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Full text of "Parke County, Indiana, centennial memorial, 1816-1916"

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3  1833  02300  2832 

1816  fer-4a  1916 




HIS  work  IB  not  an  "up-to-date"  History.  It  is  a  Memorial.  Had  the  purpose 
been  anything  in  the  way  of  a  complete  history,  dcalinf;  lorHcly  with  recent 
events  and  with  the  present  time,  I  should  have  declined  writing  it.  As  I 
understood  the  purpose  of  the  Centennial  Committee,  it  was  to  collect,  in  so 
far  as  possible,  the  scattered  fragments  of  historical  lore,  particularly  that  which  has 
remained  unwritten,  and  record  them  before  they  are  lost  or  forgotten.  Therefore,  this 
volume  deals  principally  with  the  past.  The  principal  reason  for  this  omission  is  as  has 
been  stated— the  memorial  character  of  the  work— but  there  is  another  reason,  and  from 
the  standpoint  of  impartial  history,  a  better  reason.  Nobody  can  write  fairly  and 
impartially  of  men  with  whom  he  has  associated,  cither  in  co-opcralion  oi  opposition,  or 
of  events  in  which  lie  took  an  active  interest.  No  history  of  Parke  County,  for  instance 
has  dealt  fairly  with  such  men  as  John  G.  Davis,  or  with  the  events  of  the  Civil  War.  for 
the  reason  that  no  man  on  either  side  who  imbibed  the  hatreds  of  that  period  could  write 
of  it  fairly  and  dispassionately.  The  men  and  women  who  are  subjects  of  sketches  herein 
are  those  who  should  have  a  place  in  a  memorial  volume.  In  the  illustrations  the  samu 
idea  prevails.  The  picture  of  no  living  man  ts  printed,  and  with  one  exception— that  of 
Elizabeth  McCoy,  who  is  in  her  106th  year-  -no  living  woman. 

In  1885  1  was  making  a  study  of  the  Tippecanoe  campaign,  and  the  Hon.  William  M, 
Endicott,  Secretary  of  War,  had  copied  from  the  archives  of  his  department  more  than  100 
foolscap  pages  relating  to  that  campaign  and  sent  them  to  me.  These  reports  of  Gcneial 
Harrison  made  the  basis  of  an  article  in  the  Magazine  of  American  History.  May, 
1887.  Other  sources  of  information  are:  Dillon's  History  of  Indiana;  Dunn's  Indiana; 
Lossing's  Field  Bodk  of  the  War  of  1812;  Indiana  State  Library  archives;  personal 
investigations  at  Vincennes,  and  much  inquiry  of  people  in  Parke  County.  To  the  latter, 
and  especially  to  those  who  have  contributed  to  the  work  I  am  greatly  indebted,  and  I  am 
sure  that  their  services  will  also  be  appreciated  by  ibe  reader.  I.  K.  S. 



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u.  s  tr. 







111:11  r.  VVllITi;,  in  I.I"  PlmilU'lll 
hUliirl'-nl  mlilri'ss  ilolli.Ti'd  In 
Ihc'  iilil  coiirl  hniiRi-  on  ihci'durlh 
or  .inly.  IsTil,  In  foiMinoMinrnl|..n 
(if  il.i.  N.ill.m's  (Vnli'Miiinl,  irnld. 
(hoiiJli  i;ni  InTviTrnlly :  "Tin 
1  mil  wui  In  n  BW'il  Imnini'  « lir., 
Ik.  niiidc.  I'liikf  ( ■.inilty."  II  Inn 
nlBftyn  K-unifd  lo  Unji-o  of  ns  who  Hero  liorii  lic-ro 
iiinro  illvlni'ly  cniloMiil  li.nii  nny  cnnnly  In  ilio 
Ploto  111  vnrlcly  and  dhciBlly  of  soli  nnd  loiiOKrniili- 


Icnl  fcaturcB.  It  hm  the  fortllo  valleys  of  the  Wr- 
l>n»h  Klvor,  Sncnr  nnd  Ilnccoon  Crrokn.  wllli  ilmao 
or  nuniorons  mnnlliT  mrinn.n.  Thp  prnlrlps  of  He- 
Borvo  townnUlp  nro  nnflnrpiiBHOd  fur  fertility  of  poll 
lind  l.eanty  of  Inmlnriipe.  The  ■T.lnn  Tnlrkef  nnrt 
".New  Dlir.oveo"  uplnnd  aro  lyplcr.!  of  thonpandfe  of 
ncres  In  every  townBhlp  of  the  Connly.  .'fiirely  In 
no  oflter  placo  in  erenilun  enn  bo  fonnd  a  more  dc- 
llKlilfnl  loniilry  than  llial  fjilr  land  no  fairly  pro- 
IKirltoncd  betwe.^n  wntrr,  wood,  lilUa  jind  pralrlo 
whirh   lies  wllhln   lllc   iKirdiTB   of   I'arlie  (■..imly. 

Only  In  fancy  ran  wo  nee  llio  canoe  of  the  first 
l-'rench  explorer  aa  It  floated  do\vn  the  Wal.aBh  nnd 
diKiloRed  wlrnt  no  while  man  had  ever  i.e,.n  li.'fnro 
— tho  virgin  Boll  of  I'nrko  Connty.  'I'railUlon  alono 
records  that  man,  for  It  Ib  not  Itiiowii  who  amonK 
the  csplorerB  to  deneend  llie  Walmhh  In  the  ITlli 
('.■ntnry  wne  flral.  The  flrnt  while  man  who  la 
known  to  hiivo  vlalle.l  I'nrUo  County  wna,  aec.irillni! 
to  lleadlo  11  "nay  and  Kallanl  I'renehman,  with  the 
Biylo  of  n  ll'Orsny  nnd  Iho  mornlg  of  a  lion  .liion." 
Mko  many  of  the  yonoR  Moods  of  IiIm  nation  In  tho 
IKth  Ctntnry,  he  had  l.cen  sent  out  to  Canada  to 
BOW  Ills  wild  oMia,  mill  like  many  more  lui.l  wander- 
ed from  guohec  lo  Iho  Wnl.aah.  -Mioiit  17ii.Mll  lie 
nseended  Knuar  Creek  lo  Uie  .Narroiva.  nn  oecount 
of  whleli  was  publlnlicd  In  I'nria  In  ITIH. 

After  the  rBlnlillshineiit  of  inlliinry  and  iradlni: 
poRiB  at  ijnialanon  MTIjiil  and  ^'llM-ennl'a  llf;!Tl  It 
In  iin.hnhle  tliiil  Iho  p:iB-ni;e  of  hoila  aloiii:  Ilie  VVa- 
hash  waa  fre.|iieiil.  (Jiiiatniioii  and  VIniennen  h.- 
fiiri'  ilie  I'remh  ami  U'nr  i  njoyed  a  pmilahle 
lr,idi.  «lih  llie  Indlai.B.  .Iimi  wliero  ifiilalnnon 
Blood  la  not  known,  .;nil  why  no  lineo  of  II  can  non 
he  fonn.l  or  was  nol  niili.e.l  nnd  recorded  In  receni 
.vcara  nfier  lia  drairindoii  In  ITnl,  Is  one  of  Uiii 
iiiyalerl.-s  which  h,irfle8,  while  nl  Ihe  aaino  II. no  li 
lure."  the  lilalorlan.  That  It  wr.a  tr,,,,,.,,  )i,rr  helwei  11  . 
Ciiviiifion  nnd  ihc  rnplds  of  llio  WahaBh  fifleeii 
iiill.'B  below  Lafnyelle  1b  rerlaln.  lint  where'/ 
i^nlnl  inon  waa  loliUly  deslroved  hy  Ceiieral  CharliR 
Scoli  in  IT'.il.  nllhoiicli  It  was  lli.'n  an  Anierhan 
town  under  llie  aoverclnnly  of  Iho  I'niled  Hlnles. 
lii-iieral  .^coli  led  n  foreo  of  KeiilneUy  volnnterrh 
Inio  the  Indian  Coiinlry  t..  punish  them  for  tlirlr 
mnrileroiiB  forays.  Ivvcrv  man  of  his  foree  lind 
Ruffeied  III  aoii.e  ninnner  from  the  bloody  Invaslon*- 
of  Kenlilelcy  by  the  Indians  north  of  the  llhlii.  It 
\'aa  ailape.led  Ihat  the  I'reneh  people  at  IJnhilanon 
liarborid  ih.'  Indiana.  alllinli).h  Ihe  I'remh  were 
p.'aieful  and  frlemlly  lo  ihe  l^nll.-d  SInlea.  How- 
ever Ibla  m.ny  be,  anrli  a  ai.aph'lon  once  enlerlnliied 
by  Iho  plniiiei-B  of  Kenlnel.y  was  anfflelenl  lo  call 
lor   sinnnmry    venKeanr...     i;ulainnon,   I'OnaMlnu   of 

aevenly  bouaea,  a e  of  ihen.  of  bri.k.  win,   lairnid 

10  tho  cronnd.  The  alie  of  ijiilatiinon  lina  nn  iloulit 
for  luoro  than  Hm  years  been  Ihe  bed  of  tne  Wnhnah 
lllver.  A  raphl  and  radiral  rhani;.'  In  Iho  river's 
courao  con  only  neeounl  for  Ihe  diB.Tppearnneo  of  all 
debris  of  tho  ancient  town.  One  ciiess  ss  to  It" 
exact  loeallon  Is  ns  good  Qb  another;  so  1  glvo  as 
my  opinion  that  it  alood  aoiiie\\liero  In  llio  neigh- 
borhood of  Attica,  lint  on  tho  oppoalto  side  o(  tho 





I'aike  I'miiiiy  tlial  flunrea  In  tnillaiiu  'rerrlliir  al 
lilBlnry  In  llie  Irrnly  In  eMlimn'sh  Indian  1  Inlina  In 
thai  pan  i.r  Ihe  territory  Ihen  belnu  >ellled  or  nr- 
(taiili.e.l  Inio  eounliea.  'rhls  Ire.ty  »n«  Mral  ilrnwii 
nnd  aUned  at  I'l.  WnMie,  Kridemlur  W.  ixini.  II 
iMta  llien  sicneil  hy  Ihe  head  men  oi"  ihe  Il.hlware^. 
rollewnloiiiles,  MlniiilB  and  Kel  lllver  Indiana.  Du 
Ihe  :;''.lh  of,  lldieinl  llnrrlaon.  who  liaii 
lnatli;ale.l  the  treaty,  iield  ..  rminell  wlih  Ihe  Weaa 
at  Mn.ennea.  who  also  rnllflril  llie  Irenly,  About 
l.Miiiii,iiiii  anea  of  land  was  ni>|iilred  by  ihl-  Irenlv. 

•I'lie  Ten  li'rlork  line,  which  la  mill  Bliov>n  on  nln|l^ 
of  Indlnnn  and  I'nrke  C.iunly,  was  cslabllslie.l  by  Ihe 
Irealy  of  I'l.  Wayne,  lint  llio  idrn  so  bin::  preialeiil 
Ibal    Iho   line   waa   eM.lninrd    lo   Ihe    Iml  ana   aa   be- 

ulnnlni;  at   lis  ami aalern  point     and     ionllniiin|.. 

aloni;  Ihc  direilinn  of  liie  shadow  caal  by  Ihe  .un  ai 
len  o'lln.k  la  eri'onenua.  On  Iho  innlrary  Ihe  line 
ainileo  M  Ihe  nionih  of  111k  llaeriion,  nml  Ma  eoutae 
wna  eMiliilni'd  In  Ihe  Indians  na  lielni!  lowarda  Ihe 
point  where  ibe  aim  was  nl  ten  o'cloi  k.  In  Mils 
direction  Ihe  line  .1.11111111011  lo  a  pnliil  nn  llie  eiir.t 
fni'li  of  W.lille  lllver  In  .laikanii  Coiinly  nboul  |rn 
nill.'fl  from  llrownabura.  It  linn  rnn  ill  iicnally  lo 
the  Ohio  boundary  line  north  of  lllihnionil.  It  lia« 
been  cenernlly  Riippnaed  Hint  Iho  line  bet-aii  on  Ihe 
tlhio  lllver,  niiniher  populnr  error  In  connitllon  wllli 
the  Ten  O'clock  line. 

At  Ibis  period  of  our  lilBlory  the  Ironble  was 
brewing  bclwoen  the  Inlted  Slates  nnd  Ureal  llrll- 
nln  which  bronchi  on  Ihe  war  of  IHIL'.  ilrneral 
llarilBon  auapecle,!  ijie  llrlllsh  mllllary  iinllinrilies 
in  Canada  and  llrlllab  traders  of  Inriuen.lii);  Hh' 
Indiana  nirnlnat  Ihe  I'nlle.l  Hlalea.  'llie  illualloa 
was  made  more  pcrploxlng  and  diiblona  by  Ibe  ad- 
vent nl  Ihlfl  timo  of  Te.-nmaeh  nnd  bis  brolher,  Ibi) 
Crophcl.  There  Is  lio  doubt  about  llie  oblllly  ot 
Teenniseli  nnd  tils  high  Blandlng  om"Pi!  the  ureal 
Indians  ot  history.  Hut  llie  I'rophei  wna  a  frnnd. 
However,  lie  waa  iluHc  uaefnl  lo  Td  uuiaeli  hi  liH 
rolo  of  Bplrllnnl  head  of  the  Confideia.y  Ihnl  Ihe 
great  fhawncn  Chief  hoped  lo  form  frmn  all  Ihe 
Irlhes  or  Iho  Houlh  and  WiBl.  At  Ih"  I'mphela 
town  on  Iho  Tipiieeanue  all  of  tho  fnot-looae  or  bad 
Indians  from  Ihe  Mlaalaalppl  lllver  10  Ihe  Ohio  were 
being  tnlhend  lowllneas  Ihe  Inrnnliillons  of  Iho 
I'lophel,  nnd  llieae  Indians  were  easily  Infliicmcd 
aunlnat   ihe  aeiilrra  of   Indlnnn. 

Teculiiaeh  rcenlcd  the  Iranafer  of  bind  affc.lcil 
by  the  irea'y  of  I'l.  Wnvne.  lie  deelan-d  ihal  Ibe 
Indlnns  who  Bigncd  11  avvny  had  no  rl;;lit  10  do  so, 
.Mnny   nicaaengcrs   were   dlapalebed    from    Minennis 

til  Iho  I'riinbel's  town  by  (lenernl   Ilarrlann   I le.l- 

lalely    nfler    Ihe   ealnlillslinu-nt   of   Ibe   Ten     O'clock 
line    lo    Influence    these    Indlnns    favorably.      Then 
iiiesaengera    wcv"    grnerally    Krcnrlimen      who      had  - 
been   residents  of   Vlnconncs  al     llio     limn     of     I'" 

,,,„„,■,•    I. 111.,    lull 1.1    (;..i.i;. 

|(.,K.P«    n..ll>    .11     ITTIl:    IT., III'. «    \-|«". 

,.|;,.     ,.|     1,1..     n.MI.MIH    .■ImriHl.TN    »r    ll.lll 

|...ri...l.  >..i 

lIllKI'     III 

IT.Il.lliiMli       »..iv      T..II-WIIII1 

|l,.l.,.l^. 1.1,   li:i,f..'.  M.  Ilr Ili'i'i- 

,„„|      I'l.iiv      l.,|.|'l,i..      Tvvu      wir. 

A ilnii,^ ■"i.i.H-  iiii.l  Wlliliiii, 


l.iini,li-rl,.llr,.   iil'   III,'      l'rii|.:i,'l      iim: 

•r,.,.,i ,  B,.|,  ii,vii,.'.i  «ii.  II  .ii.».i',  II.. I 

,■1.1,    li.llHi.    I.!k    1.I|.    I"    'I'l'    I'l'il'l".'!' 
iili..n.    III,.    i'r..|.liii    I'^.v    -111. II.-    <•  ■■■■■ 

rill, ,1,1,.. I  l,>  II  nil,.. I.,  r  ,il  IiiiIIiiiih  oI 
11111,1,1,1  1|.,I„K.  I'.iiiii.ii  Hli.iiil  il.iiiil 
1,11  i,|.  i«..h..  l,,!  Iin.|.  111,.  I'|.n...|i,-l. 
•■11,.  I,„il,.il  III    111,.."  Bill, I    lliirriiii,    'liii. 

>,,<,.. Ill     llllllllll.S.      nlllKIIll      K|.,.lllllllL-     III 

ii.iil.lii/  iiiiy  i.lmi  „r  i..|.,.i:iiiil..ii.  iil 
lll..ll,;li  III.  1.11, .«  i,„.  l.,ll.  Al  liiKl  li.. 
Unilli..  iippiiriiiily  In  iih-'ii.  •\'«y  vvl.ll 
'|,lll.|.",„.  Ill,  VI H  ,,.1,1..  li.i..;-  (Mill  li... 
•Ilriiiiill.  II,.  wiiK  ..,.11. ..  h..  vviiB  ....,.v. 
I>iiI„iIk  w.iH  liiTi.:  h,.  »»,•  ii  x\<y.  N.-w 
VI M:  liiivi.  timi,..  You.  i,ki.  iir,.  ii 
hpy.     "riii.i.,.   In   yiMir   Kriiv,.;~l"i.k   ,'ii 

II :•    Til,.  iTiii I  iiKii  i,iiiiiii.ii  1"  111,. 

i:r.„Mi,|    mill.  111,.  h|.,iI    wIht..    I   miioil.' 
Iliil    III,.   l'iii|.li,.|H   l.liiir   wni. 

11  1  a  r  0  K  1  (•  A  L     S  K  li  T  C  U     0  1-     1'  A  It  K  i:  ■  ('  ()  U  N  T  Y  . 

M,    iK,.M.i,ii.,l      iiiiuiiiir     l.y      I"       nil..   H       ''111'.'    I'O    ..""I'lii-.'   Ill    't'll'; 

,. „.!i  K,.ir,  «i 111,.,  J lur..     I-. ..i,i,..,>i.i.ii  1..   ..;.■ 

,„,,,, I    ,,,     ,..,,,    ,,,     |1„.    iHillillI    l.illt    1,  nil        lll'l    lll'll""       I"        .I'"""*  'I   I..K,' 

"mill.  1,11,,.,,,.,. I,.. ...ui  ;;"-,i;;:y",:';::,::ll;;,!:".'i:;j'i^'X 

lln'iiii.    ,-...|,ii-.l hli «li,l,.    Ill,  .„,.|.|,,,|,„      („„.  ,.!,■..  I    l„   ,„   1. 1    nilr 

i.l.j.i,  ,.i    lilH   ,l«il.     Tl...  I,.M   or  il.,>.  ;,|,„,ih'|„.   lriiiKi„.|,..l    Ii.    wi,n..i|.«." 
,.|l,i.|.    lliiilKiiliV    nil  »i.i,i:,'    KM    111.. II  ,^     V,.,  ,iiiiK,.|i      iviiiilil 

..,.|ii„i„,iliiil,.,l    111    llii.    I'|.,i,.|„.,.      111,'.  ,.'.'"  '"',",:.    „         .'i    '    ,„i,i,r|l 

;:;:r!;,  hr''^.wthh'iir";;n.rM::;'  '-'■■•I'ly.  n"  n-i  i-i  ">-■'"  '-^ 

II    v.iK  Ml   llic    I'-'ll,  II,    A,l;:i,iil.    IM<..       *■'"     ' ''' l"""'''!    "''I"'" 
lliilt    T,  ,„,li«,.|,      will,      »,'M.,il>       win-. 
rliirit   li|.|ni.,l   1,1    Vilinli,,,!,.   Tl,;!,   lri,i 

(,IiIm„ikI inily   1,1,   Ti.,',iiiiHili  ki,..» 

1,,   iviiH  nil  rily   : Iiiiv,.,.  nil   Ills   «.,,, 

11,  linin  rnnnilU  «illi  111,'  l:!'"..  ■; 
!,,,.  Siiiilli  In  111, It  1,1  Inilnii'  lln'.n  ,n 
J,il,i  .„  II  r.iin,  il.'r.i.y  «liiilliii  I"  lliiii 
inn,,.,!  I,y   I'nnllin.  In    IT'^l.  T,..  niii..  .|i 

llll'lll,,,^   IliUlil' Ii..  uiili'  In  l.nlil   li«    ml 
mnilni;    lliin    ..i      liiiiiilKiiillnii.      Tli,. 
..lillnry    nl    T,  ,.lli,.s,.|i    lins    l.i.i'li    sh.'ll 
.11.    lilK    .•n'1.1,,-1    I  ,lL.|il.      I'i.rliii;..i      ll 
»nB   «li,'ii   ,|,'llv,.|.,il     ill     liU     I'aily,' 
,',i,i:,i,>   i„   il„',i,.    u'hu   ii,iik.|.>,..  >>.|   hlH 
li.iii:i,i,t;i'.     .\   K|,..,cli  il,.||yi'|.,.il   i,"   ili 
,.nii,i,. '.   Ii,.lil   iilll,  linvi'i-noi-  lli'-il 
,11,   III,'  .Jiilli   111      AiimiBt     wiiH     ;.,! 
,lii»ll    liy    111,.    i;nv,.|.|i,M''«    n,.,l,.,.    (i 
will,  h   I   ,;il.,.  I  111.  liilln«i„L'  piiKKi.;.. 
"Ilmllnr.    •     I    wIhIi    ,\nil    »ni,l,|    11 

i..|i    t »,.|l.      Ak    I    think    y 

nnl    (l,.,irlv   liii,l,',»l,„„l    wliiil    I 
Hillil  1.1  Mill.   I   will  ,'S|,llilli  ll  nil  l,i:iiln 
'    •    lli,,lli,.|.     Sliii'i'    III,'      |..'iii,.      ml 
iii,.,.„,lll..    In    IT'.i.-..  1    will,    111,1,1,..    y,.ii 

llIlM'      1,111, .,1      will,.     „f     ,l„.         SlllllMlll,.,.S, 

U'lnnii.iii;,,,..,.  |i,.|i,»i,r,.».  iiiiil  Mliunli,: 

1,11,1    t,i,i    hi,,,,    till ,1      I;. Mil,    tl'iiin 

hh;  mill  I  iln  mil  >,.,.  Ii"w  "i.  nii  r,. 
nniln   iit   i„.iir,.   will,   >,.„,   If  yiii   iir.i 

111"  imily  nl»n  »|in„,(!  i,|i,  i,,.|„|.,l  wlili 
war  ilnt.n.  tninaliuwIiK.  mill  i.|i..,iii,. 
mill  HKii.'l  1,1  ,1  till',  it,.|iliiL-  iiltlliiil,.. 
\,il  inT,<l,.|Ktiiii,llii>:l  lilK  liini:,iii:.',.,  I 
ill, I  ii„l   1,11, iw  wli„t   liiiil  I.,.,. II  Kil.l.  nil. 

I  I  ll„.   Int.  11, 1,1,. I'  i.\|,l,ilii,,l  II   t 

lint  III,.  K,',.,'y  nl  ili,.  I,.riiini.,, 
i;,. II,. nil  i;il,H„ii.  will,  i.|„..ikM  ilii. 
Sliiiwnn,.,.    Iiiiitnni;,'.    iinil    «  ,»    nllllmi 

l,'ii|.,'.  1,  ,',,i,Kl,..l  l.l,.,il,'iiiinl  i.l.„«.'i 
.111,, .In,;-  In  iii„l(,'  11  u-.i;i,.l  „.,' 
mill,    nil,,    w,.||.    Ill    II    llltl,.    ,IU,mi,,. 

Klliml    In    Inllr    lir,,,^        TIl,.    Kll.llll     w  ,» 

IniiiiKlil    Innvmil  :  iinil.  in<  kii„i,  n.,  lili. 

r.| h    ",iK    Inn  111, 'I,.,!    I I    ,, . 

I.rnii,  li,il  111  I,  Inr  hlH  ,„iiiliiil.  1111,1 
l,.|llll,.,l     hliii     ll.Hlilllllv     In    ,I,.|,.||.|     In 

lilH    .11 1,,.|,ii'lim    lliiil     I    win.    ,1,.. 

t,.| ,1    1,1   ,  xlli.t'iiluli      tl mil 




1111,1   with   vhili'i.t   i;<.»l„ro«   iiinl   fvi.ry 
1,1(11, nil,.,,    n,'   .nni;,.,.    il,.,!  ,r,',l    llml    tin' 

I  nil,.  In  ,1,1  m.  Vnii  , r.>  t,i  Inrn  111,.  (i„v,.ninr'B  nimniniilH  wrrv  Inlnc. 
,,.,1  ,„„|,1,.  In  ,1,1  K..,i,..  lnjii|...  It  Is  ,;„>.,.,,|„r  iimrlmin  «fK.i.wn,.<lB  bik-iiU- 
.Mil,    lliiil    nr,.    |.n»l,liii;    nil    n  ,„..„,.  ,l,l»  ,.|,U,i,l,.  «■, 1,1  . 

n.h.lil.f.      V n.l..av„r    l„   iinil,,'  illB-       IM-  "MhlB  ,     ii.ilil  .        

Iln,ll,in»  ,n    Inilhin  lilh.B.  In  nllntllnn  "I"'"    'i"    """    """ .    i'    "'iml"-!-   "' 

In  ,.11.. I,   11   pailli.iihir   liiM  ,    ,1,  linil.  >■.      ■     — 

U<.     ,l„.„l     1,1     ,11,1      will,     iinli     ntlM'l.  Tnun...l,    >n,l   ll,r    r,„|.l,H    wrrc   ,v.o    nl   Ihr 

Vnil     ,„.,,.,.     K,,.     an      ln,|l.,n      ,,1111,.     anil  niplM  .„n.  l..rn  .,1  .Cerk   m,„hrr     Mr<l,o„l,..l,r) 

,.n,l,.a\<ir  In  inakn  III,'   wl.ll,'  |„.„|,l,'  iln  ,„  .  „\,„  ul  .nni.l.r..  o,.  il,.-  m,„l>{vn  ,r  OI.,o. 

■<,>.         ViMI         I Iilllll.lially        llrl.lllK  Tl.rlr   „,mr.   wrrr    Tccun.srh.     Kl.l,..,...     .,,,1 

nil     pi.,11.1,.  ;     will. II.     at        lust.       ynil  Knm.UU       1  l,t    ,.o„r.l,.    h«r    „vrn    >,c     from 

W    II     ,I,1V,.     Il„.,„      inln     ll„.     HI.,'i|      lak,..  „,.„„|,l„|cl,r.   mi,dr  h,  IV„r    l.r    U,u.   e  »our,i 

v.tnl..  llii'V  can't  ,.|tl„.r  rIihiiI  ni-  Kimth,  .,  V.mcnn...  ,n  Inn".  <>..«»,.. 
wni'k,  Itiolli,  |..— V,.,l  nliuhl  In  Icnnv,  .,„,„;„  H...„..,i.nn  il.c  I't^nW,  npiw.,,.  much 
\.lial  Mill  1,,',.  llnlllK  "III,  III,'  IniltnilK.  oMrr  ll,.,n  Trr„,.,.rh  Uiilnu.  Iran,  whD.r  h.|. 
I',rllll|,»  It  l»  llV  ,l|ri.,||,ni  of  111,.  i„,y  i|,,„  p,t|u,c.  »,c  ,.l,cn.^.y.l^..l"Tcc„n„l„.•• 
l'l','.sh|,',ll     1,1    lliakr    tllll.','    lllHll„rt|,.nR.  i,  ||„    p.ou^r  •l.rll.n.,.  ..  l,    cor.r.nond.  id    iUc 

II  IH  n  viry  l,n,l  IIiIuk:  and  no  ilo  not  |„j,.„  p,„„„„d.i,nn  ol  kl.  r,>m<, 

:u  i.'h,  r  lilt,  iih'w.  miil  piiii,'  l.,l  Hint 
I',  ,1  ,1,11  „n  harm  l.y  IiIk  innilili'l  llir 
ilav   h,!,,,,.;   ami   tliiil   lin   wli<!i|.||   i  viry 

I  him:  i|.|  halily  H,'ltl,'il.     Iln  alKn 

liilil  Mr  Hal  inn  thai  11  wan  prnhihl.' 
h,.    Iillil    li....„    (l..r,.'.\,(l    hy    wliiln    pnn 

pin:    111. It    ll,.    hail    I. I    |ilfinln,',l    tlinl 

llin  cIllzi'iiH   liiT,.   wire  iiiniillv   illyli). 

Ill  -nun  liiiir  nti  my  Hliln,  and  II II,. 

01'  nt,  IiIb." 

liiiyi'i'iinr  llarrlKnii  iiiiil  'IViniini'li 
lii'lil  iwn  iiinri'  llili't'vlnwii.  Tin'  hint 
wan  ,11,  111,'  liny  wlii'ii  Ti'i',iiii«,'li  niiil 
hlB  wairlnrH  riniind  dnivn  llir  Wn- 
liiKh  nil  llii'll'  way  Smith.  At  IIiIk 
lliii,'  'r<'(.|iiiiK,'li  Inhl  linviriinr  llai'. 
rlmiii  at  lii»  laiiip.  wln'i'n  Ilii'  dnyirniil' 

hail    Kiiti I'liil,.,!    only    l,y      Hi,'      III 

li.,.|.,'i'l<.r.  Unit  III,.  I',.,.|il,l,.nl  „r  II,,' 
I'l,l,,'tl  Slal,.H  w.,11,  lint  a  fit  {.crHon  to 
di'ilili'  tl,,'  ilirfcinci'b  hL'lwci'ii  llic 
wlilt,.»  n„d  till'  liiulntiH.  In  Miln  alli,. 
allnn  'i'i',.|,i,,H,.|i  hail  very  cnii- 
cipllnii  nr  a  tiiilli  Ihul  U  npnlliahli. 
(n    nil    wars.      Mr   said: 

"Will,  aa  the  Kmil  ihlnr  la  In  dr- 
tiliiillic  Ihn  ninltir.  I  Imln.  Ilin  Cniil 
Spirit  will  pill  81.111,,.  i.|iniiL:li  Inln  lih, 
hind  In  In, I, a,,  him  In  iIIkcI  yn„  In 
i:l\c  „|i  this  land.  It  Is  triio.  h,'  li  Kn 
lar  oir  Im  will  „„t  h,-  Injnr,,!  I,v  llin 
wir.  Ilr  iiay  hI,  bIIII  In  lilg  lown. 
and  drink  hia  win,',  whili.  yn„  and  I 
will  linv,.  lo  ritiht   II  mil."' 

■  D„w..,n'i  I  ill.  ol   I U, 
UU  ol  Tnumirh.  p    I  )9. 

®Ij?  ®t|i|Ji>ran0p  (Eautiiaign  ani>  lattb 

A„.l    IlKliI,. 1 

.  r,..i  ii.,>.i  I,, I 

„l.t       11,,'lr      ,ln,ln.|,.| 

il„.v   ,.,,.n,,..l   ,l„.   r,,l.l: 

..f    'I'l 

pairing  a  lili^liway  In  Uaccoon  tuwn- 
ship  two  rude  gruvc  atones  were  dis- 
ci,iscd.  Th,  6C  slonrs  were  l.ioURlit  tn 
The  lln'i.iillf  7'rl(,i,ii-  otfico  where 
they  renialiied  for  acvt,  iithe  and 

w,  ro.  1  ihlLk.  liiriu'il  oi",  .o  the  ko- 
•  alli'il  ",.1111111^  Miiiaeniii.  •  They  had 
l„.,.,i  ,111  Iriin,  r.ull  Mind  ainllc.  a,«l 
tiaiis  nt  htlerliiL'  ,o„ld  he  a;,.n.  The 
dale  nf  "l.sil"  was  ,|,ilte  leu-lhlo.  in,. 
inoBi  r,.aBnna..|.'  c'liji'ctnre  as  tu  I  he 
|.r,'s,'i,ce  or  whit,'  men  at  that  |ila,,' 
In  ISIl  Weill, I  h,'  I  heir  ronilictinn  wllli 
ll„.  Kill,,. y  lie  parly  a,,,!  oiil  hy  lioi- 
ernnr  II  irrlsnn.  The  further  fa.l  thai 
diirlni:  Inr  BprlnK  and  Kiiiinner  of  |si  I 

iiiKsed  hy  III,.  Indiana  unnlil  Indleal,' 
that  the  MtoneH  were  iilaicil  at  the 
urnve  of  aniiie  man  who  was  killed 
while  with  the  aiirvi.ylnn  party  wlilih 
lan   ,he  T,,,   u'clnck   line. 

Iiepredallnna  licaine  an     nimiernna. 
1111,1   |i.,.  ;:atln.||ii|:  of  siinli   a   lirninlHin. 

Shnrlly    nfler   111,.   cniif,T,.n,.r     wll 
■|V,.iiiiiK,'l,  n  ►mall  d,.Iarliiii,.,it  nf  V. 
iiKiihiiH    iiniler   I'aplain      Crnsa      ni 
Kent    I,.      Vln.enn'a.     These     aoldle 
win,    three    lOinpanlea    nf    Inllllla    I 
fantry   ami   a   ,<iiii|.aiiy   ,if   Knox 
ly  draKnniiB  wer.'   Int.. nihil    Inr  s.-rvh 
In   ,.,.,.clln);   nn,l    >;arrl»„lill,tf  a   fnrt 
he   hiilll    nil    III,.   ,.,Bt    hmik   nf  I  he   W 
hnnli    nnd    hear    tli,'    T,,,    llrlniU    !'.I1,..       n 
l,nl    the    ,.r,.rll„n    ,,r    th.'    fort    waa    il,.-       I, 
frrriil.      In    UrInlBr.    ixm.      llnvorMur       ".ean'^-B"  an  llinnlrnlliK.  Ilinl   lleneral 
ItllrrlMii,    l.i'llevlnu    Mint    a    anrvoy    nl        ll.'lrrlann  de,'!,l>'d   II   hail  In  he  atniiiud 

llle  maty  I idiirli'H  inlfhl     h,'     inlii-       Aild.'.l    lo    tin'    dl-aallHliiillon    of      'le 

liirnied  wllhiinl  dani-'er  frnm  Iho  In-  riiniH,  h  waa  the  aiiH|,l,.|nii  Mint  llrll 
diana  aeiit  n  .Mr.  Milinnald  In  rllli  the  IbIi  u.iinta  were  Imlthu;  llio  hiillnni 
llnea.  •ifainsl    the     Tnlled      States     govern 

.\i  p"l  tweiily  years  rko     \y|ilIo     ro-      aient.     At'ler  itinahleriihlo  eorrea|toiiU 


encg  with  the  Sicrctaiy  of  War,  Uon- 
crol  llarrlaoii  Icll  Vliiccnnca  on  the 
::iith  of  Scplciuber,  ISIl,  with  a  force 
of  l.'Jl'.l  nicn.  VVc  luar  much  lately 
alio,  a  lack  of  ofllreia  for  mllllnry 
aervliv  hotli  l„  I';,i,.oiie  and  the  I'liit- 
ed  Stale?.  Nn  su.h  sliortaKe  attell,le,l 
the  nriny  whhli  fought  :il  TI|,|,ceaiioe. 
■I'lie  i.tfliera  were:  line  ...ninniandi-r- 
Inchlef.  -J  aids.  I  adjutant  of  the 
iiriiiy.  I  l,rl::nile  major,  I  toniu-,'  mna- 
,,'r.  I  colonel,  :l  Ihnlenmit  ,.,.|nn,.|8  I 
ninlnra,  m  enplnlna,  :|..'  alihalterna 
(lleuteunnta.)  1  paynniBter,  I  adjn 
taniB,  I  aiirgeon,  and  'J  aurgeoi,  1,inlL.a. 
Sm-h  waa  the  "nhly  orrheri-d"  force 
which  en,i,iup(d  at  ,\rii,lcBh,irg  nnil 
n,arih,.d  from  tlli-re  to  a  t«lnt  one 
mile  fthovo  JlotilC7.u,iia,  w.lierr  the 
army  cros^d  the  river.  All  lilBtnrlaiis 
any  lliit  the  Wiihaah  waa  erosaeil 
"ahnill  where  the  town  of  Mnntexiimn 
now  atmids,"  hut  as  1  nlinll  alinw  Inter 
on  It  In  au  rstabllahed  fuel  thai  llie 
'tfiHRlng    waa   one   inllu   nliovo    Monte- 

■I'hr  army  |,ro,.o-,led  nn  the  weal 
B|,le  of  the  rlirr  io  Illg  Vern,lll!on, 
whrre  a  blorU  hnimo  waa  linlll  for 
|,rotr,llnll  of  Bloria.  Tlir  milrae  of 
the  •iValinah  iKeinnliiK  too  wlmllnu  to 
lirntrct  plovlBinn  l.oala  "five  nr  alx 
wiiKKoua"    were    ordert.d      lent      from 

Vlneennea  and  when  IIicbc  arrived  the 
niaicb  wua  re8u,iic,l  acroas  country  to 
the  rropliet'a  town. 

The  order  of  ,i,nrcb  waa  aluillar  to 
that  of  r,cneral  Wayne  on  lila  route 
to  "Tallen  Tlmhera."  The  Infanlry 
were  In  two  flha  on  eaih  »lde:  the 
inonnled  nien  hi  front  ami  reir  anil 
nn  •a,.|i  I'Innk.  SoinitlineB  Ih,.  mount, 
cd  rirle„,e»  would  e.\chn„a'  plaira 
will,  other  naiuntid  nieu  from  frnul 
to  nar.  na  cireiiinalmnea  favmeil  ami, 
a  nioviinent.  Ceneral  Harrison  waa 
tlreleaa  In  h'a  allliervlalnn  of  Hie 
troops,  nnd  with  great  aklll  inaile  Ihe 
beat  of  ,.very  alttiallon. 

Iln  llu.  evening  of  .November  11.  l.Mll. 
the  army  an  Ivcil  near  the  "I'roiihct'a 
Town,"  nnd  aoine  negotiation*  wcro 
begun.  The  general  aaya :  "A  eor- 
r,.piM,i,d,-nce  waa  linnieillately  oliened 
with  the  •ITophet,'  and  there  waa  ev- 
ery alipearance  of  ii  Bin  ci'ssfnl  term' 
nation  nf  the  e.x|ie.lltlo„  without 
blooilBhi'd.  Inileeil  there  wa»  »n 
ngreciiient  for  the  auiiprcBaloi,  of  boa- 
Ill  Ilea  until  fnrlhi'r  ronimunhatlon 
ahoiild  vake  pla.i.  n,.xl  day."  Iliil  the 
known  ,.hnrn,ler  of  tlio  "frophef 
waa  aiiffl,.|,.iit  renson  t,>  auspecl  ex- 
nelly  the  opiinaltc  of  hia  pror,.»«ed  In. 
lenllona.  The  nriiiy  hlvonailcrd  for 
11,0  night  in  Iho  order  of  battle,  i;oel. 


II  I  STO  U  I  C  A  I,     SKlOTCll  OT     1' A  U  K  K     COUNTY.  5 

,i,„n  kUvI   ' i.'llr  hlr<  i.lnr.-  In   rnii's.  iImIiiI nr !ii.  r   «^,«   I.,..   |..)l.-nl,           -111.-    r.  Ini  ii    I..    Vliirrnn.-.      «.i»     .■•  Il:ill,v    r.l.ulll    ;,ih1    ,.,n»l,.l.,l    ,.r    n.rly 

ulij.h    ».!.■  ■■.Ilml.'  "r    lii.lhii.    fll.-.   I..,.  -i„l    tl..-   ,„n-.l.nll...i„    >,.„„■:   .ill..,r.v  m.mi|.Ms vMIIi.miI    ,liril.  .illv,    II    iv.i^i       <■« •«   or   hull.,   nnil   n    line    K1.1(,m...o 

rill  CiiM'iiil   lliinlson   liii>l  Kiilil    "III    III  lioil    hlH  riiM'.      Il<    nlliiMiinln  .niiir  In  I'M'lilh'H:'.    iiHiillnii    In    liiiiil''   <>l  \lllnui'    »n    llh'    \\>n    kIiIi'    nr    llu'    \Vi|. 

ill.'ili    oiii'liin'.    »Imii'      IIk'K'       IK      lin  \  liiniiMi  ii    iiinl    |i>  iinl    I \|..vll' li.i  oni'    <ln nlniim:     In    I'niki'    I'nuilly,  I  imli.     TIiIh   vlllnL-.    hn.l    |i»l  inliliin  nr 

i.liiifU  In  r.HlBl,  niw  nink   l»  mnrlv  ;i,<  ;.,i  n  |Hi\:il..   .iikI  ;iI  llir  «nlli  linllnii  n;  '">  'ln'  "'"I  >•""<<  "i   H"'  «  ihii-li.  ill   .1  I  nl"       All    llw   mm    rmniil      «im     lU- 

V..,.cl  n«  Ivin.  mill   In   Mini   lilinl  Ml    «ir  liiai;liirlri  nl     Ih  ml    nf      Ihr      ihrr      In  "      llnnTiil    llnpUInn    nnn    cnni- 

nil-..,    II M.iislMi,    or    1111. ■    IR    n    11. III.                  ,-  .-it-^vv,  "I'll"'    "11"""    l.nii.lliii;."       Ili'ii-       Mm-  l"'ll'-il    In    Binll    nn    liln    rrllirn    ninrrll 

l.r    nf    III!'      lliHl       I nilnn..'.       ll:!"             Tr?.!--'^-       ,.•>' f,~t-JW-!i?Aj,..  rJKnnV   n    r.ninil    -hlii..    miiiin"   cinM  nil    Ilir    J.-.lli    nr    .Nnvniihrr.    l.y    iiiinoii 

,„n;»   iiinn ,.  ir    iMIli    I .r.-    fn  ,V,'?                 -.  •  ^•^■-  .•;;<"-^..- ,.^  I„...    «ll,l        U  lini    i .  Iiii  iiln.;.    Mniio    nl  nf    Ilir    .-I.I.-kI     «•,  ilhrr    i.>,-u    lunnMi 

illliv    III    liliii;!.'   llliili    III   iliinlil.'   i.inl;.-  S"'                 "jil  •'*          ':    '"f^k'}  ""'    Ki'niii.  klnnn    pnllnl    ii|.    Ilii-    ttr.iKH  Inii-   nl   lliiil    llini-   nf   ycnr.      Ill'   nnhl 

Cnrriil    lliiiilsnn    Iniil    nrl-nn    nl    ;i  /-    .         >'*<*'                     iV-.'' :-V  "">'    ■    ■Iiips"      linnn-.     rlinl  lirn  wrrn  ••i<lin..|c-..;i.  rinrt  hlilrll-mi    rhiil 

.liiiil'l.'i    l.iisl    rniir.    nii.l    llii^      1110 il-  «  ',>_•      „K  V-'V  y  111  clii    nnvn  tin-  f.-.d.     Ar.nrillnc.       In    i:,n    rnnnnlili.      nr      Ilir  r      mnni •  In  1.1II    n  oil!.  nl.nnl  In  h,    ulv.,  t      -l r,«.-k_i}L-h_     Ar').\«  ly.    II    lias     l.,Ti,     1I11I11...I      111"  >ln»«."      I'l.Tiv    Lnplnnl.    n    .lilx™    ol 

u ,    „    «ln,:l.-   8linl    «n»    il,v,l      l„      n  ^,      ■:Ai%:S^^^^X^^'^-^'-\''-^  .rlulnnl   •■l.liiP   i;i:.s8"   nl'  Ihr   iMMnlllnl,    «hn    «n«    «lll,    Ihn      nniiy. 

o^.N  J-^r:^^J,SS5"^-•■:f^^■^^•'■.^■';  .M.llnn    fit    Knitnrky    kinnvii    In    llinl  (.ilil:      ■•«>    nil    mirforrrt    yrry    iiiinli: 

IIIM'I    nil    III''    I'MI    I'Innk  : 


1.-    l.v     Mm    |.|.1;.K    Mh"         i' '  •      ^'      -  — -'^.-.^-V  ..,v,  /!         r.ninn.    i- Irnl |v    <,nli'l    spnl    nn        Inil     I     plllod    llir    |.nnr 

"V's   .  ,    .  .■      ...    -<^~-''--N-',V;v...^^        Ilii'     Wnl.iisli.       S.-v,-nl.\     yi'iilK    III:"    1.        '  I"')     "'-n'    iilmnm    nnrt 

■3-.         -  "-^i^^  „..i  .^?.-i^i2r 

Mill  .  ._ „  ,    .        ,,_„,,,, 

lnilLilii>    "VH'    in    Ih.-    nrinv.    riilii-  -S^^       -          '  -j^.J"^^  ,^^^-^13'  .i.nllnnnn    ..f    nrFLili    Inill.nnn    Inirt    :i       Lml-nnly    llilii    lln.ii    uhlrl mil    llii. 

ill  il.iK..  iiini:.-  mill  ynllln::  Ilk.-  il..>lli.  ■Sy.iz....,           ."~ '?'.".' TiliL^^-'-'  ■  nrrrsi.niiil.ii.-.-    Willi    II. my    chiy    on       finiinil    rnv.rr.l    wliu    sn.'W    nnil    tlin 

lliiil    rniilil    1»'    ».-.'n    111    111!'    l.ln.UnnsN  i.iiiT   ini!iii-i..\  In  linr  1    nnil    K.-nlii.hy    "nn     in.' 

|.li..illni;    Ih.'    dnvvn    nl    n     Nn\.'inli..i-  •■:  lillmiMiniiin  of  Mm  '•lilun  cnm-s."  lull       '  "i  "  »     »>-^    "i '     »ni\i<i      in     r.tlini' 

llninlliL-.     .\»   l.lmi 1    l.y   Um   ■•l'in|.li-  Hi''    k.'I.U.  r.'<      "  nn      1.  :.<!.■      imijnr       .1  i<  r    Bnini-    iin«.  1 rhil n      linl                                      .-..i  vtv. 

rl  •■  III.-  nll.i.  k   vmn  M.'.irlv       'll-i- i".      fi.-ii.-rnl       llm.  Innn      snirt  :  1    .-n    ■.-.-n.-i  nliy    r.-.  .lUiilz.-.l.      Ilill    hn 

l.ii'l    Ih.-    Hill.-   nnny    \vii..i      linl      In      I..-  ■IH'-.    .-i.n.lii.l    lli.-lr      .li.iir.-.  llir   nr.nsii   ::r.«    iin.l    nllll    cinnn:   nn.    In    llim    iniiliiwr.      II    wnn    linn-  .V.-v.-r    urn   th.-r.-   nn    ..rflr.r   liiissn- ».-il  «nii   Iiiki  n    In    K.-.iliirkv.   nnil    nninr 

Ihnl    Ih.-   I.irc.-   Ill ii-r  nr  nrr  .viK   wns  i.  ■.nni.-  iililnr  nr  z.  nl  In  .|l..;,hiiri:.    hi-  l.n-t    -'    1\-    n-nln,-..    nr      llu 

i'ernnii  Army  in  fnvkt  (Enimtij 

ll.ipk  nn.      II    riirnlnh.'B  nn   hnn 

HI   nlmiiln  nn  11   innniiii |   In  I  l.r  r.x- 

iinr.llniry  ii;.-rll   nn.l   hnivcry  nf  tlip 
ri.ri.    nn.l    »..|,llrin    >ylin     rniniionril 
.-  I»..  nriiilnn. 
Ili:.l    hiinnnihlr  iii.-nlloli   1-.  iltii.  Ilin 

I    niiy    «.-:i   i.niir..    hnn     fnr     lirlni 

1 Hnn    nr    III M    uhn      ntnrrhoil 

11.1.1111:11    I'nkn  iniinly    In   Ihn   nr.i.lnii 

1:.'   lllliiini-r  ni    nil  ..-is   "lis  -■'-    ■<    ".    "■■.  "■  >..........  .i.    ...-  i.  ..■  1     ■  ■     :-■■'    ni         111. n-  _,    i-,,,-,p„i       ii„,...i.    ,.       „.  j       ., 

>.l    ii.lvMiln.,-.      Th.-n .l.ill.n    vvllh    „r h  l.v Innvornr,.-  .Irii.n           ..    .V    lind     l.n      n,U,„       In  l/:  ;;:"\,  V:'.:!:,!    ^^^  J.;™:: 

IhiTH    liiiil    h.-.n      .nri-rnlly      -.-l.-di.l  »li..   wnul.l    hnvn    r-n.nnnlnri-il    Kii~'l"r  rnrkn  I'nnnly   nn   III.'   Imnkn     nr     lli 

„ l.rnv.-  n  111.  nml  mill  n.-.-ii  ni-rvLn  ilmiiror  to  inir.hnMi-   mil  I.iry   rniiif.  W.ilmnli. 

i:M-i,\nlii-r.-   Ih.y    lli.-*ol.|. 
I.  in  tl.  nl:iy  111  Mil.-,  mill  win-  .|iil.  k 
Ink.'   nibmilnm-    nl    I'viry    nnnU    i". 

;'.n,M''d,',lTlX.    Il'rn'fllJn'nl''',,.l  ^ *»♦.*.*)      ».»     ^^v*****       Xy-*.***.**)  .,,  rir,  m    n  lin    ,vi  n-    kll „l      Tl|.|.n. 

imici-    l.y    Ihi-    mnnnli-il    n.i-n     ml    In  '""" '     """""'    ■^'•'«>"""    <'«-".     <'"l. 

rm.lry.   will,  riM'.l  h.iyn„i-l-.  .Irnvr  Ihr  Dvnrlly    nn.-    y,.ir    nri.-r    II i.rli  llinin,    vviii.   ii»   r.,lln,.n:      on    nil   n  i-iin  ;"";'    "''I"'-,  ]'"i"<;    ■'<"••'/'    I') '"" 

Inill,,,,    I, In-lr    Irnnl.      nml      lhl■^  "l    rnl    In      T ,n h-n«    I    i-.irrl.-.l    ii.y      rill.-,,n«k         "■I'l"".  mill   «.(.   Hum.  (  n|.|nln 

I.  nll.-i.-il    mill    rl.-il    In   n      iini-r     I..  '•n.nli.-r  nriiiy    Imvim:     Ihi-     I'miilmr,.  nml    hiilchnr.liniri-.   \yltli   n    Inml.  il    |.';  ■'"'"''    "i<i'i''k.    fiiplnln    S|.l.-r    Spnn- 

.111.1.1    purimll    Ini-rr.rl  yi-.   Th.-   Inns.!.  Iinyn;l.l...rlii.n,|    nn      lln     nl.|i-i'lly.  .  ml     n   iny   h.-ll.     \Vhrnl« 1  In  pin  r.  r.    I  li-nlnminl       'lirlmrrt      .McMiihnn, 

Mill-    li.-in>     rnnnlil.-rlni-      ihni      nnly  mnrrh.-il    ll.iiiii-h    I'niki-      nmily.   •|-|i:'  I    hild  my  i;iin  nn  Ih.'  iilnniil  lti.iiii.I  ''■    '"""'""    Ih-rry,    l,(.    ■rhnninn    linn- 

i.hinil    i;.->.'n    hmidn-d    n.'ni.ininnil.nlnn.  "'nr   nr    I.SIJ   wnn   1  In  11    In      lln     flr-.l  nml  nlin-k  up  n  nll.k  l.y  11,  fnr  11  iniii  1.,  ''"'!'''■ 

Id  nfrrir.s  mid  inill   wi-rn  iimnK.-.l  ;  .•.:;  >-Ini-.-»,    nnil    llin    Imllnii:.    nf      Imll   11.1.  1.11  Ihnl    I   rniilil  k.i    II   .pil.  k   In  inn-   ll  I'niinllm    linrn    hoi-n    nnino.l    In    pni- 

|.rlinl.-»    mill    I"   nlfl.irn    wrn-    kllhd.  .  ii."  iir.i.:.  il    l.y    llw    llilllnli    <-.i  1  iiilll.-rt  nn«   wnnlrd.      I    linil    Inn   i-..iiil   dn-n.    I       pnliinio    III niinry   .if   (Iwi-li.    WlillP, 

nlid    nil.-'.l      ill. I      nlKhlvi-lu'hl  nnny      d.-pri  ilnllnnn.        II.      Ilnnl'.nii  Innk  nnr  In  llir  hinin.-.  I.iw  Iiik  H.i- olli  Unilnnn,    Wnrrlik,    S|ii-licnr  nnil      linn- 

niinn.l.d.    ilin.'nil    lliirrlsnii      Iliiiii-.MU  finir  iiilli .    nnrlli   nf  Tii  r.'   limn-,   »ni.  ni   1.111.     -I'ln-  nnn  niilnlili-  unn  cinlph. 

III.-    Imllnnn    Kiiri.r.d    n    cn-.-ilor      Inns.  nlln;ki-d  nn   Ihr  n  unl   n.    s.-).l.nih,  1     1.  In  Klvr   Ihr   iihiriii.   vvlili  h   wniil.l  rniin,'  In    nddlllnh    (o    llin      pnriik-ninll     Jl|. 

hill  n»  Ih.y  inrrl.-il  nrr  Mil  Ih.-lruniiiiil-  '"I-'      'I'hi-   dny    hi-f.'r.-.    Iw ill    «lin  lln-    niio    Innlili-    In    l.irk.    liy    I  l-i-:iily    kIvou,    wn    linir    the      fnlliminu 

I'll   mill   n.nny   nl   !l.r   il.-iid.   nn   r.-imn  ".-in   mnklni;   liny   11.  nr   lln-   f..rl    \y.  .  •  ivinihi   In-  nwiik<-ni-d,   liiiyliii:   my  nn ■nnrrnliiK    .Inm-pli    II,      lliiylmn.      lln 

iniilil    l.i-i:l..-li.    II  limy  linnil i-irdlhnl    nn.l    B..1I1 'nii-      Inrl       «•   n  nhiiiyn    limilcil.      I    k.-|.l    niy    hnrni-n    In  uiin    ininlnniily    inll.d    ■'.Inn    llnrlinn,' 

Mil-    -in.-nirnnplnlnn  nnn  v.-li  fniindi-d,  Inrnu  nlly   ili-riinl.  d   hy   lln-  tnnnll   cm  11  nlnhh-,  rlnsr  In  lln-  hniiM-,   linilnK  n  nml  wnn  ri-i;nrdr-d  nn  Ilii-innni  hrllllm'il 

m.     Ih.'     Inrnilry     iniiMkiln     iin.d     n  rinoii    1 r    inplnin    Zinlinrlnli    'I'liy.  p.-illmli.  nn  ihnl    1   iniild  nhnni    in  ll|.  nnn   Inlhnnrniy.     IIowiib     hnrii     In 

rniir  ili:.-  innlnlnlnu-  /...(..    lni.-l:.nlinl.  h.r.  «lin  nnl  ..iily  hnrt  In  Uulil  Ih.    Im  t.lnl.1.-  dnor.     Hiirlnc  iw.i  y.-mn  I  nrvi-r  VIrcliihi,  ,111. 1  nl  Ihr  llnin  nf  h  n  il.-Mih 

III     ilid    111    lh..ii.-    ilnvn    iilinn-l    i-v  .-r,!  dinns    Inil    llchl    lln-    fin-    nhhli      l.iid  wi-iil   rinm  hmm-  wlUi  nny  c.-rlnnly  nl  >vnn    :1T    yi-ni«    nf    ncn.      In    IMH    ll.iy. 

iiinn    nml    of    Ihr    .MIi-Blinnli-n    wnn    n  i"  nn    nlnrli-d    l.y    l.lmtliiu-    iirinun    nml  nliinilim     mil    knmvliitf  I nlniiln    1  h-    ■    n.-iil    in   \Vnnliln»:I..ii    nn     pmLn- 

Cinnl   Hhnl.  I  hii- .I.-iii  il    In   i-nllnly      rinin 111.-  inlKhl   riT.-li..  n  h.ill   finiii  :iii  iinkllmvn  hinniil    hiinlni-nn,    nml    nnn      lln-      riml 

■ri.i-    iimiii-n    nr   llio      nfrii'.^l-n      klll.-.l  hln.k  liinin.'.^.       Mur     rlclilhiM    d.'sp.r  llnnd  :    Inil    In    Hi.-    n.l.lnl    nf   nil    Ihi-n  l.lnyirwinl   nf  III.-  Alh-ifhi  iili-n  In  np. 

ni-i'  |.nrpi'liinl.-d  l.y  lln-  Sinin  ill  Hhnn  "i.'ly    nil    nluhl    Hi.-   hmlli-   wnn   |.  nnl  diinMPin.    Ihnl    ilnd    wlin    imvrr   nli-i-p  pmr   In-rnn-    Iho    Inlli-d      .xinli-n     Sil- 

ilnr.'lln-    thi-v     liini     lliilr    livi-n.      Tli.->  li"l'''l   "I    '1  n'l  lurk    nn    nimlilii'..   n,  iiiir    nliinih.-rn,    hnn    kept    n.i-.''  pri- Iniirl.      .UlniniKli    n    I 

«.'r.-    1111-11    nr    hk-li    rlmiilliiL-      In      Ih'  Hi''    '■<''    ^<>     Hi''    Inilhui"    "llhilinn   ir;           ,\     |,.n     «,-,.l,n    nfn.r    lln-    iillmk    nn  In    p.ililhn.    II.     \i  n-   npli.ilnli'd    lnlli-.| 

Wi-sl.    pnrlliiilnrly    .Miilnr   .Inn.-ph      II.  I'.-yi'iid    Hi.'   nii.  h   nl   llin   L-iiiin  nl    III.'  |.-|.    Unrrlnnii    nml    lln-    I'lumn    lln.ini  Hiil.r.   IHnlrlri    .\llnrii.-y   l.y  .li-rf.rn.iii nn.  «!.,.  iMin  nlinl   fr Iiln  hnrsn   .  I'HI.     'I'hr n   \yi-ri-  klllid  nn.l  iKn  .\'„„.,irii..    ilriii-rnl    Hmnilrl      lliipkliin  li'  i.i.ik-il  linn  nf  liln  Brnit  nhlllly.  lln 

111    iliiyll:;h!    ohlli-   li-.i.llli'.'  11   ilinrm-   ni  wnimilrd   .ml    nf   Ih.-    flthllnc    fnm-   nl  i,r    |<,i,in,ky.    ori:nnlzi-il    n    Inn-n    1 .111-  in.iril.d  n  nlnlnr  «f  fllli-f  .lllnllri-  .Inllll 

111.'    liritiinm..      Ill    K.nin.'ky    h.-    hn.l  "iiLv    M  nr    I.',   ni.  11    n  hn   wnn-  niii    i|.  npii,,-  nf   llirn.-   billiillnnH     nf     Km.  .Mnmlinll. 

Iiii'li   II   Inw, f  trim   nhlllly  nml  1111  llml   Hm"  "Ifk.  1,1.  ky    nillllhi.   n    nniiill    ,-,,< y   nf    r  .|„|,|,     |.„rki.    Mmri,    Cnlininl    nf    Hie 

•■■    nr    wiilidirml       inmnr,       Wlim           111,    111.-  dnv   Ihi-   Iw li«i-n-klli-  •'''     ll''.':iil"lK     inlnimiiiihil    hy    |-nplnlii  llh   f.   S.    Inlnnlry,   wnn  hnril   III    .\rw 

A^iiin.    Iliir;-    rmiii'    Wi-nl    In   ^ynrk   mil  ,,,,  „|,|„|,in  nr  l-'l.   lliinlnnii     .Si  plnnihi-i  Xmlimhlh  Tnylnr.  n  riniipniiy  nf  I'nni;'  Inii'i-ypiirl.    Miinn..    Ilcrmilmr    -Jl.    ITUI. 

hi.    .Inln.    n    i:ni  .•riiini-lil    .11    I  hi'  :i.    ||m-    I'L-inn    llnnnl    iiji-niirri-   n.-nir  '■'"■   "'"I    "    riniip.iiiy   01    ncniilB.     Tim  ||n  niilnriil   Ihi-   nnny   In    IT'WI.   nn  on- 

Snminuhl.    .Mnliir    llni.'KB    « rnli-    snv-  ,.,,,,    ,„    ^r,,,,    ,  ■,„|„| , .   .In,  ..|nl„|i    I'nMi.'  'l"'>'    ""''"-'    I''-    Hiirrlnnii    nn    11    hnn..       nl^n    111    lln-    Hi-.niid    Iti-Kl 111.      Willi 

I'inl    l.ll.-rn    111    Ih.       rrinhh-iil.      nud  .„,,  „  ,„„„   „|,„„.  „,„„„  „.„„  ,-„rr,„„„  I.  II   I   pnni    ,\„vm r   II.   IMJ,  nnn  n  nplrll   nr  mUmliiro,   lir   wml   In   Mr 

nlihnni      n-ii'lvhik     miy       niiihnrlly,  ,,,,^„    i^m,,,,    i,,    ,,, .   r.ri.-in....n      nhll'  I'r.'i. .  il.-.l    up    lln-    rivi-r   nn    lln-   iiim  ,i|„   |p,   Imrlim  firm    Iniiihrd   on 

Ihliikliiu    II    vynnlil    hi-    ino    InIn    If    hr  |,„nllni:   fur   hi-i-   liii's   In   111.-     «..nili;.  f^''!''  "'  l"K  ""'<■ i-     I"  <>'<'  ii-I'ml  I"  Ihr  lull-  nf  |-ninii-.     In  n  Inilnr  In  lili 

«ni|i-il    Iniianr.      imnlvrd      In      I... Idly  \hmil    nmisi-l    ihn      hiillnnn     nlliirkprt  Hi'n-nmr    Kln-lhy    nf    iMiilinky,    (l.i,.  f..|ihi-r  rrniii",  In  .Inn.-,  ITim.  In- 

.li'iki-  111. rr  nn  L-iilliy  <.r  Irrnnnn;  ho-  ,|„,  s.-iilmnnl.  mid   In  nn  hour  k  Ih-il  '''"I   Uniiklii-  nnyn :     -I'lin  rinn  In  lln-  nnyii :   "llnvhiu'     prnnirril     rrrnnimon- 

im:    llilli-d    ,«im.n    Allornny,    h.-   >yolll  p,,,,    i,,,,,,     ,|,,,   nnnim.     nnd     nlMi-r,i  "nlniB    riniii    llm    linnvy    fnll    nf    rnlli  ninry  Inlli-rn  In  Iho  Knt'llnh  rniiniil  rj- 

hi-rnn-  llinln,  nl   I'iniikrnri,  Willi  r|,||,|nn,        Tlio      pi-rnnnn      ninnnn-rni  pr.'ri'dhii!  niir  liinrrh.  nml  uoiiic  Inrtv  nldlnc  nl    llm   rniirl   nf  liln     hitliiirni, 

111.-    nniiBiillnii    ilinl      lliirr     >y.l>.     or-  „^^,.    ||,,„,y   (-n:ilii.,:»   nml     liln     wife,  rrrrkn  li-ft  nn  In  nn  doiiln  of  pnnnlili-r-  ilm  .Vlznlii.  1   prnimdnl  In  liln  inpllnl, 

Kniii/,  UK  n  inrri-  in  iiinkn  wiir  n;nlnni  .\|r.i.   I'm  ni-,   wifp  nf  ,lori-iiiliili  I'livn.-,  "hh-  dirrimlly     nnrt     i-inlmrninnnii-nl ;  llydrnhnil.    |.-.<i   iiiIIi-b     frniii     Mmlrng. 

Ihn  pnnliirnn  nf   Mi-.\lro.  .liid-.:.-   Iiinl.i  .„„|   ,,|,.|,|   „,   i,,  ^  ,  |,|i,||.,.|,.   .M.-w.   uiih  InBnimi.  h   llnil    nnl    iiiilll  llio    I  llh   did  lln  my  nrrlrnl,  I  Kim  prrnmlrd  In  liln 

li-fllHi'll  In   innin-  Ihi-  lirnivnn  nnlinrt  for.  .,,.,1    cnlHnt-n    nml    ni-v.-n    nf    hrr    (-lilh  "  r  piR"  Suk-nrl -rnrk  (//rrr  ml/r*  ndnrr  lilL'hnrnil   In    form   by   Hi''   Knu'llnh   ion- 

mill   111  dm.-  Hull'   llurr  npprnnil   irlHi  ,,,.,,,,,  m,.b.  ,)nhn   .Mnri  In  nml  hnr  nnly  ""'   ''""''"     •^"   l'''l'l<lni<   fnllnvvi-u   tin-  ml.     Aflrr   Mm   iifiinl   wri^niony    wnn 

IiIk  rnium"l,   lli-nry  rinj-   nml   r.-lnnr.  ,,||,|||    j,^^    ,\|nrr  «.  Hip  iiinlln-r  nf  .Inliii  Hnrrnnn    rnnd    In   wIipi-p     It      liirnpd  ornr.  Iio  iirpinnli-il   mn  wllli   llin  rniip 

All'ii.    .iliilnr    imilpun   wns   iiilly   run-  \|nrrin       Mm     .Iniip    llluun    wlHi    Imr  "''""   '"  'I'"  l'!''''''  ""■  l'"l"l   "'   wl'I'li  ni mil   nf   Inn    kniinnlnrii   nf    Infiinlry, 

till.  I'll   Ihnl    l-.nrr  dinl-.'iii-d   lli<-  ,1,^^   „„„||    ri,ii,|,,p|,     ,.„.„pi'd      frnni  Unrrlnnii   .rnnnpil   lliu   \Vnhii«.li,    in   hy  nmli   of  wlili'h   rnii.lnln  nf  .Vm  iiirn," 

ulnii  nr  lln-  Hniiihttii.i,  hill   1.1-  liiid  in  ,|„,|,,    i.,,,,,,,    i,,,,!    |,pf„|.p   ,i„viiKhi    ih.-  "lln    i-.'pnri    piwliivply    flvpil     nn     (In-  |||i,  niiiinilnHlnn   nnrt  pny   wnro  In  nc- 

.  liiihl    i.L-iiliini      piii.lh'     npliilnii,     nml  |„,,|   ||„|||||,,j  nrrlii'd  ill   Hip  h.ninp  nl  nhnllnw  wni.'r  nn.'  nillr  nhnro  .Mnntn-      ii.rdnnro  wlili   hln  rn nnrt,     II''  rto- 

ihnii::li  In.  In. '.I  wllli  nil  Hm  nUHI  1  i,,,^  i,,.,,,!,,,,.      /,  imini,     rnlllnun,     hl\  '■'""■*■  '•  l'"'"'   "'"'''''  "i""  *ViihnBli  >yii«  ni'tlhin  Hip  nnny  nf  ih.-  ,Vlzniii,  lylili'h 

ilii-iliy   nf   hln    li.iliir.-    In-     i-niilil     mil  ||,||,.^    „j,„j.'       (villhim    riillllll:*,    n  ll'i  ""'"    '""'    '""    '"      i'"irtnh|p     nl      |,i»'  |,n,|    ,„|(,,||    ipp    r|,,|d    nunlilRl      Tllipno 

fiinli'ii    Hip     ih  ui!.'.      Impnrinni      wll.  «■„„  nypr  iai  y-iirn   nlil,  dpii'iiili'il    lil«  *'"''''•      Hm.'inl    lliiiikiiin      pniippilpii  Nni|,in,     "||    (-niinlnlril   "f    l-VMUKi   lip 

ni'nni-n  I'liiilil  m.i,  nr  ivniilil  nnl,  f.,,,!,,   f,,,.  „„ir|y  „„  ||,„ir  iiiilll   II   Iip'  "'"""  "'"  ''''""  '"'  ""'  li'"l"'i'  Kriiiinil  fiinlry,    ,-i(i,iiiiii   ninilry.    nml    ."'"l   fln- 

iiml   nl    Ihln    Imiiliir.-   Iliirr  ilniiinnli-rt  p„,„p  ,|„ri.   pnmmli   fnr  liliii  I"  i-mnpi-  '"  "'"  lilii''liiii'li''i'  finii.     lln  prnlmM)'  pliniim,    rirli    nh-plmnl    •iiPlinrlliiii    n 

n     Irhil.     ,liiili:,-      liiiln      Inflprvnn'ti  „„,,    ,„.„   , ,1,11,1,.,,,     .|„|,|,    ,||„|    i.ydi,,  iriwHi-rt    Hiiunr   Crpok    jiint   Iminw   tlin  'rniilln'   rntilnliiinu   n    nnlinli   nnrt    »cr- 

"<< i-l'-.l    nf   f.iv-rlm:   nn   nllpinpl    tn  cnm,,,,,.    Tlii-y  ninii  rpiirhPd  llinViililn  "''I  "'"'■  -^H""  '"■l'l«"-  vniiln,"    lln  ri-iimllirrt  111  Inrtlii  nrrnrni 

iiinkp  Kmiiiiky  n  Npnnlnh  |ii-nvliii'".i  nr  Zi'lnilnn  Cnillm-ii  llip  iipvi  inornlmi.  'mirnl  llnpkliiK'  iiiiiiv  inni-'lipd  In  ynnrn,  In  n  nnrl  nf  mirrrllln  npnln'. 
rtffldPd  (ivory  pnlnl  nsnlnni  linvlnnii  Zpiminp  CnlllnKn,  ninny  ynnrn  nricr-  t  n  yh-lnlly  nf  Hip  IihIIIp  urniinil  nf  nml  nhl-.lnnrt  iiimh  fnvnr,  lln  «ii»  III 
wnriln  nnirt :     "'l"hp  ninnnnr   In   ivlilili  Tlppnrnnnp,     Thnrp   hn  dinlrnyprt   Hi"  I'nrli  oirly   In   l«i»<.  nnrt  nl   liii""   '" 

■'Dur.ouMMi-i^nvilir.naVinci-miFiifilMf,  I   ««Pd  to  work,     In     lliono    |iorlliiiin  I'mphnln  iinvn,  which  linrt  hpi-n  |,nr-  llin  miliinm  of  llinl  j-f«r,  «lion  ho  wti 


ul'iwintf*!  ii*»-luU-r  '.^i  I'oluDfi  oi  Itit- 
r.'iirtli  KcRiiurut  ..f  111*  I'  ?<  .\iiii> 
111'  tb<-ii  caiiif  to  ladlan*.  on  ih>-  i  oiii 
II  •  a<-<4iM'nt  of  the-  war  wllli  *;rt;al 
l:rlUin  Ik?  •««  a|i|Oinl.-<l  J  l.riK.iilIrr 
Krorrml.  l-rniilenl  Jm  koiii  il>[Hiiol<^ 
liiiii- Naval  iifri«r  «l  iloslou  in  If" 
lit-  d.ed  llK-re  lb*  aanK  yt-ar.  od  iih- 
ttb  of  *lclol>*r.  al  Ihe  a,';i  oi  iii\t>-ai\ 
>vars.  «tfD«rHl  Hoyd  v  j*  a  lull.  *«*H 
roniH-d.  and  baniL-oiiiF  iiiaD :  kind 
luiirttoua,   and   gent  runs. 

ABXiDX  ilMf  iidvfnlur<'iia  yoiiilis  ol 
Ki-nliicky  aim  K>lnnl«*r«l  for  ser 
vite  In  tin-  Tl|i*can<x?  caiiipai;:u 
aax  lironic  inxhan.  then  l!>  yia^^s  u 
.-!::«•.  II*  was  a  snltaltfrn  or  lit-uli-u- 
aal.  Two  yrars  later  alU  .  hi*  ap- 
poluliiirul  lo  Ih"  I  .  .<.  .Vroiv.  la-  n  s 
f  Major  in  I  ;>ii.<iiaud  of  l-'l.  .'^lepbea- 
mM.  an  liniortant  tun  in  oliin.  Au- 
.«I»T  yonng  nian  rroiii  Kenincky  nllli 
tlir  anii>  In  1-ark*  i  oiinlj  »a»  1. 1. 
Kilnmnd  Sh  l<f  a|.|«inUnl  t-nslgn  in 
in*  I7lh  r.  S.  lafaDiry  in  l'«IJ.  shlpi> 
Maa  iind*  r  i'ro:r!uin  at  Kl.  Sleph- oa.*n 
wla.B  it  «as  bfi.jcl  in  Ihi::.  Th. 
hrltUli  iviiiniander  ask*d  lor  a  l>  r 
I.  y  anil  •'rtjghan  s<nl  Sliipp  to  i-un- 
frr  ailb  tiini.  I'hi.  Itrilisb  and  In- 
dians oiilDnuibprid  liie  Am*rii«na  leu 
to  I'U*.  and  tbe  diuiand  for  lla-  sur- 
render "f  III*  fori  was  reall\'ti  'I 
I  t  a  iMlii.anllarl;  n  s;  i.  il  on  Ibe  part 
•.I  the  llrlliab  io.ii.and<r  abi.  feirfd 
ll'at  he  lould  not  ri.btra  n  lli*  la 
•:ian>.  and  all  i  i-  Aiiieriiana  xoul.l 
l«.  iitaa^'  rtd.  Sliip).  coiiHunnicate.! 
th*  snbatanr*  ol  Iti.-  i<irl*\  lo  i  roK 
ban.  and  w.i^  still  taking  lo  lite  Itrii 
uth  offic*  r  M  li*n  <  rtjp'uui  .ailed  lo 
hiiii  -l».  itHiie  in  Sliifli  in.l  well 
••low  Ibeiu  all  lo  lirir"  I'roKhan  bad  his  siKKle  .  jnnnu  »illi  a  hall 
rlia  K*  ..r  |«n>d.  r  and  half  full  o. 
i>ii:a.el   l.alla.      Me   planli.d   it   so  as  lo 

•  iteeK  .1  dllrli  Ihe  I'.ri.ish  and  Indians 
luid  lo  rross.  Ub.n  I  »aa  full  oi 
■••en  dvan^infE  on  I'm-  ran  lli*  can 
nun  oaa  riretl  uilh  rrlxliirnl  efre- 1 
Ai  ibe  aa.iie  Itiiie  ihe  infantry  fln-^l 
with  iltwlly  aiii^  Tl>e  l«lll«  was  •  nd 
ed  ri;:bl  then,  'ulkiaed  by  lite  retreat 
o'  lh>  intaillnfE  ar.y.  t'roKian  al 
terwania  .  otw  U>  t!«-  r:ink  of  In-p^^.-lor 

•  ;.  neral.  and  in  I^J.'.  ii-n;;naH  loleil 
hii»  a  ;:old  nie^ul  f  r  his  >i.-lori  • 
Kr.  j(«etilt«-iMOD.  I  pon  Ills  rtaigna- 
liuo  truni  III*  amiy  U-  inotid  lo  N<  w 
Orleans  and  wa»  a(.|ionlid  i  usi 
ntasler.  II-  dieil  on  t!i*  Mli  of  J^nii 
.iry.    IHJ!.. 

•  aplain  .run  lb  Sn*  llinn  of  tb-^  llli 
iBfaal  >  was  brenited  for  Kallaiitr 
af  tl>-  l«lll*  of  Kr..»n-lu.>n  In  An; 
usi.  IxlJ.  In  A|iril.  I"i::.  »as  a; 
l«'laled  asaistant  insi'ilor  ::enerai 
with  Ihr  rank  tt  a  in  ijor.  an. I  In 
Kebriiary.  Ixl  I.  ..  >  .tiniiiiss  nm  ■■ 
l.leilleaant  Colonel  of  I  ■*'  ^'iiiirt  i 
KeglnM  nl  of  illfl«i^^<-u  In  April  I  ' 
rt.elviHl  Ihe  co:i.nilaaU/n  of  Insp*  r;ot 
l>nrr;::.  »  th  th*  rank  i.r  i  okiii.  I  II 
waK  diNilnaiKshi^l  at  l.y.'n's  I'.ie',  u.. 
lb*  I'lilptH-wa.  nn4>r  lieneial  Hiss  II  . 
and  wlien  tlie  artiit  wa*  I'la'-id  on  :• 
|.»we  r.«iin;<  In  l»l.".  I^e  was  r.i  iln 
•-4  as  l.l*<itenanl  of  ll>*  flilh  In 
fratry.  II*  naa  ■•roniol*d  t'olon.l  it' 
Ik*  Klrth  in  ■<•■!•.  lie  ilied  al  Was  i 
li.cuin  I  ii>  on  III*  ;»th  of  \ii;:iisl 

I  ulonel  Xai^iii*!  MVIIs.  of  the  Ken 
likky  Militia  al  Tlpi».**nue,  w  •s 
Maj«jr  In  Ada  r's  l«ltalion  of  >••  iinli-d 
rin*i>»n.  i;*n*riil  )  harles  K-oll's  di 
xtmtim  -I  Kenlinky  Voliinleers  in 
i;.i::.     lie  was  aftero arils  made  M  ii<i 

•  >w>ral  of  III*  Kentoiky  Mllllla  II. 
Maji  appfilnlefl  f'oliin*!  of  the  rf«'\i-n 
Ui*acb  H*Rin^*nt  of  Infi^ntry  'ii 
MarHi.  I«l'.'.  »hicli  »a>  dlsl«nil<-l  l;i 
Ma),     mil. 

\la;<.r  JaiiKs  Mllb-r.  lib  I'.  M  Ir 
r^Btry.    itlMi    M-ap    ;it    TIpii*-*  ino*.    !• 

•  ani*  fanio^ia  tn  A.^ieri.  an  liistury  f"i 
ha  wurds,   "I'll  try.  air."     All  siimI>ui> 

ol  Ihe  old  s<  liool  blatoric*  will  rr- 
me  I  Ih-r  the  ans»er  ot  t'olooi-l  Miller 
when  asked  if  he  luuld  take  a  llritlsli 
lialter?-  at  l.undy's<  also  ibe  fa*t 
that  lie  look  Ibe  battery.  II*  was  one 
of  the  niost  c.ilhint  offii-ers  of  tlie 
r.  S.  Ariu.\  when  It  became  a  real 
fielilinit  forte  In  1x14.  l-ronioted  I" 
Ibe  rank  of  t;eteral  lie  rei.licned  in 
isltt  lo  liei-onie  territorial  liovemor 
of  Arkaniwa.  lie  waa  sulae<|iieotl.% 
aHioiottd  revenue  i-ollector  at  Salem. 
\laaaacliiiaetta,  an  offii-e  be  held  for 
-Jl  veara.  lie  died  July  7.  ll«.'>l.  ax* 
".*•   yeiira. 

<;*>erul  saiuuel  llofikina,  wlio  rani- 
•  anded  Ibe  sti-onil  army  la  I*arke 
fi^ualy.  bad  served  wltb  illatlnetlon 
in  the  Uevolutlonary  War.  lie  was 
called  CO  the  eouiinaiid  of  the  Ken 
lucky  MllItU  In  the  war  ot  IMI2.  and 
Ud  an  exiMdItion  to  llllnoia  previous 
•o  ill*  etpedltlon  against  the  Indians 
of  lad  una.  lie  w;ia  a  brave  man  fuid 
a  good  soldier. 

Very  feu  p*  niile  nou  know  that 
.«M  natiir  John  J.  t'ritlendin.  author  ol 
tite  I'rittenden  t'oiii|iro4iilBe,  waa  a 
;oliiier  In  l*arke  county  wl»en  a  yotia*.:  lie  waa  with  lieneral  llo|iklns 
in  IM.'.  Jolin  J.  Crittenden  waa  liorn 
in  Woodford  Coiint.v.  Ki  ntui-ky.  In 
.^e  (•  iiil-er.  IT^aL  He  ai-i'OtupaaU.d  al  Hopkins  in  lila  expedition  im 
III.''i.  anil  the  neitt  yeiir  was 
»il1i  llartison  on  the  \ortbw4at*ra 
fp  nt  ^r.  Me  iM-rformed  ifaJlant  aer- 
vi  e  in  Ihe  battle  on  the  Thantea.  af- 
ter ahii-li  he  rvfliiu^id  hi*  profe^aWa 
at  lluaselu  ille.  lie  waa  several  tlntea 
I,  me  be.  of  Ibe  state  l.e(laUtarr. 
and  »aa  ilHitiid  I'nlted  Mates  !«eB- 
:itor  in  IMI7.  Me  waa  eilled  to  tlie 
raliiiH  I  of  I'revldent  llarriaoo.  in 
1.^41.  aa  .\ttomev  i;eneral.  He  was 
a:rain  •  li'i  ted  in  lli^  l**'nate.  and  In 
l*«lH  uas  I'hoaen  Kovermir  of  Ken 
liH-ky.  I'res.'hnl  Kllluiere  railed  lilni 
to  lii»  cab  net  In  July.  Ik-'si.  aa  Al 
tomey  'General.  Me  enters  the  Tnlt- 
e«l  Stales  Sen  lie  a-.::iln  aa  a  lueiulier 
In  IH.-4.  and  lielil  hia  s*at  there  nolll 
l>«;i.  when  hia  term  of  offli-e  expired. 
Me  tiiok  an  ai-tlvi  |iart.  aa  a  I'nlon 
II  an.  in  legislative  ineaaiires  |«rtala- 
ing  lo  the  <;reat  lleliellloa.  aB4l  his 
propcsitkHi  for  cone  liatlon  will  ever 
l>'  known  in  bisti.ry  us  The  Crittfn 
den  I'ooipronilae.  In  IWil.  lie  was 
elec'el  I  l(e|ires*'ntatl«e  ot  the  l.ower 
lloi.a  of  the  Tbi.ty-a:  ventli  Cooierei'S. 
wlileh  position  lie  iMilltiied  until  tla- 
I  lose  oi'  the  SI  ssion  on  the  .'Ird  ui 
Mar  II.  liar.,  wlien  lie  waa  acaia  |ini 
in  nniiiinallon  for  Ihe  same  nffli-e 
r.HI  he  did  Wil  I  le  nalll  the  till.*  for 
Ih"  *l**-tlon.  Ills  physical  lowers  had 
Uen  gradually  giving  way  for  some 
tiliie.  and  at  lialf  piist  three  o'elo  k 
i.n  Sunday  uiomlng.  July  'Jli.  iw;:s.  b.- 
die-d  at  bla  risidem-e  it  Krankfort. 
uitlioiii  a  struggle,  at  III*  agi-  nf  al 
moat    "eiealy-seven    yi-ara. 

Allhoiigh  nM  In  eiihe'  army 
lame  til  I'arke  County  during  Iln 
a>>orl-.:ln  il  p*rlo«l.  wr  lU-eiii  it  |iro|M-r 
I'f  slate  liere  tl^at  Colon*l  It  i-hard 
\lalcoiiib  Johnson  iliii-k  Johnson  iv  h 
killed»-hi  «aa  In  llorkvlll, 
when  he  »  a  Vice  i'reslilenl.  11. 
made- a  lieiiiocratl.-  sim-ih  h  liere  In 
liMii,  havlnir  b**n  sent  to  IndlRna  to 
roiinli  rai-l  the  |M>tiiilarlty  of  'Tlpp* 
an<>*  and  Tyler,  too."  Junii  s  II 
IMker.  of  lloi'kiille.  then  a  Iny.  I'' 
(.ni'  i.f  III*  few  yet  living  who  saw 
Colonel   Johnson   al   tl«t   11  le. 

Another  famous  mm  wlio  marclM'd 
and  ldvoiia<'krd  In  I'arlte  County  In 
IHI'.'  was  >lajnr  /aiharnh  Taylor 
singularly  enough  the  only  men  erir 
elected  l*r<sldeni  hi  the  Whig  pnrl) 
were   til*    tail   >old|ers    alio      laid      th. 

foundation   for   their     mllli  ir.<      fa 

•in  the  l.unks  nf  the  Walash."  Mke 
the  servile  |i*rfortii'd  hy  lti*lii  nn  In 
dlan  IS  beautiful  rlier.  a  |iart  of  II  in 

I'arke  county,  tliere  ia  a  similarity  In 
their  lareen.  Both  were  (lei-te.1  by 
the  Wliigs  to  Ibe  ITesldeni  y.  and 
loth  dieil  before  Ibelr  adiulnistralionii 
liail  scarcely  liegiin.  Both  had  been 
lirave  end  auiceaaful  •■Idlers,  and  as 
>ULh  will  ever  lie  re:i  eiulwred  bv  a 
grateful  peoi>le.  Tb«y  wroa  tbiil  for 
ulilib  tbey  faced  death,  and  tlie  world 
biill  worsbliia  at  the  abrine  of  mill 
tary    (lory.      .Va     surceaaful     aoMiers 

tlielr  names  are  Indelibly  writtea  on 
the  pagea  of  our  i«UBtry'B  history, 
one  aasorkited  always  with  Tlppi».- 
fsBOe  aipl  tile  TlMuiea.  the  ocher  with 
Huena  Vi»»a  and  Monterey.  T'n-y. 
with  all  III*  (aJlant  tkroog  w  l»i  aan 
Virgin  l-aike  County,  ■dream  "f  hat 
tie  fields  ISO  wore,"  and  know  ao  iuor>' 
"•lara  of  daaxer,  Bli;bta  ot  waking." 

Sntiamitt  Parkr 

la  DCI,  r  re  years  aftar  tlw  a«wle- 
sloa  of  Indiaaa  lata  the  TbIob.  Parkr 
CoiiBtv  waa  orsaalaed  uader  bb  act 
of  llie  l.eglaUture  .lad  Baiue<l  In  hon- 
or of  KenJamlB  Parke.  Al  that  tluie 
lie   waa  one  o(  tba   moat     proalBCBt 

ReBjBBilB  Parke  waa  a  lue  uUrr  o. 
the  fliat  Territorial  lj!(lalature.  aad 
waa  by  It  ckoaea  aa  the  flr>t  iviir*. 
aealat  ve  ia  Can^reaa,  In  wlih-h  ra 
laeltv  he  aervcd  until  IMst.  a  Itea  In- 
waa  aw'a'a*  hr  Jarranan   Tiniior 

,ji  -.s       pfc^Mu       1^  9^tW^^j  - 

i^'i  b'.T:L-=?^'-*^  **- 

Hg    us     BBS 

AUI.^     PABBg. 


Tku  a««SP  •rss  kaiM  '•*  Jm4^  ^nrkr  IB  IMM.  1  I  iw 
rtrardt  rmt  im  tiro  aad  f*e  ^n»  mutf4  fo  aritmimte  UA*  la  I  (areas* a. 
iH  Irowtrd  tritk  keorg  limhrn  aaif  knred  likr  n  hwra.  Tkr  «|m>i  k 
a  fasten a^y  aad  ireafAiThaard  iriis  laid  s^  irif*  krv-i.  iM«Aia#  if  ^roo; 
Bsf   ri/lr   kmllrit   in   rrrnf  of  oltaik    »»    Im-liimt    »ri«iaa<(|t     fke      »>••<• 

*'id  m. 

iiiea  la  llie  ikw  State.  Ileajau  la 
rarke  waa  liom  la  New  Jer««y  In 
1777.  and  caiue  to  Indiana  when  a 
yiiing  lawyer,  age  ::l.  la  Iwil.  He 
h  ul  itMue  to  l.exlBgtOB.  Keltlmky. 
wbea  31  yeara  of  ace.  There  lie  atlKl 
led  law  aad  marred  Mlaa  Kllza  Itai 
ton.  Soon  after  bis  marriage  he  and 
bis  .voiing  wife  laiii*  to  \'luci.iin<-s 
Iliea  the  laplUI  of  ladlana  Terri 
tor.v .  nd  the  hoine  of  tlie  i;oTiiBar. 
William  lleary  Harrison.  I'arke  oi 
ened  a  taw  oiYlee,  and  was  'Oi*n  In 
tile  ifood  grai-es  of  lioiemor  llarrlaon. 
To  this  circuiiiatani  e  Is  no  diMiI4  due 
lis  apfiolntmint  aa  Attorney  i;*neral 
of  III*  Terrlti'iy  by  freatdeal  Jefler 

Woykt^y^r  ISMiored  and  f-*pe«-ted  f.-r 
Ihoa*  refiuaeful  traits  of  charterer  thai 
dlstln,fulshrd  ilm  In  later  llf*.  ami 
wiMt  fur  hliii  Ije  love  and  veneration 
of  siH-h  a  man  :is  the  late  llarnnl<na  c. 

Hobhs.    lllstorl'Bl    lllllh   eolllpela    lue    In 

state    that    one    nf    llenjamln    I'lrke'* 
earliest  ai-ts  al    VInrennes  was  n  rhal 
I'nge  to  flglit  a  duel.     He  waa  an  ai 
five   and    Uj.ial   suppiirler  of   th*  iiarl- 
whih    rillied    around    ilovernor    lis 
rlBi>n    on   the   Issue  of   slavery    in    I'l 
Terrllo.  y.    and    we    fiirthi  r    n-iere      I 
■tale  ihal   on   the  .iiM'tion  im  li    th 
lirisented    itself    the    iiovermir»    l.iiil 
was      |ir»slaiiry.       The       rnnlr    .    r 
grew  so  Inner  that   I'nrk*  ■  nl  .•  '  :<al 
lenge   In   a    Siolrlimiin     Wllllai»      M- 
Iniiisli    hut  It  was  not  neiepi^.^ 

He    w.. 


lal  Judge. 
la^ai'lty  « bea  the  Tlppei-anoe  cam 
(•aign  waa  prajecled.  In  whli-h  he 
B'-rvid  aa  a  loliialeer  la  Che  hallallon 
of  l»rajp«tu.  He  waa  |irooiote.l  on 
Ihe  field  to  tlie  Majority  niaile  ia< ml 
l.y    llie   dcmlh    •■<    JosefMl    II.       |IBvle-a. 

anil  vaa  highly  ratuiueniled  for  l>rai 
•  rv   and   effdewy    hy   lienerml     Hai 


Judse  I'arke  «aa  a  memlvr  of  iln- 
<«natliutlonal  eonrenilon  whl.h  iiiei 
at  Corydon  In  1S|IL  Ipon  llie  idnila 
■Ion  of  lb*  State  he  w-aa  apiolnted  ■•• 
President  Madlaiin  railed  Slate*  in* 
trill  Judge  with  Clnult  Cnun  jawers 
.Not    long   after   this   axf-i  ntnieni    h. 

Hioved  rriMM  VlBCeane*  ta  Salem  III 
\\h'  'ilngton  County,  where  lie  residi  il 
■  ntll    kl<   ileath. 

In  iierMiB  Heajaiuin  Parke  waa  tall. 
ni«rl.v  six  feet,  hut  *|«ire  ani.  of  ^i 
rather  delicate  frame.  HU  dlKnlrii-d 
preaenie  Impreaaeil  revereace.  ami  liln 
klndnea*  of  Itrart  won  Ihe  loie  and 
devotion  of  ereryliodjr.  He  was  nan 
ly  Insti  imiental  In  tlie  fnniiatlon  nf  ii 
public  tlhrary  at  VIneenne* :  lie  wim 
a  II  ember  i.f  Hie  flr*l  boird  of  triiK 
li.<-  nf  Hie  Vimenne*  rnlvir*lly.  and 
he  was  an  and  im'sldeiit  ui 
Hie    Indiana    llUlorhal    Mo<'iei> 

.\n  Interiatnif  fart,  strangely  over 
looked  l.y   I'arke  County  klstuilaii 


<l*llon      with      lien 
'  late 

min  I'lirke  enjoy. d  li.i   -.     

al.aa  c.   Ilnblia.   In   Hie  year   lici:!  the 


■il   fr. 

I  Ik 

K.iMirKn   "I   .■hc.loill.      Ilnrlnn.   f  In' 

Hoii  III'  .linli.T  I'lirl.i-,  III! Ill 

iiimliinli   Iril    liy   llii-  ili'iilli  of  liiH 

in-   in    I  III-   niir   m'   lii-    tiianilimt' 

l.nili   illi'il   iinil     lliiijiiiiiln     mill 

1    I'.irlii'   won-   l-M    .  hllillcwi. 

nr.    Ilolilm    ,11    L'hIliK    nn    nc.oiiiic 

Ik    irliillnllH    «llh      .liMlci-      I'mki- 

"lli    liln    liim  llMi-KH    ho    liivlloil 

n  liniinl  Willi  lilln  wlillo  1  wiis  nl- 

iiK   mlii.ol   III    llif   Sp.i  Iniiry,   niiil 

ivi>  n   run-  nr  llio   lnnilly   isardon 

Hialili'H.    "Iilli-    111-    nun   n«ny    ni 

111   hiillniiiiiiollH.     On  niio  occoi' 

I'nilii-  I'niinly  nl  Iho  I|;io  ol'  I 
i:nnlziill..ii  'mliiilorl  iiinut  of  In  pr 
III!    RMi'iiri'    iiitli'H   iiiKl    nil    or    Vi 

ullilllr.  Ill 

iiiily  lii-r  plnno, 
,.  iiiKl  iiiilsilp.  lions 
ml  ilnro,  iiiui  poBfl-.,; 

..1    s Illllli 

liiinlBlili  B  iili.l  iirhiillniis  nf  onrl.v  m'i 
Horn   or   n    rnrcsl    linnllcr.      Mniiy    n 

iipiiry  Iik:  yi  Ill's  nun.  iiiul  rnnnri  It  it 
linMli-il  I'V  Hull  111-,  in  iloilKi-  foioul 
iiiilniirliril.  ill.  strrnni.  iniiiBC.I.  iiii.l  II 
I  loll  pniii'liB  and  nplnnil.-.  nn.  on  iii.i 
III  l.y  Ihr  |ilow  mill  Kirk 


rli-d    111      111 
nnilB.  nnil  I  In-  pin 

inlilsl  or  iiiilil'ok.' 
,„.,.r  nr  I'ni-lii-  I'nnnt.v.  nv  In  liiin.l 
niTvi.l  Willi  niiriniiiili'il  ronini;i'.  In-: 
UMi  llio  Imlllr  nr  ll.i'.  An  n.i'o  nr  Iwn 
Mns  ili-nriil  llio  rii'.Bl  yonr  fm'  roni. 
mill  Iho  wnnd.i  nnl  nlronniH  riirnlnlioM 
iMiio  mill  ri.ii.  r.y-niiil-hy  n  now  vii- 
rlol.v  wii»  iidiloil  in  Iho  B.nnly  Inrdoi' 
111    Ihr    Hliilpo    nr     "hni;    nnil    lioiiilny." 


Bliipio  lint  liniolr  dnya.  Coiu- 
wlln  Iho  hiKlily  lirod  slock  nr 
lliiwi-  "nn-nr  lin.k"  Iioks  worn 
liidcvd  rrnni  (In-  slmi.lpnlnl  ol 
i.ihiii  bnoMor:  Inn  tho  ox.pilsllo 
•  nr  iiin.sir.-.l  hmii  and  hnonn 
111  ;do    lip    « hnl    '.ns   Iniklni:   In 

ill    liny    dovolnp nl.      Tho    pnw- 

wild  pill. 11.  hnw.  mid  wild  hoi- 
rniiBllliili'd  Iho  sliiildo  slnol;  nl 
nd  In  Iho 

nils,  pnl 




pnt.h  nnd  wild  door  nflon  fiirnlslio  I 
Iho  onliro  wnnli'o'.o  nr  Iho  rmiilly, 
•Iho  hiMirloa  nr  Iho  t'llilo  worn  dlslios 
nr  wild  hinioy  mi. I  linys  of  pllinpklli 
,il.  s.  n.  Ilhol-  ..r  ivhlrh  lins  Inal  It.-i  nl 
Ininli.ii  In  this  liny,  'nc  hlny.od  pntli 
Mliy  Ihlnlicli  Iho  or  tho  llldlmi 
null  wn»  llio  only  known  roiilo  n.' 
Innol.  Noni  nol.'hlinin  wore  hoars, 
l.niilhora  md  wnh-s.  llio  Inltor  or  on 
Itn.loiis  fliniiinch,  oti null  appolllp  oiid 
i,  l.niindloss  mid  IhiiilloBS  "iticck."  As 
II  iltstiirhor  or  llro's  BoipioBlorod  soonc 
Iho  nnlr  BlmnN  Bo.  nn.l  In  the  history 
or  I'nrko  Coiinly  to  her  nvornKo  onn 
didnio   nr   the    piosent    dnyl 

Tricos  of  nhl  Indian  war  trails, 
whl.h  I'm  n  lom:  tliiio  wore  vlslhlo  In 
iliri'.Tonl  pnrls  or  the  loiinty.  nnd  Iho 
fmiiionl  Innilni;  up  hy  the,  plow 
slinro  of  nrrniv  heads  nnd  roll.B  or  In 
d  nn  ornniiiont  nn.l  wnrrnre,  the  ahiinil 
nnro  or  pure  water  and  plenty  or 
B.nio.  Indlrnto  that  I'nrke  Coiinlv 
Hood  e.pmlly  rnvorahle  In  the  rsll 
mm  Inn  nf  the  r.  d  men  nB  she  Is  now. 
with  her  neat  raniis.  vIllaRes.  chiirrh 
OB.  lond-.  bri.lfoa.  rallivays.  herds 
and  rio.ks.  orrhards  and  happy  liolnei. 

or   Ih. 


nmeratlnna.  who  wl..i  the  liinslo  Imn.l 
nf  lahor  Iransrornieo  the  wlldornoBr. 
of  llin  years  alio.  Step  hy  step  IIiobo 
grand  old  fatliers  anil  inothers  march- 

nil    llarrl.H 



nnni    .Vnrth    llend    t.i    Nlnoenn ii 

dlnid  with  iia.  I  wni  iiinrli  Intorosl. 
Ill  wltiioKBlne  Ihe  ol.hllnio  rrlenilshl 
or    thoK.'    ll.iiio.  r    nrri.  lain,    .\rior    d  i 

nor  1   hroiiKl it   111..  KoneinrK  hnl■^ 

and    !  ol;oi|    hliii    In    Ills   sllrrlii.     nn 

they  piirt.d  to  liio.'l   on  laill inr 

MnrlliL'   the    e. iiior   nr    I,s.';.-|    th..    d 

alroyor  rlnlfhid  lil.s  wnr!i.  I  was  wll 
him  In  his  laBl  lioiirn,  saw  111  ii  expir 
nnd  ass  sled  hi  linild  rmiipheM,  I'r 
feasor  CnlnphenV  miller,  nr  I'ini 
Inr.lBvlll..,    piipar,-.l    liliii    ror   IiIb   na 

low   risllni:'o  on   ih..  hill  w 

OBt   ol  ,>Tlntlve    or    th 

i-'r    splrllilnl    ion.- 


iniiiilona  as  Iheinse' 

vos,     lie  read   and 

"Ileiijanilii    I'ark.-    waa    a    eh 


enjoyrd    lliolr   hnnl. 

,and  kepi  tlioiii  In 

III    the    inio    n.'replallnn    nf    the 


Ills    lll.rnry, 

was    perhaps,    the 

I'lnnlKli    ho    Idi'llliriod    hlniHolr   n 

Ih   no 

host  at  that  lime,  1 

n  the  Slate.  When 

loll'.-lniiH    di  linlnllial  on.      lie    at 


Ill-nth  wa-  near  he 

vas  very  consriniis 

Il    value    In    th,,    siilrllnal    a 


and  mini,  ami  aiiill 

oil  at  all  my  little 

lion  and  ex|iorleii.o  nr  riirl.stin 

n   life. 

attontlonB:   and    i\  1 

en    the     IobI     Biif- 

Tn   hliii    It    niilBt    1,0   a   lino   life 

n   Ih.! 

focal  InR    ooiiRli    iva 

over    lie   Boeiiird 

sniil.      Ilo   inilhl    lie   satlBriei 


ipilto    ready,    with 

Kirk    White    who 

iiplioiiraiieoB    wUhniit    n    pra.'t'o 

nl    rx- 

Hnhl   under   like  olr 


hlhltlon    of   Its   Keniilneas.      lie 


"Hcncrlonh.  O  woild   ao 

moir  of  iko  dftirat, 

often    rode   out    throe    iiillia    In 

0   Ih? 

No  mofvafhep^.  of  am. 

Dua,  vamant  hop«,           • 

roiintry  to  alt   In     Bllonee     wll 


labiuT«all.     N'owolh»r 

arra  anaioaa  mr. 

I'riends   at    their    iiildw..iU    me 


And  mr  lirr<l  aoiil.  wilh 

mulallva  haala, 

as  well  na  nn  the  Siihhmh,  and 

vaa  as 

l,m>k*  loin  Cod  *nd  plun 

aallawlnia  Intteavan.' 

ed,    >ldi-l.yalde      they      lal.orod      from  ill    W  li.aBli    TowiiBlllp.      It    is    .lose    |,. 

"early    n  orn    tn  dowoy   oio."   toBoihor  the    Wnliash    lllver,    .onlaliliiiK    inl.n 

the.'innR  and  priyed  ami  rniiBht   Iho  aoroB.     It   wna   iiiaile    In   inirsnnnre  o, 

prnd    rinhl   nr   rallh    :n   Hod   and    line  the  Tlilld   Arllole  or  the  Irenlv  made 

in    man.    Illllli    the    l.nwid    nnd  and   oomliided   at    St.    .Maiya    lietwe-n 

siTrrenilore.l  tn  111.  Ir  lent   Indiisl.y.  the    Tnltod    Slal.-s    ..r      A'' orlon,      liv 

S.linid  lioiis.-E  nn.l  ohiinlirs  sprmiv  lip  Ihilr   (•oiiiinisBlonerii.    .lonnllinli      .Ion- 

rroin  almost  every  hill  and  valley,  the  nln^-s,      I.owIb     Cibs     and      Ilenjaniln 

olanK    of    entoiprlso      and      eniniioro.'  I'nrke.  and  Iho  Wea    frllie  of  Indians, 

ran.'  IIiioiibIioiiI   lliolr     hnrdoiB.     and  Octoher  'i   1«IS,   Brnntoil   unto  ChrlBt 

then,  hnvlnB  rinlslied  Ih.  Ir   work   a-.^  iiinB    liagenet.    llin'zney.l    one   of    Ih' 

Klvon  to  lis,  their  .hlldron.  Iho  friiil  .hlldron   or  the   Meehlnipiainoahn,  sis- 

of  their  eoiirapc.  virtue  and  toll,  they 
passed  away,  maklnB  the  history  oi 
I'arke  ('"iinty  what  It  Is.  nill  of  Inter- 
est, IntolllBon.'o,  morality  and  pro- 
Birss  at  the  ilose  or  the  rirst  coiitnry 
of  our  holovod  State,  and  leavliiB  ii 
to  shape  her  history  In  the  coMihiB 
century  for  good  or  111. 




Tho  territory  now  emhraoed  In 
Tiirke  Coimt.i'  PoKan  to  he  Bottled  be 
fore  It  was  niBan'zed.  I,an.l  was  en- 
tere.l  In  Klorhla  township  belnw  th.- 
Ten  (Vch.ok  line  ns  early  as  islil.  hut 
there  Is  no  record  of  any  BoltlerB  lo 
latlnK  In  Oho  county  at  that  time. 

The  only  Indian  srant  of  land  lo  be 
found  of  reoord   In   Parke  roiinly,   P 

tor  or  Jacoo,  a  rlibr  or  tin 

Tbo    Act    of    CoiiBresB    stlpnlate.l    tlia' 

I'lirlstmaa   K.iBonet  and  bis  lioiiB  for- 

hiB  Iieira,  without  the  cmsent  am 
permission  of  the  I'resident  of  tin 
I'nlted  States.  Chrlsliiias  DaEonct 
died  in  Vnnlliiren  Coiinly,  MlaBoiirl. 
in  1HI«.  lie  lert  as  his  sole  nnd  onlv 
siirvlvliiR  holrs-nt-law.  his  wlte,  Mary 
liaEonot,  and  sons  nnd  daiiBhtcrs,  six 




Ilyarlnlh.    i:dwln    It.,    Kmlly   and    l.ii 
I'lnda  S.  liaBonrt. 

'I'ho  land  wna  partitioned  and  set 
apart  In  the  Parke  Prol.ato  ronrl. 
1.I1.VI.  to  the  dirrcrcnt  lielra,  who  sold 
It  to  strnnKcrs.  The  new  inirohasers 
eonvcyed  and  rc-convfjrod  It,  wllhoiit 

the  oonsont  or  the  President  or  tho 
t'nitod  SlatoB.  Ill  lonklnx  up  iho 
I  II.'.  I'.  I'.'.  I.ninliert,  .Mislrnoter.  dlB- 
I'overed  this  "oloiid"  nnd  sen  rnl  deeiln 
"ore  sent  to  WiishlnBtoii  city  where 
Iho  then  President  endoraed  lila  ap. 
proval  i.r  sale  i,|.on  Ih..  doodo,  IIiiib 
pcrreoting  the  title  tn  Iho  land,  con- 
diilone.l   by   the  original   Act  of  Con- 

I'hrlstniaa  liagenet  londeicil  vnlii- 
nl  le  aorvlees  tn  tlio  fiilteil  StalCB,  for 
Khloh  the  Eovernnienl  sliowod  lla  np 
pnolallon  by  th'i  land  gniiii  to  lihii. 

Wo  note  Hint  the  prosoiii  nivnora  ol 
Iho  "liaziioy  reservation  are  ,rniiiefl 
lUiie'B  estate,  .Marx  Ml'oldonhach, 
■iolin   \:.  ,loiinBt..n,   .\nnry     ,1.     Pratt, 

.Martha    1).    Sliiilley,    Sal I    A.    Spon- 

c  r's  cstnto,  .sniiiiiol  SliootorB,  \V,  V, 
liliic  nml  Thomas   nine's  oslato, 

'I'lie  |.;ast  I't-acllonal  ,-<eitlon  :i,"i, 
l'*loi|da  Township,  was  entered  hy 
.lonolih  Klt.holl,  Septeilibor  II,  t.slll. 
Ilie  innt  cnntalnod  XW.n  a.ri'S  and 
hordors  ah.nB  tho  Wabash  lllver.  In 
early  liines  deeds  for  lands  In  Ihe 
^'oiilh  part  of  the  I'onnty  were  re 
•oided  In  tho  llcronlcr'a  otlUv,  at 
Tone  lliiile.  Iioeda  lo  this  traot  are 
nisi  recorded  In  Vlnoennes,  Terro 
ilaiilo  and  llockvlllo.  (harks  An- 
-uiiil  now  owns  ."HI  nercB,  W.  I-'.  Siini- 
iiicrB,  (leorge  Wnlkor'a  estate.  Mary 
Ayres  and  John  Denny  own  residue 
nl  Biilil  traot.  I'IiIb  plo.e  or  land  Is  p' 
so  part  or  the  thirteen  tracts  lying  In 
Iho  roniitloB  or  ^'lBo,  Parke  and 
Knox,  inircliased  from  the  I'nitod 
states  hy  the  Terre  Halite  Compnn.v, 
whi  h  platted  and  laid  out  Ule  I'lty  of 
irrrc   llaiito. 

The  Bonth-oast  ijiiarlor  (  ■  o  l-l)  of 
i;ectlon  twonty-soven  ('.'7,)  in  toivn- 
slilp  ronrteen  (111  north,  range  eight 
(.Ml  we^t,  .ontalning  imi  a.-rcs.  was 
gnnted  by  CoiiBross  lo  (lllver  Proc-  ' 
lor,  Sept.  II.  isiil.  "late  a  Corporal  , 
In  Corpa  of  Canaiilnn  lleriigres,  a  ill- 
Ixen  ortJreen  County,  Now  York."  ,May 
.  .~i,  l-Hl.x.  he  sold  the  land  to  Thomas 
Parker,  "late  a  Sergeant  in  tbo  ,\rniy 
or  tho  Inltod  States  In  Ihe  war  with 
Creal  llrltaln."  Parker  died  nnd  bla 
bo  rs-atlaw  deeded  lo  Tollvcr  Craig, 
of  Jorrei-Bon  Coiint.v.  Indiana,  wli.i 
■  nnveye.1  lo  .lohn  .M.  l>oty,  .lohn  .M. 
Doty  died  seized  of  this  Inod  and  II 
waa  partitioned  aiiinng  hlB  lioira. 
I':plirlani  Doty  and  .Mary  Doty,  two  of 
the  heirs,  oainc  Into  iioBsesslon  of  it, 
nml  first  laid  onl  llio  original  plat  ol 
the  Toivn  of  liosedale.  Other  adill, 
tlona  to  the  Town  of  Hosednlo  are  al- 
so  l.ii-ated   thereon. 

The  solllhwost  ifliarter  (  s  w-  1-^)  of 
Bootlon  IT,  township  II  north,  of  range 
S  west,  containing  KMl  acres,  Florida 
township,  was  entered,  .May  27,  1817, 
by  .Mexander  liiinlap  Scott,  of  Knox 
County,  Indiana.  II  soon  camo  Into 
possession  of  Hanford  I,cwla,  and  la 
now  owned  by  J,  It,  llcaton, 
r'hannojr   Roio,   Moaca   llohlilna  and 

,,>ili"»'    llMxiliH   iMilll    n    mill   III    ll'i 
,1111'   111    IM'l.     'I'l'li"    "'"•   '""  >■'•■"" 

HISTORICAL    SKETCH     O  !•     I' A  K  K  E     COUNTY. 

till-  Bill-  nf   liln  KrnnilfiUhcr' 

I   I'll! 



.Mlhniii;li   II    «.iH  iil«nyii  n  i|mmloii       lliii  Iwiniin 

Nnllmn    IllnUi-.     IMinrlm     Wnohoilnn 

,„l.|n    and   llii-  llllo  m   h nl   l«  H"-       J"l"'    H'lrrnril.    llniiliiiMln    Wiilln,  niii!'inl      nil t      I"" '      <"      •"""■"      """'''"  "'" '"   "'"   '"'"'■      '"    '■*-'■ 

hv    .liiiiii-n    Mnnroi-.     1'rri.l-       .Miib.b    Hurt,'      SiiiiMua      S Ir 

ol  lIlBl.ulc  iliirlllK  the  lirr  lliiio  of  III 
liliiMKiB.  mid  U  la  not  imsltlvpl 
l.n.iwn  «lin  «n»  llir  flim  |ii'niinniii 
ii-IIlM-  In  r.Tiki-  Cniinly.  tlii'  n-roiil- 
IIB  wi'll  IIB  Ihr  ilillhi  III  mill  illsllni 
linn  niiiili-  li.v  .Inhn  M.  Holy,  iiiIImiI 
I, .III  In-  iMiH  Ihr  tliBl.  Mr  Inrnliil  in  ii 
III.-  iii'Binl  ln"n  nl  lloBiilnli-  In  1S1^ 
Till-  Mil.lii-ll  lunl  MIlliT  r:i  I  llliB  i.llll 
In  IIM.-i  o..n  liiwiislili.  In  ISIM.  Imi 
l.uilmlily  liilir  In  lln-  >riir  lliiin  III 
Imty  rmiilly,  .livinm  Ki-ir.  xvlni  linii:;li 
hinii  In  I'nrUr  rniinly  i'iirl|.-r  tlini 
niiy  I'l  I  In-  llrnl  |ii-nnnnrnl  Billlni 
ill.i  nnl  ifiiiin  nnlll  nili-r  n  nninl.i-r  n 
nllK-r  plnni'i-iB  li  nl  I'lllll  Ini- r  riililns 
lull    hlB   wlfi-  nlwnyi   iliilnn-il    IhnI    III 

ilinl  i.f  lln-  rmiiil  Slnlc 

i:l(-ni<-n   Cure   .Inhn    li 

nd   I.I 

il-rlnrk  Ilin-.  Al  lln-  n|«nlii);  nf  l.iinl 
*„1,»  nil  In. linn  n-irvnllnn  -lii-;;lii- 
nliir  ml  III'-  Ti-n  iCrl...  U  l!ni-  jilBl 
Hiiill,  nf  rmlln,  riinnlni;  wlili  Ilini 
:,no  in  lln-  Wnlii.Bli  II Ivor.  |i|<-i,i.-  li|. 
,|„.  rli.-i  iilionl  B.-v,n  iiiIUb.  Ili.nn 
,„  ,1  ,.nnl  nl«ml  lliivr  inll.B  nnill, 
wi-Bl  nr  lln.kvllln,  iinil  rinni  Ihorn  to 
III,,  iiln.i-  ..r  l.i.;;lniiliu;->vnB  nindn 
MiiBl  nf  IhlB  irnil  nrii-rvuinli.  linnni.. 
IliB.-lv..  InlvllBlilp.  I'nr  II  rr«  ynn. 
nnly  did  lln-  wliHiH  n-|ii-.l  Ilin  n-BiT 
willnn.  ..Ill  wlilli-  11  IM-In  no  liind  «iib 
,.„l,.r.d  IliBlilr  nr  IIB  Imnnilill  li-B.  Til. 
•llBznoy"  rr»i-rv.illnn.  Innv.vrr.  nnn 
liiBlili-  111.-  Iiirm-r  rrB.Tv...  nnd  IiIb  I  llr 

(•Ininniy  llnnn  «"«  nl  I'l.  llnirl«..n 
In  INI.M  «ln-n  Cnpl.  Andn-w  llrnnlis. 
iMdInn  ntinl  nnd  lnli-rnrrt<-r,  who 
Inid  fii-iiin-nlly  vIbIIoiI  rnrki-  cniinly 
nnil    nolid    11."    ninny    nnlnrnl    ndvnnl 

nrcn,  nrrlvi'il  nl  llin  fort  nflor  nno  ol  m.i.r  KlrUpnlrlck  snllrd  n  I'.lc  1! 
Ilia  onlBldi-  lrl|i».  lln  lold  IlnBc,  ilin, 
n  yniiiiu-  ninn  nr  l':i.  nlKini  n  rinn  inlli 
nun  iin  lIlK  llnri-onn.  I>nr  nc  lln-  win 
If-r  llii-y  fnrnird  n  (.nrliiriBlilp  wli:. 
.Mi.Bi-a  Iliil.l.lnB,  nnd  wlillo  llii.  Biinn 
«nn  F.IIII  nil  tin-  Kinnn.l  In  Ilin  r.prliiL 
III  islli  Ilii-y  l.i-i;nii  wnrk  en  llmlr 
11  111  iin.l  ili^hll,  n'  nl  llnl  ll..r.r-vlll  ■ 
rli.iiiniv  IliiK...  Willi...  nnnir  n-i  n  plil! 
nnlinplBl  IB  knnnii  Inr  nnd  widn.  w:  f 
liorn  nl    WnnI  lin  innl.  Cniin  .   l>.-r.    . 

.InniiB  KilBi- 
liiilll  |i|ik«.iir» 
.MniiBllild  In  IS 
In    'In 

111,1    I'liiliriB   nirkBon       lli'l    .\nriiinn.    nil    rinin    Kinliicky,    bo|. 

now    IioIiihb   mill,   nl       lied    nl   or   inn,-    I'lirllnnd    Mlll».      Tin- 

.'1.     Snlnimi  l.iiBk  rniiin       mill  thi-rn  w.ib  liiilll  l.y  Snimi.l  Slirln. 

,.r     Cipi-k      In       Inllii-r  nf  (.VnnrnI  Knorcn  Klrl.imli  ik 

rorlhind    MIIIb  n-  n 

mill    In    IV-'i;  l.iilll    111"   11.111   llinro.  Slnnln.    In    is 

VM-ir  lilir  .liilin   liiniil  Imlll  n  iiilll  m-lllnni-nl    vna    ,  onlniiprmii-onii    ulili 

I'liinn    tin-    minilli    of      Simnr     rrni-U.  Ilir  town  of  llo.killlo.   Wllllim  li«i'. 

IMIry    .Mllrlmll    In    IS'.'l    Ininnio    tin-  milirrlnlnw     of     linvirnor      Wik-M. 

Ihwl     Biltli-r    nf    IVnn    lnwn»lil|i.    llic  Job.  nnil  I  hivlrt  Wnlfr.  John  Llni  liiirL-i-i 

ijmik.rn  |..||owli,K  In   l.s-J."..  nnd  lir.  i;.  Allnn  nnrr  miioiiK  tin-  riial 

■111,-    llr-l    Billl.i-    111    llnrkvllln    wn«  (.nlllm,    of    lli-Bi-nr    Inw.iBlllp.    .Imii.v. 

Aiirnii    llnnn.    "  lin    Lull    n    inliln   nnl  nnd    John    l.nvrrly.    .'■•niiinrl    lllll.    I  ir. 

inr    Iroiii    Ilin    ■l.ipk    wnri-liniiBC"      In  'Inylor.  inlnnnl   llnvB.  .Vqiilln  I'lilnn-y 

till-   noilhoisl    pnil   nf   li.wn.     .M   tin-  nnd    Wllllnin    lllxmi    wrro   ;i  i  nni:   lli,- 

,,,„„    II Solomnn    SiniinniiB    loinl,-d  r  isl    BnlUnrB    of      WnlniBll      InnnBlilp 

n    mill-   Bnntlmi.Bt    of   llir   loiirl    lioiiBc-.  Ilinry     l.ll-nv.    Sniiiiicl      Snonk,      nml 

I.llll'   111    llii.   Biinn-     Jinr     unrnlii'iry  .IniiiiB  l.iiiiK  wrii.  ilm  iItbI  »i-ii1i.ib  nf 

\Vnid    ninii-    "lid    I'lriili-d    U"'   Imid    In-  llnnnril      I.imiibIiIp.      I.mJJ.      Alirnlinin 

nlliTwiird   lioimlil    nol    fnr     from     tin-  ■nniln-nnnn.      Wlllimn      nnd      IMivmd 

rnliln    of   rornolliir,    Siindi  rinnd.      two  llrmkivny.    .Imnli      ItowBlinr.      Snmiol 

,Mlli-a    norlliwcBt      of      llmki  111'-.      An  Arnot.    l.nwBon    lliirimnn    nnd      IWilil    liny.    Ilm   ■■fnllii-r   nf    llorUvilli-."  Shirk    wi  rn   lln-    firm    si'tlli-rB   of    1.11.- 

rnnin   In    IsL'l.   hiil   did    not    hrlni:   liln  my  townshl|i— ISJJ     to     ISJ.V     .lolin 

inmlly  lint  1  l-SL'-J.     In  ts-J2  John  lIlnBB,  .Mnrlln    In    l.vJl    wn«   tin-   fIrBt   Bi-llkr 

.Inhn   nnd    .In, oh   Mlllc-r  nnd      I'hnimiB  In  Inlon  loivnfllilp.     John  .Mlllnr.  Wl-' 

Wnolvrrlon    wlillo   nn    thi-lr     wny     to  llnm    Siithorlln    nnd      iBnni-      Noriimn 

MnnlKonirry  I'oiinty   Innklnc  for  irnml  iniiin  Rnnn  nCtcr  John  .Mnrlln  In   IHJI 

l-nllln    In   lsi;il      Iiiinlrl   llrnln  ImiLiI       Imi.l.  wi-ic  lold  i.f  n  flnr  l.oily  ,.t  Innd  iindlSL'L'. 

on    l.iilll-    llnirnnn.   nmr     Union.      Ii        -n   -.Ww    I  n-covory-on    lln-   mdnnd  llownor  Inlcrr-tlnd  It  wmild  ho  lo 

is-'l     nnd    Hint     yrnr     M?     ilmmhtor      l«-tvvrfn     llio     two     lln.coonB.     Tliry  po   Inlo   further  nnd    nniro     oxlrnBlio 

•^rrn'pin    who  iK-.miin  lln-  wifr  of   Iv         looUrd   nl   It   nml   lilted    It.     Thn  noM  ilMiill  nr.  lo  the  rnrly  ploni-i-rn.  Bpnrr 

wnrd  llkrni-s    wnB  horn.     J;iiiii-8  Umli        venr   Aln-l    Hill.   John    Jnsaiip.    Ilinry  forhliln  more  tlinii   Is   linrc  sivnn.  Iho 

nnnn     lnvld    Tmlil     .M.rnliniii    Inirlli.       Ncvlna.    Sllnn    llnrlnn,      .lolin      lllnkc.  nliji  rt    ho  nK   to   ro,nrd    Iho   flr»l    »i-t- 

nnd  AmhroBo  I.nml.orl  ontrri  d  Inml  on ""i"   of  Iho  oonnly,   IhoBO  whn  rnmo 

l.tih-  llnri,),.n  In  ilro,  no  inwiiBlilp  li  Mf    iiutUn,,.   ,    .inc.  ihe    -l.nvc    w.,  l.oforo  or  nhoiil  tho  (Into  of     Its    or- 

IM-.'l.     .loBoph  I'.   Hmhnnnn  ownB  nml      wnn,.n  ...1.  H.  S.  Rnnly.ntlnn. 

ISIS.  Jniioiih  llnl»;mi.  Br.,  in. no  fri.ii 
TinniBB.o  to  llnomon  InvvnBhlp  li 
isi'i.  In  ISI11  Jiid::i.  .Ins.-ph  Wnlkoi 
B.lllo.l  nonr  N'liinn  In  I'Inil.ln  town 
idilp.  Ab  oarly  as  isjii  Jiiilto  Ad  iiii: 
I.  .iti-d  In  Iho  "lorl,..!  nf  Iho  rroi-k.' 
I  In.ldn    InwnBhlp,      i:oor-o   nnrl    Al 

(irrjaiitzattnu  of  ftirkp  (Enuuty 

r-rn  .V  'nil-;  in 

S  "f~T\-i  l.oKhl-lll>o  BO^Blon  or 
\-A    (0   1>      1SL'1.--I.    .Innmi, 

[.  &':^i-i\  Iho  •■l--miniliillnii  nf  ii 
L-w-'4.-««...«A  ,„.«  connty  .North  of 
VIko."      Iik   l.inindnrlon    «oro   diB  rlh- 

oil     BB     fllll.lVVB: 

■Ihnln  nl  Iho  lino  illvldlnu-  tho 
.-■|nl,.B  nf  Indhmn  nnd  llllnolB.  whoro 
Iho  I  no  dlildh.i;  -rnwiishlpB  l.'l  nn.l  II 


lilvBls  Bipinro  n  1108  l.otnoon  i.yory  "Ih  cln   nn   tho   WnlmBli    llhor  nn   tho 

lorBoilInn    nnd    Iho    rniiL-i     lino.      In  lino    holwoon    Tnnn»lil|is    i:i    nnd    II; 

nnlll'    llio    rnnto    llnon     nn.lhnnrrt  lliom  o  i  nBl  lo  llio  IIiiob  d  vlillnu- rnncoa 

Mil  Iho  hiiBo  llni-  Iho  iiincnoll,-  noodio  .",  nnd  "1:  lliomo  nnrlh  is  mllo»  to  tlio 

Iho   Biirvoyor'B     loiiipiiBB     pn.niliitt  IIiior   holwoon   •liuviiBhlp    in  nnd      17: 

Ihi.   pnl,.   would    l.r  nc     tho     vnnt'o  llionro  wobI  :i  iiiIIob;  thomi-  norlli  Bl.\ 

,o.   1,  KB  ih,;n  iiK  iiilloB  niiiirl  -IBlnoo  mllo-,;    llionro    wont    In      Iho      Wnlinah 

wliloti  hy  ttio  wny.  now  loiiolios  loBn 
of  lis  torrltnry  thnn  nf  nny  tnwinlilii 
In  llB  cniirBo. 

I.lhorly,  .Niinlor  lour;  nninod  for  n 
word  vory  donr  to  tho  hiniti  nf  the 

nil    111 


I1IK..S    .nin 

Iho  pc 


o   l(   wiiB  no 


nl    r 

orl  lln    piiln 



Tho    Art 

lo   Iho 



nd    1« 







Iho  lln..«  dlildin;;  rin-..B  i;  nml  7. 
woBl  nf  iirlnolpnl  inorhr.nn :  lln-iKO 
nnrlh  in  Iho  lino  .llvldin!:  Ti.wn«lilli 
17  nnd  IS.  norili  nf  Iho  linao  lino; 
lliinoo  wiBl  In  Iho  sialo  lino;  llioino 
iinnlh   111   tho  pln.o  nf  lii-.-lnnlii;:." 

In  nrdor  lo  tliimniKlily  iindorBinmi 
Iho  nliiiio.  II  IB  iio.oBBnry  lo  uiv,-  «nnir 
hhdnrlinl  rn,t»,  \v'«  i  improlnn  h-n 
hy  lory  foi'-,  hiii  whioli  win-  '<\w.\\\  iinilorBlnnd  hy  nil  Iho  p;niioor:i 
Wlii-ii  Iho  fIrBl  Biirvoj  w.ia  ninilo  .i, 
linllnni.  oorlnln  llni»  woto  obihIiMbIi- 
Id;  mil.  niniiini:  nnrlh  nml  Biiiih 
Ihinniih  tho  Sinio  wii»  rnll,-:l  Iho  "ii.-o. 
i.nd  prlnoliml  morldlnli."  A  fii«' 
prlnrlpnl  niorldlnn  had  nliinily  l.o.ii 
run  In  Ohio.  Tiio  Rormid  prin- ipnl 
mornllnn  wnn  fnrlyolKhl  iiiHob  ol 
Ilin  Wilinnh  lllvor  In  Iho  hiilludo  nl 
I'nilio  I'niinty.  From  II,  rnnso  llnoi. 
»oro  run  frnin  llio  hnno  lino  nnrtlo 
wnnl  ovory  hIs  hi  Ion  innl  .ind  wont, 
hono.'  rnnco  7,  wml,  nionnn  iho  i-oc- 
onlh  rnnco  of  nix  i.ilhn  worn  of  tho 
prlnrlpnl  morhllnn  lllio  rnnao  ir. 
nhlrh  llnikvlllo  Ib  In.nlod.l  A  hnao 
lino  wnB  niii  onst  md  woii  In  tho 
Knnlliorn  pnri  of  Iho  Kinlo.  novonly 
riahl  hilloB  nniilli  of  llio  Imnliilnry  "f 
I'nikn  Cnnnly.  Inni  fnr  from  VIn- 
lOliniB.l  Thllii  tnwnahlp  II  m  Is 
InonnB  r\\  I  llioil  IIB  niinihor  nnrlh  nl 
Iho  linBo  linn.  Kvory  r»|nnro  mllo  wiib 
inlloil  n  Boollon,  nnd  niiinl.orrd  frnni 
ono  to  tlilrlvnU,  an   lliorn  woiilil   ho 

r.l\  II  lloR.  nnd  pmooid  northward, 
lino  Biirh  loL-  wnn  .i.ado  In  Iho  north- 
cm    I  an    if    I'arko   Imint.-. 

i:iiv.  rnor  Jnnalhnii  Joniiinmi  n;.- 
Iiolilod  Jamoa  Unrnri.-.  nf  lUvon  rnnn- 
tv;  l.lrhard  I'  I'nor.  -il  luvloin; 
i;.ni-(;,.  |;wlnc.  nf  Knn\  ;  Aniin  w  Wl'- 
lilni.  If  KiiMlinn;  .lolin  .M.  '•niomiin. 
of  Vi;ii.  lOiiiiiilBfllnnorii  lo  "i^nnono  a. 

inino  nf  Xnnniol  llhiir  In  tho  Bald 

rmiiiiy  of  I'nrko  nn  llio  third  .Mniiilny 
.ii'  l-'ohiimry,  isjl',  in  fix  n  donl  nf  ,|i«- 
lire  111  ho  ii.nvod  nn  Iho  oniirt  iiiny  ill- 
nil  nnlll  n  porinnnoni  soil  nf  JUBlho 
.H  oBlnhllBliod." 

Soolnm  f|yo  of  tho  Ait  orenllmt 
I'nrko  roiinly  proyirt.-il  Hint  111-  n-fii; 
whn  ali'ill  ho  nppolnlod  lo  mporln end 
Iho  Bnlo  nf  IniB  al  iho  CiMinly  noni  of 
I'nrUi  Cnnnly.  "aliall  r.-sono  ton  por 
rout,  out  nf  {no  prni-ioilB  Ihrronf  nnd 
ilBn  out  nf  Iho  proooodB  nf  all  dona- 
lions  nindo  in  tho  I'niiniy,  and  pay 
Iho  Biinio  nvcr  In  biicIi  |io.B,.n  nr  por 
poiiB  iiB  mnv  ho  nppolnlod  hy  law  to 
riiolvo  Iho  Bniiio  for  Iho  luo  nf  n 
llhinry  fnr  Iho  Bald  I'oiiniv  nf  I'nrk.-. 
wlllrli  ho  nimll  liay  over  al  nil-h  llilio 
an   11  ny    ho   illroriod    hy    law," 

II  will  ho  (iron  hy  Iho  nlmyo  doirrlp- 
lion  of  Iho  inoou  nml  ImiindB  of  I'nrko 
fniiniy.  that  iia  innl  hoiinrtnry  wiib 
Iho  proR.-nt  wnt  liiiiinilnry  nf  I'n  nil 
Tnwnnhlp.  When  Vormlllinn  ('oinily 
wnn  o.Kiinl/oil  now  Imnndnrlon  worn 
o.lihlhdioii.  which  worn  boI  f.irlli  loi 
fnllown  In  tho  llovlned  Klnliilo  of  IWU  : 

Tho  InwiiBhipB  of  I'nrko  Connty 
frniii  the  fIrBt  have  hoon  .lr»|..;nnlod 
hy  niinihorH.  whirh  rnrrcBpond  lo  Iho 
prloilly  of  orKanhz-nllon.  11,  Inw  thoy 
nro  u'lion  In  lli<  nr.lor  nf  niimhorB.  nn 
thoy  liaio  iilwayR  appoarod  nil  roinrilB 
nf  i'lrli.'  C.iiinly.  a»  lln-y  worn  alw-.yn 
•Talloil"  In  pnllllral  rnlnrnllon«.  nn- 
lll nno  nr  Inn  loronl  Innninl lima  wore 

II  mil.  whloh  oniiBi'd  miino  Irmihlo.  nnd 
nn  Ihoy  nlwnyn  Hhimhl  njiponr  If  liln- 
tniloal  prooodoni  la  to  ho  fnllnwod.  II 
U  onay  lo  romoinhor  iho  wny  to  cnll 
Iho  townahlpn  In  llils  nrlor  If  nno 
known  tho   u-onuraphy   of   tho  County. 

III  Kin  wlih  Allium:  KO  north  lo  iho 
Conniy  lino.  takliiK  In  NVnflhlnRlnn 
nnd  Siicnr  Crook;  ko  neat  In  Iho  rlv- 
or.  inkliiR  In  Lhorty;  no  fonlli  down 
tho  riyor.  inklns  In  lloporvo.  Wnl.nah. 
nnd  I'lorldii;  no  oaal.  laklnu'  In  .Inok- 
BOn  and  Ilnicnnn;  tin  noilli.  Inkliic  In 
Inlon  mil  ilro..iio:  ihoii  I'onn,  nn  li 
wafl  orL-nnlzril  hoforo  I  Inward,  (liid 
laBi.  Howard.  TnllnwInK  arc  the 
Tnniiahlpa  hy  nrdor  of  niiinhora: 

Adnnin  Tnwnnlilii,  .S'linihor  (Inn; 
nninod  for  John  Aihinin,  aoronrl  I'rMl- 
dont   nf  tho   I'nllod    Hlnlon, 

Wnah  nu'lnn.  .Vimihor  Two;  nnnird 
for  (lonrao  Wai-hlnKinn. 

HiiKnr  t'roik.  N'limhor  Tliron:  Inr- 
Islnnlly  tho  lirRoal  townahlp  In  tho 
County)    nniiieU     for     Hnnnr     Creek. 

I  orlKlniilly  tho  Indian 
r.orio.   .ihch   wan  null   ro-prnoil   when 
Iho  Cniinlv   W-IR  nrRanlr.od. 

WnhnaH.  Niimhor  Six;  nniiio,i  for 
the  Wah.Bh  lllior,  which  Ib  IIB  worn- 
>rii   loiimlniy. 

I  Inildn.  .Niinihor  .Sovon ;  nnimrt  »l 
til.!  rein,  Bt  of  Havld  |i.  l/ino.  nno  of 
llii  iiloinor  Bolllorn.  In  liniinr  of  liln 
iialivo   limnahlp   In    .Vo.i-    Vnrk. 

Ilnroi.nn.  Nimihor  i:ii:hl  ;  nmiil-d  for 
lllc  nnd  I.  llio  llnoonnn,  whlcli  run 
liiioniih  tho  TniMiBlilp. 

.Inikmn.  Xnmlir  r  .Mno;  n  iinod  Inr 
■•Old  llhkoiy"  hofnio  ho  hi  rnnin 
rroi-ldnil ;  hiil  when  hia  pnpiilarliy 
wnn  r.o  croat  Hint  tniiro  lovvnulilli* 
uorn  iin.od  In  hin  hnnnr  In  Inillnnn 
linn   Inr  nny  ntlior  iiinn. 

Cnlnn,  NiiinlKr  Tm  ;  naiiiod  fnr  the 
liilornl  I'nlnn;  then  nnd  nlwiyi 
iiiorod  In  I'nrko  Comity. 

lln  ono,  Ximihor  Mlovon  ;  naiiiod  for 
Conrrnl  Xnlhnnlol  (Irrcno.  WnnhliiK 
lon'i  fnvnr  to  ilcnorni— n  (lonorni  who. 
wllhniit  wlnnlnn  n  nlnclr  hatllo,  wnn 
Iho  cinipilfn  wliloii  olonrcl  .Vorlli 
Caiollnn.  Sniiih  1'arnllnn,  nnd  iloorKla 
nf   llrlllah  ilonnliilnallnn. 

I'onn,  Niniilior  Twolvo;  Im  roni 
nniiio  In  Sinit  Townalilp,  nn  II  wnn  "O 
naiiioil  fnr  llonoinl  WInf  old  Srnll, 
nnd  nn  ontorod  nf  rii^ord  when  II  wn« 
niiinl-/e,l  finm  lorrllnry  taken  from 
llonono  nnd  Kimar  Crook.  A  en  ii- 
I'lllro  nf  ritlr.r-un  prnloiiled  and  nakoil 
Ihit  tho  nanii  ho  ihnncod  In  I'rnn.  In 
honor  of  Wllllnm  I'onn,  hiil  Iho  loc- 
eidn  nlin.v  nn  formal  chnnKo  of  nnino. 

Howard,  .Niinihtr   rhinmmi    npnitd 


lor    I'.irK.'    c.hiiilyii      Kioiilfil      iimii  — 

ClIl.Tll     -llli;!!!!!!!!!     A.      Ml.VViinl. 

All    nlil    h (.r    In.lliinn.    | Il» I 

Jiinl  iill.T  111!'  ori;;,lllznlliin  nf  I'nrki' 
liMinl.v.  IlKliniliH  Ihni  111  JiirlKcllrlliili 
rvli'ipl.'il  iMil  .inly  l<>  till'  IIMiicils  line, 
l.ill   till'  ID  nil-  Xiirlli.     I'lirUc'  hiiil  i-..ii. 

run Jiiil-illrllnn    Willi   imIi.t    llnrlli 

,'in  KiiiiilliK  iir  III!  llii'  li'i'illory  In  llw 

jinril iMi;    llK'    I"  Unci    l.i'inlini:    Hi.' 

Ml'L'iiiil/iilinii  nl'  I'lMiiilnln  I'niiiily. 
V.^niilll  im  rnunly  w  i»  a  IowumIiIp  nf 
null.'.  Tli.'  Act  or  Ihi'  l.i'l;li.liilii..' 
.1-..H1I11K  I'nrk.-  vv.i»  imKhi.l  ini 
tl...  •Ill,   ..I-',    I«l,  ul    r.nyilnii. 

111.  M  111.-  .11 1  ..I   tin-  Hliili'.     "Ill  llliil 

iliu    I ;..v.-iii.ii-    n|i|>nliii.'.l    An.linv 

I1..1.1I.H.  .Ml..  liiHl  l..'.'ii  In  l.iiHliK'im  III 
.■  .  111.'  r.i-  M.  ..  vr 'ir...  SL.'rirr.  I.i 
H  it.<  mil  II  nil  .').'.  I  Inn  ...nlil  In-  Ill-Ill. 
Oiil;-  linn  nlliiT  oiriflnl  wii..  «|.| 

111    II  nl    tliiii'   l.y    111!'  Cnvnilini— .In s 

lllii'i'.  r..i'..|i<'l'.  II  «iiH  linl  linttl  111.' 
:':ili  111'  .Miir.-I.  lliiii  two  nmtorlnic 
J.iili;,.,    KIT.'  mip..  1 1      ll.'lii|iKi'y   Sn.v- 

;i.|M      .111(1     .I.IB.-I.h         Wllll^lT.        .\BKO(lll|l' 

j,i,li;''R  «i'ri'  liniiiiniry  nfil.lnlii,  wlin 
K.ii  Willi  Mil'  rlidili  Jink.',  i.iiil  wiM-i' 
..iipliiiKi'il  III  mill  illKiiily  in  llir  rnnrl. 
Tli.-y    wiTi'  111.1    ifiiiilic.l    In   know  (iiiy- 

ililii'i;  11 1  Inw.  tlii'lr  uinrllonii  lirlim 

i.lrlrlly  nrii.nin.  nliil.  Tin'  nrilr.'  nf  iih- 
•  nrliil.'  iililu.'  .i.nlliiiii'il  iinlll  Ihp  liri'ii' 
.'III  I'i'iiHl  liillnii  In  IH.~.J,  mid  porvfrt 
I..  K.  i.ll.'i'  nil  iiMT  l.lillnmi  nnniiuli 
'iii.l,,'«'  1.1  MinUi-  n  fliii-  linliinr.' 
iiti.llihl  111''  ■■.■nl..ii.'l«"  iif  Ki' 
Iliiu.v.'l'  III.'  nil.'  Iiii.l  n  ll.nill  llirill' 
I'll..'  nil  llii'  iiii'i.  »lin  l>irn  II.  'I'lm.v 
I'l'iii'inlh    iii.l.'innii'il      III     HO     iloiini'l 

lli.'ii.H.'iM'H    nn    In    111 In    lllo   Mu- 

nil)  ..r  llm  nil.',  mill  111  llnllie  tllln 
limy  will  Ilio  r.'»|.<'il  nf  llm  .•niiininn- 
lly   .11   llii'.v  llvi'il  na  imollll  ell- 

V»  lilii.-.'  Il.'i.  «.ii.  iii.j'iiinlnil  li'iii- 
l..i.iiiy  rl.'ik  nnil  llpmnlor.  nnd  ,l.w 
i|in   lliil-lnn  mill  .tnliii   Skliliiinr.'  w.-r.' 

l1.Nlnll.ll    ju»llr.'»   nr      IIIP      l.i'lir.'. 

'I'll.'  (illlrllllH  li|.|»illili'll  l.y  III.'  lliil 
linnl'    ii'l'l.'il    lllllll    Ihi'    rilnl     oln.ll.iM 

wliidi  wiin  lii'ld  In  AiiKiml.  IsJI.  Tliln 
nil.  Iliin  unn  III  Id  .'it  llm  rnhlii  nf  lll'li- 

nr.l  llrnry,  nrnr  Ilir  Cnnnly  Mnr.  JiihI 
Kiiiilli  M  llniii'.lnlr.  .Iii.Il-.'  .Im...n 
llnriii'^  Borv.'d  H"  Jmlp-  of  llin  .li'C- 
I  nn  with  Jiuliii'  Soyl.old  nnd  llB.inlrn 
ltnl»l..ii  118  .onr.llimloa.  s.'vrnly 
ini.'H  vvorr  .nm.  nnd  Wnlln.i'  llo.-\  nnd 
ll.nry  Andcmon  wrrc  nl.'.l.'d  Cli-rli 
— "  111.'!!"— ov.r  Climincy  llimi' 
mill  .Miirlln  .M.,  "I'lny  mon." 
TlilH  unK  ;.l  Ihnl  linnpy  |ir-i  Ind  nf 
ic.niiUy'B  hlmory  « linn  I'nrly  dlHllni- 
lliilia  wpip  In-I  nruT  ll.r  wnr  or  IML'. 
mid  111.'  Iloinornillc  imrly  Inid  no  n|i- 
I'      II    In   rnllod    llin     "i:ni     >iC 

L- I  li'dliif."     It  npiiiiirn  In  linvo  onil- 

I'.l  liowivn  nl  llinl  rirel  il.'.llnn  In 
I'nrkc  I'niinly.  .MIor  llm  m.i.'k  wcrn 
111  111.  to  ll.n.lln,  "(loi.ii' 
KiilliiliK  or  wlroUry  \y.T.'  n.'rvrd  nm 
l.v  ihn  rmidldiilm.  niiil  In  duo  tliiii'  llw 

llliio»H  lind  n  diHpi'lnln  "nrrnii"  Willi 
.liuiicK  Ili.l.liiBoii ;  iho  lallnr  llirow  llin 
I'ni.inln  to  ilio  lirnrth,  wli.^rr  ronUInu 
liid  l.i'in  In  pinsioBi,  Hi™  Roizr-d  llin 
Blinvol  nnd  llt.^rnlly  "IwniK'd  lonln  nf 
riri'  on  liln  lirnd."  Illlioi-  offlrrr* 
lie.  I.'d  nt  tlinl  tinif  worn  .Iobo|iIi 
Wnluor  nnd  Mr.  'I'nylor.  nflsm-lnto 
.tnilciH.  mill  I-'rroinnii  l-'ni-d,  .-oroinT. 

Kvorytnlnc  wnn  now  rocnlnrly  don.- 
11  ll.f  w:i\  M  iifflilnlB  fnr 
111.,  now  Coniily,  nnd  tho  firm  cniirt 
wnB  liolil  nt  lloBovlllo.  ILisoilllo  wnn 
nnt  loiiK  tho  roiinly  Bont.  for  tlint  ilK- 
tlinllon  wnfl  onjnyod  liy  Imlli  Arnilos. 
InirK  nnd  Mnnlof.nnin  lirforo  tho  In. 
iiitinn  or  tho  iiommiionl  Bonl  of  Jim- 
llro  nl  Itiwkvlllo.  Ab  iIiIh  wnn  In 
l.vjl  nolihoi  ..r  tho  i.hi.oB  wlioro  .'oiirl 
wiiH  h.'lil  loiild  li:ivo  vory  Innc  ro- 
liilnod  llio  liLiinr.  Aitor  Iwo  Boasinn.. 
hnd  ho.'ii  hold  nt  AriiiloBhiiri:,  coiiM 
wnB  hold  nt  .Mnnlo/imin,  nr  niUior  on 
till'  rlvor  wlioro  .Moiiioziinin  wnn  nr- 
lorwriril..  biilll.  Tli  b  Incnllon  wna 
lotiBld.Tod  iiinro  rontrnl.  nn  Vorinll- 
linn  t'niinly  wan  tlion  n  'I'.nvniililii  of 

Tho  Binry  of  llio  Imntlon  nf  llio 
Cniinly  Sonl  nl  lli.rlivlllo  h.  Ihbb  In 
Mio  mind  Boino  ilrninntli',  nr  nt  lonnt 
|i|.tiiroBi|iio  fl.onoB  In  niir  fnrly  on- 
iinlB.      llonornl    .loBopli    (Irr.      llonorni 

Arlhiir  I'nlt.rBnn  nn.l  I'olnnol  TliomnR 

.^lllllll    hill    1 n     .■.niiiiilB 

Blnnor-  10  hicnlo  n  ponnnninl  roiinly 
B.  nt.  Thoy  .nine  to  tlio  I'niinty  In 
.hiniinrv.  ISJI.  nnil  proi roih'd  to  vlow 
Iho  vnr.'.iiB  l.ln.i'B  olUll.lo  mr  n  Cniui- 
ly  R.'nt.  Il.-ndlo  Rlnlon  Ihnt  tli.'y  wore 
vory  fiivnralily  liiiproBa.'d  with  Iho 
lioli;lili.irlmnd  iihniit  .Inin.'B  llllih- 
iiniin'H  rnl'lii  nonr  .liidBon,  hiil  woio 
iii>:.'nlly  ri'.|iioBlod  to  i;.i  fnrthor  down 
1,1111.'  Ilii.ri..iii  Milhy  to  tho  Innd  on- 
11  rid  l.y  I'li.minB  lllll.oBOn.  onBt  -il 
Ciulln.  .M.iiiiwhilo  Iho  B.llloi.  nhniil 
ll.y'B    'I'.n.rii.    or    llmkilllo    wnn   lllon 

uiiovMl.    ml    nl    nil'    |.r..Konro    iif    tho 

iiiiiiiiiinbl..ii''r..    [.11.1    111.    liulliillnii    wnK 

"tin  I 


o  ninklnc  lliolr  do.ln- 
iiy  liny  nhniil  llio  fIrBt 

1 inlB-ln.iorii,     wot,       iiinddy,       ninl 

wonry,  roacliod  tho  hoBiillnlhlc  tnvorn 
i.f  Aiiiliow  liny,  nnd  "oro  rnynlly  on- 
l.rlnlnod  — ror  th.iBo  llmoB.  Whnt 
liorBOlml  Ilidii.oiiioiilB  wore  .irfon-d 
wo  iniinnt  ovoii  unoflfl,  hiil  l.y  hroiik- 
InBt  lliiio  noxl  dn.-  thiB  B|iot  wnn 
ihoRon.  Tho  tliroo  offlilnla  nnd  riio 
ninlo  cltlzi'iiR  oniiillod  n  linlllo  nf  old 
whlBkoy,  hrnUo  tho  linlllo  on  tho  hlu 
rn.k  nil  tho  hlRli.'Ht  jmlnt  of  the  nHo, 
nnd  liiiiillzod  tho  tnwn  ItiK'kvlllo, 
iniinly   aont   of   I'nrko." 

Tho  plory  of  Iho  olirlRlonlnR  of 
llnrkvlllo,  nB  II  rnliio  In  Iho  wrilor 
liniii  nil  old  iiiiin,  Willi  hnd  oflon  lionnl 
II  rrniii  IIB  |.nrn.'l|.iintn,  Ir  llinl  whih' 
.iKHi''il  iirniinil  Iho  rmli  u  dlB|ililo 
nr.iRO  nB  to  Iho  nanio  of  Iho  tnwii. 
.Vnr.m  llnnn,  Anilrow  liny  nnd  JniiioB 
.Mrl'nll  conloniloil  for  tho  Imniir.  nnd 
onrh  iirnod  hiR  prior. ly  nf  roBldonoo  nr 
poiBniinl  |.io..(n.o  nR  n  ronaon  for 
hlB  ohiliii.  'I'ho  lonlrnyorBy  wnH  :il  IIb 
hlthl  whon  nno  or  Iho  nihor  liion 
lilii.liiE  lilR  hnnd  nn  tho  IiIr  rnik  anld  : 
"ThlB  rollow  Inifl  hoon  horo  loMKor 
Ihnn  nny  i.r  ymi— nniiio  Iho  lown  nfloi- 
hlni-nniiio  II  lln.kvlllo."  hiRlnnlly 
tho  ronlrnvorBy  oonBod.  Ilvorylioily 
wiiB  linppy,  oBiii'ilnlly  "flor  Iho 
niiiilii  WhlBkoy  liottio  hnd  boon 
hrokon  on  tho  rock. 

ullp  IJflUttral  Ikv'iah 

PulKi:   I'liiiMiy   Rinr.i'd    li«   I'o.Mid 
n%  «   ihil   div nr    Indl  111.1 
Willi  Iho   piiL-nniloiiR     nnil     pi" 
liMi'K'pio  oloi'lii.n  of   l.'^l.'l.     Tho 
.li.ol.Rull    nil  11,   nr    llonini'i  ilR,    wnn    llio 
lllHl    oli'illnn.     Thoy   ii.'.'iii   111   hnio   n . 

lllllll. I   Ir  l.illjnriiv.   with   Iho  oxo.'l. 

i.iili   of   hi'i'i'   and   Ih.'ro  tho   hiRR  nf  a 

...iilPj o,    liir   ahiiiit    firioMl    vo.iiB 

ml.  r   iiruaiilzalliin   of   iho  niiinlv 

lly  thai  ih..  i;ii.iiii','  liiiiii  crnlhiii 
lill.l  I'liillKliI  a  lirii.'  Willi;  .'l..a..'iil  In- 
111  Iho  piilllloR  nf  Iho  riiiinly,  mid  dm- 
lilt'   Iho    porliiil    frnlil    IX-'lll   In    >^''»   Iho 

Ciiiiiily    wna     Ri> iliiiH     WhlK     nnd 

MilnolliiioR  II.  inn.  nil h'  Ml  tho  vnrloliB 
■'l.'i'tlnliH.      II    IB    [irnhalilo   Ihnl    tho  410 

f liro   nf   TIlL'hnimi    A.    I  Inward    and 

.Inn.'idi  .\.  Wriulll  nR  lon.h'lR  of  llic 
lioino.rnl  .'  pirly.  md  i.nly  In  I'nrko 
fnniily,  hiil  In  111.'  Slal.',  Rorvo.l  In 
ofrRi'l  n  VVIilL-  liiinilKinllnn  ihnl  nIhor 
wlBo  Minilil  linvo  innlrnllod  tho  rnun- 
ly nt  all  lliiiin.  Wo  look  In  vnin  lor 
nny  oild.'ii.o  Hint  iIiobo  inoii  \\o,-i'  ov 
ir  oniharniRsi'il  l.y  nny  fn.llonnl 
Rlrlfo  In  tholr  own  pirly.  lloro.  na 
norywhiro  In  Indlnnn,  Iho  lioiiiorrniR 
loyally  alnnd  l.y  llioiii  nnd  HHik  prldo 
In  I'lory  honor  Ihnl  rmiio  In  llioili. 
Th'R  loinlly  nn  tho  purl  nf  Hint  cm-  nf  Park.'  I'.iililly  lloiiinrrnl-, 
niTonnU  ror  tno  in' I  Hint  oiir  Connly 
from  INl.l  in  I.".",!'  o\orlo.l  iinr.|iinUd 
Inrinoii...  in  tho  pnllllra  or  Mm  SInl.'. 
Ilonnr.l  wnn  olo.lod  In  Cnncroan  a 
ffiw   yonrs   iirior    ho    Inoolrd    In    Itoik- 

vllli'.  Ilo  nan  mipnlnlod  h.v  Allrtrow 
.laikann,  I'ronldillt  nf  Iho  rnllod 
SlnloB.  to  Bolllo  Iho  mnrllitln-  olnllila 
111  Indian  IniiilB  nnw  oiiihinrllii;  Iho 
Clly  nf  Chlia.;.!.  Ilo  w  »i  lln'  lioinii- 
iralli'  randilnlo  fnr  I'liltod  .xinloB 
Sonnlnr  In  l^l'i,  holnc  d.roalod  hy  nn- 
ly  lino  yiiti'.  Tho  noxt  yoar  ho  iwloo 
hondoil  Iho  liomnorall.'  KInIo  llrkoi, 
nn  inndldnlo  f..r  (Inn'rnnr  In  Aiiuuki, 
nn.l  i:li'rlnr-nl  1  ir^-o  In  Ni  vomlior.  Ilo 
ill.'.l  n»  liilnlRlor  In  notollnlo  wllh  Iho 
111.'  Ilopiihll.'  nf  Tosna  ror  IIb  ndiiilR- 
Bhill  mm  tho  I'ninn— tho  liinBI  lin- 
piiilalil  illpliniiall.'  .  oniiiilnahin  ii.n- 
liT'Oil  nn  n  I'lll'/.n  or  tho  I'nllod 
.<liiIoM  Iroiii  tho  I'loRO  of  llio  wnr  of 
1S|'.>  10  Iho  hoiilnnlii'.'  or  Iho  Civil 
War.  .lo.'i.'iih  A.  WriKlit.  nrtor  hoInK 
rop.aiidly  oloilod  In  fnnKriBB.  wnn 
oloclod  (invornnr  In  IMM.  Ilo  wnn  r.- 
olorlod  in  IhiR  lili;h  nrfiro,  lin'nc  Iho 
1  Bl  ninn  In  Indlnnn  olootod  10  It  for 
two  loriiiR.  Ilo  wa-  nppninlod  nilnla- 
lor  to  Itorlin,  nnd  upon  IiIr  romrn 
frnm  that  linporlnnt  mlRalon  wnn  np- 
p.  Iiiird  rnllod  Sinto.s  ,'<oiinlor.  .Iiidk-o 
\\  Illliin  IV  llryniil  wnn  npiin  niod 
riilor  .luBllio  of  l)ro-nu.  .Iiilin  <1. 
DnvlR  wnn  oloilod  nnd  rorlcolod  to 
ConsroBR.  Willi  1111  Nofalniror  wbb 
olorlod   Tronanror   of   Slato. 

In  l.s."!)  ,lnhn  II.  Ilondlo.  ihon  nn  no- 
llvo  nnd  Infliionllnl  IKpnhllrnn.  rnn- 
Irnnlrd  tho  lonird  nf  Iho  l;o|iiihll.  nil 
pnrly  In  I'nrko  rniinly.  with  tlinl  of 
tho    Hcnioorats.      Ilo     nttrlluitcd     the 

fnlliiro  nf  Ihp  Coiint.v  10  nihlovo  honor 
nt  Iho  linndH  nl'  Iho  IIo|imIiI  rnna  In 
rinrly  .loalniianiBR.  'In  nil  Iho  iwon- 
lv-..ld  yoara  of  llopiihllinn  riilo,"  aald 
Moiiillo.  "I'nrko  hnn  only  aorvoil  lo 
t'lro   Kood    iiii.l.irllloR   In   olhir   rniidl- 

ihlliR."  Wllh  tho  o\0O|il|nn  or  .InilloR 
T.  .(iihnRlon,  who  wiib  .lirloil  lo  I'lin- 
croaa  111  l.ssi  mill  msil.  nn  I'niUo 
I  niinly  l,.'|iiilillriin  ha--  horn  'innnroil 
na  w.'io  Howard.  Wrluht,  llryaiit  mid 
luvin,  nllhnimli  many  In  inililldinn  nl 
nhlllly  and  rilnoRR  linvo  hoon  illlz.'iiB 
or  niir  roiinly  ri'mii  tho  orunn  rnllnn 
nr  llio  llopiihllrnn  iinrly  BKiy  yonrn 
nun  iinlll  now.  In  IS.-.L'  whon  tho  llo- 
piihllrnn (inrlv  wna  nrL'nnh/.od,  I'nrko 
I  niiiit.-  ran'^od  firili  In  Iho  StnIo  In 
Roni  1  nl    Imiiortntioo. 

Thon  oanio  Iho  romploto  ovorthrow 
of  tho  lioinoirntlc  pnrly  In  I'nrko 
roiinly.  Tho  rrponi  nf  llio  .Mlnaoiirl 
coiiiprniiilBO  nnd  Iho  ■pnB«ni;o  ..f  tho 
KmiBaR-.Vi  hrnnkn  Ait  hrmmlit  Iho  now 
llopiihllrnn  parly  In  tho  from  In  [XT,:,. 
It  liindo  n  olonn  kwooi.  of  all  .'..iinly 
orri.iB  0X001.1  Irinniiror,  lo  whirh  11.  M.llor  wnn  olorlod  nnd  Ihon 
rr-oliclrd— llio  InRl  Doiio.rnl  to  onrry 
tho  ooilnty  iinlll  twonly  yonr«  nrtor- 
wnriln  whon  John  T.  CnlllncR  nnd  O. 
I'.  Ilrnwn  worn  olorlod  inniiiilRBlonorB. 
Tho  wnr  mndo  tho  roiinly  .ivorwholiii- 
Innly  lliiinhllrnn,  or  ritlio-  I'nlon,  for 
lloro  wn»  no  llopiihllrnn  thkol  from 
lym  to  imw.  11  wna  inllod  tho  I'nlon 
I'nrly.  nnd  aa  sii'-h  rci-olvcd  tho  votca 

of    liiinilr.'dB    or    Kiiniicrnla.    iiiniiv    ot 

»hniii    11. im    II to   Hum-    roliiiii,.|    m 

Ihi'lr  old  parly  nll.-Klani-o  on  tho  I'-aiioi 
Binc'iillni;    Iho    I'lvll    War. 

Tnklnu'  up  Hi. md  nr  l'arl.o  I'niin- 
ly olHclilR  Iho  ofHro  of  lli-pr.R.nin. 
llvo  will  riral  ho  .iiiiBldoroil.  In  In'.i 
I'arko  and  \Iko  ooimil,,,  „,,-,,  „|„,  nu 
trl.-l.      I'arki'    had      . , - 

■'I" »  "laho  an, I  .NiiHianh'l  llimlliiK.      .V.i    lilalnry    nr   r.'L-nrd    .n    I'mho 

"^ '-'■    «'>''»    n    oo.ii.h-i,-    Hal    of    Iho 

liioii    who      OR      ll.'pr iitillvo 

ff '■''■-'•I  I"    I>^'"1-      111    !>..'-■.  It   I.  Bint- 

0.1    lliiil    .iimi-pl,    .M.    ||„y,,,,,    „,     M„„|„. 

liiwiiUiK  111,  hull, II, IK  „|  .|,„  xviil'.LJl! 
nnd  Krio  ran  .l."  nllli.iiiKh  11  la 
Blal.'d  lliat  ho  wnR  ol,-.l..d.  .Vi-lihor  la 
II  nf  rrinid  Hint  .liiRrph  A.  Writlil 
'-'--'    '■''■  I'.l    ll'-i-i-    ,,.1.11  ..-,      I.„|      |„, 

«aa  In  ihi    I,oi:IbIi -0  in   i.h:i:i.  « inn 

tho  iniiiily  ii'.-nrd.  w.-ro  liiirii.'.|. 
H.nrj;.'  K.  Sloolo  wiir  olor'.-d  In  \s:ir, 
nml  io.ohiiod  In  l,s:iil.  .inmoa  Kirr 
wafl  olo.lod  lloproBi'iiiailvo  In 
.ivor  iwn  nthor  rnnilhiiloH,  All.lln  .M. 
I'lioll  and  .Iniiios  llnilh'y,  II.'  wan  ro- 
ol.-olo.l  In  IMI.  I'rrjiii  'IS  1 1  m  (ho 
ail..pllnii  01  Iho  now  I'niiallliilinn  Iho 
lollniihiL-   mill   hold    Ihn   nrfl.o  id   l|o|i- 

roaoninllvo:  Wlllimn  Nnfa  nm  r,  .Inhn 
-I.  .Moacham,  Sniiiiiol  1 1.  .Inhnalnn, 
nnhrlol  Iloimhmnn  n'ni  I-:,  s.  llolH- 
diiy.  Tho  rirni  llo|ii-oBoninllvo  imdor 
tho    now    I'nnBlllnlhin    w.ia    (Joiuko    K 

sio.  h.     i-'oihmina   hi.n   m   orm-o   u> 

''"•  liroB'-ni  II :     i.ovl  Nlilwi-ll,  [h:,\: 

H.oim.   U.   Kli-i'lo,   I.S.-.II;     .sn I     II 

•l"l"i' W'VM;  .Nihil  1:.  I'rnIn,   l.xmi' 

I'nRpor  lliidil,  isiii;;  '|-hoa,  .\-.  |,,,.„^ 
IMMI:  Waltor  I'.  Ilonaldaon,  l.snil; 
.laiiioR  T.  .liihiiHlon,;  .lolm  |.;. 
.Woodard,  l.>.7ii,  ilwo  liriii»;)  Hnn  oi 
Thiimns      l.s;i,    tlwo   loriiia:i      llnhorl 

Kolly,    i.KTs:    ini    11.     Hill ixsiii 

Wllllnni  KnnwliB.  IKSJ;  W  iillnin  .S', 
Alkln.    I.'<S|;   (lioruo   W.   lloh»nii,    IHMI, 

Ilwo  li'r.i»;l    Alhort    .M.   Ad R,    IMIH; 

|lli'.i  .Mllh'l-,  Itlil;  l-lllna  II.  (Iwon 
iXii-llmi.  |K|||,.||  hy  a  falllnu  trooi 
-I.  II,  .InhliRliin  oloilod  at  Rpirlnl  oho. 
Hon.  R,  rvod  until  lnw;  ,Iarnh  H. 
Whilo,  llll.s,  ((wo  lormail  HoorL'o  W 
Nponior,   nil'.':  c.  c.   .Mnirl«,   mil. 

Tor  forty  .vonr».  from  ls.-.)i  10  i.sihi, 
no  lioiiaioral  wna  lli  priBonu. 
Iho.  ".<  Ivor  IMi-k"  .Mlllor  hroko  iho 
niinil  In  l.siiil,  nnd  llonrco  W.  spon- 
ror,  Donioiral,  waa  olooio.l  In  nil:', 
Ihiiinu  n  |i.  rhiil  ni  ilii  vonrn  only  Iw.i 

I nnala  hiiio  had  Ihi'  1 r  of  rop- 

loiionllin!   I'arko  roiinly. 

Tno  Hi-Ri  ilorh  nr  I'nrko  I'oniity 
V..B  W  llaro  liny.  n|i|inlnlod  nml 
110  lid  In  l-NJI.  Ill'  una  loi'liriod  iin- 
lll h'R  ilonlh  In  |.><.'IM.  .liiH.-ph  I'oiu 
una  ii|.|.olniod  In  tho  vn.niny,  nnd 
.lllllll  H,  Hat  la  wna  olorHd  al  Ihc 
npo  lal  i-lorllnn  In  |k;i:i.  Ilo  iimk  Iho 
i.fMi-o  n  IM-'i.'i  nnd' hold  II  r.iiiiliiiiiiii-l,i' 
Iinlll  l.s,-|,  whon  ho  roHlKiiod  in  1h" 
101110  n  oniidlihitn  for  I'linuroRR,  norv 
Inn  ovir  l.s  yo-iR,  Tho  lunnlR  kopi 
hy  hliii  nro  piohahly  mil  iiiirpaBa.d  fur 
homily  of  ponninnalilp  mid  miiii|i1o|o- 
noiiH  hy  nny  ollior  ofll.  lal  11  ho  liaa 
hoi, I  olfho  In  nil  Indlnnn.  .l.iRopli 
II.  rnniolliiR  wnR  a|,|,nliilod  In  nil  llio 
vnrnnc,  iinlll  tho  ilorllmi  nf  IK-V.', 
whon  H,nri40  W.  Tholiipnnil  w  i«  olorl- 
id.  Ilo  hold  Iho  orrioo  lint  I  I.-uill. 
.><i:hRo.iiionl  rlorka  woro  Samiiol  .Mn- 
fll,  hsiai.  (two  loriiiflil  ,lolin  I',  l>. 
Hint.  IKi„s,  (two  lira  a:)  imvid 
Mrnilno,  l,s;il,  (Iwo  loriiiR;)  .MndlRon 
i-irnry  ,'Sl  :  .lonao  II  .Mi  I'm-,  IKH-f; 
laaiii'  I..  Whmiior,  1W2:  .lohn  I'l, 
llarahhnrcor,  I.-'Ihi;  I'hna.  I>.  Ilonlok, 
llHui:  Dwliiu-  rhapiiinn.  lIHil;  (1,-n.  I,. 
Ijinoy.  iiKis:  II.  .r.  riiiiiiiiln«B,  lull'. 
1'lma  II  wiiiild  room  Hint  from  tho  or- 
L-nnlziiHnn  nf  llio  roiinly  iinlll  l»>*l,  « 
porlnd  or  ifl  yciri,  only  «1«  men  wort 
olitlMl  lo  the  0(11  0  01  Clerk  In  I'aik* 


CiMiiiy.  .riiiiii  <i.  li"il.i  »n«  cii-rk  for 
ilKliKni  yinmi  .lolin  l>.  Ihini,  Clirk 
i.iKl  ili'piil)-  <»<•>•  t"<'llly  yrnii>.  nlul 
|)n\i(l  Slninm'  Clerk  nnd  iloimly  fuiir- 



■•s.    >j;^ 







''-■/ '_ 


■  .  -  -- 

finl:  I  I.M.I    ISS.S  (.,    ivij. 

lion  yrnrH,  I'p  In  ;ssn  llio  Men  or 
"liniiRinc  Ihp  iMonnir'  illil  nm  |.rn. 
\nll  ovrr  llio  lilni  i.f  ki'ipliic  ifilrlfut 
nion   In  oiTlic  In   I'nil,!-  rouiily. 

Till-  Slii'iUl  V  nfll.-o  w:.s  iri;,l  ns 
.if  rliHl  Inii.nilmi.i'  by  Ihc  plonor-rn  or 
liiilliina.  I'or  lira  ri'nson  Iho  flrnl 
i.rri.hii  n|i|  l.y  (ho  <;nvcriior  In 
.Tnnnnry,    IsJI.   "Imn   llic  County   wnn 

SloinUiiiuh,  IS7i:-TI;  lli-oicn  I\.  flmii- 
iMiiii.  1.S7I-7K;  Zlinvl  I).  MmiIk.  IHTM- 
vj;  jolin  It.  MiiRKiT.  issjsil;  IMwiird 
M.hiilim,  IKMllH);  lii'nivi'  S.  Jiiiu'H, 
lSHI.;p|;     Wllllllhl     l>.     Mull.     IS!l|.|M!Hl. 

Mlli'il  In  orrii'i'.  HUi'i'i'i-ili  il  l.y  lllniui 
i:,  N.'wiln.  ConiniT.)  I  ■ninillim  It. 
li^iuKor.  isthl'.ls;  1',-iry  ivis- 
"1.  lllrakniil.  •IhnninK  i:.  AmI'I.'H 
ii|ip.->lnlcil.)  'J'lioiiinB  r..  .^y<ll■llMl, 
i!«ciii;  V,.  M.  cnrior,  iihiiipm:  ii«i.- 
Ill  Klniii.y.  llHis.|i!j  |.kl«nril  .Nli'lmlna. 

Ilobort  Klnnoy  illcd  In  offlc  In  IIIVJ 
mill  wiiB  mii'i  oi'iloil  liy  Uio  Coroner, 
111'.  ColllnKB,  ror  11  row  ilnyH.  lllrliiinl 
Mii'iinr  vnii  (i|i|inlilloil  Sliorlfr  10 
«flvn  until  Slirrirr-llliTl  .Vl.liolns 
woiilii  bo  InBtiiilcd. 

•I'lio  ItcoordiM's  orrirc  nt  llio  or- 
KiiiilzntloD  of  tlio  Counly  wah  con* 
S'.liilntcd  wltli  tlint  of  Cirrk.  'I'lio 
Clerks  were  thcrororc  i:r  of /trio  lie- 
ror.lcrs  ulitll  is:l.l,  when  tlio  office  of 
lli'cordcr  wiiB  for  a  eliort  llmo  i-rcil- 
I'd.  It  won  filled  l.y  linn.'nn, 
hy  niipolntnic-nl.  AucuM  !l.  IVI.'I.  lie 
died  In  l.s.';i,  nnd  llie  ofllie  ivn»  ni.-.'iln 
lonBiilliinlcd  Willi  Hint  of  clerk.  When 
the  new  ConBtllutlon  provldlni;  for 
I  lie  Kepiirnto  of  lire  of  lleior.Ier  went 
iiilo    efrcct,    Joseph    11.    CinlielhiB   wbb 

I ointeih  lio  renlLMU'd  nnd  .'^luiiuel   P. 

1  iBher  wns  appointed,  lie  served  iin- 
III  )S.-.7.  !'•.  W.  Dinwiddle  wiiB  elected 
in  KS.-.7,  served  until  l.'<i'.."..  .Innies  .M. 
riioiiins.  elected  In  isiil,  Idled  in 
.luiie,  isnij.  nnd  wiib  sueceided  hy  his 
iiillier,  John  .M.  ■rhniiins.  i  Chnrlis 
i:.  AdnniBon,  eleeled  In  IMli:,  nlmi  dic.l 
In  nffleo;  Klwi.od  Hunt  wn.i  nppoint- 
III  to  the  vneniiey.  Ileeonlei-.s  Binee 
Hint  time:  Khiood  lliiul.  IW7I1-7I  ; 
Wllllnm  .7.  While,   I^TI.SJ:   Henry   H. 

Cord,   ISSJ-nO:  CImrlea     K.     l.ii eri, 

IMni-S;  Dan  W.  Chnpin,  lsp.sni; ;  Cnrl 
lliittcr,  lDOO-14;  ,\lhcrt  J.  Itukos.  mil. 

Tile  Auditor's  duties  wore  also  per- 
ftiriucd  hy  the  clerk  for  •-"  years  af- 
ter the  orcnnl/ntlon  of  tlio  County.  In 
isil  tlio  offlic  of  Andllor  «ns  crested 
nnd  .ToBcph  I'ott-*  npi.ulnted  to  fill  It. 
I'r  or  to  that  time  Hie  clerk  kept  t,ie 
reeord  of  Ihc  CoiuiiilBsloncrB,  who 
I.  nde  the  tax  rnle  In  ixv.l  llio  rale 
wne  80  ccntB  per  Iml  acres  on  "first 

.-./i.ri/f  ll'iiif    I.Vll  (..   ISPil. 

nruiinlzeil  wnB  Hie  Sheriff -Andrew 
llrnok.".  He  held  orflee  linlll  Aul'iibI, 
when  lie  WIIB  defenled  In  the  fIrBt 
.■le.Hoii  hy  Henry  AnderBon.  Many 
men  priimlnent  In  Hie  nflnlrs  nf  Parke 
Counly  held  Ihc  Slierlff'B  ofriie.  Innac 
.1.  ."^Illlmiin  Bueieeded  Henry  Aii.ler- 
Hon  and  uerved  from  .\ucUBt  '-".'.  IX'-T,, 
to  Kept.  (1,  I.V..7.  Wllllalii  c.  .Noel 
then  served  two  leriuB.  nnd  .liilin  c. 
Davis  served  for  a  Bhor!  lime  iinlll 
hiB  election  In  I  he  Clerk's  office  In 
ls:i:i.  AuBlIn  M.  I'liell  wnB  appniiile.l 
.'iherirr  by  the  CiiiiiilsfllnnerB  nnd 
KirMil  a  few  ninnlhs.  sherlfra  frmu 
is.i:i  In  Hie  preB.nt  lime:  WilPnm 
Kllcnre,  1k.-im:i7:  Aninn  H  irl,  ls:i7-ll; 
.leKHC    II.    YoiimimB,     l.-ill-Ct    (InlMlel 

Hi.ur.liimin.   IM."i  1:1:  .III "  \V.   Il.'iidle, 

IMIi:.:i',  inivld  Klil.iiinrlik,  IM.Vl.r,7; 
Al.rnm  Diirrn.h.  |s.-,7ill  ;  (lenrcc  II. 
Ince.  ISIll.ll.-.;  .InmeB  rhch.n.  IHl'..-., 
Idled  In  nrriie  I'ehnmry.  IS117.  .Tease 
I'nrllow,  Coroner,  huceeded  In  the  of- 
rice:  served  llnee  weeka,  when  tlio 
CoimulB-li.hers  appolnied  Xorvnl  \V. 
"  uimiiliiKB,  ,Mareli  7,  1W17.I  Mr.  Cum- 
Il  liiRs  servoil     until     IM7L>;  Christian 


AidlKor  rroiii    IS'liI  In   IS7I. 

mil.  land;"  and  pull  lax  wn«  ,17  I  ■-' 
renlBl  No  wondir  tliu  plonuers  eniilil 
:  'I'o  tliclr  money,  .loaepli  Toils  seiv- 
.d  as  Auditor  freni  ISII  unlll  l.s.-.l. 
He  wna  born  In  Willi,  nnd  lived  until 
iiflor  tbo  closo  of  tho  Civil  Unr.- Diii- 
liiK  tlio  war  lio  was  poBlmnater  at 
llnekvlllo.  In  1.1111  when  Kilns  nive.i. 
Hie  clRhth  Auditor  of  I'ariio  Counly 
Mas  elected,  every  iiinn  who  lies  filled 

that  office  Willi  Hie  exie|illon  of  Jos- 
ipll  I'olts  was  ll\lliK.  Tlieao  men 
vveio:  I.iiilen  A.  rnoto,  who  served 
unlll  IMi-j;  lie...  I".  Daly,  IML'ikl;  ,lohn 
II.  Tnle,  IMI1I.7I;  .I.I.B..  II.  Cnniii'lly. 
IM7'1-N2;  Kdwiii  !■•.  Hiidley,  Isv...m-.; 
Samuel  T.  CiiHIii.  is..i;.'.l|;  Kllna  II. 
Owen.  l.Silllis;  s.  A.  I'Ike.  Isiis-ii'.'; 
Henry  Orubb,  UK):; -00;  II.  A.  Ilcnder- 
pen,  iiiiBi-iii:  ,lnmiB  K.  Ivlder,  1U1I>I-I: 
1  liurles  W.  Dnvis,  lllll. 

The  TrcnBurer's  nffleo,  unlll 
wna  held  by  the  .Mlierlff,  who  wna  niBii 
cMlleU  "ColU'clor,"  lluuh  J.  Ilrndley 
vns  tlio  flrsi  TrcnBiiror.  Appoiotctl  In 
IK'i:i.     lie   Will  eucieeriid   hy     .VustIn 






I  f^ 

■  :v'  r 

'■".     ^ 


/.!      .., 

',  .        'z"^- 

'■-M                   1 



■  s.    :-\ 

Z.W--Xrt    ■ 

Islil"  In   1.1 

.1.  ruelt  and  then  nsnln  clecled  In 
l>:;.l.  I'^rasliis  .\I.  IleiiBon  sin'i-eedcd 
i'l  II.  And  llien  eniiio  the 
reKliiio  of  the  Hurts.  Aaron  Hart  was 
elc.led  In  ISII.  He  \vn-  sue.  ceded  l.y 
his  Bon,  .Miles  Ilnrt.  and  records  show 
'hut  Aaron  ll^irt,  .Miles  Hart,  Samuel 
Hart,  nnd  "two  or  three  more  Units" 
held  office  I.f  BOiiie  kind  for  luaiiy 
.\raiB.  -MIICB  Hurt  died  In  ofricc,  thus 
hrenklnc  the  cbnin.  nnd  Clinrlcs  Hrnnt 
BiLcccdcd  lilm.  J.'lin  II.  .Miller  serv- 
ed from  I.1.V1  to  IS.VI,  and  wns  su.'- 
iceded  by  WnBlilnu'lon  ILidley,  l.i.V.l- 
i;:i;  John  T.  Caiuphell,  IWVI-liT;  John 
II.  Llndlcy,  lSii7-72;  N.  W.  Ciini- 
niluKs,  1872-711:  K.  W.  Dinwiddle, 
|;  J.  N.  .McCoiiipbcll,  18.10-s-l: 
Isaac  A.  I'lcknrd,  l,,l,1;  James  M. 
Dinwiddle,  IWO-OO;  (Jmiica  M.  Din- 
widdle died  JuBt  nrtcr  his  re-election 
D.;c.  20,  isno;  sucioedcd  by  N.  W. 
Ciuunilnes  by  ap|<i'ntiiient  ;1  M.b.'b 
I'.  Kclley.  inrj-liil:  Wlllhini  llawl- 
Ings.  ISOC-KXHI;  Ceorgo  lirnnson,  UHIO- 
111:  I'Mwnrd  llnidrlcld,  Um-l-OS;  <Ieo. 
W.  Sponecr,  IDOS-i:;:  Harvey  nnsli, 

Of  tho  office  of  Counly  Surveyor. 
C.  I-:,  l^nibcrl  Id  Ibe  blslurUa)  edition 
01  The  lloikrillr  Triliiinr.  .Mnv.  Isml, 
auys:  "Jeremiah  II.  Slier,  of  Illooui- 
fleld.  (now  IlloomlnBdnle.)  wna  Hie 
flrtt  County  Surveyor  of  whom  the 
prcaenl  records  eIiow  any  thing.  The 
tcriii  seems  to  have  nhvnys  been  two 
ycnrs,  hut  as  there  Is  a  brenk  In  the 
tliiio  served  hy  some.  It  Is  probable 
Hint  Bonio  have  reslfned  liefore  the 
term  expired.  i:iii.»  C.  Slier  (son  of 
.I.Tiliihih  H,  Slier.)  Wllllnm  II.  Nyo. 
.Inhn  T.  Caiuphell  nnd  Claude  Olt  nro 
the  only  eiirvcyors  who  have  kept  tho 
orrico  In  Itockrillo,  and  Caiuphell  and 
lilt  lire  the  only  ones  who  have  kept 
Hie  office  In  the  eciirt  house.  IhoiiKh 
Ihc  law  rnpilros  Hint  all  ofrielnl  rei-- 
-irds  shall  bo  kept  there.  There  Is  a 
Irndlllon  that  when  Airred  Iladloy 
wns  SurToyor,  ho  iiiado  a  "doirn  rlr- 

er"  Irlji  to  New  Hrlenna  mid  uppi.lnl. 
cd  ft  .Mr.  Doniiiree  of  Sunar  Creek 
lownshlp  (now  Howard)  ni  his  Av{>- 
uty.  Lietuaroo's  lioiiso  burned  niul 
destroyed  nil  the  ciiunly  flel.l  nnles 
U|i  to  that  tliiie.  All  Iho  nelrs  ul 
Joreniluh  H.  Slier,  who  served  Hie 
lonccBt,  are  gone,  cuecpt  a  few  cob 
lecled  by  Ills  sun,  i:nos  C.  Hllcr,  from 
•  'Id  inouioranduliia. 

T'lin  scvenil  Surveyors  nnd  the  I.e. 
ulnnliiR  of  their  leriin  of  service  are 
•IB  follows: 

Jeremlnli  II.  Slier,  leriu  heiinn  April 
I.  I.ia.'l:  Bcrved  In  Nov.  111.  lll'J;  Ai- 
rred llnilley,  INI.'.;  Siilnmi.n  II.  Ilnr- 
rlL-ua,  1.111;  Snniuel  Kelly,  li.-,l;  llmis 
C,  Slier,  is.-.:i:  Wllllnm  II.  .\je,  H.Vi. 
.'.11;  Isnne  Mndley,  li.-,n;  Wllllnm  II. 
Nyo,  ISilMl.-.;  Joseph  c.  Ilueliiiniin, 
till-.:  Mndlev  li.lT.7'.'-  I  evi 
Smith,  1N72;  CluirleB  W.  l.lndley, 
1171-711;  Jidin  T,  Ciinipl.ell.  1171.  ro- 
BiKued;  Levi  Smith,  npi«iliiie  I,  ism; 
Henry  (Irubh,  isi-j;  ,lnhn  T.  Camp- 
bell. 1.1.1  l-li'J:  Claude  oil,   1,111  |.!si. 

"Tlio  nioro  tlinn  a.OOi  wlliuss  trees 
iiinrkcd  and  recorded  by  the  t'niled 
StnlCB' BUI  veyoiB  In  I'nrke  County  nro 
now  nearly  all  eouo.  Captain  camii* 
hell,  who  furnlBliea  theae  notes,  lilends 
KUilly  to  hnvMiK  ilcBtroyed  iiioie  Hinn 
.'\  hundred  of  thrui,  wlikli  he  would 
not  do  a^aln,  by  ehnpiiliii;  Into  tlieiii 
t.i  make  sure  they  were  the  reni  trees. 
He  bcBpcal;s  for  the  few  rem  ilninu 
the  teiulercst  care  on  the  part  of  com- 
ing surveyors.  Ilul  Hie  fnriiierfl  Hieiii- 
Bclves  bavo  killed  the  k'rcnt  part  nf 

Surveyors  sinre  Isisi:  CIniide  Olt, 
l-^niorson  riillllpi,  Arthur  IMckett, 
Harry  DaTles. 

The  County  AtscBaor's  office  \vns 
created  In  ISOI,  and  8.  A.  I'lkc  wos 
appointed  to  till  It  unlll  .saiiiuel  Cohlo 
wns  elected  In  l.Mi'-'.  Mr.  Cohle  was 
Biiceccded  by  Clark  W.  McDanlel,  C. 
A.  LMk»  and  William  Cox. 


ny  Ibo  Iftw  Of  is;i2  all  the  Jusllies 
of  peaco  In  tho  County  cmuposed  tho 
Hoard  Of  CkimmlBsloncrs.  In  1111  the 
jiresent  ■yntem  of  three  was  adopled. 
tho   first   boird   being  Tobias   .Miller, 

Nnlhnlilel  Mvans  and  James  W.  Tlendln. 
Time  does  not  permit  of  the  loim 
labor  that  would  be  Involved  pouring 
through  the  records  since  IH.1,1  to  oli- 
tnln  the  naliics  of  all  the  men  who 
have  hold  the  office  of  County  Coin- 
11  iBsloner,  1  recall  such  names  as 
John  Olt,  Btrphcn  .McCorkle.  A'pilla 
JuBtleo,  s.  It.  Ilanillton,  Jonie«  H.  lleg- 
Charle.  W.  Stryker  and  James  Jacobs, 
ers,  Wllllnm  Jarrls,  Tliomat     Nolion, 


Ili.'ll  of  llu'  Itklui;!  HllllHllim  In  llio 
lOiinl.v,  who  »L-n.'il  l.i-l<ir.-  II"'  |..M|...I 
.  iiil.rnV.  il  III  I  ho  Inm  foiCy, 
»lil.'li  l.rlimii  ll»  il.iwri  in  Iho  hiviid 
wh'rh   liiiu   Ihc  <ll>llu>lloii  of  bullillm; 




«l(li  th.-  Hon.  \V.  W.  Cuir.v,  ii  illilolli 
lli|.iil.ll.  in  oinlnr.  in  llilti:, 
kiiMkoil  Ciirri  (loMii.  c:iil-od  liliu  ti 
!..•    hlll.Tly    ilcnoiinrnl    nil    ii    "Urln-I,' 





ll    Mil 

IS.-,  I. 
.1  iiiii'n   M.    AllPn,    I'lhri 
llrnry    sliniiiion.    May 
•rhoiiiiiR    \.    II ho,    NOM' 
llol.oil    W.    Ilnrrlmin, 


"lllllKH.    Novinihi 


holilil  Wlin  /.nrhiirliih  II.mih.  Willi. mm 
lliiiiih'liiiol   iiml    Muliloii    \V.   .MnrKliiill. 

SiihHi Ml    Co iKnloncin;      John    II. 

rollliicK,  O.  P.  llriAMi.  Jn s  .V.  .MIcn, 

I.  C.  Iliihlli-h.  l.coito  .Miller,  M.  II. 
lIlMMi,  l-lnilloD  lliill.i,  'I'hoiiHm  A.  Il.'it- 
cllfr,  Nnlhiin  (haiiiimn,  .M.  O.  Sulli- 
van. J.  S.  Ilniilin,  Isnao  I.lo.vd.  llrnry 
,\.  Myi'iH.  .lohii  lliiv.olil.  .lai  OK  II. 
Kii  r.  .l"o.  i'li  Ilnln,  Tlion,  cnrrftrd, 
SiiTiiiii-l  (Ohio,  .Inhn  T.  'I'honili.-on, 
.liilin  .M.  .M.iy.  I.pvl  I.lnolmiKor.  Wil- 
liam  .\ioiiorn.   Wllliaiii   llo.:,,  s ol 

Judicial  ilr.iilln  In  Iho  rarly  dayB 
ivore  on  ;i  Uroiul  Briilo.  .IihIkob  nnd 
lawyors  woMld  trniol  by  liomohack 
fr.nii  Mni-.nnoa  to  llo.l.iillo  and  Inter 
oil  fro. 11  'IVrro  II. into  to  l.iijiorlo.  In 
I  hour  divH  many  l.rllllani  looii.  cllhcr 
an  .InilKO.s  or  nltmniys.  look  pnrt  In 
JiKlhhil  iiroioi'dlntB  In  I'nrkc  <'oimty. 
.lohn  Law  held  roiirl  hero  nB  jiidfc : 
nldo  lllili.ird  W.  Thompson.  Wllllnm 
I'.  I'.ry.iiit  ami  chni,  lii.;  i.  I'.itlo.n.m. 
I  If  Iho  Kaliixy  of  Iiivyors  who  prno- 
I  lod  hero.  oIlhiT  n8  iiicmhi  rB  of  the 
har  or  In  Iho  lilal  of  casus,  ninny  won 
cIlKlimlloii.  .>:iicll  names  na  IMwnid 
W.  llannoiian.  Tliomn:i  II.  XelBon. 
111. hard  \V.  Tliompfmi,  Unnlol  W. 
Voi.rheea.  I.owla  Wnllico,  Henry  .S. 
I.ano.  Hllh  IhoBo  of  our  o«  n  Howard. 
Wrlchl.  mill  .M.iiauBhey  save  luster 
lo  the  I'arke  I'lniill  eourt  liefore  the 
•  'hll  Uar.  Ab  connectlni;  links  bo- 
Uv.oli   the  "di.Mi  of  Klnula"     nnd     llie 

poi  o.l  Buh. onl,  il„.  tivn  .\ln.\wellB 

Sn'iuol  r,  ami  Uavld  W.  were 
iiorlhv    of    Ihiil    illHllii'll'ili.      Tile    for- 

r   VI  a»  Jiiili-.e  i.f   Iho  I'liurl    of   rmu- 

I rieiiH.   alii.llBhe.l    In    l.MTil.   mill    Iho 

lall.r  e..nll ll  111  Ihe  |,rn.||re  of  Iniv 

I'lllll  hl»  ill  mil  a  few  yeaiH  nL-o.  lioh- 
111. d  r,,r  hiB  hl.-li  -inmllin;  na  a  In*. 
>.r  III.  11,11  an  lor  lila  ..oiine.  Hon  with 
Ihe  dlMlliKU  hh.'d  men  of  the  onrly 
har.  (In  Ihe  heneli  fmni  l.>i;j  linlll 
I^m;  Mill  II  the  eirciill  wns  clinnKod 
liiiiii  I'lirlie  ami  MonlKoiuery  tn  I'arke 
and  Vermillion,  vm  re  .^aliiuel  C.  Nel- 
noil.  .lull...  .Mh.rl  ll.  Tliomna  mid  Wll- 
111!  II  I'.  Ilrhloii.  .Iii.Iki'  Kdwiril 
Snydir  «na  eleiled  In   l.v*!.  when  Hie 

(he   "IlKhllns    |-oiirleeiiih"      Imllann; 

Th na    .N.    Itlee.    Ilohl.    II.    V.    I'lei 

-Villi  I'.  While,  and  I'riink  .M.  How- 
mil  were  able  I'roseiiitora  from  lH.".(t 
(II    l.SNi;. 

lollowInK  Is  n  complete  Hat  of  (he 
.Indues  nnd  I'roseciilorB  aln.e  the  cb 
Inbllahinonl  of  the  first   I'.irke  I'oiinlv 



I'.-iled  lb.  nih  .lii.llrlnl  Circuit. 
.lo.diiia  .liimii.  of  \ew|.orl,  wna  np- 
loliil.'.l  .hi. Ice.  Borv  ni:  iiiilll  is-sil. 
when  h.'  derllmd  lo  n  .audi- 
dale  ,.)r  reele.tlon  nnd  .\roil  I'.  While 

unK    oleilid    wlllio ppoalllon.      He 

l.-neil    for    elK .11    year...      Ilia      a 

iiHier.  Could  11.  Iteiihy.  ri  alined,  nnd 
Cliarlea  W.  Wind,  ol  .Sewpml.  w  s  op- 
polnliil  by  Covernor  .MniBhall.  .IiiiIl-o 
Wnrd  ill.d  In  offl.o.  nml  William  c 
Wnl(e  wna  appolnled  (o  (he  hencll  hi 
Ihe  (li.vernor.  hi  IPIO.  Ilarlon  W. 
A  kliilill    waa   ele.lid    nnd    a.M'ied    until 

liil."i.  when  I'nrke  Conniy  wna  iiinilo  n 
a.pirale  ilriillt  nnd  (ie.ince  11.  Siinkel. 
our   preaeiil    Jiiilue,   wna  npimliilrd. 

The  offlro  of  I'lOaerlKlnn  Allormy 
baa  been  filled  by  (nnny  lirllllmil 
.\iiiini;  iillorneya.  l-'lral  In  order  of 
I  me  and  li.'ihiijia  of  nbllUy  waa  Ihe 
I  roriiunrl  .l.'hli  I. IK.  'I'liomna  II. 
.Viliion.  whii  laiue  lo  ItoeUvllle  with 
iilB  yi.mi.-  Mlf.'  at  the  nee  of  nlniteen. 
In  Ihe  early  ferlliB.  aervrd  nwlille  as 
llipiily  I'roaeriillni;  Allornoy  wlillo  a 
■ill  (liber  of  our  hnr.  ".Ve.l"  HnnnoCTn. 
IiBiph  .\.  W.lKhl,  .lohn  r.  raher, 
I  .null  I  W.  Vo.irbees.  nnd  Low  Wallace 
■ere  iinlnble  rriiaeeuiors.  .lohn  C. 
l:rlK;:a  of  Kulllioii  Coiinly.  wna  ele-l- 
1  I  I  1  niedlnlely  nfler  the  wnr  on  the 
11.11101  inllc  llikol.    Tills  clnninBlniicc 

.Tonnthnn  Poly,  April  1'.   l.><i;i.  rirst 
.Incoli  Call,  .Mnrih  7,  is:;j;  realKned. 
.,...11,    u.    lorler,   a|.,.o.i.u.l   .i.ilj    .:,>. 


lanne  Nnylor.  Jnniinry  *J7.  I.*t:t.M.  Tito 
All  of  Jnnimry  \:x.  is:i'.i.  put  I'nrke  In 
Ihe  Seventh. 

IMIshn  M.  IIunllnRton.  .Innnary  U.S. 
\KKi:   riBlfc-ned. 

William  1'.  Iirynnt,  niipiilnicd  July 
IL'.    IMIl. 

.lohn  I.niv,  .Innuary  L'.-|,  1.S44 :  ro- 

Snmnel    II.   Cookinn,   nlipolnted   Ails 

list  :n,  i.s.-,(i. 

Delnna  11.  Keklos.  Jnnimry  .In.  I.s.-il. 
(l.loher    rj.    l.x.-,L'. 

Wllllnm  r.  IlrynnI,  October  IL'.  IS.".!'. 
l:i-'hlh    CIreult. 

.lohn  M.  Cowan.  Novenibir  t.  1S.-..S. 
The  Alt  of  .March  I.;:,  put  I'nrke 
In   the   KlBhteenlh. 

Ilbdnnl  W.  ThonipBon,  nppnlnted 
Mnrch    1,    1.'<117. 

CliainberB  Y.  I'nIlerBon.  Sovemlier 
I.  I.'<il7.  The  Alt  of  .Mnreb  ll.  1S7:1,  iml 
I'nrke    In    the    Twcity-seeund, 

>niiiuel  ('.  Wll.son,  nppolnlrd  Mnrch 
I:;,  i.'<7:i. 

Albert   I>.  Thoiiina.  O.lober  HI,  1.S7.X 

Wllllmii  I'.  llrlKon.  Orliiher  -Jl,  1.S711. 
The  ,v,l  of  Fehninry  ■2\  IHs.-,,  iml 
I'liike  In  tho  rorly-Bevenlh. 

.loBlinn  Jnnip.  nppolnted  Kebrnnry 
Jil.   1SS.-I. 

Ared    r.    While.    Xovember    l."i.    IWii. 

Ciould  II.  Ilheuby.  .November  I.". 
IIKH;  realcncd   In   AHL-iiBt.   IImki. 

Chnrlea  W.  Wnrd,  appolnled  .Vuciiat 
J.'l,    inim;   died    In    Septoniber,   lOin. 

Wllllnm  {'.  Wnll,  Bppolntoil  Sep- 
tember -'I,  inin. 

Ilirlon  S.  Alkliian.  November  1.". 
llilii-I'cbrimry  22,  llll."i.  The  .Vet  of 
I'Tlirimry  22,  10I.-|,  made  I'nrke  (lie 
M'lo  County  In  tho  newly  crenled 
Sl.vty-clBhth.  Judge  Alkmnn  wna  left  In 
the    17th. 

fJeorRO  I).  Siinkel,  nppoinlrd   Mnreli 

I.  Ilil.'i,  to  serve  until     nc.\t    iioneral 

rnofinrcTixo  atyornkvs. 

.lohn  Ijiw,  August  0,  1.121.  First 

Kdwnrd  -\.  Ilnnnccnn,  Janunry  2.", 

Amirew   Innrani.  Jnnuary  2.-.,  1.>l.'rj. 

Wllllnm  1'.  lirynnt.  Jnnimry  'JM,  Im:k. 

Joaeph  A.  Wr  uhi,  Janunry  2:i,  IKUt. 
The  Alt  of  Jnnnnry  2.><,  is:iii,  put 
I'nrUe   111  the  Sevinlli. 

Keimm  II.  Ki'kles.  Jnniin.'y  '.'1,  IKID: 

Ddiinrd  W.  MrdiiiBhey,  Kebrimry 
I.",,   isil :  reaknrd. 

(Jforue  I'.  VVnlermnn,  appointed 
AliKuat    111,   1S12. 

John   I',   rahir,  Deielnlier   I.",.   t.*l2. 

Jniiiea  .1.  Ilnnnn.  Dceniiher  I.",  I.HII. 

Jniiioa  <'.  ,\IIen.  Pecemher  1.",,  1.11(1. 

llnrvey  1).  Meiill,  AukiibI   in,   IR."il. 

Lew  Wnllnie,  October  12,  1S.-i2. 
i:iiilitn  circuit. 

Ii.-inlel  vv.  V'onrlieos,  nppolnted  Mny 

II,  l.i.VI;   If  Binned. 

HnmnrI  I,.  Telford,  op|iolnted  July 
21,  IMI. 

Snimiel  I'.  Wood.  .Sovi  liiber  12.  INirj. 
he  Art  of  Mnnh  1.  IsiiT,  jiiit  I'nrke 
n    the    i:ii:hli'eiith. 

Sen  ell    Cimlaon.      n| Inle.l      .Mnnh 

s.  isi;7. 

Ililrlou  (!.  Ilnnmi,   Novemher  4,  IMm. 

John   C.    Ilrlcpa.   (leloher  21.    117". 

Ilobert  II.  Searn.  Oilobir  21,  1172. 
he  .Vel  of  .Mnreb  (1.  IS7.1.  put  I'm  he 
M  (he    Ineiily  »..oild. 

Ilobert  II.  I'.  I'lerce.  Mnnh  C.  117:1 
he  Act  of  .Xinnh  d.  1.17.1.  trnnaforred 
'  cnv  from  the  I:1kIiI1i  lo  the  Twf  nly 

Arod  r.  White,  1174. 

li.ivlil   Ilnneh.   Noi ember  .'t,   Ii7(l. 

John  .\.  Iliirfonl.  Nnveiiihei' 

I'iniik    .M.    Howard.      .V.iviiii 

l.-vl,'.     Tho  All   of    I'ebriinry   ; 

put    I'nrke    In    Hie    I'orlyaevei 

IrncBf.rre.l  Howard  from  the 

Bciuud   lo  the  I'orlyai.vonlli. 

Jeaae   I'.   Vol  k.    I 

Henry  ImulelR.  .Vovcii  ber  I 

llnrinn    S.    Alknmn, 

mbir      17, 
Ilownrd  Mnxwell,  Novemher  17,  ll:i|. 

(loiild  J.  Ilbeuliy,  Jnnimry  I,  IlBil  ; 
n  sU-ued. 

Albert  .M.  AdniiiB,  nppolnled  Novoin- 
ber  211,   unit. 

Clin-nce  (J.  Powell.  Jnniinrv  I,  1IKI7. 

WllllB  A.  Snilerlee.  Jnniini  y  1,   lull. 

iv„r;.„  IV   Siink.l.  Jiiiiiiarv   I,   ril:l 

Kveret  A.  IlnvlBBon.  Jniinnry  I,  till.-,. 
Term  expires  .Iiinunry  I,  IIM7. 

icarlij  (dliurrltni  nf  Park?  (Einmtij 

t*  'TLiinr  Tin;  i. 

■  "'■'  '"I     Ing   Infb 



icB  In  Park 
ty— the  Church  nn 
Sihool— t  h  0  cliurrh 
■•nmes  first,  nt  least  In 
pr'.orlty  of  cHlnbllBli- 
nient.  It  was  present  even  before  the 
crganb.'itlon  of  the  County,  for  there 
lo   convincing   evldcmo   that   the  mis- 

inw.  \  Iiugo  loK  roughly  levele  I 
•  on  lop  wiB  the  piilplt.  Nenr  It  were 
1  f,  few  Bents  oeinpled  by  the 
I  and  young  children  nnd  n  foiv  of  the 
1  most  'Biibdiied'  men.  llehnil  them  for 
.  Biime  dlalnme  nil  sorts  nnd  cnmllllona 
^  of  pe.'ple  snt  on  lops  nnd  bIiiuipb.  or 
Mood  lennlm;  on  llieir  long  rifles  or 
nt-nlnst    the    Irco-.     (In    Hie   oiilaklHn 

ri-^    ■'. 

J......  a..  ..■^.  .>..- --^w-t--.       ..1 

sliinarlrB  of  the  Cntliolle  church  had 
lomo  Iho  ImllmiH  here  before 
the  llov.  lanac  .Mi-Coy.  ine  flrnt  I'nil 
(Btniit  mlaalonnry,  prenehed  In  Hi:- 
lounty.  Ills  nceomil  of  ha  work  In 
Ihla  pnri  of  Indiana  aintes  Hint  In- 
illnn  nnd   hnlfnieed  eblldreu  were  ro- 

iioved    fro la    arliool    by      Cntliolle 

piirinla  wli.i  Imd  been  converted  by 
Ihe   liilaaliinnrle»   of   that   ehiinll. 

liefore  taking  up  Ihe  lonnecled   Ills- 

toiy  of  Hie  rhiirrhrs  of  I'nrke  C it,,- 

I  ahnll  mention  the  blalorh.  o.-enalon 
when  the  fiiiniiiis  I.oren7:o  I  low  prench- 
(d  at  lloclivllle.  It  wnB  In  1112.  and 
Ihe  meeting  was  lllUB  ilrBrrbid  In  nn 
crlhle  In  V/.f  UmUiWW  ■Irlliuur,  ls7». 
giving  Ihn  reiiilnl.c.niea  of  .Mrs 
lleorge  W.  Kill,  who  wna  a  ilill.|  ii  hen 
I  low    wns   nt    Ilne;vHle. 

"Ihe  day  came,  nnd  with  It  n«  mnl- 
Icj'  a  congregation   na   i'arke  County 

((.  X(  .Nt:iT. 

of  the  crowd  wore  icvornl  Iiiinlern 
'Ind  In  liKi'kBklu,  wllh  headed  mo." 
ranlna.  the  whole  ndoriied  by  Ihe 
Iiiindlwoik  of  B.|unwa:  mid  In  nn^.aldi' 
waa  a  siiinll  groiip'of  |.'r,incii-lmllan 
hnlf.hreeda.  nml  with  (hem  two  or 
Ihne  fiillhlmideil  lii'lliins.  No  one 
bad    seen    Ihe      prem  her     enler      the 

n'd,    will 

Mierledly       In 

the  log.  and  doffliig  Ida 
ivolf-ak  n  inp,  glared  nnmnd  In  n 
ninuner  Hint  Bteiiied  more  llko  ln«nn- 
lly  thin  nnylhlng  elae,  giving  Ihoae 
nenr  lilni  a  derided  sinak.  In  a  mlu- 
lile  the  who'e  nmlleiiro  wnB  hiia'iel: 
then  In  o  atniage,  i|imverlnu  voire, 
drawing  the  vowel  aoiind  In  gre.vt 
length,  imw  rerltrd  Hie  llnrs; 

"Tim  Jny  !•  >lni 






Th*  nlihl  ol  <l»(li  dii 

Til.'  if  frit   wni.  I'tiilrlr.     I'.v.My  i-yi- 

III  IIm'  hiiillM-  mill  I'llir  «,IB  riMcl  »\i 
i-M  III.'  rt|r|.Ml(,T  IIK  If  lo-  n  irrillil.' 
I,.H    Hill   liuilni!   Ciiiw  pii'imri'il 

.h,.  wiiy.  hi'  i.rii.i.-il.'il   i-iu  li  In  n 

iiiiMv    nliliinil    liini-.      Illn    illii!ilr:illnlti' 

m-f  ilniv.ii   lilri;.ly   fiou,   tlio iiioii 

llfr  i.f  hi-   h.'iir.'iK.     Ill-  Bl'iiki'  I'f  llii'ir 

, .i^B    «llll    unUrs      mill       B1M|..-1IIK. 

Mill    M nil/I'll    till-   rnnli'KlH      of     tin' 

Kiiiil:  hi'  tiiiirh.'il  u|N.ii  tlii-lr  .'nrl> 
lllillH  tiliil  III  hr^lllh.  Mill  l.nlMl.'il  in 
ll.i'  l-nlMlnrl.r:  \u-  iilll|.|.-,l  li.  ill'U 
iilnviilv  l.iitl.'il  In  thlH  yniiiii;  s.'tlli-- 
nii'iil.  mill  1.1  llu'  criiMB  of  kllulri'il  nl- 
Irmly  lift  liililnil.  iiiiil  liwi'll  with 
i-.iiMl  .'iiiML'y  iiiM'ii  llu'  imiMilm'  nf  n' 
iinlmi   ill  llM'  MliliK      Th.'  fi'iv  «hii  ri'- 

M'l-IMhrr     llll'     .iri'lli'     lln;-     lllin     ai'rliniil 

lint  hiiv  ihiil  my  innrki-il  ni'  i.i'iiMnii 
ml    .rtVii    WMR   iniKliici'il,    .Miwl   nf  tlii- 

»i'ii'  tiiii  tniii'li  inti'i'inli'il  III  IIm 
I'll  11.  Imm''»  I'hlrlill  m  111   wi'luli   lii'i 

I  ii.|ii.iiil.i.r  wlii'n  11  hi.y  nf  In'iirln.. 
II  Hliiry  nf  llll'  iiiii'lliiK  III  till'  offi'ii  Mi-H.  Iliiy  "lis  li'i'tii'iii  «lili  llll 
l.iil.y  Willi  h  l..'i:illl  in  ii-y  ivllli  llii>  v|.; 
nr  nf  ii  |iliinri'l-  rlillil.  I>ii«  (!tiili|.oil 
niil.l.'lily.  »riiHliil  In  llll'  illri'illiiii  nf 
till'  nlfi'iiilln:;  y..iiiiL-li'r,  nnil  uliniiti'il : 
■■Tiil'i  Mill  ijii'iii.  linKllii.-.  Iiiiliy  mil  of 
I  hi-  inii^ivciilliiii- 

iEI)r yrriiliiitriiaii  (Churrli  till'  Mlhsliiii.-iry  linptimi' 
vvi'ii'  Ihi'  r  iKi  I'rnliBiiinm  i..  r.- 
llcliiiiB  Hi'r\l.ii.  In  I'liHcn  Cniinly.  111.- 
llTKl  iiri:iiiilxi'il  ihiiiTh  wliMi  Inin  h.-iil 
nillllliunim  I'Vlsli'mi-  wns  the  I'rrnliy 
l.iliin  rliiilTli.  "illil  Shllnli."  ut  n  imlnl 

II I  s T  ()  n  I  c  A  I-   s  K  V.  r  c  ii  o  i'   p  a  u  k  !■:   county. 

Till'   "(llll    Schiinr'   mill     ■Ni'iv  iilo  Hlillo  Kniii   llimlnn  \vn»  rrpulili'nl. 

.oliLTi'L-nllnni.    iLiillnilril    In    hiilil    m'|i        .Miiiill   IIm  yrnr   IMIll rillili-  In  I'lirkn 

nriili'   munnlwilliiiiii    iinlll    ]w.i.    wlini  rniinly  i.ii.l  vvn»  limlnlliil  in  rnuLT  nl 

lliry   .iROln   iinlli'il   nml   llii.   ni-xl   ynii-  llilhniiy.     Ili'V,  Alliii  iiinrrlril  ,i  rtnilu'li- 

I'L-iiti  hiillilliic  llif  proKHil  rliiirrli  oill-  Irr  of   hnvlil    11.   Mnxwoll,  who' -A-nii  n 

lir.>   iin    IIm    wi'St   nf     tli|.      |iiihll|.  liii'  of  till'    Indlnim  I'miBl  llllllnnnl 

i.|iiiiii\      'riilB    liiillillni:,    ihrniiKli    tin-  r..nvnitlnii    In    ImIH.      Sim    wiii<    n    bU- 

ILi'iilflii'liri'  i.f  .Mi'B.   .Miii-y   .I.iiii'h,  ivii»  In'  ni    .Mib.   .Mnnhn   .\.  Iln«niil.  .Iiiilui' 

(I'liililiti'ly    rniinili'lnl,  miil     ii     i'liii|..'l  X.  I-'.  Mn.wii'il  nml  Ihnlil   II.   .Miivwi'll. 

nilili'il    In   It    111    IVII.   i.iiii     tim     imiiii  Willi. im    V.    .MIin'R  iiillilBlry   lit    lli'll.- 

ihiiniiril     in     .Mpinnrlnl      ITmliylrrlnii  iiny  niul  lln.  kvlllp.  nml  Ills  r\iiii|ili\ry 

I'liiirrli.  nil'  UK  11  rlll/.cn  of  lluckv  lie  In  IiIb  nh' 

r^i'ii   Imfni','  llll.  I'nniiiil   illvlnliiii   ii;  nai'  nri.  ii  ilinlBlinl  ri'inlli'rllnii  nf  nil 

ihi.  Old  Nhlliih  rnnKi'i'i-'iilliin  In     ivij,  ulin   linrw    liliii    hi    tlniKo   y.'ni'n.      II.' 

Ili'lluiny   rri'Bliyli  i-liiii   iliiirrli   hnil   lit.  illi'il   In    Ihs|, 

lii'KlniiinK.     Tim   fii'Hl    iiiii'iliii'ii    «i'i'.  .\    fnv   yi'ni'B   iim    lli'lliniiy     iliiirfli 

111  I.I   hy   Mm   llrv.   .Inlin   ■I'hnini.Bnii   In      »ii*  vi'il  to   MniBliiill.     Korty  ypiiis 

|.k:i|.  hill  It  WIS  mil   mil  I   l.s.11  llmi  n  nai  llpllniiiy  linil  n  iiii'iiilifi-»lil|i  nf  imi. 

Inc   diilri-h   wn»   Inillt.     TIiIb   hiillilln'i  Tim   I'li  Bhynrlnn   iliiinh   ill   Mniili'- 

«nB  iiBi'il  until   IMIi.  Klmii  tlm  fmiir'  ■/iimn   Km   hiilli    In    IWl.     Tim     fli-«l 

Blniiliirn    Inna    knn«ii    nii    "lli'iliiiiiy.'  I'liBlnr  Hun  llcv.  John  llnwIiB.'wIin  nh 



im:v.  wm.  v.    m.i.i:\. 

II. '.'r    I, lull'   lln.ii fniir     or     flvn 

li.ll.H"  nni'll....iHl  nf  lln  kvllln.  Ilni.. 
Ill    l.>^.'l,    llllili'l'    II lllll-ln    nf      lli'l. 

fliM'li'ii  lli.'iiiy,  ,.  Ill);  chiinh  >mik 
hll  It.      Si'ivliiB    fni-   nil    llm    I'r.  bI.vIii- 

InllH  fi Ilrlilui'lnii  In  Wnvi'lnliil.   In- 

ilnilliii;  lliiw  III  llnikvllli..  wi'l-(.  Imlil 
ui  Slilliili  fur  ti'ii  yi-niB.  Thin.  In 
IHI'J,  1.11  tlm  mil  nf  .ViiiriiBl,  n  rhiinl. 
«BB  nii:iiiilzril  nt  llimkvllli'  by  lIi'V. 
Sum. I  II.  .M.'.VllH.  .\  •■.iniim"  liiillil. 
111'.:  iiiiiiHiiiilly  Imt..  |..r  llii.Bn  ilnyB. 
riliiilii'il  11  nil  n  ill|.i.ln.  wnH  liulll  nil 
111..    I'li.llliil    lliliv    n.Tll|.|i'.l    l.y    till'    imp. 

IIbI  ihiirili.  lIi'ii'  nil  I'rr^ 
■'ni.'.lilpp.'il  iinlll  |m::..i.  m  Hint  tliiii. 
111.'  riii,i;ri'i:nl  i.n  iiiiiiilmn  il  l::n  iimili. 
1...1B,  l.iit  fiiilyoim  nf  lli."i-  wllliilrnvv 
mi.l  nrLTinl'/pil  »liiil  wiib  klinwn  nii  thn 
"Niw"  Chiirrh.  TImIr  ihiilili 
Inillillin;  vvKB  crr.tiil  wlmrn  tlm  rrnl- 
ili'lnn    of    lliirim    Doi.loy    now    ilnniln 

m  w 


■■■11*17,       I-.''-,-;  li:--'   ."'    •/    (  ■r'Y;^    '■  ij      Hr^A 

^,:^;?l  ::.?;!   :,p  j;|;V  1    ;;'    *  ":fi-'        '/         A 

Mi::iiiitii.M.  I'liKNm  ii.iiiA.N  i-iiriii'ii. 

(Ill    11  Up  i'UhI  nf  llip  prrni'nl   Inuii  ny  «i.  fur  n  llini'  wnB  pnBlnr  ill   lliu'livllli'. 

.Mnihlinll.  vinii  nl  n  iiiBl  nf  111    IMT   n    I'riBl.yli  rnn   rliiiiili   hub 

«l,iiiM.ii.     Ill   Ihlii  iliiirrh   nml   hi   tlii'  I'lc  inlw.l  nl  IlinvniU  In  l.llmiiv  tnivii- 

i.lil    Inu-    rhiii'i'li      llip      lli'v.      Wllllnni       I'lilp    Willi    L'li    1 h,ii'«.    In    l,S|S-|hi' 

Vnuoll  All.  11  |.i'i-nplii',l  lor  i.imiy  yi':irn  fli-Bl  I'liurcli  wnii  Imlll.   11  ivii«  Ininii'il 

lie   »ns  nlBii  ii.Blor  nt    ll'Hkilll'.   Tlilfl  ili.wn.    Iiiil    I'.'l.iillt    In    1,(i77    nl    cnw|    of 

ri'iniirknhln  imili   wnn  l.nrn   In    IMrii  111  ».vii(i.      Tim    flr»t      i.iiBtnr      wnB      Hoy. 

.^hi'lliyvlllp.    Konlinky.      lli'    w;ih    idii-  .IniiiiB    A»hiiini'p.      Tlm      ronKrrcnllon 

mini  nt  ITIni'itnn.  nml  wlmn  11  ynmv::  linil  lai  iiiniil.i'rB  In  iwii  nnilor  tlm  pnB 

innn    wi'iit    In    .MoiiIl-hmipi  y.    Alnl.iiK'n.  InrBlilp  of   ll.-v.   T.   A.    Willi, mm. 

whorr  Iip  wn»  piiBlnr  iif  Ilio  ITiB'tylnr  A   I'rnBliylprInn  cnnu'ipqul  Inn  wns  In 

lin    rliiirih    nlmiil    two    y.'nrB.      I'Voiii  bIIIhIpiI    In   Sylvnn  n.    .Mnrih    in.    l.sTii. 

thnro  ho  wont  In  Urn  llppiihllp  of  Tp\.  IIb  flrBl  wii»  llrv,  .1.  \\ .  llinnn. 

n>.  and  served  nR  Chnplnln  of  Mm  Hen-  Tlm   Inllrd    I'reiiliylcrliin   ehiircli   nf 

(lii'i'iin   Inwiinlilii   \\n»     nrL'niil/eil     In 

IV.s   l.y    ,1    iinli.n   nf   IIm   ABBimtiil,.    

Iiii'iii  I'ri'Hli.Mi'rlnmi,  .VhrihIhii'  I'n-Hl.y. 
lirliiii  mill  Ciiveniinti'iB.  ili.'h'  rimr.  Ii 
liill.lhiK  wiiB  ..iiii|.l,'ii'.l  In  ivai,  'i',,,, 
Bizp  nf  Ihp  liiillillnu  wn»  X,  x  I",  ninl 
^•l.■■«l.(l(l:  Till'  f.rnl  nrdiilmd  iiiIiiIhI.i 
(Il  llilB  innKii'Knllnii  ,ini  Wllll.iin  11 
Siiin.i'r.      In    l.tsii    tlm     iiiiiKiTUMUni, 

11 l.i'iPil    forty. four,    whb    In    n    riiiiii' 

iBhlnK  ...mllllnn  miil  Bii|.p..rl.',l  n  K.iii. 
liny  Bihoi.l  of  BiMy  rriiiilm  nll.'ii.lnm.. 
II   rinBod  I'vlfllini'i'  nUiiit    llNi.y 

llilliol  I'lTBhMi'rlnii  I'hiirrh  in  il.p 
l''lnlii'r  nrlulil.nrliiH.d,  lliri'u  inlli'a 
ririiihu'i'Bt  nf  llni'kvllii',  wnB  nruiinlr.iil 
II.  I.v.-'li,  with  iwplvi.  nii'iiihcr..  .u 
flrBl  IllP  rnnilri'unllnii  iiBcd  IIm  bi  I111..I 
I'.. IIIB.'  Ill  llinl  illBlrl.l.  hill  l.y  III,.  1,1,. 
.rillly  nf  Hip  iimnilmrB  n  rliiirrli  wii» 

-» ..  _ 


.'."iif. , 



'■  ^ '^: 


.  N    ■ 


,"■;     -V'       .1 

n.hlll    .l.\ll.     II.     III'MrlllDAIl. 

Imlll  .'nBilni.'Kli(Hi.ii<i.  IIpv,  .Inlin  llnwkB 
"IIB  tlm  riiBt  iiri'ftrlmr.  A  luiliihlP  ro. 
vlinl  nliiiiil  fnrly.flvp  ypiira  nun  mlili'd 
mrly  iminlmiB  In  Mm  ronuri'untliiii, 
wliii'h  niirp  iiiiiiiliprpil  BlMy.  Ili'ilicl 
Siimlny  Bi'linnl  Boon  nflor  IIm  rliliri'll 
wnH  hum  romlipil  nil  I'lirnlliimiit  (if 
i:'ii.  llPuulnr  Bonlii'n  linvn  imt  Imnii 
Mold  tlii'io  for  iiiihy  yonrn  nnd  ronh 
dPiilB  nf  llnikrlllp  iin  iiiori'  hour  lliii 
InuPB  n.  llu  hpll,  whirh  for  mniiy  yciii-R 
Bii  hi'millfiilly  lilrndeil  with  IIm  fniiill. 
Inr  imiindB  nf  i|iil.<t  Hnlilinlh  mnriilnxa. 
No  lilBinry  nf  '.ho  counly,  nnd     nn 

Piil.|lBlm.|  iri'ord  iimntlnnii  IIm  nid  loir 
ilmrili  Mini  Blood  on  the  .MnrBlinll 
lonil  fniir  iiiIIpb  norlli  of  llorkvlllo. 
Ily  dlllRciit  Iminiry  I  find  Ihnl  nil  who 


klmw  nnylhiiii;  uhiiiic  ii  nKii.'  (  li 
nn»  iirlKlllliDy  nnlrd  l>v  llii'  I'j.nliv. 
(crlllliJ.    hut    [i.nynr    .v,Mi>    ,ii:,i      It 

UIIH   ||M(I    ill   ('iililiilnll    liy   :iil   .1.' Inu. 

lluiiH.  Ilix.uvor,  II  In  iir  riTiii'il  lliiil 
JiMiili  SHI. hill'  i.tiil  lliirlMilii.  Ilia  »llV, 
ilLi'  iitru  ot  KiiiiilMl  til  Aiiilivw 

I' III. III.    .Mci:»t'ii      iiMil       Mnnlii 

<lul;;.r.  lrii»l.i'«  of  llu.  l'iT«l,yli'i|:ili 
.hiirrli  111-  It. ..Id  111,..  .\,)v.  js.  is.-.l,  nllil 
lliiil  llli'  l^ll^ll■,•d  u(  till.  Ilnil,vllli-, 
.lllir.  I..    .Millili    .'U.    I.'.s:;.    il.'.'iU'il      llio 

KIlMinil    III    .ll..l,.|,h    i;|l.l.KI.Il.    II     HIIK    IIHl.'ll 

llir  niTilr.-  mill  .^iiimli.y  kfliniil  ii|i  lu 
is;.'..  III. II  iihi.nilnii.'.l.  Ii  MUX  pinli. 
Hilly    l.lllll    til'    ri'i'Hi.yl.'i'. 

Iiilin    .11'    liial    :..  l.'hli..i'll.i(ill.    U'li.i    hi'lrl 

II..IIh|.I|ImI     I..TI »        llll'll'.        TIIIM'ICI'H 

I K    llli'      lliil'livlllr      mill      .Mm'Hiiiill 

sniM'l  ruiiil  limy   lilrillHy  tlir  Inriilli.u 

Mini  Mil  II. i;  VM'HI   nlil..  iif  Mil'  riiiiil.  Thi- 

I'llimll     WIIH    III,     l'|,«|-K|,|l.    ..|,|,<,|<||,' 

mill  II  inn.'  iiiH'ili  III  Mil'  uiavi.  .vni'il. 

ilii-tliuMiit  (Cl)urrl| 

■I'll'-  111  "I    iii'i'ii.'iii'i'    i.| „i 

.M.lhM.II-iii  nmiii  ,„'  ih,.  'i',.,,  ii',.|i„.|| 
IIIM'    111    Wl  Bill  II    liiii  m,;,    „„..,    \t'|i||,,„ 

''I'"- '  "    VIl'tllllMll.      II,.  l„,ii„|,..|  ||„. 

' 'I'    I'l    I'liil'i'     <■ y.     .M      li'iiHi 

I ■  .>•■""'  I"'l"i''   'III'  iii'iiiiiii/iilloii  ni 

.1  .1.111.  h  11...  .M.iliMiliMu  li.'hl  lints 

"I   >"il 111'.'-,  mill   i.Hl    111  ,'l,i»„  „| 

lull  111-  li.iiiM'.s.  Ill  l.sjii  ||,.v.  Willimii 
>>"'lil i^iin    I'l'U-iiliir   H.Tvl,,..,   I n 

ll'U-  .lllirl  llMlll,,'  III  llMclalllc.  iiiiil  II 
!>■    Ill'    I  hill     Ihu    ililll'i'li     »||K    iliily 

ihkiiiiIz.'iI    ihiii    y •.      |„       |sj|      ||,,j'. 

'■> "    "••i»    111,     ".Irriill     I'l.l.M',"    mill 

lii'lil     Mii'i'lliitH    III     .1 1     l.|ii,.|ml'ui.i'-» 

■III' 'Ill'  l.,i,llM'r«,.,..l  mm  „i  .l„iii,.B 

."IniliiV  iii'iii'  lll>:   11,1,1' ■  iifi,.i'wm',l„ 

Kliiii,  II  ;i.-,  I'l, ',,1,11111  \'Mll,'y.  Whiii  Mil' 
lirlili    n.liiii.l    iMiiiH,.    «,i»    liiilll    In    tlir 

IIIHl  purl  111  IMV,  II  III,,  .M,.||ll„||Kl8  UK. 
I'll     II     lis    II    |,|1,',.    ,11     W,ll'.|i||..    ,11,111    111,. 

'"■»■    "'ill-l    I HI'    WHS    IIiiIhIi,',I,    nlicn 

llliy      ll,'l,l      S,'1V|,,'S     IhlTl'        lllllll        111,. 

I'ri'sl.jl.'iiiiMs     .•i',.,i,.,|     ih,.|,.     ,.|„irr|| 

«lilili  y   iis,',|  uniii  i|„,  l.iilliiiim  „f 

lli.'li'  .."11  111    IVIT 

VV'li.'ii  IIIhIiiii.  Iliiliii'is  iniiici  In 
ll,.,'Uilll,  111  |s:i|,  n,v.  s.  II.  .M,.\i,ii, 
|,:isi,ii'  ,11    ll„.   I'i',.sl,yi,.,'|m,   ,.|,„r,|,   |„. 

<li'il   III,,,   ini'l.   111   ihji    ii,.»    1111,1 

' "1,11, HIS    ,',1111, ,'.       .\    sliiilliir    liivl. 

Iiill'ili  ,'M,'i„l,,|  In  llli'limil  llui'. 
KHiv,'.  llll'll  II  yiiiim:  MilliMilIsi  .Mil,,,'. 
«l„'li  III'  mil,,'  Ii,  I(,„'I<iIII,'  I  Hit  In 
till'  M,l„,'  y,'m'.  II  Is  n.,„,.,|,.d  ihm 
111,'    yiiiiii::    lllllll.    Ml,.,    iill„i„,i,'.ls    

' I »    IIK    II    IMilirlliT.    (l,'llv,.T,<d 

■Illii,-  iilil,'  1111,1  ,iiiivhirlliL'  illBcoiirBca'' 
III  llio  |.iil|ill  III-  Fiitlicr  .Mi'Xiilt. 

Tin-  iK'w  Mi'tliodlBt  cliuri'li  wos  tlic 
flci'hc  uf  tlic  most  liiiporlnnt  ovcnl  In 
the  nun  iIb  of  I'nriio  County  .Moth- 
oillBiii  whin  111  1s.'l-<  llio  Inillnnn  con- 
ti'MU,,.   u'liB   |„.|,|   within    ItB  wnllB.    II 

UIIK   iil„>lll    llil.s    Hill,.    I Ill,,    rnulrsl 

«lis    lii'Bul Iwi lln'.iii'iiBll,.    m„| 

llii.kvlll,'  oil  111,'  loi'iillon  or  .\sliiirv 
<IiHi-lslly-n,i«  llil'iiiiw.  II  «ii8 
|iii|.i'il   Hull    III,.  „,>l,lliiK  of  Ih,'  cinfor- 

I'lll'O      lull.      MiIkIH      IllflUl'llC,'     111,.     l|,','lB- 

hiu  111  liimr  of  ll.M'kvlll,..  •I'ilLMininn 
.\.  Ilowiiril  mill  .l,,»,'|ili  .\.  Wilnlil,  ex- 
oi'lul  i-v.'iy  ,.irorl  to  BiM'urc  llin  I'Ol- 
li'Ko.  hut  Cri'i'iiriisllo  Kot  II.  Sovonty 
yi'urn  nfli'i'wmilB  ii  ITi'Mlilont  of  lliiit 
I'lihirsllv— lllBl,o|i  lluL'hi^B— liiiiilo  > 
l.l.'ii  l.ifor,'  tlir  ilovuinor  of  liulhuio 
mill  Iho  '|-iih,.r,llln«lB  llnmillnl  Cniil- 
lii|»»l,ill.  iiskliiit  Unit  Itoikvlll,.  hiHli'iiil 
of  (li',.,.ii,iiKl|,.  I„.  ulvoii  Iho  hoslilliil 
1,1  rirouiiiiiiso  lior  for  the  Iiibb  of  llio 

Till'  ■■|,lll„iB"  of  Iho  .MolhiiitlBl 
ihiiit'li  In  IliHkvlli,.  In  llic  oarly  'InvB 
«rio  lliminnr  .loBi-ph  A.  WriKliI  nnil 
IiIb  Mifo  UiiiiBn,  Conii'lliiB  Sun, lor- 
lllllll.  •llll'll'"  l-.'l'iy  riiiiiiiiliiK».  KIlBlm 
mill  lli'lii'cin  Ailiiiusiin,  Smiiiiol  N.  nml 
Ciilliurlni.  Iiiikir,  Siiiiiiii'l  .\ool.  John 
find  llolioi'ui  MiikBWilor.  Iinvlil  Itcnl- 
er,   Jniiios   Jiitlls,   Ni-att   mid   I'uinllln 

Xml,  .lohn  J.  Minclmiii.  Mnrk  Momli- 

11 liiliiiHOM     null      lliiniinh      Whlio, 

ilroi'iilioriy  nuil  Ijivlin  Wiinl,  .lii,-ol, 
mill  liiivlc,  Slr.i:.i'r.  lir.  ivii-i-  ij,  miil 
Aiiii'lln  Nirykor.  .Iiicoli  siryliur  luiil 
lioi  II  n  iriivi'lliii:  in'cuciier  licl'or,'  I*,- 
inttiit;   liiru  iitid   IVrry  ('iiiiiiii1|)i:m  Iio- 

Knnlitril  a  rhiiroh,  Tho  loir  chiirili 
»ii8  iiBi'il  iinill  (.HIT,  u'lion  miolhoi' 
liiilliliiiit  wtiB  oroctod.  TlilH  wnB  ro' 
plnciil  In  isiw  by  llio  rronnl  cliiinh, 
II  hiillilliii:  :i'J  .X  .'il  fool,  known  im 
Mnolini'itiT  Clmiicl.  It  cnit  fL'.Lim.ilii, 
hihI  iioi  liccn  the  contrc  of  ono  of  tlio 

KTIIOIIIBT    KP1HI1II'.M.  <-|ll'Hrli. 

.niiio  11  lllllll  pmii-hir,  often  fllllnc  llic 
|Mil|,ll  In  Iho'iuo  or  Ih,'  loKUlur 
imslorB.      .MiB.    l.iivlni      Sliyker     nna 

fr iilly    I'iilli'il    on    lo   oflir    lu'iiyoi' 

111  Iho  BirvkoB,  mill  nlwiiyn  roKpoiidi'il 
wllh  mi  n|i|iro|irlnl,'  iind  liiipriBslvv 
Invni'ullon.  'llio  wKo  of  (Jovornoi' 
Wrluht   \\n»   |iorlin|iB  tho  inoBt  ardent 

iiioiiilier  of  llio  .MothndlBl  ciini.'roKnl|,in, 
mid  ntwavB  "Rhoiitoir  when  the  Ber- 
^  leoB   |>iirlook   of  niiyllilUR  eliinllnli:il. 

Tho  lost  Boi-vli-oB  hild  In  the  ohiinh 
lllllll  In  l'<:iT  wore  under  the  nuBplcoB 
of  llov.  ThiuiiiiB  Morodllb,  who  wiib 
iiBi'iKiii'<l  here  In  LHH.'!,  anil  OKalii  In 
IS.**!!.  In  tho  SprltiK  of'iil  work 
\M1B  hoKUtl  on  the  pri'sent  eliiirrli 
whii'h  wnH  hunt  on  the  Bito  of  iin  old 
hrlck  hlnikBiiilth  shop  at  tho  corner 
of  .Market  mid  York  Blreeta.  Tho 
ehiirih  -./ib  eoiiipleliil  nnd  dodli'ntod 
In  I.MI17,  iiudnr  the  liilnlBlry  of  llov. 
.loBojih  rnxworthy.  liiirhlK  tho  liiilld- 
Int'  of  Iho  new  church  BorvlioB  were 
hehl  In  the  lotirt  liotiBO.  To  tho  or- 
iginal ohurclt  liaR  been  added  n  chapel 
und   tower. 

The  flrBt  .Melhodlsl  ilmrcli  biilldInK 
In  I'nrko  t'omilv  wnB  n  bowed  log 
hoiiBe  liullt  on  the  Ki-ounil  now  ooeii- 
pled  by  lilnohnrKor  Clmpol.  Here  In 
ls:iL'  llcv.  II.  Hiiilth,  ono  of  the  flrat 
MotbodUt  itreachors  In  tho  county  or* 

most   rioiirli-hlng  miiKrciiiitlonB  In  llio 

A  .MetbotllBt  I'lUBs  WHH  nrcmilxi'il  In 
llniiiion  loHUHhlp.  na  nli'omly  Blotod. 
m  Ibe  Biinio  llnio  tlint  oIobbob  wore  or- 
Kiiiil/.i'd  or  Borvh'oB  londiicled  nt 
1111,'UMIIo,  nnd  at  the  inbln  of  .lohn 
l.liiohnrKer.  In  I.ML'.".  the  .■>lcllin,llBtB 
who  hud  been  iiiiellnK  nl  tho  boiiioB 
of  Jiiiues  t'rabb  and  .InnieB  StrmiKe 
came  loci'tlier  nnil  orRantx.,'il  wliiit 
nflorwmdfl  bcnino  Iho  neiiHunl  Val- 
ley I'liiirch.  The  flrat  prencbor  at 
■  ■linBiinl  Valley  wna  llcv.  Wllllniu 
Taylor.  A  liirt-c  church  w;i«  biillt  In 
I.M.V.,  nnd  ln'fiuo  l.siai  It  had  1I:|  iiioni. 
bora.  Tho  aoelety  nt  llrl.litotiin  waa 
iirKanl'/'.i'd  uliuiit  ismi,  and  for  n  lliiie 
Korvlii'B  woi'o  hold  In  the  old  I'nioii 
lliiptlHl  ibiiri'l'.  In  IWW  ibo  preaenl 
I'luii'ih.  very  larco  and  coiiinindloila 
fur  tbiii   porlori,   was  built. 

In  I''lnrida  IuwiibIiIii.  ns  In  i.nst  of 
Iho  olhera  of  I'arko  I'onnty,  prouli- 
liiK  wna  eondiictcd  nt  tlie  liouica  of 
illffcreiit  Bettlcra  alnioat  eontonipo- 
raneoualy  wllh  Iho  moving  In  of  tho 
acttlera;  but  It  waa  not  until  1S50 
tlmt  B  cbureb  building  waa  erected. 
Thia  woa  on  an  acre  of  gronml  deeded 
hy  Friend  C.  Ilrown  In  Section  7.  nenr 
the  preacnt  rcBlilcncc  of  .I,ihn  T. 
lirown.  TlilK  oliurcb  waa  a  •'Irniiio" 
i.trnctiire.  :iii  .\  4ii,  nnd  woa  oiillcd  ".Ml. 
I'lonBont."  II  wiiB  need  iinlll  1S7.I. 
when  II  waa  replaced  by  a  niuoh  nioro 
prctentlona  nlifloe,  which  onat  $t,i»ill. 
Il  wiiB  dodh'ated  by  llev.  Aaron  Wood. 
TbuuuiB  Merrdltb,  who  waB  paator  nt 
llii'kvlllo  when  Ibe  prencnt  clinrcli 
wna  built  here  bad  ebaren  nt  >lt. 
IMciiBiint  when  the  new  church  was 
hunt  there.  One  of  the  moat  benull- 
fill  ceiiieterlea  In  the  county  adjolna 
Ihle  church.  In  IS'UI  a  frame  cbiirrh 
waa  hunt  at  IIOBevlllo  at  a  coat  of 
»l,'JiHl.  In  1H70  thla  chunb  had  forty 
uiouiln'ra,  nftor  n  part  of  the  conRrenii- 
tlon  orKnnlr.ed  ft  ohilrcb  at  tho  Cox 
ai'hool  lioiiBe  In  IHiiii,  with  a  iiieniber- 
ablp  of  over  forl^.  In  IH**)  thia  or- 
itanlxiillon  had  tncrcn«cil  to  oiKhty 
lueinbera  wllh  the  llov.  llcr.ekUh  Wll- 
llaiiiB  In  clinrgo.  Still  anotber  part  of 
the  lloBcvllIc  conRregallon  formed  an 
orKiinlxntlon  at  the  Doty  eetiool  hoiiBO 
and  In  WW  they  built  n  ehureb,  ;i(i  x 
■IT,,   In   lloBeilale. 

TUo  .MothodlBt  church  tt  Montuiumii 

waa  orecteU  In  I.MIII,  Ihiniiuli  uio  on- 
iruetl,'  effui'l,  of  llov.  Iloz.liliib 
Sliillb,  Ahuill  I'll  yeiirH  ni;,i  tlio  pri'i 
inl  line  ohiiich  vmib  Imlli.  Ihis  rliiiiib 
BlniT  118  oi'Kiiiili'.mliiu  biiH  liiin  imi.  ot 
the  iiioKl  ncllvo  nui'iila  iif  ClulHllnnlly 
III   I'arko  Cuuiily. 

Tho  rii'ai  .Molhodlal  iIiikb  linellnii 
In  Cnuu  iQwnahlp  wm.  prohiibly  bold 
lit  the  hiHiio  of  TlinimiB  lliirliin  nl  n 
voiy  onrly  p.'rlnil,  bin  th,.  dnio  la  iii|. 
recordi'il.  In  Isiu  Cminnn  ihur,  h  wna 
hnllt.  Tile  rouliiu  WHB  n  purl  of  ib,. 
Ilni'kvlllo  I'lri'iilt  fur  hiiiiii'  ilmi'.  hut 
luiiio  In  bu  know. I  na  Ibo  ItoMmnro 
■  Iri'itlt.  In  l»is  the  presi'iii  cliiin  h 
wna  built  and  wna  doillciliil  Sopiiin- 
bor  '.'T,  of  Ibnt  your  by  IIIkIiiui  Mow. 

Tho  only  .MitbudlBi  I'hiiri'b  In  I'enn 
lownablp  fur  aevoiily  yom»  aflor  Ibo 
iMkiiliU.iilliiii  1,1  I'mki'  ruiinlv  vn, 
hnllt  In  AMiinpiilla  In  |.><.-,ii.  i'lio  So. 
rh'ly  nl  Auiuipiill*,  liuwover,  wna  or- 
Knnlxi'd  iiiiirh  omlh'r  lli:iii  iho  iilmvo 
ilnio  by  lliv.  ||.  Siiillb.  In  lb,'  iilun. 
Ilea  Iho  priai'iii  cliurili  nl  IllonmluH' 
rtalo  wna  built. 

The  firal  inoollnt:  hoiiao  Inillt  In 
Mmnr  Crook  townablii  woa  inndc  of 
lOKB  nnd  waa  locnloil  nlioul  a  mile 
loulhoUBl  of  Wni'da  .Mill  on  .Mill 
Creik.  M  una  n  .Moihoillsl  ihunb. 
but  probably  no  trme  of  II  now  re- 
nin na.  Ha  flml  paBlnr  wna  llic  llev. 

In  l.s.-,.-,  the  MolbodlBla  orunnlred  n 
chiireb  In  Siwnr  Crook  tuwiislilp  In  n 
^ohnol  hoilao  nnrtb  of  the  Nnrrnwa. 
near  linnlol  llonili'a  lesldmio.  They 
I'Bod  Iho  Boliool  boiise  lllllll  |.s.-,s  wlioii 
llioy  biilll  a  fialiio  oliurcb,  wblib  In 
l.siil  wna  biirnod,  hiil  piobahly  not  hj 
Iniendlurlea  na  waa  clMirm'd  nl  tho 
time.  A  new  ihunh  wn»  hillll  and 
ilidlcali'd  .tnnunry  .',  i.siri.  The  ao- 
elety waa  iirKaiiliied  by  a  .Mr.  ICdwarda, 

nn  ohi  Wolabiiinn.  who  pronehcl  lo  II 
fur  alx  inontba.  Ilmilel  Moiiuitle  wna 
the  first  roKular  privichor.  In  IHun 
tlio  nioniberablp  hnil  grown  from  four- 
teen lo  thirl.v,  wllh  a  Siindny  bcIiooI 
In  oonnrrtlon,  of  wlilib  Albeit  Swnliii, 
an  eocentrle  niualrlan,  well  known 
Ihrnuubolil  tbo  niunty,  wna  aii|ierlit 
tonik'nl,  and  of  ooiirBo  cborlaler.  .Mlaa 
.Mnllldn  lllrsbniuner,  of  the  Hook- 
vlllo  public  BihnolB  wna  a  aciretory  of 
Ih'a  Smidiiy  ailinnl. 

A  Molbodint  ehllrcb  wiia  hiilll  nl 
.Mnnaflold  iihoiit  LS-lil  or  •.'J,  after  the 
Boolely  thoro  bnd  for  yeara  worahlped 
In  acliool  hoiiaoa.  The  eilirteo  oobI 
about  ».siKi.(iii.  nnd  wna  flul"li,'d  wllh 
n  deflrit  of  !::li>li  In  tbo  Ireaaiiry.  Tbo 
work  bud  prui'cciled  on  the  onlcr  of 
iriiateoa,  who  uid  not  wnit  for  aufflc- 
lent  aiiliaerlptlona.  nnd  when  It  "uip 
lo  paying,  Haniuol  .lohnalon  aotlled 
tho  halanco  ot  |i:iUU  hluiioK.  Ilia  wlf« 



..iK,iiil/.il  II  Smiiliy  H.luH.l  In  cuiiic- 
II, ,11    «llli    II"     ,  iMir,  h    In    IS.-,M. 

On    I  ho   h,  ,i,nil      Siiniliiy      In      .\pill, 

1^7;;,    llic    McllmillKl    0 .h    III     l.riiu 

wiiH  il.'illi'iilcl   l.y    III-.   Aiiili.'WB.   I'n-sl- 

(!,■ r    .VkIihiv    rnli.'ixlly.      II,  v.   r, 

{.  WilnliT  "iiH  llH  lirnl  pinBlor.  'I'lio 
rlniivli  »iiii  :','J  \  tJ.  iniiiilninlril  wllll 
u  8K-i|.l.'  nn.l   .-.wl    M.:;'«i. 

A  Idi;  rlMiiTh  "  im  rrciMd  I'y  lIn' 
.\l.lh..,llhlH  111  lln.iinl  l.MinnhlM  im 
,■,•11  h     I.-       ls;l.      .mIIi'iI       "M,  K,iizl,''» 

ll„i|„l,"      •rl„'    M.I 11. IB   .i.rl,,!    ini- 

nll„i     lot    1,11 t    "11    Snlloii    Jii    In 

IsMi.  ,\ll,T\Mi.(l«  iIiIb  ,nm;rc-i;iillnn. 
Willi  111,'  N.Mi  l.lKhlK.  lilOM-ll  111,'  oM 
lliipllBl  I'll, mil  iKiiii  II' riisn  (III'  lino 
in  \Vii»liliiL.'liin  liiiMislilii  mill  ii,  ,'ii|ii,'(i 
.1    Jiilnliy. 

Till'  Milhniilsl'ly  iil  .lii.lsiiii  una 
l.r;.'illllz.'.l  111  IVT'JT.I  l,y  llrv.  .laiiiiB 
r  st,'i,„ir.  Ill, I  Ini'  In,  I  ll,nl  llio 
M,  llii„li»l^  11. Ill  i„..l,iiK-  .11  11  "..> 
I'lrly  il.'il.'  Ill  WiislilnKI'.li  tnwniilill. 
■b  |,ii,i,',l  l,y  111.'  irroKl  lliiil  llir  Itpi. 
'Vllllniii  riiiwn...  «lin  Is  infill 
..Ib.  "line  lis  lidiii:  111.'  lllBl  innil  10 
|,i.'ii('li  Millm.llKiii  ii.iilli  nr  III::  llii.'' 
...nil.    nifl.liilril.      Ill-    "iia   nno   nf   Hi" 

II  OKI  p.'iiilnr  or  nil  III.'  noloil  cliiir- 
iicliTfl  ulio  ".'i-i'  I'oiin.'.l.'.l  wllh  llm 
.iiily  1.  lltl.'iiB  lire  or  till'  plonci'i's. 
II.'  wiiB  II  VliKllilil  Bliivr  linldiT,  lint 
Mihl    liln    Blivrn   mill    BO      l.lllorly      ili'- 

1 iir.'il  sliivi'iy  llinl   IiIb  llfn  wns  fri" 

nllv    llil.nti'n.'il    In   llir   S.inlli.    IIIb 

iiiiiniK.'   wiiB  r\i'M   iiioi.'  Iliiiii   loniilni'. 

ulil.'h   he   liliiiBi'li'  n K'.l   liy   liikliii: 

I  he  liiinic  nf  llR'  "AlnilL-hly's  Hull 

A  M,lll..illBl  .liili'di.  .OBI  nK  SI.'.'lKi. 
HUB   hiilH    ill    1,11(11.    l.ll.iTly   lown'-lilp. 

III  is.lli.  liirti'ly  lliloiiKli  Iho  dfolIB 
nr  Ui'V.  Wlllliiin  Siiillh,  who  iviis  IIb 
lll'Bl    iiilnlBli'i'   111  ilinri;!'. 

•nil'  Afil.iin  .M.  I-:.  .,r  Uork- 
ml.'  nitiiiilz.'.l   111    l'-7'J.     I'llrlik 

'11 IIIB.    I..1I1  nn    llliirl,.    Wlllliiiii    I.i'm 

Ik.    Siiiiii.':    Kill. 11.    Wlllliiin    llnnii'i. 

Siiriih  Wllllni.  s.  .I.'i'ry  llimvn'.  .Vnlli- 
iiiiv  llrowiT.  i:il  mill  I'ynllila  Kli'U-  IIiiiiBniiii'  mill  llnnn^ih  Cnlilo, 
.Inlin  l|..l.|n«nn,  Ccnrk-c  ItoMnnon, 
C.  firi;.'  Willl.-iii.B  niirt  .lorry  Crnvrn 
iioii'  Iho  mil.'  hiin.l  of  I'ol.iroil  .Molh- 
ii.IIbIb  who  ll.iill  il|,.,n  tli.'lii''olvOB  Iho 
IJIiiiilo  InBl,  or  liiiyliiL'  iiii.l  I'liyliii: 
Iho  ohi  .Mollio.llal  rlilll'.li.  Ill  n  oust 
or  .v|,.-j«i,i,i..  Tl.oy  io|,nii'oil  iinil  ro- 
llll.'il  II  mill  nilil..l  11'Bonnco  „[  n 
I. mil  i.'Bl  or  ?'J.iH<i.nii,  nil  nf  whlcli 
lli.'y  piilil.  dill  olll/iiiH  ..r  llo.lolllo 
nnionilior  IIuho  zoiiIihib  iiiid  Cniir.'iir- 
liic  lionplo  US  tt.irlhy  or  Iho  rOBpoil  In  lliiy  iK'lil  In  llio  coiniiinli- 

ai)r  ilKipliHt  (£i)iirrl) 

lli'V.  iBnii"  M.'Coy  whb  the  fliBl 
I'nil.Biiiiil  iiiliil'ilor  lo  p.. noli  I'hrl-- 
li:iiilly  lo  Iho  pl.ino.'m.  .John  II.  Ilonllo 
iiiyB:  "To  llii'  Mlnnnnnry  ItipllBla. 
llioii.    Kho    111.    .loilll      or      Iho      rioBl 

.1.1.0.  h    In   l-nrko  C ily.'   I.nuk'  nrioi'- 

iiiir.lB  ihi'  III. I  S,'ho,.|  llii|,ll»l».  I.'il  by 
Miillh.'n  Nni'l.  .\n»lln  M.  I'lioll  ninl 
iilh.'iB.  f.iiiiiih'd  n  nniirlBhliiK  hoololy 
In  lliii'livlllo.  i.iid  hiilll  n  l.rlok  ilinroli. 
Inil  hy  Mmv  ilOKrooB  iind  nlllioiil  In- 
.O'linl  nr  iNlornnl  eliock 
Iho  Boololy  di'onyod.  nnil  tlio  rhiiroh 
wi.B  iiliitidoiiod,  th-Bi  iisoil  nn  a  cm'- 
I'l-nlor  (.linii,  nnd  llioii  In  ho  l.n-n 
.I'UMi."  Clh  B  I'hiiroli  BHiiid  on  "iho 
iniiiiiinni."  now  (ornor  nf  Krio  nnri 
(Ihlo  BIroilB.I 

I'nr  riliy  y.  ni'H  lliokillln  hiid  no 
liiipilBi  ohnr.  h.    ■riion  In  isvi.  ihrmiKli 

Iho  K.-iiliilli.  ofrinlB  nf  llwil  ih'Vnlo.l 
rill  l^ll. Ill  MiliilHl.'r  nil. I  oBlli.'iihl..  I'll-,  II. '1.  H.  K.  l-'iiHiill.  Iho  Hhiinilnnod 
Bi'hiiiil  h.MiH.'  hi.lil.'d  on  Iho  .Mnmlinll 
mild.  11"  ir  WllllniiiH  Criok,  uiih  piir- 
.linBo,!  mi, I  iiini.'il  ii|,  mid  il.iwii  hill 
for  niiiro  tlimi  n  iiillo  mi.l  pliirod  on 
llm  Old  K.liiiol  I'loBhylorhin  cllliroli 
«llc.     U'licii   the   proBOiit   ohnrch   waft 

Imlll    n    tow    yonra    Inlor    tlio    I.iiII.IIiik  lln.  .onii  lnwii»lil|.  In  Is:!.",  w  llli  n  nioin- 

linn  nnnoM'd    lo   II   nB  n   i-h:i|,ol.  I„'ii>lilp  nr  twonlyflio.    Iiuino   W.   Hon- 

A llm  Mm,'  |h,'  fn.'lln  i.nd  .Si.i'la  iiimi.    Iho    phin.'.'r    IlnpllBl      ]ironrlioi', 

il.Mh'    pllliilB    or    llnpll-ni    mill      1 1.'-  hum   In  .  hiiriio  or  thin  rhiiroh  rrniii   llH 

iimoin.'.v— oBliihllahoil    Iho     ihiirch      In  orcnnl/iillnii     iiiilll    Iho    Mini    or    AiiB- 

llo.-livlllo,      Iho      I'li.loBllnnrhin      llnp-  iihI.  LsT.".,     In   IS.'.s  llio  .  lull  .-ll  In  wlili-h 

llBiB  or  Inl.m   mill  (ir.'.no  IoimibIiIiib  II. 'V.    I.oiiiiiin      promlioil      iinlll      Ids 

.'1-.'.  I.'.l    n    lo;;    .-Ininli    nnd      oiillod      II  donlli  unBoro.lod.     In   IS.sii  hln  widiiw 

"I'liiilil.'n.-o."      It    wnR   In    l.sjM.   vihin  wii'.  Iho  oliloBt   IMiiK  liicmhcr  of  tlio 

Ih.'    Borloly    woB   orf.inl/od    nnd      IMll  coIinrcKnllon. 

Mh.'ii    III"   .hiiroll    wns    liiillt    In    fnlon  'ihe    ihipUai   church,      which      Blood 

InwiiBhlp,  iiinr  tho  north   lino.    It    w-,in  „.|jnconl      lo      Iho        llrldKoton        fair 

iiM'.l    III  yonm  mi. I  n  new  frn.iic  lilllld-  proiindB   wns   liiillt    In    IS.".:!  by   n   ooiil- 

liii;.  :;il  X    III.   wna  orcolod   nt  n  cost  ot  mlticc   nppolntcd    l,y    llio    .Sow   DIboov- 

.<.Mi.i.iii  on  0  Bllo  111  (Irocno  lownnhlp.  ,.,.j.  coiiBi-."-nllon.  It  ront  lt.i("i  nnd  Its 

Boil|,,n  :i.l.     Thie  cliiinh  Ih  known  n«  dlmoiiBloiiB  wore  :iil  x  .",<i  tool.  A  hiilld- 

.Moiint   .Mnrlnh.     In   I.-*?!  llio  oontirocn-  ,„^  ,  oiislnn-lc.l  nn  It  wna  .it  llin  rilioat 

lion    l.iillt   their   third    ohnrch  on    Iho  „,■    ,,„|,|,ir    nnd    wnlnnl    would    cont    ii 

i.llo   ohn.B.n    In    I.MI.   .-Ill   .n    -1(1   fool,   nt  ,„i,„|o,i8   prloo   now.      It   wnn  lisod   iin- 

n    oosl    of   *l.illi:l.'J.-i.     .loBSO      Mci'lnln  m  isTli,  whon  the  IhipUst  conRrocntlnn 

wna    iniBtor   of   tli  a   i-linrt-h    for    forty  doo  dod  to  l.nlld  n  i-hnroh  of  ll«  own, 

yi''ii"-  Inna.nii.-h   as  the  old   ohur.-h     wna     n 

111    I.KVii  wnn   tho  ol.lcBl   liiilld-  noinlnntlona    lind    ninal    prlillrRos.    It 

Inp    In    Siipar    t'lH-ok    t^nvnalilii,    was    not   appear,    however,    that   thoy 

hiillt    In    IK.'l.'i.     Tho  conKreenllon    was  iivalloil    IIioiiiboIvob    of    thin    rlk'lil    to 

iM-Kiinlzcd    In      ls:i.i.     o.-t.     i:i.     .lohii  use  the  old  church,  for  In  tliu  winter 

Si iiera    wna   tlio    ftrat   i-lcrk.      Itov.  of  1M.SJ  I  attended  a  draiiiatic  iierforni- 

1 1.11  Id  .>;|ilrk.  known  na  "l-'.ilhor" 
Sh  rU.  l!ov.  It.  SIni'lotoii,  llev.  .lolin 
l.oo  1111.1  olhers  of  the  pioneer  prencli* 
era  condnoted  flervlcos  there  In  tho 
oiirly  days. 

The  lliipllat  at  l.odi  wn» 
pi'ol.iiMy  orKanl/eU  about  I  lie  tinio,  or 
not  loiiK  nflor  tho  Inatllnllm:  of  Wnlf 
ir.'ok.  an  linvid  shirk's  homo  wna  In 
that  nclKhhorhood.  Tho  aoclety  thcro 
biillt  a  fine  cliurcb  In  ISilll  at  a  coat 

or    .«'.'.MKI. 

Ahnnt  1n:i.|  a  .Mlmlonary  nn|.ll«t 
I'hilrch  wna  hnllt  on  what  w-nn  oncn 
known  na  Iho  riillorflon  plnoo  n  .siii:- 
nr  IToek  lownBlilp,  hut  It  hna  lonu 
aliice  (tone  to  dooay.  "Dlil  Toinniy 
t'ray^on"  wnn  one  of  tho  prcachrra  at 
IhlB   clinich. 

The  ItnpllBt  cliiir.-h  at  West  fnlon, 
m  loiiR  Hie  B.-rne  ot  the  InlKirn  of  Itev. 
.lOBopb  Skooiora.  one  of  the  host 
known  nilnlalora  or  Hint  ohiircli  In  tho 
lonnly.  was  ralnblialiod  at  B  very  early 
ilnlo.  but  tho  exact  time  of  Ita  or- 
tiinb.ntlon,  or  of  the  bnlldinK  nf  tho 
I'hini'li,  cannot  ho  dcrtnltely  dotenn- 

Tho  .\ow  liln.ovory  Itapfiit  olnirih 
wn«  nmanliiod  on  tho  L'nth  of  AiikiihI, 
is::  I.  A  .'liiiroli  wnB  hnllt  In  INI  I, 
nlihli  wna  iiBod  iinlll  Hie  preaent 
church  wna  ('nnalmrloil— a  perlnil  of 
MIO10  I  ban  forty  yonrn.  At  ll«  or- 
;;Miili'.nilnn  Iho  ohnrch  hnd  .'IT  inoin. 
bora.  In  INMi  tho  nioinborahlp  wna 
alioiil  Boventy.  llev.  H.  IC,  I'linon  naa 
Ita  paaior  In  IS.SII.  nnd  Inn  prenrlioil 
thero  from  tlino  to  tlinn  until  tho 

A  ►ocloty  of  Itomilnr  Ilnptlata  wna   In   the   aoulhorn     part     of 

unco  thoro.  and  II  wan  known  then  as 
the  "llrlilgcton  Dpcra  IIoiibc."  Dr. 
CroolcB.  I(r.  .Mater.  .Marlon  .Miller, 
Major  Kelley.  II.  I'.  Sellers  and  other 
citizens  nf  lirldKclon  IntcrcBtod  In 
drniiiatic  prodn.tlnno  hnd  fitted  It  up 
with  ft  8t:iKe  and  acenory  nnd  pnvo 
nonio  very  eredltablo  iicrfornmnccs  In 
the    old    ohnrcli. 

