  that  of  Timur,  the  first  grandee  at 
Ahmed's  court,  but  the  Khan  had  to  exercise  considerable  caution,  for 
the  power  of  the  horde  was  fast  decaying,  and  this  very  year  we  find  that 
the  people  of  Viatka  took  boat  on  the  Volga,  and  hearing  that  Ahmed 
was  encamped  some  fifty  versts  away  from  Serai,  they  made  a  descent 
upon  it  and  carried  off  a  large  booty,  running  the  gauntlet  of  a  number  of 
Tartar  boats,  which  would  have  cut  off  their  retreat.t 

Ahmed  at  length  sent  Girai  back  with  a  promise  that  he  would  at  once 
attack  the  Muscovites  ;  and  a  few  months  later,  leaving,  says  the 
chronicler,  the  old,  the  rich,  and  the  children  in  charge  of  his  wife,  he 
approached  Alexin  on  the  Oka4  He  also  put  under  arrest  a  messenger 
whom  the  Grand  Prince  had  sent  to  him.  The  latter,  on  hearing  of  this 
invasion,  ordered  the  boyard  Feodor,  with  the  troops  of  Kolomna,  to 
the  Oka,  and  presently  sent  a  larger  contingent  under  Daniel  Kholmski, 
Obolenski  Striga,  and  his  brother,  with  a  contingent  under  the  friendly 
Tartar  chief  Daniar,  altogether  a  force  of  140,000  men.  Nevertheless,  so 
great  was  still  the  fame  of  the  Tartars,  that  considerable  fear  reigned  at 
Moscow,  and  the  Grand  Prince's  mother  retired  to  Rostof.  The  Tartars 
succeeded  in  burning  Alexin,  which  was  an  unfortified  town,  and  its 
inhabitants  were  either  burnt  or  made  prisoners.  They  then  fell  upon  a 
detachment  of  Muscovites  on  the  other  side  of  the  Oka,  but  on  the 
appearance  of  reinforcements  retired.  We  are  told  how  the  Russians 
marshalled  their  men  on  one  side  of  the  river,  and  how  the  Tartars, 
having  seen  from  the  other  bank  their  strength  and  equipment,  retired, 
and  when  darkness  came  on  fled  precipitately,  carrying  away  with  them 
the  Russian  envoy  Kilitshei  Volnin.  Their  retreat  was  so  rapid,  that 
they  regained  their  camp  in  six  days,  while  their  advance  had  occupied 
six  weeks.§  This  attack  took  place  in  the  year  1471,  and  one  account 
assigns  the  breaking  out  of  a  contagious  disease  as  the  cause  of  the 
retreat.    This  same  year  Prokhor  was  installed  as  bishop  of  Serai.  || 

*  Id.,  58.  t  Karamzin,  vi.  63.  J  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  36. 

Karanuin,  vi.  65.    Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  36.  |j  Golden  Horde,  404. 


AHMED  KHAN,  313 

About  the  time  of  this  invasion  we  find  the  borders  of  Muscovy 
enlarged  towards  the  north-east  by  the  conquest  of  Permia,  whose  towns 
were  the  seat  of  a  great  trade  in  furs,  and  were  peopled  largely  by 
colonists  from  Novgorod.  They  were  successively  occupied,  and  their 
prince,  Michael,  was  made  prisoner.  His  son  was  allowed  to  return  an4 
to  reign  for  a  while  as  z.  protege  of  the  Grand  Prince.* 

In  1472  Ivan  III.  married  Sophia,  the  niece  of  Constantine  Palaeologos, 
the  last  Emperor  of  Constantinople,  This  wedding  was  arranged  at  the 
instance  of  the  pope,  who  wished  to  complete  the  work  of  the  Council  of 
Florence.  It  was  also  very  grateful  to  Ivan,  who  spoke  of  his  bride  as 
a  branch  of  an  Imperial  tree  whose  shadow  had  once  covered  all 
orthodox  and  brother  Christians.t  He  probably  also  deemed  that  by 
this  graft  his  own  descendants  would  some  day  have  claims  upon  the 
mistress  of  the  Bosphorus. 

It  is  very  curious  to  read  of  the  graceful  compliments  that  passed 
between  the  pope  and  the  ambassadors  of  Ivan,  and  to  read  further  that 
the  solemn  betrothal  of  Sophia  took  place  in  the  Basilica  of  Saint  Peter 
at  Rome.  The  pope  gave  her  a  dowry,  and  sent  a  legate  and  other 
ecclesiastics  with  her,  and  she  made  a  stately  progress  across  Europe, 
and  was  met  at  Dorpat  by  a  Russian  escort.l  She  was  received  with 
great  honour  at  Pskof  and  Novgorod,  and  was  eventually  married  at 
Moscow.  The  legate  and  his  companions  tried  in  vain  to  induce  the 
Russian  authorities  to  submit  to  the  decision  of  the  council  of  Florence 
and  then  returned  home.  Karamzin  remarks  that  this  famous  marriage 
broke  the  seclusion  which  had  hitherto  surrounded  Muscovy.  Till  then  an 
unknown  land  in  the  west,  it  now  began  to  form  a  unit  of  the  European 
body-politic.  While  the  destruction  of  Constantinople  drove  many 
Greeks  and  other  useful  emigrants  to  Italy,  another  stream  went  to 
Russia,  and  initiated  a  kind  of  renaissance  there.  The  services  of  the 
church  acquired  the  pompous  surroundings  they  wore  at  Constantinople, 
"  while  many  books,  &c.,  found  their  way  to  the  Russian  libraries.  Ivan 
also  adopted  the  arms  of  the  Greek  Emperors,  the  double-headed  eagle, 
and  his  seal  bore  on  one  side  an  eagle  and  on  the  other  a  horseman 
trampling  on  a  dragon,  with  the  inscription,  "  The  Grand  Prince,  by  the 
grace  of  God,  Sovereign  of  all  Russia."§ 

We  now  find  the  Venetians  asking  Ivan  to  incite  the  Khan  of  the 
Golden  Horde  to  attack  and  harass  the  Turks.  On  the  other  hand  Ivan, 
who  was  desirous  of  embellishing  his  capital,  sent  to  Venice  for  an  able 
architect.  Fioravanti  Aristotle,  who  had  built  a  fine  palace  at  Venice, 
accordingly  went  to  Russia,  and  there  designed  and  built  the  famous 
Church  of  the  Assumption  within  the  Kremlin,  which  was  consecrated 
on  the  1 2th  of  August,  1479,  and  which  still  survives;  other  Italians  were 
employed  upon  other  large  buildings.    Inter  alia  there  was  built  the 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  59-61.  1  M,  7?.  I  Jd.,  77.  $  M.,  86, 



Granovitaia  Palata  or  Granite  Palace,  which  also  survives,  and  which 
was  meant  for  State  ceremonials.    The  residences  of  the  Grand  Princes 
had    hitherto  been  of  wood  only,  the  constant  victims  of  merciless 
Russian  fires.    Ivan  had  a  brick  palace  built  by  the  Greek  Alevizo,  which 
is  still  known  as  the  Palace  of  the  Belvedere,  and  his  example  was 
followed  by  the  greater  grandees.     He  also  built  the  massive  walls  and 
bastions  of  the  Kremlin  as  they  now  repiain.    Cannon  founders  were  intro- 
duced, while  Italians  improved  the  character  and  style  of  his  coinage, 
on  some  specimens  of  which  the  name  of  the  architect  Aristotle  occurs. 
When  we  read  of  the  rising  empire  of  Muscovy  stretching  itself  in 
various    directions,  making    such    dignified    alliances,    and    otherwise 
showing  signs  of  great  vigour  and  rejuvenescence,  we  are  apt  to  forget 
that  the  Grand  Princes  were  still  the  vassals  of  the  Tartars,  and  Muscovy 
only  a  dependence  of  the  Khanate  of  the  Golden  Horde ;  but  this  period 
of  subserviance  was  drawing  to  a  close.    We  are  told  that  Sophia 
continually  taunted  her  husband  with  his  position,  and  asked  how  long 
she  was  to  remain  a  slave  of  the  Tartars.    There  was  a  house  within  the 
Kremlin  where  the  ambassadors  and  other  functionaries  of  the  horde 
resided,  and  where  the  Tartar  merchants  congregated.    As  they  acted  as 
spies  upon  the  Russians,  Sophia  determined  to  rid  herself  of  them,  and 
craftily  wrote  a  letter  to  the  wife  of  the  Khan  Ahmed,  accompanied  by 
presents,  in  which  she  said  that  in  consequence  of  a  dream,  she  had 
determined  to  build  a  church  on  the  site  of  this  house  (the  place  where 
the  church  of  Saint  Nicholas  Gostunsky  now  stands).      She   asked 
that  it  might  be  made  over  to  her,  and   offered   to   replace  it  with 
another.    The  Tartars  consented,  the  house  was  demolished,  but  thence- 
forward no  resting  place  was  found  for  the  strangers  within  the  Kremlin. 
It  is  said  she  also  persuaded  Ivan  that  in  future  he  must  not  march  out 
to  meet  the  Tartar  ambassadors.    Formerly  when  these  functionaries 
arrived  bearing  with  them  the  Basma  or  portrait  of  the  Khan,  it  was  the 
custom  of  the  Grand  Princes  to  go  out  and  meet  them,  and  then  to 
prostrate  themselves,  offering  a  cupfull  of  kumis  and  spreading  a  sable 
skin  under  the  feet  of  the  person  who  read  the  Khan's  letter,  which  was 
listened  to  kneehng.    During  the  reign  of  Ivan  a  church  was  built  on  the 
spot  where  this  ceremony  generally  took  place.    It  was  dedicated  to  the 
Saviour,  and  still  survives.*    Herberstein  says  that  latterly  Ivan,  on  the 
approach  of  the  ambassadors,  used  to  feign  sickness.t    He,  however, 
continued  to  pay  tribute,  which  in  the  official  acts  of  the  time  is  called 
the  tax  of  the  horde.    We  find  Nicephorus  Bassenkof  mentioned  as  an 
envoy  from  Ivan  to  the  Khan,  are  further  told  that  Karachuk  went  in  the 
same  capacity  from  Serai,  accompanied  by  600   servants   and   3,200 
merchants,  escorting  40,000  Asiatic  horses  for  sale  in  Russia.  J    I  have 
mentioned  that  the  Venetians  tried  to  persuade  Ahmed  to  declare  war 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  iii. 

Ud.,6.    Note,  8. 

I  Id.,  112. 

AHMED  KHAN.  315 

against  the  Turks.  Their  envoy  for  this  purpose  was  Trevisani,  who 
visited  Serai.  About  this  time  that  Khan  had  a  struggle  with  Mengli 
Girai,  the  Khan  of  Krim,  whom  he  drove  out.  Proud  of  this  performance, 
he  sent  Bochuk  to  demand  that  Ivan  should  repair  to  the  horde  to  do 
homage.  The  Grand  Prince  received  the  envoy  courteously  and  sent 
back  presents  with  him,  but  he  refused  to  go  * 

Many  severe  things  have  been  said  about  the  peculiar  policy  adopted 
by  Ivan.  It  was  certainly  not  heroic,  and  when  he  gained  his  ends  it 
was  more  by  craft  and  chicane  than  by  open  fighting.  People  forget 
that  such  characters  are  absolutely  necessary  in  certain  stages  of  national 
progress.  What  would  France  have  been  but  for  Louis  XL,  or  England  but 
for  Henry  VI  I.  ?  and  the  position  of  Russia  was  far  more  difficult.  With 
many  more  external  enemies  and  a  long  inheritance  of  disintegration 
within ;  Charles  XII.  of  Sweden  and  such  as  he,  would  simply  have  buried 
the  empire  under  glorious  ruins,  while  Ivan's  persistent  Macchiavelianism 
welded  together  a  splendid  inheritance. 

At  this  time  Contarini,  the  Venetian  envoy,  passed  through  Russia  on 
his  journey  to  and  from  Persia.  He  tells  us  how  on  his  return  home,  in 
April,  1476,  he  sailed  with  one  Marco,  a  Russian  envoy,  from  Derbend 
on  the  Caspian  to  the  mouth  of  the  Volga,  and  thence  to  Citracan  '(/.^., 
Astrakhan),  which  he  says  was  seventy-five  miles  from  the  river's  mouth. 
Some  of  the  merchants  who  accompanied  him  were  taking  rice,  silk,  and 
fustians  for  the  Russian  market,  and  there  were  some  Tartars  going  to 
get  furs  for  sale  at  Derbend.  Between  Citracan  and  the  coast,  he  says, 
there  was  a  large  salt  lake,  yielding  salt  of  excellent  quality,  from  which 
Russia  was  principally  supplied,  and  which  would  suffice  fof  a  great  part 
of  the  world.  Marco,  he  says,  was  allowed  to  land  as  he  had  friends  in 
the  town,  but  he  himself  was  prohibited  doing  so.  He,  however,  went 
ashore  and  lodged  in  the  same  house  with  his  friend.  ^'  In  the  morning," 
he  says,  "  came  three  ill-favoured  Tartars,  who  told  Marco  that  he  was 
welcome  as  he  was  a  friend  of  their  lord,  but  that  for  me  I  had  become 
his  slave  as  the  Franks  were  their  enemies."  Marco  at  length  arranged 
that  he  should  pay  their  lord  a  sum  of  2,000  alermi  (?)  by  way  of  ransom. 
"  This  sum  did  not  include,"  he  says,  "  what  was  extorted  by  others.  As 
I  had  not  a  soldo,  the  money  was  advanced  on  very  usurious  terms  by 
Russian  and  Tartar  merchants  who  were  going  to  Muscovy,  on  security 
given  by  Marco.  Although  our  difficulty  with  the  lord  might  be  said  to 
have  been  overcome  by  this  arrangement,  the  dog  of  a  Comerchier  used 
to  come  to  our  house  when  Marco  was  not  at  home,  and,  after  knocking 
down  my  door,  would  threaten  in  his  cursed  voice  to  have  me  impaled, 
saying  that  I  had  jewels  in  quantities.  I  was  therefore  obliged  to 
appease  him  as  best  I  could.  Many  and  many  a  time,  also,  Tartars 
drunk  with  a  beverage  they  make  with  apples,  used  to  come  and  shout 

*  M,  112. 


that  they  would  have  the  Franks,  who  had  not  the  hearts  of  men.  We 
were  terrified  into  purchasing  their  silence  also."  The  travellers 
remained  at  Astrakhan  from  the  ist  of  May  to  the  i6th  of  August,  1476. 
He  goes  on  to  say  that  the  town  belonged  to  three  sons  of  a  brother  of 
the  present  Emperor  of  these  Tartars,  who  inhabited  the  plains  of 
Circassia  and  the  country  lying  in  the  direction  of  Tana.  In  the  heat  of 
summer  they  {i.e.,  the  Great  Horde)  went  towards  the  confines  of  Russia 
in  search  of  fresh  pasturage.  These  three  brothers  remained  in 
Astrakhan  a  few  months  in  the  winter,  but  in  the  summer  did  like 
the  rest.  The  latter  were,  he  says,  the  nephews  of  the  Khan  of 
the  Great  Horde.  He  tells  us  one  of  them,  and  apparently  the  chief 
one,  was  named  Kasim,  and  he  was  then  at  strife  with  his  uncle  {i.e., 
with  Ahmed).  This  is  confirmed  by  Karamzin,  who  says  that  Ahmed 
was  for  a  long  time  at  strife  with  his  nephew  named  Kassyda.*  Kassyda 
is  obviously  the  same  person  as  the  Kasim  of  Contarini.  The  other 
two  princes  I  shall  revert  to  further  on.  Contarini  says  their  father 
had  been  Khan  of  the  horde,  which  makes  it  clear  that  they  were 
the  sons  of  Mahmud  Khan.  He  thus  describes  his  journey  to 
Moscow.  "On  the  loth  of  August,  1476,  the  feast  of  St.  Lawrence,  as  we 
have  said,  we  left  Citracan,  as  I  shall  hereafter  relate.  The  lord  of 
Citracan,  named  Kasim  Khan,  sends  an  ambassador  to  Russia  every 
year  to  the  Duke  of  Muscovy  (more  for  the  sake  of  obtaining  presents 
than  anything  else),  who  is  accompanied  by  a  great  many  Tartar  mer- 
chants, who  form  a  caravan,  and  take  with  them  silk  manufactured  in 
Gesdi,  and  fustian]  stuffs  to  exchange  for  furs,  saddles,  swords,  bridles, 
and  other  things  which  they  require.  And  as  the  country  between 
Citracan  and  Muscovy  is  a  continual  desert,  everyone  is  obliged  to  carry 
provisions.  The  Tartars,  however,  care  little  to  do  so,  as  they  always 
drive  a  great  number  of  horses  with  them,  some  of  which  they  kill  every 
day  for  food.  They  live,  indeed,  continually  on  meat  and  milk  without 
other  food,  no  one  being  even  acquainted  with  bread  unless  it  be  some 
merchant  who  has  visited  Russia.  We,  however,  were  obliged  to 
provide  ourselves  as  well  as  we  could.  We  took  a  little  rice,  with  which 
a  mixture  is  made  with  milk  dried  in  the  sun,  and  called  thur,  which 
becomes  very  hard,  tastes  rather  sour,  and  is  said  to  be  very  nourishing. 
We  had  also  onions  and  garlick,  besides  which  I  obtained  with  much 
trouble  a  quart  of  biscuits  made  of  very  good  wheaten  flour,  and  a  salted 
sheep's  tail."t 

The  route  of  the  travellers  lay  between  two  tributaries  of  the  Volga^ 
but  as  Kasim  Khan  was  at  war  with  his  uncle,  pretending  that 
he  was  the  true  Emperor,  his  father  having  been  the  Emperor  of  the 
Orda  and  in  possession  of  the  territory,  they  determined  to  cross  the 
river,  and  to  go  as  far  as  the  narrow  pass  between  the  Tanais  and  the 

*  Karamxin,  vi.  177.  t  Contarini's  Trarels,  ed.  Hack.  Soc,  iii,  152. 

AHMED  KHAN.  317 

Volga  (/>.,  to  near  Tzaritzin).  The  Tartar  who  was  his  guide  not  finding 
a  boat  to  take  Contarini  and  his  party  over  in,  collected  some  branches, 
which  he  bound  together  as  well  as  he  could  ;  and  after  placing  the 
saddles  upon  them,  tied  them  with  a  rope  to  the  tail  of  a  horse,  which  he 
drove  to  an  island  in  the  river,  a  distance  of  two  bow  shots.  He  then 
returned  and  took  a  Russian  woman,  and  eventually  Contarini  himself, 
and  also  his  horses.  "  This  was  the  third  day,"  he  says, "  I  had  not  eaten, 
and  when  he  (z>.,  the  Tartar)  gave  me  a  little  sour  milk  I  received  it  with 
the  greatest  thanks,  and  thought  it  very  good.^  A  number  of  Tartar  neat- 
herds, who  were  on  the  island,  collected  round  to  look  at  him,  no 
Christian  having  ever  been  there  before.  On  the  14th  of  August  a  lamb 
was  killed  in  his  honour,  which  was  partly  roasted  and  partly  boiled,  but 
no  trouble  whatever  was  taken  to  wash  the  flesh,  as  they  said  that 
washing  took  all  the  flavour  away,  nor  did  they  scum  it  with  anything 
but  a  twig.  Some  of  this  meat  and  some  sour  milk  was  then  served 
up,  and,  although  it  was  the  eve  of  our  Lady  (of  whom  I  craved  forgive- 
ness as  I  could  hold  out  no  longer),  we  all  began  eating  together. 
Mares'  milk  was  also  brought,  of  which  they  wished  me  to  drink,  as  it 
gives  great  strength  to  man,  but  as  it  stunk  most  horridly  I  refused  to 
take  it,  which  gave  them  some  offence."*  Two  days  later  he  crossed  to 
the  further  bank  of  the  river,  and  met  Marco,  who  had  crossed  further 
south,  and  his  caravan. 

Speaking  of  the  Great  Horde,  he  says  : — "  This  horde  is  governed  by 
an  Emperor,  whose  name  I  do  not  remember,  who  rules  over  all  the 
Tartars  in  those  parts.  These  Tartars,  as  I  have  said,  are  constantly 
wandering  in  search  of  fresh  pasturage  and  water,  and  live  entirely  on 
milk  and  meat.  They  have,  I  believe,  the  most  beautiful  oxen,  cows, 
and  sheep  in  the  world,  the  meat  being  of  good  flavour  on  account  of  the 
excellence  of  the  pastures.  Mares'  milk,  however,  is  held  in  great 
estimation.  Their  country  consists  of  beautiful  and  extensive  plains, 
where  not  a  mountain  is  to  be  seen.  I  did  not  visit  this  horde  myself, 
but  was  desirous  of  obtaining  what  information  I  could  respecting  it  and 
its  numerical  strength.  It  is  the  general  opinion  that,  although  it 
contains  altogether  a  great  many  people,  a  thousand  men  armed  with 
sword  and  bow  could  scarcely  be  mustered  in  it,  all  the  rest  being  women 
and  children  in  great  numbers,  or  men  shoeless  and  without  arms  of  any 
kind.  They  are  accounted  valiant,  as  they  plunder  both  Circassians  and 
Russians.  Their  horses  are  no  better  than  wild  ;  they  are  timid,  and  it 
is  not  the  custom  to  shoe  them.  These  Tartars  themselves  are  generally 
looked  upon  as  brutes.  As  has  been  said,  they  dwell  between  the  rivers 
Tanais  and  Volga.  But  there  is  said  to  be  another  tribe  of  Tartars  living 
beyond  the  Volga,  in  an  east-north-easterly  direction,  who  are  supposed 
to  be  very  numerous.    They  wear  long  hair  reaching  to  their  waists,  and 

*  Id.,  154. 


are  called  wild  Tartars.  They  wander  in  search  of  pasturage  and  water 
like  the  others,  and  in  winter,  when  there  is  much  cold  and  ice,  they  are 
said  to  come  as  far  as  Citracan,  nor  do  they  commit  any  damage  in  the 
town,  unless  it  be  some  paltry  theft  of  meat."* 

Our  traveller  now  proceeded  to  Riazan,  a  wooden  town  with  a  wooden 
castle,  thence  to  Kolomna,  and  reached  Moscow  on  the  26th  of 
September.  He  was  not  very  cordially  received,  it  would  seem,  by  Ivan, 
who  resented  the  intercourse  of  the  Venetians  with  the  Gr^at  Horde, 
and  especially  the  recent  journey  of  Trevisani  to  the  Tartars.  He  met 
Aristotle,  the  architect,  already  mentioned,  and  also  a  Maestro  Trifoso,  a 
goldsmith  from  Cattaro,  who  had  made  some  beautiful  vases  for  the 
Grand  Duke.  He  describes  Moscow  as  built  entirely  of  wood,  as 
traversed  by  a  river,  having  a  castle  with  a  portion  of  the  town  on  one 
side,  and  the  rest  on  the  other.  The  river  was  crossed  by  several 
bridges.  The  town  was  surrounded  by  forests,  with  which  indeed,  he 
says,  the  greater  part  of  the  country  was  covered.  The  land  abounded 
in  grain,  which  was  then,  as  it  is  now,  very  cheap.  Meat  was  also  very 
cheap,  three  pounds  of  beef  or  pork  being  only  a  soldo.  A  ducat  would 
buy  one  hundred  fowls  or  forty  ducks,  and  geese  were  little  more  than  three 
soldi  each.  Hares  were  common,  but  other  game  scarce.  Many  small 
birds  were  sold  in  the  market.  Water  melons,  as  now,  abounded.  Most 
of  the  heavy  traffic  was  carried  on  in  the  winter,  when  the  roads  were 
covered  with  snow,  and  it  was  easy  for  sledges  to  be  moved.  In  October 
the  river  was  frozen  over,  and  a  bazaar  was  held  where  provisions  were 
sold.  The  cattle  and  pigs,  when  killed,  were  frozen,  the  former  skinned 
and  then  made  stand  up  on  their  legs.  "  The  meat  you  eat,"  he  says, "  has 
sometimes  been  killed  three  months  or  more."  Fish,  fowl,  &c.,  were 
treated  in  the  same  way.  " They  have  a  pope  of  their  own,"  he  says,  "and 
hold  ours  in  httle  esteem,  saying  that  we  are  doomed  to  perdition.  They 
have  no  wine  of  any  kind,  but  drink  a  beverage  made  of  honey  and  the 
leaves  of  the  hop.  They  boast  of  being  great  drunkards,  and  despise 
those  who  are  not.  Their  custom  is  to  remain  from  morning  till  mid- 
day in  the  bazaars,  and  to  spend  the  rest  of  the  day  in  the  taverns  in 
eating  and  drinking.  After  mid-day  you  cannot  obtain  any  service  of 
them  whatever."  Many  merchants  from  Germany  and  Poland,  he  says, 
frequented  the  city  to  buy  peltries,  such  as  the  furs  of  young  goats,  foxes, 
ermines,  squirrels,  wolves,  &c.,  for  which  Moscow  was  the  great 

Before  Contarini  left  the  Grand  Duke,  who  is  described  as  thirtyfive 
years  of  age,  tall,  thin,  and  handsome,  was  more  courteous,  undertook  to 
pay  the  money  he  owed  the  Russians  and  Tartars,  entertained  him  at  his 
table,  gave  him  a  gown  of  ermine  skins,  and  also  a  present  of  a  thousand 
squirrel  skins,  and  showed  him  some  of  his  own  dresses  of  cloth  of  gold 

*  Ztf.,  X55.  t  /rf.,  161,  i6a. 

AHMED  KHAN.  3^9 

lined  with  ermine.  At  the  farewell  banquet  he  was  given  a  large  silver 
cup  filled  with  hydromel,  this  he  Was  told  to  empty  and  then  keep  the 
vessel,  which  was  done  when  great  honour  was  to  be  done  to  envoys  or 
others.    He  then  returned  home  by  way  of  Poland.* 

Barbaro's  account  of  Russia  adds  but  little  to  the  graphic  details  of 
Contarini.  He  tells  us  the  drink  used  by  the  Russians  was  called  bossa 
{i.e.,  kwass,  from  the  Turkish  and  Persian  buzah,  a  kind  of  beer).  The 
abundance  of  flesh  in  Russia,  he  says,  may  be  gathered  from  the  fact, 
that  they  did  not  sell  it  by  weight  but  by  the  eye,  and  gave  as  much  as 
four  pounds  for  a  marchetto  {i.e.,  a  coin  not  worth  an  English  halfpenny). 
Seventy  hens  could  be  got  for  a  ducat,  and  a  goose  for  three  marchetti.t 

Let  us  now  continue  our  account  of  the  aggrandisement  of  Ivan  HI. 
We  have  reached  the  time  when  the  proud  burghers  of  Novgorod  had  to 
stoop  their  heads  very  low.  That  mercantile  republic,  like  others 
similarly  based — like  Venice  and  Genoa — had  become  in  effect  an 
oligarchy,  in  which  wealth  and  its  surroundings  ruled  the  roost,  while  the 
people  were  tyrannised  over.  Ivan  cleverly  took  advantage  of  this  state 
of  things.  He  fomented  the  dissensions  between  the  boyards  and  the 
people,  and  where  injustice  seemed  inevitable  he  laid  the  blame  on  the 
ancient  laws  of  Novgorod.  At  the  invitation  of  the  lower  orders,  he 
repaired  in  person  to  the  banks  of  the  Volkhof,  and  was  received  with  royal 
hospitality,  presents  of  casks  of  red  and  white  wine,  cloth  of  Ypres, 
ducats,  and  the  much  valued  teeth  of  the  narwhal,  &c.  He  in  his  turn 
entertained  the  higher  clergy,  the  possadniks,  and  boyards  at  his  own 
table.  He  then  proceeded  to  business,  and  courts  were  opened  for  the 
trial  of  the  many  complaints  which  had  arisen.  *'  Then  it  was,"  says 
Kelly,  "that  he  sent  to  Moscow,  loaded  with  chains,  the  nobles  of 
Novgorod  who  had  formerly  been  his  enemies.  He  had  procured  their 
denunciation  by  the  people,  whose  blind  jealousy  exulted  to  see  violated, 
in  the  person  of  these  eminent  men,  the  ancient  law  of  the  republic, 
*  that  none  of  its  citizens  should  be  tried  or  punished  out  of  the  hmits  of 
its  own  territory.'  "J  What  Ivan  did,  he  did  under  the  semblance  at  least 
of  equity  and  fairness.  Those  taller  poppies,  upon  whom  the  crowd  lean 
for  support  in  tempestuous  times,  were  charged  with  treacherous  dealings 
with  the  Lithuanians  or  with  oppression,  charges  often  well  founded,  and 
they  were  accordingly  weeded  out.  He  then  returned  to  Moscow,  after 
distributing  a  generous  largess  and  receiving  rich  presents  in  return.§ 

The  punishment  of  these  boyards  was  followed  by  a  crop  of  fresh 
complaints  from  those  who  easily  found  grievances  now  that  they  had 
Ivan  to  repair  to ;  and,  for  the  first  time  in  its  history,  Novgorod  was  a 
constant  suppliant  at  the  feet  of  the  Grand  Prince,  "  who,  when  by  this 
slow,  gradual,  and  almost  imperceptible  progression,  thought  he  had  led 
them  far  enough  astray  from  their  ancient  usages,  and  had  made  them 

*  Id.,  165.  t  Id.,  29,  30.  I  Kelly,  i.  115.  §  Karamzin,  vi.  127. 


forget  their  ancient  liberties,  then  on  every  thoughtless  movement  to 
which  he  had  given  rise,  and  on  every  imprudence  he  had  excited,  he 
grounded  a  claim  of  right."* 

The  Grand  Princes  were  styled  Gospodars  of  Novgorod,  Gospodar 
meaning  master.  Either  through  inadvertence  or  design,  an  envoy  of 
the  republic  addressed  Ivan  under  the  style  of  gosudar  {i.e.,  liege  lord), 
upon  which  he  wrote  a  letter  to  the  citizens,  claiming  the  rights  of  an 
absolute  master,  demanding  that  they  should  take  an  oath  of  allegiance 
to  him  as  their  monarch,  only  legislator,  and  judge ;  that  they  should 
accept  only  such  judges  as  he  sent  them,  and  should  surrender  to  him 
the  ancient  palace  of  Yaroslaf,  where  their  public  meetings  were  held.t 
These  demands  caused  an  outbreak  of  patriotic  fervour,  the  traitors  who 
had  connived  at  the  encroachments  of  Ivan  were  seized  and  terribly 
punished,  and  the  envoy  who  had  committed  himself  was  torn  in  pieces. 
The  Muscovite  representative,  however,  was  treated  with  courtesy,  but 
Ivan  was  plainly  told  they  would  never  submit  to  him  as  their  sovereign, 
they  would  not  surrender  their  ancient  meeting  hall,  nor  allow  the 
Muscovite  court,  which  sat  at  Goroditche  according  to  ancient  custom, 
to  transfer  its  sittings  to  Novgorod.^  Ivan  professed  to  be  much 
aggrieved  at  this  answer,  and  insisted  that,  having  been  styled  their 
sovereign  by  their  envoys,  the  Novgorodians  now  intended  to  insult  him 
before  all  the  people.  He  ordered  a  general  muster  of  his  troops,  and 
constrained  the  unwilling  citizens  of  Pskof  and  Tuer,  who  doubtless  saw 
their  own  fate  looming  in  the  distance,  to  send  their  contingents.  He 
quickly  surrounded  Novgorod  and  occupied  its  environs.  The  citizens 
built  a  wooden  rampart  about  it,  but  they  saw  they  were  overpowered, 
and  that  the  real  choice  left  them  was  death  by  famine  or  the  sword. 
They  accordingly  began  to  negotiate.  Several  times  their  notables 
approached  Ivan,  seeking  to  restrain  his  demands,  but  from  these  he 
would  not  move.  He  would  reign  at  Novgorod  as  he  did  at  Moscow. 
They  must  give  up  their  possadnik  and  the  great  bell  which  summoned 
the  national  council,  and  also  make  over  to  him  some  Royal  domains 
within  their  territory,  such  as  he  had  at  Moscow.§  These  terms  the 
citizens  were  obliged  at  last  to  submit  to,  and  we  are  told  that  the 
domains  he  seized,  which  consisted  of  a  large  portion  of  the  land 
belonging  to  the  archbishop  Theophilus  and  the  monasteries,  amounted 
to  2,700  arpens,  without  counting  the  territory  of  Torjek. 

It  proves  that  Ivan  was  a  statesman  as  well  as  a  crafty  manipulator, 
that  his  victory  was  not  stained  with  any  excesses.  "  Marfa  and  seven 
of  the  principal  Novgorodians  were  the  only  persons  sent  prisoners  to 
Moscow,  and  had  their  property  confiscated ;  but  on  the  15th  of  January, 
1478,  the  national  assemblies  ceased,  and  the  citizens  took  the  oath  of 

*  Kelly,  op.  cit.,  i.  115, 116.  t  Karamzin,  vi.  129, 130.    K«lly,  i.  116. 

I  Kar&nuiOi  vi.  132.  S  Id.,  X49>  &c. 

AHMED  KHAN.  321 

allegiance  (Kelly  says  slavery,  but  this  is  mere  prejudice).  On  the  i8th 
the  boyards  entered  voluntarily  into  the  service  of  the  victor,  and  the 
possessions  of  the  clergy,  united  to  the  domain  of  the  prince,  served  to 
endow  the  three  hundred  thousand  boyard-followers,  the  immediate 
vassals  of  his  own  creation,  by  whom  the  supremacy  of  Moscow  over  all 
the  empire  was  to  be  permanently  secured.  He  exacted  the  surrender  of  a 
great  part  of  the  territories  belonging  to  the  city,  and  is  said  to  have 
conveyed  to  Moscow  three  hundred  cart-loads  of  gold,  silver,  and 
precious  stones,  besides  a  vast  quantity  of  furs,  cloths,  and  other 
valuables.*  Among  the  presents  given  to  him  by  the  archbishop  are 
mentioned  a  gold  bejewelled  image,  a  cup  in  the  shape  of  an  ostrich  egg 
ornamented  with  silver,  a  carnelion  cup,  a  crystal  bowl,  a  silver  spoon 
weighing  six  pounds,  golden  vessels,  and  several  hundred  ducats.t  But 
the  trophy  which  was  probably  held  in  greatest  esteem  was  the  cele- 
brated bell  which  had  summoned  the  citizens  of  Novgorod  to  their 
assemblies,  which  was  carried  off  and  hung  in  the  tower  of  the  church  of 
the  Assumption,  in  the  market-place  of  Moscow.^ 

It  was  not  likely  that  the  Novgorodians  would  instantly  submit  with  a 
good  grace.  Smouldering  discontent  lingered  among  them,  and  they 
still  fed  on  the  hope  of  some  returning  good  fortune.  Ivan  was  well 
informed  of  this,  and  we  find  him  in  1481  seizing  some  of  the  principal 
and  richest  boyards,  and  incarcerating  them  in  various  parts  of  Russia. 
Then  began  a  series  of  transportations  of  the  sturdy  republicans.  Fifty 
of  the  chief  families  of  Novgorod  were  transferred  to  Vladimir,  and  this 
was  followed  by  the  moving  of  eight  thousand  boyards  and  merchants, 
who  obtained  possessions  at  Vladimir,  Murom,  Nijni  Novgorod,  Perei- 
slavl,  Yurief,  Rostof,  and  Kostroma,  while  their  old  possessions  were  made 
over  to  Muscovite  merchants.  Thus  was  the  spirit  of  the  old  republic 
broken ;  its  most  chivalrous  sons  carried  away.  "  It  was  now,"  says 
Karamzin, "  like  a  body  without  a  soul ;"  and  presently  and  inadvertently 
a'  greater  misfortune  overtook  it.  "  Having  been  insulted  by  a  Hanseatic 
city,  Ivan  ordered  to  be  put  in  chains  at  Novgorod  all  the  merchants  of 
all  the  cities  of  that  union,  and  confiscated  the  whole  of  their  property. 
From  that  moment  confidence  was  no  more,  the  commerce  of  the  North 
took  another  route,  and  the  great  Novgorod,  which  for  many  centuries 
was  able  to  muster  a  force  of  40,000  men,  and  which  is  said  to  have  been 
peopled  by  400,000  souls,  has  dwindled  until  now  it  is  nothing  more  than 
an  insignificant  borough."§  How  insignificant  and  decayed  may  be  seen 
in  the  picture  lately  drawn  of  it  by  Mr.  Mackenzie  Wallace. 

The  fall  of  Novgorod  immensely  increased  the  power  and  resources  of 
Muscovy.  Its  borders  now  stretched  to  the  White  Sea  and  the  Urals, 
and  it  came  into  immediate  contact  with  the  Swedes  and  the  Germans  of 
Livonia.    Its  politics  were  now  entering  upon  a  fresh  phase,  and  Ivan 

*  Kelly,  op.  cit.,  i.  118.        t  Kwanuin,  vi.  157. 15S.  Id.,  i59»        i  Kellyj  op.  cit.,  i.  119. 

I  R 



was  becoming  one  of  the  most  important  integers  in  the  European 
assembly  of  crowned  heads.  This  bound  forward  was  succeeded  by 
another  of  even  greater  importance,  namely,  the  breaking  of  the  yoke 
which  had  hitherto  made  the  Russians  the  subjects  of  the  Tartars. 
Ahmed  having  sent  fresh  envoys  to  bring  the  Russian  tribute,  they  were 
presented  to  Ivan,  *'  who,"  we  are  told  by  one  annalist,  "  thereupon  took 
the  Basma  or  image  of  the  Khan,  threw  it  down,  and  trode  it  under, 
and  having  put  to  death  all  the  envoys  except  one,  he  bade  him  return 
to  his  master  and  report  what  he  had  seen,  and  to  tell  him  further, 
that  if  he  continued  to  trouble  him,  he  should  be  served  in  the  same 
fashion  as  his  image  had  been."  Ahmed  was  naturally  enraged,  and 
began  to  collect  his  forces.  This  story,  however,  is  hardly  consonant 
with  the  crafty  and  diplomatic  temper  of  Ivan,  and  other  accounts 
attribute  the  arming  of  Ahmed  more  probably  to  the  instigation  of 
Casimir  of  Poland,  who  began  to  fear  the  growing  power  of  Muscovy, 
and  sent  Ak  Girai  as  his  envoy  to  the  Golden  Horde  accordingly. 
Ahmed  had  for  a  long  time  been  struggling  with  his  nephew  Kassyda  or 
Kasim,  but  they  were  now  friends  again,  Kasim  having  no  doubt 
submitted,  and  it  was  arranged  that  while  the  Tartars  advanced  to  the 
Oka  the  Lithuanians  should  march  to  the  Ugra,  and  thus  attack  Russia 
on  both  sides.  Accordingly,  in  the  year  1480,  Ahmed  marched  with  his 
nephew  Kassyda,  with  six  of  his  sons  and  a  number  of  Tartar  princes.* 
Meanwhile  the  Krim  Tartars,  who  were  the  close  allies  of  the  Russians 
and  at  feud  with  Lithuania,  made  a  descent  upon  the  latter  country,  and 
prevented  Casimir  from  performing  his  part  of  the  contract.  The 
Grand  Prince  having  learnt  that  Ahmed  had  advanced  with  his  warriors 
and  left  his  homeland  unprotected,  thereupon  ordered  his  protegi 
Nurdaulat,  the  tzar  of  Gorodetz,  and  Prince  Vasili  Nostrowali,  the 
voivode  of  Zuenigorod,  to  make  a  descent  upon  "  the  city  of  Batu." 
Gregorief  argues  that  this  was  not  Serai,  but  such  a  view  seems  incon- 
sistent with  the  context,  where  we  read  that,  taking  ship  on  the  Volga 
these  leaders  proceeded  to  the  fated  town,  which  they  captured.  They 
would  have  destroyed  it,  but  a  Tartar  named  Oblasi  or  Obuyas,  in  the 
suite  of  Nurdaulat,  addressed  him,  saying,  "  What  are  you  going  to  do  ? 
Have  you  forgotten  that  this  ancient  horde  is  our  common  mother,  that 
to  it  we  owe  our  existence  ?  You  have  fulfilled  the  calls  of  honour  and 
the  promise  you  made  to  the  Muscovites.  You  have  given  Ahmed  a 
terrible  blow.  It  is  enough.  Spare  the  poor  ruins  of  his  power." 
Nurdaulat  thereupon  retired.t 

Meanwhile,  having  collected  an  army  at  Moscow,  Ivan  marched 
to  the  Oka.  His  wife  seems  to  have  sought  safety  at  Bielozirsk.  His 
mother  alone  consented  to  stay  to  animate  the  courage  of  the  people. 
He  was  not   made  of  heroic    materials;    his    cold    and   phlegmatic 

*  Karanuin.  vi.  176,  i77.  t  Vel.  Zern.,  23.    Note,  55.    Karamzin,  vi.  180  and  196. 

AHMED  KHAN.  323 

temperament,  like  that  of  Louis  XI.,  dreaded  an  ill  turn  in  fortune,  nor 
could  he  forget  the  terrible  fate  which  had  overtaken  Moscow  after  the 
great  victory  of  Dimitri  on  the  Don,  and  he  would  gladly  have  avoided 
a  conflict.  Ahmed,  on  hearing  that  the  borders  of  the  Oka  were 
occupied  by  the  Muscovites,  abandoned  the  Don  and  advanced  upon 
Mtsensk,  Odoef,  and  Lubutsk  on  the  Ugra,  in  the  hope  probably  of 
forming  a  junction  with  his  ally  Casimir.  Ivan  thereupon  ordered  his 
son  and  brother  to  march  upon  Kaluga,  and  to  occupy  the  left  bank  of 
the  Ugra.  He  himself  retired  to  Moscow,  and  arrived  there  as  the 
inhabitants  were  leaving  the  suburbs  and  sheltering  in  the  Kremlin.  His 
arrival,  which  implied  the  desertion  of  his  soldiers,  was  by  no  means 
welcome.  The  people  cried  out,  "The  prince  has  handed  us  over 
to  the  Tartars ;  he  has  weighed  the  land  down  with  taxes  without  paying 
the  tribute  to  the  horde,  and  now  that  he  has  irritated  the  Khan  he 
refuses  to  fight  for  the  country."*  Touched  by  these  reproaches,  he  did 
not  enter  the  Kremlin,  but  stopped  at  the  village  of  Krasnoi,  and  said  he 
had  merely  returned  to  his  capital  to  take  counsel  with  his  mother,  the 
clergy,  and  the  boyards.  "  March  then,"  said  the  bishops  and  boyards, 
"bravely  to  meet  the  enemy,"  while  the  aged  archbishop  cried  out, 
"  Does  it  become  mortals  to  fear  death  ?  We  try  in  vain  to  avoid  our 
destiny.  I  am  feeble  and  bent  with  the  weight  of  years,  but  I  am  ready 
to  brave  the  Tartar  sword,  and  I  will  not  turn  away  my  face  from  his 
sparkling  lance."  Even  his  own  son  refused  to  go  to  him,  saying  he 
preferred  to  die  rather  than  to  leave  his  army  for  an  instant  at  such  a 
pass.  Ivan,  seeing  how  matters  were  turning,  promised  to  go  and  oppose 
the  Tartars.  He  also  made  peace  with  his  brothers,  with  whom  he  had 
had  a  long  strife,  and  having  made  certain  dispositions  of  the  local  forces, 
he  once  more  set  out.  The  metropolitan  Gerontius  blessed  him  as  he 
departed.  "  May  God  protect  your  empire  and  grant  you  victory,  as  he 
formerly  did  to  David  and  Constantine.  Have  the  courage  and  firmness 
of  a  soldier  of  Christ,  my  son ;  a  good  shepherd  will  sacrifice  himself  for 
his  sheep  ;  you  are  not  a  hireling ;  save  then  the  flock  the  Lord  has 
intrusted  to  you  from  the  tooth  of  the  sanguinary  wolf  who  approaches 
our  frontiers.  God  shall  be  our  ally."  Amen,  said  the  other  bishops, 
as  they  urged  Ivan  not  to  listen  to  the  perfidious  voices  of  those  who 
counselled  peace. 

These  brave  words,  however,  did  not  produce  any  very  marked  spirit 
in  the  Grand  Prince.  He  advanced,  it  is  true,  to  the  Luya,  and  gave  out 
he  should  direct  the  movements  of  his  forces  from  behind  that  vantage. 
Meanwhile  the  two  armies  faced  each  other  on  opposite  banks  of  the 
Ugra,  across  which  they  for  some  days  carried  on  an  interchange  of 
musketry  and  artillery  fire.  At  length,  seeing  that  the  Russians  did  not 
mean  to  retire,  Ahmed  withdrew  for  a  distance  of  two  versts,  and  sent 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  183. 


out  sections  of  his  people  to  forage.  Some  of  his  men  addressed  the 
Russians  across  the  river,  saying,  "  Let  our  tzar  pass  freely,  or  it  will  go 
badly  with  your  Grand  Prince  and  bring  misfortune  on  yourselves."  A 
few  days  later  Ivan  held  a  counsel  of  his  grandees,  who  showed  a  bold 
front,  except  two  of  his  favourites,  the  boyards  Ostshera  and  Gregory 
Mamon,  whose  mother  had  been  burned  as  a  witch  by  Ivan  of  Moyaisk. 
These  fat  and  powerful  lords,  as  they  are  called  by  the  chronicler,  loved 
their  families  and  wealth  more  than  their  country,  and  urged  that  every- 
thing must  be  sacrificed  for  the  sake  of  peace.  They  recalled  the  fate  of 
his  father  VasiU  the  Blind,  and  even  urged  that  Ivan  was  bound  by  his 
oath  not  to  take  up  arms  against  the  horde.  He  was  naturally  moved 
by  these  counsels,  so  consonant  with  his  own  sympathies,  and  accord- 
ingly sent  envoys  to  treat  for  peace  with  Ahmed  and  with  Timur,  a 
prince  of  the  horde,  but  Ahmed  rejected  these  offers,  as  also  the  presents 
which  Ivan  sent.  "  I  have  come  here,"  he  said,. "  to  revenge  myself  on 
the  perfidy  of  Ivan,  to  punish  him  for  not  having  during  the  last  nine 
years  come  to  my  presence  to  do  homage  and  to  bring  his  tribute.  If  he 
will  come  in  person  before  us,  and  if  my  princes  will  intercede  for  him,  I 
will  extend  my  clemency  to  him."*  Such  was  the  recklessly  brave 
language  of  the  Khan,  who  must  have  known  how  few  resources  he  had 
to  back  up  such  language.  Timur  also  refused  the  presents,  and  replied 
that  the  only  means  Ivan  had  of  pacifying  the  anger  of  Ahmed  was  to 
kiss  the  stirrup ;  and  as  even  Ivan  refused  to  humiliate  himself  so  far, 
it  was  suggested  that  his  son,  or  his  brother,  or  even  the  boyard 
Bassenok  might  act  as  his  deputy.  These  terms  were  refused,  and 
thus  the  negotiations  broke  down.  One  can  hardly  credit  such 
pusillanimity  in  a  sovereign  amidst  an  army  of  200,000  men  eager  to 
fight.  Far  different  was  the  conduct  of  the  patriotic  Russian  clergy  at 
this  time.  When  news  reached  the  metropolitan,  the  archbishop  Vassian, 
and  Paisius,  abbot  of  the  Trinity,  they  wrote  strong  remonstrances. 
Vassian  sent  an  especially  energetic  letter.  ''  It  is  our  duty  to  speak 
the  truth  to  kings,"  he  said,  "and  what  I  have  already  said  to  you, 
greatest  of  sovereigns,  I  now  write  in  the  hope  of  strengthening  your 
purpose.  When  you  set  out,  moved  by  the  entreaties  of  the  metropolitan 
and  the  highest  of  your  subjects,  to  combat  the  enemy  of  the  Christians, 
we  interceded  with  God  that  he  would  grant  you  victory.  Meanwhile  we 
hear  that  on  the  approach  of  this  ferocious  Ahmed,  who  has  killed  so 
many  Christians,  you  have  humbled  yourself  before  him  and  asked  for  a 
peace,  which  he  has  contemptuously  rejected.  Oh,  prince,  to  whose 
counsel  do  you  listen  ?  They  are  not  worthy  of  the  name  of  Christian. 
Is  not  this  to  throw  away  your  buckler  and  to  fly  ?  From  what  a  height 
of  grandeur  are  you  not  descending  ?  Would  you  give  up  Russia  to  fire 
and  sword,  its  churches  to  plunder,  and  your  subjects  to  the  enemy's 

•  Karamzin,  yi.  188. 

AHMED   KHAN.  325 

sword.  What  heart  would  not  break  at  such  a  disaster.  The  blood  of  the 
flock  cries  for  vengeance  in  accusing  its  shepherd,  but  whither  will  you 
fly,  where  can  you  expect  to  reign  after  sacrificing  the  sheep  God  has 
confided  to  you  ?  Can  you  mount  like  the  eagle  and  make  your  nest 
among  the  stars  ?  The  Lord  will  cast  you  down  from  that  asylum. 
No,  we  will  trust  in  the  Almighty.  You  will  not  desert  us  and  brand 
yourself  with  the  name  of  coward  and  traitor.  Have  courage,  .  .  .  there 
is  no  God  like  our  God.  Life  and  death  are  in  his  hands,  and  he  gives 
strength  to  his  warriors.  Democritus,  the  pagan  philosopher,  enumerates 
prudence,  firmness,  and  courage  as  the  virtues  of  kings.  Recall  the 
glories  of  your  ancestors,  of  Igor,  Sviatoslaf,  and  Vladimir,  to  whom  the 
Greeks  were  tributary ;  Vladimir  Monomachos,  the  terror  of  the  Poloutzi ; 
Dimitri,  who  beat  the  same  Tartars  on  the  Don.  See  how  he  fought. 
He  did  not  say,  /  have  a  wife,  children,  riches,  and  when  I  atn  deprived 
of  my  country  1  will  go  and  live  elsewhere.  He  bravely  faced  Mamai, 
and  the  Lord  protected  him.  Did  not  he  raise  his  arm  against  the 
Khans  notwithstanding  his  oath  of  allegiance  ?  We,  the  metropolitan 
and  other  ecclesiastics,  will  release  you  from  an  oath  extorted  by 
violence.  We  bless  you  and  implore  you  to  march  against  Ahmed,  who 
is  no  tzar  but  a  brigand  and  an  enemy  of  God  ;  a  breach  of  faith  which 
will  save  the  empire  is  preferable  to  the  fidelity  which  will  ruin  it.  By 
what  sacred  law  are  you  bound  to  obey  this  impious  tzar,  who  never 
belonged  to  the  race  of  tzars  ?  Was  it  not  merely  over  the  weakness  of 
your  ancestors  that  he  triumphed  ?  .  .  .  Did  not  God  overthrow  Pharaoh 
in  the  Red  Sea  to  save  the  children  of  Israel  ?  He  will  pardon  you  also 
if  you  are  penitent.  The  repentance  of  a  king  is  the  sacred  obligation  to 
observe  the  laws  of  justice,  to  cherish  his  people,  to  renounce  violence 
and  to  be  merciful  to  the  wrong  doer,  God  has  raised  you  above  us,  as 
he  raised  Moses  and  Joshua,  that  you  may  save  Kussia,  the  new  Israel, 
from  the  impious  Ahmed,  this  second  Pharaoh.  .  .  .  God  will  grant  you 
a  glorious  reign,  you  and  your  sons,  and  your  sons'  sons,  from  generation 
to  generation.  .  .  .  You  have  already  defeated  the  infidels,  but  what  says 
the  evangelist  ?  *  He  who  endures  to  the  end  shall  be  saved.'  Lastly, 
do  not  blame  my  feeble  words,  my  requiem,  for  it  is  written,  *  Show  the 
wise  man  knowledge,  and  he'will  be  wiser.'*  Thus  may  it  be.  Receive 
our  blessing.  You,  your  sons,  and  all  the  boyards  and  voivodes,  and 
all  your  brave  warriors,  children  of  Jesus  Christ.    Amen."t 

Well  might  even  Ivan's  courage  be  roused,  as  we  are  told  it  was,  at 
these  words,  which  were  copied  by  many  hands  and  distributed.  For 
fifteen  days  nothing,  however,  was  done,  and  the  two  armies  were 
separated  by  the  Ugra,  called  by  the  Russians  "the  girdle  of  the  Holy 
Virgin,"  the  rampart  of  Muscovy.  An  attempt  made  by  the  Tartar 
cavalry  to  force  the  passage  of  the  Oka  was  frustrated.    At  the  end  of 

*  Proverbs  ix.  t  Karamzin,  vi.  189-194.    Kelly's  Russia,  i.  no. 


October  there  came  a  severe  frost,  which  froze  over  the  Ugra,  and  made 
it  therefore  passable.  The  Grand  Prince  thereupon  ordered  the  army  to 
retire  to  Kremenetz,  on  the  plea  that  the  plains  of  Borosk  afforded  a 
better  battle-field.  This  show  of  weakness  communicated  itself  to  the 
army,  whose  retreat  was  in  fact  a  disorderly  scramble.  The  Tartars,  on 
seeing  the  retreat  of  the  Russians,  thought  it  was  a  ruse  to  draw  them 
into  an  ambuscade,  and  the  Khan  was  similarly  seized  with  panic,  and 
the  strange  sight  was  seen  of  two  great  armies  flying  away  from  one 
another  without  being  pursued  by  anyone.  Ahmed's  retreat  was  perhaps 
hastened  by  the  capture  of  his  capital,  as  I  have  mentioned,  by 
Nurdaulat.*  Having  revenged  himself  upon  Casimir  for  not  having  kept 
his  appointment,  by  destroying  twelve  Lithuanian  villages,  Ahmed  retired 
homewards.  On  the  way  his  son  Murtaza  made  a  raid  upon  a  district 
of  the  Ukraine,  but  was  driven  away  by  Ivan's  brothers. t  Karamzin  has 
the  somewhat  cynical  remark,  that  although  Ivan's  policy  did  not  lead  to 
his  being  crowned  with  laurels  like  the  conqueror  of  Mamai,  that  it 
planted  the  crown  more  firmly  on  his  head  and  consolidated  the  inde^ 
pendence  of  the  empire.J  The  metropolitan  fixed  the  23rd  of  June  as 
a  fete  day  in  honour  of  the  transcendent  event  by  which  the  yoke  of 
Russia  was  finally  broken,  "for  here,"  says  Karamzin,  "ended  our 

On  his  return  home  with  a  rich  booty,  which  he  had  collected  in 
Lithuania,  Ahmed  was  attacked  by  Ivak,  Prince  of  Tumen,  a  descendant 
of  Sheiban's,  in  alliance  with  Yamgurchi  and  Mussa,  two  murzas  of  the 
Nogais,  and  16,000  Kazaks.  Ahmed  and  his  people  nomadised  between 
the  Volga  and  the  Don  ;  he  had  his  winter  quarters  near  Azof,  and  had 
retired  to  the  Little  Donetz  and  dismissed  his  kulans,  when  Ivak 
approached  during  the  night  the  white  yurt  of  the  Khan,  and  killed  him 
with  his  own  hand  when  asleep.  ||  The  chronicle  of  Kazan  assigns  the 
deed  itself  to  Yamgurchi,  who  was  Ahmed's  brother-in-law.^  Ahmed's 
camp,  his  wives  and  daughters,  and  all  his  wealth,  together  with  a  large 
number  of  Lithuanian  captives  and  of  cattle,  fell  into  Ivak's  hands,  who 
on  his  return  to  Tumen  wrote  to  the  Grand  Prince  to  announce  to  him 
that  his  enemy  was  no  more.**  Von  Hammer,  who  has  most  strangely 
confused  the  history  of  this  period  by  confounding  Ahmed  with  his  father 
Kuchuk  Muhammed,  closes  his  survey  of  the  history  of  the  Golden 
Horde  with  the  death  of  Ahmed.  This  is  apparently  to  complete  the 
symmetrical  number  of  fifty  Khans,  which  he  assigns  to  the  horde,  but, 
as  we  shall  see  further,  his  view  is  entirely  mistaken.  The  blow  was  a 
crushing  one,  but  it  did  not  mean  the  utter  collapse  of  the  Tartars. 
It  undoubtedly  meant,  however,  the  emancipation  of  Russia,  which 
thenceforth  was  practically  free  from  foreign  domination. 

•  Ante,  322.  1  Karamzin,  vi.  196.  I  Id.,  198.  $  Id. 

U  Id.,  198.  %  Golden  Horde,  408.  **  Karamzin,  vi.  198,  199. 



The  assassination  of  the  Khan  Ahmed  was  no  doubt  a  terrible  blow  to 
the  Golden  Horde,  and  it  very  largely  broke  the  chains  which  had  so  long 
bound  Russia,  but  it  is  a  great  mistake  to  suppose  that  the  Tartar  empire 
then  came  to  an  end.  It  subsisted  for  some  years  longer.  The  heritage 
of  Ahmed  was,  however,  practically  divided  into  two  portions ;  one  of 
them  subject  to  his  sons,  and  retained  control  over  the  nomadic  portion 
of  the  Tartars  ranged  between  the  Don  and  the  Yaik,  and  also  com- 
manded the  allegiance  of  the  Nogais.  This  was  known  to  the  Turks  as 
the  Takht  il  {i.e.,  the  Great  Horde).*  According  to  Miechof,  in  his 
tract "  de  Sarmatiis,"  the  name  was  Tak  xi  (/.<?.,  First  Horde).  They  were 
also  known  to  the  Poles  and  Russians  as  Zavolgenses  or  Zavolhenses  ij-.e., 
"those  beyond  the  Volga").  The  other  section  was  subject  to  Ahmed 
Khan's  nephews,  and  had  its  seat  at  Astrakhan.  They  were  probably 
dependent  on  the  Takht  il.  We  shall  revert  to  them  presently,  and  will 
now  limit  ourselves  to  the  history  of  the  Takht  il  or  Great  Horde. 

Ahmed  Khan  left  several  sons.  Their  number  is  uncertain.  An 
authority,  quoted  by  Vel.  Zernof,  thus  enumerates  them  by  Bikai 
bikem,  a  relation  of  the  Sultan  Hassan  murza,  he  had  Murtaza  Khan, 
Idige  Sultan,  Hussein  Khan,  and  Devlet  Sultan;  by  another,  Bikai, 
Sheikh  Ahmed  Khan,  Kuchuk  Sultan,  and  Janai  Sultan ;  by  Uishun 
Bikem,  Seyid  Mahmud  Khan,  Seyid  Ahmed  Khan,  and  Behadur  Sultan  ; 
but  two  of  these,  Kuchuk  Sultan  and  Janai  Sultan,  were  apparently  the 
brothers  and  not  the  sons  of  Seyid  Ahmed.t  Three  of  these  sons  are 
alone  of  interest  in  our  inquiry,  namely,  Seyid  Ahmed,  who  is  not  to  be 
confused  with  the  Seyid  Ahmed  previously  named,t  who  was  a  leader  of 
the  Nogais,  Murtaza,  and  Sheikh  Ahmed,  called  Schig  Achmet  by  the 
Russians ;  and  of  these  Seyid  Ahmed  was  apparently  acknowledged  as 
their  senior  by  the  other  two. 

These  brothers  lived  at  constant  feud  with  one  another,  and  hastened 
the  disintegration  of  the  Golden  Horde.  All  three  styled  themselves 
tzar  at  the  same  time,  and  they  only  united  together  when  they  had  to 
prosecute  the  war  with  the  Krim  Khans,  which  they  had  inherited  from 
their  father. §    Like  him,  they  were  in  alliance  with  Casimir  of  Poland. 

When  the  Lithuanians  conquered  Western  Russia,  they  could  not 
compel  the  inhabitants  to  forsake  their  old  faith  and  adopt  that  of  the 
Latin  church.  When,  therefore,  the  Grand  Prince  began  his  policy  of 
reconquest,  he  found  a  ready  magnet  at  hand  with  which  to  attract  the 
former  subjects  of  the  Russian  crown ;  and  we  are  told  that  about  1482,  the 
great-grandsons  of  Olgerd,  who  were  princes  of  Seversk,  who  belonged  to 
the  Greek  faith  and  were  subject  to  Casimir,  determined  to  submit  them- 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat,  xii.  356.    Note.  t  Op.  cit.,  i.  43-46.    Note,  82. 

I  Antti  272.  §  Vel.  Zern.   Note,  49. 


selves  to  Ivan.  Their  project,  however,  was  discovered,  and  two  of  them 
were  imprisoned,  while  the  third,  the  Prince  of  Belsky,  escaped  to 
Moscow;  and  we  are  told  Casimir  sent  a  precautionary  force  of  10,000 
men  to  Smolensk,  and  tried  to  incite  Seyid  Ahmed  and  Murtaza,  the 
chiefs  of  the  Great  Horde,  to  attack  Russia,  and  succeeded  in  persuading 
the  Krim  Khan  to  do  so.* 

We  now  find  the  Grand  Prince  Ivan  having  intercourse  with  the 
nations  of  Central  Europe,  whose  history  had  formerly  been  closely 
entwined  with  Russia,  but  had  since  the  Tartar  invasion  lived  apart,  thus 
in  1482  he  sent  envoys  to  Matthias  Corvinus,  the  king  of  Hungary,  who 
was,  like  himself,  the  enemy  of  Casimir  of  Poland.  The  two  friends 
undertook  to  make  war  against  the  common  enemy.  Ivan's  solicitude 
for  the  improvement  of  his  people  is  shown  by  his  urgent  request  that 
Corvinus  would  send  him  engineers,  architects,  goldsmiths,  miners,  and 
cannon  founders.  His  envoy  was  detained  on  his  return  at  Bielogorod 
by  the  Turks,  but  was  released  at  the  instance  of  the  Hungarian  king 
and  Mengli  Girai.  In  1488  we  find  Ivan  sending  his  new  friend  a 
cloak  of  black  sable,  with  gold  clasps  ornamented  with  pearls,  from 

At  this  period  Moldavia  was  governed  by  the  celebrated  voivode  and 
hospodar  Stephen  IV.,  whose  victories  over  the  Turks  have  made  him 
famous.  He  was  menaced  by  Casimir  of  Poland  and  the  Krim  Khan, 
and  as  he  and  his  people  belonged  to  the  Greek  faith,  he  naturally  turned 
for  an  ally  to  the  Russian  Grand  Prince,  and  the  alliance  was  cemented 
by  the  marriage  of  his  daughter  Helena  with  the  eldest  son  of  Ivan. 
The  latter  was  indefatigable  in  widening  his  domains.  We  now  find  him 
annexing  the  principahty  of  Tuer,  which  had  long  been  the  rival  of 
Moscow,  and  which  still  retained  its  independence,  an  island  surrounded 
on  all  sides  by  Muscovite  territory4  Michael,  Prince  of  Tuer,  was  Ivan's 
brother-in-law.  Knowing  him  well  and  fearing  him  much,  he,  like  his 
ancestors,  leaned  upon  an  alliance  with  Lithuania,  and  made  a  secret 
treaty  with  Casimir.  Ivan,  having  heard  of  this,  declared  war  against 
him  in  1485.  Michael  hastened  to  reconcile  himself  with  his  dangerous 
neighbour,  and  to  make  concessions.  He  gave  up  his  style  of  "  equal,"  and 
accepted  that  of  younger  brother,  promised  to  furnish  a  contingent  of 
troops,  and  to  renounce  his  alliance  with  the  Lithuanians  and  the  dis- 
possessed princes.  Ivan  granted  a  formal  peace,  but  he  planted  his  heel 
rudely  on  the  land,  and  so  ground  down  the  people,  that  they  in  despair, 
and  finding  no  protection  in  their  own  prince,  turned  elsewhere.  Several 
of  the  principal  people  deserted  him  and  submitted  to  Ivan,  and  shortly 
after,  a  letter  having  been  waylaid  in  which  he  asked  for  the  aid  of  Casimir, 
an  army  was  sent  against  his  capital,  which  was  surrendered  after  a  short 
siege.    Michael  fled  to  Lithuania,  where  he  shortly  after  died  without 

*  KaramziDi  vi.  aio-aiz.  t  Id,,  215.  I  Id.,  219. 


children.  Ivan  showed  his  usual  clemency  on  these  occasions,  and 
invested  Michael's  son  with  his  father's  dominions.  Thus  was  annexed  a 
famous  Russian  principality  which,  since  the  days  of  Michael  Yaros- 
lavitch,  had  borne  the  title  of  Great,  and  which  could  formerly  muster  a 
force  of  40,000  cavalry.  Ivan  wrote  to  announce  his  victory  to  Matthew 
Corvinus,  who  about  the  same  time  made  his  brilliant  conquest  of  Vienna 
and  a  large  part  of  Austria  from  the  empire.* 

The  absorption  of  Tuer  was  speedily  followed  by  that  of  other 
principalities.  Michael,  Prince  of  Vereia,  had  a  son  named  Vasili,  whose 
wife  was  a  Greek  princess,  the  niece  of  Ivan's  wife  Sophia.  Sophia 
having  presented  her  niece  with  some  jewels  belonging  to  Ivan's  former 
wife,  he  seized  the  opportunity,  had  a  violent  quarrel  with  Vasili  (who 
fled  to  Lithuania),  insisted  upon  his  father  disinheriting  him  and 
making  himself  (Ivan)  the  heir  of  Vereia,  Bielo  Ozero,  and  Yaroslavetz, 
which  he  accordingly  did.  Ivan  succeeded  to  these  districts  in  1485. 
This  was  followed  by  the  surrender  by  the  Princes  of  Yaroslavl  and 
Rostof  of  certain  independent  rights  which  they  possessed  which  were 
incompatible  with  the  supremacy  of  Ivan.t 

By  these  annexations  the  Grand  Prince,  without  any  bloodshed  and 
by  the  exercise  of  consummate  statecraft,  had  not  only  restored  Russia 
to  the  limits  which  it  had  in  the  days  of  Andrew  Bogolubski  and  Vsevolod 
III.,  but  had  added  to  them  the  wide  domain  of  Novgorod  and  the 
appanages  of  Murom  and  Chernigof.  Riazan,  whose  prince  was  his 
brother-in-law,  alone  retained  a  shadowy  independence. 

Notwithstanding  that  the  Sultan  of  the  Osmanli  had  ordered  the 
Khan  of  Krim  and  the  chiefs  of  the  Golden  Horde  to  live  at  peace  with 
one  another,  their  mutual  strife  did  not  cease.  We  are  told  that  at  the 
approach  of  the  terrible  winter  of  1485  Murtaza,  who  nomadised  with  his 
people  in  the  country  of  the  Don,  went  to  seek  shelter  against  the  famine 
in  the  Krim.  Mengli  Girai  marched  against  him,  captured  him,  and  sent 
him  prisoner  to  Kaffa,  and  also  defeated  the  bands  of  the  Nogay,  Timur.f 
This  is  the  Russian  narrative.  The  same  year  when  Murtaza  was  taken 
prisoner  his  brother  Seyid  Ahmed  marched  to  the  rescue  with  the  Timur 
already  mentioned,  captured  and  plundered  Solgat  and  Kafifa,  drove 
Mengli  Girai  away,  and  set  Murtaza  once  more  free.  Mengli  Girai 
appealed  to  the  Porte  for  assistance,  which  sent  some  troops,  and  also 
ordered  the  Nogais  to  march  against  the  Great  Horde.§  It  would  seem 
the  Russians  also  came  to  the  assistance  of  their  ally  Mengli  Girai,  for 
we  are  told  they  pursued  the  victors,  and  recovered  a  number  of 
prisoners  whom  they  had  carried  off  from  Krim,  and  returned  to  Mengli 
Girai.  || 

In  another  account  we  are  told  that  Mengli  Girai  had  determined  to 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  218-224.  ^  Id.,  226.  I  Id.,  213.  §  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  49 

II  Karamzin,  vi.  214. 



occupy  the  country  on  the  borders  of  the  Volga  belonging  to  Seyid 
Ahmed.  On  his  way  thither  Murtaza  Sultan,  one  of  the  Khan's  brothers, 
went  and  joined  him,  pretending  to  have  abandoned  his  brother's  cause. 
He  was  received  with  distinction  and  invited  to  a  feast,  during  which 
Murtaza  apparently  incautiously  disclosed  his  real  object.  Mengli  Girai, 
seeing  he  had  merely  gone  to  act  as  a  spy,  had  him  arrested.  Seyid 
Ahmed  hearing  of  this,  left  his  wife,  family,  and  property  in  a  safe  place 
on  the  Volga,  and  marched  at  the  head  of  his  troops,  accompanied  by 
Mamai  Bey,  a  descendant  of  Idiku,  with  a  body  of  Nogais.  A  battle 
having  ensued  between  him  and  Mengli,  the  latter  was  wounded,  fled, 
and  sought  refuge  in  the  fortress  of  Karakar,  in  the  middle  of  the  Krim. 
Seyid  Ahmed  advanced  into  the  country  and  secured  a  rich  booty.  He 
laid  siege  to  Solgat,  which  resisted  bravely.  He  offered  the  people  a  free 
pardon,  and  assured  them  their  lives  and  property  if  they  would  submit. 
They  accordingly  opened  their  gates,  when  the  too  legitimate  heir  of 
Jingis  Khan  proceeded  to  kill  them  and  to  pillage  the  place.  He  then 
marched  against  Kaffa.  Kasim  Pasha,  its  governor,  without  telling  any- 
one, sent  one  of  his  people  out  in  a  ship,  and  prepared  several  other  vessels, 
which  also  put  to  sea.  He  received  Seyid  Ahmed's  envoy  cordially,  and 
showed  him  the  presents  destined  for  his  master.  In  the  midst  of  this 
reception  there  arrived  an  officer  (Chaush),  who  gravely  announced  he 
had  left  Constantinople  three  days  before,  and  that  the  Sultan  had 
already  sent  a  fleet  to  the  rescue  of  his  proteges.  The  other  ships 
now  returned  and  began  to  fire  cannons,  &c.,  and  to  act  the  part  of  a 
Turkish  fleet.  The  ambassador  reported  what  he  saw  to  his  master 
Seyid  Ahmed,  who  was  deceived,  and  abandoned  the  attack  on  Kaffa. 
He  ravaged  all  the  country  as  he  went.  While  engaged  in  festivities  at 
the  town  of  Fekeljik,  he  was  suddenly  and  unexpectedly  attacked  by 
Mengli  Girai,  with  the  tribes  Chirin  and  Barin,  and  completely  defeated. 
He  had  to  disgorge  his  plunder  and  to  return  home.  According  to 
Karamzin,  it  was  the  Russians  who  thus  defeated  him.  Mengli  Girai 
sent  an  army  in  pursuit  of  him,  of  which  his  son  Muhammed  Girai  was 
commander.  They  surprised  Seyid  Khan's  brothers,  and  utterly  defeated 
his  troops,  many  of  which  were  transported  to  the  Crimea.* 

Jehoshaphat  Barbaro  has  a  different  story.  He  tells  us  how  Mengli 
Girai  determined  to  go  towards  Citarcan,  a  place  sixteen  days'  journey 
from  Kaffa,  under  the  dominion  of  Murtaza  Khan,  who  at  that  time  was 
with  his  ordu  on  the  river  Itil  {i.e.,  the  Volga).  He  fought  with  him, 
took  his  people  from  him,  and  sent  a  large  part  of  them  to  the  isle  of 
Kaffa  {i.e.,  the  Krim),  and  spent  the  winter  on  the  river.  At  that  time, 
he  says,  by  chance  there  was  another  Tartar  lord  lodged  a  few  journeys 
off"  {i.e.,  Seyid  Ahmed),  who,  hearing  that  he  wintered  there,  when  the 
river  was  frozen  came  on  him  suddenly,  assaulted  and  defeated  him,  and 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.*  xii.  353-355. 


SO  recovered  Murtaza,  while  Mengli  Girai  returned  to  Kaffa.  The  next 
year,  in  the  spring,  Murtaza  returned  to  the  isle  of  Kaffa,  but  as  he  could 
not  capture  the  town,  he  went  home  again.* 

The  bitter  strife  between  the  two  hordes  was  by  no  means  appeased? 
and  the  sons  of  Ahmed  continued  to  intrigue  with  Casimir,  the  king  of 
Poland.  They  once  more  marched  towards  the  Taurida,  whereupon  the 
Grand  Prince  Ivan  sent  a  body  of  Cossacks,  commanded  by  his  protege 
Nurdaulat,  the  brother  of  Mengli  Girai,  against  them,  and  also  told 
Muhammed  Amin  of  Kazan  to  harass  them.  The  intercourse  between 
Krim  and  Muscovy  had,  we  are  told,  become  very  difficult  because  of  the 
perpetual  raids  of  the  Tartars  of  the  Great  Horde,  who  attacked  all  whom 
they  encountered  on  the  banks  of  the  Oskol  and  the  Merl,  and  Ivan  pro- 
posed to  constitute  a  new  trade  route  thither  by  way  of  Azof.t  In  order 
to  win  Nurdaulat  over,  so  that  he  might  use  him  against  his  brother, 
Murtaza  in  1487  sent  an  envoy  named  Shah  Bahlul  to  Moscow  with 
letters  for  him  and  the  Grand  Prince. 

To  Nurdaulat  he  wrote  : — "  To  my  l^rother  tzar  Nurdaulat.  May  the 
Lord  grant  that  thy  power  may  abide,  and  that  thy  days  may  be  pro- 
longed, our  nearest  brother,  whose  justice,  kindness,  and  sincerity  are 
everywhere  known  to  the  good.  ...  In  this  world  mayest  thou  be  the 
support  of  our  religion,  our  help  against  the  unbehevers  and  unbelief. 
Through  the  grace  of  God,  mayest  thou  be  the  just  and  faithful  lord. 
Thy  kingdom  would  be  great  and  fortunate  until  the  return  of  Muhammed 
if  our  prayers  and  those  of  our  young  folk  were  heard.  Thou  knowest 
that  we  are  both  children  of  the  same  stock.  Thou  knowest  that  our 
ancestors,  blind  with  ambition,  were  at  strife  with  one  another ;  but  after 
much  evil  and  carnage  they  grew  more  reconciled,  and  instead  of  rivers 
of  blood  there  flowed  streams  of  milk,  and  they  quenched  the  fires  of 
discord  with  the  waters  of  peace,  and  the  holy  Ahmed  tzar,  who  has 
gone  to  his  repose,  united  thine  ulus  to  ours.  On  his  death  thy  brother 
Mengli  lit  again  the  fires  of  discord,  broke  his  word,  but  failed  to  injure 
our  strength.  Thou  knowest  with  what  terrible  disasters  God,  the  creator 
of  the  world,  has  punished  him.  Things  have  gone  well  with  us,  and  we 
are  again  thy  brother.  We  have  learnt  that  thou  art  living  among  the 
unbehevers.  It  pleases  us  not,  to  see  thee  there.  We  take  the  opportunity, 
therefore,  of  sending  thee  a  heavy  greeting  with  a  light  heart,  through 
our  servant  Shah  Bahlul.  When  he  shall  reach  thy  mightiness,  and  shall 
behold  thy  face,  tell  him  in  all  confidence  what  thou  meanest  and  how 
thou  art,  and  he  will  report  it  to  me.  If  thou  hast  the  wish  to  quit  this 
unclean  land,  I  have  written  to  Ivan  to  this  effect.  For  the  rest, 
whatever  thy  intentions,  mayest  thou  prosper,  and  may  we  remain 
brothers."  This  letter,  which  was  phrased  exceedingly  courteously,  was 
written   in  December,    i486.      Concurrently  with  it  Murtaza   sent   a 

*  Barbaro,  Hack.  Soc,  30.  t  Karamzin,  vi,  230,  231. 


Yarligh  {i.e.,  an  order  or  command)  to  Ivan,  which  was  worded  in  much 
more  peremptory  terms. 

It  is  thus  expressed  :— "  Murtaza's  order  to  Ivan.  Be  it  known  to 
you  that  tzar  Nurdaulat  has  hitherto  lived  on  friendly  terms  with  my 
father  and  myself,  and  that  while  we  were  at  peace  Mengli  Girai  has 
broken  the  pact.  He  is  still  our  enemy,  and  we  would  consequently 
cultivate  friendship  with  Nurdaulat.  And  we  have  in  consequence  sent 
our  servant  Shah  Bahlul  as  our  envoy  to  you  to  ask  you  not  to  detain  him. 
Let  him,  therefore,  leave  with  Shah  Bahlul.  Retain,  however,  his  wife 
and  children.  If  God  wills,  I  shall  give  him  a  yurt,  and  he  will  then 
take  them  back.  'Full  of  friendship  to  you,  I  dictated  and  sent  this 

Ivan  was  piqued  at  the  domineering  tone  of  this  letter,  arrested  the 
envoy,  and  informed  Mengli  Girai  of  what  was  going  on.t 

In  1491,  we  read  that  the  Grand  Prince  sent  an  army  against  Seyid 
Ahmed  and  Sheikh  Ahmed  {i.e.,  the  brothers  of  Murtaza),  who  had  marched 
towards  Krim  to  attack  Mengli  Girai.  The  commanders  of  the  Russian 
forces  were  Prince  Peter  Michaelovitch  Obolenski  and  Ivan  Michaelovitch 
Repniya  Obolenski,  together  with  several  boyard's  sons,  with  Satilgan 
(Nurdaulat's  brother),  and  with  many  ulans  and  princes  and  all  their 
Cossacks.  They  were  also  joined  by  a  contingent  sent  by  his  brother 
Boris,  and  another  sent  by  the  tzar  of  Kazan.  When  the  Tartars  heard 
what  a  strong  force  was  marching  against  them  they  left  Perekop 
and  hastened  homewards,  and  the  Russians  returned  without  having 
encountered  them.f  The  policy  of  Ivan  was  to  utilise  the  feud  between 
the  Krim  Tartars  and  the  Great  Horde  as  much  as  possible.  We  read 
how  he  sent  several  embassies  with  presents  to  the  Krim  Khan,  and 
Prince  Romoda  Nofski,  who  was  sent  in  1490,  assured  him  that  the 
Russian  forces  were  always  available  to  harass  the  Great  Horde.  In 
1490  Ivan  lost  his  eldest  son  Ivan.  The  unfortunate  doctor  who  attended 
him  was  executed,  a  fate  deemed  reasonable  by  the  people,  since  he  had 
offered  to  forfeit  his  hfe  if  not  successful. 

We  now  find  Ivan  showing  his  moderation  and  wonderful  political 
insight  in  another  manner.  There  arose  in  Muscovy  a  strange  wild 
heresy,  a  renaissance  of  Judaism,  originating  with  a  Jew  of  great 
eloquence  and  power,  named  Skharia.  It  seems  that  it  was  one  phase  of 
that  movement  in  favour  of  the  Kabala,  which  found  favour  in  Western 
Europe  about  the  same  time,  and  which  attracted  inter  alios  the  allegiance 
of  Pica  di  Mirandola.  These  mystics  claimed  to  have  in  the  Kabala  a 
work  given  to  Adam  himself  by  God,  and  which  explained  all  mysteries. 
They  denied  that  the  Messiah  had  as  yet  appeared.  They  were  accused 
of  cursing  the  Saviour  and  the  Holy  Virgin,  of  spitting  on  the  crucifix,  of 

*  VcK  Zern.,  op.  cit.  Note,  57.  t  Karamzin,  vi.  233. 

I  Vel.  Zero.,  i.    Note,  58.    Karamzin,  vi.  257. 


calling  the  images  of  the  saints  (which  they  tore  with  their  teeth  and 
otherwise  treated  with  contumely)  idols,  of  denying  paradise  and  the 
resurrection  of  the  dead.  These  charges  were  probably  many  of  them 
untrue,  and  we  must  view  the  movement  as  an  erratic  phase  of  that 
same  convulsion  of  opinion  which  gave  birth  in  the  West  to  the 
Reformation.  The  heresy  spread  fast  among  the  ecclesiastics,  and  the 
metropolitan  himself  was  infected  with  it.  "  There  was  then  seen,"  says 
St.  Joseph  of  Volok,  "  a  son  of  Satan  on  the  throne  of  the  holy  saints 
Peter  and  Alexis,  a  devouring  wolf  in  the  garb  of  a  peaceful  shepherd."* 

The  mysteries  of  Christianity  were  rudely  criticised,  and  astrology  and 
the  Kabala,  those  queer  ancestors  of  modern  science,  attracted  a  multi- 
tude of  students,  who,  if  wanting  in  scientific  insight,  at  least  learnt 
habits  of  criticism  and  of  doubt.  A  council  was  called,  the  heretics  were 
anathematised,  and  a  cry  arose  among  the  orthodox  that  they  must  be 
uprooted  by  fire  and  sword.  Not  so  with  Ivan,  whose  clemency  is  surely 
an  extraordinary  feature  in  one  who  was  a  contemporary  of  Ferdinand 
the  Catholic  and  his  peers  in  Western  Europe.  He  nominated  another 
primate,  and  would  use  no  stronger  weapons  against  the  offenders  than 
exile  and  ridicule.  A  large  number  of  them  were  sent  to  Novgorod, 
where  the  archbishop  Gernadius  caused  them  to  be  mounted  on  horse- 
back with  their  heads  to  the  horses'  tails,  their  vestments  the  wrong  side 
out,  wearing  pointed  hats,  ornamented  with  tassels  of  tow,  on  their 
heads  (in  the  way  they  were  wont  to  represent  devils),  and  crowns  of  straw 
with  this  inscription,  "  See  the  army  of  Satan."  They  were  driven  about 
the  streets  amidst  the  jeers  of  the  populace,  who  spat  at  them,  saying, 
"  See  the  enemies  of  Jesus  Christ."  The  burlesque  proceeding  terminated 
by  their  hats  being  burnt  on  their  heads.t 

We  now  find  Ivan  at  issue  with  his  brothers.  His  impatient  ambition 
could  not  brook  any  independent  authority  near  him.  Under  pretence 
that  Andrew  was  intriguing  with  the  Lithuanians  he  had  him 
arrested,  and  he  soon  after  died,  doubtless  from  poison,  in  prison.  This 
was  in  1493.  Five  years  later,  Ivan  received  absolution  from  the 
metropolitan  and  the  bishops  for  "  having  caused  the  premature  death  of 
his  unfortunate  brother."|  His  other  brother  Boris  was  very  submissive ; 
he  died  soon  after  Andrew,  and  his  son  Ivan  followed  him  in  1503,  after 
demising  his  appanage  and  other  wealth  to  his  uncle.  Kelly  uses  much 
spirited  rhetoric  in  regard  to  this  constant  acquisition  of  new  territory. 
"  Now  at  length,"  he  says,  "  the  feudal  hydra  has  vanished ;  all  the 
princes  of  the  same  blood  as  Ivan,  whom  on  his  accession  to  the  throne 
he  had  found  almost  as  much  sovereigns  as  himself,  were  either 
expatriated  or  dead,  or  so  completely  subdued  that  they  aspired  to  no 
other  honour  than  that  of  being  the  most  officious  of  his  servants.  They 
were  beaten  down  by  so  strong  a  hand  that,  thenceforth  confounded  with 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  245.  t  Icl;  246, 247.  I  Id.,  259. 


the  higher  class  of  nobility,  not  one  of  them  dared  so  much  as  to  call  to 
mind  their  common  origin  with  their  haughty  ruler."*  The  increasing 
renown  of  Ivan  is  shown  by  the  fact  that,  for  the  first  time  for  more  than 
two  centuries,  there  came  an  envoy  from  the  German  Emperor.  This 
person  was  named  Nicholas  Poppel,  and  arrived  about  1529  with  a  letter 
from  the  Emperor  Frederick  and  his  son  Maximilian,  asking  for  a  treaty 
of  alliance.  Ivan  reciprocated  these  advances,  and  consented  to  marry 
his  daughter  Helena  or  Theodosia  to  Albert,  the  Margrave  of  Baden.  A 
curious  proof  of  the  then  seclusion  of  Russian  women  is  afforded  by  the 
fact  that  Ivan  would  not  let  the  envoy  see  her.  The  latter  in  a  third 
audience  made  an  extraordinary  communication,  he  said  that,  "  having 
heard  that  Ivan  desired  to  receive  the  Royal  dignity  from  the  pope,  he 
reminded  him  that  it  was  the  Emperor  alone  who  had  the  right  of 
creating  kings,  princes,  and  knights,  and  that  the  Emperor  was  willing  to 
grant  him  the  title  of  king,  and  then  to  make  him  equal  to  his  rival  the 
King  of  Poland."  Ivan  replied  by  his  boyards  that  he  owed  his  throne 
to  Heaven,  and  did  not  desire  to  receive  titles  from  any  earthly 

He  seems  to  have  been  somewhat  inflated  by  his  position,  for  we  find 
him  sending  word  by  his  envoy  that  the  Margrave  of  Baden  was  not  a 
sufficient  match  for  a  desqendant  of  the  ancient  Greek  Emperors,  who  in 
moving  to  Constantinople  had  ceded  the  town  of  Rome  to  the  popes 
(surely  a  dry  piece  of  humour  to  send  to  the  father  of  the  "  King  of  Rome"); 
and  suggesting  that  MaximiHan  was  a  more  fit  person,  if  the  Emperor 
desired  an  alliance.  It  reads  curiously  to  find  Ivan  giving  his  own 
envoy  eighty  sable  and  three  thousand  squirrel  skins  to  pay  for  the 
expenses  of  his  journey.t 

The  Russian  envoy  was  received  with  marked  honours  at  the  Imperial 
court,  having  a  seat  provided  for  him  next  the  Emperor's  chair.  He  was 
doubtless  welcomed  much  as  the  Chinese  and  Japanese  ambassadors  of 
our  own  day  are  received  by  our  people ;  but  his  mission  had  no  definite 
result.  If  it  be  curious  to  trace  the  rivers  of  history  to  their  sources, 
we  must  be  interested  in  the  next  movement  which  brought  the  empire 
and  Muscovy  together.  Matthew  Corvinus  of  Hungary  was  now  dead, 
and  the  magnates  of  that  country  wished  to  put  Ladislaus,  king  of 
Bohemia,  the  son  of  Casimir  of  Poland,  on  the  throne.  The  Emperor's 
son  Maximilian,  who  deemed  himself  the  heir  of  Matthew,  was  much 
displeased  at  this,  and  sent  an  envoy  to  propose  a  joint  alliance  against 
the  Poles.  Thus  began  that  common  policy  against  Poland  which 
ended  in  our  own  century  in  the  final  partition  of  the  land  between  the 
Teuton  and  the  Russian.  A  treaty  was  signed  between  them,  in  which 
Ivan  undertook  to  assist  the  Emperor  in  his  war  to  gain  Hungary,  and 
the  latter  undertook  a  similar  obligation  if  Ivan  went  to  war  to  recover 

*  Op.  cit.,  i.  122.  t  Karamzin,  vi.  265. 


Kief  and  the  other  old  possessions  of  the  Russian  crown.  Ivan  styles 
himself  in  the  text  of  the  treaty,  Monarch  of  all  the  Russias,  Prince  of 
Vladimir,  Moscow,  Novgorod,  Pskof,  Yugra,  Viatka,  Perm,  and  Bulgaria 
{i.e.,  Kazan).*  In  all  these  negotiations  Ivan  was  exceedingly  punctilious 
about  his  own  dignity. 

It  is  strange  to  read  of  the  presents  interchanged  between  the  two 
potentates,  which  look  as  if  Maximilian  treated  the  Russian  Grand 
Prince  as  our  court  treats  a  barbaric  sovereign.  The  former  sent  some 
pieces  of  grey  cloth  and  a  paroqueet,  the  latter  eighty  sable  skins,  some 
damask,  and  a  gerfalcon.  In  these  negotiations  the  Grand  Prince  is 
called  Tzar,  apparently,  its  first  application  to  the  Russian  sovereign.  In 
the  German  translations  of  the  same  diplomatic  documents  the  title  is 
translated  Kaizer.t  The  negotiations,  however,  did  not  come  to  any 
satisfactory  conclusion.  On  Maximilian's  turning  his  arms  against  the 
King  of  France  he  made  peace  with  Ladislas,  who  undertook  to  pay 
him  100,000  ducats  for  the  Hungarian  crown.  Meanwhile  the  King  of 
Poland,  his  father,  was  firmly  seated  on  his  throne,  and  the  ancient 
enemies  of  his  country,  the  Teutonic  Knights  of  Prussia  and  Livonia, 
were  completely  subdued. 

Ivan,  therefore,  for  a  while  turned  his  ambition  elsewhere,  and  we  find 
him  in  1490  ravaging  Finland  terribly,  and  burning  and  torturing  its 
inhabitants.t  In  1491  some  German  explorers  discovered  the  mines  of 
the  river  Tsilma,  in  the  district  of  Petchora,  and  thenceforward  we  find 
coins  in  use,  struck  from  Russian  gold  and  silver.  On  the  first  of  these 
we  have  on  one  side  Saint  Nicholas  in  pontifical  robes,  giving  his 
blessing  with  his  right  hand  and  holding  a  book  in  his  left ;  on  one  side 
of  him  is  a  figure  of  the  Saviour  and  on  the  other  that  of  the  Virgin. 
The  inscription  announces  that  the  Grand  Prince  caused  this  thaler  to 
be  made  out  of  his  own  gold  and  gave  it  to  his  daughter  Theodora.  The 
silver  money  of  the  same  reign  has  on  it  a  figure  of  a  man  on  horseback. 
This  exercise  of  the  right  of  coining  money  is  of  importance  as  showing 
how  completely  the  Russians  were  emancipated.  Among  Muhammedan 
races  there  is  hardly  a  better  proof  of  practical  independence  than  the 
right  of  coining  money,  and  so  long  as  the  Golden  Horde  lasted  no 
money  was  coined  in  Russia. 

In  1493  we  find  an  envoy  from  John,  the  king  of  Norway  and 
Denmark,  and  formerly  an  ally  of  the  Polish  King,  at  Moscow.  This 
was  another  example  of  the  opening  of  negotiations  with  a  country  whose 
history  for  many  years  had  run  apart  from  that  of  Muscovy,  and  which 
had  once  had  close  relations  with  Novgorod.  Four  years  earlier  an  envoy 
came  to  Moscow  from  Hussein  Mirza,  the  Khan  of  the  far  distant 
Khorassan,  while  on  another  side  we  find  the  long-lived  Christian  state 
of  Iberia  or  Georgia,  the  victim  of  so  many  Mussulman  conquerors, 

*  /rf.,  268,  269.  t  /d.,  274,  275 .  +  l^;  274. 


sending  an  envoy  to  ask  for  the  protection  of  Russia.  Its  prince  in  his 
letter  styles  himself  the  servant  of  Ivan,  while  he  calls  the  latter  the 
"  Great  Tzar,  the  light  of  the  azure  sky,  the  star  of  the  faithful,  the  hope 
of  the  Christians,  the  refuge  of  the  poor,  the  legislator  and  true 
arbitrator  of  all  the  monarchs  of  the  world,  pacificator  of  the  universe, 
and  zealous  servant  of  Saint  Nicholas."* 

This  long  digression  is  meant  to  exhibit  the  extraordinary  outburst  of 
life  and  energy  which  Russia  exhibited  directly  after  its  emancipation, 
and  those  who  deny  the  title  of  Great  to  Ivan  because  his  method  was 
not  Quixotic,  fail  to  read  the  true  lesson  of  history,  which  does  not  favour 
the  virtues  of  Don  Quixote  or  of  Richard  Coeur  de  Lion.  It  was  surely 
a  gigantic  task  for  one  man  to  accomplish,  not  merely  to  unite  into  a 
homogeneous  whole  the  broken  fragments  of  the  Russian  realm  with 
scarce  any  bloodshed,  and  to  break  off  the  yoke  of  the  Tartars,  but  having 
done  this,  to  be  treated  as  an  equal  by  the  Great  Kaizer  himself,  and  to 
have  his  favour  sought  by  the  weak  States  of  far  off  latitudes.  Not  only 
did  he  do  this,  but  he  used  every  opportunity  to  import  culture  and  the 
arts  among  the  people.  Compare  his  conduct  in  the  treatment  of  the 
great  heresy  with  that  of  Ferdinand  the  Catholic,  who  pieced  the  shreds 
of  Spain  together,  and  then  proceeded,  with  a  fierce  bigotry  whose  fruit 
is  not  yet  all  harvested,  to  eject  the  Moors  and  the  Jews,  who 
were  the  guardians  and  patrons  of  learning,  culture,  and  the  arts  of 
peace.  And  remember,  further,  what  his  people  were,  what  his 
antecedents  and  surroundings  were,  and  we  shall  readily  admit  that  he 
stood  head  and  shoulders  above  his  contemporaries,  and  merited  the  title 
of  Great  far  more  justly  than  most  of  those  who  bear  the  name.  That 
he  had  a  foresight  and  an  instinct  which  are  only  given  to  the  few  who 
have  moulded  mankind  into  a  new  shape,  and  that  to  dissect  his  moral 
qualities  with  the  critical  scalpel  produced  by  our  aesthetic  standard  is  as 
unfair  as  to  test  the  ignorant  by  the  standard  of  the  wise,  and  to 
complain  of  Friar  Bacon  because  he  did  not  know  so  much  as  Newton. 

Meanwhile  let  us  return  to  the  Great  Horde.  Its  wretched  fragments 
wandered,  we  are  told,  from  steppe  to  steppe,  sometimes  on  the  borders 
of  the  Dnieper,  and  sometimes  on  those  of  Circassia,  near  the  Kuma. 
The  sons  of  Ahmed  allied  themselves  with  Abdul  Kerim,  the  tzar  of 
Astrakan,  made  another  attempt  to  invade  the  Crimea,  but  their  effort 
was  frustrated  by  the  Russians,  the  Khan  of  Kazan,  and  the  Nogais  on 
the  one  hand,  and  by  a  contingent  of  2,000  troops,  sent  to  the  assistance 
of  Mengli  Girai  by  the  Sultan,  on  the  other.  They  lost  many  of  their 
herds,  and  in  a  bloody  fight  Idiku,  the  son  of  Ahmed,  was  killed.t  The 
Lithuanians  continued  in  close  alliance  with  the  Great  Horde,  however. 

On  the  side  of  Poland  matters  were  also  ripening  for  Russia.  Casimir 
was  growing  old  ;  like  Ivan,  he  was  a  cautious  person  and  averse  to  open 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  288,  t  Id.,  292. 


war,  and  the  two  rivals  played  a  prudent  game,  in  which  the  chief 
factors  were  intrigues  "with  the  dependents  and  neighbours  of  the  other. 
At  this  game  Ivan  was  very  fortunate.  Since  the  reign  of  Vitut  in 
Lithuania,  the  ancient  appanages  constituting  the  Principahty  of 
Chernigof,  in  the  governments  of  Tula,  Kaluga,  and  Orel,  had  been 
subject  to  the  Lithuanians,  but  they  were  Russian  by  race,  and  remained 
faithful  to  the  Greek  church,  while  their  masters  belonged  to  the  Latin 
communion.  We  now  find  Ivan  doing  what  the  Russians  have  lately  done 
in  Servia,  &c.,  and  encouraging  their  princes  to  change  their  allegiance. 
We  read  that  several  of  them,  such  as  the  Princes  of  Odoyef,  Vortoynsk, 
Bielef,  and  Peremysl,  placed  themselves  under  the  protection  of  Muscovy. 
Meanwhile  there  was  apparent  cordiality  in  the  diplomatic  intercourse  of 
the  two  sovereign  patrons.  On  Ivan  asking  for  several  favours,  however, 
his  envoys  were  told,  "  Your  monarch  loves  to  ask  but  not  to  grant.  I 
will  follow  his  example."*  Soon  after,  namely,  on  the  25th  of  June,  1492, 
Casimir  died,  and  his  dominions  were  divided  between  his  two  sons  ; 
Albert  became  King  of  Poland,  and  Alexander  Grand  Duke  of  Lithuania.t 
This  seemed  a  happy  turn  for  Russia,  and  we  find  Ivan  urging  Mengli 
Girai  of  Krim  to  make  an  immediate  descent  on  the  latter  country. 
Another  messenger  was  despatched  to  Stephen  of  Moldavia  to  incite  him 
to  a  similar  pohcy.  Meanwhile  Feodor  Obolenski  made  a  raid  into 
Lithuania,  and  was  assisted  by  some  of  the  newly  enfranchised  princes. 
The  Russians  overran  the  province  of  Smolensk,  and  gained  some  minor 
victories,  and  Ivan's  hatred  for  his  neighbour  was  further  inflamed  by  the 
discovery  of  a  plot  to  poison  him,  which  was  said  to  have  been  started  by 
Casimir  himself.  The  Prince  Ivan  Lukomski,  of  the  race  of  St.  Vladimir, 
and  a  Pole  named  Matthias  were  intrusted  with  the  horrible  commission, 
and  on  their  plot  being  discovered,  they  were  burnt  aUve  in  a  cage  on  the 

The  Krim  Khan  continued  faithful  to  his  alliance  against  Lithuania. 
From  a  letter  which  he  wrote  to  the  Grand  Prince,  we  learn  that  Sheikh 
Ahmed,  having  married  a  daughter  of  Musa,  a  famous  murza  of  the 
Nogais,  had  been  for  a  while  dethroned,  but  that  he  was  afterwards 
reinstated,  and  continued  to  reign  conjointly  with  Seyid  Ahmed.J  This 
was  apparently  written  about  1492  or  1493. 

Ivan,  whose  worldly  wisdom  perhaps  saw  that  if  he  pressed  matters 
too  much  he  might  combine  against  him  the  three  brothers  Ladislas, 
Albert,  and  Alexander,  who  together  controlled  Hungary,  Bohemia, 
Poland,  and  Lithuania,  and  knowing  that  Stephen  of  Moldavia,  his  own 
ally,  was  being  daily  weakened  by  his  conflict  with  the  Turks,  determined 
at  length  to  make  peace  with  Alexander.  This  was  signed  in  January, 
1494.  By  it  the  Lithuanians  ceded  all  suzerain  rights  over  the  Princes 
of  Viazma,  Novossil,  Odoyef,  Vorotynsk,  Peremysl,  Bielef,  and  the  Grand 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  296.  1  Id.,  297.  I  Id.,  303,  304. 

I  T 


Princes  of  Riazan,  and  agreed  to  release  the  two  Princes  of  Mezetsk,  who 
had  been  exiled  to  Yaroslavl ;  they  also  undertook  that  the  various  dis- 
contented princes  who  had  sought  refuge  in  Lithuania  should  be  detained 
there.  The  Russians  agreed  on  their  part  to  abandon  their  recent 
conquests  ;  the  merchants  and  envoys  of  each  country  were  to  pass 
freely  through  the  other.  The  treaty  was  cemented  by  the  marriage  of 
Alexander  with  Helena,  the  daughter  of  Ivan.  It  was  strictly  provided 
that  she  was  to  retain  her  religion,  and  that  Alexander  was  not  to  consent 
to  her  changing  it,  even  at  her  own  desire,  while  a  Greek  church  was  to 
be  built  within  her  palace.  Ivan,  on  bidding  good  bye,  strictly  enjoined 
her  to  respect  his  wishes  in  this  matter,*  and  sent  a  special  envoy  to  see 
she  was  married  in  a  Greek  church  and  in  Russian  costume.  Karamzin's 
naive  narrative  says,  "  The  two  fiances  met  outside  Vilna,  on  a  piece 
of  golden  damask  spread  over  red  cloth,  addressed  a  few  words  to  each 
other,  and  then  entered  the  town,  he  on  horseback,  she  on  a  splendid 
sledge."  The  marriage,  like  many  other  similar  marriages,  did  not  prove 
such  a  gauge  of  peace  as  some  expected.  Ivan  was  irritated  that  his 
son-in-law  styled  him  Grand  Prince  and  not  "  Sovereign  of  all  the 
Russias,"  which  doubtless  involved  some  claims  upon  Kief  and  other 
Lithuanian  possessions.  He  also  interfered  in  the  domestic  arrange" 
ments  of  the  young  pair,  and  was  absurdly  particular  in  regard  to  his 
daughter  not  being  contaminated  with  Roman  Catholic  dogmas.  She 
was  a  sensible  person,  and  very  loyal  to  her  husband. 

In  1492  Ivan  built  the  fortress  of  Ivanogorod,  opposite  Narva,  as  a 
menace  to  the  knights  of  Livonia.  He  then  proceeded  to  quarrel  with 
the  merchants  of  the  Hanseatic  league,  as  I  have  mentioned.  In  1496 
he  sent  his  armies  to  ravage  Finland,  which  was  then  a  possession  of  the 
Swedish  crown,  and  the  country  on  the  banks  of  the  Limenga  was 

We  now  read  of  a  strange  and  cruel  domestic  incident  in  the 
Muscovite  Imperial  family.  Ivan's  eldest  son  Ivan  had  left  a  son  named 
Dimitri,  who,  if  the  succession  had  been  absolutely  settled,  would  have 
been  undoubtedly  the  heir  to  the  throne.  By  his  second  wife  Sophia, 
the  descendant  of  the  Greek  Emperors,  he  had  a  second  son  Vasili.  It 
would  seem  that  the  partisans  of  the  old  order  of  things,  in  which 
brother  succeeded  brother,  seconded  the  efforts  of  Sophia  to  claim 
the  crown  for  Vasili.  Ivan  was  unsettled,  but  after  some  time  decided 
in  favour  of  his  grandson  Dimitri,  who  was  crowned  with  great 
ceremony,  while  the  partisans  of  Vasili,  who  had  entered  into  a  con- 
spiracy to  kill  the  young  prince,  were  severely  punished.  Presentlyj  as 
is  the  case  often  with  autocratic  tempers,  Ivan  changed  his  mind,  was 
reconciled  to  Sophia,  and  with  extreme  cruelty  punished  some  of  the 
principal  boyards  who  had  taken  the  other  side,  and  some  weeks  after  he 

*  Id.,  314, 315.  t  Id.,  335, 336. 


nominated  Vasili  as  Grand  Prince  of  Novgorod  and  Pskof,  Dimitri 
retaining  the  style  of  Grand  Prince  of  Vladimir  and  Moscow.  When  the 
people  of  Pskof  complained  he  repHed,  "  May  I  not  act  as  I  please  with 
my  sons  and  grandsons  ?  I  will  give  Russia  to  whom  I  please,  and  I 
order  you  to  obey  Vasili."  Surely  the  words  of  a  most  unrestrained 
autocrat.  We  now  find  him  receiving  envoys  from  the  Shirvan  Shah, 
from  the  Venetians,  and  Sultan  Bajazet.  The  representative  of  the  latter 
was  admitted  to  his  table.*  Fortune  continued  to  smile  upon  him,  and 
in  1499  we  read  of  him  subjugating  the  Samoyedes  and  Voguls  of  the 
Northern  Urals  and  the  valley  of  the  Obi.  Thenceforward  the  Russian 
tzars  added  to  their  other  titles  that  of  Princes  of  Yugoria. 

Meanwhile  Ivan  continued  his  MachiavelHan  policy  towards  Lithuania. 
Alexander,  his  son-in-law,  lived  in  perpetual  dread  of  his  ambition. 
Stephen,  the  voivode  of  Moldavia,  having  devastated  Braslavl,  Alexander 
determined  to  declare  war  against  him,  but  the  Grand  Prince  warned 
him  not  to  molest  an  ally  of  Moscow.    Alexander  replied,  "  I  hoped  that 
a  relation  was  dearer  to  you  than  an  ally,  but  I  was  mistaken."    In  1499 
a   Lithuanian   envoy  took   Ivan  the  following  stinging   letter  : — "  My 
brother :  in  order  to  please  you  I  have  entered  into  a  treaty  of  peace  and 
friendship  with  Stephen  of  Moldavia.     Having  heard  that  the  Sultan 
Bajazet  has  taken  up  arms  to  attack  him,  my  brothers,  the  kings  of 
Hungary,  Poland,  and  Bohemia,  have  sworn  to  ally  themselves  with  me 
to  defend  him.     Unite  your  arms  to  ours  against  the  common  enemy, 
who  has  already  seized  several  Christian  kingdoms.     Stephen's  kingdom 
is  a  strong  barrier  for  us,  and  its  conquest  by  the  Sultan  would  be  no  less 
a  menace  for  you  than  for  us.  .  .  .  You  wish  me  in  my  letters  to  call  you 
Monarch  of  all  Russia.    I  will  do  so  if  you  will  undertake  by  a  new  grant 
to  confirm  me  in  the  possession  of  Kief.     Notwithstanding  your  solemn 
daily  assurances  of  amity,  I  hear  with  regret  that  you  have  secretly 
plotted  my  ruin  with  Mengli  Girai.    Remember,  my  brother,  that  you 
have  a  conscience  and  a  religion."t    The  sting  of  this  brotherly  letter 
consisted  in  its  truth.    Ivan  had  in  fact  sent  the  Prince  Romodonofski  in 
1498  to  the  Krim  to  promise  Mengli  Girai  that  he  would  always  be  his 
ally  against  the  Prince  of  Lithuania  and  the  sons  of  Ahmed.     Ivan  in  his 
reply  could  not  deny  this,  and  merely  added  a  tu  quofue  as  to  Alexander's 
deahngs  with  the  sons  of  Ahmed.     In  regard  to  Kief,  he  said  the  pro- 
posal was  so  absurd  that  no  Russian  sovereign  would  ever  listen  to  it. 

Meanwhile  another  element  entered  into  the  strife.  Those  who  have 
travelled  in  Lithuania  know  how  bitter  has  been  the  struggle  there 
between  the  Greek  and  Latin  churches.  Ivan  professed,  as  Nicholas 
did  in  1855,  to  be  the  special  protector  of  the  Greek  church,  while 
Alexander  was  a  rigid  Catholic,  and  doubtless  wished  to  consohdate 
his  kingdom  by  making  his  subjects  adopt  the  same  faith.     In  1499  we 

*  /<f.,  355.  t  Id.t  363. 


find  the  bishop  of  Smolensk  busy  in  converting  the  people  of  White 
Russia  to  the  Greek  cult,  while  Alexander  constantly  urged  on  his  wife 
to  join  his  own  church,  which  she,  however,  refused  to  do.  Macarius, 
the  metropolitan  of  Kief,  having  been  killed  in  1497  near  Mozyr  by  the 
Perekop  Tartars  (z>.,  by  the  Tartars  of  Krim),  Alexander  nominated 
Joseph  of  Smolensk  to  the  post,  who  with  the  bishop  of  Vilna  com- 
menced a  campaign,  in  which  the  watch  words  were,  "  One  fold  and  one 
shepherd."  They  were  supported  by  papal  bulls  and  by  the  strong  aid  of 
the  secular  arm.  Many  who  belonged  to  the  Greek  rite  fled  to  Russia. 
Among  these,  we  are  told,  were  the  Princes  of  Bielsk,  Mossalsk,  and 
Khotetof,  and  the  boyards  of  Mtsensk  and  Serpeisk,  who  were  received 
by  Ivan  contrary  to  the  provisions  of  the  treaty  with  Alexander. 

The  Prince  Ivan  Andrewvitch  of  Moyaisk,  an  enemy  of  Ivan's,  had 
been  granted  as  an  appanage  by  Alexander  of  Chernigof,  Starodub,  Gomel, 
and  Lubetch,  while  Ivan,  the  son  of  Shemiaka,  was  similarly  endowed 
with  Rylsk  and  Novgorod  Severski.  These  two  princes  were  now  dead, 
and  had  been  succeeded  by  their  sons.  Being  rigid  followers  of  the 
Greek  faith,  they  resented  the  policy  of  Alexander,  and,  forgetting  their 
family  feud,  placed  themselves  and  their  territory  under  the  protection 
of  Ivan,  a  position  he  gladly  accepted.  At  the  same  time,  declaring 
war  against  the  Lithuanians,  he  rapidly  conquered  Mtsensk,  Serpeisk, 
Briansk,  Putivle,  and  Dorogobuj.  The  Princes  of  Trubtchefsk,  descend- 
ants of  Olga,  submitted,  and  he  in  fact  conquered  all  Lithuanian  Russia, 
from  the  governments  of  Kaluga  and  Tula  as  far  as  Kief.*  Alexander 
now  appointed  a  distinguished  soldier  named  Constantine  Ostroisky,  a 
descendant  of  the  famous  Roman  of  Gallicia,  hettman  of  Lithuania. 
Although  belonging  to  the  Greek  church,  he  did  faithful  service  to 

Karamzin,  in  criticising  the  conduct  of  Prince  Daniel  Stchenia,  who 
objected  to  command  the  Russian  rear  guard,  says  it  was  the  first  of 
that  series  of  quarrels  about  precedence  among  the  boyards  which 
afterwards  proved  so  disastrous  to  Russia.  A  terrible  battle  now  ensued 
on  the  banks  of  the  Vedrosha,  in  which  the  Lithuanians  were  completely 
defeated.  Eight  thousand  of  them  remained  on  the  battle-field,  all  their 
artillery  and  baggage  were  captured,  and  the  hetman  Constantine  was 
among  the  prisoners.t  He  was  taken  to  Moscow,  where  he  swore  the 
oath  of  fealty  to  Ivan,  was  created  a  voivode,  and  given  large  domains. 
The  news  of  the  victory  was  received  with  great  rejoicings  at  Moscow, 
where  such  an  event  was  very  unexpected.  While  the  Russians  invaded 
Lithuania  on  one  side,  Mengli  Girai  ravaged  it  on  another.  His 
sons,  at  the  head  of  1 5,000  cavalry,  burnt  Khmelnik,  Kremenetz,  Brest, 
Vladimir,  Lutsk,  Braslavl,and  other  towns  of  PoUsh  GaHicia*  Alexander 
was  not  daunted,  he  put  his  principal  towns  in  a  state  of  defence,  hired 


a  number  of  mercenaries,  Poles,  Bohemians,  Germans,  and  Hungarians, 
and  entered  into  an  alliance  with  the  Livonian  knights,  whose  master 
Walter  de  Plettemberg  was  a  deadly  enemy  of  Russia.  Shortly  after 
this,  on  the  death  of  his  brother  Albert,  Alexander  was  elected  King  of 
Poland.  Ivan,  nevertheless,  determined  to  prosecute  the  war.  Another 
victory  was  won  by  his  troops  near  Mitislavl,  in  which  7,000  Lithuanians 
perished.  The  grand  master  of  Livonia  bravely  did  his  part,  he 
imprisoned  two  hundred  Russian  merchants  at  Dorpat,  and  with  but 
4,000  knights  and  an  armed  body  of  some  thousands  of  peasants  and 
foot  soldiers  he  ravaged  Pskof  with  fire  and  sword.  An  army  of  40,000 
Russians  was  terribly  defeated  near  Izborsk,  the  German  artillery,  we 
are  told,  causing  quite  a  panic  among  the  Muscovites. 

The  Germans  marched  from  one  success  to  another,  but  their  course 
was  sharply  stayed  by  the  outbreak  of  a  terrible  pestilence  among  them, 
and  they  were  forced  to  retreat  precipitately.  Ivan  now  sent  his  troops 
to  exact  vengeance  ;  the  environs  of  Dorpat,  Neuhausen,  and  Marien- 
burgh  were  devastated.  In  a  combat  near  Helmet  the  Livonians 
suffered  severely,  the  regiment  of  the  bishop  of  Dorpat  was  destroyed. 
A  Livonian  chronicler  tells  us  the  Russians  and  Tartars  did  not  trouble 
themselves  to  use  their  scimitars,  but  beat  down  the  wretched  inhabi- 
tants with  clubs,  as  if  they  had  been  boars.  The  Russians  returned 
home  again  after  having  had  their  fill  of  revenge.* 

Ivan  now  prosecuted  his  pique  against  his  daughter-in-law  Helena  and 
his  grandson  Dimitri.  He  deprived  the  latter  of  the  title  of  Grand 
Prince,  proclaimed  Vasili  as  his  successor,  and  threw  mother  and  son 
into  prison  on  a  charge  of  conspiracy.  Helena's  father,  Stephen  of 
Moldavia,  who  had  recently  captured  the  Polish  towns  of  Kolimia, 
Galitch,  Sniatin,  and  Krasnoi  on  the  Dniester,  was  much  exasperated 
with  the  tzar,  and  persuaded  Mengli  Girai  to  complain  on  his  behalf. 
Ivan  returned  the  latter  a  very  imperious  answer  : — "  My  good  nature 
raised  my  grandson  to  the  highest  rank.  My  displeasure  has  deposed 
him  because  he  has  plotted  with  his  mother  to  outrage  me.  We  are 
kind  to  those  who  treat  us  well,  but  ought  we  to  be  so  to  those  who  act 
differently  ?"  Helena  died  of  grief  in  1505,  and  Dimitri  was  kept  a  close 
prisoner.t  Stephen  retaliated  by  seizing  the  Muscovite  envoys  and  some 
Italian  artists  who  were  passing  through  Moldavia,  whom  he  afterwards 
released.  He  would  not  come,  however,  to  an  open  rupture  with  Russia. 
He  died  in  1504,  and  before  doing  so  he  counselled  his  son  Bogdan  to 
submit  to  the  Turks,  reminded  him  how  much  it  had  cost  him  to  retain 
his  independence,  and  that  it  was  better  to  give  gracefully  that  which  it 
was  impossible  to  keep.  Bogdan  accordingly  acknowledged  Bajazet  as 
his  suzerain,  and  the  transient  glory  of  Moldavia  passed  away.j 

Ivan  in   1502  engaged    again    in  war    with    the    Lithuanians    and 

*  Id.,  387*  t  /«/.,  397.  I  /<?.,  398* 


Livonians,  but  gained  no  marked  success,  and  in  fact  suffered  a  serious 
check  at  the  hands  of  the  latter,  under  their  leader  Walter  of  Plettem- 
berg.  The  next  year,  at  the  solicitation  of  the  pope,  who  wished  to  arm 
Christian  Europe  to  restrain  the  terrible  advance  of  the  Turks,  and  to 
induce  the  Christian  princes  to  be  at  peace  with  one  another,  Ivan  agreed 
to  a  six  years'  truce  with  Lithuania,  and  restored  to  his  son-in-law  some 
of  the  conquests  he  had  made  on  the  Dwina.  A  similar  armistice  was 
entered  into  between  the  lieutenants  of  Pskof  and  Novgorod,  under 
which  the  bishop  of  Dorpat  undertook  to  pay  the  Russians  tribute.*  In 
notifying  this  treaty  to  Mengli  Girai,  he  told  him  that  it  was  merely  a 
truce,  during  which  they  could  better  prepare  themselves  for  fresh  efforts 
and  strengthen  the  vantage  they  had  gained,  and  that  their  offensive 
alliance  against  Lithuania  still  continued  good.t 

In  1503  Ivan  lost  his  wife  Sophia,  an  event  which  seems  to  have 
greatly  affected  him,  and  we  now  find  him  preparing  for  his  own  end  by 
making  his  will.  By  it  he  nominated  Vasili  as  his  successor.  Among 
the  domains  of  the  Russian  crown  disposed  of  we  hear  now  for 
the  first  time  of  Lapland,  and  we  are  told  further  that  Riazan  and 
Perevitesk  had  been  joined  to  Muscovy  by  the  cession  of  their  Prince 
Feodor,  his  nephew.  The  Princes  of  Chernigof,  Starodub,  Novgorod- 
Severski,  and  Rylsk  are  still  named  as  independent,  although  feudally 
subordinate  to  himself.  Otherwise  all  his  conquests  were  treated 
as  parts  of  the  Muscovite  empire.  Several  towns  were  given  as 
appanages  to  his  younger  sons,  who  had  their  separate  civil  and  military 
estabhshments,  and  appropriated  the  revenues  of  their  appanages,  but 
they  had  no  claims  on  the  Imperial  exchequer,  had  not  the  right  to  coin 
money  or  to  punish  the  crime  of  murder.  Their  property  was  made 
hereditary,  but  it  was  only  as  citizens  and  not  as  independent  princes 
that  they  held  it.  The  famous  Jewish  heresy  still  survived,  and  Ivan, 
who,  now  that  he  was  nearing  his  grave,  was  becoming  more  a  tool  in 
the  hands  of  the  clergy,  allowed  a  bitter  persecution  to  be  carried  out 
against  the  heretics.  Many  fled  to  Germany  and  Lithuania.  Several  of 
its  chiefs  were  burnt  alive  in  cages  or  had  their  tongues  torn  out,  and 
.  little  pity  was  shown  to  penitents,  Joseph  of  Volok,  a  fit  companion  of 
Spanish  inquisitors,  urging  that  repentance  exacted  by  fear  could  not 
be  sincere.^ 

A  simmering  discontent  still  continued  between  Russia  and  Lithuania, 
and  petty  and  vexatious  complaints  were  made  on  either  side.  We  also 
find  the  Emperor  Maximilian,  still  harping  upon  his  Hungarian  claims,  and 
trying  to  enter  into  an  offensive  alliance  with  Ivan,  who  was  too  cautious 
to  be  entangled  in  disputes  that  affected  his  interests  so  httle.  Vasili, 
the  heir  to  the  throne,  was  still  unmarried  although  twenty-five  years  old. 
We  are  told  that  the  old  tzar,  being  very  wishful  to  see  him  settled 

*  /d.,  405.  1  Id.,  406,  1  /(f.,  4I2i 


before  he  died,  and  there  being  no  time  to  find  him  a  Royal  partner,  one 
thousand  five  hundred  young  Russian  girls  were  passed  in  review,  and 
the  young  prince's  choice  fell  on  Solomonia,  the  daughter  of  an  obscure 
officer  named  Yuri  Saburof,  descended  from  a  Tartar  emigrant  named 
Murzachet.  Karamzin  moralises  on  the  dangers  incident  to  princes 
intermarrying  with  their  subjects,  which  nearly  always  leads  to  diffi- 
culties with  the  wife's  relatives,  who  acquire  a  prestige  not  attainable 
by  the  other  noble  families.  He  thinks  that  it  was  in  view  of  these 
dangers  that  the  choice  fell  on  an  obscure  person,  but  in  the  event  the 
marriage  proved  how  sound  the  principle  is.  The  Godunofs,  relations  of 
Solomonia,  caused  great  trouble  to  Russia  in  the  future,  and  caused  in 
fact  the  supplanting  of  Ivan's  own  family.* 

Ivan  died  on  the  27th  of  October,  1505,  at  the  age  of  sixty-six,  and 
after  a  reign  of  forty-three  years,  which  is  by  far  the  most  important 
in  the  Russian  annals.  We  are  told  naively  by  Karamzin  that  the 
contemporary  annalists  do  not  mention  that  his  people  wept  or  showed 
much  grief  at  his  death,  but  content  themselves  with  recounting  his 
great  deeds,  and  thanking  heaven  for  having  given  such  a  monarch  to 
Russia.  His  was  not  the  character  to  attract  love  or  sympathy ;  it 
was  the  calculating  prudence  of  the  lawyer,  added  to  the  unscrupulous 
and  unbending  iron  will  of  the  statesman.  His  was  a  great  epoch, 
and  he  stands  out  in  some  measure  as  its  type  ;  everywhere  feudalism 
was  giving  place  to  centralised  autocracy,  small  states  were  being 
coalesced  into  great  ones.  It  was  a  period,  too,  of  great  discoveries. 
Printing  was  invented  at  Nuremberg,  Columbus  discovered  another 
world,  and,  what  was  more  important  to  Russia  and  its  neighbours, 
Vasco  de  Gama,  by  rounding  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope,  found  a  new  road 
to  India,  and  supplanted  inevitably  the  trade  routes  by  way  of  the 
Caspian  and  the  Sea  of  Azof,  which  had  so  greatly  enriched  the  masters 
of  the  Golden  Horde.  No  less  a  discovery,  perhaps,  was  that  of  Russia 
itself,  which  in  Ivan's  reign  first  became  really  known  to  the  rest  of 
Europe,  and  mainly  through  his  efforts  who  was  born  the  tributary 
and  dependent  of  the  Tartars  and  died  when  he  was  treated  as  an  equal 
by  the  German  Kaizer  and  the  Turkish  Sultan.  Although  he  was  no 
warrior  himself,  the  army  was  greatly  reformed  during  his  reign  by  the 
creation  of  bodies  of  mercenary  troops,  who  lived  in  a  special  quarter 
beyond  the  Moskva,  and  also  by  the  introduction  of  the  boyard- 
followers,  who,  like  the  feudal  chiefs  of  early  Europe,  received  grants  of 
land  on  condition  of  being  ready  to  serve  the  prince  when  required. 
They  formed,  as  Kelly  says,  a  kind  of  spahis,  such  as  were  till  lately  seen 
in  Turkey,  having  no  gradations  of  rank  and  dependent  solely  on  the 
throne.  He  exacted  rigid  discipline,  and  to  him  are  traced  the  rozziadi 
or  tactical  rules  for  the  troops,  which  were  generally  divided  into  five 

*  H.,  420. 


sections,  the  main  body,  the  right  and  left  wings,  the  advance  and  rear 
guards*  "  He  triumphs  over  his  enemies,"  said  Stephen,  "  while  he  sits 
tranquilly  in  his  palace,  and  I,  who  am  always  on  horseback  and  in  the 
field,  cannot  defend  my  country." 

With  the  instincts  of  a  lawyer,  he  preferred  a  common-place  treaty 
which  secured  him  an  advantage  to  risking  his  fortunes  on  the  die  of  a 
battle.  He  introduced  the  pomp  and  ceremony  of  Western  courts  into  his 
own,  and  by  surrounding  his  person  with  a  certain  awe  and  grandeur,  he 
began  that  policy  which  has  created  for  the  Russians  an  anthropomorphic 
deity  in  their  tzar.  Like  most  men  of  his  type,  he  was  imperious  and 
exacting  upon  all  around  him,  had  a  stubborn  temper,  and  little  pity  or 
sensibility ;  the  knout  was  unsparingly  used  upon  the  noblest  in  the  land. 
He  revised  the  taxes,  which  seem  to  have  borne  hardly  upon  the 
peasants,  many  of  whom,  we  are  told,  paid  a  fourth  and  a  fifth  of  the 
produce  of  their  fields  and  flocks  in  this  way.  He  also  greatly  encouraged 
commerce,  and  moved  the  ancient  fair  of  Kholopi-Gorodok  to  Mologa.t 

Ivan  was  also  the  author  of  new  laws.  It  would  seem  that  the 
deficiencies  of  the  ancient  code  of  Yaroslaf  I.  had  been  supplemented 
by  that  used  at  Byzantium.*  In  1497  Ivan  issued  a  new  code.  It 
is  marked  by  a  draconic  and  severe  character,  a  tenth  of  the  money 
recovered  had  to  be  paid  to  the  judges  and  the  sheriff,  a  certain  way  of 
inducing  corruption.  "  In  this  barbarous  code,"  says  Kelly,  "  everything 
partakes  of  the  keenness  of  the  sword  which  is  brought  into  action  in 
every  part  of  it.  Single  combat  decides  upon  the  majority  of  criminal 
offences ;  in  cases  of  suspicion  when  reputation  is  not  spotless,  torture  is 
called  in  to  enlighten  justice.  A  first  theft  (the  spoliation  of  a  church  or 
the  kidnapping  of  a  slave  excepted)  was  punished  by  the  knout  and 
confiscation  of  all  the  criminal's  property,  half  of  which  went  to  the 
injured  person.  The  poor  culprit  was  given  up  to  his  accuser  to  be  dealt 
with  at  discretion.  A  second  robbery  was  punished  with  death  without 
any  formality,  when  five  or  six  honest  citizens  deposed  on  oath  that  the 
offender  was  a  known  thief.§  In  the  judicial  duels  the  officers  of  justice 
arranged  the  details,  except  in  regard  to  arms,  which  the  contending 
parties  might  choose  for  themselves,  always  excepting  firearms  and  bows 
and  arrows."  Some  of  the  clauses  of  the  civil  laws  are  curious.  Articles 
bought  bond  fide,  as  attested  by  two  or  three  witnesses,  became  the 
purchaser's  although  stolen,  except  in  the  case  of  horses.  Those  in 
possession  of  land  as  owners  for  three  years  were  deemed  its  owners, 
except  as  against  the  crown,  when  the  occupation  must  be  for  six  years. 
A  famous  clause,  which  had  important  results  afterwards,  was  the  one 
forbidding  the  peasants  to  change  their  lord,  except  for  ten  days  before 
and  ten  days  after  the  feast  of  Saint  George,  and  in  doing  so  the  peasant 
must  pay  a  rouble  for  it  if  in  the  steppe,  and  a  hundred  dengas  if  in  the 

*  li.,  431.  t  Id.,  440.  I  W.,  442.  §  Id.,  443.  ,  Kelly,  i.  131. 


wooded  districts.  A  man  might  sell  himself,  his  wife,  and  children  as 
slaves,  but  the  children  of  a  slave  were  free  if  they  served  another  master 
or  lived  by  their  own  exertions.  A  person  marrying  a  slave  became  a  slave. 
Slaves  might  form  part  of  a  dowry  or  be  willed.  When  captured  by  the 
Tartars  they  became  free  on  escaping.  Ecclesiastics,  male  and  female, 
were  judged  by  the  bishops  and  in  the  ecclesiastical  court.*  Ivan  also 
regulated  the  police,  the  post  stations,  and  the  roads.  A  curious  plan  for 
insuring  silence  in  the  streets  at  night  was  putting  chevaux  de  frise  there 
so  as  to  stop  passengers  from  going  quickly.  His  hand  did  not  spare 
the  high  placed.  The  archbishop  Gennadius  was  deposed  for  simony, 
and  a  decree  of  a  council  held  in  1 503  ordered  that  endowers  should  not 
be  allowed  to  perform  the  services  of  the  church.  The  Turks  having 
trodden  down  the  Eastern  patriarchal  sees,  we  find  a  bishop  of  Cassarea 
going  to  Russia  to  be  ordained.  We  are  also  told  that  Ivan  greatly 
cherished  the  Russian  monasteries  on  Mount  Athos. 

Having  traced  the  story  of  Ivan's  latter  days,  let  us  revert  once  more 
to  that  of  the  Great  Horde.  Its  Tartars  continued  to  be  faithful  friends 
to  the  Poles  in  their  terrible  struggle.  About  1500  we  are  told  that 
Sheikh  Ahmed,  with  20,000  cavalry  and  infantry,  planted  himself  at  the 
mouth  of  the  Tikhaia  Sosna,  at  the  foot  of  the  Dievichie  mountains,  and 
threatened  the  Krim  Khan,  who  was  posted  on  the  opposite  side  of  the 
Don  with  25,000  men,  and  was  waiting  for  the  arrival  of  his  Russian 
allies.  "  Send  me,"  wrote  the  latter  to  Ivan,  "  by  the  Don  some  pieces 
of  artillery,  for  form's  sake  merely,  the  enemy  will  fly  directly  he  sees 
them."  Ivan,  although  engaged  at  the  time  in  a  fierce  struggle  with 
both  the  Lithuanians  and  Livonians,  sent  the  help  asked  for.  Muhammed 
Arain,  who  commanded  the  Tartars  in  the  Russian  service,  Prince 
Nozdrovati  at  the  head  of  a  body  of  Muscovites,  and  a  contingent  from 
Riazan,  were  ordered  to  the  Don,  and  some  artillery  was  told  off  to 
follow  them ;  but  Mengli  Girai  did  not  await  these  reinforcements,  and, 
under  the  pretence  that  he  was  afraid  of  famine  overtaking  him,  he 
retired,  guaranteeing  to  the  Grand  Prince  the  approaching  destruction 
of  the  Great  Horde.  "  From  this  time,"  says  Karamzin,  "  the  troops  of 
Krim  pursued  the  Tartars  of  the  Great  Horde,  summer  and  winter, 
without  ceasing,  and  devastated  their  quarters."!  In  vain  Sheikh  Ahmed 
implored  the  assistance  of  the  Lithuanians,  who  were  engaged  elsewhere. 
In  vain  he  neared  Rylsk  in  the  hope  of  finding  his  allies.  He  only 
encountered  the  troops  of  Muscovy  ready  to  repel  him.  He  furiously 
accused  Alexander  of  treachery.  "It  is  for  you,"  he  wrote,  " that  we 
took  up  arms,  for  you  we  have  suffered  a  thousand  fatigues,  borne  famine 
in  the  midst  of  deserts,  and  now  you  abandon  us  a  prey  to  famine, 
exposed  to  the  attacks  of  Mengli  Girai."  Alexander  sent  sogie  presents 
to  his  ally,  but  he  was  too  busy  celebrating  his  accession  to  the  throne  of 

*  Karamzin,  yi.  443-448.  t  Id.,  388. 

I  U 


Poland,  amidst  great  pomp  at  Cracow,  to  afford  more  useful  succour. 
Meanwhile  Sheikh  Ahmed  was  deserted  by  numbers  of  his  princes  and 
hulans.  His  favourite  wife  even  left  him  and  sought  shelter  in  the 
Taurida.  He  was  further  annoyed  by  his  brother  Seyid  Ahmed,  who 
had  asked  for  shelter  in  Russia.  This  is  the  last  mention  we  can  find  of 
Seyid  Ahmed.  From  the  account  of  Muhammed  Riza,  which  is  very 
confused,  it  may  be  that  he  was  killed  in  a  fight  with  Muhammed  Girai, 
son  of  MengU  Girai.* 

Sheikh  Ahmed  now  determined  to  make  overtures  to  Ivan,  and  at  the 
end  of  1 501  he  sent  a  murza  to  Moscow  to  propose  an  alliance  with  him 
against  Lithuania,  on  condition  that  he  ceased  to  protect  Mengli  Girai 
of  Krim.  "  Politics,"  says  Karamzin,  "  are  never  vindictive,  and  Ivan 
would  probably  have  accepted  these  advances  but  for  the  clause  about 
Mengli  Girai,  who  was  too  useful  an  ally."  He  therefore  replied,  that  no 
enemy  of  MengU  Girai  could  be  a  friend  of  the  princes  of  Moscow.  In 
1502  Sheikh  Ahmed's  Tartars,  when  suffering  from  famine,  were  attacked 
by  Mengli  Girai  and  scattered  or  taken  prisoners.  The  latter  then  wrote 
to  the  Grand  Prince, "The  country  of  our  enemy  is  now  in  our  possession, 
and  I  congratulate  you  as  a  friend  and  a  brother."t  Ivan  was  too  politic  not 
to  attempt  to  utilise  even  an  enemy  who  was  prostrate.  He  made  overtures 
to  Sheikh  Ahmed,  and  promised  to  give  him  the  throne  of  Astrakhan  on 
condition  that  he  would  aid  him  against  the  Lithuanians  ;  but,  followed 
by  an  evil  genius,  he  left,  we  are  told,  with  his  two  brothers  Khosiak  and 
Khalek,  and  sought  refuge  in  Turkey.  Thence,  however,  they  were  driven 
by  order  of  the  Sultan  Bajazet,  who  said  that  Turkey  was  no  harbour  for 
the  enemies  of  Mengli  Girai.  Pursued  by  the  princes  of  Krim,  they  then 
fled  to  Kief,  where,  instead  of  meeting  with  a  welcome,  they  were  basely 
imprisoned  by  Alexander,  who  doubtless  thought  he  could  use  Sheikh 
Ahmed  as  a  bait  to  extract  terms  from  the  Krim  Khan  with.  He  wrote 
to  the  latter,  saying,  "  Your  enemy  is  in  our  power.  If  you  refuse  to 
make  peace,  I  can  at  any  moment  release  the  sons  of  Ahmed." 

Ivan  counselled  Mengli  Girai  to  take  no  heed  of  these  advances. 
"  The  Lithuanians,"  he  said,  "  despite  all  honour,  have  thrown  their  ally, 
who  has  so  long  served  them,  into  chains,  and,  hke  Seyid  Ahmed  in 
former  days,  this  new  victim  of  their  treachery  will  perish  in  captivity. 
Do  not  fear,  therefore,  that  they  will  give  liberty  to  your  enemy,  for  they 
have  reason  to  dread  his  revenge."  Ivan  was  right ;  for  after  having 
been  the  plaything  of  the  Polish  court  for  some  years,  at  one  time  treated 
with  great  consideration  and  at  another  imprisoned,  he  was  at  length 
taken  before  the  diet  of  Radoml,  where  he  publicly  addressed  the  king, 
saying, "  Your  seductive  promises  made  me  leave  the  recesses  of  Scythia. 
You  have  given  me  over  into  the  hands  of  Mengli  Girai.  Deprived  of 
my  armies,  robbed  of  my  country,  I  came  to  seek  shelter  in  that  of  a 

*  Vel.  Zern.,  i.  171.  t  Karamzin,  vi.  390. 


friend.  The  cruel  man  has  treated  me  as  an  enemy,  and  has  cast  me 
into  prison,  but,"  he  said,  raising  his  hands  aloft, "  there  is  a  God  who  will 
not  leave  your  perfidy  unpunished."  Alexander  in  turn  accused  Sheikh 
Ahmed  of  having  been  the  cause  of  his  own  ruin,  charged  his  people  with 
ravaging  the  environs  of  Kief,  and,  complained  that  instead  of  attacking 
the  Russians  and  marching  towards  Staradub,  he  had,  contrary  to  his 
advice,  clung  to  the  borders  of  Krim,  there  to  lose  his  army,  while  his 
journey  to  Turkey  was  declared  to  be  to  arouse  an  enemy  against  Poland 
and  Lithuania.* 

The  result  was  that  Sheikh  Ahmed  was  taken  away  to  Troki  in 
Lithuania,  where  he  was  imprisoned.  Some  time  after  there  arrived  at 
Troki  a  deputation  from  the  Nogai  Tartars,  offering  Seyid  Ahmed 
(.''  Sheikh  Ahmed)  the  throne  and  demanding  his  release.  This  having 
been  refused,  the  Khan  succeeded  in  escaping  with  some  Nogais,  but  he 
was  waylaid  by  a  body  of  Polish  cavalry,  taken  again  to  Troki,  and 
thence  removed  to  Kovno.t 

Thus  ended  the  Golden  Horde,  which  had  dominatecf  over  such  a  wide 
area  and  filled  such  a  notable  place  in  the  history  of  Eastern  Europe. 

Before  turning  to  the  history  of  the  fragments  into  which  it  was 
broken,  it  will  not  be  inopportune  to  glance  at  some  of  the  effects  which 
the  long  servitude  of  Russia  to  the  Tartars  had  produced,  and  at  the 
influence  which  the  Tartars  had  upon  Russian  institutions.  This  touches 
critical  ground.  The  patriotism  of  Russian  historians  has  made  them 
minimise  this  influence  as  much  as  possible,  and  even  almost  deny  it 
altogether.  It  is  true  the  Tartars  were  never  settled  in  Russia,  and  only 
had  their  agents  there,  but  it  is  nevertheless  true  that  no  nation  can  be 
under  the  absolute  yoke  of  another  for  two  centuries  without  being 
greatly  influenced  by  its  suzerain,  although  he  may  govern  the  land  from 
without.  Karamzin  confesses  that  the  domination  had  considerable 
influence  on  the  moral  qualities  of  the  Russians  and  their  princes. 
Slaves  seldom  have  much  self-respect,  and  with  them  artifice  and 
cunning  take  the  place  of  courage  and  rectitude ;  and,  as  the  same 
author  says,  "  those  who  began  by  deceiving  the  Tartars  ended  by 
deceiving  each  other."  Honour,  glory,  patriotism — the  virtues  of 
chivalry — cannot  grow  in  a  soil  which  is  not  free,  and  those  who  are 
themselves  the  objects  of  tyranny  speedily  seek  compensation  by 
tyrannising  over  others.  Brutal  manners  and  contempt  for  law  are 
other  natural  fruits  of  servitude,  and  necessitate  in  turn  cruel  punishment 
and  inhuman  forms  of  repression.  We  are  not  surprised,  therefore,  to 
find  Russian  history  in  mediaeval  times  remarkable  for  the  meanness  and 
smallness  of  many  of  its  heroes,  and  to  find  also  that  sordid  and  corrupt 
motives  were  more  natural  than  more  ambitious  ones.  That  those  who 
had  been  under  the  heel  of  the  oppressor  for  a  long  time  lost  their  taste 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  393.  t  Nouv,  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  357.    Note. 


and  love  for  liberty,  which,  as  has  been  finely  said,  "  is  the  heritage  of 
the  lion  and  not  of  the  lamb ;"  nor  are  we  surprised  to  find  an  exceed- 
ingly patriotic  historian  like  Karamzin  confessing  that  some  of  the  more 
ignoble  features  in  the  Russian  character  of  our  own  day  may  be 
traced  to  the  circumstances  surrounding  the  Tartar  domination. 

These,  however,  are  mere  general  influences.  We  can  specify  others 
more  definite  and  direct.  Voltaire's  sardonic  epigram,  that  "if  you 
scratch  the  Russian  you  will  meet  with  the  Tartar,"  has  been  construed 
literally  by  many  people,  who  believe  that  a  great  deal  of  Tartar  blood 
is  to  be  found  among  the  Russians,  and  this  view  has  been  as  fiercely 
rebutted  by  native  historians.  The  fact  is,  that  among  the  peasants  of 
Muscovy  proper  the  amount  of  Tartar  blood  is  almost  nil,  while  in  the 
provinces  bordering  the  Volga  it  preponderates  immensely.  Among  the 
upper  classes,  however,  there  has  been  a  considerable  infusion  of  Tartar 
blood.  Many  princely  famiUes  among  the  Tartars  accepted  baptism  and 
were  adopted  into  the  Russian  body  politic,  and  these  have  since  inter- 
married considerably  with  the  more  purely  Slavic  families  of  Muscovy. 
In  the  notes  at  the  end  of  the  chapter  will  be  found  a  list  of  such  families, 
which  I  have  extracted  from  Von  Hammer's  Golden  Horde. 

There  are  also  a  considerable  number  of  Turkish  words  which  have 
been  adopted  by  the  Russians.  These  were  doubtless  derived  from  the 
Tartars,  who  spoke  Turkish,  the  Mongol  element  among  them  having 
been  very  small  from  early  times.  The  long  beards  worn  by  the 
Russians  have  been  assigned  by  Von  Hammer*  and  others  to  a  Tartar 
origin,  but  it  was  more  probably  an  ancient  habit  of  Muscovy,  as  may  be 
seen  on  the  figures  of  Scyths,  &c.,  on  coins  and  other  remains.  More 
probably  of  Tartar  origin  were  the  long  boots  with  their  seams  decorated 
with  beads,  and  the  caps  worn  by  the  Russians,  which  among  them  bore 
the  Turkish  names  of  tafei  or  takiye  and  skufia  (uskus).t  The  names 
artagha,  altun,  kopek,  deng,  and  pul,  used  for  various  kinds  of  money 
among  the  Russians,  were  of  Tartar  origin  ;  similarly  the  terms  arshin, 
kile,  and  aghash,  for  various  measures.  The  ancient  custom  called 
dershatna  proweshe,  in  virtue  of  which  the  debtor  had  to  stand  at  the 
gate  of  the  judge,  to  be  there  beaten  by  the  jailor  in  the  pay  of  the 
creditor  until  he  paid  his  debt,  and  also  the  barbarous  punishment  of  the 
knout  were  perhaps  of  Tartar  origin.} 

Millet,  the  favourite  grain  of  the  Tartars,  was  apparently  introduced 
by  them  into  Russia,  as  were  also  the  drinks  kumis  and  busa  or  kwas. 
Buckwheat  was  not  improbably  imported  into  Europe  through  their 
influence.  The  Bohemians  call  it  pohanka,  and  the  Hungarians 
tatarka.§  Formerly  the  Russian  women  were  in  the  habit  of  riding  on 
carts  ornamented  with  red  cloth  and  fastened  on  runners  like  those  of  the 

*  Golden  Horde,  409.  t  Von  Hammer,  op.  cit.,  410.    Note.  1  Golden  Horde,  410. 

U(f.,    Note,  4. 

KASIM   KHAN.  349 

Tartars.  Among  the  officials  of  the  old  Russian  court  the  karauls  or 
masters  of  the  ceremonies,  postelniks  (chamberlains),  and  kilijes  were 
clearly  of  Tartar  origin,  as  is  proved  by  their  names.  In  Turkish  karaul 
means  a  sentry,  kilig  a  sabre,  and  post  the  sheepskin  upon  which 
dervishes  squat.  The  term  yarligh  {i.e.,  diploma)  is  still  in  use  in 
Turkey  for  a  patent  granted  by  the  Sultan.  These,  as  also  the  habit  of 
wearing  the  cap  in  church  like  the  Mussulmans,  were  only  abolished  by 
Ivan.  The  saddles  and  bridles  were  of  the  Tartar  pattern,  and  we  are  told 
that  Daniel  of  Gahtch  used  Tartar  weapons.  It  was  formerly  the  custom 
in  Russia  to  write  kneeling,  as  the  Turks  do  still.  While  according  to 
Von  Hammer  the  art  of  inlaying  silver  upon  iron  and  steel,  which  is  still 
largely  practised  in  Russia,  was  of  Tartar  introduction.  The  Tartars  were 
capital  smiths.*  It  is  probable  that  the  old  system  of  secluding  women, 
which  prevailed  so  largely  in  Russia,  was  copied  from  them,  "  Also  the 
custom  of  the  tzars  choosing  their  consorts  from  among  the  collected 
daughters  of  the  nobility,  the  reduction  to  slavery  of  prisoners  of  war, 
the  long  afternoon  slumber,  the  taste  for  plumpness  of  person,  the  dead 
silence  in  the  presence  of  the  tzar,  so  dead  that  a  foreigner  tells  us  if  the 
eyes  were  closed  in  the  midst  of  the  most  numerous  court  the  spectator 
might  have  supposed  himself  in  a  desert ;  the  bazaars,  the  practice  of 
boxing  (the  Russians  were  formerly  famous  as  pugilists),  and  the  hiring 
of  mourners  at  funerals."! 

I  shall  presently  give  a  list  of  distinguished  Russian  families 
descended  from  Tartar  ancestors,  showing  how  very  considerable,  a  graft 
the  upper  classes  of  Russia  received  from  this  source ;  and  we  cannot 
fail,  even  after  a  cursory  examination  of  Russian  ways  of  thought  and 
idiosyncrasies,  to  attribute  them  very  largely  to  the  masters  who  lorded  it 
over  them  for  so  long.    We  must  now  complete  our  story. 


Among  the  fragments  of  the  Golden  Horde,  the  Khanate  of  Astrakhan 
has  every  title  to  be  considered  as  the  right  heir  of  that  ancient  power. 
It  was  in  fact  the  Golden  Horde  with  a  much  diminished  territory, 
and  limited  roughly  to  the  modern  governments  of  Astrakhan  and 
the  Caucasus,  but  it  was  under  princes  of  the  same  family,  and  it 
retained  command  apparently  of  the  Caspian  trade,  and  largely 
also  retained  the  allegiance  of  the  Nogais.  It  is  not  impossible 
that  on  the  death  of  Kuchuk  Muhammed  his  two  sons,  whose  history 
I  have  related,  Mahmud  Khan  and  Ahmed  Khan  to  some  extent 
divided  the  horde  between  them,  and  that  Mahmud  Khan's  portion  was 
the  Lower  Volga.    At  all  events  the  latter  struck  coins  there. J    And 

*  Golden  Horde,  411.  t  Kelly's  Russia,  i.  148.  J  Frehn,  Res. 



during  the  reign  of  Ahmed,  as  I  have  already  mentioned,  we  find 
Astrakhan,  according  to  the  narrative  of  Contarini,  ruled  by  three  of  his 
nephews,  who  could  be  no  others  than  the  sons  of  Mahmud,  since  he 
expressly  says  their  father  had  formerly  been  Khan.  The  most  pro- 
minent of  these,  and  the  only  one  mentioned  by  name  by  the  Venetian 
traveller  was  Kasim,  the  Kassyda  of  Karamzin.  The  names  of  the  other 
two  brothers  we  can  only  guess  at,  but  I  would  tentatively  suggest  that 
they  were  Janibeg,  a  prince  whose  origin  Veliaminof  Zernof  could  not 
trace,*  but  who  was  clearly  a  person  of  great  consequence  at  this  time, 
who  was  actually  nominated  as  Khan  of  Krim  (as  we  shall  see  in  a 
future  chapter)  by  Ahmed  when  the  latter  drove  Mengli  Girai  away,  and 
who  was  also  a  protege  of  the  tzar  Ivan.  The  third  brother,  I  believe, 
was  Abdul  Kerim,  who  was  afterwards  Khan  of  Astrakhan.  The  first 
mention  of  Kasim  known  to  me  was  when  he  lay  in  wait  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  Astrakhan  to  waylay  the  Russian  traveller  Athanasius 
Nikitin,  when  on  his  way  to  India.t  M.  Veliaminof  Zernof  dates  this 
journey  in  1466,  and  Karamzin+  in  1470.  This  traveller,  in  going  down 
the  Volga  to  Astrakhan,  passed  the  Tartar  towns  of  Uslan  and  Berekzan, 
which  were  doubtless  subject  to  Kasim.  Our  next  mention  of  the  latter 
is  in  Contarini's  travels,  which  I  have  already  abstracted.!  He  was  then 
at  issue  with  his  uncle  Ahmed.  It  would  seem  from  the  Sheibani 
Nahmeh  that  Kasim's  amir  el  umera  was  Timur  beg,  a  famous  Nogai 
chief  who  has  already  been  mentioned  in  the  history  of  Ahmed.  Kasim 
offered  shelter  to  the  two  grandsons  of  Abulkhair  when  their  father  had 
been  defeated  by  Ibak  Khan,  and  we  are  told  the  latter,  in  alliance  with 
Ahmed,  marched  against  Kasim,  who,  finding  himself  too  weak  to  oppose 
such  a  strong  army,  sought  refuge  in  Astrakhan.  There  he  was 
beleagured,  and  the  two  young  princes  who  had  taken  refuge  with  him 
had  to  cut  their  way  out  at  the  head  of  forty  attendants,  after  a  fierce 
struggle.  II 

Kasim  afterwards  made  peace  with  his  uncle,  as  I  have  mentioned, 
and  in  1480,  when  Ahmed  marched  to  the  Ugra  against  Ivan  III,,  one 
of  the  annalists  says,  "  and  with  the  tzar  all  the  horde  and  his  brother's 
son,  the  tzar  Kasim  and  the  tzar's  sons,  and  an  innumerable  quantity  of 
Tartars."^    This  is  the  last  mention  I  can  find  of  Kasim. 


Barbaro,  in  reporting  the  war  between  Mengli  Girai  and  the  sons  of 
Ahmed,  says  the  former  marched  against  Astrakhan,  which  belonged  to 
Murtaza  Khan.**    This  seems  to  be  a  mistake.    In  1490-1  we  read  that 

"Op.  cit.,  i.    Note,  50.  t  Vel.  Zern.,  ii.  235-  I  vi.  456.  M«''»  316- 

II  Vel.  Zern.,  ii.  235.  f  Id.  **  Op.  cit.,  ed.  Hack.,  29,  30. 

HUSSEIN   KHAN.  .    35 1 

the  sons  of  Ahmed,  in  alliance  with  Abdul  Kerim,  the  tzar  of  Astrakan 
who  if  our  contention  be  right  was  their  cousin,  made  an  irruption  into 
the  Krim,  where  they  were  defeated,  and  lost  many  of  their  herds. 
Idiku,  the  son  of  Ahmed,  we  are  told,  was  there  killed.* 

In  1502,  when  the  Golden  Horde  was  finally  dispersed,  Yusuf 
apd  Shigavlei,  tzarevitches  of  Astrakhan  and  nephews  of  Ahmed 
Khan,  sought  refuge  in  Russia.t  The  former,  we  are  told,  was  the  son  of 
Yakub  and  the  latter  of  Bakhtiar,  brothers  of  Ahmed.|  Sheikh  Ahmed 
had  been  imprisoned  in  Lithuania,  as  I  have  described. §  According 
to  Miechof,  while  he  was  a  prisoner  he  attempted  to  escape,  and  a 
number  of  people,  led  by  Kazak  Sultan,  a  brother  german  (fratris 
germanus,  ?  his  half-brother),  were  sent  on  ahead  to  the  Volga  to  Abdul 
Kerim  to  solicit  assistance,  but  the  party  were  captured  as  they  were 
traversing  Lithuania,  at  the  instance  of  Mengli  Girai,  and  finally 
imprisoned  at  Kovno. 

