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Parlog as a 
Systems Programming Language 

Ian Foster 

Imperial College 

of Science & Technology 

Department of 

Parlog as a 
Systems Programming Language 

Ian Foster 

Research Report PAR 88/5 
March 1988 

Department of Computing 

Imperial College of Science and Technology 

University of London 

180 Queens Gate 

London SW7 2BZ 

Telephone: 01 -589 51 11 

Parlog as a Systems Programming Language 

Ian Foster 

A thesis submitted to the University of London 
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 

Department of Computing 
Imperial College of Science and Technology 

March 1988 

Copyright 1988 LT. Foster 


High-level languages have proved to be an excellent tool for dealing with 
complexity in operating system design. This work explores the use of declarative 
languages for systems programming. Advantages claimed for these languages include 
their very high-level nature and their suitability for implementation on parallel 
architectures. However, many declarative languages are too abstract to permit effective 
control of a machine. Also, it is not clear how declarative language-based operating 
systems are to be constructed. 

The main objective of the research reported herein is the development of a 
methodology for the design and implementation of declarative language-based operating 
systems. For concreteness, this is based on a particular language: the parallel logic 
programming language Parlog. The methodology views a Parlog operating system as a 
layered structure. A machine language or hardware kernel supports the Parlog 
language. Operating system services are implemented in Parlog. User-level programs 
such as programming environments are constructed using these services. The 
methodology provides simple, coherent treatments of important issues in the design of 
each layer in this structure. 

A Parlog operating system kernel is defined in terms of a simple 'kernel language', 
a subset of Parlog. An implementation scheme for this kernel language is described 
and its efficiency is confirmed by experimental studies. It is shown that important 
operating system components can be implemented in the kernel language. 

A comprehensive set of techniques for the programming of Parlog operating 
systems, on uniprocessors and multiprocessors, is presented. New Parlog language 
features required for systems programming are introduced. 

Operating system support for programming environment implementation and 
application programming is defined in terms of an extended Parlog language named 
Parlog-K Parlog+ extends Parlog with metaprogramming facilities that permit 
programs to access and specify changes to program files. The application of Parlog+ 
and its implementation in Parlog are described. 


First of all, I would like to thank my advisor, Keith Clark, for his help, 
encouragement and support throughout the course of this research. 

I would like to thank the people who aided in the development of the Parlog 
implementation that made the experimental component of this research possible: Alastair 
Hurt, Martyn Cutcher, David Gilbert, Tony Kusalik, Graem Ringwood and Ken Satoh. 
More generally, I should thank all of my colleagues at Imperial College, especially Jim 
Crammond, Andrew Davison, Chris Hogger, Melissa Lam and Frank McCabe. The 
administrative support provided by Cheryl Anderson, Caroline Wraige and the logic 
programming group administrator, Pat Easton-Orr, is gratefully acknowledged. 

I am grateful to Yonit Keston, Jeff Magee and John Darlington for reading drafts of 
this thesis and providing useful comments. Steve Gregory's particularly rigorous 
perusal and detailed comments were especially valuable. 

Visits to other institutions have proved very beneficial to this research. I would like 
to thank Ehud Shapiro, of the Weizmann Institute, and Kazuhiro Fuchi and Koichi 
Furukawa, of the ICOT research centre, for making these visits possible. I would also 
like to thank the many people who made these visits fruitful and enjoyable; in 
particular, Steve Taylor and Jiro Tanaka. 

My research has been funded by the Science and Engineering Research Council. 


CHAPTER 1. Introduction 21 

1.1 Background 21 

1.1.1 Language-Based Operating Systems 21 

1.1.2 Symbolic Processing and Parallel Computers 22 

1.1.3 Declarative Languages 23 

1.1.4 Declarative Language-Based Operating Systems 24 

1.2 The Research 26 

1.2.1 Objectives of the Research 26 

1.2.2 Contributions 29 

1 .3 Overview of Contents 30 

CHAPTER 2. Languages for Systems Programming 31 

2. 1 Language Requirements 31 

2.1.1 Expressiveness 32 

2.1.2 Efficiency 33 

2.1.3 Utility 33 

2.2 Sequential Processes 34 

2.2.1 Expressing Concurrency 34 Fork and Join 34 Parbegin 34 

2.2.2 Communication using Shared Resources 35 Semaphores 35 Monitors 36 Concurrent PASCAL 36 

2.2.3 Communication using Message Passing 38 CSP and Occam 39 Ada 41 

2.2.4 Discussion 41 

2.3 Actors 42 

2.4 Functional Languages 44 

2.4.1 Systems Programming in Functional Languages 45 

2.4.2 Non-determinism 47 Non-deterministic Primitives 47 Explicit Treatment of Time 48 Stoye's Scheme 48 

2.4.3 Synchronization 49 

2.4.4 Unification 50 

2.4.5 Parallel Execution 51 

2.4.6 Discussion 52 

2.5 Logic Languages 52 

2.5.1 Resolution and Unification 54 

2.5.2 Prolog 56 

2.5.3 Don 't-know and Don't-care Non -determinism 56 

2.5.4 Sequential Evaluation 57 

2.5.5 State Change 58 

2.5.6 Parallel Execution 59 

2.5.7 Other Logics 60 

CHAPTER 3. The Parallel Logic Programming Language Pariog 61 

3.1 Syntax 61 

3.2 Operational Semantics 63 

3.2.1 Evaluation Strategy 63 

3.2.2 A Computational Model 64 

3.2.3 StandardForm 66 

3.2.4 Other Language Features 67 

3.2.5 Guard Safety 68 

3.2.6 Justice Constraints 69 

3.3 Programming in Parlog 71 

3.3.1 Process Networks 71 

3.3.2 Stream Communication 73 

3.3.3 Back Communication 73 

3.3.4 Process Termination 74 

3.3.5 Process Creation 74 

3.3.6 State and State Change 75 

3.3.7 Encapsulation of Devices 75 

3.3.8 Synchronization 75 

3.3.9 Non-determinism 76 

3.3.10 Multiprocessors 77 

3.3.11 Logical Reading 78 

3.4 The Control Metacall 78 

3.5 Parlog as a Declarative Language 80 

3.5.1 Correctness and Completeness 80 

3.5.2 Program Analysis and Transformation 81 

3.5.3 Consequences of Incompleteness 82 

3.5.4 Restricted Modes of Use 82 

3.5.5 The Control Metacall 83 

3.5.6 Limitations 84 

3.6 Parlog and Systems Programming 85 

CHAPTER 4. Operating Systems Design 87 

4. 1 Issues in Operating System Design 88 

4.2 Kernel Functionality 91 

4.2.1 Types of Interface 91 

4.2.2 Exceptions 92 

4.2.3 Deadlock 95 

4.2.4 Processor Scheduling 96 

4.2.5 Memory Management 96 

4.2.6 Code Management 97 

4.3 Providing Services 98 

4.3.1 Filters: A Code Service 100 

4.3.2 Mailboxes: A Keyboard Service 102 

4.4 Communication with the Operating System 104 

4.4.1 Local Services 105 

4.4.2 RPC and Circuit Access to Remote Services 108 

4.4.3 Termination and Errors 110 

4.4.4 Discussion 112 

4.5 Robustness 113 

4.5. 1 At-source 115 

4.5.2 At-destination 116 

4.5.3 En-route 118 

4.5.4 Discussion 119 

4.6 Naming 120 

4.7 A Parlog Operating System 122 

4.7.1 Operating System 122 


4.7.2 Task Supervisor 124 

4.7.3 User-level Program 125 

4.7.4 Processor Scheduling 127 

4.8 Abstractions in User-Level Programs 127 

4.8.1 Procedures ^ 128 

4.8.2 Messages 128 

4.8.3 Exceptions 128 

4.9 Summary .' 129 

CHAPTER 5. A Kernel Language 131 

5.1 A Parlog Kernel 132 

5.2 The Kernel Language 134 

5.2.1 Flat Parlog 134 

5.2.2 Metacontrol Primitives 136 Implementing Control Metacalls 137 Implementing a Control Call 139 

5.2.3 Why Flat Parlog 140 

5.2.4 Why Metacontrol Primitives 144 Metacontrol through Transformation 145 Comparison: Performance 146 Comparison: Expressiveness 147 

5.3 Uniprocessor Implementation of Flat Parlog 147 

5.3. 1 Computational Model 148 

5.3.2 Machine Architecture 148 

5.3.3 Abstract Instruction Set 150 

5.4 Uniprocessor Implementation of Metacontrol 150 

5.4. 1 Extensions to Computational Model 150 

5.4.2 Task Scheduling 151 

5.4.3 Extensions to Architecture 153 

5.4.4 Implementation of Metacontrol Primitives 154 

5.4.5 Other Extensions to the FPM 155 

5.4.6 A Parlog Scheduler 156 

5.5 Distributed Unification 157 

5.5.1 Kernel Support for Distributed Unification 158 

5.5.2 Distributed Unification Algorithms 160 

11 The read Algorithm 161 The unify Algorithm 164 

5.5.3 Comparison with Taylor et a/.'s Distributed Unification Algorithm . 168 

5.5.4 Termination and Deadlock Detection 169 

5.5.5 Symmetric Distributed Unification Algorithms 171 The s_unify Algorithm 171 The sjead Algorithm 172 The djead Algorithm 174 

5.5.6 Complexity of Distributed Unification 175 

5.5.7 Discussion 177 

5.6 Approaches to Kernel Design 178 

5.6.1 Logix 179 

5.6.2 Kernel Language 1 179 

CHAPTER 6. Multiprocessor Operating Systems 181 

6.1 Distributed Metacontrol 182 

6.2 Distributed Deadlock Detection 186 

6.2.1 An Alternative Approach 189 

6.3 Process Migration 189 

6.3.1 Taylor et a/.'s Process Mapping Methodology 190 

6.3.2 Load Balancing 193 

6.3.3 Distributed Metacontrol and Process Migration 195 

6.4 A Multiprocessor Operating System 196 

6.4.1 Replicating and Duplicating Services 197 

6.4.2 Physical Services 198 

6.4.3 Bootstrapping and Process Mapping 198 

6.5 Multiprocessor Scheduling 199 

CHAPTER 7. A Language for Metaprogramming 203 

7.1 The Problem of State Change 203 

7.1.1 Problems 205 

7.1.2 Solutions 206 

7.2 Parlog-K an Extended Parlog Language 209 

7.2.1 Overview of Parlog+ 209 


7.2.2 State Access 212 State Access Primitives 213 Example: Program Analysis 215 

7.2.3 State Generation 215 State Generation Primitives 215 Example: Program Transformation 216 

7.2.4 Transactions and Programs 220 The Transaction and Program Primitives 220 Example: An Inheritance Shell 221 Example: Possible Worlds 223 

7.2.5 Discussion 224 

7.3 RelatedWork 225 

7.4 The Implementation of Parlog+ 227 

7.4.1 State and State Change 228 

7.4.2 Persistence 230 

7.4.3 Atomic, Serializable Transactions 230 Two-Stage Commit 231 Concurrency Control 231 Implementation of Two Stage Commit 233 Implementation of the Concurrency Control Algorithm 236 Alternative Concurrency Control Algorithms 237 Deadlock 237 

7.4.4 Discussion 238 

CHAPTER 8. Conclusion 241 

8.1 Parlog and Systems Programming 241 

8.2 RelatedWork 244 

8.2.1 Flat Concurrent Prolog 244 

8.2.2 Kernel Language 1 247 

8.3 Future Research 248 

APPENDIX L The Control Metacall A Specification 251 

APPENDIX IL A Comparison of Two Approaches to Metacontrol 259 

II. 1 Method 259 

II.1.1 Levels of Control 260 


II. 1.2 Implementations 260 

n.1.3 Benchmark Programs 261 

II.1.4 Summary 261 

11.2 Previous Results 262 

11.3 New Results 262 

11. 4 Discussion 263 

IL5 The Benchmark Programs 265 




List of Figures 

2.1 Execution of simple functional operating system 46 

3.1 Simple train system 71 

3.2 Train process network 73 

3.3 Communication and process creation 74 

3.4 Merge 77 

3.5 Non-deterministic train network 77 

3.5 Execution of simple shell 80 

4.1 Operating system architecture 87 

4.2 The exception message 93 

4.3 Types of service 100 

4.4 An application task and its supervisor (sv) 104 

4.5 Implemen tation of the e_handler system call 107 

4.6 Circuit access to a disk service 109 

4.7 Circuit access to a stateless service 109 

4.8 Filtering a circuit Ill 

4.9 Services, ports and name servers 121 

4. 10 Parlog operating system 123 

4.11 Task supervisor: creation of a new task 1 25 

4. 12 Shell process network 126 

4.13 Approaches to implementing abstractions 129 

5.1 Kernel and operating system organization 134 

5.2 Implementation of the control metacall 139 

5.3 Types of process hierarchy 142 

5.4 Flat Parlog Machine (FPM) architecture 149 

5.5 Simple and extended computational models 151 

5.6 Extended Flat Parlog Machine (eFPM) architecture 154 

5.7 Remote references 158 

5.8 Kernel support for distributed unification 160 

5.9 The read distributed unification algorithm: a strict test 162 

5.10 The read distributed unification algorithm: a non-strict test 1 63 

5.1 1 The unify distributed unification algorithm 165 

5.12 Circular references 167 


5.13 The unify and sjunify distributed unification algorithms 172 

5.14 The read and sjead distributed unification algorithms 173 

5.15 The djead distributed unification algorithm 175 

5.16 Distributed unification 176 

6. 1 A distributed task ". 182 

6.2 Distributed metacontrol 184 

6.3 Distributed deadlock detection 189 

6.4 Process mapping in a ring 192 

6.5 Load-balancing in Parlog 195 

6.6 Multiprocessor operating system 197 

6.7 Task distribution 200 

7.1 Parlog and Parlog+ 211 

7.2 Parlog implementation of Parlog-i- 228 

7.3 Parlog implementation of Parlog+ transaction 229 

7.4 Implementation of two stage commit 234 

7.5 Deadlock in the implementation of two -stage commit 238 

I.I Nested Metacalls 255 


List of Tables 

4. 1 Potential causes of disk service failure 114 

5.1 Static analysis of Parlog programs. (No. of procedures) 142 

5.2 Dynamic analysis of Parlog programs. (1000's of calls) 143 

5 . 3 Dynamic analysis of Parlog programs: guard call distribution 1 43 

II. 1 Implementation costs of metacontrol functions 259 

11.2 Levels of control 260 

11.3 Transformation overheads, as reported by Hirsch etal 262 

11.4 Kernel support performance (RPS,F/V- FP 3 ) 262 

11.5 Transformation performance and code size (FP ) 263 

11.7 Comparative performance and code size 263 

11.8 Transformation overheads reported by Hirsch et d. and Foster 264 



List of Programs 

2. 1 Printer buffer in Concurrent PASCAL 37 

2.2 Printer buffer in Occam 40 

2.3 Buffer actor 43 

2.4 Simple functional operating system 46 

2.5 Coroutining in NU-Prolog 57 

3.1 Simple database 66 

3.2 Train controller 72 

3.3 Merge 76 

3.4 Simple shell 79 

4.1 Disk service and cell 99 

4.2 Code service 101 

4.3 Keyboard service 103 

4.4 Simple task supervisor 107 

4.5 Robust disk service 116 

4.6 Delay filter 118 

4.7 Name server 121 

4.8 Operating system bootstrap 122 

4.9 Task supervisor 124 

4.10 User-level shell 126 

5.1 Three and four argument metacalls 138 

5.2 Types of Parlog procedure 141 

5.3 Termination detection through transformation 145 

5.4 Parlog task scheduler 157 

5.5 The unify distributed unification algorithm 1 66 

5.6 The sjwify distributed unification algorithm 171 

6.1 Distributed metacontrol: top level 183 

6.2 Distributed metacontrol: coordinator and local supervisor 184 

6.3 Distributed deadlock detection 187 

6.4 Process mapping through transformation 191 

6.5 Ring monitor for process mapping 192 

6.6 Ring monitor for load-balancing 194 

6.7 Mapping server 198 


7. 1 Program analysis in Parlog+ 214 

7.2 A generic program transformation in Parlog+ 217 

7.3 Program transformation in Parlog+ 218 

7.4 Inheritance shell in Parlog+ 222 

7.5 Transaction and program managers: committing a transaction 235 

1.1 Simple Parlog metainterpreter 252 

1.2 Termination detecting Parlog metainterpreter 252 

1.3 Executable specification for control metacall ...; 256 




1.1 Background 

Systems programming the writing of programs to control computer systems 
is difficult. The systems programmer must deal with issues such as asynchrony, non- 
determinism and concurrency. Difficulties are compounded by the complexity of 
systems and the frequent requirement for extreme reliability. The operating systems 
that control large mainframe computers are among the most complex artifacts ever 
constructed by man. 

Many methodologies have been proposed to ease the tasks of operating system 
design and implementation. High-level programming languages have proved to be 
among the most useful. 

1.1.1 Language-Based Operating Systems 

Dijkstra was one of the first to advocate a systematic solution to systems 
programming problems. He proposed a layered approach to operating system design. 
Problematic aspects of computer systems are encapsulated inside simple abstractions 
supported by the lower levels of an operating system. For example, non-determinism 
due to interrupts may be dealt with by introducing multiple sequential threads of control 
or processes. Higher levels can then ignore the existence of interrupts. 

Dijkstra's classic THE operating system [1968a] showed that a structured approach 
to operating system design can significantly reduce system complexity. However, 
THE was implemented in machine language. Its structure was an artificially imposed 
discipline: there was no guarantee that abstractions would be used correctly or at all. A 
promising solution to this problem is to incorporate abstractions such as processes in a 
high-level language. This permits compile-time checking of program correctness and 
moves the burden of implementing abstractions from the systems programmer to the 
compiler writer. Operating systems implemented in a high-level language may be 
termed language-based operating systems, as their structure is derived from (and 
constrained by) the language in which they are written. Language-based operating 
systems generally provide a small machine-coded or hardware kernel which supports 


programming in the high-level language. The rest of the operating system is 
implemented entirely in the high level language. 

A number of implementation projects have demonstrated the advantages of a 
language-based approach to operating system design [Brinch Hansen, 1976; Joseph et 
ai, 1984; Swinehart et a/., 1986], " 

1.1.2 Symbolic Processing and Parallel Computers 

The high-level languages used in the operating system implementation projects 
mentioned above provide the programmer with abstractions such as recursion and 
processes that are not found in machine languages. However, they remain machine- 
oriented or imperative languages. That is, they derive their structure from the (von 
Neumann) computer they are intended to execute on. Programs in these languages 
specify changes to the state of a machine. These are translated more or less directly into 
sequences of instructions to be executed by a computer. 

Imperative languages can be implemented efficiently on von Neumann computers. 
The numerical and data processing applications that these computers support are 
generally implemented in the same sort of language. A reliance on imperative 
languages as systems programming languages is hence understandable. However, 
developments in computer applications and architectures are beginning to challenge the 
dominant position that imperative languages and the von Neumann computer occupy in 

As computers become cheaper and understanding of how to use them improves, 
there is an increasing tendency to apply them in more abstract and 'human-oriented' 
fields (for example, see [Kawanobe, 1984]). Applications in these fields such as 
knowledge bases, computer aided design and natural language understanding are 
generally concerned with manipulating symbols rather than numbers. Such symbolic 
processing applications can be expected to become increasingly important in the future. 

The development of parallel computers is spurred by a need for greater 
performance at a reasonable price. Computer engineering is approaching the limits of 
the performance that can be achieved using a single von Neumann processor. A 
consequence of this is the intense research (and recently, commercial exploitation) of 
alternative architectures based on tens, hundreds or thousands of processors (for 
example, see [Vegdahl, 1984]). 


Both symbolic computing and parallel computers present problems for the systems 
programmer. Machine-oriented languages such as those used to implement the 
language-based operating systems referenced above can manipulate numbers and 
simple data structures such as strings and arrays. However, they are in general ill- 
suited to manipulating symbols. 

Furthermore, these languages, whilst good at implementing uniprocessor operating 
systems, are less well-suited to parallel machines. Programs in these languages specify 
sequences of changes to the state of a machine. This reliance on side-effects means 
that these languages are inherently sequential. Parallelism can be introduced, as in 
languages such as Concurrent Pascal and CSP, but only in a manner orthogonal to the 
basic sequential model of computation. The resulting distinction between sequential 
and parallel execution places a heavy intellectual burden on the programmer, who is in 
effect forced to think in two dimensions. This can become very difficult on a 
multiprocessor, as the number of parallel processes tends to grow at least 
proportionally to the number of processors. 

1.1.3 Declarative Languages 

Not all computer languages share the difficulties inherent in the machine-oriented or 
imperative languages. Another class of languages, the declarative languages, has quite 
different characteristics. These languages are based on abstract, generally symbolic 
formalisms rather than a computer architecture. Ideally, they permit the programmer to 
describe the problem to be solved, rather than what the machine must do to solve it. 
They do not rely on side-effects to perform computation. 

Declarative approaches to programming include functional programming, based on 
a mathematical theory of functions, and logic programming, based on a restricted form 
of first order logic. Programs in declarative formalisms can be read declaratively as 
statements about a problem domain. They can also be executed, using an appropriate 
evaluation strategy, to perform computation. This is the basis for their use as 
programming languages. 

A declarative programming language consists of a declarative formalism plus an 
evaluation strategy. For example, a logic program consists of logic clauses. These can 
be read declaratively as definitions of relationships between entities. They can also, as 
Kowalski [1974] showed, be read as procedures for computing instances of the 
relations defined by the program. Prolog [Roussel, 1975], the best known logic 


programming language, uses a sequential evaluation strategy based on resolution and 
depth -first, backtracking search to execute logic programs and hence perform this 
computation. A Prolog program that defines the 'sort 1 relation reads declaratively as 
the definition of a relation between two lists, one of which is a sorted version of the 
other. This program can also be executed to sort lists. 

The declarative content of declarative language programs is claimed to have 
significant advantages from a software engineering point of view [Backus, 1978; 
Henderson, 1980; Kowalski, 1983]. The correspondence of the solutions computed 
by a language and those implied by a program's declarative reading permits programs 
to be read as specifications. Systematic synthesis and transformation techniques can be 
applied to programs. Declarative content also facilitates program development, 
modification and reuse. 

Two other characteristics of these languages are particularly relevant to the systems 
programmer. First, they support symbolic manipulation. Logic programming 
languages, for example, support fully recursively defined data structures and provide 
the powerful bidirectional matching operation, unification. 

Second, they are well-suited to parallel evaluation. Parallelism is not orthogonal to 
these languages but implicit in their computational models. Their lack of side-effects 
means that the declarative language programmer is obliged neither to needlessly 
sequence operations nor to specify when they may be executed in parallel. Instead, he 
provides an abstract specification of a problem. Implicit parallelism in this specification 
can be detected and exploited by a language's evaluation strategy. In some declarative 
languages, a separate control language permits the programmer to control how 
parallelism is exploited. This permits the specification of parallel algorithms. 

1.1.4 Declarative Language-Based Operating Systems 

The declarative reading, high-level features and implicit parallelism of declarative 
formalisms appear to offer solutions to problems posed to the systems programmer by 
a new generation of applications and architectures. Implicit parallelism eases the 
burden on the systems programmer, who is no longer required to think in 'two 
dimensions'. Declarative programming style and high-level features facilitate the 
construction of systems to support symbolic processing. This suggests that there may 
be advantages in using declarative languages for systems programming. This can lead 
to the development of what may be termed declarative language-based systems, which 
derive their structure from a declarative formalism. 


The development of declarative language-based systems is not necessarily 
straightforward. Most declarative languages are too abstract or insufficiently 
expressive for use as systems programming languages. A systems programmer 
requires precise control over a machine and must be able to express a wide range of 
algorithms. Abstractions that hide machine features can be obstacles rather than aids to 
programming. For example, if parallelism is completely implicit in a language, and 
hence removed from programmer control, the systems programmer is unable to 
implement processor scheduling algorithms. 

Nevertheless, several researchers have shown that particular declarative languages 
can be used for simple systems programming tasks. Henderson [1982] described an 
approach to the implementation of 'purely functional operating systems'. He showed 
that a pure functional language with a concurrent evaluation strategy can be used to 
implement simple operating system structures. This work exploited an evaluation 
strategy for functional programs incorporating stream parallelism concurrent 
evaluation of a function and its arguments to implement operating systems as 
networks of nested functions which map inputs to outputs. 

Shapiro [1984a], Clark and Gregory [1984] and Kusalik [1986] apply similar 
techniques to program simple operating system components such as monitors and 
command interpreters in parallel logic languages. Parallel logic languages [Takeuchi 
and Furukawa, 1986] are a family of logic programming languages with an evaluation 
strategy that appears well-suited to systems programming. In these languages, 
conjunctions of goals are evaluated concurrently. Dataflow constraints ensure that 
certain goals incrementally produce and other goals incrementally consume bindings 
for shared variables. This provides what is known as stream and-parallelism. This 
permits logic programs to be interpreted as defining systems of concurrent, 
communicating processes. Other important features of parallel logic languages are their 
guarded-command non-determinacy and unification, which permits the specification of 
dynamic communication structures. 

Existing implementations of functional and parallel logic languages do not provide 
the performance required to control computer systems. However, it should be noted 

Conventional processors are not designed to support declarative languages. 
Implementations of declarative languages on these machines thus frequently 
emulate a more appropriate architecture. New processor designs that implement 


these architectures directly can execute declarative languages more efficiently 
[Tick and Warren, 1984; Uchida, 1987]. 

As declarative languages are further removed from conventional architectures 
than imperative languages, compilation of these languages is more difficult. Yet 
compilation techniques for declarative languages have received less attention to 
date. Improved compilation techniques can be expected to improve performance. 

The difficulties inherent in programming massively parallel machines favour an 
abstract formalism that relieves the programmer of some of the burden of 
specifying distributed computations. Somewhat less efficient execution may be 
acceptable if this permits these machines to be utilized more effectively, 

1.2 The Research 

1.2.1 Objectives of the Research 

The basic objective of the research reported herein is a methodology for the design 
and implementation of declarative language-based operating systems. 

The form of the investigation has been determined by three basic decisions: 

The choice of implementation language. 

The choice of target architecture. 

The choice of operating system design problems the methodology is to address. 

The choice of language. The form of a language-based operating system is to a 
large extent determined by the language in which it is implemented. An investigation 
into language-based systems must necessarily be based on a particular language. 

A decision was made to base this research on an existing, proven declarative 
language, with the option of extending or modifying this language if required. The 
main advantages of choosing an existing language, rather than attempting to design a 
new language, are: (a) it permits attention to be concentrated on systems programming 
rather than language design problems; and (b) since implemenations exist, it enables 
experimentation with methodologies. 

The language selected is the parallel logic programming language Parlog [Clark and 
Gregory, 1986]. Parlog has the following points in its favour as a language for 


programming declarative language- based systems: (a) As noted above, parallel logic 
languages are derived from a declarative formalism, logic programming, and are 
capable of specifying concurrency, non-determinism, etc. (b) A uniprocessor 
implementation of Parlog was available for experimental studies [Foster et al., 1986]. 
(c) Though parallel implementations of Parlog did not exist at the time this research was 
started, the language is designed for implementation on parallel machines [Gregory, 
1987]. (d) A range of applications indicate the utility of parallel logic languages as 
application programming languages (see, for example, references in [Gregory, 1987; 
Shapiro, 1986; Ringwood, 1988]). 

Other potential 'declarative systems programming languages' are reviewed in the 
following chapters. Many of the design and implementation techniques developed in 
the course of this research can also be applied to these languages. 

The choice of architecture. The design of an operating system is closely linked to 
the architecture of the machine it is to control. To permit concrete discussion of 
operating system design issues, a particular class of architecture must be considered. 
Since a major motivation for declarative language-based systems is the problem of 
programming parallel computers, this should be a parallel architecture. 

Many different parallel architectures have been proposed, some of which differ 
quite radically from conventional machines [Vegdahl, 1984; Treleaven et al., 1982]. 
However, most of the present and next generation of parallel computers c be 
expected to link together a number of more or less conventional processors using a 
shared memory or a message passing network. The class of machine considered here 
may be characterized as follows: 

a finite number of nodes, connected by a reliable communication network; 

no global storage; instead, each node has local storage; 

nodes may communicate by message passing; 

each node can execute recursive programs. 

In subsequent discussion, the term multiprocessor will be used to refer to this class 
of parallel architecture. 

For the purposes of this research, this class of architecture represents a compromise 
between generality and simplicity. It represents a quite general paradigm for parallel 
processing. In contrast to shared-memory machines, it is scaleable. Also, 
implementation techniques based on message passing can easily be adapted for shared- 
memory execution; the reverse is not generally true. At the same time, the assumption 


of uniformity and reliable communications keep problems relatively simple. Parlog 
may well be a suitable systems programming language for the more general class of 
distributed computer systems [Sloman and Kramer, 1986]. However, distributed 
systems raise problems such as network reliability that are beyond the scope of the 
present work. 

The choice of design problems. This is determined to a large extent by computer 
architecture. The hardware architecture assumed here implies the following software 
architecture: a kernel provides run-time support for an operating system (written in the 
high-level systems programming language), which in turn supports programming 
environments and other applications. The design of a Parlog operating system kernel 
that is simple, flexible and efficient is an important component of the research. At the 
operating system level, it is assumed that well-known operating system design 
problems such as provision of services, naming, protection and resource management 
must be addressed [Peterson and Silberschatz, 1983; Tanenbaum and van Renesse, 
1985]. The development of coherent treatments of these problems in Parlog is a second 
major component of the research. 

It is assumed that a Parlog operating system is intended to support Parlog 
programming. Operating system support for application programming in declarative 
languages is a complex problem that is not addressed in its entirety here. Instead, one 
particularly important aspect, namely program, update, is considered in detail. Much of 
a programmer's time is occupied with tasks that involve modifying the representations 
of programs located in a. file system. A declarative treatment of program file update 
hence appears desirable, so that tools developed to perform these tasks can benefit from 
a declarative programming style. Ideally, it should be possible to read programs that 
modify program files as specifications of relations over file system states. 

Given this choice of language, architecture and design problems, the criteria to be 
satisfied by the operating system design methodology can be summarized as follows: 

1 . It should provide a comprehensive, coherent treatment of important issues in 
operating system design. 

2 . It should deal with the particular problems of multiprocessors. 

3. It should not require major modifications to the implementation language, 

4. It should provide a kernel that is simple, efficient and flexiole and at the same 
time supports all functions required by an operating system. 

5 . It should support a declarative treatment of program file update. 


6. Its techniques should be applicable to other, similar languages. 

7. It should be specified in sufficient detail to permit implementation and, where 
appropriate, evaluation of important components. 

12.2 Contributions 

The result of the research is a methodology for the design and implementation of 
language-based operating systems in the parallel logic programming language Parlog. 
The methodology deals with three levels of operating system design: the kernel which 
supports the operating system, the operating system itself, and programming 
environments intended to execute on the operating system. 

The main original contributions are: 

1 . To demonstrate that it is feasible to use a declarative language, Parlog, as a 
language for implementing language-based operating systems. 

2. To extend Parlog with features required for operating system implementation 
and to show how important issues in operating system design can be treated in 

3. To design a Parlog operating system kernel based on a kernel language (a 
subset of Parlog, augmented with simple primitives) and to describe how 
Parlog language features required for systems programming can be 
implemented in this kernel language. 

4. To provide an abstract machine implementation of the kernel language. This is 
presented in the form of extensions to an existing abstract machine. 

5. To present distributed unification algorithms that permit multiprocessor 
execution of Parlog and that support distributed termination and deadlock 

6. To develop a new parallel logic programming language, Parlog+, that provides 
a declarative treatment of program file update, and to show how this language 
can be used to implement programming environments in a Parlog operating 

7 . To develop techniques that permit the implementation of Parlog+ in Parlog. 

Of the eight chapters in this monograph, four (Chapters 4 to 7) constitute an 
account of original research; relevant related work is noted in the text. 


13 Overview of Contents 

The rest of this monograph consists of seven chapters. Chapters 2 and 3 are 
introductory in nature, Chapters 4-7 present the results of the research and Chapter 8 

Chapter 2 establishes requirements for languages for programming language-based 
operating systems. Four classes of language imperative, actor, functional and logic 
are reviewed and evaluated. 

Chapter 3 introduces the parallel logic language Parlog and makes a preliminary 
appraisal of its suitability as a systems programming language. 

Chapter 4 identifies important issues in operating system design. Minor extensions 
to Parlog are proposed and treatments of operating system design issues in the extended 
language are described. Issues covered include the provision of services, 
communication with the kernel, protection and naming. A framework for a simple 
Parlog operating system is presented. 

Chapter 5 deals with the design and implementation of a Parlog operating system 
kernel. A simple kernel language to be supported by this kernel is defined. The 
implementation of this kernel language on uniprocessors and multiprocessors is 

Chapter 6 deals with operating system design issues that are particular to 
multiprocessors. The implementation of distributed computation control and processor 
scheduling functions is described. A framework for a simple multiprocessor Parlog 
operating system is presented. 

Chapter 7 describes a new parallel logic programming language named Parlog+. 
The language is motivated and described. Simple examples illustrate its application. 
The principles of its implementation in Parlog are described. 

Chapter 8 concludes, surveys some related research and notes areas for further 

Two appendices present a specification for a Parlog language feature, its control 
metacall, and experimental results that permit comparison of two approaches to kernel 
design. These are referred to in the text.. 


Languages for Systems Programming 

This chapter surveys proposed high-level systems programming formalisms and 
languages. It is not intended to constitute an introduction to systems programming: the 
interested reader is referred to [Peterson and Silberschatz, 1983]. Nor is the survey 
intended to be comprehensive. It aims to present important concepts and to illustrate 
their application. 

To motivate this survey, the first part of the chapter proposes requirements for a 
high-level systems programming language. The particular requirements of 
multiprocessors are emphasized. Four classes of languages are then considered. The 
first, sequential processes, is an elaboration of the usual imperative model of 
computation. Computation in these languages involves concurrently executing, 
sequential processes which communicate by shared variables or message passing. 
Languages in this class include Concurrent PASCAL, Occam and Ada. Computation in 
the actors formalism involves dynamic networks of communicating agents. The more 
abstract functional languages represent computation as the evaluation of mathematical 
functions. Functions are applied to input values and compute output values. 
Languages in this class include pure LISP, HOPE and SASL. Finally, logic 
programming languages model computation as controlled deduction. Languages in this 
class include Prolog and Parlog. Logic programming and Prolog are discussed in this 
chapter. Parlog is introduced in Chapter 3. 

2.1 Language Requirements 

Requirements for a high-level, multiprocessor systems programming language can 
be divided into three groups: expressiveness, efficiency and utility. 

These requirements are not complete; for example, issues related to reliability are 
not considered. However, they cover most important issues in systems programming 
language design. 


2.1.1 Expressiveness 


The concurrent process is an important abstraction in systems programming, where 
it represents a logically distinct thread of control [Dijkstra, 1968a]. If programs are to 
execute faster on multiprocessors, it must also be possible to divide them into 
components that execute on different nodes. A high-level systems programming 
language should permit the specification of logically and/or physically distinct 

Communication and Synchronization 

In order to cooperate, concurrent processes must be able to exchange data: that is, 
to communicate. They must also be able to synchronize their execution so as to order 
their activities [Andrews and Schneider, 1983]. For example, to ensure that a buffer is 
not read before it is written. 


The behaviour of systems programs must often depend on the timing and ordering 
of events. For example, interrupts or communications from other processes. A high- 
level systems programming language must be able to represent such non-deterministic, 
time-dependent behaviour. 

Encapsulating Hardware 

Although high-level languages are designed to be independent of hardware, 
systems programs must be able to control devices, respond to interrupts, schedule 
resources, etc. To make these aspects of the underlying hardware accessible to systems 
programs, it must be possible to represent them in the language. 


Systems programming requires the ability to define components that are immune to 
interference from other erroneous or malicious programs. Such protection should be 
supported by the language. 


The language should make it easy to create, in a modular fashion, new resources 
and services out of existing ones. This permits the expressive power of the language to 
be extended gracefully and incrementally. 



There are significant advantages if a language uses uniform control and data 
structures, whether executing on one or several nodes. This makes it easier to 
reconfigure systems and to port programs to architectures of differing degrees of 
parallelism. (Unless a different architecture demands a different algorithm: an 
inherently sequential algorithm is unlikely to execute efficiently on a multiprocessor). 

2.1.2 Efficiency 

A systems programming language must be implemented on target hardware, by 
interpretation, compilation, etc. Its implementation must meet performance 
requirements. What these are depends on the application: a control program for a slow- 
moving industrial process may not need to execute as fast as an operating system, for 

Efficiency is not determined solely by uniprocessor performance. In concurrent 
languages, communication and synchronization mechanisms must also be efficient, 
both on a single node and between nodes. A language that is to be used to program 
multiprocessors should not require centralized structures for its implementation, as 
these are likely to form a bottleneck. 

2.1.3 Utility 

A final, more subjective criterion determining the acceptability of a programming 
language is the benefits that are perceived to derive from its use. A high-level language 
that supports abstractions such as 'process' and 'communication' as language features 
is likely to make systems programming easier. Other factors that affect the utility of a 
language include its succinctness and the ease with which programs can be modified, 
reused, distributed across several nodes and statically or dynamically reconfigured. 

The complexity and frequently critical nature of systems programming applications 
means that ease of verification is also important. Both a program's problem solving 
logic and its global behaviour (for example, real-time behaviour or termination) may 
need to be verified. Either the language should be itself sufficiently high-level to serve 
as its own specification language, or it should facilitate verification of programs from 
specifications written in some higher-level language. 


2.2 Sequential Processes 

The first class of languages considered represents attempts to incorporate 
concurrency into an imperative or von Neumann model of programming. Sequential 
imperative languages such as^ FORTRAN and PASCAL model computation as a 
sequence of read and write operations on shared data structures. The languages 
considered in this section extend this model to permit several sequential computations 
or processes to execute concurrently. These concurrent processes interact either 
through shared resources or by message passing. They may interact to exchange data 
(communicate) or to coordinate their execution (synchronize). Particular languages 
may be characterized by how they express concurrency and the communication and 
synchronization mechanisms they employ [Andrews and Schneider, 1983]. 

2.2.1 Expressing Concurrency 

A number of language constructs for specifying concurrent execution of sequential 
processes have been proposed. These can be used to specify systems with a fixed or 
dynamic number of processes. Two such constructs are considered here: fork/join and 

22.1 J Fork and Join 

The fork statement [Conway, 1963] is used to represent process creation. A fork 
instruction creates a new process, which starts to execute a specified routine. The 
invoking process proceeds concurrently with the new process. The join statement 
permits the invoking process to synchronize with termination of the new process. 
Execution of this instruction delays the invoking process until a specified invoked 
process terminates. 

The fork and join statements are a very general notation for specifying concurrent 
processes. They are widely used in the Unix operating system [Ritchie and Thompson, 
1974]. However, their lack of structure can result in programs that are difficult to 
understand, particularly if they occur in loops or conditionals. 

22.12 Parbegin 

The parbegin statement [Dijkstra, 1968b] provides a more structured 
representation of parallel execution. A statement: 


parbegin S^ 82; ...; S n ; parend; 

denotes concurrent execution of the statements S 1( S 2 S n . Execution of this 

statement terminates only when all the Sj have terminated. The Sj can themselves be 
parbegin statements. 

parbegin is less powerful than fork, as it can only be used to create a fixed number 
of processes. Also, it cannot represent such complex process dependencies: it is only 
possible to represent trees of processes, where each node waits for its offspring to 
terminate before terminating itself. However, a consequence of these limitations is that 
programs that use parbegin are easier to understand. 

Languages incorporating parbegin include CSP [Hoare, 1978] and Occam [Inmos, 
1984]. These are described below. 

22.2 Communication using Shared Resources 

Languages that use shared resources for interprocess communication may require 
synchronization mechanisms to control access to shared resources. Two types of 
synchronization can be distinguished. Mutual exclusion restricts access to a resource 
whilst a critical operation (such as reading and updating a shared variable) is 
performed. Condition synchronization delays access to a resource until some condition 
(such as 'buffer is full 1 ) is satisfied. 

Both types of synchronization can be implemented explicitly using busy-waiting. 
Busy-waiting requires a process that wishes to perform some action to wait until a 
particular location has a specified value. However, busy -waiting is somewhat clumsy 
and furthermore wastes processor cycles. More abstract synchronization operations 
have therefore been defined. Two are described here: semaphores and monitors. 

222.1 Semaphores 

A semaphore [Dijkstra, 1968a] is an object on which 'set' and 'reset' operations 
(commonly called P and V) are defined. A process that attempts to set a semaphore that 
is already set is delayed. If a process attempts to reset a semaphore and processes are 
delayed waiting to set that semaphore, the semaphore is not reset but a delayed process 
is resumed. Semaphores are used to implement mutual exclusion as follows. A 
semaphore is associated with each resource to which access is to be controlled; this is 
initially reset. A process that wishes to access such a resource sets its semaphore, 
accesses the resource and then resets the semaphore. 


Semaphores are higher-level and hence easier to use than busy-waiting. 
Furthermore, they may be supported by an operating system kernel, which can 
implement set and reset operations by moving processes to and from a ready queue a 
queue of processes that can be executed and suspension queues containing 
processes waiting to set different semaphores. This avoids wasting processor cycles. 

However, semaphores do not enforce any structure on synchronization operations. 
It is thus rather easy to misuse them. For example, it is easy to miss out a set or reset 
operation or to apply such an operation to the wrong semaphore. Also, as set and reset 
operations may be scattered through code that is not concerned with synchronization, 
programs that use semaphores can be difficult to understand. 

2222 Monitors 

Monitors were proposed by Hoare [1974] and others as a more structured way of 
controlling access to a shared resource. A monitor consists of a state and a number of 
procedures that define operations on that state. A monitor can thus be regarded as a 
module [Parnas, 1972] or abstract data type. The implementation of monitors ensures 
that processes executing procedures associated with a monitor are mutually excluded. 

Queue variables [Brinch Hansen, 1975] may be defined within monitors to provide 
condition synchronization: that is, to delay processes that invoke monitor procedures 
until certain conditions are satisfied. Two operations are defined on these variables: 
delay delays the process which executes it until another process resumes it; continue 
resumes a process. The use of these primitives is illustrated in Section 

Monitors can be used in systems programming languages to encapsulate hardware 
resources. For example, an I/O device can be represented as a monitor on which read 
and write operations are defined. A call to this monitor returns when the I/O operation 
has completed. This hides the existence of hardware devices and interrupts from the 
high-level language programmer. 

222 3 Concurrent PASCAL 

Concurrent PASCAL was the first language to use monitors. Concurrent PASCAL 
[Brinch Hansen, 1975] and related languages have been used to implement operating 
systems for both uniprocessors and shared-memory multiprocessors [Brinch Hansen, 
1976; Joseph et a/., 1984]. A Concurrent PASCAL system program creates a fixed 
number of concurrent processes which use monitors to access shared data structures. 
Monitors are also used as an abstraction for I/O devices and other hardware resources. 


In Brinch Hansen's SOLO operating system, these abstractions are supported by a 
kernel of only 4K words of assembler. 

type outputprocess - process(buff: linebuffer) 
var Item: char; 
while true do 

compute(item); buff.wrrte(item); 

type printerprocess - printer(buff: linebuffer) 
var text: line; 
while true do; print(text); 

type linebuffer monitor 

var buffer: line; count: integer; 

sender, receiver: queue; 
procedure write(item: char) 

if count -N then delay (sender) ; 

buffer[count] :~ item; count > count+1 ; 

if count - N then contlnue( receiver); 
procedure read(text: line) 

if count < N delay (receiver); 

text : buffer; count :* 0; 


begin count :* end; 

% Part 1: define outputprocess. 