Isnae  Dcniiian  prenohed  tho  firat 
eoniiun  at  what  la  noiv  Itosedale  In 
IS1I.  m  iS^n  n  llsptlst  ohnri'h  wna 
built  nt  the  I'orkB  of  tho  Crook,  un- 
der the  Biipor\lflloii  of  .Tnooh  Klrkon- 
dnll.  In  l.><.",:i  n  laree  friino  ilnirrh, 
III  X  .'I'l  feci.  onBlIni;  .fsiKi  wnw  eroctod. 


In  the  congret-ntlon.  The  .Missionary 
Itnidlnt  BOoloty  was  orKanlr.eil.  In 
l.silil  this  Boolety  built  a  new-  church 
alBinl  n  half  inllo  southeast  or  the  old 
bull. line. 

One  of  the  ol.lest  ehnrchea  In  thn 
ooiinty  WIS  hnllt  by  the  lla|it'Bts  In 
.larkson  township  In  IH.T.'.  It  wai 
known  na  llnoky  I'nrk  oburi-h  This 
i-hiiroli  wna  Imlll  of  liown  loBa  Bnd 
ainloon  wnro  r.'uHlnrly  held  In  It  un- 
til Iho  I'lvll  Wiir.  nllliniiKh  llio  an- 
eloiy  wna  mner  Inriro  In  ineiifbershlp. 
>Vlien  tho  i  Inircli  wnn  built  II  had  on- 
ly aovon  nionil.ors,  who  nmde  up  In 
roftlouB  nnd  actlvo  cbrl»tlnn'ty  ivhni 
liny  hickod  III  nnniberH, 

Did  ilnalion  .MlBBloniiry  llapllst 
I  lunch  In  WasiilnKton  townalilii,  wna 
Instllutod  In  IK'll  or  IKin.  Tho  con-'  iiBod  a  school  boiian  for  wor. 
ship  unl'l  IHiii,  when  thoy  hnllt  thn 
church  whl.'b  they  were  iialnn  In 
IKNII  under  tho  inlnlatry  of  Itov.  S.  K. 
Kiiaon.     Home  yoari  after  tbiit     the 

chnrih  l.nlldlni:  wna  niiivod  lo  .IndBon. 

I'li'ssmit  IJroii'  lliipilHl  ilnir.h.  fniir 
billoa  north  of  lln.killlo.   was  l.iilU    |n 

l'"*-".!',    »o yonia    iirtor    llmt      ao.  I.'ly 

was  orKnilzod.     The     frame     ohnrcli 

was    orocto.l    In    Is.Vl.      Ai IK      Iho 

early  nilnlBlors  who  pronchod  at  I'haa- 
nut  iJroie  worn  llev.  iBnnc  lioninmi 
and  Itov.  Josbo  .1.  ll<,hlii.  Aflirw  iinl- 
Itev.  .loBipn  Skoi'lors  wna  lie  |,n<l,ir. 
The  riiuaniU  Crmo  Siicloly  at  Hint 
woiahlpi-d  In  llncUilllo.  hut  nflor  Hiii 
dorny  of  the  i-hiiroh  h.-ro  llioy  li.ld 
Borvhos  .11  .1  n.liool  loniB.'  oil  Iho 
IMidloy  .MoWllllania  farm,  s.iiilh  of  tho 
.liiiiiiB  l:ldor  liniiiosload.  II  was  loim 
one  nf  tno  Blroim.Ht  cliiir,lio«  In  Hi.' 
coiinly.  hill  n  foiv  yonls  nBO  Iho 
ohilr.h  ort'iiiilziillim  i-i'iib.iI.  Tho  ohi 
ihiireh  building  was  iinr.''d  bi' 
W.  I'.  Soybnld  and  muved  lo  hla 
rami  pieinlaen.  .lohn  Ihorninn  mid 
.IiiT'i  in.l.'r,  pioiiiliinnl  plono.T  ll;i|i 
tiata,  were  nienilKTB  of  tlili  oflnifleuil- 
Hon  more  tliiin  iMi  ycnra. 

A  log  HnpHst  chiii'.h  inllid  •■l.llllo 
llaccoon"  w;ia  biilll  nl  nn  rnily  ihilo 
In  Hroono  township  not  far  rio.ii  Sap. 
Iienflold'e  mill,  nhont  a  iiillo  iiiin  u 
half  north  of  I'arkcvlllo.  I'lila  ohun-li 
wna  d  Bconllnnod  nian.v  .lems  ago,  tho 
iiicnibera  nttnobliiR  HioiiiroIvos  to  oili- 
er orgrnlzalloiiB.  .\  ooinetory  of  i-on- 
Bidirablo  alz.e  adjoined  the  i-linich  In 
which  moat  of  the  ploiiooia  win  wor- 
ahlpod  there  wore  burled.  AIHioukIi 
the  old  c-hun-h  liaa  Knnc  lo  dooay,  Hie 
ccinelery  la  allll  itaed  for  oci'iialnnal 

The  Second  Itaptlat  lAfrl.ant 
cniirch  waB  orgnnl/ed  In  Uockvllle, 
.Inly  :!:l,  INTO,  by  Itev.  I,.  Ait  a,  who 
bcoaino  Ita  flrat  paator.  I'rovloiia  to 
that  lime  he  had  preni-hod  at  vai  loiia 
placea  In  ll.ii-kvlllo  nnd  Lost  freok 
noliibhorhood.  Tho  oniiKroBnllon  wllb 
oonrmondablo  real  biillt  n  cbnri-li  nn 
lot  No.  I  at  n  cost  of  nearly  $l..-ri«l. 
Ilrlght  llolmea  wna  Molorator  and 
llnrkct  Artla  i-lork  of  tho  flrat  or- 

Slir  J^riniftn  (£l)iirtl( 

The  flrat  ineetlnK  of  I'rlends  nr 
liii.-lkera  In  farko  loiinly  waa  licl.l  In 
ISJ.-,  nt  the  lioiiie  of  Adnm  Sllor. 
.Moi'llngB  were  next  hold  at  the  linoio 
of  Simon  llnbolloin.  .Ilino  r.,  lN2il.  Ihc 
first  ohiin-h  bnll.llnB  wna  creotod  iin-  • 
dor  JiirlBdIcllon  of  Honey  Creok 
Monthly  inei'llnK.  Uloomflold  monllily 
ineetlnij  wiiB  cBlnhTIahod  He.  I,  IN'-I". 
Thn  ineetlni,'  groiinda  wcro  anrveied 
and  a  ceinetery  marked  off  by  direc- 
tion of  a  eoiimilttec  apjiolntod  by  an 
order  from  Illue  Itlver  Qiinrtorly 
Mooting  (Ornngo  County)  Sept.  ^7, 
IN'i".  Tho  namo  waa  aoon  afternnrda 
changed  to  lUoonilngdnle.  Tlio  first 
.hnroh  wna  oonstrucled  of  loga  and 
Blood  on  n  ai«it  ndjaoont  to  tlio  ooiiio- 
tery  south  of  llloomlng.lnle.  Not  long 
ailerworda  n  spncloua  church  waa 
built  on  the  lilllBlile  In  Old  lllooiiilng- 
dnlo.  At  the  foot  of  tho  hill  In  a 
siiinll  glen  a  spring,  siirnioiinlod  by  a 
llltlo  B.iunre  hoiiae.  wllh  open  aldea 
iinonihed  the  Hilral  of  worsblpora  and 
ivayfnrera.  .Vo  trnoo  of  Iho  aiirlng  re- 
inalnB,  nnd  the  old  ihiin  h  Iniilillng  li 
now  n  wnreliouao  In  Now  Uloonilng' 
dale.  Soon  after  the  I'lvll  War  llila 
ohnr.'b  wna  exohangrrt  for  the  present 
heaullfiilly  lornled  building  In  tho 
grove  n.ljnlnlng  llm  Aoadomy.  llloeni- 
Ingdnin  meeting  Inn  long  boon  known 
far  and  wido  na  nno  of  I  bo  moat  In- 
lollecliinl  OTngrogiiilnna  In  the  BInle, 
nnd  from  lla  flml  nrjaiiiK.allnn  la  hm 
oxerlod  grout  Infliionrn  on  tho  aoi'lotr 
and  inoiala  nf  I'nrko  I'oimiy. 

['•nllowlng  .'lose  on  the  Imnilgrnllon 

lo    llin   ijnakor   aetllomenl   nl    HI" 

field,  oaino  the  llnah  I'renk  organlr.n- 
Hon  In  l.lborty  toivnahlp.  A  rhiirrh 
was  built  In  IS-'U  of  loga.  II  wna 
\variiicil  In  winter  by  a  ibareoal  fire 

In  llio  ri'iiirr,  n  linio  IioIiik  Ipft  In  tlio 

li«<r   In    nlliin'    llio   fi R      to      rxiiiic. 

Why   rnicli   a   il.vlci-   «n«   imocl    lilKlonil 

III'      I  III'      iiimiiiiiii      Ihoil      or      "rirn 

l.luirH"  wr  ,-iililinl  i.iiniil»(-.  lull  Hid 
rnnnl  HliiliN  Hull  llio  ImiIIiIIiik  »'nn  ml 
lirnlnl  (V)  TIm'  1i>k  .IiiiitIi  wim  imnl 
iiiiUI  IMM,  whoii  n  I'miiic  liiillillni: 
J.-i  X  .VI  «ni<  .onHhurlrd  nnd  iis.d  un- 
til IS?.',  whin  a  iiinrh  iiioiv  prWrii- 
llnuil  ihniili  vwiH  Plrcl.-il.  ■Clii'  Hlli'imlh 
mill  ImiKirhinii'  of  Ihln  rhiinh  In 
l.svi  may  In-  Infi'l.-.l  from  llic  ri.llow- 
Ins  I"  lii'n'lli-'s  irmory:  "The  con- 
).'i'i£nil"n  novv  iininin-iH  Imiwoen  :ii«i 
ana  li«i  inohrhorB.  Ilio  i.rnBont  Iras- 
l><i'3  hiliif  .liihii  Ihiri.y  anil  Henry 
IHil'liaiM.  A  laiui-  S.ii.uay  b<  linol  Is 
hi'lMS  car:  Ird  on  l.y  Ihr  incnilicrs  of 
Mil'  chnrih,  Ihi'  orKnnlzilInn  dntliiR 
lia.k    lo    IS.-.-,,   IV lien   .InnicH   Woody    In- 

Kniiinior  nionllin,  Ih.-  avrraiic  nttond- 
nni-.'  al  Chat  tinio  liolns  tl  Irly-tlii-nc : 
lUiH'  It  is  londiiclrd  l>irnii|:hi>iit  the 
year  and  jupia>:eH  Iiki.  The  unnerin- 
ti'liilenl  :>  Sarah  l.liidley  and  Iho 
HI'.  ITI :ii7,  .\ii'anila   .VndrowB-" 

•I'lie  llocky  lliin  Sii.-leiy  iif  I'rlrndH 
ili'Kl  iiii'l  ahiint  |v:i>.  In  (lin  lllllo  hi.' 
Kc-hiiiil  iMiiiK.'  al  rnlnnia.  .\  |M-e|ioia. 
live  iniellnL'  was  nol  enlahllnhed.  how- 
over,  nnlll  1.s.;|  hy  BrnnI  from  While 
l.h'k  liimrlerly  ineellnc  The 
nilili-e   apiinlnied     'o     eslahllah     (he 


Ilev.  r/>vl  Woody.     In  LS."!!)  iho  Quale-      plot  of  ground  for  n     cemetery     nnd 
ei    cmiciecallon    nnmherert    forty.     At      ihnreli   to   Iho  tnisleei  of  the   t'nlled 

f- •■ 

1-.      \    . 

y                  \ 

,j..             ■■». 

liiiiiMihiry  line  helween  Knikv  linn  nnd 
Illo.i|nlleld  nfc-rcod  upon  tho  Stnlo 
road  lion.  Ilockvlllo  to  .Ncwiiorl  on  Iha 
illvldiMii  line,  those  llvlns  south  to 
belon?  to  Iloiliy  llun,  tlioso  north  to 
lllnonifleld.  Tlio  lino  haa  novcr  hecn 
Birlctl.i  adhered  to,  perflonnl  prefer- 
enem  havln.-  Knverned  In  liio.^t  casee. 
'Hie  orlu'lnnl  rlinreh  Imlldlnt;  has  long 
slnee  Klven  way  lo  Iho  preKont  spac- 
lnn»  edlfiee,  whi.h  Bin.-e  lis  constrip'- 
tlon  hn«  hern  the  secno  of  iimny  no- 
tnblc  rel'iilons  aiise.iibiles. 

.\  KrIenilB  Soelely  was  ln«lllnted  In 
a  Init  eahin  In  Wnahtnclon  lownshlp, 
IVh.  j:i,  l.vii  Naihanlel  \5wlln,  ,Io8- 
eph  Hall,  .Miinlniiii  llolhlay,  Solomon 
.Mien  nml  Wllllain  Morrison  wcro 
naitied  an  a  i-oininlttee  hy  the  monthly 
niei  ling  to  attend  tlio  opening.  That 
year  n  niceilni:  lioimc  wna  hiillt  on  Iho 
land  of  .lohn  .Marls.  Thn  Rranl  for 
a  prepariillvo  iiieet(nR  was  made  hv 
111. inn. field,  I  lee.  II,  IK.i:i,  Tliln  chnrih 
«a«  known  an  Iho  I'oplar  (Irovo  So- 
cl.-ly  of». 

I'nlon  rhnrcli  In  Sugar  Crock  town- 
Bhlp  wan  ihRiiiin.d  hy  Iho  l-'rlcndn, 
hut  from  the  fliBt  tho  meetings  wcro 
enllreiy  niiBeclnrlRn.  The  church 
hillhllni;  wan  lonnlni.led  In  lN7r,.  :!0  x 
('•  feot,  at  n  cent  of  J!|,<ifio.  On  Christ- 
man  nlnlit,  INTn,  It  vns  dedicated  br 

..t  tin 

e  It  lind  a  riniii 

HhltlK  Siindav 

llrelhern    In    Wahaeh    lownshlp.      Tho 

hnol  . 

..ii.piiiied  of  illffi 

rent  religious 

giounil  was  nse.l  as  n  (rliielery  Bome 



.iciirs   before   •'.Vrahia"     ehnreh     was 

It    Is 

not  tho  pui'iiuMc 

.If   Hie   writer 

cnnslrmted  on  n  part  of     It.     A     few 

KO    1 

110    the    merllB    0 

f    tho    sehlsin 

years  ago  a  Inw  suit  was  tried  In  tho 






h'    IIIIIIVK,    lltiHIMtNonAtK. 

'linn  ninrr  uf  tinllic  forctt  tfccM  ft  nnr  nf  the  liraiit;!  */to/s     iif    t'ai'kc 
I'nitiit.if,  mifl  /ittn  hirii  tlic  accHc  of  mmitf  intcrctttiitff  n*!»ctiihHc$. 

In  the  l-'rIen.lE  ehiir.-h  In  the  nortltorn 
part  of  the  eonnly  nl.ont  -'l.",  years  niro, 
exrept  lo  nicnllon  that  at  thot  time 
there  was  a  radleiil  difference  na  to 
nielli. .ds  01"  worship  l.clwceli  tho  "llcg- 
nlar"  t^iakcrs  and  those  who  were 
kni'wn  as  "I'ttst"  (junkers. 

llultrh  illrrllifru  {Cliitrrlt. 

The  Inlled  llrelhern  ihurch  devot- 
ed lis  Infliieiwe  towards  •hrlnllanlty 
In  I'aike  County  at  a  very  early  iloy. 
Tliev  lonir  held  their  annual  camp 
iiie.-liiigs  near  .\nnapoliB.  In  1M.'I2 
Wllllniii  nnd  IMivIb  held  iiieet- 
Inus  at  (he  homo  of  .lolin  -Nlatcr, 
whl.h  wiia  a  pieaelilng  point  for  flf- 
den  .vears,  nnd  uns  the  heglnnlnc  of 
the  .Mnusfleld  rlr.'ull.  Krom  It  also 
daleil  Ihe  ehiiri  h  ot  XycBVlllo,  which 
was  orgnnlr.eil  In  isilii.  Its  member- 
ship  nnee  nimihere.l  m.  In  IWI  this 
.ongre^ulhin  pureliascd  tho  church 
which  had  been  originally  built  by 
tho  .Mctliodlstt.  For  many  yean  It 
had  a  largo  Sunday  school. 

Another  church  which  grow  out  of 
the  t'nlled  nrcthcrn  mcotlngs  nltove 
mentioned  wQs  Ottorl>eln,  one  of  tho 
well  l<nown  ehurchrs  of  tho  County. 
Itefore  tho  erection  of  Ottcrboln  In 
IKIii,  meetings  were  held  ot  the  h(imcs 
of  John,  John  MKUlvery,  Moscb 
Mill  nnd  ChorlcB  lleaehe.  Noted 
prenclierH  who  filled  tho  Otterhein 
pulpit  worn  llev.  Low,  Ilev.  A.  WIm- 
heK,  Klllah  Cook,  John  Kckles,  .Tolin 
I'etlefTioff  and  John  Duncan.  In 
March,  1.SI17,  a  i:roat  revival  was  held 
nt  Ottrrhein,  and  tlilrty-ono  united 
with  the  church.  That  year  tho  preB- 
ont  church  building,  .10  x  40,  waa 
orei-ted.  and  deilfdnted   Nov.  10. 

The  Tnlicd  Ilrethern  orgonlzed  a 
church  one  mile  east  of  Annapolis  In 
WnshlnL-lon  townnhlp  In  1»I0.  John 
I-Iphlln  and  Isaac  riel<ard  were  nctlvo 
meniliers  of  this  rongregatlon.  In  IWW 
or  isili)  n  einirch,  ;I0  x  10,  was  built 
In  Annapolis.  Tlila  hnlldlng  la  of  two 
etorloH.  The  npimr  atory  waa  uaod  hy 
the  Masons  as  their  lodgo  ■  room,  lio- 
foro  that  fraternity  olionged  Its  loca- 
tion to  lllnnmlniidale. 
In  laia  lenao  J,  Bllllman  deeded  • 

Circuit  court  for  poRsesshin  of  tho 
clinrch,  to  which  another  denomlna- 
Hon  made  a  claim.  'I'lie  case  was  de. 
eldrd  In  favor  of  (he  Inlled  llrelliern. 
since  (ho  ici-ords  clearly  showed  (ha( 
tho  ground  had  been  deeded  to  their 

I'rovldenco  Inltod  llrelliern  church 
wiiB  orgaiilr.cil  In  \\'asliliiglon  town- 
ship anil  ft  churi'li  Imllt  In  l.s.-,l.  I'or 
a  nnmlicr  of  years  It  had  a  lorirc  mem- 
her»hl|i,  but  hy  IS.S11  servIccB  had 
ceased  to  he  held  nt  rrovldeni-o.  Hear- 
ing Creek  church,  which  wa»  or- 
ganl7.ed  as  above  Bintcd  In  IKio  on 
Section  (I,  \\'nslilni.'lon  township,  ono 
mile  cost  nf  Anniipnils,  had  7"  mem- 
bers In  l.s.S(i.  but  the  old  elnirch  has 
long  since  been  iibiindnned,  nnd  Is 
now  MBod  as  slielier  for  hay  and  grain. 

Tho  linltcd  llrelhern  had  a  clinrcli 
In  IKSii  in  what  la  known  as  the  llrls. 
tie  lltdgo  nelghliorhood  In  Sugar 
Crock  township, 

(TV  (Elirintlait  (CItitrrIf 

On  the  second  Bunday  Ih  September, 
IS-W,  the  society  since  known  as  tho 
Chilstlan  ehnreh  was  organized  In. 
llockvlUe.  I'erslus  K.  Harris,  one  of 
the  first  and  foremost  of  llockvllle'j 
nierchanla,  was  chosen  one  of  the 
hishopa.  In  IKlll  the  church,  which 
for  (HI  yoara  stood  on  tho  Bite  ot  tho 
present  edifice  waa  built.  For  near- 
ly twenty  years  eongregntlon 
Blowly  Increased  and  had  regular  Ber- 
vleeB,  then  It  declined  In  nmiiherB  un- 
til there  was  a  re-orgnnl7.atlon,  and 
by  181)2  It  bad  over  eighty  memliera. 
Again  Interest  lapsed,  and  the  cliurob 
heeauio   completely   disorganized.. 

On  February  2.1,  1KTI,  a  society  of 
Christians  wn»  nrganlze.1  nt  Iloyd'a 
tchnnl  hmisn,  Thifl  society  was  called 
"Whitehall."  ami  hy  this  name  tho 
Bi'hool  house  Is  now  known  to  the 
.vounger  generallon.  Tlionma  llonrd- 
tnan  auccccded  In  provalllng  on  tho 
Whitolnill  congregation  lo  unite  with 
the  remnant  ot  the  Itockvllle  society, 
nnd  Ihlrl.v-one  nieiiihers  onen  more  ro- 
Tlved  tho  Itockvllle  church.  This  was 
In  1870:  but  tho  church  did  not  long 


continue  Its  work.  For  n  long  period 
It  had  no  rcciihir  pasliir,  but  abiiiil 
len  years  at-o  It  was  womlerriilly  re- 
ilicl.  A  iieiv  ehnreh  was  l.iillt  and 
a  t;r.  at  liitirest  nianlfcsted.  wlihli 
hns  iinl  Hin.e  rolaMd.  and  the  Clirls- 
llan  smlcly  Is  now  ono  of  the  most 
fl.uirlsliliig  cliiir.h.'s   hi   lloclivllln. 

The  Christian  Cnhin  church  on  tho 
Itnckvllln  and  Mcca  roa.l,  was  hitllt 
about  .-.CI  .vears  ago.  When  the  wielcty 
was  first  oi-CTUlzcd  lis  IMeethlL-s  wor'o 
hel.l  In  the  school  house  of  tho  Mar- 
shall  dlstrht.  For  many  years  Ilila 
church  was  In  a  tliMvIng  condition, 
but  removals  nnd  deaths  greatly  re- 
diieed  Hie  iiioml.ershlp. 

FIfl.v-seven  people  iiiei  a(  .Sew  IMs- 
■  ■overy  Jan.  Ill,  isili,  and  orgaiilwd 
n  Cbrl-^llnn  cliur.h.  The  iie\t  .voar 
(boy  built  n  ineethiK  bouse  there.  In 
isii;  Hits  society  hiiiu  n  new  clinnli 
at,  using  all  11,0  avalhihlo 
material    from      the     .New     IHseovery 

'Iiil-'-     The    llelliiiore   conBrcgallon 

numhere.l  2.-i  In  l.wd,  Abner  li.  Iiall- 
cy  was  the  first  pastor  nt  llellinore. 

A  Chrlsllnn  chiinh  was  organlncd 
nt  Catlln  In  1.im17  with  forty-two  mem- 
I."  IS.  For  a  lime  lis  niton. Innce  was 
iigiilar,  nnd  great  hope  was  enter- 
(allied  for  a  siiccessfiil  eereor.  but  this 
lioiK-  was  not  realized.  A  biill.llng 
.-■-!  X  ^^  was  ere.led.  Jacob  Wright, 
Theodmo  C.  .Marshall  nhd  Wllllnni 
Holt  were  the  poBliira  who  prciichcd 
the  gospel  there  during  lla  early 

Jaiksnn  township  In  l.vsii  had  tlio 
strongest  Chrlsllan  eongrox-atlon  In 
Ihe  county.    It  iimiibercd  IHi.    In  IN7.1 

n  'hurcli   wn It   nt   Lena,     which 

cn-t  .<J.iii»i  A  of  noiai.lo  re- 
vivals wore  held  In  llils  cliiir.h.  duo 
of,  eondn.ted  by  Ilev.  W.  II. 
Williams  In  I.ST.-i,  resiiKed  in  2(1  ni.- 
c.  sslons. 

The  Chrlsllan  soelely  Hi  (Jreono 
(ownshlp  hunt  lis  first  chiirch  nt 
I'"rtland  .Mills  In  l.s.111.  Three  .llsllnel 
Bo.letles  of  Clirlsihin*  were  i.ignnlxed 
In  (ireone  lownshli.- a(  Fordaml 
.Mills.  Hanks  Springs  and  I'nrkovllle. 
A  frame  eliui-cb,  2.-.  x  X,,  was  firsi 
built  ot  I'orlland  .Mills,  (he  (n(al  cost 
of  whl.h  illd  not  ex.ced  i<iini,  as  Ihe 
work  and  were  dniini.d.  In 
IN.-.II  (his  chiinh  was  rejilared  hv  a 
now  one,  I.-,  x  r..-,.  Tho  fIrsI  mlnlslcr 
was  Iter.  J.  .M.  Harris.  In  \'>m  a  lag 
iliur.h  was  Imllt  nt  Ilnnks  Springs 
(near  Henley's  Slallon.)  This  wsb 
rcplaicd  by  a  .'Ci  x  III  frame  building. 
Tho  I'nrkcvlile  society  united  with 
other  sets,  ond  In  iwi.'i  Imllt  n  church, 
but  It  woB  toon  afterwards  dcitroyed 
by  fire.  In  1870,  largely  through  tho 
endeavor  of  JomoB  J.  Jack,  the  Chrla- 
Hant  built  a  church  at  I'arkovlllo  thai 
cost  »l,7iin.  This  church  was  gcner- 
oiiBly  tendered  for  the  use  of  other  do- 

SKCKIItaiS      AXO      rilll.Ali|:l.rlllA       LUTir 

Tho  ABsoclato  Proshyterlnns,  coiii- 
inonly  onlled  "Secedera,"  organized  a 
strong  society  In  (Ireeno  township 
very  early  In  the  settlement  of  tho 
ci.unt.v.  On  the  Ilitli  ot  Fol.riiary, 
)N2II,  Ilev.  Jns.  I'.  .Miller,  0  mission- 
ary worker  apiolnted  by  tho  Synod, 
Instituted  a  church  which  was  at  nr»t 
called  Kaecooft  and  (hen  Portland 
.Mills,  although  It  wbb  lo.Bird  mora 
than  n  mllo  north  of  Hint  iwlnt.  Alex- 
i.ndrr  llaiiisey  and  Samuel  Steele  were 
(he  Hrst  rilling  el.lers,  hut  In  ]K\ii 
Ale.Tandor  Klrkpalrlck  ond  Nalhiinlol 
Steele  of  .Mansfield,  were  o.l.led  lo 
(ho  list  of  oldorB.  Tho  first  cimrch 
was  built  of  lops  In  ln.'ll ;  n  mnrli 
larger  frame  building  wns  erected  In 
1S.-A  and  In  1.171  Ihe  presenl 
was  built  nt  n  oiBt  nf  IJ.ikki.  Here 
tho  scholarly  Jamoa  Dixon  was  piislor 


iiir  ..^  X'""-  '"•  W'">'r  *"•  "'• 
luru.-.l  ivilliHilim  of  ri'llKlniu  III- 
iriKurii  iMil«l'lu  or  lliilliil<u|>oH>,  »>■*>l>   11"  ITlimo  llhrory  In  llio  I'li- 

||„.    Mdlll'    U1..i-.h|.«I     ir       'lIlU    lIll'llltHT- 

ulilli  of  llii'  KiHiilur  iliiirih  loim  InrliM- 

,.,!   ,,  of  iliM  ninil   mil'iliiiillul  rl(- 

lr>'ii>  .if  Curlto  I'.Miiii)'.  iMil  <">  Ti'itri-l 
III  null'  lli'ii  llio  ol.l  cliiinli  !•  no  lonK- 



liiiiiihlilli  WOK  llio  crnlcr  of 

, Il„.r   rillKliiM-   liriionilliiillnii,  wtilcll 

uiin  mil  liirK<'  IM  uiiy  iitliiT  luialll)'  of 
III,,  rmiiilt.  llio  I'lilliiilillilila  l.iilli- 
I'liiii  I'liiinli  (Oilily  biilll  a  iliiircli  on 

Hit  line Ill   \«>-\  I'll!  •'  «"•  f"" 

,  xiiifii  Ml.  Ill  r   wlii'M   Ihp  wKli'lV   t)iilll 

lln  III. I   .mull   lin"«.  of  »(ir«hl|i,  wli:ih 

'   MiiK  iilwi  lunl   liir  ■rliiHil  |iiir|Kjiii'>  In 

In ii.»iii.lili>.     Tlil»   hoii'C  Imriiml 

iiiinii    wMiii    .iflir    111    iTiHllon.      Till' 

,i,„r g d  i;    i:.'    n-clily  Ir 

|.  iiiii'i!  In  (111-  (I'lilir  of  llrorno  town-  |i  iiiljohiliik  No.  .'  BrliiHil  liniiiii'.  It 
Kim  liiilll  III  iwxi.  ii'Kl  tl.'*'>-  A  Hull- 
iliiy  nrliiK'l  Inn  InuK  Inon  lonni'iit'd 
Willi  llii'  ilninli.  .VIkiiiI  llirrc  ymn 
iitn  II  liilil  rlilni  1(1  II"'  lnriii'il  rca- 
nliir  nlii  iiilnnii'  iif  iiiiy  Hninlny  •rlmol 
III  till'  Coiiiity.  'I'lio  Hllfiulunco,  ai* 
lliiiiii,'li  miKllir  lliiiii  III  llinl  tliiu.',  I> 
Bllll   hirm'  mill  inimUiil. 

Tbu  f'uintwrliind  •'rctliytrrlnnt  lind 
iHii  cliiirHio  III  l.llH-rly  lownililp  lu 
INMi,  lK)ili  «r  uliMi  Horo  iitciil  Juln(l> 

Willi    llio       ill'llXHlllll.       'llio      uiio       ut 

lluHord  uiii  liiilll  In  IMIil.  In  |n7k 
tlio  ol.K.r  iliiiri'li  wti  biilU  In  Ibo  tlyl- 
tttiilu  nt-lHl>l'orlinu4l, 

Tho  rnliiriiullii  Imio  had  onn 
t'liiiii-h  ■ocli'Iy  In  t'urko,  In  UUKur 
I'ri'ok  loHnihlii.  'I'lio  liulldlnu,  :iu  x 
111,  «n»  crcrlid  In  IK"rfi.  iind  nn  Clirl«i- 
mill  niKliI  of  llmt  yinr  11  una  dodl- 
uitid  by  llie  ll"!'.  T.  C.  Ilolon.  It  did 
iioi  |.uii(lniK'  \cry  Ioiik  tin  a  clinn-li  up 
nan  xallon,  iiml  otlior  dtnoiiilnatlona 
wrro  iHTinlttcl  tu  llio  tlto  clnircb, 

(futliullc  a:iiurrl; 

riio  t'atliullr  I'liiirck  of  llo<killlo 
tiud  lla  bo)iliinlng  In   IS.M.  wbcn  aor- 

M  IT    •.:■'•'■■  l-c'l   o(    l!io  I -  of  M,.r- 

tin  11,1  un,  tbioo  uilica  aouih  of  town. 
Miiaa  Miia  rind  liy  Ilov.  milior  U- 
mm',  iniilali  prli'il  of  Tcrro  llnnlo. 
.Mtir  lluit  .Mill'  wai  ri'ud  it  llio  real. 
■  kncua  of  JaiiiL'a  KInnc)  «nd  I'ulrick 
lliordnn,  lu  llm^vlllo.  Hoou  uficr  tlio 
civil  War  Ihi'  iiionilicra  of  tlili  tvn- 
uicicitllun  boiiKlil  a  bulHIug  tbat  bail 
Invii  iind  111  a  col'lnil  rud  rarprnlor 
•lio|i  nn    lork  atn-i't.     wiicro     Junica 

liiichanan'a  roaldenc*  now  atandn. 
I'lili  Hoa  mads  Into  t  ainall  iiliila 
•  biinli  and  ki.  11.^.4  iinlll  Ibo  Calif 
ollca  iHHniiH-  alronii  nionih  lo  liaio  a 
Iwrlih  iirloal  alalluned  lioro.  'I'licn 
unilor  llie  ubic  nilnlalry  of  l-'iitlirr 
JuHi'lili  llnilor  llio  iH.ailllfnl  cburill 
kiiuwn  ni  HI.  Jiiiiplii.  liHOtcHl  on  llio 
corner  of  oblo  and  \  Iruiulo  alrcoia. 
Willi  aUJulnInu  |>arlili  lionio  »na  billlt. 
Tbia  »na  In  IKti 

In  IKW  Ibo  ('ailiolli.«  bod  a  clmrili 
m  .^IniiU'xniiin.  U.1  x  I.',.  orc<lcd  on  a 
lul  dunalnl  lo  llio  dinri  b.  A  dwell- 
Inn  for  llio  rcililent  prlcit  wna  alio, 
built  on  tbo  weal  end  nf  llio  lot.  Tlila 
(Inirrll  wua  nniiiid  Ibo  Cbnrcli  of  Ibc 
Vlaliail'iu  of  tbe  llliiiL-d  .Miiry.  Tlio 
riial  prliat  In  eluimc  ut  .Monlciunia 
>vai   Kaiber   llrt'nrly. 

•I'l."  >i-llrr  or  thl«  «l;pl,h  baa  nrllb- 
or  tbe  tlino  to  InvcallKntc  nor  tbo 
*<l>aii)  lo  doeoto  (o  ft  lontlniiona  lila- 
lory  of  Ihc  clinrelica  of  I'arko  County. 
^\'cl'ka  of  reKcarcli  and  ln.|iilry  tionld 
bo  rc-ijiilri-d  lu  brlnu  thi'  aubjcil  down 
lo  llie  fiieaent  lliiic.  Tlio  forcfO'lnif  la 
only  wiiat  It  la  Intoudeil  to  t>c— n  rec- 
onl  of  early  i-hurcbca  and  rellfiloiw  do* 

Eiiurattmtal  Simrluimtput  nf  Jjlark?  (Enuntij 



Illy  \<r» 

nflcr  lla 


lull  Ibo  iiluniK-m  nil- 
ini'ilalid  I  lie  linl-orlaiiif  of  llio  nlu- 
laib'n  "f  Uii'lr  clilldron  la  |irovo<l  Uy 
iliU  rail.  S<'liu4tl  liiiuHcH  bod  lo  bo 
liiillt  nnd  ii'iubuia  cmiiliiyed  by  Indl- 
ililuiil  I  Kurl  mid  prlvnlo  funda.  Tbo 
arliuul  buiiaia  nuru  <vnatrurti.d  by  llie 
ai'llkia  llioiuaeKo>.  uliil  Ivilibi'ra  wcro 
l«ild  ilulr  luiiiiiir  MUKu  by  Ibc  |>»r- 
rnia  of  implla.  I.nrio  runilllea  ucro 
ibi'  riilr  Ibun.  nud  ■  man  with  «U  or 
rUbl  iblblriii  bnil  lu  "dll!  U|i"  liiucll 
iiHiiu  lliun  III'  wuiild  bavo  |uibl  lor  any 
nllnr  Kiiitlrlrulluil.  If  Ibe  |irrai'nt 
luiielK-ra  hud  bot-ii  In 
Minlil  liavp  tiuiikrniiled 
\  llu>  luunly  ul  Ibu  viry  alurl. 

!'      Dr.    Jiiiiii«   I'riHika.    wbo   wu   born 
11,1.  J  I.  IK:.'.'i,  and  »boic  fnlbor  moved 
lu   lluiiiiuli   lu»ualil|i  lu    L^lll.  Klvea  ft 
iiiaid  ibair<|ilbiii  uf  early  fnrkr  Couii- 
J  ly   Belii>da  In   lila   .\nliib|»arft|>by.  Iiuli- 
)  llabitl  III   liaai.     Ilu  aaya: 
1      ".Voil  yeiir  ft  acbool  bouao  w»  built 
j  u  few   liundred  )ard*     Moat     of     our 
^1  houao.     11  waa  built  out  of  vory  largo 
1  III  noil  |io|ilur  loita.     'l°tao     erftcka     be- 
'  IHeun   tbe   loira   wcro     cblnkcd,     ftnd 
:  diiiib,.,!  Willi  lliiio  nioriur  and  amootb- 
'  I'll  uvur  Willi  ft  iruwel:  tbo  ibliunoy 
J  uua  built  uf  brii'k  nnd  tbo  flro  iilnco 
I  »ua  miMiblo  uf  laklnit   In   n   lu>ck'b>( 
I  alt  fiet  lunx.     .V  long     uliiduu-     waa 
iiinili.  un  one  able  of  llio     liouac     by 
'  nil  UK  out  n  loK  nearly  Ibu  wlwlo  of 
II;    lb-   winduw    bud    itlaaa  Inatead   of 
ulbd  |in|<;r.     A  wrlllUK-deiik  wna  con- 
,  rlrucliil   ftluiiK   undur     Ibo     ulndov; 
li>'li«  wirr  Uirol  with  ■  Iftrito  ftugcr 
I  lu  Ibo  lug  Iwluw,  ftnd  liiriro     woodou 
J  idna   werv  driven   Into  tbo  liolca.     A 
'  nbo  aiiiuutb  idank.  about  two  feet  wble 
!  iiftu  fattened  lo  Ihr  plna.  wblrh  niftilc 
.  ft  fine  frot-furall   wrlllng  deak.   |t<-all 
or  l«nib|.s  ulllioiit  baiki  were  made 
of  aInU  ten  or  twelve  fort  long  with 
(illia  ililii-n  In  for  Icua.     TlatTd  abing- 
aldu  uf  Ibo  wall  10  aii|>t>ly  ft  luiek  made 
tbeiii    liiori-   nimfurtiible.      1'bli*   houao 
wna  iiiiln-dMle.  and  anawrr^  Iho  pur- 
l«iau  niroly.     Mofuiuon  lii.ft(b  Itftrrlgui 
Wna    Ibu    flral    leni  hor   lo   ort.u|iy    tlie 
n<'W  acbuul  liniiau.  Mo  ml  ftbing  (•left*- 
•  nily    Mllb    llio   vlHilara    and    waa   ft 
trry  aiKid  toucher,    lie  uaod  tho  "gail* 
but  llltlo.     lit  wtj  an  tiport  ftl  uitk- 

liii:  a  good  guoae-i|uill  |ien ;  tlicy  wore 
o*inal  to  a  ^ood  gold  ik-u.  HIrel  |icna 
nt  tlint  lliiio  were  ararix'ly  known  In 
uni    Wchlorn  country." 

"The  llrnt  aebooll  I  ftllemleil  wore 
tatiKbl  bj;  anbru'rli'tlon  ;  )iubllc  money 
nut  lieliiK  provided.  Tlireo  nmnlba 
dilr  lig  Ibe  wliilor  wna  ulioiit  oil  the 
ai'lHiol  wo  had  earb  year.  Arltlinictle 
wna  the  bli:lirat  braneb  laiigbl— I'iko'a 
iiinl  HiuUoy'a  were  tho  l«oka  uaed: 
bbickl-'urda  were  unknown.  Tbo  |iu|i|l 
would  elplier.  na  wo  cnlUil  It.  until  bo 
got  "atin-k,"  tlicn  4iO  to  tbe  tcurbor 
Willi  III-  book  and  alatc.  (lolnt  out  llio 
tiiobleni  lo  Ik-  aulved.  anil  tbo  obllRlng 
icui'bor  would  then  work  out  Ibe  ox- 
niii|<le,  and  often  luiaa  It  lutck  lo  Ibc 
|ni|il|  wltlmiii  giving  an  ei|>lnnallon. 

Tbo  Oral  ai'buol  I  Mliiidi-d  luo 
•cbolara  were  nllowed  lo  reuil  anil 
MtM-ll  out  loud  durinu  Ibc  aliidy  |.er- 
bid.  If  llK'y  wlabcd.  I  Iwllrvc  the  lual 
ailiuol  where  Ibnl  wna  ftUuwcil  waa 
IftiiKliI  by  Kulouiun  II.  Oarrlgua.  Af- 
ter Ibo  eluia  bud  rpclled.  bo  would 
lay:  'Vou  con  now  aludy  your  aiiclllng 
leaaon.'  Tbcn  beillaiu  would  begin, 
each  ono  trying  lo  excel  Ibe  other  lo 
Ibe  nolle  Ibcy  were  luaklng. 

"Hrbool  oxblbllloni  were  uiy  delight. 
Home  tcaehera  wuiild  a.iow  ua  to  uao 
ft  lorllon  of  the  iifternoon  on  Kridaya 
10  praiilco  our  >lccea.*  >ly  memory 
waa  goud.  anil  In  ft  illfttoguo  I  ftlwftya 
cboac  llio  loni;eal  part.  With  great 
onxicly  I  would  look  forword  tu  the 
Inal  day  of  acbool,  wbleli  waa  alwayg 
bailed   with  delight  by  inc." 

II10  aliovo  dcrerliulon  la  typbvl  of 
•  II  Ibo  achofllt  of  I'arke  County  for 
|>crhft|ii  fifteen  ycara  after  lla  or- 
gnnlxailon.  Then  i-atuo  an  Improve- 
men!  In  both  Icnchon  and  building*. 
In  aiHiie  liiioa  oven  brick  aihool  houaca 
wcro  built  before  llie  prcaenl  ayatem 
of  freo  acbool*  eanic  lo  Ibe  early  flf- 
lU-a.  Ilwkvlllo  built  ft  brbk  one- 
alory  aihoal  lioiiao  In  lite  cnrly  tlilr- 
till.  II  alood  on  lot  .\o.  I.  Jiiil  aoiilli 
of  where  tbo  Afrltan  Ibipllil  rhiinh 
now  alnndo.  II  waa  ft  long,  biw  build- 
lug  with  doorv  on  each  able,  and 
would  fti-ronouiMtnto  from  '.^ai  to  .'an 
puidli.  Tlila  biilbllng  waa  me<l  until 
aomo  yearft  nftcr  tbe  "llo<kv|l|o  Hem- 
Inary,"  a  twiMlory  l,rl<  k  Inillding  w*i 
built  on  the  alie  of  the  preoeol  colored 
•ctaool  In   ItUU.     >'obod/  knowa  vbut 

beeemo  of  Ibo  flrat  building,  ulicn  It 
wo«  rciiiuved.or  why,  or  bow.  and  fifty 
>eaia  ncu  not  a  trace  of  II  iviild  lio 
aivii  on  the  luu  lilllHldo  where  It 
eluoil.  lu  Ih:>!<  I'niuu  town>hl|i  do- 
i-'ded  lo  Imiirovc  lla  icliooli.  .V  fraliio 
building,  JU  X  :!l  fi-et.  waa  blilll  00 
Keiilou  i.  and  n  brbk  building  waa 
put  up  In  tho  aouihern  purl  of  tbo 
luwiialilp.  In  one  wuy  or  anotlier  all 
llic  lowniblpa  were  Improving  their 
ai-bouta  and  employing  lienor  learbern 
(ur  ten  yeur*  liefoie  tbo  advent  uf  tbo 
Ireo  aebool  a>ali.ui.  Kticli  men  aa 
Cyriia  llou,  of  Colon  lownablp.  Sol- 
omou  II.  (Jiirrlk-ua.  Wllllii.u  l;oo<lln. 
•  11.1  Hugh  Vluiunt,  of  Juckiion,  John 
liouKlimiin,  of  .Munlertiiiiu,  Jiilin  >lc- 
lilnnli.  Jeremlub  iKpuw,  ^.uvlnda  llo- 
IKW,  Jubu  llarrlRUa.  Jtuae  l..,wc.  Ilev. 
Haiiiuel  II.  .Me.Vull.  John  Wbllford  and 
ollicra  who  luiigbt  In  llo<kvlllo  and 
olliur  placea  lu  tho  ixiuuty,  men  of 
good  i-dueullun,  were  employed  lb 
leueli  during  uiiilur  montba,  and  Ibcy 
were  giKhl  Icaeberl. 

Tbo  early  •ulllera  of  llockvlllo  and 
vicinity  wore  dcvutoea  lo  the  cauae 
or  cducailoo.  Tbe  llockvllle  Seiul- 
nary  and  ao  "icadomy  for  young 
ladlca"  were  caialdiahed  about  tbo 
aamo  lime.  'Hic  laller  waa  a  frame 
hulbllng  loniteil  Juit  aouth  of  U  .V. 
tirlnley'a  reildence.  >la(lho»  KlniiKon, 
Mlu  liiiaa  and  >lla»  Jane  Urcgg.  all 
cultured  Icachcn.  l&liorcd  to  found 
Ihla  iDalllnllou,  which  waa  In  llm« 
aliBOrbcd  by  lh«  Keoilnary. 

HUiomlngilalo  Ai^deniy  waa  ctub- 
Mailed  In  IKM,  aa  iho  Wciloro  )lanuiil 
lalKir  ill  huul,  anllel|,allng  by  111  year* 
tlila  braneb  of  la^tructlon  Id  our  pub- 
lic ai'lioola.  It  waa  Inleniled  to  fumlab 
ft  thorough  ncBdeuiIo  cdui«tloa  for 
young  i>oople  of  both  leie*.  and  gira 
them  an  op|>orlunlly  to  pay  for  tbclr 
education  by  UlKir  oa  Ibo  farm  and  In 
tho  worklliolM  t-ono»led  with  the 
Ain'leiiiy.  It  woi  Inilltulcil  by  the 
Krlendi,  and  boa  rtmnlned  under  their 
denouilnatloiial  ivntrol  for  tho  tei- 
euty  yeara  It  liu  been  In  coutlnuoiia 
eiMence.  Tli«  manmil  Ulur  depart- 
nienl  aoon  gave  way  lu  umre  iirartlcal 
bloaa  ot  ediicallon.  in  ls,'il  I'rof.  II. 
(*.  Ilot'lia  woft  aiipolntod  preaidani  of 
llM  Arailomy,  wlibb  ilallun  be  filled 
In  ft  manner  conal.ieni  with  bla  high 
•duiftllonal  •tialoiiicnl*  and  ftxaltc^ 
moral  ilaodarda  oalil  16ua 

I  ftitt  fture  !  il«  Ml  tiftggcrftle  when 
I  llulo  that  Ibe  B,liu>la  of  I'arkft 
Cuuni)  lu  Ihu  rifilua.  and  fur  twenty 
yeiini  ader,  turned  nut  boji  and  girla. 
nud  mm  ami  uomin  Uller  Inlnruiod 
ou  tbo  roiimion  avhoul  branclKi  timu 
at  any  tliue  almv.  I  aay  meu  and 
wiiiiitu  for  Iho  rciiiun  Ibal  during  tlia 
IMlod  luenlloiied  liiuiiy  ajull  pu|i|li 
ulleiidml  llio  coiiiiiioii  Hhuiila,  |iur. 
thuUrly  Iniiuedliitely  after  lliu  war.  I 
rvliieniUr  when  In  tliu  prlumry  ilo- 
(■urimciii  nolng  yuunu  nun  fruiu  tho 
high  ailioiil  loitiiif  lu  go  lu  Ibo  pulla. 
hut  lug  been  eviiiiid  lu  order  Ihiil 
Iboy  nilglit  >olu  and  annul  llie  ubc 
llun.  Th  a  fact  that  ailnlt  piiplli  at. 
lendid  ai  lioul  It  lliul  lime  piirlbilly 
niioiinll  lor  tlie  iiuii  li  liiigei  nUend. 
amo  then.  Aduu  a  to»u>lil|i  hud  In 
eclioul   dliirMi.    (.Il-tty    U.     iireuiiu 

I'.    I'nlnn   11 d   olliir.   In   llio  lu 

|iro|H,riion,  and  In  aoinc  uiiirbla  tbe 
atienduiice  wai  over  .'lO. 

One  rcaiun  why  the  ailu^ili     aire 
guoil,    uae   tbo   clioriKlur  ui    the  Icm 
liooka.     .\o  aerlia   of   lull   ImnjUh   eicr 
nrlllen   hiia  eipiali^l   tho  Did    Meiliif. 
fe>i.  ilu.llid  la  the  acbuuli  uf  I'arko 
County,  before  Ibo  wur.  and  for  aunie 
ycora   aricruanli.     Iliiy'i    Arlllimeile, 
Cornell'i  llrogrupliy,   I'Innini'a     ilrnni- 
iiiar,  and  llio  Hpuinvriiin     lyileni     of 
lieiiniaiiililp  »oie  entillont  «ork»,  and 
they    were   geliurallv    lu    iiau     In    Una 
Coiinly'a  icliuuli.    Then  there  waa  lb.> 
lownililp     library.       conlulning       Ibu 
■  liiial.a  and  ft  wunderf'illy   Hoil-wloil. 
Id   eollctlou  of  iKNjka.   ull     of     grrot 
iiliiiiilbiniil   vnluo.     Ag.iln  the  baneful 
Infliii'iice  of  the  dally   |m|^'r   woi  not 
preii'iit   tu   ueau   ono   Buoy    from    Ibe 
reading   of   «   elaaa   of   lllcralnro   that 
liiudo    for    Iho    mliid'a      liiiproveiiicnl. 
lllalructllig  iiluiliiaiienll   wcro     nut     ft 
loniiiiou  tiling.     Alldo  from  llio  iliurcli 
anil  -Hpellliig  Hclioola"  Ibcro  >»ero  not 
niBiiy    public    meediiRi    or     etilerlaln. 
nienia   lu   lake    l«>ya   and    glrla     from 
boiiic,   anil    the   iDiupniibiniblp  of   tbe 
Kood    reaillng    lo    wbkh    llnir    lelauro 
buura    were   devoted.      Muiwtlon    bad 
not  lung  liein  Ibo  coiuiuon  tbing  thai 
It  la  tudjy.     ran  ma  wbo  had  lieen  de- 
prived of  lla  ndiuuiuKea  In  llioir  yoiiib 
p|.in..d  a  higher  value  on   It  tlinn  pa)-- 
enl>  of  today  do:  and  Iboy  took  great 
Inlereal  In  tlieir  rblldreil'a  almlli-a  and 
enivuragi^l    Ihitii    to    liie    uliiioil     en- 
ileaior.     lu  Ibia  rcipint  the  n  bouli  of 
today  are  duprliod  of  a   moat   helpful 
Inriiience.wlilili    wai   eilended    to   the 
aclwola  of   the   generallon   of   wbhh    I 
ftiu  writing,  and  llir  talk  of  tlio  tcaeb- 
or  la  luiiro  difficult  Ihnn  It  waa  Ibcn. 
"Whipping"  In  aelKKil  waa  aa  much 
ft  |iart  of  tbe  laacbar'a  work  aa  aoy 
otbor  thing   In   tbe  dally   roulloo.     I 
will  not  aay  Ibal  It  waa  Ilia  uioal  Im- 
l«rlant  thing,  aa  boa  Im-ch     »o     oflen 
dtclared    by    tlioio    hIm    write   of    llw 
earlier  aibuola.   but   I   do  know  from 
painful    peraunnl   exiierlent-e    lIuil     It 
wna  ft  %ery  froiucot  thing  In  ibe  per- 
iod   following    the    Cli-ll      War.      Tlw 
"whaling-  of  boya.  and   "Idg"     girli. 
too,  woe  ft  dally  iMTurrcucc.  and  if  tbe 
^cboola  of   toilay   have   eTohed   a  aya- 
toui  thai  ftiliiilla  of  lla     abollihmeol 
witliout    linpalrlnf     lb*     irupli'a     ftil- 
vaneeuicDl— Ihoo  tbcr<  boa  been  great 
progreaa  along  Ibe  line  of  dUclpUae 
ftl  IcojL 

"(Jraded  Bclioola"  wcro  Mtablliliod 
IB  ilwkiUki  and  >lunleiiniift  about 
IKW.  AI  llul  date  ilonleiuiiift  built 
ft  fine  Iwoilory  brick  bulldlog  ftnd 
plai-ed  I'rof.  U.  Craig  Ift  charge  aa 
prludiiL  111  waa  a  brother  of  I'rof. 
William  II.  Craig,  who  waa  In  cbargl 
of  the  lloikilllc  a-hool»  from  1K7I  u 
IKSiL  llradrd  arhoola  had  ft  prliuarr, 
Inlemicdiait.  grammar  and  high 
*cl>«l,  and  puilla  were  gradoii  froin 
tlieir  rovilatlonl  by  IlK  Icabcr.  II 
Wna  101  unlll  IH72  lliat  Iba  Dileui  el 
wriltto  axftinlBallooa  waa  Intreduoia, 

,1   HtHliPM    Mlihil    IM    luy   iiplnl'Mi.    In    ll« 

|rii|.|<»l'IM.  Ml      I.M      111.'        nlcl.         hlMHIIIIIrl, 

IIH  Ihi'  lilllcT  nlV.ri-,1  ii»  (Imn.r  for 
Inniil.  -liiMiiK.'  ■"■  ■•KMiiliniri-  l,y." 
A  iM-.Tlhiliiiilliii:  1.11.  liiT  kii..»- 
ilii.  |ir.i>!r.»K  .il  implln.  n  li.i».'  I'lmiiv; 
II, .1,  .l.-i'.Mil..l  ..M  II..'  ti.i.l."  ....ilhlnhi- 
,'i|  nl    r.'.'Mi.lli.iiH. 

•|-|,.'  ol.l  s.iiilii.iy  l.ull.llTm  I.I 
li.'  n\.T-.  low.l.'.l  8...)n  i.llrr  III.'  tin. I. '.I 

xi.'! I      vns      .1.1111. IlKhi'cl.      liH      I'liiir 

liii-i:i-    re IB    «^ri'    11. .'ii    «n|. ninilr.I 

l.y   u  r. Ip  l.y   |i:irllll.iiilni:     llio 

nl.l.iT  hall.  '11. la  \\:m  dolir  In  IMIT'. 
.Vl«.m  IS?"  11  C0I..1..I  H.linol  Mil'.  Blarl- 
I'd    111    the    oia    htilklllil;      iiilird      Ihr 

of  ll.i-  I  lid  Sclio..|  I'l.'sliylcrliin  .  hiirih 
uu  V..rk  iiii.l  Vlriiiulii  Btrt'.'ls.  N'.'M 
y.'.r   Ih.'   ni'houl    l..<iirii    iinl.d    Ihr   ulil 

.M.II..HI1»1         l.l......         .Ui  i...  ..^., 

>,.  ho.ll.  and  to  rclk'ic  Hit'  i-r-nwdrd  inn. 

mil Il    ll.c   S.l.illMiry    thr  OhI    rr.-n- 

l.yl.'iinii    waH    r.'iil.-d    Tor    Ihr 

uhlt.'    l.rlM.nry    .kpiuli I.    Thra    Ihr 

ai^lioul  iKinrd  Imiilrd  l<..nds  to  tl..- 
a.Muiinl  01  .<J>-..i.>..  1.0. mill  tlir  Bile  of 
the  pr.  s.'iil  mii.l.'  hiiil.llin.-,  an.l 
.u.'.l.d  tl.  .r.'rt  lli.r.'..ii  a  liiillilInK 
Mlil.'h.  "Ilh  til.-  Kioiind.  cosi  J.ii;.in«i. 
'I'll  B  hull. Hut-  \\«i  lii.'nir.l  In  a  B»aii.|.. 
and  thi'  Hiltir  has  Blc.lcd  on  cn.iind 
It  oi.ii|.l..'8.  The  only  ai.proa.  Ii  10  It 
In  IS7I.  wh.'ii  II  »iia  firm 
««»  lliiiMi>:li  alh-ys.  An.l  this 
M-a"  i.iir.'hasril  v.  h.'ii  nil  tl.o  llii.o  tli<< 
town  nir.'iidy  nnn.-d  llir  nni.  h  11. ore 
nnoiahli'  ullc  on  which  slonil  ihc  old 
Siui.nniy.  a  rIio  that  would  rcvrrl  to 
hi'Iri.    ir  .■^^r    II    .'fnsrd   In    he   nseil    for 

SInie  the  nilo|.|lon  ..f  111.'  Krr.lcd 
n.hool  ByuleiM  I  he  rollouInK  i.rliuliialH 
ha\e  beon  In  cliarKe  of  the  llocktllle 
B.'h.n.l:  .1.  I'.  l.nilL-.  .Tnlin  Mrl,nti|;lilln, 
.Inm.'B  M.'Ailhiir,  .1.  C.  lloiisek.e|ier. 
I-;.  II.  Myko.  A.  I',  •rmnehnin.  S.  W. 
.M.i'ornin.  k.  1 1.  If.  IVniiowlll,  WllUani 
11.  Crnk'.  I.ln  II.  Iln.ll.-y,  .lohn  A.  Mil- 
ler, J.  r.  S|.iini:lor,  J.  K.  ■Hvirnlnn,  O. 
tl.    ItloK-nni,   John    II.   I.lnel.arircr. 

In  l.sTil  the  present  lilch  «,'li..ol  Bys- 
li-iii  or  tour  y.'iira  with  .llploiim  at 
Jji-odllnllon  went  Into  etfeet  with  n 
rl.iea  of  Ihr.-c-inia  Conin.  .lesslo 
.Miilliall.'ii  an.l  I.o.iIb   II.   Whipple. 

I    greatly    rcKrcl    that    thl«     akctcli 

Tin;  first  ot  the  public  Improve- 
n.eniB  In  I'nrke  fminly  wb«  the 
rniirl  limir.0.  1.  i^rlo..;Bal  nnd 
heaulirnl  hiilldlns  (or  those 
duyii.  Iliil  a  was  not  built  without 
ii|i|>o><lil..n.  It  IB  n  tindlilon  that 
when  the  l'oniiuli.»lnn.-rB  were  In  flea- 
Hlnn  In  Ihe  lot  .oiirl  Iioiibc,  wl.leh  lia.l 
li.'eii  hnllt  for  tenipnrary  iis,'.  nnd 
were  liearlni;  holh  -.Lies  ,.f  the  iiiies- 
lion  aa  pronenled  by  llioso  who  were 
(or  linil  lhn»e  who  were  iiciilimt  a  new 
eourl  h.iiiB.'.  a  waKSlBll  (.How  who 
wtifl  oppowed  to  111.'  proponed  now 
nilirt  hnime  pill  hiB  head  In  nn  open 
»lni|.>u'  and  Bhotiled  In  derlslnn : 
"Mull. I  a  hiK  one.  .Make  her  lai  x  lai!" 
Whelh.-r  lh;a  iiu««.'Bllon  of  a  hiill.l. 
IhK,  h.'.vnnil  III.'  luaunllilde  or  Ihe  iu(i>.i 
nrdeiii  or  Ihe  i.uirl  hnuHO  parly,  In- 
llllene.'il  Ihe  hoiiril  In  iinl  Uiiowil  ;  lull 
Ihey  ilhl  hiiil.l  K  .'va.-lly  of 
Ihnxe  .lliiieiiHlonrt.  Ihey  liiilll  II  ol' 
brill,,  two  i.l..i'l.H  hlk-h.  and  BB  liiipnn. 
Ink'  iiB  any  curt  house  at  thai  llnio  In 
Ihe  ..^  It  wnj  kiiriunllnlod  by  a 
iiipnln  with  i:,een  8hiul.'r».  nnd  nliove 
111!  n  Inrce  bnll  and  a  upear 
iieallier  vaiio  «lji  (eel  lone.  The 
wealh.r  v.wio  nan  7ii  f.'ei  from  Ihe 
Krolind,  and  when  llnrhvllle  boyr,  ile. 
•Irod  to  ciprent  hclnlit  In     Its     iiioii 


.mint    ho    willl.'ii    no    linKllly     that    110  Iniiinin.rlnllnn.      The      (Imt      ohjeelhin  In    couiinilnlllrB    Hint    are    Bllnwliin      1, 

II au    I,.'    Ink. 11    I.I    iir.i.iire      data  hn«    b..ii    alii.ot.1      .ullnli      over.niu.-,  very    BlrnnB   B.hool    Bplrlt.      and      will 

whlrh    iiiIkIiI    ,  bI.iI.IM,    Hi,,    fa.t    Hint  .'uly   I  w„  low  iishlpB   Inn  liiK  ran.ln  lliat  w  Itliln  the  iieM  two  or  three  yenrB  no 

Il iliy  n.'khhi.rh Iv  In   I'nrke  rouii-  woill.l    nerl.iunlv    liiliTfere    with    Irnufl-  rtoilhl    be    ...Inillte.l      to      tho      hlRllOBt 

ly    n.h.i.ilB    evlHl.d    like    thai    nl    "OhI  porlnlloii.      Tlw    Be.oud    nbje.llon       IB  rnukB. 

Iliihh    rr.'.l,-    In       l.lherl.v       IowmkIiIp.       Kia ill.v    u'lowluj;  weaker,  bb  Ihe  puh-  i,,i„.,   ,„„,„ 

Il- hi,    i.lionl,    nnd    fioiu    II.OHO   or  11.'    ollhal,    n.r.iKl.l-:lnu-      the      advant-  "  HI'  "  I  H   Ib.I  len  yea  ,  a  .plemlld 

o r    lul.lh-.t ii.'kh hoo.lB.weio  ap.,    of    e..uHolldallon    are    exer.|,lng  hl^h  Beh.,,,1   hull,llu|..  ha.  been  built   at 

I'll .111  iiiniiy   hilthl  l„i,s  nu.l  L-Irl,,  Kfenl    .are   lo   lunl.e Ion   fa-  '""*^"''''    "    Z",\'!T  .','"' ,    ''"'''"""     "' 

»1 .>.'   ■■"."d.'   the  r   M.nlk-    In   nuiii:  .;IIII.'h    Bnllsfnrloi  .v.  ^"^","'   "  ',"    "'"'  "  ,  '7   ">»'    '»»   J"""" 

ei.iiiB    fields   ,.r   lin.rulncs...  The   ,u.,d.'ru    lUth   n.le.ol    1..   eoiupn,.  "    '""■'"^'f    "-']     '    "«    "'    Ho-ednle. 

Inr  Ihe   foilowluK  Buiiuimre  of  edii-  "Hvelyn    r.-..'nl    lunllliillon    In      this  ,  ,?,"'ri,„17  IT,im'i  *       ■      «'.     .     "*■" 

.,,, ,       ,             .   ».'"""'.'         '""  ,.„„„,,.       ,..„.  ,„„.„   ,.„,,,i,.,r„i,i„   ,i„>n  '''*^''  ■"^"""l  bulldluK     at     .Monler.nmn 

we  lire   In.l.'l.l.-.l   to     1  miiity     Sitpcrin-  ~  "   "'    "    "'^"   nciioni   eii.i.aiion.    ,>ow  . 

tciuleiil    SUecleiB;  Ihero   arc  el^-ht    lllch   nehools   an.l   one 

The   mile.'    of    (oiinly    Sunerlulen.l  ^'"'leiuy.    (he    of    iheae    hlu'li  Tho   followluK  Binllstl.s   iiiny   bo   or 

int    ..f    S.hools    wnn    .renlel    In     iVl  """'  """  A'-ndeiiiy  are  of  .oiuiiilBnlnned  ililereBI    In   bIiowIuk  the  growth  o(  the 

I'riiir  10   Ihin   lliiie  B.hool  affalrB   hnii  ''''^''  "'''""'  "■""'''    ''''""  "'■^'"  ""''''  "'<'  ''''^''  ""^l'""' : 

been    alleiid.'.l    lo    by    llio    I'onnly    i:\-  Vcnr    *  liKXi    'nl     'w    'al    '01    'O:,    'on    'DT    W    'm    'lo    "li    'tt    'U     'il    'Ift 

i.rrl.-e   of  roiinly    Sniieilntendent    was  N°:  i'on,'.nK-,'innr.i;:;     1       1       1      ?      3  -J      li      s      -j      !i      a      i      "      J      J      J 

Klwood    I'.    Sll.r.    Ist:i-I\7.-..      lie    was  No.  I'..i,il- Ki.r„ii.  .1.    iw    iw    Ki   :n   '.M'.   m   iv  »>   .■«•   1117   Ml    wi   jni   hi   ii<    tm 

folb.we.l    l.y    Oliver    lliillon.    l..i7.Vl.s,sl.  ,t    „lll    be    Been    Ihal    lloekvllle    was  airs    an.l    the    lowuBlilp,    rroiil    wbl.h 

liilloii   was  -u...e,l.d   by   ».  II.   i:ison,  Ihe    only    .oiiiuilssloned      hk-h      ►.hool  Ibev  graduaUil   follow ; 

.^sl-ivil.      lolh.wlu-    i:i.«oii    raine    C.  fmui    Iikm)   to    \wl.    when    .Moul.ziuu.i  rbiudin   Slaik.    Inlon;   l.niirn   Spen- 

I,,    \liizniil.    is:i|-l,vi,.     J.      .\r.      .N'cct  was  coiiiiulsiiloue,l.     Tanu-lcr  wnseoiu-  r.-r,   I'niou:   Wllllnui   II.  .Miller,  WnBli- 

K.-rvid    from    IS'.i,    10    PHI.    Homer  J.  miBBione.l  lii    l!ilj,  .Mer.a  In   IPl:l  and  lu;;loii :    Mdnn    llnrniou,      WaablnRlon; 

skeeteiB    hna    served    rioiii    Ihal    lliuc  iios.-dab'   In    llH.-,.     .la.  Ubou    ninlntnin-  -leuule     Tengiie.     Wn-hiuglon:     Mary 

iiiilU    Hie    iir.'si-nl.  ,.,,   „   ,„„   j.r„r„   MRi<      Beli.«.l     .oiirBO  llobjou.     WnshluKlon  :     Kvn     llobson, 

Kiiring     Ibese     inrlous     admlnl.slrn-  floiii    lims    lo    lull',    when    It    was    dl»-  WiiBblnglon  :    lilla    lliirford.    WaBliliig- 

lloiis  the  Bchnols  have  felt  the  pupiilgo  conllniied.     It  Is  nol   llekly  there  will  ton:    W.   .1.   (MIUiBon.   A.laiiiB ;    Nnnnio 

of  difl.'r.'iil    pb.n.s.a  „f  edmalloual   do-  ever    be   more    than    Ihe    present    nmu-  -lack.    Hreeue:    Anna      Webnler,      llB.- 

v.'lii|iiueul.     To   iiieei    iho  growing  re-  !"'■'  "<  I'lu'i  '.booln;    they  are  so  bIIii- :   Anna  Siirnniie,   Itaicoon  :   Ilovia 

.pihciiients    Ihc   loiir.'-c   of     has  "'ed   ns   to   take   raro  or     the     entire  \Vfl.«ler,    lla.eooii :    Alhe    AiueB.    llae- 

bern   lurl.hed   ami     \;     belter  eoiinly.  coon:   I'eriy   llenson.   Ilne.oon. 

Irniiiliig   of   lencher.-i     has     been     dc-  The     pre»i'ul     flyslem     of     eoiiinion  In    IIKm   there   were    Inn  dlstrM   or 

luan.l.'d;    the    bo.\      lype     ..f     illslrlel  Beliool  grartiinllon   was     InBllliiled     In  one-i  ooiii  Beho..lB :  In  IIM.-.— iw. 

Behool   hnB  L'lven  nwny  to  Ihc  modern  IWI.    The  first  elnsn  t..  graduate  nmu-  .Number  of  high  srllool  an.l  common 

t.ipe  of  well   veiiHlaled,     well     heated  hered    l.'i.     Tho  names  of  thcBe  griidn-  B.hool   gradnaleB  i,|n.c   imm; 
and    Fnullnry    dislrl.l    building. 

I'erhnps  llio  iiioBl  rhau -o  In         ^'^■■"' '"'"    '"'     "    ™     "'    '"    '"'    "'    ""    '"     '"     "     "    '"    '"    '" 

I'arUe    rnunly'a    piilillr    school    system  No  inch         ~~ 

In    re.enl    yenra    has    been    lo    11...    ro.,  .  Ir.i.l...!.'. 17      l«      M      'il      m      M      Ml      jn     M      tl      sf      70     SO     TO     «     77 

■'        °    '""    ."  ,  ..    1.1    .III    ion-  y^  t'niiinion 

B..|ldnilnu  of  distil. t  fl.hooln.  nud  the  lir.i.m.M.",'. 7s   103     ;.i   1.0   in   117   12«   inii   lit   lu   );i   ■.■it   «|7  iit  in   -ni 

rilBllt,  ""bZoI    ll    el.'^'jj"!'"""'    .''.'!"■  •^>'''"-«    >■    "■"'^'■»    "'    '-"'•'"'"    """ '-■-'"     I'"     "'"•'•„f     r  ,    r.     nT^  •^"'■■■«'^   """>■   »"'•"•»   "f   '^"'■"^"    ""•'• '■'•"■'    l"^'    ""' 

11  e    beh,,:    ran  ,1          „„      „      ;     '     l',  ^o.   o(   brlcU'    llulldlugB    PHHl. d 

iubI  1,  H..1     I         ™'°   """=';    "'™  No.  of  brick  buildings   IPl,-. 'in 

".iiai.'r^r           ;         "    Z,       '     ""■  KsHiiialed   total   value    properly    1!«... »I'.'I.IK»1 

c.iiilpiiieiil.  Viler  Iralued'nndiiior  ""  '^Btliuated  total  value    eeliool    properly    ini.-. »JJN,.'1IK1 

perl.'ii.ed  lea.hera.  and  heller  roiirses  b(  k.xamiskiis.  ml  ntv  8UrKaixri:.\iii:\T«. 

of  Bliidy  and  grnde.l  flyste f  school  „       „,                     lu-iu,-  Klwood  Slier.  IS7I-IS7,-,;  Oliver  lliil- 

work.     Two  obje.iiona.  or     bnn.llcapB,  ■'°""      ' ''      '''''"'"•'hH",     1'<1.-'1>""  :  |on.  |K7.-.-l.'*.sl  ;  W.  II.  Klaon.  IKMl-IWII ; 

toward  the  liioi  cment  liavo  been  In  the  .'oscpli  Foxworthy,  lSll7-lS<ill ;  Arcil  K,  c.   i-;,   vinzanl.   1S1IIIS1I7;   J.  .M.   .Ncol, 

naliire  of  bad  and     means     of  While,   l.silO-lSTI.  IS'JT-lUll;   II.  J.  Hkeclcri,  llill — 

siiporlatlvo  degree  tliey  would  say  "as  Jail  was  biilll.  It  stands  on  the  cor-  the  cveellent  Iiiirr  type,  to  which  the 
high  as  the  eourl  house  spear  1"  The  ner  of  High  nnd  VIrglnIo  Btreets.  I'onnty  foitunalely  turned.  II  was  • 
l.iilldlnL'  wn«  begun  In  |SL'..i,  when  conn-  In  iw«  a  new  brick  biilbllng,  called  Howe  truss  bridge.  II  stoo.l  from 
ly  oiderfl  were  worth  only. '<!  reniB  on  Ihe  ".lerk'B  office."  was  built  In  Ihc  IS."..'!  to  I!ll:l,  im  years,  when  It  wbs  re- 
llie  dollar,  hntl  was  not  rinlBhe.l  unlll  soiiHiweBl  .oruer  of  Ihe  loiirt  house  moved  to  be  replneed  by  a  niaBslve 
IVIi  T|,o  ,.|ork  had  not  yet  move.l  vard  for  heller  prnlcillon  ngnlnst  fire,  roiicrrle  arch  bridge.  Henry  Wolf 
hl^  ofdie  In  Ihe  new  roiirt  honso  ami  to  a.'.niiimodnle  Hie  growing  buBl-  ronBlrucled  Iwn  brblges  of  Ihe  Iliirr 
whlrh  aiennutn  f..r  the  ilesfniellnn  of  hcbb  of  Ihe  eniinly.  II  liad  four  largo  lype  before  the  advent  or  JoBcph 
the  re.nrdB.  aa  Ihc  clerk'a  ofdi-e  was  rooiiin  on  each  Bldo  ..r  a  hall-way  for  .1.  Ilanlels.  The  (liBt  of  lhe,o  brldgcn 
ileBlroyed  by  fire  lale  In  IN.L'.  When  Ihe  elerk,  reorder,  trensurer  and  wa«  o.roBs  lllg  lla.-.'oon  (l,  at 
lb.'  old  building  wnn  lorn  down  In  nurtllor.  The  same  year  a  new  hrlcU  Portland  .Mills;  Ihe  se.ond  0. tobb 
1^711  by  Isaac  Mi-raddln,  J.iflt  fifty  biill.llug  wan  crc.ted  na  a  p.ior  aBylum.  I.lllle  Ila.ioon  (I.S--.I1I  Ihreo  nillea 
yeaia  nfler  11  was  begun,  mniiy  cli-  Thin  hulldlng  was  replneed  In  IIMM  hv  ensl  or  Ilockvlllc.  In  l'<iil.  J.  ,1.  I>iin- 
l/..'iiB  walled  In  niiMouB  eMie.inncy  Ihe  pie«enl  rommodlnUB  and  lian.l-  lels.  who  ha.l  hnllt  (ho  brblges  for  the 
ror  Ihe  imeanhlng  of  a  inylh.iloglrnl  BOliie  slrnrliire.  deslgiied  by  I,.  W.  Dvanavlllo  and  I'rawfordsi  llio  rail- 
hollle  or  whiskey  whi.'li  old  men  bbI.I  llrowii,  of  lloekvllle.  nnd  couslriicleil  rood,  two  of  tliciii  In  this  eounly.  and 
ha.l  been  plaied  In  Ihe  (oiimlnllnn  by  .lamcB  IloBwell.  o(  llloonilngdnle.  had  been  Bii|icrlnlendenl  of  that  rail- 
walla  of  Ihe  I. nlhllug  by  llio  workmen  :  Al  Ihal  tinio  fharb'B  M.  Tenllpiok,  ron.l.  came  to  lln.-kvllle  and  put  In  • 
hill    no   >ii.'li   legjuy   lo  n    fullli'n   gnior.  who    for    lienrly    Iweulv    yeniB    was    a  bid  nn  Hie  bridge  In  be  blllll  Hull  .vear 

nlloii    was    fniii.d,    nn.l   great    was   Ihe       iiiobI    efflel.'iil    so liileudenl,   wna  111  ncioBB    Hiiu-nr      I'reek      al      Ilo.kiiorl, 

dlBiippolnimeul.  .harge  of  Ihe  loiiiily  aBvluiu.  I'orluunlely  he  wa»  nwnrde.l  the  con- 

.\   log  Jail    lia.l   k'eii   bmli   011   loi   .".ii  iiiiii>ii'h  .vmi  iiiiii>,i:  Iiiimuno.  Irael.   and    ho   moved   Willi    hit   foiiilly 

noilh  of  Hie  ..III  hriik  Jail  ubi.h  nns  Ilevoml    Ih.'    biill.llug    nf    llin    court  lo    lloekvllle.      The    llo.kporl     brldgo 

ir.'.i.'il  1,01  long  afier  Hie  court  hoilB.'.  hoii«e  and  Jnll  no  puhll.-  ImiiroveiuenH  waBimliied    for  Andrew     Jackson     In 

ThlB  Jail  wn«  lined  iinlll  l.isi,  wlnn  or  any  iB'nminent  nnliiio  were  iiiider-  rouimemorallon   o(  lila   fniuouB     leant, 

the  jirrsenl  Jnll  wne  lompleied.     It  la  mVen  iinlll  Hie  I'ounly  began  lo  bnlld  "llie   I'edernl   I'nlon:    II     mii«l     »n.l 

BUM    Blaiidliig,    nnd    reeeiiily    was    re-  brldgcB   airosB   lis   niimeroiiB  ilrcann.  «bnll  be  preserved."     II  !■  worthy  ot 

paired  anil  remodele.l  by  John  ,?.  Ilru-  The  rirni  Imimrlanl  bridge  erctcl  al  nolo  that  this  majeillc  bri.lgo  <"  o"" 

he.k.   nol   In   any   aitempt     |o     "mod-  the   b.'glnnlng   of    rnrko   Cnniiiy's   e\-  «pnn  of  ■-•l"  feel   has  stood   lit  »"  >'• 

fiiiUc"  Hie  I. Ill  lanil-mnrk,   hut   lo  le-  Iraurdhmry  career   In   bridge  bulbllug  original  tirenglh,  nnd  w«<  not  nioiefi 

Riore  as  iiiiirh  as  po-sihic  Ihe  lype  of  was  the  Armle.biirg  bridge  nerosB  lllg  nn  Inch  when  »  few  yoari  »to  »  tor. 

orrhliectiiro  prevnlenl  nt  Iho  time  tho  JIu.coon.     'J'his   ivn»   not   n   brldgo   ot  n«do  lore  nnd   Iwliloil  every  iBmiie 

I   r.ill.r  fiMiii   11"  n...f.     Mr,   IliHil.ln 

,.„||l     l„lll.-.«    ,.l     IIMH.'VIH.-,'ln,,.    ^ ".   '^'x'-   Mill-,    r.nill. 

I    »ii,iill.-i'    In    Mirli.iiH   l';irl» 

„l  111,  ...Miiiy.  r\w  Iw.i  nilln.nil 
hll'l,;.-  iiniiSH  Mill.'  1111. 1  Illi;  llii. renin 
,,,„,,,,,  |„  |s,;m,  wl„.n  ln,„in„l,l.'« 
„,  -■"  <■'<"■  "'■'■'•  Khin.llMB  (M.n- 
ivilw    y,.i»    Mll.iuiinls.     «I"M,     I.K'..- 

iM.ltll.S      111      lIU.'l'      lllll.'H      lIllU         MclKhl 

'   |,il    nlhiil.'    I«   111.""   JoB.'lili 

\.  nil 1.  .iii"ili'  1-  >iniii.v  Ml-  111.'  Iliin- 

I,,.,.    , |.i,:.'..      Mr.    Ilrlli.iii    lii'Kiin 

liiiililltir.  liilili:.-"  In  I--V1.  Ulr.  ilr>t 
l.rlilp'  "n»  .Mi-.ii.l  ricro«B  l„.nlli.T- 
«„,.il  nil  Ihi-  Miiiil.v.iinili  mini:  IiIf 
,.,.M    ,„r....   SiiKii.'   rivU   nl    111.'    Niii- 

,n,.   ,  ■ni.'U       f.M       liullll.'      111.'      !■ llK 

i-.m.-iH  r.'iiH.  il  niill.lin::  imim.Imi  ImIiIk 
,K  „n.I  KM'  II  |..'il"'l  iinly  Inni  ^ll■■n. 
liir.  H  VMiv  conslihT.'.i.  Siirli  l.ilil'^i'- 
.  ,  ,..,.  .1.,  ,11  IVniil  .!.■  II.  Ip's  Mil' 
illl>;li  llii.lco.i  mill  inSK  l-iinl.  on 
Siijiir    ^lv,■^,    ni.T    llm      WiiliiiHh      ni 

.Miiiil.v.i n.ioMi   l.lltli.    III 

.Mliisliiill,    .Vi-w    liiBo.viTv      roiiil      mill 

K.m,    iiiiri    l.rlilK.'^    "ii'i-    .Mill    fl"l. 

iiTKl      mil.  I-      -I Ill-      i-MviMi.i.      Tlinli 

|.,iil„.  Coin:!,  ••loi.irn.-d  in  iU  IIir: 
;„M."     ilir  lliii.'iil.-il    lliirihr|.li!..;iiiiil 

, ,.   iiii'   ri'lli'i'iuiul    iir    Mr.     I'.iiil.'U 

.Mr.  Ilrllii.n  Inn.  «.'iiiMiilly  ImiMi  nvvunl- 
III  .iiiilnii'lK  I'm'  uiin.l.'li  lirldui'.i.  Ill' 
liMK  hiiMl  l"c.  11.  iiiKH  llli:  lln.-.oiin.  ninl 
III   |..ii;i  hi'  l.nlli   Ivm  liiri;i'  lirlilK.-H  In 

1 ninily,    ii'plii.lnt:    111.'    Iron    i.lril<- 

nil.',  iviilrh  "I'lil  il'iivn  In  llic  flo.i.l 
„r  ihiii  ynir  ..1  rnx'R  I'nr.l.  iinil  on-.l- 

l„K    »    .'IK-  111      till'     'rillinriulnHls 

li,iH|,     Diir.fmniH    U  lo     In'     cm- 

L'niinl il   nn    Iih   iiilli.'n'in'o     In     IIk' 

lv| r  l.rl.lK.'n   li"»  1 "   ""'"I 

III  iiiKiii'  liiTi'.  'nn'ri;  lire  yi't  Bliin<l- 
tin;  III  llii'  cii-li-ni  Siuii'B  ninny  llnrr 
lir.liii'H  lliiil  iM'rn  liiillt  111  Hn.'  oluli' 
l.i-iilli   ri'iiliirj. 

I'll.'    Iirlili-'i'   ntor    Mil'      Wiiliiifih     111 

M,,„i,.,. I     M,i»     innRlrui'lril       wlnn 

Mil  1, 11. 1    II.    N'lilliiin    rlminiinn 

.11,11    •riinliillH     II.     lint. 1111.'     wrru    i • 

iiilBKliiiioi'B.  V.'niillllnii  riiinity  wii« 
i,l>|i.iili'il  In  In  .in  c'liil.'in.'r  In  linvo 
I  III'  I'xi.i'iiH.'  Iniriii'  In  linlli  rnniillr.s. 
lull  Hint  (nntily  r.'fiiH.'il  In  Join  "Kli 
I'lirUn.  .Miilllizninil  wn«.  "f  rolllm'. 
illliililniniiHly  III  I'llvor  nC  liiillilln::  llin 
l.rlili;.',  nil. I  In  lli.'lr  rfl'Mls  llii'  p.'.iplo 
Ml    ll.i.-killl.'    .1.111.(1.       In    r.i.l.      Ilii'r.' 

«in.   ii'ry    lilll (...-Illnll.   r-vi'li    wll.'ll 

V.  rnillllnii      ■■nnnly's     rcliiMil      |.|niu.l 

iillri'  1 1. '11  on    I'lirkn.     Al    lliln 

nili'lii.'.  llH'  "Inn--  lioiiil.'il"  inlvlco  m' 
Siiinii.  1  I',  c'nllln,  ivho  ivns  llion  Anill- 
liir,  iinviilkd  wllh  llic  c'nniiiilBaiollcia. 
.Mr.  Ciillln  ninlntnlnod  tlint  llir  rofnsnl 
nr  Vcnnllllon  ronnly  wns  n  bkssiliK 
In  illhmiliii'.  lln  fiild  Hint  sni.nor  or 
liil.r  l.nlli  c  Union  nnil  Cnyntn  woiilil 
iMiiil    l.ililt.'K.    iinil    llini.    l.'Mlini.'-,    In 

III.' innlnlK..    iii'll     Nu'ivl.nrl    v.inilil 

|,l'l      1.1,.'.         I'.,\      I'SlllllllBlllllK     lln'     I'rL'fc- 

.l.'iil  nf  nn.'li  Cniinly  Inill'llnL-  ll»  own 
InlilB.'K.  I'luUo  would  l.i'  iilimilM'.l  frnni 
liillilni:  liilllil  llio  lirldL-CH  Unit  wunlil 
III   III.'   I'liliiro  111'  ili-lniinili'il  l.y   lln'  vnr- 

mm  i.iiniinnillli's  ol'  \  rmin- 
ly.  Dii'iiu  hiivo  provi'il  llir  wImI.iih 
i,r  .Mr.  CnlllirB  li.lvico,  wlilrli  wilB  IllU- 
in.  mill  llin  iiroBi'nl  Iron  lirlilur  .1I 
.Monliznnm  ororli-il  In  IS'.H.  II  vvhh 
llinndil  lo  bo  n  vv.'nk  IirlilKo.  «il ll- 
in II  yi'nr  nrirr  lln  Imlldlnit  II  wnw  Biili- 
Jcrlril  In  llio  Rlrnlii  of  lllo  KronlcBl  li'O 
iioru'i'  I'H'i  knnwn  In  Iho  Cnnnly. 
llrlilt.'H  Miri'  Bwi-iu  awny  by  ilio  Wii- 
ImHli,  iinil  ollii-r  Inrc  Blrcninn  In  the 
Hlnlr,    bill    tlinl    nl    .Monli'/.nnin.    Willi 

Ik  Iron  |.lrr«  Bliw.d.  However.  Ibcac 
l.brR    wiri'     iiflrrwnrdn     Btniitlbi-nrd 


II  ry 

It  IR  probiiblr  tlint  I'nrkn  b.i>.  inoro 
brblKiB  llimi  nny  ollnr  i^mnty  In  In- 
illnim.  In  fml  onr  I'nniily  ImR  iinno 
to  I'Mri'iiii'R  In  Iho  innllir  oT  IoIiIki' 
bnllilliiK.  Ho  cniii|ib'loly  lini  IIiIr  work 
I. ('I'll  il.'.niniillRlicd   Hint   It   !■  liuw   lin- 

|i..iiRlhl.'  to  liiril  n  Hlnniii  mnl  vmiIit 
liorRi'B  In  111.'  old  luiy  on  miy  of  llir 
iiuilii  iniiiU  iir  Iho  I'oiinly  :  Inil  It  Ih  n 
Kl'i'iit    IIiIiil:   lor   niilmn..liili'   lrn\eb'rR. 

In  lhi.  Iiiil|..liii-  or  Ir.'.'  tii.|i|i'l..'i< 
Pnrke  I 'mini  v  wO'-  llii'  l.hiiiior.  Wlilb- 
not  111'  ii-rord.  II  liiia  loim  l.i'i'ii  nr.i'pt 

Kh   onr   I'linnly.      Side 
.\  n  ns  "Connly  rondfl." 


.•iU.  no  linpriivi'rt  IiIkIiwiiv  wn«  con- 
ill.  lid  In  I'lii'ke  I'nnnly.  'I'linl  yenr 
Rtiirli  roinpmiy  wnn  nri.'nnl/.ed  to 
lid  n  plunk  loml  tliroimli  the  connly 
mil  111.'  WnhiiBh  (o  (lio  I'nthnm  lino. 


\:.:'.  l  '\ 

I'd  IIB  II  fii.t  Hint  onr  foiinly  r.Mnplito.l 
Ihi'  lli'Rt  rri'i'  Kinvel  iimil  In  Ilio  Stnle. 
Al  liny  rnln  llnnieilliili'l.v  nl'lrr  llio 
piiBsiim-  or  111!'  Alt  pi'ovldliiK  tor  the 
iniiBlrnitlon  of  free  liirnplkeB  by  lux- 
hiK    li'iil    e    wllhln    l»i'   miles.    Hie 



7.II11II1  road  from  llnekvllle  to  lloeUy 
Uiin  »aB  heKiiii.  Tlint  I'nII  the  road 
wnn  .iiinpleti'd  l.sTT  -mid  next  year 
the   .Meceft   rond    wni*  u'ravcled. 

lint  we  are  ahead  of  llic  beKlnnlliR       nimble    lo    r  ml    nnybody    who    knovyi 
ot  onr  load  ayatcin,  nnil  a  van  ol!  Ita      Iho  lalo  o(  toll.    TUo  plunk  road  prov- 

r  iiouHK. 

Till'  Rio.'k  wna  iirln.lpiilly  taken  by 
illl'/.i'iiR  of  lloikillle  nn^l  .Miinleznimi. 
In  bnllillnu-  Hiln  load,  pnrllenlnrly  In 
lli'Bervo  towiiRhlp,  the  |iliink8  were 
laid  on  srnvcl  thai  would  have  iiindc 
a  piriminenl  I'niid.  but  noliody  tlmnchl 
of  iirIiir  n  liinlerl.ll  Hull  lias  Bince 
proved  of  Bii.h  Kreiit  value.  Toll  pntes 
were  pill  lip  nt  vtll'lona  plneex  olonK 
the  road,  and  nil  who  iiaed  It  were 
coiniielled  to  pay.  HioiikIi    I   have  been 

;'','.;.'"  "S.     ''',■■.■'''  '•^■?  ■.'•-'"  •    -■*■--■■.-■-'■'•'■:-.' 



':-^^:  ■■^.-  -'Sil^pM^ 

NINO  i.inu:  HArmoN  rarRK.  i:.iht  nf  rik'kvh.i.k™ 

deielnpment.     In  the  early  days  roadu 
were  nil. rely  pn^6n|;eB  ninnliiR  throiiKh 
llie  fiiriBlB.  ri'oni  wlilili  Hie  I 
been    I'linred.      •'Slate      rnada 

'd  a  failure.     Il  wab  ureal  when  new 

o   drive  nt   a  Uol     over     lla     entire 

bud       kncth,  while  all  other  roailB  wern  hub 

deep  In  bind;  but  In  a  eoinriarallvely 

dealu'nnled    by   three   nnl.heB   cut    with       hhorl   llliio   the   phinka   bennn    lo   wnrp 

BtnnillnK  nlonpalde  the 

rl  lip,  making  the  plunk  road  u 

road— nil    Idea   thai   lion     lately     been,     nnlBnncn   lo   thoBO    who    traveled 
larrled   oiil     by     niarklnic     telephone      It.     Albeit  Oo»r.  wrllhiK  In  Tlir  llmk- 
puli'B  to  dealKnato   Ibo     I'lko'i     I'enk      I'll'i;  7'rlliiini;,  Juniisry  m,   11110,  ••/• 

that  the  Plank  fond  wns  Hie  flral  rond 
In  the  iiiniily  to,  InUe  ndvanliiKe  nl 
rn\lniB  and  vnlleyH  to  nhlain  eiiHy 
crndea.  lie  relnlea  nlRo  that  one  rnriii- 
er  linnled  l»  bnahelB  of  »beat  to  .non- 
li/nniJl  when  the  road  wna  new:  bm 
OR  a  reaillt  he  had  to  have  all  of  bla 
wliei  In    "filled." 

.\liont  the  year  isiir*.  when  linrRi'R 
were  freipiently  "Blnlled"  In  the  iiiiiil 
on  the  piiblle  Biinnre.  ThnmnB  N.  Iih-e 
niillaled  L-rnvellni:  the  Ripinre.  A  pro- 
lonnd  dl'i  iirrIoii  nt  once  aniRe  na  in 
the  effleaiy  of  L-rnvel,  and  the  po«i.|. 
bllliy  of  iiliinliilne'enoiti:li  of  li.  .Mr. 
llli'O  nrrirnied  thai  enoiiKh  Rood  iiravel 
I'onbl  lip  round  on  WIIHnniR  ('reek  to 
HI  lenBi  crnvrl  tbo  Norlb  Side,  mid  In 
order  lo  eitnvlnce  "donbtltiK  Thoni- 
naeB"  of  bin  nBHertlon.  took  a  bIuiwI 
lind  eondiii'led  them  to  the  ereek. 
BhowliiL'  Hie  iinnltly  or  the  craxel  nnd 
Ita  iirohiiblc  iiininllly.  Wllh  aniiio  iiiln. 
kIvIiikb  It  »nH  decided  to  rlak  the 
ercek  for  the  .\nrlli  Side.  It  wa". 
thererore,  Rradeil  nnd  Kiaveled.  Willi. 
Ill  ten  yenra  nil  aldea  or  the  piihlb' 
Bijnaro  had  been  Ki'aveleil  frnin  WII- 
ItaniB  Creek  and  Hinnflnnda  or  ynrdn 
have  been  procnied  iilimi.'  ItB  t'oni-BO 
lor  other  alreela  and   roiida  alni-e  the 

A  It  hi 

el    Iho 

Bidernbly  depleted   of  irood 

Ireek  at  lilch  water  ronlliinei.  lo  wnah 

lip  bars  of  Rrnvel  and  Band. 

Tbo  ailc.eBB  nl  the  .Vorlli  Side  ex- 
perlnienl  lininedlnlely  led  tn  Hie  build- 
hiK  of  two  toll  Krniel  rondfl.  A  entn- 
pany  wna  nremilzed  and  In  IsiiT  biillt 
Hie  llnekvllle  and  llellmnre  load,  .Ina- 
eph  A.  Ilnyd  beliiK  one  nf  the  biilld' 
er».  Ne.Nt  year  Hie  lloikvllle  and  An 
iiiipnllB  Inll  road  una  eonatriieied 
InrKely  Hirmn-li  the  cfforla  of  llnrnn- 
bna  I'.  Ilobba. 

I''i>r  ten  yeara  the  two  loll  loadR 
were  Hie  only  irooit  roadu  In  Hie  ('nnip 
ty.  l'./'ople  l.nd  In  pay  for  (ihIiik  Hiu 
loadB,  bill  they  aervetj  the  unod  pnr- 
pose  or  rdniathm  the  piiblle  lo  nn  np 
pre.lallmi  or  the  value  of  Improved 
IiIkIiwii.ib  and  deinonBii-ateil  that  tfrav- 
el  waa  excellent  road  limlerlnl.  Sn 
when  the  riral  free  turnpike  Inw  wna 
piiaaid  onr  Connly  waa  rend.i'  lo  pro- 
reed  wllh  the  bnlldlliK  or  k-rnvel  rnada, 
na  n  rnnrinned  priM'tb'nl  certainly, 
nnd  not  na  an  exjierlineiit,  na  waa  Hie 

111   nioBl 


The  rnada  lenillnk'  Into  Urn  ki  lllo 
were  all  itrnviled  wllhln  five  yenra  af- 
ter the  bnlldInK  of  the  flrRl  road.  Two 
of  llieao  ronda  had  In  the  nicantlino 
ccaaod  to  bo  operotcd  for  loll,  aa  the 
twenty-year  franchlBO  lind  expired. 
The  County  "took  them  over,"  but  hnd 
to  do  much  repair  work  on  them  to 
brlun  them  np  to  Iho  free  turnpike 
ainndard.  of  conrao.  they  were  nol 
keid  In  jiood  repair  by  their  private 
owiiera  fur  ninny  nionllia  pieeedlnR  the 
expiration  of  the  rraiichiae. 

Willie  Iho  ronda  lendlnK  to  the 
I'ounly  aent  wore  belnn  ronRlrinied 
moat  or  Iho  lownalilpfl  were  t'lnvellnK 
tlieir  main  roada  under  the  "two- 
liillc  llnill"  Inw.  I'erliapa  IIHI  inllea 
were  lllliB  built  belore  lite  pnBBn«o  of 
tbo  present  law  which  provided  for 
Imndlnx  townalilpa  for  tlio  pnyinent  of 
made  InBlenil  of  Inxlnx  the  land  own- 
era  nitliln  two  inllea.  Ilooda  over 
three  nillea  In  length  voted  on  nt  apee- 
Inl  clectlona  have  rarely  fnlled  lo  bo 
irrnveled.  One  road  waa  "bent"  In 
Adaiiia  lowiiahip:  one  In  lleaervc  nnd 
one  In  Florida.  Tlieao  arc  the  only 
Inatancca  I  recall  where  cleetlnna 
went  acnlnat  the  roada,  but  II  la  not 
Inlendeil  na  a  poalllV(<  atatenienl. 
.  The  I.eBlalnlllro  or  MH.I  created  IhO 
nreaeiil  ayaleni  of  inalnlennnie.  I'rov- 
louB  to  that  lline  the  County  Com- 
inlBRlonera,  each  »ltll  a  dlalrlct,  hod 
rliarRO  of  the  work  of  malntcnanco, 
Willi  local  iuiierlnlendenla  under 
tliom,     Tlieao     luporlntondonli     woru 



'   mill 

y      SMlHTllll.'l 


u^-p  of     hiKli 

■n.o    ll\\    Irv 

II  ii'iili  nil   11 





or     1 



kI    I 


NHl.       'I'lll'    •Slllll-    I'Ult 

..ii.'il  nliKMit!  Iho  CI) 
0  $7..".:i»..'l'i.     The 
ii|i   h.v   llic   Coimi) 
|i,T  mill'  of  ?.-.ii.i:. 
r, aiiiic  iir  iiiiK  In 

Inn.    lii'iirKi'    ^v.    s 
iilw  lit   I'lirkc  Toil 
nrhi'ca    lluxroi'il      » 





0  nnt 

nt    R 

1=   III- 
cr,    11 





•A,  Jn 

iimr.v,  llilil,  1 

y  S 

A.  Nolilc. 


iS'nii  (£mu- 

t  Bioiuip 


.1   nov 

»   -Ihc 

I    hot! 

V    we   i-.iim;   to 

biillilliii:   or 

,0.      Won-    11 




3         IT 





nnil  Jnll  It  »nH  nn  iiiiiili  aiiriirlKlnx  In 
tho  iiroi'iturt  lioimc  puny  nn  to  Ihn 
niillioiiit  liniiiio  imrty.  for  Into  mirli 
l.iirllrii  thi-  |..o|ili>  liislnnlly  illvlilccl. 
AlmoKt  ini'i-yliody  iKlmllli'cl  the  no- 
ri'imlty  nf  r  lifW  Jnll,  hut  tho  nnllH 
driiird  thni  Rny  iicccaiilt.x'  cxlstid  for 
a  new  cotirt  Iioubo. 

iif  tiio  iiiocilnni  vnTo  Cli- 
nic lo  .Inmcn  r.  .Inhniwii 
nil  of  mVomi  liiBl 

kIiI|i,  nt  cm* 
pcmMl  In  di-hnlc  lo 
nml  Thnmna  N.  Ill< 
Iholr  Icmii.r.  I  <ui«  ono  of  >ho  hoi « 
«hii  well'  nl«n.v"  |irni.nit  nl  Ihc  meet- 
hiL-a,  nnd  ri'inil  IhnI  .Inhn  II.  Moiidli' 
wan  the  only  njipiihcr  wliii  lundo  R 
caliii  nnd  dtnimmloniitc  nrgiiiiicut.  .Mr. 

rItliB  domiind  It,  I  «ou|il 
dciiht  the  piopricty  of  go- 
he  story  of  Ihiit  mormy  pcr- 


mnilc.  OlhiTwImi  Ihc  InllldlnK  ilnndl 
tnihiy    IIS   pliilllii-d    hy    the   iirchllei'l. 

'J'hc  tivo' licikillle  pnpers  nerc  do- 
I'hledly  neiiiinl  (liirlni:  nil  ihe  illi-i'im- 
slon  of  Mils  unhjcl  wlilrh  rnm-d  with 
liver  hem  nil  over  Ihe  roiinty.  Iliil 
II  umli  wnl'HhIpn  nf  Ihe  I'lrsl  elans  re- 
Inneil  to  fire  hnmilnldes,  nut  so  tlio 
■•MiM/i."  This  mile  .s  X  111  shell, 
»liu>e  Held  WHS  llorkvllh-  nioiir,  »ltli 
II  iierslKlen.c  nnd  liiipiiileneo  wnrMiy 
ur  lis  linme,  fired  i,'iiliin):ly  Into  Ihn 
onciiiy  lo  the  srent  plensiire  of  Iho 
iiiiirt  home  pnrly.  nnd  I'orrespondlnif 
lilsidensiire  of  tho  O|i|iosltlon,  'Iho 
"llrn/i'«"  cxlMtenco  »««  brief.  It 
cloned  Its  enrcer  on  the  ilny  the  nhl 
house  bCBiin  lo  ho  deniollnhed.  .Mnrch 
1!!,  l.xTIi,  dei'liirlni:  its  mliiiilon  nf  » In- 
iilng  tho  rik'lit  for  ii  new  loiirt  Iiouhc 
ivn«  nir.  .;,/ri.!;y  .-liviHiHinBl,,,!.  U, 
demise  wns  thus  chronlehd  III  one  ol 

llendlo's      '■li.enls: I'lic      Knliirilail 

irn»;i  liiiitr.cB  nnd  stlni;s  no  more.  It 
WRB  lovely  In  life  nnd  In  denlh  It  hbs 
divided.  One  partner  took  the  type ; 
(he  other  the  eicoiints,  Nl  (looil  Iskev 
nny  kicks  tlmt  mny  ho  duo  tho  do- 






TniC  NEW  COtntT  ROUBK. 

II.    llendle    de 




IHNii,  merely  referhiK  to  them  nnd 
snylni;  "The  writer  Is  hliilBcIf  n  part 
of  IhiK  eonlesl.  ami  the  ninlter  Is  too 
reient   for   llnimrtlal   history." 

1  hope  thai  I  enn  he  fair  to  all  par- 
lies, Ihoiich  I,  ns  n  boy  nt  that  lime, 
«ns  naturally  n  fierce  parllann  on 
the  side  In  fRvor  of  bnlldlnc  the  court 

The  war  sliirled  liiimecMalely  nfler 
Ihe  .N-.ivemher  elerllon  of  LST.-i.  In 
thai  election  Znrhnrlnh  livers  nnd 
■Mnhhiii  W.  Mnrslinll  were  defeBtcil 
for  ii-e|e,Unn  ns  Coiiinilssloners.  They 
lind  lonit  enlerlnlneil  llie  Idea  that  the 
iniinly  needed  n  new  eniirt  hoime.  nml 
Mini  the  lime  had  loiiie  In  liiilld  II.  In 
llils  opinion  their  enlJenKne,  William 
•  ■nrmlrhnel.  ii.mnrred.  When  the 
l'omnil»slnnei-s  announced  llieir  In- 
cllnatlnn  to  build  a  now  conrt  house 

Of  i-onrso  every  man.  woman  and 
rhihl  In  Iloikvllle  was  In  favor  of  n 
new  eoiirt  house;  nnd  It  Is  aurprlslnR 
lo  what  extent  partlBanphI))  may  go 
with  women  nnd  ehlldren  In  a  crisis 
Hint  Involves  nnd  solldlflea  n  wlinic 
ifiminiinlty.  This  was  one  rennon  why 
Ihc  iimtcBt  heennic  so  hitter.  The 
nntl-coiirt  house  pnrly  railed  meetlnKB 
for  Ihe  entire  County  to  he  held  In 
I  lie  nhl  conn  hnilae.  Few  ro.ids  were 
tnnd  eiioiiRh  lo  enionrnce  Journeys  lo 
llie  eoimty  fleal  In  mld-«inlcr.  so 
when  Ihe  cnniparnllvely  few  nnll- 
i«nrl  house  people  enme  to  the  meet- 
Injt  they  found  the  room  crowded, 
whole  seetliins  of  senls  IveInK  filled 
with  hoys  ready  to  rhecr  every  uller- 
nme  In  favor  of  the  i^iirl  Iioubc  jind 
lo  Jeer  ami  "Kuy"  tho  speakT^ra  oppos- 
ed lo  II.  Annry  nnd  healed  dehntes 
ihni-nrlerlr.ed  these  meellngs.  John  i:. 
Wondiird.  of  Illnomluk'dnle,  Dnnlel 
and    Albert  ThoinRS,  of   Union   town- 

lleaille,  who  had  heen  In  the  West  for  On  Ihe  first  of  ^'"■'•-  '^■;\'''''  •;™': 

len    vears.   had    returned   to   Itoekvllle      iiilBsloners  let  Ihe  ennlrnet    (or  bn  Id 
lo  spend  tho  winter,  and  wns  preBcnl       Inc  lo   W.   Il_.   .Myers,  of  I- 1 

at    every    meellni;.    Bpealdmi    In    favor      " 

of   the    proposed    lmpro^  eliient. 

.Mennwhile   Ihe  CommlRslonera     met 
In  regular  and  spcelal  sesalons  lo  enn- 

.  _    rl   houBc   and   »l<l.- 

iKMl'   for    the    Jail    and    sheriffs    rrsl- 
denre.     Work   wns  begun  Immeillately. 

Bider    the    i|ne«llnn. 

nnd   early   In   Ihe 

year    IRTft    decided 

In      ndverllse      fur 

plans   nnd     speelfP 

illons      for      court 

house  nnd  Jail.     Ma 

ny  plans  were  siih- 

milled    hy   nrchlleel 

s    at    the    meetings 

of  the   Heard  held 

In   Ihe     old     coiirl 

since  thr 

rKiilnr  phi. 

Ing  In  Ihe  Audllc 
smiill.  lo  n.coiumndnlc  the  nrelilteela 
nnd  speilnlorB.  They  nilo|iled  Ihe  plan 
of  T.  .1.  Tnhin  ti  Son.  of  rt.  Wayne, 
which  originally  cnihrnied  n  struclure 
of  red  pressed  hrlik  trimmed  with 
limestone.  Ileforo  Ihn  foundntlnn 
wns  rompleled  Ihn  cnnlrailor  agreed 
10  suhslllule  ston..  for  hrlck  nl  no  ad- 
ditional cost,  snd   Ihls     chango     wns 

the  opiinalllon  lo  Ihc  biilldlng  of 
Ihc  court  house  now  tenk  R  new  turn 
11  wns  proposed  Hint  Hie  cnunly  BCat 
he  moved  from  llnikvllle.  This  met 
wllh  Ihe  approval  of  l.ra.thRllv  all  of 
ihe  anil-eourl  house  parly,  which  up 
In  Ihe  point  of  choslng  the  plme  was 
similarly  cohesive.  Then  enme  Ihc 
declsl.m  whi.h  had  to  he  mRdo  be- 
tween lUooiiilngdaic  and  Monlezun.a 
i:nili  had  hoped  to  he  Hie  favored 
town,  nnd  when  lll"Oiulngdiile  was 
ihoseu  iiui.h  of  the  fight  went  out  of 
MontMimiB  The  law-  rei|ulred  ,l>  pe- 
illlon  signed  hy  sixty-five  I'or^"'-  "^ 
Ihe  Inxiinycrs  nnd  voters.  Tho  l>c- 
imon  was  circulated  .11  over  Ih. 
County  and   ovcrywiiore  received  si»- 

n;ililr.>  ■  \o'|il  In  l.-orki  llhv  A  rt- 
iiMHifrnttii  •'  i«K:ilnr<l  mo*  hi::  the  futin 
t>  •*-■!  mii»  |ir<iiar<'«l  .iinl  mm  t  Uoroii*- 
l<  •Inllliili'd  :<»  Ibi'  lalllion.  II  »u 
al  this  Jiin.iiiK'  thai  William  1. 
Whin-,  (■..iiniv  IC.-wnli-r.  Iiapin-niil  to 
oHiK-  ai-riRw  that  pruilxlon  In  th<>  or- 
l;:liial  4'■^■a^  l.y  Andrio  l:a> 
•  nil  tlH'  r<uir<id<'ratii>n  llial  II<>k>lll- 
»•»  lu  ■r.-iiiilii  III.  |.  riiiaiM'nt  -al  i.f 
jiimln'  uf  ■■iirk.'  I'oiinlt."  ir  IhlM 
>i>ni|i«<l  kImiiiM  \h-  iliilali'il  lh<-  n»n<r 
iir  .v.T)  |>w-.-  i.f  i-«lat.-  In  Knck 
>lll<'  IlK-'lM-d   In   It    liail  li'uul   n'^iini" 












•      H. 

■  1HM>LII. 


th.-  ti 
.  1      r 



f«»r  daiiiu::i-s.  Tills 
rat  hill       Mas         tlir 

hail  1.-, 

ItiiiUif     t 

r  .aim 
1  "I'l"' 
It   .nil. 

liK  iMan>   tB\|.i>i-is  who 

'-A  1 IMIni:  the  i-oiiii 

r»in    truui   iilfnilttl! 


tiN-    iM-tltHin    or    In    <.lrn    tbr      ri^inona-  i  iil.-nts 

lran.-<-      ThiK  »as  |.artl.  ularlj   true  of  Ih.    r«i 

till'   .<uiiilHrn   f..«n»hl|«.     « Ixri-     Ihi'  hi 

t'l^lMiflllliin    III   nHi%<.   thi'  .iHiBt>    arat  .atlr.- 

Ill    lllf»iiilni:dali-   waa     not     ri  nt- rally  *  a"  hU 

nn  on  lK>lh  uhliii  of 
1.'  uf  nas  a 
\v  Ihi-  fPiia  rutting 




oii-r    III*.   it>iint.v      a<.al''> 


Hii»xii'r*a  KMiiic.xi-r. 

raui^  iiitaKely  iinlll  far  Into  the  aillii' 
1IIIT  uf  lsT!>.  lliM-ki  llh-  ilF.'l<lml  |.i 
.-  I.  i.raii.  iIm-  li.iinh  I.f  July  wlih  Ihi- 
•li>rl  of  luni-illatln;;  as  ninth  as  |*os 
III.-  Ihi'  hiMtih'  MOtlniPnt.  Al  ooiT 
'  rlial  it'li'lirallon  was  plannrd  for 
"iinli-znnia.  Ily  Ihia  lln"  Ihr  fonnda 
:liin  Mulls  of  thr  roiirt  lionM-  wrre 
will  aInnK  and  Ihi-  pnispi^t  favorahtc 
r..r  nlalnlnc  lU-  r..Mnly  s<.il.  An  In- 
.  Idrnt  of  III*.  f-t.|i'brallon  at  llockvllle 
was  a  |«rad.-  fioni  I'mn  lu^Mishlp  iro- 
InK    In    Mnnti'Ziinia    with    varlniis    hmi- 

nn;  and    mnttixs   dHiidi.lly    nn.-o II 

niintary  In  ISm  k<  llli-.  This' 
lasa'd  ah>nK  tlic  Nortli  Midi-  ..f  Ihi' 
|.iib!|.-  xiiiari'  and  on  In  Vontnocin. 
Arrlnionluna      and      fXasiw.retlBK     In- 

lair  rinislird  tin'  runlmctor  filli-d.  lit,- 
had  rnelvrd  a  larRi'  |iorl ion  of  Hit 
•  i.nlrait  i.rln-  wlrn  ho  thri'w  ii|.  Ilic 
jiib.  Thin  haiiiM'n.^  Jiisl  as  ".  I'  Itr.m  u 
»n.I  John  T.  <'ullln::s.  nun  »ho  h::d 
Ih-i'm  Btri.nKly  opi'.iKd  lo  ihf  l.iiildlnic 

I  uii'iiiliulon.  m.  What  woi.ld  IIh-.v  dnV 
Iti'fiiai'  to  ISO  alK-ad  ulfli  inp  work  as 
nian.i  tiBMiEhl  tliiy  nili:ht  dnV  Th.y 
.Ihi  MO  sii.h  thlni;.  Thpy  i'i.i|.lo.\pd 
i;.iirj;.-  W.  I'ulllnjs  as  I'l.nnly  Agon: 
III  iiiiil.  rial,.-  Ihi'  >.  i.rk  Of  rinlshiiij! 
II..'  I.iilldinu-  :i.'.'ordini;  to  ll~  original 
lilans.  >lr.  I  ullln^-s  rinph.y.-d  nVlllr-d 
wi.rki.i.-n.  UM-r  nhnni  hi-  lilacd  I«aac 
M.ladilln  as  furi-iiian.  The  Uautiriil 
niiodt^ork    In    tlic    building   was   done 

bi  smh  iiiaAtiT  rtrpontira  aa  Jaairs 
and  "Jh.  k"  tjtst,  I'loaaaot  ItroHti 
.  nd  Aan-n  lU.  k 

The  I'oimty  prolllrd  lo  tin-  Ptt<'nl 
I.f  prrliaps  rjii.mi  l.y  th.-  cliriiin. 
atancf  that  slnirtural  Iron  fuml-lM'd 
bj  Ihi-  llasa  foundry  of  It.  Wayn. 
and  brh  k  rnrnlslinl  by  William  Mi  - 
Kay  were  Deier  |.ald  for.  The  iiiuter- 
lal  had  b*-on  sold  to  Myers  wIhi  failed 
lo  |.av  for  It  and  the  I'ontention  of 
the  I'omnilssloners  that  the  del.t  was 
;:tnlnKt  bint  an. I  not  I'arke  I'mtnty 
uaa  sustained  liy   the  Sniireme  t'oiirt. 

Tlie  lorner  stone  i.f  iIh-  .-oiirl  Iioiih- 
was  laid  on  the  nth  of  Si-ptembt-r. 
Ix?".  l.y  I'arke  l.odi:e  No.  h,  v.  and  A 
M.  'llie  oration  waa  deliver,  d  l.y  llr 
llnrriaon  J.  Hl.v.  White's  <orn.-t 
Hand   played,  as   the   stone   uas   loner 

•  d.  ihsl  iK-aiitlfiil  air  frnni  -.MaiP 
tan  I,"  '•s«e«-t  Spirit  Hear  My 
I'ra.ver.''     Tlie   s.tire     ..f     the     nmsli 

playeil,   loxellier    with    iiian.>      me n 

looa.  was  plared  In  a  lln  \<o\  Inside 
the  alone.  When  tlie  remeni  had 
lK.«n   laid   and   all   exer-'isi-a  r..nclndi-d. 

•  Iranil  JIaMer  ItolK-rt  VanValiah.  n  h.i 
I'ondii.'tr.l  llie  ceremonies,  eirlalnied 
»ltli  dram.illi  solemnity:  ".May  een. 
Ilirles  ilal-se  ele  the  t.'kens  ii.n-ln  de- 
IKislli'd    si-e   the   lUht    of  da.i  :" 

<m  iIm'  -SM  of  Kebniar.v.  l>>^:.•.  ihu 
diill.'aflon  i-ereiiMinles  wen-  it>ndii<'t 
I'd  «llh  creat  enthusiasm.  An  nr. 
ihiMra  rroiii  liidlana|>.|ls  waa  encas- 
ed l.y  tlH'  iiMinly  ofrin-m  IIh-ii  In  aer 
>|.v.  to  lnler.K|Hr-e  the  spii-elii-s  m.idi 
l.y  iiii-n  who  vnre  on  b..lh  sides  of  the 
i|iN-stlon  of  biiUdln;:  That  eventni; 
tlie    cor-lihin    were    de\ol<-.l      to      liii- 

pro I"    da.irlni:    and    general    ni.  rry 

niskl:i'.-.  mil  from  (hat  lime  on  our 
l"ii|.l.'  hiiM  uH.inl  towards  tiK'  day 
pri'vli.  li'.l  b)  a  jlnsli-  xritKn  for  llie 
■il.Mj."    b>    Jam.-s    ll.nri    SIrous.-: 

"A>d  .krn  on  I..3I. 



ks  wt-Ail.«Y  v«n«  p. 

>.i...  aVr  Ik,  U.i 

Yaw  aratcFly  tKc«   ah 

.11  k^  . 


Vha'll  Lici  •«>,» 

tkc  CO«f1 

ko«.c   " 

itiii^r.  QIawal  aitb  ilatlrerJs 

Al.llllll  i^ll    III.'     stiam:<Kit     bad 
l-.n    III! I  tit. 1I     Ihlrti-in      yearn 

uaiil/.i).  It  waK  m.t  until  llie  y.ars 
aliirnards  ihit  II  b.-.anie  a  comnion 
siFht  un  the  Wal-a-h.  At  first  the 
iM-el  lK>at  was  lis.  d  l.y  all  irbohrousbt 
ironds  to  the  new  fonnty  up  the  river 
and  erii-ks  Keel  l^jata  were  fioIMI, 
"r  piill.d  ii|.  stream  liy  mpis.  Tbe 
llrnt  i.tiaiiil««it  The  'I'loiiililoy-  — 
ii.a.l.  Ii.r  W.I)  ii|.  Ih.  Waliasli  t..  th.- 
niiiiitli  i.r  l:i^:  l:a.  .lain  In  l><JI.  In 
l^-.i;.  III.  "Xi.i.  rii-an-  I.oni  ilnnnnnl. 
.ai.n  lip  Siu-ar  •  r.-.-k  and  iiier  the 
ilai.i    at    I'Marils    Mill,    landin;:    al    the 

I. th  III   IIiikIi  I  r.  .k.  the  rlii-r.  U  Inx 

<■r.^  hU-li.  had  Im.  ki'd  Into  Siicar 
•  ■r..k.  si.aiiilH.alii  -uion  .llspla-iil  ihi- 
'..-.-l  hiKit.  anil  a-  mtiiialhin  diirlnE 
liaiM  ,.r  the  >.ar  «as  |a>5sll.le  as  bich 
up  111.  rlier  as  l.iifayi'tte.  many 
siiaii.laiats  wire  aiallable  for  freight 
lid  passi-ngir  ».-r>|.  e  here  after  Ivjr, 
i.<Mts  wer.-  hinl.-d  from  Miinteiiiii.a. 
and  ••III.  r  sl-aiiitoai  lan.llni:s  l.y  waL- 
t<i  liokiill.  and  ..lli.r  Interior 

The  liii.Mi.r.  n .,.  ih.' 
prln.lial  nK-aiiM  ..I  .tinnyiiiB  pr^idiir.- 
Imm  11.1  roii!.l.>  Kl.ill«iatB  wire 
.•lilt  on  III.  Wai.a^h.  Itic  lu.Tuon. 
•iiuar  iri^k  anil  Miiiller  .•.Ir.aiiu.  At 
■  •aM  .11.  loat  ..i«  iHilll  .n  l.mie  l:ae 
•  <.n  for  th.  ii.iirii  -.»  d.i.i  n  Ih.-  rli.r 
.1  \.-«  llrh-ans  11..-  hil  Idini;  of  \\\\, 
...1!  ->»,  th.  Mihi.el  ..r  a  ,„,»-r  l,> 
h.  lal.  lal.ln  •;ill.>..ii.  r.  ad  l«  for. 
h.     I'ark.-    iiiiinl.;    S.k1.  ly. 

It  was  l.nlll  al  <:llkesnn'<i  Mill.  »:;>at 
of  I'atlln.  Klalboats  were  IniiU  at 
Je^siip  and  Hunt's  .Mill  on  Hii^nr 
Mill  i'n-<-k.  nn  of  whh  h  Klwood 
Hunt  wiM-n  a  i-hlld  made  Ibe  voyacv 
fi  tbe  uioulh  of  tbe  Creek,  wber«  II 
waa  loaded  at  tlM  point  Bc«r  tbtf 
I^oek  Rlrer  Club  House.  la  tboM 
diys  c  road  lead  to  tbla  point  wbcre 
many  mt-loafs  were  loadeil.  This  old 
r.iad  Is  still  used  from  llie  piil.lle 
hichiiay  to  the  I'liih  l|..ii»e.  Ilat- 
Uiats  were  rinali-il  over  dams  when 
tlH'  I  n-eks  were  hU'h  and  |«s*ed  on  tiM-  str.-aiii  to  their  destlnattm, 
iisiiall.i  Ni»  ilrleins.  where  their  ear- 
-•Hn  and  tlmlTs  were  sold.  The 
lN>atman  pener:illy  i-ame  l«ck  In  sleaiie 
hnats.  Ilmiigh  In  the  early  days  there 
were  In-tani-ea  of  nien  walklni;  tbe 
.-nllri-  illstanrv  from  .New  Orleans  19 
I'ark*-  roiinty ! 



.\s  far  bai-k  as  lK:^r  Conffresa  |«sa- 
.  .  a  law  grantlnn  lands  to  the  Wa- 
ll isli  and  Krie  I  anal.  In  l<CM  the 
yiale  I.f  Indians  aiilborlzi-il  llie  work 
whhh  l-nan  ne,t  year.  Tlie  fan^l 
waa  mmph-ti-d  to  Howard  early  In 
lolM.  and  by  IMii  n  had  reaeheil 
T.-rre  llanle.  K..r  a  lime  Howard 
naa  a  |.roM|«,roiis  town.  In  fart  It  r^ 
iiialn.-d  1  RiMid  Iradinc  point  for  twen 
ti  yivirw.  1.11I  Mnnt.-xiinia  was  llie  his 
l-irt  In  farke  •oiinly.  Wi-I  I'nlon, 
•  llr.lun  l.™vs.  and  \iiii.a  nere  ahio 
iis.llMu  p..|nt».  Th.'  eanal  manage. 
III.  Ill  ehiiH.'  .-^IIKSI  •"ri'ek  for  one  or  lln 
•■|ii-di  rs."     .\  bli:  ilaiii  waa  put  a.-r^iaa 

thi-  rri-«-k  alKjiit  a  mile  and  a  half  up 
sin. 111!  from  the  I'anal.  and  Hi"  water 
ili-rie.  i.-,|   mill  the  lei-dir  and   from  It 

I the  I'anal.      I  o.  ka  also  eon- 

strueted  In  llils  County  where  Lyrord 
is  nun,  alllioush  old  resilenta  still 
Biietk  of  tba;  polit  as  Clinton  Locks. 

•naelns"  were  eicirationi  it  the  aide 
of  the  C.inil  lara-  enough  to  aerom- 
iiiodate  many  leais  "al  anchor"  aad 
10  |K-rmll  long  I«»il9  to  turn  around. 
Ill  iiMtin's  Kisin  a.  >lnnte/.iiiiia  may 
ktlli  1..  ri-.i.i;nl>'..-d.  an.l  there  »a-  au- 
•iiher  lasln  at  West  Inhm.  Inl.i 
ih.'s*'  l^uins  larL'i-  niiiiilieis  of  rial.  nallie  here  would  .-olleet.  aw  hi»- 
iiiliiK  from  their  nall\.-  waters  o' 
Ni.rthirn  iak.-n  Into  the  Canal.  Ilen.-- 
tlie  Bi-lning  panli-s  that  went  to  Dw 

Canal  boats  were  owneil  by  prlvata- 
Indlildiial-  and  m-rcantlle  firms  wlm 
l*ld    for   the    use   of   tlie     Canal.      .\ly 

.randfailiir,    Ma -1    N     inker,      wb-. 

i.lwTated    th.'    i-.ttf    y    and    was    In    lie 

rranliie      husineii.      In        lln.kvlll.'. 

iiwm.l  on.'  Vox  fo;'t>  years  after  any- 
i«ali  In  I'ark.  Connly  on  ned  .1  .anal 
l>.at  th.  lln.-  "\unil>'r  of  canal  l^ia'ai 
and  inlii.'."  was  sltll  larrh'd  on  \»- 
»s-iir's    blanks. 

Ihe  lanal  nas  ,n  a.-lln-  ol« 
1..1    I.-.  >.-ar».  nhi-n  it  l«-gnn  I.,  d-elltt. 

■  Its  s..ulhern  en.l.  II  nas  iis<i(  tii 
I'ark.  I'niinl.i  a  whih-  liint;.  r  than  In 
Mg.i  Cimnly  I'.iil  nlill.  It  i.ii-K-d  It 
«.i«  .1   lliltii:   fii,-    iiir  |.-.ii.|.     W  l.-n 

> ar    anilolt     talkim;    al'.iit    Ihe 

li.n    pri..    uf    farm    |.rvdii.  In    i.nd    higli 

prill-  of  uiMids  "lierore 
the  nar,"  he  Is  gr.'.ill.v  iiilaiali.-n  If  la- 
in.hid. s  III.-  d.-rid.  11.-111  1S.<1  lu  fJSl 
In  hlM  a--.ill..n.  The  ■  anal  1  hanged 
(-(in.litlons  and  pro-hi^v-d  «u  era  of 
wonderful  i.rosperity.  Vi'boat  aver- 
aged hliih-r  la  prlte  f-.-oia  XKA  to 
lw'>4  than  duriu.;  any  ciier  decade 
within  the  last  forty  jcira.  X.  Ei>- 
p<rt  anil  the  "iTiirie  Store"  adve<-tls< 
ed  call.o  al  .".  .-e.nis  a  yard  1,1  7.'.. 
r-rr,-  imm,  J.,«,»,i/  .^r  March  l.V 
fOj;  slie..tlng  and  nl.lrtln-'s  at  11  to 
I"  .enls  |H-r  lard.  ..nd  Men.  lieii -hlrt- 
lni..»  al  li  II  .i-nis  |H-r  vsrd.  In  Ha. 
same  piiN*r  wool  l»  .iiiuted  al  ::7  I-:; 
cms  |H-r  i".iind. 

a.Mun.  %!.... 
In  l>«»i  Hie  Kvansvllle  and  Craw- 
f.irdsvllh-  rallroail  waa  i-ompleled  lo 
llo<killle.  To  Ceneral  lieorKe  K. 
Steele  more  I  turn  to  any  other  iltlzen 
ol  our  Coiinly  is  due  credit  for  hullil 
Ing  this  n*!.  fnr  it  never  went  ny 
fanher  lloc1.ilile  was  Its  Northern 
l.riiiitiiis  fur  Iwelie  years.  Tlie  r.iad 
nai.  hulli    li>   s'lhA.  rlplloTiR     of     stix-k- 

ll.'l.ler-.      ind     lieneral     Xleele     Indil.'ed 

many  rllli.ns  or  ihli.  County  lo  take 
sharei.  of  sl.»  k  Kiery  stockholder 
had  the  rliflil  lo  l)e  present  at  Ibe  an- 
nual m.-<-tlnita  held  In  Kvaosvllle  and 
a  rr.-e  tiain  was  run  eat-b  year  to 
lak.-  Hie  slnkliolders  to  Ihe  nieellrrs 
I  Ins.-  tralna  were  Invariiihly  crowded; 
This  rsilriMi.1  -eemed  ti.  I.rlnx  clou- 
•  r  r.'lallnna  l»'tw.-en  l-:Tansrille  ami 
ICinkvlile  than  beineen  Terre  Hante 
and    lluikillle.      The    Iflcban      Bm« 


piir>  huiifd  uur  fluiir  utill  itiid  cuiidihl- 
•  (J  IT  koto»Tt  iCitstln.  or  K\;intttlllt- 
arrr-rwarda  luaciKtMl  ttif  miU  .  Jo««-|>li 
4  l»)iDi*-!:4.  si»iierint**n>l»-nt  of  ih.-  r»ii- 
iiwU.  and  SuUa  J.  Walker,  oii^  ot  tIh* 
<  »rl>  <  uiidiii  tors,  moved  !-■  l;o«U\ilIt*. 
.illd  ljf»T  Saiuiifl  K.  J;ick:tian  w>  nt  iu- 
'o  Uiuiin*-4s  li^re.  Ii  also  .t'iirni'>lit^ 
Mii|<l«>ui*'nt  r-jr  iiian>  lltxkville  t«>.va 
.tnd  iti**n.  Jiniea  S  t'>ak*T.  who  i<«^ 
.ran   rair:a«dinK   wh^n    rirt>-tii   >*ara  of 

M\»-r  rort>  yt-ars.  jnM  «.is  renr»nl  in 
l;*1J  on  run  pay  urtt-r  rtrt>  yean  "( 
roDtiniioiu  ser^  ic**.  S<^it  Noel.  Al>ni- 
haiii  l»-<irn<h.  H.  M.  Koor**.  .iD<l  K.  <' 
Klin*'  bf4me  railroad  mail  aieenta. 
.  e..r^e  »■  Itaker.  -Billy"  »  uiiiiiiin;:a 
•aid  "Kiid"  Tlioiiiaa  ><*canie  condm- 
lor*:  lleor>  Strouse  and  Krank  \' 
lt^*T  Iw^  aiiM-  fDKineers  Walla*  t* 
Uiker  an<l  \W\  lliett  Mere  alau  Kock- 
ville  bo)s  who  railruAded  -in  the  old 
K.  A   • 

<»ne  of  til*"  |.''»*s^nr  ^f-neraiion  -an 
nof  realize  the  iDriinaie  jtersunal  re- 
hirions  evUiin:;  bet^«een  e\eryhod\ 
iii.l  iiie  nilnwd  in  the  olit  data  lr 
w;ia    a    «»n    of    <ootiniiarion      of      ol<l 

...ndii.ror  and  other  fra-niiun 
kno»  n  by  naiu»>  to  everyi<od:  els* 
\«»  felt-Krapli  lin*"  « as  run  to  \to'\ 
till*-  iiniil  I'*:",  ao  our  pe<i|.|e  durinie 
ftiH  war  did  no*  z^t  ili*>  news  until  ih» 




rrain  t-mnw.  If  the  Dew<  was  good  a 
long  lilul  or  thr  lo^iiiMitri  vlilstl' 
pny  li>liii«d  It:  ir  tud  a  lli'Tt  Mail. 
Tlif  news  bftd  t**'n  good  ♦•very  ♦•*fn- 
Inx  rroiu  the  ttti  of  April.  \^'<r,.  when 
l.t»*  aurrendered.  <»n  S;iliirday  even- 
ing. April  It.  >  abort  Mast  a  »all  or 
•  listreaa — atartled  the  town.  Tli^rt- 
wiu  a  ruah  to  lite  old  'Ifiot.  and  tli^re 
the  |ieoi>le  aaw  "Bony'"  l.yon'*  eniclne 
draped  xilli  iiioiiminif:  for  l.lmoln 
\y*m  dead. 

The  next  railroad  'oniplete<l  i.l  the 
many  proierled  line*  in  I'arke  Conni* 
was  tiK-  LoKinapurt.  ''ra^t  rorda^lle  Jc 
!*o«th»esi..rn.  which  tan  ita  (irstt  en 
Erne     il,e     John    l.-^"     Into   IIo<ktllle 

In    l»7l.  e,j.  tly   ele<en   .1  eara   after  tlie 

riral  trail)  was  run  into  the  cmnf.v 
keal  l.>  th.  y.  *  I-.  Tlie  -John" 
Maa  a  n<  u    and   »tran.£e    lo*-oiiH>llve   [•• 

the    eye.    of    f    ,rf    ||k.    |a>pi||ai  e    v>  ho 

.^H  "her"  ihar  l»e«eiiitwr  niornlnic. 
rur  she  uaa  a  '  All  llie 
•hmn-a  on  the  K  A  IV  whi.  Ii  ran  In- 
•I  lliM-kiille  hiirm-d  wood,  anil  the 
Mailnj  ■|M»niiei'"  aiiioke-ata' ka  of  the 
Kxan..  ille."  ■i'"  "faloka," 
»i«.innea,"  and  "<  arliale,  •  »er.' 
lery  iliffereni  rroiii  Ilial  of  the  "John  "  Thin  new  ranale.1  lo«)IM..||ie 
iKPfe   the    name   of   the    IVepildenl    of   ih. 

r.iilniail,  it  Imi  in  .hia  apeerli  In  re- 
a|«ii-e  (o  The  addreww-a  of  wel.  ouie  de. 

Ill  end  by  riioiiui.s  \  Kiie.  Janiea  T 
-lobnalou  and  Areil  K.  White,  refernd 
lo  the  fait  Iliat  he  had  the  Imnor  ol 
niiiaini:  the  flral  locuDiotive  of  the 
I.,   t  .  «   S.    «•    into   Uockillle. 

The  new  railriLid  .mine  into  town 
on  a  srade  of  '.•>  f.^t  from  \\  illiania 
iriek  m  the  Uepul.  win.  h  uaa  llie 
reaidi  noe  of  •  aptain  II  lioiid.  irans 
fiiniieU  into  a  stalLn.  Ihi.-i  hoiLs.-  anil 
lot  hill  l<-'n  iiiinhasid  by  rhe  rail 
lAail.  as  tile  jin.jit-rty  i\a»  needed  fur 
an  iiteiown"  alation.  It  ^tood  on 
X'irKlnia  street  op|«aite  the  jiroperti 
ivhiib  for  many  \ears  waa  tlie  hoim- 
of  Henry  s^'boll.  It  waa  iiaed  Uaa 
than  a  .\ear.  houever.  aa  the  K.  A  !■ 
ill  the  Slimmer  ..f  l**T'J  leased  Its  roail 
i-d  from  Terre  Maine  lo  lio.  kvllle  |. 
tie  I..  I  .  i  s.  \V..  ind  the  linea  .vere 
•  imnecled.  The  loiin  board  granted 
a  n;;lit-of-way  to  the  railroad  along 
tlie  leDttr  of  Virginia  street,  and  per- 
lUitled  it  to  I.e  1  III  like  a  rren.  h  lor 
ihe   entire   length   oi    the   iireit.      i:.- 


of    Virsii 

•  ail  a  boiiii 


The     I.. 

Jt  .«.  W  soon  l»'ami 
knoiin  hy  [he  lery  truthful  soliriiiiiei 
III      LoliK  I'redit  and   ia>»    \\"a;;es."   It.-; 

•  niploy.-.s  woiil.l  have  lo  eo  »iihoiil 
pay  fi.r  months  al  a  time.  Why  m.  n 
luntiniied     wilboiit    |ia>     to    •'nt;a:re    in 

I  le    ha/.ardi-ii8    work    of    riiiinine      il.s 

itial  at  anise  ra.«iinalion  whi.h  dan:r 
erniis  adieniiir^s  ha\e  lor  aom--  na 
tilrea.  The  track  of  Ihe  r.iilrnad  .ro  n 
lloikville  to  la>i£ans|>irT  waa  ao 
roti-.;h.  ao  irookid.  and  undiitatln? 
lb  It  It  rese  iihled  a  iHimpkln  >  ine.  and 
by  tlila  name  the  niad  was  also 
known  far  and  wide.  Tlie  ilealh  -ali 
of  its  fain  men  »aa  as  liigh  a>  that 
of  Ihe  average  i-oniiiany  of  aoldiera  in 
iIn-  i'IvII  War. 

t>Bi-e  word  went  :ilong  tJie  line  that 
the  |«y  car  would  ai-tiially  be  nin  the 
next  day  and  one  iiHinth's  wauea  woiiM 
he  paid.  When  tlie  itir  got  to  Itoi  k 
vllle  the  pay-niasler.  William  »jim- 
eM.  waa  iiiet  by  the  Mlieriff.  who 
aerved  "|«i«-ra"  for  lloikville  hiial 
neaa  men  and  people  wbn  bad  eiahed 
orders,  worked  for.  aold  gooda  or  oth- 
erwise creillted  the  lompany  »'  II 
Tnieadale.  Superintendent  of  the  niad. 

•  anie  Into  the  ile|«it  with  Mr.  ►:am 
rat  wlio  Itail  the  money  in  a  "grip 
aa«-k."  The  creditors,  wlio  were  "in" 
on  the  legal  priiceedin;:a  reielved 
their  ii.oney.  hut  tlioae  leas  fortunate 
on  tlie  outside  .  oiild  not  restrain  tbe 
Iroimlae  at  the  slgbt  of  the  ai^ual 
tiione>  10  Jiini|i  in  and  guy  themselves. 
.\  general  scramble  fur  the  mone.i 
took  plaee,  and  •K>iiie  of  it  was  anatrh- 
ed  away  from  the  payTiiaster  liefore  he 
loiild  itet  It  into  his  grip  sai  k  and  nin 
for  the   pav   .«r      This   lie   finally   ac- 

•  tmipllahed  liv  the  iid  of  .Mr  Tniew- 
dale.  Wliat  waa  lloi  kvllle'a  gain  by 
ihia  ii/"/<  was  the  loaa  of  cre<|lior» 
fartlier  up  the  line,  aince  the  remain- 
ing caah   waa  now   aadiv   inadei|iiate  to 

II  eet  elen  the  faint  hope  iif  one 
nionlha  wagea  i-iween  Itockville  ami 
l.oganal>ort.  The  |Nior  paym.iater 
i-rtalnly  hail  a  j..h  of  figuring  when 
ii  lanie  to  pro-rating  the  remaining 

ilunning  tralna  on  am  h  a  Tvad  as 
Ihe  old  I..  <•  k  .1  W  Involved  a  re- 
a^iiin-efiilneas  and  a  afieciea  of  pnei  ii- 
live  aliillly  often  resulted  In  tlie 
I-erforiuan' e  of  en:xlneerlng  iiilraile*. 
A  man  who  i  oiild  railroad  here  could 
lailroad    anywhere;      he     •  oiild      glie 

•  arda  and  apaiha  to  an  ordlnar.v  rail- 
L.ader  and  i>e;ii  hliu  at  any  aiage  of 
Hie  -.fame.  It  waa  a  si-hool  That  grail 
iiateil  a  niliiilier  iif  men  e*|ulp|ied  for 
.il.    I  Iriaaliiidea.      lieiirge      liawka.      a 

IliM-klille     lio.l.       at        preaenl        geTiernI 

iiausger  of  Ihe  Kl  I'aaii  and  .Suulli 
western  railway  aysteoi.  be:;an  brak- 
ing with  the  sulich  en;.-ine  tlial  work- 
ed at  The  Sand  <reek  uilne«  and 
lluikillle.  oier  aide  tracks  and  mam 
line  on  wblih  a  modem  railntad 
iioiild  not  trust  :i  push  rar.  In  those 
•  avs  wrecks  and  break-downs,  whi.h  would  .leUy  traffic  until  a 
wreck  train  has  >t>me  to  repair  dam 
aets.  woul.l  be  nken  lire  of  hy  the 
train  i  rews.  I>:n;rlne8  with  "allpped 
eoentrii-a,"  hlown  out  fines,  and  "til- 
er ln)uriei«.  would  be  put  In  ninnin;; 
order  hy   engineera. 

Kor  ten  years  Uoi-kvllle  vtis  the  end 
of  freight  divUlona  of  the  I.  ('.  *  s. 

W.  .VII  ireigilt  trains  btopiied  liere 
and  tbe  •  rews  from  lajgaoaimn  and 
I'erre  I  lame  loaided  or  lived  In 
llockville.  Iu  ISMI  Ihe  rwil  waa  aohl 
lo  Ihe  N'audalia  i-iuiiliany.  right.of. 
way,  track  and  rolling  atock,  for 
s.~iMi,4aai.  True  the  road  at  that  lime 
was  only  "two  slreaka  ot  rust  ami  a 
riglit-of-way,"  and  the  rolling  itm-li 
tit  for  the  ai'ra4i  pile.  b4it  the  new 
owneta  foresaw  the  losslhllltles  of 
liiillding  up  a  road,  and  at  onre  liegan 
to  do  ao  until  It  l<e<  ante  one  nf  the 
best  [laying  propi-ni>s  of  tlie  Van- 
dilla    system. 

Itockville  was  mad.'  lieadMuarterK 
fiir  one  of  the  liiiportanl  departments 
or  the  Vandalla  and  later  tlie  I'en- 
n-ylvania  system.  The  of  fire  of  the 
land,  ta.i  anil  i-laini  ilep^irtnient  la 
still  here  In  charge  of  liavid  Stroiiae. 
wlio  baa  aerved  in  hia  present  i-a{i«i-- 
ity  alme   I>«<1. 

In  the  meaatime  the  Tirre  Haute. 
Alton  *  .41.  Ix)iila  llallroad,  afterwanla 
kniiwn  as  tbe  I.  &  »t.  I.  and  ua  the 
lilg  Koiir.  waa  luiilt.  i  roaaing  a  cor- 
ner of  Jai-kaon  townihip  at  l.ena.  This 
niad  was  itinstrtu'ted  about  the  lime 
Ilie  K.  k  )'.  was  pr'ieited  to  Itockville. 
In  IH7II  another  road  crossed  a  i-or 
ner  of  The  t'oiinty— tbe  Kvansville. 
Terre  Haute  Jk  Ch  ago.  miw  tlie  r  A 
K  I.,  ^ind  that  yAr  Joseph  J.  I>ftn- 
lels  built  Its  bridge  oier  the  Waliash 
at    •Union. 

In  ixiw  the  "North  and  !<outh 
road"  and  the  "l-:asl  ami  West  road" 
began  lo  take  form,  and  -The  uueallon 
if  ajipriiprlatlng  Two  per  i-ent.  of  tax- 
il.le  values  WIS  aicllaled  The  North 
und  !«<Hltli  roail  wa«  to  run  fnuii  At 
il.a  to  tile  Ohio  rlw-r  Tliruiigli  tlie  cen- 
ter of  Ihe  1  oiinty  Th-  Kaal  and 
Heat  mad  was  a  reilial  of  the  old 
Indiana  and  MIIipms  lentral."  a  line 
origin. illy  prolKHUMl  In-fore  the  wiir. 
This    wiiuld    give    KoikilMe    two    ue>re 

I'ailiuada.  .iiid  ihe  enl,-rpriae  was  lai 
iired  li,  a  large  ii.ajorlly  „(  lier  p.  o 
pie.  riie  l»-ople  iiileil  Ihe  lax  of  Ulo 
l-er  .eul.  wblcli  was  To  !•>  aplit  b> 
The  Two  rallruaiis:  l.iil  l^fore  It  waa 
.•II  olleiied  .^uluiiein  I'.,  liarrigiis  ami 
'Mlier  laip-iiem  i.roii.-liT  an  Iniiiii. 
tiin.  and  the  toilrta  de.  i,li-d  llial  th.' 
la\  wa.-  illegal.  Some  giadiii-  waa 
ilone  on  the  .North  41  Solllh  ruttd  in  Iti.' 
li.inil.i    or    Kridgeti.n. 

.Vlioiit  Tbia  lime  railroads  wer  Idl- 
ing hunt  in  l-arke  i  oiiniy  like  raatlea 
in  the  air.  At  one  time  In  K.-.  and 
■"11  tbe  grades  ..t  three  railru  id.s  were 
in  •'oiirae  of  consirui  tion.  .\ll  oi 
these  r.iada  were  to  .  ruaa  the  Wabasli 
at  Montesuma.  which  pruiuiaed  To  i*- 
iliilte  a  railroail  renter.  riAi  town 
was  llten  the  teniiinua  of  the  Imllaii 
apuli«,  lieeatur  *  .«prin;.nielil  railriaiu 
which  b^id  been  flnisbe.!  rroiii  tlie 
West,  and  had  started  towards  In 
dlana|>ilis.  It.»k>llle  feh  no  tin 
•  aslneaa  whiM  Tlie  re|«rl  was  first 
liiculaled     that        llliiuiiiingilal.'     was 

llie  proisis.  d  liO'  ilid  nol  strike  a 
loan  or  .:i«i  inhalMT  .nia  from  Indian- 
apoiia   to   .doiitt/.iiina.   aiiil     wa^     fl\.' 

II  Ilea  or  mure  n 'Tih  ot  the  .iireit  llii, 
Hull  in.  Iiideil  liuniiih'  llainbn.l;:.' 
and   IliKkiin.'.  iwo  .11   iheae  t.'wns  l>' 

ina   .-oiinl.%    seats.      Th.-    arrnioi ol 

Kockiille  in  This  .risis  List  l,er  lb.- 
lailroad.  In  a  cuiisiiliaiuiii  aitli  tlie 
lo  almg  engineer  lursli  words  w.r. 
•Hiken.   and    lie    w:is   d.'fie.l     l: 

«  .   ll.iWis.   wh..  wa>  |.n nen.    .,,. 

the  1.1.  u  fav..ring  ih.'  preseTit  lin.'. 
iia-s   a.-,  iiae,!   „f   uiakiug  a   map  of   tin 

'  iiiini.>  nil  .ihi.  h  the  .Sand  i  r..!,  mal 
I  lUea  nei-e  l..,aied  mil.  I.  ..irih.r 
liiillh    Than    u,..,    r.-alll     ...f..       |„    f,,,, 

III  the  lilies  in  .till  se  „i  conatniiTlon 
had  their  ardent  parilasns  and  all  the 


apllefiil  Ihlnga  about  eai  h  uihe 
Tiaiailia  wt-  on  tlie  line  ot  of  Th. 
i.aila  "Ihe  An.leraon.  I.'lunon  t  11 
l-oiiia"  ami  led  l.y  lis  must  prouiin 
•nt  'liizen.  Hon  .-imiiei  f  Knaev 
that  town.  whI.h   waa  then  a  plai-e  ot 

""" "■*■    'irillly      Than      llloominx 

ilale.  was  piiitlns  up  a  stiff  fight 
against  Inth  llocsvllle  apd  llloiuiiing 

«  hi  n  it  l»H;ame  apparent  that  lt.«  k- 
lille  would  not  iet  The  I.  |(,  »  M  a 
ni  il  line  waa  proiKised  fnuii  Indian 
3|..|i»  til  |ie.aliir  along  Ih..  original 
•lir.'ct  line,  with  Ihe  evcepilon  of  l-ar 
in::  aiNiiit  one  mile  northward  to 
strike  the  .<iand  iriek  i-oal  iiil,ii.s. 
trading  was  done  on  lliia  line  f-oiii 
Williams  1  reek.  ii..rlh  of  lloikiille. 
iraitlcally  to  M.'.iteiiima.  It  was 
.liaiiitd  to  I  narrow  imiige "  road 
mat  iH-fore  the  grading  was  begun, 
ami  in.n  waa  actiialli  laid  from  Dtts 
groie  to  loUima  neighliorhood  in  lOi. 
and  a  hand  .  ar  ex.  iiralon"  run  alonu- 
the  rinlahed  road:  but  that  was  Its 
"finish,"      Nil    better    fiite   awaited    Th.. 

\nderai.n.  Lebanon  *  M.  l.oiils  road. 
All  that  la  left  of  II  la  the  trai'e  of 
the  grading  that   waa  done  In   llie  vi 

inity  of  .vnnai»i|l».  Ihe  1.  11.  t  n, 
rea.  hed  llloomingdale  In  the  aiiniuier 
.if  KTs.  iin  llie  dav  The  .tinatru.Tlon 
train  arrived  at  that  town  a  "Slriw- 
l»-rry  roiid "  picnic  dinner  waa  gl  en 
to  all  the  lalwirers,  wlm  niarche.1  from 
the  .finatrucllan  train  to  the  Krle.jila 
'liiircb  headed  bv  Whllea  I'or 
net  hand  of  lloikville  The  new  r«d 
was  loislly  known  aa  the  Slrawla-rrv 
road."  though  for  wliai  reason  we  can- 
not  Tell,   for   it   iiilaaed  "  olnma : 

I'arke  1  oiinly  »;ia  literally  aeaiii..d 
*i'h  "I'lila  and  fllla'  In  the  niiildh' 
•eienties.    railroad    grades    thai    wen 

ai.andiined,  and   whhh  ill.l   ch  lUiii 

age  lo  farina  James  W  Beadle.  K.wi  . 
waa  "longheaded"  enough  tu  .iitnpel 
piiyiiient  of  il.'imagea  liefore  he  would 
evea    permit    the   aiirveying   iiarty    10 

HISTORICAL     SKETCH     OF     P  A  K  K  10     COUNTY. 

„n    \iU    liind.       Whfn    n...    pnlly       >'„•> 

In     inlln.ii.l 

l,,,,,    l.v    Miiurhr   ■||i.iiiip»r,M,    (hil.-r 

inilhni'    iif      ".Ml"'    "I'      OhI      \ln- 

,,'K  "i     i.liirliil    I"    riiirr      on      llic 

n.  mil.'  IMilnlHr.i  Mr.  Thnini.KOlv  l.o. 
iHliI  'SMnln'  Miinlli'  wllh  IiIh  lonu 
.111.-  Hinnilliii;  Inslcli'  Ihc  mil  fi'ii'c  nt 
h.Miniliiiv    Ihw.     'nif   .Mil.T   lull    10 

.,„.,.   on    il..-    |.inn.l-.-«    «„«   |.n Hl.v 

,.!..,  l.ilt.r  «l"n  ;i  .li'lnihilUiii  ot 
II...  kill). •  rlll/.<n»  hIkiiiiI  nn  imrr,- 
....Ml  10  l.nv  fill  r,i,»onnli|.>  .hinmi;.... 
Ml.    ll.ii.1lo    l.oiinlllnl    llio    Biino.>     to 

..■    iiiiiclo. 

lionn  lo  l'-'<:i  II  "nn  ron«l,l,Tf(l  ii 
,.  r.iol  lli.,l,vli;i-  ui.iilil  ;.-.l 
I  ho  .Vollh  iiliil  Soiilli  nnlil.  wlilcli  i-v 
.r.vliody  iihlliliiiilod  >vn»  (.nn>  lo  run 
lliroiiLli   III.'  loMiily.     Tliiil     yonr     nn 

hlilp  lunl  iiii  ii|.pro|irlullon  volo.l  for  i, 
lino  I  hill  Klin  lo  ho  run  Ihrniiuh  Hoik- 
vlllo  mill  north  In  Sili;nr  IToi  k  In  (ho 
vi.  hrily  nf  Tnrkoy  linn,  lint  hy  ihin 
llnio  iho  ollmlnnlhni  or  lionvy  crndoii 

iillilliiK      Whllo  II  ■■.  Ily  on  n  hill"  hi 

Inlonirhnn  llnon  Imvo  llinn  rnr  illn. 
oKuriloil  tho  iMinllar  iiilvnnliiKori  ol- 
oroil  hy  II  cllroil  lln-l  nnil  Wml  roni" 

IIH    oiUiinliit.H.    .Iltllilllly    o»    n      mil-       -I'l .kin    Mno."      It    n.n      l.i.».,-ni;,T 

mini   iinlrr   Is  i no  of  Ihiiii.   When  linlns    lor    n    (vw    yoiim.    nn.l      II.      |:. 

II  r.iioo  In  InilhUnt  lln-  rond  not  oM-n  .Monro,   now   n  conl   o|.oriilnr  nl    Nyon. 

Iho    honiiH    or    nn    ii|i|irn|.rh.l  Ion    lonlil  illlo.    ivim   ono   of   llio   .  onilurlom :   hnt 

orr»,-l    Iho   .llhii.hnnliitoB    In    Iho    wiiy  for   inoro   ihnn    Ion   yonm.   or   nhnr   It 

of   urnilis.      'I'lio    rro-Hloi;     of      Snu'nr  win   imrclinBi  il    hy    Iho    llle    lour   inr. 

fri'ok    «ii»   iini.lhor   ilifrlonlly     lo     ho  iiornll.m.    II    lin.i    hoon      nll.iKolhor      n 

rnnnlih  roil.       Ily      i  roB-Ini:      III       IIubIi  frolclit    ro  ill,    conl    holiiL-    Im   lulnrliml 

I  rook    nnil    k.-.'|ilni:    np    Iho    villlry    of  .  oiinnnillty. 
thill    nir.niii.   nn   imbv    t;niilo    vvni.   |ioh- 
Blnlo,  BO  Iho  iMTsonl   lino  of  Iho  "innl'    MiiB    on.   nnil    Iho    tonil 
llnlBlo'd    In    1SS7. 

Tho    •■.Mhlhin.l"    nmil    rrn ,o   ••„ii.  <"""    l"<ll"i>'<P"ll«   I"    .Monlor.nnin  l   hnt 

l.oif  lo  llniirll   w.iB  hnlll    In  tho  onrlv  ''   '"  "'nr.oly   nrolinhlo  ihni   ii  onunlr.v 

nInill.B.     ThlB  rnnil  wnB  innlocloil  unci  l"<o   Hint    hiUioon    lliiiivlllo   nnd    llo.k- 

llnl-h.d    l..\    ihirlnL'    -.  iiiHIiiIIbi."  MHo.    "IIIi    nn    inllrnad    nf   any    kind. 

Ilonry    ( ■|ii«f..i  d.      Tho      notniil      rnn-  will    InnK    no    nnpiondoil    wlih    IrnnB- 

Bliiiolloii    work    noH   i Inotoil    hy    tho  jinrlnllon    rnrllllliH.      It    In    Iho    lino  nf 

liilr  Dr.  Ilonry  .Mnoro.     IIIb  »nn.  .Inhn  Iho    I'Ikr's    I'onU    llrdintollirnn    liUli- 

.I.',        »,.^»,       .li.lio.i .....;    ..o    „;i,li    V,    II    Ki.llil.ill^     ,001. ■ 

nnd   dnrlllK   Iho   lliiio   o.vniiloil   hy   lliln  In  lio  rou-nrilod  with   fnvnr  nn  nn   Inlor. 

nnrk    ho    lind      liln     hond lorn      In  nrhnn    ronto.      Tho    only      Intorilrhnn 

llnokvlllo.      In   lln  oiirly   ntiiKon  nf  cnio  rood    III    I'nrko   ronnly    In      Iho     nhnrl 

slruotlon    nnd    oiiorntlon    Iho    .MIdliin  "  ntrotch    of    trnok      hotwoon      Atliorlon 

wnn   a   nocnnd     rdllhm     ot     ihc     old  nnd   I'llnton. 

lusinriiH  iHrgimunp 

WITH    BUol,      n      ohnrnrtor      oh 
'■I' "■•>      I"""     n.ino.n, 
IliK      Iho      riiBl       niolTinlllo 
UMilnro  or    rnrko  Connly.    I 
,.  II)   woll  Biiy  Ihiil  liK  liiislnoKK  lifo  lin.l 

nil   iinniiohniB   i.nlli.     .Vb   h.i«  I n   nl 

r ly   rohilo.l   .Mr.   Hob...  In  .nnnorlioii 

»llli  I' lln    llrookB   nnd   .Moh.h   llolo 

hliiB.  hnlll  II  mill  nl  II0.-1  vlllo  In  \s\:\, 
or  iiiih.'r  loo  ii.lIlH.  „B  n  Hiiw  mill 
ooB  i.iion  lo  llio  crisi  i.illl.  I'l'io 
|.h'  oniiio  1.1  liiii.  mill  rroiii  ini'  oiiil 
iioiir.     lino    mitii.    »li d    .'OHIO    nlli. 

II  "MrlBl"   II Irnndvlovv.    111.,  In   m 

l.r  yoiiiB  lolnii'd  ,1  Klory  nhoni  llio  In- 
ilhinn  nhoiii  ho  hid  boi  n  iniilln;:  nl 
tho  Hinri'  nil.loinlii;:  llio  mill:  .\  B.|nnvv 
Inid  h'li  lii'i  imi.ooBo  onl-ldo  lonnliik-    Iho   l.iillillnK.      Whllo   kIio    »iis 

III  III.    Blor.'  .01 ■  tho  hnlf  Willi   hoBS 

ihiil    man. ..I  iho  vvnodK  Willi   \oniolons 

ilpiioiiu'    M nloiiK.      klinrkod      Iho 

l.iil.iioB,'   il.ion    ind    inoooodod    In   mnko 

11   lo.ol  ol'  II.     Till.   Indl.i nthor  nio 

on    ..imliii;    0111    or   Iho   Bloio    nnd    b 

Ill::  Iho  lliilnh  of  hor  oflBi.rlnn  .nlni- 
i>    l>oil,   "I'di     nmv    onl    p; ho!" 

Ilo-i'illlo    IH    Kiw'ii    In    n    .|li ■   lllllo 

I..1.1I..    "Tlir    hl'liniin    f.'o  ;..(.','i',-       - 

llBhoil  III  I.VJI.  MH  11  "poHl  town  In 
I'arko  ronnly."  This  diito  In  one  nltor  Hi.-  b.-I.tIIoh  of  linikvlll.' 
iiB  Iho  oniinly  B.'.il.  In  Ililn  llaz.ilo.-r 
illMioni'K  Iho   rollimliiB: 

ll;,l.,(llr.-\    lii.mlBon.o    vllliiKO.    Bll 

iiiilid  Hourly  lonlor  of  I'mko  fminty, 
.•|7  iiilloH  lino  H'.'Hl  nf  liiillnnalnillB,  N. 
lol.  ■•■•■ irrooB,    I mil-.  Inn.  !i  ilo. 

rhurrh    now    Hnndn.       llnokvlllo    wan  In  10    nnd    rolnrnlni:      In      VlnconnoB.  nrdont    «ldrlli."     Wllllnnm  frook   wn» 

laid  mil   wllh  tho  Intonllon  of  mnklnt:  I'lilcU    Wlllluiin.   o   iiinn     donllnod     to  linniod    In    honor   nf    lliln    nolod    chor- 

Iho   South  Slilo  Iho  |.rln.'l|.al   himlnoiin  llL-nro  In  11  dual  onimclty   In  tlio   himh  ailor,  who.  In  our  oiilnlon.  Iin>  nol  re- 

Kiiool,  nn.l  tho  u'lBl  sido  noM   In  liio  noon  life  ot  lloikMllo,  oamo  10  Adnmn  colvod    aa   clinrluhlo   oonBldornlloli    In 

i.ortnm-o       Tli.'    ininiir    nan      plnllod  toviuBlilp    In     ISu'l  -two    yonrn    hof.n'o  tho  iinwrlllon   nnnnln  of  llockvlllo  nn 

■  -^■<^^^^'"-'.^ :;*-^>;^;  !^^.\ 

■v;  :.•:..  ■>*;,,..._ 

ly  I'mnlll.H  nnd  |ihi  liiliahlianln :  on.' 
Blor.'.  tliioo  laM'riiB,  Hoiorni  In, Ins 
llloiiB  inoclianlri.,  on.'  Iiiwyor,  two  pliy 
Bl'lahn.  This  town  la  within  oluhl 
mIloB  of  (itoainhnni  nuvlsntlnn.  whlili 
Willi  ninny  ollior  ndvnnlnKon  In  lis 
Invor  will  loiidor  II  11  pln.o  nf  con. 
Blilirni.l,'  Inipnrtaro'o.  1(  nlao  him  tho 
,i(hanlai;,'n  nf  piiro  nir  nnd  coral 
viator,  whl.'h  will  InKiii'c  the  honlHi 
nf  lln  Inl.ahllnntn." 

.Vflor  Iho  Inpno  ,..'  ,,)i,oiy.(wn  yoarn 
wo  limy  miy  thai  k,.  inivn  rolnlnod 
niio  of  ihono  n.UniilnKoh  ninl  linprov 
oil  on  tho  oihor.  Unr  nIr  In  null  nB 
•.alnlirlnim,  nnd  onr  'Vll.\"  walor  Ik 
PI  ohi.hly    hi  nor. 

Tin-  ono  kloro  r.-rorrril  lo  In  tiio 
111. nip  r^lrn.l  wi.<i  Unit  or  I'niiorHon 
*  .M.Cull,  who  hroniiht  thoir  Hook  of 
U'loili.  lo  llooknll..  In  IN'JI.  Thov 
hnlll  iiioir  Hinro.  0  InrKo  oiionlory 
fnuii. ,  nn  Iho  aonlluvial  oornor  ot  lli'u 
pnhlic  t,pmri\  whoro  llio  I'rohjiorlaii 



i!ffTf-^';''''''^^-'.r  ..£:::: 




nl.lMrNK  liiiil 

iui  loll  In  widlh.  Iho  luilor  sii;  tin 
.Norlh  nnd  Miibi  Rides  holni;  fnnil.lor 
nhly  1o»b.  Tho  firm  oonrl  lionso  wni 
tlicrctoro  locatod  on  tho  Sontli  Sid.' 
tJonornl  Arthur  I'miorson  wns  ih, 
lalhor  ot  Jndtio  Chamhorii  V.  I'nitor 
ton,    nf   .liiinoj    I'niiorBon,    loiik-   n    oil 

1'.  rohor,  wh.iso  hiiBl.aii.l  wan 
hor  Ol'  l.lii.'olirB  fnhlliol.     Anil 

linni'  ny   li.\i 
Illy  BO 

llo.'Uvllli'  was  mnilo  tho 
Ilo  Blarlid  a  Iniinory,  hiil 
cslnhllshc'd  11  sloro  In  tho  town,  hav- 
ink-  sold  tho  innnory  10  .InmoB  strain. 
.Mr.  WllllniiiH  sold  whlnkoy,  nn  did 
nioBt   of   Ihc   morolianli  ot  thai     dny, 

IIIIMII.VIl    IX    l.silli, 

llio  I'll'ciiillatnMiTa  of  lill  llio  donorvcd. 
JniiiOB  and    llonort   .MoKwon   ranic  lo 
llo.kvlllc  In   isai.  and  ot  one  pnl  up 
lliclr    Innnory      on      llio      llroomantlo 
Sinio    rniid,    whhh    onnio    np    tho    hill 
Iho   dniiBhlcrn    ot     .Initios      Mr- 
hut  ho  kcpl  lip  this  hinmh  ot  hln  Imib-       llwon— Mn.    Mnrgnrol    .\yc    nnd    Mrs. 
izin  ot  Armlcsbm'K,  ami  nf  .Mrs.  .lohn       Incna   for   n    mnrli    l.niK.'r   period   than       .Mary    Satoly    now    roaldo.    .lohn    Alex. 
Iho  olhrr   Blorci   whoro   11    hn.l     hccii      nnilor,  then  a  yoniiR  iiiiin,  worked  tor 
bold,    f.T   riiilit   In    llio   toan>   hiBinry       Ihoin.      (Inn    nuirnInK    upon    Kolnif    lo 
loiaoii  v/ns  n  man  ot  iiilinro  nnd  p..|-      Iho  " \Vnihln«toiilan"   tompor.imo  nul-      work    hoforo   ilnvllchi    .Mr,    Alcxnndrr 

Ihliod   niuiiiiore,  and  lo     him     |b     dno       Inllon  onllHtid  iniisl  nf  lla  roni lahlo       nnrprlaod    n   Inrco    black    honr   imwlnil 

Mili'li  of  Iho  splendid  piihllc  ohnrnrler  olllzcns.  I'lnnlly,  linwovor,  Mr.  Will-  nlioiit  ono  of  Iho  vols,  llioimh  II  Is  n 
of  Uookville  In  Ita  cnrly  daya.  .Inniea  Innin  ylohlcU  to  Ihc  popular  domnnd.  iiiical|..n  which  wos  more  surprised  — 
M.  MoCnIl  wna  a  Inwycr  nnd  aiirvo.vnr  Ono  of  iho  first  rntrlon  In  iho  rorords  Ihe  nnrprlner  or  the  siiprlseo --«»  Mr. 
who  ilroppi'd  bolh  proteBslons  for  of  I'arko  linlu-e  \o.  H,  f.  /,  A.  .M.,  es-  Ainxnndcr  rnn  rluht  onto  tho  henr  ho- 
inorcniitllo  purMills.  Ilo  lived  In  Vln-  Inhllsho.l  In  IKI.-|.  was  a  renolnllnii  fore  soolnit  II.  Tho  hoar  Rnvo  n  hlR 
cohiioa  hoforo  romlng  lo  llnckvllle.  lie  conurnlnlniinn  "liro.  cnleh  Wllllnm.  nhoe/.o  and  nn  oft  Into  Iho  wnnda. 
coiniiiilloil    tuii'ldo    nflcr    eollinK    out      un  his  dolcrmlnulinn  tn  eoaao  voiidlnx  And    here   n   hrlof   digrcailon   la   in 

DMl.r  (11  iii-iiiil  h.iniinililii  iii.iill.m  i.i 
,l„l:i,  Mrxnn.l.i.  \ciy  iiiilv  In  Ih.' 
Illo  i.f  ilo.  I.illli'  Mr.  Al.'MMMcr  c- 
nii.ii»l,.'il  11  uii.ii.T.i  ni.nli  •>(  loun  nt 
rho  lilmli.  nC  111.'  loiid  (n  llir  Varrnw. 
iir  SiiKiir  Cick.  'Ilill  lOiid  ih.'n  ml 
iliiiiil;:!!  Ilir  Mni'ils  111  ;l  IniIiiI  nlioiit 
ulimv  Wllllmil  WiindK  IKin  ri'Hiili'K. 
nil   f.irthor  on    liini..!    i;iib-      nl     ilir 

.'|ili   A.   Ilritlon'M  iii-lili'nri'  ulnnilJ.   Ik 
lonilinii'il  Iho  Ian ,v  niiiil    IsTii.  hiii 

inSTORICAL     SKHTCir     01''     PARKE     COUNTY. 

ii.i,  iMiiii  iiiii    rii 


iliili'  l;i'  tniik  illi  li.liT.1.1  111  ill.'  llii.k- 
illli'  .iMiii  li'f.v,  mill  ii|i|inlnl(-(I  111! 
^.Miiii  In  \'<r..  111.  "i-.H  Hi'ill  M.nii:c 
In  lliiii  ifiiiMi-liy  Willi;  iiiiiy  yi.nin  Ini- 
(i-  III,.  hiUli'it  of  liin.Tiil  •lllchi.Kin  \. 
Iliiiuii'il   mid    rniilnlii     TiIkIiiikim      .\. 

M.M.  .Mil    i.n.v    liv    111",    l.ll.o:!    rnmi    ill,. 

luiiilU  Imrlil  pliil  iiiiii  inirnril  In  iIh' 
.■■•nii'lorv.  Mr.  .McmiihIit  Infiirimd 
ilii.  wiKiT  of  lht»  KM'ii.'ii  ihiil  nt  Hi" 
i..,in.-l  of  .Mm.  lIuiMiiil  lii-',1 
11,0  I, .ml  ,.,mi.i.l  111  iilui-h  til,'  liiiily  of 
f;rniTill  llowni-il  «ns  liliiioil  lU  Wnsli- 
lii^iiiii.   'IVmih.   in    I.HIi.   nun   llinl    lilt 


Mliii'mlionil  tlirni  In  llfr.  Aliniii  iw." 
,Mr.  Aii'xi.liiliT  li'tl  Ilnrloillo  for  Knn- 
1,1111.    In   111,-   iniifoiind    ri'i;!!'!    iif   .-very 

num.  u,iii,.,n  iind  ilillil  In  tlio  Imvn,  nil 
nf  whom  fill  for  liliii  n  Blntnliir  ro 
H.Kl   mill  nffiilliii.     Willi,.  In  rlmrto 

111    llii.   ri Iiry    In-   Biivi.   Bi'iiiilliir,-   In 

iMorr  llnin  l,i«»i  iif  nnr  "Inv.'d  nnU 
loBl,"  nliDRP  KiiiM.H  worn  iilli'liilid 
iind  ciinnli'.l  hy  iliN  rnlllifnl  srMon. 

I'lTBlnn  i;,  Iliinln,  llniinm  Imnnili, 
.li.liM  11.  M.irnlinll  nil, I  .lolin  .«iiii(l.-r- 
liihil  rsliilillHlHil  Kliinn  In  I(o..k\lllo 
l.i-iiiio  is::ii.  nnd  nni  loin:  nfii-r  llmi 
.lull'  Anili.'W  rool,.  Imenn  InislnobH 
Iwiv,  I'cr.lin  I-:.  lli.niB  ivn.B  lone  one 
,,f  III,.  li-n,llnK  liiiBlni.Bi.  mm  .if  Ihc 
101, my.  Ill-  look  nil  mllvo  Inlomit 
In  llio  nn:iinl/.,ill,in  nnd  niiilni,.niinro 
of  ilii'  clirlKlliin  rhiinli,  liilTiB  n  Iny- 
iiiiin  nilnlxli'i'  of  lliiil  rinnnliilniillon. 
II,'  hiilll  III,,  flrnt  lliior-iilory  lirirk 
l.iilldim:  III  I'nik,-  Cnnniy.  nnd  wnii  In 
iiirlons  »>,yi>  intoriBloil  In  biilhllni; 
lip  llic  roniiiiiinlly. 

.I„iiii«  llniidml  iiiiiio  lo  llo.kvlUo  In 
Ivjii.  nnd  l.iilll  n  iloiilil,.  ulni-p  ro.,111. 
Ill,,'  of  lli,i,.  Is  i-llll  Hliinillni:  nno 
i,.|iii,i„  Mini  of  "Loio  11  orlKlnnliy 
Blond  on  llio  WiBl  Side  of  llio  Siinnrc. 
II  «  IB  l„ni;  known  ;ib  llio  lliinu-iTford 
l.iilldlliE.  In  tlio  inrly  tlihil.'.B  Mr- 
('ni„|,l,cll  A:  McMiirlry  o|«iiril  n  Blorc 
Willi  n  |,ork  rn.klni:  oBiiilillnlinicnt  In 
.onn.-clloii.  •Mnplni;  llio  ii.irk  lo  New 
ilr|,.,inB  111  finl  l,oiit(..  In  l.'..lil  Wnltor 
r.  noniildmiii  nnd  |.;in-lli(i  M.  Ilrniion 
lii'cnii  l.iiRliHBK  In  Ilo.kvlHc  liolli  of 
Mlliin,  «lil,H,.,|ii,.|illy  lii-rnmo  l,<-tl..| 
knovin  .n  conn,',. linn  wllli  llio  bimlniBB 
iiffiilm  n(  Monti-ziiiim.  Tylor  H.  llnld- 
nin,   (liorKO    \V.    Mill,   .Inmci    Dol'ow 

lliirii  In   WllnDii  f'n, 

»///.  7 


i„.  im,    iKiil,    ntfil   III    l/iiikrill<:   lu- 
ll, llrl.  ;i,    I.SIIT. 

hrli'k   roBldPiiii'   wliji' 

1   "Inn 

iinlll   ro- 

Sniiiiid HlrniiBO.  wli,,  1  Insod  II  mil   on 

mil  yniTM  ill  tlio  boii 

li  on,! 

of  .l,'ff..r 

the  KnBt  Slilo.     DnvId  W.  KInrk  rniiio 

Min    Rlrii'l.     .Iiiiiiiii    1 


nl      rifBi 

In   ISMN.     Olio  iif  llio  triiiiBiiri'il  miHil- 

Iliini   nl    Mnunn   Cllil,   KlIllliHll.  June   •.'11.    ISlill.     lUr,!   at    Itnrkilllr.    Imllaiia. 
Mail   y:,    IKS.-,, 
olnrkod  In  llio  Bloro  wliloli  Mr.  Kill  o«-      Icllonn  of  lliln  writer  la  liln  porsonnl 
InlillBlicI    In    IS.I11,  nnd  nftorwnrdn  ho-      iininnlnlniiro  with   111 


W.  Sl„rk  mill  l.oil  MldwiU.  who  ,11,  d 
III  Ilii-  onlor  nnnii'd.  .Mr.  Slilw,.||  w>a 
iiinro  lliiin  nliioly  .viiir«  of  nu,.  wlmn 
h,'  dl,.,!  Hoidoiiil.or  .'lii.  Il«i.-..  Who 
cnii  forKi-1  C'oruo  \V.  Hill,  iillh  lil< 
Htnloly  hi-niliiu.  fino  old  rnHliloind 
fnci.,  I,ln,.k  l,rn:idi'l<,lll  roul  mid  Hllk 
liot.  IHTBi'lilInK  n  BirlklliK  liki'iii.BB  1,1 
III,'  |>|,.|iin.  of  Wllllnni  II.  Hiw.ird  In 
Iho  riiimidimlliill  uiniiir;  |i,ivld  W. 
Klurk  wn<  11  iiiiin  of  wido  ri'mlliii:.  » 
IKii'l    nnd    lihlloaoiilior.       l.i'Vl    HIdwi'll 

wnii  INI (I  liy  liriiornl  'I'lliilit .\. 

Ilowiiril  im  oxoiiilnr  of  hla  will.  TIiob,. 
wi'i'O  men  nf  iirrni  ainlillliy  nf  ilnii-. 

I  ri'iiii.iiibi..r  the  doiilli  nf  liiniii.  .1. 
Hllliiiiiii  In  iwix.  hoiniiHi'  Iho  nrliiinlii 
wuri.  illmiilBiii'd  nB  11  iiinrk  nf  roBin'il, 
.liillii  II.  Iloadlo  anyii  nf  liliii:  "lino  nf 
ilii.  iiiiiBi  I, HI',.,  nil, 10  nnd  liniinii.u 
irnddiiiii'n  llnrkvllle  out  h.nii  11  in 
inniii'  ,liin'la  Hllhniiii,  n  N'nv  |;iikI"Iii|. 
rr,  ii'Inioil  in  I'rnf.  Slllliiinn,  of  Vnlo 
inlli'uo.  lie  eiiilixrnlrd  lo  Hiilllvnn 
I'oiinly,  Indlnim.  when  n  hoy  nnd 
iiiiiehl  BChnnl.  lie  hiilll  n  mill  nt 
llrlilRctnn  nnd  w«b  In  IninlniBii  there 
nwlillo.  nnd  nflerwnrdi  nt  llnokvllh' 
Willi  Perslim  1).  Ilnrrl».  lie  then  wenl 
In   Ai'inlenhiiru  nnd   In   i.niii|iiinv   with 


ni;ni!ed     In 

tjenerni  rnllen 
innklliK  flour,  hiiyinu  inndiice,  dl«- 
tlllliiB  nnd  hontliii:  to  New  DrlennB, 
lie  reliirnid  to  llo.kvllle  iilmill  I.M.I. 
nnd  UeKiin  bnalniBS  wllli  II.  .1.  Innla 
nnd  .1.  .M.  McliolB.  In  n  few  yrnra 
S!r.  InlilB  rellreil  nnd  Slllliiinn  nnd 
:  hola  imiTlmiod  llio  iirlut  mill.  \)nr\y 
In  l.viii  Wllllmil  .M.  ■I'honiBon  nnd 
JiimoB  II.  .Mil'.wen  hoiicht  Nllllinnn's 
InlercBt  In  both  mill  nnd  Bloro,.  nnd 
tho  firm  wnB  Mcliola,  ThnniBon  k  Co. 
.Mr.  Slllliiiiin  died  Rienlly  renri'ltod  n 
■  IV  yeni'H  nfter,  when  nlioiit  aevenly 
yini-B  of  QUO.  llo  wn«  n  liinn  of  Krrnt 
onercy  mid  ncllvliy  nnd  of  bpoIIob* 
flniriifler,  whOBO  llfo  wnB  n  miior  of 
KOiiil  workH.  and  la  well  aiiiiiined  up  In 
tho  from  whleh  Iho  llev.  lllahnp 
lireoeheil  hlB  Roeond  funornl  aermon  1 
■A  fnlthfnl  l.oiikh,  oven  n  fruitful 
bouKh  by  n  well.  whoBo  lirnnrliea  run 
over  the  wnll.'  llo  wn«  not  n  profOB- 
aliiK  t'hi'lBtlnn  ;  hiiL  uood  deeda  mndo 
lirnfoBBlon    for    him." 

It  lins  been  ninety  yenrfl  ainro  lannr 
.1.  Nllllnmn  flral  enpnueil  In  l,iiBlnei.a 
In  I'ni^ko  Connl.v,  nnd  yet  nn  n«Boclnlo 
of  Mr.  Pllllninn— Wllllnni  M.  Tlioiiiflon 
—la  Btlll  In  liiiBlncaa  here,  with  nn- 
dlniliilahed  InteroBt  nnd  ncllvilyH 
llio  niio  of  elulily  yenral 

AsBoilnted  with  DnvId  W.  Stnrk 
wna  .lolm  II.  Pnvy ;  both  wore  ane- 
roBBfiil  nnd  ncjiilred  eonBldornhlo 
wealth.  A  well  known  firm  wna  IhnI 
of  A.  M.  Iloilalon  a  Co.,  rompoai-d  of 
(IcnernI   Alexnnder  M.   Iloimton,   Will- 

hli  imrlner.     Mr.  Kill  eonllnned      nniiied 

-deoriio   W.   Hill,     llnvid      Inni  P.  .Mulliallon  and  Tombroko  Cor 



n.'liiii.      il.Miinil  lloii«l'>li  ni.K  II  Sriiilh'       llhi'iy    -imf    or    kIimj,.      hIihIcI      hI (.ll.My    (HI    l.riil Iktw noit    III    \-<'J'.   niul 

.'III  ti'iilli'iiMh,  II  iii'iii'inl  III'  iMllllln  isiii  1,1  MiH.  l.iM'iniin  llniilli'y.  iiy  n  nv.-il  l(  In  Mm  ki  lllu  two  yiiirn  Inirr, 
\,\m  Ini.l  HiTM'.l  mill,  r  Amlnvv  .liuli-  llilii  II  iiiiiy  l.o  liitorml  llml  (l,i'  Imli.,,  «ii,.  nlmi  In  llio  iiirrciinlllo 
>iill    III    Ihi'    I'lvi'lt      Inilinn      Il<'       nt    llockvlll.'    iil    llml    rniiy    ilnin       i,ii.i|iii'H«    In    llic    fUllrn.      .Ihki'IiIi      IIuI- 

linil  l.rcii  II  tmulili'i-  III  ly  lll'p,  nml       i.rnmium  il    luyniiil    llii'    •■liii nili.-       hii'il  mill  Uiivlil  \V.  Shirk  wcri'  nlno  III 

u  iliioii  nil.'.  iiH  li''  ^:iV'.l  II   I'lirniiU'  nil rinil  In  In' ill  Ki'.'ir  ill   Ii'iiki.     Nnl  liiiiu       ILi-  llliwir.^  Imii.|ii.'HK.  iln.l  nl   llio  lliiio 

hinc  ii.i  iiii-iinn  or  kMowiiiK  III,.  ,.,i,.„i 
or  InilHlilniil  lrnni.n.llnnii  hi  iiil,  of  bimliiiiii. ;  lull  I  dn  knur 
llljit  SSIUIII'I  Sll-niinc  111  nnn  llmo  innl. 
a  roiilriict  from  llio  fnlloil  Sliilm  lo 
liny  .■i.iiiMi  invnlry  nnil  nrllllrry  homrt 

f-vv..  ■■:■■,:; 

A  mm 

t  ■-  ■"  .■'  ■ 

,.     ,    -t'i'.v.v::. 

■■•■■•  1    •  '.r. 

t  ■■■V  !-:fe^v  ..>¥/';" 

1  '"■ ' 

■^"■^"  ."H  ^ ' ' 

1  1   ■ 

j"i" ! ' 





1                      -■  ■     , 

sL.\i^r  ;;:-"..■>,■.'> v\Lu.~iiiiA.i 


llml    for    I.'    Ill    I'l.'tiinl      li-lmirc. 

TlifM  lie  hla  llfi-.  Iirciliiic  .-i 
nipinln'r  nt  tlio  I'rc-liyli-rlnii  iliiiri'li.  nii 
illU'r,  1111(1  In  i-vi'iy  wiiy  ii  icMilly 
l-lniKtliin   i:rnlli'liinn. 

In  ls:iT  .>;.oii  .Nni'l  niul  lioi.i'ii  i:iii<. 

H1.I111I  n  mnro.  'llilB  mini-  llkr  nil  llic 
ollion  ivim  „t  11,,.  K.'iii'nil  inon-hiin. 
illm.  lyiii'.  ThP  riiBl  dlnllnrlly  olif  dr. 
purliiicnl  ilnro  In  lloikulir  wim  a  mil- 

nr  the  rirc  hi  INill,  O.  .1.  InnlR  nnil 
.1,'iiiir's  .M.  ('o\  iinil  n  miiir  iin.l  tin 
slinp  on   llio  .North   Sldr. 

Siiimii  I  .>tiMn8r  LORiin  linnlnoss  In 
llii.kvlllc  111  IKl.l,  lie  iniiiliii'l(-d  11 
livery  iinil  Blork  l.iiyliii;  lniiilli>.Bn  con- 
llniiniiKly  rrniii  Unit  ilnl.'  iinlll  INilii, 
whnn  ho  Hold  lo  II.  ('.  Iliinnit.  Tli'.|i 
ho  fBlnl.llHlii'il  Ihi-  first  ilMlnilly 
rfiidyiniido  rinllilii):  store  In  llic. 
foiinly,  Inliii.llni;  thnl  lilg  b..iib.  i.nv- 
I.I.  .iMcoli  nnil  llpiiry  Bliniild  .-nndiiil 
II  fiu  Iholr  own.  Iinihl  nnil  .lii.nh  iti" 
ii-l.tcl  the  iiin|iosll|.in.  hill  llonry  ro- 
IliBCd  pOBlllvi-ly  to  ilork  In  11  Btoro. 
ivon  for  n  third  liilrii'.sl  In  Iho  liii«! 
nrsn:  llnvid  noon  n  lln.inlalird  hl« 
Bhnro  to  .laroh  nnd  wnil  to  Knn-^na  to 
rnmiKo  In  hiiBlnosii,  rplnniln.:  bI\ 
iiii.iillia  hilrr  to  hoi  oiiio  do|.iitv  (  l"rk, 
.Incoh  iiHitlniicd  tho  liiiaiuofi.i  .jiilli- 
BllcirBiiriilly  iinlll  his  dinlh.  Ilo  w.i- 
diovvnod  In  llio  Wiilindh  nl  Iho  n-oir'. 
i.r  nil!  Iln.iiinn,  .Iiino  ■-■:..  Is;i,  n«'  ■.'.• 

'I'linl    Iho  old   11.10  hiinlnoKB   mi'ii   i.l 

in  Ihcy  wcro  <ni.MKod  until  tho 
riro  i.t  I.ST"  ilostriiyoil  thoir  bIoio  on 
Iho  Nnilh  SIdo  of  llic  S.iiiiiro.  -rho 
"lli.iii-liiimn  KlrlB"  niMio  lo  llmktlllo 
Willi  Iholr  rmlior'H  I'jiiiilly  l\  In  11  ho 
ninvod  I'rimi  tho  l.ind  on  which  ho  hoi 
lloil  In  |x:;il.  n  linir  n.llo  miillli  of 
town.  III.  »oii(  Inlo  hiiHlnoMi  In  |.s:ui, 
Iho  riiiii  l.ohm  .Soil  a  llollL.hlnnn 
l.nlor  ho  ko|.t  Iho  "llo.kvlllo  llniim.'. 
whioll  Bliioil  nil  Iho  ■'..inor  now  nrni 
(iloil  hy  thu  llli'o  A  <'i..  hilll.lliiK.  In 
I.H.M  ho  hoilKlit  Iho  liolol.  wl.h  h  Klniiil 
on  Iho  priHinl  alio  or  Iho  I'nrko  ho- 
in,  nnd  kojit  this  tiivorn  for  Iwolvo 
yonr«.  I.ntor  woll  known  nillllnora 
woro  Mra.  I.ynih.  Mi».  Iloo.  W.  I'nl- 
llniia    nnd    Mlaa    .Mnry    Tlnllon. 

In  IRII  J.  M.  .Miliola  Btnrt.d  n  tin 
Khop.  not  Iho  rlrat  inio.  howcvor,  na"  I'nrko  loiinly  onpiKod  In  hl^  Irnna- 
nio.lotinn  I'ox'hnd  iiiidorlnkon  llila  nrllona  la  not  to  lie  doiil.lrd.  Tho 
hiialnoBB  aoiiio  llmo  boforo.  lint  liftrt  pork  pnoklnit  nnd  iiion  niilllr  Imalnoi'a 
lo(l    town   hpr.iro   .Mr.     .Vlchola     rniiio,      down  Iho  rlvor  ovlilonlly  Iniolio.l  on- 

HaiMiicI  N.  Ilakor,  who  citahllalicd  a      lorprlBoa  of  conaldorahln  mnKnItndo.  I 

'with    B    tliiio    limit    nnd    ponnlly.      Ilo 
'omplclod   tho     rontrait     two     wcckn 
fthrad  of  the  date  ror  coinplcllon. 
The    rirtt   linnklng      Inalltiillon      In 

I'nike  foniity  wan  rBlahllshod  In 
ix.-.:i.  hy  <lrner:il  ilc.  IC.  stoolo  iin.i 
IVraliia  I-:.  llnirlH  In  inlinorllon  with 
.MiBHla.  Ilrnrkwr.y  niul  I.ovIiikb,  of 
flovoloild.  Ohio.  The  anfo,  wol|!lillii( 
l'..H«l  iioiinda,  Alia  linilloil  on  n  wnumi 
troni  Torre  llniile,  Iwelve  yoke  nr  on- 
III  nnd  aovorni  men  holiiK  roipilroil  for 

Iho  tnak.     tho  liiiiik  lii'tun  hiiallio 1 

Iho  l:n>l  SIdo,  hill  In  IS.V1  nna  niovoil 
In  till.  Iliirria  l.iillilliiu.  whore  the 
linoliy    lliriliMiro   aliiro    la    now    In.iil' 

Id.     II   una  ni Ilioly  Mow  nrunnlM 

Hon  whlih  ton.i  ohnrco  In  |M--,.\  The 
l:n»torn  1111 11.  not  l.olni:  In  hiirinony 
iillh  tho  WoKlirn  moikhohlora  wllli- 
drew,  nnd  tho  lioiiie  alockholilora  or- 
Knnlzod  the  I'nrko  Cimiitv  hnnk.  U' 
ronllnnod  na  n  Stntc  Imnk  iinlll  IX'l-l 
when  it  hoiniiie  tho  KIral  Nnlloiuil 
llink.  The  I'nrko  County  hnnk  lind 
a  I'liplhil  I.r  ^llMi.lliKl,  Ihn  NnllonnI 
hnnk.  »lj.\l)iai.  (Iinornl  Hloole  wna 
liroahlent   of   both   linnki,   retiring   In 


1.S7I.  In  isiil  (Iw  lal.lhil  «u^  In- 
crousrd  lo  $l."ai.i«Ki,  nnd  In  1S7!i  lo 
SL'Kl.OH).  In  IMTT  th<-  nrmiiB  of  Mils 
linnk  wore  ilosn.l  nnd  ii  niw  oru-nnlzn- 
linn  pcrfortPil  wIMi  a  inlillnl  or  $l("l.- 
cMiil:  J.  .>r.  SIHiola  licTiiini-  Ilr^sldcnt 
nnil  S.  r,.  McriMic.  cnslilcr.  Ton  ycnrn 
laliT  II  was  nsnliL  r<- oicunlzcd  wllli 
Saiinicl  T.  ("Qllln.  priBldonl.  and  r. 
II.  McliolK.  inshlir.  At  Ino  dc.Hli  ol 
Mr.  lallln  Mr.  Nl.liol«  l.ocnMio  |.roal- 
tlonl  nnd  A.  T.  Iliockwiiy.  rnshlir.  M. 
II.  •nsi-  lina  conllniiid  In  Btrvo  as 
vlrr-|irraldriit  since  the  last  ornnnl/.n- 

•rlie  rnrke  IliinkInK  ■innininy  was 
niKJinlzod  In  ls7:i  l).v  Airrert  K.  Stnil;. 
.lolin  II.  T.ile  nnd  Dnvid  conlirr,  rwo 
years  liiler  .Mr.  ronllir  retired  nnd 
llie  linsllless  was  londnclecl  l.y  Mr. 
StnrI;  nn.l  Mr.  Tate  mil II  IS-Sil.  when 
Hie  Inner  reslcned  na  easlller  lo  CO 
Into  liiishieas  nl  lllniilia.  Neli.  I'reil 
II.  Stnrk  snieeiiled  .Mr.  Tale  as  eaali. 
ler.  The  L-rnwtli  of  llie  hualness  o! 
thla  hank  diirliii;  the  iieM  ten  yo:irs 
\MiH  Hu  Kreal  llinl  the  |iro|ieKll Ion  lo 
renrKiinl/.e  It  Willi  an  eMended  Hat  of 
slMi-ldioldei'R  was  <|iilekly  neee|iled  hy 
InrnI  raplliillsla  of  the  Cniinly.  and  II 
una  re^ircnnlzed  a^  the  I'ai-lie  stale 
llallU.  Its  presenl  oirheis  iire  A.  II. 
Stark,  i.resldenl.  Wllllnni  .1.  While, 
vleeinealih^nt.  Ceo.  C.    Miller,  .ashler. 

Until  llnrkvllle  liiinUa  In  vnlniiie  of 
liiialnena  nnd  In  every  feature  that  de- 
llnea  cnort  hanking-  are  ehiBae.l  aiiioiiK 
llie  first  hanks  of  the  Slate. 

tieiieial  Steele  upon  Belling  Ills 
store  at  .Miiiisrield  In  ism.  enme  to 
llorkvllle.  where  he  eniharked  In  biisl. 
ne»a  will.  Aaron  ll.inn.  They  c.m- 
.lii.'ted  1.  i:enernl  store  In  the  frniiie 
l.iilldlnR  which  slo..d  until  removed  to 
lie  re|.lnced  In  ISTU  hy  the  I'reshyter- 
Ian  .hnr.h.  The  last  hualness  eon- 
dueled  there  was  b  meat  slutp,  I  think 
hy  a  young  man— i:d  lloynoldB.  The 
InillillnK  was  then  In  had  repair,  and 
was  still  known  aa  the  Steele  Corner. 

tine  of  the  iiinsi  reniarkahle  of  llork- 
vllle iHislnesB  men  was  llmry  llar- 
i^riives.  Tills  eiierKctl.'.  Btiirdy  an.l  ro 
aoiircefiil  Knullshninn  eaiiie  l.i  Itoek- 
vllle  In  isill.  He  was  a  sho.-inaker 
nnd  l.e^nn  hiishiea-.  as  Bilefi  on  the 
.Sorth  Sl.le  of  the  S.iilaie.  Within 
five  years  he  liati  added  a  larue  Blo.k 
of  fa.  lory  made  hoots  nnd  alines  lo  ItIb 
liilsllieRB-  .IB  II  ahoelnaker  nnd  harness 
maker,  whieh  hy  thai  time  einplnyed 
many  m.-n.  Then  canie  the  fire  and 
the  1^^B  of  most  of  Ills  store.  WMK 
Hip  hnlldlllCB  on  the  Xorth  Sl.le  were 
.vet  hninlim  he  hired  men  lo  ipnirry 
the  Kloiie  and  make  the  l.riek   for  a 

Ihr Binry  hiilhllnR.     The  fire  oecnr- 

red  In  Septeiiiher.  Iiefore  cluistmnB 
Mie  new  IniU.llnR  was  np.  In  the 
meant  line  he  had  erected  tennment 
hoiiBes  In  various  parts  of  town,  an.l 
In  every  wny  |.na»llile  he  devoted  lllii.- 
seir  1..  the  ilphnlhllilK  of  the  .  nin- 
ninnlly.  Ills  eHlhiinhle  wife,  llnnn;ill 
MilrKi'avex,  alHn  went  Into  iirtlve  liilBl- 
nisH,  and  ror  years  before  her  death 
I'laidiirted  n  hirue  millinery  rslahllBli- 

II.  ,1,  InnlB  was  olinther  of  Kn.'k- 
tllle's  enterprising  linslneBS  men, 
wlinse  art  Mill's  were  of  a  pilhlle- 
splillid  nature.  Ill'  .<:iiiie  lo  Tarke 
f'liiiiily  lo  .'h'rk  In  niie  of  the  I'inres 
al  lliis.'vllle.  Then  he  came  to  Uoik- 
vllle  and  eiiKiiseil  In  lines  of 
I'l.slneHs.  lie  liiilli  Innis  l.lo.k  nrirr 
the  North  Side  fire.  Al  thai  tlaie 
he  WOB  aiienl  for  the  Kx- 
presB  I'll.,  nnd  was  the  first  expresB 
aRenl  In  I'arke  t'onnty.  lie  was  huc- 
ciede.l  hy  fharles  .M.  Ilnnnlnitl,  who 
slarled  In  the  Jewelry  hnslnesB  here 
In,  an.l  he  hy  W.  N.  Carlisle.  Mr. 
Carlisle  lieitan  working  for  the  ox- 
lirpBB  company  when  a  Ind  twelve 
>'cani  or  ago,  In  1HU8.     Ilo  also  did  * 

transfer    bilsln 

larRo  while  be  was  yet  a  bo.\ 
came  express  nsenl  In  ISS4, 
tinned  In  that  capacity  until  t 

lik'li    was      ipilto      lie    and   J.    M.    Nichols  went   with    an 

■et  a  bo.v.  Ilo  he-      ox    team    in    1S411.      Mr.    Kbacklct.ird'B 

store  lias  on  tlie  North  Side,  and  was 

3      drstroycd    with    most   of   his   Block    In 

ISMI,  wlicro  ho  resided  until  hiB  dcalli. 
Mr.  .Shaekleford  was  one  of  the  niost 
Inlclleetnal  of  all  of  llockvlllo'B  hnal- 
ncsB  men,  a  good  writer  and  R  public 

fvi'^'^lX  y^ 


Imri..  I- 

aco,  when  be 
enec  Harrison. 

llarton  \\.  Sbaeklefonl, 
step-ion  or   I'crBliiB    K. 

Bucereded  by  Clnr 

iifiiiiiNo,  nrsTnovt 

the    fire  of    INTii. 
enl    Whipple      Dry 
btilldlng   an 
tbero  until  aliont   I 

e  hum  the  pres- 
(loo. Is  eonipany 
In  liiiBlneBs 
Tbcn  lio  op- 


grew  to  manhoo.l  in  llorkvllle,  em- 
barked In  the  dry  gnoda  biiBlncBfl  up- 
on lili  return  rroiu  Calirurnla,  whoro 

ine.l  the  shackltford  con)  mine  near 
Will  lama  Creek,  wlileb  be  eondnctod 
until  ho  Icrt  for  St  Joieph,  Mo.,  hi 

speaker  of  more  than  ordinary  Rhlllly. 

I'r.inclB  II.  Whipple  and  A.  c.  Hales, 
long  prominent  In  the  huBliiesR  and 
s...'lnl  life  of  llo.'kvllle,  eame  In  Isill. 
The  fi.rmer  condm-ted  a  ilry  gopda 
B.ore  on  the  Kast  side,  adJniiiliiR  the 
drug  Bloro  cBtablislii'.l  iiy  Mr.  Hales 
on  the  I'lirke  bank  corner.  Ilotil  weie 
one.Blory  frame  bull.liiii;s.  a  picture  of 
whiili  1»  pilnted  elsewhere.  Mr.  Whip- 
|ile  ennllniied  In  hiiBln.aB  until  the 
fire  of  i.MTI  ihslroyed  his  atore  build- 
ing. He  then  rrllred. .  Ills  son,  Kran- 
cls  II.  Whipple,  Jr.,  who  cleiked  In  his 
tiitiier'i  store,  afterwords  went  Into 
Hie  dry  goedB  IniBlnehB  with  /,.  T.  Ov- 
em  an.  The  firm  of  Whipple  «  Ov 
iriiian  wmb  one  or  the  brat  known  In 
I'arke  County,  I'pnii  the  death  of  Ml', 
iiieriiiaii  In  l.xi'1,  .Mi.  WTilpiile  eim- 
llniieil  Hie  biiBlness  until  his  deiilli  In 
IINiii,  Blnee  whlih  Hiiie  the  luisliieBii 
lin«  been  lonliniied  n«  the  Whipple 
liry  c.i.  I''riink  Whipple  will 
long  be  roniemlirred  In  I'arke  Cnimly 
for  every  iiiiallly  IhnI  defineB  a  pel'- 
reel  ginllenian. 

Iloekvllle  bud  Iwn  ilnig  alnren  In 
the  alxllea-A.  (',  Itnlea  nnd  Hie  HInrll 
llriitbori— Alfred  K.  and  I).  W.  The 
latler'i  «lorc  wn«  on  the  Xnrlh  Hide, 
However,  before  Hint  llino  Ihn  aloro 
«nn  on  the  Mast  Hide:  It  wns  eat.ih 
llBlied  by  laaae  (I.  Corfin  an.l  a  part- 
per  naiued  Cloud.  Alfred  K.  SInrk 
began  ileriilng  In  tbla  "lore  when  tw 
tvni  •oveale«n.  Upon  the  complrtlon 
of  InnlB  hlo.'k  Mr.  Ilalea  moved  Into 
the  room  mif  neciipicd  hy  Tad  f.. 
J,}bnBon.  WllIUiii  M  Ott  nnd  W.  II, 
Fry  eBtabllBlio.l  •  ijnig  Btoro  on  the 
Kait  8lde  In  the  eirlj  MVcntlM,     ■ 


I..  »hl.  li  "ii»  iiiM  rwiu.U  |        I)    li.'.iinn>   tho    (III      Itiiv.lnnic      Cniii- 

il,..  ||„i,.hlMH"n  llic.lli.-.x.  A.  M.  l.n.iy.  nlul  iv"»  ■■■.iKli..  lo.l  l.v  I  •.  II.  11. 
Will Tl.r   lull.'.-    «li.Ml    n    Im.v         .1.    nn.l    U  .    r.    .Pit, 

nil   III   cklk   tor   .\.   C.    lliili'K.   Willi  UlllLiiM    II,   llicmm iil   .V.   II.   Mi  . 

,11,  111.  »iin  n«»n:lill<'il  lnr  |m  ilinim  Minli.i  ivoio  Imii;  inBii.  Inl..,!  locolliiT 
III     hilBlllini    111     llorLilllo.       .Mr.    Ovi'r- 

1  ciiM.o  hci-c  Ml.iim  the  I'losn  or  the 

ihll  War  10  niiinni:.'  111.'  Iiiiiilii.'im 
«  miH  l.i'K.iii  III  a  liui:.'  now 
HiiiM.'  liiilliliii):  on  the  SoiilhoiiM  .or- 
n.-r  oC  Iho  B<|iiiiro.  rlil«  IiiiUiIImr  Im.l 
II  hull  iil>m,>  II  UhoM-n  UK  Wnahlnu'loii 
Imll,  II  vtiii.  d.Eli'..>'i'.I  whi-n  llio 
Sniilh  SI. In  wim  l.iirii.'il  .Inly  I.  ISTI. 
Til.'  Hloiv  wn  Ihoii  m.ivill  1.1  llio  new 
lulrk  linllilliiii  In  llic  r.ioin  n.nv  o.-.ii.'.l  by  ■r.-.ii.Mio  &  Cliniininn.  IIimv 
Ovciinnn  it  .Mr.Mnrtry  i-onriiiclod  n 
Inrff.*  bimlniKn.  luit  In  tlio  tiioiintliuo,  l-i. 


h  of  I'orllniiil  MIIIb.  rniiio  lo  llii.k-  nl'  Hi.'  I Ilrni  doctor,  "iiiilli'd  tpolh," 

vlll.'    Ill    llio   nlxlli'ii.     Tli.^    InlliM-   wim  mill   »o  nilitlit   uny   llinl     loolh     ivfro 

.vlii-rirt  for  mo  IcrniB.  '.11  lo  '.l.-..  •Iliry  -oniollinon    pnlli-d    nt    Iho   iwllor   tlmii 

iimilii.'Ird  II  moro  nwhllo  on  llio  lliint  xllli   linllol   nmiilda:     Tlio  fitat  iioriii- 

Side.     Mr.  Plnvona  thon  wonl  hi  biml- .  niiont  .lonllal  or  donlal  iiirKcon   win 

oy   '^J 

...iiiv,  ilii;iliu  nhli'li  llnio  li.<  ii 
,U  11  knoMliilKi'  01'  iiliiii-iiuioy  lir 
Ihiiii  .an  I..-  oiilnlii.-.l     frnm     II 


A.  II.  m  nirit'i'iiv, 

I'.    M.'Muriry    liinl   a.i|iiliv.l  hla   Inili- 

I  r«  Inioimi  III  tlio  aioro.  Mr.  (iior- 
Mian  r.llroil  iiboiil  1SM|.  II.  II.  lliiilir  hliii.  tho  fli'in  l.o.onilnL- 
.M.Miiiiry  ,H  lliillor. 

Il.'for.'  llio  «iir  lliioliilllo  iiaa  .-on- 
ri.l.'i'i'il  ...Hiiiniinliian  .'niini.'li  fur  a 
'.iLiiy-u    niiialil.'   iIiIiik      n  lion     oiio 

.iiiiHldorn    II iilillalii'.l    oilHlniii      or 

liniii.'  IiiiUIiil:.     WIIIIiiiii  I'lniiili  will.  111.' 

INI 11'  till'  liiik.'r  »li.i  I'Miiio  li.Ti'  al 

li'llkl   Ion  yoiMH  ali.'li.l  or  111.'  iliii.'H.  Mo 
■  ''•  ""  did   11.11    r.  iiiiiiii   loiii!  In   liimliio-».  and 

«.Iii.i.1h.     Ill'  In  inni  lio.nini'  llio  tnior       H    wa»   nol    niilll    ismi  tlmi    liinkilllo 

.11  Mill  II.  (HI,  Willi  l»  now  i.rniirl.'       .'iiii'ii'il 

1.1    III.-   Iiii-,n,'^,    iMiii.likli.'.l     l.y     hli       i:.  si'ooi 

Ijillior.  ,<l<l.'  I  lull  .v.'.ir. 

.lolili   .III   III,. I  .li,liii    II.    I'rioo  .'Hinli'  .lanii'ii    l.anili.'rl,  .Ir..   liinl   ..    Ki'iioory 

llah.'il  i>  liai.luai'.'  :iiiil  uro.ory  ai.iio  hioio  oii  Mi.'  N'nrili  Sldo  In  Iho  aKII.'H, 
ivlil.h  ho  aflonvarda  liiovo.l  to  Iho 
My.'ia  Corner,  and  sold  lo  I'lrinnii  ,M- 
Ion.  'I'lio  My.'ia  iflllior  ivaa  Iho  linino 
or  Snnl.  .MyoiR.  who  kopl  linnr.lor-. 
mil  nt  line  tliiio  had  a  Rr.i.cry  store. 
The  weal  bIiIo  lower  floor  «  aa  a  sloro 
room.  It  was  do8lroyod  hy  fire  In 
the  winlor  of  vsi.'S'J.  and  the  L-rniind 
I'lir.  hiiB.'d  hy  tho  Ilo.killlo  Opera 
lloiiBo  roiiipany. 

,lnlin  Siindorland  had  a  <lry  co.ola 
Ml. re  wheio  Iho  WryborBor  l.i.ll.llni! 
BtanilB.     .\.   K.   SInrk   la   po-lllvo   Ihal 

II  «iia  In  a  ino-alory  hrlrk  InilhllnK. 
My  Iniiiroaalon  of  the  iilmo.  Ilioiuli 
Ihiu  of  a  iHiy  five  yoara  old.  la  a  ainall 
franio  Inillilini;.  II  wna  ihon  Hi.'  post- 
offlio  Willi  .In.lco  I'ollB  aB  |io»lnri»lor. 

Wllllaiu  II.  lliii'illiiL-.  who  waa  In  Ih,' 
.try  l.nalnoaa  lor  liioio  llii.n 
menly  .lonia.  .am.'  In  Ih.-  fiflloa.  Mo 
waa  for  a  llino  aaa'irlmod  wllli  (Irooii- 
hiiry  Wai.l  on  llio  Mam  Side,  whore 
he  had  a  lilc  ilore  at  Iho  llino  of  tho 
riro  In  ISTJ.  Mo  ron.liol- 
ed  hnalnoaa  In  llio  Nnl.inol  lliliik 
lliill.lliii.'.  .Mr  llarillni:  Ihon  looir.l  lo 
.Ml  Ih"  \orlli  Sl.l.'  In  Ih.'  alMloa.  Thla  III.'  Ward  f.iriii,  wlloro  ho  lliod  for - 
I'lialii.  i>  nnh  n.-,pilrod  hy  aovoral  y.-,ira  and  Ihon  amiln  heiniiie 
I'aild    lliM.r   (111    an, I    Walliioo    lloy.l.       a   r.'al.lonl   of   llorkilllo.      Mo   waa  one 

and    una    manv    mhib   one   of   Ih.'       of  the  boat   known  n  of  llio  eoiinly.  hi  tho  loilnly.     II  Riil>-o.|iionl-  lleiiben   and   (k.iree     Inai', 

noaa  wllh  .liiine.  Mor.lnn.     The  laltei 
waa    iilai.    t.nvnalllp   Iriialoo. 

.loa.'ph  ( -11111  had  a  Jowolry  Binro  - 
porlpipB  Iho  riraf  In  llorkilllo  aov 
.'lal  y.nri.  b.'r.ire  ho  onllau-.l  In  Ih. 
I'Oiirlornlh  Inillnnn.  nii.l  dl.-.l  m\ 
Ch.'nl  M.iiinliiln  In  ISiil.  I'al  Thoin 
na  In  111.'  aUll."-  laid  ii  lariio  J.'.v.'lr.v 
aloro  In  the  oiial  lilill.llni:  of  Iho  .N'orll 
Sl.le,  when'  Ih.'  lilt  flro  aliiilo.l.  Will 
lam  .Mexaiiil.'r  ri'piilrod  waich.'a  an.i 
had  B  Biiiall  Blo.k  of  Jew.'liy  on  III. 
Milal  Side,  and  vnrlona  niher  pln.'.'a 
llnrlon    .V    Mnnnl.'nll    .am.'     In      ls;:l 

Thi'lr  firal  alo 

In  Mil'  (y 

of  .1.  1,.  I'pp'a  ►liiillo,  In 
the  room  helow.  I'ranli  M.  Mall  lanie 
iihoiil  Iho  Baiiio  Ulil.'.  Ilia  Btoro  waa 
In  a  Iraiiie  Imll.lInK  ahoill  whore  Ihn 
Colonial  leHianiiinl   la  now  lo.nlod. 

A  man  by  Iho  name  of  ilaloB  waa 
lioekvllk'a  thai  pholonraplior.  Me 
made  pl.-tilroB  .-allo.l  "niallneolytioa" 
or  ■'Blhertyiiea."  In  the  alMlos  Will- 
iam (loluor  Iwi.l  a  birRO  Kallery  .in  the 
third  floor  of  the  llarrla  hnll.llng.  Mo 
aold  t.i  CInr.noo  Noel,  a  fine  wlnE 
ahol.  whiiae  pohilor  doK  ".Ve.l,"  wna 
eolebialnl  for  hla  relnarkalilo  kooii' 
n.aa  of  aeoni  and  trnlnlnL'.  Slannlon 
lihi.klo.iKo  for  a  lime  made  iiboio- 
l.'riiphB  III  Ihe  hnlhllnK  laal  yi'ar  lorn 
down  wllh  sainnol  chooBor'a  ..hi 
hlaokBMiltb  abnp.  It  orlL'Innlly  alood 
on  Iho  nnrtli  end  oi'  the  S|i.  nrer  l.if 
.III  .lerforaoii  alroel.  The  lower  floor 
una  Dr.  Ilhii-kl.  .luo'a  "Flinp."  Dr. 
llhi.'  «na  llorkillle>  firat  .lonl- 

Scott  llnm).  and  .l..|in  Cnllon.lor 
laiiie  to  Il.'.kvlllo  from  .Manaflold  and 
went  In  liiiBlni"-a  nlmiil  whore  Ihe  In- 
dex Nol  Ion  .«'  la  on  the  Kial  Hl.lo. 
Thoy  had  a  Inrco  warelmiiao  In  o.m- 
ne.'llon  with  their  bnalnraa.  whl.h  nn- 
III  ro.'rntly  waa  nai'il  by  Iho  Hhannon 
&  Mnvona  I'oiillry  rompnny. 

Knrly  donllala  wore.  Dr.  lllnokledRo 
ami     the     .Mciiown      llrothorB.       All 

Dr.   W.   X.   Wlrl,  who  cnlne  In   l.ST.V 

lln,'killb"a  rlral  "hiiallrr"  In  hnal- 
niBB  waa  l:.  .1.  MiiEh.'B.  Mo  laino  in 
t..wii  anon  aflir  Iho  cloao  of  the  war. 
and  111  ..lie.'  h.'-an  the  iiinal  allipond- 
oiia  lii.'lhnila  of  ailierllalnn  out 
known  In  I'nrke  c.innly.  .\o  man  ho. 
hire  or  alnre'rila.'d  ao  exienalve. 
ly.  anil  b.'  .iinai'd  oieryhody  to  Bit  np 
anil  take  nolle.'.     Mo  |iiilnt.'.l  Hie  front 

of    hlB   alnre    ro whl.h    waa   about 

Ihii  cout.'r  gf  ihc  .\oith  Side,  rod,  and 
yon  loiil.l  K.i  n.iwhor.'  In  tho  Cnnniy 
wlthonl  h.'lim  ronilnil.'.l  of  the  "H.-d 
I'roiii,"  and  "i:.  .1.  MnulioB'  Ch.'np 
Ca»h  Sinr.'."  Tin'  fire  B.'rloii»ly  hurt 
.Mr.  MnKh.'a  flnaiiolally:  but  It  dl.l 
not  .anae  him  lo  lot  np  for  a  day.  .V 
hlB  throoali.ry  warohonae  Blood  one 
B.innre  n.iilh  of  hla  El.ire  on  York 
alreol.  oppoBlle  .•>;.  W.  CiinniiliiL'B'  liv- 
ery Blnblo  Into  tbiB  .Mr.  Ililchea 
moved  anil  |iro.oodod  lo  paint  the 
hnne  ol.l  biilbllnu  a  vivid  roil.  There 
be  rondiiolod  biiBlnoBB  for  n  lime,  but 
loft  llo.kvlllo  nhont  !.><:•.'.  lie  w.ia  all 
entorprlalni;  clll/en,  and  waa  not 
afraid  to  put  ninney  Into  Ihe  dovoln|i- 
ni.'nt  of  the  town.  Me  Iioiil-IiI  the 
forty  airea  owned  by  llilaa.'ll  (Ireen, 
nnrib  of  lown,  platlo.l  It  Inio  Inla,  and 
lalird  II  .Snrlh  Itorkvllle,"  or 
"lliiKhet'  .\ddltlon."  hiii  neither  name 
ain.k.  It  wa"  called  Ihe  "I'lirly,"  and 
hy  ihni  name  la  known  lo  thla  day. 

Iliifna  Donley  li.iB  hron  In  oonllnn- 
oiiB  bilalniaa  In  the  aalno  lino  loniter 
Ihan  any  other  llnikvlllo  hnalnoaa 
man.  Soon  aflor  he  .aiiie  out  of  the 
army  In  ismi  he  .nine  to  lloi-kvlllo  ami 
inlrred  a  hnr.lwaro  aloro  on  the  r.aat 
Sl.le  wllh  William  Knowle«  and  Sain- 
nol Manlll.  Mr.  Knnwloa  aoon  rollr- 
ed  fiom  the  hnalnoaa  anil  Iho  firm  ho- 
oiiii  e  Maclll  ft  D-mloy.  ,\flor  Ihe  Kaal 
Side  flro  the  atoro  waa  moved  to  the 
bnlldlnR  It  now  o.-rnplea.  WIlllBiii 
.McMlllIn  nnd  l>.  \V.  stark  hn.l.  In  the 
Incantlnic  acr|iilrcd     partnerablp,     tho 

nmuMA  •TAia  UBILU* 

llnii  lii'liiK  Mc.Mllllli.  Sliiili  it  lliiulcy. 
.I.'KH.'  II.  I'lihiii'lly  wllh  Mr.  Kciiiir.v' 
Ihi'ii  liniiKlil  III"  Hinn',  lolillnnhlu  ,llii> 
hiiHlnots  KB   linnloy   k   i'miiii('II.>.      .Mr. 

Cnniic'lly     rrllrcd     n o     ynira     nK", 

w  hni  .\.  'r.  l>nnlry  lin-nluc  a  iiiciiiUer 
iir  Ihi'  riMii,  iinw  klionil  nB  tllr  llooloy 
ilnrdwurf  To. 

{•'iiiimn  Allen,  who  prcvloiiB  to  com- 
liiK  In  lli'rkvlllr  niiH  In  liliBlncBS  at 
.^Inntr/.MNiQ,  palablinlird  a  grnrory  here 
111  llio  Intp  Rlxtles.  Mr.  .Mien  wiis  n 
lino  ^iKelnien  'if  Ihn  typo  of  liiiflineBB 
Nii'n  of  Ills  lime,  dlKlilfled  nnd  uenlle- 
ipiuiily  In  clonionnor,  yet  wnrni-lienriod 
and  Kindly.  Me  rellreil  In  I.K.Ht,  when 
ho  Bcjhl  his  'lore  to  Wllllniii  M. 

Wllllniii  .\.  HiivonHoii  liiiU  ft  store 
In  I'nrke  Coiinlv  nt  I'oriliind  MIIIb 
lirevlniiB  I.I  iMonllnt!  In  llookvllle  In 
IH7H.  \  fi'nlnro  nl  Mr,  Hteveniion'B 
ndiortlBoinonl  In  the  lloekvlllo  pii- 
iroi'B  una  II  Blcniilnre  Hint  beemnc  n 
►.irl  of  irmlo  mnrk  •'■.loft  ('.  Sloven- 
win,  I'ImrloB  .\.  xtevennon,  I'ronk  K 
Slevennon,  will  II,  Stevenson,  Sules- 
inon,"  A  IrsH  eoiiBelonlloiiB  iimn  lliiin 
,Mr.  SlevenBon  nilRht  Imvo  mldod  the 
nnine  of  Allien— but  Albert  wa«  too 
yniinL'  then  In  he  ii  elerlt.  Mr  Stov- 
oimnn  Hn»  n  pupil  of  thnt  morrnntlle 
B.hnnl  which  cnidimled  »noh  men  ns 
Chnnncy  Itose.  Innrie  .1.  Sllllman. 
I'erslnB  K.  llurrlB  imd  ninny  olhoi-B 
like  IhoiM.  n  ninn  i.f  Btrht  InloKrlly 
nnd  nnniiofltloned  inornllty— n  Chris- 
tlnn  Rrn'loninn.  The  huBlnesB  oBtnlt- 
llBhe.l  hy  hini  In  Itoikvllle  Binreodod 
to  hiB  Bon.  V.  K.  Stevenson,  nnd  la 
now  lohduoted  hy  hln  son,  Wllllniii  |i. 

John  I..  N"Cl  ivns  long  In  IniBlnoBB 
In  llookvllle  on  the  South  Side  of  the 
Siiiinre.     .Mr.    .Noel    utia  n   \ery  pnul- 

ent    nnd    eoon loni      hnalnoas     miin, 

Btihlly  hono»l  In  IiIb  denllnJF,  and  he 


B<rl|.llon   of   .Moiilen i  il|i-li|.iliili'.    II       IIoiikoii   .onlln I    In    the   lolnll    ImibI- 

no  douhl   n.lrly  doBordiert  Ihe  pinoo  ul  iiobb  nflor  llie  deollne  nf  ihe     fninil 

the  llmo  II  nppi'nred     In  Ihe     liiiNiiiiii  inilll  he  lind  roiiiiihd  out  forty  .venrt 

lln-.ntm-    for    ISJI.      The    author    was  of   nellve   hieioiinllle    llfo      In      .Monlo. 

no  douhl  doB.rlhhiK  the  lown  early  In      / i,  with  ten  years  of  prevlouB  husl- 

the   year    IX'.'I,   alnco   nothlnn   la  anhl  m  b«  nt  Uoolivllle  and  Arnileahuri.'.  lie 

n<-,|iilrod  oonalderahlo  wealth.  I  [la 
honofno||on»  afler  hia  rellroinenl  from 
huBlnias  demonalniteil  that  he  had  the 
welfare  of  biuiinnlly  nnd  of  hiB  roiu- 
niiinlty  nt  heart. 

The  fovoRolnp  la  a  annimary  of 
llorkvllles  biwliuaa  iiiou  nnd  iiiorcnn- 
tile  Inalllullona  iirovlnns  to  a  date  too 
reoent  for  dolalird  il»scrl|.|lon.  Blnoe 
It  uonhl  bo  iiianlreatly  InipoBBlblc  to 
lake  up  In  thla  manner  all  of  the  later 
Indlvhluala  nnd   rirniB. 

•■l/o,/(<ii«nifl"  --A  Biiinll  vlllaae  In 
I'lirko  County,  »ltnated  on  a  henntl- 
fill  l.lurr  on  Ihe  enat  l.nnU  of  Iho  Wa- 
hnHli  rlvi^r,  T  inllea  from  llookvllle. 
Thla  phiro  liaa  the  ndvnntano  of  Blenm 
nnvluntlon,  and  hhla  fair  to  boooiue  a 
Plare  of  IniporMnoe.  It  lontnlnB  An 
InhnhltnnlB.  ime  tavern,  and  aeveral 

rerhnpB  yon  have  ohaorved  the  luo- 
Inllon  liiarkB.  hut  If  not,  pleaae  know 
nt  oneo  that  tlio  aboro  Ib  not    a    dc- 

nf  a  Blore.  It  was  prohnhly  later  In 
Ihe  yonr  Mint  .losopli  .M.  Ilaynoa  oa- 
hihllahod  the  firat  sloro  In  Monte- 
ziinin,  too  lalo  to  l-oI  In  Ihe  llaznlifi: 
lie  hail  a  ninnopoly  of  the  rolall  Inial- 
noaa  for  Boii  e  lime,  when  a  man  niim 
id  NoBwIth  atnrtod  a  aloie.  lllB  atook 
lonalaUd  of  Ino  IioIIb  of  ealho  and  a 
harrol   i.f   whl»koy. 

.Monlor-uma  dilflod  iiloiiK  wllh  ii 
low  aloroa  and  waa  more  of  a  alilp- 
plnK  point  for  other  placoa  In  the 
fniinlv  until  Is.-Ji,  when  very  now 
wine  was  put  In  thla  old  hMtdo,  arrlp- 
lurally  apoaklnu',  for  the  t'nnni  hail 
ooiiie.  and  Wllh  It  aonie  of  the  nioal 
enlorprlBliiK  men  who  have  flu-nrcd 
In  the  ooninionlal  hlstury  of  I'arke 

Antlclpallni:  the  Imlhllni:  of  the 
Cannl,  Col.  Kinatns  M.  Ilenson.  who 
hail  been  In  Inislnoaa  at  Itoikvllle  and 
.Vriiileahurf;.  rnniied  a  parlnerahlp 
wllh  .Tohn  <!..  havla,  then  Clerk  nf 
I'arke  County,  nnd  opened  a  general 
merohnndlBo  himlnoBa  In  isin.  Thla 
pnrlnerahlp  wiia  onnllniioil  for  seven- 
tern  years,  ilurlnn  whioh  time  Mr. 
llavlB  was  Clerk  and  then  n  nionihor 
of  ConnroaB.  so  It  la  neodleaa  to  Bay 
thai  Colonel  llonaon  oondmlod  the 
linalnosa  wllhoul  any  asslslanee  from 
bla  partnor,  II  wna  a  large  and  very 
flonrlahlni!  hualnoaa,  loo.  RmwInK  In- 
to a  wholesalo  l.uylni:  nnd  aolllnn  nt 
the  big  narohoiico  on  Iho  Ciinal.  ITBi 
yarda  north  of  the  present  arloalan 
well.  This  wnrebonae  was  inanagod  by 
Kopttnina      Vanlandlngliaiii.       Colonol 

dealt  honoally  wllh  ovoryhmly  and 
wna   uroatly   admired   and   roBpeileil. 

.ludKo  Waller  C.  Konnldaon  waa  n|. 
a.T  In  liilslneas  at  llorkvlllo.  aa  haa  iil- 
ready  been  rehiled,  hofore  KOing  to 
Mnnloziilnn  tii  lake  advanlngo  nf  the 
Cannl.  lie  wna  eiriloil  naao.lale 
Jnilge  In  ISIS,  aorvod  aa  iniinly  eo.ii- 
mlsaloner.  and  In  l.sill  waa  eloiloil 
llopreaontiillve  of  I'arke  Coiinly.  llo 
had  retired  from  biislni>B  long  be- 
fore hia  dealll,  ami  wna  known  far 
iiml  whlo  aa  one  of  I'arke  Counly-s 
grand  old  men.  llo  was  born  In  Clark 
Ciinnly,  Kentinky.  Aug.  -JJ.  l.siH.  At 
the  ngo  of  7^1  .liiilgo  lionaldBon,  who 
had  boon  a  widower  lor  many  years, 
uiarrlid  .Mrs.  .lull  i  A.  Ilnaaoll.  one  of 
I'arke  Connty'B  pioneer  women.  The 
uiiuTliige  erroiiiouy  naa  porfoniiod  In 
a  groio  near  .Mrs.  Ituaaoira  homo  ami 
wna  wltneasod  hy  a  large  oongrcgn- 
Iloii  of  frlonila. 

i;.  «;.  Wllaon,  who  waa  for  forty 
years  one  of  Montozimurs  most  enter- 
prlalng  oltlj'.enB.  Iiognn  luialneaB  as  n 
ilork  for  llonaon  *;  liavla.  Afler 
aoiiie  yoara  aervloe  he  had  nri|Ulreil  n 
llinrongh  knowledge  nf  linalneas  nnil 
bnrt  n.rnmnlnled  anfflrlont  oapllal  to 
embark  In  an  enlorprlse  of  hia  own 
dirortlon.  In  he  nnd  hia  hrollior 
atiirlod  n  general  store  In  Monloy.nmn, 
ronllmilng  the  pnrlnerahlp  nnlll  isill. 
.Mr.  WIlBon  waa  for  many  years  one 
of  the  best  known  of  Iho  BUoeeBsfnl 
merohnnts  of  the  munly. 

.1.  X.  Ireland,  after  elerklng  In  a 
grocery  store  In  Now  Vork  City  and 


l.alayetle,  Indlnini,  nnd  lainluollng  n 
Blorn  of  Ills  nwii  nl  i'^iigene,  Vernill> 
Hon  Connly,  oamo  to  .Monlezmua  In 
INlll.  Ilia  ti'iide  at  .Moiili'Miina  wna 
iinlle  largo  nnd  he  riinllnueil  ns  one 
of  Ihe  town's  foroinoat  biialiiosa  men 
tor  many  years,  lie  wns  burn  Intirniiue 
Connly,  .V.  v.,  nnd  nt  the  ago  of  II 
wint  to  .Sow  Vork  Clly,  nllor  which 
time  he  was  enllrrly  dopondent  on  Ills 
own  reBOlllToa.  Ilia  life  war.  exemiiliry 
and  ho  was  always  hehl  In  Ihe  hlgbosl 
latoini    In    the    rommimlly    whole    lie 

llnnll.i    Inintoil  poimii iily. 

ilfiirgo  .Melioniild.  who  ivita  one  of 
Iho  wldosl  known  rommerelnl  inrn  In 
Indlnnn,  began  biiKinosB  aa  n  grncer 
in  .Monlemimn  abnni  ININ.  lie  after- 
uaiila  woni  "on  the  roalT  ns  u  triivel- 
ing  Bnlosmnn  nr  "dnimnier,"  ns  lhe,\' 
woie  Ihin  c;illo(|,  ami  wna  engiiuoil  In 
Hie  onlling  fur  iiiuiiy  yoiira,  I  Hiring 
Ihe  ,Mui|ihy  nr  "bine  rliihnn"  innvo- 
iiieiii,  ,Mr.  .Milinnald,  who  linil  hi'oii 
II  "ilrliililiig  iiinii,"  •iiiiioil  llio  pledHi' 
and  nl  omo  lii'oaiiio  one  nf  Ihn  I'ni'p- 
nil  St  men  In  Iho  mnveiiienl,'  llvpry- 
nhele  ho  went  he  waa  eaileil  nil  In 
iiinko  Biiooehca.  nnd  hia  olmiueni  plead- 
Ing  oniiaoil  hnndrods  nf  men  In  sluii 
I  lie  pledge,  l„  II.  Vnling  Went  In 
.Mi'iiloziima  In  ls,-,l  In  elerk  Inr  .Mr, 
.Mollonald,  lull  soon  lil'lorwnHls  re- 
Kigned  to  enter  Ihe  dry  goods  bllsl- 
noaa  with  Aipilla  Jiislls.  .Mr.  Vonng 
Mild  hia  part  of  the  bnslnoiiB,  and  for 
liiioe  yours  waa  hi)okkee|ier  at  .Meoin 
.Mills,  llo  nininid  In  .Moiiloziima  and 
ongagoii  In  Ihe  grocery  and  boot  and 
aline   bnalnraa.     llo     wna     for     many 

.1.  r.  Slaoy  began  buying  grain  In 
Monteznmn  In  IS.-, I.  Me  hail  n  wnre- 
house  Willi  a  oapaclly  of  I'.l.iaal  bnali- 

(Ib.     llo  eonllnnod  for  ny  years  in 

'  arllve  bnsliioaa,  and  died  at  an  aii- 
Miliced  age,  nflor  a  life  of  exeopllnnni 
aollvlty,  lie  hol|K-d  build  the  Now 
Vork  &  I'.rle.  Ihe  l.onlsvllle  H  Nash- 
vlilr.  .Mllwnulioo  &  Siiporlnr,  ami  was 
employed  on  Ihe  ounalruolion  nf  the 
Indiana  a  llllnnia  Central  riillriiad 
"hen  he  wna  ntlrnolod  by  the  hnal- 
mas  proapool  al  .Monlo/.umn. 

.MoiriB  llnghoB  and  .liinioa  .Inenba 
wore  two  iif  .Monlejiimia'B  mnsi  hlglily 
naiioilod  men.  In  Ihe  lialyoon  days 
nl  Ihe  town  they  were  ollizona  nf 
gnat  Imporlanoo  to  Its  welfare.  Mor- 
ris Hughes,  allhoiigb  lie  was  deprlveil 
of  nil  ills  weallh  In  bis  old  ngo.  wns 
by  no  moans  a  I'nilnro  whin  II  i^mos 
lo  the  rent   worth   oi    n   iiiiin :  and   II 

wniihl  he  well  Ind I  If  hia  evemplary 

life  aa  a  rlllzon  of  Ihal  mwii  wna 
emiilaled  by  lla  olll/.ens  of  today, 
.lames  Jaeoha  for  many  years  oondm-t- 
id  a  drug  BiMic  in  Monteznmn.  lie 
waa  proiiilnenl  In  Iho  affaira  of  Ihe 
llepillilieiin  |i»rlv  In  wlileli  lie  look  nn 
nellve  part  nnlll  he  wna  iiulle  old.  lie 
wns  nt  one  lime  Connly  Conimlaalon- 
or.  Dlhir  firnia  nnd  bualnoaa  men  of 
the  early  and  middle  period  of  Monle- 
zmua wore  Uoneral  T'lnnoy:  Tenhrnok 
II.  I'alrhnnka,  I'rnit  Trlnk,  .loaopll 
Slephenaon,  Stagg  and  llhirla,  clinpln 
nml  IllBlng,  I'oler  Sharp,  WalloiB  nnd 
Thoiii|.a..n,  Cornwoll,  linvia  &  Co., 
Mori  la.  Ilndley  .li  Co..  Wm.  A.  Ilonder- 
ann.  (I'llriat  nnd  llnvla.  II.  I>.  .lonea, 
Alfred  .Mollonnlil.  .lolin  Snell,  I',  S. 
Illpua,  W.  II.  Sylveator,  rij  the  flnn 
of  Stanley  and  Weaver  of  Annapolis 
liail  a  hranoh  store  In  ,Montor.umn. 

The  rirat  phyalelnn  to  loonle  In 
Monlezuna  was  |lr.  .Ins.  Illll.  Many 
nIhoiB  promlninl  In  Ihe  moilloni  pro- 
foHaion  have  prnrtlood  there  nnd  nrn 
monlionoil  elaowhore.  among  Iheiii  Mr. 
II.  I',  linilaon  now  a  mmngenarlan  and 
Mill  prnillolng.  In  Ihe  early  rtnys,  In 
fail  until  n  very  recent  perind,  Mon- 
lezmua hiid  no  proreashmal  men  oth- 
er Ihan  physlelnna,  nil  the  Iaw,ver8  of 
Ihe  Connly  rcaldlng  nt  the  Connly 
sent,    llbwovor,  llio  town  hfil  ■  nuiii- 


I.,,  „r  ^ I  -i'Uu„~.  I IK  111' 

,>,ii  ...111 I..I  ><t  111 i>  '""•"  ''''ii' 

hi    III.-   r..nnl}-.      Ai IK    Mi.    n.i.slrl.ini 

„r  iii.l.   WIT.'  .I..I111  Niiylor.  .liini.'K  P.iv 
|.   h.l.i-.  rnif.   Will   11 

II1..I11 n.l    l.yri.i'.l.    I mil.' 

Iiiiilliii:  1...I11I  iliirli.i:  (In-  fin. .11  .....iii.      nn    1 

or    .ni.iil    imvlKnIlon.    On    llio    l.'.lli    of       iiikiI.'hI    iinil    k^'IHI.  iimiil)'    In    >il«      "I 
Miiy.   IV,ii.  Ilir  l.lK  wmi'lioiiHr,   III  x  wi.       |ii'„ii,i,i..    imU    di-li   Wi.K  li.iii:  11   laiiilniiiili,  «n«'i.|i.      wkb  n   luilly.  h.v  W.  li.  Cinlih.     II  wiiH     nrii'i-- 
nlH  xnlil   10   Villi. iiiiiiH  &   Shillh.  nn.l 

il  Unit  ..III.  hliii.     ITi.  li>      liln   ».in,   rii'iiiRo  11.  rrmilin.   who     l.r. 
il   old    hi:.'   mill    wnn     IkxIi      iiiiiir  lU  |ira|irlrlor  nl.oiit  llilrly  yoari 

linnUl   luiroo    Aii.l'-rBnn   Jnck". 

Iiolh  vclrn.nn  nf  llio  I'oiirlroiilli   Indl. 

luriK.v  n.«\MiMl'.  """•    "lilillili.'il    "loroii    In    PrlilB.lon 

nflcr  rclurnluK   frnm   llin  anity.   Ilolli 

llil.lKi'loii  nn  n  iMmlnoiiB  point  dnlm      ^.„^  i„  IniBlni-iis  (licrc  for  twonli-flvo 

rii.i.i   il.o   very   IKL-Iiihlni;     of     PnrUc 

I    II    iilsn   lull,    llir    li.illni'  itt 

^^^,V^„....^-,--.^.^   --i.-t^i  --L_ 

^,^C.'wi....<  I.  liV'iltJw-*-*- 


Ilif  mill  a/lrr  il.i  irhiiihliiiri  Ihi  llif  llnUiin 

men..  Ill  Ilir  Ciiiinly  In  tlic  ri.ii  hoiillnu  .Inrl.'d  11  ►loiv  iil  (Union   l.o.kii.   Ilud- 

nil.      Iliil    wlii-ii    III.'   iiniil    inlli-.l    III.'  mil  .V  r.i.  j.iir.liiiii.  il  llic  wnii'lu.iiB.-  In 

d.'.lh r    Ar Kliin;:    k.'I     In.      Tin.'  IsVs,  nnd   fi.i-   11   111...'  did   nn    liiniioimc 

Hii.  h   i...'n   iiH  .luiii.'H   lliiK-.'ll.   wli.i  cii'  l.iislnrHH.      Thru    II    lilK    tlitvr    m.i.'ry 

ilii.l.'d  III.'  inii'k  nii'lilni:  •i.ii.l'llHliiii'iit  "nn  pnl   up.  Ilif  ninin   l.iilldinu'  Li'lnii 

nil. I  II  ,.,ni.'  ilii'iT  In  111.'  I'lirly  h.'h'Ii-  Tr.  x  .'>ii  IVi'l.  Willi  a  i-Ii.m-  Bli.'d  Jit  x 

i|.».  liliil  III  l.i'.p  Aniil. ';  on  Hip  :iil'  f.'i'l    niid   i<n«    Blicd  ■1\   x   :ii!  frrt. 

liiiip.  l.iii   ih.'  .l.ntiL'.'  Ill  iiiinspiirlnllon  Tor  a  lliu.'  n  r..n|icr  Kli.ip  Wii»  oponil. 

111.  Illll.«  nn.l  llip  ci'iii'iiil  iiBi'  or  i;l.Miii  oil    In  niniH'.llnn    wllli   the  mnv.'    U\c- 

hiBl.ii.l    or'i-    I'lm.i-    wi'i-i.    fnrri'ii  lory.  I.m  nil  I1io«p  onlorprl'.rB  .ciiai'd 

111  II    r.'iild    nol    1.1'   siirr.'-iilillly     '.ini'  « llli  the  I'xlinimllnn  of  .Invo  lliiil.rr.  Niiiii.i  liiiil  n  invoin  nl  nn  r:irly  dnli\ 

.M...i.    h.i.l    on.'    lilK      l.iislii.'KB      ion-  i.nd    b.  i.TuI'i.   nl    dirfi'l'.'nl    lliiicR  l.y  AI.Aaiiil.'l   .Mr. 'nn.' mill  .'<niii'  iliuini;   llic   rmuil    pirlnd.   l.iil    none   of 

ml    l..i.<r.v.    Mb   Knni.'i'   mill   nnd    In."  m  ry  iiimli  IniiMl'loni-o. 
101  y    .  nli'i'i'iiBi'.    how.  viT.    lii'loMi!      10 

mmlli.'r  .l.'pniliiirnt  or  Ihls  Bl.ol.'li.  nnil  hoskimikk  iinsT  ma.^. 

Hill  I,.'  L:lvi'n  Ihcro.  WIIIIr    lli'iiinhnmp   wnn  ono  or   llic 
ll'fil    nrnhinls.    If   rot    Ihn    riral.    In 

*'■' *   TOW  .vsiiii',  lliw'dnlo.     IMr  nlorp  wna  on  llic  rn"! 

■I'll.'   .nily   l.iiBlii'KB    llf.'  i.r    l-'loilila  aide  or    .Miiln    alml.      Ilo   wna     InliT 

Im.nslilp   wiiH  .iinrini'.l   10     lln,..'.  ill.',  p^Bliinisli'i'.  nn.l  .Inlin  K  llnrahliiiiKor, 

rlliiliin  Lorkk  mid  Nii.i  n.     Ilnai'd  il.'  U  who    rnrnlBlii'B    llila    diiln.    Ililnka    lir 

I.  .oiiipmiillK'ly  ni'iv  town,  iib  II    wn»  wna    Ilio   m'lond    i^i^lmnBlii'   of    lln«i>- 

ill. I  "on  11 Mill"  nl  nil  iinlll  111.' Iiiillil'  dnii'.      The      rlral      lioallimBlrr.      wlio 

Ihu  or  ilii-  I'l.  K  r.  nillroiid  In  |m'.ii.  II  arinl   dnrlnx   the    nor,    wim     KmnU 

wna   nol    iiimh  or  n   lown     nnll!     I.<n  III  II 

.vi'illa    Inli'     whin    tlii<   mlnm,      ulilih  Holy.  Ili'll  nnd  llrnlhnra  lind  n  alnik 

Bi'.pi.'nily  iiiiidi'  II  n  Inwn  or  niiii'h  ..r  lii'iii'iiil    mi'iTlinmllBi'   nn    111"    weal 

Ih'Pi.n.n.i.  Ill   Ihi.  riinmv.   wni'     op  ilh    or   Mnln  nir.'.'i   iliirlnn  III.'     win'. 

I'lii'il.  I'll. Ill  IMIsi.i  1S71  .N.'Mi nnd  lllikni 

I  l.n.i'  iili'.'  aliili'd  Mini   I'l.iinnry  riin.imli'il  11  Blori'  ..n  tli.'  w.'bI  <.|.I.'  or 

Ilia",  .1  iipliilii   llr.ioka  nnd    Mi.a.a   lliili-  Mnln  alnrl.     I'lnnl   l.sii:i  In  nlioill    l.sTii 

l.liiK    III    iiiri'.nhlll.'  I.ii.ilni'fa  .lii'iy    lli''ll    did    nn    I'xlrnahr    i-onpor- 

III  roniii'illon   xllli   lli.'lr  mill   In    INIIl.  nm'  InialiKaa.     Ilia  api'.lnlly  wna  rioiir 

.\«    I'lilly    na    Iv.'.",   .|,i,|„,'    W.'d.lliiu   ra-  lill'i  la.     .lorry   Hull   wna  n  niili'd  ninn 

liihllBli'il  n  a.riiiid  al llii'i'.'.  nnd   In  In    rnikn    rniiilly    diirliiu    111"    plnnarr 

l.nilii.rHlilp   Willi    .Mr.      Ili.lil.lna     "on-  prrlo.l.      Ho    wna    nol    only    tlio   "li.'al 

diiilnl  n  pork  pn.kliiu  l.nainiaa.  nlilp-  ninn"  In  llila  I'lmnly.  l.iil  ho  wna  inn- 

phiK  llHir  pioiliirt  lo  .Voir  ilrl.iim   nn  rodod  10  l.o  llio  lii'i.|  mnn  In  lonaldor- 

Mnl  hriiila.  nlilo  ndJolnlnK  lorrllory.  na   lir   Inrnr- 

('Union  l.nika,  nflorwiirilH  known  lu  Inhly  w  lilpprd  orcryliody  who  lonlcat- 

rhrloly.  did  not  Inal  vory  lone,  how- 
I'vor,  nnd  II  mny  In-  Irnlhrnlly  anld 
thni  for  oL-lhy  yonra  Hint  coimiinnlly 
lina  rnnkod  Willi  llip  lic-al  In  Iho 

.Vnlhnnlol  Sninck  wns  Hie  Mrat  ninn 
In  oHinlillali  nnd  innluluin  a  sloro  at 
llrhlk-oton.  Tho  noxt  wna  Hint  or  Mnl- 
llcnn  nnd  Koldiniii.  'Iho  liittor  sold 
out  to  n  ninn  nnincd  Sonrlns.  .Mnl- 
IlKnn  and  SenrhiR  contlnncd  the  atoro 
r<ir  two  ytnra  wlirn  SonrliiK  rr'tlrcil 
from  llio  rirm.  prohnhly  to  donl  In  rcnl 
oal:il.\  na  ho  plnllo.l  llio  lown  0" 
llrldKilon.  B.I  cnllo.l  lioiiiiiao  of  a  rndo 
liildi;o  tlinl  wna  innalnirlod  ocrofla 
Ilk-  lln.i'oon— porhnpa  tlio  flrat  l.rldKO 
In  Iho  cniiniy.  Almnt  Mils  lliiio  sinoik 
nnd  .Mol'nrlnnd  wont  in  hnalno.aa  to- 
Kolhor.  .Mr.  .><iiiock  waa  In  hnslnoaB 
In  Itridcolon  nt  vni  iona  Illnoa  tor  nioro 
than  ririy  yonra. 

In  l.s.'.il  .Inniia  I'ronka.  who  wna  al- 
rondy  known  na  a  vory  aiioriaafnl  phy- 
Kli'lan  lon.'lnilod  In  lornlo  In  llrldto- 
Ion,  and  movrd  from  a  Irncl  .if  Innd 
ho  hail  piiri'lina.'d  In  llncoon  town- 
ahlii  10  Iho  Inwn  wlioro  ho  liro.l  until 
hla  ili'iilh.  .M  IhnI  II. 1.0  n  pliralrlnn 
of    ,iiiy    roiia.iiiii'ii.n    linil    lo    inrry   a 

ronalil.'rnlili'     a I(     or      npoi  lio.nry 

rirlhloa  In  hla  "almii"  na  Iho  IIHIo 
l.niiaoa  iiBiiiilly  n.l|..lnlni;  tho  real- 
(h'liroa  i.r  phylilnna  woio  rnlhd.  It 
waa  n  Biiinll  ah'p  from  I  hla  alork  In 
llinl  or  11  driiu  ainri',  nnd  II  wna  nn-  Hull  II  aliniilil  aiinii  li,.  Inkoll.  I  Ir. 
rrooka  wna  IkiHi  phyahlnn  nnd  iiiorrh' 
mil.  nnd  hoaldoa  Ida  hiiilnoaa  In 
llrl.luoinn  ho  hnd  an  Inloroat  In  a 
InrKO  Bloro  nt  llrnrll.  'rho  aloro  oa- 
tnhllihod  liy  him  la  iilll  cnndnctod  hy 

riiioioil   It   for  a  ahnrt  llmo  boforo  11 

I'pon  Iho  lomph'llon  of  Iho  K.  ,^  I", 
rnllroad  Saninol  T.  rnllln  nn.l  Tliom- 
aa  llnrslininu  Inillt  tho  wnrolio.iir  allll 
atandhiK  nnd  naod  hy  Police  nnd 
I'onco  nt  t'nllln.  .Mr.  Cnllln  honcht 
u-rnln  nt  thai  plaio  for  ninny  yonra. 
lie  wns  nl  one  tlnio.  aaaorlnlod  with 
"Whll"  nnd  "l>oc"  I'liotI  In  tho  trnin 
hnylne  hnnlne!>s.  Jnim-a  liny  hiilll  tho 
largo  atoro  biiMdlni:  In  tho  early  alx- 
tloa.  Hie  Boinnd  al.iry  of  wlil.h  Is  now 
ocrnplod  liy  the  .>laBonlc  lodk'o, 

JAOKHON    low^Mllir. 

If  the  mill  at  -Mnnaflohl  wna  Inillt 
In  INL'i).  then  Hint  pinoc  slnnda  next  to 
lloaovllle  In  our  early  annnla.  It  wna 
n  ipiostlon  of  aoine  niiiTrlnlnly  In 
l.s.S(l  whelher  Kelaoy  nnd  IH.'knnn  hullt 
their  mill  In  isai  or  later,  hnt  not  Int- 
er than  I.MJ.-,.  II  la  linnlly  prnl.nhlo 
IhnI  It  wns  hiilll  In  IS'.'n;  allll  Hirro 
Is  oildonce  to  snpporl  llila  dale.  Tho 
poalorriio   was   ealnhllahod    hi    lK.'."i. 

OnornI  (lonriro  K.  Nloolo  npono.l  n 
Bloro  nt  .Manariohl  In  I!<:1M.  ami  next 
year  ho  hoiiuhl  Hio  mill,  lie  rnndn.l- 
oil  liolli  ainri.  mid  mill  nnlll  INIil. 
when  ho  movi'd  lo  llmki  llio.  Iloni.rnl 
HIrolo  Bold  hla  aloro  lo  lliimp  ft  Col- 
londrr.  .loaao  I'nrllow  hnd  a  atoro  nt 
.Mnnariold  a  IllHo  Inlor.  wlilrli  lie  »nld 
lo  .lohn  II.  Miiaaor.  Kllna  Krinprr  ho- 
unn  liiialiH'Ba  In  iwiil.  Cnl.ln  rmoit 
and  .lne.1l.  H.  folo  worn  In  biialniai  al 

Arier  (Irnoral  SInolo  tho  Mnnariold 
mill  wna  owned  nnd  run  hy  .Mllo 
•  Inoklnn.  Tonoy  and  llamlllon,  .Innira 
'Murphy,  Jacob  llohni  and  tho  present 


^»llr-r^.  Miiniirh'l.rii  .hWl  Inilimlr.v 
IiikMih  IIic  mill  wiin  llii'  wii^'cui  iiijik- 
hiL-    iinil    hliK  kKiiillh      kImmi      or      .lolin 

liiiiilixly.     Ill'   vvnn   mcrr I   In    IIiIh 

hliHlnrnx    l>y     Mnhlnii    i;.     Wi.Kxnii.       In 

is.-.s  .1.   lliTi.lilx.   who   liiut   II 

vv,.rl.lMK    fnr   .IiiiiicN      1'.      •I'lrkiioi-      ill 

ll.ukvlll.-.  .Hlnlill-hi'd  Ii  MiiKoii  iin.l 

I'liiihiKi'    hIiiM'.       Mr.    lli'lKli'lx    I'll    hU 

Iiii»Iii.h:<  for  foiii-  >,ni»  wl hi'  ..■.■>• 

I'll   ulfh  i:iilhilUr<    In   Islh   Imlhinii 

l.iilli'iy- I'upliiln  Kll  l.llly-|.nrll.lpn|. 
InK  In  inoro  thnn  ivvnty  l.nlll.'B  anil 
nl.lniilHhc'S.  Ill'  wns  one  of  Wllsnn'B 
nildiTB.  nnil  wii"  »llh  this  i-oninianil 
wlirn   II   niinnri'd  Ti-lTi'iflon   I'nvls. 

SiMii'  or  llio  I'l-nl  phynlchiiiH  or  iho 
I'onily  liiiM'  liriK'lhi'il  nl  Mnnxrirlil. 
liMi'l.Mit  \oriBln|:nr.  Ililll.  lll.iiU. 
hilly.  ICnv.l  mill  riinnw.  Ilr.  Ih.vd 
Miin  till'  llillii'l'  ul  Wlllhni'  .1.  Hold, 
lloni:  In  IniHlln'ss  In  llorkv  lllr.l  who 
Mim  horn  In  .Mnn»rii'ld. 

lh'llhiGri''B  liii-lni'Ks  lii'Klnnlii^-  wins 
111  IKIii,  when  W'llliinii  Aydi'loll  Kliirl- 
I'll  II  lihirUmiillh  xlio|i  iiliniil  ii  liiiir 
mill'  nmlli  or  llir  pi-.-nciil  lown,  A 
mill'  liiliT  11  hlii.l.miillli  «lliip  "lis  Hi'l 
lip  ini  Ki'oiind  now  nllliln  llii'  pl'i-Hi'llI 
lliiillH  or  lli'llniiiri.  mid  noon  n  low 
iiihliiK  wi'io  I'U'.li'il   rlow  in  II.   Wlini 

.Inim   Hull HI'..  I'limi'  lo  I'nlon  lowii. 

Khlp  ri-niii  .Mn-hiirhUKillB.  hi'  biii;l-i'Fi(. 
I'll  Ihiil  (ho  I'lihllin  norlh  of  fho  Sliito 
roiid  I.I'  ciilli'il  .Voiilinniploli  ninl  (hoKr 
MMilli  nl'  Iho  rniiil  Sonlliiimplnii  In 
loud  r.'iiii'iiiliinnii'  or  IIioho  Iowiih  n( 
hlH  iimlvo  Sliili'.  'I'lio  phi.'i'  «iiH 
kiiiinn.  howi'iii'.  nn  .Sorllinniplnn.  iiiid 
II'IR  lilinii'  Ktlll  rlKiii'i'i  In  rriil  <'8tnti< 
tniiiioiilionH  liiMilvlii;.'  th..  o|.|..-lnnl 
phil  or  till'  liinn.  Whoii  lIlo  potlllon 
111  I'Hiiilillvli  n  poHt  oirico  roiM'hi'il 
WnshliiKliin  II  wiiK  round  llinl  Ihorc 
wiin  iilrrndv  n  .\nrlli.iiiiplon  In  Indl- 
Mini.  Annlhi'l-  imilio  hn.l  lo  lir  Klllmll- 
liilid.  "Till'  imiiio  llrlliiioro."  «ny« 
lli'iiilli''»  hlRlnr.v,  "IH  mild  lo  liiivo 
iirliii'ii  rroiii  iln  r.dlowInK  oli'imn- 
utiimo.  A  .Mr.  .Moore  ul  Ihnt  Illiic  n 
ri'Hldint  or  III..  Imiiili'l,  liiid  aniiio 
ihillL'lili'i''<  Hhom  llnn'riil  Sli-i'lo,  a 
uiiiKl  or  .Mr.  Miioi'o,  Ki'i'iilly  iidinli-nil. 
•Iho  Bom-riil  on,'  ilny  mild  lo  IiIh  IioM, 
•IhU  lown  oiiKlit  lo  111'  inllod  Ilolto. 
iiioio  illi'n['..Mo.ii'oi  In  limior  or  yoiii' 
diiiiKlili'l'B.'     II   vviiB  BO  nninod." 

Wllllnni  'riinnilon  hiilll  llio  rimt 
Bloio  In  lli-llmori'  iihoul  l,s.".li.  I'rnvloiifl 
lo  thiit  llino  Wllllnni  AlcMindor  con- 
diiflpd  n  tovorn,  or  Inn.  Iii:inf  Wlin- 
nirr  nricrw»rd»  lioiight  It  and  In  18.V1 
or  '.".I  Bold  to  Mooro  nnd  8no\v.  Mooro 
nnd  Rnow  liiillt  n  Btcaiii  crlst  mill  nnd 
n  Nitiv  mill  nnd  nl«o  n  Binrc.  wlikli 
lliry  .nndiHli-d.  I.nirr  llrnrco  Colo 
hoiik-ht  mil  Mooi'o  nnil  Know.  Mr.  Colo 
inllBlod  In  Iho  iirniy  and  wbk  roporloil 
inlBHinit  ortor  nnt-  ot  llic  Imlili-B.  lie 
wBB  never  »con  liy  niiy  of  lil«  ram- 
nidr«  npiln,  nnd  wne  novrr  hciinl  nf 
liy  any  one  who  know  lilin  at     PclI. 



dniil.t   Biri'iiH   In  onn  or  bimIIIi  shop  nnd  two  utorca  when  Ihia 

of  friivoH  niniNrd  liy  Ihc  «rllnr    riiBl    iiiw    It. In   llio   onrly   lov- 

d,     ■■riikiiimn."       .li'»>o  rnlliB.      Wllllnni    O.    PIiIIIIi.bp.    rmlicr 

lOB      llrnUi-nrlilKO      nnd  or    llir    I'lillllps    llrolliorB,    who    wore 

illh  wi'ro  loii led  Willi  i„ni:  In  liimlnrH"  nl  .Iiidioii.  Bold  Rooda 

cnrly  hiiBlnonB  or  Itollmnrc.  „|    Pnikcvlllo   for  over   flfloon     years, 

liriiliiiiu  Colllniig     wnB     llio     rii'Bt  nnd   km  posliiinBtnr  In    isn'.'.     I'lirke- 

iliiinl    or    llollniidBliiiri;.    wlilili    In  illli-    wiib    hIbo    rnmlllnrly    known      «■ 

ilch   hilir  town  llinn   llillmoii'.   Ili>  "lliinroliih,"    but     why    1    Imvc      Mover 

t  a  Biiiiill   ronni    in  \   ::i.  nnd  enr  hcen   nldc  lo   rind  out.  na   lla  clllr.cna 


■  1 

■/•//. .  m(/r.v  11/  llni.rllh:  lluikiHirl  ni 
rliil  a  Bloik  or  perlinpa  miill.dii,  Tliln 
wiiB  In  IS.V,,  while  I  hi'  plnnk  road  wn« 
>llll  In  lino.  The  Colllnk-H  fniiilly  kuvc 
the  town  Its  niiiiie  In  honor  or  a  llnp. 
tlBt  luenrhrr  In  Kentiiekv  nlii.ln  they 
mlnili'i'il.  IIIK  mime  wiib  Holland. 
Iliirvey  Connelly  l.iilll  a  lilnckBinlth 
ahop  In  (he  plank  rond  ilayB.  I,.  II. 
.MrClliery  Imllt  and  oceiipled  the 
Bloro  wlilrh  iirterwnrda  wna  lonK  oc- 
nipled  liy  the  well  known  firm  of 
Wrlfht  and   HloiK. 

(ii:»:k.\k  tiiw'iiinim(.. 

AlihoiiKh  I'orllnnd  Mllla  wiib  a 
IhrhliiK  IniHllieBB  point  In  the  early 
dii.vB  lini  iniieli  or  II..  liiiBlnrBB  wna 
iralisnited  In  I'arke  roiinly.  as  most 
of  the  lown  la  In  rnlnani.  Its  people 
liavo  nlways  hnd  a  more  divided  iil- 
li'Klnni'o  than  any  eonnnnnlly  In  the 
I'onnly,  as  It  Is  located  In  two  Conn- 
Ilea  und  four  lownslil|is:  The  mill, 
however,  wlilrh  wna  IH  prlniliMil  hiisl- 
neB«  aBsrl,  Is  In  (Ireene  Inwnahlp. 
Samiirl  Unit  and  Adam  Sellers  had  a 
hlK  Bloro  on  the  I'arke  Couiily  side  of 
".Main  alreef  In  the  early  days  of 
I'orllnnd  .MIIIb.  Keiiien  Slavena  nnd 
tioorgo  Inije,  who  laler  went  In  Hock- 
vlllo  lo  enpaRe  In  hnalness,  alno  had 
B  Keneral  sloro  In  I'nrko  Connly. 