In  the  latter  part  of  1509,  we  are  told  that  Abdul  Kerim,  in  aUiance 
with  the  Nogai  Murzas  Aguish,  Akhmet  Ali,  and  Shidiak,  made  an 
attack  on  Krim,  but  were  defeated  by  the  Khan.  ||  This  is  the  last 
mention  I  can  find  of  Abdul  Kerim. 


He  was  apparently  succeeded  by  Hussein  Khan,  who  is  called  the  son 
of  Janibeg.  That  is  no  doubt  of  the  Janibeg  already  mentioned,  and 
who  was  therefore  probably  Abdul  Kerim's  nephew.  He  was  reigning  at 
Astrakhan  when  Muhammed  Girai,  the  Khan  of  Krim,  who  inherited  his 
father's  ambition  and  his  father's  hatred  for  the  Great  Horde,  and  had 
already  put  his  son  Sahib  Girai  on  the  throne  at  Kazan,  now,  in  the  year 
1522,  marched  against  Astrakhan.  In  alliance  with  Mamai,  a  prince  of 
the  Nogais,  he  drove  Hussein  away  and  captured  the  town,  and  thus 
momentarily  reunited  the  Great  Horde  in  his  own  hands.  Hussein  was 
in  close  alliance  with  the  Russians,  and  it  was  a  demonstration  which  he 
made  the  previous  year  when  Muhammed  Girai  was  attacking  them 
which  probably  saved  Muscovy  from  being  trampled  under  by  him. 
Hussein  now  sent  envoys  to  lay  the  condition  of  his  country  before  the 
Grand  Prince.  "  But  meanwhile,"  says  Karamzin,  "  the  grandeur  of 
Muhammed  Girai  dissolved  like  a  dream."  The  Nogais  conspired 
against  him,  and,  as  I  shall  describe  in  a  later  chapter,  assassinated  him 
in  his  tent,  while  a  large  part  of  his  army  perished  miserably  in  the 
steppes  ,1" 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  292.  t /</.,  393-  I  Vel.  Zern.,  38.    Note,  75. 

iAnte,SJi7.  ||  Karamzin,  vii.    Note,  10.  1  Karamzin,  vii.  156-159. 


This  was  followed  by  the  reinstatement  of  Hussein  as  Khan  of 
Astrakhan.  He  is  so  called  in  a  letter  of  Saadet  Girai  to  the  Grand 
Prince,  written  in  1523,  in  which  he  calls  Hussein  his  friend.* 


We  have  no  definite  information  about  Astrakhan  for  some  years. 
When  we  again  hear  of  it  in  1532,  Kasim  was  its  ruler.  He  is  called 
Kasai  in  the  Russian  chronicles,  which  is  a  mere  Tartar  corruption 
of  the  Arabic  name  Kasim.  He  was  the  son  of  Seyid  Ahmed, 
as  we  learn  from  the  Russian  Synodal  Register.!  This  shows 
that  Astrakhan  was  now  ruled  by  the  descendants  of  Ahmed 
Khan  of  the  Golden  Horde,  and  not  by  those  of  Mahmud  Khan,  his 
brother.  In  1532  Kasim  sent  an  envoy  named  Zloba  to  the  Grand 
Prince  proposing  an  alUance,  but  scarcely  had  the  envoys  arrived,  when 
news  came  that  the  Circassians  had  fallen  on  Astrakhan,  carried  off  the 
Khan,  killed  many  princes  and  people,  plundered  their  corpses,  and  put 
Ak  Kubek  on  the  throne.J    Kasim  apparently  died  the  same  year.§ 


Ak  Kubek  was  the  son  of  Murtaza  Khan,  and  therefore  the  first 
cousin  of  Kasim.  ||  He  had  a  brother  called  Berdibeg  or  Berdibek,  and 
was  apparently  on  good  terms  with  the  Russians.^  He  only  occupied 
the  throne  for  a  few  months.   It  seems  he  was  dethroned  by  the  Nogais.** 


Ak  Kubek  was  succeeded  by  Abdul  Rahman,  who  was  doubtless  a 
descendant  of  Mahmud  Khan,  as  he  does  not  occur  among  the 
descendants  of  Ahmed  Khan  in  the  Synodal  He  was 
perhaps  a  son  of  Abdul  Kerim.  He  was  already  on  the  throne  in  1533, 
and  undertook  to  be  on  friendly  terms  with  the  Grand  Prince  Vasih.|J 
About  1537  we  read  that  the  council  of  regency,  who  controlled  matters 

*  Karamzin,  vii.  160.  t  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  135. 

I  Id.    Note,  gg.    Karamzin,  vii.  igg,  200.  §  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  135. 

il  Id.    Notes,  21  and  148.                  •[  Id.  **  Id.    Note,  148.                 tt  Id.    Note.  21. 

II  Id.    Note,  148,  Karamzin,  vii.  200. 


during  the  minority  of  Ivan  the  Terrible,  sent  envoys  to  Abdul  Rahman, 
who  was  threatened  by  the  Krim  Tartars  and  the  Nogais,*  and  in  that 
year,  according  to  the  Russian  annals,  the  Nogais  drove  him  away  from 
the  throne  and  put  Dervish  Ali  in  his  place.  1 


Dervish  Khan  was,  according  to  some  and  perhaps  the  best  of  the 
Russian  authorities,  the  son  of  Sheikh  Haidar,  the  son  of  Sheikh  Ahmed 
Khan.  One  author  makes  him  the  son  of  Sheikh  Ahmed.j  At  all  events 
it  is  clear  he  was  a  descendant  of  Ahmed  Khan.  He  was  not  on  the 
throne  lon^. 

ABDUL   RAHMAN   KHAN  (Second  Reign). 

Dervish  was  apparently  displaced  by  Abdul  Rahman,  for  on  the  20th 
of  September,  1539,  we  find  the  Grand  Prince  Ivan  the  Terrible  sending 
Powadin,  the  son  of  Andrew  Stephanof,  with  a  letter  to  Abdul  Rahman 
to  Astrakhan,  inquiring  after  his  health.  He  also  sent  back  to  him  one 
of  his  people  named  Epboldu,  with  his  companions.  §  The  next  year 
Kudahar  returned  as  Abdul  Rahman's  envoy  to  the  Grand  Prince.  ||  In 
July,  1 541,  there  arrived  from  Astrakhan  an  envoy  named  Feodor 
Neweshin,  who  reported  to  the  Grand  Prince  that  the  Astrakhan 
tzarevitch  Yadigar  was  on  his  way,  that  he  wished  to  enter  the  service 
of  the  Grand  Prince,  and  was  then  staying  at  Kasimof  with  Shah  Ali. 
With  Feodor  there  went  Ishim,  the  envoy  of  Abdul  Rahman,  with  a 
friendly  letter,  and  a  week  later  Yadigar  arrived  and  entered  the  Russian 
.service.^  The  Yadijar  or  Yadigar  Muhammed,  just  named,  was 
the  son  of  the  Astrakhan  Khan  Kasim.**  We  do  not  hear  of  Astrakhan 
for  some  years,  and  when  it  is  mentioned  again  Abdul  Rahman  was  no 
longer  Khan.     He  had  been  replaced  by  Yamgurchi. 


Yamgurchi  was  the  son  of  Berdibeg  and  the  nephew  of  Ak  Kubek  Like  his  uncle,  he  owed  his  throne  to  the  Circassians.JJ  We 
first  read  of  him  about  1549,  when  Sahib  Girai,  the  Khan  of  Krim, 

*  Karamzin,  vii.  313.  t  Vel.  Zern.,  i.  Note,  131.  J  Id.    Note,  131. 

§/«'•  II /<^-    Note,  148.  %Id.  Note,  115,  ** /^.    Note,  135. 

tt  Id.    Note,  21.  II  Id.,  Note,  131. 

1  W 


marched  against  Astrakhan,  when  we  are  told  Yagmanji,  no  doubt  a 
corruption  of  Yamgurchi,  was  Khan.  On  this  occasion  the  Krim  Khan 
completely  defeated  the  Tartars  of  Astrakhan,  which  town  he  destroyed, 
and  carried  off  the  inhabitants  with  their  women  and  wealth  to  the 
Krim.*  He  apparently  nominated  his  nephew  Devlet  Girai  as  Khan  of 

The  situation  of  Astrakhan  as  an  entrepot  of  trade  was  too  good, 
however,  for  it  to  be  completely  eradicated.  It  was  absolutely  indis- 
pensable for  the  eastern  trade,  and  however  weak  in  soldiers,  its 
merchants  were  rich  enough,  and  we  are  told  that  Suliman,  the  Turkish 
Sultan,  ordered  the  Krim  Khan  to  send  back  its  inhabitants  to 
Astrakhan,  which  had  meanwhile  been  raised  from  its  ruins,  and  where 
Yamgurchi  was  still  Khan.t  In  August,  1551,  Ishim  went  as  his  envoy 
to  the  Grand  Prince  Ivan  Vasilivitch,  and  on  behalf  of  Yamgurchi 
submitted  himself  and  his  yurt  to  the  suzerainty  of  Russia,  on  the  same 
terms  that  Shah  Ali  of  Kazan  and  the  other  tzars  had  done.J 

In  May,  1552,  Kaibula,  otherwise  called  Abdulla,  the  son  of  Ak  Kubek 
Khan,  and  therefore  cousin  of  Yamgurchi,  went  to  live  in  Russia.  The 
Grand  Prince  married  him  to  a  daughter  of  Jan  Ali,  brother  of  Shah  Ali, 
the  former  Khan  of  Kazan,  and  gave  him  the  town  of  Yurief  as  an 
appanage.§  Abdulla  had  a  sister,  who  was  married  to  Ak  Murza,  the  son 
of  the  Nogai  chief  Yusuf. 

Ishim  was  well  received  by  the  Grand  Prince,  and  on  his  return  the 
following  year  he  was  accompanied  by  a  Russian  envoy  named 
Sebastian.  This  probably  aroused  the  Khan's  suspicions,  for  we  are  told 
he  was  only  treated  with  scant  courtesy.  In  the  following  year  com- 
plaints arrived  at  Moscow  from  Ismael  and  other  Nogai  princes  against  In  1554  we  are  told  that  Yamgurchi,  seduced  by  the 
promises  of  the  Sultan  of  Constantinople,  allied  himself  with  Devlet 
Girai  of  the  Krim,  and  with  Yusuf,  the  Nogai  chief,  who  was  vexed  that 
his  daughter  Shumbeka  should  have  been  carried  off  by  the  Russians  as 
a  prisoner.  The  tzar  upon  this  determined  to  conquer  the  Khanate. 
With  him  were  allied  Ismael  and  other  murzas  of  the  Nogais,  who  were 
opposed  to  Dervish.  They  asked  that  Ivan  would  reinstate  Dervish  as 

DERVISH   KHAN   (Second  Reign). 

After    his    deposition    from    the    throne,    and    during    the    reigns 
of  Abdul  Rahman  and  Yamgurchi,  Dervish    had    been  a  wanderer. 

•  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat,  xii.  367.    Karamzin,  viii.  98.  t  Karamzin,  viii.  129,  130. 

I  Vel.  Zern.,  i-    Note,  131.  ^  Karamzin,  viii.  129,  130.  ||  S.  G.Gmcliu's  Travels,  ii.  45. 


Thus    in     1548    he    was    in    Russia,    but    the    next    year,    at    the 
invitation   of  the    Nogais,  he    went   to    live    among   them.      In    1551 
he  once  more  returned  to  Russia.*      He  received   Zuenigorod  as  an 
appanage,  and  Uved  there  till  1554,+  when  the  Nogai  request  came,  as  I 
have  mentioned.    The  tzar  sent  for  Dervish  and  ordered  his  troops  to 
march.     They  went  in  three  divisions,  under  Yuria  Ivanovitch  Pronskoi, 
Ignatius  Vishniakof,  Stephen  Sidorof,  and  other  commanders.     Besides 
them  was  a  contingent  of  Cossacks,  under  the  hetman  Theodore  Paulof, 
with  the  elite  of  the  boyard-followers  and  the  Strelitzes.     They  reached 
Zaritzin  on  the  19th  of  May.     An  advance  body  of  light  troops  was  sent 
forward  to  reconnoitre,  who  met  a  body  of  Tartars  opposite  the  Black 
Island,  defeated    them,   and  captured   some    prisoners.       From    their 
prisoners  they  learnt  that  Yamgurchi  had   retired  from   the  city  and 
had  occupied  a  position  eight  versts  from  it,  while  the  inhabitants  of 
Astrakhan  had  deserted  it  through  fear,  and  had  taken  shelter  on  the 
islands.     On  hearing  this  the  Russian  commanders  transported  these 
soldiers  from  the  heavy  boats    in   which    they  had   come   to  Zaritzin 
into    lighter    ones,    and    then    going    on    again    anchored  at  Kamen- 
skoi    Yar,    the    site    of    the    older    Serai,   which,    says    Gmelin,    was 
called  Zarefpody  by  the  Tartars   and  Bolskoi  Serai  by  the  Russians. t 
Dividing    their   troops,   one    body    went    on    and    anchored  opposite 
Astrakhan.      This  was  on  the  29th  of  May.      The  gates  were  open, 
and  the   terrified  remnant  of  the   inhabitants  fled,  but    the    greater 
part  were  captured  by  the  Christians.      Meanwhile   another   Russian 
division,    under    Vasenskoi,    marched    against    Yamgurchi,    who    was 
defeated  after  an  obstinate  resistance,  and  a  large  quantity  of  cannon 
and  muskets  were  found  in  the  camp.    This  camp  is  fixed  with  some 
probability  by  Gmelin  on  the  branch  of  the  Volga  called  Kutum,  where 
in  his  day  there  was  still  a  fortification  called  Gorodok  Yamgurchi  {i.e., 
the  fort  of  Yamgurchi).    The  Khan  had  put  his  treasures  and  seragHo  on 
board  ship,  so  that  they  might  escape  to  the  Caspian,  and  had  himself 
fled.    Dervish  was  now  installed  as  Khan,  and  the  Tartars  who  remained 
behind  or  had  been  captured  swore  fealty  to  their  new  lord  and  to  the 
Russians.     The  latter  divided   their   forces   into  various  contingents, 
which  followed  the  several  arms  of  the  Volga  in  the  Delta,  and  captured 
a  great  number  of  Tartars  who  were  either  in  boats  or  on  the  shore,  and 
released  many  Russians  who  had  been  slaves.    Yamgurchi,  with  a  large 
body  of  followers,  had  retreated  by  the  branch  of  the  Volga  called 
Mochak,  which  runs  through  the  steppe  of  Kislar,  and  thence  to  the  lake 
Beloe,  whence  he  fled  to  Tiumen.     He  was  sharply  pursued,  and  a  great 
number  of  his  people  with  their  money,  treasures,  and  weapons  were 
captured.    They  reported  that  his  wives  had  fled  to  Syshmoshag.    The 
Russians  marched  day  and  night  for  this  spot,  which  they  at  length 

*  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  131.  t  Id.,    Note,  148.  J  Gmelin,  ii.  46, 47. 


reached,  cut  down  the  guards,  and  captured  the  harem  and  treasure.  In 
the  former  were  four  princesses,  named  Tevkel,  Kanbusa,  Erthuana,  and 
Girinna,  The  last  was  enceinte,  and  gave  birth  to  a  son,  whom  she 
called  Yarshith.  With  these  four  wives  were  also  captured  the  sons  of 
Yamgurchi's  senior  wife  Mergivana  and  his  granddaughter  Babich. 
Meanwhile  Yamgurchi,  with  the  principal  grandees  of  Astrakhan  and  a 
considerable  army,  escaped  by  the  Mochagish  swamps  to  Karabulat. 
The  Russians,  having  collected  their  scattered  troops,  arrived  on  the 
7th  of  June  at  Karabulat,  and  utterly  defeated  him.  He  fled, 
first  to  lake  Beloe,  where  he  was  again  beaten,  and  afterwards  with  but 
twenty  followers  to  Azof.  The  rest  of  his  followers  were  either  slain  or 
made  prisoners.  On  news  of  this  arriving,  all  the  remaining  Tartars 
collected  together  and  sent  envoys  to  the  Russian  generals,  asking  for 
clemency  and  to  be  treated  as  their  brothers  who  had  already  submitted 
had  been  treated.  The  Russians  fixed  a  day  when  all  who  wanted  to  submit 
should  go  to  Astrakhan.  There  accordingly  went  Prince  Iraklesh,  who 
was  the  most  eminent  of  their  deputies,  and  who  with  the  Princes  Ishim 
and  Ali  collected  their  relatives  and  subjects.  There  went  Enhuvath 
Asey  with  3,000  armed  warriors,  500  murzas  and  princes,  and  7,000 
Black  Tartars  (?>.,  of  the  commonalty).  They  swore  that  they  and  their 
descendants  would  become  subjects  of  Russia,  and  that  in  case  Dervish 
died  they  would  ask  a  new  ruler  at  the  hands  of  the  Russian  tzar.* 
Karamzin  adds  that  they  also  promised  to  pay  the  Russians  a  tribute  of 
40,000  altins  and  3,000  stock  fish,  while  the  Russians  were  granted  the 
free  right  of  fishing  on  the  Volga  from  Kazan  to  the  sea.  Having 
ordered  the  grandees  to  take  up  their  residence  in  the  town,  and  the 
other  Tartars  to  repair  to  the  country  round,  and  having  released  the 
many  Russians  who  were  in  captivity,  and  left  a  body  of  Cossacks 
behind  to  protect  Dervish  from  his  new  subjects,  and  probably  also  to 
act  as  a  salutary  check  on  him,  the  Russian  generals  returned  home.t 

The  news  of  the  capture  of  Astrakhan  arrived  at  Moscow  on  the  tzar's 
birthday,  and  was  received  with  great  rejoicings.  A  solemn  Te  Deum 
was  sung,  and  the  generals  were  handsomely  rewarded.  The  tzar  went 
out  to  meet  the  princesses  who  had  been  made  prisoners,  whom  he 
treated  very  kindly,  and  on  the  prayer  of  Dervish  sent  them  back  to 
Astrakhan,  except  the  youngest,  who  had  given  birth  to  a  boy,  as  I  have 
mentioned.  The  mother  and  son  were  both  baptized  at  Moscow,  the 
former  receiving  the  name  of  Julienne  and  the  latter  of  Peter.  She  was 
afterwards  married  to  a  distinguished  Russian  named  Zacharias  Plecheief. 
Yamgurchi  was  not  content  to  be  quietly  dispossessed.  With  the 
assistance  of  the  sons  of  Yusuf  the  Nogai  chief,  he  made  an  attempt  to 
capture  Astrakhan,  but  was  defeated  by  Dervish  with  the  assistance  of 
the  Cossacks.    Dervish  himself  was  not  long  quiet,  the  Russian  yoke 

*  Gmelin,  op.  cit.,  47-5o.  t  Karamzin,  viii.  245-247. 

DERVISH  KHAN.  .        357 

was  not  congenial,  lie  began  to  enter  into  treasonable  correspondence 
with  the  Krim  Khan  Devlet  Girai,  and  appointed  Kasbulat,  a  tzarevitch 
of  Krim,  his  kalga.*  He  allowed  the  sons  of  Yusuf  murza,  who  were  at 
issue  with  Russia,  to  cross  the  Volga,  where  they  defeated  Ismael  murza 
and  killed  Kasai  murza,  allies  of  the  latter.  On  the  approach  of  a  force 
of  Strelitzes  he  took  refuge  in  Astrakhan,  where  the  Krim  Khan  sent 
some  troops  and  artillery  to  his  assistance.  Kaftiref,  one  of  the  Russian 
officers,  meanwhile,  we  are  told,  succeeded  in  restoring  peace,  and 
promised  him  the  tzar's  assistance.  Dervish,  however,  continued  his 
intrigues  with  the  ruler  of  Krim,  and  allied  himself  with  the  Nogai  Yusuf 
against  Ismael,  and  then  broke  out  into  open  revolt.  Having  put  to 
death  such  of  the  murzas  as  sided  with  Russia,  he  sought  refuge  with  five 
hundred  men  in  a  small  town  near  the  Volga.  There  he  was  attacked 
by  the  Russians,  and  then  retired  to  Kazan.  The  tzar  now  sent  Ivan 
Cheremisinof  at  the  head  of  the  Strelitzes  to  occupy  Astrakhan. 
Dervish  retired,  and  still  supported  by  the  Krim  Tarters  refused  to  make 
peace  with  Russia.  But  the  Nogais,  having  put  an  end  to  their  cruel 
strife,  united  their  forces  to  attack  him,  and  captured  the  artillery 
which  had  been  supplied  by  the  Krim  Khan,  whereupon  he  fled  to  Azof, 
and  thence  went  to  Mecca.t 

Thus  ended  the  Khanate  of  Astrakhan.  The  tzar  appointed  Ivan 
Cheremisinof  its  governor,  who  conciliated  the  inhabitants  by  his 
generosity  and  justice.  He  restored  them  the  arable  lands  and  the 
islands  in  the  Delta,  and  contented  himself  with  imposing  a  small  tribute 
upon  them.  Although  the  Khanate  was  at  an  end,  the  Imperial  race  of 
the  Golden  Horde  was  not  extinct.  Abdulla  and  Izak,  princes  of 
Astrakhan,  entered  the  service  of  Russia,  while,  as  we  shall  show  in  a 
future  chapter,  the  Royal  race  descended  from  Kuchuk  Muhammed 
revived  again  in  the  person  of  Yar  Muhammed,  the  Khan  of  Bokhara. 

The  Astrakhan  Tartars  have  been  described  in  some  detail  by  the 
younger  Gmelin,  who  lived  a  long  time  among  them.  He  tells  us  they 
are  known  as  Yassakniye  Tartars  from  paying  Yassak  or  tribute,  which 
they  agreed  to  do  when  Ivan  the  Terrible  captured  their  city.  They  are 
divided  into  three  classes.  Yurtowishe,  those  who  live  in  the  town  ; 
Aulnie,  those  who  live  in  neighbouring  villages;  and  Kochefnieshe,  those 
who  are  still  nomades.  The  latter  have  almost  disappeared,  having  on 
the  invasion  of  the  Kalmuks  in  the  seventeenth  century  either  amalga- 
mated with  them  or  joined  the  Krim  and  Kuban  Tartars,  the  Kirghiz 
Kazaks,  and  Bashkirs.  A  few  are  still  found  in  the  Nogai  steppe 
towards  Kislar.  The  rapid  diminution  in  the  number  of  the  Astrakhan 
Tartars  may  be  gathered  from  the  following  figures.  In  the  time  of  the 
tzar  Boris,  Yassak  was  paid  for  25,000  bows.  In  171 5,  when  the  Krim 
Tartars  attacked  Astrakhan,  they  still  numbered  1 2,000  men,  while  when 

♦  ld„  248.  t  De  Guignes,  ii.  385,  386. 


Gmelin  wrote,  in  1774,  they  barely  numbered  2,000  men.  They  were 
divided  into  Tabuns  or  villages,  over  each  of  which  was  a  Tabunoi 
Golowa  or  Starost,  who  acted  as  judge.*  After  their  conquest  by 
the  Russians  the  Tartars  continued  to  pay  them  the  same  tribute  they 
paid  their  former  masters,  and  were  permitted  to  retain  their  old  lands. 
There  were,  however,  very  largely  deserted  by  their  fugitive  inhabitants, 
as  I  have  mentioned,  and  many  of  them  were  sold  by  their  Tabuns  to 
Russians,  Armenians,  Bukharians,  &c.t  Several  of  the  murzas  with  their 
retainers  were  baptised,  and  founded  the  families  of  the  Shadiakofs, 
Urussofs,  Bashkarofs,  Sec.  The  retainers  of  the  murzas,  who  were  in  effect 
slaves,  were  known  as  Yamiaki  or  Gemeki.  All  the  Yurtuwishi  Tartars 
lived,  when  Gmelin  wrote,  either  in  the  suburbs  of  Tzaref,  or  in  six  villages 
near  Astrakhan;  three  of  these  were  situated  on  the  western  branch  of  the 
Volga,  called  the  Boshmakofka,  two  in  the  east,  and  one  in  the  south;  the 
first,  called  Kargahk,  was  a  verst  in  circumference,  and  contained  twenty 
famihes  ;  the  second,  called  Kysan,  contained  two  hundred  families  and 
five  mosques  ;  the  third,  called  Mailegul,  had  but  twenty  families  and  a 
circuit  of  two  versts.  The  two  former  were  eight  versts  and  the  latter 
ten  versts  from  Astrakhan.  In  the  east  was  the  village  of  Busdankul 
on  the  Bolda,  which  was  larger  than  all  the  rest,  and  a  second  village  near 
the  church  of  Prokofskish  containing  fifty  families.  It  was  called  Kazi 
by  the  Tartars,  because  their  most  distinguished  priests  lived  there.  The 
Russians  called  it  Mashaik.  The  southern  village  was  situated  on  the 
banks  of  the  Kutum,  seven  versts  from  Astrakhan,  and  was  called 
Jamenel  by  the  Tartars  and  Tri  Protoki  by  the  Russians. +  The  manners 
and  customs  of  these  Tartars,  which  are  doubtless  the  same  as  those  of 
their  ancestors  of  the  Golden  Horde,  are  described  by  Gmelin  in  the 
work  already  cited,§  but  they  do  not  form  part  of  our  present  subject. 

jV"^/^  I. — I  will  now  devote  a  few  lines  to  the  two  chief  towns  of  the  Khanate 
of  Astrakhan.  Astrakhan,  called  Citra  Khan  by  some  of  the  older  travellers, 
is  a  corruption  of  Haji  Terkhan,  the  name  which  it  bears  on  numerous  coins  of 
the  Golden  Horde,  and  by  which  it  is  called  in  the  account  of  the  journey  of 
Sidi  Ali  Ibn  Hussein,  the  admiral  of  Sultan  Suliman  the  Great.||  The 
Russians  call  it  Astorokan  and  Khazitorokan,  and  the  Kalmuks  Aiderhan.*[  It 
apparently  took  the  place  of  the  town  called  Sumerkent  by  Rubruquis.** 

The  first  mention  of  Astrakhan  known  to  me  is  in  the  travels  of  Ibn  Batuta, 
who  calls  it  Haj  tarkhan,  and  tells  us  it  was  so  called  from  a  devout  Haj  or 
pilgrim  who  settled  there,  in  consequence  of  which  the  prince  exempted  the 
place  from  all  duties.    "Tarkhan,"  he  says,  "among  the  Mongols  denoted  a 

•  Gmelin,  ii.  120-122.  t  Id.,  izz.  J  Id.,  123, 124. 

^  Op.  cit.,  ii.  134-144.       I  MvJler,  Ugrische  Volkstamm,  579.       •[  Id.       ♦♦  Vide  ante,  loi. 

NOTES.  359 

place  free  from  all  duties."*  The  famous  traveller  apparently  identified  the 
name  with  Terkhan,  a  title  in  use  among  the  Mongols  and  denoting,  as  Colonel 
Yule  says,  the  member  of  an  order  enjoying  high  privileges,  such  as  freedom 
from  all  exactions,  the  right  to  enter  the  sovereign's  presence  unsummoned, 
&c.t  It  was  a  title  in  use  among  the  Turks  from  early  days,  and  probably 
passed  from  them  to  the  Mongols.  It  may  be  compared  with  that  of 
Tmutorokan,  the  city  of  Tuman,  a  famous  site  occupied  by  a  Russian  colony  in 
early  days,  and  identified  with  great  probability  with  the  modern  Phanagona. 
I  may  add  that  Pallas  mentions  a  place  in  the  Krim  called  Tarkhon-Dip,  which 
seems  to  contain  the  same  element.  The  first  part  of  the  name  is  probably 
derived  from  Haji,  a  pilgrim.  It  is  curious  that,  according  to  Count  Potocki, 
the  ruins  at  Selitrennoi  Gorodok,  which  I  have  identified  with  the  older  Serai, 
are  known  as  Jid  Haji,  pronounced  Jigit  Haji  by  the  Kalmuks,  which  is 
probably  the  name  of  some  saintly  person  who  formerly  lived  among  them.]: 
The  next  time  the  name  occurs  is  apparently  in  the  account  of  the  ravages 
caused  l^  the  plague  in  Southern  Russia  in  1346,  when  Astrakhan  is 
named  among  the  towns  which  suffered  from  it.§  About  the  same  time 
PegoUotti  mentions  it  in  his  notices  of  the  land  route  to  Cathay.  He  calls  it 
Gintarchan  and  also  Gittarchan,  both  doubtless  corruptions  of  Haji  Tarkhan. 
He  tells  us  it  was  twenty-five  days'  journey  with  an  ox  waggon  and  from  ten 
to  twelve  days  with  a  horse  waggon  from  Tana,  and  one  day  from  Serai 
by  river.  He  recommends  people  who  make  the  journey  there  from  Tana 
to  take  twenty-five  days'  supply  of  flour  and  salt  fish.  Of  meat  they  would  find 
enough,  he  says,  at  all  the  places  on  the  way.||  In  the  Carta  Catalana  of  1375 
and  in  the  Portulano  Mediceo  it  is  called  Agitarchan,  while  in  Fra  Mauro's 
map  it  is  called  Azetrechan.^  Coins  struck  there  first  occur  in  the  year  1374-5, 
under  Cherkes  bek,  and  on  them  it  is  called  Hajiterchan.**  We  next  read  of 
it  in  the  accounts  of  Timur's  campaigns  in  the  Kipchak,  when,  as  I  have 
mentioned,tt  it  was  captured  and  destroyed,  and  its  inhabitants  put  to  the 
sword.||  Muller  argues  that  on  its  restoration  the  site  of  the  town  was  moved 
some  distance  away  to  within  the  Delta,§§  and  this  is  confirmed  by  a  fact 
apparently  unknown  to  him,  that  on  the  coins  of  the  Golden  Horde  we  meet 
with  coins  of  "  New  Astrakhan  "  as  well  as  Astrakhan.  These  occur  under 
Shadibeg  in  the  year  805  {i.e.,  1402  and  1403),  while  the  coins  of  the  older  city 
range  from  1375  to  1427  and  1428. 

Our  next  author  is  Josafa  Barbaro,  who  wrote  about  the  middle  of  the  fifteenth 
century,  and  who  tells  us  Cithercan  stood  on  the  river  Itil  (?>.,  the  Volga),  and 
that  it  was  then  a  little  town  in  a  manner  destroyed,  although  in  time  past  it 
had  been  great  and  of  great  fame.  "  For  before  it  was  destroyed  by  Tamerlane," 
he  says,  "  the  spices  and  silk  that  pass  now  through  Syria  came  to  Cithercan, 
and  from  thence  to  Tana."  The  Itil,  he  says,  fell  into  the  sea  of  Bachu  (/.<?,,  the 
Caspian),  about  twenty-five  miles  from  Cithercan. ||||  When  the  Venetian 
envoy  Contarini  passed  through  the  Kipchak  in  1471,  he  visited  Astrakhan, 

*  Cathay  and  the  Way  Thither,  287.    Note,  i.  t  Id. 

I  Voyage  dans  les  Steppes  d'Astrakan,  &c,,  ii.  38. 

$  Muller,  op.  cit.,  ii.  579.    Karamzin,  iv.  339.  ||  Cathay  and  the  Way  Thither,  287  and  292. 

f7fi?.,287.    Note,  I.  **  Fraehn,  Res.,  300.  tt^«^e,257. 

:i  Sherifuddin,  ii.  37g-33i.  §§  Id.,  581, 582.  Hi  Op.  cit.,  ed.  Hack.,  31. 


which  he  calls  Citracan.  He  tells  us  it  was  a  small  town  surrounded  by  a  low 
wall.  The  few  houses  it  contained  were  built  of  bricks,  but  it  was  evident  that 
it  had  possessed  several  edifices  at  no  distant  date.  "  It  is  said,"  he  adds,  "to 
have  been  in  ancient  times  a  place  of  considerable  trade,  the  spices  which 
came  to  Venice  by  way  of  Tana  having  passed  through  it.  Tana  was  eight 
days'  journey  distant.* 

The  destruction  of  Serai  in  1472  by  the  Russianst  no  doubt  gave  an  immense 
impetus  to  the  growth  of  Astrakhan,  and  we  find  Herberstein  a  few  years  later 
speaking  of  it  as  a  wealthy  city  and  the  great  emporium  of  the  Tartars.  He 
tells  us  it  lay  on  the  Volga,  near  its  mouth,  and  ten  days'  journey  below  Kazan. 
He  calls  the  place  Astrakhan,  and  adds  there  are  some  who  call  it  Citrahan.J 
His  contemporary  Paul  Centurione,  who  was  sent  by  the  Venetians  to  the  tzar 
Vasili  to  ask  him  to  allow  Indian  merchandise  from  Astrakhan  to  pass  freely 
through  his  territory,  speaks  of  it  as  a  principal  entrepot  of  the  Indian  trade. 

Astrakhan  was  conquered  by  the  Russians,  as  we  have  shown,  ip  1554.  In 
1558  the  English  traveller  Jenkinson,  in  going  down  the  Volga,  tells  us  that 
*'  On  the  14th  of  July  he  passed  by  an  old  castle,  which  was  Old.Astrakhan, 
and  leaving  it  upon  the  right  hand  he  arrived  at  New  Astrakhan,  which  the 
Emperor  of  Russia  conquered  six  years  past  (?  four).§  The  later  history  of 
Astrakhan  forms  no  part  of  my  subject. 

Gamba,  who  spent  some  time  at  Astrakhan  about  1820,  says  the  Tartars 
then  numbered  about  10,000,  who  were  mainly  descended  from  the  old 
inhabitants  of  the  Khapate.  They  were  chiefly  engaged  in  horse  and  cattle 
breeding,  as  carriers,  and  merchants,  and  had  a  great  reputation  for  honesty. 
They  were  Sunni  Muhammedans,  and  had  a  beautiful  mosque. ||  Such 
are  the  peaceful  remnants  of  the  once  terrible  Golden  Horde.  Astrakhan  is 
now  in  effect  a  cosmopolitan  place,  with  a  population  of  Russians,  Armenians, 
Jews,  Persians,  Bokharians,  Turkomans,  and  until  lately  a  considerable  colony 
also  of  Hindoos,  all  attracted  to  the  spot  by  the  magnet  of  trade. 

Seraichuk,  which  is  a  contraction  of  Serai  Kuchuk,  means  "Little  Serai,"  and 
was  an  important  town  of  the  Golden  Horde,  situated  on  the  Yaik  or  Ural,  about 
fifty-eight  versts  from  its  mouth.  Near  it  was  the  burial  place  of  the  Khans  of 
the  horde.  This  is  called  Caminazar  in  the  early  map  of  this  region,  known  at 
the  Fabrica  del  Mondo  by  Lorenzo  Agnari,  while  in  the  Pizziganian  map  the 
royal  cemetery  is  called  Torcel.^  Seraichuk  is  first  mentioned  by  Abulghazi  in 
describing  the  reign  of  Bereke  Khan.  He  says  it  was  founded  by  Batu.**  As 
it  was  near  the  royal  cemetery  of  the  horde,  it  is  not  improbable  that  it  was 
the  same  place  as  the  Kok  Orda,  where  Juchi  is  said  to  have  had  his 
Abulghazi  tells  us  Toktaghu  Khan  was  buried  at  Seraichuk.||  This  was  in 
1313.  A  few  years  later  it  is  mentioned  by  Ibn  Batuta,  who  passed  through  it 
on  his  way  to  Urgenj.  It  first  occurs  as  a  mint  place  in  the  year  775  (/.<?., 
1373-4),  on  the  coins  of  Ilban,  while  its  last  occurrence  is  on  the  coins  of 
Dervish  Khan  in  the  fifteenth  century.    At  the  beginning  of  the  sixteenth 

•  Contarini,  ed.  Hack.,  149-151.  t  Vide  ante,  312.  I  Op.  cit.,  Hack,  ed.,  ii.  76. 

$  Muller,  op.  cit.,  586.    Note,  7.  |j  Gamba,  Voyage  dans  la  Ruasie  Meridionaie,  ii.  400. 

%  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  ii.    Note,  5.    280.    Note,  3.  **  Op.  cit.,  i8i. 

]\  Ante,  97.  II  Op.  cit.,  183. 

NOTES.  361 

century  it  was  occupied  by  the  Nogais,  and  is  mentioned  by  Herberstein  as 
belonging  to  one  of  their  chiefs  named  Shidak.*  About  the  same  time  it 
is  named  in  the  narrative  of  the  journey  of  Sidi  Ali,  son  of  Hussein,  the 
admiral  of  Suliman.t  The  English  traveller  Jenkinson  mentions  it  as  occupied 
by  a  Nogai  prince  vi^hom  he  calls  Smille  {i.e.,  Ismael).  In  1580  it  v^as  captured 
by  the  Cossacks  of  the  Ural,  when  we  are  told  by  Levchine  they  destroyed  it 
and  killed  its  inhabitants,  without  sparing  age  or  sex,  and  even  plundered 
the  graves  of  their  contents.^ 

The  ruins  of  Seraichuk  were  visited  by  Pallas,  who  thus  describes  them 
He  tells  us  the  ancient  town  was  situated  some  distance  to  the  west  of  the 
present  station  of  Sarachikofskoi.  The  ditch  is  the  only  part  of  it  which 
remains  perfect.  The  rampart  can  still,  however,  be  easily  traced,  and  is  four 
or  five  versts  in  circumference.  On  two  sides  it  runs  along  the  Yaik  and  a 
small  stream  called  the  Seraichuk,  and  it  is  cut  through  by  a  canal 
which  is  now  dry.  Within  the  enclosure  are  remains  of  houses  and  domes 
built  of  stone.  The  tiles  or  bricks  are  long  and  wide,  and  there  are  fragments 
of  brown  stone  filled  with  fossil  shells.  This  stone  is  unlike  any  seen 
by  Pallas  in  the  neighbourhood.  There  are  few  potsherds  among  the  ruins 
except  some  made  of  a  kind  of  porcelain,  having  a  good  enamel  glaze 
on  them,  and  coloured  white,  yellow,  and  blue,  and  others  painted  in 
different  colours.  The  damp  and  efflorescence  are  so  great  that  objects  in 
iron  found  there  are  much  corroded,  as  are  the  coins  in  silver  and  copper 
which  sometimes  occur.  Among  the  Cossacks  Pallas  met  with  glass  beads 
and  with  pieces  of  coral  and  topaz,  which  were  very  well  worked,  and  had 
come  from  these  ruins.  The  place  is  filled  with  tombs,  which  are  lined  with 
tiles.  Pallas  describes  the  site  as  most  depressing  and  barren,  surrounded 
by  reeds  and  marsh  plants,  and  encrusted  with  salt,  and  argues  that  it  was 
only  chosen  for  purposes  of  safety  when  the  power  of  the  Golden  Horde  was 

In  Jenkinson's  map  there  is  a  place  called  Shakashik,  which  is  put  half  a 
degree  further  north  than  Seraichuk. ||     Of  this  town  I  know  nothing. 

I  inay  here  add  that  Yanghikent,  the  town  on  the  lower  Jaxartes  mentioned 
in  ah  earlier  note,^  is  very  probably  the  mint  place  which  occurs  on  certain 
coins  of  Abdulla  Khan  in  766  {i.e.,  1363-4),  under  the  form  of  Yanghi  Shehr 
and  Shehr  el  Jedid.** 

Note  2. — Vitut,  the  Lithuanian  king,  who  was  such  an  important  figure  in 
the  history  of  the  latter  part  of  the  fourteenth  century,  about  the  years  1496-7, 
crossed  the  Don,  and  having  surrounded  a  horde  of  Tartars,  transported  them 
to  Lithuania,  and  planted  them  as  colonists  between  Vilna  and 
Their  descendants  still  live  there,{t  and  are  apparently  known  as  Likani.§§ 
They  are  thus  enumerated  by  Latham,  who  has  drawn  his  information 
apparently  from  the  Russian  census  tables.  In  Esthonia  12,  Kovno  415, 
Grodno  849,  Vilna  1,874,  Minsk  2,120,  Podolia  46 ;  altogether  5,3i6.||  || 

*  Op.  cit.,  ii.,  Hack,  ed.,  73,  74.  t  Journ.  Asiat.,  ist  ser.,  ix.  282. 

I  Id.,  XI.  268.         §  Pallas  Voyages,  &c.,  i.  656-658.  ||  Muller,  Saml.  Russ.  Gesh.,  vii.  439. 

H  Ante,  290.  **  Frashn,  Catalogue  of  Fuch's  Collection. 

It  Bohucz  Histoire  de  la  Tauride,  347.  H  Karamzin,  v.  ig6.  §§  Golden  Horde,  364. 

HI)  Latham,  Natire  Rapes  of  the  Russian  Empire,  148. 



Note  1. — Von  Hammer  enumerates  the  following  Russian  families  as  of 
Tartar  origin  : — Bebikof,  Birkin,  Blokhin,  Boltin,  Busolef,  Vekentef,  Veliaminof, 
Verderefski,Vislukhon,  Gaiturof,  Glinski,  Glebof,  Godunof,  Golovin,  Gotowzof, 
Davudof,  Dashkof,  Dershawin,  Dobrinski,  Duvanof,  Dunilof,  Durnof,  Elisarof, 
Elchin,  Shdanof,  Shemailof,  Zagoskin,  Zagrashki,  Zaitzof-Birdiokin,  Zernof, 
Zlohin,  Ismailof,  Isupof,  Kamunin,  Karandeef,  Karaulof,  Kasturef,  Klementef, 
Klushin,  Knatof,  Kokoshkin,  Koltofsk,  Korobiin,  Koshkarof,  Kremenetzki, 
Kriokof,  Kutumof,  Laptef,  Leontef,  Lopushin,  Lupandin,  Liobafski,  Mansurof, 
Massalof,  Matioshkin,  Merlin,  Mestsherski,  Molvianinof,  Narbekof,  Narushkin, 
Obesyaninof,  Obinyakof,  Obyedof,  Ogaref,  Oknisof,  Opraxin,  Orinkin,  Ostafief, 
Paulof,  Petrof-Solowogs,  Peshkof,  Pilfiemof,  Plemeannikof,  Poshegin,  Podolski, 
Polivanof,  Porowat,  Prokudin,  Radilof,  Rataef,  Rostopchin,  Rtischef,  Saburof, 
Safonof,  Sverchkof,  Svishof,  Selivanof,  Seliverstof,  Simski,  Sovin,  Somonof, 
Sonin,  Sorokumof,  Sutin,  Talusin,  Taptukof,  Tarbeyef,  Tewashef,  Tegleyef, 
Teryaef,  Timiryasef,  Tretiakof,  Turgenef,  Uvarof,  Urusof,  Fustof,  Khabarof, 
Khitru,  Khofrin,  Khoduref,  Khomakof,  Kohakof-Yazukof,  Khonukof,  Khot- 
yaintsof,  Chefkin,  Cherimisof,  Chirikof,  Shishmatof,  Sheidakof,  Yarief,  Yushkof, 
Yasikof,  Yakoftsef,  Yakutin.*  This  list  of  names  contains  some  of  the  best 
known  in  Russian  history,  and  proves  what  a  strong  and  vigorous  graft  the 
Russian  race  received  from  its  former  masters  the  Tartars. 

Noie  ^. — Genealogy  of  the  later  Khans  of  the  Golden  Horde  and  the  Khans 
of  Astrakhan. 

TiMUR  Khan. 

Kuchuk  Muhammed  Khau. 


Mahmud  Khan.       Ahmed  Khan.       Yakub  Sultan.        Bakhtiar  Sultan. 
I  Yusuf.  Sheikhavliar. 

Kasim    Janibeg     Abdul  Kerim    Seyid  Ahmed    Murtaza        Sheikh  Ahmed 
Khan.      Khan.             Khan.                 Khan.  Khan.  Khan. 

I                       I  I  I  I 

Hussein    Abdul  Rahman    Kasim  Khan.    |  |         Sheikh  Haidar. 

Khan.  Khan.  |         Akkubek.  Berdibeg.  I 

I  I  1  I  I 

Kasbulat.    Yadigar.      I  I  Dervish  Khan. 

Khaibula.    Yamgurchi 

*  Golden  Horde,  523-529. 





I  HAVE  mentioned  that  when  the  patrimony  of  Juchi  Khan  was 
distributed  among  his  sons  each  one  seems  to  have  inherited  a 
certain  number  of  clans  and  a  separate  camping  ground.  The 
main  horde  in  the  west  under  Batu  pastured  the  country  watered  by  the 
Volga  and  the  Don.  This  pasture  ground  of  the  Golden  Horde  on  the 
Volga  was  limited  apparently  on  the  south  by  the  Caspian,  near  which 
were  Batu's  winter  quarters,  and  on  the  north  by  the  town  of  Ukek, 
which,  according  to  more  than  one  testimony,*  marked  the  limit  of  the 
actual  country  of  the  Golden  Horde  on  the  north.  It  was  probably  an 
old  frontier,  and  was  the  previous  boundary  of  the  Comans  or  Poloutzi. 
North  of  this  and  extending  over  the  modern  province  of  Kazan  was  the 
ancient  Bulgaria,  formerly  a  flourishing  kingdom.  At  the  time  of  Batu's 
invasion  it  was  occupied  apparently  by  the  Chuvashes  (who,  according 
to  the  best  modern  Russian  inquirers,  are  the  descendants  of  the  ancient 
Bulgarians),  by  the  Cheremisses,  Votiaks,  and  Mordvins.  The  so-called 
Tartars  of  Kazan,  who  now  form  such  an  imposing  element  in  the 
population  of  this  district,  were  originally  no  doubt  a  part  of  the  Golden 
Horde,  and  migrated  there  after  the  great  Mongol  invasion.  When  and 
under  whom  they  migrated  is  not  an  easy  matter  to  settle.  Bolghari 
*  occurs  as  a  mint  place  of  the  Golden  Horde  as  early  as  the  days  of 
Ankbugha,t  but  this  may  not  mean  that  any  Tartars  were  then  living 
there,  but  merely  that  the  town  was  subject  to  their  control.  In  regard 
to  the  princes  who  first  founded  a  quasi  independent  authority  in  this 
district  we  have  but  the  faintest  light.  It  is  generally  assumed  that 
Ulugh  Muhammed  was  the  first  to  do  so,  but  this  is  a  mistake.  Let  us 
follow  his  pedigree  somewhat.  Barbaro,  who  was  a  first-rate  authority 
since  he  was  a  contemporary,  says  he  was  the  son  of  Hassan  Oghli.l  He 
also  describes  him  as  having  a  grandson  grown  up  in  1437,  proving  he 
was  then  an  old  man.  Abulghazi  tells  us  he  was  the  son  of  Hassan 
Oghli,  surnamed   Ichkili   Hassan, §      In  a  genealogy  of  the  tzars  of 

*  Vide  ante,  100.  tW,  113.  I  Golden  Horde,  390.    Note,  3.  §  Op.  cit.,  187. 



Krim  and  Kazan,  quoted  by  M.  Vel.  Zernof,*  he  is  called  the  son  of 
Zekil  Assan  Ulan.  In  the  register  of  the  Synodal  Library,  quoted  by  the 
same  author,  Ulu  Ahmet  (as  he  is  there  called)  is  made  the  son  of  Seche 
Assan  Ulan.  In  the  register  of  the  Archives  he  is  also  made  the  son  of 
Segen  Assan  Ulan.t  There  is  in  fact  no  difference  of  opinion,  and  this 
being  so  and  remembering  his  future  history,  it  is  very  curious  that  none 
of  the  authors  who  have  discussed  the  origin  of  the  Kazan  Khans  have 
seen  that  he  was  not  only  the  son  of  Hassan  Oghli,  but  also  that  his 
father  was  the  chief  of  Bulgaria  before  him.  It  is  at  all  events  a  more 
than  remarkable  coincidence  that  Muhammed  should  have  been  the 
son  of  a  Hassan,  that  a  Hassan  who  was  chief  of  Bulgaria  at 
the  time  when  Muhammed's  father  must  have  lived  had  a  son 
called  Muhammed  Sultan ;+  that  Ulugh  Muhammed  himself  should 
have  become  ruler  of  Bulgaria,  and  that  there  should  be  no 
evidence  of  any  kind  to  militate  against  the  position.  I  therefore 
conclude  without  hesitation  that  the  Hassan  whose  history  I  have 
related,§  and  one  of  whose  coins  struck  in  1372  is  extant,  was  the  father 
of  Ulugh  Muhammed.  He  was  not  improbably  also  the  brother  of  Azis 
Khan.  I  have  argued  that  Hassan's  father  was  called  Ali  Beg.|| 
Abulghazi  makes  Hassan  the  son  of  a  person  whose  name  is  read 
doubtfully  by  Des  Maisons  as  Habin6,  which  is  perhaps  a  corruption 
of  Ali  Beg.H  M.  Vel.  Zernof  reads  the  name  Hina,**  while  he 
says  that  the  Russian  genealogical  tables  agree  with  Abulghazi  in 
deducing  Ulugh  Muhammed  from  Tuka  I  do  not  see  any 
reason  whatever  for  doubting  this  conclusion,  and  it  is  very  probable 
that  Bulgaria  was  assigned  to  Tuka  Timur  as  an  appanage,  and 
that  Mangu  Timur  enlarged  it  by  granting  his  son  Ureng,  Krim  and 
Kaffa,  as  I  have  mentioned. U  At  all  events,  both  the  royal  stems 
of  Krim  and  Kazan  seem  to  have  been  descended  from  this  Tuka 

Tuka  Timur  had  a  son  Oreng,  or  Uz  Timur,  as  he  is  called  by 
Abulghazi.  Uz  Timur  had  a  son  Saricha  Kunchak  Oghlan,§§  who  had 
two  sons,  Tokul  Khoja  and  Tulek  Timur.  ||||  Habin^,  we  are  told,  was 
the  son  of  Tulek  Timur,  and  Hassan  Oghlan  the  son  of  Habin«5.  Habino 
or  Ali  Beg  was  probably  ruling  in  Bulgaria  when  it  was  attacked  and 
appropriated  by  Pulad  Timur  the  Sheibanid,  as  I  have  mentioned.^^ 
Pulad  was  driven  away  by  the  Russians  in  1367,  and  killed  by  Azis 
Khan.***  We  next  meet  with  an  enigmatical  sentence  in  Von  Hammer, 
which  I  cannot  quite  understand.  He  tells  us  that  in  1370  Prince  Dimitri 
Constantinovitch  of  Suzdal  sent  his  brother  Boris  and  his  son  Vasili 
with  a  great  army  against  the  Khan  of  Bulgar,  Hassan  (?  Haidar),  who 

•  Op.  cit.  t  Id.,  i.    Note,  21.  J  Ante,  207. 

S  Ante, '20^,207.  II /d.  f  Abulghazi,  op.  cit.,  187.  •*  Op.  cit.,  i.  Note,  80. 

t1  Id.  II  Ante,  199.  *§  Id.  \\\\  Id.,  201.    Abulghazi,  187. 

ff^n<^204.  ***  Id. 


on  the  break  up  of  the  kingdom  of  Janibeg  and  Berdibeg  had  seized 
upon  that  district,  as  Taghai  had  upon  the  land  of  the  Mordvins.  With 
this  expedition  went  the  Tartar  envoy  Haji  Khoja.  They  displaced 
Haidar  from  the  throne  of  Bulgar,  and  put  upon  it  the  son  of  the  Bak.* 
This  sentence  as  it  stands  is  contradictory  and  unintelligible,  and  I 
formerly  was  disposed  to  think  that  what  was  meant  is,  that  when  Pulad 
Timur  was  driven  away  from  Bulgaria  it  was  occupied  by  Haidar  (whose 
origin  I  don't  know  unless  he  was  the  brother  of  Mengli  Girai  of  Krim, 
which  is  not  improbable),  who  was  replaced  by  the  son  of  the  Beg  {i.e.^ 
according  to  my  reading  by  Hassan);  but  it  would  seem  from  Karamzin, 
who  calls  Hassan  the  enemy  of  Dimitri  of  Suzdal,  that  it  was  Hassan 
who  was  then  displaced  and  Haidar  seated  on  the  throne.t  Hassan  is 
said  to  have  captured  Serai  in  768  of  the  hej.  {i.e..,  1369),  and,  as  I  have 
said,  we  have  a  coin  of  his  struck  in  1372.+ 

In  1376  we  find  the  Grand  Prince  Dimitri  sending  an  army  under  the 
command  of  Prince  Dimitri  Michaelovitch  to  conquer  Bulgaria.  He  was 
joined  by  the  sons  of  the  Prince  of  Suzdal.  The  people  of  the  country 
marched  to  meet  them  on  camels  and  making  ferocious  cries,  hoping  thus 
to  frighten  the  horses  of  the  Russian  cavalry,  but  it  was  of  no  avail.  The 
Russians  burnt  the  villages,  the  winter  quarters,  and  boats  of  the  Tartars, 
and  forced  their  two  rulers,  Hassan  and  Muharmned  Sulian  {i.e.,  Ulugh 
Muhammed),  to  submit  to  the  Grand  Prince.  They  also  paid  him  a 
sum  of  2,000  roubles,  a  part  of  which  went  to  Dimitri  of  Suzdal,  and  gave 
3,000  roubles  to  be  distributed  among  the  soldiers  ;  and  as  a  proof  that 
they  consented  to  become  tributaries  of  Russia,  they  received  into  their 
town  a  Muscovite  customs-officer. §  If  Hassan  was  displaced,  therefore, 
from  the  throne  of  Kazan,  it  was  only  very  temporarily.  The  expedition 
last  mentioned  was  followed  by  the  invasion  of  Bulgaria  and  Russia  by 
the  Sheibanid  Prince  Arabshah,  as  I  have  mentioned, ||  and  this  again  by 
the /rule  of  Toktamish,  whose  father,  according  to  my  reading  of  the 
authorities,  was  the  cousin  of  the  father  of  Hassan.  U  During  his  reign 
it  would  seem  that  Bulgaria  was  subject  to  him,  though  probably 
mediately,  and  Hassan  or  his  son  Muhammed  doubtless  continued  to 
rule  there. 

About  the  year  1375  a  band  of  buccaneers  from  Novgorod  plundered 
the  banks  of  the  Volga  as  far  as  Astrakhan,  where  they  were  destroyed 
by  the  Tartar  Prince  Salchei,  and  in  1378  another  band  of  them  was 
destroyed  near  Kazan  by  the  Viatkans.** 

In  the  campaign  of  Toktamish  against  Timur  in  1397,  the  contingent 
of  Bulgaria  is  mentioned  as  if  under  a  separate  It  was 
during  the  same  year  that  the  buccaneers  from  Novgorod  made  another 

»  Golden  Horde,  321.         t  Op.  cit.,  v.  49.  J  Vide  ante,  207.         $  Karamzin,  v.  49-51. 

'^  Ante,  212.  il  Ftd«  table  at  the  end  of  this  chapter.  **yl«f^,  229. 

tt  Id.,  244. 


raid  upon  the  Bulgarian  towns  of  Yukotin,  Kazan,  &c.,  and  ravaged 
them  mercilessly.* 

In  1395  Timur  made  his  second  attack  upon  the  Golden  Horde,  in 
which  he  laid  the  power  of  Toktamish  in  the  dust,  and  four  years  later 
we  find  the  Grand  Prince  Vasili  sending  his  brother  Yuri  at  the  head  of 
a  large  army,  which  captured  Bolghari,  Yukotin,  Kazan,  and  Kremenchug. 
For  three  months  the  Russian  troops  ravaged  the  land,  and  returned 
laden  with  a  rich  booty.  Never  had  the  Russians  penetrated  so  far  into 
the  Tartar  country,  and  from  this  time  Vasili  styled  himself  Prince  of 

The  invasion  of  Timur,  although  it  apparently  did  not  overflow 
Bulgaria,  caused  a  revolution  in  its  government.  Its  extent  and  nature 
we  cannot  quite  follow.  It  would  seem  at  all  events  that  Hassan  and  his 
son  Ulugh  Muhammed  were  ejected,  for  in  one  account  we  read  of  a 
chief  called  Abdul  Khan,  who  is  even  said  to  have  ruled  there  when 
Timur  arrived,  and  who  had  two  sons  named  Altun  Bek  Khan  and  Alim 
Bek  Khan,  who  are  made  in  the  saga  to  be  the  founders  of  Kazan.l  In 
another  account  Timur  is  made  to  destroy  Kazan,  which  is  said  to 
have  been  rebuilt  by  a  chief  named  Ilkhan  Khan.§  Alim  Bek,  it  is 
suggested  by  M.  Vel.  Zernof,  is  the  same  person  as  the  Ali  Beg  to  be 
named  presently. 

In  the  year  141 1,  we  are  told  by  Karamzin  that  Daniel  Borisovitch,  one 
of  the  princes  of  Nijni  Novgorod,  at  the  head  of  the  guard  of  the 
Bulgarian.  Princes^  defeated  Peter  Dimitrovitch,  brother  of  the  Grand 
Prince  Vasili,  at  Liskof,  while  Talich,  the  voivode  of  Daniel,  assisted  by 
the  tzarevitch  of  Kazan,  with  less  than  five  hundred  men,  Russians  and 
Tartars,  pillaged  the  ancient  city  of  Vladimir,  but  after  these  successes 
Daniel  was  abandoned  by  his  allies,  the  Tartars  of  Kazan,  who  returned 
home  with  their  booty.  || 

A  few  years  later  Ulugh  Muhammed  displaced  Chekre,  the  Khan  who 
ruled  at  Serai,  and  until  1437  he  was  constantly  mixed  up  with  the 
history  of  the  Golden  Horde,  as  I  have  related  in  a  previous  chapter.^ 
In  that  year  he  was  defeated  and  driven  away  by  Kuchuk  Muhammed. 
In  order  to  understand  his  subsequent  history,  we  must  remember  that 
he  was  Prince  of  Bulgaria  or  Khan  of  Kazan  before  he  became  chief  of 
the  Golden  Horde. 

I  have  mentioned  how,  when  defeated  and  driven  away  by  Kuchuk 
Muhammed,  Ulugh  Muhammed  sought  refuge  at  Bielef  in  Lithuania, 
relying  on  the  friendship  of  the  Grand  Prince  Vasili,  to  whom  he  had 
proved  a  faithful  patron,  but  he  calculated  without  his  host.  Vasili 
allowed  him  to  settle  for  a  while  on  the  banks  of  the  Oka,  in  the  district 
of  Bielef,  and  within  the  modem  province  of  Tula,  but  either  through 

•  lA.,  250.  t  Karamzin,  v.  197,  198.  \  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  3.  S  Id. 

II  Karamzin,  v.  244  and  248.  ^  Vide  ante,  275-283. 


jealousy  or  through  fear  of  the  new  Khan  of  Serai,  against  whom  no 
doubt  Muhammed  was  plotting,  he  at  length  ordered  him  to  leave.  The 
latter  was  hurt  by  the  ingratitude,  and  he  wrote  a  letter  to  the  Grand 
Prince,  which  has  been  preserved  in  the  Russian  archives.  It  is  thus 
translated  by  Tornirelli.  "  My  liege  and  brother, — Do  not  refuse  me  the 
short  space  of  time  necessary  to  prepare  for  my  departure.  I  will  soon 
quit  your  territories,  where  you  are  unwilling  to  grant  me  an  asylum.  I 
have  never  done  you  evil  nor  meditated  doing  so ;  why,  therefore,  do  you 
seek  to  dissolve  a  friendship  which  on  my  part  shall  continue  to  the 
grave  ?  If  God  restores  me  my  kingdom,  I  will  then  prove  the  sincerity 
of  my  present  manifestations ;  but  if  you  still  doubt  my  integrity  and 
friendship,  take  one  of  my  dear  sons  as  a  hostage.  Nay,  more,  accept  in 
writing  an  assurance  on  my  part  with  my  seal  and  signature,  containing 
a  solemn  oath  that  I  will  never  disturb  the  goodwill  which  has  hitherto 
existed  between  us,  either  by  dissension  or  war  ;  and  I  here  conjure  your 
God  and  mine  to  destroy  me  as  a  perjurer,  and  to  strike  me  even  by  the 
death  of  my  children  if  ever  I  infringe  upon  my  solemn  oath."* 

We  are  told  that  in  his  extremity  he  also  prostrated  himself  at  the 
door  of  a  Russian  church  and  uttered  the  following  prayer.  "  God  of 
the  Russians,  who  regardest  not  the  faces  of  men  but  their  hearts,  thou 
knowest  how  just  is  my  cause.  Thou  seest  the  frightful  situation  to 
which  my  enemies  have  reduced  me,  and  the  ungrateful  manner  in  which 
the  Grand  Duke  repays  the  love  I  bore  him  and  the  benefits  I  have 
rendered  him,  and  yet  the  latter  seeks  to  deprive  me  of  life.  God  of  the 
Christians,  be  therefore  a  just  judge  between  us,  protect  the  innocent  and 
punish  the  guilty." 

The  letter  I  have  mentioned  Ulugh  Muhammed  sent  off  with  an 
embassy  of  three  princes,  named  Ediberdei,  the  Beg  Hussein  of  Serai, 
and  Hussein  Khoja.t 

Meanwhile  the  Grand  Prince  had  despatched  an  army  of  40,000  men, 
commanded  by  his  cousins  Shemiaka  and  Dimitri  the  Red,  who 
beleagured  Bielef.  They  were  obdurate  and  refused  to  listen  to  Muham- 
med's  entreaties,  but  were  brought  to  their  senses  by  a  sudden  panic 
which  seized  their  troops,  and  in  consequence  of  which  they  broke  up  and 
hastily  retired,  pursued  by  the  Tartars.  Muhammed,  however,  was  too 
prudent  to  miscalculate  his  real  power,  and  having  left  Bielef,  he, 
according  to  Karamzin,  who  is  followed  by  Von  Hammer,  traversed 
the  country  of  the  Mordvins  and  settled  down  at  Kazan.|  These 
writers  make  him  the  founder  of  the  Khanate  of  Kazan,  which  we  have 
seen  was  practically  founded  long  before  ;  his  father  having  in  fact 
reigned  there.  My  learned  friend  M.  Vel.  Zernof  even  goes  further  than 
this,  and  assigns  the  foundation  of  the  Khanate  to  Muhammed's  son,§  a 
view  in  which  I  cannot  concur.     In  1439  Ulugh  Muhammed  marched 

*  Tornirelli,  i.  76.  t  Golden  Horde,  386.  J  Karamzin,  v.  327.   Golden  Horde,  387. 

^  Op.  cit.,  i.    Note,  3. 


upon  Moscow,  which  was  abandoned  by  the  weak-kneed  Vasih,  who 
retired  beyond  the  Volga,  and  left  its  defence  to  the  Lithuanian  Prince 
Yuri  Patrikievitch.  The  Tartars  were  not  strong  enough  to  take  the 
town,  but  contented  themselves  with  plundering  the  neighbourhood  and 
burning  Kolomna,  and  afterwards  returned  with  their  booty.*  We  do 
not  hear  of  Ulugh  Muhammed  again  for  five  years,  when  we  find  him  in 
possession  of  Nijni  Novgorod,  where  he  passed  the  winter  of  1444-5.  In 
the  spring  of  1445  he  marched  upon  Murom,  and  thence  sent  on  an 
army  commanded  by  his  sons  Mahmudek  and  Yakub,  to  attack  the 

The  Grand  Prince  in  turn  collected  an  army,  and  his  cousins 
Shemiaka,  Ivan  of  Moyaisk,  Michael,  his  brother,  Prince  of  Vereia,  and 
Vasili  of  Borosk,  grandson  of  Vladimir  the  Brave,  ranged  their  forces 
under  his  banner.  Muhammed  thereupon  retired,  and  some  of  his 
people  were  beaten  by  the  advance  guard  of  the  Russians,  but  Vasili, 
afraid  of  exposing  his  men  to  a  winter  campaign,  ordered  them  to  retire. 
In  the  following  year  he  heard  that  Muhammed's  forces  had  made  a 
fresh  invasion.  His  own  troops  had  been  meanwhile  disbanded.  He 
hastily  collected  the  forces  of  Moscow,  and  was  joined  by  the  voivodes  of 
Nijni  Novgorod,  who  had  been  forced  by  famine  to  escape  from  their 
fortress  after  burning  it,  and  soon  after  they  were  joined  by  the  princes  of 
Moyaisk,  Vereia,  and  Borosk,  with  a  small  contingent.  The  treacherous 
Shemiaka  stayed  away.  On  the  other  hand,  he  found  an  ally  in  the 
Tartar  tzarevitch  Berdata.  With  these  forces  he  set  out  and  encamped 
near  Suzdal,  on  the  borders  of  the  Kamenka,  but  his  whole  force,  we  are 
told  by  the  authorities,  only  numbered  1,500  men,  which  is  assuredly 
more  a  patriotic  than  a  grave  statement.  Notwithstanding  their 
inferiority,  they  attacked  the  enemy  in  the  open,  near  the  monastery  of 
Saint  Euphemius.  The  Tartars  at  first  gave  way,  upon  which  the 
Muscovites  broke  their  ranks  and  proceeded  to  plunder  the  dead  and  to 
loot.  Their  enemy's  retreat  was  but  a  ruse  ;  he  turned  upon  them  when 
they  were  scattered  and  overwhelmed  them.  The  Grand  Prince  had  his 
hand  pierced  by  an  arrow,  lost  several  of  his  fingers,  and  received 
numerous  wounds,  thirteen  of  them  on  his  head.  He  at  length  surrendered 
himself  as  a  prisoner,  together  with  Michael,  Prince  of  Vereia,  and  his 
principal  boyards.  The  two  Tartar  princes  rested  two  days  after  their 
victory  at  the  monastery  of  Saint  Euphemius,  and  having  taken  off  the 
golden  cross  Vasili  wore  about  his  neck,  they  sent  it  to  his  wife  and 
mother  as  a  witness  of  their  victory,  while  their  troops  proceeded  to 
ravage  the  neighbourhood.!  The  honest  Russian  chronicler  in  reporting 
these  events  remarks  on  the  defeat, "  that  the  God  of  the  Christians  aids 
even  the  infidel  when  his  cause  is  just."|    The  citizens  of  Moscow,  who 

Karamzin,  v.  327,  328.    Vel.  Zern.,  137.  t  Karamzin,  v.  3^9-373- 

I  TornirtUi,  op.  cit.,  i.  78. 


momentarily  expected  the  arrival  of  the  victorious  army,  had  further  to 
deplore  the  destruction  of  all  the  wooden  buildings  in  the  Kremlin,  which 
were  destroyed  by  fire.*  The  city  was  now  deserted  by  the  mother  and 
wife  of  the  Grand  Prince,  with  the  chief  boyards,  who  retired  to  Rostof , 
and  Boris,  Prince  of  Tuer,  seized  the  opportunity  for  making  a  raid  upon 
Torjek.  The  citizens  of  the  capital  drew  themselves  together  and  prepared 
to  fight,  but  the  prudent  Tartars,  content  with  their  brilliant  victory, 
retired  with  their  booty  and  their  illustrious  prisoner  to  Kurmuish. 

Ulugh  Muhammed  now  sent  an  envoy  named  Biguich  to  Shemiaka, 
the  cousin  and  bitter  enemy  of  Vasili,  who  had  failed  to  assist  his  relative 
in  the  late  struggle.  Shemiaka  received  the  envoy  with  great  honour, 
and  then  sent  Theodore  Dubenski,  his  principal  secretary,  to  negotiate  a 
treaty  with  Muhammed,  by  which  Vasili  was  to  be  kept  in  perpetual 
durance  and  Shemiaka  was  to  be  created  Grand  Prince,  dependent  on 
the  Khan  ;  but  Muhammed,  who  was  nervous  about  the  delay  of  his 
ambassador  returning,  and  whose  capital  had  been  attacked  by  a 
Bulgarian  Prince,  agreed  to  allow  Vasili  to  return  on  the  payment 
of  a  small  ransom,  and  hastened  homewards.  Vasili  was  met  at 
Pereislavl  by  a  large  cortege  of  people,  whose  enthusiasm  was  a  reminis- 
cence of  the  glorious  reception  accorded  to  his  grandfather  Dimitri 
Donskoi  on  his  triumphant  return.t 

I  mentioned  how  Ulugh  Muhammed  had  sent  his  envoy  Biguich  to 
Shemiaka.  We  are  told  that  the  two  descended  the  Oka  from  Murom 
to  Nijni  Novgorod,  whence  they  returned  again  on  hearing  of  the  release 
of  Vasili.  There  Biguich  was  arrested  by  Prince  Obolenski.  I  shall  not 
repeat  how  Shemiaka  captured  his  cousin  the  Grand  Prince  and  blinded 
him,  how  he  afterwards  released  him,  and  how  his  partisans  assembled 
an  army  to  reinstate  him.j  We  are  told  that  as  the  latter  marched 
towards  Moscow  they  met  a  body  of  Tartars  and  were  about  to  attack 
them,  when  they  discovered  they  were  allies,  and  were  commanded  by 
Mabtnudek  and  Yakub,  the  sons  of  Ulugh  Muhammed.  They  said  they 
had  heard  of  the  sorry  plight  to  which  the  Grand  Prince  had  been 
**  reduced,  and  had  accordingly  marched  to  his  assistance.  They  were 
cordially  received  and  joined  the  main  army.§  This  was  in  the  autumn 
of  1446.     Let  us  now  revert  once  more  to  Ulugh  Muhammed. 

The  prince  who  had  usurped  authority  at  Kazan  is  called  Libey,||  which 
name,  as  M.  Vel.  Zernof  says,  is  clearly  a  corruption  of  Ali  beg  or  Ali  bek. 
He  is  elsewhere  called  Asyi,  which  the  same  learned  author  considers  a 
corruption  of  the  Arabic  Gazi  (/.<?.,  conc[ueror  of  the  unbelievers),  a  title 
adopted  by  Muhammedan  princes  after  victories  over  infidels,  as  will  be 
remembered  by  those  who  were  interested  in  the  recent  capture  of 
Sukhum  Kaleh  by  the  Turks  and  its  consequences.   He  was  doubtless  the 

Karamzin,  V.  373.  t /a^v  377.  378.  1  Fnf*  a«.'e,  301,  302.  § /<^.»  393»  394. 

n  Id.,  376.    Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  3. 

I  Y 


AH  beg  already  mentioned.*  Muhammed,  it  would  seem,  never  returned 
to  his  ancient  capital,  but  was  assassinated  by  his  son  Mahmudek  at 
Kurmuish.t  Mahmudek  on  this  occasion  also  killed  his  younger  brother 
Yusuf^  This  was  apparently  in  the  autumn  of  1445.  Thus  passed 
away,  at  no  doubt  an  extreme  old  age,  one  of  the  most  enterprising  of 
the  Tartar  princes,  whose  life  was  full  of  romantic  adventures,  and  who 
had  felt  many  changes  of  fortune. 


It  is  not  improbable  that  the  murder  of  Ulugh  Muhammed  was 
connected  in  some  way  with  the  strife  between  the  Grand  Prince  Vasili 
and  Shemiaka.  We  at  all  events  find  the  latter  intriguing  with  the 
people  of  Viatka  and  those  of  Kazan,§  and  in  the  famous  protest  made 
by  the  Russian  bishops  against  the  conduct  of  Shemiaka  he  is  accused 
of  having  instigated  Mahmudek,  the  tzarevitch  of  Kazan,  to  imprison  the 
Muscovite  envoy,!  and  we  are  told  that  in  1446  (that  is,  in  the  very  year 
of  his  accession),  seven  hundred  of  his  troops  attacked  Ustiuge,  and 
compelled  it  to  pay  a  tribute  of  furs,  but  many  of  them  were  drowned  in 
the  Vetluga  on  their  return.  The  first  important  act  of  Mahmudek's 
reign  was  to  march  against  Ali  beg  (who  had  usurped  authority  at  Kazan), 
and  to  kill  him.  He  then  occupied  the  town.  In  1448  Ivan,  the  eldest 
son  of  the  Grand  Prince  Vasili,  marched  at  the  head  of  an  army  to  drive 
the  Kazan  Tartars  from  the  district  of  Murom  and  Vladimir.^  During 
the  latter  years  of  Vasili  these  Tartars  were  tolerably  quiet.  We  are 
told  indeed  that  the  Grand  Prince  meditated  an  attack  upon  them,  but 
on  their  Khan  sending  him  envoys  he  made  peace  with  them.  The  date 
of  Mahmudek's  death  is  apparently  not  known.  He  left  two  sons 
behind  him,  Khalil  and  Ibrahim. 


Khalil  succeeded  his  father.  We  know  nothing  of  him  except  that  he 
married  Nursaltan,  the  daughter  of  the  Nogai  Timur,  and  only  occupied 
the  throne  for  a  very  short  time,**  when  he  was  succeeded  by  his  brother 


Ibrahim  married  his  brother's  widow.     His  uncle  Kasim,  who,  as  I 
have  mentioned,  had  taken  refuge  in  Russia,  had  married  his  mother,  the 

*  Ante,  366.        t  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  3.         lid.         §  Karamzin,  v.  4D2.  0  •''^•.  405- 

%  Id.,  410.    Golden  Horde,  394.  **  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  21. 

IBRAHIM  KHAN.  .     37 1 

widow  of  Mahmudek.*  Kasim  was  ambitious  of  possessing  himself  of  the 
throne  of  Kazan,  of  which  he  was  in  fact  the  rightful  heir,  and  he  entered 
into  secret  negotiations  with  Abdul  Mamun  and  other  grandees  of  the 
principality  to  depose  the  young  Khan  Ibrahim,  his  stepson,  and  at  the 
same  time  asked  assistance  from  the  Grand  Prince  Ivan  III.  The  latter 
eagerly  seized  the  opportunity,  and  in  September,  1467,  sent  an  army 
against  Kazan,  under  the  orders  of  Kasim  and  the  voivodes  Prince  Ivan 
Jurgivitch  and  Ivan  Obolenski  Striga.  The  season  proved  very  severe, 
and  the  invaders  were  forced  to  retire.  In  the  retreat  the  Russians 
suffered  badly,  and  were  driven  to  the  necessity  of  eating  meat  in  a 
season  of  fasting,  which  Karamzin  names  as  a  most  unusual  occurrence.t 
The  Tartars  contented  themselves  with  sending  a  detachment  as  far  as 
Galitch,  which  did  not  do  much  damage.  In  the  early  spring  of  the 
next  year  the  Russians  sent  another  army,  under  Simeon  Romanovitch, 
to  ravage  the  country  of  the  Cheremisses,  a  northern  dependency  of 
Kazan.  We  are  told  they  marched  for  a  month  through  forests  shrouded 
in  snow,  along  the  then  uninhabited  banks  of  the  Vetluga,  the  Usta,  and 
the  Kama.  They  at  length  reached  the  Cheremis  country,  rich  in  cattle 
and  very  fertile,  which  was  governed  by  its  own  princes.  There  they 
murdered  the  inhabitants,  and  ravaged  the  land  in  the  cruel  fashion 
then  universally  prevalent,  which  justified  all  crimes  committed  against  an 
enemy.  They  advanced  to  the  environs  of  Kazan,  and  then  retired  gorged 
with  booty.  "  Simeon  returned,"  says  Karamzin, "  with  the  title  of  victor, 
gained  by  slaughtering  several  thousand  people  without  a  fight.''  Mean- 
while another  corps  of  Russians  drove  the  Tartars  from  Kostroma  and 
the  neighbourhood  of  Murom.  The  Cheremisses  became  Russian 
subjects,  but  had  to  change  their  allegiance  very  shortly,  when  the 
Kazan  Khan  sent  an  army  into  their  country.!  The  Grand  Prince  also 
ordered  the  voivodes  of  Moscow,  GaUtch,  Vologda,  Ustiuge,  and  Kich- 
menga  to  concentrate  a  large  force  on  the  Kama.  Having  met  at 
Kotelnich,  in  the  district  of  Viatka,  they  traversed  the  country  of  the 
J^heremisses  as  far  as  Tamluga,  and  then  followed  the  Kama  to  Bela- 
Voloyka,  everywhere  devastating  the  country  and  slaughtering  or  making 
prisoners  of  the  inhabitants  as  they  went.  The  only  Tartars  they 
encountered  were  a  small  body  of  two  hundred,  whose  fortress  they 
captured,  slaughtered  the  garrison,  and  carried  off  the  two  leaders.  On 
the  Kama  they  secured  a  great  quantity  of  merchants'  barques  richly 
laden,  and  returned  home  through  Great  Russia.  Another  body  of 
Russians,  under  Prince  Riapolofski,  the  voivode  of  Nijni  Novgorod, 
defeated  a  party  of  Kazan  Tartars  on  the  Volga,  and  captured  the  Tartar 
Prince  Khosum  Berdei,  who  was  sent  on  to  the  Grand  Prince. 

In   the   spring  of  1469  Ivan   determined   to  strike  a  more  serious 
blow   against    the    Khanate.      The    boyard-followers    of  the    various 

*  /</.  1  Karamzin,  vi.  13.    Vcl.  Zern,,  i.    Note,  22.  I  Karamzin,  vi.  14. 


towns,  the  merchants  and  other  inhabitants  of  the  capital  took  up  arms 
under  Prince  Obolenski,  and  Constantine  Bezzubtzef  was  appointed 
commander-in-chief  of  the  forces.  They  were  ordered  to  rendezvous  at 
Nijni  Novgorod.  Boats  were  armed  at  Moscow,  Vladimir,  Kolomna, 
Suzdal,  and  Murom,  and  the  people  of  Dimitrof,  Moyaisk,  Uglitch, 
Rostof,  Yaroslavl,  and  Kostroma  went  down  the  Volga.  Those  from  the 
other  towns  went  by  the  Oka,  the  whole  joining  at  the  meeting  of  the 
two  rivers.  This  lordly  naval  display  was  a  new  event  in  Russian 
history,  but  barely  had  the  plans  of  campaign  been  arranged  when  the 
Grand  Prince  ordered  the  commander  to  halt  at  Nijni  Novgorod,  and 
only  to  send  some  small  bodies  of  volunteers  down  the  river.  This 
change  of  policy  is  accounted  for  by  Karamzin  on  the  ground  that  Kasim, 
the  Khan  of  Kasimof^  had  died,  and  that  Ivan  probably  hoped  to  gain 
his  ends  through  the  influence  of  his  widow,  who  was  Ibrahim's  mother.* 
In  vain  the  commander  told  his  troops  of  the  wishes  of  the  tzar,  they 
would  punish  the  infidels  and  win  glory  in  fighting.  They  spread  their 
sails  and  raised  their  anchors  accordingly.  They  went  on  to  old  Nijni, 
leaving  their  commander  behind,  and  elected  Ivan  Runo  their  leader. 
They  were  not  long  in  appearing  before  Kazan,  whose  outskirts  they 
surprised  in  the  night.  The  Russians  entered  the  streets  without  meeting 
with  any  resistance,  and  killed  and  robbed  all  who  opposed  them.  They 
released  many  prisoners  from  Moscow,  Riazan,  Lithuania,  Viatka, 
Ustiuge,  and  Perm,  and  set  fire  to  the  houses,  and  the  Tartars  who 
had  shut  themselves  up  therein  with  their  treasures  were  burnt  to 
death.  Having  gorged  themselves  with  booty  and  destroyed  what  they 
could,  the  Russians  remounted  their  vessels  and  descended  the  river  as 
far  as  the  island  of  Korovnichy,  where  they  remained  for  a  week  quite 
inactive.  This  aroused  suspicions  against  Runo,  and  it  was  asked  why 
he  did  not  proceed  to  storm  the  town  of  Kasan  itself,  and  he  was  accused 
of  having  received  a  large  bribe  from  the  Khan.t 

The  latter  was  not  likely  to  remain  with  folded  arms  while  his  capital 
was  surrounded  with  flames.  He  collected  the  troops  of  Kazan  and 
those  of  the  Kama,  the  Viatkans  and  the  Bashkirs,  and  an  escaped 
prisoner  brought  the  Russians  word  that  they  might  expect  an  attack  the 
following  day.  They  accordingly  determined  to  forstal  matters.  They 
placed  a  body  of  troops  on  some  barges,  and  ordered  them  to  rendezvous 
at  the  island  of  Irikhof,  while  with  another  body  they  went  along  the 
banks.  The  Tartars  were  badly  beaten,  and  their  boats  were  compelled 
to  take  shelter  within  the  city.  Having  assembled  at  the  island  of 
Irikhof,  they  were  joined  by  their  former  commander,  the  voivode  of 
Nijni  Novgorod,  who,  having  sent  off  couriers  to  Moscow  to  announce 
what  had  happened,  determined  to  prosecute  the  war,  and  sent  orders  to 
the  people  of  Viatka  to  join  him  before  Kazan.     The  Viatkans  gave  a 

T  Id.,  18-20. 


judicious  answer,  having  determined  to  remain  neutral  between  the  two 
combatants,  and  Bezzubtzef  having  in  vain  awaited  their  arrival  for  a 
month,  and  beginning  to  suffer  from  famine,  determined  to  retire  once 
more  to  Nijni  Novgorod.  On  the  way  he  met  Ibrahim's  mother,  who 
told  him  her  son  had  agreed  to  accept  terms  from  the  Grand  Prince,  and 
that  the  war  was  at  an  end.  The  Russians  were  leisurely  enjoying  them- 
selves when  they  were  suddenly  attacked  by  the  cavalry  and  the 
war  boats  of  the  Kazanese.  A  violent  interchange  of  missiles  took  place 
between  them,  after  which  the  Russians  continued  their  retreat.* 

Meanwhile  the  Grand  Prince  had  sent  another  division,  under  the 
command  of  Prince  Daniel  of  Yaroslavl,  by  water  to  Viatka,  to  impress 
such  of  the  Viatkans  as  he  could  meet  with  into  the  service,  and  to 
march  with  them  against  Kazan.  His  soHcitations  were  as  ineffective  as 
those  of  the  agent  of  Bezzubtzef.  Notwithstanding  this  he  determined 
to  march  with  such  troops  as  he  had  upon  Kazan.  Ibrahim  having 
heard  of  his  advance,  planted  his  war  boats  on  the  Volga  and  his  cavalry 
on  its  banks  to  intercept  him,  and  a  fierce  struggle  ensued.  The 
Russians  were  badly  beaten  and  lost  most  of  their  men.  The  contingent 
from  Ustiuge  with  Prince  Vasili  Ukhtomski  alone  cut  their  way  through 
and  reached  Nijni  Novgorod.  He  is  said  to  have  jumped  from  boat  to 
boat  belonging  to  the  enemy,  and  dealt  many  a  death-blow  with  his 

Ivan  determined  to  repair  this  disaster,  and  accordingly  despatched 
an  army  under  his  brothers  Yuri  and  Andrew,  with  all  his  guard  and  the 
princes  in  his  service.  While  a  large  contingent  marched  overland,  a  com- 
plementary flotilla  went  by  way  of  the  Volga.  They  laid  siege  to  Kazan, 
and  having  defeated  the  Tartars  in  a  fight,  Ibrahim  was  constrained  to 
make  terms  and  to  set  at  liberty  forty  years'  accumulations  of  prisoners, 
which  had  been  captured  from  the  Russians  in  many  struggles.  J 

/Notwithstanding  his  promises  Ibrahim,  in  1478,  having  heard  a  false 
rumour  that  Ivan  had  been  defeated  by  the  people  of  Novgorod  and  had 
had  to  retire  to  his  capital  wounded,  invaded  the  province  of  Viatka,  laid 
siege  to  several  towns,  desolated  some  villages,  and  carried  off  a  body  of 
prisoners  to  make  into  slaves.  The  following  spring  the  Grand  Prince 
had  his  revenge.  The  people  of  Ustiuge  and  the  Viatkans  burnt  the 
villages  on  the  Kama,  while  Vasili  Obrasetz  did  the  same  on  the  Volga. 
He  advanced  from  Nijni  Novgorod  against  Kazan,  which  he  besieged, 
and  from  which  he  was  forced  to  withdraw  by  a  storm.  Ibrahim  again 
asked  for  peace,  which  was  granted  to  him,  and  he  died  directly  after- 
wards, leaving  a  great  number  of  children  by  different  wives.§ 

During  the  reign  of  Ibrahim  there  occurs  a  person  who  has  hitherto 
been  a  puzzle.  He  was  called  Murtasi,  and  in  one  account  is  called  the 
son  of  Mustapha  tzar  of  Kazan,  but  no  such  person  as  Mustapha  occurs 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  20-23.  t  Id.,  24.  I  Id.,  25.  §  Id.,  227,  228. 


among  the  recorded  Khans  of  Kazan.  M.  Vel.  Zernof  suggests  that  he 
was  the  Mustapha  mentioned  as  having  been  killed  in  a  fight  on  the 
Listari  against  the  Grand  Prince  Vasili.*  Mustapha  is  there  simply 
called  tzarevitch  of  the  horde.  Fortunately  a  coin  has  survived  to  our 
day  struck  by  him,  on  which  he  is  called  the  "  Just  Sultan  Mustapha 
Khan,  son  of  Ghayas  ud  din  Khan."t  This  shows  he  was  a  son  of  the 
Khan  of  the  Golden  Horde.  Murtasi  occurs  for  the  first  time  in 
147 1,  when  he  was  summoned  to  Moscow  by  the  Grand  Prince.  He 
took  part  in  1472  in  the  war  against  Ahmed  Khan,  and  in  1473  the 
Grand  Prince  gave  him  the  new  town  (Gorodok)  on  the  Oka  with  several 
domains.     He  was  still  in  Russia  in  1480. J 

ALI    OR    ILHAM    KHAN. 

A  general  anarchy  now  arose  in  the  horde.  As  I  have  said,  the  two 
brothers  Khalil  and  Ibrahim  had  successively  married  Nursaltan,  the 
daughter  of  the  Nogai  chief  Timur,  who  now  married  for  her  third 
husband  Mengli  Girai,  the  Khan  of  Krim.  She  was  an  ambitious  and 
restless  woman,  and  it  would  seem  intrigued  to  have  her  own  son 
Muhammed  Amin  nominated  as  Khan  of  Kazan,  to  the  prejudice  of 
Ibrahim's  elder  son  AH  or  Ilham,  whose  mother  was-  called  Batmassa 
Solta,§  and  who  was  supported  by  a  party  within  the  horde,  and  also  by 
the  Nogais.  The  stepson  of  Mengli  Girai  received  the  countenance  of 
the  Muscovite  tzar,  who  probably  dreaded  a  close  alliance  between  the 
Khan  of  Kazan  and  the  Nogais. 

Ali  eventually  seized  the  throne,  and  his  rival  Muhammed  Amin  fled 
for  refuge  to  Moscow,  where  he  seems  to  have  appealed  to  the  Grand 
Prince.  Ivan  in  1482  sent  an  army  from  Nijni  Novgorod,  which 
advanced  as  far  as  Kazan,  when  at  the  request  of  the  Khan  peace  was 
made.  II  Muhammed  Amin  was  granted  Koshira  as  an  appanage  by  the 
Russians.  The  accounts  of  what  happened  in  the  next  few  years  at 
Kazan  are  very  confused.  They  have  been  analysed  at  some  length  by 
M.  Vel.  Zernof. 51  It  would  seem  that  Ivan,  who  was  indifferent  as  to 
which  brother  was  Khan  of  Kazan  so  long  as  he  was  obedient  to  himself, 
first  supported  one  and  then  the  other.  In  1484  he  sent  an  army 
against  Kazan,  which  captured  Ali  and  put  Muhammed  Amin  in  his 

Herberstein  describes  his  deposition  thus.  He  says  that,  "  not  being 
entirely  obedient  to  the  Grand  Prince,  he  was  on  a  certain  occasion 
made  drunk  at  a  festival  by  some  of  the  councillors  of  the  Prince  of 

*  Vide  ante,  300.  t  Soret,  Lettre  a  M.  le  Capitaine  Kossikofski. 

I  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  38.  §  Herberstein,  ii.  58.  ||  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  61. 

1i  Op.  cit.,  i.    Note,  62.  *•  Vel.  Zern.    Note,  62,  p.  190. 

ALI   OR   ILHAM   KHAN.  375 

Muscovy,  whom  he  had  sent  thither  to  watch  the  disposition  of  the  king, 
and  who  in  that  state  placed  him  in  a  carriage  as  if  with  the  intention  of 
conveying  him  home,  but  the  same  night  they  took  him  towards 
Moscow.*    The  same  author  confuses  the  events  which  followed. 

It  would  seem  he  was  immediately  replaced  by  Muhammed  Amin,  but 
the  next  year  an  army  was  again  sent  against  Kazan  by  the  Russians, 
which  displaced  the  latter  and  reinstated  Ali.t  Shortly  after  another 
revolution  of  the  same  kind  seems  to  have  occurred.  A  large  army, 
under  the  command  of  the  famous  Princes  Daniel  Dimitrivitch 
Kholmskoi,  Alexander  Vasilivitch  Obolenskoi,  and  others  set  out  on  the 
24th  of  April,  1487,  and  arrived  before  Kazan  on  the  24th  of  May.  A 
hard  struggle  took  place  outside  the  town,  which  ended  in  the  defeat  of 
the  Tartars.  Ali  took  refuge  in  the  town  of  Kazan,  but  another  Tartar 
named  Alighazi,  who  remained  outside  with  his  contingent,  caused  the 
Russians  some  loss.  He  was  eventually  driven  over  the  Kama.+  After 
a  siege  of  three  weeks  Ali  was  forced  to  give  in,  and  together  with  his 
wife  and  mother,  two  of  his  brothers,  and  many  other  grandees,  was 
carried  off  prisoner  to  Russia. §  Ali  and  his  wife  were  sent  to  Vologda, 
while  his  mother  and  the  rest  were  sent  to  Kargol,  near  Bielosero.  ||  The 
victory  was  celebrated  with  great  rejoicings  at  Moscow,  the  bells  were 
rung  and  thanksgivings  said.^  All's  two  brothers,  who  were  taken 
prisoners  with  him,  were  doubtless  Melik  Tahir  and  Khudaikul.**  The 
latter  was  baptised  on  the  21st  of  December,  1505,  under  the  name  of 
Peter,  and  a  month  later  married  Eudoxia,  the  sister  of  the  Grand  Prince 
Vasili.  Surely  a  strange  wedding,  and  one  proving  how  important  the 
Tartars  were  in  Muscovite  eyes.  The  ceremony  was  performed  in  the 
cathedral  by  the  archbishop  of  Spass,tt  and  the  convert  was  given  the 
town  of  Klin  and  some  villages  near  Moscow  as  an  appanage.  Melik 
Tahir  remained  a  Mussulman.  On  his  death,  according  to  Herberstein, 
he  left  many  children,  who  together  with  their  mother  were  baptised. 
Two  of  them,  named  Vasili  and  Feodor,  are  mentioned  in  the  Russian 
registers. }J  It  is  not  known  when  Melik  Tahir  died,  but  his  son  Feodor 
is  mentioned  as  governor  of  Novgorod  in  1531.  This  also  shows  how 
the  Tartars  were  adopted  into  the  Muscovite  body  politic.  Khudaikul 
or  Peter  apparently  died  about  the  year  I523.§§  By  his  marriage  with 
the  princess  Eudoxia  he  had  two  daughters,  Anastasia,  who  married 
Prince  Feodor  Michaelovitch  Mitislafski,  the  other  daughter,  whose  name 
we  don't  know,  married  Prince  Vasili  Vasilivitch  Shuisky.|||)  As 
Karamzin  says,  the  Muscovites  had  not  at  this  time  a  sufficient  regular 
force  to  garrison  and  hold  such  a  wide  district  as  the  Khanate  of  Kazan, 
occupied  by  a  hostile  race,  Ivan  therefore  contented  himself  with  taking 
the  title  of  Prince  of  Bulgaria.^^ 

=*  Herberstein,  ii.  58,  59.  t  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  62.  I  Id.  §  Id, 

II  Id.    Page  30.  H  Id.    Note,  62.  *=^  Id.    Note,  63.  If  Id. 

11  Id.  ^  Id.  nil  Id.  %^  Karamzin,  vi.  229. 


According  to  Herberstein,  Ali  was  immediately  succeeded  by  his  half- 
brother  Abdul  Latif,  whose  reign,  however,  was  a  very  short  one,  and  he 
almost  directly  gave  place  to  Muhammed  Amin.* 


Muhammed  Amin  reigned  as  the  protege  of  the  Grand  Prince,  and  we 
are  in  fact  told  that  the  crown  was  put  on  his  head  by  Prince  Kholmski, 
who  punished  several  turbulent  ughlans  or  princes  with  death.t  In  1489 
the  Grand  Prince  received  envoys  from  the  Khan  of  Tiumen  and  the 
Nogais  demanding  the  release  of  Ali.  To  these  he  replied  with  some 
firmness  that,  if  they  wished  for  his  goodwill,  they  must  not  address  him 
thus,  but  return  the  fugitives  that  had  taken  refuge  with  them. 
Muhammed  Amin  was  married  to  a  daughter  of  Musa,  nephew  of  Timur 
and  grandson  of  Idiku.  Meanwhile  the  Grand  Prince  used  the  oppor- 
tunity of  his  supremacy  over  Kazan  to  thoroughly  subdue  the  turbulent 
republic  of  Viatka.  When  Ivan  marched  against  Klinof,  the  chief  town 
of  Viatka,  its  citizens  drove  away  his  representative.  He  accordingly 
sent  a  large  army  against  them^  which  compelled  them  to  submit.  Their 
liberties  were  taken  from  them,  they  were  given,  says  Karamzin,  a  new 
civil  constitution  conformable  with  the  laws  of  autocracy,  and  all  the 
notables,  citizens,  and  merchants  were  conducted  to  Moscow,  with  their 
wives  and  children.  The  citizens  were  transported  to  Borosk  and 
Kremenetz,  and  the  merchants  to  Dimitrof  J  Thus  did  that  most 
Machiavellan  prince  stamp  out  the  germs  and  seeds  of  liberty  by 
transporting  the  classes  among  whom  it  mainly  thrives.  The  Viatkans 
were  colonists  from  Novgorod,  who  had  first  settled  among  the  Finnish 
Votiaks  in  the  thirteenth  century,  and  eventually  appropriated  the  whole 
country  between  the  Kama  and  the  Yug,  and  between  the  mouth  of  the 
Viatka  and  the  Syssola.  They  traded  with  the  Permians  and  Bulgarians 
of  Kazan,  and  furnished  Novgorod  and  Moscow  with  great  stores  of  furs, 
while  their  piratical  raids  on  the  Kama  and  the  Volga  caused  much 
harass  to  the  people  of  Vologda,  Ustiuge,  the  country  of  the  Dwina,  and 

In  the  latter  part  of  the  fourteenth  century  their  towns  were  ravaged 
by  Toktamish,  and  they  were  gradually  subjected  by  the  Grand  Princes. 
The  conquest  of  Viatka  by  Ivan  was  speedily  followed  by  that  of  Arsk, 
a  small  principality  forming  part  of  the  ancient  Bulgaria.  Its  princes 
were  transported  to  Moscow,  where  they  took  the  oath  of  allegiance  to 
the  Grand  Prince,  and  were  then  set  at  liberty.§ 

In  1492,  to  please  the  Krim  Khan,  the  tzar  sent  Abdul  Latif,  covered 
with  honours  to  his  brother  Muhammed  Amin  at  Kazan,  but  he  refused 

♦  Op,  cit.,  ii.  59.  t  Karamzin,  vi.  229.  J  Id.,  238.  $  Id,,  240. 


to  comply  with  Mengli  Girai's  request  that  he  should  make  over  Koshira 
to  the  tzarevitch  Mahmudek,  the  son  of  Mustapha.* 

Muhammed  Amin  seems  to  have  been  of  a  truculent  disposition,  and 
so  ill-treated  and  oppressed  the  grandees  that  they  sent  an  invitation  to 
Mamuk,  a  prince  of  the  horde  of  Sheiban,  to  go  and  deliver  them  from 
his  yoke.  He  appealed  to  the  Russians  for  help.  Thereupon  Prince 
Riapolofski  marched  at  the  head  of  a  powerful  army  to  his  aid.  This 
repressed  the  rebellion,  and  Mamuk  was  driven  away.  The  Russians 
returned  home  again,  but  they  had  hardly  been  gone  a  month  when  news 
arrived  at  Moscow  that  Mamuk  had  returned  and  had  driven  Muhammed 
Amin  away  again.t    This  was  in  1496.I 


Mamuk,  we  are  told,  only  knew  how  to  pillage,  and  was  devoured  with 
avarice.  He  took  their  goods  from  the  merchants,  and  their  riches  from 
the  grandees,  and  he  went  so  far  as  to  imprison  those  partisans  to  whom 
he  owed  his  crown.  He  tried  to  capture  Arsk,  but  he  failed  in  doing  so  ; 
nor  could  he  re-enter  Kazan  on  his  return  thence,  for  the  citizens  manned 
the  walls  and  called  out  that  they  had  no  need  of  a  robber  king.  He 
accordingly  went  home  again  to  his  own  country.  § 


The  people  of  Kazan  now  appealed  to  the  Grand  Prince.  They 
complained  of  the  misconduct  of  Muhammed  Amin,  and  then  said,  "  We 
want  another  tzar  of  your  choice.  If,  lord  and  Grand  Prince,  you  would 
do  us  a  great  favour,  do  not  send  Muhammed  Amin  to  Kazan  again  as 
ffchan,  who  committed  many  outrages  against  our  khatuns  {i.e.,  wives), 
which  was  the  reason  we  appealed  to  Mamuk."  They  asked  him  instead 
to  send  them  Abdul  Latif,  the  brother  of  Muhammed  Amin.  This  he 
agreed  to  do.  He  arrived  at  Kazan  in  May,  1497,  and  was  duly  installed 
by  the  Russian  princes  Simeon  Kholmski  and  Feodor  Pahtski,  who 
exacted  from  the  people  an  oath  of  fidelity  to  the  Russians.  Muhammed 
Amin  received  Koshira,  Serpukhof,  and  Khotum  as  a  fief,  where  by  his 
cupidity  and  baseness  he  speedily  created  great  mischief.  |i 

The  Grand  Prince  sent  word  to  the  Khatun  Nursaltan  of  what  had 
occurred,  and  promised  her  that  Kazan  should  always  remain  in  her 

family.      She  wrote  to  thank  him,    and    told    him    she   meditated  a 

*  Hi,  293.  t  Karamzin,  vi.  339.  J  Vel.  ^ern.,  i.  31.  §  Karamzin,  vi.  339. 

1)  Karamzin,  vi.  339, 340.    Vel.  Zern.,  31.    Note,  64. 



pilgrimage  to  Mecca,  and  on  her  return  intended  to  pass  through  Russia 
to  visit  her  sons.* 

About  the  year  1499  Agalak,  who  is  called  the  tzarevitch  of  Sheiban, 
and  the  brother  of  Mamuk,  took  up  arms  against  Abdul  Latif  The 
Grand  Prince  thereupon  sent  an  army  under  Feodor  Belski  to  the  rescue. 
He  returned  after  driving  Agalak  away,  and  left  behind  him  Michael  and 
Loban  Riapolofski  to  protect  the  Khan.  Some  months  later  they 
defeated  the  Nogai  chiefs  Yamgurchi  and  Musa,  who  had  attacked 
Abdul  Latif  t  These  attacks  were  probably  made  in  support  of  the 
Khans  of  Astrakhan,  who  had  claims  to  be  considered  as  the  masters  of 
the  Golden  Horde.  The  deposed  Khan,  Abdul  Latif's  brother, 
Muhammed  Amin,  meanwhile  had  a  high  command  in  the  Russian  army 
in  the  campaign  against  Lithuania  in  the  year  15004 

Two  years  later,  in  January,  1502,  the  Grand  Prince,  under  the  plea 
that  Abdul  Latif  had  committed  much  injustice,  ordered  Prince  Vasili 
Nozdrovati  to  seize  him  and  conduct  him  to  Moscow,  whence  he  was 
removed  to  Bieloozero,  where  he  was  confined.§  One  author  says  the 
order  to  arrest  Abdul  Latif  was  sent  to  and  performed  by  Kalamet  or 
Kel  Ahmed.  II 


The  real  motive  for  the  deposition  of  Abdul  Latif  was  probably  a  wish 
on  the  part  of  the  Grand  Prince  to  reward  Muhammed  Amin.  The 
latter  was  at  all  events  sent  to  Kazan  as  IChan,  and  was  married  to  the 
widow  of  his  brother  Ali,  the  former  Khan.  He  proceeded  to  put 
to  death  Kel  Ahmed,  who  had  filled  an  important  r6le  in  the  affairs 
of  Kazan.!  Mengli  Girai,  the  Krim  Khan,  was  not  pleased  at  the 
deposition  of  Abdul  Latif,  and  to  appease  him  the  Grand  Prince  gave  the 
deposed  Khan  an  establishment  befitting  his  rank.**  Muhammed  Amin 
was  not  long  in  showing  his  true  colours.  He  divided  his  attentions 
between  his  money  and  his  wife,  the  widow  of  Ali.  Her  former 
husband's  grievances  and  her  own  exile  at  Vologda  had  apparently 
embittered  her  against  the  Russians.  She  exerted  every  means  in  her 
power  to  induce  her  husband  to  throw  off  his  allegiance  to  the  tzar.  She 
bitterly  reproached  Muhammed  with  being  nothing  better  than  a  slave, 
decorated  with  the  title  of  monarch.  "The  Mussulmans,"  said  she, 
"  should  give  laws  to  the  Christians,  and  yet  you  scruple  not  to  obey  the 
Giaour.  What  are  you  but  a  slave  of  the  Prince  of  Moscow  ?  To-day 
on  a  throne,  to-morrow  in  a  dungeon ;  you  will  finish  your  days  in  fetters. 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  340. 
\  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  65. 

t  /rf„  360.         I  td.,  yjz. 

f/rf.,i.    Note,  65. 

S  Id,,  394.    Vel.  Zern.,  31. 

**  Karamzin,  vi.  395. 


as  did  your  ancestor  Ali  Khan.  An  object  of  universal  contempt  at 
present,  you  have  it  in  your  power  to  raise  yourself  to  the  highest 
pinnacle  of  glory.  Throw  off,  therefore,  a  degrading  yoke,  or  die  the 
death  of  a  hero  ! " 

Muhammed  loved  his  wife  passionately,  and  her  eloquence  and 
caresses  at  last  effected  her  purpose.  In  compliance  with  her  counsels, 
the  Khan  resolved  to  massacre  all  the  Russians  who  inhabited  his 
dominions.  The  festival  of  John  the  Baptist  was  the  day  appointed  for 
this  horrible  act  of  barbarity.  On  that  day  a  celebrated  fair  annually 
took  place  in  Kazan,  at  which  merchants  from  all  the  Muscovite 
provinces  were  wont  to  assemble  in  great  numbers.  The  latter  came^  as 
usual,  little  expecting  the  dreadful  fate  which  awaited  them.  A  great 
number  fell  a  prey  to  the  blade  of  the  assassin— men,  women,  and 
children — while  others  were  driven  to  the  Nogai  steppes  and  their  goods 
confiscated.  The  chronicles  inform  us  that  the  Khan  ordered  the 
treasures  and  merchandise  belonging  to  the  victims  of  his  cruelty  to  be 
brought  to  his  palace,  and  the  floor  of  a  vast  saloon  is  said  to  have  been 
entirely  covered  with  gold  and  silver  and  other  precious  objects.*  He 
disdained  to  eat  any  more  out  of  copper  vessels,  and  only  appeared  at  his 
feasts,  which  were  brilliant  with  precious  stones,  in  very  costly  garments. 
Even  the  poorest  inhabitants  of  the  town  were  enriched.  Those  who 
hitherto  had  only  worn  sheep's  skin  clothes,  both  in  winter  and  summer, 
were  now  dressed  in  silk,  and  like  peacocks  promenaded  in  front  of  their 
houses  to  display  their  garments  of  various  colours.t  The  Kazan  Khan 
had  also  imprisoned  a  Russian  envoy  named  Michael  Kliapka.  Knowing 
that  the  Russian  tzar  would  not  be  long  in  taking  a  terrible  vengeance, 
he  collected  his  troops,  40,000  from  Kazan  and  20,000  Nogais,  crossed 
the  frontiers  of  the  districts  of  Nijni  Novgorod  and  Murom,  and  laid 
siege  to  Nijni,  whose  suburbs  he  burnt.  When  news  of  this  reached 
the  tzar  in  August,  1505,  he  sent  Prince  Ivan  Ivanovitrh  Gorbati  and 
the  boyard  Simeon  Ivanovitch  Voronzof  to  the  relief  of  Murom. 
Khabar  Zimski,  the  governor  of  Nijni  Novgorod,  having  but  a  feeble 
garrison  in  the  place,  released  three  hundred  Lithuanian  prisoners,  who 
had  been  captured  on  the  Vedrosha,  supplied  them  with  arms,  and 
promised  them  their  liberty  on  condition  that  they  behaved  themselves 
like  men.  They  saved  the  fortress.  Being  skilful  archers,  they  killed  a 
great  number. of  the  enemy,  including  the  prince  of  the  Nogais,  who  was 
Muhammed  Amin's  brother-in-law.  The  Nogais  thereupon  refused  to 
fight,  and  a  violent  quarrel  arose  between  them  and  the  troops  of  Kazan, 
and  after  trying  in  vain  to  appease  them,  the  Khan  raised  the  siege  and 
returned  home.  The  Lithuanian  prisoners  were  released  and  rewarded 
with  presents,  &c.  The  Russian  commanders,  although  at  the  head  of 
100,000  men,  did  not   advance  beyond   Murom,   and    pusillanimously 

*  Tornirelli,  op.  cit.,  i.  82-84.    Karamzin,  vi.  420,  421,  f  Karamzin,  vi.  422. 


allowed  the  Tartars  to  withdraw  with  their  booty.*  A  few  months  after 
this,  namely,  in  October,  1505,  the  Grand  Prince  Ivan  III.  (whose  reign 
we  have  considered  in  detail  in  the  previous  chapter)  died,  and  was 
succeeded  by  his  son  Vasili.  We  must  now  take  up  the  thread  of 
Russian  history  once  more. 

The  new  tzar  in  1506  sent  a  new  army  against  the  contumacious  people 
of  Kazan.  He  prepared  two  divisions.  One  of  these  went  by  water, 
under  command  of  his  brother  Dimitri,  with  the  voivodes  Feodor  Belski 
and  Shein,  and  the  princes  Alexander,  Rostofski,  Paletski,  and  Kurbski. 
With  the  advanced  guard  of  the  right  wing  went  the  tzarevitch  Janai, 
with  the  Tartars  of  Gorodetz,  the  murza  Kanbur,  &c.  On  the  22nd  of 
May  the  infantry  of  this  division  had  already  disembarked  at  Kazan. 
Notwithstanding  the  heat  of  the  weather  and  their  own  fatigue,  they 
engaged  the  enemy  and  drove  him  towards  the  walls  of  the  town,  but  the 
Tartar  cavalry  having  attacked  them  in  rear,  cut  off  their  retreat  and 
threw  them  into  confusion ;  many  of  them  were  killed,  others  were 
drowned  in  the  lake  Paganoi,  or  were  made  prisoners ;  the  rest 
retreated  to  their  boats  and  awaited  the  cavalry,  which  presently 
arrived.t  This  disaster  was  caused  largely  by  the  impetuosity  of  Dimitri, 
who  had  been  ordered  not  to  attack  the  town  until  the  arrival  of  rein- 
forcements, which  had  been  despatched  under  the  command  of  Prince 

Meanwhile,  on  the  22nd  of  June,  the  day  of  the  great  Kazan  fair, 
Muhammed  Amin,  fancying  the  Russians  had  finally  withdrawn,  was 
holding  high  festival  on  the  plain  of  Arsk,  which  was  dotted  with  a 
thousand  tents.  The  foreign  merchants  were  busy  exposing  their 
wares,  when  suddenly  the  Russians  fell  on  them,  "  as  if  from  the  clouds," 
says  the  chronicler,  perpetrated  a  terrible  butchery,  and  forced  the 
miserable  Tartars  to  retire  to  the  town,  where  many  of  them  trampled 
one  another  to  death  in  their  haste  to  escape.^ 

It  would  have  been  an  easy  task  to  have  taken  possession  of  Kazan  at 
that  moment  of  disorder,  but,  by  a  singular  fatality,  the  Russians  pursued 
the  very  conduct  which  had  been  the  ruin  of  their  enemies.  Finding  the 
plain  strewn  with  objects  of  value  and  covered  with  choice  viands,  and 
that  most  inebriating  of  all  beverages,  kwas  or  hydromel,  they  rushed 
with  avidity  on  the  tempting  fare,  and,  drinking  to  a  state  of  intoxication, 
fell  asleep.  The  Tartars,  informed  of  this,  made  a  furious  sortie  with 
20,000  cavalry  and  30,000  infantry.  They  rushed,  sword  in  hand,  on 
their  unresisting  foes.  So  great  was  the  slaughter  that  out  of  a  hundred 
thousand  men,  seven  thousand  alone  are  said  to  have  escaped  from  the 
blade  of  the  Muhammedans. 

The  Princes  Kurbski  and  Paletski  were  killed,  the  voivode  Shein  was 
made  prisoner,  and  the  terrified  fugitives,  when  they  had  reached  the 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  422,  423.    Vel.  Zern.,  i.  32,  33-    Note,  66.        t  Karamzin,  vii.  5,  6.       I  Id.,  7. 


river,  cut  the  cables  of  the  boats.  The  Muscovite  cavalry  commanded 
by  Feodor,  Kisselef,  and  the  tzarevitch  Zadenai,  son  of  Nur  Daulat,  alone 
showed  any  spirit,  and  in  retreating  towards  Murom  defeated  a  body  of 
Tartars  which  attacked  it  near  Sura. 

Herberstein  describes  these  events  somewhat  differently.  He  says 
that  when  the  people  of  Kazan  heard  of  the  terrible  preparations  made 
by  the  Grand  Prince  against  them,  and  saw  that  they  were  unequal  to 
contend  with  the  enemy  in  an  engagement  hand  to  hand,  reasoned  how 
they  might  circumvent  him  by  stratagem.  After  having  therefore 
openly  pitched  their  camp  in  front  of  the  enemy,  they  placed  the  flower 
of  their  forces  in  ambush  in  convenient  spots,  and  then  assuming  the 
appearance  of  being  struck  by  panic,  suddenly  deserted  their  camp  and 
betook  themselves  to  flight.  The  Russians,  who  were  at  no  great 
distance,  becoming  aware  of  the  flight  of  the  Tartars,  broke  their  ranks 
and  rushed  precipitately  upon  the  camp  of  the  enemy,  and  while  they 
were  engaged  in  plunder,  and  trusting  in  their  own  security,  the  Tartars 
came  forth  from  their  ambush,  together  with  the  Cheremissian  archers, 
and  carried  such  slaughter  among  them  that  the  Russians  were  com- 
pelled to  leave  their  artillery  and  flee. 

In  that  fight  two  bombardiers  left  their  guns  and  fled,  but  were  kindly 
received  by  the  prince  upon  their  return  to  Moscow.  One  of  them 
named  Bartholomew,  who  was  an  Itahan  by  birth,  afterwards  conformed 
to  the  Russian  ritual,  and  received  large  presents,  together  with  great 
authority  and  favour  from  the  prince.  A  third  bombardier  returned  from 
the  slaughter  with  the  gun  under  his  charge,  and  hoped  to  receive  great 
and  substantial  favour  from  the  prince  for  the  care  with  which  he  had 
preserved  and  brought  back  his  piece.  But  the  latter,  addressing  him 
with  reproaches,  said  :  "  In  thus  exposing  me  and  thyself  to  so  great 
danger,  thou  hast  shown  a  wish  either  readily  to  take  to  flight  or  else  to 
surrender  both  thyself  and  thy  gun  to  the  enemy.  Why  this  preposterous 
diligence  in  preserving  thy  gun  ?  I  make  no  account  of  thy  boasting.  I 
.have  still  men  remaining  who  know  not  only  how  to  found  artillery,  but 
also  how  to  use  them."*  This  was  assuredly  a  strange  encouragement  to 
de^s  of  valour. 

Thus  the  reign  of  Vasili,  like  that  of  his  father,  commenced  with 
an  unfortunate  expedition  against  Kazan.  It  was  necessary  to 
recover  his  prestige  that  something  should  now  be  done.  Daniel 
Schenia  was  ordered  to  march  towards  the  Volga,  but  hardly  had  this 
famous  voivode  set  out  when  Muhammed  Amin,  either  through  fear  or 
the  advice  of  the  Krim  Khan,  wrote  Vasili  a  humble  letter  in  which  he 
asked  for  pardon  and  peace.  He  agreed  to  give  up  the  Russian 
merchants  and  prisoners  he  had  taken,  and  swore  to  be  a  firm  friend  to 
Vasili.t    Vasili  continued  his  father's  policy  towards  Lithuania,  and  his 

*  Herberatein,  ed.  Hack.,  ii.  59,  60.  t  Karamzin,  vii,  9. 


intercourse  with  his  brother-in-law  Alexander  was  a  mixture  of  querulous 
carping  and  frigid  politeness.  The  latter  died  in  1506,  and  Vasih  sent 
off  two  envoys  to  his  sister  Helena,  Alexander's  widow  suggesting  that 
the  Polish  grandees  should  elect  him  their  king,  and  thus  unite  the 
crowns  of  Russia,  Lithuania,  and  Poland.  If  this  plan  had  succeeded, 
as  Karamzin  says,  the  results  would  indeed  have  been  important,  and  the 
terrible  strife  of  three  centuries  between  Poles  and  Russians  would 
perhaps  have  been  avoided ;  but  it  was  not  to  be,  the  Polish  nobles 
elected  Sigismund,  brother  of  Alexander,  to  be  their  king,  and  Vasili, 
under  the  pretext  that  the  Lithuanians  had  made  raids  on  his  borders, 
attacked  them.  At  this  time  we  read  of  a  double  treachery,  Constantine 
Ostroyski,  whom  we  have  already  mentioned  as  having  received  an 
appanage  from  Ivan,  broke  his  oath  and  joined  Casimir.  On  the  other 
hand,  Michael  Glinski,  a  very  powerful  and  rich  Lithuanian  noble,  who 
was  sprung  from  a  Tartar  stock,  and  who  had  while  Alexander  was  on 
his  death-bed  defeated  the  Krim  Tartars,  who  had  made  an  invasion, 
quarrelled  with  Sigismund,  and  with  his  friends  went  over  to  Alexander, 
and  promised  him  his  services  if  he  would  obtain  for  him  the  principality 
of  Kief.  A  war  now  followed,  in  which  there  was  no  important  result 
gained,  and  peace  was  signed  on  the  basis  of  the  status  quo,  Sigismund 
resigning  to  his  rival  the  conquests  of  Ivan,  and  Vasili  giving  up  his 
claims  upon  Kief  and  Smolensk.*  On  the  part  of  the  Russians  this 
treaty  seems  to  have  been  a  hollow  one.  Vasih  wished  first  to  secure  the 
hearty  co-operation  of  Mengli  Girai  of  Krim,  whose  zeal  for  Russia  seems 
to  have  been  very  cool  latterly. 

We  now  find  Vasili  crushing  the  community  of  Pskof,  which  had 
preserved  its  municipal  liberties  under  the  rule  of  Ivan.  It  was  a  famous 
and  ancient  city,  with  a  history  reaching  back  six  hundred  years,  another 
Novgorod,  of  which  it  called  itself  the  younger  sister,  and  with  which  it 
formed  one  eparchy.  Its  wealth  was  due  to  its  trade  with  the  Germans, 
and  its  warlike  spirit  had  been  nurtured  by  its  almost  heroic  struggles 
with  the  knights  of  Livonia.  It  had  a  special  class  of  possadniks  who 
managed  the  merchants,  and  were  hereditary,  otherwise  its  constitution 
was  very  similar  to  that  of  Novgorod.  It  had  its  general  assembly  and 
the  right  of  electing  its  own  minor  judges.  But  these  democratic 
institutions  were  incompatible  with  the  growing  autocracy  of  the  govern- 
ment, and  were  accordingly  doomed.  As  in  most  similarly  constituted 
societies  of  mercantile  oligarchs,  there  was  much  jealousy  and  intrigue, 
and  much  persecution  of  the  peasant  class.  This  was  apparently  fanned 
by  the  authorities  at  Moscow,  whose  deputy  was  very  unpopular.  An 
appeal  was  made  to  Vasili,  and  he  went  in  person  with  a  grand  cortege 
towards  the  city.  Complaints  were  invited.  Thereupon  the  chief 
possadniks  and  merchants  repaired  to  the  tzar  to  lay  their  case  before 

*  Karamzin,  vii.  23. 


him.  Having  heard  it,  he  sided  with  the  deputy  and  arrested  the 
deputation,  which  comprised  the  chief  men  in  the  place.  The  heads  of 
the  tallest  poppies  were  absolutely  in  his  grasp,  and  how  could  the  rest 
resist  the  hurricane.  It  was  decreed  that  the  popular  assembly  should 
cease,  and  that  the  bell  by  which  it  had  been  summoned  should  be 
taken  away,  while  the  tzar  claimed  the  appointment  of  the  judicial 
authorities.  Three  hundred  of  the  principal  families  were  transported  to 
Moscow.  The  lands  of  the  exiles  were  confiscated  and  given  to 
Muscovite  boyards.  A  tariff  was  fixed  for  merchandise  where  goods  had 
been  hitherto  bought  and  sold  quite  freely,  and  a  crowd  of  functionaries 
entered  the  place  and  robbed  and  plundered  the  inhabitants  terribly. 
"  It  is  thus,"  says  the  native  annalist,  "  that  the  glory  of  Pskof  was 
echpsed ;  taken,  not  by  unbelievers  but  by  the  Christians.  Oh,  city !  once 
so  powerful,  now  but  a  vast  solitude;  an  eagle  with  many  wings  and  sharp 
talons  has  descended  on  thee,  and  has  torn  out  of  thee  three  cedars  of 
Libanus ;  thy  beauty,  thy  riches,  and  thy  citizens ;  has  covered  thy  markets 
with  ordure ;  has  dragged  away  our  brothers  and  sisters  to  distant  lands 
where  none  of  their  ancestors  lived."*  Thus  passed  away  another  certre 
of  light  in  those  grey  northern  climates,  and,  like  their  contemporaries  "the 
most  Catholic  kings  of  Spain"  who  drove  out  the  Moors,  it  seems  as  if  the 
Russian  princes  were  determined  to  root  out  all  the  foreign  influences 
which  the  German  merchants  of  Livonia  and  the  Hanse  imported  into 
Russia,  and  to  girdle  it  round  with  that  self-contained  isolation  which  has 
been  the  great  drag-chain  on  the  progress  of  its  people. 

In  1 5 10  Nursultana,  the  wife  qf  Mengli  Girai  of  Krim  and  the  mother 
of  Muhammed  Amin  and  Abdul  Latif,  went  to  Moscow  with  her  son 
Sahib  Girai  and  three  envoys,  to  ask  permission  to  visit  Kazan.  She 
was  received  very  hospitably  by  the  Grand  Prince,  who  allowed  her  to 
proceed,  after  a  stay  of  a  month  at  Moscow.  She  spent  nearly  a  year  at 
Kazan,  during  which  she  urged  upon  the  Khan  the  policy  of  being  on 
friendly  terms  with  the  Russians.  In  this  she  succeeded,  and  Muhammed 
-Amin  wrote  a  letter  to  the  Grand  Prince,  promising  in  future  to  be 
always  faithful  to  him,  and  asking  him  to  send  an  envoy.  Ivan  Cheladnin 
ac(iordingly  went,  and  to  him  the  Khan  described  the  reason  for  his  late 
duplicity,  and  accused  his  wife  of  having  seduced  him  from  his  allegiance. 
Nursaltana  spent  six  months  at  Moscow  on  her  return  journey.t 

The  quarrel  between  Sigismund  of  Poland  and  the  Grand  Prince  will 
be  better  told  in  the  next  chapter. 

Vasili  now  entered  into  a  treaty  with  the  Hanse  towns,  in  the  vain 
hope  of  reinstating  the  prosperity  of  Novgorod,  but  its  trade  had  in  fact 
taken  its  final  departure,  and,  after  a  suspension  of  twenty-five  years,  had 
found  a  fresh  route  and  outlet  for  itself.  We  now  read  of  mutual 
embassies  between  the  Russian  tzar  and  Selim,  the  new  Sultan  of  Turkey. 

*  Karamzin,  vii.  50.  t  Id.,  58,  59. 


The  envoys  of  the  latter  were  received  by  the  tzar  and  his  courtiers  in 
their  rich  fur  and  bejewelled  dresses.  They  bore  two  letters,  one  written 
in  Arabic  and  the  other  in  Servian.  There  was  no  definite  treaty  made, 
and  the  efforts  of  the  Turkish  envoys  to  persuade  Vasili  to  send  Abdul 
Latif  to  the  Krim  were  unsuccessful.* 

Mengli  Girai  of  Krim  died  in  15 15.  To  punish  the  recent  ill  conduct 
of  the  Krim  Tartars,  the  Grand  Prince  had  imprisoned  Abdul  Latif,  the 
former  Khan  of  Kazan,  but  on  the  accession  of  Muhammed  Amin,  to 
please  that  prince,  he  was  again  released,  given  the  right  of  audience  and 
permitted  to  hunt ;  but  Vasih  refused  to  send  him  to  his  mother,  who 
wished  him  to  accompany  her  to  Mecca.t  Soon  after  Muhammed  Amin 
fell  ill.  We  are  told  he  "  became  covered  with  ulcers,  filled  with  worms, 
and  the  air  was  infected  with  his  foetid  breath."  He  attributed  the 
horrible  condition  to  which  he  was  reduced  to  the  wrath  of  Heaven. 
Remorse  for  his  perfidy  and  cruelty  wrung  his  heart.  "  The  God  of  the 
Russians,"  he  observed  to  his  attendants,  "  is  chastising  me.  Ivan  acted 
towards  me  with  paternal  affection,  and  I,  seduced  by  an  ambitious 
woman,  repaid  his  kindness  with  the  basest  ingratitude.  Now  that  I  am 
on  the  verge  of  the  tomb,  neither  a  throne,  nor  riches,  nor  grandeur,  nor 
the  most  beautiful  women,  are  of  any  value  to  me  ;  all  these  must  I  leave 
to  be  enjoyed  by  others."  In  hopes  of  finding  consolation  in  his  misery, 
he  sent  an  ambassador  to  Vasili,  with  a  present  of  two  hundred  horses 
richly  caparisoned,  a  royal  suit  of  armour,  a  buckler,  a  tent  made  of 
rich  embroidered  tissue,  which  he  had  received  as  a  present  from  the 
king  of  Pfersia,  with  numerous  precious  objects,  implored  his  for- 
giveness for  the  past,  and  asked  that  he  would  appoint  Abdul  Latif  as 
his  successor.  Vasili  granted  him  the  pardon  he  solicited,  and,  in  token 
of  his  goodwill,  sent  back  the  ambassador  with  gifts  for  the  humbled 
Khan,  and  he  made  over  the  town  of  Koshira  as  an  appanage  to  Abdul 
Latif.t  The  condition  of  Kazan  greatly  troubled  the  Krim  Khan,  who 
was  afraid  the  murzas  would  call  one  of  the  Astrakhan  princes,  his 
enemies,  to  the  throne.  He  accordingly  sent  a  very  gracious  letter  to, 
Moscow,  in  which  he  promised  great  things  on  condition  inter  alia  that 
the  Grand  Prince  would  secure  the  throne  of  Kazan  for  his  stepson 
Abdul  Latif  § 

The  latter  did  not  long  survive.  He  died  at  Moscow  on  the  9th  of 
November,  15 18,  and  thus  the  Grand  Prince  lost  a  valuable  hostage  for 
the  good  behaviour  of  the  rulers  of  Krim  and  Kazan.  A  treaty  is 
extant  between  Vasili  and  Abdul  Latif,  some  of  whose  provisions 
are  curious.  In  it  the  latter  promised  to  remain  faithful,  and  to  have  no 
dealings  with  the  tzar's  enemies.  He  promised  that  when  he,  his 
ughlans,  princes,  or  people  traversed  Muscovite  territory,  they  would 

*  /d.,  73.  t  /d.,  90.  t  Tornirelli,  i.  85,  86,    Karamzin,  vii.  94,  95. 

§  Karamzin,  vii.  95, 96. 

SHAH  ALI  KHAN.  385 

abstain  from  plundering  or  molesting  the  Christians,  and  any  Tartar  thus 
offending  was  to  be  executed  on  the  spot.  The  envoys  who  Abdul 
Latif  should  send  to  the  Grand  Prince  or  his  sons  were  to  be  supplied 
with  provisions  free,  for  themselves,  their  people,  and  horses,  by 
the  Russians.  Those  who  travelled  for  trade  or  on  private  business 
were  to  pay  for  theirs,  but  whoever  he  was,  if  he  used  violence 
to  get  food  and  suffered  accordingly,  he  was  not  to  have  reparation. 
Merchants  and  envoys  from  Russia  to  the  hordes  were  not  to  be 
■molested,  nor  were  Russians  who  accidentally  fell  into  the  hands  of  the 
Tartars  to  be  detained.  Neither  party  was  to  harbour  Tartars  belonging 
to  the  other,  nor  those  which  belonged  to  the  four  great  clans  of  Shirin, 
Barin,  Arjin,  and  Kipchak.  The  Khan  was  not  to  make  war  without  the 
Grand  Prince's  knowledge.  He  was  to  be  content  with  Yurief,  not  to 
leave  Muscovy,  and  to  be  obedient  to  the  Grand  Prince.* 

On  the  death  of  Abdul  Latif  the  Krim  Khan  drew  nearer  to  Vasili, 
in  the  hope  of  securing  the  succession  to  the  throne  of  Kazan 
when  it  should  fall  vacant,  for  his  brother  Sahib  Girai,  and  he  sent  him 
an  important  envoy.t  The  event  he  foresaw  came  quickly,  Muhammed 
Amin  died  in  great  torments  in  1519,  and  his  spouse,  afraid  of  punish- 
ment, put  an  end  to  her  life  with  poison.l 


With  the  death  of  Muhammed,  Amin  the  descendants  of  Ulugh 
Muhammed  who  were  attached  to  Muhammedanism  came  to  an  end. 
Those  who  had  been  baptised  were  clearly  not  available  as  chiefs  of  the 
Khanate,  and  the  Grand  Prince  had  to  turn  elsewhere.  He  naturally 
objected  to  nominating  a  near  relative  of  Muhammed  Girai  of  Krim,  and 
thus  once  more  reconstituting  the  Khanate  of  Serai.  Pretending  that  the 
y^people  of  Kazan  would  not  hear  of  such  a  thing,  and  that  they  would 
either  have  a  prince  of  the  Nogais  or  the  Khan  of  Kasimof  for  their 
chief,  he  appointed  the  latter.  His  name  was  Shah  Ali,  the  son  of  Sheikh 
AvHar,  son  of  Bakhtiar  Sultan,  the  brother  of  Ahmed  Khan  of  Serai. 
According  to  the  account  of  the  Tartar  annalists,  this  prince  was  a 
monster  both  in  mind  and  person  :  "  his  ears  were  of  an  enormous  size 
and  length,  his  legs  and  arms  ridiculously  short,  and  his  belly  of  a 
prodigious  magnitude."  Herberstein  says,  "he  was  corpulent,  with  a 
small  beard  and  an  almost  feminine  face,  which  showed  he  was  not  fit  to 
be  a  warrior."  This  personal  deformity,  added  to  the  circumstance  of 
his  being  a  vassal  of  the  Russian  tzar,  rendered  him  obnoxious  to  every 
class  of  his  new  subjects.     They  loaded  him  with  reproaches  and 

*  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  70.       t  Sec  next  chapter.         |  Kar^mzin,  vii,  117,    Tornirelli.  i.  86. 
2  A 


contumely,  and  Shah  Ali  never  failed  to  reply  to  these  remonstrances 
otherwise  than  by  putting  the  murmurers  to  death.  This  severity  only 
served  to  render  him  more  and  more  odious  to  the  nation  he  governed, 
and  a  conspiracy  was  soon  formed  against  him.  The  inhabitants  of 
Kazan  secretly  despatched  an  embassy  to  Muhammed  Girai,  soliciting 
him  to  send  his  brother,  Sahib  Girai,  to  be  their  sovereign.  The 
ambassadors  returned  some  time  after  to  Kazan,  bringing  with  them  the 
young  prince.* 

He  entered  the  town  without  encountering  any  resistance,  and  was 
proclaimed  tzar  there.  He  arrested  Shah  Ali,  Karpof  a  Muscovite 
voivode,  and  Vasili  Yurief,  the  envoy  of  the  Grand  Prince,  while  the 
Russian  merchants  were  pillaged  and  imprisoned.  No  one,  however,  was 
put  to  death,  and  to  show  his  moderation,  Sahib  Girai  took  the  deposed 
Khan  under  his  protection,  and  allowed  him  to  go  to  Moscow  with  his 
wife,  horses,  and  a  guide.  He  also  released  Karpof.  On  his  way  Shah 
Ali  suffered  great  distress.  He  met  some  Russian  fishermen  who 
generally  spent  the  summer  on  the  Volga,  and  were  escaping  towards 
Moscow  on  account  of  the  troubles  at  Kazan.  He  was  obliged  to  share 
their  diet  of  roots  and  herbs,  and  went  through  great- privations  before  he 
reached  the  Russian  frontiers.  Thence  onwards  to  Moscow  was  a  royal 
progress.  Everywhere  the  grandees  went  to  meet  him,  and  showed 
him  marked  attention,  while  all  the  boyards  of  the  council  went 
out  to  meet  him.  He  was  received  by  Vasili  at  the  foot  of  the  palace 
staircase.  "  God  be  praised,"  said  the  politic  Russian  tzar,  "  you  are 
alive,  that  is  enough."  The  two  sovereigns  embraced  shedding  tears. 
Vasili  thanked  his  protege  for  his  faithfulness  to  Russia,  gave  him 
presents,  and  promised  him  satisfaction. t 


The  Krim  Khan  knew  well  enough  that  the  forcible  revolution  which v 
he  had  caused  at  Kazan  would  bring  him  into  conflict  with  the  Russians, 
and  he  determined  to  forestall  the  vengeance  of  the  Grand  Prince.  He 
summoned  the  Krim  Tartars,  the  Nogais,  and  the  Cossacks  of  the 
Dnieper  to  his  standards,  while  Sahib  Girai  set  out  from  Kazan  along 
the  Volga,  and  met  him  at  Kolomna.  They  marched  upon  the  Russian 
frontier.  This  was  in  1521.  I  shall  describe  this  campaign  in  the  next 
chapter.  Here  it  will  suffice  to  say  that  the  Tartars  won  a  very 
important  victory.  Such  a  savage  invasion  had  not  been  witnessed  in 
Russia  for  many  years,  and  troops  of  Russian  slaves,  the  product  of  the 
campaign,  were  sold  at  Kaffa  and  Astrakhan.^  The  Grand  Prince 
speedily  recovered  his  spirits,  and  we  now  find  him  completing  the 

•  Tornirelli,  86,  87.  t  Karamzin,  vii.  133.  \  /<f.,  139. 


work  of  the  consolidation  of  his  empire  by  absorbing  the  principality 
of  Riazan. 

Ivan,  its  young  prince,  had  been  a  minor  and  under  the  tutelage  of 
Vasili.  He  was  now  anxious  to  be  independent,  and  began  to  correspond 
with  the  Krim  Khan,  and  proposed  in  fact  to  marry  the  latter's  daughter. 
He  was  summoned  to  Moscow,  and  when  he  arrived  there  was  arrested, 
and  his  principality,  which  had  had  a  separate  history  for  four  hundred 
years,  was  annexed.  It  is  one  of  the  richest  parts  of  Russia.  "  Each 
grain  of  wheat  there,"  says  Herberstein,  "  produces  sometimes  two  or 
more  ears,  and  the  stalks  grow  so  thick  that  horses  cannot  easily  pass 
through  it,  nor  the  quails  fly  out  of  it.  It  abounds  in  honey,  fish,  birds, 
and  wild  beasts."*  Its  situation  on  the  route  to  Azof  and  Kaffa  was  also 
very  important  as  an  outlet  to  Russian  trade.  Its  people  were  warUke, 
and  VasiH,  to  prevent  future  troubles,  scattered  them  in  various  parts.t 
The  fate  of  Ivan  of  Riazan  was  speedily  followed  by  a  similar  one  which 
overtook  his  brothers  Vasili  Shemiakin,  prince  of  Severski,  and  Feodor 
of  Starodub,  and  thus  the  last  of  the  independent  principalities  of  Russia 

In  1522  Muhammed  Girai  of  Krim  captured  Astrakhan,  and  almost 
directly  afterwards  was  killed  by  the  Nogais  there.  When  Sahib  Girai 
of  Kazan  heard  of  his  brother's  success,  he  proceeded  to  put  to  death 
such  of  the  Russian  merchants  as  he  could  lay  his  hands  upon,  as  well 
as  Vasili  Yurief,  the  Grand  Prince's  envoy,^  and,  according  to  the 
chronicler,  "  he  spilt  blood  like  water."  The  Grand  Prince  determined 
to  punish  this  atrocity,  and  set  out  with  his  army  for  Nijni  Novgorod, 
where  he  arrived  in  August,  1523.  Thence  he  despatched  two  arma- 
ments. One  under  the  command  of  Shah  Ali  went  by  water,  while  a 
second  army  marched  by  land,  ravaging  the  country  and  making 
prisoners  the  inhabitants.  They  went  as  far  as  the  outfall  of  the  Sura, 
where  a  wooden  fortress  was  built,  which  was  given  the  name  of  Vasili- 
Gorod.  The  Grand  Prince  returned  to  Moscow  shortly  after,  and  Shah 
,  Ali  and  the  Russian  generals  performed  their  parts  successfully.§  Sahib 
Girai,  knowing  that  the  strife  would  recommence  the  following  year,  now 
declared  himself  a  vassal  of  Suliman,  the  famous  Sultan  of  Turkey,  and 
asked  him  to  revenge  him  against  Vasili.  The  prince  of  Mankub,  who 
was  then  at  Moscow  as  the  Turkish  envoy,  told  the  boyards  there  that 
Kazan  had  become  a  Turkish  province.  They  replied  that  this  could  not 
be,  as  Sahib  Girai  was  a  mere  rebel  who  had  no  right  to  dispose  of  it.|| 

In  the  spring  of  1524  the  war  was  again  renewed,  and  the  Russian 
forces  were  again  divided  into  two  divisions,  that  which  went  by  the 
Volga  being  again  commanded  by  Shah  Ali,  while  Khabar  Simski 
commanded  the  cavalry  which  marched,  by  land.      The  whole  army 

♦  Op,  cit.,  ii.  9, 10.  tM,  II.  J  Karamzin,  vii.  157. 

Vel.  Zern.,  i.  5a.    Karamzin,  vii.  161.  II  Karamzin,  vii.  162. 


numbered  150,000  men.  Sahib  Girai,  on  hearing  of  the  approach  of  this 
armament,  sent  for  his  nephew  Safa  Girai,  the  son  of  Feth  Girai*  (who 
was  only  thireen  years  old)  from  Krim,  while  he  himself  fled  for 
protection  to  the  Turkish  Sultan. 


The  Tartars  of  Kazan,  who  feared  and  hated  the  Russians,  ashamed 
of  the  flight  of  their  Khan,  put  Safa  Girai  in  his  place,  swore  to  die  for 
him,  and,  uniting  with  the  Chuvashes  and  Cheremisses,  prepared  for  a 
vigorous  resistance.t  We  are  told  that  on  his  journey  to  Kazan,  Safa 
Girai  stopped  at  the  island  of  Gostinoi  {i.e.,  the  island  of  merchants), 
near  Kazan,  where  he  was  received  with  honour  by  the  princes  of  the 

Seyid,  the  chief  priest  of  the  district,  was  held  in  such  estimation  that 
even  kings  in  meeting  him  would  stand,  and  bowing  the  head,  take  his 
hand  as  he  sat  on  horseback,  an  honour  otherwise  granted  only  to 
sovereigns.  Dukes  did  not  salute  even  his  hands  but  his  knees,  simple 
nobles  merely  saluted  his  feet,  while  plebians  were  content  if  they  could 
only  touch  his  garments  or  his  horse  with  their  hand.  He  secretly  favoured 
Vasili,  and  took  measures  to  seize  Safa  Girai,  that  he  might  send  him 
bound  to  Moscow,  but  when  the  boy  was  captured  he  (doubtless  Seyid  is 
meant  though  the  phrase  is  ambiguous)  was  publicly  put  to  death  with 
the  knife. ]: 

Meanwhile  the  Russians  continued  their  advance,  and  we  are  told  the 
Volga  seemed  covered  with  their  boats.  They  arrived  at  the  island  of 
Gostinoi  on  the  7th  of  July,  and  stayed  there  twenty  days  awaiting  the 
arrival  of  the  cavalry.  Petty  skirmishes  ensued,  and  Shah  Ali,  who 
despised  his  youthful  antagonist,  recommended  him  to  return  home  and 
not  be  responsible  for  the  blood  that  would  be  shed ;  but  the  young 
prince  replied,  "  The  throne  will  be  the  prize  of  victory.  To  arms!"§' 
Meanwhile  the  wooden  ramparts  of  Kazan  were  fired  by  some  Russians, 
who  had  been  bribed  for  the  purpose,  and  were  burnt  to  the  ground. 
Instead  of  taking  advantage  of  this  piece  of  good  fortune,  the  Russian 
generals  merely  stood  by  as  spectators,  and  allowed  the  citizens  to 
restore  them,  and  on  the  28th  of  July  transferred  their  camp  from  the 
banks  of  the  Volga  to  those  of  the  Kazanka,  where  they  again  awaited  a 
favourable  opportunity  for  twenty  days,  while  the  Cheremisses  harassed 
their  camp,  wasted  the  country  round,  and  intercepted  their  communi- 
cations. "  Two  governors,"  says  Herberstein,  "  had  been  appointed  to 
look  after  the  commissariat.  One  of  these,  Ivan  Paletzki,  after  loading 
his  vessels  with  provisions  from  Novgorod,  had  to  descend  the  river  to 

*VeI.  Zero.,  i.  Note,  got      t  Karamzin,vii.  163.      I  Herberstein,  ii.  68.      $  Karamxin,  vii  163* 

SAFA  GIRAI   KHAN.  .       389 

join  the  army,  but  after  depositing  his  provisions  he  returned  home  rather 
precipitately.  The  other  had  been  sent  for  the  ?ame  purpose  with  five 
hundred  soldiers  overland,  but  was  slaughtered  with  his  men  by  the 
Cheremisses,  scarcely  nine  of  them  escaping  in  the  confusion.  The 
commander  himself  fell  into  their  hands  badly  wounded  and  died. 
When  the  rumour  of  this  slaughter  reached  the  army,  so  great  a 
consternation  arose  in  the  camp,  increased  by  a  groundless  report  that 
the  whole  of  the  cavalry  were  slain  to  a  man,  that  nothing  was  thought 
of  but  flight."*  The  only  question  was  whether  they  should  go  up  the 
stream  or  down.  Meanwhile  Paletzki  again  ventured  to  make  his 
way  to  the  distressed  army,  but  his  armament  was  surprised  in  a  fog 
on  the  Volga  by  the  Cheremisses,  who  also  barricaded  the  river  at 
the  point  where  its  stream  is  divided  by  many  islands  with  trunks 
of  trees  and  stones.  This  caused  such  terror  that  he  abandoned 
ninety  of  his  largest  barges,  each  manned  by  thirty  men,  and  loosing  the 
anchor  of  his  own  boat,  reached  the  camp  in  great  distress.t  The 
disaster  gave  rise  to  an  old  Russian  proverb, "  Beware  when  the  Cheremis 
is  beside  you."  "  The  Volga,"  says  the  chroniclers  of  Kazan,  "  became 
for  the  barbarians  like  the  Tigris,  a  river  filled  with  gold,  for  besides 
cannons  and  ammunition,  they  also  drew  out  of  the  river  some  precious 
Russian  armour  and  much  money."+  Paletzki  suffered  another  defeat  on 
his  return,  and  not  only  lost  his  boats,  but  only  escaped  with  a  very  few 

Meanwhile  a  body  of  horse,  which  had  been  sent  to  the  rescue  by 
Vasili,  had  two  engagements  with  the  Tartars  and  Cheremisses  in 
crossing  the  Viega,  which  falls  into  the  Volga,  but  succeeded  in  defeating 
the  Tartars  and  in  joining  the  main  army.  Thus  reinforced  the  Russians 
proceeded  to  besiege  the  town.  This  was  on  the  15th  of  August.  They 
pursued  a  pusillanimous  policy,  and  when  six  Tartars  advanced  near  their 
camp  and  bearded  them,  Shah  Ali  was  ordered  not  to  attack  them,  although 
he  had  2,000  men  under  his  command.  The  enemy  adopted  Fabian 
^tactics,  and  when  the  Russians  pursued  hotly  they  turned  suddenly  round 
and  laid  many  of  them  low  with  a  shower  of  arrows.  Meanwhile  the 
bombardment  of  the  town  commenced,  and  a  lucky  Russian  cannon  ball 
killed  the  only  skilled  gunner  in  the  place.  Some  of  the  Lithuanian  and 
German  mercenaries  now  wished  to  make  an  assault,  but  were  rebuked 
by  the  weak-kneed  general,  who,  knowing  the  straits  his  army  was 
reduced  to  for  want  of  food,  and  perhaps  also  gained  over  by  Tartar 
bribes,  entered  into  negotiations  with  the  garrison  for  a  truce,  which  were 
gladly  seconded  by  the  Tartars.  The  siege  was  accordingly  raised. 
Herberstein  says  that  the  report  of  bribery  was  strengthened  by  the  fact 
that  a  Savoyard  was  caught  in  the  attempt  to  escape  to  the  enemy  with 
the  gUn  which  had  been  intrusted  to  him,  and  acknowledged  upon  close 

*  Op.  cit.,  ii.  70.  t  Herberstein,  if.  70.  I  Karamzin,  vii.  1S5, 166. 


examination  that  he  had  received  from  the  enemy  silver  money  and 
Tartar  goblets,  that  he  might  induce  many  to  desert  with  him,  and 
although  taken  in  so  manifest  a  crime,  a  heavy  punishment  was  not 
inflicted  on  him.*  The  Russian  army  carried  home  with  it  the  seeds  of 
disease  by  which  its  numbers  were  reduced  to  one-half.  Ivan  Belski, 
the  principal  Russian  commander,  was  disgraced,  but  afterwards 
pardoned,  on  the  solicitation  of  the  metropolitan;  and  the  Kazan  envoys 
went  on  to  Moscow  to  treat  for  peace. 

The  great  entrepot  of  trade  at  this  time  between  Russia  and  the  East 
was  at  the  Isle  of  Merchants  already  named,  where  great  fairs  were  held. 
Vasili  forbade  his  merchants  to  repair  there,  hoping  that  the  Tartars,  who 
bought  much  salt  from  the  Russians,  would  be  greatly  inconvenienced. 
He  fixed  a  new  site  for  the  fair  at  Makharief,  in  the  government  of 
Nijni  Novgorod,  a  sterile  place  where  there  had  been  an  old  monastery, 
founded  by  Macarius  of  Unya,  which  had  been  destroyed  by  the  Tartars 
in  the  reign  of  Vasili  the  Blind.  But  trade  is  a  fickle  mistress,  the 
merchants  refused  to  repair  thither,  and  the  effect  of  the  removal  was  to 
inflict  great  loss  on  the  Russians  themselves ;  "  for,"  says  Herberstein, 
"  it  produced  a  scarcity  and  dearness  in  many  articles  which  it  had  been 
the  custom  to  import  through  the  Caspian  Sea  from  Persia  and  Armenia, 
by  the  Volga  from  the  emporium  at  Astrakhan,  and  especially  of  the 
finer  kinds  of  fish,  among  which  was  the  belluga,  which  is  taken  in  the 
Volga  both  above  and  below  Kazan."t  The  fair  of  Makharief  lived  on, 
however,  and  eventually  became  one  of  the  most  famous  marts  in  the 
world,  and  the  mother  of  the  modern  fair  of  Nijni  Novgorod.  Let  us 
now  turn  once  more  to  Russia. 

Solomonia,  for  many  years  the  wife  of  Vasili,  had  borne  him  no 
children,  and  on  the  advice  of  his  boyards  he  determined  "  to  cut  down 
the  sterile  fig  tree  and  to  plant  another  in  its  place."  She  was  compelled 
by  force  to  take  the  veil  in  a  monastery  at  Suzdal.  She  declared 
confidently  that  God  would  avenge  her,  and  her  part  was  taken  by 
many  of  the  notables  and  clergy.  Although  his  wife  had  taken  the  veil, 
Vasili  was  still  married  in  the  eyes  of  the  church,  and  it  was  only  by  the 
pliant  aid  of  the  metropolitan  Daniel  that  the  difficulty  was  got  over, 
and  he  proceeded  to  marry  Helena,  the  daughter  of  the  refugee  Vasili 
Glinski.J  And  we  are  told  that  to  give  himself  the  airs  of  youth  he  had 
his  beard  shaved,  and  was  otherwise  rejuvenated.  We  now  find  Vasili 
in  communication  with  the  pope,  who  tried  to  tempt  him  by  the  off"er  of 
the  kingly  dignity  (which  it  was  the  pope's  prerogative  to  confer),  to  join 
in  a  crusade  against  the  Turks,  and  to  aid  in  the  union  of  the  Eastern 
and  Western  churches,  but  Vasili  replied  to  the  advance  with  courteous 
phrases  and  nothing  more. 

Meanwhile  the  Emperor  Maximilian  had  died  and  been  succeeded  by 

♦  Op.  cit.,  72.  t  Id.,  72,  73.  J  Id.,  173. 


Charles  V.,  and  we  read  how  embassies  passed  between  the  youthful 
kaizer  and  the  Grand  Prince.  Russia  was  also  in  close  communication 
with  the  Archduke  of  Austria,  whose  envoy  was  the  well  known  Baron 
Herberstein,  the  author  of  the  famous  description  of  Muscovy,  from 
which  I  shall  quote  largely  presently.  A  more  or  less  hollow  truce  was 
continued  with  Sigismund  of  Poland,  which  was  varied  by  perpetual 
treacheries,  jealousies,  and  border  raids.  In  this  period  of  great 
deeds  Sweden  was  also  rising  from  the  state  of  chaos  in  which  it  had 
long  rested.  This  was  under  the  famous  Gustavus  Vasa,  who  freed  his 
country  from  the  Danish  yoke  and  was  on  terms  of  amity  with  Vasili. 
The  latter  was  also  on  terms  of  cold  and  platonic  friendship  with  the 
Porte,  whose  merchants  made  their  way  to  Moscow. 