% Repeatedly... 

% compute and write chars 

% to buffer using monitor buff. 

% Part 2: define printerprocess. 

% Repeatedly... 

% read and print buffer 

% using monitor buff. 

% Part 3: define monitor. 

% State variables. 

% Write character to buffer. 

% delay writer iff ull. 

% add item to buffer. 

% resume reader if full. 

% Read line from buffer. 

% delay reader if not full. 

% empty buffer. 

% resume writer. 

% Initialization: empty buffer. 

var output: outputprocess; printer: printerprocess; % Part 4: create processes, 
buff: linebuffer; % create monitor. 

inrt output(buff), printer(buff); 

% Part 5: start execution. 

Program 2.1 Printer buffer in Concurrent PASCAL. 

Program 2. 1 illustrates the use of the language. (For brevity, program blocks are 
delimited here by indentation rather than begin ... end pairs). This program defines 
(Parts 1-3) and creates (Part 4) concurrently executing output and printer processes 
and a monitor, linebuffer, which is used to buffer characters generated by output until 
a line is ready for printer. The output and printer processes are initiated using an in it 
statement (Part 5). Concurrent PASCAL'S Init statement can be regarded as a form of 
parbegin. It is used to create static process structures: as instances of processes must 


be explicitly declared, they cannot be created dynamically. 

The monitor has as state variables a line buffer (buffer ), a character count (count ) 
and two queue variables (sender and receiver). It provides routines read and write 
which output and printer can use to access the buffer, plus initialization code which 
sets the character count to zero. v 

The write procedure adds a character to the buffer; read returns a full buffer. The 
state variables are used to synchronize the use of these procedures so that the buffer is 
neither written to when full nor read when not full. The state variable sender is used in 
write to delay the output process when the buffer is full and in read to resume it once 
the buffer has been emptied. The state variable receiver is used in read to delay the 
printer process when the buffer is not full and in write to resume it when it is full. 

2.2.3 Communication using Message Passing 

In languages based on message passing, processes communicate by sending and 
receiving messages rather than by accessing shared variables. Messages are sent using 
a send(<destination>, <value>) command and received using a rece!ve(<source>, 
<variable>) command, where <destination> and <source> designate a destination and 
source. Languages based on message passing differ according to whether processes 
are named directly or indirectly, whether sources and destinations must be specified at 
compile-time or may be computed at run-time and whether communication is 
synchronous or asynchronous. 

Direct naming requires that a process name be specified in send and receive 
commands. This is easy to implement but inflexible, as a process can only send to or 
receive from a named process, rather than any process, as is sometimes required. 
Indirect naming schemes introduce a level of indirection and hence permit many to one 
or many to many communication. The send and/or receive commands may designate 
a port (see Section 4.6) or other indirect construct 

Many languages (for example, CSP) require that sources and destinations be fixed 
at compile time. This is easy to implement, but precludes the programming of 
reconfigurable systems. Alternatively, processes may be permitted to compute values 
for sources and destinations at compile-time. 

Synchronous communication means that both sender and receiver must be ready to 
communicate for communication to proceed. This can require two-phase 
communication protocols which ask for permission to send before sending data. 


Asynchronous communication permits a sender to send a message that a receiver is not 
ready to receive. As the sender can then run arbitrarily ahead of the receiver, buffering 
is required in the implementation. 

In languages based solely on message passing, there are no shared resources. One 
consequence of this is that a resource that may need to be accessed by more than one 
process must be represented as a process. Other processes send this process a message 
to access and modify the state of the resource. Such processes can be used to 
encapsulate hardware resources in a similar way to monitors. 

2231 CSP and Occam 

Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) [Hoare, 1978] is a programming 
notation based on synchronous message passing, guarded commands [Dijkstra, 1975] 
and a form of parbegin statement. Occam [Inmos, 1984] is a programming language 
derived from CSP. It is essentially a subset of CSP with a more readable syntax and 
extensions that address operational issues. It was designed as a systems programming 
language. In particular, it has been used as the machine language for the Transputer, a 
VLSI microprocessor that has been used to construct parallel computers. Occam is 
described here. 

Occam programs combine three types of command assignment, input (receive) 
and output (send) in SEQ, ALT and PAR blocks. SEQ blocks represent sequential 
evaluation. ALT blocks express guarded commands. PAR blocks are a type of 
parbegin statement Indentation is used to indicate the extent of blocks. 

Assignment commands assign values to variables. They have the form variable := 
value. Input and output commands permit parallel processes to communicate using 
named, unidirectional communication links termed channels. They have the form 
channel ? variable and channel ! value, respectively. Message passing is 
synchronous: either sender or receiver delay until the other is ready to communicate. 

A guarded command consists of two or more statements, each of which comprises 
a guard and a body. A guard is a conjunction of boolean expressions and input 
commands. A guard succeeds if its boolean expressions evaluate to true and no input 
command would be delayed. It fails if any boolean expression evaluates to false. 
Otherwise it delays. Evaluation of a guarded command evaluates the guards of each 
statement. If one or more guards succeeds, a non-deterministic choice is made of one 
of them and the commands in its body are executed. 

Processes created within a PAR block communicate using channels. Predeclared 


channels like 'keyboard' and 'screen' provide an interface to I/O devices. When 
executing on several nodes, Occam permits the programmer to specify where processes 
are to be executed 

PROC buffer(CHAN from_wrrter, fromjprinter, to_printer) . 
VAR char, count, line [BYTE N]: 

count > 

(count < N) & from_writer ? char 

line [BYTE count] > char 
count - count + 1 
(count N) & from_printer ? ANY 

to_printer ! line 
count > 0: 

PROC printer(CHAN to_printer, from_printer) 
VAR line: 

from_printer ! ANY 
to_printer ? line 
"print line": 

PROC wrrter(CHAN from_writer) - 
VAR char: 

"compute char" 
from_writer ! char: 

CHAN from_writer, from_printer, to_printer: 

buffer(from_writer, from_printer, to_printer) 


printer(from_printer, to_printer) 

% Buffer repeatedly 
% processes writer 
% or printer requests. 

% Buffer not full and 
% character received: 
% Add to line buffer, & 
% increment count. 
% Buffer full and 
% line requested: 
% Send line to printer, & 
% reset count. 
% Printer repeatedly 
% requests and prints 
% lines. 

% Writer repeatedly 
% generates and 
% sends characters. 

% Declare channels. 
% Create processes. 

Program 2.2 Printer buffer in Occam. 

Program 2.2 implements the same buffer as Program 2.1. The buffer is 
represented here by a process, buffer. This maintains a line buffer and character count 
and has channel connections from an output process and to and from a printer process. 


It accepts characters from output while the line buffer is not full and line requests from 
printer when the buffer is full. Having accepted a line request, it sends a line to 
printer and empties the buffer. 

Occam has been widely used for programming parallel algorithms and parallel 
computers. An attractive feature of the language is its simplicity, which has permitted 
efficient implementation in hardware and the development of verification rules. 
However, the language can only implement static process and communication 
topologies and does not support recursion. This constrains the range of parallel 
algorithms that can be programmed in the language. Brinch Hansen [1987] has 
recently described a language that removes certain of these restrictions. It is not yet 
clear that similar verification rules apply. 

2232 Ada 

Ada [DoD, 1982] is a language designed for use in process control applications. It 
provides a higher-level construct than send and receive for interprocess 
communication and synchronization: a form of remote procedure call termed the 
rendezvous. (Ada processes termed tasks can also communicate by shared 

A remote procedure call is a higher- level message passing construct that represents 
two communications: one to request a remote service and one to return a result. A 
process uses a call statement to communicate a request to a named process. The request 
invokes a named procedure in the remote process; this invocation is (generally) implicit. 
This request is blocking, so the process making the request is delayed until a reply is 

The rendezvous differs from an ordinary remote procedure call in that the receiving 
process can selectively receive requests using an accept statement. This permits a 
process to accept several types of request and to service requests when it desires. An 
accept statement waits for a matching request, processes the request and generates a 

2.2.4 Discussion 

Two types of concurrent languages based on sequential processes have been 
identified: those that use shared resources for interprocess communication and 
synchronization and those that use message passing. Each has its advantages and 


disadvantages. Shared resources introduce complex synchronization problems. These 
can be partially hidden using abstractions such as monitors, but still stretch the 
programmer's ability to visualize computational processes. Also, shared resource 
languages are difficult to implement efficiently on non-shared memory multiprocessors, 
as the overhead of maintaining shared mutable structures consistent is likely to be high. 
Message passing languages, on the other hand, tend to suffer from restrictive 'call-by- 
value 1 message passing: messages can only contain values, not references to data 
structures. Also, it can be difficult to implement message passing languages as 
efficiently as shared variable languages on shared memory machines. 

Other points of interest include: 

Encapsulation: both types of language can encapsulate hardware resources quite 
elegantly, as monitors and processes respectively. Both monitors and processes 
provide, or can be used to provide, some protection against illicit access to resources. 

Uniformity, languages based on sequential processes are not uniform in the sense 
that programs have distinct sequential and parallel components. In the case of 
message-passing languages, these components use quite different mechanisms to 
perform computation: assignment and message passing, respectively. This lack of 
uniformity can make programs harder to understand and reconfigure. For example, a 
program may execute efficiently on N nodes if it has been specified in terms of N 
processes. However, it must be completely rewritten to exploit 2.N nodes. 

Simplicity vs expressiveness: the languages considered trade conceptual simplicity 
for expressive power. Simple languages (such as Occam) are easy to implement and 
verify but of limited expressive power. Complex languages (such as Ada) may be 
more expressive but have a complex semantics that hinders verification. 

2.3 Actors 

Actors are an abstract notation for specifying concurrent computation [Hewitt, 
1977; Agha, 1986]. In contrast to the languages described in the previous section, 
which are based on a sequential model of computation and in which parallel processing 
is specified by additional constructs, the actor formalism is intrinsically concurrent 

An actor system consists of a number of actors. An actor is an agent that is defined 
by an address and a behaviour. Its behaviour determines how it processes messages 
sent to its address. In general, an actor maps a message into a finite set of messages 
sent to other actors, a new behaviour and a finite set of new actors. An actor can 


communicate with any actor for which it knows the address; such actors are known as 
its acquaintances. Addresses can be passed between actors in messages. Messages arc 
assumed to be forwarded by an underlying mail system that guarantees only that each 
message sent will eventually be delivered exactly once. 

The actor formalism is thus characterized by dynamic processes, dynamic 
communication topology, asynchronous communication and global reference (but not a 
global address space). 

def buffer(n, index, previous, link, reader) [element! % Receive an element 

if index <n then % Buffer not full? 

let P new 1_buffer(previous, link) % Create new actor. 

become bufter(n, n+1, element, P, reader) 

if index - n then % Buffer full? 

let P1 - new 1_buffer( previous, link) % Create new actors: 

let P2 new 1_buffer(element, P1) % prev. and last element. 

send P2 to reader % Pass to reader. 

become buffer(n, 0, NIL, SINK, reader). % Start again. 

Program 2.3 Buffer actor. 

Program 2.3 illustrates the formalism. It implements a simple buffer in a language 
similar to the language SAL defined by Agha [1986]. This buffer accepts messages 
until it has collected n of them and then communicates the n elements it has collected to 
another actor. It differs from the buffers implemented in Programs 2. 1 and 2.2 in that 
it does not constrain the production of elements: any actor that knows the buffer's 
address can generate and transmit elements to it. 

The buffer definition consists of two guarded statements that specify how to 
process communications. Note the use in the program of the new command, which 
creates a new actor and returns its mail address, the send command, which generates a 
communication, and the become command, which specifies a new behaviour. 

The buffer accepts messages representing elements to be buffered and creates new 
actors (1_ buffer: not defined), each of which possesses the address of an element and 
of the previous 1_buffer actor. These new actors thus represent a 'list 1 of elements. 
When the buffer has received n of these messages, it passes the address of the head of 
this 'list 1 to the actor it knows as reader. This may then send messages to the 1_buffer 
actors to access the buffered elements. 


A buffer may be created as follows: 

let b - new buffer(n, 0, NIL, SINK, reader) 

where n is the size of the buffer, is the number of elements collected so far, NIL is 
some predefined value used to signify the end of the buffer, SINK is the address of 
some 'dummy' actor and reader is Jhe address of the actor to which communications 
are to be sent when the buffer becomes 'full 1 . 

The actor formalism is a powerful tool for representing concurrent systems. 
Attractive features include its simplicity and uniformity both control and data 
structures are represented by actors and its inherent concurrency. However, actors 
are a very low-level formalism, a sort of machine language. Programming languages 
based on this formalism must provide higher-level abstractions. 

Interestingly, the parallel logic languages share many features with actors. The 
parallel logic languages are distinguished by their declarative foundations, recursive 
data structures, simple syntax and built-in unification mechanism. Kahn and Miller 
[1988] emphasize the similarities between the two formalisms. 

2.4 Functional Languages 

Functional programming languages are based on the lambda calculus, a 
mathematical theory of functions [Church, 1941]. Functional languages and the 
benefits they can bring to programming are described in [Backus, 1978] and 
[Henderson, 1980]. The first and best known functional language is LISP [McCarthy 
et at., 1965], though most LISP dialects incorporate imperative features. Modern 
functional languages include HOPE [Burstall etal, 1980] and SASL [Turner, 1981]. 

The usual model of computation employed in functional languages is extremely 
simple. A functional program defines a set of rewrite rules which are used to evaluate 
expressions containing rewritable functions. A rewritable function is evaluated by 
finding a rewrite rule with a left hand side that matches the function and replacing that 
function in the expression by the right hand side of that rewrite rule. This process 
continues until an expression that contains only constructor functions is produced. 
Constructor functions represent structured data such as lists. 

For example, consider the following functional program. This can be both read as 
a definition of list membership and executed to find the value associated with a 
particular key in a list. Strings beginning with capital letters denote variables. 


kx)kup(Key, [ ]) - missing 
tookup(Key, [ [Key1 .Value] | Data] ) - 

if Key - Keyt 

then Value 

else lookup(Key, Data). 

(In this program and throughout this thesis, a special syntax is used for the type of 
structured term known as lists. The notation [H | T] is used to denote the list with head 
H and tail T. A nested list term [X | [Y | Z] ]may be abbreviated as [X, Y | Z]or if Z is the 
empty list denoted by the constant [ ] as [X, Y]). 

A function call lookup(john, [ [mary, 28], [John, 26] ]) returns the value 26. A 
function call lookup(john, [ [mary, 28] ]) returns the value missing. 

The basic rewrite model is usually augmented with lazy evaluation [Henderson and 
Morris, 1976; Friedman and Wise, 1976]. This is a demand-driven evaluation strategy 
which only evaluates functions when their values are required. This does not alter the 
declarative semantics of functional programs, but makes problems that deal with 
potentially infinite data structures tractable. Kahn and MacQueen [1977] generalize the 
functional model to allow both restricted concurrency (where multiple arguments to a 
function are evaluated concurrently) and stream concurrency (concurrent evaluation of a 
function and its argument). 

The rest of this section first describes work on systems programming in pure 
functional languages and then looks at various attempts to overcome perceived 
limitations in pure functional programming. 

2.4.1 Systems Programming in Functional Languages 

Systems programming and mathematical functions may appear to have little in 
common. Although a number of LISP machines use LISP as a machine language, 
these systems rely on side-effecting primitives and must be regarded as imperative 
systems with a functional syntax. Several researchers have however explored the use 
of pure functional languages for systems programming. The basic insight is that 
operating systems can be viewed as functions that map external events to side-effects in 
the external world. Henderson [1982] and Jones [1984] show how simple operating 
systems can be defined as functions that map keyboard input to screen output These 
programs represent an operating system as a set of recursive functions that 
communicate by incrementally constructing and consuming potentially infinite data 


structures (usually lists) called streams. Lazy evaluation ensures that data is only 
demanded from the user as it is required to calculate an output value. Stream 
concurrency permits concurrent evaluation of the various functions defining the system. 
The underlying implementation is assumed to provide interfaces to the outside world by 
generating the input stream and displaying the output stream. 

Jones describes a number of purely functional operating systems constructed using 
these techniques. For example, Program 2.4 defines a very simple operating system 
that repeatedly executes functions named by the user if they can be found in a supplied 
filestore Fs. 

system([Function | Kb], Fs) % Receive input, 

if lookup(Fs, Function ) - missing % Defined ? 

then [ error | system( Kb, Fs) ] % No: ERROR. 

else append( execute( bokup( Fs, Function ) ), system( Kb, Fs) ) % Yes: execute. 

Program 2.4 Simple functional operating system. 

Program 2.4 generates an output stream consisting of either function output or the 
constant error if Fs does not contain the definition of a named function. Matching its 
first argument with the data structure [El | Kb] is assumed to return the next term E I 
input by the user. Kb is the remainder of the input stream. The implementation is 
assumed to display system's output at the user's terminal. 

Figure 2. 1 represents the execution of this program. An input naming a function f 
results in evaluation of functions f, append and system, if f is defined in the structure 
Fs representing the filestore. 


1. Input T received. 2(a) f defined in Fs. 2(b) f not defined. 

Figure 2.1 Execution of simple functional operating system. 


Functional programs are refercntially transparent: that is, evaluation of a function 
always gives the same result, in whatever context it is evaluated. A consequence of this 
is that functions are history-insensitive. This example shows how internal state (in this 
case, a filestore) can be represented as an argument to a function whose iterative 
evaluation defines a system. Changing state can also be implemented in this way: for 
example, system can be redefined to accept messages containing new functions to add 
to the filestore. 

2.4.2 Non-determinism 

Operating systems must in general process input as it becomes available from 
several independent sources. In functional terms, this means that a function must 
sometimes be able to return only one of a set of values being generated by concurrently 
evaluating arguments. For example, a function may have two arguments, one of which 
evaluates to a stream of keyboard input and the other to a stream of interrupts. Either 
keyboard input or interrupts must be processed as they become available. Pure 
functions cannot describe this time-dependent or non-deterministic behaviour. 

2.4 2 J Non-deterministic Primitives 

A number of solutions to this problem have been proposed. The simplest is to 
extend the functional language with a non-deterministic primitive. This can either be a 
merge primitive (as proposed by Henderson [1982] and Abramsky [1982]) or some 
lower-level operator that can be used to program merge and other operations, such as 
frons [Friedman and Wise, 1980] or a non-deterministic choice operator [Jones, 1984]. 
All of these approaches provide (or can be used to define) a 'non-deterministic' merge 
which, when applied to two streams a and b generates a stream c that is a 'non- 
deterministic' interleaving of the elements on a and b . The stream c contains all the 
elements of a and b , with the ordering of elements in a preserved, the ordering of 
elements in b preserved but with the elements of a and b interleaved in some arbitrary 
fashion. The use of the merge operator to combine output from two concurrently 
evaluating functions is illustrated in Section 2.4.5. 

Merge is non-deterministic in the sense that the interleaving of elements in the 
output stream is not determined by any functional description. To be useful, merge 
must also be fair: it should not ignore one stream indefinitely. Any operator used to 
implement merge therefore needs to provide some analogue of the operational concept 


of fairness [Friedman and Wise, 1979]. 

Some form of non-determinism appears essential if functional languages arc to be 
used for systems programming. Unfortunately, non-determinism compromises the 
mathematical purity of functional programs and invalidates certain transformation and 
proof techniques. For example, the expression: 

if X - X then yes else no 
where X - E 

always gives the result yes for any expression E. On the other hand, the apparently 
equivalent expression: 

if E E then yes else no 

may give result no if E contains non-deterministic components. In this case, E is 
evaluated twice; a non-deterministic choice may cause it to compute different values. 

2.422 Explicit Treatment of Time 

The time-dependent nature of many non-deterministic choices has motivated 
proposals that time-stamps be associated with data items [Broy, 1983; Harrison, 1987]. 
Alternatively, an implicit time parameter may be introduced, as in the LUCID family of 
languages [Ashcroft and Wadge, 1976]. The value of a variable is then regarded as a 
continuous sequence of values, each value applying at a different time. This permits 
variables to change value over time, as in imperative languages. Yet programs retain a 
declarative semantics. 

These approaches permit a purely functional treatment of asynchronous events. It 
is not clear however that they can be efficiently implemented. Also, the explicit 
treatment of time appears to result in rather clumsy programs. Thus, though LUCID 
has been used as a specification language for distributed and real time systems 
[Glasgow and McCewan, 1987], it has not proved feasible to implement such systems 
in the language. 

2.423 Stoye's Scheme 

Stoye [1984] proposes another scheme which avoids the need f or an explicit non- 
deterministic operator. A number of functional expressions (processes) are evaluated in 
parallel, each with an input and output stream. The underlying system is assumed to 
provide a router which takes addressed messages off the output streams and distributes 


them to the appropriate input streams. This has the advantages of restricting non- 
determinism to one place (the router) and encouraging efficient implementation (the 
router can be optimized). However, it associates the overhead of decoding an address 
with each message. Also, as it constrains the way non-deterministic constructs are 
used, it may reduce the utility of these constructs. 

Stoye's scheme avoids another potential problem with functional languages. 
Communication channels in functional languages (streams) are defined by function 
applications and are thus static. Programming complex systems in functional languages 
often requires so many streams that the resulting 'spaghetti* is hard to understand. This 
effect is exacerbated by the unidirectional nature of functional communication, which 
means that most communication links require both a request and a reply stream. In 
Stoye's scheme, each entity has a single input and output stream. Also, dynamic 
connections between processes can be established: a process can include a 'return 
address' in a message to a resource such as a filestore. 

Arvind and Brock [1982] describe another solution to the problem of static 
communication channels. They introduce a construct called a manager into a functional 
language. This encapsulates a shared resource and handles the routing of replies to 
processes making requests to the resource. 

2.43 Synchronization 

Systems programming often requires the synchronization of events. For example, 
a prompt should only be displayed when user computation has ceased. Time-critical 
events such as interrupts should be processed before other computation. In functional 
terms, synchronization requires that function evaluations be sequenced in a way that is 
independent of data dependencies. However, unless assumptions are made as to the 
operational behaviour of the language implementation (which is not desirable) then the 
order in which functions are evaluated is not determined. Functional languages are not 
therefore naturally suited to the description of temporal constraints and synchronization. 

Darlington and While [1986] propose that temporal requirements be stated explicitly 
in a temporal metalanguage which permits the specification of total and partial orderings 
on function rewrites. A functional program plus its temporal description is transformed 
into an imperative program that displays the desired behaviour. This approach has the 
advantage of providing a clear specification of the temporal component of a program. 
Also, the programmer only needs to specify the minimal ordering required. However, 


its implementation is based on shared mutable data structures; this introduces imperative 
features, which could cause difficulties on certain architectures. 

2.4.4 Unification 

Functional languages use matching to determine whether a rewrite rule can be used 
to rewrite an expression. Matching is a unidirectional operation: functions consume 
data structures constructed by their arguments. Logic programming languages (see 
Section 2.5) use unification rather than matching during reduction. This permits 
bidirectional dataflow. It means that a producer can construct data structures with 
unspecified (variable) components which are subsequently given a value by the 
consumer of the data. This is known as the logical variable and has proved to be a 
powerful feature of logic programming. 

An alternative operational semantics for functional programs has been proposed that 
replaces matching with unification. This is narrowing [Reddy, 1985a]. Narrowing 
adds to the expressive power of functional programs. However, languages based on 
narrowing lose some of the simplicity of functional programming and inherit the 
implementation problems of the logical variable, particularly when parallel execution is 
considered. As the evaluation of an expression computes a set of narrowings, parallel 
evaluation of two expressions with shared variables may generate conflicting bindings 
for variables, which must be resolved. Reddy [1985a] suggests that lazy narrowing 
can help reduce conflict when evaluating expressions in parallel and argues that 
function application provides a natural notation for sequencing computations when 
sequential evaluation is desired. It remains to be seen, however, whether efficient 
implementations of narrowing are possible. 

Languages based on narrowing include Qute [Sato and Sakurai, 1984] and Eqlog 
[Goguen and Meseguer, 1984]. Eqlog introduces the logical variable into an equational 
language and uses narrowing to find general solutions to equations. It is more a logic 
language than a functional language: it does not, for example, support lazy evaluation 
or higher-order functions. The language is undoubtedly powerful and efficient 
implementation techniques are apparently being developed. It is not yet clear however 
whether these can be extended to support concurrency and non-determinism, without 
which the language will not be useful for systems programming. 

Another attempt to introduce the logic variable into functional programming is 
HOPE with unification [Darlington et a/., 1985]. This introduces set abstractions 


which allow logical variables within set expressions on the right hand side of function- 
defining equations. This provides a restricted form of logical variable within the usual 
functional computational model. 

2.4.5 Parallel Execution 

Functional languages are well-suited to parallel evaluation. Their referential 
transparency means that functions can be evaluated in any order or in parallel and still 
yield the same result. Various novel computer architectures have been proposed that 
attempt to exploit the potentially massive parallelism expressed by functional programs 
[Treleaven et a/., 1982; Vegdahl, 1984]. The ALICE machine, for example, 
implements a model of computation in which multiple agents repeatedly select 
rewritable functions from a global pool, apply a rewrite rule and place the resulting 
expression back in the pool [Darlington and Reeve, 1981]. 

Functional languages can also be implemented on more conventional architectures 
such as non-shared memory multiprocessors. Problems then arise of partitioning 
functional programs so as to maximize useful computation and minimize 
communication between nodes [Keller and Lin, 1984], This may be achieved by 
compile-time analysis, by run-time support for dynamic load-balancing or by explicit 
mapping annotations which indicate on which node expressions are to be evaluated 
[Hudak, 1986]. For example, the notation: f on p may be used to indicate the 
evaluation of function f on node p. Notations such as f on left(self) can be used to 
express relative mappings on topologies that permit a notion of left and right, self 
evaluates to the identifier of the node on which it is evaluated. 

As Henderson [1982] points out, functional operating systems such as Program 2.4 
map naturally to parallel machines. Each function in a network of concurrently 
executing functions may be located on a different node. Stream communication 
between functions corresponds to internode communication. For example, using 
mapping notations, Program 2.4 may be reexpressed as follows: 

system([Function | Kb], Fs) 

if lookup(Fs, Function ) - missing 

then [ error | system( Kb, Fs) ] 

else merge( execute( lookup( Fs, Function ) ), system( Kb,Fs) on left(self) ) 

This specifies that upon receiving a valid input, the new function shall start 
executing on the current processor whilst the operating system (system) continues 


executing on an adjacent node. Note the use of merge rather than append as in 
Program 2.4; this intermingles rather than concatenates the output of this and 
subsequent function evaluations. Several function evaluations may therefore proceed 
concurrently, each executing on a different node. 

2.4.6 Discussion 

The simple syntax and semantics of pure functional languages facilitate 
transformation and analysis. Their lack of side-effects and implicit parallelism permit 
efficient parallel implementation. Another advantage of the formalism is its uniformity. 

Evaluation strategies incorporating lazy evaluation and stream concurrency permit 
the implementation of simple operating system structures as recursively defined 
functions. However, difficulties are encountered when pure functional languages are 
used for more complex systems programming tasks. Important aspects of the 
operational behaviour of computer systems cannot be defined in terms of function 
rewrites. These problems have motivated extensions to functional languages. These 
extensions are effective, but the resulting languages lose some of the simplicity of pure 
functions. Interestingly, extensions such as non-determinism and unification produce 
languages that are quite similar to the parallel logic programming languages (see 
Chapter 3). 

2.5 Logic Languages 

Logic programming [Kowalski, 1979], though based on a completely different 
abstract formalism the restricted form of first order logic known as Horn clauses 
has many similarities to functional programming. The relationship between functional 
and logic languages has been discussed by Kowalski [1983] and more recently by 
Darlington et at. [1985] and Reddy [1985b]. 

Logic programs are sets of logic clauses. A logic clause has the form: 

AO <^ A 1 A n- 

where the As are goals. It can be read declaratively as a logical sentence: 

A is true if A^ and... and A n are true. 

It can also be read as a procedure for proving AQ. 

To prove AQ, prove A 1 and... and prove A^ 

The following example, which implements the quicksort sorting algorithm, 
illustrates the formalism. 

sort([E |L], S) <- partrtlon(E,L,L1,L2), sort(L1,S1), sort(L2, S2), append(S1, [E |S2J,S). 
sort([ ],[]). 

partltk>n(E, [N |L], [N |L1], L2) <- N < E, partltlon(E, L, L1, L2). 
partrtion(E, [N |L], L1, [N |L2]) *- N E, partitionfE, L, L1, L2). 
partition^, [],[],[]). 

append([E |X], Y, (E |Z]) <- append(X, Y, Z). 

This program can be read as a set of logical sentences defining the sort, partition 
and append relations. Variables in a clause (denoted here by capital letters) are 
implicitly universally quantified The first clause can be read declaratively as: 

For all E, L, S, L1 , L2, S1 , S2: sort([E |L], S) if 

partition(E, L, L1.L2) and sort(L1,S1) and sort(L2, S2) and append(S1,[E |S2l,S) 

or, in English: 

"Sorting the list [E | L] gives the list S //partitioning L about E gives lists L1 
and L2 and sorting L1 gives S1 and sorting L2 gives S2 and appending [E |S2] 
to S1 gives S". 
The second clause reads: sorting the empty list gives the empty list. 

The logical reading of a relation R in a program P is the relation that it describes. A 
term T 1t .... T k is a member (or solution) of a k-ary relation R if R(7"j,...,7"/t) is a 
logical consequence of the program P. The logical reading of sort(L.S) is: S is the 
sorted version of L. sort([1,4,2,3],[1 ,2,3,4]) is a member of this relation. 
partition(E,L,L1 ,12) reads: L is a list of items, L1 is the sublist of L comprising items 
less than E and L2 is the remainder of L append(X, Y,Z): Z is a list comprising all the 
elements of X followed by Y. 

A logic program is invoked by a query: a conjunction of goals. Variables in a query 
are implicitly universally quantified. The query: 

?- qsort([1,4,2,3],X). 


is read as 'Does there exist an X such that qsort([1 , 4, 2, 3], X) ?'. 

Computation in logic programming languages is controlled deduction: an attempt to 
prove a query using program clauses. The resolution-based evaluation strategies (see 
Section 2.5.1) used in most logic programming languages are constructive: that is, in 
order to prove that there exists a solution to a goal, they compute values for its 
variables. These values, which define a member of the relation invoked by the goal, 
constitute the output of the computation. 

This means that logic clauses can be read as procedures for computing members of 
the relations that they define. For example, sort may be read as a procedure for sorting 
lists: To sort a list [E | L], partition L about E to get L1 and L2, sort L1 to get S1 , sort 
L2 to get S2 and append [E | S2] to S1 to get the sorted list. To sort the empty list, 
return the empty list. 

The query given above invokes this sort procedure. Its solution is X - [1,2,3,4]. 
Whether or not a particular logic programming language can compute this solution 
depends on its evaluation strategy. The set of solutions that a logic programming 
language is capable of computing is not necessarily equivalent to the set of solutions 
implied by the declarative reading of a program: in most logic programming languages, 
it is a subset. 

2.5.1 Resolution and Unification 

Most logic programming languages use an evaluation strategy based on Robinson's 
resolution principle and unification algorithm [Robinson, 1965; Kowalski, 1974]. 
Resolution attempts to reduce an initial set of goals (a query) to an empty set by a series 
of resolution steps. A resolution step consists of the following actions: 

1 . Select a goal G in the query Q. 

2 . Select a clause C from the program with the same relation name as G and 
rename variables so that all variables in C are new, that is do not occur in Q. 

3 . Unify the goal G with the head of clause C, with most general unifier ft 

4. Replace G in Q with the body of C. 

5 . Apply 0to Q to generate a new query Q', to be used in the next resolution 

A resolution step may fail if any of the actions 2-5 are not possible. Depending on 
the control strategy that is being used to direct resolution, this failure may be fatal or 
may lead to the repetition of a previous resolution step using an alternative clause. A 


control strategy determines in what order resolution steps are performed and which goal 
and clause are selected at each resolution step. Different control strategies correspond 
to different logic programming languages. Some logic programming languages, such 
as Parlog (see Chapter 3), allow the programmer to guide the application of the control 
strategy using a separate control language. 

If resolution succeeds in reducing an original query to the empty query by a series 
of resolution steps, it has succeeded in proving the query. Resolution is constructive: it 
may give values to variables in the original query. These bindings may be regarded as 
the output of the query. 

Variables are instantiated (given values) by unification. Two terms G and H are 
said to unify if there exists a substitution 0of values for variables in G and H which, 
when applied to the two terms, makes the terms syntactically identical. The unifying 
substitution should be the most general unifier of G and H: that is, a unifying 
substitution that is not an instance of any other unifying substitution, except by variable 
to variable substitution. 

A substitution is a set of ( V/T) pairs, each of which indicates that variable V is to 
be replaced with term 7, Thus the terms: 

p(a.X) and p(Y,g(Z)) 
unify with most general unifier: 

{(X/g(Z)), (Y/a)}. 
generating the term: 

Unification is the fundamental data manipulation operation in logic programming. 
It bidirectional nature makes it extremely powerful, subsuming a wide range of 
conventional data manipulation operations such as pattern matching, structure access, 
parameter passing and data construction (such as cons). Its power is also apparent in 
the many applications of the logical variable, some of which are described in the 
chapters that follow. 


2.5.2 Prolog 

Resolution can be viewed as a generalization of function rewriting that permits a 
non-deterministic choice of rewrite rule and uses unification rather than pattern 
matching. It may thus appear that logic programming languages can be used for 
systems programming in a similar way to functional languages, with non-determinism 
and the logical variable providing added expressive power. 

The best-known logic programming language, Prolog [Roussel, 1975], performs a 
single resolution step at a time. Goals are reduced left to right and clauses are tried in 
textual order. If a resolution step fails, backtracking causes a previous resolution step 
to be repeated using an alternative clause. Only if no alternative clause exists in any 
previous step does resolution fail. 

Prolog's evaluation strategy is thus characterized by sequential evaluation and a 
built-in search mechanism. Despite apparent similarities between a resolution step and 
a functional rewrite, Prolog's computational model is very different from the function 
rewrite model. 

Prolog's search mechanism accounts for much of the language's expressive power 
in applications such as natural language parsing. Prolog's sequential evaluation 
strategy permits efficient implementation on sequential machines, as stacks can be used 
to represent the state of an evaluation [Warren et aL, 1977]. However, neither 
sequential evaluation nor search are necessarily appropriate in systems programming 

2.53 Don't- Know and Don't-Care Non-determinism 

Several clauses in a logic relation may match with a particular goal. It is not in 
general possible to know which clause must be evaluated to compute a solution. This 
underspecification is referred to as don't-know non-determinism [Kowalski, 1979]. 
Prolog deals with it by searching through all clauses until a solution is found. 

Don't-know non-determinism means that a solution constructed by a logic program 
computation cannot be trusted until the computation terminates. Subsequent evaluation 
may discard any such 'provisional solution' computed prior to termination and use an 
alternative clause to compute a completely different solution. This prevents the 
definition of operating systems as logic programs that compute relations over 'infinite' 
input and output streams. 

In contrast, rewrite rules in pure functional languages are deterministic. Any value 


calculated by a functional program is hence definite and can, for example, be output 
with confidence. This permits operating systems to be defined as functions that 
consume and generate infinite streams. 

Provisional values computed by a logic program can be output if a committed 
choice of clause is made when several can be used to reduce a goal. Alternative clauses 
are discarded. This don't-care non-determinism (the programmer 'doesn't-care' how a 
solution is obtained) means that although subsequent evaluation may lead to failure, 
values computed so far cannot be retracted and can hence be trusted. In Prolog, don't- 
care non-determinism can be realized using the rather inelegant 'cut' primitive, which 
permits the programmer to abandon alternative solutions. Don't-care non-determinism 
is introduced in a more elegant fashion in the parallel logic languages (see Chapter 3). 

2.5.4 Sequential Evaluation 

Prolog cannot describe concurrent activity because of its sequential evaluation 
strategy. This problem can be overcome within the context of Prolog by introducing 
coroutining of goal evaluations as in IC-Prolog [Clark and McCabe, 1979] and NU- 
Prolog [Thorn and Zobel, 1986]. In coroutining systems, the sequential evaluation 
strategy is relaxed. By default, goals are evaluated from left to right. However, if a 
goal nominated as a consumer of a particular value is called with that value unspecified, 
it is suspended and evaluation proceeds with other goals. Evaluation of a suspended 
goal is resumed when the value it is to consume is computed. 

producer(X, Xs) when X 

producer(Y, [X |Xs]) <- evakjate(Y), producer(X, Xs). 

consumer(X) when X 

consumer([X |Xs]) <- compute(X), consumer(Xs). 

?- producer(X, Xs), consumer([X |Xs]). 

Program 2.5 Coroutining in NU-Prolog. 

Coroutining permits the programming of elegant search algorithms in which 
solutions are incrementally generated and tested [Clark and McCabe, 1979]. In 
systems programming applications, it provides the ability to define networks of goals 


with directional dataflow. Consider the NU-Prolog program and query listed in 
Program 2.5. A when declaration associated with a procedure nominates that 
procedure as a consumer of a particular argument 

When the query is evaluated, the producer goal (nominated as a consumer of its 
first argument by its when declaration), initially suspends as its first argument X is not 
available, consumer is then evaluated. This calls compute to determine a value for X. 
This resumes producer, which 'evaluates' this value and generates a request for 
another value. This process proceeds indefinitely. 

The query can be viewed as defining a network of two goals, producer and 
consumer, producer generates a stream of requests for values (Xs). consumer 
generates values in response to these requests. Interestingly, this single stream is used 
for bidirectional communication. This gives an indication of the power of the logical 
variable. Consider, however, what happens if a call to evaluate fails. Backtracking 
must occur in both producer and consumer to 'compute' a new value. The underlying 
computational model is still complex and inappropriate for systems programming. 

2.5.5 State Change 

Logic programming models computation as controlled deduction from a fixed set of 
logical axioms. This model does not naturally provide the notion of state and state 
change necessary if systems are to be history-sensitive. 

Many Prolog implementations provide primitives such as assert and retract that can 
be used to write self-modifying programs. However, these have no logical semantics. 
Furthermore, by reintroducing side-effects, they make parallel implementation difficult. 
A declarative treatment of state change can be achieved in logic programming in a 
number of ways. For example, the event calculus [Kowalski and Sergot, 1986] 
models state change as a monotonic assimilation of information. Alternatively, logic 
languages can be extended so that programs can be represented as language objects 
[Bowen and Kowalski, 1982; Bowen, 1985]. It is then possible to write 
metaprograms: programs that define relations over terms interpreted as representing 
other programs. Temporal logics permit explicit description of state change (see 
Section 2.5.7). State can also be implemented as in functional languages (Section 
2.4.1) as arguments to recursive procedures defining non-terminating systems. This 
avoids the need for side-effects but is not a declarative treatment of state change. 

2.5.6 Parallel Execution 

Logic programs, like functional programs, frequently express considerable implicit 
parallelism. Two types of parallelism may be distinguished in logic programs. And- 
parallelism is the parallel execution of two or more goals in a conjunction. Or- 
parallelism is the parallel evaluation of a goal using two or more clauses defining a 
procedure. The two types of parallelism can be exploited independently or together. 
Each has distinct implementation problems. 

And-parallel evaluation leads to the problem that concurrently executing goals may 
generate conflicting bindings for shared variables. One of the goals must then be 
forced to backtrack and generate an alternative solution. This can be complex on a 
parallel machine. A proposed solution to this problem is to only evaluate goals in 
parallel when it can be determined at compile-time or run-time that they do not share 
variables [Conery and Kibler, 1981; DeGroot, 1984; Hermenigildo, 1986]. 
Alternatively, one goal can be specified as the producer of bindings for a shared 
variable and other goals as consumers of these bindings. This stream and-parallelism 
was investigated by van Emden and de Lucena [1982], It is the most important form of 
parallelism in the parallel logic programming languages [Clark and Gregory, 1981]. 

The principal problem associated with or-parallel evaluation is maintaining 
alternative values for variables generated by different clause evaluations. A number of 
schemes for maintaining this information have been proposed [Crammond, 1985; 
Warren, 1987]. 

Or-parallel evaluation is best-suited to problems with large amounts of search: that 
is, don't-know non-determinism. While search can be required in systems 
programming (for example: for computing optimal resource allocations), in general the 
systems programmer wishes to apply an efficient algorithm to compute a desired 
solution, and does not require the implementation to perform a potentially inefficient 
search. Or-parallelism is thus likely to be less important than and-parallelism in 
systems programming applications. Experimental results that support this hypothesis 
are presented in Chapter 5. 


2.5.7 Other Logics 

Programming languages based on logics other than Horn clause logic and using 
proof procedures other than resolution have been proposed. 

Temporal logic [Pnueli, 1986] has been used as a specification language for 
concurrent systems. However, efficient implementation techniques that would permit 
its use as a programming language have yet to be developed. 

Temporal logic languages such as Tempura [Moszkowski, 1984] and Tokio 
[Aoyagi et al, 1985], both based on a type of temporal logic termed Interval Temporal 
Logic, permit variables to take different values at different times by introducing notions 
of time and history. This permits explicit description of state change. Tempura is an 
essentially procedural language, however, and supports neither non-determinism nor 
unification. Tokio, which does support these features, is less sophisticated in other 
respects. A Prolog-style evaluation strategy makes it possible to "backtrack into the 
past", which means that the language's utility seems to be restricted to simulation. 

Periera and Nasr's Delta-Prolog [1984] is based on a form of logic termed 
Distributed Logic [Monteiro, 1984]. It provides language primitives that can be used to 
create concurrent processes. These processes can synchronize and communicate using 
explicitly specified events. These mechanisms are similar to those found in CSP (see 

Alternative logics can permit a more elegant treatment of certain problems. 
However, it has yet to be shown that any of them is as widely applicable or as 
efficiently implementable as the logic programming languages. 



The Parallel Logic Programming Language Parlog 

Parlog is both a logic programming language and a process-oriented language. 
Parlog programs are sets of logical axioms which have a declarative reading. They 
have an alternative behavioral reading in which they define systems of processes. 
These execute concurrently, communicate through shared logical variables and 
synchronize using dataflow constraints. 

Parlog was designed by Clark and Gregory [1986]. Gregory [1987] provides an 
excellent account of the language. For tutorial introductions to parallel logic languages 
and their applications see [Shapiro, 1986; Ring wood, 1988]. Differences between 
Parlog and other parallel logic languages are noted in Section 8.2. 

This chapter first describes Parlog's syntax and operational semantics. Section 3.3 
introduces important Parlog programming techniques. Section 3.4 describes an 
important component of the language: a primitive that enables Parlog programs to 
monitor and control the execution of other programs. In Section 3.5, Parlog's 
declarative characteristics are considered. 

3.1 Syntax 

A Parlog program is a finite set of guarded clauses and mode declarations. A 
guarded clause has the form: 

H <- GI G m : B 1 B n . m.nZQ 

H is called the clause's head, G 1 G m its guard and B 1 B n its body. The ':' 

is a commit operator. If the guard is empty (m = 0), the commit operator is omitted. 

The head H and each of the G 1 G m and B 1 S n are goals. (Goals are 

also referred to as processes). A goal has the form R(Tf T k ) t k 0, where R is 

the relation name and the arguments T 1 7"^ are terms. If k = 0, the brackets are 

omitted. R is said to have arity k. A relation with name R and arity k is sometimes 
denoted R/k. 

Clauses with the same relation name and arity are grouped together into procedures. 


A mode declaration is associated with a Parlog procedure. For a relation f? of arity k, 

this has the form: 

mode R[m 1t . . . , m k ). where each m/ is either '?' or 'T 1 

A '?' denotes input mode and a 'T' output mode. The modes m/ may be prefixed with 
argument names. These are comments of no semantic significance. 