I'lirkcvllle  once  iNU  B  IlirlvInK  hiis- 
Incsi:  It  hnil  a  wBRon  »li0|i,  a  hlaek- 

■(  .Irml.'ii'.iirf;  icirr  tliulUir  bnWIiiiis. 
were  Ronerally  men  who  dealt  In 
alralk-ht  Rooda  and  were  not  the  linn- 
conih  kind. 

aHOAU    CRKKK    Tlin.NHIIII', 

Siilinon  r.ii'k  biillt  his  mill  at  the 
.Narrows  In  l.><'J>l,  and  rmlmrked  In  Iho 
pork  paeklni:  linBlness  an  soon  as  the 
settlers  lioRan  ralslnR  Iiors.  Me  bIiIii* 
ped  flour  and  pork  on  riatboats  to 
.New  Orleana. 

I'rlor  WrlRht  rslahllshed  tlio  (lr»t 
sloro  In  the  township  In  IKUi.  lie  did 
a  thriving  biislneBs  until  INIT,  when 
his  store  anil  the  l.iisk  Mill  wero 
swept  nw  ay  by  the  Rreiit  flood  on  New 
Vears  iiiornlnR  of  Hint  year. 

Tho  Beiiind  store  was  openeil  hy 
Thomas  (mhalt  on  Keel  Ion  HI,  niKint 
the  lenler  of  tho  townnhlp.  In  IKIii. 
llei.rRc  ilrlmes  had  a  aloro  at  lliis. 
sell's  .Mill  In  INIn;  nnil  a  lltllo  Inter 
.Miles  llalcllff  had  a  store  at  Hub. 
sell's  Mill.  James  .Mooro  snd  ileorKO 
Wllklns  opened  a  itoro  at  Wllklni' 
Mill  In  IMIl.  A  largo  RrBngo  aloro 
wns  conducted  by  John  I*,  f.iindgrcn 
during  llio  lieluht  of  Iha  granger 
nioveinent.  The  plni'O  «'n«  called 
(irnnRrliura.  hut  Is  now  known  ni 
Oiongo  t'orner. 

rr.nx  Tntrxaiiir. 

Tho  first  i«ninicri'lnl  vonliirc  In 
I'cnn  townilil|>  wai   nindo   Id     ll^il, 


when  Wllllnni  I'Ickard  and  IiIb  aon 
.lohn,  hunt  a  h.R  Btoio;  nnd  sliiRiilnrly 

• "k'h  It  was  n  dniR  nlore.     This  wnn 

at    111! rlild.      AIkiiii    the   Biiiiie   lliiic 

Alinnpnllii  was  riri^l  sellli'il.  and  et- 
rorls  were  ninile  to  eomhliui  iho 
|.|aie«;   hut    nellher   w.iiild   yield.      An- 

mipnIlB  soon     oiiiBlrlppi'd     I riihl 

and    llloiniiliiRdiile,      loo.      nlier      iho 

■  ""'"<■    wBB    il Ri-d.     The    rir.l    Bioiu 

In  AiiiiniKillB  was  Blnrled  hy  Thninan 
Woody.  The  ne.xt  waB  eBlahlUhed  l.y 
Wllllaiii  .Marin,  .lohn  .Moulder  and 
Aaron  .Maria.  Then  Ann.i|>.lla  Blnrled 
on  a  eareer  of  e.vcepiionni  InislnrBs  ac- 
llvlly.  nnd  In  the  ririUa  II  was  one 
or   the   llvrlleHt   Inwns   In   the  roiinty. 

.No  c unity  of  Its  Bl/.e  e>er  exerted 

sIronRcr  Infliien.e  on  the  poliiii.  of 
Ihc  I'onnly  as  ilhl  AnnnpnllB  from 
1.S...I  (.1  J.Stii.  Stiiiniel  T.  l-insey  was 
a  very  inllvo  and  enleiprlBlng  man. 
lie  I'ondncleil  a  aloro,  kept  hotel,  and 
worlied  at  polllhs  wllli  an  erfeelln'. 
MOBB  that  placed  liliii  In  a  i«iHlilon  that 
would  nown-days  be  lallid  that  of 
hosB  of  I'arke  I'onnly— at  least  of  Iho 
llepnlillian  |iarty.  Wllllnni  -Stanley 
wn«  perhnp:.  tho  hlRu'esl  liiinlneHs  mall 
of  .VnnnpollB,  nnd  ho  remained  at  llio 
head  of  his  largo  eBtahllBlinienl  for 
niniiy  years.  Ilialdia  Its  iiieniinlllo 
eBlahllBhmenlB  It  had  a  number  of  In. 
diislrlea  which  w  III  ho  ronsldered  cine- 

I'rlor  WrlRhl  eslahllBheil  a  sloro  at 
l;ni'k|Kirt  afler  the  ilri!Triirllon  of  lila 
store  nl  the  .Nnrrowa.  This  Inmlness 
Is  menlloned  elaewhere. 

l.lliKiirv  Tow.Vhiilr, 
llnwni'd  wn>,  ns  lian  hi  en  slaliil.  a 
good  business  cenler  iliirhiR  the  cnnnl 
period.  AnionR  Its  rarlleKt  nierdiants 
were  James  W.  Iiiadle  and  Harlan 
Harvey.  At  that  lime  It  had  two 
largo  dry  goods  slureH,  Iwo  ware* 
lioiiseB,  and  Bonie  smaller  atores  and 

Henry  Hnrhniii  started  Hylviinin 
some  tliiio  In  the  firtles  hy  erecling  a 
hlni'kBiiillli  shop.  He  nrterwnrda  iiili' 
dni'ted  n  store  .there.  .MeRsrs.  Atkinson 
and  Hlolit  al  one  lliiio  on  lied  separnto 
Btnres.  In  IH.'*!  Hylvanln  had  lieshleii 
ItH  stores,  two  lilackBiiilili, 
hrooni  liandio  nml  plrket  fenee  fui'tory. 
Hie  factory,  apiarian  supply  shop,  h 
wagon  shop,  aaw  and  planning  inllt 
and  n  photograph  gallery  I 

l.odl  wna  soiiielhlne  Of  a  lown  he- 
fore  lir.  \\'iileriiian  lornted  lliero  In 
IS."(7.  Its  nnino  wna  elinnged  lo  >\'ater- 
iiian  In  his  honor  when  he  Bnieecded 
In  I'stabllshlng  a  pork  pncklng  In. 
duatry  and  a  largo  ucnerni  iloro  In 
both  o(  which  ho  had  an  Inlrreat. 
Among  tho  men  who  were  In  Inialneiia 
nt  Walennnn  was  Oliver  l.atnnrello, 
who  enndncled  a  sinro  there  for  many 
years.  In  Ik.><0  C,  K,  llrlghl  and  I..  •'. 
Davis  orccteil  a  Inrgo  flonring  mill. 
Tho  place  then  Imd  two  dry  goods 
•lores,  a  grocery  ami  a  drug  store,  a 
•B\v  mill  nnd  two  lilackiiiillli  ihopi. 

i:^ui4iijjmintt  nf  MhiBtiitB 

■I'lirki  riiiiiiiii  iviii.— I'oiMilftlloii, 
;,.-..'>l:   iiiiiiiiiiT  nr  h.iIIh  uml  iiinrhlnoA 

III  rmiMij    pi- lliil  hy   nnicr  powci-, 

:.J.    Siiiiiir  I'lTi'k  niKl  IHi:  lliiccuim  hit 

Ii  Kiiv;iiiis     ii.ivlcalik^     lor    novnnl 

liillin  riinii  Ihi'lr  JillKiloii  wllh  tlic 
\\i kIi." 

Hip  iihiiM'  In  llic  |'i'|h>i'|  ur  llio  I'liIlM' 
l.\  inllili'il  III  llii'  •■InilKiiKl  ll'iliillirrr 
I'likim:    llu'    iiiiiiihn'   iil   i.'|'IhI    niul    mm 

mills   hnim In'   In   I'xlBlfiicT   llicii 

Mil'  Inliil  III  •■iiillU  niHl  iii.Tlilni-B  iiro- 
li.'llrd  I..1"  IB  nil-  Klinrl  or  Mill-- 
Ijiwi.,  II  \i  I'Miliiii  Hun  Hull  miller 
liiilnmrlcH  ivfiv  oprniloil  In  coiinm- 
i;,,ii  .,:i',  II.  lii:!'  '■  i«  ini""-ii  H'lu 
lliiM'VlMi'  hnil  a  kmh  mill  In  ivniii'itlnn 
ullli  lltt  LTlKl  mill  aliiiiiKl  rniiii  IIh 
Kliirl  :  Hull  Hie  Nnl'li'  mill.  Hi'-  .MiCII' 
iny    mill    nml    Hi.'    SnlMU'lll'li'liI      mill, 

'.'iin   liy   AliK.ilmii   iiml   AmIlTvv   Su|>' 

lii'iifli'lili  on  lilt;  lliinnnii  In  I'nlnn 
linvii»lil|i  iviu-  iil»o  Hiw  mlllH.  nml  one 
I.I  llii'iH  lliill  II  I'lirillnu  mmlillii'.  TIiiih 
will  II    »!'    Ilirlmlr    nil    Hie    lirlKl    iiiIIIk 

iilirnillii::   III    l^""  "ll Ir  nnncvcb 

llip  liilnl  inn  I.p  nc.oiiiiU'il  Cnr.  A 
iiinllni;   mnrlilm-    \\m   nilili-il     to     (lie 

Sill irirlrt    mill    liy    M.linlni.    .Moltorn 


lililnil  whin  «(•  f>m>l(lir  Hie  In- 
.IllKlrlm  or  IVnn  IowmhIiIp  nlnnc  Hin 
iiimibi'i'  or  IniliiKli'li'n  kImmi  In  Hic  nM 
l{,i:„ll,;r    Ik   Inn    nmnll.      llcmllr'H    Ills 

liny    t:hl'^.   lltr   iiiIIIk  nml   I Iilnrn   In 

Hull  IiiwiihIiIp  nl  Ihnl  tliiii'  nil  ol' 
llii'in  Mil  l,i'iillirr»nnJ:  nml  liy  IKII 
Inn  mnri'  liiiil  lurn  rKlnlilli>lir:l  llirrr. 
Aliiml  isj.-,  Pmliy  .Mllilioll  mnrlcil  ii 
.iirillni;  mnrlilm\  nml  llio  nrM  yonr  n 
Mi«    mill    on    l,rnllirr«n..d.      In      INJli 



nil  llir  irirk  n  liiiU  ii'llr  nlmvo  Mllrli- 
iII'b  Mill.  SImnn  Uiiliolloni  In  llic 
Miiinvvhll.'  Iinil  iMilll  n  nido  crlst  mill 
ini  l.pMllK'iwiind.  Srclinn  2:1.  TIip 
I'l'inlii'rlnn  mill  wn.s  n  riillnrc  lio»- 
(•111-,  mi  n.rminl  of  Inaiifrlrkiil  "fnir' 
fnr  Hip  wnlir.  niid  II  wnii  irlnilll  mi 
Ihr  opiKinllp  nldp  of  Hip  irock  liy  Win. 
rpiiiBun  In  I.M'P.  Ailniii  Sllpr  nlnn 
Inilll  II  snw  mill  n  Imir  iiiIIp  nl»vp 
Hip  l'..iir»mi  mill  In  lx:H.  Almiil  \s:\\ 
.Mnhlmi  l|pyiml.l»  iind  .Ipip  Sllpr  prod- 
Pil  II  rnllliii;  mill  In  Spilinn  •.•:!.  on 
I.pniliprwnoil.  Ami  Iipip  n  dPnrrlpllon 
of  •piirdlm:  nml  rilllllii;"  U  In  nrdor 
fur  Hip  InroinuUlon  of  n  ucncrntlon 
(lint  knnwi  noHiIng  of  lliOBc  old  nicHi- 
odB.  Wc  iiiiotp  froiii  ncndlp'B  history: 
"The  mn.hlnpB  In  use  n(  that  time 
iviri'  Blnillnr  to  thoBP  now  cxIsllnR. 
•||ip  rullB  ivprp  Bboiil  t«o  fppt  long, 
nml  whPii  inrdiMl  wpip  rollPd  np  In  n 
Bhi-pl  or  lilnnkPl.  IipIiik  pinnpd  Mfplh- 
ir  Willi  llinrnB.  nnd  wplfliPd  from  ten 
In  forly  pniimlB.  'rlipiic  wcrp  KPUPinlly 
inrrlpil  on  n  hnrBP  In  front  of  Hip  rl.l- 
pr,  wliprp  IliPy  wpre  Bpiin  on  wimt  Is 
known  B"  llip  whppl.  I'roiii  Iwplie 
10  forly  Pills  wan  n  dny's  ^vork,  Iho 
|iny  fur  Bplnnlne  wnrp  lielni;  Blxleon 
nnd  IwollilrdB  rPiils.  nml  fn.-  fnlllnB 
IwpIip  nnd  n  hiilf  i-pnlB  per  linr.on  inm. 
nnd  fnr  inrdInK  rolls  wllh  mnrlilnpry 
iPn  10  twelve  nnd  a  linlfn  penis  per 
(Kiiind.  The  wnRPB  pnid  for  wenvtnc 
wprp  for  pliiln.  Irn  CPntB  per  ynrd  : 
lor  iwlllpil.  twplvp  nnd  a  hnlf  eenls. 
from  llirpp  lo  fivp  ynrdn  hplnK  n  dny's 
work.  I'wn  linml«.  with  nmrhlnpry. 
poiil.l  eniilly  .nrd  nnd  spin  lim  dozen 
per  liny  of  as  eonrse  yarn  ns  wnB 
Mspd  nt  llinl  llnip.  nnd  une  Kirl  with' 
n  [inwpr  Inoin  ronid  wpnve  from  thirty 
lo  sixty  yiirds  ppr  diiy.  r.very  woman 
nnderslnnd  Hip  nrl  of  dyplni:  all  eol- 
ora  perfeplly.  pxieptlnir  hlne.  wlileh 
»na  more  dlfflenlt  lo  iminnL-e.  nnd  wna 
■governed  hy  link  or  (he  "sign."  The 
colors  were  ohialned  from  vnrloiia 
harks,  thoBO  prlnilpally  In  nae  hcInK 

nnlniii.  wIiIpIi  prodnecil  the  fnviirlie 
Itrowii  polur,  yellow  from  Idnek  oak 
hark,  mill  swniiip  nsh  for  drah." 

I'lip  "fulling"  done  at  iho  mill  on 
l.piiHiPrnood  Is  tlius  ilcBcrllH'd  :  "Tlio 
rnllltiK-mlll  \\i\»  run  by  a  water  wlierl, 
and  Hie  nliearlng  mill  l.y  hand.  Tlio 
rnllo»liiL'  Is  n  list  of  the  prlpPB  chnrg' 
I'd :  I'lilllnu  polorliiK  nnd  dressliiK 
■  liilh.  Iwpiity-flvp  cpiils  per  ynrd; 
wlihuii'  dressing,  twenty  penla.  Color- 
ing nnd  seotiring  flannel,  (en  i-ents. 
lolorlng  nnd  fulling  Jenns,  ten  rents. 
I'm-  ai'verni  years  the  dyeBliiff  was 
hniileil    111    wagons   for   Hie   mill    from 

I  ■•11  inn.     olilo" 

Smiip  fnpls  uliiiilt  the  early  saw  mills 
of  I'Piiii  township  arc  also  of  iiiteresl 
nml  MP  tjiiolc :  "l-'roni  ,*ilillto  .siki  fppt 
per  (liiy  was  mnsldereil  n  good  dny's 
vimk  11  lib  lliime  iiiIIIh,  nml  siipIi  wns 
Hip  rush  of  hiislnesB  that  they  were  Di- 
li n  run  nil  niglil.  ami  frpiineiitly  on 
Snmliiy!  Saw  logs  wero  giMlprally 
liiiiilpd  during  the  winter  on  sleds 
drnwii  li.v  o.ven.  some  few  of  the  set- 
llprs  linvliig  horse  teniiiH,  the  linrness 
iipoirihpin  being  of  the  most  primitive 
dencrlpllon,  ponslstlng  of  sbiirk  eol- 
hirs,  linnip-imulp  rope  linrness,  destl- 
liilp  of  Iron,  with  the  cippiillon  of  the 
hrlille.l.lls:  also  n  rope  log  chain  l!l 
'rill!  prices  for  sawing  wpre  twcnty- 
rhp  ppnls  ppr  one  hundred  feet  for 
pnphir  anil  llili  ly-evpii  nml  a  half  for 

luiril  ilmlipr.    I her  sold  nt  Hie  mills 

al  from  fifty  In  sl.My-lwo  and  a  hnlf 
cpiils  |ipr  one  hundred  feel,  nml  had  a 
dull  sale  nl  Ihal,  until  Hie  prairies  of 
the  Wnhanli  began  to  be  settled,  when 
large  .innnlllles  were  sold.  The  first 
sipiiiii  saw  mill  wns  linlll  by  ,lcrei:ilnli 
Slier,  one-foiirth  of  a  mile  soillb  of 
llloomlngdale  about  l.siai."  No  wrlt- 
len  rei-ord  Is  left  of  a  linseed  oil  mill 
that  was  operated  on  Kealberwood, 
iMil  tiint  such  a  mill  existed  there  can 
IM-  no  doubt.  When  It  wns  started  "r 
how  long  It  was  rnniilng  enn  not  be 
loPI:  hilt  .hinirB  II.  linker  says  tlnit 
when  he  was  a  lioy  of  about  twelve. 
IIXPJI  he  went  there  for  oil  eakes,  were  fed  (o  stork.  l.lnBccd  oil 
wns  imide  from  finx  seed,  ami  this  mill 
Imlbalea  that  flnx  was  generally  rais- 
ed here  In 'the  early  diiya. 

.\nother  strange  omission  from  the 
I'l.nnly  history  of  1S.X0  Is  the  woolen 
fnctory  at  Old  Uloomlngdale  (then  so- 
lallcd.l  It  was  an  outgrowth  of  the 
pardlng  and  fnlling  mill  estahllehcd 
by  .Mahlon  Ueynolda  and  .Terry  Slier. 
In  the  sixties  this  factory,  which  was 
eondinted  by  John  SI.  O'Hrlst  and 
.Nnlhaii  Davles.  did  eonsbleralde  weav- 
ing. Then  f,eatlierwood  failed  to  silii- 
ply  eliongli  water  iiowcr.  and  the  ma- 
chinery wna  moved  to  Monte/.inim  and 
Installed  In  another  factory  there;  but 
II  did  not  survive  new  conditions  then 
foiiiing  Into  vogue  In  woolen  manu- 

The  Inst  attempt  to  use  the  old  fac- 
tory building  wiiB  by  a  stoneware  pot- 
tery for  a  time  operated  by  Hoden- 
baiigh  and  Hon :  taut  tlila  pottery,  al- 
tlinngh  well  C4ililp|icd  and  loealcil  at 
a  fire  elay  ile|ioslt  soon  failed. 

Ilurr  stones  for  (he  firsi  water  mills 
were  pioliably  all  made  from  (ho 
glnrlnl  SI  ones  everywhere  abiindani  In 
the  Coiinly.  and  were  called  "nlgger- 
liend"  burrs.  lAtcr  when  they  could 
be  transimrled  Into  the  county  French 
liilrr  siniies  replaced  (ho  crude  atones 
cut  laboriiuisly  from  the  glnclal  bould- 
ers. The  later  stones  were  sectional 
nnd  all  came  frolu  a  province  In 
I-'ninco  wliero  thcjr  were  exclusively 

The  aliovo  nientloneil  Indnstrtes.  all 
(ho  result  of  harnessinc  r^catlicrwood, 

IndhalP  llial  Hip  "walpr  power"  of 
Hint  slipaiii.  no  liiallPr  linw  great  lis 
ileillne  when  I'nplnlii  I'miipliell  wrole 
Ills  cplcbralPd  Biillrc.  Mas  nut  to  bo 
diKiilspil  III  Hip  I  ally  dnys.  I'ciili 
lowiiKlilp  lind  tlirpc  otiicr  water  mills 

n  saw  mill  ciprtrd  by  Trior  Wright 
at  "I  IP!  Us  liin,"  npar  llockport,  a 
saw  mill  on  llrairing  I'ippk  nt  I'nion 
Inldgp,  ami  Hip  lliiikimrl  mill.  TIip 
lallcr  long  cunilniiPd  mip  of  Hie  big 
mills  of  Hie  coiinly,  anil  was  Hie  ppu- 
Ipr  of  poiiiniprclal  lullvlly.  A  Btorc 
lomluilpd  by  I'rinr  Wriglii  nml  /iicli- 
nrlnh  livers  at  Itoikport  did  n  big  laiB- 
liKss.  nml  Hie  mill  pontlniud  In  full 
opeinllon  iinlll  ivsl. 
<  llpBldcB  the  mills  nlrcady  menlloned 
on  lllg  llnnoon,  were  those  nt  Ariules. 
burg.  .Mppia.  llrldgilun.  .Mnnsflpld, 
I'nrllamI  and  the  licppw  mill  almve 
Mpcia.  The  dales  of  creeling  Hipse 
mills  have  alreaily  l.opii  given  In  olli- 
or  iilmcB.  Also  we  have  nollcid  Hio 
lipglnnlng  of  llpnid's  and  l.iisk'B  .Mills 
on  Sugar  I'rppk :  but  tlipip  Is  llillc 
dntn  on  the  lip||i  mill,  which  stood 
nenr  the  High  llrplgc.  It  wns  hilllt 
by  I'riil  t'lore,  who  BobI  It  to  I'rnl  C. 
Help  111  isi»i.  Illiinipiis  While  hiilU 
the  mill,  ntlerwards  known  as  Spoil's 
nnd  I'lplRlianar's.  In  1S.V1.  Help's  mill 
was  In  ruins  whpn  1  first  saw  It  thir- 
ly-rivp  yparB  ago.  .Icbbiip  ^  llnnt'B 
mill  and  IIiibbpH's  mill  pii  Sugar  Mill 
cippk  had  iriide  beginnings,  iBpoc- 
pei'lally  the  Inller.  Al  flrsl  tho  dnm 
wns  a  big  poidiir  tree  felled  ncroBB 
the  treek  to  turn  the  walrr.  The  or- 
iginal "iiilll"  wns  n  siiinll  log  building 
In  will,  h  lorn  was  craeked  by  a  pair 
of  "nlggcr-hrnd"  l.ilrre.  The  mill  was 
afterwards  greatly  Improied,  and 
was  run  by  Imlli  water  and  steam.  It 
wnB  niso  called  Ward's  .Mill.  ,I08epli 
TboiiiiiKun  biillt  the  first  mill  In  I.SL'll. 
.IrsBlip  &  iliint  built  their  mill,  later 
known  ns  Wllken's  .Mill,  In  ls:i.".,  nnd 
It  wns  orlglnnlly  a  saw  mill.  We  have 
already  incntbuied  flnl  boat  building 
llu  re  by  JesBUp  &  Hunt.  This  was  the 
lending  Industry  In  the  north  part  of 
the  t'ounly  fur  a  long  period.  Itoats 
were  built  at  (be  .Narrows:  and  I'ox'a 
boat  yard  near  the  prcBent  Itock  lllvcr 
Club  House  wns  a  big  boat  building 
center.  Cnmiil>cll  and  Tenbrook  hiilU 
flat  boats  at  Devil's  Den,  and  n  num- 
ber of  boats  wero  built  at  tho  Coffin 
iKjat  ynrd — Coke  Oven  Hollow — and  at 
the  boat  yard  at  the  month  of  Hush 
< 'reck. 

It  was  In  1S:17  that  Wllllnm  O.  Cof- 
fin crcpted  a  fonmlry  near  Coke  Oven 
Hollow,  where  be  miinnfaptiired  tlio 
first  cast  Iron  |ilow  used  In  I'arko 
Coiinly.  It  waa  loo  heavy  and  clumsy 
to  be  sold  In  compctlllon  with  the 
lighter  Iron  plows  Hint  were  soon  af- 
(erwnnls  put  on  the  mnrket. 

It  should  be  remcnibpred  that  black- 
smltlilng  wns  ijuKc  an  Indnslry;  the 
sniltli  luaniifaptiirpd  both  slioej,  and 
nails  for  Iioisc  shoeing.  Not  a  scrap 
of  Iron  was  allowed  to  gu  to  waste. 
It  was  all  taken  lo  the  hlncksmltli 
who  cnlirged  lY*  I-'.*  cents  lor  shoeing 
a  liorBP  If  Hip  owner  fnrnlsbcd  tho 
lioii— $1.1111  and  ?l.'2.-i  If  be  did  nol. 
I'or  twenty  years  or  more  ihnrponi 
wns  iisp.l  by  all  blnrkBinlHiB :  "atone 
roiil,"  wlib-li  propped  out  In  |>lnces  In 
llic  Coiinly,  was  tlioiighl  to  j.rodiipo  n 
degree  of  heat  nml  sulphur  too  In- 
(piise  for  good  work.  When  It  wob 
fonml  tlint  Inm  nnd  slecl  i-ould  he 
welded  with  "sloiio  i-oal"  without  In- 
jury.  It  ulilekly   dlsplnied    chnrcoal. 

I.KtIo  Itaecoon  lin.l  nt  one  tlino  five 
mills.  Tho  first  waa  (lllkcion's  Mill 
cast  of  Catlln;  Ihcu  caino  JIorclond'B 

nr    llallowplI'M   .Mill   east   of  llii.   1 

..f    A.    Kdgnr    A.binia:      llariiPs'      .Mill, 

llinr  .Imlnoii.    wii    aB   "I'lii    Hunk:' 

llrnln's  .Mill  not  far  fruin  lliihin,  anil 
Sii|.ppiif|p|d's  .Mill  on  Hie  cunt  link  ui 
Hip  Cipck.  Thp  Inllpr  wmb  built  l.i 
.Mnllilns  Sappi-iiflPliI,  Inllipr  of  I'harlia 
Sapppllflpld  111  is:s.  These  ii,|j|.  ufn- 
gpiipnilly  cmiililnallon  l.oih  rimir  ami 
saw  mills  but  Hip  llrulli  .Mill  was  a 
saw  mill  niily.  Itarn.'s'  .Mill  waB  In 
oppinllnn  iiB  bile  an  Hip  parly  BpiPii- 
lliK.  anil  Hip  slurp  Han  illd  cnnsld.'i- 
ablp  ImsliiPHs.  Iliip  of  my  inrllpsl 
rppiillcpllons  Is  vlBlHiig  with  my  pai- 
piils   al    Hip    liiisplinblp   hoiiip   or   the 

liillal  ipsl.lincc  and  playing  In  ami 
a 1  Iho  old  mill. 

Aboiil   l><:',:i  SiimiiPl   WpI r  luilli  a 

mill  iipnr  Hie  luniiili  or  .Mlllpr's  bnincli 
Willi  h  niliB  lliln  l.ltlle  llmpoiin  abnip 
.Moiplniuls    .Mill.      At    Hint    plinc    llu 

bri h   runs  u\pr  n   solid     rn.k     bed 

»lilcli  forms  n  niiinll  wiiler  lull,  ll  Is 
u  very  prdly  sput.  only  roiir  mllit 
rroiii  the  Ci.iinly  Seal,  and  It  Is  slrnilgc 
Hint  It  Is  hot  viBlted  oftpnir  by  .Vii. 
Hire  lovers  -and  other  lovers.  Irn 
.Mnlcr  writing  of  the  mill.  ycnrB  ago, 
said:  "Here  uue  Sunday  several  girls 
In  their  glee  tried  whi.  Ii  eoiild  ilrink 
Hie  most  wnlcr.  One  of  the  girls  was 
thrown  liilo  a  fever  from  ll  and  In 
six  days  she  iIIpiI.  She  was  one  or  Hai 
"larly  BPlllers"  of  the  .Miller  graip 
ynrd.  linnlpl  .Miller  built  n  saw  mill 
farther  up  the  sniiie  lirnnch.  nnd  still 
farlher  uii,  .Moses  llarlln  built  an  oil 
lull),  which  the  father  of  Ira  .Mater 

.VII  my  life  I  bale  known  a  certnln 
spot  on  Wllllnma  Creek  as  "Hie  old 
.Mill :"  hilt  down  to  the  writing  of  this 
ski  tell  had  never  beard  a  word  of  aii- 
Ibentlc  hlBlory  about  It.  It  was  a 
ravnrlte  swlmbilng  bole  for  tho  bo.vs 
of  Itoi-kvllle,  but  not  a  vlslcgo  nf  a 
mill  was  there  forty  years  ago.  This 
mill  Is  not  mentioned  In  nn.v  wrlllen 
hlslury,  but  Imiiilry  has  dlsplosrd  Hint 
II  was  biillt  nml  operated  l.y  Aiislln 
.M.  I'lictt  In  the  early  forties.  It  wns 
nperiiled  ns  a  saw  mill  by  Cnrey  Ued- 
flpl.l,  and  nt  one  tliiio  two  dwelling 
III. USPS  stood  near  It  on  tho  east  slilo 
of  the  creek.  The  "Old  Mill"  hole,  as 
all  Itockvlllc  Doys  of  foriucr  gener- 
ations know,  was  a  half  nillo  bUovo  the 
Jnilson  road. 

A  saw  mill  was  built  on  Iliish  Creek 
In  I.H2I1  by  a  man  named  Held.  It  wns 
nrtcnvnrds  known  as  >lanwarnlng's 
.Mill.  The  pnl.llahpd  history  of  Liber- 
ty towpBlilp  n.rnll.ins  n  corn  rrnckcr 
In  tho  northwestern  pnrt  nf  the  lown- 
slilp  and  a  water  mill  In  Hin  soiithorn 
part,  lint  there  Is  no  rc.ord  nf  nny  mill 
on  .Mill  Creek,  a  Blreaiu  that  belles  Its 
name.  In  ISI.S  o.  1'.  Hnvls  built  a 
Bleaiii  mill  on  Scitlon  til  nol  fnr  from 
Tangier,  nnd  for  aomo  years  pondiicled 
It  siiri-cflsfully  In  partnership  wllh 
.lohn  Woody.  Tlils  was  no  doubt  the 
first  sleani  mill  |n  the  County. 

John  l.owry  nnd  Wllllnni  nntninn 
operntcd  the  first  noolcn  fnitory  In 
I'aike  County  at  Mrcea.  This  Indus, 
l.y  was  begun  before  the  war  nnd  con- 
Hmied  In  ncllvo  opcrnllon  until  nlmiit 
Is7."i.  l.owry  fi  iiatninn  alBO  lind  a 
large  general  store,  nnd  Inter  (Icorge 
W.  Ilalman  londiictrd  Ibis  store,  and 
his  fnlher— Wllllnm  S.— c.iiiie  to 
KopKVllle  to  go  Into  hnslnCBs,  assoi^ 
Inipd  Wllh  bis  son  I'rank.  Tho  flour 
mill  nt  .Mecca  i-onllniicd  linlll  after  Iho 
opening  of  tho  mines  In  tho  nlneilcB. 
The  .MpCiuio's.  lowry'a  and  Ilalman's 
imide  Mecca  one  of  Iho  principal  busl- 
ncai  conton  of  Parke  County  when 




In  l.imlM.sK  Iti.ri-.  |)t|..-«ii 



ni  Ihi'  inil.v   ih»H.   hii n   Iniru  uf 

M    «im  III  111'  wi'li  rmly  yniiu  mko. 

rill'  iihiiM'  iiiiiiiiliMi'H  Ihr  InilMHlrlnn 
l.iip|i.'lli(l   l.>-   wnli-r  m)  ns    I    linii' 

n    iil.l.'    Ill    li'iini.    mill    wr    rn lo 

...ii^ililrr  Ini'  Itiliinil  liiiluxlrli'K.  nii.l  il 
pilliril  Mhi'll  liniMi  iiiilih'  iiillrli-.  \m-io    .iliMiiM    I'M-liiBkily    l.v     pinpli'    iir 

llilnrnuniy     t: I  liiin.»l  r in'illll.  >.. 

i.iy  iliriili'lll  rnini  Ihi'  nhiHlily  uliilt 
nil    llw    liiiirl.i'lH    iif    (nilny. 

SiMMly  .M-niH  ii:;.!  Iln.kvlllo  Knvr 
,  iMiilinnirnt  In  iMiiiiy  imiri-  innlMnltn 
ll.iui  nil-  IwiT  li.ilny:  pi'iliiips  ni..rc- 
Ihnii  run  hi'  ronnil  In  tin-  Cniiiily  n( 
llil^  llii..'  ni«l  In  iT'li'l'  nr  .■nnt.l.lri' 
III  Inn  "hiMilil  III'  till'  niiiKl  lini'irni  nl  III! 
Iliiili'.'.  III. II  nr  l.oll.ri.  Sninlli'l  N. 
Iliikir  mlnlillslii-d  ii  iiniu-iy  on  l.cnlli- 

In  IS-'!".  Ill'  11111110  '■rod  wnro."  that  l.i 
»ni(<  niiidn  nr  iiiiiiMinn  yilloiv  I'lny 
iind  Klii/xl  »ltli  ri'il  Ir-nil.  lie  Innnc'd 
,1  fi'iv  l.ilMn  iin  l.i'iillii'rvvooifwliin  lio 
iliililnl  In  nioM-  In  UoiUilllo.  lie  lia.l 
Mill   Ill-Ill  h>-ir  loni;  when  ii   ■■jniiinny- 

iniiii"  li'i'  frniii  llliln  mine-  nloiik-  nnif 

mill  hlin  iilioiil  RlniU'wnri-:  Mr.  Itiiki-r 
iniilil  iiinki-  Mil'  \Mil-o.  lull  n  hnl  liliniit 
Mil-  liny-/  II  tlii-n  i.r.iiiri-d  in  hliii 
I  hill  III-  hnd  noon  rl.iy  like  Unit  do- 
nnlhril  hy  I  In-  Jniiriii-yiiiiin.  cximsoil 
Hlii-ii  i'\rn>iilliii;  Inr  niir  nf  tlio  mill 
iiii-i-K  nil  l.nillir-rwonil.  •I'lin  ciny  wni, 
li-Hli-il  iinil  lirnvi-d  I.I  1,1'  llin  M-ry  li.-»l 
nr  i-liiy  Inl-  i.lnni-"nri-.  A  kiln  wn- 
I'lilll    lliiil    uiiiild      I'liiil      cliiv       In      n 

III    llii 

hliiiii-uiilv    lii-uniL      ."il 1.1    N.    Iliik.'i 

dliil  III  ISiiii;  III.'  liiiHliii'K.i  MiiH  ion- 
lliiiiid  li.v  I  hi'  lliiki'i'  Ill-Ill  liorn.  .liiiiK-H 
II..  .Inhii    W.,   Sniniii-I    \.  mid  Clmrlon 

II..  hill  In  l.-<i:'.'.  .Inhll  W.  wiin  Hlinl  nut' 
nl    II.    liiBlli;;    lllh    l.-i;   ill    l--|-rdrlrk«lllll-|!. 

.Il -    II.    n-llri'il    rrniii    lliln    llriii    in 

|v7.' d    liiiill    n    imlli'i-y   or   his   nwn 

111  Ilii-  llin-lil  pill-l  i.r  ln»ii.  riiH  Finn, 
llrnrui-  II.  lUk.-r.  uiiK  iinKo.lntod  with 
hlln    In    IhlB   IiiimIi.i'.sm. 

.Iiiinns    II.    llnk.T    iils.>  I'KlllhllKllrd    H 

imllii-y  111  I'l.i-ll I  MillB  In   l.x.v,.  lint 

iirii-r  liili-nlni;  ii  ri-w  kllnx  In-  hiir  cnin- 
|.i-lli-.l     in    dlHrnnllnnn    I  hn    pnllcry    on 

III    In 


riii'ililik  mid  >:|i|iinllic  "im  dniu-  h.v 
.liiM-|ill  S|..iiii:li'|-.  wliunn  BInnd 
nil  inlilli  .Mnrkrt  (iln-rl.  just  nnill.  nl 
llii'  ri-Kidi'li..  nf  .Mrs.  .Mnry  lliinl.  II 
WHS  hllill  nn  ihn  w  I'st  nlili'  ol  tllr  Iml- 
Inw  ilinl  lit  .Mlrhlsun  sln-i-t. 
mil  the  d('|ii-(-oi8iun  of  the  hollnw  forn.- 
I'll  the  biiBcii.clit  or  "power  hoiiBc" 
where  liorBoti  oi-erntcd  n  tread  ui!ll. 
The  fni'iory  wbb  ft  Inrco  bullUmK.  It 
iiirded  wnnl,  spim  yarn  imd  wove  nnil 
d.M'd  i-lni;i.  inlor.i  wei-o  Renernll.-.' 
.iiiilli'  ri-niii  htii-ks  iind  llie  hulls  nl 
iiiii,;.  .Miriil  K.  sinrk  reriilli.  ilmi 
lihniii  I  he  lirwf  Ilinhi'y  III-*  enriied  wns 
iiir  wiiliiiit  IiiiIIm  «nld  to  .Mr.  SpniiBlof. 

I'lilll    II    .'nnilMii'iilivi'ly    recent    dille 

I  he    nhl    BhiipK    nf    I'm Mil's   niul    .\il< 

iililh..n  hlimd  Jilsl  w-esi  nf  Ihe  present 
h.iiiii-    in'   riinrliH    .\y.le|nil    nn    llluli 


Ii.euiniy.  .Is  known  lo  every 
imnl  nnllle  or  I'mke  I'oilnly  na  n  mill- 
Isler  iif  Ihe  fnap.'l.  niiil  low  will  re- 
uieiuls'r  hlni  nn  Itnekillle'a  rirst  nnd 
leiidliii:  hmier.  lie  iiindn  lints,  cm 
PIniiuR  Ihrec  men.  IllR  prlnclpiil  qb 
sislmil  wnn  -Vlex  lliirper.  a  uinlnltn. 
wliniii  Mr.  riiniiiiliiKH  hnd  hniiKhl  n»  n 
►  line  In  Vlrt-lnln.  and  cnve  liliii  lil» 
ri-ei-ilnni.  Ale.v  wnrl.eil  riilllirillly  nnd 
siiie.l  eiinuKh  money  lo  buy  IiIr  wife, 
"Aunt  I'nisey,"  ns  Blie  heciilile  known 
liiler.  Arier  workliiu  rnr  Mr.  I'lini- 
minus.  Alex  lliirpei' set  up  huslnOBH  for 
hliiiBeir,  I'llst  or  Ihe  present  TftrkO 
Stale  hnnk:  nnd  Thomiis  lloKns  nnd 
r<nn  innde  hnis  In  n  Bimill  liulldInK 
wlih-h  sinud  nil  Krniinil  now-  oi-euplei! 
hy  Ihe  eniil  end  of  Ihn  I'nrko  KInle 
hunk  biillillng.    Kohert  MulbRllon  alio 

innde  lulls  on  the  Boiithwest  eornor  of  di  nee  nl  IiIb  son   I'.dward  nnd  dnuRli- 

thi'  piililli' s.|iiiiie.  I.r,    .MIsii    .Mnry    l.iiiiili.'rl    n.iw    slniids. 

Niilliiin  .\diiiiiBOii  iiiiidi-  full  mills  for       Mr.    I..-11 rl   .'nine    lo    lln.Uvllle    Iroiii 

iluiiilui:    In    Mil'    purl      or      the  Mrtliil.i    In    1.'<|-J    wllh    Ihe    Inle    .lohn 

liiiililliii.-  iillnll.-d  lo  hliii.     'Ihe  old  bIkii  Oil.      lie    wns      ntlerwnrilB      Inwiislilp 

li-nil      "riiliiiiilncB    &    Adiiiiisoii."      but  Irusli-e,  nnil   Ihe  rernids  innde  by  hliii 

lliey    wele    lint    liuslnesB    piirlners.  nie    ns    |"-rlert    Bl"-.  Inn  MS    or    penililin- 

(Julie    nn    exIeuBlve      t"hn.-i-n      Bliop  slili.  lis  rnn  he  fniilid  In  the  Sliilo. 

WHS  iniiiliirled  hy  ■riinnuis  WrlKlil.  lie  Keiiliin  Ken. hill  iiiine  In    IMM.  sliirl- 

hnil    rive    "run    nf    presses,"      iiiiiklUL'  1,,^,   |||„   „,,„      i,,    „    |„^    hullillnt:   Ihnl 

!-h''nrrsohr'nVrerceiiirl,'''lnre"i  'e'"  ""'"'    ""    ""'    ^"""""'    """'    '■'"""• 

^-pMiirilluinuK  '™  p,'.N'M?rmi'd'wlikh  ^  l'"''"'    '';    """"■'''    ","'"'    *"'''";""'  ul  !■  l-'J  cenlB  eiieh.  'Ihls  clear  » '"'  """  "'""  "  ■"nieuler.  wn.  employ 

WHS  kiinwn  ns  the  "CeBiinllB."  nnd  wiiB  "I   ""''■''   ''>■   ^''■-    I'^'-ndnll.   who  nfler- 

mnile  rrnui  Imported  l.ihni-i-o.    The  Bur-  wnnls    built    n    mnih    lunrc    c.xlenBlvu 

plus  Bini-k  wna  Bold,  "brond-wnler,"  nn  Bh"P  where  T.   I'.     (Incbler'e     mnrhlc 

expri-slnii    (hen    In    use    In    d.-sl-.-nnte  shop   now    sinnrts.      Mr.    Keu.lnll    iinide 

L'onds  inkeii   soiilh   on   rlnt   honts.  nil  kinds  nr  furnllure.  hnvliiL-  a  i-oiu- 

Time  siidiller  shops  were  i-oiidinte.l  pl.-le  ByBlmi   of   Inllies  and   lonls   for 

In   Ihe     forlles.     That     or     .Mark     .1.  JnlnliiK.     He  nlBo  made  coffliiB.     After 

M.-..-1'nin.     «-|.|.-l.     W'.    I..r-,ln,l       ,.hr.^r.  |1,e    rlv"    he    I. mil    n     lnr|-e    three    slnrv 

7    >::'/^-{r:^"'^. 

limn  III  I'l-iiiitiilinnin  Is'Jil;  IHnl  Mii/i  li.  IWIl. 

I  be  lesUli'iH-K  nl'  .Misses  Kiln  nnd  Ida 
Cnrllsle  Hlanils,  emplnyed  five  nr  sU 
men.  line  hand  devnird  lillUBeir  e.x- 
eliialu'lv   10   Iho  imiklni;  of     «ldesnd- 



hnve  died  of  shame  ir  seen  rldlllK 
iislrlde.  ilenernl  .lolni  .1,  ,Meni-linm's 
shop  stood  on  the  enst  end  or  the  lot 
now  ow-iied  by  .lohii  l.lncbarccr,  fleii- 
ernl  .Meacbaiii  emplnyed  five  bands 
and  wna  liliiiself  a  inaatcr  w-nrknmn. 
.lacnh  Wlndnll's  shop  nna  on  the  enst 
Bide  or  the  eipmre. 

Cabinet  iiiakera  were  Iho  men  who 
made  the  heaiillfiil  old  fiirnlluro 
which  a  auhBeipienl  Konernllnn  dla- 
i-nrded  nnd  would  now  swap  Iheli' 
present  riirnllnro  Iwofor-one  for  Iho 
old,  and  kIvo  exorbitant  "boot"  bo- 
sIdeB.  .loseidi  Ijimliert  wa§  ono  of 
I  lie  rirst  nnil  ono  i  llio  IicbI  of  Ilork- 
vllln'B  splendid  en  .not  ninkora.  Illi 
bIiup  atuoU  ou  Ibo  lot  wUoro  tbo  roil- 

brirk  biilldlntf  on  I  lie  eanl  aide  nn 
Krniind  now  ocriipled  hy  the  llnrrlson 
lilllldlnK.  Here  he  ennllnnei'l  In  Ihe 
rinnllnro  and  iindertiiklnK  biiBlneaB. 
lie  wna  tlio  flrBt  undortiiker  who  had 
a  heaiso  In  I'nrko  I'onnly.  Mr.  Ken- 
ihill  remained  In  nrtlvn  biialnesa  iinlll 
his  di-alh  In  Isiil.  when  for  a  lluie  the 
liiislniBs  wna  cnnllnned  by  bis  Bona, 
William  nnd  llnrry  .1.  Kendall.  Will- 
Iniu  I'nxlon  be-all  ns  11  i-nhliiet  maker 
nn  the  BOllth  side  In  (lie  rirtlea,  nnd 
wns  In  InifllneRB  for  nhout  twenty-five 
.lenra.  Jiiseph  I'lianio  Mtnrted  a  call- 
Inet  shop  In  n  hullilliiK  on  West  York 
Rtreet,  hut  did  not  IhnK  eontlniie  tboro, 
ns  he  emliarked  In  n  iiioro  exienalvo 
iMlslnesa  In  IH117.  This  pliop  ivfta  after- 
wards owned  by  Wllllnm  lllaekledRe, 
ami  then  made  Int..  a  eliuri-li  hy  tbo 
rnlhollc         i-onnreuallnn.  Wllllnni 

Mlrlinola  Iind  n  ciiblnel  sho|i  nn  Ohio 
■trool  wUcro  lio  timdo  oxcollonl  fura* 

Iture.  He  aflerw-arda  ealnhllBlicd  a 
cnblm-t  shnii  In  rimiaillle. 

Ill-fore  l'>  there  were  fniir  liinni-r- 
h-B  or  "uiii  ,\nnlB"  In  mid  nl.niit  llnck- 
vllle.  TlM-.-.'  of  Iheiu  were  wlllili,  tbo 
pri-sinl  enipnrale  llmllB  nf  the  town. 
.IniiiiB  Sli-aln's  waa  on  Ihe  lot  now 
known  as  "|lii»y  line  I'ark  ;"  John 
Alesniid.-i'a  niiB  Just  west  of  Jns.pli 
.\.  Ilrlllon's  resldi-lice.  end  .Mallliew 
\an.-.-'R  was  nn  llnwnni  .Vn-iiiie  whi-ru 
Mil-  hrliU  resldem,.  or  VV.  It.  Over- 
man was  arierwniils  hiilll.  As  nlrenily 
ri-lnl(-d  the  tannery  eBlahllslied  by 
lloliei-i  .McKwen  was  lo.nled  near  the 
hniue  or  .Mrs.  .Mnrcnret  Nye. 

I:bi|.  John  linker  miiile  ibnlrs  nt  a 
Kr.v  i-aily  dale  but  ills.-..i,il,„„..|  ,|,|, 
Induairy  10  lake  up  bis  ollii-r  Iniile, 
Unit  of  pnlnter,  ,1.  11.  Inula,  father 
or  (I.  J.  InnlE  i-ondiiiteil  n  i-liair  Bhop 
en  ei-niMHl  lliiil  Is  now  Ihe  l„T:.,-,e,.|  |„n 
or  Howard  Bireet  nnd  Howard  Ave- 
nue  (In   I  Inward  Street.) 

Two  ii.irk  houses  were  busy  dlirloR 
the  season  Biiltahle  for  packlni;  pork 
,Me<  111111.11011  &  .McMurlry,  Uaae  J. 
Sllllman  nnd  otheia  of  the  old  time 
merchants  conducted  Ibla  bilBlnoss  nt 
dlffei-eul  tliiiea. 

Tnllni-fl  w-ore  at  one  time  bo  ntuiier- 
oils  that  It  waB  a  cnnimnn  snyliifE ; 
"The  town  la  mil  I.r  ilninken  tallora 
nn  'lUue  .Monday.'"  nine  .Moniliiy 
desl-miled  the  fraiue  of  tiilu.l  or  tbo 
prnprlelnrB  of  the  tailor  ahopa  when 
their  "JiiiirB"  all  i:ot  drunk  on  .Sunday 
mill    "aolieredup'   nn     .Mnnday-aoher. 

Inn   1 ivnlvlni;   one     day's     lonrhm. 

Ilaiiihill  llml>s.  Samuel  I'lsher,  Henry 
linns  mill  Inter  I-'.  \V.  Dinwiddle  vvcio 
prnpi-h'lni-s  nr  Ihe   Inlliir  simps. 

lllai'ksmllhliiK  wna  i-arrled  nn  by 
.bihn  l.liikBHiler.  wlinae  ahop  wna  nl 
the  (..riier  or  College  slroi't  and  How. 
mil  aieiine:  lloherl  ltnBi'lirmii:li  who 
lin.l  11  Im-ne  brlek  shop  with  three 
forces  where  the  .Melhodlst  cliliri  h 
now  Blanils:  .lobnson  s.  White,  w  hnao 
shop  wna  nn  the  Bile  of  (lenrite  .Mlller'i 
rtaldeni-e,  nnd  Cnptnln  «ehh,  who 
had  a  Blmp  on  HIeIi  striC-t  opposlto 
Ihe  old  llniii-rB  roBldonee.  Ahont  lsi:i 
.lohn  Aydelotl  ennie  from  Ilelliiioro 
nnd   eslnhllBlied   a     larKO     blai-kaiullli 

I  wncon  shop  nt  the  iiirner  of  lin;li 

nnd    Vlriilnlii    BtroolB. 

VVaKoiiB  were  innile  In  nn  early  day 
by  llnhi-rl  lloseliranuh,  who  rnndiirted 
Ihe  hlarkBuillli  Bhop  as  nbove  Blaloil, 
.Inmea  S.  llnceiB  hail  a  ahop  nt  tlio 
corner  of  llli:h  nnd  t'ollofe  ilreclB, 
"  here  he  continued  tn  wor'k  until  tho 
early  clebdea.  James  I'.  TIcknor  wiii 
nt  tbo  head  o(  one  of  tho  largest  wag- 
on and  carriage  sho|ia  In  tho  Rtnte, 
which  bo  eondurted  until  nliont  ISiW. 
HIa  Bhop  or  BlTopa  atood  on  tho  ttnuind 
nnw-  ni-i-iipled  hy  Shonp'a  livery  atnblo, 
where  wiiKona,  earrlnireB  nnd  hUKUlel 
of  a  Mljierlnr  t-rado  wcro  hiillt.  Tlir. 
Iron  woi-k  naa  dnno  In  a  ahop  to  tho 
rear  of  ibe  twoalory  main  huUdlnit 
mow-  iiai-d  by  I  Usher  and  iihnver  nn 
Iho  miiith  aide)  where  It  wna  iiinveil 
In  I'd  by  Wllllnm  I'axlon,  whoao 
enblnet  shop  w-ns  hiirneil  tli.-it  year, 
Tho  wood  w-ork,  trliiiniliiK  niul  paliit- 
luK  wns  dnno  Ih  Ihls  biilldliiu.  .Inhn 
liiirke  i-nnifl  Inter  nnd  ealahllahed  11 
shop  on  HiKli  street.  Ho  waa  also  a 
flnn  w-orkmnn, 

CenrRe  Itlltard  hnd  n  eooper  sltoii 
on  BOllth  Virginia  alroet  opposlto  Cho 
rOBldeni-o  or  l,eo  .Mi-Mlllln.  Ho  sold 
Ilia  Bhop  and  biialneaa  tn  .Iniiiei  Car. 
Hale.  I-;bi|.,  who  came  here  from 
.Moorravllle  In  isdl.  .Mr.  Carllalo  con- 
llniied  biiBlnesB  tliero  for  about  fivo 
yeiira  when  ho  built  n  Inmo  almp  on 
I'ennsylvanin  Bireet  Jiiat  west  of  the 
Inme  old  hoiiae  now-  tho  resldonro  of 
llowoy  I  ox.  Mr.  Carllslo  nnd  his  son 
imnlel  M.  (Diilchl  wero  holh  good 
i-onpera  and  worked  wllh  the  forio  nf 
men  einplnyrd  In  tho  pxtenalvo  hilal- 
ncBs  whick  11  (row  Into  botoro  Iho  d*- 


,.,l,„.  nf  Urn l:ilHi.lrirg.  Oli.-dliil] 

.\j,.,..  lindu.m,|.rrhl.o|.oi.<-inMcnor(l. 

II     llH 

.11(1.      «l" 

■  ■■.■ll>    ^ 

:illi'    hnrroU 

A  .liriiiiiMiMir.'.  hlBloiiriil  ill  lu  n.v 
iiii.'  ►iHMilcl  lii-c-.'  lie  iilali'd.  Wlu'U 
liHMH  H  IM^c'ifc  innrti'  111.'  iinBOnil  lo 
'l„.  ilrl..-n  I..  riilKrirnlii  l.y  llnrlii  lll.''« 
■'I'm  IV  Mm  ih.*"  Ill-  itnd  .(..liiiHoil  H. 
«  nil.,  linn  Ih.-n.,  Mr.  Wl.ll.'  I.olii'd 
III..  llr.'B  iHi  III  II  |  iimiiiior  ili'- 
xitniil  Inr  ilm  liiinl  u«iia.'  of  Ihrro 
ii.iMiKi.ii.l  iiiil.'H,  nil. I  lli<'»"  >uii:i>iiii.  or 

11,,'    1 IKIU.iIh   iIiIWII    lllTllhR    IIIC   pllllIlK 

li.  isr.i.  ni-iv  111.,  only  «iii;..ii«  lo  lu.iko 
III.'  )..iiril.'y  wlllKHll   ■■Hit  tioillilc^'  or 

.Ill  i|..itll. 

n.iirl.l.'li  llrllK.ii.  .Iiil><i»  i:i:>.i'i'l. 
U..IK  rl  I'hrlHlliin.  Willliiiii  I,.  .McMII- 
II...   .l..hM   nnil    Murk     Iliisii.Mis     « ere 

'ih.'l'r  i.wii  linnl.i'V  wllh  •■»hl|.tmiv»." 
.Mi.hl  m   llir  li.'ni.i    llMil..-r«  f.'.r  UiP  old 

,\, ,l.„ri;  l.rl.l;.-  .ion>  ii.."od  In  llils 

liinniiir  l.v   llrllion  iiiul    i;i;l..'rl.     Tlio 

, <,'  nail. I'd   iiii-il  l.nill   "11  "I    Uio  old- 

,M  rriii.ii'  liiMiK.n  III  lln.'kvillp.  In  tlio 
rilll.'l,    Hinii.ln    Iliii,.|.lniy»   nn.l    Will. 

1 1..   M.Mlllln.  Jr..   w.'r.'  yniini:  .nr- 

l„',il,-n.  11  ho  hud  llio  mil  .inlni:r  ..r  ro- 
,,,ii  iin.'iiiloiiK  In  ll.c  luiy  of  lools. 
i.'.i.l.ln.'M.n.l.'  null-  mid  liin.l..'r  midy 
lo  I.,'  ilr.'KB.'.l.     Mr.   Iliiii.'|.lir.'y»  i.i.lli 

M..,Mi    or    lioiiH.H      In      llorMlllc 

,'i.'.i.-il  In  II"'  nrilc-.  ii.iioni!  II 111!'    l.llli-.'   ..n    lllu-ll      i.nd     foll.'CC 

„ir.'.-n;  111.'  I.o or  All.'n  ; 

111.'  rl'^l(l.■n.■.'  .'f  l.''vl  SIdiMll  mid  llii' 
ii'hid.'iic.'  of  Ih.'  im.-  .In. IK.'  Willi.'.  Ilo 

liiilli  111.-  Inrn.'  rr .'  Birn.iiir.'  on  iln) 

r..iiiiln'ii,it  .on .r  Ilii-  wiimro  kiinHU 

,.►  ilip  "lliiii.'riiiil  liiill.llni:."  iinil  llm 
11,11.'  Klory  l.rl.k  uooi™  rn.lory 
iihlih  Hloo.l  on  ll.c  liri'K.'nl  bIic  of'K  null.  II.'  «n«  "'d  l.y 
li.,n('  .M.liolilln,  ivh„  ciiiiH'  In  llncU- 
Mil.'  IW,.  .i.'niK  iM'lor,'  Ihr  driilll  of 
..,,-.  ll„n,i.lH-.')M  In  \s,::.  .Mr.  .\l,|-nil- 
,lln  Mi.H  11.0  l.-mllni;  contraclnr  nnd 
I.Hlld.'r    In    111.'    roiinly     tor     twenty 

Hint  atiind  lo  Ills  ,rcdll  nro  tlio  fin. 
iHlilll;;  work  of  tlir  I'lirkn  foimly 
lonn  lions.',  the|lnR  of  Mf. 
liiorlnl  I'  I'lninli,  tlio  lliiii- 
llm  clmr.'li.  Iir.  WIrfa  ro'-ldnn.-o.  nnn 
Hon.o  nr  llio  l>iill.lln;:i<  on  ll.r  pnl'lL' 
wiiMirc.  Tlini„;,H  I'niton  nn.l  .Imiios 
KnM  nrre  lonlrn.loi'B  mid  l.iilldorii  for 

I  Ik 

A.  nnsMi'd  l,y  lilB  foim.  Will- 
In nd  iliiirl.'s.  nn.l  l'i™»mil  llr.iwn. 

illd  conaldrriilil.'  l.nll.lInK  nnd  cn\- 
l.pntcr  work  In  i.nd  Bb..ut  llockvlllo. 
■Iliorc  were  n  of  excellent  rnp 
liniters  In  the  foiinly  In  the  flfilos 
«ho   tinlll    llie    ii.nny    Inrse    tiin-mory 

fr.inie  reBld.'iir.i.  or  11..1 riod.  will,  11 

K|.enk  or  II. e  pi.isp.rliy  of  Hint  cnu'r- 
iitloii.  Ani.'iii:  ll.rfe  were  Henry  link- 
.'r.  .Inliil'lny.  Wllll;.ni  nnd  .lolin 
llnrtrnie  mid  ll..l.rrl  llnrhlnon  or 
rnrlliind  Mill-;  Wllllnr.l  .leroine  of 
llellnmro;  ■nionniB  l.nne.  Admii  Adnn.a. 
I'idvviir.l  Mnrelmi.l.  Wllllmn  I'leldB  nnd 
('.  W.  Ovcronn  of  Wnnlilncloii  town 

N.inli  llo.iBinid.  Moore«  Sinltli. 
ThoiniiB  llnnrdinnn  nnd  .I.din  Itl.linr.lB 
were  the  BlineninkerB  of  Itoekvllle  who 
londn.led  IhlB  lni|«rt.inl  Industry  be 
fore  Iho  ndirnt  of  fn,  lory  mnde  ItooU 
nn.l  Blioe...  They  employed  iinlto  n  of  hnnds. 

linns  were  iiiiide  on  the  boiiHi  Bldo 
of  the  ».|niire  l.v  lll.lmrd  Irwin,  nn 
linL-llshn.iin,  ivhose  riries  were  won. 
ilerfnlly  n.-cnrnle.  .In.-oU  Mlrl.kl.'r 
Im.l  n  k-nnsnillli  shnp  nl  the  I'rnsB 
llondB  four  inlles  north  of  Ho.kvllle 
mill  lllclinril  fnlverfs  b1io|i  was  nt 
I'liittsvllle.  To  this  liny  the  rifles 
liindo  hy  tlieBo  men  nro  In  liso  for 
Bipllrrel  nnd  tnrcet  Bhnotlni!  nnd  with- 
in their  rnngo  lliey  cnn'l  bo  oicellod 
lor  cloBO  uiurkimiDiblp, 

Ico  wr.B  I'lii  111.  on  Wllliiihis  Creek  ll.o  .Voiillnctoivn  s.'vi'nly- 
lUe  yenrB  nwo  l.y  rl.'r.smil  Morrl", 
VI  ho  hiid  n  Inri-e  l.e  IToime  lli.'re.  II.' 
lelnllrd  leo  ilnrlnK  the  Biiinnier.  In 
IS."  when  Corrln  mid  Hulls  InKiiilli'ri 
Iho  fliBt  Bffdn  ronntnln  In  l!..rkvllle 
lie  »ns  put  up  nn  the  lilllslde  l.aik 
or  Hie  ol,l  Jnll.  The  l.'e  una  pronire.l 
I'rniii  Wllllmns  I'r.ek  nnd  Ih 
nn  •'X.nintinn  .nt  In  the  lilllsid,'. 

The  flrsl  inent  liinrket  In  llo.Uvlllo 
iviiB  <nine»hnl  Inlennllhint  In  lis  Inisl- 
iiPBt  neilvlilPB,  It  iviiB  n  lenipornry 
frniiie  Birinliiro  nl  the  sniilhweBl  lur- 
ner  of  Hie  court  Ii..ii8e  ynrd'  Hedwiek 
or  "Hed"  N.'Cl  opernlc.l  It,  nnd  II  wn« 

. .11111'  f.inilllnr.  The  first  regnlnr  iiienl  wiis  eslnhllshe.l  hy  llonry 
Sii.'mh.  who  WIIS  Bue.'.'.'ded  by  his 
»ous.  ThnninB  nnd  llnrry.  (lenrge  nnd 
I'linrles  i-lnrled  n  ne.ond  luenl 
inn. kit  in.nirillnl.'ly  nfter  they  cnnio 
homo  rrnni  II. n  iiriuy  In  I"*".'''  Henry 
l.oe,  who  «ns  In  l.ilslneHB  forty  yenr« 
innie  In  the  curly  Bevenlica,  and 
lllensoii  nnd  Cronln  In  l^^M' 

I'erlinpB  the  Inrcesl  i.innnrn.tiirlnu 
vonlnre  ever  ntleinpled  111  Mm  fonnly 
from  liB  oru-niilznllon  down  to  the  op- 
enlni;  of  the  cliiy  lii.luBlrlei,  wn»  tho 
woolen  fnclory  nt  llmkillle.  ■  It  w.ih 
hCk-iin  In  IKii.'.  nn.l  finished  at  a  coit 
nf  .t'Js.iMNi.     A  Ihreo  nn.l  a  Imlf  atory 

ISAAC    M'KAtinl.N. 

Iloni    In    Itnikhiiiluc   Co'iiilll.    Vlrainin.  Mnrrli  \  I,  ]X-Ai.  Mrmhrr  of  ^st  Itcgl- 
i:iciil  Arknnliiii  Carnlru.  C.  H.  A.    ninl    l-iiihi-    Voiinli/.    Iiuliana,    Janil- 
nnl  4,  iim. 

ciiBtomnry  for  liliii  to  eoiiie  to  town 
before  dnylluht  on  dnye  following  tho 
BlniiKliter  of  a  beef.  At  ilnwn  on  such 
o.cnslon.-  he  would  blow  loud  nnd 
lonir  bli.Btfl  on  a  tin  linrn,  whereupon 

the  Jieopln  who  wiinted  nient  would 
selr-o  tlifir  bnBketfl  niiH  procee.l  to 
mnrket.  I.nler  Iho  npcitnile  of  Isiino 
AsI.erry  In  hlB  nnprn  nnil  tho  sound 
nf  his  I.ell  OB  ho  drovo  nhont  tho 
Blreets  of  llockvlllo,  selllnit  "ram, 
Iniiib^   aboop   luoat,   and    111111100,**    b» 

l.rlck  biilWihK.  Ill  -\  N),  wnn  put  up  on 
the  present  sito  of  llohin's  mill  nnd 
r.pilpped  with  the  Intest  machinery 
then  llBcd  for  weaving  woolen  goodB. 
TlilB  enterprise  wn«  finnneed  hy  J.  M. 
,\icliol».  Willlnni  .M.  Thonieon  nnd 
JnnicB  II.  .MeKwen,  but  before  It  bo. 
gun  operation  the  Tatter  died  (18iin.) 
Experienced  wenveia  from  .MnBanelinB- 
Bells  faelnrleB  were  pln.ed  In  clinrt'e, 
nnd  the  very  i|iinllly  of  cloth 
wns  liinied  out:  l.ut  Birnnge  ns  It  niny 
srem.  Ihe  very  cv.'.llencc  of  this  out- 
put  l.rniiBht  nhoul  Iho  ruin  of  thlB.  ns 
It  <ll.l  nil  01  her  like  fnilorlcs  wiil.h 
prnduccil  honest  nll-wonl  cloth.  They 
were  not  cinlpped  for  Ihc  innnufnctiiro 
"f  the  Bliodily  goods,  which  soon  nflcr 
the  advent  of  the  llockvlllo  factory 
were  put  on  the  mnrket  In  audi  a 
ninnncr  its  lo  he  In  close  eonipeiltlon 
wllh  llio  renl  article,  lint  as  this  Is 
not  a  dls.'onrsc  on  polltlral  c.'onomy  I 
leave  the  Bul.jeel  by  Bl.ning  the  fnclB. 
(liir  fnct.iry.  like  prn.n.-.illy  nil  of  onr 
home  ind.islriea  of  a  by  gone  dny.  lin* 
long  been  only  n  memory.  And  In  ro- 
mcml.rnn.e  11  sliouhl  be  hero  rehited 
Hint  on  New  Year's  night,  INi'Jl,  l.eforo 
tile  n.n.'hlnery  hnd  been  placed  In  tho 
now  fnclory,  11  wns  tho  scene  of  ono 
of  Ihn  most  n.itnhio  events  In 
onr  foiiniy'fl  history— a  grnnd  hnll  In 
honor  of  the  return  of  too  soldier 
l.oys  who  l.y  Hint  tlmo  woro  nearly  all 
homo  from   tho  war. 

In  l'**'!"  .li.fleph  Chance  cslnbllshed 
tho  flral  pinning  mill  In  I'ariko  County, 
lie  conducted  It  tbroo  yoari  and  tbon 

Holon  lergiiBon,  who  bnd  a  »niv  mill 
a  lew  mih'H  iiorlheasl  of  llockilll.'. 
l.onghl  II.  .Mr.  |-ergli.oii  In  11. os.' 
hnnleil  his  Iol's  lo  the  mill  with  on 
te.iniB.  •Ihe  liuBlness  grew  from  your, 
l.iyenr  and  has  rontlnueil  In  the 
I'crKUson  fninily  during  fort.i-slx  of 
the  forty-nine  yenrs  of  Ha  exlslen.e. 
It  Is  now  knoiin  ne  Ihe  Frrgnson 
l.nmb.'r  t'ompmiy  1  In.nrpornli'.l.l  own- 
ed l.y  .Mrs.  Solon  l^erguson,  Wnller  H. 
nnd  Wllllmii  i;.  |-eri:usiin.  Tiie  loiii' 
pniiy  does  nn  cMenslve  hiisinesB  In 
alrmliiinl  Iron,  .em.nt  nml  ciiiy  nint 
.I'liieiil  pr'..lucts  nnd  eoiistruris  iu..nn. 
lliii    silos.      Iirnncii    Insilinllons     nie 

lor.ile.l  nl   .Miilil.'/. a  nn.l   llnsednle. 

Hoinii  I'ergiiBon  mis  n  111.111  of  l.irce. 
fill  chiiin.ler— fl  ninn  who  In  "priic. 
tlclng  ivliiit  he  premheir'  ivni  milliniit, 
Iv  nggresslve.     Ills  rellgioiii  nnd  inor. 

from  iiiotivca  of  expcdieney  or  is.pli' 
Inrlly,  lie  was  dillgeiil  In  IiIh  I.iihI. 
nrsB  10  the  dny  of  his  denlli  whrn  he 
was  liiBlnnlly  kllie.l  while  working 
nenr  Ihc  boiler  or  Hie  mTll  ex. 
plodcd  on  Hie  J.lrd  of  .liiue,  l.sii;.  kill. 
Ing  •  nt  the  anmo  time  lidwnpl 
Hlrnuglin,  eon  of  lUv.  Imdley 
Klrnughn,  nn.l  Imdiy  Injuring  Wnltir 
K.    rergiiBi.n. 

Tcnbrook.  .Mnglll  nnd  fninpany  fnr 
a  slmrt  while  In  Ihn  early  soventleii 
coiiilii.'ted  llio  Inrgi'st  mnnufni'luilnu 
biiBliiess  In  the  rniinty.  It  known 
na  the  aliivo  factory,  where  nlaves  iiii'l 
hooding  were  nindo  from  the  fine  oiii, 
timber,  whl.h  up  to  Hull  llm.-  hnd  h.'en 
llltio  fcoiiglit  nfier.  No  less  thiin  forty 
men  nnd  hoys  were  I'Uiplo.ii'd  nl.oiil 
Ihe  fnclory  In  any  notiiing  If  liioso  en. 
gaged  In  hnullng  logs.  11  wns  a  busy 
plnio  Indeed  nnd  wii«  ipilto  n  (actor  In 
Iho  town'B  prnsperlty  i  nn.l  when,  nnu 
night  In  IS":',  tlm  cry  of  "fire"  whl.h 
had  .ome  lo  liave  drrndfnl  Bignlflinn.'e 
In  lloi'kvllle,  nlarimd  Hie  people,  fob 
lowed  by  the  word  pns«eil  from  lip  lo 
lip— "ItB  the  Btnve  fn.'tory  !"  tho  wliolo 
town  turned  out  to  Bnvc  II.  Men,  wo- 
men and  children  worked  desperately, 
but  lo  no  avail.  Stnvo  niiiklng  wa« 
never  rcsuined  ;  but  It  was  replaced  by 
n  pinning  mill,  bbw  mill  nnd  lumber 
ynrd.  Asaoelntcd  with  Mr.  Tcnbrook 
woro  William  II.  llnrgrnVe  ami  .lohn 
■1'.  Trice.  Then  .Mr.  llnrgrnvo  nnd  tinr- 
rclt  Tcnbrook  opernted  tho  anw  nnd 
pinning  mill  and  various  clinnges  wcro 
made  In  the  proprietorship  until  II 
wns  bonglil  by  Henry  n.klo  nnd  then 
by  Wllllnm  II.  (irnliniu.  Tlireo  yonra 
ago  (leorge  I,.  I,i.noy  bought  a  half 
IntercBt  In  the  buslneas  nnd  alnco  then 
11  liaa  been  known  ns  tlie  Ornhaiu- 
tjiney  I,  foiiipnny.  Kvorythlng 
In  tlio  line  of  building  material  nnd 
ninny  finished  articles,  auch  as  gates, 
.rntea.  etc.,  nre  Bold.  Ilnylng  nnd 
siiipplng  logs  iB  nn  exlenalve  pari  of 
Hie   biislliesB. 

A  large  grlal  mill  was  hnlll  In  lloi  k- 
vllle  In  IK.V.  by  Moore  and  Slier.  It 
was  built  nn  tho  Bide  of  the  ravine  up 
which  tho  lirecncaatlo  Slate  roii^ 
came  Into  Itoekvllle.  and  oppoalte  tho 
"mineral  spring^*  which  gnsbed  lt« 
cool  water  fcnn  the  low  IiIIIbIiIc.  T1i» 
water  from  this  spring  was  supposed 
to  linvo  medlclnnl  propertlea;  but 
when  a  pond  wan  needed  for  the  mill 
11  wns  used  for  supplying  tho  wnler 
which  Bubnierged  It,  nn.l  when  tho 
pond  wns  ilrnlned  ,'Hi  yenra  nfterwarda 
no  Iroce  of  Hie  spring  could  bo  aoen. 
Isnac  J-  Silllman,  O.  .T.  Innis,  J.  ,M, 
Nichols,  Wni.  II.  Thonis..n,  JanicB  Mi"- 
Kwen,  Kigleharl  Ilr..llierB.  .lohn  li. 
Walker,  Itobert  Itustlu,  lloi.ert  f.lno- 
bnrger,  Jniues  lliissell,  Androw  and 
W'lllaui  llutciiinBon,  and  otiiera  whom 
I  cannot  recall,  at  dirfcrcnt  times 
oilhor  owned  or  operated  *'Hio  mill." 
It  was  always  called  "tho  mill'  by 
Itockvlllo  boy»  to  whom  It  was  an  un- 
coaling  lourc*  o(  IntensU     To  bars 



.•nllod  It  Biiytlilni;  but  "llio 
wniiM  liiivo  liworrU  tlii'  cIIkmII 
IliU'iiilniici'  wlilili  II  iKishoood  ill  lif 
liiL'  flic  IrlKti-Hl  llilni!  In  town.  It  wni 
llni'ir  ilrBiinywi  i.y  llrr  In  1S'<I.  iifir 
liiivliiK  hocii  11  «..iiriT  of  fini.n.liil  ilr 
Klnirtliiii  (.1  nhiiiinl  rvoryliody  win 
liiiil  niivlhliiL-  l»  ilo  Willi  It.  Why  Ihl 
mill,  liiriili'.l  "liilnnil"  HI  lliKl.  iMi 
«h|.|i  rinly  111  IlK  lilBl.iiy  liml  ii  inll 
I'tiilil  iMilll  (llr.i-lly  In  lln  donin.  »iii 
mil  piiiilliiiilo  «iiM  iil«iiy»  u  iii.irM'l  ii 



-.1    I  ho   Mil 


II  «ci»,  llioicrorc,  llio  ojilnlon  of 
limiiy  "f  111!'  proiilo  of  llorkvllln.  M  hen 
llM'    |ini|iunllliili    <l(      I'llc'MlrilclllK      Mil' 

lliiliiii  lirnlhirH  K.  II.  I'lilvln  and 
CrniKi'  \\.-  In  liillld  n  iiilll  lirrc  wns 
liinnrliiil  lliiil  llio  vonliiio  wniild  |iro\c 



iimniy  vtmt  piiIibiiI I  to  luiiiliaiio  the 

»llo  mid  llic  Ittdiiiw  rrcilcd  tliidr 
mdrndld  lirl.k  mill  In  isii:i.  Ilowovcr 
llir  imliiii  IlinlhiTi'  «crn  iiillkni  "to 
llir  iiiiiniH'r  linrii."  mill  Ihoir  mill  linn 
lirnvnl  wniid.irully  mlcnsBful.  Con- 
ni-'lod  Willi  II  In  11  Inri:'-  nnd  poifntly 
I'MiiliMiod  il.inlnr,  mid  tlioy  linvo  mills 
mid  clrvniom  In  nilii-r  imrln  of  llin 
iniinly  iil  .Miim<rir.|d.  MciTn,  Wost 
I  nliin.  lllo"iiiliiL-dnlr.  .Monlcznnm. 
.lildMin  nnd  MnrKliiill.  Assoclnlcd 
Willi  thrill  iirn  llornco  Holler  and 
Clinrlr'H  O.  Soyliold,  who  linvo  clinrso 
nr  Iho  iiillN  nl  Mnnnrlold  nnd  .MnrRhnll. 

Ilofnro  Iho  wnr  Snniuol  N.  Il.ikrr  en- 
cnKid  loi'  11  lliiio  In  Iho  nmnnrnctiiro 
lit  Rl'Mlo  piiiiipR  nl  hiB  potior  shop, 
nhloh  Bloo.l  on  Iho  i  :ii<l  ond  of  the  lot 
nciiplod  hy  Iho  lo.splon.o  nf  Chnrloa 
II.  f.nkor.  Tho  mm  liino  imo.l  fnr  Dink- 
hiK  Iho  liiluilnr  «,,llon«  nf  tho  pniiipB 
wim  nflorwnriln  ndnjilod  In  llio  iiink- 
111.-  of  drain  llio  ,in  n  Rinnll  sinlo— a 
RiiRiroatlon  to  .Mr.  Hakor  from  .lolin 
oil  iind  II.-irrlBon  y\ndorfion,  who  took  of  Iho  first  oiilpnl  of  ohlfnnhlim- 
0,1  "liorHCsllOo"  tllo— tho  first  tllo  us- 
rd  In  Iho  Connly.  At  Iho  opmo  of  Iho 
civil  Wnr  Iho  Ilnkor  Ilros.  rslnhllBlicd 
n  llio  fnrlory,  mnkliiB  the  tllo  w-llti  a 
Mine  hlno  oporntoil  hy  horno  powor.  This 
fnoliiry  w  ns  lornlod  In  tho  northonftt 
part  of  town,  and  for  several  yenrn 
dhl  n  "land  offlre  hiialnORs."  When  o 
kiln  wna  ready  lo  "drnw,"  farmers 
Willi  tlioir  waconB  would  often  ho  lin- 
ed up  nnlllnc  their  turn  lo  eel  the 
tile,  which  wore  boiucIIihob  bo  hot 
I  hat  they  would  luirn  the  linnds  of 
IhoBc  who  took  them  from  the  kiln. 
The  demand  for  tile  cmiHCd  a  nniiilK'r 
of  Inoxperlenoed  men  to  embark  In 
the  huslnesn,  nnd  tllo  were  made  for 
a  few  years  In  various  places  In  the 
•  oiinly.  linker  Ilrolliers  sold  tliclr 
oBlabHRhiiient  to  Wllllain  II.  Nye  nnd 
CharloB  MeKwon,  who  Bulii,o.pienlIy 
sold  II  lo  Levi  Kldwoll.  The  only 
lieriMnnont  red  tllo  fiiclnry  eBlnlillnh- 
ed  In  the  ciitinly  la  tlinl  of  lliis  l.oo 
lit  llollinore,  who  undcrstnndB  every 
celnll  of  tho  hiiKlness.  Two  tllo  fni'- 
torlOB  at  one  tliiio  mudo  red  drain 
tile  In  Suuar  Crock  tovynahlp.  Henry 
\.  Myera  manufactured  tllo  on  Sec- 
tion One,  and  William  O.,  and  John 
V.  Carter's  factory  wna  on  tho  soiitli- 
en«t  corner  of  Section  Ten. 

A.  P.  Vlquosncy  nnd  John  Ohnvor 
cBtabllshed  the  iiiarblo  cutting  In- 
duBtry  In  Tarko  County,  Juat  after  tho 
flvll  Wnr.  Trior  to  that  Uino  toiiili- 
BloncB  of  natlvo  stono  woro  occasion* 
ally  made  by  J.  K.  Ktacy  lu  .Monto- 
7.uma.  A.  T.  VlijucBDcy  retired  from 
tho  buslncBs  In  tbo  early  aevoiitlcB 
iitiil  was  succeeded  by  Ju8C|ili  Ohaver. 
The  Ohaver  Urothers  coollnucd  In 
InialneBS  In  tho  Ticknor  shop  building 
until  It  waa  moved  to  tho  south  side. 
Then  they  moved  to  tbo  building  In 
which  John  Ilurko  had  iiiado  waicons 
on  cut  High  itreet.  'l°he  Ohaver 
mnrble  worki  waa  tucceedcd  by  Ooff 
mil  OMbler  In  1881,    Ttaoy  bad  prer- 

loiiBly  been  In  liUBlneBi  at  Mnntor.uiiiif 
for  about  a  year.  Mr.  doff  died  a  few 
iiiniilliH  nfi.T  couiInK  to  lloolivillo  nnd 
T.  1*.  Ilnehlor  beoniiie  solo  proprietor 
of  Iho  only  mnrble  works  In  the 
I  "ounty. 

llrlok  imiklnii  wna  ihmo  "off  au<i 
on"  111  or  nlioiil  ICockvlUo  from  ls-.'( 
iilmnm  to  the  prosoiil  time.  llnrrlKon 
I'alntor,  .Inaliim  l.nnii.  Aliinson  'I  lik 
por.  .Inhn  rnlnlor.  .Iniiios  llnrnnhy, 
Wllllnm  .Inluor  worn  oldllmo  lirbk- 
innkern.  .lolin  Jnrrolt  euRUKod  rntlier 
extonalvely  In  Iho  hiislness  In  the  late 
BlmloH.  lie  iiindc  the  brick  for  the 
NnllnnnI  Ilniik  luilldliKr,  .\iirrihfliii 
llitrrni-h  bad  a  Inruo  lirb-k  yard  easl 
or  the  Hill  addition  to  lloekvllle,  and 
Inter  Henry  bad  n  ynid  north  of 

Itrnwn'a  reablenoo.  and  made  Into  a 
larKO  Bhnp  where  fino  huKglea  and 
riirrlnL'o»  woro  turned  mil.  Tlila  ob- 
inhllHlimiul  wn«  piirobn»ed  by  Iho 
liiBior  liinihorB  who  ceased  work 
nlmiil  1M>"I.  Knvid  II.  WobI,  nlid  Allen 
M.  i:illoit  iiindo  biiKxloB  for  a  abort 
while  lu  1HS<|  nn<l  'HI. 

Aiuiiitinllii  tilth  ilo  Arlliilllrii 
.loKBo  It.  rouuelly  kindly  cnnsuulod 
In  u  ro,|UcBl  lo  write  iibmit  Antiapolle, 
anil  conlrlbiiloa  the  followlug: 

"In  wrlllnn  of  tho  Industries  of  An- 
imiiolls  I  will  do  the  heat  I  can.  My 
riisl  I  lonr  reiiiemhninco  of  Ihlum 
hniiiH'iiliiu  In  Anun|K)ll8  wna  Iho  ram- 
paliin  of  ISM  when  Ja».  K.  I'olk  wna 
the  Deiiioirntlo  cnndblato  and   Henry 

that  addition.  William  Bracken  and 
Wllllnm  Ivlllott  were  our  last  brlrk- 
niakora.  All  the  hriek  for  tbo  north 
nnd  east  aldon  nflor  Iho  flrcB  nnd  fnr 
Ihe  court  houBi'  were  mnile  nt  llnok- 
vlllo.  W.  II.  .MiKay  iiindo  tho  hrlck 
for  the  court  hoiiso  and  Tarko  hotel. 

An  IndUBtry,  much  more  extensive 
tlinn  our  |K?ople  realize,  la  that  con- 
ducted by  Shannon  Ic  Haven.  This 
company  biiya  poultry  which  Is  drcBs- 
od  for  Bhlpment  In  a  new  brick  bulld- 
Ini;  on  Virginia  Btroot.  For  aoToral 
yenra  the  buBinosa  waa  c-arrled  on  In 
tho  old  Hump  warebouBe,  which  was 
reiiioved  to  be  replaced  by  tho  present 
ImllillnR.  I'onltry  Is  alno  droBsed  and 
Blilpped  In  largo  qunntltloa  by  Pence 
&  Pence  iit  Cntlln. 

l-or  forty  yeara  Ixe  .Mi-.Mlllln  on- 
fngi-d  In  the  busincBs  of  houso-niovlnir: 
doing  all  siirh  work  In  Itorkvlllo,  and 
iiioM  of  It  In  tho  County.  During  that 
time  .Mr.  Mc.MlllIn  moved  many  very 
large  bulldlngB.  and  accompllehed 
some  very  credltaldo  feats  of  iiiecban' 
leal  engineering. 

About  1870  Ii.  J.  O.  Hlldebrand  ea- 
tnhllalied  a  carriage  aliop.  Tho  now 
aciinoi  Presbyterian  ohurch  wai  nnr- 
ohaaed  hy  ,Mr.  Hlldobnind  and  iiwved 
lo  tbe  lot  now    occupied  by    U     W. 

Clay  tho  Whig  candidate  for  the 
Iresldenoy.  nnd  as  I  waa  Iobs  thiin 
six  yenra  of  ago.  I  may  remember 
Rniiie  IhluKB  that  never  happened.  I 
will  Ini'iiie  llie  IndiintrliB  on  ronilH  or 
strolls  sn  that  I  may  not  oiiill.  If  pos- 
sible, any  of  thciii.  I'lrat  the  Knat 
ond  West  road— tho  'Montrauma  nnd 
CriiwfordBVille  road. 

In  the  east  ond  of  the  town,  juat 
woflt  of  the  home  of  William  .Marls, 
lather  of  /liiirl  Maria,  waa  located  n 
wo<ilcu  nnd  carding  mill  owned  by  a 
man  by  the  name  of  Tnylor.  Ilo  card- 
ed wool  and  made  aiilnning  rolls  fnr 
the  fariiicra:  niao  tho  wool  wna  card- 
ed, imiile  Into  rolls,  spun  Into  yarn  and 
wnv^n  Into  flannel  and  Joans.  It  was 
run  hy  h,trBe  iiower.  There  wna  a 
gront  wheel  on  tho  south  side  of  the 
Inilldlng.  W  X  -111  feet  In  diameter, 
which  Blood  at  an  angle  and  with  a 
Head  BO  thiit  when  two  liorBOs  were 
lo.i  up  to  a  oertiitn  place  oil  the  aide 
next  to  the  building  tho  weight  of  the 
loiraea  put  the  wheel  In  motion,  and 
Bo  It  continued  ao  long  as  the  horses 
remained  and  walked  on  the  wheel 
and  It  waa  In  gear. 

Just  neat  of  this  on  the  north  able 
KIcct  lluut  mado  men  and  boys*  bats. 
Ho  bad  ■  twoitarjr  building,  about  HU 

feet  Biinnre,  the  lower  alory  being 
aboul  half  uiidor  ground  and  In  It  wna 
tho  vnls.  rnlnrluK  Innka  and  work 
l,on<  hoB  for  tho  ninklug  and  shnpliig 
or  linls.  I  I'liu  lint  now  say  whother 
hi'  made  fur  mid  allk  linla.  Iipatnlra 
111  IhnI  hiilldluK  In  our  ojirly  dnya 
Hunt  ki'pt  I  lie  pusliiflk'c  nnd  a  sit- 
Innii.  When  oblldron  got  iiiiill  nt  lliiil 
iiril.o  lli,.y  liiid  lo  linve  ii  writlen 
orilor.  Adjoining  lluiifs  lot  on  lli.i 
weal,  I'nlob  lliiiidy  Imd  a  Ian  yard. 
On  tho  south  HhIo  of  Iho  alroet  furlli. 
or  woHl,  Cnlvin  .1.  livmis  mnile  fiirnl- 
line  of  nil  kinds  (cMopI  ilinlrsl  - 
biironiis.  Iiihlos.  bodsl'iida  nnd  coffins, 
ilho  ,'niiliis  holiiK  Hindi'  only  on  ur. 
ilor  and   In   men.iue.) 

.Ml  Imiiher  nns  rirossod  hy  hnmt  nnd 
Iho  turning  of  boilpoKis.  table  lega  nnd 
ullior  plena  n ua  lu  liirniui;  hillu  b  liy 
horse  |«iwer.  Next  lo  lOvnus.  Iliivid 
I'onnelly  had  a  coiMxr  shop  lu  which 
iiioBi  all  kinds  of  woiiilon  vessols  were 
lundo,  e.vcept  llilis  nnd  bilckols.  All 
Bliives  and  bonding  w,  re  made  finiii 
the  llmhor  In  tho  woods  by  band. 
|,|lo,l  nnd  dilod  on  Iho  lul  nt  the  shop 
and  shnvou  nnd  fllted  lor  the  Legs  nnd 
larrols  by  tho  workiieii.  Tho  iiiosi 
protintliMiB  part  nf  the  work  wna  uiuk. 
Ing  Inrd  kegs  fn,-  i:.  M.  Itoiisoll  of 
.tlnnlezmiin,  and  flour  hiirreln  for  the 
Wright,  or  itoekport  .Mill. 

.Next  weal  of  my  fntboi's  aliop  was 
Ihe  hariiosH  and  anddtery  Klinp  nf 
Simon  Vestal.  He  had  lliieo  nr  foul 
workmen  and  iiindo  by  band  all  klnda 
or  Baddha  and  biirni-ss,  mid  had  uullo 
II  birgo  iriiilo.  Wo"t  of  whiil  was  nf- 
lorwnrds  tho  store  room  of  Saiiiilol  T. 
Knaoy  for  bo  niiiny  years,  wiib  n  build. 
Ing  In  which  laitk  wan  packed.  It  wna 
some  tlluOB  bouglil  oil  font,  but  iitso 
l«ugbl  iliTBseil.  I  liiive  olwaya  under 
Blond  Hint  .lolin  .Moulder  mid  Tlioiuni 
»'oody.  began  the  packing  hUBlnesB. 
but  In  my  day  I  ospeclnlly  reincmhor 
II  as  under  the  iiiiinagciiient  of  Sam- 
uel T.  I'.nsoy  and  llobort  llauisoy, 
whose  bnilie  was  at  Itimsellvllle.  The 
l"Uk  waa  wagnuod  lo  .Muiitrxiiiiia  nnd 
ablppod  on  the  rivor  to  the  .Xoufli.  on 
the  weal  end  of  the  town  Ahraiii  .Mar- 
ls had  a  Ian  yard  more  iirctentloiin 
llniu  that  of  Caleb  lliindy.  Ihe  work 
wna  done  by  bund,  no  iiincbinery  be. 
Ing  nseil  except  Imrk  mill  nnd  with 
hoiae  power  lo  grind  the  hiuk. 

Ihl  the  street  running  lliroiigli  Ihe 
town  rroiii  north  to  south.  Juil  west 
of  tho  .M.  I-:,  oluirrh.  wns  lb,-  carilngo 
and  wiigon-ninklng  shop  of  ticorgo  and 
William  Hunt.  They  lundo  wagons 
aa  well  as  cnrrlngoB.  hul  ape,  laity 
wan  biigglos  and  cnrrln-.;ia.  All  tho 
wni-k  wns  dnno  by  band,  evc-n  tlin 
shaving  of  Iho  s|«,  and  Iho  snwlng 
of  Ihl'  follniB.  They  esl.ibllHlied  u 
style  of  rnrrbige  which  wna  kunwn  an 
the  rrloiids  cjiinrl,  rly  .Mooting  Car- 
rlugo.  Illlbbnrd  Wnnily  and  W.  P. 
Stanley  also  made  cnrrlngoB  nnd  biig- 
glea  and  llnvld   1^  Osboru   uiado  wag- 

When  It  "Uiies  lo  Ihe  pollory  IiubI- 
nesB  I  am  Bomewbat  confused  as  to 
who  woro  tho  heglunorB.  hut  I  rciiiom. 
iK-r  Ihat  -laniea  nnd  Crawford  l.aiigli 
lln,  linvid  lliigglna  nnd  II.  I,.  Alclicu- 
ann  were  plonoora  In  tho  business, 
which  In  a  Inlor  dale  fell  Inio  Ihe  hands 
of  .lohu  Webb  nnd  Ahx  l-eo,  nnd 
lately  .ontlniiod  by  II.  tl.  AtihoBon  at 
the  Bolfsniue  idiice.  Tho  chiy  was 
wagoned  lo  the  town  from  ImnkB  near 
Sugar  Crook,  three  lulba  dislanl. 
■Ilion  Ihe  finished  wnro  was  hauled  ^ 
and  s,.ld  In  r.aslorn  llHnnl.  nnd  ei  Inr 
north  In  tlHs  SIntc  aa  <">l""';'"'  ^^ 
Ilea  and  l.nfnyolle,  nt  whnlcsnio.  In 
Ihe  early  davs  .Inhn  IMckell  had  a  dry 
good,  Blore  .«  did  also  John  Moulder 
and  Thomna  Woody,  then  A"ron  M.rl. 
and  Jame,  Davis,  bis  "<»'•'"•'»''•,•'•" 
nckolt   and   H.dloy   and   .Iter  tb.m 

-lil  tl  -UU^MU   '^--^1 



Nallmn  rkkctt ;  also  SnitToei  T.  En- 
Bt-y.  'I'liesc  nit  kept  Blocks  of  goods 
that  woiilJ  Btipply  "'o  people  In  those 
pioneer  daVB— dry  Roods,  clotbing, 
bootM  and  bIiocb,  boiiio  hnrdware  and 
Biich  Krocerles  as  woro  hcccfisary  for 
houBctiold  need.  Not  any  canneS 
KoodB.  neither  fancy  groeeriofl. 

John  r.  lOplilln,  Leonard  Dunnlean 
and  fJeorjie  Dovertcr  made  the  hoots 
ond  Bhnes  of  the  tlujCB.  Most  of  us 
hoys  went  hnrefoot  from  the  early 
Srirlnc  to  the  Into  Fall. 

Wm.  &  I^alien  llubottoni  began  mak- 
ing of  the  round  pump  at  the  four 
roads  i^onlh  of  Annapolis  In  lNi:i.  The 
Itnhotlohis  sold  out  to  (Julney  llos- 
kins  who  coullniird  the  buslnesB  for 
MUite  nwhllp.  .lohn  (ioffard  made  rhaln 
piitnps  In  AnnapollB  In  ISIS;  alSo 
.los.  A.  linrley  In  IS.-1.W.  Wni.  V. 
Stanley  &  I'o.  made  the  round  piinip 
In  l«i;l;  J.  c.  Ward  and  Job.  A.  Our- 
ley  were  also  In  the  husfnens  and  lastly 
one  Jeirerson  .loneB.  The  round  pinups 
were  made  hy  relllng  large  poplars, 
sawluu  Into  sullnhle  lengths,  then 
splitting  Into  plercB  suitable  for  up- 
per stork,  which  «-ere  put  Into  lathes 
run  by  horBO  power  and  turned  to 
pioper  size  and  also  bored.  The  pip- 
ing «aa  also  hored  by  horse  power. 
Thefle  puuipH  were  sold  from  wagons 
hy  .los.  .\.  tJurley,  Marlon  I'Minonson, 
Wm.  I,.  .Mclntlre  and  others  through 
out  tills  part  of  Indliina,  from  Terre 
llnute  to  l.afaveile,  anil  In  Illinois 
froin  I'a-ls  to  Danville.  ■Ibis  luisl. 
HISS  una  of  wide  extent  and  there 
were  few  fnniiH  but  what  hnil  an  An- 
lianolla    made    pump. 

-lohn  Coffin,  of  AnnapollB,  replying 
to  a  reipiest  for  Information,  snys : 

"I  find  that  the  first  pottery  weal 
of  AnnapollB,  was  not  the  one  built 
by  It.  A.  Coffin  at  Coko  Oven  Hollow, 
but  was  at  Foundry  Hollow  and  hullt 
anil  run  hy  Thoimia  Coffin  anil  David 
llugglns.  Thlfl  plant  was  BInrted  In 
Iho  early  forties  as  near  as  1  can  find 
out  In  '-II  or  '12. 

"Ihe  pottery  at  Coko  Oven  Hollow 
was  not  hullt  until  I8Cn.  R.  A.  Cof- 
fin bought  of  U'm.  O.  Coffin  thirty  ac- 
i-es  of  land,  which  tract  Included  Coke 
Oven  Hollow,  and  In  ordor  to  got 
means  to  start  hla  pottory  shipped 
I'laj-  to  potteries  by  way  of  the  canal 
to  f)cl|thl,  Mauiuco,  Covington,  and 
Attlea.  The  year  before  ho  built  tho 
pottery  ho  sblpped  IVtO  tons  at  ono 
dollar  per  ton. 

"Coke  Oven  llollonr  !•  Darned  from 

the  business  conducted  In  It  by  Wm. 
U.  Coffin  in  IKI.~>;iil.  lie  also  ran  n 
foundry  near  by  nt  a  point  called 
.Mount  Aetna.  He  mined  and  coked 
coal  i-.t  L'oko  Oven  Hollow  and  wagon- 
ed It  to  Cincinnati,  nmi  would  haul 
pig  iron  back  to  his  foundry  on  his 
return   trip. 

Tho  foundry  at  one  time  cast  a  can- 
non, which  was  used  at  a  celebration 
in  Annapolis,  and,  not  unlike  the  Hull 
.Moose  party,  went  to  plei-es  nt  the 
first  Bhot.  Fortunately,  nn  one  was 

"In  regard  to  the  lease  on  Ihe  clay, 
or  w  lilch  would  more  properly  he 
called  a  deed,  which  In  fni-t  It  was, 
lovered  all  the  land  belonging  to  Win. 
li.  Coffin,  nn.l  Incluiled  the  clny  on 
Ihe  Innd  later  Imught  by  ItMhert  Ad- 
dison Coffin.  This  lease,  01  deed,  was 
made  10  ,lniiieB  I,.  (!ii|i|n  (or  a  siiiall 
lonslderatlnn.  Capin  was  quite  a 
boomer  and  Coffin  tliouglit  by  leasing 
the  riny  to  lilui  he  would  bei-ome  more 
inleresled  In  developing  tho  clay  In- 

"In  l.s-Vi  (iapin  started  to  Callfi.rnin 
and  died  on  board  the  abip.  and  wns 
put  In  a  sack  nn.l  thrown  overboard. 
The  clay  lease,  or  deed,  fell  to  IiIb 
brother,  Stephen  tiapin,  who  lived  In 
the  siMilhein  part  of  the  State. 

"In  l.suii  Welch  and  t,ee.  owners  of 
the  Annnpidls  pottery,  bought  the 
right  of  Stephen  (Inpin  for  all  Ihe  clny 
the  .\nuiipolls  pottory  would  use  In 
iheir  business  for  one  hundred  dol- 
lars, i'hls  right  has  been  deeded 
with  the  AnnapollB  i«Pttrry  to  Us  dif- 
ferent owners  down  to  fjeorge  i-;lston, 
Ihe  present  owner.  FIston  still  owns 
Ihe  pottery,  but  sold  the  lease,  or 
deed,  lo  liie  clny  at  Coke  (Iven  Hollow 
to  -lohn  H.  O'llnylo,  who  owns  the 
llloomlnL-dnlo  imttery.  This  trane- 
aclion   took   plneo  two  years  ago. 

"The  Annapolis  pottery  wna  built  by 
I 'avid  AlihcBon  In  IRII.  father  of  II 
tl.  Atcbeson,  who  for  several  yoiirs 
was  sole  owner  of  the  plant  here  and 
Is  atlll  n  citizen  of  onr  town." 

SIk  (Unffiit  IITauiti)ri]. 

Tho  following  letter  from  W.  (!.  Cof- 
fin to  Mxiuu  Newlln  gives  valuable  In- 
formation about  tho  Coke  Ovon  Hol- 
low foundry. 

Falrmount,  Kas.,  ,Tuly  n,  INIUi, 
Rxuui  Nowlin, 

Parke  County,  Ind. 
.My  Moar  Friend  1 

Thee  asks  for  a  historical  skotcb  of 
the  old  Sugar  Creek  foundrf. 

It  was  I'omiueni'cd  In  the  spring  of 
the  year  ls:i.-,  by  .loseph  Woody  and 
W.  (!.  Cofflu  and  my  brolber.  Tliomaa 
c.  Coffin,  the  firm  name  of  Cofflu, 
Woody  &  Co.  Woody  «ns  suiceedrd 
soon  aftei  by  Wllllaiii  llhuboltom  and 
he  by  Samuel  Harvey;  firui  name 
cbaoged  lo  Coffin.  Hnrvey  &  Co.  We 
did  a  general  foundry  business  and 
plow  mauufarturlng.  extensively  for 
those  times,  imr  product  going  as  far 
as  Lognusport  north.  Iranvllle.  111.,  oil 
lire  west.  VInconnes  on  the  Booth  nnd 
lianvllle,  Ind.,  on  the  east.  We  used 
an  excellent  article  of  coke  as  fuel 
made  from  coirl  mined  on  our  land  In 
what  Is  yet  termed  Coke  Oven  Hollow. 
Iliir  Iron  was  procured  rrroslly  from 
CIrrclnnnll  nml  the  blnst  furnnees  In 
Ohio  and  Kerrlucky.  T.  c.  Coffin  was 
oirr  prin.lpnl  rrrouliler,  wlilie  W.  ll. 
Coffin  was  also  iironlder.  pattern  mak- 
er, foundryuian.  mncblnlsl.  black- 
smith, carpenter,  millwright,  engineer, 
fbit  Imnt  builder  and  Wnbash  lllvor, 
Ohio  and  .Ml8Bls..|ppl  HIver  pilot.  I 
also  irrnctb'cd  dentistry  and  dealt  out 
medicine  to  the  Bbk  neighbors  In  a 
\ery  surail  way;  was  politician,  striuip 
speaker,  irrerrrber  of  the  I.egislatlrre, 
both  House  and  Senate,  rend  law  un- 
der .lodge  Hryanl.  was  ndurltted  lo  Ihe 
bar.  but  only  practiced  to  a  very  snrall 
extent,  and  I  think  I  may  safely  say 
ne\er  was  a  great  sm-cess  or  entire 
failure  at  nnythlug.  I  bull;  two  steam 
saw  mills  nn  the  bind,  hewing  the  tim- 
ber, doing  carprnler.  mlllnrlght  work 
and  built  all  the  engines  except  Iho 
hoilere.  I  built  flat  boats  on  Sugar 
Creek,  from  three  to  eight  a  year,  and 
ran  two  a  year  to  New  Orleans  for 
twelve  years  and  finally  wound  up 
nnd  (|Ult  on  Ihe  generirl  wlnrl-up  of 
ftnt-bontlrig  on  the  western  river  In 
IM.S.  Went  Into  Ihe  government  aer- 
1  lee  as  agent  of  the  copper  mining  on 
Lake  Superior,  and  have  been  In  gov- 
ernrrrent  service  as  Superintendent  of 
Indian  affairs  or  claims  attorney  ev- 
er since,  not  conllniionsly,  but  most  of 
the  time:  hnvc  been  ibipwreeked  on 
Lake  Huperlor,  wator  logged  In  the 
(liilf  atrraui. 

,V8  ft  beggar  I  wrilo  all  tho  Friends 
yearly  meetings  In  Ihe  world,  but  once 
as  a  hoggar  I  rnlsed  nearly  twenty- 
four  thousand  dollars  for  the  building 
of  Kansas  yearly  moeling  house  and 
nfter  all  the  vicissitudes  of  fortune, 
hnlr-hreath  eaeapcB.  I  am  still  honrty, 
bale  nnd  stout,  stand  up  straight,  walk 
with  a  Ilglit,  springy  step,  at  the  age 
of  nearly  83,  with  a  reaaonabia  pros- 

pect of  more  .rears  to  come.  If  It  please 
liry  greirt  lx)rd  and  -laster  to  continue 
Ids  wondrous  goodness  and  mercy  to 
one  so  utterly  unworthy  ovon  to  Irow 
with  submission  and  obodlcnco  to  fals 
win  t 

Itellmore,  as  may  bo  seen  under 
"Itiislness  iteglnnings,"  was  a  buBy 
plaio  fifty  years  ago.  Tho  llocd 
Krotliers— Perry  J*,  and  Joseph — made 
wagons  ;  John  Tumor  manufactured 
pumps,  made  coffins,  and  was  tho  loc- 
al underlaker.  After  the  war  llosello 
chnpin,  who  had  formerly  worker!  In 
Annrrpolls,  started  a  cooper  shop  nt 
Meltrrrore,  and  Thomns  Mater  made 
Badilles  and  harness. 

Along  In  the  late  elgblles  an  ngila- 
tlon  In  fnvor  of  locnl  crenruories  wrrs 
started.  Tiro  people  of  Hellrrrore  nnd 
Itrldgrton  neighborhoods  beciimo  en- 
lluiMlnntlc  over  proBpects  shown  to  oe 
IKiBslble  by  results  In  Wisconsin  nnd 
other  stntes.  While  the  subject  wni 
under  discussion  The  Ilockrllli;  Trili- 
in\f  wnrned  those  who  proposed  on- 
(nbllnblng  creameries  hero  that  co- 
operative Indiiatrleg  of  this  kind  were 
only  possible  with  people  who  had 
slroug  communistic  tondencles.  'rii« 
only  result  was  the  loss  of  some  sub- 
scribers to  The  Trlliiinr  and  the  build 
Ing  of  t"'o  creauicrlcB.  Both  crealuor- 
les  were  short-lived.  However,  a  foa 
years  ago  a  crorrinery  wns  establlBbed 
at  IHoomlngilalo  under  n  system  that 
i-onforius  to  conditions  now  prevailing 
among  farmers,  or  rather ,  tho  wives 
of  farmers,  and  It  has  proved  qillto 

The  last  tannery  operated  in  the 
County  was  that  of  .1.  I'.  Hlrsbninner 
fii  Sugar  Creek  township.  It  was  lo- 
cated at  Tiusk's  SprlngM  when  the 
place  was  tho  only  poBtofflce  In  Ibat 
part  of  tho  County.  The  large  spring 
there  furnished  power  for  grinding 
Ian  bnrk,  nnd  is  the  Inrgosl  spring  In 
Ibis  part  of  the  Rtate.  At  this  iioint 
was  also  located  tho  tobacco  mtmii* 
faiiory  of  J.  P.  Liindgron,  which, 
when  II  was  operated  was  tho  onlf 
business  of  lire  kind  In  tho  I'oiinly, 
,\lbert  Krelsch  afterwards  made  el- 
gars  at  lluckvllle  for  about  ten  yoara. 
In  1!I83,  A,  W,  fAindgren  eame  to 
lliickvllle,  and  for  a  time  aold  produoti 
from  his  father's  taetor|r  In  hla  (tor* 
on  tba  wait  ild«. 


§>tnim  May  tmh  Mram  §im  Mills 

B|-Sll)i:s  (ho  k-rlsl  mills  jilnacly 
v\lMc-ar,-  nnd  pone-  out  of  o% 
iHlnriio    since    Iho    firm    ntcani 
Miin    xriH   liulU    In    Ihr   Cunnly.      Mini 

i.f  Ihnii   liiivc   In oro  or  Ipb^  rhi-i  if. 

,r.^l  cironiB.  If  I..V  Riind  fcrliino  or 
^  hmiumi-incnl  llioy  mirvlica  the 
lr:inRlllr,n  |.crinil  L.-lwcfii  thf  old- 
in,<liloninl  liuiT  lo  llio  ii.'w  roller  pro- 
iTKfl.  imnihor  iMM'iny — firo— hna  In 
Miiiiiy  ln«tiin.oi.  iloslrnytil  ihni..  Tin' 
mill  ill  lloK.'ilnIo  In  n  (■..nBiilnioiu  ox-  Till'  flmt  on.'  ori'ilcd  llirrc  liy 
I  Inly,  Mcll  iiiicl  llroi  ii.'is,  ui.rn.u  uii.Mii 


nl   yo 

riiiirlfK   Tnill.'.   nlilod    by   o   donntlon 

fro •lllz.M.s  of  KoRi'dnlo.  rcliiiili 

III.'  mill  on  tlic  Bill...?  8llo.  Ilo  Bold  lo 
;i  MMii  iiniM.'d  .'inlor..  n  lio  In  turn  fold 
I..  II.  I'.  Unvlii.  Hli..  Rii.r.hsfnlly  con- 
ilii.i.'.l  II  for  yoiirii,  iimklng 
n.ldllloiiR  10  11  unlll  II  ""K  n  vory 
.omplolo  pliint.  wlion  llii-  mill  wns 
iiirnlii  l.iirn.'d.  .\rior  ono  yonr 
(..■il  N.iln,.  lioiitlfl  llio  *llo  nnil  re- 
Imlll   on  Ilio  Miiio  foiin.lntlon  niiollior 

!■ |.|.l.'    iMlll.    wlilrli    mood    for    por- 

i-.p»  IS  inonllm.  wlion  II  wiik  hnrnrd, 
l.inlni;  Ihn  old  1.1III  «llc-a  dia- 
i.inl   rriii'l»li-r  of  l.|:iRlrd   lio|>ca. 

Tho  Mri'iino  mill  nt  Mont.'znnm  dlil 
i.ol  Biirvho  Iho  irmBlllon  iirrlol 
wli.'ii  innny  of  dm  old  ly|io- or  eli-aiu 
1..IIU  «,.!■..  forrod  o.ll  of  l.llBlnoBS.  lU- 
fun-  li..'  lull. >ilii  III. n  of  llio  rollnr  pro 
r-Hh  nil  or.lih.iry  mill  roiild  bo  o.pMp- 
,.1'd  for  nl.oiil  Sl,in«,  oxcln»lvc  01 
llio  mllhvrlKl.i  work.  To  oipilp  incli 
II  mill  fm  Iho  lollor  proii'BB  hivnlvoil 
iiii  InM'Bliooni  of  .s.i.iMHi.iid  for  mn- 
.l.ln.'ry  niono,  M.-iinnlillo  nil  loonl 
iiilIlK  woro'd  to  Iho  Bovorrgt 
.oiM|,.'ililoTi  of  hie  iMlIU  fnvornhly  lo- 
i-.ilo.l.  pnrlldilnrly  iifl.-r  flonr  ronnoil 
10  ho  roiiillod  In  hiirrolH.     Th.-  Monio- 

y. 11    mill    o«n.'d    hy   (lror.:o    W.   nnd 

lli-nry  Mri'iin..  In  lomiiioii  with  Iho 
..thorK  to  iiio.'i  IhlB  Bllimtlon.  Af- 
tor  11  rnmo  iho  mill  hiilll  hy  Nor- 
dylto  &  .MnriMon  In  i.h;m.  It  lind  n  dla- 
•i"lrouB  finnnrlnl  liUlory  .loBplto  ltd 
[towrrfiil  proprli-lorBlil;..  11  dlBCon- 
llniiod  Brlndlni;  flour  In  IIk.ii  r.nd  whb 
i-linnKcd  to  n  hominy  iiilll.  f.'ll  Into  tho 
linnilB  of  n  ro,-.|vor  nnd  whb  Bold  lo 
n  Tolodn  Mllline  .'onrnrn  for  the  pur- 
poflo  of  innnnfncliiring  mnnl  from  corn 
f  0I18  na  ft  filler  i.nd  n.lultcrnnl  of  ptock 
food,  a  son  of  foodino  or  Bubslltutc  for 
food.  It  l.urncd  six  .\cara  nco  find  on 
Iho  ruins  of  Iho  old  mill  tlio  present 
.Monle-/.umn  Mill  nnd  KInvnIor  woe 
l.nllt  In  IIHL*  hy  ft  corporfttlon  known 
lis  tlio  Monley.unm  Mill  i.nd  Klrvnlor 
I'oiiipnny,  Ilolim  IlroiherB  nl  llo.kullof 
helni!    tho   controllInK    iiloriihiilderii. 

Tho  prrH.-nl  mill  nt  liloomlnednln 
unx  orlKln:.l'y  hum  In  Iho  old  town. 
The  Blutemciil  IK  iiindo  Hint  Its  nm- 
chlnery  van  tnUen  from  llie  mill  ftl 
llcllmnre.  After  Ihe  rnllrond  wns 
hnllt  the  mai'hinery  wnB  ftRillil  moved 
to  the  present  alto  In  .Now  IlloomlnK- 
dnle.  It  bftd  n  nniulior  of  nwncri* 
nmonK  Ihem  Tliomns  I,.  Nevlns.  of 
ll'iccoon  townnhlit,  iinlll  it  finally 
pnsBed  Into  the  hands  of  tho  Itohm 

A  mill  wfts  eBlahllshed  by  llnrnes 
nnd  Knyder  at  Judson  early  In  that 
town's  history.  Hobert  ItnrnCB,  son  of 
Kt'ward  Ilftrnofl.  who  conducted  tho 
old  wftlor  mill  at  "IMn  Hook."  was  Its 
proprietor  when  he  died.  It  passed 
Into  the  handa  of  different  owners, 
nnd  finally  was  owned  by  A.  R.  Mc- 
Murtry  when  It  was  destroyed  by  firo. 

James  Kay  built  a  mill  at  C'allln  In 
IBIin,  which  early  foil  a  Tietim  U)  ont- 
•Ida  rompetltloD.     In  tlin  carl/  ■•Ten- 

lies  Chnrlc'B  llapp  con.lmled  It  with  an 
en.-rsy  (hat  promised  well,  hut  In  ft 
lew  jenrn  II  d.'rllned  nnd  then  went 
out   of   business. 

ChnrleB  riclsliiiii.'r,  soon  after  .Mar- 
,-<liiill  hei'nme  a  town,  moved  the  iiin- 
.-lilnery  from  his  wnter  mill  on  NURnr 
Creek  10  the  prcBciil  silo  ..f  Hie  Mnr- 
>hnll  >.lll.  'I'liln  mill  met  with  Ihn 
vlclBslliides  of  all  the  01  here  of  Its 
lilail.  It  wns  nl  last  t,ii..'n  over  hy 
Ihe  Ilohiii  Ilrolliers,  who  nro  now  ini|. 
dilelInK  It.  'Iho  mill  nt  Lena  went  out 
In  tho  olBlillcB-enrly  In  tho  Kniiio, 

frum  fliilln 

"Wo«.lm.nio..>ll..l  lr<-r. 
Touch  not  >  .intlc  b«..i.h. 
In  roinh  II  •hrllrrcil  ni« 
Antl  I'll  pral^cl  it  now." 

I'rom  a  sentimental  standpoint  we 
now  eonie  to  a  and  piik'e  In  tho  history 
of  I'arke  r.iiinty.  Nobody  who  IniB  not 
scon  tho  dnrk  reaches  of  iirtnicvnl  for. 

the  vnrlely  of  native  for- 
est Irees  In  I'nrke  Coiinly  may  ho  oh. 
lalne.l  fioiii  the  folh.wlnk'  list  fur- 
nished  by   Waller   S,   Kerk'iiaon ; 

.Lv/i  — While,    (irny,    Swamp. 

;ic.-.-/. —While.    Vellow,    lied. 

(•o((oiMroo,f   -Yellow, 


/.'/m—iled  Slippery,  Walor,  Hickory, 

auw  ^Yellow,    Iliaek. 

//i.Aor;/— Wlilio-Shcllbark,  lllock, 

I  ,„.„,(_|,ni,ev.    mni'k. 

Mn/ili — liord,  Soft. 

Onfc— Wilier,  t'hlnknpln,  Bcruli, 
White.  lied.  Illack,  Tin,  Spnnlah,  Ilurr, 

/•o;;/./r--Whlte,  Yellow,  illuo.  Silver- 

^'//r^/llOl•l— While,    Yellow. 

Wlllriir-  -WeopInK,   Whilo.  Yellow. 

iro/n»(— Illn.k.   White, 

Arl.or  Vltea.  illack  Haw,  lluOkcy.', 
Cntnlpn,    ('offeenut.    Cedar,    DoKwood. 

,  J011N8ON 

Itlacl.imllh,  Saw  Mill  Operalnr,  and 

cat  which  Burvlyod  the  necessary 
clearlnit  for  culllvnlion  and  rail  fcnc 
lug— onouRh  to  ondrclo  tho  worl.l — 
can  conceive  of  the  majesty  of  the 
ii'lloB  upon  miles  of  woods  IIirouKh 
which  too  Mads  of  tho  County  load 
rifly  yenrs  ago.  A  taint  •uggostlon 
can  ho  Klvcn  by  n  sight  of  tho  big 
iKipinrs  and  onks  at  'i'nrkcy  Ilun, 
ImaKlno  htindrcdB  and  thousands  ot 
Hiii'h  trees  within  sight  of  the  roads 
along  which  ono  drove  in  IHd'i,  ami 
thi-sn  only  typical  of  hundreds  and 
IhuuHaiids  not  in  view.  Hut  at  tho 
I'll. BO  of  Iho  Civil  War  came  devasta- 
tion, I' IrsI  to  fall  was  the  black  wal- 
nut, then  Ihe  poplar,  then  tho  oak. 
then  tho  hickory  and  ash,  the  sugar 
and  hcecli,  Bycninore,  nnd  oven  oliil 
of  unprintable  variety.  Troes  tho 
woodman  bad  spared  the  saw  mill 
man  took;  and  Iboso  the  saw  mill 
man  didn't  take  the  Umber  man  Is  now 
lon.ling  on  cars  to  take — "logs"  that 
a  l.loneer  wouldn't  put  in  a  pig  pen 
ore  now  in  demanil  for  aonie  kind  of 
lumber — niiilo  nnd  gnarled  reminders 
of  the  fact  that  even  after  all  tbcBe 
years  of  wanton  deetrucllou  I'arke 
County's  wonderful  '  forests  have  not 
been  entirely  obliterated.     An  Iflea  of 


^.■<i(/cr  of  Ihe  rirtt  Hand  In  rarkr  Cn. 
r.hler,  Ilarkherry,  Hemlock,  Ironwood, 
I.Inn  or  Ilasswood,  Mulberry,  IMnc, 
I'nw  I'nw,  I'crslmmon,  lied  Haw.  Sas. 
safrns,  Spru.-o,  Thorn. 

To  keep  track  of  the  mullldiinlous 
saw  mills  that  from  lliue  to  lime  hnvi\ 
o.vlBled  In  every  part  of  Iho  County 
would  he  liiiposalble.  Many  of  Ihcni 
wore  portable,  "innlcy"  mills,  or  torn- 
porary  alnicturos  for  sawing  soiiio 
parlleular  trait  of  timber,  nuch  aa  tho 
snw  mill  ere.'lcd  a  hnlf  mile  South  of 
the  Narrows  of  Sugar  Creek  for  Iho 
piirpo»o  of  sawing  Ihe  first  tlmlier 
sold  by  John  I.nsk,  ($:in.rioO;)  and  Ihe 
mill  al  I'.ast  UorUvllle.  put  there  lo 
saw  Iho  Maxwell  tract,  ono  of  tho  last 
lonslderal.lo  bodies  of  limber  Bold  In 
the  County.  Ono  aurh  mill  was  very 
nrlstnerallr  In  Its  oporallona.  It  snneil 
nolhlug  but  black  walnut.  It  was  lo- 
cated on  Pnnlel  Slrnngo's  land  near 
New  Discovery,  and  ccaacd  work  when 
all  tho  walnut  timber  In  that  section 
waa  sncrlflred  to  Ihe  iuinhor  Moloch 
that  demanded  the  life  of  every  black 
walnut  tree  on  the  face  of  the  oarth. 

The  firnt  steam  saw  mills  were  like 
Ihose  already  sawing  Iiy  water  power, 
and  were  called  "easli*    mills:  to  call- 

ed bocj.use  the  saw  worked  up  and 
down  Inside  of  a  frame  called  a  siibIi. 
Such  a  mill  was  operated  hy  Harmon 
rulllani,  not  far  from  Iho  Tiiherni- 
lofllfl  hoaplsial  reaervallon.  sawing 
onk  for  tho  plonk  road.  'I'hry  reaom- 
hied  Iho  nilllB  of  the  llods-lbey  saw- 
ed slowly.  It  Is  not  certainly  known 
when  and  by  whom  ibo  first  circular 
saw  was  used  In  the  County,  hut  It  la 
generally  Biipposed  that  Nerval  Ham. 
illon's  mill  imrlh  of  llellmoro  was  Ihe 
first  to  he  so  c.pil|ipi'.l.  Nerval  llniu- 
lllon  was  not  only  n  remnrknblo  man 
In  fnw  mill  .iminis,  hut  hl«  record  ns 
a  soldier  In  Ihe  Mexican  Wnr  waa 
dlsilni:ulBlied.  He  was  the  first  man 
over  Ihn  raiiii.a'ris  at  Ilellen  (hlle, 
when  Iho  Castle  of  CImpultepee  was 
assaulted  and  captured  by  the  Ameri- 
can army  opernling  against  Iho  Clly 
of  .Mexico.  Tor  Ibla  gallahtry  he  wa. 
given  a  cerllflrale  of  merit  hy  I'rcsl- 
ileni  l''.lk,  which  la  now  the  volued 
heirloom  of  bis  daughter.  Mrs.  Jidin 
llullon.  The  Mississippi  riflo  ho  car- 
ried  al  Ilellcu  llnle  Is  also  an  llelr- 
Inoiii.  inil.c.lded  in  its  sloik  Is  n  bill. 
Id  that  would  have  killed  ilaiiilllon 
iind  ills  tniKly  rifle  been  anywhere  but 
In  front  of  his  body  nt  the  right  in. 
'slant.  He  was  Iho  vlilliu  of  enongli 
saw  mill  accldenis  to  kill  a  half  do7.en 
ordinary  men.  Ills  vltnllly  was  such 
Ihnt  ho  Burvlved  them  all,  nnd  nl  the 
nge  of  70  he  was  serving  aa  poBlmnsler 
at  llellmoro  In  iwsi, 

James  lloslwiik.  Ihe  Wright  Ilrnlli. 
ers.  and  WIIHniii  Illa.lJe.lgo  hart  saiv- 
mills  in  the  neighborhood  of  lloikviiie 
In  the  sixties.  lloBlwIck's  mill  wns 
near  llelhel;  the  Wright  mill  Just 
south  of  Iho  rosidonce  of  the  Into  V.  1*. 
Noel,  nnd  tho  lllachlodgo  mill 
on  Wllliniu's  Creek,  near  tlic  Nowllng. 
town   bridge. 

.lohnson  H,  >Vhllo  opornlcd  >  saw 
mill  Ihree  miles  south  of  Ilockvllle  on 
the  n.  ft  C.  in  Iho  sUlies  nnd 
cnriy  scvenllcB, 

Frank  i'nyne  lias  the  iMatincllon  of 
bnving  conducted  tlio  Inrgcsl  bow  mill 
opernllons  of  any  1.  an  In  I'nrlie  Coun. 
ly.  He  began  wllh  a  l.lg  mill  nt  Jud- 
son III  ISTI  :  be  also  comliiclcd  a  mill 
on  Seillou  111,  (Ireene  Township;  two 
nl  I'Inltavllle,  nml  one  at  Ilockvllle. 
After  sawing  In  IMrko  County  until 
llniher  became  too  oraree  for  his  scope 
of  operatlouB,  he  wint  to  Mlaalaalppi 
nnd  Alnbamn.  and  there  completed  • 
term  of  over  Ihlrlyflve  .vears  of  con- 
tiniions  BOW  mill  business. 

At  Ihe  lime  ,Mr.  I'nyno  was  in  busi- 
ness In  Iho  l.'.iuniy.  chnrlea  Flels- 
iiniier  had  n  large  mill  near  Sugar 
Crock  In  Ilownr.l  'lownahlp;  the  Abep 
nalhy  mill  near  ihe  home  of  .Mrs,  Kilty 
iliirks.  and  Iho  mill  north  of  llyron 
were  also  In  Howard  ToHpshlp,  Tho 
lallor  was  i-onilucled  by  llohert  Ixii'K- 
hart,  who  bniiglit  a  flnn  body  of  llm- 
ber  near  .M.  ().  Siilllviin's  rcBldenco,  to 
be  worked  into  Imx  bonnliT  for  Iho 
ftudebnkers.  Mr,  l,nckharl  lost  ail 
his  rinnnelnl  resoiiriea  In  this  von- 
lure.  Snmiiel  liellaiiii  lind  n  mill  in 
I.II.eriy  Township  nl  thiB  lime;  II,  A. 
.Mvers  and  i:ii  Wendnll.  Wm.  O.  Car- 
ter and  son  .lohn,  lind  mills  In 
Creek  Township.  Chnrlea  |.-|elBliniier 
niao  condurled  a  mill  nt  Cot's  Kord 
on  Sugar  Creek.  This  mill  was  so  lo. 
latcd  that  nil  Iho  snwdiist  fell  over 
the  rock  ledge,  where  ino  bridge  now 
Btnnds,  inib  the  creek  nml  floated 
nwny.  A  mill  slnrled  by  Huff  and 
.lunk  in  Sugar  Creek  Township  forty, 
five  yenrs  ago  Hsed  the  first  rlrciilnr 
Bfiw  In  that  part  of  tho  County  and 
used  the  first  horses,  Instead  of  o««n, 


i.M'    lutJ'.liiu.       Till-    mill      Ii""bIM      .'in  ill»iil'l'M    II'"   "I    ""'■    II""'    '"'■  "">■   'l"l-       " 

|„i'     lii'H    111-''    111""''   "t    'I'nik.'y  .iiiiiili 

„„„  V.inlu 

lllSTOKICAL    SKETCH     OF     I"  A  U  K  E     COUNTY. 

thii;  Jii'li:''  or  Hii'Mi'.   Its 

i«'cl    Ih    htlllillMK   nil   nt.r 

l.iiwM.nri-     nml     .l.-rii 

h.\    lliili-     '■Mi'llnil      V 

ittim  Hoon  Ci'iir 

!■•[.    Mil. I    III!'    f'liiiiiHiiiv    InllliiK    In  iiiri- 

llh   nl.|li:iill"ll    In   III.'    Itolllim,   till-  |irn| 

'■ilv    iiu'iilii    loM'ili'.l   I.I   Ihciii    In  ls!i-. 

I'liiiik    w-iK   nil    inilj    «inv.v,.|-.       Ii.l I    kUc    IIw    kI.'II.'    IIh    ri'l'iilnllnii       ,|i„i 

II,.   1111,1  11   •■Miiil.y"   Milll   wsl   or  Cnllln       l",nlly.       Mi-.    l>r\oll.    H.-iminlril    "llli       l.-l.i 
In    IKili,  111,  II  li..  "'Mil   III  ihi'.'llBl   llccl-       LTint    i-iiri.  111!'  six    ilMT.'K.iil   Klinili-a   ol       i.i,.i 

1.-..  ls:il.     Till,  inllroni.  how- 
lliiiud    lo   111-    lined      rnr     llio 



•  >""^*. "  V  *^^^^^ 

11,111  111  III,,  niir.  I'lioii  hlK  ivliirii  lie  II  mill  nl  .1,  hSil|,R.  Iliin  ll,.  liinv. 
,,l  III  llrl,li:..|„ii.  Willi:, Ml  Willi,.  0|i' 
Miil.'il  ,|iilli.  I'M,  iiKit,.|>  nl  l.i'iin. 
l:i|.li;,-l,iii    nil, I    i.|s..Mli..i',.      iil.niit       1'.", 

I',l,.r   lliilLiI',.,..   Willi  i:iiii|.   Ill    I'liiki' 

I  ""Illy    11,11 Iliil,.|j    nrirr      Ihn     Civil 

\\iir.  <,ili<lii,'l,.,l  III,.  I'l.i'Kiiariii  mill 
niirllii.nxl  „f  llmUv  III,.  In  U  iikIiIii::ioii 
'lo»m<hl|i.   Kir   n    I'liii:    i\  lill,'.      Mr    ivns 

111    "II,.    II Iiri'll'ly    miincli'il    mIiIIo 

t.n«  Ill- 
Till  rlisl  ■liiiml  iiilll"  In  llm  roiinly 
»ns  III  Milirni  r.liiM.  nml  TlimiillN 
S,,.||.>  ,11  Mnislinll.  rlinrli-s  Klda- 
liiiiii.r  will,  iilsii  1,111111,  l,.il  Willi  llii.  snw 
ii'lll   III    Miiisliiill.   nml    niiiH   lUvrn    for 

hi'iiiiil    iinis      iMni,:i-id      II Iiniiil 

mill."  I.nlir  W  IIMiiiii  :,nil  Wlnriclil 
l.'ii«llli>.'i<   liiiil   n   mill  III    Mm-KTiflll. 

iJi'nii,'..  Iloswcll,  olio  or  tlir  bcsl  enw 
mill  mill  himli'.r  ini-n  or  liU  ilny  en. 
ml. 11.1, I'll  n  mill  nl  llloniiilni:iliilo  nnl 
iniii;  nil,,,  lit;  inllini.l  l.runn.  Tlioiiin« 
Diiim..  -ii.i  Bi.iirt  II  nnwyiT  nn  ,.vrry  n  nmv  liilo  ii  Inc."  niror.lhic  to 
IliiiiU  I'liynr.  rnr  n  Inn-  lliiii-  romlml- 
III    till-    Ilinomlncilnlr    mill. 

Tlio  nnw  mill  linliiKlry.  roiii|,uic-il 
xllli  llH  InriiK'r  iii:ii:nlltirto.  In  n  lliliic 
or  llio  pnsl.  A  low  liillln  nr,.  yrl  nl 
»ni'k  miniili'llm.-  Ilin  ilnnlnnl  ion  of  tlio 
limnniil  ,,r  oiii  roivnl".  llnlini  llros 
*  111.  lin\o  n  mill  nl  Miinnriolil ; 
1,1,'omn  AmiBlinni:  nl  Jiidnon  :  WIMiiir 
.Mnicliiill  nl  .MiTin;  Arllnir  Wlllillr 
111  .Mohtrxiiimi  niid  Mr.  Snltrn  nt  l^nn. 

Mill,    or    llio    rilKl     IndilHlrlrn    In    llio 
I'oniily    Id   nllnii'l   milnlilo   iiiiillnl   wan 

111'.   »lo lurry   ii|i   tlir  I'ronk    troin 

.Mnlinriil,!.  I  noiilil  niiy  nnrlli  or 
Mnn-ri'lil  iM.i,.  It  iii'l  ror  tiio  furl  timl 
lli,.|o  i>i.,.|iiii  to  ho  no  iioliil  or  llio  loiii- 
pnio.  lli.T,..  Nol.u'ly  Inil  n  niitlvo 
kiioviH  nii.MliliiK  nl.oiil  dlriTllonn  lit  liinio.  r:i'Tylio,ly  olni-  In  liopo- 
li'KHly  ■liirniil  nroiiiiil '•  Thin  nloM.i 
,|iinrry  uim  dovoloinil  liy  Wojr  nml 
l^'in.  Indir  llio  mnnnBoinonl  of  frills 
Povuto,  It  oklliriil  Hlono  uiuBon  and  a 

nlill'iiirnl  of  flour,  Iorh,  nnd  Boiiio  sloiio 
iinin    I.VMl.    ,vlicn    llio    Irnck    wbb     re- 

lolor  mill  lliii-  iiindo  nil  oiilKldo  ropn 

Inlloii   for  Iho  i|iiiiiy.     Tlio  mono  wni 

liniilid    In    ttncoiiB   nml    hIiIpiioiI    rroiii  movoil. 

I'lirlion.      In    IMH    n   roiii|.;iny   of   rhi-  A    voiy   miporlni.  ikimnll     of     cIiiub- 

riiKO    iiioiimlirs  IioilKlil  mill  nnd 'iimrry  nniid  Iinn  hoon  dcvclopod  In  Iho  liliiffB 

riiiiii    Kolim  t  Sons,  n  hriincli  nillroad  ol  lllg  Karooon  o|i|ioallc  KobciIIIo.  Thi' 

Willi   Ihc  Mlnislfftli<pl   lll/lc  »r  Ctirrhtl   nl    llilirn    Onlc. 

wiiB  liiillt  rrniii  llrldgolon,  nnd  11  look-  iii.nrry  wan  oponod  Boinc  ycnrfi  uro  liy 

Id  HB  ir  IhiB  Iniliinlry  wan  lo  hccoino  llonry    Crnwrord.     A    rollrond    bwKoIi 

of  Ki'oiil   ninunlliido.     Tho   l!nlnn   Sin-  una  linllt  froin  Uio  ^nndnllll  lino  to  It. 

lion   or  Torro   llniilo   wnn  iimBlriiclod  Aln.iil  Bovon   yonrB  bl'o  llio  plant  wn» 

,,f  .Mnnnricld  Blono:  l.iil  It  tvnn  IhU  Joli  piirrlini-ril    by    I'niil    Kiilin      of      'I'crro 

thni   flnlBliod   Iho  bltnlnOKB.     The  Btono  llniilr.      Iln   output    hiiB    liion    iiBod    by 

for  II   bnd  not  boon  aoloi'tcd  with  tbo  cIiirb  rartorlcs  and  rolling  inlllB. 

inrn   otorilncd    « lion    tlio   qimrry    wn»  H.iiid  mono  of  good  'iimllly  ror  build, 

iiiaklntf  lis  roputatloD,  and  It  wub  Dot  Inif  puriKiBOB  Ib  found  all  orer  l*ark« 

loiinly.     Tho  foimdnllon  of  Iho  I'roa- 

li.itorinn  ilinrch  wiib  oblnluod  on  Will 
h  liiH  I  rook  nl  n  i|iinrry  tlnn  owiioil  bv 
i:.  A.  I'lloll,  nl'Oiil  ohO  nillo  norllirnKi 
of  town.  Tho  mono  for  tho  foiindnilon 
of  llio  loiirt  hoiiBo  wnn  iiimrrloM  on 
I, nil,.  Ilnccoiiii  nt  llio  fiiriii  of  Ilnn,.i- 
Ailniiii..  llonry  llnrtinvii.  with  Sum. 
iiol  Inrnir.  ,|iiuriloil  ntiini.  In  lb,- 
Wlliliiiiin  llolbiw,  n  Kpocha  of  llmi. 
Ktoiio  nhhli  «n»  lurKoly  ii><.,|  inr 
fi'iiiidnlloii  «ork  forty  yonrn  nt-o.  Th" 
Bloiio  Iny  In  llilll  nlriilnii.  ,tn  oxiob 
liMl  ImvlllK  Ktoii,.  vvnn  iillurrl'd  noiir 
Siiaiir  inoU  thirty  yonrn  oko  by  will- 
Iniii  llniii;liklrk.  Tho  Vniiihillu  ||nl|. 
ii.n.l  'onii'nny,  for  n  llmo,  opiriil,.,!  ,i 
llmoBlono  ipinrry  iIobo  lo  IIh  IriirU  In 
l.'roono  Township  noiir  tho  lioiiic  ol 
Kriwiird  llldnbiio.  low  pooplo  nro 
iiwiir,    ,|.i   Iboy  d,.|io  llniiili'li    Wiplmnii 

Mi'lliiw  Ihnl  lliiy  nro  pnHHiiii:  otir  ono 
or  llio  riiio-i  di'iHiNliB  of  Klnnlni:  cl.iy 
III  .Mil,.rl,ii.  Thin  ilny  In  pollory  pnr- 
Iniiro  IH  inlloil  "Hllp."  stnnownro  In 
L-lviu  II  biiiiillfiil  hhok  flnlMli  Willi  II 
whon  propirly  biirnod.  I'lio  llnkor 
llrolbirB  iiBod  Ililn  Blip  Ilny  for  over 
II. ly  yoiuB.  nnd  rroipioiilly  uhlpjioil  ll 
III  biirrolB  lo  Iho  pollorloB  In  Olilo. 

Ill  Iho  iiionnllnio  llio  .MiinHriolil  mill 
Mill  III  on  inii.-h  tiiiprovoit.  II  w-hk  ..oin- 
Pl'loly  lobiilli.  nnd  In  l.'<'<i|  oipilppod 
iMIh  11  rollor  pioriBa.  llio  flint  mill  In 
111,'  I'oiiiily  to  ndiipl  llnilf  lo  now  con- 
dlllonB.  A  Btouiii  oiiKlno  wn-  piK  In 
to  opoiuto  Iho  mill  when  llio  BlnL'o  of 
wnlor  bocnnio  l,,o  low;  bin  IIiIb  niixll- 
l.lry  In  no  louKor  nooilcd.  In  lm:i  n 
'oiurrlo  dniii  won  i  oiiBlrni  Ird— n 
Mioiinllih  'JikS  foot  long.  7  fool  six  Incli- 
on  wide  at  llio  bnno.  nnd  -.'M  Inchon  nt 
the  lop.  nnd  Bcvrn  fret  IiIrIi.  All  IIiIb 
onoriiiouB  Blono  wni  built  In  In  work- 
Ini;  hoiira  »llh  a  forio  of  Iblrlyflvo 
nion  with  touiiis  lo  liniil  mntorlal  lo 
llio  dniu  Bile.  Winlhor  nnd  crook  oon- 
dlllouB  wore  IdonI,  nnd  tho  work  bo- 
Biin  on  Soploiiibor  .'1.  wna  finlnhod  on 
Iho  mil.  Tho  Kront  flnnil  In  .Inliiiury, 
1lii:i.  ha, I  wnnhod  up  nn  iintiBiinlly 
Inrgo  nnd  fino  bnr  or  urnvol  Jiint  bo- 
low  tlio  dam.     Tho  Iouk  drouth  of  Iho 

BiiiToodlm:  B nior  nimlo  Iho  orook  n« 

low  as  It  bad  ovor  born  known  lo  bo. 
Tho  ilniii  wnn  put  down  nn  IIh  aolld 
Bniidnlnno  fonndiillnn,  alBo  Iho  liu|. 
IroHHoB  and  rinli  hiddor,  nnd  llio  Blono 
"Boi."  long  boforo  tlioro  una  a  ralao 
In  tho  Crook. 

nrn  oiu:.irKli  ixni'HriilrM., 
Allhoimh  tlio  nnliinil  roBoiinis  of 
I'arkc  foiinty  wore  known  boforo  Iho 
wur  when  I'rorcB-ora  llrown  nnd  fox 
liiudo  a  geological  Burycy  of  tho  Conn* 
ly,  and  later  when  Cnptaln  John  T. 
rniupbell  bad  Biipploiiimled  that  aiir- 
voy  wllh  a  rund  of  knowloduo  nboiit 
IIB  Koolok'linl  rnrmntlnn.  no  allompl 
wan  ninde  to  ilovolop  on  a  Inrgo  b'iiIo 
the  great  wenltli  or  nhiilo  nnd  rloy  Ihnl 
nliounilB  In  Incxlinnnitble  ipuinlillra. 
IbTlng  for  oil  waa  tried  when  tho 
lietrolouin  crare  atriiek  Iho  County  bo- 
for  the  war.  In  Ikhii  when  nnlnrni 
gna  was  tlie  dream  of  every  coiiiniiin- 
•  liy  In  Indiana,  "gan  wells"  were  bored 
at  lloekvilio  nnd  .Montezuma:  both 
Blriiik  mineral  water,  but  tho  well  nt 
lloi'kvlllo  wna  at  an  altltiido  loo  high 
for  It  to  flow.  Thla  water  wna  en- 
countered at  alHint  1100  feet  at  nock- 
vllle  and  tho  well  waa  continued  on 
llB  oourno  toward  China.  2,ilO0  feet 
lieforo  It  w-iiB  given  up  as  bopolona. 
Tnen  a  local  w-ng  propoaod  to  BcII 
It  for  poat  holea. 

Tho  pioneer  elay  manufacturing 
company  In  located  In  Mec<-a  odjaront 
to  tho  hllla  from  which  tho  clny  la 
tnken.  It  la  lo  thla  ninnufnclory  that 
Moci-A  owea  llB  grenlont  growth.  Win. 
K.  Deo  eoninionccd  building  In  IKIIS 
nnd  begun  tho  ninnufactiire  of  Bowor 
pine  In  January,  isnil,  wllh  *  twcnty- 
olgbt  (cot  down  draft  kilo*,  ud  la 

,\iw:n..l,  ll«i:l.  Ilirr.nR'd  Iho"P 
I....IM    .iiul    III-'    kllMx   l<i    ir,   l.llua     mill 

nirtii.'il   Mil   llii'   Nil.  '.'  "Imp  In 

.liiiiiiiiU.   I'«il.     Mr.  Iiir  niKMil'i'il  llie 

Will.    i:.    I iliiy    Mln.   <  I'.      «IMi     II 

il    III-   Sliin, mi,   mill   MiiiiliiH   111 

>si:.iil>ii.  SlTiri'  thin  II  IKIH  liiilll  IJ 
ihliu  mill  klhiH  I.I  I'hinI  .Vii.  'J.  iiiul 
-  tliill.vl»o  f.Mit  klln»  lit  I'lulil  Nil. 
I.  iiMihhiL-  :'.l  liUiis.  II  liiinn  oiil  nn,v 
nil   Mil   HUM. If  i.f  :i   l-i;   Mill"   PT  iLiy 

III     II     IIIHI    l.llllH    p.M-    .VO.Tl-    mill    sIlllH 

nil   nil   iiMTiici'   III'    111  .'iil'K   nr   Miiilnhil 

piT  ilii.i.     'III.'  Ill miy  Bliips   II Ill- 

li'ihil  in  liiilliinii,  MlliiiilK  mill  (Mr 
\..r(h»ii.l  II  li.n~  lhi.  Iiir;.'..;!  si-«  i-r 
pl|.i.  liiil.iiy  ivml  or  AUriin.  (llilo.  I  In- 
iirtlrcra  iif  llio  Miiiiiany  nii-:  Win.  I). 
Il.o.  rii'sidilll:  lli-o.  \V.  I)ro,  Vlio- 
I-  1.1.  ..•  I..lni  ,1  K.-n.-ns,  TrrDiiiirrr : 
iliiirli'S  r.  WalKi-r.  .Si-cri'lury. 

I  11..  lii:.-  huliiKlry  nl  Kn.nt  Mcrcn  Is 
111..  lii.H.iMii  Si'M-rr  I'lpo  Co.  11  la  lo- 
I  II I'll  Jiisl  I'lml  nf  Ihi'  old  mill  nnd 
«iiiil.ii  Iiirliiry  mid  th...  iliiir  iilil  llsli- 
limpln.i.-l.i'lniv  llii.iliiiii."  The  niw  inn. 
Ii'iiiil  iiHi'd  I1.UT3.V  Bhnlonnd  firo  tiny. 
■I'lii-  liiilliiiiii  s.'«.'i'  I'iiii-  Co,  will  or- 
I'lilll'/i'il  III  I  hi'  lull  nr  l:iin:.  'I'hr  pliinr 
VMin  roliHliilrli'il  lln-  lolliiu  Iiil'  siilnlni'r 
mill    i-(iii.iiii.|ici'd    liic    inmiuloilnri'    nr 

iliiy    iiKiilii.ln   III   (lilohi'r  nr   Ilio  mi 

.Mill-,  mid  liiiH  lii'iii  In  oprnilhin  i  nii- 
llniiniisly  »lii.,'  tliiil  lliiio.  The  ciny 
prndinu    iMiimiliirhiri'il    liy    Ihi-      colii- 

llli'.  riiu'  llnliiK.  and  ililiiini'V  tops. 
Thi'  yi'arly  niilpiil  or  thi'  plmit  Is  nlno 
liiiliill'i'd  ciiiB.  Till'  pmuciiI  orrii'InN 
iil'o:  I'rcnlilinl.  \V.  .1.  lilllii-rl.  I'lil- 
niBii,  111.:  Vlri'l'inhliliiil,  11.  I).  lUivlB. 
link  Mill.  (Ihln:  I  .■i-rrlmy,  I..  II.  Kri-ll- 
cr.  (hliiiun.  nnd  .''iiiirrliiU'ndnil.ri'iirl 
ly  IHuIb.  .Mrc.ii. 

Till-  .Million  lirPk  woi-1,8.  insl  or 
.M.mii'/.inii.i.  «ii!t  orli:limlly  t<8liililliili- 
I'll  .11  Mm  Inn:  lull  IIk'  dt'i-llno  or  nn- 
liinil  Kim  Mil  ri'  ijiiisi'd  the  loiiipmiy  lo  111.'  hrmii  h  In  Tm-ko  I'onnly.  It 
xiiH  .Klahllhlii'd  Iwri'  In  IVhi.  nnd  con- 
iliuli'd  hy  lhi.  nrklinil  <-iiinpiiny  until 
iwn  JI'IMS  llL-.i  ivhi'll    It  »:iB  sold  hy  li'- 

ri'lM'r  to  till,  r imiy  now  ownhiB  It, 

or  whlih  I-,  II.  Wnr.-lirMlpr,  of  Chi- 
iiiKii.  Ik  rri'Blihiil. 

The  L-ruM'l  i-isl  or  .Monlo/iinin  U  or 
I'Mni  minil  iiniillly.  -Ihla  urnvi'l  linn 
III  I'll  llsi-.l  by  nil  Ihr  rnllroiidB  pntBlni; 
Ihinllfh  till'  lnc\ll:illKllhli'  dnmsllB. 
I'll..  .01,1  nlBO  prniiii'cd  urnvcl 
niiir  lliu  .Vriiili'.sl.iirk'  mini.  Bonlhi'uBt  ol 
.Mnlili'/.unin.  IMIB  m..  no.v 
l.y  thi.  Chritihinn  t'oiinlriictlon  Co.,  and 
l.inohiircir.  Tlmnnn  Wllann,  anil  the 
.Miinl.'y.iiiiin  .-Iniid  nii.l  llrnvcl  Coiii- 

.><.  <^  l'oi:i;l  i.i<i:iIiIIb1ii<iI  llio  N.illoniil 
liinlii  Till.  Coiiiimny  iii-nr  .Monlczniiui 
\<llli  hC'id.iuarliTB  nt  Terr,]  llmiii'. 
ThlB  liidU'-lry  was  opornlnd  for  n  iiiiiii- 
hir  nf  yi'm'B  on  sroiiinl  ndjnrcnl  to  tlio 
Miirhin  llrlck  Works.  Tlio  Ir^ian  r\|ilr- 
Int.  tin-  plnut  wi.a  nlinndonod.  .Mr.  .V. 
t  oiincr  wna  ni'ncrQl  flnporlntrndfnt 
mill  innniiKur  iiiiU  Btlll  lly.'a  In  .Monlc- 

.lohii   honnldHoii     oponitrd     a     tile 

«lillik-lr   liliinl    III    .Monlrx ll,   mid    for 

n  while  nij;lilly  iiiid  |ierinQneiit  roofs 
were  niiide  frmn  the»o  iile.  lint  Ihn  In- 
.Inmry  did  not  pi-ovo  iniifllnWo. 

.Monie-/.nniu  linn  n  iiiiichlnc  fthnp 
where  4|iilie  nil  extensive  biifllnoBS  is 

ilnne.  ItK  prnpi  lelor  lielni:  A.  1-;.  IllBhee 

n    very   roi lenl    nierh.lllie. 

The  Itlnninlnuiliile  I'linnlnK  I'nctnry 
vMiH  ei,.orpnriili'd   April  n.   \fiM.     The 

nrlKlniil   pn lent  of  this   Inslltnllon 

wire  11.  I'-.  Mill.  II.  .M.  Ill-own.  I,«i| 
I'leliell.     Mnliloii       lleyiiolilB,       Wnllneo 

IliiliMin.  Win.  II.  KiB.ilir.  Mnhlon 
l.lmlley,  AllK-rt  Ni'ivlln.  Clina.  Kersey, 
T.  i;.  Corrin,  stmniton  .Vewlln,  F.  S. 
nyel-s.  I'.  II.  Woody,  II.  W.  Harvey. 
i:ivln  .Morris.  I..\dii  iind  .Inhn  T.  KIntr. 
A  (tor  runnluii  a  row  jonn  a  company 

HISTORICAL     S  K  10  T  C  II  0  I'     P  A  U  l<  10     COUNTY.  37 

h-il    Uk    I,,  o.    U.    llilKlie.i   .,|    111 IIIh..  \.    Inillv.      The   philil    Ik   mm    nil  m'd    hy  lien    or    Ihe    S|.ei'ilwn>    nl     I  nillmiiipoll.. 

li.i.k  in.r  Ilie  iiiiiiiiitniient.  A»  .Inhn   u'll.i.vh'  nr   ImllmiiipnIllB.  which    Is   piniiiiilii.  eil   one   or   llie   rii«|. 

with    .Mr.    llili;li.B    were    1  ir.   .1.      i:.      I,,            nr  Ihe  liirtesi   rnnlrnilliii;  rirnis  i  «t    nillniiinhlle    r.n  e    i-..iir«e»      In      Ihe 

.M.ieri.   mill    II.    I'.    Mill.     TliiBe   tentie.  i,,   i|,e  ,«inle  Ib  Ihm   ..r  KIiik   llrntheiB  world.     The  rlnii  iiIko  hull  n  liirue  eon. 

men    ilhl    n    Im  ue    hiislniBS   rnr   n    lime.       nl    Mnilli'/iiimi.      C Ke    W.    KInil.    Ihe  tinel    with    the    Kn\  i  rnlni'iil       tor      Ihe 

mill    iirieiwnnlB    the    idnnl    win.    Inkeii  iiiihei    ni    Ihe    ml.  r|.il»lim    biiiib.    wiib  trade    work    nl    fori    llenjmiilii      lliw 

.M.r  h.\    the   Vin     CniiipH     or     Inillmi.       n    nillrnml    I'nr in    and      liiUL-ht      lil»  I  Iboii.  nml  did  an   Immense  lot  of  rail- 

iipnlls.   who  last   year  snlil   II   lo   \V.  II.  xniis  the   value  or  liiiliii.lrv  and   tliriri.  loiiil    work    In    the  .Xnnlli. 

Wel.h.  11,,.    11,1,1    laiB    Bliire    opiinl.'d    under  The  lather  died    In    IsT'J  and  chnrles 

111     I'msin    Arthur    Zliiimerinnu.    ol  llie   rirm  name  nr   Mni;   llrnlhers.  line  "nd    lohll   II.  h;ive  slnee  rollowid  liliu. 

linr/ll.   pr.. Hinted    n     i-lay     works     nl  ol    iheir   hirniBl    rnnlimls   was     with  'Ihe  Burvlvlnn  soiia     nre     Carlos     C. 

Illoomlntdalr,  aBBnilale,!      with      .lohn  ll»her    and    Allison    for    the    ronstriic-  Heorte   nnd    Kdwnrd. 

(Unal  iHturs  auit  (Enal  fKtnrns 

■  llAl.  lulninK   wn- 


X^  uuventv  years  oto.  and  loni;  lie- 
loie  the  war  eoal  was  liij<rn 
rrnn,  the  hlnrfs  In  rinrlda 
lownBhlp.  William  Ilarrisun.  -riind. 
lalher  or  W.  I'.  Ilnrrl.sou.  came  In 
I'lirke  Cniinly  In  IV-.J  Irom  Colniii. 
hiuua  County,  tthlo.  and  hnntlil  the 
fiirin  will  re  W.  IMIarrlson  now  lives. 
The  man  who  nwneil  llie  hind  Mien 
was  strlpphiK  and  Imrnlni,-  lliiie. 
Finne  n-ed  lor  plaBlerlnt;.  Coal  was 
lint  then  used  liir  ilninislli'  pnrpiws 
In  this  Coniily.  W.  V.  Ilarrlsnn  says: 
■■.\U  (irnndrnther  lliadrield  was  the 
riist  man  to  mine  innl  In  the  Coiiiv 
ly.  I'll  In  the  wlnlir  or  ls.-,-.'..vl  he 
put  It  out  in  a  hushel  hox  nnd  raised 
It  up  hy  a  hand  wlmllaBa.  Ahont  l,x.-.i 
or  •."..■•  John  Hatty  laiiic  and  worked 
Inr  my  Krauillnlher  in  the  coal  bank. 
Coal  .11  that  Mine  wn~  lianled  hy  w.iir- 
on  as  I'ar  as  I 'i  aw  rnrdsville  rnr  lihick 
seillh  use.  Snnietlnie  In  Mm  sLvlies  a 
small  inr  ol  i-onl  was  hniiled  to  lioik- 
vlllc  nnd  shipped  to  .New  Vork.  and 
thill  wna  Ihe  Blnrtlnu-  or  tne  extension 
or  the  rnilrond  nnrlli.  in  1ST1  the 
swllih  was  hunt  mill  the  old  Snnil 
CrceU  mine  wa«  Blartid.  which  em- 
ployed three  nr  rmir  hundred  men  ami 
shipped  as  niui-h  as  ::"  to  :;."•  ears  per 
day.  in  iwj  w.  I'.  iiarilBon  ami  n 
couipniiy  of  rour  other  men  opened 
Mic  mines  on  Ihe  ilnrrlBon  rami,  and 
In  a  yrnr  or  so  llnrrlson  hoiiKlit  Mie 
other  men  nut  and  has  lieen  slii|ipiiiK 
t^'iil  since  that  time,  lie  opened  tlic 
sei-ond  \ein  in  ls:«i.  nnd  there  is  bcv- 
eiity  or  more  acres  lo  mine  yet.  Hy 
this  nceonnt  there  lins  been  ronl  min- 
ed for  the  past  ilx  years  on  this  farm 
and  eoal  waB  striiiped  helure  thai,  but 
1  laiil  say  JiLil  hinv  InnK.  hut  would 
Miink  it  look  I.-,  or  TO  years,  hy  the 
size  nf  the  apace  they  hnd  ivoiked. 
There  Is  etill  coal  anil  clay  and  ahnlo 
1  noiu'h  10  make  n  cood  sizeil  lirh-k 
plant  to  hiBl  lor  ririy  or  more  years 
on  the  Harrison  farm." 

The  first  nilnluK  on  a  inrfe  ai-ale 
wns  beunn  on  Sand  Creek,  ahoul  fniir 
inllea  norllivvest  or  Itoi-kviile.  early  In 
l.HT'J  hy  the  Sand  Creek  Coal  Company. 
Win.  II.  .Vye  of  llocUvine.  was  Inter- 
oBled  In  thU  eoinpany  and  the  town 
wlileh  soon  siirnuK  U|t  nliout  the  old 
lionies  nf  .lolin  Unity.  Martin  Nowllnn 
nnd  .lolin  Cninpliell  wns  cniled  Xyes- 
ville.  Ivlward  II.  N'ichnlna  went  to 
tliat  nelBhhorbood  wTun  a  yoiinK  man 
In  I.STI,  and  helped  In  the 
work  or  openlnu  tbo  mine.  Very  soon 
iiflorwarilB  l.oiils  (Irinley  opened  an- 
other mine  enlleil  the  i-'rench  mine,  sn 
called  from  tiie  fjel  that  Mr.  Ilrlnley 
nnd  the  liiifonrB  who  nsslKled  liliii  In 
the  Hiirk  were  rreurhlnen.  Tlin  honsea 
in   which   the   I-'rrneh     miners     lived 




linKUI"lied  from  Nyesvllle;  iho  poBl- 
orrico  wns  enlled  Nyesvllin.  Mining 
by  the  Hnnd  Creek  ConI  Company  nna 
operated  on  ft  largo  sealo  for  ten  yoara. 

.V  switih  was  run  rroiii  liie  mnln  line 
.  t  the  I.  C,  ,\.  S.  W.  lailioad  U|i  Sand 
Creek  tn  Ihe  mines.  w  111.  Ii  w  i  1 1- 
"Blu|ie'  niliKS. 

Nut  luUB  nfli  r  the  m.w  mines  were 
npiiie.l  .\)e»\llle  I.e.ame  ipllle  a  town. 
In  l^Tii  It  was  evMiiialeil  thai  hetween 
.-.iHi  ,iuil  i;i«i  people  lived  there.  Wairea 
wire  hith- ?1.'J.".  per  Inn  and  the 
inliiera   were   piiiil     Bpen.lers.      About 

hair    of     the    .■tS.IHHI       or       .<ICI.IHHI       p.iid 

nnnlhlycani ilnr.;\llle.     -l-hose 

.nrly    miners   wei en.  or     i nil 

hlclier  averano  of  Inlciliui  lice  than 
Ihiise  emplnyeil  In  larxe  iiilnini:  Imliis 
trlea  now.  Tbei  lived  well,  anil 
dressed  well,  and  they  also  dressed 
till  Ir  wlie«  and  elilldren  well.  An  c.v- 
u:i  pie  or  tlieir  illsi  rinilnallng  taste  In 
iiuitters  nf  dress  and  diet  their 
use    or    nlhe    nil.       N'nhnil;v      in      rarke 

I  oiinty  bail  eier  .iseil  i.llve  nil  lor  cnl- 
llimy  piirpnsis.     Tlie  N'yesviilo  iiilmis. 

Willi    used    11.    lie ideil    the      fenulne 

impnrleil  nrllele.  and  would  have  no 
oilier,  nnd  no  other  kind  eould  be 
"worked  otr"  on  them  illiier.  for  lliey 
were  lonnnlflseurs  who  knew. 

I.oiils  Ilrlnley  In  1ST::  first  built  ii 
tipple    and    a    bonrillnB    liniise    lor    llie 

Itnwe  land:  bin  ho  found  no  coal 
tlic.o.  Till  n  he  boiltlit  nhoul  fnrly 
iieies  nr  .lohn  i-nnipbcll.  an  old  acltler 
who  lived  on  the  eorner  where  tli".' 
ro.ul  lurneii  orf  len.llnK  tn  .Morebind's 
.Mill,      lie   lore   ilown    the   llppie     and 

II  oM'il  il  lo  Sand  Cieek  Station,  opeii- 
eil  the  mine  on  Ihe  Campheil  land,  nnd 
lor  more  than  fiflc.n  yema  cniiMnued 
to  nperale  tills  mine.  He  wns  aBso.'- 
tnled  with  Meorire  Sbnrtio  for  a  ftiiilu 
ami  then  with  .lohn  l-'nlebet  nnd  Sam- 
uel (Irlnley.  Tlic  conI  from  the  l-reiieh 
uilne  wna  n«ed  for  the  riillwny  loeo- 
uioMvcB  and  waa  far  Ihe  best  alenni- 
Ini:  cnni  that  could  bo  procnrcd  for 
this  pnriioBe. 

.ViiioiiK  tlio  flTBl  Of  tho  railroad  op- 
erations 111  Sand  Creek  was  the  mine 
.nniluited  by  Ilavid  Coulter  and 
(Jcorpe  Sbnrtlc.  It  wna  a  smaller 
mine  than  either  the  .sond  Creek  or 
I'"reneh  mine,  but  It  was  ipilto  Bliecess* 
fill.  It  was  conducted  hut  n  fow- 
yems.  diiriUK  which  tlnio  It  netted  a 
lonsiderablo  aurplna  tor  llio  pro- 

In  l.wj  I'.dward  Nlcholna.  with  Ida 
lirotlier  and  brnther-in-lnvv,  oiienod  a 
railroad  mine  on  the  went  alilo  of 
Sand  Creek  and  operated  It  ono  year. 
II  was  then  sold  to  tho  Henry  Craw- 
ronl,  or  the  ro'lroad  which  he  was 
bnlldlni;  nnd  waa  called  tbo  Wynn- 
doiio  Coal  Cnmpnny.  Henry  Crawford 
nrierward  headed  tho  Tarko  County 
ConI  Ciupany  nnd  Mm  (llnsa  Snnil 
plant  nt  itoKovlllo  for  nhnnt  ono  year. 
Henry  Moore  BuliBei|uently  piirehnsed 
Mils  mine  and  n  laruo  Isidy  of  Innd 
with  It.  Ho  npernled  11  for  n  while 
asBlBieil  by  his  son,  II.  R  .Moore:  the 
Inller  had  sole  ilmrBO  of  It  fur  sovernl 
years  preeedlnR  the  dentb  of  hia  fath- 
er In  llll^,  anil  Is  now  eondnetlng  It. 

It  should  be  Binted  that  tho  Rand 
Crook  Coal  Coni|iany  leaiod  lla  minei 

in    Ceiu'i;''    HodL'son.    and    nlsn    lease, 
.its    No.   'J  mine   10   .Mclmlas  and   Cmn 

' 1.1,  end   11...  I;ill,r  «.  nl  In  Mln 

shall   wlien   Ihe  mines     were     npenei 
Mieie    In    iv^^ct.      tleoi'Ke    HodtBon    w  ai 


le.piiully   nioied   lo   Itockvllle  and   liv- 
rd  here  until  Ills  death.  May  ll,  l.sii;i. 

.Inhn  Ilalty.  who  opened  Ida  firsl 
mine,  or  -hank"  as  It  wa»  ceni  rally 
called,  nearly  seventy  ycnrs  acn,  eon- 
tlniled  In  npe.ale  II  until  Ills  lii'aMi. 
ami  It  is  still  owned  ami  operated  h.v 
hi-  widow  and  snns.  .Mr.  llally  was 
hlinseir  a  miner,  a  very  lonsilenMoiis 
one.  Ion.  and  would  never  permil  any- 

tblllK     but     clem     enal     lo     CO     riOlU     iliS 

lank.     He  coutluued  In  work  his  mine 




templed  Mie  more  moilern  si  ope  of  op- 
eiallnuB:  but  lie  dhl  not  continue  h>ni.' 
on  Mint  scale,  piererinc  tn  londml  n 
snialbr  and  in  ii  way  a  heller  hunl- 
iie-B.  for  a  lout-  time  ne  worki-d 
ahoul    'Jii    miners. 

In  the  I  nrly  elu-hlleB  .lohn  Itlenhh 
pur.base.l  what  was  known  as  tlie 
".liiu  't  oppna  I'orty,"  and  for  twent.v 
jinrs  operate.l  It  ipille  snieessfully. 
Mr.  Ilhnlrb  iiilned  a  Beuilld.ick  coal. 
Piohalily  the  laruer  pnrl  of  wbl.h  was 
liikeii  liy  w  aeons  nl  Hie  bnuk  nnd  de- 
llverid  in  ll..i  kvllle  l.y  Hie  pioprletors 
on  pulilb'  and  private  inntrnclB.  .lohn 
Menlch  went  lo  .\ye«\llle  nboul  ISTJ. 
and  It  wns  there  he  learned  nilnlni:. 
He  still  resides  at  .NycBvllle.  bin  hni 
lee.ied   hIa   mine. 

The  life  of  I'lirke  Counly'a  pioneer 
niinei-,  .Inhn  Unity,  waa  one  nf  ro- 
piiinee  enmhiued  Willi  |iernintenre  nnd 
miliinuB  Btrnccie  for  aiieeos.  He  was 
lorn  In  Vni-ksblre.  Kntland.  In  Ls-.'."., 
the  evnci  ilnte  of  his  birlli  heinx  un- 
known. Wlien  a  bid  of  nine  yeara  lie 
wns  pinecd  In  Mie  Vorkahlre  mines  In 
liinke  li.a  llvellhooil.  He  becnn  by 
linnllnL'  eoal  In  sinnll  liaxes,  nnd  lalsip 
0,1  an  a  i-oiumon  Inliorer  until  he  wns 
■J-l  years  of  nRC,  when  he  derided  to 
cast  hIa  rnrliinca  In  America.  A  friend 
and  co-laborer  hnd  pieecded  him  to 
this  country,  nnd  Importuned  Mr.  Hat- 
ty to  brink'  hIa  rrlcnd's  wife  nnd  small 
children  alone  with  bini.  I'nssnEe  wna 
enRnfced  for  Mr.  Hatty,  the  wnman  and 
small  children,  nt  MveriKiol  for  Now 
orlenna  In  a  aalllni:  veaael.  Soon  nf- 
ter  leavInK  Mverpool  a  tcrrirle  snlo 
cnnio  ii|i  anil  tho  vessel  wni  driven  on 
tlie  reefs  of  Irelnml.  nnd  the  crow-,  un- 
der iirctenso  of  jrolnn  for  hol|t.  rode 
.iway  In  the  Ilfo  bonis,  lenvlnu  Hie 
pnssenRers  to  nlinoBt  certain  deslrui'- 
Hon.  rorlunnlely  tho  ahlp  wna  alaht- 
ed  by  anolher  which  look  the  pn»- 
aengora  on  board  to  gncenilown. 
where  nnotlier  aliip  wn"  chartered  fof 
the  pnasenBera;  hut  etfltlnit  ovonia 
were  si  III  to  roino.  While  only  a  few 
diiya  out,  tho  crew  mutinied ;  a  lor- 
rlrie  hnttlo  ensued  between  tho  fn|» 
lain  nnii  Bnme  loyal  pneaennera  on  one 
Bido,  nith  mntlnoera  nrrnycd  acninaf 
Iheiii.  .Mr,  Unity  persnnnlly  oniniied 
In  thli  onconntor,  atalaling  (ho  cap- 


mil.  i.>  <|Mc'll  llic  uiiilijiy.     '1" MKlii- 

n-iri  w<-l»j  llimHy  invrj'invfri-ii.  ftnd 
»ct..  .I.Mll  with  BiiiiM.mrlly.  nu.l  iilicf 
inniiy  diiya  ut Ip  (Iik  vmscl  nn- 
ilnir.'.l  lit  Now  OrUnna.  Ily  iho  lliiio 
Ulr.  Until-  Qiiil  III"  cimrfcva  linil  rrnrh- 
.'(I  Ni'W  ll|l,'iiii».  li'-  »ii«  comlilcloly 
wlllMiiil  fiinil"  with  a  iImt  trl|i  to  St. 
1.11111k  iiliiMil  iif  luiii.  111'  wu.s  miiiii- 
\tli:il  il/iiliiK'J  Ny  Ih.'  cxIh'ini'l.'K  of  tijn 
oidiKlii.i.  iHit  ciiiilrniii'd  \illll  the  nmf- 
li'l-  of  n  «l. '111.11.11111  in  .vork  nB  n  (.lev.- 
ili.ri.  fur  li:ii  i.iBKiiKi-,  niiii  fnr  liln 
frli'iKlK'  wiro  .Tiiil  rhililii'ii.  Tho  luirty 
vm  nift  ut  .-it.  l.niiiK  by  iil«  frichil, 
wli.i  iir.i.iirrii  work  for  .Mr.  Ilaiiy  nn 

,1  I'liiil  iiiiiiiT  In  llio  ii.ihi'ii  111  i.Mil  (1 t 

SI.   I Is.     Mr.   Ilully  workci   In   .Mln- 

miiiri  fur  snii.i'  lliiii',  nnU  then  ciiino  In 
I'mld'  f'niinlv  In  n  plniT  wlicrn  Nycs- 
till.'  irt  ...i»  I.I..I..-U  .iiiu  ii.i..,;.Lj  ill  1...^ 
io:il  liiiHliii'M. 

Mr.  llaliy  win  iii.Trrlfd  iivlrc.  Ills 
firm  wUm  illi-.l.  hh  m-oond  wife,  Ann 
Ilnlly,  minlvin  lilni.  IVu-  nifn  who 
liiiM'  .'ii;:iii:.'d  In  llir  liiinliiOKa  nf  iiild' 

lliL' .Inyi'd   llii'  Bli'tllii;;   ri'initn 

linn  for  |. ml. Ily,  h..nnr  iind  inicerliy, 
iiH  illil  .Inlin  Ilully.  lllH  iwinii-  woh  n 
synnii)in  inr  liiiiM'<iy  mid  fiilr  i|.<alliiK. 

I'll  III  u  Hh'.rl  lliiii'  hofor.'  In'  illi'il. 
Ill'  wi.H  II  fjiiiilllui'  riKiir.'  In  mid  iirniin.l 

hlH     l.llll'l'     of    llllBllllKB.     litlll     I'Olldll.'lllIK 

IIH   nilliMiH   mill    II. mil   nf   IiIh    fur. 


1  Il-ii 



I    lini.     Hiilil    Ihiit    III. 
.\nrl,Pd    111     Ny.'mllk    forty    y.iim    nun 

w nf  u  lyiii'  dliri-ri'i.l  froii,  llir  mln. 

.'IB  nf  Indlly.  'I'lilK  wiiH  dii<<  In  tlir  fil.l 
Hint  tlioy  wcro  iiiiiliily  frniii  l''rmiro 
mill  ItrlllBh'K.  ■Ihir.'  wrrn  nl^n 
i.imiy  Aiiirrlrmi  l.oin  iiiliii'ri-  mid  u  friv 
ii'.'iii  rniiiln.'iilm  Diirni.,'.  Sin  h  ini'n 
UH  .In.  k  IliMniir.  .Inliii  lli'nry.  Dnvld 
llohl.'y.  .I.ihn  mill  lii'nri;.'  Klonlrli.  VA 
wind  Nli'linliis.  Ilol.oit  .Mylnlyin.  Mm-. 
umi  lliil..'il»,  ili'.iri;!'  I..  I'nim.  'I'lLMnrn 
IllMKliuiii.   mi.l   mill  IB.   wno   lypliiil   nf 

u    Bliirily    i.iiinh I    lliu>    ilinnii'lrrbr.l 

«l    nf   Dim...  old    I  hill'   nilni'111.     'I'liry 

11.1. k  .in  u.'IIm'  Ihli'ri'iil  mid  nn  nrllvn 
t'liri  111  pill. Ill'  uri'.ilPB.  Ildiviird  Nl.'h 
..ln«  huH  -I'rii'il   four  utiiik  iib  iilidlff 

id    I'liik..  r iiy.     .Inlin    lli-nry.   Holi- 

irt  Milnlyri-  nnd  .In.l.  riicjl  vvi'i-o  ro- 
li.'Uti'dly  nnli.llinlt'd  l.l  llir  UriiincliilB 
l..r   tiiut   nffl.'.'. 

Slir  Piiilir  (Ciiiiiilij  (Ciial  (Cinii(idiiu 

In  Ilic  I'lirly  Bi'Vnilli'H.  .Inni'pli 
Mnrllil,  who  hud  In.ntnl  nl  llrn- 
■M.  Iiidlmin.  iind  wuii  wiirkInK  In 
I  hi'  l.ln.k  ninl.  niiiin  to  Hose- 
dill.'  uiid  dlxroviri-d  nlint  IiIh  Ioiie  i'X- 
I'l'ili'iii'i'  IIB  n  luinor  iiroinl  to  lilni 
VMIB  II  vuliiulilo  ronl  doimBlt,  locntod 
In  llin  hlllHliln  JiiBl  north  nf  llnscdnlo. 
Ik'  noinlroil  title  to  a  Binnll  territory, 
mid  l»rc.  -ceded  to  inlno  the  conl  In  ft 
siimll  wny,  scillDR  It  nioBIIy  to  tho 
fnniiorB  Bnd  tho  few  reflldeniB  of  UoBe- 
dule.  In  ft  few  yi-nrn  no  Hiiecendeil  in 
111. Inline  the  offl.  luls  of  the  rnllrnn.l 
ninpuny  to  try  Boiue  of  the  rnnl  on 
Iheir  rnKlnes.  It  proved  to  ho  so  well 
ndnpted  to  thftt  ptirpuBO  thnt  the  own- 
i-r«  of  tho  rnllri.ud  were  ntlrnilcd  by 
II.  nnd  they  proecded  to  orRunl'/.c  tho 
I'mlto  County  Conl  I'ompany  for  the 
ilevclopiiienl  of  llie  field.  Mr.  Mnrlln 
wDB  inndo  iiinnnRCr  of  tlio  enterprlBO, 
liiivlnit  rniii|>lelc  control  of  tho  devolnii. 
iiient.  It  w-n«  duo  Cn  hln  «neeeBBfill 
nmnuprinent  and  InrRo  operntlonB  of 
Hie  I'ohipuny  Ihnl  llin  tnwn  sri-w  frniii 
Ihn  Biiinll  hmnlct  It  wnB  to  the  proa- 
r"'roUB  and  thrU-lnit  town  It  la  now. 
The  coiiipnny  hnllt  a  Inrco  nninhcr  of 
hoiiBei  for  Iho  ni-coniiiindiillon  of  the 
men  employed  In  Iho  inlnen.  Lftlcr 
niOBt  of  thcae  men,  lhroiii;h  tho  (tooil 
work  Ihfit  wnn  fnrnlaheil  Iheiii,  were 
enabled  to  l.iiy  their  own  lininoB,  nnd 
the  eoinimny  anld  off  moat  of  their 
lioiiBCi  nnd  property  In  tho  town  un- 
til thcr  hara  rary  taw  houiea  to  raoL 

Willi.'  .Mr.  .Mm  tin  ciinilnil.d  Ita  uf- 
liili'B  tho  I'lirke  rnniily  t'onl  Coiiipnny 
iipeiio.l  lip  twelve  conl  nilnes  nnd  op- 
iratcd  eleven  of  llieiii.  •Iliey  w-ero  In- 
nited  n«  follnwn:  .VniiihiiB  I.  '.',  .",  II. 
K,  fl  and  II  nl  mid  neiir  lloaednle ; 
.Vniiihi'ra  :i,  <l,  and  7  m  .Mlnalinll,  In- 
illiinn,  nnd  III  nl  lleiklund  In 
\li;o  rminly.  Mln..  .\\>.  PJ  Ib  now  In 
(,|u'rnllon  nt  lloBednle,  nnd  oiiiploye 
:i'."i  men. 

'riie  nilncB  nt  MliiRhiiU  were  opened 
np  to  develop  n  lliiillea  field  i.f  on  ex- 
.I'llent  dninealle  eoiil,  wlili-li  hoinnie 
knonn  fnr  nnd  wide  for  Its  booiI  i|iml- 
lllea.  l-'or  ft  niiniber  of  yenra  this  111- 
lie  town  wna  tliilvliiK  nnd  prosiieroiia. 
SevernI  hundred  men  weru  oiiiployed 
In  the  mines  und  Mvod  In  tho  town, 
ilther  In   the     "Upper"     or     "fxiwcr" 

cotlagcB.  ftotiio  73  to  lOii  of  them,  hnllt 
liy  llip  conl  eompony  for  tho  cniploycB, 
nnd  they  conBtltnled  prnctU'olly  nil  ni* 

h.r  pei.pio  did  not  do  to  «nlt  her,  aho 

li edinlely      pioi-eeiled      to      ellnfltlBO 

Iheiii  In  ii'iinlnr  Sonlliein  fnahlon, 
"Si.Knrlii.i|-  wuB  nn  iinilKiinlly  hiK  hni-k 
ni'itin  iiieniiiirliiK  nhniit  alx  nnd  nne. 
hiiir  feel  lull  nnd  Inrto  In  prnimrllon. 
When  "Smtnrfoiil"  went  nn  u  ranipnuo 
everyhody  ela.'  In"k  n  linek  B.'ftl.  Wyfttt 
lle.-d  wna  the  one  with  the  hlK  month, 
l«'urly  lei'lh,  nnd  annny  dlaiioBltlon  ; 
Imwhlnit.  irond  nulnred :  ho  wna  ft  Rcn- 
erni  fnvorlle  with  everyhody,  f.00 
l-hllllpn  wna  hla  pmllcnlar  friend,  the 
llnmoii  In  thin  I'yihiiia.  unil  Ilia  npiHiB- 
lie  In  dla|.nalllon.  Meredith  l;nnrle« 
wna  the  iH.llleal  net-rn  In  Inillnnn,  tho 
lleiiii  llniiimi.'l  nnd  Iho  l.urd  I'lieBler- 
fleid  of  the  whole  ailllenient.  l-'.very- 
hnily  enlled  him  ".MIbIoi-."  Mnny  olli- 
ira  eiinnlly  IntereBtlnE  conld  be  iiien- 

.Mhert  Ihinler.  II.' I',  I.owla,  who  died 
Ironi  ft  blow  on  the  lieml  < '■)  nnd 
many  nilior".     "PiiRnrfoot"  «««  killed 

I  lie  town.  There  were  ihnnh  nnd 
aclmol  bnllillngB  nnd  Bonio  IniBlnesa 
pliH-ea.  Work  wan  alendy,  money 
plenllfnl  and  Bpent  very  ficcly.  Almiit 
l.'^Ml  there  wna  a  I.Ik  gtrlke.  The  dif- 
fer, iicca  hetwecn  the  iiieii  nnd  the 
rninpnny  were  ao  treat  that  there  np- 
peiired  no  posallilllty  of  n  aclllcnienl 
helni:  reaehcd.  Ilnnlly  four  hiindred 
nnd  alxty  VlrRlnla  necioea  nero  lin- 
ported  In  break  tho  atllko.  Sonio  of 
theae    wore    men,    aiimo    wero    women, 

nnd    a e   nillher  men     nor     woiiion. 

Then  opened  a  new  period  In  the  hla- 
tnry  nf  mlnliiK  In  I'nrko  County. 
l-'IfhlB  helwein  "nlimeia"  nnd  whilea 
were  freiinenl.  Illnia  nften  lirnke  mil. 
Snionna  were  ahot  np  nnd  amaaliod, 
Mlnshall  at  thnt  time  was  tho  ronl 
wild  went  town  "f  Inillnnn.  Twenl.v 
polh'Cinen  from  lerre  llanle  w-ero  rc- 
Mlllreil  In  imilnlnin  order.  A  nnniher  of 
original  ehnraelera  laine  to  I'nrko 
County  In  thul  hunch  of  Virginia  ncR- 
roes.  "HlK  .^Ix"  wan  a  black  wench 
said  to  wclRh  lam  pounds,  who  wna  tho 
boas  of  tbe  aettlenianU  When  any  uf 

In  a  flkdit  nt  Cixvllle.  I.ce  IMillllpa 
killed  ChRrllo  Marklns  at  lllirnott, 
w-ftB  aent  10  the  penitentiary  for  life 
anil  died  there.  Tho  othera  hnvo  bo- 
eniiie  aniHereil  nnd  very  few.  If  nny, 
now  live  In  I'arke  County.  The  alriko 
wuB  broken  nnd  work  reanmed  at  the 
mlnra.  lint  that  method  of  setlllnL- 
•  llfrereiieoB  wna'  nnaallafaetnry.  bnlh 
to  tlio  foiiijiany  nnd  the  emplo.vea,  nnd 
It  haa  never  lieen  used  »lni-e,  .Moro 
aallafa.-lnry  melhoda  have  been  cni- 
ployed  nnd  for  n  urent  many  yeara  no 
inlnred  |.en|.lo  have  been  lilloweil  to 
work  In  the  iiilnea  nf  Iho  rni.ipuny.  In 
ft  few  yiai-a  I  he  enal  wua  an  wnrked 
out  Mint  It  was  nnt  nvalluliln  In  pay- 
luK  ipinntlllea,  nnd  the  field  wna 
nl.and.>ned.  What  waa  once  a  iiopu- 
lotia  town  la  now  n  cniinlry  nelRlibor* 
hood.  A  Bnmrwhnt  nlinllar  eoal  10  Iho 
.MInBliftll  eoal  hna  been  dlaeovered  In 
other  locnlltlea,  nnd  It  Iiob  been  given 
the  some  nnino  ns  tho  conl  that  was 
mined  In  the  .Mlnahall  neighborhood 
ao  ninny  years  ago. 
After   havlaff  boon   at  tha   bead  of 

the  I'nrke  County  Coal  (.'oinpany  (ur 
about  twenly-lhreo  .veara,  Mr,  Mnrtln'a 
health  failed  and  ho  rei.|«ned  from  Iho 
ml  lie  mnnaiteinent.  It  boing  noi-eainry 
for  him  In  go  tioiitb  to  a  milder  ell- 
male  during  tho  winter  aeaBons.  lie 
died  nl  St.  retoraburg,  1-la.,  April  H. 
Ili|:i.  since  hiB  retirement  the  I'.nii- 
liany    baa   eliniii;ed    bnnda  nnd    Is   now 

nw 1  l.y  Cbnrlea  MliiHliall.  prealdenl ; 

II.  V.  >rnr8hnll,  genernl  eounael :  .M.  ||. 
.lohiiKun,  vk'C-preBldent  nnd  genernl 
munuKer,  nnd  Olio  lleyden,  aeirelnry 
mill    ti-enBiiru-. 

A  brief  hlatory  of  the  life  of  Joaepll 
.Mnrlln  would  no  doiiht  bo  nf  Inleri-Bt 
to  uliiioal  every  realdent  nf  I'arke 
Connly,  na  no  was  nn  iinnaiinlly  alrnnii 
i-lmrneter,  nnd  wns  known  In  nlmoat 
every   man,   woman   und   child   In   the 

hiiri;.  In  Komeraelahlre.  England,  In 
ilelobcr,  In;ii).  At  tie  ago  of  Iwelvo 
be  act  out  to  seek  hla  fnrtune.  di'B- 
lined  to  bo  found  nt  lloaednle  nfler  n 
long  acrlea  of  wnnderlngB,  lie  flral 
wont  111  Wnlea,  where  ho  Inbored  In 
Iho  Iron  lulnoR.  Al  the  age  of  twenty 
he  Jnlnod  Iho  llrlllih  navy,  where  ho 
aerved  with  diallneiinn,  nbmiiloiilnu 
the  aervbe  nt  Vmiennver  lalniid,  ami 
going  In  \<nBblni.'lon  Terrlmiy.  I'rom 
the  I'uget  Hound  nelghbnrhood  ho 
went  10  San  l-'rnm  lae.i  and  to  Mniinl 
IHnble,  where  be  wnrked  In  the  cnni 
mlnea.  In  lsi;l  be  fell  a  vlillm  in  Hie 
gold  fever  and  left  the  eonl  mlnea  to 
take  up  gold  mining  In  Slerrn  nnd 
I'lnmaa  iiiiintlea.  I'rom  Cnllroinin  be 
went  l-lnat  In  lsii.-i,  arriving  In  .New 
Vnrk  city  In  ,Inne,  lie  wua  later  In- 
(nled  In  Allegheny  County,  .Mnrylnnd. 
Nienbenvlllo,  Ohio,  llrnlihvond  nnd 
Illnnmliiglnn.  Illlnnla.  He  becnnie  n 
nnliirali/.ed  clllzen  of  the  Cnlleit 
sinlea  nt  .lollel  In  ISiui.  lie  removed 
to  llrav.ll,  Indinim,  In  l.'<7l,  followr.l 
hla  vn.ntlon  of  i-nnl  mining  nnil  In 
IS7L'  bi.nted  ut  llofednle,  where  he  dia. 
invercd  Ibe  vein  of  i-oal  liienlloned 
nlKive  nnd  where  ho  lived  nnlll  his 

.Mr.  Martin's  early  ronl  opeiailnna 
In  I'nrko  Connly  were  In  rnnnerllnn 
with  'I'homna  llnrnes  of  .leKaiip,  one  of 
■  be  mnat  aubalnnllnl  eltlrena  nf  Hie 
County  In  hla  day,  I'nllowlng  Ibilr 
ipernlloua  the  I'arke  Connly  CnnI 
I  ompuny  wna  orgnnlzid.  Mr.  Mnrlln 
In  i-onneelinn  with  \V.  ll.  Ibiwe  of 
Chbago,  upenid  np  nne  nf  the  birgeal 
nnd  be-l  eipilppe.I  nilnes  In  Ibe  Illel.- 
nell  field,  wlibh  la  Hllll  In  opi-rallon. 
TlilB  waa  nfler  Mr,  .Martin  had  dla. 
IHiBod  of  hla  I'arke  County  Conl  Com. 
pnny's   Intereats. 

Ttl»-.    HIIKKVII.t.K    OR    C.IXVll.l.K\Ka. 

About  mic,  llosovllle,  wlileli  until 
the  building  of  the  Cblengn  and  Indi- 
ana coal  railroad,  had  retained  Ha  old 
pioneer  aspects  aa  a  town,  etperlriiced 
n  sudden  tranalllon.  It  w-iia  duo  to 
the  loratlon  of  a  big  mining  enter- 
l.riae  near  tho  town  by  the  llrnr.ll 
llloi-k  Conl  Coiiiiinny.  .\mong  other 
i-hnngee  was  one  whlrli  ohlllcrated.  or 
aonglit  to  obliterate,  tho  historic  name 
of  lIOBGvlIlo,  The  name  was  changed 
to  "Coxvllle,"  and  as  Coxvllle  It  was 
known  until  a  few  years  ago.  when  a 
citlr.en  of  the  County,  mindful  of  the 
Serlplurnl  In  lunet  Ion— "remove  not 
the  nni'lent  Inndmarka  of  yniir  fath- 
ers"---iijipea  red  before  the  llnnrd  of 
Coiiiiiil>Blonera  and  petitioned  Ihnl  tho 
name  of  the  flral  County  aeul  be  re- 
stored. An  order  was  entered  ehnng- 
Ing  the  name  hack  lo  Iloaerllle.  Borne 
of  tho  Connly  pnpora  do  not  permlf 
nny  other  name  lo  apiieor  In  their 
i-olnmna  In  speaking  of  tho  town,  and 
It  Is  10  bo  hoped  thai  In  time  It  will 
only  he  known  as  It  ivna  known  when 
It  wRs  the  Cnunty  sent  and  the  first 
town  In  I'arke  County, 

Tbe  liraill  lllock  Coal  Company  coo- 

lliiii.d  for  n  of  .v.-.irK  nt  rioao 
Mil.-.  ,l.n.l,.|.,.,l  mill  workr.l  oiil  (li.-lr 
{•'I'lll.iry  1111,1  iihiuHlohoil  It.  ThI-i  loft 
III,.  ii,'M  i.iiollrnlly  In  ihr  I'lirki'  Coilil' 
f>  i'(,iM|,ntiy.  whli'li  l»  si  III  opiT- 
iltlni!  hh  Ni..  IJ  Blmfl  wal  of  Ilono- 
il,l,'  mill  8,iiilh  of  llr.srvllli'.  .V  Biiinll 
>li.>ll  Ik  ilI.„ii  iiou'  In  opcinllon  111  the 
Miiilli  p.irl  "f  »Iwil  IB  known  itH  tlio 
i..».r  p:irl  or  llio  town,  In  which  John 
HiivlB  of  .MinnpnllB  In  Inlori  slo<l. 
■in,     rniki-    ronnly    Conl    Co.'b    IimtI- 

lory    III HI    loih'hiB    tho    old      Ilrn7.ll 

lllo,k  coiil  rmuii.inv'B  IcrrlLiry.  ami 
hili'r  ilovi'loioiii'nlH  by  Iho  Wiih.ish 
Vnllrv  roiil  Co.  lit  r.yford.  Iict-nn  hut 
n  nilh'  or  Iwo  wiHt  nf  tlio  llrazll 
(lloik   lorrllory. 


.Vhiiiu-  III  the  imily  ninotlos  thn  town 
,,r  I'liHi'ytlli''  hcenn  to  flKiirc  In  the 
hi.l..ry  of  I'urk.'  ronnly.  It  wna  bIiiii- 
III  on  .^,',11011  :>l.  Itiirroon  Tuwnnlil|i, 
JiiHl  norlh  or  lhi,  rlay  Toiinly  linn.  ItB 

,1 r   IH    llkn   Ihr   hoon,   towns  of   Iho 

WiHl.  whlrh  Biinini;  liilo  Binldrn  ex- 
ihlinic-  In  linina  of  K..|d  iiilnlnK 
„li,l  Ih.'ii  hiKiin  10  di','llnr.  .\l  Olio 
llni.,  riisi'yilllc.  or  Dllinionil.  iib  the 
lioMolthi'    wim    rnll.'il.    Iiiiil    n    |in|inhl- 

|i If  ov.-r  l.'Ji«i.     Vroiii   IWBl  to  tlirj 

II  wiiH  Iho  iirliKll'nl  fnilnr  In  n  ror- 
mill  kind  of  politlrH  thill  iinfori iinoto- 
li  hiin.'.l  Iho  ■■Inillomi  of  tlio  foiinty. 
<'iiHi\v\llli'  III  llB  hiyihiy  dnyx  hnd  14 
Kiihu'iiH.  Tho  town  Ik  now  only  a 
shiiilow    of  ilH  forituM-  KicjitncflB. 

■I'll,-  nilnlni:  oinrnlloiiii  at  CnBoyvnli' 
w.'ii'  idiidnrlrd  on  a  hirgo  s,nlo.  'nii- 
lliii/ll  llhi,U  fo.  WHS  early  In  the 
fl.  Id.  also  /..'Ihir.  .\t,riPlhin  &  Co.,  of 
ivhkh  Wlllhiin  II.  /.olhir  wnB  I'rosl- 
ih'iil.      Mr.  Zc'lhir  Is  sllll   rrosldonl  of 

III,,  k;i Coiiipiiny.  which -la  n,.w  op- 

iriilliik'  ono  of  the  lartf-sl  nilnca  nt 
Hhkiioll.  .Inin,-H  McCh-llan.  who  was 
fi,-Bl,h-iil  of  ihi-  ilinzll  lllock  Coal  Co.. 
aioMi-  from  a  Riihordlllnlc  position  In 
Ihi'  o|ii'riitlon»  of  Cas.-yvlllc  lo  I'rosl- 
ih-il(.  A  niiii,l„T  of  nilnca  were  opcr- 
iitcd  In  I'lirko  County,  Roncrally 
I  null  n  liy  nninhci-B.  'Iho  Mnrry  mine 
Mild  Iho  Siiioc  kvlllf  mine,  whii-li  IB 
tllll  iK-iPK  worked,  wore  anionK  tho 
oilni-ii  In  llM'  Caauyvlllo  field.  'I'lio 
nml  iiilni-il  thoro  wna  "flo.-ond  vein." 
uihl  nil  old  minor  Bnya  tho  top  vein 
has  not  yet  hicn  toiiihcd. 

The  Oiler  Crci'k  Ciml  Co.  also  op- 
oiati-il  at  Ca.H,,yvlllc.  This  Company 
wii»  under  the  direction  of  \V.  II. 
/liiimiTinan,  n  well  known  real  iiint;- 
nnle  of   llrB7.ll. 

.Vs   already   Btated    conl    wna   mined 
In  the  Idnffa  near  Clinton  liOckB.     It 


wna  ul.oiii  IVM  tl,<ii  III.-  iiiln.s  111  l.>. 
ford  boi;.ili  10  be  doielopi.l  on  u  Inrn.i 
>i,nle.  Ihie  of  tlio  finest  vi-Iiib  of  conl 
III  the  i-ullnlry  naa  deielnpL-d  there, 
about  II  hill  lla  roof  In  parts  was 
not  k'oo.l.  .V  mine  w,ih  o|s-lie,l  by  the 
\Vnl..-i-h  \nll.-y  C„nl  Co.  Its  flist 
I'lvsldelil  was  .liidi;e  .Moffel,  of  I'a.v- 
Ion,  lllln.'la;  W.  II.  l,>roril.  for  whom 
til.'  lowii  Inlil  out  iiml  plnlli-d  was 
name,!,    was   Vh-e-fresldent    and     k'en- 

■  riil  loiins.-l  of  the  C.  .li  i;.  I.  railroad. 
•I'his  i.ilm-  was  owned  by  Illinois  cap- 
llahsls.  Mho  llrst  and  last  ^ank  .-tillNi,. 
(ri«Miii  In  II.  'Ihej  Ih.-n  renh.-il  to  op- 
orate  It  and  leased  to  the  new  Ken- 
Incky  Coal  Co..  wlih  U  cunlli.m-d  lo 
operate  It  until  the  Eto.k  of  the  roni- 
p.iny  i-niiie  Into  tho  lianda  of  Ma.\ 
l-;ichl.erB.  of  Chleaco,  who  operated  It 

I  0,11  Co.  lor  a  few  yenra.  .Mr.  Klehhers 
also  had  an  Id.-a  of  le-npenlnE  the 
.MInshiill  i-onl  fh  hi.  hut  he  afterwards 
ah:iii.him-d  It.    'I'lie  l.yford  mliiea  then 

cam.-    I the      hands      of     'IhonniB 

fl'tjara  of  t'lika^Q,  and  a  Uitkc  pari 
■if  the  Wabi.Bh  Valley  hnldhma  were 
ti-ansl'err.  d  to  Mr.  D'llnrn.  This  part 
WHS  iifL-rwal-ds  operated  hy  tho  Viv- 
ian CollerliB  Coliitiany.  which  was  Bll.'- 

■  ced.-d  by  the  I'niled  Coal  Company, 
now  In  the  han.lB  of  the  l-e.leral  Court 
lit  Chl.aKo.  Its  tipples  are  down  nnd 
the   inliiea   aro   abandoned. 

The  WalMish  \alh-y  C.iil  Co.  still 
owns  Boine  seven  or  elplil  hundred  ne- 
res  of  niidevelopc.l  coal  land  lylm: 
lui.ler  the  aiirfnc.'  of  the  lale  .lolin 
llnxford  land  and  snrronn.llnk-  terri- 
tory. |irlllliiKSKli..wtlinl  IhlS  field  ex- 
teii.lB  as  fnr  iinrlli  iiB  the  north  line  of 
the  lands  ..f  Mra.  .\.|iilla  l.averly,  lu- 
ilndini;  the  major  part  of  the  (state  of 
the  late  Samuel  1).  I'liett  and  the  farm 
of  Charles  Dally. 

Smiiiiel  I..  Mi<'nne  In  l.-isll.  In  con- 
neetlon  with  the  Shiikey  family,  op- 
ened a  mine  In  llie  hills  east  of  old 
Mecca.  .Mr.  .Mil'uno  0|ierntc.l  the 
mines  .|Ulte  cMcnslvely  for  several 
yrars.  then  leased  It  lo  the  Otter 
Creek  Coal  Co..  wlihh  under  Col.  r. 
\V.  II.  /.Immernian  iiIbo  operated  a 
mine  al  CaBeyvlllc.  'I'hla  1  oniimny 
lensed  tho  i.roperiy  to  the  Me.-cn  Coal 
1:0..  of  whk-h  Frank  Url.nln  nnil  the 
.Mllns  Urothcrs  were  members.  The 
Cninpnny  mined  It  out  en.l  the  field 
was  finally  abandoned  alionl  three 
ye.ira        ago.  'I'heBe        enterprising 

I'Tenehmcn  beiran  their  coal  inlnlns 
experlen.-o  In  America  at  NycBvllle 
tinder  r.oiilB  nnd  ^^aiiiuel  firlnley  and 
.Tohn  Kolchat.  They  now  control  the 
Unlteil   Coal   Co..  anil  are   large  pro- 

0  I'-     P  A  U  K  r:     COUNTY. 

.iMc-.-rs  .,f  I'Oiil  nt  Chrlslopir.  Illlnoli. 



ll.'fore  inUlllc  ov 
inlno  they  0|Mii.d  lip  the  llo.  k  linn 
mine  belwe.-n  .Me.vii  nn.l  .Monter.mmi, 
developed  the  field  and  w,,rk.'d  It  mil. 
It  wan  In  coiine.'tlon  with  the  oper- 
iillon  of  this  mine  llmt  Wlllhiin  l>. 
.M.inlKOiiiery.  nf  .Mont.-zuma.  first 
eaiiio  to  tho  County.  Mr.  .MoiilKoniery 
waB  flrnt  B.-.-relary  nn.l  treasurer,  and 
uianiiiied  the  roinpany'B  store  at  Mon- 
11-7.11111.1 :  hilt  w  Itb  the  cloBlng  of  this 
1  Ino  he  .cased  coal  nilnlnR  oiierntlons. 
Col.  II,  W.  I'erry.  lor  ninny  years  Sii- 
perliilenclriil  of  the  llrazll  Illoek  Coal 
I  o.,  leslcd  nut  the  fields  afterwards 
I.  Iiicd  b.\  the  Hock  Hun  Co.  The  New 
Cenlnry  Co..  whlrh  ha.l  n  larKr  field 
nUlarent  to  the  .McCnne  mliiea— nfter- 
wai-dB   lulnc.l  out   through   the   Mecra 

1  .1..'  1     II  "O     l--!.|..       Irnnr.l 

them  lo  I'rbaln  and  Allals,  nnd  fl- 
liane.-d  them  In  their  early  endeavors 
to  .lev-elop  theui. 

Colonol  I'erry  waa  one  of  tho  best 
known  men  In  tho  i-oni  flelda  of  I'arko 
nnd  ndjolning  Counties,  and  two 
years  n^'o  died  nt  the  homo  of  his 
dailchter,  Mrs.  llilull  Montgomery,  of 
Monl<-/.iim.i.  In  the  ilcvrlopnient  of 
III.,  .Mee.n  iiilnea  under  the  .McCiino 
iiinnnu'eincnt  nii.l  Iho  Dtler  Creek  Conl 
Co..  Mortnn  ItoheriB,  of  Mecrn,  ivns 
mlnluK  boss  nnd   l-.nd  netlvo  charge. 

No  belter  .-onl  Is  found  In  I'nrke 
'ounty  than  hna  been  mined  and  Is 
illll  hrhiL-  nilnrd  on  n  siinill  B.-nle  In 

forty  yenia  ago  ThoniaB  Clark  was 
mining  eoal  west  of  llrange  Corner, 
Just  soiilli  of  the  l-'oiinlain  County 
line.  I'erry,  William  and  .lames  Moore  coiidneled  mines  on  .Mill 
I'reek  and  llreen  Creek.  Charles 
liollldiiy  began  nilnliig  coal  South  of 
.'<iigar  Creek  In  I'cnn  Township  many 
.leiirs  ago;  and  John  Copner,  who  Is 
Bllll  getting  out  coal  north  of  Anna|i- 
..I's.  was  early  In  this  iield.  William 
I-'rllz  IB  w-orUIng  a  mine  not  far  from 
Cnpner's,  and  there  Ib  n  mine  on  the 
.Mllo  ChamnesB  pla.e.  I-Mward  New- 
lln  has  a  iiiino  on  the  o'll  William 
Craft  farm,  two  nnd  onclinlt  miles 
northeast  of  Annnpolle.  It  Is  tho  shaft 
sunk  by  I'erry  Wolf,  who  Bold  to  Ncn- 
lln.  All  this  eoal  l«  of  extra  fine 

About  i!>Xi,  Pnvld  Manklns  began 
mining  conl  aonthennt  of  Ilockvlllo. 
lie  sold  the  mine  to  John  I).  Over- 
man who  conducted  It  for  lonio  years 
an.l  It  has  slnee  been  known  on  tho 
Overinnn  mine.  Tlila  mine  was  IcaBod 
alioiit  ten  years  after  It  was  opened 
to  Smith  A  Bon,  ol  Terra  Haute,  ind 


It  was  operale.l  under  tho  anporln- 
lenden.y  nf  Doug  II.  Smttli,  who  was 
one  of  the  hrlghest  newspaper  men 
In  Iho  stilt...  While  In  Ito.-kvlllo, 
Doug  Smith  colilrlhillcd  many  good 
pnrngrnpIiB  and  articles  to  Tito  ItOfk- 
illlc  Tribune.  Ilnph  CnuldwcU  «no- 
.-ce.le.l  the  Sinltha  at  this  mine.  An- 
other bnnk  ncnr  the  Overmnn  mine 
was  opened  by  Wllllnm  lleeder.  This 
and  the  Ovornian  inlno  have  been  o|i- 
ernted  al  different  times  hy  nian^v  peo- 
ple, among  them  Jeffernon  Skellon, 
John  l-nlwlder  an.l  CharleB  Taylor. 

The  Shn.kleford  jnino  on  Wllilamt 
Creek  was  opened  ahonl  1S7.S.  nnd  wni 
enndiirle.l  hy  Ilnrlon  W.  Sliackleford. 
It  wos  nfterw-nrd  opcrnted  by  Charles 
Wiilkor,  now  sccretnry  of  Iho  Wlltlain 
VI.  Dee  Clny  Company.  The  MeN'ort- 
m  Urn,.-  Iinlirri  and  Charles— were 
the  Inst  operators  of  this  mine. 

Henry  I.oo  had  n  mine  cast  of  Will- 
iams Creek,  north  of  the  Jn.laon  ron.l. 
about  tw-enty  years  ago,  and  for  a  tlliid 
got  out  eonaldrrable  ronl   there. 

A  vein  of  which  Ib  thought  lo 
be  e.|uol  to  the  best  In  the  Comity  lies 
under  the  hills  ensl  of  l.lltle  liaeeoon. 
Miles  I'llsey  has  hnd  a  bnnk  there  for 
Bcvernl  years.  About  t,'i  years  ago  a 
■liafl  was  Blink  on  Ceorge  Jcssiip'B 
land,  an.l  ex.-ellenl  eoal  mined  thero. 
Snniuel  Wlllon  wmb  In  charge  of  Iho 
enterprise,  and  he  reports  that  for  a 
time  he  worked  a  vein  of  eoal  thir- 
teen feet  thick  I  However,  It  proved 
to  bo  a  "po.ket,"  but  Mr.  Wilton  is 
eonfident  that  a  wl.ler  area  of  good 
vein  exiBta  not  fnr  from  where  hta 
shaft  was  sunk. 

Two  mines  w-ere  operated  eaflt  of 
CatUn  several  years  ngo.  One  wna 
owned  by  Saimiol  II.  Heal  and  another 
viae  on  the  Asherry  farm.  The  latter 
is  now  run  by  Ilcrt  Kdwarcla.  These 
mines  have  been  run  at  various  times 
by  Williani  Karnest.  John  Jolllef,  llob- 
crt  M.-lnlyre,  John  I'errln.  Jacob  Rar- 
geant,  Charles  Taylor  nnd  otlierB. 

Charles  Taylor  nnd  Wllllnm  Pan- 
lela  opened  a  good  mine  Inst  year  on 
the  Kdwnrd  Ixivl  place  south  of  llock- 
vllle,  and  are  now-  prodiic-lng  aliont 
twenty  tons  per  day.  ThiB  la  a  promis- 
ing mine  on  nrroiint  of  Its  proximity 
to  llockrillc. 

■I'lio  nenrest  conl  mine  to  the  Coun- 
ty Beat  Is  that  on  the  Kll  Cook  placo 
Ubb  than  a  mile  southeast  of  the  court 
lioiiBC,  now  In  rharge  of  Shelby  Kent 
nnd  "To.lo"  Mnnklna.  It  wai  first  op- 
ened by  Frederick  .Manklns  nnd  Shelby 
Kent-  "I'iiey  aold  It  to  J.  V.  D.  Cola- 
man  about  five  yenra  ego.  tie  oper- 
ated It  for  a  ivhile  and  aince  h«  aband- 
oned It  a  number  of  men  hart  worked 

(Einuitg  ixiih  (i]ininuil}t|t  Ninitii|ja}ii^rj0 

7Vm      U.iL.rx/.     //.Mil./.    ;.l       11...  k- 
till.'.      II   >v:is  ill    Ihni    till..'  .on- 
.lii.i.-.l  i.y  Miirfs  iiiiil  roii.|Mi;..ii'.     As 

1 |.»  "I   II. I»  1-  "aB  hi  i-\lMni.,. 

«l.,ii  Mr.  ll.'iiilli.  "Mill-  ill  1--1'.  iiliU 
I,.-  I.II..I  ..II  III..  in.MU.r.i  Ml-  iihl  iiini 
III;   ii|.  hW   i.'i'Hiil  III'  thi-  iii'WB' 

i.ii|..'iK.   II..'  .'ii.'i'  I hi'.i   III    I'i'for- 

,n.-..  I..  Mr.  r.Miilim.iu-  ia 
riiiil    Ml-.    l-,M..liijMii-    «,.«      .niiiii-.l.d 

Mlln    Mr.    M.iriH   ill   I...-   II. nil. Ill   iif 

7/,,    ir.i/,./,/.  //.-I,././  Ill   is.-.:l  In  1.1-1. 

r.rii.ll.-  tiv.K  IIS  .1  Inirr  iiiil.lislicr. 

■//,,,./W.    //.-..././   «nH  n  .l:irksnn 

|..H"'r.   Mil   .-.-11   III   t ...i«  or  lloii.o- 

.riiU.-  ii-..iiiloii.y  II  li.-iiio.-iiiilr  |.ii|..-r 
III    I'lirk..   loiinU      II    ivns  Riilil 

1,.    Wllll.iiii    I'.    N.i.-l.   H Iiiiiit.'.l    lU 

1,1 10    ■//..     /.'.I./..,//.     /ii/.-//ii/.-.i.-.-r 

:  ml  ii-adc  it  WhU  In  liollllrs.     II  llicii 

i...hs.<.l  liilo  llir  l.lllillliol  Tilli'lii'l  llnll-y 
Sim.  11...    who    iiilh'il      II       III.'      «/ii'.' 

/Ii.i,../.     ••ii  llio i.t,  iiiIkii r."  .siiv« 

ILiiillc,   "iiK   II    ivng   luiitliini;    I.iii    nil 

■  Mil.l.-l |,-.- 

'Mini.  I.oil.l."  I'Ullllli.U'.s  Mr.  Ili'iiilh'. 
"Illl.i  I.MI.llKllll.'  IK-Ii.  il  n  l.'»  niiiiihriH 
or    III.     117.11/    l;illr.      hill      llio      (//...■ 

/....I../.    .V....II    1..'.- th.<      i.-.n^iil/ril 

l.iiil)    orKiili.   iili.l   ,-..iilliiii.-.|    r.ii    y,-ni» 

lo   I -   liroiiil,ii.l.'ii  I.I'   hImiik   mill    mir- 

riisiii,  Willi  nil  or.'iis|oii;il  iiri:MiiK'nl. 
lull.   lluiMilil.   WriKlil.   I'll.-ll.  mill  olli- 

.r    hiiillliu    111- I'lilK.      'I'llin    KO      ox- 

,  :.|i.  iiii.-il   III..   Iiiil.-r  lliiil   lli.-y  n|i|illril 

.1    .oiiiiCr  lirhillii    III    III.'    I'.il '    n 

..I  t  |.iil'.:ii     III' nil.     |.;i|..-r:    hilt       II 

Illy  run  for  ii  kIi.iiI  IIiii.-.  ii.iI  k  iiiiiii- 
l.'i  .nil  li.itnil.  iiii.l  Hiriini:.'  lo 
•ii.i    llH  i.-r.i    III Is  lor::.ilti'ii." 

II  UI1K  ill  LSI'.'  .Miitlli.'n-  Sliiip- 
:'..ii.  .1  iiiiiii  ..r  uu'.il  .-.lii.ul|..n.  Mho  lin.l 

.1 >l    III.-    ">..illli:    hiilh'H'      Hi'lnlli- 

i.l.i."    I.oil-.'lil    ll.o    (1/1.,       Iliiiiiih.      lie 

I    hlK  Mill.    Iliiliis,   i-..||.-|.-il   ih.'  |in 

j'.-r   oiilll    II    iMis   s.ihl    (o   Nil I    Mii- 

^11    nil. I    I'.ril   C.    Kllin;    is.-,i;.      ,\ 

I.  M  yiio  nilir  Siio|ison  hoimlil  llu. 
III,.,-   Hni,„l,    III.-   iMi.Mi-    u-as  I'liniiK.'il 

II.  Ill,-  /•.,,*,-  (.,,.„/„  II  /,,„,  .\„nlli 
., ilit-    lli-i,.lh- 

'111   IIK   lll.'^<  air-   .V   ilM.I   u     1111- 

IMlsiii  »oilli  .loollii;:.  II  ih-iil  o:'  rliiill' 
Willi  'uiiio  KHiliib  III  Kohl.'ii  I  null. 
I.  II.  h    |i.-rH..|iiil    ::oi.i.i|.   Ill-      iiiiknoMiin, 

wlioK.-  I.I «  ur.-  now  oil   K.  Kinwn 

loiiiliK,   lOioli-  i.r     n| rlii'H 

.1. -111. 'nil    In   r.Mi;;r.-Kh     iiili.i.  nl  lim     ii 

liiliiil    .sinl.'-   I.niik   mill    Inrlll'  ol 

iM'J.  I.  fi'w  .oliiiiin.s  1.1'  loh-riihly 
|.i'o»..,  mill  nh..|i'  hiiHl.i'triilK  of  wri'li-h- 
nl  |..„'l|-y.  1411,  h  .-\|.i-..s!.inii»  n» 
■■.■o.iliK,"  •■|u.ii-ro.i.»,-  "  Jo,,  iiiiil 
wliy    .\nnlln.'   'pnlil    wllh    u'olil.' 

mill  ihi-  'inii'-lh'iiri.'il  TVIilmi  or  olil 
I'lirk.','  wiTi'  mori'ol.v  |  iii. 
Ih.-y  o.-nir  11I...1II  n  iloz.'ii  IIiiii'h  lo  Ihi' 

.Mr.  Il.'aill.'  niiil..<»  on.-  slm.'.,i..|il  hi 
llK'  iihnvi.  wlilrh  I'mihol  iioMHllily  nlhiili' 
lo  I. in, I  iM-npli'  whrli  h.'  Hiiy«.  "iiiii.-l, 
|.,ri...iinl  KOH»l|i,"  1-1.-.  1  Imv,.  ronil 
III,,-..-  uniiin  ohl  |iii|..'i-«  and  rniui.I  lllllo 
|.i-ri<..iiiii  lii.iillnii  of  Inciil  iicnido.  'I'h.' 
M'l>  llllhi.-  Ihiil  Hoiilil  hnvc  ph-nx-d 
Ml.,  ii.-iipii.  of  I'nrko  I'oiiiily  nio.<l  In 
Ilio  old   ilny«,  r,«   ll   iloi-n   now.   would 

linii'    1 II      whl.l      IH     li-riiii'd      "local 

li,'W„;"  hill  tiriy  yiain  nco  no  kiipIi  do- 
piiTiiiii-iil  an  '■lonil"  or  "pi-i-«iiiinl"  ex- 
iKli'il.  tl  wan  llioii,:lil  Iriihil  mid  nil' 
.ilKiiirii'd  lo  ini'iillon  llii'  ordinary  n,'- 
,-nrr,'iii-i'i.  or  .oiiiIiikh  niid  uoiiiiiii  of 
I  ho  lioiiio  pi'oph'.  .Mnrrliii;,".  worn  no 
ll.-od  iwllh  orciiHloiml  arknowloduo- 
iiii'iitn  of  ilio  "ilcllrloiiB  inko"  Rrnl  to 
Ihu  rJiior.l  iilno  di'allin.  hih  not  oftoii 

hlrlliB.  WholP  imcPH  would  li<.  drvoird 
lo  «|...,'.  hi'.i  .l.llw-ri'.l  hy  party  lend- 
.'l».  and  III.'  |.ai;i'«  wnri'  f.-w.  hnl  111.' 
a.liinl  ii.'w.s  or  111,'  i-onnly  wont  iin- 
liollr.'il  and  mil.',  oid.-.l. 

In  n.-lohor.  I.viai.  .MmllRon  Kr-.'n.-y 
niiiii'  rroiii  I'riiwrorilHilllr  nnil  hoiiKlit 
tho  l;iil.;-  <-n,„il,i  l;,-i„il,lii„„  or  .MokII 
and  Kllno.  In  l-c.l  ihi-  naiiio  ll'/.i/i 
lind  hooii  cliniiKi'il  to  riiii-  lli-iiiililii-nii. 
Willi  .Mr.  Ki-.-ncy  Irro  II.  iiml 
.1.    W.    Ilrown.  ni;oil    Ihlrlrrn   nnd   olo- 

l.nrrli.iKPd.  T|..wrv.T.  Ii.'fnrc  llinl  llnio 
|ir.  Imro  wllhdri'w  friilli  lllo  paper, 
whlrh  hull  l.<'.-li  an  Inil.-p.'nd.'lil  ndro- 
.ai.'  or  II..'  ;:iiriiliiirk  riirr,  iiry,  nnd 
.Mr.  I'lilllnna  n».siiiii.-d  foh-  ownornhip 
iiiil  roiilrol.  Ilo  ihanil.'.l  I  ho  nnnio  to 
III,'  hi'li,,,,,,  l;il,„,(  niiil  111111I1.  It  llrliin- 
.rail.';  hilt  llli'  f.ilo  of  i-vi'ry  otiirr 
Ih-iiio.  rail.-  piipor  uwnit.d  II.  nltlionirh 
it  wan.  iliirlnL-  III,'  period  when  Mr. 
<  ..lllim-  li.'iot.'.l  all  hin  lliiio  to  It.  B 
too.l  pap.-r.  II  i-.-nnrd  piilill,  nllon  ill 
.Marrh.  IsiT.  whnii  all  tlii'  typo  nnd 
II  ali'rhil,  Inilndini:  n  .-oiiiplol,'  oiiiril 
l'..r    Look    I.IiiiIIiik    wire    pri'pnr.d    for 

lor  n  time  lliat  n  llepiihllcnn  eoillil 
nilinrali'  Ihnl  prliiclph':  hut  evelitl 
proud  t.,e  r.inlrnry.  In  IVSJ  lie  piu- 
|.o»ed    n   parlnerahlp   with      iBniif     II. 

Strmn,..  which   wan  pron y  nml  Jn.v. 

riilly  n.-.-epl,-.l.  .Mr.  Ileaille  nnd  Mr. 
stroiiBi'  cnnllnned  na  parlnem  until 
I.VMI;  howeur.  In  ivvi  Mr.  Ilendle. 
hniliiK  K"iie  I..  .Sew  Voik  lo  do  cill- 
lorlal  wrIIInt-,  li  nm-d  hln  hnir  of  the 
paper  lo  hla  nephew'.  Will  W.  Crimea. 
Tl,,:  ■i;,bu)u-  In  ivvs  Klipporled  the 
lii'ioo.-rntl.-  l.aity  hi'. mine  of  the  liir- 
Iff  l-mie.      Thin  Ikhio,  nnd     tho    tm 

^i4i    -;-^'A 

lit    tn 

.•--;-^i'VK^'i     '-A  ^t'l'. 

ia.,1/      l/.iii      0/      l'»r]ic 

>,ii.  r.-Hpi-rllvi-ly.  I...1I,  of  whom  work- 
.d    In    Ih.'   oiri.-e   whih'    not    in   a.-hool. 

I    h,  .1, L'ood    prliitera.    Wllh    llie 

,-.\.,.pll If  a  l.rler  liilerval  l.olh  were 

.01111.-.  led  with  the  paper  from'<i 
10  l.-vvN.  ,1,-1-,'  K,-,'ii,'y,  n  hr.ilh.-r  or 
.Mmlls,.ii.  wnn.  In  IM17  ami  'iN.  roiiiiei-l- 
,il       with       Ih,-        paper       IIIIIII       th,' 

Ilrown    llrollii'iH    I ami'    old    eimiiKh 

lo  ;:..  Into  hii»iii.-Hs.  whi-n  they 
a..|illriil  nil  illier.'Kl  111  II.  I'lllK 
una  a.. Id  ill  InTH  lo  .lo.  II.  I'heail-' 
I1-.  nml  I.y  hlni  -old  In  1ST.",  lo  n  alo.-k 
.oipmi.i.  I'h.'  papi-r  wan  niiiiini:e,l 
ami  .'dlli'd  hv  Snmnel  .Mnulll.  Mndinoii 
Keen,',.  .1.  II.  nnd  .1.  W.  Ilrown  until 
|.>.s«.  whin  lis  priKont  iiroprletor.  .\. 
.\.  Ilni-srnve.  honchl  II.  In  preKi-nt 
linln.'.  lli„l:,-,\\,  U,i,uM„nu.  wn«  kI>- 
111   II    hy    Ml'.  I'hi'ndli'. 

Ill  IS.M1  Kh.  I'ov  mtenipled  In  eslal.- 
Hall  ■/'/..-  Iliiiiiir,,,!.  hilt  II  only  Insled 
.iiirlim  the  ciimpalKii :  nKaln  In  I-^ni 
am.lh.-r  11.  in.uinlle  pap.T  was  started. 
I-:.  I',  ramrihell.  e.llmr  nnd  pi-oprleior, 
and  nlllmiiL-li  II  wa.s  a  neat  piihllcnllon 
anil  ,l,'Vot,d  more  «|.a.-e  10  lo.-nl  news 
Ihnn  ll«  lli'imhlh-nii  eoniempornry.  II 
soon  .lied.  In  ISTn  l>r.  .loiin  S.  hare 
and  lienrt;.'  W.  I'olllliKB.  estahllsheil 
the  l-niki-  Ciiiiiili,  ,V.'ir.t.  In  the  inenll- 
lliiie  the  /'nr;.-r  Cninilii  lti-i„ililii-nn  In 
l-xi'-s.  pnt  In  a  [lowcr  press,  rel.'cnilni? 
the  old  Wnshlnclon  hnnd  prep.-,  with 
whjeli  niosi  Cniinly  pmiers  were  cpilp- 
lied  In  IhOBi'  dnys.  11  was  lurned  hy 
man  or  rnlher.  hoy  power,  and  ninny 
weie  the  llo.  kvllle  l.oy»  wh.i  lilrneil 
orr  the  eilllloii  and  earned  fifty  cents 
fur  tlinl  servK-e.  'I'lieil  n  Utile  our- 
horse  power  Blenni  eniiine  wns  pur- 
,'laised.  nnd  the  /fr'/.n/i/leoa  honsted  of 
lis  "stenni  print."  Tlir  rnrki'  I'liulilll 
\,-,r«  wns  nisn  cpiippeil  with  n  power 
press.  I.iil  II  wns  de«lroyed  In  tho  fire 
on  I  lie  l-'.nst  Hide  In  lleceniher,  \HTi. 
.y.    Waslilnulon    noml   prcij   wai  thon 

inlliiiKB  i-oiilein|.|nted  pilhllshhiK  a 
pnprr.  II  was  Ihen  Ihal  .lo.  11.  I'hend- 
h-  wlio  hnd  cone  from  llockvllle  to 
I'ralll.l'orl.  relumed.  hoil;;lit  tho  out- 
ril  nod  on  ,\prll  in.  ISTV.  is.iii.-.l  the 
first  or  Tl,,-  llmhrilli'  Tiiliiiiic. 

I  will  here  dlRiess  from  the  sketch 
of  ■/;,.-  rri/ian,'  to  chronicle  the  en- 
leer  or  two  more  Iii-m,..-rn1fc  pnpera. 
In  ISTT  II.  S.  Illmkle.lce  nnd  n  pari- 
m-r  .Mr.  Ileal— .nine  10  lln.-kvllle  nnd 
sinrl.'.l  a  paper  .-alle.l  the  .U/ro™/,-. 
IIH  rlrsi  app.'arni.i-e  wns  slninllnn- 
.oiisl.i  Willi  thnt  or  ■/'/,.-  Till„,,i,:  Wliy 
two   nihlllional   papers   simiild   he     nl- 

I pled   111   n   ri.-ld   where  one  of  two 

;-iiil  .Inst  dl.-d,  is  one  of  llie  niyslerles 
..:  111.-  art  pre.';eniitive  wlilcli  hnffles 
exphiniilloi..  Ill,-  .l,/.„<-,il,-  wns  neii- 
irni  111  polllles.  while  '//,,'  Trihune 
wns  lleiinhlicmi.  .Vfler  a  few  weeks  of 
hand-to-monlh  cxUlence  7'/i,'  AiliornI,- 
he,  ami-  lieinocrallc  and  thnt  flnislied 
II.  lor  p.-rhaps  six  monllis  It  stniif- 
lll.-d  nioni:.  II  ha. I  no  press  nnd  was 
compelle,!  |..  have  IIS  press  work  ihnie 
nt  the  other  "shops."  't'he  other  shops 
Wen-  not  worklni;  for  llieir  henlth.  nn.l 
wh.-n  Tl,,-  \,lr,„-,ilr  to  the  point 
where  II  i-oiihl  no  IniiL-er  pny  for  press 
work.  11  iiiill.  llln.-kh'dBe  moved  II  to 
Monti'/.iima.  .Iianiied  lis  nnme  to  tin- 
l/oii/,-;n,.in  /.'/-n,  and  for  n  lime  It  eon- 
•Inii.-d  in  he  a  li.'inoerallc  paper;  hnl 
not  loim. 

In  IKMi)  .Missrs.  Ilenkel  and  I'lin- 
.liL'iinm  Klarteil  a  I  i,'i,io,-ratl,'  paper 
rnlh-d  ■/'/.,'  .siiiiinl.  The  n.'xt  y,'ar  Wlll- 
Imil  v..  Ilenkel.  n  nephew  of  I-:.  .M. 
Ileiik,!  <anic  to  llockillli'  In  work  lor 
Ills  iliirh'.  The  111  xl  year  he  IioiikIiI 
■.  /('■  Siniinl  nnd  tile  next  yenr  chaiiKi'd 
ila  nam,'  lo  '//.,-  Ilnrkitll,-  i;,t[il,-.  .Mr. 
ll,-llNi'l  was  nppolnteil  postimisler  In 
l^si;  i.liil  lilHpimi'il  or  Th,-  i:,itil,-  .Inrlnu 
his  lerm  or  ..rri.-.'.  s.-liinu  ll  lo  lleo. 
Tlplim.      7/1,-    /.'„)//.■   ill.'il    In    IMm. 

.lo.  II.  I'hiadle,  ailhoncli  ni.|  a  pinc 
tnni  printer,  ovi-r.niiie  imiiiy  olialii.les 
In  tellliii.'  out  V';ie  llm-l.iilli-  '/'n/iaiir. 
II  ha.l  a  Wnshlnclon  hind  press.  I 
was  hnrniiiK  the  jirlnier's  Irnde  In  tho 
lii,li,iif,i  l;ili-l„l  orri.-e  when  liehoni.'iit 
Ih,'  |.nper.  The  rirst  Issue  of  Tlir 
Ti-ii,,,,,,-  wns  an  edillon  of  J-'iisi.  nnd 
hnvlnc  volunteered  to  work  the  press 
nil  nli:hl  I  wns  ac.orded  the  honor  of 
prliillni:  the  first  nnl.iher.  Kd  l.nm- 
l.erl  and  I  worked  oft  the  entire  eil|. 
linn.  Imlh  sl,l,'»  i.'iIkiii  Impresslnnsl  on 
I  he  hnnil  pr.'ss;  one  "rolleil"— thai  li 
liike.i  tho  pnces  while  ihe  otlnr  work- 
ed the  presH.  InkhiR  "turns  nlKint"  nt 
the   pr.-BH   work. 

John  11.  Ilendle  h.'.anie  editor  of 
■n,r  Trl'i,,,!,-  In  l.sTIi,  an,l  |.rn,-rede« 
to  iilve  tho  llepnhllcans  nf  Purke 
foiinly  somethlnti  new.  nnd  not  to 
their  llklnn.  In  Joiirnnllsni.  lie  refus- 
I'd  10  Biipporl  the  moieinent  Ihen  popii- 
Inr  Ihe  nonilnnllnii  of  (Imernl 
(liant  for  a  Ihird  term.  Tlir  rnhinif 
next  ■•halkeil"  nt  n  IiIkIi  Inrlff.  Mr. 
lUnUlu  «'a»  a  froo  Irador,  and  Ihoiiglit 

f.Vi/or  l/'irki-lllr  Ihimhliran.  Ilorkrllle 

TilhiiHi—Viuil,,;-   nf   foiiBrrm 


rency  Issue  wiili-h  Inter  he.-alnc  ncillo. 
Impelled  Tl„-  Tiihiin,-  to  he.-oine  n 
ll.'ii  oeratlc  papor.  Since  l.silil— Iwen- 
t.i-six  years  It  hns  conllniie.1  the  on- 
ly licmncrall.-  pnper  In  I'nrke  folinly. 
after  s.'ven  oilier  errorts  In  Ihnl  rield 
hail  railed.  1-:.  V.  Ileadh'.  nnother 
nepln'w  of  John  II.  Ilendle.  Iiecnine  n 
piirtner  In  the  hnsiness  In   llm;. 

II  wns  IhoiiL-ht  n  foolhardy  proposl- 
lion  In  IMTs  when  Staunton  llin.-lc- 
ledKe  Blnil,'d  the  \l,ml,-:ii,i,i,  /.■rntonl' 
tempi  n  paper  III  n  town  of  IIS  line ; 
hut  .Monti /iiinn  wii.  a  nietropniis  einn- 
piii'.'il  with  iilaies  whi'le  pniiers  hiivo 
hin.e  hi'i-ii  Blnrli-il.  It  wns  In  the 
eltlill.'s  nnd  i-nrly  iiln.-ties  wlien 
llloouilnL'daii-,  llrhlReton,  lloBi-dnle, 
Hnd  .Mnrsliiill,  and  laler  .Mei-en.  nil  hnd 
inpers.  The  llinnhllr  It,-,-  wns  start. 
e.l  hy  Kdwilrd  and  William  Hell.  Troiii 

lid BlnninL-  In  Jniirnnllsiu    Inlwnrd 

Hell  has  arisen  lo  the  front  rank  of 
.Vmerienn  ncwspapor  men.  l-'or  several 
jenra  he  liiiH  represented  the  flitmiio 
lli-i-,inlll,nil,l  nt  Ixindon.  after  a  lirlh 
ilniil  rarcer  on  llio  alaff  of  that  pnper. 
II  wniihl  he  Imposslhlo  to  alve  tint 
iinnies  of  tlie  men  or  even  Ihe  shlfthiK 

nnims   of    Ih.T    1 s      pnldlshed      In 

I'nrUe  foiinly  In  Ihe  nhnve  nniiied 
towns:  hut  it  shniilil  he  reim^nihered 
thnt  hesidrs  .Mr.  Hell  oilier  men  and 
one  woman  have  demonslratrd  eiU- 
lorinl  niilllly  while  cnnneeled  with 
them.  Wlllium  Irelniid  mm  IMwnrd 
ItnriiH  did  Boml  work  at  .Montcfiimn. 
I>r  J.  11.  I,.  nnd  Kiitlierliin 
l.niiih  mii.le  the  llliininlnniliil,-  Wnrlil 
on  excellinl  pnper,  while  SI  I,.  Hood 
now  prcprielor  of  llio  llnm-iliilr  lli-riiril 
wna  known  In  llnrkvllln  forlr  yenn 
ntio  a<  a  brlulil  wrltor,    llo  naa  local 


.■,lil..r  nf  II...  Iil,li:,ii,l  rmnnl  »  it 
I.....  I.U.I  lilh  i.i.n.Kriiphu  w.t.'  i.livnMi 
t,....l  rcmllriK. 

\.«i.|..i|..'i«  i.ilnli'.l  hi  IMikr  Cniin- 
I).  ,..ii«iil..  ..f  'lie  rountj-  spiic  III  1:1111 

riir  \h„ilr:, 11,111  ;;n/.T;.ru,-.  C.  8. 
cK.^inmn.  |.,iI.1Ik1ht. 

■III.'  »/.i..,..i/i(//;...'.  ii'..i;.;.  11.  i.nii„ir 
i;ii.i.uiii,   i.iil.lliilicr. 

Tin  M.inliiill  \...<..  I'r.'il  W.  riiolim. 

7(1. ■  lintr.iul,  llnmrh-i:  Kl  I,,  (inoil. 

Mii.IIboi,  Ki'cni-y  lii'Rnn  i.Ml.ll.-nllon 
,,|-  111..  /'.iW...  Ciiiinlu  Jniiiiiiil  In 
Ii..  miK  l,..^i»,ru  111  i;ic  u.irk  l.y  Jit.- 
II.  Ilmwn  mill  Will  A.  Mnnon.  It  wns 
l.'..|.iil.ll.'iiii  In  |.iillil<-i<.  I.iit  OR  llii'rr 
wnK  nil   riohl    for  two  UriMilill.'nn   im- 

ljtijl|lij  Urrii  i'tnrk  unit  Aijrtrultural  Jaini 

.iLli'd  ullli  ll...  /,•.,.  A-.ii;..  l;,;„ihlii-,i,i 
111  IV.N,  Mr.  K...I1..V  nlirlni:  iit  lliul 
II rioiii   III, ns|.ii|.(.r  l.ii«lii(.«B. 

Ill  I'.i.i'.'  I'.  K.  I.iiii.l...rl  iiii.l  1:1. nil.  u 
I..  Iliilii.i.n  li.'i:»ii  111.,  i.iil.lli'i.tlnn  m 
nil  n;;il.iilliinil  i.j|...r  In  Ilii.Utlll..  rnll- 
.•il   /•..,..;, .....d..     i;,„i,liii     l.tlc     Tlio>    11    1 iill.t,    lii.liiilliiK    IX 

l»ii-n't..lillliill  (Ij.lhiiii.s  i.ri'sn.  II  niia 
liol  III..  (iilKliiiil  Mill'Mo^i.  ..r  Mil'  I'niinil. 
.rn  or  this  i.ii|..|.  10  ili'viili-  il  10  lo.ul 
iifniira:  l.iii  II  Bliori  ..M.i.rli.mi.  In  iin 
nil. .1111.1  1.1  i:..|  ,.  r<>  III  III.,  rinlrt 
1.1   .\;ill..iinl  r.ini.     IniiinnllKiii     |<(l 

lllls    In    I...     I shII.Ii-.       II     iwin    llH'n 

inn. I.,  n  l.ii'Ml  |.ii|...i..  .Vol  loiiL'  nriir  iIiIh 
Bl.|.  ink. .11  .Ml-.  l.niiil...|l  « llli(li...iv 

lion.  III.'  |iiirlii..riil.l|.,  nnil  .Mr.  Ill nii 

..iii.lililr.l  11...  |..i|..r.  iinlll  rnllliiu 
I1..11III1  .'oiii|..'ll..<l  hill.  In  L-K..  II  ii|i.  II 
M.iH  Ihi.n  KOliI  In  11"  iirrsnil  liro- 
lil..|nrs,  rrnnrc-n  1..  1.1. d  c.  I,,  slic-r- 
rill.  Hh.i  rnii.r  In  llorkilllc  rrom  Nrvv 
Vnlk.  wliorr  lho.v  lind  lii-i-n  In  llio 
ni.iiK|.n|id.  liiiBlni.m.  .Mm.  Slicirlll 
I. ml  niRO  clnlii-  lll.inry  work  nn  n  wrll- 
.r  or  nhoil  Hlorl.B.  rrniiris-irr  Coiin- 
lili  l.ll,-  wni.  liriilrnl  iinlll  ll«i1i.  "  li.'n 
II  mm  nwi.lo  ll..|.iilillnin  In  iinllllcit, 
mill  IlK  iii.ini.  .linliKi-il  In  Hip  rnrl.r 
fnuiiln  rimrt.  -rilc  iinik(>ii|i.  wlilcli 
lin.l  |.i,.v|  l..-,.n  of  lilMr..n  pnitrB, 
»iif  nlRo  clinnc'il  In  l-lirlu  |inco». 
d.'iil.l..  I  hi.  «!/.(•  of  II H  forniPi'  lingos.  n  xlinrl  »lilln  afl.'r  nlmllnR 
r,n„n..shr    r„„,ilril    I. if,.     I:ii.l..plt     I,. 

Ill nil    nil l.ll    tl.p    pnl.ll.nllon    of 

1.  dully  .nlh.d   Tli,-  ll,„l.iillr  .v.mi     llin 

only   nil).. nt    n     dnily     In      rnrkr 

rniinly.  R.iio  ihn  "l-'nlr  r.llllonii"  koI 
..111  l.y  Tl,,'  Triliiiii,-  In  issii-sl.  Iliil 
n.ii  111..  ..iilnprlB...  i.n..|.Ky.  nliil  Inlnnl 
nl  Mr.  Ili.l...nii  ...nld  nnt  iiiiik<- n  dnIly 
I'Mlor  en  In  l|...kvlllo.  nlll.niii:li  Iip  did 
ini.....'d  In  iiinnltit:  It  iniirli  lonRPr 
ihiin  lilH  r.llnw  ni.n  ii|i.i|i(-rni..n 
tlionulil  liu  could. 

I\  Tin;  oMily  dny«  of  I'mkc  Conn, 
ly  iriy  lliih.  niiK  known  of.  or 
liiKr.Hl  liik.n  In  |M..llL'r....d 
»|...k.  No«  «..r..  k..|.i  of 
ill..  I.r.....lhn!  of  linr»<..,  iinil  llioir  prdl- 

il- wi'|...  tPiHTnlly  rirllr|...iH,  llip  n  • 

1.11I1  of  honrxn.v  or  linnclnnllnn.  Iliiriii.» 
«..n.    K,.no|.|illy    JiiilK..d    l.y    ulinl    Imp. 

p.' I   In  Klrll...  III.,   fmiry  of  th..  Indl- 

vldin.l  witliniii  nny  rrunnl  to  tlirlr 
^i-r.illnc  or  liiplr  liiflnriirc  on  tin.  fii- 
lino  mork  Inl.'r.iilA  of  the  Connty.  Tlio 
h'ifo  Ihnl  ..liniiip...l  the  lill.  prniirod 
i.nil  Inoki'd  tiny,  wns  nciiornlly  tlio 
:  ■  I,  nn  !  ■  ■  :.  •■■,1-.  .  ."ii-  < 
off  iho  rir«l   lioiior«  In  tlio  show  rlnc. 

(  ■niKliinnii  A.  Ilowurd  nnd 
Coirrnor  .Inncph  .\.  Wriclit  look  n 
ilr.-p  InlrKsl  In  ..n<nilriii:lni!  Hip  pro. 
plp  to  liiipr..vp  slo.  k.  Alionl  ihc 
.\|.|ir  l.xm  CKnornl  l|..\\Br.l  lironshl  In 
"Mpdo.k,"  llip  first  IlioroiiBlil.lPd  nlnl- 
lion  to  .111. .p  10  I'nrko  Connty.  Up  «ii« 
11  h.y  horB,'  nl.oiil  1.-.  hnniln  lilfli.  nf 
l.lo.Uy  Inill.l.  with  ilii'  npnc  nn.l  cniir- 
nup   ilinrn.lprlmlr   nf     tlio     tlioronith. 

il«.     'riiln   Inlmdinllnn  of  now  nnil 

lii.ll.'r  l.lon.l  ttPiit  n  Inni;  «iiy  lownrd 
III..  |..lii..nllnn  of  iho  p.oplo  nil  10  Hip 
ii.|\iinliiL-...H   of   l.pttor     lilond.     riifnr. 

Inniilily   IiIr  not   ivpi- o«tly     nndpr 

»l/...  Inn  uprp  lilphly  npiirpflnlPi)  nn 
nrrnnni  nf  ilirlr  m.-iinlim  nnil  piidnr. 
nii.p.  Tlipy  wpi-p  iinlvprBnlly  ponwlil- 
.•ipil  In  III'  Hip  I.pbI  Iioiupb  in  tlioir 
IniliPK  In  Hip  ..nniitry. 

l.iilpr  on  I'r.  Tm-kpr  kppi  n  jinntl 
hoi-BP  cnllod  ••Urnliil  Turk."  nl 
WrlKlil'B  .Mill  on  Siicnr  CrrpI;,  I-:!- 
H0...I  Sllpr  Inlpr  hurt  n  stiihlc  of  so..d 
liorB.'B   nl    llloninliiKdnlp. 

Alionl  Hip  ypiir  Is.-jl  .lohli  Knsp. 
"01  III.  of  nonr  .Montpzninn.  hroiiKhl  In 
BoiiK-  lili:li  hiPd  liorBi.B  nn.l  did  niinh 
for  Hip  Inipn.vpinont  of  Iho  horep 
«  In  Hint  pnri  of  Hi.'  County,  .lolin 
lliiBworlli  wan  n  nonlnlnH'  of  Iho  not- 
I'll  old  Indhin.  clirlBliiinii  Dnznpy,  who 
livpd  on  thp  Innil  now  ownod  hy  Sinn- 
ml    Skpptprn. 

AlniiL'  In  thp  IlltlPii,  throiiBh  Hi.,  of- 
lorlB  of  Sninnil  SlroiiBo.  '•(Irpy  llnwk 
Mornin"  WHS  hrontht  to  lloikilllp  for 
n  BPiipon.  Up  wob  n  lnri:P,  srpy  Iiotbc 
of  lii.iivy  bono,  nn.l  with  Hic  brnnd, 
Bi'iiBllilP  lipod  poinnii.n  to  Hip  Morcnli 
fiinilly  of  horsPB.  lie  did  iniirli  fnr  Hip 
iinprnvpnienl   of     the     HorK     of     the 


more    for    Hie    linpnivi.inpnt     of     llio  Irni    In  nlioiil  iwoforly.     nhlph     wnn 

hnrup  Btnik   of   III.,  ronntry  Hmn   nny  tnml  for  Hint  iliiy— l.s.-,.".     Nhe  lipriiine 

ntlM.r  ninn  In  rnrko  Coiinly.  hiforo  or  iniii.nm   hi    Im..oiiiIii|;   the  d.iin  nf  Iho 

-liicp   hlH   dny.     AlMiiyB  on    Hip   nh.|l       ■•"  l.y  "Chiy   IMInl. IIip  Moor" 

lor   tin Bl   Hull   miilil    ho  pr...nrn.d  wim  n  linlpil  Blrp  nf  Bpp..d  nnd  nnn  Ihu 

In   nil   .'liiHHPii.   frnin   Hip   IIl'IiI    ImrnpBB  Birr  of   "Kiilinn,"    who   hprniiir   inip   of 

In  Hip  lii'my  drnfirrii.     lie  Inib  imiiiIp      iIii iBl   mi.-.  e^Bfiil  drPH  of  ii|ii...d   In 

nn    Imlrllhlp    lnipri.|.Blnli    on    Hie    Iioibp  Aiiii.rl.n    wlHl    n    IniiK    nml      fpulnrlnu 

InlriiBiB  of  Hip  coniilry  Hint  will  nev       Birliiu  nf  J:: id   bpller  irnlipr»  in 

or  he  eff.irpcl.  IiIb   crpdit.      lie   wnK  owned   hy   T.  .1. 

>lnny    other      nnd      tnlimhh'  IIobp  n  iinted  horarninn  of  I'nilfornln. 
horBrp   hnve   been   lirnncht      Into     Hie 

County  hy  dlifprent   pnrHeB,     nil     of  Aorlfilllurul  JFulru  uilh  Hucf  Irilflin 
whieh  dill  Ihelr  Bhnro  In  Hie  Inipnivc. 

...■■•.I    i.hlrl.   h.iB   heen    lirn.iulit   nhoill.  To  governor   Wrl«ht,     fliBt     IVobI. 

There   were  Btnl.lea   nt    lloekHlle.  uno  ili'iit   nl   in..  Jiiiimiin  Aki  Iriilliiinl    Kn- 

ownrd  hy  (ilielhy  c,  riieit     nnd     one  ili  ly.  In  due  the  1  redll  of  onr  fnlm,  lio 

owned  hy  8.  II.  I'nclt,  Ihnt  woro  «n|i-  hnvhiK  liilindnied  Hio  pion  anil  limnu- 



Thill  ennie  the  Btnndnrd 

I I    hniHex   Unit    linil    In  I'll    di'Vi'lopeil 

Imtily  frmii  Hi..  Hinron-hl.rP.lB  l.y 
enreml  nnd  Jiidl.l.ii-  .  ro»BliiK  wllh  n 
Mieclnl  y|..w  In  Hie  develnpnient  nf  the 
IroltlnK  liistlml.  nn.l  Hie  reBiilt  Is  the 
pr..B.  nl  dny  trotter,  with  speed  cIobp 
to  two  inlnntpfl  nnd  i-npohle  of  pIvliiK 
mil.,  nfter  mile  nt  near  HilB  niiirvel- 
oiiB  ..|l|i.  Then  mine  Hie  Imported 
ilrnfleiB.  the  .VormniiB.  Hie  lleldniis. 
the  Shlrm.  the  Snffolks  nnd  the 
Conrh  horBP..".  They  hnvc  nil  played 
their  pnrI  In  the  Improvemenl  of  Hie 
illffirent  lypeB  of  Iioib.b  to  he  found 
nil  oier  the  lonnlry.  The  fIrBl  Im- 
ported drnftern  shown  In  HiIr  County 
were  two  pnormoiiflly  IniKo  prey 
NormniiB  bIiowu  nl  tiie  llrldi-'eton  fnir 
nl...iil  IST".  or  hilpr.  They  were  own- 
ed nt  llrn/.ll.  nnil  wer.'  n  »hnw  In  theiii- 
BPliPB.  "orlh  Kolm:  u.IIps  10  bpp.  They 
were  Bonn  follow.l  hy  n  nimh  heller 
type  of  the  «nine  Inerd.  liorBPB  of  low- 
er nnd  more  l.lorky  Imlld.  heller  fin- 
ish nn.l  hpller  .iimllly. 

Ahoiil  ISiai  Wllllnm  1'.  Swnliii  weni 
Into  the  »ln.k  InislnesB  nt  Itelliiinre. 
nnd  hiilll  IIP  the  Bri.nlf«t  hrpedliiK 
PBlnhllBhiupnl  In  Indlnnn.  nnd  l.y  his 
unUrInK  energy  and  iionoyoroneo  did 



piled  wllh  Rood  horses  of  the  differ- 
ent  hree.lB  tlinl  helped  nlons  wllh  the 
growing  nnd  linpinvemriil.  |i. 
II.  Swollii  mill  Spot  Wehli.  of  nenr  .lohn  Alexnnder  of  llloom 
liiKiliile,  nn.l  .Mr.  \Vllllnm«  of  Colniim. 
nil  hn\e  slnhleg  of  the  heat  of  «loik 
Ihnt   will   plenne  Hie  iiio»l  rxnillnK. 

Aii'ong  Hip  notpd  horspB  of  llie  enrl- 
ler  dnys  were  nl.l  "It.dl.nck"  nn.l  the 
"Hello  of  Hie  Wnl.iiRli."  "Itpdhmk" 
wiiR  II  nolid  hnrsp  nml  never  wbb 
^iiown  In  tnkp  the  diiBt  from  any  rivnl 
he  evrr  met  on  the  rnrc  Irnrk.  "IipIIp 
nf  llip  Wn'.nBh"  wns  n  l.enullfnl  hin.k 
mnre  nhoiit  Bl.Meen  hnnds  liUh  nnd  of 
rn.y  nppeirnnce.  .'ihe  wnn  of  tin- 
Known  l.reedlnir.  wns  Imiiuht  hy  Hen- 
ry C.  Ilrown  nnd  Cyrns  Itoiiinln  of 
SI. HIP  llinn  north  of  llrn/ll  nml  hroiiitht 
to  Me.rn  nnd  wns  «..|.l  hy  Ihenl  lo 
.lohn  Ale.xnnder  of  Monleznmn.  She 
wna  inilned  nnd  rB.ed  l.y  .lohn  Wlll- 
iHnu  of  tli«  iiime  iilncg.     HUe     coulU 

iirntrd  the  fnlr  tyBlem  In  Indlnnn  thill 
Krew  Into  niir  iireiit  Coniily  nml  Slnlc 

The  llrst  Block  »liow  or  fnlr  Inld 
In  Indlnnn  wns  lipid  In  Iho  .oii.t 
hoiiBO  ynid  nl  Itockvlllo  nhoiil  the 
yenr  ISIS,  (iovernor  Wriclit  hud  Hip 
people  from  the  BiirroundliiK  Cniinil  « 
hrhiK  In  their  bpst  liorBii  nnd  ni'll' 
nnd  Hie  ilny  wns  spenl  In  looklnB  ..v.r 
mill  illflrnsBliiK  the  uieills  nml  itond 
.lunlliles  ..r  Hip  .llflinnt  nnlinniB 
show  II.  llovernor  Wrlitlit  hpint  tl>e 
iiosi  enthUBlnBlk  of  nny  pienent.  nh- 
Inc  n.lilce  nnd  enroiirnKeinenl  to  nil 
Ihose  InlereMid.  I.nter  n  fnlr  irninnd 
wns  r.  need  In  with  n  lilllli  hnnnl  felire 
mid  n  f  ilr  held  fnr  o  few  yenrs  on  Innd 
owned  l.v  Heneinl  ll.orL-e  K.  Hliele. 
now  km.wn  n.i  M.-Cnne  nilillHon.  .N.'xl 
wns  n  rn.e  l,.n.k  ensl  of  the  rnllroml 
on  Innd  owneil  liy  lliome  "'.  Mill. 
The.e  11...  iKiyn  met  on  Hotnrihiy  nfltr- 
uooiii  lo  Iry  tUclr   liorBci   lor  Biietil 


mid  groat  wiis  the  kooiI  natiircd  rlr- 
iilr.v  ns  to  llif  merits  nnil  spopd  nf  the 
ilirreniit  IrollcrB.  Tlio  I'nrko  iind 
V.Mip.lllloii  Auiiciillural  Soiloly  hold 
iiH  mil 8  at  .Mnntoi^uinn  for  ton  yoniB, 
lioKliiiiliiK  111  ISTiii  or  T.".  Tho  lUooMi- 
liiKdnlo  inir  wu»  hold  for  about  ton 
youm  In  Hplioor  Ihn  riM't  that  It  hull  no 
iii.o  irarli.  Tho  Inst  fnlr  was  hold  In 
1S77.  The  Intercut  In  tboroiighhred 
oalllo  loiili  Us  start  ahoiit  the  time  of 
I  ho  holding  of  our  first  fnlrs.  General 
Sloi'lo  bonghl  n  Shorthorn  hull  snlil 
Ir.  Holgh  Ivvonly  hiinilrod.  and  ho  lonk- 
I'll  It.  lie  was  a  iiinCTiricent  iinlmnl 
nnd    his     Biiporlorlty     In     appenrnnce 

Hllniiilnt II    InleroRl    In    the   brood- 

Ini;  nf  hillor  lalllo.  that  never  dloil 
mil.  Slnio  Ihoii  our  fariiiem  all  have 
oil  her  thoroiiBhluiMl  or     IiIbIi     grades 


that  look  aliiioBl  their  equat.  Some  of 
the  runners  have  at  different  timea 
had  fine  show  lierdn.  Notably  Oliver 
Sl.iiil  of  llollnndsbiiri;.  Thos.  II.  Nel- 
.ion  of  lllonmlnKdnle,  Win.  II.  Mai- 
well  of  Itnokvlllo,  nnd  .Miles  Madden 
nf  Sylvanla,  who  Is  still  keeping  up 
Ills  herd  and  la  breeding  aa  good  cat- 
llo  as  there  la  In  .\inorlca. 

Tho  brooding  of  good  swine  bad 
liopt  pace  with  other  stock  Improve- 
iiients  nnil  at  this  lime  the  entire 
rminly  Is  stocked  with  tho  heat  breeds 
of  roglalorod  bogs.  Among  the  earl- 
ier breeders  wore  Harrison  Niitgrnss. 
of  llollmore,  Thomas  and  Itobert 
llnoy,  Wllllnni  II.  Maxwell,  of  Hook, 
vlllo.  nnd  olliers  who  bred  the  I'o- 
lands.  .Mr.  Ilnllon  lireeila  the  O.  I.  ('. 
or  ('heater   Whites.     .Many  breed  the 

Jcrncy  Iteda  and  Oeorgo  W.  Jessup 
the  Ilcrlts.  Mr.  .lessup  has  made  him- 
aolf  and  Ills  stuck  a  national  reputa- 
tion, nnd  he  stiimls  at  this  time  In  tho 
front  rank  of  the  swlno  breeding  of 
AiiierloB.  having  served  as  President 
of  tho   National  Association. 

In  l.sim  came  the  rtrldgoton  fair 
which  flourished  for  twenty-five  or 
more  years,  and  was  one  of  the  best 
lairs  we  ever  had:  It  did  tiiuob  to 
Btlniiihitc  an  Interest  In  every  Indus- 
try  ciniinioii   to  our  iieople. 

Abiiut  \n"  Will.  r.  Swaliii  began 
hohling  nnniinl  colt  shows  at  Itell- 
iiioro  which  for  several  years  took  on 
tho  aspocl  of  a  county  fair,  Tlions- 
nnils   iillcndcd   llieae  oxblblllons. 

The  I'lirke  foiinty  Agrlciiltiinil  So- 
ciety  hehl    Us   flr»t    fair  at    llockvllle. 

August  II,  12  and  1.1,  18.10,  and  eon- 
tlniiod  until  l.<>fl2,  when  It  closed  Its 
gates  Kiitr  iIIl:  It  grew  out  of  the 
Itockvllle  Trotting  Association  or- 
ganized the  year  previous.  This  as- 
sociation already  bad  a  fine  balf-mlle 
track,  and  bud  held  one  meeting.  Tho 
track  nnd  fair  grounds  were  In  a  mag- 
nificent timber  refcrvallon  owned  by 
Alexander  I'liett  west  of  town.  II  was 
a  good  fair  and  was  In  obargc  of  good 
men  who  worked  hard  to  iiiako  It  a 
Hiii'.'oss.  but  It  WIIS  Impnaslble  to  make 
It  pay  expenses  and  It  hnd  to  go, 

(Mr.  I'liett  says  nothing  about  tho 
"Mircet  fain"  which  wore  hold  for 
awhile  after  the  decline  of  the  agrl- 
I  iilturnl  falra,  and  we  don't  blame  lilin 
for  keeping  silent  about  them.'i 
all  try  to  forget  Ibeiii.— I.  11.  S.) 

Park?  (Ununty  tn  tl|?  Har  for  tljp  Ininn 



Tlhiil  prevailed  In  llo.-livillo  on 
llio  t:llli  day  of  April.  1WI. 
whoii  llio  news  of  the  fall  of 
lorl  Simiplir  was  rooolvcd.  was  con- 
liigliHia.  nnd  was  Immedlaloly  follow- 
.il  by  enllsliiionis  to  servo  our  roun- 
liy  under  the  first  call  of  I'rosldent 
Lincoln  for  T.l.f"" n  to  i-erve  three 


companies  wrre  roorullod  In 
I'ono  llniilo  for  llio  lllb  Indiana  Ilog- 
mcnt.  .\  roiTiillliig  siptad  came  from 
bat  town   to  get  rooriiUs  to  oouiplete 

Co.  "I,"   IW/i   hiiliriiin  lli-niiiiriil. 

Coiiiiiaiiy  ■■('"  of  that  Itoglnient.  About 
11  dozen  of  our  young  men  enlisted 
and  went  lo  Torre  Ilniile  April  17lh. 
Tho  roster  being  almost  coniplelod. 
Botiio  returned  home.  Tho  follnvvlng. 
however,  went  with  the  Company: 
i:liarlos  !■;.  AdniiiBoii.  .Ibiiios  II.  Hullo- 
well,  .lohu  A.  I'Iko.  KiiiorBon  .M.  I'oolo. 
Jaiiioa  II.  rnliilor.  and  (ieorge  .'Sander- 
son. The  U,-glhiont  wa»  organized  by 
Coniral  Lewis  Wallace,  who  after- 
wnnls  bore  a  cnspl.  nous  pait  In  Ihe 
war,  heciuulng  a  Mnjorlirnoral.  The 
llogliiienta  service  was  prim  Ipally  In 
Virginia,  and  was  miislorod  out  Aug- 
iiBi  :i,  IHdI. 