After  the  campaign  in  1524  the  envoys  of  Kazan  went  to  Moscow,  and 
a  hollow  peace  was  entered  into  which  lasted  for  a  few  years.    Safa  Girai 
bore  the  Russian  yoke  very  uneasily,  and  went  the  length  of  insulting  the 
envoy  of   the  Grand   Prince.      The   latter   probably  only  too   pleased 
to  have  a  pretext  for  revenging  his  former  ill  success,  in  the  spring  of 
1530  sent  an  army  against  Kazan.    This  was  as  before  divided  into  two 
portions,  one  went  by  the  Volga,  and  the  other,  commanded  by  the  Princes 
Ivan  Belski,  Michael  GUnski,  &c.,  by  land.      Safa  Girai  on  his  part 
prepared  for  a  brave  resistance.     He  was  joined  by  30,000  Nogais,  sent 
by  his  father-in-law  Mamai,  and  also  summoned  the  Cheremisses  to  his 
assistance.    To  protect  his  capital  he  constructed  a  wooden  palisade  and 
a  deep  ditch,  which  crossed  the  plain  of  Arsk  from  the  Bulak  to  the 
Kazanka,  while  he  enclosed   the  town  with  a  new  rampart  of  earth 
and  stones.    After  five  or  six  ineffectual  attacks,  the  Russian  cavalry 
was   joined    by  the    infantry,  which    had   gone   by   water.       A   con- 
tinuous struggle  followed,  but  the  Tartars,  who  fought  bravely  enough 
during  the  day  time,  became  very  lax  at  night,  and  some  of  the  young 
Russian  warriors  having  noticed  by  the  moonlight  that  the  sentinels  were 
asleep,  advanced  cautiously  to  the  palisades,  which  they  smeared  with 
^  resin  and  sulphur,  and  then  set  fire  to  them.    The  town  was  soon  girdled 
with  flame,  and  the  Russians  rushed  to  the  assault  amidst  the  smoke  and 
confusion.     They  speedily  won  the  environs,  and  plied  their  torches 
and  swords  with    effect.      Without    counting  those  who  perished  in 
the  flames,  60,000  Tartar  soldiers  and  citizens  thus  perished.    Among  the 
former  was  a  famous  Kazan  champion  called  Atalik,  who  had  laid  many 
a  Russian  low.     Safa  Girai  retired  to  the  town  of  Arsk,  but  meanwhile 
the  Russian  commanders  showed  so  little  vigilance  that  the  Cheremisses 
succeeded  in  capturing  their  baggage,  sixty-six  cannons,  and  a  great 
quantity  of  ammunition,  and  in  killing  the  princes  Obolenski  and  Dorogo- 
buiski,  and  other  persons  of  distinction.    The  Russians  proceeded  to  lay 
siege  to  Kazan,  which  had  barely  12,000  defenders,  but  Prince  Belski, 
whose  integrity  was  suspected,  consented  to  make  peace.     He  was 
Vasili's  nephew  on  his  mother's  side,  and  returned  to  Moscow,  where  his 


uncle,  much  irritated  at  his  pusillanimity,  ordered  him  to  be  put  to 
death.  He  was  only  saved  by  the  prayers  of  the  metropolitan.  He  was, 
however,  imprisoned,  and  three  years  later  he  is  again  found  in  command 
of  the  Russian  armies.* 

The  people  of  Kazan  now  sent  the  princes  Tagai,  Tevkel,  and  Ibrahim 
to  Moscow  to  offer  their  most  abject  submission  and  ask  for  pardon. 
Vasili  who  was  anxious  for  peace,  granted  them  terms  on  condition  that 
they  liberated  the  Russian  prisoners  and  restored  the  guns  and 
ammunition  which  had  been  captured  by  the  Cheremisses,  but  Safa  Girai 
seized  the  Russian  envoy  and  refused  to  sign  the  treaty  unless  the 
prisoners  and  cannon  captured  by  Prince  Belski  were  also  restored. 
The  boyards  having  communicated  this  news  to  the  Kazan  deputies, 
Prince  Tagai  replied,  "  We  have  already  heard  what  the  Khan  has  done, 
but  we  are  neither  liars  nor  perjurers.  The  will  of  heaven  and  of  the 
Grand  Prince  will  assuredly  be  accomplished.  The  most  distinguished 
of  our  countrymen  have  perished  in  fighting  or  are  overcome  with  stupor, 
Safa  Girai  rules  as  he  likes  with  his  Krim  Tartars  and  Nogais.  He 
arouses  excitement  by  raising  the  rumours  that  Russian  troops  are  on  the 
march,  and  his  perfidy  covers  us  with  confusion.  We  will  collect  our 
people  and  drive  him  away,  and  the  Grand  Prince  shall  give  us  a  new 
tzar."  The  boyards  replied  that  they  were  indifferent  who  ruled  at 
Kazan,  if  he  was  only  faithful  to  Russia.  "  Well  then,"  said  Tagai, 
"  recall  the  innocent  Shah  Ali,  victim  of  his  enemies,  and  let  him  return 
with  us  to  the  town  of  Vasili.  Thence  we  will  proclaim  to  the  Tartars 
of  Kazan,  to  the  Cheremisses  of  the  mountains  and  the  plain,  as  well  as 
to  the  princes  of  Arsk,  that  the  Grand  Prince  has  pardoned  us.  We  will 
tell  them  the  tzar  has  killed  us,  but  the  Grand  Prince  has  restored  us  to 
life  again.  The  Tartar  prisoners  who  languish  in  the  dungeons  of  Kazan, 
brave  relatives,  brothers,  and  friends  will  aid  us,  and  we  shall  secure 
eternal  peace."  Vasili  consented  accordingly  to  Shah  Ali  returning  with 
the  envoys.  Tagai  kept  his  word  faithfully.  He  wrote  a  letter  to  his 
co-citizens,  aroused  a  rebellion,  and  deposed  Safa  Girai,  who  in  a . 
transport  of  rage  had  ordered  all  the  Russians  imprisoned  at  Kazan  to 
be  put  to  death.  He  was  told  to  withdraw  without  delay.  His  wife  was 
sent  back  to  her  father  Mamai,  and  in  the  tumult  which  ensued,  several 
Nogais  and  Krim  Tartars,  favourites  of  Safa  Girai,  were  killed.  The 
Princess  Gorkhanda,  sister  of  Muhammed  Amin,  was  one  of  the 
principal  movers  in  the  revolution,  and  the  chief  priest,  the  ughlans, 
princes,  and  murzas  hastened  to  acquaint  Vasili  with  the  banishment  of 
Safa  Girai,  and  asked  him  to  nominate  in  his  place  not  Shah  Ali,  whose 
vengeance  they  feared,  but  Jan  Ali,  his  brother,  who  was  then  lord  of 
Meschersk  (?>.,  Khan  of  Kasimof),  a  request  to  which  Vasili  acceded.t 

Karamzin,  vii.  igo-192.  t  Karamzin,  vii.  192-194. 

JAN  ALI   KHAN.  393 

JAN    ALI    KHAN. 

Jan  Ali  set  out  for  Kazan,  accompanied  by  a  numerous  suite,  and  he 
was  duly  installed  on  the  throne  by  the  Russian  deputy  Morozof,  amidst 
the  apparent  rejoicings  of  the  murzas  and  people,  who  duly  swore 
allegiance  to  their  new  ruler.  Vasili  was  so  pleased  with  their  behaviour 
that  he  ceded  to  them  the  cannons,  &c.,  which  they  had  captured  in  the 
former  campaign.* 

In  the  spring  of  1533  Appai  Ughlan,  and  Kadush,  brothers  of  Prince 
Otushef,  Kutlugh  Pulad,  Prince  of  Gorodetz,  and  Evdek  Bakshi,  went  to 
Ivan  soliciting  on  behalf  of  Jan  Ali,  the  Prince  Taba,  the  ughlans,  the 
princes,  the  karachis,  and  the  people,  permission  for  Jan  Ali  to  marry  the 
daughter  of  the  Nogai  Prince  Yusuf,  "  who  would  secure  him  peace  with 
this  powerful  horde."  Vasili  gave  his  consent  to  the  match.t  Shah  Ali 
did  not  acquiesce  willingly  in  his  brother's  good  fortune.  Since  his  own 
deposition  in  1521  he  had  lived  in  Russia,  and  probably  at  Moscow. 
On  the  promotion  of  Jan  Ali  to  Kazan,  he  was  given  the  towns  of 
Koshira  and  Serpukhof  as  an  appanage,  where  he  had  a  retinue 
of  ughlans,  princes,  murzas,  &c.,  drawn  from  his  old  Khanate  cf 
Kazan.l  He  seems  to  have  intrigued  with  the  Kazan  Tartars  to  displace 
his  brother,  and  was  thereupon  deprived  of  his  appanage  and  banished 
to  Bielozersk.§    Let  us  turn  once  more  to  Russia. 

The  year  1531  was  marked  as  an  epoch  in  Russian  history  by  the 
birth  of  the  famous  tzar  Ivan  Vasilivitch,  otherwise  known  as  Ivan  IV.  or 
the  Terrible.  Popular  tradition  says  that  his  birth  was  attended  by 
thunder  and  lightning,  an  omen  which  was  favourably  interpreted  by  the 
priesthood,  who  here  filled  the  office  of  the  augurs  at  Rome.  The  news  was 
received  with  great  joy  throughout  Russia,  and  an  amnesty  was  granted 
to  distinguished  pohtical  prisoners.  The  various  towns  sent  deputations 
to  congratulate  the  Grand  Prince.  Hermits  issued  from  their  cells  to 
^ve  the  little  stranger  their  blessing,  and  were  admitted  to  the  royal 
table,  and  Vasili  had  some  magnificent  reliquaries  made  in  honour  of 
Saint  Peter  and  Saint  Andrew,  the  two  patrons  of  Moscow.  At  this  time 
he  received  embassies  from  Peter,  the  voivode  of  Moldavia,  who  showed 
such  a  bold  front  to  the  Poles,  Lithuanians,  and  Tauridans,  all  enemies 
of  Russia,  from  the  princes  of  Astrakhan,  and  the  murzas  of  the  Nogais. 
The  most  interesting  of  the  envoys  came,  however,  from  Baber,  the 
founder  of  the  Mongol  empire  in  Hindostan,  who  sent  Khese  Husein  to 
arrange  that  his  envoys  and  merchants  with  their  wares  might  have  access 
to  Muscovy,  and  vice  versd.  Vasili  responded  favourably  to  these 
advances,  but  the  chronicler  says  he  did  not  give  Baber  the  style  of 

♦  Id,,,  vii.  195.  t  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  $3.    Karamzin,  vii.  195. 

X  Vel.  Zern.,  i.  56,  57.    Notes,  95,  g6.  §  Id.    Note,  97.    Karamzin,  vii.  196. 



brother,  not  knowing  whether  he  was  an  independent  sovereign  or  only 
the  administrator  of  the  Indian  realms.* 

Soon  after  this  Vasili  fell  ill,  and  having  appointed  his  son  Ivan,  who 
was  but  three  years  old,  his  heir,  with  Helena  as  his  guardian  till  he  was 
fifteen  years  old,  and  having  donned  the  habit  of  a  monk  and  adopted 
the  monkish  name  of  Varlam,  he  died  on  the  3rd  of  November,  1533. 

He  was  a  prudent  sovereign,  who  enlarged  the  power  and  resources  of 
Russia  very  considerably,  and  although  not  a  genius  he  did  not,  on  the 
other  hand,  leave  his  successors  either  the  duty  or  glory  of  remedying  his 
mistakes.t  His  hand  was  heavy  on  those  who  committed  offences,  either 
verbal  or  in  act,  against  the  throne.  "  For,"  as  Karamzin  says,  "  in  that 
age,  clemency  was  interpreted  as  weakness,  and  a  pardoned  fault  easily 
became  no  fault  at  all  in  the  eyes  of  the  people."  Among  the  illustrious 
men  at  Vasili's  court  was  a  famous  monk  of  Mount  Athos,  known  as 
Maximus  the  Greek,  who  was  widely  known  for  his  learning.  He  became 
the  centre  of  literary  culture  in  Russia,  but  thereby  incurred  the  jealousy 
of  the  clergy,  and  eventually  won  the  displeasure  of  Vasili  by  dis- 
approving of  his  divorce.  He  was  imprisoned  in  a  monastery  at  Tuer, 
on  a  charge  of  having  falsely  interpreted  the  Scriptures. i  Vasili 
increased  the  pomp  of  his  court,  and  was  fond  of  magnificent  display ; 
and  in  his  intercourse  with  foreign  princes  he  styled  himself  Tzar 
and  sovereign  of  all  the  Russias,  Grand  Prince  of  Vladimir,  Moscow, 
Novgorod,  Pskof,  Smolensk,  Tuer,  Yugoria,  Permia,  Viatka,  Bulgaria, 
&c.,  Monarch  and  Grand  Prince  of  Novgorod-Severski,  Chernigof, 
Riazan,  Volok,  Kief,  Belsk,  Rostof,  Yaroslavl,  Bielozersk,  Udoria, 
Obdoria,  Condia,  &c.§  He  was  the  first  to  summon  German  doctors  to 
Russia,  and  otherwise  encouraged  scientific  men  to  settle  there,  and 
published  some  judicious  laws  and  ordinances.  Inter  alia  having 
received  many  complaints  about  the  ill  deeds  of  his  judges  at  Novgorod, 
he  appointed  that  forty-eight  sworn  assessors  should  be  elected  and  sit 
with  them ;  "  a  privilege,"  Karamzin  says,  "  which  was  obtained  by  the 
free  citizens  of  Novgorod  on  account  of  their  iterated  complaints,  whik 
the  inhabitants  of  other  parts  of  Russia,  who  were  too  much  accustomed 
to  this  kind  of  injustice,  remained  silent."  ||  Vasili  had  the  wooden 
ramparts  of  several  towns  replaced  by  brick  walls.  Those  at  Nijni 
Novgorod  still  remains,  as  does  the  church  of  Saint  Nicholas  Gostimski 
in  the  KremUn,  which  was  his  work. 

His  reign  was  also  marked  by  various  ecclesiastical  reforms.  Com- 
munity of  goods  was  introduced  into  the  monasteries  of  Novgorod,  and  it 
was  appointed  that  nunneries  should  be  presided  over  by  women  and  not 
by  male  abbots.  The  Laps  of  the  Neva  and  the  Kandalagian  gulf,  as 
well  as  those  of  Kola,  were  baptised  at  their  own  request,  and  became  in 

*  Karamzin,  vii.  300.  +  Id.,  218.  \  Id.,  225.  {  Id.,  332. 

\  Id.,  234. 

JAN  ALI   KHAN.  395 

name  at  least  Christians.*  On  another  side  we  find  the  Greek  church  of 
Byzantium  oppressed  and  down-trodden  by  the  Turks,  and  leaning  for 
sympathy  and  succour  on  Moscow,  whence  monetary  aid  was  forwarded 
to  it.  We  ought  not  to  forget,  while  making  our  somewhat  limited 
survey,  that  the  reign  of  Vasili  was  a  famous  epoch  in  history,  marked 
elsewhere  by  such  renowned  sovereigns  as  Leo  X.  at  Rome,  Maximilian 
and  Charles  V.  in  Germany,  Louis  XIL  and  Francis  L  in  France,  Sehm 
and  Suliman  in  Turkey,  Henry  VI IL  in  England,  Gustavus  Vasa  in 
Sweden,  and  Sigismund  in  Poland.  Lastly,  it  was  the  age  of  Luther, 
whose  position  and  arguments  were  not  favourably  received  in  Russia, 
where  Maximus  the  Greek  wrote  a  discourse  on  "The  Heresy  of 

The  church,  like  the  other  institutions  of  the  empire,  was  becoming 
more  and  more  a  department  of  the  State.    The  metropoHtan,  instead  of 
being  elected  as  formerly  by  an   assembly  of   archbishops,   bishops, 
abbots,  and  priors,  was  chosen  by  the  tzar  himself.    The  metropoHtan 
Bartholomew  resigned  his  office  rather  than  submit  to  be  dragged  at  his 
heels,  and  was  replaced  by  a  young  ecclesiastic  named  Daniel,  whose 
character  may  be  gathered  from  a  story  told  by  Herberstein,  "  that  being 
corpulent  and  having  a  red  face,  he  used  to  expose  himself  to  the  fumes 
of  sulphur,  and  thus  make  himself  pale  before  appearing  in  public,  so 
that  he  might  simulate  at  least  the  appearance  of  austerity  .J    Under  the 
metropolitan  were  the  archbishops  of  Magrici  (?)  and  Rostof,  and  the 
bishops  of  Tuer,  Riazan,  Smolensk,  Permia,  Suzdal,  Kolomna,  Chernigof, 
and  Serai. §     No  one  could  become  a  deacon,  and  a  fortiori  a  priest  in 
Russia  unless  he  was  married,  and  they  were  often  married  and  ordained 
deacons  at  the  same  time.     When  the  wife  of  a  priest  died  he  was 
suspended  from  his  functions,  while  he  lived  in  chastity  he  might  serve 
in  the  choir ;  but  no  widower  could  administer  the  sacraments  unless  he 
entered  a  monastery  and  hved  according  to  rule.     If  he  married  again 
he  ceased  to  have  anything  in  common  with  the  clergy.     A  priest  could 
4>ot  administer  the  sacrament,  or  baptise,  or  perform  any  other  duty 
unless  a  deacon  were  present.     For  secular  offences,  such  as  theft  and 
drunkenness,  the    priests    were    punished    by  the    secular    arm,    and 
Herberstein  says  he  saw  some  priests   at   Moscow  publicly  whipped, 
whose  only  complaint  was  that  they  were  beaten  by  slaves  and  not  by 
gentlemen.  ||    Except  the  bishoprics  and  monasteries,  the  church  was  badly 
endowed,  and  the  priests  had  but  a  scanty  income.    There  was  only  one 
altar  in  each  church,  nor  was  service  performed  at  it  more  than  once 
a  day.    The  priests  were  only  bound  to  perform  three  services  weekly. 
They  wore  the  same  dress  as  the  laity,  except  a  small  skull  cap  to  cover 
the  tonsure  and  a  broad  hat  to  keep  off  the  heat  and  rain,  or  else  an 

*  Id.,  238,  239.  t  Id.,  247-  I  Op.  cit.,  i,  54.  §  U.,  55. 

II  I^^^  56. 


oblong  beaver  hat  of  a  grey  colour,  and  they  carried  staves  called 
possoch.  The  heads  of  monasteries  were  styled  archimandrites  (abbots) 
and  hegumens  (/.<?.,  abbots).  The  life  in  the  monasteries  was  an  austere 
one ;  no  harps  or  musical  instruments  were  allowed  there,  and  the  inmates 
abstained  entirely  from  meat.  There  were  also  many  hermits,  who,  like 
St.  Simeon  Stilites,  raised  their  small  cells  on  columns,  and  were  called 
stolpinki,  from  stolp,  a  column.  The  archbishops,  bishops,  and  abbots 
wore  round  black  mitres.  The  bishop  of  Novgorod,  however,  used  a 
white  two-horned  one  after  the  Roman  fashion.  Their  dress  was  hke 
that  of  the  monks,  except  that  it  was  sometimes  made  of  silk,  especially 
the  black  pallium,  with  three  stripes  waving  like  the  flowing  of  a  river, 
from  the  breast  in  every  direction,  to  signify  that  from  their  mouth  and 
heart  flowed  streams  of  the  doctrine  of  faith  and  good  works.*  The 
bishop  of  Novgorod  wore  a  white  pallium. 

The  policy  of  the  previous  few  reigns  had  concentrated  a  terrible 
power  in  the  hands  of  the  Grand  Prince.  The  lives  and  fortunes  of  laymen 
and  clerics,  of  lords  and  commonalty,  were  equally  at  his  command, 
says  Herberstein.  He  was  ignorant  of  contradiction,  and  everything  he 
did  seemed  right  and  just,  for  the  Russians  believed  the  Grand  Prince  to 
be  the  executor  of  the  divine  will,  and  called  him  God's  key-bearer  and 
chamberlain.  "  God  and  the  Great  Prince  know  "  was  a  common  phrase 
with  them,  and  he  adds,  "  It  is  matter  of  doubt  whether  the  brutality  of 
the  people  has  made  the  prince  a  tyrant,  or  whether  the  people  them- 
selves have  become  thus  brutal  and  cruel  through  the  tyranny  of  their 
prince."t  It  was  not  only  a  moral  force  he  could  command,  but 
he  also  had  probably  the  most  imposing  army  in  Europe,  consisting  of 
300,000  boyard-followers  and  60,000  peasant  soldiers,  who  marched  under 
a  banner  on  which  was  represented  Joshua  staying  the  course  of  the 
sun.  The  armature  of  this  force  is  interesting,  and  I  will  take  the 
description  from  Herberstein.  He  says  : — "  They  have  small  gelded 
horses,  unshod  and  with  very  light  bridles,  and  their  saddles  are  so 
adapted  that  they  may  turn  round  in  any  direction  without  impediment^ 
and  draw  the  bow.  They  sit  on  horseback  with  the  feet  so  drawn  up 
that  they  cannot  sustain  any  more  than  a  commonly  severe  shock  from  a 
spear  or  javelin.  Very  few  use  spurs,  but  most  use  the  whip,  which 
always  hangs  from  the  little  finger  of  the  right  hand,  so  that  they  may 
lay  hold  of  it  and  use  it  as  often  as  they  need,  and  if  they  have  occasion 
to  use  their  arms  they  let  it  fall  again,  so  as  to  hang  from  the  hand. 
Their  ordinary  arms  are  a  bow,  a  javelin,  a  hatchet,  a  stick  like  a  csestus, 
which  is  called  in  Russian  kesteni,_  in  Polish  bassalich.  The  more  noble 
and  wealthy  men  use  a  lance.  They  have  also  suspended  from  their 
arm  oblong  poignards  Hke  knives,  which  are  so  buried  in  the  scabbard 
that  they  can  scarcely  touch  the  tip  of  the  hilt  or  lay  hold  of  them  in  the 

*  Id.,  58,  59.  t  U.,  32. 

JAN  ALI   KHAN.  397 

moment  of  necessity.  They  have  also  a  Ion?:  bridle,  perforated  at  the 
end,  which  they  attach  to  a  finger  on  the  left  hand,  so  that  they  may  hold 
it  at  the  same  time  as  they  use  the  bow.  Moreover,  although  they  hold  the 
bridle,  the  bow,  the  short  sword,  and  the  javelin  in  their  hands  at  the 
same  time,  yet  they  know  how  to  use  them  skilfully  without  feeling  any 

"  Some  of  the  higher  classes  use  a  coat  of  mail,  beautifully  worked  on 
the  breast  with  a  sort  of  scales  and  with  rings  ;  some  few  use  a  helmet 
of  a  peak  form,  like  a  pyramid ;  some  a  dress  stuffed  with  wool,  to 
enable  them  to  sustain  any  blows.     They  also  use  pikes." 

Herberstein  tells  us  "the  Russians  employed  cavalry  almost  exclusively 
in  their  fights.  In  this  and  their  tactics  they  clearly  imitated  the  Tartars, 
among  whom  sudden  rushes  and  surprises  formed  the  main  element  of 
warfare.  They  employed  cannon  in  sieges,  but  had  no  field  pieces. 
They  were  very  impetuous  in  the  first  charge,  but  their  valour  did  not 
hold  out  long,  for  they  seem,"  he  says,  "  as  if  they  would  give  a  hint  to 
the  enemy  as  much  as  to  say,  '  if  you  don't  flee,  we  must.'  They  seldom,'? 
he  adds,  "take  a  city  by  storm  or  by  a  sudden  assault,  but  prefer  a  long 
siege  and  to  reduce  the  people  to  surrender  by  hunger  or  by  treachery."^ 
In  contrasting  the  Russian  soldier  with  the  Tartar,  he  says,  "The 
Russian  when  he  once  takes  to  flight  thinks  there  is  no  safety  but 
what  flight  may  secure  him,  and  if  captured  neither  defends  himself  nor 
asks  for  quarter.  The  Tartar,  on  the  contrary,  if  he  be  thrown  from  his 
horse  and  stripped  of  all  his  weapons,  and  be  even  very  severely 
wounded,  will  generally  defend  himself  with  his  hands,  feet,  and  teeth, 
when  and  how  he  can,  as  long  as  he  has  any  breath  in  his  body."t  The 
Russian  camps  were  very  large.  The  chief  officers  alone  had  tents.  The 
soldiers  made  themselves  huts  of  wattles  and  wrappers.  Nor  did  they 
fortify  their  camps  with  either  ditches  or  an  array  of  chariots.  The  fare 
of  the  soldiers  was  very  poor.  Each  man  carried  his  own  provisions, 
consisting  of  ground  millet,  salt  pork,  some  salt,  and  occasionally  a  little 
jpork.  This  was  eked  out  with  fruits,  onions,  garlick,  and  other  herbs. 
They  relied  more  on  numbers  than  personal  bravery,  and  avoided  close 
encounters  if  possible,  endeavouring  either  to  circumvent  or  surround 
their  enemy.  They  had  a  great  many  trumpeters,  and  used  another  kind 
of  musical  instrument  called  surun,  which  they  blew  for  an  hour 
incessantly.  They  wore  short  boots  of  a  reddish  colour,  with  the  soles 
protected  by  iron  nails,  while  their  shirts  were  ornamented  round  the 
neck  with  various  colours,  fastened  with  necklaces  or  with  silver  or 
copper  gilt  beads  with  clasps.  Like  the  Tartars,  they  were  fond  of 
wresthng  and  boxing  matches,  in  which  the  feet  as  well  as  the  hands 
were  freely  used  and  very  great  violence  displayed.  The  Russian 
punishments  were  of  a  cruel  and  barbarous  kind.     Thieves  when  caught 

*  Id.,  97.  t  ^d.,  98. 


had  their  heels  broken ;  they  were  then  allowed  to  rest  for  two  or  three 
days  until  they  swelled,  when  they  were  made  to  walk  again."  As  among 
most  barbarous  nations,  the  women  were  badly  treated.  "  They  consider 
no  woman  virtuous,"  says  Herberstein,  "  unless  she  live  shut  up  at  home 
and  be  so  closely  guarded  that  she  go  out  nowhere.  At  home  the 
women  did  nothing  but  spin  and  sew,  and  had  no  authority  in  the  house, 
all  the  domestic  work  being  done  by  servants.  They  held  unclean  all 
animals  strangled  by  a  woman's  hands.  Women  were  seldom  admitted 
to  churches,  and  still  more  seldom  to  friendly  meetings,  unless  they  were 
very  old  and  free  from  suspicion ;  on  certain  holidays,  however,  they 
were  allowed,  as  a  special  gratification,  to  meet  in  very  pleasant  meadows, 
where  they  sat  themselves  on  a  kind  of  wheel  of  fortune  and  were  moved 
alternately  up  and  down,  or  sat  in  swings,  and  otherwise  made  merry 
with  clapping  of  hands  and  singing,  but  no  dancing."  Surely  a  very 
ingenuous  way  of  amusing  themselves,  which  would  hardly  be  appreciated 
by  our  blas6  beauties.  Herberstein  has  a  well  known  story  of  a  German 
blacksmith  who  had  married  in  Russia,  and  whose  wife  asked  him  one 
day  why  he  did  not  love  her.  The  husband  replied  that  he  did  so 
passionately.  She  said  in  reply  she  had  not  had  any  proofs  of  il  since 
he  had  never  beaten  her.  He  promised  he  would  not  in  future  fail  in 
this  respect,  and  not  long  after  he  beat  her  most  unmercifully,  and  con- 
fessed to  Herberstein  that  in  consequence  his  wife  loved  him  much  more 
than  formerly.  So  he  repeated  the  exercise  frequently,  and  finally,  while 
the  envoy  was  still  at  Moscow,  he  cut  off  her  head  and  legs  !!!* 

Marriages  were  arranged  between  the  parents,  and  the  young  people 
did  not  see  one  another  before  they  were  united.  "  Learn  what  she  is 
from  others  who  have  known  her,"  was  the  reply  of  parents  to  inquisitive 
bridegrooms.  All  the  gifts  presented  to  the  pair  at  the  wedding,  or  their 
value  duly  appraised,  had  to  be  returned  to  the  givers,  sworn  appraisers 
being  actually  employed  in  disputed  cases,  so  that  marriage  presents 
were  purely  a  conventional  form  of  civility  and  cost  nothing.  The  whole 
country  was  cankered  with  that  corrupt  bureaucracy  which  is  still  its^ 
bane,  and  the  poor  and  the  helpless  had  everywhere  to  go  to  the  wall, 
while  the  meekness  of  the  suffering  class  was  only  relieved  by  servility 
and  meanness.  It  is  no  bad  proof  of  degradation  that  the  term 
Krestianes,  by  which  the  proud  Mussulmans  designated  the  despised 
Christians,  should  have  been  the  generic  name  given  by  the  Russian 
grandees  themselves  to  the  humble  classes.  Surely  an  astounding 
perversion  of  the  name  Christian.  Justice  was  then  as  now  bartered  to 
the  richest.  As  a  judge  once  told  Vasili,  "  Sire,  I  always  believe  a  rich 
man  rather  than  a  poor  one."t 

Torture  was  applied  with  great  cruelty  to  extract  confessions;  splinters 
were  driven  under  the  nails,  or  frozen  water  allowed  to  fall  drop  by  drop 

*  Id.,  94,  95.  t  Karamzin,  vii.  353. 

JAN  ALI  KHAN.  399 

on  the  head  and  other  parts  of  the  body.  These,  as  well  as  the  knout, 
the  patriotic  Karamzin  assigns  to  the  influence  of  the  Tartars.*  Com- 
merce was  flourishing.  The  Poles  and  Lithuanians  trafficked  at 
Moscow,  the  Swedes,  Danes,  and  Germans  at  Novgorod,  the  Turks  and 
other  Asiatics  at  the  famous  fair  formerly  held  at  Kholop.t  Furs  and 
honey  were  the  chief  Russian  products  exported,  while  the  silks  and 
spices  of  the  East  were  cheaper  there  than  in  Germany.  Kaluga  was 
famous  for  its  wooden  articles,  Murom  for  its  fish,  Pereislavl  for  its 
herrings,  and  Salovski  for  its  salt ;  but  the  enterprise  of  the  mer- 
chants was  crippled  by  having  no  outlet  into  the  ocean  ;  the  White  Sea 
being  the  only  exit  they  had,  and  this  had  a  very  dangerous  and 
uncertain  navigation.  Silver  money  was  struck  at  Moscow,  Novgorod, 
Tuer,  and  Pskof.  The  money  of  Moscow,  Herberstein  says,  was  not 
round  but  of  an  oval  form,  and  called  deng.  On  one  side  was  an 
inscription,  on  the  other  formerly  a  rose,  but  when  he  wrote  a  man  on 
horseback.  A  hundred  of  these  dengas  made  a  Hungarian  gold  piece, 
six  dengs  made  an  altin,  twenty  a  grifna,  a  hundred  a  poltin,  and  two 
hundred  a  rouble.  The  coin  of  Novgorod  was  double  that  of  Moscow  in 
value.  They  also  had  copper  coins  called  polani,  sixty  of  these  went  to 
a  deng.  They  had  no  gold  money.  They  exported  furs  and  wax  to 
Germany ;  leather  and  narwhal  teeth  to  Lithuania  and  Turkey ;  saddles, 
bridles,  cloth,  and  leather  into  Tartary.j  Arms  or  iron  were  only 
exported  to  places  on  the  east  and  north  by  stealth.  The  posts  were  well 
regulated.  This  was  doubtless  a  Tartar  heritage,  and  notwithstanding 
the  very  bad  roads,  we  are  told  that  the  journey  from  Novgorod  to 
Moscow,  of  542  versts,  was  performed  in  sixty-two  hours,  while  travellers 
paid  six  dengas  for  each  ten  versts. § 

Moscow  was  a  very  large  place  for  those  days.  In  1520  it  contained 
41,500  houses.  The  Kremlin  was  alone  called  the  city ;  round  it  were 
grouped  the  large  wooden  palaces  of  the  greater  clergy  and  the  nobles. 
Most  of  the  churches  were  also  built  of  wood.  The  shops  were  arranged 
pi  bazaars  or  Gostinoi  dvor,  as  they  are  to  this  day.  In  winter  corn, 
meat,  hay,  wood,  See,  were  sold  on  the  ice  on  the  frozen  Moskwa.  The 
ancient  Russian  proverb,  that  a  man  buys  with  open  eyes  (/.^,  "caveat 
emptor")  shows  that  chicane  and  over-reaching  were  then  as  now  the  laws 
of  commerce,  while  usury  was  rampant,  and  twenty  per  cent,  was 
deemed  moderate.  Slavery  was  general  in  Russia,  says  Herberstein, 
and  the  lords  styled  themselves  slaves  of  the  monarch.  ||  These  serfs 
were  chiefly  debtors,  prisoners  of  war,  men  who  had  been  bought, 
and  their  descendants.  Karamzin  tells  us  the  condition  of  the  free 
peasants  was  much  worse  than  that  of  the  serfs,  and  the  latter  when 
manumitted  often  sold  themselves  again.  They  farmed  the  lands  of  the 
gentry,  giving  labour  in  lieu  of  money  for  rent ;  and  so  exacting  were  the 

=*  Id.,  254.         t  Id.t  253.  I  Herberstein,  112,  §  Id.,  108.         |i  Karamzin,  vii.  264. 


latter  that  the  peasants  had  only  two  days  a  week  left  for  their  own  use. 
They  were  terribly  oppressed  and  poor.  The  old  man  had  to  work  for 
his  bread  like  the  young.  Thus  the  class  of  serfs  was  largely  recruited  ; 
for  thus  only  could  the  poor  secure  attention  when  ill  or  old,  with  a 
provision  for  their  families. 

The  peasants,  Karamzin  says,  had  no  rights  in  the  land  ;  they  enjoyed 
personal  liberty  and  their  own  chattels,  but  the  land  belonged  from  time 
immemorial  to  the  princes,  boyards,  warriors,  and  merchants,  who 
farmed  it  out  to  the  free  peasants. 

Having  thus  given  a  picture  of  Russia  at  the  period  of  its  emancipation 
from  Tartar  influences,  we  must  on  with  our  story. 

On  the  death  of  Vasili  he  was  succeeded  by  his  eldest  son,  the  famous 
Ivan  IV.,  better  known  as  Ivan  the  Terrible,  during  whose  infancy  the 
affairs  of  the  State  was  controlled  by  a  council  of  regency.  One  of  the 
first  acts  of  the  new  reign  was  to  enter  into  a  fresh  treaty  with  Kazan,  by 
which  Jan  AH  and  his  people  recognised  the  suzerainty  of  Russia.*  This 
good  feeling  was,  however,  of  very  short  duration.  The  Tartars  were 
naturally  irritated  at  their  dependence  on  the  Russians,  whom  they 
looked  upon  as  infidels,  and  Sahib  Girai  used  this  feehng  for  furthering 
his  intrigues.  They  no  doubt  also  thought  the  minority  of  the  Grand 
Prince  a  good  opportunity  to  further  their  ends.  Headed  by  the  tzarina 
Kofgorshad,  Prince  Pulad,  and  the  various  ughlans  and  princes,  they  rose 
in  rebellion  against  Jan  Ali,  and  having  dethroned  him,  put  him  to  death 
on  the  banks  of  the  Kazanka.    This  was  in  September,  I535.t 

SAFA    GIRAI    KHAN    (Second  Reign). 

The  conspirators  recalled  Safa  Girai  from  the  Krim,  and  he 
married  the  widow  of  Jan  Ali,  the  daughter  of  the  Nogai  Prince  Yusuf. 
This  revolution  was  apparently  not  joined  in  by  all  the  Kazan  Tartars. 
A  considerable  number  of  them,  representing  no  doubt  the  partizansof 
Russia,  were  opposed  to  it.  News  arrived  that  some  of  this  section,  num- 
bering about  five  hundred,  had  repaired  to  the  Volga,  and  sent  to  ask  the 
Grand  Prince  to  support  them  and  to  nominate  Shah  Ali,  who  was  still  in 
confinement  at  Bielozersk,  as  Khan  of  Kazan.  He  was  accordingly 
summoned  to  Moscow,  where  he  had  a  very  stately  reception.  He  went 
with  his  wife  Fatima,  and  on  being  presented  to  the  Grand  Prince,  who 
was  then  but  six  years  old,  and  was  seated  on  his  throne,  he  fell  on  his 
knees  and  addressed  him  amidst  tears  : — 

"  Your  father,  the  Grand  Prince  Vasili  Ivanovitch,  showed  me  great 
kindness  when  I  was  but  a  boy,  treated  me  as  a  father  treats  his  son, 
gave  me  Kazan,  made  me  a  tzar,  and  otherwise  showed  me  his  goodwill. 

•  Karamzin,  vii.  316.  t  Vel,  Zcrn.,  i.    Note,  99.    Karamziu,  vii.  328. 




Through  my  fault  strife  arose  at  Kazan  between  the  princes  and  the 
people,  and  I  had  to  return  again  to  your  father  at  Moscow.  He  again 
supported  me  and  gave  me  towns  as  an  appanage,  when  through  pride 
and  perfidy  I  again  behaved  ill  to  him.  God  did  not  pardon  my  fault 
and  your  father  sent  me  into  banishment.  Now  you,  my  liege 
remembering  your  father's  goodwill  towards  me,  have  overlooked  my 
ill-doing,  and  God  has  put  it  into  your  heart  to  again  befriend  me."  On 
hearing  these  words  Ivan  raised  Shah  Ali  from  the  floor,  kissed  him  and 
offered  him  a  seat  beside  him,  robed  him  in  a  rich  pelisse,  and  then 
dismissed  him  to  his  lodgings.  The  Khan  requested  permission  to  be 
presented  to  Ivan's  mother  Helena,  who  granted  him  an  audience  at 
the  palace  of  St.  Lazarus,  where  she  received  him  very  graciously, 
surrounded  by  the  principal  boyards  and  court  officials  and  their  wives. 
Ivan  went  to  meet  him  in  the  vestibule,  and  presented  him  to  his  mother. 
Shah  Ali  prostrated  himself  with  his  head  on  the  floor,  and  repeated  his 
self-accusation,  and  his  gratitude  for  the  princesses'  favour,  and  protested 
his  own  faithfulness  in  future.  He  envied  the  fate  of  Jan  Ali,  his  brother, 
who  had  died  for  the  Grand  Prince,  and  hoped  that  a  similar  fate  for 
himself  might  efface  the  traces  of  his  crime.  Feodor  Karpof,  one  of  the 
great  officials,  answered  for  his  mistress,  and  said;  "  Tzar  Shah  Ah,  the 
Grand  Prince  Vasili  banished  you.  We  and  our  son  Ivan  have  absolved 
and  pardoned  you  your  fault.  Be  worthy  of  this  high  favour.  We  will 
forget  the  past  in  the  presence  of  your  oath  of  fidelity."  After  this  Shah 
Ali  withdrew.  His  wife  Fatima  was  afterwards  received  in  state,  the 
ladies  of  the  court  assisting  her  to  descend  from  her  sledge.  Helena 
welcomed  her  at  the  vestibule,  and  the  Grand  Prince  saluted  her  in  the 
Tartar  fashion.  She  afterwards  dined  at  the  same  table  with  the  regent 
Helena,  while  Ivan  and  the  boyards  ate  in  another  apartment.  The 
chronicles  give  the  names  of  the  various  noble  ladies  who  took  part  in 
the  banquet.  The  grandees  of  the  court  acted  as  waiters,  and  Prince 
Repnin  filled  the  office  of  cup-bearer  to  Fatima.  At  the  close  of  the 
banquet,  as  was  usual,  Helena  presented  the  tzarina  with  a  cup.  Never, 
according  to  the  annalists,  had  there  ever  been  such  a  great  feast  at 

The  section  ot  Tartars  who  disapproved  of  Safa  Girai  were  not 
successful  in  their  conspiracy,  and  the  Russians,  having  received  an 
insolent  letter  from  him,  the  princes  Gundurof  and  Zamuizki  were 
ordered  to  march  against  them ;  but  they  retired  at  the  sight  of  the 
Tartars,  while,  the  latter  overran  and  plundered  the  province  of  Nijni 
Novgorod,  and  defeated  the  people  of  Balakhna  who  opposed  them.  The 
Russian  generals  came  face  to  face  with  the  Tartars  near  Liskof,  but 
neither  side  seemed  anxious  to  come  to  blows,  and  both  sides  at  night- 
fall retired  in  opposite  directions.    The  two  Russian  generals  were  super- 

*  Vel.  Zern.,  i.  60-63.     Karamzin,  vii.  329-331. 
2  C 


seded  and  imprisoned,  and  their  successors  defeated  a  body  of  Tartars 
and  Cheremisses  near  Koriakof.  The  prisoners  were  sent  to  Moscow, 
and  there  condemned  as  traitors  and  rebels,  and  were  all  put  to  death.* 
Safa  Girai  was  also  supported  by  his  uncle  Sahib  Girai,  the  Khan  of 
Krim,  who,  in  a  letter  written  in  1538,  menaced  the  Russians  with  his 
vengeance  if  they  should  dare  to  interfere  with  the  affairs  of  Kazan.t 

The  Tartars  of  Kazan  continued  to  molest  the  Russian  frontiers.  The 
Russian  general  Zassekin  was  killed  in  a  fight  with  them  between  Galitch 
and  Kostroma,  and  in  January,  1537,  Safa  Girai  in  person  approached 
Murof,  whose  environs  he  burnt,  but  he  retired  rapidly  when  the  Russian 
standards  came  in  sight.  Peace  was  at  length  secured  by  Safa  Girai 
acknowledging  himself  a  Russian  subject.    This  was  in  1538.I 

In  December,  1540,  Safa  Girai  is  again  found  marching  upon  the 
Russian  borders,  encouraged  apparently  by  his  uncle  Sahib  Girai.  His 
army  comprised  Kazan  and  Krim  Tartars  and  Nogais,  and  proceeded  to 
attack  Murom,  which  was  bravely  defended  by  its  garrison.  Prince 
Dimitri  JBelzki  set  out  from  Vladimir  to  its  assistance,  and  was  joined  by 
Shah  Ali  with  the  Tartars  of  Kasimof.  The  latter  attacked  the  Nogais 
who  had  plundered  the  neighbouring  villages  at  Meshchera,  and  captured 
many  of  them,  sending  some  as  prisoners  to  Moscow.§  Safa  Girai 
himself  fled  so  hastily  that  the  Russian  commanders  could  not  overtake 

This  failure  seems  to  have  caused  great  discontent  at  Kazan,  where 
many  of  the  chief  men,  headed  by  Pulad,  began  to  correspond  secretly 
with  the  Russians,  promising  to  rise  if  the  Grand  Prince  would  send  an 
army  to  assist  them.  They  complained  bitterly  of  the  exactions  they 
suffered  from  the  Khan,  who  sent  the  booty  he  plundered  from  them  to 
the  Krim.  The  Russians  received  these  advances  cordially,  but  post- 
poned action  until  matters  were  somewhat  riper. |i  This  was  prudent,  for 
the  Tartars  were  very  fickle,  and  in  1 542  we  find  Pulad  again  at  peace 
with  Safa  Girai,  and  the  Tartars  making  advances  for  a  more  durable 
peace.  We  are  told,  however,  that  the  Princess  Gorshadna  wrote  to  the  ▼ 
Grand  Prince  foretelling  the  approaching  downfall  of  Kazan.^ 

Safa  Girai  postponed  coming  to  definite  terms.  At  length  tired  of  his 
treacheries,  the  Russians  in  1 546  sent  two  armies  against  him,  one  from 
Viatka  and  the  other  from  Moscow,  which  appeared  before  Kazan  on  the 
same  day.  Having  burnt  its  environs,  killed  many  Tartars  there  and  on 
the  banks  of  the  Sviaga,  and  carried  off  several  distinguished  persons, 
they  retired  again  without  suffering  any  loss.  The  Khan,  persuaded  that 
this  attack  had  been  instigated  by  some  of  his  grandees,  put  several  of 
them  to  death,  and  drove  others  away.  We  learn  from  a  letter  from  the 
Nogai  princes  to  the  Grand  Prince  Ivan,  that  Mamai  Seyid,  a  tzarevitch 

*  Karamzin,  vii.  332.  t  Id.,  340,  341.  I  Id.,  341-343- 

$  Vel.  Zern.,  i.  63.    Karamzin,  viii.  19,  20.  ||  Karamzin,  viii.  20.  ^ /</.,  40. 

SHAH   ALI   KHAN,  403 

of  Astrakhan,  also  made  an  attack  on  Kazan  at  this  time  *  These  things 
only  increased  the  Khan's  unpopularity,  and  his  people  again  appealed  to 
the  Grand  Prince  for  assistance,  promising  if  he  would  send  them  troops 
to  hand  over  the  Khan  and  thirty  of  his  chief  supporters  to  him  ;  but  he 
insisted  that  they  must  first  seize  and  imprison  Safa  Girai.  An  outbreak 
now  broke  out  at  Kazan,  and  the  latter  fled,  while  several  grandees  were 
killed  by  the  people. 

SHAH   ALI    KHAN   (Second  Reign). 

The  council,  ughlans,  and  princes  now  met  together,  swore  to  be 
faithful  to  Russia,  and  recalled  Shah  Ali,  who  went  accompanied  by 
3,000  Tartars  of  Kasimof,  and  was  duly  installed  on  the  throne  by  the 
Princes  Dimitri  Belski  and  Paletski,  amidst  great  rejoicings. 

But  these  friendly  demonstrations  were  but  a  mask  for  treachery  and 
violence.  A  few  weeks  subsequent  to  his  return  the  whole  of  his  escort 
was  cruelly  massacred  ;  several  murzas,  attached  to  his  person,  were 
thrown  into  prison  ;  and  a  few  Russian  voivodes,  who  had  accompanied 
him  from  Moscow,  alone  escaped,  to  bring  back  to  Ivan  an  account  of 
these  proceedings. 

"  Shah  Ali  himself,  a  prisoner  rather  than  a  sovereign,  and  surrounded 
by  subjects  who  hated  and  despised  him,  employed  the  only  means  in  his 
power  of  diminishing  the  animosity  which  was  testified  against  him  ;  he 
concealed  his  anger,  and  strove  to  gain  the  goodwill  of  the  Tartar 
grandees  and  people  by  banquets  and  presents,  and  other  pretended 
marks  of  confidence  and  satisfaction.  These  affected  and  false  caresses, 
which  only  served  to  show  his  pusillanimity  and  dissimulation,  rendered 
him  still  more  contemptible  than  before.  His  palace  became  his  prison ; 
there  the  grandees  of  his  empire  daily  assembled,  unwelcome  and 
uninvited  guests ;  its  halls  hourly  rang  with  the  noise  of  their  revels,  or 
the  sound  of  their  arms.  At  the  banquet  these  audacious  nobles  drank 
from  the  royal  cup,  and,  not  content  with  similar  outrages,  they  frequently 
stole  the  gold  and  silver  vessels  that  stood  on  the  Khan's  table,  in  hopes 
of  provoking  his  anger,  and  causing  him  to  commit  some  act  of  violence 
which  might  give  them  a  pretext  for  satisfying  their  resentment."t 

Such  were  the  indignities  which  Shah  Ali  was  hourly  forced  to  endure. 
He  bore  them  patiently  during  the  space  of  a  month,  without  evincing 
any  mark  of  dissatisfaction  ;  at  length,  finding  the  throne  he  occupied  a 
place  of  increasing  danger,  he  resolved  to  fly  from  his  audacious  subjects. 
This  was  not,  however,  an  easy  task,  for  all  his  movements  were  strictly 
watched,  and  it  was  difficult  to  evade  the  vigilance  of  the  thousand  spies 
by  whom  he  was  surrounded.      He  imagined,  however,  an  expedient 

Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  118.  t  Tornirelli,  i.  97,  98. 


which  was  attended  with  success.  He  invited  all  the  murzas,  grandees, 
and  principal  merchants  of  Kazan  to  a  sumptuous  banquet ;  tables 
loaded  with  provisions  and  inebriating  liquors  were  laid  out  for  the 
people  in  the  court  of  the  palace  ;  debauch  and  intoxication  soon  spread 
through  the  town,  and  in  the  midst  of  the  disorder  and  riot,  Shah  Ali 
found  means  to  effect  his  escape  by  a  private  door  of  the  palace.  Three 
days  elapsed  ere  the  inhabitants  of  Kazan  were  aware  of  his  evasion. 
Enraged  at  the  discovery,  they  put  to  death  a  prince  of  the  name  of 
Chura,  and  several  other  eminent  personages,  who  had  facilitated  the 
flight  of  the  Khan.* 

This  Chura,  we  learn  from  Karamzin,  was  one  of  the  principal  men  in 
the  country,  and  a  partisan  of  the  Russians,  who,  having  in  vain  tried  to 
bring  the  Tartars  to  their  senses  and  to  treat  Shah  Ali  better,  had 
advised  the  latter  to  fly,  and  supplied  him  with  a  boat  on  which  he 
escaped  by  the  Volga,  and  was  afterwards  provided  with  horses  by  the 
Tartars  of  Gorodetsk.t 


The  Tartars  now  recalled  Safa  Girai.  It  seems  that  when  he  retired 
from  Kazan  he  sought  assistance  from  Yusuf  the  Nogai  chief,  his  father- 
in-law,  with  whom  he  had  been  at  issue.  The  Nogais  were  inclined  to 
kill  him,  but  he  appealed  pathetically  to  them,  and,  quoting  the  proverb 
that  "  the  sword  will  not  strike  a  repentant  head,"  he  said  that  many  of 
the  Tartars  of  Kazan  were  ready  to  go  over  to  him  if  he  only  got  some 
assistance  from  the  Manguts  or  Nogais.  He  promised  to  make  over  to 
Yusuf  the  town  of  Arsk  and  the  mountain  district  of  the  Cheremisses,  and 
to  otherwise  reward  his  followers.  "Thus  spoke  Safa  Girai  and  his 
Krimean  following,"  says  the  letter.  Yusuf  accordingly  supplied  him  with 
an  army  ;  but  it  would  seem  that  these  treacherous  allies  had  quite  made 
up  their  minds  to  put  Safa  Girai  to  death,  for  the^Nogais  had  ever  been, 
at  deadly  issue  with  the  Girais,  and  were  friendly  to  the  descendants  of 
Tughluk  Timur,  who  reigned  at  Astrakhan,  and  of  whose  stock  Shah  Ali 
was  a  member.  They  intended  in  fact  to  support  the  latter  and  to  give 
him  Yusuf's  daughter  in  marriage  ;  but  their  plan  was  frustrated  by  his 
flight,  and  finding  the  land  without  a  ruler,  they  saw  no  benefit  in  putting 
Safa  Girai  away,  and  having  taken  Kazan,  they  reinstated  him  there  as 
Khan,  and  then  returned  homewards  to  Mangut.J 

Safa  Girai  now  surrounded  himself  with  Krim  Tartars  and  Nogais, 
and  ruled  with  a  rod  of  iron.  Seventy-six  murzas  and  princes,  who 
were  attached  to  Shah  Ali,  fled  and  took  refuge  in  Russia,  and  the 
Cheremisses  sent  to  inform  the  Grand  Prince  that  they  were  ready  to 

*  Tornirelli,  98,  99.  t  Karamzin,  viii.  54.  53.    Vel.  Zern.,  »•    Note,  118, 

I  Vel,  Zern.,  i.    Note,  ii8. 


march  and  join  the  Russians  in  attacking  the  usurper;  but  as  it  was 
winter  it  was  necessary  to  postpone  measures  for  a  while.  In  order  to 
encourage  the  Cheremisses,  however,  a  body  of  troops  was  sent  to  the 
outfall  of  the  Sviaga,  under  Prince  Alexander  Gorbaty,  which  devastated 
a  portion  of  the  country  of  Kazan,  and  then  returned  to  Moscow.* 

In  December,  1547,  the  Russians  had  another  campaign  against 
Kazan.  Ivan  commanded  the  troops  in  person,  and  ordered  them  to 
rendezvous  at  Vladimir,  while  Shah  Ali  was  told  to  repair  to  the  mouth 
of  the  Zy  will  with  his  Tartars,  The  army  was  well  prepared  for  a  winter 
campaign,  but  instead  of  snow  there  was  a  deluge  of  rain,  so  that  the 
carts  and  artillery  could  scarcely  make  their  way  along.  On  the  2nd  of 
February  the  tzar,  who  had  passed  the  night  at  Elna,  fifteen  versts  from 
Nijni  Novgorod,  arrived  at  the  island  of  Robotka.  All  at  once  the  ice 
on  the  Volga,  which  was  covered  with  water,  gave  way  with  a  great  noise, 
and  the  artillery  was  swallowed  up  in  the  river,  while  a  large  number 
of  men  perished.  After  waiting  on  the  island  for  three  days  in  the  hopes 
of  a  frost  arriving,  and  afraid  of  this  presage,  Ivan  returned  again  to 
Moscow,  but  he  ordered  Prince  Dimitri  Belski  to  advance  on  Kazan. 
The  latter  was  joined  by  Shah  Ali  with  his  contingent.  Safa  Girai,  who 
awaited  them  in  the  plains  of  Arsk,  was  completely  defeated  by  the 
advance  guard  under  Prince  Mikulinski.  He  lost  several  distinguished 
prisoners,  and  at  length  took  refuge  in  the  town.  To  revenge  this  defeat 
a  body  of  Tartars  ravaged  the  villages  of  Golitz,  but  they  were  overtaken 
by  Yakoflef,  the  voivode  of  Kostroma,  and  destroyed,  and  their  chief 
killed  on  the  banks  of  the  little  river  Egof ka.  After  spending  a  week 
before  the  town  the  Russians  retired.t  Safa  Girai  did  not  long  survive 
this  campaign,  and  in  Tvlarch,  1549,  news  arrived  at  Moscow  that  he  was 
dead.  He  had  fallen  against  a  pillar  when  drunk,  and  had  thus  killed 


Two  of  Safa  Girai's  sons,  named  Bulak  and  Mobarek  Girai,  were  at 
this  time  in  the  Krim,  where  they  had  been  imprisoned  by  his  uncle 
Sahib  Girai.  Of  his  widows  one  was  sent  home  to  Siberia  to  her 
father ;  another  to  Astrakhan  ;  the  third  to  her  brother,  the  Shirin  beg 
in  the  Krim  ;  the  fourth,  a  daughter  of  a  Russian  prince  who  had  been 
made  prisoner,  afterwards  died  at  Kazan.  His  favourite  wife  was 
Suyunbeka,  the  daughter  of  the  Nogai  murza  Yusuf,  already  mentioned. 
By  her  he  had  an  infant  son  named  Utamish  Girai,  whom  the  grandees 
now  placed  on  the  throne.  They  at  the  same  time  sent  a  letter  to  the 
Krim  Khan,  asking  him  to  send  one  of  his  sons  to  defend  them  against 

*  Karamzin,  vili.  55»  5^.  t  Karamzin,  viii.  94,  95.  +  Vel,  2ern.,  i.    Note,  119. 


the  Russians.  Saliib  Girai  remitted  this  matter  to  his  suzerain  at 
Constantinople,  who  appointed  Devlet  Girai,  the  son  of  Mubarek  Girai, 
who  was  then  Hving  at  the  Porte,  to  the  throne  of  Kazan.  This  was 
apparently  displeasing  to  Sahib  Girai,  who  determined  to  murder  him 
en  route,  a  policy  which  was  the  cause  of  his  own  overthrow,  for  when 
Devlet  Girai  reached  the  Krim  he  displaced  him  from  the  throne  there.* 

Ivan,  the  Russian  Grand  Prince,  deemed  the  anarchy  which  prevailed 
at  Kazan  a  good  opportunity  for  attacking  that  restless  and  dangerous 
neighbour.  A  formidable  army  was  prepared,  of  which  the  main  body 
had  its  rendezvous  at  Suzdal,  its  advanced  guard  at  Murom,  its  rear 
guard  at  Yurief,  while  the  right  and  left  wings  respectively  were  at 
Kostroma  and  Yaroslavl.  The  Grand  Prince  left  his  capital  on  the  24th 
of  November,  1549,  and  went  to  Vladimir,  where  he  received  the  blessing 
of  the  metropolitan,  who  exhorted  the  voivodes  to  renounce  their  jealousy 
of  one  another  and  to  serve  the  tzar  faithfully.  The  army  then  went  to 
Novgorod.t  It  was  accompanied  by  Yadigar,  the  tzarevitch  of  Astrakhan? 
Shah  Ali,  the  tzar  of  Kasimof,  whom  it  was  Ivan's  intention  to  put  on  the 
throne  of  Kazan,  and  who  the  Nogai  murza  Yusuf  wished  to  unite  with 
his  daughter,  the  widow  of  two  Khans  of  Kazan. | 

They  arrived  before  Kazan  on  the  14th  of  February.  Ivan  encamped 
on  the  lake  Kaban,  Shah  Ali  and  the  main  army  on  the  plain  of  Arsk, 
while  Yadigar  with  the  left  wing  posted  himself  on  the  river  Sani, 
opposite  the  town,  other  divisions  with  the  artillery  were  planted  at  the 
mouth  of  the  Bulak  and  on  lake  Paganovo.§ 

The  investing  army  was  60,000  strong,  and  the  bombardment  was  very 
effective  against  the  wooden  ramparts  of  Kazan.  A  general  assault  was 
ordered,  but  it  was  not  successful,  although  many  were  killed  on  both 
sides.  Among  others  a  tzarevitch,  the  son  of  the  youngest  tzarina,  and 
the  Krimean  Prince  Chelbak.  Meanwhile  a  sudden  thaw  set  in,  the  ice 
on  the  river  broke  up,  and  the  roads  became  almost  impassable.  Fearful 
of  a  famine,  the  tzar  ordered  a  retreat,  which  was  only  effected  with 
difficulty.  II 

Having  arrived  at  the  mouth  of  the  river  Sviaga,  fourteen  miles  from 
Kazan,  the  tzar  remarked  a  lofty  and  rugged  eminence,  then  called  the* 
"Round  mountain."  Accompanied  by  Shah  Ali  and  several  of  his 
nobles,  he  climbed  up  to  its  summit.  The  extensive  view  which  it 
commanded,  ranging  over  parts  of  Kazan,  Viatka,  Nijni  Novgorod,  and 
the  deserts  of  Simbirsk,  delighted  Ivan,  and  the  idea  struck  him  of 
building  on  this  spot  a  town,  whose  proximity  to  Kazan  might  facilitate 
its  conquest.  He  is  said  to  have  exclaimed  to  those  around  him,  "  Here 
shall  rise  a  Christian  town  ;  we  will  hem  in  Kazan,  and  God  will  deliver 
its  capital  into  our  hands."*F    The  Russians  were  disappointed  at  the 

*  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  120.  .Karamzin,  viii.  99.  t  Karamzin,  viii.  99. 

I  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  121.  $  Id.    Note,  123.  1!  Id.  11  Tornirelli,  i.  102. 

UTAMISH   GIRAI   KHAN.  ^  407 

Vesult  of  the  campaign,  and  apparently  blamed  the  voivode  Belski,  whose 
name  had  become  an  ill  omen  in  regard  to  Kazan,  and  it  was  said  that 
to  reward  his  want  of  energy  and  of  zeal  the  Tartars  had  spared  his 
domains  when  they  made  a  raid  upon  Russia.  He  died  the  same  year 
with  the  reputation  of  a  traitor.  The  Krim  Tartars  and  Nogais  both 
molested  the  Russian  frontiers  after  the  retreat  of  the  army,  probably  by 
way  of  diverting  them  from  Kazan.  The  Tartars  of  the  latter  place  now 
sued  for  peace.  Their  request  was  supported  by  the  Nogay  Yusuf,  who 
cited  the  Koran  and  the  gospel  in  favour  of  peace,  and  pushed  his  plan 
©f  marrying  Safa  Girai's  widow  to  Shah  Ah,  a  plan  which  was  agreeable 
to  the  Russians.  The  Grand  Prince  demanded  that  the  Kazan  Tartars 
should  send  him  five  or  six  distinguished  men  as  envoys,  and  despatched 
Shah  Ah  and  five  or  six  hundred  men  to  build  the  town  at  the  mouth  of 
the  Sviaga  already  mentioned.     This  was  in  1551.* 

"There  existed  and  still  exist  in  Russia  markets  for  the  sale  of  wooden 
houses,  ready  constructed,-and  which  take  to  pieces,  like  the  models  of 
castles,  bridges,  &c.,  which  we  see  in  toy  shops.  Entire  streets  of  these 
houses  were  wont  to  be  arranged  in  similar  market  places,  so  that  an 
entire  town  might  be  bought  in  an  hour  and  built  in  a  week.  Ivan 
availed  himself  of  this  circumstance,  had  embarked  on  the  Volga 
numerous  rafts  containing  the  materials  of  a  fortress,  already  prepared 
for  the  promptest  construction,  and  a  division  of  troops  was  sent  to 
protect  the  workmen."!  They  seized  the  ferry  boats  on  the  Volga  and 
Kama  to  prevent  communication  with  the  other  side.  It  was  on  the 
evening  of  the  i6th  of  May  that  Prince  Obolenski  first  unfurled  his 
standard  on  the  Round  mountain,  and  there  said  the  evening  prayer. 
Two  days  later,  at  daybreak  he  fell  suddenly  on  the  outskirts  of  Kazan, 
put  to  death  a  thousand  Tartars  and  more  than  a  hundred  murzas  and 
other  chiefs  who  were  asleep,  and  released  a  great  number  of  Russian 
prisoners.  He  returned  to  the  Round  mountain  on  the  24th  of  May.  It 
was  then  covered  with  a  forest.  This  was  speedily  cleared,  the  circuit  of 
the  new  town  wall  was  then  traversed  with  a  cross  and  holy  water, 
palisades  were  quickly  driven  in,  and  a  church  dedicated  to  the  Virgin 
and  Saint  Sergius  erected.  In  the  course  of  a  month  the  town  of  Sviask 
■was  put  together.  Many  of  the  people  round  were  frightened  at  these 
preparations  and  submitted  to  the  Russians,  especially  the  Chuvashes, 
Cheremisses,  and  Mordvins,  who  sent  some  of  their  grandees  to  Moscow 
to  swear  fealty  to  Russia.  The  tzar  granted  them  a  diploma  sealed  with 
a  golden  seal,  attached  them  to  the  new  town  of  Sviask,  and  granted 
them  an  exemption  from  tribute  for  three  years.  To  test  their  zeal  he 
ordered  them  to  march  upon  Kazan.  They  dared  but  obey,  assembled 
in  large  numbers,  went  on  a  fleet  of  Russian  boats  towards  that  city,  and 
fought  with  the  Tartars  on  the  plain  of  Arsk.     They  fled  at  the  report  of 

*  Karamzin,  viii.  105.  t  Tornirelli,  i.  102. 


the  enemy's  artillery,  but,  as  Karamzin  says,  "  if  they  did  not  prove  their 
courage  they  at  least  showed  their  fidelity."  Their  princes,  murzas,  and 
elders  visited  Moscow  in  some  numbers,  and  received  presents  of  pehsses, 
pieces  of  cloth,  arms,  horses,  and  money.  They  praised  the  tzar,  and 
boasted  loudly  of  their  new  masters.  Ivan,  well  pleased  with  his  success 
so  far,  sent  a  large  number  of  medals  to  Shah  Ali  to  be  distributed 
among  the  soldiers.*  Meanwhile  the  new  fortress  was  not  long  in 
assuming  an  imposing  appearance.  A  few  months  after  its  foundation  it 
contained  a  cathedral,  six  churches,  a  monastery,  and  numerous  habita- 
tions. By  the  desire  of  Ivan  several  nobles,  tradesmen,  and  mechanics 
settled  there,  and  built  themselves  houses,  so  that  this  new  town  soon 
presented  a  flourishing  aspect.t  Meanwhile  confusion  reigned  at  Kazan, 
whose  garrison  numbered  about  20,000  warriors,  but  whose  principal 
inhabitants  entered  into  secret  intrigues  with  Shah  Ali.  The  Russians 
devastated  the  neighbouring  villages,  cut  off  the  supplies  of  the  town, 
and  occupied  the  country  from  the  mouth  of  the  Sura  to  the  Kama  and 
the  Viatka.  The  regent  Suyunbeka,  although  she  seems  to  have  put  the 
town  in  defence  and  to  have  shown  some  vigour,  was  devoted  to  pleasure 
and  spent  much  of  her  time  with  Kochak,  a  Crimean  ughlan,  who  was 
detested  by  the  people.  The  grandees  of  Kazan  wished  to  submit  to 
Ivan,  but  this  was  opposed  by  the  Crimean  Tartars  there,  who,  proud  of 
Kochak  and  expecting  succour  from  Krim,  Astrakhan,  and  the  Nogais, 
urged  the  tzarina  to  resist.  Kochak  doubtless  intended  to  marry  her, 
kill  her  son,  and  seize  the  throne ;  but  a  sedition  having  broke  out  in  the 
town,  three  hundred  of  the  principal  Tartars  from  the  Taurida  fled ; 
they  were  intercepted  by  the  Russians.  Many  of  them  perished  on  the 
banks  of  the  Viatka.  Kochak,  with  forty-five  of  his  countrymen,  were 
captured  and  put  to  death  at  Moscow.^  The  grandees  of  Kazan  now 
made  overtures  to  the  Russian  generals,  sent  ambassadors  to  Ivan 
requesting  him  once  more  to  appoint  Shah  Ali  as  their  Khan,  promising 
at  the  same  time  to  liberate  all  the  Russian  prisoners  that  had  fallen  into 
their  hands,  and  to  yield  up  to  him  their  Princess  Suyunbeka  and  her 
infant  son  Utamish  Girai.  Ivan  willingly  consented  to  a  proposition  so 
favourable  to  his  plans,  and  sent  one  of  his  chief  boyards,  Adashcf,  with 
a  considerable  force,  in  order  to  reinstate  Shah  Ali  on  the  throne,  and  to 
enforce  the  fulfilment  of  the  terms  of  the  treaty.  He  exacted  likewise 
that  the  mountainous  portion  of  the  Kazan  territory,  lying  between 
Sviask  and  Kazan,  should  be  accorded  to  the  Russians,  and  should 
henceforth  be  reckoned  as  a  part  of  the  Muscovite  dominions.  This 
unexpected  demand  astonished  the  inhabitants  of  Kazan,  and  bitterly 
grieved  even  Shah  Ali  himself. 

"  What  kind  of  a  kingdom  will  be  mine,"  said  he,  "  and  how  can  I 
claim  or  expect  love  from  my  subjects,  when  I  am  forced  to  surrender  so 

*  Karamzin,  viii.  108.  t  Tornirelli,  i.  103.  J  Karamzin,  viii.  log. 


important  a  portion  of  their  territory?"     Adashef  and  his  voivodes  to 
this  complaint  returned  no  other  answer    than  that  "  such  was  the 
pleasure  of  their  tzar."    Too  late  the  grandees  repented  that  they  had 
solicited  the  interference  of  Ivan.    In  vain  they  strove  to  retract  their 
promise,  and  escape  from  its  accomplishment  by  a  thousand  cunning 
pretences.     Adashef  would  not  allow  himself  to  be  imposed  on,  and 
demanded  the  immediate  fulfilment  of  the  treaty.    "  Either,"  said  he  (as 
report  the  Russian  annalists),  "  Suyunbeka  and  her  son  must  be  placed 
immediately  in  our  power,  or  our  tzar  will  come  in  the  autumn  to  ravage 
your  country  with  fire  and  the  sword,  and  punish  the  faithless  grandees 
of  Kazan."    This  menace  produced  the  desired  effect,  and  the  Kazanians 
shortly  after  despatched  a  messenger  to  Shah  AU,  still  in  the  Russian 
camp,   inviting  him  to  enter  the  town,   and  informing  Adashef  that 
Suyunbeka  and  her  child  were  on  their  way  to  the  Muscovite  camp  at 
Sviask.*    This  painful  departure  from  a  town  where  she  had  reigned  as 
sovereign  has  been  touchingly  described  by  the  historian   Karamzin. 
"  Not  only  Suyunbeka,"  writes  this  historian,  "  but  every  inhabitant  of 
Kazan  shed  tears,  when  it  was  known  that  the  unfortunate  princess  was 
to  be  delivered  up  as  a  prisoner  to  the  Muscovite  tzar.     Uttering  no 
complaint  against  the  grandees  or  the  people,  and  accusing  her  destiny 
alone,   in  her  despair  she  threw  herself  on  the  tomb  of  her  youthful 
husband  and  envied   the  rest  he   enjoyed.     The  people   stood  by  in 
sorrowful  silence.     The  grandees  endeavoured  to  console  her  ;  they  told 
her  that  the  Russian  tzar  was  kind  and  generous,  that  many  Mussulman 
princes  were  in  his  service,  that  he  would  doubtless  choose  among  them 
a  husband  worthy  of  her,  and  would  give  her  some  sovereignty.     The 
whole  population  of    Kazan    accompanied    her  to  the  banks  of   the 
Kazanka,  where  a  magnificent  barge  was  waiting  for  her.     Suyunbeka, 
slowly  drawn  in  a  car,  left  the  town,  taking  her  infant  son  with  her,  who 
was  still  in  the  nurse's  arms.    Pale  as  death  and  almost  inanimate, 
hardly  could  she  find  strength  enough  to  descend  to  the  port;   on 
entering  the  bark,   she    tenderly  saluted    the    people,  who,  prostrate 
before  her,  bitterly  sobbed  while  they  showered  their  blessings  on  their 
much-loved  sovereign."    Prince  Obolensky  received  her  on  the  banks  of 
the  Volga,  compUmented  her  in  the  name  of  the  Russian  tzar,  and  set 
sail  with  her  towards  Moscow,  taking  with  him  likewise  the  infant 
Utamish  Girai,  and  some  of  the  Crimean  grandees.t    Suyunbeka  was 
married  for  the  third  time  to  Shah  Ali,  whose  person  was  as  odious 
and  deformed  as  had  been  the  character  of  her  former  husband  Safa 
Girai.    Utamish  was  baptised  on  the  8th  of  January,  1553.    He  died  on 
the  nth  of  June,  1556,  and  was  buried  in  the  church  of  the  Archangel  at 
Moscow.      The  name  of  Suyunbeka  still  survives  in  the  traditions  of 
Kazan,  and  a  tower  there  bears  her  name.l 

*  Tornirelli,  i.  104, 105.  f  Karamjsin,  viii.  iii,  112.  I  Vel.  Zcrn.,  i.    Note,  125. 



SHAH    ALI   KHAN    (Third  Reign). 

Having  despatched  the  tzarina  and  her  son  to  Moscow,  the  Russian 
generals  now  insisted  on  the  surrender  of  the  captives  at  Kazan  and  on 
an  oath  of  fidehty  from  the  Tartars.  Shah  AH  also  sent  some  of  his 
dignitaries  (Shahbaz,  his  chamberlain,  Bitikei,  his  equerry,  &c.)  into  the 
town  to  prepare  the  palace.  The  following  day  the  citizens  and  their 
leaders  assembled  in  the  open  fields,  and  after  listening  to  the  form  of 
oath,  thanked  Ivan  for  sending  them  Shah  Ali ;  but  they  would  not 
speak  of  the  cession  of  part  of  their  country.  "  Do  you  think,"  said  the 
boyards,  "  that  Ivan  is  as  frivolous  as  you.  Look  towards  the  mouth  of 
the  Sviaga.  You  will  there  see  a  Christian  town.  The  people  in  its 
neighbourhood  have  solemnly  submitted  to  Russia,  and  have  actually 
made  war  on  Kazan.  Can  they  after  this  submit  to  you  ?  Forget  the 
past,  for  you  cannot  recall  it."*  The  treaty  was  accordingly  duly  signed 
by  the  principal  inhabitants,  and  the  tzar  attached  his  seal  to  it.  During 
three  days  crowds  of  people  went  to  take  the  oath.  After  which,  namely, 
on  the  1 6th  of  August,  Shah  Ali,  accompanied  by  three  hundred  princes, 
murzas,  and  Kazaks  of  Kasimof,  and  three  hundred  streHtzes,  made  his 
pubhc  entry  into  the  town.t 

The  boyards  Bulgakof  and  Khabarof  installed  him  on  the  throne.  The 
court  of  the  Khan's  palace,  we  are  told,  was  at  this  time  crowded  with 
Russian  prisoners,  many  of  whom  had  been  twenty  years  in  slavery.  Shah 
Ali  announced  their  deliverance  to  them.  They  could  scarcely  beUeve  it, 
and,  with  their  eyes  bathed  in  tears,  they  raised  their  hands  aloft  to  thank 
heaven.  "Ivan  reigns  in  Russia,"  said  the  boyards  to  them,  "return 
home,  and  do  not  fear  that  you  will  again  fall  into  captivity."  They  were 
supplied  with  necessaries  at  Sviask  and,  without  counting  those  who 
went  another  way  towards  Perm  and  Viatka,  sixty  thousand  returned 
home  by  way  of  the  Volga.  "  Never,"  says  the  annahst,  "  had  Russia 
seen  such  a  sight.     It  was  like  a  second  migration  of  the  Israelites." 

The  Russian  army  now  returned  home,  leaving  a  body  of  five  hund^red 
men  behind,  under  Khabarof,  to  protect  Shah  Ali,  while  Prince  Simeon 
Mikulinski  was  nominated  commandant  of  Sviask.J  Meanwhile  the 
conditions  under  which  Shah  Ali  took  the  throne  were  such  as  to  prevent 
lasting  tranquilHty  at  Kazan.  The  Tartars  resented  the  cession  of  the 
mountainous  part  of  their  country  to  the  Russians,  and  the  transfer  to 
them  of  so  many  of  their  dependents,  the  Chuvashes,  Cheremisses,  and 
Mordvins,  while  the  Russians,  not  satisfied  with  this,  wished  to  treat  the 
Khan  as  a  mere  dependent.  They  sent  him  and  his  wives  rich  presents, 
robes,  precious  cups,  and  money,  but  at  the  same  time  demanded  that 

Karamzin,  viii.  113.  t  Vel.  Zern.,  i.  69.    Note,  126. 

I  Karamzin,  viii.  113, 114. 

SHAH  ALI  KHAK,  .  411 

Kazan  should  deem  itself  like  Kasimof,  a  dependence  of  the  empire.* 
Placed  in  this  way  between  his  own  subjects  and  the  Russians,  Shah 
All's  place  was  by  no  means  enviable.     He  asked  in  vain  for  the  restora- 
tion of  a  portion  only  of  the  mountain  district,  and  on  his  request  being 
refused,  he  winked  at  the  retention  of  many  Russian  prisoners  in  chains 
by  the  Tartars,  and  told  the   Russian  officers  he  feared  a  sedition. 
Meanwhile  a  conspiracy  did  arise ;  some  of  his  grandees  plotted  with  the 
Nogais  to  kill  him  and  all  the  Russians.    He  thereupon  determined  upon 
a  terrible  vengeance.     He  gave  a  grand  feast  in  the  palace,  and  ordered 
all  the  guests,  both  those  convicted  and  those  suspected  of  treachery,  to 
be  put  to  death.     Some  were  killed  in  the  dining  saloon  of  the  palace, 
and  others  in  the  court  yard.     Seventy  princes,  ughlans,  and  murzas 
perished  in  this  massacre,  where  All's  supporters    and    the  Russian 
strelitzes  acted  as  executioners.    The  massacre  is  said  to  have  lasted 
two    days,    and    three    thousand    people    altogether    perished.      The 
frightened  citizens  hastened  in  large  numbers  to  leave  Kazan.t    This 
state    of   anarchy   caused    considerable    anxiety    at    Moscow,  whence 
Adashef  was  sent  to  tell  Shah  Ali  that  it  was  impossible  matters  could 
go  on  in  this  way,  and  that  it  would  be  necessary  for  the  Russians  to 
enter  the  town  to  protect  him  and  to  restore  order.    Ali  made  a  strange 
reply.    "  I  see  I  cannot  reign  here.     I  am  detested  by  the  princes  and 
the  people.    And  why  ?     If  Ivan  would  restore  the  mountainous  district 
he  has  appropriated,  then  I  would  answer  for  the  fidelity  of  the  Tartars  ; 
otherwise  I  must   abdicate   and   return  to  his  majesty,  for  I  have  no 
other  asylum  on  earth ;  but  I  am  a  Mussulman,  and  I  will  never  consent 
to  admit  Christians  into  Kazan.     Nevertheless,  I  will  promise  that  if  the 
tzar  will  continue  to  be  gracious  to  me,  I  will  exterminate  the  remaining 
traitors  and  destroy  their  artillery,  and  thus  prepare  him  an  easy  victory.* 
Adashef  returned  with  this  answer  to  Moscow,  where  Kostrof  and 
AUmerdi,  envoys  from  Kazan,  who  were  enemies  of  Shah  Ali,  had 
arrived.    They  represented.  Shah  Ali  as  an  assassin  and  robber,  and  that 
the -Tartars   dearly  wished  to  put  an  end  to  his  excesses,  and  they 
answered  for  the  fidelity   of    the    town  if   he  were    removed    and  a 
Musc6yite  governor  placed  there.    They  asked  that  the  Russians  should 
occupy  the  town  while  they  retired  to  the  suburbs  and  neighbouring 
villages. t    TornirelH  says  these  arguments  were  used  by  a  Kazan  Tartar 
named  Chabkun,  who  had  settled  for  some  time  at  Moscow  and  gained 
the  confidence  of  Ivan,  and  had  afterwards  moved  with  his  family  to 
Kazan,  where  he  formed  the  resolution  of  ruining  Shah  Ali.§ 

The  result,  at  all  events,  was  that  Ivan  despatched  Adashef  to  Kazan 
with  orders  to  depose  the  Khan,  and  told  him  to  promise  the  latter  a 
pension  and  his  favour  if  he  quietly  allowed  the  Russians  to  enter.     "  I 

Vel.  Zern.,  i.  70,    Note,  128.  t  Karamzin,  viii.  116.    Tornirelli,  i,  je6,  107. 

I  Karamzin,  viii.  117, 118.  §  Op.  cit.,  i.  107. 


do  not  regret  the  throne.  I  have  not  been  happy  on  it.  My  life  here  is 
in  danger,  and  I  consent  to  submit  to  my  sovereign  ;  but  do  not  suppose 
I  will  break  the  law  of  the  Prophet  and  surrender  the  town.  You  may 
take  it  by  force  or  by  stipulation,  but  do  not  expect  me  to  open  its  gates 
for  you."  Neither  the  menaces  nor  entreaties  of  Adashef  would  induce 
him  to  hand  over  the  principality,  but  meanwhile,  to  please  the  tzar,  he 
caused  several  cannons  to  be  destroyed,  and  sent  some  muskets  and 
ammunition  to  Sviask,  and  then  issuing  from  the  place  as  on  a  fishing 
excursion,  accompanied  by  many  princes,  ughlans,  and  a  body  of 
strelitzes,  he  ordered  the  Russians  to  surround  them.  "  You  sought  to 
assassinate  me,  you  have  calumniated  me  at  Moscow,  and  traitors  to 
your  tzar,  you  wished  to  replace  him  by  a  Russian  governor.  Very  well, 
let  us  go  and  present  ourselves  before  his  tribunal."  They  accordingly 
went  together  to  Sviask.  Thus  did  Shah  Ali,  for  the  third  and  last  time 
abandon  Kazan. 


On  the  withdrawal  of  Shah  Ali,  Prince  Simeon  Mikuhnski  informed 
the  Tartars  that  their  wish  was  accomplished,  the  Khan  was  deposed, 
and  it  only  remained  for  them  to  swear  allegiance  to  the  Russians.  This 
they  agreed  to  do  if  he  would  send  them  from  Sviask  the  Princes 
Shabkun  and  Burnak,  who  had  submitted  to  Russia,  to  guarantee  the 
good  faith  of  the  latter.  These  princes  accordingly  went  to  Kazan  with 
the  Russian  officers,  and  the  grandees,  the  citizens,  and  villagers  duly 
took  the  oath  of  allegiance,  and  prepared  lodgings  for  the  governor  and 
the  occupying  troops.  The  wife  of  Shah  Ali  was  sent  to  Sviask,  and 
Prince  Mikulsinki  was  invited  to  go  to  Kazan.  The  people  went  out  to 
meet  him,  and  prostrated  themselves  before  tiim  with  their  faces  to  the 
ground,  in  token  of  their  servitude.  He  was  accompanied  by  soqie 
troops.  He  was  about  to  enter  when  a  sedition  broke  out  in  the  place. 
Three  grandees  whom  he  had  allowed  to  return  excited  the  people 
against  the  Russians,  and  spread  the  report  that  they  were  come  to 
exterminate  them.  The  gates  were  accordingly  closed,  the  Tartars  took 
up  arms.  Nothing  could  pacify  them.  At  this  news  Prince  Mikulinski, 
leaving  his  army  behind  him,  advanced  with  a  small  escort  towards  the 
town,  where  the  principal  gate,  that  of  the  tzars,  had  been  closed,  the 
walls  being  hned  with  troops. 

In  vain  some  of  the  Tartar  leaders  advised  prudence ;  they  would  not 
allow  the  troops  to  enter,  seized  a  number  of  boyard  followers  and 
Russian  baggage  waggons,  and  put  Chabkun,  ^who  had  turned  traitor, 
at  their  head.      The  Russian  generals  thereupon  returned  to  Sviask, 


imprisoned  all  the  dignitaries  of  Kazan  they  could  lay  their  hands  on, 
and  reported  the  state  of  things  to  the  authorities  at  Moscow.* 

The  news  of  what  had  happened  at  Kazan  reached  Moscow  in  March, 
1552.  Ivan  at  once  ordered  his  brother-in-law,  Daniel  Romanovitch,  to 
march  towards  Sviask  and  Shah  Ali  to  go  to  Kasimof,  and  proclaimed  in 
the  council  that  the  time  had  arrived  for  humbling  the  pride  of  Kazan. 
Levies  of  the  various  Russian  troops  were  ordered  to  assemble  at  Nijni 
Novgorod,  Murom,  &c.  Matters  did  not  begin  well,  for  a  terrible  attack 
of  scurvy  decimated  the  Russian  ranks  at  Sviask,  while  the  Tartars 
succeeded  in  reducing  the  Chuvashes,  &c.,  who  depended  upon  that 
town,  and  who  made  raids  upon  the  Russian  cattle,  while  they  also 
defeated  several  detachments  of  Russians,  and  put  such  of  them  as 
they  got  hold  of  to  death.  They  also  offered  the  throne  of  Kazan  to 
Yadigar,  the  son  of  Kasim  Khan  of  Astrakhan.t  He  had  taken  part  in 
Ivan's  campaign  against  Kazan  in  1549  and  15  50, J  and  afterwards 
seems  to  have  gone  to  live  among  the  Nogais,  whence  he  was  now  sent 
for.§  He  went  at  the  head  of  five  hundred  warriors  to  Kazan,  where  he 
mounted  the  throne  and  swore  an  implacable  hatred  against  Russia,  || 
Meanwhile  the  Russians  made  great  preparations  for  the  campaign.  A 
vast  Russian  army,  under  the  most  distinguished  commanders,  was 
posted  in  the  country  between  Koshir  and  Murom,  while  the  Oka  and 
the  Volga  were  crowded  with  boats  laden  with  artillery,  munitions,  &c., 
en  route  for  Nijni  Novgorod.  Ivan  had  sent  for  Shah  Ali,  who,  although 
from  his  obesity  unfit  for  the  profession  of  a  soldier,  was  a  man  of  sound 
judgment.  He  recommended  the  campaign  to  be  prosecuted  in  the 
winter,  urging  that  it  would  make  a  bridge  for  them  over  the  forests  and 
lakes  and  marshes,  but  Ivan  was  too  impatient  to  start  to  wait  for  the 
winter.^  "  The  army  is  ready,  the  munitions  have  been  sent  on,  and 
with  the  help  of  God  we  will  find  a  way  to  gain  our  end."  His 
separation  from  his  wife  Anastasia,  whom  he  loved  so  well,  is  touchingly 
recorded  in  the  Russian  annals.  "  Far  advanced  as  she  was  in 
pregnancy,  and  on  the  eve  of  giving  an  heir  to  Ivan  and  the  Russian 
ti^one,  she  wept  bitterly  and  clung  to  the  arms  of  her  husband,  as  if 
resolved  to  prevent  his  departure.  The  young  tzar  evinced  a  firmness  in 
that  trying  moment  that  struck  and  astonished  the  spectators  of  the 
scene ;  he  endeavoured  to  console  his  weeping  bride,  he  told  her  that  he 
had  to  fulfil  his  duty  as  tzar,  and  that  to  die  for  his  country  would  be  his 
glory.  Invoking  the  protection  of  the  Most  High  on  his  suffering  and 
despondent  spouse,  he  is  said  to  have  exclaimed, '  Pray  for  me,  Anastasia, 
in  the  midst  of  danger,  and  to  prayer  add  good  deeds  that  your  prayers 
may  be  heard.  In  your  hands  I  place  my  sovereign  powers.  Cherish  the 
poor  and  unfortunate,  open  the  prison  gates,  remove  the  chains  even 

*  Karamzin,  viii.  120-122.  t  Vel.  Zern.,  i.  72.    Note,  134.  I  Id.,  67,  68.    Note,  123, 

§  Id.    Note,  134.  D  Karamzin,  viii.  131.  H/^.,  136. 


from  the  criminal  and  the  condemned,  if  you  find  it  advisable  to  do  this 
during  my  absence,  and  trust  that  God  will  protect  me  for  your  sake ;  nay 
that  he  will  reward  me  for  the  sacrifices  I  am  forced  to  make  for  the 
good  of  my  country.'  These  words  inspired  Anastasia  with  an  almost 
miraculous  courage.  She  removed  her  arms  from  Ivan,  whom  she  had 
hitherto  held  with  an  almost  convulsive  embrace,  and  flinging  herself  on 
her  knees,  she  prayed  aloud  for  the  health,  the  victory,  and  the  glory  of 
her  husband.  Ivan,  casting  a  farewell  glance  on  Anastasia,  bent  his 
steps  to  a  neighbouring  church,  where  he  prayed  long  and  fervently,  after 
which  he  rose  and  embraced  the  clergy,  the  nobles,  and  the  people 
present,  all  of  whom  melted  into  tears.  Quitting  the  church,  he  mounted 
his  horse  and  rode  to  Kolomna,  where  his  troops  were  assembled."* 

Meanwhile  the  Krim  Tartars  made  a  diversion  on  the  side  of  Kazan, 
and  made  an  attack  on  Tula,  whence  they  were  speedily  forced  to  retire.t 
Ivan  devoted  himself  to  the  details  of  the  campaign.  One  division  of  the 
army  marched  to  Vladimir  and  Murom,  under  his  own  orders ;  another 
went  by  way  of  Riazan  and  Mechera,  with  orders  to  join  him  in  the 
plains  beyond  Alatir.  Murmurs  began  to  break  out  among  the  soldiers, 
especially  those  from  Novgorod  and  the  boyard-foUowers,  who  com- 
plained of  the  continuous  fatigues  which  they  had  undergone  ;  but  Ivan 
made  a  special  appeal  to  their  patriotism,  and  said  he  should  count  those 
only  as  his  faithful  friends  who  went  on  with  him  without  wavering. 
This  had  the  desired  effect,  and  a  general  submission  followed. 

Ivan  first  went  to  pray  before  the  image  of  the  Virgin  at  Kolomna, 
which  had  accompanied  Dimitri  Donski  on  his  victory  against  Mamai, 
and  he  also  visited  the  tomb  of  Alexander  Nevski.  At  Vladimir  he  learnt 
that  the  plague  which  had  decimated  the  troops  at  Sviask  had  ceased, 
that  the  soldiers  there  were  ardent  for  the  war,  and  that  the  neighbouring 
mountaineers  had  been  reduced  to  obedience.  He  also  received 
encouraging  messages  from  his  wife  and  the  clergy  at  Moscow.  He 
himself  showed  great  energy  and  vigour  in  regulating  the  details  of  the 
campaign.t  At  Murom  he  was  joined  by  Shah  Ali,  who  was  sent  on 
towards  Kazan  by  the  Volga,  with  Prince  Peter  Bulgakof  and  a  body'^ 
strelitzes.  The  main  army  was  transported  over  the  Oka  on  bridges,  and 
marched  by  the  forest  of  Sakana  on  the  banks  of  the  Veletema,  by  the 
Shileksha  and  the  town  of  Sakana,  where  a  body  of  auxiliary  Tartars  and 
Mordvins  joined  it ;  on  the  ist  of  August  the  waters  of  the  Mana  were 
blessed,  and  the  river  was  crossed  below  Alatir,  and  soon  after  it  was 
joined  by  another  division.  Though  forced  to  penetrate  through  deserts 
and  forests,  the  army  seems  to  have  been  amply  supplied  by  its  hunters 
and  fishermen,  and  by  the  wild  fruits  which  grew  there.  "  We  took  with 
us,"  says  an  eyewitness,  "  no  provisions,  nature  spread  an  abundant 
table  for  us  everywhere.    We  constantly  encountered  numerous  herds  of 

*  Tornirelli,  i.  115.  t  Vide  next  chupter.  I  Karamzin,  vi.  143,  144. 


elks,  the  rivers  teemed  with  fish,  and  the  birds  fell  at  our  feet.*  At 
Burucheief  envoys  came  from  the  Cheremisses  to  announce  their 
entire  submission,  and  that  the  right  bank  of  the  Volga  was  pacified. 
They  undertook  to  prepare  roads  and  to  make  bridges  on  the  way,  and 
the  tzar  invited  their  elders  to  his  table.  On  the  6th  of  August  Ivan 
arrived  at  the  little  river  Kivata,  where  the  troops  of  Sviask  went  to  meet 
him  under  their  several  commanders.  He  gave  them  a  grand  feast  on 
the  plain  of  Beisa.  The  sight  was  a  splendid  one ;  the  broad  Volga  with 
its  wooded  banks  and  islands  on  one  side,  the  dark  forest  panelled  with 
green  pastures  and  round  hills  on  the  other,  while  beyond  the  river  the 
plains  stretched  away  interminably.  Occasionally  on  the  higher  ground 
and  in  the  hollows  villages  of  the  Chuvashes  were  passed,  where  hydromel 
and  bread  were  presented,  which  were  very  welcome  as  it  was  a  season 
of  fasting  ;  the  soldiers  drank  pure  water,  but  no  one  complained. 

"  On  the  13th  of  August  the  army  arrived  at  Sviask.  With  the  liveliest 
satisfaction,"  says  Tornirelli,  "  the  young  monarch  made  his  entry  into 
the  stronghold,  escorted  by  a  detachment  of  light  cavalry,  and  accom- 
panied by  the  clergy  of  the  town  and  the  heads  of  his  army.  His  first 
visit  was  to  the  cathedral,  where  he  assisted  at  the  performance  of  divine 
service ;  after  which  the  priests  and  the  boyards  congratulated  him  as 
the  conqueror  and  the  master  of  the  country  of  Sviask.  He  then 
traversed  the  town,  examining  attentively  its  fortifications,  streets,  and 
houses,  and  testifying  his  delight  and  approbation.  Enchanted  with  the 
picturesque  situation  of  the  town,  he  is  said  to  have  remarked  to  his 
boyards  that  the  whole  of  Russia  could  not  afford  a  similar  landscape. 
A  house  had  been  prepared  for  his  reception.  He  refused,  however,  to 
inhabit  it,  exclaiming,  *  We  are  on  our  march  ;'  and  mounting  his  steed 
he  returned  to  his  tent  in  the  midst  of  his  soldiers." 

The  Russian  annahst  reverts  with  pride  to  the  singular  and  striking 
scene  which  this  new  citadel  presented  on  this  occasion.  "  A  multitude 
of  merchants  with  various  species  of  merchandise  had  arrived  thither 
from  Moscow,  Yaroslavl,  and  Nijni  Novgorod  ;  the  port  was  crowded 
w^<h  barges  loaded  with  provisions.  The  banks  of  the  river  Volga 
presented  the  appearance  of  a  fair ;  all  felt,"  as  remarked  the  annalist, 
"  as  if  at  home,  all  had  wherewith  to  eat  well  and  drink  well,  regale  their 
friends  and  make  merry.  Little  wonder  is  there  that  the  Russian 
soldiers,  worn  out  with  fatigue,  should  have  wished  as  they  did  to  take 
rest  in  the  midst  of  this  scene  of  plenty  and  pleasure,  but  Ivan  resolved 
to  push  forward  without  delay  to  Kazan."t 

A  council  was  now  called,  which  was  attended  by  Shah  Ali,  Prince 
Vladimir  the  son  of  Andrew,  and  other  boyards,  where  it  was  determined 
to  send  a  summons  to  Kazan  to  surrender,  and  thus  save  bloodshed. 
Shah  Ali  himself  was  ordered  to  write  to  Yadigar,  who  was  his  relative 

*  Jd,,  145.  t  Tornirelli,  i.  118, 119, 


(both  belonged  to  the  royal  house  of  Astrakhan),*  promising  him  the 
tzar's  favour  if  he  would  submit.  A  letter  was  also  sent  to  the  Kul 
Sherif-Mollah,  promising  him  similar  clemency.t  Ivan  also  released  the 
Kazan  Tesik.l 

The  siege  of  Kazan,  like  the  defeat  of  Mamai,  is  still  fresh  in  the 
memory  of  the  Russians,  and  is  a  subject  of  conversation  as  much  in  the 
peasant's  hut  as  in  the  palace.  "This,"  says  Karamzin,  "is  chiefly 
because  it  was  the  first  attempt  made  by  the  Russians  to  capture  a  strong 
fortress  by  strategic  art,  and  partly  because  of  the  intrepidity  and  heroic 
defence  of  the  Tartars,  which  made  the  victory  such  a  costly  one."§  To 
the  Tartars  it  was  a  vital  question.  Not  only  was  their  independence 
menaced,  but  it  was  also  a  matter  of  religious  duty  not  to  allow  a 
Mussulman  State  to  be  subjected  by  Christians.  They  boasted  that  it 
was  not  the  first  time  that  they  had  seen  the  Muscovites  retire  from  their 
walls,  and  that  their  fruitless  efforts  had  ever  been  crowned  by  retreat, 
which  had  afforded  them  a  subject  of 

At  the  head  of  150,000  warriors  Ivan,  on  the  19th  of  August,  encamped 
on  the  Volga,  while  Shah  Ali  set  sail  to  occupy  the  "  isle  of  strangers  ;" 
but  continuous  rains  had  converted  the  country  into  a  marsh,  and  it  was 
necessary  to  restore  the  roads.  When  they  arrived  on  the  Kazanka  a 
message  came  from  the  Khan  Yadigar  breathing  defiance,  and  saying 
that  he  was  waiting  for  the  banquet  to  commence.^  Presently  a  murza 
named  Kamai  deserted  to  the  Russians,  and  reported  that  Yadigar,  the 
chief  Imaum,  and  the  Nogai  princes  Isenek,  Chabkun,  Atalik,  Islam, 
Aliki  Narikof,  Kebek  Tumenski,  and  Derbish  had  so  inflamed  the 
fanaticism  of  the  people  that  no  one  was  in  favour  of  peace ;  that  the 
fortress  was  well  supplied  with  food  and  ammunition ;  that  it  was 
defended  by  30,000  Tartars  and  2,700  Nogais,  and  that  Prince  Yapancha 
had  been  detached  with  a  body  of  cavalry  towards  the  plains  of  Arsk  to 
arouse  the  people  there,  and  to  continually  harass  the  Russians.  Kamai 
was  well  treated,  and  orders  were  given  that  one  division  should  occupy 
the  country  of  Arsk,  another  the  banks  of  the  Kazanka,  a  third  be  planted 
behind  this,  while  Shah  Ali  was  to  post  himself  behind  the  Bulaka,  niar 
the  cemetery,  and  the  cavalry  of  the  guard  was  to  protect  the  district 
known  as  "  the  meadows  of  the  tzar." 

It  was  an  early  hour  of  the  morning  when  Kazan  with  its  lofty 
minarets  and  majestic  mosques  first  presented  itself,  enveloped  in  a  mist, 
to  the  sight  of  the  Russian  tzar.  That  moment  was  a  solemn  one.  Upon 
a  given  signal  the  whole  army  suddenly  suspended  its  march,  then 
amidst  the  sound  of  trumpets  and  other  martial  instruments,  a  banner 

♦  Vide  Table  at  the  end  of  the  last  chapter. 

t  A  mosque  bearing  the  latter's  name  still  remains  at  Kazan. 

I  This  is  probably  a  corruption  of  Tajik  {i.e.,  a  Persian  from  Mavera  ul  nehr).  It  stands  here 

for  merchant.    (Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  141.    Karamzin,  viii.  149.) 

i  Karamzin,  viii.  1491 150.  D  Id.,  iji.    Vel.  Zern.    Note,  143.]  f  Karamzin,  15a. 


was  seen  to  rise  and  to  float  proudly  in  the  air.  Sacred  was  that  banner 
to  the  Russians,  for  it  had  waved  in  the  hands  of  Dimitri  Donski  nearly 
two  hundred  years  before,  at  the  time  when  that  prince  vanquished  the 
Tartars  and  saved  his  country  from  threatened  destruction. 

At  the  sight  of  this  glorious  memorial  Ivan  and  his  soldiers  knelt  upon 
the  earth.  The  tzar,  making  religiously  the  sign  of  the  cross,  exclaimed 
aloud,  "Almighty  God!  it  is  in  thy  name  that  we  march  against  the 
infidel."  Divine  service  was  then  performed.  At  the  termination  of  this 
ceremony  the  tzar  addressed  a  few  words  to  his  army — swore  not  to 
abandon  the  widows  and  orphans  of  those  who  should  fall  in  the  struggle, 
and  made  a  solemn  vow  to  sacrifice  his  life,  if  necessary,  to  insure  the 
triumph  of  the  Christians. 

Ivan  and  his  warriors  then  advanced  beneath  the  walls  of  Kazan.  A 
deep  and  inconceivable  silence  reigned  throughout  the  town  ;  its  streets 
and  habitations  seemed  abandoned,  so  profound  was  the  tranquillity  that 
existed  at  that  moment,  not  even  a  sentinel  was  to  be  seen  on  the 
ramparts,  and  many  of  the  Russian  voivodes  were  of  opinion  that  the 
Tartar  Khan,  terrified  at  the  approach  of  the  Muscovites,  had  fled  with 
his  army  and  the  entire  population  of  Kazan  to  the  neighbouring 

But  hardly  had  the  Russian  advanced  guard  crossed  the  canal  called 
Bulak,  from  whence  the  palace  of  the  Khan  and  the  numerous  mosques 
of  the  city  became  clearly  evident,  when  a  terrible  noise  succeeded  the 
deep  silence  which  had  hitherto  astonished  the  assailants.  "  The  air," 
says  Karamzin,  "  rang  with  yells,  rage,  and  fury,  the  massive  gates  of 
the  fortress  rolled  upon  their  hinges  with  a  hissing  noise,  and  fifteen 
thousand  Tartar  horse  and  foot  rushed  upon  the  Muscovite  strelitzes,  who, 
unable  to  resist  this  impetuous  and  unexpected  shock,  gave  way  and  fled 
in  disorder.  Their  complete  destruction  would  have  been  inevitable,  had 
not  a  fresh  legion  arrived  in  time  to  protect  them.  A  bloody  struggle 
then  ensued,  and  continued  to  rage  till  the  Tartars  thought  fit  to  retire 
within  the  walls  of  the  fortress  from  which  they  had  a  few  hours  previous 
SG-^arlessly  sallied."* 

Kazan  was  now  beleagured,  and  three  canvas  churches  were  erected  in 
the  camp.  I  will  abstract  a  long  passage  from  Tornirelli,  who  has  well 
condensed  Karamzin's  account  of  the  siege. 

"  The  first  night  which  the  Russians  passed  under  the  ramparts  of 
Kazan  was  both  ominous  and  discouraging.  A  violent  tempest  broke 
out  about  midnight :  the  tents  of  the  soldiers,  and  even  that  of  the  tzar, 
were  torn  to  pieces  by  the  wind ;  the  barges  which  had  been  sent  from 
Moscow  with  provisions  all  sank  beneath  the  stormy  waters  of  the  Volga; 
consternation  spread  through  the  Russian  army,  and  many  of  the 
voivodes  believed  that  the  tzar,  in  this  critical  emergency,  would  be 

*  Tornirelli,  i.  121-123. 
2  E 


forced  to  make  a  precipitate  and  disgraceful  retreat.  Ivan,  however,  did 
not  lose  courage ;  he  sent  without  delay  to  Sviask  for  provisions,  and  to 
Moscow  for  warm  clothing  for  the  soldiers,  and  openly  declared  his 
intention  of  establishing  his  winter  quarters  under  the  walls  of  Kazan, 
should  the  tempestuous  weather  prevent  the  continuation  of  the  siege. 

In  the  meantime  the  Tartars  day  and  night  continued  to  make  furious 
and  almost  hourly  sallies  from  the  town.  The  Russians  could  scarcely 
enjoy  a  moment's  rest.  This  ardour  on  the  part  of  the  besieged  lasted 
several  days ;  at  length,  however,  their  impetuosity  appeared  to  have 
abated,  not  from  a  diminution  of  courage,  but  from  total  exhaustion. 
Every  prisoner  that  was  taken  by  the  Russians  affirmed  the  same  fact, 
that  the  inhabitants  of  Kazan  were  prepared  to  die,  but  had  resolved 
never  to  yield  their  native  town  to  the  invaders  as  long  as  there  remained 
a  single  man  capable  of  raising  a  sword  in  its  defence. 

Although  these  frequent  sorties  had  caused  the  Tartars  a  considerable 
loss  of  men,  the  rage  which  animated  them  had  by  no  means  diminished, 
as  the  following  circumstance  will  prove.  The  tzar,  in  hopes  of  inducing 
the  inhabitants  to  surrender  without  a  further  effusion  of  blood,  had 
ordered  all  the  prisoners  he  had  taken  to  be  attached  to  stakes,  near  the 
trenches,  in  order  that  the  latter,  by  their  prayers  and  supplications, 
might  induce  their  fellow-citizens  to  save  them  from  threatened  death  by 
opening  the  gates  of  the  city  to  the  Russians.  The  Tartars,  however,  in 
answer  to  their  entreaties,  directed  a  volley  of  arrows  against  their 
unfortunate  companions,  exclaiming,  "  It  is  better  that  they  should 
receive  death  from  the  hands  of  true  believers,  than  from  those  of  the 
accursed  Giaours."  This  ferocious  act  of  fanaticism  filled  the  tzar  and 
the  whole  of  his  army  with  horror,  and  proved  to  the  invaders  that 
they  had  to  deal  with  enemies  whose  extermination  alone  could  ensure 

One  of  the  Tartar  warriors  who  most  distinguished  himself  during 
the  siege  was  Prince  Yapancha,  who  is  reported  in  the  Muscovite 
annals  to  have  performed  prodigies  of  valour.  Concealed  with  a  small 
band  of  followers  in  a  neighbouring  forest,  he  at  every  instant  pre- 
cipitated himself  on  the  Russian  camp,  killing  hundreds  of  his  enemies, 
and  spreading  terror  and  panic  at  every  fresh  attack.  By  means  of 
signals  he  had  established  a  communication  with  the  inhabitants  of 
Kazan,  and  a  banner,  planted  on  a  lofty  tower,  gave  him  to  understand 
|;he  most  favourable  moment  for  attacking  the  Russian  troops.  He  found 
means  to  intercept  every  supply  of  provisions  for  the  invading  army,  and 
so  effectually  that  the  latter  began  to  suffer  most  cruelly  from  hunger 
This  terrible  foe  at  length  caused  such  an  extreme  discouragement 
among  the  Muscovite  soldiers,  that  the  tzar  was  forced  to  assemble  his 
boyards  in  council,  to  take  measures  for  the  removal  of  the  evil.  A 
tolerable  idea  may  be  fonne4  of  the  consideration  in  which  Yapancha 


and  his  followers  were  held,  from  the  number  of  troops  that  went  against 
him — no  less  than  thirty  thousand  horse  and  fifteen  thousand  foot 
soldiers,  under  the  command  of  a  brave,  experienced  general,  Prince 
Alexander  Gorbaty  Shuisky.  This  army  marched  to  the  forest  of  Arsk, 
in  which  our  hero  was  concealed.  Its  leaders  thought  fit  to  employ  a 
stratagem  to  insure  success.  Hardly  had  the  Russians  appeared  upon 
the  plain  of  Arsk,  ere  Yapancha,  at  the  head  of  his  gallant  band,  rushed 
upon  them  with  his  usual  intrepidity.  The  Russians,  pretending  to  be 
defeated,  took  to  flight  after  a  short  struggle,  while  Yapancha,  unable  to 
restrain  his  impetuosity,  and  considering  his  enemies  routed,  pursued 
them  vigorously  towards  the  town.  In  the  meantime  a  fresh  corps  had 
arranged  itself  on  the  borders  of  the  forest,  and  having  intercepted  all 
communication  with  this  place  of  refuge,  the  entire  army  of  the  Mus- 
covites fell  upon  Yapancha  and  his  deluded  band.  Overwhelmed  by 
numbers,  surrounded  on  every  side  by  relentless  foes,  there  remained  for 
this  brave  prince  no  other  alternative  save  that  of  yielding  himself  a 
prisoner  or  dying  sword  in  hand;  he  chose  the  latter,  and,  fighting 
resolutely  to  the  last,  fell  bravely  with  his  gallant  companions,  all  of 
whom,  even  without  one  single  exception,  were  exterminated. 

This  formidable  enemy  once  removed,  the  Russians  regained  their 
former  ardour,  and  proceeded  to  attack  a  stronghold  erected  by  the 
Tartars  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  forest  of  Arsk,  and  situated  between 
two  marshes  ;  this  fort  was  surrounded  by  a  double  palisade,  a  rampart 
of  earth,  and  a  deep  trench ;  its  position  rendered  it  almost  impregnable. 
The  assault  took  place ;  both  the  assailants  and  the  assailed  performed 
prodigies  of  valour,  but  the  Russians  succeeded  in  getting  possession  of 
the  place.  The  whole  of  the  garrison  died  at  their  post  of  duty,  and  the 
earth  was  covered  with  heaps  of  mutilated  bodies.  On  the  following  day 
the  victors  advanced  to  the  town  of  Arsk,  situated  in  a  pleasant  and 
wonderfully  fertile  locality,  where  the  grandees  of  Kazan  possessed  their 
country  seats  and  rich  villas.  The  citizens  of  Arsk  abandoned  their 
dwellings  on  the  approach  of  the  Russians,  who  found  in  the  deserted 
toifrn  abundance  of  provisions,  consisting  of  cattle,  poultry,  bread,  honey, 
&c.,  as  well  as  divers  kinds  of  furs,  and  numerous  objects  of  great  value. 
"  The  Russians,"  say  the  chronicles,  "  lived  in  the  midst  of  abundance, 
took  what  they  wished,  burnt  the  neighbouring  villages,  massacred  the 
inhabitants,  sparing  the  women  and  children  alone."  Having  likewise 
rescued  many  Christians,  whom  the  Tartar  nobles  had  employed  as 
slaves,  the  Russian  army  returned  to  the  camp  of  Ivan,  bringing  with 
them  such  a  profusion  of  cattle  and  other  articles  of  food,  that  from  that 
moment,  the  annalists  inform  us,  "  provisions  became  so  cheap,  that  a 
cow  might  be  bought  for  ten  dengas  (a  Russian  farthing),  and  an  ox  for 
twenty."  The  tzar  and  his  followers  were  full  of  joy. 
But  this  success  was  soon  followed  by  evils  that  converted  this  joy 



into  sorrow.  The  weather  suddenly  changed  ;  heavy  rain,  unusual  at 
this  period  of  the  year,  fell  incessantly ;  the  winds  became  so  boisterous 
that  nothing  could  resist  their  violence  ;  and  this  fury  of  the  elements  at 
last  became  so  awful  and  irresistible  as  to  induce  the  Muscovites  to 
attribute  the  evils  to  supernatural  influence.  Prince  Andrew  Kurbsky, 
who  distinguished  himself  for  his  valour  during  this  siege,  and  who 
wrote  an  historical  work  about  Europe  at  this  period,  assures  us,  as  a 
solemn  fact,  "that  the  magicians  of  Kazan  every  morning  at  sunrise 
betook  themselves  regularly  to  the  ramparts  of  the  fortress,  that  there 
they  uttered  frightful  cries,  placing  themselves  in  the  most  hideous  and 
contorted  attitudes,  agitating  their  robes,  and  exciting,  by  means  of 
infernal  spells  and  sorcery,  tempests,  gusts  of  wind,  and  torrents  of  rain, 
so  that  in  a  short  space  of  time  the  driest  spots  were  converted  into 
marshes,  the  tents  flooded  with  water,  and  the  soldiers  were  wet  from 
morn  till  night."  This  firm  belief  in  the  supernatural  agency  which  the 
Tartars  employed  became  so  strong  in  the  minds,  not  only  of  the 
soldiers,  but  even  in  that  of  the  tzar  and  his  boyards,  that  Ivan  was 
forced  to  hold  a  council,  in  which  it  was  resolved  that  measures  should 
be  taken  without  delay  to  destroy  the  diabolical  influence.  All  were 
unanimously  of  opinion  that,  to  thwart  the  powers  of  hell  and  its  demons, 
it  was  advisable  to  employ  the  powers  of  heaven — at  least  those  which 
its  ministers  had  at  their  disposal,  and  could  turn  to  account  in 
this  critical  emergency.  Accordingly  messengers  were  despatched  to 
Moscow,  with  orders  to  bring  from  thence  the  miraculous  cross  of  the 
tzars.  On  its  arrival  at  Kazan  a  grand  ceremony  took  place  :  the  whole 
camp  was  asperged  with  holy  water,  after  which  Prince  Kurbsky  assures 
us  "  fine  weather  returned,  the  army  recovered  from  its  panic,  and  from 
that  moment  the  Tartar  enchanters,  abandoned  by  the  devils,  their  allies 
and  coadjutors,  lost  their  former  power." 

Convinced  that  they  had  no  longer  to  contend  with  demons  as  well 
as  men,  the  Russian  troops  recommenced  operations  with  redoubled 
activity.  Ivan  had  in  his  suite  a  foreign  engineer,  a  Scotchman  by  birth, 
who  rendered  the  tzar  no  small  service  during  the  siege.  By  his  advice, 
a  huge  tower  of  wood  was  erected  opposite  the  principal  entrance  of  tfie 
fortress  called  the  "  Royal  Gate  ;"  and  on  its  summit  were  placed  sixty 
pieces  of  cannon,  ten  of  which  were  of  a  considerable  magnitude.  This 
terrible  battery,  raised  high  above  the  fortifications,  kept  up  a  continued 
fire  against  the  fortress.  The  defenders  of  Kazan  still,  however,  stood 
firm,  and  replied  from  the  ramparts  by  an  unceasing  discharge  of 
musketry,  which  caused  great  ravage  among  the  Russian  troops.  On 
this  occasion,  Ivan  once  more  repeated  his  former  propositions  of  peace 
to  the  besieged  ;  informing  them  that  if  they  were  unwilling  to  surrender 
themselves  prisoners,  they  were  at  liberty  to  go,  with  their  Khan, 
wherever  they  pleased,  and  to  take  with  them  their  property,  wives,  and 


children  ;  that  all  he  sought  was  to  gain  possession  of  the  town,  built  by- 
force  on  the  Russian  territory  :  to  these,  and  other  propositions,  the 
inhabitants  of  Kazan — unbent  by  suffering,  and  unawed  by  peril — 
returned  as  disdainful  an  answer  as  that  they  had  given  on  the  first 
approach  of  the  Muscovite  tzar. 

In  the  meantime  the  Russians  had  been  actively  employed  in 
advancing  the  wooden  tower  nearer  and  nearer  the  fortress,  until  at 
length  it  was  only  separated  from  the  very  wall  by  a  deep  moat,  about 
twenty  feet  wide.  This  had  not  been  accomplished,  however,  without 
great  bloodshed.  Day  and  night  both  armies  had  been  incessantly 
engaged.  On  one  occasion,  when,  worn  out  with  fatigue,  the  Russian 
soldiers  had  laid  aside  for  a  moment  their  arms,  the  inhabitants  of  Kazan, 
to  the  number  of  ten  thousand,  sallied  from  the  fortress,  and  rushed 
towards  the  tower  with  such  impetuosity  that  the  Russians,  abandoning 
their  posts,  took  to  flight  in  the  greatest  disorder.  The  moveable  tower, 
with  all  its  artillery,  was  at  that  moment  in  the  hands  of  the  Tartars. 
The  Muscovite  voivodes  felt  the  imperious  necessity  of  regaining  their 
cannon,  the  loss  of  which  would  probably  have  obliged  them  to  raise  the 
siege.  Accordingly,  Prince  Vorotinsky  and  the  principal  boyards  of  Ivan 
rushed,  sword  in  hand,  upon  the  Tartars,  calling  out  to  the  fugitives  to 
return  and  help  them.  The  latter,  seeing  the  heads  of  the  army 
struggling  with  thousands,  regained  their  courage,  and  returned  once 
more  to  the  struggle,  exclaiming,  "  We  will  not  abandon  our  fathers." 
The  battle  was  in  consequence  renewed  with  redoubled  energy.  In  the 
meantime,  several  other  corps  of  the  Russian  army  arrived,  one  after  the 
other,  at  the  scene  of  contest.  The  Tartars,  though  forced  to  contend 
with  enemies  three  times  their  number,  still  stood  firm,  and  defended  for 
a  long  time  the  trophies  they  had  taken ;  at  length,  however,  they  were 
forced  to  give  way,  and  to  retire  once  more  within  the  walls  of  the  city. 
This  combat  is  reported  in  the  Russian  annals  as  one  of  the  bloodiest 
and  most  fatal  that  occurred  during  the  siege. 

The  Russians  had  now  been  upwards  of  five  weeks  under  the  walls  of 
Kasan,  during  which  time,  although  more  than  ten  thousand  Tartars  had 
been  killed,  partly  by  the  Russian  artillery,  partly  in  the  various  combats 
that  had  taken  place,  yet  the  difficulty  of  getting  possession  of  the  city 
seemed  as  great  as  ever.  Winter  hkewise  was  drawing  near;  and  its 
approach  caused  more  dread  among  the  Muscovite  troops  than  even  the 
dangers  of  the  siege.  Ivan,  in  consequence,  finding  that  the  whole  army 
anxiously  desired  the  termination  of  the  enterprise,  began  to  take 
measures  for  a  general  assault.  In  order  to  diminish  the  dangers  of  this 
project,  as  well  as  to  strike  a  severe  blow  at  the  besieged,  the  tzar 
ordered  a  mine  to  be  dug  under  the  gate  of  Arsk,  near  which  the  Tartar 
barracks  were  situated,  and  where  the  defenders  of  Kazan  had  formed 
subterranean  excavations  to  hide  themselves  from  the  fire  of  the  Russian 


cannoneers.  This  mine  finished,  Ivan  ordered  the  match  to  be  applied. 
Nothing  could  surpass  the  horror  and  consternation  of  the  inhabitants 
of  Kazan  when  the  unexpected  explosion,  like  the  shock  of  an  earth- 
quake, took  place ;  and  for  a  few  minutes  the  silence  of  the  grave  reigned 
throughout  the  town.  The  Russians  took  advantage  of  that  moment  of 
general  panic  to  penetrate  into  the  city.  Their  approach  restored  to  the 
Tartars  their  presence  of  mind  ;  they  rushed  to  encounter  the  assailants, 
and  after  a  warm  struggle,  succeeded  in  driving  them  from  the  ramparts, 
all  of  which  were  cleared,  with  the  exception  of  one  tower,  called  the 
Arsk  turret,  which  Prince  Vorotinsky  took  possession  of,  and  from  which 
the  Tartars  strove  in  vain  to  drive  him.  This  gallant  prince,  when  his 
companions  in  arms  retired  from  the  fortress,  is  said  to  have  exclaimed 
to  the  voivodes,  "Return  soon,  we  will  await  your  arrival  here;"  and  he 
kept  his  word. 

On  the  following  day  the  tzar  announced  to  his  soldiers  his  intention 
to  execute  the  general  assault,  which  the  Russian  annalists  have  [called 
"  the  grand  exploit."  Having  arranged  his  troops  in '  the  most  advan- 
tageous manner,  and  established  several  mines  under  the  walls  and 
principal  turrets  of  the  fortress,  he  ordered  that  every  soldier,  "  previous 
to  drinking  the  general  cup  of  blood,*  should  purify  his  soul  by  prayer, 
and  receive  the  holy  communion."  This  accomplished,  Ivan  resolved  to 
try  for  the  third  time,  whether  the  voice  of  persuasion  might  not  influence 
the  Tartars  at  that  hour  of  danger;  accordingly  he  sent  several  venerable 
old  men,  whom  he  had  taken  prisoners,  to  Kazan,  with  offers  to  forgive 
the  inhabitants  their  resistance,  if  they  would  yield  up  the  town  without 
bloodshed.  But  the  answer  of  the  latter  proved  how  useless  was  all 
attempt  at  persuasion  or  remonstrance  with  men  to  whom  death  was  as 
nothing.  "  We  seek  no  pardon,"  said  these  gallant  warriors ;  "  let  the 
Russians  occupy  our  towers  and  level  our  walls,  we  fear  them  not — we 
will  construct  new  towers  and  raise  new  walls  ;  and  once  more  we  repeat 
that  either  our  bodies  shall  be  buried  lifeless  under  the  ruins  of  Kazan,  or 
we  will  force  our  enemies  to  raise  the  siege."  Having  received  this 
answer,  Ivan  fixed  the  morrow  for  the  assault.  -^ 

The  night  which  preceded  the  execution  of  this  perilous  undertaking 
was  spent,  by  both  the  besiegers  and  besieged,  in  active  preparations  for 
attack  and  defence  :  none  thought  that  night  of  rest. 

On  the  2nd  of  October,  1552,  a  date  so  memorable  in  the  Russian 
annals,  the  assault  was  accompUshed.  The  events  of  that  celebrated  day 
have  been  so  admirably  described  by  the  Russian  historian  Karamzin, 
says  Tornirelli,  that  I  do  not  remember  ever  having  read  a  page  of  the 
history  of  any  country  more  eloquent  or  more  interesting.  I  give  the 
details  as  he  relates  them. 

"  Day,"  says  the  historian,  "  dawned  upon  a  pure  and  unclouded  sky. 

*  Such  is  the  expreision  in  the  Russian  annals. 


The  inhabitants  of  Kazan  were  stationed  upon  the  ramparts  of  the 
fortress,  while  the  Russians  stood  at  the  foot  of  the  walls ;  the  Muscovite 
banners  floated  in  the  wind,  and  the  profound  silence  of  the  army,  which 
had  not  yet  received  the  order  to  commence  the  assault,  was  interrupted 
only  by  the  shrill  sound  of  our  martial  instruments  jarring  discordantly 
with  those  of  the  enemy.  The  Tartars  gazed  fiercely  at  our  troops,  while 
our  archers,  bow  in  hand,  and  the  cannoneers  with  lighted  matches,  stood 
awaiting  the  signal  for  slaughter.  The  Russian  camp  was  almost  entirely 
deserted  :  scarce  a  sound  was  heard  there  save  the  solemn  chant  of  the 
priests,  who  were  celebrating  the  holy  mass  in  the  presence  of  the  tzar 
and  some  of  his  most  illustrious  boyards.  At  length  the  sun  appeared 
on  the  horizon  ;  at  that  very  moment,  and  when  the  deacon  engaged  in 
reading  the  gospel  was  pronouncing  the  words  '  There  shall  exist  but  one 
flock  and  but  one  shepherd,'  a  frightful  explosion,  which  made  the  earth 
tremble  and  shook  the  church  to  its  very  foundations,  was  suddenly 
heard.  The  tzar  having  advanced  to  the  threshold  perceived  the  terrible 
effect  of  the  mines.  The  town  was  completely  enveloped  in  darkness  ;  a 
horrible  medley  of  mutilated  corpses  and  ruins,  cast  into  the  air  in  the 
midst  of  volumes  of  dense  smoke,  fell  back  upon  the  fortress.  Divine 
service  was  for  a  moment  interrupted;  but  the  tzar,  concealing  his 
emotion,  re-entered  the  church  and  caused  the  Liturgy  to  be  continued. 
While  the  deacon,  praying  with  a  loud  voice,  was  addressing  pious 
invocations  to  Heaven,  that  it  should  deign  to  strengthen  the  power  of 
the  tzar,  and  place  at  his  feet  the  enemies  of  Russia,  a  second  explosion, 
more  terrible  than  the  former,  was  heard,  followed  by  the  cry  of  the 
whole  army, '  Bokh  snami !^^  (God  is  with  us.)  At  the  same  moment  the 
Russian  battalions  precipitated  themselves  on  the  fortress,  where  the 
Tartars,  displaying  a  wonderful  intrepidity,  and  invoking  Allah  and 
Mahomet,  awaited  them  with  a  firm  step.  They  allowed  the  assailants 
to  approach  within  a  certain  distance  without  bending  a  bow  or  dis- 
charging a  single  musket,  but  on  a  given  signal  they  suddenly  let  fly  such 
a  volley  of  bullets,  stones,  and  arrows,  that  the  very  air  was  darkened. 
In  the  meantime  the  Russians,  encouraged  by  the  example  of  their  chiefs, 
reached  the  foot  of  the  ramparts.  The  Tartars  rolled  upon  them  from 
the  su'mmit  of  the  walls  enormous  wooden  beams,  which  crushed 
numbers  as  they  advanced ;  they  poured  boiling  water  on  the  heads  of 
the  assailants,  and,  recklessly  braving  danger  and  death,  they  exposed 
themselves  openly  to  the  fire  of  the  batteries  and  musketry.  In  that 
critical  moment,  the  least  delay  would  have  been  attended  with  results 
fatal  to  the  invaders.  Their  number  diminished  every  minute;  many  fell 
dead  or  mortally  wounded ;  others,  struck  with  terror,  abandoned  their 
arms,  but  the  more  intrepid  reanimated  by  their  heroism  their  intimidated 
comrades.  These  might  be  seen  precipitating  themselves  in  the  breaches 
made  by  the  cannon,  scaling  the  walls  with  ladders,  clinging  to  the 


parapets,  climbing  on  the  heads  and  shoulders  of  their  companions,  and 
fighting  hand  to  hand  with  the  besieged  in  every  direction. 

"  At  length,  when  divine  service  was  completed,  the  tzar  mounted  his 
war-horse,  and  advanced  towards  the  scene  of  the  conflict :  ere  he 
arrived  at  the  spot,  the  banner  of  the  Christians  was  seen  floating  above 
the  walls  of  the  fortress,  while  the  army  of  reserve  welcomed  with  a 
thousand  acclamations  both  the  approach  of  their  monarch  and  victory. 

"  But  the  victory  was  not  yet  entirely  decisive.  The  Tartars,  broken 
through  on  every  side,  hurled  from  the  ramparts  and  turrets,  with  the 
madness  of  despair,  formed  themselves  into  columns  in  the  streets  and 
alleys  of  the  town,  where  they  still  struggled,  scimitar  and  poniard  in 
hand,  with  the  Russians.  Never  was  a  ineUe  more  bloody  :  the  walls  of 
the  houses,  the  very  roofs  were  disputed  by  both  parties  ;  the  earth  was 
covered  with  severed  limbs  and  mutilated  bodies.  Prince  Vorotinsky 
was  the  first  who  brought  the  news  to  the  tzar  that  the  Russians  were  in 
the  town,  but  he  added  that  the  combat  continued  to  rage  with  unabated 
fury,  and  that  it  was  urgently  necessary  to  succour  the  troops.  Ivan 
immediately  sent  forward  a  division  of  his  own  guards,  with  several 
voivodes.  Having  received  this  assistance,  the  Russians  soon  became 
victorious  in  every  direction,  and  succeeded  in  repulsing  the  Tartars 
even  into  the  very  palace  of  the  Khan,  which  was  surrounded  with" 
fortifications.  Yadigar  himself,  after  defending  for  some  time  the 
entrance  to  his  palace,  and  vainly  endeavouring  to  repulse  the  assailants, 
accompanied  by  the  most  illustrious  of  his  warriors,  slowly  retired  from 
the  castle  towards  that  part  of  the  town  called  the  '  Teretzsky  Ravine ;' 
here  he  suddenly  halted,  and  then  made  a  new  and  desperate  attack  upon 
the  Russian  troops.  That  attack  for  a  time  turned  the  balance  of  victory 
on  the  side  of  the  Tartars. 

"The  Russians,  masters  of  a  town  celebrated  for  its  wealth  and 
magnificence,  unable  to  resist  the  temptation  which  its  treasures  excited, 
abandoned  their  posts,  and  rushed  to  pillage  the  shops  and  houses ;  even 
the  officers,  whom  the  tzar  had  sent  forward  for  the  express  purpose  of 
repressing  this  disorder,  allowed  themselves  to  be  equally  influenced  fey 
this  thirst  for  riches,  and  forgot  their  orders  in  the  midst  of  the  seducing 
occasion.  The  cowards  also,  who  in  the  heat  of  the  combat  had  flung 
themselves  on  the  earth,  feigning  to  be  dead  or  wounded,  now  arose,  full 
of  life  and  vigour,  and  rushed  to  participate  in  the  general  pillage. 
Even  that  portion  of  the  Russian  troops  charged  with  the  care  of  the 
ammunition  waggons,  together  with  a  great  crowd,  consisting  of 
victuallers,  vendors,  and  labourers,  hurried  hkewise  into  the  town, 
loading  themselves  with  objects  of  gold  and  silver,  furs,  stuffs,  and 
numerous  other  articles  of  value,  which  they  brought  back  to  the  camp, 
where  there  existed  a  scene  of  inexpressible  confusion. 

"  It  was  in  the  midst  of  this  disorder  that  Yadigar,  with  a  small  but 


chosen  band  of  Tartars,  charged  vigorously  that  portion  of  the  Russian 
soldiery  which  had  remained  faithful  to  its  duty :  the  attack  was  so 
impetuous  that  the  latter  was  forced  to  give  way  ;  its  retreat  at  the 
same  time  spread  consternation  among  the  pillagers,  who  took  to  flight, 
and  flung  themselves  from  the  summit  of  the  walls  and  ramparts, 
exclaiming,  '  All  is  lost  !  sauve  qui  pent !' 

"  The  tzar,  in  the  midst  of  the  panic  and  disorder  of  his  troops,  which 
induced  him  to  suppose  that  the  Tartars  had  repulsed  the  whole  of  his 
army  from  the  town,  showed  nevertheless,  on  this  occasion,  uncommon 
presence  of  mind  and  courage.  'He  was  surrounded,'  writes  Prince 
Kurbsky,  '  by  the  venerable  counsellors  of  his  empire,  grown  grey  in 
arms  and  the  practice  of  virtue.'  Obedient  to  their  advice,  the  tzar  had 
the  magnanimity  to  place  himself,  with  the  Christian  banner  in  his 
hands,  at  the  entrance  called  the  Royal  Gate,  in  order  to  stop  the 
fugitives.  Half  of  his  select  cavalry,  consisting  of  twenty  thousand  men, 
alighted  from  their  horses,  and  penetrated  on  foot  into  the  town,  followed 
by  the  aged  nobles,  placed  thus  in  the  same  ranks  with  their  children. 
This  troop,  fresh  and  valiant,  clad  in  glittering  armour,  precipitated  itself 
like  a  thunderbolt  on  the  Tartars.  The  latter  resisted  long  and  bravely; 
at  last,  having  formed  themselves  into  close  battalions,  they  retreated  in 
good  order  towards  a  high  stone  mosque,  where  the  Imams,  Mollahs, 
and  other  ministers  of  the  Prophet  were  assembled.  It  was  not  with 
presents,  humble  solicitations,  or  prayers  for  mercy,  that  the  latter  came 
to  the  rencontre  of  the  Russians;  but  sword  in  hand,  and  urged  by  the 
most  ferocious  despair,  they  rushed  upon  their  ranks,  where  they  were 
all  sacrificed. 

"Yadigar,  with  the  small  remnant  of  his  gallant  troops,  retreated 
once  more  to  the  palace  of  the  Khans,  where  he  defended  himself  for 
upwards  of  an  hour ;  the  Russians,  however,  succeeded  in  breaking  down 
the  gates  and  forcing  an  entrance.  What  an  astonishing  spectacle  struck 
their  notice  ! — the  wives  and  daughters  of  the  Tartars,  dressed  in  their 
richest  costumes,  were  there  to  intercept  the  advance  of  the  invaders ; 
the^e  they  had  assembled,  with  no  other  defence  save  their  youth  and 
charms!  while  their  fathers,  husbands,  and  brothers,  surrounding  the 
person  of  the  king,  continued  to  fight  with  the  ardour  of  desperation.  At 
last  the  Tartars,  in  number  about  ten  thousand,  retired  through  a  gate  at 
the  back  of  the  palace,  which  led  to  the  lower  portion  of  the  town. 
Prince  Kurbsky,  at  the  head  of  two  hundred  warriors,  endeavoured  to 
intercept  their  passage :  he  barred  up  the  narrow  streets  and  lanes,  and 
opposed  fresh  obstacles  to  their  retreat  at  every  moment;  the  prince 
remained  courageously  at  his  post  until  he  was  joined  by  a  portion  of  the 
Russian  troops,  who  fell  upon  the  rear  of  the  Tartars.  The  latter, 
surrounded  on  every  side  by  their  enemies,  without  a  hope  of  safety,  and 
forced  as  they  advanced  to  trample  at  every  step  upon  the  dead  bodies 



of  their  comrades,  worked  nevertheless  their  way  to  the  outer  wall  of  the 
town  ;  arrived  here,  they  placed  Yadigar  in  safety  in  a  strong  tower,  and 
expressed  a  desire  to  parley  with  the  besiegers.  The  voivode  Dmitry 
Paletsky  immediately  upon  this  ordered  his  troops  to  cease  the  combat, 
and  marched  towards  the  Tartars.  '  Listen  ! '  exclaimed  the  latter ;  '  as 
long  as  our  Government  existed  we  were  ready  to  die  in  defence  of  our 
prince  and  country.  Kazan  is  now  in  your  power  ;  we  yield  up  to  you 
our  sovereign,  alive  and  unvvounded,  for  we  are  no  longer  able  to  defend 
him  from  injury  ;  lead  him  to  your  tzar  ;  for  our  part,  we  will  descend 
into  the  plain,  resolved  to  drain  with  you  in  battle  the  last  drop  of  the 
cup  of  life.'  They  then  delivered  their  Khan  Yadigar  to  the  care  of 
Paletsky,  together  with  an  aged  noble,  one  of  the  principal  dignitaries  of 
the  State,  and  two  Mamichis,  or  companions  of  the  fallen  monarch.  A 
few  minutes  after,  the  battle  recommenced  with  renewed  fury.  The 
Tartars  at  first  directed  their  retreat  towards  the  right  of  the  Russian 
camp,  but,  encountered  by  the  artillery  in  that  direction,  they  turned  to 
the  left,  and  casting  aside  their  cumbrous  armour,  they  forded  across  the 
Kazanka.  Their  number  had  now  diminished  to  five  thousand.  This 
remnant,  met  by  a  division  of  Russian  cavalry  under  the  command  of 
Prince  Kurbsky  and  his  brother  Roman,  still  continued  to  fight  with  the 
intrepidity  of  men  who  feared  not  death  ;  the  Russians,  after  undergoing 
a  terrible  loss,  were  forced  to  give  way,  while  the  Tartars,  continuing 
their  retreat,  advanced  towards  a  thick  forest,  in  which  they  sought  a 
shelter.  Feeble  as  they  were  now  and  few  in  numbers,  their  astonishing 
valour  and  heroism  still  rendered  them  objects  of  terror  to  the  invaders  ; 
the  tzar,  therefore,  despatched  a  division  of  light  cavalry  to  cut  off  their 
retreat  from  the  forest.  Encountered  by  this  fresh  troop,  the  Tartars  still 
continued  the  fatal  and  useless  struggle :  '  Not  one  of  them,'  say  the 
Russian  annalists,  '  yielded  himself  a  prisoner,'  and  the  few  that  were 
taken  were  covered  with  wounds,  which  had  rendered  them  incapable  of 

"  The  town,  now  completely  in  the  hands  of  the  besiegers,  was  on  fire 
in  several  directions:  the  battle  had  ceased,  but  not  the  effusion  of  htood, 
for  the  conquerors,  irritated  by  the  vigorous  and  obstinate  defence  of 
their  enemies,  massacred  all  whom  they  met  with,  in  the  mosques, 
houses,  and  cellars.  The  court  of  the  palace,  the  streets,  ramparts,  and 
ravines,  were  encumbered  with  thousands  of  dead  bodies;  the  plain 
between  the  town  and  the  Kazanka  presented  the  same  scene.  The 
discharge  of  the  artillery  and  musketry  was  no  longer  heard,  but  the 
clang  of  the  sword,  the  shrieks  of  the  dying,  and  the  cries  of  the  victors, 
succeeded  these  frightful  explosions.  It  was  then  that  Prince  Vorotinsky, 
commander-in-chief  of  the  army,  sent  off  a  message  to  the  tzar,  which 
ran  as  follows: — 'Rejoice,  Prince  !  your  valour  and  good  fortune  have 
insured  you  the  victory;  Kazan  is  in  our  power,  its  Khan  at  your  mercy; 


the  Tartars  are  all  destroyed  or  taken  prisoners ;  incalculable  riches  have 
fallen  into  our  hands.     We  await  your  orders.' 

" '  Glory  be  to  the  Most  High  ! '  exclaimed  the  tzar,  raising  his  hands 
to  heaven.  Immediately  after,  he  ordered  a  Te  Deum  to  be  sung  near 
the  sacred  banner,  and  having,  with  his  own  hands,  planted  the  holy 
cross  on  the  principal  gate  of  the  fortress,  he  marked  out  a  spot  for  the 
erection  of  the  first  Christian  temple  in  this  Mussulman  land. 

"  On  the  3rd  of  October  the  dead  were  buried,  and  the  whole  town 
entirely  cleaned.  The  following  day  the  tzar,  accompanied  by  his  clergy, 
members  of  the  council,  and  the  generals  and  chiefs  of  his  army,  made  a 
solemn  entry  into  Kazan,  and  laid  the  first  stone,  in  the  spot  he  had 
previously  chosen,  of  the  '  Cathedral  of  the  Visitation  ;'  he  then  accom- 
panied a  procession  round  the  town,  and  consecrated  Kazan  to  the  true 
God.  The  clergy  sprinkled  the  streets,  walls,  and  houses  with  holy 
water.  Invoking  the  benediction  of  the  Almighty  on  this  new  rampart 
of  the  Christian  faith,  they  supplicated  Him  to  preserve  its  inhabitants 
from  all  diseases,  to  sustain  their  courage,  and  to  render  this  conquest 
henceforth  the  glorious  inheritance  of  Russia.  The  tzar  then  gave  orders 
to  repair  as  quickly  as  possible  the  fortifications,  and,  accompanied  by 
his  voivodes  and  dignitaries,  he  betook  himself  to  the  palace  of  the 
Khans,  on  which  the  Christian  banner  was  now  floating." 

Prince  Alexander  Shuiski  was  nominated  governor  of  Kazan,  and 
fifteen  thousand  boyard-foUowers,  three  thousand  streUtzes,  and  a 
number  of  Cossacks  were  left  behind  as  a  garrison.  Ivan's  grandees 
advised  him  to  stay  till  the  spring  and  to  detain  his  army,  so  that  he 
might  thoroughly  subdue  the  five  tribes  of  the  Mordvins,  Chuvashes, 
Votiaks  (of  Arsk),  the  Cheremisses,  and  the  Bashkirs  of  the  Upper 
Kama,  many  of  whose  hordes  had  not  acknowledged  the  Russians,  while 
they  had  been  joined  by  the  fugitive  Tartars  from  Kazan ;  but  the  tzar 
was  eager  for  a  triumphant  entry  into  his  capital,  and  was  encouraged  by 
a  number  of  his  officers,  who  also  longed  for  repose.  Having  heard 
mass  in  the  new  church  of  the  Visitation,  he  embarked  on  the  Volga,  and 
weitt  by  way  of  Nijni  Novgorod,  where  he  received  the  congratulations  of 
his  wife,  and  then  went  on  by  land  towards  Moscow,  and  heard  en  route 
of  the  birth  of  his  son  Dimitri.  He  alighted  to  return  thanks  at  the 
churches  of  Vladimir  and  Suzdal,  and  the  famous  monastery  of  Troitzki. 
A  vast  crowd  came  out  from  the  capital  and  lined  the  way  along  which 
he  passed.  He  dismounted  and  publicly  thanked  the  clergy,  in  feeling 
and  dignified  terms,  for  the  way  in  which  they  had  supported  his  troops 
and  his  own  efforts  in  the  campaign,  and  received  a  suitable  reply ;  after 
which  the  crowd,  clerical  and  lay,  prostrated  themselves  before  him  and 
loudly  blessed  him.* 

Fetes  and  rejoicings  followed  each  other  quickly  at  the  palace,  rich 

*  Karamzin,  viii.  198,  207. 


furs,  precious  cups,  horses,  weapons,  &c.,  to  the  value  of  forty-eight 
thousand  roubles,  equivalent  probably  to  a  million  of  the  present  roubles, 
were  distributed  as  largess,  without  counting  the  domains  and  estates 
with  which  the  officers  were  rewarded.  In  memory  of  his  great  victory, 
Ivan  founded  the  church  of  our  Lady  of  Good  Succour,  which  is  situated 
near  the  gate  Nikolski,  is  surmounted  by  nine  cupolas,  and  is  one  of  the 
most  famous  monuments  of  Moscow.* 

Meanwhile  matters  did  not  go  on  very  well  at  Kazan,  the  tribes  of  the 
mountain  and  the  plain  rebelled,  and  slaughtered  several  Russian  mer- 
chants, for  which  seventy-four  of  them  were  put  to  death ;  the  Votiaks  and 
Cheremisses  refused  to  pay  tribute,  rose  against  the  Russian  functionaries, 
and  defeated  the  strelitzes  and  Cossacks  sent  against  them,  kilUng  eight 
hundred  of  them.  They  built  a  fortress  on  the  river  Mecha,  seventy 
versts  from  Kazan,  and  the  voivode  Boris  Soltikof  having  marched 
against  them  in  the  winter,  his  men  were  buried  deep  in  snow,  while  the 
enemy  on  snow  shoes  surrounded  him  on  all  sides,  killed  five  hundred  of 
his  people,  and  captured  and  put  him  to  death.  Meanwhile  Ivan  himself 
was  laid  prostrate  by  a  fever,  the  first  symptom  of  that  terrible  malady 
which  afterwards  made  him  such  a  savage.t  On  his  recovery  he  sent  a 
large  force  against  the  rebels,  which  destroyed  their  fortress  on  the 
Mecha,  and  advanced  as  far  as  Viatka  and  the  country  of  the  Bashkirs. 
There  were  daily  combats  in  the  forests  and  amidst  the  snow,  in  which 
the  enemy  had  ten  thousand  men  killed,  while  six  thousand  were 
captured,  as  well  as  fifteen  thousand  women  and  children.  Among  the 
dead  were  two  inveterate  enemies  of  Russia,  Prince  Yapancha  and 
Aleka,  a  chief  of  the  Cheremisses.  They  also  ravaged  the  plains  of 
Kazan,  and  captured  one  thousand  six  hundred  distinguished  Tartars, 
who  were  put  to  death.  The  fugitives  driven  to  bay  sought  shelter  in 
various  secluded  localities,  where  they  erected  fortresses,  and  continued 
to  harass  the  Russian  merchants  and  fishermen  on  the  Volga.  Mamich 
Berdei,  one  of  the  chiefs  of  the  flat  country,  having  carried  off  a  Nogai 
prince  with  him,  gave  him  the  title  of  tzar,  but  seeing  he  was  incom- 
petent, he  cut  off  his  head,  put  it  on  a  pole,  and  thus  addressed  it :  "  We 
made  you  a  tzar  to  lead  us  in  war  and  to  gain  victories,  but  you  and  your 
cavalry  have  done  nothing  but  plunder  us.  Meanwhile  your  head  may 
reign  on  this  high  throne."  This  turbulent  person,  who  was  constantly 
inciting  the  mountaineers  to  rebel,  was  at  length  captured  by  them  by  a 
ruse  ;  being  invited  to  a  banquet,  he  was  made  prisoner  and  sent  off  to 
Moscow.  In  reward  for  which  the  tzar  remitted  some  of  their  burdens. 
For  five  years  the  terrible  struggle  went  on,  the  land  being  wasted  with 
fire  and  sword.  Many  of  the  Kazan  people  became  Christians,  while 
others  who  remained  Muhammedans  sided  openly  with  Russia.  They 
were  given  grants  of  land,  &c.    The  rebels  were  at  length  worn  out  and 

♦  Id.,  209.  t  Id.,  216. 

KASIM   KHAN.  429 

their  chiefs  exterminated  ;  the  more  distant  Bashkirs  offered  to  pay 
tribute,  and  in  1557  Ivan  sent  Simon  Yartzof  to  restore  prosperity  to  the 
land,  which  was  strewn  with  ruins  and  tombs.  Thenceforward  Russia 
remained  in  peaceable  possession  of  Kazan.  In  1555  it  was  created  a 
bishopric.  The  first  bishop  was  called  Gury;  his  tomb  still  remains  in 
the  cathedral  of  Kazan.  The  ancient  annals  of  Kazan  offer  no  further 
events  which  are  capable  of  interesting  the  general  reader.  Peace  and 
tranquillity  succeeded  the  storms  and  struggles,  rife  with  ruin  and 
slaughter,  which  had  so  long  disturbed  and  devastated  this  country. 
The  Tartars  who  had  escaped  from  the  sword  were  forced  to  build  for 
themselves  a  new  town  or  suburb  in  the  plains,  which  lay  outside  the 
walls  of  the  city  on  the  lake  called  Kaban,  which  they  still  inhabit  at  the 
present  day.  The  old  town  was  rebuilt  by  order  of  Ivan.  Its  commerce 
soon  began  to  flourish  anew,  the  traces  of  desolation  and  ravage 
gradually  disappeared,  and  in  a  few  years  Kazan,  so  lately  the  scene  of 
war  and  bloodshed,  presented  the  appearance  of  a  rich  and  flourishing 
city.  In  this  state  it  remained,  gradually  increasing  in  size  and 
importance,  till  a  fresh  enemy — fire — in  a  series  of  most  terrible  con- 
flagrations, reduced  it  on  several  occasions  to  ruins.  Like  a  phoenix, 
however,  Kazan  each  time  seems  to  have  arisen  from  its  ashes  more 
beautiful  and  imposing  than  before,  on  each  occasion  it  was  quickly 
rebuilt  on  a  new  and  improved  plan.  The  number  of  public  buildings 
were  augmented,  and  continued  yearly  to  augment,  so  that  at  the  present 
moment  Kazan,  as  we  have  before  said,  is  certainly  one  of  the  finest 
towns  in  the  empire.  As  regards  the  number  of  its  inhabitants,  its 
riches,  and  splendour,  it  only  yields  the  palm  to  the  two  Russian  capitals, 
St.  Petersburg  and  Moscow. 

K  A  S  I  M  O  F. 

When  Ulugh  Muhammed  was  killed  by  his  son  Mahmudek,  two  of  his 
other  sons,  named  Kasim  and  Yakub,  fled  to  Cherkask,  and  thence  to 
the  Grand  Prince  at  Moscow.  This  was  in  the  spring  of  1446.  They 
became  his  faithful  alHes  and  assisted  him  in  the  struggle  in  which  he 
was  engaged  with  Shemiaka.*  In  1449  we  find  them  again  marching 
with  the  Grand  Prince  against  Shemiaka,  but  no  fight  took  place,  as  peace 
was  brought  about  between  the  rivals  at  the  instance  of  the  metropolitan 
and  clergy.t  The  same  year  Seyid  Ahmed,  of  the  Great  Horde,  made  a 
raid  as  far  as  Pokhra,  and  carried  off  Maria,  the  wife  of  Prince  Vasili 
Obolenski.  Kasim  having  heard  of  this,  marched  with  his  Tartars,  overtook 

+  Vd.  Zern.,  i.  2.    Karamzin,  v.  394.  t  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  9. 


the  plunderers,  and  recovered  the  prisoners  and  booty  they  had  captured.* 
In  the  spring  of  1450  the  two  brothers  took  part  in  the  bloody  fight  at 
Galitch  against  Shemiaka.  In  the  autumn  of  the  same  year  the  Grand 
Prince  being  at  Kolomna,  heard  that  Malim  Birdei  Oghlan,  with  some 
other  princes  and  a  body  of  Tartars  from  the  steppe,  was  invading  his 
borders.  He  accordingly  sent  Kasim  against  them,  together  with  some 
troops  from  Kolomna,  commanded  by  the  voivode  Constantine  Alexan- 
drovitch  Bessutzof.  They  defeated  the  invaders  and  drove  them  back 
to  the  river  Betius.t  In  1452  the  Grand  Prince  sent  his  son,  together 
with  the  tzarevitch,  Yakub,  and  a  considerable  army,  against  Shemiaka. 
They  made  a  raid  as  far  as  Koksheng,  wasted  the  land,  and  made 
many  prisoners,  and  having  marched  as  far  as  the  mouth  of  the  Waga 
returned  home  again.J 

During  the  six  years  from  1446  to  1452  we  therefore  find  the  two 
brothers  constantly  in  the  Russian  service.  We  do  not  again  read  of 
Yakub,  and  he  either  died  or  left  the  country.  Kasim  was  rewarded  for 
his  services  by  the  grant  of  Gorodetz  on  the  Oka,  in  the  government  of 
Riazan,  with  a  small  district.  From  him  this  town  took  the  name  of 
Kasimof,  and  thus  was  founded  within  the  Russian  borders  a  small  semi- 
independent  Khanate,  which  lived  for  many  years. 

The  foundation  of  this  petty  Khanate  was  no  doubt  a  piece  of  wise 
policy  on  the  part  of  the  Grand  Prince.  He  could  thus  play  off  his 
protege  against  the  Khans  of  Kazan,  whose  rising  power  was  becoming 
a  menace  to  Russia. 

We  now  read  that  Abd  ul  Mumin  and  other  grandees  of  Kazan  sent 
to  invite  Kasim  to  go  there  and  displace  his  nephew  and  stepson 
Ibrahim.  He,  as  I  have  mentioned,  easily  persuaded  the  Grand  Prince 
to  assist  in  the  enterprise,  and  marched  with  his  contingent  in  the 
autumn  of  1467  towards  Kazan.  This  expedition,  as  I  have  mentioned, 
was  unfortunate,  and  the  allied  armies  suffered  a  good  deal  on  their 
retreat.  Soon  after  this  he  died.  M.  Vel.  Zernof  dates  his  death 
probably  in  1469,  as  in  that  year  his  widow  was  sent  to  Kazan  by  the 
Grand  Prince  on  a  mission  to  her  son  Ibrahim.§  Kasim  is  tradition-ally 
supposed  to  have  built  the  first  mosque  and  the  palace  at  Gorodetz,  but 
if  he  did  so  it  is  probable  that  all  remains  of  his  structure  have  long 
ago  disappeared  and  been  displaced  by  later  buildings. || 


Kasim  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Daniyar  (a  Tartar  corruption  of  the 
name  Daniel),  who  with  Murtaza,  the  son  of  Mustapha,  took  part  in 

♦  Id.    Note,  10.  1  Id.    Note,  12.  1  Id.    Note,  13.  §  Op.  cit.,  i.  10. 

I)  Vel.  Zern.,  op.  cit.,  10-15.    Notes,  24-32. 

NURDAtfLAT   KHAN.  431 

Ivan's  campaign  against  Novgorod  in  1471,  with  all  his  tzarevitches, 
princes,  and  Kasaks  (?>.,  common  Tartars).*  In  this  campaign  he  lost 
forty  of  his  men,  and  was  thanked  for  his  services  by  the  Grand  Prince.t 
We  are  told  he  was  not  allowed  to  make  any  prisoners  however.  It 
would  hardly  have  been  seemly  for  a  Christian  champion  like  Ivan  to 
allow  a  Mussulman  to  do  so.+ 

In  1472  we  find  Danai  or  Daniyar  in  alliance  with  the  Russians  in 
their  war  with  Seyid  Ahmed,  the  Khan  of  the  Golden  Horde.  Murtaza 
also  took  part  in  this  war.§  In  1475  Mengli  Ghirai,  the  Khan  of 
Krim,  urged  the  Grand  Prince  that  he  should  send  the  tzarevitches 
Daniyar  and  Murtaza  against  Ahmed,  the  Khan  of  the  Golden  Horde.  |( 
In  1477  the  former  again  took  part  in  the  campaign  against  Novgorod.^ 

In  1 48 1  we  find  him  mentioned  in  the  will  of  Andrew,  the  Grand 
Prince's  brother,  who  in  it  repays  the  latter  a  sum  of  thirty  thousand 
roubles,  which  he  had  paid  on  his  behalf  to  the  Tartars  of  Kazan  and 
the  tzarevitch  Daniyar.**  In  1483  we  read  how  a  German  physician 
who  had  gone  to  Muscovy  was  well  treated  by  the  Grand  Prince,  but 
having  been  called  in  to  treat  the  tzarevitch  Daniyar,  his  patient  died  on 
his  hands,  whereupon  he  was  handed  over  to  his  son  Kara  Khoja,  who 
had  him  put  to  the  torture,  but  afterwards  allowed  him  to  be 
The  exact  year  of  his  death  is  not  known,  we  only  know  that  in  i486 
Nurdaulat  is  mentioned  as  Khan  of  Kasimof. 