A Parlog program is invoked by a query. A query is a conjunction of goals: 

A term is a variable, constant or structured term. A variable is denoted by an 
alphanumeric sequence beginning with a capital letter or the underscore character ('_'), 
such as X, Name or _1 . The underscore character may also be used on its own to 
denote a unique, unnamed (anonymous) variable. A constant is an integer such as 0, 
316 and -19 or a string. A string is any character sequence; if it could be confused 
with other types of term, it may be enclosed in single quotes. Thus: peter and 'Enter 
name: ' and 'CALL'. 

A structured term may be written using tuple notation: 

where the T 1t ..., Tj are terms. If 7 7 is a string F, it may also be written as 
F(T 2 ..... Tj), and F is termed the function name. 

{F, 7^ .... Tj) is equivalent to F( T 1 ..... 7^ 

As noted in Section 2.4, a special syntax is used for the type of structured term 
known as lists. The notation [H | T] is used to denote the list with head H and tail T. A 
nested list term [X | [Y | Z] ]may be abbreviated as [X, Y | Z]or, if Z is the empty list or nil 
(denoted by the constant [ ]), as [X, Y]. 

Goals in a clause or query may be separated by the operators ',' or '& '. These are 
Parlog's parallel and sequential conjunction operators, respectively. Similarly, clauses 
in a procedure may be separated by the operators '.' or ';'. These are Parlog's parallel 
and sequential clause search operators. V is also used to terminate a procedure. 

Infix notation may be used for goals involving binary relations. For example, the 
goal =(X,Y) may be written X = Y. Also, programs may include comments: any text 
following a '%' character, up to an including the end of the line on which the '%' 


occurs, is treated as a comment, of no semantic significance. 

Variables in Parlog, as in all logic programming languages, are initially unbound. 
As computation proceeds, they may become instantiated by being bound to a term. 
Once instantiated, a variable cannot be bound to a different term. A term that contains 
no uninstantiated variables is said to be a ground term. 

3.2 Operational Semantics 
3.2.1 Evaluation Strategy 

Parlog's evaluation strategy is based on a specialized form of resolution (Section 
2.5.1) that features dataflow synchronization and guarded command non-determinacy 
(Section 2.2.3). The control strategy that it uses to control resolution features non- 
deterministic goal and clause selection. Resolution steps can be performed in any order 
or in parallel. 

Parlog's mode declarations and commit operators constitute a control language 
(Section 2.5.1). They permit the programmer to influence the application of Parlog's 
control strategy. The mode declaration associated with a procedure identifies input and 
output arguments in clause heads. A '?' specifies that the head argument in the 
corresponding position is input; a T specifies output. 

Recall that a resolution step involves the attempted unification of the head of a 
clause and a goal. The result of this unification determines whether a resolution step 
succeeds or fails. Parlog specializes resolution in two respects. First, input clause 
head arguments are matched rather than unified with corresponding goal arguments. 
Matching attempts to unify two terms but suspends if it could only proceed by binding 
variables in the clause head (see Section 3.2.4). A Parlog resolution step may thus 
suspend as well as succeed or fail. This restricted form of unification provides the 
programmer with a means of controlling Parlog's otherwise non-deterministic control 
strategy. Reduction of goals can be delayed until data is available. 

Once a Parlog clause is used to reduce a goal, there is no backtracking to try 
alternative clauses should subsequent evaluation leads to failure. The choice of clause 
to reduce a goal is thus a committed, potentially non-deterministic, choice. This feature 
of the language is termed committed-choice non-determinism. 

Parlog's second specialization of resolution provides the programmer with 
additional control over which clause is used to reduce a goal. The evaluation of goals 


in the guard of a clause (that is, those goals preceding any commit operator) is 
incorporated in the resolution step. Like matching, guard evaluation cannot bind 
variables in goal arguments and may suspend if goal arguments are not sufficiently 
instantiated. A Parlog clause cannot be used to reduce a goal until input matching and 
evaluation of the guard succeed! 

Output mode clause head arguments are unified with corresponding goal 
arguments. However, this unification is performed after input matching and guard 
evaluation and after the committed choice to the clause. 

3.2.2 A Computational Model 

A number of computational models have been proposed for Parlog; see for example 
[Gregory, 1987; Foster and Taylor, 1988; Crammond, 1988]. The simplest views 
Parlog goals as processes and the state of a Parlog computation as a process pool. A 
query defines an initial process pool. Evaluation proceeds by repeatedly selecting a 
process from the pool and attempting to reduce it using the clauses in the associated 
procedure. A reduction attempt may succeed, fail or suspend. 

A process reduction (that is, a Parlog resolution step) comprises two phases: test 
and spawn. 

Iri "the test phase, an attempt is made to find a clause capable of reducing the 
process. The input arguments of all clauses are matched with corresponding process 
arguments and guard processes are evaluated. Matching and guard evaluation may 
suspend if process arguments are not sufficiently instantiated. A clause is a candidate if 
both input matching and guard evaluation succeed. If no clause is a candidate and at 
least one clause has suspended, the reduction attempt suspends and the process is put 
back in the process pool. If no clause is a candidate and no clause suspends, the 
reduction attempt has failed. If one or more candidate clauses are found, the reduction 
attempt has succeeded. A candidate clause is non-deterministically selected and 
reduction proceeds to the spawn phase. 

Spawn phase 

In the spawn phase, the selected clause's output arguments are unified with 
corresponding process arguments. The clause's body goals are added to the process 
pool. Variables in both input and output process arguments may be bound, by output 


unification, explicit calls to the Parlog unification primitive '=' and any other body call. 
A Parlog computation terminates when: 

the process pool is empty, in which case the computation has succeeded. 

a reduction attempt or unification operation fails, in which case the computation 
has failed. 

there are no reducible processes, yet the process pool is non-empty, in which 
case the computation is deadlocked. (A process is reducible if a reduction 
attempt involving that process would not suspend. Deadlock thus indicates that 
all processes are suspended waiting for data). 

This simple computational model is complicated by calls to user-defined procedures 
in guards and by other Parlog language features introduced in Section 3.2.4. These 
create a process hierarchy [Gregory, 1987]. However, as programs that use these 
language these features can be compiled to programs that do not (see Section 5.2.1), 
these complications are ignored here. 

Program 3.1 will be used to illustrate Parlog's computational model. This defines a 
database with state subject to change over time. It may be executed with a query such 

?- database((write(1 , John), read(1 , X), wrrte(2, mary)]). 

Its argument is a list of requests. 

database(Rs) has the logical reading: Rs is a valid list of requests. Or, more 
precisely: Rs is a list of terms read(_ , J and write(_. J. in which each term read(K,V) is 
preceded in the sequence by a term write(K,V), with no write(K,V1) such that WV1 
intervening, database ([write(1, John), read(1, John)]) is a member of this relation; 
database([write( 1, John), read(1, mary)]) is not. member(K,Db,V) has the logical 
reading: database Db contains the pair {K,V} . 

The database can be viewed as a process which processes a list of requests Rs by 
maintaining a database Db of {Key, Value} pairs. When a message of the form 
read(Key.Value) is received, a member process is created to search the database for the 
appropriate key and retrieve the associated value (C2). (In discussions of this and 
subsequent programs, clause numbers (Ci) refer to the program text). Meanwhile, 
database recurses to process further requests. The member process inspects the 
database Db recursively (C5,6). If the key is found the associated value is returned 
(C5). If it is not present the member process fails. When a message wrlte(Key, Value) 


is received, the database simply recurses with an augmented database as its second 
argument (C3). 

mode database(Rs?), database(Rs?, Db?) f member(Key?, Db?, ValueT). 

database(Rs) f- database(Rs,[]). % Initialize empty database (Cl) 

database([read(Key, Value) | Rs], Db) - % Receive read request: (C2) 

member(Key, Db, Value), % look up Key in Db for Value; 

database! Rs, Db). % recurse. 

database([write(Key, Value) | Rs], Db) <- % Receive write request: (C3) 

database(Rs, [{Key, Value} | Db]). % recurse with new item. 

database([ ], Db). % No more requests: terminate. (C4) 

member(Key, [{Key,Value}| Db], Value). % Found. (C5) 

member(Key, [{Key1,Data1}| Db], Value) <- % Not found: (C6) 

Key -/- Key1 : % check Key; 

member(Key, Db, Value). % continue. 

Program 3.1 Simple database. 

The database/2 procedure illustrates dataflow constraints. Its first argument has 
input mode: evaluation of a database process hence suspends until this argument is 
instantiated; that is, until a request is received. 

The member procedure illustrates clause selection. Its first clause is selected if the 
Key specified in the message (the first argument) matches that of the first entry in the 
database. The second clause is selected if the guard test =/= succeeds, indicating that 
they do not match. 

3.2.3 Standard Form 

A procedure's mode declaration defines its translation to a standard form [Gregory, 
1987]. In this form head arguments are all distinct variables and unification is 
performed by explicit calls to unification and matching primitives. 

The standard form of a Parlog clause permits a simpler formulation of Parlog's 
operational semantics. A clause can be used to reduce a process if, when expressed in 
standard form, all its guard tests succeed. Once a clause is selected to reduce a goal, 
body goals are added to the process pool. 

The standard form of the member procedure is: 

member(A1,A2, A3) - 

[{Key,Value}| Db] <= A2, A1 Key : 

A3 - Value. 
member(A1, A2, Value) <- 

[{Key,Data}| Db] <= A2, A1 W Key : 

member(Key, Db, Value). 

Input arguments are compiled to calls to a matching primitive = in the guard. A 
call T1 <= 12 attempts to unify T1 and T2 by binding variables in T1 so as to make T1 
and T2 syntactically identical. It suspends if it could only proceed by binding variables 
in T2. Ultimately, it succeeds if and only if T1 and T2 unify; otherwise, it fails. 
Multiple occurrences of a variable in input mode positions are compiled to calls to an 
equality test == which suspends until it can determine whether or not its arguments are 
syntactically identical. It then succeeds if they are identical and fails if they are not. 
Two terms are syntactically identical if they are both the same variable, or the same 
constant, or are both tuples with the same arity and syntactically identical components. 
Output arguments are compiled to calls to a unification primitive = in the body of the 
clause. This performs general unification and may bind variables in either of its 

The inequality primitive =/= is defined as follows: a call to =/= suspends until it can 
determine whether or not its arguments are syntactically identical. It then fails if they 
are equal and succeeds if they are not. 

3.2.4 Other Language Features 

Parlog's sequential clause search operator (';') may be used to constrain which 
clauses are tried when attempting to reduce a process. Clauses following such an 
operator in a procedure are only tried if all clauses preceding the operator have been 
tried and failed. The operator can be regarded as shorthand: a procedure which uses it 
has the same logical reading as a procedure in which the guards of clauses following 
the ';' are augmented with negated calls corresponding to the tests defined by input 
arguments and guards of all clauses preceding the ';'. 

The sequential conjunction operator ('&') may be used to sequence process 
reduction. A sequential conjunction A & B delays evaluation of B until evaluation of A 
has successfully terminated. The primary application of the sequential conjunction 


operator is to sequence calls to side-effecting primitives. As such primitives are 
primarily used by low-level systems programs (see Chapter 4), few application 
programs require this operator. Gregory [1987] proposes that sequential and parallel 
conjunction operators be used by a programmer or compiler to specify the granularity 
of parallelism in programs. This use of these operators is not considered herein. 
Instead, it is assumed that some system of program annotations is used for this purpose 
(see Section 6.3). 

Parlog programs may also contain calls to a unary negation operator, not. A 
negated call not(P) has the logical reading 'P is false 1 . Like most logic programming 
languages, Parlog implements negation as 'failure to prove 1 . That is, a call not(P) 
succeeds if and only if evaluation of P fails. This is not necessarily equivalent to 
logical falsity, as Clark [1978] points out. However, it can be implemented efficiently 
and is sufficient for most purposes. Gregory [1987] discusses the semantics of 
Parlog's negation operator in detail. 

Parlog's negation operator can be implemented in Parlog using sequential clause 
search, the Parlog primitive fail, which always fails, and a metalogical primitive call(P), 
which has the same logical reading as a call to its argument: 

not(P) <-call(P) : fail; 

A call not(P) results in the evaluation of P in the guard of the first clause. If this 
succeeds, the clause commits and the call fails. If evaluation of P fails, on the other 
hand, the call not(P) is reduced using the second clause and hence succeeds. 

3.2.5 Guard Safety 

It was stated in Section 3.2.1 that guard evaluation cannot bind variables in process 
arguments. The reason for this restriction is that otherwise a guard could bind a 
process variable and subsequently fail; such a binding would be incorrect. Another 
potential problem is that multiple clauses for the same procedure could generate correct 
but contradictory bindings for the same process variable. 

Parlog's operational semantics specifies that output unification is performed after 
guard evaluation has terminated. Guard evaluation cannot therefore bind variables in 
output arguments of a process. To ensure that variables in input arguments are not 
bound during guard evaluation, it is necessary to verify that guards are safe. A safe 


guard does not bind variables in input arguments. It may only bind variables in output 
arguments or variables that occur in the guard but not the head of a clause. 

Guard safety can be verified by a compile- time or run-time check. Efficiency 
considerations favor the former. While it does not appear possible to develop a 
compile-time check that will accept all programs with safe guards, algorithms that 
accept most such programs have been developed: see for example [Gregory, 1987]. 
These algorithms are relatively expensive and must be applied to an entire Parlog 
program. This hinders incremental compilation. Existing Parlog compilers therefore 
generally omit this check and rely instead on the programmer to write safe programs. 

3.2.6 Justice Constraints 

Parlog's operational semantics allows non-deterministic process and clause 
selection. This under-specification of process and clause selection strategies facilitates 
implementation, as any convenient strategies may be used. However, it makes it 
difficult to reason about program behaviour. For example, consider the program: 

mode q(?), p(T). 

q(halt). p(hart). 

q(X) <- q(X). 

Intuitively, it might be expected that evaluation of the query 
?- P(X), q(X). 

would eventually terminate. Reduction of p(X) should bind X to halt; the process q(X) 
can then be reduced with the first clause of the procedure q/1 . However, Parlog's 
operational semantics permits an implementation to never reduce p(X), or to repeatedly 
reduce the process q(X) with the second clause for the procedure q/1 . Evaluation may 
therefore never terminate. 

If termination of this query is to be guaranteed, the Parlog implementation that 
executes it must possess two properties: And-justice and Or-justice. View a Parlog 
clause as defining a transition from a process to a set of new processes. If a clause can 
be used to reduce a process, the transition defined by that clause is said to be enabled. 
Then these properties may be defined as follows: 

And-justice: a transition that is continuously enabled will eventually be taken. 
Or-justice: a transition that is infinitely often enabled will eventually be taken. 


And-justice requires that if a process is continuously reducible, then it will 
eventually be reduced. Or-justice is stronger, It requires that if the same process is 
reduced repeatedly, then each clause in the associated procedure that is capable of 
reducing the process will eventually be used to reduce it. In the example, And-justice 
guarantees that the process p(X) will eventually be reduced. Or-justice guarantees that 
once p(X) is reduced, binding X to the constant halt, the first clause of the relation q is 
eventually selected to reduce the process q(halt), thus terminating evaluation of the 

A Parlog implementation may be And-just but not Or-just. To guarantee 
termination, the above example may then be rewritten as: 

mode q(?), p(T). 

q(halt). p(halt). 

q(X) - varfX) : q(X). 

A call to the Parlog primitive var(X) is generally defined to have the semantics: "X is 
a variable at the time of call". In the example, the call var(X) ensures that the second 
clause is not used to reduce the process q(X) once X is instantiated to the constant halt. 

On a multiprocessor, message propagation delays mean that it may not be possible 
to guarantee that a variable X is unbound at the time a call var(X) succeeds. This 
observation has prompted the proposal of an alternative semantics for var. This 
requires that a call var(X) succeed only a finite number of times after a variable X is 
instantiated. This implies that bindings to variables that have been tested using the var 
primitive are propagated to other nodes in a multiprocessor within a finite time. An 
implementation of the var primitive that has this property may be termed Var- just. 

And-, Or- and Var-justice are useful properties for an implementation to possess. 
They permit certain qualitative questions about program behaviour (such as: "will the 
query q(X), p(X) eventually terminate?") to be answered. However, they complicate 
Parlog's otherwise simple operational model. This can lead to difficulties when 
implementing Parlog on parallel architectures. 

Existing implementations of Parlog and other parallel logic languages generally 
provide And-justice and Var-justice but not Or-justice. 


33 Programming in Parlog 

This section describes a number of important Parlog programming techniques. 
Many of these derive from the particular characteristics of Parlog's logical variable, 
which is seen to be a powerful feature of the language. Program 3.2 is used to 
illustrate the discussion. This is a simplified version of a real train control program 
[Foster, 1988]. It controls a single train that must move between two stations on a 
single track in response to requests for transportation (Figure 3.1). Note that the 
program is constructed so as to illustrate Parlog programming techniques, rather than to 
present an optimal solution to this problem. 

Figure 3.1 Simple train system. 

Upon receiving a request, the train control program must determine the sequence of 
commands required to service the request and transmit those commands to a track 
controller device in the correct sequence and at the correct time. (For brevity, the part 
of the program that transmits the commands to the controller the device procedure 
is not given). The controller recognizes commands on(w) and on(e), which enable 
power in the track in a westerly and easterly direction, respectively, and off, which 
disables power. It also generates interrupts when a train passes west and east sensors 
(denoted T in Figure 3.1). For example, to service a request for transportation from 
east to west, when the train is initially at the east station, it is necessary to generate the 
command on(w), wait for the west sensor to be enabled, and then generate the 
command off . If the train is initially at the west station, it is necessary to generate 
commands to move the train to the east station to collect a passenger and then to return 
to the west station. 

3.3.1 Process Networks 

A conjunction of Parlog goals may be interpreted as defining a process network. 
Processes execute concurrently and communicate by binding shared variables, which 
can be regarded as defining communication channels. As Parlog variables can only be 
bound to a single value, there is generally a single producer for each shared variable 
and one or more consumers. 


mode train(Location?, Requests?), control(Control?, Requests?), devlce( Device?), 

train(Locatk>n?, DeviceT, ControlT), train(Locatlon? 1 Destination?, Devicet, Controlt), 
actions(From? t To?, Actions t), perform( Actions?, DeviceT, Devicel?, NextT), 
perform(Actions?, Device?, Devicel?, NextT, Synch?). 


train(L, Rs) <- train(L, Ds, Cs), control(Cs, Rs), devtae(Ds). (Cl) 

control( [ To |Cs], [T |Rs]) <- To - T, control(Cs, Rs). (C2) 

control( [ To |Cs], [ ]) <- To - halt. (C3) 

train(L, Ds, [To |Cs]) <- train(L, To, Ds, Cs). (C4) 

train(From, halt, [],[]). (C5) 

train(From, To, Ds, Cs) 4- (C6) 

To =/* halt : 

actions(From, To, As), perform(As, Ds, Ds1, L), train(L, Ds1, Cs). 

actions(w, e, (on(e), wait(e), off, done(e)]). (C7) 

actions(w, w, [on(e), wart(e), off, on(w), wait(w), off, done(w)]). (C8) 

actions(e, w, [on(w), wait(w), off, done(w)]). (C9) 

actions(e,e, (on(w), wait(w), off, on(e), wart(e), off, done(e)]). (CIO) 

perform([on(D) |As], (on(D) |Ds], Ds1, L) <- perform(As, Ds, Ds1, L). (Cll) 

perform([off |As], [off |Ds], Ds1, L) <- perform(As, Ds, Ds1, L). (C12) 

perfomn([wait(D) |As], [walt(D, S) |Ds], Ds1, L) <- perform(As, Ds, Ds1, L, S). (C13) 

perform([done(L) |As], Ds, Ds, L). (C14) 

perform(As, Ds, Ds1, L, proceed) <- perform(As, Ds, Ds1, L). (CIS) 

Program 3.2 Train controller. 

As processes reduce to new processes, the process network is reconfigured. It is 
useful to think of a process which reduces repeatedly to a recursive call to the same 
procedure as a single process that persists in time: a long-lived or perpetual process. 
For example, an initial call to Program 3.2: 

?- train(west, [east, west, west)) 

(the arguments indicate the train's initial position and a list of requests for 
transportation, respectively) generates a network of three perpetual processes: train, 
control and device (Cl). The train process is actually defined by two mutually 


recursive procedures, train/3 (C4) and train/4 (C5,6), but may still be thought of as a 
single process. Shared variables Ds and Cs provide for communication between these 
processes. Modes determine the direction of communication: train generates bindings 
for both variables (mode T) which control and device consume (mode 7). 

The network of perpetual processes can be represented graphically, as shown in 
Figure 3.2. The circles in this figure represent processes and the labelled lines shared 
variables. The arrows on the lines indicate in which direction the variables are used to 
pass information. 

Cs A M ;.A Ds 

Figure 3.2 Train process network. 

3.3.2 Stream Communication 

A process may instantiate a variable to a structured term containing a new variable. 
Later, it may instantiate the new variable to a similar structure, containing a further 
variable. Especially if list structures are used, this incremental construction of terms is 
termed stream communication: a single shared variable is used to pass a stream of 
values between two processes. 

Clause C4 provides an example of stream communication. This clause reduces the 
train process to a call to train/4 and in so doing generates a stream communication to 
control. The stream communication consists of a single variable To, a request for a 
destination for the train's next journey. The new train process takes To and the new 
stream variable Cs as arguments. 

3JJ Back Communication 

In Parlog, a single shared variable can be used to implement two way 
communication. A producer process may generate a structure containing unbound 
variables. If a consumer process subsequently instantiates these variables, this causes a 
'back communication', from the consumer to the producer. This may affect the 
subsequent behaviour of the producer. (This elegant use of the logical variable was 
first described by Shapiro [1983], who termed it 'incomplete messages 1 ). 


For example, the control process consumes a stream of variables generated by 
train. Each variable received is unified using Parlog's unification primitive, '=', with 
the next element on a list of destinations (C2) or, if this list is empty, with the constant 
halt (C3). This unification has the^effect of communicating a new destination back to 
the train process, which cannot reduce until the variable To is bound (C5,6). 

3.3.4 Process Termination 

Reducing a process using a clause with no body goals has the effect of terminating 
that process. For example, the control process terminates when train asks for a 
destination and all requests have been processed (C3). As it terminates, control 
communicates the destination halt to train. This causes train to terminate and to close 
the device stream (C5). 

3.3.5 Process Creation 

Reducing a process using a clause with more than one goal in the body creates new 
processes. A spectrum of more or less long-lived or transitory processes may be 
created. For example, once train receives a destination from control, it creates two 
new processes, actions and perform (C6). actions is a short-lived process which 
determines the sequence of actions that must be performed to make a journey from 
some location to a destination and immediately terminates (C7-10). perform is longer- 
lived: it generates messages to device for each action (Cll-13), before terminating 



Figure 33 Communication and process creation. 

Figure 3.3 illustrates stream communication, back communication and the creation 
of short-lived processes. A stream communication from train to control (a) is followed 


by a back communication from control to train (b). This leads to the creation of 
processes actions and perform (c). 

33.6 State and State Change 

A process which calls itself recursively with different arguments can be regarded as 
possessing an internal state, subject to change over time. In the example, both the train 
and control processes have an internal state: a location and a list of destinations, 
respectively. As computation progresses, this state changes: train recurses with a 
different location and control recurses with a reduced set of destinations. 

3.3.7 Encapsulation of Devices 

Streams and processes are a convenient mechanism for interfacing to the physical 
world. Both input and output devices may be encapsulated inside processes which 
generate and consume streams of messages, respectively. These processes may use 
side-effecting primitives to perform the input or output operations, but this is hidden 
from the rest of the Parlog program. 

For example, the device process (program not presented) encapsulates the track 
controller. It consumes a stream of requests on(w), on(e) and off, which it translates 
into commands to the track controller, and wait(w,S)and wait(e,S), which it processes 
by binding the variable S when the west or east sensor next generates an interrupt, 
respectively. An implementation of device might process these requests using 
command and interrupt primitives, which set appropriate device registers and suspend 
until an interrupt occurs, respectively. 

3.3.8 Synchronization 

Previous sections have shown how shared logical variables can be used to 
communicate values between processes. Another important, related use of shared 
logical variables is process synchronization. Parlog reduction is eager. The reduction 
of processes that side-effect their environment must be coordinated if side-effects are to 
be correctly sequenced. This can be achieved by using bindings to shared logical 
variables to synchronize process reductions. Variables used for this purpose may be 
termed synchronization variables. 

A train must not send an off signal to the track controller until it has passed a sensor 


indicating that it has arrived at a station. This synchronization requirement is indicated 
in the 'plan 1 (C7-10) by keywords wait(w)and wait(e). The perform process handles a 
wait(D) key word by sending a message wait(D.S) message to the track controller (C13) 
and recursing to call perform/5 (C15). perform/5 cannot reduce until its fifth 
argument, the variable S, is bound to the constant proceed by the device controller 
process, indicating that the train has passed the appropriate sensor. S is a 
synchronization variable used to delay the reduction of perform/5 (and hence the 
generation of an off signal) until the sensor has been triggered. 

3.3.9 Non-determinism 

When two or more clauses can be used to reduce a process, Parlog's operational 
semantics do not specify which is to be used. An implementation may select the first 
clause for which sufficient data is available to permit reduction to proceed. This 
permits the programming of systems that process information as it becomes available in 
real time. 

mode merge(Xs?, Ys?, ZsT). 

merge([X |Xs], Ys, [X |Zs]) 4- merge(Xs, Ys, Zs). 
merge(Xs, [Y |Ys], [Y |Zs]) <- merge(Xs, Ys, Zs). 
merge([ 1, Ys, Ys). 
merge(Xs, [ ], Xs). 

Program 3.3 Merge. 

A good example of a non-deterministic Parlog program is the merge relation 
(Program 3.3). merge(Xs, Ys, Zs) has the logical reading: if Xs and Ys are lists, Zs is 
some interleaving of Xs and Ys. 

If, when a merge process is reduced, only its second argument is bound to a list, 
then the second clause of the merge procedure is used to reduce that process. This 
selects the item available on the second argument. If only the first argument is so 
bound the first clause is used. A merge process thus tends to select items from its two 
input streams as they become available, if it is selected for reduction at least as 
frequently as items are produced. Figure 3.4 represents a merge process. 


Program 3.2 is totally deterministic. However, a more realistic program that 
controls a track layout with several trains, controllers and sources of requests would 
have non-deterministic components. For example, a program that controls two trains 
might be defined as follows: 

train(L1,L2,Rs) _ 

control(Cs.Rs), merge(Cs1,Cs2,Cs), merge(Ds1, Ds2, Ds), device(Ds), 
train(L1,Cs1,Ds1), train(L2,Cs2,Ds2). 

Figure 3.5 represents the process network that results. Each train process 
generates, deterministically but asynchronously, streams of device commands and 
requests for destinations. The merge processes pass on some intermingling of the two 
command and request streams to the device and control process respectively. 


Figure 3.5 Non-deterministic train network. 

3.3.10 Multiprocessors 

The implementation of Parlog on multiprocessors is quite simple (see Chapter 5). 
Processes are located on the various nodes. The language implementation extends 
unification to deal with variables located on other nodes. Testing or binding a variable 
shared by processes located on different nodes has the effect of communicating a value 
between these processes. Unification thus becomes a communication as well as a data 
construction and pattern matching mechanism. 

For example, if the program illustrated in Figure 3.5 were to be executed on a 
multiprocessor, each perpetual process could be located on a different node. The 


variables Csl, Cs2, Cs, Ds1, Ds2 and Ds then represent physical communication 

3.3.11 Logical Reading 

Most of the procedures in Program 3.2 have a straightforward logical reading as 
statements about relationships in the model train system. For example: 

actions(F,T,As): the actions As must be performed to move from location F to T. 

perform(As,Ds,Ds1,L): performing actions As leaves a train at location L and 
generates as device commands the difference between the lists Ds and Ds1. 

train(L,Ds,Cs): Ds is the device commands required to serve requests Cs when 
originally at location L. 

3.4 The Control Metacall 

Clark and Gregory [1984] extend Parlog with a metalogical primitive termed a 
control metacall. This permits Parlog programs to initiate, monitor and control the 
execution of other Parlog programs. A call to this primitive has the general form: 

call(Goal, Status, Control) 

and denotes the controlled execution of Goal, which is assumed to be a term 
representing a relation call. A call to the control metacall primitive always succeeds, 
unless the control argument is bound to an incorrect value. The result of evaluating 
Goal is reported by unification with the Status argument. Possible results include the 
constants succeeded , failed and stopped. A concurrently executing process may bind 
the Control argument to the constant stop. This has the effect of terminating the 
evaluation of Goal and, once evaluation has terminated, unifying Status with stopped. 
The Control argument may also be bound to a list with the constants suspend or 
continue as its head; this suspends or resumes the evaluation of Goal, respectively, and 
causes the Status argument to be unified with an equivalent list structure upon 
completion of this action. 

Program 3.4 illustrates the use of this primitive. This implements a simple 
command interpreter or 'shell 1 that processes a stream of requests bg(G,R), fg(G,R) and 


abort by initiating execution of a goal G in the foreground (C3) or background (C4), or 
aborting execution of the current foreground command (C2), respectively. In the first 
two cases the variable R is bound to the result of this execution. Background goals 
execute independently. A foreground goal delays initiation of further goals until it has 

mode shell(Goals?), shell( Goals?, Status?, ControlT). 

shell(Gs) 4- shell(Gs, go, C). (Cl) 

shell([abort |GsJ, S, stop) <- shell(Gs, S, C). (C2) 

shell([fg(Goal,S1)|GsJ,S,C) <- data(S) : call(Goal,S1,C1), shell(Gs, S1.C1). (C3) 

shell([bg(Goal, S1) |Gs], S, C) <- data(S) : call(Goal, S1, C1), shell(Gs, go, C). (C4) 
shel!([],S,C). (C5) 

Program 3.4 Simple shell. 

shell/3 is called recursively to process a list of requests. It processes a fg or bg 
request by initiating execution of the specified goal using the control metacall, // its 
second argument (assumed to be the current foreground goal's status variable) is non- 
variable (C3,4). This indicates that the current foreground process, if any, has 
terminated. The initial call to shell/3 has its second argument bound to the constant go 
(Cl), as do recursive calls following initiation of background goals (C4). This permits 
reduction to proceed immediately in these cases. The test for a non-variable term is 
performed using Parlog's data primitive (C3,4), which suspends until its argument is 
bound and then succeeds. 

The second component of fg and bg requests, the variable R, is passed to the 
metacall used to initiate the associated goals as the metacall's status variable (C3,4). It 
is hence unified with succeeded , failed or stopped when evaluation of the goal 

shell/3 processes abort requests by unifying its third argument (the control stream 
of the current foreground goal, if any) with the constant stop (C2). This aborts 
execution of any current foreground goal. 

Figure 3.6 illustrates the execution of this shell. Note that in this and subsequent 
figures, metacalls are represented as boxes to distinguish them from processes, which 
are pictured as circles. In (a), the shell is initiated with three requests on its input 


stream. In (b), the first two requests are processed and a background and a foreground 
goal are initiated. In (c), G2 terminates, permitting the second foreground goal, G3, to 
start executing. At about the same time, the shell receives an abort request; G3 is thus 
aborted, leaving only G1 executing in (d). 

[ bg(Gl,Rl), 
) | Ri] 


fg(G34U) | 

(a) shell initiated 



I Gl I 
(d) G3 aborted. 

Figure 3.6 Execution of simple shell. 

shell(Gs) has the metalogical reading (see Section 3.5.5): Gs is a list of terms 
fg(G,R), bg(G,R) and abort, where in each case R may be the result (succeeded or 
failed) of evaluating G or, in the case of a fg term followed immediately by an abort 
term, stopped. 

The control metacall is central to the use of Parlog for systems programming, as it 
provides a succinct and elegant representation of the important notion of task. In 
conventional systems, a task may defined to be a thread of control or process created 
to perform some activity, such as edit a file, read mail or service device interrupts. In 
Parlog, the corresponding entity is the pool of processes created during execution of a 
goal. On a multiprocessor, these may be distributed over many processors; 
nevertheless, it is necessary to be able to detect changes in their status and control their 
execution as if they were, in some respects, a single entity. The metacall provides this 

3.5 Parlog as a Declarative Language 
3.5.1 Correctness and Completeness 

Parlog programs (such as Programs 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3) can be read as logical axioms 
describing relations between entities in some problem domain (see Sections 3.2.2, 

Parlog's evaluation strategy, being based on resolution, is correct: any solution 
computed by a Parlog computation from a Parlog program that does not use metalogical 


operators such as var or the control metacall is a solution according to the program's 
declarative semantics. 

Because of its committed-choice non-determinism, Parlog is incomplete. Each time 
Parlog evaluation commits to a single candidate clause, it irrevocably abandons other 
potential solutions. As a result, Parlog evaluation may sometimes result in failure even 
when solutions exist according to declarative semantics. The set of solutions that 
Parlog can compute is in general a subset of the set of solutions implied by the 
declarative reading of a program. 

The declarative reading of a Parlog program thus provides a useful, though 
informal, check of its correctness. It is good Parlog programming style to enhance this 
utility by writing programs in which the two sets of solutions are equivalent. One 
component of good style is what Gregory [1987] calls the sufficient guards law. This 
states that Parlog procedures should be written so that guards to each clause guarantee 
that if that clause is selected to reduce a goal, either 

a solution to the call can be computed using this clause, or 

no solution can be found using any other clause 

This ensures that a Parlog computation returns a solution to a query, if a solution 


Program Analysis and Transformation 

Program analysis and transformation techniques developed in the broader context of 
declarative language research have been successfully applied to parallel logic languages. 
For example, partial evaluation [Komorowski, 1981; Safra and Shapiro, 1986; 
Huntbach, 1987J, fold/unfold transformations [Burstall and Darlington, 1977] and 
enhanced metainterpreters [Kowalski, 1979; Safra and Shapiro, 1986]. 
Incompleteness and dataflow constraints cause difficulties, but these can generally be 

Program transformation seeks to modify some property of a program (such as 
efficiency) whilst maintaining other properties (such as the input/output relation that it 
computes) invariant. A metainterpreter for a language is an interpreter for the language 
written in the language. Metainterpreters have been shown to be powerful 
programming tools, facilitating debugging and permitting experimentation with 


alternative evaluation strategies. Partial evaluation techniques can be applied to 
enhanced metainterpreters to compile additional functionality into programs. Several 
Parlog metainterpreters are presented in Appendix I. 

3.5.3 Consequences of Incompleteness 

Parlog's committed-choice non-determinism means that the Parlog programmer 
cannot be vague about how solutions are to be computed; he must specify explicitly the 
algorithm to be used. This is in essence what the sufficient guards property requires of 
him. In contrast, Prolog permits the programmer to describe conditions that a solution 
must satisfy; Prolog then explores alternatives by a backtracking search. This don't- 
know non-determinism accounts for much of the elegance and succinctness of Prolog 
programs constructed to solve problems in (for example) natural language parsing. 

Several techniques for integrating don't-know non-determinism and the search that 
it implies into parallel logic languages have been proposed. Clark and Gregory [1986] 
propose a set constructor primitive for Parlog that performs Prolog-like evaluation. 
Ueda [1986] proposes compiling programs intended to explore all solutions to a query 
into parallel logic programs that perform the search explicitly. Somogyi [1987] 
proposes a system of declarations that permit a compiler to verify that a given procedure 
is stable: that is, that it provides exactly one binding for any output variable. He argues 
that this can provide the determinacy required for systems programming, while 
preserving the search ability of Prolog internally. 

It can be argued that Parlog's lack of don't-know non-determinism is not of great 
importance when the language is used for systems programming. This is because the 
systems programmer generally has a definite algorithm in mind: he knows not only 
what solution he wants computed, but how it should be computed. 

3.5.4 Restricted Modes of Use 

The modes associated with Parlog relations restrict the argument patterns that they 
can be called with. In effect, Parlog's specialized unification means that unification 
may suspend forever instead of succeeding or failing. For example, consider Program 
3.1, and the query: 

?- member(X, [{1 , John}], John) 


This should succeed, binding X to 1 , as member(1 ,[{1 John}], John) is a member of 
the relation defined by this program. However, Parlog evaluation results in indefinite 
suspension rather than success. 

To understand the pragmatic implications of this restriction, it is important to note 
that logic programs can often be divided into distinct database and algorithmic 
components. The database component consists of assertions (clauses with no body 
goals) and simple rules that describe a problem domain. The algorithmic component 
consists of more complex rules that describe how this data is to be used. For example, 
in Program 3.2 the procedure actions/3 may be classified as database and the other 
procedures as algorithmic. 

Algorithmic procedures are not generally intended to be used in more than one 
mode of use. In any event, existing logic languages rarely permit efficient use in more 
than one mode. Database procedures, on the other hand, are used very effectively in 
different modes in languages such as Prolog. This permits a database to be specified 
independently of its intended use. This encourages generality and facilitates reuse. 

It is possible to write Parlog programs that can be used in more than one mode. 
Additional clauses which explicitly perform the required input matching and unification 
operations must be added to a program. However, this approach produces large, 
clumsy programs. An alternative approach is taken in P-Prolog [Yang and Aiso, 
1986]. This language uses a more general synchronization mechanism than Parlog. 
Reduction of a P-Prolog exclusive relation is delayed until only a single clause is 
capable of reducing a call. This permits programs to be used in alternative modes. It is 
not however clear that P-Prolog can be implemented efficiently. 

Systems programs generally have a significant algorithmic component. Parlog's 
mode restriction may thus not be a serious problem in this type of application. Also, 
the simplicity of most database procedures means that when they must be used in more 
than one mode, it is not an onerous task to duplicate a procedure. 

3.5.5 The Control Metacall 

The control metacall primitive (Section 3.4), denoting as it does the monitoring and 
control of computation, lacks any logical reading. However, it can be given a 
metalogical reading in that it permits metalevcl programs to talk about the execution of 
other, object level programs. The shell presented on Program 3.4 is an example of a 
program with a metalogical reading. 


The metacall can be given a logical reading in another sense. It is possible to 
provide a specification, in Parlog, for its functionality. This specification takes the 
form of a metainterpreter for Parlog, augmented with code that detects termination and 
permits control. Appendix I presents such a specification. A call to the metacall is 
logically equivalent to a call to this specification. 

A potential problem with the control metacall's semantics should be noted. The 
theory of metaprogramming requires that metaprograms manipulate representations of 
object programs, rather than the programs themselves [Bowen and Kowalski, 1982]. 
Parlog, unlike other systems that explicitly support metaprogramming (such as 
metaProlog [Bowen, 1985]) does not provide separate representations for meta and 
object level terms. A metaprogram that examines an object level variable thus sees a 
variable, rather than a representation of a variable. It is thus possible, though in general 
logically meaningless, for the metaprogram to instantiate the variable. This can lead to 
anomalous behaviour. For example, as Ueda [1986] points out, the Parlog 

call(X=1,S, C), X=2 

gives different results depending on the order in which the goals are evaluated. The 
computation either fails, if X is bound to 1 by the first goal, or succeeds, binding S to 
failed, if X is bound to 2 by the second goal. 

The problem is that the same variable occurs at both the object and metalevels; the 
conjunction thus has no logical or metalogical meaning. 

One solution to this problem is to ensure that meta and object level programs do not 
share variables. This restriction can be enforced in Parlog using simple compile- and 
run-time checks: for example, ensuring that all terms passed to programs invoked using 
the control metacall are either ground at the time of call or are not shared with 
metaprograms. However, these restrictions forbid many useful applications of shared 
variables, which can in any event frequently be given a metalogical reading. 
Methodologies for avoiding conflicts when meta and object level programs share 
variables are discussed in Chapter 4. 

3.5.6 Limitations 

One way of understanding a computer program is to execute it on a computer and 
observe its behaviour. Programming language operational semantics define the 


meaning of a program to be some abstraction of its behaviour when executed. The 
abstractions they employ are useful if the details that they hide can easily be ignored. 

The declarative semantics of logic programs effectively defines the meaning of a 
program to be the input-output relation that it computes. This transformational view of 
computation is very abstract and hence particularly easy to analyse and understand. 
However, declarative semantics has its limitations as a semantics for Parlog, because it 
conceals timing information that may be necessary for an understanding of a Parlog 
program's behaviour, 

Parlog programs are frequently reactive in nature. Reactive programs may be 
defined as programs that maintain an ongoing interaction with their environment 
[Pnueli, 1986]. Parlog programs interact with their environment by binding variables. 
The meaning of a reactive Parlog program is characterized not only by the variable 
bindings it produces but also by the sequence and timing of these bindings. 

Program 3.2 can be used to illustrate the consequences of the reactive nature of 
Parlog programs. As noted in Section 3.3.1 1, relations in this program have a simple 
logical reading about relationships in the model train world: train/3, for example, 
defines the commands required to process a list of requests. However, the logical 
reading says nothing about the time at which commands are generated. Thus, though 
the logical reading provides a check on the correctness of an important aspect of the 
program, it is not sufficient to verify that the program behaves correctly. Other 
techniques arc required to specify and verify properties such as the temporal ordering of 
communications, termination, lack of starvation, etc. Temporal logic is a possible 
specification tool [Pnueli, 1986]. A formal semantics for parallel logic languages is 
required before verification techniques can be developed. 

3.6 Parlog and Systems Programming 

Recall the requirements for a high-level systems programming language listed in 
Section 2.1. Parlog's support for concurrency, communication, synchronization and 
non-determinism has been illustrated in this chapter. Its computational model uses the 
same two simple, uniform mechanisms process reduction and unification 
whether executing on a single processor or a multiprocessor. Other requirements, such 
as the ability to encapsulate hardware, language support for protection, language 
extensibility and ease of implementation are investigated in the chapters that follow. 



Operating System Design 

A typical architecture for a multiprocessor language-based operating system locates 
a small hardware or machine language kernel at each node. This kernel provides run- 
time support for the systems programming language. It also implements basic device 
control, interrupt handling and process scheduling mechanisms. These are made 
available to OS programs in terms of high-level language constructs. 

Mechanisms implemented in the kernel are used to construct basic operating system 
services. These may also be replicated at each node or, in the case of higher-level 
services, located only on some subset of all nodes. Application or user-level programs 
are constructed using the services provided by the operating system. Figure 4.1 
illustrates this architecture and relates it to the structure of this monograph. 


File Programming Other (Chapter?) 

Services Environments Applications 


n . . (Chapters 4,6) 

Basic services. v 


(Chapter 5) 

Language + simple mechanisms. 


Figure 4.1 Operating system architecture. 

This chapter deals with the operating system level in this architecture. The first 
section of the chapter identifies important issues in OS design. Subsequent sections 
consider how these issues can be handled in Parlog. 

Section 4.2 considers how kernel mechanisms are accessed by OS programs. 
Minor extensions to the Parlog language that facilitate access to kernel mechanisms are 
motivated and described. The sections that follow deal with the provision of services, 
communication with the OS, system robustness, naming and protection. Section 4.7 
describes a simple Parlog OS that integrates components introduced in preceding 


sections. The final section looks briefly at how user-level programs can construct new 
abstractions using Parlog OS services. 

4.1 Issues in Operating System Design 

Kernel Functionality 

The kernel of a language-based OS must either implement basic OS functions such 
as device control, exception handling and resource management directly or provide 
simpler mechanisms that permit these functions to be implemented in the high-level 

Kernel design must resolve four conflicting requirements: functionality, efficiency, 
flexibility and simplicity. A kernel must provide support for all functions required by 
an operating system. Functions are more efficient when implemented in the kernel. 
However, as the kernel is difficult to modify, they are generally less flexible. A simple 
(and hence compact) kernel increases the proportion of high-level language code and 
minimizes the amount of code that must be duplicated on each node. It is also likely to 
be more reliable. 