Soon  after  the  call  for  volunteers 
for  Ihrro  months,  nnolber  was  Issued 
lor  tliroe  liunilred'  thousand  men  .fnr 
one  year,  and  was  changed  to  three 
yeilB.  The  Htb  Indiana  wnsorganlr. 
ed  iiniler  I  ho  call  fur  one  year's  aor- 
vloc.  but  wni  luustered  In  for  three 
years,  or  during  the  war.  at  Cniiip 
Vivo,  and  was  the  iirsl  regiment  mua- 


lired  liilo  the  tbioc  years  Borvleo. 
with  Nnlhnii  Kimball  as  Cnlonol  nnil 
1i:n  men.  .Inly  T>,'.l,  tho  loglmrnt 
wont  lo  Virginia,  loiiipany  ".V"  was 
orginizod  at  Ilocl.viile.  Hie  fnilowlug 
being  elected  ofrlcers :  Caplaln.  Lite- 
ion  A.  I'oolo:  Ist  l.loulcnant,  Tiiniiins 
(i.  Williamson;  2nd  l.leiitonanl.  Tligb- 
man  A.  Howard;  ist  SorgeanI,  llobert 
r.  I'allerFioii.  I'oole  was  made 
.Major;  WllliaiiiKon.  Caplnin  of  Coiii- 
piiliy  "I''."  nnd  Howard  bocaiiio  Cap- 
tain. He  resigned  and  Catlorson  be- 
came Captnln.  Marion  Kallry.  I'irst 
l.leiitonant  and  l.cvins  llostwlck.  2nd 
Lieutenant:  llustwick  was  killed  nl 
Aiitiolaiii.  Soiitembor  17.  M*rc  Marlon 
Kalloy  boiame  next  Captiiln  nnd  .T"bn 
\V.  linker  iBt  Lieutenant.  Kalloy  was 
killed  at  the  battle  of  Krcilrl.lisburg. 
liocoiibor  i:i.  ism.  and  Lieiitonanl 
linker  bad  his  log  shot  away,  nnd  tho 
rogfiiienl  lost  heavily,  .loshiia  I..  ILiys 
bioaiiie  caplaln  nnd  wns  wounded  at 
(lotlysliitrg.  Lieutenant  Baker  in 
recognition  of  Ills  services,  wns  com- 
missioned by  rresldcnt  Lincoln  a 
Lloiitoiiant  In  tlio  Veteran  Ilesorve 
Co' IS.  and  was  put  In  charge  of  a 
ward  In  the  .Marine  ilnspllal  at  St. 
Louis.  Cnttersoii.  who  wont  out  as  Ist 
Sergeant,  wns  through  proiuotlons 
commissioned  a  Ilrlgadler  (Jencral, 
and  his  dealh  two  years  age  removed 
llio  last  full  Urigadier  (Jeneral  from 
Indiana.  September  12th  and  i:ith, 
INilt,  the  regiment  was  in  the  battle 
on  Client  Moiinlnin  and  also  at  Oreen 
lirler  .Moiintnln  Ocl"bcr  .'1.  l.SdI.  whoro 
I'arke  County  bad  Its  first  soldier  kill- 
ed In  battle,  .1.  rmor  rrice,  of  nridge- 
ton.  This  regiment  also  participated 
In  the  baltlos  of  Cbancollorvllle,  Oet- 
lyBtmrg,  Sirottsylvanln,  Wilderness, 
Cold  Harbor  nnd  niiiiieroiiB  others.  At 
Anllolam  the  bloodlestjif  the  war,  tho 
ttrlgade  elf  which  it  was  a  part,  receiv- 
id  Ihe  title  of  tho  (Jibralter  Tlrlgado, 
boiniiBO,  for  four  hours  it  fought  at 
"bloody  lane."  standing  like  the  rock 
of  (JIbrallor.  nnd  loosing  over  I'lO  por 
cent.  In  killed  and  wounded.  Tlie  er- 
onlng  of  .Iiily  2nd  It  went  at  doiilile 
•  liili'k  across  the  fiohl  of  r.ellysbiirg. 
and  on  the  snnimlt  of  Cemetery  Hill 
nt  dusk  fought  hand  to  hand  with  the 
enemy  and  drove  them  from  the  hill, 
nnd  rccnptiirod  IlleflvClt's  Itattery. 
held  a  strategic  point  ol  tlial  great  bat- 
tle. It  here  cnpliired  all  the  field  of- 
fioera.  tho  colors  and  iiiosl  of  the  men 
of  the  2Ist  North  Carolina,  and  siic- 
ceodod  in  realatlng  a  flank  fire  from 
the  enemy,  made  on  the  left  and  rear 
during  tho  nlglit,     Tho  roglniont  lost 

only  Company  from  I'nrko  County  that 
Ber^ed  In  tho  .Vriiiy  of  Ibe  rotoiiiac. 
Its  Colonel-John  Coona— was  killed 
in  Ihe  bnltle  of  Spotsylvania.  Its  last 
battle  was  nt  (old  llnrbor,  .luno  il. 
bsiH.  The  day  nflor  Ibis  battle  it  wa.i 
ordered    home   and    was   luustered   out 

0  years  service  .Iiine  HI. 
being  loft  only  a  remnant 

no   hundred  and     fifty     of- 

of    its    till 
ISIIL  ther 
ol    about  one 
floors  nnd  mc 
this  company 


vho  I 

living  In  rarko  ("( 

nl  III 

7';ie  f)iil/;  Dlliccr  From  Parke  County 

Whouc  Vommisninn  Wat  fUgneit 

hy  Ahrftltaiti  fAilcoln, 

niien  this  was  written  are:  William 
M.  rlckard.  Isaac  .M.  Kalloy,  James 
K.  .Meacbaiii.  John  I.4tnoy  and  Kr.eklel 
r>.  Hamilton,  who  Is  absent  In  the 
Soldier's   Home  at   Panvllle.   Illinois. 

2IST    BHll.MKST    HKAVV    ABTlIJ.rBV. 

The  next  Company  organized  in 
I'aike  County  wns  assigned  to  the  21st 
Infantry,  with  Jaiiies  W.  .MoMlllln  as 
Colonel,  nnd  wns  lettered  "II."  The 
first  officers  were  Captain  .lohn  T. 
CauipbcU.  Ist  Lieutenant  Thomas  D. 
Ilryant.  2nd  Lieutenant  James  W. 
Connolly,  who  was  Its  last  Ideutenant- 
Colonel.  lis  last  Captain  was  William 
I'.  Wlmnior.  This  regiment  was  niiis- 
tored  Into  the  servlro  July  24,  1801, 
and  went  to  Ilaltlmore.  where  it  did 
service  on  the  eastorn  shores  of  Vir- 
ginia. On  tho  mth  of  April  It  loft 
Hhip   Island  and   was  present  at  the 

iiioiitb  of  the  solllbwost  pass  nn  tlin 
slcnmor,  (Ircnt  IIopiilillc,  during  the 
iHiiubai'dment  of  I'orts  St.  I'bllllp  and 
Jackson.  It  went  to  Now  Orleans  anil 
iiindo  numerous  fornys  into  the  Inter- 
ior, and  wont  into  caiu|i  at  Algiers, 
iiinking  from  lliore  ninny  cnpturos  of 
steamers  in  Hod  lllver.  On  tho  r.lh 
of  Aiigii-l,  ISi'i2,  llio  regiment  partlcl- 
pnlcil  In  a  severe  baltle  at  Ilaton 
lloiigo.  La.,  fighting  for  over  four 
bciiirs  an  rntire  rebel  brigade  without 
lallerlng.  Company  "II"  lost  In  this 
cngagoiiicnt  alx  killed  and  several 
wcmnded,  among  whom  were  Ist  Liou- 
leiinut  Ilryant,  killed,  nnd  Captnln 
Campbell,  wounded.  In  I''ebrunr.v, 
isii;l,  this  regiment  wns  changed  to  Ist 
Indlnnn  Heavy  Artillery,  two  ix)iu- 
panloB  "L"  nnd  "M  "  being  added.  A 
part  of  the  roglnieni.  Including  Com- 
pany "H"  wont  wilh  (Joncrai  Hanks 
up  the  .MlBBlsBlppI  lllver,  tnljing  part 
in  tho  siege  of  Port  Hudson,  sustain- 
ing a  loss  of  '2S  killed  and  wounded. 
In  March.  LSiH.  the  regiment  mndo  an 
expodillon  up  lied  lllver,  the  Parke 
County  Company  bearing  an  active 
part.  Just  after  the  return  to  the  front 
from  their  homes  on  veteran  furlough. 
In  .Vprll.  1.1(1.1.  part  of  tho  rogliiienl. 
including  Company  "II."  participated 
In  the  Invosliiient  of  Mobile.  Alabama, 
nnd  the  investnient  of  I''orts  Morgan, 
(Jnines,  Spnnlsb  Tort,  and  the  capture 
of  Mobile.  'I'lils  was  the  only  regiment 
of  honvy  artillery  from  Indiana,  hav- 
ing on  its  niuBtor  roils  from  first  to 
laat,  about  throe  thouannd  six  hun- 
dred men.  After  tho  close  of  active 
operations,  tho  several  cotnpnnlos  were 
assigned  to  duty  nt  Forts  Morgan  and 
Pickens,  in  the  works  at  Baton  Ilongo, 
and  other  points  of  river  defense,  and 
were  niuBtered  out  of  the  service 
Jnnuary   1.1,   1800, 

Those  now  living  In  Parke  County 
and  who  served  In  this  regiment  from 
July  21,  1801,  nro:  Uufna  Doolejr, 
Stephen  nceson,  William  H.  Wllkey, 
S.  M.  nerry,  Ollbert  Davis,  ,Tamea 
Havls,  W.  J.  Eaglosfleld,  Frank  M. 
Johns,  mias  Kemper,  Ooorgo  W, 
l-ougb,  .Tohn  W.  Martin.  John  N.  Mer- 
abon,  II.  M.  Buckler.  John  N.  Seybold, 
Panlel  H.  Strange,  Jonathan  Towell. 



IVo  eompaiei  wore  raised  In  Parke 
County,  "A"  and  "I."  The  firat  of- 
ficers of  Company  "A"  were  Froderlok 
Arn,  Captain:  W,  IT.  H.  Beadle,  lit 
Lieutenant,  and  n,  W.  Waterman,  2Dd 
Lieutenant.  This  regiment  waa  tnua- 
tcrod  at  Camp    Vigo,    Septembar    5, 

IM.I  «liu  rhmli-H  i-iiift  BB  ('..lonrl. 
,l„hM  ll-l.(irn.  I.I.Mili-niiniroloMcl,  nn.l 
1  n.l  -Mil.  MnJnr.  Ilinn  nilv.inclni: 
|t,n,ll..  in  11,1.  Cii.l.ilnrv.      l-lic  ofn.orB 

i.r    in iiiy    "I"    .oii.iMlBsloiio.l    ttorc. 

I'l.l.lnhi  OmrKC  llorvry.  Isl  Mnilon- 
i>ii(.  Will.  M.  (irU-iT.  ;!n<l  l.lfulonnnt. 
,li,iii.-H    li.      Iliillnnrll.     -Ilio     n-clnicnl 



(;rc-'.|i    lllicT.    wlioi-o    It     rciimliHcl      In 

,■ |,    In    u    iiilBi-rnl'li-.    unhniltliv    Inin- 

linn.  .Vl.oni  Imlf  Ihc  nun  l.rrnino  III 
(mm  .'vrnHUrc.  rcxnillni:  In  lli<<  ih-ntlix 

„r   I. Ml   In   In nn.v   "I"  iinil   rlclil   In 

1  nn.i«iny  ".V."  IicsIJcb  a  niiinl"T  « In. 
w.iT  iill.TWniils  .llB.liniT'-il  riniii  (IIj.iv 

lillllli'H   IhiiB   ImnriMl.      I  .hiiuii.i    

Ilin  i.Tlni(nl  lift  Cnllionn.  It  rnnrlir.l 
Fori  UnnnldBnn  nnd  iiariniiuilod  In 
ihiil   l.nllln  nil   llir    i:illi  nn<l   I  Itll,  nnil 

Cnnt'filrralp  uniiy  'o  Ci-ncrnl  Crant. 
I'll.nniry  i:..  IW.J.  ImvlnB  I-'  klllnil  an. I 
.v..  «  In  Ihr  Inlirr  pnr.l  of 
.MkivIi  II  nrrlv.d  nl  IMIlBlinii:  l.niidInK 
mill  "BB  cni;ni;od  In  Un-  l.iiltlo  of 
..ihllnh  .\|irll  (Wli  .ind  Till.  InalnR  JJ 
1,111. d.  11"  i.nd  I.Ml  ii.lsslnB. 
nuiniii;  I  hi'  klll.'d  h.dn::  .Miijnr  Am  and 
(  iM.lnIn  llnrny.  Th.'  roclniont  nn»  nt 
th..  Hli'i;.'  I.r  Coiiillh  nnd  wnB  n.llv.-ly 
niL-ai;..!  In  llio  I.ivUIom  i.f  Sinn.'  lllvnr. 
|i,vciiil..T  :il.  IMIJ.  .in. I  .Innimry  IbI 
Mild  'Jli.!.  l»l;l.  'III.-  rrk-liiiint  nl»..  |.ni'- 
liill.nlid  In  II..-  I.(\nln  n(  (  lilcnii.nnKii. 

.si.| , null    and    ■-•Mill.    I.xi-I.     nnd 

llm  l.nlll.s  or  llio  Allnnia  Ciinii.iilcn 
In  I.Mll.  Arior  Ihn  fall  nf  Allanln.  It 
dn.|.|..'d    l.i..  k    with    II..-     nndnr 

I.. n.l      TlniniBB      |.iiiB..lnK      lloo.r» 

arn.v,  niid  (noli  purl  In  ll..'  Inilll.'  ..r 
NnBl'.iillr.  I  i.e.. .1.01-  I.'..  Is.H.  In  J.inn. 
I.<;cj..  III.'  ictl.M.M.I  BB  pan  or  Ihn 
(■■oiiilli  Army  Coipb  Jolni'.l  iloiionil 
Mi.'il.l.ii.-B  a.  my  nnd  win  lo  ToNnB. 
wh.'io  l(  wnfl  i.iiiBl.Tod  ...11  lalcr.  Tlic 
r.  Klninnl   Biivioliicd   liiBsi-a   In   Ihc  bl-v- 


iiwnl   lo   hind   In   llio  city  or  Wllllun.   Ilrn..klinnk.  ClinrlcB  W.  llock- 

In  .Inly,   l.sii..'.  II   went  ii|.  While  lllvrr.  innii.      Ilnnry    N,      Connolly.      .lamcB 

Ihcnro    to    llch-.m.    ArkannaB.    In    lie-  Cook,    .Ini..i'«   CroBliv.      Marlon      llnyB. 

rrinhcr    It    mar.  hod    to   (Ircnnda,    .MIb-  .lan.cB    .1.    KniRlil.    U.    C.    llnBB.    Ilonry 

BlBslppl.  rclnrnrd   lo   Ili'lmn.   where  It  Sowers.  John    K.   Spencer,   William    II. 

MBB  cncaned  In  a  l.alllo  Jnly  4.  IS.VI.  Wood, 
and    ainno    Biipporlcd    a    battery    thai 

was  three  tlnicB  .haiKcd  hy  the  enemy.  I'lil    i.AiT.nv,   i.i.iiiT   Aiirii  (.r.iv. 
ri'i'iilBlng  each  allack,  and  cnptnrlnK  i. 

r.ill   nulmenl,   Inriter   In   nnnil.erB  than  ThlB    b.ilte.y    win    rerrillle.l    In    I>e- 

llfl  own.     It  Lore   a  part,    l.-dil,   ..n.l    waB   .oiiipoBril     of 

In  Iho  nBBniilt  upon  nnd  enpliire  of  men   rnii.i  dirrereiil  ConnlleB.  a  larfo 



heroli-  B.'rvlceB  hi  in,' 

\V,    II.    II.    llea.lle    WBB    cm IsBlonc.l 

Colonel  of  the  IbI  .Ml.hlcin  Sharp- 
klinoli-rK.  K'liimlnu-  wllh  llie  rank  of 
Itrevet  llrlL'ii.llcr  (innernl.  .InmoB  It. 
llallowill    WHS    Iib    Iobi    .  ohiiirl.      The 

iii.-n  "ho  ^eryed  In  Co iiiileB  "A"  and 

■T'   IhliiR    In   ..r   n.-ar    r.rUe   c.iinly 




c.innelly,  Nonal  W.  Ciininilima.  l-:il  C. 
Iliiillnin,  .I.-BBO  J.  Cl.irU.  I'rank  M. 
Cal.'B,  .Inhn  VV.  .liukBon,  Kdwiird  I>. 
l.llB.y,  Willlnin  'I'.  .M.-(Vin|il.ell,  Henry 
Snyder,  all  lliinc  In  I'm  ke  Connly. 
ThoiiinB  .1.  Ilal.lirf,  I>avld  ,1.  Unlcllff, 
at  Kln;(nmn;  Henry  II.  Ik91irIi,  Wave- 


'IhlB  i-oi-lnienl  waa  orcanl/.ed  under 
Bainc  ordeCB  na  the  .llBt  at  Camp  ViK.i, 
nnd  waa  innBlero.l  Int.i  the  Bcrvl.-o 
Seplenihrr  ■-'".  ls.ll,  will.  OeorKO  K. 
Sleele  na  Colonel  nnd  Wllllani  K.  M.-- 
Lean.  I.leilli-nanl-Colonel.  Company 
"K"  wn»  rccrnlled  at  ILickvllle.  IIB 
ofrlcnra  were,  ,lol.n  II.  Callendcr.  Cnp- 
Inln:  Wllllmii  S.  .Maclll.  iBt  [.Iclilen- 
(inl;  CeoiRo  II.  IliinBel.  'Jnil  I.le.ilen- 
nnl.  Maglll  beianie  Captain  in, 
iwrj,  nn.l  Wllllan.  Hv.ei-ney  in  Novcin. 
iK-r,  isin.  Soon  nrior  IIb  nnialer.  It 
I1...1-0.I  lo  SiHiimllle.  Ky..  an. I  Ihence 
lo  Calhoun.  Ky..  on  llreen  Klver. 
whore  II  endured  Ihe  Hoiiie  ex|io,.iiro 
III  Ihnl  nnheiillhy  locnllly  aa  dirt  Ihe 
:IIbI  revlnii'i.l.  loBlnn  ninny  from  dl«- 
caae  conlrncled  dnrlnn  ll.e  winter, 
l-'el.riinry.  I>>.i2,  It  waa  li.inBi'errert  lo 
MlBBom-l.  anil  waa  allnclied  in  lieu- 
enil  I'npe'i  iiriiiy,  enitaiilnu  at  llio 
bIcko  of  New  Mn.lrirt  and  iBlnnd  No. 
Id.  II  M'rved  nr>  dnya  wllh  ('nnimlnro 
l-'niila'a  fleet  In  the  re.lii.-tlon  of  I-'ori 
I'illow  unil  waa  tlio  flrit  Union  niil- 

^^■■"" ■"     '    •        -^ 1 





III'  Itock,  Ark.,  where  in  .laniimy, 
I.SIM,  ine  rcKlMicnt  rc-enllBled.  It  co- 
operated with  llencrnl  llnnk'B  lldl 
lllv(r  expe.lllinn,  and  was  in  the  hat- 
lle«  of  i:lkln'«  I-ord,  .lenkin'a  rerr.y, 
Cain.len  an.l  .Miirl;'B  .Mills,  wliero  on 
April  ."...111.  Ihe  InlRndo  was  fiirloiialy 
nliacked  hy  ul.oiil  ii.iKio  of  .Manna- 
iliike-a  cMvuli-y,  loBlnii  over  I'.K.  In  klll- 
I'd,  ivonnded  and  iiilBBlnR.  ,lnne  Id, 
ISiU,  the  reghnent  rrnrhed  Iiidlan- 
apollB  i.ii.  veteran  fiirloiiKh,  where  II 
I  el. mined  diinrdliiK  rebel  priBonerii  nil- 
111  miiBlereii  oiil  In  l-Sil.-..  One  hnn.lred 
iiiid  were  .aptiir.'.l  In  Arkan- 
hBB  mid  wero  .-onlln.-il  In  n  prlBon  nt 
Tyler.  Texas,  where  len  or  Iwolvo 
illt-d.  Cie  remainder  belna  relraned  In 
.Mar.-h,  isd.".,  Alihoiiiih  tlii«  rei-linent 
wDB  not  In  any  of  Ihc  bin  bnttlea,  it 
en.-onnlered  hnrdBhlps  which  teatert 
IIB  endnronK-,  in.iklni.'  |ihy»lcal  wreekii 
of  II  any,  and  the  men  of  Conipany 
"K"  wilh  other  i-o(niiiinloa,  «nw  tlio 
linrrffBl  kind  of  ioivleo. 

ThoBO  now  llvlnn  In  Parka  Connly 
nro:    L'harloa  AlUood,  John  T,  Ilrown, 

riiliiiiil   rimt    Mifhigiin   Xlitirii- 

iimnher  helnn  fi-oiii  i'arke  Connly,  nn.l 
wan  imiBlered  InIo  Ihe  Berviee  nt  In- 
dlanaimlla  wllh  \onli  S.  TlmmpBon  nf 
CrnwrordBvlile.  M  Cnplaln;  (lenrue  11. 
ilrown.  of  IndlnnnpollB.  IbI  i.ienleii- 
nnl.  nnil  Ihiiilel  A.  i'nrler,  of  Anniip- 
oIlB.  -.'nd  l.l.-nl.-nnni,  .laniiury  J7,  isirj. 
It  left  tor  Carlo.  Illlnolfl.  nnd  left 
Ihere  on  a  Bleamer  for  Criimp'B 
Inir,  Tenn..  nnd  Joined  (lemrai  I.ewla 
Wnlhi'-e'B  IHvlBliin  of  Ihe  Army  of  the 
TenneBM-e.  .Marih  .'ll.  isirj.  April  lllli 
It  went  lo  Ihn  l.ntllefleM  of  ShIInh 
ullh  W.illace-B  IHvIbIoii.  where  II  ur-  III  BiiiiB.-l.  nnd  al  el.-ven  o'.-lo.-l; 
ai  nichl  i.iove.l  liiio  i.oBllloii  In  from 
..f  Ih.-  l.-fl  wina  nf  Ihe  rebel  army.  Al 
.In.illKht  on  Ihe  iiiornhiK  of  April  "Ih. 
Ihe  !l|h  ilnlleiy  fireil  Ibe  fliBl  Rim, 
IhiiB  I.eiilnnliiic  the  Been. I  day  of  Ihe 
urrll.lo  hnllle  of  Slilloh.  laane  .Mc- 
Coy. Ihe  hilfler,  .alle.l  the  Imllery  In- 
Io anion  In  an  arllllery  duel  wllh  Ihn 
enemy  for  half  an  hour.  The  hntiery 
ndvanred  wilh  Ihe  IHvlalon,  Ihe  rnemy 
fiilllnn  bnrk.  'I'he  Imllery  ronllnued 
lo  iM)iir  Iron  hall  Inlo  tlio  enoiiiy  until 


four  |i.  ill..  Its  last  ahot  helm;  exha.i«l- 
e.l.  It  WHS  relieved.  Iliirlnii  Ihc  diiy 
lis  Blx  itiiiiB  fired  ll,-,L-  innnilB.  bub- 
inlnliiK  a  Libs  or  one  kllh-il  and  rivo 
wounded  and  five  liorB.-B  killed.  (icorRo 
11.  Chapman,  wii«  one  or  llio  wonn.led. 
This  ballery  liarllclpnlcd  In  the  sleuo 
nnil  capture  or  Corlnlh.  .MIbb.  Arter- 
wards  It  niar.hed  nnd  i-.iiinterinari-li. 
od.  .-overlllK  Ihnilaands  of  liilli-s  of 
cneiii.v'B  rniinlry.  heInK  otien  .-iiKiited 
iirnnn.l  Vli-kBlnirK.  and  nllier  plmea. 
Inrhldlnil  Ibe  hnllle  nf  Nashville.  1 1,., 
.emiiir  nnd  I. lib.  I.S.II.  Jaiimiry 
-.'illli.  Ibe  liiiili-ry  win  ordered  from 
ilnsllHirl.  .MPs..  Ihose  whose  Ihree 
yeai-a  eiillBlmiiit  linvlnR  expired  lo  be 
iiinstereil  oiil.  ll  ria.hed  .l..hnBonvllle 
on  the  TenncBBi-e  Iclver  and 
tlic  steamer,  K.-llpBe.  early  on  Ihe 
inornlnR  of  ,liiniim-y  -JT,  isii.--..  The 
Bleainer-i  Isiilers  exploih-d.  and  of  Ihe 
i'kS  men  on  bourd,  onl.t  i.-.i  i»li,piu  in. 
Jnry.  Many  were  killed  oiilrlchl. 
some  drown. d  nnd  olhen  wonniii.l. 
This  wiiB  a  lerrlbb-  affair,  iliave  men. 
who  hail  fa.eil  Ihe  en.-iiiy's  cannon, 
had  endured  all  Ibe  hnrilBhlps  of  a 
fearful  war,  w-lthoiit  a  moment's  wnni- 
Ini;  ami  wlien  boh  e  were  nsh-eii,  m.l 
drnlh  by  fire  nnd  BcaldlnR  sleani  ami 

wilier,    while    (nroiile    lo    I  heir    h e« 

aflei    three  yenrn  service. 

in  this  awliii  heiirlrendlnir  disnslei- 
(.everal  i'arke  County  soldiers  sai  rl- 
ri(-cd  their  liiis.  leaving  widows  ami 
.'bllilrcn  lo  mniirn  llieir  nnllni.-lv 
d.-.ilh.  The  men  who  serv.d  in  (be 
inh  llnlliry  IIvIiir  In  I'lirke  Connly 
when  this  wa-.  wrillen  wer.' ;  ,lanie« 
Newt.    MiCanilibell,    .lohn    II.      Tin  kiT, 

.\iiirciis  (I.  Siilll.nii,  John  Cox.  i-'iiller 
llradl.y  anil  .lanics  11.  I'illiiinn. 

linerilllu  lolds  iia.l  hern  fri'.,neni 
(.iirlnR  I.  idnmimnr,  IML'.  Six  Com- 
panics  Here  hiisllly  ro  rniled  nnd  were 
iiiiiBleied  Inlo  the  servl.-e  AiiriisI  .-.. 
\SIV2,  fur  sixty  days,  wllh  Wlllliiin  i.. 
l-.irr..w  of  Creen.-iislie.  as  l.hiileiianl- 
I  olonei.  Coniiiany  "C"  wiia 
nl  Ho.  kvllle,  nnil  Coinpnny  "ii"  nl 
Ilelliiiole.  The  offheis  of  "C"  wi-r.- 
TilRbmnn  A.  ilowmd.  Cnplaln.  .1.  M. 
Nichols.  riCBl  l.leiilennnl,  nnd  Mnd- 
l.-on  Keeiiey,  Second  Mnili-nnnl.  Coni- 
lany  "|i,"  J. ihn  W.  iliiiii|ilii  ey.  Cap- 
lain.  i;benii;er  Cole,  I'lral 
and  Saninel  Crnolia,  Second  I.leiKeli- 
nnl.  The  rcRlnirnl  afler  orRanl/nllon 
went  lo  KvailBvllle.  where  It  perform- 
rd  fiinr.l  duly  nnil  made  aeveral  i  x- 
l.edllloiia  inlo  Keiilii.-ky  in  pinanlt  of 
Uiiorrlllni.  A  iiorllon  of  Iho  reKliiicni, 
IneliidlnE  tlio  llockvlllo  Company,  wna 
ailacked  by  several  liiindrrd  reheli 
(-..nimiindrd  hy  llenernl  Ainoi  John- 
son nl  i'liinnlown,  Ky.,  Re|ilemhcr  1, 
IK.U,  and  nfler  a  fler'O  cnBnRcmont, 
laallni;  n  few-  hours.  Company  "C" 
ivlth  Iho  ollior  eomiinnlca  cnRaged, 
was  cnpliireii  and  paroled.  ImmedlalP- 
iy  reliirnliiR  lo  IndlnnnpollB  nnd  mils- 
lereii  nut.  In  llio  hnllle  Bcvernl  men 
were  killed  an.l  wounded,  among  Ihe 
killed  being  Ihe  Inmcnled  Captain 
llownrd  al  Ihn  nco  of  Iwenlylwo 
yean.  Tho  fnllnwing  llvo  In  Tarko 
C.ninly  at  this  lime:  Joseiib  C.  VIck- 
cry,  Charles  II.  linker,  Alfred  K. 
Sinrk,  ,Iosepli  A.  Tlrllton,  James  W. 
Ileadle,  William  I'.  Illake.  ilolberl 
lliivls.  William  II.  Ilargrnre,  J.  11. 
Johnslon,  ,7ame»  M.  Miller,  William 
A.  SmIIev,  r.f.rn  Thomas,  Wllllani  .>I, 

N.-,TII    BWIIURr<T. 

Tills  regimenl  waa  oriianlsed  it 
IVrre  llama  nnd  mnslered  Inlo  the 
three  year  aervice  Seplember  S.  IIV'-' 
during  a  liine  of  douhl  and  fear,  wllh 
John  I',  Malril,  Cnlnnel.  Aloxander  11. 
Crano,  Moiitonanl-Colonol,  lloborl    B. 


rj-iilB.  Aliiliir.  riiiupiiiiy  "A"  wns  nr- 
fuiil/i'il  "itii  Almrr  Kliiyil.  Caiiloln; 
■hittliili  il.  Slicrinnn,  l-'irrti  Mouti-nitnt. 
iiiiil  llc'iiiy  II.  luiirnlM.  SiTOiiil'U- 
li'iinlil.  iinil  III  on.o  iHOrcfdod  lo  I'ov- 
iiiirioii.  KciilMiUy.  Cnniimiiy  "11"  was 
I'liinpiiiK'il  nr  iMi'ii  Willi  "cri-  noiirly  nil 
iiinii  I'mko  roHiiiy.  I'roiirlii  liroolcB, 
III  'I'lTii'  lluiiK'.  niiK  .■li'ilcd  Cniilnlli. 
I  111!  Ill  l'lillli|i»,  of  .Monliziliim,  Klim 
l.ii'iiliMiniil,  (iiiBlnvim  lliilloy,  of  Mon- 
IrzHMiii.  WiiB  Im  liiBt  Socoiiil  l.lculoii- 

.Minni  Miic-lhlrd  nf  Ciiiiiiioiiy  "fl" 
MiiR  nlBii  iviiiii  Piirkc  I'oiinly.  Il«  firm 
I'miliilii  wim  inii'iy  I',  liovln,  oi'  TiTio 
lliiiiie;  llrnl  I.Ii>iiiimiiiii1,  MortiiiuM- 
Drimy.  of  lloHcvlllo,  who  dicil  AiiRiiKt 




,  xs^r^X  ! 

*  i 




.  L 

...^  1     ■■  l,J 

111,  IMll.  Ill'  woiiiidii  11'1'c'hi'd  lit  III' 
Kli.Kii.  nil..  Ili'liry  «'.  Illnvvil  Bll.T.'r.i|. 
lilK  tiilil  MB  nrnl'llli'llillll. 

II    ili(.    I'i'iii'l    iiriiiy,   wlili'li 
ii'll    liiiiu,      I'lii'    ivi.'liiioiit    wnil      llilo 

11 Ill    I  mm  nil',    mill    In    llir   Inlli'r 

l-ml  of  I'i'l.iiiiiry.  |sii:i.  wi'iit  In  I.ohIb- 

illli'  mill Ii'd  hv  luinlB  to  NiiBli- 

illlr,  ^iiid  tioiii  llii'iirc  iiiirchnd  to 
l-niiikllii.  I'l'iiii..  miri  «llli  tin'  IuIl-hiIi' 
ii.iii|iiiBi'il  or  :iMil    liiilliiiin.  JL'iid     NVlB 

inliBllI   llllH    mill    .MIihlKIIII.   Illlill'l'  I'OIII- 

Ill  or  I'ol.  .loliii  I'liliiirn.   Mni'i'li  .'i. 

ivi;:i.  Ill  TIloliilmiiirB  simloii.  I'ol.  Co 
hiirii  iiiiiili'  111!  nlliiik  oil  llii'  I'liiiiiy. 
ililvlni:  tlii'iii  linik  bi'vitiiI  iiilloa.  nii 
niiilili'rlllK  lli'lli'l'iil  I'niVBt.  Willi  rlvo 
1.1-IkiiIi'B  BlmiiBly  iiiiBti'd  l.i'liliiil  stoo.' 
iMina.  nhi'ii'  ii  di-s|iiTilH'  rialit  on- 
fliicil.  lilBlIll);  BrvciBl  hoiiiH.  'I'll,, 
l.rlciuli'  wiiB  Burrniindid  liy  an  over, 
wliiliiiliii-  loir.,  mill  .oinlirlli-d  lo  Bin-- 
Illlill'l'.  II  HUB  liB  rii'Bl  I'lir.nepiiionl. 
mill  ilip  S.MII  loiiKlit  iiiillmiily.  cliiins- 

111'.-  ri'oiil  Mini'  lIliirB  lllliliT  flin.  Tlir 
liiBBi'B  wi'io  lionvy  In  kllli'd  miil 
umlllllill.  Illllillli:  till'  lillli'il  lii'lliK  I'nl" 
liilil  ri'.yil  mill  Siiliiioii  l.ii.«k.  Aflri' 
llio  Biiii'i'iidi'i'  till'  lirk-ndo  iiinri'hi'd  lo 

runiiiiniiiii.    Till'  iiini    Biirrirrd    it- 

ilhly  ri'iiiii  liiiiii:oi'.  I'xlimiBlloii.  mid  ox- 
I  iisiii'i'  111  rnlii  mid  loM.  Tlioy  wcrr 
lilki'ii  lo  Itliliiiioiid  liy  rnll  ami  plaii'il 
III  l.llil.y  IMsoii.  Al.oiil  llio  rirst  of 
.\l.l'll  III.'  lillBoiiriB  wiTi'  rxiIlallRril 
niid  iilliilii-.l  lo  liiillminT...liB.  Miir- 
Ihk  lli'lr  niiilhlty.  llin  .s.Mli  Biirfi-rrd 
I  Vdiilllmlv  rroiii  llliiBimi'.  Bi'ViTil  dy- 
111'.;  a|..iii;  llio  iiinrrli  an. I  In  111.-  prlBon. 
Ill  .Inni'.  IMl'l.  afli'l'  rx.'liaiiBi'.  Ilin  itr- 
I.I.I  III  Hi'Mt  lo  |.-iiinkllii,  -l-i-nn.,  and 
iii.-ni:.d  111  Bkli'ii'lBliInc  until  llonrral 
MiiiC'j'B  ariiiv  Ml  l.a.k.  Apill  'Jii.  Iwll. 
I'll,,  r.  Bliiii'lil  li-ri  l.avoii.-ni'  and  wont 
In  Lookout  Valloy  with  I'oliiinrB 
lirlc.di'.  Johiod  Ilii-  'Jiilh  Ai'iny  forpa 
■ind  liiiiiioillnli  Iv  rnlorod  Iho  Allanin 
caiiipaliin.  partlclpallnit  In  tlio  batllca 

or  llPfliicra.  <'iieB\'illi>,  IiuIIiih,  iiulKatliu 
riHiii'li,  riilira  Kami,  mid  I'rach  Troo 
rri'oU.  mill  was  Ilio  ririit  to  locolvc  the 
.liaruliiK  liir.i'B  or  Iho  I'nciiiy'a  0|icll- 
liiK  rlio  whon  not  over  firty  foot  rroni 
Ihi'  ri'l.ol  rinnl.  This  liattic  of  .Inly 
■JII.  I.sill,  was  ono  or  tho  rioi'ioat  and 
iiioBi  loi'i'llik.  'I'lio  t-riiMnd  In  front  of 
I  III'  s.-.ih  uaa  pilPd  with  ilond  and 
Moniid.'d  ('..nfoilcialoB.  'I'lio  roKliiicnt 
iilBO  rmrllrlpalod  in  Iho  bnltle  of  At- 
lanta, .Inly  'JJnd.  .Novcmlior  1.-|.  isi'.f, 
IliP  N.-.lli  Rtiirtrd  with  Slipniinn's  army 
nil  llip  hlalorli'  iiiarrli  froiii  .MInnta  to 
Ilip  BPii.  and  on  llprpiiibpr  1-tli  caiiiu 
upon  the  pnoniy'a  lines  at  Savnniiali. 
.Iiiniiary  I,  l.sil.',  tho  dlilalon  to  wlilili 
I  ho  wnB  altaihrd.  wbb  tlip  first 
In  rriiBB  Into  Siiiilh  I'arnllnii,  ami  on 
I'pliniary  Isi  Blmlpd  Its  last  I'aiiipalBn 
ilii'oiiBh  thp  rarollnns.  .Mnrrh  Hltli  It 
.'iicacpd  In  a  lintllo  nt  Avpryslioro, 
.Voftli  I'arollnn,  and  snffprrd  hoavlly 
In  klllPd  and  wniindpil.  In  this  haltlo, 
liBB  than  a  month  lipfoip  thp  Bilrrpnd- 
.1'  m  Ar.poiiiallox,  llii'i'p  Inavp  hoys  or 

r imiiv  "A,"  Wlllliiiii  .Mi'l'iiril,  ,IaiiiPB 

T.  I'alinn  and  .IniiiPH  WIlllaiiiBon, 
mi'p  klllPd.  It  waR  In  Hip  lintllp  of 
lii'TiionvMlo.  at  CoUlBhorn,  ninrchod  In 
III.'  riiup'ilL-n  iiualnBl  llalplKh,  and  ar- 
i.-r  llip  BiiirPiiiliT  or  .loliiiBon,  iiiarrhpd 
I  hi.  Ill.liiii.ind  10  Waslilnt'lon,  whprp 
llip  .s."lli  partlclpalp.l  In  the  grand 
•  II. mill  down  I'pnnBylvnnIa  Aveniio. 
Kr.ini  May  l-l,  isill.  until  It  ivaa  niiiB- 
iPl'i'd  out.  Hip  loBl  In  klUe.l  anil 
woiiiidi'd  ahoiil  \:t\  inen,  pxpIiisIvp  of 
ilinsp  who  died  from  illBeasp. 

Thp  men  who  sprvpd  In  thp  S-Mh 
llpuliiipiit  rPBldlns  In  I'arkp  Poiinty 
"li.n  IhlB  was  wriltpn  iirp:  Jnsppli 
lliiiila,  Saiiiiipl  Cohlp,  -Tohn  Craft.  Al- 
rrid  Crnnipr,  -T..Blali  \V.  Mphlln,  .lolin 
T.  llnri,  .Ii.Blah  Ilpalli.  .Tospph  IIIekB. 
l:iwond  Hunt,  Wllllmii  .T.  I.oiiu'li,  .Tohn 
,«.  Mi'Cliirp.  Mnhlon  W.  Marflhall, 
llporL'p  c.  Maris,  llol.ort  Martin,  iBane 
.\.  ri.'kard.  Yanry  UlrhardBon.  W.  I". 
llodpnliaiiBh.  .laiiipfl  llllpy  Tnrnpr. 
liporup   W.    rsrliiian,   Panlpl   c.   Will. 

This  rppliin'iit  waa  orsnnl/.pd  In 
.lull  and  .ViiBiisl.  Isi^J.  when  the 
.  Ion. Is  wore  darkest,  the  I'nlon  rnri-ea 
hailtiR  met  with  reverses,  pausing 
iiiiiih  ilppipasloii  In  the  .Viirtli.  'nio 
Tlsl  leclnient  w:i»  iiiiistprpil  Into  thp 
ai'rvli'P  at  Indianapolis.  .Vngliat  IS, 
IMl'J,  Willi  Mplvllle  II.  TophiK  as  I.leii- 
li'liaiit  Coloiipl  and  Wllllniii  Conklln, 
.Major.  Company  "H"  waB  orRiinl/.Pil 
at  Mnii|p-/.iimn  Willi  Wallaep  W.  .\lc- 
cinip,  I'nptain,  WIlllniii  Kinney,  of 
.Meeen,  l-'lrsl  l.leiUennnI,  anil  ,Iaiiiea 
W.  .Mi'.Vrlhlir.  .><ee..nd  l.lpiilpnant.  Ily 
Hip  rpsk-nallnn  or  MiCiinp  and  Kin- 
ney. MiArlliiir.  wlm  lie.aiiie  Siiperln- 
iPliilent  or  the  llorkvllle  Bchools  at  Ihe 
elose  or  Hie  war.  was  promoted  to  the 
I  aptalney  In  lie.'eiiilier.  Isii'J.  'rhe 
lalp  riinniaa  llrlfrlth,  of  Mnnlpznimi, 
"IIS  Ha  Chaplain.  TIip  rptliiieiit  was 
Binl  IniiiiPdhilily  aflpr  miialpr  In  Kpn- 
III.  ky  to  In  repplllnL-  Hip  Invas- 
ion i.r  Hip  Conrpilpriitp  army  In  lo.ii- 
iiniid  or  ilPiipral  KIrliy  Smith.  .MiK- 
I  Bl  .■:il.  l.sil'J,  iwplve  days  alter  Ha  iiiiis- 
li'r,  iinlralned   In  drill,  diaelpllne  and 

Hiiin  mil  other  Indiana  leginienl  in  a 
hliiKlp  lialtln.     Tho  recliiient  wnB  sent 

to  Ken ky  lo  Kiiai'il  the  rallniail,  anil 

lie.eiiilier  J7.  isilj,  Ceneral  .lohn  II, 
.Moi'Kan.  Willi  a  tone  of  Tour  thousand 
mm.  Btlaeked  four  hundred  of  the 
reKliiient,  and  after  an  enKaitenienl  of 
an  hour  and  a  half  were  anrroiinded 
and  ruptured,  wore  paroled  and  sent 
(o  Indianapolis  and  teiiinlned  until 
Alit'iial  ::il.  isr.:l.  In  the  nioantlme,  the 
reBliiipnt  was  ehanirpil  from  infantry. 
I.prniiiini;  the  I'.tli  Inilinna  Cavalry, 
i.'omiiaiileB  "I,"  iinil  "M"  being  reenilt- 
ed  and  ndded  to  the  regiment,  doing 
Into  Mast  'I'cnnpBsee,  the  regiment  en- 
caged In  the  Blege  of  Knoxvllle,  where 
In  a.'tlve  operations  against  (leneral 
Longslreet,  it  lost  ninny  men  In  killed 
mid  wonniled.  May  11,  INiil,  It  .Inln^d 
slieriiian'B  army  In  front  of  liaTlon, 
Hiorgla.  and  wiib  aaalgiipd  to  the  Cav- 
alry Corps  rommanded  liy  lieneral 
Sloneman,  During  the  Atlanta  laiii- 
palgii.  Hip  reu'lment  |iartlel|inlPd  In 
Hip  hmllPB  of  lli'Baeea,  CaBBVllle,  KenP- 
Kiiiv  Miiilnliiin,  iil.lPil  In  Hip  riiptiire  ol'. 
.Mionna  I'nsB  ami  wa»  tho  fIrBl  lo 
raise  the  flag  upon  l.nat  Monntnln. 
Iiilv  '.'7,  iwil.  It  Blarled  with  (leneral 
.'<lonpiiian  on  his  raid  to  Maron. 
lieorgla,  losing  lim  orriccrs  and  men 
In  killed  and  wounded.  The  men  who 
WPIP  I'liplilred  by  thp  eneiiiy  on  this 
raid  were  taken  to  AnileraonvlUe  I'rlB- 
rn,  where  twenty  or  Company  "d" 
Blarved  t.i  death.  Arter  this  dla- 
aslroiiB  raid.  Hie  regiment  wpnl  with 
(Ipnpral  UoiiBBean's  i-oiiimand  to  repel 
an  InvaalOTi  of  mldille  Tenneasee,  ami 
parllilpalpil  In  a  hiitllp  iit  I'llhiakl. 
losing  J:i  iiipn  In  klllpd  and  wounded, 
lieirniher  I-",  and  HI,  l.'tiW,  It  was  In 
Hie  hnlHe  of  Nashvlllp,  and  Jnne  17, 
isir,,  a  portion  of  the  regiment  wns 
iiiiiBlered  ..lit  of  BPrvico  at  riilaskl, 
'i'enn.  Sept.  l."i,  IsiTi,  the  roBldiie 
wprp  iiiiiBlprpil  mil.  Col,  C,  C.  Matson 
I  oniiiiandlng. 

Those  now  living  In  I'nrko  Connty 
who  aervpd  In  the  illh  Cavalry  ore: 
S.  W.  Ilerry,  II.  A.  Martin.  Krancis  M, 
.la.'ks.  Itenjaiiiln  Miehaels,  Janiea  M. 
I'rnell,  Ale.xander  Sanders,  Ilninllton 
I,.  TlliiB.  (Jeorge  \V,  Thronohiirg,  Al- 
len WUllniiia,  Ile/.eklah  Wlllinma,  Wlll- 
iniii  II.  Wllllnnis,  IteaBon  IIiiBbanda, 
William  Cox. 


NelBon'B  .Vriiiy  al  Kl.bmon.l,  Ken- 
li'iky,  they  look  pari  In  a  hattlp 
iigiiliial  a  largely  siipetior  roree  or  BolillpiB.  and  It  BPpiiiPd  likp 
a  shill'-ihler  or  r:iw  reeriilts.  The  rrgl- 
1.  int  Inst  'Jl,-.  men  In  killed  ami 
w.  undid.  Inelmling  Col.  Topping  and 
Vn'm  Conklln.  Two  Imndied  and 
I'l .  nli-rivp  mrn  eseaiipd  eaptiire  and 
ihe  priBoiiers  were  parolrd,  iPtiirning 
lo  111  '  p  al  Terre  Ilmlte,  whpip  It  was 
iiorganlird.  Cnplaln  .limes  I'.ld.lle 
er  the  rrgnlar  army  wan  made  Colon-^l. 
The  7lit  lost  uiorc  uien  In  ttala  battle 

imdormlncil  by  dlscnara  eontracted  In 
the  arin.v.  Tho  lIMh.  Iintli.  117th  ani> 
lIHlh,  all  six  months  men,  wero  cnlleil 
the  I'ersliimion  llrlgade  for  having 
this  rmll  as  its  prilielpal  diet  In  the 
rail  of  l.sii:!.  Those  now  living  In 
I'arke  County  arc;  ,Iiiiiies  W,  Ileadlo, 
Ilarton  W,  Dooley.  Thoiiins  C.  Iloek- 
er.  (leorgc  Ilendrleka,  William  T.  Me- 
cniiipbell,  Clark  V,.  -Melianiel.  .InniPi 
IMtmnn,  W,  S.  Trlee,  I).  T,  Itowo,  Wlll- 
lniii K.  Sapp.  Ilcason  Tengiio, 

11. "i 


IssiiPd  In  Jiinp,  isii:l,  for 







Thil  regiment  WB»  organized  dnrlnii 
Hie  winter  of  Lsitl-iil,  and  wna  iniistep- 
ed  Into  the  service  after  Its  eoinplotlon 
at  InillanapollB.  Mareli  1,  Isiil,  with 
lloliert  II.  Stewart,  of  Torre  Haute,  as 
Coliinel.  Company  "V"  wna  froin 
I'arke  County,  Its  first  offlcera  were 
lianlel  ,v,  I'nrler,  of  Annniioiis,  Cnp- 
laln: David  rhiiiipa.  of  .Montpzinmi, 
I'li'Bt  l.leiilennnt.  nnd  John  V,.  Wood- 
aid,  Serond'iiiennnl.  Cn|ilnln  I'or. 
ler  WIIB  dlBi'hargeil  llelolier  1,1,  l.sill, 
mid  lohn  K.  Wuoilnnl  hpiniiio  Cnptain 
and  'pslgned  when  .lohn  II.  I.lndlpy 
waa  rommlBaloned  Cnplaln.  (Iporgc  II. 
Chapman.  nrst  l.leiilenant.  and 
Frank  -M.  llmvard,  Se.ond  Lieutenant, 
II  ho  waB  miiatered  out  as  I'Mrst  Lien- 
tenant,  -May  Ist  tho  regiment  left 
lamp  nl  Inillanapnlla  for  Nasliville, 
'I'piin.,  rrom  wlionre  fl  went  Inio 
north. 'rn  Alabama  and  went  on  duly 
guarding  Hie  .Mpiiiphls  and  chnrlPBlnn 
lallioail.  In  October  It  was  iiionnteil 
and  sent  to  the  front.  In  .November 
ami  Dpceiiilipr  tlip  regiment  wna  ac- 
Hiply  Pligagpil  in  Hip  hatllea  of  I'rank- 
lin  nnd  Nashville  and  piiraiied  Hood's 
army  on  Its  rctrpiit.  .\rter  the  siir- 
I'pndpr.  Hip  rpgliiient  was  BPnt  to  the 
Wpsl.  where  It  did  duty  on  the  plnlns, 
returning  lo  Indlnmiriolla  whoro  it 
was  iiiiiBlereil  out  in  Seplpiiilipr,  1.1lk°i. 
.Mlhi.iigh  Ihis  regiment  wns  ninstered 
In  isiii,  the  men  saw  hard  Borvlee  nnd 
eoiereil  a  Inrge  territory  from  Ton- 
neasep  to  Iho  lloeky  Moilntnlns.  Tho 
leglment  wns  niit  moiinleil  all  the 
lime,  iiinrehlng  on  foot  during  mneli 
of  llfl  first  service. 

Tlilfl  Conipnny  lost  n  nimihcr  by 
dpatlis  from  slrknoas.  and  one,  Sidney 
V.  Wood,  wna  killed  nt  I'lilaski.  Tenn. 
Those  now  living  in  Parke  County  are  : 
.lohn  v..  Wondard,  Samuel  Davlea, 
I'eter  Tence. 



IS  iirganlzeil  In  I'arke 
loiinly  mill  ninstered  Into  the  serviro 
at  liiillanaimlls.  August  .'.  lMi:l,  with 
Wllllmii  II.  Mull,  I  who  was  a  sergeant 
of  Coiiipiiny  "A"  lllU  Indiana,  nnd 
wns  desperiitciy  wounded  at  the  hat- 
He  of  .Vnllelmii  nml  ill8Pliarged,l  as 
Captain:  his  brolher,  David  II.  .Mull. 
Ilrst  Lientennnl.  ond  Wllllnm  II,  Kl- 
llotl.  rather  or  Wllllaiii  Klllott,  n  elt- 
i-/.en  I.r  Itorkvllle.  and  a  lirother-ln- 
law  or  the  Mull  lioyB,  Second  Lien- 
lenmit.  Septpml.rr  liltli  the  regiment 
ieri  I'or  the  Boiitli  and  renelied  Cum- 
berland ilap,  Tenn.,  Oclolier  :lil,  after 
rmlgiilng  marrhea  nnd  BklriiilBliea  with 
Hie  enp.i.y  lo  IliiU's  Hap,  where  11  wna 
ingage.l  lor  sometime  In  fortifying 
iiniiiilain  paBsea,  preventing  the  rebel 
tinny  under  IxmgBlreel  rrom  eiuiilng 
lliroiigli.  During  the  wintpr  II  endur- 
ed great  liardBliliis.  Biitrered  r..r  want 
or  rood  nnd  I'loHiing.  was  wllbout 
rations,  sugar  or  .orree,  frr.pi.pnHy 
Biil.BlBlIng  on  pnrihed  corn,  nnd  wns 
keiit  on  .luty  In  Ihe  iii.inntalna,  march- 
111:.'  nliiioat  Bhoplpaa  over  nuigh  iiionn- 
lalns.  all  of  whieli  resulted  In  much 
BhUneaa  nnd  PXhnuBllon,  .Mthnugh 
IblR  regiii  ent  parlh-liiated  In  no  reg- 
ular I. allies.  Company  "II"  lost  12  or 
I."  men  rrom  sliikncss  on  neeonnt  of 
exiioBure,  and  inany  whose  health  waa 

.Near  the  close  of  tho  year  IRIUI 
dpiipral  r.  S.  (Jrant  waa  put  in  eolii- 
iiiiind  or  (ho  Northern  -Vriiiles.  Tlio 
Coiirederiilp  nriiiliB  under  iiiiiimand  or 
(leneral  llobert  K.  Lee  were  still  hope- 
lill  or  liltliiinle  Bil.ress.  (Jrnnt  was  de- 
lernilneii.  ir  posallile,  to  end  the  war 
In  l.iiil,  nnd  arranged  to  nBseiiihle  both 
in  the  eastern  and  wealern  theatrea  or 
war  all  the  nvallable  men  nt  the  front, 
,\  Inrgp  nimihor  of  tlireo  year  men 
were  In  the  renr  guarding  railroads 
anil  kee|iing  the  ways  0[ien  for  Biip- 
pllea  for  the  armies  at  Hie  front.  De- 
t.iehiiieiitB  or  ConrnlpratPB  wpro  con- 
Hnually  tparlng  up  the  tracks  and 
liirnlug  railroad  I. ridges.  Hiiis  cutting 
off  the  food  supply  and  numnllliin 
from  the  armies  nt  the  front,  A  enll 
was  made  for  men  to  serve  for  one 
hundred  days.  Mllion  II.  Vance.  Cap- 
Inln  of  n  eoiupany  of  Home  (Inards.  In 
\prll.  isivl,  rpirnllPd  nnd  wns  rlceted 
inplnln  of  Comimny  "<I."  l.'Uld  regi- 
ment, wiileh  went  Into  eaiiip  nt  lii- 
dlanapolla.  The  regiment  left  for  the 
South  on  Mny  17th.  After  nrrlving  nt 
NiiBlivlIlp,  wiiprc  It  remained  n  week, 
Ihe  rpgliiient  wns  ordered  to  the  front. 
WHS  delrnlned  at  Ilrldgeport.  Aln- 
Imma,  where  It  remained  guarding  the 
bridge  over  tho  TcnneaBee  Tllver.  nnd' 
several  miles  of  rallix)ad,     until     It* 



III...'  .vplriM.  S.->rrr.l  lio>»  l.-f(  b<-Iio..| 
,111.1  mnl  III  II. In  riiMiiiaiiy.  I'or  111.' 
I'i..ii.|'l  n'8|.i.nv.'  TMii.l.'  iiikI.T  IIiIh  cull 
I'l.'Mi.lnil     l.ln.olli       iBH.l.'d       to      rai  li 

M.l.ll.r    I nl    ovrr   hin   bIk- 

luiliirr,  n  vole  ..r  ll...iikH' 
►I'll !..'».  ■II.I..SI'  niiw  llvliii;  111  rnrki' 
loiinly  Willi  l>ir\ril  In  lliln  rri;liiirnt 
nil-:  .Inn. in  \V.  lli'iulli'.  Wllllniii  T. 
Iliirni.1.1.'.  IVIc'i-  II.  Cnihl..  .lolm  !■:. 
lilllH.  .1.  II.  .InliiiBon.  .Mrri'.l  K.  stnrk, 
Ihiilil  SlrmiKP,  IJroi-ci-  Inrtonxioil. 
.liiiiui.    rm-liiiiill.    1 1. .soil    Wllunicr. 

Tlilh   I'.nhi.i'lil    will.  nl'Kiinlxi'il    liT 

111.,  miiiii'  inll   iiH   Mil-    i:nil.     Wlllliiiii 
II.  .Mull  riTi'iilliii  Ciiiiiiinii.v  ■■|."  wlilili 

::  .  ..  •    .1     I.,     r-.,.....       nl        |l|i|lnn. 










r^'    ■•           ■,  J- 

.' .jiiS 

nil..  «M.  11,  Mll.l.. 

i.|.i.ll»,  Uv.'iily-IHf  liiiys  rroiii  .IrriiT- 
mil  rminlv  Jiiliihii;  llii-  Cnini.nn.v.  niiil 
llii'.v  I'l.'.l.'d  M.ill.  rnpliiln.  Ixircnzo 
II.    Miilli'v.  or   .MiidlBon,    l-'IrBl    l.lnildi- 

mil.   iiMil    liii    II.      I'lissil 1,      Sccoiiil 

l.liiili'iiniu.  ThlB  rrdniciil  «nB  iiiiia 
li'li'd  Int..  Illc  K.TVI.'P  .\lny  'JU,  isill. 
mid  Ic'll  rnr  llic  Soulli.  iind  «HB  ilc 
liiilii.'.l  nl  Tiilolioiim.  'rciin.,  wlirrc  It 
ii'iiiiiliie.1  iinlll  llM-  o\pli'nlloii  of  lis 
b.tvIh'.  •111.'  i:i71li  wiia  lOiiBlniitly  on 
duly  BiliirilliiK  111.'  only  line  or  conl- 
ii.iiiilriillon  lo  IniMsporl  fo..d  niid  mil- 
uiilllon  111  SlK'niiniiB  nniiy,  rifrlitlui: 
llB  wny  lowiirdB  Atlnnln.  Tlir  \a»li- 
>lllc  nnd  Clinllnnn..);!!  rnllrond  niis 
roiiiiniinlly  iiicnarrd  liy  llio  enemy 
iiuiklnu  rnidB,  tcarin;:  up  tlic  trni'k  and 
liiirnJnL-  brI.lpcB.  The  men  who  com- 
posed  the  rear  nrmy  helped  ninko  the 
rflmpniKn  of  181^  BUeceBBfitl  nnil  do- 
ilElvo.  I'-rank  Whipple  nnd  Jliii  Pln- 
wlilille  were  In  tnlfl  roiiipnny.  Tliey 
wero  only  fifteen  ytarg  of  hrc.  a»  were 
very   iimny   who  served   after  tlio  be- 

Klnnlni;  of  the  year  ISin.  Kor  the 
piuiiipl  ii'Bpnnae  pindi.  iiiidi'r  tliln 
run,  I'reKldi'Ut  l.liiculii  iHtiied  tn  eiicli 
soldier  upon  pivr.l.iiii'iil  over  liln  bIr. 
iniluri.,  a  vole  of  thiiiikB  for  hoiionil.le 
M'rilc.'B.  ThoBc  now  lliliii;  In  I'nrke 
r..iinly  lire:  II.  i;.  .M.'lilnioii.  II.  li. 
•li'iiKili',  •I'honiiiB  llnrnBlde,  Joliii  .\l. 
I>..|y.  WllllniM  llnnl.'lil,  i:ll  Wiiidnll, 
John   W.  .Ml.'linel,   UiIIIumi   11.  ,^wiiliii. 

they   reinnlncil   until   the     war 

The   wIvi-B   nnd    liiollU'iB   of   Bnhllera 
nt   the   front   did   pnlrlolle   Bervlcc    In 

I  I'.ini 

r.  l,\ 

■IIiIb  \va«  one  of  eleven  leBlniciilB 
ortiiulz.'d  In  I.mi.".  under  the  lust  nill 
for  Kiliinl.'eiB  to  serve  one  yiiir.  Wlll- 
lniii II,  .Mull  ri'vriill.'.l  B.'teiul  from 
I'lirke  Counly,  nnd  went  lo  Indliin. 
npiilla.  Mere  iillli  Bevi'iiil  frinii  nili.'r 
Counll.'B,  r.iiiipniiy  ■•K"  wna  orunnl/.eil, 

linny  "i:,"  hoivever,  eon'ulned  more 
I'urke  loniily  men,  |irlncl|i:i|ly  from 
Crernc  ami  Inlon  Townalilps.  Will- 
him  A.  I'nrler  wnn  rnptiiln  nnd  he  re. 
bIkim'iI.  Illrniii  C.  .Mnler  was  promoCed 
rnplnln  nnd  I.eonnrd  V..  A.  ker.  See- 
ond  Llinteiiniit.  'rlic  re(;liiient  wna 
miiBlered  Mnrrh  I,  isr..-.,  nnd  Wllllnm 
II.  I'nlrh.-inkB,  i.f  Terre  llniile,  ns  Tol- 
onel,  nnd  Wllllnlii  |l.  Mull,  Meiitrn- 
nnt-roloiirl.  It  left  Immediately  for 
Nnalivllle,  nnd  after  a  few  weeUa  went 
to  lie.nlur,  Alnlmmn.  nt  plme 
the  reL'liiielil  reeelieil  tlin  Kiirrender 
of  I  he  rei.el  foreea  eoiuninnded  l.y 
llenernla  nn.l  folk.  The  reel, 
mint  waa  miiBlereil  oiiU  nt  Nashville, 
Sepleiiiher  T\,  l*l.'i. 

ThoBe  now  Ihinc  In  I'arUe  County 
are:  Xnlhan  II.  IL.wdell,  Alvln  Kin- 
ne.i,  i:|ilirhini  l.oodwin.  D.  S.  llo«nril. 
,Ioliii  .M,  Mnrlln,  J.iiiieB  It.  Morunn, 
Wllllnm  K.  I'nrenl,  V,.  11,  PoniuelB, 
Wllllnm  II.  Hwnlm. 

I'nrke  County  fiirnlBlied  for  the 
civil  Wiir,  InelmllnL-  orlclnni  and  re. 
enllalmenls,  n|.|iro\lnintely  two  thous- 
nnd  men.  There  were  a  i-onBldeinl.le 
niimlier  who  went  In  other  retlnienla 
Ilinii  lln.Re  hnvlnir  coni|i;inteB  reenilled 
In  the  County.  A  few  were  drafted 
The  ipinln  reipilred  In  furnlBh  Iib 
Bhnre  In  en.  h  enll,  however,  wero 
nioBlly  volunleerB.  This  ilemonstrnt- 
ed  Mie  i.nlrlollBm  exialinc  In  our 
Coiintv.  riie  I'VlenilB  elinreh,  na  nn 
orL-nnl7,e.llon  1b  eonsrlenlloUBly  nppoB- 
e.l  In  war.  nnd  thnt  elinr.h  linil  n  Inrpe 
meiiil.erflhlp  In  the  I  onnty,  nil  of 
whom  eapoilaed  the  enusc  of  llin  Un- 
ion. However,  inlte  a  niimlier  of 
ijiiakera  volnntcered.  Thero  wero  al- 
so a  large  of  Soulliern  ayiii- 
pBlhlzers,  w-ho  wero  meinbora  of  an 
organization  oolled  "KnlghH  of  the 
Coldon  rirele"  whoae  purposes  were 
to  aid  tlio  ronfoderncy,  linrhor  desert- 
er»  nnd  resist  the  draft.  Some  were 
drafted  nnd  either  hired  men  to  go  na 
siil.stltiitei,  or  cmlgmtcd   to  Canada, 

Sirtntnit   t'inti     Mirlii'ian    Shiirfnhnnt' 

fin.    Mnrlilllll    Un.iii.f.'l    nl    Simll- 

milrniiin.   In, 

orgiinl/atlons  formed  to  furnish  cloth- 
liiK,  bandages  nnd  other  neceBBltlea 
for  Bilk  nnd  wounded  In  the  hoapllnls. 
They  iilBO  performed  men's  work  In 
hiiBliiesB  mill  fnrmlng.  The  men  who 
r nliicd  nt  home,  na  well  na  Ihe  wo- 
men, dill  n  work  that  wiis  nl.aoliilely 

Soldiers  who  served  In  the  Civil 
Wiir,  who  now  rcahle  In  I'nrke  Counly, 
not  inenihers  of  lleglmenia  In  the  fore- 
going hlBlory,  nre  ns  follows: 

Ale\nnil.'r,  .Inlin  H.,  IMIi   In.lhinn, 

Ames,   II,   I).,    Illlh   IMiln  Cnvnlry, 

Andrew,  Samuel  II,.  l:ith  Indhinn 

Arils,   .lohn,  2.Slh    I'.   ,«.  -Colored, 

Anwny,    .Nicholas,    ITIsI    Ohio. 

linker.  John   S.,    I.Mth   Ohio. 

Ilnnnon,  Samuel  1',.  IL'nih   Indiana. 

Iliiidl.nrn,    ,Tniiieg.    lisih    Indiana. 

Ilrynii,  Ceorge,   fJ-'Ird    Indlnnn. 

Iiufflnglon,  ,1onalhnn,  iiTili  Indiana, 

liyerly.  T,  .t„  ,v.ili  Indlnnn. 

Ilollea.  Daniel.  Mst  Illinois. 

Ill-own.   Silas.   I2.'lil   Indlnnn. 

Iiiilloek.  .Inmea  P..  i:iiiih  Indiana. 

Ilogiie,   Kll.  .ITth   Illinois. 

Uyerly.  .Ldin  T..  Ultli   Indiana. 

Clark,  Kllshn.  i:ith  Kenliieky  Cnv. 

ciiaviB.  Henry.  ;:sih  t'.  s.  Colored. 

Cole.  Jiicoh  R.,  lull  Indiana. 

Crooks,  .laeoli  V..  IXltl  Iowa. 

Powd,  John  D..  RSth  Indiana.  (Wash- 
ington. D.  r.) 

Dndda,  William   II.,  Ohio  Car- 

airy,  ( Wnahlnglon,  II,  C,> 

Dunberry,  K.  A.,  4th  Ohio  Cavalry. 

UclviD,  Irwin  K.,  ]C3d  Indiana. 

Ilurlinui,  Wllllnm,    linih    Iiidlnna, 

i:iiim,   Wllllniii,  JJd    llllniila. 

riekiiB.   W.  C.,  L'lid   .MlBBiinrl. 

l'lla..|l.    Slephen    K.,   Il^tll    llllnnla. 

llalea,   ClnirliB,    llh    .Mnryhmd, 

lioBo,   .1,    M..   -.Mill    Kentiii'ky. 

tlrlinea.  !■.  .M..  TJiid  Indiana. 

Halms,    Kdwiird    .M. 

llodHon,  .1.  n..   lIMh   Indlnnn. 

Howard.  Iio.ior  s.,   iiiili   Indiana, 

lligerlon,    lloi.ert, 

Jn.ks.    I.eander,    IJ.ld    Inillnlin, 

Jnrvls.   Si'Ott. 

Kerr.  Jamea  II..  L'nil  Imlliiiin  Cav. 

Knniier.  C.   W..   LMIIi   Inillnlin. 

I.nke.  llohert  II..   Isili  Inillnlin. 
.I.eoiinnl.  .1.   II..  .".iilh   Indlnnn. 

I.ewla,    Wnnicr.   .".IkI    Indlnmi. 

I.evvlB,  Chnrlea,  itlrd   Inilhinn. 

l.lndley.  Chnrlea  W..  iiinii  Indlnnn. 

Long,  .lohn,   l»t  Tenneaa.e  Cavalry. 

I.ii..ll.'>,   win. ,1111.   Il.illi    lii'llniiH. 

.Mi-Cnnn,    l-rank,    Imii   I'eniisylvnnla 

.Mi'Klniy.  Steven  C.,  liTlh    Inrilann. 

Mr.\illlln.,    ITlh    Indlnnn. 

.Mnitln.  .toll  ]■:,  .-i7lh   Indlnnn. 

.Miirvln.   hnnlcl.  Mril   .New  .lerBey. 

Mnsoii.  i:.lwnrd,  rjiilli  Indlnnn. 

.Mil. hell.   Wllllnm,   Till    lluflnna    lint. 

.Murphy,   Cllnlon.    isih    C.   ».    (Iteg- 

.Ml. ring,  John.  Plh  Kenliicky  Cavalry. 

Miller,   laaae.  .'.Till   Indlnnn. 

.Mnier,   .lohn   T..    l:l.-ith    Illinois. 

.NewMrk.  .loel.  iVlrd  Indlnnn. 

Ilhiiier.  .lamea,    1 1  Till    Indlnnn. 

•  lawnll.  .Ini-nh,   I  lib   Indlnnn. 

I'erry.    Tollver.    Isth    C.      S.      (Ilcil- 

rylr.  (ieorge,   Ist   Kentucky. 

lienor.  .|..hTi   I,.,  ii:li'il   Indlnna. 

llogei'B,   Henry  c.,   rr.lli   Indlnnn, 

llnhiii,    II.    !''„   ,-..stli    Illlnola, 

It.inii,  .Iniiiea,  ,'l.-.lli   Indlnnn. 

Shrlgley,    Kniieh.    lL"Jnd   clliln. 

Siiillli,    .Ini'oh    I'l.,    nth    .Mlchlgiili. 

Slewiirt.  T.  C.  Till   lllilliinn   Hnllory. 

Siitloii.  John,  .sth   Indiana  llnllery. 

Sylvcsler.   Wesley,   lat    Kniiaiis. 

Siiillh,  IVler.  1.-.tlh   Indlnna. 


Inylor.  (Ireen  T.,  V.»\i  Kenlnrky, 

Tcagiie.  Jnhnaon,   l>'Jml    Inillnna. 

'I'h.unna.  Aiiioa  C,   lllh   Indiana, 

Toney,  ,lolin,  I  IMili  Inilhinn. 

Trliiil.le.  .lohn.  T.lrd  HllnolB, 

Tongue,  Cnawell, 

laelmnn,  A.   S.,    llth   Indlnna. 

Vanholt,  .lohn.    Hal  Ohio, 

Vaiiglil,  John  1!..  Sth  Kentucky  Car. 

Walker.  John  J.,    IJnd   Indiana. 

Wenver,   Sylvester. 

While.  Klljiih.  I  isth   Indlnnn. 

Wiggins,  lanne.  liTlh  Indlnnn. 

Wlninier,  II.  Cla.v,  ikltli  Illlnola, 

Wright,  II.  C,  l.TTith  Illinois. 

Wymore.  (ieorgo.   HOth   Indiana. 

White.  .lohn  .v..  TMlh  Indiana. 

Wagoner.  Sainnel.  ILIitli  ImllnnB. 

Wclla,  William,  l.<Oth  Illlnola. 

Q^i}t  ^mh  nf  tl)^  Parke  Wx^nht 


To-(taj/  let  the  hand  of  the  years 

staml  tttill  on  the  iHat  of  time:  the  cite  be  wet  with  tcar§ 
And   trhernvr  the  llatf  a/ipcar« 

l.rt  its  slniicft  timl  Us  stars  sublitiic 
<!row  fHin  with  the  grief  they  hear, 
Atui  sail  irith  the  voc  they  tocar, 

I. ft   the  streets  to  allcHce  i/lcM, 
And  the  martH  of  trade  be  still; 

Let  the  plousharcs  rust  afield. 
A)til  idle  thr  herds  on  the  hill. 

l.rt  the  toilers  for  mammon  ceaac, 
And  stand  hy  these  graves  awhile 
'Till  the  dust  of  our  dca-d  hcffiiile 

The  Hoiil  from  a  sordid  casc^ 

'Till  the  heart  with  turhitlmt  beat 
(Iroirs  soft,  and  tender  and  awcet 
hihc  dninifc   in   a   sad   retreat 

When  the  campa  arc  asleeji  in  peace. 

If  the  tiHVil  must  ring  this  tfaj/. . 

And  the  hannnrr  must  rise  and  fait, 
f.el  mil-  o  rrifniciii   plan, 

And  the  other  a  bugle  call. 
If  the  fitrnaec  must  keep  its  fire 

And  the  spiniPlcs  their  busy  hum, 
l.vt  one  be  the  haltle's  ire 

rt\c  other   the   roll  of  the   drum. 
If  the  ships  must  put  out  to  sea 

I'rom  *lnu'n   'till  the  day  is  past, 
l.rt   their  sails  like  great  shrouds  ba 

And  their  flags  half  down  (ft-r  mast. 
If  the  car  of  traffic  shall  steam 

In  haste  on  Us  iron  way:  the  pent   up  engines  arrcaiu 

l.ikr  a   wounded  charger's  neigh: 
/'or  thr  past  eonies  back  like  a  dream, 
.\nd  the  throb  of  our    hearts    should 

Like  the  hush  of  a  ffabbath  day. 

Lei   the  winds  of  the  sea  and  land 

ttlow  soft  where  the  loi'Cd  ones  lay. 
And  the  feet  of  the  yation  stand 

At  the  graves  of  her  dead  today. 
Atud  wc  who  gathered  now 

In  silent  and  sad  parodr, 
I  nrover  the  reverent   brow 

To  the  dead  of  the  Parke  Itrlgada. 

Who  shall  call  the  roll  of  our  dead 

}\'ho  died  on  the  land  and  scat 
Who  shall  speak  of    the    blood    once 

For  the  flag  of  the  slave  and  frecf 
Who  can  sing  of  the  dauntless  $oul». 

That  rallied  iindismnucd 
To  honor  the  muster  rolls 

Of  the  Glorious  Parke  Itrigadef 

Wc  stand  hy  their  silent  graves 

And   backward  look  to   the  years, 
Whrrc  the  flay  of  (Hory  weaves, 

And  the  long,  blue  line  appears. 
Wv  look  nn   that  sllctU   host 

And   many  a  face  behold, 
And  the  names  of  our  loved  and  lost 

ttn  the  scroll  of  Fame  enrolled. 

And  our  dead  in  their  blue  coats  U« 

In  the  trenches'  solitude. 
And  Am  and  Ilaricy  die 

In  the  glomn  of  Shiloh's  wood. 
In  the  buttlc's  not  and  rout 

The  soul  of  Price  goes  free. 
And  Floyd's  brave  life  goes  out 

On  the  hills  of  Tennessee; 
And  llostwick  to  glory  goes, 

From  the  fields  of  Maryland, 
.\nd  t'headle  his  last  lance  throws, 
In  the  face  of  his  haughty  foes. 

Where  the  Churches    of    Itichmond 

The   voice  of  Howard  calls 

From  his  last  fight,  gallant  slitl; 
.\or    wounds    nor    death    appalls. 
As   the  sword  of  Kallcy  falls 

tin  the  slopes  of  Maryc's  hilt; 
ind  I'ike  has  yielded  his  life 

In  the  hospitals  of  pain; 
In  the  roar  of  the  battle's  strife 
Patton  an-il   Liisk  arc  slain. 
And  Torhct  and  Wood  have  lain 
Long  years  on  the  mountain  side 
And   liryant   in  the   battle  tide 
.\nd  llownian  the  company's  guide 
(Jo  doirn   to   their  deaths  again. 

And  Itynn  has  starved  and  died 
In  the  hell  of  a  prison  pen; 
McCoy  the  battery's  pride 
Will  never  come  hom^  again. 
There's  Oicin  of  the  color  guard 
floes  out  in   the  fever's  stress 
And   llenillc  is  struggling  hard 
^\^ith  his  wounds  in  the  Wildcmesi. 

Hut  the  Itoll  of  Honor  growi  long 
And  the  story  longer  yet 
(if  the  names  we  cannot  forget. 
They  arc  worm  in  prose  and  song 
Of  the  Nation's  hero  lore — 
These  men  who  our  colors  bore 
On  march  and  in  battle  blate. 
In  the  old  heroic  days — 

Proudly  and   undismayed — 
These  men  of  the  Parke  Brigade. 

Look,  where  the  Fourteenth  burst 

The  liarriert  of  the  South, 
And  the  men  of  the  Twenty-first 

^tand  fast  at  the  cannon's  mouth, 
Lo!  yonder  in  Shiloh's  wood 

Italtery  ninth  appears, 

Wiih  Us  boyish  cannoneers. 
And  the  Thirty-first  in  blood. 
The  brunt  of  the  charge  withstood. 

On  that  field  of  hope  and  fear. 
On   Helena's  hills  arc  heard 

Thr   IhifilCH  of   'iVX 
As  the  ring  of  the  Forty-third 

Is  carried  to  Victory. 

Where    the   Southron     would    do    his 
On  the  "Dark  and  Uloody  Ground," 
The  men  of  the  Seventy-first 
Take   bullet  and  sahrc-wnund; 
As  they  stand  that  August  day 
A    bar  to  the  bloody  way. 
Of  the  foe  as  he  sallied  forth, 
To  the  homes     of     the     peaceful 

The  ranks  of  the  minute  men 

Of  the  Seventy-eighth  grow  lost. 
As  they  rally  again  and  again 

HIeeding  and   victorlcss: 
And  the  mists  of  the  battle  drift 

Hy  mountain  and  river  and  Ico^ 
And  the  mists  of  the  battle  lift 
As  the  men  of  the  FAghty-fifth 

March  on  to  the  utmost  sea. 

The  Hundred  and  Fifteenth  files 
Through  the  snows    of    Cumberland 

And  the  moon  of  a  irintcr  shines 
On   ragged  and  faded  cap  and  lustrv 
less  shoulder-strap, 

The  bugles  blotc  icild  again 
In  the  camps  of  the  Cavalry 
The  Eleventh  gives  spur  and  reign 
Through  the  valleys  of  Tcnncnsee-^ 

In  the  mountains  far-off  hate 
Lie  the  camps  of  a  hundred  dai/«— 
A  Hundred  and  Forty-nine 

Marks  the  last  of  the  long  blue  line. 
Of  the  roll  of  the  Parke  llrigadc. 

All  hail!  to  the  matchless  host, 
All  hailt  to  the  loved  and  tost. 
Who  stood  for  the  right    and    the 

tttrong  men  and  "beautiful  youth,** 

L'ndnuntcd  and  undismayed. 
The  dead  of  the  Parke  Brigade. 

Bdhms  lil|0  Wwh  tit  tl|i>  §>nmtt 

A  DEAUl  irUL  fcnluic  oi  llic  (jreat  soldiers'  reunion  in  1875  was  a  large  monument  erected  In  the  grove.  It  was  a  perfect  obellslc,  designed 
*^  by  Arcd  F.  Wliiic,  who  hnd  charge  of  the  mcmorinl.  After  the  reunion  Mr.  While  appcnrcd  before  the  county  commissioners  and  obtained 
an  order  to  hnvc  the  monument  moved  to  the  court  house  yard,  where  it  remained  until  the  work  of  building  the  new  court  house  compelled  its 
rrtiioviil.     Following  are  the  names  inscribed  on  the  monument,  which  ia  a  complete  list  of  all  Parke  County  soldiers  who  died  during  the  War: 

Iniin-lB   .\t.   Knilc 
uii.v  •■A." 
l.i'VliiB   ilimlwl.'k, 

.1.    I'l 



Caiilriin     I'oiii- 
I'ond     Motitrti- 

■I'lllrd      SiTUcj 
1.  I'oii.oral.  i( 




I'rHulc,  Cninimny  "A.' 
iinclly,     I'rlvnto.     Coin 

.Iiiiii.-»   'I-.    ('hllilrrn,    I'riiatu.      Coin. 

my  "A." 

AIm'.mii    Ilfnnil'd.    I'rlvnlc,     ('(HiipHliy 


l-iiiu-    II.    Killcy.    rrlviilc.     Coinimy 

luiMl.-l    S.    KiM'nor.     I'rlmlo,     CiMn 

111    -A." 

Wlllmiii  I..  .Mnorf,  I'riviiin,  Coiiiimny 

.liiioii     Xcnroii,     I'rlvRtr,     Cotnimny 

J(iHO|.li    W.    Drvvin,      I'rlvnlc.      Com- 



.loiii,    11    Nolon,    rrhitc, 

Hiivlrt    I!.    Ilurnoy.    f'nrriorsl,      Colli- 

iiiy  ■•!■:.•■ 

.Iiiiuoa  «'.   rmiiKtocli,   Private,     foiii- 

my   ■■!■;.•' 

.IiiKliiin    lliinipy,   rrlvntc.     I'oiiiiMiny 

.Inliii   .1,    Howl,     I'rivaio.     Coiupany 

.Inlin    W.    Mershon,      Private,     roiii- 

my   "l:.- 

.'<linnn    Sriiirt'oon.    Private,   Coliipnny 

l.rii     WInkIrr,     Prlvatr,     rompnny 

.Inincn    M.   (;aBvvny,     Private,     Com- 

liy    ■•K." 

VVKRliiiiL-lon    llooil.     Private,     Toiii- 

Joslnh  n.  Davis,  First  Bergeant, 
Company  "H." 

Dnvlil  R.  Kuhn,  Third  ScrReant, 
Company  "II." 

JoBBc  llcddlsh.  Corporal,  Company 

John  ,T.  Spencer,  Corporal,  Com- 
pany "II." 

Matthew  n.  Ayilclott,  Corporal, 
••o any  "If." 

WIlllBiii  C.  Wolfe,  Corporal,  Coiii- 
pany  "II." 

Alhort  P.  Dnle,  Private.  Company 

.tamcB  W,  Dyke,  Private,     Company 

Eriiioy,  Private,     Company 

loBlah  l.nmhort.  Private.     Company 


lernmo     l.omliert.      Private,      Com- 

Private,     Coiiipnny 

William   II.   Plielon,   Prlvnlo.     Com- 

I y  "II." 

Huvlil    ,r.   ■rhomiunn.    Private,   Com 
pnny  "11." 
WlUlniii    Towcll,    Private.    Compnny 



Willlnin  T.   David,   Corporal,     Com- 
nnv  "I." 

JeTforson     Itlshop,     Private,     Com- 

ThoimiB     .Marshall,     Private,     Com- 
piny  "K." 
Sniimcl  I,.  AniistronK,  Private,  Com- 




II.     Tliotiipson, 


puiiy   ■' 



,   KnullBh,   Private,  Coin- 
lledKi'H,     Private,     Com- 

linvlil   A.     IIobBon,     Private,     Coiii- 
pony  "I." 

Wlllmrn      llnlllnKsworth,      Private, 
Company  "I." 
■rilBlimnn   II.  KlrkpatrlcH,     Prlvnte, 
llnhcrt     McCorklo,     Private.      Com-      Company  "I." 
pany  "II." 

llnrvoy     Winkler,     Private,       Com- 
pnny "II." 
.Joseph   Ik^avcB,     Private,     Coiiipiiny 


Compnny  ' 

I'MiTii  In?!-,  Prlvnlo,  Company  "II," 
.Mliert   l„     liopoiv,     Private,     Coup 

pnny  "K." 
Hiivld    II,   (larvon,     Prlvnlo,     Com- 

pnny  "K." 
.Iiicoli  (Irny,  Private,  Comiiany  "K," 
.lolin  I",  ,In(ki,    Prlvnlo,    ('oiii|iany 


'riionniB  llrynnt.     First     Meutcnant, 
■nniiMiny  "II." 
Ijirry  Cos.  Prlvnte,  Company  "I." 

l-"rotlrlfk  Arn,  Major,  Company  "A." 
iJeorKO  Harvey,  Captain,     Company 


,lolm  A.  Pike, 
C imny  "I." 

Samuel     Itrochway, 
pany  "A." 

John   W.     Byerley, 

Soeond     IJetitcimnt, 

ay,.    Private,     Com- 

Private,     Coni- 

Wllllnm  Cook,  Private,  Company 

John  CiinnlnRham,  Private,  Com- 
pany "A." 

Corni-llus  DiiVall,  Private,  Com- 
pnny "A." 

Jolin  T.  HiiVall,  Prlvnte,  Company 

Wllllniii  M.  nimorc.  Private,  Com- 
pany "A." 

Alexander  W.  Klcklln,  Private,  Com- 
pany "A." 

Thnmas  \.  Olblions,  Private,  Com- 
pnny "A." 

Jniiies  Harris,  Private,  Company 

Milton  Headley,  Private,     Compnny 

Henry   .Martin,     Private,     Company 

.Mar.nrino  J,  .Mcl'liire,  Private,  Com- 
pany "I." 

Wllllnm  A.  MiClurr.  Private,  Com- 
pnny  "1." 

William  II.  .Mendenhnll,  Private, 
Comimny  "I." 

Jitroh   Price.   Prlvnte,  Compnny   "1." 

I-Ycdrick  Knellenharcer,  Private, 
Compnny   "I." 

iJoorgp  W.  Stiinrt,  Private,  Com- 
pany "I." 

John  VcBsels.  Private,  Company  "1." 

JamcB  It.  Adams,  Private,  Com- 
pany "I." 

Henry  Alfires,  Private,  Company 

JaniPB     W.     .MrCaiiipbell,      Private, 

Henry  C,     Nevlns,     Private,     Com- 

ny  "K." 

Lewis  P,  llosB,     Private,     Company 

llowiiian.     Private,      Com- 


pnny  "I." 

Joseph    ronCiinnon,    Private, 
pnny  "1." 

Hlephon   M.     John,     Private, 


It.     Corhln,     Private,     Com- 


William  H.  Itnrnett,  Prlvnlo,  Com- 
pany  ■  1." 

I'homas  Nevlns.  ^ 

Chcslcy  Leak. 

I,iirlen  Ray,  Rccond  r,leiitcnant. 
Company  "C." 

T??IHTY-rimi    INOIAIIA. 

(*orncllus  Donovan,  Private,  Com- 
pany "It," 

Martin  Ilyan,  Private,  Company 


"A."  David   II.  Donaldson,  Prlvnte,  Com- 

Rafus     HIzon,     Private,      Company      Pany  "K." 
"A."  William   M.   Jacks,     Private,     Coni- 

Olles  ^f.  Justus,  Private,  Com- 
pany "A." 

JoBlnli  r,oak.  Private,  Company  "A." 

Omrr  Lunger,  Private,  Company 

Dnvid  rhilllps,  Private,  Company 

jBiiies  A.  Uliane,  Private,  Company 

Henry  T..  Smith,  Private,  Com- 
pnny "A." 

Wllllnm  A.  C.    Thompson,    Prlvnte, 




Nathaniel  Earnest,  Private,  Com- 
pnny "H." 

Jolin  Pitman,  Private.  Compwny 

Oeorgo  Plekelt,  Private,  Company 

Jackson  Back.  Private,  Compan.v 

Andrew  Cnhlll,  Private,  Company 

John  Carson,  Private,  Company  "n." 

Perry    II.    Thompson.   Private,   Com- 
pany "A." 
John  West.  Private,  Company  "A." 
Dnrld  Wells.  Private.  Company  "A." 
William  Wllllnms,  Private,  Company 

pany  "K." 

Wcaloy  II.  Catlln,  Private,  Com- 
pany "K." 

llrloli  llardesty.  Private,  Company 

Kzra  Reeder,  Private,  Company  "K." 

Siimuel  Strain,  Private,  Company 

John  W.  Hoffman,  Private,  Com- 
pnny "K." 

James  R.  Iton-man,  Private,  Com- 
pnny  "K." 

Iinnlol  Copper,  Private,  Company 

puny  "K." 

Jnmes  .\.   Itarnnhy,     Private,     Com- 
pnny "K." 

l.owlB  linker.  Prlvnte,  Compnny  "A." 
Ailns  Cox.  Private,  Company  "A." 
Oliver     Jnrvls,     Prlvnte,     Company 


KrastiiB  llrnnson.  Private,  Company 

John  M.  Cheadle,  First  NerKrnnI, 
Company  "H." 

Alexander  T.  Wade,  Corinral,  Com- 
pany •■»:• 

Innlali  T.  Adams,  Private,  Com. 
pany   "(I." 

•  leorgo  Adklns,  Prlvnte,  Company 

Mnnford  N.  Anderson,  Prlvnte,  Com- 
pnny "d." 

iBnne  lllarkledgo.  Private,  Com- 
pany "(I." 

Ira  Uoynlon.  Private.  Compnny  "II." 

SniiiucI  Ilurnett,  Private,  Company 

John  N.  CballlB,  Private,  Company 

Mnrsliall  Cottrell,  Private,  Com- 
imny ■•<)." 

.Sonnan  Cartwrlgbt,  Private,  Com- 
pany "O." 

James  Dixon,  Private,  Company 

Washington  Dixon,  Private,  Com- 
pany "O." 

cimrles  C.  Klson,  Private,  Company 

Wllllnm  nraham.  Prlvnte,  Com- 
imny "O." 

Davlil  HIae,  Private,  Company  "0." 

Iloscoe  Jackson,  Private,     Company 

Wllllnm    II.  Thomas,  Private,  Com- 
pany "K." 

William  P.  Kelley,     Private,     Com- 
pany "K." 
Newlon   J.   Wilson,    Prlvnte,     Com- 
Pleasant  M,  Rolling,  Private,  Com-      pany  "K." 
pnny  "A."  William  O.  Jefrries,  Private,     Com- 

Oeorge  Barkis,     Private,     Company      pany  "K." 
"A."  Ocorgo  Hansel,     Private,     Company 

Zacharlah     Jarvls,     Privala,      Com-      "K." 
pnny  "A."  Beyborn  N,  Branson,  Private,  Com- 

Aloiander  Johnson,  Private,     Com-     pany  "K." 
Ramool  Cherem,  Private,     Company     pany  "A."  JjJ'^b  T.  Vance,    Private,    Company 

I."  ^ol""  Myera,  Private,  Company  "A."      "K."  '"■  ,„«!,»      PriratA.     Ootn- 

Atelus  Dooley,     Prtvata,     Company         R.  M.  Waterman,  Captain,  Company         Jaraea  8.  Nevlns,  Private,  Company-      """^.""'^  "•  '  "^'""'     ""     ^ 

LnrlHs  I.  KIbhy,  Private,  Company 

Joseph  Miller,  Private,  (3oispany 

Stephen  U  Mllllken.  Private,  Com- 
pany "O." 

Thomas  Myers,  P^lvst^  Company 

Jacob     Myort,     Prlvat^      Company 


Jamof     Mysri,     Private,    Company 

pany  "O," 

.rnii,.,.    >..   Ov.Ti.rii,,    I'lliulo,     foiii- 

.\i.i I',   iii>hi«.pM,   rnihi.',     roil, 

ll.l.iv     II      .■«.uic|     nuillc.    Coin- 

I.ImI^    II.    liu.'iihiii,    I'ru.ili-.     roiii- 

(M.Hii.ll.    II.   Miill.r».   I'riMilc.  roll.- 

.ImIiii     Wri.Ki.M',     rrhuu,     CDhii.iiny 

,UI"Im.ii     wlllliiiiiK.     I'lhiiU'.     <-oni- 

.h'.iii.-^    K.      c-llliiHi,      rrlwilr,      rniii. 
I'llliv    -'i." 

.ii,H|..r   .\,   rhilMliiM.    I'rlvHii'.   roiii- 
.i.'.»-|.i.  I.' II.    I'lii.ii,'     r(iiii|iiiii.v 

ll.'iir>     l:     Mllli«i-ii.    I'rlUiK'.      roiii- 

llllll.l     1.. 

l.iiwMMii    Slimlli-v.    I'llvnlr.    I'oiiipnny 

llriih.'ii   s.   stiiKi-.   I'riviiii..   rniii|.,iiiy 

.Inliii     T M'v,      I'llMili'.      Coiiiniiny 

(..OIK,    W.    \V|]«iin,     I'rlMili'.     Com- 

i-.i II    lluiiii.i,   I'liMiio.     Coiiiimny 

.V.hllMiM     .vii.irkK,       rrlMilr,       Com- 
INiM,   ■•i:." 
Illl.>    lliiniiliKs,     rrlvnic.    (■..iiiimny 

■II KH    i:.    Hlvoii.      I'llvnlc.     Con 

p.iin    ■■il." 

I  tiiiiiK    .M.    IliirlDii.    I'livnlo.     Con 

Tiltliimin  .\.  Unwind,  Cniilnln.  Coin- 
Wlllliini  i;iiyli>r(1.  I'rhnlr,  Coiiiimiiy 
lunliinilii  I'.  l,oicl.s».  rrlvnic.  Cm- 

.Miinr  I'In.Ml.  I 'iipliiln.  Cointinny 
.\  •■ 

.M.irlliii.T  n.iiny.  I'lrht  l.lonlcniilit. 
niMl.iin)    "lir 

l.liidiiR  llnllMny.  Cnriminl,  Coinimny 

.\i>.'  II.   .MiLlnr.     Cnriioiiil,     Coiii|.nny 
liii'Mi    l.iiHk.      SiTiri'iinl,     Compony 


Inlin  M.  lloVnl.r.  Minlclnn,  Coin- 
imny "A.- 

.Inpriih  M.  Iiiiiidy,  l*rlvnte,  Coiii- 
t.nny  "A." 

Wllllnin  A.  nnciiB,  Private,  roiii- 
imny  "A." 

iJrorRo  K.  Tlnrns.  rrlvato.  Com- 
imny  "A." 

l^lam  Crcwc,  rrivatc,  Compnny  "A." 


.loliii  T,  Crtnlinli.  I'rivulo,  Coni- 
|,.iny  "A." 

Clinilrii  <olwrll,  I'rivulo,  Coinimny 

.Viilliiiii  V.  Ildmirdii,  I'rlvnto,  Coiii- 
|,iii,y   "A." 

I'r.  hsl,>  .1.  i;ihi„ii-,  I'livRto,  Com- 
Piuiy   "A.'' 

Wlllinni  i:  llolBlliic.  I'rlnito.  Coiii- 
l.iiny   -A." 

rrniirln  M.  Ih'iilli,  Trlvalc,  foni- 
|.iih.>    ••A." 

Il,nrv  A.  Ja,kiion.  I'riialc,  Com- 
|.iiny    "A." 

wininni  II.  I.yoii,  rrlvato,  Com 
|.nny  "A." 

.Innir.s  T.   riiuoil.  rrlvnic,  CoiiMiany 

Wlllliiiii  (I.  .MH'ord,  I'rlviilc.  I'oiii- 
l.iiiiy  "A." 

Ihiiiy   -A.-' 

.loltii  S\^lll(llo,  I'rlvaic,  Conipnny 

.liiini.K  II.  \Vllllnin»"n,  I'rlvnlP,  Coni- 
Piiiiy   •■.V." 

i;il    Vnrk,'.  I'rivnic,  Company  "A." 

iMinlrl  l>o»doll,  rrlvnic.  Company 

I'liomna  llUk-lna,  rrlvnic,  Compnny 

.Mhdlunn  T.  Illrks,  Prlvnlc,  Com- 
pany "A." 

Amos  IIIkuImb,  I'rlvaic,  Company 

Ilrnry  llllcy.  I'rlvaic,  Compnny  "A." 

.Vrnilflrnd  Clark.  Corporal,  Com- 
pnny "ll.- 

l.cwiR  llr,,i;|p,  I'rlvatc,  Company 

.Insi-ph  ciicw,  I'rlvBlo.  Comiiany 

Sniniicl   A.   Holy,   Prlvnlc.  Coinpan.v 

Wininm  PnvlB,  Prlvnlc,  Compnny 
llionias  ralln.  I'rlvaic,  Company 
Mnrlon    JimltiB,     Private.      Company 

Wllllnin  .Miller.  I'rlvaic.  Company 

.InmcB  W.  Mll.hcU,  Prlvnlo.  Com- 
pnny "It." 

Kplnlam  Onborn,  Private,  Compnny 

Ilrnry  OBlmrn.  Private,  Company 

Znilinrlali  Itclnhart.  Private,  Com- 
pnny ••II." 

i:norli  SprlscB,  Private,  Company 

.lolin  P.  Adaina,  Private,  Coinpany 

.ToBcpli  J.  Fiverctt,  Private.  Com- 
pany "O." 

.leremlnh  Lamlicrt.  Private.  Com- 
pany '•O." 

I>avld  Montgomery,  Private.  Com- 
pany "O." 





llarvcy    Mvnns.   I'rivaio.     Compnny  ' 
"I  I." 

.lulin   II.   Woiidn.  Prlvnlo,     Coni],jny 

Alevander  \Vllt«hlrc,  Private,  Com- 
|,nny  "H." 

WcHlcy    Itrown,    I'rlvatc.     Company 

Henry  C.  Illlcy.  Private.     Company 

Cnrrlck    Coltrell,    Private,    Company 
Andrew  Mc.Vell,  Private.     Company 

llnrrlBon    Cntlln.    Prlvnlc.   Compnny 

Jniiim   C.   Waldron.   Private.     Com- 


clinrlcB  N.  Oirrord,  Prlvnlc,  Com- 
pnny   ••A.^* 

Irnn.lB  Ilomlni;ton.  Prlvnlc.  Com- 
pnny ■•1>.'' 

.Mfldlson  IIIcRb.     Private,    Conipany 

TlinmnB    IIItBlnB,    Private,   Coiiipiiny 

I.ewlB  II.  iJrirrin,  Private,  Com- 
pany ••A." 

ONK   iir.vniiKn  A.xn  rinKK.NTll    inoia.xa. 

.Mcxander  Miieni-cr,  Corporal,  Com- 
pnny "11." 

.lolin    CrenBon.     Private.     Coiupany 

Wllllnin  I,.  S.-itl,  Private. 
CyniB  Wcllioin.  I  nrimral. 
Jiiinrfl  A.  .x.iill,  Private. 
.Inlin  S.  Siiinik.  Prlvnlo. 
,l<iin<'B  Tlioiiip„m,    Prlvnlc. 
Allii'rl   H.    Indnwood,   Private. 
.In»<-|ili   Woir.   I'rlvaic. 
Wllllnin   II.   York,  Prlvnlc. 
Wllllnin  r.  c^onncr.  i  rlvnto. 
Wllllnin  II.  C,,rilii.  I'rlvaic. 
I'-rnnilB  KnclUli.  Prlvnlc. 
chnrlcB  ilrlirin,   Private. 
.Inlm   llraly.   Prlvnlc. 
Slll.lcr  il.   miller.   Prlvnlc. 
.InnicB  T.   .Monroe.    Private. 
.IniiicB    M.    .M.Cnrd.   Private. 
TliomaB    .\nlilct,   Private. 
.Inupph  W.  Snillli.  Private. 
Mntthcnv,   Sto\or.   Private, 
.lolin  Taylor,   I'rhnlc. 
Ilcniniiiln    P.  •rimiiniB,    Prlvnlc. 
riioiiia«  C.    While,    Private. 
.IniiicB   M.    lIcMrl.k,   Prlvnlc. 
.lolm    Ilond.    Private. 
J,,Bcpli    •I'onillnBon.    Private. 
.laliicB  OivcnB,    Private. 

KU:VK.\TII    IMil.VN.V  (•.V\.M.1IV. 

Sidney  K,  Wood,  Private,  Company 

.Marlon    .MorKan.    Private.    Compnny 

\K       llf." 

Tiiiarv-Tiiiaii    l^ 



II.  Connelly,     Private,    Com- 

.lolin   CralK,   Private,  Company  "It." 

.lolin  W.  l-ulwldcr.  Private,  Com- 
pnny ••II." 

Ilolicrt  Kyle,  Private,  Company 

Ainliroae  I.amlicrt,  Private,  Com- 
pany  ••II.^" 

■  ■avid  II.  .vIIIIb.  Private,  Company 

Amos  Pickett,  I'rlvatc.  Compnny  "II." 

James  II.  I'alton,  Private,  Com- 
pnny "It." 

.lames  M.  Iloddlsh,  Private,  Com- 
pany "It." 

Ini  Stilton,  Private,  Compnny  "B." 

MSTii   iNiii.\.NA  iiATrrar. 

Samuel  Conner.  Sergeant, 
.lolin  'r.   Iludd.  Corporal. 
Isaac    .McCoy,    luiglcr. 
Andrew  J.   Whitleil.   Private. 
William    .M.    l,owdcr.   Private. 
Illclianl   P.   ncekel,  Private. 
I-'rnnk   Ilrown,  Private, 
ticorpc   ItroiiRh,   Private. 
Jesse  O.   Ilavis,   Private. 
.  ThoniaB    II.    I>ny,    Private. 
Joseph   r.   rlinn.   Private. 
Wllllnm    r.   Onffe.v,   Private. 
Irlah  Iladley,  Private. 
William  II.  Miller,  Private. 
Wilson   .McCalment,  Private. 
LewlB  Itall,  Private. 

Ilohcrt  I,.  .ClulBllan.  Private,  Com- 
pany ••ti." 

.leremlnli  <I.  riBlier,  l'r|vatn,  Com- 
pany "(I.' 

Wllllnm  (Ivvlnn.  Prlvnlc,  Company 

(I.NE    III'.MIHKII    AMI    TlllltTV-MKVtj.VTII    IN- 

.Mnrlon  llcndy,  l-'lrst  MerKcant,  Com- 
iiany ••i:." 

William  T.  I.ovclady,  Private,  Com- 
pany ••i;.'^ 

0.\K        IIIMIUMI        AMI        TVVKNTr-KI.'<TII 

lieorKO  lliiliel.  Private,  Company 


A.  J.  Pa.v.  Private. 

II,  r.  Day.  I'rlvatc. 

William    Pitman.    Private. 

Ilonlicn  Hay,  Private,  Compnny  "C." 
KiniiTii  iNiiiANA  DATrrar. 

William   II.   nine. 

mBTT-Kiaat  irdiana. 
■  Aniog  Pint,  Private,  (Company  "11. " 

Alcxaniler  Plummer,  Private,  .Com- 
pany "11. " 

John  Clark,  Private,  Company  "B." 


Edmund  P.  Dcadic,  Sergeant 

Koldicr,  roll  thv  virfarii  o'er, 
Sleep  the    sleep     that     knoiot    not 
hrinm  at  bnlllc-/lcl(ti  no   more, 

/)(i;/«  of  ilanffer,  ni0htg  of  waktnff. 
In  our  («(<■•«   enchanted   halt, 
l/an'ln  uimeen  thy  couch  are  «treu> 
rmrii  ulratui  nf  mmle  /all, 
/;ciii;  •iiifc  tn  il\imher  ilciHiig 
Hnlitter.  reitl  tlii/  wnrtaro  o'er, 
KIccp  the  i/lccp  that  knoict  not  break- 
iiream  of  bnttle-fietdt  no  nxore, 
lUom  of  Ion,  nor  ntoM  of  wahint. 


l^nxiit  (Cnttutg's  fuhlir  Mm 

THAT  I'niko  I'omily  wlUilii  tlio 
Blinrt  spnco  of  twciilj  ycnrs 
Incioiiwil  fnnii  n  MildorncHa 
with  a  populnllon  of  less 
thiiii  :'.iH>,  to  [I  iinpiihillon  of  i:i. ni'.i: 
llial  l]i  point  of  popiiliitloii  It  lankoil 
firili  III  Ihr  Sintc.  imd  In  pollllcul  In- 
fliinncf  wns  first,  wns  not  dun  to  ni'- 
ilrtiMit.  It  wim  Uilp  oIhivo  nil  tlilncs 
10  lllr  rclnni'liflblc  nWlllty  of  Its  pnliilc 
men :  men  whose  ihtbcmcc  nttnictrd 
III  the  roiinty  iimiiy  wiin  doBlrril  to 
iiiiiKr  hoinoH  In  ii  coniiiiiinlty  which 
roiihl  lioiiBt  of  aiicli  puhlle  men — 
ilk-  men,  who  In  turn  nionliled  piihlh- 
ihiiiiutcr  III  an.  h  nil. extent  thiit  I'nrlic 
Cniiiity  Blood  iinelmllenKeil  ob  the  lead- 
liii:  t'oiinty  of  I  lie  .stole,  nnil  Ib  so  inen- 
lioiied  In  the  hiilliind  lln:rl(vr  of  tliiit 
peiloil.  •I'hliik  of  It:  within  n  iierlo.l 
iiH  short  ns  llmt  from  UNHi  to  the 
pi-fHent  lime,  I'lirkc  t'niinty  wns  twice 
lioiinri'il  Willi  the  nnmlnnllon  of  the 
inmllihile  for  Governor:  twl.-o  wbb  the 
niliilliliilo  for  I'nlteil  SliileB  Sennlnr 
n  1'iirl.e  I'onnly  imin.  nnd  five  tliiieB, 
from    |m;:,",  io    IS.Mi.  the   Iteiireaentntlve 



Cniiiily.  II  la  n  record  iine.pmled  hy 
liny  Coiiiily  In  the  Slate,  nnd  has  al- 
wnjB  I.een  and  always  will  he  a  BOiiree 
nf  pride  to  all  who  were  Ijnrn  on  the 
hlBlnrlc  anil  of  "Old  I'nrke."  lIlBtor 
lima  of  Indiana  when  rccoiintlnR  thn 
period  liilL'ht  well  call  It  the  llporh  of 

Piiblle  men  like  those  of  rarke 
I'oiiiity  In  ItB  early  days  start  and 
mark  llio  eonrse  and  iiieosnro  the  vol- 
ume of  ihe  inrrent  of  lis  Intellectual 
nnd  moral  life  for  ninny  nnd  many 
year«.  They  act  the  pnee  whirh  those 
iiiiiilnii  lifter  iiro  expecled  to  fnllo\v. 
TIrey  fiirnlah  the  cvamiiles  to  lie  Imi- 
tated and  emiilnled.  They  arc  the  crl- 
lerlona  hy  wlilc-h  amliltloiia  pretens- 
ions me  IO  be  Jildned.  Tliey  arc  tlic 
Blnndnrda  hy  wlih-li  llie  claims  of  na- 
plrlim  men  uro  •oiiiparcd.     They  arc 

I inn.  nf  coiir.u,  iind  subject  to  Hue 

IiiibbIoiis  Willi  oiirBelvcs;  liut  they 
lire  ao  much  ii  part  of  tlio  stalwart  and 
heiiilr  aiie  nf  local  hiatory  that  their 
Inflriiilllea  have  lone  since  heon  lost 
In  innleinplnllnn  of  llioao  nohle,  use- 
ful nnd  rohiiBt  eleinenta,  liy  wllleli 
they  lire  heat  known.  I'nrke  County 
Ib  exeeedlnsly  forliinnte  In  this  rc- 
Bpeel.  It  Bchloni  fiilla  to  the  lot  of  a 
coiiiniiinlly  to  poaseas  bo  many  of  anch 
charactera  who  horo  tlina  shaped  Its 
early  history  and  linprcssed  thorn- 
selves  on  Us  after  tliiiea  for  tho  hene- 
flt  of  the  people  nnd  for  their  honor 
and  distinction.  Tho  moment  wo  re 
call  the  aettlement  and  early  days  of 
niir  I'oiinty,  wo  at  once  revert  to  tlio 
namea  of  Howard,  Wricllt,  MeOniiKli- 
ey,  Davla.  llryani,  NelBon.  the  Max- 
wella  nnd  olhera.  who  capeelally  na 
Iccal  llKhiB  and  pilldlc  men,  made  the 
I'oiinly  conapleiioiiB  In  the  reflected 
IlL'ht  nf  Iheir  Inlenia  and  forceful 
rhnraileia.  When  the  roll  la  called 
and  tlicae  celebrities  eoiiio  from  the 
ahiidnwy  paat  the  name  of  flcneral 
TIlKlmmn  .\aliiirat  Howard,  by  com- 
mon wish  nnd  ennaent  ataiida  first. 
Ilia  place  la  iinchallcnxe.l.  A  aliidy  of 
Ilia  llfo  nnd  iharacler  explalna  at  once 
why  our  people,  of  all  claaaea  nnd 
rniidlllona,  nf  all  bccIb  nnd  political 
parllea,  have  at  all  llinea  awarded  him 
the  hlBhcat  place  In  their  nffccllona 
for  our  piilillc  man.  ThoiiBh  not  a  na- 
tive of  Indiana,  (lencrnl  Howard 
claimed  thla,  his  adopted  Htnto,  na  tho 
land  ho  lovod  heat.  Horo  was  the 
field  of  Ills  ninnbood  laliors ;  horo  was 
tlio  center  of  that  Infliioneo  and  repu- 

tation which  radiated  to  tho  confines 
of  the  Xollonnl  doninn  ;  hero  wero  tho 
personal  and  polltlnil  frlende  who  iin- 
wavcrlnKly  followed  hiB  fortune 
through  BiiiiBliine  and  storm  ;  nnd,  at 
the  close  of  his  short  but  eventful  life, 
hero  his  rciiialnB  lie  burled. 

(Tllijllimau  A.  Siintuirt) 

Tllplininn  A.  Howard  was  born  near 
Plckcnavlllo,  fJonth  farollna,  Novem- 
ber 11.  ITnT.  HiB  father,  John  How- 
nnl.  at  tho  ace  of  eighteen,  was  a 
hold  lor  In  (ienernl  Orecne's  nriny  dur- 
ing the  cloalng  months  of  the  Itovolu- 

tcllow  citizen,  tho  llon-heartod  man 
who  had  befriended  hlni  when  be  be- 
gan his  profeaslonnl  life — Andrew 

Two  years  nfterwnrds,  at  tho  age  of 
;t.^,  Howard  come  to  ItloomlnKton,  In- 
diana. Here  Ills  wife  died,  and  In 
ls.i;i.  be  married  Martha,  daiichter  of 
llavid  H.  Maxwell,  a  prominent  cit- 
izen of  Southern  Indiana,  who  had 
been  a  inciiiber  of  tho  convention 
which  drafted  tbo  State  Constitution. 
Immediately  nflcr  their  marriage  Oon- 
eral  and  Mrs.  Howard  came  to  Hock- 
>lllc.     flcneral  Howard  at  once  began 

HUMAN  A.  now/ 

tlon.  Howard's  boyhood  was  a  time 
of  privation  and  toll,  with  no  educa- 
tional advantages  other  than  a  motli- 
erleas  hoy  oiild  bliiiaelf  make— for  Ida 
mother  died  when  he  waa  hiit  two 
iiiontha  old.  At  tho  age  of  nineteen, 
poor  and  unknown,  hut  reaoliile,  ho 
atiirtcd  to  aeck  a  homo  In  Tenncaaee. 
Ho  there  loiiimenced  the  atiiily  of  law 
with  lliiKli  l.awBiin  While,  a  mlehral- 
id  ndvocale  of  Ihe  Soiilli.  ami  at  the 
age  of  tweiit.^-one.  enlereil  Into  prac- 
tice. Thoiigli  a  pennlleaa  youth,  he 
did  not  remain  liiiiu  wllhoni  filcnda. 
Ilia  Inherent  ninnllneaa  aooli  nllracled 
the  allcntinn  nf  ,lacUaon  and  llniialon, 
wllh  whom  lie  maintained  Inlimaie 
nnd  plenannt  rclallona  until  dealh.  At 
tweuty-acveii  ho  waa  ii  member  of  lliii 
Tcnneaacc  Kciiale.  repreaenling  a  dla- 
Irlrt  which  at  thai  time  waa  nlmoat  n 
wilderness.  In  tho  election  of  MV2H 
lie  was  chosen  an  elector,  nnd.  wllll 
Ilia  associates,  had  the  plcRsiiro  of 
enfltlng  the  vote  of  Tennosseo  for  his 

a  law  practice  that  hcciinio  extensivo, 
Abmit  this  tliiio  he  was  appointed  dla- 
trlil  attorney  f<ir  Indiana  by  rreslclent 
.IncUson,  who,  when  be  heard  that 
llonnid  had  mo\'ed  lothlj  Stato,  gave 
liiiii  the  office  In  npprcclatlon  of  lila 
cmlneni  fitneaa,  and  without  aollcita- 
llnii  ftom  any  aoiircc.  Tbo  tlrat 
knowledge  nnynno  In  Indlnnn  had  of 
Ihe  appdliilment  came  Willi  the  offic- 
ial CO laalon.  At  the  ago  of  ■tO  How- 
ard waa  elected  to  the  a7th  Congrcaa 
by  a  large  majority  over  a  competitor 
who  waa  nil  iiei-ompllahcd  inau  nnd  a 
popular  nralor    'I'.  .1.  llvana. 

I'revlntia  to  Ilia  election  to  Con- 
gress In  IN.'i.'i,  ilcncrnl  Howard  was 
Bciecled  to  rcpieacat  Ihe  National 
llnvernment  In  the  acltlemenl  of  con- 
fueling  rbilma  In  the  land  In  nnd 
iiltoiil  Cbicagn,  dlapntca  nrlalng  from 
Indian  Ireiillra  and  nihor  sonreci.  At 
Ihe  Cabinet  mcellng  when  till!  niBttor 
waa  under  dlariisBlon  there  was  a 
sharp  controversy   over  the  aolectton 

of  a  man  who  could  licst  represent  tho 
(lovcrnment.  President  .latkson  com- 
ing Inio  the  room  at  this  Juncture, 
BBld.  "iJentlenien.  I  will  tell  you  whom 
to  appoint :  Tllghmnn  A.  Howard,  of 
Indiana.  He  Is  an  honest  man;  1 
have  known  lilm   long  and  well." 

(Ino  of  the  moat  celebrated  of  Gen- 
eral Howard's  political  contests  wns 
that  for  tho  United  States  Scnato  In 
ls;tu,  when  his  name  was  prosentcd 
and  strongly  urged  by  the  l>eiiiocrats 
In  Bpltc  of  tlie  Wlilg  mnjorlt.v.  When 
the  contest  was  at  Its  height  one  of 
Ibiward's  Biipporters  canio  to  lila 
room  at  the  hotel  and  said,  "lieneral 
you  have  only  Io  go  to  the  cellar  to  bo 
certain  of  a  scat  In  the  Senate."  To 
which  he  promptly  replied,  ".Not  a 
drink  of  whiskey  ;  n"t  a  cignr.  I  have 
iinnniinccd  my  name  as  n  candidate; 
If  that  Is  not  sufficient  I  niuBl  loso 
tho  offbc" 

Two  years  after  bis  race  for  the  Sen- 
ate Ueneral  Howard  waa  tho  Heitio- 
iiallc  nominee  for  llovcrnor.  Ho  re- 
algned  hia  scat  In  Congress  to  iiiako 
Ihe  race.  It  was  the  year  of  tho  Whig 
revival,  and  notwithstanding  How- 
ard's popularity,  especially  In  western 
liiillana,  be  went  down  before  the 
grand  rush  for  "Tippecanoe  nnd  Tyler, 
Ino,"  the  political  ghost-dame  of  istd. 

While  at  Wnahlngt'in  on  a  iiilaslon 
for  the  iicople  of  wealern  Indiana  In 
isll,  (Jcneral  lloivard  was  seleetcd  os 
.Minister  I'lcnlpolcntlary  to  the  lle- 
piibllc  of  Texas.  In  accepting  this  ap- 
pointment from  the  Whig  ndnilnlslra- 
llon.  lieneral  Howard  went  counter  to 
the  wishes  of  his  many  frlenila  In  In- 
dlnnn, who  tbniigbt  It  meant  IiIb  ro- 
tlremcnt  from  active  polltlca;  and  to 
this  day  there  are  thoae  at  hia  old 
homo  who  declare  Hint  the  politicians 
at  Washliiglon  sent  him  to  what  wns 
then  almost  a  Inra  incognito  that  u 
I'realdentlal  pnaalblllty  might  bo  re- 
iiinved.  Ilia  diplomatic  apiiolntmonl 
I'limo  like  tho  other  Tcdcral  offlcoi, 

(icncral  Howard  left  lloikvllle  on 
llie  roiirth  of  .Inly,  IKII.  Tho  entire 
pnpiilatlnn  turned  out  to  bid  liliii  flod- 
speed,  and  hundreda  nnompanlcil  him 
to  the  river  at  .Montcr.uiua,  whore  for 
tho  Inat  tliiio  lio  nddrcaaed  hia  fellow 
citizens.  On  tho  1st  of  Aiignat  ho 
reached  Washington,  the  Tcxna  cap- 
Itiil;  liut  scarcely  had  he  entered  up- 
on the  diillea  of  hia  office  than  ho 
was  stricken  with  yellow  fever,  and 
died  Augiist  111,  1*11. 

Physically  and  menially  Ooneral 
Howard  was  a  remarkable  man.  He 
was  tall,  atralghl.  and  poaaeaacd  of 
great  natural  dignity.  His  complex- 
ion waa  dark  ;  Ida  liiatrons  eyes  and 
alralKht  hair,  coal  black.  A  prcimln- 
ent  nose,  n  large,  Impaaaloncil  mouth, 
together  with  Ilia  general  featiirea. 
betokened  Ihe  man  of  energy.  Intel- 
lect, atrong  emotions  and  yet  tender 
Bonalhllltlea.  Ilia  face  In  repoae  waa 
aad  nnd  serious,  but  when  kindled 
with  n  suhjcci  which  hrnught  Into  full 
play  Ills  noble  facilities.  It  waa  animat- 
ed, full  of  sympathy  and  power.  Ilia 
voice,  though  atrong,  was  not  niiia- 
Icall  Ills  mannera  nnd  goatliroa  wero 
nnliirnl,  nlmoat  niajeallc,  nnd  nlwnya 
Impreaalvo.  In  the  aoclal  olrcio  Ids 
manners  wero  simple  ond  hit  con- 
vcrantlon  dellghlfnt. 

Ilia  uilnd  nni  eoniprehonilTO,  itorn, 
vlgnroua,  aolfrollnnt  and  •clf-dlaol- 
pllned.  Tlicmgh  a  man  of  unuiunl 
culturo  nnd  learning  ho  acnnlred  It 
nearly  all  after  tho  eoramonccmcnt  of 


hill  luofoRBlonol  life.  Ilut  great  as  bo 
wjifl  in  llipso  FPsprctB,  he  was  yet 
iironter  In  lil»  ilmraotor  as  a  ChrlB- 
lliin.  Ilowanl  wna  a  eonil  man.  One 
who  knrw  hlni  well  anya  that  It  was 
lint  of  tlic  abiindani-e  of  I'hrlBllan 
trai'o  lliat  he  «ni  master  of  hlniBelf 
and  kept  rontflnntly  nntlcr  control  a 
BlronB.  anient  and  deeply  paBslonate 

In  private  life,  at  the  har,  In  Con- 
jd-esn,  a  Mlnisler  of  his  (iovcrnnirnt 
to  A  forelKn  SInle -tlirongh  all  lie  was 
I  he  ilevoted.  iinBertarlan.  eonBlslent 
man  iif  prayer  iind  chrlHttan  devotion 
-  unci,  having  filled  the  meannre  of 
,,n  liniiorlaiit  life,  leaving  liehlml  hini 
an  e\iiiii|ile  and  a  memory  that  will  he 
rherlnhed  liy  the  pen|ile  of  I'arko 
I'nnniy,  IiIk  iImbi  mingles  Willi  her 
diiHl.  while  his  name  and  boiiI  livo  on 
through  a  clorlmis  lnimortalliy. 

•I'hi'  lettir  of  .lohn  i'.  rnlluMm.  .<ec- 
relnry  of  Slnle,  in  Mra.  Howard  In- 
forming her  of  ihe  dealh  of  (leneral 
Howard  la  primed  In  tieaille's  IIU- 
Inrv.     The  following  letter  from  An- 


him.  lie  ociaalonally  Bpokc,  bnt  a|i- 
parently  na  talking  to  himself.  I 
conld  imly  rateh  a  word  or  two.  Onco 
or  twice  as  If  making  some  ralenlatlon 
I  heard  him  say,  "ItB  all  right— there'll 
no  en  or."  lie  Buffered  hilt  little, 
gradually  sunk,  and  after  a  atriigglo 
which  eontlnned  about  half  a  minnto 
he  o.vplred  at  1.1  nilnntoB  before 
twelve  o'clock   ,M. 

Iir.  Mill,  (Secretary  of  War,)  Dr. 
Heard  and  several  of  the  gentlemen 
were  with  hliii  when  he  died.  During 
his  sIcknesB  he  received  every  atten- 
tion friim  the  family  where  lie  reilil- 

nf  Sin 


for  th. 
•r     beer 

piiiiliHlp'il,  and  IB  given  here  In  full. 
,\h»eli  .lonca  lived  llillll  Iwn  years 
ago.  lie  «0B  Hie  Bilhlrcl  of  editorial 
cninmenl  by  Wllllniii  .1.  Iiryan  In  the 
fomiiintirr.  by  reason  of  Ills  advanced 
age  i,ml  unimpaired  mcninllly  to  the 
day  of  hiB  ileal h  : 


Iii(;.  IN.  istl. 

.Madnni  ; 

llefnrc  ihiB  eomcB  In  Irind  yon  will 
priilmlily  have  received  through  the 
ledliilH  of  Ihe  pnlillc  papers  the 
iniirnrni  inlelllgence  of  the  Blcknesa 
(id  death  of  .lonr  linshand,  Oneral 
'rilghmnn  \.  Howard.  The  absence  of 
■  President  of  Texas,  (ieneral  Sam 
inslon,  the  only  old  mipinlntancc  of 
neral  HoMard's,  resident  here,  has 
inlvcd  upon  me  the  painful  duty  of 

II nlcating  to  yon  the  particulars 

part,  of  this  distressing  event,  and 
some  clreumslanceB  connected  with 

I  Siiluiday,  the  KUh  Insl.,  I  called 
ippolntiiient  on  him  and  wo  rode 
Icigcllier  about  half  a  mile  to  see  Dr. 
Hill.  I  Ihe  Secretary  of  War.)  with 
III  be  had  projected  an  c.venrslon 
nf  ahniil  a  hundred  miles  Into  tho  In- 
ir  of  Iho  coiinlry.  Ho  was  then 
I'lalning  Bllgblly  of  indisposition, 
particularly  of  pain  In  tho  neck  and 
ildeiB.  10  which  he  remarked  he 
bad  been  before  subject.  The  next  day 
iSundiiyi  he  sent  fur  imc  to  visit  hlui 
ut  Mr,  Tastiuhan's,  where  he  Urcd.  It 
was  about  nild-day  when  I  received 
IiIb  message  and  I  immediately  rode 
over  and  called  on  htm.  It  was  about 
one  o'clock  p.  m.  when  I  arrived.  I 
found  hlin  In  lied  wrapped  In  his  rlonk 
(omplalning  of  sensiitlons  of  chilli- 
nesB  pains  In  the  hack  and  head  and 
aymplMina  of  fever.  He  said  he  did 
nol  know  wl.elher  he  was  going  to  bo 
Bid;  or  not;  Hint  he  had  fri>|uenHy 
liefoie  bad  chlllfl  and  fever  at  home, 
anil  Hint  perhaps  his  present  nttiick 
was  nnlhing  more,  bnt  that.  Inasmuch 
SB  he  was  a  atranger  to  the  cllmalo 
and  Us  dlseaHes,  he  bad  sent  for  mo 
In  examine  bis  situation  and  to  ad- 
1  Ise  hliii  In  regard  to  sending  for  a 
pbyslrlan.  I  told  hlin  I  thought  It 
would  lie  p.iident  to  Bend  at  onco  for  a 
|ihy«lclan.  He  snid  Dr.  Heard,  of 
WiiBlilngliin,  had  been  reeoinnicnded 
to  him  while  at  tJoIveston,  and  upon 
iiiy  approval  of  Iho  "hoieo  tbiB  gentle- 
man was  rent  for.  Itelonging  to  tho 
profoBslon  inyBCIf,  and  having  former- 
ly had  much  experience  In  the  dlB- 
jeaBCs  of  Iho  South,  holh  In  New  Or- 
jlenns  and  thlB  country,  I  at  once  felt 
(nlarm  for  IiIb  situation.  I  took  care, 
however,   to   conceal    my   fears.   Wait- 

ing Iho  arrival  of  Dr.  Heard  I  pre- 
scribed such  remedies  as  the  case  rc- 
ipilred.  Dr.  Heard  arrived  about  (I 
o'clock  In  the  evening,  when  I  gave 
bim  my  opinion  of  his  (flencral  How- 
ard's) ciiBC.  Informed  him  what  had 
been  done,  reuuested  bIm  to  stay  the 
night  and  promised  that  I  would  re- 
turn again  and  consiiU  fnrlher  with 
lilni  in  tho  morning:  which  was  done. 
During  the  day  on  Monday  1  was 
iiiuch  with  r.eneral  Howard.  On  Tues- 
day the  same.  This  day  his  fever 
abated  and  no  all  had  confident  hopes 
of  Ilia  recovery.  On  Wednesday  he  was 


au  well  ttiat  be  sal  viii,  sbaved  biiu- 
bctf,  and  was  to  all  appearaQCo,  and  as 
be  bliuself  thougbt  conralesceDt.  Tbo 
only  unfavorable  flymiitoin  whlcb  re- 
mained wiii  an  Irritability  of  tbe 
stonmrb  whl.h  showed  Itself  In  n  dis- 
Rlilllty  to  rotnin  tlio  Icnat  nourish- 
mont.  About  niblnlght.  however,  an 
unrnvorahio  chnnirc  took  place.  lie 
lomplainnl  of  o.xcnirlntlnK  pajnH  In 
tho  8(onmcU  nml  thoiiKht  he  wak  gohifi 
to  die.  Wo  wiiB  (lipped  and  n  larKC 
blister  applied,  when  he  becniiio  cnp- 
ier.  On  Tiuira.lay  a  little  past  m.on 
linvinc  bad  o  return  of  (ho  pains  of 
llio  previous  nlirlit— voiiiitlnR  took 
plare  an<I  about  a  <piart  of  dark  fluid 
was  thrown  off  from  tho  stomach.  The 
pain  Biilislded,  Iml  wc  abandoned  all 
hope.  Tlie  "blaeU  vomit"  could  not  bo 
mlRtakon.  From  this  timo  he  rapid- 
ly sank.  On  Triday  niornlnK  about  8 
o'clock  I  called  to  see  him  for,  as  It 
proved,  the  last  time.  When  I  enter- 
c<l  bis  room  he,  ns  t  thought,  recog- 
nized mo,  and  extended  bis  hand 
which  I  took,  and  upon  my  asking  hiui 
how  he  felt  be  said  feebly,  "pretty 
well."  and  added  In  a  tone  scarcely 
audible,  "Everything  has  been  done." 
These  were  tbe  last  coherent  words 
lie  spoke.    I  continued  constantly  with 


ed  and  from  tbo  cltlzeuti  of  the  DClgli- 
borbood.  Nothing  was  omitted,  which 
could  be  done  for  his  comfort.  He 
frequently  spoke  of  his  wife  and  fam- 
ily. There  was,  however,  no  partic- 
ular mcflfliiKe  left  by  hlui.  lie  did  not 
tliink  lilmsclf  dangerously  111,  and  af- 
ter tho  fatal  symptoms  appeared  bis 
mind  l>e(amo  wandering,  and  his  rea- 
Ron  wholly  impaired. 

lie  was  Imrled  on  .Saturday,  between 
tiie  hours  of  I'J  .M  ami  1  :(H>  V.  M.,  In 
II  private  Imrylng  proimd  near  where 
he  rcRlded.  The  Hcv.  Mr.  Tryon  of 
tlio  llaritlst  cliunh  and  tho  Ilev.  Mr. 
Krnney  of  tho  Methodist  church  per- 
loruicfl  tlio  religious  ceremonies,  and 
a  very  unusually  large  concourso  of 
our  cltlr.ens  were  In  attendance. 

Tlio  coffin  was  enclosed  In  a  sar- 
cophngUB  of  cedar  wood  in  order  that 
should  it  lie  tho  wlsli  of  his  friends 
Iho  body  can  bo  at  any  future  tlnio 
<X)nveniontIy  removed. 

On  MondAy  before  his  death,  while 
In  ronversatlon  with  him,  he  remark- 
ed that  he  had  commenced  a  letter  to 
yon  tbe  day  previous,  but  that  he 
would  wait  until  he  recovered  before 
he  finished  It  After  his  death  this 
unfinished  letter  was  found.  I  have 
sealed  K  and  enclose  It  70a  herewith. 

I  also  send  enclosed  some  of  his 
hair,  which  was  cut  off  after  his 
doiith  for  this  puriioso, 

n.  I).  Cruinpler.  Kb*).,  a  rcspoctaldo 
maglBirato  of  this  placo  at  my  rcquost 
In  presence  of  tho  Itcv.  Mr.  Tryon, 
Itr.  T.  <J.  Heard  and  Mr.  Tnylor,  took 
fin  Inventory  of  tho  valuables,  money 
and  other  properly  In  (Jcncrsl  How- 
ard's poeaesslon  at  the  tluio  of  his 
death.  A  copy  of  this  Inventory  Is 
likewise  encloaed.  Tho  vnluahlcs  and 
money  were  taken  Into  tlio  care  of  Mr. 
Crumpler  for  safe  keeping.  The 
trunk.  Ac.,  with  the  clothing  wore  loft 
In  tbo  charge  of  tho  family  wUU 
Vl^cb   lio  resided. 

The  private  papers  wore  put  In  the 
trunk.  Tho  jiuhllc  Archives  sealod 
and  put  wltli  thorn, 

I  wrlto  tills  In  somo  haste,  and 
thorcforo  have  to  reiiuest  you  will  ox* 
cuse  tlio  unsatlBfactory  character  of 
tlie  details  which  It  contnlns.  I  shall 
readily  eouiruunlcato  any  further  par* 
tlcplars  you  nmy  wish  as  far  as  may 
I'P  In  luy  [lOwer  and  answer  anV  In* 
quirlcB,  nnd  any  scrvlco  I  can  render, 
you  will  piciiso  comniand, 

With  tho  most  profound  rcspoct 

Vour  olwdlcnt  servant, 

ANHON  joni:h. 

The  Hvrrctnru  of  Rtatc  nf  Iha  lirpub- 

lie  of  Tcxag, 
To  Mra.  TUghman  A,  Howard,  Uoeh 
vlUv,  Indiana. 

^aaciil}  A.  Wt\i}\)t 

The  next  in  order  of  prominence  Is 
tho  name  of  Josepli  A.  Wright.  Ills 
early  years  were  spent  ui»on  a  hack' 
wooilB  farm,  and  ho  wns  compelled  to 
rely  mainly  upon  his  own  exertions. 
He  becan  life  as  a  farm  laborer,  and 
by  overwork  earned  tlio  means  to  buy 
a  few  hooks.  What  education  ho  re- 
ceived at  srliool  was  partlnlly  paid  for 
by  bis  services  as  Janitor.  At  what 
timo  ho  learned  bis  trade — that  of  a 
brickmason — wc  can  not  Bay,  hut  It 
was  learned  and  followed  to  somo  ox> 
tent.  There  were  chlnmeys  In  Hook- 
ville,  standing  solidly  nnd  substan- 
tially, until  twenty  years  ago,  that 
were  built  by  Joseph  A.  Wright.  After 
preparing  bluiBolf  for  tbo  practice,  ho 
removed  to  Itockvlllo  and  finally  bo* 
camo  a  partner  of  (leneral  Howard. 
In  18n.T  he  was  elected  to  tho  State 
Loglslature,  nud  attracted  attention 
by  his  qualities  as  a  public  spoakor 
and  thorough  nmnner  of  huslness,  Tho 
first  ineasuro  be  Introduced  was  a  bill 
allowing  each  County  to  send  one 
student  free  of  charge  to  tbe  State 
University,  then  just  established. 

Like  Howard,  Wright  was  a  con- 
stant and  warm  patron  of  institutions 
of  learning.  He  was  an  active  trustee 
of  Indiana  Astiury  Unlvcrflity  for  tho 
most  of  ttio  tluiQ  up  to  his  ftp]>olntment 
as  Minister  to  Prussia.  In  1840  ho 
was  elected  to  tbo  ^tato  Sennto,  and 
throe  yeors  afterwards  was  elected  to 
Congress  from  this  district,  which  bo 
represented  several  times.  In  194ft  ho 
wns  elected  Governor  of  Indiana,  run- 
ning largely  ahead  of  his  ticket  In  tho 
potltlral  race  for  that  i>osltlon.  At  tbo 
expiration  of  his  term  ho  wne  re- 
elected, again  loaning  his  tickot  by  a 
largo  vote.  Governor  Wright  was  the 
last  nian  to  hold  ofrioo  two  torms.  and 
he  was  Oovornor  for  a  longer  period 
than  any  other  man  who  has  held  that 
office.  Shortly  after  tho  expiration  of 
bis  second  term,  having  achieved  a 
National  reputation  for  energy,  wis- 
dom and  conservatism,  bo  was  appoint- 
ed by  President  Huchanan,  Minister 
to  tbe  Court  of  Berlin,  a  position 
which  ho  held  until  the  administra- 
tion of  Abraham  Lincoln  In  1801.  Com* 
Ing  home,  he  threw  the  whole  weight 
of  tats  Influence  and  talent*    In    tbe 



r>tiM>  of  the  TTnr  for  th«  rnlon.  «n.|  hl« 
.'«niii|iln  niimriK  liln  nlil  rrh'iiilH  111  In- 
illnim  wn»  nf  lii.,il.-uliil,|,-  vriliu-  lo  llic 
luiinlry.  Iln  nn»  npiinlclnl  riiltod 
siiid'B  Si'iminr.  mill  in  iluit  poHlilon 
vMin  luiliillint:  niHl  llilllrlni;  In  liln 
/ml  nil. I  di-Millnii  10  Ih.'  ohl  flni:.  In 
IHlii  till-  l.ftlBliililr.'  of  Iiiilliiiiii  nil- 
llmrl/.i'd  tlin  forwiinlliii;  nf  n  lilork  of 
iiollvi.  Miiirl.ln  for  (ho  WiiBhliiKloii 
Moiiiiiiic-iil  nl  WimhliiKloii  Clly.  Inil 
|.ro\lcloil  no  lii«.Tl|ilinn  li|.iiii  II.  liov- 
rrnor  WriRlil  look  llio  ri-Biinnnlhllll.v 
of  iinivlilluK  one.  mid.  nn  oinliod.vliiK 
Ibo  miillMicnt  of  llio  in'oplc  of  liiillnnii, 
ho  cmiHOd  (0  bo  Inarrllind  tipon  tfiU 
hlock  of  nmrhlc,  "Imllana  knows  iiu 
Nortli.  ni>  Soiilh.  notlilnu  bnt  tlio  I'll 
Inn,"  a  Bi'iilliiinnt  (o  wlilrh  hn  icnioiin- 
|v  n.tliTnl  to  llin  dny  of  liln  ilcntli.  Mr- 

|inBs»,|  awny  a  l.'w  >.<ii»  uu.  i  lmc  > 

r.nd  lit  llin  iiruvnt  roiiiicnl  of  Ills  wifr. 
wn»  iMirlr-.l  In  Now  Knglnnd. 

In  lii-raon  (iovnnior  WrlKllt  wns  Inll 
and  coiniimnrtliii;.  wUli  a  Inrsc,  n 
rri.inrknl.lo  hiRh  forrliond.  Hclil  rol.ii- 
rd  hair,  which  l.iy  thinly  on  his  h/'iid, 
larnc.  bliii'  oyru,  n  Ido  month,  a  prom- 
Inont,  siirh  n»  would  havo  Baf.B- 
fled  thn  First  Napolran.  anil  ; 
good  fc.iliiica.  Indlratlvo  of  iin  (i.rr- 
gclh'.  vik-oroiia.  honest,  liii]iiil'.!vc.  ni.d, 
nhovo  oil,  a  IhorouBhIy  Aiiiorlcan  rhir- 
actcr.  Ills  voice  was  Btron^-  and 
ileor;    hiB   stylo   aa   a   imbllc    sitoUt 






rnrrly  elvon 
lioitlilnr.  lie  was  a>-ioil.itcil  to  ho  one 
of  tho  host  Btiiiuii  81.0.TU01S  and  ono 
of  tho  moat  nrconipllKliod  poUtlrinns 
In  Indiana.  'Iho  nu-chaillo.  Inliorcr, 
anil  poor  man  supported  and  admired 
hliii  as  tho  host  representative  of  tliclr 
Inlere.^itB.  as  they  thought.  They  had 
faith  In  hliii  in  a  piihlle  man.  and  re- 
posed full  cniifldenec  In  the  Integrity 
of  his  personal  charaetcr.  Ills  «a- 
garliHis  mind.  aUvoys  on  the  alert. 
baftllni;  the  plaim  of  hia  polllloni  op- 
ponents, and  organizing  and  dlreetlng 
pollllcal  victories,  natunilly  provoked 
stateiiieutB  ilerok-alory  to  his  personal 
ihnraclor.  and  Inrorrert  motives  woro 
attrlhuled  to  many  of  his  public  ac- 
tions, lint  those  days  have  passed 
away.  Tho  services  of  Joseph  A. 
Wright  have  been  given  to  tho  Ucpuh- 
lle.  Tho  iisperlty,  rivalry  and  party 
spirit  of  his  iKilltlciil  friends  and  foes 
havo  died  -n'llli  him  ;  and,  giving  a  fair 
OBtimate  of  hla  character,  no  ono  will 
Bttrlhuto  any  unworthy  or  unpatriotic 
mollvo  10  the  puhlle  acts  of  his  llfo 
whlrh  were  glvcD.  without  douht.  for 
the  good  of  tho  conimon  people  from 
whom  ho  sprang,  whom  ho  loved  and 
honestly  served. 

When  Joseph  A.  Wright  was  elected 
<;overnor,  he  moved  lilfl  hotiBeliold 
goods  through  to  Indianapolis  hy 
wagons,  (ieorge  t<iiillhi  Levi  Smith. 
Simoon  Smith  and  Joseph  8tltli  haul. 
Ing  Ihom  across  the  country.  On  Lit- 
tle lln.coon  about  throe  miles  cast  of 
llorkvllle.  they  stopped  and  soemcd 
to  bo  hfivlng  some  trouble.  Alexander 
I'lielt  being  not  far  away  went  to 
where  they  were  and  found  they  were 
having  tronhle  with  a  barrel  of  loft 
snap  that   had   sprung  a  leak. 

Tho  night  they  arrived  In  Indian- 
nitolls,  Governor  Wright,  who  bad  pre- 
reded  them  with  hiB  fnnilly.  and  was 
In  office,  gave  a  reception  and  all 
of  these  plain,  honest,  worthy  teaiu- 
Slers,  who  were  always  his  friends  and 
snpiMirters,  wore  In  atlondanceat  that 
reception  and  received  <'very  atten- 
tion that  eoiild  ho  given  thorn  lo  mako 
them   feel   at  •as*  and  enjoy  the  oc- 

3iul|u  (i9.  Duuln 

A t    17.-K)    or    ITilil,    four    brolheiB 

nniiieil  Davis,  landed  at  Snow  IIIII, 
Maryland,  fmin  Wales.  Two  of  them 
Jie.nme  ancestors  of  Iho  Biihject  of 
this  Bketih.  Wllllinu  had  llireo  chil- 
dren. Trmlt  liiid  eleven  children,  and 
three  of  his  sons  wero  killed  In  the 
llovoliitliinary  War.  One  son.  Kll,  be- 
cnmo  iho  falhrr  of  John. 

Ilobert  llavia  had  ten  clilhlren,  and 
ono  son  died  In  tho  war.  A  daughter 
intrrlod  Kll,  hor  cousin,  and  becaine 
tho  mother  of  John  Olvan.  The  fnuilly 

foe,  to  adjust  tliolr  troubles,  and  ho 
thereby  prevented  mii.h  litigation, 
imd  thus  seinred  the  good  will  of  the 

The  rilemls  Hfiinkers)  wero  strong 
In  the  foiinty,  I'enn  township  having 
hut  nine  vntcrs  not  Trlends.  They 
wero  biB  friends.  Baying,  "John,  we 
dont  llko  thy  politics,  hut  wo  believe 
thee  Is  honest."  So  they  volcd  for 

During  Ills  service  as  Clerk,  ■  law 
roi|iilrcd  nn  e.Tiimlnatlon  of  the  office 
and  a  report  lo  the  Court,  of  llio  con- 
dition  of  the  office,   Ita  record!  and 


\ . -J 




removed  to  riomlng  County.  Ken- 
tucky, where  John  wna  born  Octohor 
111.  IHIil.  In  ISIO  tho  family  removed 
to  Indiana  and  niado  a  homo  In  tho 
wilderness  of  I'nrko  County.  Ull.  sr., 
and  Ills  sons  made  tho  brick  and  built, 
probably,  tho  first  brick  houso  In  tho 
County.  In  llroeno  Township.  Kll 
gavo  to  each  of  his  eight  children  a 
Muarter  section  i.l'  land,  llo  was  a 
llaptlst    iiilnlBlor    and      fnrmor.      and 




John  iMvan  attended  the  schools  of 
those  times.  In  the  log  school  house 
In  the  wooil.q.  llo  attended  Beho<d 
about  six  montliB,  and  afterwards 
taught,  lie  learned  tho  three  "It's," 
hut  was  not-antlsfled  with  tho  rc- 
Milts.  lie  read  and  studied  much  and 
became  proflelent  In  the  use  of  the 
best,  forceful  Kngllsh.  He  remained 
nn  the  farm  until  grown.  The  day  be- 
fore he  was  twenty-one  years  old  bo 
was  elected  Sheriff  of  I'arke  ("niiuty. 
In  l.'vXI  he  roBlgned  to  become  clerk 
of  the  County,  which  offbe  at  that 
lime  Included  the  duties  of  Auditor. 
lie  was  re-elected  eontlnuoiiBly  until 
I.VA  In  the  rierk'a  office  he  was  al- 
waya   rendy   to   aid   anyone,   without 

the  manner  In  which  they  wore  kept. 
At  the  August  Term,  18.17,  such  a  re- 
port was  iiindo,  in  which  tho  condi- 
tion of  tho  office  and  roitirds  ore 
spiikon  of  In  most  flattering  toriiiB. 
That  report  Ib  signed  by  Oeneral 
Tllghman  A.  Howard.  Judge  W.  1'. 
Ilryoiit,  Colonel  Henry  Klavens.  and 
Joseph  A,  Wright,  (later  tJovernor  and 
.Minister  to  llerlln.l  Davln  was 
brought  In  contact  with  a  colerlo  of 
very  brilliant  and  able  men.  then  resl- 
dcnta  of  Itockvllle. 

"In  IS-'iil,  and  prior  thereto.  Iklwnrd 
(Ned)  .Mcdaughoy  was  considered  tho 
Invincible  man  In  politics,  llo  repre- 
sented tho  district  In  Congress.  The 
Democrats  of  tho  dictrlct  held  a  con- 
vention at  Howling  Green,  Clay  Coun- 
ly.  No  ono  wanted  to  bo  a  candidate 
ngalnst  McOaughoy.  Davis  was  urged 
to  accept,  but  refused,  saying  ho  had 
had  no  cxperleneo,  and  had  never 
made  a  Bpeech  In  his  life,  tint  the 
convention  drafted  Mm.  Ho  defeated 
Mcdnughey.  In  Ifi.12  he  was  renomi- 
nated and  defeated  Wolsoy  Harbour, 
a  Torre  Ilauto  lawyer.  In  IsM  tho 
American  or  "Know  Nothing"  parly 
waa  at  Its  (trongeit.     Darla  saa  re- 

nominate.!, and  Harvey  I),  Scott,  a 
Tcrre  Haute  lawyer,  «a.  nominated 
by  the  "Know  .Vollilngs."  and  the  se. 
cret  organl/.ntlou  defeated  Davis.  Tho 
orgniil/iitlon  caused  mobs  ami  riots, 
and  great  violence  In  tho  largo  cities. 
Us  purpose  being  bi  prevent  foreign 

In  IN.-rfi  Iho  Whigs  nominated  John 
I'.  Isher.  a  brllllnnl  lawyer  (Inter 
Secictary  of  Interior  under  Lincoln.) 
and  known  oa  a  "broiv. heater."  Wo 
say  now  ""  They  experled 
hlni  lo  nwe  Dnvia,  but  he  fulled.  DaviK 
was  elected.  Ity  1N.-.S  the  slavery 
<|uesllon  bad  eiillned  great  cnnteiitloli, 
and  the  Drmo.rnllc  parly  divided  up- 
on It,  llreci.enrblge  lieing  nointnaled 
liy  the  Slavery  nr  Adinlnlstrotlon  lac. 
Hon  In  IMKi.  and  Sleidien  A.  Douglas 
by  the  oilier  faction.  Dnvis  reriised 
l.i  .il:  Mil!!  the  .\diMlnl"'inllen  npd 
Ihc  silpiHirtirs  of  Hint  f^icllnn  nninl- 
nnted.  by  trickery,  Henry  Secrlst,  a 
lawyer  of  HreencaBtle.  Davis  hecanie 
an  IndeiK-ndenl  landldate.  and  defeat- 
rd  SecrlBt  by  oier  .I."""  voles. 

John's  father  hnd  frecl  his  slaves, 
and  John  Inalsled  shivery  should  not 
he  forced  ii|«in  Hie  territories.  The 
Administration  sent  an  ngeni  to  lilin 
t«  offer  hliu  any  sum  of  money,  or 
office  he  wished  for  Ills  friends.  Ills 
answer  was,  "Ho  buck  and  sny  that 
Davis  Is  poor,  but  the  Admlnlstratlnn 
lias  not  money  enough  to  buy  hliii, 
mid  he  IiaB  no  poor  kin."  Of  eimrse, 
the  power  of  the  AdiiilnlatniHon  wna 
used  against  biiii. 

After  Jolin'B  term  expired  he  retir- 
ed from  politics,  desiring  notliing  so 
niiieli  as  to  be  allowed  t.i  enjoy  the 
pea.-o  of  family  and  home.  He  had 
large  Interests  In  I'arke  County.  In- 
cluding Section  111  In  (Jreene  Town- 
ahlp.  where  one  man  was  his  (enant 
and  agent  for  'M\  years.  With  Colonel 
K.  M.  Ilcnson  he  had  a  l.irge  business 
at  Monter.iima.  They  packed  and 
shipped  piirk  lo  New  Orleans:  also 
conducted  a  large  sloie.  He  sold  his 
IntcrcBts  nt  Montcr.niiia  and  removed 
to  Terre  Haute,  where  with  n  brolh- 
or-lnlnw.  rembroko  S.  Cornelius,  he 
CBtnbllshed  a  dry  goods  biislnesB.  Hint 
he  later  sold  to  P.  W.  Hnggerty.  llo 
hnd  a  beautiful  bnme  outside  tho  city, 
where  he  lived  until  his  ilentli.  on  (he 
ISIh  day  of  Jnnunry,  IWJI.  He  mar- 
ried In  enrly  llfo  Jnnc  W.  Cornelius, 
dniightcr  of  enrly  settlers.  Tlioy  hnd 
eight  children,  bnt  all  died  before  hliii 
but  three,  Littleton  T.,  John  W..  and 
Xrs.  Amanda  D.  .Mack,  wife  nf  Judge 
William  .Mack,  who  Is  the  Bolo  aiir- 
vlvor  of  the   family. 

In  Congress  Davis  served  on  Im- 
portant comnilttees.  He  was  cno  of 
the  chief  advocates  of  the  first  Ta- 
clflc  nilliond.  He  hnd  Inflexible  In- 
tegrity as  a  public  official.  He  had 
n  brother,  1:11  Jr.,  who  had  been  a 
soldier  In  Hie  Illackhawk  war.  Con- 
gress hnd  voted  .""il  acres  In  land  war- 
rants to  those  soldiers.  After  no  en- 
tered Congress  a  bill  \\«r.  Introduced 
lo  give  an  addlllomil  sii  seres  to  those 
men.  Ills  brother  naliirnlly  urged 
him  to  vote  for  It.  He  rj'rilsed,  sa.v- 
Ing  that  bo  did  n"t  believe  It  right. 
He  was  an  efflilenl  member,  and  nl- 
ways  on  the  side  of  the  people.  He  he- 
lleved  In  the  old  democracy-  n  govern- 
ment of  the  people,  by  the  people,  nud 
for  the  people,  an  economic  and  ef- 
ficient ndiiilnlstrnlbm  of  all  affairs 
of  tho  people.  During  his  enrly  life 
ho  was  a  Captain  of  the  Stiite  Mllltla, 
and  Btndled  military  nffnirs.  At  the 
beginning  of  the  Civil  War  ho  waa 
tendered  a  romiiilsslon  as  Major  flen- 
ernl  of  Volunteers  In  Iho  rederni 
Army,  hut  ho  declined,  feeling  that 
the  time  for  military  lorvlee  waa  pass- 
ed with  him.  He  wna  a  strong.  Ini- 
presalre  speaker,  lolnf  atrnl«ht  l«  hla 




(in     Sntiitor     Voor- 
of  ininiilN.  miii  olli- 

I |..lriil    III    Jiiilp',    iirimoimrcd 

1  (h.i  Mj.iBl  foi.Tnil  i.|.r.i,k.r  In  iho 
„liy.  llr  »iiH  n  kln.lly,  ioli;:ciilul, 
I    Inio    rrliiii).      ni)»lnill.v,   im    Ini- 

Imkiifss   forever.     Ills   roiim 

in   Bjcrii 

IliL-  »  iiin 

nti    'he    uolili-ii    bIo|k-r    o(    thii 


trnl   l>ro| 

•^Inlc.    ImU    time    n"r   illi>lnn.i' 

run  not 

lo    hln    l> 

ctrnec   from  llio  innnory  or  oi 

r  iieopir 

tlii-vly,   1 


KlX      fll'l.      l« 


hroiiil   i-li' 

nhli  re.l  mill 






n    K-ioil    -per 

n  or 

S.   11. 



h  lHrO>|fi! 


HIT   uns   I 

Iliilliri',    lllxil 

nil   ikIo 



or  I'll  Ike 

"oiiiily :  1111(1 




hn-   or   ye 

rn   lie  Hpent 




ein     were 


ly    few. 



lilliii   tilni 

»llh   nn   nil 

1  li   prill 

e   nn 

vim    h: 


I  Inn 



el    entlinslnKin    ninl      nilinhntlnn.      llie 

K Il,    rleiir-lilM.liil.    lulHllK.  oii».       iiiii- 

iMllinin  nnd  lirllllnnl  Ned  M.dniiKliey. 
Ilifl  lilnniplis  nl  llie  l.iir  were  llie  fire- 
slile  liilk  ot  llni»e  enrl.i  divn.  Ills 
ileil;,iil    nn.l   ehlinlrle   .onlesln   on   Hie 

Hit 1  Ml  re  llie'  nnd  Kliny  ..!  hln 

irleiHls  mill  the  lennr  or  hln  liollllrnl 
enelhleK.  In  prrKnii  lie  was  nlmnl  five 
r.el.  He>.n   Inrlies  In  li.-ludil.  nlenderly 

le.    Iiiid    n    K.'illnw   eoniple.vloii.    IIkIiI 

liiilr.  wiin  lliln-iiKiiued  :in.l  slliililly 
KloiiiinlioiiMenil.  Hln  voire  nun  nol 
iiiellMW  or  ninxlr.-il  lull  lind  liliont  II.  n 
niinnl  VmiKee  l»  nnc-elenr.  pierelllK 
mill  penelnilliif.  He  wnn  n  prndliiy  of 
Indiinlrv  mid  energy.     I'liv  nnd  iilclil 

hln  nilive  mid  .nnle  nl  wiin  nn  Hie 

iihrl.  devnnrll  -  mid  nhnnrhlni;  Hie 
prill.  IphK  of  law  nn.l  pollll.n.  lie 
Meiiied  10  dwell  enllrely  In  the  recinn 
OI  Ihe  Ihlelleeliml.  Hln  mlnil  mid 
liodv  were  dlnproporll.nied  ;  the 
hnnirry.  crnnidnc.  nccrinnlve  Inlelleet 
ilhl  lln  work  cirnrly.  ponllively  nnd 
loniphlely.    hut    nt    Hie    expenne    of    n 

delhiit d    feehlo   ronnlllnllon.    IMs 

l.iniM  fi.iiied  In  ontrnn  h'n  lindy,  nnd, 

.nilielv  ,11  enrly  life.  The  lendlnc 
ehnrn.ierlntlcn  of  his  mind  were  crent 
elejiriieKS  of  mental  vinlon  nnd  nn  lin- 


111     nlif 

liilely  meihod  of  menial  oper- 
iillon.  No  nlthln  of  IniaL'inntion  or 
rioneii.  of  rhetorle  adorned  hln  nrcM- 
meiiin  heiore  the  liar  ami  Hie  people; 
he  m.ide  i.n  effort  nt  nnindeil  perlodn. 
or  Hie  mere  ^rneen  of  oratory  to  nt- 
liiel.  :iniiiBe  or  iihane :  hnl  ii  hrlstllni: 
piiinl  was  In  eirly  neiilenre,  defined 
hy  e\nei  liinnnjii-e.  and  enrorced  liy 
the  power  of  pure  rennonln:;.  i;iilier 
knowini;  or  rnrliiL-  noihlni:  for  II. o 
xennlhimies.  hln  field  of  hiiltle,  In  hln 
Intellcrlunl  lontciiiB.  wan  In  the  reolni 
of  the  Inlelleet  ond  the  will,  gave 
when  at  tIriicB  ho  let  fly  n  clltlerlng 
i;eiilriii-c  of  narensm  or  inveetlve. 
whieh  eiit  rlBht  and  left  like  n  I>n- 
innniii.s  hlnile;  or  nnalrlied  nnd  niiilh- 
.d  mill  l.llnleied  ami  slilvereil  like  n 
iiollen    hiilt   of   llclilnlni;. 

Ijlwanl    Mrilaiicliey    wan      Imrn      In 

I mill   I'nnnty.  nml   prnrllsed   Inw    In 

and  won  ele.led  lo  Conu'reBn  fniiii  that 

c  oilnly. 
iiImiiiI    lie 



Ihe    PI 

ship  with 
irll.e    of 




elerl.d  lo  l-oncresn  while  n  resldenl 
of  lliln  ('oiiiily.  hnt  In  a  niihseipient 
rare  I'nnBrinalonnl  honorn  wan  de- 
fiiiled.  He  wan  niorllfleil  nnd  rlia- 
L-rlned  over  hln  ilerenl.  and  It  Inrcely 
Inllneneeil  lilni  In  hln  delertnlnntlon 
1(1  remove  to  nnolher  riehl.  lie  turn- 
ed hln  (are  lonnnlii  the  nnnnel  land, 
and  ileiiiiiilneil  lo  i  iinl   hln  lot  and  ex- 


I  hi 

or  ralirnilihi.  lo  whirh  SIrile  he  Hn- 
ally  Weill.  lint  the  overniirlt  and 
ilelleale  i  mint  II  III  Ion  nt  InnI  unve  way 
heforo  hln  rnreer  In  thai  dlnlaiil  land 
hiKan.     'riie  lamp  of  hln  lire,  lirllllnii 

nimit  to  the  Innt,  went  out 


lil<  lalenlu  and  Ills  lirllllnnl  iinbllc 
nenice,  or  nhale.  the  HI  he  of  n  hair, 
onr  ehilni  that  hla  n^hes  nnd  Ills  fame 
nrc  the  commoii  properly  of  the  pec- 
I  lo  of  I'nrke  Cininiy. 

Willtum  y.  iLlriiiiut 

Their  wnn  still  nnothcr  who  bole 
and  made  an  lionorahle  imrl  ill  the 
hlnlnry  of  I'nrke  County— Jnd;;e  Will- 
mm  I'.  Ilrymil.  He  came  to  our  Conn- 
ly  a  few  yearn  liefnre  <;ciiei-iil  How- 
iml,  mid  lived  here  hniKer  than  How- 
ard. WrI-'lit  01  MiclnuKhey,  He  form- 
id  a  pnrinershlp  wlili  (leneral  How- 
ard, and  the  two  ioiiBllliit"d  n  firm  of 
inrr  nidlliy  and  InflueiKe.  The  career 
of  Judse  Ilrynnt  lay  In  a  different  ill- 
rertion  to  that  or  cither  ot  hln  lllin- 
irloiis  eoiiipecrs,  hnt  though  less  hrll- 
Hani,  It  wnn  perhnpn  more  nuhntantlal. 
They  nniiKht  Inriuenre,  posMon  and 
Iho  ends  of  nmlilllon  In  the  orten  un- 
lerialii  and  nnsallsryliu:  Held  or  Stale 
mill  Nnllnnal  polltha:  he  prelerred 
Ihe  less  nhowy,  hill  more  Bolld  honorn 
iir  Ihe  Imr  mid  lieneli.  Not  averse  to, 
and  not  unncipmlnted  with  the  hln- 
lnry and  prlnrlplen  of  polllhn.  yet  he 
looked  lo  those  ponltloiin  ot  lecal  din- 
I  Inn  Inn  lo  nallnfy  whatever  mnhltlnn 
he  miy  Imve  had.  He  eonllnued  In 
Hie  prnelli-e  or  hln  piofennlon  linlll 
nlioiil  the  yinr  ts.-ki,  when  ho  wnn  np- 
liolnled  elder  Innllce  of  Orecon  Ter- 
ritory. He  ills.harced  the  dlltlen  of 
llinl  offi.e  with  ahlllty  nnd  nileeenn 
rnr  A  nnioher  of  .venrn,  nnd  returned 
to  hln  old  home  In  Parke  County. 
.Mioiil  the  year  IS.M  or  I.V..-.  he  wnn 
rleiied  .liiilco  of  Iho  .Tildlela)  Circuit 
or  whlih  thin  County  wnn  n  part.  Af- 
ter reilrlni.'  rroiii  the  henili,  ho  remim- 
iil  the  prarllre  In  ivhhh  ho  continued 
unlll  hln  death.  -ludKe  llr.iyonl  win 
fully  nix  reel,  three  Inches  In  stntnro. 

I  of  srnnd  mill  mnnnlvo  phys-  cd  ureal  enpnclty  nnd  power,  lie  wnn 
rtlonn.  Hln  mind  wnn  akin  IndiiBtrlonn,  nnd  his  rnnen  nli'iwul 
dy   In  ntrililnre.     II   worked      clnliorale        nml        inriliil        llioiiKlit. 

It    In    the   liinln,   surely.      It      Tlioiii;li  i  arr,  In,;  w  lih  nlinn.i  ,  „n. 

8lniitly  n  dniieaiior  of  lloman  ilumiv 
nnd  nirinmsn.  he  won  naliiially  kind- 
hrmted  mid  ImliilKenl.  He  wan  nl- 
most  an  llnplii.ahle  enemy,  hul  the 
lies  vvhieli  hound  lilm  lo  n  friend  were 
nlioiiL-  nnd  pure  nn  tlione  that  knit 
hnvlil  mid  .iMumliiill  loi:ellier.  Tim 
heller  part  or  hln  lire  wan  npi  lit  In 
I'nrke  County,  mid  like  Ihone  or  How- 
ard, his  ashes  sleep  within  her  Inir- 

(ijriirrir  SClrli^utrtdt  tJ'lrrlr 

In  the  mnlerlal  developnu  nt  "t 
I'llrko  Coiinly  no  man  did  no  mm  h  iin 
tienernl  (k-.rce  K.  Steele.  He 
the  eonlemiKiraryorchminey  Hone,  mid 
llko  Hose  he  wan  n  man  oi  Kreal  "ii 
lerprlse  and  puldli-  nplrlt.  .lolin  II. 
Ileadlc  Klves  the  rollowhlL-  l.loi,.aphy 
In  Ills  History  of  I'arke  county 

"tienernl  i;e.iri;e  K.  Steele  wan  thn 
son  of  Sniuuel  and  .\lory  SlrcH,  nnd 
won  iKirn  near  Sprlniiriehl,  Dhhi,  No- 
lemlier  •.'.-..  isiis.  At  nn  early  ho 
moved  with  his  linrenlg  to  (jreene 
County,  Ohio,  nnd  In  ISL'I  innie  lo 
I'nrke  County,  nettllnii  ncnr  where 
I'ortlmid  Mills  now  ntnndn.  Here  he 
nnslnled  hln  father  nnd  lindhern  III 
rIearlilR  n  mnil  till  hs.'.-i.  After  thin, 
for  awhile,  ho  Immht  neliool,  nnd  rroiii 
liiln  lime  to  l.'tL'S  was  elerk  in  tlie 
proniieronn  store  of  Col.  Monen  lloli- 
liliiB,  In  IIOBCvlile.  DurhiK  thin  limn 
lie  mndo  n  I  rip  earh  nprlnu  to  New 
(IrlenllB  In  rhnrne  ot  rlalbouts.  In 
\K»  he  entnhllshed  n  store  nt  .Mnns- 
field,  contlnilInK  In  thin  Imnlnrss  en- 
tirely, except  wlicn  cnpaKed  In  piihllc 
biiBlncss,  tintil  1.s.'t.M,  when  he  tiecniuo 
owner  of  tlio  .Mnnarield  iiillln,  whlcii 
he  ran  In  lonneilion  with  Ills  store 
(ill  ISIO.     He  tiicn  disposed     of     Ids 

nd  his  build  wu  In  proportion,  nii\l(- 

could  hardly  ho  said  ot  iilni  that  his  property  nnd  moved   lo   lloikvlllo.  In 

mliiil  wns  loKlrni.     Ho  had  n  coinpre-  l.s.1.-.,    nenerni    Kloele    wns    chosen    lo 

henslvo,   rntlier   Ihnn   niuto     Intellcet,  represont  I'arko  County  In  tho  8Ulo 

and  when  Ihoronghly  «roti»od,  illiiiUy-  Loglslaturo,  tnit  ro-oloitcU  In  I8.1<I,  At- 


Irr  IhlH  111'  B.i'vod  ninny  Iniitw  In  Uio 
Slnti-  I.OKlHlnhirc  iind  Sinio  Soiuilp. 
Ih'  wiiH  n  frlcnil  or  mlncntlnn,  iiKrIcul- 
Km:  nn<l  nil  lu-ni'vuli'nt  IniXKnilnnii. 
Ill'  volnl  for  .tnclo.on.  nnd  iiiion  (lie 
liliMh  of  Ihf  WMb  pmrly  ho.niiic  .uu'  of 
IlK  nilhiMi'nlB.  nnd  llnw  miuilni-d  uri- 
III  111,-  oi'L-Hnl/allnn  nf  llu'  llrp^il.lli  nn 
l.iii'ly,  wli'-n   ho  Jolnnil    ll,     lln  WPI8  n 

d.  loKiiln  10  oni'li   Nntlonnl   llo| llr-nn 

I'onvonllon.  Ili'  nnn  Infln.'ntlnl  In  tlio 
iioiiiiniillon  of  Abrnlinni  Lincoln  in 

When  (lonoiiil  Slivlc  niond  lo 
lloclivlllo  In  ISIll  lie  onKilBOd  In  im-r- 
ciinlllo  iHirsnllH  for  llino  yonrs.  lie 
ihili  niwlRlod   In  llii-  OBlnldlslniiont  of 

I  ho  I'nikp  roiinly  llntik,  of  whirli  he 
«n»  choHon    I'rosldonl.  nnd     nnnmilly 

h'lli'd    10   lllln   poBlllon   nil      isd'l. 

when  IhlH  Imnl.  mrriind  Inlo  llio  TliBi 
Snilonni  llnnk  oi'  lln.kvlllo.  Mo  «ii« 
HKiiln  .'hOKon  I'lTBldonl  nnd  hold  tlio 
l.oBlUiin  iinill  ISTI.  whon  lio  docllnod 
In  lodd  II  lonL'iT.  Ilo  look  nn  mllio 
InlcT.'Bl  In  nil  tli.'  rnllronds  In  Iho 
rounlv,  OBi.iTlnlly  111.'  pn-Bont  raid 
iiiiiiiInK  Ihroiiuli  llnrkvlllo.  which 
»n»  .•..inplPliil  hy  lil»  nBalBliiii.o,  nml 
ho  iMiB  I'hoBi'ii  BU|M'rlhl>'ndi'iit  of  (ho 
lloiktlllo  dhlKlon  of  Iho  rood.  Al  Iho 
nnllncaU  of  Iho  wiir,  In  isdi.  Ilonoriil 
Sioolo.  holoK  n  iiipnihor  of  Iho  Sonnlo. 
look  u  do.  Idod  Binnd  for  llio  I'nlon. 
Ilo  offitod  roBolnllonB  npilnBl  ni'ii- 
in.lily.  Hhlih  wore  Boni  In  llio  I'itbI- 
di'iil  of  Iho  rnlli'd  Slnloa  nnd  llov- 
onioiB  of  nil  ihi'  SlnloH.  A  nioilon 
ivn»  inndo  In  Iho  s.nilo'to  print  'J.^hi 
I'opliH  of  ilnvornor  Mnrton'B  flrsl  nnd  •-•.nnii  roplos  of  WnBlilnx- 
loii'H  I'ni'oHoll  AddioBK.  (ionovnl  Sioolo 
lootod  10  iiiiiond  till'  motion  by  nddlng 
•.'.iniD  rnpliB  of  .liirkBon's  proclniiinllon 
oil  niilliflinllon.  'Iho  niiionilnii  ni  wnn 
iidnpii'd.  Sovon  UoprosoiitnllvoB  nnd 
bI\  Si'ilnlorx  woi'o  nppolnloil  In  moot 
l.lninln  nl  the  Sinto  lino  nnd  wolooiiic 
hinj  to  Indliinn.  Conoral  Sioolo  wnR 
ohoBi'll  pri'sidont  of  Iho  ooniiolltoo, 
iinil  to  innko  Iho  nihlrosB  of  wolioiiio. 

I I  In  Bpooih  nnK  polnlod.  oloipionl  nnd 
opprnprlnto  Al  llio  roiiinionroiiiont  of 
Iho  wnr  (loni'rnl  Sli  olo  wbb  offorod 
Iho  loniiimiid  of  n  rocimont.  hut,  ow- 
liiL-  to  III  lioiilth  mill  sovoio  nfrllotlon 
In  hiB  fiiiiilly.  wnB  .oiiipollrd  lo  do 
.lino  till'  liiinnr.  In  iho  f.ill  of  isill 
ho  Borvi'd  OB  I'olonol  of  Iho   i:id  reel 

iiioni  for  n  II hiil  nn  Bocniint  of  111 

hinllli  roBltiiod  tlio  ooniiiilBBlon  and 
rohpnod  homo.  Soon  nftor  this  I'.ov- 
ortlor  Morton  npimtntrd  him  nB  n  niom- 
hor  of  hlB  Blnff,  with  Iho  roiiiinlBBloii 
of  lolotii'l.  Hhloh  ho  hold  1111  Iho  olono 

iiiiin  of  wido  ovporloiioo.  oMopbIvo  in- 
fnrmiition,  iintlrhiK  onoruy.  nr-llvo 
piililli'  Bplrlt  nnd  pntrlotio  dovntlnn  lo 
hln  rnllnlry.  Ilo  hoiniiio  wonllhy  nnd 
dill,  iiorlmpB,  iiioro  tlinn  nny  otlior 
mnn  of  hiB  dny  for  I'nrko  foiinty.  Ilo 
dlod  In  ToiTo  llniilo  Mny  7,  ISTP. 
whoro  ho  hnil  rosldod   for  tliroo  yonrB- 

Aiiatiit  ifl.  yiirtt 

AiiBlIn  M.  riicit  wiiB  n  promlnoiil 
linn  In  Iho  BfrnliB  of  I'Brko  County 
mill  tlio  Stiito  Bovoiity  yoiirH  iiRO.  Ilo 
iiBl.lod  hrro  frimi  Iho  onrlliBl  dnyB  of 
Iho  foiinly  until  tlio  fivll  Wnr,  whon 
h.'  iiinvod  to  I'ntnnni  fniinty.  Mr. 
I'lii'lt  iniirrlod  n' Bl»lor  of  Josopli  A. 
W'rL'lil.  Ilo  WBB  not  only  nrtlvo.  hut 
iiioKl  BcL-riBBlvo  In  iiolltioB  nnd  throw 
nil  of  hlH  prcnt  onoriry  nnd  ontliiislnsiii 
into  ovory  flulit  wnRod  hy  ollhor  fJon- 
ornl  llownrd  or  liovornor  WriRht,  who 
roRBrdod  him  nfl  the  falthfnl  nnd  ef- 
fhlonl  followrr  Ihnt  ho  wiib,  Ilr  wn» 
n  lonilor  In  Iho  prnillonl  work  of  ovory 
rnmpnlBn,  nlwnyB  flchllne  for  the 
lioniocrntio  pnrly.  and  ho  nlso  filled 
varlona  ofricOB— Sheriff.  Treas- 
iiror,  Ciinnl  Tnistee  and  State  Senator. 

In  oonncctlon  with  Austin  >r.  rnctt  it 
will  bo  of  interoBt  to  know  more  niiotit 
n  I'nmlly  that  from  the  very  hrglunlne 
of  rnrke  t'onnly  to  the  prcBont  dny 
liBH  niwn.vB  boon  prominent  in  the 
Domoorntio  pnrly. 

Aiuonp:  the  onrly  settlors  to  ooiiio  to 
(lie  Territory  of  Indiana  wns  Colonmn 
I'uott,  who  moved  with  Ida  fniiilly 
from  North  Cftrollnn  In  Monroe  Conn- 
ly  In  ISITi.  \*incennefl  wns  thoir  nenr- 
ost  town,  'rlie  oountry  wns  allvo  with 
Indians  and  they  wore  n  sonri'o  of  ter- 
ror to  tho  women  nnd  children.  Two 
or  three  years  Inter  his  brother,  .Tos- 
eph  rnett,  moved  to  Monroe  County. 
v\binit  18Li2,  Coloinan  ruott  enmo  from 
Monroe  County  to  Pnrko  County, 
hrlnRlnR  his  wife  three  Bona  nnd  two 
dnilfhters.  Tho  lioys  were  Kllsha, 
.Tobnaon,  and  Ale.iandcr  I'uott.  Kllshn 
I'liett  later  went  to  Texas,  whoro  be 

illuriialiaB  C.  ifiiililm 

It  will  1.0  nil  yours  the  Ith  of  Oe- 
tohor  Blme  Itnrnatms  Coffin  llohlia  waa 
horn.  Tho  onrly  days  al.out  hl»  fath- 
er's  honrtb   nt   Snli Indiana,     Iho 

short  terms  of  srhonl  In  n  los  cabin 
school  house  and  later  Iho  Ions  ses- 
sions nl  the  foniity  Academy,  where 
lie  studied  llie  so-called  "common" 
brauclics  nnd  Ureok  and  I,nlln— these 
all  loKOther  luako  a  most  refrcsliInK 
Btoiy  of  a  iirnniielni;  hoy. 

When  Ilarnnbns  C.  Ilobha  entered 
Cluclunali  CnlleKe  In  1.s.'17,  he  had  de- 
\  eloped  already  some  of  the  penetra- 
tion Into  truth  which  so  Btnint'ly 
itinrkoil  his  Inter  life  and  he  showed 
too.  tho  dotornilnod  perBonallty  which 
made  hini  able  to  bo  a  tonrher.  On 
eutorluB  oolioKe  ho  chose  nn  elective 
rntlier  than  a     rogtilar     course,     and 

lived  and  died,  lie  wna  In  the  .Mcx- 
linn  war.  nnd  In  all  the  luluclpal  hnl- 
llcB  of  (ioncral  SiiiIIb  canipniKn,  lie 
bail  one  son  killed  In  Tcxbb  hy  the 
Indians  while  rnriyluK  dispatches 
from  one  a  ,iiy  post  to  another.  .lohn- 
son  and  Alexander  I'liett  lived  and 
died  ill  rarke  County.  Austin  M. 
I'ncit,  son  of  .liiscph  .M.  I'uett  nlso 
came  lo  Parke  County  mid  umrrlrd 
I.iicy,  tho  oldest  dnmihler  of  Coleiiinn 
I'uett.  In  isil  Auatln  M.  I'uett'B  wife 
died  nnd  a  year  or  two  Inter  he  nmr- 
viod  Amy  Wrlfht,  sister  of  Oovernor 
WrlKht.  Ale.'sander  I'llell  wns  one  of 
tho  pnrly  of  surveyors  who  laid  out 
the  State  rond  from  the  Wahasli  Ulver 
lo  Indbinniiolls.  Johnson  ruott  mar- 
ried I'ntay  .\ofl.  'i'helr  youniiost  sun, 
KllBlia  A.,  Is  Uvlnit  In  Ixmg  Ileach, 
California,  shclhy  ('.  I'lictt  and  Mrs. 
I,ui-y  Itnles,  son  nnd  danghlor  of  Ale.v- 
ander  Tuott,  are  residents  of  lloek- 

hourilInK  school  nt  Mount  I'leilannt, 
Ohio,  nnd  remained  nt  the  head  ot  that 
Innlltutlon  until  1n:i|,  when  ho  mar- 
ried Ilcliocca  Tnluiii,  "tho  boantlful 
Utile  tjnnker  maiden"  ns  bIio  was  call- 
ed, nnd  removed  lo  Ulchmond,  Indl- 
ann.  Ilo  estnlillshcd  a  school  thoro 
nnd  conducted  It  four  yenrs  with 
lunrkod  sipcobb.  'i'lio  Society  ot 
I'ViondB  then  oslnlillshed  n  school,  of 
whicli  bo  wns  made  superintendent. 

In  IS.-,i  ho  wns  chosen  superlnlond- 
ent  ot  lllooiuliiL'dalo  Acnilemy,  whoro 
he  ronllnuod  for  fifteen  yenrs.  In  ISiIll 
he  wns  nppolnted  by  llovernor  .Mor- 
ton, a  member  of  the  board  of  Inis- 
lees  of  tho  new  State  Normal  School, 
which  iK.sUlon  he  held  until  bis  death. 
The  same  year  ho  wns  cleeled  tho 
first  I'rcBldonl  of  Knrlham  CoIIoeo.  At 
the  end  of  two  ycniB  he  wns  olcclod 
Sinto  Suiirrlnlondeut  of  I'nbllc  In- 
struction nnd  resided  In  Indianapolis 
durhiK  Ills  lonii  of  office.  In  1S7I  ho 
retired  from  the  depnrtment  nnd  mov- 
ed to  Itloomlnfidnle,  where  be  agnln  as- 
sumed i-hnrBc  of  the  .\cndeiiiy. 

In  1S71)  tho  Krleuds  of  America 
wore  moved  lo  send  ii  niesBaRO  lo 
Alexnnder,  the  Kniiiernr  of  UubbIb, 
nnd  another  to  Wllllnm,  tho  Kmperor 
of  (iirmnny.  I'i-i,r,'s«or  Ilohhs  wns 
chOBon  to  iM-rforiii  tho  mission.  At 
St.  I'otershurK  ho  left  with  the  I'riino 
Sllnlflter  n  nieiuorlnl,  which  nrned  that 
the  Mennonltes  of  the  empire— n  sect 
consclentioualy  opposed  to  wnr — 
nilnbl  he  relieved  fnuu  military  ser- 
viro.  At  Ilorlln  Professor  Ilolibs  ino- 
sented  lo  the  Crown  Prince  a  memor- 
ial which  advoealeil  the  settlement  of  , 
Intornnllnnal  disputes  liy  arbltrnllon, 
inther  Ihnn  hy  war.  l-'or  aomo  years 
be  worked  li,  tho  Interest  of  the  In- 
dians In  .North  Carolina  nnd  Tennes- 
see. He  uinde  enumeration  of  Iho 
1  herokees  of  the  reservation  nnd  de- 
termined their  slinro  of  the  nppor- 
tlonmonls  of  revenuo  atitborlncd  by 
the  tJcneral  CimKress. 

Thronshoiit  his  lifo  an  earnest  nd- 
vocoto  of  the  principles  of  tho  Soelcly 
of  I'Vlends,  llarnnhns  Tlohbs,  as  has 
been  elniiiied  was  the  best  Informed 
mnn  of  his  dny  In  tills  country  on  tho 
doctrines  ot  tho  Society,  Certain  It  Is 
he  was  one  of  Its  most  loftlcal  preach- 
ers. Ills  record  as  a  minister  alono 
shows  a  full  enough  life  for  one  of 

hence  was  not  ellirlblo  to  tho  honor  of 
n  doBi-ce.  on  bis  wlthdrnwnl  In  is.'m, 
thollBli  he  w»B  recoBlilzed  na  poaaesa- 
InB  all  that  la  Implied  hy  a  Ihoroush 
coiloBe  trnlnInK,  nml  auhseipienlly  re- 
ceived a  uiBster  doBrec  from  Wnhnah 
ColicBc  nml  the  CnlvorBlty  of  Indiana. 

It  wns  this  pioneer  Insight  and 
rcailcBBUCss  which  led  him  to  enconr* 
npe  cbaiincey  lloso  to  fotmd  a  Pol.v- 
tri-hnlc  school  at  Terro  llnute.  Uo 
eucnuraBcd  the  hlBher  education  of 
women  and  was  parlleulnrly  Interest- 
ed In  llryn  Mnwr  ColleEO.  It  was  this 
pioneer  spirit  In  mctbods  that  nindo 
the  reputatlim  of  his  work  auionB  tho 
schools  of  Indiana  pcnetrnto  even  to 
llcrniany.  so  that  a  (lermnn  profesaor 
lertiirhiB  In  WaBhlng'on.  n.  C,  spoke 
of  the  piilille  schools  of  Indiana  as  be- 
ing the  finest  In  tho  United  Btatcs. 
"nnd  this  Is  due,"  he  said,  "to  a  roan 
named  Itarnahns  C.  ITobbs." 

In  18.10  he  assumed  charge     ot    • 

us,  perhaps  It  was  tho  crowning  ac- 
tivity ot  hiB  crowded  life,  lie  died  In 
Illooiiilngdnle,  .'nno  22,  1802. 

Tho  personal  appearance  of  Harn- 
abas  C.  Holihs  suBgcBtod  at  once  the 
benevolence  that  characterised  bli  life. 
Uls  hair  was  snow  white,  from  early 


iih..„,l   tf,  nl,l  Hi:.-;   Ill"  IflllUM,!  noro 

ruK-K'  il.  Ill"  i>''»  I'll"'  «i"^y  ""''  l''"^!"'" 
Ink-  iMi.l.r  hniv)-  lip.«»:  IiIk  holulil 
iMin  nlionl  .'.  r.-ol.  II  Iw  hfii.  Ilo  liorc 
11  rcrnnrkjihlr  IIUi'Ik-kh  In  Wllllniil  K. 

JTumiirl  3f.  Iflaxiiirll 

JihUi'  Siiiiiii.'l  r.  MiiNvirll  niiK  an- 
iitliiT  (if  Ihp  .■..n»|ili"iMi«  niPinli.Tii  or 
lilt-  cnily  (if  I'lirlio  rminly.  Up 
»nH  (III'  iiiipll  nr  lli'vviird  In  tlio  Inw 
hiiHliiiHR  mid  pniliuiU  or  tho  coilrlll- 
ni'KK  mill  llioniMKliiii'KX  "lilrli  •'■mr- 
n.liTlznil  Iil8  I'MihiPnl  iincpiilnr.  lie 
«,ii.  Iiorii  111  INIT,  lit  MiwIlKnn,  Inilliinn. 
null  wnH  •'rtiirnKd  nl  llloiiiiilnclon.  Up 
rniiiii  to  lln.uvlllp  In  \x\'.i.  nml  ontcrrd 
llip  orriip  of  (iPiipnil  lloiiniii,  ■■  n 
.lii.l.Mil    nf    II.P    Inw     nil. I.    lit    tliP    pon- 

IIISTOIIICAL    SKlOTCIl     0  1-'     P  A  II K  E     COUNTY. 

•  Iil.'.loii  lit  liln  |ir<'|.;iinliiri  hIiiiIIps,  cn- 
l.'iiil  (lip  i.riipll.p  In  llip  County.  In 
thiip  IIP  lipi.iiiip  iiiiHHPimpil  or  a  irnnil 
in'iiillip  iinil  linil  II  rinc  rcinilnllMii  an 
II  iiiiin  nr  Inlpcilly  ami  a  Bound  and 
iin  iinilp  law.vpr.  I'Pi'lMipii  none  or  our 
liiiiipi'x,  rinni  llip  ilalp  nr  IiIh  dpalli. 
had  II  iniirp  cnni|ilp|p  niaslPry  of  llip 
|Mln.'l|.|iH  or  nppcliil  plpadlni;  than 
.lilill,-!-  MiiMnll.  or  a  nioip  iPllnbIc  and 
iiilnlnphpnslip    kn-mlcilKP   or    the    liiw 


ni  law  i.r  ilisppol  loiiip  Into  exlulpnpp 
In  I.ViJ.  .Iiidiip  MnMiPll.  a«  one  or  Ihp 
Iniiiinon  l-lpns  .PiidKH  ot  the  StntP, 
wan  inllpil  ii|iiin.  In  .•oiiiliion  with 
ihpiii.  to  pxmiiliip  Ihp.ip  npw  •latiitPB. 
and  fo'innhitp  that  KrPat  ni:i<i<i  nf  lin- 
l.orlmil  iiilps  of  law  frowlm:  out  of 
(.Inlnlory  ponm rue  linn,  which  l>  Hip 
haaiR  of  nur  indp  i.iaill.p  ami  SlalP 
law  of  rpal  piopprly.  Ills  lahorsMn 
Ihla  rpgard  worn  of  Ihp  IiIrIipiiI  liii- 
liorlanpo  In  Hip  |ipn|ilp  nf  IhP  StiilP. 
and  caBt  u|inn  lila  ahouIilPrB  thp  crpal- 
PBl  rPBiinnnlhlllly.  Up  pnnllniiPd  on 
llip  hrnrh  iiiilll  thP  ypni-  ISi.M,  when 
ho  rpaimipd  tliP  prarllrp  of  law  and 
at  oncp  iniiiiiinndPd  a  widp  pinrllcp. 
Ilo  wan  afral.lp  In  dpiiipanor.  nn  n- 
rppdlnply  nprppnldp  poiiipaninn,  full 
of  rpiiilnlHPpncp,  wll.  wiailoni  and  bop- 
lal  BliiPnItlPB.  Up  wa«  pupprlally  kind 
and  ponwldpratp  to  lltp  yonnnpr  at- 
lornpvB.  Up  Invllpd  IhPir  ronfldpupo 
and  Rave  tlipui.  wllhniil  dint  or  rp- 
miinprnllnn.  valnahip  liiBlruptlon  and 
advh'p  whrnpior  Ihpy  clinao  lo  a»k  It. 
HlB  dPath  In  1S77,  waB  unpxppctPd. 
and  was  dpplorpd  hy  a  larRo  rlrpln  of 
Hip  piihllp,  n-hnin  hn  had  acrvod  80 
fnllhfnlly  and  pfriclpnUr. 

Dttlllft    i5.    fllllXlllfllJ       "7 

liavid  II.  Maxwpll,  for  many  ycara 
Hip  honnrpd  NPBlor  of  Ihp  Pftrke 
Coiinly  liar.  connpptPd  It.  until 
hlB  dPiiHi  a  few  ypara  ago  irith  Itl  In- 

iprPBtlnu  and  IiimiIiioiib  pan!.  It  wai 
cntlrply  flltlnK  that  lip  Bliniild  hav. 
dono  BO.  IIP  naa  ii  Kpnllpinan  of  th' 
old    BPhool.    InliPrPiilli      |v.BBPii«pd      ol 

lilp   nui   rarncil,   dl 
o  hpiirh  and  har,  i 
MP    nf    prartlral    Id 
d.      IIIB      iirofpBBlo 


dpnied  lillii  t«  tbe  h«arti  of  hli  luiar 
friends,  who  as  ho  approached  th« 
BiinBPt  of  Ills  loiiK  and  UBcfnl  life,  tin- 
i-rrply  wlBhpd  for  hliii  "urcat  loRKtU 
nf  days,"  and  niKin  hla  death  Sept. 
i;i,   liii>:i,  paid   reverpnt  Irlhuta  to  hli 

i^arrlniiii  3).  IRirr 


J.  iii.<< 

Ihp  irodlllniial  dli:nlly  thai  phnrncler' 
Izpil  hiB  prorenNlon  w  hPn  Howard  and 
Wrlnht  were  Its  Ipnilluu  piPlnhpia  In 
l-arkp  I'oiinty:  ypl  ho  roadlly  adiiplPd 

waachnrai-tprlr.pd  Iiy  a  mental  and 
al     IntPBrlly,     which     kept       hliii 

to  his  ponvli'tlonB  and  BtendfaBt  to 
official  oath.     IIIb  probity  of  char- 


IiIh    pnifpsK 
wiiB    horn    li 
AiiKURt    7.    I 


ctionl"  and  kept      actor,  hiB  le^al  leiirnlnR,  hla  unralllnR 
IctiiniidB   or      coiirtCBy  and  unohBtniBlve  manner  en- 

man  In  I'arke  Coiinly  tor  nearly  flfly 
ypaiB.  will  born  In  Shelby  Cininly, 
Kenlni-ky,  Auk-usl  J.".,  IKj;i.  ,\rter  at- 
tending Wabafih  Cotli-uo  two  yeara,  he 
laliip  lo  llorkvlllo  to  atildy  piodlclne 
In  the  ofllce  or  Dr.  .lamcB  I..  .Mien. 
He  Hiipjilrliicntid  thcHO  Htiullca  with  a 
courHO  of  Iccllin  8  In  LnnlBVllle.  Ken- 
Iniky,   and    In   Jerftraon    Medical   I'ol- 

liKP,    I'hilndplphla,    fr which   Inill- 

iMlluu  lie  tiii'lui'li'a  In   l.llll. 

Ill  October  of  thp  year  ho  conipletPd 
Ida  mrdlral  edmallon.  Dr.  Illi-c  waa 
marrlod  lo  .Mies  .Na.y  Moxley,  of 
Shdhyrllle.  Kpntiu-ky,  a  doiiKlitor  of 
Hon.  (JporRO  ,Mo.\le.i',  who  wiia  ppiin- 
Inent  In  the  affolrs  or  Kentucky.  They 
at  oni-e  t-aine  to  llockvllle  whore  ttioy 
resided  until  their  death.  Dr.  Illee 
prai-tlced  aa  the  partner  of  Dr.  Allen 
until  tlip  death  of  hla  preceptor  In 
I.N.-I7.  He  lopldly  rose  In  bis  Iirofet- 
sliili.  For  more  than  twenty-five  yeara 
lip  lunlntalned  a  i:re  iter  influenco  In 
It  than  any  other  physician  of  Weal- 
irn  Indiana.  He  was  called  to  all  the 
Biirroundliif;  t'ountles  on  illstant  trips 
Hint  taxed  the  endnranco  of  oven  a 
n  an  of  hla  perfect  phyBli-al  manhood. 
I'loiii  isi'iii  to  1S7II  prhCB  wcro  re- 
niunpratlve  and  one  fee  of  $l,-t."iO  was 
piild  him  In  a  sluKle  case.  During  Dr, 
IHi-c's  prartlce  he  had  an  office  In  hla 
door  yard  (shown  clBewhero  In  an 
old  iditurcl  and  In  this  offleo  mora 
than  twenty  students  at  different 
times  were  under  his  Instruction. 

Dr.  Utco  w-OB  0  phartor  monihor  of 
Iho  I'ariio  rounly  Medical  Boclcty,  • 
member  of  the  Stalo  Medical  Society 
and  of  the  Ksculaplan  Society  of  lh« 
Wabash  Valley,  Ilo  was  as  reniarkablr 
Bui'ccssful   In   huslnets  M   h«   ««§  In 

I  Id    II. 



IIIooiidiiRlnn,  Indiana, 
i.  He  was  (dni-ated  at 
llip  SlalP  I'nlvpr.ilty  at  lllooinlnRtou, 
whpre  he  piirsiipil  hla  stildlPB  with 
dial  ppi'slBlpnie  and  InlclllReni'O  char- 
ailprlBib'  of  the  man.  Arter  flnlshlni: 
hla  pol  pgc  courfle  he  came  to  Itoi-k- 
vllh-  In  ISI.-.,  anil  entered  the  offhc 
of  Wriu-ht  and  .Maxwell  nr.  n  atudenl, 
lint  arterwaid  cradimted  from  the 
Law  -•Jphnnl  nf  the  .siiite  Inlverslty  In 
ISIU.  lie  relilniPd  lo  llorkvllle  iind 
PUCnRPd    In    Hip   praillrp    In    whlrh    he 



For  twenty  yenrB  prior  lo  Ida  de.illi 
Mr.  Maxwell  was  a.ssoi-laled  with  his,  Howard  -Maxwell.  In  ni-tlvc  praiv 
tlcp  or  his  prnrcBulou.  Ills  apllvo  prac- 
llpp  nr  ."lit  ypaiB  was  the  InnirPBt  per- 
Ind  of  any  lawyer  wbn  has  hern  ii 
nipiiilier  of  thp   I'arkn  Cniinlv   har. 




trloiiB  rpndpr  nf  tlip  law  and  Ida  Indns- 
Iry  alone  produced  practlral  rraulla.  II 
devploppd  and  habltuiilpd  a  mind  of 
fine  nalurni  pndowmenls.  to  loRlcal 
and  analytical  niPthnds  of  a  Bupprlor 
nrdPr.  He  had  Ihp  Inwyprs'  best  »irt, 
the  fnpulty  nf  clear  Blalpment,  sup- 
portPd  by  an  ample  and  aceuratp 
knowlpdRp  acunlrPd  by  years  of  palns- 
toklnB  reflecllon.  It  was  rcfresblnR  t( 
bis  brnlher  lawyera  In  hear  the  Nes- 
tor of  tho  I'arke  f'ounty  bar  quote  at 
w-lll,  and  especially  when  occasion  re- 
nulred  Iho  iii.ixlma  and  elementary 
prlnclplea  of  the  law  with  precision 
and  clear  inalRlit  as  to  appllctalon.  as 
ho  teamed  them  years  ago  at  the  feet 
of  the  Oamallels  of  our  bar,  and  by 
peralBtent   and    li>t«IllcenC   study   and 

UlBilSO.'l    J,    IICC, 

niSTOUICAL     SKKTCIl     0  {■      PARKK     COUNTY. 

Iiln  |.roriH»loil.  llo  KM  loMK  01,1.  of  tlio 
l.n.llTi);  |l,nio,iiil»  or  liMllni,.i,  nnsor- 
liiOil  »llh  WriKlil.  lli'iiilrlrkK,  Voiir- 
l>i'c'H  iinil  M<'l>'i|inl>l.  In  INTI  Un  wu» 
III.'  iviiiocr.ilii-  lamllclnlL'  for  <'"n- 
t;i.>,«,  but  the  illHlrlit  «ii»  hi-inily  Ho-  nnd  lir  wiis  (k'lialcil.  ul- 
llinnBh    he    iiipiil.'    a    RlilPiidM    iiinvnsH. 

llo    wn»   u     |.l Ik-     nii.l     .•rro.Ui.- 

KIK'iikiT.  IIIH  ndilroKS  on  111.-  orciislon 
of  the  la.Mnt;  of  Ih.'  i  oinorBlono  of  the 
rnrlci'  Cuiiuly  court  h"ii«c.  SimiIomiIum- 
II.  IsTli.  wiiB  a  ninmorpli'cc  In  illrlloii 
iiiHl  il.  Iiv.'ry.  llo  wiiM  11  Miohil.or  of 
(ho  I'ri'Bl.jK'  rhiirili,  to  wlil.h.  i\k 
will  DH  1.1  olh.M-  ihiinhrH.  Iio  wnn  ii 
llliiMul  lontilhulnr.  lor  tin  yonrB  ho 
wim  innulor  of  I'lirkL'  l.oilto  No.  s  1'. 
mill  A.  M..  llhd  una  llluh  I'lloat  of 
I'lirko  llo  win  11  KiiluMii 
'I'oiiMiliir  nnd  lonir  Blood  nl  tho  linid 
of  tho  .Mns.inii-  iiiiioniic,  .1.  .1..., 

Iir.  llii'C  wAn  till  rnthiiHlnstlo  RjiorU- 

loiiii.     n     Konlloi.innly,     .0 iinloMuhl,- 

iiiiui,  with  wlioii.  It  wuh  u  |ilon«iiri!  to 
to  10  ilio  flolil  <.r  10  InlK  ovor  tho  opl- 
Rodoh  of  liunllna  or  flshliis.  llo  win 
lOinlly  In  Ilia  bonrini:,  with  Iho  dlK- 
nlly  ami  cnur  of  iiinnnor  thnt  olmr- 
iiolorlzoil  tho  ronl  i;oiillonion  of  hln 
(•(Moinllon  llo  wnfl  mrlklniily  hiind- 
Hi>!no  :i  111:111  who  »onlil  ntlrncl  iillon- 
lion  iiiii.niK  Iho  most  dlatlnenlshod  of 
llio  inoii  of  bis  tlhio. 

Thoini.s  N.  llhn  wns  for  forty  yciirs  of  tho  forolnOHt  1:1011  of  I'arUo 
roiiiily.  llo  WiiB  horn  of  Konlm-liy 
|inirniiii.'o,  iionr  Wavolniid.  Ho  oiiiiio 
Ih  lloikilllo  10  sliidy  law  In  Iho  offloo 
III  liavid  II.  .Mn\woll,  iind  look  n  lomil 
foiirsi  at  Iho  I.oiiuilllo  rnlvornily  !«•• 
loro  hiK  nilnilsslon  lo  tho  liar.  Whil.' 
mil  an  uliiiiinini  of  imy  InslltiKlon  of 
loiiriiliiK,  yoi  .Mr.  Ui.o  wa«  a  ihiMHioal 
ni'liolnr  of  no  t^inall  ronown.  nnd  ImU 
II  iirnfonnil  knowlcili.'o  of  polite  liter- 
alnro.  The  ;;roat  oplr  |ioola,  llonior 
and  .Milton,  wore  Ms  fuvorllo  nnthorB. 
and  ho  could  ipioto  from  Jicni  with 
iiumlorly  effort.  .Mr.  lilio  entered  ii|i- 
011  a  Inrno  and  liior.itlvo  pr.ictlcc  nl- 
I. mat  nl  once.  He  liehl  the  office  of 
I'rosoinllnit  Atiorncy  when  Judge 
llrynni  wai  on  the  henoh.  In  ISi'fl  be 
fnnnrd  a  imrtnersblp  with  Jnniei  '1'. 
.'lohnaton,  which  for  ir.anjr  ycara  con- 

lltmi.l.  He  ably  repretiontej  this 
roiiniy  In  llio  I,oi;lfllnlm-o.  both  In  the 
Iliiiirio  and  Honato.  Mr.  lUco  had  innny 
of  Ibe  cbarni'ierliitloa  of  a  Rrent  law- 
yer, llo  never  rofnaod  a  litlRnnt'a 
I'liRo  borniifln  It  waH  n  closo  one.  Ho 
had  no  fonr  of  Kottlnn  honlen.  The 
niorn  dCii[iernto  tbo  case  tho  .tnoro  nn- 
tIrInK  nnd  detcmilned  wore  his  of- 
forti,     Mr.  UIco  apprcclatod     humor, 

anil  occnalofinlly  ii»,.,|  u  wllh  H|,|oiiilld 
ro».iliB  before  roiiriB  and  Jiirlr,.  or 
aliholiiloly  pure  llio,  i.f  iho  bluln-Bt  In- 
loKrlly.  of  conlnl.  klmllv.  rharlliihio 
illRlioHlllon,  ho  waa  romioclod  and 
admired  by  all  hla  hrethorn  of  Ibo  bar. 
Thomas  .V.  lib,,  was  a  palrlot  wli.-n 

It   oonio.s  to  Iho  Irm nnlnu-  of   thai 

iior.l  an  it  api.H.i.  lo  tbo  ilally  walks 
of  llio.  Ho  iinsolllshh  rtovol.-il  hlin. 
a.-lf  to  Ibe  willnro  of  I'liiko  c-onnly 
and  linrliciilarly  lo  Iho  iiiibiilbllni:  of 
the  Coiinly  ao.ii.  Ill,  ,ii,|,||,.  ^,,|r|(  «„, 
nrralor  porbapB  than  Ihnl  of  any  pub- 
lic   man    of      biB      Kinorallon.      Krery 

11101  eiiioiit  for  Iho  I lovoiiM-nl  of  Iho 

oomniiinlly.  morally  or  Inlolloitimlly 
loiiiid  III  him  an  nilliiiBliihllc  mho.  ale. 
llo  HOB  promlnont  In  .biinli  ami  .><iiii- 
.lay  Bcliool  work.  Hn  ii.lvo.alod  Kood 
roiida  for  llio  Connly.  vooil  alreols  for 

money  to  any  ntlompl  lo  cot  n.ldlllon- 
nl  rnlli'oada  nnd  other  ndvantaKon  for 
Ibe  lown  which  ho  so  Innu  honoie.l  by 
hlB  citizenship.  TbonioR  \.  Kloe  w.ib 
8  mail  wh.iae  life  nilnbl  well  he  taken 
lis  n  crllerlon  of  iiood  cltl7.onshl|i.  \\c 
died.    Noiomlier  ;i,   limi. 

.llaiiim  CT.  .i<iil)iunuii 

.V  Blurdy  and  nnbine  obara.ler  waa 
.lames  T.  JolniBloil.  If  incaRilro.l  hy  of  srholarshlii,  as  bo  some- 
Mines  waa  hy  those  who  wore   unable 

Itolaibllcali  iiomliiatluii  for 
111  IVHl,  rorohlnn  ilioiiK  mipiiort.  In 
ivi.l  bo  R.-rvoil  as  Sinio  foiiiman.l.  r 
of    Iho   (lii.nil    .\riiiy   of   the    llopiibll.- 

ami    ho    r ii.ntly      Biiccossflilly      c:ln- 

lUsRod  llio  Slate  In  Hie  InteroBlfl  of  Ibe  parly,  llot-lnnlni;  wllbnnl 
liionoy  ami  wllhniil  InlUnnllal  filoiids 
ho  nllaliioil  hk-b  p.-BllInn  In  llio  law 
ami  111  pollll.B  by  lilH  oiioriiy,  porBo-'  and  will.  IIU  onr.-cr  nffoida 
amilbor  alrlkliii:  llliisir.illon  of  what 
may  bo  ao.onipll.Hlii-il  nnd  what  may 
bo  ovoroomo  If  one  l.i  |ioBS.BBod  of  Ibo 
BlrrllliK  .pialllloR  of  .IniiioR  T.  Johns- 

A  few  .\oniB  l.oforo  Ibe  .Icolh  of  .Mr. 
Johnaloii.  blR  parlnor.  TliomaR  N. 
nice.  Willi  whom  be  bod  b.-on  nsBOi- 
hlloil  for  n  iiinirtor  of  a  oonliiry,  re- 
lli-od,  Jaiiih  S.  While  Biii-i-fodod  Mr. 
'■:'  •  :•.  'I  ■  Inn-  firm  iiiilll  Ibe  denib 
of  Mr.  JobiiBinn,  July  111,  UmiI, 

Jfrimit  iH.  ?5nuiur& 

ri-iinU  .Maxwell  Howard  was  the 
yonnsost  of  tho  children  of  llcneral 
iilKliman  .\.  Hownril,  horn  n  few 
iiionllis  nfler  tho  dtntli  of  his  father 
In  l-^ll.  lllH  boyhood  wns  pasBcil  In 
U.H-kvUlc,  until  Ills  IHlh  year,  when 
he  enlisted  In  the  Kleventh  Indiana 
Cnvnlry.  He  excelled  In  all  tbo  ont- 
of-door  BthUtlcB  common  to  that  per- 
iod.    He   was  the  heat   Rhot,  the  liesl 


to  coniprohen.l  bis  Intellectual  .iiial- 
lllea,  bo  fell  far  short  of  effete  IdealR. 
lint  he  was  r.n  Inlclleilual  man,  en- 
dowed by  nature  wllh  n  big  mind  nnd 
a  hiK  body,  llo  waa  do|irlvcU  In  yoiuh 
of  tbo  a.lvanlagos  of  even  a  common 
school  edticotlon,  yet  by  hlB  resolution, 
energy  nnd  nntlvo  nblllly,  ho  succeed- 
ed, and  was  tho  only  man  from  Tarko 
County  clc.ted  lo  CouRrcss  by  Iho  )io- 
piihllcan  parly  slnco  lU  organization 
Rl.xty  yeara  ago.  .Vs  a  lawyer  nnd  nd- 
vocaio  James  T.  Johnston  helil  do- 
sorvodly  a  blRh  reputation.  .Shortly 
nfter  tho  wnr  ho  read  law  In  tho  offl.-o 
of  Wllllainson  and  nasuy,  nnd  waa  for 
a  brief  period  after  locating  In  Itock- 
vlllo  tho  resident  partner  of  that  firm. 
.Mr.  Johnston  had  ft  logical  mliul,  a 
forclhio  inctbod  of  prCBOnllnK  facia, 
nnd  his  nrKumonla  appealed  to  the 
reason.  Hn  posKC-HScd  to  a  romarkablo 
depreo  that  rare  Qccompllsbniont  — 
tho  art  of  Biic.-eaRfnl  cross  cxnmlna- 
tlon.  Tbo  political  ftrcna  cngasod  a 
ureal  deal  of  ills  llmo  nn.l  atlenllon. 
Ho  bold  Ibo  offico  of  I'rononilinK  Al- 
loi-noy,  represcntoil  tills  County  In 
both  brnncbes  of  Iho  Lcglslaturo,  twloo 
reiircBcnled  the  Kiglilh  district  In 
CoDgrcai  and  was  an  aaplrant  for  tbt 

awlmnicr,  Iho  best  ball  player  In 
liorkvlllc,  strikingly  handsomo  In  per- 
sonal nppciiranoo— lall,  slralglit,  with 
ilnrk  hair  and  dark  oycs,  be  fulfilled 
tho  Ideal  of  a  typo  of  manhood  fro- 
iiuenlly  porlrftycd     In     roinanco.     IIo 


Bortid  u.illantly  during  tbu  war,  and 
upon  hlB  relnrn  homo  began  the  sluily 
of  law  wllh  hiB  niicle,  liavid  H.  Max- 
well. Ho  was  iiulok-wlllid.  brighl. 
and  In  tho  courso  of  his  addreaBOs  be- 
fore Jndgo  or  Jury  was  the  author  of 
many  1.011  mofj  ihnl  arc  still  rcmrni- 
beroil  nnd  ipioled.  The  wnr  Interrupt- 
ed Ilia  course  of  eilm-allon,  and  be 
never  ollondeil  s.liool  alter  hla  re- 
turn from  the  army,  yet  ho  waa  an 
cM-ellont  obiRalrnl  scholar  nnd  an  ex- 
tensive rea.ler  of  the  best  hooks.  .Mr. 
Howard  was  Prosecuting  Attorney 
two   lerniB     when     the     Circuit     waa 

I'nike  and  Montgoiiiery,  nnd  always 
lil-raented  Iho  cause  of  the  Hlaie  to  lis 
best    pORHlblo  a.lvanlng... 

Krnnk  Howard  was  one  of  Iho  bril- 
lanl  men  of  I'nrke  I'oituly  who  always 
thought  loo  lllllo  of  the  "•hiiluhly 
dollar."  llo  was  absolutely  Indiffer- 
ent lo  the  vnliie  of  m.iney.  He  -lolild 
lonn  or  givo  nway  hla  last  com  wllh 
the  noiif/io/riMr-e  of  one  who  baa  money 
lo  burn.  The  Irenanres  of  lllcrntiire, 
tho  ohnrnia  of  nature,  Oio  companlnn- 
Hhlp  of.  friends.,  anil  his  many  little 
Journeys  afield  wllh  dog  and  gun,  nil 
inennt  inoro  to  hhu  than  money.  He 
wnB  n  poet,  nnil  now-  nnd  then  would 
catch  B01110  of  tho  rhythm  of  hla 
tboughts  "on  the  fly,"  and  transmit  to 
paper  geina  thnt  \vould,  had  ho  given 
hiB  soul  to  It,  hnvo  iiindo  bli  naino  a 
raiiiouB  one.  His  rorao  waa  pnra  In 
Blylo  and  elegant  in  cxprcaalon,  hlB 
proRo  waa  forcible  and  eloquent,  and 
be  was  a  literary  crllle  of  oxceptlonal 
nblllly.  In  writing,  Frank  Howard 
had  n  atyto  entirely  iintquo  nnd  or* 
Iglnal.  Among  tho  boat  of  his  poems 
wns  "Folo  by  .llnrllght,"  publlshc<l  in 
tho  hulinnoimJIt  Journal,  (nd  n'Idelf 

il^alr    It  It    0tarltQi|t 

roi7  flontino    heavily,    weird,    and  ichltc; 

Mld-xtinimcr  mnon,  at  tho  hour  of  tuidntght ; 

Talking  low,  walking  stow,  over  the  hill; 

Sleeping  or  waking,  it  ttaj/t  witti  ma  itill. 

And  thcao  word$  iccro  spoken,  "Tho  day-dairn  is  near^ 

The  hot  sun  of  summer  is  hastening  here. 

I  loio'tioH,  I  loja  you,  soon  gone  from  mil  sight, 

M'hen  red  handed  morning  kills  shadows  i-f  utght. 

(lood-bua  and  Ooil  hlcss  tiou,  at  break  of  the  dag 

A  romance  will  end  and  a  dream  pass  away. 

'TIs  said  that  tho  stars  up  In  heaven  will  mark 

IJncK  soul  at  its  birth  for  the  bright  or  tho  dark; 

Thr  shadows  arc  mine,  but  for  you  brighter  skies, 

Our  destinies  part  when  tho  sun  shall  arise, 

/)till.  ricr  bo  happy  till  Ufa  shall  have  pa.ued. 

And  (^c  star  of  your  destiny  burn  till  Iho  last. 

Thus  uinuy  a  mortal,  at  length  and  too  late. 

Has  found  what  he  wished  xcas  not  tcrittcn  by  Fate, 

And  bidden  somo  beauty,  whose  tips  he  has  kissed. 

Adieu  like  an  Idol  caned  onl  0/  the  midst. 

— rURK    UOWAIO, 



31iil|ii  1^.  liiraMr 

Wlion  it  cornea  to  considering  Jolm 
II.  Ilciidic  nniong  tlio  inilillo  men  of 
I'nrliO  Connty,  lie  o<inplc8  a  pocnllar 
nitlioiigli  n  conB|)lcnoii8  |)Irtrc.  lie  nev- 
or  iiold  !i  piilillc  office,  wna  never  a 
ciindldalc  for  office,  jct  Ills  Infiucnco 
on  llio  pojlllcs  of  the  Connty  was 
Kroiil,  nnd  ho  was,  ilnring  his  nclivo 
life,  the  widest  Icnown  of  all  lila  con- 

.lolin  llniiRon  ItcDdio  wna  born  in  a 
lri|!  hoiiHii  iicitr  Mill  Crock  In  l.llierty 
InwiiHhli.,  Miircli  M,  INIII;  ho  died  In 
llockvlllc,  .Inniinry  ITi,  IsiiT.  Ilo  In- 
hcrllcd  from  lila  paronts  nil  the  nn- 
iiamil  till II H  of  clmrncler  which  dlii- 
ilnKiilahcd  hliii  ns  n  ninn  of  slngnlar 
Inlelllccnce,   ilic    moat  atrlklnB  bcInK 

II  wonderful  memiir,\'.  At  Iho  aKO  of 
IIP  ho  could  rcelle  the  entiro  New 
'i'catnnicnl,  nnd  In  collego  ho  could 
Miiole  ilio  orlglnni  (Irccli  of  tho  Illind 
nnd  (Iddcay.  At  Iho  niio  of  oighl 
ymira,  which  wna  the  iicrlod  of  lila 
life  when  ho  firat  cnme  to  Uockvlllc, 
ho  hnd  nlrenily  iicinirod  l<'c 
fnr  hcyond  Ida  ai  hnni  fdlowa,  lie  in- 
tended ".•honl  nt  the  ohi  .Xciiiliwiry  nn- 

III  IS.-.-,  when  he  nnd  hia  l.rollicr. 
Wllllniii  II.  II.  Ilcndle,  entered  the 
liiiverally  of  .Mlchlunn  nl  Ann  Arhor. 
Ipoii  hIa  reliirn  to  I'lirke  County  In 
Ihe  auiimier  lit  l-sill.  he  vnlniileered  na 
II  priinlc  In  Cniiiininy  "A"  :ilai  InrtI 
nnii  Infnnlry.  After  the  hiillle  of  Tl. 
liMimldHiili.  In  which  .lolln  II.  Ileiidle 
illaidnycil  gicnl  couiiige.  Ihniigh  an 
wciik  he  ciiiild  aciirccly  curry  ii  gun, 
he  wna  illarlmrucd  hy  reiiaon  of  wlilll 
wiiH  llliinghl  In  he  Inclirilhle  .-iilianmp- 
lion.  Ii"*'  ngnin  recovered,  nnd  a  sec- 
ond llmi Icrcd  the  iirliiy  na  n  priv- 

iile.  In  the  lllllrd  reu'lmenl.  In  l.'<iK 
he  locnied  In  I'.viinavllle  Willi  Iho  In- 
lentliin  of  iirnrllcliiK  Inw.  lie  hnd 
done  aiiiiic  cdlliirlnl  wrlilni:  for  llie 
.lonriiiil  of  thnl  clly.  nnd  when  Ida 
heallh  nenin  railed,  he  atnrtoil  for 
Cnllfornln.  Inning  aeciircil  the  pinco 
of  WcHlern  eorreapondcnt  of  the  ('in- 
tiiilinli  <-onni,rrritil.  Ilia  lutlera  at- 
Iriiclcd  wide  ntlenllon.  It  wns  tho 
golden  nge  of  newapftper  correapond- 
ence,  nnd  Ihe  letters  ohtnlned  fnr  hliii 
n  repiiintlon  Ihnt  would  hnve  brought 
iiol  only  enduring  fnnie.  but  forliine 
na  well,  hnd  .loiirnnllsllc  rnndltlona 
conllniicd  aa  they  were,  tinfnrtunalely 
Ihe  diiya  of  InilH  bliinllaiii  were  Ima- 
Idling  In  nn  end.  nnd  In  n  few  yenra, 
Mr.  Ilcndle.  na  wHI  na  iiinny  other 
splendid  wrllcra.  wna  anpplnnled  by 
ordlnnry  men  who  were  Ihe  rnvorlles 
of  the  Blorklinldera  llllo  wlioae  bnnda 
liinal  of  Ihe  great  dallies  pnaaed  nbnilt 
Ihc  Inler  aevenllea.  Ilia  Insi  work  na 
apeclnl  cnneapniideni  wns  done  for 
Ihe  Cliiriiiii'ili  i:ii:,llc.  over  Ihe  nniiio 
of  ■■llnnann."  I  Hiring  hIa  anlniirn  In 
llie  Weal— Iho  prlnelpnl  port  of  which 
wna  In  I'liih,  Mr.  Ilcndle  wna  for  n 
yeiir  edllor  of  the  sn\l  l.iikr.  Ilfimrlrr. 
At  Ihnt  lliiie  pnrly  niilmoally  lictweeii 
(lentllea  nnd  Moniiona  wna  very  bllter. 
II  wna  during  hia  edilnrahip  timt  he 
wns  nasniilled  nnd  dea|>erntely  wound- 
ed by  the  Mormona.  lie  resigned  na 
edllor  of  the  llrnnrtrr,  nnd  came  home 
In  the  Inltcr  pnrt  of  IRiin.  when  he 
ovnilcil  hlniBclf  of  his  knowledge  of 
rtnh  and  Morinonlam  to  write  his 
first  book— "I.ifc  In  Utah,"  wlileh  was 
(he  most  eomidete  nnd  valuable  pnb- 
iicntlnn  hearing  upon  the  subject  over 
written.  Ho  snbae<inently  wrote  the 
"rndevclopod  West"  and  "Western 
Wlbla."  Ilcaldea  this  work  ho  was  em- 
ployed In  IWI  to  write  n  pnrt  of  the 
lllslory  of  Texas,  pnbllabed  that  yenr 
by  A.  S.  Jones,  of  Vhilndclphln.  rlo 
fllao  wrote  about  100  pages  of  tho  ITIa- 
lory  of  I'nrtio  and  Vigo  Connties,  In 
conjnnctlon  with  II.  W.  ncekwlth,  the 

hlaloriun,  und  .Iiidgo  Saimiel  !•'.  Oook- 
Ins,  of  Terro  llaiite. 

Tho  exigencies  of  Joiirnnllam  finally 
brought  him  to  Iho  edllnrshlp  of  tho 
Itni-kfillc  3'rihiiitc,  which  ho  nsanmed 
In  April,  ISTft.  It  was  a  atoniiy  per- 
iod In  onr  local  polllienl  history.  Ilc- 
Ing  moat  Intimately  nsaociotcd  with 
Mr.  Ilcaille  during  nil  that  time  I  foel 
In  one  sonse  peciillnrly  (iiinllfled  to 
write  of  it,  yet  refrain  from  speaking 

tido-wiitcr  country  to  Southern  I/Oii- 
Islann.  In  l&Sii  ho  made  what  was 
probnbly  hia  moat  nolnblo  trip  as  a 
correspondent,  going  In  tho  dead  of 
winter  on  dog  sledges  to  Northern 
■Mnnitobn  nnd  Snakatcbewnn.  When 
ho  was  afterwards  sent  by  the  same 
ayndlcato  to  l>:ngland  and  Franco  he 
wns  directed  to  write  his  letters  "Just 
na  bo  would  If  doing  It  for  the  Hoct- 
tillc  Tribune,  nnd  tho  people  of  Partto 


of  Its  vielasltndes  In  a  spirit  tlint 
would  make  them  historically  correct. 
If  It  can  he  suld  Ihnt  acrupnioiis  hon- 
esty Is  n  fault,  then  .lobn  II.  Ilcndle 
poaaesseil  this  fiiiilt  In  a  manner  tbnt 
brought  him  the  polltlcnl  dlaplensiirc 
of  iiiiiii.\'  old  friends.  Ills  conrac  was 
tbnt  nf  an  iiiirlght,  honorable  ndvo- 
cnte,  and  In  pursuing  It  he  never  fal- 
lereil.  lie  apoke  what  ho  believed  to 
be  Ihe  iriilh.  regnrdleas  of  ronae- 
tpiencoB.  Tarty  ties  were  nothing  to 
n  iiinii  of  his  mental  ninkeiip.  lie  wns 
n  reforiuer  In  Iho  best  sense  of  this 
word,  mill  allhoiigh  bo  wna  denied  IIig 
full  iiaiire  of  hlB  ambition,  his  In- 
fluence nil  Ihe  peniile  of  I'arke  Coun- 
ty   hna    tiikeu    deep    root. 

In  IMS'.',  iifler  a  acnHoii  of  ndveislty, 
liroiighl  nbolll  by  n  birk  nf  c.vpcrlenco 
na  a  prncllciil  iirliiK  r— .Mr.  lleadle 
luopoacd  to  the  writer  n  parlnerablp 
In  llie  Tiilninr.  .No  aeciirlty  whnlever 
wns  naked  -Iho  Inilivldlinl  notes  given 
for  half  nf  Ihe  property  were  ncecpted 
\\lllioiil  even  n  chntlel  luorlgnge  on 
the  mnlerlnl  sold.  The  imrliierahlp 
was  eoiUlniiod  with  the  most  pleasant 
relations  until  Mr.  Ilcndle  wna  cnll- 
ed  to  New  York  City  to  do  editorini 
work  for  the  American  I'leaa  Aaaocla- 
tlon.  While  editing  the  rriliimc,  Mr. 
lleadle  wna  at  Intcrvala  employed  to 
do  spceial  eorrespondcnce  for  differ- 
ent metropolitan  |iopers.  In  the  win- 
ter of  •7n-'S(l  ho  trnveled  In  the  South 
nnd  wrnto  an  clnborto  deacrlptlou  of 
the  Kuds  Jetties.  In  IRSr.  ho  was  sent 
on  a  tour  through  the  "Blnek  nelt" 
from   Washington,   D.  G.     along     the 

Cnimty."  l-'roiu  l.tHS  to  isni  ho  was 
historical  nnd  polltlcnl  edllor  for  tlio 
Amerlcnn  I'lea  Aasnelnllon,  and  so 
naHldiioualy  applied  himself  tu  tho 
work  that  his  health  again  gave  way. 
IB-  wna  sent  to  the  World's  I'nir  by 
Ihe  Aaaoclntinn  na  Us  representative, 
nnd  Biibseipiently  to  NVaahlngton  City 
na    CnngrcaaionnI    correspondent. 

While  In  New  York  from  ms;  to 
IWiil  Mr.  Ilenille's  nununl  vacations 
were  apciit  In  I'nrko  County,  during 
which  lliiio  he  delivered  lectures  and 
apeeches  on  pnlltlcnl  nnd  ei-onomle 
aiibjecta.  Tlieao  vlalla  were  among 
the  linppleat  e.xperlencea  of  hia  later 
llie,.  eapcclnlly  when  Ills  lionlth  |»i- 
liilllcd  him  to  lake  Ilia  old  lliuo  Iraliips 
nbniit  the  arenea  of  hia  boyhood.  Next 
lo  Itnekvlllo  Ills  bcnrt  would  yearn  for 
Ihe  woods  and  flelda  and  running 
slrenius  of  LIberly  townablp.  It  wna 
the  good  fnrtiino  of  tho  writer  to  bo 
iiiiieh  In  bis  company  when  ho  wns 
Inking  his  vacnllona  In  I'nrkc  County, 
nnd  the  days  spent  with  hliu  will  nl- 
ways  be  rocnlled  among  his  brightest 
experiences.  Not  only  this  but  the 
dally  nasoctatlon  with  John  II.  Dcadle 
during  the  years  wo  were  together 
were  of  great  educational  value. 
Words  are  Inadeqiiato  to  express  my 
niiprcelntlon  of  this  best  friend.  It 
can  be  said  of  him  as  truly  as  Anttaonr 
said  of  Ilrutns, 

Ila>)ti  iT.  (Cuiiipbrll 

.lobn  Tenbrook  Campbell  was  for 
fifty  yriira  a  singular  character  In 
the  lllslory  of  I'lirke  County.  He  wna 
Ihe  sou  of  Joseph  and  llnchel  (Ten- 
brnok)  Campbell,  boni  .May  J,".,  IKIM, 
one  and  a  half  miles  enat  of  the  uorlli 
end  of  .Monlc/.iiiiia.  He  worked  at  Ihe 
carpenter's  trndo  while  acipilring  nn 
education  iit  lllooniingdalo  Academy, 
taught  school,  studied  political  econ- 
nmy,  attempted  Inventlona,  and  In 
18.J!)  licgnn  writing  for  the  neua- 
pnpers.  The  war  found  liliii  linaettled 
as  10  nny  gainful  occiipnllon,  but  had 
ho  been  engaged  In  the  niost  liicrntive 
liuainesB,  he  would  liiivo  ipilckly  drop- 
pod  It  to  go  Into  the  army,  lleiug  le- 
jecied  as  a  inlvale,  ho  rnlaod.  In  con- 
noctlon  with  others,  Co.  "11"  'Jlal  In- 
illann,  of  which  bo  wns  elecled  Cap- 
lain.  At  the  battle  of  Union  lloiige  he 
was  so  badly  wotiiided  that  ho  could 
no  longer  render  scrvico  in  Hie  field, 
lie  resigned,  ciinie  homo  nnd  wna  ap- 
pointed Aaslslnnl  I'rovnat  .Maralial.  Me 
wns  elected  Treasurer  of  I'arke  Coiiii- 
t,v  in  isii:i  and  ro-elected  In  isiti. 

In  INTO  bo  espoused  tho  greenback 
cniisc  at  that  time  being  abandoned 
nnd  rcpudlnteil  by  the  llepnlilicnn 
parly;  ran  ns  an  Independent  cniidl- 
dnto  for  the  Htato  Senate  and  was  de- 

In  1N7S  Cnptnin  Cnnipbcll  was  cnll- 
ed  to  be  assistant  In  tho  Indiana  lliir- 
enii  of  Statistics  and  tleology  under 
.lobn  Collett.  Ilnring  this  perlml  he 
wna  deeply  Interested  In  the  atiidy  of 
geology,  especlnlly  Iho  ginclnl  illvls- 
inii,  nnd  tlioiigli  nn  iimateiir  he  sluillcd 
nnd  Investlgnled  with  the  porslBleure 
nnd  energy  of  n  professional.  Ilo  made 
a  number  of  discoveries,  Ivolh  Ronloi!- 
lent  nnd  aiithro|iotlgicaI  in  I'arke 
County,  and  for  twenty  years  ixinlrlli- 
iileil  to  various  publlcnlions  nrllcles 
bused  on  his  discoveries  and  oliservn- 
llimi  bore.  Tor  ten  years,  from  INNI 
to  1801,  he  was  Surveyor  of  I'orke 
County.  Ills  qimliricntlons  for  thnl 
offico  were  conceded  to  such  an  ex- 
tent that  nil  polltlcnl  parties  cither 
nominated  him  or  endorsed  his  iionil 
nation.  During  thot  tliuo  he  worked 
at  civil  engineering,  ditch,  levee,  grav- 
el road  and  railroad  construction.  At 
that  period  he  was  solicited  by  tho  1'. 
S.  Weather  bureau  to  enter  its  ser- 
vice and   make   Important     Investlga- 



■>          ,^'"  .>-•*»,. 

'  *^ 

[■  •     ' 




'       ■  ' . 

/  ^^'-  ■ 



--^ ^^ 

"Hi>  life  »•>  ainllr 
3o  mii'd  In  him  ih 
And  Mr  lo  all  lh« 

ind  iho  cUmrnli 

»ld,  Thii  wu  •  muil* ' 

•JOIirt  T.   CAMPOKI.U 

tinns  and  meaBiirements  relutlvo  lo 
the  floods  of  the  MIsalBilppI  river;  but 
he  ilecllned  the  offer.  The  Chief  of 
the  Weather  llurenu  was  Influenced  In 
his  elioieo  by  articles  contrlbilted  by 
Caiitain  Compboll  to  tho  licst  scientific 
pnbllcations.  These  artlcica  made 
him  a  well  known  lunn  In  that  branch 



l.lnr.-  I.I 

No  ,„.,n  >v,i»  II  iMi.n'  n.IlM-  m.lor  In,.:  iiiMl  wi.rklin:  liil"  Mfr  out 
Mlilily  knmvii  luiil  prnlHi'd  t-nncl 
rniiilH  lliiili  riipliilii  .loliil  T.  in lull 





v>iin  tiiiHl  rm-  Ihr  c'iMiiily.  Sliilo  or  Nil- 
lion,  hi'  KiiM-  llif  li'i"  yi'MiK  or  hla  IKo 
In  rmlillc  "'-ivlri-  tmi'  lil«  Hmk-  "nd 
MI.'lilB  lilinriiilKlimly.  wlUioiil.  the 
kIIkIiIi'kI  Ii"I"'  or  ullthloul  o^liritallon 
of  rrvvniil.  iMiln-il  lilH  llfo  work  wiin 
Hull  of  n  plooi'i'r  wlio  knows  Hint  Ills 
I'lrorln  will  111-  of  iiiotv  l.oni-rit  lo  tlip 

liiliir.'   Ilm Ill-    |.ri'i.i'iil.      II    win 

ii.iiri'  Ihiiii  lliiil,  for  iiiiiny  of  Ilm  linn'. 
rii-  ,M.I  ■..r.iiit...  fii'-  wlilrh  hi.  Iiilioroil 
wi'M'  ini|iii|iiiliir  iiiiU  iiciiiii.'lliiii'H 
lirniiRlit  iM-rHi'.iilloii  upon  hlln. 

To  miy  llinl  .loliii  T.  Cainiilioll  wo« 
|.ro|H'rly  n|i|irriinlr.l  liy  llio  proplo  ot 
I'lirko  Couiily  would  lie  nn  historlcnl 
lint  nil  h.      Ho  huh  not  iippri-ilntril,  nl- 

lorlly  ones  liliii  a  ilrlit  of  k-ratltlldG  llioBo  whn  iln  npprodntc  hini 
liopo  nt  li-nsl  lo  Koo  nrknowlcdgcil. 
Hinco  It  ran  never  lie  pnld. 

luptnln  I'liiiipl.i'll'B  wrltlncB  would 
iiiiikc  ninny  vnliiiiirs  If  rollctcd  nnd 
prinlril.  lie  wim  Inlorcslrrt  In  n  wide 
rnni-'o  of  buIiJi-cIb  ninl  never  refiiBod 
lo  write  when  n»krd  to  do  Bn  diirlns 
Hie  fifty  yinm  of  bin  Bliicnlnrly  Inter- 
iHlIm:  puMIc  enreer.  lie  hnd  n  plena- 
liiK  Biyle  ot  expreBilon  nnd  never  fnli- 
eil  lo  Interest  his  lenders  with  Ills 
keen  sense  of  hiiiiior  nnd  fine  dla- 
irliiilnnllon  for  IIiIiiks  which  every- 
hody  roiild  understiind  nnd  nppreelate. 
TIiIb  style  ninde  Ills  work  even  on 
selenlirie  siilijeits  hrlKhl  anil  attrnc- 
live  to  the  laHiml  reader. 

Ill      personal      nppearnnre      C'a|itnln 

fn I.ell   wi.B  un   eMraor.llnary   nmn. 

lie  was  a  Klaiil  In  Binlnrc  and 
slreni:lli:  Ills  linir  wnB  IIkIii  nnd  his 
heard,  wlilili  he  nlwnys  wore,  was  nl- 
iiioBl  rc'il  fnr  Into  middle  ate;  his  fnee 
WOB  rmldy.  eyes  light  l.liio.  whieli  In- 
fllnnlly  lluhled  ii|i  nt  the  least  sugt-es- 
llnn  of  hnnior;  nnd  I  think  It  wna  his 
nhlllly  to  see  the  Joke  In  everything' 
which  kept  .lohn  T.  fnnirihell  from 
lie.-oiiiInK  n  nilBnnllipijilst  Instead  thnn 
the  linnianllarlnn  Hint  he  was. 


^iiiiiiirl  D.  yiirtt 

el    II.    I'llnll      Piinenn 

he   was   known   to   r\ery    loan,    wiiiiian 

I    child    In    I'nrke     I'oiinly— wna     n 

sirlkliii.-  flk'nie  In  Its  annals.  I'pon 
Ills  Krii.liinllon  from  .Vslinry  Collecc 
In  I.S7'.',  he  entered  Hie  law  offlee  of 
.InilKi'  .s.  V.  .\la\well.  nnd  pliink-ed  nt 
on.e  Inin  n  hual  and  iKillllral  inreer 

Hint   iiinile  hliii   f oils.     I  say  "filiinK- 

id"  f'lr  the  reason  Hint  the  hot  emu- 
pnlitn  of  l.sT-J  »ns  In  firoKreBS  when 
he  enler.'d  .Indue  .Mnxweirs  office,  a 
yonim  nmn  full  of  pluck  ntnl  viitiir  fnr 

Ihe  ealMo  of  his  piltly:  anil  heloK  Hie 
only  lawyer  In  I'nrke  Coiinly  who  was 
a  lii'iiiocral  he  l.erame  at  on.e  the 
pride  of  his  fellow  Denioerats  as  well 
as  llHir  rhniiiplon.  And  well  they 
nilKliI  lake  pride  In  liliii.  for  his  per- 
sonnllly  was  wonderfully  eni:ni.-lnK. 
'fall  and  coiiiiiuindlnK  of  form,  with 
dark  hair.  Iirown.  i.lerelnK  eyea,  and  a 
voliv  of  sln::iilnr  fone  nnd  dlstlnel- 
ni'Bs,  he  held  Ihe  allentlon  of  nn  all- 
dli'lico  with  his  very  presence— for  It 
WHS  Rood  to  look  upon  so  t'erfeet  a 
speeiinen   of  pliysl'-al   manhood. 

Mr.  I'liell  heiniue  the  partner  of 
.Indue  .Maxwell  and  was  assoelaled 
wllh  hliii  iinlll  his  death  In  IKTT.  To 
Hie  Bliidy  and  practice  of  law  he 
laoiiKht  all  the  energy  of  an  ardent 
naliiro.    .No  Inivyor  ovor  doroted  more 

nseli  ss  energy  to  his  profession  than 

fraimtrl  .11.  (Eutllit 

iiiienii    riicll   -a    fnct      Hint      heennio 

lown  nt  the  oiilset  of  Ills  enreer  nn>l 

■Viiiolig  the  Widely  known  nnd  uaefil    WHS    line    Ills   early    sne.esB. 

(lll'/.i'iis  ot  I'nike  I'oniity,  none  cNcrte: 

e  ninde  his  proresslon     a     luislnesa. 

n  alronger  Inriuenn'  nn  piibllc  nffalr 

id   devoted    liliiihelf  entirely     to     It, 

of   his  lifetime   Hinn   Sniimel   Tlioiim 

oiliing    nnreinlttliiKly    nnlll     a     few 

fatllii.     lie  wnB  horn  nnd  alwnya  Ih 

'nrs  before  Ills  dealn.  when,  lo  soiiio 

eil   In  till'  Coulily.     Ills  early  llfo  »n 

ilent  he  rela.xed  In  Ills  life  long  Inln.r 

s|«iil    nn    his   fallier's    farm    near   tli 



hi  school 
g  rerrlved 

anil  took  oceaslonal  vaeallons.  having 
at  that  time  a  partner— -lohn  S.  Me- 
la.hlin-on  whom  the  burden  of  the 
business  devolved.  Hut  he  never 
eeaaed  participation  In  Ihe  flrmB  af- 
falis  until  til"!  day  of  his  dcnili. 

for  thirty  years  Duncan  I'nctt  iviis 
an  active  partblpnnt  In  the  pnllica  of 
I'arke  Coiinly.  He  always  atlrnde.l 
the  public  nieellngs  and  .all.nses  of 
Ihe  Itemocratlc  parly,  made  spee'lies. 
HHended  at  Ihe  polls  on  ebillnn  day. 
and  In  every  way  was  tndefntlgiinble 
In  Ills  work  lo  prniiiole  tile  party  wel- 
fare; vet  lie  ne\er  held  nny  reninnei- 
iillve  offlee.  'l-lio  finnn.lal  reliirna 
from  the  praetke  ot  his  profisslon 
were  greater  Ihiin  those  of  any  other 
lawyer  who  has  prnrlleed  permnnenlly 
nt  the  I'arke  Connly  bar. 

.Mr.  Pnelt'B  chief  attribute  as  a  law- 
yer was  Hint  he  always  at  the  e.vpens  • 
of  iiini'h  time  and  labor  made  blniself 
thoroughly  nc.pialiited  wllh  Hie  fuels 
and  Hie  law  of  the  parlbiilir  eiiae  In 
band.  It  was  on.e  aald  of  him  aB  of 
a  fanimiB  general,  "ho  lias  a  genius 
for  InrlMilcnee  nnd  tin 

an  nie.lemb-  eiln.allon  nl 
dale  .\ciideiiiy.  During  the  .^enra  fol- 
lowing when  be  owned  a  fnrin  and  was 
also  In  loiiinierclal  business.  .Mr.  Cal- 
lln  wna  BoiiielblnB  more  Hinn  nn  In- 
li'lllk-inl    and   siinesafiil   ninn.    He   d"- 

>oli'd    h    of   111..   Bl.are   lime   to   Ihe 

niinnile  nn.l  ills.-rlmliiatlng  sliidv  of 
bisinry.  s.lenie.  Illernlnre,  nnd  cer- 
tain pliasea  of  cliiireh  doclrlni', 
polity  and  history-  not  for  mere  con- 
tiovi'lBlnl  imrposeB.  or  lo  display 
learning  In  sacred  nialteis;  lliey 
were   III.'   Inveatlgallons  of  n  tbonghl- 

fill,  mod.'st   man   Int leslloiis  of  the 

hlghesl  lni|»rl  In  nil  men.  l;ronoiiile 
and    pollHial     ipi.-sibins     were     nisn 

Bliidb'd    by    .Mr.   rmlln.  nnd    I iile 

■,,'.lmil,:.-  II.,  i,r  .,  fund  i.f  ac.  male 
knowledge  niiinlred  not  from  pnrllsan 
soiini-B,  but  from  the  best  works  on 
pollllnil  economy.  Ills  views  on 
Boclologbal  malters  were  emlnenlly 
sound   and  Jiiat. 

hi  what  la  known  as  "firnctlral  iwll- 
IliB"  Samuel  T.  CnlUn  wns  Jnslly  re- 
garded as  a  wise  and  far  sighted  mnn- 
nger.  bolh  In  County  and  .'Jlale  affairs. 
Ills  eollnscl  was  always  sought,  nn.l 
when  acted  mmn  was  generally  found 
to  be  B.aind.  .V.ting  with  the  Itepubll- 
ean  parly  on  the  lasne  of  preeervlng 
the  Tnlon,  ho  was  one  of  the  first  men 
to  abnnilon  Hint  parly  when  In  his 
Jndgiiient  It  fulled  to  fulfill  lis  de- 
clare.l  purposes.  For  nearly  twenty 
.veara  from  Isiis  to  I.VlSiI.  be  acted  with 
the  Independent  element  of  those  dnys 
generally  cnlled  "lircenbaekers."  Ills 
personnl  popiilnrlly  prompted  his  fre- 
•inent  nomination  for  office.  In  one 
of  his  rucei  be  nns  defeated  for  the 
l.eglalntnie  by  the  bare  margin  of 
light  voles.  This  wna  In  I.KSl'.  l-'onr 
years  later  he  was  ele.ted  An.lllor,  af- 
ter one  of  Hie  most  remarkable  ram- 
palgiiB  In  the  hlatory  of  the  county. 
He  was  re-eleited  on  (be  Hemocralle  . 
tlekel,  a  reinarknblo  thing  In  I'nrko 
•'oiinljr  ttrenty-rive  yean  ago.     Upon 

ballle   till 



Heady  In  recourses,  fruitful  In  expeil- 
lenlB.  of  long  and  varied  t.xperlenee. 
ipiick  lo  detect  Iho  weak  i.olnis  of  blB 
adversary,  and  to  bring  onl  the  Btrong 
fealiires  of  his  own  ranse.  Hie  grenl 
niimlier  of 



moat  of  Iho  Imporlnnl  cases  In  onr 
lourt,  nttcaled  bis  ability  and  his 
•iiceou.  Ilo  diod  May  C,  I0O7. 

■AUUCI.  T,  rATi.i.i. 


liln  ri'llii'iiioiil  from  llie  Ainlllor'l  "f- 
llri-  lip  «n«  rliom-ii  I'rcslUcnl  of  tlip 
Kockvlllf  Nudonal  Hank,  an  office  ho 
rilliil  nntll  hl«  di-Htli.  7. 

SliPinii;l  T.  Cnllln  wnn  n  innn  of 
rourlcoim.  iiiodrsi  iind  iiinnly  ilmicnn- 
or.  lie  wiis  Inll  mill  rrcct :  linlll  liild- 
illo  nee  III"  linli"  »»'  HbI'':  >iI»  ""i" 
wore  hliic  iind  of  kindly  exiircaslon. 
Hill  sonno  of  liniiior  ivn»  knnly  dovelo|>- 
I'd  :  he  never  iniascd  ii  [lolnt  of  reni 
hiiMior  In  n  pnlillc  n.ldrcss  or  In  ion- 
veiBAllon.  lie  was  efficient  as  an  of- 
flilnl.  connlstrnl  as  a  Christian,  and 
always  and  everywhere  a  gentlcinnn. 
Ills  nKcfnl  and  iinol.triiBlve  life  etiin- 
iiianded  the  resiie.t  and  confidence  of 

Arrb  3f.  mijitf 

.Vred  I'niller  White  was  horn  in 
lloikvllle.  Indiana.  .May  JT.  IM.l.  and 
diril  here.  January  II,  lull,  lie  was 
Hie  son  of  .lohnsoii  K.  and  Hannah 
.lones  White,  pioneers  of  I'arke  Conn- 
ly.  He  utleniled  the  old  llockvllle 
seminary  and  worked  as  hhicksmlth 
ai'lireiillce  and  In  hl«  father's  saw 
mill  until  INO'-'.  when  lie  enlisted  In 
Comiiaiiy  ••(••■  Tsih  Indiana.  He  after- 
wards enllHlcd  In  the  Wl'lrd  Indiana, 
lull  In  the  iiie.inlliiie  li^id  attended  As- 
hnry  t'nlverslty.  from  which  he  cradn 
ated  In  IWIT.  He  then  studied  law, 
Iind  het-an  i.ra.thInK  In  lloeUvllle: 
was  a|i]H>lnteil  deputy  prosecutor  and 
.■le.ted  to  that  offhe  In   1.><7I. 

lor  ten  years  after  his  election  as 
I'roseiulinc  .\(torney,  .ludi:o  While 
was  I'ontKnntly  In  demnnd  as  an  ura. 
lor.  Ills  eloipienie  was  jirol.ahly  not 
ixevlh-d  by  any  pnhlle  speaker  In  In- 
illuna.  Ills  siieechis  were  scholarly 
ami  nunslerfiil.  He  was  familiar  with 
nil  the  hesl  lionks.  The  lines  of  every 
poet  wvri'  treiiBiirea  on  which  he  could 
dniw  nt  win  In  n|it  ipiotathm.  Ills 
lllerary  nltalnmtnls  were  as  morked 
OS  his  letnl  ohlllly.  Ileforc  he  was 
fiflien  years  old  he  had  written  good 
poetry.  Thlrly-flve  years  aso  he  de- 
ll\eicd  In  various  plniis  In  liidliina 
and  Illinois  a  lecture  on  Ahrahum 
Lincoln  that  was  classh-  In  lonslriie- 
llon  anil  sii  elocpiently  delivered  IhnI 
a  noted  nnllior  and  Journalist  of  the 
lltne  jironoumed  It  '■uneiiunleU."  .Many 
of  his  orations  ami  particularly  his 
eiilocles  of  the  soldier  dead,  delivered 
iin  liccoralioh  days,  were  prose  poems, 
wonderfully  hclRhtened  by  his  remark- 
.ihly  symiiathetle  and  musical  voice. 
As  H  historian,  es|ie<l«lly  of  the  Civil 
War.  .Iiidk-e  While  was  e.iiilpped  to 
have  w  rllten.  had  he  heen  so  Incllneil, 
a  work  that  misht  have  siirpassed 
nnythlPK  In  llterntnro  on  that  period. 

In  the  i-ainpnlun  of  IWiO  Judge 
White  as  a  eandldalo  for  Presidential 
lllcetor  on  the  Itepuhllcan  ticket, 
made  a  canvas  iif  the  .State.  Ho  spoke 
frequently  In  every  fonnty  In  this 
rongresslonal  district,  and  at  the  deill- 
enllnn  of  the  'lepuhlh-an  •'Wliiwinn" 
at  Torre  llniito  so  dellKhted  the  laritc 
inidlenee  In  attendance  that  ho  was  In 
denianil  on  many  pnhlle  oecaslont  af- 
terwards In  that  elly.  Daniel  W. 
Voorhees.  who  heard  that  speech  pro- 
nounced It  one  of  llio  hesl  ever  dellv- 
ored  In  Indiana,  and  ever  afterwards 
regarded  Judge  White  as  a  man  of 
kindred  spirit,  only  reeretting  Hint 
Ihey  should  differ  In  iKillths.  No  oth- 
er lloplihllean  would  have  lieen  lon- 
alilered  nt  that  time  as  tlio  noit  can- 
didate for  f'ongress  In  the  Tcrre 
llaiiln  district,  but  nnforlnnatcly 
Jndgo  white  suffered  serious  nervous 
pniBtratlon  as  a  result  of  his  arduous 
wort)  In  the  campaign  and  for  flvo 
.rears  he  «nB  an  Invalid. 

Ai  n  lawyer  Judge  White  was  con- 
•liloreil  \>Y  hla  fcllonr  praetlllonen  of 


the  period  preceding  IiIb  cl«.-ttoii  as 
.ludKC  one  of  tho  beat  In  iho  profca- 
Riou.  Ills  only  [lartncr  hcff're  lio  went 
on  the  bcnrh  wrs  ICtwood  Hunt.  In 
isHiI  he  won  olccled  JiitlRc  of  ttio  new- 
ly crcateil  -ITth  Judlclnl  CIrcnIt  and 
held  (hnt  office  for  eighteen  years. 
I'pon  his  retirement  Trom  iho  bem  Ii 
Jiirlk'e  White  In  partncrahlp  with  Itia 
Bon.  ,Inc>h  S.  White,  prnctlced  hl«  pro 

In  hlR  rellh'lous  vleua  Ju'Irc  Wtilte 
held  to  the  ahnptc  "oldfiiahloneil  faltli 
of  his  fothrrB."  Xolhtnf;;  could 
Bworve  hliii  front  hiB  belief  In  tho  hu- 
morlnllty  of  the  soul.  A  friend  who 
knew  hliii  Intimately  remarked  when 
he  was  dylnj;  that  he  was  nearer  to 
tho  ChrlBllan  Ideal  of  what  a  human 
beInK  fan  moke  htmaelf  than  any  nmn 

naiirc  h»vcr.  the  humunllarlon.  tho 
friend,  the  home-maker  nnd  pmrdlan. 
tho  Ideal  hnahnnil  and  father— ^arh 
(leKervcs  a  nepnralo  eni--onihnn. 

Albrrl  fH.  A^ulu^ 

Albert  M.  Adams  was  a  son  of  liar 
vy  AdiiiiiR.  who  was  one  of  tho  largest 
land  owners,  one  of  the  most  sui-rcss- 
ful  farmers,  and  one  of  the  best  cit- 
izens of  I'arko  County.  Ilarvy  Adams 
lived  nnd  (lied  on  the  heautlfiil  tract 
of  land  adjoining  the  Slate  reserva- 
tion three  miles  east  of  llockvlllo. 
Hero  In  l.'tilo  Albert  Adnius  was  lK>rn. 
He  graduated  nt  the  State  Inlverall.v. 
read  law  nltli  S.  IJ.  I'liett.  anil  was  his 
partner  when  clocted  llrprcscntallvc 
of  I'arko  ronnly  In  lnn».     IIo  wna  af- 

f*l??',!l|»'J  I  'W^wwiJ 

I  mim.mvn^*i^^'wy^ 


ARCD  r.    WIIITg, 

she  had  known,  .\nothcr  friend  re- 
plied that  he  was  endowed  with  tho 
two  great  reipilsltcs  for  personal 
llntness — his  head  and  his  lieiirt.  In 
addition  to  his  fine  Intellect  ho  lind  a 
great,  good  heart.  Judge  Wblto  wna 
cne  of  those  tare  iicopie  who  stand 
the  test  of  dDlly  llfo.  IIo  waa  a  gen- 
ial imin  In  hi  i  homo  and  iinrcservodly 
devoted  to  hli  duties  as  n  family  man. 
He  took  his  responslhlllty  na  a  bus- 
hand  and  father  as  few  men  ever  as- 
sume them.  He  was  alncero  and  sim- 
ple In  Ills  triinsnctlon  of  plain,  dally 
duties  and  to  all  tho  little  acta  of  love 
and  kindness  at  home  which  he  llkrd 
til  rail  "the  small,  sweet  coiirteales  of 

There  Is  so  iiiuih  to  lie  said  of  a 
character  like  that  of  Jinlgo  White,  so 
many-sided  as  It  waa,  that  the  writer 
dispaira  of  ronihlnlng  It  In  a  brief  iu<^ 
iiiorlal.  The  hiiniorlat.  ,th«  poet,  the 
ai-tor,  tlia  orator,  tha  Jurist,  the  great 

terwards  elected  I'roseciiling  Attor- 
ney of  this  Jiidliliil  Circuit.  Ilcforo 
studying  law  Mr.  Adams  waa  Rujierln- 
tendcnt  of  the  Itockport  pnblle  aihools. 
Hero  ho  was  married  to  MIsa  Kato 
llullook,  the  benntlfnl  nnd  aci'ompllsh- 
cd  daughter  of  James  nnlloek.  Mr. 
nnd  Mrs.  Adams  canio  to  llockvlllo  In 
ms.'l  and  resided  hero  until  tho  death 
of  Mr.  Adams. 

Albert  Adams  was  a  man  of  fino 
pertonni  njipearnnro,  an  nthleto  of 
splendid  training  and  remarkaliK' 
strcnui'h  and  activity.  Ills  frlenda 
could  not  rrallr.o  that  iino  so  strong 
and  robust  was  In  serious  111  health 
when  he  was  compelled  to  cease  Inisl- 
nesa  activity,  yet  his  decline  was  ten- 
slant  In  spite  of  his  strong  constltii 
Hon,  and  he  died  afler  a  long  Illness. 

.\lliirt  Adams  had  strong  emnlt-- 
llona  and  never  hesltaled  In  aillnn  up. 
on  them,  even  tliongli  It  meant  iin- 
popnlarlty.     Tho    lator   jcara    of    hli 

life  were  devoted  to  business  and  to 
the  manaeemenl  of  his  farm  four 
iiillos  from  Itockvllle.  1<>  this  w.irl;  r\ii 
to  everyllilug  he  undertook  ho  devot- 
ed all  the  energy  of  his  naturally  In- 
dustrious nature. 

]Srii.  lUiUiatii  {1.  (Eiimiitliiijii 

Wlllliim  I'erry  Cmmiiliigs  was 
prcatly  beloved  by  the  people  of  I'arke 
(oiinly.  l-or  sixty  yenis  he  llve.l  here, 
"laboring  In  the  I,ord's  vineyard." 
Without  money  and  without  price  he 
prcaclie*!  the  gospel  lo  our  people  dur- 
ing all  the  years  of  his  long  life.  He 
was  present  In  times  of  gladness,  of- 
riclatlUR  at  marriages,  and  In  hoina 
of  BOirxiw.  or  distress,  ho  was  also 
lirrsent  to  Qdmlnlhler  words  of  com- 
fori.  No  man  In  I'arko  County  wos 
railed  as  often  as  "I'ncle  i'erry"  lo 
efflil.-.le  nl  iii:irrln;:c  rerniionles,  and 
Ilia  consoling  presonec  was  as  fro- 
■luent  on  funeral  occasions. 

William  r.  ('nnimliigs  was  bnin  In 
Hath  County.  Va..  May  n.  IH|:i.  He 
learned  tho  hatter'a  trade  and  worked 
at  It  for  b1.v  .vcnrs.  Then.  In  hcIoIkt. 
I.Klil.  he  was  married  lo  .Mngilalen  c. 
\\'alloi-e  of  Lexington.  \'lrginla,  who 
belonged  to  a  family  of  noled  Indlin 
fighters  nnd  frontiersmen.  The  next 
year  they  cntiio  to  llockvllle.  where 
Mr.  Cunimlngs  began  business  as  a 
linttcr.  He  condiiited  his  shop  In 
llockvllle  from  1S.17  to  l.-ilM.  when  ho 
nioveil  for  a  while  to  a  farm.  In  LI'lM 
be  was  licensed  os  a  local  preacher 
nnd  rniiii  thot  time  until  hia  death 
Ireqmntly  preached  In  tho  Methodist 
luilplta  of  the  Count.v.  lie  neither  ex- 
pected nor  received  pay  for  bis  offic- 
ial relations  with  the  eliurch.  lint  sup- 
ported himself  and  reared  his  large 
family  by  his  own  hard  work. 

On  tho  occasion  of  the  flolden  Wed- 
ding of  Mr.  and  .Mrs.  Cummlngs  a 
large  ntnnher  of  people  from  every 
Iiart  of  the  County  were  present,  and 
attested  their  lore  nnd  appreciation 
of  the  rcnerablo  eoiiplo  by  tunny  gold- 
en tributes.  Not  only  Iho  ehnrchrs. 
hilt  lodges,  County  and  town  officials, 
the  local  military  companies  and 
aclinoli.  attended  and  extended  con- 
gratulations. It  nai  fl  day  long  to  he 

Ilev.  Cnmmlnga  was  large  of  ala- 
lure.  Ilia  personality  accorded  well 
with  Ills  calling.  Ills  rolco  waa  deep 
onil  Inspired  revercneo  In  tho  hearer— 
a  roleo  more  ramilinr  perhaps  to  tho 
curvlrors  of  past  generations,  nnd 
nhlch  will  be  nioro  readily  and  affec- 
tionately recalled  than  that  of  anr 
other  man  to  which  memory  now 

&aiiiurl  QJ.  lEnsty 

When  Tarke  Coimt/  celebrated  tli« 
.Vatlon'a  Centennial  with  memorial 
services  In  tho  old  court  house,  July 
4.  Id'il,  tho  prealdlng  officer  was  Hon. 
Hnmiiel  T.  Knsey.  Tho  occasion  wos 
nlso  tho  Mth  anniversary  of  Porko 
Count.v.  Mr.  Ensey  waa  then  an  old 
iiinn,  lint  he  was  atili  nulto  actlvii  in 
iwlltlcs.  For  many  years  lie  waa  a 
lender  of  the  Itepubllcon  party.  Ills 
home  was  in  Annapolis,  wlioro  ho  kept 
tho  Knsey  hiiiel  or  tavern,  and  many 
wore  tho  political  c-onferenees  ami 
enucuscs  held  therein,  IIo  represent- 
ed i'orlie  County  in  the  Ulnte  Kennis, 
was  a  forcible  public  speaker  and  a 
fIno  parliamentarian,  lie  came  In 
I'arkp  County  in  1«A  and  here  labor- 
ed as  a  useful  ritlren,  enterprising  ' 
luerc'hant.  and  roliiable  pnbllr  man. 
lie  left  Annapolis  soon  after  the  rail- 
road waa  built  to  lllooiiilngdals:  nior- 
ed  to  Torre  Haute,  wh«r«  ha  died  »t 
a  rl|i«  old  afo. 



llrnry  Hlavciia  wnn  one  of  tlio  well 
Liinwii  iiirn  ur  llockv  lllo  In  111  oiirly 
iln>i  lU'  iiiliihl  Imvi^  limdo  nilicll 
ii.iirti  ur  liln  tiiUnln  lliiin  ho  did;  but 
hi'  »u«  inili>k'n(  an  »i'll  i\t  erralli', 
r<Mi<l  nr  Hpiirt  and  pnstlMip.  unil  nhHO- 
liiloly  liidirr.  rvnt  to  hinliicsn.  Mc  wan 
lhi>  (ypc  of  ninn  Ihnl  iinthhiK  hul  war 

iiko  fv 



►rrii-il  III  llic  lilnrl,  llnivk  war,  and 
Ihin  raiiin  In  liockv  lllo.  Hero  ho  wan 
idllor  ot  Ihc  Coiinly  iinpnr  for  a«  lillc. 
Ihcn  law.  and  vvaa  for  a  lliiio 
a  JiiKlIri'  of  till'  iM'uco.  lie  fiilird  to 
iiri  iiiiiiiliun  ctthpr  incinry  or  property, 
ilird  pour,  and  hia  nanio  la  lifliv  for- 
Kotlin    oscnpl    hy    tlio   fow   yot      llvlnn 

J)nl)it  Jl.  fHraritam 

llenornl  John  .1.  Mrocliaiii.  nlio  wan 
ciiir  of  llio  Oiirly  hiialnrpa  mon  of 
I'aiki'  County,  wna  hnrn  In  North 
iniollna.  July  H,  ISIJ.  When  twenty 
.venra  of  nite  he  niiiie  to  lloekvlllc.  and 
he^an  to  work  at  the  aaddler's  trade. 
In  IS-1.S  ho  was  ele.  led  hy  the  offlrera 
of  the  Indliiiii  I.OKlon,  llrlKndler-den- 
eral.  a  rank  he  rolalneil  until  Ihn  ays- 
tini  of  iMllltIa  then  In  vocue  was  nhol- 
lehed  In  IS.",:.'.  In  1SIN  he  wna  elected 
In  the  Inillana  [.ORlglntiire  an  an  In- 
dependent  lieiiiocnit.  lie  was  a  nein- 
mint  until  the  pa.i.<inge  of  the  Kansas- 
.Vihroaka  act.  Oeneral  Meacliain  was 
*  prominent  Inymiin  of  the  .Methodist 
eliiinh.  and  waa  the  first  lay  deleifale 
from  ItoekTillo  to  take  part  In  con- 
ference. This  was  al  CrawfordBvllle 
In    1>«W — IllRhop    Ames   presiding. 

I  fome  now  in  eonslderlnf;  sonic  of 
tilt  early  lawycra  of  Itockvllle  who  af- 
terwards hccame  prominent  In  their 
profession  and  In  politics  In  other 
flelda.  Thoniaa  II.  Nelson  ranic  here 
from  Kentiieky  at  the  ago  of  If)  to 
practice  law.  lie  was  nominated  hy 
the  WhiRs  for  Conffress  when  he  was 
twenty-ttirce,  hut  had  to  decline,  be* 
cause   be   waa  not  of     ConstltutlonBl 

ii(s.  Ha  iiiuyrd  to  Terro  Haute  and 
was  the  succeBBful  llepiibllcan  cnndl- 
ilato  against  IMnlel  W.  Voorhcca  In 
iwkl.  I'roaldent  I.lnooln  apiwlnted 
hliii  Minister  to  Chill,  and  ho  siibse. 
ijuently  served  as  nnihassador  to  Mni- 
Ico.  lie  was  II  hrolher  of  Ociiernl 
William  Nelson,  who  waa  killed  hy 
(Jeneral  Jeff  c.  Iliivis  In  a  personal 
encounter  diirlnK  the  war.  Thomas 
II.  Nelson  died  In  Terrc  Haute  In  ISOil. 