Nurdaulat  was  the  son  of  Haji  Ghirai  of  Krim.  I  shall  describe  in  the 
next  chapter  his  reign  in  the  Crimea,  and  how  he  was  driven  out  thence 
together  with  his  brother  Haidar  in  1478,  and  forced  to  take  shelter  in 
Lithuania,  and  thence  in  Russia.  This  took  place  in  The 
same  year  Berdaulat,  the  son  of  Nurdaulat,  having  been  killed  by  a 
Tartar,  we  are  told  his  father  killed  the  murderer  with  his  own  hand.§§ 
Later  in  the  same  year  Haidar  was  banished  by  the  Grand  Prince  to 
Vologda.  11 II  We  now  find  Nurdaulat  taking  part  in  the  famous  struggle 
with  the  Golden  Horde,  in  which,  while  the  Grand  Prince  encountered 
the  Tartars  in  the  field,  Nurdaulat  made  a  diversion  and  captured 
their  capital.lFlf  It  was  probably  as  a  reward  for  his  services  on  this 
occasion  that  Nurdaulat  was  made  tzar  of  Gorodetz  by  the  Grand 
Prince.  We  now  find  Murtaza,  the  Khan  of  the  Golden  Horde,  and  the 
mortal  enemy  of  MengU  Ghirai,  writing  to  Nurdaulat  and  his  patron  the 
Grand  Prince,  intending  apparently  to  set  up  the  former  against  Mengli 

•  Vide  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  34.  t  Id.,  16.  t  Op.  cit.,  16.    Note,  35. 

§  Id.,  i.  17.    Note,  38.  i  Id..  17.  H  Id.    Note,  40. 

**  Kararazin,  vi.  201.    Vel.  Zern.,  i.  17,  18.  tt  Vel.  Zern.,  i.  18.    Note,  41. 

II  Vel.  Zern.,  i.  22.        ^Id.,23.    Note,  53.        ||||/<*.,23.    Note,  54.        ^^  Ante,  322. 


Ghirai.*  This    intrigue  was    fruitless,  as   we  shall  see.      Nurdaulat 

probably  died  shortly  after  this,  and  he  is  not  named  after  the  year 


Nurdaulat  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Satilgan,t  who  is  first  named  in 
1496,  when  we  read  of  the  yassak  or  tax  which  he  drew  from  Riazan.J  He 
is  not  again  named  until  1 504,  when  he  is  mentioned  in  general  terms  in 
a  treaty  or  compact  made  between  Vasili  and  Yuri,  the  sons  of  the  Grand 
Prince,  in  regard  to  the  dues  to  be  paid  to  the  Tartars. §  The  mention 
of  this  tax  introduces  a  curious  question.  It  would  seem  that  so  long 
as  the  Russians  paid  dues  to  the  Tartars  these  were  apportioned  out 
among  the  various  towns,  and  thus  became  charges  on  the  appanaged 
princes,  and  we  consequently  find  in  the  will  of  Ivan  III.  a  provision 
specifying  the  contributions  which  these  appanages  were  to  pay.  Thus 
we  are  told  that  towards  every  thousand  roubles  so  owing  to  the  Tartars 
of  the  Great  Horde,  Krim,  Astrakhan,  Kazan,  and  the  towns  of  the 
tzarcvitches  {i.e.,  Kasimof,  &c.),  the  Grand  Prince  was  to  pay  on  behalf 
of  Muscovy,  Tuer,  Old  Riazan,  and  Perewitsk,  716^  roubles  and  2^ 
dengas  ;  Yuri,  for  Kashin,  was  to  pay  82  roubles  10  copecks  ;  Dimitri, 
for  his  appanage,  including  Supzof  and  Opok,  58  roubles,  50  copecks, 
and  7  dengas  ;  Simeon,  for  his  appanage,  65  roubles  10  dengas  ;  and 
Andrew,  for  his  land  as  well  as  for  Staritza,  Kholm,  &c.,  40  roubles,  50 
copecks,  li  dengas;  while  his  nephew,  for  his  domain,  as  well  as  for  Kolpi 
and  Buyagorod,  37J  roubles.  ||  In  1 505  Satilgan  and  his  brother  Janai,  with 
their  oghlans  and  Kazaks,  marched  under  the  banners  of  the  Russian 
Grand  Prince  in  his  attack  upon  the  Khanate  of  Kazan. IT  Satilgan  is 
mentioned  for  the  last  time  in  1506,  when  he  took  part  in  the 
unfortunate  campaign  of  that  year  against  Kazan.** 


It  is  clear  that  Satilgan  was  no  longer  Khan  of  Kasimof  in  1508,  and 
was  probably  then  dead,  for  we  then  find  his  brother  Janai  ruling  there. 
In  the  war  between  the  Grand  Prince  Vasili  and  Sigismund  of  Poland 
in  1508,  a  contingent  of  Tartars  from  Gorodetz,  under  the  orders  of 
Muhammed  Amin,  the  son  of  Karachuk  Mirgen,  took  part. ft  At  the 
same  time  another  contingent,  under  the  orders  of  Janai,  was  ordered  to 
march  against  the  Lithuanians.!!    We  do  not  again  hear  of  Janai. 

*  See  next  chapter.  t  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  59.  J  Id.,  26.  §  Id.,  28.  i  Id,,  28. 

i;/</.,33.    Note,  66.  **/<<.,  34-  tt /d.,  37-    Note,  73.  II /</.,  37- 




On  the  death  of  Janai  the  small  Khanate  of  Kasimof  passed  out  of  the 
hands  of  the  family  of  Kazan  into  that  of  Astrakhan,  and  in  1512  we 
find  its  Tartars,  under  the  command  of  Sheikh  Avliyar,  marching  to  the 
assistance  of  the  Grand  Prince  in  his  attack  on  Smolensk.*  Sheikh 
Avliyar  was  the  son  of  Bakhtiar  Saltan,  brother  of  Ahmed  Khan,  of  the 
Golden  Horde.t  He  had  sought  refuge  in  Russia  in  1502. J  In  1508 
he  ruled  at  Suroshik,  and  took  part  in  the  Lithuanian  war,  and  four 
years  later,  at  I  have  mentioned,  he  is  spoken  of  as  Khan  of  Kasimof. 
He  married  Shah  Sultana,  daughter  of  the  Nogai  Prince  Ibrahim. §  We 
know  nothing  more  of  him. 


Sheikh  Avliyar  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Shah  Ali,  who  was  Khan  of 
Kasimof  in  15 16,  when  he  is  so  mentioned  in  a  letter  of  the  Krim  Khan 
to  the  Grand  Prince,  li  who  complained  that  a  prince  of  Astrakhan  should 
thus  be  z.  protege  of  Russia.  In  1518,  on  the  death  of  Muhammed  Amin, 
the  Khan  of  Kazan,  Shah  Ali  was  nominated  in  his  place,  as  I  have 
mentioned.  IT  and  he  mounted  the  throne  there  in  the  spring  of  15 19. 

JAN    ALI    KHAN. 

He  was  succeeded  as  Khan  of  Kasimof  by  his  brother  Jan  Ali,  who 
is  mentioned  as  a  tzarevitch  at  Meshchersk  {i.e.,  Kasimof)  in  152 1.  He 
took  part  in  the  war  against  Lithuania  in  1528,  and  in  1531  he  was 
also  summoned  to  occupy  the  throne  of  Kazan,  from  which  Safa  Girai 
hadbeefi  deposed  by  the  Russians.** 

SHAH   ALI    KHAN  (Restored). 

During  Jan  All's  reign  at  Kasimof  Shah  Ali,  his  brother,  seems  to 
have  lived  at  Moscow  in  honourable  exile,  sharing  in  the  various 
expeditions  of  the  Grand  Prince.  This  was  from  1521  to  On 
Jan  All's  elevation  in  the  latter  year  to  Kazan,  Shah  Ali  was  granted  the 
towns  of  Koshira  and  Serpukhof,  but  having  intrigued  in  the  affairs  of 
Kazan,  he  was  deposed  and  sent  with  his  wife  to  exile  at  Bielozersk  ;  his 

*  Vel.  Zern.,  5.  37-  +  Id.,  38-45.  I  Id.,  38.  S  Id.,  47.  1  Id 

n[^ff/f,3S5.  ♦*YeI,Zcrn.,i.  49-56.  ttM.,56. 



ughlans,  princes,  muizas,  and  people  were  scattered  among  the  Russian 
towns  of  Tuer,  Novgorod,  Pskof,  &c,,  and  suffered  great  distress,  and 
many  of  their  women  Avere  baptised.*  In  the  latter  part  of  1535  Shah 
All  regained  his  liberty.t  His  brother  Jan  Ali  had  been  murdered  at 
Kazan  in  the  spring  of  this  year,+  and  a  party  of  the  Kazan  Tartars 
wished  to  put  Shah  Ali  on  the  throne.  I  have  described  his  gratitude, 
and  the  efforts  made  by  the  Russians  to  displace  Safa  Girai  and  to  seat 
him  on  the  throne.§  Meanwhile  he  had  been  again^  invested  with  the 
Khanate  of  Kasimof,  and  is  found  in  command  of  its  Tartars  in  1540.II 
In  the  summer  of  1543  he  granted  the  monastery  of  Troitski  liberty  to 
freely  navigate  the  Oka,  to  fell  timber  in  the  woods  of  Kashirsk,  and 
also  to  cut  down  trees  in  which  bees  had  deposited  honey.^  In  1546, 
Safa  Girai  having  been  driven  away  from  Kazan,  Shah  Ali  was  once 
more  seated  on  the  throne  there,  but  occupied  it  only  a  short  time.** 
We  find  him  taking  part  in  the  attacks  on  Kazan  from  1547  to  155 1.  In 
this  last  year  he  again  occupied  the  throne  there,  but  found  it  untenable, 
and  abandoned  it  the  following  year,  and  again  returned  to  Kasimof. tt 
He  took  part  in  Ivan's  final  campaign  against  Kazan,  on  whose  capture 
he  congratulated  him  and  rode  beside  him  when  he  entered  the  city  in  From  the  spring  of  1553  to  the  end  of  1557  Shah  AU  con- 
tinued to  reign  quietly  at  Kasimof,  while  his  Tartars  were  largely 
employed  in  the  Russian  service.§§  In  the  end  of  1557  he  took  part  in 
the  war  against  Livonia.  He  is  mentioned  by  Solomon  Henning  and 
other  chroniclers  of  that  campaign,  and  by  Hiarn  and  Kelch,  the 
historians  of  Livonia,  who  describe  the  doings  of  his  people  in  much  the 
same  terms  that  his  contemporaries  did  those  of  Batu  Khan ;  women 
were  ravished,  children  were  torn  from  their  mothers  wombs,  while 
many  were  strewn  over  with  gunpowder  or  fat  and  then  set  on  fire.|||| 
But  these  cruelties,  as  M.  Vel.  Zernof  says,  were  not  confined  to  the 
Tartars.  They  were  practised  no  less  by  Christians,  and  notably  by  the 
Russians  in  their  terrible  campaigns  in  Livonia  and  Lithuania. 

In  1558  the  English  traveller  Jenkinson  passed  through  Kasimof  on 
his  way  from  Moscow  to  Bokhara.  He  calls  the  town  Cassim,  and  its 
ruler  the  tzar  Zegoline.^^  After  his  Livonian  campaign  Shah  All 
returned  again  to  his  capital,  where  he  Hved  peaceably  till  1562  while  a 
contingent  of  his  Tartars  shared  in  the  Livonian  campaigns  which  were 
fought  during  the  interval.***  In  1562  Shah  Ali  took  part  in  person  in 
the  war  against  Sigismund  of  Poland,  In  1564-5  he  was  at  the  head  of 
an  army  on  the  borders  of  Lithuania. 

Shah  AU  died  on  the  20th  of  April,  1567,  and  was  buried  at  Kasimof, 
where  his  gravestone  still  remains.ttt    His  mausoleum,  called  Tekie  by 

/rf.,  57.       t /d.,  60.       I  Ante,  ^00.       i  Ante,  400,401.       (I  Vel.  2rern/,  f.  65'       li/i.,65. 

**  Ante,  403,  tt  Vel.  Zern.,i.  70-72.  Hid., 75,76.  §$W.,  76-81. 

1111  Op.  cit.,  8;?.    Note,  157.         •!•[ /rf.,  8S.         *♦♦/</.,  89.         1tt/<f.,94. 



the  Tartars,  still  remains  at  Kasimof,  a  beautiful  specimen  of  Mussulman 
architecture,  which  we  shall  describe  in  a  note  further  on. 


Shah  Ali  died  without  issue,  and  his  heritage  at  Kasimof  passed  to 
another  branch  of  his  family.     In  1570  we  find  it  ruled  by  a  prince 
named  Sain  Bulat.      This  we  learn  from  the  reported  address  of  the 
Russian  envoy  Novossilzof  to  Selim,  the  Sultan  of  Turkey.    "  My  master," 
he  said,  "  is  not  an  enemy  of  the  religion  of  Mahomet,  many  of  his 
vassals  are  followers  of  the  prophet,  and  adore  him  in  their  mosques. 
Such  are  the  tzar  Sain  Bulat  at  Kasimof,  the  tzarevitch  Kaibula  at 
Yurief,  Ibak  at  Surojek,  and  the  Nogai  princes  at  Romanof,  for  in  Russia 
every  one  may  freely  follow  his  religion.    At  Kadom,  in  the  province  of 
Mechera,  several  of  the  tzar's  functionaries  are  Mussulmans.     It  is  true 
the  late  tzar  of  Kazan  (Simeon)  and  the  tzarevitch  Murtaza  have  become 
Christians,  but  this  was  at  their  own  request."*    Sain  Bulat  is  called  the 
son  of  Bekbulat,  who  had  been  living  in  Russia  since  1 562.    M.Vel.  Zernof 
has  shown  that  the  latter  was  the  son  of  Boghatyr  or  Behadur  Suhan, 
one  of  the  many  sons  of  Ahmed,  the  Khan  of  the  Golden  Horde,t  so 
that  the  fathers  of  Shah  Ali  and  Bekbulat  were  first  cousins.      Sain 
Bulat  took  part  in  Ivan's  campaign  against  Novgorod  in  157 1-2,  and  in 
that  of  the  next  year  against  Sweden,     In  the  end  of  1573  he  became  a 
Christian,  taking  the  name  of  Simeon.:]:  This  necessitated  his  resignation 
of  the  throne  at  Kasimof     He  had  some  strange  adventures  afterwards. 
Ivan  in  his  curious  phrenzy  had  him  crowned  as  tzar,  and  reserved  to 
himself  merely  the  title  of  Grand  Duke.     He  apparently  took  the  title  of 
tzar  of  Tuer,  and  married  the  sister  of  the  boyard  Feodor  Mitislavitch. 
On  the  accession  of  Feodor  Ivanovitch  to  the  throne  he  was  obliged  to 
quit  T>ier,  where  he  had  held  a  gorgeous  court,  and  to  go  into  retirement 
at^Kushahn.    He  soon  after  became  blind,  a  result  ascribed  to  poison.   It 
was""  apparently  contemplated  by  some  to  raise  him  to  the  Russian 
throne.§    He  at  length  died  in  161 6. 


It  is  not  known  whether  there  was  an  interregnum  after  the  resignation 
by  Sain  Ali  of  the  throne  of  Kasimof,  but  in  1577  we  find  it  occupied  by 
Mustapha  Ali,  the  son  of  Abdulla  Akkubekof.  Akkubek  was  Khan  of 
Astrakhan,!!   and  was  the  first  cousin  of  Bekbulat,  the. father  of  Sain 

*  Karamzin,  ix.  322-231.  t  Op.  cit.,  ii.  g-"-    i.  Note,  82.  I  Vel.  Zcrn.,  ii.  24. 

J  Karamzin,  x.  288,  289.  |j  Vide  ante,  352. 


Bulat.  His  son  Abdulla,  also  called  Kaibula,*  first  settled  in  Russia  in 
1552.  He  married  the  daughter  of  Jan  Ali  and  niece  of  Shah  AH,  and 
was  given  the  town  of  Yurief  as  an  appanage. t  It  was  his  son  Mustapha 
who  was  now  made  Khan  of  Kasimof  He  took  part  in  Ivan's  campaign 
in  Livonia  in  1577,+  and  again  in  1578,  when  he  joined  the  Russian  forces 
with  a  contingent  and  with  his  two  brothers  Budali  and  Arslan  Ali.§  In 
1584  Ivan  announced  to  the  Turkish  Sultan  that  Mustapha  had  been 
made  Khan  of  Kasimof  in  the  place  of  Simeon. ||  He  was  at  Moscow  in 
1586  at  the  presentation  of  the  Polish  ambassador.  We  don't  hear  of 
him  again,  but  he  apparently  did  not  die  till  1590,  as  on  a  tombstone  at 
Kasimof  his  daughter  Takbilde  is  said  to  have  died  in  1608,  aged 
seventeen  years. 


About  1588  we  find  a  certain  Uraz  Makhmet,  who  is  called  a 
tzarevitch  of  the  Kazaks,  settling  in  Russia,  apparently  involuntarily. 
He  is  also  called  Uraz  Makhmet  Odanovitch.^  He  took  part  in  the 
tzar  Feodor's  campaign  against  the  Swedes  in  1590.  In  1594  we  find 
Tevkel,  the  great  chief  of  the  Kazaks,  writing  to  ask  the  tzar  to  send  him 
his  nephew  Uraz  Makhmet.  The  tzar  replied  that  he  would  liberate 
him  if  Tevkel  would  send  one  of  his  own  sons  in  his  place.**  In  1597 
Uraz  Makhmet  was  present  at  the  grand  reception  given  to  the  Austrian 
envoy,  the  burgrave  In  the  following  year  he  joined  the 
Russian  forces  in  a  campaign  against  Krim.  About  the  year  1600  Uraz 
Makhmet  was  nominated  Khan  of  Kasimof  JJ  The  genealogy  of  this 
chief  has  been  preserved  in  a  singular  way.  It  is  engraved  on  a  silver 
casket  dated  in  1012  of  the  hej.  {i.e.,  a.d.  1603-1604),  and  preserved  in 
the  Asiatic  Museum  of  the  Academy  of  St.  Petersburg.§§  From  this  it 
appears  he  was  the  son  of  Odan  Sultan,  the  son  of  Shigai  Khan,  the 
son  of  Yadik  Khan,  the  son  of  Janibeg  Khan,  the  son  of  Borrak  Khan, 
the  chief  of  the  White  Horde  ;||||  and  this  is  confirmed  by  a  Tui^icish 
chronicle  pubhshed  in  1854  by  Berezine.^«[  In  1601  Uraz  Makhmet 
visited  Moscow,  and  is  afterwards  found  stationed  on  the  frontiers  of 
Krim  to  guard  them.***  In  1502  he  was  again  in  Moscow,  probably  to 
be  present  at  the  reception  of  the  Danish  prince  John. 

We  now  reach  the  period  of  disorder  in  Russia  marked  by  the 
appearance  of  the  False  Dimitris.  The  second  of  these  pretenders  was 
openly  supported  by  Uraz  Makhmet  and  the  Tartars  of  Kasimof,  and  he 
is  constantly  mentioned  during  the  troubled  events  of  1 608-1610.     In  the 

*  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  148.  t  Id.  \  Vel.  Zern.,  ii.  27.  §  Id.,  80. 

11  Id.,  83.  «[  Id.,  97-102.  •*  Id.,  104.  tt  Id.,  105.  II  Id.,  1 10. 

§§/</.,  Ill,       [ijl  See  i»M  Chapter  on  the  Kazaks.       ■"•[/(/.,  121.       *''*/^.,  452. 

SEYID   BURGAN  khan.  437 

latter  year  he  came  to  a  violent  end.  He  was  living  with  his  son  at 
Kaluga,  where  the  Pretender  held  his  court.  One  day  his  son  reported 
that  Uraz  Makhmet  contemplated  killing  Dimitri,  upon  which  the  latter 
determined  to  forestal  him,  invited  him  to  a  hunt,  during  which  he  and 
some  retainers  fell  on  the  Kasimof  Khan  and  killed  him,  and  threw  his 
body  into  the  river  Oka.  Dimitri  reported  that  he  had  himself  been 
attacked  by  Uraz,  and  had  killed  him  in  self-defence.  In  revenge,  for 'the 
death  of  the  Khan,  Peter  Urussof,  a  Christian  Nogai  in  the  service  of 
the  Pretender,  fell  on  him  in  turn,  beheaded  him,  and  then  sought  shelter 
in  the  Krim.  Uraz  Makhmet  was  buried  at  Kasimof,  Avhere  his  grave- 
stone was  recently  found.* 


In  August,  1614,  the  tzar  Michael  appointed  Alp  Arslan  Khan  of 
Kasimof.  He  was  the  son  of  Ali,  the  son  of  Kuchum,  the  famous 
Siberian  Khan,  who  will  occupy  us  in  a  later  chapter.  Alp  Arslan  was 
made  prisoner  when  a  child  by  the  Russians  in  1598,  in  the  bloody 
struggle  on  the  banks  of  the  Ob,  where  Kuchum  was  defeated.f  In  161 2 
we  find  him  in  the  Russian  service  and  taking  part  in  the  war  against  the 
Poles  and  Lithuanians,  on  which  occasion  he  seems  to  have  behaved 
badly,  and  to  have  shown  more  energy  in  pillaging  than  fighting.  In 
1616  he  was  at  Moscow  at  the  same  time  as  John  Merrick,  the  English 
envoy,  and  there  would  seem  to  have  been  a  quarrel  about  precedency 
between  them.+  He  was  again  there  in  1617,  when  there  seems  to  have 
been  a  similar  question  about  the  relative  importance  of  the  Persian 
envoys.  In  1623  he  was  again  at  Moscow,  and  full  details  are  extant 
of  the  elaborate  feasting  and  ceremonial  with  which  he  was  entertained, 
which  are  given  by  the  learned  historian  of  the  Khans  of  Kasimof  §  It 
is  not  known  exactly  when  he  died,  but  it  was  probably  in  the  latter 
part  of /1 626.  II 


Arslan  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Seyid  Burgan,  who  appears  as  Khan 
of  Kasimof  for  the  first  time  in  1627.  In  1630  he  is  mentioned  in  a  hst 
of  the  princes  dependent  on  the  Russians.  In  1636  the  famous  traveller 
Adam  Olearius  visited  Kasimof,  which  he  tells  us  was  subject  to  a  Tartar 
prince,  whom  he  calls  Res  Kitzi,  who  lived  in  a  stone  palace  with  his 
mother  and  grandfather.  He  was  twelve  years  old.  The  Russians  had 
tried  to  persuade  him  to  become  a  Christian,  the  tzar  having  promised,  if 

r  Id.,  463-466.  t  Yel.  Zern.,  iii.  i.  I  Id.,  16.  §  Id.,  21.  H  Id.,  14. 


he  did  so,  to  give  him  his  daughter  in  marriage,  but  he  had  excused 
himself  on  account  of  his  youth,  and  said  he  would  postpone  his  decision 
till  he  was  older.  The  envoy  presented  him  with  a  pound  of  tobacco  and 
a  bottle  of  French  brandy.  He  excused  himself  for  not  offering  him 
hospitality  in  his  house  on  the  ground  that  the  Russians  were  very 
jealous  of  his  having  intercourse  with  strangers.  He  sent  him,  however, 
a  present  of  two  sheep,  a  measure  of  quas,  one  each  of  beer  and  brandy, 
some  pieces  of  ice,  some  kumis,  and  fresh  butter,  which  he  said  his 
mother  had  made  with  her  own  hands.*  The  name  Res  Kitzi  here 
given  him  by  Olearius  was  probably  a  local  nickname  given  him  by  the 
Tartars.  Fra^hn  explains  Reis  Kitzi  as  meaning  the  little  captain,  but 
Vel.  Zernof  disputes  the  explanation.t  His  mothei-'s  name  was  Fatima 
Sultan,  and  her  father's  Ak  Muhammed  Seyid  Chakulof.  He  was  pro- 
bably the  grandfather  referred  to  by  Olearius.]: 

In  the  end  of  1653  Seyid  Burgan  went  to  Moscow  with  some  other 
Tartar  princes,  and  took  the  oath  of  fealty.  The  ceremonies  gone  through 
on  this  occasion  have  been  recorded  in  some  detail.  §  On  this  occasion 
Seyid  Burgan  presented  the  tzar  with  a  flagon  worked  with  gold  and 
inlaid  with  precious  stones,  which  is  still  preserved  in  the  armoury  at 
Moscow.  About  1653  he  became  a  Christian  and  took  the  name  of  Vasili, 
and  in  December  of  that  year  we  find  him  dining  with  the  patriarch 
Nikon  and  the  tzar.  As  he  retained  his  authority,  this  was  an  important 
revolution,  for  hitherto  all  the  princes  of  Kasimof  had  been  Mussul- 
mans. He  lived  at  Kasimof  till  his  death,  which  happened  about  1679, 
and  spent  most  of  his  time  in  Moscow.  He  is  frequently  mentioned  in 
contemporary  documents  as  attending  the  court  with  his  wife  Maria  and 
his  sons  Michael  and  Vasili.  He  took  part  in  the  Swedish  campaign  of 
1656,  and  in  that  in  Little  Russia  in  1678. 


Seyid  Burgan  was  the  last  Khan  of  Kasimof.  His  descendants  now 
virtually  lost  their  independence,  and  were  classed  among  other  subject 
princes ;  but  his  stock  still  remains,  and  I  believe  M.  Vehaminof  Zernof, 
the  learned  historian  of  his  house,  is  one  of  his  descendants.  For  a 
short  time  after  his  death  Seyid  Burgan's  mother,  Fatima,  was  acknow- 
ledged as  tzaritza,  and  was  granted  the  rights  possessed  by  her  son.  She 
probably  died  in  1681,  and  with  this  shadow  passed  away  another 
independent  Tartar  house. 

Vcl.  Zcrn.,  iii.  186,  187.  t  Id.,  190.  J  U.,  19a.  i  Id.,  aoa. 

NOTES.  439 

Kotc  I. — Bolgharl  was  the  most  famous  city  of  the  Golden  Horde  after  its 
capital  Serai,  It  is  situated  on  the  left  bank  of  the  Volga,  about  six  miles  from 
that  river,  about  ninety  versts  south  of  Kazan,  and  eighty  versts  north  of 
Simbirsk.  It  is  a  city  of  great  antiquity,  and  its  history  is  long  and  famous. 
It  is  first  mentioned  eo-nomine  by  Ibn  Fozlan,  who  was  sent  there  on  an 
embassy  by  the  Khalif  of  Baghdad,  and  who  reports  that  he  was  sent  in 
answer  to  an  invitation  from  Almus,  the  then  king  of  the  Bulgarians,  that  the 
Khalif  would  send  him  priests  to  convert  his  people  to  Muhammedanism  and 
architects  to  build  mosques  in  his  capital.  Of  the  mission  thus  sent  Sausen 
el  Rassy  was  the  head  and  Ibn  Fozlan  the  secretary.  It  arrived  at  Bolghari 
in  May,  922.  The  Bulgarian  king  with  a  cavalcade  went  out  to  meet  the 
embassy  in  state,  and  when  it  drew  near  he  alighted  and  threw  gold  coins  over 
the  party.  He  gave  a  grand  feast  at  which  other  kings  of  the  country  were 
present.  Almus  himself  was  dressed  in  black  and  wore  a  black  turban,  and 
his  queen  sat  beside  him.  The  result  of  the  visit  was  the  conversion  of  the 
Bulgarians,  which,  according  to  Ibn  Fozlan,  took  place  in  942  a.d.  Like  other 
Arab  travellers,  Ibn  Fozlan  enlarges  on  the  severe  climate  of  Bulgaria  and  the 
shortness  of  the  day  in  winter.  He  tells  us,  however,  that  it  grew  abundance 
of  corn,  barley,  and  millet;  apples  of  a  bad  quality  and  nuts;  also  fir  trees, 
from  the  sap  of  which  the  natives  made  an  intoxicating  drink.  Horse  flesh 
and  millet,  fish  oil  and  hydromel  were  the  chief  food  of  the  people.  A  tax  of 
an  ox  skin  for  each  family  was  paid  to  the  sovereign.  Leather  was  then,  as  it  is 
now,  a  famous  product  of  the  district,  and  a  well  known  kind  of  it  is  still  known 
as  Bolghar  among  the  Persians,  Bukharians,  and  Kalmuks.  The  town  was 
the  resort  of  merchants  from  various  quarters,  and  among  others  it  was  the 
resort  of  Norsemen,  and  we  still  have  extant  an  account  of  a  Norse  funeral 
that  took  place  there.  Ibn  Fozlan  tells  us  the  king  had  a  tailor  from 
Baghdad  who  made  his  clothes,  and  that  his  throne  was  covered  with  gold 
brocade  of  Greek  manufacture.  As  early  as  the  middle  of  the  tenth  century 
even  the  common  people  of  the  town  wore  boots,  at  that  time  considered  a 
great  luxury,  for  we  find  that  the  lower  classes  of  the  Russians  all  wore  the 
common  laptyi,  a  species  of  sandal  made  of  the  bark  of  trees.  Ibn  Fozlan 
also  reports  that  it  was  the  custom  when  anyone  met  the  king  in  the  streets 
to  remove  his  hat  and  make  a  profound  inclination,  that  his  queen  sat  beside 
him  aVpublic  audiences,  that  at  feasts  he  sat  apart,  and  sent  a  piece  of  meat 
round  to  ^ach  of  the  guests,  and  that  hydromel  was  drunk  in  profusion.  Theft 
and  licentiousness  were  punished  very  severely,  and  thus  men  and  women 
bathed  safely  together  in  the  public  baths  and  rivers  without  being  dressed  or 
veiled.  The  Bulgarians,  like  the  modern  Bashkirs,  greatly  reverenced 
serpents,  which  they  would  not  kill,  and  they  looked  upon  the  howling  of  dogs 
as  a  good  omen.  A  house  struck  by  lightning  was  deemed  accursed  and 
abandoned  for  ever.  But  their  most  singular  custom  was  that  of  hanging  all 
men  distinguished  for  learning.  This  extraordinary  ostracism,  which  is 
reported  by  several  Arab  writers,  was  excused  on  the  ground  that  such  men 
were  more  worthy  of  serving  God  than  mankind.* 

"■  Tornirelli,  ii.  242-247. 


After  the  foundation  of  the  Russian  kingdom  by  Rurik  and  his  followers,  the 
Bolghars  were  constantly  at  feud  with  the  Russians. 

Yakut,  who  wrote  in  the  thirteenth  century,  describes  the  town  of  Bolghari 
as  follows :— "  This  city,"  he  says,  "  is  built  of  fir,  its  walls  and  fortifications 
are  of  oak,  it  is  surrounded  on  every  side  by  the  Turks,"  (a  term  used  indis- 
criminately by  the  Arabs  to  include  Slavs,  Turks,  Cheremisses,  Chuvashes,  &c.) 
"  Between  it  and  Constantinople  is  a  two  months'  journey.  The  Bolghars  are 
engaged  in  an  unceasing  war  with  Constantinople.  With  them  the  day  lasts 
but  four  hours,  the  remaining  twenty  form  the  night.  This  country  is  very 
cold  ;  during  the  long  winter  the  earth  is  covered  with  deep  snow.''*  Bolghari 
seems  to  have  been  wasted  by  the  Mongols  in  i226.f  When  they  made  their 
great  invasion  1238,  Subutai  was  deputed  to  conquer  Bolghari,  which  was 
sp^dily  reduced  to  obedience,J  and  it  became  in  effect  their  fixed  capital.  Serai 
being  their  moveable  one.  Although  not  the  residence  of  their  Khani,  it  was 
the  principal  mint  of  the  Mongols.  It  possessed  a  coinage  before  their  arrival, 
and  after  their  conversion  to  Muhammedanism  the  greater  part  of  the  coins  of 
the  Golden  Horde  were  apparently  coined  there.  Bolghari  occurs  on  coins  with 
the  names  of  the  great  Khakans  Mangu  and  Arikbugha,  which  I  have  assigned 
to  the  reign  of  Bereke,§  and  which  begin  the  series  of  coins  of  the  Golden 
Horde,  and  it  appears  continuously  down  to  the  reign  of  Kuchuk  Muhammed, 
at  the  beginning  of  the  fifteenth  century. 

Marco  Polo  calls  Serai  and  Bolghari  the  capitals  of  Bereke  KhanJ  It  was 
described  by  Abulfeda,  who  tells  us  it  was  situated  about  twenty  days'  journey 
from  Serai,  in  a  rich  valley,  and  contained  considerable  baths,  but  there 
was  no  fruit  of  any  description  there,  for  trees,  in  consequence  of  the 
great  cold,  never  took  root,  and  still  less  the  vine.  Its  inhabitants  were 
Muhammedans  of  the  Hanefitish  sect.^  Ibn  Batuta,  who  visited  this  district 
in  1324-5,  also  names  the  town.***  Tornirelli,  I  do  not  know  on  what  authority, 
tells  us  that  Uzbeg  Khan  built  a  vast  number  of  stone  edifices,  mosques  and 
schools  at  Bolghari.  ft  In  the  succeeding  period  of  turbulence,  as  I  have 
shown,  Bolghari  became  the  seat  of  separate  lines  of  princes,  Pulad  Timur 
Hassan,  &c4+  It  was  apparently  ravaged  by  Russian  pirates  from  Novgorod 
in  1367.§§  The  historians  of  Timurs  campaign  in  the  Kipchak,  such  as 
Sherifuddin,  do  not  mention  any  attack  made  by  him  on  Bolghari.  The  native 
traditions,  which  are  of  weak  authority,  make  out  that  he  captured  it  aiSHhe 
hour  of  the  Friday  prayer,  and  that  it  then  contained  10,024  large  houses.  A 
large  number  of  the  inhabitants  and  the  Khan  Abdulla  (?)  were  massacied, 
while  his  two  sons  escaped  to  the  forest.  The  name  of  Bolghari  occurs  for  the 
last  time  on  a  coin  dated  S18  hej.  (/.<?.,  I4i5-i6).!;lj  Is  seems  afterwards  to 
have  been  deserted  and  displaced  by  Kazan. 

Tornirelli  has  described  its  ruins  in  some  detail.  He  says  that  at  the  period 
of  the  visit  of  Peter  the  Great,  in  1722,  there  existed  on  the  site  of  this  desolated 
capital  upwards  of  seventy  imposing  structures,  all  in  a  tolerable  state  of 
preservation.     In  1768  another  Russian  sovereign,  the  Empress  Catherine  II., 

•  Tornirelli,  ii.  200.  ^  Ante,  vol  i.  137.  I  Ante,  ^g.  ^  Ante,  111-113. 

I  Yule,  op.  cit.,  1-4.       IT  Tornirelli,  op.  cit.,  i.  201,  202.       ♦*  Ante,  165.       tt  Op.  cit.,  ii,,  255* 

II  Vide  ante,  203-207,  J§  Karjimain,  v.  X2.  il|  Yule,  op.  cit.,  i.  7. 



visited  the  same  spot,  accompanied  by  three  celebrated  academicians,  Pallas, 
Levchin,  and  Ozeretzkofski.  The  latter,  in  an  account  of  his  travels  which 
he  subsequently  published,  states  that  he  found  on  these  plains  but  forty-four 
ruins,  of  which  he  gives  the  names  and  measurement  alone,  without  other 
details.  Thus  in  less  than  forty-six  years  twenty-six  buildings  had  dis- 
appeared. At  the  present  day  there  remain  but  six.*  The  most  famous  of 
these  is  a  lofty  turret  called  the  "  Great  Column  "  or  "  Round  Tower,"  the 
;summit  of  which  terminates  in  a  cone  surmounted  by  the  crescent.  It  is  built 
of  huge  masses  of  grey  stone,  and  was  undoubtedly  a  misguir  or  minaret. 
The  ground  on  which  it  was  built  having  partially  sunk  is  probably  the  reason 
why  it  inclines  considerably  on  one  side,  like  the  leaning  tower  of  Pisa.  A 
stone  staircase  inside,  which  is  pierced  with  light  holes,  leads  to  the  summit 
of  the  tower.  The  minaret  was  repaired  some  years  ago,  at  the  expense  of  a 
rich  Tartar  merchant  of  Kazan,  who  was  wont  with  his  family  to  perform  an 
annual  pilgrimage  to  these  ruins.t  A  figure  of  this  minaret  may  be  seen  in 
the  atlas  to  Pallas'  Travels,  and  in  the  third  volume  of  Erdmann's  Beitrage. 
This  tower  is  situated  at  one  corner  of  a  rude  square  enclosed  by  fragments  of 
troken  walls,  which  probably  once  formed  part  of  a  mosque.  Besides  this  there 
is  an  old  Russian  church  said  to  have  been  built  out  of  the  debris  of  the  mosque. 
Like  the  minaret,  this  church  also  leans.  "  Be  it  remembered,  en  passant,  that 
both  the  tower  and  church,  in  losing  their  perpendicular  position,  have  turned 
towards  each  other  in  the  inclination,  so  that  the  lofty  Moslem  minaret  seems 
to  be  bowing  to  the  Christian  temple,  which  humbly  returns  the  polite 
g€Sture."J  East  of  the  tower  is  a  tolerably  perfect  Tartar  oratory,  which  was 
afterwards  converted  into  a  church  dedicated  to  St.  Nicholas.  Its  lower  story 
is  a  square,  its  upper  one  an  octagon.  It  is  vaulted  throughout. §  Its  walls 
are  embossed  with  a  very  peculiar  and  original  species  of  architectural 
ornament,  and  the  mouldings  that  adorn  the  corridors  and  doorway  are  of 
great  beauty  and  taste.  ||  Within  the  enclosure  are  remains  of  other  walls  and 
foundations  of  houses ;  outside  are  remains  of  a  building  called  by  the  villagers 
Gretsheskaia  Palata  or  the  Greek  Palace.  About  three-quarters  of  a  mile  from 
the  great  tower  is  a  group  of  buildings  the  largest  of  any  in  Bolghari.  Its 
oorthcrn  part  forms  a  kind  of  vestibule,  and  is  built  of  large  Tartar  bricks,  on  a 
foundation  of  dressed  limestone ;  the  windows  and  capitals  are  also  made  of 
bricJ^and  it  is  divided  into  two  portions,  one  of  them  square,  the  other  oblong, 
by  a  trajisverse  wall.  From  the  latter  there  is  an  entrance  into  the  principal 
room,  which  is  built  of  large  blocks  of  polished  stone.  Each  corner  is  occupied 
by  a  small  chamber,  so  that  the  principal  apartment  is  in  the  shape  of  a  cross. 
This  room  receives  its  light  from  a  large  cupola,  in  the  centre  of  which  is  an 
octagonal  opening,  while  eight  small  lights  correspond  to  the  eight  sides  of  the 
octagon  which  it  surmounts.  A  similar  small  cupola,  similarly  lighted,  is  over 
each  of  the  four  chambers  above  mentioned.  These  cupolas,  large  and  small, 
still  retain  traces  of  stuccoed  ornament.  On  the  south  side  of  this  room  \s, 
placed  a  third  series  of  three  apartments.  The  central  one  has  a  vau^t 
underneath  it  with  remains  of  water  courses.     Erdmann  SiUggests  that  the 

''.Op.  cit.,  205.  t  Tornirelli,  ii.  aao.  I  Tornirelli,  ii.  230. 

§  Pallas,  op.  cit,,  i.  i£7.  U  Toxnirelli,  ii.  225. 

'1  H 


whole  has  been  used  as  a  bath,  perhaps  one  of  those  mentioned  by  Abulfeda, 
which  seems  very  probable.  The  structure  is  known  to  the  natives  as  the 
Bielaya  Palaka,  or  the  White  Palace.*  A  third  ruin  is  known  as  the  Chernaya 
Palata  or  "  Black  Palace."  This  occupies  the  centre  of  the  old  town,  and  is 
also  built  of  limestone  and  bricks.  It  is  a  very  large  building  of  a  square  shape. 
Tornirelli  says  it  is  infinitely  higher  than  any  other  of  the  ruined  structures,  and 
bears  marks  of  a  superior  style  of  architecture  and  elegance.  The  part  that 
remains  is  in  an  excellent  state  of  preservation,  particularly  the  interior,  which 
is  ornamented  and  wrought  in  a  very  peculiar  and  original  manner.  In  many 
places  the  stucco  with  which  the  ornaments  and  pilasters  were  made  is  still 
intact.t  It  is  traditionally  described  as  the  Suderski  Dome  or  Judgment  Hall, 
and,  as  Pallas  says,  this  was  not  improbably  its  original  destination. 

There  remains  at  Bolghari  a  portion  of  a  second  minaret,  similar  to  the  one 
already  described,  but  smaller  both  in  height  and  other  proportions.  It  stands 
quite  erect,  and  is  surmounted  by  an  iron  railing,  which  was  added  by  the  rich 
Tartar  already  referred  to,  and  whose  name  was  Yunusof.  Around  it  lie 
scattered  numerous  fragments  of-  walls  half-buried  in  grass  and  furze,  which 
are  supposed  to  be  the  remains  of  the  mosque  to  which  the  minaret  was 
attached.  Not  far  from  here  stood  a  few  years  ago  the  ruins  of  the  palace  of 
the  Khans,  of  which  nothing  remains  but  a  heap  of  stones.J  Such  are  the 
principal  ruins  which  still  remain  of  the  famous  city  of  Bolghari.  Besides 
them  there  are  other  relics  of  the  old  town.  Thus  a  large  number  of  sepulchral 
stones,  remarkable  for  their  size  and  inscriptions,  are  let  into  the  walls  of  the 
church  and  monastery  in  the  village  of  Bolghari.  These  have  legends  written 
in  Arabic,  Turk,  and  Armenian.  Peter  the  Great  ordered  copies  of  them  to  be 
taken,  and  Levchin  published  some  of  them  from  the  transcript  of  a  Tartar 
mollah.  They  have  also  exercised  the  ingenuity  of  Klaproth  and  the  Armenian 
scholar  St.  Martin.  Forty-seven  of  these  inscriptions  are  extant,  written  in 
Turkish  and  Arabic,  and  three  in  Armenian.  Of  those  in  Turkish  and  Arabic, 
Klaproth  says  that  twenty-three  are  dated  (being  the  oldest  of  them)  in  the 
year  623  of  the  hej.  {i.e.,  1226),  and  the  chronograms  on  them  speak  of  it  as  the 
year  of  persecution,  meaning  no  doubt  the  year  in  which  the  town  was  first 
assailed  by  the  Mongols.  Three  others  are  dated  respectively  in  1271,  1291, 
and  1292.  Eighteen  more  in  various  years  from  701-742  he},  (i.e.,  1302-1342). 
These  inscriptions  give  the  name  of  the  deceased,  his  origin  and  digpity^ 
Some  of  them  are  those  of  religious,  others  of  laymen  ;  some  of  men,  others  of 
women.  Of  some  it  is  said  they  came  from  Shamakhia  in  Persia,  and  of  one 
that  he  came  from  Shirvan.  The  three  Armenian  inscriptions,  according  to 
St.  Martin,  belong  to  the  commencement  of  the  fourteenth  century.§ 

The  country  round  Bolghari  has  long  been  a  rich  mine  for  treasure-seekers. 
Here  are  found  great  quantities  of  small  silver  coins  of  the  size  of  one's  nail 
made  of  very  fine  silver,  and  bearing  Arabic  and  Cufic  legends ;  others  badly 
struck  and  very  thin,  are  of  debased  silver ;  on  one  side  they  have  a  number 
of  stars  on  them,  and  on  the  other  some  small  points,  with  a  circle 
enclosing  a  tamgha  or  mark,  such  as  is  still  used,  says  Pallas,  by  the  Bashkirs 

*  Pallas,  op.  cit.,  189-191.    Muller,  Ugrische  Volkstamm,  2420,  1  Toinirelli,  230, 

I  Tornirelli,  i.  230,  231.  §  Muller,  op.  cit.,  ii.  424,  425. 

NOTES.  443 

and  others  who  cannot  write.  These  signs  occur  most  frequently  on  the 
copper  coins.  Pallas  gives  some  figures  of  them  in  his  atlas.  They  doubtless 
date  from  before  the  Mongol  conquest.  With  the  coins  are  found  gold  and 
silver  ornaments  well  worked,  such  as  earrings,  &c. ;  ornaments  in  iron  and 
pewter,  iron  mirrors  with  raised  ornaments  on  one  side,  tools,  &c.,  but  few 
weapons ;  a  great  number  of  spindle  whorls,  some  of  baked  clay,  others  green 
or  enamelled,  and  clay  vessels,  also  enamelled.* 

Tornirelli  says  there  are  also  found  there  long  thin  sticks  of  silver,  about  2^ 
inches  long,  which  are  therefore  like  the  primitive  Russian  roubles.     During 
his  short  stay  there  he  bought  from  the  peasants  a  variety  of  old  copper  coins, 
a  copper  jug,  and  two  skulls,  found  by  a  man  while  digging  the  foundations  of 
his  cabin.    A  famous  object  found  there  was  a  massive  goblet  of  pure  gold, 
finely  wrought  with  basreliefs,  and  bearing  various  inscriptions  in  the  Tartar 
language.     This  cup  is  now  in  the  Romantzoff  Museum  at  St.  Petersburg. 
"  An  old  major  of  the  name  of  Yukof,"  says  Tornirelli,  "  whose  estate  was 
situated  some  ten  or  twelve  miles  from  Bolghari,  during  a  series  of  several  years 
purchased  from  the  peasants  all  that  was  found  on  this  spot,  and  contrived  to 
get  together  an  interesting  collection  of  Bolghar  antiquities.     One  of  the 
objects,  a  poniard,  attracted  general  attention.     This  poniard  from  the  point 
of  the  handle  is  sixteen  inches  in  length,  the  handle  alone  is  about  five.    The 
blade  is  made  of  the  purest  Damascus  steel,  dark  as  the  raven's  wing.    The 
handle  is  of  ivory,  ornamented  on  the  side  by  a  bright  row  of  red  sardonyx 
stones  (an  Asiatic  precious  stone),  set  in  silver  ;  but  the  most  remarkable  part 
of  this  poniard  is  its  scabbard,  formed  of  pure  silver,  ornamented  with  a  treble 
circle  of  handsome  arabesques  of  filagree  work,  and  various  other  fantastic 
carvings.     This  sheath  is  so  perfect  in  its  workmanship  that  it  might  rather  be 
taken  as  the  chef  d'Q;uvre  of  some  celebrated  modern  silversmith,  than  as  an 
antique  Asiatic  production  found  in  Bolghari,  and  lying  for  centuries  in  the 
earth.    From  the  rich  and  elaborate  workmanship  of  this  poniard,  we  must 
suppose  that  in  belonged  to  some  wealthy  Bolghar  warrior,  in  whose  hand, 
says  Yurtkulsky,  many  a  time  it  caus'ed  the   blood  of  the  Muscovites  to  flow. 
This  poniard,  as  well  as  many  similar  objects  found  in  Bolghari,  gives  us  good 
reason  for  believing  that  the  Bolghars  had  attained  to  great  perfection  in  the 
art  of  working  metals,  an  opinion  corroborated  by  a  remark  made  by  the  old 
major  we   have  spoken   of,  who   relates,   says  Yurtkulsky,   that  when  the 
sheath,  of  the  poniard  we  have  described  was  found  one  of  the  rings  was 
broken ;  the  major,  wishing  to  get  it  mended,  got  it  soldered  by  several  of  the 
best  silversmiths  in  Kazan,  but  it  was  always  done  in  such  a  manner  that  the 
least  blow  or  stroke  broke  it  again,  although  no  silver  was  spared  in  the 
soldering.    It  was  clear  that  the  silver  of  which  the  sheath  is  formed  was 
mixed  up  with  some  other  metal  or  substance  which  increased  its  strength.    I 
have  heard  that  another  landed  proprietor  of  the  province  of  Kazan,  whose 
estate  is  near  Spask,  possesses  likewise  a  collection  of  Bolghar  antiquities, 
consisting  of  arms,  such  as  pikes,  lances,  halberds,  blades  of  swords,  &c.     I 
regret  to  say  I  had  not  the  opportunity  of  seeing  these  various  interesting 

♦  Pallas,  op.  cit.,  i.  193.  I94-  t  Tornirelli,  ii.  240,  241. 


Let  us  now  turn  to  Kazan.  Kazan  in  Arabic  means  a  cauldron.  Some 
suppose  the  town  was  so  called  from  its  being  surrounded  by  mountains  and 
forming  a  hollow  something  like  a  cauldron.  The  legends  of  its  foundation 
give  a  different  etymology.  According  to  these  its  founder  Batu  was  once 
feasting  here,  when  the  only  cauldron  which  the  party  had  to  cook  their  dinner 
in  was  lost  in  the  river,  which  was  thence  called  Kazanka,  whence  the  name  of 
the  town  ;  but  it  is  clear  that  Kazanka  is  merely  a  Russian  adjectival  form 
derived  from  Kazan. 

An  old  legend,  preserved  by  a  writer  of  the  sixteenth  century,  whose 
narrative  was  published  at  St.  Petersburg  in  1791,  tells  a  story  about  the 
original  site  having  been  frequented  by  great  numbers  of  serpents,  some  with 
two  heads,  one  like  a  bull's,  the  other  a  serpent's  ;  the  former  feeding  on  vege- 
tables, the  latter  on  men  and  animals.  There  were  other  serpents  like  vipers  and 
dragons,  which  constantly  harassed  Batu  and  his  followers,  and  devoured  many 
of  the  workmen  who  were  building  the  town.  A  sorcerer  was  summoned,  he 
surrounded  the  chosen  site  with  hay,  furze,  and  venomous  herbs,  and  then  set 
fire  to  the  hedge  so  made.  The  serpents  were  either  burnt  or  suffocated,  but 
a  large  number  of  men,  horses,  and  camels  also  fell  victims.  The  surrounding 
marshes  and  woods  still  swarm  with  serpents.  In  spring  they  collect  in 
myriads  on  the  hills  which  remain  uncovered  by  the  inundation.  Dr.  Fuchs, 
one  of  the  professors  of  the  university,  mentions  how  he  one  day  in  the  end 
of  May  came  across  one  of  these  hills  covered  with  serpents  of  various  sizes  ; 
how  the  police  officers  and  others  took  their  guns  loaded  with  heavy  shot  and 
fired  upon  the  reptiles.  "  Thousands,"  he  says,  "  leaped  into  the  water,  but 
although  we  kept  up  an  active  fusillade  for  several  minutes,  the  hillock  still 
remained  like  an  ant  hill,  covered  with  serpents.  Forced  to  abandon  this  spot, 
we  drew  near  a  second,  and  a  third,  but  finding  everywhere  similar  obstacles 
to  our  landing,  we  were  obliged  to  continue  our  navigation.  Near  Kazan  is  a 
mountain  on  which  is  a  monastery  called  Zilantof,  a  corruption  of  the  Tartar 
for  serpent  hill,  and  a  Tartar  legend  affirms  the  hill  was  once  the  retreat  of  a 
dragon,  which  on  being  killed,  its  effigy  was  put  by  the  Khan  on  the  arms  of 
Kazan,  which  still  represent  a  winged  and  crowned  serpent  of  a  fantastic  shape.* 

Another  legend  assigns  the  foundation  of  the  town  to  the  time  of  Timur. 
We  are  told  that  when  he  overran  Bulgaria  he  beleagured  Bolghari  for  seven 
years,  during  which  its  Khan  Abdulla  was  killed,  while  his  sons  Altin  Bek  and 
Alin  Bek  escaped.  The  former  on  Timur's  withdrawal  founded  the  town  of  Iski 
Kazan,  which  got  its  name  from  a  kettle,  which  his  attendants  had  taken  to 
the  river  to  fill  with  water  for  his  bath,  being  lost.  Iski  Kazan  remained  the 
capital  for  a  century.  A  later  prince  named  AH  Beg  removed  the  site  to 
Vanghi  Kazan  {i.e„  New  Kazan),  the  present  town.t 

So  much  for  the  legendary  accounts  of  the  foundation  of  Kazan.  It  will  be 
noticed  that  the  former  one  attributes  its  foundation  to  Batu  Khan,  but  this  is 
exceedingly  improbable.  The  name  does  not  occur  anywhere  till  long  after 
his  day,  while  it  certainly  existed  some  time  before  Timur's  invasion,  and  it  is 
more  likely  that  it  gradually  sprang  into  existence  on  the  decay  of  Bolghari* 
which  it  displaced. 

*  Tornirelli,  i.  67-74.  t  Muller,  op.  cit.,  ii.  435,  436. 

NOTES.  445 

It  does  not  occur  as  a  mint  place  of  the  Mongols,  and  as  far  as  I  know  is 
mentioned  for  the  first  time  in  1371,  when  it  was  attacked  by  the  sons  of 
Dimitri  of  Suzdal,  as  I  have  mentioned.*  It  doubtless  first  became  important 
in  the  days  of  Ulugh  Muhammed  and  his  father  Hassan,  when  it  became  the 
capital  of  the  Khanate  of  Kazan.  Unlike  Bolghari,  which  is  now  a  mere 
ruined  village,  Kazan  has  continued  to  be  a  flourishing  town,  and  one-third  of 
its  inhabitants  are  still  Tartars. 

Ermann  says  the  extent  of  the  old  Tartar  city  was  hardly  less  than  that  of 
the  Kazan  of  to-day.  It  stretched  along  the  Bulak  from  its  mouth  nearly 
two  miles  to  the  south,  almost  to  the  little  Kaban  lake,  and  its  diameter  along 
the  Kazanka  was  of  equal  length.  The  walls  round  it  measured  twenty-eight 
feet  in  thickness,  and  were  formed  of  two  parallel  wooden  fences  twenty-five 
feet  asunder,  and  having  the  space  between  them  filled  up  with  stones  and 
clay.  The  wooden  fences,  as  well  as  the  towers  over  the  gates,  were  formed 
of  oak  timbers  of  extraordinary  thickness.  The  gates  with  their  towers  were 
thirteen  in  number,  those  which  were  due  east  and  west  leading  to  the  Kremlin.t 
The  town  was  devastated  by  fire  three  times  during  the  first  century  of  the 
Russian  occupation,  and  again  more  terribly  in  1774,  so  that  but  few  remains 
of  the  old  city  are  to  be  found.  Among  the  most  famous  is  the  tower  of 
Siyunbeka,  "which,"  says  Tornirelli,  "is  in  the  eastern  part  of  Kazan,  near 
one  of  the  gates,  where  the  Russians  began  their  attack.  The  beauty  of  its 
architecture,  grace  of  its  form,  and  perfect  construction,  can  scarcely  be 
imagined  by  those  who  have  not  seen  it.  It  is  square  and  composed  of  several 
stories,  which  gradually  diminish  in  size  towards  the  top ;  the  last  has  a  sharp, 
steeple-like  form,  ending  in  a  point.  From  the  extremity  of  this  lengthened 
cone  rises  an  arrow  of  brass,  which  supports  a  Russian  eagle  above  two 
crescents ;  above  the  eagle  is  a  gilded  globe,  supposed  by  many  to  be  made  of 
pure  gold,  and  in  which  the  Tartars  believe  are  concealed  precious  documents 
relating  to  their  liberty  and  religion.  It  is  built  of  bricks,  strongly  joined 
together  by  a  very  compact  mortar,  is  about  two  hundred  and  forty  feet  high, 
and  contains  a  dilapidated  staircase  inside.  Close  to  the  tower,  and  joined  to 
it  by  a  wall,  is  another  building;  like  it,  it  is  square  and  of  considerable 
dimensions.  The  second  story  is  surrounded  by  a  vaulted  gallery,  resembling 
the  aisles  of  a  Gothic  church.  Like  the  tower,  it  is  made  of  bricks,  and  in 
stjle  resembles  the  tower,  and  is  quite  Asiatic  in  style.  It  was  doubtless  a 
palace  Tradition  makes  out  that  it  was  the  ancient  palace  of  the  Khans. 
Each  story  of  the  tower  was  surrounded  by  a  parapet,  where,  as  in  eastern 
fashion,  sentinels  were  planted  to  give  warning  of  danger.":}:  Erdmann  and 
Tornirelli,  in  the  works  already  cited,  have  described  in  some  detail  the  aspec^^ 
of  the  modern  Tartar  city,  of  its  houses  and  mosques,  and  to  those  works  I 
would  remit  those  who  wish  for  more  information. 

A  third  site  within  the  Khanate,  which  is  of  some  interest,  is  the  ancient 
town  of  Bulimer,  now  represented  by  Biliarsk.  The  foundation  of  this  town 
is  assigned  in  the  legends  to  Alin  Bek,  the  second  son  of  Abdulla  Khan, 
already  mentioned.  It  is  situated  at  the  sources  of  the  lesser  Cheremshan. 
Its  ruins  are  still  imposing,  and  built  of  large  squared  stones,  which  must  have 

*  Ante,  207.  t  Ermann's  Travels,  i,  154.  J  Op.  cit.*  i.  295-297. 


been  brought  from  the  Kama.  The  whole  are  surrounded  by  a  triple  ditch  and 
rampart,  the  inner  one  enclosing  the  citadel,  of  which  the  ruined  walls  and  a 
massive  tower,  built  of  stone  and  red  tiles,  still  remain.  Among  the  walls 
Rytschkof  found  glazed  pottery,  of  a  blue  and  green  colour,  and  also  pieces  of 
decayed  iron.  Inter  alia  he  found  an  instrument  of  iron  which  is  at  once  an 
auger,  a  hammer,  a  saw,  a  fire  steel,  and  a  pair  of  pincers,  and  this  so  neatly 
made  that  it  is  not  larger  than  a  penknife.  That  the  inhabitants  practised 
agriculture  is  proved  by  the  furrows  which  still  exist  on  the  neighbouring 
ground.  The  history  of  the  town  is  very  obscure.  It  was  called  Bulimer  by 
the  Tartars,  and  still  earlier  Bular ;  and  according  to  Frsehn  it  was  confounded 
by  some  of  the  Arab  writers  with  Bolghari.  Rytschkof  says  a  Tartar  prince 
named  Balin  Gosya  governed  here  as  late  as  1677  ;*  doubtless  he  was  an 
appanaged  prince.  Among  the  ruins  many  gravestones  still  remain.  They  all 
have  Tartar  and  Arabic  inscriptions.  The  inhabitants  call  these  graves,  Balin 
Gus,  and  not  only  the  neighbouring  Muhammmedans  but  also  the  more  distant 
Bashkirs  visit  them  in  the  summer,  deem  them  holy,  and  pay  them  reverence, 
believing  that  their  saints  are  buried  there.  The  inhabitants  attribute  the 
destruction  of  the  town  to  Timur.t  Tornirelli  adds  that  its  inhabitants  saved 
their  lives  by  opening  their  gates  to  the  invaders,  but  that,  like  Bolghari,  it 
was  reduced  to  ashes.f  The  same  author  tells  us  the  rampart  of  Bulimer 
was  twenty-five  feet  high  and  upwards  of  fifteen  versts  in  circumference. § 

We  must  lastly  devote  a  few  lines  to  a  description  of  Kasimof.  Kasimof 
took  its  name  from  Kasim,  to  whom  the  place  was  granted  as  an  appanage  by 
the  Russian  tzar.||  It  had  formerly  borne  the  name  of  Meshcherskii,  and 
was  situated  on  the  banks  of  the  Oka  in  the  principality  of  Riazan.  It  was 
also  known  as  Gorodetz,^  and  as  Khan  Kirman.**  The  district  was  largely 
occupied  by  the  Finnic  tribes,  Moskwa  and  Meshchera,  and  had  been  the  site 
of  a  petty  principality.  Schtschekotof  assigns  the  first  building  of  the  town  to 
George  Dolgoruki  in  the  year  Alexander  Nevski  is  said  to  have  died 
there.  It  was  destroyed  in  the  terrible  Tartar  invasion  of  1376,  was  again 
rebuilt,  and  until  147 1  was  known  as  Novoi  Nisovoi  Gorod  (t.^.,  the  lower  new 
town)  ;  afterwards  it  got  the  name  of  Kasimof  from  Prince  Kasim,  and  it  is 
mentioned  by  Herberstein  under  the  name  of  Cassimovgorod.  Pallas,  who 
visited  the  town  in  1768,  tells  us  that  it  then  contained  some  important  ruins. 
Thus  he  mentions  a  tall  misguir,  formerly  attached  to  a  mosque  then 
destroyed,  but  which  was  being  rebuilt  at  the  time  of  his  visit.  Thr  fower 
was  built  of  well  dressed  stone  and  the  mosque  of  brick.  Other  Tartar  ruins, 
also  made  of  stone,  remained  in  a  court  and  garden.  These,  he  says,  seemed 
to  be  the  remains  of  the  Khan's  palace,  and  there  were  formerly  there  a 
triumphal  arch  with  ornaments  of  a  Gothic  pattern  and  Arabic  inscription,  a 
quadrilateral  dwelling-house,  and  a  public  charnel-house.  The  proprietor  had 
destroyed  these  remains  to  make  lime  with  the  stone.  The  mausoleum  of  the 
Khans  was  well  preserved,  and  Pallas  gives  a  plate  of  it.  It  was  quadrilateral 
in  shape,  with  a  cornice  and  a  few  ornaments  on  it.  At  its  western  end  was  a 
small  cell,  apparently  used  as  an  oratory.    It  was  vaulted  beneath.    In  this 

*  Muller,  op.  cit.,  ii.  433.  t  Muller,  op.  cit.,  ii.  434.  \  Op.  cit.,  260. 

^  Op.  cit.  ii.  236.  I|^n/«,  430.  f  Vel.  Zernof,  i.  3.  •*  Id.,y.  11  Id. 

NOTES.  447 

vault  were  several  tombstones,  containing  well  preserved  Arabic  inscriptions. 
The  skeletons  formerly  lay  on  wooden  stands,  but  had  been  disturbed  when 
Pallas  visited  the  place,  and  he  found  the  bones  scattered  here  and  there,  and 
mixed  with  pieces  of  yellow,  green,  or  orange  taflfeta.*  It  would  appear  that 
the  Khan's  palace  was  really  built  of  wood  upon  stone  foundations,  as  was  the 
general  custom.!  The  Khans  mausoleum  above  mentioned  was  built  by  Shah 
AH,  and  is  known  to  the  natives  as  the  Tekie.  An  inscription  states  that  it 
was  built  by  Shah  AH  Khan,  on  the  21st  Ramazan,  962  (i.e.,  gth  August, 
1555).  M.  Veliaminof  Zernof  has  described  the  gravestones  found  in  the 
Tekie  and  their  inscriptions  at  great  length.l  He  also  gives  a  restoration  of 
the  mosque  above  named,  which  he  shows  was  also  the  work  of  Shah  Ali. 

Nofe  2. — Among  the  regalia  of  Russia  preserved  at  Moscow  are  two  crowns, 
known  respectively  as  the  crowns  of  Kazan  and  Astrakhan.  Neither  of  them 
has  any  distinctive  Tartar  features  about  it,  and  it  seems  very  improbable 
that  they  ever  belonged  to  the  Tartar  princes.  They  were  very  possibly 
rather  made  for  Ivan  when  he  assumed  the  style  of  tzar  of  Kazan  and  of 
Astrakhan.  These  gorgeous  head  dresses  are  figured  in  the  sumptuous  work 
published  by  the  Russian  Government  on  the  Imperial  treasures  at  Moscow. 
They  each  consist  of  a  fur  cap,  surmounted  by  a  pyramidal  crown  of  gold, 
richly  jewelled.  One  of  them  has  a  series  of  projecting  rims,  crenellated  in  a 
graceful  fashion,  and  evidently  of  Italian  cinquecento  workmanship.  The 
other  is  apparently  of  Russian  fabric,  and  is  composed  of  gold  inlaid  with 
steel  or  niello,  in  the  fashion  still  prevalent  in  Tula  work,  and  also  pyramidal 
in  shape. 

JVbie  3. — It  is  a  very  curious  fact  about  the  history  of  Kazan  that  none  of  its 
princes  struck  coins.  As  the  striking  of  money  is  among  Muhammedan 
peoples  the  chief  sign  and  token  of  independent  sovereignty,  and  as  Bolghari 
was  the  most  famous  mint  place  of  the  Golden  Horde,  it  seems  very  strange 
that  the  Kazan  princes  did  not  strike  money,  while  their  contemporaries  at 
Astrakhan  did  so.  Perhaps  they  deemed  themselves  in  some  measure 
dependent  upon  the  latter  princes,  who,  as  I  have  shown,  were  the  real  heirs 
of  the  old  Khans  of  the  Golden  Horde. 

No^e  4. — Genealogy  of  the  Khans  of  Kazan  and  Kasimof  of  the  house  of 

Ulugh  Muhammed. 

Ulugh  Muhammed, 


Mahmudek  Khan.        Yusuf.        Kasim  Khan.        Yakub. 
I  I 

I  Daniyar  Khan. 

Khalil  Khan.  Ibrahim  Khan. 


Ali  or  Ilham  Khan.        Muhammed  Amin  Khan.        Abdul  Latif  Khan, 

Pallas  Voyages,  i.  40-43.  j  Vel,  Zernof,  i.  15.  I  Op.  Cit.,  i.  io.>i34. 


THE    KHANS    OF    KRIM. 


THE  origin  of  the  Khanate  of  Kiim  is  involved  in  great  obscurity, 
and  is  a  good  instance  of  the  contradictions  and  difficuhies 
which  surround  Tartar  history.  Its  Khans  all  bore  the  family 
name  of  Girai  (a  Tartar  name  which  occurs  elsewhere),  and  were 
descended  from  the  founder  of  the  dynasty,  Haji  Girai.  Up  to  him  we 
have  small  difficulty  in  tracing  back  the  history  of  the  Khanate,  but 
when  we  try  to  unravel  the  story  of  his  origin  and  connections  we  are 
met  by  almost  insuperable  difficulties. 

Von  Hammer  has  devoted  a  long  paragraph*  to  a  discussion  of  his 
■parentage  ;  so  has  M.  Veliaminof  Zernof.t  The  authorities  are  very 
contradictory  and  diverse.  The  Turkish  historian  Jenabi  and  the  author 
of  the  Munejimbashi  make  him  a  son  of  Kuchuk  Muhammed,  which  is 
impossible-l  Others  make  him  a  son  of  Ulugh  Muhammed,  which  also 
seems  inadmissible.  In  the  R  is  wan  pashasade  he  is  made  the  son  of 
a  third  Muhammed,  who  is  said  to  have  died  in  I447.§  The  short 
history  of  Kazan  makes  Haji  Girai  a  brother  of  Jelal  ud  din,  and  there- 
fore a  son  of  Toktamish  ;  but  no  such  name  as  Haji  Girai  occurs  among 
the  recorded  sons  of  Toktamish,  Here,  however,  we  get  on  more 
probable  ground.  In  the  synodal  register  of  the  monastery  of  Storo- 
schefski,  already  quoted,  we  find  a  genealogical  table  given  in  which 
Haji  Girai  is  made  a  son  of  Devlet  Berdi,  the  son  of  Toktamish,  and  we 
are  further  told  that  Devlet  Berdi  lived  in  Lithuania  with  Vitut.||  This, 
as  has  been  said,  agrees  with  the  statement  of  the  Polish  chronicfers, 
who  tell  us  he  was  a  son  or  grandson  of  Toktamish,  that  he  was  born  at 
Trokoi,  near  Vilna  in  Lithuania,  and  obtained  the  sovereignty  of  Krim 
through  Vitut's  influence.1[ 

In  confirmation  of  this  conclusion  it  may  be  added  that  Haji  Girai 
was  always  the  zealous  friend  of  the  Lithuanians,**  and  further,  that  we 
find  a  person  of  the  name  of  Girai  or  Kirai  sent  as  an  envoy  by  the 
ruler  of  Lithuania  to  the  Grand  Prince.ft     Another  piece  of  evidence 

*  Golden  Horde,  399,  400.  t  Op.  cit.,  i.     Note,  44.  J  Golden  Horde,  399.  §  Id.,  400. 

II  Vel.  Zernof,  i.    Note,  21.     Muller,  in  his  genealogy  of  the  Krim  Khans,  also  makes  Haji 
Girai  the  son  of  Devlet  Berdi.    (Sam).,  &c.,  ii.  22.) 

^  Karamzin,  v.  440.     Golden  Horde,  400.  **  j[d. 

tt  Golden  Horde,  403.     Karamzin,  vi.  62. 

HAJI   GIRAI   KHAN.  449 

pointing  in  tlie  same  direction  is  contained  in  a  document  of  his 
grandson,  also  named  Haji  Girai,  dated  in  1529,  cited  by  M.  Veliammof 
Zernof,*  in  wliicli  he  refers  to  Toktamish  as  his  ancestor. 

The  Nogais  also  spoke  of  the  Krim  as  the  country  of  Toktamish,  as 
they  referred  to  Astrakhan  as  the  country  of  Timur  Kutlugh.  On  the 
other  hand,  we  have  in  the  pages  of  Abdul  Ghaffar  a  ver)'  circumstantial 
story  which  deduces  Haji  Girai  from  another  source.  He  tells  us  that 
after  the  death  of  the  Nogai  chief  Idiku,  and  in  1430,  the  amirs  Shirin 
and  Barin,  Chekhreh,  Serai,  and  other  Tartar  chiefs  met  together  to 
choose  a  chieftain,  and  as  there  were  no  descendants  of  Toktamish 
remaining  they  were  much  embarrassed.  They  at  length,  he  says,  found 
a  prince  of  the  race  of  Toktamish,  named  Ulugh  Muhammed,  the  son  of 
Hassan  Jefai,  who  was  very  rich  in  herds.  Hassan,  he  says,  was  a  near 
relative  of  Toktamish,  and  had  another  son  named  Bash  Timur  (Tash 
Timur),  who  was  the  father  of  Haji  Girai,  chief  of  the  family  of  the 
Girais.t  This  account  makes  Haji  Girai  the  nephew  of  Ulugh 
Muhammed,  and  also  makes  Tash  Timur  the  latter's  brother.  It  seems 
not  at  all  improbable,  for  we  know  that  the  Khans  of  Kazan  and  Krim 
were  on  very  intimate  terms,  and  we  are  not  otherwise  told  who  Tash 
Timur  was.  Again,  it  is  strange  that  Khuandemir  makes  Devlet 
Berdi  not  the  son  of  Toktamish  but  the  son  of  Tash  Timur,f  thus 
bringing  Devlet  Berdi  and  Haji  Girai  together,  but  as  brothers  and  not  as 
father  and  son.  Abulghazi  calls  him  the  son  of  Ghayas  ud  din  Khan, 
the  son  of  Tash  Timur,  son  of  Muhammed  Khan,  and  it  is  apparently 
following  him  that  Fraehn  makes  Tash  Timur  the  son  of  Ulugh 
Muhammed.  Ghayas  ud  din  is  made  a  son  of  Shadibeg  Khan  by 
Khuandemir  and  Langles.§ 

Again,  Miechof  makes  Ulanus  {i.e.,  Ulugh  Muhammed)  the  first  Khan 
of  Krim,  and  tells  us  he  was  followed  by  Tash  Timur,  who  fought  with 
Vitut  against  his  brother  (.?)  Kutlugh  Timur  and  was  beaten.  He  also 
makes  Seyid  Ahmed  the  son  of  Tash  Timur,  and  tells  us  he  was  expelled 
by  Haji  Girai.  || 

1^5^  Timur  was  probably  the  Tash  Timur  Oghlan  who  is  mentioned 
among  the  chiefs  of  Kipchak,  who  fled  on  the  invasion  of  Timur.  M. 
Soret  has  published  a  very  curious  coin,  which  was  struck  at  Krim  in  the 
year  797  {i.e.,  1394-S),  bearing  on  one  side  the  name  of  Tash  Timur,  and 
en  the  other  that  of  Toktamish.^  This  again  supports  the  same  con- 
clusion. In  the  absence  of  positive  proof,  I  am  strongly  disposed  to 
conclude  that  Haji  Girai  was  in  fact  the  son  of  Tash  Timur  and  nephew 
of  Ulugh  Muhammed,  which  explains  the  bitter  strife  there  always  was 
between  the  Khans  of  Krim  and  those  of  the  Golden  Horde. 

The  native  tradition  of  the  origin  of  the  name  Girai,  as  reported  by 

*  I.   Note,  44.  t  Langles,  op.  cit.,  390,  391.  J  Ante,  274. 

§  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  391.  ||  Miechof  De  Sarmatjcs,  ch,  xvi. 

%  Soret  Lettre  a  M.  Capitaine  Kossikofski,  &c.,  31, 



M.  Ferrand,  who  was  a  surgeon  in  the  employment  of  the  Krim  Khan 
Haji  Sehm  Girai,  is  that  about  two  centuries  before  his  time  the  Tartars 
were  in  a  state  of  terrible  confusion,  in  which  all  their  princes  perished 
but  one,  who  was  ten  years  old,  and  who  was  protected  by  a  peasant 
named  Girai.  The  Tartars  having  got  into  a  state  of  confusion,  and  not 
knowing  where  to  look  for  a  prince,  the  peasant  presented  his  protege, 
who  was  identified  by  certain  marks  as  belonging  to  the  royal  stock. 
Tliey  accepted  him  as  their  ruler,  and  he  adopted  the  name  of  his 
benefactor  as  his  family  name.*  De  Bohucz  says  Haji  Girai  was  so 
called  because  he  was  wont  to  answer  people  in  Lithuanian  with  the 
word  gueray,  meaning  well.t  Whatever  his  origin,  Haji  Girai  was 
clearly  z. protege  of  the  great  Lithuanian  king  Vitut,  and  on  his  death  in 
1430,  he  was  a  faithful  friend  of  his  successors  Ladislas  and  Casimir, 
He  did  not  make  cither  peace  or  war  without  their  knowledge.  He 
always  had  some  Polish  gentlemen  at  his  court,  and  protected  the  Polish 
merchants  who  passed  through  his  kingdom  on  their  way  to  Kaffa,  while 
he  carefully  respected  the  borders  of  Poland.  Meanwhile  his  constant 
enemies  were  the  Tartars  of  the  Golden  Horde,  who  were  always  at  issue 
with  the  Poles,  and  were  incited  to  ravage  Podolia  by  the  discontented 
Lithuanian  nobles,  who  were  on  bad  terms  with  their  Polish  suzerain. 
He  was  also  at  issue  with  the  Genoese,  who  were  the  allies  of  the  Golden 
Horde,  and  from  whom  he  apparently  captured  Kaffa.J  Chalcocondylas 
describes  this  last  struggle.  He  tells  us  how  the  Tartars,  having  pillaged 
Kaffa,  the  citizens  about  the  year  1442  sent  to  Haji  Girai  to  seek  for 
peace.  Getting  no  satisfaction  from  him,  they  declared  war,  and  would 
have  been  probably  utterly  crushed  but  for  the  opportune  arrival  of 
reinforcements  from  Italy.  They  then  encamped  on  the  banks  of  the 
river,  and,  full  of  contempt  for  their  enemies,  took  no  precautions.  Theii; 
temerity  was  well  punished  ;  their  army  was  almost  destroyed,  only  a 
few  escaping,  who  set  sail  again  for  Galata.  § 

In  1453  there  happened  one  of  the  most  momentous  events  in  the 
world's  history,  and  especially  momentous  in  the  history  of  the  Tartars. 
This  was  the  capture  of  Constantinople  by  the  Sultan  of  the  Osn-vinli 
Turks.  Among  its  defenders  the  brave  little  contingent  of  two  thousand 
Genoese,  under  Justiniani,  fought  bravely  but  unavailingly.  The  repubhc 
afterwards  bought  from  the  Sultan  the  right  of  trading  in  the  Euxine,  but 
it  shortly  after  quarrelled  with  the  Grand  Seignior,  and  had  the  temerity 
even  to  declare  war  on  him.  The  Genoese  were  not  fortunate  in  this 
struggle,  and  were  obliged  to  make  over  their  colonies  of  Kaffa  and 
Corsica  to  the  singular  trading  guild  of  St.  George,  a  rich  and  elaborately 
organised  corporation,  the  ancestor  of  the  later  and  more  famous  trading 
companies  of  Holland  and  Great  Britain  in  India  and  elsewhere. || 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  350.    Note.  t  Histoire  de  la  Tauride,  330. 

;  De  Bohucz,  351.  §  Stritter,  iii.  1189.    De  Bohucz,  331.  ||  De  Bohucz,  331,  332. 

HAJI   GIRAI   KHAN.  45 1 

Meanwhile  Haji  Girai  continued  a  faithful  friend  to  Poland.  In  1455 
Seyid  Ahmed  of  the  Golden  Horde  having  made  a  raid  towards  Podolia, 
Haji  Girai  issued  from  Perekop,  and  having  defeated  him  compelled  him 
to  retire.  Seyid  Ahmed  turned  aside  to  his  friends  the  Lithuanians,  by 
whom,  as  we  have  shown,  he  was  treacherously  arrested  and  handed  over 
to  Casimir,who  imprisoned  him  at  Kovno.*  Haji  Girai  offered  the  latter 
to  put  all  his  Tartars  at  his  service  in  return  for  an  annual  payment  of 
ten  thousand  florins,  which  was  accepted,  but  when  by  some  inadvertence 
it  was  not  regularly  paid  his  Tartars  ravaged  the  Palatinates  of  Podolia 
and  Russia.t  It  is  said  that  the  proud  Tartar  chief  went  so  far  as  to  renew 
the  gift  of  Russia  to  Poland,  which  had  been  made  by  Toktamish  and 
sealed  the  deed  with  the  golden  seal  of  Krim  in  the  year  867  of  the  hej. 
{i.e.,  1461).  In  1465  Pope  Paul  II.  sent  Louis  of  Bologna,  the  Franciscan 
patriarch  of  Antioch,  as  an  ambassador  to  solicit  Haji  Girai's  aid  in  the 
crusade  which  was  projected  under  the  emperor  Frederick  III.  against 
Muhammed  and  his  Turks.  It  was  assuredly  an  embarrassing  invitation 
to  ask  the  turban  to  range  itself  under  the  cross.  The  request  was 
cleverly  fenced.  Haji  would  do  as  his  friend  Casimir  of  Poland  did. 
Casimir's  feuds  with  Russia  and  the  Teutonic  knights  made  it  imprudent 
for  him  to  quarrel  with  the  powerful  Turks. t  From  his  early  training  in 
Lithuania  he  had  imbibed  a  certain  respect  for  Christianity,  and  not  only 
was  he  singularly  tolerant,  but  is  even  said  to  have  offered  gifts  at  a 
chapel  of  the  Virgin  near  the  town  and  mountain  of  Kierkel  in  the 

The  last  recorded  event  in  Haji  Girai's  life  was  his  struggle  with 
Kuchuk  Muhammed,  the  Khan  of  the  Golden  Horde.  This  was  about 
1466.  He  was  apparently  making  preparations  for  war  when  he 
suddenly  died,  not  without  suspicions  of  poisoning.  Dlugosch  tells  us 
he  died  in  August,  1466,  and  Muhammed  Riza  in  his  history  of  the  Krim 
Khans  puts  his  death  in  the  same  year.H  He  was  a  constant  friend  of 
Poland,  says  Dlugosch,  and  he  sums  up  his  character  in  the  phrase, 
'•  humanus  civihsque  et  bene  agendi  cupidus."1[  According  to  Jenabi  he 
leftfftwelve  sons,  but  his  notice  is  very  confused.**  Abulghazi  tells  us  he 
left  eight,  whom  he  names  Devletyar,  Nurdaulat  Khan,  Haidar  Khan, 
Kutluk  Seman,  Kildish,  Mengli  Girai  Khan,  Yamgurchi,  and  Ustimuntt 
The  Russian  registers  give  him  five  sons,  whom  they  name  Nurdaulat, 
Haidar,  Mengh  Girai,  Ustimur  tzarevitch,  and  Haji  tzarevitch.+J  Haji 
Girai  struck  coins  at  Krim.§§ 

*  Ante,  305.  1  De  Bohucz,  352.  I  ^d.,  353-  %  Id->  355- 

II  Vel.  Zcra.,  op.  cit.,  i.    Note,  44.  ^  Id.  **  Id.    Note,  48.  tt  Op.  cit.,  1S7. 

n  Vel.  Zern.,  i.     Note,  47. 

^  Frshn  Res.,  413.     Biau  Catalosue  of  Oriental  Coins  in  the  Museum  of  Odessa,  62. 



Haji  Girai  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Nurdaulat,  who  sent  an  envoy  in 
1467  to  the  PoUsh  king  to  announce  his  accession,  and  his  hope  that 
Casimir  would  continue  on  the  same  friendly  terms  with  him  that  he  had 
been  with  his  father  Haji  Girai.  These  courtesies  were  duly  reciprocated 
by  the  Polish  authorities.*  His  reign,  however,  was  a  very  short  one,  and 
two  years  later  (/>.,  in  1469)  he  was  expelled  by  his  younger  brother 
Mengli  Girai,  who  had  hitherto  lived  at  Kaffa,  under  the  protection  of 
the  Genoese.t    Nurdaulat  took  refuge  at  Moscow.^ 


Early  in  the  year  1469  Mengli  Girai  sent  envoys  to  Casimir  of  Poland, 
announcing  his  accession  and  offering  him  an  alliance  against  any  of  his 
enemies.!  His  people  are  called  the  Tartars  of  Perekop  by  Dlugosch. 
The  same  term  is  applied  to  them  by  Herberstein  at  a  later  day.  He 
did  not  reign  very  long. 

The  city  of  Kaffa  was  governed  by  a  consul  sent  every  year  from 
Genoa,  and  two  councillors  elected  by  the  municipahty.  The  district 
round  the  city  was  governed  by  four  judges,  who  were  subject  to  a 
prefect,  who  was  elected  by  the  Khan.  The  prefect  Mamai  having  died, 
his  widow,  by  corrupt  means,  persuaded  a  certain  Petrokos  to  nominate 
her  son  Seidak  to  the  vacant  post.  The  Khan's  choice,  however,  fell 
upon  another  Tartar  named  Eminek.  Mamai's  widow  proceeded  to 
bribe  the  Genoese  consul  with  two  thousand  ducats,  and  one  of  the 
judges  with  one  thousand  ducats,  and  it  was  determined  to  accuse 
Eminek  of  a  conspiracy  to  hand  over  Kaffa  to  the  Sultan.  The  Khan, 
Mengli  Girai,  accordingly  deposed  him,  but  refused  to  appoint  Seidak, 
and  nominated  Kara  Murza,  a  protegd  of  his  brother  Haidar  instead. 
Three  thousand  sequins  were  liberally  distributed  by  Mamai's  wiriow, 
and  a  certain  Squarciafico  duly  informed  Mengli  Girai  that  he  was  at 
the  mercy  of  the  Genoese,  and  unless  he  would  appoint  Seidak  they 
threatened  to  release  his  elder  brothers,  who  had  better  claims  to  the 
throne  than  he,  from  Soldaia.  This  argument  prevailed;  Seidak  was 
duly  appointed  prefect,  and  Eminek  was  deposed.  This  was  in  1474. 
The  latter  complained  to  the  Sultan,  while  Haidar  Sultan,  at  the  head  of 
a  number  of  discontented  people,  drove  Seidak  away,  re-established 
Eminek,  and  blockaded  Kaffa.  The  Tartars,  who  had  hitherto  not 
ventured  far  to  sea,  went  to  the  neighbourhood  of  Constantinople,  and 
there  captured  two  Genoese  galleys,  which  were  on  their  way  to  relieve 

*  Vcl.  Zcrn.,  i.    Note,  44.  t  U,    Note,  45.  I  Id.  §  Id. 


Kaffa.*  Meanwhile  Haidar,  at  the  head  of  seven  thousand  Tartars, 
against  the  will  of  the  Khan,  made  a  raid  upon  Poland  and  Podolia, 
and  caused  much  distress  there.t  This  is  the  account  of  the  Polish 
historians.  According  to  Karamzin,  however,  the  Polish  king  had 
supported  the  party  of  Nurdaulat,  and  had  in  consequence  gained  the 
resentment  of  MengH  Girai. 

The  Grand  Prince  Ivan,  who  had  probably  heard  of  this,  eagerly 
seized  the  opportunity  of  acquiring  an  ally  to  play  off  against  his 
dangerous  neighbour  the  King  of  Poland.  Availing  himself  of  the 
services  of  a  rich  Jew  of  Kaffa  named  Kokos,  he  found  Mengli  Girai 
anxious  to  meet  his  approaches,  and  accordingly  sent  him  a  friendly 
letter  by  Yusuf,  Kokos's  brother-in-law.  Such  was  the  commencement 
of  an  alliance  which  was  destined  to  be  of  considerable  moment  in 
Russian  history.  A  treaty  was  drawn  up  between  the  two  princes,  by 
which  they  became  mutual  allies.  Thieves  and  malefactors  who  sought 
refuge  over  the  frontier  were  to  be  punished,  and  prisoners  to  be 
ransomed.  On  his  return  home  Haji  Baba,  Mengli  Girai's  envoy,  was 
accompanied  by  Niketas  Beklemishef,  who  was  empowered  to  add  some 
supplementary  clauses  to  the  treaty,  and  inter  alia  to  promise  that  Ivan 
would  give  the  Khan  an  annual  present.  It  was  also  agreed  that  while 
Ivan  gave  his  assistance  against  the  Golden  Horde,  the  Krim  Tartars 
were  to  reciprocate  the  good  offices  as  against  Poland.  Beklemishef 
returned  to  Moscow  with  the  murza  Dovletek,  bearing  the  confirmation 
of  the  Khan,  which  Ivan  received  in  his  own  hands,  and  even  went  the 
length  of  lowering  the  crucifix  in  the  presence  of  the  murza.  After  a  stay 
of  four  months  at  Moscow,  Dovletek  returned  to  the  Taurida,  accompanied 
by  Alexis  Starkof,  the  bearer  of  another  friendly  letter  from  the  Grand 
Prince.t  Before  Starkof  could  fulfil  his  mission,  however,  Mengli  Girai 
had  lost  his  throne. 

In  1475  Eminek  and  his  partisans  offered  to  acknowledge  the  Sultan  as 
their  suzerain,  and  invited  him  to  repair  to  Krim*  The  Sultan  at  this 
time  was  the  famous  Muhammed  II.,  who  had  lately  captured  Con- 
standfllbple.  He  accordingly  sent  his  vizier  Kuduk  Ahmed  Pacha,  with  a 
large  fleet,  an  army  of  ten  thousand  azapes  (?),  and  a  similar  number  of 
janissaries  to  the  Krim.  At  the  first  sight  of  the  Turkish  fleet  the  citizens 
lost  heart.  Seidak  fled,  the  old  walls  of  the  town  could  not  long 
resist  the  bombardment,  and  an  Armenian  who  had  become  its  ruler 
surrendered  at  discretion.  Karamzin  says  he  was  bought.  The  lives  of 
the  citizens  were  spared,  but  their  property  was  confiscated.  They  were 
first  ordered  to  repair  to  the  Town  Hall  and  to  pay  down  a  sum  of  twenty 
thousand  ducats.  Forty  thousand  Genoese  were  transported  to  Con- 
stantinople, and  there  settled  as  colonists  in  a  district  which  had  been 

*  Bohucz  Histoire  de  la  Tauride,  333-335'  t  ViAc  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  46. 

i  Karamzin,  vi.  105,  ie6. 


depopulated.  All  the  slaves  became  the  property  of  the  Sultan.  The 
natives  had  to  ransom  themselves  ;  they  were  allowed  to  keep  half  their 
goods,  and  were  subjected  to  tribute.  One  thousand  five  hundred 
children  were  transferred  to  the  seraglio.  The  palaces,  churches,  and 
principal  buildings  were  razed.  On  the  eighth  day  Ahmed  gave  a  grand 
banquet,  on  the  second  storey  of  the  Franc  Asur,  to  the  principal 
Armenians  who  had  betrayed  the  town.  On  descending  by  a  narrow 
ladder  they  found  an  executioner  ready  to  receive  them,  and  were 
beheaded  one  by  one.  Squarciafico,  the  principal  author  of  the  recent 
troubles,  was  sent  for  punishment  to  Constantinople,  where  his  immense 
wealth  was  also  transported.*  Thus  perished  this  famous  Genoese 
colony,  which  had  existed  for  four  centuries.  It  was  known  as  the  Little 
Constantinople,  and  monopolised  a  great  share  of  the  trade  to  the  East. 
That  trade  fortunately  soon  found  a  fresh  route  by  the  Cape  of  Good 
Hope,  but  meanwhile  we  can  hardly  realise  how  its  diversion  must  have 
impoverished  the  steppes  of  Kipchak,  and  what  a  terrible  blow  to  their 
prosperity  was  struck  when  the  rich  and  intelligent  Genoese  merchants 
were  driven  away.  We  are  told  Simon,  the  bishop  of  Kafifa,  had  gone 
to  ask  assistance  from  Martin  Gartold,  the  Polish  palatine  of  Kief.  The 
news  of  the  capture  of  the  city  reached  him  at  table,  and  he  died  suddenly 
from  grief.  One  of  the  transports,  on  its  way  to  Constantinople,  was 
seized  by  the  captives  on  board,  and  found  its  way  to  the  Moldavian  king 

The  capture  of  Kaffa  by  the  Ottomans  was  speedily  followed  by  that 
of  Sudak,  Balaklava,  and  Inkerman.  The  inhabitants  who  had  fled  there 
were  either  killed  or  sent  to  Constantinople.  Cherson  and  Tana,  a  chief 
mart  of  the  Venetians,  were  pillaged  and  razed,  liospro,  which  the 
Genoese  called  Aspromonte,  and  where  they  had  a  consul,  and  Kertch, 
which  had  suffered  much  from  the  Circassians,  only  cost  their  captors  a 
march,  and  Mankup,  whose  position  was  deemed  almost  impregnable 
was  captured.t  Thus  was  overrun  the  famous  peninsula  of  Krim,  and 
thus  did  the  Ottomans  plant  their  foot  firmly  on  the  northern  shores  of 
the  Euxine,  where  they  remained  so  long.  Many  Russian  mer(;liants 
perished,  "  the  first  Russian  blood,"  says  Karamzin,  "  which  was  shed  by 
the  sword  of  the  Ottomans. t  Among  the  prisoners  carried  off  was 
Mengh  Girai,  with  some  of  his  relatives.  Some  accounts  say  he  was 
captured  at  Kaffa,  others  at  Mankup. § 


The    expedition    of   Sultan    Muhammed    was    directed    against    the 
Genoese,  and  not  against  the  Tartars,  with  whom  the  Turks  apparently 

*  De  Bohucz,  op.  cit.,  335,  336.        t  Karamzin,  vi.  107.       J/t^.       5  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  48. 


did  not  come  into  conflict,  and  whose  foothold  in  the  Krim  had  been 
rather  that  of  suzerains  of  the  Genoese  than  actual  occupiers.  Their 
camps  were  outside  the  Krim,  the  chief  one  being  near  Perekop.  There 
Nurdaulat  now  resumed  his  authority  as  Khan.  According  to  the  recent 
Turkish  historian  Khair  Ullah,  the  Sultan  wished  to  be  friendly  with 
Nurdaulat  and  to  win  him  over,  and  accordingly  imprisoned  Mengli 
Girai  in  the  castle  of  the  Seven  Towers  ;  and  as  the  Ottomans  were  this 
very  year  carrying  on  a  war  in  Moldavia,  they  asked  him  to  send  a 
contingent  or  make  a  diversion  ;  as  he  failed  to  do  so,  the  Sultan  set 
free  Mengli  Girai.*  We  are  told  he  treated  him  with  great  consideration, 
and  having  given  him  an  army,  sent  him  to  the  Krim  to  conquer  it  and 
hold  it  as  th.Q pi'otege  and  vassal  of  the  Ottoman  Porte.t 

Fr^hn  has  published  two  silver  coins  of  Nurdaulat,  apparently  struck 
in  the  year  878  hej.  {i.e.,  1473-4).!  There  is  an  episode  in  the  history  of 
the  Khanate  at  this  time  which  is  difficult  to  understand.  We  are  told 
that  in  1476  Ahmed,  the  Khan  of  the  Golden  Horde,  sent  an  army, 
commanded  by  his  son,  which  overran  the  Krim  and  drove  Mengli 
Girai  away ;  but  Mengli  Girai  was  then  a  prisoner,  and  perhaps 
Nurdaulat  is  meant. 


Whatever  the  explanation,  it  would  seem  that  Ahmed  nominated 
Janibeg  to  the  vacant  throne.  He  was  probably  one  of  the  nephews.  § 
The  first  notice  of  him  I  can  find  is  in  Ivan's  letter  to  MengH  Girai, 
written  in  1475,  in  which  he  says  that  during  the  previous  summer 
Janibeg,  or  Zenebek,  as  Karamzin  calls  him,  wished  to  enter  his  service, 
but  he  had  refused,  being  persuaded  that  he  was  Mengli  Girai's  enemy 
If  the  latter  did  not  object,  however,  he  would  send  a  courier  to  the 
horde  to  fetch  him.||  When  Janibeg  became  Khan  of  Krim,  in  1477,  he 
sent  an. -envoy  named  Jafer  Berdi  to  Moscow,  to  inquire  if,  in  case  of 
banis?{ment,  he  could  hope  for  an  asylum  in  Russia.  The  Grand  Prince 
replied,  "  When  you  had  neither  lands  nor  power,  and  were  only  a  simple 
Kazak,  you  asked  me  if  you  might  find  a  resting-place  within  my  borders 
in  case  your  horse  should  be  weary  of  wandering  in  the  deserts.  You 
know  that  I  then  promised  you  rest  and  peace.  If  you  should  again  be 
unfortunate  and  need  a  refuge,  be  assured  you  may  have  it  here."^  Ivan's 
envoy  was  also  instructed  to  renew  the  alliance  which  had  been  formed 
between  himself  and  Mengli  Girai,**  Janibeg  did  not  reign  long,  and  we 
are  told  he  was  driven  away  by  Mengli  Girai,  who  hastened  to  announce 

*  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  48.  t  Karamzin,  vi.  108.     Vel.  Zern.,  i.  20. 

I  Coins  of  the  Ulus  Juchi,  40.    Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  51. 

§  Vide  ante,  350.  U  Karamzin,  vi.  106.  ^  Id.,  109.  **  Id. 


his  renewed  accession  to  the  throne,  to  Ivan.  It  would  seem  that  during 
Janibeg's  reign  Nurdaulat  had  a  kind  of  joint  authority  in  the  horde,  for 
we  find  him  in  1478  sending  envoys  to  the  Polish  king  to  make  a  treaty 
of  peace  with  him.* 

MENGLI    GIRAI    KHAN    (Second  Reign). 

We  are  told  that  Mengli  Girai's  new  nomination  as  Khan  of  Krim  was 
attended  with  great  pomp.  The  Divan  assembled,  and  the  Sultan 
attended  in  person.  The  Khan  was  dressed  by  the  chamberlain  in  a 
superb  kaftan  of  golden  tissue  edged  with  ermine,  while  a  cap  bordered 
with  sable  and  ornamented  with  a  diamond  aigrette  was  put  on  his 
head.  The  Imperial  sword-bearer  gave  him  a  sword  with  a  golden  hilt 
garnished  with  diamonds,  and  put  the  quiver  and  bow  on  his  shoulders. 
The  diploma  of  investiture  was  then  read,  and  the  mufti  addressed  the 
Khan.  On  going  out  from  the  hall  he  was  presented  with  a  richly 
caparisoned  horse,  and  was  escorted  to  his  palace  by  the  grandees. 
A  short  time  after  he  went  to  Koztof  in  the  Taurida,  where  he  was  well 
received,  and  where  the  Sultan's  chamberlain  also  went  to  publish  his 
appointment  and  the  Imperial  confirmation.  The  return  of  Mengli  Girai 
led  to  the  withdrawal  of  Nurdaulat  and  his  brother  Haidar  from  Krim, 
and  they  sought  refuge,  first  in  Lithuania  and  then  in  Russia.t 

This  was  a  notabb  epoch  in  Tartar  history.  It  was  as  the  feudatory 
of  the  Sultan  that  Mengli  Girai  now  returned,  and  thenceforward  Krim 
must  be  looked  upon,  as  Egypt  and  Tunis  were  in  later  days,  as 
provinces  dependent  in  a  measure  upon  the  Ottoman  crown,  although 
enjoying  a  great  measure  of  independence.  By  a  treaty  between  Mengli 
Girai  and  his  patron,  it  was  agreed  that  the  power  of  appointing  and 
deposing  the  Khan  should  rest  with  the  Sultan,  who  should  limit  his 
choice,  however,  to  descendants  of  Jingis  Khan.  That  the  Sultan  should 
never  on  any  pretext  put  to  death  either  a  Khan  or  a  member  of  the 
family  of  Girai.  That  the  private  property  of  the  family  else**vhere 
should  be  deemed  inviolable.  That  in  the  Khutb6  or  public  Friday 
prayer  the  Khan's  name  should  be  read  after  the  Sultan's.  That  any 
favours  officially  demanded  should  be  granted.  The  Khan's  standard 
was  to  have  five  tails,  that  of  the  Sultan  having  six.  And  in  each 
campaign  the  Porte  was  to  pay  a  hundred  and  twenty  purses  for  the 
sustenance  of  the  Khan's  guards,  and  eighty  purses  for  the  Kapikuli 
mursas.l  It  would  seem  the  Khans  had  also  the  right  of  striking  money, 
while  the  Sultan  claimed  the  appointment  of  the  cadhis  to  collect  the 
customs  at  Kaffa  and  Mankup.§     Besides  his  mere  treaty  rights,  we 

•  Vel.  Zern.,  i.    Note,  51.  t  Vel.  Zern.,  i.  22. 

I  Peysonnel,  ii.  228-230.    Langles,  403-406,  §  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  351-353. 


must  remember  that  the  Sultan,  as  the  successor  of  the  Khalifs,  the 
guardian  of  the  keys  of  Mecca  and  the  head  of  the  faith,  had  an  especial 
claim  to  reverence  from  such  good  Mussulmans  as  the  Krim  Tartars. 
On  his  return  to  the  Krim,  Mengli  appointed  his  son  Muhammed  Girai 
as  kalga,*  and  gave  him  command  of  the  right  wing  of  the  army, 
the  chiefs  of  the  "  Karaju,"  which  included  those  of  Barin,  Arghin,  and 
Kipchak  of  the  left,  and  the  chiefs  of  the  tribe  Shirin  of  the  centre.t 

The  Tartars  were  by  no  means  pleased  at  the  way  in  which  Mengli 
Girai  had  surrendered  their  independence,  and  some  fresh  clauses  were 
afterwards  added,  by  which  the  Khan  reserved  the  right  of  awarding 
life  and  death  and  the  appointment  of  his  own  kalgas  and  other 
officials.  The  Sultan  promised  to  pay  for  four  thousand  men  as 
his  guards,  to  limit  the  succession  to  the  family  of  Girai,  to  allow 
the  Tartars  to  trade  freely  in  the  Black  Sea,  in  case  of  war  to  provide 
the  Tartar  contingent  with  provisions,  and  to  allow  them  to  keep  any 
booty  they  made.  He  reserved  the  town  of  Kaffa  and  the  right  of 
keeping  a  garrison  at  Kozlof,  and,  as  the  successor  of  the  Khalif,  that 
of  appointing  and  deposing  the  ecclesiastical  officials.^ 

Mengli  Girai  on  his  return  did  not  behave  well  to  the  Genoese,  who 
had  befriended  him.  After  landing  at  Kozlof  he  marched  upon  the  town 
of  Solgat  or  Old  Krim,  against  whose  governor  he  had  a  grudge,  although 
his  son  was  engaged  to  the  latter's  daughter.  The  town  having  been 
captured,  the  Genoese  were  cruelly  put  to  death,  and  the  Armenians  and 
Greeks  transported  to  the  south  of  the  peninsula.§  Barbaro  would  make 
out  that  Mengli  Girai  acquired  his  authority  in  the  Krim  without  the 
consent  of  the  Turks.  The  curious  story  he  tells  is  as  follows.  Mengli 
Girai  having  been  released  from  prison,  was  allowed  by  the  Turks  to 
return  once  more  to  Kaffa  and  to  move  about  there  on  his  parole.  "  One 
day,"  says  our  author,  "there  happened  a  shooting  for  a  prize  there. 
The  manner  whereof  is,  they  hung  up  on  certain  poles  set  up  like  a 
gallows,  a  ball  of  silver,  tied  only  with  a  fine  thread.  Those  now  that 
should  shoot  for  the  prize  shoot  thereat  with  forked  arrows  on  horseback, 
and  fii'^t  must  gallop  under  the  gallows,  so  that  being  in  his  full  career 
passing  a  certain  place  he  must  turn  his  body  and  shoot  backwards,  the 
horse  galloping  all  the  time  straight  on.  He  who  cut  the  thread  won 
the  game.  Mengli  Girai  chose  this  opportunity  to  escape,  and  having 
planted  a  hundred  of  his  partisans  outside  the  town  in  a  small  valley, 
and  feigning  to  run  for  the  game,  he  made  away  to  his  company,  where- 
upon the  force  of  all  the  island  (/.<?.,  of  Krim)  followed  him,  but  having 
grown  strong  he  took  Surgathi,  and  having  slain  Eminekbi,  made  himself 
lord  of  all  those  places."]! 
This  is  quite  irreconcilable  with  other  accounts,  but  it  has  a  certain 

*  Vide  Notes'.  t  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii,  353.  J  Dc  Bohucz,  358.  $  /./.,  338. 

i  Barbaro,  29, 



quaint  local  colour  about  it,  and  may  have  some  foundation.  Mengli 
Girai  introduced  a  new  policy  into  the  Krim.  As  a  dependent  of  the 
Sultan  he  was  not  careful,  like  his  father,  to  court  alliances  that  promised 
to  be  useful,  but  apparently  deemed  all  his  neighbours  fit  subjects  for 
plunder.  We  accordingly  find  him  at  issue  with  Casimir  of  Poland,  and 
drawing  nearer  to  Casimir's  great  enemy  the  Grand  Prince  Ivan  of  Russia. 
The  ruling  motive  of  the  Khan's  foreign  policy  was  his  hatred  of  the  rival 
Khans  of  the  Golden  Horde.  He  notified  his  accession  to  the  Grand 
Prince,  and  was  congratulated  by  him.  In  1480  Ivan  sent  him  an  envoy 
named  Ivan  Zvenetz,  who  was  commissioned  to  tell  him  that  it  was 
entirely  through  a  personal  regard  for  himself  that  he  had  given  an  asylum 
to  his  brothers  Haidar  and  Nurdaulat,  and  he  offered  to  assist  him  in  his 
struggle  with  Ahmed  of  the  Golden  Horde  if  he  in  return  would  aid  him 
against  Casimir  of  Poland.  Zvenetz  was  also  secretly  to  offer  the  Khan  an 
asylum  in  Russia  whenever  he  was  driven  from  Krim,  and  to  promise  to 
employ  the  forces  of  Russia  to  reinstate  him.  This  was  so  grateful  to 
the  Khan  that  he  entered  into  an  offensive  and  defensive  alliance  with 
Russia.*  When  Ahmed,  the  Khan  of  the  Golden  Horde,  was  overthrown 
in  1481,  Ivan  sent  the  boyard  Timothy  to  Mengli  Girai  with  the  news. 
We  are  told  the  latter  had  an  interview  with  Eminek  (who  was  friendly 
to  Russia),  and  gave  his  son  Dovletek  a  passport  sealed  with  a  golden 
seal  to  reside  where  he  liked  in  Russia.t 

A  year  later  we  find  Casimir  intriguing  to  detach  Mengli  Girai  from 
his  Russian  alliance,  and  even  succeeding  in  corrupting  Eminek,  who 
undertook  that  his  master  should  make  peace  with  Poland.  Ivan 
hearing  of  these  intrigues,  sent  some  envoys  to  the  Krim,  by  whose 
persuasion  Mengli  Girai  marched  with  a  large  body  of  cavalry  in  the 
autumn  of  1482  to  the  Dnieper,  and  even  captured  Kief,  took  its  voivode 
prisoner,  burnt  the  monastery  of  Pechersky,  and  sent  as  a  present  to  the 
Grand  Prince  the  massive  chalice  and  paten  of  the  church  of  St.  Sophia. 
This  policy  of  employing  the  Mussulman  Tartars  to  plunder  the  Christian 
Russians  in  the  former  alma  mater  of  Russian  culture  was  not  very 
welcome  to  the  Muscovite  people.  The  Grand  Prince,  however,  \v;^o  was 
a  pohtician  with  little  sentiment,  sent  to  thank  Mengli  Girai,  told  him 
that  he  meant  to  fulfil  his  part  of  the  treaty,  and  reported  how,  at  great 
cost,  he  had  kept  a  strict  watch  over  his  brothers  and  rivals  Haidar  and 
Nurdaulat.J  The  old  feud  between  Mengli  Girai  and  the  chiefs  of  the 
Great  Horde  still  continued,  and  the  latter,  notwithstanding  the  Sultan's 
orders  to  the  contrary,  were  determined  to  prosecute  their  plans.  In 
1485  they  overran  the  Krim  in  the  manner  I  have  described.§ 

Meanwhile  Ivan  kept  up  a  close  intercourse  with  the  Krim  Khan.  In 
i486  we  find  him  sending  him  a  present  of  three  pelisses,  one  of  lynx, 

•  Karamiin,  vi.  174,  175.  t  Id.,  203.  J  Karamzin,  vi.  212,  213. 

hAnU,  329-331. 


another  of  marten,  and  the  third  of  squirrel,  three  sable  skins,  and  a 
double  ducat;  two  ducats  were  sent  to  his  wife,  to  his  brother  Yamgurchi, 
and  to  each  of  his  children.  Having  heard  that  his  wife  Nursaltan  was 
possessed  of  the  famous  pearl  of  Toktamish,  which  had  probably  been 
captured  at  Moscow  in  the  reign  of  Dimitri  Donskoi,  he  repeatedly 
asked  for  it,  and  she  eventually  sent  it  to  him.*  We  now  find  Murtaza 
Khan  of  the  Great  Horde  trying  to  get  Nurdaulat,  the  late  Khan  of 
Krim,  into  his  possession,  in  order  no  doubt  to  set  him  up  as  a  rival  to 
his  brother  Mengli  Girai.t  The  King  of  Poland  at  the  same  time  tried 
to  gain  over  Haidar,  another  of  his  brothers,  but  the  Grand  Prince  kept 
a  strict  surveillance  upon  both  of  them,  and  would  not  let  them  leave. 
MengU  Girai  was  not  unwilling  to  share  his  throne  with  Nurdaulat,  and 
wrote  to  the  Grand  Prince  asking  him  to  release  them,  adding  that 
he  did  not  fear  Haidar,  and  that  he  might  go  where  he  wished.  But 
Ivan  refused,  saying  in  most  characteristic  phraseology,  that  "  ambition 
knew  neither  fraternity  nor  gratitude,"  and  that  with  his  genius  and 
numerous  partisans  Nurdaulat  would  not  be  contented  with  half  a 
heritage  of  which  he  had  once  possessed  the  whole,  a  truth  which  the 
dictates  of  friendship  made  him  announce  to  him.l 

The  Krim  Tartars  formed  at  this  date,  as  I  have  described,  an 
advanced  post  of  the  great  Ottoman  empire,  which  for  many  years 
unwittingly  did  the  work  of  Russia  by  pulverising  the  power  of  its  bitter 
rival  Poland.  Desiring  to  enter  into  an  alliance  with  Turkey,  Ivan 
sounded  Mengli  Girai,  who,  appealing  to  Constantinople,  received  the 
answer,  "  Mengli  Girai,  if  the  ruler  of  Moscow  is  your  brother  he  shall 
also  be  mine."  Meanwhile  the  Russian  merchants  had  almost  ceased  to 
visit  Azof  and  Kaffa,  so  great  were  the  exactions  of  the  Turkish  pasha. 
The  latter  laid  the  blame  on  Mengli  Girai,  whom  he  accused  of  per- 
suading the  Russians  to  stay  away.  The  Khan  of  Krim  having  asked 
Ivan  to  justify  his  conduct  to  his  master,  he  accordingly  wrote  in  1492 
to  Bajazet,  setting  out  how  the  pasha  of  Azof  had  the  previous  year 
forced  the  Russian  merchants  to  dig  a  ditch  there,  and  to  carry  stones 
to  m?^e  it  with  ;  and  that  at  Azof  and  Kaffa  they  were  compelled  to 
surrender  their  goods  for  one-half  of  their  value ;  if  one  of  them  was 
ill  the  goods  of  all  were  put  under  seal,  and  if  he  died  they  were  largely 
confiscated.  The  Turks  did  not  recognise  the  Russian  testamentary 
dispositions,  but  deemed  themselves  the  universal  heirs.  Ivan  set  out 
that  it  was  for  these  reasons  he  had  forbidden  his  merchants  to  visit 
Azof  and  Kaffa,  and  ended  up  by  suggesting  that  Bajazet  should  send 
him  some  envoys.  This  letter  was  written  in  August,  1492.  Meanwhile 
the  Grand  Prince  was  on  very  friendly  terms  with  Mengli  Girai.  In 
1490  Prince  Romodanofski  went  to  the  Krim  to  assure  the  Khan  that  his 
master  was  always  prepared  to  attack  the  Great  Horde.    Shortly  aftef 

*  Karamain,  vi.  231.  232.  t  Ante,  331.  I  Karamzin,  vi.  232, 234. 


Mengli  Girai  won  a  considerable  victory  over  the  latter.*  In  reply  to 
the  solicitations  of  the  Grand  Prince  that  he  should  attack  Casimir, 
Mengli  Girai  wrote  in  1492  to  say  he  was  building  a  fortress  at  the  mouth 
of  the  Dnieper  as  a  menace  to  the  Poles.  This  was  Otchakof,  built,  as 
I  believe,  on  the  site  of  the  old  town  of  Torchesk.  The  prudent  Ivan 
reminded  his  ally  that  it  was  not  by  building  fortresses  a  long  way  off, 
but  by  harrying  their  land,  that  he  would  harass  the  Lithuanians.  Each 
monarch  was  fond  of  presents,  and  we  find  Mengli  Girai  soliciting 
jerfalcons  and  sables  for  the  Sultan,  while  Ivan  asked  as  the  reward  of 
his  services  against  the  Great  Horde,  for  Mengli's  great  red  ruby.  The 
cautious  Muscovite  monarch  also  insisted  that  the  correspondence 
between  the  rulers  of  Krim  and  Kazan  should  pass  through  his  hands, 
where  it  was  no  doubt  duly  checked,  t 

Ivan  now  pressed  more  urgently  on  the  Krim  Khan  that  he  should 
attack  the  Lithuanians.  Alexander  had  sent  Prince  Glinsky  to  him  to 
complain  of  the  building  of  Otchakof  at  the  instance  of  Ivan.  Mengli 
Girai  detained  this  envoy,  laid  siege  to  Kief,  and  set  fire  to  the  environs  of 
Chernigof,  but  was  compelled  by  an  inundation  of  the  Dnieper  to  return 
to  Perekop.  Shortly  after  Otchakof,  which  had  cost  1 50,000  altins,  was 
destroyed  by  Bogdan,  the  leader  of  the  Cossacks,  to  the  great  chagrin  of 
the  Khan,  who  was  much  tempted  by  the  offer  of  13,500  ducats  as  a 
ransom  for  the  Lithuanians  he  held  in  bondage,  and  also  under  pressure 
from  Turkey  to  make  peace  with  Casimir.  Of  this  he  informed  Ivan, 
and  also  of  his  determination  to  remain  faithful  to  the  Russians,  and  he 
in  fact  continued  to  harass  the  Lithuanians.^ 

Casimir  of  Poland  died  in  1492,  and  was  succeded  by  Alexander,  who 
had  married  Ivan's  daughter  Helena.§  This  led  to  peace  being  made 
between  the  two  powers,  and  we  read  how,  news  having  arrived  that 
Mengli  Girai,  Ivan's  faithful  friend,  was  meditating  a  raid  upon 
Lithuania,  Helena  joined  in  her  husband's  entreaties  to  her  father  to 
prevent  him.  Ivan  was  in  an  embarrassing  position,  for  he  had  made 
peace  with  Alexander,  their  common  enemy,  without  acquainting  Mengli 
Girai.  When  he  now  wrote  to  inform  the  latter,  he  was  met^by  a 
dignified  rebuke.  "  Your  letter  surprises  me,"  wrote  the  Khan.  "  You 
know  that,  faithful  to  my  promises  and  to  my  friendship,  I  have  sacrificed 
my  private  interests  for  you,  and  have  never  neglected  an  opportunity  of 
assisting  you  against  your  enemies.  '  A  friend  and  a  brother  are  two 
treasures :  happy  he  who  possesses  them.^  Penetrated  with  this  sentiment, 
I  have  harried  the  country  of  the  Lithuanians  and  have  fought  against 
the  sons  of  Ahmed.  I  have  closed  my  ears  to  the  proposals  of  Casimir 
and  Alexander.  What  is  now  my  reward?  You  have  made  friends 
with  my  enemies,  and  left  me  a  victim  to  their  vengeance.    You  have 

*  Karatnzin,  ri.  291,  293^  t  /i..  29s,  294.  I  Id.,  303, 304, 

f  Antt,  337.  338. 


not  confided  a  syllable  of  your  intentions  to  your  brother.  You  have 
deemed  him  unworthy  of  sharing  in  your  plans." 

Notwithstanding  his  letter,  Mengli  Girai  was  willing  to  make  peace 
with  the  Lithuanians  if  they  would  pay  the  cost  of  his  armament.  The 
diplomatic  Ivan  determined  to  utilise  his  influence  with  the  Krim  Khan 
by  making  fresh  demands  upon  Alexander.  He  insisted  on  his  daughter 
having  a  Greek  church  within  the  palace,  and  that  she  should  not  wear  the 
Polish  dress,  nor  be  surrounded  with  Catholic  servants.*  These  demands 
were  firmly  refused. 

The  Turkish  Sultan  had  replied  to  Ivan's  letter  already  quoted,  for- 
bidding under  severe  penalties  any  extortions  on  Russian  merchants  at 
Kaffa  and  Azof;  he  also  sent  an  envoy,  accompanied  by  some  Constan- 
tinople merchants  to  Moscow  by  way  of  Kief.  They  were  stopped  and 
sent  back  again  by  order  of  Alexander  of  Lithuania,  on  the  plea  that 
Turkish  envoys  had  never  hitherto  crossed  Lithuania  and  that  they 
might  ibe  spies.  These  grievances,  we  are  told,  Ivan  magnanimously 
overlooked,  and  even  went  so  far  as  to  write  a  paternal  letter  to  Alexander 
when  the  latter  proposed  to  create  an  appanage  for  his  son  Sigismund 
out  of  Kief,  reminding  him  of  the  terrible  mischief  the  system  of 
appanages  had  caused  in  Russia.  One  can  hardly  doubt  that  there  was 
some  hidden  policy  behind  this  advice.  It  was  treated  with  scant 
courtesy,  and  Alexander's  reply  was  bitter  and  caustic.  Ivan  contented 
himself  with  entering  into  a  new  alliance  with  Mengli  Girai  and  Stephen 
of  Moldavia. 

A  revolution  now  took  place  at  Kazan,  by  which  Muhammed  Amin  gave 
place  to  Abdul  Latif.  Both  these  princes  were  sons  of  Nursaltan,  the 
wife  of  Mengli  Girai,  and  Ivan  sent  to  tell  her,  and  assured  her  at  the 
same  time  that  the  principality  should  always  remain  in  her  family.  She 
wrote  to  thank  him,  and  told  him  she  had  recently  returned  from  a 
pilgrimage  to  Mecca,  and  that  she  intended  going  to  Russia  to  see  her 
children.  Mengli  Girai  also  presented  the  Grand  Prince  with  the  ruby 
ring  of  Muhammed  II.  Ivan  now  sent  off  Michael  Plestcheief  as  his 
envoy  to  the  Sultan  Bajazet,  whose  son  Mahmed-Shikhzoda  was  the 
sultan  of  Kaffa.  He  was  furnished  with  letters  and  guides  by  the  Krim 
Khan.  As  usual,  Ivan  gave  punctilious  directions  as  to  his  envoy's 
behaviour.  He  was  not  to  kneel  nor  to  address  himself  to  the  pashas, 
but  only  to  the  Sultan  himself.  He  carried  out  his  instructions  too 
faithfully ;  when  the  pashas  asked  him  to  dinner  and  offered  him  a 
present  of  some  rich  robes  and  of  10,000  sequins  for  his  entertainment, 
he  replied  boorishly  that  he  would  not  wear  their  garments,  had  no 
need  of  their  money,  and  wished  to  communicate  with  the  Sultan 
personally.  Bajazet,  notwithstanding  this  rudeness,  was  very  complacent, 
and  sent  Ivan  a  civil  message.    In  a  note  which  he  wrote  to  Mengli 

*  Anfti  334, 325i 


Girai,  however,  he  complained  of  the  rudeness  of  the  envoy,  and  said 
that  he  did  not  send  any  of  his  own  people  back  with  him  lest  they 
should  be  uncivilly  treated ;  he  also  ordered  that  his  son,  the  sultan  of 
Kaffa,  should  correspond  directly  with  the  Muscovite  tzar  * 

Meanwhile  he  continued  to  encourage  the  Krim  Khan.t  The  latter 
demanded  from  the  Lithuanians  the  cession  of  Kief,  Kanief,  and  other 
towns  formerly  conquered  by  Batu.  He  was  somewhat  embarrassed, 
however,  by  the  policy  of  the  Turkish  sultan.  "  Tiie  Sultans,"  he  wrote 
to  Ivan,  "are  not  straightforward  people,  their  actions  do  not  correspond 
with  their  words.  Formerly  the  lieutenants  of  Kaffa  were  subordinate  to 
me.  Now  it  is  governed  by  Bajazet's  son,  who  certainly  listens  to  me, 
for  he  is  young,  but  who  can  answer  for  the  future.  As  an  old  proverb 
says,  *  Two  sheep's  heads  cannot  be  put  in  the  same  pan.*  If  we  quarrel 
things  will  go  badly,  and  you  know  men  will  not  stay  where  they  are  not 
comfortable.  You  therefore  capture  Kief  and  Cherkask.  I  will  send  my 
people  across  the  Dnieper,  and  you  may  dispose  of  them  as  you  will." 
Ivan  replied,  "  I  constantly  pray  God  to  restore  to  us  our  ancient 
patrimony  of  Kief,  and  nothing  will  be  more  agreeable  to  me  than  the 
idea  of  being  your  neighbour."+ 

The  unnatural  struggle  between  Ivan  and  his  son-in-law  Alexander 
continued,  as  I  have  described,  and  Mengli  Girai  reaped  a  natural 
harvest  in  ravaging  the  unfortunate  Lithuanians.  He  made  a  terrible 
raid  into  their  country  in  the  year  isoo.§  The  following  year  we  find 
Alexander  allying  himself  with  Sheikh  Ahmed  of  the  Golden  Horde, 
whose  people  were  very  hard  pressed  by  the  Krim  Khan,  while  Sheikh 
Ahmed  himself  was  forced  to  seek  an  asylum  in  Lithuania,  where  he  was 
imprisoned.  || 

MengU  Girai  wrote  to  inform  Ivan  of  his  success  against  his  com- 
patriots, and  was  duly  thanked  by  him,  and  at  the  same  time  reminded 
that  but  half  his  work  was  done,  and  urged  to  continue  the  cam- 
paign against  Poland.lF  Soon  after  a  coolness  arose  between  the  two 
allies,  in  consequence  of  Ivan  having  dethroned  Abdul  Latif,  the  Khan 
of  Kazan,  the  Krim  Khan's  stepson,  and  once  more  replaced  hii«  by 
Muhammed  Arain.  Mengli  Girai  wrote  to  urge  that  Abdul  Latif  was  but 
a  young  man,  and  his  faults  were  those  of  youth,  and  asking  the  Russian 
tzar  to  grant  him  an  appanage  in  Russia  or  else  to  let  him  go  to  the 
Krim.  He  threatened  to  break  off  his  alliance  with  him  unless  he  kept 
his  plighted  word  on  this  matter,  and  he  added,  "  I  send  you  a  ring  made 
of  the  horn  of  an  Indian  animal  called  kaherden,  which  is  an  antidote 
Against  all  poisons,  wear  it  on  your  finger  as  a  mark  of  my  friendship, 
and  you  will  secure  mine  by  granting  my  request."  Ivan  did  not  like  to 
trust  Abdul  Latif  in  the  Krim,  but  he  reconciled  Mengli  Girai  by  granting 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  341*3434  i  Vide  ante,  329.  I  Karamzin,  vi.  365.  i  Ante,  3^0. 

B  /<^.i  347.  ^  Karamzin,  vi.,  390. 


the  young  prince  a  suitable  establishment  in  Russia.  The  Krim  Khan 
thereupon  sent  his  sons  at  the  head  of  ninety  thousand  men  to  invade 
Lithuania.*  They  ravaged  Podolia,  Red  Russia,  the  Palatinate  of 
Sendomir,  the  environs  of  Rzeszof,  Yaroslaf,  Radom,  and  Belz,  crossed 
the  Vistula,  and  pillaged  Opatof  and  Kunof.  The  town  of  Pasianof 
alone  offered  a  slight  resistance.  They  returned  to  the  Krim  with  an 
immense  booty,  and  the  following  year  commenced  to  pillage  other 
towns.t  Well  might  the  learned  archbishop  just  quoted  wonder  how  it 
was  possible  for  an  army  of  Tartars  thus  to  traverse  at  discretion  ten 
degrees  of  latitude,  always  marching  through  a  hostile  country  and 
always  plundering,  and  yet  with  no  efforts  made  to  defeat  him,  or  to 
recover  the  plunder  or  prisoners  he  was  carrying  off.  Well  might  he  inveigh 
against  a  republic  of  rich  proprietors  who,  each  shut  up  in  his  castle, 
cared  little  for  the  citizens  of  the  unwalled  towns  or  the  peasants,  who  were 
being  swept  off,  and  less  for  the  common- weal  and  against  a  disintegrated 
oligarchy,  with  a  king  having  Uttle  power,  and  an  exchequer  seldom  full, 
and  otherwise  badly  organised;  and  well  might  he  long  for  some  despotic 
hand  to  seize  the  helm,  and  make  the  rich  and  powerful  sacrifice  them- 
selves somewhat  for  the  good  of  the  State,  and  organise  a  power  strong 
enough  to  repel  these  barbarians. 

This  condition  of  things  in  Poland  partially  explains  and  excuses  a 
step  which  Alexander  took  at  this  time.  His  faithful  ally  Sheikh  Ahmed, 
who  had  with  every  confidence  trusted  himself  in  Lithuania,  was  put  in 
durance  by  Alexander,  who  now  had  something  to  hold  in  ierrorem  over 
the  Krim  Khan,  to  whom  he  in  fact  wrote  to  tell  him  that  his  enemy  was 
in  his  power,  and  that  if  he  refused  to  make  peace,  he  could  at  any 
moment  release  him.|  A  treaty  was  accordingly  entered  into  with 
Mengli  Girai,  on  condition  that  Sheikh  Ahmed  should  be  kept  in 
confinement.    This  was  in  i505.§ 

The  tzar  Ivan  IIL  died  the  same  year,  and  was  succeeded  by  his 
son  Vasili,|l  who  sent  envoys  to  the  Krim  Khan  to  renew  his  father's 
treaty  with  him.^  This  was  followed  by  the  unfortunate  expedition  to 
Kazafi,  which  I  have  already  described.** 

Meanwhile,  notwithstanding  these  treaties,  the  Tartars  continued  to 
ravage  Poland  and  Russia.  In  1506  they  wasted  Podolia  and  the 
neighbouring  districts,  carrying  off  a  hundred  thousand  prisoners  and  a 
large  booty.  Having  returned  again,  they  reached  within  a  day's 
march  of  Lida  in  Lithuania.  Alexander,  who  was  on  his  death-bed, 
exhorted  his  timid  people  to  make  head  against  them,  and  we  are  told 
that  Prince  Michael  GHnski,  putting  himself  at  their  head,  routed 
The  following  year  they  made  a  raid  upon  Russia,  but   they  were 

*  Karamzin,  vi.  393-395.  t  De  Bohucz,  362.  X  Ante,  346. 

^  De  Bohucz,  364.  J-i4«««,  343.  f  Karamzin,  vii.  4.  **  Anie.iZo. 

It  De  Guignes,  iii.  398.    Karamzin,  vii.  15. 


defeated  in  recrossing  the  Oka,  and  forced  to  abandon  the  booty  they 
had  captured.*    These  raids  were  probably  made  against  the  Khan's 
wishes,  for  his  authority  over  his  turbulent  subjects  was  not  very  great. 
In  1509  we  find  him  writing  to  Vasili,  asking  him  to   send  him  his 
stepson  Abdul  Latif,  the  young  prince  of  Kazan.     This  was  refused,  but 
the  tzar  granted  the  latter  the  town  of  Koshira  as  a  fief;  and  soon  after, 
Mengli  Girai  having  probably  heard  of  the  peace  which  Vasili  had  made 
with  Sigismund  of  Poland,t  sent  some  envoys  with  a  treaty  signed  with 
a  golden  seal,  in  which  an  alliance,  offensive  and  defensive,  against 
Lithuania  and  the  Astrakhan  Tartars  was  stipulated  for.      He  also 
promised  to  protect  Russian  merchants,  &c.    These  envoys  were  very 
well  received.    They  twice  dined  at  Vasili's  table,  and  in  token  of  good- 
will he  twice  put  his  hands  on  them.      Mengli  Girai  asked  his  friend 
to   send  an   army  against  Astrakhan,  promising   in    return   to    press 
upon  the  Lithuanians.     He  asked  also  for  falcons,  sables,  narwhal's 
horns,    cuirasses,     and    a    large    silver    vase,    and    for    the    tribute 
which  the  princes  of  Odoef  were  wont  to  pay  him,  and  further,  that 
Abdul  Latif  might  be  allowed  to  go  to  the  Krim  to  see  his  mother.J 
This  last  request  was  refused,  but  in  lieu  of  Koshira  Vasili  gave  the 
young  prince  the  town  of  Yurief,  and  the  grant  and  Abdul  Latif's  oath 
of  fidelity  to  Russia  were  attested  by  the  envoys  of  Krim.    Vasili  also 
refused  to  embroil  himself  with  Astrakhan  on  the  plea  that  Russia  was 
too  weak  and  too  much  menaced.      He  sent   Morozof,  governor  of 
Perevitsk,  to  take  back  his  answer.    This  envoy  had  not  an  easy  time  of 
it.    The  Tartar  grandees  had  not  forgotten  that  they  were  formerly 
masters  of  the  Russians,  and  treated  him  with  scant  civility.      "I 
dismounted,"  he  says  to  Vasili,  "  before  the  palace.    At  the  entrance  I 
met  the  princes  of  the  Khan.    They  all  saluted  your  ambassador  except 
the  murza  Kudoiar,  who  would  have  treated  me  as  his  servant.    The 
interpreter  having  refused  to  translate  his  insolent  language,  the  murza 
got  furious  and  wished  to  stab  him,  and  tore  with  violence  a  pelisse  from 
the  hands  of  my  secretary,  who  bore  the  presents.    At  the  entrance  my 
way  was  stopped  by  the  sentinels  with  their  batons,  who  demanded  an 
entrance  fee.     I  pushed  aside  their  batons  and  entered  the  presence  of 
the  tzar,  who  with  the  tzarevitches  received  me  well.    They  presented 
a  cup  out  of  which  they  had  themselves  drunk,  and  I  in  turn  presented 
it  to  the  princes  except  Kudoiar,  and  I  said  to  the  Khan,  Great  king, 
judge  between  me  and  this  insolent  murza.     I  am  your  servant  as 
well  as  my  master's,  but  not  the  servant  of  Kudoiar.    By  what  right 
does  he  insult  an  envoy  and  take  from  us  the  presents  we  bear  for  you." 
Mengli  Girai  made  some  excuses  for  the  murza,  but  on  Morozof's 
withdrawal  he  reprimanded  him  and  drove  him  away.    Morozof  himself 
was  not  apparently  very  conciliatory,  and  on  one  of  the  Khan's  sons 

*  De  Guignes,  loc.  cit.  t^H/^382-  I  Karamzin,  vii.,  27. 


having  menaced  him  with  imprisonment  on  account  of  the  meanness  of 
the  presents  he  bore,  he  repHed,  "  I  do  not  fear  your  chains,  I  only  fear 
God,  my  prince,  and  your  tzar.  If  you  insult  vte,  my  master  will  no 
longer  send  you  persons  of  distinction."  The  fact  was,  Mengli  Girai  was 
getting  old,  and  the  reins  of  power  in  such  a  turbulent  community 
needed  a  stronger  hand. 

In  1 5 10  Nursaltan,  Mengli  Girai's  wife,  visited  Moscow,  as  I  have 
described,*  and  returned  home  again  favourably  impressed  with  her  visit, 
but  matters  did  not  proceed  according  to  her  wish.  The  mutual  strife  of 
Russia  and  Poland  made  it  easy  for  the  wily  Tartars,  who  plundered 
both  countries  and  took  bribes  freely  from  both  sides,  to  play  their  cards. 
We  now  find  them  allying  themselves  with  Sigismund,  Alexander's 
successor.  He  undertook  to  pay  the  Krim  Khan  an  annual  subsidy  of 
fifteen  thousand  ducats  on  condition  that  he  broke  with  Russia  and 
ravaged  its  frontiers.  Accordingly  in  May,  1512,  Ahmed  and  Burnat 
Girai,  sons  of  Mengli  Girai,  entered  and  pillaged  the  provinces  of  Bielef 
and  Odoef.  They  retired,  however,  on  the  approach  of  the  Russians 
under  Daniel  Stchenia.  Ahmed  Girai  then  turned  towards  Riazan, 
where  a  similar  bold  front  on  the  part  of  the  Muscovites  made  him 
withdraw.  Burnat  Girai  was  more  venturesome.  He  advanced  as  far  as 
the  capital  of  Riazan,  and  captured  some  of  its  fortifications,  but  was 
then  driven  away  by  a  Muscovite  army,  which  pursued  him  across  the 
steppes  as  far  as  Tikaya-Sosna.  Vasili  wrote  to  complain,  and  Mengli 
Girai  replied  that  what  had  been  done  had  been  the  work  of  the  young 
princes,  without  his  authority  or  even  his  knowledge.  Thus  was 
destroyed  for  ever,  says  Karamzin,  the  alliance  between  Krim  and 
Russia,  which  had  been  of  such  service  to  the  latter  in  consolidating  its 
power,  and  Krim  became  in  future  one  of  its  most  troublesome  enemies.t 
Vasili  determined  to  strike  the  evil  at  the  root,  declared  war  against 
Sigismund,  and  bitterly  announced  that  as  long  as  his  horse  could  walk, 
or  his  sword  preserved  its  edge,  he  would  not  allow  Lithuania  either 
peace  or  repose.  He  set  out  with  a  large  army,  and  to  animate  the 
courage  of  his  soldiers,  provided  casks  of  hydromel  from  which 
they  could  help  themselves  as  much  as  they  pleased.  This  made 
them  drunk,  and  they  were  defeated  in  an  assault  on  Smolensk.  Vasili 
withdrew  to  Moscow,  but  he  was  not  long  before  he  again  attacked 
the  same  city  and  devastated  its  environs.  He  was  obhged,  however,  to 
raise  the  siege  on  account  of  the  approach  of  winter.  Between  these 
two  attacks  died  Helena,  Vasili's  sister,  who  had  been  the  cause  of  so 
much  irritating  interference  in  the  affairs  of  Lithuania  on  the  part  of 
the  Grand  Prince.  VasiU  now  entered  into  an  alliance  with  the 
Emperor  Maximilian  against  Sigismund,  by  which  the  former  was  to 
conquer  Kief  and  the  latter   Prussia,  which   belonged   to  the  Pohsh 

*  Ante,  383.  t  Op.  cit.,  vil.  62. 


king.  The  treaty  was  of  small  consequence,  as  the  fickle  emperor  soon 
changed  his  policy,  but  the  fact  of  his  having  treated  Vasili  as  an 
emperor  and  given  him  the  title  of  kaizer  was  afterwards  remembered  by 
Peter  the  Great,  and  made  the  foundation  of  his  own  claims.* 

In  1 5 14  we  find  Vasili  sending  an  embassy  to  solicit  a  written  treaty 
of  peace  with  Selim,  the  new  Turkish  Sultan,  who  had  mounted  the 
throne  after  deposing  his  father.  The  grand  vizier  Kamal  proudly 
informed  the  boyards  that  he  was  not  instructed  to  enter  into  such  a 
treaty  with  them,  but  that  his  master  liked  to  know  who  were  his  friends 
and  who  his  enemies,  so  that  he  could  regulate  his  conduct  towards 

About  this  time  the  Russians  again  marched  on  Smolensk.  They  had 
with  them  a  famous  artillery  train,  manned  chiefly  by  Germans  and 
Bohemians.  The  terrible  havoc  committed  by  the  bombardment  so 
affected  the  citizens  that  they  insisted  on  the  surrender  of  the  town. 
Vasili  entered  it  in  triumph,  received  the  homage  of  the  inhabitants,  and 
marked  his  prudence  by  extreme  clemency,  by  the  renewal  of  the 
privileges  granted  by  former  sovereigns  and  the  distribution  of  largess. 
Smolensk  had  been  in  Lithuanian  hands  for  one  hundred  and  ten  years. 
Its  manners  and  costume  had  changed  considerably,  but  its  people  still 
remained  Russians,  and  for  the  most  part  attached  to  the  old  faith. 

Lord  Beaconsfield  has  well  said  that  the  fortune  of  war  is  as  change- 
able as  the  moon.  Soon  after  the  capture  of  Smolensk  the  armies  of 
Moscow  and  Lithuania  met  on  the  river  Orscha,  the  former  eighty 
thousand  strong  and  the  latter  thirty-five  thousand,  but  discipline,  unity 
of  command,  and  skill  made  up  for  a  want  of  numbers.  The  Russians 
were  disastrously  defeated.  The  two  chief  commanders,  six  principal 
boyards,  thirty-seven  princes,  and  more  than  one  thousand  five  hundred 
gentry,  with  all  the  luggage,  artillery,  and  standards  were  the  prizes  of 
the  victors,  and  the  Russian  loss  was  altogether  about  thirty  thousand 
men.t  The  Lithuanian  commander  on  this  occasion  was  the  famous 
Constantine  Ostroiski,  of  whom  we  have  previously  spoken.  After  his 
victory  he  advanced  upon  Smolensk.  •  Treachery  showed  itself  among 
some  of  the  citizens  there.  Thereupon  its  commander,  Prince  Shuiski, 
had  the  traitors  seized  and  hanged  on  the  wall  in  view  of  the  besieging 
army ;  some  dressed  in  the  fur  and  damask  dresses  which  Vasili  had 
given  them,  others  with  silver  cups,  also  his  presents,  hung  about  their 
necks  ;  and  when  the  assault  was  given  it  was  bravely  repulsed.  The 
Lithuanians  merely  succeeded  in  recovering  Dubrovna,  Mitislavl,  and 
Krichef,  which  had  passed  for  a  short  time  into  Russian  hands.  This 
was  in  15 14.  The  news  of  Sigismund's  victory  soon  reached  the  Krim,  and 
Muhammed,  the  Khan's  son,  determined  to  take  advantage  of  it,  and  he 
was  urged  to  do  so  by  Eustace  Dashkovitch,  a  famous  Lithuanian,  who 

*  Id.,  68.  t  Karamrin,  vii.  73-  I  ^'^•.  83. 


had,  like  Constantine  Ostroiski,  submitted  to  the  Russians,  and,  hke  that 
prince,  returned  once  more  to  his  own  country.  Having  obtained  from 
Sigismund  the  grant  of  Kanief  and  Cherkask,  he  became  the  real 
founder  and  organiser  of  the  Cossacks  of  the  Dnieper  or  Zaporogian 
Cossacks.  He  gave  them  chiefs,  appointed  them  a  special  discipline, 
and  introduced  among  them  the  use  of  the  gun  and  sword.*  He  and  his 
people  formed  for  a  long  time  a  famous  bulwark  to  Poland  and 
Lithuania,  but  on  this  occasion  the  young  Krim  Sultan  somewhat 
disappointed  his  ally,  and  retired  without  capturing  the  Ukraine  towns, 
which  were  the  latter's  aim.  We  now  find  Vasili  sending  an  envoy  to 
Constantinople  to  complain  of  the  conduct  of  the  Krim  Khan.  Selim 
was  too  much  occupied  with  his  Persian  campaign  to  pay  much  attention 
to  these  matters,  and  merely  ordered  that  the  traders  at  Azof  and  Kaffa 
should  not  be  molested.t 

This  was  directly  followed  by  the  death  of  Mengli  Girai,  who  for  some 
years  had  been  a  mere  phantom  sovereign.  He  was  perhaps  the  most 
famous  of  all  the  Krim  Khans,  and  was  a  figure  in  general  European 
history  no  less  than  in  that  of  Russia.  He  took  part  with  fifty  thousand 
Tartars  in  the  wars  of  Bajazet  in  Moldavia,  and  in  reward  for  his  services 
at  the  capture  of  Kilia  and  Akkerman  he  was  assigned  an  annual  revenue 
from  the  ports  of  Kaffa,  Koslef,  and  Balaklava,  which  was  administered 
as  long  as  the  Khanate  lasted,  by  an  aga  who  was  named  Yali  Agasi 
(z.(?.,  the  Aga  of  the  Shores),  and  who  had  also  control  of  Kilia  and 
Akkerman,  which  formed  part  of  the  grant.t  Mengli  Girai  also  subdued 
the  people  of  Circassia,  and  built  the  palisade  of  Ferhkerman  at  Perekop, 
and  those  of  Jankerman  and  Karakerman  on  the  Dnieper,  and  estab- 
lished a  school  and  mosque  at  Seljaik.§ 

During  his  reign  the  Venetians  acquired  and  lost  the  monopoly  of  the 
Euxine  trade,  which  they  bought  from  the  Porte  for  an  annual  payment 
of  one  thousand  ducats.  Besides  the  many  private  ships  which  were 
engaged  in  the  trade,  the  Venetian  Government  employed  twenty-four 
itself,  of  which  four  made  an  annual  voyage  from  the  Don  to  the  Palus 
M^otis.  The  chief  merchandise  exported  from  Tana,  now  called  Azof, 
which  was  their  principal  mart,  was  wax,  for  which  the  Venetians  had  a 
famous  reputation,  and  of  which  vast  quantities  were  then  used  in  the 
services  of  the  church ;  corn,  flour,  butter,  salt  fish,  caviare,  and  furs  of 
all  kinds  ;  the  rhubarb  root  from  Astrakhan,  hemp,  flax,  and  coarse 

The  Venetians  did  not  long  retain  their  monopoly  however.  The 
Turkish  Sultan  having  cast  longing  eyes  on  the  island  of  Cyprus,  the 
noble  Venetian  Cornaro  gave  his  daughter  in  marriage  to  James,  king  of 
that  island,  and  at  the  same  time  she  was  declared  to  be  the  daughter  of 

*/</.,  86,  87.        1/^.,88.        I  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat,,  xii.  358.    Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  44. 
^  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  359. 


the  republic,  and  the  Venetians  took  the  island  solemnly  under  their 
protection.  Bajazet,  much  annoyed,  declared  war  against  them, 
and  interdicted  their  access  to  the  Black  Sea ;  and  although  this  was 
afterwards  removed,  the  competition  of  the  Greeks  and  Turks  greatly 
affected  their  trade.  Eventually  Sultan  Suliman  entirely  prohibited  them 
from  trafficking  there,  and  reserved  its  commerce  for  his  own  subjects.* 

Mengli  Girai  struck  coins  at  Kaffa  and  Krim.t  He  died  in  1515,  and 
left  several  sons.  Muhammed  Girai,  Behadur  Girai,  Mahmud  Girai, 
Feth  Girai,  Bektash  Girai,  Mubarek  Girai,  Sahib  Girai,  and  Saadet 
Girai  are  mentioned  by  the  author  of  the  history  of  the  Krim  Khans, 
translated  by  M.  Kazimirski.  Ahmed,  named  by  Karamzin  as 
Muhammed's  next  brother  and  kalga,  was  probably  the  same  person  as 
Behadur.  He  also  names  another  son  named  Burnat.J  Mengli  Girai 
was  succeeded  by  his  eldest  son  Muhammed. 


The  new  Khan  was  very  different  to  his  father.  He  was  a  drunkard 
and  a  slave  to  women,  and  was  better  fitted  for  the  leader  of  roving 
plunderers  than  the  sovereign  of  a  settled  State.  On  his  accession  he 
appointed  his  brother  Behadur  Girai  as  kalga,  and  sent  another  brother. 
Sahib  Girai,  as  a  hostage  to  Constantinople.  He  treated  the  envoy  of 
Vasili  with  courtesy,  but,  seduced  by  the  bribes  of  Sigismund,  speedily 
changed  his  policy,  demanded  that  the  Grand  Prince  should  restore  the 
towns  of  Briansk,  Starodub,  Novgorod-Severski,  Putivle,  and  the  other 
conquests  of  Ivan  to  the  Lithuanians,  that  he  should  set  free  the 
prisoners  he  had  made,  and  should  pay  a  tribute  to  him  for  Odoef,  and 
he  accompanied  his  demands  with  a  threat  of  war.  Vasili  meanwhile 
intrigued  with  some  of  the  grandees  of  the  horde,  and  especially  with 
Muhammed  II.'s  brother,  who  was  kalga  or  heir  to  the  throne.  He 
treated  the  Krim  Khan's  envoy  with  distinction,  and  to  please  him 
released  Abdul  Latif,  who  had  been  put  under  arrest.  He  was  allowed 
to  go  hunting  and  to  visit  the  palace,  but  was  not  permitted  to  join  his 
mother,  who  wished  him  to  accompany  her  on  a  journey  to  Mecca. 
Mamonof  was  sent  to  the  Krim  with  Vasili's  answer,  which  was  a  firm 
assertion  of  his  rights  over  the  Lithuanian  towns,  and  a  refusal  of  the 
demands  of  the  Khan.  He  was  also  commissioned  to  gain  over  the 
grandees  of  the  horde.  His  mission  was  nearly  successful.  Muhammed 
Girai  undertook  to  break  off  his  connection  with  Lithuania,  and  to  send 
one  of  his  sons  to  Russia  as  a  gauge  of  his  sincerity,  on  condition  that 
Vasili  would  despatch  an  army  to  Astrakhan.     The  treaty  was  nearly 

De  Bohucz,  366,  367.  t  Blau,  op.  cit.,  62.    Frsehn  Res.,  413. 

I  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat,,  xii.  359. 


signed,  when  an  envoy  came  from  Sigismund  with  a  present  of  five 
hundred  pieces  of  cloth  and  thirty  thousand  ducats.  This  was  too  much 
for  the  versatile  Khan,  and  he  at  once  changed  his  policy.  There  was  a 
famine  impending  over  the  Taurida  in  consequence  of  the  bad  harvest, 
and  we  read  that  Behahur,  son  of  Muhammed,  made  a  raid  upon  Russia 
and  devastated  the  country  of  Mechersk  and  Riazan.  On  Vasili  com- 
plaining, Muhammed  disavowed  his  son's  acts.  Meanwhile  the  Grand 
Prince  continued  his  intercourse  with  Muhammed's  brother  Ahmed,  who 
wished  to  secure  himself  an  asylum  in  Russia  in  case  of  a  revolution,  for 
he  said  "  We  live  in  unfortunate  times,  our  father  exercised  supreme 
authority  over  his  sons  and  the  princes,  while  now  under  my  brother 
every  prince  pretends  to  be  tzar."*  Ahmed  was  in  command  of  Ochakof, 
and  without  regard  to  his  brother's  aUiance  with  Lithuania,  he  fell  upon 
the  latter  country.  Muhammed  Girai  himself,  who  with  one  hand 
received  the  gold  of  Lithuania,  held  in  the  other  the  sword  with  which 
he  determined  to  secure  fresh  booty  for  himself,  aware  that  the  mutual 
jealousy  of  Vasili  and  Sigismund  would  prevent  him  from  being  crushed, 
accordingly  sent  forty  thousand  horsemen  to  ravage  the  south  of 
Lithuania.t  At  this  time  {i.e.,  in  15 16)  the  throne  of  Kazan  became 
vacant  by  the  death  of  Muhammed  Amin,  and  the  Krim  Khan,  afraid 
that  the  Nogais  might  secure  the  throne  for  one  of  the  Astrakhan  princes, 
his  rivals,  again  sent  an  envoy  to  Moscow  with  fair  promises.  His 
crooked  steps  were  once  more  turned  aside  by  an  opportune  arrival  of 
Lithuanian  gold,  and  instead  of  a  treaty  of  peace,  we  read  how  in  15 17 
twenty  thousand  troops  from  the  Taurida  made  a  raid  upon  Russia,  and 
advanced  as  far  as  Tula,  whence  they  were  forced  to  retire,  and  lost  the 
greater  part  of  their  number  in  a  hasty  retreat.  J  Vasih  missed  few 
opportunities  of  harassing  his  Lithuanian  neighbour.  We  now  find  him 
entering  into  an  alliance  with  the  king  of  Denmark  and  the  Teutonic 
Knights,  who  had  grown  rich,  had  lost  some  of  their  martial  qualities 
and  been  subjected  by  the  Polish  king,  but  who  promised  to  revive 
under  a  more  ambitious  master.  On  the  J  5th  of  April,  15 17,  there 
arri'^i^d  at  Moscow,  on  an  embassy  from  the  German  Emperor,  the 
famous  Baron  von  Herberstein,  who  has  left  us  such  a  graphic  account 
of  Muscovy.  His  object  was,  if  possible,  to  secure  a  peace  between 
Russia  and  Lithuania,  so  that  the  Christians  might  offer  a  united  front 
to  the  Turks,  who  had  recently  captured  Damascus,  Jerusalem,  and 
Egypt,  and  whose  progress  was  naturally  viewed  with  alarm.  These 
negotiations  did  not  stop  the  chronic  war,  and  we  find  Sigismund 
in  the  autumn  of  the  ^ame  year  entering  Russia  to  revenge  himself 
for  a  raid  made  upon  his  borders  shortly  before.  A  considerable 
struggle  ensued,  in  which  the  Lithuanians  were  beaten,  the  defeat  of 
Orsha  was  revenged,  and  the  famous    general    Constantine    Ostroiski 

*  Karamzin,  vii.  93.  t  Id.,  94.  1  lA.,  97. 


acquired  the  soubriquet  of  the  "  fugitive."*  Herberstein  returned  home 
without  effecting  his  purpose,  and  we  soon  after  find  Maximilian  writing 
to  the  Grand  Master  of  the  Teutonic  order,  with  a  message  that  sounds 
strange  indeed  in  our  ears.  "  The  integrity  of  Poland  is  necessary  for  the 
general  interest  of  Europe.  The  greatness  of  Russia  is  becoming 
dangerous."t  Negotiations  continued,  and  at  length  Vasili  agreed  to  a 
truce  with  Lithuania  during  the  year  15 19,  on  the  basis  of  the  slatus  quo. 
This  was  immediately  followed  by  the  death  of  Maximilian.:^ 

Abdul  Latif,  the  Kazan  refugee  at  Moscow,  died  in  November,  15 18. 
On  Latif 's  death  Vasili  sent  the  officer  in  whose  arms  he  died  to  acquaint 
his  mother,  and  to  complain  of  the  raids  made  by  the  Krim  Tartars. 
Shadrin,  the  Muscovite  charge  d'affaires,  returned  to  Moscow  with 
Muhammed  Aga,  and  they  were  shortly  afterwards  followed  by  Chelichef, 
Shadrin's  companion,  and  by  Kudoiar,  an  envoy  from  the  Khan.  They 
were  attacked  and  pillaged  en  route  by  the  Tartars  of  Astrakhan,  near 
the  river  Samara,  and  had  to  march  on  foot  as  far  as  Putivle.  Mean- 
while the  kalga  Ahmed  wrote  to  the  Grand  Prince,  saying  he  could  not 
any  longer  support  the  ill-behaviour  of  his  brother  the  Khan,  and  wished 
to  migrate  to  Russia.  Vasili  was  also  informed  by  Muhammed  Girai 
that  his  sons  Behadur  and  Alp  Girai  had  marched  against  Lithuania  with 
one  hundred  thousand  men.  He  had  also  refused  a  sum  of  fifteen 
thousand  ducats  which  Sigismund  had  offered  him.  Shortly  after 
Ahmed  was  killed  by  his  nephew  Alp  Girai,  who  took  his  place  as 
kalga.  Hemmet,  son  of  Ahmed,  was  then  at  Constantinople. §  Soon 
after  this  Appak,  a  favourite  of  the  Khan's  and  a  persona  grata  at 
Moscow,  was  sent  to  Vasili  with  the  draft  of  a  treaty,  in  which  an  alliance 
was  proposed  against  Lithuania  and  the  family  of  Ahmed  {i.e.,  the 
Khanate  of  Astrakhan).  Appak  wore  a  turban,  and  refused  to  take  it 
off  before  the  Grand  Prince.  "  Why  this  innovation,"  said  the  boyards, 
"you  are  neither  Turk  nor  Mollah,  and  are  not  going  to  make  the 
pilgrimage  to  Mecca."  He  replied,  he  had  obtained  permission  from 
his  master  to  make  the  pilgrimage,  and  had  therefore  donned  the  head- 
gear of  a  pilgrim.  Appak  presented  Muhammed  Girai's  letter  on 
his  knees,  and  the  treaty  was  put  on  a  table  beside  the  cross,  when 
VasiU  swore  these  words  :  "  Appak,  I  swear  much  friendship  for  my 
friend  Muhammed  Girai,  and  swear  to  treat  his  friends  as  my  own,  and 
to  march  against  his  enemies.  Although  Astrakhan  is  not  here  named, 
I  promise  to  march  against  it."     He  then  lowered  the 

Muhammed  Girai  had  determined  that  his  brother  Sahib  Girai  should 
occupy  the  throne  of  Kazan,  but  Vasili,  who  was  not  anxious  to  revive 
the  Golden  Horde  again  in  its  integrity  in  the  person  of  the  Krim  Khan, 
and  who  was  treated  as  the  patron  of  Kazan,  nominated  Shah  Ali,  the 


♦/</.,  106-108.  tW.,  112,  113.  I/<i.,  114.  §  Karamzin,  vii.    Note,  32. 