Wulf et at. [1981] propose that the performance/flexibility conflict be resolved by 
implementing mechanisms in the kernel while providing higher-level programs with the 
ability to define the policies that determine how these mechanisms are used. For 
example, a kernel may implement memory management functions but allow OS 
programs to specify paging strategies. Of course, absolute policy/mechanism 
separation is not achievable: the mechanisms implemented determine the policies that 
can be supported. Also, generality may conflict with the need for compactness. The 
Hydra kernel, for example, provides a high degree of policy /mechanism separation. 
However, it consists of about 130,000 words of object code [Wulf et aL, 1981]. 

The high-level systems programming language must be provided with an interface 
to the mechanisms implemented in the kernel. This may be achieved by adding new 
primitive operations to the language. For example, CCN-Pascal [Joseph et aL, 1984], 
though a high-level language, supports a primitive varaddr which it uses to access 
hardware locations directly. Alternatively, certain language operations may be 
interpreted in special ways in certain contexts. For example, in a language based on 
message passing, messages sent to certain reserved destinations can be interpreted as 
instructions to hardware. Similarly, external events may be translated into messages to 
OS components. 


The interfacing of Parlog OS programs to kernel mechanisms i considered in 
Section 4.2. The implementation of a kernel that provides these mechanisms is 
discussed in Chapter 5. 

Operating System Services 

Services may either be made an integral part of the OS or may be supported as 
application programs. These two approaches have different performance/flexibility 
tradeoffs. Some of these are discussed in [Tanenbaum and van Rencsse, 1985]. For 
example, a file service may be made an integral part of a OS. This can be expected to 
be efficient. However, it is then difficult for users to define alternative file services. 
Alternatively, the OS may only provide a simple block I/O service. Application 
programs may then build on this to provide a Unix style file service, a robust file 
service, and so forth. 

The design and implementation of Parlog services is discussed in Section 4.3. 

Communication with the Operating System 

An efficient and safe mechanism is required to permit application programs to 
request OS services. On uniprocessors, such system calls are generally implemented 
using a supervisor call instruction, which causes a context switch to a privileged 
supervisor program. The supervisor processes the application program request, then 
returns control to the user program. 

The supervisor call approach is inappropriate in multiprocessors, as the service 
requested may be located on another node. It is unacceptable to block the requesting 
program while the request is serviced. An alternative approach is to provide application 
programs with the ability to generate messages to system services. They can then 
continue processing until a reply is received. 

Parlog application program access to Parlog OS services is discussed in Section 


No user program action should be able to cause failure of OS components. To 
ensure this, OS programs may be designed to be robust; that is, to cope with 
unexpected requests. Robustness generally conflicts with performance, so an 
alternative approach is to ensure that only trusted agents can access OS services. 

Section 4.5 describes an approach to the design and implementation of robust 
Parlog OS services. 


Naming and Protection 

Names are the means by which application programs access OS resources. Names 
are generally symbolic: that is, they are mapped by the OS onto some other domain 
(such as the domain of hardware addresses) before the resource is accessed. Naming is 
related to protection, as restrictions on both possession of names and the mappings 
applied to them can be used to control access to resources. 

Names can be resolved at run-time, compile-time or at intermediate stages such as 
load- time. Run- time resolution of names (referred to as late binding) is more flexible 
but also more expensive than compile-time resolution (early binding). 

The specification of naming schemes in Parlog is considered in Section 4.6. 

Resource Management 

Resource management embraces the problems of memory management, processor 
scheduling and deadlock detection and avoidance [Peterson and Silberschatz, 1983]. 

Extensions to Parlog that permit Parlog OS programs to specify processor 
scheduling and memory management policies are described in Section 4.2. Kernel 
support for processor scheduling is described in Chapter 5. 

A system is reliable, or fault tolerant, if it is able to deliver a minimum level of 
service in the face of hardware and software failure. Reliability may be achieved by 
redundancy and by implementing atomic actions. Redundancy duplicates critical 
services and data. Atomic actions ensure that hardware failure does not lead to 
inconsistent states. 

A Parlog implementation of atomic actions is described in Chapter 7. However, in 
general the problem of reliability is not considered herein. 


None of the issues noted above are peculiar to multiprocessors. Yet most become 
more complex on parallel computers. For example, resource management algorithms 
must consider not only uniprocessor (local) scheduling but also the allocation of 
processors to tasks (global scheduling) [Wang and Morris, 1985]. It is not in general 
possible to have a global view of resource availability on multiprocessors [Tanenbaum 
and van Renesse, 1985]. 

Problems of multiprocessor OS design are considered in Chapter 6. 


4.2 Kernel Functionality 

This section describes a number of mechanisms that need to be supported by a 
Parlog OS kernel and discusses how these mechanisms can be accessed by Parlog 
programs. Minor extensions to Parlog that provide this access are defined. The design 
and implementation of the kernel itself is considered in Chapter 5. 

4.2.1 Types of Interface 

A Parlog OS kernel must support interfaces that (a) permit Parlog OS programs to 
invoke kernel mechanisms and (b) notify Parlog OS programs of significant events. 
Both types of interface can be based on either of Parlog's two basic operations: 
unification and procedure call. 

(a) Invocation of Kernel Mechanisms 

Unification-based interfaces to kernel mechanisms provide special variables which, 
when instantiated, invoke these mechanisms. For example, a terminal driver may be 
invoked by incrementally instantiating a special variable to a stream of terms 
representing terminal control codes. 

Procedure call-based interfaces to kernel mechanisms provide primitive 
procedures which, when called, invoke these mechanisms. For example, a primitive 
which sets device registers in order to control a terminal. Procedure call-based 
interfaces are somewhat less elegant than unification-based interfaces, as they involve 
side-effecting primitives. However, they permit more functionality to be implemented 
in Parlog, and are hence preferred. As calls to primitives can be encapsulated inside 
services Parlog processes that respond to streams of requests (see Section 4.3) a 
unification-based interface can be simulated using a procedure call-based interface. 

(b) Notification of Events 

Unification-based interfaces to events notify Parlog OS processes of events by 
instantiating special variables. For example, keyboard input and clock ticks may be 
made available as streams of terms, constructed incrementally as data becomes 
available. This type of interface is elegant and easy to implement. It is used in the 
Parlog OS described in Section 4.7. A limitation of this type of interface is that it does 
not guarantee a timely response to events. The occurrence of an event makes any 
processes suspended waiting for it reducible. However, it does not guarantee when 


they will be reduced. This depends on the scheduling strategy used by the Parlog 

Procedure call-based interfaces require that the kernel execute certain Parlog 
procedures when events occur. These can be regarded as 'interrupt service routines'. 
This approach can ensure a rapid response to events, as procedures are invoked 
immediately an event occurs. However, as these procedures are invoked as 
independent goals, they cannot share variables with OS processes. This prevents them 
from communicating with the rest of the OS. This type of interface is not therefore 
very useful. 

In Section 5.4, a hybrid interface to events is described. The kernel provides a 
unification-based interface to certain events (for example, timer interrupts). It also 
provides a specialized process scheduling strategy that switches to executing the Parlog 
process that consumes this event stream when certain events occur. This ensures that 
events are processed as soon as possible. 

Parlog's control metacall permits a third type of interface to the kernel. The 
metacall's status stream can be used to signal events that occur while executing a task. 
The metacall's control stream can be used to invoke kernel mechanisms with respect to 
the task. Examples of these types of interface follow. 

4.2.2 Exceptions 

An exception is an unusual occurrence that requires special attention. For example, 
calls to undefined relations, floating point overflow and memory parity errors. 
Typically, exceptions are detected by hardware and are translated into interrupts that are 
trapped by the OS kernel. The kernel must generally signal exceptions in the context 
(for example, the task) in which they occur. 

It is inconvenient to place all exception handling in the OS kernel. An interface to 
Parlog is thus required that permits OS programs to be notified of exceptions. A simple 
extension to Parlog's control metacall, originally proposed in [Foster, 1987a], 
provides this facility. Recall that a call to the control metacall initiates execution of 
another program as a separate task. Status and control streams then permit this task to 
be monitored and controlled (Section 3.4). 


An exception that occurs during the execution of a task leads to the generation of an 
exception message on the status stream of the metacall used to initiate the task. This 
has the form: 

exception(Type, Goal, Cont) 

and indicates that an exception of type Type occurred when evaluating the goal Goal 
The goal which caused the exception is replaced in the task by the variable Cont. This 
is a metavariable: it represents an as yet unspecified goal, to be executed in the place of 
the goal that caused the exception. Evaluation of the metavariable is suspended until 
such time as a program monitoring the task's status stream instantiates the metavariable 
to a term representing a new goal. As this component of the exception message is used 
to specify how evaluation should continue following an exception, it is referred to as a 
continuation variable. It is important to note that the generation of an exception 
message does not affect other processes in the task. These can continue executing. 

Figure 4.2 illustrates the operation of the exception message by showing the 
sequence of events following a call to an undefined relation. It is assumed that a 
monitoring process is monitoring the status stream of an application task (represented, 
as usual, as a box), (a): an undefined relation goal is called in the task and, as a 
consequence, an exception message is generated to signal an exception of type 
undefined, (b): the erroneous goal is replaced in the task by the continuation variable 
Cont. (c): the monitoring program instantiates the continuation variable Cont to the 
Parlog primitive true. This instantiation passes the goal true to the task in which the 
exception occurred (by a form of back communication: Section 3.3.3). As the primitive 
true always succeeds, this has the effect of ignoring the exception. 





Cont = true 

/^* ^"N 

(Monitoring Program } 

Figure 4.2 The exception message. 

The application of the exception message and continuation variable is illustrated in 


Section 4.4.1. 

Parlog programs may generate exceptions explicitly using the raise_exception 
primitive. A call: 

raise_exception(Type, Goal) 

causes an exception of type Type involving the goal Goal to be signalled on the status 
stream of the task that made the call: 

exception(Type, Goal, Cont) 

The call to the raise_exception primitive is replaced by a continuation variable 
Cont, included in the exception message. 

The generation of an exception and subsequent instantiation of the continuation 
variable has no logical reading. However, it has a simple metalogical reading. 
Exceptions generally represent goals that cannot be solved using the program with 
respect to which a query is being executed. For example, goals that call relations that 
are undefined in this program. A supervising program can evaluate such a goal: for 
example, it may be able to consult another program to find a definition for an undefined 
relation. When it instantiates the exception's continuation variable, it returns the result 
of its evaluation of the unsolvable goal. The supervising program thus extends the 
program used to execute the original query. 

Parlog's exception handling mechanism has similarities to mechanisms found in 
other high-level languages. Ada, for example, permit exception handlers to be attached 
to program blocks [DoD, 1982]. In Multilisp, catch and throw primitives are used to 
bind exception handlers to a subcomputation, and to signal exceptions within the 
subcomputation, respectively [Halstead and Loaiza, 1985]. In Unix, exceptions are 
translated into signals, which may be trapped either by the process in which the 
exception occurred or by the process' parent. Parlog's mechanism is more powerful in 
some respects: as exceptions are implemented using messages rather than context 
switches, the task in which the exception occurred may continue executing while the 
exception is processed. The exception message and continuation variable provide a 
particularly elegant mechanism for signalling and responding to exceptions. Finally, as 
a Parlog exception handler can be implemented as a perpetual process that consumes a 
stream of messages, it can maintain an exception history as a local state (Section 3.3.6), 
without performing side-effecting operations. 

4.2 J Deadlock 

Because of dataflow constraints, all processes in a Parlog task may be suspended 
waiting for data (Section 3.2.2). This is deadlock and should be regarded as an 
erroneous condition and reported. This is achieved by a further extension to the Parlog 
control metacall. The status message. 


signals deadlock in a Parlog task. The message's argument N indicates the number of 
processes in the deadlocked task. Sections 6.2 and 6.3 describe applications of this 
status message. 

For example, consider the program: 

mode g(X?, Yt), h(XT, Y?). 
g(a,b). h(a,b). 

A call to this program: 

? call( (g(X,Y), h(X,Y)) f S, C). 
results in the instantiation of the status variable S: 
S - [deadkx*(2) |J 

Neither g(X,Y) nor h(X,Y) can reduce because of dataflow constraints. g(X,Y) 
requires the value of X before it can produce Y; h(X, Y) requires the value of Y before it 
can produce X. This is deadlock. The argument to the deadlock message indicates that 
there are two processes in the deadlocked task. 

A Parlog task may also contain no reducible processes because there is no producer 
for a particular data item within the task. For example: 

?- call( consumer(X), S, C). 

where consumer requires the value of X in order to reduce. 

Such a task will be signalled as deadlocked, although it is not deadlocked in the 
classical sense; it is merely waiting for data from some external source. It does not 
appear feasible to distinguish between true deadlock and this 'apparent deadlock' in a 
Parlog implementation, so they are treated in the same way. 


Data required by an 'apparently deadlocked' task can subsequently be produced by 
an external source. For example, a process producer(X) executing in another task may 
instantiate the variable X required by consumer. The task that was signalled as 
deadlocked hence becomes 'undeadlocked 1 . As Section 6.2 shows, it is useful to be 
able to detect this transition. It islience signalled by a further status message: 


4.2.4 Processor Scheduling 

Any multiprogramming OS requires a mechanism for allocating processor resources 
to concurrently executing tasks. Typically, the OS maintains a list of executable tasks 
and invokes a scheduler to select a task to execute. Execution of a task proceeds until 
the task terminates or blocks or a timer interrupt occurs. The OS then reinvokes the 
scheduler to select a new task to execute. 

The task created by the control metacall provides Parlog with a unit of computation 
to which processor resources can be allocated. In is thus useful to define a metacall 
control message priority (P) which can be used to associate a priority P with a task. 
Parlog system programs can use this control message to specify processor scheduling 
policies, by associating different priorities with different tasks. Task priorities are 
interpreted by the scheduler which actually selects tasks for reduction. The scheduler 
may be implemented in the kernel. Alternatively, as described in Section 5.4, it may be 
implemented in Parlog with the aid of simpler kernel mechanisms. This is somewhat 
less efficient but is more flexible and results in a simpler kernel. 

4.2.5 Memory Management 

Parlog's computational model assumes a kernel memory management mechanism 
that allocates memory for processes and terms as they are created and reclaims memory 
when these are no longer required. This mechanism must ensure that malicious or 
erroneous programs are not able to cause system failure by consuming all available 

This can be achieved by constraining the amount of memory that each task is able to 
consume. This limit can be specified either when the task is created using the control 
metacall or subsequently, by means of a control message. 


An alternative, simpler (and therefore preferred) method is for the kernel to 
schedule an OS process when there is 'little free memory left 1 . If this process is 
provided with a term representing active tasks, it can abort unimportant tasks to free 
memory. Section 5.4 describes the implementation of a scheduler that can perform this 

This mechanism can ensure that a Parlog OS cannot fail due to application program 
behaviour. It does not however permit OS or application programs to react to changes 
in the amount of free memory. This facility can be provided by a kernel-generated 
stream to which messages are appended periodically indicating how much free memory 
is available. 

A Parlog OS kernel can implement more complex memory management 
mechanisms, such as virtual memory. Parlog system programs should be able to 
control the behaviour of such mechanisms by specifying policies (such as paging 
strategies). This issue is not considered herein. 

4.2.6 Code Management 

A basic resource management function that a Parlog OS must provide is 
management of the executable (or object code) form of OS and application programs. 
Code management involves a number of issues, including: 

manipulating code (for example, moving it between memory and disk) 

providing and controlling access to code 

permitting and controlling the modification of code while it is in use 

As usual, these issues can be tackled either by extending the language or by 
providing simpler primitives that can be used to program mechanisms in the language. 
One approach to code mapping is implied by the Parlog control metacall call/3 (Section 
3.4). This assumes a globally accessible dictionary structure, maintained by the kernel 
and accessed to retrieve the executable code for relations. Updates to this structure are 
presumably to be performed using side-effecting primitives. However, the semantics 
of concurrent accesses and updates to such a global structure are uncertain. Also, it 
appears difficult to maintain this structure consistent on multiprocessors. 

A simpler scheme is therefore adopted, a modified version of a scheme described 
by Silverman et al. [1986], in the context of the related parallel logic programming 
language FCP. Two simple kernel mechanisms are provided that permit more complex 


code management policies to be described in Parlog. The first is the representation of 
object code modules as Parlog terms. A module consists of executable versions of one 
or more procedures plus a dictionary data structure which can be used to access 
procedures defining particular relations. The dictionary associated with a module need 
not contain all of the module's relations. This permits certain relations to be hidden. 
The second is two kernel primitives. The first, Module Goal, (usually written infix, 
as here) can be used to initiate execution of a goal Goal using the procedures in module 
Module. The second, 'CALL'(Goal), is a restricted form of the metacall call/1 , that can 
be used to initiate execution of a Parlog primitive or of a procedure defined in the 
same module as the procedure by which it was called. 

The representation of code as language terms means that code management can be 
programmed entirely in Parlog. The kernel is not required to maintain any centralized 
structures. This is illustrated in Section 4.3.1, where a code service is defined that 
caches terms representing modules and responds to requests for named modules. This 
code service can be instructed to replace a cached module with another. Subsequent 
requests are hence processed with respect to a new module; this implements run-time 
replacement of code. 

These kernel mechanisms permit a new, four-argument control metacall to be 
defined in place of Parlog's 'global dictionary' metacall. A call to the four-argument 
metacall has the general form call(M,G,S,C)and initiates execution of a goal G using 
procedures in a module M. The application of this metacall is illustrated in subsequent 
sections. Its implementation is discussed in Chapter 5. 

It is also possible to redefine the three-argument metacall. A call call(G,S,C) is 
interpreted as a call to a procedure G in the same module as the procedure in which it 
was called. Section 4.5.2 illustrates the application of this metacall. 

4.3 Providing Services 

An OS kernel provides OS programs with mechanisms that can be used to control 
hardware (Section 4.2.1). An OS must use these mechanisms to provide application 
programs with controlled access to resources such as terminals and disks. This can be 
achieved by defining terminal, disk etc. services to which application programs make 
requests. A service encapsulates its resource, protecting it from illicit access and 
sequencing accesses as required 


In imperative languages, a service is commonly implemented as a monitor (Section or a process (Section 2.2.3). A service can be implemented in Parlog as a 
perpetual process which consumes a stream of terms representing requests. A Parlog 
service processes a request by performing some combination of the following five 

spawning processes to perform computation; 

using primitives implemented in the kernel to side-effect hardware (this assumes 
a procedure-call based interface to devices: Section 4.2.1); 

generating requests to other services; 

binding variables in the request, to communicate values to the requesting task; 

recursing with altered internal state. 

The order in which requests arrive on the service's input stream and dataflow 
constraints within the service define a total or partial temporal ordering on the 
processing of requests. Parlog's sequential conjunction operator can be used to 
sequence calls to side-effecting primitives. 

Services can be characterized in terms of the actions they perform when processing 
requests. Physical services side-effect hardware by invoking kernel mechanisms; 
logical services do not. Basic services do not communicate with other services. A 
filter is a service which is composed with other services to augment their functionality. 
It accepts a stream of requests and passes on some different stream. A mailbox 
consumes a stream of requests and stream(s) of items (for example, an event stream: 
Section 4.2.1) and matches requests with items. 

mode disk(DeviceAddress?, Requests?), cell(Contents?, Requests?). 

disk(Device, [read(Addr, Block) |Rs]) <- read(Device, Addr, Block) & dlsk(Devlce, Rs). (Cl) 
disk(Devlce, [write(Addr, Block) |Rs]) <- write(Device, Addr, Block) & disk(Devfce, Rs). (C2) 

ceil(V, [read(V1) |Rs]) <- V V1 , cell(V, Rs). % Return current contents. (C3) 

cell(V, [write(V1) |Rs]) <- cell(V1, Rs). % Update contents. (C4) 

Program 4.1 Disk service and cell. 


For example, 4. 1 implements a basic physical service, disk, and a basic logical 
service, cell, disk implements a disk service. It processes a stream of read and write 
requests using side-effecting read and write primitives (Cl,2). (The primitive 

read(D,A,B) has the logical reading: block B is located at address A in device D. 


write(D,A,B) has the same reading; it has the operational effect of writing block B to 
address A on device D). Note the use of the sequential conjunction operator ('&') in 
this procedure to sequence calls to these primitives, cell can be viewed as defining a 
memory cell. It responds to read and write requests by returning (C3) or updating (C4) 
its first argument, which represents its contents. 

Services have a simple logical reading: they define a valid list of requests. This 
logical reading captures much of the functionality of a logical service. Physical services 
also have an important operational component, as they invoke side-effecting primitives. 

Figure 4.3 illustrates a number of different services. 

read, i 

A basic logical service. A basic physical service. A filter. A mailbox, 

memory cell. disk service. code service. keyboard service. 

Figure 4.3 Types of service. 

4.3.1 Filters: A Code Service 

Program 4.2 implements a code service. This is a filter that accepts requests to read 
and write named modules and generates read and write requests to a disk service. This 
effectively implements a simple (non-hierarchical) file system. It may be composed 
with Program 4.1 above as follows: 

.... code(Rs, Ds, N), disk(Devlce, Ds), ... 

code(Rs,Ds,N) has the logical reading: Ds is the disk requests required to process 
requests Rs with respect to a cache of size N. It maintains a file table a list of 
{module-name, disk-address} pairs and a cache of retrieved modules: a list of 
{module-name,module} pairs. (Recall that a Parlog module is a language term: an 
executable code fragment: Section 4.2.6). 


code/3 initially loads a file table from disk and primes the cache by loading the first 
N modules in this list readjable(As,Ds,Ds1) (not defined) reads: the difference 
between the lists Ds and Ds1 is the disk requests required to load a file list As. 
prime_cache(N,As,C,Ds,Ds1 ) reads: the difference between the lists Ds and Ds1 is the 
disk requests required to load the first N modules listed in a file list As, and C is those 
N modules. 

mode code(Requests?, DiskT, Size?), code( Requests?, Addresses?, Cache?, DiskT), 

read_table(Addst,DiskT,Disk1 ?), prime_cache(Size?,Ackte?,CacheT l DlskT,Disk1 ?), 
toad(Adds?, Name?, Modt, DiskT, D1?), save(Adds?, Name?, Mod?, DiskT, D1?) f 
lookup(Address?,Cache?,NewCacheT, BlockT), purge_oWest(Cache?,NewCacheT). 

code(Rs, Ds, N) <- (Cl) 

read_table(As, Ds, Ds1), % Load file table. 

prime_cache(N, As, Cache, Ds1 , Ds2), % Prime cache: N modules. 

code(Rs, As, Cache, Ds2). % Process requests. 

code([code(Name, Module) |Rs], As, Cache, Ds) <- % Request for a module: (C2) 

tookup(Name, Cache, NewCache, Module 1) : % ... look in cache. 

Module * Module*!, % ... return to requestor 

cache(Rs, As, [{Name, Module} |NewCache], Ds); % ... add to front (note V) 

code([code(Name, Module) |Rs], As, Cache, Ds) <- % Not in cache . . . (C3) 

(oad(As, Name, Module, Ds, Ds1 % ... so load from disk. 

purge_oldest(Cache, NewCache), % ... purge oldest entry 

cache(Rs, As, [{Name, Module} |NewCache], Ds1 ). % ... and add to cache. 

code([module(Name, Module) |Rs], As, Cache, Ds) <- % New module: (C4) 

save(As, Name, Module, Ds, Ds1), % ... save on disk. 

purge_oldest(Cache, NewCache), % ... purge oldest entry 

cache(Rs, As, [{Name, Module} (NewCache], Ds1). % ... add to cache. 

Jookup(Addr, [{Addr, Block} |Cache], Cache, Block). % Locate in cache; delete. (C5) 
tookup(Addr, [{Addrl , Blockl } (Cache], [{Addrl , Blockl } |NewCache], Block) - (C6) 

Addrl ./- Addr : kx>kup(Addr, Cache, NewCache, Block). 

purge_oldest([ B ],[]). % Delete oldest module. (C7) 

purge_oldest([B, C |Cache], [B JNewCache]) <- purge_oldest([C (Cache], NewCache). (C8) 

Program 4 2 Code service. 

code/4 processes a request code(Name, Module) by either accessing the named 
module in the cache (C2) or, if it is not present (note the sequential clause search 


operator, ';'), determining its disk address and generating requests to a disk service to 
load the module (C3). It processes a request module(Name.Module), which provides a 
new definition for a named module, by updating its cache and saving the new module 
on disk (C4). Subsequent requests^ code(Name, Module) are processed using this new 
module. This illustrates the replacement of code at run-time. 

The cache is a fixed size and is maintained using a least recently used algorithm: 
each time a module is retrieved from the cache, it is deleted (C5) and inserted at the 
front (C2). When a new module is added to the cache (C3,4), the last module in the 
cache is deleted (C7). 

Dataflow constraints mean that code processes requests sequentially: the lookup of 
the cache is performed in the guard, prior to the processing of further requests. It is 
however non-blocking: if a module must be requested from the disk service, cache can 
proceed to process further requests (C3). Subsequent requests for the same module do 
not require further disk accesses, unless it has been purged from the cache. 

load and save(As,N,M,Ds,Ds1 ) (not defined) read: the difference between the lists 
Ds and Ds1 is the disk requests required to load/save a module M at the address A 
specified by the tuple {N,A} in the file list As. 

4.3.3 Mailboxes: A Keyboard Service 

Assume that the kernel generates a stream of Parlog terms representing characters 
typed at the keyboard. A simple keyboard service that matches these characters with 
requests for input can be implemented as: 

mode kb1 (Characters?, Requests?). 

kb1 ([C | Cs], [R | Rs]) <- C - R, Kb1 (Cs, Rs). 

kb1 takes as arguments a stream of keyboard input and a stream of variables 
representing requests for input. It suspends until both a character and a request are 
available and then 'receives' the character, returning it to the requesting process by back 

kb1 does not 'receive' characters typed until they are requested. It may be 
necessary to 'receive' characters so as to check for interrupts, or to echo them on a 
terminal, for example before they are requested. This can be achieved rather 
elegantly by maintaining two references to the input character stream. One is used to 


eagerly receive and echo characters as they are typed; they other is used in a lazy 
fashion, to select characters as requests are received. The difference between the two 
references to the stream represents buffered characters: characters received but not yet 

Program 4.3 implements such a keyboard service. (Section 4.7 shows how this 
program is used in a Parlog OS). It can be called in a conjunction : 

kb(Cs, Cs, Rs, Ts), screens), user(Rs) 

The kernel is assumed to instantiate Cs to a stream containing both characters typed 
at the keyboard and a special constant break, which represents a user interrupt. This 
call provides kb with two identical references to this input stream Cs. screen is a 
service that displays characters on a screen; it accepts a stream containing characters to 
be displayed and the special constant cr, which requests a 'carriage return 1 , user 
generates a stream of requests Rs for characters. 

mode kb(Eagerlnput?, Lazylnput?, Requests?, Terminal?). 

kb([break |Cs], Cs1 , Rs, [cr f b,r,e,a,k,cr |Ts]) <- kb(Cs, [break |Cs], Rs, Ts). % Break! (Cl) 
kb([C |Cs], Cs1 , Rs, [C |Ts]) <- C W- break : kb(Cs, Cs1 , Rs, Ts). % Echo (C2) 

kb(Cs,[C|Cs1],lR|Rs],Ts) *- C-R, kb(Cs,Cs1, Rs, Ts). % Request (C3) 

Program 4.3 Keyboard service. 

to both matches application program requests for input with characters typed (C3) 
and scans ahead on the input stream, echoing characters typed by passing them to 
screen (C2) and processing interrupts (Cl). It processes an interrupt, represented by 
the constant break, by passing the list [cr,b,r,e,a,k,cr] to screen. It also discards any 
buffered characters and adds the constant break to the buffer: this is achieved by 
recursing with the term [break|Cs] (not Cs1) as its second argument. The next 
application program request for input will thus receive the constant break. 

kb ultimately reduces twice for each character typed: once to echo it, and once to 
communicate it to a requesting process. If characters are typed faster than they are 
requested, kb will tend to reduce more frequently using the second clause than the 
third. The first reference to the input stream (Cs) will thus point further down the 
stream than the second (Cs1). var tests can be used to establish priority between the 


clauses. For example, adding a guard call var(Cs) to the third clause ensures that 
requests are not serviced if further input (characters or interrupts) is pending. 

4.4 Communication with the Operating System 

Application programs must be able to communicate with a Parlog OS to request 
access to services such as those described in Section 4.3. This can be achieved using 
Parlog's control metacall and the exception mechanism described in Section 4.2.2. 

A Parlog OS uses the control metacall to execute an application program as a 
separate task. This protects the OS from application program failure. It also permits 
the execution of an application program to be monitored and controlled. 

An OS process called a supervisor is associated with each such application task. 
This uses the metacall's status and control streams to monitor and control its task. The 
task is a user- level computation. The supervisor is part of the OS. (The distinction 
between user-level and OS tasks is conceptual, not physical: in a Parlog OS, both 
application and OS tasks can execute in the same address space; the lack of side- 
effecting primitives means that Parlog applications cannot compromise the correct 
execution of OS programs - though see Section 4.5). 


Figure 4.4 An application task and its supervisor (sv) . 

Figure 4.4 illustrates the relationship between a task and its supervisor. 

Application program requests for OS services (system calls) are compiled into calls 
to the raise_exception primitive (Section 4.2.2). A distinctive exception type (say 
'sys') identifies these exceptions as system calls. Thus a system call: 

send(Service, Request) 
when encountered in a Parlog application program is compiled as: 

raise_exceptk>n(sys, send(Servtee, Request)) 

The compiler is assumed to recognize certain predefined predicates such as send as 
system calls and to compile them in this way. 

System calls hence generate exception messages when executed at run-time. For 
example, a system call send(Service, Request) generates an exception: 

exception(sys, send(Service, Request), Cont) 

The monitoring supervisor process detects these exception messages and interprets 
them as requests for service. Two types of service are distinguished. Local services 
are implemented by the supervisor itself; an example of a local service is given below. 
Remote services are services such as those described in Section 4.3. Requests for 
remote services are translated into messages to the services concerned. Both the 
supervisor and remote services may communicate results back to a task that makes a 
system call by binding variables in the system call itself and/or by binding the 
continuation variable associated with the system call. This is the continuation variable 
incorporated in the exception message that notifies the task supervisor of the system 

Parlog system calls are similar to supervisor calls in conventional operating systems 
in that they are trapped and handled by a supervisor program. In other respects, a 
Parlog system call is more akin to a non-blocking remote procedure call: it returns a 
result, but does not delay execution of other processes in the task that made the system 

4.4.1 Local Services 

The implementation of a simple local service is described. This serves to introduce 
task supervisors and to illustrate the use of local services. 

A system call e_handler is implemented that permits an application program to 
register exception handlers. An exception handler is a procedure to be invoked in the 
application task when a particular type of exception occurs. 

A call to e_handlerhas the general form: 

e_handler(Type, Module, Relation) 
It specifies a Relation (as defined in Module) that is to serve as the handler for 


exceptions of a specified Type. For example, the call: 
e_handler(undefined, M, undef_handler) 

requests that the relation unde(Jiandler (as defined in module M) be registered as 
the handler for exceptions of type undefined . This exception type indicates a call to an 
undefined relation. 

Once an exception handler has been registered, goals in the application task that 
cause exceptions of the specified type are replaced by calls to the exception handler. 
The type of exception and the goal that caused the exception are provided as arguments 
to the exception handler call. 

Program 4.4 implements a simple task supervisor that supports the system call 
e_handler as a local service. This supervisor takes as arguments a task's status and 
control streams and a list of exception handlers. It is initiated concurrently with the task 
that it supervises: 

.... call(M1 , G, S, C), supervisors, C, []),... 

where G is the goal to be executed by the task and M1 is the module to be used to 
execute it. The third supervisor argument ([ ]) indicates that the set of handlers is 
initially empty. 

The supervisor monitors its task's status stream (S). Recall that this may be 
instantiated to a stream of exception messages and terminated with constants 
succeeded, failed or stopped (Section 3.4). Calls to e_handlerin application 
programs are assumed to be recognized by the compiler and compiled to calls to the 
raise_exception primitive in the same way as calls to send. Calls to e_handler in 
application programs hence generate exceptions when executed. The supervisor detects 
exceptions representing calls to e_handler and records exception handlers (Cl). It 
replaces other exceptions with a call to a previously recorded exception handler, if one 
exists (C2) and halts execution if no exception handler can be found (C3). (The 
relation elookup(T,Hs,M,R) has the logical reading: the list Hs contains a tuple 
{T,M,R}). Note the use of the sequential clause search operator (';') to establish a 
default clause (C2). The procedure terminates when its task terminates (C4-6). 

Note the use of the Parlog primitive =.. in clause C2. This is used to convert 
between lists and structured terms. A call to =.. suspends if both its arguments are 
variables. Otherwise it succeeds if its two arguments can be unified with a structured 
term AQ^ A n ) and a list [A^A^...^] respectively, and fails otherwise. .. is used 

here to construct a call R(T,G) from a relation name R and arguments T and G. 

mode supervisor(Status?,ControlT,Handlers?), ekx>kup(Type?,Handlers?,Modt,RelationT). 

supervisor ([exception(sys, e_handler(T,M, R), Cont) |SJ, C, Hs) - (Cl) 

Cont true, % e_handler system call succeeds. 

supervisor (S, C, [{T, M, R} |Hs]). % Register error handler, 

supervisor ((exception(T,G,Cont) |S], C, Hs) <- % (C2) 

T w- sys, % Not a system call, so ... 

elookup(T, Hs, M, R) : % Look for handler. 

Goal ... [R.T.G], % Found: construct handler call. 

Cont M@Goal, % Replace exception with call. 

supervisor (S, C, Hs); % (Note ';'). 

supervisor ([exception(T,G,Cont) |S], stop, Hs). % No handler: abort execution. (C3) 

supervisor (succeeded, C, Hs). % Termination ... (C4) 

supervisor (failed, C, Hs). % (C5) 

supervisor (stopped, C, Hs). % (C6) 

Program 4.4 Simple task supervisor. 

Note also the use of the primitive @ (Section 4.2.6) in this clause. The call 
M@Goal, returned to the application task using the continuation variable Cont, initiates 
execution of Goal in module M. 


1 D ^Cont . M@undef Jiandlcr(undefined, goal) 


n{undcfined T M t undcf_handleT} 

Figure 4.5 Implementation of the e Jiandler system call. 

Figure 4.5 illustrates the execution of this supervisor. Assume that an application 
program has previously registered the error handler undef_handler using a system call 
e_handler(undefined,M,undef_handler). The exception handler has hence recorded 
the tuple {undefined, M,undef_handler}. A call to an undefined relation goal then 
occurs in the application task. An exception message is generated and is intercepted by 
the task's supervisor (a). This looks up its list of exception handlers and uses the 


exception message's continuation variable to return a call to the error handler 
undef_handler to the task (b). 

4.4.2 RFC and Circuit Access to Remote Services 

A supervisor provides application programs with access to services such as those 
described in Section 4.3 by translating system calls into messages to such services. 
Two types of access can be provided, RFC and circuit. RFC (Remote Procedure Call) 
access requires the application program to make a system call each time it wishes to 
access a particular service. A generic RFC system call has the form: 

send(Service, Request) 

A task supervisor that receives an exception message representing such a system 
call translates it into a message to the service named Service. The message has the 


{Request, Cont, Term} 

where Cont is the system call's continuation variable and Term is the termination 
variable of the application program task that made the system call. A termination 
variable is a unique variable associated with a task by its supervisor. The supervisor 
guarantees to instantiate this variable to some non-variable term when the task 
terminates. This termination variable permits services to which a request is sent to 
detect if and when the task that generated the request terminates: if a var test indicates 
that a termination variable is uninstan dated, then the task has not terminated. The 
generation of termination variables is illustrated in Section 4.7. 

Circuit access requires the application program to make an initial system call to 
request a stream or circuit to a service. Requests to the service can subsequently be 
appended directly to that stream. A generic circuit request has the form: 

send(Service, circurt(Stream)) 
This is translated by the task supervisor into a request: 

(circuit(Stream), Cont, Term) 
to Service. 

The application program may instantiate the variable Stream to a stream of requests: 

Stream - [Request 1 !, Request2 RequestN] 

These are processed by the service that receives them as if the application program 
had made a sequence of system calls: 

.... send{Service, Requestl) , send(Service, Request2), ... 

The ordering of requests on a circuit stream determines the order in which they are 
received by the service. 


(a) Before. (b) After. 

cfek(DevK, {{drcuit(S) u _J | RsJ) _ merge(S.Rs. Rs1), dsk(Devtoe, Rs1) 

Figure 4.6 Circuit access to a disk service. 

A service may process a request for a circuit in two ways. It may merge the circuit 
stream in with its usual request stream. For example, Program 4. 1 may be augmented 
with an additional clause to handle requests for circuits. The additional input stream 
(S) is merged with the original input stream, as illustrated in Figure 4.6. Recall that the 
merge relation (Program 3.3) produces on its output argument a stream that is some 
intermingling of its two input arguments. 

[ {circuit(S),_J | Rs]/ 


(a) Before. (b) After. 

service([{circuit(S),_J | Rs]) *- servlce(S), servlce(Rs). 

Figure 4.7 Circuit access to a stateless service. 

Alternatively, if the service is stateless and there is hence no need to sequence 
accesses, a copy of the service may be created to process requests on the circuit, as 
illustrated in Figure 4.7. This avoids any overhead associated with the merge process. 


4.43 Termination and Errors 

A service that receives a system call request from an application task may need to: 

pass results back to that task 

notify the task of erroneous conditions detected while processing the call 

notify the task that processing of the call has terminated. 

A service can pass results to a task by back communication (Section 3.3.3): that is, 
by binding variables in a request. For example, the disk service (Program 4.1) uses 
back communication to return a disk block following a read request. A variable used in 
this way (such as the variable Block in the read request) serves as an implicit return 

Back communication can also be used to notify a task of errors detected by a service 
when processing a system call. (For example, the Block variable in Program 4.1's 
read request could be bound to a special constant error). However, the task then has 
the option of ignoring the error condition. A better method is to use a system call's 
continuation variable for this purpose. Recall that a system call is translated into an 
exception and hence is represented in the application task as a continuation variable 
(Cont). As noted in Section 4.4.2, this continuation variable is included in the request 
message generated by the task's supervisor following the system call. A service 
receiving this request message can then bind the continuation variable to a call to the 
raise_exception primitive: 

Cont - raise_exceptlon(Type, Goal) 

where Type is the type of error the service wishes to signal in the application task and 
Goal is the original system call. 

This back communication of a new goal generates a further exception in the 
application task. The task's supervisor thus receives a further exception message, 
indicating why the system call could not be processed. It can then choose to process 
the call elsewhere, to ignore it, to abort the application, etc. This use of the 
continuation variable to communicate goals between tasks is illustrated in Section 
4.5.2. It demonstrates the power of the logical variable and in particular of the 
exception message's continuation variable. 

This error-reporting mechanism cannot be used directly in the case of circuit access, 
as a circuit is established by a single system call. Only one continuation variable is 


available for all requests made on the circuit. A filter process must therefore be 
interposed between the task making requests on the circuit and the service that receives 
them. This associates a new continuation variable with each request received on the 
circuit and uses these new variables to monitor the progress of the requests. Any errors 
are signalled to the application task by binding the original continuation variable. 

This use of a filter process is illustrated in Figure 4.8. In (a), a circuit request 
{circuit(S),T,C}is received by a service. In (b), a filter has been created. This accepts a 
stream of requests R1 , R2, etc. and forwards a stream of tuples {R1 ,T,C1}, {R2,T,C2}, 
etc. to the service. The filter monitors the new variables C1 , C2, etc.; if any is bound 
to an exception message by the service, this is signalled in the application task by 
instantiating the original continuation variable, C. 

[ {circuit(S),T,C} | RsJ 

(a) Before. 

(b) After. 
service([{arcuit(S),T,C}|Rs]) <_ fi!ter(S,Sl ,T,C),merge(Rs,Sl ,Rs1 ), service ( Rs 1 ). 

Figure 4.8 Filtering a circuit 

The continuation variable associated with system calls also permits a service to 
notify a task that processing of a system call has terminated. A system call in an 
application program is replaced by a continuation variable when executed and hence 
suspends until the continuation variable is bound to a new goal. The continuation 
variable is passed to the service addressed by the system call. This can either: 

instantiate the continuation variable (to true) afier processing the system call, or 

validate the system call (Section 4.5.2) and then instantiate the continuation 
variable (to true) before processing the system call. 

In the former case, the system call does not terminate until the service has processed 
the request. In the latter case, the system call terminates immediately the call is 
validated; this corresponds to a spooling of the request 


4.4.4 Discussion 

It has been proposed that application program access to OS services be provided by 
system calls. These are implemented using the metacall exception feature introduced in 
Section 4.2.2. Exceptions representing system calls are translated by a task supervisor 
into requests to OS services. The continuation variable associated with a system call is 
used to notify a task's supervisor of errors detected during its processing. This use of 
the continuation variable for error notification provides automatic 'routing' of error 
messages to a task's supervisor. It also ensures that an application program cannot 
ignore errors. 

Two types of access to remote services have been described: RFC and circuit Each 
has its advantages and disadvantages. 

Sequencing: the stream associated with circuit access can be used to explicitly 
sequence requests. RPCs can only be sequenced using sequential operators or by 
using the results of requests as synchronization tokens to delay the generation (or 
processing) of subsequent requests. 

Performance: Circuit access has set-up and shutdown costs, if a filter must be 
created; RFC does not. However, circuit access does not require routing of requests 
once a circuit is established. RFC access requires that each request be interpreted and 

Bottlenecks: in a multiprocessor, a circuit may be a bottleneck, particularly if 
requests do not need to be serialized. In contrast, RFC access permits system calls to 
be handled and routed independently at each node on which the application task is 
executing (see Section 6.5). This also permits requests for services replicated on 
several nodes to be routed to a node that is 'nearby'. 

Termination and Errors: RFC access associates a continuation variable with each 
request. This can be used to report termination and errors. A special filter process is 
required to provide similar functionality when using circuit access. 

Validation: Circuit access requires additional validation (see Section 4.5). 

It is suggested that RFC access be used when services are accessed rarely, or are 
replicated on many nodes. Circuit access is to be preferred when many requests must 
be made to the same service, particularly if these requests need to be sequenced. 


4.5 Robustness 

An OS service is robust if no application program behaviour can cause it to execute 
erroneously. This section discusses how Parlog OS services such as these described in 
Section 4.3 can be made robust. 

A Parlog process can affect the execution of another Parlog process in two ways: 
by failure and by the unification of shared variables. (Side-effecting primitives could 
also be used to modify a process' data state. However, although side-effecting 
primitives are required to control hardware, their use is assumed to be isolated inside 
specialized system programs). Parlog's control metacall can be used to encapsulate 
processes so as to localize failure and run-time errors. The chief problem to be 
resolved when seeking to construct robust system services is thus that of shared 

Application programs and system services come to share variables as a result of 
system calls, which cause a message containing terms generated by the application 
program to be passed to a system service. The only way that an application program 
can compromise the correct execution of a system service is thus by generating an 
invalid system call. 

A system call generally consists of a name and a set of arguments. Arguments have 
output and input components. Output components are ground terms to be passed to 
the service; input components are variables used to receive values from the service. 
For example, a system call read(Addr, Block) made to a disk service (Program 4.1) has 
name read, output component Addr and input component Block. The processing of a 
system call consists of two phases: match and reply. In the match phase, the service 
accesses the name and output components and computes a reply (if any). In the reply 
phase, back communication occurs as any reply is unified with the input components of 
the call. 