>  f t. 

era  he  lioi-aine  a  IcAdlUK 
.Tiidtfc  of  the     Indiana 

James  M.  Allen  and  ,1ahn  (I.  I.'rane 
hemm  to  prn.-tlee  law  In  Ilorkvillo 
ulioiit  IKI.-i.  Allen  went  to  fjiwronco- 
vine  ahoiit  IMMi.  Jiidiie  Crane  mar- 
ried .Miss  .lane  t<lark,  a  sister  of  Al- 
fred K.  NInrk.  and  resided  In  Itock- 
vllle until  the  adoption  nf  the  (iresent 
system  of   Inlernal   revenue     laiatlon. 

a    l>n{jiirrroti/pr   Mail' 
a  son  of  Dr. 

.Uioiiiif  IS.-II 

Addison  l<.  Itnarh 
Iloach.  lie  studied  Inw  under 
eral  Howard  at  Hie  time  when  Snin- 
1  el  V.  .Maxwell  was  also  a  student  In 
Howard's  office.  He  practiced  for  a 
time  as  the  -partner  of  his  fo'low 
student  and  subsequently  Diored  to  Tn- 

when  he  was  appointed  collertor  hy 
rrcsldenl  Lincoln,  1R02.  lie  then 
moved  to  Terre  Ilaiite.  where  he  died 
In  ISTO,  having  from  a  |>oor  Iwiy  arisen 
to  nenlih  end  distinction.  Judge 
Kllas  H.  Terry  established  a  reputa- 
tion here  as  a  good  lawyer  Itefora  he 


ed   to  lisnvllle.   III.,  In  tha  early 

nl    bar,      though      not 


rd  fn 

point  of  I 
In    the 

live  |» 

■  tic 

past,  Ini'llldes  somo  inenibers 
who  were  connected  with  the  lawyers 
wiiose  aihlevcMiiMils  arc  a  part  nf  the 
history  of  I'arke  county  and  ha\o  hern 
noted  among  her  public  men.  I-Hwood 
Hunt  Is  now  the  oblesl  nirmber  of  the 
liar  In  aitlvc  pnictli-e;  Henry  Daniels 
lanks  next  In  length  of  years;  David 
KtroiiBC  Is  a  member  of  the  Itnikvlllo 
bar,  but  his  praitlce  has     been     olsi'- 


ntliig     lilt 

Vandalla  rallr 
nols:  Howard  .Maxwell  was  assoiliitra 
with  his  tullior  lur  oter  tneiuy  yiiiia: 
J.  N.  .Mcl-'addln  was  almost  as  long  ss- 
soeliited  with  S.  I>.  I'lictt.  and  Max- 
well and  .Mcl'addln  have  for  nearly 
ten  years  been  porlners  In  the  prai- 
tlce of  their  profession.  Joseph  M. 
Johns,  for  more  than  twenty  years 
has  been  In  o'tlve  practice  here,  most 
of  the  time  slone,  but  ho  Is  now  as- 
soilnled  with  S.  K.  .Max  I'lictl  and 
Hugh  llanta,  lately  admllled  to  the 
bar;  Jacob  S.  White  practiced  with 
James  T.  Johnston,  and  later  with  his 
father.  Judge  White;  Harold  A. 
Henderson,  now  the  partner  of  Mr. 
White,  rnlered  the  profession  uiion  his 
retirement  from  the  Amlltoi's  offl.ce, 
praitli'cd  nwhile  with  KIwood  Hunt, 
then  became  a  member  of  the  firm  nf 
White,  While  &  Hendoraon.  wlilih  u|>- 
on  the  death  of  Judge  \Milte  became 
White  t,  Henderson:  Howard  Han- 
cock lias  been  a  member  of  the  bar  for 
ten  years,  and  Homer  Ingram,  prose- 
ciiting  attorney,  romplctes  the  list  of 
men  who  devote  themselves  solely  to 
the  practice  of  law.  although  a  niuii- 
licr  of  men  are  on  the  roll  of  thn  Iloek- 
vlllo  bar  as  lawyers  whose  aetire  hush 
nesa  Is  along  other  lines.  Pome  of 
the  names  above  given  are  of  lawyers 
wlm  are  known,  respeoied  and  fear- 
ed nt  other  bars  and  are  alwa.ri 
sought  In  rases  tried  In  E^rke  county 
on  change  of  renne. 

IIIoun?n  llljo  Wm  II^U  ICuniun 

mil'  «r  llu'  li<n»l  l:>ihl;ilil<-  "T  nil  Ihr 
l,.,„.nMliU   .,h..'nnn.T«    h.    Iii.ll:'nii    Ik 

III.'  i.l.iiic'.'l-  " '11  "f  llii'  f^li'li''     'I'll'' 

i.loiii'iM'    Minii'U    iir    I'nilo'    I'liiilUy    ilo- 

„,,', 1.1.-   Ill    llif   wn.v   or   rncoinliiin 

il,„„  I  ,1111  |."»»  Klv.'  Ilu'iii.  In 
iiiiiiiv  r.'»|..'il»  llii-y  I'oiinn.iili'a  ni""' 
III   liii'   vMirl.   iir  liivlni;   llic   fmlil'lnlhin 

ol   111.'   riiliiv  lliiin   111 11— li.r  III..* 

I.iilll  til.'  Homo.  Ihr  llllll  on  which  tlio 

VI  ,.,.1.,  iin.l  iiiiiKl   iilwn.M.  Rinnd  If  It  !.'• 

I.I    I'NlBl     ll.'lllllllll'llll.V.        II     VM'....II.-     li" 

,i\.  Klthllni;  llii-  rllli-.  rnlshm-  llir  inli- 
liiK.  i.loMhiL-  llK'  .l.nrliiKs.  liliizliiK  mill 
lii.vliii;  ..111  llH'  roniln.  iii.d  nil  111!'  "oik 

III ill'  %M.rl(  i.r  n..'  vMiiiii'iiV     Willi 

iilnlil  r.ill  111.'  Hoi'k  or  iiinii.v  of  till- 
urn  irn.siil.     'Ihi'.v  I'oiilil   I'l-sl   mid   ri- 

|i,'    lli.',ii.i'lvi-»:     lull     Ihi'    ■■«" iV 

iwiil,  »iiK  ni-iiT  ihin.-."  Slio  iiiiiili'  III.' 
rli.lli     liixlil.ui.'il    iind    kIIIi'Iu'.I    K    Into 

^.„|. „,„.    „  „..    ih.'    .■iii'|..'l».    liioilldcl 

111.'  riiii.lli'n,  iii'iih'  III''  Konp.   ri-ndrri'd 

Ml.'   Ini.l.   » kid    111!'  liwnl'   inndo   llif 

I. Willi,   mid   ii.'rri.niiid   ii   liiiiidr.'rt   mid 

„„i.  .1 r  ihilli-H  Mini  di'vnUrd  on  h.T. 

All. I  flo  will  lliliiU  Hull  Ihls  linid  nnd 
I'l'iim  l.'Kh    work    wni.  dmlo   I..V    ItlLTiinl 

w (.1    1   II   In  mi.v  «a.v  di'L-rnd- 

, ii.-.i     li    .voii  do.   ir  .von   nro     In- 

I  lliii'il  I.I  plly  Ih lii'iniis.'  mull  lankH 

m  r.'ll  lo  lln-iii  »''l'.'  Ilir.inslBl.Mll  wllh 
III.'  lil^lii'M  liililliTlnulriy  or  rcrinr- 
iiiinl  von  hiivi'  In  Mm  IniiKHiiKi'  of  Ihc- 
Kln.'l  ■•■i.n..lhf'r  think  lOiulnB."  Wo 
l.nn-  In  nillid  woinon.  wh.i  l.nrori-  Ih.y 
iniiir  In  Ihr  \vlld«  of  I'lirUn  Coiinly. 
w.Tr  r.nri'd  In  nn  nlnio»|.lioro  of  re- 
rini'  'I'lioy  worn  ln-llrg  In  Old 
Vlrtliiln;  w.'rc  Blinhntii  In  llio  foninio 
i,.'iidi'ii.l('»  or  tho  KiiBlcrn  SlalPB.  were 
nlli'lidi'.l  l.y  Bhiv.':!.  If  from  Ih.^  Soiilh. 
iir  kli.'n  liiillilni:  "f  tin-  i.rlmlloim  n( 
n  iii'w  connlrv  If  from  llio  oldrr  «<■ 
iloim  of  Ihn  I'-.iist:  hilt  nno  nnd  nil  if 
llM'iii  mln|.i.-.l  thim.i..dvoK  to  llio  "v 
iL.'in  ii'K  .11'  lli.'ir  ni'W  llfo.  nnd  in"'- 
fi.riiKil  Midi  Ihi'lr  imrl  In  Ih"  h'Toj.' 
mriiL't'lo  "f  triiiiiirnriiiln);  llw  ivUdi'i'- 
l.iHH  liiln  n  liiililliililo  nnd  linpiiy  I  md. 
.Mont  of  ihiiRo  i.tononr  wiiiii"n  nr" 
fordiliin  mivo  hy  llii-lr  Immodlnli' 
di'Mi'i-niimilH.  Miiny  of  thi-m  nloop  In 
lllililirUr..l  L-rnvrB.  II  In  tin-  |.lin"'»'' 
of  Ihls  ihiilitor  in  imy  trlliiilo  lo  nil 
of  thorn  whllo  riTonllnK  llio  IIv.'h  of 
tli.'lr  BlBt.rH  who  l»  ii-iinnn  of  innni- 
Ini'liro  In  ono  wny  or  nnnlhor  nro  hrrr 

IPr*.  lHuig  Sjiirluu 

.Mm.    Mnry    lliirinn,   ninllior   of   sni 

iiior  .1 »   llnrlnn.  of   InwM.   Ihod   to 

I  ho  nBo  Ol  inn  yiiirK.  I'-rnin  IS'.M  nn- 
III  Inr  dinlh  in  iwiil  »lio  i'r»l.lod  III 
I'lirko  roniily.  Ilor  ilniii-'hlor.  .\lr«. 
.Inhn  T.  Ilrown  of  norldn  IhwiibIiIii 
fiirnlnhod    IhiK    nkdrli: 

"My  inolhor.  .Mib.  Mnr.>  i-onloy  llnr- 
h.ll.  wnx  hn.ii  noir  Morci  ahnrK.  'Md.. 
Mnrrh  Jn.  IT1"1;  dlod  July  II,  isiiil, 
Sho  wiiB  miirrlod  lo  my  f.ithor.  SIIiib 
llnrlnn,  on  llio  mui  of  .Mnnh.  Ihis, 
ni'iir  l.olinniin.  (Ihln.  'I'li.'y  Bo..n  nrior 
ii.OM'd  in  llnrk  roiinty.  Illlnoin.  Ilvrd 
nn  iinlod  I  in. I  iinlll  nflor  llio  tlilril 
■  hlld  niiB  iiorii. 

"Ill  Iho  your  IN'J-  my  fnthpr  Bont  liy 
fliil  l.iiiil  oninii:li  rnrn  in  Sow  Orlonna, 
Ihilr  iinly  iiuirUol,  lo  lirliin  liliii  nno 
hninlrod  diillurn.  Thin  ho  wnnloil  to 
llMOBi  In  Iniid.  'I'lioy  hnd  honrd  of  n 
,1111  il/»i'i,rir;/  IrBil  of  land  In  I'lirko 
Coniily,  Indlnnn.  lyhm  hotwon  two 
iitrcanii  culled   Itnocoon,  ulilcli     from 

Iho  dosiil|itloii  of  tho  Krowlh  of  lliii-  mot   nnd    n^rooil    to     l.nlld     n     school 

hor.    iMiiBl    hino   oxtm    hoII.      So   ho   In  I.oiib.'.     'Ili.y  biIi.  lod  n  iillo,  out,  hew- 

oonil.miy  wllh  boiiio  olliom  Binrlod  out  rd  iiii.l  hniil.'d  Iokb,  crortod  n  hillldlliu 

on  horKolinik  In  Bonn  h  of  Ihln  locntlini  on  Iho  hoiiiIi  of  llio  roud,  wllh  n  Kronl 

nnd    rindhiK    rvory    iIiIiik    R:ill«rnctory  ioiil-Ii,    nlnno    fli  .-iilnio    on    llio   north 

llicy   won!   on   to  llio  nonroat  hin.l  of-  in.i  nnd  ii  iloor  In  Iho  nniilh     bo     the 

rioo.     Thoy    inovod    the   Biiino   yonr   lo  chlldnii    would   not   ho  diBliirbcd   dnr- 

llioir  now   home  In   Now   IHBCovor.v,  ns  Inc   Iioiiib  wllh  the  trnyol.  They 

II   linn  ever  Bince  been  rnlM.     Tlioro  lofi  one  Iok  out  on  each  bIiIc  nenr  tlio 

wnn  nn  n.n.l.  only  hriisli  pn.kod  down  i-PllInK   for   IIk'iI   nnd     air.     M     fli'sl 

nn.l  n  l.lnj.e  hero  and  there  on  n  tree.  they  tnoked  nn  slrlpn  of  cronBod  linen 

Thoio   wan   no  .hiireh   nnd   no  nohool.  ilhey  hnd  no  |.n|irrl   wliloh  wan  nflor- 

.My    fathor    and    mother    IniiKht    their  wnrjB   nnpi'llid    wllh   loiiK  Bash   and   !< 

children    In   the   rirnt   l.'BBonn  of  rrni*-  x    m  Klaan.     Thin  Is  where  .lames  nnd 

Ini.'.    wrltlnn    nnd    orllhnicllc.  my    ol.lor     bIbIoib      oltendcd      s.liool. 

■When    my      hrolhcr      wnn     sixteen  Then  JnmoB  not  Instrnetlon  from  Boino 

yenrs   old   a   man    wlinnc     naino     was  of  the  lenillntf  men  tn   Uockvllle,  who 

Terry    in frniii    Konldoky, 

frrert   to   loHih   n  i  lann   In   L-r 
ho   <Y)nld    Bociire   enniii;h     nil 
.My  father  went   to  Iho  Bollle 
niiild  iiiiiih  rlillenle  nnd  niipoBll  Ion  nli- 
Inlnnl   fifteen,  whioh  nwolled  to  twen- 
ty before  tho  teiiii  fsiilred.  lie  tniiuhl 
two   teniiB.      .Mv    mother   gave   np    her 
kitchen  for  a  srhoni  room  clnrlnK  llil« 
lime.     Hoon  after  this  (ho  ncliihhori 

m  of-  HOI  nnd  lo  tnke  ii  deildod  InieiOBl  In 
lar  If  llllll'  In  Ihln  way  he  kept  up  his 
IhetB.  BtiidliB.  helped  nn  tho  farm  nnd 
I  null      Innuhl   one   term     of     ncliool     beforo 

Bl  irtliiK  lo  .\nhiiry   I'nivernlty. 

".My   ninllior  fiirnlnlied   his  olothlnK, 

liotiio  spun,  nnd  wo\'en  linen  for  Binn- 

nifr  nnd  wool   for  winter.     Also  bod 

nnd   heddlnit. 
".My    .'alhor   nont    In   a     tiro-liono 

wai:on  every  two  or  three  weeks  wllh 
prnvlBlniis.  .TaliieB  rented  a  room  nnd 
did  hln  own  onoUIni;.  lie  »  nn  mnrrl.'il 
Honn  nflor  he  wan  uradnati'd  tn  .Minn 
Ann  I'.ll'/.ii  I'ook.  tnilKhl  nclionl  llin  fol- 
low IllK  winter  nnd  In  I  lie  Sprlnir  of 
l.sin  moved  to  Iowa  flty,  prnclloed 
law  nnlll  elo.led  rronldenl  of  the  I'nl- 
vornlly  In  Mt.  I'lonBoiit,  nnd  after- 
wnrdn  wnn  elocled  to  tho  United 
Stnles    Senate." 

iKnrllia  inii.vuirU  l^iiiiiurh 

liiiiinl.l.r    of    lm\ld    II.      Mn\woll.      n 

III her  of  the  1X111  Indiana  ConBllln- 

llnnal  oonvonllon,  was  born  In  Ilan- 
o\ei-.  In.lliinn,  ,Taiiimry  r.',;  sho 
illod  April  -JT,  imKI.  need  111!  y.nrB,  ;l 
montliB  iiml  .'  ilayn.  .Iiillet  V.  strannn 
on  the  occaalon  of  Mrn.  Howard's  Olst 
birthday  .-ontrlhuleKl  to  the  /mjinii- 
nimltn  Scirs  nn  npprcclntlon  of  .Mm. 
Iluward,  from  which  tho  following  Is 
re-prlnted : 

"a    I.Anv   OK   gUAI.ITY." 

"Mrs.  .Mnrthn  .\.  Ilowuid.  widow  of 
(ieneral  TIlKlinmn  .\.  Iluwaid,  who 
died  of  yellow  fever  while  nilnlnler 
plenipotentiary  lo  the  Itepnl.llo  of 
ToxnB  In  the  year  1MI.  still  liven  at 
Iho  old  Howard  home  wllhin  a  stone's 
Ihrow  of  the  homo  of  the  Country 

"It  was  a  snowy  afternoon  on  one 
of  the  plotnre  dnyn  of  winter  when  1 
Joined  the  little  pnrty  of  frieinin  who 
were  piiltiK  lip  with  KlflB  nnd  flowers 
10  pay  our  (rllnitc  to  tho  lady,  ills- 
tltnrnlnhed  not  only  hy  her  (irent  ntfe, 
but  Blno  by  Iter  own  stroiiK  anil  boaii- 
tifiil  chnrooter,  and  lier  coimeotlon  In 
days  lone  past  with  tho  nffulri  of  Ihc 
Stnic  and  Nntlon. 

"W'c  arc  wont  to  spenk  of  very  old 
lienplc  ns  links  between  llB  and  tlic 
pant,  but  do  ne  pniise  to  think  JllBt 
what  wc  nionn  by  the  pnst?  Thoniih 
no  nro  thrilled  with  a  sense  of  awe 
In  tho  prenonoo  of  n  person  who  has 
lived  nlmoBt  a  century,  we  nro  prone 
to  fnrifot  how  niiioli  of  history  siioli  a 
period  of  life  eiiilirnces.  l-rt  tin  think 
tor  a  iiioiiient  nhotii  wlint  was  Rolnif 
on  In  the  world  that  January  rJ,  IHi:i. 
when  this  gentle  old  Indy,  who  Is  our 
ncit'tilKir,  WHS  horn.  Ho  you  know?. 
Well,  Nnpolron  wnn  rondiictlnu  Iho 
I'etrent  of  his  grnnd  oriiiy  from  Mos- 
iiiw:  ThroiiBh  the  snows  of  Kinslii 
the  grenl  conipicror  was  loadlnR  his 
linsiB,  free/.InK,  bleedlnu  and  ilylnir, 
but  followlii):,  after  the  nionner  e,' 
people   wllh   Krent   lenders. 

A  few  weeks  earlier  the  ronstltu- 
llon  cnptured  the  finerrlere.  nnd 
when  Mm.  Ilownrd  wns  nine  innnlhs 
old.  t'oiiinnidoro  I'erry  won  his  sph'n- 
dld  vlolory  on  l.nkc  Krie.  I  nn,  not 
Very  KOOil  on  eontempornneonn  hlnlnry. 
Imt  these  fneis  fix  my  old  frloii  Is  -iije 
tn  my  mind  mote  elenrly  Ihnn  Ih" 
nioro  rejirtlllon  of  tho  dole  o'  her 
birth.  Nbo  wns  two  .vears  old  wlo  n 
-Inokson  won  the  battle  of  New  Or- 
lennn  nnd  Nnjiolcon  met  his  fate  i.t 

"Mrn.  Howard  win  ninrrled  In  IS  I.!, 
and  rniiin  tn  her  homo  In  Ihln  plnoe 
from  ItloomliiKlon  on  liorBohnek.  I 
have  heard  her  doscrlbo  Ihln  weddlnil 
trip,  nn.l  nni  Irreslstlhly  reminded  rf 
the  we.hllnK  Journey  of  "The  VIr- 
Klnlnn'  nnd  hln  bride.  Their  wny  l«y, 
for  the  pnrt,  thrniiuli  llio  tin- 
broken  foroBt,  nnd  she  broiicht  her 
worldly  pnnnenslnns  In  two  inildlebaiia 
and  a  portiiinntenn. 
"Again  tho  mind  rum  btclc  (0  •tent* 

wlil.-li  scoiii  10  ii»  Mildcllc-nKOd  pcoplo 
t<i  lirivi'  triillB|ilr'(l  licfiTO  llio  jiin.t.iry 
i,f  llilMi:  iiii.n,  and  w,.  rrth-.i  ll^nt  our 
i>l(l  fri.nil  iniirrli'.l  «:irii  Aniliow 
.liirkKua   \v:iH  rri'8lil<'ut   oi'  tlio   I'nllrd 

ivh.ii  'I'linln,  <'ii..-U.>l  nnd  llowl.i  on- 
,  Ihc  lirr.ilr  ini^.dy  tif  ilio  Alan.o. 
M..rn  (liMli  ihli.,  Irii.kil  nn.l  llnwlo 
v^n,'  lurNtiniil  ri'l<-i>,lK  ni'  lirr 

III  hln  .'nrlilT  llfn  III  ■|-i'llll.-HR<-c,  Tliolr 
li:ii,i.-,  wrrr  linNKi'lioUl  nnrd.i.  Iiiilrrd 
^iiiil  ;n  iiiilii  8lif  inn  •rnMciiilicr  tlio 

"So  UK  dfcndi'  nftiT  dmadi'  slips  in- 
lu  till'  luat,  MrM.  llowiiid  liiiK  »r™  lior 
liiclida  r.iiil  kliiilvid  l-i'.\  iii-oitiwl  li.-r, 
liilM  wlliirBKnl  (ni'iiln  nlmkr  llii- 
I'll  ill/I'd  »orldl  en  II  riiipln's  rlxo  mill 
niiil.    Ilk."'s   fill    Ihr    wind-.      Ill- 

IniliKll.  limi-vHn  .11-  i.r.lillrniiri'.  nil 
I  hilt  «p  inM  pi-ocrorK,  lum  di'vdnppd 
ulililli  hir  iiiniini-y.  Hit  rharnrlnr  Is 
I. mil  lipnil  lllli'H  v]\  nili-ulnli'd  lo  i.r- 
r-pl   tliim-  rliiini:.'*.     -I.rl   nnlliini;  din- 

liii'li    Ihin.      iiiilhli'.i.'      iirrrlKliI      II ,' 

>.>>i-i,iK  nhvriyK  in  Mill  III  lir  lior  iiiriitiil 
iiilliiiili'.     I  liiivi-  n.-i-ii  iii-r  III  tliiic-n  ni' 

I  i-iiol  nirili-ilnii.  hill   liiivo  iii>M<r  In I 

Iii'i-  wllliiiiii  till'  iinii-p  III*  pni-fiTi  rPh- 
k-liiitliili.  II  llllii  ni'voi-  n.-.-iiii-i-d  In  lii-r 
III   t:iliiiildi<   nMT   hi'i'   lilt    III    urn   or   to 

llltlli'lll  tlio  lOHK  or  III.'  loli-ll  lini'8  Mini 
III    III!    llliirH    hnii-    Ill-Ill      lilkrii      ii»iiy 

I'riiiii  hi-r  iitidr-r  pi-i-iillnrl.v  trylni:  niid 
Ii'iikIi'  rlrriluiBliiiii-rn- 

"ir  .Mill  i:n  III  niM  ilpiin  .Mi-k.  Iliiiviinl 
liiiliiy  ynii  will  lllii-ly  rind  lli'r  ivllli 
l,i-r  rinni'i-s  hi'twiTii  III.'  iii'wiy  cm 
|i.ii;.K  ..r  till'  hil.'sl  lioiili  or  iiiiiKnzIm'. 
or  pliTlii;:  II  i|iillt.  or  iiinklni:  ii  m-rnp 
liiiiilc,  hill  .toil  will  mil  rind  lK<r  Idle. 
I'l'rhnpK  Kill-  will  h.<  wrilliiu-  li-ltom. 
for  nh.'  Imk  a  liirci'  .  orrrBpondoni-r. 
mid  her  li-llorK  nrr  IIiIiikh  of  iK-iiiiiy. 
Mhr  wrII.'K  n  dninty.  oldlliiio  hiind. 
iiKi'H  iihiKMl  [.i-rfi-n  Miiu-IIkIi  mill  liiis  n 
fllii'  Bi'iiKi'  of  whli-li  In  ovldrni-- 
i-d   III   i-v.-ry   IrlliT. 

•■-\   pro iriil    n.-ivKlLiprr   woiiinn  ni 

liidlmiii  wii.-<  nilllni;  upon  me  foo  dny 
Inst  KilMilii.-r,  mill  \v  will  up  lo  vlsll 
MlK.  lloHHril.  yihc  wn»  not  ipilln  well 
Ihiil  day  mid  niir  miilili'n  iippi-nram-n 
llir.-»  hir  u  mill-  off  lii-r  iiiinrd.  Thin 
iiiiHiiiilnl  norioiisii.'KK  nwidr  lirr  .-m- 
M-iKiitloii  pni-lli'iihirly  lirllllaiit.  llrr 
mind  .111111'  mid  "ml  In  .-l.' 
IIHHlir«  nnd  we  llsi.'ii.-il  lo  tii'r  mlk. 
liil.'rKp.'iK.'.l  Willi  willy  i-i'iiimkii  mid 
MlK  of  pnlloHopliy  mid  poi-llinl  .piola- 


".My  "Id  frii'iid.  wlioiii  1  liiivo  iiindo 
III,'  mihjicl  of  tills  bUoIiIi.  lias  lived 
a  llfu  "f  Dlniost  Sparlan  Blmpllclly. 
She  never  cared  for  luxuries,  rialn 
llvlnt-  nnd  high  llilnklni:  constituted 
her  plilloBopliy  of  life.  Have  you  not 
perceived  Hint  great  people  nearly  nl- 
niDs  dlKpense  wllli  lu'iury.  and  Is  not 
llilK  one  of  the  Bcrrels  of  Ioiik  life? 

•  IHirlni:  our  re.-ent  lilrthday  vIbU  lo 
.Mm.  Ili.nnrd  1  lind  to  wrestle  with 
the  tears  Hint  Insisted  upon  fiilllnK 
for  her  h.-cnuKe  bo  few  of  her  kindred 
r.'iiialn  lo  i-heer  her  .IrrllnlnR  days, 
•  who  went  to  pay  their  respects 
were  not  oven  the  friends  of  licr 
yoiilh,  few.  Indeed,  of  whom  arc  In 
III!'  land  of  the  lIvlliR.  Hut  wc  did  not 
rind  her  wholly  desolate.  .\  grandson 
l.d  her  Into  the  room  <in  his  arm,  a 
nephew  .-mile  to  i:reet  her;  blood  is 
Ihli-ker  than  water,  and  wo  nro  not 
nlniie  so  lonn  BB  wc  ran  grnsp  n  kins- 
iiwin's  hand. 

"Our  lltllo  roiiipnuy  was  (inrtly  niado 
up  of  inUHlcnl  people,  who  had  Iwcil  ro- 
.piested  to  King  the  old-fash lonoil 
hymns  nnd  songs  Ihnl  have  chcorcd 
I  ho  henrla  of  (lod's  people  for  genera- 
lions.  Among  our  ninny  blessings  wo 
hnve  In  our  l-oiiimlinlty  soliio  people 
who  CUD  really  ilag.     Thej  Bang  the 


mrn.  (Siillriiiia  (Taittiiui 

Among  the  North  Cnrollna  liiinil- 
innls  lo  PnrVe  County  In  tlio  early 
orlirs  wns  Dr.  lloraio  fnniion  mid 
Is  wife  liiillelnin— the  fniher  and 
loiher  of  lion.  .T.iseph  O.  Cannon,  ox- 
peaker  of  the  I  louse  of  Ileprescnt- 
her  dauglKer.  whose  light  fingers  stives.  Mrs.  Cannon  nt  once  ndnpted 
id  to  e\o'<n  magic  meloilies  from  lirrBclf  to  the  comllllons  prevailing  at 
tlinl  time.  Nho  was  a  typh-nl  iJiiaU- 
cress.  Hho  wns  not  one  of  the  strong, 
rohust  women  of  her  day,  though  she 
IniliiBlrloiis  snd   of  n   dlsposlllnn 

old  songs  like  "How  I-'lrni  a  FoiindB- 
lion,  Ve  Saints  of  the  Lord,"  and  some 
nior,^  modern,  "llie  lloluo  of  tlio  Koiil" 
and  •Sniiie  Sw,-.-i  Pay,"  nn.l  ihen.  .it 
her  rcpi.-st,  "Ihe  lllver  of  Time,"  nnd 
Ih.'lr  own  music  lo  ■I'ennyson's  "Croas 
lug  the  liar."  Hoiihllens  OS  bIio  listen 
rd    In   the   sweet   strains,  sho   tlioughi 

■cars  ngo,  nnd  her 
so  sweetly  lo  his 
nnd  of  tho  troiip 

old,  and  many  of  tliein  dead,  who  fre-      lo  snvo   her  hnshnnd's  earnings.   8ho 

■^^  p^^ 

■\    ., .''  /■/ 

.■>^        C     t 

..'•1        '^^>'"       ^^ 

c   .  ,  /    i. 


OUr.ltl.MA    CANNON, 

./ii»i-/.;i   (1.  Canimn.  cxHpcat.<r  of   lUc  Home  of  lt,\ 

.luiuleil  Mil'  old  home  In  tho  years, 
long  piiHt.  Iliit  this  grand  old 
wnuiaii  Is  no  mlsnnthrope.  UHillo  wo 
were  still  In  her  parlor  I  heard  the 
.arrl.-r  nulslde  lall  ".V. "»"  nnd  saw 
her  faro  light  up  when  tho  paper  was 
brought  In.  She  lives  In  touch  with 
the  world,  mill  would  he  lost  herself 
iinlesB  she  Is  feeling  bndl.v,  when  alio 
has  It  read  to  her. 

"She  has  often  snid  to  mo  and  her 
nieces,  who  nre  my  friends:  'Girls,  If 
you  enteh  nic  telling  tho  same  story 
over  again  to  the  sniue  people.  Just  sit 
on  nic,  will  you:'  We  laughed  heart- 
ily over  her  drend  of  the  Infirmities 
of  ngc,  ns  well  as  this  little  bit  of  lat- 
ter dny  slang,  lul.xed  in  with  her  pure 
and    forclblo    ilngllsh. 

"I  like  to  visit  .Mrs.  ilow.-ird  In 
hours  of  despondency,  bccaiise  her  own 
Bplcndid  serenity  lifts  nic  out  of  It,  or 
lather,  shmiies  luc  out  of  it.  She 
would  not  dare  find  fnult  with  life,  or 
seek  to  pry  into  Its  mysteries.  She 
believes  that  'Cod's  In  Ills  heaven— 
all's  right  with  the  world,'  nmi  bollov- 
Ing  this,  she  lakefl  life's  buffets  and 
rewards    with    ciual    thanks. 

"In  ronlemplntlng  her  long  life  wo 
nro  rcmldued  of  n  lino  of  verso  thnt 
used  to  ho  populnr  with  pulpit  ora- 
tors In  olden  times; 

"Sttania  Ihal  •  lorp  w.lh  •  ihouond  uHkm 
Should  UV  in  <""«  »  Ions" 

"nut  WO  rcflet-t  that  sho  wns  cnst 
In  a  heroic  mould.  .Mind  nnd  body 
were  hnnnonlousiy  fnshioncd,  for  sho 
wns  lo  bo  tlio  wifo  of  n  stnlcsninn,  tho 
mother  ot  aoldiera." 

wns  nffeitlonnte  in  her  home  and  was 
dcvnted  to  her  hushand  nnd  four  sons, 
isaiii-,  Dlislin,  -iosepli  and  U'llliniu. 
The  Cnniioiis  wero  not  blessed  with 
daughters  ot  their  own,  and  .Mrs.  Can- 
non's heart  wns  largo  nnd  sufficient 
lo  Inke  under  her  protcllon  three 
nlcres  who  wero  homeless  nnd  In  need 
of  seliiiollng. 

.MIbs  Katherlne  V,.  I.aluli  gnvo  tho 
following  account  of  tho  great  Irng- 
cdy  In  tho  llfo  ot  .Mrs.  Cannon  in  a 
Woman's  Kdltlon  of  tho  Dloomtnt- 
dale  World,  December,  lOOS; 

"It  wns  in  August  of  IMl.  and  the 
tliiio  w-hen  'IJunkcr  qiinrtcriy  meet- 
ing' wns  at  band,  that  grent  prepar- 
ations were  going  on  at  the  homo  of 
tlie  Cnnnons.  True,  they  wero  iicople 
of  modest  means;  their  homo  was  not 
of  the  elnborntc  typo  as  is  that  of 
their  nillllonairc  son,  Joseph  O.  In- 
deed, Dr.  Cannon  was  iienrd  to  say 
that  the  possessions  of  hIniBelf  and 
wife  at  the  time  of  their  marriage  con- 
sisted of  a  dinner  pot  and  a  gourd- 
Hut  the  visiting  brethern  had  learned 
to  love  thciii  for  themselves  and  tho 
welcome  which  they  held  out.  At  this 
special  time  the  Cnnnons  knew  they 
would  share  their  usual  number  of 
guests.  Tho  Doctor  was  overseeing 
the  harhrculng  of  some  sllontj,  and 
getting  homo  affairs  In  readiness  be- 
fore making  a  professional  visit 
across  Sugar  Creek.  Heavy  rains  had 
been  fnltlng  nnd  tho  stream  was  far 
over  its  lianks,  and  tho  only  means  of 
.Tossing  wns  liy  fording.  Dr.  John  R. 
liare,  a  follow  practioneor  nnd  close 
acquaintance  of  Dr.  Caonon,  bad  boen 


to  tlie  crcok  and  said  It  was  unford- 
alili'.  Hut  Dr.  Cannon  tiiought  differ, 
cntly.  At  nny  rnte,  he  was  Intent  on 
making  the  effort,  lie  felt  It  a  duly 
to  hrnvo  the  waters,  ami  said;  'llivs 
me  old  llilford  (the  fsiiilly  horse)  and 
I'll  make  It,'  nnd  ho  soon  wni  off, 
with  the  pnrtlng  words  to  his  wIfo; 
"riico  see  thnt  thee  helmves,  nnd  is  a 
good  girl  while  1  mil  gone,'  nnd  her 
leply   i-nliie;   'Thee   sec   that   theo   Is  n 

gnnd  lioy,*  llltle  rcallr.Ing  tlioio  wero 
their  last  words  tiigethrr. 

".\s  the  evening  shades  hcKaii  to 
rather  nnd  tno  lio.tor  failed  lo  come 
hnine,  troiiblo  wns  Biiiiiilsed,  and  de- 
vi'loplnclits  proved  Hint  ho  had  been 
swiiilnw-cd  lip  by  llij  rushing  waters, 
Ihfltigli  no  trnco  of  liliii  was  over 
fiiiiiid  snvo  thnt  nf  the  hat  ho  wore, 
nnd  Inter  soiiio  litimnn  lionoi,  u-nslioil 

st'oAn  cnECR. 
cfif  .i/i/icarniire  of     Sftot     Whero 

llr.  Cnitfl 



up  on  tho  snnd,  and  which  woro 
thought  to  ho  ills,  among  which  soiiio 
swlno  were  routing.  Aftorwonls  it 
was  rcmcmlierrd  that  ho  had  related 
n  dream  that  ho  had  had  alioilt  hii 
drowning — of  how  his  bones  woro 
found  blcni-hing  on  an  island,  ami 
liogs  wero  roollng  tneni. 

"Soon  after  tho  drowning  of  Dr. 
Cannon,  his  w-ldow  with  hor  two  sons, 
Joseph  and  ^^'llllalu,  moved  to  tho 
house  herein  shown,  w-blcb  still  stands 
In  the  corporation  llniits  of  nioonilng- 
dale.  They  later  moved  to  Tuscola, 
Illinois,  whcro  alio  died  in  April. 

fflm.  Eltjabrtl)  flIrSau 

inir.alieth  Towell  .McCoy  la  living 
at  the  home  of  her  daughter,  Mrs, 
llnihel  .Mnrks,  In  Liberty  lownshlp. 
She  was  Iwrn  In  Orange  County,  North 
Carolina,  August  jr..  1811.  When  In- 
diana was  In  Its  first  year  of  State- 
hood (1HI7)  her  parents  settled  in 
Orange  County,  near  the  present  fam- 
ous hcnilh  resort,  French  Mck 
^|. rings,  in  IR.'l.'t  she  wns  married  lo 
-lolin  MrCoy,  They  lived  awhilo  near 
Salem,  Washington  County;  then  In 
Krnngo  County,  and  In  1811  moved  to 
Fountain   County. 

Later  they  settled  In  Mborty  town- 
ship, I'arke  County.  Mrs.  McCoy  was 
the  mother  of  soren  children.  One 
son,  Isaac,  dieil  whllo  sorvlng  with 
llin  nth  Indiana  Ilalterr  In  tho  CIrll 
Wnr.  Her  other  sons  woro  Wlilii. 
John  and  Jesie  U.  McCoj.    Th»  lattar 


vMi«  rinV  nf  I'nrki)  Cnnivfy  from 
ls>»M  (11  ls!C.  II'T  dnufihlorii  wore 
AiMiii  •iiini-  (t.aviTly,)  llnclicl 
(Miiih«.i  iind  Mnrllia  (llnillry.)  Mm. 
Il»clli-,v  >iii«  tipi'  iiiolhnr  nf  .luclii<"  lllr- 
mil  l:.  Iliiilli'y.  of  WnnnlnKlnn,  and 
lli.ii  Mil  II.  Ilnill.y,  I10|ir(>»oiilnllvo 
ll,   (•,iin:rc»»    from    lliiK    SInlr. 

Mm,  MH-ny  l«  n  mi-iiil'ii-  of  (li<- 
Irli-lMld'  iliiirrli.     rnlll  n  .oiiiimnillvp- 

Iv    rp.-.'iil    ncl    .hi'    look    nil    nctlvc 

liilrrrKl  III  lhi>  work  of  Iho  W.  C.  T. 
r.  nml  111.'  Woiiinirii  Knr'-lKii  MIbsIoh- 
my'ly.  Shr  "  nil  inliirliilly  111- 
Irrmlivl  In  inlmilniinry  w.irk  up  to  IllT 
liKMIi  M'nr.  mill  nl  Ihnt  UiiiK  donnloil 
n  Miilli  of  hiT  own  iiinkliiit  lo  n 
I'rliMlilil'  .Ml8«loil  In  .McAl.-o.  Tbr-  Irli 
Venn   iHdloMi   to   tier   tianh    lilnhdny 

'....^    ,v.„lo,l     „vln<-ln,llv    In    til.-    work 

..f  iiiilltlnK  ivhlih  llko  nil  plonrcr  ivo- 
iiirn  dhf  did  lii-niillfiilly.  Slio  Ins 
iiindp  iiiitl  cl^'ii  tiiT  drBiTndaiits 
forly  iiiillln 

On  Ihc  n.innlon  of  Mm.  Mcfoy's 
no  hirtliilny.  more  llinn  r^m  rdntlvcn 
nnd  frlrnils  In  I'.irkr  County  nKROiiib- 
lid  nt  lior  Itoiiii-  In  IllooiiilnRilnIo  10 
|.ny  llitlr  ri-BiK-rm  to  lirr.  JimIrc  IlBd- 
Iry  lolcpd  lilt-  Bi-ntliMcntii  of  the  aa-  In  nn  rlo.|iifnt  Irllintc.  .Mra. 
.Mrl'oy  rrBliolldrd  to  nil  thp  KrrotlnKB 
nf  hrr  frlnidR.  ronvpri*nd  ivilli  them 
ulth  llip  Inlprmt  nnd  iindTRtnndlni: 
of  n  yoiniL'  unman,  and  rrml  a  .Iinp- 
ti-r  from  llir  lllMo  n«  a  fllllni;  hone- 
ill.tlon  of  thr  day's  oliarri  nncra. 

iHm.  Elliulirlli  (Cofflii 

i:ilzulinlh  Ann  Sryinoiir,  daiighlcr 
of  (irorco  nnd  Kllrnliolh  IMirlinni  Soy- 
liioiir,  waa  Imrn  In  Storkhrhlgc.  Mass., 
April  7.  ISL'M.  She  wna  clirlatened  liy 
I'araon  J-lold.  the  father  of  Cyrus 
\V.  I'lehl.  Kllzniielh  Seymour  waa  the 
plnyninle  of  .Mary  Field,  and  was  a 
student  In  llic  iniiic  srliool  nllended 
liy  Cyrus  W.  Field,  iiho  ptojecled  the 
Atlnnlli'  cnhle.  The  early  surround- 
liics  of  i:il7.abetli  Seymour  were  those 
of  wealth,  even  arfluence  for  that 
lierloil.  She  had  many  advantages 
both  social  nnd  Intclleotual,  and  re- 
eelvrd  a  fine  KnKllali  education.  She 
was  l»th  artist  and  poet,  and  palntcil 
pli-tiires  and  wrote  meritorious  poetry. 
Her  hiisliand.  Wllshlro  Coffin,  to 
nhoin  she  was  nianled  In  IIWl,  was  ■ 

MRS  KiJKAnimi  rorriN. 

iniin  of  Intellccliinl  attainments  who 
look  an  active  Interest  nnd  partlelpa- 
tlon  In  the  |.olltlcal  life  of  I'arke 
County.  .Mrs.  Coffin  made  a  collec- 
tion of  many  rare  and  valuatilo  books, 
nnd  was  at  one  time  librarian  at  An- 
napolis, where  sho  had  tlio  op[iortun- 
Ity  to  rend  tho  good  books  whteli  con- 
st lluteil  that  collerilon;  an  opiK>rtun- 
l(y  which  sho  Improved. 

Mrs.  Coffin  was  tho  auhjcct  of  an 
urilelo  printed  In  a  Now  York  papor 
which  resulted  In  a  wido  rnnjo  of  eor- 
rosimndsnco  with  people  who  wanted 
to  know  more  about  a  personalltr  so 
InterestInK  and  so  charmlnit.  Just  b»- 
fors  h»r  death,  Jnne  0,  1008,  a  npra- 


senlntlve  of     Cnlllcr't     Werklu     Inter-  lo  the  entertnluiiient   of  auditors  »nd 

viewed      her     for     personal     romlnls  lo  the   history  of  llie  epoch   In   whlrh 

eences    .oniernlnie    her    lonn    nnd    In-  she  lived.     She   wm  a     lovable     cliar- 

lerestlnn   life.  ac  ter  and  well  deserves  a  place  ainonf 

Mrs.    Coffin    was    a    modest,    enter-  the  notable  women  "f  Tarka  County. 

r  ^  .  -J 

lalnlng  and  faselnatlng  conversiilion- 
allst.  and  could  entertain  one  for 
hours  with  the  oliaervatlons  nnd  In- 
cidents of  her  own  life,  which  were 
related  without  the  slightest  sugges- 
tion of  egotism.     Iteing  a  survivor  of 

fSattIr  (Eiul  Ilruiila 

Fifty  years  ago,  when  the  common 
schools  of  I'arke  County  were  passlog 
from  tbelr  first  stage  of  dorelopment 
into  the  system  we  now  bare,  many 

our  pioneer  period  she  had  a  fund  of 
personal  reminiscences.  With  tho  ex- 
lenslre  and  varied  rending  of  her  long 
llfo;  her  aequalntanco  with  many  of 
the  cbaractera  prominent  In  local  his- 
tory; her  accurate  knowledge  of 
evsDU,  aha  waa  able  to  contrlbnta  botb 

gifted  nnd  talented  young  men  and 
young  women  were  teacbori ;  but 
none  aurpaaned,  if  any  equaled  .Mil- 
lie Curl.  She  waa  the  first  achoot 
teacher  of  whom  I  hare  recollection, 
snd  tbal  Is  of  seeing  her  aa  a  gneat 
In  our  bonia  and  hearlof  mj  older  (la- 

tera,  who  were  her  pupils,  speak  of 
her  in  terms  of  approelntlon  and  af* 

.Mnttlo  Curl  was  born  In  I'arke 
County.  She  was  the  ilnuKhter  of 
Jeremiah  Curl  and  Harnh  (dlfford) 
Curl,  (who  after  .Mr.  Curls  death  he- 
rnme  .Mrs.  Flljah  N.  lliirfurd.)  nnd  a 
sister  or  .Mrs.  Iluth  Caroline  McFad- 
dln.  Mrs.  Fllen  C.  ruterlmugli.  Mrs. 
Jnmcs  A.  llussell  and  of  Willlmn  T. 
Ilurford  (deceased.)  She  received 
no  education  iieyonil  the  public 
schools  lieforo  she  tuiighf  In  (hem  ; 
but  subBeiiucnlly  attcniled  lilooiiilng- 
dnle  Acniloiiiy,  the  N'oniml  Nclmol  at 
l.elianon,  Ohio,  and  the  Indlnna  Slats 
Noriuai,  from  wiilch  she  grtiduated  In 
IN7-I.  In  the  meantime  she  had 
taught  twelve  years  In  the  I'arke 
Ccuhly  h.lio'jU  and  in  lljo  clli  school. 
of  Indianapolis  and  Itockvllle. 

On  the  22nd  day  of  .lune.  l.sTil.  Miss 
Curl  became  the  wife  of  I'rof.  David 
Worth  Dennis,  one  of  the  foreinoat 
of  Indiana's  eilucators.  .Mr.  Dennis 
for  many  years  has  been  of  the  fsc- 
ulty  of  Karlham  College.  Her  only 
child.  William  Cullen  Dennis,  was 
born  December  T2.  1878.  The  pre- 
cocit.v  of  this  son  was  so  remarkable 
that  be  gradunted  from  Karlham  at 
llio  ago  of  111,  and  at  the  age  of  IS 
from  Harvard,  and  at  the  age  of  '21 
from  Oilunibia  I,aw  School,  lie  then 
aiKint  one  year  In  Iioston.  wns  then 
for  two  years  a  professor  In  l-aw  D.-*- 
partment  of  University  of  Illinois, 
then  In  charge  of  Chair  of  Interna- 
tional law  at  r.eland  Stanford  Cnl- 
vorelty  for  a  year  or  so.  when  lie  re- 
turned to  Columbia  Law  School  to  fill 
same  position.  .Mr.  Tnft  was  then 
Secretary  of  State,  and  called  Mr. 
Dennis  In  International  I,nw  Depart- 
ment of  office  of  Secretiiry  of  .state, 
whcro  he  remained  until  .Mr.  Wilson's 
election  as  President.  During  this 
time  he  represented  tlie  United  States 
at  tiie  Hague  and  In  other  Important 
intornatlonni  matters  and  waa  during 
such  time  Professor  of  International 
r.nw  In  University  of  AVSshlngton.  On 
Ills  resignation  he  entered  practice  of 
International  law  at  Washington, 
where  he  now  resides.  In  some  Inter- 
national matters  when  Chief  Justice 
White  Is  arbitrator,  he  has  placed 
large  responsibilities  with  Mr.  Dennis. 

Mn.  Dennis  waa  of  delicate  phys- 
ical constitution  and  conse<juentIy  her 
work  as  a  teacher  was  sometimes  In- 
terrupted by  Intervals  o(  travel  made 
necessary  for  the  Improvement  of  her 
health.  These  journeys  and  sojourns 
In  various  parts  of  our  country  and 
in  Rurope  served  to  broaden  her 
acute  mind  and  to  Improve  It  by  In- 
telligent observation.  She  resided  for 
a  lime  in  Tennessee,  fleorgin  and  Ala- 
liania,  and  for  fourteen  iiiontha  she 
traroleil  in  Europe. 

Associated  witli  her  husband  ibe  de- 
voted herself  to  teaching.  From  187n 
to  IN81  ehe  tauglit  In  Wilmington  Col- 
lege, Ohio ;  from  1882  to  'H-l  In  lllooin- 
Ingdalo  Acodcniy:  from  188^  to  180T 
In  F^rlhaiii  College.  She  was  a  mem- 
ber of  the  «tate  reading  circle,  and 
took  an  active  part  In  tho  literary 
I'hiliB  of  nichmond.  In  1603  she  wss 
tho  caucus  nomine  of  the  minority 
party  In  the  regislature  for  the  office 
of  State  Librarian. 

.Mrs.  Dennis  wrote  with  a  fine  liter- 
ary style,  lioth  proso  and  verse.  Rome 
of  her  poems  ivoro  printed  In  a  .Me- 
morial Volume  published  by  the  his- 
tory class  of  Itlclimond,  Ind.,  soon  af- 
ter her  death,  Feb.  a,  1807.  The  many 
Irlbutoa  spoken  at  the  memorial  ser- 
vli-e  held  In  her  honor  are  printed  In 
the  volume.  Hon.  William  Dndley 
Fouike  tald  of  ben 

"It  la  not  an  aiafferatlon,  that  the 

IdM    of    Mrn.    PcnMla   la    grrntcr   ttian 
\   hmi'   l.rrn    felt   In   the  dcnili  of 

Mil-  old  iiurmlon  < 
nny  of 

iflir  Is  It 


vhoin   the 


pcriiiUtrd  to  rc- 
hinln,  nnd  (lint  alio  haa  gone  whom  wo 
rniinol  Biniro  nt  nil?  Slip  Ima  dono 
Miorr  rnr  lllihiiiniiil  ihnn  nny  one  who 
ii'iiinln«  iiol  In  llir  ninllor  of  uinlcr- 
Inl  prnHiHTlly,  tlix  hiilldlnR  of  itrcnl 
hniiara,  or  III'-  |>roniollni,-  or  Ullalnraa. 
hut  In  dcvoloiilni;  the  llira  of  onr  |ico- 
|ilo.  cnnohllni;  tliclr  rhornctprB.  and 
ronlrllMitliiK  to  thrlr  liniiplnras.  And 
Mra.  Itcnnia  hna  done  more  than  nny 
othor  piTson  In  Ihia  wny.  Iirrnuao  alio 
dill  nolhInK  from  aolriali  iiiotlrrs.  In- 
dnod,  elir  Inl,  hocaiiac  alio  did  not  com- 
Miimd,     Thrre  rrvrr  wna  n  spirit  niorr 


lion.     Xr 
aplrll,      > 



ntrol.   I 

■na  there  one  litecki 

lacked   th 

dralre  to  control.  She  led  by  the 
•IronR  ilinin  of  love.  And  Ihnt  ihnln 
una  BlronBcat  In  the  plme  uherc  II 
nuclit  10  lie  atrOHRrat — In  her  own 
rnnilly.  lint  II  did  not  atop  there. 
There  never  wns  a  happier  homo: 
there  never  waa  a  tenderer  wife  and 
niolher:  hut  ahe  wna  that  becinieo  ahc 
wna  aoiiielhlnR  more.  Iieinuac  her 
aympnlhlc^  were  largo;  hecanno  her 
vIewB  were  hronil,  not  confined  aim- 
ply  to  Ihe  hcarlhalone.  She  aonu'lit  to 
Imiirove  ihe  i'<immiinlly  around  her— 
not  by  offerlmj  nluia  or  rhnrlty.  When 
•ho  went  among  llinao  who  neoded 
help,  alio  went  na  one  of  theinsclTos." 


r  If II  ttet  condftten4. 

naer.  Ihert  iha  Icfl  ■  Iricnd." 

(^unnl)  (l>atl)riiiir  IDI|llr 

.Mra.  Sarah  C.  White  wn«  a  well  be- 
loved and  widely  known  vonian  In 
I'nilio  Coiinly  and  throughout  Ihe 
HIale.  Hhe  waa  Trcaldent  of  the  Wo- 
man'! Keller  Corpa,  Department  of  In- 


diana  In  IlKVl  nnd  IIWJ,  during  which  man  and   Mra.   Mcacbniu  eo-oporatlng 

lluie  Mra.  -Inlla  1\.  .Mcarham  and  Mra.  with  her.    It  was  during  .Mri.  Kphlln'a 

Mary    lx>athornian    of    llockvllle,   and  term   as   State  commander  that   Mrs. 

•AMii  r.  WillTK. 

.Mrs.  Hello  Kphlln  of  Tangier,  aerred 
na  atibordlnnte  ifflcers  with  her.  Mn. 
Kphlln  waa  later  111)12-1013)  Depart- 
ment rrcaldont,  with   Mra,     feather- 

White  naa  ele'tcd  Hecretory  of  the 
Nnllonal  organlutlon.  Mr*.  White 
twieo  roprcBonteil  Indiana  In  the  Na- 
tional ConrnUon  of  the  W,  R.  c 


Karah  ('atherlne.  daughter  of  Ham- 
uel  and  Mary  Frnncea  Ktrouae,  waa 
horn  In  Koikvllle.  Dcceuthcr  20.  1H.".'J. 
When  a  very  young  child  Bho  oxhlbll- 
ed  reniiirkalde  luualcal  prococlty, 
which  waa  enr'aurngcd  by  her  paronta. 
Kho  waa  acnt  to  a  mualc  arhool  nt 
Klockncll.  Indiana,  bcforo  alio  wna 
twelve.  Hhe  afterwnrda  ntlendcd  the 
DrMotte  Inalltule  at  Indlnnniiolla  one 
)enr  and  thta  wbb  auppleuicntod  by  n 
ycar'B  Inatructlon  In  tho  romalo  fol- 
lege  at  Jackaonvllle.  IlllnolB. 

tictohcr  Jl,  mm,  ahe  waa  mnrrleil 
to  Ared  K.  White.  Tho  homo  llfo  of 
Ibla  huahanil  and  wife  waa  Meal.  I'cr- 
hapa  no  couple  over  won  and  held 
thniughout  life  more  rcapect  or  affec- 
tion than  they.  Kvcrywhcro  In  I'arko 
I'ounty  lioth  were  known  and  loted, 
nnd  Inccther  tliev  will  long  be  ro- 

Although  her  home  was  never  neg- 
lected, and  for  aomo  yenra  after  the 
death  of  her  mother,  ahe  made  a  home 
for  her  fnther  and  youngeat  brother, 
ahe  WBB  all  ber  Ufa  active  In  aoilnl, 
rcllgloua  and  charitable  clrclea.  lie.- 
uMiBlcal  tiilent  waa  alwaya  In  deumnil 
on  occaalona  of  public  entcrlatntucnt. 
For  forty  years  nbe  waa  organlit  of 
■  he  .Methodlat  church  and  Hiii  dry 
achool:  for  fifteen  years  ahe  naa 
Hecretary  of  the  Woman's  Korrlgn 
.Mlaslonnry  Kociety ;  for  four  yeara 
ahe  wna  worthy  matron  of  the  lloclt- 
vlllo  «'hn|iler.  Order  of  Kastern  Rtar, 
and  from  Ita  orgnnlr.atlon  until  her 
last  Bli'kneaa  she  was  an  ael'vo  and 
ileroted  uieiuber  of  Bteole  Post  Wo- 
hian'B  llellef  Corps. 

While  our  people  who  knew  .Mrs. 
White  will  rcmeuibcr  her  public  lor- 
vicea,  they  will  more  affoctlenalelr 
recall  her  iinsel.  .Ii  and  derated 
inlnlstratlona  tn  tlioae  who  were  In 
alckncBS  or  sorrow.  To  snch  she  at 
all  limes  extended  aid  and  sympathy. 
With  no  Impropriety  she  might  bo 
called  the  Florence  Mfhtlngale  o( 
l'tt<«  I'ountjr, 

Park?  Qliiuntij  ilU>iiiral  f  rof^BHtnu 

By  W.  H,  GILLUM.  M.  D. 

Tin;  linirll.o  i.f  iiirdlilTic  In 
I'uik.'  Cnnnly  |ii  Inr  lo  Iho 
cn.  nr  Boo.l  niii.lH  whUh  he- 
UMI,  II  IVw  .v,-„l»  Im.k- 
»iiH  nl»n.\»  11  linr.lHlil|<  rnr  lilin  »li<> 
l,ill..»ril    il.     or   iill    n.r-   i.lniw.Ts   «lMi 

in.sM.'.l   111.'   AIIi-kIi'-mI.-"  Ilil"  »"'•^■ 

l.liM'.'il  "lliln  l.r.xihd  nii.l  lipwrrt  mil 
llii'  now  iiilKliiy  piiiplif  or  iln.  MUl- 
llli'  Wml.  liniir  well-  miliJ.Tlrrt  In 
II  (ir.'  »ii-Miiiniii.  iilnli.  nr  rmlinril 
i.riiiliT  linnl»lil|i»  lliiiii  llii'  ilorliiin  nf 

Ihiil  ilii)-  'I >;•■■ 

III  III.,  riirly  si'tliiMiiriil  or  ill..  Cmiii- 
IV  iihyKhliiliii  woiv  r.'iv  nii.l  vriy  rnr 
l.ilviiin.  Mnny  or  lli.iii  wcio  liirii 
who  ■•loni.  ii|i"  llic  work  Willi  lllll.'  or 

no   ni.|.n ilU    ror   •I'lipy 

«iri.  hi.n  or  iinliiially  IiIkIi  ilinrii.-lrr. 
Iiirt..  «yiii|iiilli.v.  hvoii.l.  ol,„.|vliii: 
iiiliKl  jiiil  Klroiii:  iiiiyHl.'iil  imiihI  lint  Ion. 

ir   lhl«    mill    I. n   lli.-li- 

lllll    .MLlim .1       y      noi.T      would 

Inn.'  Hiirri'.'il.'.l.  mill  111.'  Iilnlory 
rlii.H^  I  lllll  ilu'y  (11(1  BiLTc'i'il,  ■rii.'y 
mil    only    wi'ii'    mi.r.'KHfnl.    Inn    mnny 

r.'iilly    oniln.  Ill    In    lli.'    work. 

Tiii'lr  ihiinri-h  lor  (|i'vol..|iiin'nl  won- 
Ihi'  iniiHl  inrnKi'i'  lliry  linil  fi'w.  nn.l 
In  iiniliv  I'llKr^.  nn  linok!i.  Tlii'ir  WIK 
no  iioHHiliillly  nr  iilionilinu-  ii  iiii'ill.iil 
mhonl.  li.'rniis.'  Ilii'y  won-  Inn  fill- 
limiy.  mill  111.',!   ilidn'l  linir  III.'  iiirmiR. 

or  I'lii'in  nol  lllll.'  lo  own  n  lioini'  mill 
lliii-i'riiln,  liiiMiit;  In  CO  nlnol.  .Iiml 
lllliik  or  n  imll.'nl  ill  rrln;,iiM  nlok 
iiluli  nnin  il.'iiili,  nn.l  llio  (l.i.lor  liny- 
In:;  1.1  wnik  Ini  oi-  ririi-i'ii  nilloii 
llirinmli    Hi..    inr.'Ki.   .nmalni:   nwnllin 

iliviiniK.    I.nim   mill    ii:iiiln.<.     nrini- 

lliii.'K  In  III.'  Klo.iiii  or  n  iilli'liy  iliirl, 
iiIkIiI.  lo  vIhII  nnd  If  l.niwll.|o  clvo  ri'- 
ll.'f.  All  lliln  llio  Idnni'iT  dn.lor  llii.l 
I",  nr  lllll,  I'lnliiri'.  nn.l  llir  ponr  pin- 
hrrr  imlli'iil   lind  In  Rliind  up  llirnncli, 

mill   Old    OI    II    niiiii'  no of  our   very 

lir»l  iiicn  -AlTiiliiiiii  l.lnroln  wrm  Lorn 
niid.r  noiiic  Hiii'h   rnnillllnnii 

Till'  plon.'i'r  iln.|..rii  or  Ilir  Wimi 
riiini'  lip  llii'iiiii:li  Ihi'Ki'  irri'iil  Irllnilfi- 
llmiK.  nnd  I'lirk.'  roinily  wni.  nn  cx- 
I'l'plloii  In  llio  mil'.  I'rinii  llio  klinnl- 
I'dKi-  L-nrnmd  l.y  llioir  iloso  olmi-rvn- 
lion,  wide  i-xprrlowo  mid  »klll,  Iihr 
roiiii'  down  lo  n.s  inmiy,  If  not  inonl, 
of  the  fiindmiiiMitiil  princlplfa  of 
ini'.llilnc.  In  the  cnrly  dnya  of  the 
IirofrpBlon — fifty  lo  a  hundred  ycore 
Imrk  — llie  books  were  entitled  "The 
rrlni  li.lin  and  I'rnilico  of  Modlclnc." 
.Vow  "the  ITlnrlplon"  were  fnnnded 
lllion,  worked  out  frnin  the  nliservn- 
llonn  nnd  dlmoverleB  ninde  liy  Hie  pio- 
neer d.iclorn.  nnd  llio  '•rrmlli'c"  wim 
Hie  nplillrnlloh  of  IheHO  prln.lplen  lo 
Indlvlilinil  rnden.  Tlie  I'rln.  Iplen  nml 
I'rnetl.T  of  Riirnery  di'vclopi'il  Inrirely 
In  the  Kmiie  way.  The  iim-ent  e.xlf 
niey  of  the  tlino  nml  nltimtlon  de. 
innnded  of  the  dorlor  that  lie  do 
mn-Kery  under  Hie  nioflt  trylnc.  nyr, 
ii|i4.iilllliK  f-lri'niii8lnnceR — inich  nn 
would  try  the  nerve  of  Iho  utmiloat 
henrl.  This  writer  knows  of  a  enne 
where  n  niiin  was  ioiii|ilelely  dlnem- 
iKiweled  with  n  liowie  knife  nnd.  after 
lylnK  In  the  dirt  nnd  leaven  for  sev. 
<rnl  honrn.  finally  mine  nn.ler  the 
rare  nf  n   yonni:  iloetnr  of  the  pioneer 

type   with   no  edi Hon     lieyond     Hie 

nlilllly  lo  rend,  wrile  mid  cipher— no 
Jneillenl  ednrollnn  exeepl  what  he  hnd 
(licked  lip,  who  fixed  the  tnnn  up,  not 
Kclentlflenlly  lull  effectively,  and  ho 
irnt  well.  1  mention  thin  an  only  ono 
o(  many  diBinpIn  of  the  borolo  work 

liy  the 






were    11 



In     th 





In  e 

nliire  1 






he  doi 


nd  10 

hln    ne 



e    dnli 

a   11 


d.      II    wild 

a   c 



K   for 

linik,  even  when  the  roads  were  good. 
Mill  now  the  doctor  hns  Hio  luxury  of 
Kon.l  k'rnvcl  ronds.  Blreniiio  well 
hrlilKcd,  the  aiitoinnhlle  lo  convey  hini 
In  Hie  uTcatciit  roniforl  llilrly  miles 
n.4  nKahlBl  five  liinilo  In  the  Haliio 
time  hy  the  old  dnctnr  on  IiIb  hocHe, 
the  telephone  for  commnnlcntlon,   his 

loiild  '•enl  tho  ipilvcrliig  flesh  with- 
out BhrlnUInK"  when.  In  fiict.  ho  was 
full  of  Bynipnthy  but  dnro  not  show  II. 
Then  npaln,  aa  In  tho  present  day, 
the  phyHli'lan  ofllniea  was  poorly  paid, 
as  now,  ninny  [icoplo  made  good  tho 
old   Baw  : 

"Co.l  .nd  Ihr  docloi  ■>'  bIiIc  adora 
Vf  lirn  in  •l.r.iici— nol  brloio, 
The  .l.nir.  e'-'H  ihry  .,r  .l.h>  <-nmatJ-.. 
Cod  ii>  (omollFn  and  ihc  docloi  •llnhlcd." 

Hut  notwilhstnndink'  all  these 
llilncB  Hie  old  doctor  was  always 
ready  to  co,  was  welcomed  wherever 
he  went,  not  as  n  Kucat,  Imt  as  ono 
nf  the  family,  lie  hellcvcd  In  stroni: 
remedlea:  tho  lancet  and  calomel  ho 
reparded  Iho  Saiiitmon  of  medicine, 
nnd  I  doiil.t  not  ho  wan  rlcllt,  for 
they   Biirely   Blew   tnelr   Hiniia:inilB. 

Melliodfl  and  fnillllles  of  the  mud- 
ern  idiyslrlnn  nrc  In  mnrked  lontrnal 
In  IhoBC  of  the  pioneer.  Then  he,  nl 
licBl,  proBcculed  hlR  work  over  mud 
ronds  nn  IiorBelinek,  In  the  face  of  Iho 
hll!./.nrd.  Ihrongh  ilrirts  of  snow  nnd 
fnrdluK  dmiceroiiB.  Bwollen  Blrcaiim: 
or  In  the  Bcorchlnir  riiys  of  a  mldstim- 
nier  Blln  nilnUB  the  prntecllon  of  a 
huKKy  lop,  for  Micro  being  no  bngglos 
In  thoto  d>yi  bo  wu  ttlll  on  bone- 

medlcliies  elegantly  put  up  ready  to 
hand,  etc.,  etc.,  and  when  he  has  a  bad 
cnso  tho  cvor-roady  h.iflpltnl  or  spec- 
ialist ready  to  tnko  the  rcBponslblllty 
all  from  hini.  Then,  the  pioneer  had 
lo  treat  every  sort  of  ciibo  nnd  do  all 
manner  of  surgery  from  iiiilllng  n 
tontti  tn  cutting  off  a  leg,  and.  nvor 
and  nhove  nil,  nq  sll.h  liewllchlng  help 
as    the    pleaBing  trained    nurse. 

Airnrding  In  the  lient  niitlinrlty  oh- 
talnal.le  the  rirnl  phyBlcliin  who  lo- 
lated  In  llnikvllle  wnn  llr.  I'nrls  r.. 
inninlng.  This  was  aliont  1,«:;.n.  Ilo 
nrtcrwaril  moved  to  the  Boiithern  part 
of  the  State,  •pilt  iiicdii'inc  and  stnd- 
li-d  law.  Ilo  was  elected  fjlentenant- 
Covemor  on  the  llcket  with  Hovernor 
Whllcoiiih.  who  nflerwiinl  went  to  the 
r.  S.  Senate,  Dunning  becoming  Oov- 
evnor.  The  first  physlrlnn  who  prac- 
Hiid  In  the  liai'i-oon  Valley  of  I'arko 
■  oiiiity  wna  a  Dr.  Ilodgklss.  lint  ho 
lived  hiBt  arroBB  tho  lino  In  Vigo.  This 
was  al«iiit  the  timo  l>r.  DunnlnK 
was  In  llockvllle.  The  first  physician 
who  rcBldrd  In  Honlhcrn  I'nrko  wn« 
Kr.  M.'llnnnid  at  IIob.'vIIIo  In  1K\. 
l-'or  this  I  am  Indebted  tn  a  manuscript 
left  hy  I>r.  James  Crooks,  doconsod, 
of    Uridgclbn,      Dr.    Wllllain    Bullock 

nlBo  was  located  In  IlnBCvllle  alKiiil 
IMii,  mid  llr.  Will.  II.  ironkB,  father 
or  the  alBive  ll.ciitlnncd  .InnicB  I'rooks, 
In  lliic.oon  towiiBhlp  nlinut  I.^J.I.  llr. 
I'.  II.  Stryker  was  one  nf  the  iiiiibI 
widely  knnwn  nnd  noleii  of  the  early 
lliickvllle  dm  Inrs  almnt  IH.'Ul  lo  'mi. 
lie  was  one  of  HioBe  already  mcntlnn- 
rd  who  ruBc  In  dlBllnitlnn  with, 
oul  Hie  admnlngea  nf  either  iiieillrnl 
nr  nlhcr  Bchoollni.'.  Ite  helleveil  In 
inlnmel   iinil  Jalep  nnd   plenty  of  It. 

lUB.  Leonard,  I  nley  nml  l,<iwi'  wcio 
In  llnikvllle  alinut  IS'lii.  |ir.  Wllllniii 
II,  Xofslnger  niiont  Iniu  or  'I.-.,  lie 
wns  n  Bonlnlnw  of  (leuenil  I'llghiniin 
A.  Howard,  lie  married  the  llencrnlii 
ilaiightcr  by  iiis  riiBi  wire.  Dr.  Nor. 
Binger  was  ele.ted  Sl.ile  TrrnBUrer. 
Drs.  Allen  and  II.  J.  Ilhe  were  In 
llo.'kvllle  from  enrly  In  the  rortli'B  nil. 
Ill  lliey  died,  and  both  aci-niiipllBhed 
pbyBlclnns  of  high  ntandlng.  Dr.  Illie 
was  pcrhaiis  Ibe  finest  looking  doc- 
tor In  tho  county.  Dr.  Ilnaih.  rallier 
of  .Imlge  AdillB.m  I..  Iloai  h  nf  the  In- 
diana Supreme  Court,  was  prnnilnenl 
also  in  t.><M>.  Dr.  II.  V.  lludBou.  nf 
.Mnnle-/.unin,  has  been  for  the  Iirellme 
of  about  two  generations  one  or  the 
liinBl  rcniari;:  lily  succCBHrul  iihyslcliimi 
In  tho  Wnl.ash  Valley;  he  U  nnw 
jilncty  years  old,  rends  the  finesi 
print  wltlinul  the  aid  nf  glnssea,  ban 
a  mind  na  clear  iia  crysial,  a  body  aa 
aniind  na  a  ilnllnr,  n  chnrniler  thai  la 
nil  uplift  to  tho  community,  and  la 
atlll  prni'tlclng  medlilne, 

fine  of  Iho  moat  widely  Vnnwn  and 
nniedly  ani'ccBaful  nf  I'nrke  Counl.v'a 
doilors  wns  Win.  I',  I'lixlon,  nf  Hell- 
innre,  and  bo  was  beyond  i|iiealloti  the 
moat  eccentric,  .Many  ver.v  nnuiBing 
Btnrles  have  been  told  nlmiit  bliii,  nnd 
would  well  hear  repeating  here,  hut 
flpnce  forlilda.  lie  had  among  other 
eccentric  peeiillarlllea,  the  hnldl  nf 
biding  nwiiy  bla  money  In  nnaiiapecled 
placca,  siii'li  ns  barrela.  nhl  bran  nr 
meal  aacka,  el.'.,  having  at  times 
thnuBanils  of  d.dlars  secreted  In  thla 
way.  XotwIthBlandIng  hl«  ccicntrlc- 
liy  ho  died  Ininenled  by  all  who  knew 
lilni.  Dr.  .T.  I-'.  Croaa  nnd  (leorgo  I', 
lialy  were  geiitlemcn  of  niarkod  ur- 
banity and  great  proinlnence  In  llnik- 
vllle and  I'arke  County  for  mnny 
yenra.  They  wcro  both  allghtly  «c- 
centric  also  and   very  popular. 

Dr.  J.  A.  (loldsbcrry  waa  not  only 
one  of  tho  flneat  phyalclana  of  tho 
Cnnnly,  but  bo  wns  long  one  of  Hi 
most  prominent  and  Influonllal  cit- 
izens. I'nr  many  years  ho  resided  In 
n  beautiful  country  homo  midway  1>0- 
tween  AnnapollB  and  Illooinlngdnlo, 
and  tboro  ho  was  engaged  In  ncllvo 
prnctlce  of  bis  profession  when  sonio 
years  ago  lie  lost  his  life  while  ro- 
8|ionillng  lo  a  call  In  the  most  Incloui- 
ent  weather.  Ilo  waa  killed  wlillo 
driving  ovor  a  rnllroad  rmasing.  anc- 
ririclng  hlB  life  In  tho  perfornianco  of 
lirofCBBlonal  duty. 

Dr.  C.  c.  Morrle  la  now  and  hni 
been  for  many  yenra  ono  of  Hock- 
>lllc'a  heat  phyalclana.  Ho  Is  not  on- 
ly a  very  bucccbb'uI  pracHoncr  but,  In 
aildlHon,  has  beconio  woll  known  and 
appreilaled  In  tho  County  for  elocu- 
tionary nblllty;  ho  recltea  entertain- 
ingly an  extenslvo  rejicrtolro  from 
varloiie  authors.  Ho  baa  also  aorroil 
the  County  In  tho  Stato  [/-glalafurc. 

Drs.  .Tohn  II.  SIcNult  nnd  llornco 
V.  Cannon  wore  proinlnont  st  Aniiap- 
oils  from  ibout  1B40  on.    Tb*  latter 

Hill,    (llr     rmlin-    (If    llM'     11(111.       .In»r|.l. 

I  nil I     v.liii.     Iiir    Ml-       yr-Uill,       Wll» 

Slirlll.i'l-  111'  III!'  .Nlllldlllll  COML-ITHH.  |lr. 
I'lltlHIIII        CirilWIIril         Wlllll'  H»|hlllllllK 

hlH   li"li<i-  iifi"""  Sir.Mi-  ir.'i.l,   in  \MI 

II  i.iiili'iii.     'I'liiiK   II    IH  llii liny   III' 

lli.ilV  iin Kl  iM.M  In  iiinil."<l  vnlki: 

ol    Mil-  lull.  II  ».-niirirr  Id  iliily.   wliii.s.' 

1,1,  nn  nihil  I  nl'  hi'ini/r  or  innrnii' 
bIi'.iiI    |iim|.iIiiiiI.». 

IM'.    .1  rt    Cninkh    WIIB    III ICT    mil- 

.■.I  iiirl>  |.li>»\n  n|-  llM'  Cniinly  ;  In' 
in'ii'll I   In  111     ItrM^'Miin  riiiniiiiinlly 

II  nil  LT.iil  r.iii-iis».  An  niiliil.iiiKi:i|.li.v 
uiillrii  iinl  liMii:  iH'iiiri'  lilH  ilinlh. 
wlilrh  ii.iMiPil  III  Oil'  nto  of  hIkiiiI 
I  iL-lilyliiiir.  i.MiilK  n  llloiiiry  Inlrnl 
Mlili'li  iKiiilil  iln  rri'illl  in  a  mini  of 
Kli.  ilii-  ii|.|.iirliiiill.>  .11111  i.i^i..  1  ..;,. 
.iilliiiinl   iilliilniinnl. 

111-.   .1.    !>.    .Vinl.T.    who   luiiill.pil   nt 

III  III::.  Ion   Ini'  nriiiy  yiiMB  wiiR  n  ninn 

III'    liitrllirliNil    iilliiln s.      lie    liiKl 

Irm-llirt  iM.nHlvrly  nnil  nl  nnr  llllic 
wn.s   un    Iln-   Irrlini-   |iliiir<inii. 

■{■\w  riiKl  (Mi;;inl/:ill"n  or  I'lirkr 
r.  iiiily  |.|ii»l<liiiiH  loi-  i.rnlVs.sloinil 
•  ouiirniiliiii  mill  iiilMiini'iiK'iit  took 
pliiiT  In  IvTI.  I«r.  W.  II.  llllluni.  nf 
lliii'killl''.  iiriiT  rnnsnltiillon  willi  n 
liliiiilii'r  or  llii'  iloiloiH.  rnllril  n  inrrl- 
Ini:  ill  liiiikilllo  |..r  NnnMiil.iT  '.'  of 
lliiil  yinr.  'Ilir  rollowlnn  Krnlloiiii-ii 
i.Kiinnili'il   111   llii'  'Kll: 

lir.  .1.  S,  luui'.  ricrliil  nroslilrni  : 
111-.  11.  r.  Iliiils.iii.  I'li-cli-il  \  Irp-iircBl- 
llrill  :  l>r.  W.  II.  IMIlllili.  olP.trrt  BCrrc- 
liiiy:  |ir.  W.  I>.  TIiomihs. 
iirnwiici-:  In-.  II.  .1.  Illri>.  Iir.  .1.  I'. 
frnnH.  111.  W.  11.  'llioninB.  Ilr.  i;il»ln 
.».  .Miilmiii.  l>r.  W.  II.  .Mono,  l>r. 
.rinicB  ri-..i,k«.  Ilr.  .1  II.  Mnlor.  Pr.  .1. 
.\.  Colilsliiiry.  Hi-.  .\.  I>.  •I'oiiillnaon. 
Mr.  Irii  II.  Cllhiiii.  In-.  C.  \V.  .Mcl'iinc. 
hr.  i;o»».  Ill-,  s.  S.  (iolUa- 
liorry.  I>r.  II.  II.  \V.  .MrKiy. 

Ilr.  II.  r.  lliiilRon.  or  Monlo7.nnin. 
liriBldod  nl  llio  iiioi'llni;  with  Hr. 
lillliiiii.  scroliry.  Ilr.  J.  S.  Pare,  or 
IllooiiilnirUnlo,  was  nlcrtcd  iircsldcnt 
10  Bonc  lino  year.  Dr.  \V.  II.  Glllnni. 
eocrotnry.  and  a  ronstltiillon  and  liy- 
InwB  ndoplcd.  Tho  Borlcly  Ib  Btlll  nn 
nctivo  organUatlon,  liut     for    Bcrcral 


y.nii  ban  hrtn  Jnlnrd  with  Vcrlnllllou 
riMinly.  iiB  llio  l-nrkn-Vornillllon  .Mrd- 
ttal  Sorlniy,  and  nvrracra  up  tii  llioBt 
nf   llioBi-    In    Ijic    Hliilo. 

Tlio  iirnri'BBlon  of  llio  Coimly  waa 
rriTi-Bniiod  In  (he  mirBlial  ilr|iart- 
monl  of  llio  nriny  diirhiE  tlio  Clyll 
«iir  liy  Un.  (I.  W.  Mdiinc  of  Mnnlo- 
Miiiia.  J.  ,\.  CoMaliorry,  of  Annii|».llii. 
and  Uoorgo  G.  1',  DniT,  of  Rockvlllo, 

HISTORICAL    SKETCH  01'"     1' A  K  K  E     COUNXy. 

all  or  ivliniii  Bninllird  IhoinBolvoB  witli  IM-.   llom  lio   alioiit 1RW 

iTidll.      Dr.      .Mi-rimo.     howovrr.     dr-  |ir.    Win.    II.    Nori<liii;i'r   nlKinl IMO 

KiTvri.  m.i'.liil  ini'lillnn:  lin  ii  mil  oill  In  I  ir. Worn  or    nbont 18I.S 

llio  lii,:liii>|n;;  lis  HiirRi-nn  or  tli?  col.--  Iir.  .1.  'I'.  Allrn  almnt \V-» 

linilid    lllh    Inillnnn      Infinilry,      and  Hr.    Mail™   nlmiii INTid 

dprvnl  BH  Biirli  tliri.iii;h  II nllrowar.  Hr.    I'.di-pl    aliniii XX'-n 

lllB   iliily    wn»  iirrfoniird   liol   In      Iiob-  |ir.    I.r-niinid    almill I'tlO 

liltiil.  lint  on  III.-  ni.ii-ili.  In  laiiiii.  and  Hr.   Tonlrv   al.iinl    Is:l."i 

on    tho      LnltlfB      Bn  \H:     .Mrlioii  ihl    nhnnt l-'i-'iO 

Anllclani,  l-rcdorlckshnrK  and    Clrttys-  Ur.    I..nvr   nlmiil    ..  IS-1" 

hiirjt,   nil. I    "llh    anrh    i-onrnLT,    ahlllly  Hr,    ihnni    alioiit   I**-"'" 

and    Byiniialhy.    as    to    endear    liliii    to  |ir.   Illrniii   Alvord  ahoiit..- l.>i."ri 

fiery  floldler.  Hr.     Ilnrlhy    aliollt IWrt 

■Ine    prorcBlnn    lind    Its    fonndalinn  Hr.  .lohii   I'otta  nhoiil— l-VhS 

laid    hy    tho    pioneer   doctors    linrk    In  Hr.    Iliinhnell    nl<iut._ M>in 

the  early  d.iyb— "a  h..iiao  foiiiulrd   up-  Hr.   Ilarllioloinew  ahont   ISl"! 

nn   a   roik"— nnd   II    ImB  Bleaillly     nn.l  Hr.  Anil.roBe    lliknor  nlioiil .ISiin 

Burely  adinnied  since.  Medical  edu- 
cation 111  the  County  lina  been  won- 
ilerliilly  elevntod.  cfll.len.y  lorie- 
Binndlnely  IncrenEod  nnd  Its  dlk-nlty 
iiialndilned.  We  haven't  so  iiiucli  of 
the  hnnleiiy  of  the  doctor  of  the  "old 
Bcliool."  hilt,  iiiBtend,  more  of  the  pood 
lellowslilp  whli'li  ehonl.l  he  n  solace 
nnd  sntlsfni-thin  to  everyone  who 
would  love  and  reBjirct  his  fclloiv- 
workcr.  The  different  schools  of 
medicine  are  no  longer  eneiiilrs.  but 
friends.  Time  was  when  the  nllopath. 
homeopath  nnd  eclectic  would  not 
spenk  IIB  they  passed  by— such  a  thing 
IB  unknown  now,  nnd  would  ho  IniiKh- 
td  to  B.orn.  'I'hey  nil  look  alike,  talk 
nlike  and  prnctlre  alike;  yon  can't  tell 
one  from  the  ntlier,  llrotherly  love 
prcvnllB  nnd  every  iiioinl  and  soclnl 
virtue   ceincnlB   them.      SebiliV 

We  cannot  cIobo  this  Iniiio  effort  to 
Hay  •ometlilnf;  In  lielialf  of  the  med- 
ical profeBBlon  without  nientionlni: 
llio  worthy  yoiinn  women  wlio  linio 
lic'oino  trained  nurses  and.  na  n  pan 
of  it.  are  nnaelflflhly  dolnc  au.h  noble 
and  efrhlcnl  work  to  aid  the  doctor. 
They  arc  renliy  iiieiiil.erB  nf  the  mod- 
icnl  profcBBlon.  and  riirl<e  County  Iibb 
furnished  lirr  full  ipiola  to  the  ranks. 
Wherever  you  find  sick  iii.'n  there 
you  will  find  woiiinn— n  iiilnlBterlnc 
nncel.  The  only  tlirrerenco  now  Is, 
the  trnlned  nurse  Is  n  better  edlirnled 
nnd.  Ihrrefiire,  heller  einnliried  nurse, 

riiysiclanB  in  I'nrko  County  were 
located  as  follows; 


Hr.  I'nrlB  U  DiinnInK  nl.niil  IS'.'I 

Dr.  r.  g.  Strykor  nhoiit IICIO 


II.  J.  Itlco  about 1»IM 

.John    T.   Itlco   alKint 18il- 

Jamcs   McSutt  about ISiJt 

Wui.   rirynnt   ahont ISfil 

GeorKo  I'.  Daly  about— ISIH 

J.  F.  CroBB  about isil."i 

W.    II.   cillum lS7:i 

I'ctcr   Daly 187:i 

C.  C.  Morris 18711 

Anna  n.  Conipbell  obout ISTH 

.Mntson    about IdSi) 

W,   I).  Mull   about ISSO 

rhyslcinns  who  have  entered  the 
praiii.e  nt  llockvllle  slneo  I.iSO  arc 
Hra.  II.  C.  Itofcra,  \V,  .M.  I'urrcll.  O. 
K,  Mnihlnx,  A.  11.  IxickrldgC,  A.  V.  Mai 
loy.  .1.  Slionknilcr,  II.  A.  Swopo,  J.  II 
lilooiiier.  C.  \S.  Overiieck,  T.  J.  Col 
llni:s,  .lolin  .1.  Connelly. 

Dr.   Kilns  .McKey 18.11) 

Dr.  J.din  II.  McXntl ISW 

Dr.    Ilnraco    I".  Cannon ISIO 

Dr.    .laincB    I'.    Tucker lS."ii) 

Hr.  .lohn  S.  Haro_ IViO 

Hr.    WilBOn    lioblia 1R.V) 

Hr.  J.  A.  (lohlBbcrry ISiai 

Hr.  Oinar  ().  lloll,  Dr.  J.  M.  IloyU. 


Hr.    John    IMckard 18."in 

Dr.    sniiinri    Coffin 18.M) 

Dr.    Will.   Aydelotl   XKti 

Dr.  A.  P.  Tonillnson ISiri 

•    Dr.  M.  r.  Wooilard,  Dr.  n.  I'.  Hes- 
ter, Dr.  Orecno. 


Dr.    Aloiander    Burbaugb \KA 

Dr.  II.  II.  W.  McKoy  (at  nii««oir» 
Mill!)    1808 


Dr.  Geo.   D.   DeVertor     (alio     at 

l/)dl) 1S7n 


Dr.    .MiHonnld 18JI 

Dr.  IIoduklBs  (first     In     llaccoon 

Valley    _. IH-.'l 

Dr.    fiklnner    ....l.siii 

Dr.  KIlBha  Gooklns  nlioiit IKIir 

Hr.    roniroy isiui 

Hr.  Vnnriect   ..- is:ui 

Hr.  II.  A.  IliiIdrldRP ..INllo 

Hr.  W.  W.  Wiieat. 


Hr.    ngdcn— .isi.-, 

Hr.  Overton   Stone I.mihi 

Hr.    .Mclnlyre I.m« 

Hr.    Ilaiulllon ...ISll", 

Dr.   J.    A.    Ilaldrldire Isin 

lira.  .1.  Y.  I.ynrb,  C.  K.  White,  V,.  A. 
l:lnn.^  Dirn  llaldrlilne,  lllilne,  Slew. 


Dr.  Will.  I',  l-axton  I.M.-.;t 

Dr.    Will.    Ilee.ler    IMU". 

Dr.  .M.  Cobb IsTil 

Hr.  .loseph   Klnirbam Is7.-i 

Dr.   li.    W.    larver I.S7.-. 

Dr.   Willlniii   1'.    imrroch  about...  It""! 

Hr.  .lohii  W.  rnrtlow.. IMsfl 

Hr.  A.   Maliln   IM711 

Dr.  .1.   V.   Hohiii iwi 

Dr.  A.  .Moore ..t.s.Mi 

Dr.  II.  c.  I'eare.. I.siil 

Dr.  Sherman  lilake. 

Dr.  .lobn  inn  was  the  first  about  Is-.C. 

Dr.  inn  lias  been  followed  liv  tho 
followinK  phyBlilaiiB:  Hr.  A.  Hiival, 
Hr.  A.  r.iteel,  Hr.  .In».  Talbott,  Hr. 
Win.  .lonCB,  Dr.  II.  .M.  Gllkcson,  Hr. 
.1.  W,  Keiiip,  Hr.  i:.  II.  Cannon.  Hr. 
Geo.  W,  .McCiino,  Hr.  11.  I'.  Hudson, 
Hr.  Win.  lleeiler.  Dr.  II.  I,.  Dooley, 
Ilr.  .lames  Cone,  Dr.  .N'cwhoiiso. 

Dr.  Ilaldrldice. 

Dr.  Dcdmonil,  Dr.  IloliiicB,  Hr.  Jouea. 

Dr.  8.  S.  floldBberry.  Dr.  8.  Wat- 
kina,  Dr.  S.  S.  White,  Dr.  .Taa.  I.  .Nor- 
man, Dr.  J.  F.  imp.  Hr.  .1.  SnnndcrB, 
Dr.  8.  II.  McCord.  Dr.  V.  V.  Irfaih,  Dr. 
Kdwin  llnndall,  Dr  Wni.  Steele,  Dr. 
J.  T.  Towey,  Dr.  J.  C.  Price. 

Dr.  C.  A.  Cnplinger,  Dr.  A.  A.  Will- 

IIR.    >IARIO.X   gosfl. 

laiiiBi.n,  Dr.  Win.  Hnvli.  Dr.  Ilradford 
Warren,  Dr.  Wnldcn. 


Dr.  Knight,  Ur.  Tlnilcy,  Ur.  0<I«1I, 
Dr.   lUark. 

Dr.  i;.  \i.  Vancleave,  Dr.  DIack. 

Ur.  llord,  Dr.  Ilrltt,  Ur.    Oao.    P. 


Pnly,  Mr.  .lohn  \V.  Ilnrvc.v,  Dr.  A.  C. 
Innnw,  I>r.  (JKfnril.  IT.  Modlscll,  Dr. 
•  •olIlllKK,   Mr.    Ill.liU. 

Iir.  .\iiron  «'.  MorrlB.  Iir.  Wooilnrd. 

In.  .lolm  (iiirrlcim,  I  >r.  Win.  I'rloo, 
in.  iMin.iHi.  IT.  lllcltB.  Dr.  Cnlhlwrlli, 

111-.    SIn.llliolliir. 

Mr.  Ini  II.  iiuhm,  IT.  It.  I'.  HIM, 
It.  W.  N.  WllllnhiKOn. 

IT.  ..iiiiirs  Crookn.  Dr.  H.  II.  IIOBcn- 
11  nil".  IT.  .1.  1).  .Miller,  Dr.  O.  L. 


IT.  S.   I,.   Ilolirrln. 

In.  J.  1  .  .--...1.11..,  IM.  i..  y..  i.v.iii.. 

yiirlir  (Cmuitji  WritrrD 

Whili'  rnrkp  Ciiiiil)-  linn  luiil  iiiniiy 
hrlKliI  ""il  liili'iii"!  "rlli'm  who  »rrc 
H'liil  mill  iipiiroclnlcd  hy  lioiiic  pci>- 
|.|.',  iinl  iMiiii.v  Imvi.  dovoldl  llinii- 
Bi-lvri.  cx.lUHlvol.v  (n  olllicr  llloniliirc 
or  Joiirnallsiii.  .Inlin  II.  Ilrndli'  wnx 
iiH  linH  hri'ii  Kill"  ill  Ii'h  l>loKni|>li.\, 
hiilli  nii'hor  nnil  JoiiriiullKl.  I.ticlim 
1:111.8,  iiiliT  Iniic  yiniB  or  liiM'd  work 
hiTi'  iiB  a.hool  irn.licr.  rnrim-r.  niirt  or. 
riiBlonnI  .-onli  llmtor  to  iiiilillcmloiiB. 
uilon'il  iirofrBBloniil  JoiirnaliBhi  rntli- 
rr  lull-  III  llrr.  Mr  «pi«  ciillr.l  lo  llif 
rdltorslilp  of  llio  Cliiniiio  iUim-at,  a 

IIISTOUICAL    SKETCH     OK     PAKKE     COUNTY.  iMii.or  owno.l  hy  Mujor  O.  .1. 
^;lllllll,  ivlicii  hr  «nn  nl.oill  forly  ynuB 
or  OEC  WlK-ii  .Mr.  .•<inllh  ort.inlzfd 
Ihr  .Viiwrlciin  I'rrss  .\r.s"ilollon.  .Mr. 
IJOMA  ivdB  itliirrd  III  nn  liiiporlnnt  nil- 
torliil  Hliillon.  niid  lo  IiIb  work  wnn 
lino  llir  rxlnioidlnniy  hiictbh  or  llic 
KiiMit  iirwHl'  H.vmll.nlo  roundrd  by 
.Major  .>;nilll..  .Mr.  i;obb  \vn»  n  vorsn. 
Illo  «rlli-r  on  n  wido  rniiKi-  or  fiil.Jo.  l«. 
lie  will,  n  Ron  i.r  CyriiB  Cobb,  bo  rnily 
I'lirko  I'oinily  Brhool  iPii.hrr.  iind  11 
l.rollior  or  .lohn  lioBB.  or   ll.Miiioro. 

A.  W.  Nowlln.  Bon  or  Ki  rB.y  Now- 
lln.  or  I'iMin  loMoBlilp.  like  Mr.  II.'bb. 
I,nd  no  noWBimpir  CNpprloncn  iilinl- 
rvor  liororo  lii'  rnlorr.l  JoilrnnllBiii, 
l.iil  l.c-  »ii.  ri'i-ili'd  rrom  llic  ainil.  I'roiii 
Dnrllii.iii  CnlloLV  ho  nrnl  lo  llnrinnl. 
niid  nflor  loniplrllni:  Ills  coiirBO  or 
Bliidv    lioiinn    Rcllvc    nowapnpor    work 


nrilrd  with  ollior  nrwBimporfl.  nnd 
for  II  Ihno  imiduitrd  ono  or  Ills  own 
m  l,nkr  CliniloB,  I.B.  Tlila  wn«  nrirr 
ho  hnd  nindo  a  nnnio  ror  hliiiBC'r  ivlillo 
on  dirroronl  impcrfl  In  Nnv  orlonnB. 
Covi-rnor  Mlnmhiird  nppolnlod  hliii 
prlifito  Birrolnrv  diirInK  hiB  lorin, 
whon  .Mr.  NoMlin  nu'Bin  roBiincd  ncwi- 
I  npoi-  work,  an.l  l8  noiv  ono  or  llic 
|irln.l|inl  cilllori  or  the  Srtr  Orlrnnt 

IJIwBrd  lloll.  who  IB  now  Ihr  Ixin- 
don  roproaonlnllvc  or  llic  flil'-np" 
l!rinril-llrrnl,l.  Ib  ii  nnllvc  or  rnrkc 
(  onnly.  Mr.  Ilcll  la  rcroKnIlod  bb 
ono  of  Ihr  hoBt  ncwapiipor  corrcBjioiid- 
ciilB  coniicclcd  Willi  .\iiicrlcan  Joiirn* 

Mnr.v  llriiflh  WllllnmB.  nnlll  rcccnl- 
ly  Vnown  In  llliTnliirc  nB  IbbI'cI 
llriiBh.  Ib  b  dniiKliIrr  of  .lohn  C  nnd 
.Mary  Kill  llrilsh.  nnd  n  Knind-ilaiich- 
Irr  or  Crorcc  \V.  .Vlll.  or  llorkilllcB 
onrly  dn.vB.  She  Ijcfnn  her  lllcrnry 
work  BB  B  Boelely  reporter  on  B  fill- 
IBL'O  paper.  Troiii  IhnI  .lly  Bhe  wenl 
lo  .\e.v  York,  where  Bhe  did  new»-  work.  In  the  luennlline  bIio  hnd 
,i,-,„n.iilale,l  n  inat  Binonnl  or  ninler- 
lal  whlrh  Bhe  In  now  hrlni-'InK  Inl" 
Food  neroiinl.  for  ner  nnme  hnB  he- 
.•.line  on  •  of  the  hem  known  In  Anier-  lllernlnre.  77ie  ^nrunlo//  fvien- 
tniJ  VnsI  InBt  yenr  Bent  MtflB  nrnsli  lo 
IliiBslB.  rrom  whi.h  eonntry  Bhe 
wi.ile  Bkeuh.a  or  the  war.  Vpon  hor 
return  bIic  wbb  married  to  Mr,  Will- 
IniiiB,  or  ritlBhnrK.  ITer  InteBt  work 
liiiB  been  done  for  Ihc  ,Vn(i(r(fo|/  fvirn- 
.'.I,/  ;va/. 

,Iiillft  V.  HlraiiBB,  who  hn«  nchlcved 
worldwide  fnnie  n«  a  writer,  Ib  r  na- 
tive of  llockvllle.  She  heiran  her  en- 
leer  In  the  ofriee  or  the  llnHrUti- 
TrIliKiir  when   but  a  Bchool  Rlrl, 

,Iohn  II.  Ilendle  flrat  noticed  her 
talent  at  a  I'riday  nrternoon  Bihool 
rxblbltinn  when  Bhe  was  sixteen  ycnra 
old.  .Mrs,  Slrauaa  did  loral  and  fcB- 
lure  work  on  the  Trihuiir.  and  In 
ISII-J  besan  llie  Ile|iarliuenl  of  Si|ulb« 
and  SayinfB.  For  Iwentyfour  years 
she  hiiB  kept  np  thla  ileiinrtmenl.  Mrs. 
sStraiiBB  WBB  a  rcEiihir  contributor  to 
the  old  hi'ltniiniinllH  Jniininl.  and  In 
lIMrJ  bcRBn  her  dcparlment,  •"I'lio 
fonnlry  fonlrlbulor,"  In   llio  Indian- 

nimlln  ^^nl■n.  TIiIb  feature  hna  ha*  « 
very  wide  rciidlnn  nnd  .-out Inn. b  In 
popularity,  nol  only  In  Indiana,  hut 
In  other  pnrln  or  llie  country,  lii  l:i.«i 
the  head  line  "How  .Mother  CcIb  Her 
Halo"— over  a  report  or  a  talk  Klvcn 
by  Mrs.  Strnuaa  In  Inillnnni^illB, 
cauKhl  the  or  Mr.  IMwaid 
llok.  editor  or  Ihc  l.nilln  Ihfwr 
.Iniirniil,  Sbortlv  nrierward  .MrB. 
SIraiiBB  became  editor  or  a  deport- 
lueul  In  Ihc  /,orf/.-»  llmnr  .Iniir- 
nil.  enllllcd  "l.lcBB  of  a  I'lBln 
Country-  Woman."  •|'IiIb  dcparlnKnil 
at  once  attalncii  Rrcal  popularity  and 
•  onllnnea  to  be  a  valued  dcparlment 
In  the  treat.  Bl  womana  niauaitlnc  In 
Hie  worlil.  Al  a  nnlh.nBl  .onvcnllon 
or  cdllora  In  Colorado  SprlnuB  llirec 
years  ai:o  Mrs.  SlrauBs  w-ns  Introdn.-- 
ed  10  nn  audience  bb  ""rlie  .Moat  llea.l 
Vm.iiiui.  in  Ihc  Wolld." 

In  addition  to  her  rcKular  literary 
work,  Mrs.  StrntiBa  nns'i'ira  thousinds 
of  letters  from  all  parta  or  .\nierlcn, 
an.l  many  from  dlalanl  landa  all  over 
the  elvlllr.ed  worl.l.  She  baa  lately 
tnken  np  plntform  worT<.  and  hns  licini 
IndorBcd  as  a  Bpctikcr  before  lUeniry 
■  liibs  nnd  olhrr  organlzallona. 

She  Is  the  Biillior  of  ono  book — 
"Ideas  or  >  I'lBln  Country  Woninn," 
which  wan  republished  In  i:nK<nnil. 
an^,  of  several  storlca  and  sketclicB 
oulBlde  her  reculnr  work.  "A  lilrl  In 
(lid  VIrElniB,"  "What  Iielnit  11  Wo- 
man  lias  ,Mennl  to  Me,"  nnd  "Clirnn- 
IcIcB  of  H  (Jneer  dlrl,"  nil  appeared  In 
the  1-aiki  Home  Jonrnnl. 

f  oUtira  After  tl^F  (Hitiil  Har 

Tin;  I'dl.l'llc'S  lit  I'nrko  Coiin- 
ly  aliico  llic  wnr  |irpsrnt 
iimtiy  inlcrcHtlng  fcnlurcs, 
many  ImldonlB  worthy  of 
imXi'.  .III. I  vvniilil  iiiakP  II  volllMK!  ir  r\- 
I'l-.ilhfiiK  roimctrd  wllli  Ihni  pcrloil 
w:i*  riil'y  niliBlilon'd.     II  ulinillil  lip  |-i- 

ilH-nil    llinl    riiirlnK    tlif    «;ir    llic 

ll.-|.iil.l|.-nii  [Miily  wiiR  kiiovvn  nn  the 
riitnii  tmrty.  niid  iii*  Hiicli  piiilirncnl 
luiiKlri'iin  nr  ■'«ni-   I  iriiinri'nlii,"  not  lo 

ili'ii  Ihc  I ly  Ki'iiinrrniii  who  lip- 

<iiii..'   lli'iiiilillrniiH  nil   llip  iHHiim  iirln- 
1MU   liMiiiPillnlPly   hprni'p     mill     ilin-lnit 
III!'   uiir.     Tlip  riiliin     niiijiirlly     »ui 
I Idi-p  iMprwIiplihliiu'. 

II  wiiH  mil  iiiiHI  INTO  (tint  llip  I'lml 
I'l'i'iik  III  ihp  lli'iinlillpnn  llhPa  I'liiiip, 
nllliiHiKli  DH  parly  nn  isms  miPh  IIp|>iiIi' 
llniiiK  nn  HiiimmpI  'I'.  I'nillii,  .InHPpli 
1..  Iliiy.l,  I '11111,1111  .Inhii  T.  Cn'iililiPll,  ■ 
mill  iitlHWR  iKu-nit  In  illHti'iml  lliolr 
imrly  nn  Hip  inniipy  i|iipmlnn.  TIip  Up- 
imlilipiiii  stiiip  iilniroriii  of  Hint  ypnr 
itiihirpil  111  rnvor  of  ttiP  Krppnlinck. 
Iiiil  llirTP  wiiH  nil  PlpliiPllt  oppnupd  lo 
Hip   pliiirnriM     ilpiliirntlon.     Ily     1S7il 

p  «ii«  n  ilpclrtPil  ilpflppllon  from 
(IIP  llPiMilillpniiK.  Tlim  ypar  .lolm  S. 
linn,  wlin  hiiil  liprii  n  llpimlillcnn,  anil 
<ip..itp  W.  rnlllnH.  n  lipiiioprot.  en- 
IIil.|lBli.-il  Ihp  rnrl.:  Cninilil  Vpip*. 
Mtilrli  MiiB  nil  iidinrnip  of  tlip  Krppn- 
I'lirk  ciiriviipy.  rnpinlii  .Inlin  T. 
iipl.pll,  who  hnd  born  Cniinly  TrpnB- 
r,  Ipil  tliP  rpvoll.  hy  lippoiiiliiR  n 
dlil.ilp  for  IhP  Slnlp  SpnnlP.  Up 
1  dPlpniPd.  lint  Mospb  T.  I>iinn,  fTfp 
llppiil.ll.nii  piindiibtp  for  rnncrpss, 
iiiiB  liPnlPii  hy  DnnlPl  W.  \-onrllpP8. 
Hip  U'm  of  firppiilmrk  llppiihllrnnB  lie- 
IML'  Hip  prlnclpnl  phiibp. 

III  tlip  tlrpplpy  pniiipnlEn  of  1S7^. 
p  Itppiihllcnnfl  of  I'nrkp  County  hnd 
wnlk  nwny.  i1p8|i|1o  thp  fnpl  Hint  Ihp 
fiiin.Tnlir  I'lPBldpiillnl  rnndldnlp  hnd 
r  j.nrs  Iippii  Hip  Idnl  of  Hip  rndlpnl 
i-iniMlPiinB  of  thp  rniinly.     ThP  pnni- 

■I'lio  llPimhll- 
ptiornioiis  lorph- 

tlio  Dpniocrnts 

■•n   "Dnn"   Voor- 

'  ynrd.  on 

)  lind  Olio  or  ti 
llKlit  procPBBlonB. 
™p   rouBlne  rnlly 

lippB  Kpokp  In  the  r   

Hip  RHi  nf  AilcilBl.  Mnny  of  tho  Or..  .. 
bnrkors  votpd  for  Oroolpy,  but  many 
llioro  Dcmocrnts  dtd  not 

ny  1874  tho  Orocnback  party  hnd 
grown  cOHBldornhly.  That  year  noml* 
nntionB  woro  iiindo  for  County  offleea 
on  801110  of  tho  cnndldatoa  the 
PpiMOProtfl  ftnd  Orconhnckora  united, 
sroat  flKlit  wns  hotweon  Jniiiea 
JohoBon  and  Joupph  I*.  Boyd  t-or 
the  Rtato  Senate.  Mr.  Boyd  wae  nomi- 
nated by  tho  Oroenhackers  and  en- 
dorsed hy  tho  Democrats.  The  rote 
very  pIosp,  Mr.  Boyd  carrlPd 
rarko  County  by  12  votes,  but  Mr. 
Johnston  carried  VcrinlUlon  County 
hy  enough  rotes  to  "put  him  acroBs." 
Dr.  Harrison  ,7.  nice  of  RockrlUe,  was 
tho  Democratic  candidate  for  Con- 
grpBS,  but  was  defeated  by  Aforton  C. 
IluntPr.  Thus  far  thP  Orppnhapkpra 
hnd  l.ppn  rp.-nilipd  aliiioBt  entirely 
frnii,  Ihp  llPruilillinnB.  Sii.h  inpn  m 
.Inapph  I,,  lloyd.  Tlipodnrp  and  Kd- 
wnrd  MnrBhall.  of  .Vdninn  township: 
l.iilciifl  (JORR,  of  Cnlon.  Wllahlrp  Cof- 
fin, of  IVun,  I,.  C.  lOwlmnk.  of  Sugar 
Crppk.  wpro  the  early  IpadPrs  of  the 
parly  and  all  camp  from  the  Ilppubll- 
t-nns.  T.ntpr  on  n  few  Dpmocrats  like 
.lauiPB  N.  nhd  .lohn  II.  MUlpr.  of  lln.-- 
poon.  afflllnlPd  for  a  lliiio  with  Hip 
OreenhnpkPrB.  or  Nallonals.  as  tlipy 
wore  known,  but  tho  defection  from 

thp   lloiiiopi-als   waa   slight    In   coilipar- 
iBon  wlih  the  llpimhllpan  loss. 

The  campaign  of  IS7I  was  tlip  first 
In  which  the  Crnngcr  iiioyenipnt  fig- 
ured. A  yc:\r  previous  to  that  date 
(irangcB  woro  InBtltutpd  In  almost  ev- 
ery district  of  the  County.  Only  fnriii- 
pra,  Hiplr  wivps  and  daiiglitPrs 
"pro  ellglhlo  to  niembershlp.  hut  dur- 
ing Iho  wlnlPr  of  1S7.1-7I  so  iiinny 
(irangps  had  lieen  inslltiltpd  that  the 
lolnl  iiipiiihcrshlp  in  the  County  was 
up  in  tlip  HwuiBnnds.  'I'wo  cnonnoua 
(Irnngp  pirnliB  werp  lipid  In  IS7I  — 
one  nl  .liidBOii  and  Hip  olhor  ni  IIobp- 
ilnip  while  niiiMPi'oiiB  nelghlmrhond 
gnlhprluBB  w.TP  liPld  III!  over  llin 
County.  Into  Hip  limngoB  niahpd  ov- 
rry  fnrii  or  politician  in  the  roiinly, 
I'pgnrdlcsB  of  pariv,  piici  trying  tn  tn- 
fliipncp  the  nrganlrnilnn  In  favor  of 
iilB  parilculnr  political  party.  Tlic 
prlni'lpal  fonturc  of  tho  (Irango  iiiovc- 

Wlishirp  Coffin,  Leo  Wheat,  ,IoBephua 
and  Itolicrt  Lake,  I.ucIiib  (Iobb,  Joseph 
I-.  llo.vd.  Thp.idnio  C.  Marslinll  and 
otiipr  men  of  their  type  uillmalely  ho- 
caiiie  Iipinoprals.  and  during  tho 
transition  porlod  they  exerted  a 
great  influence  on  the  young  men  of 
the  County,  who  from  Independent 
volprs  bPcaiiip  IiPiiioeratB.  Iliit  new 
mining  fields  were  devchiped ;  ami  at 
one  tliiip  thprp  wprp  over  SiKi  negro 
votern  In  the  County— .ill  llepuhliranB. 
l''roiii  tlip  iiilnpra  and  Ihp  PiifranclilBe- 
iMPUl  nf  the  negro,  Hip  llcpiihlicaa  ro- 
criilipd  pnniigh  In  hold  llio  County 
iiioBl  nf  Ihp  II  I  e  In  BiiilP  lif  Iho  Iobbos 
I  havp  iiipnllnupd. 

The  liirninralilc  ruiiipalgu  of  l«7il 
liaB  no  parallel  hi  our  potltli-a)  his- 
tory sa^■p  Hip  pipiallv  sppplnculnr  cam- 
paign twenty  vpnr»  inlc'.  It  waB  call- 
ed the  "bloody  BliIrt  cniiipnlgn,"  and 
Iho  Itopuhllcnni  In  token  of  that  name 

iiient  was  tho  elimination  of  Hie  ■'mld- 
illenian" — the  retail  merchant  and  the 
"driiiiiiiipr."  .So  far  as  was  known 
npllhpr  party  henPflltPd  nhovp  thp  oHi- 
pr  ill  HiIb  Cniinty  from  the  siippospii 
"ilrangpr  vote"'— DemocralB  continiiPd 
10  vole  tliPir  tIcUot.  and  Itppiil.llcnnB 
ns  Irnaclnusli  sIupJ;  to  thplrs.  The 
iMo>empnt  Riiiisldpd  almoat  ns  rapidly 
as  It  aroBP. 

In  the  uipautliiip  the  mines  had 
been  opened  at  Sand  Creek  and  a 
large  lncrpaj.p  in  thp  vote  resultod. 
While  the  niinerB  wprp  not  all  Uepiib- 
Ucnns.  that  pnrty  gained  almoat  as 
mnny  frmii  the  innux  of  miners  as  It 
lost  to  the  (ircpnlinckPrB.  .\nd  hprp  I 
might  slate  my  liplipf  that  twputy  or 
Iwpnly-Hve  .venrs  after  tho  war, 
I'arke  County,  on  a  hnsls  of  Its  Pit- 
l-/.enBlilp  as  It  eMsted  before  and  dur- 
ing the  war,  wns  probably  DpniOPratlp, 
for  at  that  time  on  the  issues  of  the 
tariff  and  Piirrency  many  of  tho 
Dpiiiocrats  had  returned  tn  tliplr 
parly,  and  the  Prohlhltion  movement 
hnd  takpn  from  the  ItppuhlleanB 
quilo  a  number  of  Its  Quaker  rotprs. 
John   II.  Readio,  Samuel     T.     Catlln, 

adopted  a  red  shirt  and  cap  as  their 
unifnriu.  A  marching  company  of 
npiirly  '.'iki  wpII  drlllpil  men  was  or- 
ganized at  llockvlllo  with  John  I'. 
.Mpaehnm  ns  cnptaln.  A  sluillar  or- 
gnni/atlon  was  perfected  at  Nyesvlile, 
where  Jack  Dufore,  a  Civil  war  vet- 
eran, drilled  tho  men.  .Monte/.uma'B 
comiiany  under  Cnptaln  Ned  Turner 
wore  old  Continental  uniforma  of  blue 
and  huff  wllh  cocked  liats.  etimiueiti- 
mornllvc  of  the  Nation's  Centennial, 
i.iooiulngdnle  and  Annapolis  had  a 
large  coiitpiiuy  commanded  liy  John 
Chapman,  All  wore  the  regtilation  red 
shlrlB  with  the  expcptlon  of  Monte- 
zuma. Towards  tho  cIobo  of  tho  cam- 
paign llipro  was  a  "rally"  soniewhero 
nearly  every  night,  and  always  a 
torch-light  procession.  Whito'a  cornpt 
band  at  llockvllle.  Kvans'  hand.  An- 
napolis, tile  JmlBon  band,  tho  Monte- 
zuma band,  and  the  Orange  band  In 
tho  Fisher  nelghlKirhood,  did  a  iand- 
offlee  huslncBB.  The  Democrats  wero 
by  no  means  out  of  this  game.  Tlicy 
had  a  large  company  at  nockvlllc, 
commanded  by  James  Ryan,  a  veteran 
of  the  SStta  Indiana  Regiment  Their 

uniform  was  a  neat  liliie  shirt,  wlili 
Iho  iPlters  "T,  II."— Tildcu  and  lien- 
ilrlcks-ln  while.  While  tlio  Hc|iiibl|. 
cans  could  boiist  of  tlio  best  driiiii- 
iiier,  .Tonu  li.  Strain,  of  the  roiirloen- 
Ih— for  their  fife  and  driiiu  band,  tho 
DeniocralB  had  far  and  away  tho  lieat 
fifcr  In  "Whit"  I'liett  of  tho  4.'UI. 
.Viiiong  the  noted  Bpeakera  who  ad- 
drcRBP'd  I'arke  County  crowds  that 
year  were  (ieneral  Jiidson  Kilpnlrh-li, 
who  BiKiko  for  the  llepiiblirans  and 
lleneral  James  SliicbiB  wlin  Blmko  for 
Hip  lipiiiocrnlB.  Scnalor  Harlan,  of 
Iowa,  Spiiiilor  Morton,  (Jporgo  \, 
Hhpridan,  and  lleneral  llpnlnmln  liar- 
rlunn.  Hip  llppiiblican  I'andlilnlo  for 
iio\criior,  npro  sppnkerH  nt  btg  Ho- 
piihllcan  rnllicB,  and  Hennlnr  ,MpItnn- 
aid,  ijeorge  W.  Julian,  I,yiiian  'I'niiii- 
Inill  and  "Sun«et"  Co.v  nddreBsed  lariti.' 
erowda  of  lipiuopi-nis  al  llockvlllo.  Tlio 
bIggPBl  Iipiiiorratlc  rally  of  tho  cnin- 
paign  was  at  .Monlezitimi,  when  "llliio 
Jeans"  WiiiiamB  anil  "Imu"  Voorhoei 
were  there.  The  grent  llepuidlciin 
mlly  wlipii  ilnrrisnn  spoko  nt  Hock- 
mip.  Just  lipforp  the  Oclnber  eloctlon, 
WBB  nttended  hy  the  ceremony  of  rnls- 
lug  the  Auicrlcnn  fliig  to  tho  hlghiBt 
elevation  ever  ntlained  on  a  flag  polo. 
ThiB  "pole"  waa  In  BccHonB,  Iho  first 
one  being  a  large  poplar  tree,  II  was 
nllogptlier  *2.M)  feel  high,  and  placed 
iiB  It  wan  bpshle  Hint  of  Hip  I  leiiio- 
cralB,  l.-iil  feel  in  higlil,  made  Hie  Int- 
ler  look  like  a  hickory  swIIpIi,  Molon 
Ferguson  orected  Hits  flag  polo. 

When  (ieneral  IlarrlBou  was  lioro  at 
the  big  rally  on  Iho  nth  of  October  ho 
waB  pulprlalned  by  Ibobc  (1.  Coffin, 
111  whofle  i-nrrlnge  he  roiio  from  tho 
railroad  to  the  liouip  of  Mr.  Coffin  on 
Cnilpgp  street.  It  was  tlio  anniversary 
of  the  bailie  of  Hie  ThniiieB.  A  nretty 
compliment  waa  paid  the  future  rrcHl- 
dent  of  Iho  I 'n  lied  .statcB  when  tho 
carriage  reached  the  center  of  I  he 
.North  .Side.  A  wire  had  iieen  run  from 
one  of  the  biilidliigs  on  tlio  North 
side  10  a  tree  In  Hip  court  house  yard. 
The  carriage  stopped,  when  a  beauti- 
ful canon  was  seen  to  leave  a  window 
of  an  up-slalrB  room,  and  glide  iis  It 
In  the  air  to  tho  crnter  of  tho  alroot, 
where  ItB  opciipant,  .MIbb  Clara  Tnto, 
dropped  a  laurel  wreath  and  a  beau- 
tiful bouipiot  In  the  Genoral's  lap.  IIo 
raised  his  hat  to  tho  llttio  girl  In  tho 
canoe;  the  multltiido  cheered.  "For- 
ward March  1"  and  tho  long  lino  of 
uniformed  men,  bands  of  music,  bug- 
gies, wagons,  log  cablnB,  canoes  and 
all  the  panoplied  array  moved  on  to 
tlio  residence  of  Mr.  Coffin,  where 
Ooneral  Harrison  rciuolnod  for  dinner. 

Thomas  N.  Rico  was  a  candidate  for 
tho  Republican  Congressional  nomi- 
nation In  18711,  but  lost  to  Morton  O, 
Hunter.  Nerval  W.  Cummln'gB  was  a 
candldato  for  Treasurer  of  State,  and 
Itkowlso  lost.  Although  tho  Slate 
went  Democratic,  Parko  County's  Re- 
publican ticket  was  elected  by  major- 
ities ranging  from  027  for  David 
Strouse  for  Clerk,  to  1.1G  for  F.  W. 
Dinwiddle  for  Treasurer.  Joseph  0. 
Vlekory  was  Hie  Dciimcralic  eandldnie 
who  Pill  BO  Blroiigly  Into  Iho  llppuhll- 
can  vntp.  Arpd  F.  White,  nllhough 
he  had  a  Idg  majorlly  In  I'nrkp  for 
I'roBOcutlng  Attorney,  was  defeated  by 
David  A.  Hoach,  wlio  carried  .Mont- 
gomery by  a  majorlly  sllgbtly  larger. 
.Mnrton  r.  ITnntcr,  the  llppiibllcnn 
candidate  for  Congress  against  Col- 
onel Will.  It.  Mpl.ean  waa  oloctrd.  ow- 
ing lo  the  candidacy  of  O.  P.  Davis  on 
the   Orecnbatik   ticket   Adami     town- 


at  Its  one      rnlly 

Blll|i  niHt  over  l,<iOO  vote 
lUTilml,  find  tire  roiiiK  wns  acan-cly 
riiilHhrd  III  tlMir  tor  iiinvnss  l>y  the  of- 
lliliil  boiinl.  llohiTl  Cliilstlnii,  llciiio- 
.nil.   wim  rlrrli'il  InnnKlilp  tnlBlcp. 

It  niiK  In  IsTS  llinl  Mil'  UciMilillcnna 
«nl|-|'ri-il  llii'li-  rlrsi  rcviTBn  nflcT  the 
ri\ll  War  porlort.  Tlii-  cniilrat  Blnrlort 
In  im  R  llin-c-coinrml  flt-hl.  l.ut  n  fns- 
Ion  wiiB  nll.'innrila  pnilliilly  ofroi'trd. 
Moilnn  C.  Ilnnlnr.  ..opni.llnin.  A.  .1. 
llnslPllnr,  I Mno.-rnt,  nnil  Henry  A. 
Whltp.  Circniiiirknr.  or  Nnll.mnl.  wi-ro 
rnndlilnloB  for  rnn;;reBB,  and  lIoBli'llcr 
won  In  aliltn  nf  Hip  third  imrly  landl- 
dull'.  O.  \:  Minla.  Nnllonal,  of  Vor- 
iMllllon  Coinily.  .nrrlrd  I'nrkr- nnd  waa 
I  Ictlid  to  tlip  Sliilc  Senato  from  the 
Iwn  I'oiinlles,  na  Ihe  Iteinncrnta  pill  nn 
.iindldnlp  In  Ihn  field.  Arclmhald,  Nntlonnl.  for  .lolnl  llepn- 
M-nlnllve  wilh  .MnnlKoniery  Cnnnly 
iilBo  Mon;  I).  I'.  Ilrnivn  nnd  Jolin  1>. 
.■onini:a.  DeuiorrntB.  were  eir.led 
(■nMinilaalonera.    nnd    Cenrce    W.      Col- 

llllBB.    I lornil.    defenled       .lolin       II. 

Iliurord.    nf    .Mr 



llial  KnnI 

Slali'fl    Sel   appn 
hy    Ihe    dn 
the    loaa    r 

1   W.  \onrli 
r       eandldii 
nlor.     na  li 
llled   to   Ihe 
nth    nt    Sen 
r    l.nlh    Sen 

•ra  would  he  Ihf 
.'      for      rnltcl 

c     had     already 
vnfanry   rnnaed 

ilor    nnil    lle'pre- 

lona  one 
■I'lie    lanip 
nnide   hy 

n    I'nrke  Cci 
niliTd    lor 
nlirn    waa    » 
.    anil    few 

ho    Itepiihllrnna. 
holly    devoid    of 

ii<n      of     I'lthrr 


In    .0111 
riirkr    lo 

eel  Ion     will 
nily.    (1.    V. 

Ihe    hialnry    of 
|)n\l3    doBervea 

nn  hnnonihle  plnre.  oven  llinnudi  ho 
Miia  n  olllzon  of  nnr  Tounly  hnl  a 
ahorl  while,  lie  realdod  In  Itlnoin- 
Intilnle  ahonl  mi  yVnla  ni:n.  wlioro  lie 
lived  while  aniiio  of  hia  ililldron  at- 
lendod  Ihe  A.adoniy.  Ilia  aon.  F.<\- 
ward,  now  a  real. lent  of  lloikvlllc. 
waa  horn  In  Ulooinlncdale.  nnd  lalor 
hlB  dnnthlora.  Mrs.  V.  1>.  >tnnaon  and 
Mrs.  Allie  (Iroonwood  nlw  roalded  In 
llookvllle.  Tllo  Inner  lina  wrilton  n 
vnliinio  or  TineniB  wliloh  hns  civon  her 
n  pinro  anions-  Iho  reroKHlzod  literary 
women   of   Indiana. 

lion.  O.  r.  Oavla  wna  horn  Nov.  7. 
isll.  nl  Warner,  N.  II.  At  Iho  ace  or 
1.-..  he  Irfl  Ilia  nnllvo  KInle,  for  tho 
WoBl.  Ho  Flopped  awhile  In  Canada, 
nnd  aflorwnrda  went  to  Uoclioator,  N. 
v.,  where  lie  waa  employed  aa  anpor- 
Intendint  of  a  paper  mill.  lie  Blmlled 
dontlBtry  and  was  practicing  hlo  pro- 
fession at  Orcencastle,  when  he  was 
persuaded  by  the  famous  Ned  Me- 
fianchey  to  study  law,  which  lie  did 
ind  aflorwarda  horamo  n  law  partner 
if  Midanchoy.  He  aellled  In  Ver- 
million c'oiinly  In  ISm.  and  was  elect- 
od    II    moinher   of     the     ronatltullonnl 

vonllon  In  1S.-.2.  Three  IImiob  dnr- 
lUR  hlB  rrsldonoe  In  Vermillion  Tonn- 
.ty  ho  waa  oleolod  a  Stale  Senator.  lie 
loyal  lo  hlB  eonnlry  diirlnR  the 
Clill  war,  ond   wna  a  warm  peraonnl 

nd  of  floveruor  o.  I".  Morton,  who 
freipienlly  durlni.'  Ihe  dark  hours  of 
Iho  roliolllon.  Bont  for  Mr,  Ilnvls  to 
onuiiBel  with  lilin  on  Important  mat- 
lora  i-onnected  with  Iho  State  Bovern- 

ak  for  hliii  the  nllentlon  of  tho 
.Mllllary    Aulhorllloa. 


(I.   V.   .MOICIIIN, 
f;.,i.r,ior  nf  Iii.linin,. 

Ill  I.S.V11  Itopiihllenn  enlhiialaBMi  wna 
aoiiiewhnl  revived.  Cnplaln  .lolin  K, 
.Meai'liiiiii  orcanl/ed  a  niarchlui.-  club, 
mill  a  few  ralllea  wore  held,  l.iit  eoni- 
pared  wllh  IsTil  Iho  eiinipilBii  was 
voi-y  mild.  Thia  wna  Ihe  hial  time  Ihe 
Sliilo  volod  In  .laiiioa  A.  llnr- 
lli'hl  wna  llie  llopiilillinn  eandldiilo 
Inr  I'lTBiilenl  aL-nlual  (ieneral  Wln- 
llihl  S.  Ilnm^nk.  and  Ihe  "Woody 
Klilil"  riL-urrd  ronaploiiniialy  In  f^ieo  of 
llanooi'k'a  hrllllant  record  aa  a  Biil- 
(llor.  On  aeeount  of  lla  Inflneneo  on 
the  Novomher  I'roaldonllnl  eleellou  In- 
diana waa  a  vital  |Kdnl.  Tho  reailll 
In  Iho  Slale  wna  a  iloae  vole-  Hie 
llopiihlli'ima  wliinlni:  hy  alxnil  .S.IHHI. 
Ill  I'lirko  roiiuly  Ihe  eampalKU  was 
llvniod  up  aomowhiil  hy  ii  uew.lleiiio. 
iialle  palier— Ihe  .v;,;,i„(  oillled  hy 
A.  ,1.  rnnnlntham.  who  lamo  here 
from  Crawfoiilavlllo.  where  he  hnd 
won  Iho  name  nf  "llie  raw  l.eef  edi- 
tor." He  doall  larKoly  In  peraonal  nl- 
larka  on  llio  l!opiiMli-in  rnndlilntra, 
nnd  Iho  pnpor  renllv  hurl  Iho  Homo- 
onils  iiiiire  than  II  helped  -Ihe  enllro 
llo].iihllonii  llikol  l.elui:  elo.tod  liy  n 
tienlly  In.nnaod  vole  over  Hint  of 
I  wo  years  l.oloro.  It.  II.  r.  I'lorco.  of 
I'rnwfordavllle,  WOB  ole.lod  lo  Con- 
fiiaa  over  Ilnyleaa  W.  Hanni,  of  Torre 

The  rai^iiiilun  of  I.S.SJ  Is  somrlliiioa 
rnllod  Ihe  "l.niiili  .•niiirmlKn."  owlnu 
lo  Iho  adveiil  Ihiil  year  of  .Inho  K. 
I.aiiih.  of  Terro  llaiile.  iho  hrllllant 
.Miiini:  proloKo  nf  Sennlor  Voorlioos. 
.Mr.  I.imh  was  iiomlnnlod  for  I'nn- 
i-roas  nl  lln.kvllle.  where  Iho  conven- 
Ihili  wna  held  In  Parke  Connly's  hoan- 
llfiil  row  ooiirt  Tho  dlalrlcl 
ill  Ihal  llmo  wna  heavily  Itopuhllinn, 
and  Ihe  enllaiiio  of  Mr.  l.aiiih,  a  youn;: 
nud  iinlrled  iiinn  Inio  n  lonloBi  ncalnat 
1!.  Ii.  r.  IMeroe.  Ihe  llepnhllonn  Ton- 
croasmnn  wna  at  riral  i-onsldered 
ralhor       proaiimplnons ;     hut       I.anib 

pro Hy    ihalloniroil    IVlrce   and      no- 

ipillled  hliiiBolf  BO  well  Hint  he  waa 
oloolrd,  .Tohn  W.  l-npuer.  the  Nallonol 
rindldale.  ehallon^ed  Mr.  I.niiil..  hut 
Iho  lallor  refused.  anylUK  he  had  no 
iliiarrol  wllh  Mr  f'opnor.  At  nn  Inde- 
pendent  oonvonllon  In  Mnnlezimia.  U. 
f.  MrWIIllama  was  nomlalod  for  .«en- 
alor  and  John  II.  Tloadle  for  Itepre- 
sentallve.  The  former  withdrew  In 
favor  of  ricudo  MntthowB.  of  Vornill- 
llon  County,  nnd  the  loiter  also  with- 
drew In  favor  of  Samuel  T.  Catlln, 
Mr.  Matthews  was  opposed  by  Captain 
.Tohn  II.  T.lndloy  and  Mr.  Catlln  hy 
Wllllnm  Knowlea.  Tho  enntoBt  he- 
Iweon  Mr.  Callln  nnd  Mr.  Knowles  be- 
.aiiie  Ihe  InlorosllnR  feature  of  the 
eninpnlcn,  Iho  liiller  wInnlnE  hy  tho 
nnrrow  iiinrcln  of  elcht  voloa.  Pntke 
Coiinly  llepiibllcana  In     IIiIh     oleotlon 



l''roiii  Ihe  orlRlnnl  dneiimoiit  In  pos- 
BosBlon  of  Mdward  Daila.  the  follow- 
hiK  la  printed: 

■llnir    nf    Imliniin.    n.rrnillrc      Driinrl- 

Indlnnapolla.  IVIoinry  L'J,  ISiVI, 
To  Ml  Wlinin  U  Mn,i  Concern: 
Tho  hearer,  O.  V.  Davla,  Iviri.,  of 
ormllllon  Coiinly,  Indlimn,  la  a  f-n- 
lleman  worthy  of  attention,  lie  has 
reproBontod  his  County  In  the  Htat-J 
reiilalature,  and  1b  loyal,     1     respoet- 

aliii-o  Hie  Iioiiioerala  carried  Iho  State. 
The  vole  hero  on  Iho  Stale  llrket  waa 
•-M'.'S,   llepnhllonn;  L.IO-,  nonioerntlc. 

The  riepubllcan  County  conven- 
lloii  of  issl.  held  In  the  new  opera 
hoiiao  lueilpllnled  a  nopulillean  local 
fiBhl,  whl.h  aliiinat  ovorahailnwed  tho 
Niillonnl  eampalKn,  even  with  tho 
"I'lnmed  Knipht  ,Tamea  O.  Tllalnc,  ns 
aliindard  hearer.  Zlmrl  I>.  Maris  waa 
plainly  Iho  iholee  nf  more  Uepubll- 
inna  In  the  primary  voIIok  for  dele- 
snlea  Ilinn  any  othei  candidate  for 
TreaBiirer.  This  wnti  particularly 
I  rue  of  Adiinia  township  whoro  Mr 
Maria  and  .Tamea  M.  Dinwiddle  had 
received  nearly  all  the  rotes.  Instead 
of  casting  their  votes  for  »rr.  Marl«  pr 

.Mr.  lilnwiildle  Iho  Adaiiia  township 
ileloKnti'B  ilro|i|iod  lliose  inndldales  for 
Isaac  A.  I'Ickard,  nnd  he  was  noiiil- 
nalcd.  The  friends  of  .Mr.  .Morla  were 
BO  B'lro  lluit  they  provolled  on  hliii  to 
iioi'oiiio  nn  Independent  candidate. 
Henry  ('hi.\'  lliinnii,  a  Itopnlillcan,  al- 
so iinnouncod  as  a  candidnio  for  Clerk 
au-alnat  .M.adlaon  Kecnoy,  Iho  Itepub- 
Ihan  landldale.  The  Hoinocrals  en- 
dorai'il  holh  .Maris  and  llanna,  and  a 
rirrce  and  ao.iiewhnt  hitter  flfhl  was 
on.  The  loiinly  conleat  provented 
i;ny  uroiit  deiiional ration  along  Na- 
llonni  or  Slale  lliioa.  The  Demoirats 
did  not  want  lo  drnw  parly  lines  loo 
Klront-ly  and  Iho  llopiihllcana  Bceiiiod 
lo  la.  ,i  Intcrost  In  National  and  State 
aflnliB.  In  llila  rnmpnlirn  Albert  .1. 
lieveridgo,  a  student  at  Mol'anw,  made 
his  rirsi  pollHeal  spooe.i.  Ho  waa  at 
HolliindabiiiB  nl  a  nlghl  inoollng  nnd 
Binke  I  no  n. -M  nflernonn  lo  an  nd- 
iiilrliij  an. Heme  In  the  court  room, 
-lohn  i:.  l.aiiih  aii.l  .Iniiica  T.  .loliliaon 
bad  a  lolnl  dei.ale  In  the  .McCuno 
K.ovo.  nnd  Hon.  .lohn  M.  lliltlor,  of 
liidlaiinpnllB.  Bpnke  for  Iho  Uepubll- 
cniiB  liial  hoioio  the  eloiHon.  .Mr. 
.liihnBlnn  bad  been  nominated  In  tlic 
Uopiihllcnn  convontlon  nl  CrnwfordB- 
vine,  and  Iho  race  between  him  and  l.niiih  ad. led  lo  Iho  riglit  In 
Parke  Coiinly.  whi  re  al  llial  lime  Mr. 
.loliiialon  wna  nppoaod  by  many  lle- 
piihllians.  Ho  larrlcd  the  County  hy 
1117  voloa:  PIckard  heat  Mnrla  hy  711, 
nnd  Koonoy  had  PW  nin.|ority  over 
llnnna:  Cbnrlea  Unlly.  Iiomocral,  was 
ele.lod  ComilllBaloner  by  1S7.  .lobn- 
Blon'B  niRlorlly  over  l.aiiib  In  the  dls- 
Irhl  wna  aiiiall.  Tho  -sinle  wna  car- 
ried hy  the  lioiiio.rnla,  nnd  Crovor 
Clrvolnnd  wns  elected  ,  roaldcnt.  ladll 
vIclnrlcB  I.elni;  .■.-lebralod  by  an  np- 
ronrloiia  Jollification  at   Ito.kvllle. 

The  "off  year"  of  IS.SI1  was  not  fig- 
ured In  Kemocrallc  calculnllnns  until 
ntlcr  tho  rcanlt  allowed  that  the 
"alioo  was  on  the  iitiier  fool."  Itefore 
Ihal  I  linn  nn  off  year  waa  urently 
lo  Ihelr  advanlage.  almo  Ihe  parly  In 
power  .N'allonnlly  iiamilly  loses  voles. 
The  Slale  ha.l  been  redlalrhlod :  Sul- 
livan Coiinly  bad  been  piil  In  our  dls- 
trl.l.  However,  .laiiioa  T.  Johnalnn 
wna  not  illaninyed  or  .llBcouraccd.  for 
In  the  menullmo  lila  oppnnenl.  John 
i:.  I.aiiih.  had  lakcn  an  acilvo  part  In 
liie  dialrlbiiilon  of  the  I'cdcnil  nffli-cs. 
lloaldoB  ho  had  wobbled  aoiiiowhat  on 
tno  larirr  .pieallon.  A  "John  I'..  Lamb 
l.ioieoilvo  tnrirr  .lull"  had  been  cr- 
Kanlzed  Bl  Torre  Haute,  which  didn't 
look  al  all  good  lo  the  more  than 
l.CKio  Independent  Free  Traders  who 
had  twice  supported  him. 

Aiialn  a  row  was  stirred  up  In  the 
Itopnbllean  convention.  Tho  one 
lenii  lliiillatlon  wna  enforced  for  the 
riral  lime.  The  rule  was  pnasod  In 
the  Uopubllcan  convontlon  of  I.WO  on 
liiollnn  of  Klwood  Hunt.  Thoao  In  fav- 
or of  Iwn  leriiis  died  tho  fa.t  that  Mr. 
llitnl  waa  no  longer  a  lleitiiblli-nn,  and 
Ihcrcforo  a  rule  Inlrndurod  by  him 
waa  not  binding  nn  llepnhllcans ;  they 
olao  deilared  Ihal  If  Ihe  rule  should 
he  eiifor.-od  agiilnal  IMwIn  P.  Ilailley 
for  Amlllor.  II  alionld  apply  to  Henry 
11.  Cor.l  for  Ilocorder.  The  conven- 
tion rejorled  lladloy  and  nominated 
lord.  Henry  Johns  wns  the  nomlnoo 
for  Audllnr 

I'or  the  flrat  llmo  Ihe  Prohibition- 
Isla  put  out  a  County  tl.kel.  Its  can- 
didate for  itepreaenlallve.  Prof.  An- 
drew Mllchell,  received  nearly  doulilo 
Hie  vole  of  the  State  tickol.  The  Nn- 
llonala,  who  atlll  bad  a  following  In 
Ihe  Coiinly,  put  out  no  ticket,  but 
they  nniiied  Samuel  T.  Callln  tor  Aud- 
itor, end  snhmltled  the  nomlnnllon  to 
Ihe  Itenioerals  for  endorsement.  On 
the  4th  of  Sciitenibcr  the  Democratic 

thkot  with  .Mr.  Callln  for  Auditor  was 
nominated.  .Mr.  I'allln  was  a  strong 
I'ree  Trader  and  n  warm  iicraonal 
friend  of  holh  editors  of  the  /fo.+i(»c 
Trlhiiiii-.  which  alipi.nrlod  him.  He 
wna  elected  nfler  one  of  the  liioal  ex- 
lillng  and  nirlmonloua  rontcBla  In  our 
political  hlatory.  Ilia  mnjorlty  of  I'-I 
votes  was  for  anillle  the  subject  of 
.■onlcat  pro.-oedlngB.  hut  the  reaaon- 
able  and  tolerant  element  of  the  l(c- 
publican  party  prevallcl,  and  l..e  coii- 
toat  was  nbandoned.  The  Uopubllcan 
l.liirallly  In  Parke  County  for  the 
Stale  ticket  was  lid.'.,  and  Johnston's 
majority  over  l.anib  In  the  illslrUl 
more  than  l.lial. 



In  the  .-ampalgn  of  IN 
Maxwell  and  Parke  Hanltla.  two 
young  gnidimles  of  Walinah  College, 
iiindo  Ihelr  flrsl  apoecheB- .Mr.  .Max- 
well al  Portland  .Mllla  and  .Mr.  linn- 
lela  In  tho  i-ourl  romu  nl  llo.kvllle.  11 
wna  also  nolnhlo  as  Innugurallng  the 
campaign  lint.  Ilonjimln  llnrrlaon,  of 
Indiana,  was  Ihe  eandldalo  ngalnat 
llrovcr  Cleveland  for  Prraldenl.  and 
taking  up  Iho  appellallon  of  "grand- 
fiithcr's  hat,"  applied  to  the  Ilopuii- 
Ihnn  oanaldalo  ilerlalvoly  by  Iho 
liomocrats,  tho  Kepuhll.anB  cvolvo.l 
n  white  plug  hat  that  waB  every 
where  worn.  The  liemoirala  ndopled 
a  aoinewhal  more  uiodorn  type  of  plug 
l,at— while,  wllh  a  small  bl  "k  band. 
Nobody  ever  aaw  one  of  rllher  In  pub- 
Ih-  aflor  the  elocllon. 

A  few  rallies  were  hebl  In  I.><.hs,  I.ui 
Ibere  waa  nol  aa  much  enlhiiBlnsui  as 
might  be  expoeledj.  conaldcrlng  Ihe 
Uepubllcan  candidate  wan  a  clll/on  of 
Indlnnn.  John  I'.  .Mon.liniii  organlzo.l 
a  flnml.eaux  rlub,  which  api.earod  on- 
ly n  few  llmea.  The  Ilopu'illcana  had 
ralllea  when  Albert  li.  Porlor  wan  nl 
ll.i.kvlllo  and  again  when  (ionerni 
Alvln  P.  Ilovey,  their  .indldnlo  for 
Hovcrnor.  waa  bore.  The  Iiemncrals 
nllonipled  hut  one  rnlly,  and  It  waa 
allrndod  by  great  onlliualaBiii.  A 
Birlking  fealure  of  their  rally  waa  a 
long  hl.kory  Irce  Irlniniod  lo  Iho 
hark  nnd  nioiinlcd  on  Ihe  running 
gears  of  a  log  wngnn,  Ihe  tree  being 
the  coupling  pnle.  Moiinled  on  aail- 
dlea  and  rhllng  nalrlde  of  llila  |.ole 
were  as  many  Inaly-lnngod  lioiiioirala 
as  II  would  aci'onuuodale,  all  cheering 
lit  Iho  top  of  Ihelr  voices.  This  iinl.|U0 
fealure.  which  Judge  A.  1'.  Wlillo 
privately  pronounced  Ihe  iiinat  buo- 
eosafnl  campaign  device  he  ever  Baw, 
caino  from  Tnlon  townahlii.  Cai.lalii 
\V.  II.  Myers  waa  the  orator  of  the 
da.v.  \V.  r.  Flshback  and  Corporal 
Tanner  mode  speeches  for  the  Repub- 
licans. Judge  Cyrus  F.  McNutt  and 
E.  V,  Brookshlre,  spoke  for  the  Demo- 
ernts.  One  rresldentlal  candidate 
8|«ke  In  the  County— A.  ,T.  Strealor, 
nnnilnale.l  by  the  Union  Labor  pnrl.v. 
Juat  before  the  election,  (iovernor  SI. 
John  of  Kanaaa  and  Helen  M.  fJougar 
of  Indiana,  addrosBod  a  ProhHdllon 
meollng  In  Ihe  opera  house,  Ihelr 
apoecbes.  imrtl.ularly  that  of  Mra. 
iloiigiir,  greatly  offending  the  Itepub- 

Hr.  W.  II.  Ollluin,  of  Parke  County, 
wns  n  candidate  for  Congress,  nnd 
probably  200  people  from  Parko 
County,  nepubllonns  ns  well  na  Deino- 
erats,  went  to  Tlrazll  to  root  for  fllt- 
liiin.  The  conical  between  Dr.  (llllunl 
and  Judge  McNult,  of  Torre  Haute, 
doadlooked  the  convention,  until  Iho 
Parke  Count.v  delegation,  enraged  nt 
the  unjust  troatinent  of  Hr.  llllluiu 
by  tho  friends  of  Judge  McNull, 
threw  their  votes  to  K.  V.  Ilrookslre, 
of  Montgomery  County,  and  nominat- 
ed hini.  He  waa  elected  by  a  very 
close  vole  over  James  T.  ,Tolinston,  the 
llepidillean  candidate.  .Hwood  Hunt 
was   on   tho  rrohlbltlon    Rtate   ticket 



for  AHorncy  tirncrnl.  The  Ilcpitbll- 
rniis  cnrrlr'd  llio  I'onnly  liy  fimi. 

'I'lilH  cniiipiikn  uns  tlic  orcaRlon  oT 
nil  firclioii  wiiKor  that  iiUriicloil  no- 
lire  nil  n\or  the  coiititry.  l'*oiir  young 
Ki'liuMli'iins  nnd  roiir  youiii.'  KciiiO' 
ilalB  nKrcod  to  kIvc  n  swell  linll  at  Inc 
oiii'i-ii  housi':  If  flevclanil  was  clcrtod 
Ihr  llc'pnlillrans  footed  all  bills:  If 
llari'Isoli  won  the  lleiiioirals  juild.  \ 
peeiillar  clnuinalnnce.  now  for  tlie 
lli'Hl  lliMe  published,  was  that  "li" 
<;rluies.  one  of  the  Itopulillcans.  voted 
fni'  rleveland.  The  proKratn  contain- 
I'd  sueh  dnuiea  an  "Jim  .lohnalon" 
philu  <inadrllle,  ■■I'runces  t'leveland" 
yuK/.  "Morton"  Knlckorhot-ker. 

"Cli'M  lan.r  iiuadrille.  "Matson" 
piilkii.  "•I'hnniian"  laucei-s.  '  ilrook- 
shlre"  sihotllsche.  "Harrison"  waltz. 

liurliiK  llie  eanipalKn  of  l.SS-S  a 
Miari-hliiK  rouijiany  was  organized  at 
llhionilngdale   iniMiinsed   of   more   thnn  , 


unlfnriii— while  shirts  nnd  eaps.  Oaenr 
Mii'nrd  was  laptaln  and  brought  the 
eiilnlinny  up  In  n  ri'iiiarUable  degree  ol 
plnfleleuey    In   drill. 

The  ll.'in.i.rats  liilghl  have  elceted 
Iheir  whole  tieket  In  IS'.m  had  It  not 
been  for  the  April  elections,  when  tlicy 
eleeted  eight  of  the  thirteen  township 
inu^leea  by  a  vote  wlilrli  toln'ed  a  inn- 
Jorlly  of  Jim  In  the  County.'  The  lie- 
pnhlleans  eleeted  only  four  trustees. 
In  I'enn.  Wnsblngton.  irnlcm  and  Wa- 
bash, even  losing  Liberty  to  the  I'ro- 
blbltlonists.  The  drift  was  strongly 
la'alnst  the  Iteiiiilillcans.  I-'ariii  pro- 
ducts were  so  low  in  price  that  corn 
vvna  burned  for  fuel  In  Kansas,  and 
an  orgnul/.atloii  known  as  the  l-'ariii. 
er's  Miiluril  lleiieflt  As.ioclntlon  was 
strtnig  In  this  county.  'I'bia  organl/-a- 
tlnn  was  n  protest  against  e.vlstlng 
eondltlnns    anil    naturally    helped    the 

'  Hut  the  piospeet  of  carrying  the 
rouiity  brniight  out  rival  Keuioeratle 
candidates,  who  eanviissecl  actively  be. 
fore  the  primary  election,  which  was 
held  .luly  l.H.  The  Inevitable  soreness 
followed  and  lost  the  County  ticket 
enough  votes  to  defeat  every  candi- 
date with  the  exception  of  Sninucl  T. 
I'allln.  wlio  received  n  majority  of 
111  over  Henry  firnbb.  the  Itepnbll- 
con  candldcite.  f'landc  Matthews,  the 
lieuiocralle  candidate  for  Senator 
from  I'arke  and  Yormllllon.  wos  tak- 
.  en  from  the  ticket  hero  and  noniinated 
for  Secretary  of  State.  The  vote  In 
I'arkc  I'ounty  was:  Milton  Trussler, 
llepuldlccin,  for  Secretary  of  State. 
■S^T2.  I'lande  Matthews,  20.1,S, 

The  Uepublleans  had  hy  this  time 
hiiiuRnrnted  the  iirlinary  system  In 
I'arlie  foiuuy.  The  Ileiiiocratlc  prim- 
ary cost  nothing,  as  all  the  election 
honrds  were  composed  of  men  who 
«cr\i*d   without  pay. 

I'ocir  ilckeiH  were  In  the  field  In 
Tarlie  c'onnly  In  IHli'J.  the  i  eiiplo's 
parly  making  its  first  aiciceanince 
that  yenr.  ll  Jiollod  IW  votes.  The 
c'ai;,iMilgn  wns  absolutely  devoid  of  en- 
thusiasm. I'eopin  would  not  turn  out 
lo  pollllcal  meetings,  so  In  order  to 
gel  a  crowd  at  the  llockvllh'  fulr.  and 
111  a  liollllonl  liiecllng  loci,  the  fnir  n»- 
soclallon  cleslgnnleil  rt'ednesday  as 
I'rnhlhitionlst  day,  Tbnrsdny  as  llemo- 
crntic  day  and  I'rlday  as  liepiiblicnn 
.liiy  The  IVohlhlllonlBis  hid  llov. 
Sam  Small  as  I  heir  draw  Inn  card  and 
would  have  beaten  both  the  other  par 
lies  bad  tlicy  been  assigned  ono  of  lbs 
"big  ihivs"  i.f  I  he  fair.  Taplnln  \V. 
It.  Myers  siioko  for  tie  Dciiiocrats 
and  Hon.  .losepli  (1.  Cannon  for  tlio 
Itepiiblli-nns.  Iloth  parties  claltiicd  the 
honor  of  iioving  the  bigger  crowd.  It 
was  In   this  campaign   that  John     B. 

.Mct-'acldtn  made  his  first  spcecb.  In 
llreene  township  nt   I'arkevllle. 

The  liciMcicrats  held  a  big  Jollifica- 
tion meeting.  Hon.  .lobn  I'..  I.amh 
who  camo  up  to  "address"  the  crowd, 
attempted  no  speech  merely  felicitat- 
ing the  lillarlmis  throng  on  the  occas- 
ion. The  entire  llepiiliiican  County 
ticket  wns  elected,  hut  by  small  plu- 

Itcfore  the  i>|ien[ng  of  the  eanipnlgn 
of  IN!H  It  was  apparen*  '.o  all  men  of 
fair  judgment  that  a  ltepilbl|c>nn  walk- 

resentallve,  and  Albert  Wheat  for 
Auditor  on  tlio  People's  party  ticket, 
nnd  Anson  I!.  Madden  for  Sheriff  on 
the  ■■rohilclilnn  ticket  were  placed  on 
tbellcliioerntlc  ticket. 

Ily  election  ilny.  however,  all  the 
"1(1  stand-by  Ilclnocrats  had  been 
brought  Into  line,  and  tliey  worked 
like  Turks  nt  the  polls  to  slein  the  tide 
against  them.  .N'eVer  before  did  dark 
approach  with  so  niiiTiy  men  marked 
"11"  on  tlie  poll  hooks  falling  to  vote. 
Itiiggles,   corrlnges,   wagons     and     all 

of  the  liemcirrallc  imrly,  who  con- 
liolled  the  Stale  convention  by  an  ov- 
erwhelming vote,  despite  the  fact  that 
the  Iitiliilnnimll.\  Urnlliwl,  tlio  llenio- 
eratic  organ,  the  fiiillaiwitnU/i  Xctrn 
and  tile  /iiificiiici/iofl*  Jniiniiil  were  nil 
indl.nlly  opposed  to  the  Silver  men, 
and  prlnlc-d  only  cllseoiiraging  news 
about  tbeiii.  William  McKlnley  was 
noiiiinnted  hy  the  Itepubllcans  on  the 
Isth  of  .lime,  and  the  Democratic  Nn- 
llonnl  i-onvetillccn  met  the  first  week 
In  July  lit  Chliogo.     New   York  and 






■'- '■"'"'^•iriitir  ■■"•-'^'  -"•■'"■■' 


KU   .1,    ISillt,    PASSINO    Al.ciMI    Mlltrtl    Nllll':  IlK   Hql'ARK. 


Iieiiiocnits  lielleved  llint  the  Keinilill- 
cans  would  be  unable  to  recover  from 
the  criishing  ilelent  of  two  years  be- 
fore, hut  nci  observing  man  held  such 
a  view  of  the  -Ituallon.  The  finnnclnl 
policy  of  the  Cleveland  administration 
more  than  displeased  tlio  average 
Western  liemocrnt— It  angered  him; 
and  the  tariff  law  In  process  of  fram- 
ing was  hut  little  less  |iroteetlve  than 
the  .McKlnley  Act  wlilcll  It  was  to  dis- 
place. It  therefore  disgusted  free 
traders,  and  failed  to  satisfy  the  tar- 
iff fcir  revenue  only  men. 

The  llepulcllenns  were  early  In  the 
field.  111  State,  district  iiud  County. 
They  began  to  bold  organization  meet- 
ings and  "love  feasts"  long  before  the 
campaign  0|iened.  As  ono  lleiiiocrat 
expressed  it- "They  can't  wait  to 
count  It.  they  are  so  sure  of  winning." 
It  was  with  the  utmost  difficulty  that 
ony  semhliinco  of  nn  organization 
could  Ice  formed  by  the  Uemocrats. 
Many  of  their  voters  bad  o|ieiily  allied 

ill selves  with   tbo   IVoplo's     party, 

ond  not  a  few  became  Pniblbltionlsls. 

\  largo  vote  wns  east  at  the  Itopiib- 
Ilean  primary  election,  nnd  there  wns 
not  the  iisiinl  soreness  on  tbo  part  of 
defeated  candidates.  The  Ilemocrats 
really  had  no  convention.  They  had 
to  draft  candidates  at  a  very  poorly 
attcnde  I  meeting  called  to  nominate 
a  County  ticket.  In  fact  there  was 
some  sentiment  in  favor  of  endorsing 
the  I'opiillst  ticket  already  in  the 
field.  ,\  eomproiiiiso  was  affected  by 
endorsing  two  t'opiillsts  nnd  one  Pro- 
lilliltionlst.    James  N.  Miller  for  Rep- 

I'or  the  missing 

not    vote   nt   all   or    voted 

side- It  \\a»  nn  avalnncbe.  The  Ue- 
imlcllcnns  carried  the  Slate  by  nearly,  tlie  largest  plunillly  ever  given 
up  to  Ibat  lime,  and  elected  every  one 

was  elected  Aiidllor  over  Albert  by  L1II1,  and  W.  |l.  .Mull  bent  A. 
<1.    .Madden    MT."    for    Sheriff, 

The  c>aiiipiiigll  of  LHOit  was  liniines- 
lioliably  the  most  reimirknble  in  the 
history  of  Parke  Cimnty  of  all  cam- 
lialgUB  before  or  since.  Altbougb 
twenty  .^■ears  have  passed,  that  battle 
year  of  polities  Is  still  fresh  In  the 
minds  of  our  iieople  nnd  closerves 
more  space  than  any  other.  Taking 
lip  local  events  in  their  cronnlngleal 
order,  the  llc|iubllc-an  primaries  were 
held  on  the  inth  of  April.  At  that 
time  I'lirlie  County  had  a  candidate 
for  tJovernor.  James  T.  Jolinston 
was  siiiiported  In  the  convenllou  hy 
Ills  homo  County  nnd  the  entire  riflli 
Hlstrlet,  but  was  defeated  by  James 
A.  Mount.  Cenrgo  \V.  Farls  was  the 
llepiibliean  candidate  for  Congress 
and  Howard  Maxwell  for  rroseciiting 

Ilenjnmln  P.  Shlvply  wni  nominat- 
ed for  Oorernor  by  the  Sliver  forces 

the  I'lnsterii  Stales  viere  iiowerless  tn 
Hie  face  of  the  dolcgntlons  from  tho 
West  nnd  Soiilh  Inslnicted  from  town- 
ships lip,  and  Wlllinm  J.  llrynn  was 
iinmlnaled  hy  the  Silver  men.  Ills 
iiomlnailon  was  received  In  Parke 
County  with  unbounded  enlliublaain 
by  the  Sllverltes  of  all  piirtlos.  lOarlr 
In  I'ebniary  the  UnrkrlU,:  Triliiinc  bo- 
gnu  urging  the  formation  of  n  "Union 
Sliver  Parly."  This  name  was  adopt- 
ed, and  iliiis  after  more  than  thirty 
years  the  tables  were  turned  on  the 
Itoimlillcans,  who  used  tho  word  "Un- 
ion" to  siieli  good  ndvnntago  from  *(12 
10  'ilil.  Tho  Union  comitrisod  four 
icarlles— tho  Ilomocrats,  Popnitati, 
I'robliitlonlBts  and  Silver  nepuhlleans. 
Ily  Saturday.  AiigiiBt  1.  tlio  orgnnl- 
ration  wns  complete.  Silver  clubs  had 
been  formed  all  over  tho  County,  and 
their  Influence  was  exerted  towards 
n  fiislnn  County  ticket  to  bo  nomlnnt- 
fd  in  mass  convention  on  the  almvo 
date.  It  was  presided  over  by  .Toscpll 
A,  lirltton,  who  upon  taking  tbo  chair 
c|Uoted — 

B  foMunt." 

Wild  cnthiislaim  prevalleil.  No  luoh 
ringing  elieors  were  ever  heard  In 
tho  court  room  as  camo  fnini  tho 
niidlenco  which  crowded  every  foot 
of  spare  In  room  ond  corridors.  Tho 
ticket  nomlnnled  was  made  tip  of 
re|iresentatlvcs  of  all  imrtlcs  to  tho 
couipnet.  A  "eowltoy  preacher"  from 
the  West,  nno  bad  struck  Itosedale 
tbo  nigbt  betoro  the  ranrentlon,  v/u 


liniuislii  III'  I'y  Kloriiln  luwiiship,  uiul 
111.  niiiclu  11  miouili  lliut  (Ired  ovoiy- 
liuily  with  Jicui.  lie  WHS  iil  onco 
••liiiukotl"  for  111!  iPiiilb  of  tlio  I'oiiiily. 

.roliii  Clnrk  lliiliuiili,  llic  ouilDcnt 
lilHlni'liill,  wiiB  liuliiliinlcd  by  tlio  Dojii- 
ociiiu  and  I'oiPiillBls  for  Coniiri'sa.  He 
waH  In  llio  lOusi  iiiul  did  not  iicl  home 
iiiilll  lr.lo  111  i)ctol>or,  when  he  iiiiido 
BOMic  »|iL'L'rhi8  111  I'arka.l'oiiMty,  about 
iho  only  spci'iOics  he  delivered  in  tlio 

An  epliiodo  of  the  ciiiii|iuli;n,  not 
loiiil  In  llB  nniiire.  is  dreined  of  In- 
UTe»t  08  II  dlKri'BBlni..  In  Sc|ileiiibcr 
I  wiiH  111  lndlaiiii|>ollB  to  oliservo  the 
"ilitld  iK'UKin-atlc"  National  eoiiveu* 
I  Inn,  iind  railed  at  iho  Iieiiioi'ratlc 
SUito  coiiiiiilttce  I'ooiiis.  'Tom"  llnd- 
Hon,  n  loyal  Silver  man,  was  at  liU 
lii-Hk.  lie  lielnK  afl»lRtnnt  State  Socro- 
laiy.  It  was  a|i|ian'iil  that  ho  wa« 
inillhleil.  lie  H|>nke  uf  tile  delicate 
slliiallun  he  wnB  In,  and  Bald: 
"Sironne  I  wiiih  yon  would  utay  ahont 
here  while  you  are  In  the  iliy.  Oh- 
i,i'r\e  every! liliiK  yon  ean,  and  writo 
yiiiir  liiiiireBBlriiiB  In  Slilvely."  I  did 
UN,  and  Baw  men  neailiiK  "iinid  bin,'" 
liadKeH  Kiiinu  Into  Ihe  private  nioiii  of 
ihi'  Stale  I'hiilrman  and  eniiilni!  out 
with  iiiiiHt  I'eiiluii  conntenanceB.  I 
ivroie  lu  Mr.  shively,  and  iinheBltat- 
Ihitly  cvin'eHKed  my  hellef  that  the 
Sliile  I'halrmaii  wna  not  loyal.  Tlirie 
iia,\»  laler.  .Mr.  Shively  lanielle.l  IiIb 
limi.ediate  a|i|iniiitmentB  and  went  to 
IndianapnllH.  Ilefore  ho  left  that  cily 
Ihe  stale  I'hairman  had  "reslsnrd," 
taklTiK  with  hliii,  na  was  clinri:ed  at 
till'  lime,  all  I'f  the  liiformpillan  ho 
lOHNi'SNed  ahont  llie  State  campalu'n, 
and  iiBlni:  11  aitiilnst  the  liemocratB. 

.Ml  our  Inial  Bpe^ikTB  on  bolh  Hides 
took  pari  In  the  eampiilKn.  N'liiiierous 
r.illlea  were  held,  hut  two  were  of  gi- 
B.iille  propiirtloiiR.  On  Ihe  am  of 
ii.lnher  lion.  ThomnB  .\l.  Pnlterson,  of 
Colorado,  wob  ni  llorkvllle.  Tho  Silver 
men  determined  to  make  the  day  a 
hi:;' one.  .M  biiuiIbc  the  two  fliree- 
llirli  Hodman  field  plei-es  iK'lonKlni;  to 
Ihe  lloikvllle  l.lKhl  .Vrllllery- one  of 
Ihem  III  Ihe  I'lilr  KinlliiilB.  ihe  other 
on  Ihe  .VowlliiKlowii  hill  BolllheaHt  of 
ii.wii  -hetiiii  HI  firi.,  aiiBWerlni:  eaeli 
nlhi'r  with  llmniler  loiieB  that  were 
heard  fur  mlleH  around.  Ilefore  noon 
all    Ihe     fllii-elB     of      llockvllle      wore 

erowileil    will n.    women    and    ehll- 

dren,  liora.-K  and  vehliles.  Many 
plrlkiiiK  eampalirn  devices  were  used 
111  Ihi-  piira'le,  whleh  w:ib  one  hour 
ami  fifty  mInuli'B  In  passlnc  a  Klven 
polnl.  No  prevlniia  rally  ever  held  In 
I'nrke  County  a|,pioa<hed  this  In  iiiaK- 
llllude.  and  cerlalnly  not  In  enlhliB- 
laHiii.  It  wiiH  followed  hy  a  counter 
demonslriillnn  two  weeks  Inter,  lint  It 
was  not  eipialed  In  any  feature,  al- 
lhimi.-li  Ihe  llepiibllcnns  were  gn-atly 
Mle(ninii;ed  l,y  the  very  large  erowd 
that  was  preBenl.  It  Is  safe  to  nay  (ho 
IiIk  Silver  rally  inst  Ihe  coniiiilttee 
less  money  Ihaii  nny  polltlenl  demon- 
Blrallon  of  Mb  prnimrllons  everh'ldlii 
the  country.  I.cbb  than  fifty  dollars 
mvered  all  ex|.eli»eB.  the  money  beliiu 
enllellcd  from  Individual  men  hy 
Henry  A.  Price,  nearly  all  of  wlileh 
went  to  pay  Iho  hrasB  hand.  When 
It  IB  remeinh'-red  that  nlmoat  one 
Ihoiiannd  vnlerB  were  fed  nl  tho  fair 
ItrniindB.  tho  Inalk-nlflcant  outlay  nf 
money  Ib  remarkable.  The  IndleB  eon- 
necled  with  Ihe  Adnlna  Townahlp  Un- 
ion Silver  eluh  furnished  the  dinner. 
I're\  loiiB  to  thia  they  di-monslrnted 
their  devotion  to  the  eauae  by  prc- 
BPnlliii;  the  rliih  with  one  of  the  hand- 
ai'inejit  Bilk  hannera  orer  devlBCd  by 
Ihe  deft  hands  of  patriotic  women. 

When  Itryan  Bpoko  at  Terro  Haute 
a  few  days  before  the  election  a  largo 
delegation  attended  from  Parke  Conn- 
tf,    Kvery  Dtan  wore  a  badge  onscrlb- 


til  •  I'arke  Coiiiily  I'nlon  Silver  Clulm 
■  Memherahlp,  L'.tiiKJ— lioiiioe  r  a  1 1  e 
Vole,  isni.  I.Vik'l."  One  iif  the  liadBeis 
primed  on  while  satin  w.iB  present- 
ed 10  .Mrs.  Ilrynn,  who  was  with  her 
hiiKlinnd  on  that  ocaalon.  The  tweii- 
ly-five  silver  c-lill'B  ill  tho  varioiiB 
tnwnshlpB  of  the  Conlity.  with  a  mem- 
bership representing  over  two  hundred 
it;ore  votes  than  were  cast  at  the 
previous  elei'tlon.  waB  a  forerunner  of 
ihe  L'lrnt  gain  tho  Silver  men  con- 
fidently e.xperleil  to  iiiiiko.  The  lle- 
piibllean  cliiha  were  not  so  iiiimeroiiB 
nor  80  large  of  memhershlp  as  the 
Silver  rluha.  In  fact  the  Silver  or- 
canlzallon  of  isiiil  was  the  strongest 
ever  effeeied  hy  any  parly  in  I'nrke 

The  icaiill  of  the  cleetlon  lornlly 
gave  each  parly  an  opporliinlty  lo 
"Jollify,"  and  yet  beyond  the  conisre- 
gallon  of  n  noisy  crowd  nf  Sliver  men 
at  Iho  I'oiirt  house  on  tho  afternoon 
folloHlng  the  elecilnn,  no  rntlfleallon 
meetlii;:  u'a«  held.  The  lieniocrala 
were  loo  sorrowful  al  Iho  defeat  ol 
llryan  lo  .lolllfy  over  ilieir  Inenl  vie- 
lory,  and  ihe  llepiihlleans  were  too 
B'tre  over  the  ie«iilt  at  homo  to  re- 
joice over  llie  election  of  their  I'itbI- 
deiit.  Had  It  lieen  reversed,  however, 
(he  Silver  men  would  liftvo  been  wild 
wlt.i  delight. 

The  total  vote  of  the  County  was 
laru'ely  Increaaeii  over  that  of  any 
previous  elertlon.  MeKlnley  received 
•.'.si.x;  Ilrynn.  'J.TTT,  a  lleiiiilillean  gain 
of  J7:i,  and  a  gain  In  the  Ileiiiocratic 
vole  over  that  of  l.>lll|  of  l.flll;  tho 
Iwo  rrohlhillon  parties  cast  .In  and 
111  voles  eaih.  Dr.  John  Clark  Illd- 
path  laeked  only  nix  votes  of  as 
man.v  as  were  east  for  Mr.  I'lirls  — 
.'.si'il.  M,-I'i,ddlii  and  Maxwell  for 
I'riisecnlnr  were  a  lie.  'I'lie  following 
County  offlceia  were  elected:  Uepre- 
aeniativc.  Miller  hy  :i:i :  Clerk,  llarali- 
barger,  J.":  Trraanrer,  ltowilni.B,  ml: 
Sheriff,  Hanger,  l.":  Coroner.  New- 
lln.  Ill:  Siirve.vo;-.  oil,  111:  Ceiinly  As- 
sesBor,  Mr-Daniel,  111;  CommlsslonerH, 
.M.vera.  MiS:  lliiMord.   1".     The  Silver 

men    el  eled    It' preae live.      Sheriff, 

TreiiBiirer  and  l»o  Commlaalnners : 
Ihe  ItepiihllcaiiM.  Clerk.  Coroner. 
Counly  Surveyor  and  AsResaor. 

To  the  ai'iaziMiient  of  the  Silver 
men.  the  elerllon  of  "Silver  I  lick" 
■Miller  and  of  .lolin  lliixford  was  con- 
tested by  their  Ilepiildhnn  opponents. 
•Mr.  Ilardin  wlll.drew  his  suit,  when 
he  fmitiil  there  was  only  rumor  upon 
whlrh  lo  base  a  ly  charge  of  fraud, 
bill  Mr.  Adaii  a  carrle.l  hla  cise  to  Ihe 
I.eulBlallire.  where  It  waa  finally  de- 
cided against   lilin. 

In  writing  Ihe  above  alory  of  tho 
lampalgn  of  l.spil  more  attention  la 
paid  10  Ihe  Silver  inoveiiient  than  lo 
the  llepiibihan  flandpoint.  for  the 
rcjiBun  thai  from  flrat  to  liiat  Ihe  Sil- 
ver men  doiulnaled  Ihe  eampnlgn.  Just 
as  In  Ihe  other  eimpali-MiB  the  Itepiilv 
llcana  dominated. 

I'revloiia  lo  Ihe  brgliiiilng  of  the 
campaign  of  INIM  II  looked  aa  It  Ihe 
lieiiiocralB  iiilgbt  carry  the  elections. 
The  Slatie  that  voted  llie  year  before 
sliowed  large  Deiiiocrallc  gains.  Me- 
Klnley who  had  been  vaunted  aa  the 
"advance  agent  nf  proaperlty"  wbb. 
as  a  wogglah  fellow  aiild.  "A  long  'lia- 
lanie  ahead  of  hla  aliow."  Too  Klon- 
dyke  gold  diBcoveries  had  not  yet 
added  to  the  voliiiiie  of  money  ond 
lliiieB  were  very  little  If  nny  belter 
than   In    isial! 

Hut  an  iinexiiocted  factor  came 
with  Iho  Spanlah  war.  The  Itcpiibll- 
can  appeal  lo  Bland  by  the  Adlulnls- 
tratlon ;  tho  ImpctuB  given  business 
by  the  war  and  gold  dlaeoverlea, 
which    licfore   the   election      Increased 

1,1  .  one}  Biipply,  inndc  I'T  Itepuhll- 
can  Blleeiss. 

The  principal  llitireil  In  tho  cani- 
piilKii  in  I'nrko  Coiinly  centered  In 
cuntests  fur  congreHKUiaii,  Sheriff  and 
rrenanrer.  Dr.  llldpath  refused  to 
bnome  a  eaiiuldate,  so  the  Iiemocrata 
and  riipiillBtB  had  to  find  sonic  other 
candidate  on  wlmm  they  could  unite. 
'Ihe  only  Democrat  tho  I'opullsls 
viouhl  take  waa  Samuel  II.  Ilaliill,  of 
Terre  Hniiie,  who  waa  also  very  ac- 
ceplable  to  the  Democrats,  so  both 
conienllona  ni'uilnaled  lilni.  How- 
ever, tlie  llepiibll'-ail  I.eglBlatlllo  111 
order  lo  prct.cnt  Biich  a  union  as  hud 
been  perfecud  In  I'arko  Counly  In 
ISIHI,  had  pasBed  a  law  lorl'iddlng  the 
nniiio  of  any  candidate  from  appear- 
ing oil  more  than  one  ticket,  ijnite 
a  colli rovefBy  was  anaiaeil  over  the 
ipieallon  of  the  emblem  under  which 
,\lr.  Ilaniirs  name  elionld  appear. 
Sumo  of  the  more  rauical  or  nilddle- 
of-the-rnad  ropnllBls,  iloiiinndrd  thai 
Ihe  plow  mid  lianinier  device  should 
lie  taken,  hut  the  DemiierolB  pointed 
lo  Ihe  fact  that  their  parly  had  many 
thousands  more  voters,  was  the  older 
parly,  and  eoiild  not  bo  c.vpeeiod  to 
give  away  lo  a  newer  and  miieli  weak- 
er party.  Tho  conference  dcehlod  in 
favor  of  Iho  "rooBlor." 

Wllllaiii  llnwIlngB  and  Cornelius  II. 
Hanger,  who  had  been  elected  Treas- 
urer and  sheriff  in  'IMl  wore  candl- 
datea  on  the  Democratli'  ticket  for  re- 
I  lection.  The  Uepuldlrana  nominated 
Kdward  Itradfleld  for  Treasurer  and 
I'erry  II.  llenBon  for  Sheriff,  (ieorge 
W,  l-'nrls  was  the  llepilbllcon  cnndl- 
dole  to  succeed   bliuBelf  in  CongresB. 

The  campaU-n  was  rather  llBllesB. 
The  iiemncrnls  deeliled  In  favor  of  a 
Bllll  hiiiit,  but  over  the  proloat  of 
some  who  wanted  an  aggressive  cam- 
paign. The  ItepulillcanB  were  more 
aggressive  than  In  the  I'rosliicntlal 
ciimpalgn  two  years  before,  and  they 
carried  the  County  for  Secretary  of 
Stale,  nllhoiigh  their  Intal  vote  wos 
liss  Ihai.  In  'nil.  The  I'roblhlllon  vole 
iiicreaaed  from  .sil  ciiBt  for  both  par- 
lira    two   years   before   to    1.".".      I'arla 

I    llaiiill   In   the  dlnlrlct  by  n  close 

into  and  canted  I'arke  Counly  hy 
i;:i!i.  llawlliigB  was  elected  by  W.  and 
llenson  by  l"n. 

Compared  with  INllil  Ihe  rrcBlden- 
llal  campaign  of  llKHi  was  uneventful 
ami  uninteresting,  nllhough  llryan 
was  again  the  cnndldale  against  Me- 
Klnley. Ilolli  partlcB  atlempl/Ml  to 
perfect  orgnl'/.atloiis  on  the  scale  of 
four  years  before,  but  the  effort  fail- 
ed. A  few  clubs  were  formed.  Hend- 
ipiailera  were  estalillsbeil,  where 
campaign  lithographs  were  dlatrlliul- 
ed.  but  they  were  not  taken  by  the  peo- 
ple with  the  erigernesB  that  attended 
Ihe  -1111  campaign.  And  hero  a  few 
words   ahould    he  said   h.iout    the  com- 

lllhograph    and    tho    ciisTo 


pulling  the  pictures  of  party  slandanl- 
hearerB  in  wlndona.  It  waB  first  done 
on  a  l.irge  acale  in  1S.M.S,  although  In 
1.S.SI  a  few  iilctiirea  were  Ihua  dlapln.v- 
ed.  Ily  l.snil  It  «0B  the  rule  to  see 
displayeil  nl  every  homo  the  picture 
of  the  canilldnte  for  whom  the  head 
of  the  house  intended  to  vnle,  unless 
as  sometliiiea  happened  lie  had  n  wife 
whose  politics  was  different  and  who 
ruled  Ihc  rooat.  In  ISIHI  liie  llepubll- 
cnns  gave  plcliirea  of  .McKlnlcy  to  ev- 
erybody who  wanted  one.  But  the 
Democrnla.  having  no  Stale  or  Na- 
tional funda  wero  compelled  to  buy 
tbeir  own  llthogmphB.  It  was  alatcd 
In  the  campaign  of  isnil  llial  a  pas- 
hrngor  on  the  train  from  nn  Kaalern 
stale,  where  Bryan  llthographa  were 
lery  rare,  looked  out  of  the  car  win- 
dow nl  Callln,  where  every  house  In 
town    displayed   a   Itryan    picture.    Ho 

liuinlred  of  Ihe  eondnetnr— "What 
kind  of  a  d d  place  la  this?" 

The  llepuhllcauR  had  one  or  two 
credllahle  rallies  In  Hhki;  the  Demo- 
crnlB  nllempled  imt  one.  It  waa  llie 
occaalon  however  of  a  nolable  fea- 
ture, the  presence  of  Iho  I.lherly  Driiiii 
Corps  of  Indianapolis.  Tills  organl'/.a- 
llon  wore  heaiillful  contlnentnl  uni- 
forms. Two  very  largo  and  hand. 
Boiiie  men  carried  the  hannera  of  the 
eorpB,  nn  embroidered  silk  American 
flag,  and  a  banner  synibul|y.lng  the 
liechirallon  of  Inilependenie.  Might 
fll'era  and  eight  driliumera  imide  up 
Ihe  corps.  The  liiiialc  waa  moat  In- 
splilng.  charlea  A.  Towne,  of  Minne- 
Bota  Bpoke  at  night  In  Iho  llockvllle 
opera  lioiiae  lo  the  largest  crowd  ever 
in  Hint  building. 

The  cnlir  llepubllcnn  ticket  was 
elected.  The  llepiihllciin  ninjorlty  In 
the  County  was  ."(IS.  The  principal 
fight  locally  waa  between  Charlea  I). 
Ilenick,  llepiihllcan,  and  David  II, 
Swnlm,  Democrat,  for  Clerk,  llenlek 
winning  liy   IKI  votes. 

The  cloBo  of  tho  Cenlnry  sooiin  In 
have  brought  lo  a  eloso  Iho  doiiihm- 
lion  of  Ihe  llepubllrnn  parly  In  I'arko 
County  hy  tho  geiierotlon  which  bad 
iH'hl  Bway  since  Iho  Civil  War.  In- 
deed, In  IsiBi  tiie  Ilepiibllcans  made 
no  particular  appeal  lo  tho  "soldier 
vole,"  while  the  Drmocrala  made 
heavy  Inroads  on  that  vole  through 
which  the  llepublieans  had  appeolcd 
ho  long.  'I'o  llliiBlrato  tho  signlflranee 
of  Ihe  change  I  shrill  i|Uolc  front 
lleadle'a  History    (ISMl.) 

"Meanwhile  pollllcB  had  taken  new 
and  pecullnr  sli-pea;  tho  young  men, 
'irrere  Iroya,'  said  the  old  stagers,  had 
come  to  the  front  and  dlaplared  the 
ohl  tiniers.  KIwood  Hunt,  a  mere  lad, 
imt  a  Bplendid  soldier,  who  was  bad- 
ly woiiniled  at  Tlioiir|rBOn'B  station  In 
Ihe  .M--.lh  lleglment.  wos  twice  elected 
liecorder.  Hon.  Jaiiirs  T.  .lohnatonr 
who  enllaled  aa  n  private  Boldler  ond 
idiicaled  hlniBcIf  during  Iho  war,  was 
I  wire  elerted  State  Senator,  and  took 
high  rank  Mirrong  the  active  Uepubll- 
caiia  and  oralora  of  Western  Indiana; 
Nerval  W.  Ciimmlnga,  nf  the  Mist  llcg- 
lirrenl.  who  got  lilB  furlough  wound 
nl  Chlcamaiiga.  served  five  years  as 
Sheriff  and  four  as  Treasurer;  and 
.IcBse  II.  Connelly,  of  the  same  Itegl- 
iiiont,  ami  dlBabled  In  the  same  bat- 
tle, served  two  leruis  aa  Auditor.  All- 
over  the  County  tho  over-renewing 
new  was  crowding  aside  the  couser- 
lilt  he  old,  to  bo  In  time  crowded 
aside  by  the  newer  new." 

Siibsiitiite  the  above  names  for 
llowirrd  Maxwell.  Dan  J.  Chapin, 
Lincoln  Wlniiirer.  I'erry  llenson. 
Charles  D.  (tennick,  Kwing  Cllnpman, 
Harold  Henderson,  Carl  McDIvItt, 
.lohn  II.  Spencer,  V,.  M.  Carter,  and 
I  hill  consider  tlie  men  named  by 
Itradle  aa  Ihe  olios  shoved  nBlrle  h.v*. 
the  "newer  new"  anil  you  have  tho 
sitmitinn  In  I'arke  County  as  It  be- 
gan Iwcnly  yeaiB  ago.  It  la  a  law  of 
iialure  applied  lo  polltlca;  hut  no  man, 
no  matter  how  old  ho  is,  aa  long  as 
he  takes  an  Inleresl  lu  iwlltlcs  will 
'.e  set  aside  wllllTigly.  That  they  did 
the  same  thing  to  tho  generation 
alirad  of  then.  Is  no  eonaolatlnn.  How- 
ever, the  "newer  new  "  Is  always  com- 
ing on.  and  the  "hoys"  who  domlnnlo 
the  political  parties  of  I'arke  County 
today   imiat  give  wa.v   to   the  "newer 


The  iiIkivo  Is  Introductory  to  tho  po- 
litical altiiatlon  In  I'arke  County 
ainong  the  llopiihllcana  at  the  opeiilnR 
of  the  cniiipalgn  of  lixtt.  It  wos  op- 
parent  thot  the  old  timers  had  been 
aide-tracked  and  that  tho  young  fel- 
lows were  In     couiplote     control     of 




tlilnc).  Indcod.  Hon.  James  T.  .Tolins* 
Inn  hail  licon  Rovprply  lainliastcd  in 
lllc  llmkrillf  Itrimhliittn  liocaliso  of 
liln  anll'IriiiK'rlallHlli'  vIohb.  llo|inbll- 
inns  who  hud  bcrn  ciiilnont  In  the 
imrty-  sni-li  mm  ns  I'rPHldcnt  Ilnr- 
ilBon,  rhoniiin  11.  Ilccd  and  Senator 
lloar-MCro  oiMio8i-d  to  tho  rhlli|>plnc 
|iii|lc.\  or  till-  udiiilnlstrntlon,  and 
.liiiMin  T.  .lohnnton  did  not  hraltato  to 
di'iinunie  It.  While  ho  was  not  snp- 
piMl.'il  hy  any  Blront-  followlnit  on  this 
•  ini'stlon  of  principle,  nearly  oU  of  his 
Mill  nsBoilates  In  politics  resented  the 
iiKsinnptlon  oC  imwer  hy  the  younger 
uirn  of  I  he  party. 

Howard  .Miixwell  was  a  candidate 
for  Ihe  llrpiihllran  ConEresslonal 
noMilnallnn.  Tho  lonventlon  was  call- 
ed for  I'cbrnary  is.  at  (Ireecastle. 
vvllhi.ut  ninch  notice,  anil  had  all  the 
iippcarance  of  ii  snap  affair.  James 
S.  Ihircns.  who  had  conio  Into  tho  dls- 
lilcl  after  PelnK  ml.ved  iip  In  sonip 
diililmiH  huslnoBB  connected  with  tho 
piilillcalliin  of  the  "McssaKca  and 
I'apcrs  of  Iho  rresldcnls,"  hud  an- 
niinnecd  his  cnnilldaey  for  Conuress 
ami  "npcncd  ii  hai'l."  llo  was  reiint- 
Ml  til  have  iilcnty  of  money,  and  there 
was  evidence  that  Bome  of  the  delo- 
u-iilcs  wore  after  It.  lleBliles  .Mr.  Max- 
veil  and  Mr.  llarcnH,  llllas  S.  IIolll- 
du>.  of  ItrazU.  was  a  cindldate.  The 
lonvenllon  was  attended  hy  one  or 
two  dramatic  Incidents,  lint  there  was 
no  liinK-drawn  out  contest.  Mr.  lIoUI- 
day  wuH  niMMliniied  on  the  first  ballot. 

I(n  Ihe  I.Mh  of  March  the  llepnhll- 
em  Senatorial  convention— I'arke  at 
Ihat  time  helnK  Joined  with  VIro 
lonnly— was  held  at  Terrc  llante, 
and  .lames  S.  llanns  was  nominated 
lor  Stale  Senator.  K.  H.  Owen  of 
riirke  fonnty  wbb  a  eandldnte,  and  re- 
ceived the  vote  o(  Ills  Connty 
with  a  few  from  VIro. 

•I'he  ItcpMhIlcan  primaries  bronsht 
out  a  very  llcht  vote.  Only  one  con- 
Hat  excited  any  Interest  whatever, 
that  between  S.  A.  IMke  and  Henry 
(Irnhli  for  Auditor.  .Mr.  I'Ike  was 
rnnnlnc  for  re-election  and  testlnj! 
nut  the  nne  term  rnle.  Judk'lns  from 
Ihe  retnrns  from  over  the  Tounly  the 
prevalllnK  sentiment  was  afalnat  the 
Mile,  for  with  all  the  fonnty  In  e\- 
.e|it  faBcyvlllc  I'lke  was  leadlns 
ilnihli  hy  lai  voles.  When  this  Bltii- 
allnn  was  telephoned  "Tip"  Kerr,  of 
luldKi'lon,  who  was  active  In  opposl- 
llmi  to  rike.  be  reidled :  "Walt  till 
you  hear  from  Caaeyvllle."  Hy  and 
by  Caaeyvllle  reported— /'i^e  8;  Onilili 
l.".H.  The  llepnhllcan  ticket  nominat- 
ed ut  the  primary  was:  K.  II.  Owen. 
llepresiSntBtlvo;  Henry  Gruhb.  Audi- 
tor; D.  J.  Chapln.  neeordcr;  Ocorge 
llranson.  Treasurer;  T.  H.  Avdelott. 
Sheriff;  John  11.  .MusBer.  Coroner; 
.Siithnn  I'lckett.  Surveyor:  .Tosepii 
Itiiln   and  Thomas     Gerard,     Com-^ilB- 

The  lleniocratlc  t'onnrosalonal  eon- 
venllon  met  at  Ilrazll.  Monday.  .Vng- 
list  Jl,  and  nominated  John  A.  Will- 
eriitood  of  fllnton. 

On  Salnrilay.  tho  illh  of  September, 
the  lieiiiocrnllc  County  convention 
mil  lit  the  court  house  with  Joseph 
.\.  Ilrllton.  chairman.  II  was  ild- 
dresaed  by  John  A.  Wlllcriuood.  S.  I). 
I'llett  and  W.  II.  Caffrey.  The  fol- 
lowlOK  ticket  was  nominated;  Ilopre- 
Hcnlallve,  Arthur  Miller;  Auditor, 
Samuel  Skeelcrs:  TnnBiirer,  .loseiih 
C.  VIckrny;  lleeorder,  JaiucB  A.  Una- 
hell;  Sheriff.  II.  C.  .Murphy;  ftnrveyor. 
John  T.  Campbell;  Coroner.  Kdward 
I-'.  Itaker;  CommlsslonerB,  J.  It.  Htiey 
and    Henry  C.  Thoinpaon. 

The  Memocnille  Senatorial  ronven- 
Hon  nominated  John  lleilman,  of  Ver- 
million Coiinly.  and  8.  K.  .Max  I'nett 
was  named  for  rrosecutlng  Attorney 

hy  the  Jiiillcial  convention.  Then 
came  the  Bonaatlou  of  the  campaign. 
I.ale  In  Sc|tteniher  Samuel  Skeeters 
withdrew  from  the  ticket,  and  It  was 
up  to  the  committee  lo  fill  the  vac- 
ancy. With  one  accord  the  Democrals 
of  the  County  turned  towards  Will 
lam  llawllni:i.  .Mr.  IIBwIlngs  had 
moved  lo  MiirBhall  upon  the  e.vpli- 
atlon  of  his  Bccond  term  as  Treasurer, 
lie  bad  refiiacd  to  liecome  a  iiilidldute. 
aa  he  waa  then  In  hiislneaa,  allhough 
he  had  been  earnestly  aollcltoil  to 
take  the  race  lor  .Vudltor  before  tbo 
convention.  Knowing  this  a  petition 
waa  circulated  and  signed  by  Hemo- 
cralB  In  all  purls  of  the  County  ask- 
InR  lilin  to  take  Ihe  race  abandoned 
hy  .Mr.  Skeeters.  A  delcnatlon  waited 
on  Mr.  Ilanllnsa  at  .Marshall.  S.  I). 
I'llett  proaented  the  pelltlon  and  made 
an  appeal  to  Mr.  IlawllnKs.  closing 
with   these   words: 

"And  now.  Mr.  llawllngB,  on  behalf 
or  the  IioiiiocralB  of  I'arko  County, 
whom  lliis  committee  repreaenlB, 
who  have  always  cheerfully  support- 
ed you,  I  ask  that  you  accept  tue 
nimilnatlon  and  make  tho  beat  effort 
In  your  power  to  win,  asaurlng  you 
thiit  yon  will  have  our  loyal  support, 
and  tbo  Biipport  of  a  targe  number  of 
our  llest  citizens  irrei(|iectlv»!  of 

Wlliiout  hesilalliin  Mr  llawnngs  ac- 
cepleil  the  race,  though  he  fell  at  Ihe 
lime  that  he  could  not  bo  elected,  ow- 
ing to  the  short  time  between  his 
nomination  and  tbo  election. 

The  Itepiiulleans  carried  tiie  Coun- 
ty hy  a  plurality  of  1172,  the  largest 
sime  l.sni,  el-^ctlng  their  whole  Coun- 
ty ticket  by  plurallllefl  nearly  afl  largo 
ivlih  the  exception  of  .Mr.  (Irubb'B 
who  won  hy  .'iuO. 

It  Is  not  surprising  that  t  .e  cam- 
paign of  inoi  IB  not  rcmenuiered  very 
uell  by  tho  politicians.  It  was  no- 
lalde  only  for  two  things— fur  tho  pe- 
ctilliir  absence  of  any  parllsan  feeling 
whatever  in  so  far  as  National  issuea 
were  eonrcrned,  and  for  tho  presence 
of  Wllllaiu  J.  llryan.  Aside  from  the 
llrynn  mceling  no  oilt-of-doora  deiu- 
onslratlon  took  place.  Indeed,  the 
total  lack  of  any  Interest  In  the  caui- 
piilgn  iiroiiipled  the  holding  of  a  liig 
Inler-iraternal  picnic  in  which  all  the 
secret  societies  of  the  County  Joined. 
\  large  crowd  galhered  at  Iteechwood 
park  on  this  occasion  and  was  ad- 
dressed by  Hon.  Krnnk  10.  Gavin,  of 

Kilns  II.  Holiday  was  renominated 
for  Congress  by  tho  Itepulillcans  witli 
nji|iarcnt  harmony;  but  when  It  eaiuo 
to  their  Judicial  convention  there  was 
D  bitter  contest  between  the  ..  nile 
and  llheuby  factions.  Tue  Republl- 
can  oiganir.alion  in  tho  County  was 
completely  In  tho  bunds  of  the  young- 
er men  of  the  party,  and  almost  lo  a 
man  they  favored  tho  nomination  of 
tiouid  (I.  Itheuliy  for  Judie  and  Al- 
bert  M.  .^daiiiB  for  Prosecutor.  The 
convention  was  hold  at  Monte/imia  on 
the  22nd  of  .March  and  reaulird  in  ti.e 
nomination  of  both  Itiienhy  nnd 

That  many  I'arko  County  nepubll- 
cans  wero  dlHsallafied  with  the  reaiilt 
of  the  .Monle/.iima  convention  waa 
shown  by  their  onlBpoken  denuncl- 
nlion  of  that  affair.  Immediately 
there  was  a  demand  for  tho  nouilnn- 
llon  of  .lohn  8.  .Mcli'addln  iiy  the 
liemocrati.  Mr.  Mct'addln  did  not 
want  to  make  a  political  race,  and 
"staved  off"  hifl  decision  until  later 
in  the  campaign  be  yielded  to  tiio 

The  Uepubllcan  primary  election 
was  lield  on  the  2nth  of  April.  It 
lirought  out  almost  1,000  more  votea 

than  participated  In  the  primary  of 
i:iii2.  l-;lias  II.  Owen  was  nominated 
lor  lleprescnlatlve;  I'.wing  Chapman, 
Clerk;  Kdward  llrndfleld.  Trensurcr; 
l;.  M.  Carter.  Sheriff;  William  Pearo. 
Coroner;  John  T.  TlimupBon  and  Sam- 
uel  Cohle,  CommlsslonerB. 

In  the  meantime  a  spirited  fonlest 
was  going  on  among  tho  nemoerntfl 
over  llio  inoposllliin  to  nomlnale  Alton 
II.  Parker  of  New  York,  for  President. 
Tho  County  convention  met  on  the 
2:lrd  of  A|irll  to  select  delegates.  Of 
the  12  delegates,  eight  were  for 
riearst,  two  fur  Parker;  two  for  neith- 
er Hearat  nor  Parker,  and  in  tho  Jack- 
son township  cniicuB  the  vote  wan  a 
tie  lielween  Horace  Heller  and  Henry 
White;  bot.i  were  Bent  na  delegales 
with  a  lulr  vote  each.  Tho  convention 
waa  nildreaaed  hy  Hon.  John  W.  Kern 
after  the  eleelion  of  delecatoB. 

The  SInto  eonvenllon.  after  a  hitter 
contest,  Inatructed  nil  the  delegates 
for  Parker,  Including  the  two  from 
Ihe  121h  district  who  were  elected  by 
the  HenrBt  men.  These  delegatea  af- 
terwards refuaed  to  parllelpato  In  the 
National  convention. 

Claude  O.  Tlowers  was  nominated  hy 
the  r»cmoerntB  for  CongrcBB;  John  S. 
McFaddin  for  Judge,  and  Bernard  C. 
Craig  for  rrosceulor.  The  County 
tlel<et  was  made  up  principally  of 
"drafted"  men— .Tohn  W.  Thorpe,  for 
llepreacnlallve;  riiiniel  >f.  Skeetera, 
Clerk;  Klliert  McKee.  Sheriff:  Carlos 
I',  nine.  TresBurer:  Dr.  W.  S.  navls. 
Coroner:  William  J.  Alward,  Rurvey- 
or:  .Tames  Collings  and  Isaac  M.  Ov- 
erpeck,  Conunisaloners. 

\'ery  few  of  Ihe  delegates  from 
Parke  County  attended  flie  Stale  con- 
vention to  nominate  a  ticket  in  Aug- 
ust. .Tohn  W.  Kern  waa  nominated 
for  Governor.  The  convention  which 
was  held  In  May  violated  all  preced- 
ents, as  it  was  called  for  Ihe  purpose 
of  Bclectlng  delegates  lo  the  National 
i-onvention  only,  and  did  not  noml- 
nale a  .stale  ticket.  It  was  the  first 
and  last  convention  of  that  kind  held 
bv  the  nemocratB  of  Tndlana  within 
llie  memory  of  any  man  now  living. 

The  camimign  slowed  along  until 
September  when  Hon.  Frank  Hanly, 
Ilepuliiicnn  eandldnte  for  Governor 
•opened"  for  the  Itepuhllcans.  It  wa« 
not  a  large  iiieellng:  the  court  rootn 
accommodate  the  audience  very  com- 
fortahly;  late  In  the  campaign  Hon. 
K.  n.  Criunpneker  made  a  Ilepuhllcnn 
speeeb;  but  neither  Tlepubllcans  nor 
T>einocral8  could  interest  the  people— 
they  simply  paid  no  attention  to  poll. 
tics.  How-over,  when  Hryan  came  on 
the  I2lh  of  Ocloher  Ibo  crowd  was 
uulte  large,  eonaldering  tho  hour — 
nine  o'clock  a.  m.  Mr.  Tlrynn  had 
been  prevailed  upon  lo  lake  the  stump 
fop  Parker  In  Indiana,  and  It  wan 
planned  to  have  him  make  his  first 
speech  In  Parko  County,  generally 
considered  the  Bryan  stronghold  of 
the  State.  Tie  was  accompanied  on  the 
special  train  by  a  largo  number  of 
newspaper  men,  aomo  of  tbem  from 
New  York.  They  and  other  Kaatem 
men  wero  aeated  on  the  platform 
erected  at  tho  weat  gate  of  tho  court 
house  yard.  Tho  plat  form  was  nearly 
filled  hy  theao  people  and  otberB  who 
came  on  tho  apeclal.  When  Mr. 
Tlryan  made  reference  to  Judge  Parlt- 
■  er  there  was  eonslderahlo  npplauso — 
from  the  platform;  hut  when  ho  re- 
ferred to  tho  campaign  of  IROfl  and 
declared  that  evonlB  had  prored  the 
correcineas  and  tbo  rlghteousneBs  of 
the  Silver  contention,  there  wafl  a 
loud,  ringing,  old-fashioned,  Iloosler 
cheer— the  only  chcor  during  the 
speech.  Tho  New  Yorkera  looked  at 
each  other  In  amazement.     It  was  the 

first  tliiio  tliey  bad  over  heard  that 
Benlluient  greeted  wilt)  a  cheer. 

As  the  election  approached  the 
llemocriits  began  to  tako  some  Inter- 
est in  tlie  fight  for  tiie  Jiidgeahip 
|mt  up  hy  their  candidate.  It  was  tho 
only  thing  lliey  bad  to  fight  for  with 
any  aliow  of  carrying  the  Coimty,  and 
ItelB  were  made  oven  that  ho  wimid 
do  so.  When  it  la  romomhered  that 
the  llepnhllcan  National  ticket  had  n 
majority  over  the  Democratic  ticket 
of  I2II2,  tho  ra.e  made  by  .Mr.  .Mcl'ad- 
din  was  probably  tbo  iiiosl  remark- 
able in  our  political  history.  The 
total  vote  for  Parker  was  2,I7d.  .Mr. 
.Mcl'addin  received  'J.-StH.  and  Mr. 
llheuby,  the  ilepuldlcan  candidate, 
2,si>.*».  On  the  face  of  tho  retiirna  tbq 
County  was  carried  for  the  Uepubll- 
can candidate  by  one  vole;  but  In- 
stances where  liallola  wero  not  count- 
ed for  .Mr,  Mcl'addin  tthe  election 
boards  heiog  largely  Itepidilican)  wore 
known,  and  bud  this  Bituatinn  been  re- 
versed bo  would  liavo  carried  the 
Couuly  on  the  aaiiie  vote  by  a  aub- 
alanllal  majority.  Ilooaevolt  carried 
Adams  township  hy  IlCi— .McKaddln 
by  isdl 

Tile  total  vole  of  tho  County  waa 
ll,l:w— Democriillc.  i.1711;  llepilbllean. 
:i.ias;  I'rolilbllion,  lilM;  Nocliillat,  ttlt; 
Poiuillst,   1*1, 

Itefore  enlering  on  the  campaign  of 
liniu  It  should  bo  recorded  that  a  apoc- 
Inl  eie.lion  was  held  in  January,  IIKkl, 
lo  fill  the  vacancy  caiiaed  by  the  death 
of  Klias  11,  Owen,  ItcpicBonlatlve- 
eiect.  .Mr.  Owen  waa  killed  by  a  fall- 
ing tree  while  In  the  woods  ins|>ecling 
timber.  At  the  special  election  the 
liemocratle  candidate  was  William 
lllon  Collings,  and  John  Itandolph 
Johnston  tho  Itepnblican  candidate.  A 
light  vote  was  polled  and  .Mr.  Jolini- 
ton  waa  elected.  Inking  hia  scat  Im- 
mediately, aa  tiio  f,eglslattiro  waa  In 

The  Itepubllcnns  held  their  Sena- 
torial convention  at  Waveland,  Marcli 
27,  and  nomlnnteil  George  FJ.  Hannn, 
of  clreenc  township,  I.alcr  In  tho 
campaign  the  Democrats  nominated 
ilobert  II.  Smllh,  of  Montgomery 
County,  Tho  llepuhllcan  Congression- 
al Convention  on  April  ,'1,  ro-nomlnat- 
ed  Mr.  Holliday;  his  opponent  In  the 
convention  was  Ofla  K.  Gulioy.  I'arko 
County  had  17  voles,  casting  thora— 
1.1  for  Holliday  and  2  for  Oullcy,  Tho 
Deiiioeratic  CongrcBBlonni  convention 
waa  lield  In  llockvlilo  Aug,  :k),  with 
an  open  air  meeting  at  nooehwood 
park.  Claude  O.  Uowors  waa  tho 
unanimous  choice  of  the  convention, 
which  he  addressed  In  an  eloquent 
speeci).  Betting  forth  the  Issues  of  the 

Twenty-four  candtdatoa  for  tba 
various  County  offices  contested  at 
the  Republican  primary  election, 
which  was  held  on  tho  nth  of  ApUl : 
For  Itepresentatlve,  WInfleld  Catlln, 
J.  It.  Johnston,  Joseph  Martin,  Isaac 
A.  Mendenball  and  C.  C.  Morris.  (The 
latter  did  not  enter  the  race  until 
two  weeks  before  the  election.)  For 
Auditor,  JoSn  Iluckley,  Harold  Hen- 
derson, Kdward  NIcholaa  and  Win, 
Welch ;  for  lleeorder,  I.  S.  Hunt,  ,Tohn 
Tolln  nnd  Carl  Iliittor;  for  Treasurer, 
Kdward  Hradfleld;  for  Sheriff,  H,  M, 
Carter ;  for  Coroner,  W.  J.  Peare  and 
Dr,  James  Towey ;  for  County  As- 
sesBor,  O.  14.  McDanlel  and  8,  A.  Pike  i 
for  Surveyor,  Arthur  Pickett;  for 
CouuutsBlonera,  -lobn  T.  Tiiompson, 
Samuel  Coble,  Wm,  If,  Craig,  0.  W, 
KInaey  and  T.  A,  Gerrard. 

Altlinugli  the  total  vote  east  waa 
2,,'I77,  It  was  over  l.nnn  short  of  the 
vote  at  the  preceding  6le<'tion,  Tho 
Biioceisful     eandldatei     were     J.     R. 


.|„|,,.H I      ll<'pr.'H>'h(ativii:    IJlir.iJcl 

II. r rs. \ tnr:   Cnrl   llullrr.    Ilf- 

miiiIit;  i:.l»uril  llrnilflnl.l.  (r.-nonil- 
iiiiliil.;  TniiMiit-r;  i:.  M.  Cnilfr,  (ri)- 
iinhilnnlid.l  Sh.ilfr;  W.  .1.  IVnrp. 
l-t„i,wt:  Arllinr  I''ll.  Sni-w.Mir; 
S i..|   Cnl.l.-.  -I'.   A    i;.iiii.r.l.  .I.ilili  T. 

i:\ii.llv   nrif!    VM-ik    iiri.r   llir    IC-lMih- 

II. rIniailiK     Irl.l.iy.      .\|.rll      i:i- 

II...   Il.'iiiiirritis   r.'l.'l.nil.'ll    tho   l.lrtll   n( 

.1.1  f .11    villi   I.   l'iin.|M.'I    III    I'lir- 

lUI.-  I.i.n.     li.i.i.Miiili.  fr .-i.'iy   purl 

„l   111..>    h-M:,  i,s«. iMiu-  III  tho 

i.ll.rii....ii.  mill  UK  .  iii- iin  r.Tlsti'ml 

innilll.'i'    i.r    .\niiiii:    l.iillns  MIshi-k 

l',.'ll.i  lliiiiii.lirl.H.  M.'iy  llii.  y.  l:ilziil..'lli 
M.illli  nnil  Kill.-  siiniiiii— 111  liinrK.' 
I.r  Ihiil  r.iiliiiv  |.|nii.-.l  .111  hlK  .■nut  n 
hiliiliiliir.'    Aiiifilcnii    rini;.      A      liirL-o 

II  ISTORICAI,     SKRTCn     01'     PAUKK     COUNTY. 


Iniiii    'r.'ir.'    Iliiiil.',    niiil    Clin- 

li.M.     Til..»     'i.-"-! n.liiipil     .-..-.ii 

lint    i.H    I iii.ic,   lliosr  wh.i  dill     not 

l.niniro  llik.l»  In  n.lvim.f-  wnrr  srrv- 
III  III  111.-  .Ihiliii;  room  l.i'loiv,  .lolm 
.-i.    M.liiil.lhi    «ris      lion. 

.I..I.II    W.    K.'i'ii.    lion.   .I.ihii    K.      I ill. 

('h.iiil..  (1.  Ili.u.TH.  I'cl.T  l.ullior  nnd 
.liil.h   \   r.i.|."l..|.  d   In  loiists. 

'I'll.'  I|.'|.iil.l|.;.ti  .liKll.'Inl  r.iiiv.<nllon 
iiiilnllinli'il  A|l..'ll  M.  A.Imii.h  liir  rnm." 
iilllni;  All..ri..'.>,  i.liil  Hi.'  I  i.'iiin.  riiU'.l  i^.'oiL'.'   II.  .^iirik.'l. 

nil  Siiliilili.y.  .Inly  '.'\  llm  In. no 
.-niln'  I'onnly  .  oiii.'iill..n   uiih  Inlil   In 

III.'  .iniri   I'll S.  II.  I'n.'ll   iH'iKldini;. 

'I'll.'  Ilrl'.'l  iiniiilliiil.'.l  iviih:  I'or  lli'li- 
liNi'liliilhi'.  'rnoiniin  'I'rii.'iiiiin  :' 
Aiidlior.  .Iiiini'i.  i:.  Illil'i':  for  'rri'iix- 
iir.'i-.  .Mm  Inn  .Mnilin;  lor  ll.''r.  A. 
.'<.  I1IIBI..I1 :  r..r  Sli.  rlfr.  Aliml  .x. 
Howl:  r.ii'  ronincr.  Iir.  I'lnirlfs  iivri-- 
l.i'ik;  lor  loiinly  AM.'»»or,  Inivlil 
I.llii'lii.r'.'.-r:  for  I'onnly  Piirvryor, 
Wiilln.'.i  111..';  in:-  I'liniinlKBlouci-b,  J. 
I.  Vunrnsk.'in,  Iniylil  shirk,  .T.miali  S. 

't'lin  t'onvpiilion  |.nsti.-tl  rln^in;;  ri'ho- 
InllonH  In  Tut  or  or  H  rmii|i,'ili:n, 
linllini;  Uir  II.'i.iil.ll.nnH  to  cnoinnito 

villi    lli.'ii,   mill    II ilinilly     |.l''d:.-n 

.'iinillilnl.'H  1(1  II  Mrli't  nl.Kf'i-iniK'n  of  too 
liiu.  mill  |.|.'.li.-lnK  Iho  rnnilldiil.'i.  lunii- 
hiiili'l    to   siii'ii   ol.h.'i-viini'.'   r.'KiinllcsB 

or  til.'  I'liiiri..'  or  nil'  lli-i H.-unu.  I.nt- 

IT  iin  iii;iv.ii,.M;  lunl  |.:.'.i^.'  WOK 
iliiitvn    lip   mill    Kiilniiill.d    to    llin    II.'- 

I II. nil    .on, mill.'.',       II    M.i'.-lriPil    nK 

ll|.'i:ili;iilil.'   nnd    iinliivtfiil  :   Hip  InlyliiK 

of    viiI.'h:    Hi.'    I'I' iKi'    Ol'    .'inolinn.'iil.s 

IM'  I'l'Wfii-ilEi ;  till'  iiKc  or  tnoHpy  In  iiny 
«iiy  fill'  till'  iinriioKo  of  InfliionplnK 
\oti»;  11,1-  i'luiim  n;'  ttlilKkpy,  lippf. 
Aliii'  or  111.)    inlovlnillnu   ||.,nor   ny   u 

I'.inilidii r    l.y    In    lii»    be- 

Inilf.  I,.  Bltiinntp  pxiii'nB.'K  woro  iIphIk-    hull     ii'iil.     iiiiy     ..f     Jiinllni-H, 

Kir.  .>N|ii'iiK.'K  of     Kii.'nki'i'N.     Ilvpry 

hli'p.   Iioii'l   l.illK,   .'t...     iirliilln:.-     ami 


■riip  llPiiuhllrmi  I'oinllilllPn  rpfimnd 
In  I'lilpr  till'  nKi-pi'iiiPiii,  nnd  bo  (he 
■'fiinimlcn  proKiiKiii'il  wlih  Hip  Finirnn 
of  n  "ch-iill  .nnii.nlun"  hy  tlip  Drino- 
I'mlB.  TIlp  lli'iiioi-inllc  'iiii.liiinlPK 
Pllcll  WP.-k  1..iI.IImIii-iI  n  Bvvnrn  BtnlP- 
tiiptit  of  Hi.'ir  t-,\|.i'nHPM  iinil  nmdn  nP- 
live  r.lniiiKH.-H.  '|-|.nt  Ihp  Iwino  of  n 
rh'.in  niin|.nl'.-n  ii|.|..'ii|Pd  to  nniny  vol. 
(I'H  IH  |il-o\i'd  hy  iin  nniilyHlti  nf  tho 
('Ippllnn  rpliiriiH.  .MihoiiRli  ilin  piiilrp  llrkPt  unR  plpilril.  Hip 
i-undhlntii.  rniinly  offlpPB  hnd 
uri'liHy  r.'^liilpK  from  timt 
nf  tlip  Sliitp  ll.k.l.  ThP  Upinihlirnn 
•'nnill.iiilp  lor  S.i'rpliiry  of  Slnln  pnr- 
rli'd  llio  I'liniiiy  liy  Ti;:i:  liio  inndl- 
ilntPB  for  Cnniity  i.ffir.'B  hy  iiliirnlllh-ii 
tin  fnllnna:  .1.  II.  .lolniHtnii.  Ilpprc- 
wMtnlh'P.  1171;  .inrnhl  llpnilprnoii. 
Ainlllni-,  l.'ll;  Miiwnrd  llinilflplil, 
TrpiiBiii'Pr,  .l-'ii;  Curl  UiiitPr,  llpi ord- 
er. ISI;  I'!.  ,M.  Cnrlpr,  Khrrlff,  2.-il; 
W.  J,  Tcuro,  Coronor,    .'l.'■^l;     Arlliiir 





It  xnn  In  IhiK  .iiiiip.iltn  Hinl  Hi 
ll.'l.iihil.iilli.  ■'.'iisi'd  lli.'lr  old  In.'tir 
I.r  ir.vlll;:  lo  "Iin.'  n|."  .il.sKiill 
ri.ii   vnl.'iB   lor   II..'  ili-k.t  or  L.r   wini 


"oil."  jilnl  nil.'.l  lo  nflK.l  Mil.  Il 
loiK.'K  h>  .il.tiiliilni;  Ih'iiin.r.illr  tol.K. 
.MoKl    of    Hip      l(.'|.nhl|.'..ii      .nnill.lnlps 

.li'rll..ii.'pr.'.l  I o.rniK,  nnd  nndonl.l 

VMi-p  ih'.t.'d   l.y   Hip   \otPK     llipy     Hiiib 


l-or  Hi.'  rirsl  tlnip  in  <lciil  jporn 
111.'    in'ino.  rniK    niniiir.'Kl.'il    iiipnt    pn- 

•Iii|.K|..|',     I •,',..,-.11-..     „|'      |.»W       11 

wns  \.'ry  i.i.|.,irpiil  liiiil  no  olhpr  run- 
ilidnt.'  Hull  «onid  l.p  ronfildpr' 
rd  hy  Hip  .Vnliniinl  .onv.'nllon.  In 
Inillnnn,  nnd  p.^|ll■rinliy  In  I'nrkp 
roiinly.     this     sllnnlhin      «na     lilKlily 

phn.iin--    lo    Hip    lie nilB.      On      IhP 

<.li,.'r  liiin.i.  ihp  llppiihlipiins  wpip  nol'r  KJlLslii'd  with  Hip  iiipthods 
o|-  llooBPH'll  In  K.'pklni:  in  noiiilnatp 
hlH  Kiir.-p^  lo  Hip  I'lPKl.h'tiry.  Thoy 
dill  not  hpilpvp  Hint'ri'Kld.nt 
1'  KOI  n  i..|iiiirp  dinl.  In  fii.l 
III.'..  I..'ii.'i.'il.  ..r  nimiy  nf  Hipim  hillpv. 
.'.I.  tliiil  I'.illluinl.K  ;;ot  Hip  worBt  of 
.  v.'..uiiiiiB  Hip  I'r.Kl.l.nt  did  prior  In 
Hip  ll.'pnhli.nn  .Vi.llnnil  lonvpiidon. 
■I  IIP  lml,iiimi,nUs  \.M.i  r.'»pniPd  llilB 
to  Biipii  nil  PM.'nt  liinl  II  siip|.orlPd 
llrynii  In  Ihp  .  iiiiiiiiilcn. 

A  ponlpr.'li.-.'  of  n.ino.KiiB  «  ,ik  IipIiI 
m  liMiiiiiiii|...liB  Ininip.llulPly  inilnvvhiK 
H.p  Miinoillnpiiipnt  of  Hi.'  ilnl.'  SPt  hy 
III.'  ItPiiiilillPiins  lor  HiPir  Stntp  .'on- 
wntion.  This  dnip  wns  nnii.snnlly 
.'i.ily,  mill  wnB  bo,  iib  Hip  llpino- 
runs  i.pllpi.  d.  in  onlpr  lo  l.p  llio  llrsr 
l.iirly  lo  .iP.iiiiT  lor  Kon.plhin:.'  Hint 
liiltlil  "L'Pt  hy"  Willi  i.oHi  Bld.s  of  tliP 
Ihlii'.r  .iiiPBiloii.  tiipn  hprnnilni;  iiriilP. 
S.'iitiinrnt  In  linnr  of  lo.,.!  orilion  hnd 
KiniMi  In  Biirh  nn  p.MPiit  Ihnt  hotli 
l-nrllPB  rpaliz.'d  it  hnd  to  Iip  inpt;  liit 
/.OP  lo  iiippi  it  nnd  hold  Ihp  voIph  of  "vm  nnd  diy'r"  Thni  wna  iho 
.|iip»llon.  Al  Hi.'  Iipinn.'i'iill.'  loiifpr- 
in.p  iihnip  ininlioii.'d  .lohn  S.  .Mc- 
I'li.idln  urtPd  Hint  Hip  Stnt,.  .nnvpn- 
linn   1.1'   iii'lil   nii.'ii.l  of  till'   ll.'i.iihli.nii 

..nn.'iilloii.        'I'lils        ri'pn inhillon 

wiiB  nl  riiBl  oiprriilPil.  hiK  Inlpr  It 
unH  ndoplpil,  and  Hip  diilp  bpI  nno 
«p.i(  nh.'ad  of  Hint  BPlpilPd  l.y  thp  Up- 
piihllinnH.  A  dpplnrnilnn  In  fninr  of 
Hip  lowiiBhlp  iinll  wlilrh  millilpnlPd 
Hip  iipllnn  of  III.'  ll.'|.iihllrniiH  »'iih 
pnil.oill.'d  in  till'  pliilforin.  'I'hniiiaB  II. 
.Mni-Klnill  «n»  nonniuilpil  ;or  (invirnor. 

ThP    llpplinlhiili      StntP      r..nvpiitlon 

onr   wppk    InlPr    uob   n   l I inil.' 

affnir.  I'liiHliPd  with  fmirippii  yptlra 
nf  pnlllh'.il  poniT.  nnll.'l|.iillnK  y|." 
Inry,  n  Inrco  niinilipr  nf  rniidl.lal.'K 
.onl.'KtPil  for  Hip  linnilnnllona.  Ivvpiy 
I'll  nil  .lint.-  hnd  p\|ipiibIvp  nnd  hpniitl- 
fnily  dP.'oralp.l  lipni|.|iinrlPlB  al  thp 
ChiyiMiil  holpl.  .Inni.'B  V..  WiilBoll.  Hip 
Idol  of  HiniiB.inds  of  yoiniR  llppnldl- 
pniiB,  wnB  n  .'andlilntp  fnr  Hnvprtior 
ncnlnnl  Ihrrp  ntli'^r  proi.iliipnt  innn  of 
hiM  party.  Iliiiidrpilfl  nf  .ViiicrlPnn 
llpnuly  rnsPB  wprp  itlvpn  nnny  nt  hiB 
InadiiimrlPlB.  lln  r.pplVPd  Hip  nniiii- 
iinlloii  nil  a  plnlforin  Hint  did  nol  Bnl- 
iBfy  till'  ipiiii.praiiip  nipn.  J. 
I'rank  Inlnr  pxirntPil  IiIb  fnni- 
oiiB  r.ii./i  <lr  rl:il  hy  rnllinK  tho  I/pcIb- 
liililr.'  Ill  Bpppial  BPKBlon  to  fhnPt  Hip 
loiiiiiy  unit  law.  'I'hlB  oi'.nrrcd  wlipii 
Iho  i-nniiinlKti  had  hppn  In  pronrPBH 
M'vpral  MPpkB.  .Mr.  WnlBon  BiKikn  In 
lloi'kMllii  on  ihp  day  It  pnBB.'il  Hip 
(.PUlHlaliirp.  Althniiu'h  hn  rpniir.pd 
Hint  Hip  net  of  (Invernor  llnnly  wniilil 
dpfrat  hini,  liil  bpi-ppH  In  dpfPnBP  of 
Ihnt  ml,  ovon  cnihodying  a  trllnito  to 

,.ii   „|.o  iia.l   ia»  th.ina.uidB  of  Ito- 

|'V.ili  hPlin.vpd  niin,  nan 
slpil P  of  oinlory. 

ll.nMir.i  MnvBill.  nflpr  n  Bi.lrllP.I 
pont.Kl     d.lPnl.d    OHb    liiilhy    In    IhP 

III'    liiiii.'r.BBi..nal     .■nnvrnllon 


'I'll.'  11...  oiiiillp  coiivpnllon  was 
a_-,iiii    h.'l.l    In      llo.kvlllp.      rroni      a 

'|-h..i....K    ii.    MiirBl.ull      IhP 

I,,,.,  lliiu  I V  HIP  noiiiliiiillon  of  llnlph 

\V.  .Moss,  lliln.n.i  llarr.'lt.  of  IIpo- 
i.rl.k.'.  c  oniiiy  r.'.iivpd  tliP  >o1p  of  his 
oiMi  roiinu  and  a  f.iv  otiipr  \ntPfl. 
'Hip  l'ri.hinii..iiiMK  nonilniiip.l  I'.ihvnid 
Uondm.i  for  r.'liti.BS  an. I  Hip  So.inl- 
IflK.  Uiii.  |i.  Vmiilorn.  iIi.uIps  rnll?.. 
Ii.niopial.  and  I'liirPn.p  rnwpll.  Ilc- 
pnhli.iin.  wprp  noinlnntPd  for  rrosc- 
.iitiiik!   Atlornpy. 

•  Tiip  llp|  prlniarlPB  rcBoltpd 
in  IhP  InlloMlni:  llrkpt :  .Inpoh  S. 
W^illp.  f..r  llPprPBPnliiHvp;  Alcllin 
T.  Iiooh'y,  Clerk;  Wnllncc  Slokpa. 
Tr.uKiiipr:  llni.rrl  llnnpy,  .>;|iprlir; 
Wllllnni  I'piii'p.  I'oiniipr;  KinerBon 
I'hiillpB.  Snrv.-yor;  .Inlin  M^y  ami 
ll.rhprl    S.   I.lndlpy,  CoininlsBionorB. 

'Iiip  I  •.'llio.  nil  Ip  ponipntlon  n..inlnnt. 
P.I  Wnii.r  I'InIi  for  UpprPK.ntiithp; 
liporun  I,.  I.anpy.  riprk:  liny  Ald.n. 
sin'rlff:  riinrliB  iivpri-'rk.  Cnronpr; 
.1.  T.  .Inrk,  Siirvpyor:  Imiilpl  Ma.hln 
and   .lohn   Coffin,   CoininlBBlnnrrB. 

lour  full  .  oiinty  llrkpla  wore  In  tlip 
IIpIiI  I..111;  ...Inrp  plp.linn  day.  Kor  the 
fiiBt  linn'  Iiip  ,«orlnllsta  had  a  poni- 
plplp  II. k. 'I.  'I'hP  I'l'ohlhlHonlBlB  hnd 
lor  tu.'iily  yp:irB  lippn  pllltlnc  out 
i'oiinly   HckPiB,   nnd     KonrrnHy     very 


'I'hp  prln.ii. Ill  pvpnl  of  thP  IlPpnhlF 
.an  .'an.|.nii;n  u'iib  Hip  bppppIi  of  thpir 
rnndiUnlp  for  Coi.rii..r.  It  was  liin.ic 
liniii  Hip  i:nst  Side  of  Hip  rnurt  lioime. 
'i'lic  lipinornillp  .-andldnto  for  Hovpr- 
nor  ni.iilP  two  Bpiprhes  In  lloikvlllp— 
al  till'  Con::ri'B8innal  cnvpnllon,  an. I 
lalPr  In  the  ranipnlL'll  lip  nd.lrPBSPd  a 
nipplilis  111  Hip  poiirt  ronin.  The  larc- 
pst  lirnio.ratlr  niepllni!  wna  when 
.lolm  W.  Kprn.  who  mob  Ihp  i-nndldolp 
for  VIrp-l'rPBldpnl,  nnd  Cpnpnil  Weav- 
pr,  of  Iowa,  n.'rp  li.'rp  a  fpvv  days  he- 

fiir.'   II Ip.llon   nt   n   iiinrnliiK  nippt- 

Inir,  Tiny  niB.i  bpoUp  from  Hie  pnat 
si  'p  nf  Hip  iiini  t  lioiiK.'.  Mr.  Kprn 
and  Hi'iipral  Weavpr  wont  finiii  llo.k- 
\il|p  lo  Clinton  with  an  pb- 
lorl.  RlnpiiiiiL-  In  .M.rra  to  aiidroBB  Hip 
"oik.rn  In  IhP  pl.iy  plaiil  and  iiiIopb. 
Ilohprt  ...  llpniy,  ilip  hrlllhint  .vonnn 
Ti'SaB  Coiiui'PHHiiiaii,  rpinnliiPd  In 
lloikvlih'   lo   lilikp  a   rppppIi    In   Hip  nf- 

Tlip  fiinilH  fin-  nn'.'HiiK  PxpillBPB  of 
Hip  lipinii.'.nllP  rmnpnlBn  «prp  rnlBPd 
l.y  voinnlnry  Biil.srrlpHonB  In  rp«ponBO 
in  nn  appi'iil  pondnclpil  fnnii  wppk  In 
«ipk  hy  Hip  llpnioiraili-  County  pn- 
pi-r.  thp  i-pKpnnap  IipIiir  i|iiitc  llliprnl. 

Tlip  li.'iiincrntB  elp.'tpd  their  rnniU- 
ihitPB  fnr  Ihipp  County  offlPpB— Clerk. 
TrenBiiipr  and  Cnronpr.  I'ollowlnn  am 
Hip  pliliallH''fi  ri'rplved :  Tiifl  fop 
I'lPKldPnl.  lllll;  WalB..n  for  (lovernor, 
•JS7;  MiiMipll  for  I'oncrPBB.  17ii:  rnit?.. 
for  I'roB.-rnloi-,  -Jul  ;  While,  for  llep- 
iiBPiitnllvp.  illu:  I.anpy,  (•lerl<,  TOI ; 
Sppii.'.'i-,  'rrportiirpr.  VV2;  l-'innpy, 
Shprlff,  I7il;  (ivprpp.k,  Cnroner,  ins; 
I'hlllliiB.  Surveyor,  llll  ;  .May.  Coin- 
inlBKlonpr,  III'.;  I.lndlpy,  rninmlBalon- 
er,  7>i. 

It  will  iin  nollred  that  Hie  llPialMI- 
ran  pinrallly  tvna  llll)  aa  nualnat  TiCi 
III  IIMHI.  iioili  parllia  Inrreaaed  their 
\n|p  ovpr  Ihal  of  two  yrnra  hpfore.  the 
lipinorralip  InrrPnan  hpliitf  oler  7I«1. 
ConlPinphillnK  Iho  nanlt,  nnd  refleel- 
hm  on  paal  polllh'nl  pvpnia.  Han  11. 
Chopin  rpiiinrked:  "Thpre'o  no  nan 
for  IIN  to  oxpoct  to  oloct    our    ticket 

I'he  yiar  IIH'l  l.ioiiKht  the  firat  aiih- 
Hianllal  anil  RPllpral  am  .paa  of  the 
lipinorralh'  party  In  Indliinii  aliirp  the 
ilpplloii  nf  ivrj.  a  p.-riod  of  pluiilppn 
yPlUB.  Ill  IIHiN  in.'  Il.'lno.rata  pl.'.t.'d 
lliplr  randl.latp  fnr  Hnvirnnr,  a  major- 
ity of  Hip  lower  h.niae  of  Hip  l.itla- 
Inliire.  and  0  n.alnrlty  nn  Joint  hallol. 
I. Ill  Hie  llp|.iil.||..ilia  pl.'rl.'.l  iiinal  nf  Stale  tick.l.  It  wi.a  lii.'\  ilnl.lP 
thai  pv.'li  a  pnrlv  ao  thoroiiijli'y  dia- 
.Iplln.'d  na  Hi.'  Il.'pniill.  an  iiiiiat  in  a 
loiii:  lenap  nf  pow.r  oi.nmiiinliilp  n 
tr.'Ml  many  .'.iap«  of  diasnllafa. Hon 
Ihal  at  IhP  firal  opporlilnlly  would 
linpi'l  thp  diasulisrlpd  lo  arok  Hie  dc- 
teat  of  tiiPlr  |iarty;  and  ao  In  IIMO  the 

-.1    It 

ThP  Bllilallon  was  pe.nllnr  In  Imll- 
ann.  Spn:.tor  All.Prt  .1.  Ilpveridne, 
who  would  aland  fnr  re-plertion  In 
I'.iln,  liii.l  for  s.mip  tinip  manlfpatpd  a 
Bplrlt  of  rpvolt  fioin  Hip  hich  tariff 
poll.y  of  H.p  pnrly— a  pnlley  which 
hp  hn.l  prpvlonaly  tilorlflPd  with  oil 
Hip  Pio.|iipncp  In  hlB  powpr.  ITe  refill- 
.'d  10  vote  for  .ainna  ineaBiirPa.  and 
did  not  hpaltale  lo  denounce  the  hene- 
flcliirli'B  of  IiIkIi  protertlon  oa  the 
"powpra  of  plllaap."  He  voted 
au-alliBt  Hip  I'aym'Aldrlcli  hill  on  lla 
final  pnaaiiL-.'.  Tiila.  with  Hip  rankl- 
int-a  of  Ihp  cninpiiUn  of  two  yenra  he- 
foi'p.  Hip  onlKrowlh  of  the  defeal  nf 
.Iiinipa  1:.  WnlBon  for  Hovprnnr.  plaeert 
the  Ilppni'll.'niia  al  a  crrat  .Hand- 
vanlacp  hy  thp  lllile  the  rnmpnien 

Ilowpvpr.  for  ninny  nionllia  hefnrc 
t.ip  oppnliik-  of  tliP  pampaiirn  Ihpre  wa« 
cieat  dlaaatlafm-tlnn  anionK  Hip  Dpiiio- 
.rata  of  Hip  Slalp.  The  Bprret 
hy  which  .lohn  W.  Kern  nnd  .lohn  V.. 
I.aiiih  wprp  ilpfpoiPd  for  Spiialor  cana- 
rd Bii.h  rpapnlniPiit  that  the  llepnhll- 
rana  nilBlit  have  won  the  elei-tlnn,  had 
the  phoico  of  a  candldatp  for  Senator 
rennilned  aa  lipfore  with  a  leclalallve 
laii.  na.  To  allay  Biiaph  Ion  on  thli 
B.ore  that  iiiiKht  weaken  l>einOPratlc 
phan.PB,  llovprnor  Maraliall  early  In 
Hie  i«car  cave  out  an  intervlpw  In 
which  he  declared  for  the  noinlnntinn 
of  a  pandldatp  for  Srnator  hy  the 
SIniP  rnnvenllon.  Aa  Ihia  waa  lOK- 
I. ally  In  line  with  Hie  nft-repeated 
d.'claiallon  of  lleiMorr.ille  plalfornia 
In  favnr  of  the  ple.tlon  of  Sennlnra 
liy  popular  vole.  It  waa  rprelve.l  wllh 
ptitliiislaain  hy  llrmo.'rata  In  favor  of 
Hill  primlplp.  nnd  eaiipilnlly  hy 
those  who  wpvp  florp  on  Iho  Bccret 
.an.  IIB  |.ropppdini;a  of  liaiO.  rnrkci 
County  Iipinnrrnta  were  alinoat  to  n 
man  In  favor  nf  Hip  "llovprnnro  plan" 
aa  II  waa  rallpd.  and  llipy  did  nol  dif- 
ipr  from  Hip  rank  and  flip  all  over  tho 
Stile.  1  Inn  ever.  Hie  Idea,  waa  deaiier- 
atelv  foimht  hy  the  aocalled  leaden 
of  the  parl.v.  With  the  cxeepllon  of 
lion.  .lohn  i;.  t.anih,  not  one  of  llio 
announced  or  proipe.tive  randldatei 
for  the  Sennle  wna  In  favor  of  lh» 
l.npiilnr   plan. 

The  lleinnernllc  eonvenllon  lo  nnmo 
delet-alPB  lo  the  varlona  convenlloni 
waa  held  nl  the  raurt  hnuae  on  Rntiir- 
day,  Api-fl  n.  It  »'«»  nddreaaeil  hy 
Mr.  I.niiih,  who  pledged  hlniBplf  lo  tho 
n.ovpiiipnt  In  favor  of  nomlnntlnit  i» 
Si'iialnr;  Indrrd  Mr.  r.ninli  waa  nllhnt 
Hmn  at  thp  hpnd  ol  Iho  niovenienl, 
and  remained  In  Ihal  eonaiilciiona  po- 
anion  iinlll  Hie  flRlil  waa  won  In  Iho 
Stale  convent  inn.  (lovernor  Mftraliall 
de.llned  lo  naaiiniP  Hie  n.'tlve  leader- 
alilp.  ao  the  rank  and  fllo  Innked  ii|>- 
on   l.nmh  na  Ihelr  lender. 

The  I'lirko  Cnnnly  delenntei  wero 
(nalriiPleil  10  vole  fnr  Hie  nnnilnntion 
of  a  Hennlor  hy  tho  Stnio  eonvenllon. 
and  10  volo  for  Jonn  I',.  r,ninh  for  Ihnt 
offlco.     I.itiiib  trai  prciont  ind     ad- 


,l..'i..M-,l  II..'  i.iiiiilj  (.P.1..1.II..U.  •rho 
llipiihllriici  M.ilo  ...inriillim  linil  li.-cn 
,nii.|il.'l.'lv'il  l.y  S.Minlor  llrv- 
I'l'iili;!',  who  HiiKl.'  till'  k.y  iHilu  siir.'cli. 
whl.'li   Mr.   I.iin.l.  niilil   w.m  on.'  of  lln' 



Tlin    l> inil'       .-iiiiu-     . 0111.1111.. n 

tt-.iM  li.-ld  nil   111.'  J'.iiii   „.•  Ai.lll.   II   VMiB 

1,111'  i>r   llic    iMi.Hl      III' illr     i.ollll.'iil 

..iiKi'iiHoiiK    111    111"    UMrny      .<(      Ili'< 

Sliilr.     ■rill'   Sliili'  I'd llli'O.   luosl  i.r 

ihi'  iirniiiliii'iil  lii'iiiocnils  i.nil  or- 
-iilil/.lilliill  lil.'ll  LTII.'n;!!/  niM.lis.'il  tlu 
"liiiv.'iniM-'t.  i.liiii."  Till')'  wi'i-c  llior- 
nimhlt  ni;::iiil/<il.  Tlioni'  In  fiiM.i'  of 
111.'  iihill  .111.1  no  o't:..lll'/..illnii,  bill  llicy 
ni'l'.'  voiiil.'i'lully  nilhlixli.Ktlc  iin.l  lie- 
li'i'liilliril,  ilii'l  I"  11  111:111  ncro  niiUy  lo 
I    ,'1.    Mr  10  11  iliiUli.     VViicii  ii.-. 

iniilo   hlH  „|i,'i'.|i    h.'  «.is  j.'.rt'i »..■ 

I'.l,  liniili'il.  mill  lliri'iilriii'il.  hut  ho 
iiii'i'il  hlH  nss.'ilhinlK  Willi  Boir  i-oiurn! 
mill  ili'li'niili.iil|..n.  Wli.'ii  Iho  voln 
».!»  iiiki'ii  111.'  .'Vrll.'iMi'lil  KM  liuoiis.-. 
\i.l  null!  Iho  liiHt  rniiiily  ivna  I'niloil 
I'liiilil  II  ho  ih'i.rii.liwil,  80  cloRO  «ns 
111.'  roiili'sl.  'I'hi'  linliilluillon  or  n  Son- 
iiiiir  «ii»  onrrio.!  Iiy  lliliiy  vnlm-i'x- 
iwlly  Iho  vnio  hy  liovcrnor 
.MiiiKlinil  Imd  l.oi'ti  noiiiliinii'd  two 
.Miii'M  lioioro. 

•riio  ITolill.liioiil,<m  w.'ri-  ilrnl  In 
111.'  fl.'hl  Willi  11  I'oiiiily  llri<ot.  Tholr 
nun  nil  Ion  iii'lil  nn  llio   I'.Uii  of 

Iniiloil  :      III'.   .1.    <:.    I..    Myora    for 

il.'l.l'iK.'hliillio:   II,    W.    Horn,   Auilllor; 

Win.  l:.  K |..  Sh.'rlri  :    ..111.  II.  liillirH, 

'I'l'i'nHiiri'r:  .li.liii  .Inill.'f.  Ili'<'..rdi'r :  lir. 
.M.  W.  Wnndiird.  Inroiior:  llosc.l 
W'liiiiiii'i',  CiiiiiiiiiiiKlniK'r. 

Ill  Iho  iiildxl  or  Iho  iniiii'.ilcn  K.  .M. 
I'lirt.'r    ri'iili:nod    nn    chnlriiinii    of    the 

Iti'iiiihilrnM  II illi'O,  .Norvnl  \V.  Ciiiii' 

liilllKK  wiiK  ii|i|inillli'd  lo  nil     Iho     vno. 

•Iho  ciwI.Mii  or  hnlilliiK  iirliiiary  olc- 
lloiiH.  which  linil  hoon  in  locno  bIiic 
'IS'.Ni.  iihroiTiiloil  111   mill  l.y  Ihc  Ho- 

I Ilrniis.    who    nlxo      siunnli^.'il      Ihc 

yinr  l.y  wnlllnu-  until  iirtcr  the  Dciiio- 
crniK  Imd  noiiiliiiili'.l  lliclr  th'Uct.  II 
Ki'oiii.'d  lo  ho  II  wnlllni.'  K^imo  nil 
hloiliid.  lor  Ih.'  |i.'iii...riilB  .lid  lint 
hohl  Iholr  I'oliv.'iilloii  until  Siiliirdny. 
So|iloiiil..'r  111,  ninliiK  l..',oino  llrrd  or 
wnilliiK  on  Iho  ilo|,iiliilciin.i,  nnd  roar- 
rill  liny  louKor  poslponoiu.'iit 
wniihl  lui'Miil  the  ■'Undidnlos  rrniii 
iiiuliiui;  n  |.ro|.or  uinMisa.  The  r..ii- 
vi'iillou  wim  .■all.'il  lo  onl.T  hy  Shclhy 
I  .  I'li.ll,  cnuiuy  .li.iln.iuu,  In  Ihc 
liioiuliiL-.  l>|.|...lnlo,l  roiuMilltooi,  In  re- 
t.orl    In   I  hi'  nll.riionii,  mid  n.lj 'iiriicl. 

.lolin    li.'H.H   wiiH   ii.i d    Tor   .'Imlrninii, 

uli.i  l.roHldi'.l  whil.'  the  rolloHluK  Hck- 
ol  wii..  iiouihinlod  ;  Tor  llo|.ro8i'iiin- 
llio,  I'rcil  W,  1,1'nlhoriiiiin;  ror  ,\ihII- 
lor,  JiiB.  K,  DId.'r:  lor  Trciisiircr, 
f.'.nrKo  W.  .Spi'iiror:  ror  .><liorlrr,  Ciiy 
.Mdon:  rnr  lloioidor,  I  inch  linnln; 
lor  rm-oncr,  ilr,  rlimh's  (ivcrpcck; 
Inr  rniinly  .\spcBsor,  Henry  A.  I'nyno : 
for  rniuiulHHlonor,  iBnao  Ilriitlnln. 
I.nlor  In  Ihc  .niiipnlKU  MItoholl.  or 
llii.'.'oon  lowuBUlp,  WBB  noiiilnnlort 
Inr  I  oillily    Suryoyor. 

'I'ho  ('onf;icRBlnnnl  cniivonlloii  Imd 
provloilrly  ronouilunlcd  llnlpli  \V. 
.Mokh:  Iho  .liiilh'hil  coiivoulinu  nonil- 
nnl.d  Wllllniii  t'.  Willi  Inr  Jiidco  and 
Chivrh'ii  Siilorloc  ror  rrOBCciillnn  At- 
loriioy;  Iho  Soniilnrlul  lonvciillnn 
nniurd  Wlllliiui  llloii  CoIIIiikb  rnr  ."^cu- 
ninr.  The  llo|.iihlli'nii  ciindhlaloB  wore 
Kranli  r.  'IIMcy  rnr  I'mifi  cbo  :  llnr- 
Inn  .•<.  .Mkiimn  rnr  Judfo;  Chirourc 
fowcll  rnr  rrnBci'iiIni'.  nnd  Wllllaiu 
M.   Whilo  ror  .xoimlor. 

■Iho  llcpiil.ilrun  roiuily  ronvonlinn 
wn»  hold  lit  Iho  cniirl  Iioubo,  Sniiirdny. 
So|i|oiiihor  -Jl.  I'hutlCB  llnvia  prrnlil- 
cd  nnd  II.  rifty  Dwcn  Borvcd  on  Hci'- 
roliiry.  Duly  Ihroo  couIcbIb  wore 
■undo  ror  noinlnallonB.     Isaac  W.  Pick- 

.ii'd  iinil  .MIiTl  Ili^U.'B  noi'i'  iiiUiliihiliB 
lor  Aiiilllor:  llroin  T.  Tiiylnr  nnd 
ThniiiiiB  lliiiniloBB  ror  roiiiiHlHBli.nor : 
nnd  lir.  I'.  ,1.  lolllnCB  and  Mr.  J.  II. 
.shiinUwilcr  ror  I  ■nioii.T  'Iho  ticket 
liMiiii'd  w.ix:  l''nr  llopn-Bonliillvo,  ,lac' 
oh  S,  Willi.-;  All.lllor,  innni'  W,  I'lik- 
nrd  ;  •rn'.isiii.r,  ,1.  II.  IliirkB;  Sliorirr. 
iliilii'ii   l-'lnnoy;  il.'.tird.'i-.  ,T,  Cnrl  llul- 

icr:  c'di r.  Hi',  i:  ,1.  rnlllOKB:  I'niin- 

ly  .Vwi'SKiir,  S.  A,  I'llio;  l'oiiiiiiii.»loii- 
I'l,  (licon  V,  Tnyinr.  The  cnnvciiUon 
wnK  addii''d  hy  linn,  rinlcy  Mount, 
of  rrnwrordHvlllo,  nnd  linn,  l''ran'.< 
■llUoy  or  Toi-ro  llaiilo,  lli'vorld;.'c  had  vi.ioii  (or 
.-l.lp  rfuhldli..  .ili.'u  the  l.lll  wnB  1.0.'  ConnroKB,  nnd  hn.I  liocii  ropontcd. 
ly  iir-kcd  III  dcriii.'  his  iioblllon  nn  timt 
.|ur»lloii.     lio  wo-  iiilvorllKid  10  spciik 

ri.Hod  lo  iliM'iiHB  Ihc  \miil:  lie  wnK 
lu'r.'  two  wookfl  hoforo  the  election  and 
wpitlio  In  iIh'  aaiiio  room  where  I'd 
.\.'iir.4  hcroro  he  had  lundn  hia  Bocotid 
poiuiciil  siicicli.  The  .xcnnlor  wiiltej 
iinli;  Ills  llorkville  Bpooeh  to  define  hix 
i.o.siiioii  uhh'li  was  a;:nfnBt  the  propo- 
Hllloii  of  BilhslillCB.  A  week  inter  on 
W.'.lni'Silny,  .\ov.  'J,  W.  Kern 
hpoke  In  Iho  name  room,  closing  the 
I  ninpQlirii  for  the  liciuncrals. 

■ih.i  rcBiilt  or  Ihe  election  In  Iho 
sinio  wiifl  a  1  leiiincriilic  vli'iory.  Son- 
llio,'  Kern  wns  olc.  tod  hy  the  Louis- 
l.iliire;  the  popiiliir  elecllon  niuond- 
liient  to  Ihe  I'onBlltiitlon  lind  not  yet 
loon  adoplod.  I.o.nlly  the  llopuhllcnns 
oh'.icd  their  ticket  » (Tli  Ihc  exccp. 
tinii  of  I'loso.iilinK  Atlorney,  Auditor 
nii.l  Treasurer.  They  carried  tl.o 
rniinly  nn  Ihe  head  of  the  .><lnte  tlok- 
ci   l.y  M.'ii.     The  loinl  yole  of  the  pnr- 

l|.  B 

K.iMO.nlll.'    ... 
ilcpilhll.'.in     .. 

I'lohihllonlBt       I'.V, 

Sochillsl HIT 

lollowlns  are  Ihc  rilnrnlllles  on  tlie 
loiiil  tlrket; 

Tllliy.    Hop.,    ror    CoilKresa   Ul 

AlUiiinn,    Hep.,    ror    .liidco 2i:i 

Sallcrloo.    Iieiii..    ror    I'mBceillor X'l 

Whilo.    Hep.,    lor   Sonnlor   I'lM 

While,    Hop.,    ror    Hopre«oiilallve...lS'J 

Klder,  lii'iii.,  ror  Aii.lllor- I  III,   Hi  in..  lor  TroaBllrer lul 

I'ilinoy.   Hep.,   Inr  Shorirr 1|o 

lluller,   Hep.,   for   llocorilcr 211 

rii.e.   Hep,,   ror  ABSesBOr ',\Tt 

I'nlliucB,    Hep.,    rnr   Ciironcr- UH 

Hinli'B,    Hep.,   for   .Xiirvr.vor _.  IW 

Taylor.    Hep.,    for  I'o ilBBloncr...   7il 

Aiiihl  Bloiiuy  Bi'i'noB  Iho  inuiimlcn  or 
ini'J  UcEnn  In  I'nrkc  rouiity.  It  was 
to  I'lirke  loiinly  Mini  the  lleiuocrals 
I.r  Viuo  hniiii;lil  Iholr  dirty  linen  lo 
1.0  laiindrli'd.  Tlio  riicllonni  rii:ht  in 
that  rnunly  holwcon  Iho  l.ninl.  or- 
k-aulznllnii  nnd  llinl  whiili  nflorwardB 
hciunio  the  HohcrtB  orKanl-/.nllon  In- 
\olvcrt  the  entire  rnufreBsionnl  dls- 
liirl.  IMor  .M.  Tolcy.  dlstrlel  clinlr- 
iiiin,  wns  n  candldnle  ror  rc-cleollon, 
l.n.  koil  l.y  Ihe  l.ainh  forooB.  Mr.  Ijliiib 
had  Incurred  Iho  enmity  or  frnwrord 
I'nlrhnnkB  in  Ihc  Senatorial  riRht,  and 
ho  headcil  Iho  r-volt  nKnInst  Ihc  l.niiih 
nrcniiiiiitlon.  'Iho  fltht  herniuo  very 
hitler  l.cfore  the  dale  set  for  the  dls- 
Irh't  convenlion-lir.cuihor  'Jll,  Hill  — 
nl  HockvMlc.  The  lleinoiralB  of 
I'nrke  loiiiily,  owlnu-  lo  the  altitude 
I.r  .Mr.  I.aiiih  on  Ihe  Senatorlnl  Issue 
two  years  hofnre,  were  liirKoly  his  ad- 
hironiB  In  Iho  lontoBt,  At  their  con- 
lentlnn,  llecoinl.or  27,  they  passed 
DtionR  r.'SDiiitinns  InstrnctlnR  Ihe  do'o 
Ratcfl  from  l*ar''o  roiinty  for  Mr,  I*'oI- 
ev.  This  ronvonlinn,  iiltiiiuisu  fnid 
nil  one  of  the  worst  days  of  luldwln- 
lor.  was  attended  by  nonny  fi^lO  ..euio- 
rrnlB  .roiii  every  part  of  Iho  I'onnty, 
ilcorBO   \V,   HiKni'or   prosldeo  ovor   it. 

mill  tlii'i.'  wiiH  111.  atlciupt  lo  opposo 
Ihe  ilctlloii  of   I'l.l.'y  deh-Kiiles. 

The  lnri:e  nuiulior  In  alundnnoo 
wns  due  lo  a  rcimrt  that  the  Falr- 
liniil,R  fa.  I  Ion  had  Bont  ennsldernhio 
iiion.-y  inio  Iho  I'oiiiily  lo  Infiiionco 
Iho  Bolorllnii  of  di'losniea.  I 'nil  Ink-  10 
mill  any  lU'iiiiicrals  to  "handle  the 
unlioy  "  the  Terro  llniilo  oruanlzniinn 
iuil.|..'d  at  CnBoyvllle  In 
iiudorliike   Iho   work    of     Bi'ltlnu'     the 

di'li'K rrnui    llni'i'onn    IiiwubIiIp.   .tc- 

rordiucly  nl.niil  Iho  lime  Ihe  Hepiili. 
lliniiB  iiaimily  iiiol  at  llrlilk'otoii  lo 
n-ndiiit  such  limltors  u  crowd  of  vot- 
ers nhnwi'd  up  nl  llial  plme  frnlii 
ras.'yilllo.  -Iiiiy  looked  nronnil  the 
inwn  everywhere  for  Ihe  vntliiK  place 
.iiid  rindlni!  nnlhlnit  of  Unit  kind  Iho 
Hopiihllinii  leader  or  the  expodltinn 
lol.plinn-d  In  llnikvlllo  lo  a  llcpiihll. 
run  who  had  always  worked  iMlu  iiiiii 
in  iiollllis  nsklUK.  "Where  do  llie 
liouiocriilH  down  here  vote'/"  "Thoyre 
ii|i  hero  voiliiK  now— yon  fellows  can 
doposii  yi.iir  hallois  In  Illc  Hncioon 
ir  yon  want  to  vote." 

Hrlok-alrs  from  over  the  district  bo- 
liiin  10  arrive  In  lloikvllle  on  the  day 
heroro  the  dlslrh't  convention  wns  to 
meet.  \  prc-eonventlnn  estllnato 
Blinwod  the  two  faclloiiB  about  ei|ilnlly 
divided.  In  order  to  insure  the  de- 
feat of  Foley  the  l-'alrhnnks  deloKnIofl 
from  \\m  Counly  fot  hehlnd  -IrtuioB 
l:,  llnndall,  of  i'liluain  I'lunuy,  who 
was  a  cnndldale,  hut  had  not  allied 
hliuself  wllh  ellher  raitlon.  The  Icat 
vnti'  ealiie  on  llio  eloillon  of  clialr-  .1.  S.  .MoKaddln  was  nouilnnted 
by  the  adhercnlB  of  .Mr.  Foley;  .lolin 
II.  .lollies  hy  the  llnndall  fori-ta.  .Mr. 
.MoKaddln  roielvcd  .Vi  voles— I'arke 
and  Veruiilllon  Bidld.  nnd  the  Koloy 
voles  in  Vifo.  Mr.  Jaiiiea  was  eleoied 
reoelvlni;  T.'i  voles— Hendricks,  Put. 
11  on.  flay  and  Ihc  KalrUnnks  voles  In 
VlBo.  The  convention  then  proi'oeded 
lo  elect  .Mr.  Hnndal  dlBlrht  chairman. 

Heverslng  Ihclr  Incths  of  two 
years  bororc  Ihc  Hepiildi.'ans  were 
early  In  the  ricld  to  nouilnnlc  Iholr 
•  oiinly  llckct.  A  dolcEale  convention 
was  hold  on  Satunhiy,  .March  l.n, 
-liidi.'  While  presided;  Kelix  Illanken 
haker  of  Tcrre  llnule  ndilresscd  the 
lonveiillon,  wlilili  had  previously  In- 
Btrn.lcd  the  dolcKntCB  from  I'arke 
I'ounly  to  vole  for  that  Rcnllenian  In 
the  I'onirrcsslonal  convcnllon.  Thrco 
rnnrtldntcs  Bought  Ihe  nomination  for 
HoiuoBontalive— ChnrlcB  A.  Tnoiup- 
Bon,  of  Jiiokson  lownshlp;  II.  c.  Ow- 
ens or  Klorlda,  and  John  'I'.  Thoiup- 
snii  of  |!nlon  ClinrloB  A.  Thoinpaon 
woB  iinni  Hinted.  Kor  trenslirer  two 
rnnilMnles  were  vnloil  on— "Illik" 
.MeCiinc  of  WashluKlon,  nnd  I.  A. 
.Mendinhall  of  Wnlmsli,  .McCiine  re- 
celvinK  Iho  nouilnallnn.  Kdwnrd  H. 
NhholnB.  John  K.  llarBliharKor  and 
.Incoh  .^liiipBon  rontCBleil  for  the 
l^hrrlrfB  orrice,  .Vieholns  bolnc  the 
noiulneo.  The  ticket  nominated  was 
aB   followB; 

I'.  A.  ThompBon   for  Hepresenlallve. 

II.  J.  riimiiilnKa,   ror  Clerk. 

H.  ('.   Mcl'iine   for  Treasurer. 

Kdward   11^  Mvholns  ror  Sheriff. 

Mr.  T.  J.  rolllnk-B   ror  t^oroner. 

Ilariy  Havles  ror  Surveyor. 

ilreen  T.  Taylor  for  Conimlsslonor, 
1st  dlslrlil. 

John  .May  ror  (■oiniiilBsloner  2nd 

Herbert  S.  r.lndiey  for  ronimls- 
Binner.  :lrd  illslrlct. 

On  the  2.-.tli  of  March  the  Pcinocrals 
pirfeiled  Iholr  ork-anlr.nllon  by  elect- 
InK  I..  II.  Iliiniphries  ehnlriiinn.  Tiie 
ueitluit  of  iirocluot  I'oliinilllooiiien 
passed  rcsoliitlons  coiiiiuendinK  shelbv 
<•.  I'uetl  for  hiB  services  os  (oiinly, 
Chnhninn  In  II«w  and  lliKl,  and  eon- 
Kintiilniing  Iho  County  on  the  election 

of  MoBBrs.  I.ano)-,  Spenoer  and  limner 
Skeoiors  10  Iho  ofricoB  thoy  wcr« 
I  hen  ociupylnK. 

Iho  rik'ht  nt  Hoi'kvlllo  over  the  eleo. 
tiiui  or  a  illatrlct  clialriuan  whb  niero. 
ly  a  preliiilo  lo  Ihe  hattle  royal  which 
Innk  plnce  nl  IndiiinniiollB  on  Iho  L'uih 
or  .Marih,  when  delik'nlos  lo  Iho  .S.. 
Ilonill  .'onvolillon  wore  eleoied.  .1.  K, 
.Milnddlu  or  I'nrke  Counly  and 
lieoiito  W.  Ilrlll  of  llondrleks  wore 
Haled  nk'alnsl  Crawford  Inlrlmnka  of 
Mk-o.  nnd  M.  J.  Tinker  of  Veriiillllnn. 
The  rlBht  Brew  very  hitler  n>  Iho 
time  nppronoliod  for  iiirollnK.  Jnnies 
II.  Ilnnilnll,  Iho  dialrlrt  ehalrman 
elocled  liy  Iho  Kiilrlmnks  fnellon,  ro- 
liiBi'd  to  exert  Ills  Influence  In  favor 
of  Hull  slale,  sinie  Ihe  drloBalos  from 
I'liluian  Counly  were  InrKOly  opiinaeil 
III  II,  l\<'  was  denounced  In  slronii 
lerii.  u.i  iiuiiu  .M,  l.oliorls,  and  when 
the  liitter  ehark'od  ,Mr.  Ilandnll  wlili 
"lakliiK  I'nlrhnnkB  nioiioy"  iiandall 
■  ailed  Hoherls  n  liar.  In  the  uiIiIhI  of 
Ihe  iiiiiiost  ronfiislnn  the  voto  wna 
taken.  resiilHpK  in  the  oleotlon  of  Mc- 
reildin  and  I'airlinnki.  Ho  iho  flBht 
vvog  11  "draw." 

The  I'lohlhlllon  Coimiy  ronvenllon 
wiiB  hold  on  Hie  2:HIi  of  .Moreli.  HInle 
Chnlriunn  IxiiiKh  was  prciont  nnd 
liindo  a  Bpeei'h;  the  Clarion  Oleo  chili 
inlerlaliied  the  convention  Willi 
iiiiialc.    The  ilrkct  iioiiilnnlcd  was: 

John  Ailniiis  for  Itopreeontiitli'C. 

l.oiils  lloyd  for  clerk. 

Henry  c.   VoBial  lor  Trensiirnr. 

.lohn    Alfew   for   Sheriff, 

I'r,  M.  I''.  Woodard  for  Coroner. 

Clias.  y,.  Thorp  for  CominlBaloner, 
Ist  dlBlrii'i. 

Iltnvy  Mnrka  for  Coinmlailoner, 
2lid   dislrlel. 

Jiihn  Alice  for  ('aniinlaaloner.  .Ird 

Hoiin  .\i.  UoherlB  wns  chosen  to  pro* 
flldo  over  the  liemocrnlle  ConKrea- 
BlonnI  convention,  wlilih  met  nt  Ilia, 
r.ll  on  Ihe  ITtli  of  April.  He  wni  elei  !■ 
ed  by  the  vole  or  VIbo  County  witli 
(our  votes  rroiu  \'eriiillllon.  Koiir 
Connlles— Ilenilrleks,  Clay,  I'litinan 
and  Hiirko  volcd  solidly  ncalnsL 
Hubciis,  but  at  Hint  time  VlBo  County 
had  mi  voles  and  tlio  four  deloRntea 
rroui  N'crmllllon  wcro  cnollBh  to 
swIuB  Hie  convcnllon,  Kalph  \V. 
,MoBs  was  ronniulnated  hy  ncclninatlon. 
The  llepiilillenn  eonvenilon  at  Terro 
llnule,  nrier  an  iipronrioiii  iesBlon. 
nnmiiinted  Krllx  lllankenlinker  by  onn 
vnle  over  Hoy   I,.  Shnttuik. 

On  the  mu  of  .May  Ihc  Peniorrata 
mot  In  Ihe  various  lownshlpa  to  elect 
ileloBnirs  lo  the  Counly  convcnllon 
wlih'h  waB  called  for  Iho  next  day — 
Saliirdny,  ,May  21.  On  the  2lat  of 
.May  CoorBc  I..  Ijiiiey  published  a  card 
dccllnltiB  10  Iioroiiie  a  candldalo  for  re. 
eloillon  ns  Clerk  of  Ihe  Circuit  I'Oiirt. 

Wliliniu      .MnnlBnnicry,      of      Monla- 
y.iiiiia.   prealilcd  over  Ihe  Connty  eon-      «^.., 
vontloii,  which   met   ns  a     periiianenf     ^^f" 
orBnnlr.ntlon  In  the  nflernoon. 