11  Id.,  vii.  115  and  117. 


grandson  of  Ahmed  of  the  Great  Horde,  who  was  a  refugee  in  Russia,  to 
the  post.*  This  took  place  while  Kappak  was  at  Moscow.  Kappak 
demanded  how  Vasili,  the  friend  of  the  Krim  Khan,  could  put  his  enemy 
on  the  throne  in  this  way.  "  Is  there  a  dearth  of  princes,"  he  said, 
"  or  is  the  blood  of  the  Great  Horde  better  than  that  of  Mengli  Girai  ?" 
Vasili  explained,  probably  with  little  sincerity,  that  it  had  been  his 
intention  to  nominate  a  relative  of  the  Krim  Khan  to  the  post,  but  that 
the  grandees  of  Kazan  insisted  upon  having  Shah  Ali,  and  in  default 
threatened  to  choose  a  Khan  from  among  the  Nogais  or  the  Tartars  of 
Astrakhan.  Appak  was,  it  seems,  satisfied  with  this  answer,  and  soon 
after  and  in  the  following  year,  15 19,  we  read  how  the  kalga  Behadur 
made  a  raid  upon  Lithuania  at  the  head  of  one  hundred  thousand  men, 
ravaged  the  country  with  fire  and  sword,  and  advanced  as  far  as  Cracow. 
Having  defeated  Constantine  Ostroiski,  he  captured  sixty  thousand 
prisoners,  and  slaughtered  even  a  greater  number. 

Appak  left  Moscow  much  pleased  with  his  visit,  but  the  Grand  Prince 
deemed  it  prudent  to  conciliate  one  whom  the  Krim  Khan  feared,  namely, 
the  Turkish  Sultan,  and  he  accordingly  sent  as  his  envoy  thither 
Golokvastof,  who  was  further  instructed  to  have  an  interview  with 
Hemmet,  the  son  of  the  murdered  kalga  Ahmed,  who  had  been  friendly 
to  Russia,  and  whom  report  said  the  Sultan  intended  to  promote  to  the 
Khanate  of  Krim.  He  was  to  offer  him  an  asylum  in  Russia,  and  also 
an  appanage.  Selim  received  the  envoy  well,  ordered  his  pashas  to 
march  to  the  frontiers  of  Lithuania,  and  to  encourage  free  trade  between 
Turkey  and  Russia.t 

We  now  find  Leo  X,,  whom  we  are  accustomed  to  consider  rather  as 
the  patron  of  art  and  neo-paganism,  and  as  a  confirmed  sensualist, 
who  had  sustained  Sigismund  and  denounced  the  Russians  as  heretics, 
busying  himself  in  an  endeavour  to  stir  up  some  enthusiasm  among  the 
Christian  nations  and  to  arouse  them  against  the  Turks.  His  medium 
of  communication  with  VasiU  was  the  Grand  Master  of  the 
Teutonic  knights,  who  was  a  Foman  Catholic.  He  urged  upon  Vasili 
that  v^s  the  descendant  of  a  Greek  princess  he  was  the  legitimate 
descendant  of  the  old  emperors  of  Byzantium,  that  the  unity  of  Poland 
and  Lithuania  would  cease  on  Sigismund's  death,  and  it  was  therefore 
prudent  for  him  to  wait  till  his  western  neighbours  were  separated  ;  that 
the  Greek  church  being  without  a  virtual  head,  would  have  to  elect  the 
Russian  metropolitan  as  its  patriarch,  and  he  pressed  him  strongly  to  join 
the  Christian  league  against  the  Muhammedans.t  The  counsel  of  the 
pope  did  not  override  Albert  the  Grand  Master  of  the  Prussian  knight's 
hatred  for  Sigismund,  and  when  the  envoys  of  Vasili  repaired  to  his 
capital,  Konigsberg,  and  took  him  a  large  consignment  of  ducats,  he 
prepared    to    attack   Lithuania.§      The   Russians    made    a    cruel    and 

*  Ante,  385.  t  Id.,  121.  I  fd.,  iai-125.  i  Id.,  126,  127. 


devastating  raid  upon  the  Lithuanian  borders,  and  Sigismund  saw  his 
people  decimated,  not  only  by  war  but  by  pestilence ;  but  he  was  equal 
to  the  occasion.  Having  made  a  six  months'  truce  with  Russia  and  the 
Krim  Tartars,  he  concentrated  his  forces  upon  the  Prussian  knights. 
Albert's  few  hundred  followers  fought  bravely,  and  the  mercenaries  he 
hired  in  Germany  laid  siege  to  Dantzig,  but  they  were  forced  to  withdraw 
by  want  of  resources,  and  he  was  compelled  to  make  peace  after  losing 
Marienverder,  Holland,  &c.* 

A  more  powerful  diversion  in  favour  of  the  threatened  fortunes  of 
Poland  was  made  by  Muhammed  Girai  of  Krim,  who  had  suspected  the 
motives  of  Vasili  in  nominating  Shah  AU  to  the  throne  of  Kazan, 
but  had  nursed  his  hatred  during  the  reign  of  the  great  Turkish  Sultan 
Selim.  When  the  latter  died,  in  1 521,  Vasili  sent  an  envoy  to  compliment 
his  son  SuHman  on  his  accession,  who  urged  upon  his  vassal  the 
danger  he  would  incur  by  molesting  Russia.  The  latter  urged  upon 
him  in  turn,  '^  That  Vasili  was  leagued  with  the  enemies  of  the  Porte, 
that  he  supplied  the  king  of  Persia  with  artillery  and  with  men  to 
work  it,  and  that  he  was  endeavouring  to  stamp  out  the  faith  at  Kazan 
and  to  displace  its  mosques  by  Christian  churches."  His  intrigues,  we 
are  told,  were  frustrated  by  the  pashas  of  Azof  and  Kaffa,  and  when 
Suhman  turned  his  arms  against  Hungary,  Muhammed  Girai  was 
ordered  to  devastate  Lithuania.  We  thus  see  that  the  progress  of  the 
Turks  in  Europe  was  at  every  point  assisted  by  the  policy  of  Russia. 

Shah  Ali,  the  Khan  of  Kazan,  was  utterly  despised  by  his  people, 
and  Muhammed  Girai,  taking  advantage  of  this,  urged  upon  them  to 
accept  his  brother  Sahib  Girai  as  their  ruler.  The  latter  accordingly 
marched  thither,  seized  the  town,  imprisoned  Shah  Ali,  the  Russian 
envoy  Vasili  Yurief,  and  the  voivode  Karpof,  and  pillaged  and  laid 
hands  on  the  Russian  merchants ;  he  afterwards  permitted  Shah  Ali 
to  retire  to  Moscow.t  Having  seized  Kazan,  and  knowing  that  Vasili 
would  not  submit  to  such  an  affront,  he  collected  a  great  force,  and 
being  joined  by  the  Nogais  and  the  Cossacks  of  the  Dnieper,  rapidly 
advanced  upon  Muscovy.  Vasili  had  only  time  to  collect  a  meagre 
force  on  the  Oka,  which  was  put  under  the  command  of  the  young 
prince  Dimitri  Belski.  This  was  badly  defeated.  Meanwhile  Sahib 
Girai  advanced  along  the  Volga  from  Kazan,  and  joined  his  brother 
at  Kolomna,  devastating  the  country  as  he  went,  massacring  the  people 
and  desecrating  the  churches.J  The  monastery  of  Saint  Nicholas  on  the 
Ugrisha  and  the  village  of  Ostrof,  Vasili's  favourite  residence,  were  burnt, 
and  climbing  the  heights  of  Vorobief,  overlooking  Moscow,  the  Tartars 
made  themselves  drunk  with  hydromel  from  Vasili's  cellars.  The 
confusion  inside  the  city  may  best  be  described  in  the  words  of  a  con- 
temporary author,  Herberstein. 

•  /rf.,  129.  t  Ante,  386.  I  Karamzin,  vii.  134. 


'•■  Such  was  the  tumuU,"  he  says,  "  which  arose  at  the  gates  from  the 
thronging  of  women,  children,  and  other  helpless  people,  who  in  their 
intrepidation  fled  into  the  fortress  with  carriages  and  vehicles  of  all 
kinds,  that  in  their  haste  they  checked  each  other's  progress,  and  many 
were  trampled  under  foot.     This  immense  concourse  of  persons  caused 
the  air  to  become  so  pestilential  in  the  fortress,  that  if  the  enemy  had 
remained  three  or  four  days  under  the  walls  of  the  city,  they  must  have 
been  seized  by  the  plague  and  died,  for  in  so  great  a  crowd  huddled 
together  they  were  obliged  to  satisfy  nature  wherever  they  could  find  a 
place.     There  were  at  that  time  at  Moscow  some  Livonian  ambassadors, 
who  mounted  their  horses  and  betook  themselves  to  flight,  and  seeing 
nothing  around  them  but  fire  and  smoke,  and  supposing  themselves  to 
be  surrounded  by  Tairtars,  made  such  speed  that  in  one  day  they  reached 
Tuer,  which   is   thirty-six   German   miles   distant  from  Moscow.    The 
German  bombardiers  deserved  great  praise  on  that  occasion,  especially 
one  Nicholas,  born  not  far  from  Spier,  an  imperial  city  of  Germany  near 
the  Rhine,  to  whom  was  committed,  in  very  flattering  terms,  the  task  of 
defending  the  city  by  the  governor  and  all  the  councillors,  who  were 
almost  stupefied  with  excess  of  fear,  and  who  begged  him  to  bring  up  the 
larger  guns,  which  were  used  for  breaching  walls,  under  the  gate  of  the 
fortress,  in  order  to  drive  away  the  Tartars.     The  size  of  these  guns, 
however,  was  such  that  three  days  would  scarcely  be  sufficient  to  convey 
them  to  the  spot,  and  they  had  not  enough  gunpowder  even  to  load  the 
largest  gun  with  one  charge,  for  it  is  continually  the  custom  with  the 
Russians  to  be  behindhand  in  everything,  and  never  to  have  anything 
ready,  but  when  necessity  presses  they  are  anxious  to  finish  everything 
rapidly.     Nicholas  therefore  considered  it  advisable  to  have  the  smaller 
guns,  which  were  kept  hidden  at  a  distance  from  the  fortress,  quickly 
fetched  into  the  intei^ior  on  men's  shoulders  ;  but  during  the  delay  a  cry 
suddenly  arose  that  the  Tartars  were  at  hand,  which  caused  so  much 
fear  amongst  the  townspeople  that  the  guns  were  left  scattered,  and  even 
the  defence  of  the  walls  was  neglected.     If  a  hundred  of  the  enemy's 
cavalryfhad  at  that  time  attacked  the  city,  they  might  easily  have  razed 
it  to  the  ground  with  fire.     In  the  midst  of  their  fear,  the  governor  and 
the  garrison  thought  it  best  to  appease  king  Muhammed  Girai  by  sending 
him  a  great  number  of  presents,  principally  consisting  of  mead,  in  order 
to  induce  him  to  raise  the  siege.     Muhammed  Girai  accepted  the  gifts 
and  promised  that  he  would  not  only  raise  the  siege  but  would  also  quit 
the  province,   if  Vasili  would  bind  himself  in  writing  to  pay  him  a 
perpetual  tribute,  as  his  father  and  ancestors  had  done.-    Letters  to  this 
effect  having  been  wiUingly  written  and  accepted,  Muhammed  Girai  with- 
drew his  army  to  Riazan.     After  granting  the  Russians  permission  to 
redeem  and  exchange  prisoners,  he  sold  the  rest  of  his  booty  by  auction. 
There  was  at  that  time  in  the  cam.p  of   the  Tartars  one  Eustace, 

2  M 

474  TTTSroRY   OF   THE   MONGOLS. 

surnamecl  Taskovitch,  a  subject  of  the  King  of  Poland,  who  had  brought 
forces  to  the  assistance  of  Muhammed  Girai,  for  hostiUtles  were  at  that 
time  pending  between  the  King  of  Poland  and  the  Grand  Duke  of 
Muscovy.  This  man  brought  up  to  the  fortress  some  of  the  spoils  for 
sale,  with  the  intention  that  when  an  opportunity  offered  he  should  rush 
into  the  gates  together  with  the  Russians  who  had  come  out  to  make 
purchases,  and  beating  down  ^the  sentinels,  thus  take  possession  of  the 
fortress.  The  king  was  willing  to  aid  the  attempt  with  corresponding 
subtlety.  He  sent  one  of  his  people  in  whom  he  could  place  confidence 
to  demand  of  the  governor  of  the  fortress,  as  the  servant  of  his  tributary, 
to  supply  him  with  whatsoever  he  required,  and  to  come  himself  to  him. 
The  governor,  however,  Ivan  Kovar,  who  was  well  acquainted  with 
warlike  matters  and  with  the  stratagems  employed  therein,  could  not  be 
induced  on  any  account  to  leave  the  fortress,  but  simply  replied  that  he 
had  not  yet  learned  that  his  prince  had  become  the  tributary  and 
servant  of  the  Tartars,  but  that  when  he  should  be  officially  informed  on 
that  point  it  would  be  necessary  that  he  should  receive  instructions  as  to 
what  he  should  do.  Whereupon  the  prince's  letters,  in  which  he  had 
bound  himself  to  the  king  were  produced  and  exhibited.  While  the 
governor  was  thus  perplexed  by  the  exhibition  of  these  letters,  Eustace, 
in  pursuance  of  his  own  plan,  approached  nearer  and  nearer  to  the 
fortress,  and  in  order  the  more  perfectly  to  conceal  his  plan,  the  Kniez 
Feodor  Lopata,  a  man  of  distinction,  with  several  other  Russians  who 
had  fallen  into  the  enemy's  hands  in  the  taking  of  Moscow,  were  restored 
upon  payment  of  a  certain  ransom.  In  addition  to  this,  several  of  the 
prisoners  who  had  been  too  negligently  guarded,  or  had  in  any  manner 
l)een  relieved  from  labour,  had  escaped  into  the  fortress,  and  as  the 
Tartars  approached  the  fortress  in  great  multitudes  to  demand  them 
back  again,  and  did  not  withdraw  from  the  fortress  although  the  Russians 
in  the  fright  gave  up  the  refugees,  this  accession  of  new  comers  greatly 
increased  the  number  of  the  Tartar  assailants,  so  that  the  terror  and 
despair  of  the  Russians,  on  account  of  the  danger  which  threatened  them, 
was  so  complete  that  they  w^ere  quite  at  a  loss  what  to  do.  At  this 
juncture  one  Johan  Jordan,  an  artilleryman,  a  German,  who  came  fiom  the 
Innthal,  estimating  more  clearly  than  the  Russians  the  magnitude  of  the 
danger,  of  his  own  accord  discharged  the  guns  which  had  been  ranged  in 
order  against  the  Tartars  and  Lithuanians,  and  so  terrified  them  that  they 
all  left  the  fortress  and  fled.  The  king  {i.e.,  the  Khan)  sent  Eustace,  the 
contriver  of  the  above  plan,  to  remonstrate  with  the  governor  on  account 
of  the  injury  thus  inflicted,  but  the  latter  declared  the  bombardier  had 
fired  the  guns  without  his  consent  or  knowledge,  and  laid  all  the  blame 
of  the  offence  upon  him  ;  upon  which  the  king  demanded  that  the 
bombardier  should  be  given  up  to  him,  and,  as  often  occurs  in  desperate 
cases,  the  greatest  number  decided  that  the  man  by  whom  they  had  been 


delivered  from  the  fear  of  their  enemies  should  be  given  up.  The 
governor,  Ivan  Kovar,  alone  refused,  and  by  his  extreme  goodness  that 
German  was  on  that  occasion  saved,  for  it  so  happened  that  the  king, 
either  from  impatience  of  further  delay,  or  because  he  considered  his 
soldiers  already  sufficiently  incumbered  with  booty,  and  that  his  own 
interest  required  it,  raised  his  camp,  and  departed  for  Taurida,  le-ivinc^ 
^behind  in  the  fortress  those  letters  of  the  Prince  of  Moscow  by  wlilch  lie 
•had  bound  himself  to  pay  him  a  perpetual  tribute.  But  he  took  with 
-him  from  Moscow  so  great  a  multitude  of  prisoners  as  would  scarcely  be 
<£onsidered  credible,  they  say  that  the  number  exceeded  eight  hundred 
thousand,  part  of  whom  he  sold  in  Kaffa  to  the  Turks,  and  part  he  slew. 

"  The  old  and  infirm  men,  who  will  not  fetch  much  at  sale,  are  given 
up  to  the  Tartar  youths  (much  as  hares  are  given  to  whelps  by  way  of 
their  first  lesson  of  hunting),  either  to  be  stoned  or  to  be  thrown  into  the 
sea,  or  to  be  killed  by  any  sort  of  death  they  might  please.  Those  who 
are  sold  are  compelled  to  serve  for  full  six  years  ;  after  that  they  are  set 
free,  but  dare  not  leave  the  province.  Sahib  Girai,  King  of  Kazan,  sold 
all  the  captives  which  he  took  from  Moscow  to  the  Tartars,  in  the 
mercantile  city  of  Astrakhan,  which  is  situated  not  far  from  the  mouth  of 
the  Volga."* 

Karamzin  tells  us  the  Eustace  Taskovitch  above  mentioned  was  the 
hetman  of  the  Cossacks  of  the  Dnieper.t  He  is  called  Eustace,  Prince 
Rushinskoi  by  Scherer.J  The  Tartar  invasion  left  grim  traces  along  its 
course.  We  are  told  that  all  the  villages  from  Nijni  Novgorod  and 
Voronetch  as  far  as  Moscow  were  burnt,  and  the  inhabitants  for  the  most 
part  carried  off.§  Herberstein  tells  us  the  Germans  who  had  done  so  well 
were  meanly  treated  by  Vasili,  an  early  proof  of  the  jealousy  of  Russian 
officials.  In  punishing  those  who  had  been  guilty  of  ill-behaviour  the 
real  offenders  escaped,  and  a  scapegoat  was  found  in  an  experienced 
officer  named  Ivan  Vorotinski,  whose  punishment  vicariously  covered 
the  ill-behaviour  of  others  less  worthy  than  himself  || 

Muhammed  Girai  issued  orders  on  his  return  that  his  people  were  to 
keep-^hemselves  in  readiness  for  a  campaign,  and  in  the  spring  Vasili 
posted  a  strong  force  on  the  Oka  to  repel  them.  It  was  the  best 
equipped  army  the  Russians  had  as  yet  put  into  the  field,  and  we  are 
told  that  this  was  the  first  occasion  on  which  field  artillery  was  used  Ijy 

The  Grand  Prince  was  so  elated  by  the  sight  of  his  troops  that  he  sent 
Muhammed  a  message  by  a  herald,  saying,  '^  Traitor,  you  have  broken 
the  peace,  violated  treaties  ;  like  a  brigand,  an  assassin,  and  an 
incendiary  you  have  attacked  my  country  unawares ;  but,  if  you  have  the 
.courage  of  a  warrior,  come  now,  I  challenge  you  to  fight  in  the  open. 

'Herberstein,  ii.  62-65.  T  Op.  dt.,  vii.  137.         J  Annalea  de  la  Petite  Russia,  ii. 

§  Karamzin,  vii.  139.  [  Herberstein,  ii.  65.    Karamzin,  vii.  140, 


country."  The  Khan  replied  ''  That  he  knew  the  road  to  Russia,  as  well 
as  an  opportune  time  for  attacking  it,  and  that  he  was  not  in  the  habit  of 
taking  counsel  from  his  enemies  as  to  when  and  where  he  should  fight." 
He  in  fact  marched  against  the  Circassians  and  Mingrelians.* 

As  the  summer  waned  without  the  arrival  of  the  Tartars,  Vasili 
retired  to  Moscow,  and  there  met  the  Prince  of  Mankup,  who  went  as 
the  envoy  of  the  Sultan  Suliman,  but  nothing  followed  but  an  inter- 
change of  civilities.  It  is  curious  to  trace  the  course  of  Russian 
diplomacy  at  this  time,  and  its  servile  fawning  on  the  Sublime  Porte, 
while  the  Turks  were  devastating  Western  Christendom,  and  trampling 
down  Hungary,  conquering  Rhodes,  and  attacking  Malta. t  Vasili,  after  the 
late  inroad,  was  desirous  of  making  peace  with  Lithuania,  and  a  truce  of 
five  years,  beginning  with  December,  1522,  was  agreed  upon,  by  which 
the  Dnieper,  the  Ivaka,  and  the  Meria  were  treated  as  the  frontiers  of 
the  two  countries,  and  Smolensk  remained  attached  to  Russia.  Thus 
terminated  a  struggle  which  had  lasted  ten  years.  One  of  its  conse- 
quences was  the  ruin  of  the  Teutonic  order.  Sigismund  acknowledged 
its  Grand  Master  as  hereditary  ruler  of  the  towns  under  the  control  of 
the  Order,  on  condition  that  he  became  a  feudatory  of  Poland,  and  he 
granted  the  new  sovereign  as  arms  a  black  eagle,  having  his  own  initial 
"  S."  inserted  in  it.J    Thus  commenced  the  history  of  Modern  Prussia. 

Vasili  had  no  wish  to  embroil  himself  with  the  Krim  Khan,  but  kept 
his  eyes  steadily  fixed  on  Lithuania.  Notwithstanding  the  murderous 
raid  the  Tartars  had  made  on  Russia,  we  find  the  Grand  Prince  sending 
an  envoy  named  Naumof  to  the  Crimea  to  offer  peace.  The  Khan 
assented  to  this,  and  then  proceeded  with  his  campaign  against 
Astrakhan,  with  whose  princes  the  Girai's  had  a  never-ending 
quarrel.§  Muhammed  was  successful,  and  the  Astrakhan  Khan  was 
driven  away ;  but  in  the  midst  of  the  rejoicings  after  the  victory,  the 
Nogais,  who  had  been  his  allies,  treacherously  plotted  against  him,  and 
having  suddenly  attacked  the  Khan  and  his  son  Behadur  in  their  tent, 
they  put  them  to  death,  and  falling  unawares  on  the  Taurians,  who  were 
carelessly  enjoying  themselves  in  their  camp,  they  dispersed  them  and 
pursued  them  as  far  as  the  Don.  Two  of  Muhammed's  sons,  with' some 
fifty  princes,  reached  the  Taurida,  but  the  ruthless  Nogais  pursued  them 
there,  and  harried  the  cattle  and  burnt  the  villages  of  the  Krim 
Tartars.  The  latter,  having  collected  a  force  of  twelve  thousand  men, 
ventured  to  oppose  them,  but  were  completely  defeated,  and  with 
difficulty  saved  themselves  at  Perekop,  which  was  defended  by  the 
Sultan's  janissaries.  To  complete  their  misfortunes,  the  hctman  of 
the  Cossacks  of  the  Dnieper,  who  had  formerly  been  their  ally,  attacked 
and  burnt  the  defences  of  Ochakof,  and  carried  off  all  that  was  portable. || 

*  De  Guignes,  iii.  40^,  t  Karamzin,  vii.  143.  J  Id.,  145,  146.  §  /t/., 

J  Id:.  158, 159. 

SAADET  GIRAI   KHAN.  .  477 

Such  a  disaster  proves  how  very  fickle  and  transitory  the  good  fortune 
of  nomade  communities  often  is.  It  seems  hardly  credible  that  the 
power  of  a  kingdom  which  had  recently  ravaged  the  very  heart  of 
Russia  should  have  been  so  easily  shattered  by  such  an  attack. 

Muhammed  Girai  was  fifty-eight  years  old  when  he  was  killed.  He 
left  four  sons,  Baba  Girai,  Gazi  Girai,  Islam  Girai,  and  Uzbeg  Girai.* 
Muhammed  Girai  struck  coins  at  Krim,  Kaffa,  and  Baghchi-Serai.t 


The  people  of  Krim,  when  they  heard  of  the  fute  of  the  Khan, 
repented  having  deserted  him,  and  after  burying  his  body  with  due 
solemnity,  proceeded  to  instal  his  son  Gazi  Girai  in  his  place.  The  latter 
nominated  his  brother  Baba  as  kalga.  Fearing  that  the  brothers  might 
revenge  themselves  on  them  for  the  misfortune  which  had  overtaken 
their  father  Muhammed,  the  Tartars  began  to  declare  against  Gazi,.on 
the  ground  that  he  had  not  been  confirmed  by  the  Turkish  Sultan, 
and  they  accordingly  sent  Memish  bey  mirliwai  of  the  tribe  Shirin,  to 
Constantinople,  with  an  account  of  what  had  occurred,  and  a  request 
that  Gazi  should  be  deposed.  Having  met  there  with  Saadet  Girai, 
the  brother  of  Muhammed,  who  had  been  sent,  to  the  Sultan  as  a 
hostage,  he  encouraged  him  to  make  an  attempt  upon  the  throne. 
Saadet  duly  obtained  investiture,  and  set  off  for  the  Krim,  accom- 
panied by  a  number  of  janissaries.  The  uncle  and  nephew  were  now 
ranged  on  opposite  sides,  and  were  about  to  fight,  when,  by  the 
intervention  of  Memish  bey  and  others,  an  arrangement  was  made, 
by  which  Saadet  was  to  be  Khan  while  Gazi  became  his  kalga.  The 
two  princes  proceeded  to  B'aghchi-Serai,  but  as  Gazi  was  about  to  take 
the  oath  of  allegiance,  and  to  lower  the  lappet  of  his  robe  for  the 
purpose,  one  of  the  Khan's  attendants,  who  had  been  previously 
instructed,  struck  him  from  behind  and  killed  him.  Baba  Girai  suffered 
the  same  fate.  Gazi  Girai  was  only  twenty  years  old  when  he  was  thus 
killed,  and  had  reigned  but  six  months. J  De  Bohucz  says  that  when 
deposed  by  the  Porte  he  was  granted  a  pension  of  one  thousand  aspras 
(i.e.,  2|  ducats)  per  day.§     No  coins  of  Gazi  Girai  are  apparently  known. 


Saadet  Girai  nominated  his  nephew  Devlet  Girai  as  his  kalga,  and 
proceeded  to  offer  his  alliance  to   the  Grand  Prince  Vasili.     "  Your 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  3G2  and  365.  t  Elau,  op.  cit.,  62,  63. 

I  Noav.  Journ.  .Asiat.,  xii.  362-364.    Karamzin,  vii.  159.  §  Op.  cit,,  370 


father,""  he  wroic,  ■"  made  a  rampart  of  mine,  whose  sword  he  employed 
to  cut  off  the  heads  of  his  enemies.  We  ought  therefore  to  be  friends. 
I  have  a  powerful  army,  and  am  protected  by  the  Sultan.  Hussein,  tzar 
of  Astrakhan  is  my  friend,  he  of  Kazan  is  my  brother.  The  Nogais, 
Circassians,  and  Tumians  obey  my  laws,  the  Vlakhs  act  as  guides,  and 
also  as  shepherds  to  my  flocks.  I  would  live  at  peace  with  you.  Do  not 
disturb  my  relative  at  Kazan.  Forget  the  past,  and  we  will  not  leave 
any  peace  to  the  Lithuanians.'"*  He  also  asked  for  sixty  thousand  altins 
from  Vasili,  urging  that  friends  ought  not  to  think  anything  of  such 
trifles.  It  was  known  at  Moscow  that  the  Crimea  had  been  reduced  to  a 
terrible  condition  by  the  recent  war,  and  that  Saadet  Girai  could  not 
command  more  than  twelve  thousand  men.  Vasili,  nevertheless,  deter- 
mined to  make  a  treaty  with  him,  so  as  to  protect  his  frontier  from  raids 
from  the  Taurida,  but  he  would  not  give  him  any  money.  As  to  the 
Khan  of  Kazan,  he  said  that  sovereigns  made  war,  but  they  did  not  kill 
each  other's  envoys  and  peaceable  merchants,  and  that  he  could  not 
have  any  peace  with  a  felon.t  The  Russians  w^ere  already  in  fact 
marching  against  Kazan,  and  we  arc  told  that  when  he  heard  the  news. 
Sahib  Girai,  who  was  Khan  there,  retired  to  the  Taurida,  leaving  his 
nephew  Safa  Girai  in  command. J  I  have  described  the  struggle  which 
followed  at  Kazan. § 

Saadet  Girai  was  much  attached  to  Turkish  customs,  and  thence  he 
became  unpopular  in  the  Krim.  His  nephew  Islam,  the  brother  of  the 
last  Khan  Gazi,  became  his  rival.  He  had  already  driven  him  away  twice, 
and  peace  was  only  secured  when  he  appointed  Islam  as  his  kalga.  He 
then  made  a  raid  upon  Lithuania,  and  a  demand  for  money  from  the 
Grand  Prince,  who,  we  are  told,  continually  decreased  the  value  of  his 
presents  as  he  thought  Saadet's  power  was  reaching  its  term.  His 
envoys  were  at  Moscow  when  Vasili  heard  that  the  kalga,  Islam,  was' 
marching  towards  Russia.  ||  The  Russian  troops  had  advanced  to  the 
Oka,  and  gone  into  autumn  quarters  in  the  various  towns  there,  when  the 
Tartars  suddenly  appeared  in  the  district  of  Riazan,  and  began  to 
devastate  it.  They  also  ventured  to  threaten  Kolomna  and  Moscow, 
but  they  were  defeated  by  the  Russians.  Yanglitch-murza,  the  first 
favourite  of  Islam  Girai,  was  among  the  prisoners.  Vasili,  enraged  at 
the  perfidy  of  the  Tartars,  ordered  the  Khan's  envoys  to  be  drowned,  but 
presently  being  ashamed  of  this  unpardonable  revenge,  he  sent  word  to 
the  Krim  that  they  had  been  slaughtered  by  the  people  of  Moscow.  The 
Khan  did  not  seem  surprised  at  the  news,  and  threw  the  whole  blame  of 
the  recent  raid  on  Russia  on  his  nephew  Islam.  This  campaign  took 
place  in  1527.  Notwithstanding  his  professed  friendship  for  Vasili, 
Saadet  Girai  did  not  f^iil  to  plunder  the  Russian  ambassador,  nor  did  he 

*  Karamzin,  vii.  iCo.  ]  Id.,  i6i.  I  Id.,  163.  h  Ante,  3S6,  &c. 

1;  Karamzin,  vii.  186. 


restrain  his  troops  from  attacking  the  districts  of  Bielef  and  Tula.-*=-  He 
would  seem  to  have  had  Httle  hold  on  the  people,  and  we  are  told  that, 
being  convinced  they  preferred  Islam  Girai,  he  resigned  the  throne  in 
1532,  and,  with  his  kalga  Devlet  Girai,  made  his  way  to  Constantinople, 
where  he  was  well  received  by  the  Sultan,  and  acquired  considerable 
fame  in  the  Persian  wars.t  He  lived  there  for  seven  years  longer, 
receiving  a  salary  of  three  hundred  thousand  aspras,  and  an  additional 
crown  demesne  whose  annual  income  was  five  hundred  thousand  aspras 
per  annum.  He  was  buried  in  the  mosque  Eyub.J  He  had  reigned  for 
nine  years  and  three  months,  and  was  forty-six  years  old  when  he  died. 
Coins  of  Saadet  Girai  are  described  in  Blau's  cataIogue.§ 


Islam  Girai  was  a  usurper,  and  had  not  the  sanction  of  the  Sultan  for 
his  throne.  He  named  his  brother  Uzbeg  Girai  as  kalga,  but  after  a 
reign  of  five  months  he  resigned  his  authority  into  the  hands  of  Suliman, 
the  Turkish  Sultan,  and  asked  him  to  nominate  whom  he  hked  in  his 
place.     I  know  of  no  coins  of  Islam  Girai. 


At  this  time  Sahib  Girai,  the  son  of  Mengli  Girai,  who  had  retired 
from  Kazan,  as  I  have  mentioned, ||  and  had  made  a  pilgrimage  to 
Mecca,  was  at  Constantinople,  where  he  had  offered  his  services  to 
the  Sultan.  He  had  aided  Suliman  in  his  campaign  in  1532  in  Hungary.^ 
The  latter  now  nominated  him  Khan  of  Krim.  Sahib  took  with  him 
sixty  pieces  of  artillery,  one  thousand  janissaries,  two  hundred  foot 
soldiers,  as  many  artillerymen,  and  the  usual  installation  fee,  known  as 
"  the  sekban  akjesi  {i.e.,  the  dog-keeper's  pay).  He  nominated  Islam 
Girai  as  kalga,  and  then  proceeded,  we  are  told,  to  build  palaces,  baths, 
mosqflfes,  and  shops  at  Baghchiserai. 

Safa  Girai,  the  Khan  of  Kazan,  had  been  driven  away  from  the  throne 
in  1 531.  He  now  appealed  to  his  uncle,  the  Krim  Khan,  for  assistance. 
We  accordingly  read  that  in  the  autumn  of  1533,  at  the  season  when  the 
Russian  court  was  in  the  habit  of  going  to  Volok  Lamski  to  hunt,  the 
Krim  Tartars  marched  towards  Kazan.  The  Russians  were  informed  of 
this  by  the  kalga  Islam,  who  tried  to  counteract  the  designs  of  Safa 
Girai.  The  invaders  burnt  the  environs  of  Riazan,  but  a  number  of 
them  were  defeated  near  Zaraisk  by  the  Russian  troops,  who  captured 

♦  Karamzin,  vii.  186,  187.  t  De  Guignes,  iii.  403.    Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  364. 

I  Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  50.  §  Op.  cit.,  63.  i^«/e,  388.  •[  Krim  Khans,  52 

480  IIlSlul<\    oi     illE  MONGOLS. 

many  prisoners.  The  Tartar  guard  was  also  defeated,  and  many  of  them 
were  drowned  in  the  Osseter.  The  enemy  then  withdrew,  but  they 
carried  off  a  great  many  prisoners.  Sahib  Girai  boasted  that  the 
Russians  lost  one  hundred  thousand  men  in  this  campaign.  He  wrote, 
however,  to  Vasili  to  say  that  the  invasion  had  been  without  his  sanction, 
and  had  been  the  work  of  the  tzarevitches  alone,  and  that  he  had  ordered 
them  to  fight  the  Lithuanians  and  not  the  Russians.  Nevertheless  he  told 
him  he  must  be  on  his  guard,  for  his  princes  were  constantly  saying, "  What 
advantage  do  we  derive  from  our  friendly  intercourse  with  Russia?  hardly 
a  sable  skin  a  year,  while  war  would  secure  us  thousands."  "  This,"  he 
said  "shuts  my  mouth.  You  may  choose  what  you  will,  but  if  we  are  to 
remain  friends  your  presents  must  equal  in  value  at  least  three  or  four 
hundred  prisoners."  He  demanded  money  and  falcons ;  he  also  asked 
for  a  baker  and  a  cook  to  be  sent  to  him.  Meanwhile  the  kalga  wrote 
Vasili  a  friendly  letter,  while  Safa  Girai  sent  one  containing  truculent 
language.  "  I  was  once  your  son,"  he  said,  "  but  you  did  not  care  for  my 
friendship.  This  is  the  reason  why  misfortune  has  come  upon  you, 
and  that  your  country  has  been  pillaged.  You  may,  however,  regain  my 
friendship.  If  you  neglect  it  I  promise  you  an  unceasing  war  so  long  as 
my  uncle  the  tzar  and  the  kalga  live.  I  will  ally  myself  with  all  your 
enemies  and  exact  a  terrible  vengeance."*  But  Vasili  was  rapidly 
passing  beyond  the  reach  of  these  puerile  threats ;  he  fell  ill,  and  at  length 
died  on  the  3rd  of  November,  I533.t  He  was  succeeded  by  his  infant 
son  Ivan  IV.,  and  the  affairs  of  State  were  confiolled  by  a  council  of 

The  reign  of  Ivan  IV.  is  one  of  the  most  tingic  stories  in  European 
history.  He  was  a  mere  child,  and  his  surroundings  were  anything  but 
promising.  "  The  hideous  scene,"  says  the  caustic  historian  Kelly, 
"  opened  with  the  saturnalia  of  that  court  which  the  two  preceding 
autocrats  had  suddenly  called  into  existence  in  the  midst  of  coarse  and 
brutal  ignorance.  Its  nobles  were  barbarians,  cither  upstarts  or  fallen 
from  their  pristine  state.  A  great  number  of  them  were  of  the  blood  of 
Rurik.  P'ormerly,  the  whole  empire  was  the  theatre  of  their  ambition  } 
its  partition  into  appanages  their  end  ;  civil  war  their  means  :  but  now 
that  all  was  concentrated  in  the  prince,  their  sole  arena  was  his  court ; 
their  end,  the  precarious  power  derived  from  favouritism  ;  their  means, 
intrigue ;  they  were  without  rules,  without  manners  accordant  to  their 
situation.  They  knew  no  other  restraint  than  an  iron  despotism,  whose 
rude  and  ponderous  mass  had  fallen  into  the  hands  of  a  female  of 
blighted  character,  the  mother  of  an  infant  who  was  only  three  years  of 
age."§  She  and  her  uncle  lylichael  Glinski  were  Lithuanians  and 
foreigners,  and  the  great  nobles  were  exceedingly  jealous  of  both.  Almost 
within  a  week  of  the  young  tzar's  accession,  his  oldest  uncle  Yuri 

'  Karamzin,  vii.  204.  t  Vide  ante,  394,  &  ,'  ,  po.  ^  Op.  cit;,  i.  133. 

SAHIB   GIRAI   KHAN.  .  481 

Ivanovitch  was  charged  with  treason  and  was  imprisoned,  together  with 
his  supposed  abettor  Prince  Andrew  Shuiski.*  This  was  followed  by  the 
imprisonment  and  execution  of  Michael  Glinski,  who  had  dared  to 
denounce  the  paramour  of  Helena,  Prince  Ivan  Obolenski-Telennef.t 
Yuri  Ivanovitch  died  in  prison  on  the  26th  of  August,  1536,  and  it  was 
reported  that  he  was  starved  to  death.  This  frightened  his  brother 
Andrew,  who  issued  a  manifesto  in  which  he  appealed  to  the  feudal 
soldiery  of  Russia  to  rescue  the  country  from  the  oligarchy  which  ruled 
it,  but  he  was  inveigled  into  visiting  Moscow  under  false  promises,  and 
was  in  turn  imprisoned  and  put  to  death.  His  supporters,  we  are  told, 
were  hanged  at  intervals  along  the  Novgorod  road.j 

While  terrorism  reigned  at  home  the  regent  entered  into  a  sixty  years' 
treaty  of  peace  with  Sweden,  and  one  of  seventeen  years  with  the 
Livonian  knights.  By  the  latter  the  Narowa  was  fixed  as  the  boundary 
between  Russia  and  Livonia.  On  another  side  Moldavia,  which  had  been 
a  faithful  friend  to  Russia,  was  utterly  ruined  and  devastated  by  the 
Turks  under  Sultan  Suliman,  and  although  it  secured  the  election  of  its 
own  hospodar  by  the  payment  of  a  large  annual  tribute,  a  privilege  which 
it  retained  for  a  century,  it  no  longer  figures  as  an  important  element  in 
European  affairs.  § 

Sigismund  of  Poland  deemed  the  minority  of  the  Grand  Prince  a 
favourable  opportunity  for  recovering  the  towns  which  Vasili  had  taken 
from  him,  and  incited  the  Krim  Khan  to  invade  Russia.  Sahib  Girai 
accordingly  sent  his  troops  to  attack  the  district  of  Riazan.  They  were, 
however,  met  and  repelled  by  the  princes  Punkof  and  Gatef.[|  This  was 
in  the  year  1534.  Sigismund  was  not  more  fortunate.  His  Pohsh 
subjects  were  loath  to  move  in  aid  of  Lithuania,  and  were  besides  broken 
into  many  parties  with  petty  jealousies,  and  the  consequence  was  that 
the  borders  of  Lithuania  were  ravaged  with  terrible  effect,  and  the 
Russians  even  advanced  close  to  Vilna.  They  then  thought  it  prudent 
to  withdraw.^f 

Meanwhile  matters  took  a  curious  turn  in  the  Krim.  The  kalga, 
Islam  Girai,  who  was  a  partisan  of  Russia,  raised  a  revolt  against 
SigismtfSid's  ally  the  Khan  Sahib,  who  was  driven  from  the  throne  and 
sought  refuge  at  Kirkor,  relying  on  the  Turks,  his  patrons,  to  support 
him.  This  threw  Islam  still  more  into  the  arms  of  Russia,  and  he 
despatched  a  force  of  twenty  thousand  men  against  Lithuania,  entered 
into  a  treaty  with,  and  swore  friendship  for  "  his  young  brother  Ivan:'  As 
a  reward  for  his  rejection  of  the  ten  thousand  gold  pieces  and  twenty 
thousand  pieces  of  cloth  offered  him  by  Sigismund,  he  asked  for  a 
present  of  some  artillery  and  fifty  thousand  dengas.  He  also  informed 
the  Russian  court  that  Prince  Bulgak,  one  of  Sahib  Girai's  generals,  had 

*  Karamzin,  vii.  297-300.  t /rf.,  302-304-  t  W.,  308.  §  Af.,  311,  312, 

II /^.,  316,  317-  fW.,  317-521. 



left  Perekop  at  the  head  of  a  body  of  plunderers.  He  in  fact  allied 
himself  with  the  Cossacks,  and  made  a  raid  upon  the  district  of  Seversk.* 
During  1535  the  Russians  and  Lithuanians  mutually  harried  each  other's 
lands ;  the  latter,  assisted  by  fifteen  thousand  Krim  Tartars,  appeared  on 
the  Oka,  and  burnt  several  villages  of  Riazan.  Islam,  who  pretended  it 
was  all  the  doing  of  Sahib  Girai,  is  accused  by  Russian  historians  of 
having  betrayed  his  allies  for  Polish  gold,  and  his  envoy  was  arrested 
at  Moscow.t  The  Lithuanians  now  captured  Gomel,  Starodub,  and 
Pochepa.  On  the  other  side,  the  Tartars  of  Kazan  were  incited  to  rebel 
by  Sahib  Girai,  but  the  good  fortune  of  Russia  speedily  returned.  Its 
soldiers  repelled  with  great  slaughter  a  furious  attack  made  upon  a 
fortress  called  Ivanogorod  on  the  Sebeya,  which  they  had  planted  within 
the  Lithuanian  borders.  They  recovered  Pochepa  and  Starodub,  and 
built  two  new  towns  {i.e.,  Zavolochia  and  Veliya)  on  the  enemy's  land. 
This  was  followed  by  a  five  years'  truce,  based  on  the  status  quo.X 
Meanwhile  Islam  Girai  wrote  to  the  Russian  court  informing  it  that  the 
Turkish  Sultan  had  determined  to  make  war  upon  Russia,  and  that  he 
had  been  incited  to  do  so  by  Simeon  Belski,  a  prince  of  Prussian  origin, 
who  had  been  formerly  in  the  Russian  service,  and  had  a  bitter  quarrel 
with  the  authorities  at  Moscow.  Messengers  were  sent  to  Islam  Girai  to 
ask  that  he  would  either  give  up  the  traitor  (who  was  then  in  the 
Taurida)  or  put  him  to  death,  but  Islam  Girai  had  ceased  to  exist.  He 
had  been  killed  in  a  sudden  attack  made  upon  him  by  a  Nogai  called 
Baki  Beg,  in  alliance  with  Belski. §  Von  Hammer  tells  us  Baki's  brother 
was  Sahib  Girai's  father-in-law,  and  that  Islam  Girai  was  frozen  to  death 
in  a  barrel  full  of  water. ||  This  was  done  with  the  assistance  of 
Raki,  who  was  eventually  treated  in  the  same  way,  and  both  of 
them  were  buried  in  one  tomb.  Ali  Beg,  the  brother  of  Baki  Beg, 
whose  daughter  Sahib  Girai  had  married,  raised  a  body  of  twelve 
thousand  men  to  revenge  him,  but  his  troops  were  surprised  in  a  defile 
and  destroyed. H  The  Russians  in  vain  tried  to  seduce  the  Tartars,  by 
money,  &c.,  to  surrender  Belski.** 

Sahib  Girai  soon  showed  his  hand.  He  plundered  the  Russian  envoy, 
and  then  cynically  wrote  to  inform  the  tzar  of  the  death  of  Islam  Girai. 
He  at  the  same  time  offered  him  his  friendship  on  condition  that  peace 
was  made  with  Kazan,  which  he  said  belonged  to  him,  and  that  Prince 
Vasili  Shuiski  or  the  grand  equerry,  Helena's  paramour,  Telennef  was  sent 
as  an  envoy.  In  case  the  Russians  continued  to  molest  Kazan,  they 
were  threatened  with  his  vengeance,  and  he  said  he  would  heap  ruins 
Upon  The  boyards  replied  to  his  note  in  more  courteous  terms 
than  usual.  They  reminded  him  that  a  country  belongs  to  the  one  who 
conquers  it,  and  that  by  this  right  the  Khan  of  Kazan  was  the  vassal  of 

*  Id.y  322-324.  t  U.,  326.  I  Id,,  336.  $  Id.,  339.  I  Krim  Khans,  53. 

^  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Ges,,  ii.  181.  ♦•  Karamzin,  vii.  340.  \\Id.,ii,\. 


Russia.  They  promised,  however,  to  forget  the  ill-deeds  of  Safa  Girai, 
the  Kazan  Khan,  and  to  send  a  distinguished  person  as  envoy  to  the 
Krim,  but  not  either  of  the  two  named  in  the  Khan's  note,  their  services 
being  required  at  Moscow.  That  city  now  received  a  notable  addition 
by  the  enlargement  of  the  Kremlin.  A  much  larger  area  covered  with 
shops  was  enclosed  by  a  new  wall  protected  by  four  towers.  This 
fortification  received  the  Tartar  name  of  Kitai,  which  means  the  middle 
{i.e.,  "  party  wall").  Other  fortresses  and  towers  were  built  and  repaired 
during  the  regency.  A  great  number  of  Lithuanians  were  persuaded  to 
settle  in  Russia  by  the  grant  of  lands,  while  large  sums  were  contributed 
by  the  clergy  and  monasteries  for  the  ransom  of  Russians  held  in 
bondage  by  the  Tartars.* 

The  coin  was  also  improved  and  a  new  type  introduced.  The 
St.  George  on  the  new  pieces  bore  a  lance  instead  of  a  sword, 
whence  they  were  called  kopecka,  from  kopec,  a  lance.t  While  the 
general  policy  of  the  regency  seems  to  have  been  wise  and  prudent, 
the  grandees  grew  more  jealous  of  Helena  and  her  surroundings.  At 
length  she  died  suddenly  on  the  3rd  of  April,  1538,  as  was  generally 
supposed,  by  poison.f  A  few  days  after,  her  paramour  was  seized, 
imprisoned,  and  starved  to  death.  The  chief  authority  in  the  State  was 
now  seized  by  the  family  of  the  Shuiski.  They  were  descended  from  the 
old  princes  of  Suzdal,  who  had  been  deprived  of  their  heritage  by  the 
sons  of  Dimitri  Donski,  and  had  long  been  treated  as  dangerous 
enemies  of  the  State.  Their  power  was  limited  by  the  rival  pretensions 
of  the  Belski,  already  named.  The  rivalry  of  the  grandees  pro- 
duced anarchy  in  Russia,  and  naturally  encouraged  its  neighbours  to 
attack  it.  Kelly  sums  up  the  state  of  things  in  a  few  graphic  words. 
'*  The  youthful  Ivan  was  spared  no  more  than  his  subjects.  His  treasury 
was  plundered,  his  dominions  encroached  upon.  The  great  boyards, 
masters  of  his  palace,  seemed  hardly  to  endure  his  presence  there,  it  was 
their  delight  to  degrade  him.  Shuiski,  in  his  clownish  insolence,  was 
seen  to  loll  on  Ivan's  bed,  and  burden  the  lap  of  the  descendant  of  so 
many  sovereigns  with  the  unworthy  weight  of  his  feet."§  Thus  was 
nurtured  the  young  prince.     What  wonder  that  he  turned  out  a  tiger. 

Let  us  now  turn  our  view  to  the  Krim  for  a  short  space.  After  the 
death  of  Islam  Girai,  Ahmed  Girai,  son  of  Saadet  Girai,  was  appointed 
kalga  in  his  place,  but  having  opposed  the  Khan,  he  was  in  turn  deposed 
and  put  to  death,  and  Sahib  Girai  nominated  his  own  son  Amin  Girai  in 
his  place.  He  then  proceeded  to  organise  his  kingdom.  Hitherto  the  Krim 
Tartars  had  no  fixed  settlements,  and  chiefly  led  the  life  of  nomades. 
He  caused  the  chariots  on  which  they  travelled  to  be  broken,  houses 
and  villages  to  be  built,  and  assigned  special  lands  to  the  Tartars  for 
cultivation.      He  enlarged  the  fortress  of  Ferhkerman  and  made  the 

*id.,z\z.  tw.,  346.  \U■^l^^.  1  Op.  cit.,i.  134. 



canal  of  Or  {i.e.,  Perekop).  The  deeds  by  which  he  granted  lands  were 
written  in  the  Turk  language,  and  sealed  with  the  red  and  green  seals  in 
use  among  the  Mongols.*  Sahib  Girai,  with  eight  thousand  horsemen 
and  all  his  Oghlans  and  sons,  took  part  in  Sultan  Suliman's  campaign  in 
Moldavia  in  i538.t 

In  1539  we  find  him  writing  to  the  Grand  Prince  to  tell  him  he  had 
arrested  his  envoy,  who  was  on  his  way  to  the  hospodar  of  Moldavia,  his 
enemy.  This  was  in  return  for  what  Vasili  and  Helena  had  done  in 
slaughtering  the  envoys  he  had  sent  to  Kazan.  He  also  reminded  him 
that  he  was  master  of  one  hundred  thousand  warriors,  and  that  if  each 
one  should  carry  off  but  one  prisoner,  it  would  prove  a  terrible  loss  to 
Russia.  He  asked  where  he  wished  to  see  him,  at  Moscow  or  on  the 
Oka,  and  reminded  him  he  would  be  accompanied  by  the  great  Sultan 
SuHman,  who  had  conquered  the  world  from  the  east  to  the  west.  He  told 
the  tzar  he  (Ivan)  could  do  him  no  harm  nor  plant  a  foot  on  his  territory. 
While  the  Krim  Khan  wrote  in  this  truculent  style,  the  Kazan  Tartars 
ravaged  the  Russian  borders  terribly, {  and  soon  after  Amin,  the  son  of 
Sahib,  devastated  the  district  of  Koshir.  He  was,  however,  disavowed 
by  his  father.  § 

Meanwhile  the  Shuiski  were  for  a  while  displaced  from  the  helm  of 
affairs,  and  matters  began  to  look  brighter  under  the  control  of  John 
Belski.  In  1541  Alexander  Kashin,  the  Grand  Prince's  envoy,  was  in 
the  Krim,  and  Tajaldi,  the  envoy  of  Sahib  Girai,  at  Moscow.  This 
outward  semblance  of  peace  did  not  prevent  the  Tartars  in  the  spring  of 
that  year  from  invading  Russia.  The  Khan  left  home  with  all  his  army, 
leaving  behind  him  only  the  women,  children,  and  old  men,  and  was 
accompanied  by  a  contingent  of  Turkish  cavalry,  by  some  artillery,  and 
by  the  various  hordes  of  Nogais  who  encamped  at  Azof,  Kaffa,  and 
Astrakhan.  Simeon  Belski  acted  as  their  guide.  The  Russians  pre- 
pared two  armies  to  resist  them  ;  one  of  which  was  posted  at  Kolomna 
and  the  other  at  Vladimir.  The  Tartars  crossed  the  Don  and  attacked 
Zaraisk,  which  resisted  bravely,  and  they  failed  to  take  it.  \  Their  forces, 
however,  pressed  on  and  occupied  the  heights  commanding  the  Oka, 
which  they  attempted  to  cross  on  rafts  under  cover  of  the  Turkish 
artillery,  but  the  Russians,  although  they  had  no  missiles  save  arrows, 
showed  such  a  bold  front  that  the  enemy  was  constrained  to  withdraw 
for  the  night,  and  the  following  day  retired  hastily,  the  Khan  leading 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  366,  367. 
t  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Gesh.,  ii.  152.  These  Oghlans  are  thus  enumerated  by  Jelalzade  and 
Ali;  Maashuk  Oghlan,  son  of  Mest  Khun  Abdulla  Oghlan,  Murtazi  Oghlan,  Haji  Khalel 
Oghlan,  the  Shirinbeg  beg  Bababeg,  Khoja  Mamabeg,  Hasan  Puladbeg,  Bipulushbeg,  Morun- 
beg,  Haji  Ali  Beg,  the  beg  of  Kipchak,  Kuchuk  beg,  the  beg  of  Manfut  Janiheg,  Ak  Babai 
Mirza,  Ko  saat  Mirza,  Selimshah  beg,  Ahmed  pasha  beg,  Ali  Haji  beg,  Ibrahim  beg,  Taghalif 
beg,  Bcrdghazi  beg,  Kemalbeg,  Nush  Mirza,  Ak  Kuchukbeg  (envoy  of  Kazan),  Nukush  beg,  the 
envoys  of  Abdulla  Yakshi,  Shidak  beg,  &c.  {Id ,  French  ed.,  v.  290.  Note,  xiii.) 
I  Karamzin,  viii.  io-i2.  ^  /t/.,  14.  i  /^.,  22. 


the  way.  They  left  some  cannons  behind  them  ;  the  first  Ottoman 
trophies  which  were  captured  by  the  Russians,  says  Karamzin.*  The 
Tartars  lost  some  prisoners  in  their  retreat,  which  led  them  towards 
Pronsk,  to  which  town  they  laid  siege.  The  garrison  defended  it  bravely, 
the  women  assisting  the  men,  and  stones  and  cauldrons  of  boiling  water 
were  brought  into  requisition.  A  Russian  army,  which  had  been  sent  to 
the  rescue,  at  length  compelled  the  Tartars  to  raise  the  siege  and  to 
withdraw,  and  their  tzarevitch,  who  had  lingered  behind  for  pillage, 
was  defeated  in  the  district  of  Odoef.t 

Meanwhile  matters  went  on  badly  at  Moscow.  Ivan  Belski,  whose 
prudence  and  talent  were  conspicuous,  was  rudely  thrust  from  power  by 
a  faction  of  nobles,  led  by  Ivan  Shuiski,  and  imprisoned  with  the 
metropolitan.  He  was  soon  after  put  to  death.  Shuiski  had  owed  not 
only  liberty  but  also  a  dignified  position  to  the  generosity  of  his  rival, 
and  his  conduct  gives  point  to  the  machiavelianism  of  the  historian  who 
blames  generosity  on  such  occasions,  and  justifies  the  policy  of  leaving  an 
enemy  no  peace  but  that  of  the  tomb.t  Shuiski's  heel  was  now  once 
more  on  the  neck  of  the  State. 

In  1 542  Amin,  Sahib  Girai's  son,  apparently  against  his  father's  wish, 
made  a  fresh  attack  on  the  provinces  of  Seversk  and  Riazan.  He  was 
met  and  defeated  on  the  famous  plain  of  Kutikof,  and  driven  to  the  river 
Mecha.§  We  now  find  Ivan  sending  some  money  to  John  Pitrovitch, 
the  hospodar  of  Moldavia,  to  enable  him  to  pay  the  heavy  contribution 
laid  on  him  by  Sultan  Suliman. 

The  Shuiski  meanwhile  behaved  with  intolerable  arrogance.  They 
treated  the  young  Grand  Prince  with  indignity,  and  brutally  slaughtered 
a  favourite  of  his,  named  Voronzof.  Ivan's  education  was  neglected, 
and  his  worse  tastes  were  fostered  ;  cruelty  became  with  him  an 
amusement.  Not  only  was  he  fond  of  the  slaughter  of  wild  animals, 
but  also  of  torturing  tame  ones  ;  and  it  was  his  amusement  to 
gallop  about  the  streets  with  a  troop  of  young  friends  knocking  down 
women  and  old  men.||  When  we  read  these  stories  and  the  terrible 
harvest^ which  followed  such  a  seed-time,  we  are  constrained  to  admit 
the  wisdom  of  that  law  of  succession  which  generally  prevails  among 
barbarous  races,  by  which  the  sceptre  can  only  pass  to  the  grown  man 
who  is  strong  enough  to  hold  it.  Ivan  was  now  persuaded  it  was 
time  he  exercised  authority  himself.  A  conspiracy  arose  against  the 
Shuiski,  headed  by  the  Glinski,  uncles  of  Ivan.  The  former  were  over- 
thrown, and  their  chief,  Andrew,  was  torn  in  pieces  by  dogs  in  the  open 
street.^  The  change  was  not  a  very  happy  one.  It  was  followed  by 
executions,  proscriptions,  and  forfeitures.  "  The  Ghnski,"  says  Kelly, 
"  pushed  Ivan  forward  at  their  head,  in  the  same  path  of  blood  and 
plunder.     They  allowed  him  to  misuse  his  recently  acquired  liberty.     He 

*  Id.,  29.  t/^.,  31.  :/<V.,33.  §7t^.4o.  IIW.,45.  %Id.,A7- 


squandered  it  in  roaming  without  a  purpose  through  his  provinces,  which 
were  compelled  to  defray  the  charges ;  they  were  ruined  by  his  costly 
presence  and  astonished  by  his  caprices.  There  his  unworthy  kinsmen 
prompted  him  to  punish  without  cause,  and  to  reward  beyond  measure  ; 
glutting  some  with  what  was  confiscated  from  others.  They  taught  him 
not  to  think  himself  master,  except  when  he  was  resisting  and  when  he 
was  causing  to  be  tortured  before  his  eyes  the  suppliants  by  whose 
entreaties  he  was  wearied.''* 

Ivan  was  crowned  with  great  ceremony  on  the  i6th  of  January,  i547> 
and  from  that  time  the  Russian  sovereigns  have  styled  themselves  tzar,t 
a  title  consecrated  by  the  usage  of  the  Greek  Emperors  of  Byzantium,  of 
whom  the  Russian  Grand  Princes  claimed  in  a  measure  to  be  the  heirs. 
He  was  then  seventeen  years  old,  and  afterwards  proceeded  to  marry 
Anastasia,  the  daughter  of  a  boyard  of  Prussian  descent,  whose  virtues 
are  as  much  lauded  by  the  annalists  as  her  beauty.J  Her  husband 
continued  to  be  the  slave  of  his  outrageous  temper  and  low  tastes.  We 
are  told  that  a  deputation  of  Pskofians  having  presented  a  complaint 
against  their  governor,  a  favourite  of  the  Ghnski,  he  ordered  them  to  be 
sprinkled  with  boiling  spirits,  and  to  have  their  hair  and  beards  burnt. 
He  would  probably  have  gone  further,  but  was  summoned  away  by  the 
news  that  the  great  bell  of  Moscow  had  fallen.§ 

This  accident  was  like  the  knell  of  a  coming  disaster.  It  arrived 
speedily  enough,  in  the  terrible  fire  of  Moscow,  which  stands  out  in 
its  history  like  that  of  London  in  ours.  Its  thickly  clustered  wooden 
houses  were  destroyed.  Palaces,  churches,  kremhn,  all  were  devastated, 
and  some  of  its  greatest  artistic  treasures  perished.  It  was  followed  by 
a  popular  outbreak  or  outburst  of  wrath  against  the  Glinski,  during  which 
the  uncle  of  the  tzar  and  many  of  his  supporters  were  put  to  death,  while 
a  reign  of  terror  reigned  in  the  capital.  ||  The  next  part  of  the  story  may 
be  told  in  the  words  of  Kelly.  "  Amidst  the  universal  disorder,  Sylvester, 
a  monk,  one  of  those  inspired  personages  who  then  traversed  Russia,  and 
who,  like  the  Jewish  prophets  or  the  dervishes,  dared  to  stand  up,  even 
against  their  sovereigns,  appeared  in  the  presence  of  the  young  despot. 
He  approached  him,  the  gospel  in  his  hand,  his  eye  full  of  menace,  his 
finger  raised,  and  with  a  solemn  voice  he  pointed  out  to  him,  in  the 
surrounding  flames,  and  blood  and  furious  cries,  and  the  limbs  of  his 
dismembered  kinsfolk,  the  wrath  of  Heaven,  which  his  passions  had  at 
length  aroused.  To  these  terrific  menaces  he  added  the  infallible  effect 
of  certain  appearances  then  deemed  supernatural,  and  thus  mastering  the 
mind  of  Ivan,  he  wrought  a  real  miracle  :  the  tiger  was  humanised. 
Alexis  Adashef  seconded  Sylvester.  They  encircled  the  young  tyrant 
with  priests  and  able  and  prudent  boyards."^    The  anarchy  which  had 

*  Op.  cit.,  i.  135.  t  Karamzin,  viii.  61  and  63.  J  Id.,  65.  %  Id.,  69, 

I  Karamzin,  viii.  70-75.  %  Op.  cit.,  i.  136. 

SAHTB   GIRAI   KHAN.  .  487 

SO  long  prevailed  now  ceased.  Ivan  summoned  deputies  from  the 
various  towns  of  the  empire,  whom  he  addressed  on  the  great  square  of 
Moscow,  confessing  the  iniquities  of  his  youth  and  denouncing  the 
tyrannies  and  ill-deeds  of  his  councillors,  and  promising  that  thenceforth 
he  would  be  the  judge  and  defender  of  his  people.*  He  issued  an 
amnesty,  and  ordered  the  poor  to  be  relieved.  He  himself  presided  at 
the  council  table,  and  the  spirit  which  animated  him  seemed  to  pervade 
the  officials  of  the  empire.  Order  and  peace  flourished  everywhere.  A 
new  code  of  laws  was  issued.  At  an  assembly  of  the  notables  of  the 
empire  he  presented  a  charter  by  which  the  privilege  of  electing  certain 
assessors  to  act  with  the  governor,  which  had  been  possessed  by  the 
republics  of  Novgorod  and  Pskof,  was  extended  to  other  cities.  The 
same  council  introduced  great  reforms,  both  of  ritual  and  of  morals,  into 
the  church,  which  had  become  much  demoralised;  schools  were  also 
founded  at  Moscow  and  other  towns.t 

But  it  is  time  we  should  revert  again  to  the  affairs  of  Krim.  In  1543 
Amin,  Sahib  Girai's  son,  was  sent  to  join  the  Sultan  in  his  campaign 
against  Hungary,  where  he  took  part  in  the  siege  of  Stulhweissenburgh.f 
The  next  year  he  ravaged  the  districts  of  Odoef  and  Bielef.  In  1549  his 
father  conquered  Astrakhan,  as  I  have  mentioned. §  He  also  deemed 
himself  over-lord  of  the  Nogais,  and  in  a  letter  to  Ivan  he  said  that  the 
Kabardians  and  mountain  Kaitaks  paid  him  tribute.  He  now  became 
very  arrogant,  and  wrote  to  the  Russian  tzar  in  this  style :  "  As  you  are 
approaching  the  age  of  reason,  it  would  be  well  for  you  to  declare  frankly 
what  you  want.  Do  you  want  my  friendship  or  blood  ?  If  the  former, 
then  send  me  as  presents,  not  miserable  bagatelles  but  substantial  gifts, 
such  as  the  king  (z>.,  the  Polish  king)  sends  me."  He  said  the  latter 
sent  him  fifteen  thousand  ducats  annually.  "  If  you  decide  on  war,"  he 
added,  "  I  will  march  on  Moscow  and  trample  your  lands  under  my 
horses'  hoofs."  Ivan  replied  by  arresting  the  Tartar  envoy,  who  had 
treated  the  Muscovite  merchants  in  the  Krim  as  his  slaves.  ||  This  was 
in  1549,  and  was  followed  by  a  struggle  with  Kazan,  which  I  have 
described  elsewhere. 

Sahil^  Girai,  having  heard  in  1551  that  AH  Murza,  one  of  the  principal 
chiefs  of  the  Nogais,  contemplated  a  descent  on  the  Krim,  marched 
against  and  completely  defeated  him.  Until  this  time  the  four  tribes, 
Shirin,  Barin,  Arghin,  and  Kipchak  were  known  as  Durt-Karaju,  and 
enjoyed  the  highest  position  in  the  horde.  Sahib  Girai  promoted  the 
tribe  Sijewit  to  equal  rank,  and  to  reward  Baki  beg,  one  of  the  chiefs 
of  the  Mansur  tribe,  for  having  killed  Islam  Girai,  he  gave  him  the  tribe 
of  Atai  khoja  and  a  rank  above  the  other  chiefs.  About  this  time  the 
Khan  was  very  handsomely  entertained  by  one  of  his  officers  at  Kaffa, 

*  Karamzin,  viii.  79,  8oi  t  Id-,  80-gi.  I  Osm.  Reich.,  ii.  igt. 

§  Ante,  353,  354.  il  Karamzin,  viii.  ^7,  98. 


while  on  his  way  to  Circassia.  While  seated  in  the  garden  there  after 
dinner,  he  summoned  the  Sipahis  (/.<?.,  the  Turkish  mercenaries)  and 
found  fault  with  them.  They  were  irritated,  and  replied  that  the  bread 
which  they  ate  they  owed  to  the  Sultan  and  not  to  him.  This  contre- 
temps created  an  ill-feeling  which  led  to  Sahib  Girai's  ruin.  While  he 
lived  at  Constantinople  he  had  had  many  secret  meetings  with  Sultan 
Suliman,  which  had  led  to  frequent  changes  in  the  office  of  Grand  Vizier, 
and  had  intrigued,  but  unsuccessfully,  against  Rustem  Pasha,  who  now 
occupied  that  post.  The  latter  wrote  to  his  friends  at  Kaffa  to  denounce 
Sahib  Girai.  They  accordingly  perverted  the  incident  about  the  Sipahis, 
and  declared  he  wanted  to  seize  Kaffa,  which  belonged  to  the  Porte. 
Meanwhile  Safa  Girai,  the  Khan  of  Kazan,  died.  His  two  sons,  Bulukh 
and  Mubarek  Girai,  were  in  the  Krim  at  the  time,  and  the  Kazan  envoys 
went  to  offer  the  throne  to  the  former.  Sahib  Girai,  who  had  some 
grievances  with  these  princes,  imprisoned  them  in  the  fort  of  Akkerman.* 
At  this  time  Devlet  Girai,  the  son  of  Mubarek  Girai,  son  of  Mengli  Girai, 
was  living  at  Constantinople  as  a  hostage.  His  uncle  deeming  his 
presence  there  dangerous,  offered  him  the  Khanate  of  Astrakhan.  This 
was  seconded  by  the  vizier  Rustem,  who  secretly  promised  him  in 
addition  the  Khanate  of  Krim.  Sahib  Girai  was  ordered  to  march 
against  the  Circassians,  and  especially  against  the  rebellious  tribe  of 
Shan.t  Leaving  Amin,  his  son,  to  guard  Ferhkerman  with  twelve 
thousand  men,  he  himself  marched  against  Yaya  (?  the  Khan  just 
named).  Devlet  Girai  duly  arrived  at  Akkerman,  and  thence  went  by 
boat  to  the  port  of  Kozlof,  and  finally  to  Baghchi- Serai,  and  liberated  the 
two  Kazan  sultans.  Amin  marched  against  him,  but  was  defeated  on 
the  Alma  (what  a  queer  sound  the  name  and  the  locality  has  for  our 
ears),  and  many  of  them  went  over  to  Devlet  Girai.  Amin  retired  to 
Sultan-Bazar,  which  was  the  residence  of  the  kalgas.  When  this  news 
reached  Sahib  Girai's  camp  his  troops  dispersed.  He  entered  Temruk 
accompanied  by  the  janissaries.  The  governor  showed  him  the  Sultan's 
firman  appointing  his  nephew,  and  bade  him  leave  the  town.  He 
remained  there,  however,  till  the  arrival  of  Bulukh  Girai,  who  put  him  to 
death.  He  was  buried  at  Salajik,  near  Baghchi-Serai,  in  the  toaib  built 
by  his  grandfather  Haji  Girai.  His  doctor  Kaisunisade,  who  afterwards 
became  the  physician  of  Sultans  Suliman  and  Selim,  described  his  tragic 
death  in  verse.J  Von  Hammer  dates  this  in  952  of  the  hej.  (/>.,  i545),§ 
but  this  is  clearly  a  mistake.     It  occurred  in  1552. 


Devlet  Girai  was  the  son  of  Mubarek  Girai,  and  the   grandson  of 
Mengli  Girai.     He  mounted  the  throne  in  the  year  1551,  and  nominated 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  367-369.  1  Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  54. 

I  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  370.    Krim  Khans,  54,  55.  §  Osm.  Resch.,  ii.  181. 


Bulukh  Girai  sultan  as  his  kalga.  The  latter  having  proved  insub- 
ordinate, was  put  to  death,  and  Ahmed  Girai,  the  son  of  Devlet,  was 
installed  in  his  place.  Having  made  a  raid  towards  Astrakhan,  Devlet 
Girai  was  returning  home  laden  with  booty,  when  the  famous  Shermet 
Oghlu  planted  himself  on  his  path  to  cut  off  his  retreat.  A  terrible 
battle  was  the  consequence,  in  which  Ahmed  Girai  and  his  brother  Haji 
Girai,  together  with  five  other  sultans,  many  chiefs,  and  soldiers  perished. 
The  battle  was  virtually  lost  when  Muhammed  Girai,  another  son  of  the 
Khan,  arrived  with  reinforcements  and  turned  the  tide  of  victory.  As  a 
reward  for  his  services  Muhammed  was  appointed  kalga.* 

At  this  time  we  find  a  new  power  rising  on  the  Don,  which  became  a 
very  effectual  instrument  in  restraining  the  Krim  Khans,  namely,  the 
military  confederacy  of  the  Don  Cossacks.  It  probably  originated  in 
a  nucleus  of  outlaws  and  other  fugitives  from  Poland  and  Russia, 
associated  with  Circassians,  &c.  They  settled  on  the  middle  Don, 
and  having  occupied  the  town  of  Akhas,  gave  it  the  new  name  of 
Cherkask.  Cherkas  and  Cossack,  according  to  Karamzin,  mean  the 
same  thing.t 

The  new  Khan  of  Krim,  like  his  predecessors,  was  not  satisfied  to  see 
Kazan  gradually  crushed  and  pass  under  the  yoke  of  Russia  ;  nor  indeed 
was  his  patron  Sultan  Suliman,  who  sent  orders  to  the  Nogais  to 
assist  the  Krim  Khan,  and  told  them  he  had  made  over  Kazan  and  its 
crown  to  the  Girais.| 

In  1552  the  Tartars  advanced  upon  Tula,  which  they  attempted  to 
storm,  but  the  attack  failed,  and  having  heard  that  a  large  Russian  army 
was  going  to  the  rescue,  they  withdrew  during  the  night.  The  garrison 
pursued  them,  captured  some  cannons,  and  killed  many  of  their  men, 
among  them  being  Kamberdi,  the  Khan's  brother-in-law.  Meanwhile  a 
body  of  fifteen  thousand  Russians,  under  Cheniatef  and  Kurbski,  attacked 
thirty  thousand  Tartars,  who  were  marching  to  the  assistance  of  their 
brethren,  and  had  devastated  the  neighbourhood  of  Tula.  They  defeated 
them,  and  made  them  abandon  a  great  quantity  of  prisoners,  camels,  and 
baggage  carts.  From  their  prisoners  the  Russians  learnt  that  the  Khan's 
intention/liad  been  to  march  straight  upon  Moscow,  as  he  fancied  the 
tzar  and  his  troops  were  at  Kazan. §  After  his  victory  the  tzar  prosecuted 
his  campaign  against  the  latter  city,  which  he  at  length  captured  and 
annexed. II  He  returned  to  Moscow  amidst  the  rejoicings  of  his  people, 
and  was  met  by  a  messenger  from  his  wife  Anastasia,  announcing  the 
birth  of  a  son,  the  tzarevitch  Dimitri.^  These  rejoicings  were  soon 
tempered  by  the  appearance  of  the  plague,  probably  brought  back  with 
them  by  the  Russian  soldiers.  Twenty-five  thousand  victims  were  buiied 
in  the  cemeteries  of  Pskof,  besides  those  who  were  laid-by  in  the  forests, 

♦  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  37x.  t  Op-  "t.,  viii.  laS.  I  Id.,  viii.,  129, 130. 

$  Id.^  141.  II  Vide  ante,  414,  &c.  H  Karamzin,  viii.  200. 



&c.  The  Novgorodians  expelled  all  the  merchants  from  Pskof,  and 
threatened  to  burn  them  alive  if  they  returned ;  but  such  precautions  did 
not  avail,  and  five  thousand  people  perished  there,  among  them  being  the 
archbishop  Serapion.* 

Soon  after  Ivan  fell  ill,  and  was  persuaded  to  declare  his  infant  son 
Dimitri  his  heir.  He  demanded  that  the  principal  boyards  should  swear 
allegiance  to  him.  This  many  refused  to  do,  dreading  apparently 
another  minority.  They  openly  supported  the  claims  of  Ivan's  cousin 
Vladimir  Andrewitch.  His  firmness,  however,  compelled  at  least  an 
outward  conformity  with  his  wishes,  and  they  took  the  oath  unwilHngly.t 
Vladimir  himself  was  constrained  to  follow  their  example.  We  may  well 
believe,  however,  that  the  memory  of  the  outbreak  rankled  in  the 
mind  of  the  young  tzar,  who  must  have  felt,  as  he  stood  on  the  brink  of 
the  grave,  what  a  chaos  would  follow  his  death,  and  how  little  he  could 
rely  on  the  hollow  affection  of  his  courtiers.  For  the  present,  however, 
he  dismissed  his  feelings  and  behaved  with  singular  clemency.  His 
recovery  was  speedily  followed  by  the  death  of  his  young  son  Dimitri.l 
About  this  time  Ivan  had  an  interview  with  Vassian,  ex-bishop  of 
Kolomna,  who  had  been  one  of  the  victims  of  the  cabal  of  boyards 
during  the  minority  of  Ivan,  and  who,  although  old,  nourished  a  great 
resentment  against  them.  He  dexterously  urged  upon  the  young  tzar 
that  if  he  wished  to  be  absolute  monarch  he  must  have  no  other 
counsellor  than  himself.  He  was  always  to  command  and  never  to  obey, 
and  bade  him  remember  that  "  the  wisest  counsellor  of  a  prince  always 
ends  by  becoming  his  master."  As  Karamzin  says,  this  kind  of  poison 
found  a  ready  welcome  in  Ivan's  ears,  and  bore  its  bitter  fruit  later  on. 
Soon  after  Anastasia  presented  him  with  another  son,  named  Ivan,  and 
this  was  followed  by  another  famous  conquest,  namely,  that  of  the 
Khanate  of  Astrakhan.  §  These  conquests  in  the  popular  eyes  were  due 
to  the  vigour  of  Ivan,  and,  as  Karamzin  says,  it  was  forgotten  how  much 
of  the  success  was  to  be  attributed  to  the  vastly  increased  strength  of 
Russia,  which  she  owed  to  his  immediate  predecessors.  ||  They,  however, 
produced  their  natural  effect  among  the  neighbouring  powers.  Merchants 
went  to  the  tzar  from  Shamakha,  Derbend,  the  country  of  the  Shamkal,  of 
Tumen,  Khiva,  and  Seraichuk.  The  rulers  of  Khiva  and  Bokhara  sent 
envoys  with  In  1555  we  are  told  the  Circassian  princes  of  the 
Beshtau  submitted  with  their  whole  country  and  all  their  subjects  for 
ever  to  the  Russian  sceptre.**  It  would  seem  they  also  asked  Russian 
aid  against  their  former  masters,  the  Tartars  of  the  Taurida  and  the 
Turks.  Christianity  was  still  flourishing  among  the  highlanders  of  the 
Caucasus,  and  several  of  the  Caucasian  princes  sent]  their  sons  to 
Moscow  to  be  educated.     Thus,  we  are  told,  the  princes  Sibok  and 

•  Id.,  214.  1  Id.,  226.  I  Id.,  233-  *  Ante,  355,  &c.  ||  Op.  cit.,  250,  251. 

*A  Id.,  253.  '*  Klaproth,  Travels  in  the  Caucasus,  173. 


Temriukof,  with  the  son  of  the  Nogai  Sumbeka  learnt  to  read  and  write 
in  the  palace  of  the  KremUn.*  Yadigar,  prince  of  Siberia,  sent  to  offer 
tribute,  and  this  enabled  Ivan  to  add  the  style  of  ruler  of  Siberia  to  his 
many  titles.t  A  more  interesting  event  for  us  at  this  time  was  the  inter- 
course which  Russia  began  to  have  with  England.  In  the  year  1553, 
during  the  reign  of  Edward  VI.,  three  ships  set  out  from  England,  under 
the  command  of  Sir  Hugh  Willoughby  and  Richard  Chancellor,  to  find 
a  north-east  route  to  Cathay  and  the  Indies.  Two  of  the  ships  became 
separated,  and  were  wrecked  on  the  coasts  of  Russian  Lapland,  near 
Arsina,  and  Willoughby  there  perished  of  cold.  Chancellor  was  more 
fortunate,  entered  the  White  Sea,  and  on  the  24th  of  August,  1553,  landed 
in  the  bay  of  the  Dwina,  where  the  monastery  of  Saint  Nicholas  was 
situated,  and  where  the  town  of  Archangel  was  afterwards  founded. 
News  of  his  having  reached  Ivan,  Chancellor  was  invited  to  Moscow, 
where  he  was  much  struck  by  the  surroundings  and  magnificence  of 
the  court.  He  presented  a  letter  from  Edward  VI.  It  was  written  in 
various  languages,  and  addressed  generally  to  all  the  sovereigns  of  the 
North  and  East,t  and  asked  for  a  kind  reception  for  his  mariners. 
Ivan  sent  Edward  a  reply,  promising  his  protection  to  such  English 
merchants  as  should  make  their  way  to  Russia.  When  Chancellor 
returned  home  Edward  was  dead,  but  the  news  was  no  less  welcome 
to  Mary.  An  English  company,  "The  Society  for  the  Discovery  of 
Unknown  Lands,"  was  formed  to  trade  with  Russia,  and  Chancellor 
set  out  again  in  1555,  with  two  ships  and  a  courteous  letter  from  Mary. 
He  was  again  well  received,  and  it  was  decided  that  an  exchange  of 
merchandise  should  take  place  at  Kholmogory  in  autumn  and  winter, 
and  Ivan  granted  the  merchants  a  diploma  to  trade  wherever  they 
wished  in  Russia  without  paying  any  dues,  to  open  shops  and  stores, 
and  to  employ  Russian  servants.  Criminals  were  to  be  handed  over 
to  the  Russian  law,  but  disputes  between  the  English  were  to  be 
remitted  to  an  arbitrator  chosen  by  themselves.  The  English  imports 
were  chiefly  differently  coloured  kerseys,  broadcloth,  pewter  vessels,  and 
sugar.  The  English  founded  a  large  factory  at  the  port  of  St.  Nicholas, 
and  otifers  at  Kholmogory,  while  one  of  their  captains  named  Burroughs, 
still  hankering  after  Cathay,  made  an  adventurous  voyage  to  Nova 
Zembla  and  Waigatz.§  Chancellor  was  drowned  on  his  return  voyage 
in  1556,  but  the  Russian  envoy  who  accompanied  him  reached  England 
safely,  and  was  received  with  an  ovation  in  London.  He  presented  a 
few  sables,  which  had  alone  escaped  the  wreckers  on  the  Scotch 
coast,  and  returned  to  his  master  with  rich  tissues,  expensive  arms,  and 
also  a  lion  and  a  lioness,Jj  while  the  merchants  of  the  English  Company 
gave  him  a  gold  chain  of  the  value  of  ^100  and  four  costly  cups.  He 
took  back  with  him  to  Moscow  artisans,  and  doctors,  among  whom  we 

■■  Karamzin,  viii.  253.  t  A/-,  254.  7'^.  258.  §  Jd.,  264.  ||  Id.,  266. 


are  told  was  the  famous  Dr.  Standish.  In  the  letters  which  Philip  and 
Mary  wrote  him,  Ivan  was  styled  the  August  Emperor.  English  mer- 
chants were  now  specially  patronised  by  the  tzar,  and  earned  his  good 
will  by  their  skill  and  energy.  Jenkinson,  who  arrived  at  the  Dwina 
in  1557,  made  his  way  to  Archangel,  while  the  footsteps  of  the  Enghsh 
were  speedily  followed  by  those  of  the  merchants  of  Holland  and 
Brabant.*    But  it  is  time  we  returned  to  the  Krim  Khan. 

The  destruction  of  the  Khanate  of  Kazan  naturally  produced  great 
excitement  in  the  Krim,  nevertheless  the  Khan  postponed  his  hostile 
intentions.  In  1553  he  sent  a  treaty  to  Moscow,  in  which  he  agreed  to 
be  on  friendly  terms  with  Russia  on  condition  of  receiving  thence  some 
rich  presents.  In  this  he  gave  the  tzar  his  old  title  of  Grand  Prince.t 
Ivan  replied  that  the  Russians  did  not  buy  anyone's  friendship.  He  also 
informed  the  Khan  of  the  conquest  of  Astrakhan.!  His  boyards  wished 
him  to  complete  the  work  he  had  so  well  begun,  and  to  overwhelm  the  last 
western  fragment  of  Batu's  empire  ;  but  this  was  apparently  deemed  too 
hazardous.  Meanwhile  Sultan  Suliman  sent  Ivan  a  letter,  written  in 
golden  characters,  in  which  he  styled  him  "  Fortunate  tzar  and  wise 
prince,"  and  also  some  merchants  to  make  purchases  at  Moscow.  The 
submission  of  the  Circassians  of  Beshtau  or  Piatigorsk  to  the  Russians, 
as  I  have  mentioned,  was  naturally  very  unwelcome  to  their  former 
suzerain,  the  Krim  Khan,  who  marched  against  them.  Ivan  thereupon 
despatched  the  voivode  Cheremetief  from  Bielef,  at  the  head  of  thirteen 
thousand  boyard-followers,  strelitzes,  and  Cossacks,  by  way  of  Murafsk 
towards  Perekop.  On  learning  this  Devlet  Girai  turned  aside,  and 
with  sixty  thousand  men  fell  on  the  Russian  frontiers  towards  Tula. 
Cheremetief,  who  was  encamped  near  "  the  sacred  mountains  "  and  those 
of  Dutza,  prepared  to  attack  him,  while  the  tzar  marched  upon  him  from 
Moscow,  and  he  was  thus  threatened  on  two  sides.  Devlet  Girai  having 
learnt  the  trap  in  which  he  was  caught  hastily  withdrew,  and  Cheremetief 
captured  his  baggage,  sixty  thousand  horses,  and  one  hundred  and  eighty 
camels,  and  having  sent  this  booty  off  to  Mtzensk  and  Riazan,  posted 
himself  with  but  seven  thousand  men  near  Tula.  The  retreating  Jartars, 
although  in  overwhelming  numbers,  were  too  much  afraid  to  make  a 
stand,  and  in  the  combat  which  followed  the  Russians  captured  the 
standard  of  the  princes  of  Shirin,  and  passed  the  night  on  the  battle- 
field ;  but  the  following  day,  the  Tartars  having  extorted  by  torture  from 
a  prisoner  whom  they  had  captured  the  truth  about  the  Russian  strength, 
renewed  the  fight  and  reversed  the  issue  of  the  previous  day.  In 
this  struggle  Cheremetief  was  wounded.  The  Russians  retired  to  Tula, 
and  the  Tartars  went  back  to  the  Taurida.g  This  was  followed  by  a 
struggle  between  Russia  and  Sweden,  in  which  there  was  the  usual 
ravaging  of  the  border  districts.      The  Russians   captured  so  many 

♦  Id.,  268.  t  Id.  I  Id.,  269.  §  Id.,  274. 


prisoners  that  we  are  told  that  a  man  was  sold  for  a  grivna  and  a  girl  for 
five  altins.*  It  ended  in  a  truce  being  signed  for  forty  years,  on  the 
basis  of  the  status  quo  ante.\ 

In  1557  Ivan  was  informed  that  the  Krim  Khan  was  massing  his 
troops  near  the  waters  of  Konsk,  and- was  meditating  a  descent  on  Tula 
and  Kozelsk.  Upon  this  the  brave  Riefski  having  assembled  some  three 
hundred  Cossacks,  and  been  joined  by  the  hetmans  Nilinski  and  Yesko- 
vitch,  attacked  Islam  Kirman,  a  small  town  near  Ochakof,  belonging  to 
the  Tartars.  This  diversion  compelled  Devlet  Girai,  to  return  to  the 
Taurida,  which  was  at  this  time  being  devastated  by  pestilence. 

Meanwhile  the  Lithuanian  Prince  Dimitri  Vichnevetzki,  a  descendant 
of  St.  Vladimir,  who  commanded  the  Cossacks  of  the  Dnieper,  offered 
his  services  to  the  Russians.  He  built  a  fortress  on  the  island  of 
Khortitza,  and  wrote  to  the  tzar  to  say  he  did  not  want  any  troops  but  only 
permission  to  shut  up  the  Krim  Khan  in  the  Taurida  "  as  in  a  cavern." 
Having  captured  Islam  Kirman,  he  removed  the  cannons  he  found  there 
to  his  fortress,  where  he  successfully  repelled  the  attacks  of  the  Tartars, 
which  extended  over  twenty-four  days.  On  another  side  the  Circassian 
princes  Tasdurt  and  Dassibok  conquered  in  the  name  of  Russia  the 
towns  of  Temruk  and  Taman,  on  the  sea  of  Azof,  where  was  formerly 
the  principality  of  Tmutarakan.+  The  Khan  was  in  despair,  and  a  very 
little  vigour  would  have  overwhelmed  the  Krim. 

The  terrible  winter  of  1557  had  greatly  depopulated  the  Nogai  steppes, 
where  many  men  and  cattle  perished  from  cold.  This  was  aggravated 
in  the  Taurida  by  the  plague.  The  Khan  had  barely  ten  thousand  men 
left,  fit  to  bear  arms,  and  the  Nogais  had  still  fewer.  Meanwhile 
dissensions  broke  out  among  the  murzas  and  the  grandees.  Some  of  the 
latter  conspired  against  Devlet  Girai,  and  wished  to  put  Toktamish,  the 
tzarevitch  of  Astrakhan,  on  the  throne.  This  conspiracy  having  been 
discovered,  Toktamish  fled  to  Russia,  where  he  informed  the  tzar  of  the 
state  of  things,  but  the  opportunity  was  lost. 

The  Sultan  sent  troops  to  the  assistance  of  \i\s  protege ^  which  captured 
Khortit^  from  the  brave  Cossack  chief  Vechnevetzki,  who  retired  thence 
to  Cherkask  and  Kanef,  where  he  was  well  received.  These  towns, 
which  belonged  to  Poland,  he  was  persuaded  by  the  tzar  to  hand  over 
again  to  Augustus,  while  he  was  granted  as  a  fief  the  town  of  Bielef  and 
the  neighbouring  villages,  "  where  he  might  be  used  as  a  menace  both  to 
the  Tartars  and  Poles."§  Devlet  Girai  now  released  the  Russian  envoy 
Zagriatski,  who  had  been  kept  in  confinement  for  five  years,  and  pro- 
posed an  alhance  against  Poland  and  Lithuania.  As  a  proof  of  what  he 
would  do,  he  sent  his  son  to  ravage  Volhynia  and  Podoha.  The 
Russians  did  not  reciprocate  his  advances,  but  rather  drew  nearer  to 

Id.,  279,  t  ^^-t  282,  283.  I  Id.,  287.     Klaproth's  Caucasus,  173, 

%  Karamzin,  viii.  289, 


their  old  rivals  the  Lithuanians,  and  urged  upon  them  the  adoption  of  a 
common  policy  against  their  pestilent  neighbour.  This  proposal,  how- 
ever, came  to  nothing.  As  usual,  mutual  jealousies  soon  overclouded  the 
horizon.  This  arose  chiefly  on  account  of  Livonia.  The  Knights  of 
Livonia  ruled  the  eastern  seaboard  of  the  Baltic,  and  persistently  refused 
to  allow  artisans  or  artists  to  penetrate  into  Russia,  on  the  plea  that  that 
empire  was  getting  too  powerful,  and  that  it  would  end  in  the  various 
Anabaptists  and  other  sectaries  migrating  from  Germany,  where  they 
were  being  persecuted,  and  thus  adding  to  the  resources  and  strength  of 
the  rising  empire.  This  selfish  policy  was  naturally  resented  by  Ivan,  who 
determined  to  assert  his  rights,  and  now  demanded  the  payment  of  the 
annual  tribute  which  the  Livonians  had  undertaken  to  pay  by  the  treaty 
of  1503.  He  also  insisted  that  the  Greek  churches  at  Riga,  Revel,  and 
Dorpat,  destroyed  by  the  Lithuanians,  should  be  rebuilt,  and  cynically 
remarked  he  was  not  hke  the  emperor  and  the  pope  who  did  not  know 
how  to  defend  their  churches.*  The  Order  was  governed  by  five  bishops, 
a  grand  master,  the  marshal  of  the  order,  eight  commanders,  and  eight 
baihffs.  It  had  lost  its  ancient  prowess.  Wealth  and  luxury  had 
enervated  its  knights,  who  lived  in  their  fine  castles  and  devoted  them- 
selves to  ease,  and  each  one  to  his  own  interests  ;  the  bishops  were  at 
issue  with  one  another,  while  the  citizens  of  the  towns  had  largely 
embraced  the  reformed  religion.  It  was  in  fact  a  mere  hollow  pretence, 
and  crumbled  easily  with  but  slight  external  pressure.  Russia  was  mean- 
while growing  very  powerful.  She  could  command  an  army  of  three 
hundred  thousand  men,  and  now  had  a  permanent  force  called  strelitzes, 
who  were  armed  with  muskets.  This  was  a  great  advance  on  a  mere 
feudal  force,  which  had  to  be  specially  summoned  when  needed.  It  was 
impossible  under  these  conditions  that  Russia  should  submit  much  longer 
to  be  shut  out  from  the  sea,  and  it  was  inevitable  the  young  giant  should 
push  down  the  rotten  barrier  which  so  much  hampered  it.  A  powerful 
army  was  diligently  prepared  to  accomplish  the  work,  and  we  are 
told  that  besides  Russians  there  were  mustered  for  the  work  Tartars, 
Cheremisses,  Mordvins,  and  Circassians  from  Piatigorsk.t  The  open 
country  was  speedily  overrun  and  terribly  devastated.  The  crueKy  of  the 
invaders  towards  the  inoffensive  peasants  was  sickening.  This  was 
followed  by  the  capture  of  Narva,  which  had  been  previously  almost 
destroyed  by  a  bombardment  from  the  neighbouring  Russian  fortress  of 
Ivanogorod.  Two  hundred  and  thirty  pieces  of  cannon  fell  into  the 
hands  of  the  victors,  but,  what  was  far  more  important,  the  victory 
secured  for  the  Russians,  for  the  first  time  in  their  history,  an  accessible 
port  and  outlet  into  the  outer  world.  This  capture  was  followed  by  those 
of  Neithlos,  of  Adeye,  and  Neuhaus,  and  thus  the  Russian  frontiers  were 
permanently  advanced  as  far  as  the  Narowa.    Amidst  these  disasters 

Karamzin,  viii.  295.  t  Id.,  307. 


Furstenberg,  the  aged  Grand  Master  of  the  Order,  resigned,  and  was 
replaced  by  the  young  Ketler,  who  made  and  persuaded  others  to  make 
great  but  unavailing  sacrifices  to  save  his  country,  and  appealed  in  vain 
to  the  powers  of  Europe.  Charles  V.  had  retired  from  the  world.  His 
successor  on  the  Imperial  throne,  Ferdinand,  was  at  issue  with  the  Pope 
and  in  fear  of  the  Turks,  while  other  European  sovereigns  postponed 
their  interference  until  they  could  speak  words  of  tempering  mercy  to  the 
tzar ;  but  mercy  was  not  his  aim,  and  his  legions  obeyed  him  well. 
Dorpat,  the  famous  capital  of  Livonia,  defended  itself  bravely  under  its 
bishop,  who  was  more  a  soldier  than  a  pastor.  Although  he  only  had 
two  thousand  German  soldiers  with  him  besides  the  citizens,  he  prolonged 
the  defence  for  six  days,  and  only  agreed  to  surrender  the  town  when 
hard  pressed  by  the  voices  of  the  citizens.  The  conditions  offered  by 
the  Russians  were  generous.  The  most  important  were,  that  the  inhabi- 
tants should  not  be  transported  without  their  consent  to  other  parts  of 
Russia,  that  they  should  have  their  own  magistrates  and  laws,  should 
have  full  right  of  trading,  and  that  the  confession  of  Augsburg  should 
continue  to  be  their  rule  of  faith.*  Veissenberg,  Pirkel,  Lais,  Oberpahlen, 
Ringen  or  Tushin,  and  Atzel  now  submitted,t  while  other  towns  which 
resisted  had  their  environs  wasted,  and  were  eventually  captured.  As 
the  Grand  Master  and  many  of  the  knights  still  offered  a  stubborn 
resistance,  and  several  of  the  principal  fortresses  held  out,  the  country 
was  again  systematically  ravaged ;  the  torch  and  the  sword  were 
unsparingly  used,  and  the  people  and  their  property  transplanted.  The 
kings  of  Poland,  Sweden,  and  Denmark  appealed  to  the  tzar  to  spare  the 
land.  His  reply  to  all  three  was  haughty  and  unmistakable.  Livonia 
was  formerly  a  province  tributary  to  Russia,  it  had  during  Russia's 
weakness  shaken  itself  loose,  but  now  it  was  again  at  her  feet,  and  it  was 
no  concern  of  theirs.  A  short  respite  was  meanwhile  granted  to  the 
Order  by  a  treaty  made  in  November,  1559.  This  was  owing  to  a 
diversion  made  by  the  Tartars,  before  whom  Ivan  did  not  wish  to  divide 
his  forces.^  Devlet  Girai  having  heard  that  Ivan's  hands  were  full  in  the 
north,  summoned  the  Nogais  to  his  help,  collected,  it  is  said,  a  force 
of  one  iiundred  thousand  horsemen,  and  in  December,  1558,  ordered 
his  son  Muhammed  Girai  to  march  upon  Riazan,  the  oghlan  Makhmet 
on  Tula,  and  the  Nogais  and  princes  of  Shirin  on  Koshira.  They  had 
not  advanced  far  when  they  heard  that  the  Russians  were  quite  ready  to 
meet  them,  and  seeing  the  preparations  they  had  made,  Muhammed 
Girai  hastily  retreated,  and  lost  many  men  and  horses  from  fatigue.  The 
Russians  pursued  him  as  far  as  Oskol,  finding  the  route  strewn  with  corpses. 
On  another  side  the  latter  attacked  the  Nogais,  who  had  abandoned 
their  own  Khan,  Islam  (?  Ismael),  to  join  Devlet  Girai,  and  captured 
fifteen  thousand  horses  near  Perekop.     In  order  to  press  his  advantages, 

*  Id.,  328.  t  Id.,  332.  I  Id.,  345. 


Ivan  sent  his  favourite  Daniel  Adashef,  at  the  head  of  a  considerable 
body  of  boyard-followers,  Cossacks,  and  strelitzes,  against  the  Krim. 
That  brave  commander,  having  built  a  number  of  flat  barges  in  the  then 
uninhabited  district  near  Kremenchuk,  descended  the  Dnieper  to  its 
mouth  with  eight  thousand  men  :  then  taking  possession  of  two  ships 
which  were  at  anchor  off  the  shore,  he  proceeded  to  land  in  the 
Taurida,  The  Tartars  were  panic-stricken  and  lost  their  heads,  and  we 
are  told  that  for  fifteen  days  Adashef  devastated  without  opposition  the 
western  parts  of  the  Krim,  burnt  the  Tartar  huts,  captured  their  cattle, 
and  made  many  prisoners,  whom  he  intended  to  exchange  for  the 
Russians  and  Livonians  kept  in  captivity  by  the  Tartars. 

He  returned  in  triumph,  and  having  found  some  Turks  among  the 
prisoners,  he  sent  them  to  the  pashas  of  Ochakof,  saying  he  had  no  cause 
of  quarrel  with  the  Sultan.  They  made  him  presents  and  praised  his 
bravery.  Devlet  Girai  having  recovered  his  balance,  went  in  pursuit  and 
followed  him  up  the  Dnieper,  but  failed  to  overtake  him,*  Adashef  was 
received  with  great  rejoicings,  and  was  rewarded  with  some  medals  by 
the  tzar. 

Meanwhile  the  war  broke  out  again  with  fresh  fury  in  Livonia,  and 
Ivan  contented  himself  with  urging  the  Nogais  and  Don  Cossacks  to 
continue  harassing  the  Tartars.  In  1559  the  Prince  of  Tumen  sent  to 
ask  that  he  might  be  numbered  among  the  vassals  of  the  empire.!' 
The  Circassians  also  asked  that  Ivan  would  send  them  officers  to 
direct  their  operations  against  the  Tartars,  and  clergy  to  convert  them 
to  Christianity.  This  was  complied  with,  and  the  tzar  sent  them  the 
brave  Vishnevetzki,  accompanied  by  a  number  of  priests.} 

After  the  truce  which  had  been  signed  with  Livonia  the  Grand  Master 
Ketler,  who  no  doubt  felt  it  was'  a  very  hollow  affair,  went  with  some  of 
his  chief  dignitaries  to  Poland,  where  he  persuaded  Augustus,  its  king, 
and  his  diet  that  the  growing  power  of  Russia  was  a  menace  to  Poland. 
A  treaty  of  alliance  was  drawn  up  by  which  the  Grand  Master  and  the 
archbishop  of  Riga  surrendered  to  the  king  the  fortresses  of  Marien- 
hausen,  Lauban,  Acherat,  DUneburg,  Rosichen,  and  Lutzen  as  a  gauge 
of  their  fidelity,  and  undertook .  to  pay  him  seven  hundred  thousand 
florins  when  the  war  was  over.  He  meanwhile  undertook  to  defend 
Livonia,  which  he  now  added  to  his  other  dominions.  We  are  told  the 
Duke  of  Mecklenburgh  sent  him  some  fresh  troops  raised  in  Germany. 
The  Imperial  diet  granted  Ketler  one  hundred  thousand  ducats,  the  Duke 
of  Prussia  and  the  magistrates  of  Revel  also  sent  him  considerable  sums. 
One  merchant  of  Riga  advanced  thirty  thousand  marks  on  a  simple 
promissory  note.  Feding  himself  strong,  Ketler  broke  the  pact  a  month 
before  the  truce  terminated,  and  invaded  the  neighbourhood  of  Dorpat, 
to  which  he  laid  siege.    This  he  was  obliged  to  raise  on  account  of  the 

*/</.,  349-  t  Klaproth's  Caucasus,  174.  J  Karamzin.  viii.  351. 


tempestuous  weather  and  discontent  of  the  troops.  Turning  aside  he 
then  attacked  Lais,  which,  although  only  garrisoned  with  four  hundred 
men,  gallantly  foiled  all  efforts  to  capture  it,  and  the  too  rash  Ketler  was 
forced  to  withdraw.  Augustus  now  wrote  a  letter  asking  the  Tzar  to 
withdraw  from  Livonia,  which  had  become  the  vassal  of  Lithuania,  while 
the  Emperor  Maximilian,  the  protector  of  "the  Livonian  Order,"  also 
wrote  asking  him  to  cease  his  attacks.  The  Russians  meanwhile 
crowded  over  the  frontiers,  and  ravaged  the  land  as  far  as  the  gulf  of 
Riga,  captured  Marienburgh,  one  of  the  most  beautiful  of  the  Livonian 
towns,  and  situated  on  an  island  on  a  lake.  Large  numbers  of  the 
Livonians  were  found  in  the  forests,  and  were  carried  off  to  be  sold 
as  slaves,  a  grim  proof  of  Muscovite  policy  at  this  period,  while  the  skilful 
Russian  general  Kurbski  marched  from  one  victory  to  another.  One 
of  his  battles  was  curious,  as  having  commenced  at  midnight.  The 
issue  was  ever  the  same,  and  rested  with  the  strongest  battalions.* 

Meanwhile  and  in  the  autumn  of  the  year  1560  Ivan  lost  his  wife 
Anastasia,  the  good  angel  who  had  tempered  his  rough  character  so  well. 
"  With  the  loss  of  his  wife,"  says  Karamzin,  "  Ivan  lost  the  instinct  of 
virtue."  The  rest  of  his  reign  was  a  dismal  carnival  of  death,  and  well 
earned  him  the  title  of  "  Terrible,"  and  marks  him  as  one  of  the  greatest 
tyrants  who  have  crushed  the  human  race.  His  two  chief  councillors 
hitherto  had  been  Adashef  and  Sylvester.  To  them  were  due  the  vast 
reforms  in  the  empire.  He  now  began  to  feel  their  good  advice  and 
counsel  irksome,  and  longed  to  be  free  from  control.  This  feehng 
was  fanned  by  those  about  the  court  who  had  occasion  to  fear  or  respect 
these  two  men,  who  had  discountenanced  the  late  war  with  Livonia,  and 
had  urged  Ivan  to  fight  against  the  infidels  and  not  the  Christians.  The 
informers  accused  them  of  having  caused  the  death  of  the  tzarina  by 
their  sorceries,  and  of  having  the  secret  power  of  the  basiUsk.  Such 
tales  were  easily  believed  in  the  sixteenth  century.  They  were  tried  in 
their  absence  and  found  guilty.  Sylvester  was  exiled  to  the  monastery 
of  Solovetski  on  the  White  Sea,  while  Adashef  was  remitted  to  prison  at 
Dorpat,  where  he  shortly  after  died.t  The  Tzar  gave  princely  alms  to  the 
clergy  ol(  the  death  of  his  wife,  and  within  ten  days  we  find  some 
of  them,  headed  by  the  metropolitan,  urging  him  to  marry  again. 

The  old  ways  were  now  changed.  It  was  Charles  II.'s  reign,  after 
Cromwell's.  Sobriety  was  jeered  at,  and  decency  and  temperance  were 
ridiculed.  Those  who  retained  their  dignity  and  looked  askance  at  the 
change  had  wine  poured  over  their  heads.  A  new  class  of  courtiers  was 
naturally  forthcoming,  who  were  not  all  laics,  and  who  were  ready,  as  is 
the  wont  of  such,  with  easy  answers  to  satisfy  the  conscientious  scruples 
of  the  monarch  when  they  arose.  Women  and  wine  became  the  chief 
deities  of  the  court,  and,  as  is  usual  in  such  cases,  the  libertine  looked 

*  Ai-,  363,  364-  t  Id.,  ix.  1-16. 

2  P 


upon  those  whose  manners  were  austere  and  correct,  and  who  were 
therefore  silent  monitors  of  himself,  as  enemies.  The  relatives  and 
friends  of  Adashef  were  slaughtered  or  exiled.  Informers  were  ever  ready, 
as  in  the  reign  of  terror  in  France,  to  report  incautious  words  or  looks 
on  the  part  of  the  grandees,  and  the  penalty  was  death,  however  great 
and  noble  the  victim.  Sheremetief,  the  hero  of  the  Taurida,  barely 
escaped.  Being  imprisoned  in  a  loathsome  place,  the  tzar  visited  him, 
and  said,  "  Where  are  your  treasures,  you  pass  for  a  rich  man  ?"  "  My 
treasures,  sire,"  said  the  boyard,  "  I  have  sent  to  Jesus  Christ,  my  Saviour, 
by  the  hands  of  the  poor."*  He  was  obliged  to  retire  to  a  monastery, 
while  his  brother  was  killed.  The  horrors  increased  daily,  and  the  future 
seemed  gloomier  than  the  past;  the  Tzar  became  daily  more  suspicious 
and  more  cruel,  while  to  add  to  the  revolting  scene,  he  was  not  only  a 
devotee  of  religion  like  Louis  XL,  but  he  excused  his  doings  with  that 
perverse  sophistry  which  is  so  often  the  accompaniment  of  crime,  and  of 
which  the  French  revolution  furnishes  so  many  examples. 

Meanwhile  the  war  was  continued  in  Livonia.  A  fresh  army  of  ten 
thousand  men  was  sent  there  in  1560,  with  the  same  result.  What  could 
a  few  hundred  knights  do  against  the  legions  of  Russia  ?  The  land- 
marshal  Bell,  was  captured.  His  brave  and  chivalric  words  attracted 
j.he  admiration  of  his  captors,  but  being  sent  on  to  Moscow,  he  suffered 
the  fate  of  those  who  were  frank  there,  and  on  telling  the  tzar  that 
Livonia  detested  slavery  and  fought  for  honour  and  liberty,  and  that  the 
Russians  fought  like  barbarians  steeped  in  blood,  he  was  beheaded.t 
The  strong  fortress  of  Fellin  surrendered  somewhat  pusillanimously, 
and  the  late  Grand  Master  of  the  knights,  the  aged  Furstemberg,  fell 
into  the  hands  of  the  Russians,  by  whom  he  was  well  treated.  With 
Fellin  a  number  of  other  fortresses  came  into  the  conqueror's  hands. 

The  end  of  "  the  Order  "  was  at  hand.  The  Swedish  king  Eric  took 
possession  of  Esthonia.  The  Grand  Master  Ketler,  the  archbishop  of 
Riga,  and  the  deputies  of  Livonia  repaired  to  Vilna,  where,  in  the 
presence  of  the  King  of  Poland  and  Lithuania,  it  was  dissolved. 
Sigismund  Augustus  was  recognised  as  King  of  Livonia,  and  undertook 
again  to  defend  it  against  Russia,  while  Ketler  was  appointed  hereditary 
Duke  of  Courland.  He  publicly  divested  himself  of  his  cross  and  mantle, 
and  gave  up  the  official  seal  of  the  Order  to  Prince  Radzivil,  who  was 
nominated  governor  of  Livonia.  Thus  passed  away  one  of  the  most 
romantic  communities  in  Europe,  whose  special  story  might  surely  tempt 
a  fitting  historian.  Founded  by  crusading  knights  among  the  heathen 
Esthonians  and  Liefs,  the  conquerors  were  but  a  small  garrison,  and 
their  prowess  and  valour,  great  as  it  was,  was  overmatched  by  the 
tremendous  power  of  Russia.  Their  descendants  still  hold  the  lands, 
the  names  and  the  language  of  their  crusading  ancestors,  and  still  form 

*  iii.,2z.  t/</,  25-30. 


the  chief  leaven  in  the  governing  caste  of  the  country.  They  have 
furnished  the  brains  and  the  vigour  which  have  made  the  later 
Russia  what  it  is,  while  Dorpat,  their  capital,  is  a  household  word 
wherever  culture  is  known.  This  was  a  fitting  revenge ;  and  although 
we  may  cling  fondly  to  the  romantic  memories  which  surround  the  quaint 
old  castles  of  the  knights,  we  must  not  forget  that  the  state  of  things  in 
Livonia  had  become  an  anomaly.  The  grand  old  tree  was,  to  use  a 
simile  of  Karamzin,  rotten  and  dried  up  in  its  branches,  and  when  the 
gale  came  it  inevitably  collapsed  into  ruin,  Narva,  Dorpat,  AUentaken, 
and  several  districts  in  the  provinces  of  Erven  and  Virlandia  were  in  the 
hands  of  Russia  ;  Sweden  secured  Harria,  Revel,  and  half  of  Virlandia  ; 
Magnus,  the  brother  of  the  King  of  Denmark,  had  the  island  of  Oesel ; 
Ketler  had  Courland  and  Semigallia,  while  the  Poles  took  Southern 
Livonia.*  Ivan  now  made  overtures  for  a  union  in  marriage  with  one  of 
the  sisters  of  Sigismund.  These,  however,  fell  through,  as  the  Polish 
king  insisted  upon  reconquering  the  part  of  Livonia  held  by  the 

Ivan  then  married  the  daughter  of  the  Circassian  prince  of  Temruk, 
who  had  been  baptised  with  the  name  of  Maria.  This  was  on  the  21st 
of  August,  1 56 1.  The  next  year  the  Krim  Khan  made  a  demonstration 
against  Southern  Russia,  but  speedily  retired  again,t  and  Ivan  determined 
to  press  the  war  against  Lithuania.  His  army  numbered  two  hundred 
and  eighty  thousand  men,  with  eighty  thousand  nine  hundred  camp- 
followers,  and  two  hundred  pieces  of  artillery.  He  speedily  captured 
Polotsk,  the  capital  of  White  Russia,  and  famous  for  its  wealth  and 
prosperity,  transported  many  of  its  chief  inhabitants,  destroyed  the  Latin 
churches,  and  caused  the  Jews  to  be  baptised.  He  took  the  title  of 
Grand  Prince  of  Polotsk,  and  incorporated  the  heritage  of  the  famous 
Gorislava  with  the  Muscovite  dominions.^  Having  put  the  town  in  a 
state  of  defence  and  granted  a  six  months'  truce  to  the  Lithuanians,  Ivan 
again  retired  to  Moscow.  He  wrote  to  inform  Devlet  Girai  of  his  victory. 
His  letter  was  couched  in  somewhat  arrogant  terms  ;  reminded  the 
Khan  of  t^e  constant  failure  of  the  Tartar  attacks  on  Russia  ;  told  him 
of  the  Christian  churches  he  had  built  at  Kazan  and  Astrakhan,  and 
praised  the  faithfulness  of  the  Nogais  and  Circassians.  He  also 
released  some  of  the  Tartar  prisoners  who  had  been  for  some  years  in 
prison,  but  in  the  letter  he  no  longer  addressed  the  Khan  as  his  brother, 
nor  spoke  of  supplicating  him  as  formerly,  but  used  the  word  salutation. 
Nevertheless  the  presents  of  the  Tzar  and  the.  skill  of  the  envoy  so 
won  over  the  Khan  that  a  peace  of  two  years  was  agreed  upon  between 
them,  and  he  also  disclosed  a  secret  of  some  moment.  This  was  the 
project  Sultan  Suliman  had  formed  to  counteract  the  recent  Russian 
successes.    He  proposed  to  join  the  Don  and  the  Volga  by  a  canal,  to 

•  Karamzin,  35.  f  Id.,  43-  1 1  A.,  46. 


build  a  fortress  on  the  Perevoloka,  where  the  two  rivers  approach  nearest 
to  one  another,  a  second  one  on  the  Volga,  near  the  modern  Tzaritzin, 
and  another  near  the  Caspian,  and  to  retake  Kazan  and  Astrakhan. 
Fortunately  for  Russia,  the  Khan  was  as  jealous  of  the  Sultan  as  he  was 
of  the  Tzar,  and  while  he  urged  the  impossibility  of  the  scheme  to  the 
former  he  informed  the  latter  about  it  * 

In  the  year  1563  died  the  metropolitan  Macarius,  an  inoffensive  person. 
Under  his  auspices  printing  was  first  introduced  into  Russia.  The  first 
work  which  came  from  the  Russian  press  was  "  The  Acts  and  Epistles  of 
the  Apostles."  It  aroused  the  opposition  of  an  army  of  scribes  and 
copyists,  and  also  the  superstitious  opposition  of  the  people.  The 
printers  had  to  escape,  and  fled  to  Constantine  of  Volhynia,  under  whose 
patronage  the  Bible  was  printed  at  Ostrog  in  1581.  Macarius  was 
succeeded  by  Athanasius.t 

We  now  find  Ivan  again  at  issue  with  the  Poles.  One  of  the 
grievances  was  that  the  Polish  king  refused  him  the  title  of  Tzar.  In  one 
of  his  letters  he  asserts  that  everybody  knew  his  dynasty  was  descended 
from  Caesar  Augustus.^  The  first  encounter  was  unfortunate  for  the 
Russians,  who  were  surprised,  and  Prince  Shuiski  was  ki]led.§ 

The  terrible  cruelties  and  fickleness  of  Ivan  were  producing  another 
result.  Several  of  the  most  distinguished  Russians  abandoned  him  and 
went  into  exile.  Among  these  were  the  Cossack  leader  Dimitri  Vishne- 
vetski,  and  the  two  brothers  Cherkaski,!!  but  a  more  important  exile  was 
the  brave  Andrew  Kurbski,  to  whose  prowess  the  Russian  arms  had  owed 
so  much.  Ivan  suspected  him  of  having  designs  upon  the  principality  of 
Yaroslavl,  and  he  accordingly  fled  to  Lithuania.  Karamzin  has  given 
us  the  letters  which  passed  between  him  and  the  tzar,  which  were 
marked  by  bitter  sneers  and  scoffing  on  either  side,  and  on  that  of  Ivan 
by  arrogant  and  superciHous  language  mingled  with  abundant  phrases 
from  holy  writ,  well  befitting  the  Caligula  of  Russian  history,  who 
deemed  his  right  to  trample  on  men  to  be  divine,  who  recalled  the  evils 
that  had  befallen  the  emperors  of  Byzantium  when  they  forsook  the 
dictates  of  their  conscience  for  those  of  their  counsellors.  Its  sharp  and 
bitter  phrases  were  probably  not  all  his  own.  They  only  embittered 
Kurbski,  who  now  openly  joined  Sigismund,  and  was  granted  the 
valuable  fief  of  Kovel.  He  also  headed  an  army  of  seventy  thousand 
Poles,  Lithuanians,  Prussians,  Germans,  Hungarians,  and  Wallachians, 
who  marched  upon  Polotsk  ;  while  Devlet  Girai,  with  sixty  thousand  of 
his  Tartars,  attacked  Riazan.*[  The  tzar  had  disbanded  the  army  of  the 
Ukraine,  but  the  brave  citizens  of  Riazan  repelled  the  invaders  without 
his  assistance.  Three  thousand  of  them  were  killed  in  a  struggle  outside 
its  walls,  and  Mamai,  one  of  the  principal  Tartars,  with  five  hundred 

»/ar.,5i.  1  Id.,  60.  I/d.,64.  Ud.,66.  Ud.,eg. 

n  U.,  82. 


DF.VLET  GIRAI    KHAN.        ^    ^  S^I' 

followers,  who  had  stayed  behind  to  plunder  Pronsk,'wa*^^^P^^^^^*  The 
Russian  arms  were  not  less  successful  against  the  Lithuani^;?^  ^^^  ^^^^^^ 
new  friend  Kurbski,  who  compared  his  conduct  in  invading  "KyUssia  to 
that  of  David,  who,  when  persecuted  by  Saul,  attacked  Israel.  His'i'iSids 
caused  useless  misery  to  the  frontier  districts,  while  they  inflamed  the' 
dark  broodings  of  Ivan,  who  began  to  suspect  those  about  him  still  more, 
and  longed  for  proofs  of  their  guilt,  which  seemed  never  to  come.  He 
seemed,  in  the  words  of  Kelly,  to  have  constantly  before  his  mental  vision 
a  vast  and  perpetual  conspiracy  of  the  nobles  against  his  power.  He 
now  followed  more  closely  in  the  steps  of  Louis  XI.  of  France,  and 
retired  to  Alexandrofski,  a  fortress  encompassed  by  a  gloomy  forest,  the 
fit  haunt  of  tyranny.  He  thence  denounced  by  letter  to  the  clergy  and 
people  the  crimes  of  which  the  grandees  had  been  guilty  during  his 
minority,  and  the  new  projects  which  his  frenzy  attributed  to  them 
against  his  own  life  and  that  of  his  son,  and  ended  by  declaring  that  his 
wounded  heart  resigned  the  government  of  a  State  which  was  so  thronged 
with  traitors.  On  hearing  this  read,  the  people,  who  had  been  won 
by  the  flatteries  of  the  crafty  despot  were  astonished  and  aghast, 
and  thought  themselves  lost.  Who  thenceforth  would  defend  them? 
The  priests  and  nobles,  either  in  consequence  of  the  fear  with  which  the 
people  inspired  them,  or  of  the  universal  spirit  of  servihty,  exclaimed 
"  That  their  Tzar  had  over  them  an  indescribable  right  of  life  and  death, 
that  he  might  therefore  punish  them  at  his  pleasure  ;  but  that  the  State 
could  not  exist  without  a  master ;  that  Ivan  was  their  legitimate 
sovereign  whom  God  had  given  them,  the  head  of  the  church  ;  without 
him,  who  could  preserve  the  purity  of  religion,  who  could  save  millions 
of  souls  from  eternal  perdition  ?"*  He  agreed  to  come  back  on  condition 
that  he  might  exercise  his  vengeance  against  whom  he  pleased  without 
being  called  to  account,  and  the  clergy  thereupon  timidly  surrendered  their 
greatest  privilege,  that  of  suing  for  mercy  for  the  innocent.  His  appear- 
ance was  much  changed  by  the  demon  that  possessed  him.  "  His  large 
robust  body,  his  ample  chest  and  broad  shoulders  had  shrunk ;  his  head, 
which  had  been  shaded  with  thick  locks,  was  become  bald  ;  the  thin  and 
scatterid  remains  of  a  beard,  which  was  lately  the  ornament  of  his  face, 
now  disfigured  it.  His  eyes  were  dull,  and  his  features,  marked  with  a 
ravenous  ferocity,  were  deformed."t 

He  deserted  the  old  Kremlin,  the  palace  of  his  fathers,  and  built  him- 
self a  new  fortress  at  Moscow.  He  formed  a  new  body  guard  for  him- 
self, consisting  of  one  thousand  chosen  companions,  called  oprichniks, 
for  whom  he  found  quarters  in  the  streets  adjoining  his  palace,  whence 
he  drove  the  inhabitants.  To  these  satellites  he  soon  after  gave  twelve 
thousand  of  the  estates  nearest  the  capital,  of  which  in  the  depth  of 
winter  he  deprived  their  rightful  possessors. +     He  now  proceeded  with 

*  Kelly,  op.  cit.i.,  140,  141.  t /</..  141.  lid. 


another  series^f^f  proscriptions,  the  brave  Prince  Shuiski  leading  the 
processioii^^fif  victims.  Meanwhile  his  new  praetorians,  spies,  informers, 
and  a^^^jassins  carrying  at  their  saddle-bows  a  dog's  head  and  a  broom, 
t^.e  former  to  show  they  were  prepared  to  worry  the  Tzar's  enemies,  and 
the  latter  that  they  would  sweep  them  from  the  earth,  committed  hideous 
atrocities.  One  of  their  tricks  was  certainly  ingenious.  They  would 
send  one  of  their  servants  to  hide  a  rich  article  in  the  house  of  some 
merchant  or  grandee,  and  on  its  being  found  there  would  charge  him 
with  intention  to  steal  it,  and  levy  black  mail  accordingly.* 

Like  Louis  XL,  Ivan  was  in  mortal  dread  of  being  murdered,  and 
surrounded  his  retreat  at  Alexandrofski  with  all  kinds  of  precautions. 
Like  him,  he  also  devoted  much  time  to  religious  exercises.  He  adopted 
a  monastic  life,  and  styled  himself  abbot,  while  three  hundred  of  his 
companions  became  his  monks,  and  wore  black  gowns  over  their 
garments  of  golden  tissue  bordered  with  sable.  Their  life  was  strictly 
ruled.  They  rose  at  three  and  went  to  service,  which  lasted  till  six  or 
seven,  the  Tzar  weeping,  praying,  and  reading  with  extraordinary  fervour. 
At  eight  mass  was  said.  At  ten  they  had  breakfast  together.  While  the 
Tzar  read,  wine  and  hydromel  overflowed  at  the  table,  and  each  day 
was  a  festival.  Afterwards  he  talked  with  his  favourites,  or  went  to  the 
cells  to  superintend  and  watch  the  torture  applied  to  his  prisoners,  from 
which  diabolical  sight  he  generally  returned  with  a  brighter  face  and 
more  vigorous  step.  At  eight  vespers  were  said  ;  at  ten  he  went  to 
bed,  while  three  blind  men  soothed  him  to  sleep  by  telling  him  stories. 
At  midnight  he  rose  to  pray.  Often  important  affairs  of  State  were 
settled  in  church,  and  most  sanguinary  orders  were  given  at  mass.  This 
strange  life  was  varied  by  occasional  bear  hunts  and  journeys,  in  which 
the  Tzar  inspected  the  fortresses  and  the  monasteries.t  He  patronised 
the  Germans  who  settled  in  Russia,  and  allowed  them  to  have  a  Lutheran 
church  at  Moscow  :  but  he  continued  his  insane  jealousy  of  the  old 
boyards,  doubtless  incited  largely  by  the  dastards  who  formed  the 
oprichnina.  In  order  to  implicate  them,  false  letters  were  written  as  if 
signed  by  Sigismund  of  Poland,  enticing  them  to  rebellion,  and  when 
this  did  not  avail,  they  were  charged  with  wishing  to  put  an  old  man, 
almost  in  his  dotage,  named  Feodorof,  who  was  master  of  the  horse,  on 
the  throne.  He  was  dressed  in  Royal  robes,  a  crown  put  on  his  head,  and 
a  sceptre  in  his  hand,  Ivan  then  feigned  to  salute  him,  and  ran  a 
poniard  into  his  heart.  His  body  was  thrown  to  the  dogs.  His  death 
was  followed  by  that  of  other  suspected  persons,  among  others  Dimitri 
Riapolofski,  who  had  fought  so  bravely  against  the  Krim  Tartars,  and 
whose  head  when  taken  to  the  Tzar  was  brutally  kicked  by  him.f  Others 
perished  by  torture  and  otherwise.  The  metropolitan  Philip,  a  brave 
and  godly  man,  who  had  dared  to  reprove  the  monster,  was  deposed  and 

*  Karamzin,  ix.  104, 105.  t  Id.,  I07-109.  J  Id.,  124. 


imprisoned.  Hitherto,  says  Karamsin,  Ivan  had  been  content  to 
destroy  individuals,  he  now  proceeded  to  exterminate  whole  towns.  The 
people  of  Torjek  having  opposed  the  oprichniks,  a  riot  ensued,  and  they 
were  punished  with  torture  and  thrown  into  the  river.  Similar  scenes 
took  place  at  Kolomna.* 

The  horrors  of  the  time  were  enhanced  by  new  inroads  of  the  plague, 
which  came  this  time  from  Sweden  and  Esthonia;  by  a  failure  of  the 
crops  and  an  invasion  of  rats,  which  ate  up  what  there  was  in  the 
granaries. t  But  meanwhile  the  external  politics  of  Russia  were  as  bright 
as  her  internal  condition  was  gloomy.  We  are  told  that  Prince  Spat,  Yam- 
gurchi  Azi,  and  the  oghlan  Akhmet,  refugees  from  Kazan,  persuaded  the 
Krim  Khan  that  Ivan's  intentions  towards  him  were  treacherous,  and  as  he 
also  received  a  timely  present  of  30,000  ducats  from  Sigismund,  he  wrote 
the  Tzar  a  letter  bidding  him  give  up  his  conquests  at  Kazan  and  Astra- 
khan to  him.  In  September,  1565,  the  Khan  crossed  the  Donetz,  carrying 
his  artillery  on  carts,  and  besieged  Bolkhof,but,  as  on  previous  occasions, 
he  deemed  it  prudent  to  withdraw  on  the  approach  of  the  Russian  army. 
Ivan  was  well  represented  in  the  Taurida  by  his  envoy  Nagai,  who 
informed  him  of  the  intrigues  of  the  Kazan  Tartars,  the  Cheremisses, 
and  Mordvins  with  the  Krim  Khan,  and  who  bravely  refused  to  leave  his 
post  where  his  office  as  spy  was  naturally  not  grateful  to  the  Tartars. 
Devlet  Girai  was  tolerably  impartial,  for  in  1 567  we  find  him  making  a  raid 
on  Poland,  his  excuse  being  that  the  tribute  had  not  been  duly  paid.+ 
After  a  chronic  strife,  which  had  lasted  for  some  years,  Ivan  made  peace 
in  1569  with  Sigismund  of  Poland.§ 

About  this  time  we  find  the  Turkish  Sultan  Selim,  at  the  instigation  of 
the  Nogai,  Khivan,  and  Bukharian  Princes,  and  the  Polish  envoys  at 
Constantinople,  determining  to  carry  out  the  plan  of  his  predecessor 
SuHman,  for  the  recovery  of  Astrakhan.  Devlet  Girai  in  vain  urged  that 
the  plan  was  impracticable  in  winter  because  of  the  cold,  and  in  summer 
because  of  the  drought,  and  that  it  would  be  much  easier  to  attack  the 
Ukraine.  The  Sultan  would  not  heed  this  advice,  and  sent  fifteen 
thousand  spahis  and  two  thousand  janissaries  to  Kaffa  in  the  spring  of 
1569,  and  ordered  Kasim,  the  pasha  of  that  town,  to  go  to  Pere- 
volok  and  to  dig  a  canal  between  the  Don  and  the  Volga.  The  pasha 
set  out  on  the  31st  of  May,  and  was  soon  joined  by  the  Khan  with  fifty 
thousand  men  on  the  plain  of  Kachalinsk,  where  they  awaited  the  boats 
that  came  up  the  Don  from  Azof.  These  boats,  which  had  the  heavy 
cannon  on  board,  and  also  a  large  quantity  of  gold,  only  carried  five 
hundred  soldiers,  besides  two  thousand  five  hundred  rowers,  who 
were  chiefly  Christian  galley-slaves.  In  the  shallows  the  guns  had  to  be 
disembarked  and  dragged  along  with  immense  labour.  The  Cossacks  of 
the  Don  meanwhile  left  their  haunts  and  retired.      The  pasha  soon 

♦  Id.,  133.  t  Id.,  T35.  I  Id.,  138,  s  Id.,  149,  150. 


discovered  the  impracticability  of  making  the  proposed  canal,  and, 
having  sent  his  heavy  artillery  back  to  Azof,  marched  with  twelve  guns 
towards  Astrakhan.  The  Tzar  had  meanwhile  sent  an  army  to  protect 
the  latter  town,  and  had  also  sent  presents  to  gain  over  the  pasha  of 
Kaffa  ;  these  were  accepted,  and  the  envoys,  after  a  princely  welcome, 
were  remitted  to  prison. 

On  the  26th  of  September  the  Turks  and  Tartars  encamped  near 
Astrakhan,  and  were  there  met  by  the  Nogais  and  such  of  the  Astrakhan 
people  as  sided  with  them,  and  proceeded  to  plant  a  wooden  fortress 
there,  but  the  Khan's  men  were  discontented,  and  on  the  approach  of  a 
Russian  force  he  burnt  the  buildings  he  had  erected  and  retreated  hastily. 
Devlet  Girai,  who  had  a  motive  in  doing  so,  conducted  his  allies  by  a 
terrible  road,  where  neither  food  nor  water  could  be  had,  and  where 
many  of  them  perished,  and  others  were  captured  by  the  Circassians. 
After  a  month's  march,  Kasim  returned  with  but  a  handful  of  men  to 
Azof,  where  the  powder  magazine  soon  after  blew  up,  and  the  town  was 
burnt  down,  together  with  the  ships  in  the  harbour.  The  Krim  Khan,  in 
a  letter  to  the  Russian  envoy,  took  credit  for  having  misled  the  Turks 
and  caused  the  ruin  of  the  enterprise.*  Elsewhere  we  read  how 
the  Russians  in  1 568  founded  a  fortress  on  the  Terek,  to  consoUdate 
their  dominions  among  the  Circassians,  and  to  support  Temruk,  Ivan's 
father-in-law,  who  was  apparently  pressed  by  his  neighbours.!  We  also 
find  the  Shah  of  Persia  and  the  chiefs  of  Shamakhi,  Bokhara,  and 
Samarcand  sending  embassies  to  Moscow  to  secure  Ivan's  alliance  and 
the  privilege  of  trading  with  Kazan  and  Astrakhan.  The  Hanseatic 
merchants  frequented  the  port  of  Narva,  while  the  English  Company  was 
especially  active  in  pushing  its  trade.  Its  representative  at  this  time 
was  Anthony  Jenkinson. 

The  English  were  granted  permission  to  trade  with  Persia,  and  to 
found  a  colony  on  the  Vuichegda.  They  were  allowed  to  manufacture 
iron  on  paying  a  denga  for  every  pound  exported  to  England,  &c.  A 
more  curious  event,  however,  was  a  secret  mission  which  Ivan  sent  to 
Elizabeth,  asking  her  if  in  case  of  need  he  might  find  refuge  in  England. 
The  answer  sent  by  the  Queen  is  still  extant  in  the  Russian  -jtrchives. 
It  was  written  in  the  presence  of  the  Chancellor  Bacon,  of  Lords  Parr 
Northampton,  Russell,  Arundel,  &c.,  and  promised  the  Tzar  a  refuge  in 
England,  with  the  right  of  travelling  where  he  wanted,  of  practising  the 
Greek  faith.  Sect  In  1569  Ivan  lost  his  second  wife  Maria.  Again  it 
was  hinted  that  the  tzarina  had  been  poisoned,  and  a  most  sickening 
and  brutal  series  of  murders  followed.  Ivan  suspected  his  cousin 
Vladimir  of  conspiracy  against  him.  A  perjured  servant  swore  he 
intended  poisoning  the  Tzar,  and  the  cup  of  poison,  which  had  been  duly 

*  Karamzin,  ix.  155-164.  t  Klaproth's  Caucasus,  174.     Karamzin,  ix.  165. 

I  Karamzin,  ix.  167-171. 


prepared  as  evidence,  was  drunk  by  the  wretched  prince,  by  his  wife 
Eudoxia  and  his  children.  The  female  attendants  of  the  princess,  we 
are  told,  bearded  the  inhuman  tyrant,  and  when  he  offered  them  pardon 
denounced  him  to  his  face,  and  bade  him  do  his  worst.  They  were 
undressed  and  shot.*  Vladimir's  mother,  then  a'nun,  having  dared  to 
weep  at  the  fate  of  her  son,  was  drowned  in  the  Sheksna.  The  famous 
old  city  of  Novgorod  now  passed  under  the  harrow,  on  a  forged  charge 
of  complicity  with  the  Poles,  which  had  been  made  by  a  miscreant  from 
Volhynia  named  Peter.  Ivan  went  thither  at  the  head  of  his  infernal 
legion  of  praetorians.  On  the  way  they  committed  the  most  diabolical 
outrages  at  Tuer,  Mednoie,  and  Torjek,  but  Great  Novgorod  was  the 
scene  of  their  most  terrible  orgies.  The  churches  were  overturned  and 
destroyed  and  their  contents  pillaged,  the  inhabitants  were  drowned  in 
families  as  in  the  noyades  of  Lyons  ;  they  were  coated  with  combustible 
materials,  burnt  to  death  and  tortured,  the  presiding  genius  being  the 
Nero  of  the  North  himself.t  Kelly  has  summed  up  some  of  the  events 
of  this  bloody  year.  "  Ivan,"  he  says,  "  butchered  with  his  own  hand  a 
throng  of  the  unfortunate  inhabitants,  whom  he  had  heaped  together  in 
a  vast  enclosure,  and  when  at  last  his  strength  failed  to  second  his  fury, 
he  gave  up  the  remainder  to  his  select  guard,  to  his  slaves,  to  his  dogs, 
and  to  the  opened  ice  of  the  Volkhof,  in  which  for  more  than  a  month 
these  hapless  beings  were  daily  engulphed  by  hundreds.  Then,  declaring 
that  his  justice' was  satisfied,  he  retired,  seriously  recommending  himself 
to  the  prayers  of  the  survivors,  who  took  special  care  not  to  neglect 
obedience  to  the  orders  of  their  terrestrial  deity."| 

It  is  said  that  sixty  thousand  men  perished  in  this  massacre  at 
Novgorod  and  the  neighbourhood.  The  dead  in  great  numbers  had  to 
be  thrown  into  a  huge  common  grave.  Novgorod  was  almost  desert,  and 
one  large  quarter  formerly  thronged  with  merchants  was  made  into  an 
open  square. §  Ivan  had  reserved  the  same  fate  for  Pskof,  but  his  moody 
and  wanton  caprice  was  turned  aside  by  seeing  the  people  crowding  to 
the  churches,  asking  for  mercy  from  heaven,  and  by  their  humble 
submission.  We  are  told  that  a  hermit  had  the  temerity  to  offer 
him  for  food  some  raw  flesh  in  Lent.  "  How  is  this,"  he  said,  "  I 
am  a  Christian,  and  don't  cat  meat  in  Lent."  "  You  are  mistaken,"  said 
the  recluse,  "  you  feed  on  human  flesh  and  blood,  forgetting  not  only 
Lent  but  God  himself,"  and  he  ended  by  pouring  imprecations  on  his 
head.    The  frightened  Tzar  hastened  away.ll] 

He  returned  to  Moscow  to  search  out  accompHces  in  the  sup- 
posed plot  at  Novgorod.  They  were  naturally  forthcoming.  A 
supply  of  the  richest  and  best  could  always  be  furnished  by  those  who 
pandered  to  his  thirst  for  blood.  On  the  25th  of  July,  1570,  the  public 
square  of  Moscow  was  strewn  with  red-hot  braziers,  enormous  cauldrons 

*  Id.,  177.  t  /d.,  186,  187.  I  Id.,  i.  144,  §  Karamzin,  ix.  189.  ||  /cf.,  192. 

2  Q 


of  brass,  and  eighty  gibbets.  Five  hundred  of  the  most  illustrious 
nobles,  already  torn  by  tortures,  were  dragged  thither ;  some  were 
massacred  amidst  the  joyful  acclamations  of  his  savage  satelUtes,  who 
shouted  "  hoida,  hoida"  (the  word  used  by  the  Tartars  to  encourage 
their  horses),  but  the  major  part  of  them  expired  under  the  protracted 
agony  of  being  slashed  with  knives  by  the  courtiers  of  the  Muscovite 
monster.  He  hirnself  transfixed  an  old  man  with  a  spear.  Neither 
were  women  spared  any  more  than  men,  says  Kelly.  Ivan  ordered  them 
to  be  hanged  at  their  own  doors,  and  he  prohibited  their  husbands  from 
going  out  or  in  without  passing  under  the  corpses  of  their  companions 
till  they  rotted  and  dropped  in  pieces  on  them.  Elsewhere  husbands  or 
children  were  fastened  dead  to  the  places  which  they  occupied  at  the 
domestic  table,  and  their  wives  or  mothers  were  compelled  to  sit  for  days 
opposite  to  the  dear  and  lifeless  remains. 

To  the  dogs  and  bears  which  this  raging  madman  delighted  to  let 
loose  upon  the  people  was  left  the  task  of  clearing  the  public  square  from 
the  mutilated  bodies  which  encumbered  it.  .  .  .  New  modes  of 
punishment  were  daily  invented.  Very  soon  he  required  fratricides  and 
parricides.  Basmanof  was  required  to  kill  his  father,  Prozorofski  his 
brother.  With  confiscations,  monopolies,  taxes,  and  conquests  he 
accumulated  in  his  palace  the  riches  of  the  empire  of  the  Tartars.  To 
these  he  joined  those  of  the  Livonians,  whom  he  plundered,  though  he 
could  not  conquer  them.*  While  this  ravaging  was  going  on  outside  the 
palace,  buffoons  and  reckless  riot  was  taking  place  inside,  and  yet  not  a 
hand  was  raised  to  kill  him.  His  divine  right  threw  the  people  at  the  feet 
of  this  fetish,  who  meanwhile  proclaimed,  "  I  am  your  god,  as  God  is 
mine ;  my  throne,  like  that  of  the  omnipotent,  is  surrounded  by 
winged  archangels,  and  like  him  I  send  forth  armies  of  three  hundred 
thousand  men  and  two  hundred  cannons  against  my  enemies."t 

Ivan  continued  his  poUcy  towards  Livonia,  which  he  was  determined 
to  conquer.  His  intrigue  won  over  Magnus,  the  brother  of  the  Swedish 
king,  whom  he  nominated  king  of  that  province,  but  the  people  would 
not  have  him,  nor  could  the  flattering  words  of  Ivan's  ministers  reconcile 
them  in  their  own  words,  "to  accept  as  their  hberator  he  who  was  a 
tyrant  at  home."|  The  only  result  of  the  campaign  was  another  ravaging 
of  the  open  country.  § 

The  foreign  pohcy  of  the  Tzar  was  a  singularly  selfish  one.  While  the 
rest  of  Europe,  and  especially  the  Empire,  wished  to  take  measures  against 
the  advancing  Turks,  we  find  him  sending  an  envoy  to  Constantinople  with 
courteous  messages.  This  was  in  1570.  "My  master,"  said  the  latter,  "is 
not  an  enemy  of  the  faith  of  Islam.  Many  of  his  vassals  profess  it,  and 
worship  in  their  own  mosques,  as  the  princes  of  Kasimof,  Yurief,  Surojik, 

*  Kelly,  op.  cit.,  145.  t  ^d.,  14a.    Karamzin,  ix.  192-210.  J  /</.,  216. 

§  Id.,  216-222. 


and  Romanof.  At  Kadom,  in  the  province  of  Mechira,  many  of  the 
Tzar's  functionaries  profess  Mifhammedanism,  and  if  Simeon,  the  late 
Khan  of  Kazan,  and  the  tzarevitch  Murtaza  have  been  baptised,  it  was  at 
their  own  request."*  But  the  Suhan  was  not  to  be  won  over  by  fair 
words,  he  asked  for  the  cession  of  Kazan  and  Astrakhan,  and  prepared 
for  war.  The  Khan  was  ready  to  assist  him,  and  began  by  defeating  the 
Circassian  Prince  Temruk,  Ivan's  father-in-law,  and  killing  his  two  sons, 
Mamstruk  and  Bilberuk.t  This  was  in  1570,  and  the  same  year  Devlet 
Girai  built  the  fortress  of  Islam  Kerman.f  The  next  year  he  appeared 
in  Southern  Russia  with  one  hundred  thousand  men.  They  met  some 
fugitives  who  had  fled  from  Ivan's  brutality,  and  who  encouraged  them  to 
march  on  Moscow,  disclosing  to  them  the  pitiful  condition  to  which  the 
country  had  been  reduced  by  its  mad  ruler.  They  evaded  the  Russians 
posted  on  the  Oka,  and  approached  Serpukof,  where  the  Tzar  with  his 
praetorians  were  posted.  The  tyrant  now  proved  himself  a  woful  coward. 
Afraid  that  his  voivodes  would  surrender  him  to  the  enemy,  he  fled  in  all 
haste  to  his  retreat  at  Alexandrofski.  Moscow  was  almost  defenceless, 
and  the  Khan  was  but  thirty  versts  off.  The  generals  from  the  Oka 
approached  it,  however,  by  forced  marches,  but  instead  of  offering  battle 
outside  the  city,  they  occupied  the  suburbs,  and  entangled  their  men 
amidst  the  houses  and  streets.  What  then  happened  may  be  told  in  the 
graphic  phrases  of  Horsey.  "  The  enemy,"  he  says,  "  passed  St.  John's 
church  high  steeple,  at  which  instant  happened  a  wonderful  stormy  wind, 
through  which  all  the  churches,  houses,  and  palaces  within  the  city  and 
suburbs,  thirty  miles  compass,  built  mostly  of  fir  and  oak  timber,  were  set 
on  fire,  and  burnt  within  six  hours'  space,  with  infinite  thousands  of 
men,  women,  and  children,  burnt  to  death  in  the  fiery  air ;  and  likewise 
in  the  stone  churches,  monasteries,  vaults,  cellars,  very  few  escaping 
both  without  and  within  the  three  walled  castles.  The  river  and  ditches 
about  Moscow  were  stopped  and  filled  with  the  multitudes  of  people, 
loaden  with  gold,  silver,  jewels,  chains,  ear-rings,  and  treasure.  So  many 
thousands  were  there  burnt  and  drowned  that  the  river  could  not  be 
cleaned  for  twelve  months  afterwards,  and  many  were  occupied  within  a 
great  ci]^uit  to  search,  dredge,  fish,  as  it  were,  for  rings,  plate,  bags  of 
gold  and  silver,  by  which  many  were  enriched  ever  after."§ 

The  gates  of  the  Kremlin  meanwhile  had  been  firmly  closed,  and  there 
was  no  getting  thither.  It  alone  escaped.  The  rest  of  the  city  perished, 
as  did  Ivan's  palace  at  Arbath.  Among  the  victims  were  twenty-three 
English  merchants.  Devlet  Girai  was  satisfied.  He  did  not  venture  to 
attack  the  Kremlin,  but  having  surveyed  from  the  hills  of  Vorobief  a 
space  of  thirty  versts  of  burning  ruins,  he  retired  to  the  Taurida, 
ravaging  the  country  as  he  went,  and  carrying  off  more  than  one  hundred 

Id.,  222,  223.  t  ^d.    Klaproth's  Caucasus,  174,  J  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii,  372. 

§  Op.  cit.,  165. 


thousand  prisoners.  The  dead  bodies  poisoned  the  rivers  and  wells,  and 
plague  and  famine  hung  their  black  banners  about  the  fearful  cemetery. 

Ivan  laid  the  blame  of  his  disaster  on  his  captains  and  officers,  whom 
he  proceeded  to  torture  and  put  to  death  suo  7nore.  While  so  engaged 
and  busy  with  the  plans  for  restoring  Moscow  an  envoy  came  from  the 
Krim  Khan.  "  He  was  attended,"  says  Horsey,  ''  by  many  murzas,  all 
well  horsed  and  clad  in  sheep-skin  coats,  with  black  caps  of  the  same, 
with  bows  and  arrows  and  curious  rich  scimitars  by  their  sides.  Stinking 
horse  flesh  and  water,"  he  says,  "  was  their  best  food.  The  time  was 
come  they  must  have  audience ;  much  disgrace  and  base  usage  was  offered 
them  ;  they  endured,  puffed,  and  scorned  it.  The  emperor  {i,e.,  Ivan), 
with  his  three  crowns  before  him  in  his  Royai  estate,  with^his  nobles  and 
princes  about  him,  commanded  the  envoy's  sheep-skin  coat  and  cap  to  be 
taken  off  him  and  a  golden  robe  and  rich  head-dress  to  be  put  on  him.  The 
ambassador,  well  contented,  entered  his  presence,  while  his  followers  were 
kept  back  in  a  space  by  grates  of  iron,  at  which  the  ambassador  chafed 
with  a  hellish  hollow  voice,  looking  fierce  and  grimly,  four  captains  of  the 
guard  being  near  the  emperor's  seat.  Himself  a  most  ugly  creature, 
without  reverence  thundered  out,  that  his  master,  the  great  emperor  of 
all  the  kingdoms  and  khans  whom  the  sun  shone  upon,  sent  to  him,  Ivan 
Vasilivitch,  his  vassal  and  Great  Duke  over  all  Russia  by  his  permission, 
to  know  how  he  did  like  the  scourge  of  his  displeasure  by  sword,  fire, 
and  famine,  and  had  sent  him  for  remedy  (pulling  out  a  foul  rusty  knife)  to 
cut  his  throat  withal.'"  The  attendants  wished  to  cut  him  in  pieces,  but 
the  Tzar  was  too  timid,  and  contented  himself  with  sending  the  envoy 
back  with  the  message,  "  Tell  the  miscreant  and  unbeliever,  thy  master, 
it  is  not  he,  it  is  for  my  sins  and  the  sins  of  my  people  against  my 
God  and  Christ ;  he  it  is  that  hath  given  him,  who  is  a  limb  of  Satan, 
the  power  and  opportunity  to  be  the  instrument  of  my  rebuke,  by  whose 
pleasure  and  grace  I  doubt  not  of  revenge  and  to  make  him  my  vassal 
before  long."  This  story  of  Horse/s  is  told  somewhat  differently  by 
other  authorities. 

According  to  these  the  envoy  reminded  Ivan  that  brothers  cmarrelled 
and  then  made  friends  again,  and  offered,  if  he  would  surrender  Kazan 
and  Astrakhan  to  him,  to  make  war  on  his  enemies.  He  also  gave  .him 
a  gold-mounted  dagger,  saying  his  master  wore  it  in  his  girdle,  and 
desiring  him  to  do  the  same.  He  would  also  have  sent  him  a  horse,  but 
they  were  all  weary  with  the  late  campaign.  The  message  was  accom- 
panied by  a  jeering  letter  in  the  following  terms  :  "  I  have  burnt  and 
ravaged  Russia  to  revenge  Kazan  and  Astrakhan,  and  not  for  riches, 
which  I  look  upon  as  dust.  I  have  searched  for  you  everywhere,  at 
Serpukhof,  even  at  Moscow.  I  want  your  crown  and  your  head,  but  you 
have  fled,  and  you  boast  of  your  grandeur,  prince,  without  courage  and 

•  Horsey,  i6i  afld  167. 


without  shame.  But  I  now  know  the  road  into  your  country.  I  will 
return  again  if  you  do  not  release  my  ambassador,  if  you  refuse  my 
request,  and  will  not  swear  for  yourself,  your  children,  and  descendants 
to  be  faithful  to  me." 