An invalid call can cause a service to behave erroneously in both phases. In the 
match phase, the service can suspend because the name or an output component is a 
variable. This is a suspension error: a service should never suspend waiting for 
application program data, as it cannot be known when that data will become available. 
A service can also fail in the match phase, because the name or an output component 
has an invalid value. This is a matching error. In the reply phase, a service may fail 
because an input component that it attempts to instantiate is already bound to another 
value. This is a unification error. 


For example, consider Program 4.1. Table 4.1 lists five potential causes of 
erroneous behaviour due to an invalid RFC system call. (Similar problems are 
associated with circuit access; these are not considered here). It is assumed that the 
disk service expects calls of the form read(Addr, Block), where Addr is an integer and 
Block is a variable, or write(Addf.Block), where Addr is an integer and Block is a valid 
block. The example shows the request component of an erroneous system call. 

# Description 

Example Error 


1 . incorrect value 

2 . missing value 

3. unexpected value 

4. incorrect call 

5 . missing call 

read(abc, Y) 1st argument not integer service fails 

read(X.Y) 1st argument not bound service suspends 

read(1 0, abc) 2nd argument not variable service fails 

foo(X) only read or write valid service fails 

X call should be bound service suspends 

Table 4.1 Potential causes of disk service failure. 

Errors 1 and 4 are matching errors. Errors 2 and 5 are suspension errors. Error 3 
is a unification error. 

Simple validation techniques permit these errors to be avoided. Suspension errors 
are avoided by not forwarding partially constructed system calls (that is, those in 
which the name or output components are not ground) to the service. Matching errors 
are avoided by either validating system calls before forwarding them to the service or 
by extending the service with code that detects and accepts invalid formats. 

Unification errors are avoided by: 

(1) Replacing input components in a request with new variables before 
processing the request. 

(2) Creating 'lazy copy 1 processes to unify these new variables with the original 
input variables once the new variables are bound by the service. This ensures 
that the service never has direct contact with application program input 

(3) Executing copy processes either as part of the application program or 
encapsulated in a separate control metacall. This ensures that a unification 
error does not cause failure of the service. 


A generic copy procedure, that can be used if a service's output consists only of 
ground terms, may be defined as follows: 

mode copy(ServiceOutput?, ApplicationlnputT). 

copy(T.T) <-atomic(T) : true. (Cl) 

copy([H1 |T1J, [H |T]) <- copy(Hl, H), copy(T1, T); (C2) 

copy(S1, S) <- S1 - . L1 : copy(L1, L), S . L. (C3) 

A call to this procedure suspends until its first argument is instantiated. Constants 
are then copied from input to output (Cl). (The primitive atomic suspends until its 
argument is bound and then succeeds if it is a constant and fails otherwise). Lists are 
copied by copying their head and their tail (C2). Other structures are converted to lists 
and then copied (C3). 

A more complex copy procedure is required if service output incorporates variables 
that are to be passed to the application program. This copy procedure must be aware of 
the structure of the input component being copied so that it can pass variable 
subcomponents immediately instead of waiting for them to be instantiated 

Validation techniques that avoid suspension, matching and unification errors can be 
applied in the application programs themselves (at source), in services (at destination) 
or in between (en- route). These three approaches are described and illustrated with 

4.5.1 At-source 

Compile-time transformation of application programs can be used to ensure that 
only valid system calls are generated and hence that only valid requests reach a service. 
For example, a call: 

send(disk, read(A, B)) 
can be compiled to a call to the procedure diskread: 

diskread(A.B) <- integer(A) : raise_exception(sys, send(disk, read(A, B1))),copy(B1,B). 

The integer primitive suspends until its argument is instantiated and then succeeds 
if it is an integer, and fails otherwise. This avoids suspension and matching errors 
(Errors 1 and 2 in Table 4.1). The copy process (described above) makes the value of 


the new output variable B1 available as it is generated by lazily unifying it with B. If 
the call to copy fails because B is already bound to a different value, the application 
program rather than the OS service fails. This avoids unification errors (Error 3). 

Errors 4 and 5 cannot occur in this example as the arguments to the system call 
send are known at compile-time. fais approach is not practical if system call 
arguments can be generated at run-time. 

4.5.2 At-destination 

An alternative approach is to make the service itself robust. Matching errors are 
dealt with by extending the service with extra code that validates call arguments. 
Unification errors are dealt with using a copy process as before. This is executed 
locally, encapsulated in a control metacall. Suspension errors are best dealt with by 
introducing a filter that delays requests until they are sufficiently constructed to be 
processed. This is an example of en-route validation and is discussed in the next 

mode disk(Device?, Requests?), try(X?, Y?, ContT, Goal?), result(Status?, ContT.Goal?), 
valid_address(Address?), valid_btock( Block?). 

disk(De, [{read(Addr, Block), Term, Cont} |Rs]) <- 

valid_address(Addr) : 

read(De, Addr, B1) & 

try(B1, Block, Cont, read(Addr, Block)), 

disk( De, Rs). 
disk(De, [{write(Addr, Block), Term, Cont} |Rs]) <- 

valid_address(Addr), valid_block(Block) : 

Cont *true & 

write(De, Addr, Block) & 

disk(De, Rs); 
disk(De, [{Other, Term, Cont} |Rs]) <- 


% Check that address is valid 
% Read block using primitive. 
% Perform unification. 


% Check that arguments are valid. 
% Succeed call. 
% Write block using primitive. 
% Note ';' 
% Otherwise signal exception. (C3) 

Cont = raise_exception(badarg, send(disk, Other) ), disk(De, Rs). 

try(B1, B, Cont, O) <- call(copy(B1, B), S, C), result(S, Cont, 0). 


result(succeeded, true, 0). % Success: Cont true. (C5) 

result{f ailed, raise_exception(badarg, send(disk, 0)), O). % Unification failed: error. (C6) 

Program 4 .5 Robust disk service. 


Program 4.5 implements a robust file service. It is assumed here that messages 
generated by task supervisors have the form {Request, Term, Cont} , where Term is a 
termination variable and Cont is the system call's continuation variable. As this tuple is 
generated by the task supervisor, an OS process, the service only needs to validate the 
Request component. 

valld_address(A) (not defined) has the logical reading: A is a valid address. 
valid_block(B) reads: B is a valid block. 

Program 4.5 copes with matching errors (Errors 1 and 4) by testing that arguments 
are valid (Cl,2) and including a default clause to deal with invalid requests (C3). The 
default clause signals invalid requests by instantiating the continuation variable Cont to 
a call to the raise_exception primitive. This causes an exception message: 

except ion (badarg,send(Disk,0),NewCont) 

to be signalled on the status stream of the task that made the request badarg is the type 
of exception. send(Disk,0) is the system call which caused the exception. NewCont 
is a new continuation variable, which the task's supervisor can use to respond to the 

Unification errors (Error 3) are avoided by calling the relation try/4 (Cl), which 
uses the three-argument form of the control metacall (Section 4.2.6) to program fail- 
safe unification (C4). The call: 

call(copy(Block1, Block), S,C) 

attempts to lazily unify terms Block and Block! . The use of the control metacall 
ensures that this always succeeds, even if unification fails. Examining the status 
variable S indicates the result of the unification operation: succeeded or failed (C5,6). 
This is signalled to the application program by instantiating the system call's 
continuation variable to either true (to indicate success: C5) or to a call to the 
raise_exception primitive (C6). 

Note that in this example the use of the control metacall and copy process is not in 
fact necessary. As the read primitive returns immediately with a block B1 , rather than 
constructing it incrementally, clause Cl can instead be written: 


disk(De, [{read(Addr, Block), Term, Cont} |Rs]) <- (Cl) 

valkj_address(Addr) : % Check that address is valid 

read(De, Addr, 61) & % Read block using primitive. 

Cont - (Block -B1)& % Return unification operation 

disk(De, Rs). 

The system call's continuation variable is used to return the unification operation 
Block=B1 to the application task. Failure of the unification operation hence causes 
failure of the application task rather than the service. 

4.5.3 En-route 

Finally, requests can be validated after they are generated by the application 
program and before they are received by the service. A simple example of en-route 
validation is a filter that delays incomplete requests. Program 4.6 implements such a 
filter. This can be composed with Program 4.5 to avoid suspension errors (Errors 2 
and 5). It delays requests until either they are sufficiently instantiated or the task that 
generated them has terminated. In the former case it forwards them to the service; in 
the latter, it discards them. (It is assumed that system calls made by a task that has 
failed or been aborted are not to be processed). 

mode delay_filter( Requests?, RequestsOutT), delay(Messageln?, Term?, MessageOutT), 

delay JifterU {Request, Term, Cont} | Rs1], Os) *- % Create delay process. (Cl) 
delay({Request, Cont}, Term, Os2), merge(Os1 , Os2, Os), delay_filter(Rs, Os1). 

delay(Message, Term, [Message]) <- sufficiently_ground(Message) : true. (C2) 

delay(Message, Term, [ ]) <- data(Term) : true. % Task termination: discard. (C3) 

Program 4.6 Delay filter. 

Program 4.6 creates a delay process for each request received. As noted in Section 
4.5.2, requests have the form {Request.Term.Cont}. merge processes combine the 
output of the delay processes and forward it to the service (Cl). Each delay process 
performs two checks concurrently. It checks whether its request is sufficiently 
instantiated, using the procedure sufficiently_ground; if it is, delay outputs it and 


hence forwards it to the service, minus its termination variable (C2). 
(sufficiently_ground(M) reads: M is a valid message). It also checks whether the task 
that made the request has terminated, by examining its termination variable, Term. If it 
is, the request is discarded (C3). Both tests use Parlog's data primitive to determine 
whether values are available. A delay process hence suspends until either the request is 
sufficiently bound or the termination variable is instantiated. 

The procedure sufficiently jground can easily be extended to check for matching 
errors. Unification errors can also be dealt with by a filter of this sort. 

4.5.4 Discussion 

The three approaches to error avoidance discussed above all apply the same basic 
techniques to avoid suspension, matching and unification errors and hence to obtain 
robust services. They each have advantages and disadvantages. 

At-source avoidance isolates errors within application programs. OS programs can 
thus be simpler. No filters or termination variables are required to isolate and terminate 
incomplete requests. In contrast, at-destination validation requires potentially complex 
mechanisms for dealing with partially constructed requests. 

On the other hand, at-source validation requires that the compiler (perhaps an 
application program) be trusted. The compiler must be aware of all services' request 
formats; this implies a potentially undesirable degree of global knowledge in a 
distributed system. Also, it is difficult to deal with requests constructed at run-time in 
this way. 

En-route validation is conceptually the simplest, as it separates validation of 
requests from both the generation and processing of system calls. Also, the services 
themselves then need perform no error checking. This means that trusted OS 
components can be permitted to make requests to services directly, thus incurring no 
overhead. The only disadvantage of en-route validation is the potential overhead of 
processing request streams twice: once en-route, to validate requests, and once at the 
service itself. 

For most purposes, en-route validation is the simplest and most effective approach. 


4.6 Naming 

Application programs use system calls to refer to services to name (Section 4.4). 
Parlog provides no direct support for the naming of processes or other computational 
objects. However, the logical variable provides global reference: a process possessing 
a reference to a logical variable can access that variable, wherever it is located. A 
Parlog OS can use logical variables to implement a variety of naming schemes. 

The request streams used to access Parlog OS services are logical variables. 
Logical variables can thus be regarded as naming ports that provide access to services. 
A logical variable can only be accessed by processes that possess a reference to it, and 
references cannot be forged (they can only be copied or equated by unification). 
Logical variables can thus also be viewed as unforgeable capabilities [Dennis and van 
Horn, 1966] for services. A process must possess a reference to a service's request 
stream before it can access that service. Logical variables can also be compared with 
mail addresses in actor systems [Agha, 1986]. Like actor addresses, but unlike certain 
implementations of capabilities, logical variables can be incorporated in data structures 
and messages and tested for identity (using Parlog's equality primitive, ==). 

The single-assignment property of Parlog's logical variable effectively means that 
only a single process can be connected to a port. However, merge processes (Program 
3.3) can be used to multiplex several connections. In principle, this use of merge 
incurs significant overhead: a binary tree of N - 1 merge processes multiplexing N 
connections requires 0(log 2 N) reductions to forward a single request. However, 
simple optimizations in an implementation can reduce this overhead to a small constant 
[Shapiro and Safra, 1986]. 

Symbolic naming schemes can be programmed in Parlog using name servers: 
processes that have direct connections to services and which forward requests tagged 
with symbolic names to these services. This corresponds to late binding of names to 
services. Early binding is also possible: a program which is known to require access to 
a particular service can be given a direct stream connection to that service at compile 

Figure 4.9 illustrates a service and its request stream or port; a tree of merge 
processes, used to multiplex several connections to a single service; and a name server. 
In this figure, S denotes a service, M a merge process and N a name server. 


(a) A service and its port. (b) Several connections (c) A name server. 

multiplexed to a service. 

Figure 4.9 Services, ports and name servers. 

Program 4.7 implements a name server. This has as arguments a stream of 
requests, tagged with symbolic names, and a list of {Name.Stream} pairs. This list 
defines the naming relation applied by the name server to names in incoming requests. 

The name server processes requests received in the form (Destination, Message, 
Term, Cont} by looking up its list of names for Destination (C2,3). If it knows of 
such a service, it forwards the request in the form (Message, Term, Cont} (C2). 
Otherwise, it signals an exception of type unknown_service, using the request's 
continuation variable Cont (C4). 

mode names (Requests?, Names?), sendfTo?, Message?, Term?, Cont?, Names?, NamesT). 
names([{To, M, T, Cont} | RsJ, Ns) *- send(To, M, T, Cont, Ns, Ns1), names (Rs, Ns1). (Cl) 

send(To, M, T, Cont, [{To, St) |Ns], [{To, St1 ) |Ns]) <- St - [{M, T, Cont} |St1]. (C2) 

sendfTo, M, T, C, [{N, St} |Ns], [{N, St} |Ns1]) <- To / N . send(To, M, T, C, Ns, Ns1). (C3) 

send(To,M, Cont, [],[]) <- (C4) 
Cont * raise.exceptionfunknown.service, send(To, M) ). 

Program 4.7 Name server. 

The code service implemented in Program 4.2 is also a type of name server. This 
maps requests for named modules to modules. 


4.7 A Parlog Operating System 

This section links together OS components introduced in previous sections to define 
a simple Parlog uniprocessor OS. This provides a context for their use. It also 
demonstrates that the solutions to OS design problems presented in this chapter 
constitute a coherent methodology for OS design and implementation. 

Multiprocessor execution of this simple OS is considered in Chapter 6. 

4.7.1 Operating System 

The simple OS supports two system calls: send/2 and task/4, send/2 provides 
RFC and circuit access to four basic services: screen, kb, disk and code, task/4 
requests the creation of a new user-level task. A task created using task/4 has its 
system calls trapped and processed by the underlying OS. 

The screen service processes requests to display characters at a terminal. The 
keyboard service (kb) processes requests for characters typed at a keyboard. It also 
echoes characters to the screen service as they are typed. The disk service processes 
requests to read and write disk blocks. The code service maintains a table of {module- 
name, disk-address} pairs and translates requests for named modules into the read and 
write requests to disk required to load them. 

mode os_init(Keyboardlnput?, InrtialModule?, InrtialGoal 9 ). 

os_init(ls, Name, Goal) - 

call(M, Goal, Si, [priority(2) LJ). % User-level task. 

sv(Si, So, Term, Ns), % Task supervisor. 
names(Ns, [{kb, Ks}, (screen, Ss2}, {disk, Ds2}, {code, Cs}J), % Name server. 

kbfilter(Ks, FKs), screenfilter(Ss2, FSs2), % Filters for 

diskfilter(Ds2, FDs2), codefilter(Cs, PCs), % validation. 

kb(!s, Is, FKs, Ss1), screen(Ss), % kb + screen. 

code(10, [code(Name, M) |FCs], Ds1), disk(Ds), % code + disk. 
merge(Ss1, FSs2, Ss), merge(Ds1, FDs2, Ds). 

Program 4.8 Operating system bootstrap. 

The OS is initiated by a call to the procedure osjnit (Program 4.8). Figure 4.10 
illustrates the process network created by this procedure. 





KERNEL "-- 15 *' Wnte 


Figure 4.10 Parlog operating system, 

A call to osjnit might have the form: 
os_inlt(ls, shell, shell) 

The first argument, Is, is a stream of characters generated by the kernel, 
representing characters typed at the keyboard. This implements a unification-based 
interface to the keyboard service (kb: Program 4.3). The second and third arguments 
indicate the module and goal to be executed by an initial user-level task. To initiate this 
task, a message code(Name,M)is sent to the code service (Program 4.2) to retrieve the 
named module from disk. Execution of the initial goal using this retrieved module is 
then initiated using the four-argument control metacall. A task supervisor (sv: Program 
4.9; described below) is created to monitor execution of the new task. This traps send 
system calls and forwards RPC and circuit requests to the name server (names: 
Program 4.7), which routes them to services. The various filter processes (kbfilter, etc; 
represented as F in Figure 4.10: not defined, but see Section 4.5.3) perform en-route 
validation of requests. They accept a stream of requests augmented with termination 
and continuation variables and pass on a stream of validated requests. 

screen (not defined) and disk (Program 4.1) are assumed to use side-effecting 
primitives to implement procedure call-based interfaces to their devices, merge 
processes (represented as M in Figure 4.10: Program 3.3) are used to combine requests 
made directly to the disk with disk requests generated by the code service and to 
combine requests made directly to the screen with characters echoed by the keyboard 


4.7.2 Task Supervisor 

The task supervisor (sv: Program 4.9) processes messages received on a user-level 
task's status stream (Si) and generates a filtered status stream, minus system calls (So). 
(So is ignored in the case of the initial application task, but permits further application 
tasks created using task/4 to be monitored by the application task that initiated them). It 
also takes as arguments a termination variable, to be bound when the task terminates 
(Term) and a request stream to the name server (Ns). 

mode sv(Statusln?, StatusOutt, TermVarT, NameServerRequestsT). 

sv([exception(sys, send(To.Msg), Cont) |Si], So, Term, [{To, Msg, Term, Cont} |Ns]) <- (Cl) 

sv(Si, So, Term, Ns). % send system call: forward. 

sv([exception(sys, task(Mo,G,So1 ,C), Cont) |Si], So, Term, Ns) <- (C2) 

call(Mo, G, Si1 , [priority(1) |C]), % task system call: create task 

merge(Ns1 , Ns2, Ns), % Merge name server requests. 

sv(Si1 , So1 , Cont, Ns2), % Create new task supervisor. 

sv(Si, So, Term, Ns1); % (Note ';') 

sv([Other |Si], [Other |So], Term, Ns) <- sv(Si, So, Term, Ns). % Forward other status. (C3) 
sv(succeeded, succeeded, true, [ ]). % Termination ... (C4) 

sv(failed, failed, true, []). % (C5) 

sv(stopped, stopped, true, [ ]). % (C6) 

Program 4.9 Task supervisor. 

send/2 system calls are augmented with a termination variable Term and the system 
call's continuation variable Cont and forwarded to the name server (Cl). 

task/4 system calls result in the spawning of a new supervisor and a new task using 
the control metacall (C2). Status messages that do not represent system calls are 
forwarded on the filtered status stream (C3). Termination is handled by closing the 
name server request stream and instantiating the termination variable (C4-6). (Recall 
that upon termination, a metacall's status stream is terminated with a constant: Section 
3.4). The continuation variable of the task/4 system call is retained by the new task 
supervisor as a termination variable. The supervisor sv instantiates this termination 
variable, to true, upon termination; this means that a task/4 system call succeeds only 
when the task it has created terminates. 

Figure 4.11 illustrates the creation of a new task (C2), showing the process 
network before and after the processing of this system call. Note how : 


the new task's status stream Si1 is filtered (by the new sv process) to remove 
system calls before being passed to its parent task as So1 . 
the new supervisor's stream of requests to the name server is merged with that of 
the parent supervisor. 




(a) Before 
Figure 4.11 Task supervisor: creation of a new task. 

4.73 User-level Program 

The initial user-level task created when the OS is initialized is able to: 

request a keyboard service for characters typed at the keyboard; 

request a screen service to display characters on the screen; 

request a disk service to read and write disk blocks; 

request a code service for named modules; 

create a new user-level task with the same capabilities, which it is able to monitor 
and control. 

The initial user-level task can most usefully define a shell: a program that reads, 
interprets and executes user queries. Program 4. 10 gives a possible definition for such 
a user-level shell program. This executes a series of queries typed at the keyboard, 
each as a separate task. 

shell first makes send/2 system calls to establish circuit connections to the 
keyboard and code services, Ks and Cs respectively (Cl). read(Ks.Rs) (not defined) 
has the logical reading: Ks is a list of characters typed at the keyboard and Rs is the list 
of queries these characters represent, read/2 requests characters from the keyboard 
using its circuit (Ks) and constructs terms representing queries, which it passes to 


mode shell, shell(Requests?, CodeT, Synch?), monltor(Status?, Controlt, Syncht), 
read(Keyboardt, Requests?). 

shell <- (Cl) 

send(kb, circuit(Ks)), ^ % Obtain circuit to keyboard. 

3end(code, circult(Cs)), % Obtain circuit to code. 

read(Ks, Rs), % Read queries . . . 

shell(Rs, Cs, true). % . . , and process queries. 

shell([fg(Name, Goal) |Rs], (code(Name, M) |Cs], true) <- % 'foreground': get module (C2) 

task(M, Goal, S, C), % ... and create task. 

mon'rtor(S, C, Synch), % monitor task's execution. 

shell(Rs, Cs, Synch). % Synch delays next query. 

shell([bg(Name, Goal) |Rs], [code(Name, M) |Cs], true) <- % 'background' (C3) 

task(M, Goal, S, C), 

monitor(S, C, J, 

shell(Rs, Cs, true). % Synch = true: don't delay. 

monrtor([exception(_,_,J IJ, stop, true). % Exception: halt task. (C4) 

monitor(succeeded, _, true). % Termination. (C5) 

monitor(f ailed, _, true). (C6) 

Program 4.10 User-level shell. 
Figure 4.12 shows the process network created by a call to shell. 



Figure 4.12 Shell process network. 

Queries are assumed to have the form fg(Name,Goal)or bg(Name,Goal). shell/3 
uses the task/4 system call to execute these queries (C2,3). It uses its circuit to the 
code service (Cs) to retrieve code as required. 

A monitor/3 process is created for each query. This monitors the execution of the 
task, aborting its execution of exceptions occur (C4) and binding a synchronization 
variable Synch when it terminates (C4-6). The synchronization variable is used in the 


case of a foreground query (C2) to delay the creation of further tasks until the query has 

4.7.4 Processor Scheduling 

The simple OS presented here also illustrates the use of the control metacall's 
priority( _) control message (Section 4.2.4) to specify scheduling policies. Assume that 
three priority levels, 1-3, are recognized by the kernel's scheduler, where 3 is the 
highest priority. Assume also that the OS is initiated with priority 3: 

call(os_init(ls,shell,shell), S, [priority(3) |C]) 
The initial user-level task (the shell) has been scheduled at priority 2 (Program 4.8): 

call(M, Goal, Si, [priority(2) LJ 

while the task supervisor schedules subsequent tasks at priority 1 (Program 4.9: C2): 
call(Mo, G, Si1, [priority(1) |C1), 

The OS thus informs the underlying scheduler that OS processes are to be allocated 
processor resources at a higher priority than the initial application task, the shell, which 
in turn has a higher priority than other application tasks. Just how these priorities are 
interpreted depends on the OS kernel's implementation of processor scheduling (see 
Section 5.4). 

Note that the task supervisor presented here does not prevent the shell from 
increasing the priority of application tasks, using a priority(N) message with N > 1 . A 
small extension to the task supervisor is required to prevent this: this filters application 
tasks' control streams and removes such priority messages. 

4.8 Abstractions in User-Level Programs 

Application (user-level) programs need to be able to construct abstractions based on 
the simple services provided by an OS such as that presented in Section 4.7. For 
example, rather than transmitting terminal control codes to a screen service, application 
programs may wish to perform operations on 'windows', 'window' is an abstract data 
type (ADT) on which operations such as 'create', 'delete', etc. must be defined. 


This section looks briefly at three techniques for the implementation of abstractions 
in Parlog. The application of the latter two techniques in a user-level program is 
illustrated in Section 7.4. 

4.8.1 Procedures 

Operations on ADTs can be defined as procedures which themselves use system 
calls to access OS services. For example, create_window and delete_window 
procedures can be defined that make a series of system calls to an OS screen service in 
order to create or Delete a window. 

An advantage >f this approach is its simplicity. A disadvantage is that as procedure 
calls are independent, they cannot be history-sensitive. For example, the 
create_window procedure is not aware of how many times it has been called in the past 
and hence how many windows have already been created. A related disadvantage is 
that operations on the same object (for example, 'resize', 'delete') cannot be 

4.8.2 Messages 

Operations on ADTs can be defined as messages accepted by a long-lived filter 
process (Section 4.3). The long-lived process itself communicates with OS services. 
For example, a 'window' process may possess a circuit to a screen service and accept 
messages 'create', 'delete', etc. 

An advantage of this approach is that the filter process, being long-lived, can 
maintain a history of interactions. Its single input stream permits it to synchronize 
operations. A disadvantage is that the long-lived process may constitute a bottleneck, 
particularly on a multiprocessor. Also, every application process that wishes to access 
the ADT must possess a reference to the process' message stream. 

4.8.3 Exceptions 

Operations on ADTs can be defined as exception messages processed by a task 
supervisor. This is the approach used to implement system calls in the Parlog OS 
described in Section 4.7. 


This approach combines features of both procedures and messages. A task 
supervisor can be history sensitive. Yet application programs do not need to possess 
references to message streams to the supervisor. 

The three approaches to implementing abstractions are illustrated in Figure 4.12. 



(a) Procedure calls. 

Figure 4.13 Approaches to implementing abstractions. 

4.9 Summary 

The essential components of the OS design methodology presented in this chapter 
can be summarized as follows: 

Operating systems are assumed to consist of a kernel that provides mechanisms 
used to implement the operating system, which in turn supports user-level 

Operating systems are implemented as networks of concurrent processes that 
communicate and synchronize by means of shared logical variables. 

OS interfaces to kernel mechanisms are implemented in terms of language 
features: procedure call (primitives), unification (streams) and control metacall 
(status and control messages). 

Special processes termed services encapsulate both physical and logical 
resources. Processes that wish to access resources send messages to services. 
This permits accesses to be serialized when required. 

Application programs are executed as separate tasks using Parlog's control 
metacall. This protects the OS from application program failure and provides a 
means of monitoring and controlling their execution. 


An extension to Parlog, the control metacall exception message, is used to 
notify the OS of exceptional conditions in application programs. A continuation 
variable associated with an exception permits the OS to indicate how processing 
is to continue Mowing the exception. 

System calls are implemented using the exception message. An OS process 
termed a supervisor is associated with a task. This translates exceptions 
representing system calls into messages to services. The continuation variable 
provides for error reporting. 

System calls support both remote procedure call and circuit interfaces to OS 

Naming schemes are implemented in the language by name servers that route 
streams of tagged messages to their destination. 

Simple validation techniques that control the sharing of variables between 
application and OS programs provide robust system services. 

User-level programs can construct more powerful abstractions using OS services 
in three ways: using procedures, messages and exceptions. 

A simple Parlog OS that integrates these components has been presented. The 
design and implementation of a Parlog OS kernel is considered in the next chapter. 
Chapter 6 discusses the extension of these techniques to multiprocessors. 


A Kernel Language 

Parlog's high-level features permit a systems programmer to ignore implementation 
details. Instead, he can concentrate on specifying operating systems at a more abstract 
level. However, if Parlog operating systems are to be used to control computers, all 
language features used to implement them must be converted into features of a Parlog 
implementation. This requires the assistance of a kernel. 

A Parlog operating system kernel, as illustrated in Figure 4.1, acts as an 
intermediary between a Parlog operating system and an underlying machine. It serves 
two principal purposes. First, it provides run-time support for Parlog language 
features that cannot be compiled directly to machine instructions. It thus implements a 
'Parlog machine', capable of executing Parlog programs. Second, it performs 
machine-dependent functions that cannot conveniently be programmed in Parlog. For 
example, interrupt handling and low-level control of devices. A Parlog kernel may be 
implemented in machine code, microcode or hardware, and is replicated at each node in 
a multiprocessor. 

In Section 4.1, it was observed that the design of an OS kernel must trade off 
functionality, efficiency, flexibility and simplicity. The nature of these tradeoffs clearly 
depends on both the OS to be supported and the underlying hardware. This chapter 
presents an approach to kernel design and implementation that emphasizes simplicity 
and flexibility while seeking to permit efficient implementation. The approach is 
targeted to multiprocessors (Section 1.2.1). It provides the functionality required by 
the OS outlined in Chapter 4. The presentation is otherwise OS and architecture 

Section 5.1 reviews the kernel functionality required by the Parlog OS outlined in 
Chapter 4. Sources of complexity are identified and a layered structure is proposed for 
kernel implementation. This provides direct support for a simple kernel language. The 
kernel language consists of the and-parallel subset of Parlog Flat Parlog plus 
simple metacontrol primitives. More complex kernel functions, and Parlog itself, are 
implemented in this kernel language. 

Section 5.2 describes the kernel language and presents experimental results that 
motivate its selection. Section 5.3 outlines an approach to its uniprocessor 


implementation. Section 5.4 describes the design, application and implementation of 
the kernel language's metacontrol primitives. Section 5.5 describes the kernel support 
required for multiprocessor execution of the kernel language. Distributed unification 
algorithms for Parlog are presented. The final section compares and contrasts this 
approach to kernel design with other, related work. 

5.1 A Parlog Kernel 

The Parlog OS outlined in Chapter 4 requires support from a kernel for the 
following functions: 

Parlog: The execution of the basic language, including the or-parallelism (Section 
2.5.6) that arises when user-defined procedures are called in guards. 

Metacontrol: The creation, monitoring and control of tasks. 

Processor scheduling: The allocation of processor resources to tasks, as 
influenced by the priority(_) metacall control message (Section 4.2.4). 

Interrupt handling and device control: The signalling of run-time errors as 
exceptions. The translation of device input and other events into messages on streams. 
The implementation of low-level device drivers which may be invoked using Parlog 

Memory management: Including mechanisms for signalling how much free 
memory is available and for aborting tasks when little free memory is available (Section 

If Parlog is to be used to program multiprocessor operating systems, the following 
functions must also be supported: 

Distributed Parlog: The execution of Parlog on multiprocessors, 

Distributed metacontrol: The creation, monitoring and control of tasks distributed 

over several nodes on a multiprocessor, 

Multiprocessor scheduling: The allocation of processor resources to tasks 

distributed over several nodes on a multiprocessor. 

This set of functions includes some that are simple and others that are relatively 
complex. A kernel that implements them all is likely to be both complex and inflexible. 


It thus appears desirable to find some subset of these functions that can be used to 
implement the rest. 

The interrupt handling and device control functions of a Parlog kernel can be 
programmed using conventional techniques [Peterson and Silberschatz, 1983; Joseph 
et aL, 1984]. The only novel feature of a Parlog kernel's implementation of these 
functions is the interface it must provide to Parlog language features. These functions 
are hence not dealt with here. 

Memory management is a more complex problem. However, as it is closely linked 
with problems of language implementation, it is not treated explicitly herein. (But see 
Section 5.6). 

This leaves three significant areas of complexity: Parlog itself, metacontrol and 
processor scheduling. 

Parlog itself is complex, despite the apparent simplicity of the process pool 
computational model described in Section 3.2.2. This model only directly supports the 
and-parallel subset of Parlog. Full Parlog also incorporates or-parallelism and other 
language features (sequential operators and negation) that require support for a process 
hierarchy and hence complex run-time data structures and control algorithms in an 
implementation [Gregory etal. y 1988]. 

Metacontrol functions such as abortion, suspension, termination detection and 
deadlock detection become complex when tasks may be nested or distributed over many 
nodes in a multiprocessor. The control metacall, as defined in Chapters 3 and 4, is 
also inflexible: for example, its status stream centralizes exception handling, which in a 
distributed task might be more efficiently handled at individual nodes. 

Processor scheduling is perhaps the most complex function because the least well 
defined. It includes the problems of scheduling tasks on individual nodes, allocating 
nodes to tasks and mapping processes to nodes. 

To avoid encoding this complexity in the kernel, it is proposed that the kernel 
support a simpler kernel language. More complex functions are programmed in this 
kernel language. This approach leads to a simpler, more reliable kernel. It can also 
lead to a more flexible language, as the kernel can provide a number of simpler 
mechanisms rather than inflexible, monolithic primitives such as the control metacall. 
If the kernel language is well chosen, it need not compromise efficiency. However, it 
cannot be too simple: it must support all functions required by OS programs. 

This leads to a layered organization for the kernel and operating system, illustrated 
in Figure 5.1. 


Distributed metacontrol - 
global scheduling 

Operating System 

Parlog + uniprocessor metacall 

Local task scheduling 



R < 



Kernel language 






Figure 5.1 Kernel and operating system organization. 

The kernel language consists of the and-parallel subset of Parlog, Flat Parlog, 
augmented with simple metacontrol primitives. Kernel support for distributed 
unification permits Parlog processes located on different nodes in a multiprocessor to 
communicate by unifying shared variables. The kernel also provides interrupt 
handling, device drivers and memory management; as noted above, these issues are 
not dealt with here. 

The kernel language's metacontrol primitives provide support for the creation, 
monitoring and control of uniprocessor tasks: tasks executing on a single node. An 
interesting feature of the metacontrol primitives presented here is that they permit local 
(that is, uniprocessor) task scheduling algorithms to be programmed in the kernel 

Parlog itself plus a uniprocessor control metacall can be compiled directly to the 
kernel language. Distributed metacontrol and global (that is, multiprocessor) 
scheduling can be programmed in the kernel language. The implementation of these 
functions is discussed in Chapter 6. 

5.2 The Kernel Language 
5.2.1 Flat Parlog 

In Flat Parlog, clause guards can only contain calls to primitive, non-recursive 
procedures implemented in the language kernel. There is hence no need to maintain a 
process hierarchy; the state of a computation is a flat conjunction or pool of processes. 
Clause selection in Flat Parlog can be performed efficiently by a sequential algorithm: 
there is hence no need for parallel clause selection in an implementation. 


Here, Flat Parlog is further restricted, following Gregory [1987]. The guard of a 
Rat Parlog clause can only contain guard primitives. Guard primitives are kernel 
primitives that may suspend but that cannot side-effect their environment. For example: 
data, =.. and var. The body of a Flat Parlog clause consists of a (possibly empty) 
sequential conjunction of body primitives followed sequentially by a (possibly empty) 
parallel conjunction of calls to user-defined procedures. Body primitives cannot 
suspend but may side-effect their environment. For example: write, read and =. A Flat 
Parlog clause thus has the form: 

P *- G 1( G 2 , .... G| B 1 & 62 &...& B m & (C 1p C 2 C n ). k,m,n^0 

where the G, are guard primitives, the Bj are body primitives and the CK are calls to 
user-defined procedures. 

These restrictions on the form of a Flat Parlog program permit the use of an 
evaluation strategy based on the process pool computational model described in Section 
3.2.2. Recall that in this model, a reduction attempt evaluates the guards of clauses in a 
procedure in an attempt to find a clause capable of reducing a process. If all guards 
suspend, the process is placed back in the process pool. As guards cannot contain 
side-effecting primitives or calls to user-defined procedures, a subsequent reduction 
attempt involving the same process can safely and efficiently reevaluate clauses; there is 
no need to save the state of a suspended evaluation. This simplifies implementation. 

Once a clause has been selected to reduce a process, the sequence of body 
instructions can immediately be executed. As these cannot suspend, there is again no 
need to save an intermediate state. Once the body instructions are executed, the parallel 
conjunction of body goals can be added directly to the process pool. 

Flat Parlog's sequential conjunction of body primitives permits the sequencing of 
side-effects; as noted in Section 3.2.4, this is the primary application of Parlog's 
sequential conjunction operator. Flat Parlog does not provide direct support for 
Parlog's negation operator or or-parallelism. However, Parlog programs that use these 
features can be translated to Flat Parlog programs using simple transformation 
techniques [Gregory, 1987]. Transformed programs represent the process hierarchies 
implied by these language features as sets of and-parallel processes. These processes 
synchronize and communicate by means of additional status and control variables. 


5.2.2 Metacontrol Primitives 

The kernel language's metacontrol primitives support the creation, monitoring and 
control of uniprocessor tasks: tasks that execute on a single node in a multiprocessor. 
Each primitive encodes some subset of the functionality represented by Parlog's control 

Recall that the control metacalls described in Section 4.2.6 have the general form: 

call(Goal, Status, Control) 
call(Module, Goal, Status, Control) 

They support control messages such as stop and priority(_). 
These metacalls (and their control messages) in fact describe four largely orthogonal 
control functions: 

the creation of a task: an entity whose execution can be monitored and controlled 
using Status and Control variables, 

subsequent control of this task (suspend, resume, abort). 

access to the dictionary contained in Module to find the code associated with the 
relation named by Goal; execution of this code. 

the scheduling of a task with a specified priority. 

These functions can be encoded using simpler primitives: 

TASK'(St, TRT): creates a uniprocessor task with status stream S. This task has a 
single process, which continues to execute the current clause. (The original task 
the task in which the TASK primitive was executed continues to execute other 
processes). The TASK primitive generates a task record, TR. This is a language 
term representing the new task, that can be used to refer to it subsequently. A call 
to this primitive succeeds immediately; once created, a task executes independently 
of the task that created it. Status messages include succeeded, stopped, 
exception/3, deadlock/1 and undeadlock. Unification and process failure are 
signalled as exceptions; they do not cause failure of the task in which they occur. 

'SUSPEND'(TR?), 'CONTINUE'(TR?), 'STOP'fTR?): which suspend, resume and stop the 
task represented by the task record TR respectively. 

Module?(g>Goal?: accesses the dictionary associated with Module to find the code 
associated with Goal and begins executing that code. 


'CALL'(Goal?): accesses the dictionary associated with the current module (the module in 

which the procedure that calls this primitive is located) to find the code associated 

with Goal and begins executing that code. 
'PRIORITYXTR?, P?): associates a priority P with the task represented by the task record 

'RUN'(TR? f TSfce?): instructs the kernel to execute the task with task record TR for a 

period TSIice. 

The mode annotations indicate whether an argument must be supplied at the time of 
call (?) or is generated by the primitive (t). 

The following observations can be made about these primitives: 

They do not support nested metacalls. Monitoring and control of nested tasks 
must be programmed in the kernel language 

As process and unification failure are signalled as exceptions rather than as task 
failure, failure is not catastrophic. Exception handlers and debuggers that deal 
with failure can be programmed in the kernel language. 

The significance of the priority associated with a task by the PRIORITY primitive 
is not specified here; as will be described in Section 5.4, this is interpreted by a 
task scheduler written in the kernel language. The use of the RUN primitive is 
also described in that section. 

52 2 J Implementing Control Metacalls 

An attractive feature of these metacontrol primitives is that they can be used to 
implement a range of metacontrol functions. 

Program 5.1 implements the three and four argument metacalls described in Section 
4.2.6. call(M,G,S,C) initiates controlled execution of a goal G using a module M. 
call(G,S,C) initiates controlled execution of a goal G defined in the same module as the 
procedure which makes the call. 

call/4 calls a procedure run/4 which uses the TASK primitive to become a 
controllable task with task record TR and status stream S (Cl,2). The new task then 
proceeds to call the <3> primitive, which accesses the module M and starts to execute the 
goal G (C2). Note the sequential conjunction operator conjoining the TASK and @ 
calls; this sequential control flow is essential to the correct execution of this program. 
The task record and status stream of the new task arc passed to a concurrently executing 
monitor process (Cl). This monitors the control variable supplied in the original 


metacall and translates messages stop, suspend, continue and priority(_) into calls to 
the STOP, SUSPEND, CONTINUE and PRIORITY primitives with the task record as 
an argument (C5-8). stop, suspend and continue are echoed on the metacall's status 

mode call(Module?, Goal?, StatusT, Control?), call(Goal?, Status?, Control?), 

run(Module?, Goal?, StatusT, TaskRecordT), run(Goal?, StatusT, TaskRecordT), 
monitor(Statusln?, StatusOutT, Control?, TaskRecord?). 

call(Module, Goal, S, C) <- run(Module, Goal, Si, TR), monrtor(Si, S, C, TR). (Cl) 

run(Module, Goal, S, TR) <- TASK'(S, TR) & Module@Goal. % Create new task. (C2) 

call(Goal, S, C) <- run(Goal, Si, TR), monitor(Si, S, C, TR). % 3-argument call. (C3) 

run(Goal, S, TR) <- TASK'(S, TR) & 'CALL'(Goal). % Create new task. (C4) 

monitor(Si, stopped, stop, TR) <- 'STOP'(TR). % Abort execution. (C5) 

monitor(Si, [suspend |S], [suspend |C], TR) <- % Suspend execution. (C6) 

'SUSPEND'(TR) & monrtor(Si, S, C, TR). 

monitor(SI, [continue |S], [continue |C], TR) - % Resume execution. (C7) 

'CONTINUE'(TR) & monrtor(S, S, C, TR). 

monitor(Si, S, [priority(P) |C], TR) <- 'PRIORITY^TR, P) & monrtor(Si, S, C, TR). (C8) 

monitor(succeeded, succeeded, C, TR). % Termination. (C9) 

monitor([exception(failure ) |Si], failed, C, TR) <- 'STOP'(TR). (CIO) 

monitor([M |Si], [M |S], C, TR) <- % Forward other status. (Cl 1) 

M =/= exception(failure, _, J : monitor(Si, S, C, TR). 

Program 5.1 Three and four argument metacalls. 

Recall that the status messages stopped , suspend and continue should be echoed 
only after the control function represented by the corresponding control message has 
taken effect (Section 3.4). These status messages can be echoed immediately here 
because the metacontrol primitives STOP, SUSPEND and CONTINUE are defined to 
take immediate effect on the uniprocessor task they are applied to. These messages 
cannot be echoed immediately when a task is distributed across several nodes on a 
multiprocessor (see Section 6.1). 

monitor also processes status messages received from the new task. Termination of 
the task signalled by the status succeeded causes the monitor to terminate (C9). 


Recall that process and unification failure are signalled in the kernel language as 
exceptions (with type failure). The metacall's failed status message is implemented by 
monitoring the task's status stream and, when such exceptions are detected: (a) 
generating a failed message and (b) aborting the task (CIO). Other status messages are 
passed out on the task's status stream (C\ 1). 


, call(M.G.S.C), 

S < /rnonV 




I STOP < (TR2) 

(a) Before (b) After 

Figure 5.2 Implementation of the control metacall. 

Figure 5.2 illustrates the implementation of the control metacall. A single task 
exists before a call to call/4. After the call, two tasks exist. The 'parent' task (TR1 ) 
contains a monitor process which possesses references to the task record representing 
the second task, TR2, and to its status stream, Si. It monitors both this status stream, 
Si, and the control stream, C, and generates a filtered status stream S. It translates 
control messages into calls to metacontrol primitives. 

A range of control metacalls providing more or less functionality can be 
programmed in this way. For example, a metacall fcall/4 can be defined that is 
equivalent to call/4 but uses a monitor procedure that does not contain clause CIO. 
Process and unification failure are then signalled as exceptions. An application of this 
metacall is illustrated in Section 6.1. 

A more complex monitor procedure can implement control of nested metacalls. The 
monitor must trap metacalls made by 'offspring 1 tasks as exceptions. The monitor then 
creates a new task, plus a new monitor which responds to control messages directed 
either to it or to its parent. The tree of nested metacalls is thus simulated using a flat 
pool of tasks and a tree of monitor processes. The executable specification for the 
control metacall given in Appendix I illustrates how this is achieved. 