HIvnl  cnildldntes  souBlit  the  noiuinn. 
linn  for  Sheriff.  Trensilror  and  Coin. 
mlBRlonor.  John  Coffin  and  Harvey 
Hush  were  candhloles  ror  Trenaiirer: 
Frank  Tayije.  CharlcB  Smith  and  Hen* 
ly  Ijinib  i-ontested  for  the  Slierim 
race;  Wllllaiu  (ioodin  and  Xrilllain 
.Mnllern  tor  CoiuiiilBsinner  1st  dlelrlrl: 
/.evl  l.lnebnrBor  and  WlUlnni  FlorH 
for  ConiiiilBslonor  .'ird  district.  Tho 
♦Ickot    no'i'lnlted    follows: 

ileorito  W.  Spcnii^r  for  lleprnent- 

ll'iii.  F..  Ilof  klna  for  Clerk. 

Harvey   Huth    for  Treaaiirer. 

Charles  smith  for  Sheriff. 

I>r    C,    s.    Whilo  for  Coroner 

Jai'Oh    IV  Smith    for    Bilrveyor. 

Vim.  Moltern  for  Coininlaalonor  lit 



N'oorhoos  Iluxford  for  Comiiilaslon- 
rr  •-'nil  dlRtrlil. 

Levi  Mnehargcr  for  CoinnilBsloner 
.".rd  dlRtrlct 

'I'lio  Itppiilillrnn  Xnllonnl  convon- 
lloM  111  Clilcup.  ilnsnd  Snlunlny  iiU'lit. 
.Iiirio  'JI.  Iinvlitf:  renonitiiiilcd  IVrel- 
drllt  ■Jan.  .\«  It  wn»  cloBlnK  tlio  dele- 
snIiB  lo  Iho  Niitlonnl  Koiiiocratlc  ion- 
vnillon  uiTo  (iHRniil'Ilni:.  How  lloofle- 
voll  ilmri!i-d  111  ClilcnKO  mid  llryan 
ImUIrd  III  llnlllliiorc  la  a  part  of  our 
pollllcnl  lilalory  and  la  well  reiiiciii- 
hr-rnil.  Woodrow  Wilson  and  llic  r.ov- 
ornor  or  Indiana.  Tlionias  II.  Mar- 
shall, wiro  noiiilnatrd  at  llnllliiiori'. 
.laridi  S.  Wlillo  wQB  an  iillornalo  dele- 
ualo  to  Iho  rhIcaRO  convcnllon  and  .1. 
.X.  .Mcl'addln  wna  onr  or  the  riiiinMiB 
"oluhl"  at  llnllliiioro.  I'arkc  Daniels, 
whom  «■<•  Sim  roRanl  an  ii  ■•lioikvlllc 
l,oy."  was  a  delccalc  rroin  .Mississippi 
lo  Hie  rhiciiKo  ^invention. 

Diirlni;  Ihe  drniiiallc  conleat  wngod 
hy  Ihe  llryan,  or  Wilson  Doiiiocrats. 
nl  Ihilllniore  li:?  rollowlni:  lolcKraiii 
wiiH  ami  to  Mr.  MeKiiddln  hy  a  nuin- 
her  or  I'arkc  County  I>eiiio«Tats ; 

"I'niiiiriiUihih'mit     on      your     iiianli/ 

IMirlni;  the  riral  week  or  .Viimist 
the  llodsevelt,  or  "Hull  .MooBc"  parly, 
iiM  t  111  Cliii'iiRO  iinil  noiiilnaled  Thco- 
lluie  llooHevelt  and  lllralil  W.  .Tolin- 
soii  ror  I'realHenl  and  Vice  rrealdcnl. 
I.iilcr  the  I'roKrcRslve  party,  as  11  was 
orrlehilly  known,  noinlnalcd  .Mhcrt  J. 
IteverldKe  ror  (lovcruor,  ami  sllll  lat- 
er .Inai'iih  W.  .\iula  or  lllnton  was 
noiiilnaled  for  ('"ncrcRs.  The  I'ro- 
Kl-easlvea  were  hiiallly  orRalllzcd  In 
I'nrke  roiinly.  r.  M.  >.er.nuKhlln,  or 
Monli'xiiiiift.  was  eliosen  ehalriuan  of 
the  riiilial  coMiinlttee,  hill  no  llekel 
was   iioiiilnaleil. 

Willi  Ihe  National  atajje  set  as  we 
have  ahown  for  u  hiK  dniiim.  It  Is 
iinniowlial  straURC  that  so  llllle  CMllc- 
liienl.  apiiBienlly  so  llllle  Inlercat, 
Khniild  he  aroused  In  I'arkc  County, 
l-lnnlly  the  Coiiiinerelal  tliih  or  Uock- 
illle  came  lo  Ihe  fronl  and  aoiiRht  to 
lufilae  a  little  life  Into  Ihe  lampillRn 
hy  holdliiR  a  aeries  of  |«i|llleal  "days." 
Hand  couceria  ami  halloou  aseenalons 
wn-e  adveillacd  In  hel|i  draw  the 
crowds.  Wednesdny,  Ocloher  HI,  was 
set  apiirl  for  "rroRreaslve  l»ny."  lion, 
.laekaon  lloyd  spoke  all  richt,  hut  the 
hallnon  lielmveil  hadly.  It  Rot  IiIrIi 
enoMRh  lo  clear  tin  Notional  bank 
hillldluR  and  eaiiie  dnwn  In  Kiwooil 
lliiul'a  door-yard  -  a  flat  rnlliire.  On 
'rhiiraday  when  Ihinean  .MeKlnle.\ 
lunile  a  uond  |{epiililli-an  speech,  we 
rind  no  record  or  Ihe  pcrforiiianee  of 
the  hiilloon,  hill  that  II  was  still  niak- 
lliR  alleiiipla  lo  nacetid  Is  proved  Int- 
er on.  Saiuilrl  11.  KalaliMl  the  Ileiiio- 
cratle  enndldale  for  Governor  and 
.lolin  I-:.  *,aiiili  mnile  roiislnR  apceehes 
en  I'rhlay  the  Isth  ami  the  hnlloon 
went  up— hy  Itaeir.  I'lndluR  that  It 
would  nol  earry  the  welu'lit  or  the 
tleronniit.  the  parachiile  was  cut  lonae, 
and  .-iway  the  halloon  aoarcd.  It  float- 
ed off  Riondly  to  the  northeaat.  re- 
mained n  louR  llllle  In  mlil-air,  and 
then  slowly  ■'turned  turtle/'  cnilltlnR 
voliiiiins  or  hlack  amoke  like  the  crat- 
er of  a  rionllnR  volcano.  Hallirday, 
when  Uev.  lO.  ().  .shoiiae  spoke  rOr  the 
I'rohlhllonlsiB  and  .1.  S.  O'Neal  for 
Ihe  Soelallsts,  the  balloon  rinally  wont 
up.  The  aai-enslon  was  a  success, 
pleased  the  erowd  iind  aavril  Iho  reim- 
Intlon  of  Ihe  Comiiierclal  cliih.  How- 
ever, the  halloon  could  nol  ho  foi.nd, 
nrier  iiioai  earerul  search;  hul  soiiie- 
hody  ran  on  to  It  the  next  day  In  I. 
N.  Lnwry's  wooda  nearly  Ihrco  inltes 
soiithi-nst  of  town. 

.Moss  .  and  IVInnkenhn4{er  nnido 
speeehea  In  Ihe  County  and  on  Hal- 
lowe'en Ulc'k  Mlllor  cloiou  tbo  cam- 

pnlRii   Tor   the   Democrala.   8|ieakln|;  to 
II  fine  audience  at  the  court  house. 

The  .Si.elallBis  put  out  a  County 
ticket,  the  vote  It  received  heing  Riven 
hrlow.  The  result  of  the  election, 
TueBday.  Xoveinher  .1.  follows; 

WIlBou    for   I'rcsldent 20.11 

Tun  ror  Irealdent 1.S1M 

Iloosevelt   for   I'realdenl_ rKS4 

Charlln    for    I'rcsldent iM 




Wilson's  pliirallly  1-in. 

Ilalslon.   Hem.,  for  (iovemor IflCrl 

Iiiirhln,  Hep.,  for  Covernor 17(11 

HeverldRC.   I'roR.,   for  (invernor lillj 

llnlalon's   plurality   lilil. 

Mobs.  Hem.,  tor  CoiiRress 2H«) 

lllaiikenhaker.  Hep.,  ror  Congress. 2i^l.s 

.\iii1b.   I'roR.,   ror  ConRrcas ;ill- 

.M.vers.    I'rolil.,    for   CiuiRress 227 

Houston,    Soe.,    for   ConRrcss 'JitU 

Moss's  plurality   112. 

Siinkel.    Hem.,   for    rroaceutor 2n,S:l 

NclK'ker.    Hep.,    for    I'roseeutor...2mi 

Siinkcrs  plurality  72. 
Spencer,   Heiii.,     for     Heprccenta- 

llve    21111 

Thompson.    Hep.,     Heprcscnlallve-212.-. 

.Vdaiiia,    Pro..    Hepresentatlvc 274 

.Morirnnlhalor,     Sos.,      Ueprcscnta- 

live    .._. 27.1 

Silencer's  plurality  24. 

Hawkins,   Dein.,   Clerk 2024 

Ciiiiimlnga,    Hep.,    Clerk 2.102 

lloyd,    rro..    Clerk 2.17 

Wood,    Soc,   Clerk 2m 

CiiiiunlnKs'  plurality  278. 

Hilah.    Dcm..    Treasurer 22,1!) 

MeCune,    Hep.,    Treasurer 2070 

Vestal,    Pro.,    Treasurer 2.1.1 

.\danis.    Soe.,   Treasilror 201) 

Hush's  pliirnllly  ir.O. 

Siiillh,    Hem..    Sheriff 2141 

Nicholas.     Hep 2104 

Alrrey,   I'ro..   Sherirf 242 

Terry.  Soc,  Sheriff. 272 

Nhhohis'  plnrollty  n.'l. 

While.    Hem.,    Coroner ...2002 

ColllURs.    Hep.,   Coroner 22111 

Woodard,  Pro..  Coroner 242 

I'^vans.  Soe.,  Coroner 270 

ColllnRs'  plurality  2.10. 

Sinlth,    Hem.,    Surveyor 2001 

Iinvles,    Hep.,    Surveyor 22(10 

Hosfl,   Soc.,  Surveyor 27(1 

Havles'  plurality  1(10. 

.Mottern.    Deui.,   Commissioner 2140 

Taylor,    Hep..  Commissioner 200.1 

Thmiipaon.    Pro..  CommlsBloner...  2(17 
Iliitls.    Soc..    Commissioner 27o 

Motlein's  plurallly  4.1. 
Iluxford,    Hem..    ConiiiilB8loner...21 17 

May.    Hep.,    ''oiiimlaBloner 2201 

.Marks,   Pro..  Commlaaloner 20S 



May's  plurallly  .17. 
l.lneharRcr.    Hem..   comiiiiB8loner.2140 

I.lndley,    llep.,    Comiiilssloner 20,10 

Alice,    Pro..    Coimiilssloner 200 

Warner.    Soe.,    ConimlBBloner 271 

I.lnebiirRcra   plurallly   41. 

.MlhnuRh  Iho  Hepiihllean  vole  fell 
orr  more  than  ('.i>0  rroin  lis  normal 
slreuLth,  It  Is  prolmlile  that  the  Ile- 
puhllcana  or  Parke  Connly,  compared 
wtlh  Ihe  loaa  elsewhere,  made  a  bet- 
ter showing  than  In  any  Connly  In  the 
Slate.  They  obtained  second  place 
iind  eleeled  most  of  their  Countv 

The  Inst  campaign  la  loo  recent  to 
he  lionsldered  In  a  hlalorleal  way.  He- 
Rldea  k  Involves  factional  controvers- 
ies and  Rtrlfe  In  which  the  wriler  took 
i'arl.  The  Hemocrala  were  again  In 
bosille  factions  over  Iho  elecllnn  of  a 
district  eliiilniian.  l»onn  M.  Iloherts, 
of  Vigo  County,  then  nia.vor  of  Torre 
Haute,  naiilr^d  to  tho  chnlruianshlp. 
Ho  wiia  supported  In  Pflrke  Connly  by 
one  fnctlnn  of  tho  party  and  opposed 
hy  the  other.  The  atriro  wna  Inlenal- 
fled  by  Iho  presence  of  Hoherli  him- 
•olf  and  by  many  of    lili    adhersnti 

from  Vigo  County,  who  took  active 
p.-iit  In  organising  I'ni'ko  County  In 
favor  «r  Hoherls  delegates.  On  tho 
day  of  the  convention  a  spceial  train 
bearing  about  20o  of  his  followers 
from  Terre  Halite  came  to  Hockvllle, 
hut  they  did  not  attempt  to  molest  the 

The  i-oiirt  room  and  corridors  were 
crowdid  ami  for  ft  long  time  It  was 
dirfleiill  lo  orgnnlzo  the  convention. 
This  was  finally  accomplished  hy 
clectlnR  lleoiRC  W.  Spencer  chairman. 
When  order  was  restored  the  various 
lownslilps  held  their  mcllngs  and  re- 
ported. In  all  hut  two— I'lorlda  and 
Wabash— the  anllHoberlB  delegates 
were  elected.  Kuuiilly  lurhulcut  was 
the  district  conxentlon  at  (Ireen- 
laBlle,  where  James  It.  itandall  was 
ilcled  chalrmnn. 

The  llcpiibllcans,  not  only  In  Parke 
County,  but  throughout  the  stale,  on- 
ttrod  the  campaign  with  a  discourag- 
ing outlook.  Their  |Mirty  within  the 
short  apace  of  ronr  years  bad  dropped 
Iroiii  firal  lo  third  place  In  nimiher  of 
voles.  I'nder  the  law  the  Hepuhllcans 
had  no  reprcsi-nlatlon  on  Stale  and 
Counl.\-  election  Comuilssloncrs  and 
none  on  the  prceluct  election  hoards. 
It  was  a  humiliating  position  for  tho 
■..rand  old  Party."  Hut  It  entered 
the  ciiulest  almost  as  gamely  as  tho 
Hciuocratic  party,  which  has  survived 
Ihe  defeats  of  more  than  a  century. 
William  Hays,  of  Sullivan,  was  elect- 
ed Stale  chairman,  and  made  arrange- 
ments for  a  State  convention  on  a 
par  with  those  of  more  happy  days. 
The  honor  of  presiding  over  the  con- 
vention and  delivering  the  key  note 
speech  of  the  campaign  was  accorded 
to  a  citizen  of  Parke  County— Howard 
Miixwcll — whose  speech  on  that  oc- 
caslnu  was  one  of  the  best  over  de- 
livered at  a  State  convention. 

I^'lve  County  tlcketa  were  put  out  In 
Parke  County — I>ciiiocrntlc,  Hepiihll- 
ean, Prohibition,  Socialist  and  Pro- 
grcflslve.  The  Pemocrata  nominated 
the  following  ticket  at  their  various 
conventions ; 

lor  Congress,   Unlpli   W.   Moss. 

r'or  Prosecuting  Attorney,  Oeorge 
l>.  Sunkcl. 

lor  stiite  Senator,  Alfred  D.  Mer- 

For   Iteprcscntallve.    Howard  Clark. 

I'or  .Viidllor.  .Iniiies  E.   KIder. 

I'or  Trcaaiirer.  J.  Harvey  Hush. 

I'or  Sheiirr,   It.   A.  Conncrly. 

I'or  Hecorilcr,   Hugh   llanta. 

I'or  Coroner.  C.   It.  Thomas. 

l''or  Surveyor.   i,ee  .Mitchell. 

I-'or  Cimnty  Assessor,  Shelby  C. 

I-'or  Coiiimlfisloner.  2nd  district, 
Hamticl  Skeetera. 

I'or  Coimulsaloner,  lat  district. 
William  I'lock. 

aKCirill.irAN    TICKKT. 

l''or  Congrees,   Hoy   L.   Shattliek, 

For  ProBccutlng  Attorney,  Krerett 
A.    HavlBBim. 

Tor  stale  Senator,  William  White. 

Tor  Heprescntntlve.  C.  C.  Morris. 

For  Auditor.  Charles  Ilavls. 

For  Treasurer,   IClkana   Vlckery. 

For   lieeordcr.   Albert   Hukea. 

For  Sheriff,  Fdward  Nicholas, 

For  Coroner,  Hr.  T.  J.  rollings, 

l'"or  Surveyor.   Harry  Davlea. 

For  County  .Vsseaaor,  Wm.  N.  Cox. 

For  Coiumlaaloncr,  2nd  district, 
William   F.   Ilroi-liway. 

■■'or  Comnilaalonor,  .Ird  district,  'T. 
A.   ilarrsrd. 


For  <  ongreaa,  Otis  K.  nulley. 
For  .Proaeciillng   Attorney,    Howard 
T..   Hancock. 
For  Hennlor,  Kent  A,  Htrnnghn. 
I'or  llepreienlatlvo,  Win.  F.  Htarnoi. 
Ii'or  Auditor,  Ort  A.  Jetfriei, 

I'or  Treasurer,  David  r,.  Parent 

V'nr  Hccorder,  Charles  A.  Btrange. 

For  Sheriff,  .lacob  A,  Fisher. 

For  Coroner,  Alvln  A.  Wlllloinson. 

For  Surveyor,  ,lcne  McClurc. 

For  Connly  Aaseaaor,  .1.  Oliver  Stout. 

For  CommlBBhuier,  2nd  district, 
Wilson  W.  (  iimmlngs. 

For  Commlasloner,  :iril  district,  II. 
Ilert  Vanslckle. 

I'ltoiliiitrloN  T(CK»rr. 

For  Cougresa,  Frnest  <1.  Slionae. 

For  Keprrsentallvc,  Win.  W.  (trif- 

For  Auditor,  Josephp   Kntwislle, 

For  Treasurer,  Alexander  V.  Slnmg. 

I'or  Hecorder,  Ora  Newlln. 

lor  Sheriff.  .Ion.  It.  Heiilon. 

For  Coroner,  -olin  II.  I.lndley. 

I'or  Surveyor.  Waller  Woodard. 

For  County  Assessor,  Win.  I).  I.ani- 

For  Commissioner,  2nd  district, 
lloliert   Itablwln. 

lor  Commlasloner,  :ird  district, 
John  W.  llusBcll. 

For  Congress,  Jniii"s  O'Nell. 

For  Senator,  llenjamin  II.  Paddock. 

For    UepreBcntatlvc,   .Iidin    M.   Hoat- 

For  Auditor,  'I'lllimin  Itoaa. 

l-'or  Treaaiirer,  William  .V,  Wood. 

For  Sherirr.   ■  aul  Terry. 

For  Coroner,  Wm.   W.  Illcbiirdson. 

For  surveyor,  Oscar  Humbert. 

For  County  Assessor,  Sylvester 

For  CommlBBhincr.  'Jnd  dislrlel, 
C  aiido  I.eftthcrumn. 

For  CommlBsloner,  :ird  district, 
.Tolin  H.  Creaa. 

At  Ihe  election.  November  :t.  tho  llo- 
piii.lleans  elc.  led  all  of  their  County 
ticket  with  Iho  excepllon  of  'lYcna- 
urer  and  Coimulaahiner,  .'Ird  dlstrb't. 
Harvey  Hush  was  re-elected  Trena- 
urer  by  a  pliiarallty  of  (W.  and  Will- 
iam llo.k  elect ;d  commissioner  hy  A 
plurallly  of  :ii).  Tho  total  vote  of  Iho 
part  lea  tor  I'nited  States  Hcnator  fol- 
lows : 

Shivrly,    Delii.    2011.1 

.Mlllir,    Hep 2'J27 

Ileverldgc,  Prog.  Ti-'io 

llolucs,  Pndil a.'f.l 

HeynohiB,   Soe. 144 

Miller's  plurality   l.'12. 

The  vole  of  tho  candidates  for  the 
two  leading  parlies  on  the  County 
ticket  was: 

.Mobs.   Dcm.,  for  Congress.. 21.10 

Shaituck,    Hep.,   for   Congress 22r>4 

shatluck's  plurallly  1'J4. 

Siiukel.   Dcm.,   for  Pnisecutor 20ikl 

DnvlBBon,   Hep.,  for  Prosecutor— .2180 

Davlsaona  plurallly    120. 
Merrill,   Deni.,     tor     State     Sena- 
tor   WM 

While,   Hep.,   for  Stole  Senator.. 2'22<i 

Wlilio'a  plurality 
Clark,  Dem.,  for  Uepresontatlvo..inri7 
.Morris,  Hep.,  for  llepresentatlre. 2.121 

.Moirls-  idnrnllty  .'kH. 

Filler,    Dem.,   fur  Audllor 20,S(I 

Davis,   Hep.,   for  Auditor 2211 

DavlB'  plurallly  12,1. 

Hush,  Dcm.,  for  i  reaaurer 2184 

Vlckery,  Hep.,  for  Treasurer 2110 

Hiishs  plurality  08. 

Ilanla.  Dem.,  for  Hecorder 20-1(1 

IliikcB.   Hep.,   for   Hecorder 2I1NI 

Hukes  plurality   1.14. 

Connerl.v.    Doiu.,   for   Sheriff lOllll 

Mchoioa,  Hep.,  for  Sheriff 24'J2 

NIcholan'  pluriillty  fil;!. 

Thcimas,  Dem.,  for  Coroner 2021 

Colllnga,   Hep.,   for  Coroner 22.'lil 

Colllng's  plurality  2iri. 

Mitchell,    Dciu,,   for   Surveyor 21II1» 

Davies,  Hep,,  for  Hiirve.vor ..3IT.1 

Dnvirs'  plurnllty  lUl. 
Puell,  Dem.,  for  Connly  Asaessor  20.17 
for.  Hep,,  for  Connly  AiioHor.-.aiTH 
Cox'i  iilurnlltr  131, 

SkoclcrB,  l).-in.,  for  lomnilssloncr  20!17 
Krofkwiiy,    Iti'p-.  for  < 'odiiiilsaloncr-l.vr 

llrmlnvnva   |iliirnllly  i;j. 

!■  lock..     I .,  fnr  l  ■..iiniilssloiiiT     .-Jlcl-J 

(JnrnirU.    Iti'i'..  for  (•oiiiiiiliiBloiicr..'Jl:lL' 

Klo.k'K  iiluialil.v  Mil. 

(Ilcforc  lliiic  for  nssuinliiR  office 
.Mr.  Ilroikwny  illol  nnil  Siiiiiuci  Skcot- 
ir»  wns  uliclril  hy  llio  board  to  tlio 

'I'liu  Iii'itiorrallc  niid  Itriitibllnin 
llikila  now  hcforr  llio  lii-ojili-  of  llio 
Counly  for  oliTllnri  In  .Nnvriiilior  were 
liiiinlnii(i-d  nl  Ihr  iirlnuiry  I'li'.llon 
IM-Id  on  llip  Till  of  .Maroh.  Tlio  Pro- 
Bii'wlvi.  iwirly  pill  no  llckiM  In  Iho 
fli'lil  111  lliiil  lliiip,  iind  inn  now  Imvo 
no  Ib'krt.  aa  llii'v  arc  no)  rnlltlrd  iin. 
dir  till-  Inw  to  noiiiliiulp  by  ronvi'iitlon. 
'I'lii'  I'rohlliltlon  mill  SnrlnllBt  piirtlcii. 
mil  liiivlnir  lhi>  r.iinlroil  ikt  cont.  of 
I  III-  Intiil  voli'  lor  ri-|iroBcnlntlon  nt 
till'  iirliimrli'8.  may  sllll  nniiihmlc  by 

OXflrrm  nf  ^Jutkr  (Cnmitii 

Tim  rounly  iiml  'I'mi  iib1iI|i   ofriflulB 

now    Hi'rvInK    arc    Klvrn    In      llio     list 

whlib   rnllowB.     Nniiics  of  Itrpubllnina 

In  lloiiian,  Hiiiiomila  In  IIoIIib: 

COll.NTV    (IKl'iri.M.S. 

fli-i,lf/r   n.   Kinit,ri.  JtldKC 

lliiliiir  I).  Iiifirnm.  I'roBoi-lllIng  .U- 

WllUuni  N.  Wbllc.  .lolnt  S^alor 
I'arki'    and    Monlu-miic-ry    I  oiinlli'J. 

Ilr,   ('.   r.   .MiirriB,   llr|M-i  <  •iilnllv.'. 

I'liarliB  ImvlB,  Amillor. 

,1.  II.  lliiKli,  Tri'iiBiircr. 

II.  .1.  I'nmiiilliL'B.  I'Irrk. 

Kdward  II.  .MrlmbiB.  Nbcriri'. 

Albi'ri  ItiikoB,  Itc'iordcr. 

lir.  T.  .1.  I'olllnRB,  I'oronor. 

Harry   liarlcs,   Wuricyor. 

William  .\.  Cox,  .\B8i<BBiir. 

Wllllniii  If.  Mullirn.  CniniiilBBlonor 
I  IfBl    lilBtrlct. 

sniiiiirl  Nkrlrrn,  ConimlsBloncr  Sei- 
(ml  lilBlrlcl. 

iri»jiiii)  I'lnnk,  CommlaBloncr  Third 

i:iirni)(l  lliinl,  roiiniy  .\tlorno.v. 

s.  A.  Xnhh;  Siiiicrlntondrat  of  llliih- 

^^y-  Siiuimilitu  Sciiutrra  unit  AuRriaara 

II.  .1.  .vji-r/iT.i.  .>inpcrlnlcndent  of 
.x.bools.  AllAMS    TIlWNaillP. 

II.  .1.   Hoed.  AKrlcultnrnl  .\gcnt. 

Ilr.  It.  r.  r.nir.  Ilralih  Officer. 

In:  ./.  J.  fniiiirllii.  rbyslclnn. 

niiirhli),-  liiiiiil,  .sniicrlnlcnilcnt  of 
I'oniity  .Xsyliiiii. 

i:lkrincv  Vl.krcy,  Probation  ami 
I'ninnt  lifflror. 

Tli'iimiH  t'uttU'ti,  rrcsldnnt. 
(i«..ii-  I'ruiiimil. 
anllaro  II.   stokcR. 
./IV.VI-    /;.    MfMalUn. 
SlliiR  .>i.    Iioolry. 
iBiiiic  W.   I'likiird, 

Vncniic.v    cNlalB    nn    mronnt    of    tlin 
cBlKniillon  oi.  s.  ,\.  Noble. 

\V.    X.  Cox.   I'lcaldcnt. 
fborlca   1)111  la,   .^crrelary. 

./.     //.     ItllSll. 

J.  II.  JoliiiB. 
I.r.i   l,li,il,nrtirr. 

.MIMIt'M      KXAMIMXO     nOARO. 

II.    i:.    .Monrc.    I'roaldenl. 
;/o/i.r(   MihUi/r<\ 
Ibnrlcs    i:.    Lambert. 

Ilmlilrt   So.   1. 
\V.    11.   Stokes. 
Ilaiiil  II.  Siriiim. 
l:zrn  Tiiomas. 

Ilislrirt   .Vo.  2. 
\V.   .1.    Wblte. 
Ilifrar    I,.    I.niini. 
.icsan  11.  Conncll.v. 

hislrlrl  Sn.  ;i. 
Ileorue  W.  liowna. 
.\rnold  .1.  thibaer. 
t'liarlcB  (i.  I'cnrRon. 


IIARIi    ilK    rHIl.lillKN  K      Ot'ARnlANR 
HlfNTV    MOAini    (ir    ('IIAHITIKM, 

W.  X.  (OX,  I'rcBlilcnt. 

.l/r«.  /;,  /'.  Ilrailli;  Hecrotary, 

ir.  n.  cuinimt. 

Mrs.   r.   I,.   Kherrlll.       . 
Mm.    Ilrnrr    \l,rnril. 
.Mrs.  Wiillai'G  llobson. 

lloliert   1,.   llopklna,  Triiatre. 
lOmbert    Newnmii.    .\naeaRnr. 

Trunk    Am.   Tnial 
l:,llinr   \nrmiiii.   .\ 

tlrnrpf  /-'.   I'liiitim,  Tniflteo. 
.tnsriih   .1.  Itrifnut.  .VaarBBOr. 

.[I,:rniiilrr    MH'Inln,    Trnatco. 
Clark  .InniB,  AaaiBBor. 

Klliert  II.  MorrlB.  TriiBtco. 
.riiel   .Vewlln,  ABBCHBor. 

/.'.  ./.   .If)/'r«.  Triiatce. 
riioinim  ir.  soinm.  ABBcaflor. 

TIIW.N    IIIIAHII  OK   RO('KVll.l.»% 

W.  I'',  llrnham,  i'reildiM!'.. 

./.  W.  .Mrllallon. 

riniKl  I',    ycmirr. 

.Inlin  S.  Siinirir. 

Clarcni'O  WooiIh. 

Klin    MllrlicU,    Clerk- 1  r" 

.limriih  lloanliitfin,  Marslinl. 


Irril  It.  rnlicrt,  Snpt.  Kllctrlc  Muht 
end  Watrr  Plant. 

';7i<o.  /•'.  Ilmblcr,  Snpt.  Cemetorjr. 
Dr.  Henry  c.  ItoKcrs,  Health  Officer. 
J.  M.  Johna.  Town  Attorney. 

,Vi7iooI  Hoard. 
Walter  S.   l-'erKnaon. 
Ilir.    Will.   T.   Ilorbrr. 
.Mrs.  Clay   11.  Carver. 

II.  N.  llHiilaii,  I'realdent. 

II.    W.   Johnalon. 

II.  I',  cornwell. 

(leu.   .Miiltma,   I'roK. 

I'riink   Mi'l.aiiRlilln.  ProK.,  Clerk. 

.Miiilnii   MnlliOH.  Treaailrcr, 

N.  S.  Wheeler.  MarBhnl. 

JiiBllie,  .liilin  lloiuliln. 


'foicii  Coimrtl. 
ir.  .1.   Vaiil. 
Willinm  llonliiian. 
riinrlm  A.   f.nii«OB. 
Warren   PlillllpB. 
William  Stntler. 
CnrllB  llrlmcB.  Town   Clerk, 
ileorge  W.  Cotlrcll.  Town  Treainrer. 
cliiHleB  .McCallnm,  Town  Marihal. 

Toun  Council. 
.ra  A.  Newlln. 

W.  I>.  .McMiirtry. 

W.  T.  .Mi-Camplicll.  Pro. 

./.  /,.  //('■.■.  Clerk. 

J.  C.  Kwnlni,  Treaanror. 

(1.   M.  nhiyUark,  .Marihal. 

Prralilint  town  conncll,  ('.  H.  Nlnglr- 

1„  C.  Morley,  Pro. 

Allen  .MorrlBon. 

Town   Clerk  ami  Trenaiirer,  W.   1(, 

MarshBl,  T.  II.  Woody. 


Vhorlvi  Ariiitlronii.  Proildont  town 

Membera,  Charlea  Diinlcia    anil     (1. 

W.  .Mc.Miirtry. 
,lohn  K.  Hn.vder,  lown  riork, 
llViriiim  rr>i|/>,  town  trcaBnror, 
Ilr.  II.  V,  I'rici;  health  offlrer. 

To  rilOSi:  who  lire  now  iioar- 
lllK  ll„.  1 1»  of  llir  Sll.'l.l 
l.iiiiil,  ll".k\llli'  iliiii.  niK 
nil  iiiii'  prrKinl  I'imy.  Clirlv- 

Ini:  mill'  ■lly.  'niilr  h.jirlK  linli 
(onilly  to  llw  iliiiK  "li.ii  mioi.l«  w.ti: 

mil nivMl.  iin.l  hiill.ilnu-»  r.'vv,  wh™ 

ll,r    olil    ccilirC     lioli»,'    \»ii ••      mid 

IhiM-.'   «i'n'     lall     jiinlB.     nnil     wiiKoii 

H .■-.   null    old   tnv.Tn»,     vvhli      IhiMr 

IhiKlIn^-  li.'ll".  It  w.-iMB  10  tlM-Mi  llhit 
III.'  Ili-hl  iiiMl  lirr  Imvr  KHUP  oiil  of  the 
nicl  l.mii:  lliiil  Ik  1.,-nMm  Ih.'.v  worv 
.uiiiiit:    III   ll»»"'  <I<>>X' 

N iillcM-    wlilil    iiiipiovdonilB   ii.iiy 

anil  KllTliKlli  «lll  "I'i'in  ll»  Imliynu 
.li.yK  lo  iiH.  II  in  nrurly  n  linndnd 
yiuiH  Blnri'  111.'  riral  .iM'  Ti'llrd  ll  ilrai-- 
Inn  111  llli'  I'nri'sl  wlicrn  our  linnu'B 
:ihin.l  no»-.  nml  In  tliul  lliin>  lio» 
I'.r.ivin  Inio  lilV,  n  lilsloiy  dnir  to  tin- 
liiui'l  (,r  .-H'ly  nivllvu  l.orn   Uo.kvlll.- 

hin.     It*  so tliinu-     lo     tlicni; 

llnv  urn  111  It;  11  I"  tliPli-  lOHii.  nnd 
lhiiMi;li  lliiTn  nrc  tlie  hlaik  i.iis.'S  which 
nml,,'  ilx  n-.'I  II  I'limli  "f  ahiiin.',  the 
liiir  nil- ti  iMitnnnil.or  tli.^ni     ten     fold. 

•riii-ri-  i-..iiwi,..«  II  iinii.i.r  niii.-riii-M  m 

Ihn  nil-  of  lllV.  »i.  wn  nil  Iniv.-  Olir 
ni-lnoiii-H  llnll  ».-  wnilhl  llll.-  to  U'-l 
nwiiy  ll-.inl.  We  li.ivi-  nil  known  liiin-s 
ill  whldi  w-i-  l.'ll  iliiil  till-  lu"n  Inul 
IK. I  n.-fii  liM  Kind  lo  lis  OH  wp  di-K.-i-vi-d. 
ll    IH    linniiin    niiiin.-   lo   n.-ch-cl   those- 

ni-iin-sl  im.  nnd  t inoi-.-  lilllii-  low- 

ni-di.  niir  o«n  wU.-ii  liny  dl»i.l,-;i».-  m 

fol-  III,-  » h-  n-llM.ii  tluil    It   Iniils  lis 

iioi-i-  loi-  nil.-  w.-  lovi-  lo  Kii  (oniniiy 
In  oiir  n-lKhm.  ■IliiiH  It  In  tliiit  »■■ 
mill  I-  hill.-,  ly  <-.-ii»nri-  on.-  nf  oni-  pro- 
|,|,..  nnd  111-.-  fi-o.-i-  111  l.-ttlin:  lilin  s.-.- 
II  llinn  "c  Wdilld  h.-  with  n  BlniiiK.-r. 
Not  hnii:  liw  11  liorkvlll.-  innii  kiI.I  lo 
11  lii'iKlilinr,  wllh  whom  In-  hnd  illn 
iiKi.-.-.l     on      i.ollll.s      ilhnt      fnilUnl 

miiii-r.-   or   i|l»nBri- nl.i    --Wliy   ilinrt 

joii  ;:i-t  out  of  this  coiinly  If  yon 
don't  like  Ihi-  wny  ihiiiKs  iire  iiiiiii- 
iiKid;  th.r.-  1h  n..  mini;  tl.-d  to  yon." 
No  mrliii;  ll.-d  to  him:  And  hi-  wns 
horn  In-ri'l  Xo  Ktilnc.i  lo  ll,<-  old 
Bin. -Is.  Iln-  old  fn..-ii.  Ilii-  fulnllliir 
Moi.'H    nnd    d«(-lllnL-i.   of    lila    frlc-inl!.: 

1--OI-  u  111 Ill    Ml.  h   n  r. Ilk  mii',.-. 

on..  I.'.. I  III..-  11  nniii  wlthniil  n  .oiintry, 

hill   ..Illy   r.M    11   m. 111.  Iho  mind 

l.iidlly  ll«.-lf  lo  tin-  fii.l  thnl 
IIIII-  nlvvniH  IniH  n  xliliie  tl.'il  to  liiiii 
liom  till-  Mill..-  whi-li-  hi'  «im  horn,  no 
imill.-r  If  nlhi-i-  Inimil.-H  of  tin-  town. 
Ilki-  .innin-lhoim-  .hthln-n  In  llio  honii- 
n.  HI.  <!.>nl.'Ht  hlH  rlchlH  lo  ii  pln.-o 
Ih.r.-ln.  So.  Ill  Ht'lli-  ..r  nil  ilinilcns- 
nntll.HH,   WI-.  of  till-  town  of   llorUvlll.-, 

Iinv ilninnn    c-iiilH.-   nlii-ll    II    rmnrH  lo 

Inn-   of    h.nm-.      .\o    .h irr..    hnvi- 

l.i-..n  H..m.-  iiinpl.-  v.ho  liii.,-  l.-fl  onr 
lixMi  wllh. ml  n-::r.-t.  hut  tin-  niiml..-r 
Ih  liiHknIII.'iiiit  i.nni.ii'.d  with  tlioho 
who  li.m-  K"iii-  with  HOI.-  In-nitH.  nnd 
niLi  millll.d  tin-  lontlni!  to  coiiin 
l.iirk    hmiii-  ni:iilii.  Thoii-   Is  BoiiK-lhlnn 

"ho >■•  I  In-  |iliii-.-.  hh  onr  nilopt- 

lil  clllzi-iiH  ..111  t. Hilly,  nnd   llioHi-  who 

olljr  (Enitiitii  Brat 

\y\ur<-\fr  Ihn     nmi-.-ily     nwn.-r     lind  .d  .l..hii   t.iiiirl.-  or  .\nrl.'.  or  (in-y.  or    | II.-    h|.IiII    lo    l.rovld..    «il.-li       h uiiin-    lliiil    Hoiiml.-i t      wny. 

I.   ..ini.-nl.-nn-.      sm-.-i-Ih     w.-r.-     iliilni-  .Vnhiu-  l'iilt.-rs..ii,  .\n.lii-w  lln>.  Anion 

|.lovi-d  d.iwii  1.1  tho  dnyn  of  my  child-  I. nnd    iin.l    .Inm.H    .M.r.ill    .■onlrlhiil.-.l 

hoiHl.     In  wint.r  ami  Hprlni;  Ih.-y  w.-ri-  of    l.ind    for    Iln-   town    hIIc.   nil. I 

HhnitliH   ..f  mini;    in      Hlimi.n-r     while,  wrrn    pn-H.-nl    nml    ndvlB.-d     nll.l     allK- 

yi-llnw,  or    hlii.k   of  .lilHt    h.--  Ki-Hli-d   the  Hiirv.-y. 

iw.-.-n  n  hord.-r  of  doc  fonnci,  In  whh-li  On.'  diiy  In  Mny  tin-  niincyorB  wore 

111.-  linn-   fi-.-l   of  .hll.h-.ii   1,-fl   cnntn  of  on  lli.-li'  wny  lo  illnm-r  nml  when  n.-iir 

h.-.-l.  In.-H  nnd  hiHli-p.  IIH  fei-l  nH  tli..       the   iinrtli. -.ini-r  of   the   old   or.-li- 

iv.n-k   of  II   .hiy   mod.'h-r.     And   here    I       niil  nhoilt  11 i-iilrr  of  the  fnrm   no«- 

Honl.l  like  1..  h.-  nhh-  lo  p.iy  -i  Irllmte  own.-.l    l.y    MrB.   .Inhn   .1.  Thnn.iii..   they 

10  .l.iK  f.-nnel,  ho  fur  uh  llo.kvllh-  Ik  inn    nrroHH   u   rnllle  siinke   eluhl    feel 

Kii rni-d.  nil  e.Mln.-l   wi-.-d.  Altlioiuh  Iouk  which  lh..y  Mlli-d.     lie  lind  only 

n  wi-.-d  In  HPi-d.-ii  ll  hiiH  n  phic  In  the  M-veii   rnlll.-H.  or   hiitlonii  on   (..e  end 

h.-iiil    .If    cM-rv      el.l      llocl-vlllo      h..v       ..f  hi.  Mil       M-    y en-i  »nl.'  'i-  hn.l 

...|iilviil,-iii    to   tin-   lulr.-Hl    flower,  nnd  n.-eh  nillle  niinkeH  only  two  feel  loiiK 

11  li.-rfnlne  the  eipiiil   of  niiy  thnl  ever-     linve   nn    y   nn   twi-nly-fonr   nillh-H. 

flonl.-il    thi-onuli    the   u'nr.lens   of    lies.  II,-  lliereinre  coinln.l.-d  thnl  llic  liiini- 

pirldi-i-H,     11  ndorneil  the  inllB  of  kIt.'B,  her   of   rnllh-H   .Ioch   not    Indl.-nle   the 

nnd   the  ioch  of  hoys  which     plin-k.-d  n^e  of  llie  simke.      Ilinl  BhnUe  wna  n« 

the    hlooin     KK     they      rnn      hnre.fool  InrLV   nroiind    IiIh   li..dy  ns   n  roimnnn 

lhrom:h  ll  in  Imrl.nric  iiliiy :  Iln  o.lnrs  min'B   IhUh,  nnd    It    wnn   a   linrd   lift 

were  ever  |ireH..lit  In  llie  lopL'  eninincr  lor  u   innn   to   hohl   him   clear  of   the 

.-tlh-.l   .Inwn   dnrlliit  the 

till  II 

1.1. d 




inn  Hiiy  Knhiy  tli.y  linve  found 
DB  «nrin  r.lindH  here  iih  they  left  In 
Ihe  holmii  of  Ihl-lr  i-lillilhood. 
t.Mil.v  t:ii;MH. 
The  inrly  hlBtnry  of  lt...kvllle  I 
hnve  Klv.-h  In  u  fnicim-nlnry  wny  In 
the   \nrlonH    In-pnilimnlB      llinl      hnve 

pl d.-.l    IhlH.      I'll    lo    IS.-,I    ihe   town 

«nH  n  Hirai.'i;lliii:  vllhi>.'e.  with  no  imi- 

nl.'Ipiil  noveiii 111.  no  H.iBlciii  of  |.iil.- 

lie  Imi  i.Kilm.iilH  h.-vniid  llinHe  mn.le 
hy  Indlvhlni.ln  iidjiieeiil  In  Ih.-lr  own 
|n.i|iert,\.  SlUeiinlkH  w.-re  piincllenn 
loKi    luld    vfltll    the      hewed     Hide      n|., 

RIDR   SQUARE   IN    1014. 

ilnys  while  l.oyB  were  lyliic  down  Willi-  Kionnil    Willi   the   end    of  n      Bllck      or 

Ini:  thi-lr  turn  nt  the  hat  In  town  hall  liniid  spike. 

or  ha»e  hall.     We  inn   yet   smell   the  11.-  snld   Hint  Bome  of     Ihe     raltlc 

Irnlsid    iloK    f.-nnel    ul.oiil   nnd    under  Bnnk.-B  ha.l  hin.  k  nnd  yellow  b|ioIb  nnd 

the   cii.-liB   trnt.      .Vothli.K   In    the   wny  smiie   lli:lit   l.rown   nnd     yellow     Bpols. 

of  a  flowir  .an  lie;ier  nerve  lo  recnll  Me   llimiL-ht   one   kind    wna   male   nnd 

the   dnyn   of   loni:   npi   lo   the   hoys   of  Ihe  olh.-r   feinnle.     All   were  hla.k   for 

old  llockville.  ihaii  n  aiirli;  nf  dog  fen-  the  whole  hnnlli  of  llieir  InllB.  which 

n.l.     If  II   yet   i:iowH  ivllhin   Ihe  .on-  woiil.l    he    al.ont    one-flflh    the    whole 

flm-B   of    l-arke   roniily,    I    triiin.   Hint  1i-iil-i1i  of  the  snnke. 

III.-   Iloiiie   I'omliiL-  .0 Ilt.-e  will   Hec  The    u-rent    annke    den    In    the   south 

that    eiiniiBh    la    proihlc.l    lo      pin      on  pnrt   i.f  toe  orlclniil   plnl  of  llockville 

.n.h    ohl    or    mi.ldle-nc.-ii    man    in    nt-  wiih    In    n    aiirlni:   near   the    hcn.i   of   a 

icmlan.e   n    sprli:  of   tlila   piincent    re-  hollow,  now  more  thnn   half  filled   il|i. 

minder  of  .-hil.lhood'a   happy   ilavB.  II    waa  on   or   near   the  boiiIIi   aide   of  III  the  eaily  a.-ltlem.-nt  |-i  nnaylvanla    ali-eet.   nnd    perlin|.a   on, 

of   lliirkvllle  ahoiihl   I..'  clven   hen-  na  or  very  nenr  the  line  h.-lween  lots  ml 

il    r.-lnlea    I.,   the   lin-a.-nre     of      inlll.-  anil   III,  or  Juat    nil.h-r  the  old  I'nrllale 

anakiB   In  ami   ahniil   Ihe  town   iil   thai  ..mper    aliop    wcbI    of      Dewey      ('o.^'s 

ti.e.      -Ph.-    niltl.-r    wiiH      aa      common  re.shlenre. 

mound    Kockillle    when    ll    wna    firal  line  A|.rll  miirnlnL-  in  the  year  I.S^T, 

a.-tih-d  nH  ll  wna  In  otli.r  |.arlH  of  the  linnlel  I'lmner  nnd   lloherl  linvia  nnd 

innnij.    hot    there   ni-e   ini-n    In    town  ronie  olh.-r     iierann     now      fortolten. 

;.-.   yinra   of   no-   who    weie   horn    here  were    hnnllnK    a.pllrrels.    nnd    look    In 

l.iil  iieiei-  anw  a  rallh-snake  oiilald.-  of  Ihe  town  In  Ih.-lr  rminda.  ns  s.|iilrreln 

a  ahnw.     1  nllrllmle  llila  to  Ihe  whole-  .111110  10  the  Ireia  Btlll  Binn.lliiK  wltli- 

Kiile    d.-.-itril.tion    of    Ilila    Bperlea— tin-  In  n  lln-ow  of  Ihe  |nihll.-  B.pinre. 

only   native  annke  e.\ci-iit   the  lopper-  rnlllii);   at    Ihe  B|.i  InR     for  a     drink, 

h.n.l    that    la    veiiomoiia.      Some    years  lliey  saw  many  snakea  erawllnK  alow- 

nKO.  Ileni-y  Slniniona.  helnir  inlervlew.  ly  out   of  the   hole  hesldc  the  sprlni; 

ed.  irnve  Ihe   folhnlini:   renilnlB.-enceB.  nnd    annnlnK    theniaelvcB   on    the    hill, 

lie   waa  horn  on   the  NIser     farm     on  alile  nnd   alnpe.     Tlicy  kllle.l   thoac  al- 

l.-nc.oon    l-re.-k    a    nine   or    two    Bnnlli.  i.ady   mil.   nnd    .-nlled    '.he   elllzenB   01 

M.-r.l    ..f    llrlilK.tnn.   .Innilnry    L'.l.    l-e.-J.  Ihe   town    lo    the   scene,      Snakea    still 

Wna    n    aon    of    Solomon    SliiiiioiiB    hy  k.  pl    p.inrinu-   .ml.    nnd    Ihe    men    ke|il 

Ihe    riral    wll.\      .MoM-d    wllh    hia   pnr-  on   klllliiK.     Al  Inat  they  .hit;  Into  the 

enlH  lo  the  old  SlmmniiB  farm  one  mile  ilen  five  lo  alx  feet.     There  they  found 

Hoi-lhw.BI    of   Ih.-  conn  In. na..    In      ISU-j.  the    aliakea    piled    n|i    toc-llier    like    n 

The    siirveyni-H    WHO    Inid    mil    Hoik-  hiindle  of   Innuhd   r0|.e.   and    in   every 

illle   hoirde.l   wllh    his     fnllier.     The  iiIiiki-   of     lori.l.lily,      from      n|.|.nrent 

1  hlef  surveyor  w»»  "  .voiing  iiinn  nnm-  d.-nlli  lo  stupid  n.tlvlty.  Thobnnk  had 

|.-av.-  III.'  .llallnil   prima  nf  the  Hpola 

1.11  tin-  loiiRli  mild.     Thnl  snake  s. 

e.l  ll.  1...  enllr.-ly  d.-nd,  hiil  n  few  mill- 
nti-B  In  Ihn  aim  showed  him  to  he 
iilK.-  nnd  rendy  for  flKhl. 

IPii-  i.-port  of  the  niimh.-r  cf  ■mike. 
.If  nil  kliida  killed  from  Ihn  .len  thnl 
dny  cIv.-H  11  na  six  liiindr.d.  Mr.  Nlni. 
inmiH   hiiiiK  then   a  small   hoy  dl.l   mil 

r.-liie .-r    Ih.-    II her,  I. Ill    he    111, 1,-111. 

la-n-d  Ih.'  iinmher  of  one  hnndr.-d  nnd 
H-M-iily.five,  nnd  ho  IIkmikIii   ll  re|ii-e. 
Hint.d  Ihe  iinniher  of  a  c.-rlnln  kin.l 
..r   Hii,il.,<   am',    aUu     timi      la.y      „...-,. 

,Mr.  SlinlnniiB  idnyed  with  the  In- 
dinu  i-hihlren  when  he  wns  a  miiall 
liny,  lie  Bald  lli.-y  were  very  playful, 
lint  1101  al  nil  holalroiiH  or  nnlay  like 
Ihe  wlill.-a.  They  could  Kenernlly 
a|..-ak  l-:nBllBli  well  cimilch  lo  f.,-  iin- 
dernlood.  Many  of  llielii  otlendcl  a 
iniiiBlnniiry  school  InliKht  hy  a  Mr.  Mc- 
Coy; where  Ihe  s.  hnol  wbb  kei.l  h.' 
knew  not.  hut  M.-f'oy  lived  on  Henry's 
prnlrle  In  Vifo  i'..nniy.  lie  knew 
Iwo  tiioniinenl   Indlnna.  ench  a  sort  01 

Biihchl.-f   of   Ilia    r iinni    of   a    trihe. 

One  wna  1'ele  ( -oriiala.k,  chief  of  I'lO 
MInnii'a,  Ihe  otii.-r  'I'nm  Keiawnre. 
chief  of  Ih..  ilelaware's.  There  wn« 
nla..  n  chief  .alle.l  NifKi-rlen,  from  a 
hurl  whl.-h  n-anlled  In  iiinklni:  one  of 
hla'  h-KH  hliick  or  imri'le  like  a  dnik 
scnr.  Me  nnd  his  Irlhe  rniiip.<.l  a 
while  on  the  iiibI  hnnk  of  "NlKnerlcK 
lake."  rnnii  wlileli  Irlhe  that  thnnannd 
aires  of  liinrah  takes  lis  name.  II  0.- 
enplea  11  larni-  iiorli.'n  of  secllonn  ;:il 
nnd  :i.".,  '1'.  II.  II,  s  W.,  and  Is  nhoiil  n 
mile   iioilhenst   of  Ilonedole. 

Another  liii|.orlant  event  In  the 
town's  hlalory,  slranuely  overlooked 
hy  loinl  hlalorlans,  wna  the  hiirlal  of 
Ceneral  Howard.  On  the  2nd  of 
June,  1SI7,  the  rimnlns  of  IJenernI 
Tll^rlininn  A.'  llownrd  were  reinlerred 
nt  llockville.  The  Indiana  t.eKlBlntiire 
hy  special  Act  iirovhlcd  for  the  dis- 
Intermenl  of  Hie  nt  Wnahlncton, 
T.-xna,  mid  trnnfli.ortntlon  to  '.to.-k- 
ville,  where  the  burial  look  plnco  on 
the  ealnle  of  lienernl  llownrd  In  the 
nnhniil  hnck  of  the  residence.  A 
Biieclnl  Riinrd  of  honor  wna  delnlled  hy 
i.eneral  Zacharlnh  Taylor  from  the 
Tniled  ,stnles  army  then  in  Te\o«  nnd 
Mexico  to  nc-.omiiaiiy  the  remains  lo 
Indlnnn,  where  Iho  Slate  offl.-lnia  n«- 
siimrd  chnrKC,  The  fnlicrii]  diacourao 
nt  the  home  of  tlcneral  llownrd  wnB 
delivered  hy  llev.  Chnrles  1).  White, 
who  look  na  hla  tejt  /  Snifiiirl  A'.VI" 
— /;  "And  Sninuel  died;  nnd  all  the 
Israelllea  tnlhcred  together  nnd  la- 
nienleil  hliii."  This  diBcoiirao  wn» 
prlnled  na  a  |iaiiiplilet,  copica  of  which 
are  no  doubt  yet  iircBcrvod  in  onr 
roiinly.     I  «inolo  from  It: 

"Uno.l  Iky  LlikM  lotnb. 
T.kf  Ihi.  nfw  i.r..ur.  lo  ihr  KU'l 
And  ...c  ihr.c  ..od  .tl.r.  room 
To  •lumber  in  iky  .ilenl  dull." 

On  the  null  ot  AtiEUBt.  1R."S.1,  JiibI  .111 
yeara  after  the  death  of  (Jenerai  How- 
ard, the  body  wna  removed  to  the 
llockville  ecmelery.  WrIlInK  of  Hint 
event  at  Iho  time  I  said:  "Ihe  llock- 
ville ecmelery  lin»  received  a  rich 
legacy  from  Mrs.  Mnrllia  Howard, 
who  haa  caused  the  renialna  of  her 
Imahnnil.  IiIh  two  infant  ilanghtcra, 
urnnddnnghler,  nnd  aon,  Cnplaln 
Tllghiinn  A.  llownrd  to  he  Inlil  Ihero, 
The  removal  of  their  naliea  to  Ihll 
hnllowed  spot  heller  ao.-nrea  tlinH 
from  iirofnnntlon  by  "><>  atraniior'l 
hnnd,  nnd  Is  nnolhor  lokon  oC  tbat  »a- 



1    whlrh    in    inn    mrrnl 

ouiK     li.lil    Ihirc 

Ninil  nf  Ml-,  .lohn  Alox- 
li-iMl.Tly  rnun.lrd  llic 
iiy  III'  tliii     lovtil     null 


III  lia.l  iili'.'llil) 
llii'i'p  I'nilli'ii 
irli'il  ..11  l''i'liln.\ 
Miily  liurliil  |iln 
I   Hull    II All 



Si'iil.  .",.  isi;j.  nt  llin 
■••  ni'iir  till'  rimilclici". 
il  r.  WlillP.  wlio  win 
!■  wim  dliot.  pnld  llic 

r  mull  iniiiilBtiiknIilc-  ovIdciU'cB 
.■  srowlh  Hint  llio  -Ihi  Nolli. 
■Klin  lo  nilBo  ohji'cllons  lo  llio 
Ovp  liinioniPtll  fur  rnroriioi'- 
Tim    rucllnnii      "clioivoil      llir 

"111   pi 1 

lioll  ln\. 


llilii      .|i 

rinnlly    iil    III.-  Jim 


I'ho  lolnl  tnxnblo«  of  llio 
d  10  ?.-n«l.lK«l.  Tho  Ii-vy 
!•  s.;..-,i«i.  1101  in  ini-Mllon 
Wlini  tl  wnn  nlnnvii  tlnK 
mid  wnilUt  Im  iiilm-d  Mix 
tliT.'il   nlHl   iiinilr  llin  levy 

l.nsMil  .iilllni;  nil  nlocllnii   Tor  lown  or-  lliln    i.itIo.I    wnn 

ri.lii'K.      Tim    Willi,    IViirlni:    Hint      lln'  i.lmr.     Tho    Mnsi 

|.in|.lr    ivoiilil    lot    the    I'lnrtloii    Kn    by  ortniilz.-d    for    iii 

rirfniill    iirKid    cvnyliorty    lo    Inko    nn  mid  the  IMd  IVIIoivb  nl  IhiB  lliiio 

liilorpHt  nnil  fc  tlmt  Kood  nion  were  nilnrliiK  upon  n  very  acllio  rnrr 

iliOHOu    for   town    offlilnlB.     Tlip   clcc  n   new  lodge.     The  rliunlirs  Imd 

IlL-loilKly  llorkvlllo  nl 
l.y  no  iiinniiB  n  dull 
Pile  IndKO  liiid  lioeu 
^le   Ihnu    ten      ycniB, 


pioie.  DnIl.v 
rlril  In  hiirk 
lorn  Ihnl  Mil 
ly.  Two  •■^ 

mil.  lieciin  In  IV.I,  rn 

roni   Inillnniipnll,.     ii, 

llie   iiinll    WBB   lrlwei'1 

•■Si-iiilimrlr»"_ilir     Coiinl 

nd  llie  IViiinle  Heinlimry- 



of  llie  lowu.  The  loriner  wii«  conilint. 
eil  l.y  I'lnfiimor  Klinl.ull.  n  srnUimle 
of  Wnl.nBli  rnllnne,  iind  Iho  Inller  liy 
Ihe  Ml.m-n  lloiiulilon.  The  lown  nine 
lind  four  froo  bcIiooIh,  nnil  the  move. 
iiient  townrdfl  eBtabllnhlnR  n  i^railrd 
Bcliool  wnB  under  wny.  I'crBliiB  K. 
llnrriB  In   ts.V.  crcetcd  alioul  the  ccn- 

ilh  •l.oii  .re  ihowercd 
J.  Hoo.kI. " 

I'liKsliii;  oier  llie  |ieiliid»  of  llinl,- 
lill.  H  diii'lnpiiiiiil  whldi  hiiie  been 
ihill  In  nlher  phires,  we  eoiiic  to  tile 
liiiii'  Mil. 11  llii'  iiiwii  wiiB  thoimht  t.i 
In  I. Ill  .-nollKli  III  hn\e  coriKiviitlon  i;ov- 

I  iiiiiielil.  I'lilH  wuH  In  IS.-..'!,  but  Hie 
piiiple  wire  not  nil  In  Inior  nf  the 
iinni'ineiil.  iiimI  It  U'lm  lint  iinlll  Isr.l 
Hull  Hie  liiw  II  wnB  eueiirpornted.  The 
..iiMiK  of  ls:.ll  Bl>eH  I'nrke  Coiliily  ii 
I'lipiihilliin  of  1  I.IKis.  Itockvlllc  nl 
ilNil  lime  In  irlun: 

While    Miil.'H      :i.'i7 

While    I- les -..:i.-M 

Ire,     Ciilnred    li; 

It  will  be  ul.Herve.l  Hint  liinleB  iind 
lilnnliB  were  eMiitly  e.|linl  In  llnek- 
\llle    US    yenm    nm. 

Ill  li.veinlier.  Ii.v..  Hie  flmt  tnuK- 
ilile  Indlenllnli  of  l.|i:i:er  Ihlniiii  I'lir 
llii.  Uville  WIIB  the  lelHiu;  of  lOntrintB 
111.  ronKlriiiliiii;  the  Kriide  of  the  i;v. 
nun  llie  ,\:  CrnwInrilBvllle  liillro:id 
li.iiii  Ihe  Vlto  r.iiinly  Hue  lo  lioek- 
illle.      The    lelHilj;    took      plnee      here. 

.In n   SIrnlii.   .Mini in    llynn   nnd  John  wer.-  ninoiiK  the  111111  wlio 
were  nwniil.d  eniilinrlii.  The  winter 
llisiii'il  111  iili\h.lii.  .Apecliiii.y,  nnd 
liiiieh  lull,  nf  wliiit  we  wnlilil  now  eall 
•the    hniini." 

The  /V//,.'  liiiiiilii  ir/u.;  of  I'cbru- 
my  in  reporlii  .•-mi  linn<l»  nt  work  nnil 
hijb:  •iiiir  Bli.elH  jire  enlivened 
dnil.i  hy  111.-  BiL-hl  nf  enrlB  nnd  dniya. 
mill  Hlninlli-B  of  Inl.nrerB  lire  Blruim 
iil.iiii;  Ihe  hniilh.-rii  miltklrlB  nf  the 
tinMi."  Uhll,.  HilB  was  In 
11. mill  e..ur6e  of  eonatructlon  In  l-iCI, 
It  WBB  not  iMUIl  Uecenilier,   1-Si;0,  that 

II  "MB  eouipletcd  to  IlockvlHo;  and 
the  i:nBt  nnd  West  rnllrond,  of  which 
Judce  lloacli,  of  llockvlllc,  wnB  nn  of- 
filial,  and  was  nt  that  lliiic  HioURht 
lo  be  eei-lnlii  of  ronBlrurl li.n.  never 
wiiK   Iinlll    Hiroiii;li    llo.-kvllle. 

Kvery  liiBiie  of  Hie  /'.ir/..-  CoiiiiO/ 
II /.III  lit  llilB  period  ronlnliis  Iteiii.s 
i.hniil  Ihe  inwn'B  prospe,  IB.  The  Issue 
of   Miirrh  :il.    1.>*.".l.  ;:lves  n  of 

1    I'Blnle    irnimaclhMiB    nnd    ImsliienB 

ilinlB.  A  few  weekB  before  that  date 
Hiiil.l  II.  Slilh  nn.l  W.  II.  Ilaiulllon 
piirehnsed  two  n.-reB  of  sroiind  on  l-'ol- 
l.-ce  Btreel,  payln;:  the  fabiilons  Biilii 
or  if.-iim  for  the  tract.  Isaae  J.  Slllluian 
at  thai  lliiie  Bold  a  fann  of  :i2n  aeros 
JiiBt  BoiiHi  of  .M.inlr/.niiia  for  .«.".<i  per 
11.  re— Hi.-  hlk-hent  price  up  to  Hint  dnio 
nf  n  lioily  of  land  bo  birire  In  nereace. 
The  linlldliic  of  a  larfe  st.-ai.i  flourlnn 
mill  Ib  on.-  of  Hie  propoBed  move. 
iiienlB;  i-ee.lB  have  liieren«ed  IW  per 
(eui.  "We  are  told  that  M  dwellluK 
hniiBi-B  eonlil  now  be  Imm.-dUitely  rent- 
ed. Our  inun  \s  rapidly  filllnit  with 
BlriiiifcierB.  We  see  a  Krent  many  faces 
lliai  are  new  to  ub,  coino  on;  thcro't 
plenty  of  room   yet." 

It  wai  Willie  tho     town     win     tbo 

Triislee.    iBt    IHtlrlet.      liar 

I  less. 

TrUBleo.  Jnd  liltlrlct,  I'crsluii  Iv 

Trustee,  :ird  Klstrlct.  K.  E.  Terry. 

TriiBtee.  -Itli  District.  Iinac  J.  Rilll- 

TriiBtee.  .".ih  Dlstrlel.  Jaiiies  II. 

il.-rk  and  In  iiBiirer,  V.  W.  Illu- 

.\lai.ilial  and  ABse.qsor.  ChnrleB  II. 

Al  Hie  iiie,.|iin:  lo  orRanIze  tin- 
board  I'erBlus  i:.  Harris  re.^lBued.  nn.l 
Havl.l  W.  Slark  was  nppnlnled  to  fill 
Hie  vaenne.i.  TIiIh  board  does  not  ap- 
pinr  lo  have  done  aii.vHiInc  at  all 
Inwards  lavlni;  Hie  people  for  Ini- 
proirineiiiB  or  nnylhlni;  else  of  Ini- 
porlaii.-e.  So  nl  Ihe  next  election  the 
••11.1  .VnlhliiBB."  IIS  ihey  were  cnlleil. 
were  all  put  out  with  the  exception 
of  r.  W.  IHnwIiIdle.  Then  n  new 
Imard  was  ele.-led  -AlisHn  M.  I'llell, 
l>r.  Wllllalii  lle.der.  John  Mnkswller. 
J..hii  Sniiilerland  nnd  lir.  !•.  Q.  Mtryk. 
er  were  Hie  I riislee«— Joseph  Ualston. 
iii-irsliiil  anil  nssesBor.  Tills  Imanl 
BceiuB  lo  hnve  been  w  llllnK  to  so  lla 11  on  the  policy  of  "do  BOii.elhlnn." 
lor  II  liinde  a  levy  of  ^1/0/ rriifn  on  the 
KHKI.liO.  and  ::."  eenls  on  each  poll  for 
eorporatlon   piirpoaes.     Then   what     a 

unlloii  partliB"  or  "poiiud  parlleB"  fur 
Hie  pieiii-liera;  the  "lleaperlnn  .-^o- 
ilely."  a  Bo.lnl.  literary  and  dranialle 
ort:iilil-/atlnn,  nave  at  least  one  per- 
foi-niiinre.  and  there  were  ocenBloiial 
"lotllllon  parties"  at  the  hotel  or  tav. 
ern.  Also  soelal  parties  at  the  bomca 
of  the  prominent  pcoplo- 

Tho  town  bad  five  churches;  two 
rresbytrrlnn.  MethodlBl.  ChrlBtlnn 
nnd  llapilflt.  HioiiRh  Ihe  Inller  waa 
wlllioiil  a  panlor.  About  nil  of  the 
liriarbera.  however,  condemned  the 
I'ollllloii  parties:  but  one  Is  assured 
by  Hie  ir/i/(/— spenkUiR  of  one  of 
Ihe  11  that  a  "lart'e  number  of  yoiinc 
BB  well  as  old  were  preaent"  nnd  that 
"Hie  Biipper  was   flr»l   rate." 

I.  (i.  Coffin,  secretiiry  of  Hie  Iln.k- 
vllle  bra.iB  band,  publlely  acknowl- 
edL'iB  the  gift  of  a  Ilass  Driiin  (dli:nl- 
fled  with  enpsl  from  fleneral  Steele. 
Will.  M.,  Nool  and  O.  J.  Innls.  This 
bnnd  cave  a  eoneert  nt  Monleiuinn  and 
Annapolis,  ami  on  inoonllKht  nUhtB 
Berennde.l  lis  frIindR  ainonit  the  popn- 
la.e.  It  turned  out  for  n  biK  County 
lenperanee  ineillii."  at  the  court 
hoiiBi..  addreBsed  by  II.  C.  Ilnbbs  nnd 
llr.  Hare.  At  tlila  nieellnc  !x-vl  Sid- 
well,  .wnmiiel  ,V.  linker.  Wllllnin  Uobo- 
brnui:li  and  Cltsrles  Miner  were  np- 
pointed  ns  a  'Coiinly  Vkllaneo  Com- 

AIihnuKh  the  railroad  u-aa  alow  in 
eomliiK.    the    town    ronllniicd    to    Im- 

ti-r  nf  the  .Nortii  Side  a  Ibree-Blory 
bri.k  linlldlui:,  tiic  lllOBt  pretentlollB 
idlfi.e  in  the  Coiiuly  al  that  time,  not 
OMeplliur  the  loiirt  lioinic,  Tho  Id;: 
mill  wn.  finished  the  next  yoar;  but 
tiie  railroad  wa)  still  no  Dearer  than 
Tcrre   Haute, 

A  (illmpBC  of  tho  town  and  a  lUf- 
Resllon  of  Ita  Reneral  atmosphere  may 
be  oblnlnnl  from  tho  tollowlnit  letter 
wrllUn  by  Sainuel  ,\'.  Maker  to  hli 
neltbhor  and  fellow  lieiiioeral.  John 
H.  Iiavis: 

llnckvllle,  .Mareh  -I.  1H.VI. 
//mi,  ,/(!/, n  II.  Itnili: 

,My  resiieeled  friend  after  my  Iiest 
respeilB  to  you,  I  have  taken  my 
pen  lo  nddress  you  n  few  Ilnea.  I 
l.nve  not  rei-elved  any  conininnlcntlon 
In  the  way  of  a  letter  from  you.  I  re- 
ceived several  jinperB,  and  the  een- 
BUS  for  the  Library,  for  all  of  which  .vou 
have  my  tlmnks.  I  have  still  cnnulp 
ed  after  your  health  from  your  fam- 
ily and  was  Klad  to  hear  that  you  wore 

I  find  by  the  papers  that  Connress 
have  a  time  of  It  on  Hie  Nehrnska  bill 
for  a  few  days.  There  has  been  soiiio 
excitement  here  on  the  subject,  ea- 
peelnlly  ninonn  tho  WIiIkb.  I  find 
Ihey  are  all  to  a  man  oppOBcd  lo  tho 
bin,  but  I  have  heard  but  foiv  Demo- 
erau  Bay  niueh  almiil  it ;  Indeed  they, 
or  B01II0  of  them,  do  not  iindor»land 
It;  at  lenit  thor  •>/  but  little  about 


II.     'I'll"  IriMiHTiinio  qucBllon  npi'PnrB 

In  l.r  llir  nnlrr  nf  llir  ciiiy  ;  IhO'  n't' 
iii^iklni.'  n  t;!!-"!  orfnrl  on  IhnI  mihjpil. 
■riMMii  iK'ip  nro  Miilli'  ricMirlsliliiK.  'I'lioy 
iiip  no«  In  fnll  opornllon  iin  llio 
Norlh  nnil  Snnlh  inllrn;iil;  yCBlcrilny 
wim  Ihi'  riiKl  rBllnuiti-  Any.  Sonic  hnvc 
ilnno  n  u'inil  rtful  of  work,  conBldorlnc 
I  ho  wpnlhcr. 

'rlnrc  lins  lirin  ii  k™m1  dinl  of  p.\- 
.llrinr-nl  n^nill  111.'  Biiiallpox.  II.  Slliip- 
rnii  hBB  II.  Inil  IB  p.'tlini:  well.  Thtrro 
«rrr  Bovpiiil  In  wlicn  hi-  hrnko  out 
Willi  II.  lint  hiia  not  llino  to  dIvlllKC 
llBolf  «»  y.'l,  Init  1  Ihlnl;  It  lili«  In  ■! 
h  ciiBiiri-  illi'd  n»ny.  nl     imel     for     i\ 

II ihir  nlil   trlinrt.  John     I'lnriinr. 

ill.'d  InBl  Siinilny.  1  suppoBo  yon  lionrd 
of  rolniw'l  Slnvnns  ili-iith.  I  hi-ir  of  no 


M  now  tnlio  n  rldo. 

10  protirrvo  for  posterity  a  prlrolcBB 
rnnrci;  II  WHB  loBl-woiBc  Ihnii  lorn 
II  wiiB  Bliipl.lly  iKnorrii:  lloivcvrr. 
I  III-  ll.-,„il,l,':in  B.ild  In  llH  iBBiic  or  Ho. 
'  (cnihcr  UP,  tlinl  "owInK  !•>  tlio  iiowil- 
cil  Httilc  ot  our  i-olnnitiB  IhlB  week 
"lib  tlio  ri»'«iilo»''«  .U.s«nvr-  ("ho 
wniilil  rciu!  Olio  nowl    we  will  nnl  lio 



I'ol.  II.  w.,  who  for  on  hour 

onlorliiln ho  Inrto  iiiullonoo  Willi  n 

hpii-.h  lilKhly  Biillod  10  till!  oroQslon, 
nnil  ilolhorrd  wllli  llml  nnolmnllnK 
oloMilolno  Bci   poinllnrly   his  own. 


.ilil   I  ho   iliiy 


opy   111, 




hoio  by   Ihp   fIrBl   of  .\prll. 

'i'horo  iii-o  a  Rooil  innny  BlrnnRorB 
.oinlnR  Inln  our  lown  to  cot  lornlloii. 
lull  ihoio  liolni;  im  Iioiibi  b  In  ronl  tin! 
lunplo  will  hlivo  I.I  KO  to  iMilUlIni;. 
liorU  I'rnlK.  of  WhU-  nolnvloly.  Ib 
oiiinllnl  li.TO  wllh  n  bIoio  from  Wnvo- 
l.nil;  ilioro  mo  two  or  iliroo  olIiorB 
comlnu  Iioro.  I  liiirdly  know  wiml 
oIbo  io  wrilo  nK.nt  na  I  don't  know 
bill  von  nro  kopt  liifonnoil  of  ninllcrs 
nn.l  'lliliifB   In  conornl. 

My  boys  iiro  nnvlnilK  to  lunko  smoke 
plIioB  nnd  tho  ponpl.'  nro  onlllliK  for 
ihoin.  nn.l  I  whb  roii.llni:  In  llio  imtonl 
nri'i.'o  loporlB  nnil  I  find  tlirro  lins  n  pnlont  Inkon  mil  f..r  olny  plpo 
iiiolilB,  iiMil  1  tlioiiKliI  If  Ibo.o  woB  nnv 
.■hnii.'o  mill  tlioy  woro  n  u'on.l  nrllolo 
nnd  nnl  loo  li;t;li  pri.od  1  would  got 
ib.111  11  iiinrblno.  Will  yon.  If  ynii 
nloimo  If  nnl  10  iiiiiob  InMiblo  cot  mo 
:i  ii'ortol.  or  Kcf  If  nny  innoblno  onnld 
bo  (:ol.  iiiiri  vh.'rofnro  wlint  prioo.  I 
wiml  lliom  to  iiinko  nn  orrtlnnry  Btnno 
Pino.  .Mbii  b.o  If  iho  pnloniB  on  slonc 
piiiiiiiB  Imvo  boon  ronowod  or  not. 

.VIbo  If  It  would  nnl  bo  Ion  iiiiicli 
linnlilo  to  yon  u^l  iiio  SInnloy'B  ."iiir-  . 
vovlnu  'I'oiir  In  I'lnli.  I  fr-  ono  work 
lliiil  yon  Boiii  I.I  .1.  lirilBinn.  It  In  n 
Kood  Hork  I  nn.l.  Iii.lood.  I  nm  nlwnyB 
iimlniiH  to  roiid  Biirti  works. I  I  slionld 
llko  to  Imvo  II.  Your  fninlly  nro  nil 
woll.  My  fnnilly  l»  w.'ll  nnd  .Inlin 
Ibikor  IB  Hllll  voiy  frolilo.  but  .b  fnni- 
lly In  woll.  Hook  N'offBlntor'B  nro  woll. 
Ilo, oho  our  boBi  roKpoolB.  I  Blionlil 
bo  Kind   to  t.rr  you.   It   npiionrs  na   If 

II  Mn»  nn  nco  Binro  wo  nnw  yon.  You 
innBl   wrIlo  Io  nio  na  Boon  nn  yon  cnn 

III  lol  mo  know  nil  nlKiiit  Iho  nbovo.  If 
Ihoro  nro  nny  pntonlB  for  grinding 
rlny,  I  Bhmild  llkp  to  know,  I  am 
yourB  with  rf-ii|.nrt, 

Ramtel  N.  DAKcn. 
Ilrm.  .Inhn  O,  /)iifl». 


rinnlly.  In  lio.oinbcr,  INim.  the  rnll- 
rond  wHB  nt  last  rompletod.  A  dny 
wn«  not  npnrt  for  Konernl  rcJoUInK  iinrt 
lor  Bullnhlo  oliBorvon.e  of  nn  event  bo 

I orlniit    In    llio    lilBtory     of     I'urke 

roniily.  It  wnB  on  TliiiiBdny,  Do.eni- 
bor  I,  l.imi.  Hint  tho  Bpivliil  trnlii 
brlni:lnii  Iho  inllroiid  urrirlnlx  nnd 
priiiiilnont  iiioii  fioin  VI;.-o,  I'ulnmii  nnd 
ollior  ConntloB  nrrlve.l  In  Uookvlllo, 
Tho  /'<ii«i-  fniinlii  ll'iutl,Ur»n.  nn  us- 
linl,  f.i\\-v  no  ri-jHirt  wliiilover  of  tho 
ovoiiia  of  llio  ib.y.  Ilnroly  did  ii  Conn- 
ly  impor  m  thm  llmo  nnd  boforo  mnko 
more  limn  brb-f  nionllnu  of  events 
Ihnl  woio  obvlon.ily  hlntorlcnl.  Tho 
biirlnl  of  llonernl  'I'llfhiiinn  .\.  II.iw- 
nrd,  nttenilod  nB  It  wns  by  circnni. 
BinnroB  of  tlie  lil(;hi-«l  Import,  wna 
(.BBBOil  by  wllh  the  brlofoat  nolbo.  Illn 
rtoitnrtilro  for  Toxna,  nn  occnslon  Rt- 
leiided  by  n  ninlllludo  of  i>ooplo  from 
nil  imrtB  of  the  Coiinly  wna  not  men- 
ll.inod  nt  "II.  What  nn  npiHirtnnlty 
to  (ratify  (he  rouder  of  that  d>/  and 

llhn  colobrnll.Mll  from  Iho  \y„l,nnli 
/.•.r/ir.«.<.  but  wo  i-opy  Iho  mntovlnl 
l.orllonK  of  II."  'I'bo  /.'.■/ir.-«»  no 
fiimbt  brill  n  pood  aoooimt  of  Ibe  ble 
dinner,  aorved  by  the  bidlos  of  Itnrl- 
\llle.  In  Iho  then  now  dopol :  jiorlmpa 
B.inie  brilllnnt  poma  from  hiich  a" 
PiB  i.B  lllrhard  \V.  Tlionip«on,  Thoi.uB 

I-  w.iB  B..  .nBlly  o\.ll.-.l  n»  bin  yoiiliK 
ilinil.  .Iii.lpo  .\ln\i\oll.  llo  cniiio  Io 
,ini;niliibilo  Iho  p.-nplo  of  I'nrko 
oiiiiiy  on  Ihla  now  ern  In  tlioir  IiIb- 
iry.  Tho  dovolopniont  of  tho  com- 
loioo  of  Iho  world  wna  n  moat  Inter- 
y.    Tllo  rnpid  ilovolnp- 

nl  hn.l  111  on  mndo  In  the  now  world. 

r  coimlry  wna  ndnplod  Io  the  poo- 

t'ohtnol  Tboiiiitann  In  n  iliort  nnd  elii. 
,|iirnl  Bpoooh,  dorlnrliiK  tlint  I'nrko 
loiinly  ahoilld  onahrlne  In  llie  h.-nila 
1. 1'  lii-r  |.oiiplo  n  monimiont  Io  (loiieral 
Sloolo  more  dnrnblo  tbnn  mni-blo, 

,loliii  KiiKl.-,  of  I'.vnnavllle,  I'real. 
iloiil  of  the  rnllroiid,  followed  Colom-l 
N.-laon.  Ilo  anld:  "Mat  Thnradny  wo 
hnd  Bot  npnrt  In  elve  tlinnka  to  M- 
nilu'hty    lloil.     Tbia   Tiillra.lny    wna   aol 

pinlBO  to 


Honed  iJenrrnI  .«toele,  I'biiunry  Una.- 
uiid  W.  I>.  tIrlBwol.l  na  men  wliii 
-Bhrnihl  be  honored.  Ilo  eloaod  by  iirK- 
IHK  Iho  poo)ilo  of  I'nrko  t'nitnly  to 
l.iilld  (rood  lilifhwnyB  tliroiiith  llioir 
ooiinly  to  lite  rnllrond. 

i#J  1^1  It!,  K: 




i   UjL;'-/    .5^«m,;-.';^_^-;rr 


ST  conN£ii  or  bijuare,  ik  ISOS. 

II.  XelBon,  John  1'.  TBhor  nnd  Colonel 
Kitwnrda,  nil  of  whom  wore  gueats, 
but  tlilB  wna  "lininntorlnl."  Tho  /Jx- 
/;rr.«  anlil  I 

"l'|.on  lonvim;  the  Irnln— tho  order 
of  the  dny  wna  rend  by  our  frlon.1 
.Mnclll  of  Ihn  llnckilllr  llrpiibllmn. 
nnd  Iho  pooplo  took  their  wny—npon 
ii  woll-conatrurlod  nnd  oonvenlent 
pliiiik  wnlk  londluL-  frniii  tho  d.^pot  to 
Iho  .■onri  lioiiao  t.i  lionr  the  aponklnR. 
n'be  deiml  Blood  whoro  Iho  John  I>. 
Ovorinnn  wnrehoiiao  la  now  lo.-iited. 
hoar  tho  olo.lrle  llxbt  piniit.) 

"Jiidu-o  Minwoll  wna  onllod  to  pro- 
aide,  nnd  na  bo  took  Ibe  elinir  offered 
n  few  very  folblliiiia  nn.l  npi.rn|irlnl<! 
temnrUa.  Ilo  aalil  :  'The  oeonalon 
Ibnt  onlla  na  lok-oibor  Ib  no  ordinary 
one.  Other  porllona  of  our  Sintc  hftvo 
long  boon  bloBBod  wllh  rnllrond  fn- 
oIlllloB,  while  wo  o'  I'nrko  Tonnly 
linvo  been  ron fined  to  Iho  old  fnah- 
lonod  BIyle  of  alow  alnEo  conohea,  wnc- 
ona,  nnd  liorao  power.  A  bettor  dny 
linn  dnwned  upon  lia.  Wo  no  lonpor 
hnve  to  'wnit  for  the  wniton."  Tho 
Bcrenin  of  Ihn  looomotlTP  la  now  honrd 
In  the  very  heart  of  oor  Oonnty — and 

pie  nnd  tho  people  to  the  country.  Tho 
nfte  In  w-lileh  wo  tlvo  Is  a  romnrkablo 
one.  Innteiid  of  tlin  alow-  methods  of 
travel  of  yonra  poBt  we  now  trnvol  ov- 
or  Hie  I'Oiinlry  nnnlhlllatlne  llmo  nnd 
spore.  Hut  n  few  dnya  ngo  bo  bad 
boon  irnvellnp  nniid  tho  rnlna  nnd 
Blornifl  of  ICnnnna.  nnd  now  ho  wna 
In  I'nrko  Coiinly,  belnit  nrnreoly  nhio 
10  ronlizo  Iho  IrmialHon.  The  te1ei;raph 
Ib  tho  twin  brolb-r  of  rnllrondn.  Ily 
ono  llio  moreliiindlao  nf  the  Allnnllo 
sonbnnril  In  Inld  nt  our  doora  In  llio 
apnio  of  throe  dnya;  by  tlio  other  wo 
nro  onnblod  to  rend  yewlordny'a  pro- 
ropdlnKa  In  t'oncroHa  at  onr  breakfnat 
Inblo  thla  inornlnK." 

'I'bo  report  nf  Colonel  Tlinmpann'a 
apooi-h  pontnlna  n  wpII  niorltod  tribute 
to  flonerni  i^Joorpo  K.  Rteelo  "who  hnn 
boon  Iho  noHvn  aiiiierlntondont  nnd 
flnnnolor,"  nnd  to  Mr.  John  PI.  InRle, 
rrofildent  of  the  road. 

rnlonel  Thompann  anld  Iho  nnnioa 
of  linao  nnd  rirlawold  wore  Intlmntoly 
oonnootod  with  llioao  of  Rteelo  nnd 
IiikIo.  an.l  on  IIiobo  men  pneaed  n 
BlowlnpT  enloKT. 

rolonol  ThOB.   n.  NolBon     followed 

"Oene.-al  Steele  was  then  called  on 
nnd  oxproaaed  hla  hiKh  appreciation 
nf  the  nonnr  thla  dny  piild  bliu.  Aa 
lie  bad  ilotormlnod  to  live  and  iHo 
here,  ho  doalrod  to  bavo  apoody  com- 
iminlcnilon  with  the  roat  of  tho  world, 
lie  a|.oke  with  iimoh  feellnp  of  the  pn- 
lorprlBP  nnd  public  BPlrIt  of  Mr. 
Chniin.y  Hobo.  IndPod.  enrh  appnker 
«na  onrneal  In  hla  aoknowIodtfoiiioniB 
ibat  Mr.  llnae  atood  preonilnenlty  nl 
Ibe  bond  of  rnllrond  men  In  tlio  Wn- 
Imnli   Vnllo.v. 

"JuiIko  Ilnll  of  I'rlnooton,  Ilev. 
.Vnrnn  Wood  nn.l  I'nptnin  riimnbilrg 
of  (iroononallo  innde  brief  apeoohea. 
Tho  Inner  'eonnrnlulnle.l  tho  real  of 
mnnklnd  Ihnt  they  miKht  now  hnve 
nn  opi*. rinnlly  of  TlalllnK  and  ndmlr- 
Inc  tho  fair  dninthlora  of  Parko 

"Mr.  .Tolin  r,  Ilaher.  bolnir  enllod  up- 
on, anld  nhllo  lie  rejoiced  In  tim 
ooinploilon  of  llilB  road,  ho  enuia  not 
but  recur  to  the  yonra  ffono  by,  and 
liunKlno  the  Intenao  pleaanro  It  wpnld 
hnve  afforded  hlin  hnd  thla  apoedy 
nnd  ennvenlent  method  of  reaching 
nocKTille  eilatod  lome  f1ft»«n  yeart 


h^'<  vvlmn  iio  iiRPd  lo  pint)  hla  way 
U't'<'IOy  IhrciDKti  nnid  nntl  ratn,  a  Insk 
wlildi  nolhlnu  could  linvc  limiilrcil 
hill  tliiit  iii'nllini<iit  or  the  ..iniinii 
hi'iirl  Ihiii  |>ulB  n  liilin  oil  Ills  lilKhost 
li.i'llli'-  llic  lovC!  of  cnrly  iiinnhooil.' 
(Mr.  I'shpr,  Boon  to  bf  a  uiciiihor  of 
l.iiM'oltrK  I'nhinot.  niniTiod  a  daliirli- 
ti'i"  of  (Jrncral  Arihiir  I'attcrson  of 

"Colimpl  I'IdwardB,  who  had  bron 
liii'iioilBly  riillnl  U|Kin  DOXl  took  tho 
hliiiid  iind  I'hwcd  thin  imrt  of  the  iiro- 
Bniiii  wllh  ono  of  llip  liniiplPst  offorln 
of  lilM  life.  ThU  apfOfh  was  In  fait 
\\w  ilrnM-rl  of  tlilH  InloUcclilal  tcasl 
-  IIkIii   uihl  ItixiirioiiR." 

I'nil.v  Blind  ri'poiiin;!  wp  nhoiild 
Illy  an  p»aiii|ilo  of  Ihn  way  nowii  was 
t'U"ii  In  till'  cliiyH  of  llio  old  7'iTrc 
lliiiilr  /•:r/iri'«».  hiilUinniuillH  ■loiirnal 
;t\»\    IniliininiiiiliH  Snilhii'l  and     laid' 

Ill   iM'iii'lIri'  hv   Kood   wi'lli'i'R  Iiimt 

ill  llii.kMllo  ivporilnit  In  ooniiiarlBon 
."iili  Hhlrh  Ihi'  iK'WB  nf  ihi'  avoraB'' 
My  dully  now  loailB  like  the  lodger 
of  II  hardware  Hlore. 

iilli:.\T  I  -Mo.v   Ml.t:il.\o. 

■l'!ii.  lallniurt  enalilicl  I'lirko  i'oini;> 
In  h.ive  iirexi'lil  at  a  ureat  I'liloii 
inily  held  on  ilie  ;id  of  Aub"ki.  ism, 
a  parly  iniiii  liidlanaiiollB,  Inelndlnv 
iliivernnr  Morion,  II.  .1.  Ilyiin  and  the 
inlrliniiert  edilor  ot  the  Indiaiiciiiiill.'. 
■hiiirnnl.  Ilerry  11.  SlIlBlove.  They 
hll  IndliiniipnllB  early  In  the  morn- 
iliB  and   arrived   In     Itoekvillo     ahonl 



Irrre  llaiile  (t  lllelHiioiid  railroad  lo 
Tim  re  llaiile  and  from  that  town  on 
the  niw   nillroiid   to   Itockvlile.     This 

1 ilnE   wr,B  one   of  the   larsest   anil 

IHOSI  lini.orlant  ever  held  in  I'arke 
Ciiiinly.  Ii  was  Iniemled  lo  eiuonraBe 
lieiiinrralB  to  Biiiiport  the  I'nion  and 
lor  llial  riaBon  all  the  prinelpnl 
HpeaUerB  nrivortifled  wcro  Iieinoeriits. 
lolonel  Khi'iiezer  nniiionl.  lielnR  tin- 
iihlr  In  leave  IiIb  reKlment— llic  Dili 
Inilliinii-wiiB  not  iireBenl.  hut  It.  .1. 
Iljan  and  lielaiwi  K  Wllllanmon  eaiiio 
wllh  ciovernor  Morion  and  ninile 
hpeeihi-B.  Mr.  SiilBPive  In  IiIb  report 
In   I  ho  liKllniinimhn  .Iniiniat  Bnid; 

*'I''or  Bonii'  time  past  an  effort  has 
been  In  procreaB  In  the  Western  part 
of  the  Htale  to  prodlirc  a  feeling  of 
illhiinllRfartlnn  wllh  the  war.  and 
loivn  II  Biirrender  nf  Iho  unverninent 
In  the  rehelfl  liy  diBeoiinlenanelni:  the 
iiilinn  of  llio  .Xdnilnlslratlon  In  main- 
liilnInK  It  hy  fon-e.  It  has  not  extend- 
ed far.  or  met  with  much  Buceess,  but 
In  two  or  three  counties  It  has  or-  a  nuclcuB  of  treason  that 
bIvcb  uncaslncBB  to  the  loyal  men  of 
the  nelRhborhood,  less  throUBh  fear  of 
Its  power  thrin  the  apprehension  that 
the  means  necessary  to  ernsh  It  nilelit 
create  unpleasant  dlsturhanceB.  In 
I'arke  Toiinty  It  was  thouRht  by  loyal 
men,  that  1b  by  pretty  iiuieh  every- 
body there,  that  It  would  bo  well  to 
hold  a  Union  nieetluR,  first  to  show 
the  traltorB  or  their  dupes  the  BtrenBlli 
of  the  loyal  sentiment,  and  second  to 
Bct  out  Boiiio  wholoH->nio  trill  hs  for 
the  enllKlilenment  of  Biieli  iiB  were  not 
wilfully  misled.  A  day  was  set.  an- 
liniincements  made.  Bpenkers  Invited 
and  a  real  Union,  no  jinrty  demonBtra- 
tlon  preiinred.  I.aBt  Saturday  It  came 
off.  and  It  exceeded  all  expectation  In 
numbers  and  spirit,  as  liltrh  aa  loyal 
men  bad  rated  tbelr  atreuKth. 

"A  siiiall  party  from  this  city.  In- 
cluding Oovernor  Morton  and  U.  .1. 
llyan.  who  bad  been  Invited  to  apeak, 
attended  the  mectlnic.  hut  there  was. 
of  course,  little  manlfefltntton  of  popu- 
lar Intereflt  outside  of  Parke  and  the 
adjacent  country.  Tho  oxcnralon 
train  from  Terre  TTante  showed  Bome 
BlfTDB  of  excltenaent,  bot  It  was  not 

iiiiill  II  had  left  that  city  and  ni>- 
lu-oaehed  the  place  of  the  iiicetlnB  that 
I  he  observer  could  have  told  that  any- 
ihliiB  unusual  was  i^olng  on.  The 
crowria  lirRan  to  appear  at  all  the  lit- 
tle stallona.  The  oiiipty  ear  floats 
filled  up.  and  the  ears  ran  over  ami 
filled  the  plalforins.  There  was 
iTowdlnu  ant\  sweat  enniiBh  tn  jtrove 
enncluslvely  that  there  waB  somelhlnK 
to  he  Been  worlh  endurlni;  lorliiro  lo 
Bet  at.  Ah.  the  ears  entered  llockvlllo 
n  bIbIiI  wna  revealed  worth  aiich  a 
.ioiirnry  lo  ace.  All  alonB  llio  road  for 
hundreds  of  yards  up  tlirotiBb  the 
atreola,  and  haclt  in  tho  adjoining 
KfoveB  nnil  moailows.  tito  groiinil  was 

diii'O  to  tho  meeting  R.  J.  Ilyan  of 
tills  place  .who  aiiokc  alHint  half  an 
hour  In  eloiiiient  di  iiunclatlon  of  many 
of  those  I  leiuocrata  who  Byinpallil/.o 
with  llie  effort  to  diatroy  tho  govern- 
iiienl.  He  aald  bo  had  ahvaya  been  a 
l>eiiiiM-rai;  and  If  there  waa  peace  In 
tlio  land  anil  a  Boverninent  aeciirely 
ealabllahcd  for  any  party  to  adinlnla- 
ter,  he  should  be  ii  Itciiioerat  always, 
Hut  the  iineatlon  now  Ib  not  what  par- 
ty shall  adiiilnlaler  tho  Roverniiienl, 
lilit  flhall  wo  have  a  government  to 

Tho  next  sp^akor  was  Dctana  V'.. 
W'llllamaon,  a  prominent  and  able 
llcinoerat  ot  tho  7th  niatrlet.    Wo  ro- 

iiA.NK  bUKcrbu  187: 

eovereil    with    people.     Two   or      three 

Millilar.i    r |>nnli'S   wllh   the  old   flnu 

llylUB  fliiiilid  the  train,  and  led  the 
lirnctsnlnii  utter  the  train  had  been 
eiiiiilled.  hut  their  flags  and  luilale  and 
iiulloriiis  iiiiiile  hut  a  apnt  In  the  vast 
concourse.  It  was  evident  then  thai 
the  Intense  bent  and  Inloleiable  dust 
of  the  day  had  not  abated  the  zeal  of 
the  luyallats.  or  melted  any  of  thel 
patrlotlaiii  out  of  tbein.  It  was  a 
glorlouB  ileiiionatratlon  In  numbers  aa 
will  aa  ami  It  waa  made  In 
a  VI  ry  large  dCBroe  by  the  people  of 
I'arke  alone,  though  a  number  caiiie 
from  VlKO  and  Vermillion.  Wo  ahoiild 
judge  there  were  .".(ViO  people  iirosent. 
-Ihe  speaking  was  done  In  a  pleas- 
uiit  grove  near  tho  resldeme  of  (Jen- 
rral  .Steele,  where  a  capacious  stand 
had  hern  erected  and  carefully  shad- 
ed wllh  hee.h  boiiL-bs.  A  little  before 
iwii  n-clnik  the  m.-clliiR  was  called  to 
order,  and  .Tililge  Maxwell  moved  the 
J'lipolntmeiit  of  .lildge  nbnelsnn,  a 
highly  esteenied  nemorrot.  as  presi- 
dent with  two  or  three  Vice  TrcBl- 
dnnta  whose  names  we  did  not   learn. 




soldiers  of  tho  war  ot  1SI2.  who  made 
ji  consplcunufl  and  Interesllnc  feature 
of  the  ilemonBlratlon.  AiiionR  them 
waa  the  father  ot  Senator  Harlan,  of 
Iowa,  a  tall,  rather  slender,  venerable 
old  man.  but  still  hole  and  strong.  On 
taking  the  chair  Judge  Donaldson  ex- 
pressed briefly  his  devotion  to  the  Un- 
ion, and  proceeded  without  any  of  the 
UBual   wearlaomc   tlourlabcs   to   Intro- 

gret  Ihal  lank  of  apace  aa  well  as 
mriiiory  iirevenis  iia  giving  a  full  ab- 
stract nf  Ida  siieeih.  It  waa  clear, 
inherent  and  s.vstelmillc,  and  It  pre- 
Beiilrd  Ihe  main  iiolnta  discussed— the 
madness  of  holding  inirly  more  aacred 
than    .oiinlr.v. 

"(Governor  Morton  apoke  last.  Aa 
we  have  a  pretty  full  report  ot  hla 
Bpcech  we  need  not  aoy  any  more 
now  than  that  It  waa  as  all  the  oov- 
ernor'a  aiicechea  are.  strong,  direct 
anil  convincing.  As  he  concluded  he 
■\i-nrned  gentlemen  who  symimthb.ed 
with  the  rehclllon  to  be  eautlouB. 
N'lgllant  men  watched  them,  and  the 
moiiient  they  put  a  foot  one  Inch  be- 
yond the  line  of  alrlcl  legal  action, 
they  should  feel  the  consenuencca.' 
The  eheering  at  thia  significant  dec- 
lanillon  wna  something  wonderful.  It 
fairly  shook  the  trees.  There  had 
been  big  cheering  before,  hut  It  waa 
hut  a  whisper  lo  thla. 

"Mr.  Ilollnwell.  ono  of  the  thirteen 
scouts  ot  Ihe  Kleventb  lieglment,  who 
"ere  in  tho  desperate  aktrmlsh  near 
l-'rankfort,  Virginia,  was  called  out  at 
the  coni-liialon  of  the  njeptlng,  to  give 
Ihe  peoide  a  chnnee  to  see  one  ot  our 
Indiana  herocB.  He  Imrn  tho  oxhl- 
hltlon  modestly  and  well,  aald  he 
couldn't  make  a  siieeeh,  hut  ho  could 
say  he  was  glad  to  aec  them  all.  and 
to  be  at  home  again.  Flo  has  an  In- 
telllirenl.  bright,  boylflh  face,  and 
Inoka  more  like 


inch  ■Uuihlci 


The  iletuirlure  of  the  firat  company 
of  I'lirkc  County  volunteers  for  the 
war  oeciirrcd  on  Weilneaday  morning, 
.Niay  .»*,  l.Mill.  This  company  began 
loriiilng  on  the  'SM  ot  A|irll  at  which 
time  inoBt  of  Ihe  men  enllated.  The 
nucleiia  of  the  company  was  the 
"lloekvllle  Union  i;iiarda."  a  hand- 
homcly  nnlfornied  orRanlr.atlon,  iiro- 
fh'lenl  in  drill,  which  had  been  in  ex- 
istence for  a  few  yeara  [irlor  lo  tho  lie- 
glnnlUK  ot  the  war.  .Mnat  of  lla  of- 
Ihcra  and  non-eonimlsaloned  offleera 
bad  been  niembcra  of  It.  Ono  notable 
exception  waa  that  of  Dr.  Itohort  A. 
Ciitterson.    Tlila  young  man  had  come 

10  Ilnekvllle  barely  a  month  before 
the  fall  of  I'ort  Sumiitor.  lie  had  made 
frlendB  ot  Bome  ot  tho  young  men  who 
enllBled,  aa  he  did  at  tho  first  oppor- 
Innliy  for  toniiinK  a  llockvlllo  com- 
pany. As  the  days  passed  pending  Hie 
order  lo  leave  for  rcglmenlnl  eamp, 
the  recrullB  nolleed  that  young  Cut- 
teraon  waa  alwaya  to  bo  seen  seated 
with  Ills  back  agalnat  ono  ot  the  loc- 
ust trees  then  shadltig  tho  court  bonso 
yard,  pouring  over  Hardee'a  TacUcfl, 
Ihe  lateat  Instriiction  book  of  tho 
United  Slates  army.  Ills  Boldlerly 
I'eiiring,  Ins  Bludloua  application,  and 
above  all  hla  kindly  dlapoaltlon,  inark- 
eil  hliii  for  tho  important  office  of 
l''irBt  Sergeant  to  which  ho  was  elect- 
ed. The  fail  that  Hubert  CntterBon 
hecaiiie  a  brigadier  general,  and  made 

11  record  aa  brilliant  aa  any  officer  In 
the  whole  army,  proved  the  wiadoiii 
nf  the  uiiBclflsh  action  of  thoae  Itock- 
vlile boys  of  '111,  who  did  not  heallato 
In  elevate  a  atranger  above  life-long 
asBoelnlea  when  the  good  of  their 
fountry'a  aorvlce  demanded  It. 

,Va  the  company,  which  hecniuo  "A" 
of  tho  Uonrtoenth,  waa  preparing  to 
march  from  the  court  lioiiso  yard  to 
the  deiiol.  the  cannon  being  fired  in 
their  honor  luirst.  A  large  crowd  waa 
preaeiit,  bealilea  the  eoldlera,  and 
while  I'rngineniB  of  tho  cannon  alrnck 
the  court  lionae.  breaking  windows 
and  ernahlng  tho  walls  In  places,  no- 
body  was   Injured. 

Uefore  tho  company  loft  Oenoral 
Steele  gave  Captain  Foote  n  eheck  for 
$L'i)0  to  bo  used  for  tho  pleasiiro  or 
comfort  of  the  men:  and  while  the 
loiniiany  waa  at  111  in  camp  at  Terre 
Haute  a  train  load  of  lloekvllle  peo- 
lile,  many  of  them  ladlea,  attended  Ihe 
presentnllon  ot  a  swnrd  lo  Cniitaln 
I'oole.  taking  wllh  them  "well-filled 
haakets."  to  the  great  delight  ot  the 
hoya,  eapcclally  those  wlioae  sweet- 
hearts were  among  tho  ladles. 

Diiring  the  wkt  Rockrille's  business, 
social  and  political  life,  like  that  of 
all  places  In  the  entire  country.  North 
end  ,'5outh.  turned  on  the  gigantic  con- 
flict between  the  seellons.  nilter  was 
the  feeling  between  those  people,  who 
either  sympathized  with  tho  South,  or 
SB  iiartlsnna  did  not  indorse  every  act 
of  the  AdiiilnlBlration  In  power,  and 
the  great  body  of  the  people  who  ad- 
hered to  the  ITnlon.  I  have  beard 
from  the  lips  of  men  and  women  both 
sides  of  that  story — and  there  were 
two  Bidea  to  it.  No  comment  of  mine 
Is  now  In  order:  but  in  tills  connection 
I  desire  to  advise  those  who  want  lo 
Know  the  subject  from  all  points  ot 
view  to  read  Harold  rrederick'i  iplen.- 
illd  novel.  "The  roiiiierhead." 

Many  entertalnmenlB  were  giren 
during  Ihe  war  lo  raise  funds  for  the 
relief  ot  soldiers  In  the  field.  The 
Ladies'  Aid  Society  ot  llockvlllo,  be- 
siilefl  meeting  regularly  tor  work,  wna 
active  in  promoting  functions  for 
thia  piirpoBc.  It  wna  during  tbo  war 
that  llie  cliurch  aoclnl.  or  "aoclahlft." 
became  a  fixed  form  ot  entertainment. 
Thcflo  events  were  held  at  the  homes 
of  members  of  the  oongregatlon  on  • 


lili:lil  ».-t  nHlilo  •■nrl,  iviik  nii.l  duly 
>iiiMuMM.>'<l  rrniii  llM'  i.Mlpll.  Ab  «",lnl 
rvililB    llli')'    I'M'lli'll    II    KDOcI    Inllilfll.c 

i.ri   '   pi.M'li-,  Ki'rvliiK  l«     cltlltiriilr 

(li.|iir«   iinil    liinldns.      i;\rry    rcspwl- 

iilij nil  nr  «iiiMim   In   llir  (own   was 

I,,;  10  K"  l«  III''  linl"'-"  IlK'H  ll'OWIi 
,.|"li   Tor  nil   wl,o  raii-.l  lo  iniiii-. 

In  IX  ;i  U.i.Uvlll.-  wuh  hIIII  mUIkiiU 
inililir  liiipiiiM'iiicnlB.  Nol  li  lilrrcl 
lind  l.rrii  Brnvi-lod.  niiil  nldoniilkn  worp 
l,\  nil  iMinim  coiimil.  'llip  Nnrlh  SI. If. 
I. Mil   pan   (if  III.'   KiiBl   mill    WoBl   Silica 

Imn   piivc iilH  of  coDiiiioii   hrl.-k   liild 

In  unnil.  lliniit'li  In  pliKi-s  plnnk  were 
U....I.  Ill  IVC  I>r.  .Minn  II.  I'nmpl.oll. 
Mini  wnn  iiinrilpil  to  Cnplnln  .lolm  T. 
('i.iMpl.rll  In  I.Mill,  pri-imrc.l  n  piper 
nil  l.i'r  ilrm  Imiiri'iinlnns  i.r  llockvillc 
,1,.  .,  ,  '.  ■  ,■  '-I  ..  rr  .T  I'T-M"  Till". 
pnp.T  follnwii  In  full: 

"Wlinn  I  nrrlvrd  In  I'nrko  County 
In  llin  winter  oi'  isiu  It  proBontrd  R 
wn.'fiil  npiionrnm-o  In.lood.  It  lind 
lii'iii  BMil.'il  so  Innc  II. nt  111!-  n.^iv  or 
p|ilnr(B.|ii.'nr8»  of  llio  prlii.lilvo  Iok 
I'lihlll  hiMl  worn  r.wny.  'I'lic  Inillillni-'B 
wllli'li  liOiiin  thlriy  yrnrs  linfurc  Imd 
lin'BPillc.l  II  miiArt  npprnrniico  liiirt  lic- 

11 old  mid  iM'ro  In  n  slnlcof  di-cn.v. 

'I'lic  riiBli  nf  irnvol  wrnlwnrd  hid  K.iiio 
pni.1.  nnd  Inwn  and  County  ai'cnicd 
nli'inilrd  to  llio  pimt.  Ilii'  ronds. 
wlili'li  In  n  nniiirnl  Finio  nilKlit  linvi. 
Iii'oii  Kr.nd,  woro  K.^ni'r.'illy  fi'iicrd. 
tiiillili'im  of  any  Flono  or  L'rnvrl,  nnil 
MTro  I'lil  tliroii;;li  with  lnr.'fl«:int  Iruv- 
I'l.  'riioy  nnvrr  rorovcrod  (iiirlnK  Riini- 
incr  from  the  triivel  of  winter  and 

"Tlie  wnr  .si.lrll  lind  .'on.ploiely  tnl;- 
in  pnBMei*Hlon  nf  llie  people,  the  yniinn 
MM  II  were  nuny,  nn.-i  hewn  from  th" 
Brill  nf  vinr  wrts  .;ll  the  c'lnverpntlon. 
I  do  know  «hnl  the  rond  Inw  of 
I  he  Sliile  ctiiild  Iiiiie  been,  or  If  iliere 
wiiB  nil.',  lint  reriiilnly  U  wrr  very  In* 
nrieleiii.  Afirr  remdlnc  here  nevernl 
.venrB  I  liollred  Ilie  rnrnier.l  "worked 
I...1"  ilielr  r.wd  Inx  l>y  BilrriiiK  the 
illri,  Ihi'iiwhii!  II  In  a  sleep  rldun  In 
Hie  iMlddl",  nnd  lenvini:  ll  m  ho  wnnh- 
r.l   l.y  rninB  Into  deep  rnlB.     We  cnm.i 

fr (ihin  li.i  -I'erre  Ilniite  on  n  Blow 

Iniln.  Khhli  iriiveled  lelmirely  nlonc 
ntiil  r.inBiiiiie.i  ihree  nnd  one-lmlf 
liniirn  frnlii  'I'l-rre  llmile.  I  op.'ned  Iny 
e.ioB  lu'xi  Till. mini;  f.nil  looked  out  of 
n  tt'lnrtnw  Ihlrk  wllli  InUnw  frense 
I  for  there  had  lieen  nr.  Illiniilnnifnii  a 
few  nlfhlB  previous.  In  hi.nnr  of  Boiiie 
vlrlnryi  iliieii  an  nhl  llnie  worn.  Ilii.e 
Bl.lllled  I.riek  lilllldin.'.  .ailed 
the  Ciiiirl  III. MB...  whM'h  nliiml  In  the 
renier  nf  ihe  vlllace.  The  hr.iiseB  werr 
old  nnd  wenther-bemen.  one  nr.d  two 
»torle»  hieh.  Tim  Birte  valka  were 
enniponed  of  hn.nrrtB  Iftl.l  down  lenKlh. 
'lirled  nil  nt  th 


There  wiifl  not  a  wngon  or  ollior  vc- 
hl.le  on  Ihi'  elrcet.i.  Afterwards  1 
H.i»  wiiKni.B  half  flll.'.l  Willi  hay  nnd 
.owa  wnlkhiK  np  and  cntliiK.  Dili: 
cow  rlliiilied  ii|i  Into  a  wii;:on  to  tne 
creni  delight  of  five  Biilnll  hoyB  who 
InKlen.d  her  In.  The  lown  lo..ked 
dllni.ldnl.'.i.  Mr.  lliiirlB'  hoiiBe  wna  the 
liioBl  lllipnfllli-  Birilrllire,  hut  WnBllIni;- 
Ion  lla.ll.-y  hnd  a  food  honse.  now  oc- 
riipled  hy  Mn.|or  Nieholn,  nnd  T.  N. 
Hire  lived  In  the  lioii»e  oeriiplrd  by  It. 
C.  .McWIIIlmiiB.  Tlirso  lioiiaeB  -nero 
Inillt  In  the  stylo  of  todiy.  Where 
the  I'reflb.i  terlun  chnreli  now  Btnndn 
I  here  wftB  R  Inrce.  old  two-story  liiileli- 
er  shop,  whleh  wna  empty  and  rcnd.i' 
10  fall   lo  pieces. 

"I  .ic  .North  Side  of  the  a.iimre  was 
c.itiilw.ofd  of  ii.lncled  I.riek  nnd  won.l- 
cn  liiilldlnKs.  two  stories  lilk'h,  all  old 

mine.  There  wna  only  one  old  hrhk 
Behi.ol  hoiiae,  of  nntnlnly  proporthinB. 
iiliiioBl  reidy  to  fall  lo  phie»  on  (lliln 
Bireel.  The  .Nallonal  llniik  wna  hiilll 
liiiir  year»  later.  Where  the  I'nrkc 
Itnnk  now  Blaiida  wns  n  low,  oiio-atory 
liniiie  hiilhlliiK.  where  A.  C.  Ilntes 
►ol.l  dniKB  nnd  Iniiip  caiiiineya.  Candlea 
were  KoInK  of  fnahlon. 

'There  wna  a  fair  livery  Binlile  kept 
hy  Samuel  Stroiiae.  We  esBiiyed  one 
hrlEht  aprlni:  dny  to  tnke  n  ride.  I 
hnvliiK  c.vpreBBe.l  n  wlah  to  thnl  effect 
nnd  had  nlwnya  I.een  nceiiBtonied  In 
Dhlo  to  rl.lo  whenever  one  plenacd. 
We  Btnrted  out  on  "lint  la  known  ns 
I  lie  ,SiiKnr  Creek  rond  nnd  nilrctl 
In  front  of  linker's  I'olter  Shoii.  Some 
one  cftitie  out  of  a  lioiiBe  and  threw 
IkwrdB  down  for  the  bo'Bea  to  atnnd 
on  while  he  pried  out  the  lilndwhecis 

d    the    ilrli 
<   Ihe   horn.- 

»  l.y   the 


•  11 

Irkeilly       a 




awhile,  we  roae  up.  up.  np  until  we 
len.hed  the  land.  Wl.k  a|, 
After  Hint  we  had  aeiernl  iiilBhnpa  el 
like  nnlure.  I.iil  like  the  iiinii  who  had 
I. la  lii.hryiiinl  ulnnda  extra. led.  he 
.Olll.l  feel  cry.  I.iu  could  bIkiI  no  l.'ais. 
Wl.k  fell  awicir  hut  did  nol  liidiil.;e. 
I'nti  liii:  home  I  held  the  l.ahy  anil 
Cnplnln  held  me  and  Wl.k  took  down 
I-  fence  nnd  we  rode  part  of  the  way 
In  n  field.  This  wna  in  .lime  or  .Inly 
of  '117  or  •i\.\ 

"A  friend  of  mine  wonted  to  itn  to 
.Newport  Boiiieilme  dlnin).'  my  llril 
Biininier  here.  lion.  T.  N.  Illro  wan 
toliiR  aa  Inwyer  nnd  naaoilnle  lii.lj.. 
nnd  offereil  to  accniiipnnv  her.  Wh'>i 
lliey   arrived    iioiiio   tiiey   laii.o    to   .ii.r 


iiud.     I 

lonke.l  In  c.iiaiernnllon.  for  thnl  alow 
trnin  aeen.ed  lo  mark  Ihe  end  nr  the 
world,  and  1  l.iid  eoiiie  lo  live  here.  My 
falher  hnd  wnrne.l  me  Hint  IIiIb  wn» 
II  wet,  Bwnmpv  roiiiilry  'Ahere  Ida  pen. 
nle  wh.i  hnd  moved  here  twenty  or 
Mitrly  yenra  prevloiia  IumI  nil  died.  I 
lind  married,  and  thoui-ht  ,if  .^niirae 
Ihe  eniinfry  vaa  of  amall  ninuient.  I 
did  nol  see  how  ih.nt  could  nffect  my 

•"I'hnt  dny  I  gMci  with  ever  In- 
rrrnaln)!  wonder  nt  ihn  phenomonon 
I  bad  never  seen  before,  rnrniera 
inme  In  from  the  eoimlry  nnd  hitrh. 
I'.l  their  iMiraea  to  a  rn.'k  which  ran 
around  Ihe  court  boiiae,  nnd  they  stood 
there  nil  dny.  They  alood  knee  deep 
In  mud  nnd  I  wan  afraid  of  aelnt;  lliem 
fo  compieieiv  under  I  thoiiBht  — 
-  |ionr  drunken  vvrel,.'heM.  tbey  muat 
be  In  Ihe  anlo..n».  lo  ao  mlatreat  n 
hnrae.  Hut  I  wna  Informed  there  were 
no  aalooiia  In  Ihe  town;  Hint  Hie 
fnriiiera  htirhrd  Hi. 're  from  choice, 
and  11  would  not  burt  Indlann  horaci. 



;  II. I  mohily  iiiipa.nicd,  contalnin;; 
suirci.  cro.ei'lea.  Iiardwnre.  etc.,  which 
Mil  exninlnnlliin  I  I'oiind  coninlned  ml 
excellent  i|iiiilliy  I.r  i;r.oda  with  wnr 
prices  marked  uii  iliem.  Aa  wo  walk- 
,d  over  the  town  we  found  many 
MoiiBCK  Boi  up  en  HllliB  or  lilocks  of 
wood,  ollieru  Belting  flat  on  the 
v;ioiiii(l ;  n.ic!  i  wna  told  it  was  bccaubo 
ihero  wns  no  sloiio  In  I'.irlio  County, 
anil  It  wns  too  expensive  lo  ahip  It 
iieri\     Now  that  wo  nrc  sblpiiint!  Klon 


l.iri  fcoiinds  cb.iiii'd.     iloliiu 
the  dllaiil.laied  Btruclures 


.iliidow  curlnlna  an. I  bull. '8  scillnR  In 
Hie  dnrli  wenrinc  trnlllnB  dreaaea. 
iinie  the  rcioi.i  wna  bO  dark  1  ci.'cl- 
denlnlly  Binmblcd  ov.r  a  pri.nd  piano. 
The  cnutlaat  wna  reliinrkahlo. 

"There  were  two  I'rcal.yterlan 
.'hiirchea,  liMlh  frnmc  atniciurea.  which 
had  been  painted  nnd  vvero  fnlrly  re- 
aiie.tnble.  At  ono  the  llev.  John 
llnwka  offlcbilo.l.  nnd  the  choir  sani: 
from  n  u.illery  In  tlio  of  Hie 
biilldini:.  The  other,  altunted  where 
Hie  llnpllal  church  now  ttnnda,  bad  n 
aiipply  once  n  month  from  Terre 
Ilniile.  The  jieople  In  the  church  aal 
aleru  and  luicomprouilalnK  wllliln  lla 
walla  ami  llalened  Willi  crliu  iilcileiirn 
II.  Ihe  terrors  of  Hie  law  nnd  Hio  fate 
of  evil  doers.  The  Cnniphellle  chnr.'h 
aloo.l  where  It  now  slnnda.  There  haa 
h.'en  mile  lu.provenieiil.  Of  Iho  Melli- 
i.dlat  chilrcb  I  do  not  leiiiuiiiher,  na  the 
now  i-liurcli  nrna  built  aoon     after     I 

with  n  fence  rail.  Where  wo  went  i 
do  not  know,  but  we  nilred  a^aln,  aev- 
I  nil  miles  call  an. I  Cnplnln  eol  out  and 
Hirew  fence  railB  under  the  horae'a  feet 
whil.'  he  prlcl  out  the  hind  wlieela. 
We  hill. led  nl  Cuarlea  Overmnn'a.  Then 
lor  Hie  flral  lime  I  enw  Iir.  Imrr,  who 
I'.ecoiiiiinnled  us  part  way  homo  over 
ilic  mud  ronda.  1I(  hnd  nil  tho  nira 
:.iid  crneea  of  tho  typical  Southorn 
irenllenien.  wore  top  tioota.  kid  gloves, 
tode  a  i;Hllant  horse  and  wna  Bplaahe.l 
.all  over  with  mud. 

"II lull!  here  I  wnnl  to  tnko  a 
m.ioiinl  of  credit  In  myBelf  for  rniki! 
County  roads  na  we  find  them 
I  freited  and  icolded  nboiit  them  so 
luucli  for  ten  years  that  Cnpiain  Camp- 
bell act  about  bow  to  make  bettor  oner. 
To  hini  and  Walla -n  Mc-Ciino  la  duo 
Hie  BtnrtliiK  of  good  r.'nda  In  I'arke 
County.  There  waa  a  'woiiiaa  ut  the 
loitoiii  of  i;'  In  that  enae. 

"Aficr  llvlnii  hero  ahoiil  Ihrco  ycnra 
my  hllBl.nnd  aiiggCBled  I  Bhollld  no  lo 
.Mo.ile/.uiiin  lo  acimeono'a  fiinernl.  We 
went  In  n  piildlc  back  driven  hy  Wick 
Vnnlandln«hnm.  There  were  Iho  rc- 
nialna  of  the  old  plank  rond,  which 
bad  run  tliron;;li  tho  County,  ind  wc 
iloiinrecl  along,  first  on  tho  earth. 
Hien  on  a  auilden  rlae  on  tho  plnnk 
llfleen  or  twenty  feel,  when  Orent 
Cenaar  we  went  down,  down.  down. 
1  had  heard  of  tho  hotlonileaa  pit.  nnd 
I  aliiil  my  eyea  und  hold  on  to  the  ve- 
hicle. Caplaln  wna  holding  tho  bahy. 
1  hold  tight  and  we  cam«  to  ft  atand- 

louse  both  sidnahcd  wllli  niiid  and 
their  MoiBCB  literally  covered,  rbai 
was  the  first  tiiiio  I  saw  T.  N.  Itlce.  It 
acemecl  he  had  a  cavalier  fnalilon.  nnd 
I  laughed  at  tho  coiitrast.  I  ncllher 
cxicuunle  nor  act  nnylliliig  down  In 
lunllce.  Moiilc'/.iiiiin  aa  regards  sllii- 
allon  1  thought  iK'niillfiil  and  oxpreas- 
c'd  my  wonder  that  llockvllle  did  not 
lacive'  thero  In  a  body.  Inking  tho  old 
(oiirl  hoiiao  nlong.  1  waa  told  It  w-na 
nothing  but  a  liemorratic  town  nnd 
llockvllle  could  not  he  piiraunded. 
coaxed  or  driven  to  llvo  lliere.  Draper 
aaya  when  the  Aalntle  hordea  ovorrnn 
Ihiioiie  on  their  march  wealwnrd 
Tlgypt  wna  old.  So  we  found  .Monte, 
i-.iii'mi.  I.Ike  the  fnbled  Sphynx  ah" 
rose  from  Hie  annda.  cnim,  Immiilnhle 
mid  the  allllneaa  of  dcnib  aeemecl  to 
have  ac-tlled  on  It.  No  Boiuid  cif  rnll- 
lond  or  Bteniii  whlslle,  not  oven  n  flnt 
bont.  nothing  but  tho  calm,  silent 
flow  of  the  Wnbnsh  on  the  banks  of 
which  aal  n  few  men  nnd  boys  flailing.  iif  today  la  n  bejiHllfiil 
village,  with  tho  railroads  In  alglil  and 
the  fnnioua  White  Riilphiir  Springs, 
balh  lioiiBO  and  lllvrralde  hotel,  for 
which  II  will  yet  be  fnnious. 

"Itnekvlllo  coninlned  nliiinai  no 
trees.  Six  ninple  trera  grnced  Iho 
Irnnl  of  A.  C.  Ibilea'  jiroperty.  plant- 
ed by  T.  .N.  nice,  and  at  hia  property 
the  natural  Sugar  trees  were  left 
standing.  Toady  there  la  not  a  street. 
Bcnreely  a  lot  which  haa  not  111  row 
of  maple  troo*  until  It  would  be  more 



i'|i|>rui>i'liitcl.v  called  Mniilcvlllo  than 
ItocKvlllc,  as  there  la  hut  one  roi'k  nnd 
(hnt  Ie  In  I  he  roiirt  house  yaril.  There 
hiMod  In  the  conn  house  ynrd  a  well 
liiilll  Blrui'lure  wllh  Iron  window 
■  hullers.  I  llioui.-1't  It  wns  the  Jull,  hut 
II  provcil  to  lie  the  IroiiBury  hulldlUK. 
l^iokluK  li'oui  the  windows  of  this 
iifolfmild  hulhllng  on  the  ohi  bnt.hcr- 
hho|>.  I  i-entarkeo  sententl«»nK!y,  "I'his 
luwu  Is  di'iid  and  oucht  to  he  hurled, 
hill  Ciiplnln  rniu|.hell  wa«  no  utterly 
illHKUHled  wllh  me,  and  had  siii'li  sii- 
lireiiie  fallli  in  llockvlllc'a  future,  that 
I  ke|it  a  dlmreet  sllenec  on  tho  BUh- 
Ji'ct  ciiT  aince.  It  was  In  the  afore- 
Bald  treiiBury  hulldlni:  I  first  saw  and 
henrd  John  11.  Iloadie,  one  of  the  ehar- 
iicleiB  for  whiih  I'arkc  Counly  Ie  not- 
ed, lie  sat  iin  a  ilialr  tipped  bark 
iiL-alnsl  tne  wall,  his  pants  tiirust  In 
hiK  ImniB,  and  splalterod  with  mud 
In  Biiiiinur  tllue.  lie  xave  luo  a  ahnn. 
lill-l  how  and  went  on  wllh  ;i  rorllu- 
lliin  of  six  or  seven  .  Iinpters  at 
llniuei--8  Iliad.  •I'lien  hroke  out  afns'.l 
•■  ud  i:i>ve  lis  a  s-nopKls  of  lioiiian  IiIk- 




I'll'  ilirllne  and  fall  of  ihe  lloiuan 
l-'ui|i|ri.    I'rmii  Ihai  on  m  lireeiim  hLv 

lery   I'r Ilie  tluie  of  .\rlslollle.     .Ml 

of  llilB  Iniersiiersed  wllh  the  most 
caiHiiiiilInt!,  jolly,  rnllleklnx  laiiRli,  I: 
M-hiim  In  Ihe  lonlrtors  of  in.v  iiioiiinr.v 
yi'l.  I  looked  on  wllh  npened-iuouili 
.'M'az.  iiieiil.  and  IIko  ilio  yoiinK  lady 
i;i  III!'  ohl  Midiirrey  sclinol  hnoka.  i 
\Mindi'r,-<l  that  one  hrnin  could  eoii- 
laln  II  all.  .lolin  II.  Talc  nnd  Sniiiuel 
.Maulll  at  Mint  time  occupied  the  audi- 
lor  and  lounly  clerk'n  orrices.  Thev 
were  liolh  fine  aentlrnien.  Mnu-lll 
una  of  Ihe  loiirlly  old  s.-hool  type  auH 
five  you  the  Impreiislon  the  world 
was  liiru'e  and   Mi:  enough   for  all. 

"Hear  wllh  me.  friends,  while  I  clic 
,viui  a  rtewrliillon  of  two  political 
ineellnKB  I  attended  the  firBt  and  see. 
ond  siniiiiiers.  The  first  was  Ihe 
l-'nurlli  of  .Iiily  celebration  In  General 
Steele's  Rrovc  BOUIh  of  town.  It  was 
n  luncnirieent  Krove.  Xntiire  liail 
done  well  ennnuh  by  Inillann.  nnd  If 
hhe  had  onl.v  made  some  roada  we 
foilld  all  the  more  enjoyed  her  Broves. 
There  was  where  I  first  heard  the 
•old  man  elocpienf— lllehard  W. 
Thompson.  The  people  eamo  In 
droves.  'In  miles  nnd  in  millions,  the 
hlaeli  hurrnlnes  came."  Bays  Jnaipiln 
.Miller.  deserlhlnK  a  stampede  of  l.uf- 




horse  hack  nnd  foot  hnck.  .\b  I  opened 
my  ilonr  at  seven  In  the  mornlnc.  a 
ynunK  Indy  In  a  while  ilrcBs  ncximpa- 
nled  by  a  youuE  iniin  In  a  red  neck- 
tie ,'nuie  at  full  callnp  Into  tho  town 
We  lived  where  T.  V.  Oaehler's  home 
now  BinndB.  There  wns  a  hnnd  of 
music  of  course,  nnd  Ihe  town  literally 
swarmed  ullh  people.  1  remember  sce- 
Inc  one  old  Indy  puttlnc  on  her  bIiocs 
nfler  she  arrived  nnd  hoys  carrylni: 
Ihcirs  on  their  Imck.  Ared  While 
made  a  npeceh.  He  wnved  hln  hnt  and 
talked  of  the  'fjlory  of  old  Parke.'  I 
iniihl  not  help  feellne  thai  Its  slory 
had  lonir  since  dcparle.l.  Two  ladles 
from  town  rode  out  In  bupRles.  .  They 
H:it  In  I  heir  bncffles  nnd  leaned  back 
with  an  nir.  which  Bnid  ns  plain  as 
words.  T  am  not  of  Ibis  world,  I  am 
only  here  as  a  ai^ectnlor.' 

"The  nCTt  memorable  affnir  wns  n 
pollllcnl  meelInK  held  In  Ihe  court 
house  yard  nildressed  by  Finn  Voor. 
bees,  then  Tleprcflenlnllvc  Voorhees.  rte 
was  wllhoill  dnuht  Ihe  handsomest 
man  1  have  ever  aecn.  It  wns  prcnlded 
over  by  r>r.  nice.  The  two  hnndsnme 
men  were  In  remnrkable  contrast  to 
the  crowd,  and  Voorbecs  perspired 
and  labored  to  make  one  of  his  bril- 
llnnt  specehes.  and  nt  the  name  time 
pay  notblnff.  The  crowd  jcnihered 
early  and  I  do  not  think  exactly  that 

kind  of  a  crowd  could  again  bo  ni<*t 
wllh  In  five  years  travel.  Sonio  one 
wrlllnK  to  the  .Vcic  lor/,-  ll'orW  char- 
ai'terl'/.ed  It  aB  tho  'rat;  iiiR  and  bob- 
tall  of  creallon.'  Tho  Ucpiihllcans 
Blood  afar  off  on  Ihe  outskirts  of  tlic 
crowd,  BiiylnB  by  tbclr  nIr,  'don't  count 
me  In,'  -\l  Inst  N'oorhees  In  sheer  des- 
peration left  hiB  Biihject  and  bcKOn 
flatlcrlnu-  tho  crowd,  lie  told  them 
thry  wero  the  best  looking  crowd  be 
had  ever  seen  and  hoped  lo  have  all 
the  volcB  of  Mien,  wniiien  and  cblldreu. 
That  took  like  wll.l  lire  and  the  wo- 
men  nil   erleil,  'Hurrah   for   Dan.' 

"The  I  bird  year  I  wns  here  «'c  went 
to  Turkey  Itun.  No  one  was  there, 
and  we  speiu  a  unlet  day  alone  with 
Xnlnre  and  Xaliire's  lloil  In  one  of  Ihe 
most  lovely  spols  1  have  ever  seen.  To 

fhe  in  the  County,  in  tho  year  l.'«i!i 
Ihe  hulldlnB  was  completed,  and  llu- 
dcdiiallon  was  intended  with  muili 
ceicmuny.  Col.  TliuiiiiiB  II.  Xcluou.  m 
aalipy  memory,  was  tbo  s|)eakcr  of  tho 

.Many  anil  ilear  arc  tho  mciuorles  of 
Ihe  old  N'alloual  Hall.  In  the  old  days 
Ihe  .Vntlonal  Hall  was  far  In  advance 
of  Bucb  halls  In  other  towns  tho  size 
of  Itockvllle.  It  iKinstcd  a  Inrue  staire 
wllh  wlnt-B  and  drcKKlUK  rooms  nnd  a 
drop  ciii-iuin  of  iiniiBiial  Ix-nuiy.  .\nv 
old  timer  can  Bhiil  biB  eyes  now  ami 
lememher  the  caslle,  the  lake  and  Ihe 
snow  capped  mountain  peakB  that 
ui-naiiiented  that  drop  curuilii.  What 
Bicnes  of  mirlh  nnd  pleasure  hive  the 
walls  of  that  old  ball  wllnosacd!  What 
Imporinnt   IlnkB  In  llie  clialnn  of  our 

ilic  peoiile  who  Bather  there  now  It 
elves  but  little  Idea  of  Turkey  Uun  of 
yore.  I'limolestcd  by  the  b.ind  of  the 
vandal,  the  ferns  grew  fivo  and  six 
lecl  tall:  vines,  weeds  and  flowers 
mluBled  in  rich  profusion.  The 
whistle  of  the  red  bird  and  the  book 
of  Iho  tlirUBh  Bounded  In  our  ears.  The 
trees  reached  heavenward  and  the 
iMonn  was  thicker  than  any  Wilton  or 
.\xmlnlBler  carpels  woven  In  Oriental 
loiuiis.  KverythInK  wns  In  Its  pristine 
hcnuly.  A  romantic  bridge  spanned  the 
gorge  tit  only  for  lovers.  Wo  wero 
alone  wllh  beauty.  Ornndly  lowered 
Ibe  rocks  nnd  one  (oiild  almost  hear 
Ihe  trend  of  Ibo  Indian  as  bo  lurked 
In  the  bushes.  Strengthened  and  ele- 
vjited  wo  came  home,  forgot  smnll 
trials  and  worries  nnd  bare  always 
looked  back  on  that  «b  ono  of  the  red 
Idler  days  of  our  llfo." 

nuii.iilNa  AND  nuaNiNO. 
The  date  of  tho  erection  uf  tho  o.d 
.National  Hank  building— i  ueuutU'ul 
edifice,  a  plcturo  of  which  Is  priced 
on  page  'J.",  marks  an  lui|>ortant  era  In 
the  hislory  of  Uockvlllc,  ou:i  the  Diilld- 
lug  long  stood  a  monument  to  the 
memory  of  one  cl  our  most  p-jbllc 
spirited,  unselflBh  citizens,  IJcii.  (J.  K. 
Steele.  It  WBE  ajalnst  no  little  dlB- 
c-.urtigemcnt  nnd  criticism  that  ihc 
Heneral  persevered  In  the  si-heme  of 
lilting  up  tho  magnitlcoiit  cJIflee. 
Unc  man  who  thought  he  saw  failure 
Icforo  onyone  who  would  embark  on 
such  (in  enierprisc  In  the  little  town 
of  Uockvlllc  suggested  that  the  words 
"Steele's  Tolly"  be  graven  on  the 
front  of  the  building.  NcvcrthcleBa 
when  It  was  completed  it  was  the  pride 
and  glory  of  tho  town,  and  remained 
lor  many   yeara  the   handsoincat   efi- 

llies  have  hoen  welded  there!  Scarcely 
a  couple  who  were  marrleil  from  'St  In 
-In  years  a;:o  hut  can  d;ilo  sonic  clinp- 
ler  In  Ihelr  love  alory  lo  aoiuo  dance 
or  fcBllval  In  that  .S'atinnal  Hall.  How 
often  did  Hint  Blaue  present  tho  tal- 
ent of  the  own  In  concert,  school  ox- 
hlhltlou  or  more  ambitious  drama ! 
How  iminy  gny  and  prelly  bItIb,  now 
.sober  mnlroiiB.  hound  evergreen  fes- 
loiuiB  10  ornnment  walls  and  chnn 
dcllci-B,  while  Ibelr  ndmlrerB  aaBlBled 
with  a  BurprlBlng  alacrity  I 

The  building  wna  of  the  siibBlanllal 
sort  cnlculntcd  to  preserve  an  Impos- 
ing nppcnrnuce,  even  after  the  town 
hegnn  lo  expand  and  other  handsome 
buildings  were  put  up. 

The  root  of  the  bank  was  In  the 
earlier  years  of  lis  eoui]dellon  a  fav- 
orlle  i-e.sort  for  parties  of  young  pc<i- 
plc  anil  others  who  desired  to  catch  a 
birdscye  view  of  tho  lown.  At  this 
time  a  Biili.-^lantlnl  and  ornnmenlnl 
railing  surmoiinted  the  central  portion 
of  the  roof.  On  the  morning  of  tho 
I-'oiirlb  of  .Tuly  in  the  summer  sue- 
ceeillnp  the  completion  of  the  b.nnk. 
llio  old  Uockvlllc  band  repaired  to 
tbo  roof.  Ihcn  tho  loftiest  eminence  In 
town,  nnd  gave  an  open  air  concert 
of  Nalloual  airs  al  dnyllBhI.  The  music 
from  tills  uncxpcclcd  soune— floallnc 
down  from  the  Bkles,  woke  many  a 
cillzcn  who  long  remembered  how 
Bwectly  Hie  slrnlns  of  our  fnvorlte 
ponirfl  sounded. 

I-'roni  tho  roof  of  the  hank  a  select 
parly  of  our  old  citizens  asBcmbled  to 
wltnesB  Ibo  weird  apectaclo  of  tho 
total  eellpso  of  tbo  sun  In  ISdl).  n 
sight  that  none  of  theni  will  over 
again  behold  nnlcsa  sundered  more 
nldcl;  by  land  and  Bca  than  la  llkoly 

for  old  friends  to  boc»inie.  Many  of 
llio  pnrty  have  croBsed  tho  hondarlcs 
of  lime  and  entered  into  eternity. 
Soiuo  are  far  from  tho  town  of  their 
nativity,  nnd  others  are  atlil  living  In 

In  INTO  when  the  fire  fiend  that 
raged  In  our  midst  wllh  such  dis- 
astrous frenzy  seized  Ihe  North  Side 
of  Ihe  si|uare  it  was  feared  thnt  tho 
Nalloual  ItanU  building,  then  eouipar- 
nllvely  new,  would  be  destroyed.  Tho 
work  that  was  done  by  citizens  in 
Ihelr  efforta  to  bovc  tbo  building  was 
itlmoat  snpcrhumnn.  It  was  a  nieiuor- 
able  ulghi.  The  heaveiiB  wero  auffiis- 
ed  by  a  peculiar  light  that  extouded 
10  the  remotest  horizon.  Those  who 
bnliled  wllh  the  flames  upon  tho  roof 
of  tbo  National  Hank  noticed  a  huge 
black  biril  li.inglng  aloft  In  Ihe  Weat- 
ciii  sky,  and  11  seoined  lo  presngo 
dcstrui-llon,  but  morning  dnwiied  up- 
on Ihe  bewildered  town  wllh  lis  pride 
ami  glory,  Ihe  new  linnk  building, 
standing  unln.lurcd  lowering  above  the 
wrecknse  of  Ihc  "Norlh  Side." 

This  great  fire  which  inflicted  a 
loHB  of  »l."suiiHi,  occiired  on  Saturday 
nighl,  Sept.  IT,  ISTn.  il  alarted  about 
Hi  o'clock  In  the  Jewoliy  aloio  of  I'lil 
Thomiis  loialeil  In  n  fraiiio  building 
now  the  Bile  of  llio  'I'lioiiiBim  grocery 
Hinre.  Mvcry  building  was  biiriied  lo 
Ihc  ground  fiom  that  corner  to  Iho 
Nalinnal  hank.  Hanging  In  order  from 
lOBl  10  west  were  Ihe  following  alorea: 
I'nl  Thomnfl,  Jewelry;  H.  W.  Sliackel- 
lord.  dry  goods;  Henry  Hnrgrnvcs. 
hoots  nnd  alioca;  Utt  &  McMlllln, 
hardware  and  groceries;  llnbrlot 
llougbman'a  daiigbtcrs,  mlllluery:  K. 
J.  lliiBbcB.  diy  goods;  Slark  Hrothers 
\  I'o..  drugs;  .lames  t'nx,  stovea  and 
tinware;  O.  J.  InnlB,  Amerlenn  ex- 
iress  agent;  (Icorge  W.  Sill,  dry 
goods;  Mrs.  role,  inllllnery.  HeshleB 
the  Norlh  Side  II.  I'.  Ilauna'a  large 
livery  sinblc.  alandlng  on  the  silo  of 
Ihe  .doore  huUdliig.  was  destroyed. 
'I'he  I'nrkc  f'oiintif  .Vcicji  In  an  editor- 
ial wrillcn  by  Or.  nnro  said  : 

"To  dcacribo  tho  acono,  as  amid 
Miioke  nnd  flnme,  our  people  Btrovo 
Willi  the  conflngrntlon  ;  Hie  iminy  ncls 
of  gcunlno  heroism  dlsplnyed  In  the 
proicctlon  of  ndjncenl  niid  endanger- 
id  property,  la  a  task  lo  which  we  nro 
not  cipial.  'I'o  our  cUlzens  who  have 
seen  II.  nnd  lo  those  who  have  In  two 
short  hours  lost  the  tolllngs  of  yenra, 
It  wns  a  spcclaile  which  they  are  not 
nnxlons  again  lo  see  In  renllty,  or  ov- 
en afl  clad  In  the  Imagery  of  worda.  II 
Is  preferable  lo  cover  this  with  the 
Bccne.  shortly  to  occur  of  busy  me- 
chanics engaged  In  building  on  liii- 
pcrlshnble  and  more  bcnutltul  row  on 
the  Norlh   Side." 

llu  the  night  of  the  roiirth  of  July. 
ISTI,  the  entire  South  side  of  tho 
Eipinre  wna  destro.ved  by  fire.  It  wns 
first  obaerved  in  a  stable  belonginE 
lo  John  Itlcharda  on  tho  back  o(  bis 
lot  about  where  the  Chlncfle  laundry 
Is  now  located.  Mr.  Itlcbnrda  lived 
Ibere  ond  worked  as  a  aboomakor.  Ad- 
lolninc  It  standing  on  the  eaBt  cor- 
ner of  tbo  South  Side  was  the  Inrgo 
frnme  slrucluro  known  as  the  "Hut- 
lornnl  Building."  nnd  occupied  by  tho 
store  of  W.  It.  Overman  ond  A.  H.  Me- 
.Miirtry.  Tho  upper  floor  was  called 
"Washlnglon  hall."  All  the  hnlldlnga 
on  the  entire  South  Side  wero  frame, 
every  one  wllh  Ihe  exception  of  the 
liulloing  Juat  mentioned,  o'd  and  dry 
ns  tinder.  At  first  nn  effort  was 
iiinde  to  nrrcBl  the  flamca,  but  a  scarc- 
lly  of  water  made  this  taak  Impoa- 
Blble.  Kverybody  then  worked  to  aave 
tho  contenta  of  tho  bulldlnga,  and  to 
I  recent  tho  spread  of  tho  fire  to 
bulldlnga  adjacent  to  tho  South  Side. 
Willie  thia  fire  did  not  occaalon  any- 



^,    I,,,,.    ||„,    rill liil    )im»   o|-    llmt  I'.   11.   \Vlil|.|.l.-.  dry   i;'""l».  *V.",il ;   In-  liu     .tc-iicI   .'.v    .lomiid    l.oil^o   I.     O  Ihmihi'  wrro  rtratroycd  ;  rrplnccl  liy  Iho 

11,,.    i„,.,',llim    •<,l,lr •     U    vv.iK    *-■"«.  «.    !■.   «„.   r Innl.     ■|li,ii   Tor  niiii--  lln,lnlll<!    oprni    hiiuso    l.xs.1    nnd    tlm 

.'.■,il,l..l    IIH    ,.   .illlliMllv    ul    111,,      lliiic.  Vill Ul„  &  » IK.   r.'.i ■  1,'lloiiH.  ly    llilil,    y,-i,i«   tl„-  nillr,-   li k  Blond  Krlly    l,l,„k    ISIIi     -l-ivlco  iluco  tlio  ro- 

■„iiiliii-  UK  It  dill  wlii'ii'i'iily  l"u  or  llhi  „r.  .'Jio.  i,ii„i.,l,«l,d.    in, ill    In    ri,,,'iiil,ri-.    ll«iil.  Iinlldliii;  of  tlio    i:n«l   Sldo  Imvo   rirr» 

\„nl,  ^l.l,'  l.iiHliii»»  liiiimi-K  hull  1,01-ii  .M.  il.iililii;;.  !;i..-,'«i:   liimir.-d  I,,' iiilli'iil    Nulloniil    Ilnlik   l.iilldInK  dcmroyiMl    imrt    ot      II.     Tlio      Ilrpow 

,,.l,„l„  '  .<L'.i«»,.  I,iiiii,'il.      .M    IIki    rir,,      llio      clwiiilriil  l,l,i,  k    nml    Ih,'    Ki-lid.lll    liillldlni!.    tlio 

"vVKhlii   Wi-K   llmii   kIx     11,111111m     llii'  Win.   II.   llmulnL-.  dry   fmiilB,     .<:.:ii.-  ,  hclno  nl    llloninlntilnl,'     nrihiMl      In  Inllor  tlircc  utorlOB  high.  Ininicd  iil  dif- 

I  „sl  .si,l,'  111  Ih,'  »,|iM,i,,  winl  IIP  In  H'li;  liii.iii,',l,,  IIi,i,.  i„  iiniiln,,  Ini-  iniillni;nitli,h  In  li-nnl  llnii-ii.  Thon  Wllliiirn  Ilarrl- 
il„„„.s  II  Mils  nl„„ii  linlf  piiKl  1,'n  .Inliii  I..  Ill,  Imi  ,1b.  bI,ooi„;i1(,t,  .t:;.',".  Ill,,  l.iiiil,  1,1,11, linK.  1111,1  ilio  rlro  dopnri-  Bon  or,  ,-lrd  n  IniKO  In'li-k  linllninn;  II 
i,',l„.  i,  1,11  liltlin  iilBhi.  |i,,,'ini"'r  ,><.  I  i,-|„w  I„I,b,  Inillillni:.  si.iHKi.  niiiii  iiniii  'IVi  ro  lliiiil,'  Bi-nl  nil  On-  "nB  piirllnlly  doBlr„ycd  nnd  DKnln  re- 
IsTI    ll„il    II, ,■  drv  tn,„lB  Bliiro  or  Win.  II.    Kniihill.    hiiiilhiro.   .<J..M«i.  ulii,-   nil, I  cn-w    liy  Bi„-iliil  Iniln.   ll,,\v-  liillll. 

II  llnr.lhiK   IBhiiwn  on  imfn  -JT  i    waB  Hr.    Illnini    Alvnnl.   InillilliiK  -'I.'""!.  noi-  Hi,,  lllnonilni-.lnlo  hnvB.  wHli   llio          SInio  llic  orKiinlr.ntlon  of  lloikvlllo'n 

ill„,,,>i'r,,l    In    II ».     It   «:,a  In   tlir  II.    II.   .Inliuson.  drnKR,  *-V,'»i:     In-  ..o,kvlllo  hiii  k,t  Ivrlfado  hnd  Biiliiluod  llro  ,|o|mrlnionl  llic  nlnnii  of  flro  doon 

,,iil,'rnr  Iho  l,ln,-k   from     the     alloy,  Min'il   ^I..Viii.  llio   flro   1„  for,-   llio   ■|Vno    llaiuo   nid  mil  oi-ciinlon  the  rcnrfiil  fcollni!  that  11 

Ml, III,  lli,n  ,llvl,l,'d   llio  KiiBt   SIrto,  in  .Mr».  rnllliiKB.   nilllinory,  Wm.  .-ii'ilvo,!.     .\   Bhorl     whilo     arior     this  nn,o  did.     No   voliinlocr  orRnnlnntlnn 

Ih,-  i-,,iiioi-  now  ll,o  lv,rko  Ihiiik.     .\ii  .1.    .M.    M,  hoU.    hnlhlliic.   «Ti«i.  ,nlnBlroplio  Iho     town     or     llo,-kvlllo  In   llio  country  \yorl<«  to  ii  bottor  id- 

nnpi'coili'iili'd    diuiitli   Imil     prcvuIKU  I'lililol     niflr,-,     .<7ihi,        (l.obn     ii,,  liuiii.'iil   an   cimlno   sliiillar   to   that   of  lantugo  lliuu  thu  young  liicQ  wUo  com- 


i'-.;  ■!■ 


iV,  1 

11,1  ► II and  11,1  Miil.-i-  «-,iB  nvall- 

1,1,1, ■  lin-  Iho  lin,k,-l  hrltado.  Tlio 
n,-allii'r  miib  liiii'iiB<'ly  ,<il,l.  nnd  miiI,-i- 
hniih-d  In  l,iirr,-lB  tnoi,  llio  Ticlory 
piiiiil  III  Iho  llv,-ry  Blnhl,'  of  liai-ro,li 
i-  ."iinMiB,-  (Jn«l  i-aBl  of  tlio  ,-oiiiily 
l,oll,-r  hoiiBoi  fi-o/.o  as  II  MiiB  lliinwn 
Oh  Iho  iiinf.  •■II  MnB  ovidint."  »ny.« 
lh,<  lii.l.nnn  liihhil.  "Ilnil  imiIobb  IIiIb 
I  nlhllnu  MiiB  Biii,<il  ,1  Miruo  piHtliin  of 
1 1,0    i:iiBl    |,„i'l    of    loMii    iniiBl    i:n.    'riir- 


«illi  n  M.ll.  M  IliiioB  Ihoro  was  a  |,or- 
l,-.l  Bion,i  of  B|.ni-kB.  i-nalB  and  hiirr.- 
Inu'  mill,  rial  I'lillllik-  mmn  anil  nrnniid 
till'  liiilhllliL-.  .Vildi-il  lo  IlilK  WAB  the 
Inn  Ihal  Iho  iippi-i-  jinrl  of  Iho  Blahlo 
was  flll,-d  Willi  dry  hay.  'Iho  Koii. 
('all  hnnlo-r  yaril  hub  wllhin  twonly 
till    or   Ih.-   nnrlh  ond   i.r  llio   Blahlo, 

'I'll,-   „iilldliik-B   on    Iho     B ro     wcro 

iihont  .",11  or  nil  fi'il  frnni  II.  l>o»plto  all 
lliiiBi'  dlBnnlniKini.-  rl|-,-iiiiiBlnni-i-B  llio 
,11111  wiii-koil  Mllh  R  dolorniliiatinn 
Mhirh  know  no  aiioh  word  na  fall,  and 
III,-    hiiililliiR    w;ia   saved."      'I'lio    waro 

hniiB ■    M.iKiil   anil     Hooloy      dolor 

lliiiik  I'rl.'o'B  iilai'kBinllh  ahoin  wan  nl- 
m  Biiioil.  II  waB  nhoiit  'J  o'clock  In 
Iho  niiiriihi):  hofnro  iho  oonflauTnilon 
was  .onlrnllod. 

ThlB   lin md  .liiBl   nri,,r  llui  cr.'nt 

c'lili-a^n  firo,  nnd  llio  Vntrli,!,  which 
MiiH  porhnjiB  llio  woi-Bt  Biiffcror  from 
ihn  fii-o,  Bald:  "I'onBldorlnR  ovorr- 
llilim  MO  ihliik  wo  Bhoiilil  Im  plaocd  In 
Ih,-  an llBl  nH  Chlrano." 

'I'ho  Mb!  of  losnoii  wnn  Ihiia  given  nl 
Iho    lime: 

liaioB  k  Iir,mnlnx.  (Iniga,  »n,<KX); 
inmiri'd  fil.iNHi. 

ili-BB   was   doBtn,ycd.) 
loloy  .^   Heard,  groceries,  ?:U10;  In- 

Itliinniliiffilalo  nnd  orRanl/cd  nn  offte- 
loni  volimtoor  fire  dopnrtiiicnt  Willi 
I..  \\:  Ilrown  ns  chief.  At  dlrfercnt 
times  sinco  ISTl  flrCB  destroyed  prac- 

IlKKIliK.SI-C   III-   r,    K.  HTIlllt-BK,    IIIICKVII.I.K, 

l.ovi    HIdwcll.    hitlldlns,   IfT.iKiu;    In-  ilcally  nil  the  old  biilldlum  that  stood 

Biirod  i;,-,,liiiu.  (Ill  Iho  piihllc  miilaro  at  thai  time,  'I'ho 

.Mi.Klll  &  Dooloy,  lini'dwuio,  iyi.(iM;  old  I'nrko  hoiiao  wun  huniod  In   Ik;:; 

liiBiiri'd  *l.tiOO,  '"  ''"  roplncod  bovoii  years  Inlor  l,y  llio 

Tho  North  Hld«  was  tot  oiiilroly  ro-  prcBont  nimoloiiB  I'nrko  hotel.     In  ^HS^• 

I'lilll  until  1877,  whon  tUo  lust  build-  H'O   -^'yors  I'oruor  and  oM   Itotlkvlllo 

lose  tlilB  rii-o  roniiinny.  'I'lmc  nflor 
time  llicy  hnvo  Baved  Iho  property  of 
llielr  folinw  illlzeiiB  rroiii  doBlriicllon. 
Olid  while  Iho  pi-ople  ob  n  whole  igi- 
prei-lnlo  their  Bplenilld  lervlcoB.  1  fear 
Ihnt  on  one  or  two  oi-cnBlons  Iho  "lowii 
rmhcrB"  have  not  rerierlod  the  »onll- 
11  ent  or  Ihc  pooplo  towards  Iho  fire 

'I'lic  lanonlicl  of  the  ileparliiient  fol- 
lows:    I,    u,  Ih-n  in  dire,  lor  anil  chler, 

I.ealle  Harrison.  Clnndo  Whilesoll, 
liny  '.Vlillosell.  IM  Mllllknn.  Wallnco 
l;l,hnr,l8  n.  Wnricn  llarsliharKor, 
.\rnold   llruhei-k. 

When  I  look  hai-k  over  Iho  years, 
and  renicniher  how  lloikvllle  appear- 
ed In  Iho  sIxllcB  i-Diii|,nred  wlih  to- 
day i  nnd  tliMl  whi-n  1  recnil  how  Innu 
n  tlinc  Unit  Is.  Iho  lomliiBlon  thai  prn- 
srcBS  has  heen  alow  hut  sure  espec- 
ially Blow— Is  InovUahlo.  I.el  nolioily 
think  for  a  mlniile  that  the  piildio  Ini- 
provenienlB  we  now  ikibbibs  nnd  Ihn 
cnvonloiic'S  wo  onjoy  hnvo  i-onio 
laally:  en  cho  lonlniry  iiioit  of  llieni 
have  tnnio  In  aplle  of  oppoBlllon.  thai 
In  ninny  Inataiices  reiardod  ilioin  for 
years,  l-'ron.  tlio  very  fli-st  onr  town 
lias  had  onlorprlsinK  and  nnsoirisli 
i'llir.ous  who  havo  always  boon  rcndy 
III  iln  nil  wllhin  llioir  power  to  build 
up  the  place,  ready  to  saorlfico  llliis 
nnd  money  for  tho  town,  and  always 
ndvoi-ntluK  wlialevor  nilnht  bo  dons 
fnr  tho  inibllo  good.  Hut  on  the  otbsr 
linnd  from  the  heglnnlUK  to  this  dtf 
Ilockvllle  tiai  bad  p*u|il*  o(  tbt  «UMr 

Uhid.     Tlu'   iv.iil.T  knowB   llio   kind— 
1,1   II   I.,.  iiMMii'loBa  hrrn  fmrvcTiiiorp. 

Mill  III..'  •I'lk-hiiinii  A.  Ilownrrt  und 
.l.iM'i'li  ■•  Wriulil  lifv.T  ci'iiRPd  10  InIk 
mid    VMirk    lor    llnrUvllli-    In    tin-   rnily 


The  lire  or  Biicli  o  walk 



SK'i'lc  iKiuii'  .1.  SIIIIiiwiii  mill  I'l'inliiB 
i:.  Ihiri'lK  niiliRliinlliilly  nddi'd  to  llic 
limn's  llilinnvi'iiii'iils.  mid  sllll  Inlor 
Biirh  nii-n  iiH  Henry  llnrcravcB  and  O. 
.1.  IniilH  ic-nsi'lrssl.v  indi'nvorcd  to  In- 
li-ri-m  Ihp  |.i-.i|di'  nr  UiPtovvn  In  c.'nrriil 
liiiprnM'iiii'iilH.  iiiiil  did  not  hmltntr  to 
Blinid  llH'lr  .urn  inoiwy  In  doing  so. 
(iiir  own  lliiii-  lins  lis  .|iioln  "f  Buch 
1,1111  as  liaw  l„rn  nnliiPrt  ;  iiipn  who 
li.ivr  pill  iiiniir'>  Inin  |iiildlc  liulldlnRi! 
.iiid  mil,  r  I'nl'TiirlM'B  lor  IIk-  Kood  or 
Ilir  I'liniiiiiinliy  ivllli  riill  knowlcilcc  ol' 
111!'  I'lnnni'lal  sncrlllrc  tlicy  were  iiiok- 

In  IsTl  II  1  iMiiilry  was  cataldlslicd 
In  llorkvllli-  ililili  slioiild  linvo  liocn 
lii'lillonid  In  111!  rlninlor  dcvntrd  to 
hidnstriiB.  I  In'  Uoikvlllc  I'onndry 
mid  .Maililni-  sliop  was  slarlcd  liy  Isaai; 
r.ollon  of  ■li'iiv  llaiili'.  lointcd  near 
111.'  l,ni:nnB|,i,.l  rallrnml  In  the  north- 
,a8lil'n  part  ,r  a  sielloli.  afti'miirds 
nill.'d  Sill's  r..  1:1,  .11.  II  "iiB  i.|.ilPi..'i 
ullli  a  blaBl  liirnnc..  for  moulding, 
lall.i-B  and  all  ippllnmcs  for  iiiuchlnc 
«o.  k.  After  o;.eriillnB  It  nlioiit  a 
.M-ar  .Mr.  Ilollon  B.ilil  tlie  fniindry  to 
iBiiai-  .Mcl'ajldln,  whii  was  rondin-llni.' 
11  When  II  WHS  d.slri.yed  l.y  fire  In 
1S77.  Mr.  M.l'iiddin  llien  moved  tho 
iii.ielilne  aliop  lo  east  illilo  street  In- 
to a  bnllillnL-  ereil.d  where  Daniel 
Chonkwiler  now  resld.'B.  l.nier  he 
moved  the  iiinthlnery  tn  a  building  on 
Vnnkec  sir.  el.  Mr.  .Mcl'nddin  made  a 
great  finnnelnl  sairlfl.c  In  this  ontcr- 
prlse.  like  many  aitenipts  to 
biilld  np  ih.'  town,  not  cneourag- 
e.l  by  (iiir  people  as  II  deserved. 

Abont  the  only  thing  Ihe  pcoplo  of 
lloekvlllc  ever  did  wllh  Rpontanlcty 
jind  nnnnlnilly  was  lo  plant  trees.  How 
llipy  eame  In  do  II.  and  bow  tho  trees 
linppened  to  llvo  ibrongh  the  rnvages 
of  I'lwn  cows,  horses,  bogs  and  Indls- 
erlnilnalo  live  stoik  Hint  roamed  the 
SI  reels.  Is  a  mystery  Ibat  would  pnzzlc 
Ihe  seven  wise  men:  hut  llio  trees  liv- 
id. It  never  oicnried  lo  the  people 
who  planteil  tlioBe  ireeB,  and  then  for 
Bivi'ial  years  kepi  theiii  hoxcd;  who 
nialnlalnod  plg-llglit.  bull-strong,  and 
imile-blgh  fenr.B,  Ibat  n  simpler  and 
more  effleailmls  thing  would  bo  to 
prnblhll  alork  from  roaming  tho 
HireelB.  Not  ev,.n  the  boldost  Ulna 
nnnhl  hove  suL'g.'Sled  sinh  a  thing 
then.  Twenlyfivo  years  after  the 
trees  were  plnnlod  It  look  u  bitter 
right  and  II  town  eleellon  to  aci'om- 
pllsli  ihiK  reiorm.  Who  dneBu't  reeall 
the  •■widow's  cow"  so  sobblngly  set 
lortli  by  the  reai-llnnarleB  who  oppos- 
ed the  slock  lawV  It  rei|nlrcd  the 
Kimimnry  nclinn  of  a  vlgllnneo  com- 
lllltli-e  lo  do  away  wllh  the  last  of  the 
old  shed  awnings  that  illsfigiircd  tho 
I'ublli-  Ri|iiare,  not  so  many  years  ago, 

1  II  her. 

The  rirBl  noliible  ilapi-iivoinent  was 
grading  and  gnivelinc  ihe  pnbllc 
sipiare;  but  ll  « as  8e\en  years  before 
Ihe  four  Bidi'S  were  graveled.  It  was 
•J.,  years  laler  Hint  Iho  principal 
HireelB  were  graveled;  but  In  this 
iiise  It  should  be  renieinbered  that  the 
people  of  llorkvllle  at  that  time  worn 
paying  taxes  on  eiery  gravel  road  that 
entered  the  Inwii.  The  a.nie  of  folly 
was  perpi'lrated  for  a  iiuarler  of  a  cen- 
tury In  the  building  of  side-walks.  A 
few  people  of  I  heir  own  accord  put 
down  brl.-k,  laying  tliein  In  sand, 
more  people  iiimle  gravel  side  walks: 
bill  along  In  Iho  icventlcB  tho  town 
board  paRBed  an  ordinance  reiinlrlng 
all  side  walks  to  bo  linllt  with  oak 
plank  eight  Inches  wide,  and  of  sl\ 
lilanki  In  the  built-up  part  of  town. 

1  short,  anil 
for  nearly  twenty  years  enough  lum- 
1  er  was  wasted  on  these  walks  to  pay 
lor  the  permanent  system  that  was  at 
last  adopted.  And  even  then  the  pav- 
ing brick  spiiirieil  for  side  walks 
have  been  leplaced  In  iiiOBt  parts  of 
town  with  coniTcle. 
•|'"enty-rlve    yeai-s    „ 

swinging  It  Inward.  Tlio  pioperty 
owner  arose  next  morning  and  pro- 
leeded  to  replace  bis  gate,  swinging 
lis  liefore.  .Vnd  the  man  who  bad  torn 
II  loose  went  on  home,  opening  Ills 
own  gale,  swinging  II  tho  self-Bame 
way.  iintcBS  It  happened  to  bo  open 
and  iiiroBS  the  side  walk  In  tho  man- 

y   bouse      ner  of  the  offending  gate  he  had  torn 

fence.  A      from  Its  hinges. 

.\arii  gale  permitted  Ingress  and 
iS.   and  every  one  of  those  gates      b.v 
iilwnrd!     Not  o  man  In  town 

ivement  over  aecompUshed 
n.  not  even   tho     beantlful 
lights  that  now  adorn  the  pnli- 

tbougbt  of  the  simple  expedient      He  siiuare.  ever  afforded  the  pride  and 

vinging   bis  gate   Inward  to  pre- 
nt   it    from    injuring   belated   pedcS' 

pleasure    that   enino     with      tho     first 
street   lights.     It  was  In     1870     that 


ever  came  to  Ihe  public  Bipiare  alone 
al  lilghl.  and  linl  oflen  in  day  time. 
.\  story  al.oiit  the  first  street  liglilB 
« ill  he  rei  lied  by  all  obi  lliiierB.  One 
of  Ihe  town  drunkards,  coming  homo 
from  a  spree  In  Terro  llnuto.  Blagger- 
Ing  along  Ihe  Btreet  from  the  old  depot, 
iiime  up  to  one  of  Ihe  now  Btreet 
lamps  erei-ted  during  his  nbBence. 
Ome  It  biio  happened  Ibat  a  erony  In 
a  Kimlbir  eoiidlllon  had  iKlarded  the 
iruin  for  lOvansvllle  lUBleiid  of  the  one 
lor  lloi'kvllle,  anil  was  thus  landed 
anil  stranded  at  the  soulhern  inBtead 
of  Iho  northern  tennlnus  of  tho  rail- 
road. When  our  Inebriated  follow 
clll/.en  saw  the  street  lamp  nt  the 
Stryker  i-orner.  be  bucked  away,  and 
gaxed  at  It  for  some  lliiic.  Then  ho 
lemarked— "In    Kvansvllle,    by   (1— d." 

This  plan  of  llgbllng  the  streels  did 
nol  last  long— perbapB  two  years.  Tlieii 
there  was  nil  Inlervnl  of  time  when 
we  had  no  street  llgbls.  at  Ihe  end  of 
whlih  time  a  rniiud  lamp  wideh  burn- 
ed kerosene  was  liislltllted  ;  then  gnso- 
llne  wiiB  again  lis,  d.  running  until  l.siil 
when  Sylvanns  .Moore  put  in  a  syB- 
lem  of  I'leetrlc  llgbls.  .Mr.  .Moore  was 
suceeided  liy  Iho  llockvllle  Kleilrlc 
Light  <"o..  a  private  eorporatlon.  whlrli 
had  lis  plain  on  ground  now  occiipled 
by  Iho  (Irahaiiil.uney  l.uinlier  Co.  A 
llnikvllle  Byudlialr  bought  It,  tmt  did 
hot  opeiiite  It  long.  This  eonipiiny 
sold  Ihe  plant  lo  the  town  Itlio  nsiinl 
kick  at  Ihe  action  of  the  town  board 
following)  and  for  fifteen  years  It  has 
bren  nnder  miinli'lpal  eonlrol. 

About  1.S7II  Ihe  town  Imard  derided 
lo  prohibit  bogs  from  roaming  the 
slreelB.  TlliB  prohibition  afterwards 
e.xlended  lo  cows,  but  neither  hogs  nor 
eowB  were  prevented  from  running  nt 
large  very  long,  .\fter  a  few  months 
the  "siray  pen"  was  abandoned,  owing 
lo  abuses  ItiBeparatile  from  tho  sys. 
tem.  Mvery  boy  who  brought  a  hog  or 
a  cow  to  the  Bliay  pen  received  ten 
cents.     Tho   teinptallon   to  o|>on   cow 


n.   niTRKR.   RorKVTLLE. 

trians  who  on  dark  nights  bumped  In- 
to a  gate  or  two  swinging  out  over  lie 
sidewalk.  Kven  when  tho  pedestrian 
In  Ills  rago  would  tear  tho  gate  from 
lis  hinges  and  throw  It  Into  the 
strcot,  no  hint  was  taken  that  tho 
gate  inltfht  bo  rentfcrod  barmlest  by 

gasoline  Inmpii  on  posts  at  each  street 
loriier  were  Installed.  Tliese  lainns 
reBoiiibled  Ihe  go»  lights  of  cities,  and 
the  light  they  gave  was  In  great  con- 
trast lo  nono  nt  all.  Ilofore  that  time 
nearly  every  man  who  eaino  up  town 
at  night  carried  a  lantern.    No  woman 

loiB  and  |iig  pens  was  too  great  for  llio 
average  llockvllle  boy  of  that  period 
to  resist.  Instances  oeenrred  of  boys 
turning  Ihelr  own  hogs  and  cows 
looBo  for  Boiiie  other  boy  to  take  to 
the  stray  pen  ond  then  divide  the 
money.     He  simply  took  chnncea  on 


II I  S  T  O  U  I  C  A  L     SKETCH     01''     I*  A  K  K  E     COUNTY. 

I. in    lllHlM'    'III 

III    Ih.'    KiM 
»IIH    l'lM|..'ll     <ll 

iliMI'iill   liir  I 

hlH    IHIlt     111    llll 

..1  ..IM-..1 ••  "'  '!"■ 

,, ,11,11, ■  III  »nrl.  II a.     i:>'-i>-  Bliiro  liiiil 

|„n,,  .V.....I.M,  ^llllll.•l«  wlilih  vv.r,.  re- 
lli:liili"l.>    pill    I"    ll""l    ■•''   «i"il"«»   '->• 

,,i    iilulil   iiiMl  I .rli.ii''l)   liik.u  .l"iMi 

,.;,,•,■    iiM.itiui.:.      A    »l..i-.-    ■■^•■>     iviii.    " 

I.U  l„ii»»  iiliiilr  11  i""l  I""-  l-.f  luo- 

|.,.l ml.-  M.'Uhl.     Til,-  ,l|.|.oan>lwr  o! 

III.'  Kl.M'.M  ."1  Siiii.lii.1.1  "im  Kimiiiiy 
inlil    ja'ciilliir      Tli'-y    lik,'   lliry 

hiiil   nil    1 11    lin^irilril    ii|.   '.ml      iuIkIH 

„,.i.T  l...  .11"  li-.!  "Mill,  rur  ..Illy  ll'i"',-> 

»l ..•    I''   " "    i"nl-'il    I'l'IIV 

ui.ulil   I'.'  nil  iin'i;i':"iiH  »  li.'tl   lliu  wl.i- 

iliinii      »ir.'      Hi Ir.nd'il.      At      ninl. 

,..  ,  '    .    .1,,.  r-.l.M,  ;,i",«  l.ri.l  horn 

ilrliin.iiiy,  "l'  ill  n  I'll:  |.nllll.'lll  ili'ii.- 
.Illhll'.ltl.llll    li"'  ^i.■lll      WHS     limiilliiiL-. 

II. .ur   .ir   .' II.'..   M.iul.l    1.1'   i.liK.'il    111 

III'-  nliiil.iwK  ..f  11,.'  Hiiiii-n.  mill  111  "-v- 
,iy  wIliil.iK  ..r  111"  .llll  lOiirt  liniim'. 
iii'iklim  III.  .-"llll  li""^''  yi'iil  'iii't 
fill.  IN  liB  il.-lll  UK  ilii'.  rspiTlully 
wli'ii    111..   I'i,;   I'lHillns  ..r  liir  l.iiird.^ 

iHiil   I'. Is  l'.'\''ii  ui'ii'  111    lli.'lr  hlu-lil. 

lliillH  .11  .-Jliill.'."!.:;  wi.ikrd  111  liiri'rll- 
llTii  i.'iiil.l  I'.'  llH.uMi  III  llll-  iilr.  ••roi.a- 
lii^'  I'lii'li  mil,  1'  111   ilii'ir     riklii     Ilk.' 

1, .1,111.1,    i.i"lill.lllii„-    llv,.    hlork    fr.iii.  ,.l  1.1  Ih,    r,i»i   t.i..r..l  .ii.l'T  li'siicil  liy  I'lipliilii      ll'irn-y.        AfLTW  iir.U        (hg 

iiiiiiihiK  111  li.lL-'.  I.c^iili  in  ;;'illi'.|-  hiiiil.  111...:.    A.    II.     r .Ill.-.i      «.'i<-     pi.-wiil  .  iimIi.i '  liiililliiu  II..'  ».■. ,  I.,-! 

Ml...      IVii  .M'.iii.  I...r..r.'  th.i'-  llin  I'.'liili.l.   1 K   llM-iii  11  n.ii.iiill llll  nl   111.'   ki-iho   of  111.'   I.igi   iini.M.i-   •. 

l..i:Kl..liir.'  i.iis»..,l  ll»  (iiHl  Hti..k  li\\v.  . I.  ...11111.111.  ol.l.h  111.1   111  111.-  .Vullniiiil  I.  il  Mii«  nrtiiplr.l.     rmil  (I...  r, ,,il  i.r 

I'.il  ii  liii.l  11.1  .  n.'.l  In  lio'kvlll...  Willi.'  Imik   l.iiil.lliii:     ivlii'ic     l.oii.iii.'ln     iiml  II"'    Iniily    ..r     I'npliilii     'I'llu i     A. 

Ih,'  ,liK.iiM.l.iii  WMK  .11  Mhllo  li.iil.  Cnp.  lu.iill.i.    »,ii'    iiiii.l.'.      Tl.o    <i.l 111.'.'  ll..iviir.l  111.-  i,r.iri'!  of'i,  iiii.l 

mill  .h.liii  -I',  iiiiupli.'ii  1.11,.  iiowii  liiK  i.,ll.i,iB..     r.ipi.  w.  \V.  .M.-rmi.',  i' .llizoin   li..iiil...l    l.y    ii...   i.nii.l    (ivi.i.ii 

yiinl    IViir..   1111,1   iiiiiioiiiii.rrt     ll.i.l      lie  r.    l).    Ailiii..H.'ii,    .I..1.11    liliiiv..r.    \  nliMiyn  pl.iy.-.l  n  riiii..nil  illiK.'l  iiinnli. 

«,.ni.l  |.ii.«..'iil.'  111.' oiiiiri- ..r  uiiy  mil-  rri.niilni;.    Mm.      Il.i«.'      Ilriiri-,      Mik.  .  il  Ir.iiii  llin  .-.'iiii  l.-ry  In  llir  uriiv..  (if 

mill    Hull    li-1-...pi.-H...I   .111    lilH   iHiipciiy.  Aiiiil..    Iiiini.i.l.    .MImkik    Miiilii    ,vir,ln,  rii|iiiiln    lloimr.l,   nt    111..   ii|i|    llmvurd 

K.niiK   |  nUn  ii.ii.nvril   Ills  ri'lir.-,  M.  .\l.  Si.illli,  lliilllu  N.  Ilni:,.|»,  IVII.lii  I'iiimp.    ivlii'io   llu'  nililli'iiri'      wns     illi. 

1.111  III. I  "t;.i  llll..  wliol,.  line"  iiM  llip  .V,  111,...,  i.u/1..  II.  imr.',  .Miiry  .Moui-li-  iiilKw.d    wlili    iKnodLllnn. 

I  iii'iiilii  .llll.     .Ml-.  11,.,.1,'y     I'l-i-ci.d      1  ;i  .'.  .Mnry  I'l'Hi.  H  "i"  mmiy  yi'nin  iiriiT  ilio  wiir  lio. 

Hill   ill    r.'ii.'.      nil.. Ill    I.M  lii.liPK  IiIkIi—  lliiluy   Brnlliii-   pn'\Piilo,l   tlw-  oxer-  f.iro  I  miiv  n  rinii  dl.plnyrd  ..ii  d.'r.irn. 

ii.T.'ly   111  iiinik  ill.    |.riii..-riy  Hup.   Hi-  .  Lo-h  .■i-oin  IipIiik  li.-l.t  nt  llin  ciiidcry  linn  dny  iH-yond  lli..  oii<-  inll.'ml  l.nii- 

1    rliniiL-o    80  :i'i  Snniidiiy  m.  niltliinlly  iiliiiinpil.  lull  lipr  or  tlin   i::d   liullniin,  wlilr riip.-d 

l.pllii;    (Iniii-  II  corillir.-   In   llip    r.-porl    In    llii-    Hiirk-  wllli  ii..|i,..  „„,  cnrrlPd  ill  Hip  I d  i.f 

Ihr  prni.'hBloii.  ||  „a,  iml  cnn.lil.'ii'd 
11  lliiip  lor  dl«i'loy  or  flni:«  or  liunlliiK. 
"  ""■  more  Ilkp  n  boIp uncrul  ms 

l.llTll  lluhl  pi-n.-.'.vsi.ilis  piii:id.''l  till. 
i>li....|s  .11-  111.11  ..11  liiirHL- 
111.-;,  .11.11  riirryliii;  n  riilii.'.^p  l.iiiipiii. 
■n...  I'll.,  I  iir  silili  ;'  pin  I'KKlnli  wns 
1','miill'iil    liii|,','il. 

T .si    111    HlllI'lll.T    lil"''.    Ill,'    Ill's 

111  il.iv  Hill.',  mill  lii.i.'.'iiillns  nl  lilitlil, 
iMi.-  mini,  ral.l.'.  |-Iy  l.nisli.s  nr  p,'n. 
MM'k  PnlliiTi..  ,.1'  i.r  I'np.'i-  on  n  sllik 
I'lid   In   III'   iM'lI'li'.l   l.y  snlilp   111,'llil'Pr  or 

II..     l.ili.lly      111      nl      li Kilnlly 

llu'  1,...,  wli.i  wns  dPI  ill.'ll 
m  duly  until  r.-ll.'vi'd  liy  nli.iHi- 
n-.     Ill'  nil   II,.'   tnsks      of  lllosp     .Inys 

II. wiih  luii'd.T  to  n  liiiupry  l.ny  llinu 

k.'.'i.liit  ii\Mi>  Hip  fills  wlillp  llin  ri  si 
lit  111,'  Iniiiily  «,i-,-  .nllui;.     Yi'ura  iif- 

i.nim.n'lll.,    li,.l,   llinilL-llt  of  tllP  sllll- 

pl.'  i\p..ll.  Ill  nt  inrkliiL-  It  n.ioss 
ilinii'K  nii.l  Mlli.l'.os.  |.'ly  s.  rrPlls  ni'.' 
11  ,-.....  u.-w  llihli:  In  Knrk- 
>lll.'       I'li.'lr  lis.'   hns  iinl      I iiiil. 

rilh-  l!ri,„l,liiiiii  or  .Mine  :;,  "tlic  lit- 
l.'iiilnnrp  ivns  Ini'tp,  mill  pveiylliluij 
.  niitip.'lpil  with  tlip  pxercisps  pnsiird 
olt  hi  a  iiinnti.T  lili:lily  L'rnllfylili.'  to 
nil    pi-cBi'Ut.     I>r.   J.   .M.    Unrc   lead   on 

ciiBloii  than  It  i-niiir  to  tio  Inter. 

Cnplnlli  Uporite  Harvey  anti  run- 
tain  l-'rpricrlck  Am  roiiiniaiutpd  Hit- 
two  pnuipaules  or  I'nrkc  t'oiililv  vollili* 
tecra  In  the  -list   Indiana.     Am  nui 

111  I'll 



ll;id   In   I',-  dilslPil   ,'.iiismMI- 
ly.      II    wns    111,1    111,111    nl'nill    ISTI    Hint 

n   sli I    spriiikh-r   wns   iis",l    In    Uo,-k. 

>IN,-  iin,l   II  only  "11   llu.  ii.irlh  side 

mill  n  slu.rl  spnr.-  nii  Hi.,  pnsl.  Thla 
sprliikh-r  w,is  .1  Inn-,-  l.ns.|ii.ikiiiE  nf-  ihawii  l.y  II  I, ink-  ti'niii  ilrhrn  by 
^■|lU1ll,  I  Ki'Uiiinn.  n  well  known  coi- 
on-d  i:  nil,  who  hniil,-,!  wntcr  from  the 
minrv  p,,iMl.  Ariprwnids  Ihn  Mp- 
.V,.rl.,ii  lli,ill,,.|B  innk  tlip  ,oulrn,t  for 
'I'l Illll--    llll'l     Kr,':lHy     P.Ml'lllh'd     Hi 

iii.'.i.    |.i..vl,lliic    Ih.'iusplvps    Willi      an 



l^vi  H„.  Vonilnlla  rallionrt 
Muiipmiy  IhiiikIiI  Hip  .Inlii.s  lilnss 
|i.i|..ily  iiinw  i>wii..d  l.y  T.  I'.  i;aph- 
hr.  mill  I'lilll  .It  Hint  plnio  nil  iiiitn- 
dm,,  simlnii.  a  pnil  I.r  iililch  sli.,,.l  111 
VhKlul.i  R|,..o|.  .\.,  |,„s  l.p.  „  ,.,.„i,.  . 
il»..«li..rp,  tlip  Inwu  Isinid  hn.l— wllli- 
iiiit  (-1  I'M  rniisiilHui:  the  propprty  own- 
iis  oil  Hint  sirppt  -i;inril,-,l  tho  I..  V. 
t  S.  W.  rallrnnd  n  rlKlit-or-wny.  In 
l-o-il  Hip  slnllnn  uinioil  to  lis 
I'l'.'s.'lit  slip  and  Hip  trnrl<  reiuoipd. 
All  linhl'iil.  whlrh  should  linvp  hepn 
rPh.lPrt   111   Hip  rhiipl'T  on  I'nllths  will 

•""   iiHoiiPd    In   iTOiipplInn   wllh   thp 

liploiin  rnllr.'n'l  slmlou.  It  wns  at 
Hint  phipp  In  ihp  'niiipnlKu  or  1SS| 
Hull  lli'ii.inl  II.  \:  Uiillpr,  llipn  the 
Niillniuil      (ir.'iil.ii'k      for 

I'   i,,n,lp   n     sp, h.     A      larKP 

ilnwd    was    pr.K.iit   and    n«   Ihp    train 

'Ull.'.l     In  Hip  npiia  lions.,  hand  I'hiyp.l 

■I'liayiiap   lliill.ra  Coiiilnc  to  Town." 

In  Hip  rnrly  iilnetlps  tho  liiovcinent 

Ill.'ll a   Hii.p.      II    wns  nlsn  d.rhh'd 

111  nil  .'l...'lloii.  hill  no  K.'iu'rnl  s.isl.'in 
nl  w.,l,'r  supply  wns  piil  In  until  i:him. 
.V  slinri  whll,.  I.pfnri'  Hint  tliiip  mains 
11, 'IP  laid  ar.inn.l  tlip  piihll,.  apiarP 
Irniii  Hip  piiiiipln::  sinll.iii  lit  a  dipo 
will  I'll  Hi.'  town's  properly  npar  the 
i.|..Hlr  llel.t  pliiut.  In  atlciiipllnt;  to 
lill.l  wnlPV  Hip  I'Ouid  put  down  a  niliii. 
I..r  of  lisi  w.'llB  In  \nrlniiR  plan's,  hut 
111,11..  developp.l  ail  adc.iiiat,!  Biipply. 
I'lmiUy  ft  8:i  oil  piece  of  Rroimd  wna 
I  "iiKht  In  l.Hlle  Uaicnon  vnllpy.  where 
til,,  wnipr  Biiinily  was  known  to  ho 
i"l,-,|iinlp  ami  ninlna  laid  frniu  tliprc  to 
a  pnrlhni  of  Ihp  In  i  ii.  .>;|urp  Hint  lluic 
I'lhlllltinal  iiialns  hatp  hipn  lal.l,  and 
linw  iilii.npt  Ihp'pulirp  town  has  an 
rhn.hiii.p  of  111..  Iipst  of  water  and  ndc- 
.iinip   Hip   pr.ili'rllon. 

I'.iitr  ypaiH  a:;.,  aniiio  of  Hie  strcrta 
w.'i'..  diirliiK  Hie  siiuinier  aa  on 
.  \|,,  .  liiipiil.  It  |,rove.l  not  only  ft 
lioo.t  aiill-iluRt  lupaRiirc,  hut  It  Kreatly 
l..i|iiin..d  Hie  Birocls.  ITn.tli'ally  nil 
the  striM'tB  ore  now  oiled  :  n  apeelftl  ns- 
sPBBUiPnt  iifialnal  the  property  bCDC- 
lltpd  pr.ivldea  the  revenue. 

lIltST   llKC'Oa.VTIO.-V    PAY. 

At  a  iiipplln)!  hPhI  In  the  i-ourt 
liniisp  May  Jl,  Im;m,  ••poniniltlppa  were 
ni.p.ilnlPil  lo  iiinko  nrrmii;piiiPiilB  In 
.1. nlp  111.'  KHivps  of  .le.eiiBed  sol- 
di.ts.  nn  S.indny.  May  'JP,  In  cniii- 
pllnnre  with  Hie  onler  of  tlio  i-oni- 
uinndpr-ln-phlpf  nf  tho  (Irand  Army  of 
llip   llppiilillr." 

11  will  hp  ohsprvpd  tliat  Hip  almvp  la 
PiiiBiianl  to  an  "nrdpr  of  Hie  i-oiiiuuind. 
I  r  or  Hip  lirniid  Army  or  Hie  Ilppuhll.'." 
.iiid  as  Hip  day  wna  apt  nparl   In   IKi'.w, 

It  la  probahio  that  lt"ckvlllo  rcapond 

"itirlniil  iioeiii.  both  nppropriato  nii.l 
|utr|..tlc.  In  which  he  paid  a  beautiful 
Irlhiite  10  the  soldiery— llvlni:  ami 
d,nd.  Next  followrd  uiiial,.  by  tho 
l;,i,kvlllp  brasH  band,  after  whlrh 
And  r.  \n.ltp  nddrpBSPd  the  an- 
dlPiiPP  In  a  RiK.p.h  or  al'Oiit  forty  liiln- 
iil.B.  al'O.iniUnR  111  hpiiuly,  elCKntu-e 
and  piiHios." 

As  I  rpiiipmhpr  thia  occnainn  the  px- 
on  IRPR  were  hPld  nt  the  crave  of  ('apt. 
(;.-.>rKP  lliirvpy.  wh„  wnR  the  rirst  r"I- 
dk-r  nf  the  Civil  war  klll.'.l  In  l.attln 
and  t.iirlp.l  In  the  Itorkvllle  reiuelery. 
I'ji.h  year  Hip  esenlaea  at  Ihp  ceiiio- 
tcry  wprc  condiirted  at  tho  grave  of 

pioiiiote.1  Major  nt  ttio  orKnnlr.nlp.n 
of  the  regiment;  both  were  killed  nt 
the  annie  hour.  Their  hodlra  wero 
hroiik-ht  home,  and  hurlp.l  with  nilM- 
inry   and   rlvh-  lionore,   that  of  .MaJ.T 

at    Mooter. 



thosp  L-allalit  ofrieera  i-allaed  linl- 
vprsnl  Borrow.  .Major  Arn  had  JiiBl 
lirndiiated  at  the  Inlverally  of  Mich- 
igan when  he  volunteered,  faptain 
Harvey  left  a  ymniK  wife  and  three 
ililldren.  tho  oldest  four  yenra,  the 
yoiiniiPBt  a  baby,  when  ho  rcapnnde.1 
lo  the  call  of  Ilia  country  and  died 
heroically  on  the  "dark  nnd  dfnbtful 
field  o(  Ktalloh." 



A  I,    I.I 


I'l.lly  nr  filly  yi'nm  liKO  llorkvlllo 
vm  I'V  Mil  iiM'iiliH  a  iliill  place  surlnlly. 
1  ,  <,|,l.'  war  nillih  llioio  lliclllira  low- 
,iriln  iMliiKlIni;  IhillHcrlnilnati'ly  wllli 
I  lirli  Dllirr  I  lain  lla-y  alv  now.  Hoi'lal 
lllr  wax  liol  illvlili'd  lllln  hu  ninny 
,l|.,n,i.  niKl  ra.llnilR  an  II   noic  l«. 

,Mli-r    Iho   c<nH|.lilli.n   ..f    Innli.   linll 

In    ISTI,  «l r  Kciimin   wan  rnllv. 

I  mil  Hllli  n.nny  -.nll.-i.  Iiojih,"  nn  rail- 
<i,  l.|.r:in»i>  II  «a«  ,'X|m'iI.iI  IIiiiI  llir' 
mill.',.  »nnlil  only  i„llrn« 
In  null  I'  I"  Hliniv  llinl  III'"  cliui.iii  WIT.' 
Iir.l  .'V.lll-Jvn  nri'nIiK.  A  llllli-  InKT 
III..  "Illani.ui.l  ll:ill.lliK  •■|nl."  wan  nr- 
..nnl/.i'il  mill  a  ilniii  Iiik  in  mliT  cmi.l.i.v- 
..I  In  flv..  l.'Ksni.M  III  III.'  H-ii.Kl.nnaii 
11        M:iin    ..r  yntiiiL-  p.''  .inli-k- 

Iv    li.  ra i.'nri.'l.'iil    In    nil    llii-   li.'w 

liani'.i.  nr  llin  ilny,  as  ivrll  an  Ini-  ol.l-i- 
,an..ii.  Al  III.-  lonclllHlnn  ..f  cvoiy 
«.  rl.'i.  lit  I.  will..!  a  L-rinil  liiill  wniil.l 
In  L-lvnii.  Nalinnal  linll  « ii»  Ihf  .wn.- 
of  III.'  Iihin.nnil  .liili's  ilnn.oi..  When 
III.'   rir»l    np.-ni   hnn.'..'  wan     Inlllt      llin 


llclil.  JllHl   I.iIkIiI  I'll 

null  In  fiv.'  111.'.  1 

In  1.  Ill-  nii.H.'lvi'M  away;  tint  hail  lo  il.i 

In   llin   iirilly   ilr.'rts 

H.     nu.l     on     th.' 

no  Jiim  an  Ihi'  nmni  frnw  lirllllnni  Willi 

KlnL-o  ■roilli-'K  Orrhm 

Il'n.  j.rn.ln.'lnr;  rt.'- 

llio   iK-nliiR   n.'llvllli'B.     W'o  urn   Inlrt. 

IIkIiKiiI  Klralim  i,(  >. 

nri,  Inw  iinmli'.    11 

I.owi  vrp,   llnll    llin  nijoynirnt  oycn   ex- 

waa  like  n  llllln  ».■ 

Hnn   of   fairy. laliil 

r.'oil.'tl   Hip  rl.'li   proniliic  of  Iho  oppii- 

Ill    ilmvn    lllln   lllo   i 

ilililli-     nf  a     linll 

liiK.     Tin-   IVmovprlnu  l-;i«'it  arc  rnr- 

1  riwnl.'     w..rlil.      It. 

KliloH      llir      linHlH, 

iiilnly  In  l.p  I'onKrntiilnlcil.     Tlipy  am 

Inoio  h;ir  an   ami.' 

nf      |.rnfi'ii»lnnal 

l.ank    Whlio.    Krank    Xlclinln,    Krank 

nil  apl.-nillil  .■  Tim  Wallni-p 
SlHlirn  mid  Mil-  llavla  family  "inn.!.'" 
II..<livllln.  'I'lin  lall.'l'  liinl  a  liirea 
rninil  l.anil.  nil  Ihi'  Innlriimrnln  hi'tnn 
plnyi'il  l.y  Iho  ilniiu'lili'm  Willi  Ilin  c^. 
i.'piinn  nf  Inl.a.  for  wliMi,  prnvUion- 
llally,  Ihorn  wiia  a  "on.  Wi>  nliin  liaU 
In.lni'oii  In  llinii.'  dayii  liy  i.ncll  ln"n  nn 

III  KM  Inio  Ilia  ninniond  iliil..  wire  nr- 
KMilz.d  Inin  a  rhiKK.  wlilrli  was  also 
Jnln.'d  liy  iiioml.i'rH  of  Hip  old  |i|:iiii..n'l 
iliili.  .Many  nolalilo  linlla  wprp  Rlvpn 
In   lllln   nppra    Iioiihp. 

In  liic  Inii'  K.'ViiillPH  and  parly 
I'k'iiil. «  111.'  Indli'H  kppi  •oi.cii  lioimi''-  .N.'w  \pa.  a  day.  Iroin  mlprnnnn 
mil  II  Inip  at  iilclit  ipi'ilvinc  pnrlli'ii 
ml.  niilni'.l  i:i'iil|  nilli-rB.  I'lii'  pnp.'m  wiiiild  prini  Ilin  iiann'a  m 
III.'   ladliK    Willi    would    r.r.'ln'   ul    llii' 

i.'hi.l.' H      hPI      apart.      Karll      pirly 

I.II-.III'  III  oiililn  III.'  olhor  In  di.  nr- 
Ml  hum  aii.l  ri'r.PNlnii.'nlB,  and  lac  coa- 
Inln.a'  ol  Hi.'  ladlm  »pru  tlic  snliji-i'l 
n.  d.«crlptl..ii  In  llip  ncwBpap.r  rp. 
jnim.  Tup  liardpHt  Jnl.8  of  ipporiini; 
I  Inivp  Iniil  In  all  my  ex- 
jn'rli'ii.-i'  wpre  la  ponncctlon  with 
Ham.'  Inn.'llons.  Only  oiio  >ii°»  <" 
lawn  had  adjp.llipa  pnoiish  at  his 
innni.nnd  In  ept  all  amnnd  nUliont 
too  niiicli  rp|K:Htlon.  That  wns  John 
llpiiilli'.  n  ho,  wlipn  he  ran  out  of  Kng- 
IIhIi  fnipprlaHrpB  coiil.l  draw  on  his 
riiiid  nf  tlrppk,  l-allh,  or  rrenili.  of 
innrHP  dilp  nllnwiiiu-c  intint  he  iiia.le 
for  Hip  cypB  and  B.nups  of  yoiilli.  Init 
I  iiin  Btirp  that  iiow-liprc,  before  or 
kIii'-p,  cunld  be  seen  bo  many  henntl- 
fnl  Indlpi'.  so  l.pionilntly  attired,  as 
Krai'i'd  Hinsp  "oppn  hoiiflc"  pnrtlPB  In 
Ihp  l>y.K..ii.'  days  of  llo.kvlllp. 

In  IS-sii  Hie  KpntlPliipn  promised 
Ihiil  at  I  111.  ne.M  Ipnp  year  they  woiiM 
ke.'p  ni.en  liniisp  f.>r  the  hi.ll.a:  hill 
wh.n  IS-.!  roll.'d  nronnil  only  a  Biinill  nf  HmHP  who  liii.l  prnniliied  In 
r.'liirn  Hi.-  h.i»pllnllly  s..  oflPii  pxlenil- 
I'll  In  Ha  in  hy  the  IndliB.  hn>l  Kal- 
lanlry  Blifflclenl  to  do  so. 

Tlipflo  yoiiiiR  gpntlcinen  were  refer- 
red to  by  7(11'  Trlhinir  m  the  "I'crsc- 
verliiK  I'.lu'lit."  The  ncioiint  of  tho  af- 
fair Ih  here  Riven  : 

"Xpver.  ilncp  we  first  saw  n  New 
Ypiiib.  did  wp  see  It  inorp  plefanlly 
Kept  than  nt  Hie  opera  hoime  Tne.s- 
diiy.  A  IniKP  niiniber  of  yonnK  rpii- 
Hpiiipn.  nrllnR  In  riMiierl  with  the 
lilniiionil  null,  dilprinlnpd  lo  koep 
nii'ii  honpe.  and  IndiilKe  In  a  donee 
oflirwarilBI  but  the  lipurls  of  aereral 
fnllp.1  Iheiii  and  Hie  orlk'lniil  plan 
«'iiB  dropped.  KIcht  of  the  nnniher 
Ihi  n  went  on  and  fairly  outdid  tliein- 
aelvPB  In  the  heniily  of  the  ndnrnineniR 
and  the  elepnnt  manner  In  whirh  lliey 
rnlerlnlnert  the  liidlrs.  Wo  dropppd 
In  at  I  p.  III.,  ami  this  In  what  uc  saw : 
"A  central  pyrninlil  of  IminenRP 
pkinla  and  flowers.  RivlnR  vprnal 
l.pnnly  10  Ihe  pftr.iiiette:  around  It  Iti 
hnrse.ahoe  order  the  little  tnhlea  nt 
wlilrli  Rronjis  nf  ladles  wero  slttlnR 
lit  rl.'h  pnlhillnnB.  walte.l  upon  hy  tho 
goniloumnly  hoala;  over  all,  tho  aoft 





wallers  to  ninke  II  pleasant.  Mr.  Then, 
rl.pck  iianaulnR  this  part  of  Hic  work. 
We  shall  not  attempt  to  ilpscrlbp  the 
.  iiaRto  plPRanco  of  the  tables  and  their 
adornnipnts.  (wo  are  not  np  to  th:it 
a..rt  of  thlni-M  bnt  the  llRht  cnkp.  the 
nniber-.'olorPil  I'offpp.  changed  to  a 
pnlc  phocnlate  hue  by  pure  cream.  Ihe 
rich  11*08,  the  Jnley  ineaia  and  buns — 

»»inc:«CE  or  t.  u.  joiiita,  (ocktiixi:. 

Stevenson.  Will  Nelson,  Will  Carlisle, 
Will  llenkel.  Charley  Stevenson  and 
ileorico  liiiyd." 

rrofessinnal  t^leiltr|paI  performnnees 
were  unknown  In  lloekvlllc  until  the 
billldln;:  of  the  Nallnnal  hull.  Then 
Boiif*  very  go*iil  perforniances  were 
itivcn    there.     It   was   tho   cnstoin    In 


■  •III   luaii       liJUR 


IIEHIUKNCE  or   II.    II.    IltXLOl,    BOOKVILU. 

all,  wo  roi/W  BPiircclalo  them.  Tho 
lollies  present  nro  certainly  to  bo  eon- 
ftratiilatPd  on  the  liarinony  between 
their  .'OBtiimes  and  the  lluliHnR  of  tho  for,  thoiiRh  wo  could  not  tell 
«  hat  they  had  on.  va  know  they  look- 
ed lovely.  Kvon  before  night  tho 
music  was  chnniiInK  to  livelier  strains 
and  the  Impatient  yonllis  were  cnxag- 
Ing  In  a  fow  ontra    Wo  hated 

those  days  for  such  actors  oa  V.  0. 
White.  I'rcd  Me.Vdo,  Alf.  Ilnrnett,  and 
other  men  of  talent  who  would  not 
play  In  tho  laritor  comiinnlen  becaiiso 
ihey  could  not  have  the  latitude  Hiey 
demanded,  to  travel  with  tholr  own 
I'ompanles.  Kaeli  ono  of  tho  aboro 
artists  remitarly  canio  to  Itoikvlllo. 
sometimes  ronialnlnir  a  week  and  al- 
ways having  gooil  hoiiaoi.    Tlioy  wora 

Theodore  Tlllon.  .Tosh  IHIllnRs  and 
Hob    lliirdelte. 

.Vmolenr  drninatli'  eompanles  frnni 
time  to  tinio  assayed  iierforinnnrcs. 
The  first  In  my  rc-ollectlon.  and  the 
first  of  which  there  Is  record,  was  or- 
ROnl/.pd  lo  Rive  entcrlnlnmcnls  for  the 
IMiriKise  of  riilRliiR  funds  for  tho  band 
oritanlr.ed  In  )Na>.  This  cmipany  put 
on  llio  Itevoliillonnry  ilranin,  "llorso 
Shoo  llohlnsnn."  It  rcinlrcd  a  larRo 
•  nst  with  both  Aiiierl.nn  and  llrlilsh 
aoldlerB.  There  was  no  Bingo  of  any 
kind  In  the  Iowa,  hut  Iniiibcr  was 
plenty  and  clioiip;  so  a  tempnrary 
BinRe  wan  built  In  tho  old  court  hoilsn 
where  tho  performaneo  was  given  ond 
repealed  to  crowded  tionsea. 

After  Washington  ball  and  National 
liall  wero  bnllt,  many  dramatic  enter- 
lalnnients  and  eoiicerla  wero  gIvoD. 
One  company  which  played  "Ton 
Nights  In  a  Ilor  llooin"  had  a  remark- 
obly  Btping  cost — Captain  John  II. 
Kowd.  Joseph  Ihlnl,  Frank  Howard, 
.Maurli'o  Cochran,  llnbert  (llllniii.  liav- 
lil  NtroUHC,  .MIns  .MnRRlo  KIrkpntrIck, 
.Miss  Julia  Hughes.  .Mlsn  l/iicy  Allen, 
.MIbb  Jessie  .Mnlhallcn  and  Miss  ICffIn 
Noel,  tho  latter  a  little  girl  at  tho 
time.  When  tho  now  opera  house  was 
bnllt  a  play  colled  "Tho  (/nloi»  Spi/," 
put  on  under  tho  direction  and  with 
tho  asBletanco  of  two  professlonol  ac- 
tors. Included  about  fifty  of  our  ama- 
teurs, and  ran  for  a  week  with  big 
aiidlrnces  every  night.  Theodore  V. 
flacbler  organlT-eU  a  company  soon  af- 
ter the  Ojiora  honso  was  built  an.l  put 
on  "Tlir  Orlnrnnn."  It  was  folhiwcd  by 
an  extravaganza  called  "Kino  AtfrM," 
which  Mr.  llaehlor  and  Kronk  O. 
Wlilto  adapted  from  a  biirloaQua  print- 


,d    In    /Mr/ 


.l/ii|/u;i"i-.    Thla    pro- 
Jxu  ulviii  111  rllntoii. 
c  noliibli'     nitoiluln- 
Klvi'ii   lit   Nulluiml   lijiM  nt 


In    IS 

nil  III  nilHi'  I'linilii  I'nr  Mil'  iil>|ii'Oii< 
Ci'iili'iihliil.  Niilnrnlly  U  Ui'pli'i 
olnlliiliiiry    iliijii.       KninoiiB    lilBli 


mud  : 



hiiolliH  vvcii'  8i't  npnrt  for  rclli'B,  In- 
illiiiiH.  rorliiiK*  toltliik',  elf.,  nnd  sceiicti 
liniii  Aliiirliiin  hlstniy  wore  deplcleil 
h.v      inlileiillN.      rollnwillg      wero      llic 




inlon  -l« 

»"'■  "■     * 





im.on     .\ 

h'H.      1'. 





■    I'l 

hiIk — 

.Mr».   II. 

'.  Iliinnii. 



I'   lln 

iililn.i     1 

a|>i.  .Iiilin 





r   lliiiiilllon.    .Mm. 


1'.    Ill) 







Ito  -11  nf 

11  s 

1  Innle) 




-.lolin   . 

.   Wnlker. 



0.V— .\ 

m.  W.  II.  lillliiiii. 




vlil    sin 





B.    W.    It. 




niiiK  - 

.le»ae  11. 





MiB.  A. 

<.  Slorli. 


•      I.H 


1  ir.     W. 






\.  r.  White. 


I    > 


r-  II.  W 





sllir— Mrs.  \V.  (1.  \ 



I'ocnIionCiiB  -Miss   Ids   Il.ilier. 

il.Mienil  I'lilnnni     A.  T.  While. 

KiikIIsIi  l.iidy     Mrs.  \V.  U.  nveriiiiMi. 

.Inhli    lliinriirk     .lonepli    llilnl. 

I.iiwnn.e    LewlB     .M.   .1.    Coelinm. 

I.iiily  sill  llni:— .Mrs,  S.  I..  McCnne. 

Iliihen    Morris     S,   I,.   Mel '11110. 

.Mrs.   Ilolierl    .MorriB     .Mr».   Weed. 

Iliinlel   lloiilie     I'lipl.  .1.  T.  I'ftliiphell. 

.Mrs.  Sedcwlili— Mrs.  M.  .1.  I'oehrnn. 

•SIsiera  iif  rimrlly— Miss  Mnry 
lliilililnaon,  .Mrs.  \V.  \.  CnrllBle,  MrB. 
.Iiilin  Ohiuer. 

I'eii.inill  illriB  MiKS  Niinnle  SIdwell. 
Miss  riani  roffln.  Miss  Xnnnle  nil- 

Sirs.  Aniln  II.  rniiiiihell  rend  a  cen- 
lennhil  |»»'iii:  While's  I'ornet  Imnd 
»iiB  piesinl,  and  llie  hull  »i>s  pneked 
for  iwo  lilKhls.  I'roreeils  .?l'lll.  I"  over 

rerliiips   the  iiinsi   elalmrnie     enter- 

niln Ill      iinilerlnkeii     hy     lloekvlll.' 

people  as  well  lis  the  liiosl  Slleeessful 
was  the  •'.Mlllliiry  carillvnr'  u-lven  hy 
ihe  lloekvllle  l.luhl  .Vrllllery  ami  the 
Mel'iiiie  I'ailelB  In  Its;.  I'nielleally 
Hie  whole  town  n'spoiide.l  to  Ihe  eall 
It  was  held  In  ihe  opera  lloilBe  fo:- 
ihn'O  nluhls.  Animn;  the  relies  ex- 
hlhlled  In  the  hiiotli  Bel  uimrt  for  tinil 
imrpose  were  all  the  Conlederale  fl.iKs 
lapiiired  liy  Indiana  reeliiienis  diir- 
IPK  the  war.  They  were  lonn.'il  hy  the 
Slate  lihrarlali.  A  eniiipetlllve  drill  lie. 
iwoen  Bijiiadji  from  the  .VrtllUry  and 
C.idels  was  a  fealure  of  Ihe  fIrBt  e>"il- 
Init:   Ihe  second   evnlnn   wa>   dmoled 

10  Kfaiiil  ehoriises  from  111  Tn;in/or.'. 
■riif  ('1,(111,11  n/  \oriii<:ii(lli  nil  I  oll'.i 
openifl.  nnd  on  llio  I'llrd  cvenlnp  about 
fifty  ladles  and  .;ontloiiirn  appeared 
In  roBtiimoa  deplelln.f  styles  cS  dress 
lit  various  periods  oi'  'Jio  •.vorUl'a  his* 
rtiry.  Ivaeh  nilllur;'  comimnv  1.4d  or. 
er  HJiKi  after  oli  'iii'ensin  had  leen 
paid,  'riio  eoinpa.lies  hid  hocn  ''ipilp- 
pen  Willi  new  iinifor.n.T  for  the  oceas* 
Ion—  Mint  of  the  artillery  oein  ;  Ihij 
ie;.'ulailon  hliio  of  Ihe  ti.  s.  Army  ot 
that  time,  while  that  of  tlio  PnileU 
was  Brey,  cut  aecordlnn  to  West 
I'oint  reanlaiions. 

'I'he  cln'iis  was  tho  .llBtlnctlvo 
aiiiiiBement  fealiire  of  lloekvllle  In  the 
olil  diiyB.  .lusl  when  the  flrnt  show 
iniiie  10  town  is  not  of  reeord.  hut  llinl 

11  wn«  morn  llinn  slxly-flvc  years  oro 
Is  eermln.     "VBnkoo"  noblnson,  who 

iiime  a  lollllonall'e  was  in  Kock. 
lie  In  the  laie  lorlies.  and  III  his  me- 
oils  menllniis  the  fait  that  ho  was 
raiidid  at  lloekvllle,  Indiana  on  iie- 
lint  of  laiiiy  wcatlier,  not  talilni:  in 

loimh  money  lo  defray  ox ses.   lie 

so  iiientloned  Hie  "kind'hearted 
imiK  (ierliian"  who  kept  tlie  livery 
ahle  and  trusted  liliii  for  Hie  |iay- 
enl  or  Hie  hill.    A  prominent  feature 

a  little  higher  onier  tliiiii  the  one  giv- 
en ahove,  in  miisle.  lint  Its  only  rccoiii- 
meiidiiHon  as  lo  poetry  was  Its  fliiii- 
|ilh-lly.  Kveryliody  sang  It.  I  re- 
II  eiiiher  going  along  the  street,  onii 
hearing  at  leant  lour  iiersons  mil  of 
live  either  singing.  wiilBtiing  or  hiiiii- 
iiilng  It.  The  sorrows  of  a  man  who 
was  the  vicllni  of  an  unfortunate  rc- 
seinhhinie.  go  tlirougli  the  song,  while 

or  ilrciis  day  sixty  years  ago  was  the 
inivilahln  CIglil  or  rights  that  oecilrred 
wiien  Ihe  ipiestlon  or  wlio  was  the 
"lust  iiian"  waB  .sellle.l.  ■I'liese  shows 
laine  overliilid  In  wagons,  ami  for  sev- 
iriil  years  hel'ore  nillroads  were  iitll- 
lueil  wi  re  <|iilte  elnhonue.  I'.  T.  nar- 
II  mil  was  lien>  »llh  a  big  wagon  sliow 
In  l.silii,  exiilhllliig  at  that  lime  Tom 
Tliiimh  and  wire  the  celehrated  mid- 
ills.  \an  Amhiirg's  show  In  IWiil 
liolight  Ihe  faliiniiB  elephant,  llan- 

The  eln-iis  clowns  of  those  days  al- 
wii.1'8  hroiight  the  popular  songs  of  tlic 

II.  sTiiiilKK,  anil 
111  J  rhoriiB  resounds  witli  what  the 
elown  would  do  if  he  eoiild  only  have 
a  personal  eiiioiinler  with  "The 
l-'eliow  That   l,ookB  I, Ik'  .Me." 


iihln'l    I    Ilk 

eh   hli 

1  am  undecided  ahollt  Ihe  introduc- 
tion to  "I'nt  .Miilloy,"  hut  believe  It 
I  ame  In  nexi,  and  at  Yankee  Uohln- 
son's  show.  In  IsilT.  It  always  ere- 
iiled  a  smile,  when  Biing  even  poorly; 
hut  ItB  I'li'Bt  rendition  In  the  cinils 
WHS  received  with  roar  ii|iim  roar.  Its 

If**"  •I' 



I  1 




■:-.'^'           if^^       ^V 


■         ll«-:^ 

ttmers—iiut  many  years  havo  come 
nnd  gone  sinec  tlio  "old  clown"  gave 
II  to  lloekvllle.  I  ean  oeo  hlin  yet,  as 
he  Blood  at  Hie  edge  of  the  ring,  hiB 
robe  of  motley  floHlnE  about  him,  and 
Ills  liltle  peeked  hat  t:i  his  hand.  I 
reeollecl  how  disllnclly  the  woni 
"hnivo"  soundeil  in  the  lino: 
"Mhe  winked  hiiek  at  him  and  nhouled 
■lliavol'  " 

I  did  not  know  what  (iriiro  nionnl, 
1  hough  I  eniigiit  on  to  the  i-onneclion 
nnd  alco  eailght  the  infection  for  the 

A  ilailiig  young  iniin  on  ihe  flying 
Ills  inovi'ineii'lB  were  unieeml,  all  girls 
Anil  my  love  purloined  away," 
rntemiiorary  with  Ihe  "Flylnn 
Trap.'i-.e"  wero  "Shoo  I'ly'  and  "Cap- 
taln  .lenka,"  though  neltiier  of  tliciii 
was  sung  hire  In  a  rlrciis.  In  fail, 
along  In  ISllli,  there  s'eiiis  to  havu 
been  a  surfeit  of  popular  nielodlcB,  for 
In  aoditlon  to  the  three  Just  nielitlon- 
ed,  the  "lllg  Silnriower"  eaiiio  In  for  a 
share  of  |tliblio  pat-onage.  Tlieae 
songs  swayed  the  public  mind  so  that 
tiroiigh  tliey  wero  not  the  prodiietlons 
of  elowns,  1  give  tliein  a  idaeo  witli 
the  others,  I  recall  an  Instanco  which 
will  show  bow  higiiiy  they  wero  ap- 
preciated :  i''red  ,MeAvoy,  an  old  ac- 
tor who  nseil  to  come  to  lloekvllle, 
waa  going  lo  give  a  pcrfominneo  oiio 
night,  and.  In  ordor  lo  advorllso  it, 
he  hired  the  band  to  go  around  town 
In  the  'iais,  playing,    I'art  ot  the  band 

being  eo osed  iif  ai'hool  boya,  a  iiiIb- 

ihlevoiis  Inatlnel  prompted  tlioiu  to 
slop  In  front  of  the  old  brick  aoniln- 
ary  and  piay  "Shoo  l-'ly,"  The  result 
i-an  be  Imagined.  At  oneo  there  wiia 
a  general  staiiipedo  for  the  windowa, 
the  writer  feeling  heod  ami  ahiiuldcra 
above  Ihe  rest  liecaiiae  he  linil  tliroo 
hroliiers  In  the  band.  The  Inaplrlng 
sirains  of  "Shoo  V\y,"  Ita  allegro 
niovemenlB  and  general  martbil  Bound, 
caused  a  great  cominotlon,  but  when 
Hie  hoys  drove  off  to  the  swinging  il-8 
cadences  of  "I'apt.  ,lenks,"  all  study- 
ing  for  that  day  waa  done  and  tlio 
lench.^r  was  eoiii|irlled  lo  dlstiilas  the 

ileorge  A.  Iluff'a  show  enmo  In  the 
Slim. I  ir  of  INTii,  and  with  It  the 
•'l.lttie  Itrown  .lug,"  a  piece  thai 
was  vigorously  sung  for  a  year  or  an 
and    then    lorgolleii   or   dineanled    for 

lO'.SlliKMK.   iiF    r.    It. 

period.  Tiiese  clowns  wero  generally 
loinedlans  of  high  order,  such  men  as 
•Vaiikee"  Koblnson,  Han  llieo  and 
John  ixjwlow,  all  of  whom  havo  been 
in  Uockvllle  with  old  time  rlrrnses. 
The  first  clown  Bong  I  dislinetly 
remember  was  a  rollicking  duty,  de- 
pleting the  exploits  of  a  fresh  Uor- 
man  who  wad.^d  through  a  free-fur-ali 
figlit  to  a  bizarre  iici-ompanlanient  b.\* 
the  hand.  The  Bong  was  an  indiffor- 
ent  eoiiiposltion,  but  it  created  a  groat 
cheering,  and  must  have  been  extreme- 
ly ludicrous.  Tlio  words  ran: 
■'Piinebeil  one  man   with  n     great  big 





ilher    man 
hrick,   elc." 
Tha  next  siioiv     brniiRlit     a     song 
wblcli  atayoil  a  long  tlmo.    It  was  or 

uhnipi  ending,  to  B  lively  Inlerluile  by 
the   orchestra,    waa    favoroblo     as     n 
mlrlb-in evoking  lay: 
"lib.  Mlxleeii  ehildren,  rut.  fays  slie, 

Whicli    Heaven    to   me   hillh    sent; 
Hut  ehildren  iilnl  like  pigs,  you  know; 

Thev   c.iniiol    pay    Ihe  real." 

'I'he  "I'lying  Trapeze"  ovitlently  ealiio 
along  the  next  sumiiier,  with  Adam 
I-'orepaiigh's  hIiow,  or  witii  Ilailey'a 
in  INilli.  I  know  I  wnB  ipille  young, 
but,  .voting  as  I  was,  that  song  ninUe 
u  lasting  Impression. 

it  Is  nafe  to  Bay  no  circus  sung  ever 
was  as  lasting.  A  close  observer  of 
mnsle  cannot  go  many  ilnya,  even  at 
this  late  date,  without  hearing  It  in 
some  manner.  It  wna  ao  universally 
sung  nnd  had  amh  a  long  run  that  II 
■eeiiia  aenrrely  to  belong  to    the    old 



The  hand  eaiiie  In  Willi  liiree  erasli- 
lug  noicB  on  the  beat,  while  the  elown 
s  *ig  "ha,  lia,  ha,"  and  then  there  was 
a  "pp"  Interval  until  the  next  "ha,  lui, 
la."     II   Bounded   real     well— In     the 

I  ll'I'tlB. 

A  song  that  was  really  loo  good  lo 
lierome  popular,  followed  the  "MItle 
Ill-own  ,liig."  There  was  a  great  deal 
of  fine  Binilmeni  in  II,  and  the  niuale 
woB  of  an  eiimilly  high  order.  It  in. 
I  reduced  WaBiilngton,  ".S'al  lire's  I'oet, 
Hobby  Iturna,"  nnd  Siiakespeare  and 
Bhowed  they  all  billll  "I'natlea  In  Hie 
Air."  Its  miiBle  was  likely  taken  frnni 
Bome  of  the  old  Scotch  songa:  but 
what  If  II  was— It  wna  good. 

After  the  circus  bringing  "CaatleB 
In  the  -Mr,"  there  waa  an  Interval  of 
ilirec  or  four  yeara  when  there  wero 
no  shows.  Thia  always  appoaretl  lo 
me  like  a  dreary  Inlerregniini  or  n  fit 
period  of  niourniiig  for  the  oln  over- 
irind  sliowB  wbleh  are  no  more.  For 
the  next  one  came  on  the  ears,  and 
the  country  children  nnd  the  lioya  In 
the  aiiluirha  were  horeft  of  the  an- 
prime  liapplneBs  of  "watching  Mio 
road."  The  first  rnllmod  ahniv  broiiglit 
Hint  riirloua  aonii  which    wai    quits 

■I'l.  11    :u.i..i-  11    111.1.1    f.'il    m,    ...■ 

U  ilh     I    .Miilil.hi    J.>; '   .1    JiiliilV" 

I'h  '  UM  HUIIU  Willi  Ik  I  Mllilil  KlVI' 
.!..»  nil  liil  .iililuloli  iif  ;.  ;irw  niilrr  of 
.  I.MM.  ■'K.  it  »n«  illi<  I'lviti  lull 
.l„.,ii»  I  ivni.MiI.i-r  ill-  lunriiii!  In  llio 
Mil, 11,  mill  mis  w.'ll  iTi'i-lvi',1.  In 
nil  I.  II  Kill!  Iiiiliiri  oiii  oiicl  'must  liny- 

IIISTOniCAL     SKHTl'.  11     OK     1' A  11  K 10     COUNTY. 


Iliill.r  ^Millii,;  llli;,s  Kinick  lliii  tiinii       "■'" '■    l"-"'l    "'•■'■    111'      ■■"rp'iiolli.ii 

"li XV.Illllil   In,-  ,,,,111.  ,,.„,,„,  I 

ViilH   IliU   „ii„, ,„,    look   „ii    III, 


M...    |„,l 


lllri'    or    I.    .'ri,7.,<.        llllllH    llllll     WIIH    1,1, Wh.'ll     I, 

IllKl   ,1    rhik    UlHMV   II    Unillll    lli|ll„|,llMIHl 
»aB  KiVi'll.      l,lltiT   llli'  OJ.iTIl   lliiim,'   «„ 

il.-inl,'.!  all„OKt  CM-liLslvoly  In  nkilHii: 
I'rilu.-v.Hhr    I'lli-lii-p    l,.i-.lii,r    „       ri„zr 

1,1    „■.■,■    II, ,■ 
n„li«    f.ii-   111 


lii>   will 

„f    IK 

Cliu.  k 

ri f    1 

o,„l    \vl,lcli    m 

iMncd   I  lie 



»„,<  hlMh"  or 

llio  ",l„y 

.Mill    1 

■  iv   y 

iH'iik  ii(  11,1) 



.■."lil!.    I,y 

y  III,'  .Mliliuii 
hor,*."    fur    1 

1  lli„>,l 

'M     l„)tlll,| 

1,1   „i, 
Hy   ll„ 

ivhli'li    In 
Jtllh'  I'll 

iVK,il.irly  fii- 
1,  nil  ,1  in-iici 

c  ilay. 

h.iR  my  .\l,.iy  .\n 

Till-  iii.iiii'  iliirii*  «iiB  hi,HK  liy  lie- 
■  ■  :  ■  ■■«  In  r,„.|«„ly 
111  11,1'  Hluin  wllh  II  v„l,i>  UllH  111  lliu 
,'.„„|illliy  iiiiiH.^iMl  liiii'k  n!  I  111'  riou'll. 

\\,<  l,,i\,'  nil  liiill;li,',l  III  III,'  ilnwilH, 
hill  M.ilrl'lv  llinilillil  lh,ic  ",I  lllkl'.x  14     lli.lll    111    1,1'    1>    I'nol."       IlKli'i'll     l> 

iIihk;  mill  II, liny  iii.-ii  •"  i  ..niniil  iilill- 
i,v  h.n,'  I'ltnivil  iiK  fill. I  111  llio  111-- 
.  UK.     Tluir  »(iiii;ii  nri'  n;.„,n   thi'  only 

i,'ii,,',iil,iiin<'0    »'o    Ui'i'ji   nl'    till ind 

llii'i  111.  I1I.I'  III,'  iiiniliii-iliin.'.  nr  liiiriln 
,1,   ):r,';ilnr  nolo    iioiiir  ,iri;  KO,>(i     iintl 

h.iir.,'    lUV    liltll.     ir    U'l'    Blinill.l    l.iki 

■iiiulV  .iilvlio."  k'lior.  In  Uic  Ih-kI  lit- 
ii.iliir.-.  ni-  ,.v,'ii  in  Hi.-  ,lrc,i»  nicnn. 
11  HDiilil  1,0  well:  for  ilii'  ilnnn'B  wli 
1111,1  MiM'loii,  linv,'  1,1'lKlili'ni'd  the 
l.iiM.h  ,.r  liiilli  iriiu.'ily  mm  coiiii'ily.  In 
111,111,  no  ii.icn  ovci-  irnvo  Iioii,t  n,l>lro 
ihm  lliiil  i-nlilnliiiil  111  111,'  U'n  IIiicb 
iiiliii'il  l,>  l,.'i,i'8  r„'il.  Ill,'  iiiily  |i,ih,in 
iilin  rifii,;.',!  lo  (lihiil  II, p  pniii'  o|,| 
MiiK.  mill  Inliiili'il  in  "nlltOi-Bl  Ilia  linill 
mink    InJniloB."     Dr.      wimt     iiitboii 

i".iillni;      V y-iin's      "l,HBl      •|-ollriin. 

Ill, 111"  IB  11,11  iiii|,,,'i<ii,il  Willi  the  Bnil- 
ii,'»„  of  tlm  (..nrliiillii);  Hihb  iiticrcil 
liy  liiii;nn,t.  who  ",liiiic,',l  like  n  wIlli- 
,'i,il  1,'iit  1,,'roic  the  hull": 


liiiiliiK  till'  BchiHil  tiTiiiB  uf  l.sT'j  nnil 
l'<7:i  II  lll,i„ry  bh,  Icly  cnlhil  llio 
"ihiiiiH"  wii.^  niKmiiziil.  It  hi'lcl  ri'K- 
llllll'  niei'lliiKH  every  l''rltJuy  vvenln;;. 
■Ihi' iiBhll.    WI.B      ,nlii|      ex- 

,h,Hh,|y     „!'         hlull         Brhnill        KlllllClltB.    the  11,-w   Kilmol     UullUInK     van 

ni h'li-l  111  .liiiiiiniA,   I.ST  I.  I  In'  "lllsli 

S.h.inl  l.lliiiiiy  .\Bf„cl,illun"  was  or- 
ciinl/icl.  It  Ill-Ill  ri'k-iilnr  iiieitlnK.i  In 
ihi*  imMi'iiihty  roniii  on  tlio  third  Hour, 
,„lh-d  '  Hull."  l.ciliinB  were 
i;lM-n  lit  liiliTv.ilB  or  two  wi-eks.  gen- 
•  iiilly  hy  clllzi-iia  ot  Unikvllk'.  hiit  oi- 
niBh.niilly  hy  llli'imy  men  of  rcnr 
I  llllll,'  ,iiiil  i.lhi'r  l,l„r,-s.  'rlio  iiroieedB 
1,1  llii'B,'  loctnriB  were  ilcvoloil  to  the 
iniiThiiBP  or  a  hiL-h  Riliool  llhrary. 

.Miiili  of  lloi-killIo-8  BOi-liil  lire  In  the 
Hi-ii-iith'R  riidlnti'd  fniiil  the  "eornct 
I'liiiilB."  dnilnR  » llllll  I  lino  wo  liiiil  two 
Blih'iidid  ort-iinl/ulloiiB,  'llic  "old 
I'Hiiil"  was  1,'d  by  .laroh  Stronso  and 
the  new  blind  hy  Wllllain  ,T.  While,  or- 
Kiinlzi'd  two  yenra  after  the  dentil  of 
.liiriih  SI1-O1I80  In  1MT1.  The  hands 
would  at  liilorviila  civc  i-oneerlB,  fen- 
I  hills  anil  liiwn  BmlalB.  Tho  firat  eli- 
1,'rliiliiiin'nt  uf  llio  latter  charaeter 
wi,B  L-iven  In  SIITfl  wooila,  near  the 
iiu'loiy  imiid.  The  Krove  was  heantl- 
Inll.i  lllniiilnaliil  wllh  ChlneRe  Inn- 
l,'iii«.  Such  8eiiil-»o,  l,il  functions  cnn- 
lliiiM'il  10  he  civen  hy  the  new  band 
mil II  issii.  -I'licy  ,vrro  nenerallv  held 
111  M.Ciin.'B  Krove:  ono  »-a»  held  on 
liavhl  ,xiroii«e'B  lawn  which  w-a»  II- 
liiiiiliiali'd  hy  two  Inroinotlvo  head- 
IlKhiB  Bilrr.rillllniiBly  taki-n  frmii  tho 
iiiKliii'B  liiyliiK  over  at  Itorkvllle  hy 
Hie  riitlr'ind  l«iyB.  In  thOBO  dnya  "ev- 
erylhlnK  wint"  for  Hie  hand.  Tlic 
rniinly  fiirnlhlied  n  hiind  room  and 
tho  roinnilBiilonors  paid  for  fuol.  lampn, 



..        f^ 




*  -  — 





'  ---Tl.-. 

—  1 

,  -^'n::^-.T 

._. — ... . 



i  ■- 

1    1.1 


■■'-  s 



IIM'I.-   shniillnK   Willi   Hie   |,rlliri|illl   H|,ori  In   >ll>  wmu.m,   h.-.l  ,i,l   Hie  IHlhlle  B.|ili,l-e. 

of  miiiiy  yoiini;  and  mlililln  nKi'.l  men       '■ ';'  '  "'    I'lHi'i"  hav  ,„„ie,l   her 

Inr  a   hm,;   lliiie.     The   llneUvllli'   llllli'       ,  hj-   m.',',"n-".,f  „   in  m-.l nee) 

rliil,  and   Hie   .\nnii|iollK   lllfle  eliih  "e-  T.,'  fill  a   flank  nr  fallen  n   rlh 

caBlonnlly   conleslid    with  ea.h  otlioi'.  '"    "''^  |""i""'    I'l"'*-  "'     ""•     I'"''"'' 

lliilh  iir;:anl>'.iillniis    held    innnthly  eon-  "^   '' 

loBlB  ror  Hie  ini'ilal,  and  turkey  imiteli-  Whiil    Ib    Ihal    nimher?    A    "h„»B"      my 

oB  ome  n  iiionlh.     The  tiirkeyB  were  '""•      ...,„^_..  .,.  ,.„„^  ,,.„,  .,„„„ 

lionchl  at  7.-,  cenia  each,  lint  wore  not  .''J                      ■ 


i  1 



|iiit  nil  l„  lie  shot  at.  Tho  best  ahot  on 
Hie  target  at  l.",n  yards  "off  hand" 
took  the  turkey  at  each  round  ;  tiirk- 
evB  ihiiB  won  were  taken  homo  alive. 
The  lloikvllle  lllfle  eUib  twli'o  eon- 
liBlcl  In  teams  for  tho  prlvIIeKO  of  on- 
.lo,\lnK  a  haniinet  at  tho  oxpenso  of 
the  loBlnR  team.  At  ono  of  these  ban- 
Miii'lfl  the  eliih  entertaineil  a  fine 
comic  opera  company  which  gavo  the 
"Mikniln"  that  niKlit  at  tlio  opera 
hoiiBe;    and    I  he    ,'ouipuny    entertaineil 

the  eliih  will iBic  until  nearly  iiiorn- 


I.lfe  In  Itockvllle  In  1W7  was  epito- 
mized hy  .Iii.lRe  White  In  ver»c«.  print- 
ed aiinnyiiionnly  In  tho  Chrletmna  num- 
h,'r  n.    T/ie   Triliiinr: 

Wh„i    IB   Ihal    niolher?  Tho   town   cow 

my   lad. 
A  KlImpBe  of  hoc  makea  tho  farmer  and. 



Th.'  ,lrlv,'r  who  hoha  llko  a  Jumping- 
Jack,  _ 

Ab  he  BifiH  In  hiM  Bulky  nroundThe 

Will     talk    of    nnlhlnit    hut    "lloBa"    till 

Tl~n   h.ivo  nlxhl-nmie  till  liroa.1  day- 

Anil    wlien    at    InBl.    hy    tho      Itlvor     of 

He  awallB   tho   Imatmnn     with     lonn- 

What  IB  that,  mother?  A  llallard.  huh— 
It   liehiiiuB  lo  the  11,,,-kvlllo  nifle  dull. 
To  I.enBl  or  hlr.1   It   docB  no  harm: 
Hut  llB  filled  ono  hill  on  Puctflfarm 

Wlal   IB  that,  miilher'.'     A  flBlierman, 

Voii  can  till  hy  the  Beat  of  hia  lainla, 

Hail   Blld 
Hown    111,.    ,i|,i„,i    ,it    ,\lece,l,    when    llio 

IIBIMI     p„BB 

\\,1B  mail,,  t,,  B,>('„re  that  eleven  potin,! 
Whh'h  eviry  re»|..','ial,lo  anxler.  Ihcy 
M.'iH  "I  ■io'k.'.l,"  hut  which  always  liaii 
Thill  1,1,  nth 111  liiBB  which  larh  Bcaaon 

KlVl'B    riBo 

one     piBcntorlnl 



n ,<k   at    1 





iilley  l„Bl  op,. 

ii.,l.  not 





oiraiii,;    bIIhb 
Bti'alllur    Bliili 
B   or    Lie-B    fo 
for   dinner. 

lip.     Ilk 


\Vhi,i    IB  that,  mother?     A   hole,     my 

ll,,    *    fompany   iihinted   It    there. 
II    iBii'l    for  B,ile.„ii,l  It    |»„-i   f,.r  i-eiil; 
Th,.   Block   of  the   hol.lciB   non'l   Bliare 

worlh   a   rem. 
Tile   w„l,.r  tl,,it'B   In    It,   on     Boher     re- 

Will    I.,'    Bhippeil    to    John    follelt    for 

thol„„Kl,    lliBpeclloll, 

hack     wllh     an 


of  Ihe  mill 

Iher?   The    houdllin 

At    l.„ill:    „a,l 

for   I  hi'   day    when    we   dhln't    net 

t,li',il    K,1B, 

Ulnil    IH    t 

my  hoy- 

That  yi'll  IB  Ihe  vent  of  IiIk  hIdemiB  Joy 
ii'er  Bome  cheBlniit  of  anleillluvhin  otic 
JiiBt   ,'iaiki',l   l,y   tho  cumlcul   man  on 

Hie   Btaue, 
H,"  BliB  III   111,,  uallery,   where  ho  can 

Anil    niliiuh'   thlB   yell   with   hIa  equina 

.\n<\  „B  liB   wlhl   erlmeB  reanund   loud 

ami    lo,iK 
Ah.ive  the  .Iri-BB  circle,  where  all  tho 

The    lailhB    III    citified      bonnets      and 


rpllflliiL-    Hi.'lr   eye-hroWB    fnnd      llko- 

wlBC  tlH'lr  nowB.) 
Kxi'lalnt    la      liiaudltile     necents.      "O, 

What   IB   that,   mother?     A  hooby,  my 

?d  for  It  fifty-two  nlKhts 

erlooBly  Rimttereil  their  proB- 

And   when  all   tho  hurry  and   BtrugulB 

Ib   past. 
Somebody  wins  but  the  booby  at  laaL 
In  tho  Kieat  gnmo  of  llfo,  played  for 

honor  or   lucre. 
You    will    find    that   It   ends   much    lh« 

Bnmo   as    In    euchre: 
Snmo  Btrlvo  a  great  goal  of  ambition 

to    Kaln 
And   find,   llko  tho  Preacher,  ambition 

iB   vain: 
That  when  all  the  BtruKglo  and  worry 

They've  won   but  the     grave     and     a 

hool.y   at    laaL 
What  mntterfl  It?     Kor.   at  the  end  of 

llfe'B    (tame. 
He   who  wina   the   first  prUo     or     the 

And   whelher  our  trophies  bo  groat  or 

he  Bmnll, 
Tho  elodB  of  Oods    Acre    will     cover 

iiB  all. 

.Tint  after  tho  end  of  tho  projrrcs- 
slve  eiiehro  and  rollor  skating  crates 
and  tho  general  air  of  rnnntnit  to 
amiiRemcnt  fads  depicted  In  Jndee 
Whlto's  TorscB,  there  was  a    decided 


i.„»|.  r  cliil.." 

1  ISvs; 

1    iiiul 


!■  iir  four  ji'Ml 

B  Ihn-. 



m;iiiiI/<-<I     tiM 






liii..-  1 


All    Mi.s.-    1 




rilliliilruil   rnr 

ni;'  I'li 



ll    n II, .1'   ilatn    Inr   Inii 

W.,(,.i„i„.  .V7,„|,'  . 

ma.  1 

li.l.r  Sniillifrn 

Miiin.      (lih.m   ivho   j.lnycU 

.^■.■.  i,«.      A    f,w   ,,[ 


B   nrlL'Innl    pro 

ire   Ma.laiiii.   lihc.l,   ii  rrlc 

■liirll.iiis  ».'ro  Kl 

,11,  n 

7Vi;i  /o  r;,ii,a 

KS    with    n    rlmrrnlni:    |.or- 

f'iMi,   1,1  Inu   (111'   1 


lic  li-lil  a  ior.|il|..„  In  llic 

Tlu'  iii't-rn   hoii 

41-  unn 

fln:illy   I'loHl-d 

t    Ih"    I'iirk.-    holi-l,    whni 

III    IraiT.   iinil   im 

i;is   ll<- 

^11  Binlrd.  nold 

r  iMHiirii  Mill  hT  and  woi-f 

lo  I'lirkn  l.ndi:c. 

'.  iinil 

A.  M. 

■111. -11111110,1    l,v    liiT    conliiil 

Mso.    Aloxnndi-r   .^nlvlnl    In 

iiir.  Mu 


mil  Ml 

/I,-    /M.-./n.    (he      Brcnl'iil 


Ihr    iihniidon 

;.3>^;^-^<;k  ^>^^>     "... -^ 

f  ■..■■.»  "-I      ••  '■f's-V    -'•  ■'■■'s 


/     5l.:_-— J 


iiii'iil  nf  llir  nlil  n|irra  linils.'.  Itoikv'llc 
WHS  ullliniil  iin  n|.i'ni  limisf,  llnrlliK 
llii'  Mllilrr  nf  I'.llI-lJ.  \iirloii8  lilalia 
011,1  iiiitlindH  wiTo  siiKK'fl'eil  and  pro- 
|,is,il   inr  liiillilliiK  on,'. 

Ijirl.i  In  llif  y,ni-  llirj,  ii  iiuollnK 
vum  hi'lil  111  llii'  mil  ,'  01  MaMvi'll  \ 
Mrliiililln,  at  »li|,|i  iiirMIni:  wer,' 
IMi'si'iil    I'l.'v,  n    l.iifiliK'BB    iiirn    or    Ihc 




■llioB..  piiBi'iil  111   llio  nici'lln:;  wvrr  ■ 

I  riink  11.  .Mrh.iln.  Alli'n  T.  Ilrnckuny. 
lliiMiird  .Mii\«ill.  .lulin  .■*.  .MiKiiddln. 
.l.ihipli  .\l.  .i,.lin.'<.  Sldw.'ll  Allien,  I'rnnk 
.M.  AdaiMB.  .s.  r.  Mii.v  I'llc-ll,  Uiinl,'! 
.M.   rnillBli-.   nnd   Cm.    I,.    I.nni-y,   wlio 

1,1 iisr   llio   loniimny,    wlilili    oroilid 

nur  luiBrnl  iiiiiL-niriirnl  liiillrtln.'.  Tlio 
(.llirr  LTnlloiiiiin  iirrsnnl  nt  111.-  nirrt- 
Inc  wi.s  IHik  II.  nit,  who.  osldo  from 
thr  cmlliMiiin   who  nclimlly  piil  tliolr 

II  nni'y  In  the  rnliriirlBp  did  iiiorc  for 
the  |ii-.inionoii  of  the  Bchcino  limn  nny 

i;rn  1  li- 

ne nl  l.itoriilnn:  rlilli  ln-lm.- 
I-  mid  liislrl't  I'l-di-rnllonii. 
Illy  li.-iN  111,-  follonlim  f,',l- 
ib:      \V,.ii.:iir»   fliil.,    Illniiiii- 


XViilknr    WhItPsldP.s   In    llamlcl.    V,.   II.      oiiliirt  ihni   whnt  tlicy  ncrc  propoBlnK 




In   Thrrr 
Clnrn    .Mo 

cnlncd  renown  wna 
r,„  in  Our  llii.'.banil. 
(■ollipnnv  Willi  l-'rrd- 

lo  do  would  iiionn  a  finnn.lnl  loss,  hnt 
mill/.InK  llic  nrccnt  nri-f-Bslty  for  an 
nporn     hnuBP     cliperfiilly     ami     iinlio-,- 

lii  111,-  iiirly  i1k1i11i-b  IIk-  n.i-d  of  nn 

I" ""»■■    iKii.iiii-    niipaiinl    In    Ihc- 

,1  lilB  1,1  iiiir  ,lll/i-iiB  which  linn- 
11,11,  Mild  h  l„-,iiliriil  mil'  wiiB  bum, 
ml  ,1,-dliiiMI  .liim-  11,  ls.s'1.  I.y  thi- 
Kiii'i-ililii  n my  with 'ill,,  .-rli-liiul- 

rrhk   llr.\Bon   In   I  he  lo.idini!  role  pre-  KriidL-lnKly    flnan,o,l    llie    venliire.    the 

»,-nted    CnWfi   Sl-tir.      V,.    11.      .^iiencor  riBiill   of   whlrh    Is   nn    np-lo-date   pln.v- 

nnd  i-ompnny  In  ./"liiM  f'nrjor,  Of/icf/o,  Iioiibo,    modern    In     every     detail.     In 

.l;.-i,/iiiii(  nf  \  rnirr  was  here  two  Bcn-  which  Boiiie  of  the  best  nttractlons  on 

BonB.     I  Mara  I.onlBe  KelloRg,  who  had  the  lonil  have  played  ;  nnd  oil  of  which 

,1   .1,, 



»~,ll.    I.mlls 

nilhiii    nml    olli,-r    l,k-h 

»tl     lllllxlB 

II    ll„-    ,ii.,<l.       Ihe    alriic- 

■   iB   l„i>\    m 

m-,1  liv  tl„-  .MiiBolm.  iinil 


liilo      llii-ir      l,.-mitiriil 

L,-   ami   ..^11, 

111  rooi.iB.     As  nil  oprra 

»,',      II      WUB 

oni;    the    hnmlsn bi 

he   Slali-   \ 

hen    lomph-K-d.      11    llml 

11  iliah'Kn 

Id  ,1  l.iilri.ny,  liolh  noma 

IliK  ^' 

■  pie.      Tlie  Bl.ii:e   waa  :,:\ 

Ill    ili-plli. 

ami    Jl    In    wldlh.    Willi 

<-,-tl      B,-lB      f 

f    iH-nntlfiil    Bi-i'iiery,    a 

ly    drop  ,1 

rlnln,    iiml    IN    drrsslni; 

i".       I' trlial    pc-nide    who    played 

hciiiBe  rliiinied   II  one  of  the  most 
illfiil   nml   eonvenlenl    In   Ihe   Slate 

III    ll„-    nine. 

Iiiirlm:  llie  time  of  Its  e\l»l,-noe, 
ver.\  many  of  the  bisl  nltrnetlons  on 
Ihe  niml  playi-.l  In  It.  Aiiioiik  Ihem 
were  /f,i:,i  A,,A,-  wllh  <'.  W,  Toiil- 
ilnrk  the.irlKlmil  IninBtan  Kirk.  Annie 
llimr.,11  as  ••|l;,-/,-l  Kirk,-,"  lleWi.lf  Hop. 
Ii,r  iiB   ••|-llll,iiB  lln-em-." 

IHirlhK  our  iiMinty  fair  In  AiifiiBl, 
1'>'<1,  .Minnie  Mnildern  (now  ,Mra. 
riBk,-i    nn    nelreBB     nf      International 

f'l illmi,    played    tbren   nlthts.     'Ihe 

mo  nr«i  niL-hlB  III  a  beaiillfnl  comedy 
iliniiia,  ■■.liin.iiln."  the  last  nlk-lit  In 
the  "/'iM((„,i  If,,,,;."  Xovemlier  .".,  I.S.>*.I, 
MiBB  Anna  lUikliiBon  played  Hamlet, 
1  Kieni  liinnvaiion  for  a  woman,  she 
dill  a  remnrl.nlile  piece  of  n<llnj;  with 
11  v,-ry  Kooil  Biippnrllni;  mmpaiiy.  The 
rlrBl  year  elnsfd  wllh  llie  "f-„/o,i  ,f/n/," 
under  Ihe  iniBplceB  of  Sleelo  Toat  fl, 
A.  II.  llnme  talent  look  all  but  the 
Inn  lenillnK  pnrtB,  which  were  nplen- 
illdly  played  by  uv„  |,rofe,aional  no. 
Ion  who  drilled  Ihe  Io,al  talent.  In 
IK-MI    the    fair   dnliB   were     by      Ilella 

iiiirKvii.i.f;  orp;n.\  uoi 

l',-,-li     ,tiliBld,-i>-il     the    KieatCBt    Kinnd 

0|,ej-a    Blur,    tav i    operalle    i-olicerl. 

'rill  re  also  nppearcil  the  larKCBt  inln- 
Hin-l  i-nmpiinh-B.  llavorly'»  .MaBlodon 
.MIiiBlr.-lB.  l.'orman  llrolli,-ra  MlnalrelB. 
Ilen.h  &  llowera  Mllifllrrla.  Ill  lien- 
ry'a  .MlnstrelB.  nnd  olliera. 

The  moat  L'liraiitle  iiiiiBlral  orcanlr.a- 
tlon  waa  Cllmore-a  hand,  which  gave 
a  mnllnec  lo  a  packed  hollBO  of  en- 
thiiBlaBlle  ndmlrerB. 

•there    were    bIbo   n   nnmlicr   of   hlv-h 
ilaflB   comli-  opera  eoinpanlca,   alnRlne 
Biieh    popular    operna    aa    Matnl.    I'ir-      plnnnlnu  of  public  biilldlntB.  Tho  nr<-h. 
<i/,-»   „/   /•,-„;n,ire,   Mlkniln.  Itert   Biltilultted    to    Iho   company    with- 

Many  iK-anllfiil  paBlornI   playa  were      In  a  few  dayi  certain  plana  nnd  aped- 

mendallon  of  the  aplrlt 
which  prompted  the  cenlleiiien  In 
their  effort  lo  furnish  and  fill  a  Ioiik- 
lime  need    for  oiir  town. 

The  ,-miipany  IIiiib  forined  proceeded 
at  once  lo  Im-orporalo  nndcr  the  lawa 
of  Ihe  Stale  of  Imllana:  nnd  encak-ed 
the  a.-rvlrcB  of  an  experienced  archi- 
tect 10  formulate  plana  amf  Bperlflcn- 
tlona  for  the  proiiosed  bulldlnK.  The 
nrrblle.l  thus  employed  wna  W.  II. 
lloyil,  of  Terre  Haute,  who  had  hid 
a    vast    nmniint    of  esperlem-n   In     the 

iidopt.-d.  The  new  t-ompany.  tliiia 
fonm-il.  In  tuukluk'  llielr  nppll.atlon  lo 
the  S,',  I  clary  i.f  Stale  for  llieir  char- 
ter naimd  In  llii-lr  appllcntlon,  as  dl- 
rcrlora    for   one  year     the     followlnf 

Kinll n:  Trank  II.  MchoU,  John  S. 

.M.riidilln,  I'rank  M.  AdnniB,  Sldiiell 
Aldi-n  ami  lleo.  I..  I,:,ney.  After  re- 
cililiiK  tlielr  ihaiirr  from  the  Slale, 
Ihe  loii  pan.i  ori;anl7.ed  by  ele.iini!  the 
lollowliiK  i.fflcere;  Inink  11.  McIioIb, 
president.  Krank  .M.  Ailaiiia,  vlie  prea- 
Idem.  Allen  T.  Ilrockway,  lrea«iirer, 
1.1  o.    I,.    Laiiey,    Bcrrelnry   and      S.      V. 



llllK  of  the  Btoikholdera  of  111, 
pany  Ihe  alKive  named  nff|,,.r, 
e   beui    re-eb-.ted    to   the   lea|H-clHr 



liIverllBcd    Hint    on 



-Moore  and   her  company   who  ployed      dIbo  In  tiio  honao,  among  which  n«ro      flcnllona  which  woro     npprovcd     and 

would  rccrlve  hlda  for  Ihe  lonBlriic- 
tlon  of  a  bullillnE.  KIkIiI  hld»  were 
Biilimllted.  aiuouK  Ihem  belni;  one  by 
our  loi-al  lonlrartor.  i;,lt;ar  Jerome,  to 
whiim  the  conlrnct  waa  awarded  for 
Ihe  cnnalriirllon  of  the  new  edifh-e. 
The  rnnlrait  which  wnB  nwnrdcil  In 
.Mr.  Jeioiue  Included  the  biilldlni:  and 
fiirnlBliliiL-  nil  Ihe  needed  and  necea- 
sary  material  for  llie  proper  conBlrne- 
tlon  of  Ihe  Inilhllni.',  the  lienllnL',  wlr- 
Ini:  nnd  plumblni;,  el,-.,  I.elnK  let  In 
aeiiarale  i-ontrncta.  Ily  llie  lerniB  ,.f 
the  coiitrnit  the  eontrnclor  was  lo 
have  the  bulbllnc  rompleled  and 
ready  for  occupan,-y  by  the  flrel  day 
of  AliL-usl,  11112:  hill  owInK  to  eertnin 
unavoidable  ilelayB  the  building  waa 
not  completed  until  the  flral  of  o,-- 
lober,  the  same  yenr.  The  heating 
and  plumblnK  contract  was  awarded 
to  the  Otl  Hardware  company,  and 
the  wlrlne  lo  V,.  r;.  I.annInK,  while  llio 
A.  II.  Andrews  rompany,  of  rhleaRO, 
were  given  Ihe  eontrBct  for  the  aent- 
Inir  anil  furniture. 

Work  was  bcKiin  on  the  first  day  of 
April.  llll'J.  and  i-ompleted  aa  stated 
iihove  on  the  Ist  day  of  llclober.  IIIIL'. 
tlie  total  rnst  of  Ihe  billbllni:  belnit  a|>- 
pioxlmalely  The  home 
has  a  Bciillni;  capacity  of  Till,  arrang- 
ed In  strict  nii-oidancc  with  the  Indl- 
biin  law  reciilallnt:  the  se.itlnK  In  Iho- 
nlers.  The  house  has  a  thoroiiKhly 
Modern  slak-e,  wlib-h  Ib  one  of  the 
largest  In  the  country,  being  larger 
Ihnii  some  of  Ihe  slages  In  large  cltle«. 
Its  rront  Is  :ij  feel  wide  nnd  III  feel 
1,1  piuaiinliim  arch:  and  Is  fifty  feet 
lo  the   rigging  loll. 

'Ihe  building  wns  openci  to  the 
tllbllc  on  Ihe  evening  of  O,  loher  I.Mh, 
11  L-.  when  Thomas  W.  Hoss  apiiesred 
III  '•■/■/,,-  ((ii(//  ^■on."  ThiB  loiiipnny 
was  brought  here  on  a  gnaranleo  of 
>"i:i  ii.Mi,  Slats  were  placet  on  sain  at 
'  if-'LiHi  fcr  seal,  nt  wlil,-h  price  .'^lit  were 

The  iiianngemenl  has  lieen  able  lo 
olitnlii  some  of  the  greatest  atlra,  lions 
known  to  the  thi  alre-golng  piilille. 
Bliinng  Ihem  being  "l/n,f,ii»  .V."  Ib'c. 
Ilh.  IIML'.  Ill  which  llugeiile  lllalr  was 
Ihe  leading  lady.  Tills  was  followed 
on  llec.  .'■.lllh.  by  '■llrrrrlu  nf  Ihiiii- 
A/„r»-,"  This  on  Jan,  ITlli,  IDia,  by 
"llllly''  Clifford  In  Iho  "f7irf.  Ihr 
lliiHi,-  mill  Ihi-  tliiii."  In  the  |iolnt  nf 
attindiince  this  nlrra,-tlon  siiceeeded 
In  bringing  out  the  largest  niinilier 
Ihni  hml  palronlr.ed  the  new  bouse  lo 
that  dale.  The  next  nllracUnn. 
"\liiihniif  ^ihrrrit."  on  Jan.  2.",tli,  prov- 
ed to  be  a  "record  breaker"  In  llie 
point  of  attendance,  i  lila  waa  the 
first  nltrnrllon  brought  to  tho  new 
theater  In  which  every  seal  was  anld. 
c\ery  rfserved  sent  In  the  honao  be- 
ing sold  In  the  advance  solo  of  seals. 
This  was  tho  first  ntlrnctlon  In  which 
tho  liianaKeiiient  was  forced  lo  sell 
"alnndlng  room."  In  tho  liilnda  of 
Biiiiio  of  tho  patrons,  ttio  greatest  at- 



111  I,,, -I  ilnrliii;  111.'  Ilml  \rn,-  of  IIh 
..M^lrii.i',    \M1H   ■•;•"////   "/    //"■    Cir.  »».■■ 

I  I, IK  >.  il  111  I"'  n  L'.iiMl  (ll'il»  IhK  cuiil. 

.1.0  II..I1.1M ...- HI  «n.  i,.ii.l.Tliil.v 

iM  II..-  .-1.  nil.--     "-l.iii >;  r".'H."  only. 

11.;..  ii.,«  II w.'.l  i.n   Miiicli  I'.l I 

>.,.i    I.)    ".^...ri    /(......v   111    V,..     l..(/..- 

»l.|.li   ini.M'.l   In  I.,'  n  tn.'il  allrnclloii 

,.ll»     u.ll     |.|llinlil/.-ll.       ■rh,.    ll.'M 

Mill,..  II. .11  ulil.  I.  wild  w.'ll  |..ilr(inl/...l 
:,,„l  ili,.i,„itl.l.v  „|.|.|,.,-liil..|l  l.y  111.- 
,111.11, IK-.-   «,.K   ■'/■|,.A(.  V."   M.inli   U'llli. 

•|  li.'  K.'iis.iii  nr  1im:i-1I  wiiK  iili.'iio.l 
.V.iKUiil  •j:.lli  wh..|i  ■■■'■■,»  rrrki,is"  VMI« 
II..'   nllrii.  II..1I.      "11,,, II   /.■:«••    In    wlil.l. 

i;.    S J   pliii.-.l  I  III.  l.-iuluii;  liiirl, 

,i|.|.,'iir.  .1    ..II    \.M.   Jllh.    1111  I.  nil. I    wiiH 

1.1- ll/.d.       I., !/./■.■       Uhlshih 

■  I.I,  h  ;,.. I. ,■.,,■,■, I  111   .Vpril,  ini  I.'il 

111    I inilmr    ^iiihI      ilriiwinu      riiril. 

M,iiiiilM>;   r..i>iii   uiin  iiKaIn   Rnlil. 

I 1-  ,11 1 r nil.  (if  iiiilloM-ivlilf  r- 

;  nil'.  ul.,.ll  II..'  l,.,lhn;;,'nii'nl    liuvP  mir- 

iiii;  "ll  ,//,i,i  III,  1,111,  r  III  which  .M  n- 
.i.i..|  iniimlim  "hlnnvcl;"  ••llllly"  Cllr- 
Inr.l  nil  li  n-lnill  i'ii);ni;.  ni.'lil  ;  "t'lif 
II  ,:,ii,l  I.I  \\  nil.liiil"  «ns  linM  ;  lln- 
,.,1.1  III  lirlnu'iiii:  IhiK  nnli',1  .illr.icllnii 
1',  111,.  I,..  Ill,'  «iiH  so  Ki'i'ni  llinl  111'' 
n.iiii.'ii:.  i...'i.l  l.iM  n.'v.Ti.l  dnlliirK.  Inil 
ini'v  1.1IKI  liiii'.l  Ih.'lr  IniiK  wlihniii  II 
1,11111,111'.  r.'iill/lni;  lliiil  llii'y  Iniil  lii-.'il 
:ii»l.  111,11  mill  III  l.rlii::liiK  tn  [he  town 
iiii.l  nllnnliliK  niir  iH'oplc  n  i-liamv  in 
l..',.l'  mill  HI'.'  oiip  01'  Clio  tfi'i'mcsl  ni- 
ii.ii'li.iiiH  nf  iiiiKli'in  llni.'H.  •rlinr,'  liinn 
l.i'i  11  hi'\.'nil  nlhiT  linlod  alli':irlion»  ■ 
l.n.ilKht  hi'i'i'  foi'  ll.n  li.'ll.'rit  of  onr'.  niKl  iiH  mill!    In   Dio  oiilKri.  IliP 

l.'lill I  tvlin  iilniiinfr.l  lliiH' 

iiil.'i'l.rii...  <1i'..'i'no  i;ri'n(  cmlil,  nnil 
nil'  I'liihli'd  1,1,  1111,1  Bli.nilil  r.-ri'lvo,  (he 

'1,1    na»l»liinrp  ni  nil   Uirnlor-cnins 

I'l'iipl,'  nf  r.irki.  Cniinly.  Thn  nnirr- 
..lis..  li.iH  nni  hmi  nni.  ni'  fliinnilnl 
.'.ilii  for  111.  iirniiinl.'m,  Inil  nil  llm  foil- 
lini).  n  liv.nliiK  |ir.i|ioslllon.  Thi-V 
i:i<.'  II. ll  niily  lii',<n  iiiiKi'iriuli  In  llii'lr 
II..IIVIH.  lull  Inn.'  Hlinwti  nnil  niani. 
I. "I., I  n  irii'i.i  Inii'io).!  In  r.iii'  ln«n  nnil 

I'll.l.II-   l'.\IIKH. 

.viHiiii    ilii'  ii..):lniiliiK  01'     'lie     >i<^"' 

iiy  ll.i.';>\Mln  wiiH  llw  ii'iliilonl  of 

:i  ;:iii  In  'hi'  tuiy  i.r  a  imhlli'  park, 
•iiiiii,  1,.  Nui'.  iirihi'iiii'il  ihi'  ini.'t  or 
.1..'   II.'   i>l\    iifirK   lyin;i  Juki   wi'nt     of 

.l.'ir.'ri.|,l|     Klll'.'l,      Wll.Cl.      Illld     l.Ol'h     TIB- 

'll   „«  II   i.iiH..  l.iill   Kiniiiid,   whvn   the 

iiiuii    li:id      us      111 M     iii'iiri'Hnlniinl 

i.iiiii  In  ■!i.-i  nnil  ■•.,A.  Tli..  lii'.iiii'nl  wim 
iiiilMil  Willi  I'liiiHlili'rnliln  unlliiiulniiiii 
I'y  i.iir  1"  iipl,..  llnliTUilnnii'iitB  wore 
Bin  II  1,1,'  n  liiiiil  lor  iiiloriilnK 
. <...'!  I'liik,  a»  it  wim  cnllrd.  Willi 
H.iiiilti.irv  Illld  nlii.'rwliin  jnijirnvInK  tl. 
:i  wiiH  npiniii'til,  Imwi'Vi'r,  llinl  iiiiiiiy 
'.111,1    liiinil    I'liipm.    Iinlnrn    iIiIh    liliii'i. 