In  reply  to  this  truculent  note  the  craven  Tzar  sent  the  Khan  a 
humble  answer,  offering  to  give  up  Astrakhan  after  the  conclusion  of  a 
peace,  and  entreating  him  not  to  molest  Russia.  He  even  consented  (to 
his  eternal  disgrace)  to  surrender  an  illustrious  Tartar  who  had  adopted 
Christianity  to  the  fate  of  almost  certain  martyrdom.*  We  now  find  him 
marrying  again,  and  collecting  two  thousand  of  the  most  beautiful  women 
in  the  country,  who  were  gradually  sifted  until  his  choice  fell  upon  Marfa 
Sabakin,  the  daughter  of  a  Novgorod  merchant.  Her  relatives  were 
raised  in  rank,  and  were  enriched  by  the  confiscated  property  of  his 
victims.  She  soon  fell  ill,  and  charges  were  speedily  made  that  she  had 
been  bewitched.  Another  series  of  murders  followed.  On  this  occasion 
poison  was  hberally  employed.  He  now  paid  a  visit  to  Novgorod,  still 
hung  round  with  the  pestilential  vapours  which  rose  from  its  slaughtered 
citizens,  and  a  golden  dove  was  hung  in  the  cathedral  as  a  token  of 
peace  ! !  !  Ivan  now  scandalised  his  people  by  marrying  for  the  fourth 
time,  and  on  this  occasion  without  a  religious  ceremony.  He  repented, 
however,  of  this  indecency,  and  his  marriage  was  afterwards  duly  con- 
firmed.t  In  1572,  a  rumour  having  reached  him  that  the  Tartars  were 
again  advancing,  he  sent  off  a  caravan  of  four  hundred  and  fifty  carts 
laden  with  treasures  to  Novgorod,  where  he  sought  shelter  himself  { 

Sigismund,  king  of  Poland  and  Lithuania,  died  on  the  i8th  of  July, 
1572,  and  advised  his  grandees  to  offer  the  crown  to  the  Russian  Tzar,§ 
but  the  latter's  hands  were  engaged  elsewhere.  The  Krim  Khan,  elated 
at  his  recent  victory,  determined  to  press  matters  home  against  Russia? 
and  in  1572  advanced  with  one  of  the  largest  armies  the  Tartars  had 
ever  collected,  and  including  janissaries,  Nogais,  and  a  large  park  of 
artillery.  He  speedily  reached  the  Oka,  and,  having  deluded  the 
Russians,  crossed  it  at  a  ford  unawares,  and  was  on  the  road  to  Moscov/. 
The  Tz^  was  at  Novgorod,  employed  in  his  favourite  occupation  of 
drowning  people  in  the  Volkhof,  but  his  troops  were  commanded  by  a 
brave  commander  named  Vorotinski.  He  attacked  the  Tartars,  who 
were  one  hundred  and  fifty  thousand  strong,  near  Molody,  fifty  versts 
from  Moscow.  It  was  a  terrible  struggle  ;  the  Tartars  fought  in  effect  to 
recover  Kazan  and  Astrakhan,  and  the  Russians  to  defend  their  hearths, 
when  both  sides  were  fatigued,  Vorotinski  succeeded  in  passing  a  body 
of  his  troops  round  the  enemy  and  attacking  him  in  rear.  This 
decided  the  day.  The  Tartars  fled,  leaving  their  baggage  and  the 
Khan's  standard  with  the  victors.  Their  chief  men  were  slain,  and  their 
great  hero  Divi-Murza,  the  scourge  of  the  Christians,  was  captured.    The 

*  Karamzin,  ix.  23a.  t /rf.,  243.  J /i.,  250.  §/^,,  251. 


Khan  returned  home  with  about  twenty  thousand  men,  and  some  large 
mounds  between  the  Lapasnia  and  the  Royai  still  show  where  the  rest 
were  buried.* 

Ivan  now  returned  again  to  Moscow,  and  in  his  elation  at  the  victory 
and  his  conviction  that  he  had  trampled  out  every  ember  of  disaffection 
by  his  measures,  he,  to  the  great  joy  of  his  people,  disbanded  his 
hated  praetorians,  the  oprichniks.t  He  also  wrote  in  a  very  different  tone 
to  the  Krim  Khan.  Nagoi,  the  Russian  envoy  in  the  Taurida,  and 
Yan  Boldai,  the  Khan's  ambassador,  who  had  been  detained  seventeen 
years  in  Russia,  were  now  both  released,!  The  famous  Divi  was, 
however,  detained,  and  died  a  prisoner  at  Novgorod.  Meanwhile  a 
famine  devastated  the  Krim,  and  the  Cossacks  of  the  Don  and  Dnieper 
made  raids  upon  the  unfortunate  land.§  On  another  side  Ivan,  who  had 
serious  intentions  of  securing  his  own  election  to  the  throne  of  Poland, 
addressed  courteous  and  well  measured  phrases  to  its  grandees,  which 
are  reported  by  Karamzin.]] 

The  unfortunate  province  of  Livonia  again  felt  the  Russian  heel  on 
its  throat.  Ivan's  troops  were  told  to  spare  neither  age  nor  sex.  Its 
o-entry  were  surprised  in  their  castles  and  butchered,  and  the  Tzar's  chief 
favourite  Maluta  Skuratof,  the  right-hand-man  in  his  many  cruel  deeds, 
having  been  killed ;  a  pile  of  German  and  Swedish  prisoners  was  reared, 
and  they  were  burnt  alive,  a  horrible  holocaust  to  his  memory.  II  The 
horrors  of  the  struggle  remind  one  of  those  perpetrated  in  the  Palatinate 
in  the  miserable  thirty  years'  war.**  The  Tartars  of  Kasimof,  &c.,  were 
largely  employed  in  these  campaigns, 

A  diet  was  at  length  held  at  Warsaw  in  the  spring  of  1573,  for  the 
election  of  a  king.  The  chief  competitors  were  Ernest,  son  of  the 
Emperor  Maximilian;  the  Duke  of  Anjou,  brother  of  Charles  IX.  of 
France,  too  well  known  as  the  author  of  the  massacre  of  St.  Bartholomew; 
the  King  of  Sweden,  his  son  Sigismund,  and  Ivan  of  Russia.  The 
Litter's  chances  were,  however,  very  slight ;  he  belonged  to  the  Greek 
faith,  he  lived  too  far  off,  he  was  too  powerful,  and  his  cruel  disposition 
was  well  known.  The  diet  ended  by  electing  Henry  of  Anjou,  an  election 
which  at  once  drew  together  the  Emperor  and  the  Tzar,  and  the  latter 
wrote  to  his  brother  Emperor  to  denounce  the  inhuman  cruelty  of  the 
authors  of  the  famous  massacres  in  France,  thus  acting  throughout  an 
ever  consistent  part.  Henry  of  Anjou  was  soon  tired  of  his  new  dignity  ; 
he  loved  amusement  and  pleasure,  and  cared  little  for  State  affairs,  and 
on  the  death  of  his  brother  Charles  IX.,  he  hastened  back  to  France  to 
mount  its  throne.  That  of  Poland  was  thus  again  vacant.  Sultan  Sehm 
conveyed  to  the  diet  his  wish  that  their  choice  should  fall  on  neither  the 
son  of  the  Emperor  nor  the  Russian  T/ar,  and   su.uQested  they  should 

*/^.,  255.  t/d.,  259-  lid.,z.^.  >-.'.,- 

%   Id.,   273.  **    hi;   273-285. 


give  the  crown  to  the  most  virtuous  of  the  Polish  grandees,  or,  still  better, 
to  the  illustrious  Stephen  Batory,  Prince  of  Transylvania,  w^ho  was  a  friend 
to  Turkey.*  He  was  in  the  vigour  of  his  age,  being  forty-two  years  old, 
and  owed  his  position  entirely  to  his  great  qualities,  which  had  led  the 
Transylvanians  to  elect  him  as  their  chief.  He  was  accordingly  elected. 
This  was  in  the  year  1576. 

Ivan  soon  saw  that  the  new  King  of  Poland  was  a  formidable 
antagonist,  whose  brave  words  when  he  first  addressed  the  Polish 
notables,  and  promised  them  to  recover  the  lost  provinces  of  Lithuania, 
probably  reached  his  ears.  However  this  was,  he  determined  to  forestal 
events,  and  to  invade  Livonia,  and  first  despatched  fifty  thousand  men 
to  Revel,  which,  as  I  have  said,  belonged  to  the  Swedes.  There  they 
were  sharply  met  and  had  to  withdraw,  after  sustaining  heavy  losses, 
including  the  death  of  their  commander  Sheremetief ;  but  this  was  only 
the  advance  guard  of  the  Russians.  The  main  body,  consisting  ■  of 
Russians,  Circassians,  Nogais,  Mordvins,  Tartars,  &c.,  were  assembled 
under  the  Tzar  at  Novgorod,  with  whom  was  Sain  Bulat,  ex-Tzar  of 
Kasimof,  who  styled  himself  Grand  Duke  of  Tuer.  This  army,  however, 
instead  of  marching  on  Revel,  went  into  Southern  Livonia,  which  was 
subject  to  Poland,  overran  the  country,  and  mercilessly  impaled  its 
prisoners  or  sold  them  to  the  Tartars.  Few  in  number,  the  Germans 
behaved  heroically.  At  Venden,  rather  than  surrender  the  castle  they 
fired  the  powder  magazines  and  blew  it  into  the  air  while  they  were 
inside.t  This  act  was  rewarded  by  Ivan  by  a  most  fiendish  revenge  on 
the  inhabitants  of  the  town,  male  and  female,  and  torture,  murder,  and 
licence  of  all  kinds  were  dominant.  'In  two  months  the  Russians 
captured  twenty-seven  towns.  Ivan  after  his  victories  cantoned  his 
troops  in  the  conquered  country,  and  returned  again  to  Alexandrofski, 
where  he  indulged  in  another  of  his  mad  campaigns  against  decency, 
and,  like  an  angel  of  destruction,  again  bathed  his  hands  in  blood.  This 
outburst  is  referred  to  as  the  sixth  period  of  the  murders,  and  in  it  the 
most  distinguished  Russian  commander,  to  whom  he  owed  much  of  his 
success,  was  accused  of  indulging  in  magic  and  of  bewitching  the  Tzar.+ 
This  ^as  Prince  Vorotinski,  who  was  descended  from  Michael  of 
Chernigof.  The  white-haired  hero  was  bound  down  to  a  wooden  trestle 
and  placed  between  two  red-hot  braziers,  and  roasted  to  death,  the 
infernal  Tzar  himself  stirring  the  embers  with  his  staff.  This  murder 
was  followed  by  many  others,  in  which  virtue  and  sanctity  were 
certain  passports  to  the  slaughter-house.  Meanwhile  the  voivodes  con- 
tinued their  struggles  for  pre-eminence  among  one  another,  while,  to  the 
astonishment  of  foreigners,  the  more  cruel  the  Tzar  became  the  more 
willingly  did  they  place  their  necks  under  the  wheels  of  Juggernaut. 
However  inhuman,  he  was  rather  a  divinity  than  a  sovereign  to  them. 

*/(/.,  307,308.  t /rf.,  327. 328-  I/<^v  335. 


In  our  survey  of  the  great  colossus  which  overshadowed  Eastern 
Europe  we  have  overlooked  the  Krim  for  some  time.  We  are  told  that 
Devlet  Girai,  having  ravaged  Moldavia  (which  it  would  seem  had  been 
devised  to  Ivan  by  the  hospodar  Bogdan,  who  died  at  Moscow),  died  of 
the  plague  at  Baghchiserai.*  This  was  on  the  25th  of  June,  1577,  after  a 
reign  of  twenty-six  years,  and  when  the  Khan  was  sixty-six  years  old.t 


Devlet  Girai  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Muhammed,  called  Semis  or 
the  Fat,  who  nominated  his  brother  Adil  Girai  as  his  kalga.  By  the 
advice  of  his  grandees,  who  urged  that  he  should  mark  his  accession  by  an 
attack  on  his  neighbours,  he  proceeded  to  ravage  Volhynia  and  the 
border  districts  of  Lithuania.  This  policy  was  grateful  enough  to  the 
Tzar,  who  sent  him  Prince  Mossalski  as  his  envoy,  bearing  the  richest 
presents  which  had  hitherto  been  sent  to  the  Taurida.  The  envoy  was 
ordered  to  show  the  Tartars  great  cordiality,  and  to  promise  the  Khan 
annual  presents  if  he  would  accord  Ivan  the  title  of  Tzar.  "  If  they 
recall  to  you,"  said  Ivan,  "  the  old  days  of  Uzbeg  Khan  and  KaHta," 
reply,  "  I  have  no  knowledge  of  the  past,  which  is  known  only  to  the 
good  God  and  you  gentlemen."  Muhammed,  as  the  price  of  his 
friendship,  asked  for  the  surrender  of  Astrakhan,  and  pmmised  to  make 
over  Lithuania  and  Poland  to  Russia  as  an  equivalent !  !  !  He  also 
demanded  that  the  Cossacks  of  the  Don  and  Dnieper  should  be  trans- 
planted elsewhere.  To  this  the  Tzar  replied,  that  the  Cossacks  of  the 
Dnieper  were  subjects  of  vStephen  Batory,  while  those  of  the  Don  were 
outlaws,  who  were  punished  with  death  whenever  found  on  Russian 
territory  ;  Astrakhan,  he  said,  was  then  partially  occupied  by  Christians, 
and  there  were  Christian  churches  and  monasteries  there,  and  he  could 
not  surrender  it.  Muhammed  replied,  he  would  guarantee  the  safety 
of  the  roads,  so  that  even  helpless  widows  and  orphans  might 
travel  there  richly  robed,  without  danger.  He  also  asked  for  a  present 
of  four  thousand  roubles.  Ivan  sent  him  one  thousand  roubles, tand  rich 
presents  for  his  grandees  and  the  women  of  his  court.J 

Ivan's  reign  had  hitherto  been  a  succession  of  brilliant  conquests. 
Fortune  had  smiled  on  him  everywhere.  He  was  now  going  to  feel  how 
fickle  that  patroness  is.  The  Swedes  and  Poles  were  about  to  have  their 
revenge.  Batory,  having  subdued  the  Teutonic  Knights  of  Prussia  and 
become  master  of  Dantzic,  had  his  hands  free.  A  terrible  war  followed, 
whose  details  are  most  revolting,  cruelty  was  answered  by  cruelty.  The 
murderous  policy  of  Ivan  was  now  repaid  on  his  own  people,  and  neither 
age  nor  sex  was  spared  in  the  common  slaughter.   The  vigour  and  skill  of 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  373,  t  Id.     Karamzin,  ix.  351,  I  Id.,  353. 


Batory  animated  the  Polish  nobles  with  fresh  spirit,  both  of  sacrifice  and 
of  valour.  The  Pope  sent  him  a  sword  which  had  been  blessed,  the  Elector 
of  Brandenburg  some  pieces  of  cannon,  his  old  Transylvanian  subjects 
sent  him  some  regiments,  and  the  Khan's  goodwill  was  bought.*   Batory's 
army  probably  did  not  number  more  than  fifty  thousand  men,  while  the 
Russians,  who  once  more  collected  together  at  Novgorod,  were  doubtless 
much  more  numerous,  and  were  assisted  by  contingents  of  Circassians, 
Kumuks,  Mordvins,  Nogais,  and  by  the  murzas  and  princes  of  the  former 
Golden  Horde,  and  of  the  hordes  of  Kazan  and  Astrakhan.!    "  Like  the 
army  of  Hannibal,"  says  Karamzin,  "that  of  Batory  was  composed  of 
men  who  did  not  understand  each  other's  language, Germans,  Hungarians, 
Poles,  Malo-Russians,  and  Lithuanians."    Like  the  Austrians  of  our  day, 
their  one  bond  of  union  was  a  devoted  allegiance  to  the  person  of  their 
ruler.      Instead  of    marching  into   Livonia,   he  proceeded  to  besiege 
Polotsk,  the  capital  of  White  Russia,  and  the  key  of  Lithuania,  which  the 
Russians  had  captured  some  years  before.    This  was  stormed  after  a 
gallant  defence,  and  remained  in  the  hands  of  the  Poles  till  the  days  of 
Catherine  II. J     The  fate  of  Polotsk  was  followed  by  that  of  Sokol  and 
other  towns.     It  is  curious  that,  at  Polotsk,  &c.,  the  principal  means  of 
attack  employed  was  setting  fire  to  the  ramparts  and  stockades,  which 
were  made  of  wood.      Meanwhile  the  craven  Tzar  remained  quietly 
encamped  at  Pskof,  where  he  received  a  jeering  letter  from  Prince 
Kurbski,  who  was  in  Batory's  service,  and  who  reminded  him  that  the 
genius  and  the  worth  of  Russia  were  in  the  tomb,  whither  he  had  sent 
them,  and  that  he  himself  was  a  poltroon.     Ivan  bore  these  reproaches 
without  answer,  like  most  cowards  when  bearded;  made  humble  advances 
to    Batory  to   secure  a  treaty  of  peace,    and  even  humbled  himself 
so  far  as  to  ask  for  aid  from   the   Emperor  and  the  Pope.     Batory 
was  not  slow  to  utihse  his  opportunity,  and,  as  before,  to  attack  where 
attack  was  least   expected.      He  determined  to  march  straight  upon 
Novgorod  through  marsh  and  forest,  a  terrible  route  which  had  not  been 
followed  since  Vitut  used  it  in  1428.     He  attacked,  Veliki  Luki,  the  key 
of  Novgorod,   and  as  usual  fired  its   wooden  walls,   and    captured  it, 
with  othe^  minor  positions.      He  also  took  Kholm  and  burnt  Staraia 
Russa,  and  carried  off  a  rich  booty.     On  the  other  side,  the  Swedes 
marched  from  one  success  to  another.    The  Tzar  continued  his  course  of 
indecision  and  feebleness,  and  now  proceeded  to  solemnise  his  own 
seventh  marriage,  and  that  of  his  son  Feodor  with  Irene,  the  sister  of 
Boris  Godunof,  a  famous  person,  who  became  a  thorn  in  Russia's  side  in 
after  days.     Karamzin  says  that  at  the  marriage  feast,  under  the  garb  of 
courtiers,  there  were  hidden  two  future  Tzars  and  a  miserable  traitor, 
namely,  Godunof,  Prince  Basil  Shuiski,  and  Michael  Soltikof.§     Ivan 
became  more  humble  every  day  before  the  bold  front  showed  by  Batory, 

>  Id.,  366, 367.  t  Id.,  368,  I  Id.,  380.  5  Id.,  402,  40^. 


although  he  had  three  hundred  thousand  men  under  arms,  a  tremendous 
force  in  the  sixteenth  century,  and  larger  than  any  seen  in  Europe  since 
the  days  of  the  first  Tartar  invasion.*  The  army  of  Batory,  which  pro- 
ceeded to  lay  siege  to  Pskof,  was  about  one  hundred  thousand  strong.t 
The  siege  of  Pskof  is  one  of  the  most  famous  in  history,  and  the  citizens 
behaved  with  great  intrepidity.  After  a  terrible  assault,  which  was 
repelled,  Batory  wrote  a  summons  to  the  inhabitants  to  surrender,  which 
he  shot  into  the  town.  They  replied  that  they  were  not  Jews,  and  would 
not  sell  Christ,  or  the  Tzar,  or  their  country,  and  bade  him  come  and 
conquer  them.J  The  siege  had  eventually  to  be  raised.  But  meanwhile 
the  Swedes  were  more  successful.  They  captured  Narva,  which  for 
more  than  twenty  years  had  been  the  great  entrepot  of  Russian  trade 
with  Denmark,  Germany,  and  Holland,  and  was  consequently  well  stored 
with  merchandise,  and  then  proceeded  to  secure  the  Russian  towns  of 
Ivan  Gorod,  Yama,  and  Koporia. 

Ivan  became  very  uneasy  at  these  conquests,  and  at  a  council  of  his 
boyards  it  was  resolved  to  submit  to  Batory's  terms  and  to  surrender 
Russian  Livonia  to  the  Poles. §  On  the  basis  of  this  surrender  and  that 
of  Polotsk  and  Velige  a  treaty  was  accordingly  signed,  and  Livonia  did 
not  again  pass  under  the  Russian  sceptre  till  the  days  of  Peter  the 
Great.  II 

Ivan's  craven  heart  was  not  shared  by  his  eldest  son,  whom  he 
made  the  associate  of  his  crimes  and  debaucheries  ;  and  that  young 
prince  having  expressed  a  wish  to  march  against  the  Poles,  his  father 
struck  him  down  with  a  mace  and  killed  him,  and  then  spent  many 
dreary  weeks  in  remorse.  He  had  his  crown  and  sceptre  put  away,  he 
dressed  in  robes  of  mourning,  and  sent  a  large  sum  of  money  to  the 
patriarchs  of  Constantinople,  Antioch,  Alexandria,  and  Jerusalem, 
bidding  them  pray  for  the  repose  of  his  murdered  son,^  while  he  con- 
tinued at  home  that  brutal  cruelty  towards  his  officers  which  was  his 
second  nature.  It  is  curious  to  read,  amidst  the  sickening  details  of  the 
massacres,  his  discussion  with  the  Pope's  envoy,  the  Jesuit  Possevin,  on 
the  subject  of  the  reunion  of  the  Russian  church  with  Rome.  To  Ivan's 
reproaches  that  the  Pope  did  not  walk  on  his  feet,  but  was  carried  about 
on  men's  shoulders  in  a  throne,  as  if  a  cloud  borne  by  angels,  and  that 
he  presented  his  slipper,  on  which  was  the  sign  of  the  cross,  to  be  kissed, 
while  he  ought  to  be  humble  and  meek ;  the  Jesuit  retorted  that  the 
Russians  bathed  their  eyes  in  the  water  in  which  the  metropolitan 
washed  his  hands.  The  Tzar  had  in  fact  no  intention  of  carrying  out 
the  decrees  of  the  council  of  Florence,  and  would  only  promise  tolerance 
for  Roman  CathoHcs  and  Lutherans  within  his  dominions  so  long  as  they 
abstained  from  proselytising.    We  now  reach  a  period  when   Russia 

'  li.,  412.  t  li;  418.  I  Id.,  426.  %  Id.,  434.  I  Id.,  440-446. 



made  another  great  acquisition  of  territory  by  the  conquest  of  Siberia. 
This  will  occupy  us  in  another  chapter.  Meanwhile  let  us  turn  to  the 
Krim  Khan. 

For  some  time  he  had  not  molested  his  northern  and  western 
neighbours.  This  was  because,  at  the  instance  of  the  Porte,  he  had 
been  engaged  in  a  serious  struggle  with  Persia.  The  contingent  of 
troops  supplied  was  commanded  by  the  kalga  Adil  Gazi  Girai,  Saadet 
Girai,  and  Mubarek  Girai.  The  Ottoman  troops  under  Osman  Pasha 
had  been  engaged  for  four  days  against  Ares  Khan,  of  Shirvan,  when  the 
Tartar  contingent  arrived.  They  turned  the  tide  of  the  struggle  and 
captured  Ares  Khan,  who  was  put  to  death  by  the  Pasha.  Artugdi  Khan 
and  several  sultans  escaped,  and  retired  with  the  debris  of  the  army  and 
with  their  families  beyond  the  Kur  to  the  country  of  the  Helo,  where 
they  entrenched  themselves,  and  were  guarded  by  the  picked  cavalry  of 
the  Persians,  called  kizil-bashis  or  red-heads,  a  name  which  was  after- 
wards applied  generally  to  the  Persians  by  the  Turks.  Osman  Pasha 
sent  Adil  Girai  against  them,  who  captured  the  treasures,  harem,  and 
natural  son  of  Ares  Khan,  together  with  two  thousand  laden  camels  and 
many  herds,  while  a  large  number  of  the  kizil-bashis  were  killed.  These 
successes  were  followed  by  a  reverse  elsewhere,  for  we  next  read  that 
Osman  Pasha  was  besieged  at  Shamakhi  by  an  army  of  thirty  or  forty 
thousand  Persians.  They  beleagured  the  town  for  ten  days,  and  on 
retiring  were  waylaid  near  Mahmudabad  by  the  Tartars,  who  had  been 
summoned  from  their  pursuit  of  Artugdi  by  Osman.  The  action  was 
apparently  indecisive,  and  the  Persians  continued  their  retreat,  while  the 
Tartars  went  to  Timur  capu  or  the  iron  gate  {i.e.,  the  Bab  ul  abwab  of  the 
Arabs,  well  known  to  us  under  the  name  of  Derbend),  where  they  were 
joined  by  Osman.  The  Persians  again  advanced,  and  entered  the 
provinces  of  Kara  bagh  and  Moghan,  and  when  Adil  Girai  marched 
against  them  they  surrounded  and  captured  him,  and  then  put  him  to 
death.     The  remaining  Tartars  returned  again  to  the  Krim.* 

Muhammed  Girai  now  nominated  Alp  Sultan,  Adil  Girai's  son,  to  the 
dignity  of  kalga.  He  also  created  a  new  dignity,  that  of  second  heir  to 
the  thro^,  to  which  he  nominated  Saadet  Girai.  As  his  atalik  or 
governor  was  called  Nur  ed  din  Mirza,  the  name  of  Nur  ed  din,  which 
means  the  light  of  the  faith,  was  thenceforth  attached  to  the  new 

The  war  with  Persia  still  continued,  and  the  Khan  again  went  to  the 
assistance  of  his  suzerain.  He  sent  his  son  Murad  Girai  with  a  con- 
tingent, and  himself  set  out  in  1579,  giving  Muhammed  the  sanjak  of 
Azof  the  command  of  an  advance  guard  of  ten  thousand  men.  The 
latter  reached  Osman  Pasha  after  a  march  of  seventy-four  days,  and  was 
soon  joined  by  the  Khan  in  person,  whose  Tartars  severely  defeated  the 

-  •  NouY.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  373-375 •  t  Id.    Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  59. 


Persians  who  were  attacking  Shamakhi.  The  Khan's  son  also  exacted 
punishment  from  the  inhabitants  of  Baku  and  its  neighbourhood,  and  the 
adjoining  Persian  provinces.  Thinking  he  had  done  enough,  and  not 
wishing  to  winter  in  Shirvan,  he  left  his  son  Gazi  Girai  behind,  and 
himself  went  back  to  the  Krim.  This  exasperated  the  Sultan  against 
him,  and  a  correspondence  seems  to  have  ensued ;  when  the  latter 
issued  an  order  he  refused  to  obey  it,  saying  he  was  not  one  of  the 
Sultan's  begs  but  an  independent  prince.  The  people  of  Kaffa  also 
turned  against  him,  and  Osman  Pasha,  who  was  then  there,  was  ordered 
to  punish  the  contumacious  Khan.  The  latter,  who  lived  at  Eski  Krim, 
invited  the  Pasha  to  go  and  see  him,  and  on  his  neglecting  to  do  so  he 
besieged  the  town  of  Kaffa,  but  he  was  abandoned  by  the  kalga  Alp 
Girai.  After  the  siege  had  lasted  for  forty  days,  there  arrived  from 
Constantinople  Kilij  Ali  Pasha,  with  authority  to  nominate  Islam, 
Muhammed's  brother  to  the  throne.  When  the  Ottoman  fleet  arrived  in 
the  port,  Alibeg,  of  the  Mansur  tribe,  went  over  to  the  new  Khan* 
Muhammed  now  determined  to  escape  to  the  Nogais  of  the  Volga,  by 
way  of  Ferhkerman,  and  went  accordingly  to  Fekeljik,  where  he  was 
overtaken  by  the  late  kalga  Alp  Girai,  who  put  him  and  his  son  Safa 
Girai  to  death.  This  was  in  the  year  992  {i.e.,  1584).  He  was 
then  fifty-two  years  old,  and  had  reigned  seven  years  and  three 

In  order  to  complete  and  round  off  my  story,  I  must  diverge  for  a  while 
to  describe  the  end  of  Muhammed's  great  contemporary  Ivan  the 
Terrible.  I  shall  not  relate  here  the  conquest  of  Siberia,  which  will 
occupy  us  later,  but  pass  on  to  the  other  events  of  his  life.  In  1 583  the 
Cheremisses  rose  in  rebellion,  apparently  incited  by  the  Krim  Khan. 
This  rebellion  lasted  until  the  close  of  Ivan's  reign,  and  was  marked  by 
considerable  barbarity,  probably  by  way  of  reprisal  for  Russian  cruelty. 
Ivan  kept  up  a  friendly  communication  with  the  Shah  of  Persia,  the 
chiefs  of  Bokhara  and  Khiva,  and  the  Sultan.  The  subjects  of  the  latter 
freely  repaired  to  Moscow  to  interchange  the  eastern  tissues  of  gold  for 
sables,  &c.,t  but  it  was  with  the  English  that  his  communiQtions  were 
the  most  frequent  and  friendly,  and  the  English  merchants  reaped  a 
golden  harvest  in  consequence.  He  wished  for  an  English  wife,  and 
his  ambassador  received  orders  to  report  on  the  graces  and  looks  of 
Mary  Hastings,  the  daughter  of  the  Earl  of  Huntingdon,  who  had  been 
named  to  him  as  a  suitable  partner.  His  envoy,  with  the  consent  of  the 
young  lady,  was  permitted  to  have  a  full  view  of  her,  and  his  report 
seems  to  confirm  the  opinion  of  Elizabeth,  that  she  was  remarkable 
rather  for  her  moral  qualities  than  her  beauty.  Envoys  on  either  side 
were  received  with  becoming  dignity,  but  neither  the  marriage  nor  the 
alliance  which  Ivan  wished  to  make  against  Poland  progressed,  nor  did 

*  Karam^in,  ix.  530. 


the  English  claims  for  exclusive  right  of  trading  in  the  Arctic  ports  of 
Russia  succeed  either.  But  Nero  was  reaching  the  term  of  his  days. 
"  He  died,"  says  Karamzin,  "  as  he  had  lived,  exterminating  his  people." 
A  comet  which  appeared  in  the  year  1584,  and  whose  tail  was  in  the 
shape  of  a  cross,  was  pointed  out  by  the  Tzar  himself  as  the  presage  of 
his  death.*  Being  attacked  with  a  loathsome  internal  complaint,  he 
summoned  astrologers  from  various  parts,  who  told  him  he  had  but  a 
few  days  to  live,  whereupon  he  threatened  to  burn  them  alive  if  they 
disclosed  the  fact.  Sensuous  to  the  last,  his  own  daughter-in-law,  who 
had  gone  to  see  how  he  was,  was  forced  to  fly  from  his  deathbed,  terrified 
by  his  lasciviousness.t  He  died  somewhat  suddenly  on  the  i8th  of 
March,  1584.  His  courtiers  seemed  afraid  of  publishing  the  news  for 
fear  the  corpse  itself  should  turn  upon  them,  while  the  people  who 
attended  the  funeral  wept  tears,  whose  singular  flow  makes  the  wondering 
Russian  historian  question  whether  love,  fear,  or  mere  caprice  drew  them 
forth.  For  twenty-four  years  had  his  subjects  sought  refuge  in  prayer  and 
patience  from  the  iron  mace  which  this  Avatar  of  destruction  wielded. 
He  was  clever,  had  a  good  memory,  and  a  facile  rhetoric,  and  like  Louis 
XI.  he  combined  religion  and  gross  behaviour  in  a  curious  compound. 
He  was  perfectly  impartial  in  striking  down  all  of  whom  he  was  jealous 
or  suspicious,  and  we  are  told  that  even  an  elephant,  which  the  Shah  of 
Persia  sent  him,  was  hacked  in  pieces  because  in  refusing  to  kneel  it 
offended  his  dignity4  While  thus  capricious,  his  external  policy  was 
often  sagacious,  and  he  insisted  upon  a  certain  purity  of  justice  in  his 
courts  of  law.  He  patronised  learning  and  the  arts,  and  was  tolerant  in 
religious  matters,  save  to  the  Jews.  It  is  not  strange,  perhaps,  that  in 
popular  tradition  the  crimes  of  Ivan  were  for  the  most  part  forgotten,  as 
their  records  were  buried  in  the  archives  of  the  State,  while  the  popular 
instinct  retained  the  great  fact  in  its  memory  that  Kazan,  Astrakhan,  and 
Siberia  were  added  to  the  Russian  crown  by  the  keen  sword  of  John  the 
Terrible.  If,  on  the  other  hand,  we  view  his  reign  apart  from  the  morals 
of  individuals  as  a  mere  tableau  in  human  history,  we  shall  confess, 
perhaps,  that  when  a  disintegrated  State  becomes  consolidated,  by  one 
means  or  another,  oftener  by  foul  means  than  fair,  it  seems  inevitable 
that  the  taller  poppies,  which  have  been  almost  the  rivals  of  the  throne,  and 
which  do  not  easily  bend  to  altered  circumstances,  have  to  be  decapitated. 
In  England  the  Wars  of  the  Roses  did  the  work,  in  France  Louis  XI. 
did  one  portion  of  it  and  Richelieu  another,  and  in  Russia  it  was  the 
merciless  hand  of  Ivan.  Where  there  was  no  one  to  do  it,  as  in  Poland, 
and  consequently  an  oligarchy  of  rival  families  controlled  the  helm  of 
State,  it  was  inevitable  that  it  should  sail  upon  the  breakers,  and 
that  perpetual  anarchy  should  have  invited  the  interference  of  interested 
and  in  some  respects  justified  neighbours.    As  a  fire  on  the  moorside  is 

Id.,  55I'  tW.,554-  iI<i;5S9- 


necessary  sometimes,  to  allow  the  young  heath  to  grow,  as  the  tornado 
which  overturns  the  forest  gives  breathing  room  to  the  undergrowth  of 
timber,  so  perhaps  Ivan  and  his  like  have  their  appointed  work  in 


In  the  preceding  pages  we  have  tried  to  unfold  the  story  typified  so 
well  in  the  famous  allegorical  picture  painted  by  Sir  Joshua  Reynolds 
for  Catherine  II.,  in  which  the  young  Hercules  Russia  is  seen  tearing 
off  the  serpents  which  hold  him  in  their  grip.  The  remaining  part  of 
our  work  will  not  carry  us  so  far  a-field.  Russia  was  no  longer  a  protege 
of  the  Tartar  Khans.  It  had  a  substantive  history  of  its  own,  while 
Krim  became  more  and  more  dependent  on  Constantinople,  until  it  was 
gradually  overwhelmed  by  its  former  dependent  the  ruler  of  Moscow. 
There  is  another  good  reason  why  we  should  now  limit  our  view,  and 
that  is  that  the  history  of  Russia  for  many  succeeding  decades  is 
dreary  and  uninteresting  in  the  extreme.  We  can  follow  with  patience 
the  gradual  development  of  the  giant,  but  we  turn  away  with  disgust 
from  the  constant  internal  broils  and  revolutions  which  form  the  second 
stage  in  his  history.  Ivan  the  Terrible  was  the  last  of  the  conquering 
Tzars,  and  until  the  time  of  Peter  the  Great  the  condition  of  Russia  was 
largely  that  of  stagnation,  and  even  of  decay.  Its  bounds  were  scarcely 
enlarged  at  all,  save  among  the  useless  deserts  of  Eastern  Siberia.  The 
Tartars  in  the  south,  and  the  Swedes  in  the  north,  held  the  outlets  of  its 
trade,  and  shut  it  off  from  communion  with  the  outside  world,  and  thus 
kept  the  country  in  a  state  of  feudal  barbarism  from  which  the  rest 
of  Europe  escaped  centuries  before.  Strong  to  strike,  it  was  the  rude 
strength  of  a  young  community,  where  the  people  was  backward  and 
rude  and  required  a  centralised  despotism  in  its  government  which 
would  have  been  unendurable  anywhere  else. 

The  reasons  why  it  was  so  are  well  summarised  by  Kelly.  "  Extension 
and  want  of  population,"  he  says,  "  are  hostile  to  the  compactness  of  the 
mass  ;  in  conjunction  with  the  climate  they  hinder  large  and  continuous 
assemblages,  they  render  men  conscious  of  the  weakness  caused  by 
being  insulated,  they  perpetuate  blind  and  credulous  ignorance,  by 
cutting  off  the  communication  of  ideas  ;  they  confine  observation  within 
narrow  limits,  and  thus  the  judgment  cannot  be  exercised  for  want  of 
objects  of  comparison,  and  the  result  is  the  existence  of  only  a  scanty 
number  of  ideas,  which,  however,  have  a  stronger  hold  on  the  mind  from 
the  habit  of  constant  recurrence  to  them.  Thus  the  Russians  of  that 
period  having  none  of  those  connections  which  enlighten,  were  unable 
to  form  for  themselves  a  public  opinion,  they  were  obliged  to  take  it  from 


the  court  of  the  Grand  Prince.  There  was  their  oracle,  their  despot."* 
The  bounds  of  Russia  at  this  time  on  the  south  were  still  the  same  as  of 
old,  the  Oka  formed  the  limit  between  them  and  the  Tartars  ;  but  while 
the  whole  course  of  the  Volga  was  theirs  they  had  also  begun  to  plant  their 
foot  on  the  Terek,  and  what  was  more  important,  the  Dnieper  and  the  Don 
had  become  the  haunts  of  two  predatory  associations  of  Cossacks.  The 
former  an  out-post  of  Poland,  and  for  the  most  part  of  Polish  origin  ;  the 
latter  formed  of  outlaws  and  fugitives  from  Russia.  Semi-nomadic  and 
with  an  organisation  based  on  mihtary  principles,  they  formed  a  very 
useful  buttress  to  Russia,  as  they  were  a  perpetual  menace  to  the  Tartars, 
whose  independence  again  was  but  nominal,  and  who  were  in  fact  but  an 
out-post  of  the  Ottoman  empire. 

The  death  of  Ivan  allowed  the  Russians  to  breathe  more  freely.  As 
Tacitus  says,  the  most  happy  times  for  a  people  are  those  which 
immediately  succeed  the  death  of  a  tyrant,  and  to  cease  to  suffer  is  one 
of  the  sweetest  pleasures  of  life.  A  cruel  reign,  however,  is  generally 
the  preparation  for  a  weak  one.  Feodor,  Ivan's  successor,  was  a 
singular  contrast  to  his  father.  '' Feeble  and  sickly  in  body,  pliant* 
timid,  and  superstitiously  devout,  he  would  have  been  a  sexton,  not  a 
sovereign,  had  he  been  free  to  follow  his  natural  bent,  for  his  greatest 
pleasure  was  to  haunt  the  churches  and  ring  the  bells."t  Ivan,  who 
knew  his  character,  left  the  government  in  the  hands  of  a  council  of  five, 
but  this  was  speedily  superseded  by  the  strongest  and  ablest  of  its 
members,  Feodor's  brother-in-law  Boris  Godunof,  who  became  "  the 
mayor  of  the  palace  "  to  this  roi faineant.  "  Active,  indefatigable,  more 
enlightened  than  any  of  his  countrymen,  versed  in  affairs  and  knowledge 
of  men,  he  possessed  all  the  qualities  requisite  to  constitute  a  great 
minister.''^  Karamzin  and  other  historians  re-echo  his  praises,  and 
the  external  and  internal  condition  of  the  country  greatly  improved 
under  his  hands. 

We  will  now  continue  our  story.  Islam  Girai  was  introduced  with  his 
brother  Dervish  to  the  Divan,  and  was  presented  by  the  Sultan  with  a 
sword,  a  horse,  and  a  red  banner  with  an  inscription  in  golden  letters 
on  it.  On  the  day  of  Khisr  or  St.  George,  the  patron  of  Osmanli  sailors, 
the  vizier  accompanied  the  Khan  and  his  companion  the  Capitan 
Pasha  as  far  as  the  tomb  of  Shaireddin  (Barbarossa)  on  the  Bosphorus, 
where  a  banquet  was  given,  after  which  at  midnight  they  set  sail.  The 
eagerness  and  desire  of  the  people  of  Krim  to  see  their  new  Khan  was 
so  great  that  they  rushed  out  into  the  sea  on  horseback  to  meet  him. 
This  was  in  1584.  Islam  Girai  was  the  son  of  Devlet  Girai.  He 
nominated  Alp  Girai  as  kalga  and  Mubarek  Girai  as  nureddin.  Four 
months  after  his  accession  Saadet  Girai,  the  son  of  Muhammed  Girai, 
marched  against  him  at  the  head  of  the  Nogais,  and  captured  Baghchi- 

Op.  cit.,  i.  147.  t  Kelly,  i.  156.  J /rf. 


Serai.  The  Krim  Khan  took  refuge  at  Kaffa,  and  sent  to  inform  his 
patron  the  Sultan.  Osman  Pasha,  who  was  then  Grand  Vizier,  was 
ordered  to  march  to  his  relief.  Ten  thousand  janissaries,  six  thousand 
spahis,  and  one  thousand  chuashis  were  sent  to  Sinope,  and  wintered 
there  and  at  Kastermuni,  en  route  for  the  Krim.*  But  meanwhile  Islam 
Girai,  with  the  assistance  of  the  begs  of  Kaffa  and  the  greater  part  of  the 
people  of  Krim,  fought  against  the  invader  in  the  plains  of  Andal.  Esni 
beg  and  some  other  chiefs  of  the  Nogais  were  killed,  and  Saadet  Girai 
took  flight.t  Thereupon  the  Ottoman  troops  who  had  assembled  to  aid 
him  marched  against  Persia.  As  the  Nogais  had  also  plundered 
Bessarabia  and  Moldavia,  Islam  Girai  was  ordered  to  go  there  and  try 
and  recover  the  booty  they  had  carried  off.f 

On  his  accession  Islam  wrote  to  the  Tzar  Feodor,  reminding  him  that 
Ivan  had  sent  the  late  Khan  presents  of  furs  and  also  ten  thousand 
roubles  to  secure  peace.  He  asked  for  a  renewal  of  these  presents,  and 
promised  in  concert  with  the  Turks,  the  Nogais,  and  the  Russians  them- 
selves to  overwhelm  the  Lithuanians.  Meanwhile  his  people  and  those 
of  Azof,  with  the  Nogais,  plundered  the  border  districts  of  Bielef,  Koselsk, 
Vorotinsk,  Meschofsk,  and  Massalsk.  The  marauders  were  defeated  on 
the  Oka  by  Michael  Besnin,  who  recovered  the  plunder  they  had  taken. 
But  they  twice  again  invaded  the  Ukraine  with  bodies  of  thirty  or  forty 
thousand  men.  In  June,  1^87,  they  captured  Krapivna.  Although 
growing  weaker  daily,  the  Krim  was  still  a  perpetual  menace  to  Russia, 
and  Karamzin  compares  it  to  a  pestilent  reptile  which,  even  when 
dying,  shoots  out  venom  at  its  enemies. § 

P'letcher  describes  the  tactics  of  the  Krim  Tartars  on  these  occasions. 
He  says  that  being  very  numerous,  they  made  feints  in  various  directions, 
pushing  their  attack  where  the  land  was  left  without  defence,  and  adds 
that  they  did  not  use  firearms,  but  each  man  had  a  bow,  a  sheaf  of 
arrows,  and  a  falchion  sword,  after  the  Turkish  fashion.  Expert  horse- 
men, they  could  shoot  as  well  backwards  as  forwards.  Some  of  the 
horsemen  carried  a  lance  like  a  boar  spear.  The  common  soldiers  had 
no  armour  but  their  dress,  which  consisted  of  a  black  sheep's  skin,  worn 
with  the  wool  outside  in  the  daytime  and  inside  at  night,  with  a  cap  of 
the  same.  The  murzas  were  dressed  like  the  Turks.  In  crossing  rivers 
with  their  army,  they  tied  three  or  four  horses  together,  and  taking  long 
poles  or  pieces  of  wood,  bound  them  fast  to  the  tails  of  their  horses,  and 
sitting  on  them  drove  the  horses  over.||  He  says  they  were  well  versed 
in  stratagems.  In  besieging  a  town  they  were  very  lavish  in  promises  to 
the  garrison,  but  having  gained  their  end,  behaved  afterwards  with  great 
cruelty.  His  description  of  their  pertinacity  in  fighting  is  very  like  that 
given  by  Herberstein.    He  adds  that  the  chief  booty  they  sought  was 

»  Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  64,  65.  t  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  379. 

I  Krim  Khans,  65  ♦  Op.  cit.,  x.  ^^.  \  Fletcher's  Russe  Commonwealth,  87,  88. 


prisoners,  especially  young  boys  and  girls,  whom  they  sold  to  the  Turks 
and  their  neighbours.  "  For  which  purpose  they  provided  great  baskets 
made  like  bakers'  panniers  to  carry  them  tenderly,  and  when  any  of 
them  happened  to  tire  or  get  sick  on  the  way,  they  dashed  them  against 
the  ground  or  some  tree,  and  thus  left  them  for  dead."  The  people  on 
the  Russian  frontier,  who  were  accustomed  to  their  raids,  kept  few  other 
cattle  than  swine,  which  as  good  Mussulmans  the  Tartars  would  not 
touch.*     Let  us  now  revert  to  our  history. 

Saadet  Girai  had  not  been  crushed  by  his  former  reverse,  but  again 
called  in  the  Nogais  and  the  Don  Cossacks.  The  Krim  Khan  sent  an 
army  against  him,  and  in  the  battle  which  ensued  Mubarek,  the  brother 
of  Saadet,  with  several  Nogai  chiefs,  fell.  Saadet  himself  went  to  live 
with  the  Nogais,t  while  his  brother  Murad  went  to  Russia,  where  he  was 
well  received  by  Feodor,  who  sent  him,  accompanied  by  two  voivodes,  to 
Astrakhan.  There  he  was  welcomed  as  a  sovereign  prince,  amidst  the 
rattling  of  drums  and  blowing  of  trumpets.  Miirad  affected  a  Royal 
splendour  in  his  surroundings,  and  holding  Feodor's  diploma  with  its 
golden  seal  in  his  hand,  he  received  the  neighbouring  princes  and  their 
envoys  in  that  great  mart  of  eastern  trade.  He  styled  himself  the  ruler 
of  the  four  rivers,  the  Yaik,  the  Volga,  the  Don,  and  the  Terek,  as  well 
as  of  all  the  independent  tribes,  and  of  the  Cossacks  ;  and  boasted  how 
he  would  triumph  over  Islam  Girai  and  humble  the  Sultan,  that  he  would 
be  Tzar  of  Astrakhan  and  his  brother  of  Krim.J  Meanwhile  the  Russians 
kept  a  sharp  eye  upon  him ;  he  was  not  allowed  to  see  anyone  without 
witnesses  being  present,  and  the  strelitzes  formed  a  guard  of  honour 
when  he  went  to  the  mosque.  On  his  part  he  conciliated  the  Nogais, 
and  prepared  with  their  assistance  and  those  of  the  Cossacks  and  the 
Circassians  to  make  a  descent  on  the  Krim.  He  awaited  the  Tzar's 
commands,  and  also  the  cannon  and  a  body  of  ten  thousand  strelitzes 
he  had  promised  him,  but  Feodor  temporised.  He  feared  to  have  the 
Krim  Khan  and  the  King  of  Poland  on  his  hands  together.  In  1587  he 
wrote  to  Murad  bidding  him  march  towards  Vilna,  and  there  await  the 
Russians,  for  he  intended  first  to  crush  the  PoHsh  king,  and  then  he 
wrote  to  ^Iklam  Girai  telling  him  how  he  was  being  urged  on  by  his 
relatives,  and  informing  hiro,  if  he  wanted  to  have  his  countenance,  he 
must  also  march  against  Poland,  and  bade  him  attack  Kief  by  way  of 
Putivle,  where  he  could  join  the  troops  of  Seversk.§  This  had  its 
proper  effect.  Islam  repudiated  the  recent  raids  on  Russia  as  the  work 
of  certain  wanton  murzas,  who  had  been  punished,  and  he  promised  to 
enter  into  a  treaty,  while  he  told  his  own  people  it  was  better  they 
should  make  raids  on  Poland  than  on  Russia.  || 

Feodor  kept  up  his  father's  formal  intercourse  with  the  Sultan,  and  his 

*  Id.,  89,  90,  t  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.j  xii,  380.  J  Karamain,  x.  78,  79. 

§  Id,,  81.  B  Id.,  83. 



envoy  was  honoured  with  the  present  of  a  State  kaftan.  The  Sultan, 
who  styled  the  Tzar  "  King  of  Moscow,"  complained  of  the  inroads  of 
the  Cossacks  on  his  territory,  and  of  the  treatment  of  Muhammedans  in 
Russia,  and  the  Tzar  rephed  by  courteous  phrases.  A  step  which 
Feodor  took  about  this  time  brought  the  two  powers  more  face  to  face. 
Georgia,  a  Christian  kingdom  on  the  borders  of  two  Muhammedan 
powers,  Persia  and  Turkey,  had  always  had  a  critical  history.  It  was 
now  divided  between  Alexander,  who  ruled  in  Kakheti,  and  his  relative 
Simeon,  who  ruled  in  Karthli.  The  latter  was  dependent  on  the  Turks. 
Afraid  of  his  position,  Alexander  in  1586  offered  to  put  himself  under  the 
Russian  sceptre,  and  Feodor  accepting  the  offer,  took  the  title  of  Ruler 
of  Georgia,  a  country  to  which  he  did  not  even  know  the  way.*  Fealty 
was  duly  sworn  by  the  Georgian  sovereign  and  his  three  sons,  and  they 
promised  to  send  annually  to  Russia  fifty  pieces  of  golden  tissue  and  ten 
embroidered  in  gold  or  silver,  in  exchange  for  the  Tzar's  protection.t  An 
army  was  sent  to  subdue  the  Shamkhal  or  sovereign  of  the  Kumuks,  and 
an  officer  to  receive  the  submission  of  the  princes  of  Kabarda  and 
Circassia.  Feodor  sent  priests  to  restore  the  orthodox  faith  among 
the  somewhat  lax  Georgians,  and  also  pictures  for  their  churches. 
Among  the  presents  he  sent  to  Alexander  were  forty  sable  skins,  two 
black  fox  skins,  one  thousand  ermines,  ten  narwhal's  teeth,  a  coat  of 
mail,  a  cuirass,  and  a  helmet. J  From  this  time  Feodor  styled  himself 
ruler  of  Iberia,  of  the  Tzars  of  Georgia  and  Kabarda,  and  of  the 
Circassian  princes.§  The  internal  progress  of  Russia  was  also  well 
marked.  In  1584  was  founded  the  city  of  Archangel  on  the  Dwina, 
Astrakhan  was  protected  by  a  wall,  and  a  new  town  built  on  the  Yaik 
called  Uralsk.  We  also  find  the  Cossacks  of  the  Volga  sending  off 
swarms  from  the  parent  hive,  one  of  which  settled  on  the  Terek  and 
another  on  the  Ural.  Boris  Godunof  concentrated  more  and  more  power 
in  his  own  hands.  This  caused  much  discontent,  and  a  powerful 
conspiracy,  headed  by  the  brave  and  famous  Prince  Shuisky  and  the 
metropolitan,  was  formed  against  him.  He  defeated  its  machinations, 
and  the  leaders  of  the  plot  were  exiled  or  put  to  death,  Shuisky  himself 
being  among  the  latter.  Meanwhile  Feodor  divided  his  time  between 
religious  exercises  and  childish  amusements.  He  was  apparently  more 
than  half  imbecile.  || 

Stephen  Batory,  King  of  Poland  and  Lithuania,  and  one  of  the  most 
distinguished  men  in  Europe,  died  on  the  12th  December,  1586,  and  his 
death  was  the  signal  for  fresh  intrigues  at  the  Polish  diet,  where  his 
successor  was  elected.  The  Tzar  Feodor  was  a  candidate  for  the  vacant 
throne,  as  his  father  had  been.  But  the  Poles  insisted  upon  impossible 
conditions,  Russia  was  to  become  a  province  of  Poland,  the  Tzar  was  to 
adopt  the  Roman  Catholic  faith,  to  be  crowned  in  a  Latin  church  at 

•/</.,  88,  89.  Wd.,90.  I  Id.,  396.     Note,  59.  $/rf.,  94-  'i  Id.,  €,9-114. 

GAZI   GIRAI    KHAN   II.  *     523 

Cracow  by  the  Archbishop  of  Gniesen,  and  to  put  the  title  of  King  of 
Poland  before  that  of  Tzar  of  Moscow.  These  terms  were  of  course 
inadmissible,  and  the  answer  of  the  Russian  boyards  to  one  of  them  is 
interesting.  "The  crown  of  Yagellon  must  be  put  below  that  of 
Monomachos,  and  Feodor  will  style  himself  Tzar  and  Grand  Duke  of 
all  Russia,  of  Vladimir,  and  Moscow,  King  of  Poland,  and  Grand  Duke 
of  Lithuania.  In  case  the  Old  and  the  New  Rome,  in  case  Byzatittmn 
shall  become  subject  to  us,  the  Tzar  will  put  its  names  alone  above  that 
of  Russia."*  Negotiations  were  continued  for  a  while,  but  at  length  the 
diet  elected  Sigismund  III.  Vasa  (the  son  of  the  King  of  Sweden,  whose 
mother  was  descended  from  Yagellon),t  much  to  the  chagrin  of  the  Tzar 
and  the  Emperor  of  Germany.    This  was  in  1587. 

Let  us  turn  once  more  to  the  Krim.  We  read  how  Islam  Girai  under- 
took an  expedition  against  Circassia,  whence  he  returned .  laden  with 
booty.  Afterwards,  hearing  that  the  voivode  of  Moldavia  had  maligned 
him,  he  entered  his  territory  without  the  Sultan's  permission  and  ravaged 
it.  He  was  ordered  by  the  latter  to  make  restitution,  which  he  did,  and 
shortly  after  died.t  This  was  in  the  year  996  {i.e.,  1588).  He  was  buried 
in  the  great  mosque  at  Akkerman. 

He  is  described  as  goodnatured,  intelligent,  and  tractable.  Under  his 
rule  a  notable  change  was  made  in  the  feudal  relations  of  the  Khan  to 
the  Sultan.  Hitherto  the  name  of  the  Khan,  as  that  of  the  ruler  of  the 
land,  had  been  recited  first  in  the  Friday  prayer,  and  afterwards  that  of  the 
suzerain  the  Sultan ;  but  towards  the  end  of  Islam's  reign,  by  an  order 
of  the  Porte,  this  was  reversed,  and  the  Sultan's  name  thenceforward 
preceded  that  of  the  Khan  in  the  Khutbe,§ 


Islam  Girai  was  succeeded  by  his  brother  Gazi  Girai,  who  nominated 
Feth  Girai  as  kalga,  and  Bakht  Girai,  the  son  of  Adil  Girai,  as  nureddin.|| 
Gazi  Girai  hkd  been  taken  prisoner  in  the  Persian  war,  had  escaped  to 
Erzerum,  and  thence  to  Constantinople,  where  he  was  now  nominated  to 
the  throne  of  Krim,  to  the  prejudice  of  the  kalga  Alp  Girai.^  Persia 
was  then  to  Turkey  what  Athens  was  to  Greece,  the  home  of  culture  and 
letters,  and  we  accordingly  find  that  Gazi's  imprisonment  there  had  its 
fruits.  He  is  described  as  the  best  of  the  Krim  Khans.  His  bravery 
won  for  him  the  soubriquet  of  Bora,  which  both  in  Turkish  and  Italian 
means  the  North  wind.  He  also  won  his  title  of  Gazi  from  his  zeal  as  a 
warrior  of  Islam.     His  seven  years'  imprisonment  in  Persia  he  spent  in 

♦  Id.,  X.  129.  t  ^d-i  138.    Leiewel  Histoire  dc  Pologne,  i.  146* 

I  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  380.  §  Voa  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  67. 

II  Nouv.  Journ,  Asiat.,  xii.  428.  f  Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  67. 


the  Strong  fortress  of  Kahkaha,  which  was  built  in  1383.  Soon  after  his 
accession  Alp  Girai  and  Muhammed  Girai,  Islam  Girai's  second  son, 
seem  to  have  rebelled.  The  former  submitted  at  the  instance  of  the 
Sultan,  and  repaired  with  a  following  of  one  hundred  and  sixty  people  to 
Constantinople,  and  ended  his  days  at  Yamboh,  near  Adrianople ;  the 
latter  fled  to  Circassia.  Gazi  Girai  introduced  a  new  official  into  the 
Krim,  namely,  the  khanaga,  who  on  his  installation  was  styled  Bashaga 
{i.e.,  the  chief  of  the  agas),  and  filled  the  post  of  chief  law  adviser  to  the 
crown.*  On  his  accession  he  wrote  to  the  Tzar  to  tell  him  he  had 
persuaded  the  Sultan  to  renounce  his  claims  on  Astrakhan,  and  asking 
for  an  alliance  with  Russia.t  He  also  made  an  incursion  into  Poland, 
and  ravaged  the  chief  towns  of  Lithuania  and  Galicia,  The  Poles 
bought  peace  by  the  payment  of  a  number  of  sable  skins.} 

Fletcher  tells  us  that  in  these  wars  every  man  went  with  two  horses 
at  least,  the  one  to  ride  on,  the  other  to  kill  when  it  came  to  his  turn  to 
have  his  horse  eaten,  "  for  their  chief  victuals,"  he  says,  "  is  horseflesh, 
which  they  eat  without  bread  or  any  other  thing  with  it.  So  that  if  a 
Tartar  be  captured  by  a  Russian  he  will  be  sure  to  find  a  horse  leg  or 
some  other  part  of  him  at  his  saddle  bow."  He  also  adds  that  when  he 
was  at  Moscow  a  nephew  of  the  Krim  Khan  arrived  there  with  three 
hundred  attendants,  and  that  they  were  entertained  "  in  very  good  sort 
after  the  Russe  manner,  two  very  large  and  fat  horses,  ready  flayed, 
being  sent  them  on  a  sledge  for  their  supper.  They  preferred  horseflesh 
to  beef,  mutton,  &c.,  deeming  it  stronger ;  and  yet,  although  this  was 
their  chief  food,  they  annually  sent  thirty  or  forty  thousand  horses  to  be 
bartered  at  Moscow.  They  also  bred  a  large  number  of  cattle  and  black 
sheep,  chiefly  for  their  skins  and  milk.  They  ate  also  occasionally  rice, 
figs,  and  other  fruit,  and  drank  milk  and  warm  blood,  which  they  some- 
times mixed  together,  and  sometimes  when  travelling  would  open  a 
horse's  vein  and  drink  the  blood  warm  as  it  came  from  the  body."§ 

Let  us  turn  once  more  to  Russia.  The  growing  power  of  Godunof  was 
not  sufficient  for  his  ambition.  The  feeble  Tzar  had  no  children,  and  his 
death  was  clearly  not  far  off.  There  only  remained  his  brother  Dimitri,  who 
was  but  a  child,  for  Godunof  had  secured  the  assistance  of  th^L*  clergy  by 
his  submission  to  them,  and  had  exiled  or  put  away  all  other  rivals.  He 
determined  to  put  Dimitri  away  also.  "A  Russian  chronicler,"  says 
Kelly,  "  who  was  certainly  not  acquainted  with  the  legends  of  Scotland, 
depicts  Godunof  as  another  Macbeth,  urged  to  crime  by  the  predictions 
of  soothsayers.  He  assembled  several  soothsayers  or  astrologers  in  the 
dead  of  night,  and  desired  them  to  cast  his  horoscope.  Their  answer 
to  him  was,  *  The  crown  is  thy  destiny.'  But  then  they  \vere  suddenly 
mute,  as  if  dismayed  with  what  they  foresaw  besides.    Boris  insisted  on 

*  /4.,  75.  t  Karamzin,  x.  144*  I  Id,     Nouv.  Journ.  Aiiat.,  xii.  42S. 

§  Op.  cit.,  9i>  92t 

GAZl    GIRAl    KHAN    II.  5-5 

their  completing  their  prediction,  and  they  told  him  he  should  reign,  but 
only  for  seven  years.  He  embraced  them  in  a  transport  of  joy, 
exclaiming,  *  Though  it  be  but  for  seven  days,  no  matter  so  I  reign.'  "* 
He  tried  to  arouse  odium  against  the  young  prince  by  reporting  that  he 
was  cruel  like  his  father,  and  although  but  ten  years  old,  was  in  the  habit 
of  making  manikins  to  represent  various  grandees  about  the  court,  which 
he  hacked  with  his  sword,  saying  it  was  thus  he  would  act  when  he  was 
Tzar.  At  length,  on  the  15th  of  May,  1591,  the  boy  being  but  ten  years 
old  and  playing  in  the  court-yard  of  the  palace  cutting  wood  with  a 
knife,  he  was  seen  suddenly  writhing  with  a  cut  in  his  throat.  A 
packed  court  was  assembled  to  hold  an  inquest,  which  decided  that  the 
boy  had  stabbed  himself  in  a  fit  of  apoplexy,  a  verdict  supported  by  the 
decision  of  the  clergy;  but  the  popular  voice  came  to  another  conclusion, 
namely,  that  he  had  been  murdered  by  Godunof's  creatures.  They 
wreaked  their  wrath  on  several  of  them,  and  thenceforth  he  was  looked 
upon  by  the  people  as  the  assassin  of  their  sacred  prince,  and  they  would 
see  nothing  but  crimes  in  his  most  laudable  acts.t 

The  public  attention  was  meanwhile  diverted  by  another  invasion  of 
the  Tartars.  The  Khan  was  aggrieved  that  the  Russians  should  have 
informed  the  Lithuanians  of  his  intention  to  attack  them,  and  he  entered 
into  an  alUance  with  the  Swedish  King  John  against  them.  Murad 
Girai,  who  continued  to  live  at  Astrakhan,  now  died  suddenly.  It  was 
supposed  by  poison  administered  by  some  agent  of  the  Krim  Khan,  who 
however,  accused  the  Russians  of  the  act,  and  swore  to  avenge  him. 
He  was  also  urged  by  his  murzas  that  it  was  necessary  for  a  good  Khan, 
at  least  once  in  his  life,  to  advance  as  far  as  the  Oka.  They  wanted  in 
fact  an  excuse  for  plundering.  The  spies  which  Russia  kept  in  the 
Taurida  informed  the  authorities  of  the  Khan's  preparations  for  war, 
which  were  ostensibly  made,  however,  against  the  Poles.  The  various 
clans  of  Krim  were  mustered,  and  were  joined  by  the  Nogais  and  by 
Ottoman  troops  from  Azof  and  Bielogorod  with  artillery,  and  on  the  26th 
of  June,  1 591,  news  arrived  that  the  steppe  was  covered  with  Tartars, 
and  that  more  than  one  hundred  and  fifty  thousand  of  them  were 
marching  .^irectly  on  Tula,  without  stopping  to  take  the  fortresses  on  the 
way.  Godunof  showed  great  vigour  ;  orders  were  issued  for  the  border 
commanders  to  muster  at  Serpukhof,  and  to  meet  the  Khan  in  the  open 
country,  but  unfortunately  the  principal  Russian  forces  were  then  at 
Novgorod  and  Pskof  watching  the  Swedish  king.  The  rapid  advance  of 
the  enemy  compelled  a  change  of  plan.  The  troops  were  ordered  to 
withdraw  from  the  Oka  towards  Moscow,  and  the  popular  clamour  was 
stilled  by  the  Fabian  move  being  explained  as  intended  to  draw  the 
Tartars  into  a  net.  The  camp  was  fixed  at  two  versts  from  Moscow,  on 
the  route  to  Kaluga  and  Tula.    A  wooden  fortress  on  wheels  and  a 

Op.  cit.,  i.  157.  t  Id.,  I58-I§2. 


moveable  church  were  placed  there,  and  the  monasteries  and  other  large 
buildings  were  fortified.  The  Tartar  army  meanwhile  advanced  rapidly, 
and  swept  away  a  small  detachment  which  had  been  left  on  the  Oka. 
Feodor  displayed  no  fear,  and  devoted  himself  to  religious  duties,  while 
he  handed  over  his  body  guard  to  Godunof,  who  inspected  the  troops 
and  animated  them  with  a  portion  of  his  own  courage. 

The  Tartars  proceeded  to  attack  the  camp,  and  were  met  by  a 
murderous  fire.  Karamzin  tells  us  they  were  more  skilled  than  the 
Russians  with  their  swords,  but  the  latter  had  the  advantage  in  being 
armed  with  portable  arquebuses.  The  fight  took  place  within  view  of 
the  town,  where  no  one  seemed  calm  but  the  impassive  Tzar,  who  reUed 
on  God's  help,  and  prophesied  that  the  following  day  the  Khan  would  be 
gone.  The  issue  was  indecisive,  and  the  elite  of  the  troops  on  either 
side  were  not  engaged  ;  but  the  Tartars  had  lost  many  men,  Bachi 
Girai  and  several  murzas  being  among  the  wounded,  while  many  chiefs 
had  been  made  prisoners.  The  Khan  and  his  council  began  to  lose 
heart,  and  determined  to  retire  before  daybreak.  The  Tartar  army,  hke 
that  of  most  nomades,  was  not  skilled  in  retreat,  and  this  speedily  became 
a  stampede.  Baggage  and  munitions  were  abandoned,  many  of  the 
fugitives  were  drowned  in  the  Oka,  and  a  number  of  prisoners  were 
captured  in  a  fight  near  Tula.  The  Khan  reached  Bagchi  Serai  on  the 
2nd  of  August  in  the  night,  riding  in  a  cart,  with  one  arm  wounded  and 
in  a  sling,  while  but  a  third  of  his  army  reached  home  in  a  starving 
condition.  Feodor  gave  Godunof  a  Russian  pelisse  with  gold  buttons  of 
the  value  of  five  thousand  roubles  of  our  money  ;  he  also  gave  him  the 
gold  chain  he  usually  wore,  the  gold  cup  of  Mamai,  which  had  been 
captured  in  the  battle  of  KuUkof,  and  three  towns  in  the  district  of  Vaga; 
he  also  conferred  on  him  the  title  of  "  Servant,"  an  honour  which  had 
only  been  thrice  given  during  the  century.  Other  grandees  were  pre- 
sented with  "Portugueses"  (/.<?.,  gold  dobras),  and  others  again  with 
Hungarian  ducats.*  Feodor's  gratitude  to  Godunof  was  not  shared  in 
by  the  people,  who  accused  him  of  "  calling  in  the  Tartars  '  to  order '  that 
the  country's  danger  might  make  them  forget  the  death  of  Dimitri." 
They  were  duly  punished,  and  many  populous  places  in  tht"*'Ukraine 
became  desert.  Presently  the  tzarina  Irene  bore  a  daughter,  and  Boris 
was  suspected  of  having  substituted  a  female  child  for  a  male,  which  his 
sister  had  borne,  and  when  the  infant  died  in  a  few  days,  it  was  said  he 
had  poisoned  it.t 

It  is  thus  that  a  Nemesis  seems  to  follow  closely  on  the  steps  of  public 
crimes.  Meanwhile  Godunof  prosecuted  a  successful  war  against 
Sweden.  We  are  told  the  Krim  Khan  sent  the  Circassian  Anthony  as 
an  envoy  to  Sweden,  asking  for  gold  in  recompense  of  his  recent  attack 
on  Russia.    "  Gold  is  ready  for  the  victor,"  said  John.    "  The  Khan  has 

*  Kuramzin,  x.  195-213.  t  /<^.,  212-219.    Kelly,  i.  162. 


indeed  seen  Moscow,  but  he  has  not  saved  our  country  from  the  sword 
of  Russia.'-'*  John  died  in  the  autumn  of  1592,  and  was  succeeded 
by  his  son  Sigismund,  who  thus  united  the  crowns  of  Poland  and 
Sweden,t  and  this  was  followed  by  a  treaty  by  which  Kexholm  was 
ceded  to  Russia. 

We  now  find  the  Krim  Khan  sending  an  envoy  to  Feodor  with  a 
curious  message.  The  Sultan,  it  seems,  was  discontented  with  the  result 
of  his  campaign  against  Moscow,  and  had  the  intention  of  deposing  him. 
He  therefore  wrote  to  say  he  intended  to  transport  all  his  hordes  from 
the  Krim,  which  he  meant  to  devastate,  and  then  to  found  a  new 
kingdom  on  the  banks  of  the  Dnieper,  where  he  would  form  a  buttress 
for  Russia  against  the  Turks.  He  asked  Feodor  for  money  to  enable 
him  to  build  a  fortress  near  the  ford  of  Koshkin,  and  undertook  to  ravage 
Lithuania.  The  Tzar's  reply  was  courteous,  and  with  characteristic  dupli- 
city, although  at  peace  with  Poland,  he  encouraged  the  Khan's  notion  of 
invading  Lithuania.^  But  before  his  envoy  arrived  the  Tartars  under 
the  tzarevitches  kalga  Feth  Girai  and  nureddin  Bakhta  overran  the 
districts  of  Riazan,  Kashir,  and  Tula  with  fire  and  sword,  and  carried  off 
a  crowd  of  distinguished  prisoners-  The  envoy  was  asked  sarcastically  by 
the  Khan  what  had  become  of  the  Russian  armies  since  the  tzarevitches 
had  not  drawn  their  swords  from  their  scabbards  nor  their  arrows  from 
their  quivers,  and  yet  had  driven  a  crowd  of  prisoners  before  them  with  a 
whip,  while  the  voivodes  were  hiding  away  in  the  forests.  He  neverthe- 
less disavowed  the  invasion,  and  told  him  it  rested  with  the  Russians  to 
secure  peace  by  paying  for  it  in  money  and  furs.  § 

Envoys  also  passed  between  Moscow  and  Constantinople,  by  whom 
the  Sultan  demanded  the  restoration  of  Kazan  and  Astrakhan,  the 
destruction  of  the  fortresses  on  the  Terek,  and  the  suppression  of  the 
raids  of  the  Don  Cossacks.  The  Tzar  made  similar  demands  in  regard 
to  the  turbulent  Tartars,  but  the  negotiations  came  to  nothing.  Feodor 
encouraged  the  Cossacks  by  presents  of  lead  and  saltpetre,  and  he 
proceeded  to  build  a  line  of  fortresses  from  the  Donetz  to  the  Oka,  such 
as  Bielogorod,  Oskol,  Valuika,  &c.,  to  protect  his  frontiers.  They  were 
peopled  yith  soldiers,  strelitzes,  and  Cossacks,  and  thus  with  the  sword 
in  one  hand  and  money  in  the  other,  he  made  the  issue  very  plain 
to  the  Khan.  At  length  a  durable  peace  was  entered  into  between  the 
two  neighbours.  Ahmed  Pasha  on  behalf  of  Gazi  Girai,  and  Prince 
Feodor  Khuarostinin  and  Bogdan  Belski  on  the  part  of  the  Russians, 
met  on  the  banks  of  the  Sosna,  the  then  frontier  of  "  inhabited  Russia." 
South  of  which  were  the  steppes.  The  first  conference  was  held  on  a 
bridge,  and  afterwards  Ishi  Makhmet  went  to  Moscow  and  Mercurius 
Stcherbatof  to  the  Taurida  to  ratify  the  arrangement.  The  widow  of 
Murad,  who  had  died  at  Astrakhan,  was  allowed  to  return  to  the  Krim, 

•  KarjiinziD,  x.  225.  t  /rf.  I  Id.,  232.  §  Id.,  233. 


and  the  Tzar  sent  the  Khan  a  present  of  ten  thousand  roubles,  besides 
pelisses  and  rich  stuffs,  and  promised  to  repeat  the  present  annually. 
Gazi  Girai  promised  to  be  a  faithful  friend  to  Russia,  to  restrain  his 
people  from  attacking  it,  to  restore  the  booty  or  prisoners  they  should 
make,  to  protect  the  Russian  envoys  and  merchants,  and  those  strangers 
who  should  wish  to  go  to  Moscow.*  For  the  next  three  years  the  Tartars 
were  too  busy  elsewhere  to  molest  Russia.     We  will  follow  their  fortunes. 

The  Sultan  was  at  this  time  engaged  in  a  fierce  war  with  the  Emperor 
Rudolph.  The  latter,  as  the  sovereign  of  Austria,  was  the  chief  bulwark 
of  Christianity  against  the  impending  flood  of  Islam  ;  he  even  secured  the 
sympathy  of  the  Russian  Tzar,  who,  although  he  would  not  furnish  him 
with  any  troops,  sent  him  a  lordly  present  to  pay  for  some  of  the 
expenses  of  the  war,  consisting  of  40,360  sable  skins,  20,760  marten  skins, 
120  black  foxes,  337,235  squirrels,  and  3,000  beavers,  of  the  value  of 
44,000  roubles  of  the  money  of  that  day.t 

In  this  war  the  Krim  Khan  was  invited  by  the  Sultan  to  take  a  part. 
Gazi  Girai  marched  at  the  head  of  forty  thousand  men,  and  was 
welcomed  with  much  pomp  by  the  Ottoman  commanders.  The  Grand 
Vizier  presented  him  with  golden  cups  and  dishes,  with  a  fine  charger,  a 
jewelled  sabre  and  mace,  and  a  sum  of  fifteen  thousand  ducats,J  and  he 
took  part  in  the  various  struggles  in  the  year  I594.§ 

The  voivode  of  Moldavia  having  rebelled  against  the  Sultan,  he 
reduced  him  once  more  to  obedience.  ||  The  Grand  Vizier's  position  was 
a  very  uncertain  one.  We  now  find  it  filled  by  the  Genoese  renegade 
Cicala,  one  of  whose  acts  was  to  quarrel  with  the  Krim  Khan,  who 
retired  to  the  Krim,  and  when  he  received  fresh  orders  to  march  against 
Hungary,  instead  of  going  himself,  he  sent  his  brother,  the  kalga  Feth 
Girai,  in  his  place.  The  Grand  Vizier  thereupon  displaced  Gazi  Girai 
from  the  Khanate,  and  put  Feth  Girai  in  his  place.  Basht  Girai  was 
made  kalga  and  his  brother  Selamet  Girai  nureddin.  When  he  heard 
of  this  Gazi  Girai  set  sail  for  Constantinople,  but  was  driven  by  contrary 
winds  to  Sinope.^i" 


The  vizier  Cicala  was  soon  displaced  by  Ibrahim  Pasha,  who  fearing 
that  the  displacement  of  Gazi  Girai  would  cause  a  revolution  in  the  Krim, 
had  two  diplomas  of  investiture  made  ready,  and  intrusted  them  to 
Cherkes  Khendan  aga,  with  orders  to  instal  as  Khan  the  favourite  of  the 
Tartars.  En  route  to  the  Krim  he  encountered  contrary  winds,  which 
drove  him  to  Sinope,  where  he  met  Gazi  Girai,  who  was  a  friend  of  his. 

*  Id.,  242.  t  KaraiBzin,  x.  248,  249.  I  Id.,  bo.  S  Id.,  77-79. 

11  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  428.  •;  Id.,  429.    Kiim  Khans,  81. 

GAZl   GIRAI   KHAN  II.  529 

and  to  whom  he  handed  over  one  of  the  diplomas.  With  this  firman 
Gazi  returned  to  the  Krim,  where  Feth  Girai  produced  a  second  one 
in  the  Sultan's  writing.  The  Tartars  were  divided  into  two  parties,  and 
would  have  come  to  blows,  but  it  was  determined  to  appeal  to  the 
law,  and  the  mufti  of  Kaffa,  Abd  ur-rizzak  Effendi,  issued  a  fetva 
stating  that  only  the  diploma  marked  with  the  toghra  (?  temgha)  was 
valid.  Thereupon  Feth  Girai's  supporters  went  over  to  his  rival.  He 
himself  went  to  Nakishdan  to  bid  good-bye  to  the  Khan  and  to  kiss  the 
fringe  of  his  robe,  when  he  was  killed  by  one  of  the  chiefs  of  the 
Mansur  tribe  called  Kormerdash,  who  had  received  corresponding 
orders.  Nine  of  his  children  and  his  kalga  Bakht  Girai  were  also  put 
to  death.     He  had  only  reigned  three  months.* 

GAZI    GIRAI    KHAN    II.   (Restored). 

On  his  reaccession  Gazi  Girai  nominated  Selamet  Girai  as  kalga  and 
Devlet  Girai  as  nureddin,  but  the  latter  having  shown  signs  of  insub- 
ordination, the  Khan  replaced  him  by  his  own  son  Toktamish  Girai. 
Shahin,  brother  of  Devlet,  fled  to  Circassia,  and  Muhammed,  another 
brother,  to  Anatolia.  Soon  after  the  kalga  Selamet  also  fled.  Toktamish 
was  given  his  post,  and  Sefer  Girai  was  made  nureddin.  Gazi  Girai  drew 
an  annual  tribute  of  twelve  sheep  (per  head .'')  for  his  kitchen,  and  money 
to  equip  five  hundred  soldiers  from  the  people  of  Krim.t  The  war  between 
the  Turks  and  the  Empire  was  still  in  progress,  and  in  1599  we  find  Gazi 
Girai  joining  the  Ottoman  army  and  receiving  costly  presents  from  the 
Turks.  He  was  assigned  Zombor  as  winter  quarters,  while  his  army 
wintered  at  Szegedin.  Soon  after  this  a  truce  was  made  with  Germany, 
the  plenipotentiaries  meeting  on  the  island  of  St.  Andrew,  near  Gran. 
At  this  meeting,  which  was  held  in  June,  1599,  the  Khan  was  represented 
by  a  Greek  named  Alexander  Palseologos.!  On  the  conclusion  of  peace 
Gazi  Girai  asked  permission  to  return  home,  and  all  the  entreaties  of  the 
vizier  Ibrahim  for  him  to  stay  another  year  were  fruitless. 

He  mistrusted  the  vizier,  and  would  not  enter  his  tent  or  meet  him 
unless  mounted.  Although  braye,  we  are  told  he  preferred  peace  to  war, 
and  the  Emperor  sent  Johannes  Bernhardfi  to  him  with  a  present  of 
ten  thousand  ducats  to  win  him  over.§  Gazi  Girai  did  not  take  part  in 
the  Turkish  campaigns  of  1601  and  1602,  but  as  his  brothers  Selamet, 
Muhammed,  and  Shahin  had  settled  in  Rumelia  and  Anatolia,  he  began 
to  fear  that  if  he  stayed  longer  away  one  of  them  would  be  placed  on  the 
throne  in  his  stead.  He  therefore  set  out  with  his  Tartars  in  the  autumn 
of  1602,  and  was  well  received  by  the  vizier,  who  quartered  his  troops  for 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  429-431.  t  Id.,  431. 

I  Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  88.    Gesh.  Osra.  Reich.,  ii.  631.  §  Id.    Krim  Khans,  90. 

2   T 


the  winter  in  the  districts  of  Szigeth,  Koppany,  and  Mohacz,  while  the 
Khan  spent  that  season  in  Transylvania,  and  there  composed  a  poem  on 
the  strife  between  coffee  and  wine,  in  rivalry  with  the  similar  production 
of  the  poet  Tusuli  on  the  rivalry  of  opium  and  wine.*  He  soon  after 
returned  again  to  the  Krim.  Let  us  now  take  a  short  glance  at  what 
was  taking  place  in  Russia. 

In  1593-4  a  social  revolution  was  initiated  there,  whose  consequences 
have  been  very  widely  felt.  Russia  was  very  different  in  its  political 
organisation  to  Western  Europe.  In  the  latter  the  feudal  nobles 
were  scattered  about  the  country  in  their  own  castles,  and  tyrannised 
over  the  peasants  in  their  neighbourhood,  and  the  towns  were  the  chief 
refuge  where  the  oppressed  could  find  shelter.  In  Russia,  on  the  other 
hand,  the  towns  were  granted  as  appanages  to  the  various  grandees. 
These  towns,  besides  being  under  feudal  rulers,  were  too  scattered  to 
support  one  another.  The  country  also  was  so  flat  that,  in  the  words  of 
Kelly,  "  it  afforded  few  of  those  positions  of  difficult  access  in  which 
liberty  delights,  while  their  ramparts  of  earth  and  resinous  timber  were 
not  very  secure  defences."  The  miUtary  class,  the  traders,  and  citizens 
of  these  towns  were  the  owners  of  the  country  round,  which  the  peasants 
tilled  as  their  tenants  or  paid  servants.  The  latter  could  move  to  and 
fro  on  paying  a  certain  licence  tax.  Latterly,  however,  the  superior 
attractions  of  the  southern  districts,  their  greater  fertihty  and  advantages 
had  led  to  a  large  migration  in  that  direction.  The  recent  troubled  times 
had  also  caused  many  to  leave  their  domiciles  and  to  wander  forth,  thus 
increasing  the  class  of  vagrants  and  poor.  This  evil  was  growing  fast, 
and  large  districts  and  towns  were  getting  depopulated.  To  restrain 
it,  Godunof  had  a  law  passed  in  1592  or  1593  which  forbade  the 
peasants  to  change  their  domicile,  and  made  them  perpetual  serfs  to 
their  masters.  The  law  was  naturally  very  distasteful  to  the  peasants. 
It  was  equally  so  to  the  great  proprietors,  who  found  it  impossible  to  get 
emigrants  to  till  the  large  part  of  their  heritage,  which  was  waste,  and  it 
was  pleasing  only  to  the  small  and  generally  tyrannical  landholders.  A 
register  of  serfs  was  also  opened,  by  which  the  number  owned  by  each 
proprietor  could  be  ascertained.!  Thus  was  bondage  to  the  soil  intro- 
duced into  Russia,  and  in  a  very  short  time  there  were  no  longer  even 
hired  servants  ;  commerce  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  slaves  of  the  nobles, 
and  the  cities  were  filled  with  serfs.} 

In  1597,  the  Tzar  Feodor  died,  thus  removing  the  chief  obstacle  to 
Boris  Godunofs  further  ambitious  views,  for  Feodor  was  the  last  of  the 
male  line  of  the  house  of  Rurik.  The  tzarina  Irene,  Godunofs  sister, 
received  the  homage  of  the  grandees,  but  nine  days  later  she  took  the 
veil,  and  there  was  only  one  possible  candidate  for  the  throne. 

The  deputies  of  Russia  were  assembled.     "  The  election  begins  ;  the 

*  Ge»h.  Osra.  Reich.,  ii.  654,  655.  t  Karamzln,  x.  280-X83.  I  Kelly,  i.  154. 


GAZI  GIRAI   KHAN   II.  531 

people  look  up  to  the  nobles,  the  nobles  to  the  grandees,  the  grandees  to 
the  patriarch  ;  he  speaks,  he  names  Boris,  and  instantaneously,  and  as 
one  man,  all  re-echo  that  formidable  name." 

Godunof  on  his  side  grasped  with  so  firm  a  hand  all  links  of  power, 
that  he  felt  a  pleasure  in  obstinately  refusing  a  sceptre  he  so  ardently 
desired,  .  .  .  This  political  farce  which  others  of  his  kind  have  hardly 
been  able  to  play  for  a  few  minutes,  he  ventured  to  keep  up  for  more  than 
a  month.  He  knew  that  a  simple  breath  of  his  would  suffice  to  impel 
the  multitude  as  he  pleased  .  .  .  nor  did  he  yield  till  for  six  weeks  he 
had  kept  all  Russia  in  suspense  on  its  knees  in  tears  (a  cynical  chronicler 
says  those  who  had  no  tears  at  their  command,  wetted  their  eyes  with 
spittle),  and  with  clasped  hands  holding  forth  to  him  the  relics  of  the 
saints,  the  image  of  the  Redeemer  to  whom  it  compared  him  and  that 
antique  crown,  which  during  fourteen  years  he  had  coveted.*  Kelly 
speaks  of  his  many  crimes,  but  Karamzin  and  others  seem  to  denounce 
but  one,  that  a  mere  subject  should  have  dared  to  seize  the  throne. 
Putting  aside  the  death  of  Dimitri,  and  the  decree  about  the  serfs, 
which  seemed  at  the  time  the  only  means  of  restoring  order  and  stability 
to  a  community  which  was  undergoing  desintegration,  it  is  difficult  to 
speak  of  Boris,  at  this  time,  without  admiration.  Listen  to  the  words  of 
his  scornful  critic  as  to  what  he  did  for  Russia.  Smolensk  was  fortified  ; 
Archangel  built ;  the  Tartars  defeated  for  the  last  time  under  the  walls 
of  Moscow,  were  chased  back  into  their  deserts,  and  even  confined  in 
them  by  strong  places  constructed  around  their  haunts.  Other  fortresses 
arose  under  the  shadow  of  the  Caucasus  ;  Siberia  was  finally  conquered 
by  Russian  manners,  arts,  and  arms.  The  Swedes  were  driven  into 
Narva,  and  a  diplomatic  intercourse  was  opened  with  the  European 
powers.  Lithuania  and  Poland  itself  is  said  to  have  momentarily 
consented  to  submit  to  the  sceptre  which  was  swayed  by  Godunof."t 

The  accession  of  Boris  seems  to  have  been  generally  grateful  to  the 
clergy  and  the  grandees  of  the  empire,  but  he  wished  to  distract  atten- 
tion from  himself,  and  an  opportune  rumour  soon  arrived  that  Gazi  Girai 
was  preparing  to  attack  Russia  with  his  Tartars  and  a  contingent  of 
7,000  Turks.|  A  general  levy  was  made  to  repel  this  rumoured  attack, 
and  the  troops  were  sent  to  the  frontier.  Boris  went  to  join  them, 
accompanied  by  a  pompous  retinue.  The  frontier  towns  of  Tula,  Oskol, 
Livny,  Yeletz,  Kursk,  and  Voronej  were  put  in  a  state  of  defence,  and 
abattis  were  erected  in  the  defiles  near  Pereimisl,  Lishvin,  Bielef,  Tula, 
Borosk,  and  Riazan,§  while  a  flotilla  was  established  on  the  Oka.  A 
general  enthusiasm  pervaded  the  nation  ;  but  the  Tartars  came  not,  and 
the  whole  matter  is  described  by  Karamzin  as  a  ruse  on  the  part  of  Boris 
to  secure  for  himself  the  attachment  and  regard  of  the  army.  The 
ruse  had  a  double  effect ;  it  created  in  Russia  the  impression  that  the 

*  Id.,  164.  t  Id.,  163.  I  Karamzin,  xi.  11.  §  Id.,  13,  14. 


Tartars  had  been  frightened  by  the  preparations,  while  the  Khan's 
envoys,  the  chief  of  whom  was  Murza  Ali,  who  saw  everywhere  on  their 
route  preparations  for  war,  and  heard  the  clash  of  scimitars  and  pikes 
and  the  roll  of  musketry  were  duly  impressed.  They  were  received  in 
the  camp  amidst  salvoes  of  artillery,  and  passed  through  files  of  soldiers. 
Boris  was  in  his  tent,  which  was  richly  furnished,  and  wore  a  golden  helmet 
on  his  head  ;  otherwise  he  was  modestly  attired.  They  offered  the 
Khan's  friendship  and  alliance,  which  was  accepted,  and  returned  home 
accompanied  by  envoys  from  Boris.*  The  latter  returned  in  triumph  to 
Moscow,  where  he  was  solemnly  crowned. 

The  Khan  delayed  the  signature  of  the  treaty  he  had  entered  into,  and 
we  are  told  that  in  the  year  1600  the  Tartars  had  advanced  as  far  as 
Kursk,  but  were  driven  back  by  the  voivode  of  Orel,  the  Prince  Boris 
Tatief;  Cheli  Beg  who  seems  to  have  been  made  prisoner  on  this 
occasion  remained  at  Moscow  till  the  days  of  the  False  Dimitri.  On 
the  other  hand,  the  Don  Cossacks  made  constant  raids  on  the 
Krim.  At  length,  in  June,  1602,  after  receiving  presents  from  the 
Russians  to  the  value  of  14,000  roubles,  the  Khan  remitted  the  draft  of 
the  treaty,  but  at  the  same  time  made  a  demand  for  a  further  sum  of 
30,000  roubles,  and  complained  of  the  towns  which  the  Russians  had 
built  on  the  steppe,  which  he  said  looked  as  if  the  Russians  meant  to 
enclose  him  with  walls.t  At  the  request  of  his  envoy,  Boris  under- 
took to  be  a  faithful  friend  to  Gazi  Girai,  but  the  book  on  which  he 
swore,  says  the  casuistical  historian,  was  not  the  Bible,  nor  would  he 
lower  the  cross.J  Thus  the  policy  of  Harold's  oath  to  William  was 
again  repeated  with  the  unctuous  approval  of  a  great  historian.  Boris 
sent  the  Khan  some  small  presents,  but  relied  on  his  army  for  safety. 
In  1603  the  latter  dismissed  the  Russian  envoy.  Prince  Bariatinski, 
because  the  Russians  had  not  restrained  the  Don  Cossacks,  §  but  he  was 
afterwards  conciliated.  Boris  ruled  at  home  exemplarily,  and  seems  to 
have  been  very  popular.  The  foreign  intercourse  of  Russia  was  credit- 
able to  its  diplomacy,  while  at  home  he  became  the  patron  of  letters, 
and  endeavoured  to  restrain  the  national  vices  of  drunkenness,  &c.  He 
was  sober,  industrious  and  an  enemy  of  frivolous  amusen'Sints,  a  good 
husband  and  father.  His  efforts  to  import  western  culture  into  Russia 
were  much  opposed  by  the  clergy,  who  feared  the  influence  of  the 
Lutherans  and  the  Roman  Catholics,  and  this  limited  the  visits  of 
scientific  men  thither  chiefly  to  those  professors  of  medicine  who  have 
a  cosmopolitan  licence  and  welcome  ;  but  the  good  days  of  Boris  were 
reaching  their  term.  He  was  followed,  according  to  Karamzin,  by  a 
Nemesis,  in  the  shade  of  the  murdered  Dimitri.  He  began  to  grow 
suspicious,  and  then  to  imitate  the  policy  of  Ivan  III.  Prince  Belski 
was  the  first  victim  of  his  doubts.  ||     His  goods  were  sequestrated  and 

*  li.,  18,  19.  t  U.,  32.  I  Id.,  33-  *  ^^-^  34-  i  ^d.,  125. 

GAZI   GIRAI   KHAN  II.  533 

his  magnificent  beard  was  dragged  out  hair  by  hair,  a  Scotch  doctor 
named  Gabriel  being  the  instrument  employed  for  the  work.  He  then 
turned  against  the  Romanofs,  who  were  related  to  the  late  Imperial 
family,  and  were  apparently  deemed  by  the  populace  as  its  heirs.  In- 
formers were  employed  to  entrap  and  denounce  the  illustrious  family.  A 
plot  was  made  by  which  some  poisonous  roots  were  secreted  in  their 
house  and  then  produced  as  evidence  of  their  intentions  towards  himself. 
The  grandees,  says  Karamzin,  like  the  Roman  senators  in  the  time  of 
Tiberius  and  Nero,  turned  furiously  against  the  accused. 

The  heads  of  the  house  with  their  supporters  were  confined  at 
Bielogorod.  Feodor  Romanof  was  compelled  to  take  orders  and  under 
the  name  of  Philaret  to  enter  the  convent  of  St.  Anthony,  and  his  wife 
became  a  nun  ;  other  victims  speedily  followed,  while  the  peasants  were 
persecuted  by  a  fresh  act  to  restrain  them  from  migrating.  "  The 
Russian  nation,"  says  Kelly,  "  was  no  longer  anything  but  a  hierarchy  of 
slaves.  Henceforth  there  was  no  intercourse  ;  none  of  those  public 
meetings,  in  which  the  youthful  part  of  society  at  least  orally  acquired 
knowledge  ;  no  compacts  to  protect  the  weak,  no  asylums  for  them. 
Russia  became  sad  and  sullen  ;  the  minstrels  who  had  been  wont  to 
traverse  the  country  now  disappeared  ;  their  songs  of  war  and  the  chase, 
and  even  of  love  were  heard  no  longer."*  A  terrible  famine  and 
pestilence,  lasting  for  three  years,  commenced  in  1601.  Boris  distributed 
relief  with  a  lavish  hand  at  Moscow.  This  only  drew  more  mouths  there 
to  be  fed.  At  last  the. State  treasury  was  exhausted,  while  the  famine  was 
still  unabated.  It  is  said  that  half  a  million  of  people  died  in  Moscow. 
The  dead  lay  by  thousands  in  the  streets  and  highways,  many  with  their 
mouths  full  of  hay,  straw,  or  the  filthiest  offal,  which  they  had  endea- 
voured to  eat.  Moscow  was  become  a  city  of  cannibals.  In  many 
houses  the  fattest  person  was  killed  to  serve  as  food  for  the  rest.  Parents 
devoured  their  own  children,  children  their  own  parents  or  sold  them  for 
bread.  Petreius  saw  a  woman  in  the  open  street  tearing  with  her  teeth 
the  flesh  of  a  living  child  she  carried  in  her  arms  ;  aind  Margaret  relates 
that  four  women,  having  decoyed  a  peasant  into  their  house  under 
pretence  J&f  buying  wood  from  him,  killed  him  and  his  horse,  and  dragged 
the  two  carcases  into  their  ice  pit  to  serve  as  food.t  Meanwhile,  the  court 
indulged  in  great  extravagance  and  pomp,  as  usualj  With  the  populace 
this  affliction  was  said  to  have  been  sent  from  heaven  as  a  punishment 
for  the  murder  of  Dimitri ;  the  distress  it  caused,  and  the  various  re- 
strictive laws,  led  to  a  great  migration  of  peasants  to  the  Ukraine,  where, 
under  the  lead  of  a  chief  named  Klopko,  they  organised  a  kind  of 
Jacquerie,  which  was  put  down  with  a  merciless  hand.  Manners  were 
more  brutal  and  violent  than  ever ;  honour  and  truth  became  almost 
unknown    among    the    Russians,    and   cruelty    and   debauchery  were 

*  Op.  cit.,  i.  166.  t  Id.,  167.  I  Karamzin,  xi.  148. 


chronic*  Miracles,  prodigies,  and  gross  superstitions  also  revived. 
Amidst  this  terrible  confusion,  a  rumour  spread  that  Dimitri  was  not 
dead— that  he  still  lived.  A  wandering  monk,  the  son  of  a  poor  gentle- 
man of  Galitch  claimed  to  be  that  prince,  and  under  the  name  of  the 
False  Dimitri  played  an  extraordinary  part  in  Russian  history.  He  prac- 
tised war  among  the  Cossacks  of  the  Dnieper,  he  learnt  Pohshand  Latin, 
and  at  length  declared  himself  in  Lithuania,  and  produced  some  precious 
jewels  and  some  marks  on  his  body  as  the  proofs  of  his  identity.  He  was 
acknowledged  by  the  Polish  grandees,  by  Sigismund  of  Poland,  and  by 
the  Papal  Nuncio,  to  whom  he  promised  to  bring  over  Russia  to  the  Latin 
Church,  and  openly  joined  that  communion,  while  the  Pohsh  king 
determined  to  take  up  arms  in  his  favour.  The  details  of  this  most 
strange  drama  form  no  part  of  our  subject.  How  one  town  and 
fortress  after  another  opened  its  gates  to  him,  nor  how  the  annalists 
explain  the  spread  of  the  delusion  by  the  statement  that  "people 
no  longer  liked  Boris,"  Dimitri  won  a  great  victory  which  was 
followed  by  as  serious  a  defeat,  but  his  prestige  still  survived,  and 
the  sympathies  of  the  greater  part  of  the  populace  were  no  doubt  with 
him.  He  acted  his  part  admirably,  was  courageous  and  chivalrous,  and 
also  dignified  and  patronising.  He  wrote  to  Boris  offering  him  his 
pardon,  if  he  would  abandon  the  throne,  and  retire  to  a  monastery, 
meanwhile  Boris  died.  An  impalpable  force,  says  Kelly,  had  neutralised 
all  the  efforts  of  his  strong  will  and  subtle  genius,  all  the  resources  of 
his  absolute  authority,  and  like  a  magician  undone  by  his  own  familiars, 
he  fell  himself  the  victim  of  the  universal  perfidy  he  had  spread  around 
him  ...  In  this  awful  conflict  with  destiny,  he  however  won  the  last 
prize  in  his  career  of  ambition,  to  die  as  he  wistied  to  die  as  he  had  lived, 
a  monarch."!  He  died  on  the  i6th  of  April  1605,  some  supposed  from 
poison,  but  others,  doubtless,  more  probably  from  apoplexy. 

Boris  was  succeeded  by  his  son  Feodor,  a  boy  of  sixteen.  His  reign 
was  a  very  short  one.  He  had  been  barely  six  weeks  on  the  throne, 
when  he  was  betrayed  by  prince  Basmanof,  the  commander  of  the  army, 
who  with  the  princes  Galitzin  and  Soltikof,  went  over  to  the  False 
Dimitri.  The  latter's  road  was  now  clear.  He  speedily  became  the 
master  of  Moscow,  and  the  young  Feodor  and  his  mother  were  strangled. 
He  entered  the  capital,  however,  amidst  evil  omens.J  And  although  he 
was  welcomed  by  the  people,  they  were  not  pleased  that  he  should  have 
introduced  a  number  of  pagans  {i.e.,  those  not  belonging  to  the  Greek 
cult)  into  their  churches. 

He  began  his  rule  by  acts  of  clemency,  and  inter  alia  he  softened  the 
effects  of  Boris'  law  about  the  peasants,  and  made  the  lord's  right  of 
ownership  of  the  serf  inseparable  from  the  latter's  right  to  maintenance  ; 
he  enfranchised  all  peasants  who  had  been  abandoned  by  their  lords  in 

* /^.,  156.  t  Op.  cit.,  i.  179.  J  Kelly,  op.  cit.,  i.  180-182.     Karamzjn,  xi.  239-270. 

GAZI   GIRAI   KHAN   II.  .       535 

the  recent  famine,  and  enacted  that  in  future  the  right  of  ownership  in 
serfs  should  be  authenticated  by  enrolment. 

Dimitri,  like  a  worthy  successor  of  our  day,  gained  over  his  putative 
mother,  the  widow  of  Ivan,  who  after  due  preparation  publicly  acknow- 
ledged him,  and  he  treated  her  with  every  courtesy  and  consideration.* 
But  presently  the  impostor's  imprudence  began  to  undo  him.  He  jeered 
at  the  boyards  for  their  ignorance,  adopted  Polish  manners,  and  even 
boasted  of  the  superiority  of  the  Poles. 

He  was  seen  to  have  other  anti-national  tendencies,  leaped  on  his  horse's 
back,  which  was  a  spirited  charger,  like  a  Cossack,  instead  of  being  lifted 
into  the  saddle,  and  riding  slowly  and  gravely.  He  neglected  to  salute 
the  sacred  images,  ate  veal  which  was  unclean,  rose  from  table  without 
washing  his  hands,  had  music  at  meals,  did  not  indulge  in  the  siesta. 
Spoke  to  the  clergy  of  the  Greek  faith  "  as  their  religion,  their  ritual," 
&c.,  and  generally  shocked  those  petty  prejudices  which  so  often  hedge 
round  the  loyalty  of  an  ignorant  race. 

He  surrounded  himself  with  objects  of  luxury.  On  placing  a  bronze 
figure  of  Cerberus  at  his  gate,  the  annalists  report  that  he  merely  presaged 
the  home  he  would  occupy  in  the  other  world,  namely,  hell.t 

Murmurs  began  to  spread  that  he  was  an  impostor,  and  those  who 
had  known  him  in  former  days  began  to  divulge  their  knowledge,  and 
were  duly  executed  ;  he  surrounded  himself  with  a  German  guard,  and 
distributed  largess  freely.  He  allowed  the  boyards  to  choose  their  own 
wives,  and  to  marry  as  they  wished,  which  was  a  new  privilege  to  them. 
Meanwhile  he  engaged  himself  to  the  daughter  of  a  Polish  gentleman 
who  was  a  Roman  Catholic,  and  he  drew  nearer  his  ties  with  Rome  and 
with  the  Jesuits.  A  feeling  of  hatred  towards  the  foreigners  about  the 
Court  began  to  spread,  while  by  his  persecution  of  the  Russian  clergy  he 
set  against  himself  the  strongest  social  influence  in  the  country. 

The  priests  began  to  call  him  Julian  the  Apostate,  "  and  all  the  truly 
royal  virtues  they  could  not  but  recognise  in  him,  they  turned  to  his 
vilification  as  so  many  points  of  resemblance  to  the  persecutor  of  the 
Christians."  t  He  sustained  the  honour  of  Russia  abroad,  and  we  are 
told  he  carried  on  a  peaceable  intercourse  with  Gazi  Girai  of  Krim.§ 

Dimitri's  engagement  was  followed  by  his  marriage  with  Marina,  the 
hated  Polish  lady  who  still  retained  her  old  faith,  and  belonged  to  a  race 
especially  hated  in  Russia.  The  gathering  storm  now  came  to  a 
head.  A  conspiracy  was  started  headed  by  prince  Schuisky.  The  army 
turned  against  him  having  been  gained  over  by  Schuisky.  Moscow  was 
speedily  aroused.  "  The  great  bell  was  rung  and  was  answered  by  the 
3,000  bells  of  Moscow.  The  whole  populace  flocked  with  axes  and  clubs  to 
the  Kremlin,  or  to  the  houses  marked  with  chalk,  as  to  those  of  the  Poles 

*  Kelly,  i.  185, 18S.    Karamzin,  ix.  270-290.  t  Karamzin,  xi.  397-  I  Kelly,  i.  189. 

§  Karamzin,  xi.  335. 


where  breaking  down  the  doors  they  began  to  massacre  the  sleeping 
inmates."*  The  rest  of  the  story  has  been  condensed  from  Karamzin,  in 
graphic  language,  by  Kelly.  It  is  so  picturesque  in  its  tragic  details  that 
I  am  tempted  to  extract  it. 

"  When  he  found  that  resistance  was  hopeless,  Dimitri  threw  down  his 
sword  and  ran  to  a  room  in  that  part  of  the  palace  which  was  farthest 
from  that  assailed  by  the  rebels.  He  opened  a  window  which  looked  out 
on  the  site  of  the  palace  of  Boris,  which  he  had  caused  to  be  demolished. 
The  window  was  thirty  feet  from  the  ground,  but  there  was  no  one  in 
sight,  and  he  leaped  down.  In  his  fall  he  broke  his  leg,  and  fainted  with 
the  pain.  His  groans  were  heard  by  some  strelitz  who  were  there  on 
guard  and  were  not  in  the  plot.  They  gave  him  water  to  drink,  and  laid 
him  on  one  of  the  foundation-stones  of  the  ruined  palace,  and  when  he 
revived  a  little  and  spoke  they  swore  they  would  defend  him  with  their 
lives:  The  first  rebels  who  came^to  claim  their  prey  were  answered  with 
volleys  of  musketry,  but  the  news  that  Dimitri  was  found  brought  multi- 
tudes to  the  spot ;  the  strelitz  were  surrounded,  and,  being  threatened 
that  unless  they  gave  up  the  impostor  their  wives  and  children  should  be 
all  massacred  by  the  mob,  they  laid  down  their  arms  and  abandoned  the 
victim  to  the  fury  of  the  rebels  who  dragged  him  away  to  his  sacked 
palace.  As  he  passed  the  spot  where  his  guards  were  held  captive,  he 
stretched  out  his  hand  to  them  in  silence  in  token  of  adieu  ;  one  of  them, 
a  Livonian  gentleman  named  Furstenburgh,  though  unarmed,  rushed 
forward  to  shield  his  gallant  master  with  his  own  body  from  the  blows  of 
his  ruffianly  captors,  but  the  faithful  servant  was  instantly  massacred. 
Dimitri's  agony  was  prolonged  by  the  ingenious  malice  of  his  assassins. 
They  tore  off  his  royal  garments,  dressed  him  in  a  pastrycoolc's,  and 
hurried  him  into  a  room  in  the  palace  to  undergo  the  mockery  of  a  trial. 
'Bastard  dog,'  said  a  Russian  nobleman,  'tell  us  who  thou  art,  and 
whence  thou  art  come.'  Exerting  all  the  strength  left  him  to  raise  his 
voice,  Dimitri  replied,  '  You  all  know  that  I  am  your  Tzar,  the  legitimate 
son  of  Ivan  Vassihvitch.  Ask  my  mother.  If  you  desire  my  death,  give 
me  time  to  collect  my  senses.'  Thereupon,  a  Russian  gentleman  named 
Valuief,  forcing  his  way  through  the  crowd,  cried  out,  *  What  os  the  use  of 
so  much  talk  with  the  heretic  dog  ?  This  is  the  way  I  confess  this  Polish 
fifer.'  And  shooting  Dimitri  through  the  breast  he  put  an  end  to  his 
agony.  The  mob  then  w-reaked  their  fury  on  the  lifeless  corpse,  and, 
after  hacking  it  and  slashing  it  with  axes  and  sabres,  rolled  it  down  the 
palace  steps,  and  threw  it  on  that  of  Basmanof.  '  You  were  friends  in 
life  ;  go  along  to  hell  together,'  cried  the  murderers  in  their  savage  exulta- 
tion. The  bodies  were  afterwards  dragged  to  the  place  of  execution,  where 
that  of  Dimitri  was  exposed  on  a  table,  and  that  of  Basmanof  on  a  bench 
below,  so  that  the  Czar's  feet  rested  on  his  favourite's  breast.    A  gentle- 

Kelly,  i.  196. 

GAZI   GIRAI   KHAN   11. 


man  threw  on  Dimitri's  body  a  masque  which  he  said  he  had  found  in 
the  heretic's  bedchamber,  in  the  place  reserved  in  Russian  houses  for  the 
images  of  the  saints.  Another  threw  a  set  of  bag-pipes  on  his  breast  and 
thrust  the  pipes  into  his  mouth,  saying  '  You  played  upoji  us  long  enough, 
now  play/t'rus.'  Others  lashed  the  corpse  with  their  whips,  crying 
'  Look  at  the  Tzar  !  the  hero  of  the  Germans.'  The  women  surpassed 
the  men  in  their  obscene  fury,  for  in  scenes  of  mob  violence,  the  weakest 
are  invariably  the  most  inhuman." 

Thus  terminated  a  most  extraordinary  chapter  in  Russian  history,  one 
having  an  exceedingly  epic  character  and  well  deserving  of  a  detailed 
history,  but  we  must  on  with  our  story.  Shuiski  was  rewarded  for  his 
recent  acts  by  being  placed  on  the  vacant  throne,  which  he  speedily  had 
to  defend  against  fresh  impostors,  who  claimed  that  Dimitri  had  not  in 
fact  been  killed,  but  that  another  had  been  mistaken  for  him  on  the 
night  when  the  slaughter  took  place.  These  impostors  were  encouraged 
by  the  crafty  Poles.  The  story  of  these  pretenders  is  interesting  in  its 
way,  but  it  was  a  dismal  time  for  the  Russians,  who  saw  their  land 
traversed  by  hostile  armies  on  various  sides,  while  the  Krim  Tartars 
naturally  fished  in  the  troubled  waters,  crossed  the  Oka,  and  under 
pretence  of  encouraging  Shuiski  plundered  the  villages,  and  carried  off 
many  captives.  A  terrible  defeat  sustained  at  the  hands  of  the  Poles 
led  to  the  deposition  of  Shuiski,  and  he  was  forced  to  turn  monk  ;  was 
handed  over  to  Sigismund,  of  Poland,  and  ended  his  days  in  a  Polish 
prison.  This  was  in  the  year  1610.  Meanwhile  other  events  had  hap- 
pened in  the  Krim,  to  which  we  must  turn. 

We  are  told  that  Gazi  Girai  having  been  summoned  by  the  Sultan  to 
take  part  in  a  new  expedition,  excused  himself,  and  to  escape  punish- 
ment desired  to  retire  to  the  fortress  of  Gazikerman,  which  he  had 
built  in  Circassia,  but  he  died  en  route  of  the  plague  at  Tembug,  and 
was  buried  at  Baghchi  Serai.  Von  Hammer  dates  his  death  in  Novem- 
ber, 1607,*  but  Abdullah  ben  Rizvan  and  Abdul  Ghaffar  in  the  year  1017 
of  the  hej.  (z>,,  i6o8-9).t  He  was  the  greatest  of  the  Krim  Khans,  and 
renowned  both  for  his  learning  and  his  powers  ;  and  his  death  followed 
quickly  on  the  peace  of  Situatorok,  which  marked  the  acme  of  Turkish 
fortunes  in  Europe.^ 

During  the  latter  portion  of  Gazi's  reign  there  was  peace  with  Russia, 
save  the  raids  of  Cossacks  upon  the  lands  of  the  Tartars,  and  the  corre- 
sponding raids  of  the  disorderly  Nogais,  &c.,  in  the  country  of  Bielogorod.§ 
These  led  to  some  recriminations,  as  did  the  building  of  certain  forts  in 
the  steppes  by  the  Russians.  The  false  Dimitri  seems  to  have  carried  on 
an  amicable  intercourse  with  the  Tartars,  and  to  have  sent  them  the  usual 
presents.  ||    Here  we  part  with  the  great  Russian  historian  Karamzin,  whose 

*  Krim  Khans,  93.  t  Langles,  411.  :  Krim  Khans,  93. 

S  Karamzin,  xi.  33.  H  Id>^  335. 

2  U 


work  concludes  so  abruptly,  and  for  the  future  are  dependent  on  the 
history  of  the  Krim  Khans,  and  on  the  notices  in  Von  Hammer's  history 
of  the  Turks.  The  loss  is  perhaps  not  so  much  to  be  regretted,  as  the 
days  of  the  martial  supremacy  of  the  Tartars  over  the  Russians 
were  rapidly  passing  away,  and  the  Khans  became  more  and  more 
dependent  on  Constantinople,  and  little  more  than  satraps  to  the 


Gazi  Girai  had  long  asked  from  the  Sultan  that  the  Khanate  should 
remain  in  his  family,  and  Sultan  Murad  had  promised  that  this  should  be 
so.  On  his  death,  the  people  of  Krim  put  his  eldest  son,  Toktamish, 
who  had  been  kalga,  on  the  throne,  and  sent  to  Constantinople  to  obtain 
a  confirmation  of  the  election  ;  but  Sultan  Murad  had  long  been  dead, 
and  the  court  of  Constantinople,  which  seems  to  have  treated  his  election 
merely  as  a  usurpation,  refused  to  confirm  it.  Toktamish,  who  heard  of 
this,  determined  to  go  and  plead  his  cause  in  person,  and  set  out  on  his 
journey  overland.  While  he  was  on  the  way,  Selamet  Girai,  the  son  of 
Devlet  Girai,  who  was  a  favourite  of  the  Kapitan  Pasha,  Hafiz  Ahmed, 
was  nominated  as  Khan,  his  brother  Muhammed  as  kalga,  and  another 
brother,  Shahin,  as  nureddin.  All  three  had  formerly  been  rebellious 
against  the  Porte.  Selamet  went  to  the  Krim  in  his  own  ship  by  sea,  while 
Muhammed  marched  overland.  The  latter  encountered  Toktamish  and 
his  brother,  Sefer  Girai,  near  Aksu,  and  killed  them.  The  following  year, 
1608,  Muhammed  and  his  brother,  Shahin  Girai,  revolted.  They  were 
defeated  in  several  fights,  and  fled  to  Circassia.  Selamet  Girai  then 
made  Janibeg  Girai  his  kalga,  and  Devlet  Girai,  nureddin,  but  he 
shortly  after  died.  This  was  in  the  year  10 19  (/.<?.,  16 10),  after  a  reign  of 
a  year  and  four  months,  and  at  the  age  of  fifty-four.* 


Janibeg,  according  to  Von  Hammer,  was  the  son  of  Mubarek  Girai, t 
Blau  makes  him  the  son  of  Muhammed  Girai.j  Langles  makes  him  the 
brother  of  Selamet,  which  is  improbable.  He  had  been  his  kalga,  and 
now  became  ruler  of  the  Krim.  He  nominated  his  brother  Devlet  as 
kalga,  and  Azemet,  the  son  of  Selamet  Girai,  as  nureddin.§  Shahin  and 
Muhammed  Girai  above  named  felt  aggrieved  at  his  elevation,  and  having 
assembled  a  body  of  troops  besieged  Janibeg,  first  at  Subak  Baghri,  and 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  43a,  433.     Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  94-96. 
t  Krim  Khans, 95.  Osm.  Gcsh.,  ii.  723)724-       IOp.cit.,65.       J  Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  96. 

J  AMI  BEG   GIRAI   KHAN.  539 

then  at  Baghchi  Serai,  but,  being  deserted  by  some  of  their  men,  Shahin 
fled  to  Persia  and  Muhammed  to  Constantinople.*  We  are  told  that 
one  day  when  Sultan  Ahmed  was  out  hawking,  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
Adrianople,  he  had  let  fly  his  falcon,  when  another  one  fell  upon  it  and 
robbed  it  of  its  prey.  On  asking  whose  this  bird  was,  they  found  it  be- 
longed to  Muhammed  Girai,  who  with  a  party  of  Circassians  had  gone  to 
Adrianople,  at  the  instance  of  the  Grand  Vizier,  Nahsuh,  to  try  and 
secure  the  khanate  for  himself ;  but  some  of  the  courtiers  who  hated  the 
vizier  reported  to  the  Sultan  that  the  latter's  real  object  was  to  put  a 
descendant  of  Jingis  Khan  on  the  throne  of  the  Osmanli.  This  sug- 
gestion, as  Von  Hammer  says,  proves  what  a  potent  name  that  of  Jingis 
was  in  Asia.  The  Sultan  accordingly  imprisoned  Muhammed  Girai  in 
the  fortress  of  the  Seven  Towers,  whence  he  escaped  three  years  later  at 
the  accession  of  Sultan  Osman.t 

According  to  another  authority  Muhammed  lived  as  a  prisoner  of  the 
Sultan,  at  Gallipoli.|  Soon  after  his  accession  and  in  the  year  1618,  we 
find  Janibeg  taking  part  in  the  Turkish  campaign  against  Persia.  He 
sailed  from  Kaffa  and  landed  at  Trebizond  with  30,000  Tartars.  He 
ravaged  the  country  of  Nakhshivan,  in  Armenia,  and  captured  15,000 
prisoners  and  a  quantity  of  cattle,  and  other  booty,  and  then  rejoined  the 
Ottoman  army  in  the  plains  of  Chulbek,  but  he  was  afterwards  badly 
beaten  by  the  governor  of  Tebris,  in  a  struggle  at  Sarav,  where  the  begler 
begs  of  Rumelia,  Diarbeker,  and  Van  and  many  others  fell.  The  Khan's 
kadiasker  and  mufti  fell  at  his  side,  and  his  life  was  only  saved  by  the 
bravery  of  the  janissaries. § 

In  162 1,  the  Khan  took  part  in  Sultan  Osman's  campaign  against 
Poland,  where  although  the  combined  forces  were  beaten  at  Khotin,  on 
the  Dniester,  he  gained  much  renown  by  his  actions.  In  this  war  the 
Nogay  chief  Khan  Kantemir  Mursa,  also  distinguished  himself,  and  was 
rewarded  with  the  government  of  Otchakof.|(  The  next  year  Janibeg  was 
deposed  without  any  apparent  motive,  and  was  given  the  Sanjak  of 
Chermen,  in  Rhodes,  as  an  appanage.^ 

Meanwhile  let  us  turn  shortly  to  Russia  ;  on  the  deposition  of  Shuiski, 
the  land  vvart  the  scene  of  terrible  anarchy.  If  the  Poles  whose  feet  were 
on  its  neck  had  behaved  with  prudence,  they  might  probably  have 
appropriated  the  country,  but  the}'  were  tyrannical  and  bigoted,  and 
presently  there  arose  a  popular  movement  which  spreading  from  Nijni 
Novgorod  overwhelmed  them  and  the  various  impostors  whom  they  had 
supported.  A  great  assembly  was  then  summoned  in  the  Kremlin.  The 
solemn  meeting  took  place  in  Lent,  1613,  and  led  to  the  election  of 
Michael  Romanof,  a  boy  of  sixteen,  the  son  of  an  ecclesiastic,  the  Philaret. 

Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  434.  1  Krim  Khans,  98.  J  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  434. 

§  Id.    Von  Hammer,  Gesh.  Osm.  Reich.,  &c.,  ii.  772.    Krim  Khans,  98. 
^  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Reich.,  &c.,  791.  *[  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  435. 


already  named,  wlio  afterwards  became  patriarch,  and  by  his  mother 
Anastasia  a  grandson  of  Ivan  the  Terrible.*  The  young  Tzar  swore  to 
protect  religion,  to  pardon  and  forget  what  had  been  done  to  his  father,  to 
make  no  new  laws  nor  alter  old  ones,  unless  absolutely  necessar>',  &c. 
The  state  of  Russia  was  indeed  deplorable.  Ustrialof  thus  describes  it, 
"  The  strongholds  on  the  frontiers  which  should  have  served  to  defend 
liis  dominions,  were  in  the  hands  of  external  or  internal  enemies.  The 
Swedes  possessed  Kexholm,  Oreshek,  Koporie,  and  even  Novgorod.  The 
Poles  ruled  in  Smolensk,  Dorogobuye,  Putivli,  and  Chernigof.  The 
country  around  Pskof  was  in  the  hands  of  the  Lisofskis.  Raisin,  Kashira, 
and  Tula  struggled  feebly  against  the  Tartars  of  the  Crimea  and  the 
Nogais.  Zarnoki  was  established  at  Astrakhan.  Kazan  was  in  open 
revolt.  At  home,  bands  of  Cossacks  from  the  Don  and  the  Zaporogue, 
and  whole  divisions  of  Poles  and  Tartars  ravaged  the  villages  and 
the  convents  that  were  still  entire  ;  when  there  were  hopes  of  finding 
booty.  The  country  was  wasted,  soldiers  were  dying  of  hunger,  the  land- 
tax  was  no  longer  collected,  and  not  a  kopeck  was  in  the  treasury.  The 
State  jewels,  crowns  of  great  price,  sceptres,  precious  stones,  vases,  all 
had  been  plundered  and  carried  into  Poland."t  It  was  surely  a  good 
opportunity  for  the  Tartars  to  recover  their  domains,  but  fortunately, 
their  hands  were  full  elsewhere. 

De  Bohucz  has  preserved  a  curious  incident  of  the  reign  of  Janibeg. 
He  tells  us  that  in  1612,  he  sent  a  Genoese  of  Kaffa  as  an  envoy  to 
Poland.  At  Kamenetz  he  met  some  Jesuits,  and  described  to  them  the 
low  state  of  Christianity  in  the  Krim.  Father  Zgoda  offered  his  services 
to  go  and  revive  matters.  He  had  first  to  get  the  permission  of  the  Porte, 
and  we  are  told  he  ingratiated  himself  with  the  authorities  at  Con- 
stantinople, and  followed  the  Prince  of  Wallachia,  as  his  almoner.  By 
a  treaty  with  the  Porte,  no  Christian  priest  was  allowed  in  the  Krim, 
unless  sent  by  the  Turks,  or  unless  he  had  been  taken  prisoner.  Zgoda 
contrived  to  be  captured  in  a  skirmish,  made  his  way  to  his  Genoese 
friend,' lodged  in  a  house  at  Kaffa,  and  installed  himself  as  cure.:|: 


Janibeg  was  supplanted  by  Muhammed,  the  brother  of  the  Khan 
Selamet  Girai,  who  had  been  imprisoned  in  the  Seven  Towers,  as  I 
have  mentioned,  and  who  nominated  as  kalga  his  brother  Shahin  Girai. 
Shahin  was  then  a  refugee  at  the  court  of  Shah  Abbas.  Ahmed  Girai 
was  appointed  nureddin.  The  latter  was  a  notable  character.  We  are 
told  that  Feth  Girai,  the  kalga  of  Gazi  Girai,  having  received  as  a  present 
the  daughter  of  a  PoUsh  grandee,  whom  Von  Hammer  identifies  with 
Maria  Potoska,  intrusted  her  to  an  old  man  named  Haji  Ahmed,  to 

*  Wahl's  Land  of  the  Tzars,  2S2.        t  Kelly,  op.  cit.,  i.  .214,  215.        I  De  Bohucz,  op.  cit.,  377 

MUHAMMED   GIRAI    KHAN  III.  •        541 

restore  her  to  her  father.  One  evening  a  friend  of  Feth  Girai  told  him 
that  the  Polish  captive  had  had  a  son,  and  congratulated  him  on  its 
birth  in  an  ironical  phrase.  He  paid  for  his  untimely  joke  with  a  blood  \ 
mouth,  for  Feth  Girai  struck  him  with  his  slipper  on  the  face,  and  then 
sent  orders  that  the  slave,  the  boy,  and  its  father  should  be  put  to  death. 
They,  however,  fled,  and  the  boy  was  brought  up  in  obscurity  as  a  herds- 
man, and  named  Mustapha.  When  he  had  grown  up,  Aluhammed  and 
Shahin  Girai,  who  were  childless,  adopted  him  ;  gave  him  the  name  of 
Ahmed  Girai,  and  nominated  him  as  nureddin,  which  aroused  great 
opposition  among  the  other  members  of  the  Royal  family,  who  naturally 
looked  upon  him  as  illegitimate.  He  was  the  founder  of  a  new  line  of 
the  Girais,  who  were  known  as  the  Choban  Girais  or  Girai  herdsmen.* 
One  of  the  first  events  of  the  new  Khan's  reign  was  an  attack  made  on 
two  Russian  envoys  who  were  returning  home  from  Constantinople  by 
way  of  the  Krim  with  presents,  and  who  were  killed  by  Shahin  Girai,  and 
the  gifts  appropriated.  According  to  Von  Hammer,t  it  was  the  alleged 
intention  of  the  brothers  to  invade  the  Turkish  empire.  An  astrologer 
had  foretold  that  the  empire  of  the  world  would  fall  to  a  man  whose 
name  was  that  of  a  bird.  Shahin  means  falcon ;  the  prophecy 
was  accordingly  interpreted,  as  referring  to  Shahin  Girai,  and  the  two 
brothers  prepared  to  march  upon  Adrianople,  and  collected  a  laro-e 
army.  The  Porte  thereupon  decreed  the  deposition  of  Muhammed 
Girai,  and  reappointed  Janibeg  in  his  place.  He  was  escorted  to  Kafifa  by 
four  galleys.  The  Kapitan  Pasha  and  other  Ottoman  grandees  wrote  to 
acquaint  the  two  brothers  with  the  decision  of  the  Sultan,  demanded 
their  departure,  and  also  their  acceptance  of  the  government  of  the 
Morea  and  of  the  Herzegovina.  Shahin  Girai  thus  replied  to  this  sum- 
mons, "  What  is  the  reason  that  when  we  have  hardly  occupied  the  throne 
for  five  days  it  is  taken  from  us  and  given  to  Janibeg,  and  that  thousands 
of  poor  people  are  to  be  trampled  under  the  hoofs  of  horses.  Think 
what  will  happen.  All  the  people  have  their  waggons  ready,  and  are 
prepared  to  emigrate.  Is  it  right  to  drive  us  from  the  land  which  our 
fathers  conquered,  into  the  wilderness.  When  we  have  left,  and  the 
Krim  is  occupied  by  the  unbelievers,  do  you  think  Kaffa  and  the  other 
fortresses  will  remain  in  your  power.  We  hope  you  will  not  destroy  the 
mosques,  and  that  you  will  reinstate  us."  Rejeb,  the  Kapitan  Pasha, 
replied  that  he  must  obey  his  orders.:^  War  thereupon  broke  out  between 
the  Porte  and  its  vassals.  The  two  brothers  marched  against  Kaffa. 
Hardly  had  the  siege  lasted  two  months  when  the  Kapitan  Pasha  began 
to  dread  a  want  of  water,  and  was  compelled  to  bring  matters  to  an 
issue.  He  found  himself  opposed  by  more  than  100,000  Nogais  and  800 
Cossacks,  and  being  terribly  outnumbered,  his  people  sustained  a  severe 

Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  101-103.  t  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Gesh.,  ^-j. 

\  Krim  Khans,  105. 


defeat.  They  would  have  erected  barricades  during  the  night,  but  had 
neither  axes  nor  spades,  and  the  only  escape  from  the  situation  was  by 
the  Kapitan  Pasha  granting  a  diploma  to  Muhammed,  constituting  him 
Khan.  This  was  sent  to  him  with  a  State  kaftan,  and  Janibeg  Girai  and 
his  brother  Devlet  returned  to  Kafifa,  and  thence  to  take  charge  again  of 
the  Sanjak  of  Chermen. 

When  the  news  of  what  had  happened  reached  the  camp  of  the  Nogais, 
they  were  far  from  satisfied.  They  again  attacked  the  Turks,  who  were 
completely  beaten,  the  Tartars  being  spurred  on  especially  by  the  wish  to 
avenge  Choban  Girai,  who  had  fallen  in  the  fight.  A  great  number  of 
the  Turks  were  killed.  Others,  including  a  thousand  sailors,  were  cap- 
tured, together  with  a  large  booty  and  seventeen  pieces  of  artillery.*  The 
Tartars  now  rushed  into  Kaffa,  and  Shahin  Girai  put  up  at  the  house  of 
the  magistrate  All.  The  inhabitants  were  ordered  to  clear  out  in  three 
days,  and  during  that  time  a  stream  of  them  poured  towards  the  fleet. 
Presently  the  Kapitan  Pasha  sent  a  subashi  to  treat  for  the  restoration  of 
Kaffa.  To  him  Muhammed  disclosed  his  grievances  against  the  Porte, 
and  he  sent  an  answer  by  the  Egyptian  Kislaraga,  who  had  twice  received 
100,000  piastres  from  Janibeg.  "  My  pasha,"  he  said  to  the  khan  on  his 
return,  "  you  are  again  Khan,  and  Shahin  is  again  kalga.  Be  at  peace 
once  more  with  the  Osmanli,  restore  the  cannons,  and  order  the  Cossacks 
and  Tartars  to  quit  Kaffa."  Shahin  insisted  that  the  begs  of  the  Nogais 
must  be  summoned,  and  thereupon  followed  an  uncommon  sight,  Nogay 
begs  and  Tartar  mursas  sitting  together  in  solemn  divan.  The  mes- 
sengers went  to  and  fro,  and  took  State  kaftans  for  Muhammed,  Shahin, 
and  the  mursas.  The  diploma  was  conferred  with  State,  and  eight  days 
later  the  Tartars  left  Kaffa,  and  the  Kapitan  Pasha  sailed  for  Constanti- 
nople.t  This  was  the  first  struggle  between  the  Porte  and  its  vassal,  and 
we  may  believe  how  grateful  it  must  have  been  to  the  neighbouring 
powers.  At  all  events,  it  probably  saved  Russia  from  being  molested 
during  the  period  of  its  prostrate  fortunes.  The  two  brothers,  or  rather 
Shahin  Girai,  now  behaved  in  a  very  tyrannical  way.  Kiafa,  a  renowned 
chief  of  the  Nogais,  was  killed  because  he  was  found  in  possession  of  a 
letter  from  Janibeg.  The  whole  family  of  his  enemy,  Kajitemir,  a 
powerful  mursa  of  the  Nogai  tribe,  Mansur,  who  were  living  in  the  Krim, 
were  put  to  death  in  a  most  cruel  manner,  inter  alia,  his  pregnant  wife 
was  roasted  over  a  slow  fire  on  a  spit  so  that  her  womb  burnt  open,  and 
the  unborn  child  was  ejected  into  the  flames.  Kantemir  and  his 
people  apparently  occupied  Bessarabia.  Shahin  Girai  accordingly 
ravaged  the  districts  of  Akkerman,  Kiha,  Ismail,  and  Guirgevo.  He 
wished  also  to  capture  Babadagh,  but  was  attacked  by  Kantemir  with 
thirty  thousand  Tartars  from  the  Dobruja,  and  so  badly  beaten  that  the 
Danube  ran  red  with  the  blood  of  his  men.    The  Porte  made  the  best  of 

*  U.,  107,  108.  t  Id.,  10:,  no. 


a  bad  business,  for  it  could  not  dispense  with  the  aid  of  the  Tartars  in  its 
Polish  struggle.  The  khan  and  his  kalga  were  accordingly  presented 
with  a  kaftan  and  sword  of  honour,  and  were  ordered  to  invade  Poland. 
This  was  in  1628.  They  were  overtaken  by  a  storm  in  crossing  the 
Dniester  while  eti  route,  and  we  are  told  lost  more  than  forty  thousand 
men.  Muhammed  Girai  and  his  brother  protested  by  an  envoy  against 
being  included  in  the  peace  with  Poland,  and  claimed  an  annual  sum  of 
40,000  thalers,  which  the  Poles  would  not  submit  to  pay.* 

In  the  year  1627,  Kantemir,  who  had  a  grievous  personal  wrong  to 
revenge,  as  I  have  shown,  with  his  cousin  Selman  Murza,  laid  siege  to 
Baghchi  Serai.  Muhammed  Girai  kept  a  body  of  stipendiary  Cossacks,  to 
pay  whom  he  made  many  exactions  on  his  people,  while  he  allowed  them 
the  right  to  pillage.t  The  people  were,  doubtless,  weary  of  him,  yet 
Kantemir  was  obliged  to  withdraw  from  Baghchi  Serai,  after  a  siege  of 
twenty  days,  and  had  to  seek  refuge  at  Kaffa,  where  he  recruited  his 
forces.  A  second  venture  was  as  unfortunate  as  the  first,  and  he  lost 
2,000  men.  But  the  Porte  had  decreed  the  deposition  of  Muhammed,  and 
nominated  Janibeg  once  more  to  the  throne  ;  on  the  approach  of  the 
Turkish  fleet  he  retired  to  the  Don,  where  he  persuaded  the  Cossacks  to 
side  with  him,  and  told  them  the  people  of  Krim  would  support  him. 
The  following  year  he  marched  with  the  Cossacks  to  Ferhkerman. 
Janibeg  met  him  there,  and  defeated  him.  The  Cossacks  were  very 
indignant  with  Muhammed  for  having  deceived  them,  and  shot  him.+ 
Shahin  fled  to  Circassia  and  thence  to  Constantinople,  to  seek  pardon, 
but  he  was  exiled  to  Rhodes.  §  The  head  of  the  hetman  of  the  Cossacks, 
who  was  killed  in  the  struggle,  was  exposed  on  the  battlements  of  Kaffa. 

JANIBEG   KHAN    (Restored). 

Janibeg  nominated  his  brother  Devlet  as  kalga,  and  Azamet  Girai 
as  nureddin.  Having  made  peace  with  the  beg  of  the  tribe  Mansur,  he 
sent  Devlet  and  Islam  Girai  to  ravage  Poland.  His  people  were 
defeated,  and  Islam  captured.  Janibeg  was  afterwards  deposed,  and 
sent  to  Rhodes,  which  was  the  place  of  exile  chiefly  used  by  the  Turks 
for  their  poHtical  prisoners.  One  author  says  he  was  eighty  years  old, 
and  had  become  childish.  Ii     This  was  in  1635.  H 


Janibeg  was  succeeded  by  Inayet,  the  eldest  son  of  Gazi  Girai,  who 
appointed  his  brother  Hassan,  kalga,  and  Saadet  Girai,  nureddin.    After 

*/^.,  111-113.  t  De  Bohucz,  380.  I  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii,  436,  437. 

§  Yon  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  115.      \  Langles,  412, 413.      ^  Nouv.  journ.  Asiat.,  xii.,  437, 438. 


his  arrival  in  the  Krim  he  was  ordered  by  the  Sultan  to  march  against 
Persia.  He  was  joined  by  Kantemir,  chief  of  the  Nogais,  but  when 
they  arrived  at  Sutud,  the  latter  abandoned  him  and  returned  with  his 
suite  and  baggage  to  Akkerman.  The  Khan  was  very  angry  and  deter- 
mined to  punish  him.  We  are  told  he  transported  the  tribe  Orak  (Orak 
Oghlu)  with  its  herds,  from  the  Don,  and  thus  increased  his  forces.  At 
the  same  time  he  put  to  death  the  begler  beg  Bejagji  zado,  Ibrahim 
Pasha,  governor  of  Kaffa,  and  the  kadhi  Hamid  Effendi,  on  account  of  a 
difference  they  had  with  the  people  of  Kaffa.  He  then  marched  towards 
Akkerman.*  Opposed  to  the  Beni  Mansur  or  tribe  of  Mansur,  were  the 
Shirin  begs  who  were  related  to  the  Khan,  and  who  disposed  of  from 
20,000  to  30,000  men,  they  allied  themselves  with  the  Inayet  Girai.t 
Khan  Timur  repaired  to  Constantinople  to  complain  of  the  Krim  Khan, 
and  the  latter  taking  advantage  of  his  absence,  ordered  the  kalga  and 
nureddin  to  seize  his  harem  and  treasuries,  which  he  had  left  behind  at 
Kili,  while  having  a  suspicion  that  he  was  about  himself  to  be  displaced, 
he  prepared  vigorously  to  oppose  his  successor.  The  two  princes 
endeavoured  to  acquit  themselves  of  their  task,  but  two  of  the  Mansur 
begs  named  Devlet  Shah  and  Suleiman  Shah  won  over  the  murza  of  the 
Orak  Oghlu  and  thereupon  captured  the  kalga  and  nureddin,  and  put 
them  to  death  with  all  their  famihes.  This  was  in  1636.  J  The  Nogais 
then  besieged  Kaffa,  put  to  death  the  begler  beg  Bejagje,  and  the 
magistrate  Hamid  Effendi,  and  plundered  the  town.  They  then  entered 
the  Krim  where  they  planted  themselves,  and  announced  that  in  future 
they  meant  to  obey  only  the  Khan.  He  unwisely  tried  to  insist  on  the 
surrender  of  Kantemir,  and  the  withdrawal  of  the  Ottoman  troops, 
and  was  accordingly  deposed. §  He  went  to  the  coast,  while  his  brothers 
Kalga  Hassan  Girai  and  Saadct  Girai  planted  themselves  near  Otchakof, 
to  oppose  the  landing  of  the  new  Khan.  They  were  attacked  by 
Suliman  and  Orak,  the  brothers  of  Kantemir,  with  7,000  or  8,000 
Nogais,  who  killed  them  both,  and  made  a  great  massacre.  Inayet 
repaired  to  Constantinople  where  he  and  Kantemir  set  out  their  com- 
plaints at  great  length  before  Murad  IV.,  who  after  listening  to  the  former 
for  some  time,  ordered  him  to  be  strangled.  This  decree  was  in  distinct 
contravention  of  the  famous  treaty  made  by  his  ancestor  with  Menghi 
Girai.  The  corpse  was  accompanied  to  its  resting  place  by  the  viziers 
and  kadiaskers.  As  Kantemir's  son  soon  after  killed  a  man  when  drunk 
he  was  put  to  death,  and  his  body  was  sent  to  his  father,  and  directly 
after  orders  were  given  that  the  latter  should  be  executed  also,  as  a 
dangerous  spirit.  This  caused  great  grief  to  the  Nogais  who  once 
more  submitted  to  the  Krim  Khan.  The  confusion  then  reigning 
in  the  Krim,  tempted  the  Cossacks  to  make  an  important  conquest, 

*  Id>,  438.  t  Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  116, 117. 

Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  439-  ^  Krim  Khans,  ii'a. 


6,000  Zaporogucs  who  were  on  their  way  to  offer  their  services  to  the  Shah 
of  Persia,  met  2,000  Don  Cossacks  on  the  Don.  The  latter  persuaded 
them  to  stay  and  endeavour  to  capture  Azof  or  Azak.  Although  they 
had  neither  money,  victuals,  cannons  nor  powder,  and  it  was  garrisoned 
with  3,000  or  4,000  Turks,  they  determined  to  blockade  it.  The  Russian 
Tzar  Michael  deemed  it  a  good  opportunity  to  make  war  furtively,  and 
without  incurring  the  resentment  of  the  Porte,  and  accordingly  sent  them 
some  munitions,  and  a  German  engineer  who  understood  the  art  of 
making  mines.  He  was  very  successful.  A  mine  he  made  was  sprung 
under  the  wall  and  caused  a  breach  through  which  the  Cossacks  rushed 
and  after  a  terrible  struggle  with  the  Turks  on  the  ramparts,  the  latter 
were  beaten  ;  some  fled  to  the  steppes,  others  to  the  towers  on  the  walls, 
the  town  was  pillaged  and  their  wives  and  children  became  the  prey  of 
the  conquerors.  The  Cossacks  now  spread  over  the  borders  of  the  Black 
Sea,  causing  great  terror,  while  Sultan  Murad  had  to  postpone  his 
vengeance  till  he  had  concluded  his  Persian  war.* 


Behadur  Girai  was  the  son  of  Selamet  Girai  Khan.  He  nominated  his 
elder  brother,  Islam  Girai,  as  kalga,  and  the  younger  one,  Safa  Girai,  as 
nureddin.  On  his  accession,  like  hjs  two  predecessors,  he  sent  envoys  to 
announce  the  fact  to  the  Emperor  Ferdinand  H.,  to  the  King  of  Poland, 
and  the  Tzar  of  Russia. t  As  usual,  the  accession  of  the  new  khan  was 
marked  by  an  invasion  of  the  southern  provinces  of  Russia,  which  was 
followed  by  the  subjection  of  the  Mansur  tribe  of  Nogais.  The  following 
year,  namely  in  1639,  the  Khan  sent  his  younger  brother,  Krim  Girai,  also 
called  the  Little  Sultan,  with  a  contingent  of  troops  to  assist  the  Turks 
in  their  campaign  against  Baghdad  ;  afterwards  he  was  sent  to  ravage 
Poland.  On  the  return  from  Poland,  the  Tartar  army  crossed  the 
Dniester  on  the  ice,  which  proved  treacherous  and  broke  in,  and  many 
soldiers  were  drowned,  while  the  pursuing  Poles  attacked  the  remainder, 
and  secured^much  of  the  booty.  J 

The  Cossacks  had  now  been  for  some  time  in  possession  of  Azof,  and 
the  Turks  naturally  felt  much  aggrieved  that  a  fortress  which  was  deemed 
the  key  of  the  Black  Sea  should  be  in  the  hands  of  a  body  of  vagabondf. 
They  sent  off  a  force  of  20,000  janissaries,  and  ordered  50,000  Krim 
Tartars  and  10,000  Circassians  to  join  them  under  the  walls  of  the  town. 
This  was  in  1641.  It  had  now  a  considerable  population,  partially  con- 
sisting of  its  old  inhabitants  and  partly  of  Cossacks,  and  was  well  sup- 
plied with  provisions  and  munitions  of  war.  Besides  its  male  defenders, 
it  also  boasted  a  force  of  eight  hundred  amazons.     It  resisted  all  the 

*  Lesur,  Hist,  des  Kosaques,  i.  315-  t  Krim  Khans,  122. 

I  Nouv.  Joura.  Asiat.,  xii.  440. 

2  W 


efforts  of  the  Turks,  who  suffered  from  hunger  and  pestilence,  while  a 
portion  of  their  fleet  was  wrecked  on  the  shoals  at  the  mouth  of  the  Don, 
where  they  fell  a  prey  to  the  enemy.  The  rest  of  the  besiegers  took 
to  their  ships  and  returned  home.*  The  Turks  lost  a  thousand  janissaries, 
besides  eight  hundred  other  soldiers,  without  reckoning  the  Vlakhs, 
Moldavians  and  Tartars.t  The  Khan  Behadur  died  in  the  year  1642, 
soon  after  his  return  from  the  siege  of  Azof.  Like  Gazi  Girai  he  was  a 
poet,  as  is  proved  by  several  extant  examples  of  his  skill,  j 


Behadur  Girai  was  succeeded  by  his  brother  Muhammed,  who  nomi- 
nated Feth  Girai  as  kalga,  and  Gazi  Girai  as  nureddin.  At  this  time  the 
truculent  Shahin  Girai,  who  had  been  for  some  time  a  prisoner  in 
Rhodes,  was  executed  by  order  of  the  Sultan.  The  latter  also  sent  the 
Krim  Khan  a  subsidy  of  12,000  ducats,  in  return  for  which  the  Krim 
Khan  furnished  a  large  contingent  of  men  for  the  expedition  which  was 
sent  in  1642  to  retrieve  the  previous  year's  disaster  at  Azof.  The  arma- 
ment sent  by  the  Turks  was  put  under  the  command  of  the  Egyptian 
Sultan.  The  Cossacks,  who  had  been  severely  tried  in  the  former  cam- 
paign, now  abandoned  the  town  after  partially  flooding  and  partially 
burning  it,  and  carried  off  its  treasures.  The  Egyptian  Pasha  was 
accompanied  by  the  greatest  of  Turkish  travellers,  named  Evlia,  who 
has  left  us  a  list  of  the  Tartar  and  Circassian  tribes.  After  rebuilding 
the  town  the  Turks  garrisoned  it  with  twenty  regiments  of  janissaries, 
six  of  cannoniers,  ten  of  artillery,  and  seven  thousand  Tartars,  in  all 
twenty-six  thousand  men.§  Muhammed  had  an  elder  brother,  Islam, 
who  had  been  kalga  in  Behadur's  reign,  and  was  now  living  at  Sultania, 
on  the  European  shore  of  the  Dardanelles.  He  urged  his  superior  claims 
at  the  Imperial  court.  On  the  other  hand  the  Krim  was  threatened  by 
the  Kalmuks,  who  now  began  to  molest  the  Eastern  frontiers  of  Europe. 
This  was  in  1644.  They  were  attacked  and  defeated  by  Alaik,  the  chief 
of  the  Kabardians.  The  Krim  Khan  sent  Selanash  Murza  with  a  con- 
tingent to  the  assistance  of  the  latter,  but  he  was  killed  in  the  fight.  At 
this  time  there  was  a  struggle  for  the  chieftainship  of  the  Circassians 
between  two  brothers  named  Hakashmak  beg  and  Anton ak  beg,  whose 
strife  had  broken  out  in  the  days  of  Behadur  Girai  Khan.  The  Krim 
Khan  supported  the  latter,  and  Hakash  took  refuge  with  the  governor 
of  Azof,  Siawush  Pasha,  whence  he  went  to  Constantinople,  where  he 
obtained  the  renewal  of  the  diploma  of  Sultan  Ahmed,  constituting  him 
Prince  of  the  Circassians. 

*  Lesur,  op.  cit.,  315,  316.  f  Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  123.  I  Krim  Khans,  123-125 . 

§  Von  Hammer,  Gesh.  Osm.  Reich.,  iji.  224.    Krim  Khans,  127. 


Islam  Pasha,  the  Governor  of  Kaffa,  complained  that  Muhammed 
Girai  had  ravaged  the  country  of  the  Circassians  (doubtless  in  support 
of  Antonak),  and  without  due  excuse  he  was  deposed,  and  his  brother 
Islam  Girai  was  made  Khan.    This  was  in  1644.* 


When  Islam  went  to  Constantinople  to  have  his  audience  with  the 
Sultan,  he  found  him  on  the  banks  of  a  stream,  without  his  turban,  and 
dressed  in  a  sweating  costume.  The  Khan  kissed  the  earth,  and  then 
remained  standing  for  a  while.  Ibrahim,  the  Sultan,  then  addressed 
him :  "  Islam,  I  have  made  thee  Khan.  Henceforth  be  thou  the  friend  of 
my  friends,  and  the  enemy  of  my  enemies."  The  Khan  kissed  the  ground 
and  answered  that  he  hoped  God  would  preserve  the  padishah  from  all 
dangers  ;  "  so  that  God  wills  it,  I  will  do  nought  to  hinder  the  wishes  of 
my  emperor  and  king,"  &c.  The  Sultan  was  much  pleased  with  him, 
and  had  him  girded  with  a  robe  of  golden  tissue,  bordered  with  sables, 
and  a  jewelled  sabre.  He  was  then  forty  years  old.f  On  taking  leave  of 
the  vizier,  he  seems  to  have  addressed  him  in  somewhat  arrogant  terms, 
and  bade  him  not  to  interfere  in  the  government  of  Krim,  which  he  knew 
very  well  how  to  manage,  nor  to  prevent  him  from  wreaking  his  vengeance 
on  the  neighbouring  Christians.  On  his  way  home  he  put  to  death  the 
governor  of  Gosleve.  He  also  supported  Antonak,  the  Circassian 
prince,  against  his  brother,  whom  he  put  to  death,  and  bestowed  the 
government  of  the  Circassians  on  his  protege.  He  nominated  Krim 
Girai  as  kalga,  and  confirmed  Gazi  Girai  as  nureddin.  The  soul  of  all 
his  undertakings,  however,  was  Seferaga,  who  was  nominated  bashaga 
or  commander  of  the  troops.  On  the  death  of  Krim  Girai,  Gazi  Girai 
was  promoted  to  the  rank  of  kalga.  + 

Islam  Girai's  reign  was  a  prosperous  one  for  the  Krim.  We  are  told 
he  was  at  war  all  his  life  with  the  Poles.  He  had  been  a  prisoner  for 
seven  year?  in  Poland,  in  his  young  days.  The  ostensible  cause  of  the 
war  was  ttfe  ill-treatment  which  the  famous  hetman  of  the  Cossacks, 
Sinovi  Bogdan  Kmielnitski,  had  received  from  the  Poles.  He  had  been 
a  slave  among  the  Tartars  when  young,  and  had  been  released  in  1622, 
through  the  influence  of  the  Polish  king,  who  made  him  an  officer  of  his 
guard.§  He  now  settled  on  a  small  property  called  Subotof.  Czaplinski, 
Podstarosti  of  Chigrin,  envying  his  good  fortune,  declared  that  a  Cossack 
should  not  hold  land,  and  proceeded  to  dispossess  him,  outraged  his 
wife,  beat  his  son  and  cast  him  into  prison.  Vowing  vengeance,  he  ap- 
pealed to  the  Polish  Diet,  which  awarded  him  a  compensation  of  fifty 

*  Von  Hammer,  Gesh.  Osm.  Reich,  iii,  245.  t  Vod  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  129,  130. 

I  Gesh.  Osm.  Reich.,  iii.  346.  $  Scherer,  Annalcs  de  la  Petite  Russie,  ii.  16. 


florins.  Furious  at  this  insult,  he  repaired  to  the  Dnieper,  where  he  was 
well  known,  and  having  stated  his  grievances  he  was  elected  hetman  of 
the  Zaporogran  Cossacks,  and  proceeded  to  kill  all  the  Poles  within  the 
setsche  or  encampment.*  He  demanded  assistance  also  from  the  Don 
Cossacks,  and  from  the  Krim  Khan,  whose  annual  subsidy,  Vladislaf,  the 
Pohsh  king,  had  recently  failed  to  pay,  and  issued  a  proclamation  to  the 
Cossacks  of  the  Ukraine,  inviting  them  to  defend  their  rights,  and  to  the 
peasants  to  break  the  bonds  of  their  servitude.  The  Poles  marched 
against  him,  but  the  advance  guard  of  their  army,  consisting  of  a 
detachment  of  Cossacks  went  over  to  the  enemy.  The  rest,  a  small 
body  of  fifteen  hundred  men,  was  surrounded  on  the  banks  of  the  Sheskoi, 
near  Sheldawoda,  by  the  combined  Cossacks  and  Tartars.  After  a  brave 
resistance  of  some  days,  they  were  overpowered.  Those  who  were  not 
killed  were  carried  off  as  slaves  to  the  Krim,  while  a  vast  booty  in  gold, 
silver,  and  jewels  fell  to  the  victors. 