5 J J 2 Implementing a Control Call 
Program 4.5 includes the clause: 

try(B1,B, Cont, G) <- call(copy(B1,B), S, C), result(So, Cont, G). 
call/3 is not used here as a metacall, as its first argument is instantiated. Gregory 


[ 1 987] terms this use of call/3 a control call. 

No dictionary lookup is required to implement a control call. This example can 
hence be compiled to: 

try(B1,B,Cont f G) <- 

copy(B1, B, S, TR), monrtor(S, So, _, TR), result(S, Cortt, G). 

copy(B1,B, S.TR) <- TASK'(S.TR) & copy(B1,B). 

The procedure copy/4 uses the TASK primitive to become a new task and proceeds 
immediately to execute the procedure copy/2. The dictionary lookup implicit in the 
three argument metacall is avoided. 

Note that as the control call is used here only to monitor not to control the call 
to copy/2 , the full functionality of monitor/4 (defined in Program 5.1) is not required: 
only clauses C9- 1 1 are needed. Also, the functionality of these clauses and of result/3 
(Program 4.5) can be combined to give a single procedure. 

5.2.3 Why Flat Parlog 

The ability to call user-defined procedures in guards (deep guards) provides Parlog 
with a limited form of or-parallel search. This or-parallelism can be implemented, as 
noted in Section 5.2.1, by compilation to the and-parallel subset of Parlog. 
Alternatively, it may be supported directly in the language. The latter approach 
provides potentially more efficient support for or-parallel evaluation but complicates the 

To determine whether it is useful for a Parlog OS kernel language to provide direct 
support for or-parallel evaluation, tests were performed to determine the extent to which 
Parlog system programs make use of this language feature. These tests consisted of 
static and dynamic analyses of three Parlog system programs written by different 
programmers. The programs analysed are a Parlog compiler (Compiler), a real time 
process control program (Train: a model train set controller) and a planning program 
with a graphics component (Taxi: a taxi scheduler). They are substantial applications 
which are believed to be representative of Parlog system programs. 

Parlog procedures may be classified as flat, if-then-else and search. The guards of 
the clauses defining a flat procedure may not contain any calls to user-defined 
procedures. Calls to flat procedures do not therefore result in significant or-parallel 
evaluation. In if-then-else procedures, a user-defined procedure is used in a clause 


guard to determine whether that clause or a subsequent default clause should be used to 
reduce a process. The default clause separated from the clause with the deep guard 
by a sequential clause search operator is selected if the test fails. Deep guards are 
used in if-then-else procedures to make programs more succinct and readable, rather 
than to perform or-parallel search. Finally, in search procedures, two or more clauses 
not separated by sequential clause search operators contain deep guards; true or-parallel 
evaluation can thus arise. 

Program 5.2 gives examples of flat, if-then-else and search procedures. 
on_list(L,E) has the logical reading: E is a member of list L on_tree(T,K,V) reads: the 
tuple {K,V} is a member of a tree T. service(Rs.E) reads: Rs is a list of pairs {L,R}, 
where for each pair, either L is a list containing the element E and R = true or L is not 
such a list and R = false. The if-then-else guard in service uses onjist to determine 
whether the first or second clause is used to reduce a process. 

mode on_list(List?, Element?). 

mode on_tree(Tree?, Key?, ValueT). 

onJist([H |T], E) <- H W E onJist(T, E) on_tree(t(L,R),K,V) <- on_tree(L,K,V) true. 

on_list([E |T] f E) 

If -then-else 
mode service(Requests?, Element?). 

service([{L,R) |Rs], E) <- 

on_list(L, E) : 

R = true, service(Rs, E); 
servJce([{L,C} |Rs], E) <- 

R false, service(Rs, E). 

on_tree(t(L,R),K,V) <- on_tree(R,K,V) true. 

Flattened if-then-else 
mode flat_service( Requests?, Element?), 
on_hst(List?, Element?, Resultt). 

flat_service(l{L,R} |Rs], E) <- 

on_list(L, E, R), flat_service(Rs, E). 

on_Kst([H |T], E, R) <- H / E : on_list(T, E, R). 
on_llst([E |T], E, true). 
on_list([],_, false). 

Program 5.2 Types of Parlog procedures. 

Program 5.2 also defines a procedure flat_service that performs the same 
computation as service, using flat guards. onJist(UE) is redefined as onjist (L.E.R), 
which reads: either list L contains E and R = true, or list L does not contain E and R = 
false. It is suggested that flat_service is more clumsy that service and less obviously 


correct; this illustrates the utility of the if-then-else construct 

Note that service can be rewritten as a search procedure. The sequential clause 
search operator is changed to the usual parallel operator and the negated call 
not(on Jist(UE)) is added to the guard of the second clause. The resulting program is 
however less efficient, as the call onJist(L.E) is evaluated twice, to no purpose. 
Procedures in the programs tested that used negation in this way, when an if-then-else 
structure could have been used instead, were thus transformed to use sequential clause 
search operators. 

Figure 5.3 represents the process hierarchies created by calls to these procedures. 
on_list/2 creates a single process, which checks each member of a list in turn. 
service/2 creates a process which creates a single on Jist/2 or-process. on_tree/3 
creates a tree of or-parallel on_tree/3 processes to check all subtrees of a tree in 
parallel. It is maintaining the latter type of hierarchy that complicates an 

Flat If-then-else Search 

Figure 5.3 Types of process hierarchy. 

Table 5. 1 presents the results of a static analysis of the three system programs and, 
for purposes of comparison, Program 5.2. For each program, the number of flat, if- 
then-else and search procedures is given, as is the total number of procedures in the 
program. The number of distinct procedures that are called in guards is also given, 
under the heading Called. 























Program 5.2 






Table 5.1 Static analysis of Parlog programs. (No. of procedures). 


Tables 5.2 and 5.3 presents the results of dynamic analyses of the same programs. 
These results were obtained by instrumenting a Parlog implementation and executing 
the programs on typical input data. 

Table 5.2 gives the number of calls to user-defined procedures in guards (Guard 
Calls} and the number of reductions that occurred as a result of these calls (Guard 
Reductions}. For example, a call service([{[2,3,1],R}], 1) results in 1 guard call and 3 
guard reductions: on_list/2 is called once, to process the request {[2,3,1],R], and 
performs 3 reductions. Nested calls to deep guards are counted as a single guard call. 
Thus a call on_tree(T,K,V), T a deeply nested tree, generally results in two guard calls 
(one per 'deep' clause) and some larger number of guard reductions. 

Calls/ Reductions/ 

Total (%) Total (%) 

4 51 

18 19 

2 41 

Table 5.2 Dynamic analysis of Parlog programs. (1000's of calls). 

Table 5.3 characterizes guard calls by giving the mean, median, maximum and 
standard deviation for the number of reductions per guard call. 






































Table 5.3 Dynamic analysis of Parlog programs: guard call distribution. 

Two conclusions may be drawn from these results. First, deep guards, whilst 
widely used, are rarely used to perform significant computation in systems programs. 
2-18% of all calls invoke procedures in guards; 19-51% of all reductions occur as a 
result of these calls. Yet the mean number of reductions per guard call is low (1-19) 
and the medians even lower (1-13). The high standard deviations in Compiler and 
Taxi indicate a highly skewed distribution: in Taxi, the distribution is skewed by a 
single procedure that applies an iterative algorithm to compute a square root. 

The second conclusion is that system programs use or-parallelism very rarely. 
Only two search procedures were found in the programs tested. Dynamic analysis did 
not provide information on the amount of or-parallel evaluation performed. However, 
inspection of the two search procedures shows that in each case or-parallel guard 


evaluation amounts to only one or two reductions. 

These results suggest that and-parallclism is the dominant programming paradigm 
in Parlog system programs. Deep guards are used primarily as a useful shorthand for 
'if-then-else 1 structures and rarely, if at all, to perform or-parallel evaluation. When 
used as shorthand for if-then-else structures, they generally perform a simple, 
computationally inexpensive test. 

Applications to be supported by a Parlog OS may of course require or-parallel 
evaluation. However, it is believed that Parlog's or-parallelism is unlikely to be 
important even there, due to its inherent inefficiency. Though Parlog's deep guards 
permit or-parallel evaluation of alternative clauses, committed-choice evaluation means 
that only a single solution can be found for a problem. For example, a call 
on_tree(T,K,V) will only find a single value for V even if T contains several entries 
{K.V1} , {K.V2} , etc. Work spent searching for other solutions is hence wasted, as this 
work is abandoned as soon the first solution is found. If or-parallel evaluation is 
required in Parlog, it is probably preferable to either compile it to and- parallel 
evaluation or to provide a set-constructor interface to an all-solutions or-parallel 
language (Section 3.5.3). 

It is therefore argued that a purely and-parallel language is adequate as a kernel 
language for a Parlog OS. As non-flat if-then-else guards are widely used in Parlog 
system programs, they should be supported efficiently. However, this does not require 
support for deep guards in an implementation: as noted above, it can be achieved by 
transformation to Flat Parlog. As the number of procedures called in guards is low (6- 
1 1 % of all procedures in the programs analysed above) the overhead of transforming 
them should not be excessive. 

5.2.4 Why Metacontrol Primitives 

It has been proposed that the metacontrol functions represented by the kernel 
language's metacontrol primitives be supported by the kernel of a Parlog OS. An 
alternative approach to metacontrol implements these functions by program 
transformation. This approach has the advantage of not complicating language 
semantics. However, benchmark results presented here suggest that program 
transformation is significantly more expensive than equivalent kernel mechanisms. As 
efficient support for a range of metacontrol functions is vital to a Parlog OS, it is argued 
that these functions are best implemented in the kernel. 


52 A J Metacontrol through Transformation 

Hirsch et al. [1986] propose that metacontrol functions be implemented by 
program transformations that extend programs with additional code that reports 
termination, permits control, etc. This approach is illustrated using a simple example. 

Program 5.3 implements two versions of a program reverse. The logical reading 
of reverse(Xs,Ys)is: Ys is the list Xs reversed. The logical reading of reverse(Xs,Ys,S) 
is: Xs is a list and Ys is Xs reversed, and S = succeeded, or Xs is not a list and S = 
failed Operationally, a call reverse(Xs,Ys,S) performs the same computation as a call 
reverse(Xs,Ys), but in addition (a) reports successful termination by binding the status 
variable S to succeeded (C2,5) and (b) reports failure by binding S to failed (C3,6). 
smerge processes combine the statuses of conjunctions to produce a final status. 

More comprehensive transformations that permit evaluation of a procedure to be 
controlled are also defined by Hirsch et al. 

mode reverse(Xs?,Yst), 

reverse([X|Xs],Ys) <- 
reverse(Xs, Zs), 
append(Zs, [X], Ys). 

reversed ],[]). 


append( Xs, Ys, Zs). 


mode append(Xs?,Ys?,ZsT,sT), 

reverse(Xs?,Yst,ST), smerge(S1 ?,S2?,ST). 

reverse([X | Xs], Ys, S) - (Cl) 

reverse(Xs, Zs, S1), 

append(Zs, [X], Ys, S2), smerge(S1, S2, S). 

reversed], [], succeeded); %Note'; f . (C2) 

reverse(Xs, Ys, failed). (C3) 

append([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Zs],S)<- (C4) 


append([ ], Ys, Ys, succeeded); % Note ';' (C5) 

append(Xs, Ys, Zs, failed). (C6) 

smerge(succeeded, succeeded, succeeded). (C7) 
smerge(failed, _, failed). (C8) 

smergeL, failed, failed). (C9) 


Program 5.3 Termination detection through transformation. 


52.42 Comparison: Performance 

Appendix n describes an experimental study that compares the performance of 
metacontrol functions when implemented both using kernel mechanisms and through 
transformation. The results of this study are summarized here. 

Any metacontrol mechanism necessarily introduces some run-time overhead. This 
may take the form of increased code size, CPU time requirements and run-time memory 
requirements. To quantify overheads associated with program transformation, 
transformations defined by Hirsch et al. [1986] were applied to a number of 
benchmark programs. These produced programs that reported process failure and 
successful termination in a task and that could be suspended, resumed or aborted. The 
performance of the transformed and untransformed programs when executed on a 
uniprocessor Flat Parlog implementation was determined. This implementation is an 
emulator for an abstract machine (described in Section 5.3), written in the C 
programming language. The size of the transformed programs was also measured. 

The Flat Parlog implementation was then extended to support the metacontrol 
functions implemented by transformation. The performance of the untransformed 
programs when executed on the modified implementation was measured 

Additional run- time memory requirements due to both kernel support and 
transformation were also measured, but were not found to be a significant source of 

In summary, referring to the most substantial benchmark program, the compiler: 

the performance degradation associated with kernel support is 2 % 

the performance degradation associated with transformation is 15 % 

kernel support does not effect code size 

transformation increases code size 98 % 

run-time memory requirements are not a significant source of overhead 

This study indicates that given existing kernel implementation and Parlog 
compilation techniques, kernel support incurs substantially less overhead than program 
transformation. The efficiency of both approaches can of course be improved, by 
microcoding kernel functions or improving compilation techniques, for example. 

5243 Comparison: Expressiveness 

The extended Parlog implementation for which benchmark results are summarized 
above also implements deadlock detection and round-robin task scheduling. Program 
transformations that provide efficient implementations of these functions have not been 
described. Kernel support thus appears to be in absolute terms more expressive than 
program transformation. This should not be surprising. Modifications to a language 
kernel can be used to define arbitrary extensions to a language's operational semantics. 
They can certainly define extensions that would be hard to define efficiently in the 
original language. A Parlog kernel, for example, can maintain a scheduling structure 
that permits it to reduce processes belonging to a particular task, or to determine 
whether a task has reducible processes (Section 5.4). This permits inexpensive 
implementations of task scheduling and deadlock detection mechanisms. Without 
access to such centralized structures, these functions are complex and expensive (see 
Section 6.2). 

53 Uniprocessor Implementation of Flat Parlog 

In order to make this chapter self-contained, the approach to Flat Parlog 
implementation described in [Foster and Taylor, 1988] is described briefly here. This 
is based on a uniprocessor abstract machine for Parlog named the Flat Parlog Machine 
(FPM). An abstract machine is a machine architecture in which low-level 
implementation details are not completely specified. It is thus possible to implement it 
in a number of different ways. 

The FPM implements the process pool computational model described in Section 
3.2.2. Recall that in this model, the state of a Parlog computation is represented as a 
pool of processes. Evaluation proceeds by repeatedly selecting processes from this 
pool and attempting to reduce them. The FPM represents the state of a computation in 
terms of this model and executes instructions that encode basic operations on this 
computation state. Programs to be executed on the FPM are encoded as sequences of 
FPM instructions. 

Subsequent sections describe extensions to the FPM which implement the kernel 
language's metacontrol primitives (Section 5.4) and support parallel execution (Section 


5.3.1 Computational Model 

The FPM implements the process pool computational model described in Section 
3.2.2, with two important optimizations. It introduces a scheduling structure to avoid 
the overhead of repeatedly attempting to reduce suspended processes (busy waiting) 
and supports tail recursion, to avoid the overhead of selecting a process from the 
process pool at every reduction. 

The scheduling structure consists of a single active queue containing reducible 
processes plus multiple suspension lists which link together processes that require 
particular data. Suspension lists enable suspended processes to be located and moved to 
the active queue when the variable that they are suspended on is instantiated. The 
suspension structure used permits a process to be suspended on more than one 

The tail recursion optimization is a generalization of that commonly used in Prolog 
implementations. When a clause with body goals is used to reduce a process, reduction 
can continue with one of those goals. This saves the overhead of adding that process to 
the process pool and subsequently selecting it 

Tail recursion optimization is only applied a finite number of times before the 
current process is moved to the end of the active queue and a new process selected for 
reduction. The number of tail recursive calls permitted before such a process switch 
occurs is a process timeslice. This provides And-justice (Section 3.2.6): that is, it 
guarantees that any process capable of being reduced will eventually be reduced. 

When trying to reduce a process, the FPM tries each clause in the associated 
procedure in turn. Each such clause try may suspend, succeed or fail. If any clause try 
succeeds, that clause is used to reduce the process. If a clause try suspends, because 
data is not available, the variable(s) for which it requires values are recorded. If no 
clause try succeeds, but at least one clause try suspends, the process is linked into the 
suspension lists of all recorded variables. If all clause tries fail, the process try and 
hence the Flat Parlog computation fails. 

532 Machine Architecture 

The principal data area in the FPM is a heap. This holds tagged words representing 
both Parlog data structures (terms) and process records representing Flat Parlog 
processes. Valid data types are variables, constants (integers, strings and the special 
constant nil, which represents the empty list), structured terms (tuples and lists), 


variables and references to other data structures. Process records contain pointers to 
the code that the process is executing, its sibling in the scheduling structure and a fixed 
number of arguments. 

The only other data structure used by the Flat Parlog machine is the suspension 
table used during a reduction attempt to record variables to suspend upon if no clause 
try succeeds. 

The current state of the abstract machine is recorded in various registers. These 
form three distinct groups according to the time at which their values are relevant. 
General registers are used for storing global aspects of the machine state. Process 
registers are only used during a reduction attempt. Clause registers are used at each 
clause try. Registers relevant to the present discussion are: 

General Registers 

OF Queue Front, points to the first process in the active queue. 
QB Queue Back, points to the last process in the active queue. 

Process Registers 

CP Current Process, points to the process currently being reduced. 
TS Time Slice, the remaining time slice for the current process. 
PC Program Counter, the instruction pointer. Contains the address of the next 
instruction to be executed. 

Process registers: 

_[RJ] Heap 

TS 1 is! 
PC 1 1 

General registers: / 
QFI \/ 

OR 1 1. ,.,. _ 




Figure 5.4 Flat Parlog Machine (FPM) architecture. 

Figure 5.4 represents the data structures of the FPM. In this figure, the active 
queue is depicted as containing three process records, labelled PI, P2 and P3. A 


process PO is currently being reduced. This has a remaining timeslice of 16. 

53.3 Abstract Instruction Set 

The instruction set of the Flat Parlog machine comprises unification instructions that 
implement primitive unification operations generated when programs are compiled to 
standard form (Section 3,2.3) and control instructions, used to encode Flat Parlog's 
computational model. 

A complete specification of these instructions can be found in [Foster and Taylor, 

5.4 Uniprocessor Implementation of Metacontrol 

An attractive feature of the kernel language's metacontrol primitives (Section 5.2.2) 
is that their implementation in a language kernel need not be overly complex. 
Modifications to the Flat Parlog Machine (Section 5.3) required to support them are 
described here. Recall that these primitives support the creation, monitoring and 
control of a task executing on a single node in a multiprocessor. 

5.4.1 Extensions to Computational Model 

Introducing the notion of task into a purely and-parallel language such as Flat 
Parlog requires an extension to the process pool computational model described in 
Section 3.2.2. The set of processes that comprise a Parlog task need to be monitored 
and controlled as if they were a single entity. This suggests that each task should be 
viewed as a separate process pool. The computational model must thus allow for 
multiple process pools. 

If nested metacalls were to be supported directly in the computational model, the 
state of a computation would be a recursively defined pool of tasks and processes. To 
avoid the need for such a complex structure, tasks are instead treated as independent 
entities. The state of a computation is represented as a pool of tasks, each of which is a 
pool of processes. The monitoring and control of nested tasks can be programmed in 
Parlog, if required. 



o o 


(a) Process pool. (b) Multiple process pools. 

Figure 5.5 Simple and extended computational models. 

Figure 5.5 contrasts the process pool and extended computational models. 
Computation in the extended model proceeds by repeatedly selecting both a task and a 
process within that task, and attempting to reduce that process. A reduction attempt 
may succeed, suspend or fail as before. Failure is treated differently: instead of causing 
failure of the entire computation, an exception message (Section 4.2.2) is generated on 
the corresponding task's status stream and a continuation variable is placed in the task's 
process pool. 

In this model, an empty process pool represents successful termination of a task. A 
non-empty process pool which contains no reducible processes represents deadlock. 

The extended Flat Parlog Machine (eFPM) implements this extended computational 
model. It introduces optimizations similar to the FPM's tail recursion and scheduling 
structure (Section 5.3.1). These are the notions of current task, which avoids the 
overhead of selecting a task at each reduction, and scheduler, which avoids the 
overhead of repeatedly selecting tasks with no reducible processes for reduction. 

A separate active queue is maintained for each task. The eFPM repeatedly reduces 
processes from the active queue of a current task nominated by the scheduler (see 
below) until a task timeslice (defined below) ends or certain events occur. A task 
switch then occurs and a new task becomes current. 

5.4.2 Task Scheduling 

Recall that in the FPM, a simple process scheduling structure and round robin 
scheduling algorithm are used to: (a) avoid the overhead of repeatedly selecting 
suspended processes for reduction and (b) ensure that reduction is And-just. The 
eFPM could incorporate a similar scheduling structure and algorithm for tasks. This 
would ensure: (a) that tasks with no reducible processes (deadlocked tasks) were not 
selected for reduction and (b) that no task was ignored indefinitely. (In fact, a round 
robin strategy can do more than this: it can ensure that processor resources are allocated 
fairly to all tasks). 


Implementations of a round robin scheduling algorithm for the FPM, based on an 
active queue, and more complex scheduling structures, based on an active tree, are 
described in [Foster, 1987b]. Such fixed scheduling strategies have been used 
successfully in very simple systemsXfor example, Modula [Wirth, 1977]). In general, 
however, operating systems require more powerful and flexible scheduling algorithms. 
To avoid the complexity and inflexibility inherent in a kernel implementation of such 
algorithms, kernel mechanisms are provided that permit a range of scheduling 
algorithms to be programmed in Parlog. 

The eFPM does not maintain any scheduling structure. Tasks are represented as 
data structures termed task records. The eFPM only retains a reference to the task 
record of the initial task created when the Parlog OS is initiated. This is termed the 
scheduler. It makes tasks created subsequently available to the scheduler by appending 
their task records to a scheduler event stream (SES). This stream is consumed by the 
scheduler. The scheduler, a Parlog program, is responsible for deciding which tasks 
should be executed and for how long. 

The scheduler is initially the current task. It consumes the scheduler event steam 
(which includes the task records of any tasks it has created) and constructs a Parlog 
term containing these task records. This term represents a scheduling structure. It then 
selects a task from this structure and uses the metacontrol primitive RUN to requests the 
kernel to switch to executing this task. The kernel executes this task for the task 
timeslice specified in the RUN call (its second argument), or until the task terminates or 
deadlocks. It then appends the task record to the SES, if the task is still reducible, and 
switches to executing the scheduler. The kernel thus alternates between executing the 
scheduler and executing other tasks nominated by the scheduler. The kernel also 
appends task records to the SES when tasks that were deadlocked become 
undeadlocked due to data becoming available, when tasks that were suspended are 
resumed and when tasks have their priority changed. 

An attractive feature of this approach to task scheduling is that it only requires 
simple kernel mechanisms. It is also flexible: a range of scheduling algorithms can be 
implemented as Parlog programs. These may be expected to be less efficient than 
equivalent algorithms implemented entirely in the kernel, as the scheduler must perform 
some small number of reductions each time a task switch occurs. This inefficiency is 
not important if a significant number of reductions is performed between task switches. 
However, it becomes expensive to use tasks to perform very simple operations. 

Section 5.4.6 presents an example of a Parlog scheduler. 

5.43 Extensions to Architecture 

Recall that in the FPM, the current state of the abstract machine is recorded in three 
sets of registers: general registers, process registers and clause registers. The general 
registers include the queue head and queue tail registers, which point to the head and 
tail of the active queue. 

In the eFPM, a separate active queue is maintained for each task. The head and tail 
of a task's active queue, and other information about the task, are maintained in a data 
structure much like a process record called a task record. Both the task record and its 
constituent fields are represented as Parlog terms. The fields of the task record include: 

OF Queue Front, points to the first process record in the task's active queue. 

QB Queue Back, points to the last process record in the task's active queue. 

PK Process Count, the number of processes in the task. 

MK Message Count, the number of outstanding messages. (See Section 5.5). 

SV Status Variable, points to the task's status variable. 

ST State, which indicates whether the task is active, suspended, aborted, etc. 

PR Priority, the priority associated with the task. 

New machine registers termed task registers are used to buffer some of this data 
when a task is current. These include: 

CT Current Task. 

OF Queue Front, buffers the current task's QF field. 

QB Queue Back, buffers the current task's QB field 

PK Process Count, buffers the current task's PK field. 

MK Message Count, buffers the current task's MK field. 

S L Task Slice, the remaining task timeslice for the current task. 

The process record used to represent a process has an additional task (TA) field, 
which contains a reference to the process' task record. 
The only general registers relevant to this discussion are: 

SCH SCHeduler, points to the task record of the scheduler task. 
SES Scheduler Event Stream, points to the uninstantiated tail of the scheduler event 


The only other new data structure is an interrupt vector that specifies kernel routines 
that handle run-time errors, timer interrupts, etc. 


General registers 

Figure 5.6 Extended Flat Parlog Machine (eFPM) architecture. 

Figure 5.6 represents the data structures of the eFPM. Five tasks are represented in 
this figure. One of these, labelled T3, is the current task; its fields are buffered in the 
task registers. T2 is deadlocked: its active queue is empty. TO is the scheduler task; its 
single process (P) is the scheduler. The scheduler's scheduling structure is currently 
empty. However, two tasks (Tl and T4) are recorded in the scheduler events stream. 
(The scheduler possesses a reference to the head of this stream; the SES register points 
to its uninstantiated tail, the variable V). These will be processed by the scheduler 
when it is next scheduled. 

5.4.4 Implementation of Metacontrol Primitives 

The implementation of the kernel language's metacontrol primitives is defined in 
tv of their effect on the data structures of the eFPM. None of these primitives can 
be applied to the current task; that is, a task cannot control itself. RUN can only be 
executed by the scheduler. 

TASK'(S.TR): allocates a task record on the heap, returns it as TR and appends it to the 
scheduler event stream. The new task's process count (PK) is set to one, its 
message count (MK) to zero, its state (ST) to active and its active queue (QF, QB ) 
to point to the current process (CP). S is recorded as its status variable (SV). The 


current process has its task field updated to TR. A new process is then selected 

from the current (not the new) task. 

'SUSPEND'(TR):sets the state field of the task record TR to suspended. 
'CONTINUE'(TR): if the state field of the task record TR is suspended, it is set to 

active and the task record is appended to the scheduler event stream. 
'STOP'(TR): sets the state field of the task record TR to aborted. 
'PRIORITY'fTR, P): sets the priority field of the task record TR to P and appends the 

task record to the scheduler event stream. 
'RUN'(TR,TSIice): first copies the contents of the task registers to the scheduler's task 

record. It then records TSIice in the task register SL, loads the other task registers 

from task record TR, selects a process from task TR's active queue and starts to 

execute it. 

5.4.5 Other Extensions to the FPM 

Failure of a process reduction is signalled on the current task's status stream by 
means of an exception message. 

The current task's process count is incremented when a process is created and 
decremented when a process terminates. This permits termination and deadlock to be 
detected and reported. If a task's process count is zero, its status variable is instantiated 
to succeeded to report successful termination. Its task record's state field is also set to 
terminated and a task switch occurs. If a task's active queue is empty and its message 
count is zero, but its process count is not zero, a deadlock(N) exception is signalled on 
its status stream, where N is the process count. Its task record's state field is set to 
deadlocked and a task switch occurs. A task switch involves saving the contents of 
the task registers in the current task's task record and then switching to executing the 
scheduler task. 

In the FPM, unification operations check for suspended processes when they 
instantiate a variable. They move any such processes from the variable's suspension 
list to the active queue. In the eFPM, an awakened process' task record is consulted to 
determine which active queue the process is to be appended to. Furthermore, if the 
awakened process' task was deadlocked, its task record's state field is set to active and 
the task record is appended to the scheduler event stream. An undeadlock exception is 
signalled on its status stream. An undeadlock exception is also signalled if a 
deadlocked task's message count becomes non-zero (see Section 5.5). 


Interrupts are handled using the interrupt vector. Interrupts indicating error 
conditions are signalled on the current task's status stream as exception messages. 
Timer interrupts cause a task switch if the current task's task timeslice is exhausted. 

5.4.6 A Parlog Scheduler 

To understand how a Parlog scheduler is used, consider the OS outlined in Section 
4.7. This is invoked using a call os_init(ls,N,G). To use a Parlog scheduler, it is 
instead invoked with a call to the procedure init/4: 

init(Es, Is, N,G) <- scheduler(Es), call(osjnjt(ls, N,G),_, J. 

where Es is the scheduler event stream generated by the kernel. The initial task created 
to execute init/4 creates a new task to execute the rest of the OS, whilst it itself 
continues to execute a procedure scheduler/1 . The task record of the initial task is 
recorded by the eFPM in the SCH register. 

A Parlog scheduler can maintain any convenient scheduling structure. As task 
records are valid Parlog terms, the scheduler can examine their fields. This permits it to 
verify that they have not been aborted (by examining ST) and to determine their priority 
(PR). Priorities can be represented and interpreted in any convenient way. 

Program 5.4 implements a simple scheduler that maintains a queue of pending 
tasks, which it schedules using a round robin algorithm. The procedure scheduler/1 is 
initially invoked with the scheduler event stream as its argument, scheduler/2 then 
executes as a perpetual process. Each time it is executed, it first adds any new tasks 
signalled on the scheduler event stream to the tail of its queue (C4-6). It then selects the 
first task on this queue (C7) and requests the kernel to reduce it (C3). The procedure 
priority/2 accesses the task's task record (represented as a tuple) to determine its priority 
(C8). This priority (assumed here to be an integer) is used as its timeslice. 

The approach applied here to processor scheduling is quite general and could be 
used to handle a range of interrupts and other events. For example, the scheduler can 
be extended to abort tasks when the kernel signals that memory is short (Section 
4.2.5). To do this, the scheduler must retain references to the task records of all non- 
terminated tasks. The kernel is assumed to place a message on the scheduler events 
stream and to switch to the scheduler when memory is short The scheduler can then 
abort tasks to free memory. 


mode scheduler(Events?), scheduler(Events?, Tasks?), priority(Task?, PriorityT), 

scheduter(Events?, Tasks?, Task?, Time?), sched(Tasks?, TaskslT, TaskT, TimeT), 
events(Events?, EventslT, Tasks?, TaskslT), priority(TR?, PriorityT). 

scheduler(Es) <- schedule^ Es, []). % Initially empty queue. (Cl) 

schedulers, Ts) 4- (C2) 

events(Es, Es1 , Ts, Ts1), % Add new tasks to queue. 

sched(Tsl , Ts2, Task, Time), % Select a task from queue. 

scheduler(Es1 , Ts2, Task, Time). % Schedule task. 

scheduler(Es, Ts, Task, Time) <- % Switch to new task. (C3) 

'RUN'(Task, Time) & schedulers, Ts). 

events(Es, Es1, [Task |Ts], [Task |Ts1]) *- % Find end of queue. (C4) 

events(Es, Es1,Ts,Ts1). 
events([Task |Es], Esl , [ ], [Task |Tsl]) <- % Add new events to queue. (C5) 

events(Es, Es1,[],Ts1). 
events(Es, Es, Ts, Ts) <- var(Es) : true. % No more pending events. (C6) 

sched([Task | Ts], Ts, Task, Time) - priority(Task, Time). % Select 1st task in queue. (C7) 
pnonty({QF l QB,PK,MK,SV 1 ST,PR}, PR). % Select priority from task record. (C8) 

Program 5.4 Parlog task scheduler. 

5.5 Distributed Unification 

Assume that a kernel language implementation such as that described in Sections 
5.3 and 5.4 exists on each node in a multiprocessor. Each node is thus capable of 
reducing Parlog processes and of creating, monitoring and controlling uniprocessor 
tasks. Recall that it is assumed herein that nodes in a multiprocessor do not share 
memory but can communicate by message passing (Section 1.2.1). If the kernel 
language is to be used to implement multiprocessor operating systems, its 
implementation must be extended to support: 

distributed unification: to permit processes located on different nodes to 
communicate by unifying shared variables; 


distributed metacontrol: to permit the monitoring and control of tasks distributed 

over several nodes; 
global processor scheduling: to permit the allocation of multiprocessor resources to 

tasks and to processes within tasks. 

This section discusses distributed unification. Section 5.5.1 describes kernel 
mechanisms that support distributed unification in Parlog. These can easily be 
incorporated in the FPM. This material is based on work by Taylor et at. [1987b] on 
multiprocessor implementation of the related language FCP. Section 5.5.2 extends 
Taylor's work by providing unification algorithms adapted for Parlog's operational 
semantics. These are compared and contrasted with Taylor's FCP algorithms in 
Section 5.5.3. 

Sections 5.5.4-5.5.7 describe distributed unification algorithms that permit 
termination and deadlock detection within Parlog tasks. These problems are not 
addressed by Taylor et aL 

Distributed metacontrol and global processor scheduling are considered in Chapter 

5.5.1 Kernel Support for Distributed Unification 

If Parlog programs are to execute on multiprocessors, processes located on 
different nodes must be able to share variables. Only a single occurrence of each such 
shared variable is maintained; other occurrences are represented by remote references. 
A remote reference specifies a node and a location within a node. Each node is 
assumed to have a unique identifier. For example, in Figure 5.7 a variable Xis located 
on a node named n2 and is represented on nodes n1 and n3 by remote references. 



~" * 


Figure 5.7 Remote references. 

The reduction algorithm implemented in the FPM is extended to incorporate 
distributed unification algorithms which generate messages to other nodes when 
unification encounters terms represented by remote references (remote terms). These 
messages retrieve values or request other nodes to perform unification operations. 


These algorithms permit Parlog processes to access terms represented by remote 
references as if these terms were located locally. They effectively implement a global 
address space. 

Recall that the test phase of the FPM's reduction algorithm attempts to reduce a 
process by performing tests (defined by input arguments and guards) on process 
arguments. If any clause is found to be capable of reducing the process, the spawn 
phase performs unifications defined by that clause's output arguments and body 
primitives. When reduction of a Parlog process leads to suspension the process is 
suspended on variables for which tests in suspending clause(s) require values. This 
ensures that a suspended process is not selected for reduction again until one of the 
variables on which it suspended is given a value. 

It is useful to distinguish between strict and non-strict tests. Most Parlog tests are 
strict: they suspend until all input arguments are instantiated and then succeed or fail. 
For example, data or atomic. A few, such as == and =/=, can sometimes proceed 
when their input arguments are variables. These are said to be non-strict. Recall that a 
call X=Y (Section 3.2.3) succeeds if its two arguments are syntactically identical; this 
includes the case when they are identical variables. A call X=Y can thus succeed when 
its arguments are both variable, if they are the same variable. 

In a multiprocessor, both tests and unifications can encounter remote references. 
A test operation applied to a remote reference is made to suspend as if the remote 
reference denoted a variable. If the process itself suspends, messages are generated to 
request the values of any remote references encountered in suspending clauses. The 
process is suspended on these remote references; it will thus be awoken when a 
requested remote value is returned. (The term Value' is defined below). 

Requests generated following strict and non-strict tests are distinguished. As a 
strict test cannot proceed until a remote term is instantiated, it is not necessary to return 
the value of a remote term required by a strict test until it is non- variable. A non- strict 
test, on the other hand, needs to know if the remote term is a variable and, if so, what 
is its location. (For example, a call X==Y must succeed if X and Y are remote references 
to the same variable). The value of a remote term must thus be returned immediately 
when required by a non- strict test, even if it is variable. 

A unification operation applied to a remote reference can be translated into a 
message requesting the node on which the remote term is located to perform the 
unification operation. 

The principal extensions to the kernel required to support this extended reduction 
algorithm consist of a mechanism for receiving and processing incoming messages 


(potentially modifying FPM data structures) and a mechanism for transmitting outgoing 
messages. Figure 5.8 illustrates this extended architecture. 





s . 


(Figure 5.6) 

Figure 5.8 Kernel support for distributed unification. 

5.5.2 Distributed Unification Algorithms 

The extensions to Parlog's reduction algorithm required to support distributed 
unification are encoded in two distributed unification algorithms. The read algorithm 
is used to retrieve remote terms encountered during the test phase of Parlog reduction. 
This is invoked when a process suspends and is found to require remote values. The 
unify algorithm is used to perform unification operations involving remote terms. This 
is invoked during the spawn phase when unification operations encounter remote 

Distributed unification algorithms are defined in terms of: 

when messages are generated, and 

what messages are generated, and 

how messages are processed. 

Messages are generated as a result of test and unification operations or whilst 
processing messages. Messages are processed by the communication mechanism of 
the extended FPM. This may generate further messages and/or modify FPM data 
structures. Nodes are assumed to alternately perform reduction attempts and process 
messages; this ensures that FPM data structures are not accessed whilst in inconsistent 

Messages are represented as structured terms: read(T.F), unify(X,T,Y), etc. The first 
component of a message (T, X, etc.) is always a remote reference (that is, a (node, 
location} pair) representing the destination of the message. 

When a message is generated, it is sent to the node referenced by its first 
component, A node receiving a message examines the location referenced by this 
component. If this is a remote reference, the message is forwarded: this dereferences 


chains of remote references. Otherwise, the node can proceed to process the message. 
Dereferencing of remote reference chains is assumed in the following descriptions and 
is not mentioned explicitly. 

A chain of remote references may lead a message back to its source node, making 
an apparently remote operation a local operation [Taylor et al,, 1986b]. For clarity of 
presentation, the descriptions that follow ignore such special cases. Only minor 
modifications to the algorithms are required to deal with them. 

5.5 2.1 The read Algorithm 

If a strict test requires the value of a remote term, a read message is generated to 
the node indicated in the remote reference. A node receiving a read message returns the 
value of a non-variable term immediately using a value message. The value of a 
variable is not returned until the variable is bound A broadcast note is attached to the 
variable to record the pending request. It is thus necessary to check for broadcast notes 
when binding variables. Pending requests are responded to with value messages. 

The value of a term is defined to be the scalar value of a constant, the top level of a 
structure (including constant subterms and remote references to other subterms) and a 
remote reference to a variable. 

A value message copies the value of a term from one node to another. (This value 
is generally a non-variable term, but can be a remote reference to a variable: see below). 
A node receiving a value message replaces the remote reference with the value and 
awakens any processes suspended waiting for it. Subsequent accesses to a non- 
variable value do not require communication. This copying of non-variable terms is 
possible because of the single-assignment property of Parlog variables. Once a Parlog 
variable is instantiated, it cannot be modified. Its value can thus be duplicated on 
several nodes without concern for the consistency of the copies. 

If a non-strict test requires the value of a remote term, a ns_read message is 
generated to the node indicated in the remote reference. If the remote term is non- 
variable, its value is returned using a value message, as before. If it is a variable, a 
broadcast note is attached to the variable and a remote reference to the variable is 
returned in a ns_value message. The node that initiated the request can then replace the 
initial remote reference (which may have been the head of a reference chain) with this 
direct remote reference. Non-strict tests that required the remote term may then be 
repeated. If they still suspend, there is no need to request the value of the remote term 
again. The broadcast note attached to the remote variable means that its value will be 


returned as soon as it becomes bound. 

Note that a read message is only generated for the first process to suspend on a 
particular remote reference. A ns_read message is generated for the first process to 
suspend on a particular remote reference because of a non-strict test. 

The read and ns_read messages have the form: 

read(To, From) 
ns_read(To, From) 

where To is a remote reference to the remote term (that is, a representation of its 
node and location) and From represents the node and location of the original remote 

The value and ns_value messages have the form: 
value(From, Value) 
ns_value(From, Value) 

where Value is the value of the remote term and From specifies the location of the 
original remote reference. 

1. Val 

2 Val 


ue is available 


value({nl,R}, 12) 




x n2 

ae is not avail 

i -,} i ^i 


x n2 

I n2 | "T" 



InO 1 JLi 

value({nl,R}, 17) 

Figure 5.9 The read distributed unification algorithm: a strict test 

Figure 5.9 shows two examples of remote reading. In each case, the value of a 
term represented by a remote reference (represented here as {n2, X}: that is, location X 
on node n2) is required by a strict test. In the first example, the remote term is 
available and is returned immediately using a value message. In the second case, the 


remote term is not available: location X is a variable. A broadcast node is therefore 
associated with the variable (a). When this variable is instantiated, its value is returned 
using a value message (b). 

Note that value messages are generated to nodes recorded in a variable's broadcast 
list when the variable is bound, even if it is only bound to another variable. This 'non- 
strict' generation of value messages can result in unnecessary communication, as if 
strict tests require the value of the remote term, further read messages must be 
generated to request the value of the new variable. However, this avoids the need (a) to 
concatenate broadcast lists when unifying two variables and (b) to distinguish broadcast 
notes representing 'strict' and 'non-strict' requests. ('Non-strict' requests must be 
responded to when the variable is bound to another variable; 'strict' requests only need 
to be responded to when the variable is instantiated). 

Figure 5.10 illustrates the use of ns_read and ns_value messages. In (a), a non- 
strict test U==V encounters two remote references. Although these indicate different 
locations on node n2 they in fact refer to the same variable, X. The test U==V initially 
suspends and ns_read messages are generated. Reference chains are dereferenced and 
'direct' remote references returned to node n 1 . These replace the original remote 
references. In (b), the test U==V is repeated and, as U and V are now identical remote 
references, succeeds. 

(a) U==V suspends 


ns_read({n2.Y} t {nl^V}) 

Figure 5.10 The read distributed unification algorithm: a non-strict test 

Note that the ns_read requests made to retrieve the value of the remote variable 
referenced by U and V mean that although the test U==V has succeeded, a broadcast 
note is associated with this variable and its value will be propagated to node n1 when it 
becomes bound. It may be worthwhile to 'cancel' this broadcast note so as to avoid 
this potentially unnecessary communication. 


5522 The unify Algorithm 

Recall that unification is a recursive matching procedure that attempts to make two 
terms identical, binding variables in either term if necessary (Section 2.5.1). 
Unification operations are performed during the spawn phase of Parlog reduction. If a 
unification operation encounters a remote reference, a unify message is generated to 
request nodes on which remote term(s) are located to continue unification. Failure of 
such a remote unification operation is signalled to the task that initiated it by a failure 
message. This permits a failure exception message to be signalled on the status stream 
of the metacall that initiated the task. 

Consider a unification operation X=Y. If one of the terms X or Y is represented by a 
remote reference, a unify message is generated to the node referenced by the remote 
reference. A unify message carries the value of the other term to be unified to the node 
on which the remote term is located. 

If both terms to be unified are remote, a unify 1 ! message containing remote 
references to both terms is dispatched to the node on which the first is located; a node 
receiving such a message forwards a unify message containing the value of that term to 
the node on which the second term is located. 

A unify message has the form: 

unify(X, T, Y) 

where X is a remote reference to a term, T is a remote reference to (the task record of) 
the task which initiated the unification operation and Y is the value of a term. A unify! 
message has the same form: unify1(X, T, Y), but both X and Y are remote references to 

A failure message has the form: 

failure(T, X, Y) 

where T specifies the location of the task which initiated the unification operation X=Y 
that has resulted in failure, and X and Y are the values of the terms that could not be 


(a) One local; one remote. 


[T] m 

1 n2 
unify (4,5, 10) j , 

X = <yval> 
(C2 f 3,9,11) 

/ / unify ({ 

^1 1 


ti remote, 



n2,XJ, (nl,TJ,<yval>) 

J, 1 (4,5,10) 

[l] n1 


a (C8)\ ^- - 



X = <yval> 

Figure 5.11 The unify distributed unification algorithm. 

Figure 5.1 1 illustrates the messages that may be generated by the unify algorithm 
during spawn phase remote unification if one or both terms to be unified are remote. 