•I'lliI  I mil'  liiln  n  niiiinbli.  piirli;  U 

iiiHii   liii'kiil   Hiil'i'li  li'iil  ni'i'ii.     At   this 

J ■lilri'  iiipl.  Wnlliirn  \V.  .Mrriino  nf- 

ll  r.'d  III!'  Irnr.  l,iio«n  in  .Mii'imn 
iiMMi',  ithlili,  'ji'iili  .1  Hnmli  ndilllinn, 
I'liiiHiHir.  I.r  iili.iiii  rii'ii'i'ii  .ii'ri-H.  ll  iviii. 
i.iii'iidy  hi'iiinlfiilly  iinlowi'd  wlih  nn- 
I  111.  I'lirml  Iri'i'n.  iirln.'Ipiilly  ln-i'ih  nnd 
I'liii.  Wlii'ii  i'iip;.iiii  .Mct'iiiii.'n  nfiVi' 
UiiK  Hindi',  .Inhll  I..  .Viii'l  |:i'iii.rniliily  nr- 

Kii'il  11 y  nf  till,  town  the  Inml  lio 

i.iiil  uHiii  ll  ;  fliiii  ilio  niniiiy  |inld  by 

.Mr.  .Vn.'l  wim  n loil  on  llin  pilrclinn.' 

<•'  Mrrimn  liiml.     .Mnrli  dlnciiBHlnn 

ilirii  I'limn-d  n»  lo  a  proper  naiiin  for 
ilii.  piirk.  A  niiiiil.i'r  nf  naiiiea  ot 
proiiilnini  illl/.i-nii  llvliiB  nnd  dond 
v.i'i','  mu-u.^Hii'd.  wlirn  Klwond  Hunt 
piil.|'il  n  .'iinl  rlllnc  tlin  prnprldy 
nf  ilrnpi.lii:;  nil  pi-iBonnl  nnini-n  and 
liiklni:  llio  iiniiio  nf  Ihe  tr,v«  m  niiiner- 
1,1111  111  llin  iMrk-llonhwiinil.  Tliln  nt 
nnre  ini't  wdli  iinpnlnr  npprnvnt,  and 
no  onr  park  lina  iilncn  liron  known  by 
Unit  naiiio. 

Tin'   l"»i'   "II   "|   n   pnik  i.iiiiInK  ii  p.rl.i.l  i.r  (Illy  yinlH.  Hoihc 

< iil»Kloii   mill   iiBB.BB.'.l  n   (.lliihl   l,i\  1,1, Inn  l,,!,,,,.  Ihn  war  Kiiir  wny  (0  Hi" 

l.>.>    I'nr  (ll nlnt.iii r  ot  the  park.  more  milium  nnil  rlevnllni!  Koelnl  I'lin- 

llnH.'  I.nll  uiiiiiiB  mill  \nrliiii..i  f..riiii.  ol  i „   of  a   fnlloivlni:   em:   llion     cmiie 

I'lilirliilnnnnt  biive  nil.lid  In  the  fund:  ilu-  uiniiH.'iiient  rrn/.K  I  bnvo  mention' 

Mil'    llo.'killle    I'lvl.'    1,1'aKii.',      nn      ui-  ,  ,|.  llii-n  llie  elnli  iiiniinii'iit.  mid  tli.n 

minlziillon  of  pnlrloll.'  Iiidleii.  lills  iilun  Hie   nlrert   fnlrl      It   win   In    ini«l  Hint 

nBHlsled   In   Hie  imrk  work,     lint     the  ih,.    inwn    wnn   flmt    Blven    over  lo   a 

creiilml  ot  nil  fnilorn  In  the  liiiproie-  f,„|    iii„t    wiin   Bue.pliii:   Hie   country  ; 

II  eiit  ot  the   inirk      la     the     Itockvllle  i,,,,    impplly   (he   renidoii     enliic     here 

Chmitmiipm.  mioiier  lh,in  In  iiioul     oilier     coiiiniiin' 

The   ll..ckvlllc  Civic  I.enKiio  was  or  II  Lb.  nii.l  II  In  not  pokhlLle,  at  leant  n..l 

Biinl'/.d   11    few   yearn  ni;o.     rnder   the  prnhnl.l.'.  Hint   wo  iiliall   ever  annln   he 

leadi'mlilp  of  Kb     cnpalde     PreBldent.  dia.  redlleil  a«  a  town  liy  onlertnlnInK 

i.-r'    Y 'Cv  ■■■+"'>"''f^-  :.,-:r3 

v/r,«-%v:,-.'V>.^.v!  ■  4 



.Miss  .Mnrgurct  KlrkpatrlcU,  llio  I.oa;;ilo 
lina  been  nt  ureal  Infliien.'c  In  direct- 
In;;  I'rrlnlii  rivie  liii|irnvenienlB.  'I'hc 
driiililiiK  fniinliiin  In  the  conn  hoiiso 
yard  w.,s  plmed  there  by  tho  I.ciigiic, 
nnd  It  linB  been  ot  valiialdo  acrvico  in 
an  i.dvlBory  ciiini.'liy  on  different  oe- 
I  nnlnnB,  tlioiiirh  It  Is  to  bo  reijrclted 
Hint  B.iiiieiliiicB  lu  ndvli'o  has  been 
ii.orp  01'  li'SB  Btnpldly  U-nored  by  the 
inwii  iiHIhoriHei),  I'lvery  tiinn  In  (own 
Willi  niiy  Beiillinent  lowardB  Hio  pres- 
er\atlon  of  uiir  natiirn]  clenicntB  of 
bemity  nnd  iiddlnB  to  them  wlint  Is 
Bcnslbl..  In  Hie  way  of  nrllflelul  liii- 
prnvemenis  will  wIbIi  (lie  Civic  Leniine 
I. .11;;  life  and  ever  IncieaslnR  Blroniith 
and  inflneiico, 

llnekvllll!  soon  B  lo  linvo  ultei'llated 
I.eiwren  liid'llecdial  iiiovenionts  and 
aniiiKeiiinu  relrogreBnloiiR  nt  Intervals 


hili'li  notions  of  piildli'  ninilBCnient  as 
chnrnclerlzed  tho  atrort  fnlrs  of  fif' 
tern  yenrB  ncn. 

A  more  enlightened  public  Bonii' 
nicnl  has  prevailed  tinea  the  itrcci 
lair  days.  The  BalooiiB  liiivc  cone,  and 
In  their  pliico  wo  have  u  new  IiIkIi  bnlldlni.'  tUMis)  and  a  new 
llinnry,  the  latter  opened  nt  tlio  l.e- 
k-llinlliK  of  this  centennial  year.  Our 
Bplendid  Chaiiiiiii.|iin  provides  a  per- 
iod of  nienlul  linpiovenicnt  anil  pliys- 
hal  rcirentlon  that  Is  looked  lurwanl 
to  with  Pvcr-lilereaBlnK  IntorcBt  each 
year.  County  has  Joined  bands  with 
iiiiini.V'Sint  In  a  syBteiii  of  public  Ini- 
proii'iiieiiiB  aroiiinl  the  sipiaro  and 
rniirt  house  yard  Hint  Is  wnrlliy  nf 
both,  Tho  county  sent  Is  proud  of 
I'nrke  ronuly,  and  II  Is  In  be  hoped  (hat 
I'nrke  county  Is  proud  ot  lt>  roiinty 

iHilitarij  (l^rijauiHatUTUH 

Tlir  old  nillill.t  law  ot  Indliin.l  rn- 
I'olltd  nil  ahlu'l'oilleil  men  Into  eniii- 
piiiil,  B,  linllnlinns,  rculnieiKa  and  hrl- 
Kiidi'K.  Tli.'y  liiel  nn  xiali'd  neensloliB, 
nhleh  wri'i'.  lalled  "iniisler  dnys,"  nnil 
were  rcipilred  In  drill  lu  all  (ho  above 
rnn.iatlnn.i.  TliiBc  orKiinl'/.aHons  were 
noi  nriiied  by  the  ,*<ta(e,  hut  tho  men 
wlio  had  unns.  which  at  first  Ineliidcil 
alnioBi  evi  ryhody,  broiiulit  llipir  own 
arms  '.villi  llieiii.  I.aler  when  pnpiiln' 
Hiin  In. 'reused  beyonil  tho  imint  wbero 
ev.'i'y  1,11111  linil  a  aim,  Hi"Bn  who  ivcro 
1101  (liiiB  .-iiiilppi',1  carried  Bileks  or 
lorusinlks.  I  lento  tho  iiniiin  npplled 
in  (Ills  KyBieiii  of  pri'iiarediieHB  in 
Ueriiilnn--"rorns(iilu  nillltla." 

The  lOinnilKfllon  of  Walter  C.  l>on- 
aldsiin,  IhBiied  hy  (iovernor  Wallace  In 
|k;;ii,  has  on  Its  l.n.k  (be  followInK 
'■ertlilcnIlonB.  RlinwlnR  ho  belonced  to 
the  .-.nth  rcRlinent  and  Hie  sixtecnili 
niiili-  nl  Inillnnn.  l-nrkr  rniinlil,  m: 
Personally  appeared  heforo  tbn 
sllliBerllier,  n  JliBllie  of  (be  peneo  In 
and  for  the  CmnKy  aforesaid,  the 
wllhin  mil  ifd  Waller  C.  Iionnldsnn, 
and  took  tii  oalli  to     aiipiiort     tho 

ConBllllllloil  of  ihe  I'nlled  N(a(eB, 
the  Stale  ot  Indiana,  nnd  lliat  he 
wnilld  fnllhrillly  dUeliarKo  bis  duty 
as  Cnliinel  nf  Ihn  ,'iiilli  lleuliiirnt, 
.ndiiinn  .Mllllln,  aciordliiK  to  lnw  lo 
I  be  best  ot  Ills  Jndunieiil  and  linder- 
BtandlnR.  Clvrn  tiniler  my  band 
nnd  seal  this  Mid  day  of  Hrpieniber, 

llCVnV  BI.AVK>'K.  .1,  i>, 

(III  Ibis  liny,  thn  .'llsl  day  nf  He- 
ci'iiiber,  IN  1 1,  jiorBnnallv  niipenred 
Col,  Waller  C,  KnniililBon.  anil  ten- 
dered Ills  renlKnalion.  Afler  e.xaiii- 
Inlni:  bliii,  was  Ballsfled  Hint  snnd 
rnilne  wns  sh.nvn  :  nreepted  Ills  he- 
Inu  over  nko,  Ac 

.IIIKX     .1.     .MK.lriMM, 
Cnmilt.   VMh    llriiinilr.   Illilln  III   Ml- 

I'ven  ns  early  as  tho  cornslalk  ml* 
IKIa  period  reiinlnrly  ripilpped  mill- 
(iiry  cnni|innlcB  were  nialnlatned  In 
some  of  Hio  eoiindcs.  The  firs(  mlll- 
lary  company  armed  nnd  eiiiilpped  by 
the  H(a(e  was  In  exlBleni'o  In  IKIJ, 
and  served  ns  Riinrds  nl  (ho  exec.l- 
llon  nf  Noah  llennebniiiii.  They  wero 
arinod  with  a  ibort  fllnt'look  gUn  call- 

I  yiiKcr,  which  was  liiBiiri'd  (o  hit 

the  Bide  of  n  l.iirn  If  fired  within  llio 
slnicliire  wllh  doors  eloii.d.  pnnhbd 
Hi.'ie  were  no  rra.ks  hlx  en.iiiKli  for 
Hie  iMilh'l  (11  KO  (liroiiKh  wllboiK  hu. 
lliiK    n    bonrd. 

A  loiiipauy  cnlle.l  Hic  I'nrke  Coiiiilv 
Volnnleirs  was  niKanlxed  and  h.  Ii'l 
lor  imi.Bler  In  the  t  nlleil  .sini,,  army 
In  l.'<|il  when  war  with  .Mexico  iiai 
d.'.'lnr.'d.  Ja.iili  (H.lslme  was  Ciiplnln  : 
.\iiBlln  M.  I'liell.  iBt  Meiiiemini ' 
II.  .M.  lillli.snu,  Scond  Mnilnii. 
mil.  ThiB  coiiipiny  was  enrolled 
nnionL'  IhoBe  on  Ihe  wnlllnx  lint  hv 
Hie  .VilJiilanI  lleneral  nf  Ihn  stale,  hiit 
the  war  ended  before  l.iey  iinild  b 
iiarhed  In  the  order  of  priority  of  nr- 

The  Itockvllle  (liiards.  orKanlr.ed 
1,1  bill     l,S.-.'<,    u„B    „       r.lliioliB       l.illil.iiy 

rniiipmiy.  Iin  nnlrorni  was  nn  rlnlHir- 
ate  a.  fair,  iiiKlIni:  em  h  man  forty  dol- 
laiB.  II  was  of  fine  l.lne  riolli  wllh  n 
hlch  liil  silrinmlnled  l.y  a  l.emillful 
Willie  and  bine  plmne  nf  oBlrl.h  r.'iilh- 
CB.  I.n.len  .M.  I'oole  wbs  Cnplnln; 
.lo'in  Klrlinrds,  I'lrst  Meiitennnt : 
TIlL-lininu  A.  Howard,  Seemid  Menieii' 
ant.  ThlB  company  was  froinently 
drllbd  by  Ceueral  I.ew  Wallace,  win 
wns  then  Cnplnlu  of  the  MonlL-oniery 
lliiards  of  Crawfordflvllle.  and  proae. 
intinu'  nllorney  of  Hie  circuit  of 
I'aike  County  was  a  unit. 

A  I'nrke  Ciinnly  Iteclni.-nt  of  the  In- 
dliiiin  l-ecion  was  orKiml/ed  In     IKii'j 
and  In  isill  waB  i-niiiiiosed  of  ten  colu- 
panlcB   with    the   followInK   field   and 
Blair  otricers: 
CaBper  llndd,  Colonel. 
1,11.  len  A.  I'oole,  l.t.  Colonel, 
J'llin   II.     Collcnder,     Mnjori     loier 
Captain  Co.  K,   l.'ld  llegt,  .Major  l.'Ud 
-laiiiea   K.   Menihoni,  Adjutant, 
Havld   W,  Stark,  (^larlerniaBtor. 
William  lleeder,  Hnriienn,  Inter  l'a|i- 
tolli  Co.  I>,  .s.-,t:i  lleslnienl. 

llinimis  .V.  nice,  .liidge  Advocate, 
The  follow  hiK  n  sped  lie  roinpanira 
Here  orKaulKcd  In   isill : 

ll.  W.  Shnil.elfnrd,  Caiitnln. 
W,  S.  .Maulll,  iBl   Meul.,  Inter  Opt. 
(  o    K,    l.'ld    llefliHcnt. 
.s.imnel  .\.  Maker,  'Jnd  Mciit, 

.(ieorge  Ilarviy,  Cnplnln;  rcBlgned  ; 
killed  nt  Sblloli;  (apt.  Co.  I,  .Itat 

-loliii  V„  Woodar.I,  Captain,  lalor 
Cnplnln  Co.   I',  I  lib  Cavalry. 

..OBlnh  liennell,  IbI  I, lent, 

lianlel  A.  I'oiter,  L'n.l  l.loiit,  later 
('apt,  Co.  r,  nth  Cavalry. 

I'.XIlKi;    IIAMil.HN— Al..\MM    TOWXNIIir. 

TlioiiiaB  Cornllnvalte,  Captain. 

•loseiih  C.  .Myers.  Ist  l.lent. 

.liiBiidi  Chance,  L'nd  Mont. 
nuiimci'iiN  viii.cM'cms, 

llntiis  ('.  Alluii,  Cnplnln,  lalor  Homt, 
Cn.  (I.  l.l-'ld  lloKt. 

.Inmes  .M,  I'lielan,  Ist  l.lciit,  taler 
Kcritt,  Co.  II,  IM.'ld  llegt, 

lieinpsey  Heyliold,  iinil  l.lent, 

Willi Illeidenlll,  L'lid    l.lent. 

Anderson   .M,  .Iniks,  '.'nd   Mont, 

lloherl  I'.   Ilenson,  I'nd  Meiil, 
ixiiM'i'.iMi  >iii,|j4  iM'AaiiN,.  lusiiA.oncn  IK 


Wllllniii  M,  llyerly.  Cnplnln. 

.Vnrval   llaiiillinn,  Ist  Meiil, 

Win.  II,  llamrnvo,  ;!nd  l.laiil.l  In 
'Kih  llect, 

nn.i.MnnK  ni'Anns, 

.Inhn  N,  Cheadle,  Caplnlnl  killed  at 

lllcl nd,   Ky..  7lBt   llegl.,  An*.     10, 


l,eonnrd  C,  Acker,  Ist  Mrnt, 

Kniniiol  Crnoks,  2nd  Mrnt. 
KOWARIl  nPAniis. 

Cnsper  Iliidd,  Captain,  proiuoled  Tot- 

Archibald    llllbo,     Ctptalnl     l*t«r 


MuiijKJr'il  I't.  Honnldson,  I'u.  1,  UlBt 

.l.uiM'B    lllnford.    im    Mciil. 

JuiiK.'H  I'hIllliiH.  ^nd   M>!iit. 

'IhiiiMriH  II.  i:\iiiiii,  i;nd  l.lfiit. 

Wllllarji  W.  Iliidd,  ;.'nd  r.ioiit.,  later 
ill  IMIi    lliillcry. 

.liiiiii'H   i:   Itnhlaon,  ^nd   I.lnit. 

AliiKT  I'lnyd,  I'ltiiliiln,  lalcr  killed 
111  TlinmiiHiiM  Slnllon,  ('B|it.  Co.  A, 
KMh    lli'Xi. 

.liiiiii'H  II.  UuKKoll,  Jnil  ('.i|itnln. 

Wllliniii  I!.  i;r«ln.  'Ird  <u|pI..  later 
Snruniilll    I'o.    \,  K.'.th    Ili-Kt. 

Siijiimii  l.iiKk,  .Ir.,  iHt  Meiit.,  later 
killed  'riioiiiimnr.  Station,  Sergeant- 
Major  xr.u,  II.Kt, 

lieiirue  rinidrnnl,  lat  Meill. 

Wlllliiiii  'I'.  Klni;,  Inl  l.leiil. 

.Iiiiiii   W.   llaccnH.  L'nd   I.lent.,     later 

Serill,    I'll.    A,    Villi     lleiil. 

liiitlH  L'nil  l.l'iii. 
.Mmhi'h  liny,  'Jiid   I. lent. 

mi  \IIP\T     ll.\,M.l.ll»      IMH.V      TIIWJIHIIIP,' 

i.iMi.tMii.ii  nil.  'Jil,  IMIII. 
iHiiih'   llaniiiii.   I'niitiiln. 
.iiiKliiH  Snllini.    Inl'iil. 
liii\ld  .1.  Mnlnln,  L'lul  l.leiii. 

,Iemie  II.   VininiaiiH,  Taiilnln. 

(lenrite  lliiirhlnwin,  inl  I, lent. 

\S\  II.  .Inrdan,  L'nd  I.lent. 
H'.tMiiv \    III  Aiiii>.    iiiii,.\.Mi'.l':li    iwn. 

Will.  I>.  .Mull.  Ciijilulii. 

i;il.lali   X.   Ilnrlord.  Caiiliilii. 

Iiiivlil  II.  .Mull,  l8l  I, lent.,  later 
Si'it't.  I'o.   II.   Il.-illi   Itl'L'l. 

Imvld  W.   Hull,   iHl   l.leiil. 

.1 1'H  II.   Sli'i'le.  llnil'iit. 


.Ii'iviiiliili    IliiHli,    rnplnlli. 

Wlllliini  I'.  WliiiliiiT.  IHI  I.lent.,  Inter 
I'niil.  111.   II.   Inl    lliavy  Artillery. 

Illniiii    .Miller.    iHl    l.leiil. 

SIliiH  II.  .1.  Ilr.vanl.  Jnd  I.lent..  later 
iHl  l.leiil.  Co.  (1.  lll.ld  IdKl. 

Siiniiii'l   rniokH.   'Jiiil      l.leiil.,     Inler 

■.'inl    l.leiil.    111.    i:.    TMth    lleKl. 

».Mi\sll    ii.lMiiliK     iiiii,.\\l/):li    isii:i. 

Wlllllllll    IllM'hH.    I'liiiliilh. 

.Iiilill  II.    I'llli'lllliy.    Inl    I.lent. 

Andrew  .1.   Iliyiinl.  Jnil   I.lent. 
lliiiKMi.ii:    iir.MiiiH     I ii.\M/Mi     lsii:i. 

.\illliiii  II.  Viinre.  I'niiliiln,  Inter 
I'niil.  I'll.  <l,   l.l-lil   lleBl. 

.MimeK  M.  Sniltli,  lat  i.lent.,  later 
rorimial  I'o.  I.  Illal  Hi-Kl. 

V.  \:  llniisiil.  L'nd  Mem..  Inter  Si<rKl. 
Co.  li.  i:i:'.il  lieci. 

Allrid  K.  Stark.  'Jml  I.lent.,  later 
IHI    Seri;t.  I'o.  li,    i:l.',d    llei;!. 

.ImiieB  W.  I'rnwford,  I'niilaln,  He- 
nli;iieii  ,\iii:iint,  'I'bt. 

l:ll.liili    I'mwrord.   rnplaln. 

.Iniiien   V,.   SentI,    Ist   Melll. 

Wllllnin  M.  Ilyerly.  lind  I.lent.  Ile- 
Hluileil    Orllllier.    'H.'!. 

.Iimeidi  r.  Hull.  'Jnd  I.lent. 
iiiiuiin  iiiAiiiis    iiRii.\M7.Kn  l.siin. 

.Iinse    K.    Viinlnana.   I'niitiiln. 

.Iiiuiph    Aliiintl.    iKl    I.lent. 

.loliii  A.  ^nnlllnnB,  Jnd  I.lent.,  prn- 
nioleil   111    iBl    I.lent. 

I lie   W.  I'liv.  'Jml   Mem. 

luiNln.Mi:    iirmiis     iiiiiiamzkii    l.Sm. 

Ira  II.   Ilendcr.ioii,  I'aiilnln. 

A.   M.   Ileiiily,   Inl   Mem. 

.Inlin  W.  .snce.  'Jnd  I.lent. 

I'MIKK    lA\.M.nV       lll|IIAM7.l:ll     IMin, 

.liinieii    I'.    Tinker,   I'mitiiln. 
ArrlBiin  V.  Winvrr,  IkI   Menl. 
Kdwiird   1>.   l.llKey,  'Jnd   I.lent;   Ser- 
Reanl   i'o.   I.  .'Hal   lleitl. 

lleorKe  lliuiHel,  raiilalll,  wna  In  llMli 
iind    i:!il  lleKla. 

.lohn  II.  .lolinaton.  lat  Menl..  waa 
In    TMIh   and    l.'l.'lil    lleiilB. 

IMiiiond   fnietl,  2nd   I.lent. 

.\  liirne  inajnrlly  of  the  iiieinliera  of 
the  Beveral  eoniimnlea  cnniimBlnK  the 
I'arke   County   KeElinrnt     went     Into 


tlio  volunteer  army,  inuii.x  or  whom 
were  killed  or  wounded  In  battle,  or 
died  of  dlaeuKC  eontraeted  in  the  scr* 
M<e  of  the  lonnlry. 

The  llecliiient  wiis  called  out  to  aid 
In  repellinE  a  eon.HiUerahle  rebel  forre 
iinilei'  (leiieral  John  .Mor^'an,  who 
iriwned  ibe  ulilo  rlior  from  Kentmky 
and  iiiiide  a  raid  tbroiiKh  the  Sontli  on 
Indiana,  captilrln^  many  liorBeg,  role 
bliiK  riiriiierB  and  people  In  the  townR 
llirniixli  U'lileh  hla  rnlileis  tvent.  The 
rexiriieiii  went  til  Terrc  llanto  onronto, 
hut  on  iici-onnt  or  tlio  inllltla  nearest 
ihe  raid  belnit  anrriclent.  the  I'arke 
County  Ilexlnicnt  was  ordered  liomo. 

.Military  ardor  la  never  ao  dead  aa 
dnrliiB  the  period  followini!  a  Kroal 
war,  au  when  an  attemin  wiia  made  lu 
imilntalii  n  I'oinpany  at  llnckvllle  In 
1X71  It  aoon  proved  a  I'alliiro,  Tlio  or- 
Mani7.iitlun  wiia  ihily  pcrlcctcd  wItU 
Willlain  S.  .Mak'lll  an  Captain  and  the 
uriiirt  iMKiied— hrlttht  rinlahed  KnI'lnId 
iltli'H  or  the  Civil  War  typo -but  be- 
.lonu  one  or  two  atteniiilH  at  Urllllnt; 
III  tlie  I'onrt  hniiQe  yard,  notiilng 
Inriiier  wa»  done  and  the  eoinpany 
i-eaKed  an  all  organization. 

Ill  lM7:i  iL  new  generation  ivlth  no 
meinorieB  of  the  Civil  War,  had  arisen 
10  the  line  of  military  service.  To  tliat 
Kenerittlon  only  the  glm-y  and  glamor 
appialeil.  These  boys  organir.ed  a 
eoinpany  called  the  .McCnnc  Cadets. 
M  tlnit  time  tliere  was  a  xreat  revival 
of  niilltiiry  eiilhimliisin.  Tcrro  llantc 
had  three  i  omininies,  tlie  llovernor'a 
llilanl.  the  Tene  lluilte  llifles  and  the 
.Mi'Keen  Ciidets,  all  finely  nnll'iirmcd 
and  well  ilrllled.  Iloekvllle  caught 
the  Bplrlt  whh'h  resnited  In  the  eoin- 
pany aliovo  named.  Clinton  .Mnrphy 
wan  elided  Cuplaln,  I'rnnk  1!.  Steven- 
Bun.  iBt  Meiilenant;  l;dwnrd  Lambert. 
M  Mentenanl.  Captain  W.  \V.  .Mc- 
Ciine  and  Samuel  L.  .McCiino  In  rceou- 
nllhin  of  the  lionor     confcneil     npon 

Ih eonlrihilled    most   of   the   money 

iiir  the  piiriiiase  of  a  uniform.  The 
laiext  and  iimBt  erfeelivo  infantry 
iiriiiB  then  known— i.-i  enllliro  lircceli- 
loadinu-  Springfield  rifles— were  Is- 
Biieil  to  tills  organlmitloii  by  the  State. 

Hill  Itnikville  was  too  Biiinll  to  fiir- 
iilHli  enniiKh  ineiiiliern  of  an  Infantry 
riiiiipiiiiy  lapalilc  of  entering  the  prize 
diilLs  that  were  held  all  over  the 
iinintry  at  tliat  time,  bo  when  the  in- 
Inntry  eomiiitny  began  to  difllntegrate 
iiB  It  illd  after  a  year  or  too,  a  iiiove- 
meiit  was  started  among  the  young 
men  of  tlie  Infiintry  company  to  or- 
ganize a  Beet'on  of  artillery,  generally 
inlied  II  "battery."  but  In  reality  one- 
sixth  of  a  full  battery.  It  rcipilrcd 
only  eleven  liien  to  form  a  Beetion. 
and  It  waB  thought  tiint  aiich  a  niiiii- 
her  cninihle  of  mastering  the  artillery 
drill  loiild  be  obtained.  On  Monday 
nighl.  March  tj.  ls.s:i,  at  the  llecord- 
er's  office,  (lenernl  Cnrna- 
iian,  asBlsted  by  Imvld  stronse,  inns- 
lereil  In  "llatteiy  r'  of  the  Indiana 
I.eginn,  for  a  jieriod  of  three  years. 
Tlinse  wiio  signed  the  innsler  ro'l  tliat 
iilglil  and  started  the  famous  UoeU- 
vllle  l.iglit  Arllllery  on  Its  siili8ei|iient 
brilliant  eareer  were:  Krank  V,.  Stev- 
enson, lleiilenant:  Will  A.  .Miison. 
sergeant;  Isaae  II.  Stronse,  eaisaon 
roriHiral;  liie  privates  were  TiiomnB 
l.iing,  I,.  It.  Tlelaior,  I'rank  .Tnhnson, 
Harry  .lolitiBon,  l>Bcnr  MK'ord,  Harry 
I, re.  Wallaie  Iloyd,  Horace  Kendall, 
Will  Kendall,  Charles  fjriines,  Wal- 
lace Ilrown.  KiUvard  T.ambert,  Frank 
llryant,  I'red  Sllth  and  Mward  Iloyd. 
The  first  pnlille  npiieoranee  of  the 
buttery  wos  at  Newport,  where  an  ex- 
hliillion  drill  was  given  on  the  1''ourtli 
of  .Inly,  1.s,h:i.  In  Seiitemlier.  ts.s.1,  llio 
battery  entered  the  cuntest  at  Indian- 
apollB,  and  put  up  a  fair  drill  conBiil- 
erlng  tlio  Inexiierlenee  of  the  boys.  In 

.lime.  IS.SII.  tlio  three  years  having  ex- 
pired, a  new  organization  was  por- 
fecled  called  "The  Iloekvllle  Light 
Artillery."  Lieutenant  Stevenson  at 
this  time  received  the  well  morited 
lomnilsslon  of  Captain;  Will  .Mason, 
iBt  Lieutenant;  c,  i:.  Lambert,  2nd 
Lieutenant,  l-'rom  thia  date  tho  rec- 
ord of  the  artillery  la  a  «niccB8lon  e 
vlctorliB.  Its  guidon  was  adorned 
witli  tiie  following  pennants: 

IndlannpollH,  is.s;i,  black  ribbon. 

l.iifayette,  Indiana,  l.'^.sil,  rod  ribbon. 

.laciisonvllle.  111.,  IKsi;,  red  rllihon. 

i'.vnnsvllle.  Ind.,   1S.MT,  blue  riblion. 

Tuscola.  111..  IWT,  hlno  riiibon. 

.Ihikaiinvllle,  111.,  IsST.'blue  ribbon. 

Kvansvllle,  Ind.,  isss,  blue  rliibon. 

Ladloa  of  .Now   Harmony,     Indiana, 


Nashville,  'I'onn.,    INKS,   yellow   rlb- 
Vlncennea,  Ind.,  INim,  bine  ribbon. 
Indlannpolla,  l.siil,  red  ribbon. 
St.  Louis,  .Mo.,  IKIi,'i,  red  ribbon. 
I't.  Wayne,  Ind.,  iwi,",  bliio  riblion. 

Mine  ribbons  ilciioie  lat  prize,  red 
second  and  yellow  third.  Tho  prlzo  at 
lOvansville  wiib  ^taio,  and  on  that  oc- 
casion l.'aptaln  Hay  wood  of  tho  Unit- 
ed states  army  wrote  Captain  Stcvcn- 
Kon :  "The  drilling  of  your  dctacli- 
meiit  was  excellent,  and  I  have  never 
Been  lietlcr."  .Vt  I't,  Wayno  the  team 
made  the  remarkable  score  of  1)8.7. 

Wiien  bilBlnefls  no  longer  permitted 
Cnpt.  Stevenson  to  devote  tho  time  ro- 
iinired  for  drilling  tho  team,  ho  ro- 
Bigneil  and  C.  K.  I.amlicrt  was  elected 
Captain.  At  that  time  another  section 
with  another  gun  was  added. 

After  the  disiinniling  of  the  first 
iialtery  In  l.Wil,  nn  infantry  com|iany 
was  organized,  i-oinposed  principally  of 
students  of  the  Itoekvlllo  hlgii  Beliool. 
Tlie  loinpany  adopted  tiie  name  of  the 
previoiiB  infantry  coni|iany — ".McCuno 
Cadeta."  Its  officers  wero:  laoac  It. 
Slrouse.  Cnptiiln;  L.  II.  Tleknor,  Ist 
Lieutenant ;  Oscar  Knllwider,  2nd  Lieu- 
tenant;  .loiin  Marsliail,  Ist  Sergeant; 
Claude  int,  2d  Sergeant.  .lohn  Mar- 
shall, the  1st  Sergeant,  was  trans- 
ferred to  the  artillery  and  Uick  II. 
(lit  HUB  appointed  Ist  Sorgennt.    The 

lirst  uniform  of  llio  company  was 
blue,  hut  In  ISd"  It  was  handaouiely 
uniformed  with  West  I'olnl  eadet  regu- 
lation grey.  Some  of  tho  boys  liecanm 
very  proficient  In  drill,  hut  the  handi- 
Clip  of  the  larger  iiiiinber  of  men  re- 
i|iilred  for  infantry  prlzo  drilling 
could  nut  be  overcome,  and  tlio  Cadeti 
never   eilti  red   a   prize   contest. 

In  .Marcii.  Il«i7,  eleven  years  after 
liie  old  battery  was  miistered  out  of 
scriice,  there  was  an  npportnnlty  giv. 
en  Iloekvllle  tii  have  nn.ther  battery : 
this  HUB  brought  about  by  the  Stale 
iimsterlng  out  of  service  the  Lafayette 
orgiinlzatlon,  wiilch  had  been  below 
standard  for  ijiiite  awhile. 

Ibe  offer  to  locale  another  arlll- 
lery nrganizatlon  here  came  at  ft  lime 
when  the  Incal  camp  of  .Modern  Wmid 
men  of  America  was  making  n  vigor- 
nils  eiiinpaign  for  new  ineniberB  anil 
In  conseipience  liiereof  a  mnveinent 
was  Blarleil  at  once  to  organize  a  hiil- 
lery  fi'iiin  tiie  memliers  of  llie  lamji, 

This  movement  wn«  siiccessfnl  anil 
an  oiuaiilzalinn  nf  fifiy-aeven  members 
una  fiirmiil  and  miislered  III  llie  Mlate 
acrvice  Ain'll  II,  llNi7,  liy  .Majni'  Win. 
II.  Kersliner.  At  nil  election  held  on 
the  Biime  dale  ol'flcera  wero  elioBcn  na 
follows:  Captain,  II.  .M.  Ilice;  senior 
ist  lieutenant,  Han  H.  .Tones;  Junior 
lat  lleiilenant,  Walter  f).  Alice;  sec- 
mid  lienlenant,  jaiiies  K,  Anderson. 

Tiie  nrganizatinn  was  known  no 
nailery  "C,"  rirat  Artillery,  Indlami 
.Vallonal    lliiard.     The     iiattery     was 

lippid    with    three    llolchklss    rifles 

and  Ihe  regulation  Colls  revolvers. 

In  the  fall  of  IIMill  tiie  armory  burn- 
eil  and  nearly  everything  heloiiging  to 
Ihe  battery  was  destroyed,  excepting 
the  three  llntchliiSB  riflcB,  which  weie 
only  Bllghlly  ilaiimged.  After  liie  fire 
nn  effort  was  made  tii  get  enllstmeniB 
sufficient  10  obtain  a  new  tliree-lncli 
field  arllllery  eipiipnient  from  the 
goiernnient.  and  after  several  weeks 
of  hard  work  the  roll  showed  In,'!  men 
and  four  officers.  'I'he  following  Ang- 
nsl   the  now  ei|iilpiiient  arrived. 

In  Ibe  wlnler  iif  1l»ll  II.  M.  nice  re- 
Bigiieil  aa  Cnpliiln  of  tho  iirganlznilon 
and  I..  Deiinla  Williams  was  elected 
to  that  office. 

ulntf  ^tnrii  of  tl|?  l^tUing  of 

".Io)inny  firrnn"  wan  tho  Inst  In- 
dliin  111  Ihls  port  of  the  rountry  lo  live 
llip  Willi  life  lu  the  woods,  all  others 
Imvlni:  Rone  rnrthcr  Wcet.  Ilo  was  a 
riT.iiiont  unwclrome  visitor  at  the 
hoiiK's  of  the  Bcttlnra.  He  had  a  lonff. 
iinprnnonncahlp  name,  which  the  aet- 
llcrs^  pot  around  by  calling  liliii 
"Johnny  (ircrn."  I  Us  Bftviigo  brutal 
Btortofl  and  hla  ugly,  lll-tcmpcrcd  dle- 
posltlon  when  drunk,  always  rreated 
a  freliuK  of  ilistruBt  ami  of  fear  on 
the  part  of  ninny.  r8|>erlally  bo  with 
the  women  and  children.  lie  was 
much  given  lo  relating  his  many  deeds 
of  harh:irou8  cruelties  oonunltted  on 
riefenerlesB  women  and  children  while 
the  men  wore  away  from  liome  figbt- 
Ing  In  the  war  with  the  Indiana.  Tie 
never  failed  to  relate  tho  nioBt  hor- 
rible and  cruel  tblnus  that  he  bad 
done,  tblnga  many  of  tlicm  too  borrld 
to  relate  In   j'rint. 

i>n  one  ocraslon  ho  vlalted  the  homo 
of  4'nleiimn  I'uett.  who  lived  about 
three  mllea  northwcBt  of  Uoekvlllo  on 
the  farm  now  owned  hy  JoBlah  Morrla. 
lie  aoon  began  telling  ono  of  hlB  rniol 
fltorlei  ab»>ut  ereeplng  up  to  tho  eab- 
ins  of  tne  settlers  when  the  women 
and  rhildren  were  atone.  Bllpplng  the 
nuixzle  of  his  giin   tbroiiRh   an  open 

<  rack,  anil  ai.ooting  them  standing  ho- 
fore  the  fire  as  he  snld.  "floalns  them- 
flrlves."  and  then  rolnto  how  they 
would  fall  Into  the  fire,  and  would  go 
through  motions  showing  bow  tboy 
would  kick  an<l  flounce  around  In 
their  dying  ayonlea.  On  this  occasion 
he  was  pmuiptly  knoekcil  down  and 
o'lt  by  Mr.  Pnett.  and  was  thrown  out 
of  the  door.  Ilo  lay  for  aomctlmo  ho* 
fore  bo  came  to  bluiself.  and  when 
be  did  and  was  able  to  got  up  and 
\\  alk  be  went  down  below  tho  road 
near  the  Ilelhco  pond  and  fixed  up  a 
teuiporary  shelter  by  a  largo  tree, 
where  he  spent  tho  night.  Ho  xvHh 
watched  by  members  of  tho  family  till 
mornlnii  to  see  that  bo  didn't  att'^mpt 
revenge  for  tho  rouirii  trentmert  bo 
bad  received.  Tho  day  following  hla 
knock  out  iio  started  for  Hugar  Preok, 
and  rolouian  Tuelt  ond  his  oMoht 
non.  r.llsba,  took  their  rifles  and  went 
for  tho  aame  locality.  Tho  next  dny 
after  this  be  was  'oented  O'l  t\  rork 
flahlng  In  Sugar  Creek,  and  was  thon 
and  there  shot  and  killed  by^  Colenran 
.  uott. 

('n))taln  John  T.  rampbell,  who  woi 
raised  on  Sugar  Creek,  and  was  ff- 
miliar  with  the  aeronnts  of  the  hIM- 
Ing,  located   the  rook  Jnit  below  tho 


MiiMilh  nf  Tiiiko.v  llim.  Tli(!io  Is  no 
ildiiitt  tliiil  )in  wnfl  Rlint  liy  rolnltuili 
I'lii'll.  lllB  niro,  .hidii  I'lirtt,  nnd  IiIr 
niMi.  AliMinilcr  I'li.ll.  with  llic  other 
nicliihorH  of  tho  rnmlly  were  present 
iiikI     wlllli'Hxrd     Ihr    troiihic      lit      the 

I II    lionio.   nnd    witc    rnnilllar    ulLli 

lh>'  wlioln  iiffnlr  rrnin  tho  Blnrt  nt  Ihi' 
liMiiKr  to  Iho  killing  of  Jolinny  (Irocn 
■III   SiiKiir  CriMk   iwo   dnyn   nfur. 

Thr  nl'ovc  ncroiint  of  the  trngcdy 
wnR  ivrllleii  hy  ^<hrH»y  €.  riictt,  who 
rivnlls  nil  the  fartn  as  related  to  hini 
ninny  llnio  hy  his  father  nnd  hln 
lii-niidiiiolhrr  nnd  otiiers  of  the  old 

In  the  lllatory  of  I'nrko  County, 
liiihllnhed    In    I((M'.    an    miDnnl      (not 


Ji.lm   II.    11' 

i.ll.',   Ik 

VMIB   Kl>en    In   tho   Siifor  I'rcoU   town- 
Hhl)i  drinirtnirnt.     'I'IiIh  Htory  follows: 

"Olif  day  Henry  IJt/cy  nnd  boiiio 
Mini'i'  of  the  old  si'ttlcrs,  were  at  Old 
Jiihii  llciiiil'B  will  at  the  month  of 
SiiKar  ireek  nllir  fh'iir;  the  old  In- 
dian lia|iM<'iied  nlBo  to  visit  tho  uilll 
ill  llinl  llini'.  and  liiu'in  honBlIni;  of 
llle  liiiinher  of  woiiirn  and  ehlldren  lie 
had  killed.  In  lilaie  of  koIiib  on  the 
wiir  iinlti  with  the  wnrrloru  he  tiBCd  to 
ttkiilk  around  the  settleiiienls  nnd 
nlaiiKhler  the  defi-nselcss  reiiiales  ami 
liifniilK,  nnd  on  IIiIb  occriBlim  was 
honmlliK  of  hiB  e.xplolls  In  thnt  line, 
nnd  telllni!  with  great  kIco  how  he 
used  to  liii|ailc  the  Utile  InnoccntR  on 
Hn|i|dlnKB.  and  laiii;lied  na  lie  deucrlb- 
«d  how  they  woultl  shriek  nnd  toss 
Ihelr  Utile  arms  nhoiit.  This  nronsed 
.Mr.  LII/.cy'H  mnnhood,  and  he  at  oneo 
I'loieeded  to  Inflht  i'or|>oral  piiDlsh- 
liiellt  on  the  old  henlhen.  The  other 
mill,  however.  Interfered,  and  the 
mntlor  «ns  ilropped.  On  his  wnj' 
home  on  liori»ehn'-k  Mr.  lio.ird 
the  roiHiit  of  a  Klin,  anil  felt  a  hullet 
whlmle  pnBt  him;  glnnelni;  hehind  he 
iibBerveil  Ihe  Indian  hehind  a  tree.  Ile- 
liiR  iiniiriiied  he  at  onrc  put  spurs  to 
Ills  home,  and  rode  at  a  llrcly  gnit 
fur  n  mile  or  two,  when  thinking  he 
liMil  itnl  nut  of  rench  of  danger,  he 
ii::nln  dropped  Into  a  walk.  Agnin  he 
lienrd  the  report  of  n  rifle  nnd  ngnin 
lell  the  wind  from  tho  liiillet  pnRH 
close  to  his  head  ;  nutl  not  heing  will- 
ing In  run  the  rink  of  n  third  slinl,  pro- 
leeiled  linme  as  fast  ns  poaslhlo.  t>n 
reni'hing  the  house  he  took  his  gun 
nnd  went  off  on  n  hunt,  nnd  .Tnhnny 
IJreeii  wns  never  seen  ngnln  In  thnt 
purl  of  Ihe  eoiinlry.  It  was  never 
knowii  for  a  eertnlnty  who  hnil  |iut 
hliii  out  of  the  wn.v.  but  puhllc  opinion 
nlwnya  gave  Mr.  I.llzey  eredlt  of  the 
net,  llioiii!h  he  would  never  acknowl- 
edge II,  always  staling  thnt  tho  Inat 
time  lie  saw-  the  Indian  he  observed 
lilm  silting  nn  a  flnt  rock.  In  Stignr 
I  reek.  Just  below  Ihe  Narrows,  fish- 
ing; siiddeiily  he  Jumped  np  as  If 
ernxy,  nnd  diveit  Into  the  water,  from 
whlrh  he  never  arose.*' 

There  are  Iwo  pnlpiible  mlastnte- 
meiits  In  Ihe  latter  version  o(  tho  kill- 
ing nf  Johnny  lirern.  liral.  llenrda 
mill  was  not  at  the  luotitli  of  flngar 
I'rer^t,  hilt  wns  aliout  where  the  old 
Minr  Mills  wero  nflerwnrds  loented 
hear  Ihe  Weal  I'nlnn  hrhlgo:  aernnd, 
no  rioiir  was  grniiml  there  In  the  enrly 
dii.vs.  The  mill  wns  n  log  slruetnre 
nnd  i^nalsled  of  n  pair  of  niggerhead 
hiiris  «-nllid  a  "i-orn  cracker."  When 
I  lie  selllera  wanted  flour  they  had  to 
gii  In  llnaevllle.  (he  nenreat  mill,  un- 
III  Halninn  l.iiak  creeled  his  mill  nt 
the  Xnrrows.  -Tolinny  Oreen  wns  n 
vrry  old  man,  hnrmleas  nnd  Inoffens- 
ive Mcept  when  drunk.  It  would  have 
liron  liiijiosslhlo  for  siieli  an  Indian  to 
intraiio  a  man  on  foot,  flro  onee,  re- 
iodl  and  nrcrlake  ■  man  on     Iiorse- 

hnek  who  hnd  "put  apurs  to  Ills  horno  indlali  Iri-nl 
and  ridden  at  n  lively  gull  for  a  mllu 
or  two."  I  never  heard  the  last  slory 
mil  II  It  was  printed  In  1S'«1.  allhough 
the  version  aa  given  by  .Mr.  I'liptt  was 
u  iiiiniMon  Riory  about  ll"ckvlllo  when 
I  was  a  hoy.  It  la  prnhable  tlint  n 
number  of  pioneers.  Including  Mr. 
I.ll7.ey.  were  Induced  lo  rvhile  differ- 
ent Blorlea  of  the  killing  to  prevent 
anybody   from   being  pnisecuted,  since 

I    for   III 

I  III  lul't'O  promised 
l,IIIIUL-  of   liidlann 

oft    of 

^■nerally  aiippeaed  Hint 

wna  shot   while  flahlng 

Hiiik.    belw.en    Turkey 

<arripna.   but      the      pre- 

ponderanec  of  evideuie  Is  lo  Ihe  effect 

that  he  wns  flahlng  from  the  abelf  of 

rock    about    l.'ril    yards    below    Turkey 

ud   I  III 

OIant;i  flirrttmjs 

"The  droves  wore  (Jod's  first  Tcin- 


etllenicnlB  of  thla 

In  tlif 

die  Weal,  there  were  very  lew  chiiiiii 
buildings.  I  luring  the  period  succeed-, 
lug  tiie  eouiluB  of  selllera  to  I'arke 
(.■oiinly,  n  mlulater,  railed  "circuit  rld- 




and  pienclied  In  a  aettlcr's  cni'lii  or  i. 
sehnul  boliae  iiiilll  log  alliictiirea  could 
be  ereiteil  nnd  a  rbllrch  organization 
iffeilcd.  A  larger  ratbi  of  tho  people 
allemlid  ihiileh  aervkea  In  tlioao  ilaya 
Ihiin  now,  I'ecllng  a  need  for  enlarg- 
ing Ibc  eidiere  lor  renehing  more  pco- 
|dr,  hecaiise  of  tlic  lliiiiled  number  of 
preacbera,  and  for  bringing  Iho  wor- 
shipers Iroiit  rciiiolo  toeallllea,  camp 
meetings  were  organized.  A  aiillable 
lecntlon  was  seteeled  In  a  woodn,  and 
the  sninller  trees  and  underbrush 
cleared  away  and  bcnenlii  niaaslve 
trees,  rude  atruetiirea  were  erected  for 
doniieilea.  of  rough  liimbor,  uauaily 
alnbs  from  aaw  mills.  They  wore 
built  In  a  hollow  ai|iinre  and  within 
wns  ereiled  a  platform  for  tiio  prcnch- 
era.  Seats  were  iiiado  by  culling  trees, 
plating  Iheni  ao  that  boarda  could  be 
laid  neross.  However,  some  were  not 
BO  clahorato, 

Tbeao  meetings  were  fragrant  with 
Nature's  moal  exalted  cnvlronmenla, 
nnd  were  a  potent  fnetor  In  moulding 
niornl  nnd  religious  thnugiits  In  the 
minds  of  our  pioneers.  The  ono  near- 
cat  lo  itnckvllte  wns  located  about 
three  milea  aoiilhwrat  of  town,  east  of 
While's  ariinul  bouse,  nnd  Ulliler  the 
Biiapleea  of  the  M.  Iv  ehurcb.  In  IN.Vi 
II  was  dlsconllniied  and  n  nioro  cx- 
letialvc  one  ralitbllaiied  In  tho  wooda 
oil  the  neat  aide  of  Iho  llrldgeton 
road,  soiilb  of  llaira  I'ord  nt  Little 
llaccoon.  Among  thoae  living  In  Ilock- 
vlllc  and  vicinity  who  wero  connected 
with  It  were:  N«;nnuicl  N.  linker,  Sr.. 
John  l.lnkawller.  -lauiea  P.  I'lcknnr, 
Mark  Menebam.  .lohn  .T.  Meneham. 
Samuel  Noel,  Seotl  Noel.  .Tohnaon  S. 
While,  r.nbrlel  Iloiiglmian.  Joaeph 
Lambert,  nnd  ineinbers  of  tliclr  fam- 
ilies and  others,  nnd  also  Itev..  Jacob 
Stryker  and  Wllllnm  Terry  Cum- 
iiilngn,  who  prenebed  tliero.  There 
were  aevornl  nble  prencbers  of  the 
Methodlat  church,  who  nleo  preached, 
amonit  them  HIehnrd  Ilargrnves. 

The  vvorablpers  nt  Iheso  mertlnga 
were  filled  with  the  spirit  of  devo- 
tion, very  carncat  In  their  endeavora 
to  enlarge  the  apliero  of  fellowahlp 
anil  aalvnllon  of  aoula.  Services  con- 
alaled  of  prenehing,  singing  nnd 
prayer  on  week  dnya.  hiil  Siimlnya  bo. 
gan  with  n  cliiaa  meeling  nnd  Invo 
feaat.  preaching  morning,  afternoon 
and  night.  There  were  very  few 
hymn  hooka.  Tho  inlnlaler  would  rend 
two  llnea  of  n  song  nnd  nil  would  sing. 
nnd  It  would  bo  reprnled  nnlll  llie 
song  would  be  flniaiied.  One  of  the 
fnlllifiil  who  nllendrd  wna  nn  old  eol- 
oreil  women,  enlled  Aunt  Amy,  a  ineiii- 
her  of  the  clinrch  nnd  under  Its  rnre 
nnd  protcetlon.  She  very  often  un- 
Itottleil  her  Joy  In  loud  "Ainon'a"  nnd 

illacipie  of  .liibu  Weal.'y.  frowning  up- 
on Je.velR  ami  ni.|.:irel.  The 
flrat  Sunday  Hint  .Mlas  Hose  .Mcaebam 




ihlireh.  Aunt  Amy  wna  almost  bean- 
broken,  ^"^he  nroac  from  her  scat  In 
Hie  Amen  corner  and  said.  "Tiiey  have 
broiiglit  the  llevil   in  tile  cliurcb."  nnd 



■giiiuent  and  |i( 
akeplbal  men 
ilireb.      but      all 

•  aa  ever  alter- 
wiirdH  ailaplelniiB  of  llie  propriety  of  n 
miiulcnl  lualriimenl  In  chiireb.  rhere 
was  nuotber  old  i-olored  woiiinn  !n 
town  enlled  Aunt  Siikey,  wiio  wns 
bioiigiil  lo  Uoikvllle  by  (.'barlton  Ilrll- 
toll.  and  w.irkeil  In  n  tavern  iiere.  Siie 
wna  n  wnril  of  the  rreabytcrlan 
ehurcb.  She  died  In  lMi;7  at  llic  age 
of  11"  years.  Siie  had  seen  (ienerni 
IJenrge  Washlngt'Ui  nnd  her  grcnt  de- 
lltiil  w,i8  lo  tell  It  to  people.  Ilclng 
an  nnieiil  ralvlnlal.  we  ran  Biirmlao 
that  ahe  fell  ll.,e  disowning  Annt  Amy 
for  abonllng  In   meeting. 

NolvvllliBlauilIng  the  fart  thnt  these 
ennui  merliuga  bad  In  them  a  dom- 
inant splril  nnd  zeal  manifested  for 
llie  dissemination  of  gospel  trulba, 
the  prcsiiiii|ilion  Is  that  Ihey  would  be 
Immiine  from  Hie  cnpera  of  "roiigb- 
neiKB"  nnd  dlRliiriiers  of  llie  peaee  nnd 
ililleliide  of  llioae  galbered  I"  woralilp. 
However,  tliey  were  Ibere  nnd  took 
delight  In  disturbing  the  worshliiera. 
Their  conduit  caused  ndverae  erllle- 
Ism  nf  eaiiip  iieelilipa  fioiii  n  few  peo- 
ple wiio  wauled  sninelbllig  lo  erlllclze. 
Tiie  dlslilrbeiB  of  the  peace  were  us- 
ually iirrealed  and  pinilsbed. 





of  the  fulled   llreHl 

1.H.VJ   lo    1S 



napolis, north  of  liie  eroas  ronda  V. 
II.  rliilreh,  nn  the  Ilnwllngn  fnriii  lo- 
cated on  n  hill  near  a  Bulpbiir  spring 
at  the  foot  of  Ihe  bill.  There  were 
twelve  or  fifteen  biilldlncs  In  wbleh 
fnmllies  lived  during  Ihe  iiieetlnga. 
Seala  weie  iiinile  of  pimeiieon,  and  n 
Blnnd  for  the  prenehera.  The  eervlees 
were  of  n  almllar  nnliire  of  the  Melb- 
erilst  nieetlnga  before  mentioned, 
i'lieae  nieetlnga  were  a  fnelor  In  prn- 
uuilgatlng  niiirnl  nnd  religious  senti- 
iiicnls  In  the  north  pnri  of  Ihe  rounty. 
t'npnble,  enrnest  iirenehers  diaaemln- 
nnted  old  faahloned.  goapel  triitbs  to 
the  people  tiirre  nsaeiiibled. 

A  flourishing  denomlnntlon,  which 
posaeaaed  n  coiialderable  memberahlp 
In  I'nrke  Connlv  fifty  yenra  ago,  of 
fnllbfiil  men  and  women  who  ardently 
lielleved  In  Hie  dnclrlne  Ibal  "(led  lina 
from    nil    eternity   deireed    that    whnt- 

ii.l  dealh  of  mail." 

TbI.-i  ileiiiimliuillnn  bad  a  ennabirr- 
ble   liilbiMlng   III   lilla  I'liiinly.      II    bad 

siilislniillal  ImllilliiK  wiiere  ibey  wiir. 

iilpi'i'd  abmll  Hire lies     mirliienal- 

laidl.v  from  llMikillle.  near  Hie  rend 
o  .Maralmil.  In  frnnl  of  n  gioie  of  nn- 
illhd  limber  on  Hie  faim  of  Jnlin  Oi- 
niiaii.  aeiilor.  rreacbing  servbia 
lere  held  ipilte  regularly  In  Ihe 
biireb.  I'or  severni  years  In  Hie 
rove  waa  held  what  waa  termed  an 
aao.lallon.  Aiilierenls  of  thla  sect 
iiiilid  come  from  reliiole  paria  of  lliis 
ml  adjoining  roiiulles.  where  fur  aev- 
inl  days  al  a  lime  Ibere  would  be 
ervieea  conducted.  Such  a  large  iiiiiii- 
>er  would   nttriid   thnt   It   was     nei  es- 

y   ll'il    tl 
illd    Inke 

ill  In 

of  Iheae  ulin  lliei 
too  for  away  lo  go  to  their  hnmei 
Thla  riialom  wna  a  pronoiinied  fenliir 
of  these  nsanelnllona.  I'or  n  week  i> 
more  preparnllnna  were  iiinde  by  lb 
hiiBis,  nnd  It  wna  ipiile  1011111100  fa 
one  family  to  feed  aeveinl  bniiilred  ei 
Ihe  Siilibalb.  wiieu  Hie  big  day  rnliK 
around.     On  am  li  ,><undnya,  Ihousaml 


Hide  In  the 


lilnirnrm  nnd  aenis  were  arranged. 
Tiiiae  nieellnga  were  nllended  by  n 
Inrge  lliimiier  of  ndherenia  of  tile  fallll 
and  aian  those  of  other,  or  nu  eapec- 
bil  ihunb  affliinllona.  Tiie  niemher- 
aiilp  waa  i-omiioaid  of  men  and  women 
of  sterling  wnrlli  nnd  high  morals, 
whose  dnilv  lives  were  potent  fnelcrs 
In  dlRseliili'inllug  honealy,  iiiorallly  and 
religious  thought. 

This  organization  dislnlegraled 
ninny  years  ago.  The  ndbeienis  be- 
gnn  to  wiine,  iiiilll  wiiat  wna  mice  a 
rlniirlahlng  ehurcb  orgnni/.nllnn  In 
I'nrke  I'onnly,  liea  prnclbnlly  dlaap- 
peared.  many  of  tne  nieiiibers  and 
H.eir  descendnnts  Inxliig  eapoilaed  oili- 
er doclrlnea  of  religion. 

The  Imnvllie.  Illlnola.  Aaambillnn 
of  fridrstlnarbin  iinpliala  sniiielliiiea 
held  Ihelr  iiiertinga  in  Hie  noilhweat 
part  of  Hie  rount.v,  eaat  of  l.odl.  In  Hie 
Siilrk  sellbiiient.  There  wna  Hie 
linme  of  Havld  Shirk.  Hie  pioneer 
l.riarher.      It    wna    flunlly   Irnnaferred 




nt.  mid  all  1 

peilnlnlng  Hienio 




nt    I'ie 

nt  II 

nnrlhenal    nf   Uoikvllle. 

SIme  the  early  ilnys  of  Hie  «'.■ 
Ibere   lina   hem   n   I'redealinnrlnn 
Hal  orgnnlr.ntlou  In  Hie  vielnlly  n 
iliurch   nl    .Ml.   Morlnh.   nlioiil    one 
oue-bnlf   nillea   north   of   llolbnd. 
In    llreene    loivnahlii.      This    orgni 
Hon    of   llaiilials    is   allll    in   eniali 
nnd    la    Hie   enly   one     reniniuing 
I'nike   I'liiinly     of     IhnI      fnilli. 
meniiierahlp  of  Mt.  Morlnh  ehiirib 
nlwnys   been   of     high      alnnding 
Inlegrlty,    nnd    Ibe    aeeda    wiiieh    werr 
sown  In  Hint  part  of  Hie  I'niinly  bnvf 
been   fruitful   In  dlasendnnllng.     naldr 
from  the  tencblnga  of  Hie  fnllh.  moral 
llv   and   civic   rlgbteoiianeaa.     Tiie  aa 
soeinllons  which  hnve  been  held   werr 
along  Hie  same   llnea  na   M   enlerHMv 
nient.  nnd  olherwiae,  na  tbeae  nl   Tie  is- 
nut  r.rove.  norlbeaat  of  lloekvllle. 

There  Is  n  cemelerv.  one  of  Ihe  Inrff- 
eal  in  the  i-oiinlry  dialrbia  of  I'nrkr 
roiinlv,  which  Is  railed   Mt.  Moriah. 



iHi?mnraltlc  §^tl^i^r0*  idiMtninu 

On   Hio  mil 

"Hi    nf      Hepleluher,       The 


of  Wenlern   Indllmn  nnd    I'nstern    llll-      to  the   nffnl 
nols  wns  held   nt    llockvllle,  nn   event 
whbh  was  hlaloricnl,  not  only  In  Ihr 
point  of  nttendanee,  am*  the  presence 

of  Ihe  I'eil 
iif  nriiia.  tl 

■e  thnt   ileuerni   Siirnunn 

allriiiled    wide   nltenllnn 

Tiie    War    I  lei.nrlnienl 

il.governimnt  by  In 

shoiita  of  praiies.     She  was     >     true      ot  notable  mon,  but  In  all  Ita  detalla.     Ing 

ndo  poaslbln  Hil 
■ciieiiie  of  feeding,  siiellrr 
pilpplnii   Iho   aoldlors    wlio 



., 11 r.|...iiM'  III    |....|il.'  <•<         lo   1,111.-   ■■.Hi.'   h.T.'   ("   r.r..:;nl/.. 

I'liiki'    I  iniiily     hir    iliMNLliiHin    In    I in  h    o r    In    iIiIh    ki'iimiI    I'l'inilnii. 

»,iy    III    lull.    Ii'iik.    IIIMIM1I.    mill    piiiil'  I    Mill    Inir   III   iln   »  lull   .Mill    wIhIi   hio 

II  y"  »,i»  nil   (^.iniiil   lliiil   I 111!  iH   I,  In  il.i.      I    yniir  );m»(.  your  ii-r- 

l.niniiln  or  KIM  h   |  hum  1.11   in-  unit." 

11    MMMMiil  iii'il   KiKn  llHll.^    lo  iir.'  |-,.|„,   (i,.,„.rn|,   roBlInc   hlii   lianil    on 

II    Kiiiilllni;.  ,1,,.    „|,|,    inlti't'i'il    Imllli'      riiiL-H,      roll- 

■III-    l.iuin    "llli   II    liiii-l    -r'.l 

'"'"'• '   ""■   '  """ ■  ■'"'>   "''■•  -11    I.    L-..o,l    to   «.-o   HO   OM    l.„n. 

n.MK  iimiln.   In  ri'innn r   wh™     hc 

hull  Hiiih  llilnun  lii'lntv  im  In  ilni'k 
illl.vh.   iihi'll    wi'   hull   mill'   in  rut   mill 

li'M<    In    ihliill.    It    IB    ui'll    In    r I'ln. 

1..T  111-  l-B«..h.i  Of  the  wnr.  iinil  to 
I'lTiinnI  III-  hlslnry  Hint  In  willl-n 
111  lilnnil.i  rliirui'liTB,  llllil  iiinrkiil 
liy  L-niiii.  111!  nv,  I  111-  liiiiil.  I'.iit 
I  mil  h-i'i'  to  Blny  n  <lny  ur  Itvo  iit 
iiiiml  In  ranip  RKiiln,  nntl  1  linpn  to 
iii—t    ynii   iind    ninny    more    liitlivM- 

l.nill'in  111  l-ii-ll  «  unii-  »-kI  nl  Iln.  I,- 
illl-,     Allir  riil.iiii-l    II.   U'.  ■niiiiii|.»iin 

liiiil    11 IM.I-.I    lilB      nrmlnii.      riii.liln 

.l.ilin    I'.    M-ml Illl  It.  il   nil    Hnl.ll-rH 

In  II.-  miilliliin  In  iiuii-  to  Mil'  h|i.iiI<- 
.'i'„  nimiil  III  tiilk  ni-l'  III-  iiii-Hlliili  III 
lolilliiK   II    l-iililnli   In   III-  11-iir   liiliir-. 

Sii    1    IIS iil-il    In     llilH      r.»in-st 

II, III    |.|„lliir,i,    fin-    W.I.I.      .\    n-iv 

K nslrnni-nls.   JiiMl    iiiirrliii»-.l    In 

U  lill.'h    I., mil,    «i.r-    1 -r    «lnn..', 

Ih;,nk  >nii   I'lir  thin  rP-oRnlllon." 

J ;    Inn    II    IMis   in.l.slHll   IIH   Ikll 

|,,n.ilk...     II     inlHlnili    Mlil.'ll     Hiiln.  V 

iiiH.'.l  111.'  run-.,  1. 11,-  iir  111-  liiiliil  l.ny«  ■I'liiil   iilKliI  ii  Kinnil  "-aniii  fir-"  wnii 

liir   M-lllin:    unlir    Iln-    i-iir    li-lm-    nl  l.-lil   In  Hi.'  »n.Hl«  ivlirrp  111- Inil.)  iind 

ihr  iiiilK  ,1  tliih.^.  Ill-  of  r.-iil  i.Tiip  fliw  iiind-  u 

■III.,    ri'iinlnii    Blml-.I      oil      Willi      n  b..|IIiil'  ii-irr  I.,  lie  forcolun.     It   wiis 

«l,...i|i  mill  M- I  ilviiliB-  llH-ir.  111. 11    Hull    .\nna    l.niii:     llniil.l      Kniiii 

nlll..iiiL-li    liniiilr.'.lK    nf    liiri;-    iiiwliin  -.vl,..!  iniiirH  lo  Hi-  S-n"  nnil  ri- 

Mil,.    |,rliil-il    iiir    lillllni:    III-      -nllri-  r-h-il    ii    kiilKlilly    kln»    lioiii    lipii-nil 

WiihiiBli   V.ill-y.     II   Miis  h-lil   In  iMl'n  sli-iniiin.    An    nn    -iicr-  '  all-      mi\k,    i,nilliw-m    of   limn,    ivli.T-   ov.  ■Mnlin    llroiiirii    llnily.-    ll-n-inl    Sll-r- 

,r  .-di in  w |,ll('li-il   fnr  111-  a."  innn  mi'l  Hi-  nlml-  Ihroir.'  .Inliilin:  In 

niiniM.iilnilini    nf      Hi-      h.i1i1I-ih      wlin  111-   rlinrii.s.    .Minn    Hi  rllin    Knnpnian   of 

in ■I'liiii..    ii-r-    flll-il      Willi      111-  •|    llnilln,    muil-    Hi-    "lliil,    Wlill- 

"linyn"   nf   'i',i,    » lin   w-i'-   y-l      yoiinu  null    Itlnn,"    ivllli    .Miss    (lilnvlii    llnr- 

11.1  II,  mill  hor-  III-  nrniii  Ikhii-iI  liy  Hi-  ii-H,  nrfiinlal. 

will-   il-|iiirlii,-ni    fill-   111-   iinnnlon    im  Tli-  n-vl  iliy.  wli-n  lliil  .1.  stcwort, 

lltlilly  IIH  Hi-y  dill  K.-unrly  Ion  .v-ill»  » nh    .Mrs.    A.    I'.    Willi-   HI    Hi-  oririili, 

l.-lni-.  uniiK     -Iniii.ii.     Tniniii.     ■rrniii|i     tlin 

IJ-iiiTiil  Sli-rnuin  iinlyid  nn  n  bp-c-  iinys  ni-  Miin  liliii;-  il-n-rnl  Mi-rninn 

liil    Iriilll    flniii    -l-n-.-    llniil-    nliiinl    ."i  Bi,.|,|,i.d  In  111-  Ir.nil  iiii.l  Jnlmd  In  lli- 

P.    111.      A    I'lihllnn    of    »olill-rs,    ,-.<«i   nf  rhnnis    iililili    wii«    Ink-n    lip    liy      th- 

wliiini  w.-i- iinii-d  iillli  111- SinlnKfl-liI  iiiniiBiinilB  wlio  irowl-d  tli-  t-royo. 

Hll.'B  Innii-il   ill-  mm !.■.■.  t   liliii  rh,.  r-iinlon  -los.-d  lylHi  n  dross  im- 

lind  nniih-il  iili-ml  nf  Hi-  rmrliii:-  lo  ,;„|,.   „,„|   rrvlivv   liy  Hin-ral   Sliorinnn 

III-  i;i.,nnil».  I'niir  Biiniv  «  lili-  liiirs-s.  of  nil  Hi-  boIiM-i-b  In   rnnks. 

l.-il-i  k.'d    Willi    pliniips    ilr-w  ,Insl    nfl.-r    Hi-    dr-ss    parndc    .Tnck 

1,1-  np.ii   inrrinK-   In    wlil-li     H.n-r,il  Inifiinr.  who  linil  -hnrs-  of  Hio  nrtjl- 

Mi-nnmi    mid    IJov-rnor    .Mnrloii    snl.  |,.ry.   r-pnind   thnl   n   imrt   ..f  the  lliii- 

■111-  K.ii.TllI   »ni-  rlll/.-i.'«  ilolhis  nn-  i,,.,-   of   Hi-    IJponiid      .\.ipol-on      Hold 

d.  r  n  Innu  Iln.  n  dnsl-r.  ■Tin"  bin-  pp  ro  wns  Injnn  d.     Tlio  coininltt-c  In 

inonill-.l  l,y  a  l.nll-r-d  Blniw  lint.  ThlB  rlmri:,.    fi.ll    aiini,.   iin-naln-aa  nliniit  thi- 

lynii   n    iriinl    dlKn|ipiilnliii-iil      lo     Hi.'  ii,|.,|,„p   anil    r-porl-d    It      to     Hrncial 

wrllii-  nf  Hub-  Iln. 's,  « Iln  had  iililni'-  .ilii'i-inmi,   who   ipilrkly   tiirn-d    lo    his 

Id  In  hlB  ImylBh  mind  .i  u-nir-ons  mil-  „id,    an   nrri.-r   of   tho   r-unlnr   army, 

fiirni,  Bunril  nml  all  Hi-  IrappliiL'B  lliiil  „|,ii   HiIb  .iirl   ..rd-r:   ".Majnr   bo  out 

h..  H.nimlil   niK-ln    In  un  Willi  a  »nldl-i  ;,„d  iniid.  Inn  llial  «nn  :"  ami  m  U  «ns 

sn   fniiioiiB.      lliuM'v.r.   111..    n.'\l      ilny  r.'lni  n-d -"Cniid-iiinid  liy  ordor  nf  W. 

<i-niral    Sh-riiimi      ilnnii-d      IiIb      full  , .   shirmnn.  <!onr  ral   I'.   S.  A." 

driBB  nnlfnrm  in  honor  of  III- occnalnn.  siv    hnisB  linmls  iniiio   wlHi   d-l-Kn- 

rpmi   hiB  arrlial  al   ih-  larK-  slan.l       ,|„„„    ri,in,    val- «   town.s.      Kv-liny-i- 

finni    will,  h   111..  -\-i','lBiB  liink   plai-,  „„,.  .Mniinn,     -vlloy-rnoi-     ll-iiry     S, 

(   Sli-ninii,  Inli-ndii— il  liy  H-n-  |.,in,'.  ipn-ial    l.-wls   Wailair,  (lon-r- 

iTDl  Chilli. H  rnifl,  nf    'I'-rr-     llnni-,  „)  Moiinn  r.  Iliinl.r.  li-n-inl  Chnrl-B 

""111:  rrnfl  ami  many  oHi-r  proinin-ni  snl- 

"IVllow  Knldl-rB.  l.mll.'B  and  Hen-  ill-lfi  iind  cIvHIiiib  w-ro  pr-B-nl.  ■|li- 

ll-in-n-     I  ri'pnrl  for  duly,  lili-nsi  nowd  was  yarloiiBly  .-Btlmat-.l  nl  frnm 

In    ol.-dli'iir-   111   ynnr     rail,      I      an.  l,-|,rill  lo  .•■.n.n.ii.     Il   Is  not   linprnlialilr. 

li-r-.    do    ynn      ivanr/      Vnn  that  '.ii.iH'il  w-ro  iirosmt  on  tho  ar-onil 

llublir  iHxn-utunts 

Two  on-i'iillons  luiyi'  Ink-n  plm  .•  In  rltlzms  of  I'nrk-  roinily  who  ollrnd- 

I'arko   Iniinly.   Imlh    In  Ini:     lliiiBO     of  <il.     The  i  ah-  waB  irlod  al  III-  AllEliBl 

111-11    ll'li'il   inilril-r   In   olli-r   rmin-  l-rin   nf   rniirt,    Isl'.'.    and    sonl-li.-   ni 

II-H    nn    ilimi;:-    nf    yinii-.      Til-    flrHl  il-aHi    linpos-d    liy    Hi-   Jury.      Ilonornl 

wiiH    lliat    lit    Niiali    ll-nii-hnnip.    who  llownrri  did     -yirylhliiK     within     Ills 

l.lll-d  H-nn:-     .Ml.  k-ll.-rry     In     VIl-o  pnw-r,  Imlh  al    Hin  Irlnl     and     nfl-r- 

roiinly  on  Hi-   l7Hl  of  .Inly.   ISM,     Ab   to  say-   Hi-  llf-  of   ll-nmhamp 

an   llliiHlrnllnn   nf   hinv  offlnTB  of  11..'  whoB-   i'ilini<     nllhoiiKh     pi-n.-dllali'd 

law   dill   Hi-lr   iliily    In   ilia riy   p-l-  was    linl     nlloi'.'llii-r    lin||irnynU-il,       A 

loil.  111-  iiiii'Biill   nf  11,'iiniliniiip  lo  Hi-  pi  rBiimil  app-nl   to  Hie  Hoy-rnor  wa« 

ll-|ililillr   of   T-xiiB     ai    Ihal      limp      ,i  nail-   by   H-iii',al    Howard,   hill    lo   no 

Innil    l\»    ii'iiinli'    an    I'hlmi    Is    Imlay  ninll.  and   llpainhniiip  wall  liancod  on 

may    lip   rll-d.      11-    was   nrriBl-rt    and  Hi-  ""Hi  day  of  llp.rnilipr,   LSI'.'. 

Iniinulil    hai'k    In    Vliin   i  onnly,    wliPli  H  lirp  I  ran  p  lo  wrllhix  of  this  p.vp- 

mi  a  ihniitp  of  y-nn-  Hip  trial     ii  ,||i  ililliiii    II   ypara  lalpr,  not  onp  old  cll- 

ni'lil    In     Hip      I'nrk-     nr-iill      pniiil,  lyiiMif  nil  hil-ryh-wpd  itavo  the  ncliinl 

ll-m.-hnniii  wns  ilpfpiiili'd   hy   lipniriil  ilnln  (if   Hip   hniiKlni:.      ..lost   of   thpiii 

llnwnril  and   iirns-i  nlpil     l.y     Kdwnrd  w.  r-  pnslllvp  ihiil  II  wn»  In  I'Vlirnniy. 

Mi'dnlluli-y   In   n   lilal   Ihal    was   lone  isl.'l,  nml  all  w-r-  —rtnln  Hint  It  wns 

rcincinbProd  hy   Hio  laigi)   nninlicr  of  on  a  very  cold  day.     'i'lio  Inllcr  'net 

iill.'.piil.  d  mill  nil<|il-HHulli.'d,  lull 
\  of  tlin  loiirt  roiorda 
il  Hi-  dulu  lo  lip  Iho  ono     nhovc 


JiBso  II.  VoninniiH  wns  Hip  flii-ri. 
who  offlilnl-d  nl  this  pxcciitlnn.  lll« 
dppnly  nnB  l.iyl  11.  I.aiiiy,  fallicr  of 
(i.iiriiP    I..    I.iin-y   of      llnckvlllp.      .Mr. 

I.I y   In   -01 ntlln:  on   Hip     plrciiin- 

Blan.'i'  nf  Sliiilff  VnnninnB  falllliR  lo 
lilt  111-  rope  thnl  lii'ld  til-  ilrnii  nl  Hip 
lliBl  Rlrok-  of  Ih-  lint.'lii'l,  snld  li- 
dld  iiol  know  wh-ih-r  It  wna  due  lo 
aipld-lil    nr   doslKli.    but   lipllov-d    Ihat 

Bliirlir   hail    ntr— d    to     inakp     ^i 

Bllok-  l.i'for-  Hi-  faliil  on-  lo  kIip  Hio 
doniiii'd   mini    warnliiL-. 

|l-aiirlin'i,p  li-nvil  hlB  own  fiinprni 
B-.iiioii  il.'lliprid  In  thp  Miiirt  Iioiibp 
mid  rndp  nn  his  coffin  from  Hip  lourt 

l..r,.„     in     III-     pPiPP     of    PVP.'.illnli      Hi- 

hillsldp  JiiBt  pnst  of  Ihp  ipinctpry. 
Siiidi  was  the  cnsloiii  of  the  tliiip.  A 
liUKP  Piiiwd  of  ciirlniiH  lipoplc  from  all 
ov-r  111-  I  onnly  caiiip  to  Ihp  pxprii- 
Hon    In   spllP  of  Ihp     cxtrciiioly     cold 

Till'  BPi'Olid  i'\criitlon  wob  Ihat  of 
lln.k  Sinnt.  .ViiK.  '.1.  I.vs:!.  lip  had 
Mlhd  'I'aylor  lumbar  ii-nr  linrllnKlon 
nn  the  inornlnB  of  .Novpinn-r  -J I.  iss'j, 
II   1b  not  my  pnrpoBp  lo  Rh'c  tlic  rPc- 

nid lb    U'HB    Hic    d.'Inlls,    of    crime 

In  Hila  work,  bo  thp  slory  of  the  klll- 
ini;  will  not  be  im'llHoiud,  Stout  was 
hi'iiiiKliI  on  I'liniiKP  of  ycniip  lo  Tnrkc 
roiinty  for  trim,  lie  wns  iinnL-ncd 
1,-foio  .Indi:-  .Iniii-B  K.  Ileller  of  Hip 
.Mnrlon  roiinty  rrliiilnal  foiirt  nl  Hie 
.Inniinry  t-rin  of  Hip  Tarke  <lr-iill 
court.  The  Jury  whl-h  pnHSPd  Bcntence 
was  comiiosed  of  the  following  citi- 
zens nf  rnrkp  <  ■onnly:  Zn-hnrlnh 
llyiTB.  forcnmn,  John  \V.  Michaels. 
Lewis  lloyd.  .los-ph  \V.  WIlBon,  Sniii- 
iipl  II,  llealp,  Will,  P,  llluwooil.  .loBcpli 
lllncB.  I'rank  llrown.  \V.  II.  II,  Scy- 
bold,  .Tohn  Penrc.  .lohn  T.  Co.v  and 
AbPl  Hall,  .■'loiit  wn«  dcfpndpil  by 
.l.ihn  I.,  loiirtnpy,  of  rrnwfordBvllle. 
and  S.  II.  rii-lt,  of  tho  llorkylllc  bar; 
lip  was  pros-ciilpd  by  Krank  .M.  How- 
ard, John  II.  Iliirford,  John  K.  Iliiinph' 
ipys  mid  Miihnpl  II.  WhItP,  nil  Init 
llowiinl  nf  Ihp  MonlKoiiicry  ('oiinty 

Prior  to  Hie  day  of  tho  execution 
Itey.  W.  1".  I'liiiiinlnk'B  and  Ilev.  «i.  K. 
ritson  ylBlled  Sloiit  In  Jail,  lie  re- 
.|iiiBii'il  Hip  Inlipr  lo  nltpnil  nnd  offpr 
n  praypr  nt  Ih-  pxpi'iillnii,  n  reiinest 
Hint  was  -nrrlPd  out.  Jnhn  11.  MiiBBor, 
Bh-ilff  nt  Hint  lime  hiiil  cliarBO  of  the 
I'M  cm  Ion.  It  was  not  piiblh',  lint  Iho 
law  iirriiilltPd  Hip  BllPrirr  to  IsBilo 
ib'k-ts  to  ncwH|ia|ier  men  and  to  a 
llmllpd  nmiili-r  nf  PlIlzcnB.  A  kbIIowb 
was  erpcled  lualdc  of  an  enploanro  nt 
the  past  Bide  of  the  Imller  hoiiac.  One 
hnndrpd  and  fifteen  perEona  were 
rrcsent  InclndlnB  one  trnmnn — .Mrs. 
IMinbnr,  widow  of  Hip  imirdrrpd  iiinn. 
.\l  VI  :."i  p.  111.  the  procpsalnn  fllpil  In. 
Kloiil  nsccndPd  the  Binffold  ivllh  n 
ririu  Bipp,    Ilev.  Fiison  offered  prnyer; 

Sbirlir   MiiBH-r  rend   Hio  death 

and    III! 




B|p|i|i-d  forward  and  rend  the  follow- 

"I  linvc  lold  iny  elory.  It  was  not 
lipllpypil,  1  BUfier  itrcnter  piinlBh- 
liniit  than  I  il-B-rvc.  1  nin  sorry  for 
wbiil  I  linvo  dnnc.  .My  frw  frlendB 
nnd  my  nltorn-y  liayp  dnne  nil  thnl 
innld  111'  don.'  for  nip.  The  proB-rii- 
Hon  nKahiKt  nip  liiiB  b—n  awful,  I  rnr- 
Rh<-  iM'iyl.oily  as  I  liopp  lo  ho  for- 
Klvpn,  I  am  r-ady  to  fulfil  tlip  ilp- 
manda  of  Hie  law  and  may  the  l/ird 
have   m-rcy   on   iny  BOiil." 

Itiv.  I'nson  whispered.  ".Mr.  Sloiit, 
i,(.  yon  Bilil  iipl  pripnr-d  lo  ille^;'  II- 
nliBweieil.   "I    do,^ 

lllH  laal  wnrdB  were  ipoken  In  re- 
ply to  n  iin-Hllon  about     the     rope- 


oil— Ho 

Hie  exri'iillon  nf 

lliick  smut  nre  all  I'onnectPd  nIHi 
work  lUBldP  nf  ■/ /n'  TiMitim-  cffbp,  I 
w-nl  in  work  Ihat  inoinliiK  uniiHnally 
-nriy  nnd  w..b  bo  I'OiiiplpUly  ubsorh-d 
In.KittlnK  out  our  •■Siip-lnl"  thnl  I 
Inrunt  all  nbollt  a  ticket  to  the  expcu- 
llon  nl  home  In  my  veat  pocket  wlibh 
I  mUlit  have  sold  for  fiftppil  dolliira. 
as  Hint  Slim  was  pnid  for  one.  .Nobody 
In  ■//"'  TnliiiiK-  office  went  to  dinner 





was  from  noon  until  2  p.  in.  Ilnilnu' 
Hint  time  wp  put  In  t.\|ip  Mr.  Il-ndlp^« 
full  nrionnt  of  Hip  hnm;lnK  nml  prlnl- 
rd  II,  a  rpiiinrknlde  achievement  for 
nn  nfflic  e<|illpp-d  as  olira  wnt  llicn, 
.No  iirwBpappr  man  other  than  Mr. 
Ibndle  wrote  lila  I'opy  al  tho  iinffohl. 
nnd  very,  very  fpw  men  could  have 
dnne  II,  Some  yeara  before  hc  lind 
wrillpn  Hip  dptalla  of  the  execution 
of  .lolin  11.  who  wns  hnnced  lii 
rtah  for  parili'l|iatlon  in  Hio  .Moiin- 
lain  .Meadow  .Massacre.  .Mr.  Ileadio 
prepared  his  itipy  nt  that  llinc  while 
SI  al-d  on  tho  i-offln  whleh  waa  to  re- 
celvp  the  remains  of  Leo.  At  the 
Stout  execiitloii  ho  paaacd  his  popy  out 
throiiL'li  a  'crnpk  In  tho  enclosure  lo 
iiipsapni:pra  who  hurrlpd  to  the  orflce 
with  II,  where  four  rompoallnrs  set  It 
up.  I'lvery  eoinina  waa  In  Ms  proper 
plai'c ;  the  mmiiiaiTlpt  was  as  perfci't 
In  every  rrapect  ns  If  bo  Iind  siicnt 
linurB  In  Its  preparation. 

The  oHipr  papers  printed  pxtras.  hill 
Rnvp  no  ditnllB  whatpvor  of  the  nctiinl 
pvpnifl  of  thp  esei'Utlnn.  Tliclr  nc- 
loiinifl  wore  all  In  typo  hcforo  Hie 
trnx-dy  beuan.  with  Iho  exreptinn  of 
n  pnraKraph  of  about  one  liii'li  In 
lenu'lh  iPlllnK  wliPn  tho  drop  fpll. 
I|pall/.ln«  that  tho  people  would  want 
full  d-lnlla  we  had  prppnrrd  a  siiinll 
pxtrn  of  four  pqrpb,  |pavlni{  tho  Inal 
pace  blank  fnr  the  final  scenes.  This 
we  i-oiild  work  on  the  Job  press  at  Hie 
rnlo  of  ;;.-.  prr  minute.  Wo  thniifiht 
we  miKht  aell  l.Oiin  copies  at  n  cents 
rneh.  nil  of  which  would  ho  "velvet," 
ns  Hip  coat  of  paper  In  n  sheet  sn 
aiinit  was  Inslgnlflennt.  'I'ho  l.niin 
copies  were  soon  exhBualed,  and  wp 
felt  like  kliklnu  encti  other  for  not 
prlntlnn  2,000. 

Hafl?  lall 

llaae  hnll  was  first  playpil  In  Tarkp 
roiinly  In  l.xilT.  i;arly  thnl  spason 
John  o'lmipr,  who  bad  plnypd  the 
L'linip  In  the  Army  of  the  I'oliniinP,  and 
siihanpipnlly  nt  Unnvlllp.  ormnlzrd  a 
club,  lie  hnd  no  dlfflciilty  In  Indnc- 
liit'  the  reipilrpil  nmnlipr  of  ynunit  to  Join  Hio  -liili,  whlih  wns  -ali- 
en the  •■llnnsler  SInle."  Tho  h-at 
players  were  -lioarn  for  thn  "first 
nine."  which  hnd  n  caplnln:  the  next 
croup  wna  cnlleil  IhP  "Hnd  nliip^'  also 
with  a  caplnln.  Hrcnt  rivalry  prpvnll- 
id  between  tho  two  nines,     and     tho 

pracllep  nffordPd  soon  devplnpeil  llio 
first  nine  Inio  n  nood  leniii.  ,\s  I  re- 
call ihe  flisl  nine  It  was;  Wlllbiin 
Maxwell,  pllclipr;  John  Iiarrocli, 
laii'her;  John  Ohnver,  first  bnse; 
.Martin  Hrrjiif,  aeconil  bnan;  Joo 
lluni.  third  ImBp;  Henry  Iliim|i.  abort 
slop:  liavid  HImiisp,  left  Meld:  Krnnk 
Howard,  -enter  field;  Frank  Whipple, 
rlKbl  firld. 

The  rnillnienls  of  Iho  Knmo  wero 
11  iicli  the  Biiiio  ns  now,  Tho  iiinsl 
rndlral  -ImnRes  have  been  In  thn  work 
of  pKctacr  and  eatelior,    lo  base  ball 


,„  |.l;i>.-,l  hi   lsi;s  11"'  pll'lH-r 


l.,l,l„,l     11"!    CliiovMi.    .l.-Uv.'H(l      liiMii 

,1,,.    11     iMUMl     lit    111!-     ll'iKllt       "'        11'" 

I, ,   Mil'   illslniiri'    IriMii   Iho   |iHchiT'» 

l.,v   oiiii'  iiliili',  li.'lliK    l."i  fi'cl.  The 

..iiiliiT  Hloiiil  liny  <llKtiiiirr  thill  null' 
,,|   MINI  h.-hiiKl  till'  l.ntlcr.  iiH  the  ball 

M  I.I   iiiiiKln.  wlii-n  rllhrr  ii  foul  or 

ll.i.i'  hlrlkm  cm  ■■flint  Ikmimiv^'  mill 
ll„.  1.1,11,  r  VMIH  (lilt.     A  l.iill.T  nil  cnlns 

1„  |,liili.  loiihl  inll  for  clthi-r  of  tho 

(..llimlhi;  viirlitlPH.         -jihouldpr," 

•wiilsl."  •■hl|>"  or  "knrc"  hull,  nnil 
111,  riinlil  "iill  ""111  til"  lillchor  d.'llv- 
.1.  il  his  |.;iill.iiliir  l.rniid  hrforo  slrlk- 
lli.-.  It  Miiliiinlly  fnlhi«iil  lh.-ll  soliii; 
iiiv  hiiii;  hlls  «niil.l  l.f-  iiiiidc  In  the 
old   iliiiH.  mid   I  hat   mores   would    riiii 

.  .  I,,..,  II. o  ,.|.-lili<-»  or  Illlirllrs.  i;n..d 
i.i.llli'Id.'IK    ui'ic-    Ol     liliiH'    linlHillniliu 

I  hull   CTi.d    liifleldnrii.   for     loiiL-     tiles 

>,,.i,.    Miy    ir lent.      The    hall.H      mnl 

liilH    «eie  iil.nm    Ine   sn as   used    10- 

.lii,  :  ihe  halls  I.elMu'  ordered  rnnii 
I'lii.  Iiiiiall  I'l  ^'l.''!  ea.'h,  and  Ihe  linis 
liilMi'il  iMil  nf  wiilnill.  aah  or  wlllo>v  »l 
Ih.,  .iiMiMl    shn|.«   111  l""ti.   Soliiellliies 

II  tklllliil  hiiv  eouhl  iiuike  n  very  Kond 
l,„l  lii.iii  a  nnlniil  fi  nee  rail  with  hU 
l.i.chel  knife  mill  n  |i|ere  iif  broken 

The  lllsl  ••litalrh  tame."  as» 
«ele  then  ealhil.  |illl.veo  l.y  the  lloim- 
l.r  Siiitis  wan  al  Ihinvllle,  the  old 
Imiiie  of  .lohli  Ohaver  and  -IPulch" 
lintt:.  The  hova  left  before  daylk-ht 
l.f  a  hnin  nnium.r  day,  drUlliK  over  In 
Ih.,  hand  wiiK"".  They  wmi  Ihe  i;aiiic 
l.v  a  H.ore  of  iiriy.Kiiiiiilhlni:  to  forl.v- 
im.i.llihiK.  11  was  iimplreil  l.y  ■■Caf 
.M,  Vev  n  |irofes.<l,.iial  hall  player 
ulms,'  lioiiie  was  In  liainllle.  That 
iih.iil  Ihe  luinvllle  hoys  L-ave  a  reeep- 
Ihm  111  honiir  of  their  K"e»ls,  which 
«a.H  iiliindid  l.y  ull  of  the  pretty  lilrls 

III  lown. 

The  llnnsier  Slal.B  malntiilned  their 
i.i^iinl-,..iill"n    for    a    year   or    two.    all.l 

II    lliiekvllle   had   no   hall    team.      It 

"a.s  In  early  .lime,  IsTJ.  that  a  elial- 
l.ii.-e  iiiiiie  from  ll...oniln--dale 
.ii.y  III  llii.kvllle.  M  thai  lime  no 
lemilar  team  was  In  e\  l.^ilen.'..,  bill  Ihe 
hiKS  liiKl  heard  Ihni  .la.k  inifote  and 
III.,'  or  iwo  of  Ih..  miners  at  .Nyesillh. 
w.r.'  iirof.  HsIimalB.  bo  Ihe  challeiii;e 
»iiB  ae,  epi,,,l.  (he  dale  Bel,  and  0  nies-|;,'r  dlspalrhed  lo  .VjeBVlll...  The 
-•ami.  was  l„  li.-Kin  at  2:.:'>.  IToii.;.|ly 
al  1  |,.  ,11.  .la.k  Ihifore  and  Iwo  other 
iiilnerB  ..(li.iw.'il  ii|i  In  the  eimrt  lioiiso 
>iird  when'  the  l.'iini  was  helliR  made 
lip.  Ceo^..  Ilaki-r  Mild  I  were  "liaiiK' 
in;;  around."  .Ml  "as  srrauKe.l  hut 
Ihe  Important  station  of  left  field.  .Vt 
tills  erlslB.  wll'a  niy  heart  In  my 
nioiilh,  1  approached  my  oldest  broth- 
rr  who  was  wrlllliR  the  IIkI,  and  wlils- 
laii'.l.  "Take  S.-onp  — he^s  the  hesi  left- 
fielder  In  tnvin."  "Who-K  s.nop-;" 
•■Wy  lleor^e;  we  lall  lillii  .■^eoop." 
lieorun  WHS  then  fifteen  ynills  old.  and 
all  Hie  other  players  were  men.  .-ieoop 
was  ■•signed,"  and  I  went  to  the  ball 
Kioniid  wllh  Mior..  ennfldeiiee  In  that 
l..fl  field,  r  than  I  have  ever  fell  In 
any  of  any  nature  slneo  that 
nirmoiahle  day. 

II  was  mrinorahlo  for  two  tlilnt's : 
Ihe  .aleliliiii  of  .loc  AilnniB,  and  tho 
flehlinL-  of  Scoop  linker.  When  tho 
lUooinlnudalo  Imye  went  to  the  field 
treat  was  Ibo  aslonlshment  n«  .loe  Ad- 
ams, Inslead  of  koIhk  away  harU  he- 
hind  Iho  halter,  slepi.e.i  lo  a  place  lual 
behind  lioiMO  base  and  stood  wnlllnK 
for  Hie  ball.  Illoomlnk-dale's  pltcber 
was  an  nlhlellr  younc  fellow  darned 
llalley.  lie  hadn't  the  aiieed  of  .lack 
Miifore,  bill  ho  rould  pilch  n  very 
bard  ball.  Tbeae  were  "laken  olt-tbc- 
bal"  by  Joe  Adams,  wbo,  wlthoill  mnsV 
or  Klove,  eauKbt  tho  cnliro  nlno  In- 
nlngi.    Tha  trouble  with  tho  IlockTlUo 

hoys  wan  tbnl  they  had  nobody  who 
could  "hold'  Jaik  llnfore.  and  tliey 
wi-re  badly'n.  Thu  only  tlory 
aehleieil  l..\  llo.kMllc  was  In  lell  Held 
where  every  fly,  no  mailer  how  IiIkIi 
or  how  far.  was  iiintht.  Hefore  Ihe 
nine  Innln.-a  were  ovr  a  llloomlim- 
dale  player  who  balled  a  fly  to  1ell 
field  walki'd  01  er  lo  where  Ills  teaiii- 
mates  w.'re  and  sal  down,  know  Inf;  It 
wiiB  to  run  lo  first  base.  I'or 
ten  yeais  no  retnlar  hall  tciiiii  In 
Ilo.kvllle  was  lu-anlzed  wltbont 
liiorte  llaker  In  lefi  field.  Ills  fleld- 
Inu-  has  been  wllne.s.sed  by  hun.lreils  of 
p.'ople   who  will   rend   this.     -Vsk   any 

..lie   lit    II I    If    h,'   ever   saw   "Stoop" 

llaker  muff  a  fly  In  loft  field— be  nev. 
cr  did 

While  the  llonsliT  States  were  still 
pIn.iiliK  ball  a  elnb  ,  ailed  I  no  luei- 
loiils'^  was  orpiini/.e.l  by  the  scln'ol 
boys,  wbo  were  not  blc  enoiiKh  lo  play 
with  the  men.  It  was  In  the  "Tleet- 
fools"  that  (;eorte  Maker  first  played 
bos.'  ball.  This  rliili  about  IST.l  be- 
eaiiie  the  n-ciilar  liuekvlllc  team  for 
i..lile»lliiK  wllh  oalBlde  lowns.  W.  N. 
r.irll.sle  was  pitcher  for  BCverol  years. 
Tlie  "ll.-eUoolB"  den  lolied.  besides 
liiorte  linker.  Will  SIdwell,  a  reiiiarU- 
ahlv  cood  first  haneman.  and  I'rank 
Wlille,  who  was  for  a  lone  time  llock- 
vllle^B    star    plleher. 

11  was  In  IMT7  Ihiit  the  llo.'kvllle 
Itrowns  wire  orcanlzed.  Ily  that  time 
Ihe  rules  li.iil  been  ihanseil,  permll- 
lllit  what  was  lalled  an  ■■underhand 
Ihrow"  Instead  of  pllchlnu-;  also  It 
had  he.ome  the  euslom  to  ent.-h  ■■oil 
Ih,'  hal.^^  The  dlftlenlty  was  In  fiml- 
liiK  Boiiiehody  wllh  nerve  <noii:.-h  to 
iln  Ibis,  for  he  It  reniemhered,  no 
Eiiih  lliln;:s  as  mask  or  cloves  were  In 
use.  I'rank  llarnes  knew  a  hoy  In 
Terre  llaiile-  Harry  Au'ar— who  would 
loiiie  to  Uockvllle  and  eatch  If  Ihe 
hoys  would  pay  his  hoard,  lie  was 
Bitned  for  Iho  aenson,  and  caiiKht 
Iniiik  White,  alb  klnR  Bniiiely  lo  the 
,n,l  In  Bi.lle  of  many  painful  nccl- 
ib'iilB.  The  lirown's  were  one  ot  the 
best  leatiiB  the  I'ounty  has  had,  and 
won  iiinsl  of  the  L-iinies  played  with 
siirroiiiidlnK  towns:  i'rank  White, 
plleher:  Hurry  Acar.  .at, her;  Will 
SIdwell,  1st  hiiBe:  I'rank  llarnes.  'J.l 
base:  Hilly  Cuminlnes,  .'Id  base:  I'ranU 
Ihi'K.r.  slinrl  slop;  Henrce  llaker.  left 
field:  liavld  stioiise,  .enter  field: 
Henry  SlniiiBC,  rlcht  field. 

II  was  In  a  Knme  between  this  team 
and  Ihe  Terre  Haute  llrowns  that  the 
first  curve  hall  was  pilehcd  In  I'arkc 
I  oiinty.  The  Terre  llanto  team  bad 
hired  Terry  Wright,  an  Indlanaiiolla 
plleher.  who  had  mastercil  the  curve, 
to  make  a  tour  of  Hie  Burpumdlns 
lowns.  A  Inrfc  crowd  was  iircscnt  to 
wllniBs  the  wonderful  feat.  The  name 
went  Ihronch  five  or  six  Innlnu's  lie- 
fore  Ihe  ball  was  touehed  by  a  lloek' 
vllle  halter,  but  the  Terro  llanto  fel- 
lows were  not  Kcltlnu-  very  many  runs 
off  of  the  Uockvllle  hoys,  either. 
Wrlchl  hail  a  wide  out-shoot,  which 
when  the  Uockvllle  batter  would  step 
hni  k  to  avoid  would  so  over  the  plate 
and  he  called  a  strike.  Finally  In 
about  the  alxth  InnlUB  I'avo  Stronto 
"landed  on  one."  It  went  over  the 
bend  of  the  eenterflelder.  and  throiiKh 
Hie  rail  fence  hack  of  him— a  homo 
run.  I.ouil  and  prolnnued  ehecrlne 
followed,  and  for  a  lime  It  looked  as 
If  Hie  lionio  leniii  inlElit  win  In  ipllo 
of  the  iirofessloiial  plleher,  but  tbo 
Kaine  went  to  Terre  Haute  by  a  very 
eredllable  s.^oro  for  Hoekvlllo. 

After  tlio  llrowns  we  bad  no  regular 
leam  for  oeveral  years.  In  1R.'<2  Alex 
Mcl'une.  who  was  a  student  at  I'rlnco- 
lou  when  Woodrow-  Wilson  BTaduated, 
rcliinicd  houio  from  that  college.  Ho 

was  laplaln  of  the  I'rlnecton  hall 
leaiii  w  hi-n  It  won  rolletlato  honors 
III  l'v-<l.  .dr.  .McCiine  piil  In  tho  sum- 
iiier  of  ',s.'  naliilnc  a  nnnihcr  of  I'lys 
who  afl.rwiirds  he.amc  food  players, 
amiiiiL'  Ih.iu  Sam  Smllh,  a  flue  cateh' 
er,  mid  Wallace  llrown,  who  learned 
i.lKiiil  all  the  curves  then  known. 
IhcB,'  l.ovs  beeiime  Ihe  battery  for  the 
■Kul.  kerl»..kerB.^'  Ihe  eliih  represent- 
Inu  llo.kvllle  In  IS'vl.  the  other  play- 
ers I.elnB,  I..  It.  ■I'liknor,  Ist:  A.  1". 
(iveruian,  id;  J.  M.  r.lletl.  .'Id;  Till 
llrynnt.  s.  s  ;  W.  A.  Manoii.  lefl  Held  : 
Cenrire  Thompson,  enter;  I.  It. 
Slroiis,-,  riL-ht.  Ity  ix'^.l.  cati'hera 
wore  lunsks  anil  cloves,  hut  nil  the 
oilier  iKislllons  were  filled  by  bare- 
handed players.  The  idleh  was  still 
the   underhand   Hirovv,   fruiu    pllelier's 

TliouKh  linse  ball  was  not  played 
n-c'iilarly  In  lloi  kvllle  from  l.-o<7  to 
]S'Xl,  teams  wei  e  orKanl/.ed  for  spec- 
ial oeiaslous.  HiirliiK  lliat  time  a  bat- 
tery was  developed  which  hecniiio  well 
known  In  I'arke  and  siirroundlnL' 
I  ..mules  -I'riink  White,  plleher.  and 
I'harb'y  Stevenson,  catcher.  Slevensou 
was  one  of  the  best  batters  ever  de- 
veloped by  amaleur  bane  hall,  whieli 
made  lilm  a  slrouK  nllaroiind  idayer. 
A  .s.oiil  for  the  si.  Louis  llrowns  onee 
allempteil  lo  bIku  hliii  for  that  ICiiiu, 
hut  be  ileellned  to  play  professional 

I'^roni  IKlll  lo  ls:Hi  Inelnslve,  Hock- 
vllle  had  a  semi-professional  team 
whi.h  was  al  one  lime  the  Blroncest 
In  the  Stale.  II  was  malnlalned  by 
mb.'^crlpllons  from  illlzens  Inlereste.l 
In  Ihe  N;itlonal  panic  and  by  pate  re- 
.e||.iB.  'Ihe  hall  park  was  located  west 
of  .\oitli  Jefferson  street  where  a 
"prand  stand"  and  bleachers  were 
I  re.  ted.  This  team  played  Iw.i  paines 
with  the  professional  teaiii  of  Ander- 
Kou.  losinc  the  first  and  wlnnlnu  tho 
Bieond.  I'rlnr  lo  Hie  orpanlTiallon  of 
this  paid  leam  Hie  best  players  of  Iho 
I'onnly  were  Induced  lo  >iln  the  best 
Uockvllle  idayers  when  a  "stiff"  pnmo 
was  In  slphl  with  towns  of  otber  foiin- 
lies.  Amonc  theso  players  were  IM- 
war.l  and  William  llawllnps,  who  were 
a  pood  bnllery  and  eould  play  any  po- 
sition creditably:  William  Herson.  of 
Marshall,  a  firat  baseman,  who  played 
wllh  llie  liavllnpa  boys  at  Marshall 
and  Turkey  llun :  John  and  William 
lliickley  of  llosevllle.  Imth  pood  men 
behind  the  bat,  were  sometimes  "sipn- 
rd"  for  spei'lal  oeeaslons,  also  V.A  and 

T O'l.oiirke,  who  afterwnrda  playe.l 

wllh  the  remarkably  slronf  team 
maintained  at  noflevllle,  or  Coivllle, 
under  direction  of  John  nuckley.  This 
was  probably  the  best  amateur  ball 
tram  In  the  Stale.  Mark  riayton.  its 
pitcher,  was  thoupht  a',  the  time  to  bo 
better  than  Mordoeal  llrown.  who  was 
the  team'B  extra  plleher:  hut  In  pnv- 
fesalounl  hall,  ai  the  world  knows, 
llrown  went  lo  a  place  atlalne.l  by 
very  few  pitchers.  When  Roekvlllo 
bad  no  lenin  fifteen  years  aKO  tbo 
town  "adopted"  Ilnckley's  star  npurfs 
pallon  and  won  nearly  all  Bnliics 
played  with  oulsldo  tennis. 

.N'yesvlUe  beeamo  a  nursery  for  pood 
ball  players  a  few  years  ago  whero 
such  boys  as  Karl  and  Allen  llennis. 
Pearl  Sneatli.  I'.dward  Klcnlch  and 
l.eimiol  Usi.orn  cot  their  trnlnlnp. 
They  orpanl/.ed  ii  team  called  Ihe 
"I'arkn  County  Independents."  linvlnB 
phiyers  from  dlferenl  parts  of  tho 
('oiinty,  ninontr  I  hem  Oscar  Norman,  a 
very  pood  aniatcnr  pitcher,  and  Rob- 
ert Itoberts  a  fine  third  baseman. 
I'larl  llennis  developed  Into  n  promls- 
Injc  plleher.  Ho  was  Indin-cd  lo  play 
with  the  Tene  llnulo  Central  I.enpuo 
team,  and  wlillo  there  waa  "boiiKht" 
by  tho  HU  Louia  Cardlnali;  but  Mr. 


llennis  did  not  like  pnifesslonal  base 
Inill,  and  pave  U|i  a  p,>SBllilo  career  In 
the  hip  leiipiie,  rather  than  leave  lili 
I'nrke  County  home, 

II   would   he  a  lamenlahle  overslpht 

I.,  omit   fr a  reeoril  of  base  ball  In 

I'arke  County  Ibo  loapdniwn  out 
ciinlest  lielwcn  Ihe  "Court  House 
Knol  Heads"  ami  ".North  Side  llimips." 
It  In  I."*;!!!,  and  eontlnued  for 
an  Indeflntc  period.  Ihe  first  panio 
was  played  al  the  old  pronnds  near 
.Voith  JeflerBon  street.  For  two  or 
three  weeks  la'fore  Hie  pniiie  Ihe  llo,1i- 
vllle  papers  HUnounied  all  kinds  of 
stmils  that  would  be  pulled  off.  On 
Hie  ilay  of  the  p,imc  a  procession  was 
lorined  conslslliiK  of  the  plnvera  on 
f.  ot.   the  uiiiplreB  on   horse  hack  and 

Court  House  or  .North  sble.  I'lie  niii- 
plre  for  the  North  Side  appeared  on  a 
l.ranclnp  Bleed  with  a  revolver  and  n 
belt  of  cartrldpea;  llic  umpire  for  the 
Court  llouBc  was  mounted  on  a  sllt- 
eared  Mil.,  lihaliis  and  enrrled  n 
breech'h.adliip  shol  pun.  Tbo  eolors 
of  Ihe  North  Side  were  red;  those  of 
the  Coiiil  House,  preen,  and  were 
worn  ai'ionllnp  lo  the  sympatblea  "f 
the  speitalors.  U  Is  not  within  the   of   this    hlslory    lo   keep   Iraek 

of    tlie    p es.      First    victory      would 

perih  on  North  Side  flap,  and  then  on 
I  oiirt  House  hanner.  And  so  11  went 
lor  many  years.  In  lim?  the  blppisl 
panic  of  all  was  played  at  lleeihwood 
l.aik.  i;iiollnp  from  the  reiiorl  al  tlin 
Ihiie:  ■The  sireel  parade  was  alniosl 
cpinl  lo  that  of  three  y.'ars  apo,  wli,  u 
Ihe  town  loiinell.  biislness  men,  coun- 
ty officers  and  everybody  and  his  dop 
participated.  An  Improvised  brass 
bind,  mostly  tuba,  played  by  Frank 
Itryant.  lieadeil  the  iirocesslon.  The 
hand's  repertoire  ,'onslsted  of  ono 
tune,  'A  Mot  Time  In  the  Old  Town 
Tonlphl'— played  In  various  keys, 
ll..ndnlpli  lilllum,  wllh  the  bass  drum, 
was  the  only  man  who  did  not  tako 
liberties  wllii  the  ilironialle  scale,  but 
be  pot  In  all  kinds  of  extra  Ihks  to 
make  uii  for  the  mmpiiss  of  his  In- 
strument. A  delepnllon  from  .Mar- 
shall, with  two  teams  In  big  ha.ks, 
citizens  in  carrlapes  and  biipplcs  wlHi 
Ihelr  vehhles  dei'oriiled  In  the  rival 
colors,  ladles  In  hrlplit  attire,  ami  Art 
Ilohm  ilrlvlnp  a  billy  ponl.  made  up 
the  parade,  which  after  pnlnp  around 
the  s.|iiare  lo  the  park.  At 
the  entrance  lliife  IHioley  and  Clint 
^lurphy  saw  that  nolsidy  pot  In  with- 
out contrlbutlns  lo  tho  park  fund," 

ooi.r  ly  rxnuc  cou;itv. 

The  first  Kolf  club  In  the  Connty 
waa  orpanlT.ed  In  the  Sprlnp  of  liiin 
by  J,  .M.  -lohna  and  ».  F.  Max  I'uctt. 
These  Kenlleni'cn  had  bcconio  ilevotees 
lo  polf  while  Biiendlng  Ihp  winter  of 
llil.''elil  In  Fbirlda.  where  they  played 
It  I'onstontl.v.  They  manaped  lo  Im- 
part some  of  their  enthusiasm  to  thoir 
friends  In  Hoi4(vlllo  who  In  April  or- 
pnnl7.ed  a  club  and  wltbln  a  (ew 
weeks  had  opened  a  woll-appolnlcd 
links  and  tennis  court  nt  the  ph>t  of 
paniiiro  Innd  on  tho  .Mecca  nmd  near 
lleeihwood  imrk.  Tho  meiiibershlp  In- 
cludes  IH  ladles  ami    in  penlleinrn. 

livery  afternoon  nt  tho  Kolf  links 
may  be  seen  a  nuinber  of  enllunlasls 
playlnp  Ibis  interesllnp  and  healthful 
panic.  Some  idayeri  have  been  re- 
porleil  at  the  links  as  early  as  B  a.  m.. 
hut  this  Is  not  a  common  occurronca. 
The  links  have  already  assumed  a 
eosmopolllan  appearanco  and  In  tima 
will  no  doubt  bccoiuo  a  credit  to  Roek- 
Tills  In  tho  »f<a  o!  golt  pl»y«r». 



illauiift-(!i)liJ  anil  Nnu 

i>.  I'l 


•I     Allc.-, 

iild    band    pl.iy. 

A   l.r 

111   hf 



II. .union  I.OKiin.IliiBB  Drum,  lyuilmls 

.loliu   l>.   Strnln   Snnro  Drum 

No  one  lu  Ihc  linnd  Vnciv  how  to 
j.lay  an  hislrumonl  with  tho  pxroptlon 
of  .lorfcph  llui'.I.  who  rniuo  In  lotcr, 
who  plnyod  a  llarllonc  In  the  nruiy. 

Thpy  ouiploycd  W.  .T.  MrNnninra,  of 
IhivvlluK  (ircon,  liid,,  who  ciinio  and 
sliiycil  nhoul  u  week,  nnd  then  ou.. 
ploycil  nil  n  lonihi-r  Mr.  fox.  who  w«« 
b  uu'Uihcr  of  ihc  crlohratcd  Wnrrcn 
hnnil,  of  r.vnnsvUlo,  Ind.     A  BCt  oC  In- 

,.oii".iin"«  If  Il.iikvlMo  nnd  I'nrko 
Cnuniy.  .M'lro  ihsn  ol.My-ilv..  y.'nib 
nun  nm  fiiHuTi  nnd  urnndfnlhorj! 
hcnid  Ihi-  •■old  play"  when  Ihf 
i..un  wn«  .1  mil''  Inlimd  yillatic  nnd 
aliiinxt  Irinci.'KSlhli'  hy  reason  of  (h.^ 
iiMi.l  rc.ndB  found  In  nunihcm  which 
iiMi.-iAi'cl  III.'  I'diuilv.  'rhi-  Mi.'iiiliors 
,.r  ih..  firm    i."urt  oitnnl/vd   In   llnck- 

llllr    HC, 1    10    lake    Ih.'lMSnlvrs    BPr- 

IniiBlv.  anil  lonHi'd  .in  orL-nnlznth.n 
iillh  n  rofular  nnd  foriniil  rhnrler 
iron,  ill.'  I..'i!l»lnlur.\  In  I'Viu-iiary. 
ism.  III.'  I.o-lBlnluro  of  Iho  Slnlo 
pmiK.d  n  uprdal  nrl  In  whi.h  It  au- 
Ihori/cd  11.  Iintctt.  .7.  r.  Noi-l,  J. 
Willi.'.  I).  Iiiiri-o.h.  .T.  Ilrown.  0.  I'ai- 
I.TRon,  \V.  II.  M.-Murlry.  K.  H.  rrfc- 
Mian  l>.  K.  MnrBhall.  J.  H.  CorncUna. 
.«.  Nnrl.  .T.  C.  Alh-n.  II.  M.  MrNult.  It. 
.VBliury.  v..  ItoccPtt.  (hf  inrmhers  naiii- 
.•.I.  to  form  a  .oriiorntion  undfr  the 
nnii.e  nnd  Klylo  of  Hii-  'Tllnnlon 
Ihind."  whI.h  Ihi-y  did.  nnd  tV..'  cor- 
pornllon  did  not  S"  out  of  oNlntonce 
for  n  lone  ilnio.  If  It  cvrr  did  In  a 
Irxal  nnd  formal  iii.-innor.  It  nuiiiliiTort 
»oiiio  rxrrllTOl  iiiiiBlrliinii  nnd  Bav.' 
iiiimiToiiB  i-niirrrlB  from  tim.'  to  llmf' 
In  dlffi'ivnt  partB  of  th.'  County.  'IMip 
■•old  hnnd"  did  not  pobbobb  nny  prnfos- 
►  In.inl  "luUBlrlnnMB."  nB  Illli-y  would 
Kay.  hut  UliP  Iho  one  liindo  fnmnua  hy 
lilB  llii.'B.  thpy  playpd  thp  ohl-llmo  nirs 
niirt  i...-lnillP8  lo  p.'rfodlon.  ami  dnuht- 
I.SB  ihor.'  nr,'  Ihoiin  yot  Ilvlni;  who 
were  di-llflilcd  llalonnrB  nnd  ovon  now 
would  "111,0  1.1  hoar  tho  old  hnnd  play." 
VVhIlo  Iho  old  "nionlon"  may  not  yol 
h|.  locally  diBsolvrd.  nil  Iib  .uomhrrb 
hnio  lone  iilnro  Jolnrd  tho  "rholr  In- 
vislhl..."  riul  i!  i:nvo  Iho  town  n  muB- 
hnl  Bond  off  whirh  may  i.orount  In 
►OHIO  di'-.-ioo  for  llir  UBunlly  fine 
hnudR  whhh  h.ivo  fldornoil  tho  history 
nf  llookvlll.'. 

In  is.'ri.  na  hna  l.eon  ro.-ordod  oiao- 
whoro.  Ilnckvlllr  hnrt  a  hnnd.  but  thia 
orcnnlzntlon  did  not  Inat  lone.  About 
Iho  liiiio  of  lis  dorllno  n  rrry  piod 
hand  wna  orcnnl7,od  at  Ilf 
Irndor.  .TnnioB  Havln.  hopniuo  nno  nf  tho 
hoBi  rornot  pInyorB  In  tho  Slat.',  and 
.Tobn  Niiylor.  nnolhor  moiubor  wna 
romi.oloni  to  tonrh  hnndfl.  nnd  .lid 
toa.h  Iho  hnnd  at  Ilnokvlllo  for  nwlillo. 
S..UIO  nf  tho  iiionihora  nf  tho  old  Mon- 
to7.iuiin  hand  woro.  .TniuoB  r>aTlB.  TTon- 
rv  .lanioB.  S.  W.  ITIIl.  Arthur  Hondor- 
Bon.  Will.  Arn.  Ilnryoy  Nipliola.  .Tohn 
Vnynr.  Alox  Nnylor,  Znoli  Oooreo.  .Tna. 
KtrvonBon.  Win.  Watklna.  .Tnmoa 
Khnno.  Alox  Wndo.  Marlon  ITndlcv, 
Wm.  IT.  rain. 

lu  INiHl  tho  following  younK  turn  or- 
miul/od  a  linnil  In  Kockylllo: 

Hand    StrnuBO lat    Kh   Pornct 

Sam  Molord 2nd  Kb  romot 

.In.oh  StrouBO lit  Till  Coract 

Will  IlurkB  .   2nd  Ttb  rornot 

William  .1.  Sllllinan lat  Alto 

John    r>nrroch    2nd   Alto 

r,ucl(-n  Egborl lit  Tonor 

-Tanioi  IC.  Mraoham 2nd  Tonor 

D.  M.  Oarllila B  Ban 


\\     - 

:  1  ,1 

Li    \.'       .... 

/..iii/.T  111  Ihi:  l-aihc  llanil. 

BiniiiionlK  which  had  been  liiiporled 
iroiii  (iorlnnny,  and  roal  over  .<.".i«) 
wore  purihiiBi'd.  Tho  money  wna  rnla- 
Id  hy  Bi'luK  enlertnlumenta  and  by 
prlvalo  suhBrrlpllouB.  the  liti/.cna  do- 
iinlliiL-  llhorally  lownrda  aecurlni  tho 
iiihlriiiiienta  nnil  payhiK  Iho  teacher. 

About  a  year  after  tho  orKanb.nllon 
I'roie-anr  I'..  II.  Mill  one  of  the  fluent 
leiirherB  In  Amerlin,  was  Olil|iloycii  to 
luBlrii.l  Oio  band.  Some  of  tho  nrlK- 
liiiil  l.ovB  dropp.'d  out  and  new  onca 
look  Iheir  plarea.  aiilonB  tlieiil  W.  .T. 
Uhlle.  Henry  Slroiise.  Thoiuna  IlnBuo 
null  .lolin  (ihuver.  .Mr.  Ilncuo  was 
both  n  ylidlnlal  and  cornet  plnycr. 

•I'lic  moat  notnl.le  aehlcyoment  of 
Ihla  lialiil  waa  at  tho  Ilrldceton  fair. 
In  IWi'.i.  when  II  onlered  n  eontrat  for 
»liiii  aealnBt  Iho  Ilrazll  hand.  Althouu-h 
the  Intter  had  employed  IVofeaaor  V. 
i;net7.  to  lend  and  direct  ilurlnK  tho 
ii.nteat.  Ilmkvlllo  won  the  prl7,e.  In 
this  eonteat  Jacob  Strouae  waa  leader 
.-.f  the  Ilockville  hnnd,  nnd  W.  J. 
While  iBl  II  flat  cornet.  The  prb.o  Bc- 
leillon  on  Iho  prOKrnm  wna  n  diffleirit 
arrnnceiiicnt  of  l.iirin  <ir  r,ammrrmoiir, 
coiilnlnluK  n  11  flnt  cornet  Bolo.  the 
flrnt  one  Mr.  White  over  played  In 
jMil.Hi'.  AcoordluK  to  his  own  Blory  ho 
wna  Beared  half  to  death,  but  ho  ploy- 
ed Iho  aolo  heautlfirtly. 

Tho  "old  hnnd."  which  lind  held  lo- 
Bcther  durluK  tho  cnmpalKn  of  IS72, 
when  It  did  iiinalderabltf  playluE  mere- 
ly for  the  money  thnt  wna  In  It.  dla- 
bnnded  nt  tho  elose  of  the  campnlen. 
Ilurlnc  tho  winter  of  lR"2-n  n  elub  of 
young  men  and  Lovb  known  na  tho  "M. 
11.  r.'a"-  waa  orcanlzi'd.  It  niet  In  an 
iipBlnlra  room  In  Iho  new  hrlck  livery 
Btahle  once  a  week,  when  a  delinto.  a 
lunek  trial  iir  Bomo  other  form  of 
nmuBOmont  occupied  the  time.  It  waa 
ono  pnrt  of  tho  mlea  of  the  cliih  thnt 
every  member  hnd  to  attend  Snndny 
BChooI  nnd  contrlhiilo  five  centa.  The 
elaaa  waa  known  at  tho  Mcthodlat 
Hunday  BchooI  aa  tho  M.  n.  <"■  <•'»»»■ 
A.  F.  Whlto  waa  lla  teacher  nnd  every 
Simdajr  aftomoon,  when  the  unoont 

.ontrlbutcd  l.y  each  claaa  was  rend  hy 
Iho  B.Tr.-lary,  Iho  aui.i  of  ".'..".  centa" 
was  the  Invnilnble  renpouflo  of  Iho  M. 
II.  C.'a"  It  o.curred  lo  W.  J.  Wlillo 
that  there  waa  k'ooil  ninterlal  (or  a 
hrauB  hand  In  IIiIb  cIiibb.  bo  one  nlcht 
he  went  to  their  lo.lce  room  and 
broached  the  aiibje.-l.  Tho  boya  foil  In- 
to the  Idea  with  cnlhiislnam,  but  it 
turnrd  out  that  a  few  of  them  hnd  but 
mile  enr  for  music  nnd  no  "lip"  what- 
ever for  brata  band  niualc.  Tho  old 
lufctrumenlB  bouitht  In  IRun  worn  ec- 
eiirid.  that  'n  all  that  waa  Icfi  nf 
them,  nnd  placed  In  tho  hands  of  tho 
boya  na  follows: 
W.  J.  While,  F,  flat-.-Ix.nder  and 

II  flnt  Cornet Frank  WTilto 

,jl   Alto BnmucI  Davla 

2nd  Alto ...John  Itlcwood 

iBi    lenor utuihu  in.....' 

:;nd  Tenor  - William  TllRwnod 

Tnha    f-d   Oood 

IIOBB  Pnim  *=!  f">™ 

Snare  nnim   Ie»ii<:  ftrouae 

The  Inller,  helnK  n  "kid"  waa  not 
ellBlblo  to  iiieiuherBhlp  In  tho  M.  P,  r. 
iliih.  hut  wna  taken  In  Iho  band,  much 
to  hia  pride  nnd  ImpplncBB. 

.V  few  clmnRefl  were  itindo  Boon  after 
the  ori:nnl7.ntlon.  Pain  PnvlB  dropped 
nut  and  Bl  Oood  wna  put  on  flret  nllo. 
Pave  Webb  tnkInK  hnaa  drnui.  Pavn 
Slpiuse  wna  then  tnken  In  to  play  harl- 
tone  nnd  Ilcnrv  Strouse,  who  had  been 
nwny  from  Hockvllle.  returned,  no 
wna  Blven  firflt  cornet  and  Frank 
White  took  an  F,  flat.  The  old  Instru- 
iiienta  had  by  tbla  llmo  completely 
worn  out.  The  band  wna  ankcd  to 
play  for  the  eelcbrntlnn  of  tho  Fourth 
of  July  1«7I.  and  offered  oxclualvo 
rlBht  to  BcIl  rcfreBhmenta.  The  cct<^ 
Iirnllon  wna  held  In  tho  ruolt  Erove, 
nftcrwnrdB  the  fnlr  cround.  It  waa  a 
hot  dny.  nnd  the  two  "atandn"  were 
piirrouniled  by  cuBlomera  diirlnp  the 
lime  the  crowd  ainid  on  the  picnie 
ground.  The  Bupply  of  lee  cream  wna 
evhaiiBled  long  before  the  rending  of 
Ihi.  Peclnrntlon  of  Independence  In  the 
morning,  nnd  the  hoya  were  kept  huay 
iiinklng  lemonade.  Soon  nfler  noon  the 
supply  of  Ico  water  In  Iho  harrcla.  for 
Boiiio  unnecouniablo  f?l  renaon  gave 
out  There  wna  no  well  on  the  ground  : 
the  nenrcBt  water  to  he  hnd  waa  at  tho 
home  of  Alexander  ruett,  alx  hundred 
yards  away.  Wallace  rinker  roao  to  the 
oc.MBlnn.  (irnhhlng  an  empty  lemonade 
tub  he  naked  one  of  the  lioya  to  go 
with  liliii  after  water,  and  told  Ed 
Cood  and  rienry  nigwnod  lo  bring  tho 
other  tub.  "We'll  Bell  this  water  for 
a  nirkcl  a  glnaa"  aald  Wnllnec.  na  tlio 
boya  Btnrtcd  hneli;  .ind  euro  enough 
wo  did.  The  thlraty  crowd  wouldn't 
wait  (or  Icniona  to  ho  cut  and  snneez- 
cd  Into  the  water,  hut  bought  It  as 
fast  na  It  could  ho  dipped.  When  we 
counted  out  our  money,  on  tho  haBf 
drum,  at  the  close  of  the  dny.  Henry 
Ttlgwnod  alone  ahelled  out  »12n  from 
hlB  vnrlona  pockets  I  AU  the  hoya  bad 
from  five  to  Sr/I  (o  band  In  As  we 
remember  It.  tho  hand  rlcuf'd  over 
Itjnn  after  all  expenses  were  paid. 
The  now  InatrumentB  were  then  In 
alchl.  ?'rom  that  time  until  six 
years  later,  the  hnnd  kept  "P  Ita  or- Ion.  It  wob  known  na  "Wlillo'a 
Cornet  Hnnd."  Tn  1S7R  a  handaome 
unlfnrm  of  ronfedernto  gray  cloth, 
coaling  .'hi  for  each  ault.  wna  pur- 
.liaacd.  Frank  White  had.  In  tho  moan- 
lliue,  l.eromo  solo  cornet  playor.  I.  It. 
strouao  wna  given  D  flat  cornet  and 
Wnllaeo  Tinker,  baas  drnin. 

At  thla  timo  tbo  band  waa  known 
all  over  Indiana  nnd  eastern  Illinois 
as  hnvlng  In  Ita  solo  cornet  plnyor,  an 
artlat  who  ranked  with  Walter  Kmer- 
son  and  III  (lonry,  tbon  the  beat 
known  cornotlats  In  the  country. 
After  eight  yean  of  contlnooaa  ex- 

lalenco.  Wbllo'a  Cornet  hand  ceased 
lla  nrBanl7.nllon.  Tho  hist  tlmo  II  np- 
pciireri  wna  on  llcrorntinn  day,  l*v-*<l, 
when  II  closed  lla  career.  pUyhig  (he 
beniitlful  funiTnl  dirgo  "Flee  as  a 
Iiird   t.i  Voiir  .Mountain." 

A  year  or  two  after  tho  orgnnl7.n- 
(lou  of  Whllea  Cornel  llniid,  llireo 
new  hnnda  were  organlTied  In  the 
Counly,  the  flrai  ono  nt  JuiIboii  In 
1N7-(.  Thla  i.rgnul7.n|lon  employed  W. 
J.  MrXnuinra  of  Howling  (Ireen  ns 
Icniher.  Its  iiieuibers  were; 
W.  'I".  Hedles,  I.endor.-lBt  i;b  Cnruel 

W.   II.   Ihirnoi   '.'d  Coriut 

W.  A.  I.ano  ..Tat  lib  Cornet 

S.  n.  Mellon 2d  llli  Cornet 

W.  V.  Iluchannn iBt  Allu 

J;  K.  Strong  .'Jd  Alio 

I,.   II.   Martin Tenor 

11.    ca.v.K'  --. - Il.irllnn.i 

J.  W.  Connerlcy  Tiij.a 

P.  C.  T.nnc  Snnro  Pniiii 

Tnm   Iltirli    Iliisi   Priiiii 

Annapolla  In  the  winter  of  IN7I  niiil 
■7,-..  orgnnl7.ed  a  hnnd.  Inuglil  hy  I'rnf, 
mil,  which  with  siihseiiiient  re-nr- 
ganlratloiia  held  Ingelher  for  abmit 
ten  yonra,  Ita  original  memhera  were! 

N.  J.  Fvans -1st  I'.h  Cornet 

llormo  Wheeler 'Jd  F.b  Cornel 

W.  1).  Kvnna  lat  lib  Curnct 

Homer  Cany  - '.'d  lib  Cornet 

Chns.  Connelly  ..Solo  Alto 

Job.    I.ea    .-_ lat    Alto 

Allen   .McClure   -.2d   Alto 

Leonard   Wheeler .lat  Tenor 

(leo.  Hunt  2d  Tenor 

Chna.    McClure    Ilnrltono 

lleorgo    Colo    lib    Unas 

V.i    Southcrlnnd    .Tuba 

I.on   T/-n   nnao  r>riiiu 

Imlph  Hunt  Snaro  Pruiu 

The  Annnpolla  hnnd  developed  aomo 
iinUBiinlly  fine  mualclnna.  The  three 
KvnuB  l«ya.  Ned.  Wnllnc,  and  Ilnb- 
eri.  were  excellent  eornetlBla.  nnd  tho 
Intler  alao  plnyeil  harllono  oven  hel- 
ler than  oornei.  Omar  nnd  Warren 
iloldahcrry,  who  hecniue  very  profli- 
leut  on  varloua  Inatruuienta,  woro 
members  of  the  Annnpolla  hnnd, 
whhh  before  Its  final  dlabnndinenl 
could  piny  the  moat  illffleiilt  nrrnnge. 
uienlB  from  grnnd  operna.  and  aiirh 
overtures  as  Pnrt  niirf  I'rntanl.  It  Is 
probable  thnt  no  town  so  sninll  ai  An- 
nniKilla  ever  had  n  better  hand. 

Iho  menihora  of  Iho  second  hand 
were : 

Wallnio  J.  Kvnna Kb  Cornel 

X.  J.  Kvnna- Solo  lib  Cornel 

Oilier  ColdaI.erry ""lo  Alto 

Kd   llnwllngs  l»l   Alto 

V.  s.  livers l«t  T'-nof 

Ilobt.  F.vans  Uarltono 

John  Woody  - Tuba 

John  Coffin   "aaa  Pruiii 

Warren  (inldsberry Snaro  Priiiii 

The  firnngo  band  coni|i"scd  of 
young  men  of  the  Flalier  nelghlior- 
hood  was  organised  about  Ibis  time. 
It  iiinslstcd  of  12  members.  It  waa 
taught  by  Jnnies  pavis  of  MonlMumn 
anil  Ilnrvcy  Ilovcy  of  Toiilo's  Torre 
Haute  band.  The  hoys  of  this  band 
were : 

Wllllniu  Cornthwalte,  I^dwnrd 
Cornlhwnlte,  Fdmund  Klaher,  John 
FlBher,  l.lnioln  Fisher.  Fmiuelt  ..inr 
shnll,  Arthur  Marshall,  T.evI  Marshall, 
willlnui  Cray,  Oeorgo  (Irny.  Wllllnm 
Ciile,  Jnmes  Orison. 

I'ntll  the  hiilldl'ig  of  tho  opera 
houao  In  1SR.I,  llorkvlllo  had  no  hnnd. 
Then  Will  and  Frank  Whlto  organis- 
ed tho  Oporn  IIouBO  band.  Us  mem- 
berahlp  was'. 

Frank  Whlto Solo  Cornet 

Orion  It.  Fnrrar First  Cornel 

A.  P.     Overman -B  Clarinet 

P.  M.  Carlisle FItit  Alto 

Oeor»»  Baker  — Fl"*  Tenor 



U.   A.   M.iKOU   llnrKoiic 

W.    .1,    Ulillo    lllll-H 

n.iirl.'i.  ■Iivl.'  --  -  -IliiBh  IhiMu 
I.   II.   SM.iiw.-   -.Miaro  DniiM 

■j'l„.  iii'M  n  IniihI  n  mb  .pr«rti,l/..<l 
l„  .Inhii  |i.  S(nilii  .mil  .1.  \V.  l.)»"n, 
ki..i»ii  ii»  111.'  ••I'liri...   llMiwI."   II    Im.l  ., 

AllOB— 1),  .M.  Curllnlo,  Km     OUmcr, 
lliuM.  llruuti. 
■lioi ms-C.    C.     Council),     I'uul 

or  In 


l,<,|ull.'l.|'|"'.l      lOI'      rUII'lM.      ll<i\M'\l'J'      Ihi- 

ini>h  iiiiinn;:i(l  In  hiiy  .i  lino  uiin'nriii 
ol  liiiinn  rliilli  nii.l  lo  iMir.liliH.'  Ilio 
h,  1  or  limlriliMi'iilM,  Aflcr  iilmnt  ono 
i,-.u-i.  nisu-nrr  ii  dlKiiiiuili'd.  IravlDK 

:,    I I'   IliHlruinrnlH   In   llir   IiiiikI.-i   of 

l..,v,.  nil..'nll>-  oix;illlzril  a 
•■1.1,1  oniKl."  -Ih-roh  .Mcrniupl.rll. 
It,  11  V|,|U,'Kn,'.v  niKl  "Itaii"  M,'l''liil(lill 
Mi'io  llir  liiOKl  I  rlrlirntr,!  nrtlElK  of 
M-    n,-:,,r/ntlnn, 

AIOMK  llliolll  ISM,  f.  M.  IIPIIKIMI 
1. 1, 111'    lo    llncUvini-,    pliiyilm    larilnni'. 

„il ,.   AulirK   WiillMi'C   \lllu   Irniipn, 

II,' I  I'riiiiii  Whllr  iiiol  iirloii  rurrur 

101,1  ihi'.i  -unzi'  lo  I'loli  oihi-r"  i»l  ,'nci' 
l.jilir  on  Mr.  Il.'iii;,'il  mnip  lioii-  iinil 
,oi,l,  ,  liiirKP  or  Iho  Oiifi-n  lloiiBo  1,11,1,1. 
(liloi,  l-orrnrwoiillnlhf-liiiiia  .Mu»|.-nl 
liiHilliil,',   ii'lnrnln);   In    Isso     for     Hip 

>iiii  iiii'i-.   rnr  llM'i'o  HiMomprB   li,'  rn 

l.irl,  lo  iln.kvlllp,  onili  tliiip  sliowlnu' 
III,'  »iiii,l,'ifiil  nilvniKTriii'nt  lin  ivii» 
MiiikhiK  n«  n  I'orii,'!  pliiyr  nlid  innsl,- 
Inn.  Whi'ii  111-  nn,l  I'lnf.  Ilini:™  li'TI 
li,«n  for  ntliPi'  flnliln:  wiiPn  Trnnk 
Vihlln  \>rnl  lo  InillnniipoIlB,  nnd 
Hurry  111.,-  "nil  lo  VIrKlnIn -tlip  Inl- 
lir  liiil  liv  llilB  lliiip  lioioiMO  n  toort 
inrnillfl  -tlm  l"«n  «n«  lofl  wUli  no- 
l„„ly  lo  ink,'  llii'lr  |iiiirr«  nn,l  «o  "C 
hull  on  linnil  for  Bpvriiil  vrnrB,  oxirpl 
BOM,,'  BimBiiinillc  i-rrnrlB  Ihnt  fnllp,!  to 
|.ro,ln,p  liny  ori.-niil/.nllon. 

rho  riil/piifl'  llnnil  wns  orKnnlzpil 
In  I'.nr.'.  iillpr  n  IhoroiiEli  rnnvnsB  n( 
111,-  Blliinlli.n.  Morp  than  twrnlv 
iio'iolMTB  wpro  ,'onnPClPd  with  llii, 
Imiid  ilinlni:  Iib  pvIbIpiicp.  Il8  firsl 
hii'iiil-TBlilp  follnvvs: 

rlnrlonilB  llnbort  S.  While.  I/iiila 
llrlnlpy.  clnrpniP  lliirsrnvr,  Andy 
rpknrd.  riiPBlPr   llnzlrll. 

Iliircrnvp.  II.  M.  Hire,  I'prlry  Ton- 
l,ro,ik.   VV.  .1.  White.  I.  11.  Stroiisc. 

rrcolloct  when  tlic  pavciuont  In  front 
of  tlin  Btorra  wan  rilk'il  »Uh  ihnlra 
nnil  pIno  lioxpii  whltllrd  full  ol  holca. 
Ili'i'c  Ihp  ni,'i'(-liniit  11,  (  Ilia  puatoiiicra 
1111,1  BiH'iil  iii.iny  phaiMnl.  hoiira  la  niu- 

I.  V.  11 


'Ih,'  rill/.,nB'  lliihd  wnn  ilinn.'.l  li> 
I'liif.  (•  .M.  lli'iiK.'n,  ivlin  ri'liiriiiU  lo 
lliii'killli'  allir  ,111  uhB,'ni'o  of  nhoilC 
It'll  yi'iira,  iiml  hna  bIiou  Ikpii  ii  i'<'ki. 
dPlit  ol'  oni-  loiMi.  To  hla  prpinlu-o  IB 
iliic  llic  lui't  Ihul  oiicnitlc  i'oni|,nnlu, 
are  enal-lnl  to  iin\p  orcliPBtra  ateoiii- 
l„ilniii,'iil  r,nd  drannitlc  pprlorninniPB 
lire  provided  mIIIi  na  Kood  one  iniiBle 
1,8  In  tlio  liiri4e  ,ltip«;  for  Prof,  llei, 
Ki'li  hOB  no  uiiperlor  iis  what  might  bo 
tproiPd    iin    "all    nrmlnd"   musician.    U 

111  11  iwo  Blorv  tirl,  k  liulMlili:  on  Iho 
,',iBl  !.ld,'  ol  ion  Bipinre,  .lake  WInUol 
hail  n  hiirneKB  ohop,  wliero  I  epont 
„,i,iiy  li'OlBli  dnya.  Her,',  in  ,lanuary, 
l.s.-,l.  1  ruw  hiilli  an  allli:iiior,  soiiio  i.'i 
or  Jii  feet  loiiK,  whlih,  lo  my  hoylBli 
I  yes,  wiia  a  nioiiBter  never  to  ho  lor- 
KOllen.  I'or  dnya  all  hiislncea  was 
Klven  lip  lo  the  modeling  and  huilil- 
Inc  of  Ihnt  replllP,  will,  lla  tirciit 
yawnliiK  nionlli  ami  vieloni  revia  of 
woodpu  teeth.  'I'hc  bhow  had  been 
falUnK  for  weeka,  and  the  slclnlng 
pnillea   had   been   for  Bonic  days  com- 



piipll,  Orion  II.  l''ar 
ipienil.x  liP'-nmc  famous  as  a  writer  of 
inllllnry  iminheB,  euteieU  Ibo  War- 
ren, llhln,  roliBiTViilary  of  .MUBle  froll, 
u  hli-li  he  Kraduaii'd. 

Ililhert  Snow  White,  whose  iininc  Is 
ktiiHMi  Dir  and  wide  as  a  miiBlclan,  la 
now  diri-clor  of  n  hand  of  twcnt.v-fonr 
pl,','es  anil  an  orelipstru  of  nine  pieces 
at  Cnrieyvllle,  Kannas.  Ills  yonntcr 
liioihi'r,  l|ol„Tt  Whllo,  la  also  a  pro- 
iPBBlonal    miish'lnn. 

Ilniids  have  from  lime  lo  lime  l„'en 
miilnlalned  at  llloomlni:,lale,  Sylvaliln. 

.MiirBlinll,  11,-11 re,  .Mansfield,  llrhlce- 

Ion,  llospilalp  and  .ile.-ca.  llcsldes  the 
i;,,oil  tniislelnna  already  nipntloned, 
lira  llarrlBon,  wUo  for  a  tlim-  dlrerted 
I  he  .Marshall  hand:  I'rof.  Alex  Ihom- 
as,  who  iK-lonEod  to  the  first  llelliiiore 
hand,  and  clarenec  r,cwls,  of  IIobp- 
dale,  were  lilfli  class  iierforincre  ami 
thoroiiu'h    miisli-lnns. 

11.  .M.  Carlisle  ranks  as  the  veteran 
hand  man  In  I'arke  County,  with  a 
lecoril  of  fifty  years  of  continuous 
service,  lie  was  a  mpinbpr  of  the  Did 
llo,  kvllle  hand,  orcanlzed  In  iwir,.  and 
has  played  In  every  one  of  the  bauds 
„rcalil7.ed  In  the  town  since.  He  pliiva 
one  of  Ihe  horns  In  the  Melhodlst 
Sundiiy  school  onheslra.  nnd  Is  ready 
for  BPrvhe  If  the  propoBcd  band  Is  or- 
L-anl'/.pil  for  Ihe  Parke  County  Cen- 
tennial   lelehratlon. 


©he  (!5vcat  ^tleiolt  ©itnutait 

II  IniH  1,1','u  sIMy-flvc  years  slliec  the 
H'l-al  1,1, iKl,  iiiravnn  lonleBts  between 
llo,  k\  nil'  and  Mouti'Ziima.  'lo  most  of 
lh..»e  now  llvliiB  the  scenea  of  that 
Mluli-r  siKirl  are  nuUnown.  tinly  thoi=o 
who  were  boys  nnd  girls  at  that  llnio 
lire  now  living,  and  ono  of  thera,  Mr. 
.\.  IC.  Stark,  has  kindly  consented  to 
Che  Ills  reeolhillouB  of  Ihe  final 
I'vinl  In  n  series  of  rival  dem.inatra- 
llollB  hy  Hie  IWO  towns.  II  happened 
Ihal  a  parly  iioni  llo,-kvllle  went  lo 
Moiil,-/.ii,i,a.  on,'  nichi.  In  a  very  fancy 
fnur-hors,'  shlch.  Ihey  were  enler- 
lalued  l.y  siiiiie  of  llieir  frlemls,  niid 
In  a  linnlerlui:  way  dared  Monte/.uin  i 
l„  show  up  SB  fine  a  turn  oiil.  Monli- 
/iimii  Biilil  nothlne.  but  one  fine  niRlit 
a  loni:  leaiu  of  horses  dashed  Into 
llnrktllle,  pnllliiL-  n  birt-e  slelch  filled 
with  merry  makers.  Alliuhed  lo  the 
birt-e  slelL-h  were  seven  smaller  jnea 
In  low  The  parly  was  liospllaMy  en- 
lerlalned.  and  leff  for  .MonleT.niui 
rcellnx  Hint  llockvlllo  had  been  belli- 

lu  at  her  own  game. 

Mr.  Slark'fl  recollections  ot  the  eiil. 
nilnallilB  cveut  In  Iho  fiood 
contest  follows: 

Sl\ly-flvc  years  ago  \vc  did  not  llvo 
the  slrenuons  lives  now  demnndcl  of 
us.  Then  no  railroad  trains  tUundcr- 
eii  throiiKh  our  town,  no  automobiles 
lo  fliare  our  horses :  no  luotorcyeles  or 
hnyiliB  to  i:ct  ua  there  quick.  No 
lelephones,  no  electrli-  llghls,  no  grav- 
el roails.  no  sidewalks.  Hut  the  crack 
of  Ihe  long  ox  whip  was  heard  aa  tho 
alow,  patient  ox  teams  wero  urged  to 
pull  their  heavy  loads  through  tho 
n  lid.  I  lien  Monletumn,  with  the  ca- 
nal nnd  river  l„inlB  was  tho  port  of  en- 
try for  all  this  part  of  tho  country, 
nnd  Armleshurg  was  the  great  pork- 
parking  center,  from  whence  large 
flat  lioalB  were  loailed  to  take  our  pro- 
dme  down  to  tho  .Mississippi  ami  on 
to  New  OrlennB. 

In  those  days  there  was  plonly  of 
(lino  for  fun  and  pleasure.     Woll     I 

.Monlezimia,  each  town  trying  to  out 
do  the,  and  Itockvlllc  and  tlio 
Biirronndlng  country  began  making 
preparailouB  for  a  great  display,  Uo 
oil  a  .lanunry  luorning  In  l.'v'I,  there 
iiBsemhled  on  the  north  side  ot  the 
piihll,'  Bipiare,  a  Btring  ,,f  alelshs  ot  cv. 
ery  kln,l  and  di-acrlpllon.  from  tho 
large  sleigh  wllh  lit  gorgeous  or 
grolefupie  fllllnga,  to  tho  little  bam) 
sh'd,  nil  faBleni'd  togelher,  one  behind 
Hie  niner,  liy  a  largo  rope.  To  this 
siring  of  sleighs  las  my  boyish 
niemiiry  records  Itl  exieiuling  from 
Ihe  center  of  Ihe  north  aide  lo  past 
the  old  lloiighman  hotel  (where  the 
I'arke  hotel  now  sliindsl  there  was 
hllcheil  Boiiie  HO  or  I'pO  horses  wllh  a 
rliler  lo  every  horse  nnd  a  mule,  rid- 
den by  a  neu-ro.  In  the  lend. 

>iany  uf  the  sleighs  were  floats  rep- 
reBcntlng  different  trades.  The  giraffe 
anil  alligator  were  there,  ami  In  the 
moiilh  of  the  iilllgator  wns  a  small  boy, 
struggling  lo  keep  from  being  swal- 
lowed or  frozen.  I  have  since  seen  the 
alligator  In  ul»  native  heath,  a  Inrge. 
loathaoiue,  creeping  thing,  but  never 
one  that  looted  so  formidable  as  this 
one,  and  I  am  sure  that  no  alligator 
ever  took  bo  cold  a  trip  and  lived,  nnd 
no  hoy  half  swalloweil  by  nn  alligator 
ever  felt  bo  chilled,  for  when  we  lind 
done  .Montezuma  to  our  satisfaction,  1 
wiis  nearly   frozen. 

Wllh  the  ringing  of  the  bells,  the 
tooting  of  horns  and  tho  shouting  of 
men.  we  were  off  for  Montezuma, 
whero  we  were  royally  received  and 
entertained.  On  our  return  trip  tho 
snow  began  lo  inelt  and  tho  slclghn 
lo  drag  heavily,  causing  the  ropes  to 
brcnk.  hilt  our  >rontezunia  friends  fur- 
nlBlied  iiB  a  long  canal  boat  cnhle, 
strong  enough  to  bold,  and  after  many 
delays  and  trials  we  again  pulled  Into 
nockvlllc,  glad  of  our  triumph. 

Whether  >rontC7.unia  eould  or  would 
have  tried  lo  out-do  us  I  do  not  know, 
hilt  the  melting  snow  put  an  end  to 
the  fun.  Time  has  nearly  effaced  from 
my  memory  the  many  details  connect- 
r-d  wllh  tbia  episode,  but  tho  nlllgalor 
ride  was  frozen  Into  my  memory  nev- 
er to  be  thawed  ont. 

Twenty-five  years  ago  .Tudge  Whlto 
gave  Ills  liiipresBlons  of  tho  winter  pa- 
geant as  It  moved  along  tho  old  plank 
roiid  anil  passed  his  home,  two  miles 
west  of  nockvlllo.  Wo  quote  from  his 
•  rtlelo: 

"The  Itaptlst  ebiireh  bell — solemn- 
toned  as  tt  was — wna    taken    down. 

inoiinieJ,  and  uiado  to  rloK,  as  happy 
bells  du,  'across  tho  huow,'  •  •  • 
•  •  •  •  ".Nothing  connected 
with  IhoBO  fun  laden  days  so  liiiprca. 
■ed  my  l,o>l8h  niliid  as  did  Iho  fbiu 
and  the  louu  of  that  soleiiin  ,hur,h 
hell.  The  uiie.  sliimllnu  out  hroad  and 
Blralght  In  Iho  wlntiy  wind,  llluiiil- 
niili'd  hy  the  rays  of  a  sun  then  fur 
down  thii  Buiilh,  liclghlenliiK  Us  al- 
ready vivid  BlrlpcB  nnd  bronzed  Blurs 
and  dark  field  of  blue,  made  II  lo  mo 
n  thing  of  woiulroiiB  life  and  glory  as 
It  moved  along  the  aoniUro  luld-wlnlor 
lanilscaiie  of  white  fields  and  bare, 
gray  wnods.  Tho  tones  of  tho  other, 
,18  the  irnin  croHsed  for  a  moment  tlin 
,'rcst  of  a  diBlnnt  bill,  cniuo  across  tlio 
slopi's  and  sweeps  of  whitened  coun- 
Iryclile,  singularly  clear,  resonant, 
llirinin-  nnd  yd  welrrt  and  solemn,  as 
If  Instead  of  gracing  tho  rlilo  of  those 
merry  revellerB  It  was  tolling  In  the 
service  of  the  Iiurhil  of  tho  Year. 

"Hut  who  cures  for  these  vagaries 
of  a  boy;  A  mile  out  a  cavalcade  of 
ladles  nnd  gentlemen  met  and  cBcorleil 
Ihe  l|i„'kvllllnns  Into  Ihe  village.  The 
hi  lis  of  Ihe  town  rang  out  a  welcoino. 
lloBpllallly  wns  again  unbounded.  Tbo 
BtrceiB  were  Ihrniigcd  by  an  eager  and 
excited  miillltiule  from  town  and  tho 
Biirronndlng  country,  whllo  upon  ovory 
hand,  mingled  wllh  words  of  nood 
I'lieer,  was  Ihe  nsaiiranic  of  Ihn  iin- 
ilaiinled  .Monlezumlans  that  prepnr- 
alloua  were  already  on  fool  for  still 
another  return  visit  at  which  timo 
they  proposed  to  'snow  under'  the 
iiMinty  seal  onco  tor  all.  Hut  alas! 
Already  the  dnya  were  creeping  slow- 
ly lownrdB  Ihe  vernal  eipllnox.  Al- 
ready that  very  afternoon  tliero  were 
hints  of  the  old  fnBbloned  'January 

'Ilockvlllc  started  home  early  on  Be- 
count  of  Its  premonlllons.  Tho  snoiv 
was  fast  Boflcnlng.  Tho  trip  back  was 
slow  and  tedious.  The  gillllea  were 
running  wllh  water.  The  nlr  was  soft 
wllh  south  winds.  Nightfall  found  the 
Uoekvllllans  only  half  way  home.  Tho 
horses  Hred  ami  ]ndcd,  tugged  hard  at 
Ihe  now  sluggish  load.  Tho  occupants 
of  sleds  nnd  sleighs  wero  silent  and 
anxious  lest  the  stalely  caravan  of  tho 
morning  should  be  stranded  alone  n 
road  of  slush  and  Its  belated  trnvelera 
begging  a  night's  loilging  at  the  farm 
liouBCB  along  the  road.  Hut  at  Inst, 
fnr  Into  the  night,  Ihey  saw  the  wall- 
ing lights  shining  In  the  windows  of 
lioiue.  Tired  ami  belated  and  some- 
how very  thankful  for  that  'January 
Ihaw'  Iloekvllle  went  to  bed.  It  wn« 
too  late  for  Montezmua  now-.  It  wna 
as  If  Aquarius  had  Interposed  tbo 
statutes  of  limitations  In  nockvllle's 
favor,  and  Montezuma  could  prosecute 
tho  ease  no  further,  flladly  wns  the 
statute  of  'repose'  Invoked.  Had  thn 
snow  laated  len  days  longer.  It  was 
staled  nnd  believed  at  thn  time,  that 
a  rino  new  ennal  boat,  lying  st  winter 
Muarlers  In  tho  'upper  basin'  of  tho  en- 
nal at  Montezuma  would  have  been 
taken  out  of  the  Ico  by  a  thousand  en- 
Ibnslastle  men  and  put  on  monster 
sleils  and  riockvllle  given  such  an  «i- 
blblilon  of  Bhlp  railroading  as  hart 
never  been  dreamed  of  In  her  phllna- 
opliy.  In  that  varying  eonlost  for  tIc- 
lory  In  tbo  field  of  winter  sport,  that 
.Tanuary  thaw  wns  lo  nockvllle  what 
night  and  Hlneher  wero  to  Wellington 
on  tho  field  of  Watarloo." 


Any  dmcrliilliiM  nf  Tiirkry  H"" 
vvoiilcl  l.n  uniK-conBur.v  for  I'nrko  Couii- 
(y  ppoplr,  (MMi  If  II  wi-rc  imssllilc  for 
nil'  III  iliwrlho  this  I'nrrnnird  phiio. 
.IMHI  Hhcii  'I'lirkry  Hull  wiiB  rirnl  visit- 
ed l.y  oiM-  |i.'o|.li'  on  i.U'iiBUrc  lil|iR  Is 
iKil  known,  lint  llinl  It  wns  nioic  Hum 
lirty  .\cnrB  ii^n  la  proved  by  iin  event 

eldenlH  iind  (rnilltloufl  rnnnected  with 
Inikey  linn.  II  wnB  In  the  Bnnnncr 
nt  iw-l  Hint  n  party  ot  yiinnR  people 
troni  lllnoiiilnKihile  enrontc  to  Turkey 
lluu  lind  n  narrow  esiape  froiu  drown- 
ing when  the  lenni  nnd  wiiRon  broke 
llironcli  llie  old  olien  In  IdBO  over 
KoirliiB  CreiU  BorKe  and  preilpltnli  d 
llie    wliiiln   oiilfit    Into    the   ereek.      At 

thill    lime  a   mill   d held   the   water 

nt  llip  iieek  at  the  hrlili:n  to  Che  deplh 
or  «K  nr  Beven  feel.  The  horses  were 
drownid,  hul   all  ol  Ihe  yimni;  people 

ihiiipMl.      However.    It    la    prohiihle ■ 

eoidlni;  In  Ihe  slory  lold  at  Inu  lliuo. 
Hull  Ihe  yoiini;  ladlea  were  saved,  or 
at  least  Ihi-lr  resnie  hy  the  yoiiiiK  men 

was  ma iskr,  iiwinf  I"  Iheir  hno|i 

akiria  wlilili   kipl    Ihein  iiHual. 

Turkey  Hun  la  aahl  lo  have  reeelved 
lis  iiaiiie  rrimi  an  early  settler,  who 
lollowcd  a  drove  of  wild  lurkeys  Into 
the  forire  while  hnntluK-  II  was  ever 
after  known   hy   Ihe  niiiiie  Klven   II    hy 

reason  of  I  his  rire slanee.     I  riiiiem- 

her  nItendlllR  an  old  Belller'.s  liicellnK 
when  a  hi.y  ami  hearhiB  .loslah  laiiili- 
liill  lell  a  slory  nlinni  Hie  priwalemo 
of  wolves  wla-u  he  first  eame  to  I'arkc 
Couiily.  He  aahl  that  he  was  once  In 
eaiiip  with  a  parly  of  Betllers  on  the 
present  Turkey  Itnn  Rronnds.  The 
parly  had  hiillt  a  IiIk  fire  and  sone  to 
Bliep.  or  were  tryluB  to  Bleep  around 
Ihe  fire,  but  were  Rreatly  dlalnrhed 
hy  wnlves.  The  velpInK  jiaek  Burrouml- 
ed  the  camp  and  i:iit  bo  elose  that  flonio 
of  the  parly  heeauic  alarmed.  .Mr. 
faniphell  aahl.  "Ihey  made  ine  so  mad. 
that    I    t-raiihed   a   hurnint;   limb   from 

Ihe  lire  and  J ped  lulir  the  pack  Ir.v- 

luK  lo  hit  Ihem  wllh  the  fiery  eluh, 
lull  Ihey  only  ran  a  abort  ci'stam-e." 
The  eniiilierB  didn't  want  to  waste 
amiiiunlllnn  on  Ihe  nolvea.  as  It  was 
hefnre  Ihe  f'oiinly  olTered  a  bonnly  on 
Ihi'lr  sealps.  .Inalah  I'ampholl  was  an 
nmle  of  I'aiu.  .lohn  T.  Campbell,  and 
al  the  old  seiner's  meetlni-'B  was  al- 
ways railed  on  lo  alve  the  Indian  War 
Whoop  aB  he  bad  heard  It  when  It 
"nirant  bnalness." 

The  first  bridge  acrosa  Turkey  Knn 
was  a  rude  open  strncttirc  baaed  on 
hewn  tinihera  lone  enonub  to  rcaeli 
ucroaa  the  narrow  jiart  of  the  gorge, 
when,  the  |iriBent  bridge  now  stands. 
S  rickety  railing  ot  I  x  1  Brantling  on 
POBis  Of  the  same  size  was  all  the  (iro- 
tectlon  against  skittish  horses  and  on- 
ly the  most  daring  of  a  wagon  or 
luiggy  load  of  pleasure  seekers  uonld 
remain  In  the  vehicle  as  It  nna  bclnu 
driven  o\er  tlio  dangcrona  place. 

Turkey  linn  remained  ,is  ll  was  be- 
fore white  men  enme  to  I'arko  rounty, 
with  the  exception  of  Hie  hrldKO  almvc 
mentioned,  until  IWil  or  ',^2,  when  the 
Indiana,  I>eraliir  and  Springfield  rail- 
road eouipany  erei-ted  an  catInK  house 
and  furnished  tlio  placo  with  a  large 
number  of  tents,  In  ndvertl«lng  the 
pleasure  reBort  the  railroad  rompany 
called  II  "Iiloomlngdnic  nicna,"  a  name 
l.y  whhh  It  became  known  onlsldo  of 
I'arke  County;  hut  hero  It  has  never 
been  colled  by  any  other  than  Iti  or- 
dinal and  lilstorlcnl  nniiic. 

When  Hio  railroad  eontpany  ceased 
to  operalo  thp  placo  Its  owner,  John 
I/Uik,  Icaiod  It  to     William     Hoogh- 

Ulrk,  one  of  the  few  men  In  whom  Mr. 
l.iiKk  had  eoufldrnce.  owing  to  laiak's 
liecullnr  exeenlrlcllles.  one  of  which 
was  n  great  distrust  of  Tree  Maaona. 
.lohn  l.nsk  was  a  son  of  .Salmon  l.usk. 
who  In  INJil  entered  all  the  land  up 
nnd  down  Sugar  Creek  for  two  or 
three  miles  from  the  Narrows.  At  the 
riealh  of  ,'<aliiion  taisk  Turkey  Uiin  and 
all  of  Ihe  land  of  the  original  Iraet, 
ninie  Into  the  posseaalun  of  .Tolin 
l.nsk.  He  lived  the  life  of  a  hermit 
In    the   old    home   after   the   death  of      The   latter  at 

fought    by    the    old   aoldlors    and    Mc- 
Cnnc  Cadets  at  nlglit. 

After  the  doalh  of  .lohn  I.usU.  when 
Turkey  jinn  was  lo  bo  sold,  a  inovo- 
luent  was  started  for  Us  prcaorvatlon. 
Covcrnor  llalsmn  appolnled  a  Turkey 
Hun  comnilaalon— William  Watson 
Woolen.  Miss  Ida  Ncwsomo  and  .Mrs. 
.lullet  V,  Strauaa  last  winter,  and  suli- 
seiiuently  added  to  tho  eonimlsslon  two 
nieinliers— Albert  Cannon,  of  Marshall, 
and   Itlebard    l/olbcr.  of  Indianapolis. 

began  an  onthna- 

park  eontrlbiitnra.  IIo  waa  atitborixed 
lo  hid  f''I  by  tlio  rnnimlsslon.  Tho 
traet  was  appraised  at  .TI.M.nocl.  Mr. 
I.ellier  offered  .$:i(i,ll«);  llio  lloosler 
Veneer  Co.  of  Indianapolis  hid  I:!".- 
■H*\.  when  Mr.  I,elber.  reallr.lng  that 
It  would  bo  UBCIcii  to  offor  more, 
ceaBCd  bidding. 

I'arko  County  people  eontrllmted 
nearly  J-J.niHl  for  tho  purehaao  of 
Turkey  Ilnn.  To  s.iy  that  they  are 
disai.polnlod  only  auggeala  tholr  feel- 
ing at  tho  onti-omo  of  the  sale.  Hut 
we  have  not  abandoned  hope  that  our 
beanllful  Turkey  Itun  will  yet  bo  sav- 
ed for  the  people  of  Indiana  and  I'arko 
















v  ■ .  ■'•.'                      •  ■         ''{^ 

■          ^          (     .          •            .,       .              .•            ...      V                   "'                -w-                        "^ 

his  fatlu 

and  mother,  and  died  last 
ondiK'ted     Turkey 

.Mr.  Ilooghkcrk 
Itnn  from  IWI  or  'M  until  1910. 
when  it  waa  leased  by  lis  present  pro- 
prietor It.  I',  l.uke.  whose  lease  holds 
nulll  April.  I'.llT.  Many  large  assem- 
blies have  gnthored  at  Turkey  Ituu. 
particularly  on  the  I'ourth  ot  July. 
One  of  the   most  memorable  cclebra- 

lastle  movement  towards  tho  purchase 
of  three  State  parka  as  a  Centennial 
.Mrmorial.  The  first  ot  these  parka 
was  to  be  Turkey  Itun.  Mr.  Lclber 
himself  contributed  ll.lion  to  tho 
fund,  nnd  devoted  three  inontbs  of  In- 
cessant labor  lo  tho  work  of  purchas- 
ing 'I'nrkey  Itun. 

Howard    Maxwell,    admlulatrator    ot 
the  estate  had  cauaed  the  Turkey  Itun 




,^.^^fr^r:  ■ 








< ' 

.       :>^^^.<U^ 


eA:i|MN0  TURKF.Y  Rtm. 

tlnns  of  Independence  day  held  In 
I'nrke  Cniinty  was  that  ot  1S.*1,  when 
.Illdge  While  acted  as  tonat  master, 
nnd  respousea  were  ninile  hy  'Thomas 
X.  nice,  .lames  'T.  .Inhnslnn,  .lohn  II. 
Iiradle.  Klwood  Hunt,  nnd  Howard 
.Maxwell.  Tho  Dcelarallnn  of  Inde- 
pendenre  was  read  by  Henry  Ilnnlels. 
a  concert  was  given  by  While's  hand 
nnd  nillllnry  drills  by  tho  llnckvllln 
Light  Arllllory  and  MeCnno  Cadets.  A 
Iwo-daya'  snldlor'a  reunion  was  hold 
there  In  1880,  when  a  sham  battle  waa 

tract  to  be  act  apart  so  aa  to  preserve 
Its  scenic  beauty.  The  tract  begun 
at  the  .Narrows  and  took  In  the  creek 
from  I  hat  point  to  the  ledge  ot  rock 
below  Turkey  llun.  including  Iloeky 
Hollow.  Tho  inle  was  set  for  the  IRth 
of  Ma.v,  inid.  Al  Hint  time  almut  l.oiio 
lienple,  many  of  them  from  Indian- 
apolis and  other  cllloa  ot  tho  State, 
nsaenibled  at  the  Lusk  homeitead, 
where  Col.  J.  II.  Ilurka  cried  tho  sale. 
,Mr.  I,elbor,  throimh  hia  attorney, 
Leo  Rapiwport,  bid    for    the    8Uta 

Naming  of  (Turkrii  Euii 

winter  set  In  early  along  the  Wn- 
liasb  In  ISJ.-,.  llcforo  tlie  Ifilh  ot  Ue- 
ccmber  the  river  was  frozen  over  aa 
far  south  as  \'lncennes.  Kor  six 
weeks  all  but  the  swIft-runnIng  rif- 
fles of  Sugar  Creek  had  boon  "slick 
as  glass,"  ariording  to  tho  settlers' 
ileacrlpHon  of  "the  erick."  when  they 
talkrd  over  the  strategy  of  tho  nolvea 
which,  had  for  tho  tlino  cleared  all 
thai  part  of  tho  eonnlry  ot  every 
speclea  of  four-rooted  game  that  could 
not  elliiib  a  tree. 

Kvcry  night  tho  howling  packs  rould 
bo  heard  on  either  sido  ot  the  atreain, 
I'linsing  the  deer  toward  tho  Ice  by  a 
wedge-shaped  "drive,"  the  fatal  point 
of  which  converged  where  the  deer 
would  he  coinpelled  lo  cross  tho  creek. 
The  stoniest  burk  could  not  stand  on 
Ihe  smooth  lee  against  tne  assanlls  of 
bis  claw-footed  enemies.  With  fiend- 
ish cunning,  they  would  time  the  ar- 
rival of  the  bowling,  yelping  wedge 
so  that  when  the  deer  leaped  upon  the 
Ice  the  wolvca  were  upon  their  bolp- 
IcBs  prey. 

It  was  alniosl  Chrlatiuaa  nnd  no 
snow  had  fallen  to  muffle  tho  hunt- 
er's footBtepB  or  to  roughen  the  fatal 
einoothnesB  ot  tho  leo.  The  deer  were 
gone.  The  aportsmnn'a  Intuition  hart 
jiroinpted  Captain  Oarlnnd  to  locate 
Ills  land  claim  far  from  tho  County 
sent  and  almost  among  the  "breaks" 
of  the  ereek.  He  had  conio  to  Iho 
Wabash  eniinlry  on  a  proapoctlng  tour 
In  Iho  summer  of  1HI1,  and  waa  at 
VIneSnnes  when  the  expedition  agnlnat 
the  Prophet  «a«  planned.  IIo  prompt- 
ly offered  the  services  of  himaolt  and 
horse  and  M-as  nsatgnod  to  Major 
Havloaa'  Mounted  llanRori.  While  on 
•  aeout  up  Rock  RIvor,  m  eilled  by 


llio  French  voynKcre,  lio  wns  ImiircBS- 
rU  with  the  -iind  trnnclciir  ot  Its  lotky 
Mnrra  nnd  ono  «ori;c  In  pnrtlcnlar,  re- 
nilnilcd  hliii  oi'  his  home  In  the  iiioiin- 
loins  of  VIrRlnln.  Tlic  rottawntonilcs 
hnil  nanicd  llic  stream  I'intr/o/icrnnc— 
Ihc-watcr-of-mnriy-snciir  trees— nnd  so 
the  settlers,  ncceplinK  the  Indian 
name,   railed    It   Sngar   Creek. 

fiiiitnln  <:nrlnna  on  his  \v4.rn  out 
fnnu  In  the  llluc  Hideo  had  waited 
imxlonsly  Tor  tlio  rounlry  to  bo  open- 
id  for  sett  lenient  lieyond  the  "ton 
nVlock  line"  which  hod  left  a'l  north 
of  It  to  tho  Indhins.  He  was  the  first 
Keillor  10  Inilld  a  .nl.ln  In  thn'  part 
i.f  Indiana,  after  the  Indians  snrrend- 
.■rid  their  elaiin  nnd  m.'vrd  west  of 
Iho  Wobnali.  Me  entered  a  ferllle 
body  of  land,  and  had  worked  hard  I" 
elciir  0  few  fields  ot  ihe  HiaRnllleent 
forest  trie  which  eovere.l  most  ot  the 
i-ountry  from  I'l.  Ilarrlsou  to  the  Tip- 

It  »iis  cnmlni;  Chrlstnias  eve  when 
inplnln  llarlond  nnd  his  s»n  Ned. 
gave  »!•  their  iinest  o  turkey  din- 
uoi-  next  day.  They  hod  trumped  far 
to  Ihe  w<Rt  of  their  home,  had 
irossetf  Ihe  •Toek  on  the  ICO  iind  hunt- 
ed faithfully  In  Ihe  "breaks"  ot  Mill 
Cnek,  at  leiisl  three  udles  from  homo; 
had  given  up  nil  hope  ot  gettlni!  a 
turkey,  and  were  returntnir.  When 
Ibey  reached  tho  ireek  snow  hod  be- 
u-nn  In  fall.  .Ved.  who  was  a  bo.mI  shot 
nt  a  mark  wilb  a  "rest"  but  prone  to 
tet  "huek  afino"  wli.ii  shootlu.-  at 
fame,  had  not  lieen  permuted  to  carry 
the  loni:  rilnilork  rifle  on  this  par- 
tieular  hum.  iln  olher  neeasions 
when  Ills  father  w.mld  allow  liliii  to 
shoot  at  RMulrrels.  be  would  uilss  them, 
whereupon  he  wns  seriously  admonish- 
ed by  his  fainer:  "Sliiht  the  sun,  boy! 
«!et  down  In  the  rear  slKhl.  Yon 
shoot  too  i|Uli  k.  Yon  know  how  to 
shoot  nt  n  mork  ond  yon  must  quit 
gelling  OMiled  at  llvo  rouio." 

»Ylipn  Ihey  reached  the  creek,  the 
nhsenred  sun  was  nearly  down,  so 
I'aptnin  norland  deelded  to  return  In 
order  In  do  Iho  evenlUR  "chores"  be- 
fore dnrk.  .Ned  bcRRed  to  ho  penult- 
led  lo  take  Ihe  Run  nnd  walk  up  Ibo 
creek  0  mile  and  then  ilu  southward 
lo  his  homo,  nirecting  tho  boy  to  bo 
no  farther  than  the  Narrows  nnd  not 
to  loiter  on  the  wny,  the  Captain 
handed  hliu  the  snn  nnd  proeceded  on 
his  woy  hom^. 

neforn  Ned  liad  Ri^ne  .i  .luarter  of  o 
mile  up  Ihe  rreek  llie  snow  had  fallen 
In  o  deplh  of  two  Inelics  on  Ihe  Ice. 
Ills  footsteps  were  silent,  and  tho 
wiilUinB  was  iimeli  easier.  It  wns 
nearly  twlllcht  when  he  beard  Iho 
nnlso  of  a  fl'ick  ot  turkeys  toklns  wing 
In  Ihe  woods  north  of  the  creek.  IIo 
slopped  nnil  stood  like  a  sl.itue  wateb- 
Ing  for  them.  .V  hundred  yards  abend 
be  saw  o  turkey  fly  over  the  creek: 
then  two.  four,  o  dozen  or  more  flying 
low  nnd  snlllnB  no  It  appeared  against 
the  high  rneky  ellff  nn  the  south 
bank.  When  Ned  was  sure  that  oil  the 
turkeys  hod  erossed  Ihe  creek  be  bo- 
can  silently  nnd  stenlthlly  to  opproneb 
the  place  where  the  turkeys  had  dls- 
nppeared.  Soiiiewli.Tt  to  bis  surprise 
ho  found  It  lo  be  o  narmw  gorge. 

High  cliffs  of  solid  sand  slone  were 
nn  eneb  aide  of  bini  as  Ned  entered 
Ibo  gnlrh.  The  green  of  the  hemlock 
trees  ond  tho  long  ferns  In  sheltered 
pliices  where  the  frost  had  not  pcne- 
Irnlpd,  were  In  strange  enntrnst  to  the 
long  ond  evcr-lenglhenlng  Icicles  bang- 
ing from  projecting  cliffs  In  single 
stolaetllcg  or  In  .lagged  sheets  of  solid 
Ice.  Th)  hemlocks  grew  In  f.inlostlc 
shapes,  some  of  them  leaning  far  out 
from  tho  rock.  In  tho  crovlees  of 
which  they  hosl  token  root.  Ned  had 
Bten  nothing  like  It  since  leavlog  hli 

,  ond  for  a  moment 
sickness   swept   over 

It  was  easy  to  follow  the  troeka  In 
tiie  anow,  t'ronching  low  and  advaocin; 

to  atteuipt  to  clQinber  i 
«llv  turkeys  should   sc 

ver  It  lest  the 
'  or  hear  him. 
ir.  IIo  hoped 
that  ot  least  one  turkey  might  fly  In- 
to a  hemlock  tree  not  forty  yards  from 

©  jxt  o  »^t  o  I M  c  V  o 

The  portraits  of  Captain  George  Harvey  and  Captain 
Tilghman  A.  Howard  were  not  found  in  lime  to  appear  in  the 
chapter  on  the  Civil  War.     They  are,  therefore,  printed  on  ihia 

AITAIX   TILOUMAN    A.    lloWAnn. 

page.  That  of  Captain  Harvey  is  from  a  photograph  taken  in 
1861;  that  of  Captain  Howard  from  a  tin-type  taken  before  the 

with  cautious  steps,  peering  ahead  of 
blm  and  woteblng  Intently  for  the 
turkeys,  Ned  cituie  to  a  largo  log.  It 
reached  from  ono  side  of  the  narrow 
canyon  to  the  other.     He  was  afraid 

bliii,  as  It  was  neiiring  their  roosting 
lliiic.  IIo  was  watching  the  treo  and 
had  picked  out  a  cerlaln  limb  which 
would  offer  a  good  shot,  when,  O,  Joy  1 
Not  uO  feel  troui  tils  iHisltlon  behind 


the  log  0  big  turkey  took  wing  and 
flew  to  the  very  llndi  he  had  noticed. 
Its  dark  l>od.\'  against  the  green  of  tho 
tree  and  tho  white  snow  on  Its  foliage 
offered  II  splendid  mark. 

.Ned's  heart  was  thumping  like  a 
tenor  drum.  .Volselessiy  Ite  rested  tho 
rifle  on  the  loix  and  quickly  cast  bis 
eye  along  the  long  barrel,  lie  was 
about  to  touch  the  trigger  when  bis 
fntber's  ndnionlllon~"gel  down  In  the 
icnr  Right"— flashed  through  his 
brain.  Corcfiilly  be  tried  to  draw  tho 
hiad.  It  seemed  iin  age  before  Iho 
fnmt  sight  could  be  ndjiieled  througii 
the  renr  ond  on  the  turkey.  Would  It 
fly  away  before  lie  i-ould  do  so/  Had 
the  snow  dampened  the  po«der  In  the 
ponV  Would  the  gun  fnil  lo  firoV  All 
ti.cRc  tilings  wlih  lightning  nipldlty 
entered  bis  bend. 

.M  Inst— It  was  only  a  few  scconiis, 
but  It  Bcciiied  nn  age  to  .Ned— tlie  from 
sight  eiime  sipiarely  ngniiiBt  the  turk- 
ey, lie  louchid  tiie  liair  trigger.  'nMi 
report  of  the  gun  In  the  gulch  nnd  tin- 
Kiar  of  Ihe  big  flock  of  frightened 
turkeys  as  Ihev  look  wing,  scared  tho 
hoy;  the  powder  Rmuko  hung  over  his 
iuad,  and  he  did  nut  see  the  result  of 
ids  shot,  lie  Ihmight  he  hid  lelsRcd, 
hut  wliin  he  wrnt  to  the  lieiuloek, 
there  on  the  snow,  lis  beniillful  plum- 
age  sliowlng  brilliant,  lay  the  turkey 
— tiie   biggest   gobbler    .\(d    had     cvor 

.N'ld  re-londcd  lila  gun  Hiiice  tiio 
wolveo  might  begin  Ilieir  nighlly  foray 
before  lie  reached  iioit.e.  It  was  git- 
llng  doiK  In  tho  giilrh.  Nniiclug  u 
small  sircaiii  running  througii  It  ho 
Biirliilsed  that  by  following  this  "run" 
he  \(ouiil  reoi-h  Ihe  iijiiand  couniry 
and  Ihe  hcud  of  the  ravine,  lie  pbUed 
lit)  Ihe  turkey:  It  was  bo  large  and 
heav.\'  that  he  could  only  carry  It  oier 
his  back.  .Vs  iio  started  up  the  llttlu 
Btieani  he  noticed  two  prongs  of  the 
guich  nbead  ot  hliii.  Intuitively  ho 
tuok  the  prong  to  the  left.  .\%  Ihu 
gorge  nan-owed  Ibo  placo  hccniuo 
strangely  warm  In  roiiipiirlson  Willi 
the  omcr  world.  No  snow  wss  on  the 
ground  iiere,  for  It  melted  as  It  fell. 

It  Beellied  a  long  time  to  Iho  boy 
down  In  the  dnrk  ravine  where  twi- 
light was  deeping  licfore  the  nhriipt 
and  rocky  cUffB  began  lo  aRsiuuc  tho 
appearance  of  hill  sidcM.  It  was  dark 
when  lit  last  lie  i-oiiie  out,  his  ciottiing 
wet  Milh  sweat.  Tlie  heavy  turkey 
nnd  tiie  gun  mnde  n  dlrflcult  load  to 
carry.  Hut  worst  of  all  when  .Nod 
Icnncd  his  r'lle  against  a  tree  nnil 
laid  Ihe  turkey  on  the  ground  In  rest 
hill. self,  ho  realised  that  he  was  l"«t, 
.\round  him  wns  the  trarklrss  Bliow : 
the  cloudy  sky  gave  no  Indlentioii  ot 
dlrcetlon.  .lust  as  he  wns  lieeoiulng 
ninrnieil  ot  ills  situation  he  beard  the 
lliikic  of  0  cow. hell  not  two  imndred 
yards  niicad.  He  knew  the  tone.  The 
hell  was  on  "old  llesB,"  who  sometluies 
wondered  a  iniic  or  so  from  home,  and 
.\cd  knew  his  tiilhcr  would  be  hunt- 
ing for  her.  Ilrss  was  as  gentle  n>  a 
dog.  ond  wns  soon  overtaken  on  her 
leisurely  woy  home.  Ned  spoke  lo  her 
In  o  milklngtlme  tone  nnd  she  sto|i- 
|icd,  evidently  glod  for  Ids  coiupony. 
It  was  0  timely  meeting  In  more  ways 
than  one.  The  cow  would  take  blm 
home,  nnd  Bhc  would  alBO  carry  tho 
turkey  homo  on  hor  back. 

A  ipiartcr  of  an  hour  oftor  meeting 
old  llesB,  Ned  bow  tho  glcoiil  of  flro- 
light  from  the  blar.lng  logs  at  tbo 
hearth  where  his  mother  was  cooking 
supper.  As  he  approoehed  tho  cabin 
he  met  his  father  who  had  heard  tho 
cow  bell  and  wns  coming  from  tbo  op- 
posite direction.  Ife  had  suppoBed 
that  Ned  bad  come  home  while  he  woB 
hunting  the  eow,  and    had    thorffore 



till'  lllll 


•■liilhcr,  I've-  t 
PIT."  mU\  Nrd.  liK  he  |M-i.ililly  (l.'lmhi'd 
III.'  Iiii'k.'v  I'i'iiiii  llM'  Im'li  »r  olil  lli'HM. 

■liiiMil  ymi,  Neil,    Wliiit  liiivc  yiiii 

•'(I.  nnlliliiL-  UMiili."  xiilil  NmI.  "bill 
yd I^hl    li.fl    II    mill    ».•.-.•• 

•■Ml  ii.imliiiMx.  I.iil  lii''M  u  »hii;.|«'r," 
hlilil  Mr.  iliirliiiiil,  ii«  Im  mm,  iho  lurk- 
i>'  li"i"  N''il-    ■WliiTi-'il  ymi  Rnl  lilillV 

"In  II  iii'l<>  kmIi'Ii  u|i  111!'  croi'k  II  liiiir  iiillo  rrniii  \vlii<rc  I  left 

"I   kiiinv  till-  plnri'."  Willi  Xrrt's  fnlh- 

,,..       "1     lO.l..    Oh    111    ii       wlini       1       WlIB 

H  I, lu   fiM-  ilnuiiil    IIirrlBon.   Wiillo 

\\i'  wri'i'  In  inliip  (Ml  I'.lK  Itiiirnni)  he 
...i..r.-.l  I,  o  :ni(I  nnnllio;.  rollow  tn  Kn 
III  llii'  .NiinnxH  wliPic  sniiip  liiiimim 
MTo  llinu._'tit  to  III',  mill  wo  linil  to 
sMil  iiriiiinil  ll  In  1:1 1  to  llir  .Viirroiv». 
•I'lii  ii'ii  ,1  null    iiiii   In  lt."_ 

"l.ifi.  .nil   II   ■rnvli.'j    Hull',   lutlii.i'." 
'•IliiitV  II   ;:.iiill    niiiiii-   It,      .NrtI," 
Anil  Ko  ll  lijiH  nlwiiyK  Klmr  ln'i'n  known 
n:i    liirkry   lliili. 

ynniMHP  ilniU 

Wi.  il'iilii   If  liny     toiint.\      In     llu' 

Mull'  uiin  Kii  I iiiHiilly  Kii|'|i|li'il  Willi 

11:. h  Mini  cniiii'  IK  I'lirki'.  Il'«  wiinili  r- 
ml  I'on'HU,  inoilUhiK  nil  kinils  of 
II  iii^l  I'l.r  i:iiiiii..  mill  ll..<  iiiinii.i.oiiM 
i.lli.|iiiii..  I'M'i'iil ion  illy  adnlHi'il  lor  tin.' 
lull  mill  iiriiiliKIInn  01'  l'l.'<ll.  llU'l'iiily 
bwiiniiiil  Willi  uaiiic  mill  llxli.  In-i'i', 
Int.,  Willi  liilki'i.  mill  miulnil 
III. mil.. ..ll  mill  tlin  liiinlir  liiiil  IiIk 
(liolii'  of  wliiitivn-  sniii-  III"  doolrcrt. 
■Hint  L-iiiiii.  «)  Hiiiiill  im  K.iiiliTols  should 
III'  kllliil  whin  thi'  Knnii-  Hiiiiniililtluii 
ii'.iilr.d  lor  oni-  of  tin  no  miiiillir  nii|. 
iiiiiIk  wiiiild  kill  n  ili^.r  or  tiiikiy  Is 
diii.  to  Ihc  fi.rt  thnl  the  H.iiilirelii  linU 
to  l.i.  klllid  to  piiiinl  Ihiiii  Iroiii  rnt- 
liiL-  ii|i  till-  crowlnB  corn. 

ri«h  KtorliB  thiit  Bcciii  rnlinlous  nii: 
mil  only  lriii\  liiil  nro  not  ox:if;i:rriitrd, 
Andirw  linhrook.  one  of  Ihc  first 
ritllrrii  of  till.  I'nnnty.  oftrli  in  Inlcr 
llfr  ri'llili'd  n  prliiiltlM-  nirllind  of 
iiilrhlni:  fish  In  tho  sliinllrr  strrnios 
llko  l.i-nlhorwoo.l.  Tho  rinlihiK  imrty 
nnnid  ••liHtriirl  tlio  st  renin  nl  u  ihul- 
low  riffle  l.y  hillldiof:  n  dniii  of  l.nlsli. 
Then  limy  would  nil  Bit  In  the  i  reek 
uiidltiu  down  Hlrc:iiii.  iiiiiii'liliiR  under 
InuH.  iM.iifInu  the  wntor.  ijnil  In  every 
wny  poBnlhlc  drlvliiR  the  fliih  nhend 
nr  Iheni  lownrds  the  ■liiillow  riffle  and 
Ihr  Inush.  So  ninny  fish  would  he  In 
Ihe  nhnllow  wnt.r  nnd  lilillnL.-  In  the 
InilKh  dniii  tlint  tin  y  i-onid  lie  B.oopcil 
ii|i  n-lth  the  linnda  or  iillch  forks,  nnd 
thrown  out  on  the  hnnk. 

"|.'lHh  bcrrlea'^  wore  used  to  a  Inrce 
pxlent  for  nmny  yeftm,  Init  IhlB  iiietli- 
nd  of  imlHonlni:  flnli  wnn  linllilin:  111 
■  ninparlHi.n  with  the  wholeml.'  ■'dc- 
Klrnrlloii  wioiichl  hy  the  jnoienH  of 
"linikryehlK^'  thnt  wnn  prmtlied  nlonu' 
lllR  Ituciooii.  Ilr.  Jmiies  frooUn  In 
liln  Auti>li|ni:rn|iliy  relnlea  Unit  Ihe 
fliih  oliini:  two  or  three  inllen  ..f  ireek 
voiiM  heroine  nffeclid  nnd  foil  an 
easy  prcv  to  men  with  kIrs.  Or. 
Crooks  lelln  of  nn  eNpedlllon  to  Kel 
lllvor,  rnnsliillnR  of  twelve  men  with 
four  iwoh'.riie  liniim,  Avhhli  In  Ihc 
lole  full  killed  nnd  united  down  nil  the 
flili  thnt  the  four  wnRi.ns  roiild  Ininl 
Imrk!  The  one  hnrrel  of  unit  taken 
nIoiiK  wns  exlmitste.t  nnd  iiinro  unit 
wni  lioiiKht  to  preserve  the  fliih.  One 
rnirinh  killed  hy  ti.e  pnrty  wnii  eiitl- 
innted  At  I.V>  iioiiiids. 

Of  eniirne  no  imh  wnnlnn  rtenlnie. 
tlon  of  fish  loiild  BO  on  nn  the  eonntry 
liecnmo  settled  wllhoiil  i^onipletely  de- 
idellnit  Iho  streniiill  of  the  Htnte.  so 
lltn-l  ivero  pnised  prohlhltlnit  the  use 
of  imlsiinii  nml  nl«n  prnhlhltlnir  seln- 
Ini.     Over  rirt,r  yenra  kro  tlio  LckIii- 

Iniiire  ennrted  nn  mitl-seliilntf  Inw,  hnt 
nt  first  no  nllentlnn  whntcver  vvns 
pnlil  to  It.  !<elnlni:  imrllis  would  ho 
oiiinnl/rd  with  skiff  nnd  seln  In  pinin 
■iKhl  on  the  St  reels  of  lloikvlllo.  They 
would  uo  to  lllg  llni',  siignr  I'reek 
nnd  in  the  'Imaliis^'  of  the  I'niinl,  al- 
ways I'OiiiliiR  back  with  nt  Iciisl  11 
wnumi  limit  of  fish,  one  pnrty  from 
llorUvillu  went  lo  Ihc  ficder  dnm  on 
Siianr  I 'reek  when  lliu  ledhorna  were 
riinnlni:,  nnd  nt  one  liniil  flllid  their 
wiiuoii  lied,  nnd  lind  to  throw  nmny 
of  the  smnllor  fish  Imck  bieinso  they 
had  no  room  for  Ihein  In  Ine  wnRon. 
It  Is  with  iiiiuh  more  pleoaiirc  tiint 

I  linn  tn  the  early  fishlnu  days  with 
l.ook  mid  line,  A  half  century  nRO 
ilieie  were  u  few  risliermrn  In  I'arko 

r ity  who  were  llioioiichlned  i|)orll- 

Inn,  snrli  men  iia  Wlllinin  Mniiley,  01 
,\iinii|inll8,  whose  finorltc  apnt  was 
lloikiMirt,  ,lniiir8  Allen,  who  ..ved  two 
mill  a  northwest  of  lloikvllle.  James 
llo.v.e.  ,lanies  I  ■ni  lisle.  Tliomna  \. 
Ilhe.  .I.iseiih  ,1.  Iianlela,  Jniiies  II, 
linker  nnd  ninny  others  who  were  do- 
xolfiM  of  the  Qiipler^s  nrt  na  prnetleed 
hy  l/iiak  Walton.  In  the  early  aprlng 
tile  iiBiinl  ■'hole*'  lielow  every  ilnin  In 
the  foiiiity  was  alive  with  hnaa.  The 
llshliiL'  was  ciKid  nt  all  am  h  plni^es, 
lilt  Aniileshiiri;  wns  Ihe  favorite  with 
lloekvlll,.  fishermen.  When  a  lioy  1 
eniiRht  iiiy  fln.t  Imsa  there  In  the 
iprlnK  of    l.s?.'.     While   I   wn«  flahhiK 

II  yoiiiii;  iiniil  mine  with  n  ■■Rrlst"  to 
he  Kiiiiiml  nt  the  mill.  11c  elnmhercd 
down  10  the  rreek,  pulled  «  short  linn 
frinii  Ills  iiorkel,  )ileked  up  one  of  the 
liiiiiirioiis  [iMlea  left  hy  other  flshcr- 
liieii,  (ml  on  a  dend  minnow,  which 
was  lyliiL'  on  the  hnnk  of  the  creek, 
mil  In  less  tlinn  a  iiilniitc  hnd  hooked 
11  hnss  that  welKlicd  over  five  poilnda 
nil  the  mill  senlea!  I  aliall  never  for- 
Rit  the  fiRht  put  lip  liy  that  biiaa, 
whlili  I  wal.hed  with  more  cvclto- 
nieiit  thnt  the  fellow  who  was  trylne 
lo  Innd  hliii.  It  acciiicd  to  inc  that  It 
Insle.l  fh-e  miniitea.  It  waa  the  eaiiic 
yenr  I  l.elleve  that  .lainca  K.  Mcach- 
mil  nnd  imvld  Slroiise  eniiclit  ;n  bnaa, 
riahlns  In  their  oven-onta,  at  .\rniles- 
hnrc.  II  an'.wed  some  while  they 
were  nt  the  creek.  So  nmny  larco  fish 
hnd  been  put  on  the  one  atrlnc  tlioy 
were  iislm.-  that  it  broke  and  nil  sot 
Bwny.  As  the  fish  hnd  rcaaed  lo  hllc. 
they  drove  hoinewnrd  In  the  after- 
noon b.v  Meecn.  where  they  ntnpiieil 
nnil  fished  nntll  dark.  conilnK  hnnie 
with  exnclly  ns  many  hnss  aa  they  had 
lost  nt  .XriiilcabiirR  I 

When  we  realize  that  auch  hook  and 
line  riahlnK  might  lie  poaalble  now  If 
cveryliody  wonlil  reapcct  Iho  law,  It  la 
with  sadness  that  one  contemplates 
the  shnrtslchled  folly  thnt  pcrniKs 
our  heniitlfiil  atrenma  from  nRnIn  be- 
romlnir  a   flaliermnn's  pnradlac. 

In  the  realm  of  hnntlnR  trno  sporta- 
mansblp  prevailed,  because  of  na- 
liiriil  conditions.  There  wns  no  way 
of  ilestroylnR  caine  hy  siniichler-honso 
metlioila,  iieer  reninliied  for  many 
yenrs.  The  Inat  pnnlber  In  Parko 
Cniinty  wna  heard  acrcnnilnc  aa  It 
passed  throiiRh  tlie  woods  below  tlln 
lloikvllle  Brave.vard  one  nlcht  In  IMT. 
The  Inst  ilcer  wna  seen  riinnlnR  across 
n  field  In  WaahlnElon  townahip  In 
I.H7,-..  The  writer  of  this  sketch  killed 
the  last  wlhl  turkey  known  to  have 
hern  killed  In  Tarkc  rounty  In  Iho 
fnll  of  l."«ni,  at  a  point  two  miles  north- 
east of  Itorkvllle  In  the  ranco  of  woods 
that  then  e;ttended  along  Iho  "breaks^' 
from  near  fatlln  to  tho  Sand  Cro«k 

Prior  lo  the  openlnR  of  the  nilncs  nt 
Meeen  a  drove  of  n-IId  turkeys  "used** 
In  Ihe  hills  nn  the  east  side  of  the 
.reek.  Tlins.  If.  Tallin  killed  qnllo  a 
niiinlicr  of  Ihcni,  he  lioinf  at  that  llmo 

the  lii-sl   shnl  and  tho  beat  woodauinn      si 
In  the  roiinty. 

I'ellnw  ilil/i-na  of  fnrU.i  roiinty  i 
Von  hnve  ilesi'i  ml.d  from  a  rni  e  of 
hlinti  r»  nnd  flslnriiien.  The  love  of 
«,in  nnd  10.1  Is  born  In  yon.  nml  yon 
hsik  l.liik  with  nKl'i't  on  Ihe  old  diiys 

when    fiirke    li ly    wns    H    biilitei^s 

mill    flsheniliiirs      piiriiillsi..      bellevlUK 

thnl  they  lire  cnli rever.     Iliil   they 

nre  inn.  Ily  en  operntlon  with  tho 
St;»le  rolnlnlsslon  It  Is  possible  10  re- 
stork  with  smb  gnine  ns  Is  niliipled  to 
cxisilni;  loiiilltlons,  and  with  nil  llin 
aiHiU's  of  fish  thnl  were  nnllvc  lo  onr 

rnder  tho  noecssary  rcalrle- 
tlons,  ftsli  nnd  unmo— the  coininnn 
pr.i|i  ty  of  the  p"nplo— aiiild  l.o  Inken 
nnd  the  »ii|  kept  up  by  reslncklnK 
nnd  nnliiinl  Inerinse.  Let  tho  at- 
Irll.iiles  of  Ihe  true  s|inrtsiiiiin,  wlilih 
nre  or  omdit  to  bo  pr.-seiu  in  every 
hiinler  or  flslierman  prevail  over  tho 
selflnhmas  of  the  pot  hiinlrr  or  the 
ili'spoller  who  wi.iihl  ninko  onr 
M renins  na  ilevol.l  of  fish  na  If  they 
li:'d  I'.'ini  polluted  by  pestilential  pois- 
ons. Three  yenrs  of  ohedhni^e  to  law 
would  Irnnsforni  our  County  fnini  a 
rnradlso  Lost  to  a  rnrndlao  llei:alncd. 

Kuliiaua  cHultrrailn^ui  SjaHjjital 

Ilv  no  nil  of  the  slMy-flflh  (iener- 
ol  Aruilnbly.  npiirovcd  .dnrih  s,  l;iii7, 
f.'tHriii  K.:»  npprnprlnted  t"  imrilinso 
,'1.11  ni-icB  of  hind  ns  a  site  for  n  hos- 
|.ltiil  for  the  tieainielit  of  tiiberenlosls, 
Knrly  In  .Mny  the  flovcrnor  mipolnt- 
(d  Ilr.  Henry  Moore,  11,  !■',  Ilennett, 
W.  S.  Molinnn,  ,1,  N,  llnlicork,  nnd 
Isaac  l(.  Stroiiae  to  i«in|iooe  the  Com- 
1  Ifslon  lo  se'ect  the  site.  On  Mny 
■-'ll,  IIHIT,  the  lueiiilicrs  met  nl  the  IJov- 
ernor^a  nfflce  nnd  orpniil/.t'd,  rleetlm: 
Ilr,  lleniy  .Monir,  I'rcalileni,  Isnae  II, 
Mroese,  Sei-retnry,  nnd  .1.  .V.  Italienck, 
Trensiirer,  Alter  lonsultliiK  Ihe  Cov- 
ernor  ami  Hr,  Theodore  I'oiier,  Sei 
rilnry  of  llie  UHi:.  TulicriiilnslB  l,ri;- 
iBlnllve  Cninuilssloii,  n  resoliillnn  wna 
passed  dlvldlui:  the  Stnle  Into  five  dls- 
tib'ta.  one  luembrr  liilllu-  nsslcned  lo 
eaih  dlstrlrt  lo  make  pielliiiliinry  ex- 
nmlnntlon  of  altes  offered,  and  to  In- 
apert  tinir  rCBpecllvc  dlfltrlots,  scek- 
Inu-  the  best  posslhle  site  that  could  be 
Bccured  at  a  prleo  within  the  nppro|i- 

The  Coninilasliin  Inspected  forty- 
three  Bites,  nnd  trnvelcil  lunr.y  iiillea 
In  seorib  of  lieller  ones,  consiilllni; 
the  people  on  the  many  ipiestlona  In- 
volved. In  the  Inspei-llon  the  Com- 
mission wna  to  take  Into  eonsldernllon 
Ihe  followlnE  iiolnis:  llenlllifiilnesa  of 
loinllty  ns  shown  by  Ihe  nveniKC  of 
Bcven  years'  reeoril  of  the  State  Hoard 
of  Ilenlth:  nitltiidc  nbovc  tide  wnler 
nnd  aiirroitndliiK  country:  snlnbrlty 
of  air,  with  freedom  from  smoke,  dust 
and  fofis:  slite  of  bnlldlnR  site,  with 
'sloiio  and  protection  from  rpw  nnd 
Riisly  winds:  piirlly  nn.l  stiff Irlrmy  of 
wnler  snpiily:  drnlrniRc,  si^-nery,  Innd- 
scaiie  and  water;  natural  ndvanlnRcs 
for  the  enjoyment  of  convnlesclnR 
patients;  nearest  Ilecnacil  anloon,  near- 
cat  b:irrel  house,  ncnrcat  pinco  where 
(lainbllnR  and  other  Immoral  practlcee 
are  tolerated,  distance  of  alto  from 
center  of  popiOutlon,  convenience  of 
reachlniz  site  b,r  steam  nnd  inter- 
nrlian  railroad  from  different  parts  of 
the  Htnte,  nearest  atenin  road  swileli 
lo  biilldlnfc  site,  nearest  stemii  nnd 
elrctrle  depots  to  biillillnR  site,  condi- 
tion of  rond  lielwecn  depot  nnd  slle; 
aires  of  nRrlcnlturnl  Innd,  with  nnliire 
nml  fertility  of  soil;  acres  of  horll- 
riiltiirnl  land,  with  fruit  trees  In  brar- 
Iur:  nntnro  of  Rreena%vnrd.  with  spec- 
ial reference  to  blue  crasa ;  nature  nf 
soli  with  reference  to  c'over ;  acres  of 
timber  land,  value  of  surpliia  timber, 
value  of  hulldlnRS  that  can  he  illlllzcd. 
ninount  nnd  condition  of  fenrloR; 
prcaence  of  stone,  gravel,  snnd,  clay 
and  shale  for  use  in  bnilding  or  road- 

On  Iho  advice  of  ninny  persons  of 
nnllnnnl  repulntlon  In  this  line,  the 
full  Commission  visited  tho  Otnlea  of 
New  York.  Massnebuselta,  IVnnayl- 
vanla,  Maryland  nnd  North  Carolina, 
nnd  luoile  careful  exninlnnllon  of  ele- 
ven annnloi-in  nnd  their  envlron-uenls. 

I»r.  Moore,  I*Tcaldent  of  the  romnila- 
•lon,  spent  tho  winter  of     KkVT     and 

llsis  In  lexns.  New  ,Mcxlco,  ArlMnn 
and  cnllfomln.  The  1  oiiiinission  re- 
iplrsled  nnd  niithori^ed  him  while 
lliere  lo  get  an|iialnlcd  wltb  tiio  tii- 
bercilloslH  sllmitlon  In  the  Southwest 
ami  lo  tlioiniiRiily  examine  nil  snnn- 
torln.  lie  lolleiled  n  Rrent  deiil  ol  In- 
Inrnintlon  Hint  mnlerlally  nided  Hie 
CommlsBion   In   performluR  Ita  diitlea. 

Of  I  lie  forty  or  more  allea  aiibiiiitted 
lo  nnil  rxniiilncd  by  the  t'oinmlsslon, 
those  al  l.nurei,  (irccncnslle,  lloik- 
vllle nml  Spencer  acorcd  highest  In  ro- 
i;li!red  jioiiilB.  Ily  reiiueat  from  the 
Conuiiisslon,  Coiernor  llnnly  nnd  Si^.- 
rdnry  llutler  of  the  Stnle  Honrd  of 
I  linrltles  ni'ioiiipnnled  the  Conimis- 
alon  and  nideil  It  In  the  final  examln- 
ntlon  of  these  four  altes. 

The  she  three  miles  cnst  of  Uock- 
vllle,  known  ns  the  lloekvllle  bIIc.  wnn 
selected.  The  aintlona,  Knet  itoik- 
vlllc  on  the  CentrnI  Indinnn  lliillrond, 
nnd  ,Snnd  Creek  on  tho  Vnndnlla  llnlb 
r.-nd,  nre  each  nboiit  one  mile  from 
the  site  of  the  bullillnRs.  The  pro|ios- 
cd  line  of  extension  of  the  Inlcriirimn 
railroad  from  linnville,  Indinnn,  to 
llock>'illc  pnsses  through  tho  alte. 

The  site  iflnslBla  of  .'sil  ncrea,  nnd 
roBl  the  Stale  ?-.M.imil,  The  cltljeiia  of 
lloikvllle  nnd  vicinity  paid  $Tl>l  cash 
anil  the  owners  threw  off  »l,'Jiiil  from 
their  opilon  price.  ,Toiin  Adams  put  .^> 
nirea  ol  bottom  Innd  Into  Ihe  trait  ot 
.5-11  per  ni-rc  Icbs  thnn  be  could  then 
Rct  for  It  In  the  open  market.  Jniues 
Myers  nnd  tirny  i.'nnnclly  nlso  em.our- 
ngeil  the  iiioveitieut  by  innkliig  a  low 
prbe  on   their  Innd. 

I.,  K,  Adams  nnd  Wllburn  Harrison 
donated  a  free  right  of  wny  to  llio 
vnliie  of  for  u  rallrond  switch, 
and  the  Vnmlalln  llnllroiid  ogrecd  in 
writing  to  enter  Into  a  eontrnct  to 
construct  2,r.f»0  feet  of  switch  at  a  ceat 
to  them  of  fn.T.'iO.  This  made  a  cash 
donation  of  Jil,000.  The  general  feel- 
ing of  phllnnthrotiy  and  friendship 
prevailing  In  I'nrko  County  for  this 
s|iei.|nl  cnitso  was  consblcred  worth 
more  thnn  the  i-aBli  donntlon, 

A  test  well  w,ns  put  down  nnd  nn 
abtindnnt  siipiily  of  wnler  wna  found, 
wlilcti,  tiiinn  exninlnnllon  hy  tho  Htnte 
Ibiiird  of  Ilenlth.  proved  to  bo  of  ex- 
••client  •luallt.v,  Tho  lands  were  sur- 
veyed and  nbstrnets  of  tIHe  luadn 
which  met  the  npiToval  of  tho  .\ttor- 

,MI  of  these  fneta  wero  reported  to 
the  (lovernor,  who  had  already  inndo 
n  cnrefnl  exninlnnllon  of  tho  alto, 
wiiereut.on  he  ordered  the  money  pnid 
over  and  title  tnken  nc-ordlng  to  Inw, 

The  Lcglslnture  of  imK)  approprlnt- 
ed  «|:iii,iii«i  with  wlilih  lo  erect  build- 
ings and  e<|nl|i  Hie  hospital.  Tho  build- 
Inga  were  completed  nnd  furnlslicil  at 
the  rlose  of  llHO,  when  the  Coinnila- 
alnn  placed  Ihciu  In  charge  of  A,  T, 
I'lielt,  ciiatodiiin,  pending  tho  o|ienlng 
by  iiroelnmntion  of  the  flovernor.  In 
the  menntlino  flovernor  Mnralinii  ai>- 
liolnted  Dr.  ilenrjr  Moore,  Dr.  O,    V, 




S.liiMuiin.  mill   Immr   II.     Slroiisp,     ns  |inBl(lrnt   of    llio    Hoard   of   Triislccii, 

liiixMi-i.    "lio    liitnrr    I  111'   opmliiK   of  ,Uvi\.     II.    II.   linker  "08  ii|MH>lnl<-d  to 

llH'    li.i»|.llnl    m.polnl.-d    IT.    Ilnn.v    II.       fill  oul  llic  iiMr.M.Irr rin.  In  .Novriu. 

I^.KlIt   HM|..  ilnli-n.lcul   kikI   Dr.   W.  C.  I..T.    \:<\:\.    ly:v.>>-    II.    SIphibc     rralcnrd 

(JiUlir  iisHlHl.inl  r. rliil'-liilrnl.  from   the  l...iird  Biirl  Cotrrlior  IIiiIkIom 

llw  hcHflliil  »"»  •>!"■ 1  "11  111'-  Isl  ii|'l'"liili'il   -lolin   S.   .\lr|-ii.lillii:   nl   the 

nf  .Vprll.    I'.ill.     II    «ii«   lillirt  lo  miiui'   lliir   Ihp     (Jovrriinr     opi'olntid 

IlK   islliii.iliil    .niiii.lly,   iind    hn.-   sin.c       llcv.   Hi Irlmm  ■llllolsnn   In   plnrc  of 

Ihiil    lliiir   iMul   iimny     iiinro     piill.iilB  \ii-.   Iliili.-r,     .VI   llic  c.xplrnllon  nf  l>r. 

Iliiiii  llH  rallninlr,!  mi.;.,  lly.   I lim"  S.  I.u  ...'in's  Iitmi.  Clny  W.  .MclBkcr  win 

li.iii-  iM'.-ri   cnn-d    for  ilnB|.|l.-   lln-     n-      ii Inlr.l    Inislcc. 

Iiisiil  (if  Hip  l.rclBliiliMP  In  rnl.irKP  llic  In    l!il.".  Hr.  (ipUlcr  rmlKnr.l  llic  of- 

hnxpllnl.                                                    .  II.-.'  of  jiiipprliilpnilcnl,  nnd  llic  Lnnrd 

In    .Vovpiiihrr.    I'.llL',      nftpr      n.lllirnl  iipiwllll.'d   Mr.  J.  C.  stcittlB  lo  tlio  vn.-- 

lilt. I  ifllrl.-nl  •..-rvlr.-,  IT,   l.p;i>Hl  illi-.l,  niMV,      I  ir.   Sipvpns  la  iniilnlnlninc  llip 

II,.  wiia  Hii.r.'Ml.'d  liy   |ir.  l^i'klrr.   who  lik'li    |p|intntlnn    rnlnlillHliPd      l.y      Ilia 

hliil  ilmiL-p  nf  till'  Insllliilinn  «llli  llio  prr(|p.i-»i.nr8.    llr.      I.POilll      nuil      Hr. 

.xr.'plli.ii  nf  Ihrpp  ln..ntlm  111  Hip  niiiii-  Coklpr,   nnil    In     apllc     of      iPL-lalnllvr 

r   r.f    .   1 1..     11    I-    l.,.n.-o    nf  l...i.,ll,.n     llip      In.llnnii     TiilK-milosIa 

llilliiinip   aiTvrd    .Inrlni:    Ilio   Biipprln-  linnpllnl  Is  dolnc  ns  nood  ivi.rk  ns  nny 

Ipiiilpina  ni.BPiii'C  in  ilrniiniiy.    In  He-  Inailtntlon  of  Ita  kind  In  the  I'nltcd 

rniilK-r  of  IIMH     I»r.     .tcnry     .Moore,  stnles. 

JIKSIIIENCi:  or   JAMRH   C.   llt'CUAlfAN,   BOO  KVIf.L£. 

1.1  ••II     ' 

'  It-  ■  V'^Ti — i' " 


.  -I 

>•'  L«l>s.>  .-.  vCJft  -.  >>4<,  j^-*-^"^,  I  <- 

5^0rtratte  nnh  Bkttti}tB 

J.\Ml:H  Kl'.ltlt. 

Jamct  Ki-rr  nttrrrd     tantl     hi     I'iirkc 

County    MW   i/i'HM  Of/o. 

TUuiims  Krrr,  wllli  Ills  lliroo  broth- 

era,  Wllllain,  Imvid  iind     Hugh,     oliil- 

Krntod  froui   Ireland  to     tlio     United 

^icurrnus,  nnd  never  reriiscd  a  mil  lor 
clmrlty.  lu  the  enrly  days  of  our 
coiinlry.  people  travclln.:  lhroiii:h  It 
ol'ten  hnd  hard  time  to  find  pInccB  to 
lie  cntcrtnlnrd.  but  no  poraon  over 
called  on  hliu  to  be  eiitrrtnlned,  It 
made  no  difference  how  well  tlicy  were 

SiaiOH  and  tfi'lli.'d  lu  W.'xl  Morrlaud 
t'onnty,  I'culiHyhiinla,  aliuul  the  year 
177".  lie  and  Mary  Yc.unn  «oro  inar- 
rliil  Mnnii  IJ,  177N.  .lanirR  Kerr, 
Ihelr  son,  wiiB  horn  'Jll,  17S1. 
'i'iiey  resided  In  Pennsylvania  nnlll 
.lnnie«  Korr  ivuB  elKiit  years  nf  ase, 
nnd  I  lieu  moved  to  I'lemlui;  rounly, 
Kciilurky.  Jautcs  grew  to  luanho'id 
In  KentucUy,  and  eontinued  In  live 
there  until    IMlll,   when   helnn  opposed 

dressed  or  Itow  roUKl'Iy  I 
dresaed,  whctiior  tlioy  iu»d 
wiielher  thov  did  not.  no  nin 
turned  n«ay.     Willi 




to    India 


reek,  win 



I'd  a  traet  of  land.  At  tin 
Mas  not  a  hoiiso  in  I'arUo  County.  A 
uian  by  llio  name  of  ItlehardBon  nns 
hero  cultinR  Iocs  to  iiuild  the  first 
enbln  In  I  lie  County,  just  east  of  where 
.I.iiiies  Kerr  settled.  After  looklni: 
nrniind  ii  while,  he  returned  to  Ken- 
lucky  and  lu  the  year",  he  came 
iaek  IM  Indiana  nnd  remained  a  while, 
bill  n^iiiu  reliiriied  to  Kentneky,  On 
Sepieiiibcr  111,  isi.w.  he  was  married 
to  Sarali  Merril.  mid  in  in'.".'  they  iiiov- 
id  to  Indiana  to  luako  Ihelr  home.  As 
he  sellled  In  the  'llmiiercd  country. 
W'iiere  there  was  not  a  stick  amiss  ho 
had   plenty  of  hard   work   before  liliii. 

On  Ausust  II,  ism.  bis  wife  died  and 
left  hlin  with  mo  llltle  clrls  nnd  one 
son.  but  he  succeeded  Id  getting  a 
relative  to  conic  ond  keep  house  for 
bim  and  take  care  of  his  ciiildren  un- 
til .Inniiary  211.  IS'Jil,  he  was  married 
to  .Mary  Ilartiiinn.  lie  eontinued  the 
liiiproveiiient  of  bis  farm  and  braved 
all  hnnlBblpB.  of  wlileli  ho  had  plenty. 
.\t  one  time  he  had  three  horses  slolen 
which  left  liliii  without  any.  hut  ho 
went  nhend  Improvlnn  his  fartii. 

lie  was  a  man  of  slroni;  will  nnd 
when  once  his  mind  was  iiindo  up  on 
any  >|iiestloh  II  look  slrong  evldenco 
to  cjango  Iilm,     lie  was  oxeeedlngly 

inemlier  of  any  ehiinh.  In  belief  he 
was  a  I'nlvei'sallst  nnd  no  one  was 
more  lonsi'lcntloiis  In  obBorvnnce  of 
the  Sabbath  or  more  t'eueroiis  In 
trlciidship  nnd  sympnthy  for  those  of 
other  rellclouB  denoiiilnnllons.  While 
Ills  ediicnilon  was  llmlled  he  was  ft 
Erent  render  of  the  Illblo.  IIo  always 
tried  10  keep  iilmself  well  posted  on 
the  nffalrs  of  County,  Stale  nnd  Na- 
tion. In  politics  ho  was  a  Willi:  until 
Ihe  Itcpublicnn  party  was  formed, 
then  bo  Joined  that  and  reiimlncd  ono 
as  lonR  118  he  lived. 

He  was  elected  flvo  different  terms 
to  the  I.eelslature  as  a  ncpresentatlve 
from  rarke  County.  The  years  lS-11. 
ISIJ.  isi:l.  IS-II  and  ISld.  lie  then  re- 
fused to  allow  Ills  name  to  lie  used 
any  more  for  that  position,  as  hla 
liearinK  bad  liecnmo  somcwbat  defec- 
tive, lie  felt  Hint  he  had  hnd  all  tho 
honors  that  ho  desired  in  Hint  dlroi-- 
tlon.  nnd  being  a  great  home  man,  ho 
lireferreil  to  slay  with  his  fan.lly.  IIo 
conllniied  tn  take  great  Interest  In  tho 
nffalrs  of  bis  country  as  long  as  ho 
lived.  At  the  tliiio  of  his  death  ho 
owned  a  fine  farm  of  .10."  acres. 

Ho  was  the  father  of  twelve  chil- 
dren—threo  by  his  first  mnrrlnge  and 
rilne  by  his  second  marriage.  All  uvcd 
to  be  men  nnd  women,  except  one  son. 
Nniiica  of  children:  Mary,  .Susan  M., 
Samuel  P.,  Kllzaheth  Virginia,  Ara- 
mlnla,  Zerebla.  .lohn  F.,  Sarah,  .Tames 
II..  Tiiomns  .1.  nnd  (leorgo  W.  He  lived 
to  a  rlpo  old  age  of  m  ycarB.  S  months 
nnd  17  days,  leaving  a  widow  and 
eight  children,  and  at  this  date  there 
are  two  alive,  .Tames  n.,  7n  years  old. 
and  Aranilnta  nalley,  80  years  old. 
J.  H.  K. 

M,i:\.\Mii:it  KiiiKr.vniicK. 

-Vlexander  Klrkpntrlck  wns  born  at 
Lexington.  Ky..  In  I7!il.  Ills  fntlier. 
(Jeorge  KIrKpatrlck.  cniiie  ftoiii  Scot- 
land Just  nftcr  the  eloso  of  tho  Itev- 
oliKlonary  war,  and  seltlrd  In  Ken- 
tucky. Alexander  was  Ihe  first  white 
child   born   In   Lexington.     Anien   tho 

nftcr  spending  sevornl  weoks  eiplor- 
Inu'  the  Wnhaah  Valley,  finally  locat- 
ed on  lllg  Itnci-oon,  Alexander  buying 
the  land  now  owned  by  Nathan  Clm|i- 
man  and  I'^lmer  .Miiir,  which  ho  own- 
id  until  within  a  short  time  of  hla 
death,  no  brought  his  faniilr  to  the 
new  homo  In  IKin.  IIo  nni  •  mail  ot 


Trrrltorlal  llovernmcut  sci 
ipicst  for  Kentucky  voluulcrrs  to  aid 
In  the  Indian  warfare,  lie  came  with 
the  iiillllla  and  fought  under  llenerni 
ilopkins.  He  afterwards  ■  went  to 
(ihlo.  where  lie  was  married  to  I'.llr.- 
obetii  Salmon,  of  Virginia,  but  return- 
ed to  attend  tiic  land  sales  at  VIn- 
connes.     He  and  his  brother,  Ooorgo, 

rYlirit  (lOfit). 

An  early    iihnnl     trnrhcr    iif    I'arko 


fine  piiysiipie  nnd  strong  personnlity, 
with  the  courtly  manner  of  the  old 
arbnol.  lie  adhered  cb'sely  to  tho 
Btrbt  religious  eonvlctlona  of  tho  old 
Scotili  covennnlers  nnd  was  an  Kldor 
In  Ihe  K  :',ier  church  at  Portland 
.Mills.  II,  „|',1  ni  Uic  ago  of  80  years, 
linving  luilllvcd  all  of  his  family  ex- 
cept  Ills  grsndi'hllilrcn. 

Cyrus  (loss  wns  born  In  Portage 
County,  Ohio,  In  IN18.  At  the  ago  of 
21  years  ho  started  to  Parke  Countx, 

CYRua  oosa, 



iirrlvlnK  liorc  In  lKt!»,  whcro  lio  rcalil- 
rd  iinlil  Ilia  donlh  In  Sriitoinhcr,  Ihss, 

ill    hlR   TiBt   ycnr.      Ii oilinloly   nflor 

hla  nirlvnl  hero  ho  hrRiiii  ipacliliiK 
iiiili>ii'rl|i||nn  or  |my  dchciols.  ns  tlicro 
w.-ic  no  fipc  flclioolB  hrio  nl  tliiil  tlnii>. 
In  IKII  hr  wiiB  iimiTlrd  (o  Kll/.iiholh 
Million.  Thoy  wriit  to  hoiiBOkccplnR 
til  ft  part  of  tho  old  Stryker  lioiise  In 
llMckvlllc  nnil  ho  Imiulil  school  In  tho 
iilU  lirirk  sriiilniir: .  In  one  of  lilB 
lionio-iiindo  rccoDl  ItooUe  «c  I'lnd  tliiit 
I'nt  N'ool  wns  rlmrfind  with  L'o  ccntB 
for  liroftklnir  o  window  bIhbb.  lie  nr- 
inrwnrda  ninvwl  iicnr  llcllnioro.  wliorr 
he  rnnllniii-d  Ipulilnit.  After  loinllnu' 
on  lilB  farm  he  wiih  nnnimlly  oleiieil 
tnmtco  for  scvenil  yeiii'B.  Iiiillilinu 
Roiiie  of  the  old  frainc  Bchool  hoiiBoB 

./ ii//;n  M'ronn. 

JnnicB  McCord  was  horn  April  "i, 
lTs."i,  In  .Mpcklcnhnre  Connty,  North 
Carolina,  and  died  In  I'arke  Ciiunty, 
Indlann.  He.-.  JM,  1S7:i.  Ills  father. 
I  lav  Id  .M.'t'ord.  was  a  niitlvo  of  .Scot- 
land, anil  ennie  to  North  Carolina,  lie 
died  In  ,MudlBon  County,  Kentmky,  In 
I.slil.  at  the  ase  of  T2  years.  David 
.McCord  married  Ann  Hhlplcy  In  North 
Carolina,  and  they  hud  nine  children: 
Wllllani,   Narah,   who   married     James 

iiiid  was  Instniinenlal  In  catahllslilnK 
the  "k'nided  Bi-hool"  Jiiut  eant  of  lloll- 
i.iore.  lie  wna  clceleil  the  first  i-iip- 
lain  of  the  Ilellniore  (liiardB  that  were 
aniii'd  Willi  mii/.i'.le-loadlnK  liniBkets. 
Me  Mas  one  of  llie  elders  of  the  church 
of  I  hrisi  at  llockvllle,  and  uftel'. 
waills  aBHlBled  iu  ertlahllshliiK  the 
Church  of  Christ  iil  llelliiiore,  of 
which  ho  wna  an  elder  until  his  death. 
HurlnK  his  entire  life  he  wiis  ever  In- 
terested In  eveiylhlMB  lliiit  tended  tow- 
ard proKresslon,  both  In  a»;rlciiltlire 
and  ediiintlon.  lie  took  an  active  part 
In  ihe  first  teniherB'  liisllliite  held  In 
the  Coiinly.  ivhen  lir.  Culler,  the  auth- 
or oi  Culler's  I'hvBlology.  naa  present, 
lie  pnichiiseil  ilie  flvBt  Coneord  urape 
vine  In  Ihla  seellon  and  mild  three 
dnllars  for  It.  .1.  II. 

nfler  tliey  passed  the  CumhcTland  (lap, 
Ihiy  were  atlneked  hy  six  Indlnns, 
who  put  the  c-oiiipany  to  flight  and 
ciplilred  ft  little  girl.  Naotll  Mltrhell. 
who  was  U  years  old.  and  i.  cousin  ol' 
.Ian  es  .McCoid.  line  of  the  Indians 
was  shot  throiiBh  the  leg.  Naomi's  fath- 
er shot  the  Indian  ns  lie  was  toma- 
hawking her  mother.  'Ihe  Indians 
made  Naomi  tnke  eare  of  the  hurl  In- 
dian, ond  tohl  her  If  he  died,  liicy 
would   kill   her.     lie   was   so  mean   to 

Camphell,  Ilohert,  John,  Iiavid,  Ann, 
who  was  the  second  wife  of  Alexander 
Killer.  James,  llosa,  who  was  the  first 
wife  of  Alexander  Klilcr,  and  Miiry, 
who  never  married. 

llavid  Mit  ord  was  a  soldier  In  the 
Hevoliillonary  war,  and  on  the  morn- 
ing his  son  David  was  horn  he  was  In 
n  sklriiilBh,  within  hearing  distance  of 
hia  home.  The  llrltlah  were  crossing 
the  Calnwbii  lllver  at  the  time  of  the 
fight.  David  sold  prodnco  and  stock 
from  his  farm  fo  the  mllllla.  He  owned 
I,  acres,  and  In  the  Spring  of  ITDO, 
when  Ills  son  James  was  five  yeara 
old.  he  sold  his  farm  and  moved  to 
.Madison  County.  Kentui4iy. 

Ills  son  William  was  married  May 
'JO.  171MI.  and  the  trip  to  Kentucky  was 
Ida  honey  moon.  They  all  rode  horse- 
hack,  larrlcd  their  goods  on  pack 
I.orscc,  and  drove  the  stock.  David's 
wife,  Ann  Shipley  iMcCord,  rode  a 
horse  and  carried  her  little  daughter 
llosa  In  her  lap,  and  James,  who  was 
five  ycftrt  old,  rode  bohind  ber.     Just 

her  she  almost  wislied  he  would  die. 
•Ihe  Indlun.s'aold  her  to  the  Trench, 
and  at  the  battle  of  I'ort  Wayne,  two 
years  later,  her  brother  found  her  and 
brought  her  home,  she  said  that  af- 
ter the  Indians  captured  the  plunder 
nt  the  fight,  they  had  a  fine  time 
playing  with  the  feathers  out  of  the 
beds,  tliey  only  wanting  the  ticking. 
The  wind  was  blowing  enough  to 
drive  feathers  every  where.  All  the 
company  after  being  scattered  hy  the 
Indiana,  made  their  way  to  Madison 
County,  where  David  had  bought  1,0(10 
acres  of  land,  near  Iloono's  fort.  lie 
settled  there  with  his  children  around 
him  and  did  imi<-h  toward  the  develop- 
ment of  that  country.  His  son,  Will- 
iam, \>aa  shot  through  the  right  arm, 
causing  hlin  to  loose  his  gun,  during 
the  fight  with  the  Indians.  Itatber  bad 
for  a  young  man  on  his  honeymoon 
trip.  The  land  iiouglit  at  that  time  Is 
largely  In  the  hands  of  his  descend- 
ants at  the  prcBcnt  time. 

In   lR2r>  some     of    Darld     McOirfl'B 

children  rniiic  to  Indiana,  nt  that  tlino 
II  new  country,  Tlio  .McCord  family 
were  truly  a  pioneer  faliillv.  John  and 
David  McCord  stopped  In  Vlncennea. 
and  have  left  niiiiierotis  deccndnnis  In 
Knox  County,  lloherl.  Jniiiea  and  Ann 
McCord  Kldcr  came  to  I'arke  County. 
Janes  .M(<'ord.  the  I'arke  Connly  pio- 
neer, was  married  to  Margnret  Sum 
mors.    May    lo,    i.siin.     She   was   Iwrn 

lliey  lo:ided  their  goods 

women  and  chlhli  the  tliilo 
lowed  Ihe  trail  to 
there  to   I'arke  Ci 


1  a  slx-liorie, 
cart  for  Iho 
ide  In.  Thoy 
and  foi* 
nes  and  from 
On  tho  land 


Iliey  iiad  bnlight  they  hlillt  D  large  lotf* 
iiibln.  of  round  logs,  covered  with 
clajt  boards,  wclgiiled  down  with 
welelil  poles.  These  |iole«  were  Used 
to  hold  tho  boards  in  placa,  *■  naiti 

Nov.  2-2,  i;i«i,  and  died  (Id.  Jil,  I.XT:i. 
They  had  HI  children,  seven  born  In 
Kintiicky  and  three  In  I'arke  County. 
The  childien  were  Itobert  Summers, 
David,  John  Newton,  Andrew,  Kllen, 
who  married  William  Allen,  I.minda, 
who  married  James  W.  Iliisaell,  Will- 
iam, Marthn,  who  never  niarrleil. 
Nancy  Jane,  who  married  Jackson 
Manii  and  Armanda.  who  married 
twice,  first  to  William  Norrls,  second 
to  William  Woody.  James  McCord 
came  to  Indiana  with  bis  hrother-in- 
liiw,  Alexander  Klder,  and  they  hougbt 
land  from  Ihe  government.  On  ac- 
count of  hiB  mother,  who  lived  with 
hliii,  being  old  and  not  able  to  make 
the  trl|i,  James  illd  not  come  to  Indi- 
ana to  live  till  after  her  death  In  IS'JS, 
when  William,  the  father  of  the  writ- 
er, was  two  years  old.  When  tho 
family  made  the  trip  to  Tarko  County, 

n.\}  II)  Axn  sMtMi  joiixffox. 

David  JoluiBon  was  born  Oct.  27, 
17!"i,  and  died  l'"eh.  :l,  1.S78,  aged  81 
years,  llo  was  married  to  Sarah  Cei- 
lings In  l.'^lll.  She  was  horn  Se|)t.  12, 
ISIM.    Died  July  in,  lS7(i,  age  72  years. 

There  were  10  children  and  02 
grnndihlldren;  18  of  these  died  In 
childhood,  two  Juat  as  they  were  bud- 
ding Into  womanhood,  leaving  42  who 
lived  to  maturity.  One  son,  George, 
died  In  the  army.  I,ater  his  remains 
were  removed  to  tho  National  ceme- 
tery on  the  site  of  (^lister's  Inst  stand 
against  tho  Sioux.  David  Johnson 
was  a  farmer.  He  did  some  carpenter 
work,  made  haslieta,  bottomed  choirs 
and  made  tho  shoea  for  the  family.  Ills 
wife  Slum  and  wove  the  cloth  from 
which  she  made  all  their  clothing.  Sho 
made  the  Boap,  the  candles,  tho  quilts, 
the  coverlids,  the  carpets  and  many 
things  we  of  this  generation  know 
nothing  of. 

They  had     been     married     sixteen 

were  lery  si-arcc,  ami  had  to  be  mado 
by  hand.  They  later  iuilll  a  double 
log  hoiiBc.  made  of  hewed  logs,  a  story 
anil  a  naif  high  and  covered  Willi 
Fhinglcs,  sjilit  and  shaved  liy  Imnd, 
they  were  of  uniform  widlb  of  fivo  or 
i;  Inches  nnu  18  Inches  long.  The  hiilld- 
lug  is  still  slnndlng  and  is  used  ns  a 
shii|i  and  alore  room.  The  farm  that 
Jaiiirs  McCord  bought  Is  still  In  the 
.McCord  family,  and  the  only  changes 
In  title  have  been  from  father  to  son. 
James  XicCord  has  two  danghlera 
living.  Mrs.  Nancy  J  Mann,  born  O.  I, 
2\  l.tll.  ami  MrB.  Amanda  Woody, 
born  Aug.  II,  18:1--..  They  ore  the  only 
grandchildren  living  of  tho  old  Itevo- 
liitlonary  soldier,  David  McCord,  that 
we  have  been  able  to  find.  James  and 
>largaret  Riimmers  McCord  havo  KH 
living  deeendanli  out  of  2.1(1  that  were 
born.  O.  McC. 

years  and  had  six  children  when  thoy 
cnnio  from  Kentucky  In  tho  fall  of  This  was  not  a  hasty  decision. 
.More  than  two  years  liiid  passed  since 
Mr.  JohnRon  had  made  a  trlji  to  Indi- 
ana and  port  based  of  .Mr.  Troutman 
tiie  farm  that  Joiin  II.  Johnson  of 
(Ircene  township  now  owns.  He  paid  for  tho  Ii'iO  acres,  or  180.25  per 
acre.  At  the  same  timo  enmo  Zebulon 
Ceilings  and  family.  Already  three 
branches  o[  this  family  wore  living  In 
this  community  when  these  two  canio 
to  join  them.  Ten  days  were  Bjiont  on 
the  Journey,  camping  at  night  by  the 
way.  Kach  family  had  o  fonr-horso 
wagon  loaded  wllh  bedding  and  the  ac- 
tual neeeaallles  of  life.  Thoy  also 
brought  some  sheep,  some  cows  and 
three  extra  horsea.  Mr,  Ceilings  walk- 
ed all  the  long  Jonmoy,  driving  tho 
stock.  His  wife  and  sister  redo  the 
two  horses  belonging  to  him.  Eaeti 
carried  a  child  in  her  lap  and  one  be* 
hind.     Then  trere     three     bora     old 


,m<»ikIi    111   lilkr   (llMix   I'liIlM-   III"    rillv 

Tlir >r  roLii-  lrl|.«  «.n-  i.iiwli-  h.i.  k  1 

Kinlnrky    lo    ilKll    Iho      nini 
MiiVB    KOlni;    I"    tl"-    "tiK"". 

HISTOlnCAL    SKKTCII     OK     P  A  U  K  li     COUNTY. 

-.1     10 

ninMlm   niiil    K"nil    roiiiln     inn      linnlly 
lniii:llii'  wliiil  0  lrl|>  of  Ihin  kliul  «oiil<l 

III'  »i>s  riiUnl  iinil  thi'ir  lurlurilro  Irft 

II    Inih'IIMr  Hliiinp  ii|»iii   hrr  lire  mid 

1-       I  hi-   Hum  or  her   rniiilly. 

lo  hi    lxi".i   Ml.   mid    .Mm.  Cnrvcr  Willi 

n.       Iniir   Kiinll    ililldri'il    riiilKrntrd    (o    In- 

ll^iiiii,  H.lllln.:   Ill   Ihc  Kiri'ii   priiiicvul 

•nri'nl    nC    .Mnnltoiiiory   Coiinly,   where 

hrri'  nna  II"   llliilier  fellrd,  oxiTpl  tllC 

■.«    IrecR   lo  hiilld  llieir  llllle     raliln. 


n  -1 

.  .-^JK 

.  v'/ij 


'  •,-H"^i' 

w ,: 

L —  .;.. ...  -  w.    ^UA    .     4        \.    .     ^ **^*i3| 

Hill-  Ki.iiil,  till'  finiliii;  Bi.lnnlni;.  nenv- 
Ihi:  mid  lo.'Mni;  iiller  ll"'  <lilldn'li. 
M  hen  lirr  liiiul  would  i:o  Olll  Willi 
lioiiioBick  loiiKliii:  to  >te  llie  loird  ones 
of  hrr  rmli<rn  iniiilly  buck  In  Ken- 
lucky,  Rhe  would  inolllil  her  hoi»e. 
mko  llie  Imliy  In  her  nriiipi.  ntiolher 
child  liihlnd.  mid  ride  dny  nfler  dny 
over  Ihe  m.  k«  iind  over  the  hlll», 
Ihiouirh  the  brimh  nml  fnllen  treoH  nil 
the  lone  we.iry  wny  for  the  Joyful 
vlBll  nl  homo  In  old  Kenlilrky.  One 
of  her  hrotherB  w  OB  .Iildge  Mlllon  I>iir. 
hnin,    tlfBl   Coniplrollcr   of   Ihe   TrenB- 

Kff.xK  ;..  AMI  KMiMi   I.  niini.rv. 

Sllni  I..  Iiooley  wn«  born  of  Bt'irdy 
fseotchlrlBli  Block,  nenr  the  historic 
lown  of  Knton.  Ohio,  Feb.  7,  I.Hl  1.  IIIb 


111    III 


'I  hey  luid  lliclr  liii|ip.i  lliin'ii.  lliclr  Biid 
limes,  their  love  iiMiilra.  mid  llieir  Bor. 
li.vvB.  'Ilie  |.nrciii»  Blew  old  nnd 
I'echle  nn  Ihe  xoiia  mid  diuik-hters  be. 
c.imo  Ihc  Blili'dy,  rclliilile  clU/.eiis  of 
ciiHleril  I'urkc  t'olllily.  Tlio  oldeBl 
Biiii.  I'hlimlli):  II.  .Inhiiimii.  wiib  a  imiii 
III  mii.crhir  Jiidciiicnt  :  i.crhniiB  few 
iiiMi  III  Ihc  i-oiimy  were  eiilled  on 
iimie  r  ciiiciillv  lo  niiscBH  ilnmiiceK  on 
pinii.  xcd     hkhwiiia       mid       riillroailB 

iliiiiie.'li   I'lumK   I   ui  iirlillnile  miicb. 

lliiiiH  of  diupiilc  iiimmi;  ciII/iiih  of  (he 
iniilily.  JmiMB  .M.  .lolimmn.  luiolhcr 
inn  WIIB  holioicd  mid  eslccliicil  by  nil. 
Me  Bcned  nB  lowiislilli  iniBlcc  for  a 
iinii  her  of  ycnm  Willlnm  Hiieiit  Ihe 
liioM  of  hlH  llr..  Ill  .Mln.soiirl.  Tlie 
cumtlilci...   were    .Mrs.    .Mniy   June    .M.-. 

I  mill.  Mr«.  i:ilz:il.cih  (-..nnelly.  .Mm. 
I'lmircB  I'.iner.  Mi'b.  .Miirlha  .Vndcr- 
Bon.  all  exeelleiit  women.  <|iilel  mid 
iiiinBMiiminc   wlms...  children    pny  irll.- 

III.'   lo   ihirx   tr.ili.lnL-.      .Ml     tlicHC 

hiive  irnxscd   to   tl  cir   rewnrd.   leaving 

II  rceiirU  of  ii  life  well  Bpeiit.  One  Bon, 
.I'lhn  h.,  t.1111  llvcx  III  the  old  home. 
All  or  Ihes..  rlilhll'cn  and  nininst  nil 
of  the  crmiil.  Iill.lrcn  linv,-  been  Biic 
ccBKfiil  fiirmeiB.  They  linve  ndded 
iiimli  lo  the  devclniiiiienl  nnd  hlBlory 
of  Knxlern  I'arke  roiinfy  . 

H.  f.  V. 

Mil.    IV/I   Mltf.  STMII.IMI  IMl\  l.ll. 

.\iiionK  the  e.lrly  BeU|er«  of  I'nrk.' 
'oiiiily.  who  raiiie  from  Ki  iilnrky. 
were  .>llnrllnB  fnner  nnd  fiimlly,  lie 
«n«  a  man  of  noble  rhmncier  nnd 
BlerlInK  wnrlli,  n  true  ChrlBlhin  Ken. 
ticiiiiili.  whoHo  e\miipte  and  precepiH 
wire  fnr  rem  liliii:  mid  InalhiR  In  hl« 

CO iinliy.     HIiirMnL- Carver  nna  iKirn 

.Inn.  \  LXirj;  died'  .Nov.  L'J.  IXT",  need 
iw  yearn,  lie  wu»  married  lo  .Iniio 
I'llrhnm  In  IWJJ.  «l  ..  heliic  l»Mn  Oct. 
"J,  iwiii:  died  .May  J,  i.-vsii,  in  her  K.lril 

she  wna  n  nallve  of  Iloyle  roiinty. 
Krnliicky.  Her  fnllier.  Ilenloinin  IHir- 
hmli,  «n«  one  of  Ihe  boBl  known  Meth- 
odlm  pInneerB  of  Kenlilcky.  Iiln  hiniie 
heinn  n  rei.dexvoiiB  for  Biich  men  nil 
lll»ho|i  Kliiiptiin.  Henry  llnnrnm,  I'der 
Carlwrluhl.  and  olliera.  On  Mr.  ilur- 
linnrB  fiinii  were  held  the  Blllllilior 
lamp  iiieetlnKt,  which  were  an  popu- 
lar .iiiiong  the  MelhmllaiR  of  that 
early   dny.     .\nild   anch   anrronndlnrii 

iolled  early  nnd  Inte.  clear- 
11111(1  nnd  biirnin;;  thebriiHli 
i.|r  new  home  In  the  wilder- 
MB  only  a  few  yeara  till  the 

family  eiime  in  I'nrke  <  oiinly  nnd  aet- 
llid  near  Portland  .Mills,  and  the  I'llt. 
nam  loiinly  line.  They  lived  there 
iinlll  Ihc  death  of  ihe  fnlher  In  INTO, 
then    .Mra.   Carver   moved     to     (Irccn- 

iiry  diirhiK  Clcvelnn.ra  ndmliilKlrnllon. 
Time  were  II  chlhlien  born  In  llila 
rnmlly.  six  i.r  them  lived  lo  iiinliirlly 
nnd  wero  men  and  women  nf  preiit  In- 
lliicnee  In  Ihilr  dny.  They  had  the 
lest  ediiinlliin  to  bo  ohialned  In  the 
coiiiilry  at  thai  lime;  several  of  iheiii 
were  leaihe-a  All  were  alroni:  .Melli- 
odlBlB  nnd  were  mllvo  In  i  hiircli  wnik. 
The  Infliienee  was  nlwnya  fur  tood 
wherever  I  hey  were  loentnl.  Their 
linnicB  were  Wesley,  John,  Willlnm. 
llcnjnmlli,  Mrs.  .Mary  lordlre  nnd  .Mr«. 
I':il74ilieth  Johnson.  H.  C,  I-'. 

he  had  piirchnsed  nnd  upon  which  Itn 
lived    conllniioiiBly    until     hla     death, 
l-'eli.  N.  \n-:\. 
Siirnli  ,\.  I,nndon.  of  r:nt.'llali  descent, 

,^'           .:?^-, 

■    ^^1^-:^ 


■r.  V    ■  «  ^ 

:.       ;i^.  .«; 



" ■::''..  S..:,...'^,--;--:,;;  :.-.V 


■'■■■.■-'     '   '  ■  '"  '     ■■-■--  ■  .1-v'. .'  '"  ■■{ 

, .  V ' 

-  ^Vi 

1  .    .                ■'."..*'                             ♦ 

')..  .-.■.                                    -•'     ■                 ..'':.'-■■ 

.  ^ 

lather,  llenhen  Hoole.v,  eaiiie  Into  the  wna  horn  In  New  York  City,  .liino  7, 
Xorthneat  Territory  In  I7W.  aettllnK  l.slil.  Her  father,  Zehiilon  I.andon, 
In  what  la  now  I'rcblo  County,  Ohio.      moved  to  the  then  Wcat  In  1811),  com- 

I   A.  IHKII.KY. 

inatle,  where  she  spent  the  rciiinlndcr 
of  hrr  lUo.  Mho  wna  a  woman  of 
Htronic  roiiBlitiillon  and  poraonallty, 
When  her  hard  daya  work  wna  dons 

He  waa  a  roldler  of  the  War  of  INI'J. 
The  ailbject  of  llila  i(1<eleli  iiiuved  with 
hla  yoiinK  wife  lo  Wnalilnnton  town- 
•lilp,  rnrko  County,  to  >  rami  wlihh 

Inn  down  the  Allenhaney  lllver  on  n 
Hot  boat  10  I'ltlsbiirn.  thence  hjr  aamo 
boat  on  Iho  Ohio  lo  Cincinnati.  .Inal 
nbovo  Cincinnati  Iho  l«onl     atrurk     t 


8Miir;,  uaR  oM'rltimnd  and  nil  llinlr 
Millily  |ins«(B»lons  loHl.  Thn  fiiiiilly 
wi'iv  nil  ii'»nn-il  rxicpl  the  lllllo 
.Xi.ruh,  MHO  lloii(r,l  down  B(rc-niM  nnrt 
nnK  nill'li"!"''!  In  1"^  lonl,  l>nt  wnn  pick- 
<  fl  ii|i  l>y  II  lK)ut'H  iTCu'  none  llio  worBO 

nin^r.Mir.iiiiY  Wli  i.oivisa 

.ViiK.r.L'  th.'  olil  folIliTH  of  I'nrko 
rniinl).  who  lived  In  ii  ilpn  old  hkc. 
nnn*'  upi-c  itiorc  nnh-rinnlty  linnorcil 
niirl  i'('M|iorlril  ilinn  (irrrnlirrry  iind 
l.r.uvlKi.  Wnrcl.  Tliry  were  ninrilod  In 
I'nydio  Conniy.  Inclinnn.  im  tho  ."tli 
1.1  Si'pi.'iiilii'i'.  IS'JI,  nnd  iwo  yonra  Int- 
er lanio  10  I'nrkn  Conniy. 

for  hrr  lii\olnnluo  ny»u-o.  Hhc  wnn 
niiirrlid  In  SIIhh  N.  Oooliy  Or(.  Ill, 
1S.17.  lino  or  ilip  nnhli'  liiind  of  lirrolu 
vvniMcn-l.loni'or  uimIIkmii  who  lirlpid  In 
ninko  I'lwke  Coiinly.  I  Med  .April  I, 
I. -II  I. 

It  wn«  innilo  Into  on."  of  llic  flncal 
fnrniB  of  I'nrke  County,  nnd  llip  Wind 

1 11'  <    l»n  nnd  one  hair  inllon  north- 

«08t  of  llnikvlllrl  foily  ycnlll  IIRO 
wnB  nn  Idcnl  roiiniry  iVBldc-nco. 

No  innn  In  Ihe  Cnnnty  lind  n  hnirr 
r.iMilallon  for  Inlpcrlty  and  honor 
man  tlrcmbcrry  Ward.  .Mr.  nnd  .Mtb. 
Ward  ho.niiip  iiioinhcra  of  tho  fIrBt 
.MeihoJlBt  cliiiri'li  uignnizod   In   UmI: 


/  ■ 



^    ;> 

•    ^%' 





4                1 







M    III 

ho  I 


IB  were  Rlill  to 
nunir  himlmnd 
nliln  In  Ihe  nn- 

nnil  nirr  hiilll   ihi'l 
hrokill    InliBl,  l«n 

llni'Ulllh'.  'I'n  Ihn  wphI  nnd  nnulh  iif 
Ihoiii  nnl  nnothrr  hnhllallon  wnn  with. 
In  nine  iiiIIpb,  six  yrarB  Inlor  by  In- 
dniiilinhl»  onnriTy  nnd  hnnl  work  .Mr. 
Wnni  had  I'li'an'd  and  had  In  rtllllvn- 
(Inn  ai'vonty  ncrin.  .Vt  that  lliiio 
<I.S.IJI    ho  iKincht  l\\f  plnro  wlioro  ho 

llo.  nnd  ovor  romnlnril   iii-ilvi'     nnd 

iiHlatciit     roiiininnlcaiua       of       that 

iirih.     'I'hoy    wcro     honnvnloni      In 

f      llirlr   roliillnna     lo     Ihn     .•niinnnnlly. 

wuniihonrti'il   and   hoHiilinhlo  In   Ihnli' 

lionio.    'riioy  woro  llu-  |iai-oiila  of  thrfo 

(.hlldrrn,  only   onr   of   wlimii    lived   to 

1 rorl   Ihciii   In    llielr  old   ni:e— Mr«. 

Adi'linn  imrdInK,  vvh.i  li  now  llvlnu  In 

Wnrd     died     Wopl. 

and  hli  wife  lived  until  their  dentil.      ISOI :  Mrs.  Miird  died  Keli.  1(1,  l.sim. 

K.wii  i:r.  v/.vo.v   iv/i  r.\riir:iii\i: 

KlBewiicre  In  tlieoe  paRea  orcnr  ref- 
erenrea  t.i  .Xaiimel  .\.  Maker,  who  einl- 
untied  from  Shelby  Conniy,  Kentueky, 
lo  I'nrke  Cniinly  In  l.><.10.  llo  waa 
liorn  Hceciiihor  HI,  171)!),  nnd  died  July 

enll>.led  In  Cnptnin  WIlMnni  Wnalilnir 
Inu'a  itnatmny  of  Minute  .Men 
ShepherdBiown.  Vn.,  April  211,  177.V- 
Jnat  trn  dnya  nfter  the  Imlllc  of  Ij'ji. 
Inmnn,  nnd  iia  aonn  aa  the  newa  conid 
ri'iKh  VIrKlnla.  llo  re  onlleled  In  Col, 
Sinnllunod'a     roKlinent     In     Jnuunry, 


17,  1«'A  lie  wna  ninrrled  to  Cather- 
ine Mnnre  In  l.iL'T.  .She  wna  hnrn  nt 
^'hell.yvllle,  .Inne  11,  I.MH,  nnd  wna 
the  riniiKliler  of  Ahrnni   Moore. 

Cntherlne  linker  wna  a  real  "dnneh- 
ler  nf  Ihe  llevolutlon"  nnd  nt  leaat  s 
"alaler"  nf  Ihe  War  of  1RI2.  Her 
father,  who  wna  Iwm  In  T^ncnatcr 
County,  I'cnnaylranla,   Sept.   4,   1700, 

T.  DAKI: 

17711.  while  aervlns  with  tho  orniy 
then  bealeBhiK  ItoBlon.  llo  wna  In  the 
Imllle  of  l.onK  Inland  nnd  croBBod  tho 
Iielawnrc  with   WnahhlKtnn,  Dec.     2T<, 

Kii.  h  la  III.'  nillliary  lernrd  nf  Caih- 
erlne  lliiker'B  lather  In  Ihe  V.  S.  War  ;   lint   her     l.riilher,     .lohn 

Mn.nv,    Willi    lelt    1 le   wllh    lil«    Ken- 

[inky  cniiirnili-B  when  Catherine  waa 
1  level!  .*earB  of  one  linn  nn  rerord  lie- 
yond  the  wnrd  "iiilBBlni:.'"  lie  nna 
Inat  Been  liv  hia  rninnideB  nt  the  Iwl- 
lie  nil  the  lllver  llnlaln,  .laniinry,,!  Ihe  prinonrra,  nnd  Hint  nluht 
iiialiy  of  iheBO  were  nuiaaarrcd  by  the 

The  ehllilien  of  Sniiinel  N.  nnd  Cath- 
erine linker  were  .Mary  Tranei-n, 
iStrinise.  I  .Inniea  Henry.  .Inlin  Wll- 
llniii,    Saiiinel    ,Mxon,    llUicnhcth    (Cnt- 

jiiii\   Wll  A.ivcr  nri;\fi:ii. 

John  hpetiier  w:ib  horn  In  Mnrylniid 
'e  ITPl  When  nlmiil  five  yenra  nf 
Mie  Ilia  paienlH  llimi.ii  lu  i  l.liiiiu 
"  I  oiiniy.  Kenliiiky.  when,  niiild  llie 
hnididllpH,  rnliiliinn  In  Ihn  linya  nf  llml 
.!ny  he  ainnl  hit  ililldlinod  nnd  ymilh. 


lln.l  Chiirha  llnlldiiy  nnd  lleorBO 
Chirk.  'I'tieir  aiToiid  ann  wna  l.leii. 
tiiinni  John   W.   llnk.'r  of     the     I'lnir. 

Ii'inlh    Indiana   ll.'L'liiu'nl.     J< •      1|, 

Uli.l  ClinrliB  II.  me  llvlnx  In  llnekvllle. 
Sniiiiiel  nnd  Calherlue  llak.'r  wero 
wnlniia  iiieiiilKTB  of  Hie  Meth...ll«t 
ihiirrh  In  llo.kvllle.  Callieilne  died 
IVh.  21,  ivil,  and  ut  her  the 
llev.  WlUlniu  V.  Allen-who  wnn  l.nrn 
one  yenr  heloie  Ciilherlno  .\'a 
I'llih  In  the  aniiie  lonn,  and  lind 
known  her  for  nlnioBt  .*iii  yenra— paid 
n  heanliriil  tilbiile  to  the  playiimle  of 
hlB  chlldhiind  and  Ihe  exemplary 
Chriailan  woinon  whom  everybody 
III  Id  In  venerntloii, 

IKII,  llo  found  n  tniel  of  Inud  nf  '.'Ml 
fiiria  In  (Ireene  Innnahlii,  I'irko 
Coiiuiy,  whiiii  he  llinnuht  nnnld  mnk.. 
all  lii.Mi.-,  ,in.|  reiiirned  In  Ken. 
Iiirky  Willi  Ihe  Idea  ni'  l.riiiKlnK  lila 
laiiilly  hern,  hnl  fninid  nn  lila  niiini 
ilial  I'linleni  hnd  hrnkeii  mil   iiiid  lili 




f'  ''^t»>3;;^ 


11  wna  ,.en.  nn  .Mnrrh  l>,  INI7,  lie  wn 
iiiiinied  In  Nnmy  Alexnnder,  who  win 
hum    In    Kleniln);  Coiiiiiy,     Kenliieky 

fnnilly  iiiuinihllned,  Me  did  nnl,  hnw'. 
iver,  ulve  up  Ihe  iden  of  olilnlnlnu 
Ihla  unci  nf  Inud,  nud  rniiie  wllli  hln 

II.     They     lived     In      iniully  enrly  lu  the  aiirlnu  nf  ltt«,  but 
Kentucky  for  fifleen  .vrnra,  when  he-      upon    hla   (irrlinl    bo   found    Hint   tho 



nly  1,  17ii,  in  capt.  llevinR  grenlcr  opportunities  nilKht  bo  trnct  nna  ocun  eiii-.v-  ■■-.■  -    - 

Unvld    I'nore'a  pniipnny  nt   Frederlrk,  ohtnlned  In  tho  far  Weat.  nnd  hnvInK  eminent    by    llrlnkley    llnvia,    ''»'"  ^ 

.Md.,  fnr  alx   weeka.     Applied  for  pen-  i.,-vernl  alnvea  to  whom   he  dcalred  to  of   John   O.,)    who   hnd   rlenrcd    aoiiiu 

alon.  ts.1.1:  pennlon  granted,  Jnno  10,  extend  freedniu,  Mr.  Hpenecr  eauio  to  two  or  tbreo  aerea  of     uroiiml 

IN.X'1,  Kliclhy  County,  Kentueky.  Indlnns  to  rind  •  homo  In  the  Toar  built  •  aiiiall  log  houaa. 



Mr.   Hix'ii.'ir  I k'lil    IIiIk   rnrni   rriilil 

Mr vlB,   |in)im;   hliii   llir     mnii     i)f 

lil.'J.".  iii'r  nrri'.  iiiiil  Imik  lumHOKBinii  nl 
01111-.  lie  coiillMiiiMl  till'  work  or  ilcnr- 
llii:  (111-  laiHl,  OH  wlil.h  uri-M  boimc  nf 
IliilliinirB  fllicHl  Irri'H.  II  li.-lllK  cover- 
(•U  Willi  fnri'Hlii  of  wiihiiil.  iiinhli-  nnil 
onlc.  I  pen  Ihi-lr  arrlvnl  In  Indlnn.-v 
Iho  ulnnii  were  lolil  llinl  lliey  were 
frre.  ImiI  llie.v  refuBeil  lo  leiive  Iheir 
loriiirr  mauler,  reinuliilni;  Inyiil  to  liliii 
nild  III!  rmiilly  iiiiMI  llieir  denlli. 
John  ,S|K-neer  dieil  In  IsilT,  lil»  wife 
minivltlK  hliii  -i-l  yeorB.  Iier  drnth  oc- 
Mirrlnit  nt  llie  nee  of  ll.i  years.  :i 
liiimtlia  onU  IJ  days.  In  Die  yrnr  Iinm. 

U'oiililiiitKiii    SpeniiT,    the    prcBent 

joiiy  ti.  iiii{Knftrx\t:ii. 

,t,.l,n  rr..i.iir  Itlr-l.nM.per  »■••«  horn 
111  Kuiiiliiwiild.  Cnnton  llernc.  Swlljier. 
Innd,  Heplciiilier  fl,  l.iiV  lie  Bpent 
Ilia  linyliood  nere  In  the  IIUlo  iiioiin- 
mhi  vlllnue,  KeillnR  wlint  rdiunllon 
the  iliiiri  arrnrOed.  Troui  lile  undo, 
('iniMir    Mlrilininnpr,    tie    learned    tlio 

owner  or  lllp  iniil  of  liiml  nhovo  men- 
iloiiril,  wiiH  Ixon  here  on  ilio  rjili  ihiy 
or  IVl.nijiry.  islil.  nnil  II  In  here  Hull 
lie  liiiB  lived  ihrniiuhoiit  hiB  entire 
llle.  exceitt  for  a  period  of  tVo  years 
II  wnB  here  tliiil  he  wub  iiiiirrled  lo 
.Mary  Knllierhie  rliirk  on  .\iikiibI  '.'I, 
I.MlJ.  Here  Ihey  reiire.l  llieir  fonilly 
of  seven  Bonn  niij  i:  dniithleri.  nnd  11 
iviiB  rn<iM  IhiB  home  timt  hla  wife  wnn 
liilrlrd  on  (iclolier  li.  Ilir.'. 

NVnahlncton  Spencer  during  hla  life 
hoB  Been  thia  fnriii  ehnnKe  from  llic 
wlldernea.i  i-overed  with  awniiipB  lo  lis 
prenent  hiKh  BiBle  of  eiilllvntlen,  nnd 
It  In  cxpeeled  llmt  Ihe  rnriii  will  re- 
iiinin  In  the  Immla  of  hla  fniiilly  for 
hinny  u'eneriillona. 

K'lod  aprlnea,  Biifflclent  lo  run  a  mill 
for  rrln.lInK  the  l.nrit. 

For  BCvorAl  yenra  ho  had  ft  vory  aiic* 
coBBriit  hiiBlnean.  nut  aa  the  ehnniiea 
eiuiic  In  tanning,  that  cr  lialnir  eheni* 
lenlB  liialead  of  hark,  Hiiib  eheapenlnR 
llio  priro  of  Icolhrr,  nnd  Iho  ainrelty 
or  bark,  he  wna  eoinpelled  to  give  up 


JUIli<l  C. 

lanncr'a  trndc.  afterword  htroiitln;:  ik 
Joiirneyiiinn  tanner.  trftvelliiR  throil;;)i 
parts  or  Switzerland,  Italy  and 
FrnniT.  Working  at  one  time  In  Iho 
city  of  /.nrleh,  sSwIf/.erlond,  he  ho- 
raiiic  acipialnteil  with  l-:llr.iibetli  \V(  hi- 
iiuinn,  who  later  hoeaiiic  hla  wire.  Ho, 
like  BO  many  other  forelgncra,  dceid* 
cd  to  leave  lila  ratlierlnnd  nnd  acck  ft 
homo    In    .\iuerleu. 