Kmielnitski  determined  to  push  matters  home  at  once,  and  having  a 
contingent  of  6,000  Tartars  with  him  he  marched  against  the  main  anny 
of  the  Poles.  This  consisted  of  5,000  men  and  was  surrounded  in  a 
marshy  position  by  the  Tartars,  and  compelled  to  surrender.t 

Overtures  were  now  made  for  peace  on  either  side,  but  they  came  to 
nothing,  and  the  Cossacks  and  Tartars  again  overran  the  Polish  borders. 
They  suddenly  appeared  at  Poliaska  (where  one  of  the  greatest  of  the 
Polish  noblemen  was  being  married),  surprised  the  town  and  captured  all 
the  works  of  art  which  had  been  collected  there.  Khmielnitski  marched 
from  one  success  to  another,  and  his  vast  army  is  said  to  have  comprised 
300,000  Tartars,  Cossacks,  and  peasants,  he  captured  Lemberg  and  the 
fortress  of  Barasa,  and  levied  heavy  contributions  on  other  towns.  He 
then  repaired  to  Kief  where  he  received  the  homage  of  a  great  crowd  of 
notables,  and  was  styled  the  liberator  of  the  Ukraine,  and  the  "  hetman 
generalissimo"  of  the  Cossacks.  The  hands  of  Poland  were  now  paralysed 
by  an  interregnum,  Vladislaf  having  died.  Presently  the  Diet  elected 
in  his  place  the  famous  John  Casimir  who  had  passed  through  a  strange 
apprenticeship,  having  been  successively  a  diplomatist,  a  French  prisoner, 
a  Jesuit,  and  a  Cardinal,  and  now  became  king  of  Poland.  On  his  acces- 
sion he  sent  an  envoy  to  try  and  arrange  matters  with  the  Cofisacks,  and 
presented  Khmielnitski  with  a  pelisse  of  fur,  an  official  baion^  a  standard 
made  of  a  horse's  tail,  an  official  seal,  &c.,  being  the  insigna  of  his  office 
as  hetman.t  Meanwhile  we  read  that  the  Russians  and  the  Poles 
complained  at  Constantinople  of  the  ravages  made  by  the  Tartars. 
Michael  Romanof  after  a  long  reign  in  which  he  healed  many  of  the 
wounds  caused  by  the  terrible  internal  disturbances  of  the  empire,  had 
died  in  1646,  and  been  succeeded  by  his  son  Alexis.  The  Sultan  sent  an 
envoy  to  congratulate  the  young  Tzar,  and  to  bid  him  restrain  the  depreda- 

•  /rf.,  14.  35.  Lcsur,  op.  cit.,  i.  322-    t  Lesur,  op.  cit.,  38«-3a6.    I  Scherer,  op.  cit,  ii.  32. 


tions  of  the  Cossacks  of  Azof,  and  to  continue  to  pay  the  Khan  the  tribute 
the  Russian  princes  were  accustomed  to  pay.  He  also  sent  the  Chaush 
Jemshid  to  the  Krim  Khan,  ordering  him  to  forward  the  8,000  prisoners 
he  had  captured  (who  were  apparently  chiefly  Russians)  to  Constantinople, 
where  he  meant  to  release  them.  To  this  the  Khan  repHed,  "  We  are 
the  servants  of  the  padishah  ;  the  Russians  only  desire  peace  when  they 
are  hard  pressed,  when  fortune  turns  they  will  march  with  their  Chaiks 
against  the  borders  of  Anatolia.  They  have  occupied  two  empty 
fortresses  which  we  have  urged  should  have  been  garrisoned  by  ourselves, 
and  have  fortified  more  than  twenty  outposts.  If  we  had  remained  quiet 
this  year,  they  would  have  captured  Akkerman,  and  become  masters  of 
Moldavia;  they  have  also  burnt  3,000  Cossacks'  boats,  and  have  declared 
war  against  us,  we  have  as  allies  40,000  Cossacks,  and  if  God  wills  it,  I 
mean  to  make  the  Tzar,  like  the  ruler  of  Moldavia,  a  subject  of  the 

While  the  Sultan  was  exchanging  envoys  with  the  Russians,  he  was 
apparently  encouraging  the  Cossack  revolt.  We  are  told  that  Khmielnitski, 
having  received  envoys  from  the  hospodars  of  Wallachia  and  Moldavia, 
and  the  Nogais  of  Bessarabia,  received  one  also  from  the  Sultan,  who 
presented  him  with  a  kaftan  or  pelisse,  a  sword,  and  a  baton,  and  ordered 
the  Pasha  of  Silistria  and  the  Krim  Khan  to  assist  him.t  The  latter, 
accordingly,  marched  in  1649,  with  100,000  troops,  and  was  joined  by  a 
formidable  army  of  200,000  Cossacks  and  peasants.  The  allies  proceeded 
to  beleaguer  Zbaras,  and  fought  a  battle  with  an  uncertain  issue,  against 
the  Poles.  The  town  held  out  bravely,  but  matters  were  growing  serious 
and  the  Poles  endeavoured  to  negotiate  with  the  Khan,  and  persuade  him 
to  desert  his  allies.  At  length  after  some  further  manoeuvring,  all  three 
parties  to  the  struggle  agreed  to  a  truce.  A  separate  treaty  was  made 
with  the  Krim  Khan  and  his  family.  The  Poles  styled  him  the  Khan  of 
the  great  hordes  of  the  Circassian,  Nogai,  Petiorian,  Perekopian,  and 
Crimean  Tartars,  + 

By  this  treaty  the  Polish  king  undertook  to  pay  the  Tartars  an  annual 
subsidy,  and  also  a  fixed  sum  of  300,000  florins,  of  which  100,000  was  to 
be  paid  down  at  once.  He  also  promised  to  grant  an  amnesty  to  the 
Cossacks,  arvi  to  restore  them  all  their  privileges.  The  Khan  undertook 
to  defend  the  Polish  king  against  his  enemies,  and  from  the  depredations 
of  his  own  people,  and  to  retire  at  once  from  Poland.  It  is  a  curious 
proof  of  the  robber-like  training  of  the  Tartars  that  they  demanded  per- 
mission to  ravage  the  country  through  which  they  were  to  retire.§  The 
Cossacks  secured  the  free  exercise  of  the  Greek  faith,  and  the  promise 
that  no  one  should  be  nominated  palatine  of  Kief  who  did  not  belong  to 
the  same  religion.   Their  metropolitan  was  to  have. the  ninth  place  in  the 

*  Von  Hammer,  Krim  Khans,  134.    Gesh.  Osm.  Reich.,  iii.  308,  309.  t  Schercr,  ii.  33. 

I  Id.,  ii.  232.  §  Lesur,  op.  cit.,  i.  350. 


Polish  diet.  They  were  permitted  to  elect  their  own  hetman,  to  make 
brandy  for  their  own  use,  to  register  40,000  "  Cossacks,"  i.e.,  soldiers,  and 
lastly,  the  Pohsh  king  granted  to  each  Cossack  an  annual  present  of  ten 
florins,  besides  cloth  for  their  uniforms.* 

The  Poles  released  from  their  danger  were  not  disposed  to  carry  out 
the  terms  of  this  treaty,  and  we  now  find  the  Cossacks  having  recourse 
again  to  the  Tartars.  They  had  sent  a  contingent  to  assist  their  Khan 
in  a  war  in  Circassia.  The  latter  having  returned  successful  had  a 
grievance  against  Russia,  and  asked  for  aid  from  the  Cossacks.  Their 
hetman  assented,  but  when  he  had  collected  an  army,  and  joined  4,000 
Tartars  to  it,  he  turned  it  against  the  Hospodar  of  Moldavia,  who  had 
refused  to  ally  himself  by  marriage  with  him,  and  against  whom  he  had 
other  grievances.  He  forced  him  to  accept  his  terms,  and  to  give  20,000 
ducats  to  the  Tartars.  This  aroused  the  jealousy  of  the  Poles,  who  always 
deemed  the  Cossacks  subjects,  and  Casimir  prepared  a  large  army  to 
punish  them.  He  was  joined  by  contingents  sent  by  his  feudatory,  the 
Duke  of  Courland,  and  the  Margrave  of  Brandenburg,  and  found  him- 
self at  the  head  of  300,000  men,  with  whom  he  marched  towards  Berestez 
on  the  Stira.t  The  united  Cossacks  and  Tartars,  also  mustered  an  im- 
mense force,  which  we  are  told  amounted  to  300,000  men.  Their  army 
when  in  battle-array,  had  at  intervals  bodies  of  janissaries  and  spahis. 
The  famous  Cossack  "  tabort,"  composed  of  several  rows  of  carts,  and 
defended  by  their  picked  troops,  was  in  the  centre,  while  the  flanks 
were  guarded  by  numerous  Tartars.  The  two  armies  faced  one  another 
for  a  while,  and  then  joined  issue.  The  struggle  was  terrible,  and  ended 
in  the  defeat  of  the  allies.  The  Khan  and  Khmielnitski  took  to  flight, 
and  one  of  the  principal  Tartars  was  killed.  The  greater  part  of  thei  r 
arms  and  baggage,  their  carts,  the  Khan's  tent  and  standard,  and  the 
little  silver  drum  with  which  he  used  to  summon  his  immediate  attendants, 
were  captured.  Many  of  the  Polish  prisoners  he  had  made,  escaped, 
while  the  Tartar  dead  and  wounded  were  abandoned  to  the  Christians,  an 
usual  circumstance,  which  was  deemed  a  special  infamy  among  Mussul" 
mans4  The  hetman,  who  had  fought  very  bravely,  seeing  the  rout 
of  the  Tartars,  went  after  them  to  try  and  bring  them  b?ck  to  their 
duty,  but  the  Khan  covered  him  with  reproaches  for  having  deceived 
him  as  to  the  strength  of  the  Polish  army.  He  even  threatened  to 
detain  him  and  to  send  him  to  the  King  of  Poland  in  exchange  for  the 
Tartar  murzas  the  latter  had  captured. 

Meanwhile  the  Cossacks  and  their  peasant  allies  gathered  round  "  the 
tabort,"  where  they  were  protected  by  marshes,  by  a  deep  ditch,  and  by 
forty  cannons.  There  they  were  besieged  by  the  Poles,  but  the  absence 
of  Khmielnitski  disheartened  them,  and  they  were  constrained  to  offer 
their  submission  to  the  king.     Pardon  was  offiered  them  on  condition 

Id.,  351.  t  Scherer,  op.  cit.,  ii.  42-44.  I  Lesur,  op.  cit.,  i.  374. 

ISLAM  GIRAI   KHAN  Til.  55 1 

that  they  surrendered  twelve  of  their  chief  men  as  hostages,  gave  up  the 
standards  they  had  captured,  and  especially  their  great  standard,  reduced 
the  number  of  their  warriors  to  twelve  thousand,  and  otherwise  had  their 
privileges  curtailed.  The  Cossacks  refused  these  terms,  and  broke  away 
in  a  large  body,  leaving  but  two  thousand  of  their  companions  behind, 
who  were  destroyed  to  a  man.  A  large  booty,  including  thirty  thousand 
rix-thalers,  meant  for  the  Tartars,  was  captured  in  the  Cossack  camp, 
and  the  Poles  on  their  return  had  the  grim  satisfaction  of  marching 
among  deserted  fields  and  smouldering  villages,  and  of  having  crushed 
the  rebellion  of  their  vassals.  The  result  was  not  quite,  however,  what 
they  expected.*  Khmielnitski,  having  paid  the  Khan  a  handsome 
ransom,  returned  to  the  Ukraine,  where  he  soon  regained  his  influence, 
and  where  the  scattered  Cossacks  once  more  assembled,  and  he  soon 
extorted  a  fresh  treaty  from  Poland,  by  which  the  Cossacks  were  to  be  , 
allowed  an  army  of  twenty  thousand,  and  were  to  have  the  palatinates  of 
Kief,  Braklaf,  and  Chemigof  for  camping  grounds.  The  Cossacks  were 
to  be  allowed  to  retain  their  Greek  faith,  Jews  were  to  be  tolerated,  &c., 
while  the  Tartars  were  to  be  sent  home. 

The  recent  war  had  caused  a  large  migration  of  Cossacks  into  the 
steppes  east  of  the  Dnieper,  which,  although  uninhabited  since  the 
Tartar  conquest,  were  claimed  by  the  Russians  as  theirs.  These 
colonists  pushed  on  as  far  as  the  Donetz,  retaining  meanwhile  their 
military  organisation,  and  in  1652  there  were  formed  out  of  them  the  five 
Slobodian  regiments  known  as  Aktirka,  Karkof,  Izium,  Sumi,  and 

The  peace  between  Poland  and  the  Cossacks  was  really  but  an  armed 
truce.  Matters  at  length  came  once  more  to  an  issue,  and  the  Polish 
king,  having  ventured  upon  a  battle  near  Schwanez,  was  defeated,  and 
only  escaped  captivity  by  paying  a  large  ransom  to  the  Tartar  Khan, 
who,  as  formerly,  was  in  alliance  with  the  Cossacks.t 

These  events  are  otherwise  described  by  Von  Hammer.  He  says  that 
in  1653  Islam  Cxirai,  having  heard  that  the  King  of  Poland  was  encamped 
at  Bar  with  a  large  and  threatening  army,  in  which  there  were  twenty 
thousand  Germans,  determined  to  march  into  his  country.  In  five  days 
after  leaving  his  capital  Baghchi  Serai  he  reached  the  frontier  of  the 
Khanate  at  Frengkerman,  he  crossed  the  Dnieper  (called  the  water  of 
Usu  or  the  river  of  the  Uzes  by  the  Tartars),  and  marched  to  the  Bug. 
There  he  was  invested  by  Bekiraga,  the  Sultan's  deputy,  with  a  sword  of 
honour  and  a  kaftan.  His  Tartars  spread  over  and  ravaged  the  country 
as  far  as  Bar  and  Kaminetz.  Several  skirmishes  took  place  with  various 
success,  and  at  length  winter  put  an  end  to  the  fighting.  The  Khan  sent 
his  atalik  or  vizier  to  offer  terms.  A  conference  took  place  between  the 
envoy  and  several  of  the  Polish  grandees  near  Kaminetz.     Peace  was 

Id.,  374-382.  t  Id.,  393.    Scherer,  i.  197. 


ratified  on  the  payment  of  a  considerable  sum  to  the  Tartars  (De  Bohucz 
says  100,000  ducats),  and  the  giving  of  two  hostages,  who  were  to  be 
renewed  annually.  The  son  of  the  Polish  general  was  one  of  the  first 
hostages.  It  is  related  that  the  Krim  Khan  had  the  mortification  of 
seeing  the  treaty  broken  before  his  eyes  by  his  unruly  subjects,  who  were 
dissatisfied  that  their  expedition  should  have  brought  them  no  plunder, 
and  who  turned  aside  and  sacked  the  town  of  Constantinof,  and  laid 
waste  the  country  from  the  Dniester  to  the  Sireth.* 

The  Polish  authorities  describe  this  invasion  of  Lithuania,  and  tell  us 
how  the  Tartars  carried  off  more  than  five  thousand  prisoners  of  both 
sexes,  among  them  being  a  whole  wedding  party,  relatives,  friends,  and 
even  musicians,  whom  they  surprised  during  their  festivities,  and  how  in 
retiring  they  ravaged  the  lands  of  their  former  allies  the  Cossacks.  It  would 
seem  that  one  of  the  conditions  of  the  pact  between  the  Pohsh  King  and 
the  Khan  was  that  they  should  make  war  upon  Russia ;  that  the  former 
should  assist  the  latter  to  recover  possession  of  Astrakhan,  while  the 
Khan  undertook  to  ravage  the  land  of  the  Slobodian  regiments,  those 
fugitive  Cossacks  who  had  taken  shelter  under  Russian  protection.  The 
alHance  was  a  great  menace  to  Khmielnitski  and  his  people,  and  he 
determined  to  throw  himself  into  the  arms  of  the  Russians,  who,  like  the 
Cossacks,  belonged  to  the  Greek  faith..  He  had  little  difficulty  in  per- 
suading his  people  to  adopt  his  policy.  An  envoy  was  sent  to  Russia, 
where  he  was  well  received  by  the  Tzar  Alexis,  who  sent  Butturlin,  one 
of  his  confidential  officers,  to  receive  the  homage  of  the  Cossacks,  and 
by  a  treaty  signed  at  Pereislavl  on  the  6th  of  January,  1654,  they  trans- 
ferred their  allegiance,  and  the  Tzar  undertook  to  preserve  their 
privileges,  and  that  the  patriarch  of  Moscow  should  not  exercise  authority 
among  them.  They  were  to  have  free  permission  to  traffic  in  beer, 
brandy,  and  hydromel ;  they  were  to  have  the  right  of  electing  their  own 
hetman,  who  was,  however,  to  receive  his  baton,  banner,  and  confirmation 
from  the  Tzar.  He  was  to  have  the  town  and  regiment  of  Chigrin  for 
his  maintenance,  as  well  as  a  sum  of  one  thousand  ducats,  and  he  under- 
took not  to  receive  from  or  send  embassies  to  other  powers,  or  to  have 
communications  with  the  Krim  Khan.  The  Cossacks  also  undertook 
not  to  give  an  asylum  to  fugitive  Russians.  They  promised  to  furnish 
a  contingent  of  sixty  thousand  men  to  the  Tzar,  who  when  on  service 
were  to  receive  three  roubles  for  each  foot-soldier  and  six  for  each  horse- 

Some  months  after  this  important  treaty,  namely,  in  July,  1654,  Islam 
Girai  sickened  and  died,  and  was  buried  with  his  fathers.^ 

*  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Gcsh.,  iii.  421.  t  Lesur,  op.  cit.,  i,  39S-400. 

I  Krim  Khans,  :36. 


MUHAMMED    GIRAI    KHAN    IV.   (Restored). 

On  the  death  of  Islam  Girai,  his  brother  Muhammed,  who  was  once 
more  brought  from  Rhodes,  received  his  appointment  as  Khan  from  the 
Sultan,  and  was  obliged  to  go  to  the  Krim  overland,  to  avoid  being  waylaid 
by  the  Cossacks,  whose  boats  were  on  the  outlook  to  intercept  him.*  He 
retained  the  kalga,  Gazi  Girai,  and  the  nureddin,  Adil  Girai,  in  their 
posts.  This  did  not  apparently  give  satisfaction,  and  led  to  a  civil  strife, 
in  which  the  important  tribe  of  Mansur  was  on  one  side  and  that  of 
Shirin  on  the  other.  The  death  of  Adil  Girai,  who  was  killed  by  a  fall 
from  his  horse,  and  the  appointment  of  Murad  Girai  as  nureddin  seems 
to  have  restored  peace.  The  new  Khan  sent  an  envoy  to  the  Emperor 
to  apprise  him  of  his  accession.t  The  Poles  and  Cossacks  also  sent  to 
congratulate  him.  The  formers'  envoys  were  well  received,  but  th^ 
latters'  had  their  noses  and  ears  cut  off,  and  were  thus  sent  home.t 

Poland  was  at  this  time  being  hard  pressed.  She  was  at  war  with  the 
Prussians  and  Swedes,  as  well  as  the  Muscovites;  the  latter  of  whom,  in 
alliance  with  the  Cossacks,  captured  Smolensk  and  made  a  cruel  raid 
into  Lithuania,  where  they  burned  Vilna,  captured  Vitebsk,  and 
devastated  two  hundred  other  towns.  §  The  Tzar  now  took  the  title  of 
Tzar  and  Autocrat  of  Great,  Little,  and  White  Russia. 

The  same  year  the  Polish  King  sent  one  hundred  thousand  florins  to 
the  Krim  Khan,  to  induce  him  to  invade  the  Ukraine,  which  he 
accordingly  did,  and  killed  Tomilenka,  the  vice-hetman  of  the  Cossacks 
there,  ii  The  Polish  army,  under  the  Grand-general  Potocki,  with  a  large 
contingent  of  Tartars,  now  proceeded  to  attack  Ulman  or  Human,  a 
fortress  surrounded  by  three  ditches,  and  deemed  the  stronghold  of  the 
Cossacks,  Khmielnitski  went  to  the  rescue  with  thirty  thousand  Cossacks 
and  eighty  thousand  Russians.  A  fierce  struggle  ensued  in  the  plains  of 
Drischipol,  in  which  the  Cossacks  were  defeated,  and  forced  to  take 
refuge  behind  their  barricades  of  waggons  and  dead  bodies.^  The 
Cossack  chief  now  tried  the  seductive  effects  of  gold,  and  remembering 
that  he  had  been  on  intimate  terms  with  Ahmed  mursa,  the  Krim  Khan's 
nephew,  whan  a  boy,  he  invited  him  to  a  conference  at  night,  and  offered 
him  ten  thousand  ducats  if  he  would  go  over  to  him,  It  is  probable 
the  nephew  also  gained  over  the  uncle,  for  we  find  that  the  Tartars 
returned  to  the  Krim  laden  with  booty.**  The  Cossacks  then  made  a 
raid  into  Poland,  advancing  as  far  as  Lublin,  which  they  captured.  On 
returning  home  Khmielnitski  found  the  Krim  Khan  encamped  on  the 
river  Oserna.  After  a  doubtful  struggle,  the  latter  invited  the  hetman  to  a 
conference,  where  there  were  mutual  recriminations,  the  Khan  charging 

*  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Gesh.,  ii.  428.  t  Id.,  iii,  485,  &c. 

I  De  Bohucz,  Histoire  de  la  Tauride,  &c.,  382.  $  Scherer,  ii.  66.  U  Id. 

H  Id.,  66-69.  •*  De  Bohuez,  op.  cit.,  383. 



the  Cossacks  with  allying  themselves  with  Russia,  while  they  retorted 
that  the  Tartars  had  undertaken  to  ravage  Little  Russia  at  the  instance 
of  the  Polish  King.  The  Cossacks  were  alternately  courted  by  the 
Russians,  the  Swedes,  and  the  Tartars,  and  their  position  was  a  difficult 
one.  At  length,  in  the  year  1656,  Khmielnitski  was  poisoned  by  an 
emissary  of  the  Turkish  Sultan  soon  after  he  had  made  peace  with  the 
Poles.  During  the  next  few  years  we  find  the  Tartars  busy  further  west. 
They  sent  envoys  with  presents  to  attend  the  coronation  of  Leopold  as 
King  of  Hungary  and  Bohemia,  and  two  years  later,  on  the  death  of 
the  Emperor  Ferdinand  IIL,  to  the  coronation  of  Leopold  as  his 
successor.  With  this  envoy  they  sent  a  note  to  ask  the  Emperor  to  give 
no  asylum  to  Rakoczy,  the  prince  of  Transylvania,  who  in  alliance  with 
the  voivodes'of  Moldavia  and  Wallachia  and  the  hetman  of  the  Cossacks, 
was  at  war  with  the  Turks,  and  had  desolated  Poland.  The  messenger 
also  took  a  present  of  fifteen  thousand  rix-thalers,  with  a  gold  chain 
and  silver  ornaments  of  the  value  of  two  thousand  and  sixty  guldens. 
The  Khan  of  Krim  marched  with  an  army  of  two  hundred  thousand 
horsemen  against  the  confederates  led  by  Rakoczy.  His  forces  numbered 
sixty  thousand.  In  the  battle  that  followed  the  Christians  had  twent)- 
thousand  of  their  number  killed,  and  as  many  more  taken  prisoners^ 
among  whom  were  seven  hundred  noblemen  of  Transylvania.  Several 
thousand  carts  were  laden  with  booty,  among  which  were  one  hundred 
and  fifty  cannons,  while  the  ransom  of  Rakoczy's  nearest  felatives 
amounted  to  three  hundred  thousand  piastres.  The  voivodes  of  Mol- 
davia and  Wallachia  were  deposed  and  others  put  in  their  places.  The 
Khan  was  given  a  handsome  present,  and  received  orders  to  post  himself 
at  Akkerman  with  twenty  thousand  men,  while  Fasli  Pasha  made  a 
diversion  and  attacked  Ruschuk,  the  chief  town  of  Wallachia.  The 
latter  delayed  and  gave  Bessaraba,  the  deposed  voivode,  time  to  burn 
Tergovitch  and  to  escape  to  Transylvania,  which  gave  rise  to  a  violent 
quarrel  between  him  and  the  kalga  commanding  the  troops  of  the 
Krim  Khan. 

The  following  year  the  war  Was  prosecuted  with  vigour,  Alba  Julia 
(Weissenburgh),  the  capital  of  Rakoczy,  was  taken  and  sacked. 
Two  hundred  thousand  Tartars  overran  and  devastated  the  country,  and 
fifty  thousand  victims  were  made,  of  whom  two-thirds  were  killed  and 
the  other  third  reduced  to  slavery.  A  new  ruler  was  appointed  over 
Transylvania,  and  a  peace  upon  harsh  terms  was  concluded.* 

Khmielnitski  had  been  succeeded  as  hetman  of  the  Cossacks  by  his  son 
of  the  same  name,  who,  however,  speedily  gave  place  to  Vigofski.  The 
latter  deemed  it  prudent  to  ally  himself  with  the  Poles,  and  a  peace  was 
concluded  by  which  inter  alia  the  Cossacks  were  made  absolutely  inde- 
pendent of  the  Polish  church ;  the  metropolitan  of  Kief  was  given  a 

♦  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Ge»h.,  ii.  485-487. 


seat  in  the  diet  next  to  the  archbishop  of  Gnesne  ;  the  number  of 
registered  Cossacks  was  raised  to  sixty  thousand  men;  they  were  to 
have  the  right  of  choosing  their  own  hetman  from  among  their  own 
people  ;  to  have  their  own  schools,  printing  press,  and  chancellary 
and  to  elect  their  own  priests  ;  in  time  of  war  they  were  to  be  allowed  to 
decide  whether  they  would  be  neutral  or  not ;  all  the  Ukraine  was  to  obey 
the  hetman  ;  he  was  to  have  the  right  of  coining  money  ;  and  a  canal 
was  to  be  cut  from  their  country  to  the  Black  Sea.*  These  terms  were 
very  favourable  to  the  Cossacks.  It  would  seem  that  the  Slobodian 
regiments  under  Pushkar,  the  colonel  of  Pultawa,  would  not  accept  the 
Polish  alliance,  and  remained  faithful  to  Russia,  and  they  seized 
Vigofski's  envoys  to  the  Krim  Khan  and  drowned  them  under  the  ice  of 
the  Dnieper.  Some  fresh  envoys  went  in  1658,  and  Muhammed  sent  a 
contingent  back  with  them.t  In  a  first  engagement  Vigofski  was 
defeated  and  lost  his  baton,  but  the  united  Poles  and  Tartars  retrieved 
matters,  Pushkar  was  killed,  and  Pultawa  captured  and  pillaged.  The 
towns  of  Liutenka,  Sorotschinza,  Baranofka,  Oburshof,  Bogatschka, 
Ustiviza,  Yaresk,  Weprik,  &c.,  were  taken  and  ravaged  by  the  Tartars.^ 

The  Tzar  of  Russia  now  sent  an  army  to  the  assistance  of  his  proteges, 
which  in  turn  plundered  the  towns  of  the  opposing  faction  of  the 
Cossacks.  In  1559,  the  Russians  under  Prince  Trubezkoi  besieged  the 
town  of  Konotop.§  Vigofski  went  to  the  rescue  with  his  Cossacks  and 
Tartars.  The  Russians,  who  numbered  forty  thousand  besides  ten 
thousand  friendly  Cossacks,  were  encamped  at  the  confluence  of  the 
rivers  Desna  and  Sem,  were  savagely  attacked,  and  the  greater  part  of 
them  were  either  killed  or  drowned.  The  victors  then  crossed  the  Dnieper, 
and  spared  neither  age  nor  sex  in  revenging  themselves  on  the  opposing 
faction.  II  Meanwhile  the  Krim  Khan,  Vigofski's  ally,  seems  to  have  won 
a  great  victory  over  the  Russians.  He  also  sent  fifteen  thousand  Tartars 
and  five  thousand  Cossacks,  under  the  command  of  Firash,  against  the 
fort  of  Maichli.  The  Khan  also  sent  a  large  contingent.  The  following 
day  this  army  encountered  a  large  Russian  force,  which  after  a  three 
days  struggle  defeated  it,  and  the  five  thousand  Cossacks  were  destroyed. 
When  the  Khan  Jheard  the  news  he  halted  his  force,  collected  the 
prisoners  he  had  captured,  and  having  harangued  them,  he  had  them 
put  to  death.  Some  fugitives  now  came  in  and  said  that  fifteen  thousand 
Russians  were  besieging  Maichli,  and  that  a  similar  force  was  stationed 
at  the  ford  of  the  Volga,  to  prevent  the  Tartars  and  Cossacks  from 
crossing.  It  was  determined  to  attack  the  latter  first.  The  Khan  posted 
himself  (m  a  height  to  overlook  the  fight.  The  result  was  decisive  ; 
not  a  man  of  the  fifteen  thousand  escaped  alive. 

The  value  of  the  ransom  of  the  prisoners  in  the  hands  of  the  Tartars 

■  Schcror,  ii.  Sg.  90.  t  De  Bohucz,  384-  I  Scherer,  ii.  97,  92. 

§  14.,  93.  11  De  Bohucz,  384. 


was  put  at  one  hundred  thousand  ducats^  but  at  a  council  of  the  Tartar 
elders  it  was  decided  that  it  would  not  be  prudent  to  keep  them  alive, 
and  with  a  creditable  regard  for  their  descent  from  the  arch-slaughterer 
Jingis,  a  hecatomb  was  ordered.  The  officers  were  first  decapitated, 
then  the  rest,  to  the  number  of  thirty  thousand.  This  was  in  June,  1660, 
The  Tartars  then  marched  against  the  fortress,  and  a  battle  of  three 
days'  duration  ensued.  On  the  fourth  the  Russians  fled,  were  pursued, 
and  most  of  them  destroyed.  Having  halted  a  day  to  tend  to  the 
wounded,  the  Tartars  continued  their  march,  and  attacked  the  fortress 
of  Rumnia,  which  surrendered.  Notwithstanding  this,  the  commander 
and  five  hundred  of  the  garrison  were  brought  before  the  Khan 
and  killed.  The  surrounding  fortresses  fell  one  by  one  into  the 
hands  of  the  confederates,  and  from  the  sand  hills  of  Poschon  far 
into  Russia,  the  country  for  fifteen  days'  journey  was  laid  waste.  The 
loss  of  the  Russians  in  the  war  is  placed  at  one  hundred  and 
twenty  thousand  men,  besides  fifteen  thousand  prisoners.  Messengers 
were  sent  to  Constantinople  with  the  news,  who  carried  with  them  a 
trophy  of  three  hundred  heads.  At  the  same  time  news  reached  there 
of  the  successes  of  the  Turks  in  Bosnia.  The  intelligence  caused  great 
rejoicings  at  the  Sultan's  court,  a  great  feast  of  seven  days  was  ordained, 
and  for  seven  days  the  streets  were  illuminated.* 

Muhammed,  the  Krim  Khan,  now  made  overtures  to  Charles  XII.,  the 
king  of  Sweden  and  the  enemy  of  Russia,  in  the  hope  of  drawing  some 
money  from,  him ;  but  Charles  complained  of  his  detaining  a  number  of 
Swedes  captured  in  the  Polish  war  as  prisoners,  and  the  aUiance  ended 
in  an  exchange  of  presents.  On  news  of  this  intrigue  reaching  him,  the 
Tzar  at  once  made  approaches  to  Vigofski,  and  also  made  a  fresh 
promise  of  a  subsidy,  and  the  payment  of  arrears  for  seven  years  to  the 
Tartar  Khan.t . 

In  the  year  1661  we  find  the  Tartars  once  more  engaged  in  Transyl- 

'vania,  supporting  the  claims  of  Apafy  to  that  principality  against  those  of 

Kemeny.    At  the  summons  of  the  Sultan  the  Khan  set  out  with  twenty 

thousand  men  towards  Azof;  the  kalga  remaining  with  forty  thousand  at 


The  Turkish  commander  of  the  expedition  was  Ahmed  Pasha,  the  son 
of  Koprili.  The  allies  wasted  the  valley  of  Hatzeg  with  fire  and  sword, 
and  laid  the  Saxon  towns  of  Szasvaros  and  Szassebes  in  ashes.  Kemeny 
was  driven  from  the  banks  of  the  Szamos  to  the  foot  of  the  mountain 
Emberfo  and  to  Negerfalva,  while  the  Tartars  pursued  as  far  as  Szathmar, 
and  collected  several  thousand  prisoners  and  cattle  at  Domahida.  His 
rival  Michael  Apafy  had  been  a  prisoner  for  a  long  time  among  the 
Tartars,  and  had  acquired  the  pliability  necessary  to  one  who  was  to 
bear  the  Turkish  yoke  easily.    We  now  read  how  Ahmed  Chaushbashi 

*  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Gesh.,  iii.  515,  516,  t  De  Bohucz,  385. 


was  sent  with  the  stipend  of  ten  thousand  ducats  to  the  Khan,  and  a 
sunimohs  for  him  to  march  towards  Hungary.  Muhammed  sent  his  son 
Ahmed  Girai  with  one  hundred  thousand  men,  and  soon  after  another 
son  went  at  the  head  of  twenty  thousand  Zaporogian  Cossacks.  The 
former  was  decorated  with  a  sword  and  dagger,  a  quiver  and  sable 
robe ;  aud  his  brother  with  a  kaftan  of  golden  tissue,  a  red  kontush,  and 
a  sable  cap.*  The  Tartars  fought  with  great  ferocity.  In  1663  they 
appeared  twice  in  Moravia  and  Silesia.  In  August  of  that  year  we  read 
how  six  thousand  of  them  devastated  the  country  of  Tirnau,  Friestadtl, 
and  St.  Georgen.  They  ravished  the  women,  while  the  children  were 
thrown  from  the  walls'  and  hacked  asunder  with  swords,  or  smothered  in 
heaps  in  sacks ;  men  and  women  were  coupled  together  like  dogs,  and 
driven  over  the  March  and  the  Weissenberg  to  Moravia  towards  Landshut, 
the  route  being  pointed  out  by  the  hussars,  who  acted  as  frontier  guards 
for  the  Hungarians.  In  September  the  Tartars  returned  and  plundered 
Nikolsburg,  Rabensburg,  and  Brunn,  and  within  three  miles  of  Olmutz, 
The  possessions  of  the  princes  of  Dietrichstein  and  Liechtenstein  were 
devastated,  and  thirty-two  villages  belonging  to  the  latter  were  laid  waste. 
The  Tartars  dragged  twelve  thousand  prisoners  to  the  slave  mart  at 
Neuhausel.  Again  they  advanced  against  Presburgh,  burnt  St.  Georgen 
and  Geiersdorf,  crossed  the  Waag,  and  fell  by  the  pass  of  Rosincko,  upon 
the  circle  of  Hradish.  Fourteen  thousand  Tartars,  janissaries  and 
hussars,  swept  by  way  of  Brunau  to  Kloback,  and  returned  with  two 
thousand  prisoners  and  four  huge  waggons  laden  with  women  into 
Hungary.!  Thus  were  the  scenes  of  Batu's  campaigns  in  Central 
Europe  re-enacted  even  so  Lite  as  the  second  half  of  the  seventeenth 

Meanwhile  the  Tartars  were  almost  continuously  employed  in  the 
struggles  that  took  place  on  their  frontiers  between  Russians,  Poles,  and 
Cossacks.  In  1660  we  find  them,  in  aUiance  with  the  Poles,  compelhng 
a  Russian  force  under  Sheremetof  to  surrender.  They  plundered  their 
prisoners  and  kept  Sheremetof  a  prisoner  of  war  for  several  years. 

In  1661  the  Poles  and  Tartars,  with  some  of  the  Cossacks,  were  again 
in  the  Ukraine,  and  ravaged  the  towns  of  Starodub,  Mhlin,  &c.  This 
faction  of  the  Cossacks  was  commanded  by  Khmielnitski,  the  son  of  the 
famous  hetman  of  the  same  name.  The  following  year  they  were 
defeated  by  the  rival  faction  under  Samko.  These  mutual  raids  are  very 
dreary,  and  were  presently  comphcated  by  a  fresh  element  in  the  shape 
of  the  Kalmuks,  who  now  began  to  take  part  in  Cossack  politics.+ 

In  1665  Muhammed  Girai  was  deposed,  on  the  ground  that  instead  of 
marching  himself  to  the  Hungarian  war  he  had  sent  his  son,  and  also 
that  he  had  attacked  the  Nogais  of  Bessarabia,  who  were  proteges  of  the 
Porte,  and  who  had  refused  to  obey  him.     The  real  reason  was  probably 

Krira  Khans,  145,  146.  t /rf.,  i47-i49>  J  Scherer,  ii.  11;. 


.some  palace  intrigue.  He  thereupon  retired  to  Komuk,  where  he  died 
in  1672.  He  had  built  some  splendid  baths  at  Baghchi  Serai,  and  also 
some  palaces  at  Tula,  not  far  off.  His  second  reign  was  twelve  years 
and  four  months  long,  and  he  died  at  the  age  of  sixty-six.* 


Muhammed  Girai  was  succeeded  by  Adil  Girai,  who,  according  to  Von 
Hammer  and  Langles,  was  the  son  of  Choban  Girai,  which  is  probably 
right,  although  the  notice  translated  by  Kazimirski  makes  htm  a  son  of 
Devlet  Girai  Sultan.t  Von  Hammer  says  that,  having  been  brought 
back  from  banishment  at  Rhodes  and  placed  on  the  throne,  he  set  sail 
from  Constantinople  with  an  escort  of  eleven  galleys,  while  his  kalga 
Islam  Girai  went  overland.  It  seems  to  have  been  the  policy  of  the 
Porte  at  this  period  to  cut  down  the  power  of  the  Khans,  for  we  are  told 
that  the  Crown  lands  on  the  Dniester,  which  had  formerly  been  an 
appanage  of  theirs,  were  now  transferred  to  the  Nogais,  who  had  been 
settled  in  Bessarabia  for  three  years.  Soon  after  his  accession  he  sent 
an  embassy  to  Vienna.^  His  envoy  Kantemir  mursa  went  with  sixteen 
attendants  and  thirty-five  horses,  with  letters  from  the  Khan,  the  vali,  the 
kalga,  the  nureddin,  and  the  vizier  Seferaga.§ 

By  a  treaty  made  in  the  early  part  of  1667,  Russia  and  Poland,  which 
were  both  weary  of  and  somewhat  exhausted  by  their  struggle,  entered 
into  a  truce  for  thirteen  years,  by  which  the  Poles  ceded  to  the  Tzar  all 
Severia  and  that  portion  of  the  Ukraine  east  of  the  Dnieper,  with  the 
Cossacks  who  lived  there ;  (the  Western  Cossacks  or  Zaporognes 
remained  subject  to  Poland)  and  a  common  alliance  was  entered  into 
against  the  Krim  Khan.||  The  Cossacks  at  this  time  were  divided  into 
several  factions  ;  one  of  these,  under  Doroshenko  in  alliance  with  the 
Tartars,  mustered  a  force  of  sixty  thousand  men,  and  enveloped  and 
defeated  six  thousand  Poles,  capturing  their  commander.  IT  Meanwhile 
the  Cossacks  belonging  to  a  rival  faction,  under  Serko,  entered  the  Krim 
and  compelled  the  Khan  and  his  people  to  seek  refuge  in  the  mountains, 
and  then  retired.**  We  now  find  a  third  hetman,  who  ruled  over  the 
Russian  Cossacks,  abandoning  his  patrons  and  offering  to  put  the 
Ukraine  under  the  protection  of  His  policy  was  apparently 
distasteful  to  his  people,  who  drove  him  away,  and  he  was  shortly  after 
killed,  and  Doroshenko  became  the  hetman  on  both  sides  of  the 

Afraid  of  his  northern  neighbours,  who  were  now  friends,  he  also 
appealed  to  the  Sultan,  who  gave  him  a  contingent  of  six  thousand  men, 

Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  442.  t  Id.  \  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Gesh.,  584,  585. 

§  Krim  Khans,  153.  \  Lesur,  ii.  21,  22.  T  Dc  Bohucz,  385, 

**  Scherer,  op.  cit.,  ii.  118,  tt  l^-,  121.  II  Id.,  123. 

SELIAf  GIRAI  KHAN.  •    559 

and  promised  him  the  assistance  of  the  Tartars.*  Presently  a  new 
faction  arose  against  him,  headed  by  Khanenko  and  other  chiefs,  who 
it  seems  were  supported  by  the  Tartars.  The  latter,  whose  alUances 
were  dictated  by  their  interests,  did  not  scruple  to  ravage  the  villages  of 
Doroshenko,  although  he  was  the  proteg'e  of  the  Turkish  Sultan,  their 
master.  This  brought  about  the  deposition  of  the  Krim  Khan,  who  it 
seems  befriended  his  rival  Khanenko,  and  was  accordingly  displaced. 
This  was  in  1670.  One  author  says  he  was  deprived  because  he  had 
gone  out  of  his  mind,  and  that  he  retired  to  Rumeha.t  He  renewed  the 
treaty  of  peace  with  Poland  made  by  the  Khans  Islam  Girai  and 
Muhammed  Girai.t  Adil  Girai  was  buried  in  the  mosque  at  Karinabad.§ 
Although  Adil  in  Arabic  means  just,  says  the  author  translated  by 
Langles,  he  had  no  virtue  worthy  of  a  throne,  and  was  a  tyrant. 


Adil  Girai  was  succeeded  by  Selim  Girai,  the  son  of  the  Khan 
Behadur  Girai.  He  had  lived  in  retirement  at  Cholmek,  near  Yam- 
boli.  It  was  near  the  latter  town  that  the  Krim  Khans  had  their 
appanages.  The  chief  of  them  was  Jingis  Serai.  The  palace  was 
separated  from  the  town  by  an  esplanade,  and  all  the  streets  radiated 
from  it.  II  A  story  is  told  of  him  that  while  he  was  at  Cholmek,  there 
lived  at  the  village  of  Jauli  a  pious  dervish  named  Sheikh  Ibrahim,  who 
it  seems  was  devoted  to  worldly  matters  as  well  as  spiritual.  He  let  it 
be  known  in  the  neighbourhood  that  he  would  dispose  of  the  Khanate  of 
Krim  for  a  thousand  ducats,  and  that  if  anyone  would  send  him  the 
money  he  would  secure  him  the  prize.  No  one  was  tempted  with  the 
offer  at  Jauli,  but  when  the  news  reached  Cholmek  Selim  Girai  sent  the 
money,  and  soon  after  became  Khan.  The  explanation  probably  is, 
that  a  large  part  of  the  money  went  to  the  vizier  Kologli,  by  whose 
influence  with  the  dissipated  Sultan  Muhammed  IV.  Adil  had  been 
deposed.  He  was  presented  with  the  insignia  of  his  office,  that  is  to 
say,  the  sable-trimmed  robe  of  honour,  the  diamond  ornament,  and  the 
jewel  bedecked  sword.  He  appointed  his  brother  Selamet  Girai  kalga, 
and  his  cousin  Safa  Girai  nureddin.lf  He  at  once  set  off  for  Circassia, 
to  settle  that  disturbed  district,  but  had  hardly  taken  up  his  winter 
quarters  in  the  Kabarda  when  he  was  summoned  to  attend  his  suzerain 
the  Sultan  in  a  campaign  against  the  Poles. 

Doroshenko  the  Cossack  continued  his  Ishmaelitish  policy  towards 
his  neighbours.  He  attacked  the  Cossacks  under  Russian  rule,  against 
whose  special  hetman  he  secured  the  patriarch's  excommunication  -,  this 

♦  Id.,  ii.  128,  129.  t  Nouv.  journ.  A8iat.,xii.,442-  I  Krim  Khans,  154. 

%  Id.,  155.  L'  De  Bohucz,  386.  f  Krim  Khans,  157, 158, 


was  in  1670.  The  next  year,  the  Poles  having  supported  his  rival 
Khanenko,  he  asked  assistance  from  the  Pasha  of  Silistria,  with  whose 
aid  he  punished  both  the  Russian  Cossacks  and  the  partisans  of 
Khanenko.  The  latter  having  been  duly  installed  as  hetman,  Doro- 
shenko  secured  the  personal  co-operation  of  the  Sultan,  who  declared 
war  against  Poland,  and  in  1672  marched  upon  Kaminetz  of  Podolia. 
Selim  Girai  and  his  two  sons  marched  under  the  Turkish  standard, 
and  contributed  to  the  capture  of  that  fortress  ;  afterwards  to  that  of 
Luof  and  other  neighbouring  villages.  He  ravaged  Pocutia  and  Volhynia, 
whence  he  carried  off  one  thousand  prisoners,  but  as  he  was  crossing 
the  Dniester  with  an  immense  booty  he  was  attacked  by  the  Polish 
King  John  Sobieski  near  Kaluz,  and  had  to  surrender  his  prisoners 
and  a  large  part  of  the  booty.* 

The  result  of  the  war  with  the  Turks  was  the  cession  by  the  Poles  of 
the  Ukraine,  Podolia,  and  the  town  of  Kaminetz,  and  we  are  told  that 
this  treaty,  the  last  by  which  the  Turks  secured  fresh  territory  in  Europe, 
was  chiefly  due  to  the  skill  of  Selim.  The  Polish  diet  refused  to  sanction 
its  terms,  and  the  war  having  recommenced,  Selim  was  forced  to  retire 
to  the  Krim.t  The  Nogais  living  near  Akkerman  having  revolted 
against  the  Porte,  rhe  Khan  was  told  to  transport  them  to  the  Krim. 
He  did  so,  but  they  gradually  made  their  way  back  again.+  During  his 
reign,  and  in  the  year  1672,  the  Venetians  tried  to  recover  their  commerce 
with  the  Krim.  They  had  long  solicited  for  the  right  of  trading  in  the 
Black  Sea,  and  at  length  bought  the  concession  from  the  officers  of  the 
Porte,  who,  however,  rendered  it  illusory,  for  when  two  vessels,  furnished 
with  a  firman  and  bearing  rich  cargoes,  appeared  at  the  custom-house  at 
Constantinople  they  were  stopped.  This  act  of  insubordination  against 
the  Sultan's  firman  would  have  been  punished  with  death  but  that  the 
divan  was  in  fact  in  league  with  the  customs'  officer,  and  the  two  ships 
were  not  allowed  to  pass  on.§ 

Meanwhile  the  strife  continued  in  the  north,  in  which  the  Tartars  were 
in  close  alliance  with  the  hetman  Doroshenko  against  the  Russians.  In 
1674  the  later  captured  the  towns  of  Cherkask  and  Kanief,  while  the 
Cossack  chief  was  himself  made  prisoner  by  the  hostile  garrison  of 
Lisianka.  Regaining  his  liberty,  the  indefatigable  hetman  led  an  army  of 
Cheremisses,  .Turks  and  Tartars,  which  ravaged  the  Russian  borders. 
The  old  people  were  killed,  and  the  women  and  children  sold  to  the 
Tartars.  A  fierce  and  indecisive  battle  followed,  after  which  the  Russians 
proceeded  to  besiege  Chigrin,  when  the  Turks  marched  to  the  aid  of 
their  protege.  The  Russian  commanders  thereupon  retired,  and  a  cruel 
vengeance  was  exacted  from  the  country  east  of  the  Dnieper.  The  town 
of  Uman  having  been  captured,  all  its  inhabitants  were  slaughtered  under 
the  eye  of  Doroshenko  ;  the  Christians  found  there,  were  burnt  alive  or 

*  De  Bohucz,  387.         t  Id.         \  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  443.         $  De  Bohucz,  386,  387. 

S£LIM  GIRAI  KHAN.  56 1 

had  their  skins  stuffed  with  straw,  and  were  sent  in  hundreds  to  the 
Sultan.  The  towns  who  submitted  had  to  surrender  all  their  children, 
who  were  forthwith  circumcised ;  and  in  order  to  pay  the  Turks  the  sums 
they  demanded  for  their  assistance,  Doroshenko,  whose  coffers  were 
empty,  made  a  raid  upon  Little  Russia,  whence  he  returned  charged  with 
booty.*  After  this,  this  successful  marauder  was  abandoned  by  most 
of  his  Cossacks,  and  turned  alternately  for  aid  to  Turkey  and  Russia. 
The  Russians,  who  knew  his  distressed  condition,  besieged  him  at 
Chigrin,  which  they  captured,  and  he  was  made  prisoner.  He  recovered 
his  liberty  at  the  price  of  surrendering  his  hetmanship,  and  thus  ended  a 
long  life  of  rapine.    This  was  in  1675. 

The  Sultan,  who  had  long  kept  the  younger  Khmielnitski  prisoner,  now 
produced  him  and  nominated  him  prince  of  Little  Russia  and  hetman 
of  the  Zaporogian  Cossacks.  He  ordered  Ibrahim  Pasha  and  the  Krim 
Khan  to  advance  with  him  into  the  Ukraine  and  to  recapture  Chigrin. 
The  various  contingents  arrived  before  that  town  in  1675.  It  was 
garrisoned  by  sixty  thousand  Russians  and  Cossacks.  The  Turkish 
commander  Ibrahim  had  only  forty  thousand  men  with  him.  The 
citadel  was  fortified  on  three  sides  by  morasses,  and  was  inaccessible  on 
the  fourth,  and  the  garrison  had  some  boats  on  the  river  to  aid  in  the 
defence.  The  Pasha  of  Bosnia,  who  tried  with  sixteen  thousand  Tartars 
to  prevent  the  Russians  crossing  the  Dnieper,  was  badly  defeated,  and 
the  Khan's  son,  eight  murzas,  and  ten  thousand  men  were  left  on  the 
field.  The  siege  was  at  length  raised,  and  the  Turks  retired  in  confusion, 
and  lost  two  thousand  waggons  of  baggage  and  impedimenta. 

The  news  caused  tremendous  excitement  at  Constantinople.  A  general 
levy  was  ordered,  the  Sultan  subscribed  2,000,000  of  silver  coin,  and  the 
Grand  Vizier  undertook  the  casting  of  eight  new  cannons.  Ibrahim 
was  received  with  indignation  by  his  master,  and  sent  off  as  a  prisoner  to 
the  Seven  Castles  at  Constantinople.  The  Khan  of  Krim,  to  whom  a 
portion  of  the  blame  was  assigned,  was  deposed.  He  stayed  the  winter 
at  Kaffa,  and  the  following  spring  went  to  Constantinople,  whence  he 
was  transported  to  Rhodes.     This  was  in  1677. 

We  ought  to  note  in  passing  that  in  1676  the  Tzar  Alexis,  son  of 
Michael  Romanof,  died.  His  latter  years  were  disturbed  by  the  terrible 
revolt  of  the  Ural  Cossacks  under  Stenko  Razin.  We  are  told  that 
Alexis  established  a  mounted  postal  service,  silk  and  linen  manufactures, 
encouraged  iron  and  copper  mining,  and  improved  ship  building.  In  his 
reign  Behring's  Straits  were  discovered  by  the  Cossack  Deshnef.  By 
his  first  wife  Maria  he  left  two  sons,  Feodor  and  Ivan,  and  by  his  second 
wife  NataU  Narizhkin  a  third  son,  Peter  the  Great.  He  was  succeeded 
by  Feodor.t 

*  Scheref,  ii.  144,  I45.  t  Wahl,  op.  cit.,  285,  286. 




Selim  Girai  was  succeeded  by  Murad  Girai,  the  son  of  Mubarak  and 
the  grandson  of  Selamet  Girai  Khan.  He  was  the  last  of  the  Krim 
Khans  who  sent  an  annual  embassy  to  the  Imperial  court  at  Vienna. 
The  last  of -such  embassies  which  reached  Vienna  was  in  1680.'*  The 
Porte  probably  viewed  them  with  suspicion.  They  were  in  themselves 
a  mere  pretext  for  extorting  presents, -but  they  might  easily  be  con- 
verted into  sources  of  intrigue.  The  Turks  proceeded  with  their 
campaign  in  the  Ukraine,  and  the  Tartars  meanwhile  ravaged  the 
country  from  Roslaf  to  Pereislavl.  The  Turks,  under  the  orders  of 
George  Khmielnitski,  proceeded  to  lay  siege  to  Chigrin,  defeated  its 
defenders  in  a  pitched  battle,  and  exploded  several  mines  under  its  walls* 
The  garrison  at  length  succeeded  in  cutting  its  way  through  and  with- 
drawing to  the  Don,  and  the  place  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  Turks  on 
the  2 1  St  of  August,  1678.  They  afterwards  plundered  Kanief  and  the 
n  eighbouring  towns  with  terrible  cruelty.  Khmielnitski  was  proclaimed 
prince  of  Little  Russia  and  hetman  of  the  Zaporogian  Cossacks.  The 
next  year  Hanenko,  another  j[)roteg^  of  the  Turks,  was  nominated 
hetman  of  the  Ukraine.  The  Cossack  country  was  the  scene  of  dismal 
raids  and  counter  raids  on  the  part  of  both  Russians  and  Turks,  and  its 
inhabitants  fled  largely  to  the  forests  for  refuge.t 

In  1680  the  Tartars,  under  their  Khan,  ravaged  all  the  Russian  settle- 
ments for  thirty  leagues  along  the  river  Merla,  and  the  Turks  refounded 
the  towns  of  Kizikerman  and  Taman,  and  restoi'ed  the  fortifications  of 

Feodor,  Tzar  of  Russia,  did  much  to  introduce  culture  into  the  empire, 
patronised  schools,  a  superior  church  music,  and  the  arts  and  sciences. 
He  put  an  end  to  the  exorbitant  pretensions  of  the  nobility  to  the 
hereditary  succession  to  the  higher  Government  offices  by  burning  the 
genealogical  registers,  by  which  act  the  talents  of  the  lower  classes 
became  available  for  the  benefit  of  the  country.  He  improved  the 
architecture  of  Russia,  and  tried  to  encourage  the  breeding  of  horses  by 
introducing  better  ones  from  Prussia.  Having  with  the  consent  of  the 
grandees  displaced  his  brother  Ivan,  who  was  an  imbecile,  from  the 
succession,  he  nominated  his  half-brother  Peter  as  his  heir.  He  died 
in  1682,  without  issue. 

In  1683  Murad  Girai  took  part  in  the  great  Turkish  campaign  against 
Austria,  during  which  Vienna  was  besieged.  John  Sobieski,  with  an 
army  of  Poles  and  Cossacks,  at  the  same  time  aided  the  Emperor. 
During  the  siege  the  Tartar  Khan  had  a  quarrel  with  the  Grand  Vizier, 
who  probably  needed  a  scapegoat  for  his  want  of  success.  This  was 
followed  by  his  deposition,  which  took  place  in  October,  1683. 

"*  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Gesb.,  iii.  6g8.  t  Scherer,  op.  cit„  ii.  152.  I  /</.»  I53< 

^SELIM   GIRAI   KHAN.  563 

The  electors  of  Brandenburg  were  at  this  time  enlarging  their 
frontiers  rapidly.  Some  years  before,  during  the  general  prostration  of 
Poland,  they  had  annexed  the  province  of  Prussia  and  the  districts  of 
Lauenburgh  and  Bytof,  with  the  town  of  Elbing.* 

We  are  told  that  Murad  Khan  was  an  eye-witness  of  the  strange 
feat  of  the  Elector  Frederick  William,  who  conveyed  his  troops  on 
sledges  against  the  Swedes  who  had  attacked  Prussia.  This  had  such 
an  effect  on  the  Khan  and  his  suzerain  that  they  entered  into  a  treaty 
with  the  Elector.t 

On  his  deposition  the  Sultan  gave  Murad  Girai  a  residence  at  Sirajeh, 
near  Yamboli,  where  he  died  in  1107  hej.  (/.^.,  1695).  He  had  reigned 
five  years  and  six  months.^  We  are  told  that  at  this  time  some  of  their 
envoys  having  been  ill-used,  the  Russians  ceased  to  have  diplomatic* 
intercourse  with  the  Khans,  and  communicated  in  future  directly  with 


Murad  Girai  was  succeeded  by  Haji,  the  son  of  Krim  Girai  Khan, 
who  appointed  Devlet  Girai  and  Azemet  Girai,  the  two  sons  of  the 
deposed  Khan  Selim,  kalga  and  nureddin.  Haji  Girai  distinguished 
himself  in  the  disastrous  siege  of  Vienna.  When  the  Turks  abandoned 
their  colours  and  retired,  he  at  the  head  of  his  Tartars  rescued  the 
Ottoman  standard.  Later  on,  when  the  Poles  wished  to  occupy 
Bessarabia,  the  Khan  marched  against  them  and  fought  a  battle  with 
them  near  Ismael.  He  also  defeated  the  Zaporogian  Cossacks  in  a  five 
days'  struggle  near  the  Pruth.  He  soon  after  accompanied  the  Sultan  in 
an  expedition  against  Hungary.  He  was  deposed,  however,  after  having 
only  reigned  a  year.j|  The  cause  of  the  deposition  is  not  very  clear,  but 
Von  Hammer  suggests  that  it  might  have  something  to  do  with  the 
intrigues  of  his  own  kalga  and  nureddin.  At  all  events  their  father,  the 
deposed  Khan  Selim,  was  again  reinstated. 

SELIM    GIRAI    KHAN   (Restored). 

Von  Hammer  describes  with  some  unction  the  ceremony  with  which 
Selim  was  escorted  when  he  landed  at  Constantinople  on  his  return  from 
exile  at  Rhodes.  How  the  vizier  went  to  meet  him  with  his  head  covered, 
not  with  the  kalevi  (/.^.,  the  great  three-cornered  gold-embroidered  hat), 
but  in  the  great  round  high  turban  ;  how  they  went  to  the  audience 
attended  by  a  lordly  escort,  how  the  Khan  stopped  and  sat  down  on  the 

*  Scherer,  ii.  84.        t  De  Bohucz,  388.       I  Krim  Khans,  163.    Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  444. 
§  Krim  Khans,  163,  ||  Nouv,  Journ,  Asiat,,  xii,  444,    Krim  Khans,  162, 163. 


Stone  where  the  Sultan  alighted  from  his  horse,  how  humbly  he  knelt  in 
the  presence  of  his  suzerain,  and  how  one  grandee  put  on  him  the 
kapanidsha  {i.e.^  the  robe  decked  with  fur  down  to  the  hips),  another 
gave  him  the  jewelled  sword,  and  a  third  put  two  diamond  ornaments  on 
his  head,  signifying  that  the  usual  gift  of  one  thousand  ducats  was  in  his 
case  raised  to  two  thousand.  On  his  departure  for  Babatagh  he  was 
presented  with  a  sword  in  a  golden  sheath,  a  suit  of  golden  scaled 
armour,  a  pearl  embroidered  quiver,  and  a  palfrey.* 

The  Turks  had  reached  the  limit  of  their  wonderful  career  of  conquest, 
and  were  now  falling  on  evil  times.  In  the  west  the  Emperor  Leopold 
defeated  them  very  severely,  and  captured  Belgrade,  while  the  Prince  of 
Transylvania  put  himself  under  his  asgis.  In  the  east  their  enemies, 
Russians  and  Poles,  had  made  a  notable  peace,  by  whieh  all  the  Ukraine 
and  Smolensk  were  ceded  to  the  former.  The  Poles  had  entered  into  an 
obligation  to  pay  the  Porte  tribute,  and  the  Tartars  insisted  that  the 
Russians  should  furnish  them  with  an  annual  sum  of  sixty  thousand 
roubles.  To  wipe  out  this  disgrace,  and  at  the  same  time  to  fulfil  an 
engagement  with  their  new  ally  Poland,  the  Russians  under  Galitzin 
advanced  against  the  Krim.  After  a  severe  and  harassing  march  across 
the  steppe,  and  fighting  an  unsuccessful  battle  at  a  place  called  Carayelg,  in 
which  they  lost  thirteen  cannons  and  one  thousand  prisoners,  they  retired 
and  proceeded  to  build  a  town  on  the  Samara,  to  be  their  head-quarters 
in  a  future  campaign.  This  had  to  be  deferred,  however,  for  some  time. 
The  Cossacks  of  the  Ukraine  were  at  this  time  governed  by  the  famous 
hetman  Mazeppa,  who  was  elected  in  1687.  In  1688  they  plundered  the 
neighbourhood  of  Otchakof,  and  carried  off  many  Tartar  prisoners. 

The  next  year  Prince  Galitzin,  with  a  Russian  army  and  attended  by 
Mazeppa,  advanced  as  far  as  Perekop.  The  Tartars  sued  for  peace. 
This  they  bought  with  sacks  made  of  goatskins,  &c.,  filled  with  ducats, 
many  of  which  were  false.  The  Cossacks  were  much  disappointed  at 
not  being  allowed  to  plunder  the  place.  The  following  year  they  again 
ravaged  the  neighbourhood  of  Otchakof,  while  the  Polish  Cossacks  made 
similar  raids,  released  many  Christians  who  were  in  captivity,  and 
carried  off  much  booty.  These  attacks  took  place  apparently  in  the 
absence  of  the  Khan,  who  in  1688  had  left  Akkerman  to  join  the 
Ottoman  army.  He  was  sent  against  the  Germans,  who  were  then  in 
winter  quarters.  He  met  them  at  a  place  called  Kapchak  (Von  Hammer 
calls  it  Uskub),  defeated  them,  and  captured  one  of  their  chiefs  called 
Hersek.  The  Khan  was  summoned  to  the  Ottoman  camp,  and  as  a 
reward  for  his  conduct  and  at  his  request,  there  was  created  a  kind  of 
Praetorian  force  named  Sekban,  whose  duty  it  was  to  attend  on  the. 
person  of  the  Khan.  It  was  divided  into  banners  of  fifty  men  each,  and 
was  paid  by  the  Imperial  treasury. 

*  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Gesh,  iii.  759,  760, 


The  next  year  Selim  was  ordered  to  accompany  Kuprili  Zade 
Mustapha  Pasha  in  his  war,  and  assisted  effectually  in  driving  the 
Germans  from  the  country  about  Belgrade.  He  was  once  more  bidden 
to  ask  a  favour,  and  prayed  that  the  Khanate  might  not  pass  out  of  his 
family.  About  this  time  he  was  greatly  affected  by  the  death  of  his  son, 
who  had  filled  the  office  of  nureddin,  and  determined  to  resign  his  power 
and  to  make  a  pilgrimage  to  Mecca.  Permission  to  do  this  was  granted, 
and  he  wended  his  way  by  Egypt  to  the  holy  city.  In  memory  of  this 
an  annual  sum  called  syra  was  paid  by  the  Sultan's  treasury  to  the 
stations  he  visited  in  his  pilgrimage.  On  his  return  he  settled  at  an 
estate  called  Kazikui,  near  Silivri.* 


Selim  was  replaced  by  Saadet  Girai,  who  is  called  his  son  by  one 
author,t  Von  Hammer|  makes  him  a  brother  of  the  Khan  Haji  Girai.  This 
is  confirmed  by  his  coins,  which  show  him  to  have  been  the  son  of  Krim 
Girai  Khan.§  He  nominated  Selim's  son  Devlet  Girai  as  kalga,  and 
Feth  Girai  as  nureddin.  He  mounted  the  throne  in  1691.  The  same 
year  he  was  ordered  to  march  against  the  Germans,  and  traversed 
Wallachia,  which  was  terribly  wasted  by  swarms  of  locusts,  and  he  had 
great  difficulty  in  keeping  his  distressed  troops  under  control.  At  the 
same  time  the  inhabitants  of  the  Krim  having  represented  to  the  Sultan 
that  he  was  not  on  good  terms  with  his  soldiers,  and  having  failed  to 
arrive  in  time  to  assist  the  Ottoman  forces,  he  was  deposed  and  exiled, 
first  to  Chagisgan,  near  Yamboli,  and  then  to  Rhodes,  where  he  shortly 
after  died. 


Safa  Girai,  the  successor  of  Saadet,  was  the  son  of  Safa  Girai  Sultan, 
and  belonged  to  the  stock  of  the  Choban  Girais.  He  nominated  Devlet 
Girai  as  kalga  and  Shahin  Girai  as  nureddin.  The  new  Khan  was  on 
terms  of  intimate  friendship  with  the  King  of  Poland,  a  friendship  which 
arose  out  of  the  chivalrous  treatment  that  a  confidential  friend  of  the 
Khan's  named  Ali  Aga,  who  had  been  captured  by  the  Poles,  received  at 
their  hands.  ||  He  was  ordered  to  assist  the  Turks  in  their  western 
campaign,  and  was,  Hke  his  predecessor,  unable  to  maintain  discipline 
among  his  Tartars,  and  being  deserted  by  them  near  Berkuki,  he  was 
also  deposed  after  reigning  a  few  months,  and  exiled  to  Kulagosli,  near 
Karinabad,  where  he  some  time  after  died,  at  the  age  of  sixty-eight. 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  443  and  446.  t  Id.,  446.  J  iii.  839. 

§  Blau,  op.  cit.,  67.  II  Von  Hammer,  iii.  854. 


SELIM    GIRAI    KHAN    (Third   Reign). 

Selim  Girai,  now  entitled  El  haj  or  the  Pilgrim,  was  recalled  from 
Kasikoi,  near  Yamboli,*  and  in  1692  mounted  the  throne  for  the  third 
time.  He  made  his  eldest  son  Devlet  Girai  kalga,  and  Shahin  Girai,  the 
son  of  his  nephew  Selamet  Girai,  nureddin.  Soon  after  his  accession  he 
was  summoned  to  attend  his  suzerain  in  the  war  with  Transylvania  and 
Hungary.  The  Imperial  forces  had  laid  siege  to  Belgrade,  the  Khan, 
who  was  then  at  Akkerman,  sent  on  an  advance  guard,  which  was  shortly 
followed  by  his  main  army  and  the  Sultan's  troops.  Several  combats 
ensued,  in  which  the  balance  of  victory  was  divided,  and  after  which  the 
Tartars  ravaged  much  of  the  surrounding  country .t  In  September,  1695, 
he  was  again  summoned  to  march  westwards  ;  he  contributed  greatly  to 
the  capture  of  the  towns  of  Lugos,  Nissa,  and  Behln,  and  took  an  active 
part  in  the  terrible  struggle  of  Lippa,  where  the  Imperial  general 
Frederick  Veterani  and  so  many  of  his  men  were  killed. t 

The  strife  between  the  Cossacks  and  the  Tartars  continued  without 
much  intermission.  In  the  spring  of  1692  the  latter  made  a  raid  on  the 
district  of  Domanchof.  They  retired  on  the  approach  of  the  Cossacks, 
who  proceeded  in  turn  to  ravage  the  district  near  Otchakof.  The 
following  autumn  we  again  find  the  Tartars  plundering  in  the  neighbour- 
hood of  Pultava,  an  expedition  which  they  repeated  in  1693,  when  they 
were  led  by  the  Khan's  son.§  In  1694,  during  the  carnival  season,  they 
desolated  the  environs  of  Pereislavl,  and  the  Cossacks  again  ravaged  the 
district  of  Otchakof,  and  carried  off  three  hundred  prisoners.  They  also 
made  a  raid  near  Perekop,  and  captured  eight  cannons  ;||  but  a  more 
potent  enemy  was  at  hand  in  the  shape  of  the  Tzar  Peter,  afterwards 
known  as  Peter  the  Great,  who  was  determined  to  gain  a  sea  board  for 
his  land-locked  empire,  to  gain  a  footing  in  the  Black  Sea,  and  especially 
to  capture  Azof,  where  he  might  plant  an  arsenal.  Azof  was  well  fortified, 
had  a  garrison  of  six  thousand  men,  and  a  free  access  to  the  sea.  The 
Russians  advanced  under  Marshal  Sheremetof,  with  a  large  army  against 
the  town,  which  Peter  himself  joined  as  a  volunteer,  professing,  and  no 
doubt  honestly,  that  he  was  only  a  learner  in  the  art  of  war.  On  the 
other  side  was  Murtasa  Pasha,  the  beglerbeg  of  Kaffa,  with  the  son  of 
the  Khan  Selim,  and  the  various  Tartars  of  Cherkes,  Taman,  Sudak, 
and  the  Great  Nogais.  The  eastern  and  western  accounts  differ  some- 
what in  the  causes,  while  both  are  agreed  as  to  the  main  issue  of  the 
campaign.  According  to  the  Turkish  accounts,  it  was  the  prowess  of 
the  Tartar  forces  under  Kaplan  Girai  which  stormed  the  Russian 
entrenchments  and  compelled  them  to  retreat.  The  Russian  accounts 
attribute  their  disaster  to  the  desertion  of  one  of  their  chiefs  of  artillery, 

*  Krim  Khans,  172.  t  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  448.  J  Id.    Osm.  Gesh.,  iii.  882. 

$  Schercr,  op.  cit.,  ii.  162, 163.  ||  Id.,  164. 


a  Dantziger  called  Jacob,  who  had  been  condemned  to  corporal  punish- 
ment, and  in  revenge  spiked  the  cannon,  turned  Muhammedan,  and 
assisted  in  the  defence  of  the  town,  which  resisted  effectually.  The 
Russians  were  compelled  to  raise  the  siege.*  This  was  in  the 
autumn  of  1695.  But  they  were  accustomed  to  defeat,  and  their  new 
Tzar  Peter  was  not  to  be  easily  dispirited.  The  break  down  at 
Azof  was  somewhat  compensated  by  the  successes  of  another  corps  of 
Russians,  assisted  by  Mazeppa  and  his  Cossacks,  who  advanced  further 
down  the  Don,  captured  four  Turkish  towns,  several  pashas,  and  a  body 
of  janissaries,  and  returned  to  Great  Russia  with  a  large  booty  and  many 
prisoners.  They  razed  the  towns  of  Kisikerman  and  Muberbek,  and 
only  left  standing  a  small  fort  on  the  island  of  Taman,  where  they 
apparently  planted  a  garrison.t  The  following  year,  to  revenge  this 
disaster,  the  Khan  despatched  an  army  to  Little  Russia,  which  wasted 
the  country  about  Pultava  and  Mirgorod,  but  they  were  fiercely  attacked 
by  the  Cossacks  and  Russians,  were  defeated,  and  driven  beyond  the 
Dnieper  and  the  Vorshla,  where  many  of  them  were  drowned.  In. their 
rage  they  tore  open  the  body  of  a  prisoner  named  Wechurka,  whose 
heart  they  tore  out  while  he  was  still  alive,  t 

The  same  year  {i.e.,  1696)  Peter  the  Great  obtained  engineers, 
gunners,  and  seamen  from  the  Emperor  Leopold,  the  States  General  of 
Holland,  and  the  Elector  of  Brandenburg,  and  also  took  some  Kalmuks 
into  his  pay.§  Having  constructed  a  small  flotilla  and  assembled  them 
at  Voronej,  he  sent  them  down  the  Don  under  the  command  of  Admiral 
Lefort,  Peter  again  acting  as  a  He  ordered  Mazeppa  to 
furnish  fifteen  thousand  Cossacks,  who  were  planted  so  as  to  intercept 
communication  with  the  Kuban.  The  Tartars  having  attacked  these 
Cossacks  were  badly  beaten,T[  while  the  latter  intercepted  several  Turkish 
saiks  which  were  going  to  Azof,  and  captured  them.  The  Russian  army 
consisted  of  sixty-four  thousand  men,  besides  the  contingents  of  Cossacks 
and  Kalmuks.  The  siege  was  carried  on  regularly  though,  says  Kelly, 
not  entirely  after  our  manner.  The  trenches  were  three  times  deeper 
than  ours,  and  the  ramparts  were  as  high  as  the  walls.  The  attack 
began  on  the  3rd  of  June,  and  on  the  28th  of  July  the  garrison 
surrendered  without  any  of  the  honours  of  war,  and  were  obliged  to  give 
up  the  traitor  Jacob  to  the  besiegers.**  The  Turks  with  their  wives  and 
children  retired  to  Kaganhk.  Peter  distributed  fifteen  thousand  ducats 
among  the  soldiers  and  Cossacks,  and  five  to  each  officer.  He  then  pro- 
ceeded to  fortify  his  new  conquest,  and  ordered  a  harbour  to  be  dug  to  hold 
large  vessels,  so  that  he  might  eventually  command  the  Straits  of  KafFa. 
He  left  thirty-two  armed  saiks  before  Azof,  and  commanded  the  building 
of  a  fleet  to  consist  of  nine  sixty-gun  ships,  and  of  forty-one  carrying 

*  Kelly,  i.  240.  t  Scherer,  ii.  165.  J  Schercr,  op.  cit.,  i66.  ^  Kelly,  i.  an. 

BLesur,  ii,  75,76.  ^  Scherer,  ii.  167.  **  Kelly's  Russia,  i.  241, 


from  thirty  to  fifty  cannons  ;  and  also  ordered  the  Cossacks  to  build  a 
flotilla  of  hght  boats  to  harass  the  coasts  of  Krim.  The  estates  of  the 
nobles,  of  the  rich  merchants,  and  even  the  clergy  were  called  upon  for 
contributions.  A  few  months  later  {i.e.,  nth  of  August,  1697)  his  troops 
beat  the  Tartars  near  Azof.*  To  efface  in  some  measure  the  disgrace  of 
this  Christian  victory,  the  Tartars  now  fell  upon  Poland,  where  the  death 
of  Sobieski  had  left  the  country  in  confusion.  They  captured  Sbaraz, 
advanced  as  far  as  Lemberg,  and  broke  into  Stanislaf,  where  they 
captured  twenty-four  nuns.t 

Mazeppa  and  his  Cossacks  proceeded  to  fortify  Kizikerman  and 
Taman,  which  commanded  the  entrance  of  the  Don  on  either  bank,  and 
although  the  Grand  Vizier  sent  a  fleet  to  repair  the  disaster  at  Azof,  the 
Turks  only  advanced  as  far  as  Asaam,  and  tried  in  vain  to  seduce  the 
Russian  commanders  by  bribes.  This  poUcy  seems  to  have  been  more 
effectual  with  the  officials  at  Constantinople,  who,  now  that  the  Sultans 
were  becoming  weak  and  dissolute,  were  more  and  more  under  the 
influence  of  such  creatures. 

Sehm  Girai  in  vain  warned  his  master  of  what  would  follow,  and  even 
repaired  to  Constantinople  to  have  an  interview  with  the  Sultan.  Weary 
of  governing,  he  for  the  third  time  laid  down  his  authority,  and  having 
been  granted  an  annual  stipend  of  eight  hundred  thousand  aspers,  retired 
to  Silivri,  near  Adrianople.l  Another  authority  says  he  went  to 
Kazekui,  near  Scutari.§    This  was  in  1698. 


Faithful  to  their  pact  with  Selim,  the  Turks  nominated  his  son  Devlet 
Girai  as  Khan,  and  he  was  installed  with  great  pomp  at  the  village  of 
Gul  Baba,  near  Adrianople.  |1  He  appointed  his  brothers  Shahbaz  and 
Gazi  Girai  respectively  kalga  and  nureddin.  The  Russians  continued  to 
win  small  successes.  In  August,  1697,  they  beat  the  Tartars  near  Azof, 
and  a  few  months  later  seized  Perekop.  They  at  length  proposed  peace 
to  the  Porte,  and  supported  their  demand  by  planting  one  hundred 
thousand  men  at  Azof.  This  peace,  which  is  known  as  the  treaty  of 
Karlovitz,  marks  the  terrible  decadence  of  the  Turks  since  when,  but  a 
few  years  before,  they  threatened  Vienna  and  appropriated  Hungary. 
They  had  now  to  cede  all  Hungary  beyond  the  Save,  with  Transylvania 
and  Slavonia  to  the  Emperor,  while  they  only  retained  Temeswar  and 
Hungary  south  of  the  Save ;  the  Russians  were  granted  Azof. 

This  peace,  which  was  signed  on  the  13th  of  June,  1700,  was  to  last 
for  thirteen  years,  and  consisted  of  fourteen  articles.    Of  these  the  second 

*  Kelly,  op.  ciU  248.  t  Von  Hammer,  Osm,  Gesh.,  iii.  892. 

I  Krim  Khans,  175.  S  Noav.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  448.  \  Krim  Khans,  175. 


provided  for  the  demolition  of  the  forts  of  Toghan,  Gazi  Kerman,  Shahin 
Kerman,  and  Nusret  Kerman,  some  of  which  had  been  conquered  by  the 
Russians  in  the  late  war  ;  the  fifth  created  a  march  of  devastated  land 
of  five  hours  extent  between  Or  (?>.,  Perekop)  and  Azof.  In  the  district 
between  Perekop  and  the  castle  of  Mejush  both  Russians  and  Tartars 
were  to  have  free  liberty  to  hunt,  fish,  keep  bees,  cut  wood,  and  obtain 
salt.  In  the  direction  of  the  Kuban  a  space  of  ten  hours  from  the 
fortress  of  Azof  was  marked,  where  the  Nogais  and  Circassians  should 
not  molest  the  Russians  and  Cossacks.  The  eighth  article  provided 
very  minutely  for  the  peaceful  behaviour  of  the  Krim  Tartars,  the  ninth 
for  an  exchange  of  prisoners,  the  tenth  for  free  trade,  the  twelfth  for  a 
free  passage  for  pilgrims  to  Jerusalem,  and  the  thirteenth  for  the 
immunity  of  agents  and  interpreters. 

The  new  Khan  Devlet  Girai  appointed  his  brother  Shahbaz, 
a  brave  and  skilful  man  (who  had  been  much  employed  by  the 
Turks),  his  kalga.  This  created  considerable  jealousy  among  his  other 
brothers,  who  contrived  to  have  Shahbaz  poisoned.  Afraid  for  his 
safety,  one  of  these  named  Gazi  Girai  fled,  and,  having  collected  the 
Nogais  of  Akkerman,  persuaded  them  to  escape  with  him  to  Bessarabia. 
The  commanders  of  Otchakof  and  Kaffa,  with  the  Khan,  pursued  them, 
and  the  frightened  murzas  were  obliged  to  submit  and  accept  their  terms. 
Gazi  Girai  escaped  to  Adrianople,  whence  he  was  shortly  after  trans- 
ported to  Rhodes. 

Kaplan  Girai,  another^brother,  then  marched  against  the  Circassians  ; 
he  wished  to  revenge  himself  upon  them  for  what  they  had  done  to 
Shahbaz.*  Devlet  Girai  now  nominated  another  brother  named  Saadet 
as  kalga,  and  his  cousin  Inayet  as  nureddin.  The  Porte  sent  the 
usual  sum  of  money  for  the  pay  of  the  segbans  (/.<?.,  the  regular  troops), 
namely,  forty  thousand  piastres  for  the  Khan  and  four  thousand  five 
htfrndred  for  the  kalga.  Soon  after  Kaplan  Girai  and  Haji  Merdan  All, 
tlie  Khan's  vizier,  plotted  together  at  Kaffa.  When  the  kalga  attempted 
to  secure  them,  they  had  themselves  enrolled  as  common  janissaries 
at  Kaffa,  and  the  other  janissaries  refused  to  surrender  them.  They  fled, 
however,  to  Constantinople.  Kaplan  Girai  was  imprisoned  in  the  castle 
of  the  Bosphorus,  while  Merdan  Ali  was  transported  to  Lemnos. 

The  aged  Selim  was  a  terrible  martyr  to  gout.  For  a  while  he  lived  at 
the  village  of  Funduklu,  near  Yamboli.  To  get  a  respite  from  his 
complaint  he  moved  to  Jadirgan,  and  thence  to  the  brook  Karguna, 
near  Yamboli,  where  a  great  water-wheel  irrigated  three  gardens  and 
turned  a  mill,  and  where  he  hoped  the  soft  music  of  the  gurgling  water, 
so  dear  to  eastern  ears,  might  bring  him  surcease.  But  getting  no  relief, 
he  moved  again,  and  trying  a  fresh  remedy,  had  himself  dragged  to  the 
top  of  the  high  mountain  Islemije  in  a  waggon  drawn  by  fifty  buffaloes. 

*  Krim  Khans,  178, 


There  he  received  a  present  of  two  thousand  ducats  from  the  Grand 
Vizier  Hussein  Kuprili,  and  another  thousand  from  the  Sultan,  together 
with  a  sable  cloak.  While  grateful  for  this,  the  Khan  begged  for  the 
release  of  his  son  Kaplan  Girai,  which  was  granted.  The  historian  of 
Krim,  Muhammed  Girai,  visited  him  there,  and  spent  four  days  with 
him.     He  got  no  better,  and  returned  again  to  Funduklu.* 

The  Krim  Khan  was  apparently  not  satisfied  with  the  late  peace  with 
Russia,  and,  perhaps  with  the  connivance  of  the  Porte,  he  built  a 
fortress  near  Kertch,  to  bar  the  Bosphorus  against  the  Russians.  We 
are  told  that  for  this  fort  iron  was  obtained  from  Samakof,  builders 
from  Moldavia  and  Wallachia,  wood  from  Circassia  and  Sinope,  and  the 
other  requisites  from  Constantinople.  The  Khan  also  complained  to  his 
suzerain  that  the  Russians  were  busy  building  ships  and  a  fortress,  but 
the  envoy  of  the  latter  at  Adrianople  explained  that  they  had  only  twelve 
war  ships  in  the  sea  of  Azof,  while  the  fortress  was  forty  leagues  from 
Perekop,  and  was  meant  to  overawe  the  Cossacks.  These  explanations 
were  deemed  satisfactory,  the  meddlesome  Khan  was  displaced,  and 
his  decrepit  old  father  once  more  put  on  the  throne.  This  was  in 
December,  lyozA  Devlet  Girai  did  not  submit,  but  sent  troops  to 
occupy  Akkerman  and  Ismael,  and  allied  himself  with  the  ever  willing 
Nogais.  They  held  out  for  some  time,  and  were  apparently  secretly 
abetted  by  the  Grand  Vizier,  who  befriended  them.  When  his  support 
failed  they  were  forced  to  fly,  and  escaped  to  the  Kuban  and  to  the 

SELIM    GIRAI    KHAN    (for  the  Fourth  time). 

We  are  told  that  when  summoned  by  the  Porte  to  occupy  the  throne 
for  the  fourth  time,  Selim  travelled  from  Adrianople  in  a  cart,  and  was 
duly  installed  with  the  robes  and  insignia  of  office  at  Constantinople. 
He  nominated  his  son  Gazi  as  kalga,  and  the  latter's  brother  Kaplan  as 
nureddin.  This  was  in  1702. §  De  Bohucz  says  his  son  and  predecessor 
Devlet  was  captured  in  Circassia,  and  taken  to  the  Krim  to  be  executed, 
but  was  pardoned  by  his  father.  ||  Selim  only  occupied  the  throne  for  a 
short  time,  and  died  in  1705. 

The  only  incident  of  interest  in  his  fourth  reign  was  the  gradual 
encroachment  of  the  Russians,  who  made  use  of  Azof  as  a  focus  for  their 
arms,  and  built  forts  at  Taganrog  and  at  Kamienska  on  the  Dnieper.lf 
He  was  perhaps  the  greatest  of  the  Krim  Khans,  and  occupied  the 
throne  during  the  reigns  of  five  Sultans,  namely,  Muhammed  IV., 
Suliman  II.,  Ahmed  II.,  Mustapha  II.,  and  Ahmed  III.,**  and  in  a 
firman  of  Mustapha,  the   Sultan   styles  him  his    His  heroic 

*  Id.,  180-182.  t  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Ges.,  iv.  47.  J  Krim  Khans,  184. 

5 /</.,  183, 184.  II  Op.  cit.,  392.  f  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Ges.  Reich.,  75. 

**  Krim  Khans,  185*  ft  Laogles,  op.  cit.,  422. 

KAPLAN   GIRAI    KHAN.  .        571 

conduct  at  the  battle  of  Kossovo  and  elsewhere,  created  a  wide  reputation 
for  him,  and  his  name  was  commemorated  by  the  construction  of  many 
fountains  and  other  useful  works,  both  in  the  Krim  and  the  neighbour- 
hood of  Constantinople.  So  great  was  his  fame,  that  after  his  exploits 
at  the  siege  of  Vienna  the  janissaries  wished  to  put  him  on  the 
Ottoman  throne,  a  position  he  declined.  According  to  Peyssonel,  this 
incident  gave  rise  to  the  tradition  that  on  the  failure  of  the  Ottoman 
Imperial  house  the  reversion  would  fall  to  that  of  the  Krim  Khans.*  He 
was  a  statesman,  a  soldier,  and  an  historian  and  (Uke  his  father,  Behadur 
Girai)  a  poet.  We  are  told  he  also  kept  a  large  sheep  farm  at  Kadikoi, 
near  Pyrgos,  which  with  the  mill  there  he  devised  to  his  son  Kaplan 
Girai.t     He  left  ten  sons  and  ten  daughters. 


Schm  was  now  succeeded  by  his  son  Gazi  Girai.  He  appointed 
Kaplan  as  kalga  and  Maksud  as  nureddin.J  We  are  told  he  was  very 
handsome  and  unlike  a  Tartar,  so  that  it  was  considered  that  his  mother 
was  a  European,  as  many  inmates  of  the  seraglios  then  doubtless  were. 
He  favoured  ihe  Christians  and  allowed  the  Jesuits  to  have  services  in 
the  Krim.§  Having  given  shelter  to  the  Circassian  tribe  of  the  Haiduks, 
who  had  killed  his  brother,  and  failed  to  restrain  the  raids  of  the  Nogais 
of  Anapa,  which  gave  rise  to  Russian  complaints,  he  was  deposed.  This 
was  in  1707.II  He  died  of  the  plague  at  Jingiz  Serai  or  Karinabad, 
near  Constantinople.^ 


Gazi  was  succeeded  by  his  brother  Kaplan  Girai.  Mengli  was 
appointed  kalga  and  Maksud  nureddin,  but  the  latter  dying  shortly  after 
was  replaced  by  Sahib.  The  chiefs  of  the  Circassians  were  nominees  of 
and  subservient  to  the  Krim  Khans,  but  had  recently  been  very  rebellious. 
The  Kabardian  tribe  had  some  time  before  deserted  its  stronghold  in  the 
Beshtau,  and  retired  to  the  inaccessible  mountains  of  Balkhanshan* 
As  it  resisted  the  demand  of  the  Khan  that  it  should  return,  he  now 
marched  against  it  with  a  large  number  of  troops,  including  six 
thousand  Nogais  from  Bessarabia,  fifteen  thousand  of  his  own  segbans, 
three  thousand  sipahis  from  Kaffa,  and  five  thousand  Circassians  of 
the  tribe  Kemurkoi,  together  with  twenty  thousand  Nogais,  known 
as  Yaman  sadak.  This  expedition  was  very  disastrous.  Attacked 
by  the  Circassians,  he  lost  several  of  his  chief  officers,  including  the 
Shirin  beg  and  the  begs  of  the  tribes  Jarik,  Yurulshi,  and  Mansur,  with 

*  Comm.  de  la  mer  Noire,  ii.  230-233-         ^  Krim  Khins,  i8§.        t  Nouv.  Journ.  Asitt.,  xii.  449 
§  De  BoIiuCiJ,  393.  I  Krim  Khan»,  187.  f  De  Bohucz,  loc.  cit. 


twenty-three  ulemas  and  the  greater  portion  of  his  troops.  For  this 
misfortune  and  for  having  given  asylum  to  a  body  of  Cossacks  who  were 
fleeing  before  Peter  the  Great,*  he  was  deposed  in  December,  1707,  and 
was  replaced  by  his  brother  Devlet  Girai,  who  mounted  the  throne  for 
the  second  time.    Kaplan  Girai  was  exiled  to  Rhodes. 


Devlet  Girai  appointed  Bakht  Girai  kalga  and  Safa  Girai  nureddin.t 
De  Bohucz  has  a  confused  account  of  him,  and  gives  him  a  reign  too 
many.     He  describes  him  as  an  arrogant  and  self-important  person,  and 
says  that  he  patronised  the  Sultan,     Having  taken  leave  of  the  court 
at  Adrianople,  he  stopped  in   the   presence  of  his  suzerain,  and  with 
one  foot  in  the  stirrup  and  another  on  the  platform  from  which  he 
mounted,  said   he  awaited  the  head  of  the  Grand  Vizier,  whom  he 
could  not  pardon  for  the  peace  on  the  Pruth.     It  was  sent  to  him,  we 
are  told,  as  well  as  those  of  the  reis  effendi  and  the  janissary  aga,  of 
whom  he  had   complained ;    nor  did  he  leave  until  he  had  secured 
vengeance  on  his  enemies.J     He  seems  to  have  favoured  the  Christians. 
The  Jesuit  father  Ban  obtained  permission  to  build  a  chapel  at  Baghchi 
Serai,  and  to  have  as  coadjutor  there  the  father  Courbillon.    To  make 
his  position  more  sure,  the  French  ambassador  at  the  Porte  secured  the 
appointment  of  Ban  as  consul  in  the  Krim.§     For  some  years  past  Peter 
the  Great  of  Russia  had  been  pursuing  his  famous  war  against  Charles 
XII.  of  Sweden,  which  was  crowned  by  "the  great  victory  of  Pultava  in 
1 709.   Charles  took  refuge  in  Turkey,  and  at  once  began  intriguing  with  the 
Turks,  to  whom  he  showed  a  copy  of  a  letter  from  the  Emperor  Joseph  I. 
to  Peter,  in  which  he  counselled  him  to  transport  the  unruly  Cossacks  else- 
where, to  people  the  Ukraine  with  Germans  and  Swedish  prisoners,  and  to 
build  a  line  of  fortresses  as  far  as  the  Black  Sea,  which  would  enable  him 
eventually  to  subdue  the  Krim.||     This  and  the  various  encroachments 
of  the  Russians  in  the  sea  of  Azof  at  length  aroused  the  jealousy  of  the 
Turks,  who  in  November,  1710,  declared  war.     Peter  the  Great  wishing 
to  forestal  their  attack,  advanced  from  the  Dniester  to  the  Pruth,  and 
took  formal  possession  of  Moldavia  and  Wallachia,  whose  hospodars 
made  pretence  of  favouring  him,  and  he  was  received  with  some  State  at 

The  Turkish  forces  set  out  in  imposing  array,  and  their  vast  land 
army  was  supplemented  by  a  fleet  which  was  to  operate  in  the  Sea  of 
Azof.  The  Khan  of  Krim  also  marched  with  a  contingent  of  forty 
thousand  men.lF  Another  body  of  them  with  six  thousand  Cossacks 
made  a  raid  on  the  Ukraine.**    Peter  marched  to  assist  his  general 

•  Ki  im  Khans,  187*189.  t  Nouy.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  450,  I  Op.  cit.,  400. 

K  Dc  Bohucz,  394  1!  Id.,  396.         '!,  Nour.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  450.         **  De  Bohucz,  396. 


Sheremetof,who  was  encamped  inWallachia,  but  he  was  speedily  hemmed 
in  between  the  Pruth  and  a  morass,  and  we  are  told  that  the  Krim 
Khan  assisted  greatly  in  the  blockade  by  intercepting  convoys.  Peter's 
position  was  very  critical.  He  was  only  saved  by  the  vigour  of  his 
newly  married  wife  Catherine,  who  collected  jewels  and  furs,  and  so 
worked  upon  the  cupidity  of  the  Grand  Vizier  that  negotiations  for  peace 
commenced.  This  was  at  length  concluded  on  very  advantageous  terms 
for  the  Turks.  Azof  was  to  be  restored,  Kaminetz,  Samara,  and 
Tanganrog  razed,  while  the  Russian  artillery  was  surrendered  to  the 
Turks.*  Notwithstanding  this,  the  peace  was  not  well  received  by  the 
Porte.  The  Turkish  commanders  were  accused,  not  perhaps  unjustly,  of 
having  sold  their  cause,  and  were  put  to  death.  Meanwhile  Peter,  having 
placed  his  army  in  safety,  evaded  the  terms  of  the  treaty. 

The  Porte  had  determined  to  send  Charles  XII.  home  again,  a 
journey  he  was  very  unwiUing  to  perform.  Devlet  received  orders  to  pay 
him  nine  hundred  purses  and  to  escort  him  with  a  sufficient  force  by  way 
of  the  Ukraine  and  Poland  as  far  as-  Sweden.  The  sum  was  a  large  one 
for  the  Krim  Khan,  but  not  enough  to  pay  the  king's  debts,  who  accordingly 
complained.  "I  will  throw  you  into  the  Dniester,"  was  the  answer  of  the 
discontented  Khan.  The  fact  was  the  latter,  who  saw  small  hopes  of 
plunder  in  the  Ukraine  now  that  it  was  in  the  strong  hands  of  Peter,  did 
not  like  his  duty.  Charles,  who  was  in  a  similar  mood,  and  was  skilled  in 
discovering  or  manufacturing  intercepted  letters,  produced  one,  according 
to  which  the  Tartars  were  to  abandon  him  on  the  preconcerted  appear- 
ance of  the  Russians.  Of  this  he  informed  the  Turkish  authorities,  who 
saw  through  it,  and  threatened  to  send  Charles  round  by  Salonica  and 
Marseilles  if  he  did  not  at  once  accept  the  Khan's  escort.  The  king  had 
been  abandoned  by  seven  thousand  Cossacks  and  Poles  who  had  hitherto 
faithfully  followed  him,  and  had  only  one  thousand  four  hundred  Swedes 
with  him,  while  the  Turks  and  Tartars  numbered  fourteen  thousand. 
He  nevertheless  determined  to  resist  them,  and  after  a  subsequent  fight 
was  supported  but  by  fifty  companions.  He  was  arrested  by  Devlet  himself. 
Meanwhile,  however,  an  intercepted  letter  had  reached  the  Sultan's  ears, 
and  the  mufti,  the  Grand  Vizier,  and  the  Khan  were  duly  deposed.t 
This  was  in  171 3.     He  was  exiled  to  Rhodes. 

After  the  battle  of  Pultava  those  Cossacks  of  the  Dnieper  who  were 
attached  to  the  Swedish  king  retired  to  Bender,  where  they  submitted  to 
the  Krim  Khan,  who  presented  them  with  two  commanders'  batons  and 
suitable  ornaments.  They  settled  near  Kamenka,  but  being  pressed  by 
the  Russians,  took  shelter  in  Aleshki,  a  small  town  on  the  Dnieper. 
Although  subjects  of  the  Khan,  they  continued  to  be  governed  by  their 
own  chiefs,  and  after  their  own  fashion,  and  obeyed  the  orders  of  Mazeppa, 
who  remained  with  Charles  at  Bender.     On  the  death  of  Mazeppa  the 

Kelly's  History  of  Russia,  i.  ^95.  t  Dc  Bohucz,  392-398, 


Sultan  nominated  Orlik  as  their  hetman.  We  are  told  he  turned  Mussul- 
man and  married  a  Turkish  woman.  He  was  given  the  dues  for  the 
passage  of  the  Dnieper  and  the  Bug  at  Kudak,  Miketin,  Kamenka,  and 
Kisikerman,  which  were  much  used  by  merchants  going  to  the 
Krim  with  goods,  especially  with  salt.  That  of  Merdva  Woda,  on  the 
route  from  Poland  to  Russia  to  Otchakof,  was  the  most  frequented. 
These  Cossacks  were  also  allowed  to  levy  dues  on  carriages  and  animals 
at  Otchakof,  and  to  take  salt  from  the  lakes  in  the  Tartar  country  for  less 
than  the  ordinary  royalty.  Having  become  very  arbitrary  and  rapacious, 
their  privileges  were  cancelled,  and  they  were  forbidden  to  trade  in  the 
Krim  and  at  Otchakof.  In  return  for  the  protection  offered  them  they 
were  obliged  to  accompany  the  Khan  to  Sudak  when  he  marched  against 
the  Circassians,  to  furnish  him  two  thousand  men  under  their  own  chiefs, 
and  thirteen  thousand  to  repair  the  lines  of  Perekop.  While  absent  in 
Circassia  with  the  Khan,  the  Russian  Cossacks,  whose  chief  settlement 
was  on  the  Samara,  invaded  the  borders  of  these  Turkish  Cossacks, 
and  cruelly  ravaged  their  setche  at  Aleshki,  a  raid  which  was 
cruelly  punished  in  a  counter  attack.  The  latter  also  plundered 
their  patrons  the  Tartars,  from  whom  they  carried  off  many  horses 
cattle,  and  sheep.  These  robberies  were  severely  punished  by  the  Khan, 
but  went  on  notwithstanding.  The  chief  grievance  of  the  Cossacks  was 
that,  as  guardians  of  the  Tartar  frontier,  they  had  to  make  reparation  for 
all  Christian  slaves  who  escaped  through  their  borders.  These  unruly 
plunderers  also  made  raids  on  Poland,  but  the  Khan  compelled  them  to 
restore  the  value  of  what  they  took  thence.  It  is  strange  to  read  that 
they  retained  the  Greek  faith,  and  prayed  regularly  for  the  Tzar,  who 
treated  them  as  deserters  and  ordered  that  any  of  them  when  caught 
should  be  hanged.  The  Tartars  deprived  them  of  their  artillery,  nor 
would  they  allow  them  to  build  fortifications  within  their  borders.  They 
also  harassed  them  by  sending  murzas  with  large  retinues,  whose 
expenses  the  Cossacks  had  to  defray,  and  also  to  give  them  splendid 
presents.  At  length  weary  of  these  exactions,  they  determined  to  submit 
to  Russia,  and  sent  to  ask  the  authorities  to  number  them  among  the 
faithful  inhabitants  of  Little  Russia,  which  the  Empress  Anne  Ivanofna 
agreed  to  do.*     Let  us  now  revert  again  to  the  Krim. 

KAPLAN    GIRAI    KHAN    (SECOND    Reign). 

Devlet  Girai's  brother  Kaplan,  who  had  already  occupied  the  throne, 
was  nominated  his  successor.  He  appointed  Mengli  Girai  kalga  and 
Safa  Girai  nureddin.  Two  years  later  the  Turks  were  engaged  in 
that  war  in  Hungary  in  which  they  sustained  such  a  terrible  defeat  at 

•  Schcrer.i.  231*343. 


Vardin.  As  usual,  the  defeat  was  followed  by  the  deposition  of  those 
upon  whose  shoulders  blame  could  rightly  or  wrongly  be  thrust.  The 
Khan  had  not  attended  the  war  in  person,  but  had  sent  a  contingent 
under  his  brother  Selamet  Girai.  He  was  nevertheless  deposed.*  The 
meekness  with  which  these  constant  depositions  were  submitted  to,  is 
explained  by  the  fact  that  the  grandees  of  the  Krim  were  for  the  most 
part  in  the  pay  of  the  Porte,  and  that  the  Sultan  being  the  successor  of 
the  Kbalifs  had  enormous  influence  among  a  devoted  Mussulman 
population  like  that  of  Krim.    The  deposition  took  place  in  171 5. 


Kaplan  was  replaced  by  Kara  Devlet,  a  son  of  Adil  Girai,  who  was  not 
therefore  descended  from  Selim  the  haj.  The  Sultan  having  heard  that  the 
Shirin  begs  and  murzas  of  the  Tartars  were  dissatisfied  with  the  appoint- 
ment, and  were  wishful  to  be  governed  by  some  descendant  of  the 
famous  Pilgrim  Khan,  in  whose  family  the  right  of  succession 
had  been  practically  settled,  the  new  Khan  was  deposed,  after  reigning 
only  four  months.  He  died  shortly  after,  and  was  succeeded  by  Saadet, 
the  son  of  Selim. 


Saadet  nominated  Safa  and  Islam  Girai  as  kalga  and  nureddin. 
Though  there  was  peace  between  the  two  great  empires  on  the  Neva  and 
the  Bosphorus,  the  marauders  who  inhabited  the  border  lands  could  not  be 
so  easily  restrained,  and  in  August,  1 718,  we  hear  of  an  embassy  to  the 
Porte  complaining  of  the  raids  of  one  Basht  Girai,  a  son  of  Devlet 
Girai,  who  had  been  a  rebel  and  an  outlaw,  and  whose  exploits  had 
gained  him  the  title  of  Deli  Sultan  or  Mad  Sultan.t  In  1720  Saadet 
went  on  an  expedition  to  Circassia,  in  which  he  was  taken  prisoner. 
On  his  return  from  captivity  he  was  deposed.  The  cause  of  his  deposi- 
tion was  his  quarrel  with  the  begs  of  the  tribe  Shirin,  the  most  influential 
in  the  Krim.  The  chief  of  these,  named  Haji  Jan  Timur,  had  received 
but  a  scanty  share  of  the  booty  in  the  recent  expedition.  Saadet  had  also 
preferred  his  son-in-law  to  him,  and  banished  three  of  the  chief  grandees 
from  the  Krim.  The  Shirin  begs  accordingly  met  tumultuously  at 
Kialaralti  ("  under  the  rocks  ")>  and  the  Subhan  Gazi  wrote  a  letter  to  the 
Porte  asking  for  his  deposition.  His  influence  was  negatived  by  that  of 
the  Grand  Vizier,  who  favoured  the  Khan.  But  having  returned  to  the 
Krim  and  assembled  the  chiefs  of  the  tribe  Shirin,  they  attacked  him  in 
his  palace  and  drove  him  away. 

*  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.,  457.  t  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Ges.  iv.  173. 



Mengli  Girai,  the  brother  of  Kaplan  Girai,  was  now  {i.e.,  in  1724) 
nominated  Khan.  He  appointed  Safa  Girai  kalga  and  Selamet  Girai 
nureddin.  We  are  told  by  Father  Stephen  in  the  third  volume  of  the 
Lettres  Edifiantes  et  Curieuses,*  that  Mengli  was  appointed  by  the 
Sultan  to  circumvent  the  rebellious  Shirin  begs.  He  went  to  the  Krim, 
and,  in  accordance  with  his  instructions,  proceeded  to  sow  discord  among 
the  Shirin  chiefs.  He  at  length  quarrelled  openly  with  the  principal  beg 
Jan  Timur,  whose  influence  he  had  previously  undermined,  forced  him 
to  seek  safety  in  flight,  put  several  of  his  principal  supporters  to  death, 
and  scattered  others  in  the  more  desert  parts  of  the  Krim,  and  thus 
finally  sapped  the  power  of  the  Shirin  tribe,  which  now  lost  its  political 
importance.t  In  1725  the  Khan  sent  a  contingent  of  ten  thousand  men 
to  assist  in  the  war  with  Persia.  They  marched  round  the  eastern 
coast  of  the  Black  Sea,  thus  avoiding  the  journey  by  Constantinople, 
and  joined  the  Turkish  army  at  Begkof.  The  kalga  received  a  present 
of  five  thousand  piastres,  the  nureddin  four  thousand,  and  Toktamish, 
the  Khan's  son,  five  thousand,  together  with  richly  caparisoned  horses. 

Soon  after  the  kalga  was  displaced,  and  Adil  Girai,  the  son  of  Selim, 
was  appointed  in  his  place.  He  was  in  turn  speedily  displaced,  and 
Selamet,  the  nureddin,  given  the  dignity  of  kalga.  Adil  then  repaired 
to  the  Nogais  in  Bessarabia,  whom  he  incited  to  return  to  their  old 
quarters  in  Moldavia,  and  to  set  up  Kaplan  Girai  as  Khan.  This 
rebellion  was  speedily  quelled,  and  the  Turkish  governors  of  Otchakof, 
Bender,  Ismail,  Kili,  and  Akkerman  joined  with  the  voivodes  of 
Moldavia  and  Wallachia  in  opposing  the  Nogais.  The  Khan  and  the 
governor  of  Otchakof  met  at  Ismail  to  regulate  their  affairs.  They 
had  an  interview  with  the  murzas  of  the  Nogais,  Kowais,  and  of 
the  tribe  Karachalk,  and  the  strip  of  land  between  the  Dniester  and  the 
Pruth  was  once  more  made  over  to  them.  They  promised  to  be  peaceful, 
and  undertook  to  pay  the  Porte  one  thousand  purses.  Hardly  were  the 
Bessarabian  Nogais  settled,  when  disturbances  broke  out  among  those 
of  the  Kuban.  The  latter  were  incited  by  Jan  Timur,  the  Shirin  beg, 
and  Basht  Girai.  The  Khan  set  out  with  his  army  and  the  tributary | 
Cossacks  under  Polkuls  from  Perekop,  while  the  kalga  went  at  the  head 
of  the  Bessarabian  Tartars.  §  Basht  Girai  ravaged  the  country  as  far  as 
Azof.  We  are  told  that  the  Nogais  of  the  tribes  Yedisan  and  Yambolik, 
who  were  hard  pressed  by  the  Kalmuks,  and  were  on  bad  terms  with  the 
Kasai  (?)  and  Circassians,  asked  permission  to  settle  in  the  Krim,  which 
was  granted  them.  They  were  shortly  followed  by  the  Katai-Kipchak, 
The  Mad  Sultan  obtained  pardon  on  a  promise  not  to  molest  the  Nogais 

196-206.  t  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  452.  ;  Vide  supra. 

$  Krim  Khans,  196,  197. 

KAP1,AX    OIKAI    KIIAX.  '         577 

and  Circassians.*  Mengli  was  allowed  a  triumphant  entry  into  Con- 
stantinople on  the  26th  of  April,  lyzg.t  We  are  told  that,  after  arousing 
much  ill-will  by  the  severity  he  exercised  towards  his  old  friends, 
he  tried  to  win  some  popularity  by  remitting  the  tax  of  a  sheep, 
payable  by  each  household^  but  he  was  deposed.  This  was  in  November, 
1730,  The  deposition  of  Sultan  Ahmed  by  the  janissaries  the  same  year 
had  probably  something  to  do  with  it.  We  are  told  Mengli  built  a  new 
palace  in  the  quarter  called  Selajik  at  Baghchi  Serai.  § 

KAPLAN    GIRAI    KHAN    (Third    Reign). 

Kaplan  Girai  was  now  appointed  Khan  for  the  third  time.  He 
nominated  Adil  Girai  kalgall  and  Haji  Girai  nureddin.t  This  was  in 
1730.  By  the  peace  of  Adrianople,  signed  in  1713,  the  Circassians  and 
Kabardians  had  been  acknowledged  as  subjects  of  the  Krim  Khans,  who 
drew  thence  a  valuable  tribute  in  fair  maidens  and  young  boys.  The 
Russians  were  uneasy  at  this  suzerainty,  and  even  invented  an  extra- 
ordinary ethnological  paradox  to  push  their  views,  namely,  that  the 
Circassians  were  a,  colony  of  Cossacks,  who,  it  will  be  remembered,  were 
also  called  Cherkes  or  Circassians.  These  counter  claims  gave  rise  to 
much  soreness. 

The  issue  between  Russia  and  Turkey,  between  the  cross  and  the 
crescent,  was  in  fact  beginning  to  be  fought  out  in  that  battlefield  which 
has  been  sown  with  so  much  Russian  blood,  and  where  the  Russians 
have  won  so  many  costly  victories,  namely,  the  Caucasus.  The  many 
independent  tribes  there  first  leaned  on  one  power  and  then  on  the  other, 
the  balance  being  considerably  in  favour  of  the  Turks,  who  were 
co-religionists  of  most  of  the  mountaineers.  Persia,  which  had  been  their 
suzerain  for  some  time,  was  terribly  shattered  and  in  a  state  of  anarchy, 
and  in  1732  we  find  the  Khan  Kaplan  Girai  using  considerable  diplo- 
matic and  other  means  to  strengthen  the  Turkish  influence.  Thus  he 
gave  the  chief  of  the  Kumuks,  the  most  potent  of  the  tribes  of 
Daghestan,  who  are  descended  from  the  mediaeval  Comans,  and  are 
of  Turkish  race,  the  title  of  vizier,  and  his  son  Muhammed  that  of 
beglerbeg.  A  large  force  of  Krim  Tartars,  Nogais,  and  Circassians, 
under  their  own  begs,  marched  with  the  kalga,  Feth  Girai,  to  enforce  the 
authority  of  the  Porte.  On  the  Kuban  they  received  the  submission  of 
the  Kalmuks,  and  in  Kabarda  of  the  Circassians.  The  Russians 
viewed  this  expedition  with  great  displeasure;  protests  poured  in  upon 
the  Khan  and  his  kalga,  but  the  latter  continued  his  march,  stating  that 

Krim  Khans,  TgS.  t  Langles,  421.  I  De  Bohucz,  402 

4  Noav.  Journ.  Asiat..  xii.  452.  li  Von  Hammer  says  Feth  Girai. 

•'  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  455. 



he  had  the  orders  of  the  Sultan  and  the  Khan.  At  Tatartop,  the  former 
chief  town  of  the  Tartars  in  these  parts  *  he  received  the  submission  of 
the  princes  of  the  Little  Kabarda,  At  Islaf  on  the  Sunja  that  of  the 
prince  of  the  Chechents,  who  took  him  two  thousand  horsemen.  After 
crossing  four  other  streams,  the  prince  of  the  Kumuks  went  to  him,  and 
the  prince  of  the  tribe  Enderi  kissed,  his  stirrup.  At  Tartargaf  the 
sons  of  the  Usmei  of  the  Kaitaks,  and  of  the  Surkhai  of  the  Kaziku- 
muks,  submitted  to  him.  Eight  leagues  from  Derbend  he  was  joined  by 
the  kadhis  of  the  Akushes  and  the  magnates  of  the  Kubetshis.  When  the 
Russians  saw  he  was  determined,  and  that  he  was  being  joined  by  the 
various  tribes  of  Uaghestan,  they  attempted  to  prevent  his  advance  with 
a  small  force  of  Cossacks  planted  at  the  entrance  of  the  pass,  but  they 
were  badly  beaten,  and  lost  fifty-five  in  killed  and  eight  hundred 
wounded.t  The  Tartars  continued  their  march  past  Derbend  as  far  as 
the  Samur  and  Eski  Khodad,  and  only  returned  on  being  ordered  to 
do  so  by  a  message  from  the  PortcJ  This  was  in  June,  1733.  This 
expedition  brought  matters  to  a  crisis.  Angry  letters  began  to  pass 
between  Constantinople  and  Moscow,  in  which  rival  claims  to  the 
allegiance  of  the  tribes  of  the  Caucasus  were  set  out,  and  mutual  com- 
plaints of  aggressions  on  the  part  of  the  frontier  tribes  were  made.  The 
Russians  commenced  the  aggression.  They  had  long  been  preparing 
for  war  to  avenge  the  defeat  of  Peter  the  Great  on  the  Pruth,  and 
opportunity  had  alone  been  lacking.  In  1 735  a  body  of  Russians  marched 
into  the  territory  of  the  Krim  Khan,  killed  some  Tartars,  and  ravaged  a 
portion  of  the  country,  but  were  forced  to  retreat  by  the  hardness  of  the 
campaign,  with  a  loss  of  ten  thousand  men.§  The  following  year  they 
resumed  the  attack  with  greater  vigour.  Twelve  regiments  of  dragoons, 
fifteen  thousand  infantry,  ten  thousand  landwehr,  ten  squadrons  of 
hussars,  five  thousand  Don  Cossacks,  four  thousand  Cossacks  of  the 
Ukraine,  and  three  thousand  Zaporogues  or  Cossacks  of  the  Dnieper, 
in  all  54,000  men,  with  eight  thousand  provision  and  other  carts, 
assembled  on  the  Dnieper,  under  the  command  of  Count  Munich.  On 
the  26th  of  May  this  army  found  itself  before  the  celebrated  fines  of 
Perekop,  probably  the  oldest  fortification  in  the  world  which  has 
remained  in  permanent  use,  for  there  can  be  little  doubt  that  this 
rampart  and  ditch  follow  nearly  the  same  course  as  the  lines  mentioned 
by  Herodotus.  These  lines,  upon  which  the  Tartars  confidently  relied, 
were  stormed.  Two  days  after  Perekop  (the  Or  of  the  Tartars)  was 
captuxed.  Thence  a  body  of  troops  was  despatched  to  Kilburn,  while 
the  main  army  proceeded  to  plunder  the  richest  trade  mart  in  the  Krim. 
namely,  Gosleve  (Koslof).  Within  a  month  of  storming  the  fines  of 
Perekop  the  Russians  appeared  before  Baghchi  Serai,  the  capital  o( 
the  Krim.      This  was  captured,  and   two   thousand  houses  and  the 

Krim  Khans,  202.  t  A/.,  204.  J  /J.  j  Kelly's  Russia,  i.  41^ 

lETH    ClRAl    KHAN    IF.  *  579 

spacious  palace  of  the  Khan  were  burnt.  There  also  perished  the  rich 
library  which  Selim  Girai  had  founded,  and  also  that  of  the  J  esuits.*  From 
here  the  Russians  turned  to  Akmejid  {i.e.,  the  white  mosque,  now  known 
as  Simpheropol),  the  residence  of  the  kalga  and  chief  murzas,  where  one 
thousand  eight  hundred  houses  were  burnt.  Munich  would  have 
attacked  Kaffa,  but  was  obliged  by  the  breaking  out  of  sickness  to  retire, 
after  laying  waste  the  greater  portion  of  the  Krim,  and  paying  back  (no 
doubt  with  ample  interest)  the  accumulated  wrongs  the  Russians  had 
suffered  at  the  hands  of  their  troublesome  neighbours.  The  barbarities 
and  cruelties  they  practised  on  this  occasion  are  made  the  subject  of 
comment  by  Kelly.  The  unfortunate  Khan  was  made  the  scapegoat  of 
the  misfortune,  and  was  deposed.  This  was  in  1736.  One  of  the 
beautiful  fountains  at  Baghchi  Serai  bears  an  inscription  showing  that 
he  was  its  builder. 


Feth  Girai,  the  son  of  Devlet  Girai,  now  became  Khan.  Arslan  Girai 
was  appointed  kalga  and  Mahmud  Girai  nureddin.  "While  the  Crimea 
was  being  devastated  the  Turkish  arms  received  a  severe  defeat  at  Azof, 
where  the  Russians  captured  the  two  forts  of  Paschet  and  the  fort  of  the 
janissaries.  They  seem  to  have  then  withdrawn  into  the  Ukraine,  in 
company  with  the  larger  force  under  Munich,  which  had  ravaged  the 
Krim.  Although  successful,  the  recent  expedition  has  cost  the  Russians 
very  dear.  Thirty  thousand  men  had  perished,  the  greater  number  no 
doubt  harassed  by  the  difficulties  of  the  terrible  deserts  of  the  Nogais, 
which  proved  so  full  of  peril  for  the  Russians  in  the  Crimean  war  of 
1854.  But  this  campaign  completely  broke  the  prestige  of  the  Tartars, 
who  had  so  long  been  a  terror  to  their  neighbours.  The  new  Khan  Feth 
Girai  fixed  his  residence  at  Kara-su,  now  called  Kara-su-bazar.  He 
signalised  his  accession  by  a  fortunate  raid  upon  Russia.  This  was 
supplemented  by  the  Turks,  whose  Sultan  sent  a  large  force  into  the 
Ukraine  to  revenge  the  disaster  of  the  spring.  They  devastated  the 
country  and  retired  with  thirty  thousand  prisoners.  Prince  Galitzin 
meanwhile  entered  the  Krim,  and  passing  by  Uchula  ravaged  the  land 
as  far  as  Kara-su,  carrying  off  many  prisoners.t  The  next  year  the 
Russians  prepared  another  great  expedition.  Some  idea  of  its  character, 
says  Kelly,  may  be  formed  from  the  fact  that  more  than  ninety  thousand 
waggons  were  employed  to  transport  the  provisions  and  stores.|  Their 
army  numbered  from  sixty  to  seventy  thousand  men,  with  six  hundred 
pieces  of  artillery.  They  proceeded  along  the  river  Bug  to  Otchakof,  to 
which  they  laid  siege.     After  a  severe  cannonade,  in  which  the  town  was 

*  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Ges.,  iv.  3  ;2,  3:^3.     De  Bohiicz,  403. 
t  Xouv.  Journ.  Asiat .  Tfii.  451-     Langles,  421.  J  Kelly,  op.  cit.,  i.  413. 


fired  by  the  bombs,  and  the  powder  magazine  blew  up,  and  in  which 
the  garrison  suffered  great  loss,  Otchakof  was  captured,  and  its  fall  was 
the  signal  for  the  deposition  of  the  Grand  Vizier  and  the  Krim  Khan. 
The  latter  had  only  reigned  about  ten  months. 


Feth  Girai  was  deposed  in  July,  1737,  and  was  succeeded  by  Mengli 
Girai,  the  son  of  Selim,  who  had  already  been  Khan  once,  and  was 
brought  back,  like  many  of  his  predecessors,  from  exile  in  Rhodes.     He 
nominated  Selamet  Girai  as  kalga  and  Saleh  Girai  as  nureddin.     While 
the   siege  of  Otchakof  was   progressing,   the   Russian    general   Lascy 
advanced  against   the    Krim.      The    Khan    awaited    the   Russians    at 
Perekop,  whose  fortifications  had  been  restored,  but  Lascy  cleverly  turned 
the  position,  by  throwing  a  bridge  across  the  strait   of  Yenichi,  which 
connects  the  Sivash  or  putrid  sea  with  that  of  Azof.    He  marched  by  the 
narrow  tongue  which  separates  those  seas,  and  arrived  before  Arabat. 
The  Khan  by  forced  marches  succeeded  in  throwing  a  garrison  into  the 
fortress,  and  planted  his  men  so  that  it  was  thought  he  had  effectually 
cut  off  the  retreat  of  the  Russians,  an  opinion  shared  by  several  officers  in 
Lascy's  army.    These  he  had  allowed  to  return  home;  so  confident  was  he 
of  the  success  of  his  plans.     One  day  he  launched  all  the  empty  tubs  and 
chevaux  de  frise  he  could  lay  hands  upon,  on  the  Sivash,  made  rafts  of 
them,  and  on  them  crossed  that  putrid  sea  to  Karas  Bazar.     Mengli 
Girai  having  attacked  his  camp  was  defeated,  and  the  town  was  captured 
and  burnt,  as  well  as  many  villages  that  had  escaped  the  year  before 
from  not  being  on  the  line  of  niarch.     Lascy  now  retired,  but  not  by  the 
way  he  came  as  the  Khan  expected,  and  where  he  was  preparing  a  hot 
reception  for  him,  but  by  the  Shungar,  which  divides  the  Sivash  in  two. 
The  Tartars  only  overtook  him  when  he  had  reached  the  steppe  beyond 
the  Krim,  where  they  were  beaten.   The  Russians  now  withdrew  to  winter 
quarters  in  the  Ukraine,  and  the  Tartars  to  the  Krim.     In  the  spring 
Mengli  Girai  tried  to  invade  the  Ukraine,  but  was  foiled,  and  Lascy  once 
more  entered  the  Krim,  this  time  crossing  over  the  Sivash,  which  had 
been  partially  laid  dry  by  the  heat  and  by  a  heavy  wind.     He  crossed 
without  losing  a  man,  and  only  lost  some  provision  carts.     He  had  been 
ordered  to  take  Kaffa,  but  the  devastations  of  the  previous  year  greatly 
impeded  his  march.     Like  the  Palatinate  in  the  Thirty  Years'  War,  the 
Krim  had  been  converted  from  a  garden  into  a  desert,  and  a  ship  laden 
with  provisions  having  been  lost,  Lascy  was  obliged  to  retire,  destroying 
the  fortifications  of  Perekop  on  his  way.*    Von  Hammer  says  that  in 
Lascy's  campaign  Baghchi  Serai,  Simpheropol,  &c.,  were  captured,  six 

*  De  Bohucz,  404-40C. 

SELIM   GlRAl    KHAN    II.  .  581 

thousand  houses  thirty-eight  mosques,  two  churches,  and  iifty  mills  were 
burnt.  After  this  terrible  ravage  the  Russians  retired  from  the  Krim,  and 
went  into  winter  quarters  again  in  the  Ukraine  *  Munich  also  withdrew  his 
forces  from  Otchakof,  leaving  only  a  small  garrison  there.  This  resisted 
the  attacks  of  forty  thousand  Turks  and  Tartars  during  the  winter.  They 
were  at  length  compelled  to  raise  the  siege  after  losing  twenty  thousand 
men  before  its  walls,  half  of  whom  died  of  disease.  Thus  the  war 
ended  gloriously  for  the  Russians.t  But  such  glories  are  often  inter- 
mittent and  sometimes  misinterpreted,  and  we  find  the  Khan  INIengli 
Girai  writing  to  the  Porte  in  August,  1738,  that  he  had  beaten  the  army 
of  Lascy,  who  had  tried  to  break  through  the  lines  of  Perekop,  and  had 
lost  nearly  all  his  forces.  A  wild  boast  which,  soberly  translated,  meant 
that  after  beating  the  Khan,  Lascy  had  prudently  retired  for  some  good 
reason  into  the  Ukraine.^ 

The  Cossacks  of  the  Dnieper  assisted  the  Russians  greatly  in  their 
campaign  against  the  Tartars  and  Turks,  and  we  are  specially  told  that 
their  flotilla  harried  the  coast  from  Otchakof  to  Kizirkerman.§  By  the 
treaty  of  Belgrade,  which  was  signed  in  1739,  the  Russians  agreed  to 
evacuate  Khotzim  and  Otchakof.  The  fortifications  of  the  latter  town, 
however,  and  of  Perekop  were  to  be  razed.  Azof  was  retained  by  the 
Russians,  and  a  boundary  line  favourable  to  them  was  drawn. ||  Mengli 
Girai  died  after  a  reign  of  two  years  {i.e.,  in  1739).  Like  other  Khans  of 
Krim,  he  was  a  poet,  and  some  stanzas  are  cjuoted  by  Von  Hammer  as 
specimens  of  his  skill  in  this  art. II 

SELAMET    GIRAI    KHAN    11. 

!Mengh  Girai  was  succeeded  by  Selamet  Girai,  the  late  kalga,  who 
nominated  Azemet  Girai  as  kalga  and  Toktamish  Girai  as  nureddin.** 
Azemet  was  succeeded  as  kalga  by  Selim  Girai  in  1742.1!  He  rebuilt  at 
Baghchi  Serai  the  palace  and  mosque  ruined  by  the  Russians,  both  of 
which  works  were  completed  in  1739.  Selamet  was  deposed  on  the  2olh 
December,  i743,J{  apparently  in  consequence  of  the  complaints  of  the 
Russians  about  his  negligence  in  releasing  prisoners,§§  and  was  replaced 
by  Sclim  Girai. 


Selim  nominated  Shahin  Girai  as  kalga  and  Behadur  Girai  as 
nureddin.  Two  years  later  we  find  Selim  taking  part  in  the  Turkish  war 
against  Nadir  Shah.     He  left  Balaklava,  and  proceeding  by  sea,  invaded 

*  Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Ges.,  iv.  334.     Krim  Khans,  206.  t  Von  Hammer,  iv.  335. 

I  Id.,  iv.  348.  S  Scherer,  op.  cit.,  i.  254.  1;  Kelly,  op.  cit.,  i.  415. 

Krim  KhanF,  207.        **  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  454.  1t  Langles,  431.        ]  J  Id.,  430, 
5J  O&m.  Ges.,  iv.  399, 


Persia  at  the  head  of  ten  thousand  Tartars.  Another  ten  thousand  went  by 
a  different  route  under  the  kalga  and  nureddin.  For  his  services  in  this 
campaign  he  seems  to  have  been  handsomely  rewarded  both  with  money 
and  presents.*  Langles  tells  us  that  from  the  beginning  of  his  reign  he 
carried  on  a  fierce  struggle  with  his  kalga  Shahin  Girai,  who  had 
rebelled.  The  young  prince  Haji  Girai,  a  son  of  Mahmud  Girai  and 
nephew  of  Arslan  Girai  Khan,  who  was  only  twenty,  defeated  the  rebel, 
challenged  him  to  single  combat,  and  forced  him  to  take  refuge  in 
Poland.    We  shall  hear  of  Haji  Girai  again. 

In  1743  there  was  a  great  famine  at  Constantinople.  Selim  hastened 
to  send  succour.  Corn  was  also  very  dear  at  Trebizond,  and  the  customs' 
officer  at  Gozleve,  Osa,  having  tried  to  make  profit  out  of  the  circum- 
stance, the  Khan  had  him  beheaded.  Although  Circassia  was  subject  to 
the  Krim  Khans,  they  did  not  draw  a  regular  revenue  thence.  The 
chiefs  were  accustomed  to  present  the  Khan  with  three  hundred  slaves 
on  his  accession.  Selim  Girai  obtained  seven  hundred  instead,  by 
a  curious  stratagem.  The  begs  of  the  various  tribes  having  gone  to 
salute  him,  he  received  them  graciously  and  gave  them  presents.  Some 
time  after  he  again  summoned  them  together.  They  gladly  went  to  meet 
him,  but  were  all  arrested,  nor  were  they  released  till  they  had  furnished 
the  contingent  of  slaves  he  needed.t  It  had  become  the  prarctice  for  the 
Krim  Khans  to  repair  at  least  once  in  their  reigns  to  Constantinople, 
Selim  Girai  went  there  in  the  beginning  of  1747,  and  his  arrival  caused 
great  rejoicings,  which  are  described  at  some  length  by  Von  Hammer, 
Intel'  alia  his  suzerain  the  Sultan  presented  him  with  a  sable-decorated 
robe,  a  dagger  set  with  diamonds,  a  jewelled  watch,  two  purses  of  ducats, 
a  golden  casket  worth  fifteen  thousand  piastres,  in  which  were  contained 
two  tensus  {i.e.,  sweet-scented  pastiles),  and  a  golden  bracelet,  in  which, 
was  set  a  bezoar  stone.:|:     Selim  Girai  died  on  the  29th  of  May,  1748. 


Selim  was  succeeded  by  Arslan  Girai,  the  son  of  Devlet  Girai,  who 
nominated  Selim  Girai  as  kalga  and  Krim  Girai  as  nureddin.  He  duly 
received  the  diploma  conferring  upon  him  the  title  of  Ilkhan  and  Khan, 
formerly  reserved  for  very  different  potentates,  and  subsidising  him  with 
the  usual  salary  of  a  million  aspers.  He  was  also  decorated  with  the 
six  insignia  of  the  Khanship,  the  sable  robe  (the  mark  of  a  kapidan 
pasha),  the  sable  kaftan,  the  double  diamond  aigrette,  the  sword,  and  the 
bow  and  quiver. §  He  rebuilt  the  fortifications  of  Arabat,  and  built  up  the 
ramparts  and  ditches  of  Uchuba,  Junkar,  and  Juvash,  called  Zabash  in 

Von  Hammer,  Osm.  Ges.,  iv.  40S,  409.  1  Langles,  432. 

\  Osm.  Ges.,  iv.  420,.  5  ^<i-i  442. 

HAKIM   GIRAI    KHAN.  583 

the  Russian  maps.  He  established  a  school  at  Baghchi  Serai  and 
fountains  at  Koslef  and  Akmesjid,  and  added  a  western  wing  to  the 
palace  at  the  capital,  but,  like  many  of  his  predecessors,  he  was 
deposed.  Langles  says  this  was  because  of  his  energy  in  repressing 
evil-doers,  and  because  of  the  very  frank  way  in  which  he  addressed  the 
Porte.*  The  deposition  took  place  on  the  12th  of  August,  1755, 2ind  he 
was  exiled  to  Chios,  Hakim  Girai  (called  Halim  by  Von  Hammer  and 
M.  Langles)  then  mounted  the  throne. 


Hakim  appointed  Devlet  Girai  as  his  kalga  and  Muhammed  Girai  as 
nureddin.t  He  aroused  the  opposition  of  the  Nogais  by  increasing  the 
tax  which  they  were  accustomed  to  pay  to  the  Krim  Khans.  Of  the 
four  great  Bessarabian  hordes  of  Nogais  two  were  always  governed  by 
seraskiers  or  generals  of  the  family  of  Girai.  These  offices  were  filled 
at  this  time  by  two  of  his  brothers,  for  whom  the  Nogais  had  a  great  affec- 
tion, but  when  one  of  them  died  in  1757,  the  Khan  ventured  to  give  the 
appointment  to  one  of  his  own  sons,  to  the  exclusion  of  another  brother, 
against  the  laws  of  succession  of  the  Tartars.  This  caused  great 
discontent,  and  the  Nogais]  of  Jenjen  broke  out  into  several  revolts, 
which  the  young  prince  was  ordered  to  repress.  The  way  in  which  he 
did  his  work  alienated  them  still  more.  He  had  several  of  the  murzas 
manacled  without  discrimination,  put  some  to  death,  allowed  others 
to  die  in  prison,  and  their  families  to  be  plundered  by  his  people  ; 
and  on  pretence  of  damages  due  to  the  Russians  made  great  exactions. 
The  proceeds,  we  are  told,  were  divided  with  the  Grand  Vizier,  and 
Hakim  was  praised  at  the  Porte  while  he  was  hated  by  the  Nogais. 

Meanwhile  a  famine  having  occurred  at  Constantinople,  provisions 
were  demanded  from  the  Khan,  who  applied  to  the  Nogais.  Although 
they  had  plenty  of  grain,  his  former  exactions  made  them  resent  this 
request.  Krim  Girai,  a  relative  of  the  Khan,  also  incited  them  to 
refuse.  Two  tribes  broke  out  into  revolt,  and  the  young  seraskier  was 
obUged  to  seek  shelter  with  his  father  at  Baghchi  Serai.  Complaints 
were  also  sent  to  the  Porte,  but  as  the  Khan  sent  the  much-needed  grain, 
the  Grand  Vizier,  his  patron,  was  able  to  checkmate  them.  Hakim  had 
also  unjustly  appointed  his  eldest  son  seraskier  of  the  Kuban  and  of 
Circassia.  His  exactions  and  tyranny,  like  those  of  his  brother,  aroused 
the  murzas  against  him,  and  when  he  opposed  them  he  was  defeated; 
Hakim  thereupon  seized  a  ship  coming  from  Abkhazia,  and  imprisoned 
both  the  crew  and  the  innocent  passengers,  several  of  whom  were  Turks. 
These  abuses  gave  the   Nogais  of   Bessarabia,   of   the    Kuban,    and 

Op,  cit,,  433.  t  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xli.  455. 

584  JilSL()K\     ()!•     Jill';    .MOM.OI.S. 

Circassia  a  common  ground  of  hatred  against  him.  He  might  have  kept 
matters  quiet  if  he  had  displaced  his  sons  and  appointed  more  expe- 
rienced rulers  in  their  places,  as  was  advised  by  his  more  faithful 
followers,  but  he  was  largely  controlled  by  his  wife,  who  had  been 
originally  a  Russian  slave,  who  was  now  fifty  years  old,  and  notwith- 
standing her  low  extraction  had  considerable  spirit.  She  was  much 
attached  to  her  two  stepsons,  the  seraskiers,  and  was  accused  of  magic 
by  the  people. 

Meanwhile  the  discontent  among  the  Nogais  was  fomented  by  Krim 
Girai,  who  was  a  brother  of  the  late  Sultan  Arslan  Girai.  The  Nogais 
of  the  Bujiak  or  Bessarabia  again  revolted.  That  district  was  the 
granary  of  Constantinople,  and  the  Khan  appealed  to  the  Turks  for  aid. 
Krim  Girai,  having  put  himself  at  the  head  of  the  insurgents,  was  joined 
by  thousands  of  Turks  from  Rumelia,  and  had  collected  an  army  of  fift\' 
thousand  men,  when  the  Grand  Vizier  recognised  that  the  most 
efficacious  remedy  for  the  evil  was  the  deposition  of  Hakim  Khan,  an 
order  for  which  arrived  on  the  21st  of  October,  1758,  and  we  are  told  he 
immediatelv  left  for  Rumelia.* 


Hakim  Girai  was  replaced  by  Krim  Girai,  who  appointed  Haji  Girai 
kalga  and  Ahmed  Girai  nureddin.t  His  accession  was  in  spite  of  the 
goodwill  of  the  Porte,  who  had  recalled  his  brother  Arslan  Girai  from 
exile,  and  had  nominated  him  Khan  on  the  18th  of  October,  1758;  but 
the  choice  of  the  Tartars  and  the  pressure  of  the  neighbouring  powers, 
who  it  would  seem  dreaded  the  energy  of  Arslan,  prevailed  with  the 
Porte,  and  Arslan  had  only  just  reached  the  Dardanelles  on  his  way  to 
the  Krim  when  he  was  sent  back  again  to  Rumelia.:};  Although  con- 
firmed by  the  Porte,  Krim  Girai  knew  he  was  not  a  favourite  there,  and 
he  did  not  leave  Bessarabia  during  the  first  year  of  his  Khanate.  To 
regain  the  favour  of  his  suzerain  he  persuaded  the  Nogais  to  restore  the 
booty  they  had  captured  from  the  Turks,  and  he  himself  sent  back 
twenty  thousand  slaves.  His  lot  fell  on  unlucky  times,  and  he 
had  to  struggle  against  the  intrigues  of  his  brother  Arslan.  A  body 
of  Cossacks  also  attacked  the  Krim  in  December,  1760.  He  marched  in 
person  against  them,  but  hardly  were  they  driven  away  when  the  plague 
devastated  his  territory.  He  was  very  energetic  and  skilful.  While  he 
defended  his  frontiers  against  the  Russians  he  carried  on  an  active 
correspondence  with  Prussia,  and  notwithstanding  the  opposition  of  the 
I'orte,  he  promised  assistance  to  Frederick  the  Great,§     Tlie  Prussian 

Dc  Bohucz,  407.    Langle:.,  4j4-4j,.  t  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiai. 

I  Langles,  43S.  §  Ic/.,  438,  439. 


writer  Theodore  Mundt  describes  him  as  having  a  majestic  and  intelli- 
gent countenance  and  a  heroic  build,  and  yet  as  not  wanting  in  grace  and 
courtesy,  and  tells  us  the  warrior  and  the  man  of  the  world  were 
combined  in  him.  The  famous  fountain  he  built  at  Baghchi  Serai,  was 
called  Selsebil  {i.e.,  the  Springs  of  Paradise).* 

Having  received  a  summons  to  attend  at  the  Porte  to  consult  on  various 
matters,  he  knew  it  boded  no  good  to  him,  and  the  murzas  urged  him  not 
to  go,  but  on  a  more  pressing  invitation,  he  set  out  in  September, 
1764,  and  a  month  later  was  duly  deposed.t 


Krim  Girai  was  succeeded  by  Selim,  the  son  of  Feth  Girai,  who  has 
been  confused  with  the  former  Khan  Selim,  the  son  of  Kaplan  Girai,  by 
Von  Hammer.  Selim  nominated  Muhammed  Girai  as  kalga  and  Krim 
Girai  as  nureddin.t  He  was  not  on  good  terms  with  the  Russians, 
resented  their  recent  policy  towards  the  Krim,  and  wished  to  send 
their  consul  away  from  Baghchi  Serai,  but  they  conciliated  him  with 
presents  of  splendid  furs  and  roubles.  In  1765  he  was  summoned  to  the 
Porte  to  take  the  usual  oaths  and  to  concert  measures  with  the  Divan. 
He  entered  Constantinople  in  great  pomp  on  the  27th  of  June,  1765,  and 
was  well  received  by  the  Grand  Signior.  He  tried  hard  to  persuade  the 
Turks  to  insist  upon  the  Russian  forts  in  the  Kabarda  being  demolished. 
This  policy  apparently  led  to  his  deposition,  which  took  place  in 
March,  I767.§ 

ARSLAN   GIRAI   KHAN   (Second  Reign). 

Selim  Girai  was  succeeded  by  Arslan  Girai,  the  son  of  Devlet  Girai, 
who  had  been  Khan  twelve  years  before.  He  was  recalled  from  exile  at 
Chios,  and  nominated  his  son  Devlet  Girai  as  kalga,  but  died  two  days 
after  at  Kaushan,  before  he  was  installed  at  Baghchi  Serai. ||  This  was 
on  the  30th  May,  1767 .IF 


We  are  told  the  Tartars  now  wished  to  have  Bakht  Girai,  the  son  of 
Krim  Girai,  as  Khan,  but  the  Porte  nominated  Maksud  Girai,  the  son  of 
Selamet  Girai,  to  the  post.  This  was  in  June,  1767.  He  appointed 
Bakht  Girai  or  Islam  Girai  as  kalga**  and  Muhammed  Girai  as  nureddin. 
He  received  at  Shumna  the  insignia  of  office  and  a  present  of  fifteen 

*  Krim  Khans,  211.  t  Langles,  440.  I  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat,,  xii.  456. 

f  Langles,  441,  442.         ||  Krim  Khans,  214.    Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  456.         If  Langlcs,  442. 

**  Krim  Khans,  215-    Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat,,  xii.,  456. 



thousand  piastres,  while  thirty-five  thousand  piastres  were  given  him  for 
division  among  his  medley  of  Tartars.  They  were  so  little  satisfied  that 
they  plundered  the  neighbouring  villages. 

It  was  during  his  reign  that  Baron  de  Tott,  who  has  left  us  some 
interesting  notices  of  the  Tartars,  visited  the  Krim.  He  was  appointed 
resident  at  the  Krim  court  by  the  French  foreign  minister  Choiseul,* 
and  travelled  thither  through  Germany,  Poland,  Moldavia,  and  the  Nogai 
steppe.  He  tells  us  the  Nogais  were  discontented  with  the  Khan,  who 
had  transferred  to  the  Porte  the  tax  on  corn  called  Ishetirach,  paid  by 
the  two  hordes  Yedisan  and  Jambulek.t  At  Kishela  in  Bessarabia  he 
visited  the  Khan's  son,  who  filled  the  office  of  seraskier  among  the 
Nogais.  He  was  eighteen  or  twenty  years  old,  had  polished  manners, 
and  was  surrounded  by  a  small  court  of  murzas.  Hawking  and  greyhound 
coursing  were  the  chief  amusements  of  the  people,  the  hunting  parties 
going  out  in  great  state  and  remaining  away  several  days.  He  tells  us 
that  only  the  seraskier "s  house  had  glass  in  the  windows,  the  other  houses 
merely  had  paper  stretched  on  frames  in  winter,  which  was  removed  in 
summer.J  Thence  he  went  on  with  an  escort  of  forty  Tartars.  Twelve 
of  them  preceded  the  carriage  two  hundred  paces  distant ;  four  rode  on 
each  side,  two  waggons  then  followed,  then  a  rear  guard  of  eight  men 
two  hundred  yards  behind,  while  two  little  platoons  of  six  men  each  kept 
watch  six  hundred  paces  distant.  This  shows  how  vigilant  the  inhabi-: 
tants  of  the  steppe  were  obliged  to  be.  Our  traveller  passed  through 
Otchakof,  then  crossing  the  Dniester,  went  along  the  Black  Sea  to  Orkapi 
or  Perekop,  and  thence  to  Baghchi  Serai.  His  arrival  was  immediately 
announced  to  the  Khan's  vizier,  who  sent  him  tain  {J.,e.,  a  gift  of  necessary 
provisions).  He  complains  of  the  want  of  vegetables,  and  also  of  butter, 
and  tells  us  he  introduced  seeds  for  the  former  from  Constantinople. 
At  length  he  was  summoned  to  an  audience,  at  which  he  was  attended 
by  his  own  people  and  a  body  of  Tartars  as  an  escort.  "  We  alighted," 
he  says,  "  in  the  last  court,  and  the  vizier,  who  was  waiting  for  me  in  the 
vestibule  of  the  palace,  conducted  me  into  the  audience  chamber,  where 
we  found  the  Khan  seated  on  the  corner  of  a  sofa.  A  chair  was  placed 
opposite  him,  where  I  seated  myself,  after  paying  my  compliments  to  the 
prince  and  delivering  my  credentials."  After  receiving  an  invitation 
from  the  Khan  to  visit  him  frequently,  he  was  conducted  back  to  his 

He  was  admitted  to  the  Khan's  private  parties,  composed  of  the 
Sultan  nureddin  his  nephew;  a  murza  of  the  Shirins,  called  Kaia  Murza, 
who  was  the  husband  of  a  sultana,  cousin  to  the  Khan,  of  the  Kadhi 
Asker,  and  some  other  murzas.  The  prince  "received"  after  the  prayer  at 
sunset,  and  the  guests  stayed  till  midnight.  The  Khan  took  some  interest 
in  literature,  while  the  nureddin,  who  had  been  brought  up  in  Circassia, 

*  De  Tott's  Memoirs,  i.  279.  t  W.,  322.  I  Id.,  324,  325.  §  Id.,  365. 

MAKSUD  GlRAl  KHAN.  587 

Spoke  little,  and  only  talked  of  the  Circassians.  The  Kadhi  Asker  was 
loquacious,  Kaia  Murza  supplied  all  the  news  of  the  day,  and  the  Baron 
that  of  Europe.  The  Sultans  sat  in  the  Khan's  presence,  except  his  children, 
who  stood.  The  heads  of  the  law,  the  ministers  of  the  Divan,  and  foreign 
ministers  also  did  so.  The  rest  of  the  courtiers  stood  at  the  foot  of  the 
sofa,  and  withdrew  at  supper  time.  This  was  served  on  two  round  tables, 
one  for  the  Khan,  who  generally  fed  alone,  and  the  other  for  the  rest. 
To  amuse  the  Khan  De  Tott  let  off  some  fireworks,  and  also  engaged 
in  controversy  with  the  judge.*  He  also  greatly  astonished  the  Tartars 
and  Circassians  by  showing  them  some  experiments  in  electricity.  His 
feats  were  deemed  miraculous,  or  rather  due  to  magical  influence.  He 
reserved  the  rudest  shocks  of  the  battery,  he  tells  us,  for  the  Circassians, 
and  adds,  "  they  gave  a  laugh  of  satisfaction  in  suffering  martyrdom." 
He  accompanied  the  Khan  in  his  hawking  and  coursing  parties, 
which  were. held  frequently,  and  in  which  Maksud  was  attended  by  five 
or  six  hundred  horsemen.  He  was  very  intimate,  he  says,  with  Kaia 
Murza  of  the  family  of  Shirin.  The  latter  had  married  a  princess  of 
the  blood,  who  filled  the  post  of  ulukhani  {i.e.,  governess  of  the 
harem).  She  sent  him  by  the  intendant  of  her  household  a  present  of  a 
richly  embroidered  night  shirt,  and  everything  belonging  to  the  mos^ 
complete  and  magnificent  dishabile.  The  mystery  with  which  this 
mission  was  accompanied  was  somewhat  embarrassing,  although  the 
princess  was  seventy  years  old.  It  was  explained  by  the  fact  that  the 
sultanas  generally  only  gave  presents  of  this  kind  to  their  relatives,! 
and  as  proof  that  prudence  was  necessary,  we  are  told  that  the  governor 
of  Balta,  accused  of  being  one  of  the  princess's  favourites,  was  stripped 
of  his  wealth  and  cast  into  prison.  He  only  saved  his  head  by  the  prayers 
of  the  Baron,  seconded  by  some  of  the  Khan's  ministers.  Although 
avaricious,  we  are  told  that  the  Khan  was  just.  The  following  anecdote 
is  reported  of  him.  The  slave  of  a  Jew  murdered  his  master  in  his 
vineyard.  The  relatives  having  complained,  the  criminal  was  arrested. 
Before  his  trial  some  of  the  people  persuaded  him  to  turn  Mussulman. 
Now  it  was  a  Tartar  law  that  the  criminal  must  perish  by  the  hand  of 
the  injured  person  or  his  heirs,  and  it  was  urged  that  a  Mussulman 
could  not  be  handed  over  to  the  Jews.  "  I  would  deliver  up  my  brother 
to  them  if  he  were  guilty,"  said  the  Khan.  "  I  leave  providence  to 
reward  his  conversion  if  it  be  sincere  ;  it  is  my  duty  to  do  justice."  By 
the  intrigues  of  his  friends  the  execution  was  now  delayed  till  the  Friday. 
The  penalty  of  death  by  the  law  must  be  paid  in  twenty-four  hours, 
and  the  Jewish  law  compelled  them  to  shut  themselves  up  for  their 
Sabbath  at  sunset.  He  was  thereupon  led  out  in  chains  to  the  place  of 
ekecution,  and  although  a  crier  was  sent  round  the  town  among  the  most 
wretched,  no  Jew  could  be  found  to  defile  his  hands  with  human  blood. 

*  Id' ,  370, 371.  t  /^.,  378  and  380. 


The  Khan  was  not  to  be  foiled,  and  allowed  the  Jews  to  put  hun  to  death 
according  to  their  law,  namely,  by  stoning  ;*  one  of  the  Khan's  officers 
carrying  a  silver  axe  preceded  the  criminal.  We  are  told  that  the 
executioner  did  not  do  his  work  until  the  money  offered  by  the  criminal 
had  been  refused.  Sometimes  a  wife  among  the  Turks  was  known 
to  sell  her  husband's  blood.  Not  so  with  the  Tartars,  among  whom  the 
wife  who  had  to  plunge  the  knife  with  her  own  hand  into  the  criminal  never 
suffered  herself  to  be  tempted  by  any  offer,  and  the  law  which  committed 
her  vengeance  to  herself  rendered  her  inaccessible  to  every  other  senti- 
ment! De  Tott  says  very  few  crimes  were  committed  in  the  Krim,  the 
means  of  escape  being  so  small ;  and  that  there  were  no  police  in  the 
capital  except  the  Khan's  guards. | 

Maksud  Girai  was  apparently  deposed  in  view  of  the  war  which  the 
Porte  contemplated  against  Russia,  and  which  needed  that  the  Krim 
Khan  should  be  a  man  of  vigour.  The  date  of  his  deposition  was  in 

KRIM    GIRAI    KHAN   (Restored). 

Krim  Girai  nominated  Maksud  Girai  as  kalga  and  Kaplan  Girai  as 
nureddin.  The  inauguration  was  fixed  to  take  place  at  Kaushan  in 
Bessarabia,  where  Baron  de  Tott  hastened,  and  where  he  received  a 
friendly  message  from  the  coming  Khan,  bidding  him  prepare  him  a 
supper  for  the  night  of  his  arrival  in  the  Krim.  Having  learnt  the 
Khan's  taste,  he  ordered  the  best  fish  of  the  Dniester  to  be  drowned 
in  excellent  wine.  He  arrived  attended  by  a  large  cavalcade,  and 
the  Baron  went  out  to  meet  him.  He  tells  us  he  was  about  sixty, 
had  a  noble  carriage,  easy  manners,  a  majestic  countenance,  a  lively 
look,  and  could  command  the  appearance  of  severity  and  affability  at 
will.  He  was  accompanied  by  several  Sultans,  some  of  them  being  his 
sons.  His  second  son  was  famous  for  his  strength,  and  could  bend  two 
bows  at  once.  A  story  was  told  of  him  that  when  barely  nine  his  father, 
wishing  to  pique  his  vanity,  told  him  in  a  contemptuous  tone  that  "  a 
distaff  suited  a  poltroon  like  him  better  than  a  bow."  "  Poltroon,"  replied 
the  child,  turning  pale.  "  I  fear  nothing,  not  even  you,"  and  thereupon  he  let 
fly  an  arrow,  which  fortunately  struck  only  a  basket  of  wooden  ware,  into 
which  the  iron  tip  of  the  arrow  went  two  fingers  deep.§  Before  entering 
his  capital  the  Khan  dismounted  and  prepared  himself  in  a  tent  put  up 
for  the  purpose.  In  his  cap  were  two  aigrettes  of  diamonds,  and  his 
bow  and  quiver  were  slung  across  his  body.  He  was  preceded  by  his 
guard,  and  several  led-horses  with  feathers  in  their  head-stalls.  Followed 
by  the  Standard  of  the  Prophet,  and  accompanied  by  all  his  court  he  went 
to  the  Divan,  where,  seated  on  his  throne,  he  received  the  homage  of  his 

*/(/.,  381, 382.  t/d.,383.  ♦/<«.,  384.  $/</.,  420. 

KkiM  GlRAl   KHAN.  ^         589 

dependants.  Besides  good  living  he  liked  other  amusements.  He  kept 
a  troop  of  comedians  and  buffoons.  In  discussing  Moliere's  plays  with 
the  Baron  he  confessed  that  every  nation  has  its  Tartuffes  or  pretenders, 
even  the  Tartars,  and  asked  him  to  translate  the  play  for  him. 

Kaushan  was  now  the  centre  of  Tartar  life,  and  people  flocked  there 
from  all  parts.  Among  them  was  an  envoy  from  the  confederates  of 
the  Poles  to  concert  common  measures  against  the  Russians.  The  Baron, 
with  a  Tartar  companion,  were  sent  back  to  arrange  the  details,  and 
the  former  has  described  the  adventures  they  had  on  the  way,  during 
which  they  were  almost  drowned  in  the  Pruth.  They  found  Moldavia 
terribly  ravaged  by  the  Turkish  soldiery,  who  were  on  the  march  to  join 
the  Tartar  Khan,  the  villages  being  deserted  and  the  terrified  inhabitants 
suffering  great  want.  The  Sipahis,  according  to  de  Tott,  did  little  else 
than  devastate  their  own  country.*  The  condition  of  the  land,  which 
made  it  so  precarious  a  base  for  the  Turkish  operations,  was  duly 
reported  to  the  Khan,  who  seems  to  have  laid  the  blame  on  the  Grand 
Vizier,  a  person  of  low  origin  named  Amin  Pasha,  who  had  raised  himself 
by  various  ignoble  means  to  his  then  position.  An  expedition  into  New 
Servia  (in  Russia),  which  had  been  determined  upon  at  Constantinople, 
was  agreed  to  in  a  meeting  of  the  great  vassals  of  Tartary,  and  the  tribute 
of  military  service  was  demanded.  Three  horsemen  were  summoned 
from  every  eight  families.  Three  armies  were  thus  got  ready.  That  of 
the  Khan,  numbering  one  hundred  thousand  strong,  was  to  march  into 
New  Servia  ;  the  kalga,  with  sixty  thousand,  along  the  Dniester  as  far  as 
Orel;  and  that  of  the  nureddin,  forty  thousand  strong,  towards  the 
Donetz.  Tombashar  was  appointed  the  rendezvous  of  the  main  army, 
to  which  were  attached  the  Nogai  tribes  of  Yedissan  and  Bujiak.t  The 
Baron  accompanied  the  Khan,  and  was  presented  by  him  with  a 
superb  pelisse  made  of  the  neck  of  the  Lapland  wolf,  lined  with  light 
grey  fur.  On  thanking  him,  the  Khan  replied  laughing,  "  It  is  a  Tartar 
house  I  give  you.  I  have  such  a  one  myself,  and  I  wish  us  to  wear  the 
same  uniform.":}:  He  was  also  supplied  with  ten  hardy  Circassian  horses, 
and  advised  to  leave  his  more  tender  Arabs  at  home.  He  also  had  three 
dromedaries  provided  with  two  of  the  well-known  Tartar  yurts  made  of 
leather  work  and  felt.§  The  Khan's  tent  was  of  the  same  kind,  but  large 
enough  to  hold  sixty  persons  sitting  round  the  fire.  It  was  decorated 
inside  with  crimson  stuff,  and  furnished  with  a  circular  carpet  and  some 
cushions  ;  twelve  smaller  tents  were  planted  round  it  for  his  officers  and 
pages,  and  all  were  contained  in  an  enclosure  of  felt  five  feet  high.||  The 
Khan  set  out  from  Kaushan  on  the  7th  of  January,  1769.  The  Dniester 
Was  crossed  on  rafts.  To  the  further  side  came  the  brother  of  the  ruler 
of  Lesghistan  offering  on  his  behalf  a  contingent  of  thirty  thousand  men 
and  his  homage.      The  offer  of  troops  was  declined,  as  the   Khan 

♦/d„438.  t    rf.,  442.  I/</.,  443.  $ /<f.,  444,  445.  II /<^.,  445,  446. 


was  afraid  of  leaving  the  borders  of  the  Caspian  defenceless,  but  the 
envoy  and  his  retinue,  who  are  described  as  very  fine  men,  were  allowed 
to  go  with  the  army.  The  Baron  spent  much  time  with  his  patron,  and 
tells  us  how  the  Khan  discoursed  on  pohtics  and  social  matters  with  the 
acumen  of  a  Montesquieu.  The  troops  marched  to  the  frontier  town  of 
Balta,  which  was  partly  in  Poland  and  partly  in  Tartary.  Ten  thousand 
Turkish  sipahis  had  preceded  the  Tartars,  and  although  it  belonged 
to  their  ally,  these  ill-clothed  and  disorderly  arnauts,  the  very  pink 
of  ruffianism,  recruited  from  the  renegade  population  of  European 
Turkey,  and  most  of  them  speaking  Albanian  or  Greek,  ravaged  the 
town  and  burned  the  neighbouring  villages.*  Leaving  Balta  the  army 
went  on  to  Olmar,  which,  although  dependent  on  the  Tartars,  had  been 
similarly  wasted  by  the  sipahis  under  the  Khan's  eyes.  The  cold  was 
very  severe  and  trying,  and  the  horses  had  to  scrape  the  snow  with  their 
feet,  in  true  Tartar  fashion,  to  get  at  their  forage.  The  Baron  describes 
his  own  meals  as  set  out  on  a  round  trencher  of  Russian  leather,  about 
two  feet  in  diameter,  and  as  consisting  of  excellent  biscuit  with  smoked 
horses'  rib,  partridges,  and  caviare  ;  two  forms  of  salted  fish-roe  was 
their  dessert,  while  Hungarian  wine  in  a  golden  goblet  made  it  palatable. 
Crossing  the  Bug  on  the  ice,  they  entered  the  land  of  the  Zaporogian 
Cossacks.  An  Arab  horse  which  the  Baron  still  had  with  him  now  gave 
in  from  exhaustion.  As  he  was  dying  he  was  given  to  the  Nogais,  who 
speedily  ate  him,  deeming  a  white  horse  a  delicacy.f  The  cold 
increased,  and  they  clung  to  the  reeds  in  the  "  Dead  water,"  a  river  of 
New  Servia,  for  shelter  and  fuel.  The  Turkish  troops,  unused  to  these 
severities,  soon  suffered  severely,  and  became  more  tractable. 