In (a), only one of the terms to be unified, X, is represented by a remote reference. 
A unify message is generated to node n2. This contains remote references to X and to 
the task record of the task in which the unification operation occurs (T), plus the value 
of the other term, Y (<yval>). 

In (b), both terms to be unified are represented by remote references. A unify! 
message is generated to n3, the node on which one of these terms, Y, is located. This 
carries remote references to X and Y. Node n3 receives the unify"! message, determines 
the value of Y (<yval>) and forwards a unify message to node n2. As in (a), this 
contains remote references to X and to the task record T, plus the value of the other 
term, Y (<yval>). 

In both cases, node n2 receives a unify message and performs the actual unification 
operation. The unification algorithm applied, and the function of the additional failure 
and unify messages represented in the figure, is made clear below. Clause numbers in 
the figure (Ci) refer to a Parlog specification of the unification algorithm, also presented 


A node receiving a unify message processes it using the algorithm specified by the 
Parlog procedure unify/5 (Program 5.5). unify(X,T,Y,Nx,Ns) reads: Ns is the messages 
generated when a message unify(X,T,Y) is processed on a node with identifier NX. 
Recall that when a message unify(X,T,Y) is processed, X references a local value, while 
Y is a remote value: a non-variable term or a remote reference to a variable. 

In Figure 5.11 (a) and (b), node n2 receives a unify message: 

unify({n2,X}, {n1 ,T}, <yval>) 
It invokes the unify algorithm as follows: 
?- unify(X, {n1,T}, <yval>, n2, Ns) 

to determine the messages (Ns) that it must generate to unify local term X with the value 
of the other, remote term, Y (<yval>). X can reference a constant, structure or variable. 
<yval> is a constant, the top level of a structure, or a remote reference to a variable. If 
it is a remote reference to a variable, it has the form {n1 ,Y} in (a); {n3,Y} in (b). 

mode unify(X?, T?, Y? NX?, Messagest), order_check(X?, T?, Y?, NX?, MessagesT), 
unify_structure(X?, T?, Y?, NX?, MessagesT), node(RemoteRef?, NodeT). 

unify(X,T I Y,Nx,[]) <- atomic(X), atomJc(Y), X--Y : true. % Success. (Cl) 

unlfy(X 1 T, Y, NX, [ ]) <- var(X), atomic(Y) : X - Y. % Instantiate X. (C2) 

unify(X, T, Y, NX, [ ]) <- var(X), structure(Y) : X Y. % Instantiate X. (C3) 

unlfy(X, T, Y, NX, [unify (Y.T.X)] ) <- var(Y), atomic(X) : true. % Repeat. (C4) 

unit y (X, T, Y, NX, (unify(Y,T,X)] ) <- var(Y), structure(X) : true. % Repeat. (C5) 
unify(X, T, Y, NX, Ns) <- % Recursively unify structures. (C6) 

structure(X), structure(Y) : unrfy_structure(X, T, Y, NX, Ns). 

unify(X, T, Y, NX, Ns) *- var(X), var(Y) : order_check(X, T, Y, NX, Ns); % Note V (C7) 

unify(X, T, Y, NX, [failure(T,X,Y)] ). % Default: signal failure. (C8) 

order_check(X, T, Y, NX, [ ]) <- node(Y, Ny), NX < Ny : X - Y. % X = remote ref. (C9) 

order_check(X, T, Y, NX, [unify(Y,T,X)]) <- % Order check failed: repeat. (CIO) 

node(Y, Ny), NX > Ny : true: % Note V 

order_check(X, T, Y, NX, [ ]) 4- X = Y. % Same node. (Cl 1) 

Program 5.5 The unify distributed unification algorithm. 

Unification of two constants either succeeds (Cl) or fails (C8). A local variable X 
is bound to a constant or structure Y (C2,3). An attempt to unify a local constant or 
structure X with a remote variable Y leads to the forwarding of a unify message 


containing the value of X to the node on which Y is located (C4,5; and see Figure 
5.1 1). (structure(X) reads: X is a structured term: a tuple or a list). This permits the 
variable Y to be bound to the value of the constant or structure X. To unify two 
structures, subterms are recursively unified using the same algorithm unification; this 
may generate further unify messages (C6). These are not pictured in Figure 5.11. 
(unify_structure(X,T,Y,Nx,Ns) reads: Ns is the messages generated when a structure X 
is unified with a structure Y on a node NX), Unification of two variables requires an 
order check explained below to avoid the creation of circular remote references 
(C7). Unification of any other combination of terms is signalled as failure (C8). 
Failure is signalled to the task which initiated the unification operation by a failure 
message (see Figure 5.11). 

In logic programming systems, circular references can be created if a variable X can 
be bound to a variable Y at the same time as Y is bound to X, as illustrated in Figure 
5.12. This problem can be avoided on uniprocessors by using pointer comparison to 
ensure that variable to variable bindings are only created in a certain direction (from low 
address to high address, for example). A similar technique can be used on 
multiprocessors. An ordering is defined on node identifiers. An order check compares 
node identifiers when variables located on different nodes are unified. Bindings are 
only permitted from a node of lower identifier to a node of higher identifier. 

(a) Uniprocessor (b) Multiprocessor 

Figure 5.12 Circular references. 

The procedure order_check (Program 5.5: C9-11) applies this technique. A 
simple numerical ordering on integer-valued node identifiers is assumed here. 
order_check(X,T f Y,Nx,Ns) reads: Ns is the messages generated when a variable X 
located on a node NX is unified with a variable represented by a remote reference Y. 
node(Y.N), not defined, reads: Y is a remote reference and refers to node N. If the 
ordering constraint is violated, the unify message is forwarded to the other node (CIO). 
This causes the unification operation to be repeated in the opposite direction and thus 
creates the binding in the correct direction. Otherwise, X is bound to a remote reference 
to Y (C9), unless both variables are located on the same node (Cl 1). 


Finally, it should be noted that value messages are also generated if variables to 
which broadcast notes are attached are bound as a result of unification operations. 
These are not shown in Figure 5.1 1. 

5.53 Comparison with Taylor et a/.'s Distributed Unification Algorithm 

Both the kernel mechanisms used to implement distributed unification (Section 
5.5.1) and the read/value protocol used in the read distributed unification algorithm 
(Section are based on work by Taylor et al. [1987b] on the multiprocessor 
implementation of FCP. The ns_read/ns_value protocol (Section, and the 
unify algorithm (Section, are new. These exploit differences between 
Parlog's and FCP's operational semantics to provide what appear to be more efficient 
distributed unification algorithms. 

FCP uses general unification rather than input matching to determine whether a 
clause can reduce a process (see Section 8.2.1). Certain unification operations can be 
distinguished as tests; if these encounter remote references, the read/value protocol 
described in Section is used to retrieve their values. Otherwise, the use of 
general unification means that a clause may be required to successfully perform two or 
more unification operations before it can be selected to reduce a process. These must 
be performed as an atomic action', if any one fails, the others must not occur. To 
provide this atomicity, the FCP kernel supports variable migration. The distributed 
unification algorithm fetches all variables that are to be bound locally before performing 
reduction. To prevent livelock when several nodes require the same variables, 
variables fetched in this way are locked; this in turn requires a deadlock prevention 
scheme. Starvation is possible. Once all variables required by a process -have been 
fetched locally, reduction can occur without further communication. Any binding 
performed during a reduction attempt is recorded and undone if reduction fails. As 
reduction attempts and message processing are alternated, these 'unsuccessful 
bindings' are not visible to other processes. Taylor's distributed unification algorithm 
does not incorporate a ns_read/ns_value protocol. Non-strict tests can presumably be 
implemented by migrating variables to the node where they are to be tested 

In Flat Parlog, on the other hand, variables are only tested prior to reduction. 
Unification is performed after reduction in a number of independent operations. 
Unification operations involving remote terms arc requested using unify messages and 
variables do not migrate. Alternating message processing and process reduction at 


nodes provides mutual exclusion when binding individual variables. As processes do 
not compete for resources (variables), deadlock, livelock and starvation cannot occur. 

Experimental studies are required to quantify the run-time costs associated with the 
FCP and Parlog distributed unification algorithms; these have not been performed. 
Intuitively, it would seem that the Parlog algorithms are less expensive, as variables do 
not need to be migrated before being bound, and variable locking and deadlock 
detection are not required. 

5.5.4 Termination and Deadlock Detection 

It can be useful to detect two changes in the state of a Parlog task: 

termination: the process pool representing the task becomes empty. 
deadlock: the process pool is not empty, but all processes become suspended 
due to dataflow constraints. 

It is then possible to signal termination or deadlock on the status stream of the 
metacall that initiated the task. 

As noted in Section 5.4, a uniprocessor implementation of Flat Parlog can maintain 
a process count for each task in order to detect termination. A task's process count is 
incremented when a new process is created. It is decremented when a process 
terminates. If a process count reaches zero, the corresponding task has terminated. 

A uniprocessor implementation of Flat Parlog can use its active queue to detect 
deadlock. An empty active queue (and a non-zero process count) signify deadlock. 

Now consider a Parlog task executing on a single node in a multiprocessor. If 
processes in such a task do not share variables with processes located on other nodes, 
the mechanisms just described can be used to detect termination and deadlock. If they 
do, however, these mechanisms are no longer adequate. 

Execution of a process that shares variables with processes located on other nodes 
may generate unify messages to request remote unification operations. As these 
operations may result in failure, a task cannot be said to have terminated successfully 
until its process count is zero and it is known that all remote unifications that it has 
initiated have terminated successfully. 

Execution of a process that shares variables with processes located on other nodes 
may generate read messages to request remote values. Processes suspend until a reply 
to a remote read is received. A task cannot be said to have deadlocked until its active 
queue is empty and it is known that all remote read requests have either completed or 


are suspended waiting for data. 

To avoid these problems, alternative read and unify algorithms are defined. These 
can be used when termination and/or deadlock detection is required in uniprocessor 
tasks that are known to share variables with tasks located on other nodes. The 
algorithms are symmetric: that is, they acknowledge messages to indicate that (for 
example) unifications have terminated or remote reads have suspended. This permits 
the use of message counting to detect termination and deadlock. The message count 
field (MK) in the task record (Section 5.4.3) is used for this purpose. 

Three additional algorithms are defined: s_unify> sjead and djread. s_unify 
differs from the unify algorithm in that it acknowledges successful unifications. 
sjead differs from the read algorithm in that it acknowledges read messages for 
which a broadcast note is generated. The djead algorithm acknowledges both read 
and value messages. 

The various distributed unification algorithms vary in their run-time costs and the 
metacontrol functions that they support. Different tasks are permitted to use different 
combinations of these algorithms; which combination is to be used can be specified 
when the task is created. Four useful combinations can be identified: 

C 1 unify, read supports neither termination nor deadlock detection. 

C2 s_unify, read supports termination detection. 

C3 sjinify, sjead also supports deadlock detection in uniprocessor tasks. 

C4 s_unify, djread also supports deadlock detection in multiprocessor tasks. 

Combination Cl permits efficient distributed unification in tasks for which neither 
termination nor deadlock detection is required. For example, system services, which 
are not expected to terminate but which are represented as separate tasks to permit 
prioritized scheduling or to localize component failure. 

Combination C2 permits termination detection at the cost of some additional 
communication. This can be used for application programs which have been debugged 
and are assumed to be deadlock free. Finally, combinations C3 and C4 can be used 
when deadlock detection is required in uniprocessor or multiprocessor tasks. 


5.5.5 Symmetric Distributed Unification Algorithms 
5JJJ The sjintfy Algorithm 

The symmetric s_unify algorithm acknowledges successful remote unifications. 
This permits termination detection in uniprocessor tasks. It differs from the unify 
algorithm (Section in three respects: 

It uses s_unify and s_unify1 messages rather than unify and unifyl messages. 

It acknowledges successful remote unifications. A node receiving a s_unify 
message processes it as it would a unify message, but acknowledges successful 
completion of the remote unification operation using an ack message. 

It does not perform remote unification operations when they involve two 
structures (Program 5.5: C6). Instead, it generates a structure message to return 
both structures to the node which initiated the unification. This can then initiate 
new unification operations, one per structure element This avoids a need for the 
complex kernel mechanisms that would be required to detect termination of the 
recursive unification of two remote structures. 

mode s_unrfy(X?, T?, Y?, NX?, Messages?), s_order_check(X?, T?, Y?, NX?, Messages?), 
node(RemoteRef?, NodeT). 

s_unrfy(X, T, Y, NX, [ack(T) ]) <- atomic(X), atomic(Y), X Y . true. % Success. (Cl) 

s_unify(X, T, Y, NX, [ ackfOD f- var(X), atomic(Y) : X - Y. % Instantiate X. (C2) 

s_unify(X, T, Y, NX, [ack(T) ]) <- var(X), structure(Y) : X - Y. % Instantiate X. (C3) 

s_unify(X, T, Y, NX, [unify(Y,T,X)] ) <- var(Y), atomic(X) : true. % Repeat (C4) 

s_unify(X, T, Y, NX, [unify(Y,T,X)] ) <- var(Y), structure(X) : true. % Repeat (C5) 

s_unify(X, T, Y, NX, [structure(T,X,Y)]) <- % Signal structure. (C6) 

structure(X), structure(Y) . true. 

s_unJfy(X, T, Y, NX, Ns) <- var(X), var(Y) : order_check(X, T, Y, NX, Ns); % Note ';' (C7) 

s_unify(X, T, Y, NX, [failure(T.X.Y)] ). % Default: signal failure. (C8) 

s_order_check(X, T, Y, NX, [ ack(T)]) <- node(Y, Ny), NX < Ny : X - Y. % remote ref. (C9) 
s_order_check(X, T, Y, NX, [unlfy(Y,T,X)]) - % Order check failed: repeat (CIO) 

node(Y, Ny), NX > Ny : true; % Note V 

s_order_check(X, T, Y, NX, [ ack(T)J) <- X - Y. % Same node. (C 1 1 ) 

Program 5.6 The sjunify distributed unification algorithm. 


The algorithm used to process a s_unify message is defined by Program 5.6. 
Compare this with Program 5.5. Note the ack message generated in C 1-3,9,1 1 and the 
structure message generated in C6. 

A node increments its process and message counts when it generates a s_unify 
message and decrements them when it receives a failure or ack message. A process 
count of zero then signifies that both all a task's processes and all remote unifications 
that it has initiated have terminated. This is termination. (The message count is 
modified to permit deadlock detection: see below). 

unify <r '-unify 


'failure MC" structure" 


(a) unify algorithm (b) s_unify algorithm 

Figure 5.13 The unify and sjunify distributed unification algorithms. 

Figure 5.13 illustrates the messages generated by the unify and s_unify 
algorithms. The unify algorithm generates a unify message, which may receive a 
failure response. The s_unify algorithm generates a s_unify message, which always 
receives a failure, structure or ack response. In this figure, PC++, MC--, etc. indicate 
the increment and decrement of the process and message counts of the task that initiated 
the unification operation. 

s_unify messages have the same form as unify messages (Section 

s_unJfy(X, T, Y) 

The ack and structure messages have the form: 

structure(T, X, Y) 

where T specifies the location of the task which initiated the remote unification 
operation and X and Y are the two structures that are to be unified. 

555-2 The spread Algorithm 

For brevity, the descriptions of symmetric read algorithms that follow only treat 
the read/value protocol used to retrieve remote values required by strict tests. The 


ns_read/ns_value protocol used to retrieve remote values required by non-strict tests 
(Section can be modified in a similar way. 

The symmetric sjead algorithm acknowledges remote read requests. This permits 
deadlock detection in uniprocessor tasks. It differs from the read algorithm (Section in three respects: 

It generates s_read rather than read messages to request remote values. 

A node receiving a s_read message acknowledges it with an ack message if the 
value requested is not available and a broadcast note must be created 

If the value is available, it is returned in a svalue rather than a value message 
message. (If a broadcast note is created, then the value is returned when it 
becomes available in a value message, as in the read algorithm). 

A node increments a task's message count when it transmits a s_read message; it 
decrements it when it receives a svalue or an ack message. The svalue message 
effectively combines the acknowledgement to the read (ack) with the message that 
returns the value (value). This optimization reduces communication when a value is 
immediately available. 

When the s_read algorithm is used in conjunction with the s_unify algorithm, a 
message count of zero signifies that all remote unifications that a task has initiated have 
terminated and that all remote reads it has initiated have either completed or resulted in 
suspension. If the active queue is also empty, indicating that the task has no active 
processes, the task is deadlocked. 

Figure 5.14 illustrates the messages generated by (a) the read algorithm, (b) the 
sjead algorithm when a remote value is available and (c) the sjead algorithm when a 
remote value is not available. In (b) and (c), MC++ and MC-- denote the increment and 
decrement of the message count of the task that initiated the s_read operation. 



i (b) v 


u: (c) 





^ value 
i) read algonthnr 

" svalue 

s_read algonthi 
data available algorithn 
data not availab 

Figure 5.14 The read and spread distributed unification algorithms. 


The s_read and svalue messages differ from the read and value messages in 
incorporating the location of the task that initiated the read, T. They have the form: 

s_read(From, T, To) 

svalue(From, T, To ) 


555 J The djead Algorithm 

A second symmetric read algorithm, d_read, acknowledges both read and value 
messages. This permits deadlock detection in distributed tasks programmed in Parlog 
using two or more uniprocessor tasks (see Section 6.2). It differs from the sjread 
algorithm just described in two respects: 

It generates d_read rather than read messages. 

Values that are not immediately available are returned by a dvalue rather than a 
value message when they become available. (The broadcast note generated for a 
d_read request must indicate that a dvalue message is to be generated). 

A dvalue message includes a remote reference to the task that performed the 
unification operation that bound the remote variable. (This is not the same as the task 
that generated the d_read message; it is located on a different node). A dvalue 
message is acknowledged by the node that receives it with an ack message; this is 
directed to the task that bound the variable. 

A node increments a task's message count when it transmits a d_read or a dvalue 
message; as before, it decrements it when it receives an svalue or an ack message. The 
djead algorithm can thus modify the message counts both of tasks that require values 
(those that generate d_read messages) and of tasks that generate values (those that 
instantiate variables required by d_read requests). 

When the djread algorithm is used in conjunction with the s_unify algorithm, a 
message count of zero signifies that all read, value and unify messages that a task has 
generated have been received. 

Figure 5.15 illustrates the messages and message count changes when the djead 
algorithm is used and (a) a value is available; (b) a value is not available. 

The d_read and devalue messages have the form: 

d_read(To, T, From) 
dvalue(From, T, R, Value ) 


To and From specify the node and location of the value to be read and the original 
remote reference, respectively. Value is the value of the remote term, f specifies the 
location of the task that initiated the read operation. R is a remote reference to the task 
that generated the dvalue message by supplying the value To. This is used when 
acknowledging the dvalue message. The acknowledgement is the message: ack(R). 


d read 


) d_read algorithm: 
data available 



^ ack 

. dvalue 




(b) d_read algonthm: 
data not available 

Figure 5.15 The djead distributed unification algorithm 

5.5.6 Complexity of Distributed Unification 

A simple example illustrates the use of distributed unification algorithms and 
motivates some observations on their complexity. 

Distributed unification allows the use of Parlog to express distributed algorithms. 
For example, consider the program: 

modeproducer(XsT,S?), consumer(Xs?) 
producer([X |Xs], synch) 4- producer(Xs, X). 
consumer([X |Xs]) f- X - synch, consumer(Xs). 
and the query: 

?- producer(Xs, synch), consumer(Xs). 

The program implements synchronous communication between producer and 
consumer, producer communicates a variable X to consumer by instantiating the 
shared variable Xs to a list structure containing the variable. It then suspends until X 
is bound, consumer acknowledges each such 'communication 1 by instantiating the 
variable to synch. This permits producer to generate a further communication. 



(a) producer(Xs,_), consumer(Xs) 

(b) prod binds Xs; cons reads Xs 

(c) cons obtains X and Xsl 

(d) cons binds X 

Figure 5.16 Distributed unification. 

Assume that producer and consumer are located on different nodes. Figure 5.16 
illustrates the messages generated when the conjunction is executed by a Parlog 
implementation using the unify and read distributed unification algorithms. In (a), the 
initial situation is represented. It is assumed that the variable Xs is located on the same 
node as producer; consumer thus possesses a remote reference to this variable. In (b), 
producer generates a value for Xs (say [X |Xs1J on its own node; when consumer 
attempts to read the shared variable Xs, a read message is generated to retrieve that 
value. In (c), a value message returns the list structure generated by producer to 
consumer; this contains remote references to X and Xs1 . In (d), consumer can now 
unify X with the constant synch. As X is a remote reference, a unify message is 
generated to producer. 

The Parlog implementation uses three messages to send and acknowledge a 
'communication'. Two messages are required to 'read 1 the original value; if the sjead 
or d_read algorithms were used, three or four would be required if the value was not 
immediately available. One message is required to 'write' the value synch to the 
variable X; two would be required if the sjinify algorithm were used. 

In contrast, if this algorithm were to be implemented in a language with explicit 
send and receive primitives, two messages would be required for each 
'communication': one to send it and one to acknowledge it. 

Two points can be made: 

The distributed unification algorithms presented here are in general optimal in 
their communication complexity. That is, O(N) messages are required to 
communicate O(N) values between nodes. ('In general', because when unifying 
two variables, order checks may cause additional communications. This is 
however a special case, as variables rather than values are involved). 

The distributed unification algorithms presented here are lazy: a value must be 
requested by a reader before it is transmitted. This is why three messages are 
required to communicate two values. There is considerable scope for 
optimizations that eagerly propagate values when readers are known to require 

This example also illustrates a useful optimization that can be made in an 
implementation of the unify algorithm. If a remote reference is encountered during a 
unification operation, a unify message is generated, as in Figure 5.16 (d). The remote 
reference can immediately be replaced with the term with which the remote term is to 
be unified. (In Figure 5.16 (d), the string synch). Subsequent references to that term 
need not therefore generate communications. 

5.5.7 Discussion 

Distributed unification algorithms permit processes located on different nodes in a 
multiprocessor to communicate by unifying shared variables. A number of such 
algorithms have been defined. These vary in their run-time costs and the metacontrol 
functions that they support (Section 5.5.4). Different tasks are permitted to use 
different combinations of these algorithms; which combination is to be used can be 
specified when the task is created. Experimental studies are required to quantify the 
run-time costs associated with the different algorithms; these have not been performed. 

The distributed unification algorithms are simple. There are three basic message 
types read, value and unify plus three acknowledgement messages: failure, ack 
and structure. As noted in Section 5.5.6, these algorithms are in general optimal in 
their communication complexity. Except when order checks fail when unifying 
variables, there is no 'hidden communication': reading or writing a remote value 
involves a small, constant number of messages. This means that users can visualize the 
communications implied by algorithms and can hence program particular 


communication patterns. Nevertheless, there is still scope for optimizations that permit 
eager propagation of values, so as to reduce the 'small constant' to one in a greater 
number of cases. 

The kernel mechanisms used to support distributed unification are simple. In 


particular, no information needs to be maintained about a task on any node other than 
the node on which it is created. Such 'remote information' would be required in the 
sjinify algorithm, to detect termination of remote structure-to-structure unifications. 
(The information to be maintained here would be the number of outstanding sub- 
structure unification operations). This complexity is avoided by the structure message, 
which returns remote structures to the node that initiated the remote unification 

The structure message is, strictly speaking, an unnecessary communication. It 
may thus appear to be a source of inefficiency. However, unification of two structures, 
though possible in Parlog, occurs rarely in practice. To determine the approximate 
frequency of such operations, ten Parlog applications (including those analysed in 
Section 5.2.3) were tested on a uniprocessor Parlog implementation. No structure-to- 
structure unifications were detected. As remote structure-to-structure unifications are a 
subset of all structure-to- structure unifications on a multiprocessor, it can be expected 
that such operations will be extremely rare. The structure message thus appears to be a 
useful and inexpensive simplification. 

5.6 Approaches to Kernel Design 

This chapter has presented an approach to the design of a Parlog OS kernel. The 
kernel provides direct support for a kernel language: the flat subset of Parlog, 
augmented with metacontrol primitives. It is argued that this approach to kernel design 
represents a useful compromise between conflicting requirements for functionality, 
simplicity, flexibility and efficiency. Simplicity and flexibility are emphasized, but 
kernel support for important metacontrol functions maintains efficiency. Nevertheless, 
different tradeoffs between these requirements can be made. Two different approaches 
that have been proposed to kernel design are described below. 


5.6.1 Logix 

The designers of Logix, a programming environment for FCP (see Section 8.2.1), 
choose to use a flat parallel logic language as a kernel language [Hirsch ei al. y 1986; 
Hirsch, 1987]. No metacontrol primitives are supported by the kernel. Instead, 
metacontrol functions such as termination detection, abortion, etc. are implemented by 
program transformation, as described in Section 

The virtues of this approach are its simplicity and flexibility. The kernel only needs 
to support a simple language and new metacontrol functions can be programmed 
without modifying the kernel 

The principal disadvantage of this approach is its lack of direct support for the 
important systems programming concept of task. Much of the strength of parallel 
logic languages as systems programming languages stems from their linguistic support 
for systems programming concepts such as processes, concurrency, communication 
and synchronization. The 'process subpool' or 'task' is an equally important concept. 
It thus appears natural to support it in a systems programming language. The benefits 
of doing so are first of all efficiency kernel mechanisms can easily be optimized 
and secondly functionality. Kernel support for tasks permits efficient implementation 
of metacontrol functions such as deadlock detection and task scheduling that appear 
difficult to implement by transformation. Furthermore, as this chapter shows, these 
benefits can be achieved without sacrificing simplicity or flexibility. 

In summary, the Logix approach provides in some respects greater simplicity and 
flexibility than that described herein (though FCP is itself a more complex language 
than Parlog see Section 8.2.1 and program transformations can of course also be 
applied to Parlog). However, it appears to compromise efficiency and functionality. 

It appears likely that some kernel support for metacontrol functions will be required 
if FCP is to be used as a systems programming language. What form these primitives 
should take, and whether they can be introduced into the language without 
compromising its simplicity, are open research questions. 

5.7.2 Kernel Language 1 

Researchers at the ICOT research centre have adopted a kernel language (called 
Kernel Language 1) that is quite similar to that described herein (see Section 8.2.2). 
However, they propose that the metacontrol functions defined by the control metacall 
be supported directly by the kernel, both on uniprocessors and multiprocessors ISato 


et <a/., 1987a; Ichiyoshi et al. y 1987]. Tasks may execute on any number of nodes; 
distributed termination detection, control and exception handling are implemented in the 

The chief advantage of this approach is that mctacontrol functions can be 
implemented particularly efficiently. There is no layer of interpretation as in the 
metacalls implemented in Section 5.2.2 and in the distributed metacalls to be described 
in Chapter 6. Also, more efficient communication algorithms than those described 
herein can be used, because tasks are global rather than uniprocessor entities. For 
example, Rokusawa et al. [1988] describe a distributed termination detection algorithm 
that uses weighted reference counts to avoid acknowledging every remote unification 

One disadvantage of this approach is the complex kernel support required to 
implement distributed metacontrol. In particular, as tasks are global entities, they must 
be identified by a globally unique, symbolic name. A 'task table 1 must be maintained at 
each node. This is consulted when processing messages, to determine whether a task 
already exists on a node. In contrast, the simpler scheme described in this chapter 
identifies uniprocessor tasks solely by a remote reference to their task record. No task 
table or table lookup is required. 

A second disadvantage is the potential inflexibility of metacontrol mechanisms fixed 
in the kernel. For example, the control metacall defined in the kernel language has a 
single status stream. This centralizes the processing of run-time errors generated by a 
task, when they could be more efficiently handled at individual nodes. The kernel 
implementation of the control metacall can be extended to provide this functionality; this 
however adds to its complexity. In contrast, this functionality can be programmed 
directly in the kernel language described herein (see Section 6.5). 

In summary, this approach provides similar functionality to the kernel language 
described herein. It may be expected to provide greater efficiency, though further 
investigation is required to determine whether this is significant. Demerits of the 
approach are its lack of simplicity and, potentially, flexibility. 



Multiprocessor Operating Systems 

A multiprocessor implementation of the kernel language described in Chapter 5 
permits Parlog processes located on the same or different nodes to communicate using 
shared logical variables. This uniformity means that Parlog programs such as the 
simple OS presented in Section 4.7 can be executed on a multiprocessor simply by 
placing processes on different nodes. However, issues such as the monitoring and 
control of distributed tasks, multiprocessor scheduling, potential inefficiencies due to 
bottlenecks and excessive communication, and the location of services require special 
consideration. This chapter considers how these issues can be treated in Parlog. 

The first two sections deal with the problem of monitoring and controlling tasks 
distributed over several nodes. It is shown that distributed metacontrol functions can 
be programmed in the kernel language described in Chapter 5. 

Processor scheduling is a particularly complex problem on multiprocessors. If it is 
assumed that there are more nodes than tasks and that tasks are to be allocated disjoint 
sets of nodes, then it may be subdivided into two, still complex problems: that of 
allocating nodes to tasks and that of mapping processes to nodes. Section 6.3 deals 
with the problem of mapping Parlog processes to the nodes of a multiprocessor. It is 
shown that process migration can be programmed in Parlog and that the distributed 
metacontrol mechanisms presented in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 can be adapted to deal with 
process migration. 

Section 6.4 presents a multiprocessor version of the uniprocessor OS described in 
Section 4.7. A discussion of problems of efficiency, location of services and 
bootstrapping follows. The final section shows how the allocation of nodes to tasks 
can be programmed in Parlog. 


6.1 Distributed Metacontrol 

The control metacall defined in Chapter 4 encodes the following metacontrol 


termination detection 

exception handling 

deadlock detection 

control: the ability to suspend, resume and abort evaluation 

prioritized scheduling 

The kernel language described in Chapter 5 provides metacontrol primitives that 
implement these functions with respect to uniprocessor tasks: tasks executing on a 
single node. This section shows how these metacontrol functions can be applied to 
distributed tasks: tasks executing on many nodes in a multiprocessor. 

It is assumed initially that processes do not migrate between nodes. (Complications 
due to process migration are considered in Section 6.3). This means that processes 
cannot exist in transit between nodes. The process pool representing a distributed task 
can therefore be viewed as a number of process subpools, one per node on which the 
task is executing. Each such subpool can be executed as a separate uniprocessor task 
and can hence be monitored and controlled using the kernel language's metacontrol 
primitives. If additional supervisor processes are provided that coordinate the 
monitoring and control of these uniprocessor tasks, then the distributed task itself can 
be monitored and controlled as if it were executing on a single node. 



Figure 6.1 A distributed task. 

For example, in Figure 6.1, a distributed task T executing on three nodes Nl, N2 
and N3 consists of three subtasks Tl, T2 and T3. To control task T, the subtasks Tl, 


T2 and T3 must be controlled. To detect termination of the task T, it is necessary to 
determine that T 1 , T2 and T3 have terminated. 

Consider a query consisting of a conjunction of N goals, G 1t G 2 G^ This 

query can be executed as a uniprocessor task using the control metacall call/4 (Program 

calKM,^,. .,G N ),S,C) 

where M is a module containing the code for G-| , G 2 G N . 

This query can also be executed as a distributed task using the procedure dcall/4 
(Program 6.1): 

dcall(M,[G 1( ...,G N ],S,C) 

dcall/4's second argument is a list of goals G 1 GN. It executes each of these N 

goals as a separate uniprocessor task using the kernel language's TASK primitive 
(C2,4). dcall/4 also creates N local supervisor processes (Isv), one per uniprocessor 
task, and a single coordinator process (coord). These additional processes coordinate 
the monitoring and control of the N uniprocessor tasks so as to provide the monitoring 
and control functions required by the control metacall. 

mode dcall(Module?, Goals?, StatusT, Control?), dcalM (Module?, Goals?, Left?, RightT), 
lcall(Module?, Goal?, StatusT, TaskRecord?). 

dcall(M, Gs, S, C) <- coord(S, C, L, R), dcall1(M, Gs, L, R). (Cl) 

dcall1(M, [G |Gs], L, R) <- lcall(M, G, S, TR), lsv(S, TR, L, L1), dcall1(M, Gs, L1, R). (C2) 
,[], L,L). (C3) 

lcall(M,G,S,C) - TASK'(S.TR) & M@G. (C4) 

Program 6.1 Distributed metacontrol: top level. 

Assume that each {task, Isv} pair executes on a different node in a multiprocessor. 
(The mechanism used to map tasks and processes to nodes is described in Section 6.4). 
A call to dcall/4 then creates the process network illustrated in Figure 6.2. Nodes are 
labelled !,...,#. 


Figure 6.2 Distributed metacontrol. 

The local supervisors are connected using stream variables. Each of the N local 
supervisor Isvj, l<i<N, shares stream variables with supervisors lsvj.-| and Isvj+i. This 
creates a circuit that encompasses all the local supervisors, as illustrated in Figure 6.2. 
Streams to Isvi and ISVN (L and R respectively) provide the coordinator with access to 
the left and right sides of this circuit. The coordinator also maintains references to the 
task's status and control streams, S and C. 

mode coord(Statust, Control?, LeftT, Right?), lsv(Status?, TaskRecord?, Left?, RightT). 

coord(S, stop, [stop |L], R) <- coord(S, _, L, R). % Place stop control on circuit (Cl) 
coord(S, [M |C], [M |L], R) <- coord(S, C, L, R). % Place other controls on circuit. (C2) 
coord(failed, C, [stop |L], [exception(failure,_,J |R]). % Failure (C3) 

coord(succeeded, C, L, R) <- L R : true. % Circuit closed = success. (C4) 
coord (stopped, C, L, [stop |RJ). % Entire task stopped (C5) 

coord(S, C, L, [priority(J |R]) <- coord(S, C, L, R). % Entire task rescheduled. (C6) 

coord([M |S], C, L, [M |R]) <- % suspend, continue, exception. (C7) 

M=/= stop, M m/m priorityU, M W- exception(failure,_,J : coord(S, C, L, R). 

lsv(S, TR, [stop |L], [stop |L]) 4- 'STOP'(TR). % Control: abort + close circuit. (C8) 
lsv(S, TR, [suspend |L], [suspend |R]) <- 'SUSPEND'(TR) : lsv(S, TR, L, R). (C9) 

lsv(S, TR, [continue |L], [continue |R]) <- 'CONTINUE'(TR) . lsv(S, TR, L, R). (CIO) 

lsv(S, TR, [priority(P) |L], [priority(P) |RJ) <- 'PRIORITY'(TR, P) : lsv(S, TR, L, R). (Cl 1) 

lsv(S, TR, [exceptton(T,G,C) |L], [exception(T,G,C) |R]) <- lsv(S, TR, L, R). (C12) 

lsv(succeeded, TR, L, L). % Termination: close circuit (C13) 

lsv([exception(T,G,C) |S], TR, L, [exceptJon(T,G,C) |R]) <- lsv(S, TR, L, R). (C14) 

lsv([O |S], TR, L, R) <- O m/m exceptton( ) : lsv(S, TR, L, R). % Ignore deadlock (C 15) 

Program 62 Distributed metacontrol: coordinator and local supervisor. 

Program 6.2 implements a local supervisor and coordinator that support all 
metacontrol functions listed at the start of this section except deadlock detection. 


The circuit linking the local supervisors is used for three purposes: to control 
evaluation, to notify the coordinator of exceptions and to detect global termination. 

Control: The coordinator monitors the task's control stream and the right hand side 
of the circuit, stop, suspend, continue and priority(J control messages are placed on 
the left hand side of the circuit (Cl,2). A local supervisor receiving such a message 
controls its task (using kernel language metacontrol primitives) and forwards the 
message (C8-11). If it is a stop message, the local supervisor terminates (C8); 
otherwise it recurses to process further messages (C9-11). Recall that metacontrol 
primitives applied to uniprocessor tasks take immediate effect. When the message 
placed on the left hand side of the circuit arrives on the right hand side (C5-7), the 
coordinator hence knows that all subtasks have been controlled. It echoes the control 
message on the status variable (C5,7). The priority(J message is not echoed (C6). 

Exceptions: A local supervisor generates messages on its output (right-hand) 
stream when it detects exceptions in its task (C14). It forwards any exception 
messages received on its input (left-hand) stream (C12). The coordinator thus receives 
a stream of exception messages on the right-hand side of the circuit Like call/4, dcall/4 
treats process or unification failure in a subtask as fatal. It unifies the task's status 
variable with a result failed to signal failure, places a stop message on the left-hand side 
of the circuit to abort evaluation and terminates (C3). Other exception messages are 
echoed on the task's status stream (C7). 

Global termination: When a local supervisor detects termination of its task, it 
unifies its left- and right-hand streams (C8,13), thus 'closing' its part of the circuit. 
The coordinator has references to both the leftmost and the rightmost streams in the 
circuit. These will be identical variables (C4) when all supervisors have detected 
termination of their task and the entire circuit is thus 'closed*. This programming 
technique, known as a short circuit, is due to Takeuchi [1983]. 

A call: dcall(M,[Gi GN],S,C) thus results in the same computation and can be 

monitored and controlled in the same ways as the call: call(M,pi,...,GN),S,C). 
However, its evaluation is distributed over N nodes. The only metacall function 
Program 6.2 does not support is deadlock detection. The implementation of this 
function is described in the next section. 

Program 6.2 can be improved in a number of ways. For example, local 
supervisors can process certain exceptions locally; this reduces the frequency of 
communication with the coordinator. Section 6.5 illustrates this optimization. 


The problem of executing a single goal rather than a conjunction of goals as a 
distributed task is dealt with in Section 6.3. 

6.2 Distributed Deadlock Detection 

A Parlog task is deadlocked when all its processes are suspended due to dataflow 
constraints (Section 4.2.3). As suspended processes can become active as a result of 
other process' activity, deadlock detection must verify that all processes in a task are 
simultaneously suspended. This is trivial on a uniprocessor as it is possible to have an 
immediate view of the number of active processes in a task (Section 5.4). Deadlock 
detection in a distributed task is more complex because a global view of computation 
state is not immediately available. 

Dijkstra et al. [1983] describe a termination detection algorithm for distributed 
computations. This detects global termination (or deadlock) by repeatedly visiting 
nodes on which a computation is active until it has verified that all are simultaneously 
inactive. The algorithm requires (1) that inactive nodes cannot generate messages, (2) 
that inactive tasks cannot become active except by receiving messages and (3) that 
communication is instantaneous. 

Each node is assumed to maintain a state: black or white. A node is initially black, 
may be set to white when visited by the algorithm and reverts to black if any other 
communication is received. The algorithm visits each node in turn, setting its state to 
white if it is inactive. If all nodes are inactive when visited, it then revisits all nodes. If 
all are still white, then it is known that no node has generated or received a 
communication since the last visit. All nodes are hence known to be simultaneously 

Dijkstra's algorithm can still be used if communication is not instantaneous 
provided that a node is only treated as inactive when it is known both that it is not active 
and that all messages it has generated have been received. This can be verified by 
causing each message to be acknowledged; if a node has received as many 
acknowledgements as it has generated messages, it is known that it has no outstanding 
messages. Dijkstra's algorithm can then be used to verify both that all nodes are 
simultaneously inactive and that no node has outstanding communications. This is 
termination, even if communication is not instantaneous. 

The s_unify and djread distributed unification algorithms (Section 5.5.4) 
acknowledge the read, unify and value messages necessary for remote unification. In 


consequence, when a task that uses these algorithms has an empty active queue and a 
message count of zero, it is known both that the task has no active processes and that 
all messages it has generated have been received. If all uniprocessor tasks comprising a 
distributed task use these algorithms, Dijkstra's algorithm can be used to detect when 
all tasks are simultaneously inactive and have had all their messages received. At this 
point there can be neither active processes on any node nor messages in transit. 
Deadlock can hence be confirmed. 

Program 6.3 exploits the deadlock(J and undeadlock status messages provided 
by the kernel language's uniprocessor metacontrol primitives to implement a variant of 
Dijkstra's algorithm. This variant visits all nodes in turn but only advances from one 
node to the next when a node is inactive. It can hence be used to detect deadlock but 
not to verify whether or not a task is deadlocked. (If a node never becomes inactive, 
the algorithm never advances). 

It is assumed that a distributed task is expressed in terms of a number of 
uniprocessor tasks and supervisor processes as in Program 6. 1 and that each such task 
uses the sjunify and djread distributed unification algorithms. 

mode coord(Statust, LeftT, Right?), coord1(StatusT, LeftT, Right?), 
lsv(Status?, Lett?, RightT), lsv(State?, Status?, Left?, RightT). 

coord(S, [yes |LJ, R) <- coord1(S, L, R). % Initiate check with 'yes 1 token. (Cl) 

coordl ([deadlocked |S], L, [yes |RJ). % Deadlock confirmed. (C2) 

coordl (S, [yes |L], [no |RJ) - coordl (S, L, R). % Not confirmed: repeat check. (C3) 

lsv(S, L, R) <- lsv(active p S, L, R). % Each subtask initially active. (C4) 

lsv(active, [deadlockU IS1, L, R) <- lsv(deadlocked, S, L, R). % State = deadlocked. (C5) 

lsv(wait, [deadlockU |SJ, L,[no | RJ) f- lsv(whrte, S, L, R). % State = white. (C6) 

lsv(Any, [undeadlock |S], L, R) f- lsv(active, S, L, R). % State = active. (C7) 

lsv(active, S, [Any |L], R) f- tev(wait, S, L, R). % State = wait. (C8) 

lsv(deadtocked, S, [Any |L], [no |RJ) <- lsv(whrte, S, L, R). % State = white. (C9) 

lsv(white, S, [Any |L), [Any |R]) <- var(S) : lsv(whfte, S, L, R). % Forward token. (CIO) 

lsv(active, succeeded, L, R) <- lsv(deadk>cked, _, L, R). % Succeeded. (Cl 1) 

lsv(walt, succeeded, L, [no |RJ) <- lsv(whrte, _, L, R); % State = white. (C12) 

lsv(Any, L |SJ, L, R) - lsv(Any, S, L, R). % Ignore status. (C13) 

Program 6 J Distributed deadlock detection. 


Program 6.3 implements a local supervisor and a coordinator similar to those 
implemented in Program 6.2. To simplify the presentation, the procedures in Program 
6.3 do not provide metacontrol functions other than deadlock detection. The control 
and task record arguments associated with the equivalent procedures in Program 6.2 are 
hence omitted. Program 6.3 can easily be extended along the lines of Program 6.2 to 
provide all metacontrol functions listed in Section 6. 1 . 

Each local supervisor records the state of its ta&k: deadlocked, active, wait or 
white. A task is initially active (C4). If a deadlock(_) message is received on its 
status stream it becomes deadlocked (C5) until an undeadlock status message is 
received in which case it becomes active (C7) or (as described below) a token is 
received, in which case it becomes white (C9). A task also becomes deadlocked if it 
terminates (Cll). The state white can only change to active. This happens if an 
undeadlock status message is received (C7). Other status messages are ignored (C13). 

To check for deadlock, a yjes. token is passed to the left side of the circuit (C1 ). 
Each local supervisor forwards a token received on its left stream if it itself is white 
(CIO); changes its state to white and forwards a no. token if it is deadlocked (C9); or 
changes its state to wait if it is active (C8). A supervisor in wait state forwards a no. 
token and sets its state to white if its task deadlocks (C6) or terminates (C12). A token 
thus circulates round all the monitors until either a y& or no. token appears on the right 
side of the circuit. If a yes token appears, deadlock has been confirmed (C2); 
otherwise, the process is repeated (C3). Note the use of the var test in CIO. By 
checking that its task's status stream is a variable, a supervisor ensures that there are no 
pending undeadlock messages and hence that its task is currently deadlocked. 