So  In  IK.-.I  he  Inarded  •  anil  rca- 
act  at  linvre,  Krnnec,  and  after  a  voy- 
I'gt  of  rirtythroo  daya  landed  at  New 
York.  For  two  ycara  lie  worked  In 
the  Fjiat.  KlIzalKith  Wcldiiionn,  who 
Blao  eniiio  lo  Amcrlea  on  a  long  voy. 
aisc  or  tlirco  niontlia  in  a  sail  vofiscl, 
Jolnid  Mr.  Ilirsbruanor  at  (IroBBwlch. 
Now  .leraoy.  where  they  wero  iiiarrled 
Febriinr.>  'JO.  kvVI. 

They  tlion  eaiiie  to  Ini1lnnil|K>llB,  Mid 
Inter  lo  Terro  llnnlo.  In  IH,-|»  they 
moved  to  I'nrke  I'oiinty.  ond  located 
nhoiit  one  iiillo  north  of  .MarBliiill. 
where  he  erected  a  tannery.  In  l-SCit 
ho  piiri-hnaed  a  trort  of  Innd  near  Iho 
Niirrowa  of  Sugar  t'reek  of  Salmon 
l.iiBk.  He  hoiii;hi  thIa  land  for  tho 
pnrpoBe  of  building  n  tannery,  which 
he  did.  The  ndvanlages  he  aaw  were 
the  niimher  of  oiik  trees,  whleh  would 
fiimlah  hark  fur  tanning,  and  nlao 
l,he  oiiTllent  water  aiipply,  from  aoina 

the  woik.  For  aoinc  ycnrfl  thla  w.ib 
tlic  only  tannery,  ond  nlao  tho  last 
one  In  the  County.  While  running 
the  tannery  a  P"stofrlce  was  estahllsh- 
ed,  nnd  called  l.tisk's  Springs.  In  hon- 
or or  Ihe  original  owner  of  llie  springs. 
Mr.  Illrshninner  was  postiiiastcr  for 
a  niiniher  of  years. 

In  imo  he  moved  with  hin  children 
to  Ilockvllle.  hla  wife  having  died  In 
is;i2.  'I  lie  remainder  of  hla  daya  were 
B|>ent  In  lloikvlllc.  w„ere  ho  died 
Fchriiary  -I.  llllll,  having  rcai  he.l  tho 
oge  of  no  .venra,  4  months  nnd  1'4  ilnya. 

In  1110  affnlra  of  tho  state  and 
Xnllon  he  was  always  Interested.  For 
a  niinihcr  of  years  ho  was  a  Kepiibll- 
cnn,  hilt  early  In  tho  organization  of 
the  I'rohlhltlon  party  ho  allied  liliii- 
self  with  llmt  parly  and  earnCBlIy 
Imped  for  nnttonni  prnlilhltlon.  Of 
hiB  children  two  died  In  Infane.v.  Thoao 
rrmalning  are,  .Mrs.  .1.  A.  Woods,  of 
Sylvanla.  ,1.  (1.  lllrBhrnnner,  or  Mon- 
ler.iima.  J,  A.  Illrsiininner,  of  Ollvol. 
Illinois,  nnd  .Mrs.  .1.  A.  Ilrllton.  .Ma- 
tilda HtrBbrimncr.  Mary  Illrshninner. 
of  liockvlllc. 

JAM  I'M  11.  iinniiF,. 

.fniiics  II.  .Moore,  long  a  prominent 
citlxen  or  Hiigar  Creek  township,  waa 
liorn  In  Virginia  In  nnd  when  a 
yoiini  man   settled   In   Sugar     Crook 

tnwiiBhlp.    I'arke    Coiiiily, 
was   nflerward    liinrric  d      I 
Hunt  In   INls. 

■I'hey  lived  for  many  years  where 
her  faiher.  /.Iiiirl  lliinl.  formerly  re- 
side,! on  Mill  (reek,  and  niitll  she 
dhil   III    1ST.-.,     He   reiiialneil   n  cllb.en 

'I'hey  wero  the  parents  of  several 
ihlldren  who  sllll  aitrvlve.  lint  only 
two  Of  iheiii.  anil  .xniii,  ore  now 
leBldenis  or  l'arl<e  Coiiiily,  residing  at 
or  nrnr  Annapolis.  Ilo  wns  nfler- 
waid  married  lo  r.iniiia  Ingram,  sis- 
ler  of  Will.  Ilawllngs.  and  lived  on  Iho 
i.f  hii.h  lowiiBhIp  until  his  dealli  In  farm  nilja.-ent  lo  the  Hock  Ulver  rliih 
mn.  Iln  ererleil  the  two  story  dwell-  hoiiBe.  where  many  or  Ihe  Hunt  nnd 
Ing  house  w-ieie  .lohii  Cox  now  resides,  .Mo"re  raiiiily  reunions  wero  held  prior 
and  their  home  WHS  one  or  liosplinllly  to  his  death, 
nnd  good  eheer.  B.  IT. 

■loUS  n.\Ki:il.  cltliens.     Iln  died  on  the  tilth  or  No. 

Whoso     ani-estors     wero     Ucvoliitlon-  vemher,    ago    7ll.    James   H.   nnd 

nry  putrlnia  fimn   Virginia  nnd   Mary-  Frank    N.    linker,    of    Kvanavllle.    anil 

hind,   waa   horn    In      llnrdstown.     Ky..  .Mrs.    Ida   Kngles  of  Terro   llante,  are 

Jnly  111.  IKS.-,.     A  short  whilo  after  hla  his  surviving  children. 

•ililcst  brother.  Samuel  N.  linker,  eaiiic 
to  I'lirko  I'oiinty.  John  Maker,  then  u 
boy,  rniiie  here  oml  heeaiiie  n  iiieniber 
or  the  family  unlll  Ills  mnntago  wllh 
.Miss  Kllzii  i'eleiB.  .March  2.  1SI4.  He 
learned  tho  i  halniioker'e  trade  and 
worked  nt  It  In  lloekvllle.  For  ninny 
years  he  wna  n  Jiistire  of  the  peace  for 
AdaiiiK  township,  and  ho  held  the  of- 
llee  of  lyler  In  the  .Mnsonle  lodge  fur 
rorty  years.  I'nlll  the  oiitlireak  of  the 
(  Ivll  war  he  wos  a  Deiiiocral.  nnd 
during  Ihe  wnr  and  afterwards  until 
the  organlzaUon  of  the  I'rohllilthin 
laity  he  was  n  l(epiihllcan ;  ho  then 
he.  nmc  n   rrohlhlllonlst. 

John  Il.iJcer  was  one  of  tho  young 
Mien  of  I'arke  Coiinty  who  had  a  pro- 
loiind  rr spe.  I  and  great  admiration  for 
Tllghmnn  \.  llownril.  It  wns  one  of 
the  keenrst  dlRappolnlmcnls  of  his  . 
llfo  when  l.'cneral  Howard  was  de- 
feated for  Covernor  In  ISin.  m  a 
campaign  long  oflerwards  the  Itepiili- 
llc.ins  were  making  a  fentnre  of  ISIII 
voters  who  eiipporled  Dencral  Har- 
rison In  the  "log  cnliln  nnd  hard  elder 
eampnlgn."  1'hls  polltlenl  craze  caus- 
ed the  defeat  of  (lenernl  Howard  nnd 
'Sipilre  llakir.  altliniiKh  n 
nl  the  time.  slUI  held  It  In  reseiilmont. 
So  ho  remorked  In  tho  ipinlnlly  hil- 
iiior-MiB  way  that  eharorlerlzed  hlni. 
"When  they  get  to  looking  for  IN  10 
voters  who  didn't  vole  for  Oenoral 
Harrison,  send   tlieni   to  liio." 

'Tnele  John,"  ss  three  generntlons 
of  lloikvlllc  children  arrectlonately 
enlled  htm,  wlillo  modest  nnd  lo  a  de- 
gree dlrridont.  hnd  a  great  fund  or 
humor,  and  was  always  a  woleomo  ad- 
dition to  any  company  of  hla  follow 

rnui.ny  i  i:.\it/io\. 

I'erley  I'rnrson  was  the  son  of  Wll- 
Ham  nnd  Mary  (Anderson)  Pearson, 
who  In  IS2S.  cnme  to  I'nrko  f'oiinty 
from  .Miami  I'oiiiity.  Ohio,  nnd  settled 
In  I'enn  township,  on  the  hanks  of 
I.entherwood,  west  of     Itloomlngilalo. 

rr.Htr\  p 

where  I'erlry  wni  born  .March  2.  1H.'II). 
■  luring  his  nilnurlly  he  worked  on 
Ms  fntiier'B  fAriii.  attended  srhool  In 
log  school  hnjises  nt  different  points 
In  tho  township  nhd  for  two  tonus 
w-as  a  student  at  lllooiiilngdnio  Arnd- 
rniy.  Ho  later  look  up  school  teiiehlng 
for  a  short  iiorlod.  In  IfVll  ho  was 
Joined  In  uiarrlago  to  Kllia  Ellubath 



l>ii('l<.  ilnncMrr  nf  Jniiirn  nnd  Sua- 
iMinli  Kihh.  or  IJlL-nr  roiinly.  III.,  In 
\Uiiiin  III'  foiitut  nn  liKliiKtrloiiR,  iip- 
iIkIii  nn.l  ■i-ir  ilinyliiK  wlfn.  nlunys 
rrnly   In  lend  n   lirli.lni;  liaiiil. 

Mr.  IVnnnii  wnn  n  rr.l.lrnt  nf  llio 
InvMiKlilli  nil  hl8  llfn  with  Hip  Fx(r|i- 
linn  of  .■!  1-2  vrniK.  llnic  lie 
Rlinii  In  I'nnnlnln  l'..iinly.  Inil.,  re- 
liirnliii:  nil  nivnnnt  ot  milk  Bl<'l,nrHs 
unit  Ihr  iri-ncral  iinliriillliy  rnnillUonn 
li'KiiKIni;  .mm  Ihr  wil  nnil  Ihrn  iin- 
ilnilni'il  Innil.  hiit  wlilcli  t»ilny  Is  prolv- 
nlily  nn  vnlimlilr  riirni  Inn.l  n<i  r:in  l.o 
iniinil  In  I  Ills  pnrt  nf  llio  SInlc.  Mr. 
rrniRon  «nii  iiinny  ycirs  a  l-'m;  Mf.son 
mill  wnn  Icniiwii  lor  liln  tciiii'ciuhro 
1111(1  innrnllly,  hln  Intliwtry  find  ncUv- 
tty,   rnr   tils   tioncBty     and     Intrsrtty. 

j(tsi:fii  V.  Kit  nil. 

JoBciib  Colciiinn  Hiiiltli  wnfl  liorn 
.Inly  l.'l,  I.HI.M.  near  Cnrllnlc,  Indlnna. 
I  In  ivnH  (ho  ynnnKrst  of  a  tnri;c  fam- 
ily of  rhlldri'n.  Mc  moved  with  his 
imrcnli  lo  near  Itorkvllle  when  he  wng 



land,  whl.h  wn.s  the  finlt  of  many 
.M'nm  of  hard  work,  nnd  Hie  rrsiilt  of 
the  help  of  a  g..od  wife,  whose  death 
oifurrcd  .tan.  2,  llll.'l. 

tn  early  life  Mr.  ami  Mrs  Tejirson 
he.uine  iiiiiiil.ers  of  the  .Melliodlst 
i:i»lHeii|tiil  clinrrh.  performttiK  an  active 
frrilie.  I.olh  rellKloiiBly  nnd  iiinterlally 
diirlni:  the  renialniler  of  their  lives. 
.Mr.  I'earson  snecunibed  to  pneumonia 
April  l.'ci,  1!II4. 

The  father  of  Terley  Tearson  estali- 
llnlird  nnc  of  the  early  mllln  on  l.enlh- 
cnvood  nnd  the  farts  given  on  paire  .';n 
«crc  written  by  Mr.  I'earson  In  IH.sil. 


and  new  court  linusc.  lie  made  sev- 
eral trips  on  rint-boals  to  Now  Or- 
leans In  the  flat-boat  il.^ys.  lie  died 
.Vovemher  II,  IIUKI,  at  Ibe  age  of  SS 
years.     He  naa  tbc  first  man  to  re- 

:■:■'    \   -  ■  •!» 




.MisKnl  r. 
seven  years  of  ane.  lie  was  a  carpen- 
ter and  eonlrai-tor  by  trade,  and  ro- 
mcmlicrcd  when  (he  first  honsc  was 
liiillt   In   Ilorkvlllc.     lie  did   iiiiieh  of 

Wll,l,IA.\J  lli:\r. 

Wllllniii  lliint.  who  for  half  ii  etn- 
tiiry  was  a  s^anmh,  Infliionllii.  iind 
l>int:iesRlvn  citizen  of  S-iuar  ».'rotk 
township,  was  born  In  Onl  ford  t'oim- 
I/.  North  Carolina,  In  I.MII.  and  died 
III  I'enn  township,  I'arkc  ('o'lnt.,',  In 

11...  -..IB  one  o'  the  ten  .lilhlren  of 
/imrl  Kiid  .Mary  DIx  Hunt  wh'i  cinl- 
';.rled  Ironi  Nnrlh  ('nrnllii,!  lo  Midi- 
am  wlirn  Wlillaiit  was  a  ynincsLor, 
and  (iliont  the  year  18:10  scllled  on 
.Mill  (reek,  one-half  mile  nurlli  -if  Its 
entrunie  Into  .'infar  Creek,  wlnro  lb<y 
encli'd  (lie  largo  two-storr  Iok  dwell- 
IniE  hiiiise  and  other  loif  iniiidlnu'a 
whh'h  still  Blaml  on  the  hill  nvKlook- 
Ine  the   Wilkin's   Mill   site. 

Kuril  was  Hie  homo  of  (he  Kilnt 
Ininlly  In  the  primitive  days  when  'ho 
loitntry  was  belnn  seitlril  by  eiiil- 
aranls  fin.n  other  Klnies,  nnd  iminy 
were  (ho  noctal,  rellRloiis  and  Indus- 
trial  lueetlnifs  had  nt  such  home,  nn- 
III  Uie  ten  children  wcro  married  end 
all  lived  tn  have  homes  and  roar  fam- 
ilies of  Hieir  own  In  the  northern  part 
of  I'aike  Cniiniy. 

In  ttioBO  earlier  years  ttao  settlors  of 


(clvo  tho  Master  Mnson'a  Oegrce  In 
I'arke  County,  and  at  his  death  he 
had  been  a  inciiilter  of  I'arke  I^dgo 
.No.  H  for  (i:;  years. 

the  new  country,  located  on  water 
tonrses,  where  mills  and  small  factor- 
ies could  he,  and  were  run  by  water 
power,  and  for  that  reasfJn  Wllliani 
llnnt'B  father  ECllleil  on  Mill  Creek, 
where  he  and  his  hrother-ln-law,  .Solo- 
mon .lessiip,  crei-ted  a  saw,  grist  anil 
Mirding  mill,  near  tiio  site  where  the 
Wllklns  mill  was  afterward  located, 
nnd  whrio  they  also  had  a  lioaC  yard 
lor  building  flat  boats,  and  Wllliaiu 
was  an  active  worker  In  nil  of  such 
places,  aa  well  as  on  the  farm,  before 
ho  was  married  to  Nancy  .McMasters 
In  IKIil. 

Khe  was  tho  dnugntcr  of  Wllllaiii 
>li'.Mastrrs.  who  was  a  captain  of  a 
.North  Corollna  military  company  In 
llandolph  County,  hernre  ho  nnd  his 
wife,  KIKiirali  Kdwanls,  moved  from 
that  Hlate  to  I'arke  County,  nnd  sct- 
lleil  on  Suk-ar  Creek,  near  llockport 
.Aillls,  In  IN.11, 

After  the  death  of  her  hiishnnd, 
Nancy  Hunt  resided  with  her  son,  Ill- 
wood  and  wife.  In  Ilockrlllo  until 
imMi,  when  ahe  died  at  the  ripe  old 
nge  nf  (kl, 

William  and  Nnney  Hunt  irere  tho 
parcnta  of  ten  children,  all  of  nbeui 

hut  one  lived  lo  tnoturlty, 
whom   sllll   survive,     hut 
Kinlly,  wife  of  J.  N.   MiCa 
Klwood  Hunt  are  now  resli 
Stale  of  Inillnna.     I.mlly  v 

nd  five  of 

\<illlniu   Hunt  nnd  some  of  his  neigh- 

niily      two. 

hors,  was  the  erection  of  a  log  school 

pi.ell.  and 

house  near  his  home,  where  his  cmi- 

uls  of  tho 

rircn   could    have   tho     mlvantnges     of 

s  the  nld- 

schiKjIs    heforo   such    pla.ri   were   pro- 

est  child,  and  KIwood,  now  at  the  age 
of  7:;  .years.  Is  County  Attorney  and 
the  Oldest  living  member  of  the  llork- 
villo  bar. 

■Ihcy.  William  and  Nan.y  Hunt, 
were  active  and  earnest  Christian  peo- 
ple of  the  old  and  subsl.intlai  type, 
end  tlieir  home  In  Kngnr  Creek  town- 
ship was  for  many  years,  nn  open 
lioiise  for  religions  nnd  social  gather- 
ings, for  old  and  young  alike,  and 
their  patriotism  and  devotion  to  their 
<tmntry  was  not  only  openly  and  earn- 
cstly  exprcpsed,  hnt  evidenced  by  the 
services  of  tlieir  sons,  Cyrus  and  I'.l- 
wood.  In  the  war  for  the  I'nlon. 

They  were  active  workers  and 
advocates  of  the  common  schools,  and 
one  of  the  proud  accoiupilshuients  of 

MUX.  MAltY  mutiny. 

Mary  Wilson,  daughter  of  Hugh  and 
Pnrah  Wilson,  wae  horn  I'eb.  II,  ISiiS. 
April  n,  1N'.>fl,  she  was  married  to  Her. 
■Tohn  R.  Tliomson,  who  afterwards  be- 
cnuie   a   professor   In   Wnhnsh   coIIcto 

and  author  of  "Tho  Land     nnd     Tho 
Hook."     Ilev,  Thomaon  died  In     IHliI, 

vided  for  by  law,  nnd  their  hospitable 
home  was  the  nsiml  boarding  place  of 
iloosler  Brliooiitiasters  In  the  days 
«hen  tlie  teaeliers  tmarded  around 
with  the  patrons. 

WM.Ti:i{  c.  lii)\M,l>.\nX. 
.liidge  Walter  ('.  Konnldson  was 
iKiru  in  Clark  Coiinly.  Ky.,  Aug.  J-J. 
IN<rJ.  In  addition  to  the  fails  print- 
ed elsewhere  It  should  lie  staled  H.i'l 
he  was  ii  arrled  .luly  L'l.  IK.'7.  to  .MIsa 
iiarlet  Thomas,  of  Shelby vllle,  K.v., 
who  died  In  IH.'1'.i.  He  then  married 
Kllrn  .M.  Conk,  hy  whom  he  liad  nine 
children,  .-ihe  died  Apili  l.'i,  IH'M, 
.luilge  lionaldson  served  lor  three 
terms  as  a  mrinlier  of  the  Slate  Hoard 
of  Agriculture. 

In  IMIT  she  was  mairled  to  I'eraius  K. 
Harris,  and  resided  in  llnrkvllle  until 
her  death  Nov.  jl.  IK117.  Wllilnm  ..i. 
Thomson,  of  Is  lier  son. 

In  her  address  at  the  with  anni- 
versary of  the  I'resliylerlan  church. 
.Mrs.  Juliet  V.  Strauss  said  of  .Mrs. 

"I  will  spe:ik  first  of  Mrs.  Mary 
Harris,  because  of  her  never  falling 
Christianity— the  sterling  ipiallty  of 
lier  religion,  she  was  one  of  the  few 
church  memlierB  who  alwnys  extended 
her  hand  to  our  family  and  chiimeil 
her  christian  sisterhood  Willi  lis 
tbrongh  tiie  dark  days  of  the  civil 
war  and  was  one  of  the  very  few 
cluiriii  nieuiiiera  wim  attended  the  fu- 
neral of  my  grandfather  at  a  lliiie 
»hen  our  family  was  In  dlsgrme  Willi 
the  church.  This  «na  genuine  re- 

I,H\I  II.  f.ASHr. 

r,ovl  I.anry  wos  liorn  in  Lincoln 
County.  Kentucky,  Teh.  11,  l«l  1 1  died 
.Ian.  1J,  IWil,  In  I'loridn  lownship.  lie 
WIS  tlio  aim  of  James  W.  Delaney  nnd 
Klitnhcth  linvia  Iielnne.v,  who  were 
born  In  Old  Virginia,  the  former  in 
the  yeor  1"II2,  nnd  tho  latter  In  ITlBl. 
Joaeph  .lelaney,  father  of  Jniiiea  \V. 
Ileloney,  nnd  grondfotiior  of  the  aiib- 
Ject  of  tliia  aketiii,  was  one  of  the 
parly     niileb     ircoinpanled       Uanlal 




of   K> 

iinil  wiin  uni'  i>r  ilio  rirKt  hi'IIIith  n( 
tlip  nrw  Torrltory.  'Chn  pnrenu  of 
l,rvl  l,nnr.v  Hcro  iiitirrind  In  Kentucky 
In  ilio  jonr  1X1 1,  iind  inin<'  lo  Indlnnn 
ihirlnit  tliK  wlhliT  of  IN'JIl,  doltllnB  In 
I'lorhln  townHlilp,  wlirro  l/'vl  rn- 
iiinlncd  iinlll   inrc.  when  lio  with  lilt 

Iv   nil   Ills  llfo  by   tiic  nnnio  of  r,ovl 



ntio>-.  Thr  oinlesion  of  "Do"  brInK 
'  lo  the  fart  that  hia  fnthor,  James 
I  telntiey,  could  neither  rend  nor 
l(>,  not  iiiiving  Imd  the  ndvantnize  of 
'  schoolInK  dnrlnir  hlR  early  life, 
en   tlio  family   arrived   In   Florida 

rniiiily  mo\(Ml  to  Mi-i  lonnnuh  eonnty, 
III  ncilH.  lie  .c'lili'nid  In  I'arke  iniinty 
.\nuiini  J:i,  ix;-.'.  iiinvlne  Inin  n  Ion 
hoiiiK'  on  I  he  farni  iii'  Ills  fnther, 
.IniMis  \V.  I>i'l:iney,  which  the  fullicr 
lind  owned  since  l>i;;!i.  nnd  ivTiorc  l,evl 
l,iiMiy  cllid,  .Inn.  I'J.  I.siil.  DinlnK  his 
rcsldenri'  In  Illinois  Mr.  l,oney  wns 
licensed  lis  n  loi-nl  |ireuilier  In  the  M. 
K.  rhiirc.i.  I'pnn  his  reiiirn  to  Indl- 
nnn he  heiniiie  nfflliateil  with  .Mis- 
slnnnry  liiiiillsi  church,  of  which  he 
wna  a  inciiihei-  and  prcnrhor  the  re- 
iiinlnder  of  his  IH'e. 

While  Mr.  I.niicy  was  known  near- 

srors  \iiii  rdi.i.isiiti. 

Siinisnrd     colllnKs     was     horn     in 

Shclhy  Cininly.  Ky.,  May  III.  IN'JI,  and 

lownshlp.  In  INlm,  they  wqcq  known 
;.nd  rcioKiilzed  hy  the  nniiie  of  "Itc- 
Iniiey."  (Jrailnally  their  nduhhors  he- 
;;an  lit  call  tllclii  "l.ancy."  which  nnllK* 
v.ns  finally  adnjilcd  hy  the  whole  fam- 
ily, c  writer  of  this  sketch  was  In 
Kcntmky  n  few  years  bko.  In  Lin- 
coln county,  the  orlKlnal  hoiiio  of  the 
liclnney's,  and  foiinil  that  tho  nanio 
was  hrlne  used  as  of  old,  .Ml  of  them 
aim  retaining  the  "lie." 
nnd  iiiolhei'  of  Levi  l>.  l,n 
the  farm,  In  I'lorlda  towi 
tliry  had  entered,  (he  for 

The  fnthe' 
ncy  died  on 
ishlii.  which 
nor  Jan.  II, 

l.sTi  and  liie  latter  ,Iuly,  1«12. 

died  ,Inne  I's.   mil,  ago  no    ,ve»r«,     1 
month  and  7  ilnys. 
lie  came   lo   Indiana  when  a  ehllil 





family  of  his  nlcpfallier  who 
ear  I'llnlou  l-'nlls  In  I'ulnam 
(In  the  l.-.tii  iif  A|irll.  IMII, 
larrlcd  to  .Miss  llchrcca  Mad- 
they  haiiplly  Jour- 
nK  and  useful  life. 
as  alsii  horn  In 
ttiicky,  Just     three 

r  hilshiind  with  whom 
'  years.  They  were  tho 
?n  suns,  ond  hail  lieen 
irs  hefore  a  death  oc- 
fainlly,     This  son  was 

dox,  nnu  loirctli 
neyed  throiiKh  I 
Itcl.cica  Mnildoj 
Shelby  County, 
days  before  lici 
she  lived  for  li 

married  *l.'l  .vc 
cnrred  In  theli 
llr.  O.  r.  Colllnvs.  who  died  In  Mex- 
ico, I'eh.  HI,  11)114.  The  six  sons  liv- 
ing are  .\rchlhald,  I>r.  S.  I'.,  |ir.  How- 
ard P.,  A.  .r.,  Xcrl,  and  William  U. 

Spiitsard  Colllngs  was  Breally  be- 
loved by  nis  follow  clllzens.  lie  was 
a  man  of  kindly  tompcraiiicnt,  nnd 
was  alwn.^'s  ready  lo  endorse  or  to  help 
along  that  which  would  he  to  (he  wel- 

MMiY  riin\vi:i,i,. 
Mary  I'rowell  was  liorn  In  <'on- 
necliinl  Nov.  L'l,  171).".  Klie  was  unit- 
ed In  marriage  to  Ilouhen  l.orco  of 
rinnsylvnnla  In  ISH,  They  moved  lo 
Sharon.  Hcharn  C'unnty,  New  York, 
where  he  built  a  house  nnd  they  lived 
for  four  years.  When  Mr.  I.orce,  whiise 
bitalncst   wRB   fiillowluL'  the  sea,   was 

laic  of  the  coiimmnlty  In  which  bo 
llvcil.  Me  was  a  nienibcr  of  Mount 
.Mnrlah  Malillsl  church  fur  117  years, 
and  n  Hie  lonu  Diiiiocrat  whoso  coun- 
sel was  often  sniight  In  the  days  when 
he  look  an  acllve  |.art  in  pollllcs.  He 
was  n  counsellor  In  a  i-olimiunlty  that 
stood  hik'li  In  I'arke  CiMinty,  and  hll 
advice  was  always  timely  and  nood. 

There  can  scarcely  ho  a  doulit  that 
Siiolsnrd  ColllnKs  as  well  as  all  uf  that 

III rolls  family  In  I'arke  Coiinly  aro 

of  lilood  kin  to  tho  /ebiilon  Cutllngs 
nnd  the  olher  men  nnd  women  of  that 
name  who  fL'ured  In  tho  I'Igeon  Itnosl 
imiKsarre  in  IMIJ,  as  told  In  the  first 
pages  of  this  work.  Tho  names  Zeli- 
iiliin,  l.ydia,  and  others  mentioneil  In 
ilie  history  of  that  irngedy  occur  In 
the  rnrke  loiinly  Colllnirs  family  rer- 
nrils,  but  no  ennncction  Is  givon  In  the 

nininder  of  his  Ilie.  More  tlinn  twen- 
ty years  Inter,  after  the  mnrrlngo  of 
her  dnughlcrs  nnd  she  hml  grandchil- 
dren. In  .May,  1X17.  Mrs.  Ilenhen  Loreo 
II  nil  led  .lames  Jnsllce.  They  moved  to 
lliickvllle,  where  she  lived  until  her 
death,  Oct.  tfl,  IWW.  Kho  Hni  n  rela- 
tive of  tho  I'rowoll'i  of  the  C'rowell 
rublleliing  t'o. 

Inst  at  sen,  leaving  his  wife  a  widow, 
with  two  children— mile  girls  -I'lar- 
hsi  .Minerva,  nflcrwnids  .Mrs.  I'rlcnd 
c.  Ilrown  of  I'lorlda  township,  nnd  I.u- 
ilnda,  later  .Mrs.  Henry  llocl<well,  nf 
■rerre  llaiile.  .Mrs.  l,orcc.  of  course, 
was  hcart-hroliin.  and  then  coiihl  not 
eilltc  give  up  his  retiiin.  ami  In  fact 
did  not  cnllrely  d'l  srt  for  many  years. 
Ill  ls:;il  lleiihcn  Ixiiec's  brother,  I»nv- 
i.l  I).,  who  named  I'lnrlda  townslil|i 
lor  the  tnwnshhi  from  whence  he 
i(.nK.  wllh  his  wife,  some  of  his  wife's 
looplc  and  his  sister  In  law,  Mrs.  lleli- 
hin  l.orre.  and  her  children,  of  wh.mi 
he  took  full  charu-e  and  care  after  his 
hrilher's  death,  as  they  had  no  ihll- 
dren  of  Ihilr  own.  slarlcd  Wcsl.  They 
wore  one  yenr  on  the  road,  being  dc- 
l.ilncd  In  f'inclnnnti  three  iiimiiiIib  on 
ncounl  of  Mr.  Loree's  Illness  wllh 
fevir.  They  starlfd  agnlu  nn  the 
water,  but  tho  boat  slaved  In  two. 
Then  they  hoiight  wagons  and  brought 
Ihe  lamllles  iin,  returning  later  to 
I  Ihclnnati  for  their  goods. 

Mr.  I.nreo  went  lo  the  land  offliv 
rnd  rntcred  UK)  acres  .if  land  In  I'lor- 
Ic'.i  township.  He  built  a  double  log 
cubiD  at  first  and  lived  thero  the  ro- 

ri,Mtiss.\  MiMUfiA  r.nitnn. 

riarlssa  .Minerva  I.orce  wog  Imrn  In 
Shnnin.  .^chnrn  County,  New  York. 
Aug.  I'll.  INIH.  She  came  with  her  peo- 
I  le  to  I'arke  County,  ind..  In  IN'.'ii, 
"here  she  lived  mull  her  death  .Inly 
•JP.  HKC.  She  wns  married  lo  l-'rlend 
Carter  Ilrown  Aug.  21.  IKIIJ,  anil  Ihey 
were  the  iinrents  of  eleven  children, 
live  nf  wimiii  nre  living,  namely;  .Ino. 
T.,  of  Florida  townshiii,  who  was  a 
sildler  In  Ihe  Civil  Wai,  l,onen  i:., 
wire  of  l>r.  .Imi.  T.  lllce.  of  Atllen, 
hid.,  Mrs.  Kiiilly  It.  Itiikea,  of  llose- 
rinle,  Inil.,  Mnrtlin.  wife  of  .lobn  Sll- 
coll.  nf  Indlnnaola,  liiwn,  and  I'.  ..., 
Ilrown.  of  I'lorldn  township,  who  re- 
sliles  on  the  old  home  place  nhout  one 
mile  northwest  of  the  -I.ilin  T.  Ilrown 
fnriii.  .\iiiong  those  deceased  was 
.Iniiies  Marlon,  who  several  years  ago, 
wan  conneclcd  with  the  lloikvllle  Nil- 
ilniMil  lliink.  They  were  also  tho 
Minndparenls  of  Ihe  aulhnrrss,  Katlier- 
lac  Holland  Ilrown.  She  often  relat- 
ed very  Inlercatlng  stories  of  tho  pio- 
neer days.  Sometimes  of  the  fen-  In- 
dians then  still  lo  bo  seen  in  this  part 
of  the  country,  ami  especially  of  the 
notiirloiis  "Johnny  Orocn,"wbo  boait- 



,'(l  III'  liiiil  wnliKd  li'.i  rhililroii  nii<',  In- 
li'Mili'il  Killing  (III'  liailh  liirnra  lie 

Shr  I, ml  ho.'  «j«(or  wi'iT  Icrilbiy 
iirinld  nr  hliii.  niiil  nrii-il  111  mhri-nlhlK 
llii'iiiKi'iM'ii  hill  in  (!»'  M'ly  liinHl  iliiii' 
k-i'rniin   iiliiiTi     liiMiKlniililc,     lliluliliiK 

iii'l  niiil  'I'liliiilm  I'nrti'i'  Mrann,     wna 

1 II    ■•")'    l<';    l»l."i.    Ill    NrlHilll   riMMll.v, 

Kouluiliy.  lie  diiii,'  Willi  lilH  fnlhir 
iiiiil  riiiiilly  tn  llockiiiiil.  hill..  In  isi'i, 
wliiTi'  hjH  riillii-r  lioiiKlit  n  rniiii  iiml 
ili.'y  llMil  iiiiill  hlH  fiiiliiT'*  drnlli. 
SoiiiniiiMi'  iifiiiwiiriiii  hlo  niiillicr  iiiur- 

like  Iho  .oslrlili.  ir  Ihoir  lirnda  were 
mil  nr  hIkIiI  llii'y  «rrp  mtc.  Ilow- 
iMT,  iin  linrni  i-ior  ni-fril  llinii  fn.iii 
IhlH   miini'. 

iitii:\it  iimnvs. 
/rl(  lid  CiirUT  lipiwn,  son  or  Sftin- 

NAM  nil,  It.  .KUISkTOX. 
Wim  born  In  Wyllipvlllc,  Wyilic 
iniinly.  VlrKlnhi.  .Inn.  lit,  I.sii.-,.  Al 
I  III-  iiKe  of  i;:l  yi'iiiB  ho  cnliic  to  rnrko 
rniinly  In  nniiiiany  witli  the  Urv. 
l-'nihrr  .McNiitt.  ono  of  the  pioneer 
lirini-licra  of  the  i'resliylerlr.n  rlnirrh 
..r  llnokvllle.  Iineiiiher  ir..  is.ll,  he 
wnn  iniirrleil  lo  Mian  .lane  A.  Kelaey, 
Hhnae   lilrllipliice   waa   Newton    Itrndn. 

I'liMl  iiu'iilli,  niid  Ihi'.v.  with  her  fnh  ' 
ll.ydln.  Siiiilre.  Iliinlel.  Trlenil.  A/ 
In,,,  l':il/.:i.  .■,lna,  MIIph  nnd  Siihiii 
mill  I'd  in  rnikr  rmiiily,  Ind.,  In  Is 
where  he  ennllnnid  living  iiiilll  I 
III  nth   hell.   II,  V  .1. 

ern,  nnd  n  iiiiiiilier  of  aninller  bnlld- 
Inc-s  'onx  aliire  ileniotlahed.  After  the 
hirth  iif  their  two  dniiKhtera,  Hose  K. 

mill   .M.'iry   A Iiiialon.  they   removed 

lo  Kixnn'.s  .Mllla  I  .Miinnfleld,)  where 
lie  took  poB.ii'BRlon  of  the  farm,  and 
liiitit  the  Iioiiee  now  owned  and  ocen- 
pli'd  hy  hia  unn,  .1.  II.  Jnhnalon. 

Ilia  life  on  tlie  form  wiia     n    very 
nrdiiiina  one,   with  ninny  drend  plneea 

Irelnnd.  To  Ihein  were  liorn  rlRht 
rhlldrin,  three  of  » lioui  anrvlve — I, 
II,  .lolinalon,  of  .Mnnafleld,  Mra.  .Innc 
I.,  IHIIn,  of  .MInhitrn,  liiwn.  nnd  ,MrH, 
..I.  Keeiiey,  of  lloikville. 

Ilia  iieciipntlon,  thnt  of  hriek  iiinaon, 
he  piiraned  for  n  few  yenra,  ronBtriiet. 
Inif  or  helping  conatrtiet  aome  nf  the 
old  lliiie  lirli'k  hnildlni:a,  nolnlily,  llin 
old  foiirt  lioiiBc,  the  Andrew  Hay  tav- 

hnl  with  enrneal  endenv- 
or  and  will  Hint  knew  not  defenl,  ho 
wmt  fonvnrd  enrneally  iinti  lonHClrn- 
tliiiialy,  iilvliii:  lo  everyone  hIa  Jnat 
dill  a.  nnd  helplnu  In  ninny  wnya  llinae 
leaa  fiiitnnnle  tiinn  hliiiaelf.  In  htn 
chnlce  of  a  rotiipnnliin  ho  waa  alcnnlly 
Ideaaeil,  na  I  hey  eneli  alood  Ingether 
for  nil  llilnKa  In  coinnion :  atood  for 
tlio  improvonient  find  utitlft  of  all  tho 

|.l.'   ,,r    lllll,'   liiivii    mill    loiii- 

ii,iilill>.     i,,iM'  II,,'  ui'iiiiiiil  mill  iiiiii<l  III 

I  he  min  III  ,'i,',l  n     elnin  ll,     ivhleli 

iliiy    liiilh    heliii'il    Bii|,i«irl    BO   hnik-   iib 
llli-y    llMil.      ..Ira,    Jiiliii»lnn.   n   Zi'iiluiia 

iiii'iiili.'r  or  M,  i;.  iliin.h,  orKiililzid 

nil'    flml     SiiMililh    Hi'hniil     111    ,liirk»i,|l 

111 IT   nf    ynila.      Uinlni:    llie    lli'l,|'|. 

Iliili,  hhr  IniiMil  11 inmoiit:  liiT  mnnl. 

lillil  diilli'H  III   lui ,  1   in  Kii  Inin  n  hiia- 

l-llnl   Ml    UiiilKillle.    Ky.,  mill   rni-e   fur 
I  he   hlrk    mill    wniinili'il.     line    nolnhle 
ml  Of   liei-  life  wiia    I, Willi  Hie  help  of 
some  of  her  ni.Rlilinr  vioiiien,!    lo   rid 
,  1 1-  ln«n  of  n  B:iloon,  n  hicli  hiid  Ion'-' 
iei'n   u   iiii>e   1,1   Mil'   loniiiiiinlly.     Af- 
ter a  life  of  ir-ind  deeila.  plie  piipaed  to 
her  lewnril.  need  iw     years     nnd     II 
S.  II.  Jo..nBlon,  while  not  n  ineinber 
*  of   any    rellfslona     oru:inl7.ntlon,     held 

iiv/./.fiif    i\/i   Mii,Ti>\   iinnsdw 

Wllllnm  llnlia.m  wna  Imm  In  llilll. 
inrd  I'niinly,  Nnrlh  I'lirolinn.  In  ITIiT. 
lie   iviia    mnri'li'il    In    lliilli    Newlln    In 

IS-.'J.     'Ihey,  with  n  fen   nihrr oved 

111   wnunna  lo   I'nrUe  I'nnnly,   IniUnnii, 
In   I.HJs.     There  were  Imm  to  tlila  tin- 

Uliiilly  inwiird  nil.  Ilia  homo  nlivnya 
wiia  II  Hiiiiiplni!  phire  fur  nil  rhrlalliin 
I'liiple.      lie    wna    widely    known,    nnd 

eh  reB|,e,lrd  l,y  nil.     <  nion.l  .Inhn. 

iliill,  na  he  wna  faiiilllnily  knovin, 
wi  a  hniinii',1  liy  annie  liii|inrlnnl  Iriiala 
111  I  he  hnllda  of  I  lie  peiiple  of  I'nike 
I-..1I11IV.      The   flml    wna   na    lleineaenl- 

I, live  III  nil'  llelliTiil  A«H I,|y  In   INIIl, 

In  isil.-i  he  wna  iliiled  m  llie  offire 
(,r   rniillly   r.iiiiiiilwHinner.   lind   re  elnl. 

Ill  In  IS'W.  Ill  ihla  enimi'liy  he  du. 
ilmreid  hla  ilnlleR  In  a  iiiiinner  Imn. 
nnilili'  nllki'  In  hliiinelf  nnil  hla  eon. 
pllliii'iilH.  A  m:in  of  atertlnir  ipinl. 
itlea,  who  ainoil  fur  the  rlchl  In  nil 
IhlnKB  with  n  kindly.  Invliiu  heurl, 
thai  went  out  In  nil  hla  fmiilly  nnd 
frlinda  nnd  lo  every  nnlninl  nnd  eren- 
tine  thnt  ennie  under  hla  nliaerlnllon. 
A  iiinn  niiionc  men.  (Invo  up  hla  llfo 
nt  the  nee  of  .si  yenra  nnil  II  nionlhi, 
loved  nnd  reapecled  hy  nil. 

Itnlh  llnlann,  wna  hnrn  In  (Inllforil 
loiinl.v.  North  I'ninllnn,  In  IS-Jil;  iiinv. 
ed  wlUi  hla  pnrenia  In  I'nrke foiinly, 
indlnnn,  In  I.S'Jn.  lie  miirrled  fhnr. 
Ily  Mallldn  IMivIa  the  lilih  of  .Mny, 
IS  IT.  To  thia  iinlnii  were  Imm  Ihlr. 
lein  ihlldren:  Wnlhiin  KMim,  llrplin 
.lime,  ijenrife  WnaliliiKlon,  Mnry  Ann, 


Ion  ten  rhlldren.  vl/.:  Kinilo'.  nmrrled 
Simon  llnilley:  llllzn.  died  Isl'J:  Mil- 
ton, 11  nrrled  fhnrlly  linvia;  VIernn, 
n  nrrlrd  Irlnli  lloikrtt:  fynthin, 
nmrrled  liilnena  lloikelt:  Khoda, 
nmrrled  (Jcorcc  >lny :  .lolin,  nmrrled 
.Mnry  llnndy:  InfnnI :  Kll.  nmrrled 
Mnry  Woody:  William.  Jr..  married 
.Innt  Woody.  Wllllnin  llolisnn  wna 
an  lioncBt,  priiaperniia  farmer  of  his 
tlic:  was  a  niemlirr  nf  the  thinker 
ihiircli  nnd  a  llvlni:  example  of  lis 
IcnchhiRS.  Wllllnm  died  In  ISHl. 
.Villon,   oldest   son   of   Wllllnm   nnd 

mj:x.\mii:ii  i:i,ni:ii. 

Alexnnder  KIder  wna  nnn  of  the 
rnrly  aeiilera  of  WnahliiKton  town- 
ahlp.  eiitnlni;  In  I'nike  Cnnnly  f'rniii 
.Mndlaim  Coiiniy.  Kenlneky,  In  IS'.'.", 
he  wna  hnrn  In  Kenlinky  In  ITsil.  hla 


of    I'l 

ain.  nnd  nf  Irlali  deaient.  The 
rnme  to  I'nrke  I'onnly  with   n 

ir«e  waifon,  a  curt  and  a  yoke  of 
Mr.   KIder  entered   threo  i|iinr- 

^ellnnn  of  (roverninent  land, 
a  rndo  cabin  and  siiont  tho  rO' 

llnriiit.  i:niily.  .MIelinrl.  Mntlldn. 
.Inhn  lllehard,  Jnalnh  llnvia,  Itiith 
Aninndn.  .Mnrlhn  Vlienn,  lllioda  Cn'o- 
line,  iinlhiie  .Mnrelle  nnd  nn  Infnnt 
ann.  Clmrltv  llnhann  depnrled  Ihll 
life  April  I'J.  IIKil.  .Milton  lloliann  In. 
herlled  a  blrthrlitht  nirinlierahlp  In 
l-'rlrnda  eniinli  nnd  mnlnlnlned  Us 
|irlml|ilea  with  anch  ronallen'y  nnd 
Intcrral  that  he  waa  known  nnd  le- 
aiecled  fnr  his  honealy  and  slroim 
•  onvlctliins  of  Jnatlee  tn  his  fellow- 
men,  lie  departed  this  llfo  June  Js, 
nail  I. 

II  ninder  of  his  llfo  on  tho  rami,  his 
death  niriiiInK  in  isiul.  Ills  wife  was 
Ann    .MH'nrd. 

lie  wna  n  man  of  alrnnu  chnrarler 
end  very  tinnclnna  In  hla  virwa  nf 
whnt  ho  tliniiKht  to  he  rliihl.  In  poli- 
llea  he  wna  a  lienioernl.  lie  wna  nne 
.  nf  the  men  who  helped  orninlao 
I'leaaaiil  llrnve  ehiirrh,  an  orRnnlin- 
lion  nf  I'reilisllnnrlan  llnpllals.  Tho 
ncetlni;  hoiiao  wna  croi-ted  on  tho 
fnmi  of  .lolin  Overmnn  on  Iho  Mar- 
ahnll  and  lloikville  rond.  find  w«»  ono 
o(  tho  old  land  marks  of    tli«    town- 



ship  until   recent   years,     when     the 
IttillillnK   was    removed. 

.iAMi:s  .)/. 

.Tallies  >r.  i:ider,  wm  or  .\lcxani)er 
KIder,  was  tliree  .rears  of  age  when 
he  iniiie  lo  I'arke  Connly  with  his  par- 
ents In  l.SL'.l.  lie  Bjient  his  entire  lire 
at   the   old    hoiiirslead.    taklni:   eliarge 

lie  was  married  to  Sarah  A.  Burford, 
(liiiiRhler  or  William  I>.  and  Mary 
.Noel  Itiirrord.  who  came  to  Tarko 
t'oimty  in  Wl'.  'I'hey  wore  the  par- 
intB  of  nine  ehlldren,  three  sons  and 
six  danehters.  t>ne  sun  died  in  In- 
laney.  William  A.  died  In  1N7T.  and 
Horn,    wife   of      Dudley      McWIIIIams, 

c.mrnclerlBllcB  of  Jiii 
MO   litfl      klndhrartf dn 
and   his  profnilml  Intel 
Itors   anil    fellowmen    gen 
had   not  a  single     enemy 

I.  Kiiimn.  wife  nf  Wilson 
died  In  inl.-i.  The  nlher 
the  rniiilly  are:  HIlMlieth. 
wife  of  I',  nverman.  of  lloikvllle. 
Anna,  wife  of  .losejih  I>.  Adams,  of 
Indlinopnlls.  Klla.  wife  of  Wllhert 
nine,  of  .Monlc7.iiina,  wife  of  Dr. 


W.  |-i 

of  II 


i;,.   the   iiriM|iant   of     the     old 

lie  had  the  respert  and  lilirh  esteem  of  nan   whose 

every  one  with  whom  ho  raiiio  in  eon-  tlu    ripened 

met.     lie    was   a    liiird     and      patient  'lie  was  a   i 

worker,  slipporttnK  and  sii|i|i]ylnK  well  In   hnmanit 

not  only  a  large  family,  but  for  years  Inlli  In  tlie 
furnishing  a  homo  fur  many  relitlvo, 

and  friends.  progrt 
In   1841,  It  the  age  u(  twenty-ri 

10  eonnrll   grew  out  of 

icrlenres  or  a  long  life. 

of  fallh.     lie  hellcved 

ile  WHS     a     llemocrat, 

inary  and  In  tno  hmail 

lie  believed   In  liod.     Ilo  was 

,....,...  „.ilve    in    every    enterprise,      ne 

was  llliera)  In  his  tbotiglits  of  others. 

lie  was  filled  with  the  spirit  of  char- 
ity.    Ills  sympathies   were   deeji   and 

nn.Lhwi  ir.  /  sf/s.i.v  UAnaiA 
in  Mfiinr.Yfi. 

Wllilnm  Woods  iliimphreys  was  the 
recond  son  of  Captain  .Tolin  and  Itetsy 
Woods  llmiiplireys.  wiio  came  to 
I'arke  County  In  IS.I11,  when  their  son 
Wllllaiii  was  11  lad.  Captain  .Toiin 
Humphreys  was  tlie  son  of  Ilavlil 
Carlyle  lliimpiiroys,  who  crossed  from 
Ireland  to  Augusta  County,  Virginia. 
BOitn  after  the  Uovoiutionary  war.  lie 
married  Miss  .Margaret  Klnley,  who 
W08  a  woman  of  remarkable  Intellect. 

In  Kdgar  County.  Illinois,  hy  the  nov- 
crend  Joiin  Steele.  She  was  a  woman 
of  wonderful  mentality  and  very  wide 
information,  a  decided  gift  for  liter- 
iiturc  and  was  n  lirilllant  conversation. 
alist  and  a  fine  linguist. 

On  Dec.  27,  1SUT,  William  Ilumph- 
leys.  who  was  a  man  of  extraordinar- 
ily fine  character,  died  very  suddenly, 
lea\lng  his  young  wife  with  four  chll- 
ilren,  the  eldest  only  a  little  past  six 
yenrs  of  age'.  There  w-ere  threo  Uttlo 
girls  and  an  Infant  son,  Wllllani 
•  iamallel,  who  died  when  ho  was  four 

John  Ilumplireya  settled  first  In  Rock- 
vllle  In  tiie  house  now  occuiiled  hy 
Charles  Harrison,  but  moved  soon  to 
the  farm  south  of  town,  now  tlic  homo 
of  his  grnniison,  I'rank  .M.  Iluiii|ilireya. 
William  Woods  Huiii|>hreys  was 
married  Dec.  i:.'i,  is.'.ll,  to  .Miss  Susan 
.Marcia  King,  daughter  of  Austin  and 
Louisa  Kinf.  of  (inindview,  Illinois. 
Tiie  Kings  were  from  WbIcb  and  .Mrs. 
Ixiuisa  King  wos  a  ,>iinith,  her  grand- 
parents of  tlie  Sprugues  of  Scotland, 
who  came  to  the  .>itate  of  New  York 
shortly  after  the  Uevoliitlou.  Susan 
King  received  a  classical  educiitlon  in 
B  private  school  kept  near  her   home 

/•'.  ir.  nrxwinnii:. 

Franklin     Wecms     DIuwiddIo     was 
lorn  on  a  farm  In  Adams  County,  near 

years  old.  Mrs.  Susan  Marrlo  lliimph- 
rcyB  lived  a  widow  In  Itoikvlllo  for 
over  forty  years.  She  was  of  a  very 
retiring  diBpnsltlon,  iiut  those  who 
knew  .her  well  will  always  rememher 
the  chiiriii  of  iter  most  iinhpie  and 
hrilliant  |iersonallty.  She  died  Janu- 
ary 7.  Ilnrj,  leaving  three  daughters. 
.Mrs.  <!.  D,  I.lnd,  of  (  Went 
Virginia.  .Mrs.  I.  II.  stroiise  and  Mrs. 
W.  .N.  Carlisle,  of  Itockvllle.  .Mrs. 
Isaac  It.  Strouse,  second  daughter  of 
William  Woods  and  Susan  Marcia 
Humphreys.  Is  known  throughout 
.\merlcii  as  "The  Country  Contribu- 

Gettysburg.  Pa.,  July  14,  181R;  died 
April  '.;.'>.  mm.  nt  his  homo  In  noek- 
vllle,  Ind.,  at  the  ago  of  02.    Nor.  II, 

.  uinvnpDic 



ml.-,,  lin  n»«  limrrli'cl  to  Ml»i.  tirlionill 
Juno  llnlilnrlli'.  nr  Vnrk  S|.rlnu«.  I'n., 
whn  rilirl  In  llockv  lllo,  Mny  \:\,  11H17. 

(If  IhlK  nnl»li  Ihrrc  were  nU  rhil- 
(Irrn.  .Mr«.  Muriu  LoiibIh  lowvorlliy, 
hiillniinpnlln;  JninrB  M.,  di-c.iiBPd  In 
l,V«i;  IrnnUitn  A..  <l.'ifn»cil  In  Infnn- 
■  )■;  Cpoiko  T..  of  rriiirKforl,  Inil.;  Wll- 
llnni  I'nIKix  nnil  I'M  II.,  of  .■^liprldnn, 

In  IIiIoIkt,  INIT.  Mr.  imil  Mm.  Uln- 
«lddlo  roiunvcd  from  (liitt>il,niR,  I'a., 
1,1  lln'rnniHll,',  Ind.,  iind  In  Mii.v,  |n|s, 
iiiMi,'  lo  l|,..|<vlll(-  in  nijikp  llioli-  lioino. 
Mr  unit  di-|'iii.>  Coiuicy  Clrrk  under 
IJcorKC  "riMnMi-HO?*,  and  for  ycfira  whb  ft 

,ii\{\  iirif  III  fif  I  \  IV 
Aloxiinil,'r  Itiichiitmn  cinic  to  I'arkc 
Connty  Willi  hl»  f.ithcr,  Jnnioii  llnch- 
nnnll.  In  IVJI.  lie  «06  I'Orn  In  .Mrr- 
!cr  County.  Ky..  Nnv.  ■.'.-..  lMi:i.  nnd 
nus  Ihcrcforc   In    lili  Nih  year  when 

inenih.T  of  thu  Town  Covincll.  Wni 
ciccli-d  Connty  lioionlir  tor  l",i 
IcriMB;  nflomnnl  for  HI  years  n:iB 
l,o..kkoop'-r  for  the  l-lml 
liank  of  Ho.  kv  111c,  nnd  was  Ihen  elei  I- 
cd  Connty  'I'rcnsurer  for  two  lorniv  In 
nil  llirBe  poBlllnUB  ho  was  fallliful  and 
Ills  clear  pcntnanijlilp  can  bo  iTU  lo 
thin  day. 

lie  Joined  the  Independent  Order  ot 
(Idd  I'ellovvB  In  Se|iteniljer.  l.')!.",.  In 
Ceiiyshnrk'.  Ph..  and  was  a  .  charter 
nieinhrr  of  Howard  I.ndse  No,  71, 
l,n,k>llle.  In  imlltlcB  ho  was  an  ardent 
Whlii,  nftcr»ar,li  a  llepnhllran.  Ilolh 
1.1'  nnd  hlB  wife  were  life  lone  nicni- 
'.itra  of  the  Prethyterlan  clnirch. 

Alrxiinder  lliirhnnnn 
January  J^.  IMJlh,  to 
Allen,  a  «lBler  of  Ilcv, 

c  waa  born  In  Shell,; 

iBB  nmrrlert. 
llBB  Harriet 
I'm.  Y.  Allen. 
Illc,  Ky.,  and 

lame  lo   Tnrke  County   In    l.lil.  Their 
three  children    were   JOBcpli  v.,   EUk* 

hiB  father  nettled  on  the  InntI  near 
.liulHon.  which  Iuib  ever  aince  rctnaln- 
rd  In  the  llucliauan  -fauilly.  No  cnhin 
or  hnhliallon  of  nuy  deKcripllon  cilsl- 
pil  between  the  month  of  Snuar 
Creek  and  the  lliichanan  settlement 
when  II  hrldio  |inlli  known  aa  the 
"lliiihennn  trail"  was  cut  In  1R22. 

iir.itiini:  r.  iinnr.i,!,. 

tieorise  f,  Howell,  who  for  many 
yiara  wnB  a  familiar  flmire  to  ,ill  o( 
the  people  of  I'arkc  lounty  who  trad- 
ed at  llo'kvllle,  nn.l  e»peclally  to  Its 
ntlnenB.  was  the  »nn  of  Mllnola  pio- 
neers who  enuie  to  that  .Mate  from 
New  .ler«ry  In  the  late  llilrtles.  Ho 
was  linrn  In  llodfrey.  111.,  on  .Innc  II, 
'SIS.  The  only  edurallon  he  was 
ohinlned  In  the  i-oouuon  Behoola  In 
lllln„li>;  hut  I.elUB  nnlnrally  of  a  fpilet 
and  Bludloua  dlnpniltlnn,  he  ac,|nlred 
client   prac'th'al     education     for 





nature,  nnd  In  hlH  Inter  years  devoted 
all  of  his  spare  time  lo  tho  stndy  of 
the  oniBhrooniB  growlnn  In  tho  vicin- 
ity oMlockvlllr.  In  hiB  InvesllKatlonB 
he  disrnvcrcl  Bev.'ral  unela»Biried  va- 
rieties of  UMiBhrooioB,  nnd  was  honor- 
ed by  having;  one  of  IiIb  discoveries 
named  for  lilui.  Mr.  Howell  eaino  to 
I'arke  Connty  In  the  early  Beveutles. 
abiMit  the  tliuo  hn  nllnlned  hii  major- 
It/,  and  was  firat  •mployoil  br  the  Uto 

ahcth  and  William  V.  lluchnnnn.  .Toa- 
eph  C.  lived  iit  the  old  homo  placo  tin- 
III  Ills  death  .lantlary  U.  IIIHI.  ilia 
son,  James  C.  Ilmhnnnn,  Is  tho  only 
survivor  of  Joseph  C.'i  fniully.  and 
Wllllaiu  V.  Iluehanan,  of  Judion,  Is 
tho  only  snrvlvor  of  the  family  of 
.Mcxandor  Iluehanan. 

Hoinn  KerKUson  and  his  nssoelatcs  In 
n  sa'v  mill  near  Cnloma.  <,nt6r  ho 
worked  for  .Mr.  KeririiBon  In  the  saw 
mill  now  owneil  l,y  Ferguson  llrolh- 
era,  and  still  later  for  Ott,  .Moore  ft 
lloyd,  leaving  the  employ  of  tho  lat- 
ter firm  to  CO  Into  the  grocery  hual- 
nesB  In  pnrlnerslilp  with  Chcever 
Ito.vd  In  the  room  on  tho  Kast  KIdo  of 
the  puhllr  »|uaro  In  norkvlllc.  whoro 
he  was  In  hnslneBS  at  the  time  of  his 
death.  He  eonllnned  tho  grocery  busl- 
nrflB  for  a  number  of  years,  and  then 
added  a  hardware  departuient.  Ijitcr 
he  disrontlnned  tho  hardwnro  depart- 
mrnt  and  started  a  dry  goods  and  no- 
tions department,  eventually  going  out 
of  the  groeory  hnalncBs  altogether  end 
devoting  his  entire  attention  to  tho 
dry  goods  and  notions  business.  In 
which  ho  was  engaged  at  tllo  tlmo  of 
his  ilealn. 

In  is7r.  he  married  Mory  Rogers, 
diiuchter  of  the  late  James  R.  KigerB. 
a  pioneer  of  I'arko  Connty.  Of  this 
union  ons  md  »u  born,  D.  R.  Ilowall, 

who  Is  a  lawyer,  nnd   resides  al    Rait  hy  the  same  man  at  the  lahin  pineo. 
Lake  City,   CInh.     .Mrs.   Howell     died  Mr.  Howell  will  ho  best  ro- 

a   few  months  before  her  himhand.  At  inemhcrcd   for  his  lovo  of  naturo.   Ilo 

the  tluio  of  his  death  .Mr.  Howell  had  was  a  very  tp'let,  reaerved,  iTiid  con- 

l«en  continuously  engaged  In  liuslncss  icrvatlvo   typo  of  man,  a  mod   bust- 

(IMmoK  T.    IIOWICI.I 

on  tho  Kast  Hide  of  tho  square  In  Ihe 
■iinio  rooiuB  for  thlrly-two  ,vearB,  and 
lita  bnslnesB  waa  probnhty  the  oldest 
In   Itoekvlllo  eontlnuonsfy   carried   on 

II  Ally  KY  AD.WIK. 
llnrvcy  .Vdams  was  born  In  itoss 
Connty,  Ohio,  July  II.  isj.'.  Ilia  par- 
ents moved  with  their  family  of  four 
rhildrcn  to  Vigo  County,  Indlnna,  In 
IKIll.  itoon  after  they  came  to  I'arko 
County,  and  settled  on  filttle  llacroon, 
tlirce  ant!  one-half  niUct  cast  of  ftoek- 

ncBB  man.  n  good  cltlr.en,  and  a  good 
husband  nnd  father.  Ho  died  In  Hock- 
vllle  on  August  <l,  inn,  and  his  re- 
mains rest  In  tho  lloekvllle  coiuctory. 

many  subjects,  which  was  really  ro- 
markiihle.  He  was  Intensely  IntcrcBt- 
cd  In  tho  religious  and  educational 
development  of  Ills  nelghlK>rhood  nnd 
Count.v,  and  was  liberal  In  his  dona- 
tions for  such  purposes.  In  IN-in  ho 
married  KHu  A.  Caruthcrs,  tn  ,wiilch 
union  eight  children  were  Iwni,  tire 


vllle.  Tho  homo  placo  coaslstcd  of 
Ml  acres  of  virgin  timber,  with  a 
clearing  of  only  1."  ncrea.  Ity  dint  of 
hard  work  and  privation  tho  timber 
waa  cleared  and  tho  land  now  Is  part 
of  one  of  tho  liest  farms  In  tho  County. 
Ills  education,  like  many  others  of 
the  pioneer  daya,  waa  of  a  rndluton- 
lary  character,  but  oerred  aa  tho  foun- 
dation for  t  general     knowlodi*    ot 

of  whom  are  living.  Probably  few 
rcrsona  have  been  permitted  to  enjoy 
more  of  a  degrcJ  of  suceess.  He  pass- 
ed iiway  In  Apill.  1l«H.  .Much  of  hia 
success  was  Indirectly  aehloved 
through  the  Indomltahlo  courage  and 
iwracvcraneo  of  his  wife,  who  diod  In 
June.  tni2.  and  waa  laid  beside  her 
hushanil  In  the  ccraetonr  »t  Rock- 
rule,  iDd. 


.h «    r.ih".in»nM    .Moiris, 

Wllllnni   nnd    lii'C«>-    Morrln.   v. 


ulio  /loltlril  on  n  rnriii  nrar  T^oOirr- 
"n..,|.  iili.iiil  four  iiilloR  norlliwrel  of 
llncUvlllr.  lie  Intrr  nr.|iiliTd  ft  farm 
nlioirc   a   iiillo  rnni   o(  roloiiin,   hIiIoIi 


if.,                      ;.          ■■          (>      ■- 


'■  -    vr\  rJ ' 






I'jir   Stiiunlniml 

nil.    "'n 



Ilr    Rlici-pfiRi'tllly 


unlll     hi 

Iriilnlii.  Orldlic 

:»i,  ivj 

.     1 

n  IML'H  ho 

(Ipiilh.    which    1 

cciirri'il    In 

IN117.    Mrs 

.MIC     Willi     liln 




Imuii'  N.  (lit  Ik 

one  of  Ilia 


o.  r.   Itrown  wiiB  ono  of  llir  most 
widely    known    men    llvlilu    In    I'nrke 

the  InrceBI  Innd  owner  In  the  County. 
.Mr.  Ilrown  In  niienklnK  of  hl«  RtirreBH 
iilwnyii  cave  tmich  i-ridll  to  hln  wlfe'n 
hel|i.      lie   wna    married    In      IHin     to 

■W  ^>  t"  '' 

'^,.XV:..,-^-       :■ 

■          T            ,        ; 


1        /                 i 


..  JZ„„__  J . 


Nov.    IS,    l.s 

neiir  Venice,  Ohio,  nnd  wiiB  hrouirht 
h.v  lilH  pnrenlB  to  llenervc  townKhIp  In 
I.HJI.  .\B  n  hoy  he  nRslsted  In  clearlnK 
the  Innd  hln  fnllier  h"ucht.  In  IS'.!)  he 
Blnrled  out  for  hlniReir,  huylnc  ^"K 
nercB  of  Innil.  nml  hy  cIobp  appUcn- 
tlon  he  p:ild  for  this  nnd  mlded  to  It 
linlll  nt  the  time  of  hiB  death  he  was 

.Mnry.  dniiKhter  of  .I"hn  nnd  Itchcein 
.Moore,  honored  iiloneera  of  thia  Stntc. 
.^lie  died  hi  1*<."»'1.  Ills  second  wife 
wna  Ndiiry  \\"iirner.  dniiphtcr  of  'Sun- 
iinnnh  and  .loel  Warner,  who  were 
Ciirly  Bctller.i.  .Mr.  Iliown  died  Oct.  I!i, 
l:«il,  nnd  his  wife  died  I'eh.  •.'•),  incil. 
rive  dnnchlers  nrc  living;  tho  two 
BoiiR  navlng  passed  away. 

Ut/M'  11111,1.)  nnnntS.  nt    that   time   an    Irish     achoolmnBlcr. 

Mnry   llliiin   ihiodln.  the  siihjccl  of       Ilia  parents  hnvlni:  educated   hlin   for 

this  sliil.h.  wa«  honi  In  Ilrncken 
Coiinly,  A|>rll  1.  ISl.s.  Her 
hiolher  died  when  she  wnB  a  small 
child,  hut  slie  found  n  Kood  home  with 
a  Chrlsllan  fniiilly  by  the  nniiio  of 
tlrcKL-.  who  Enve  her  the  kinil,  snme 
allinllon  and  tienlmenl  as  one  of  the 
fnmlly.  At  the  ni;o  of  elKlileen  Bhc 
was  married  to  William  Ooodln,  ar., 

a  fntliolle  priest  hut  nfler  c'lMipletlniz 
his  e.lii.ntlon  did  not  take  to  that 
faith  \ery  slronp.  but  cnmo  to  Amor- 
lia  where  he  took  «p  tho  profesalon 
of    school    tenchlnn.      Ho     tniiKht      In 

Ohio.  Ken ky  nnd   Indlnnn.  nnd  was 

one  nmnni:  the  first  tearhers  In  I'nrke 
<'oiinly.  K». United  Stntes  Senator 
llnrlan  was  ono  of  biB  pupils     when 

f.'irhlns  In  this  county.  Iio  Imd 
hoMKliI  land  In  ihiB  county  as  early  ns 

I.Mlli,  and  h edinlely  after  tney  were 

married  came  lo  Jn.liSou  lowuahlp, 
where  they  hiL-nii  the  ln»U  of  opcnlnc 
lip  a  farm  In  the  forest  of  this  town- 

try,  they,  nlniiK  wllh  other  aelilerB 
hcKnii  to  erect  tnoro  cnmfortahln 
homes.  At  Mr.  (lomllirs  ilealh  IVh, 
•j.s,  i.Miis.  he  owned  over  one  thniiannM 
aires  of  Innd  In  I'arke  and  rounlalii 
coiinlIrR,  hut  iiinst  of  It  yet  In  virgin 


■■••■     •    -•■■vi      J....\      '»••'.  ;    -•►.-'..,■ 
-.'■■■  ,■•■"'  \*.'^.*','\--    ;    :•,'■: 

l^-.-  V';  v.f,   ,;.'   ..'.;  .  ..•■■■     ■■  U  ■ift!.*':  , 

,!  ■;-/<  -■     ■   ■;'■,  ''•';..*/ 

■   = .  >,'.  .     -  ^1  .,■,'.'« 


A^^tmrlrffA,^  -i*^ 

.MABV    lllll.l.l 


III.  Their 
iiile  affair,  luolhcr  cnrlli  fur  a  door. 
It  ns  time  went  on  nnd  they  hewnn 
realtr.e   something   for  their   Indus- 

r;/.f».  iinwr.i.i,  il.\\f<i:r,. 

tJeorge  Howell  llanscl  was  horn 
near  Mansfield,  .Inly  7,  )s:\\.  Pled  at 
the  soldiers'  home  In  lianvllle.  111., 
.May  II.  lul:i.  .Mr.  Hansel  wna  the  first 
man  In  Tarke  t'ounty  to  enlist  at  the 

loiesl.  .Mrs.  (iondlu  conllnned  lo  llvo 
on  the  old  homestead  unlll  her  death 
April  1.1.  tx:r.i.  she  wna  loved  nnd  re- 
spri'teil  hy  nil  who  knew  her. 

recovered  from  hin  wotintiB  ro-enllstcd 
In  Co.  "IV  tilth  Indhinn  Infanlry, 
and  served  the  remainder  of  the  war. 
Ho  was  uinrrled  Aug.  I,  IMIH,  to  Hii. 
plimnln  Martin,  who  was  horn  Nov, 
■S2,  IN^Ii  nenr  .Mnnsfleld.     Mr.  Ilnnicl 

lieglnnlnf  of  the  Civil  Wnr,  walking 
twenlyfour  miles  to  enlist.  lie  rose 
to  the  office  of  .'feeond  I.leiilennnt  of 
Co.  "K,"  4:id  Indlnnn  Infantry;  wns 
wounded   nnd    returned    home.      When 


Wns  of  ijerninn  pnrcntngr  and  was 
horn  In  rennsylvanln  In  When 
twelve  .years  old  no  went  to  North 
Carolina,  where  ho  lived  until  1R2I1, 
when  he  cnmo  to  Indlnnn,  nenr  In- 
dlnnn|K)lis.  In  1H'.I2  ho  cnmo  to  what 
Is  llcserve  township,  and  a  poruianont 
settlement  wns  mado  here. 

It  was  BOOD  after  tats  coming  that 

a  tlnn 

p   kept 

■  hy  trade  and  for  a  lo 
general   store   at     .Mai 

•  hnrih  and  school  life  were  CBtahllsli- 
ed.  At  first  religious  servlecB  were 
held  In  his  liome,  but  later  through  bis 
efforlB  n  chiinh  wns  hullt  nnd  It  was 
called   r.lnelinrgor  Chnpel. 

In  IM7  tho  work  of  John  Mnc- 
hnrger  wns  finished,  but  Jt  wn«  taken 
lip  by  bis  sons,  Jonn  nnd  Andrew,  bis 
other  children  baring  moved  away. 
After  *  few  years  Andrew  was     left 

.      lltIN     ^«.II 



i.nrt  he  on  hl»  fiilliii-  ImkI       i nin iilly,  !m  tliln  wnn  hia  lioiiK 

111    ilc'iilh    rnlh'd    hlni      tvhon      nl 
liv       iilnilytwii  jiniK  of  nKC     llo  rcnr 
/I       lurKi'   rniiillj.   Ills  Kon.   I.cvl   MnnluirK- 
lo      rr,    llvi'i,  on   (ho  old      h.iiiio     pincc— a 
ir-       nlii.T  llinl  lina  lic-ni  known  UccnnBO 
KoncrouB  hMBpltnlUy  and  kindnc 

Midi.'w    l.liiol.niK.T    wim 
nil   lunillliiv    hi    ISI.-..   nnd 
III    l.iiy    when    hlH    i.nniim 
Ihiiin.     ■Ihr   l.ny   mIII.t     liilcr     h 
10    tho    fiilhiT   nnd    iiJvlKor    of    II 

7i>;/v  Ml  III.  Aiiiorlcn  In    IMii,  cvcnlimlly  nimo  lo 

.lulin    Miilr    wnB    l.iirn    lininilior    I.  I'lilko    Connly.    nhoro    lio    boiiKlit    r.iai 

IMJ,    III    KlliiinrilocU.    Ayinlilro,    Sint-  n.  ron   nf   liinil.    Mr.   .Miilr   continued   to 

land.     He  wius  odiinitod  In  the  iinrlfih  »iirk  at  his  loom  nnd  to  deal  In  real 

i'IhiiiIh,  nnil  nl  llio  hh<-  of  tnolvo  Imik 
|i  Iho  Undo  of  lilH  tnllior.  lonininu 
II  woiivo  collnn.  wnol,  ullka,  and  Iho 
ololnnlod  PnlKloy  Blinv.'lH.  Do.  with 
la   wire   nnd    four  i-lilldren  oniiic   to 

v.iiriir.ii  i'i>i.i;\i,\\. 

/.iiphor  rnlnimn,  son  of  /jiphor  and 
;iiilly  roloiiiiin.  WHS  horn  Soplonilior 
,'i,  noiir  Minsfli'ld,  and  wns  prob- 

lo  was  iiinrrled  three  tliiios 
Iho  fntlior  of  sixteen  clill- 
:  .Mrs.  Oils  Ames.  IlvlnR  In 
township.    Mr.      Mnir      died 

J\  IHi.v  to  Tolliha  rriiett,  diniRhtcr 
of  Slriihen  and  .Nnoiiil  I'niett.  Mra. 
foloninn  was  horn  April  n,  INJil.  In 
l\entiirky.  hiit  moved  to  L'nrko  Coiin- 


('■  ;•;?/%■ 


i  ■■'  ■  :*r^j 

t-:  -      ,.i  cC  ,.■■■  r 


iihly   (he   first   white  ihlld     horn     In  ty  when  but  a  child.    Twelve  rhildrcn 

Jarkron  township.     ..e  laiiio  of  sturdy  wore  horn  to  .Mr.  and   Mra.  Colonian, 

phmeer  slock,  nnd  during  his  long  Ufa  nine  of  «  hmn   nro  still     llvinf!.     Mr. 

►aw    oh    of    Iho     (lovolopinent     of  foloiimn  died  Auk.  1!7,  1807,  and  Mra. 

I'arko  t'oiinly.    llo  waa  married  April  I'oloninn  died  July  U1,  lOlB. 

N  I  Iff ;;/,  rixuiY  nirriii.i.t.. 

Knniiiel  I'Inley  .Mitchell,  son  ot  Hob- 
ert  nnd  .Mart-nrel  Ailaiin  .Mitchell.  nn« 
iNirn  In  Itaei-oon  lownahlp,  .>lari-h  17, 

rroiii  Vlrnlnhi  In  IN-.1l. 
Ihree  llvInK  children.  . 
Sontllo.  Wash..  .lohn  11. 
wife  of  A.  r.  ("lemnn. 
Jnrkson  township.     A  dn 

They  litre 
nines  A.,  of 
and  Miry  J., 
iho  realilo  In 
ightcr,  Anna,  Mr.  Mitchell  spent  nil  of  his  life 
In  rarko  County.  He  was  married 
.Mnrcli  II.  l.'i-.l.  to  Ithodn  t'.  I'nyne, 
rtniiKliter  of  .Intuea  and  Snrnh  l^llen 
I'ayno,  who  i-nnio  lo     I'nrko     County 

KtlUniOX  II.  (IMtllKIIK. 

Hnlonion    II.  llnrlRiis   naa     burn     In 

.\"ew  .leraey  In     iwwi.     lie     enmo     to 

I'nrko  County  when  b  young  umn  and 

■cttlcd  In  Jnckaon  lownahlp.     lie  nas 


who  dlid  April  I'd.  IS-M",  nnd  two  In- 
liints  prei-edcd  their  pnrenta  to  (no 
life  bo.vond.  .Mn.  .MIteliell  died  Oct. 
:il.   INu.-,,  nnd   .Mr.  MIteliell  diod  Nor. 

•Jl.  'IIHIII. 

ilia  of  the  nrmocrntle  (larty.  A  man 
of  Inlelllk'onie,  Integrlly  and  patriot. 
Ism,  he  did  mtloh  towards  the  dorolniH 
iiienl  of  tho  County  nnd  teailing  Ita 
rIMo  government  along  tho  llnca  that 

aOLn»o:t    D.    OARI 

one  of  tho  cniilost  school  leiichera  In 
Iho  roi;nty,  w-ns  n  Jiistlco  of  tho  poaco 
for  forty  yoara,  sorred  as  County  Pur- 
veyor, nnd  naa  protulnent  In  the  cotin- 

I'>.eklnl  II.  White,  grandson  of 
Thoiims  Whito  of  Itcvoliitlonnry  fame, 
waa  horn  .Inly  "1,  IX-U  In  Hunting- 
Inn  Cnunly,  I'enn.  Mr.  White  and  hli 
wife,  Mary  Nugent  White,     caino     lo 

gnve  Parke  County  llie  reputation  It 
had  In  the  dayo  of  Ita  grcatcil  aacend- 
enoy  In  the  Stale.  He  died  May  18. 

Jnokaon  townahlp.  I'arko  Tonnty.  In 
1N.M.  where  he  taught  acTcrnl  lerma  of 
arhool  and  served  as  truatco  two 
lerma.  Mr.  Whito  was  one  of  the  pio- 
neer throahormen  of  I'arko  County, 
owning  ono  of  tho  (Irit  traction  on- 



Kinrs  in  thia  imrt  nr  Indfnnn.  .Mr. 
Whllo  trnvrlnl  cxtrnaivply  and  visit- 
ed iiiOBt  of  ttio  Slntra  In  the  Missla- 
Blppl    Valley.    Ho    made    several    trips 

down  the  illiio  and  .MiflRlsBlppI  lUv- 
PI8  on  rint  iKiiiln.  lie  wns  the  futher 
of  thlrlppii  rhll.iron,  elcvrn  of  whom 
OYc  now  alive.  Mr.  White  died  Uc 
cemlior  :i,  isimi. 

M.ritr.h  .r\7>  in/oha  n\ni.i:Y. 

Alfrrd  llnriley  ann  family  (of  a 
wile  unci  tlnTC  i-lilldron.)  cnine  to  In- 
diana about  the  year  IH."Jt,  and  to 
I'arko  roiinty  from  Mnrcnn  Connty  a 
Cow  yem-8  later.  IIuvIhk  Ita.l  tiniiB- 
iinl  (dncntlnnal  odvuniiiKrH.  fen*  a 
Hhort  time  he  waH  rnRn^ied  In  tench- 
hiK.'^r  ho  Kttidlnd  and  pmctlcoil 
lioth  Ian-  and  iiipdhinc  and  niirvoylng. 
Me  served  ns  County  Surveyor  a  niini- 
htr  of  yeiirs  wttlle  llvlnn  In  IiIh  nn- 
live   Htnte   of    .North    Cnrollnfl.   a   cub- 

toiii  not  (inuBiial  at  that  tlnio  for  one 
of  Kood  nttiilniiiont.  Aa  a  phmcer  of 
I'arke  <'oiinly  lie  recocni/.ed  Us  eplon- 
did  rcBonrres  and  possibilities  and 
laitorcd  rarncstly  for  their  develori- 
inent,  at  one  time  orRiml/.Int:  a  stork 
cohipimy  for  the  ltu|K>rlatlon  of  flno 
stork:  at  another  prodnclnn  the  larg- 
CBt  yield  or  corn  I'or  acre  produced 
that  year  In  the  Mate,  and  at  still 
another  nterchandislng  In  dry  goods 
and  pork  nn  an  eNtcnslvo  scalo  for 
thnt   day. 

Ills  most  dlstln^ilHhed  cliaracter- 
Istles  (us  his  bloprapl'.er  hag  aptly 
Haldt  were  not  along  ilie  line  of  nm- 
lerlfil  development.  Alfred  Wadley 
wiis  a  refoniier,  not  Impetuous  and 
i'anatleai,  bnt  t-ool  nnd  calciitattng,  bo 
pirrsued  the  object  of  hiB  reform  with 
(btnrmlnation,  which  was  nUlinately 
mire  of  Itn  go-l.  'I'hroiiRh  forro  of  rlr- 
cnmBlanc-efl  In  part,  and  witli  tho  prof- 
fered rooperatlon  of  his  liberty -lov- 
ing wife,  who  together  wltii  hlmaelf 
imltlbpd  an  elermil  hatred  for  slavery 
Willie  living  In  liie  Soitlh.  they  main- 
tained II  8(Btl<in  on  tiie  rnder^roiinii 
Itallroad  near  Itloomtngdale.  and  as- 
glstrd  slaves  to  Canada  and  to  free- 
dom from  almost  every  slave  State  In 
the  Cnlon.  They  were  nenorously 
and  iiraveiy  iisslHtcd  In  this  by  Dr. 
Ilnraie  Cannon,  whose  activities  were 
along  reform  lines.  lie  was  great- 
ly Interested  In  education.  Ills 
Ideiie  along  many  lines  were 
ahead  of  his  day.  They  lived 
In  see  the  triumph  of  the  principle 
nnd  cause  tliey  cepouHod  and  for 
which  they  Biifrered  denunciation  and 
perBociitlon  and  loss  of  property.  Al- 
fred lladlcj  wdB  a  lifelong  luoinber 
nf  Krlendfi  church  and  strongly  In 
symiputhy  with  Hh  |irlneli)lpfl  and  oitrn- 
est  protest  against  slavery,  war  and 
Inleniporance.  I'raco  was  tho  next 
great  principle  to  which  this  brave 
■  ■loneer  gn^'o  special  entphaBlB,  but  not 

tlirougli  jK-rsecution  and  peril  of  lifo 
and  proiierty  us  In  the  struggle  I'nr 
freedom  lor  a  race,  for  that  question 
had  not  yet  reached  Us  crlBls.  lUit  In 
his  dying  hour  "iiear-e.  peace"  was  his 
theme  of  thoiiglit  and  utterance. 

Kejolcing  that  labor  la  tho  law  of 
our  being,  bo  l.ccame  one  of  the  found- 
ers tif  "Western  M.inual  Liil)or  School'' 
(now  Htoomlngdalc  Academy.)  A  law 
or  jirlnclple  then  t"0  ineogcrly  reeog- 
nl-/(d  for  liuuierllato  bucccbb  In  an 
educational  way,  but  which  is  now 
coming  to  Us  own  In  manual  training 
schools  and  similar  InstltiitlonB.  See- 
ing the  need  of  some  help  In  teaching 
small  children  ho  made  a  primer  and 
a  primary  grammar. 

Alfred  Madley  wbb  born  In  Cull- 
ford  County,  .V.  ('..  Hepteinhor,  1«»0; 
died  1M7I.  Ithoda  Ilndloy,  wife  of  Al- 
fred lladley,  was  born  In  («ullford 
Couniy.  North  Carolina,  May  IWt,  iwi,", 
nnd  was  five  years  younger  than  hor 
husband.  HIto  was  a  woman  of  strong 
chai'Bcler.  nnd  was  deeply  embuctl 
with  the  spirit  of  phlUntrophy,  Rho 
died   March  8,   iHft'J 

.tA.uh's   wMti)   .\\n    i:u74.\bFjTI{ 
iinidUT  iti'.AhLi:. 

.Tames  Ward  Headlo,  a  dcBcendunt 
of  an  exile  from  the  tyrany  of  Charles 
the  -Jnd  <>f  Kngland,  was  born  In  Jof- 
ferson  County,  Kentucky.  Sept.  ao, 
IS(nj.  and  moved  wiili  his  parents  to 
Clark  county,  Indlann,  when  a  small 
Itoy,  but  returned  to  his  natlvo  Stato 
when  grown  to  manhood,  and  June  2. 
t.s.'t'J,  was  unlteu  In  marrlago  to  Kllr,- 
abetli  Itrlght.  They  lived  on  the 
biinkR  of  the  Oiiio  Illver  for  a  short 
lime,  then  moved  to  Oallatln  County, 
Ky.,  where  ho  rented  a  farm  with 
seven  Blavea.  (None  of  tho  Bendlci  or 
lirights  ever  owned  slaves.     In   18ar> 

the  fiiuilly  left  for  Indiana  and  lived 
two  years  on  land  bo  bought  before 
II  arrlage.  Sold  Ibis  and  moved  to  Mb- 
(rty  township.  I'arko  Cotinty,  In  ixi": 
Wllllaiu  II.  II.  and  John  II.  were  Itorn 
here.  I le  then  bought  the  farm  one 
mite  northeast  of  Howard  of  ''L'tO  tic- 
res.  Ksijulre  Iteadlo  wont  into  busi- 
ness In  Howard  Just  as  the  boom  days 
caused  by  the  building  of  the  canal 
liegan.  Ilo  bad  been  a  Justice  of  the 
pence  five  years. 

James  W.  Headlc  stood  il  fed. 
Inches  and  whs  a  powerful  man.  se- 
verely just  In  all  bis  relnllona  of  life, 
but  most  genial  nnd  <-ouiplalKnnt  to 
friends.  Ilo  passed  away  Ajirll  IN. 
INTii.  aged  Tl'  years  nnd  *l  iMonlliB. 

The  writer  of  tills  apprnnches  Hie 
subjret  of  .Mrs.  Kllzal.oHi  Kright 
Meadlo's  life  with  loving  rovoremo  fo. 
Bhe  wiiH  n  wimderfiil  woman,  gifu-d  tn 
mind  nnd  an  n  converBntlnnntlBt  and 
a  helpmeet  Indeed.  Hbc  was  a  daiigli- 
(er  of  Capt.  John  Hrlglit  of  St.  .Mnry'H, 
.Xinrylnnd,  and  I-:it/.nbelh  Murroughs 
llrlghl.  The  llrtght's  were  from  Scot- 
land iind  tho  KurrougliB  from  llngland. 
Horn  lS(i.*i  near  S(.  .Mary's,  .Maryland, 
where  bor  pnrenis  wero  living  during 
the  war  of  ISI-J.  Mrs.  liradlo  had  n 
vivid  recollection  of  the  slegn  nf  linltl- 
more  and  of  the  landing  of  the  Kng- 
llsh  trooi>B.  as  Heneral  Itoss  made 
their  home  hiB  head<|Uiirters,  nnd  (rUd 
to  coax  Mrs.  Heaille  awny  from  her 
parents  and  take  her  to  Kngland.  edu- 
cate and  find  her  a  titled  liustiand.  All 
declined  with  thnnkfl. 

Mrs.  noadle  died  In  IHsp.  just  after 
her  birthday,  her  twin  sister, 
-tnn  IlnzKnrd.  of  Mberty  tnwnshlji, 
dying  a  stiort  time  boforo.  .My  love 
and  veneration  for  tho  Stars  and 
strliicB  came  from  my  mother's  teach- 
ing, an  It  was  an  almost  daily  oecur- 
ranco  to  sro  us  gather  around  hor 
chair  to  listen  to  tlio  story  of  hattlu 
tir.d  slogo.  J.  W.  11. 

iEaiiu  ^i^ttli>rs  attb  prnmiui^nt  fwpl^ 

In  llin  follow  hiu  cnluiiins  hrlcf 
rkclchia  nil-  kIvoii  ot  riirly  Bclllors 
mill  |»o|.|o  who  iviTC  iiioiiilnnit  cll- 
l:.nm  or  llio  I  nnnly.  'I'lii'  wrilcr  had 
I  iipoil  Hint  llilH  and  the  lorrwliiR  dc- 
lii'tiiii'iu   w.Milcl   be  much   larpor  tlnin 





ontl  woii  en  have  been  omitted  who 
nre  worlliy  of  a  phu-e  here;  hut  he 
imrtlriilnrly  desires  It  to  bo  known 
lliat  Ihc  omission  In  no  event  Is  due 
lo  any  Inlendon  on  Ills  part,  and  that 
lie  la  In  no  wise  to  blame.  Three  ap- 
praJB  were  published  In  the  I'liunly 
papcrB  lor  diitii:  as  much  lime  na  was 
poiBllilc  was  devilled  lo  personal  so- 
Ihllallnn  liy  Hie  ulltor  and  by  David 
SIroiise  who  frerilly  naslsled  In  ol>- 
talnhiK  Ihr  innterliil  for  what  appears. 
Mr.  Hliouse  wrole  many  letters  to 
rioHi-endnnls  of  ploneors  now  llvlnK  In 
the  County,  hut  even  when  postaRO 
was  enelosed  for  reply  his  roiiuest  was 
In  some  Inslanres  Ignored.  It  la  to 
he  lOKretted  that  soiiio  of  tho  descend- 
aniR  of  pioneers,  now  enjoying  the 
herllnKC  of  comparative  wealth,  the 
rrsiiU  of  privation  and  toll  of  their 
hncestiirs.  are  iiKerly  Indifferent  to 
the  opporlunlly  to  pay  Iheni  a  tribute 
and  lo  i>erpetiiato  their  memory. 
Happily  this  la  not  true  of  many  oth- 
ers who  hnvo  contrlbutrd  iiortralts 
and  sketches  to  Iho  prei-edlnir  pages 
In  memory  of  Ihelr  fnlhers  and  moth- 
ers. The  following  sketches  have 
been  obtained  Id  varlouB  ways — from 

pieviollsiy  lalbllshed  biographhs,  from 
oiiltiiary  iiodres.  and  from  personal 
Know  ledge  anil  Imiulry  ; 

lf),llfN  Tiiwxsilir. 

Al.i:.\.vMiKu  rcKTT,  joungest  son  of 
Coleiian  anil  .Tudy  .Moore  I'uett,  was 
born  In  Hurke  County,  N.  C,  January 
l.-i.  ixiill.  In  .March.  IS-J.I.  the  family 
settled  three  miles  northwest  of  Uock- 
vllle,  and  In  1S2S  located  In  Uockvlllo 
on  the  farm  Just  west  nf  town.  Ilo 
iiianied  ...Ineria  Strain,  August  '2ft, 
I.K'll.  Of  four  iblldren.  Shelby  C. 
ruclt  and  Mrs.  I,ui-y  Itates,  nre  now 
living  In  Itoi'kvllle.  .Mr.  I'uett  was  a 
man  of  high  Ideals  nnd  a  successful 

.liiiiNMoN  I'rrrT,  brother  of  .\lex- 
aniler  I'uett.  came  to  I'arko  Cminty  at 
the  age  01'  Bl.xtoen  nnd  went  to  work 
nn  a  rinlm.  Ilo  became,  through  In- 
dustry and  oconniny,  the  owner  of  a 
large  farm  In  tho  eastern  part  of  Ad- 
ams township.  Ilo  married  MIsa 
I'alsey  Noel,  anil  llioy  were  the  par- 
ents of  seven  iblldren,  the  only  surviv- 
or. Kllsha  A.  I'lielt.  of  Ixing  Beach, 
California,   being  tho  youngest. 

.lAMKs  .MiKwi:^,  was  horn  In  I'en- 
nsylvanla,  March  20.  1802.  In  June, 
M<2n,  he  was  mnrrleil  to  Miss  Swear- 
Ingen,  of  I  rawfiirdsvllle.  Ilo  was  tho 
father  of  ten  rhlldren.  three  of  whom 
aro  now  living:  Charles  a.,  Mrs.  Mar- 
garet J.  Nye,  and  Mrs.  Mary  FraocM 

Safely.  Ills  fnlber,  James,  belonged  to 
a  mllltta  force  nnd  wns  sent  tn  ipielt 
the  whiskey  Insiirreetlon  In  Western 
I'euns.vlvanfa  In  17!'l.  and  was  also  In 
Ihe  war  of  1SI2.  He  wns  an  ardent 
I'rrshylerlan,  who  lived   In  the  faith. 

llniiKiiT  Mir.wEx  was  liorn  In  Pen- 
nsylvania In  ISfio.  In  1H2I1  ho  eamo 
with  his  lirolher,  James,  lo  Uockvlllo, 
ami  the  two  started  a  tnn  yard,  which 
\i-as  a  rtnurlshing  Industry  at  Ibnt 
tine  nnd  llioy  rnnilniied  that  biislness 
for  about  twcnty-flvo  years.  In  I.H.'17 
he  and  his  wife  united  with  Hie  I'res- 
b.vterlnn  rhnrell.  In  which  ho  was  an 
clilel-  for  over  forty  years.  Ily  Indus- 
try and  careful  mnnagement,  ho  accu- 
mulated considerable  properly.  Ilo 
was  a  eharltahic,  piihllc  spirited  citi- 
zen. Miss  .Mary  MclCwen,  his  daugh- 
Irr,  nnd  granddnugbler,  Miss  r.iniiia 
I'otts.  now  reside  at  the  otil  home- 
stead In  Itoc'kvllle, 

I'Kiisnn  K.  llAiuiis  was  horn  Nov, 
;iii,  imil.  In  Wilson  County,  Tenn,,  and 
died  Oct.  a,  18117.  aged  ml  years.  He 
came  to  ItorkvUle,  Ind.,  In  the  year 
1H'.>i),  and  engaged  In  the  dry  goods 
business  on  tho  North  Hide  of  tho 
public  siiuare  for     nearly     thirty-five 

DAVin  WonnaupT  Btark  was  bom  In 
the  year  I.80II  In  .Mason  County,  Ky., 
and  died  May,  IKSn,  aged  7n  years.  Ho 
eamo  lo  Iloekvllle  In  January,  18.ln, 
and  bought  out  John  6.   McMurtry's 

Interest  In  tho  firm  nf  Allen  &  .Mc- 
.Murlry'B  dry  goods  store,  anil  conllnil- 
id  In  tho  mercnntlle  business  In  Iloek- 
vllle on  Mm  Kasl  Bide  of  the  piililli' 
8i|uare  until  about  tho  year  1N7II,  wlion 
ho  retired  from  mtivo  buBlnoaa. 

Jamfih  Ai.i.k:»,  Who  camo  to  I'arko 
County  In  IS'jn,  was  ono  of  tho  sturdy 
pioneer  chnrai  ler«  nf  his  time.  Ills 
lothor  was  klllml  In  battle  with  tho 
Creek  Indians  In  IHKl,  nnd  bis  molhor 
ilicd  two  years  later,  leaving  him  a 
boy  of  12  years  to  make  his  own  way 
in  tlie  world,  lie  worked  for  six  yearB 
lor  Ills  bnnrd  and  clothing  In  North 
Carolina,  at  the  end  nf  which  jieriod 
his  employer  gave  him  a  horse  nnd  n 
rlile.  With  these  iiossesslona  he  start- 
ed over  tho  lllue  llldge  mountains  to 
Indlann.  When  he  crossed  tlio  Ohio 
river  ho  bad  ono  dollar,  twelve  and 
iinohalf  cents  in  iininey,  Ilo  eniiio  lo 
I'arko  Cnunly  in  IR2n  to  the  neighbor- 
hood afterwards  known  as  Ilruln's 
Cross  lloails  and  there  worked  for 
Haniel  Uriiln.  Ily  tho  utmost  frugal- 
ity and  hard  work  ho  aceumulatod 
enough  lo  buy  some  land  on  I/ittle  Uac- 
eoon.  Nnl  long  arier\vards  ho  sold  this 
land  nnd  bought  a  half  section  on 
WllllaiMS  Creek.  Ho  acquired  various 
tracts  of  land  Including  win  acres 
northwest  of  Iloekvllle,  which  he-  di- 
vided among  his  children.  In  18<W  ho 
built  Ihe  house  two  and  one-half  milea 
norihwcsl  of  KoekTllle,  where  he  llyeil 
until  hia  death. 



mm  p:y 


lt^:t*Ill^:M■l:  or  .uuis  xkkt.  akamn  Tow.N^ini 


'^''-     '■•■4      ^       ' 

■ -v,TUS,v;isii-.«--''' :; 


,''">i'!.^'';'??*'-'.  ■■  ).;;.:v-l'.   ,'  i 

- -'■:£- •>t::j 

HESIDKJSCK  OF   V0<milEE8    llUXfOnD,   FXORIItA    TOW.IBIllr. 



»»;i«ll)K\('K  nf  .lolln  T.  imoWH.  FI/IRIDA 

,  C()X.  IIMKIMIN.HtAl.h 


i-if^:ii^-'.1 . 

'.—5— -■-■*■-  ■-■•;-%•'  ir^"^"^'' 



LiJJi. ,t|,iW,iQF^' 

v^>«*t,  _ 

i;  or  OEOBOK  uouheh,  bobedau. 


niSTOIllCAL    SKKTCll     OK     P  A  K  K  K     COUNTY. 



«•    of    llrp    fIVdl    nr 

11  lorn   of 


ty   bi'Kun   Willi   no 
il  no  iiilfrli  pr.Mifr 

mil.'  ni 
ly  lis  Jill 


Up  wn«  H  iiinn  r 

1-  CO 


mill  tinni>  of  llio 

urn   or  h 

(Iralh,  Hrin.  HI,  i.hmi,  n  itinn  of  grriit 
lirnliilUi'lli'O  III  hnlli  Coimly  Sciil  nnd 
roiinly.  11(1  built  Iho  lirick  rrnl.lcnrn 
Hlili'li  nil  nlil.T  pooplo  o(  Horkvllln 
will  at  the  SniilK  end  of 
.lrrfoi«on    mriPl.      Here    inoi>t    of    tlio 

(1   wni 



brollior  of 


1,  nnd 


1110  wlln 




n  I'nr 

(  oiinly  nt  111 

0  Biinn- 


died    r 

rrni   yon 

ra   n 

k'o,    ant 




•   I'lilliirr 


oiv     II 


.\.,    . 


m,    Kdi 




IHnrovcry  rnnd,  three  liillri  noilllieniit 
of  llorkvllle.  lie  removed  from  llm 
rniiiity  nnd  renlded  for  ft  few  yonri 
In  Illinois  nnd  Clny  County,  Indlnnn, 
nnd  rrliirned  to  lila  farm.  In  IN72  he 
wn«  eliMted  County  Conunlmiloner.  Iln 
wtiB  for  BevernI  ycnra  iioBtinniiter  nl 
lloikvllle.  .Mr.  SIryker  ivan  r  iiinn  of 
hlch  IdrnlB.  lovoil  nnd  reipecled  by 
iveryono  who  knew  hliii.  IIIb  life, 
inrt  iif  wnn  h  wnn  nn  a  TrimrTT'  of  tho 
lliii'kvllle  .Melhodlnt  elinrcli,  nnd  nl  • 
II  eilllier  of  llownrd  I.odoo  I,  O.  O.  V., 
wnn  full  of  Kood  works  In  tlio  cnuao 
of  huiunnlty. 



liI.V,  niK'KVn.T,K. 

siirimnH  liliii  In  linrd  work,  lie  died 
•Munh  II.  1K7I1.  nt  the  nse  oC  Ti.  / 

KniTT  Niiv;i.  Clinic  to  I'arko  County 
In  lsj.1,  with  n  dog  nnd  sun  nn  his  sole 
imKHCKHliina.  Ho  bo.-niiio  identified 
rnrty  in  tho  iiieaxTO  IiusIiiosb  affnlra  of 
Itnrkiille.  In  i»t.:il  he  wns  elected 
JilBll.T  of  the  iience  for  Adniiis  town* 
Bhlp,  and  wllh  the  e\ec|illiin  of  four 
ycnrn  lield  the  orfl.e  lor  over  forty 
yinrft.  lie  wan  imnlninBtcr  hero  for 
Iweiily-twii  ycnrs.  .^Ir.  Noel  conducted 
bnlli  nfflecB  In  ii  highly  crcdllnhle  and 
■iiliHfnrlory  ninnner.  lie  nml  liln  wife, 
enrly  In  life,  becnnic  ineinhera  of  the 
.Melhodlnt  church,  nnd  lioth  wore  Inin- 
ored  and  reaiiectcd  hy  people  In  nil 
wnlkB  of  life,  lie  was  n  notlinblc  flK- 
lire,  Iieliii:  over  alx  nnd  a  half  foot 
tall,  nnd  wllh  the  nluK  lini  which  be 
iiinnyB  wore  looked  iiiileh  taller. 

IIAKIIIHO.N    .VNIiKKHO.N    WttB    000    Of    thO 

riirly  aeltlera  In  I'nrko  County.  In*.'i  ho  located  on  land  ono  iiillc  north 
of  Itoi'kvlllc,  where  ho  ronldcil  until 
bin  ileatli  Bovernl  ycara  ago.  .Mr. 
.VnderBon  wnB  a  man  of  strong  phy- 
Bli|iie.  Blendy  going,  of  fine  cpilpoiBe. 
l-'iir  iiiiiny  years  ho  hnd  a  deer  park 
near  tho  highway  nnd  raised  many 
deer.  lie  loved  nniiiinls  nnd  nature  as 
well.  .Mr.  ;\nderMon  iilno  wns  a  stu- 
dent of  weather  eonfiliions.  I'^or  many 
,ienrB  he  wns  tho  representiitlvo  of  the 
Knillhannlan  InBtllulc,  ninklng  reBU- 
Inr  reporiB  to  the  hurenii  of  tcniiwr- 
ntiiicB,  lueelpllntiim,  etc.  .Mr.  Andor- 
Bon  wns  nn  lioneBt.  uprlghl  rlllr.en, 
ivIiMiii  nil  npprerlnled  though  they 
might  linvo  differed  from  hiiii  In  poli- 
tics, religion  or  otlurwlae. 

'i'vi.rn  B.  IlAiJiwm  eniiio  to  Itock- 
viilo  lu  IKtA  and  bucauio  tlio  partner 
of  r.  n.  Ilnrrla  In  tho  dry  goods  ond 
Kroeery  linslneHn.  At  thnt  time  this 
■toro  did  tho  Inrgent  bualnosa  in  the 
County.  A  few  yenra  laler  Mr.  Ilarria 
retired  and  Oeo,  W.  Sill  and  JnmcB 
X>epew  became  partnors  of  Mr,  Itaid- 
wln  under  tbo  firm  of  Tyler  S.  llnld- 
wln  *  Uo,    Mr.  DaldnlD  wii,  ontll  bli 

fiimily  died.  All  Iinve  toiiilisloneB  In 
llio  old  part  of  the  itoikvillo  cemetery. 
With  this  exrepllon  there  is  nothing 
of  record  coneorning  a  family  imce 
among  the  sorlal  loaders  of  tula  coiu- 

I'red   I'liett.   Mrs.   llonier   Lang,   .Mrs. 
David  Myers  nnd  Mrs.  Ilert  Welch. 

CiiAiti.r.N  W.  Stuykkh  wns  born  in 
Clark  County,  Indiana,  .Inly  'JM,  w<\. 
In  l.H^4  ho  came  to  lloekvlllo  and  en. 
gaged   In  tlie  mercantile  hiialnosa  for 

uKd  wnB  iKirn  In  North 
I  nrollna  In  \m<.  lie  laiiio  lo  I'arko 
County  in  IKIil  wllh  fifty  ecnla  in  iiii 
loekrt.  lie  worked  al  aiich  John  as  he 
eoiiii.  seruro  until,  by  eronomy  and 
nii.ii.  work,  ho  n.vilimilnlcd  enoiigli  In 
ninkc  hlfl  first  payiiirnt  on  a  farm  lo- 
intid  iiliout  five  iiilleB  soiitlienBt  of 
llorkvllle.  Me  first  sold  corn  at  sii 
reiita  R  liiiBhel,  lie  worked  day  ami 
night,  nnd  by  bla  energy  nnd  good 
judgment  nci'umiilaled  over  five  iiiin- 
drrd  nercB  of  good  Innd.  lie  wns  ii 
poHltlve  mnn,  a  deep  Ihinker  nnd  ren- 
poner,  keeping  in  tiweli  wllh  eurrent 
evmla.  Ho  wns  an  i  ident  Tnion  man, 
wliiisc  Inflnenco  did  iiiurn  in  tho  eniian 
■luring  tho  War.  Mr.  .Tnrks  wns  hon- 
ored and  Trspected  for  his  nelghhorly 
iliialities  and  kindness  of  heart.  Ilia 
son.  (leorgo  W.,  now  owns  tho  home 

.TAniii  l''iaiir.R  wna  born  In  Ohio  In 
i«w.  In  the  fall  of  IH'.li  ho  came  to 
I'arko  County  and  settled  on  a  form 
In  tho  BoiitliwcBlern  part  of  Adnini 
townBlilii,  at  which  time  his  nearest 
neighhora  were  three  nilics  diatant. 
Ho  lived  In  *  lent  until  the  following 
spring.  Wolves  were  n'l'te  plentiful 
to  keep  lilui  conipanx.  At  hia  deathi 
many  years  ago,  he  had  accumulated 
five  hundred  acres  of  land. 

'^VH^'^'^ft . 



llAiuimoN    Ilnvii,     son     of     Wljllaiu 
lloyil,  was  born  In  Tcnnesaeo  In  IHlid, 

and  (- 0  to  Tiirko  County  nnd  Bettled 

in  Adniiia  towiishlp  In  IKt'l,  and  at 
the  liiiie  of  bin  death  ho  owned  a 
fnrm  nenr  i*nnd  ("'reek  atntion.  Ills 
ihlldren  now  living  in  I'nrko  Omnty 
nro:  llr.  Jnuies,  I.owla,  Albert  11..  1)1- 
brldiie,  *na  Mra.  Aont  L.  Keat  John 

ar.Btur.RCE  or  J.  J.  DAniEi.fl,  bookvillc. 

two  ycnrs.  In  IHin  ho  innrried  Nnncy 
.Inne  .\daiiiBon,  whoso  fntlier,  l-^liaha 
AdniiiHon,  hnd  tbo  contract  for  erect- 
ing tho  rtitnaUi  County  court  bouBo, 
nnd  .Mr.  Htryker  went  to  Orecncastle 
to  superintend  Its  coiBtructlnn.  Af- 
lerwards  he  returned  to  I'arko  Conn-' 
il    settled 

UMN/f/.vf;/'o.v  rowsMiiii: 

,liiii:v  II,  Cnfj.iNon  was  borti 
In  I'arko  County  in  l!*:in.  Ho  was 
the  son  of  Wllllaiu  nnd  l;lir.«l'<ilh 
l.lohnson)  rollings,  wlio  cniuo  fmiii 
Kmturky  and  Bctllod  on  a  fnrm  in 
Inlon  township  the  year  .lohn  •'.  wai 
The  siihjecl  of  this  •ketch  work- 

died  a  few  years  ago,  near  lb*  Now      od  on  his  (alher'a  fann  In  earijr  l|ff, 



E.  OVFBPrCK.   ROHKlt, 




>•■■■■■    ''*■'-■'%..  .»-Ki\-cXi 



i;:  C" 


RKE     COl-NTY     AflYT.UM,     F.r.nninoE     nOYn,    BUrERlNTE^nENT. 






^^^».c   1 


V  «,-?\ 

.  -     -  — :;:j&i^\Uv:I;la^e'*»i.'<M^';i»'i'iii'iLt5toS« 

IIE8IDEHCR   or    WIU.IAII    H.    CUIFUAK,   PEMX    TOWIigillF. 

SiriENCE  or  ISi^O  n.  OTT,  U>AM>  TOWNanv, 


ml     lie 


Ihiir      III" 
liiillt.       Ill- 

omiid  n  r»liii  "f  mcr  Inlir  .iMM.Irnl 
iinc'H  111  Wiikliliiclnn  KiwiiBhlp,  whiMi 
IM'  illr.l  spvrrnl  .Murs  nK". 

Wll.l.lAM     II.     llniH.ui.       w.iB       Lnrli 

In  MiTciT  rninilv.  Koniinlij-,  Siii- 
liiiihrr  I".  niH.  Ill  l>*-ll  I"'  fnliT- 
■  il  n  Irnri  nf  land  In  Wnslilnclnn  lown- 
uhlp.  iiliiiiil  l"0  iiilirs  norlliPiist  "( 
11.11  k>  Ilk,  nnd  follKd  IhTC  In  ISI'7. 
Ill  INJJ  ho  wan  iimnlrci  I"  Mnry  Noel. 
«hn  un«  l.or.1  In  \V;,8liii,i.liiil  roiility. 
Kv..  In  IMi"  Till-  rnnilly  wire  rnii- 
rlHlml  Miniilif-rfi  nf  llii-  1la|illKl  rliiinli. 
Mr.    Iliirfnid    «nB  n   tond.   milintnnllal 

Nl    In  liclinlf  of  civic     iliilitr: 

isl.'.  Ill-  riist  niiiio  to  llilH  Cniiiiiy  li,  ii    luiKliir.i,    nl    llockvlllo   nnd 

l.sfJ.  nnd   iinl   rinilhiL-  n  Biilliililc'   lo.  ,i.  .Vi  iiiliKinii  ir  In  dry  t;.inil«,  nillllni:  nnd 

Hon.   Ii.'   rc'liirnril   ni:;.lii   nnd   Iiimi:;1iI    .1  pnik    I'lul.liii:    en    .jiillii   n    Inrfc   iicnic. 

inriii.   II,-  nllMin.-d   I  Iniun.T  1  oil, ,;,.  In  11,,'    i,.'v,Mnl    iiMirnllond    rniiilrcd    ron- 

I  link  Coiinl).  nnil  Iniiclil  in  III,,  prim.  l,|d,riil,lo  .npllnl.  Ilo  wns  ninrrlcil  In 
i.iy  il,pnrliii,-iit  or  lliul  Brliniil  prior  to  l.^ls  lo  l.nrlndn  MiCoril.  hotli  of 
m-IIIIng  In  Iho  Ciinnly.  Ilo  niipllrcil  wliom  illi-d  noicrnl  yi'nrn  kro.  Of  nlno 
ii,-nrly  .Mmi  nnoB  of  fino  land  I'nKl  of  ililldron  linrn  lo  lliciii,  S.oll.  living 
.MnrBlinll  hiforo  liln  drnlli.  Ill-  rnlBo.l  In  llic  Slnlo  of  Wn.ililnKlon.  JniiiCB  In 
n  Innilly  of  nino  clilldrrn  ;  .Ininoa  .N..  .^liilllvnn,  Indlniin.  .Mrn.  T.  II.  Ilrynnt 
«li„    lins    roBidod    In      HorUvlllc.      for  nnd    .Mm     W,    i;.      Ilonklc,     Tnlndonn, 

II  nny   yenrs,  nnd   who   wna   In   llio  PlIi  Alnlinnin,  Biirvlvc  hlin. 

Indlnna  llnllcry  In  the  Civil  wnr  Is  n  ,;,„„„(   a    ano  Thomas     M      nucil- 

**""'  .\\.\N  wrrc  burn  In   Waplilngton  town- 

Joiix   I).   Ih-KV  wns  born   In  Wnync  ship,  n  liorc  llioir   fnllior  Bcllird  on   n 

rounly.   VliKlnl.n.   .\prll    l:l.    isi:i,   n-id  fnrm   In    I.VL'l,  oonilni:  here  from   .Mor- 

■  niiio   to    I'nrko   Connly   with    IiIb   pnr-  1  cr    Connly.    Kcnlncky.      rmhrr     and 

■  nis  nnd  BCltlcd  on  a  fnriii  In  Wnsli-  boob  conllniird  iiB  roBldcnls  of  rnrko 
liiL-lon   |,i"nnlil|i  In    I.S.1J.     IIIb  fnlhcr.  loiinly  nnlll  lliolr  donlli.     Tlicy  wcro 

;■; ''■■■:.    «    •     ''•':;i    I-    l'",i— yl  I'r --l-vli-rlnm"       Tho    BonB      wcro      for 

innlu.  l-VIirnaiy  •J2.  IT.'*!),  nnd  dlrd  on  ninny  yfjira  nicmlierB  of  the  Odd   Fel- 


rnl  yi-nr, 


ll\n\is  rniiio  from     lvontn,ky 

^vi  -<»>:p^- 

nil  .   B 

llhd   on   n   fnrm  none  Iho  proB- 


1  111   li, 

Ml  of  .IiiilBon   In   ISJS.     Whrn  ho 


1,  Ihrro  «oio  Inn    1,  w  "lillo  Bli- 


I'.-i-B   1 

nd    111"  rniinly   vvn«  n,-,np|o,l    In 

.-•K        ^ 

inll    1 

y   Iho   |.,ln«nio  nnd   .Mlninl    In- 


llls   ion.    K.lwnrd.     wiio     wns 


n    Morror  fonnly.   Ky..   In    IvJ.'. 


,1   of  111,-   inn, 111    of  Bovoinl  ihll- 


111,  11. 

.M   ihon-.-o  „fjl  IMonrd  ronlod 

11     1:11' 

nnd    uripl    mill    on    l.llllo    Itnr 

^..•'"v^V      ■■ 

roni    hlB    fnlhcr.    which    ho    rnn 

1,-r  nil 

n\    viiirB.     lie  niBO  nindo  Boverni 

h  Irn  1 

own  the  rIvoiB  lo  N.-iv  Orlonns 

on    rill 

l.oniB   "IHi    porl,    nnd    prodinc. 

for   1, 

\,  rnl    yonrn   In-   "nB   i,;iit    owner 

.-'      i  ^i 

of  n  l> 

rk  pn,  klnc  oslnhliBhmrni  111  In- 

\  \{- 


oil,.      In    IM.-.    h,-    "iiB    iiiarrlcl 

to     .Ml 

.s    Snropln    l.riiln.    dniiclilor    of 

■1    ii 


llriiln.    nnd    bIio    «ns    horn    In 

-  •   „-  ■:.,.<■' 


i„iinlyln  ISJ-'.  Win.  Unrncs  wne 

*'  '-*'"-  •'. 

llio    fn 

hor    of    TliomnB.    Monroe      nnd 

'   "'  — ■  -"^ 


Ilo.    who    Ik    Iho    Insl    Hnrvlvlng 


Thoio    arc    nnlle    n    nniiihcr    of 
Bicndiinlfl   nf   IiIb   ihlldrcn   now 

-.   -.--.w-.-. 

Iho   d, 


n   rnrke  Connly. 


I     I 



In  IN 

cniiie  from  TcnnoBsoc  to  I'nrko  Conn- 
Iv  and  Boillcd  on  n  fnriii  In  Orccne 
tmvnBhlp  In  1«C!>.  The  fnrm  wna  one 
of  the  .irBl  enler.'d  iliero.  Mr.  CInrk 
wns  horn  In  l'-i«i  and  died  In  isai.  Ills 
Bon  llohert  vorked  nt  the  cnrpenter'B 
trade.  1,111  l.iler  devoted  his  time  prin. 
•  Ipnlly  rnndncllnE  a  fnrm  of  ahont  2(Vi 
acres,  nnlll  his  death  a  short  tlnio  ago. 

.l,,iiN  s.  MrMuaiiiv  wns  liorn  In 
(iriint  County.  Ky..  ..nguBt  i'l,  17111). 
He  iniiie  with  his  iinile  lo  I'.Arke  Conn- 
IV  nnd  Bollli-,1  on  a  fnrm  In  Wnslilng- 
ton  township  In  Is'J.I.  lie  cnlercd  .'l.'til 
H,r,-»  nnd  hoin;hl.  I.'in  acres  of  l;,nd  In 
istll.  Ills  children  horn  In  I'nrko  Co. 
were  Mary  A.,  who  was  nmrrlcd  to  U. 
C.  .MoWllllamB.  Alexander  It..  David, 
.lolin  S.  .Jatiies  II..  and  Margaret, 
.lohn  S.,  who  resides  at  Marshall,  Is 
the  only  survivor.  In  1MI  ho  wns 
elected  land  npprnlscr  nnd  served  n 
term  as  Township  Tnisteo,  County 
Coniiniasloner.  nnd  for  scTornl  years 
Jiiniice  of  the  peace. 

.loiiN  (Ivfiima:?  was  horn  In  Wnyno 
Connly.  North  Carolina.  July  7,  isin. 
tin  came  wllh  Ills  parents  to  I'arko 
County  In  IK-.2.  In  l.s.a  they  settled 
on  n  fnrin  three  nillcs  norlheaBt  of 
lloi-kvllle.  nn.l  liy  nnrd  work  nnd 
frticnilly,  becnnio  hoforo  hlfi  death  tho 
owner  of  over  three  linndred  acres  of 
first  class  land.  Mr.  Overinan  wns 
highly  esleeniod  as  an  lioncsl.  nprlght 
rlllzen.  and  wns  for  innnv  years  an 
Innored.  fnllhfiil  incnihor  nrd  ftipport- 
cr  of  tho  Old  School  llninln  church, 
thai  long  Blon.i  nenr  the  old  farm, 
.lohn  I>.,  of  noekvllle.  Charlei  \V,  of 
Jiidi.,in.  and  Wllllini  Il„  of  Imlinti 
apolls.  are  his  siirvlrlng  children. 

ftAUfir.f.  A.  McrAMrnrf.!.  was  born 
In  Bholbr  Count/,  Ky.,    January    .It, 

helped  clear  the 
fnrm  nnd  hew  the  logs  lo  hilllil  their 
llrst  tinnse.  The  Ihtey  family  wero 
hi'noBt.  hnrd  working  people,  who  had 
Iho  lonfldonco  of  neighbors  and 
friends.  IIIb  son.  John  II..  owns  tho 
01,1  Tenlirook  fnmi  ahont  one  inile 
west    of    llockvlllo. 

.limiiiA  ANo  llAciin.  Kxoi.E  moved 
lo  I'arkc  Ciiiint/  In  IS-Xl,  and  settled 
ne.'ir  the  old  Wnrd  Mills  In  8ngar 
Creek  lownBl.lp.  In  I.'<4.-,  tlu'y  moved 
lo  a  farm  In  Washington  township, 
where  they  lived  until  ISi'-'l.  when  he 
went  lo  Illinois  nnd  died  thero  two 
years  later.  They  blazed  the  way  to 
hc1|i  establish  In  tho  siirroiin,llng 
country  a  high  clafls  of  men  and  wo- 
men who  made  the  conitntiolty  an  Ideal 
ono  In  ovcry  respect.  Ills  son.  Ttcn- 
Jaiiiln  I'.,  who  was  born  In  Vemillllon 
Connly.  Illinois,  In  IS.-.2,  wns  a  baby 
when  Ills  parents  come  to  this  County. 

.ToNATilAN  SWAIM  wns  bom  In  Onll* 
ford  County,  Xorth  Carolina,  October 
If).  ISIlt.  Came  to  I'arkc  County  In 
l.'i.'r  with  seventeen  dollars  In  nionoy, 
pood  health  nnd  lots  of  energy  nnd  In 
his  llfetlnio  accumulated  a  farm  of 
about  mm  acres.  Ills  parents,  nanlel 
and  SiiBanah  I.aiiih  .Swalm.  were  born 
In  North  Carolina  In  tho  latter  part  of 
the  I.«th  cenlury.  In  ISIS  ho  went 
l,n,'k  In  the  old  homo  and  brnnght  his 
figed  father,  who  lived  on  his  farm 
until  his  death  In  IKoi). 

.lAMis  W.  nussin.i,  son  of  William 
nnd  Cynlhla  ItitHBCII.  wnfl  born  on  a 
rnriii  In  Nelson  Connly,  Kcniuoky,  In 
I  so  I.  where  he  workc<l  until  ho  wns 
iMonly-ono  years  of  age.  receiving  In 
I  lie  nicantlnio  n  good  rominon  school 
edltcntlon.  In  IS.I1I  he  canto  to  Psrko 
County  and  settled  on  a  farm  In 
Washlnglnn  township,  which  ho  left 
In  ISnn,  remoTinu  to  nockrillo.  He  did 

|,,WR  lodge.  .Ml  were  honorahlc  and 
rcBjicolcd  clll/cns,  wlioso  Infliieneo 
was   evened    for   Iho   best   Interest   of 



HI  ii.\u  ciii:i:k  T<>w\/<inr. 

l-'Kt.TX  llAnKi;n  wns  horn  In  ICen- 
tttcky  In  IH:iil  ond  eanio  wllh  his  par- 
ents, .fesso  and  .\nnle  Hay  Itarker,  to 
Sugar  Creek  lownshlii  In  1.S.T!.  lie  re- 
ceived his  early  edinnllon  In  the  first 
school  house  built  In  the  townslilp.  In 
early  llfo  he  taught  school  for  sovernl 
yenrs.  lie  acpilred  a  farm  of  120  ac- 
ics  of  well  Improvcil  land,  lie  held 
llie  office  of  township  assessor  for 
several  years. 

IVvMn,  lltATii  was  born  In  8iigar 
Ci-eek  township  In  IK.T1.  Ills  father, 
.lohn  Heath,  was  Iwrn  In  l-'ranklln 
County,  Indiana.  In  tsil.  and  settled 
in  this  township  In  1S2fl.  nnd  was  one 
of  tho  pioneer  preachers  In  the  United 
Ilrethern  clinrch,  who  went  llko  tho 
early  apostles,  "without  money  or 
without  price"  In  all  kinds  of  weather 
nnd  prcacheil  In  the  log  houses  and 
l-arns  of  the  pioneers.  Daniel  got  his 
Mnilled  c'lucatlon  In  a  log  school 
house.  He  bought  a  farm  of  acres 
upon  whhh  his  Uncle  Klislin  Heath 
holtled  In  ISL'c.  ac'iiilred  through  his 
own  IndtiKtry  nnd  economy,  characler- 
Iflilc  of  tho  early  settlors  who  did 

Da.  W.  ...  iV  McICi:v. 
nnd  Mnry  Harrison  Mi-ICr 
In  TcnncBSee.  July  *,  IMJ11,  Ilo  el'us 
to  AnnapnllB  with  his  pnrents  In  I.<nil. 
The  fnlhcr  was  one  of  few  physicians 
in  Parke  Connly  nt  Ihal  time.  'To  re- 
leived  his  early  cjlitcatlon  at  the  dl»- 
Ir'it  school  nnd  Inter  nt  niootninndnln 
Acndetny.  In  IS(17  he  nior((5  lo  Sugar 
Cicek  township  nnd  locnied  on  a  farnt 
near  Ilusseirs  Mills,  wh-f  he  neuulr- 
ed   a  largo  prsctico,     Ilo  wai  olcelri] 

nf  Rllas 
y,  was  horn 

•lott.V    \V.    A. Ml    i:tt/.All>;Ttl    IlOACH    lot- 

llid  In  Sugar  Creek  lowuBhlp  In  Ih:ii, 
and  localid  on  n  fnrni  In  tho  north 
pnrt  of  tho  lownshlp.  .Mr.  Ilonch  was 
a  niillve  of  Ucnllnky,  and  his  wife, 
whose  name  wns  .Morgan,  was  a  nnllvo 
or  \  lri:lnla.  They  were  the  parents  of 
Wllllani  .M.  Itnai-h  and  Henry  I,. 
Una,  h  who  was  liorn  In  Ilnth  County, 
Ky.,  In  I.SI7. 





sciiled  In  .Sugar  Creek  township  In 
l.SL'7.  In  the  forest  nnd  ctcitcl  a  log 
•  nhln  on  the  Innd  their  son.  Tl  oions 
II..  was  horn  in  ls.ll  He  siicccld 
lo  the  farm  of  his  fnlhcr.  in-1  f.nil,:  .-id- 
dlllonn.  until  nt  bin  de^in  he  owned 
n-Tlv  four  Innolrorl  norcs  of  wi-ll  Im. 
piovcl  Innd,  upon  whic'i  he  hlilll  11 
large,  .-nmiiiodious  brick  hnns'.  An- 
other son,  .Miles  A.,  wns  In  Coiii|innr 
"A,"  lleglmenl,  nnd  wns  kill.,  I  at 
the  battle  of  Atlnnta,  ,Iu|y  22,   Isill. 

i,iiii:irn   ■jii\y\siiir. 



Ihe  nnrly  BclllerB  of  l.iborly  lownshlti. 
rnniing  there  In  Is-.'M.  He  was  horn  In 
Ccjugin.  At  the  time  of  his  Bcllllng 
Ihirc.  the  Innd  wns  heavily  timbered, 
wlthonl  roads.  b,I|"0|b.  or  nny  other 
rncilllh'B.  I'l  loudly  liidians  hail  a 
camp  nenr  the  local  inn.  1  leer,  wild 
liirkoyB,  wIldcniB.  wolves  nnd  wild 
hogs  were  numerous.  llnrdslil|,s,  loll 
1111,1  danger,  wero  the  i-nminon  lots  of 
inc  |il,,ncers  who  settled  there.  Ilo 
died   In   isill. 

.lotiv  IIicilMoM,.  pioneer,  oninc  to 
Liberty  township  In  1.S21,  from  lliiller 
Cntinly,  Ohio,  nnd  scoiTrcd  n  trnct  of 
land  In  north  part  of  Iho  township. 
Ills  son.  llelnrn  3.  lllchmond,  was  four 
years  old  when  the  family  cnine,  and 
he  was  an  extensive  fanner  nnil  also 
made  severnl  trips  to  New  Orleans  on 
flat  Iwnts. 

Ja.mcs  Maiikb  was  one  of  tho 
llrst  settlers  In  the  Hush  Creek 
neighborhood  In  I.lherty  township.  He 
was  horn  In  Nelson  County.  Ky.,  Oe- 
tohcr  IS,  l.siis,  and  came  to  Mils  Coun- 
ty In  IS21>,  and  to  his  future  homo  In,  on  Hm  norcs  of  land  he  entered, 
ills  son.  (leorge.  now  owns  tho  farm. 
Mr.  .ilnrks  wns  a  mnn  of  Integrity  nnd 
a  useful  until  his  death  No- 
vendicr  20,  ISV11.  Thomas  .Marks,  an- 
other son,  wns  ono  of  Iho  leading  rit- 
iKcns  of  I'arkc  County.  Ilo  illod  a 
few  years  ago. 

IHAAC  llmmov  was  Imrn  In  the  8latc 
of  .North  Cnrollna  and  settled  In  l.lh- 
erly  township  in  1S2S.  He  was  a  tin- 
ner, and  worked  at  Hint  trnde,  niso 
i-onducted  a  small  store,  a  rnre  biisl- 
ncBs  In  those  early  days.  .Ills  son, 
lieorge,  wns  liorn  In  r,llierty  township 
In  IS:|'J,  and  arnulrcil  a  farm  ol  I7U 

liAvin  I,tMtt.Kr  was  bom  In 
North  Cnrollna  In  IS11.-1.  nnd  aetlled 
In  Liberty  township  In  1S:I2.  lie 
hotight  a  fnrm,  which  he  Improved  and 
brought  to  n  high  slnte  of  ciiltivnlinn. 
He  was  a  model  citlr.en  and  llfo-lonr 
nieniher  of  tho  Krienils  rhurch. 

Thomas  M.inljrv  loeatcil  In  Ml>- 
crty  township  In  l«-in.  coming 
from  North  Carolina,  and  sellled  on  a 
rnrm  wlK-rc  he  remained  until  death. 
May  n.  lasn.  He  was  a  incmher  of  tho 
Hoclety  nf  Friends  nnd  helped  organiss 
lliish  Creek  meeting  of  Friends.  .Mr. 
l.indley  was  a  model  man,  whose  In- 
fluence wsa  iwtont  for  tho  best  tblniri 
In  life. 

Natiiak  nownri.i.  docensed.  settled 
In  Liberty  township  In  IMH,  riln« 
tlioro  In  a  keelhoat  tip  Iho  Wahaah 
Hirer,    II*  waa  (ha  father  o(  Isaac  ft, 








ni.HIMKNCK  OK    II.    II.    Ill-XT,    IIONICDAI.E, 

lllKintiMlE   Of    lltKBV    AM 

4^1  H'      I  il 

:-,  .^i 

usiDiincE  or  tAUva.  cobli,  bockvilu:. 


■hi  !■■■■ 





llEBllIE^c{:  or  »«,  A.  uabtih, 



liow.l.'ll.  ilri-.MfCd.  who  »n»  n 
of  Couii'nny  "A."  s-Mli  ll^'Kliii'-nt.  miiU 
will  uoiinili'd  111  till'  biililc  of  N|ii'lli^ 
Hill,  ;iiiiO  Hiilliii,  CfOiKl...  I'lilhor  an.l 
Eiin    iicri'   b<illi    wordiy    cUIZill.. 

iii:si:it\  i:  riiwssiur. 

(Mli.VH.  i:i,l"M>  ,M.  IIKNKOV  wn. 
I.nrn     In     Vlri;lnhi    in    llio    yur     lsl:i. 

II,.  cii with   hU  luliiiM-.   WiniuiM   M  , 

i.hd  HCllliil  on  11  rnriii  iii'.ir  llorkvl|li>. 
Al  llio  uRi'  or  m-Piili  on.'  Iw  (iiuKlil 
(i.liool.  In  iviil  he  niin-i'il  Uii-  eincnil 
«lnri'  of  ILMWildxiMl  «i  Ixiwo  In  Unci.- 
illli'.  and  In  l.s.17  imrcliiiBoU  llif  Inl.T- 
ml  or  Mr.  I,owo.  wlilih  lonllnnid   rnr 

i.,„,   /.-.MB    m  \--'>  ni  I V^f  ..riMlMl. 

lynH,  111'  «ii«  npiiiiliilcd  roiinly  'Weiw- 
iinr.  »n>i  I'lirulllni,-  i  l<'i  It  In  II"'  l.i'i:!'' 
Iiiliiii'   In    IMIIIJ.      In    1si:i.  ho     Willi 

J   ,   ,       ,    ;• ■    1.-  .'    I     Vllllin:.,,, 

mill  Into  llii-  dry  coihIh  lin«lnr>ia  nt 
ArniloKl.iiiR,  Mo  wont  to  .Monlnnn  In 
1SII1  with  linn.  .Inlm  W.  navls  nnd 
oiifuKod  In  niorcnntllo  nnd  Ronoinl 
l.iiHliicHii  nnd  finnlly  for  ninny  ycnrs 
lio  .nndnitod  n  liirti-  himlnons  nt  Mon- 

KiiWAltn  (1.  \Vll«»nN.  docontiod,  WQB 
horn  In  IJnol.rc-.  Cnnndn.  In  I.H.1.-.  nnd 
11101  od  to  Aniili  sliiirK  In  is:i!l.  Wlion 
n  yniini;  Minn  ho  Ijoiniiic  a  clork  In  the 
liloro  of  and  Dnvls  nt  .Monlo- 
r.iiinn.  In  IS.".:)  ho  wont  Into  llio  dry 
so.idii  hinlnomi,  whiili  ho  oontlnnod 
until  lilB  iloiil.i.  Ilo  w.ig  a  BOlf  nmdc 
iiinn  of  cood  i.iislnosB  nblMty,  nnd  with 
onorcy  nnd  hononly  mndo  a  siiccoga. 

1111.  .lAMiH  r.  Ilii.r.  moved  from 
(ihio  to  .Montoziinm  In  Is:ili,  whore  he 
inmtlccd  iiiodlolno.  'Iwo  of  lilB  ilill- 
dron  wolo  Suniiiol  |l.  nnd  .''onlmin  \V.. 
liiilli  of  whom  ricolvod  n  common 
Rcliuol  idil.  utlon  nnil  were  until  their 
ilonlliB  IdinlKled  with  the  niercnnlllo 
nnd  other  l.nslnoss.  Ihey  were  men  of 
hlKh  gtandlni.-.  honest  nnd  iiprlfht  hi 
nil  their  biiBlnoss  relntlonB.  Sainiiel 
wan  for  Ecveral  years  townBhip  tnia- 
lec  of  Hesonc  township. 

ItKV.  Tilii.MA'i  (iiiiKHTil  was  bom  In 
South  Wales  In  islll.  nnd  Bpent  his 
lioyhond  In  college  there.  1 1"  nrrlved 
In  .New  York  trmii  Liverpool  In  1.S4II. 
und  wont  to  Clmlnnatl.  lie  Krudnat- 
cd  nt  l.ano  Theolofloiil  .Semlnnry  In 
IHII.  lie  went  to  .Monteziiinn  and  was 
paHlor  of  the  i'roshyterlan  ohnrch  iin. 
til  he  went  Inio  the  army  nnd  Bcrved 
as  Chapla'n  of  the  7lsl  lloRlmont  anil 
nth  Indiana  Invalry  until  Septeliihcr, 
IMir,.  lie  then  pronrhcd  two  years  nt 
Clinton,  after  which  he  became  pnator 
of  the  ohnrih  at  .\lont07.nma.  which 
he  served  until  his  death  a  few  years 

JnsKril  IIPHXR,  son  of  .Tamos  and 
Mary  Hums,  una  horn  In  Ohio  In 
l.H.'-J.  lie  oniiic  with  his  pnrenis  to 
I'arkc  County  and  settled  on  n  farm 
near  AnnloBhiirK  In  Wix.  'VVhrn  ho 
arrived  at  maturity,  he  hcKan  hiiUd- 
lUK  and  ninnlnc  flat  lioats.  which  he 
lontlnued  for  aevornl  years.  In  ISin 
ho  located  In  .Montoziimn.  and  ran  n 
ferry  boat  over  the  Wal.nsh  Illvcr  for 
several  years.  \\p  finally  cnRacod  In 
the  ninnufnctiiro  of  a  sniiorlor  <innllty 
of  fire  l.rirk  nt  lilllsdiile.  Ito  nasoc- 
Inted  himself  with  .Mr.  K.  V.  llanrock, 
who  Sim  lurries  on  tlio  ImalnoBs, 
wltloh  has  grown  to  larpo  proportions. 
Mr.  Iliirns  died  n  Irw  years  apo,  hon- 
ored anil  respected  by  all  who  knew 

Minor  T.  riAVlB.  son  of  John  anil 
Heathy  liivls.  was  l«irn  In  Rutlor 
County,  flhio.  In  \K2'.  ami  oame  to  lie- 
serve  township  In  1NJ.S,  setlllnif  on  a 
farm,  lie  worked  on  his  father's 
farm  until  of  nco.  allondlnn  dlstrlrt 
school  during  tho  winter.  Wo  was  a 
Justice  of  tho  |>eaco  for  sevoral  jcari. 

nnd  n  Rood  all  round  bllNlnoss  niiin  of  .Vi^ili.A    l'r.\ri:.N.i».v,      pioneer,      wns 

I Kclly  und   Inllirnoo.  horn   In  Ohio,  nnd  riimn     to     WnhiiBh 

WiiKi.iiKK  AMI  Hii-rnir.    Vasi.ami.      i""n»l i  isl.s.  bolnc  .mo  of  the  very 

iMiiiAM— llfe-lonit    citizens    of    .Monte-  enrly  .ioUIer«  In  I'luke  County,    llo  ac- 

zniiin.     Tho  former  opornled  tho  ferry  M"lroil  a  tract  of  liiml  upon  wlil.h  he 

over  the  UabnBh  for  ii.nny  years.  Th"  I'"''''''  "  '"'"Hy  "nd  died  on  llio  farm 

Inller  was  enKimod  In  mor.antllo  hiisl.  '"  "'"''•    'I"  '"'^'•'^  ""  »  ■"l'll>'r  In  tho 

niBS.  *"'  "'■  "*l--     ""•  J"!'"  "•  ''"nl- 

ennoy,  wns  t'Orn  on  the  farm  liocciiihor 

WMiAsii  r<iw\fiiiir.  u,  '.ill. 

Wii.MAM    UixiiN    wnB    born    In    Mp.  ',iiii\iah  J.  I'mklmav,  doreased,  was 

.nin  County,  .•'late  of  Kenturky,  net  ;.  plonoor  settlor  In  Wahash  lownshlp, 

in,  IMil.     In  IWl'i  ho  moved  with  hl«  nnd  hei:an  his  coroer  as  nil  other  cnr- 

pnrcnii  tn  Vlniennos.    Hoon  after  Ihol  Her  ietilers.  In  ininlrlng  Bovorninont 

1*"'*     v"^.* 






his  paronla  dlrd,  DnrlnK  the  yenm 
INI  I  and  IHl-J  ho  siiont  moBt  of  Ills 
time  In  ."rt  i:ill«.>n.  near  Vlnoennea. 
whore  all  tho  aolilns  wore  compelled 
(0  RO  for  Biifity  from  Indians.  .\t  one 
lliiie  he  wna  surprised  by  a  hand  of  In- 
dians, but  Bueceedeil  In  reaching  the  Liberty  township,  September  30,  l&X'i. 
ion  imharmod.  In  l»j:i  Mr.  llLxon  ills  parents.  Wllllniu  K.  and  Jnno  Lav- 
aotlled  on  hind  In  Waliasli  toivnBhlp.  erty  Ilrockway.  aeltlod  on  a  farm  In 
where  he  died   In   \Kn.  after  a  long      this  township   In  tho     pioneer     days. 

Innil.  Ills  sou,  l.'eorRo  W.  Csrlmsn. 
lately  dcoeiiaod,  wns  horn  In  Wnhnstl 
township  on  tho  homo  fnrm,  Nnveml-er 
H.  l.Hriii.  lie  wits  a  nicmbor  of  Company 
••n,"  K'.th  Indiana  Infantry. 

L.  IiiiiicKWAV  was    born     It 


>%;•:.  '^Tf^;-'' 

-V  ..^'t-l  • 



,    .    ^3 

and  useful  life,  honorcil  and  renpectcd, 
knvlng  a  large  niiinber  of  desoendnnts. 
.VzAniAil  I>.  ItnowN,  deceased,  w-as 
l>irn  In  Nelson  Coin.y,  Kenlmky.  ;n 
l.**irtl.  the  snmc  year  l.lnDdn  was  born 
In  llnrdln  County,  Kontu-.ty.  In  iv.'4 
he  oaiiic  with  ox  fsms  nl-ii  Ms  itop- 
father  to  Wahasli  township,  lie  btcnn 
worklnn  liy  Ilw  month,  and  In  1K.10 
boiiglit  •imio  Kovcrnmcnt  land  In  Sec- 
tion 17.  whioh  he  Improved.  lie  nlcu 
iiinde  flat  boats  and  went  severil 
times  to  New  nrlenns.  Uc  was  a  mill, 
wrlght  and  built  the  first  mill  at  Arm- 
losliurg.  lie  aociimnlated  nlwut  1,oi» 
acres  of  land,  ikio  aires  of  which  ho 
gave  to  his  children  before  he  died. 

.Iniiios  afterwards  looated  In  Wahnsh 
township,  anil  hy  his  energy,  coupled 
with  prnctloal  knowlcdfio  aoqulred  by 
experience,  acrnniulatcd  over  three 
hundred  acres  of  valiinhlo  land  before 
Ills  donlli,  iilioiit  ono  mile  southwest  of 
.XriiiloHhiirg.  .'Ir  Ilrockway  wns  an 
honoBt,  nprlRht  olllzen  nnd  served  hon- 
ornhly  ns  Trustee  and  Justice  of  the 
peace  In  Wabagh  township.  He  left 
surviving:  .lohn,  William  R.  and  Mrs. 
Ilaldwln,  who  hecanio  the  owners  of 
the  farm.  John  wns  eleoted  County 
Comnilssloner  on  tho  Ilepnhllcnn  tick- 
et In  lOH,  hut  died  before  his  term  of 
offl.-o  began. 

Jamkr   I'ATTmnolv,     oldctt     MB     0( 

Arlhiir  nnd  Jane  I'mteraon,  wns  born 
In  (inylwiiru  Coiinl>,  .Ml«a,,  In  IMH. 
Whin  JiiiiioB  wn»  six  monllia  old  they 
moved  to  Mrglnln,  going  sixteen  hun- 
dred uilks  on  horBohnck.  In  1SJ4  the 
fiimlly  Botilod  In  llockviile.  l-'or  tho 
next  twenty  years  Jnnies,  being  of  > 
roving  dlBpoHltlon,  lived  In  nearly  ev- 
ery part  of  tho  Union,  engaging  In 
various  kinds  of  biislnrfis.  rnrt  of  the 
timo  he  wns  a  inpinlu  un  on  Ulilo  Itlv. 
_er  steiinil'ont.  In  1M.1  he  settled  (n 
Armloahiirg,  where  ho  ran  tho  flour- 
ing mill  iinil  cimductcd  a  general 
Bloro  until  he  retired  a  few  yean  be- 
fore Ilia  donlli,  which  orciirred  there 
fovoriil  yenrs  ago.  Ills  brother. 
1  hnitihors  V.  riitterEon,  beonmo  n  good 
lawyer  and  was  several  years  Judge 
of  a  Clriiilt  eoiiipoflcd  of  I'lirke,  Ycr- 
million,  Vigo  and  Sullivan  Counties. 



of  April,  l.siii.  In  lloas  County,  Ohio, 
lie  was  Ihc  son  of  Aipilla  and  .Mar- 
gnrot  Justus.  The  fnmlly  onnie  to  W«- 
liafih  township  and  settled  on  a  fariii 
In  INJJ.  he  wns  an  Industrious  young 
man  and  got  his  start  by  making  rails 
nnd  other  anliinus  lalior  neccssiry 
xvlth  tho  pliineers  who  made  good.  .Mr. 
Justus  made  twcnly  trips  to  .New  Or- 
leans with  flat  honts.  He  lervcd  i\% 
Justice  of  the  peace  nnd  one  term  as 
Cohnty  CoiiimlsBloner.  He  was  an  sc^ 
tlve  luemlier  and  llheral  siipitorlor  of 
the  .Monlezimia  MrthodlBt  ehurrh  and 
d   man   of   forro   and    Influence. 

Aqfilji  Lavfrty  was  ono  of  tho 
widest  known  men  of  Wahash  toivn- 
Bhlp. lie  waa  a  soldier  In  tho  .list  In- 
. liana,  nnd  at  the  time  of  Ills  iloath 
was  the  largest  land  owner  In  the 
County  wll.i  th»  oxoepllon  of  0.  P. 

Fi.oiiinA  ro»\sini . 

JrixiK  JoNKrif  Wai.kfji  entered  land 
near  Niiiiia  In  Florida  township  In 
Islll.  lie  was  a  man  of  strong  ebar- 
nctor  and  Influentlnl  In  bringing  to  « 
full  fruition  a  commiinlly  of  peopla 
that  were  liiilnird  with  en  most  deslrcs- 
to  make  the  weslcrn  part  of  tho  town- 
ship most  desirable  to  live  In. 

Skua  II.  Cahk  settled  on  land  In 
Florida  township  In  the  early  days, 
nnd  In  I8IS  he  erected  a  siihstontlal 
briok  house,  which  Is  now  In  a  splen- 
did state  of  prcflcrvallon.  In  which 
hla  son.  Marvin  II.  Case,  now  In  bis 
fightyflrst  year,  has  since  resided. 
.Mr.  Case  accumulated  by  thrift  and 
Industry  a  largo  tract  of  land,  llo 
wns  known  to  he  n  ninn  who  possessed 
high  Ideals,  exemplified  In  all  business 
transactions,  lie  was  a  charter  mem- 
ber of  I'arke  f/odgo  No.  8.  Free  and 
Aoccpted  Maions.  which  was  organiz- 
ed under  dispensation  iBsued  May  .111, 
I.H44.  and  was  Its  first  Junior  Warden. 
After  the  beginning  of  Iho  war  when 
the  government  was  needing  money, 
Imnds  were  put  upon  the  market,  but 
few  of  Ihem  were  taken  by  the  peo- 
ple Iiccause  tiiey  did  not  think  they 
were  of  any  value.  Mr.  Case,  baing  t 
very  potrlotlc  man,  purchased  the 
first  government  bond  offered  for  sale 
In  Parke  County.  He  died  many  yenrs 
ngo,  an  honored  and  respocled  cit- 

Ji)li:v  ItnAT&iAlT  was  born  April  10, 
ISll,  In  Lincoln  Counly,  Ky.  In  IS2I) 
he  caino  with  his  parents,  who  settled 
on  Walker's  Pralrlo  In  Florida  town- 
ship. In  1K.14  he  acquired  lik)  acres  of 
bind  In  flection  2X,  which  waa  a  solid 
maaa  of  licai-y  timber,  which  ha  clear- 
ed In  duo  lime,  j.e  beoanio  a  nilnla- 
ter  In  the  Chrlatlan  church  and  for 
forty  years  ho  preached  that  faith, 
serving  well  and  faithfully  until  hla 

nr»Auiif  Daiixt  wm  bom  In  Bit- 


Inn  in^iniiliniii 

^3^  pi?? 

^       -•:  i/ '-■  I,, 




^"^  ; 

i'm.  ^•,^ihaii«i*i'tw.i»Mfa-^<^.U':*:j.M-fci*J6>«t 

le-— r^:-^^     -^^vcr^^*  ^**^^iiH — rLiil^W^'"""*' '  "■      "'-'^WS 




r    i 


■rAniii    ilM.I.IAN,    tlMMIMINflllAIJ:, 



Icr  County,  Ohio,  In  180.1,  and  came  to 
riorlclii  townshlii  In  IS'.'",  lie  entered 
KS  ni-icH  ot'  htiid,  imylllg  for  It  by  liniil- 
In;:  corn  In  llosevllle  and  milking  oth- 
er nofcBBary  turnB.  Ily  pcrBoveranee 
and  HtrlctrBt  economy,  he  fln;)lly  ac- 
ciihrnintod  Bevcral  hundred  ucrea  of 
KOOU  land,  lie  wan  an  elder  In  tlic 
ChrlBllan  chunh  for  thirty  yeara.  Ilo 
tvaH  lioncHt   and  always  stood   I'nr  the 




men.     Ills 
rine   farm 

In  Su 

tbi'  old  home. 

.IISMK  11.  YmMA.NH  « 
PCX  County,  .Sew  Jersey,  (ictoher  |h, 
imni.  In  IM-.'l  he  Fctlleil  In  KInrlda 
township.  In  IHJkl  he  ai-<inlred  land 
which  he  worked  until  he  was  elected 
Sheilff  In  l.s:l!i.  After  his  Iw.i  terniB 
of  office  c.Kplrcd.  he  returned  to  Itla 
farm,  where  he  lived  until  IS77,  when 
1,0  mored  to  (IrnyBon  County.  Texas. 
.\  «on.  .IniiieB.  Mho  now  lives  In  Clin- 
tun,  was  a  member  of  Company  "C," 
rj.'ld   llCKluicnt  during  the  Civil   War 

Jiin:t  t'Al.viN  tlti.KKHu.v  was  born  in 
.Mereer  County,  Kentuik.v,  In  l.suii.  ||.. 
I'ume  with  his  parents  iind  settled  In 
llni'coun  lownnlilp  In  1.1'Jl.  Ilo  was  ae- 
llvi'  In  elvle  affairs,  belni:  a  man  of 
hiKh  IdealB.  lie  was  freiiuenlly  cftlled 
U|KMi  for  eounsel  and  advise,  lie  Imllt 
n  saw  mill  In  I.S.'I7  at  the  ford  which 
henrs  hln  name  on  l.ltlle  llaeroon.  six 
Mdh'S  snutiicast.  of  Ituckvlilo.  DurInK 
iiioHl  of  hin  adult  life,  he  was  a  Justice 
of  llie  penee,  which  nfire  he  filled  with 
II  iiri>  than  ordinary  legal  and  hnalneBa 
iililllty.  I''rniii  1h:ik  in  isiii  he  Imllt 
Ki'veral  flai  Imala,  whliTi  'Tliiriug  111.' 
Hprlnff  freslietH  wcro  floated  down  (o 
the  Wahiisii  river  and  nold. 

'I'liiinii  Mil. Mil  wiia  horn  In  Kranli 
County.  Vlrglnlii,  Xovemher  :i».  1"l«l. 
in  IMii.'i  he  Ineated  In  Union  County, 
mid  In  l.'>2l  latue  to  Itareonn  town- 
hnlji,  rained  a  crofi,  returned  to  Tinlon 
County  and  returned  to  Haeeonn  for 
penminent  resldenra  in  1S2^.  Ilo  waa 
married  to  Martraret  Ilohlnson,  Janu- 
ary ,s,  IN'ji.  llo  was  County  ConimlB- 
filiiner  eight  years,  justice  of  the 
pcneo  fifteen  years,  and  several  years 


ship  Triiste 


and  liberal  supporter  of 
I  he  Melhndlst  rhureli.  Ilo  and  his 
Hlfe  experleneed  all  the  trials  and 
IMlvallonB  of  pioneer  life  and  did  well 
Ihelr  part  in  teaching  civic  rigbtcons- 
neas  iind  fair  dealing.  Ills  Bon,  John 
U.,  was  born  In  tills  township,  and 
was  a  sm-cessfnl  farmer,  and  was 
eleited  County  Treasurer  In  l."*.'*.  lie 
also  represented  rarl<o  and  Muntgoin- 
ery  ConnlleB  as  Joint  llepresentatlve. 
The  family  of  his  son.  James  N.  Mil- 
ler, de.eased,  are  neiirly  all  living  In 
I'arke  County.  JoBcph  and  John  now 
own  good  fariufl  of  the  original  ac- 
(lUlsltions.  .Mleo  Clements.  Mrs.  \V.  J. 
While,  and  (Jeorge  c.,  children  of 
Jaiiiea  X.,  now  live  In  Itoekvllle.  nick 
.Miller,  .  ic  youngest  son.  resldcB  In  In. 
dlann|K)ll8.  Mrs.  William  floodin,  a 
dangbler.  llvts  In  Joekaon  township. 

JiiiiN  II.  was  bnrn  In  llae- 
roon lownshlp  ,\uguBt  2ri,  ISII).  Ills 
parenia,  Jacob  and  F.llzaheth  Miller 
aettled  there  In  1«17.  He  begun  farm- 
Ing  for  himself  when  at  the  age  of  22 
lie  was  an  Indiistrlnus  man  and  high- 
ly e-teemed.  He  was  a  practical 
fMrnier,  hut  look  an  Interest  In  all  cn- 
terprlfles  for  progrosB  and  Improve- 
menls  to  better  existing  conditions. 
He  was  the  first  white  child  bom  In 
Itaecoon   township. 

ItnnKRT  MiTciiEi.i.  settled.  In  Rac- 
coon township  anil  began  farming  In 
1RI7  or  INIS.  Ills  son.  Robert,  was 
born  on  the  land  May  8,  18.T1.  His 
father  died  when  ho  was  about  three 
yoari  old,  ao  he  and  hia  brotber  Abel,  - 

living,    bei-anie    managers    of    the 
III    oi    about    four      hundred      acres. 

V  ileared  h  nf  the  land  and  al- 

I'Tigaged  In  stock  raising.  The 
.cliellB  were  men  of  high  Ideals  and 
nimh  In  helping  imike  their  neigh- 
hood  what  it  Is  today. 
•ilii.MAM  K.  Skvium.ii  settled  In  llae- 
n  township  on  a  form  In  tiio  pio- 
r  days.  Ills  son.  Oempsey  C.  .^tey- 
rl.  yet  living  was  born  in  Hniciion 
■iichlji  in  i.h;!7,  whoro  ho  residcB  at 

Ing  to  r.  S.  when 
moving   to    I'ennsyl 

tueni-e  to   llrazil. 
Major    par 

I  here 
that    .11 

I'm  Hand  .Mills.  Park 
where    he   operated    ii   country     atore. 
Ills   sou    Jacob,    being   lionkkeepcr   and 
1  li  rk  :    theme   to   .danBrield    where   he 
dlid   In    isiu.     (Iranilehlldrcn  end  de- 

Id.  thence  re-  and  stork  rniser  of  the  pioneer  days, 
.  thence  to  iil  times  owning  ronsideroblo  propor- 
lorllon  of  the  ly  and  then  losing  all  In  R  live  stock 
and  reared.  deal,  as  the  prices  of  stock  had  a  wide 
to  Indiana,  range  of  \'alueB  In  plonocr  days.  At 
he  laid  out  a  time  of  Ids  decease  he  had  financial 
y:  thence  to  leveraes  anil  lelt  a  debt  of  .«2.l'««l  for 
Minly  In  IN.-|.  Ids  son,  Ja.ob  Jonn,  to  discharge, 
mnlry  atore,  which  was  done,  before  making  a 
Btart  for  himself.  In  war  times,  '(11- 
■III,  Jai-ob  John  was  Bssoelatcd  with 
Haii.uel   strouse  In     supplying     large 




II I  iiiniiniiiiMiiii 

:-t,'^''  - '■■^^~'.' ■  ■S:i£itUu. 



tl  0  lime  of  this  sketch.  .>e  was  a  man 
01  sterling  charaeter,  who  did  hlfl  part 
well   III   the  early  days. 

(iniK.iN  CiiouK.s  WHS  born  March  7, 
l.><rl,  and  settled  with  his  father's  faui- 
lly  In  llaccnon  townsblp  In  IN2.'(. 
While  a  youth  he  kept  a  eanoe  and 
rowed  people  across  Mig  Haeci'on  for 
a  small  sum.  lie  was  drowned  while 
irosslng  the  aame  streniu  below  the 
diim  at  llrlilgeton  In  IKiliJ.  Mr.  Crooks 
wiiB  a  farmer  and  his  daughter,  .Mary, 
nlilow  of  the  late  Captain  Joshua  I.. 
Hayes,  resides  on  part  of  the  old 

llKV.  Iii.\  .Matkii  was  horn  In  lliiller 
County,  iihln.  Juno  14,  IN22,  and  lo- 
tated  on  a  farm  In  lUccoon  Township 
In  the  curly  days.  He  was  one  of  the 
pioneer  iiiliilaurB  of  the  I'lilled  llreth- 
ern  rhun-h.  who  helped  establish  m 
I  lirlsllan  clvllliiallon  In  the  Wabash 
Valley.  I  luring  Ida  travels  as  a  cir- 
cuit rider  he  pnased  through  some  try- 
ing and  Interesting  cxperlcnccB.  Ilia 
son.  I  >r.  Jni-nh  I  >..  deceased,  was  a 
sm-cessful  practitioner  for  several 
.\eiira  at  Ilrldgeton.  lie  was  a  corporal 
In  I  om[iany  "I,"  l^ilth  Indiana  In- 
fantry. Itev.  .Mr.  Mater  was  highly  es- 
teemed by  a  large  circle  of  friends  for 
his  kindly  Christian  character  and  de- 
votion to  bis  iMlnlsterlal  work.  He 
wiifl  a  writer  of  more  than  ordinary 
ability,  and  a  few  years  before  hiB 
death  published  a  volume  called  "The 
Prompter" — a  collection  of  his  contri- 
butions to  the  press  for  a  period  of 
forty  years. 

JoiiK  John  was  a  pioneer  of  Parke 
County :  waa  of  Welsh  atoek,  einlgrat- 

living:         J. 
of   lloi'kvlllc, 

f  (Irandfatber  John  now 
f.  ,11.  Johns,  attorney 
I.  Johna,  moiU' 
her  county  tax  board  review, 
llrldgelon,  I'rank  Johna,  lumber  deal- 
er, .Monte>:uuia,  .Miiria  llriibeek, 
llrldgelon,  and  Raroh  McOntcban, 
Keiitland,  Ind.,  ^aiii  P,  Johna,  lumber- 

contracts  .Mr,  Ktroiiae  had  with  the  tl, 
N.  government  for  stock  and  auppllca 
for  the  armies,  and  were  close  and  In- 
llmale  frlenda  until  death, 


AiuiiAii.  ilARHiniH  was  born  In  Noiv 

York  Octiilior  22,  INin,    Hint  come  to 


'"■■'■■'         '■•■^'■''••c- 


fe.  ' 






^- .-.-■■-.  ■it,::' 

nATmu),  jAOKSim  Townsiiir. 

man,  Sednlla,  Mo..  Stephen  .Tohns, 
Iiutchlnson,  ICan.,  Kmanuel  Johns, 
Seattle,  Wash.,  and  Ilobert  Johns, 
Panii,  .11.  There  Is  but  one  living 
child  of  John  John— Isaac  John,  ot 
Sedan,  Okla.,  now  In  his  00th  year. 
John  John  waa  a  merchant,  farmer 

I'arke  County  and  settled  In  Jackson 
township  In  1821,  and  waa  married  to 
Solomon  II.  Oarrlgus  Augtiat  0,  UK?. 
.Mhe  was  one  of  the  pioneer  women  ot 
strong  will  power  and  aacrlflcing  de- 
votion to  the  task  of  maklng'the  wlld- 
ernesa   fruitful   fleldi,     Mr.  Oarrlgua 


nKRMIRTtrK  OF  JOHX   TOI.IX.   norKvii.i.R, 


iikhiiik:<i'f.  or  vr.  k.  rcxric,  CATUif. 



wna  Coiinly  Snrvo.\or  for  many  ycara, 
nlso  a  JiiBllfO  of  the  peace  for  a  mini- 
licr  or  years,  and  rlllnl  both  jiMsltlona 
«illi  honor  jind  fidelity. 

S,\siiKi.  \Viii.vKim»-,  son  ot  Cyrus 
and  .lane  NVolvciton,  who  were  anionc 
(tie  very  curly  Bttllcrs  In  Tarke  Coim- 
ly,  wan  liorn  In  Jackson  township, 
January  ;tn.  \k^h,  nearly  ninety  years 
ni;o.  and  hcnro  was  a  pioneer  hahy.  He 
\^  as  horn  iind  raised  on  a  farm  amid 
all  the  surroundlnRB  of  the  trials  and 
prlvallonn  of  pioneer  life.  They  were 
uiinilKTB  of  the  Christian  cbnrch. 
Shortly  befure  his  death,  ho  donated 
the  Kround,  and  .Mr.  and  Mrs.  Wolver- 
ton  donated  money  and  material  to 
build  t'nlon  church  and  cemetery.  He 
una  possessed  of  all  the  attributes 
tha*  condni-e  to  morality  and  honesty. 

J  A 


of  Jesse 

Mavis,  and  was  horn  In  Kentnrky  In 
I7!HI.      Ills    father    came      across      the 

I intnlns  from     Virginia     with     the 

first  United  .stales  troops  and  died  at 
the  n^e  of  10."  years.  Mr.  Ilavls  lived 
In  Kentniky  until  l.sin,  where  he 
icarneil  to  he  a  shoemaker.  In  1.S2S 
he  came  to  .lac-kson  township,  and  af- 
ter a  short  stay,  went  to  .Montezuma, 
and  served  seventeen  years  as  Justice 
01   the  peace. 



In  Vir- 
ginia. Fehruary  12,  INIi),  and  settled 
In  Ja.kBon  township  In  l.H.i,S.  Ills 
falber,  Kllas  Kemper,  was  In  the  war 
of  isr.'.  anil  his  son,  r.llas,  was  a 
member  of  Company  "K"  Ist  Indiana 
Heavy  Artillery  In  the  Civil  war.  lie 
aci-iinuilatrd  about  (',4>i  acres  of  laud 
nun  raised  a  larRe  family  of  children, 
nf  whom  lOllas,  of  .Mansfield,  Mrs. 
Mary  A.  Hunt,  of  Korkvllle,  Ilohert 
\i.,  Wlnlleld  9..  and  ThomnB  are  still 
llvin).'.  He  was  married  to  I.avlna 
(illdewell,  who  was  born  In  Franklin 
County,  Indiana,  In  Miil. 

MiciiAKi.  rai'K-rT  was  born  In  Ton- 
neSHoe,  November  17,  iwt.'l,  and  aettled 
on  a  claim  Ir  Ja-'lison  township  In 
IKL'li.  Ills  son,  Calvin,  deceaseil,  waB 
horn  In  >VhliIey  County,  ICcniueky,  in 
IH'JS,  and  was  a  year  old  when  hiB  par- 
ents came  to  this  County  and  worked 
for  Ills  father  on  the  farm.  At  the  »• 
of  twenti'one  he  learned  the  oft.  j- 
t'r'a  trade,  followed  It  for  two  years, 
and  rcttlmcd  to  farming,  wlilch,  with 
the  o.\cepilon  of  a  few  years  as  a  sil- 
ent partner  of  John  It.  .Wusser  In  a 
general  store  at  Mansfield,  he  con- 
tinued tintlt  biB  death.  He  was  the 
first  man  In  Jackson  township  to  be 
made  a  Master  .Mason,  lie  was  a 
prncilcal,  inattc-r-of-fart  man  of  Inflii- 
onio  In  hlB  eomuuinlty.  He  was  the 
father  nf  John  M.,  of  Ilockvlllc. 

f.v/o.v  rowxKiiii: 

,Tmix  MABTi.t  purchased  at  land  of- 
fice In  Torre  Haute  In  1X2(1,  half  of 
Hoi'llon  2.1  In  I'nInn  township,  settled 
on  II  wllh  hiB  wife  and  eleven  chil- 
dren In  IK2I,  eoiiilnn  fnmi  Hoitth  Caro- 
llnil,  Thoy  bulll  a  Ior  house  and  at 
niire  heaan  rlparlntf  away  the  forest. 
lie  was  a  hlarliHiiilih  and  khi  amiili 
and  nflen  repnheii  ihe  Kuns  or 
Ihn  Helawarc  and  .Miami  Indiana  pass- 
ing alonit  the  tnill.  who  frei|uently 
ramped  on  his  land.  Mrs.  Martin 
niado  clothes  for  the  ;-)illdren  out  of 
liiick-skln.  'I'he  Indiana  freiiuonlly 
got  drunk,  but  one  it(  the  bunch  would 
remain  sohcr.  At  the  age  of  alxteen 
John  .Martin,  sr.,  served  under  VViisti- 
Ington  In  the  Itevnlntlon.  \  number  of 
hiB  desrendanlB  are  now  living  In  the 
fast  part  of  the  County, 

I'liiLMAK  W'oi.KuiTON  also  purchased 
land  the  sniue  year  that  John  Martin 
did.  In  Hei'tlons  'Jli  and  :\n,  amiie  of 
which,  la  now  owned  by  lila  descond- 
anti.    -Mareli  I,  IKViT,  ho  iiiarrled  llo- 

hecea  Crawford,  a;:o  sixteen.  In  Frank- 
lin Count.v,  Indiana,  and  at  oneo  came 
on  horseliark  to  this  County,  and  be- 
gan life  In  a  little  house  he  had  built. 
Charles  \V.  .\ydelott,  who  lives  In 
Itockvlllc.  owns  part  of  the  original 
farm,  roming  to  him  through  biB  moth- 
er, who  was  a  daughter  of  the  subject 
of  this  sketch. 

Jamks  Xoui.k  was  horn  July  20,  1S2!>, 
In  Shelby  County,  Ky.,  and  eniue  to 
I'arke  County  with  bis  parents,  James 
anil  Sarah  Xohle.  the  same  year.  He 
was  married  to  .Martha  Stugg  In  1W1. 
He  was  a  farmer;  several  times  Jus- 
tice of  the  peace,  iiBsessor  of  l-nlon 
township,  leaving  to  his  ehllilrcn  at 
Ills  death  several  hundred  acres  of 

JiUiN  Coi.i.iMi.-t  was  born  In  sShelby 
County,  Ky.,  .Vprll  22,  170.-,.  lie  and 
his  wife  settled  in  Union  township  In 
l.x.i:l.  Their  sun,  John,  was  then  four 
years  old,  and  beeame  the  owner  of 
bis  father's  farm,  which  he  posscBsed 
until  Ills  death.  At  the  age  of  21  be 
lii;irrled  Sarah  ,\.  Connelly,  both  of 
whom  were  faithful  members  of  the 
..llsslonary   Ilaptlst  church. 

(iiii:i;m:  rawssiiir. 

Jamk.s  F.  Pavton  was  born  In  Mas- 
on County,  Ky.,  In  Is2ri.  Ills  parents 
settled  In  (ireene  township  In  182.S. 
Ills  grandfather,  Thomas  I'ayton,  was 
an  associate  and  playmate  of  tJcorge 
Wushlngton,  ami  served  In  the  Itcv- 
olutlonary  war.  He  was  married  In 
1SI7  to  inlzabetb  Hush,  a  daughter  of 
Abraham  Hush,  who  came  to  this 
County  with  her  parents  In  1820.  ,Mr. 
I'ayton  and  bis  wife  were  members  of 
Mt.  .Morlah  Ilaptlst  churi'h.  He  was  a 
good  litlzen  and  successful  farmer. 

JA^f^:s  II.  Jaik  was  born  In  Ohio 
In  I.WM,  and  came  to  (ireene  township 
In  the  formative  period  of  this  Coun- 
ty and  aettled  in  what  was  known  as 
I.Inn  Thicket.  He  was  a  farmer 
preacher  In  the  old  order  of  Chris- 
tians, known  aa  Keformers,  eslahllsb- 
ed  by  llartim  W.  Stone.  When  lie 
came  to  this  Coimty,  theru  being  no 
cnurch  near,  he  united  wlta  the  branch 
of  the  church  now  called  HlBclplea, 
and  took  an  .ictlvc  part  In  erecting  two 
I'hunh  bu,. dings  at  Tortlanil  Mills 
and  one  at  I'arkevllle.  He  trc<inenlly 
preached,  but  did  not  devote  his  whole 
time  to  the  mlnlBlry.  He  was  a  man 
of  high  honor  and  raised  a  family  of 
several  children.  .Martin  ,S.,  John  T., 
Adam  S.,  .Mary  K.,  who  marled  Isaac 
N.  Illake,  and  Fllzabetta  J.,  who  mar- 
ried JamcB  .sowder. 

SAMiKt.  II.  Hamii.toj;  waa  born  In 
Hourlion  County,  Ky.,  May  17,  1707, 
Ills  fniher  was  born  In  Tyrone,  Ire- 
land, and  came  to  ,Vtnerlca  In  1781.  lie 
came  to  Parke  County  and  aettled  on 
land  In  (ireene  township  in  182.". 
Ills  ginnilfnther  loiight  In  the  battle 
of  the  lloyne  under  Wllllniii  the  III 
In  li>0<>.  Ills  uialernal  grandmother 
llvf  d  to  he  1 10  years  old,  and  when  alio 
had  passed  Ihe  century  mark  could 
spill  flax,  walk  ihren  mlli's  a  day,  and 
li'ad  snail  pritil  wlthniil  glnHHes.  Ilo 
serveil  as  County  Commlaslonor  nine 
years  and  Justice  of  the  peace  for  fif- 
teen years,  lie  begiin  life  on  eighty 
acres  anil  at  bis  death  owneil  two  hun- 
dred acres  of  fine  land,  and  was  the 
oldest  man  la  (Ireene  township,  hon- 
ored and  re8;)ectcd  by  all. 

.Maiitix  I,.  ItiMU.KV,  son  of  Uetiben 
and  llarliel  .Martin  Dooley,  was  born 
In  I'relihle  County.  Ohio,  In  1812.  He 
came  to  (ireene  township  In  early  life 
and  Bottlid  on  a  farm  ahout  one  mile 
north  nf  (lulon,  which  he  possessed 
until  lilB  death  several  years  ago.  In 
hiB  early  manhnod  ho  taiiglit  ichool 
u'hiitt  running  hla    farm.     Ilia    aon, 

Jerome  II.,  was  In  Comiiany  "(J,"  78th 
Inillana,  nnd  also  In  Company  "A," 
-lotb  Indiana  lleglment  In  the  war  of 
the  Itebcllion.  He  was  for  more  than 
forty  years  an  elder  In  the  Christian 
church  and  a  model,  conscientious  cit- 
izen. .Marrus  A.  Dooley,  a  Bon,  was 
Itoin  in  ls:l7  In  (Jreenc  township  and 
owns  a  farm  near  .Mllllgan. 

Tiici.MA.><  111  a.xsiiiK  was  born  In  Mad- 
ison Comity,  Ky.,  January  21,  Ilo 
fame  to  i.rcene  townshl|i  and  entered 
laud  there  in  182(1.  Ills  parents,  John 
and  Mary  l>cnlon  Ilurnslde,  came  In 
1.>.."(l.  Ills  father  served  under  (leneral 
f.Mit  in  the  llevoUitlon,  and  was  In 
the  b;ittle  of  Camden.  ^Vhen  she  was 
seven  yeais  of  age,  his  mother,  one  of 
the  pioneers  of  KentiiHiy,  was  captur- 
ed by  the  Inillaus  and  was  held  by 
tlieiii  for  seven  years.  He  bad  a  fine 
I  arm  of  2IXI  nerCB,  which  by  sacrifice 
und  hard  work  by  himself  and  bis  wife 
and  family,  was  brought  to  a  good 
state  of  cultivation.  He  and  hla  wife 
were  long  iiiembere  of  the  AsBoclato 
Presbyterian  church  near  Portland 

TltoMAH  J.  waa  born  In 
Mrrier  County,  Kentucky,  In  1S02.  He 
BCtllcd  In  (ireene  township  In  1827, 
anil  entered  .'t2(l  acres  of  government 
land.  In  1.S28  he  married  .Mlsa  Ann 
.Nii'CormIck  and  they  were  the  parents 
of  eight  clilldien.  He  was  an  active 
member  of  the  Methodist  church  and 
lived  to  a  rliie  old  age. 

Wii.i.iAM  J  Ciii.i.iNos  was  born  In 
Kentucky  In  I.SJI.  He  was  the  aon 
of  Zebulou  Colllngs,  who  came  to 
I'arke  Cuiinty  and  settled  In  (Jroene 
townslilii  In  \s:iri.  Ilis  grandfather 
w(  nt  to  Kentucky  from  North  Caro- 
llnii,  when  there  wore  less  Ihan  a  half 
dozen  cabins  In  i/iulsvllle,  and  the 
settlers  were  living  In  blockhouses. 
lie  ouned  a  farm  of  liMI  acres  In  o(ec- 
tlon  15  and  was  <|iiltc  an  extensive 
liieeiler  of  Shorthorn  cattle  and  tlior- 
oiigli  bred  horses.  He  waa  a  member 
of  Mt.  Morlah  church,  and  a  iiiiin  of 
high  honor,  making  a  success  In  life, 
/•/,'VV  T(>W\f!IIII'. 
PKaLtv  .MlTriin.l.  wiia  born  in  New 
Ilaiiipshlre  October  i:l,  17n."i,  and  set- 
tled in  Penn  townsbl|>  In  1.821  on  a 
tract  of  land  purchased  from  the  gov- 
eminent,  wlitcli  he  immediately  began 
to  clear  and  build  a  log  cabin  thereon. 
Iicer.  wolies  and  bear  were  plent.v  In 
the  neighborhood,  and  also  hands  of 
Klekapoo  nnd  IMIamI  Indians.  The 
whole  |.o|iulatlon  of  the  Coiinly  at  the 
time  did  not  oxcc.'d  two  hundred,  in 
I82,"i  he  built  a  carding  machine  anil 
two  years  later  a  aaw  liilll,  wblcb  he 
operated  several  yeara.  He  died  In 
the  old  iiomealcad  In  IH7N.  Ills  aona, 
(icorgo  and  Prof.  Andrew  Mitchell, 
are  living  on  the  Pacific  Coast. 

.VMiiiKw  'I'kxmiiikik  was  liorii  In  Penn- 
ryhanln.  Aiuotsl  N,  IMIii,  ami  cume 
with  his  I'allier's  family  lo  Penn  lown- 
slilp,  Bcttlliig  there  In  18211.  Tlio  trad, 
as  woi,  SB  the  adjacent  rountry,  was 
I  lien  II  ileuae  body  of  wondfl,  traversed 
only  by  what  was  known  as  bridle 
patlii.  Tim  family  was  eomiiolled  to 
ramp  In  the  forest  until  a  log  cabin 
was  biiitt.  .Vndrew  was  married  to 
llachel  111  own  at  the  age  of  twcnty- 
llvo  anil  liniight  Imnl  near  the  Wabash 
lllver,  and  at  the  death  of  his  father, 
ii'oved  to  his  father's  farm.  In  1810 
he  was  elected  a  iiiemlKr  of  the  Legis- 
lature. During  Ihe  Civil  war  ho  had 
tiirec  sons  In  the  army,  one  of  whom, 
John  .1..  now  living  In  Tiisioln,  Illl- 
rolB,  waa  a  cnriornl  In  Company  ",V," 
8"iih  lleglment.  The  late  .MrB.  David 
Pnxtci'  (Itt  was  a  daughter. 

N'atiiajiiki,  Nkwi.ix  aeilled  In  Penn 
township  In  182(1,  coming  from  North 

Carolina,  where  he  wbb  born.  There 
were  twelve  In  the  family.  He  re- 
iiialnrd  a  resideal  of  Penn  township 
until  Ills  death  In  bis  on.  hundredth 
year.  He  was  for  Beveuty  years  an 
elder  In  the  Friends  ciurch,  and  waa 
a  man  of  Integrity  who  Infused  Into 
the  life  of  others  high  iiualltlcs  of  vir- 
tue. Ills  son  lOII  waB  born  In  Orange 
County,  Indiana,  In  I8III,  and  came  to 
this  County  with  his  iiarenis  In  182(1, 
and  became  the  owner  of  the  farm 
Iiossessed  by  his  father.  Ho  died  sev- 
eral years  iigo  In  llleomlngdale.  He 
also  was  a  life  luomher  of  the  Society 
01'  Friends. 

ciiAiii.iiH  civKUMAX  was  liom  In 
Wayne  County.  .North  Carolina,  In 
181.1,  and  caiiic  with  his  father,  John 
(Ivcrman  (iHirn  In  North  Carolina  In 
17071  and  settled  In  Iteserve  town- 
ship In  1KI2,  about  three  miles  west 
of  Ilockvlllc.  From  there  they  moved 
10  the  farm  now  owned  hy  .lames  I-]. 
i:ider  three  miles  north  of  llock- 
vllle.  In  1,8118  he  moved  to  Old  Illooiu- 
Ingdale.  Ho  was  a  very  IndustrloUB 
man,  honorable  In  his  dealings  with 
everyone.  Ilo  was  a  faithful  meiuber 
of  the  Fi  lends  church  until  death. 



9  a  native  of 
vorth  Ciirolina,  and  Bcttled  In  lleservo 
township  on  land  near  Coloma  In  I8.'lo. 
He  waa  the  fatlier  of  CorncMuB  F. 
.Morris,  lately  decenscd.  CornellUB 
was  born  on  hla  father's  farm  In  1.8.17, 
and  at  bis  death  owned  about  .'tO(i  ac- 
res of  well  Improved  land  about  three 
uillcfl  northwest  of  llockvllle.  Tlie 
.Morris  family  were  s|ilendld,  high- 
minded  men,  all  of  whom  were  life 
.iiomiicrB  of  the  i-'ricnds  church. 
Knoch,  living  on  his  farm  about  three 
miles  northwest  of  llockvllle,  and 
Joslah,  WHO  now  lives  In  lllooiiilng- 
<lale,  are  sons  of  Zacharlah  .Niorrls. 


a  native  of  North 
Carolina,  settled  in  Penn  townBhip  In 
1.82(1,  nnd  died  In  1.8:1:1.  He  was  a  mem- 
her  of  the  Friends  church.  Ilia  aon, 
Kll  .liorrlson,  waa  horn  In  North  t'liro- 
liiia  in  1824.  He  lived  on  a  farm  nnd 
worked  at  hlfl  trade  as  a  carpenter. 
There  are  many  buildings  In  the  coun- 
ty that  are  proofs  of  his  skill  as  a 
good,  honest  workmiin.  lie  waa  a  con- 
sistent member  of  the  Friends  church 
until  hla  death. 



waa  Iwm  in 
North  Carolina  In  18(H).  and  eaino  to 
I'eiin  townshii)  In  1.82*1,  from  Vigo 
I  ounty,  where  he  went  In  1818.  He 
died  on  his  farm  In  187(1.  His  son, 
Joel,  was  liorn  In  Vigo  County  In  182ri, 
and  came  to  Penn  township  with  hla 
parentB  In  IK'Jil,  and  at  hla  death  own- 
ed a  fine  farm  of  2,'i(l  ueroa.  Ilolli  fath- 
er and  son  wore  men  of  sterling 
worth,  wboae  Inflnonro  for  good  wai 

Dii.  jAur.K  P,  TiTHKB  waa  bom  In 
New  York  In  INlii,  In  IKII  ..a  caiiia 
with  Ills  fnllier  lo  Parko  Count)',  At 
the  age  nt  III  be  alurtod  nut  far  hllii- 
•elf  and  wiirkeil  on  a  farm,  Fnun 
I8"n  In  I8II1  lie  Bliidled  medicine,  and 
became  a  sui'iTHBfiil  prai'lltluner,  He 
ilnally  loculed  on  a  farm  north  of 
Itoaring  Creek  In  Penn  towiiRlitp,  and 
irado  a  aiicccBS  iit  that  and  stock  rais- 
ing. He  WBB  one  of  the  oldest  Mnsona 
in  that  townBhip,  being  elected  ,MaBlrr 
of  his  t'idge  sixteen  conaocutivo  tliiiea, 

Hon.  Itnt'KiiT  Km.i.KV  waa  Itorn  In 
N'lami  County,  Ohio,  Aiirll  111,  INin, 
nnil  came  to  Penn  township  with  hla 
larents  nnd  aetilcd  In  18'Jil.  Ilo  held 
aevoal  offiiTs  of  trust  and  reiireBonl- 
id  I'arke  i  oiinly  In  the  I.<Klslalure  In 
'8'0,  and  WHS  one  of  the  delegates  at 
largq  from  the  FItale  of  .Missouri  to 
Ihe  .National  convention  that  nominat- 
ed (lonoral  (Iraut  for  tlio  seeoiid  term 


I'Vi  li  1^    • 

llKHlii»:.\i  l:   nl' 

IK   riNKM,      llinf 



saaS'iS?"-^'.'?- t"; 


rnujuoB,  AitAMN   Townniiip, 



In  ISTi:.  Ilo  \v..B  an  cBpecial  friend  oi 
ihc  t-aUBOB  oC  teiiiporauco  and  oduca- 
(Ion,   ntiicU   he  Biipportcd   wllli   much 

John  ('AuTtiK,  son  of  John 
and  Kuth  Nowlln  Curler,  was  bora 
nuur  lllllsboro,  .N.  C,  Murclj  IT.  l»tlU; 
died  nt  hiB  home  In  Ulooiiiinifdale, 
Suit.  'JT,  IIM'J,  U)£c  IKt  yeiira,  li  months, 
III  ilays.  lie  I'liiiie  with  hlB  father  to 
rurke  County  In  IS-Kl.  Oitolicr,  l»."i4, 
lii>  wan  iinltod  In  niurrlaKc  to  .Mary 
llnyle,  with  whom  he  lived  until 
dvath  .■lalmud  her,  Kch.  :l,  UllO.  For 
more  than  foiir-acoro  years  Uncle 
.lolin  wnit  faiiiitliir  with  the  affairs  of 
IIiIb  col unity.  As  n  lioy  he  frequent- 
ly made  IniiK  joiu'ne.\8  on  burse-hack 
to  Bonii'  KilBt  mill  for  meal  or  flour, 
l-'ur  years  In-  was  a  teamster,  and 
Imiili'il  lu'ouiK-e  to  CIncinnull,  l-lvans- 
\lili>  and   liii'limond  and  In'ought  back 

n'..andlHi'  lu  tlie  \illnKi<B     In     this 

Hi'ctlmi.  lie  also  made  two  Irlim  to 
.New  OricanH  on  flat  liuata,  loaded 
with  Kiuin.  pork  and  oilier  proiluco. 
He  had  many  other  Interestlni;  rem- 
iiilBi'i-nccs  to  relate  of  pioneer  tlincB. 

liiA  tji.ANHiiN  was  horn  In  Orange 
Coiinly.  .Nortli  Cnroliuu,  Aug.  13,  ls:;.i. 
Ilefme  he  reaihod  tiie  first  nnnlvcrs- 
iir.v  «r  his  birtli  his  parents,  having 
luaid  thrilling  stories  of  the  great 
pussibilllleH  in  the  far  West,  started 
on  lliat  loni:,  tedious  journey,  which 
hraui:ht  tliem  to  Orange  County,  In- 
diana. In  orange  t  oiinty  Ira  tilasson 
grew  to  manlioiid  anil  in  lSM."i  was 
n.arrled  to  Surah  C.  White.  In  I8.V1 
he  hroughl  Ills  family,  which  consist- 
ed of  his  wile  and  five  small  girls  to 
I'arkc  County.  Mere  he  lived  until 
his  deatli,  whiili  occurred  .May  18, 
llll.l.  When  he  arrived  in  I'arke 
County  lie  lociile.i  near  the  then  tbriv- 
lllg  town  of  .\nnupnll8,  and  for  several 
.veara  lived  near  that  place.  In  tlie 
early  Bcventles  he  moved  his  family 
'  10  a  farm  near  llockvllle  and  in  this 
cmmiinHy  he  spent  tlie  remainder  of 
Ills  inc.  Had  lie  lived  until  August, 
lliri,  he  woulii  have  rciiehcd  his 
ninetieth  blrtnday.  IIIb  was  a  long 
life  well  spent.  Ills  friends  knew 
lilni  as  an  lionest,  industrious,  moral 
man.  <-harilal>le  and  obliging. 

irinvMfi}  rouxsiiir. 

AM.ahw  .1.  MvKKs  was  liorn  in  North 
Carolina  in  INlli.  and  came  to  llow- 
nni  township  with  ills  parents,  Dan- 
lei  and  .Mary  Myers,  in  l.s-io.  His  fath- 
er was  In  the  war  of  1S12.  Tlie  family 
begun  clearing  the  forest,  the  usual 
vocation  of  all  the  pioneer  settlers. 
.Mr.  .Myers  hy  hard  work  and  sacrifice 
aci|uired  a  farm  of  aliout  two  hundred 
acres.  There  are  at  present  a  niimher 
of  tliat  njiiiie,  owners  of  large  tractB 
of  hind  In  tlie  nonli  part  of  the  town- 
B - 

Ctn.M.  C.  liKi.i*  came  to  Tarke  Coun- 
ty and  setlicfl  In  Iln«aid  townshl|i  In 
tiie  early  period.  He  imd  hia  children 
were  lllicrs  of  the  soli.  .Mr.  Help,  like 
all  the  otiicr  early  settlers,  began 
clearing  the  forest,  whlcli  was  so 
deuBe  in  that  region,  along  and  near 
.siiL-ur  t  reek,  lie  afterwards  built  the 
mill  which  stood  near  the  present 
'l.igh   bridge."     He  died   ninny  years 

iiowAiiii  CrniiK,  son  of  Israel  and 
KranccB  Clore,  was  born  In  Iloone 
County.  Kenlmky.  In  ism.  In  l.s:l'.' 
he  came  to  Howard  tou-nsbip  and  set- 
tled on  a  rami  in  the  northeast  part 
of  Howard  township.  He  became  one 
nr  the  most  extensive  fariucrB  in  thai 
srrllon  of  the  County,  uiid  at  his 
t'.calh  severiil  .vcars  ago  owned  a  fine 
frm  of  over  tliree  hundred  acres,  well 
improved.  He  begun  life  us  a  poor 
11  an,  but  by  spiendhl  business  tact  and 

Industrious  liablts,  made  a  pronounced 
siicccsH  In  life.  Ilo  raised  a  number  of 
clilldrcn  and  the  Innil  is  now  in  pos- 
session of  some  of  his  family. 

Wii.i.iAM  llii.ii.i  was  born  In  Ken- 
tucky In  1..I7,  and  settled  on  a  farm 
in  Howard  township  In  I.Sin.  Ho  wos 
a  hlacksmitli,  a  very  necessary  occupa- 
tion. In  tliose  early  days  la  every 
township  there  would  he  a  hlacksmitli 
shop  and  general  store  cdtabllsiied. 
The  latter  usually  possessed  a  stock 
of  goods  conslBlIng  of  a  liolt  or  two  of 
calico,   muslin,   blue  Jeans  and  a   few 

pounds  of  Biignr  and  coffee,  a  little 
tinware,  etc.  There  were  no  poBtof- 
llces  except  at  the  County  Seats.  No 
Btuiiips.  The  letters  wore  forwardci 
and  the  postage,  aliout  twenty-five 
cents,  would  be  paid  in  cash,  eggs  or 
other  commodities.  Mr.  IIIUio  bud 
twelve  children.  ArcTilbald  was  In 
Couinany  "I,"  "ist  llegiment,  and  was 
wouudeil  at  Kort  Donelson,  February 
i:t.  IsilL'.  His  son,  Renjamin,  was  al- 
so In  tlie  Civil  War  and  was  killed  at 
liie  battle  of  .Icnklns  Ferry,  April  'M, 

Parke  Olouutg  fenpU 

Wii.iiAM  M.  Aui.v  resided  In  M.i"" 
/uma.  Uepresentcd  the  County  In 

KniiKiir  Kia.t.v  wos  a  prominent  cit- 
izen of  much  force  In  I'onn  township, 
and  Ilepresentnllvo  In  the  I,eglBlatiire 

.loMN  10.  WiMip.vim,  of  ronn  town* 
8bl|i,  was  Captain  of  Co.  "F,"  Iltb  In- 
diana Cavalry.  Represented  County  In 
I.eglslature  two  terms. 

(iKoacir.  \V.  lloiwDN,  born  in  Parke 
County;  served  two  terliiB  in  the  f-eg- 
islaliire,  and  represented  I'arko  and 
Vermillion  Counties  In  the  State  Sen- 
ate hsni-isn.'i. 

.Toii.N  MAUsiiAT.r.,  of  Adams  town- 
ship, was  a  farmer  and  man  of  influ- 
ence. Held  the  office  of  Probate 
.fudge;  lived  to  an  advanced  old  age 
three  miles  southwest  o.'  Itockville. 


:l.   Til 


larmer  In  (ireene  township.  Uepre- 
Bcnted  the  County  in  the  Legislature, 
1.S74.  He  was  one  of  the  early  set- 
tlers In  Union  township. 

.ToiiN-  It.  .Mii.i.Ka.  son  of  Tobias  Mil- 
ler, born  In  I'arko  County,  and  was 
clecteil  Treasurer  in  im.S;  afterwards 
represented  .Montgomery  and  Park© 
Counties  in   the  (ienerol  Assembly. 

Da.  litA  tl.  (Jii.i.uM.  prominent  phy- 
sician living  at  Sylvunla,  represented 
the  County  In  tlie  Legislature,  1880. 
Ho  removed  to  Illnols  several  years 
ago  and  conttniled  the  practice  until 
his  ileath. 

OwiiioE  K.  ;iANXA,  born  In  Green© 
township  in  i.SKJ.  Was  a  progressive 
farmer  and  public-spirited'  citizen. 
Served  one  term  in  the  State  Senate 
Iroiii  I'arke  and  .Montgomery  Coun- 
ties in  imiT-liKlO. 

Wii.l.iAM  K.NOW1.K.-*  resided  for  some 
years  In  Portland  .Mills  and  Ilockrllle. 
lleprrsented  County  in  I.egislature 
iwi;  to  l.-oM.  Was  prominent  in  the 
liuslness  life  of  llockvllle,  and  took 
great  Interest  In  affairs  pertaining  to 
the  lecture  platform. 

.loii.x  II.  Li.Mii.rv  was  reared  in 
I'arlic  Country  and  graduated  at 
Itloomlngdalc  Academy,  lie  was  the 
last  Captain  of  Company  "F,"  11th  In- 
diana Cavalry.  He  served  two  terms 
as  County  Trcacurer  and  also  was 
elccteu  to  the  Stale  Senate  from  the 
dlslrlct  composed  of  Parke  and  Ver- 
million CoiintKs  in  l.t-S;;.  lie  died  at 
the  IKnnlson  Hotel  in  Indianarolis 
lieceiiiher  2il,  isni,  where  he  and  bis 
wife  were  living. 

(iKoiioK  11.  CiiAi-MA.-^  was  liorn  in 
i'lnn  township  over  eighty  years  ago. 
He  was  a  farmer,  went  In  the  IHh  In- 
diana iiattcry  ami  was  wounded  at 
IIk-  llattle  of  Shiloh.  He  afterwards 
served  in  Company  "I'V  llth  Indiana 
Cavalry,  of  which  he  was  coiiiiiiission- 
ed  First  Lieutenant.  He  wos  elected 
Sheriff  of  Parke  County  in  1874  and 
was  re-elected  In  187d.  He  located  at 
San    Plego.   California    whore   he   re- 

sid.d  for  about  twenty-five  years,  and 
uied  tlicre  almul  four  years  ago. 

;Ciuiu  U.  Maiiih,  ion  of  Wllllaui  and 
Abigail  Marls,  wua  lioru  in  Annapolis 
In    if*;!.'!.     Ho  went  to   itcscrvo  town- 

•  liip  In  early  life,  whore  lie  was  a 
fnrmer  until  elected  Sheriff  of  Parke 
County  In  187s,  which  ottico  ho  held 
for  two  IcriiiB.  For  fifty  years  he  has 
been  a  local  preacher  In  the  Meth- 
odist ihurcu,  and  a  man  widely  Imown 
and  highly  esteemed  in  this  county, 
Altliongli  llockvllle  is  his  legal  resi- 
dence, since  the  death  of  his  wife,  he 
has  spent  most  of  hia  time  with  lilB 
married  daughters  in  the  South. 

i-MtKi/s    ri:oru-;   away    Fitoii 


Jamcs  IlAal.AN,  liorn  In  Clark  Coun- 
ty, Illinois;  ninic  to  Parke  County 
with  his  parents,  Silas  and  .Mary  llor- 
lan,  when  four  years  old.  Oruduatcd 
at  Aaliury  Ijniverslty  in  I84."i;  went  to 
Iowa  in  1847.  Was  President  of  Iowa 
Wesleynn  rnivcrsity.  Meinher  United 
Slates  Senate  18.".."i-lsi'h-| ;  also  from 
I81UI  to  1.87;i  was  Secretary  of  Inter- 
ior In  Lincoln's  last  Cabinet.  Was 
also  Chief  Justice  of  the  Alabama 
Claims  Commission.  Died  at  his  homo 
.Ml.  Pleasant,  Iowa,  October  n,  18!>P. 

(Jkuiiok  K.  Hawks,  son  of  Itev.  John 
Hawks,  liaised  in  llockvllle,  and  Is 
now  Ccr.eral  Manager  of  the  HI  Paso 

*  Soiitli'A'Cstern  Itailroad  Company. 

JA.MK8     It.        HaI.I.OWEI.1.,        With        llls 

father,  operated  a  mill  on  Little  Uae- 
coon  at  what  Is  known  us  the  Adams 
Ford,  about  three  miles  cast  of  llock- 
vllle. after  the  war.  At  the  first  call 
for  voluntcere  for  three  niontha'  ser- 
vice, be  enlisted  in  the  11th  Incjiana 
Il*'giiiicnt.  llf)  again  entered  tlie  ser- 
vice as  Second  Lieutenant  of  Compiiny 
"1,"  of  the  ;Mst  Indiana  llegiment.  and 
wac  Its  last  Colonel.  He  studied  law 
In  Ihc  office  of  lllce  &  Johnston  in 
Itockville  and  in  18i;a  settled  Jn  Kan- 
sos,  where  he  became  a  prominent 
lawyer,  and  was  for  several  years 
,1  nited  Stales  Hislrlct  Attorney.  He 
was  a  candidate  for  Congress  and  was 
dcrcaled  by  -lerry  (Socklcssl  Simpson. 
He  died  near  Crawfordsville,  Indiana. 

lliiiAM  !•;.  llAni.KY,  born  In  Liberty 
township.  (Inidnatcd  at  lOariham 
College.  I,ocated  in  Slate  of  Wash- 
ington, where  he  was  elected  Chief 
Justice  of  the  Supreme  Court.  De- 
clined re-noinlnatlon,  and  resiiinQd 
his  law  practice. 

lloBArK  (),  111  RT.-  born  on  a  farm 
about  one  mile  west  of  Itridgeton  and 
attended  haccoon  township  schools. 
At  age  of  fifteen  his  family  moveil  to 
'I'erre  Haute.  He  went  Into  railroad 
service,  and  from  l.silS  to  ini4  was 
Prcaldtnt  of  liio  Union  Pacific  rail- 
road; lliv>ii-llHill  consulting  engineer; 
imi'.l  receiver,  Chicago,  (Jreiit  Western 
railway;  lull  chief  engineer,  Chi- 
cago Association  of  Coiiuiiercc.  His 
ilcBlh   occurred   some   months  ago. 

JoHEPii  a.  Cannon,  came  to  Parke 

County  when  a  boy  from  North  Caro- 
lina. (Iradiiated  from  Illoomingdale 
Academy.  .Movcil  to  Illinois.  .Member 
of  Congress  over  thirty  years;  was 
its  Speaker  three  times,  and  Is  now  a 
member  of  Congress. 

Joii.N-  I-:.  HuMi'intKvs  practiced  law 
In  llockvllle  and  Crowfordsvlllo  from 
where  he  went  to  Stole  of  Washing- 
ton and  held  the  office  of  Judge  of  the 
Superior  Court  of  King  County.  Died 
two  yo.-irs  ago. 

lUnl^iw  LiNiiu,;v,  born  In  Liberty 
township  in  l87,-i.  (iradunled  at 
Illoomingdale  Academy.  Idenli.led 
with  many  Slate  and  rational  Fduca- 
ilonal  organizations.  Wrote  a  book 
on  tlie  (lovernmenl  of  Indiana.  He 
entered  the  Unlvorslty  of  Wisconsin 
and  the  Chicago  Unlverslly  and  Is 
now  Head  of  tlio  Department  of  Ills- 
lory  and  Political  Science  of  Karlham 
( ■oilcgo. 

WiM.iAM  II.  DiiiiiM  resided  In  Pai<ko 
County,  for  several  years  and  appolDl- 
ed  by  President  Cleveland  to  I'onilou 
Dciiurtment,  Washington. 

TiiKiioN  1;,  .McCAuniEi.r.,  born  In 
Wasliington  township;  graduate  of 
Wabash  College;  wos  circulation  man- 
ager Woiiiiin's  Home  Compantim, 
Springfield,  Ohio;  went  from  there  to 
New  York  as  iiianager  of  Ilobcrt  Uon- 
ner's  luililicalionB ;  organized  the 
Ladles'  lioiiio  Journal  Pattern  Coiu- 
|iany,  and  active  In  otrer  New  Vork 

.loii.N  F.  .Mkaciiau,  born  In  Itock- 
vlllo.  Was  Adjutant  of  the  ;ilBl  llegi- 
ment. Was  for  many  years  in  TreiiB- 
ury  Department,  Washington,  D.  C, 
Died  at  ^^'aBhlnglon,  where  his  widow 
.vet  resides. 

Joii.v  F.  IC.vm.t:,  horn  on  a  farm  In 
Pcnn  township,  near  Annapolis.  At- 
lenilcd  Itloomlngdalo  Academy;  grad- 
uated from  State  Normal ;  received 
degrees  from  University  of  Chicago 
and  Inlvcrslty  of  California.  Hold 
chair  of  Soiloiogy  In  Feiieral  School 
at  Logan,  Wasliington.  Now  at  ilead 
of  high  school  Fast  Auburn,  Calif. 

Itoiu.iiT  1^.  I\i:i.l.v,  horn  In  Tuscola, 
Illinois,  In  18115.  Canio  to  Pariio 
County  at  an  early  age.  i;radualcd 
at  llloomlngclale  Academy  1H.S4.  Pres- 
ident of  I'cnn  C<dlcge  In  lowu  und  Is 
now   President  of  lOarlliatu  College. 


nnllves  of  llockvllle.  Went  10  Wyoin- 
Int-  wlien  it  was  a  ler'llory.  The  for- 
mer was  superintendent  ol  the  fiicrl- 
t^an  city  Hospital;  the  bitter  a  lueni- 
her  of  the  state  Legislature. 

Washi.vgto.v  T.  I';.noi.e,  iKjrn  on  a 
farm  near  Annapolis.  Attended  Illoom- 
ingdale .Vcudemy ;  attended  school  at 
lAiulsvliie.  Ky.  Studied  medicine  with 
Dr.  J.  .\.  lloldsiicrry.  Is  now  head 
larmer  at  the  Illinois  University. 

W11.T.1A.M  H.  Ki.soN.  born  In  Parke 
County.  Was  County  Superintendent 
here  and  later  Superintendent  of  the 
cily  sclioolB,  West  Superior,  Wiscon- 
sin, Crnnd  llapids,  .Micliigan,  and 
Cleveland,  Ohio.  Author  of  a  standard 
school  look,  wblcli  Is  being  used  In 
many  city  scnoois.  He  resigned  the  sil- 
periiilendcy  of  the  Cleveland  schools, 
and  Is  now  devoting  his  time  In  con- 
nection Willi  hlB  piiblicallon. 

Joii.i  c.  llsiBii.  served  in  [ho  .18th 
Indiana  llegiiiicnt.  Caii.o  to  llock- 
vllle from  Waveland  at  close  of  the 
War.  Nvus  a  prouiluent  lawyer  and 
assessor  of  the  revenue  under  Hie 
war  Income  lax. 

FiiwAaa  IiANir.iji  caiiio  to  Ilockrillo 

with  his  ralhcr'B  f Ily  in  IKlll  ;  when 

a  child  attended  llockvllle  high  sch  'ol. 
llradunted  from  Wabash  College,  and 
attended  Columbia  Ij&w  School,  ileal 
law  under  the  late  Judge     Arert     ¥'. 


iff  :n,(Ui!,4ii.  (|- 




■i;i:.>-'     -.'?>>     .;%''-','^  '  .        '  ^\- ^A'y  <...•.,-.;■    1 

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xr  Tow:iiBiiip. 


ft'  .j'-i.  *  v»' *   *?*V^''"-       3-'* —  ■'  -V'lJv  ^!»'     '"     — ^^  Ji '   ^w     ..■{/'  l£ 

r    :■■■  Vd:^« 

,i-riiS.'  .'%;:iiX  .1  u  j.^.';».iA^.' c..-'-.. .  •»» 

UMinKXI'K    UK    »rilA    PABr,    RACrooX    TOWSBIIIP. 




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P,^  ■', . 

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*   ■ 



'■'.•■  -^'V* 

"■^  *  .'/i 

i'-'"^*-'  'j.S'.;t.,.->>Hi«.n 

BI^HIIIKNt't;    UK    i'.    J.    CAMHIHV,    IIM.I.II 

Itt.HIIKNrK  iiK  c,  i».  |MI|.<«»M,  XKAIt  JIWHIT, 



\Mill'.    I.o.'.ili'cl    III    ln>llnii:>l">lli<    nnd 

l,.'rMMi<    n  liM '  III'  IliP  linv   ilnii  1,1 

lliiki'i,   llciiinl  mill    ll.'lMll'irl<K.   linn  nl- 

I, I hull   null,   iiH  a  linvyiM'.  iiiiil   in 

row  M»|iin'  In  rhmirrry  or  lllu  IVil- 
.'  ,il    I'oinl    for    l>'»lr|i't   nr    ljiJli,il;i. 

|iii  K  Mm  I  a.  li.nn  In  I'nrko  I'oim- 
II.      l|o|,,rs,  iil,-i|   Ciiiml)    ill      I.i-tinlri- 

IMI-..    IviT.    wiia    J-n^Hlilc'iK    .If    I Miiii 

lii-Min.T.ith'  rlilli.  mill  now  rould.'H  In 

WiiiiiM  11.  Si.uiss.  I..rn  nt  Port- 
liiiiil  .MIIlB.  iMov,-.l  in  KiinsiiB.  whi-ro 
III'  iv.ii,  a  iiroinlnmi  Inwynr  Wn. 
Klnli'  .-.Mmlor  nnil  KPinvs.'nliitlvo  In 
Ihp   l.-|;li"lnliirc. 

M.iiii.KiAl    llii.iwv.    Lorn      In      I'nrk.' 

y   lit    .VyiiivlMo   In    I"."..    I' 

1.  r  11,^  rhl.'iiL-o  V.'illoniil  l.rnmo  cliili. 
.Mliilnod  n  nniloiml  rciiMliiilnii  iia  .■ 
urrni  plli-li-T.  nnil  Ifi  known  fts 
■■Tliroo-ilni:no(l  llrown." 

Ilim.tiiii  SiMiisci>,  born  In  llnck- 
vlllp.  Movnl  10  'I'lTro  Iliinlp.  where 
fur  yi'iirn  ho  liiin  li"on  n  nioinluT  of  tin- 
riiciilty.  nnil  l8  now  \'lro  rroalilcnt 
Sliiln   Nnininl. 

All  VVMillI     .MiClM.        Klllllllllll'll        111 

rilh.iMon  isvj;  wn«  inpinln  I'rlnro- 
li'li    liiiKi'   Lull    IniMi    wlili'll    won   nillrRn 

.<llniii'ii|.cillii.    Xrinn. 

l,i.\  11  ll.Mii.iv.  Lorn  In  f/lliorly 
lonimlilii.  IJrniliiiili'il  lU  l:(irllmiii  Col- 
Ircr,  wiis  mlporlnli'nilcnt  llockvlllo 
Ki'lionlH.  iVi'iii  lo  \ViiKlilni:ion.  Mnn- 
Imt  of  pirmnl  CmKn'M. 

.liiilx  It.  lliiwii  wool  from  I'nllln  na 
II  SorconnC  In  I  nnipnny  "11."  s.".ili  In- 
iiliinn  Itifiliiirnt ;  wna  nflcrwanla  t-oui- 
iiiliialoiH'd  n  rii|il:iln  in  liio  l.'ltli  I'nit- 
rtl  St.t(.-»  I'oInlTiI  Troiip.s.  llo  loratod 
In  llorkiillo  Rt  the  clnac  of  llic  wiir. 
whfTP  he  wna  imBliiiiialcr  spvorni 
yonra.  In  l.'^J  he  went  into  the  Wnv 
lii'imrliiirnt  nl  \Viisliln;:ion,  Ii.  v., 
wUcro  lio  now  rr.ildcs.  ilv  waa  jior- 
itinnrnl'y  iii.liirpd  In  tlin  .■ollnp-'^u  of 
llin  oM  I'ord  Tl.p.iiro  whrro  Lincoln 
wiia  nKanaftlliatrd.  Ilia  ^on,  Kiirl,  Is 
now  ilrpiily  iHifititinairr, 

Wll.luM    (I.    Cn,  MX.    pliilllln™i.    rll- 

Ixrn  of  I'ri.n  ifMvtiKlilp.  Wna  n  pub- 
Hi'  Biintkrr  of  iiiitcli  force.  Moiiilipf 
I'f  liip  Iz-Klalniiire  mid  npiminlcd  In- 
dliin  .\Keiii  In  lliii  WpHt  In  l.Hill. 

I'lirl.e  I'liiiiity  li;ia  hnil  but  oiio  ctidet 
In  Plihir  llio  Miillnry  or  -Nnvnl  Aind- 
piny  who  roi.iplelcd  the  courao  nnd 
nliUliled  n  •■oniiiiiaGton — Nolaon  f^naa, 
■on  of  John  (Inaa.  of  llnion  lownsblp 
niHl  who  la  now  a  I.iPiilcnnnt  on  board 
tho  V.  S.  R.   ri/liiIo6o>. 

\ATivi:s  nr  paukf.  co.  oveii  75, 
xow  Liviyo, 

Mr«.  Mary  Carnilebael  Stout  wan 
tairn  In  Union  townalilp,  Kcb,  0,  IMn. 
ORP  77  ypnra. 

John  T.  Drawn  wan  lioin  In  I'lorlda 
liiwnahlp.  whpi'p  he  has  always  resid- 
ed, .May  II,  INM. 

Henry  .Ipffrlea  of  licllmoro  rural 
riMitc  writes ;  "I  am  7(>  years  of  age 
tbia  June  I,  11)111." 

Nani-y  .M.TPn  wna  born  October  li-'t, 
I.h:ii,  In  Wnahlngtiin  lownalilp.  Ile- 
aldpfl  iKnr  •Snleiii,  Ore. 

.Mnry  K.  Harlan  llrown,  wife  of 
John  'r.  Itiown,  was  born  In  Adiiina 
tonnahlii,  I'eb.   in,   l.<ilO. 

W.  I'.  Xtoill  wna  born  In  I'nii.n 
tnwnalilii.  ,liily  :il,  1m;im.  where  ho  now 
resides  at  tho  age  of  7H  years. 

-Mrs,  i;il7.a  liiiaae  Neiina  was  liorn 
October  ;«l,  IK.11I.  in  Adams  townalilp; 
rcMldea   now   In    Union   townahlp. 

Kraaliia  Nevlns  wna  borp  December 
4,  IKIll,  In  New  Discovery,  Adams 
townalilp.  llo  no\T  resides  Id  Union 

Mri.   Aiuaada  Woody  wi*  bom   In 

Wiialilliulnll  linvimlilp.  Aim.  II,  ls:i.-,; 
iLiiiKhler  of  .liiiiiiB  and  .MariiarPt 
S.iiM.ii,    .M.rnril. 

Mrs.    .Miirlliii    M.   MiMlilln,   of   Il.,ik. 

» iLiiiKlili'i-   .11'    .hi a      mid      l;ilz- 

l.Lelli  .^l.-ieiihiMi:  Li.rii  In  llownnl 
Uiwn.slilp,    Nov.    111.    ISHi. 

.Mra.  Naii.y  WeLaii-r,  „f  Kockvllie. 
«iia  Linn  Apill  il.  I.M.i.  niied  7il  veara. 
1.1,111    III   llnr.nmi  lowiiahip.   Iler'liinld- 



Cliarlea  ll.ill.-y  of  I'lnrlda  townahlp, 
waa  l.i.rn  |.i.  IVI.-,.  and  lias  re- 
aiiii-.i  (heiv  aliiee  that  lime.  .Mrs. 
rhailoh  Uallpy  wn.s  Lorn  Oct.  21,  I.Siil. 

.■Solomon  11.  Wondaid.  hon  of  .siliia 
11.  ami  i;mlly  Wnoil.-ird,  Lorn  Mari'li 
-7,  iv-s.  In  ll.'Hcrvp  township,  n.-ar 
(■..1.......      I'r.  F.'nl      r.Bld.'ni-o      Illooiii- 

Ijiilly  i:.  Swaiiii  wna  Lorn  in  r.reene 
Imviialili..  .Inly  11.  \SX\:  ilnilBhter  of 
.Mi'MiiMl.T  and  l.ydia  lliirks  I.ane, 
.Mra.  .•iwi.lin  has  lived  ail  her  life  In 
I'lirke  rounly. 

.Mailha  II.  N-i.-hnin,  widow  of  Major 
.1.  .M.  M.linla,  waa  Imrn  In  llocUvlllo 
Oel.  111.;  daughter  of  llniiorl  II. 
.McKwen.  Inna  a  lendin),'  illlwn  of 
I'nrke  c.iiiniy. 

Clinrl.a  W.  .-iappenfiPld.  whoan  fath- 
er PBlaLllBi.e.i  Winer  iiillla  In  the 
("oiiiily  very  early  In  lla  hlatnry,  waa 
Loin  in  lir.Plle  liiwiiBlilp.  July  II,  l.K:al; 
r.'sliLa  in   lloikvlllc. 

i:il/nl.elli  I'lllioiirt  .S'Ickeil,  horn  In 
Siitar  I'reek  tnwnshii..  N..v:  10,  l.tll: 
residiB  lit  Marsliall:  dniiKhtor  of 
KninrlB  and  lalherlnp  rithoiid,  who 
ramp  to  I'nrke  Co.inly  during  Its  first 

JppBP  ,*!t  riHiiT,  liorn  on  land  near  Mt. 
M.Tlali.  I'nlon  lownahip.  entered  l.y 
hia  fnlher,  Ilpe.  :ll,  IKll.  la  one  of  the 
olilp-l  of  Parke  <'oiiniyB  well  known 
ritlzen.i.  lie  resldea  with  Ilia  sona, 
.lolin  anil  .V.  I',  sironir,  on  hla  fine 
mriii  In  Orrenc  t.iwnahip. 

(leorL'e  Ilnoto  I.ineharper  was  born 
Dec  Jii,  iviil.  in  lieaervp  townahlp, 
liavlnc  rPBldert  iliere  coiitiniioiiaiy  ex- 
i».ptln'.-  a  Lrl.'f  porLid  In  nreencnallo 
dllrllli:  BPhiiol  years.  Jiino  Id.  lOir., 
iiiovpil  in  Itockvlllc;  son  of  ^>ndrew 
and  MIzal.Pih  Uiirlon  I.lnpLnrRcr. 

John  .McMiirlry  ^vas  born  In  Pock- 
vlllp.  Oil.  1 1.  is.l,s.  and  moved  to  »ho 
inrm  In  Waahlnston  township  in  I.Sln 
Willi  hia  fnlhpr'8  family,  jip  rml.led 
In  that  vicinity  until  b  short  while 
aco  when  lie  went  lo  Cranrordavllle, 
whprc  ho  Is  now  llvins  witn  hla 

Mnrllia  .Moglll  Connelly,  dnughler 
of  .lames  S.  and  Jano  Snndgrflas  nog- 
crs,  WHS  Lorn  in  Ilockvllle,  Ind..  June 
J.'..  1.^(1,  nnd  has  continued  as  a  clt- 
liien  of  the  County.  She  was  ninrrleil 
to  WIIHani  .'».  Mngill  In  l.liH,  who 
died  in  AuBltn.  Tejas,  In  1877.  Bnc 
wna  married  to  Jesse  H.  Connelly 
.Inniiary,  IX"<I. 

.Mra.  Margaret  J.  Nye,  the  oldeat 
n.illve  Lorn  rcaldcnt  of  Itoikvllle,  was 
horn  Sept.  :in.  I.S.H.  .She  la  a  daugh- 
ter of  Jnmca  .McKwen,  one  of  tho  first 
artllera  of  Huckville.  A  brother  of 
Mra.  Nyp  -Charl.B  McKwen— nnd  a 
alBler,  .Mrs.  .Mary  Safely,  who  rcsl.les 
Willi  .Mra.  Nyp,  are  nlao  sur- Iving 
children  of  Jaiiiea  McKwen. 

.Mary  c.-i  hold,  wife  of  Dempacy 
Spyliold  of  llneionn  lownslll,!,  waa 
born  June  -It,  lH:w,  In  Uaccoon  town- 
al.lp,  where  alie  liaa  paaaed  nil  her 
life  itf  'H  yeara.  She  Is  a  daughter  of 
.Viillinnlcl  llllsa  and  Charity  Nelenn 
Kalley.  Her  father  was  one  of  tho 
parly  aettlers  of  tho  township  an.l 
waa  ono  of  tbo  beat  old-line  slngloif 
teachers  In  Parko  County. 

Maria  L  Chow  waa  born  on  tb«  24th 

day  of,  IS-l,'.,  on  a  farm  on 
l.ealli.'ni.aiil    .re.'k,    near    the    alio    of 

111.,   lln.k    111 liip.     Wli.'ll  Blie     waa 

llirei.  viiiia  old  llie  family  111.. veil  to 
,1  rami  l..-r  falli.T  Limflit  Just  weal 
of  lliiijaii.lii  Piilllipa'  place.  In  l.M.V. 
sh..  wni.  n.nrili-d  to  .Vaylor  nnd 
moipd  In  .M.inte/.iima,  where  alio  la 
aim   living. 

William  V.  Iliirfnrd  wns  Lorn  In 
II...kvllli-,  .May  7,  lH.'lil,  and  la  the  oLl- 
eat  man  In  U.wkvllle  now  living  wh.. 
Mas  iKjrn  nnd  riiia.<d  here.  Horn  In 
a  lug  .iiLIn  In  rear  of  Howard  prop- 
.riy  on  11. .ward  avenue.  Mr.  llur- 
lord'a  fnlher,  Jnmea.  anld  tliia  proper- 
ly to  ■lllgliman  A.  Ilniwird.  James  waa  one  of  the  flrat  aeltlera 
of   Ilockvllle  nnil  lived  to  a   ripe,  old 

"1  was  born  In  lla.'i^a.i.  luv.  iibi.ii., 
Pnrkp  County,  three  milea  north  of 
llrlilL-einn.  on  IVL.  .s,  l.sil.  Was  al.x 
yeara    old    when    my    fnlher.    John    S. 

Willi a.   move,]   lo   Cnlon     lownBlilp, 

two  milea  aoiilh  of  llellmnre.  1  waa 
married  to  Sniiiiiel  (inrrlgua  on  Seii- 
leiiiher  -1.  1.s.",ll.  Wna  a  war  widow 
from  MM  lo  Mil.  I  now  live  with  my 
hiiahand    on    SIvey      atreet,      \\'nlinah. 




Jesse  II.  Connelly.  Bon  of  David  and 
Suanii  Ware  Cnnneily,  waa  Lorn  In 
WashlliKloii  lowiiBl.lii.  Dee.  1.  I.'*:^, 
and  has  lived  ciuillnuailHly  in  tho 
Ciinty.  Wna  a  nipiiilipr  of  Co.  "I." 
:liBl  Inillnna  \'olilnlppr8  dining  llie 
civil  War.  Was  pliitrd  truateo  of 
I'piin  township  nftcr  the  war;  waa 
circled  Auditor  of  the  County  In  I.<(7I. 
and  conllnued  In  offl.-e  until  Ihe  com- 
Iiipitnn  of  tlie  pourt  house  and  Jail  Tn 

'I'houiaa  II.  Overpeck,  liorn  In  Pnrko 
County,  four  and  one-half  nillea  south 
of  lio.kvlllp.  Ind..  Juno  JJ,  iwin.  Ills 
fathpr,  \'alentine  Ovcr[vck,  nnd  tiiotli- 
rr.  Martha  Ilarahlnan,  wore  horn  in 
VIrgina.  In  I'-'l^  tiiey  camo  lo  Parke 
Ciuinty  ami  enterPd  a  farm  of  .120  ac- 
res now  owned  by  llie  nliovo  named 
son.  Mr.  Overpeck  la  eighty  years  old, 
liri.  nnd  hearty,  anil  malcea  aevcrnl 
trips  Willi  hla  old  family  horap  papli 
week  lo  hla  farniB.  now  ntimliering 
alK  hundred  acres. 

JaniPB  II.  linker,  ann  of  Samuel  \. 
and  Cathprine  llnkpr.  born  Oct.  IS. 
1K:ii),  In  Seellon  21,  Ileservo  lownshiii, 
near  I,cnttierwood  creek  whpro  hla 
fnlher  that  year  eatahliahed  a  pot- 
tery. Tlireo  years  later  bo  came  to 
Iloikville  wlien  his  father  moved  the 
pottery  to  this  place,  .Mr,  Hiiker  has 
lived  In  the  County  Sent  8.1  years,  a 
longer  period  than  anybody  now  liv- 
ing, lie  was  in  years  president  of 
tlio  Itoekvlile  town  council;  has  been 
an  Odd  rellow  (1.1  yeaii  nnd  a  .Mason 
(12  yeara. 

"I  waa  born  .Nov.  ID,  18,18,  In  Ilac- 
.oon  townalilp,  Parke  County,  Ind.. 
three  miles  aouthivest  of  llrtilgclon.  I 
grew  ii[i  there  until  I  was  eighteen 
years  old,  when  I  went  to  work  for  Ira 
lllcillivory  In  Tnlon  tuivnahlp,  aouth  of 
lleiluiorc,  [n  wlilch  nclghliorhood  I 
was  united  In  marriage  to  Tlorlna 
Wllllnma  on  the  -Ith  day  of  Soploiulier, 
l.s.-,ll.  I  enllBleil  In  Co.  "II,"  lat  In- 
diana Heavy  Artillery  in  Oelolier, 
l.*ni.'l,  and  wna  dlael.arged  in  January, 
IM'.il.  when  the  rcgliupnt  wns  luuBlor. 
ed  out.  .My  prcaenl  homo  Is  at  Wa- 
bash,   Inil."  Sampki.  nAnnioPB. 

Milton  llolilnson  was  Inrn  In  Parke 
County  In  18.11,  and  still  lives  OQ  a 
farm  ho  has  oivned  from  early  man- 
hood In  Howard  townahlp,  oLout  ono 
mllo  north  of  Muratiall.  Ho  has  been 
a  Biicccaafiil  farmer,  who  never  aa* 
pired  to  poBBCBS  a  largo  tract  of  land 
but  kept  well  cultivated  a  smaller  one. 
Ills   brother,  James  V,  wu  bom  In 

I'nrko  CiMinty  fn  In;i:i,  and  also  own- 
ed a  farm.  He  wna  a  Jiiallce  uf  llio 
laa.e  for  aeveriil  years  Lefiiro  hla 
ilealh.  Their  pnniila  were  early  ael- 
llpia  111  this  loivlislilp,  and  the  pnr 
.Ills  anil  suns  were  Influential,  hon- 
orahlp   cill/.ilia. 

AlK-l  .Mil,  hell,  a  natlvo  of  Itaci'ooh 
lownslilp,  wna  born  Dec.  l.s,  ls:l.-,.  and 
Is  I  he  s.iu  III  lli.liert  and  Klir.ahetli 
Hell  .Mllrliell.  ilia  fullier,  a  Virgin 
inn.  a.  Hied  In  lla.coou  lownsblp  In 
isis;  he  wna  n  aoldler  In  Ihe  war  of 
INI'.',  and  wna  nKsoi'lnle  Ju.lge  nt  the 
limp  of  Ilia  d.-alll.  ALel  .MItcliell  he 
g  u  fiiriulug  "hen  twenty  years  "Id 
ami  sllll  directs  the  iiiltlvallon  of  his 
liirgo  farm  on  wlilili  be  has  lived 
aiiue  an  infant,  lie  has  been  a  stoik 
Luyer  and  ahipiier  for  mnny  yrais 
i.ll.l  ni.w  at  lllp  ripe,  nlil  age  of  Nil 
yeara  la  at  111  aitlvrly  cng  iged  In  that 
LiislnesB.  Mr.  .Mllcnell  bna  served  his 
toiuisliip  na  tniBipp  and  for  a  nuiuher 
or  years  held  various  offlcpa  of  tho 
IlillK.'lon   I'nl.m  Agrlcilllural  Society. 

Dempacy  ,>:eyLold  Is  the  oldest  na- 
tive Lorn  man  In  ilncroon  townahlp 
now  living.  Up  wns  Imrn  Sept.  H,  l,s2.s, 
and  will  anon  be  .s.l  years  nLl.  He  is 
,T  ai.ii  of  liiinpsey  nnd  KllznLelh  Ken 
SiyLnld.  plonepis  of  Uaeeoon  town 
alil|..  .Mr.  s.\vliold  baa  pasaed  bis  en- 
tire llie  at  or  near  bis  birlhinaip.  fni- 
lowing  hia  oi'cii|ial|i.n  of  fariiipr.  He 
lias  servril  na  Irilalee  of  llneconn 
lownalilp  for  six  .veara.  held  the  |ioa|. 
Hon  of  aiiTPlary  of  llip  llrldgelon 
Inlnn  Agriiiiitural  Soclely  for  over 
twenty  yeara  and  na  ndmlnlalrntor 
has  sellled  more  eaiaira  than  any  oth- 
er  man    In    Ibis   com nlty.      He   hns 

been  a  uipuihcr  of  the  Masonic  fra- 
lernlty  many  yeara  and  In  |iolnt  of 
age  la  now  the  oldeat  .Mason  belong- 
ing to  llrldgelon  I.odge  No.  1(10,  !•'. 
nnd  A.  .M. 

Isnne  S.  Kalley  was  b.^rn  Oct-  1(1, 
IN-'i'.'.  In  Itai'coon  tonnahlii,  nnd  Is  now 
In  bis  sith  year.  He  was  a  son  or 
Nathaniel  Iillaa  and  llehecca  Ham- 
mnn.l  Kalley,  who  figured  In  tho 
early  pioneer  life  of  Parke  County, 
Ills  fatiier  camp  to  Uaeeoon  townahlp 
from  Ohio  when  10  years  of  ago  and 
John  II.  Ilendie  records  that  Nathan- 
iel  uaeil  In  wrcallo  and  have  other 
sports  Willi  "Indian  mil,"  one  of  tbo 
luillans  who  helped  raise  Dii<kaon'a 
.Mliia.  Mr.  Kalley  enllated  In  Co.  "A," 
nth  Indiana  Volunteers  on  April  "1, 
Imii.  He  pnrllrliialed  in  several  if 
the  great  liatlles  of  tho  Civil  \Vir, 
wns  wounded  three  times,  nnd  sffcr 
recovery  from  tlio  third  wound,  which 
he  siiBlolnoil  at  Oettyshiirg,  he  Joined 
the  2nd  Invalid  Corps  and  completeil 
his  enlistment, 

Caroline  Kalley,  Is  the  oldest  native 
born  woman  ot  iiaceonn  township  Tiow 
living.  She  has  lived  all  her  llfo  near 
her  hinhplnce,  which  waa  on  tho  farm 
In  IMcnsnnt  Val'ey  now  owned  by  (!. 
M.  and  A.  0.  P,cnBon,  but  which  nt  the 
tliuo  of  her  hl»lh  wns  owned  by  her 
grandfather,  Nathaniel  Tlonson.  an 
early  pioneer,  s'^tho  was  bom  Mnrch 
21,  1.120,  and  Is  In  her  S7tli  year.  Her 
father  wns  Nathlnel  Whitllngton  Hen- 
son  nnd  her  ninihor's  maiden  name 
wna  Priacllla  Rlslfcy.  Mrs.  Kalley  was 
married  lo  Abraham  Knilc.v,  a  son  of 
Nathaniel  llllsa  and  ncbecca  Ham- 
mond  Kalley.  Ills  maternal  grandfath- 
er. Abraham  llnuimond.  wns  n  Dutch- 
man nnd  served  in  Ihe  Ilovoliitlonary 
war  directly  under  Washington  as  one 
of  bis  lulnulo  men.  Ahrnbsm  Kalley 
was  a  soldier  In  tbo  Civil  War  and 
died  n  number  of  years  ago. 

James  IT.  Kerr,  of  Hrldgeton,  waa 
born  on  his  father's  farm  In  Uaccoon 
township  on  August  22.  1830,  nis 
parents  were  James  and  Mary  Bart- 
man  Kerr.    Mr.    Kerr    paiMd    tUtr 


-.nrB  i.r  lilH  life  .>n  llilB  fnrni.  Mr 
inllKlrd  hi  Cn.  "II."  lint  llrL-llnon(  I'llil 
liiilliinH  (•.i>nlry;  wnn  In  Iho  Imlllo  of 
Mlilloh  nnd  « im  lionnrnhly  dlu'linruod 
July    l-'i,    IMtl'J.   itn   nrcoiint   of   pcnrral 

ycnri  nnd  nltli  ihn  nx- 
■.  H.  II.  llcnl  In  Iho  only 
10  lirlooB^d  nl   IhP  llino 

nrldc-ton  llliio  Iki.Ikc. 
B  Inkrn  (in  nctlvo  Inter- 

lonn»hl|i  tnntco,  Iho  flrsl  ni»n  ilnoc 
tH<W  lo  lie  no  hiinorcd.  Borvrd  two 
trrnn  n«  lounnlilp  n"»rii»or  nnd  for 
Hlx  yrnm  «n«  n  nioinljrT  of  the  Ilonrd 
of  Coiinlv  ConimUdlRnnrrB.     I'or  twcn- 

(tlnnlilllty.  Mr.  Korr  Ima  bcrn  a  Mnf^n      rat  (n  poIltli'B,  has  been  twiro  olocled      tyono  conBcrntlvo  ypora  ho  wfts  troaa* 

iiror  of  the  nrldRolon  Union  Aitrlriil. 
tnrni  Kocli-ty.  Mr.  Krrr  !■  a  hirnilmr 
of  Iho  II.  ,\.  ri.  nnd  win  nnn  of  Urn 
low  old  vclornna  who  hold  Miirloii  Kal- 
Icy  I'oBt  totrotncr  for  a  nnnihor  of 
yonrB    and  until  Ita  roroni  illshundinont. 

(El]t  ^Jlntlmik  (Uljatttauqua 


ru-  Vork,  > 

hero  n  full  pngo 

od    lo    It    1 

n    the    Srin    York 


1.  from  whore  no 

form  iiinnnpor  thnn  I'rof.  .Mnynnrd  I-rc 
llasuy.  baa  wrilton  lo  Uockvlllo 
frlondu  pralBlne  lis  mrrllR.  iho  fame 
iif     thn     Ilockvllle     Chiiiilaiuinn  '  has 

never  had  l»ren  held  In  Parko  Coun- 
ty. The  prORrnm  was  unnBiinlly  hUb 
Rindo   for   a     hrclnnlnit     Clmnlauiino, 


ape,  opened  the  first 
dn.v:  Itev.  W.  A.  (Hilly)  Sunday  drew 
r.  Sundny  crowd  of  a.nnO;  Her.  Vr 
.Iniiies  S.  .Monleoniery  of  Minneapolis, 

lernoon.  However,  ho  suceocded  In 
reacblPK  Uockvlllo  Monday  nioralnK, 
ond  delivered  an  eloiiucnl  address  on 

,  will  be  forfcolten  by  thoBo  who  heard 
It.  Opio  Ilend,  the  .'indlcrs  and  Book- 
er T.  WnshlnRlon  delivered  great  nd- 
dreafl^'s.      Iten.lniiiln   Clinpin    prOBcntod 

•liin.  however,  was  Innea'  hand,  whlih 
gave  two  wonderful  rnn<-erls  Iho  bi-c- 
ond  Sun'iny  aftorno<tn  nnd  ovenlni:. 
•■iMl.i.i.r  V„„l.oi.„.,  |:.  .\. 
l-rnnklln,  flutl»t,  nnd  II.  I.  WllllnniB, 
linriiiBt,  were  speclnlly  people  with 
the  hand  nnd  all  wore  conBuiiuiiate 
nrilRiB-.     I'or  the  flril  llmo  the  amll- 

-.u.  -• .;^.J .. 


sri;.\i-:  AT  Till-;  iiorKViM.F,  <'llAtiTA(:(irA. 

prend.     It  lias  achieved  this  fanio  In 
nly  five  vinrs,  n«  It  sliirlcd  In  IIIH. 
ticurgc  11.  Itirknell,  of  Indianapolis, 

nt   to 

'  of  Ibo 

B  men  of  llockvllle 
In  Iho  Buniiiier  of  lull.  Tho  clllzenn 
wero  divided  ou  the  uui'stlon  of  a 
Btrrot  fair,  hul  Mr.  Illiknoll  won  Iho 
Bupporl  of  iKilh  factions  toward  n 
<hnuliiu.|ua.  rroiu  that  llmo  on," 
he  Bald.  "1110  InBk  was  rnBy.  In  a 
day's  ■Rork,  1  fol  twenty  signatures 
to  a  paper,  cnih  agreeing  to  st.'ind  a 
IKiBslhlo  1"BS  on  a  program  up  to  liie 
amount  of  fifty  dollarB.  Thla  uindo  a 
gunranteo  of  a  thousand  dollars 
against  posslhlo  loss." 

Tho  Chiiulau'pia  nsnoclatlon  was  or- 
gnnlicd  with  the  following  officers: 
.lohn  A.  Mncharger,  president;  Will- 
lain  K.  I'ergiison.  vlcepreshlent ;  C. 
I-:.  I.amhert.  secretary;  Frnnlc  11. 
XlehnlB.  trensuror:  .1.  .M.  .Inhns,  II.  V.. 
.MnrkB.  nnd  .Inhn  II.  Spencer,  dlrect- 
orfl.  ThcBO  officers  have  been  honor- 
ed for  their  realous  nnd  efficient 
work  by  bring  re-elected  every  year. 

The  program  was  made  up,  and  tho 
Ilino  ond  place  aelectcd — \ug.  4-1.1.  nt 
beautiful  Ilecchwood  pnrk.  Dr.  Jacob 
K.  Meeker,  then  one  of  tho  lending 
Oingregatlonal  mlnlstrrB  In  St.  Ixiuls, 
wnn  employed  as  pliitform  ninnagor. 
Tlin  event  was  well  advertlned  In  all 
Iho  papers  In  llockvllle  nnd  aurronnd- 
Ing  cities  anil  towns,  nnd  Pirke 
County  fairly  was  deluged  with  bou- 
lenlr  progrnms.  Auto  carnvnns  with 
the  ntlr.ens'  band  gave  the  Thau-  ' 
tatinnn  publlcU.T  In  Vermillion,  Feun- 
laln  and   .^lonlgoniery  Counties. 

Tho  first  nockvllle  Chautauiina  w«« 
reallj  »&  experiment,  ai  iQch  an  event 

Prof,  ilcorgc  I.  Christie  of  Purdue. 
Klljnh  P.  (Ham's  Morn)  Ilrown,  and 
that  iditureSMUe  hero  of  the  pl.ilns, 
Capt.  .lock  Crawford,  oIbo  were  .iiiion;; 
those  on  program  for  addresses.  The 
intertalnment  fenlurcs  wero  varied  In 
ibnin'ter.  but  all  were  of  a  high  or- 
der. Pr.  .Meeker  eaptlvntnl  everyone 
by  I. IB  wonderful  perBon;iIlty,  Ills 
le^irned.  Btlmiilatlng  Klhlo  talks  and 
T'lilresaCB.  nnd  hiB  all-round  ability  ns 
pliitform  mnnager  The  Ificnilon  was 
Ideal,  and  the  social  life-  delightful 
Above  all,  $ncl.S!1  was  lott  ntter  all 
oxpenees  were  pnld.  The  Chuulau<iua 
wfiB  no  longer  nu  experiment:  It  was 
an  established  Institution  In  noek- 

.\rtor  iiennanency  was  nssured, 
cnmo  Ineorperntlon.  The  Itockvllle 
Chautnuqua  association  became  a  cor- 
poration on  AugUBt  IT,  inil,  with  tho 
old  officers  and  directors,  tho  four  of- 
ficers being  also  directors.  The  cap- 
ital stock  was  fl.ted  at  $1,000,  with 
Bhni  I  of  »,">  each,  and  noon  wan  sub- 
Bcrlbeil  for.  None  of  It  wan  collected, 
however,  as  tho  net  surplus  was  am- 
ple and  the  subscription  simply  mennt 
llni'lllty  to  the  amount  o/  Block  hold 
In  rase  of  a  deficit.  The  principle 
that  no  Individual  should  rccolvo  a 
profit  has  always  been  held  by  tho 

Tho  riiautnnnua  of  1012  was  oven 
bigger  nnd  better.  Tho  crowds  wero 
grcntcr  than  tho  year  before,  nnd  tho 
ntimlier  of  eompcra  was  nearly  doub- 
led. i;dward  Amherst  Ott  delivered 
two  groat  lecti  res.  William  J.  Hryan, 
owing  to  a  series  of  accldonta  In  Mis- 
souri, ulsnppolnted  a  crowd  of  about 
C,000  br  falling  to  utIt*  Sunday  >t- 

his  great  lmi>ersonntlon  of  Mncoln. 
The  cntertnlnment  kept  up  tho  p.ov- 
Iciis  yenr's  standard.  Tho  crowds 
sometimes  exceeded  tho  eipaclty  of 
the  tent,  and  the  net  profltb  mountod 
to  ?'.'..'in...2T. 

Then  nlnrtcd  a  long  list  of  park  Im- 
provements. A  new  nudltorium  seat- 
ing n.r/K>  iicoplo  was  erected  In  the 
course  of  tho  year,  nnd  tho  nssoclatlon 
went  In  debt  for  a  large  per  cent  of  Its 
cost.  Tho  trinnglo  In  front  of  tho 
park  was  beaullfird  by  a  founlnin  nnd 
shnil'bery.  linder  tho  supervlRlon  of 
Park  Superintendent  Frnnk  F]. 
Strouse.  a  aeries  of  Improvements  and 
landBcapo  gardening  transformed 
Ilecchwood  park  from  whnt  was  hard- 
ly more  thnn  a  village  grove  to  a  beau- 
tiful, up-to-dato  municipal  park.  Even 
the  slides  and  devices  for  tho  amuno- 
iiient  of  the  children  were  kept  ae 

The  new  auditorium  prorod  none 
too  largo  for  tho  Chautauqua  of  101.1. 
The  splendid  programa  each  day 
brought  Inrge  crowdB.  nnd  scnrcely  at 
no  tliiio  wns  tho  auditorium  Icbb  than 
half  filled.  Of  many  flno  lectures, 
nmnng  the  bent  were  those  of  Dr. 
Stanley  I,.  Krebs,  Kdwnrd  Amherst 
Oil.  Mrs.  Maude  Unlllngton  Hooth, 
who  ilrew  a  cnpnclty  audlenco  on  tho 
first  Sunday,  .fiidgo  Frnnk  K.  Sndlor, 
Henry  A.  Adrian,  tho  Burbnnk  man, 
Mrs.  Deuba  Precklnrldge,  who  gave 
one  of  the  flrnt  suffrngo  lectureB  ev- 
er RiTOn  at  an  Indlnna  Chautnunua, 
nnd  the  ever  delightful  Strlcklnnd  'W. 
Olllllnn.  Mnrgnret  Ftahl,  said  by 
some  to  he  America's  greatest  reader, 
gave  a  finished  rendition  of  "Rtrong- 
hcart."     The  tcsturo  of  tho  Cbantau- 

torluiu  was  unable  lo  hold  the  erowda; 
betwe<>n  il,i»i<i  and  »,iioo  people,  It  Is 
estluuited,  were  present,  tho  largest 
nuiiibcr  on  ene  dny  In  the  history  of 
the  Chnulaii.iua,  except  Taft  day  Inst 
year.  When  all  cxpenBCB  wero  piibl, 
thero  remained  In  tlie  trenniiry  of  tho 
Chaillnu;m   assoclntlon,  J;i.n77.20. 

Still  further  liuprovoments  wero 
niiide  on  tho  pnrk.  and  arrangements 
perfected  for  a  greater  Cbautauqun 
than  ever  tho  next  yenr.  Tho  success 
of  the  event  each  year  made  tho  mnn- 
ngeiiient  certnln  of  no  financial  cm- 
bnrrnssmcnt  In  securing  tiio  very  best 
tnlent.  The  number  of  cniupcrs  kept 
liKTcnsIng  every  year,  tho  cronils 
kept  coming  from  a  wider  radius,  and 
tho  Chautniiqua  of  11)14  wns  on  ■ 
larger  scale  than  ever  before.  Tho 
iiiiibIc  wns  belter,  and  the  lending 
niiisicnl  ntlrnctlon  wns  tho  Chlcngo 
Operatic  Co.,  a  quartet  and  pianist, 
probably  not  cxceiled  In  the  .Middle 
West.  Arthur  .MIdilleton,  tho  bass, 
since  has  been  raiuous  as  a  iiioiiihcr 
"f  Iho  .Metropolitan  (Irnnd  Opera  com- 
pany, of  .New  York.  All  the  Icetiirei 
wero  si>lendld,  and  the  lecturers  In- 
cluded Biich  men  na  Senator  James 
K.  Vardnman  and  Klbert  Hubbard, 
who  were  hero  on  Sundays,  Dr.  Her- 
bert R.  Iilgclow  of  Cincinnati,  liov. 
Dr.  Arthur  Walwyn  lOvans,  Iter. 
Oeorgo  II.  *!towart,  and  Mncoln  Wirt, 
tho  noted  explorer.  Ono  novel  fea- 
ture was  Ihe  camp  firo  for  Boldlera  on 
ThurBdny  afternoon,  and  CJipt,  A.  II. 
Crampton,  then  State  commander, 
waa  present  and  spoke.  Dr.  .Meoker 
did  not  return  for  this  Chautauqua, 
and  the  platform  manager  wai  Dr. 
Earl  Douglnat  Holts,  wbo  brought  to 



1 1,1-  phi,.'  1.  plniKiml  |«-r..iimlll.v  mid 
■  iMl.-l  illtnll.v.  Ilowi'irr.  Iii>  «a»  mil 
1,- .-111:111:.  il.  mill  the  iimii.ii-i-ii.rnt  re- 
.iii.-il  \i\.  .11.  II.  I.l.lilll.-r,  of  Iliiltl- 
i.i.ii.-.  M.I.,  a  i.n»inr  iiiirt  |.liilf..riii  immii- 
iiii.'r  or  CK'iil    mill    nlili-l.i-knii»ii    dMI- 


mil  (II'  Ihi-  rinim.lnl  m 
M  rliniidiiiiltliiH,  I-\1K-|IR 
llilii    Mil'    I'll.'i   ninilln 

■|lii-    I 
llir  1.1 



iilil  Bi-nd.  mid  llioRiicnk-      en.-. 

r.K  wi-n-  nr  till-  lilclii'st  nl.llhy.  Riiiniiit 

ll.f Il.-v.    Ilr.     John      \Vr»loy      IIMI, 

l.-nun-nriiinli  .Iiiiiii-h  I,,  .tjnyili-n,  of 
T.ViiH.  I(iil...l  \Vi»r  of  .\.w  Voik,  Mlio 
(iililr.-hHi-il  livo  Kri-nt  con'-oiirsrw  on  the 
lli'Kl  Mill. lay.  .liiiiK-ii  A.  Hums  (llllrnii 
111  Mil-  .MiiiiiiliiliiH.  1  Henry  A.  Adrian. 
.Mlh.  .11.. .«  I  l..i....i|.  1  ii.'i...  ..u.:  Ilr. 
l.l.hlllrr  hliimc-lr.  Kxl'roiillleilt  Will- 
liilii  lloivnrd  'I'lifl  BlLikp  on  "Tim  I'rcs- 
lili-nry  llR  I'owriB.  Diillri.  and  lie- 
rlKinnll.llllli'H."  to  an  audience  of  .viiki 

fliin  Bpeaker  and  a  eoiirtcotia  and  cf- 
n.  lent  iilntlnriii  iiianacer,  and  Iho  nn- 
iioiiii.ciiiciit  thai  lie  would  return  In 
mill  wan  i:reited  with  npiilaine.  \V« 
phoiild  Blve  the  ninny  Rood  things  In 
alore  for  llllil,  but  a  lilntorlral  «ketch 
Is  relroBpoi-tlve,  not  pro.-ificrtlve. 

The  Itorkilllo  i'haulaiii|iia  hna  an- 
l«iili-d  In  all  i-lniaei  of  people.  Tho 
111  leal  nan  l.oen  varied  enough  to  sat- 
Iffy    dirierent   tastes,   whilo   too   lend- 

each   ye 

hii«  been  to  cultivate 

nn  appreciation  of  better  lectures, 
Itelter  mimic  and  Itetter  entortalnmciit. 
Sporlnl  liiRtriirtors.  besides  games  and 
del  lira  have  kept  the  children  busy 
rnd  Iiappy.  Teai-liers  of  home  eco- 
noiiili's  and  siifrrnco  lecturers  for  the 
women  have  lieen  on  proRniiii.  SIneo 
I;rl  jfir  llie  len.hers'  Insllluto  hns 
Keen  i-oiiili.neil  with  tho  Chniitauiiua, 
and  special  InBtltiito  Slieakers  have 
spoken  III  tho  iiiornlnK  before  the  lie- 
Binnlni;  of   the   regular   program.    Kv- 

I'haiilaiKiua.  The  Inral  hand  has  been 
nn  program  nearly  every  year.  Tho 
riiaiiliiiniiui  orch.-stra  the  sei-ond  year 
ronlnlnrd  some  of  our  Ik-sI  Miiisli-lnus, 
and  was  aldy  led  by  f.  .M.  Ilenci-n. 
1-or  the  last  two  years  the  everpopu- 
hir  Whiles  orchestra  has  fiirnlshe.l 
miuili-  on  Sundays  and  speilal  oiias- 
lons.  .Miss  Mary  Talvert  gavo  several 
pleiislng  readings  on  the  l:il  I  program 
and  last  year  Mrs.  I.  lluRsell  Sand- 
fnrd  gave  a  finished  vocal  reeltal  on 
>\'oiiian'B  day,  prcecillng  .Mrs.  Curry's 

"The  lloekvllle  ChnulaiKpin,"  says 
Screlary  l.amherl,  •'Ims  the  confi- 
dence of  everjVine.  Tho  whole  county 
ci-operales  with  the  officials,  and  tiic 
fRi't  Is  mode  known  that  all  prorits  go 
In  the  C'hRiilaui|iin  association,  and 
never  to  an  Individual  person.  The 
sei-relary  Is  the  only  snlarlrd  officer. 
ThiH  has  been  always  behind  the  won- 
derful   growth   of   the   Instllntion.      I 

liiers  have  been  holding  short  two- 
day  ('liaulaiii|iins  at  Turkey  lliin.  al- 
tliMilRli  l.iRl  year  It  was  held  at  Ileecli- 
wood  |.nrk,  Itoiki'Ille.  Home  of  tho 
best  speakers  and  iiiiislc- 
Inns  In  the  country  lia-.'O  lieen  on 
their  programs,  which  Included  also 
an  oralorlciil  i-onteat  nn  some  pliaso  of 
the  tempernnee  ijuestlon  by  a  class  of 
araileiiiy  and  high  school  stitdcnli, 
prevloiiBly  Iriilnrd  In  oratory.  This 
.vcar,  however,  tho  iiioveiiient  csiiio 
under  ln.le|iendent  mnnagciiient,  and 
a  very  siiei-cHRful  four  days'  Cltaiitau- 
ipin  was  held  at  Turkey  iiiin,  July 
11.  The  entertainment  features  were 
enj.-yal.le.  ami  Iho  spcnkors  Included 
such  noted  men  as  lion.  .Tames  R. 
Walson,  Kdllor-ln Chief  John  Tcmpln 
(Iraves.  iif  tho  Hearst  pilhlleatlons, 
VVIieelrr  .McMllUn  and  tlovcrnor  Kam- 
iirl  M.  Ilalston. 

Sle.Tn    held    a   slx-dny   CliautaiHinii 
last  year,  during  the  last     VMk    ef 

.,.4  [^-k^»'^^:::SS-.^r^ 

riiiiM  A  nt-rfHK  imjixtkh  in  tiik  xkw  yihik  tixikj*. 

1.11  I  he  Kccnnd  Sunday,  the  largest  au- 
di.11..-  <->,r  In  Horkvllle  since  W.ISKI 
p,  iiple  Riiw  lieneinl  Sheriiinn  at  the 
iHiiioiis  hohllr-rs-  ri'iinlon  of  IS"..  Sen- 
nliii  John  «'.  Kern  jin-iildcd  over  tho 
liiei'llng.  and  oilier  liolal.les  wcro 
pr.'H.-nl.  iiiiiong  them  .lames  10.  Wat- 
siiii.  <;.  Cannon,  and  llalph  \V. 
.MoBB.      I>r.    I.lrhlller   proved    to   bo   tt 

iKriuiliitiiiiuiri;  i*'l1l^irrrl 

It  hi  10  be  regretted  that  tlio  rc- 
nueRt  iiinde  to  the  township  vice  prcsl- 
ilenlR  of  tho  Centennial  celebration  to 
Identify  Ihe  grnvrs  of  all  Uevolullon- 
iiry  soldiers  In  tlio  County  failed  of 
lis  purimse.  It  Is  proliable  that  a 
score  or  more  soldiers  of  Iho  Ameri- 
can llevniiillon  came  to  this  County 
In  Its  early  days,  died  here  and  aro 
burled  In  Ihe  ..Id  cemeteries  of  that 
day  or  In  the  itrlvato  grounds  then  so 
cniiimon  Tiio  most  notable  llcrolil- 
llonary  soldier  of  I'arko  County  «-n« 
Captain  Daniel  Strlnehnm,  although 
II  Is  not  pnibnhlo  that  he  acquired 
that  rank  In  the  Continental  army, 
lor  he  was  only  l.s  years  of  ago  when 
the  war  ended.  Kanlel  Slrlnghnm 
was  llie  father  of  Hear  Admiral  Silas 
II.  StrhiL'hniii,  who.  It  Is  said  ercete.1 
Hip  stone  In  Iho  old  Clinllls  cem- 
etery In  Klorld.i  towi|»hlp  to  tho  mem- 
ory of  Ills  father  and  iiiotbcr.  One 
side  of  tho  stone  reads: 

i)A\ii:i.  mnisaiiAU 


Aue.  n,  laii. 

r  ry  prominent  public  nucstlon  or  na- 
tional Issue  has  been  discussed  by  dlf- 
fei-i-nt  Bpeiikers,  often  from  different 
points  oi  view.  I  lays  have  been  sol 
iiBlde  for  the  farmer  anil  tho  soldier, 
and  every  class  lias  hail  aoino  feature 
csi'rrlally   for  them. 

Ilockrillc  talent  has  contributed  In 
some  nieasnro  to  the  lucccst  of    the 

On  tho  reverse  side  of  tbe  itone  Is 

1lt/c  of 

O.  ■TRinoUAU 


April  13,  1842, 


IIN  vr.,  1  IHO.,  0  davt. 

The  following  letter  froiii  tho  Nary 
licpa.      -1*    gives   tbe   record   of  the 
iOD  of  U  ulcl  and  Ablgal  Strlngliani : 
March  27,  lOia 

In  reply  to  jour  letter  of  the 
l.'iih  Instant,  you  are  advised  that 
Silas  II.  .strlngham  was  appointed 
a  .Midshipman  at  the  Naval  Acad- 
emy, Novciiilier  in,  1S(»:  waa  pro- 
moled  to  l.leiitenant,  Doccmbor 
I),  INH;  to  Commander,  March  3, 
liCII :  to  Captain.  September  8, 
Itvil:  was  transferred  to  the  Re- 
tired  List  of  Offlcera  of  the 
Navy,  liocemher  21,  180t ;  wai 
promoted  to  Hear  Admiral  on  tho 
Itcllrnl  Mst,  July  1(1,  1801;  and 
died  February  T,  1870. 

The  Nnrr  Iteglster  (or  Jann- 
■ry  1.  IM3,  thaw*  that  tlM  Uta 

find  also  that  tho  cliautatiqun  has  de- 
veloped a  sense  ef  civic  pride  In  Itix-k- 
vllle,  and  has  helped  In  that  nay.  The 
siu-cess  of  tho  ('liautaiiqua  Is  assured 
— wo  no  longer  sceiire  tho  licst  we  can 
for  the  m.-)ney,  we  secure  the  best 
available,  regardless  of  cost.** 

OTllrjl    CIlAUTAtrqUAS. 

Tho  rrohlhltlonlata  for  several  anm- 

August.  'Hie  attendance  was  good, 
and  the  talent  was  of  high-grade 
ability.  Tho  "beadllncr"  was  Count 
.lidin  SoiileskI,  of  Minneapolis,  who 
In-tiired  on  "M'oland."  Count  Ro- 
bleskl.  besides  being  a  lecturer  of  fn- 
Ineni-e,  Is  a  descendant  of  tho  old 
Polish  royal  fatnll.r,  and  this  enhanc- 
ed the  Interest  In  ...a  lectnre. 


iu;iiiiit::icr:  or  ora  , 
Hear  Admiral  Strlngham  waa 
burn  In  the  8tnte  of  New  York, 
November  7,  171)7,  and  wna  ap- 
pointed to  the  Navy  from  the 
State  of  Now  York. 

Very  respectfully, 

W.  B.  DcnsoH, 
ActlDft  Secretary  of  the  Navy, 
/taao  R.  Birouie,  Oolleetor,     lit- 
tcrnal  RtimuM,  Titrt  Baali, 

i:F.:«r  Tiiw-Nsifir. 

One  Iteroliitlonary  soldier,  John 
Duncan,  Is  burled  In  tho  nockrillo 
iimetery:  another,  William  .Mitch- 
ell, Is  burled  In  the  New  Dlscorcry 
trmctery.     No  others  were  reported. 

Captain  John  llumphroya.  who  com- 
manded a  Virginia  eomiiany  In  the 
War  of  1SI2.  Is  burled  In  Iha  Rock- 
?llle  cemetery. 

Umry  NaTlna,  »  MMUr  ot  tb«  W*r 


of  'lU',  In  iMlrl.d 


Whiskey  In- 
cicinrllnn  In  W, nlorn  l'ciini>ylvunla 
ihcrlMK  \Vn«hlni;fnn'»  Adinlnlslrntlon, 
arc  biirlr-d  In  llin  llix  kvlllo  cemetery 
-  SniMiiel  s.  Miilth  and  Wllllnm  I'alnt- 

Holdleri.  o.  rr.inller  r.nd  Indian 
\\nr«  Ipiiiled  in  l!nck\ille  eenictery— 
;Me\nnder  Klrkimlrlck,  Nnllinn  Ad- 
/iiiiH.rii.  llMKh  Nelunn,  Andrew  liny. 
Wllllniii  I'.  llrMMii,  llonry  Ki.r.e.iji. 
.loiTh  I  oitK,  Wllllnrii  firoen. 

rii\i:ii  r.\(ii:. 

'I'lie  I'Oter  oi'  Ihlii  book  IB  (lio  work 

Mr«.  Ilndley,  who  Is  ainoog  tlio  best 
or  Indlnnii's  artlnts.  l-:very  dclnll  o( 
Iho  sUel.'h  Is  hImnrUnlly  eorreel.  It 
do,,|,  Us  llic  urene  nlilch,  nic.irdlng  t'> 
1VI II  rslnldlshed  lore,  look  Idiire  nrniiiid 
Iho  rock  In  the  forest  when  Ilockvlllo 
«na  "rlirlptened"  in  KehniJiry,  IS1*;(. 
The  trees  hnvo  n  iidd-wlnter  aspect, 
ihe  ensliinirs  of  the  three  coiniiilsslon- 
er»  nnd  the  liy -Blunders  nro  of  tho 
j.erlod  « hen  Piirke  ('<ilinty  was  nr* 
t-nnlT.ed;  the  lone  whole-Bloik  fllnt- 
loek  rifle,  iiouder  horn  nnd  hiillet 
rnitrh  nro  nlwolntely  eorrcil;  oicn  Iho 
hnttlo  Is  of  tho  typo  tiseil  In  those 







ey— ".Mol- 




•   nt 

onr  sehool 

doys     In 



Is   tho     dat 

ghter     ot 





Harvey  nnr 






I'y,  nnd   wn 

horn   In 


ko  f 


It  attest!  Iho  talent  of 

tUIIVIM     II,    I'AHK,    hlillllllA    'KlU'KHItlP, 

The  letterlnv  is  well  as  li.o  pictnro 
Is  Iho  work  of  .Mrs.  Ilndley.  Tho 
whole  pnge  Is  hers,  anil  slio  lias  rea- 
son to  ho  proud  of  hor  splondld  con- 
trlliiitlon  to  the  Parko  County  Me- 


Tne  urilor  nt  tho  end  ot  this  work 

deslros  to  ro-stato  what   ho  wroto  at 

tliO  liOKlnnInK— seven     iimnths     ago — 

neivspnper  dill  Ira.     This  much  la  Hit 
way  ot  ap-ilngy. 

Hut  there  Is  itiilrli  for  wh'eh  no 
apK'loiry  Is  nefdrd.  This  part  ipeohs 
for  Kielf,  snd  It  Is  the  work  of  I'nrko 

that  this  Is  not  a  History  of  I'arko      t'oiinly  people,  from  the  artlstle  cover 

iiKiitK.Ni-r:  UK  nil. 

C.    MOIIKIN.    lUirKVII.I  K. 

Coiiniy.  No  am.  Is  iiioro  conseloiis  of 
Ha  liirniii|i|eii'nesa  thiin  he.  Them  nro 
many  (Uiilsslniis,  but  theHu  iiinBlly  nro 
duo  III  tho  fiillure  on  tho  |inrt  of  tlio 
people  who  wero  from  tliuo  to  tlino  np- 
jponled  In  for  rtiitn  nnd  insislnneo,  It 
helng  nhsoliitely  linpoHslliln  for  llie 
wilier  to  Ko  iivor  the  County  hliiisolf 
and  proeiiro  material.  Tho  work  of 
writing,  proof  reading,  superintend- 
ing tho  making  of  cngrnvlngs,  and 
ninny  other  tilings,  all  bad  to  be  done 
together  with   regular     official     nnd 

to  Ihe  Inst  lino  In  the  honk.  Willi  thu 
ejreiMlnii  of  I ir.  W.  II.  iliniiiii  rvery 
innlrliMiinr  Is  ii  iinllvo  nf  Ihe  foiinly, 
mill  Hr.  iillliiiii  has  jirnrllrert  here  for 
^:l  yenrs.  It  wos  printed  In  I'arkn 
Cniinly.  hy  I'nrke  I'oumy  printers.  It 
li'lls  Ihe  Binry  of  I'nrke  foiinty— ii 
reitird  In  hIiIcIi  wo  all  lake  pridn  In 
tills  fcntennlnl  year  of  our  holuvod 
Htato,  nnd  wo  offer  It  as  our  eontrl- 
hittlon  to  this  Important  epoch.  May 
our  future  be  as  bright  as  our  put 
hns  been  glorious. 

JO^CC^C-    \j\>  ^ly^I<jA.JL^