The  Baron  describes  how,  as  they  marched  across  the  plain,  the  army, 
at  the  Khan's  orders,  ranged  itself  in  battle  array.  "  I  could  not  help 
remarking,"  he  says,  "  that  without  any  fixed  order  it  had  thrown  itself 
naturally  into  twenty  files  deep,  and  in  lines  tolerably  well  formed.  Each 
Sultan  seraskier  with  his  little  court  formed  an  advanced  guard  before  his 
division.  The  centre  of  the  line  occupied  by  the  sovereign  formed  of 
itself  a  pretty  considerable  advanced  corps,  the  arrangement  of  which 
was  a  picture  no  less  military  than  agreeable.  Forty  companies,  each 
composed  of  forty  horsemen,  four  abreast,  led  the  van  in  two  columns, 
and  made  an  avenue  lined  on  each  side  with  twenty  pairs  of  colours. 
The  Grand  Equery,  followed  by  twelve  horses  and  a  covered  sledge, 
marched  immediately  after,  and  preceded  the  body  of  horse  which 
surrounded  the  Khan.  The  Standard  of  the  Prophet,  borne  by  an  emir, 
as  well  as  the  two  pair  of  green  colours  which  accompany  it,  came  next, 
and  were  seen  blended  with  the  Standard  of  the  Cross,  belonging  to  a 
troop  of  Inat  Cossacks  (so  called  from  Ignatius,  the  leader  under  whom 
they  had  fled  from  Russia  and  settled  in  the  Kuban),  attached  to  the 

•/</.,  450, 451  •  t/d.,455. 


prince's  body  guard  which  closed  the  march."  These  Cossacks  retained 
little  Christianity  except  their  attachment  to  the  cross  on  their  banner  and 
their  love  for  pork/  a  quarter  of  which  each  carried  on  his  shoulders 
like  a  portmanteau.  The  rest  of  the  soldiers  each  had  eight  or  ten 
pounds  of  millet,  roasted,  pounded,  and  pressed  together  in  a  little 
bag  of  leather.  The  horses  foraged  for  themselves.  The  Khan  was 
a  very  active  person,  and  slept  but  for  three  hours.  His  army  now 
advanced  to  the  Great  Ingul,  on  the  borders  of  New  Servia.  A 
division  was  told  off  to  cross  the  river,  and  then  to  scatter  itself  over 
the  country  and  to  lay  it  waste,  carrying  off  the  inhabitants  and  cattle  ; 
the  booty  was  to  be  shared  by  all  the  army.  The  neutrality  of  the 
Zaporogian  Cossacks  had  been  meanwhile  secured  by  the  kalga.t  A 
thaw  had  set  in.  The  Tartars,  who  were  accustomed  to  cross  rivers  on 
broken  ice,  passed  safely,  but  many  of  the  Turks  perished.  One  of  them 
had  a  large  purse  in  his  pocket,  which  a  Cossack  undertook  to  recover 
for  two  sequins.  He  undressed  on  the  spot,  dived  through  the  hole  in 
the  ice,  and  recovered  the  prize.  A  terrible  frost  succeeded  the  thaw,  in 
which  most  of  the  sipahis  died.  The  Khan,  who  said  he  could  not 
make  the  weather  better,  but  could  inspire  his  men  with  courage,  rode 
without  any  head  covering,  as  did  his  retinue  of  Sultans.  The  losses, 
however,  were  terrible.  "  We  met  with  nothing,"  says  the  Baron,  "  but 
frozen  flocks,  and  twenty  columns  of  smoke  in  the  horizon  completed  the 
horrors  of  the  picture,  by  proclaiming  to  us  the  fires  which  were  already 
ravaging  New  Servia."  In  one  day  three  thousand  men  and  thirty 
thousand  horses  perished  from  cold.j:  News  now  arrived  that  the  other 
expedition,  was  doing  its  work  ruthlessly.  One  thousand  two  hundred 
villagers  having  taken  refuge  in  a  monastery  and  refused  to  submit,  it  was 
fired  by  brimstone  matches  fastened  to  arrows,  and  all  perished.  The 
arnauts  particularly  distinguished  themselves  by  their  cruelty.  They  were 
in  the  habit  of  carrying  the  heads  of  their  slain  enemies  at  their  saddle  bows 
to  give  to  their  general,  a  custom  loathsome  to  the  Tartars  and  their 
Khan,  who  said  he  would  kill  any  of  his  people  who  thus  presented  him- 
self before  him  in  the  garb  of  an  executioner.  §  The  army  now  approached 
the  fortress  of  Saint  Elizabeth.  It  was  in  a  terrible  plight,  and  a  deter- 
mined sortie  of  two  or  three  thousand  men,  according  to  the  Baron,  would 
have  cut  it  in  pieces.  A  small  band  of  three  hundred,  the  only  part 
of  the  force  whose  energy  was  equal  to  the  task,  was  immediately  sent 
to  threaten  the  place,  so  as  to  make-believe  that  vigour  reigned  outside. 
This  was  successful ;  a  day  or  two's  rest  and  the  abundant  supply  of 
cattle  driven  in  by  the  foragers  soon  restored  spirits  and  strength  to  the 
Tartars.  The  Baron  enlarges  on  the  care,  attention,  patience,  and 
extreme  agility  of  the  Tartars  in  keeping  the  booty  they  captured.  "  Five 
or  six  slaves  of  different  ages,  sixty  sheep,  and  twenty  oxen,  the  prize 

* /^M  457.  458'  ^  Id. ,467.  I /<i.,  468,  469.  ^  Id.,  470. 


of  a  single  man,  do  not  embarrass  him.  The  children  with  their 
heads  peeping  out  of  a  sack  hanging  by  the  pummel  of  the  saddle,  a 
young  girl  sitting  before  leaning  on  her  left  hand,  the  mother  behind  on 
the  crupper,  the  father  on  a  led  horse,  the  son  on  another,  sheep  and 
oxen  before  them ;  nothing  goes  astray  under  his  vigilant  eyes.  To 
collect,  to  conduct  them,  to  provide  for  their  subsistence,  to  go  on  foot  to 
ease  his  slaves,  no  trouble  is  too  great  for  him."  The  Tartars  of  each 
horde  and  troop  had  a  watchword  to  which  their  comrades  answered. 
That  of  "Ak  Serai"  (White  Palace)  was  peculiar  to  the  Khan's  household.* 
One  hundred  and  fifty  villages  were  burnt  in  the  raid,  extending  a  cloud 
of  cinders  for  twenty  leagues  into  Poland,  a  grim  harbinger  of  the  Tartar 
army.  Amidst  this  smoke  a  body  of  Nogais  fled  with  their  booty,  to  avoid 
surrendering  the  tithe  of  it  which  was  due  to  the  Khan.  The  army  went 
on  to  Krasnikof,  where  the  Turks  proved  themselves  as  cowardly  as  they 
were  cruel,  while  the  Cossacks  of  Inat  showed  conspicuous  bravery  in  a 
fight  with  the  garrison.t  In  the  general  plundering  httle  attention  was 
often  paid  to  the  boundary  which  separated  the  Polish  Ukraine  from 
New  Servia,  which  belonged  to  the  Russians.  Twenty  thousand 
prisoners  were  carried  off  and  cattle  innumerable.  The  army  marched  in 
seven  columns,  and  had  to  regulate  its  advance  by  that  of  the  cattle 
which  it  escorted.  As  they  neared  the  Polish  frontier  the  orders  against 
marauding  became  more  stringent,  and  to  strike  an  example  a  Nogai 
who  was  caught  offending  was  ordered  to  be  tied  to  a  horse's  tail  and 
dragged  until  he  was  dead.  The  Nogai  offered  neither  excuse  nor 
resistance.  As  no  cord  was  to  be  found  and  a  bow-string  was  too  short, 
his  head  was  passed  through  his  bow  when  bent.  After  a  while 
he  fell  out  of  this,  when  the  prince  told  him  to  hold  the  bow  with  his 
hands.  Crossing  his  arms  the  criminal  did  so,  and  thus  the  prisoner 
became  his  own  executioner.  As  Baron  de  Tott  says,  this  extraordinary 
submission  surpasses  all  the  strange  stories  told  of  the  blind  obedience 
to  the  orders  of  the  old  Man  of  the  Mountain.^  A  Nogai  convicted  of 
mutilating  a  sacred  picture  was  bastinadoed,  with  the  curious  judicial 
comment,  "  We  must  teach  the  Tartars  to  respect  the  fine  arts  and  the 
prophets."  They  now  went  on  to  Savran  in  the  Palatinate  of  Bruklaf  in 
Poland,  where  the  booty  was  divided,  and  the  different  hordes,  except 
the  troops  of  Bessarabia,  were  dismissed.  The  Khan's  share  was  two 
thousand  slaves.  Theselhe  distributed  freely.  On  the  Baron  saying  he 
would  soon  exhaust  them  in  this  way,  the  Khan  repUed, "  There  will 
always  be  enough  left  for  me,  my  friend ;  the  age  of  desire  is  past ; 
but  I  have  not  forgotten  you  :  far  from  your  harem,  marching  over 
deserts,  and  braving  the  rigour  of  the  climate  with  us,  it  is  but  just  that 
you  should  have  your  share.  I  design  for  you  six  beautiful  young  boys, 
such  in  short  as  I  should  make  choice  for  myself."    The  Baron  thought 

*  Id.,  474,  475.  t  I  J.,  480-482.  I  Id.,  489, 


he  had  escaped  the  embarrassment  by  saying  he  could  not  accept  six 
Russians,  since  his  master  was  at  peace  with  Russia.  The  accom- 
modating Khan  substituted  six  Georgians.  He  then  urged  his  reUgion, 
and  added  that  all  his  scruples  might  be  overcome  perhaps  if  girls  were 
substituted  for  boys.  "  I  too  have  my  religion,"  replied  the  Khan, 
"  which  allows  me  to  give  male  slaves  to  Christians,  but  enjoins  me  to 
keep  X}s\Q  females  to  make  proselytes  of."*  On  the  Baron  twitting  him  with 
this  distinction,  he  replied,  with  some  reason  and  philosophy,  "  That  a 
man  is  by  nature  independent,  and  even  in  a  state  of  slavery  hardly 
restrainable  by  fear,  and  is  governed  by  his  moral  sense  :  God  alone," 
he  said,  "  can  influence  his  mind ;  in  your  country,  in  mine  he  may  be 
equally  enlightened  ;  the  conversion  of  man  is  at  all  times  a  miracle  ; 
that  of  a  woman,  on  the  contrary,  is  the  most  natural  and  the  most 
simple  affair  in  the  world  :  women  are  always  of  the  religion  of  their 
lovers.  Yes,  my  friend,  love  is  the  great  missionary,  when  he  appears, 
there  is  an  end  to  every  dispute."t  The  army  now  returned  towards 
Bender,  much  encumbered  with  its  plunder.  Krim  Girai  entered  the 
fortress  under  a  salute  of  artillery. 

The  Khan  was  very  subject  to  attacks  of  hypochondria,  to  relieve 
which  he  had  recourse  to  an  empiric,  a  Greek  from  Corfu,  who  was 
physician  to  the  Prince  of  Wallachia,  and  was  named  Siropolo. 

Baron  de  Tott,  who  suspected  this  man,  in  vain  tried  to  dissuade 
him  from  taking  the  draught  he  had  prepared.  It  momentarily  revived 
the  Khan,  who  was  directly  after,  however,  more  prostrate  than  ever,  a 
condition  Siropolo  described  as  a  salutary  crisis.  He  never  issued  from 
his  harem  again.  The  Baron  visited  him  there,  and  found  several  of  his 
women,  whose  grief  and  the  general  panic  had  made  them  neglect  to 
withdraw.  The  Khan  pointed  to  some  despatches  he  had  finished,  and 
said,  "  My  last  work ;  and  my  last  moments  I  have  reserved  for  you." 
When  he  saw  how  dejected  De  Tott  was,  he  bade  him  withdraw,  lest  he 
should  melt  him  ;  and  as  he  wished  to  sleep  more  gaily,  he  summoned 
six  musicians  to  his  bedside  to  play  for  him.  An  hour  later  the  Khan 
died,  and  Siropolo  found  means  in  the  confusion  to  withdraw  to 
Wallachia.  Symptoms  of  poison  were  very  visible  when  the  body  was 
embalmed.  It  was  taken  to  the  Krim  in  a  coach  hung  with  mourning, 
drawn  by  six  horses  caparisoned  with  black  cloth.  Fifty  horsemen,  a 
number  of  murzas,  and  a  Sultan,  who  formed  the  escort,  were  also  in 
mourning ;  a  custom,  says  De  Tott,  nowhere  in  use  in  the  East  except 
among  the  Tartars.+    The  death  of  Krim  Girai  took  place  in  February, 


Krim  Girai  was  succeeded  by  Devlet  Girai,  the  son  of  his  brother 
Arslan  Girai.     He  nominated  Shahbaz  Girai  as  kalga  and  Mubarek 

*  Id.,  494.  t  /<^,  495.  I  Op-  cit.,  504-505-  §  Langles,  446. 



Girai  as  nureddin.  Shahbaz  was  the  father  of  Halim  Girai,  the  author 
of  the  poetical  history  of  the  Krim  Khans,  known  as  "  The  Rose  Path 
of  the  Krim  Khans."  While  the  Khan,  en  route  for  the  Krim,  went  to 
Moldowanji,  the  residence  of  the  Grand  Vizier,  the  kalga  was  sent  on  to 
the  Krim.*  He  was  granted  a  war  subsidy  of  eighty-six  thousand 
piastres.  On  the  death  of  his  friend  Krim  Girai,  the  Baron  de  Tott  set 
out  for  Constantinople.  He  passed  through  Bessarabia  and  went  on  to 
Ismael ;  then  by  the  Dobruja  and  through  the  Balkans.  As  he  was 
passing  the  latter  mountains  he  met  the  kalga  of  the  new  Khan  on  his 
way  to  the  Krim,  who  persuaded  him  to  turn  aside  out  of  his  way 
to  pay  Devlet  Girai,  who  was  at  Serai  in  Rumelia,  a  visit.  The  Baron 
determined  to  go  there.  "No  sooner,"  he  says,  "had  I  reached  the 
patrimony  of  the  Jingis  Khan  princes  {i.e.^  of  the  Girais)  than  I  was 
struck  with  an  appearance  as  rich  as  it  was  different  from  the  rest  of  the 
Turkish  empire.  Variegated  productions  in  great  plenty,  and  well  taken 
care  of  country  houses,  gardens  beautifully  situated,  a  number  of  villages, 
in  each  of  which  was  to  be  distinguished  the  mansion  of  its  lord  and  his 
plantations  running  up  to  the  very  summit  of  the  hills,  diversified  the 
face  of  the  earth,  and  formed  a  general  landscape  in  the  European  style, 
the  particular  beauty  of  which  redoubled  my  astonishment."  He  visited 
Serai  and  the  Khan's  palace,  which  had  a  long  avenue  in  front  of  the 
buildings  ;  several  streets,  terminating  like  the  radii  of  a  circle,  were 
prolonged  into  the  plain  by  plantations,  and  formed  a  star,  of  which  the 
first  court  of  the  palace  was  the  centre.  This  was  succeeded  by  a 
second,  where  they  alighted.  He  first  visited  the  Selictar  in  his  apart- 
ments, who,  after  giving  him  some  coffee,  went  to  tell  his  master,  and 
soon  returned  to  conduct  him  to  an  audience.  He  found  the  new  Khan 
surrounded  by  his  courtiers,  and  says  he  was  more  taken  up  with  the 
growth  of  his  beard  (which  he  was  obliged  to  let  grow  from  the  moment 
of  his  elevation  to  the  throne)  than  with  the  arduous  situation  he  was 
about  to  fill.  The  Baron  says  the  young  prince  had  no  other  ambition 
than  to  devote  himself  entirely  to  the  views  of  the  Grand  Vizier.  From 
the  Selictar  he  learnt  that  this  appanage  of  the  Krim  Khans  was  divided 
into  separate  territories,  which  secured  to  each  member  of  the  family 
hereditary  possessions  independent  of  the  Porte,  and  in  which  the  right 
of  asylum  was  inviolable.  The  latter  had  grown  into  a  great  abuse,  and 
there  was  not  a  rascal  in  the  Ottoman  empire,  says  the  Baron,  who  did 
find  impunity  there,  if  he  had  only  enough  money  to  bribe  the  Sultan. 
These  windfalls,  which  were  frequent,  added  to  the  tenths,  the  poll-tax, 
and  other  domainal  rights,  together  with  the  profits  of  the  various 
employments  it  held  in  the  Krim,  made  up  a  very  considerable 
income  for  the  family  of  Girai,  and  gave  it  exceptional  importance  in 
Turkey .t    Having  failed  to  relieve  Khotin,  as  was  expected,  Devlet  Girai 

*Krim  Khans,  222,  223.  t  De  Tott,  i,  525-527. 

KAPLAN   GIRAI    KHAN   II.  595 

was  deposed,  after  a  reign  of  only  a  year.*  One  author  describes  him  as 
a  mere  imbecile,  spending  a  good  deal  of  time  before  the  looking-glass, 
and  says  he  was  in  the  habit  of  asking  a  thousand  questions  without 
waiting  for  a  reply.  He  was  naturally  surrounded  by  a  number  of 
flatterers,  who  took  care  to  laugh  and  sing,  in  unison  with  their  feeble 


Devlet  Girai  was  succeeded  by  Kaplan  Girai,  the  son  of  Selim  Girai, 
who  appointed  Islam  Girai  as  kalga  and  Bakht  Girai  as  nureddin.J  He 
then  marched  towards  Yassy  to  join  the  Turkish  army,which  was  fighting 
*^with  the  Russians. §  Kaplan  commanded  eighty  thousand  men,  whom 
he  posted  in  an  entrenched  position  on  the  Pruth,  which  seemed 
impregnable.  The  Russian  general  Rumanzof  planted  his  men  opposite 
to  him,  and  tried  in  vain  for  twenty-five  days  to  tempt  him  from  his 
vantage,  but  he  was  too  good  a  soldier,  and  distrusted  the  disciphne  of  his 
men.  Rumanzof  now  had  recourse  to  a  ruse.  He  spread  a  rumour  that 
his  men  were  in  want  of  provisions,  and  that  he  was  about  to  raise  the 
siege.  This  tempted  the  Tartars  to  attack  him.  His  men  were  ready 
and  repelled  the  assault.  They  afterwards  attacked  the  entrenched 
position  of  the  Tartars,  and  notwithstanding  the  courageous  conduct  of 
the  Khan,  who  animated  his  men  with  a  like  virtue,  they  were  beaten 
from  one  position  to  another.  The  Grand  Vizier  meanwhile  had 
crossed  the  Danube  with  one  hundred  and  fifty  thousand  men,  upon 
whom  the  fugitive  Tartars  fell  back.  While  the  pursuing  victors  were 
taken  aback,  the  Tartars  rallied  and  threw  themselves  on  the  Russian 
left,  and  Rumanzof  found  himself  hemmed  in  between  the  two  hostile 
armies,  the  Pruth,  and  the  Danube.  His  enemies  were  three  times  as 
numerous  as  his  own  people.  Both  sides  entrenched  themselves,  the 
Turks  with  a  triple  rampart.  It  was  a  repetition  of  what  had  occurred 
almost  on  the  same  ground  to  Peter  the  Great.  The  Turks  now  made  a 
terrible  assault,  which  was  not  successful,  and  being  attacked  in  turn, 
their  unwieldy  army  gave  way,  and  was  utterly  defeated,  with  a  loss  of 
forty  thousand  men,  one  hundred  and  forty  cannons,  and  a  great  quantity 
of  munitions  and  provisions.  The  victory  led  also  to  the  submission  of 
the  fortresses  of  Bender,  Ismael,  and  Akkerman. 

The  author  I  have  followed  in  this  account  greatly  praises  the  sagacity 
and  military  skill  of  the  Krim  Khan.||  Langles,  on  the  other  hand,  says 
he  was  very  old  and  a  mere  tool  in  other  peoples'  hands.  He  was 
accused  of  holding  communications  with  the  enemy,  and  was  deposed  in 
February,  1771.II 

Krim  Khans,  223    Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  457-  f  Hist,  de  la  Nouv.  Russie,  ii.  118,  ng. 

I  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  457-        §  Langles,  447-        II  Hist,  dela  Nouv.  Russie.  ii,  121-125. 

^  Langles,  loc.  cit. 


SELIM    GIRAI    KHAN    III.    (Second   Reign). 

Selim  Girai,  the  son  of  Feth  Girai,  now  re-mounted  the  throne.  He 
appointed  Muhammed  Girai  his  kalga  and  Krim  Girai  his  nureddin.* 
Von  Hammer  says  his  nureddin  was  the  son  of  Halim  Girai,  called 
Kashikbash.t  He  at  once  hastened  to  the  winter  quarters  of  the 
Turkish  army  at  Babatagh.  The  Russians  in  1771  sent  two  armies 
against  the  Turks,  both  of  which  gained  laurels.  One  went  to  Moldavia 
under  Count  Rumanzof,  already  named,  the  other  against  the  Krim  under 
Prince  Basil  Dolgoruki,  afterwards  called  "the  Crimean."  The  latter 
having  separated  his  army  into  two  divisions,  forced  with  one  the  lines 
of  Perekop,  defended  by  Selim  Girai,  while  with  the  other  he  crossed  the 
Strait  of  Yeinitshi,  and  captured  the  fortress  of  Arabat. 

In  the  same  campaign  the  Turks  lost  also  KafTa,  Kertch,  and  Yenikaleh, 
while  Gosleve,  Balaklava,  and  Balbek  in  the  Krim,  and  Taman  Avere  also 
captured  by  the  Russians,  together  with  the  Turkish  seraskier  Ibrahim. 
After  this  Selim  consented  to  submit  to  the  Empress  Catherine,  and  to 
send  his  two  sons  as  hostages  to  St.  Petersburg,  but  having  failed  to  do  so, 
his  residence  was  surrounded  by  the  Russian  troops,  and  he  barely  found 
means  to  escape  with  his  family  to  Constantinople.^  He  lived  ten  years 
longer,  until  he  was  seventy-three  years  old,  and  was  buried  in  the 
mosque  of  Ayas  Pasha.  None  of  his  predecessors  enjoyed  the  same 
ease  after  their  retirement,  for  we  are  told  besides  his  yearly  pension  of 
twenty  thousand  piastres,  he  had  an  extraordinary  monthly  salary  of  five 
hundred  piastres,  three  thousand  piastres  as  a  gift  at  Ramazan,  one 
thousand  measures  of  flour,  and  one  thousand  sheep.  His  court  was 
surrounded  by  Arabs,  Persians,  Turks,  and  Tartars.  He  was  fond  of 
hunting  and  of  arms,  and  is  remembered  as  the  builder  of  two  bridges, 
one  at  Kanlijik,  the  other  near  the  village  of  Karaborajik.§ 


After  the  flight  of  Selim  Girai  it  was  some  time  before  a  new  Khan 
was  definitely  appointed.  Some  of  the  Tartars  supported  Bakht  Girai, 
the  son  of  Krim  Girai,  but  the  Porte  at  length  nominated  Maksud  Girai 
to  the  post,  with  Bakht  Girai  as  kalga,  and  his  brother  Muhammed  Girai 
as  nureddin.  This  was  on  the  14th  of  November,  1771.  Meanwhile  the 
Russians  continued  to  hold  possession  of  the  Krim  and  the  isle  of 
Taman.  II  Maksud  Girai  went  to  the  Turkish  winter  quarters  at  Batatagh, 
where  he  was  duly  installed,  and  where  he  and  his  four  sons  received 
some  rich  presents.    Maksud  Girai  seems  never  to  have  set  foot  in  the 

♦  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  457,  t  Krim  Khans,  224. 

i  De  Bohucz,  416,  417.  §  Krim  Khans,  224,  225.  J  Langles,  448,  449. 

SAHIB   GIRAI   KHAX   II.  .        597 

Krim,  nor  is  he  enumerated  among  the  Khans  in  the  hst  pubhshed  by 
the  "Journal  Asiatique,"  so  often  quoted,  nor  by  De  Bohucz.  Having 
incurred  the  displeasure  of  the  Sultan,  he  was  banished  to  Samakof,  and 
thence  retired  to  his  private  patrimony  at  FUndiiklii.* 

SAHIJ^    GIRAI    KHAN     II. 

In  March,  1772,  a  general  Kuriltai  of  Tartars  was  summoned,  which 
refused  to  recognise  Maksud,  and  decided  that  Selim  having  withdrawn 
and  not  having  been  recognised  by  the  Russians,  should  be  declared 
deposed.  Sahib  Girai,  the  son  of  Ahmed  Girai  Sultan,  the  son  of  Devlet 
Girai,  the  son  of  Selim  Girai  Khan,  was  appointed  Khan,  who  nominated 
his  brother  Shahin  as  kalga,  and  Behadur  Girai,  the  son  of  Maksud,  as 
nureddin.  Sahib  had  been  brought  up  in  Circassia,  and  afterwards  figured 
in  the  Krim  as  a  warrior.t  De  Bohucz  says  the  Krim  was  now  declared 
independent  of  the  Porte,  as  it  had  been  before  the  time  of  Muhammed 
II.,  while  the  Khan  put  himself  under  the  protection  of  Russia,  and 
ceded  to  the  Empress  the  towns  of  Kertch,  Yenikaleh,  and  Kilburn  on  the 
Dnieper.l  The  Turkish  Sultan  Mustapha  III.  intrigued  to  detach 
Sahib  Girai  from  his  Russian  alliance.  In  this  he  was  successful,  and 
the  Russians  accordingly  began  to  patronise  his  brother  Devlet  Girii. 
The  Porte  was  not  successful  in  its  diplomacy.  Having  removed  the 
Nogais  from  the  neighbourhood  of  the  island  of  Taman,  they  sought  to 
regain  their  influence  in  the  Krim  by  the  distribution  of  liberal  largess, 
but  ineffectively.  At  length  the  strife  between  Russia  and  Turkey  was 
concluded  by  the  famous  peace  of  Kainarji.  By  this  treaty  the  Khan 
was  virtually  made  independent  of  the  Porte,  save  in  his  spiritual 
allegiance  to  the  successor  of  the  Khalifs  and  in  the  fact  of  the  Sultan 
having  to  confirm  his  appointment.  We  find  the  Empress  Catherine 
ceding  to  him  all  her  conquests  in  the  Krim  except  the  places  which  the 
Khan  had  made  over  to  her,  as  above  mentioned,  while  the  pohtic 
Sultan  sent  him  a  present  of  a  kaftan  and  a  turban.  The  sabre,  Avhich 
was  the  third  mark  of  sovereignty,  says  Langles,  was  omitted.  The 
Sultan's  name  continued  to  be  used  in  the  pubhc  prayers,  the  Kadhiasker 
of  Constantinople  continued  to  appoint  the  judges,  and  the  coinage  of 
the  Krim  was  assimilated  to  that  of  Turkey.  We  now  find  Sahib 
deposing  his  brother  from  the  post  of  kalga  and  putting  Bakht  Girai  in 
his  place.  The  Krim  Khan  was  at  this  time  little  better  than  a  puppet, 
tossed  to  and  fro  by  the  rival  powers  of  Turkey  and  Russia,  who  each 
supported  a  candidate  in  the  persons  of  Sahib  Girai  and  Devlet  Girai. 
In  the  beginning  of  1775  Sahib  Girai  was  forced  to  fly  by  a  sudden 
outbreak  of  the  Tartars.     He  went  on  board  a  small  boat  and  sailed  for 

Krim  Khans,  228.  t  A/.,  229.  J  Op.  cit.,  417. 


Constantinople,  which  he  reached  in  forty-eight  hours.  There  he  was 
granted  a  pension  of  three  thousand  piastres  and  the  privilege  of 
choosing  a  fief  for  himself.*  He  went  to  Chatalche,  where  he  lived  for 
many  years,  and  was  buried  in  the  mosque  of  Ferhad  Pasha.  We  are 
told  he  spoke  neither  Turkish,  Tartar,  nor  Circassian,  but  a  mixture 
of  all  three. t 

DEVLET    GIRAI    KHAN    III.    (Restored). 

Dcvlet  Girai  now  mounted  the  throne.     He  named  Shahbaz  Girai 
kalga    and    Mubarek    Girai    nureddin.     The    deposed    kalga    Shahin 
assembled  the  Nogais  to  attack  him,  and  he  collected  his  own  people 
to  resist.  While  they  stood  facing  each  other,  in  May,  1776,  the  Kapitan- 
pasha  arrived  with  the  symbols  of  investiture  for  Devlet  Girai.     Shahin, 
assisted  by  a  Russian  regiment,  posted  himself  at  Tanlan,  while  Devlet 
was  assisted  by  troops  furtively  sent  to  him  by  the  Turks.     Both  parties 
thus  secretly  broke  the  famous  treaty  of  Kainarji.     Shahin  wrote  a  letter 
to  Devlet,   bidding  him  descend  from  the  throne  if  he  did  not  wish 
to  be  torn  thence  by  force.     This  frightened  some  of  the  murzas,  who 
abandoned  him.    A  severe  battle  ensued  in  November,  1776,  in  which 
Shahin  was  victorious,  and  advanced  into  the  Krim,  notwithstanding  the 
ice,  with  forty  thousand  Tartars  and  a  body  of  Circassians,  who  had  been 
attracted  by  his  success.     It  was  suspected  he  had  become  a  Christian 
and  joined  the  Greek  church,  and  the  Russians  now  openly  supported 
him  and  occupied   Perekop.      Shahin    advanced    on    Baghchi    Serai, 
accompanied  by  Russian  troops  and  officers.     He  marched  from  Taman 
by  way  of  Kaffa,  and  had  thirty-five  or  forty  thousand  men  with  him. 
From  Ak  Mejid,  six  leagues  from  Baghchi  Serai,  he  despatched  two 
bodies  of  Russian  troops,  one  towards  the  Khan's  palace,  the  other 
towards  Gosleve.     Devlet  was  informed  he  would  have  time  given  him 
to    communicate   with    Constantinople,    and    a   message    came  telling 
him  to  repair  to  Sinope.     On  the  nth  of  May,  1777,  he  reached  the 
neighbourhood   of  Constantinople,   and  was   received   with   great   dis- 


Shahin  Girai  was  proclaimed  Khan  at  Baghchi  Serai  on  the  4th  of 
March,  1777,  and  at  once  sent  envoys  to  the  Porte  acknowledging 
his  dependence  and  asking  for  investiture.  He  sent  others  to  St. 
Petersburg.  He  had  lived  long  in  Russia,  and  held  the  commission  of 
a  captain  in  the  Imperial  Guards,  This  led  him  to  patronise  European 
customs.    He  sat  at  meals,  yet  disdained  the  use  of  spoons  or  forks,  and 

Langlcs,  455.  t  Krim  Khans,  230.  J  Langles,  455  and  460. 

SHAHIN   GIRAI   KHAN.  •         599 

his  footmen  wore  turbans.  He  rode  about  in  a  gilt  carriage,  and 
although  he  did  not  shave  he  hid  the  end  of  his  beard  in  a  wide  cravat.* 
He  determined  to  civilise  his  Tartars,  and  to  introduce  European 
discipline  among  his^  troops,  and  began  by  abolishing  many  of  the  old 
forms  of  government.  He  levied  new  troops  and  assigned  them  regular 
pay,  making  the  murzas  commanders.  Before  him  there  was  no  stationary 
army  in  the  Krim.  Every  Tartar  was  a  soldier.  He  diminished  the 
dues  paid  by  the  cultivators  to  the  murzas,  and  in  lieu  paid  those  who 
entered  his  service  a  salary.  Although  a  Mussulman,  he  was  charged 
with  too  great  affection  for  Russian  and  Christian  manners.  He  over- 
spent his  income,  and  introduced  a  new  coinage  ;  an  operation  confided 
tp  a  German.  This  again  cost  more  money,  and  in  consequence  his  tax- 
collecting  was  performed  with  a  rigour  hitherto  unknown,  and  increased 
the  general  discontent.  Of  this  he  took  no  heed,  and  projected  a  corps  of 
artillery  and  a  marine.  But  most  of  his  projects  failed.  He  had  no 
means,  and  the  Ottomans  grew  jealous  of  him,  and  fancied  he  aimed  at 
independence.  Emissaries,  some  adroit,  others  fanatical,  were  sent  from 
Constantinople  to  fan  the  discontent.  The  Khan  grew  afraid,  and  in 
1777  asked  aid  from  Russia,  which  was  readily  granted.  Russian 
detachments  traversed  the  Krim,  and  were  given  command  of  its 
fortresses.  The  Turks  did  not  wait  to  be  asked,  but  also  sent  troops 
there.  Before  the  arrival  of  the  Russians  the  Turks  were  already 
installed  at  Gosleve,  where  they  beheaded  one  of  the  Khan's  com- 
manders. In  October,  1777,  the  Tartars,  incited  by  the  Turks, 
attacked  the  Russians,  who  were  dispersed  in  the  Krim  and  Kuban, 
and  killed  many  of  them.  The  Khan,  after  receiving  two  wounds,  took 
refuge  with  his  patrons,  and  the  Porte  nominated  a  new  Khan,  namely, 
Bakht  Girai.t 

Bakht  Girai  was  sent  to  Sebastopol  with  five  ships  of  war.  In 
December,  1777,  a  Russian  army  entered  the  Krim  to  assist  Shahin 
Gira,  and  with  their  aid  he  subdued  the  Tartars.  The  Russians  are 
accused  of  great  cruelties  on  this  occasion.  They  captured  Kaffa 
Balaklava,  and  Gosleve,  and  Shahin  Girai  was  once  more  installed  in 
his  capital.  In  January,  1778,  Selim  Girai,  Shahin's  great  enemy, 
penetrated  into  the  Krim  and  gained  some  advantages,  and  in  March  he 
was  granted  a  firman  by  the  Porte,  and  was  also  given  the  distinctive 
insignia  of  sovereignty.  But  Shahin  Girai,  at  the  head  of  eight  thou- 
sand of  his  Russian  allies,  broke  an  armistice  of  twenty-one  days, 
which  had  been  concluded  with  him,  defeated,  and  compelled  him  to 
embark  on  the  Turkish  vessels  then  at  Balaklava,  for  Sinope.  Selim 
made  another  venture  in  September,  1778,  but  was  again  defeated.  The 
Russians  now  caused  all  the  Armenian  and  Greek  families  in  the  Krim 
to  migrate  to  Russia.    They  were  sent  for  the  most  part  to  Ekaterinoslaf, 

♦  De  Bohucz,  419.    Hist,  de  la  Nouv.  Russie,  ii.,  130.  t  Langles,  461,  &c. 


the  former  Azof,  and  were  replaced  by  some  Russian  families.  This  was 
very  displeasing  to  the  Khan  as  well  as  to  the  emigrants,  whose  consent 
was  not  asked.  Messrs.  Storch  and  Tooke  say  it  was  voluntary,  but  it 
is  unlikely  that  seventy-five  thousand  people,  men  and  women,  should 
abandon  their  old  land  and  possessions  and  settle  in  the  steppe 
abandoned  by  the  Nogais,  and  where  they  perished  of  cold.*  The 
Tartars  became  alarmed  at  this  movement,  and  many  of  them  migrated 
to  Circassia  and  Turkey.  It  was  carried  out  successfully  by  Prince 
Prosorofski  and  Suwarof  Rimniski.  The  Khan  continued  his  military 
measures,  equipped  a  body  of  three  thousand  Cossacks  (dressed  in  the 
Pohsh  way  and  wearing  hussar  caps),  and  duly  exercised  his  cannoniers, 
who  were  so  well  trained  that  they  could  fire  eight  times  a  minute.  The 
Russians  had  given  him  two  hundred  cannons  to  defend  Baghchi 
Serai.  He  also  struck  money  in  his  own  name.  On  one  side 
was  the  name  of  the  mint-place,  Baghchi  Serai  or  Kaffa,  and  on  the 
other  "  Khan  Shahin  Girai  ben  Ahmed  Girai  Sultan."t  By  a  treaty 
between  Russia  and  Turkey,  signed  on  the  5th  of  July,  1779,  the 
Russians  undertook  to  evacuate  the  Krim,  and  agreed  that  the  Khan, 
after  being  duly  elected  by  the  Tartars,  should  receive  confirmation  from 
the  Sultan,!  and  after  some  delay  investiture  was  granted  to  Shahin  in 
November  of  that  year,  in  tents  erected  for  the  purpose  near  Kaffa,  but 
the  Porte  was  not  really  reconciled.  In  October,  1780,  Shahin  heard 
from  his  kaimakhan  at  Taman  that  the  Divan  had  sent  one  SuHman 
Agha  to  Sudak  to  arouse  an  insurrection  among  the  Nogais,  and  to 
impress  on  the  latter  and  the  Circassians  that  they  were  not  dependent 
on  the  Krim  but  immediately  subject  to  Turkey.  This  was  doubtless  to 
prevent  Russia  from  laying  claim  in  any  way  to  rule  those  peoples.  He 
was  ordered  to  offer  an  asylum  in  Rumelia  to  all  who  wished  to  migrate, 
and  we  are  told  that  an  aul  of  one  hundred  and  thirty  families,  com- 
manded by  Suliman  Oghlu  murza,  of  the  Nogai  tribe  Kazak,  took  advan- 
tage of  the  offer.  The  Abkhassians,  on  the  other  hand,  attacked  Sudak 
and  burnt  the  magazines  there.  Suliman's  emissaries  also  persuaded  the 
Kuban  Tartars  to  rise.  Two  Russian  frigates  were  sent  against  them, 
and  they  were  vigorously  repelled. 

The  migration  of  the  Christians  had  caused  much  land  in  the  Krim  to 
go  out  of  cultivation,  while  the  exactions  of  the  Khan  increased  the 
distress  of  the  people  who  were  left  behind.  The  German  whom  he  had 
employed  to  coin  his  money  went  to  Constantinople  and  reported  that 
he  owed  him  more  than  forty  thousand  roubles.  The  Khan,  instead  of 
courting  the  alliance  of  the  Sultan,  had  accepted  the  rank  of  captain  in 
the  Russian  regiment  Preobaginski,  in  which  he  had  formerly  been 
lieutenant.  There  were  not  more  than  one  hundred  thousand  people  left 
in  the  Krim,  and  sixty  thousand  in  the  Kuban,  the  rest  had  either  been 

*  Id.,  467,  468.  t  Id.,  467.  Id.,  470. 


transported  to  Russia  or  retired  to  Turkey.  This  was  in  1781.  Next 
year  {i.e.,  1782)  the  people  of  Krim  were  reduced  to  fifty  thousand  souls, 
of  whom  four  hundred  and  fifty  were  at  Kaffa.  It  is  remavkable  that  in 
1777  the  Tartar  contingent  which  fought  with  the  Russians  had  been 
forty  thousand  strong,  well  armed  and  mounted. 

Meanwhile  the  new  town   of  Cherson,    built    under    the    treaty   of 
Kainarji  grew  very  fast.     Great   magazines   were   built  there,  and  a 
new  town  was  projected   at  Ghibaka.*    The   Khan's  revenue,   never- 
theless, did  not  decrease,  he   still  drew  8900,000=  ^112,500  sterling? 
or    2,786,ooof,    from    the   Krim,   without    counting    the   Russian  dole. 
The  Porte   continued  to  intrigue   against  him,  and  now  .incited  two 
of  his  elder  brothers,   Behadur   Girai,  who  was  kalga  in  the  Kuban, 
and  Arslan,  who    was  charged  to  regulate  various  matters  with  the 
garrison    of    Sudak,    against    him.      ;The    latter,    after  [several    pre- 
tended  or  real   grievances,  rebelled  and  joined    his    brother.      Some 
troops  trained    in   the   Russian    fashion    marched    against    them    and 
were  beaten.     Behadur  marched  on  to  Kaffa,  and  the  Khan  retired  to 
Yenikale  to   join    the   Russian    commander.      The    principal    Tartars 
informed  Behadur,  who  set  up  claims  to  the  throne,  that  he  could  not 
mount  it  unless  he  would  discharge  Shahin's  debts.     They  also  advised 
the  latter  to   summon  the   chiefs  of  the  nation  to  proceed  to  elect  a 
sovereign.    He  remained  at  Kertch,  which  belonged  to  the  Russians,  and 
did  not  reply.     They  then  sent  some  adz-mazar  or  petitions,  signed  by 
all  the  chiefs  of  the  hordes,  to  Constantinople  and  St.  Petersburg.    This 
.  was  in  September,  1782.    All  the  Crimean  ports  were  now  blockaded  by 
the  Russians,  whose  operations  were  supposed  to  be  directed  by  the 
Khan.     During  this  confusion  Bakht  Girai  again  set  up  pretensions  to 
the  throne.      He  went  to  Karasu  to  await  the  confirmation  which  he 
had  asked  from  the  Porte.     Shahin  Girai  also  re-entered  the  Krim  at 
the  head  of  the  Russian  troops.     The  people  were  clearly  cowed,  and  we 
are  told  that  a  single  discharge,  which  killed  five  or  six,  dispersed  the 
most  mutinous.     Kelly,  who  does  not  name  his  authority,  says  that 
Prince  Paul  Potemkin  caused  above  thirty  thousand  Tartars,  of  every 
age  and  sex,  to  be  massacred  in  cold  blood,  and  thus  gained  for  his 
cousin  the  easily  won  title  of   the  Taurian,  and  the  post  of  Grand 
Admiral  of  the  Black  Sea  and  Governor-General  of  Tauris.t    Shahin 
made  a  show  of  being  reconciled  with  his  brothers,  but  the  Porte  stood 
aloof.     He  was  reproached  with  his  friendship  for  the  infidels,  and  was 
suspected  of  having  secretly  abjured  the  faith.    These  continual  troubles, 
which  were  largely  fomented  no  doubt  by  Russian  intrigues,  at  length 
determined  the  Empress  to  definitely  appropriate  the  Krim,  and  her 
favourite  Potemkin  made  large  preparations  for  carrying  out  her  wishes, 
and  collected  three  considerable  armies  ;  but  force  was  unnecessary. 

*W.,4/4.  t  Op.  cit ,  ii.  85. 


By  a  new  treaty  made  with  Turkey,  which  was  ratified  on  the  21st  of 
September,  1783,  the  Krim,  with  the  island  of  Taman  and  the  district  of 
Kuban,  were  definitely  ceded  to  Russia,  and  the  Dardanelles  were  thrown 
open  to  her  for  a  limited  number  of  war  ships,  and  all  merchant  vessels 
except  those  engaged  in  carrying  timber.*  Shahin  Girai  resigned  the 
throne  and  retired,  first  to  Voronetz  and  then  to  Kaluga,  where  he 
was  to  have  had  a  pension  of  one  hundred  thousand  roubles,  and  to 
have  been  treated  as  a  sovereign  prince.t  According  to  Kelly,  the  Khan 
Girai  never  received  this  salary,  which  was  appropriated  by  Potemkin, 
and  he  seems  to  have  been  in  actual  want.+  He  at  length  determined 
to  set  out  for  Constantinople,  where  he  was  received  with  distinction, 
but  was  afterwards  exiled  to  Rhodes.  One  day  as  he  was  leaving  his 
bath  he  was  strangled  by  the  emissaries  of  the  Porte,  and  his  head  was 
sent  to  Constantinople. § 

Shahin  Girai  was  a  man  of  good  figure,  with  a  piercing  eye  and 
very  fair  understanding.  He  was  very  pale,  and  constantly  wore  a 
black  silk  handkerchief  on  his  head,  which  was  carried  up  on  each 
side  of  his  face  from  under  his  chin,  and  tied  above  his  turban.  His 
laundress,  we  are  told,  discovered  by  the  little  circles  which  it  left  on  his 
shirts  that  he  always  wore  a  coat  of  mail  under  his  clothes.  He  was 
personally  brave,  and  a  story  was  told  of  him  that  on  one  occasion, 
having  taken  shelter  from  his  subjects  with  the  Russians,  an  army  of 
thirty  thousand  insurgents  marched  against  his  defenders,  whereupon  he 
stole  away  from  the  small  Russian  army  in  the  night,  and  rode  right  into 
the  midst  of  the  rebels,  and  asked  what  their  grievances  were.  This  so 
disconcerted  them  that  they  confessed  that  they  had  no  personal  enmity 
towards  him,  but  had  been  led  away  by  certain  murzas.  The  latter  were 
in  turn  summoned,  and  not  having  any  real  grievance,  the  Khan 
ordered  the  soldiers  to  hang  them  up,  which  they  accordingly  did,  where- 
upon he  rejoined  his  Russian  friends. 

His  mode  of  life  was  very  simple.  He  never  had  more  than  one  dish 
at  table,  consisting  of  boiled  rice  and  mutton  in  the  Tartar  style,  with 
water  for  his  drink.  After  which  he  took  some  coffee,  and  seldom 
smoked  except  when  alone.  His  State  chamber  when  in  Russia  had  only 
a  low  Turkish  sofa  in  it,  and  at  night  a  high  silver  candlestick  stood  in 
the  middle  of  the  room,  on  the  floor,  with  one  candle  in  it.  He  generally 
wore  gloves,  as  he  had  a  custom  of  throwing  a  six-pound  cannon  ball 
from  one  hand  to  another,  while  he  sat  conversing.  He  was  very  fond 
of  hawking  and  hunting,  and  the  archbishop  of  Voronetz  having  given 
up  to  him  his  country  house,  he  presented  him  in  turn  with  a  large  rich 
cross  set  with  diamonds,  such  as  Russian  archbishops  wear  on  their 
breasts  suspended  from  the  neck  by  a  blue  ribbon.     He  put  up  several 

Esaai  am  !a  I,'  luv.  Ilussie,  ii.  162.  t  Langles,  479.  t  Op.  cit., 

i  LanRles,  479. 


Chinese  kiosks  in  the  garden,  where  the  neighbouring  gentry  visited  him 
and  generally  received  some  present.  He  was  very  generous,  and  on 
one  occasion  sent  a  diamond  ring  worth  two  thousand  roubles  to  a  much- 
respected  minister  at  St.  Petersburg.  The  court  prevented  its  delivery, 
and  bade  the  messenger  tell  his  master  that  a  present  to  a  Russian  minister 
was  improper.  The  Khan  replied  with  ironical  severity,  "that  the 
Russians  did  not  hold  these  opinions  while  he  had  ministers."  Catherine 
having  sent  him  a  ribbon  of  St.  Andrew  with  a  diamond  crescent,  instead 
of  the  cross  and  saint  hanging  to  it  as  usual,  he  rem.arked  that  if  the 
usual  insignia  had  been  appended  to  it  his  religion  would  have  forbidden 
him  to  wear  it,  and  without  them  it  was  only  a  piece  of  ribbon  with  a 
trinket  which  he  dechned  accepting.-^ 

On  its  absorption  by  Russia,  the  Krim  was  united  with  the  eastern 
portion  of  the  land  of  the  Nogais,  and  constituted  the  province  of 
Taurida,  which  was  administered  by  a  governor-general,  and  divided 
into  the  seven  districts  or  circles  of  Simpheropol,  Levcopol,  Eupatoria, 
Perekop,  Dneprovsk,  Melitopol,  and  Tanagoria.t  Thus  passed  away 
the  last  fragment  of  the  vast  empire  which  had  been  founded  by  Jingis 
Khan,  and  which  had  subsisted  so  long. 

It  will  not  be  inappropriate  to  conclude  this  chapter  with  a  con- 
densed notice  of  the  form  of  Government  which  subsisted  in  the 
Krim.  This  was  rather  a  limited  monarchy  than  such  a  despotism 
as  is  generally  met  with  in  the  East.  The  Khan  received  no  tax 
from  the  people,  nor  could  he  curtail  the  privileges  of  the  nobles,  nor 
punish  one  of  their  order  without  the  concurrence  of  the  begs,  and 
Mengli  Girai  in  vain  tried  to  subordinate  the  heads  of  the  great  houses 
to  his  vizier.  The  Khans  were  treated  with  great  deference  at  Constan- 
tinople. When  one  of  them  went  there  he  was  received  as  a  king,  the 
vizier  and  grandees  went  out  to  meet  him  and  to  escort  him  into  the  city 
and  he  sat  and  took  coffee  with  the  Sultan  himself.  Like  him,  he  wore  an 
aigrette  and  received  the  homage  of  the  heads  of  the  janissaries.  When- 
ever he  visited  a  town  the  pasha  or  aga  of  the  janissaries  would  attend 
him,  and  walk  at  his  horse's  head  till  he  told  them  to  mount.j  His 
army  was  at  one  time  very  considerable,  and  he  could  put  in  the  field  from 
one  hundred  and  fifty  thousand  to  two  hundred  thousand  men.  In  this 
army  each  grandee  went  with  his  retainers,  and  each  soldier  provided 
himself  with  three  months'  provisions.  His  revenue  consisted  of  fifty 
thousand  piastres  from  the  salt-dues  and  customs  of  Gosleve,  thirty 
thousand  from  similar  receipts  at  Orkapi  or  Perekop,  eight  thousand 
from  the  hetman  or  governor  of  Dubossar  (a  small  town  on  the  Dniester), 
fifteen  thousand  from  the  Government  pf  Yali  in  the  Bujiak,  four  thousand 
eight  hundred  from  the  Government  of  Kavshan,  twelve  thousand  from 
the  Bui  Aktshesi  or  honey  dues  paid  by  the  princes  of  Moldavia  and 

Guthrie,  Tour  in  the  Taurida,  80-82.  *  Langles,  479.  1  PeyssoneJ,  ii.  235-239. 


Wallachia  (eight  thousand  by  the  former  and  four  thousand  by  the  latter), 
two  thousand  five  hundred  from  the  customs  at  Kaffa,  and  six  thousand 
from  the  appanages  in  Turkey ;  altogether  only  one  hundred  and  twenty- 
eight  thousand  three  hundred  piastres  or  four  hundred  thousand  ducats  ; 
and  out  of  this  he  had  to  pay  various  sums  to  different  officers  and  towards 
the  expense  of  the  postal  revenue.*  The  Khan  also  received  a  certain 
income  from  the  estates  of  those  who  left  no  relatives  nearer  than  the 
eighth  degree,  and  thg  taxes  from  the  villages  of  the  Chelebis.  Each  of 
the  princes  of  Moldavia  and  Wallachia  sent  the  Khan  on  his  accession  a 
carriage  drawn  by  six  horses.  The  former  also  sent  him  two  thousand 
sequins,  and  the  latter  one  thousand.  They  were  also  constrained  to 
make  continual  presents.  Presents  were  also  frequently  sent  him  by  the 
Turkish  grandees  and  by  foreign  princes.  In  his  intercourse  with  the 
latter  the  Khan  styled  himself  Emperor  of  the  Tartars,  Circassians,  and 
of  Daghestan,  but  he  wrote  more  modestly  to  the  Porte.  All  the  Royal 
princes  were  styled  Sultan.  They  lived  partly  in  the  Krim  and  in 
Circassia,  and  partly  on  their  appanages  in  Rumelia.  The  Ottoman 
Sultan  had  not  the  power  of  decreeing  their  execution  for  any  cause 
whatever.!  Each  of  the  Sultans  had  a  suite  of  a  certain  number  o' 
murzas  belonging  to  the  principal  families,  who  were  fed  and  clothed  by 
him.  When  a  Sultan  became  impecunious  he  would  send  off  a  murza  to 
some  pasha  with  a  polite  note  and  a  present  of  a  Tartar  knife,  a  pair  of 
pistols,  &c.  This  was  a  hint  that  he  wanted  money,  which  was  duly  sent 
him,  for  such  a  Sultan  might  some  day  become  a  Khan  ;  and  there  is  a 
Turkish  and  Tartar  proverb,  "  That  one  should  fear  a  Sultan,  even  if  no 
bigger  than  the  handle  of  a  whip."+  The  wives  of  the  Khans  and 
other  princes  of  the  Krim  were  always  slaves,  and  generally  Circassians. 
They  did  not  marry  among  their  own  people.  The  princesses  were  not 
looked  upon  as  such,  but  merely  as  instruments  for  producing  Sultans, 
and  were  sometimes  treated  very  badly  by  their  sons,  who  occasionally 
even  put  them  to  death.  Their  devotion  to  the  Sultans,  on  the  other 
hand,  was  just  as  marked.  On  the  Khan's  death  they  joined  the  harem 
of  his  sons,  who  did  not  admit  them,  however,  to  their  table.  They 
stood  while  their  sons  ate,  and  only  sat  at  table  on  their  invitation.§  As 
soon  as  the  boys  left  their  mother's  knee  they  were  put  under  charge  of 
governors,  and  the  majority  of  the  Khans  did  honour  to  their  training. 
Generosity  was  a  cardinal  virtue  with  them,  and  they  would  give  every- 
thing they  had,  even  their  clothes.  When  bidden  to  be  prudent,  they 
asked  if  a  prince  of  their  house  was  ever  known  to  die  of  hunger.  The 
chief  part  of  the  Khan's  income  was  spent  in  providing  for  the  poorer 
gentry  in  his  suite.  Most  of  the  Royal  princes  were  brought  up  in 
Circassia,  among  the  tributary  begs,  who  were  proud  of  being  the  ataliks 
or  tutors  of  the  Sultans,  and  of  teaching  them  the  arts  of  war. 

*/</., 239-242.    De  Bohucz,42i,  422.       t  Peyssonel, ii. 242-244.      lid., 245.       ^  Id., 246,247 • 


The  princesses  of  the  Royal  house  generally  lived  in  the  harems  of 
their  nearest  relatives.  They  were  only  married  to  murzas  of  the  Shirin 
tribe  or  to  those  of  the  other  leading  clans,  and  occasionally  to  Turks 
of  eminent  position.  The  hand  of  a  princess  was  generally  conferred 
upon  a  poor  gentleman,  and  her  dower  became  his  fortune  ;  besides  the 
money  of  which  this  consisted  there  was  also  the  dokus  dokusleme  or 
the  "  nine  times  nine,"  i.e.^  eighty-one  pelisses,  eighty-one  kaftans,  eighty- 
one  chemisses,  eighty-one  mattresses  of  tissue  of  gold,  silver,  and  silk, 
eighty-one  rich  coverlets,  and  eighty-one  sheets.  If  the  Khan  could  not 
afford  these  presents  the  princess  was  not  married,  and  one  of  the  first 
duties  of  a  Sultan  on  mounting  the  throne  was  to  provide  handsomely 
for  his  female  relatives.  The  husbands  of  the  princesses  were  often  the 
subjects  of  much  jealousy  and  ill-will.  Peyssonel  mentions  that  a  Shirin 
beg  named  Haji  Chil,  who  married  a  daughter  of  Devlet  Girai  Khan, 
had  to  fly  and  to  be  a  vagabond  to  escape  from  his  enraged  wife.  When- 
ever a  murza  went  to  bed  with  a  princess  he  had  to  get  into  the  bed  at 
the  foot,  to  wash  her  feet,  and  to  ask  her  permission  to  enter.* 

The  six  chief  officers  of  the  court  were  the  kalga,  the  nureddin,  the  orbeg, 
and  three  seraskiers  or  generals,  besides  two  dignitaries  for  the  princesses, 
the  anabeg  and  the  ulughkhani.  On  these  officials  I  shall  have  a  note  at 
the  end  of  this  chapter.  Besides  these  there  were  several  great  officers 
of  State,  as  the  mufti  or  chief  judge,  who  had  precedence  at  the  Divan 
next  to  the  Sultans  and  the  Shirin  beg.  His  fetvas  or  decisions  guided 
the  kadhis  or  inferior  judges.  In  the  Krim  he  was  the  custodian  of  the 
vakufs  or  "ecclesiastical  property,  as  the  mosques,  hospitals,  colleges, 
khans,  and  public  fountains.  His  orders  were  carried  out  by  the 
mutevellis  or  directors. 

The  Vizier  or  prime  minister  differed  from  the  Ottoman  Vizier,  in  that 
he  never  commanded  the  army,  and  did  not  read  the  decrees  of  the  Divan, 
which  were  duties  of  the  Khan  himself.  In  the  latter's  absence  from  the 
Krim,  however,  he  was  appointed  kaimakam  or  deputy.  His  income 
consisted  of  five  thousand  piastres  from  the  dues  at  Gosleve,  one  thousand 
five  hundred  from  the  Khan,  five  hundred  from  the  honey-dues  of 
Moldavia,  one  thousand  from  the  hetman  of  Dubossar,  two  thousand 
from  the  voivode  of  Yali,  and  two  thousand  four  hundred  from  the 
Subashi  of  Kavshan ;  also  the  revenues  of  six  villages  in  the  Krim,  whose 
Christian  inhabitants  had  to  find  him  twenty-four  purses  of  besheliks  or 
one  thousand  five  hundred  piastres,  and  when  he  went  on  a  campaign  a 
certain  number  of  horses  and  carts  and  a  state  tent.  The  Kadi  asker  was 
the  Provost  Marshal,  and  also  decided  causes  among  the  nobles.  He  had 
the  nomination  of  a  number  of  kadiliks.  The  Khasnadar  Bashi  or  grand 
treasurer  had  charge  of  the  exchequer.  The  Defterdar  was  a  kind  of 
controller-general,  and  kept  the  State  documents  and  accounts.    On  the 

*  op.  git.,  251. 


Khan's  death  he  sealed  his  goods,  and  they  remained  sealed  for  three 
days.  The  Ashtagi  Beg  or  grand  equerry  attended  the  Khan's  person, 
and  held  the  stirrup  for  him  to  mount ;  the  Kilerji  Bashi  or  chief  of  the 
household  managed  his  palace ;  the  Kusheji  Bashi  or  grand  falconer,  a 
post  always  filled  by  a  Nogai  nobleman,  handed  the  Khan  his  falcon  and 
received  it  from  him  again ;  the  Divan  Effendi  or  secretary  of  State 
controlled  the  correspondence  of  the  Khan  and  the  foreign  affairs  of  the 
Khanate;  the  Kapiji  Bashi  or  chamberlain  introduced  ambassadors, 
added  the  Khan's  seal  to  documents,  and  was  present  at  the  Divan  with 
a  silver  wand ;  the  Kapiji  Kiaiassi,  whose  stave  was  ornamented  with 
silver,  was  the  grand  usher  of  the  Divan.  Except  the  posts  of  mufti,  of 
Kadi  asker,  and  Divan  Effendi,  the  offices  of  State  were  monopolised  by 
the  murzas.  Among  the  body  officers  of  the  Khan  we  find  the  Selictar  or 
sword-bearer,  the  Kutler  agassi,  who  punished  the  murzas  when  culpable ; 
the  little  Kasnadar  or  Khan's  private  treasurer,  the  Bashi  Chiokadar  or 
first  foot-servant,  the  Aghir  Kiaiassi  or  superintendent  of  the  stables, 
the  Serachi  Bashi  or  superintendent  of  the  carriages,  the  Kasne 
Kiatibi  or  clerk  of  the  treasury,  the  Muassebe  Kiatibi  or  secretary 
of  accounts,  the  Kiatibs  or  secretaries  of  the  Divan  Effendi,  the 
Sherbechi  or  cup-bearer,  the  Chesheniguier  (who  dressed  the  Khan's 
table  and  tasted  the  meats  before  him),  the  Aschi  Bashi  or  chief  cook, 
forty  pages  under  the  orders  of  the  SeHctar,  twelve  Circassian  pages 
under  the  Sherbechi,  eight  cooks,  four  officers,  twenty-four  footmen, 
twelve  palfrey-men,  twenty-four  men  in  charge  of  the  falcons,  and  six  in 
charge  of  the  dogs.  There  was  also  a  Mehter  Bashi  or  chief  of 
musicians,  who  drew  a  revenue  from  the  gipseys  in  the  Khan's  dominions. 

In  the  harem  there  were  two  Kislar  agas  and  four  eunuchs.  The 
Khan's  sons  each  had  his  own  establishment.* 

The  people  of  Krim  were  divided  into  freemen,  freedmen  (called 
Terkhans),  and  slaves.  The  freemen  consisted  of  nobles  and  plebeians; 
the  slaves  consisted  entirely  of  foreigners  {i.e.^  of  captives,  Circassians, 
Abkhasians,  Georgians,  Kalmuks  or  Europeans,  and  their  descendants. 
The  Tartar  polity  was  a  very  aristocratic  one,  and  the  nobles  were  held 
in  high  esteem.  The  murzas  considered  it  derogatory  to  trade,  and 
married  only  with  their  own  class ;  their  children  by  concubines,  how- 
ever, were  held  legitimate,  as  the  Mussulman  code  provides. 

The  murzas  were  of  two  classes,  those  descended  from  the  ancient 
conquerors  of  Krim  and  the  Kapikulis  who  became  noble  by  their 
ancestors  having  filled  some  important  office  in  the  State.  The  former 
class  consists  of  five  families,  divided  into  a  great  number  of  branches. 
Each  of  these  families  had  its  own  beg,  who  was  always  the  oldest  of  its 
leaders.  Each  member  bore  the  family  name  together  with  that  he 
acquired  at  his  circumcision.     Details  of  these  families  will  be  found  in 

*  Peyssonel,  ii.  265-267. 


a  note  at  the  end  of  this  chapter.    The  utmost  etiquette  and  formality 
were  observed  in  the  intercourse  of  the  nobles ;  a  prescribed  order  of 
precedence  ruled  their  several  positions,  which  was  broken  through, 
however,  by  young  men  of  a  superior  family  giving  place  to  old  men  of 
an  inferior  one.     Drinking  was  permitted  for  three  days  at  marriage 
feasts.     Sultans  always  ate  apart,  and  when  several  were  present,  apart 
from  one  another.    They  were  waited  on  by  their  host  with  his  cap  under 
his  arm.     On  drinking  each  other's  healths,  they  saluted  by  uncovering 
themselves  in  the  European  fashion.     Quarrels  were  exceedingly  rare 
among  them,  and  domestic  virtue  seems  to  have  been  at  a  high  standard. 
The  land  in  the  Krim  was  divided  into  fiefs,  which  were  held  by  the 
nobles.    A  certain  number  of  fiefs  and  villages  formed  a  Kadilik,  of 
which  there  were  forty-eight  in  the  Krim,  and  of  these,  those  of  Yeni- 
kale,   Kaffa,   Sudak,  and   Mankup  belonged    to    the    Turkish   Sultan- 
These  fiefs  were  hereditary  and  independent.      The   Khan  drew  no 
revenue  from  them,  but  whenever  he  went  to  war  each  Kadilik  supphed 
one  thousand  beshehks,  and  a  cart  drawn  by  two  horses,  and  loaded 
with  biscuit  or  millet.    At  first  the  Khans  received  a  tribute  of  a  sheep 
from  each  house.     This  was  remitted  by  Mengli   Girai.     One   of  his 
successors  exacted  a  sheep  from  each  mosque,  but  even  this  was  after- 
wards abolished.     The  estates  of  the  nobles  were  tilled  by  their  slaves, 
and  they  had  power  to  sell  or  subinfeudate  them,  the  mesne  tenant  paying 
a  rent  of  grain  or  honey,  and  five  per  cent,  on  his  sheep,  while  his  cattle 
were  free.    Besides  this  they  also  received  a  tax  of  twenty-five  beshehks 
or  ten  French  sous  a  head  from  each  Jew  and  Christian.    They  also  had 
the  right  to  a  certain  quantity  of  labour  annually,  and  became  the  heirs 
of  any  of  their  vassals  leaving  no  relatives  nearer  than  the  eighth  degree. 
The  murzas  of  the  five  great  families  in  each  Kadilik  elected  the  local 
judges.       Certain  fiefs  in  the  Krim  were   devoted  to  the  support   of 
certain  official  posts.     Another  kind  of  tenure  was  created  when  the 
Khan  assigned  some  uncultivated  land  to  some  rich  peasants,  in  order 
to  cultivate  it   and  plant  villages     there.     These  people  were  called 
Chelebis.     These  tenants  depended  directly  on  the  Khan,  who  received 
their  rents.    The  Chelebis  had  no  rights  over  their  cultivators.    The  only 
regular  troops  in  the  Krim  were  the  segbans  or,  as  Peyssonel  calls  them, 
the  seimans,  who  acted  as  the  Khan's  body  guards,  and  were  paid  by  the 
Porte.    They  were  divided  into  bairaks  or  companies  of  thirty  men,  which 
were  commanded  by  bulukbashis  or  captains,  under  a  colonel-in-chief 
called  Bashi-bulukbashi.     In  time   of  peace  the  segbans  •  consisted  of 
twenty  bairaks  and  of  forty  in  time  of  war.    The  council  before  each  war 
was  attended  by  the  begs  of  the  five  chief  tribes  or  their  proxies  and 
other  grandees,  and  it  decided  how  many  men  each  fief  should  furnish, 
according  to  the  reports  of  the  kadhis. 

Every  free  vassal  was  liable  to  serve,  and  those  who  remained  behind 
had  to  equip  and  mount  those  who  went  to  the  war.    Each  man  served 


in  the  squad  formed  by  his  seignior,  and  each  squad  made  a  bairak 
distinguished  by  a  differently  coloured  pennon.  The  oldest  noble  com- 
manded the  bairak,  and  the  other  murzas  of  the  same  name  marched 
under  his  orders.  In  large  families  each  branch  formed  a  separate  bairak. 
Besides  the  captain  there  was  a  bairakdar  or  ensign  in  each  squad.  The 
Chelebis  from  different  quarters  formed  one  corps  under  one  banner, 
generally  commanded  by  the  Khan's  selictar.  Peyssonel  praises  the 
sobriety  of  the  Tartar  soldiers.  When  a  war  was  undertaken  on  the 
Khan's  own  account,  as  in  the  case  of  some  Circassian  campaigns,  the 
Khan  defrayed  the  cost.  If  it  was  undertaken  on  behalf  of  the  Porte  the 
latter  paid.  Marauding  in  a  friendly  country  was  punishable  with  the 
bastinado.  In  regard  to  looting,  each  soldier  brought  his  share  into 
hotch-pot^  which  was  duly  divided,  the  seraskier  or  general  getting 

Justice  among  the  Tartars  was  much  more  pure  than  among  the  Turks. 
The  Kadhis  or  judges  of  Baghchi  Serai,  Akmejid,  Gosleve,  and  Orkapi, 
and  among  the  Nogais,  were  appointed  by  the  Khan  himself.  In  other 
places  by  the  Kadi  asker,  or  by  the  Porte.  The  first  class  had  juris- 
diction in  all  cases,  criminal  and  civil,  not  involving  capital  punishment. 
There  was  an  appeal  from  them  to  the  Divan.  The  tribunal  of  the 
Kadi  asker  supervised  the  disputes,  &c.,  among  the  murzas.  The  Divan 
or  Grand  Council  of  the  Khan  was  presided  over  by  the  latter,  assisted 
by  the  sultans,  the  kalga,  nureddin,  orbeg,  the  seraskiers  of  Bujiak, 
Yedisan,  and  the  Kuban,  the  Shirin  beg,  the  mufti,  the  vizier,  kaki  asker, 
the  khasnadar  bashi,  the  defterdar,  the  ashtaji  beg,  the  kilerji  bashi, 
the  Divan  effendi,  the  naib  or  lieutenant  of  the  kazi  lesker,  the  sheir 
kadissi  or  judge  of  the  town,  the  kullar  agassi,  the  kapiji  bashi,  the 
kapijilar,  and  the  kiaiassi,  and  the  bashi-bulukbashi  or  colonel  of  the 
guards  generally  acted  as  chamberlain  to  the  assembly,  but  had  no  vote. 
The  decision  of  the  Divan  was  proclaimed  by  the  kazi  lesker. 

In  the  case  of  public  crimes,  as  robberies  and  assassinations  on  the 
highways,  issuing  false  money,  and  generally  where  the  Khan's  official 
was  the  prosecutor,  he  had  the  dehnquent  executed  himself;  but  when 
the  prosecutor  was  a  private  person,  or  when  some  relative  of  the  victim 
demanded  the  punishment  of  the  murderer,  the  latter  was  handed  over 
to  him  when  found  guilty,  and  he  either  executed  him  himself  or 
employed  some  one  to  do  it.  Such  executions  took  place  on  a  bridge 
opposite  the  seraglio.  The  prosecutor  could  remit  the  punishment  if  he 
liked,  or  accept  a  fine.  Peyssonel  reports  that  in  1753  a  young  girl, 
having  in  her  hands  the  life  of  her  brother's  murderer,  refused  to  accept 
a  fine  and  herself  cut  off  his  head  with  a  sword.t 

Beside  its  judicial  functions,  the  Divan  also  had  control  of  the  general 
administration  of  the  kingdom,  except  in  questions  of  war,  in  matters 

•  Id.,  283-288.  t  Op.  cit.,  292. 


relating  to  the  Porte  and  to  the  khan  himself.  These  matters  were 
settled  by  the  Khan's  privy  council,  consisting  of  the  kalga,  the  nureddin, 
the  orbeg,  the  seraskiers,  the  vizier,  the  kadi  asker,  the  five  chief  begs, 
and  the  deputies  of  the  various  branches  of  the  five  chief  noble  families. 
When  the  Khan  was  on  a  campaign  all  matters  were  controlled  by  the 
council  of  war.  The  kalga  and  the  seraskiers  of  the  Nogais  had  their 
special  divans.  The  Khan,  like  the  Sultan,  put  his  seal  at  the  head  of 
State  documents.  He  had  a  great  seal  for  State  documents,  and  a  small 
seal  on  his  ring.  The  latter  was  used  when  he  wrote  on  very  urgent 
business  and  "  meant  to  have  his  way."* 

The  only  coins  in  use  in  the  Krim  were  made  of  base  silver,  having  a 
large  alloy  of  copper.  These  coins  were  called  besheliks  {i.e.,  pieces  of 
five)  since  they  were  worth  five  Crimean  aspres.  Twenty  besheliks  made 
a  Crimean  piastre,  which  was  merely  a  money  of  account.  The  profits  of 
the  mint  were  held  conjointly  with  those  of  the  salt-pans  of  Orkapi,  and 
were  generally  farmed  by  Armenians  or  Jews.  The  farmer  was  decorated 
with  a  kaftan,  like  the  other  officials.  The  proportion  of  silver  to  alloy 
when  Peyssonel  wrote  was  15  to  85,  and  it  took  one  hundred  drachms  of 
this  mixture  to  make  four  hundred  and  eighty-five  besheliks.  From  the 
time  of  Haji  Selim  Girai  Khan  to  those  of  Selim  Girai  Khan  the  money 
had  been  much  finer,  and  contained  about  one-half  of  silver.t 

The  dues  received  from  the  grain  of  the  Nogais  of  Yambolik  were 
devoted  to  defraying  the  cost  of  the  posting  in  the  Krim.  This  was 
quite  free  when  an  order  from  the  Khan  had  been  obtained,  which  alone 
authorised  travelling  in  this  way.  The  post  stations  were  at  Uloklu  - 
karam,  Orkapi,  Kajanbak,Gosleve,Baghchi  Serai,  Akmejid,  Karasu,  Kafifa, 
Kertch,  Yenikale,  Taman,  and  Kaplu.  They  did  not  extend  outside  the 
Krim  beyond  Otchakof.    At  each  post  station  there  were  sixty  horses.J 

The  Tartars  were  rigid  Sunni  Muhammedans,  like  the  Turks  of  Constan- 
tinople, Rumelia,  and  Asia  Minor.  They  were  well  educated,  there  being 
colleges  in  all  the  towns.  The  Nogais,  on  the  other  hand,  were,  like  the 
modern  Kazaks,  very  indifferent  Mussulmans,  which  gave  rise  to  a  happy 
answer  by  an  Armenian  coachman  of  Selamet  Girai  Khan.  Being  pressed 
to  become  a  Mussulman,  he  replied  he  would  not,  but  to  oblige  his  master 
he  did  not  mind  becoming  a  Nogai.  There  were  many  Jews  in  the 
Krim,  who  belonged  to  the  Karait  sect,  and  who  claimed  to  have 
originally  come  from  Bukhara.  They  had  several  privileges  not  enjoyed 
by  the  Greeks  and  Armenians,  which  were  obtained  for  them  by  a  Jew 
doctor,  who  cured  a  sister  of  Haji  Selim  Girai  Khan  of  some  disease. 
The  Tartars  were  very  tolerant,  and  Christians  of  different  denominations 
abounded  in  the  Krim,  the  Armenians  being  the  most  numerous.  The 
population  of  the  Krim  once  amounted  to  at  least  half  a  million.  Its  first 
serious  diminution  took  place  in  1778,  when,  as  I  have  mentioned,  a  large 

*W.,  292-294.  tM,  294-299'  1^,299,300, 



number  of  its  Christian  inhabitants  were  transported  to  Russia.  A  still 
larger  movement  took  place  in  1785  to  1788,  soon  after  the  Russians 
took  possession  of  the  countr}-.  Many  Tartars  then  migrated  to 
Anatolia  and  Rumelia,  where  almost  all  the  survivors  of  the  Girai  family 
and  many  nobles  also  retired.  When  a  census  was  taken  in  1793  there 
were  in  the  Taurida  only  85,805  males  and  71,328  females,  together 
157,125  persons  of  all  ages.*  This  number  afterwards  increased,  but  the 
Tartars  have  ever  since  then  been  more  or  less  migrating  to  Turkey,  and 
large  numbers  of  them  have  settled  in  the  Dobruja. 

Note  I. — The  highest  dignitary  in  the  Krim,  next  to  the  Khan,  was  the  kalga. 
According  to  the  Turkish  author  Jevdct,  the  word  is  derived  from  kalgai,the 
Tartar  form  of  the  Turkish  kalsun  or  kala.  Kalgai  means  "  he  remains," 
and  the  origin  of  the  title  is  said  to  have  been  that  when  the  Sultan  on  one 
occasion  sent  to  ask  who  would  remain  in  the  Krim  in  Mengli  Girai's  absence, 
the  latter  replied,  '•  My  son  Muhammed  remains^''  whence  the  Khan's  alter  ego 
or  vicar  came  to  be  called  kalga.t  M.  Vel.  Zernof,  however,  contends  that  it 
is  not  a  mere  institution  of  the  Krim  but  existed  elsewhere,  as  among  the 
Sheibanids.j  On  the  Khan's  death  the  kalga  had  authority  during  the  inter- 
regnum, and  in  the  Khan's  absence  he  commanded  the  army.  His  official 
residence  was  at  Akmejid,  five  leagues  from  Baghchi  Serai.  Like  the  Khan, 
he  had  his  own  vizier,  defterdar,  his  divan  effendi,  his  kadhi,  &c.  His  Divan 
sat  daily,  and  had  cognisance  of  crimes  and  disputes  within  the  kalga's  own 
district.  Although  he  could  try  capital  offences  he  could  not  pronounce 
sentence,  but  his  verdict  or  ilham  in  such  cases  was  sent  on  to  the  greater 
Divan,  to  which  also  there  was  an  appeal  from  his  court.  His  special 
jurisdiction  extended  from  Akmejid  to  Kaffa.  His  income  consisted  of  one 
thousand  piastres  from  the  customs  at  Karasu,  five  thousand  from  the  salt- 
pans of  Kers,  three  thousand  from  the  customs  of  Kaffa,  two  thousand  five 
hundred  from  the  honey  dues  of  Moldavia,  and  one  thousand  from  Wallachia, 
which  those  two  provinces  paid  in  addition  to  what  they  furnished  to  the  Khan. 
The  kalga  could  not,  like  the  Khan,  make  general  kadiliks  or  perquisitions  when 
setting  out  on  a  campaign,  but  was  limited  in  doing  so  to  the  Christians,  from 
whom  he  received  a  certain  number  of  horses,  carts,  and  provisions.§  The  kalga's 
appointment  had  to  be  confirmed  by  the  Porte,  which  thereupon  sent  him  a 
pelisse  of  Samur  and  two  thousand  sequins.  I|  Next  to  the  kalga  was  the  nureddin, 
the  origin  of  whose  name  and  dignity  in  the  Krim  I  have  already  described.^ 
M.  Vel.  Zernof  shows  that  the  title  had  beeh  previously  in  use  among  the 
Nogais,  who  apparently  took  it  from  Nureddin  the  son  of  Idiku.  It  occurs 
among  the  Nogais  as  early  as  1555.**  The  nureddin  was  the  vicar  of  the 
kalga,  and  in  the  absence  of  the  latter  and  the  Khan  took  their  place.  He 
also  had  his  vizier,  defterdar,  divan  effendi,  and  kadhi,  but  neither  an  ulughani 

*  Krim  Khans,  38,  39.  t  History  of  the  Khans  of  Kasimof,  ii.  416.  J  Pallas,  ii.  343. 

$  Peyssond, op.  cit.,  251*255.  \Id.^2'i<i,  %AnU,^i^,  •*  Op.  cit.,  416. 

NOTES.  6ll 

nor  an  anabeg.  He  had  no  Divan,  and  his  kadhi  had  no  jurisdiction  except 
when  he  was  in  command  of  the  army,  when  the  kadhi  became  the  kadi  asker 
or  army  judge.  His  official  residence  was  at  Baghchi  Serai ;  his  income  con- 
sisted of  four  thousand  piastres  from  the  dues  at  Orkapi,  one  thousand  five 
hundred  from  the  salt-pans  at  the  same  place,  one  thousand  from  the  mint, 
five  thousand  from  the  Khan's  honey-dues  of  Moldavia,  five  hundred  from 
Wallachia,  and  certain  black  mail  paid  by  the  Christians.* 

The  orbeg  was  the  governor  of  Orkapi,  and  was  the  third  dignitary  of  the 
State.  The  office  was  in  some  cases  conferred  on  murzas  of  the  Shirin  tribe 
who  had  distinguished  themselves.  He  received  five  thousand  piastres  from 
the  dues  at  Orkapi,  three  hundred  from  the  honey-dues  of  Moldavia,  and  one 
hundred  and  fifty  from  Wallachia.  He  could  also  claim  three  sheep  from  each 
herd  that  pastured  in  the  steppe  of  Orkapi.  t 

.  After  the  three  dignitaries  just  named  came  the  seraskiers  or  generals  of  the 
three  Nogai  hordes  of  Bujiak,  Yedisan,  and  Kuban,  who  acted  as  viceroys  in 
those  districts  and  commanded  their  contingents  of  troops.  They  had  their 
officials  and  divan  like  the  Khan,  and  could  even  try  capital  offences  among 
the  peasants  and  the  murzas.  The  latter  could  appeal  in  civil  causes  only,  to 
the  Khan's  Divan.  The  seraskier  of  the  horde  of  Bujiak  received  a  piastre 
from  each  house  and  a  sheep  from  each  village,  and  the  horde  was  obliged  to 
give  him  five  hundred  head  of  cattle  when  entering  on  his  duties.  That  of 
Yedisan  received  a  piastre  from  each  house,  a  sheep  from  each  murza,  head  of 
an  aul,  or  from  a  hamlet,  and  three  hundred  cattle  on  installation.  The 
seraskier  of  the  Kuban  received  annually  a  tithe  of  grain  from  his  horde,  and  a 
sheep  from  each  tent,  and  eight  hundred  cattle  were  paid  him  upon  entering 
upon  his  duties.  He  generally  lived  a  nomadic  life,  but  his  official  residence 
was  at  the  village  of  Kaplu  on  the  Kuban.  The  horde  of  Yambolik  had  no 
seraskier,  but  was  controlled  by  a  kaimakan  appointed  by  the  Khan.  Besides 
these  six  [dignitaries  there  were  two  female  officials ;  the  anabeg,  generally 
held  by  the  Khan's  mother,  step-mother,  or  one  of  his  wives ;  and  the  ulukhani, 
generally  conferred  on  the  eldest  of  his  sisters  or  daughters.  The  latter  office 
had  attached  to  it  the  revenues  of  five  villages,  and  a  portion  of  the  poll-tax 
paid  by  the  Christians  of  Baghchi  Serai  and  of  the  Jews  of  the  fortress.  The 
former  also  had  a  similar  revenue.  These  princesses  had  a  civil  jurisdiction 
in  the  districts  under  them.  Their  kiaias  administered  justice  for  them.  They 
held  their  court  at  Chukurkapi,  the  gate  of  the  seraglio  leading  to  the  harem. 
The  kasnadar  bikeshi  or  lady  treasurer  of  the  harem  was  another  officer.  This 
post  was  generally  held  by  one  of  the  Khan's  wives. 

Note  2. — I  have  postponed  to  this  note  a  notice  of  the  five  chief  families  or 
clans  of  Krim.  These  were  (i)  the  Shirins.  Peyssonel  argues  that  the. 
founder  of  the  house  was  one  of  Jingis  Khan's  generals,J  but  this  is  utterly 
improbable,  as  no  such  name  occurs  among  his  chieftains.  On  the  other 
hand,  we  find  Mir  Shirin  and  Mir  Barin  specially  named  as  two  of  the 
principal  leaders  of  the  Krim  Tartars,  who  invited  Ulugh  Muhammed  to 
mount  the  throne,  and  who  were  apparently  chiefly  instrumental  in  placing 

•  Id.,  255, 256.  T  U,-,  256, 257,  X  Op.  cit.,  li.  269, 


Haji  Girai  on  the  throne.*  I  have  little  doubt  that  the  Shirin  and  Barin  clans 
took  their  names  from  these  two  chiefs,  and  that  we  must  thus  explain  the 
predominance  of  those  families.  The  eldest  chief  of  the  Shirins  was  called 
the  Shirin  beg,  and  was  generally  looked  upon  as  a  kind  of  tribune  to  defend 
the  laws  of  Krim  and  the  liberties  of  its  people  from  the  encroachments  of  the 
Khan.  Although  inferior  in  dignity  to  the  kalga  and  nureddin,  he  had  the  first 
place  in  the  Divan  after  the  sultans.  Like  the  Khan,  the  Shirin  beg  had  his 
kalga  and  nureddin,  who  succeeded  to  his  position  in  turn.  He  was  often  very 
powerful.  One  of  them  named  Haji  Shirin  beg,  as  I  have  shown,  was  instru- 
mental in  deposing  the  Khan  Saadet  Girai.  The  latter's  successor  Muhammed 
Girai  was  also  not  popular  with  the  Shirin  beg  and  his  supporters,  and  at  length 
Mengli  Girai  was  appointed  Khan  for  the  purpose  of  suppressing  the  turbulent 
family.  Peyssonel  says  that  on  Mengli's  arrival  he  summoned  a  Divan,  which 
was  attended  by  the  Shirin  beg.  Everything  was  prepared  for  the  latter's  execu- 
tion, but  being  warned  he  had  a  sudden  bleeding  at  the  nose,  under  cover  of 
which  he  fled,  first  to  Circassia,  and  eventually  reached  his  home  again,  where 
it  was  not  thought  prudent  to  pursue  him.  The  Khan  and  his  relatives 
generally  married  some  member  of  the  Shirin  family.  When  a  Shirin  was 
tried  the  Shirin  beg  sat  as  joint  assessor  with  the  Khan's  officer.  The  Shirin 
beg  was  irremovable,  and  thus  contrasted  singularly  with  his  suzerain.!  The 
Shirin  beg  and  his  kalga  both  wore  beards,  in  which  they  differed  from  the 
Royal  family,  in  which  the  Khan  alone  had  a  beard.  In  the  four  other 
families  the  principal  beg  alone  had  this  ornament.:J:  For  some  years  after 
the  Russians  conquered  the  Krim  they  granted  the  Shirin  beg  a  pension  of  two 
thousand  roubles.§  2.  The  second  family  was  that  of  Mansur  oghlu,  which  I 
believe  to  have  been  of  Nogai  descent,  and  to  have  received  its  name  from 
Mansur,  the  son  of  Idiku,  the  famous  Nogai  chief.  Peyssonel  says  in  effect 
that  a  branch  of  the  Mansurs  named  Karacha  lived  with  the  Nogais  and 
intermarried  with  the  Khan's  family.  This  tribe  of  Mansur  was  afterwards 
definitely  called  Mangut.  3.  The  third  tribe  was  that  of  Sijewit.  It  was 
not  originally  one  of  the  principal  Krim  tribes,  but  apparently  acquired  this 
position  in  the  reign  of  Sahib  Girai.  To  reward  the  Mansur  chief  Baki  beg, 
who  had  sided  with  him  against  Islam  Girai,  he  gave  him  the  clans  of 
Sijewit  and  Altai  Khoja,  and  raised  him  above  the  other  chiefs.||  Pallas  says 
there  only  remained  in  his  day  one  youth  of  this  tribe,  who  lived  east  of 
Karasu  bazar.  4.  The  Barin  tribe  was  apparently  so  named  from  the  Mir 
Barin,  who  assisted  in  putting  Haji  Girai  on  the  throne,  or  it  may  be  derived 
from  Baraghon,  meaning  the  right  hand  or  right  wing.  This  family  was  not 
divided  into  branches  like  the  others,  and  the  succession  of  its  chiefs  was 
apparently  purely  hereditary,  and  not  from  brother  to  brother,  as  in  the  East. 
Its  head  was  called  the  Barin  beg,  and  his  son  and  heir  the  Barin  murza. 
The  Barins  chiefly  lived  about  Karasu  bazar.^  5.  The  fifth  family 
was  that  of  the  Arghins.  The  Barins  and  Arghins  did  not  intermarry  with 
the  Khan's  family.    The  Arghins  lived  between  Akmejid-  and  Karasu  bazar. 

*  Langles,  391,  392.  t  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.33.    Note. 

J  Peyssonel,  ii.  269-272.  ^  Pallas,  ii.  352.  |)  Nouv.  Journ.  Asiat.,  xii.  367-368. 

f  Pallas,  ii.  352, 

NOTES.  .  613 

This  enumeration  is  that  of  Peyssonel,  but  in  the  history  of  the  Krim,  translated 
by  Kazimirski,  we  are  told  that  the  four  original  tribes  of  Krim,  called  Durt 
Karju,  were  the  Shirins,  Barins,  Arghins,  and  Kipchaks,  to  which  Sahib  Girai 
added  the  Sijewits. 

The  gentry  belonging  to  the  five  families  disdained  all  employment  except 
that  of  arms,  and  were  noted  for  their  chivalry  and  hospitality.  Next  to  them 
were  the  Kapikulis  or  gentry  descended  from  great  officials.  They  did  not 
intermarry  with  the  Royal  family  nor  with  that  of  the  higher  nobility.  The 
Kapikuli  families  were  very  numerous.  Some  of  them,  as  those  of  Avian, 
Uzic,  Kaia,  and  Sobla,  gave  the  title  of  beg  to  their  chief  elder,  but  these  begs 
had  no  voice  in  the  Government,  nor  were  they  clad  in  the  kaftan  by  the  Khan 
like  those  of  the  other  clans.  The  senior  beg  of  Yashelof,  who  was  always 
the  oldest  elder  of  the  clan  Kudalak,  alone  had  a  certain  precedence.  He 
derived  his  style  from^  having  an  official  residence  at  the  village  of  Yashelof. 
He  acted  as  marshal  of  the  wedding  when  one  of  the  Khan's  daughters  was 
married,  and  had  the  absolute  control  of  the  important  ceremonial.  The 
chief  houses  among  the  Kapikulis,  according  to  Peyssonel,  were  those  of 
Kudalak,  Avian,  Kemal,  El,  Uzic,  Kaia,  Sobla,  &c.  All  the  gentry  of  one 
name  formed  a  kabile  or  family.* 

Pallas  mentions  the  Dairs  as  another  important  family  who  had  a  beg. 
They  had  large  estates  near  Perekop,  as  well  as  between  the  Salgir  and  the 
Suya.t  He  says  that  besides  the  seven  principal  families  of  the  Shirins,  the 
Barins,  the  Mansurs,  the  Sijewits,  Arghins,  Yashelofs,  and  Dairs,  there 
were  those  of  Kipchak,  Uirad,  Merkit,  Ablan,  Burultsha,  Bitak-Bulgak, 
Subanghazi  oglu,  and  Yedei  oglu.  The  two  last  of  which  were  properly 
/Nogais,  and  chiefly  lived  near  Perekop.  These  families  he  distinguishes  from 
the  Kapikulis. 

Note  3. — I  will  now  condense  an  account  of  the  chief  towns  of  the  peninsula 
of  Krim  during  the  Tartar  domination,  reserving  those  outside  the  peninsula 
for  the  chapter  on  the  Nogais.  Perekop  (in  Tartar  Orkapi)  was  the  first 
inhabited  place  in  the  Krim.  It  was  governed  by  the  orbeg,  and  garrisoned 
by  about  one  thousand  two  hundred  janissaries  under  an  aga.J  Perekop 
is  a  Russian  word  meaning  an  entrenchment,  and  the  name  refers  to  the  famous 
rampart  which  protects  the  Crimea  on  the  north.  This  rampart  dates  from 
primaeval  times,  and  formerly  consisted  of  a  wall  strengthened  by  towers, 
whence  its  Greek  name  Neon  Teikhos  or  the  New  Wall.  At  present,  says 
Pallas,  there  still  remains  a  strong  rampart,  erected  by  the  Turks,  and 
extending  from  the  Black  Sea  to  the  Sivash.  It  is  accompanied  by  a  deep 
trench,  which  is  still  in  good  condition,  being  defended  by  double  walls  built 
of  freestone.  When  it  is  considered,  he  adds,  that  the  stones  for  erecting 
these  fortifications  could  not  be  obtained  from  a  nearer  place  than  Saribulat- 
Pristan,  which  is  more  than  fifty  versts  distant,  the  magnitude  of  the  under- 
taking justly  demands  our  admiration.  The  fosse  is  about  twelve  fathoms 
wide  and  twenty-five  feet  deep,  but  the  height  of  the  rampart  has  been  some- 
what reduced  by  the  effects  of  time.§ 

*  Peyssonel,  ii.  275,  276.  t  Op.  cit.,  ii.  352.  I  Peyssonel,  i.  17. 

§  Pallas,  Travels  in  the  Southern  Provinces  of  Russia,  ii.  4, 5- 


The  Tartar  name  of  Perekop  is  Orkapi,  meaning  the  gate  of  the  line  or 
fortification,  and  in  fact  the  only  entrance  to  the  Krim  by  land  is  over  a 
bridge  and  through  an  arched  stone  gate,  both  erected  at  the  side  of  the 
fortress.  Contiguous  to  the  gate  on  the  east,  and  within  the  precincts  of  the 
fosse,  is  situated  the  fortress  of  Perekop,  a  model  of  irregular  fortification, 
built  wholly  of  freestone,  and  guarded  on  three  sides  by  an  additional  fosse, 
and  at  intervals  by  bastions  of  different  shapes,  hexagonal,  pentagonal,  and 
square.  Over  the  principal  gateway  Pallas  says  he  observed  "  the  figure  of 
an  owl,  hewn  in  stone,  being  the  peculiar  coat  of  arms  of  Jin^is  Khan  III  which 
likewise  appears  to  have  originally  belonged  to  the  princes  who  reigned  in  the 
Krim !!!"  Within  the  fortress  were  still  remaining  a  sort  of  castle  built  of  stone, 
several  barracks  of  brickwork,  but  in  a  ruinous  state,  and  a  mosque  or  mesjid. 
There  was  also  a  well  in  the  castle  and  another  ia  the  outworks.* 

The  old  town  of  Perekop  is  situated  some  five  vefsts  from  the  lines.  It 
consists  of  some  hundreds  of  houses  of  one  storey,  without  order  or 
symmetry,  in  the  midst  of  an  open  burning  plain,  the  houses  being  built  of 
clay  mixed  with  seaweed.t 

The  town  of  Perekop  is  mentioned  several  times  by  Herberstein,  who  also 
calls  the  Krim  Tartars  *'  Precopskii."  Muller  says  that  on  one  Turkish  map  the 
lines  of  Perekop  are  called  Or  boghazi,  i.e.,  the  opened  breach ;  on  another 
Khad  Boghaz,  z>.,  the  thorny  breach;  and  in  a  map  published  at  Constan- 
tinople in  1724  they  are  styled  Or  kapu  si,  i.e.y  the  opened  gate,  and  the 
fortress  Or  kalash  si,  Le.,  the  fort  of  Or.J 

The  town  of  Eupatoria,  which  was  so  famous  in  the  Crimean  war  of  1854-5, 
was  called  Gosleve  by  the  Tartars,  a  name  derived,  according  to  Pallas,  from  gus 
or  gos,  an  eye,  and  ov,  a  hut,  i.e.,  a  hut  with  a  round  window.§  This  name  was 
corrupted  by  the  Russians  into  Koslof.  The  greater  part  of  it  was  built  in  the 
Tartar  fashion,  in  narrow,  crooked  streets,  with  the  houses  concealed  behind 
the  high  walls  of  the  court-yards.  When  Pallas  wrote  it  contained  thirteen 
Tartar  mosques  and  seven  medrisses  or  schools.  The  great  mosque  was, 
after  that  of  Kaffa  (on  whose  model  it  was  built)  the  largest  in  the  Krim.  Its 
dome  was  eighteen  Russian  ells  in  diameter.  On  each  side  of  it,  it  had  three 
cupolas,  and  two  more  at  the  corners  of  the  anterior  facade.  It  was  more 
ornamented  than  the  one  at  Kaffa,  and  had  two  minarets.  One  of  which, 
according  to  Pallas,  had  long  before,  and  the  other  but  recently,  been  thrown 
down  by  violent  gusts  of  wind.  There  were  also  two  vaulted  baths,  eleven 
khans  or  mercantile  inns  or  halls  in  private  hands,  and  six  belonging  to  the 
Crown.  II 

Mrs.  Guthrie  describes  a  kind  of  felt  carpets  which  were  made  there  by  the 
Tartars.  She  also  visited  the  mosque,  where  she  witnessed  one  of  the  holy 
wheels  made  by  whirling  dervishes;  in  the  centre  of  which,  she  says,  an  aged 
dervish  spun  round  like  a  top,  muttering  meanwhile  the  following  verse  from 
the  Koran : — "  This  life  is  precarious,  but  it  is  here  [turning  to  the  earth]  that 
we  must  take  our  abode."  She  also  tells  us  a  naive  story  about  the  Tartars  of 
Gosleve,  who  were  so  charmed  with  a  beautiful  Greek  lady,  the  wife  of  a 

*  Id.  t  Guthrie's  Tour,  58.  I  Saml.,  &c.,  ii.  56.    Note. 

§  Op.  cit.,  ii.  489.  Ij  Pallas,  ii.  489  490. 

NOTES.  .  615 

Russian  general  who  spoke  Turkish,  that  they  were  convinced  she  was  a 
Muhammedan  kept  in  bondage  by  the  Christians  by  the  right  of  war, 
and  secretly  opened  a  subscription  for  her  redemption,  one  Tartar  gentleman 
offering  one  thousand  ducats  as  his  share,  •'  to  open  once  more  the  door  of 
paradise  to  this  lovely  houri,  possibly  by  way  of  commending  himself  to  her 
favour  at  an  after  period  in  the  regions  above."* 

Peyssonel  tells  us  the  Town  of  Gosleve  was  formerly  fortified  to  protect  it 
from  the  Cossacks.  There  were  many  Christians  and  Karait  Jews  among  its 
inhabitants,  and  it  had  a  large  trade  with  Russia  and  Turkey .t 

Akmejid  was  the  Tartar  name  of  the  town  now  called  Simpheropol,  which  is 
a  revival  of  its  old  Greek  name.  It  is  beautifully  situated  on  some  rising 
ground  on  the  banks  of  the  Salgir.  "  The  old  city  of  Akmejid,"  says  Pallas, "  is 
built  in  the  manner  of  all  Tartar  towns ;  it  exhibits  throughout  narrow  streets 
crossing  each  other  at  irregular  angles,  being  unpaved  and  extremely  filthy.  As 
all  the  courts  or  premises  are  encompassed  with  high  walls,  and  the  dwellings 
built  within  these  courts  are  very  low  on  the  ground,  little  of  such  habita- 
tions can  be  perceived,  and  a  stranger  is  apt  to  imagine  that  he  is  wandering 
among  half-ruined  walls  raised  with  rough  limestone.  The  houses  are 
uniformly  built  of  a  white  calcareous  fossil  resembling  marl,  which  is  very 
common  in  the  country;  it  cannot  be  split  into  flags,  but  breaks  up  into 
irregular  masses.  This  is  used  for  the  walls,  the  door  and  window  posts  and 
corners  being  of  a  different  stone.  In  all  the  Tartar  towns  of  the  peninsula 
the  mortar  is  made  of  clay,  more  or  less  mixed  with  lime  and  sand ;  out- 
buildings or  offices  are  generally  made  of  plastered  wickerwork,  but  the  roofs 
are  covered  with  light  hollow  tiles,  disposed  on  a  stratum  of  interwoven  osiers, 
^nd  placed  upon  clay.  Formerly  there  were  five  mosques  at  this  place ;  three 
only  remained  when  Pallas  wrote.  Akmejid  was  the  residence  of  the  kalga. 
He  lived  in  a  handsome  palace,  situated  above  the  town  on  the  left  bank  of 
the  Salgir,  but  it  was  entirely  demolished  when  the  Krim  was  conquered. 
Close  by  is  a  small  sheet  of  water  where  the  kalga  kept  sonie  pleasure  boats."| 
We  will  now  turn  to  the  famous  capital  of  the  Krim  Tartars,  Baghchi  Serai. 

Baghchi  Serai  means  the  palace  in  the  garden.  It  is  situated  on  the  Juruk 
{i.£.,  the  fetid  water),  a  stream  whose  name  points  to  its  being  the  common 
sewer  of  the  place.  The  streets,  Pallas  says,  are  built  on  a  gradual  ascent 
above  each  ether,  very  crooked,  narrow,  mean,  irregular,  and  in  a  most  filthy 
state,  but  they  are  interspersed  with  orchards.  These  are  ornamented  with 
Lombardy  poplars,  which  together  with  the  numerous  turrets  of  the  mosques 
and  the  handsome  chimneys  of  the  otherwise  mean-looking  houses,  offer  a 
beautiful  prospect.! 

"  The  number  of  fountains  at  Baghchi  Serai  is  so  great,"  says  Dr.  Clarke, 
"  that  they  arc  seen  in  all  parts  of  the  city,  water  flowing  from  them  day  and 
night,  cold  as  ice  and  clear  as  crystal."  One  of  them  had  not  less  than  ten 
spouts,  whence  the  purest  streams  fell  on  slabs  of  marble.  || 

The  streets,  says  Mrs.  Guthrie,  are  only  calculated  for  a  man  on  horseback, 
or  at  most  a  small  one-horse  vehicle,  formed  of  a  common  board  about  a  foot 

*  Tour  Through  the  Taurida,  65,  66.  t  Op.  cit.,  i.  16. 

I  Pallas,  op.  cit.,  ii.  16-19.  §  Op.  cit.,  i7.  B  Clarke's  Travels,  1.  474. 


and  a  half  broad  and  six  feet  long,  mounted  on  four  wheels,  the  old  carriage 
of  the  Tartars,  from  whom  the  Russians  probably  derived  it  in  its  primitive 
form  of  rospusky,  and  converted  it  into  the  more  decent  modern  form  of  a 
droshka,  by  suspending  the  board  on  springs  and  covering  it  with  a  long 
cushion  for  the  ease  of  the  drivers.*  Mr.  Seymour  says  the  town  has  com- 
pletely retained  its  Oriental  character,  and  in  passing  down  the  long  street, 
nearly  three-quarters  of  a  mile  in  length,  the  little  open  shops  of  the  tailors, 
the  shoemakers,  the  bakers,  the  locksmiths,  and  the  kalpak  makers  are  seen, 
with  their  proprietors  sitting  cross-legged,  in  eastern  fashion,  and  working  and 
selling  at  the  same  time.  He  also  speaks  of  its  fountains,  of  which  he  says 
there  are  no  less  than  one  hundred  and  nineteen.!  When  Pallas  wrote 
there  were  thirty-one  mosques  in  the  town,  most  of  them  well  built  with  stone, 
surmounted  by  lofty  minarets;  a  Greek  and  an  Armenian  church,  three 
synagogues,  and  three  Muhammedan  schools.  There  were  also  baths,  khans, 
and  taverns  ;  seventeen  Tartar  coffee-houses,  and  several  mills  turned  by  the 
steam,  Of  the  517  shops,  121  sold  silk,  stuffs,  and  other  commodities  by  the 
yard ;  forty-one  dealt  in  saddles  and  leather  work,  135  in  provisions,  twenty- 
four  were  shoemakers,  twenty-three  sold  large  and  small  Tartar  knives  and 
other  cutlery,  five  were  braziers,  ten  barbers,  nineteen  tailors,  six  silversmiths, 
five  gunstock  makers,  three  dealers  in  ready-made  shoes,  nine  timber-yards, 
five  manufactories  of  rope,  cordage,  and  hair  lines ;  eight  coopers,  seven  felt 
and  felt  cloak  dealers,  four  earthenware  dealers,  five  makers  of  tubes  and 
mouthpieces  for  tobacco  pipes,  twenty  bakers,  thirteen  tanners  and  morocco 
leather  manufacturers,  six  blacksmiths,  thirteen  shops  for  the  sale  of  busa  (a 
Tartar  drink  brewed  from  millet,  the  origin  of  the  Russian  quas),  thirteen 
tallow  chandlers,  and  seven  sculptors.J  This  interesting  enumeration  enables 
us  to  picture  very  fairly  the  commerce  of  a  Tartar  town,  for  when  Pallas  wrote 
the  ukaze  of  Catherine  was  still  in  force,  by  which  no  Russian  was  allowed  to 
live  in  the  town.  Baghchi  Serai  was  for  the  greater  part  of  their  history  the 
only  mint  of  the  Krim  Tartars.  Its  first  undoubted  occurrence  on  coins  was 
apparently  in  the  reign  of  Islam  Girai  II.,  1584-1588. § 

The  most  interesting  building  at  Baghchi  Serai  is  the  palace  of  the  Khans. 
It  has  been  picturesquely  described  by  Madame  de  Hell  in  a  passage  which  I 
will  now  abstract. 

«•  It  is  no  easy  task  to  describe  the  charm  of  this  mysterious  and  splendid 
abode,  in  which  the  voluptuous  Khans  forgot  all  the  cares  of  life  1  it  is  not  to 
be  done,  as  in  the  case  of  one  of  our  palaces,  by  analysing  the  style,  arrange- 
ment, and  details  of  the  rich  architecture,  and  reading  the  artist's  thought  in 
the  regularity,  grace,  and  noble  simplicity  of  the  edifice :  all  this  is  easy  to 
understand  and  to  describe :  such  beauties  are  more  or  less  appreciable  by 
everyone.  But  one  must  be  something  of  a  poet  to  appreciate  a  Turkish 
palace ;  its  charms  must  be  sought,  not  in  what  one  sees,  but  in  what  one 
feels.  I  have  heard  persons  speak  very  contemptuously  of  Baghchi  Serai. 
*  How,'  said  they,  •  can  anyone  apply  the  name  of  palace  to  that  assemblage 
of  wooden  houses,  daubed  with  coarse  paintings,  and  furnished  only  with 

•  Op.  cit.,  72.  t  Russia  on  the  Black  Sea,  38,  J  Pallas,  op.  cit.,  ii.  28, 29, 

§  Blau,  op.  cit,,  64. 

NOTES.  617 

divans  and  carpets?'  And  these  people  were  right  in  their  way.  The 
positive  cast  of  their  minds  disabling  them  from  seeing  beauty  in  anything  but 
rich  materials,  virell-defined  forms,  and  highly-finished  workmanship,  Baghchi 
Serai  must  be  to  them  only  a  group  of  shabby  houses  adorned  with  paltry 
ornaments,  and  fit  only  for  the  habitation  of  miserable  Tartars.  Situated  in 
the  centre  of  the  town,  in  a  valley  enclosed  between  hills  of  unequal  heights, 
the  palace  (Serai)  covers  a  considerable  space,  and  is  enclosed  within  walls  and 
a  small  stream  deeply  entrenched.  The  bridge,  which  affords  admission  into  the 
principal  court,  is  guarded  by  a  post  of  Russian  veterans.  The  spacious  court 
is  planted  with  poplars  and  lilacs,  and  adorned  with  a  beautiful  Turkish 
fountain,  shaded  by  willows ;  its  melancholy  murmur  harmonises  well  with 
the  loneliness  of  the  place.  To  the  right  as  you  enter  are  some  buildings,  one 
of  which  is  set  apart  for  the  use  of  those  travellers  who  are  fortunate  enough 
to  gain  admittance  into  the  palace.  To  the  left  are  the  mosque,  the  stables, 
and  the  trees  of  the  cemetery,  which  is  divided  from  the  court  by  a  wall.  We 
first  visited  the  palace,  properly  so  called.  Its  exterior  displays  the  usual 
irregularity  of  Eastern  dwellings;  but  its  want  of  symmetry  is  more  than 
compensated  for  by  its  wide  galleries,  its  bright  decorations,  its  pavilions,  so 
lightly  fashioned  that  they  seem  scarcely  attached  to  the  body  of  the  building, 
and  by  a  profusion  of  large  trees  that  shade  it  on  all  sides.  These  all  invest 
it  with  a  charm  that,  in  my  opinion,  greatly  surpasses  the  systematic  regularity 
of  our  princely  abodes.  The  interior  is  an  embodied  page  out  of  the  '  Arabian 
Nights'.'  The  first  hall  we  entered  contains  the  celebrated  Fountain  of  Tears, 
the  theme  of  Pushkin's  beautiful  verses.  It  derives  its  melancholy  name  from 
the  sweet,  sad  murmur  of  its  slender  jets  as  they  fall  on  the  marble  of  the 
basin.  The  sombre  and  mysterious  aspect  of  the  hall  further  augments  the 
tendency  of  the  spectator's  mind  to  forget  reality  for  the  dreams  of  the  imagi- 
nation. The  foot  falls  noiselessly  on  fine  Egyptian  mats ;  the  walls  are  inscribed 
with  sentences  from  the  Koran,  written  in  gold  on  a  black  ground  in  those 
odd-looking  Turkish  characters,  that  seem  more  the  caprices  of  an  idle  fancy 
than  vehicles  of  thought.  From  the  hall  we  entered  a  large  reception-room, 
with  a  double  row  of  windows  of  stained  glass,  representing  all  sorts  of  rural 
scenes.  The  ceiling  and  doors  are  richly  gilded,  and  the  workmanship  of  the 
latter  is  very  fine.  Broad  divans  covered  with  crimson  velvet  run  all  round 
the  room.  In  the  middle  there  is  a  fountain  playing  in  a  large  porphyry 
basin.  Everything  is  magnificent  in  the  room,  except  the  whimsical  manner 
in  which  the  walls  are  painted.  All  that  the  most  fertile  imagination  could 
conceive  in  the  shape  of  isles,  villages,  harbours,  fabulous  castles,  and  so  forth, 
is  huddled  together  promiscuously  on  the  walls,  without  any  more  regard  for 
perspective  than  for  geography.  Nor  is  this  all :  there  are  niches  over  the 
doors  in  which  are  collected  all  sorts  of  children's  toys,  such  as  wooden  houses 
a  few  inches  high,  fruit  trees,  models  of  ships,  little  figures  of  men  twisted 
into  a  thousand  contortions,  &c.  Such  childishness,  common  among  the 
Orientals,  would  lead  us  to  form  a  very  unfavourable  opinion  of  their  intelli- 
gence, if  it  was  not  redeemed  by  their  instinctive  love  of  beauty,  and  the 
poetic  feeling  which  they  possess  in  a  high  degree.  For  my  part  I  heartily 
forgave  the  Khans  for  having  painted  their  walls  so  queerly,  in  consideration 


of  the  charming  fountain  that  plashed  on  the  marble,  and  the  little  garden 
filled  with  rare  flowers  adjoining  the  saloon.  The  hall  of  the  divan  is  of  royal 
magnificence ;  the  mouldings  of  the  ceiling,  in  particular,  are  of  exquisite 
delicacy.  We  passed  through  other  rooms  adorned  with  fountains  and 
glowing  colours,  but  that  which  most  interested  us  was  the  apartment  of  the 
beautiful  Countess  Potocki.  It  was  her  strange  fortune  to  inspire  with  a 
violent  passion  one  of  the  last  Khans  of  the  Crimea,  who  carried  her  off  and 
made  her  absolute  mistress  of  his  palace,  in  which  she  lived  ten  years,  her 
heart  divided  between  her  love  for  an  infidel,  and  the  remorse  that  brought  her 
prematurely  to  the  grave.  The  thought  of  her  romantic  fate  gave  a  magic 
charm  to  everything  we  beheld.  The  Russian  officer  who  acted  as  our  cicerone 
pointed  out  to  us  a  cross  carved  on  the  chimney  of  the  bedroom.  The  mystic 
symbol,  placed  above  a  crescent,  eloquently  interpreted  the  emotions  of  a  life 
of  love  and  grief.  What  tears,  what  inward  struggles,  and  bitter  recollections 
had  it  not  witnessed.  We  passed  through  I  know  not  how  many  gardens  and 
inner  yards,  surrounded  with  high  walls,  to  visit  the  various  pavilions,  kiosks, 
and  buildings  of  all  sorts  comprised  within  the  limits  of  the  palace.  The  part 
occupied  by  the  harem  contains  such  a  profusion  of  rose-trees  and  fountains 
as  to  merit  the  pleasing  name  of  The  Little  Valley  of  Roses.  Nothing  can  be 
more  charming  than  this  Tartar  building,  surrounded  by  blossoming  trees;  I 
felt  a  secret  pleasure  in  pressing  the  divans  on  which  had  rested  the  fair  forms 
of  Mussulman  beauties,  as  they  breathed  the  fresh  air  from  the  fountains  in 
voluptuous  repose.  No  sound  from  without  can  reach  this  enchanted  retreat, 
where  nothing  is  heard  but  the  rippling  of  the  waters,  and  the  song  of  the 
nightingale.  We  counted  more  than  twenty  fountains  in  the  courts  and 
gardens  ;  they  all  derive  their  supply  from  the  mountains,  and  the  water  is  of 
extreme  coolness.  A  tower  of  considerable  height,  with  a  terrace  fronted  with 
gratings  that  can  be  raised  or  lowered  at  pleasure,  overlooks  the  principal 
court.  It  was  erected  to  enable  the  Khan's  wives  to  witness  unseen  the 
martial  exercises  practised  in  the  court.  The  prospect  from  the  terrace  is 
admirable ;  immediately  below  it  you  have  a  bird's-eye  view  of  the  labyrinth 
of  buildings,  gardens,  and  other  enclosures.  Further  on  the  town  of  Baghchi 
Serai  rises  gradually  on  a  sloping  amphitheatre  of  hills.  The  sounds  of  the 
whole  town,  concentrated  and  reverberated  within  the  narrow  space,  reach  you 
distinctly.  The  panorama  is  peculiarly  pleasing  at  the  close  of  the  day,  when 
the  voice  of  the  muezzins  calling  to  prayer  from  the  minarets  mingles  with 
the  bleating  of  the  flocks  returning  from  pasture  and  the  cries  of  the  shep- 
herds. After  seeing  the  palace  we  repaired  to  the  mosque  and  to  the  cemetery 
in  which  are  the  tombs  of  all  the  Khans  who  have  reigned  in  the  Crimea. 
There,  as  at  Constantinople,  I  admired  the  wonderful  art  with  which  the 
Orientals  disguise  the  gloomy  idea  of  death  under  fresh  and  gladsome  images. 
Who  can  yield  to  dismal  thoughts  as  he  breathes  a  perfumed  air,  listens  to  the 
waters  of  a  sparkling  fountain,  and  follows  the  little  paths  edged  with  violets, 
that  lead  to  lilac  groves  bending  their  fragrant  blossoms  over  tombs  adorned 
with  rich  carpets  and  gorgeous  inscriptions  ?  The  Tartar  who  had  charge  of 
this  smiling  abode  of  death,  prompted  by  the  poetic  feeling  that  is  lodged  in 
the  bosom  of  every  Oriental,  brought  me  a  nosegay  plucked  from  the  tomb  of 

NOTES.  ^  619 

a  Georgian,  the  beloved  wife  of  the  last  Khan.*  Was  it  not  a  touching  thing 
for  this  humble  guardian  of  the  cemetery  to  comprehend  instinctively  that 
flowers,  associated  with  the  memory  of  a  young  woman,  could  not  be 
indifferent  to  another  of  her  sex  and  age  ?  Some  isolated  pavilions  contain 
the  tombs  of  Khans  of  most  eminent  renown.  They  are  much  more  ornate 
than  the  others,  and  the  care  with  which  tjiey  are  kept  up  testifies  to  the  pious 
veneration  of  the  Tartars.  Carpets,  cashmeres,  lamps  burning  continually, 
and  inscriptions  in  letters  of  gold,  combine  to  give  grandeur  to  these  monu- 
ments, which  yet  are  intended  to  commemorate  only  names  almost  for- 

Pallas  describes  the  mosque  adjoining  the  palace  as  being  very  elegant.  He 
bays  that  in  the  interior  there  was  a  superstructure  or  box  furnished  with 
windows,  formerly  appropriated  to  the  Khan's  family,  and  the  ascent  to  which 
was  from  without  by  a  separate  staircase.J  In  the  cemetery,  he  says,  were 
buried  the  Khan  and  his  family,  the  principal  murzas  and  priests.  The  tomb- 
stones bearing  a  turban  were  placed  over  males.  Near  this  are  two  vaults 
filled  with  the  coffins  of  former  Khans,  deposited  on  the  ground  and  covered 
with  black  and  green  stuffs.  One  of  these  vaults  was  built  by  Haji  Girai.  A 
little  further  upward  is  the  romantic  tomb  of  Mengli  Girai.  It  is  surrounded 
with  arches  of  brickwork,  and  beneath  these  it  is  shaded  with  vines  and  other 
foliage.  The  tomb  of  Krim  Girai  is  in  the  shape  of  a  sarcophagus,  that  of  his 
Georgian  wife  in  the  form  of  a  cupola,  with  a  gilded  ball  at  the  top.§ 

Pallas  thus  enumerates  the  epitaphs  of  the  Khans,  &c.,  buried  there. 


Behadur  or  Batyr  Girai,  who  died  in  1051  hejira. 
Islam  Girai,  „  1066       „ 

Muhammed  or  Makhmed  Girai,  ,,  1075       >» 


Adil  Girai,  who  died  in  1082  „ 

Murad  Girai,  „  1093  ,, 

Safa  Girai,  „  1104  „ 

Haji  Selim  Girai,  ,,  1117  „ 

Devlet  Girai,  „  1125  „ 

Saadet  Girai,  „  1137  ,, 

Kaplan  Girai,  „  1149  „ 

Mengli  Girai,  „  1154  „ 

Selamet  Girai,  ,,  1156  „ 

Beside  the  vaulted  tombs  are  buried  : 

Selim  Girai,  „  1161        „ 

Arslan  Girai,  „  11 80       „ 

Krim  Girai,  „  1183        „ 

It  will  be  noticed  that  several  of  these  dates  are  inconsistent  with  the  state- 
ments of  the  historians  of  Krim,  which  I  have  followed  in  my  narrative. 

*  Really  of  Dilara  Bikeh,  the  wife  of  Krim  Girai.  t  De  Hell's  Travels,  360-363, 

I  Op.  cit.,  ii.  31^  $  Pallas,  op.  cit.,  ii.  31,  3?, 


Not  far  from  BAghchi  Serai  is  a  place  called  Chufut  Kaleh,  or  the  Jews' 
Citadel,  which  seems  to  be  the  Phulli  of  the  ancients.*  Near  it  is  a 
cemetery  which  is  shaded  with  beautiful  trees,  and  contains,  says  Pallas,  very 
decent  tombstones  disposed  in  rows,  most  of  them  hewn  in  the  shape  of  a 
sarcophagus  with  raised  stone  tablets  at  the  extremities,  in  shape  not  unlike  the 
gables  of  houses.  Some  of  them  are  inscribed  in  Hebrew  characters.  This 
little  valley  of  Jehoshaphat  was  so  highly  valued  by  the  Jews,  that  whenever  the 
ancient  Khans  wished  to  extort  from  them  a  present,  or  to  raise  a  voluntary 
contribution,  it  was  sufficient  to  threaten  them  with  the  extermination  of  these 
trees,  under  the  plausible  pretence  of  wanting  fuel  or  timber.  It  is  enclosed 
partly  by  walls  and  also  by  stone  buildings.  There  are  two  outer  gates,  which 
are  locked  in  the  night.  The  streets  are  crooked,  narrow,  and  have  the  rocky 
bottom  for  their  foundation,  except  the  principal  street,  which  is  paved  with 
flags.  In  the  centre  of  the  town  is  a  third  gate,  near  which  is  a  mausoleum 
which,  according  to  tradition,  was  erected  for  the  daughter  of  Toktamish 
Khan.  It  consists  of  two  sepulchral  vaults,  raised  one  above  another,  with 
an  ornamented  arched  portico  on  the  west  side.  The  princess  is  said  to  have 
been  artfully  seduced  by  a  murza,  who  fled  with  her  to  the  fortress,  then  in  the 
hands  of  the  Genoese.    The  Tartars  had  many  houses  and  a  mosque  there. 

The  synagogue  is  a  fine  edifice,  embellished  with  a  small  garden  for  the 
celebration  of  the  Feast  of  Tabernacles.  All  the  court-yards  are  in  ihe  Tartar 
fashion,  encompassed  with  high  walls,  and  the  whole  is  built  of  raw  limestone 
plastered  with  clay.  The  population  did  not,  in  Pallas's  day,  exceed  one 
thousand  two  hundred  persons.  They  were  exclusively  Karaite,  or,  as  they  call 
themselves,  Karaim.  Their  dress  was  like  that  of  the  aged  Tartars,  whose 
language  they  also  adopted.t  The  curious  tombstones  of  these  Karaits,  with 
their  mediaeval  legends  and  Tartar  names,  have  lately  exercised  the  ingenuity 
of  Firkovitch,  Chwolson,  and  Harkavy.  The  last  of  these  authors,  in  a  very 
learned  memoir,  has  reduced  to  just  proportions  the  extravagant  claims  for  an 
early  date  which  were  once  made  for  these  tombstones.  It  is  curious  that 
there  is  one  in  the  British  Museum,  which  was  brought  home  during  the 
Crimean  war.  The  Karaits  employ  numerous  asses  for  riding  and  carrying 
water  and  provisions.  The  Khans  would  not  let  them  use  horses,  and  the 
Mosaic  law  forbade  them  rearing  mules.  In  near  proximity  to  Chufut  Kaleh, 
between  the  Juruk  su  and  the  neighbouring  heights,  Pallas  describes  the 
ancient  sepulchral  vaults  of  the  Tartars  called  Eski  Yurt  or  the  old  habitation, 
and  he  mentions  how  several  of  them  had  crumbled  to  ruin  in  recent  times. 
The  latest  and  most  beautiful  of  these  tombs  is  vaulted  in  the  form  of  a 
cupola.  Its  doors  and  windows  were  once  uniformly  framed  with  white  marble 
veined  with  grey,  but  most  of  them  had  been  pillaged  and  converted  into 
chimney-pieces.  Among  the  vaults  were  tombstones  ornamented  with  foliage 
in  relief.  These  remains  are  all  clearly  of  Tartar  origin.J  The  name  Chufut, 
according  to  Pallas,  is  a  corruption  of  Cifutti,  a  term  of  reproach  applied  by  the 
Genoese  to  the  Jews.§  The  place,  he  says,  is  generally  identified  with  the  Kirk 
or  Kirkor  of  the  older  writers,  which,  according  to  Dubois  de  Montperreaux, 

•  Guthrie,  83.  t  Pallas,  op.  cit.,  ii.  34-37.  J  /d.,  ii,  38,  39. 

$  Seymour,  op',  cit.,  46.    Note,  o. 

notes'.  62 1 

was  the  capital  of  Krim  until  its  removal  to  Baghchi  Serai,  but  I  fancy  Kirkor 
was  really  Eski  Krim.  In  1396  we  are  told  of  the  Khan  of  Kirkor  fighting 
against  Vitut  of  Lithuania.*  The  name  Kirk  first  occurs  as  a  mint  on  a  coin 
of  Gazi  Girai  Khan,  the  son  of  Devlet  Girai,  under  the  form  of  Kirker.t 

The  famous  city  of  Sebastopol  was  in  Tartar  times  the  site  of  a  village 
called  Akhtiar,  which  was  but  of  secondary  importance.  Much  more  famous 
was  the  mountain  fortress  of  Mankup,  not  far  off,  which  was  perched  on  an 
isolated  and  almost  inaccessible  rock.  A  Jewish  cemetery,  with  many 
bicornous  tombstones,  shows  that  it  also  was  a  stronghold  of  the  Karaits. 
Considerable  ruins  of  the  massive  walls  remain,  as  well  as  of  dwelling-houses, 
Christian  chapels,  and  a  mosque.  Once  the  stronghold  of  the  Genoese,  it  was 
afterwards  occupied  by  Tartars  and  Jews.  Pallas  describes  its  uninteresting 
ruins  in  some  detail,* 

Mankup  was  the  Tabane  of  Ptolemy,  and  the  Castron  Gothias  or  Goths' 
citadel  of  the  middle  ages.  It  was  apparently  the  chief  stronghold  of  the 
Genoese  in  the  peninsula.  "  In  its  acropolis,"  says  Mr.  Seymour,  "there  are 
the  remains  of  a  fine  palace  of  two  stories  high,  resting  on  a  terrace,  with  a 
handsome  flight  of  steps.§  On  the  first  floor  of  the  palace  are  placed  in 
symmetrical  order  and  richly  decorated,  four  windows  ;  three  head  ornaments 
surround  the  two  fn  the  middle,  which  terminate  in  a  flat  arch,  those  at  the 
end  being  richly  charged  with  ornaments  and  of  larger  dimensions.  The 
workmanship  of  the  arabesques,  of  the  roses,  the  fillets,  and  the  wreaths  are 
in  the  Eastern  style,  very  like  Armenian."  This  is  doubtless  a  relic  of  the 
Genoese  occupation.  I  have  described  above  how  Mankup  was  in  1475  captured 
by  the  Turks ;  eighteen  years  after  which  it  was  almost  utterly  destroyed  by  a 
sudden  fire.  "  Nothing  of  importance  was  saved,"  says  Bronovius,  "  except 
'  the  acropolis,  in  which  there  was  a  fine  gateway  and  a  high  palace  in  stone." 
It  was  there  the  Khans  several  times  imprisoned  the  Muscovite  ambassadors. || 

Another  site  in  the  Krim  famous  in  Genoese  times  was  Balaklava.  It  was 
called  Symbolon,  or  the  Fort  of  the  Symbols,  by  the  Greeks,  which  was  corrupted 
by  the  Genoese,  who  captured  it  from  the  Greek  dukes  in  1365,  into  Cembalu. 
In  1475  it  fell  into  the  hands  of  the  Turks,  who  gave  it  up  to  the  Tartars. 
Its  name  of  Balaklava  is  derived  by  some  from  the  Greek  castle  of  Pallakium, 
and  by  others  from  the  beautiful  port  '•  Bella  clava."  It  is  mentioned  by 
Nicholas  Barti,  who  travelled  in  the  Krim  in  1632-39,  and  whose  journal  is 
still  in  MS.,  as  Baluchlacca,  and  was  then  inhabited  by  Turks,  Greeks,  and 
Armenians.  When  Dr.  Clarke  visited  it  the  Genoese  arms  still  remained  on 
its  walls.^  It  seems  to  occur  as  a  mint  place  on  a  coin  of  Gazi  Girai 

Directly  east  of  Ak  Mejid  or  Simpheropol,  on  the  road  to  Kertch,  is  the 
town  of  Karasu  bazar,  which  was  a  famous  Tartar  settlement,  and  which  still 
contains  a  famous  Tash-Khan,  or  mercantile  hall,  and  several  Its 
streets,  like  those  of  all  Tartar  towns,  are  narrow,  irregularly  built,  and  mostly 
lined  with  the  walls  of  enclosed  premises.  "  Some  tolerable  dwelling-houses, 
the   large   mercantile   halls   built  of  stones,   and  the  mosques  with  their 

•  Id.        t  Blau,  op.  cit,  65.        J  Op.  cit.,  ii.  120-125.        §  Seymour,  op.  cit.,  144,  145. 
II  Id.  t  Jd.,  189-191.  **  Blau,  65.  Tt  Pallas,  op.  cit.,  ii.  206. 


minarets,  give  it  a  picturesque  appearance."  Pallas  says  it  contained  in  his 
day  twenty-three  Tartar  mosques,  three  churches  (one  of  which  belongs  to  the 
Armenians),  and  a  synagogue.  There  were  further  twenty-three  khans  or 
mercantile  halls  of  different  sizes,  no  booths  or  shops,  twenty-three  coffee- 
rooms,  and  915  dwelling-houses.  There  were  also  seven  mills  turned  by  water 
in  the  town  and  neighbourhood.  There  were  about  fifteen  thousand  male 
inhabitants,  of  whom  one  thousand  were  Tartars,  two  hundred  Jews,  two 
hundred  Armenians,  and  one  hundred  Greeks,  besides  two  thousand  females.* 

According  to  Peyssonel,  Karasu  was,  after  Kaffa,  the  most  important  trade 
mart  in  the  Krim,  leather,  butter,  wool,  corn,  and  saltpetre  being  the  chief 
products.t  Like  Baghchi  Serai,  Karasu  was  reserved  by  the  Empress 
Catherine  for  the  exclusive  residence  of  the  Tartars  and  their  clients.  The 
largest  of  its  khans  or  caravansaries  is  called  the  Taslikhan,  and  was  built  in 
1656  by  Sefir  Gazi  Achiu,  minister  of  Muhammed  Girai.  It  is  an  immense 
structure,  with  four  blank  walls  outside,  and  containing  a  large  court  occupied 
by  rooms  for  travellers,  and  a  number  of  shops.  Between  Karasu  and  Kertch 
were  the  vast  domains  of  the  Shirin  family,  and  a  mountain  near  Karasu  is 
called  by  the  Russians  Shirinskaia  Gora,  or  the  Hill  of  the  Shirins.  They  used 
to  muster  their  dependents  there. ^  The  principal  prodiict  of  Karasu  was 
morocco  leather,  for  whose  preparation  the  Tartars  were  famous.  Mrs, 
Guthrie  has  described  their  method  of  preparing  it  in  some  detail. §  Karasu 
occurs  as  a  mint  place  on  a  coin  of  Gazi  Girai.  jj 

South  of  Karasu  bazar,  on  the  southern  coast  of  the  Krim,  are  the  remains 
of  the  once  famous  city  of  Soldaia,  formerly  the  cbief  port  of  the  Krim.  It  was 
variously  called  Sidagios,  Sogdaia,  Sudagra,  and  Sugdaia,  and  was  once  so 
prosperous  that  all  the  Greek  possessions  in  the  Krim  were  called  Sugdania. 
It  is  called  Sudak  by  the  Tartars,  and  is  referred  to  by  this  name  by  Abulfeda 
and  Maghreby ;  is  called  Surdak  by  Shemseddin  Dimeshky,  and  Sholtadiya 
by  Edrisi,1T  who  doubtless  adopted  the  Genoese  corruption  Soldaia.  Sudak, 
the  Sidagios  of  the  Greeks,  is  probably  the  more  correct  form  of  the  name. 
In  regard  to  this  name  Dr.  Clarke  has  a  curious  note.  He  says  that  a  curious 
etymology  of  it  occurs  in  Gale's  Court  of  the  Gentiles,  Oxon,  1669,  who 
quotes  Eusebius  and  Damascius,  to  show  that  the  Dioscuri  and  Cabiri  were  the 
sons  of  Saddik,  a  Phoenician  god  answering  to  the  Greek  Jupiter,  "  and  no 
other,"  says  the  quaint  old  writer,  "  than  a  Satanic  ape  of  the  sacred  name  of 
Saddik  attributed  to  the  true  God  of  Israel,  as  in  Psalms  119  and  137,  and 
elsewhere.  Thus  in  two  instances  in  Greek  cities  in  the  Krim  we  have 
appellations  derived  from  the  most  ancient  names  of  the  deity  among  the 
Eastern  nations :  Ardauda  or  Eptatheos,  a  name  of  Theodosia,  and  Suduk  or 
Sadyk,  preserved  in  the  present  Sudak."** 

It  was  the.  see  of  an  archbishop  as  early  as  786,  and  was  governed  by  a  line 
of  Greek  princes  owning  but  slight  allegiance  to  the  Byzantine  Emperor.  After 
the  Frank  conquest  it  apparently  fell  to  Trebizond,  and  was  taken  by  the 
Mongols  in  1222.    Some  time  later  the  Venetians  established  a  factory  there, 

•  ///.,  249,  250.  t  Op.  cit.,  i.  15.  I  Seymour,  op.  cit.,  241,  242. 

^  Op.  cit.,  202,  203.  8  Blau,  65.  1;  Frahn,  Ibn  Fozlan,  zb.    Note. 

*•  Clarke's  Travels,  581.    Note,  i. 

NOTES.  623 

which  in  1287  became  the  seat  of  a  consul.*  Rubruquis  mentions  it  as  the 
entrepot  of  trade  between  Turkey  and  Russia,  and  tells  us  he  himself  landed 
there  on  his  journey  into  Tartary,  Ibn  Batuta  calls  it  one  of  the  four  great 
ports  of  the  world.  At  the  beginning  of  the  fourteenth  centurj',  when  the 
Tartars  became  Muhammedans,  they  in  their  new-born  zeal  drove  out  the 
Christians.  A  curious  edifice  still  remains,  dating  probably  from  this  period. 
"  It  must,"  says  Mr.  Seymour,  "  have  been  originally  built  as  a  mosque, 
because  it  does  not  face  east  and  west,  like  a  Christian  church,  but  north  and 
south,  with  the  altar  {mMarab)  of  the  mosque  turned  towards  Mekka."  The 
style  of  its  ornaments  is  older  than  the  later  Turkish  occupation.t  In  1323  we 
find  the  Khan  Uzbeg,  in  conformity  with  a  bull  issued  by  Pope  John  XXII., 
allowing  the  Christians  to  return  to  Soldaia.J  In  1365  the  town  was  captured 
by  the  Genoese,  who  converted  its  Greek  churches  into  Latin  ones.  The  town 
was  captured  on  the  i8th  of  June.  "  Then  it  was  that,  to  secure  possession  of 
the  fertile  territory  of  Sudak  and  defend  it  against  the  Tartars,  the  enterprising 
merchant  princes  erected  on  the  most  inaccessible  rock  at  the  entrance  of  the 
valley  that  formidable  fortress  of  three  stories,  crowned  by  the  gigantic 
Maiden  Tower  (Kize  Kaleh),  whence  the  warders  could  overlook  the  fort,  the 
sea,  and  the  adjacent  regions."§  It  remained  in  possession  of  the  Genoese 
until  it  was  captured  by  the  Turks  in  1475,  after  a  long  siege  and  an  obstinate 
resistance.  IJ  The  churches  were  once  more  converted  into  mosques,  and  so 
remained  until  the  Russian  final  conquest  of  the  Krim.  After  its  capture  by  the 
Turks  the  town  rapidly  decayed  until  it  reached  the  ruined  condition  described 
by  Pallas.  Most  of  the  ruins  he  mentions  have  now  disappeared.  He  says  that 
on  several  of  its  walls  and  towers  there  were  formerly  numerous  inscriptions 
with  raised  Gothic  letters,  elegantly  carved  in  stone,  including  a  bas  relief  of 
St.  George.  He  also  describes  the  walls  of  many  buildings  in  the  Gothic 
style,  and  a  large  and  handsomely  arched  cathedral. 

Kafifa  was  situated  on  the  coast,  east  of  Soldaia.  It  was  called  Theodosia 
by  the  Greeks.  The  Tartars  also  named  it  Kuchuk  Stambul  or  Little  Con- 
stantinople. It  was  the  principal  town  in  the  Krim  during  the  Genoese 
domination,  and  it  subsequently  became,  on  the  conquest  of  the  Krim  by  the 
Turks,  their  chief  port  north  of  the  Black  Sea,  whence  they  watched  their 
proteges  the  Krim  Khans.  Pallas  describes  it  as  a  mass  of  ruins  that  cannot 
fail  to  excite  commiseration.  The  strong  and  lofty  walls,  strengthened  by 
towers  at  distances  of  twenty,  forty,  and  sixty  fathoms  apart,  which  were 
built  by  the  Genoese,  are  almost  entire.^  These  with  the  various  remains  of 
the  outlying  forts  are  described  in  some  detail  by  Pallas.  He  adds,  "  Among 
the  few  inhabited,  half-ruined  houses  within  the  precincts  of  the  city  and 
between  the  heaps  of  ruins  spread  in  every  direction,  we  were  particularly 
struck  with  the  large  mosque  called  Beeyuk-Jam,  standing  almost  in  the 
middle  of  the  place.  It  is  a  noble  specimen  of  simple  architecture,  and  is  kept 
in  a  state  of  complete  repair.  It  is  seventeen  fathoms  long  and  fourteen  broad, 
and  the  large  dome  is  upwards  of  nine  fathoms  in  diameter,  and  is  on  three 

*  Yule's  Marco  Polo,  1-4.  t  Op.  cit.,  223. 

Von  H«mmer,  Golden  Horde,  292.    Seymour,  223.    De  Hell,  391.        ^  De  Hell,  391,  392 

\rd.,Z(i2.  «[/<f.,265. 


sides  embellished  with  eleven  small  cupolas."  Formerly  there  were  attached 
to  the  mosque  two  octagonal  minarets  sixteen  fathoms  high,  with  serpentine 
staircases  leading  to  the  top,  but  these  have  been  destroyed.  Near  the  mosque 
was  a  large  Turkish  bath  with  two  vaults ;  one  of  these  was  converted  into  a 
magazine,  and  the  other  into  a  guard-house.  Outside  the  town,  on  the  shore 
of  the  bay,  was  an  unfinished  palace  and  a  mint,  built  by  Shahin  Girai.* 

The  history  of  Kaffa  is  long  and  distinguished.  It  was  founded  about  600 
B.C.  by  the  Milesians,  who  named  it  Theodosia.  It  seems  to  have  been  the 
chief  mart  during  the  sway  of  the  kings  of  the  Bosphorus,  and  from  a 
reference  to  it  in  one  of  the  orations  of  Demosthenes  it  must  have  been  one  of 
the  most  important  cities  in  the  East.  It  was  destroyed  by  the  Alans  in  the 
middle  of  the  first  century  a.d.,  and  about  sixty  years  after  Arrian  describes  it 
in  his  Periplus  as  entirely  deserted.  The  Romans  called  it  Casum.  It  passed 
with  the  other  neighbouring  towns  under  the  dominion  of  the  Byzantine 
Emperors  and  was  captured  in  965  by  the  Russian  chief  Sviatoslaf.t  During 
the  Greek  supremacy  the  Venetians  and  Genoese  seem  by  turns  to  have  had  a 
settlement  here.  With  the  rest  of  the  Crimea,  Theodosia  was  conquered  by 
the  Tartars,  and  about  1266  we  find  them  granting  the  Genoese  the  right  to 
trade  here.J  This  permission  was  apparently  given  by  Oreng  or  Uz  Timur, 
the  son  of  Tuka  Timur,  who  had  received  the  grant  of  the  Krim  from  Mangu 
Timur.  The  Genoese  called  the  town  Kaffa,  after  its  name  in  Roman  times. 
In  1292  the  town  was  destroyed  by  the  Venetians,  but  it  quickly  revived,  and 
about  twenty  years  later  was  made  into  a  bishop's  see  by  Pope  John  XXII. 
It  now  became  the  most  important  colony  of  Genoa,  and  occurs  frequently  in 
the  previous  pages.  Kaffa,  as  we  have  shown,  sustained  a  brilliant  siege  at 
the  hands  of  Janibeg  Khan.  After  which  it  was  protected  by  its  famous 
circumvallation.  These  magnificent  works  were  begun  in  1353  and  completed 
in  1386.  "  The  most  remarkable  tower,  that  at  the  southern  corner  which 
commands  the  whole  town,  was  dedicated  to  the  memory  of  Pope  Clement  VI., 
in  an  inscription  relating  to  the  crusade  preached  by  that  pontiff  at  the  time 
when  the  Tartars  were  invading  the  colony."§  Its  brilliant  prosperity  con- 
tinued till  the  year  1475,  when,  as  I  have  described,  it  was  captured  by  the 
Turks,  who  maintained  a  garrison  there.  This  was  followed  by  the  trans- 
portation of  its  Christian  inhabitants  and  the  destruction  of  its  trade.  It 
remained  stagnant  for  nearly  two  centuries,  when,  says  Madame  de  Hell,  in 
consequence  of  the  commercial  and  industrial  movement  which  then  took 
place  among  the  Tartars,  it  again  became  the  great  trading  port  of  the  Black 
Sea.  Chardin,  on  his  journey  to  Persia  in  1663,  found  more  than  four  hundred 
vessels  in  the  bay  of  Kaffa,  which  then  contained  four  thousand  houses  and 
eighty  thousand  inhabitants.  Its  final  decay  dates  from  the  Russian  conquest, 
which  led  to  the  destruction  of  nearly  all  its  buildings,  and  to  its  reduction  to 
the  proportions  of  a  village.  |! 

Kaffa  occurs  as  a  mint  place  of  the  Tartars  on  the  coins  of  Mengli  Girai  I., 
of  his  son  Muhammed  Girai,  and  on  those  of  the  last  Krim  Khan,  Shahin 

Op.  cit.,  266,  267.  t  Guthrie,  139-141-  I  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  254. 

§  De  Hell,  394.  395-  I'  Id.,  395.  396. 

NOTES.  •  625 

North-west  of  Kaffa  and  east  of  Karasu  bazar  is  Eski  or  Staroi  Krim  {i.e.. 
Old  Krim),  the  Cimmerium  of  the  Greeks,  which  gave  itg  name  to  the 
peninsula.  It  was  in  early  times  one  of  the  most  important  mints  of  the 
Golden  Horde,  and  coins  struck  there  occur  from  the  year  683  hej.,  in  the 
reign  of  Tuda  Mangu,  to  that  of  Sahib  Girai  in  the  year  937.*  New  Krim, 
which  occurs  on  a  coin  of  Toktamish  dated  in  785,  perhaps  refers  to  Baghchi 
Serai.  The  ruins  of  the  old  town  are  scanty,  and  consists  of  remains  of  a 
Tartar  bath,  of  some  mosques,  of  a  Greek  and  Armenian  church,  and  an  old 
empty  palace  of  moderate  size,  formerly  belonging  to  the  Khans,  which  Pallas 
describes  as  being  in  his  day  in  tolerable  condition.t  Mr.  Seymour  tells  us  the 
town  is  almost  deserted,  and  contains  scarcely  any  remains  of  its  ancient 
grandeur.  Traces  of  the  pavements  of  the  streets,  he  says,  may  be  observed 
in  the  fields  that  now  occupy  its  site.  The  ruins  of  five  mosques  and  large 
vaulted  baths  remain,  and  one  Greek  church  and  one  mosque  are  still  used  for 
service.  The  Armenians  are  the  only  inhabitants  who  remain.^  Eski  Krim 
no  doubt  represents  the  Cimmerium  of  the  Greeks,  which  was  the  capital  of 
the  Taurida,  to  which  it  gave  a  name,  of  which  Krim  and  Crimea  are  mere 
corruptions.  It  was  one  of  the  most  famous  cities  of  the  Golden  Horde.  A 
horseman  could  hardly  make  its  circuit  in  half  a  day.  It  was  adorned  with 
mosques  and  other  buildings  by  Bibars,  the  Mamluk  Sultan  of  Egypt,  who 
had  been  a  Kipchak  slave.  These  were  decorated  with  porphyry  and  marble.§ 
Eski  Krim  was  also  called  Solgat  or  Solghat,  which  according  to  Von  Hammer 
is  another  form  of  Sogd.  || 

In  the  extreme  east  of  the  peninsula  are  two  sites  which  will  occupy  us 
very  shortly.    These  are  Kertch  and  Yenikaleh. 

'  Kertch  was  the  Panticapaeum  of  the  ancients.  It  is  a  corruption  of 
Gherseti,  a  name  the  Turks  gave  to  the  Genoese  fortress  erected  there,  and 
called  in  mediaeval  times  Bospro,  Vospro,  and  Pandico.H  It  was  of  some 
importance  as  a  trade  mart  during  the  Tartar  domination,  and  was  the  prin- 
cipal place  given  up  by  the  Turks  to  the  Russians  by  the  treaty  of  Kainarji.*'"^ 

Yenikaleh  or  the  new  fortress,  to  distinguish  it  from  the  old  one  at  Kertch, 
is  situated  a  few  miles  east  of  the  latter  town.  The  Turks  built  a  fort  there  in 
1705,  to  prevent  the  Russians  entering  the  Black  Sea.  It  was  governed  by  a 
pasha  and  a  body  of  janissaries. 

Since  writing  the  previous  chapter  I  have  considered  with  some  care  the 
difficulties  surrounding  the  parentage  of  Selamet  Girai  I.,  Janibeg  Girai,  and 
Muhammed  Girai  III.  Blau  makes  Selamet  the  son  of  Adil  Girai  (I  don't 
know  on  what  evidence),  while  he  makes  Janibeg  and  Muhammed  Girai  III. 
brothers,  and  both  of  them  sons  of  Muhammed  Girai  I  Kazimirski's  authority 
says  nothing  as  to  the  parentage  of  Selamet  Girai  and  Janibeg  Girai,  while  it 
makes  Muhammed  III.  the  son  of  Saadet  Girai  Khan,  which  seems  chrono- 
logically impossible.  Von  Hammer,  in  his  history  of  the  Krim  Khans,  makes 
Janibeg  and  Muhammed  brothers,!*  and  Langles  makes  Selamet,  Janibeg,  and 
Muhammed  all  three  brothers.§§ 

*  Frshn.  Fuch's  Collection,  36.    Blau,  op.  cit.,  63.        t  Op.  cit.,  260,  261.         I  Op.  cit.,  243. 

§  Von  Hammer,  Golden  Horde,  255.        ||  Golden  Horde,  303.        ^  Seymour,  256, 

*•  Peyssonel.'i.  22.       tt  Op,  cit.,  65.        JJ  Op.  cit.,  98.       f^  Op.  cit.,  412, 


r.    ■  HISTORY   (.,     .  ..^.  xMONGOLS. 

I.i  C.i:  ..bicrjcc  cf  any  direct  evidence,  I  have  in  the  following  table  made  the 
three  Khans  brothers  in  accordance  with  Langles's  view,  thus  modifying 
slightly  the  position  taken  «p  on  page  538. 

I  overlooked  on  page  581  stating  that  Selamet  Giiai  II.  is  distinctly  called 
"  ben  Haj  Selim  Girai"  on  his  coins.*  Similarly  Selim  Girai  II.  is  called  "ben 
Kaplan  "  on  his  coins.f 

The  table  of  the  Choban  Girais  is  largely  conjectural;  I  have  accepted  Von 
Hammer's  theory  of  their  origin  as  before  given.:J:  The  Feth  Girai  who  was 
kalga  to  Gazi  Girai  Khan  was  no  doubt  his  successor  Feth  Girai  Khan.  We 
are  nowhere  told  who  was  Adil  Girai's  father,  and  I  have  conjecturally  made 
him  a  son  of  Choban.  Safa  Girai  Khan  is  called  Safa  ben  Safa  on  his  coins,  § 
and  I  have  made  his  father  a  brother  of  Adil. 

Noie  4.— Genealogy  of  the  Krim  Khans, 

Haji  Girai  Khan. 

Nurdaulat  Khan.         Haidar  Khan.        Mengli  Girai  Khan  I. 

1  i  i  T 

Muhammcd  Girai  Khan  I.    Saadet  Girai  I.    Sahib  Girai  Khan  I.     Mubarek  Girai. 

Gazi  Girai  Khan  I.     Islam  Girai  Khan  I.  Devlet  Girai  Khan  I. 


I  I  I  I 

Muhammed  Girai  Khan  II.    Islam  Girai  Khan  II.    Gazi  Girai  Khan  IT.     Feth  Girai  Khan  I. 

,— ^ i i  ._i_ 

Selamet  Janibeg  Muhammed  |  I 

Girai  Khan  I.    Girai  Khan.    Girai  Khan  III.    Toktamish  Girai  Khan,   muyci  \jirai  Khan  III. 

■     J : 

I  I  I  I  I 

Behadur  Muhammed  Islam  Mubarek  Kiim 

Girai  Khan.        Girai  Khan  IV.        Girai  Khan  III.        Girai  Sultan.        Girai  Sultan. 

Selim  Girai  Khan.  Murad  Girai  Khan. |__ 

I Haji  Girai  Khan  II.         Saadet  Girai  Khan  II. 

Devlet  Gazi  Kaplan  Saadet  Mengli  Selamet 

GiraiKhanll.    Girai  Khan  III.  Girai  Khan  I.  Girai  Khan  III.   GiraiKhanll.   Girai  Khanlll. 

i                              Selim  Girai  Khan  II.    Hakim  Girai  Khan.             Maksud  Girai  Khan. 
Kaplan  Girai  II. 

Feth  Girai  Khan  II.    Arslan  Girai  Khan.    Krim  Girai  Khan.    Ahmed- Girai  Sultan. 

Selim  Girai  Khan  III.  Devlet  Girai  Khan  III.  | [ 

Sahib  Girai  Khan  II.    Shahin Girai  Khan. 


Feth  Girai  Khan  I.            The  Countess  Potochi. 
I I 

Ahmed  Choban  Girai. 

Adil  Girai  Khan.  Safa  Gira'i  Sultan. 

Kara  Devlet  Girai  Khan.  Safa  Girai  Khan. 

•  Blau,  73.  t  lif.  I  Ante,  540,  541.  §  Blau,  6S. 


'  Q 








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