For deadlock to be confirmed, every task must be white (and hence continuously 
deadlocked, with no unreceived messages) for a complete circuit of the token. This 
implies that all tasks, and hence the task as a whole, are simultaneously deadlocked. 

At least two circuits of the token are required to confirm deadlock in a distributed 
Parlog task. However, each circuit only requires 0(N) communications and process 
reductions, where N is the number of nodes on which the distributed task is executing. 

Figure 6.3 illustrates the application of this algorithm. 

Note that the deadlock status message generated by Program 6.3 does not indicate 
the number of processes in the deadlocked task. This information is available at the 
individual nodes and can easily be accumulated by the y$ token as it visits each node. 
This information is shown to be useful in Section 6.3.3. 


Figure 6.3 Distributed deadlock detection. 

6.2.1 An Alternative Approach 

Nobuyuki Ichiyoshi [personal communication] has proposed an alternative 
approach to distributed termination (or deadlock) detection. A count of messages sent 
and messages received is maintained at each node on which a task is executing. The 
deadlock detection algorithm then visits each such node, checking that the task is 
inactive and summing messages sent and messages received. If all nodes are found to 
be simultaneously inactive and the sums of messages sent and messages received by 
all nodes are equal, then termination has been detected. The message counts indicate 
that no messages are in transit. 

The merit of this scheme, compared with that described herein, is that distributed 
unification algorithms that do not acknowledge messages (such as unify and read: 
Section 5.5) can be used. A disadvantage is that deadlock detection in the uniprocessor 
tasks comprising a distributed task is not supported. This is shown to be useful in 
Section 6.3.2. 

6.3 Process Migration 

In Sections 6.1 and 6.2, it was assumed that queries to be executed as distributed 
tasks are expressed as conjunctions of goals. Each goal in a conjunction is executed on 
a different node. This means effectively that a programmer (or compiler) is required to 
partition a problem into subproblems before it can be distributed. Furthermore, this 
partitioning is static: processes cannot move between nodes at run-time. 

If the run-time behaviour of a program is complex or data-dependent, this static 
partitioning is unlikely to lead to good processor utilization. It may hence be desirable 
to redistribute work amongst nodes at run-time. This redistribution may be specified as 
part of a distributed algorithm (this is referred to here as mapping) or may be performed 


automatically in response to changing load on different nodes (load balancing). 

In Parlog, work corresponds to processes, so dynamic reallocation of work 
corresponds to process migration: the movement of processes from one node to 
another. Process migration is normally a complex process [Powell and Miller, 1983]. 
However, as the state of a Parlog process consists of references to Parlog terms, and 
distributed unification provides Parlog with global reference, the migration of Parlog 
processes is straightforward. 

This section shows that process migration can be programmed in Parlog without the 
assistance of kernel mechanisms. It first describes a methodology due to Taylor et al. 
[1987a], which permits process mapping to be programmed in a parallel logic 
language. A scheme that permits load balancing mechanisms to be programmed in 
Parlog is then presented. Both these schemes permit the execution of a goal to be 
initiated on a single node on a multiprocessor and subsequently distribute work to other 
nodes at run- time. It is shown that the distributed metacontrol mechanisms described in 
Sections 6.1 and 6.2 can be adapted to deal with tasks distributed over several nodes 
using these process migration techniques. 

6.3.1 Taylor et o/.'s Process Mapping Methodology 

Taylor et al, [1987a] present an elegant methodology for process mapping based 
on program transformation. This permits programs to be augmented with mapping 
notations [Shapiro, 1984b], which are interpreted as requests to execute particular 
processes on other nodes. Process migration is achieved by a program transformation 
which translates annotated processes into messages representing process mapping 
requests. A transformed program generates a stream of mapping requests when 
executed. These requests are passed to processes executing on other nodes, which 
create the annotated processes. Process migration is hence implemented in the 
language, by message passing. 

The transformation process is illustrated using the procedure rev, which contains a 
process annotated @fwd. rev(Xs,Ys)has the logical reading: Ys is the list Xs, reversed. 
Both the original, annotated procedure and the transformed procedure, which generates 
a process mapping request, are presented in Program 6.4. The mapping request 
generated is italicized, (app/3 is assumed not to generate mapping requests and is 
hence not transformed). The transformed program takes as an additional argument the 
module M containing the code for reverse. This is included in the message, so that 

reverse can be executed on another node. 


mode rev(Xs?,Yst), app(Xs?,Ys? r Zst). 

rev([X | Xs], Ys) <- 

rev(Xs, Zs)@fwd, 

app(Zs, [X], Ys). 
rev([],[]).rev(M, [],[],[]). 

app([X |Xs], Ys, [X |Zs]) <- app(Xs, Ys, Zs). 
app([],Ys I Ys). 

(a) Original 

mode rev(Module?, Xs?, YsT, Requests?). 


[fwd(M, rev(M,Xs,Zs,Rs), Rs)]) <- 
app(Zs, [X], Ys). 

(b) Transformed. 

Program 6.4 Process mapping through transformation. 

At run-time, a transformed program is executed concurrently with a network of 
monitor processes. The monitor processes are connected by streams and typically each 
execute on a different node. The stream of mapping requests generated by the 
transformed program is passed to one of these monitor processes. This interprets the 
requests and forwards them to other monitors. These begin to execute the processes 
represented by the requests. Process mapping requests generated by these processes 
are forwarded in turn. Execution of the program can thus spread over all nodes on 
which monitors are located 

The number of monitors and the way in which they are connected define the 
topology of the virtual machine on which the program executes. Different topologies 
such as ring, grid and torus can be used, depending on the nature of the 
underlying hardware and the application. Program annotations may be adapted to a 
particular virtual machine topology: fwd for a ring; north, south, west and east for 
a grid or torus; etc. 

Program 6.5 implements a simple monitor that defines a node in a ring virtual 
machine. This processes fwd(M,G,Rs) messages received on its In stream by initiating 
execution of a goal G using module M. The stream of process mapping requests Rs 
generated by this goal (specified for convenience in the message) is merged into the 
ring process 1 Out stream. 


mode ring(lnstream?, OutStreamT). 

ring([fwd(M, G, Rs) | In], Out) <- 



ring(ln, Out1). 
ring([ ], [ ]). 

% Receive an input request 
% Start evaluating the process. 
% Merge mapping requests. 
% Iterate to process more input 

Program 6.5 Ring monitor for process mapping. 

A ring virtual machine is created by connecting several of these monitors so that 
each monitor consumes another monitor's output stream as its input stream. For 
example, a ring of three monitors can be defined by the conjunction: 

? ring([<request>|RO],R1), ring(R1,R2), ring(R2, RO) 
where <request> represents a request entered in the ring to initiate execution. 

Figure 6.4 Process mapping in a ring. 

Assume that a process mapping request representing a goal reverse([1 ,2,3,4],X) is 
to be executed on this ring. It is assumed that each ring process executes on a different 
node. Figure 6.4 represents the requests and processes created. The italicized 
processes (rev) represent process mapping requests; other processes (app) represent 
processes created by the monitors in response to these requests. 

The goal rev([1,2,3,4],X) is reduced on goal Nl. This generates a request 
rev(l2,3,4],X1) to node N2 and creates a process app(X1 ,[1],X) on Nl. As 


computation proceeds, further rev messages are generated; these eventually wrap 
around the ring, as rev([4],X3) is received at node Nl and rev([ ],X4) is sent to node 
N2.Advantages of this methodology include its flexibility a range of different 
topologies and algorithms can be implemented quite easily and the fact that it does 
not require additional kernel support. 

63.2 Load-Balancing 

Taylor's process mapping methodology requires that a programmer or compiler 
specify how processes are to migrate at run-time. This approach can work well when 
the programmer has a good understanding of an algorithm's structure and behaviour or 
when communication costs are low [Taylor, 1987]. In other circumstances, studies 
show that load balancing schemes, which redistribute processes in response to 
changing load, can give better performance [Sato et a/.,1987a]. This is because load 
balancing schemes only migrate processes when load becomes unbalanced. In 
consequence, they tend to migrate fewer processes: this can reduce the number of 
references to remote terms and hence reduce communication. This improves 
performance if communication is expensive. 

Parlog's uniprocessor tasks and deadlock detection permit combined load 
balancing/process mapping schemes to be programmed in the language. These migrate 
annotated processes between nodes when nodes are idle. 

Consider a monitor network such as that used in Section 6.3. 1. To implement load 
balancing, monitors are modified to (a) execute application processes within a metacall 
and (b) retain mapping requests within a process list rather than immediately 
forwarding them to other monitors. The modified monitor only distributes them when 
requested by other monitors. It can thus return cached mapping requests to its task if a 
deadlock exception indicates that the task is idle: that is, that all processes in the task 
have terminated or are suspended. If its process list is empty and its task is idle, it asks 
other monitors for processes. 

Program 6.6 implements a modified ring monitor lrlng/2, which uses the control 
metacall and the ring monitor defined in Program 6.5 to implement such a load 
balancing scheme. Processes in the application program are assumed to be annotated 
@fwd as before. This annotation is now interpreted as 'candidate for migration' rather 
than 'to be migrated 1 . 


lring/2 takes as arguments streams In and Out. These are presumed to be connected 
to other Iring processes in a ring. A call to lring/2 initiates execution of a ring monitor 
(Program 6.5) in a metacall and creates a monitor lring/6 (Cl). lring/6 takes as 

arguments streams defining a ring (In and Out), streams to and from the ring monitor 


inside the metacall (To and From), the metacall's status stream S and an initially empty 
process list. 

mode lring(ln?, OutT), lring(ln?, Tot, Status?, From?, OutT, Processes?), wait( Work?, Tot). 
lring(ln, Out) <- call(ring(To, Fr), S, C), lring(ln, To, S, Fr, Out, []). (Cl) 

Iringfln, To, S, [P |Fr], Out, Ps) <- Iringjln, To, S, Fr, Out, [P |Ps ]). % Mapping request (C2) 
Iringfln, [P |To], [deadlocky |S], Fr, Out, [P |Ps]) - Iringfln, To, S, Fr, Out, Ps). (C3) 

lring(ln, To, [deadtock(J IS], Fr, [W |0utl, [ J) <- % Task inactive: issue request (C4) 

wart(W,To1), merge(To1,To2,To), Iringfln, To2, S, Fr,0ut,[]). 

lring([W |ln], To, S, Fr, Out, [P |Ps ]) 4- W . P, Iringfln, To, S, Fr, Out, Ps). (C5) 

lring([W |ln], To, S, Fr, [W |0ut], [ 1) <- lring(ln, To, S, Fr, Out, [ ]). % Forward request (C6) 

wait(W,[W]) <-data(W) : true. % Wait for request to be granted. (C7) 

Program 6.6 Ring monitor for load balancing. 

Mapping requests generated by the application are intercepted by Iring and recorded 
in the process list (C2). If deadlock is detected in the application, processes from this 
list are passed to the application (C3). If deadlock is detected and the list is empty, a 
request variable is generated on the ring (C4). A wait process is created that waits for 
this request to be granted and then passes it to the application (C7). A monitor 
receiving a request variable on the ring instantiates it to a process, thus migrating that 
process, if its process list is not empty (C5); otherwise if forwards it (C6). Requests 
are thus generated when nodes are idle and circulate around the ring until they are 
serviced. No requests are generated, and no migration occurs, when nodes are busy. 

To simplify presentation, Program 6.6 does not deal with status messages other 
than deadlock(J. 



dead! lock dead! lock 



.... f@fwd, 
g@f\vd, ... 



(a) f, g migratable (b) f , g in process list (c) g migrated to M2 

Figure 6.5 Load-balancing in Parlog. 

Figure 6.5 illustrates the execution of this program on a two-node ring. Ml and 
M2 are Iring monitors, created by a query: 

?- lring([<request> |LJ, R), lring(R, L). 

Each monitor creates and monitors a task. In (a), two annotated goals f and g 
are encountered in Mi's task. Monitor Ml places these in its process list. In (b), both 
tasks become idle. M2 requests Ml for work and in (c), is given g, which it starts 
executing. Meanwhile, Ml starts executing f . 

63 J Distributed Metacontrol and Process Migration 

Process migration appears to make the implementation of metacontrol functions 
such as task abortion and termination detection more difficult, as processes may exist 
not only on nodes but also in transit between nodes. However, if process migration is 
programmed in Parlog as described here, the distributed metacontrol mechanisms 
described in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 can be applied with little modification. 

The monitor processes created to perform process migration within an application 
task, and the application processes that they monitor, can be executed as a single task. 
Monitoring and controlling this task monitors and controls both the application and the 
additional processes created to perform process migration. For example, recall the 
procedure dcall/4 (Program 6.1), which initiates controlled, distributed execution of a 
list of goals. A call: 

dcall(M, [ring([R |ROJ,R1), ring(R1,R2), ring(R2,RO)], S, C). 

(where M contains the code defining ring/2: Program 6.5) initiates execution of a 
request R on a ring of three ring monitors. Execution of the query represented by this 
request may be monitored and controlled using the status and control streams S and C. 


The only metacontrol function not immediately available when tasks use process 
migration is termination detection. Monitor processes connected in a cyclic structure 
such as a ring will deadlock, waiting for requests from neighbours, rather than 
terminate when the application ^program they are monitoring terminates. Recall 
however that the deadlock exception message has a process count associated with it. 
Observe that when the application program terminates, tasks at each node will be 
deadlocked and will have a process count of one: the monitor. (Assuming that the 
monitor consists of a single process, as is the case with the monitor presented in 
Section 6.3.1). A simple extension to the deadlock detection algorithm described in 
Section 6.2 permits this situation to be detected. It can then be reported as termination. 
In the example, a status message [deadlock(3)|J denotes termination of the application 
task; deadlock(/V), N > 3, denotes deadlock. 

6.4 A Multiprocessor Operating System 

Figure 6.6 represents four nodes, labelled n1-n4 , of a multiprocessor version of 
the uniprocessor OS described in Section 4.7. This OS is implemented by a program 
quite similar to Program 4.8. Principal differences are: 

services are distributed over the different nodes. 

the name server is duplicated at each node. 

a set of identical mapping servers (named nodel , node2, node3, node4, etc.) 
are located one per node. 

there is a new distributor service (dist ) . 

As before, a single user-level task is created initially. Both the task supervisor that 
controls this initial task and the mapping servers have stream connections to the name 
servers. Each name server can access every service. For simplicity, stream 
connections between name servers and services, the filter processes used to validate 
requests and the merge processes used to multiplex request streams (all illustrated in 
Figure 4.10) are not shown here. 

This simple OS is used to motivate and illustrate a discussion of issues in Parlog 
multiprocessor OS design. 


Figure 6.6 Multiprocessor operating system. 
6.4.1 Replicating and Duplicating Services 

A uniprocessor OS such as Program 4.8 is unlikely to perform well if ported 
directly to a multiprocessor. Two possible sources of inefficiency are bottlenecks, due 
to too frequent accesses to centralized structures, and excessive communication. To 
avoid these problems, it may be necessary to distribute and/or replicate services. For 
example, the OS illustrated in Figure 6.6 replicates the name server at each node. This 
avoids the name server becoming a bottleneck. It also reduces communication, as 
services located on the same node as a task can be accessed without inter-node 

The code service (code) is a candidate for distribution. Recall that the code service 
(Section 4.3.1) permits user-level tasks to request code modules by name. This 
centralized service results in potentially large terms being copied between nodes each 
time a program is executed. A solution to this problem is to provide a code cache at 
each node to cache modules retrieved from the code service. This effectively distributes 
the functionality of the code service. The code service described in Section 4.3.1 
permits the {name,module} mapping maintained by the code service to be modified at 
run-time. Some mechanism is required to keep code caches consistent in the face of 
such modifications. 


6.4.2 Physical Services 

Recall that physical services are those that use side-effecting primitives (Section 
4.3). It may be assumed that calls to such primitives are compiled to instructions that 
directly access hardware. Physical services must therefore be positioned on the nodes 
on which the devices they control are located. This is illustrated in Figure 6.6: the 
screen and disk services are located on the node on which the terminal and disk drive 
are located. 

6.4.3 Bootstrapping and Process Mapping 

In order to bootstrap the multiprocessor OS illustrated in Figure 6.6, it must be 
possible to create processes on particular nodes. This can easily be achieved if it is 
assumed that an initialization procedure creates a single mapping server process on each 
node plus a central bootstrap process, provided with streams to the mapping servers. 
Taylor et al. [1987a] describe how these initial stream connections can be established. 
In Figure 6.6, mapping servers nodel, node2, node3 and node4 plus a further 
bootstrap process (not shown) are assumed to be created at initialization. 

Program 6.7 implements a mapping server. This takes as arguments a stream of 
requests and an output stream to a name server. It processes requests to create 
processes (Cl) and tasks (C2). 

mode mserver( Requests?, NameServerT). 

mserver([process(M, G) |Rs], Ns) <- M@G, mserver(Rs, Ns). % Create process. (Cl) 

mserver([task(M, G, L, R) |Rs], Ns) <- (C2) 

call(M, G, S, C), % Create uniprocessor task, 

lsv(S, C, L, R, Ns1), % and a local supervisor; 

merge(Ns1 , Ns2, Ns), % merge requests to name server. 

mserver(Rs, Ns2). 

Program 6.7 Mapping server. 

Mapping servers permit process mapping to be programmed in Parlog using 
message passing. A message sent to a mapping server by a process located on another 
node causes a new process or task to be created on the node on which the mapping 
server is located. In the example, the bootstrap process can send process messages to 


the various mapping servers to request the creation of the various OS processes. 
Shared variables in these messages implement the operating system's communication 

The purpose of the mapping server's task message is made clear in Section 6.5. 

6.5 Multiprocessor Scheduling 

The problem of allocating processor resources on a multiprocessor (the global 
scheduling problem [Wang and Morris, 1985]) can be divided into two subproblems: 

allocating nodes to tasks so as to meet goals of fair allocation of processor 
resources; maximum utilization; etc. 

migrating processes between nodes allocated to a task, so as to maximize 

Implicit in this division is the assumption that tasks will in general be allocated 
disjoint sets of nodes. If they are not, a third problem, that of scheduling tasks 
executing on the same node (local scheduling), arises. It has already been shown that 
this can be programmed in Parlog (Section 5.4). 

In Section 6.3, it was shown that process migration schemes based on both 
programmed process mapping and load balancing can be implemented in Parlog. This 
section shows how the allocation of nodes to tasks can be programmed in Parlog and 
integrated into a multiprocessor OS, such as that illustrated in Figure 6.6. 

Mapping servers (Program 6.7), shown in Section 6.4.3 to permit the creation of 
processes on particular nodes, can also be used to create tasks. Clause C2 of this 
program processes a message task(M,G,L,R) by creating a local supervisor and a new 
uniprocessor task to evaluate goal G using module M. L and R are the left and right 
hand sides of a circuit. These can be used to link the local supervisor with the local 
supervisors of other tasks. It is thus possible, by sending task messages to several 
mapping servers, to create the process network necessary to monitor and control a 
distributed task (illustrated in Figure 6.2). 

The mapping of distributed tasks to the nodes of a multiprocessor can hence be 
programmed in Parlog without additional kernel support. The allocation of nodes to 
tasks (that is, the decision regarding which nodes task messages are to be sent to) can 
conveniently be handled by a single process (or network of processes) which processes 


requests to create distributed tasks. This is the function of the distributor process (dist) 
illustrated in Figure 6.6. Requests made to the distributor by other processes specify a 

query to be executed and may include hints about what processor resources are required 

(such as the number of nodes, their spatial distribution, etc.). 


Figure 6.7 Task distribution. 

Figure 6.7 illustrates the execution of the distributor. In (a), it receives a request 
task(M,[G1 ,G2,G3],S,C) which it interprets as a request to initiate distributed execution 
of a conjunction of goals (G1 ,G2,G3). In (b), it determines that it can allocate three 
nodes to the task n2, n3 and n4 and generates messages to mapping servers (S) 
on these nodes: task(M,G1,L,M1), task(M,G1,M1,M2), task(M,G1,M2,R). It also 
creates a coordinator: coord(L,R,S,C). In (c), the task messages are received and 
processed by the mapping servers. A distributed process network equivalent to that 
illustrated in Figure 6.2 is created. The task that requested the distributor to create the 
distribute task can now monitor and control its execution using status and control 
streams S and C. 

This shows how the distributor deals with statically partitioned tasks. The 
distributor can also deal with tasks that are to be partitioned dynamically using the 
process migration techniques described in Section 6.3; it simply requests mapping 
servers to create the monitor processes that implement process migration. 


To provide application programs with the ability to create distributed tasks, new 
system calls are defined. For example, a call dtask(M,Gs,S,C) requests distributed 
execution of a conjunction of goals Gs, This system call is implemented in the same 
way as the uniprocessor system call task/4 (Program 4.10: C2), except that the new 
task is created by sending a message to the distributor rather than by the use of the 
control metacall. 

Note that the mapping server provides each local supervisor that it creates with a 
stream to a name server located on its node (Program 6.7: C2). As the dotted lines in 
Figure 6,7 (c) illustrate, this permits an extended local supervisor to route exceptions 
representing send system calls (Section 4.4) directly to a local name server (NS) 
instead of forwarding them to the coordinator. This tends to reduce communication. 
This optimization illustrates the flexibility of this approach to metacontrol; as distributed 
metacontrol functions are programmed in the language, a range of different types of 
distributed metacalls can be implemented. 



A Language for Metaprogramming 

This chapter describes the design and implementation of the parallel logic 
programming language Parlog+. This language is more expressive than the Parlog 
language from which it is derived in the sense that it permits more succinct and elegant 
solutions to certain metaprogramming and systems programming problems. 

The main objective in the design of the language is to provide a declarative treatment 
of program update in a parallel logic language. Section 7.1 describes why this is 
desirable and indicates problems that must be overcome to achieve this. It also 
proposes solutions to these problems. 

Section 7.2 defines Parlog-K This language extends Parlog with three principal 
abstractions: a state data type, persistence and atomic transactions. The application of 
the language is illustrated with examples. A comparison of Parlog+ with other attempts 
to provide a declarative treatment of state change follows. 

The primary role envisaged for Parlog+ is as a programming environment and 
applications programming language in a Parlog operating system. A Parlog 
implementation of Parlog+ provides the programmer with metaprogramming 
primitives, a persistent file system and a declarative semantics for program update. 
Section 7.4 describes an approach to the implementation of principal Parlog+ language 
features in Parlog. 

7.1 The Problem of State Change 

Much of the power of declarative languages stems from the fact that a programmer 
only needs to specify relations between objects. He need not specify how members of 
these relations are to be computed. As a result, declarative programs can be more 
succinct, elegant and easily understood than equivalent imperative programs [Backus, 
1978; Kowalski, 1983]. 

The declarative language programmer spends much of his time analyzing, 
transforming, testing and managing programs. Tools used to perform such tasks 
should thus be easy to write, modify and understand. Ideally, they should be 


declarative in nature so that they can be analysed, transformed, etc. in the same way as 
the programs they manipulate. However, program development and management tasks 
generally involve modifying the contents of secondary or stable storage (referred to 
here, without wishing to imply arvy particular organization, as the file system). Most 
declarative languages rely on non-declarative, side-effecting primitives to achieve such 
modifications. Declarative language programs that modify the file system must 
therefore specify explicitly the sequence of actions to be performed to move from one 
file system state to another. That is, they must be written in an imperative style. 

The disadvantages of an imperative programming style have been argued eloquently 
elsewhere. Apart from difficulties in comprehensibility, programs with imperative 
features cannot readily be executed in parallel. For example, consider a Parlog 
procedure modify that reads, transforms and then updates a program at a specified 
address using side-effecting primitives read and write: 

modify(Addr) <- read(Addr.Pr) & transformer, NewPr) & wrrte(Addr,NewPr). 
Two concurrent calls to this procedure: 
7- modify(1),modlfy(1). 

may transform the program at address 1 once or twice, depending on the temporal 
ordering of the read and write operations. 

Second, imperative primitives make logical failure problematic, as a file system can 
be left in inconsistent states. For example, if a call to modify fails, the file system may 
still have been modified. 

The two problems noted here can be solved in an imperative formalism by 
providing linguistic support for mutual exclusion and atomic actions [Hoare, 1974; 
Weihl and Liskov, 1985]. However, this makes already complex programs even 
harder to understand. A purely declarative treatment appears preferable. 

A declarative treatment of file system update is described in this chapter. This 
permits the specification of file system updates as relations between states of the file 
system. For example, it enables modify to be expressed as a relation: modify(A,S,S1) 
with the logical reading: S is a file system state, and S1 is the file system state that 
results when program A in state S is transformed. 

As state is represented by a language term, calls to modify can be composed while 
preserving declarative semantics. For example, the conjunction: 

.... modify(A,S,S1) l modJfy(A, S1 , S2), ... 


computes the relation: S is a state, and S2 is the state that results when program A is 
transformed twice. 

As will be seen, file system update is viewed as a consequence of the computation 
of members of relations defined by programs such as modify. Logical failure is hence 
not a problem: if a query fails to compute a member of a relation, no update occurs. 

In the following discussion, the term 'state of the file system' will generally be 
abbreviated as simply 'state'. 

7.1.1 Problems 

The following problems must be overcome to achieve a declarative treatment of 
state change in a parallel declarative language. 

Representing State and State Change 

A declarative treatment of change requires a declarative formalism in which the state 
of the file system is accessible in the language. It then becomes possible to write 
programs (such as modify) that describe relations between states and which can be 
executed to compute new states. 

This raises the problem of how to represent state in the language. The state of the 
file system may be made accessible in the language as strings of bytes. This is the most 
general representation but also the least useful. As the declarative language 
programmer is primarily concerned with developing, testing, etc., declarative language 
programs, it may be more useful to support a more abstract view of file system state as 
a set of such programs. 

The representation chosen must permit an efficient and succinct representation of 
change. A programmer is generally concerned with making quite minor changes to the 
file system. It should thus not be difficult to construct a new state which differs only in 
some minor respect from a previous state. The problem of efficiently representing the 
fact that some state differs from another in a single component (without using 
destructive assignment) has been termed the frame problem [Raphael, 1971]. 

Implementation of State Change 

A program called with a representation of file system state as an argument can 
compute aTepresentation of a modified state. For example, if S represents a file system 
state, a call modify(A,S,S1) may compute a new state S1. The language 
implementation must translate this computation of a new state (S1) to physical changes 


to the file system it represents. This includes the problem of efficiently determining 
how new representations differ from old. 


If a programming system is to be self-contained, programs must be able to access 
and update their own representations in the file system. A call modify(A,S,S1) should 
be able to compute a new state in which it is differently defined. 


Any declarative treatment of state change to be integrated into a parallel language 
such as Parlog should not prevent parallel evaluation. This suggests a need for 
concurrent access to and update of state components. Concurrency raises semantic and 
implementation problems. To preserve declarative semantics (which assumes that a 
query is evaluated with respect to an unchanging state) it should not be possible to 
update a state component whilst it is being accessed. This implies a need for mutual 
exclusion mechanisms in an implementation, and consequent problems of deadlock, 
etc. Some of these problems are related to problems encountered in distributed 
databases [Bernstein and Goodman, 1981; Ullman, 1983]. 

7.1.2 Solutions 

The design of the parallel logic programming language Parlog+ applies the 
following solutions to these problems. Some of these concepts are well-known in 
metaprogramming, databases and programming language design. However, their 
integration in a logic programming language is new. 

State as Language Term 

A new state data type is introduced into a declarative language. A state is a 
representation of a file system Programs can thus access representations of state 
components anc* mpute representations of new states. 

Components of a state can be executed or accessed without concern for their 
location in primary or secondary storage. Furthermore, as noted below, 
representations of new states can be computed without concern for their longevity after 
computation terminates. Atkinson et al. [1986] refer to this incorporation of the file 
system in the language as persistence. Persistence removes the distinction that most 
languages make between accessible but volatile primary storage and less accessible but 
stable secondary storage. Programs in a persistent language simply access language 


objects', these are loaded and saved by the language implementation, as required. As it 
has been suggested that typically 30% of programs is concerned with moving data to 
and from disk and converting formats used for disk storage to language structures 
[Atkinson el al. y 1986], this is a significant advantage. 

An implementation of Parlog+ must thus translate references to state components 
into commands required to load and save data on secondary storage. 

State as Logic Program 

The 'state' made accessible to programs is presented as a set of terms representing 
logic programs rather than files, records or strings of characters. This abstraction 
facilitates metaprogramming: the writing of programs that analyse and transform other 
programs [Bowen and Kowalski, 1982]. 


Conventional file systems normally associate, implicitly or explicitly, data such as 
creation date, format, etc. with files. A representation of state as a set of logic 
programs makes the specification of this 'metainformation' difficult. It can only be 
represented as logic clauses, located either in the program to which it refers or in some 
other program. The former option confuses programs and metainformation; the latter 
leads to the problem of relating metainformation to the program to which it refers. 
These problems are avoided in Parlog+ by permitting labelled terms named attributes to 
be associated with state components. An attribute is a (name,value) pair. Thus a 
program may have an attribute {created_by,john}, a procedure an attribute 
{comment/A procedure to sort lists 1 }, etc. 

Concise Representation of State 

The state data type represents a concise 'encoded representation 1 of state. Language 

primitives are provided that can be applied to these encoded representations to access 
particular components. Other primitives are provided that permit the description of new 
states in terms of how they differ from previous states. This avoids frame problems: it 
is easy to construct new states that only differ from another state in small details. It 
enables an implementation of Parlog+ to represent new states efficiently; only the 
modifications required to construct the new state need to be recorded. Finally, it makes 
it easy to determine how states differ. An implementation can readily determine the 
physical changes to the file system that are implied by a new state. 


Separation of Computation and Update 

Updates to a file system are necessary. However, the side-effects required to effect 
update need not pervade a programming language's operational semantics. Instead, 
they may be defined to be a consequence of the declarative reading of programs. This 
is achieved as follows. Certain programs are interpreted as defining relations between 
states of the file system. Such a program can be executed with a representation of the 
current state as input to compute a new state as output. The original state which 
contains the program with respect to which the query was executed is then replaced 
with the output state. Further queries are evaluated with respect to the new state. 

This approach, proposed by Backus [1978] in the context of functional 
programming, provides update without compromising the declarative semantics of 
programs that define relations between states. It permits self-reference: a program can 
access its own representation in the current state and can compute a new state in which 
it is differently defined. Programs describing state change can be composed to build 
more powerful programs. Furthermore, failure does not lead to inconsistent states: 
update only occurs following successful termination of a query. 

Nested Transactions and Concurrency Control 

The evaluation of a query, and the replacement of the state with respect to which it 
was evaluated with a new state that it has computed, is termed a transaction. Like 
transactions in database systems [Ullman, 1983], it represents an update to be 
performed either in its entirety or not at all. 

The ability to nest transactions can be useful in certain applications. In systems 
programming, for example, it permits the programming of command interpreters that 
evaluate a number of queries as independent transactions. 

If nested transactfons are supported, several transactions may execute concurrently. 
If each concurrent transaction is to retain its declarative semantics, concurrency control 
mechanisms [Bernstein and Goodman, 1981] are necessary to avoid conflicting 
accesses and updates to the same state components by concurrently executing 
transactions. These should ensure that concurrent transactions arc serializable: that is, 
that for any initial state and set of successfully terminating concurrent transactions, 
there exists a sequential ordering of their execution that gives the same final state. Each 
concurrent transaction then executes as if no other transactions are executing. A 
concurrency control algorithm may need to abort transactions if this condition would be 
violated. If any updates computed by a transaction are applied as an atomic action (that 


is, all or nothing), aborted transactions can be restarted. 

Nested transactions may be implemented as true subtransactions [Mueller et al,, 
1983], in which case commitment of an enclosed transaction must be undone if the 
enclosing (parent) transaction subsequently fails. Alternatively, nested transactions 
may commit independently of their parent The latter approach is adopted here, for two 
reasons. First, it is easier to implement. Second, it appears more appropriate for 
systems programming applications. For example, it was considered that failure of a 
command interpreter should not cause updates computed by queries that it has executed 
as subtransactions to be undone. 

7.2 Parlog+: an Extended Parlog Language 

Parlog+ is a parallel logic programming language derived from Parlog that 
incorporates the concepts introduced in the previous section. Section 7.2.1 outlines the 
basic principles of the language. Sections 7.2.2-7.2.4 describe important Parlog+ 
primitives and illustrate, by means of simple examples, appli cations of the language. 

Programs presented in this section are italicized to emphasize that they are Parlog+ 
rather than Parlog programs. Calls to Parlog+ primitives are in boldface. 

7.2.1 Overview of Parlog+ 

1 . A Parlog+ state consists of a number of programs, each with a unique name. 

2. A Parlog+ program consists of zero or more procedures and zero or more 

3. A Parlog-" procedure is a Parlog procedure (Section 3.1) augmented with zero or 
more attributes. 

4. A Parlog+ attribute is a pair {T1 ,T2), where T1 and T2 are terms (Section 3.1). T1 
is the name and T2 the value of the attribute. 

5 . Computation in Parlog+ is initiated by a transaction which maps a current state to a 
next state. A transaction specifies a conjunction of goals and the name of a 
program in the current state, with respect to which these goals are to be executed. 
A Parlog+ transaction is evaluated in the same way as a Parlog query, except that 
Parlog+ primitives may be called and commitment (defined below) must be 
performed upon successful termination. 


6 . A Parlog+ transaction can use metalogical primitives to: 

execute procedures located in other named programs. 

obtain a representation of the state with respect to which it is being evaluated 
(the current state). 

construct representations of new states that differ from the current or other 
states in specified ways. 

access representations of state components: procedures, attributes, etc. (These 
are represented as Parlog terms). 

nominate a state to replace the current state upon successful termination of the 
transaction (the next state). 

7. If a Parlog-f transaction terminates -. cessfully, and has nominated a next state, 
then commitment attempts to replace the current state with this new state. This 
replacement is performed as an atomic action and either succeeds or is aborted 

8 . Parlog+ programs can use a primitive akin to Parlog" s control metacall to initiate, 
monitor and control nested transactions. Nested transactions are evaluated with 
respect to the state as defined at the time they are initiated. They commit 
independently of their parent transaction. 

9. A concurrency control mechanism ensures that all committing transactions are 
serializable. It may abort a transaction if committing it would violate serializabiliry. 

10. The concurrency control mechanism used in an existing Parlog implementation of 
Parlog+, and described herein, applies this constraint on updates: 

A next state computed by a successfully terminating transaction may be 
committed if it does not modify any program -which a concurrently 
executing (that is, not yet terminated) transaction has already executed 
or accessed using Parlog+ primitives. 

Parlog+ extends Parlog's syntax and operational semantics in three respects, as 
illustrated in Figure 7.1. 

State and State Change 

Parlog+ extends Parlog with a new data type: the state. A state is a set of Parlog+ 
programs. Metalogical primitives can be applied to a state to access representations of 
or to execute its components. Other primitives can be applied to states to generate new 
states. Parlog+'s metalogical primitives support self-reference: programs can refer to 
and modify their own representation. 


State & Metalogical 

Persistent State 

Atomic, Scriahzabk 


Figure 7.1 Parlog and Parlog+. 

A state can be regarded as the representation of a file system: each Parlog+ program 
is a distinct file. (To simplify presentation, the set of programs is assumed here not to 
be structured in any way, so the file system is flat). Parlog+ programs can also be 
used to structure larger programs. In this respect they can be regarded as modules 
[Parnas, 1972]. The term module is not used here, however, to avoid confusion with 
Parlog's 'object code module 1 , the unit of executable object code described in Section 

The state abstraction is important because it permits a declarative treatment of file 
system update. Also, by representing state as logic programs, it facilitates 

Persistent State 

A Parlog+ transaction can access state components using metalogical primitives 
without concern for their location in primary or secondary storage. It may nominate 
some new state component that it has generated as a next state. Upon successful 
termination of the transaction, if a next state has been nominated and if this next state 
does not conflict with any concurrent transactions, it is committed and replaces the 
current state. The programmer does not therefore need to concern himself with the 
longevity of next states computed by transactions. In other words, state is persistent. 

The persistent state abstraction is important because it conceals the existence of 
secondary storage from the programmer. 

Serializablc Transactions 

A Parlog-*- transaction is like a Parlog query, except that it also specifies a program 

with respect to which the query is to be evaluated. Transactions are written here in the 

<program> : <query> 


For example: 

? analyse : current(S), transform(S, S1), next(S1). 

If a successfully terminating Par1og+ transaction (such as this example) nominates a 
next state, then its evaluation computes a mapping between states: 

T: CState - NState 

where CState is the current state the state with respect to which the transaction is 
evaluated and NState is the next state it computes. A transaction that fails, is 
aborted or does not specify a next state computes the identity mapping: 

T: CState -> CState 

An initial transaction such as that given above can create further, nested 
transactions. Nested transactions may execute concurrently and, if they access and 
update disjoint sets of state components, may also compute next states (that is, update 
the file system) without contention. 

Serializability guarantees that for any set E of successfully committing transactions, 
there exists a sequential ordering S of their executions that defines the same mapping. 
That is: 

V E = {T,: < i z N}: CState -4 NState 

3S-P"! T N }: TV CState - S 1f T 2 : S 1 - S 2 , ... T N : S^ -> NState 

Thus each transaction in a set of concurrent transactions is evaluated with respect to 
some unchanging state (for transactions in E, with respect to CState, S-|, S 2 , ..., 
S N _-|), and defines a simple mapping between states. Each transaction hence retains a 
declarative semantics as a relation defining and computing a relation between states. 

Serializability is important because it permits the programmer to ignore the effects 
of interactions between transactions. 

7.2.2 State Access 

State access primitives permit a Parlog+ transaction to access representations of 
state components. They include programs, diet, definition and attribute. These 
primitives must be applied to a term representing a state. The current primitive can be 


used to determine the current state: the state with respect to which a transaction is being 

State access primitives make it possible to write metaprograms programs that 
take other programs as data in Parlog+. For example, metainterpreters and program 

72 J. 1 State A ccess Primitives 

The annotations on arguments indicate whether an argument must be supplied at the 
time of call (?) or is generated by the primitive (T) . 

current (ST) 

S is the current state. 

programs(S?, PsT) 

Ps is a list of the names of all programs defined in state S. 

definitions?, P?, R?, Dt) 

D is a representation of relation R as defined in program P in state S. 

dlct(S?, P?, Rsf) 

Rs is a list of the names of all relations defined in program P in state S. 

attribute^?, P?, A?, Vt) 

V is the value of the attribute named A associated with program P in state S. 

Calls to state access primitives fail if the state component they are attempting to 
access does not exist. 

The terms returned by state access primitives are representations of state 
components. For example, programs and diet return lists of constants representing 
program and relation names respectively, definition returns a tuple representing a 
procedure. This has the form: 

{<name>, <modelist>, <clauselist>} 

<name> is a constant: the relation name. <modelist> is a list of constants '? or 'T ' . 
<clauselist> is a list of tuples representing <clause>s. A <clause> has the form: 

<head> is a <goal>, and <guard> and <body> are lists of <goal>s. A <goal> is a 


Parlog constant or structured term. The arguments to a <goal> are <term>s. A<term> 
is a constant, which represents itself; a structure v(<name>), which represents a 
variable named <name>; a structured term tuple(<termlist>), where <termlist> is a list 
of <term>s representing a tuple; or a list [<term> |<term>]. 
Thus a procedure: 

on([E |L], E). 

on([E1 |L], E) <- E1 =/= E : on(L.E). 

is represented as a structure: 

on, [?,?], % Name and mode. 

[ { on( [v('E') | v( f L')], v('E') ),[],[]}, % Clause 1 : head & empty guard, body. 

{ on( [v('EV) | v('L')], v('E') ), % Clause 2: head. 

[ v('E1') =/ v('E') ], % Guard: E1 W E. 

1 ), v('E')) 1 } % Body: on(L,E). 

(This is in fact a simplification of the actual representation, which is complicated by 
the need to represent Parlog's sequential clause search and conjunction operators. The 
form presented here assumes all operators are parallel). 

mode defined(State?, Relation?, Answersf), on(7Vame? List?), 

defined(State, Programs?, Relation?, AnswersT), on(Name?, List?). 

defined(S, R, As) <- (Cl) 

programs(S, Ps), defined(S, Ps, R, As). % Check all programs. 

defined(S, [P IPs], R, [{P,R} IAs]) <- (C2) 

dict(S, P, Rs), on(Rs, R) : defined(S, Ps, R, As); % R defined in program P. 

defined(S, [P IPs], R, As) <- (C3) 

defined(S, Ps, R, As). % R not defined in P. 

defined(S, [], R, []). % All programs checked. (C4) 

on([E IEs], E). % E on list if head of list (C5) 

on([E1 IEs], E) <- (C6) 

E -/ E1 : on(Es, E). % E on list if on tail. 

Program 7.1 Program analysis in Partog-K 

72 22 Example: Program Analysis 

The relation defined(S,R,Ps) (Program 7.1) has the logical reading: Ps is a list of 
pairs (P1,R), ..., {Pn,R} such that the relation R is defined in the programs P1 t ..., 
Pn in state S. (A relation can be defined in more than one program). This example 
illustrates the use of the programs and diet primitives. 

defined/3 uses the programs primitive to obtain a list of programs defined in the 
state S (Cl). It then calls defined/4, which checks each program P using the diet 
primitive to determine whether it contains the relation R. If it does, it outputs a pair 
{P,R} (C2); otherwise, it does not (C3). 

Recall that the syntax: ? <prog> : <query> represents a transaction that executes a 
query <q> with respect to a program <prog>. Assume that a Parlog+ state contains 
the procedures in Program 7.1 in a program named analyse Then it can be executed 
in the transaction: 

? analyse current(S), defined(S, some_relation, Ps). 

The call to the current primitive determines the current state; that is, the current 
contents of the file system. The defined relation is then called to determine in which 
programs some_relation is defined. 

7.2 J State Generation 

Parlog+ transactions can call state generation primitives such as new_program, 
new_deflnltlon and new^attrlbute to construct new states that differ from other 
states in incorporating different definitions for particular state components. 

Many new states can be computed in the course of a transaction's execution. The 
next primitive can be called in a transaction to nominate a state that is to replace the 
current state upon successful termination of the transaction in which it is called, next 
can be called at any time in the evaluation of a transaction, next can only be called 
once in the course of a transaction; second and subsequent calls to the primitive are 
signalled as exceptions. Commitment of a next state is only attempted if the 
transaction terminates successfully and if upon termination the term specified by the 
call to next is instantiated to a valid state. 

State generation primitives permit program transformations to be specified in 
Parlog+ as relations over states. For example, a relation transform(S,S1) can be 
defined, with the logical reading: S is a state, and S1 is S transformed. This relation 


can be called in a transaction: 

? <prog> : current(S), transform(S,S1), next(S1). 

which uses the current primitive to determine the current state, S, transform to 
compute a new state S/, and next to nominate this as the next state. The transaction 
computes the update S - S1 . 

72 3 J State Generation Primitives 

new_program(S?, P?, Slf) 

State S) differs from state S in containing a new program named P. 

new_definitlon(S?, P?, D?, Slf) 

State S1 differs from state S in containing definition D in program P. D is a 
representation of a Parlog procedure. The name of the procedure is implicit in 
this definition. 


The state S is to replace the current state upon successful termination of the 
transaction in which this call is executed. 

7232 Example: Program Transformation 

Program transformations can easily be defined in Parlog+. State access primitives 
are used to obtain representations of state components. State generation primitives are 
used to generate new states that contain transformed versions of these components. 

Program 7.2 specifies a generic transformation program. transform(T,S,S1) has 
the logical reading: S is a state, and S1 is S transformed by a transformation T. A 
transformation is specified by a tuple: {Rs,P,A}, which indicates that the relations 
named on the list Rs are to be transformed using the relation named A as defined in 
the program named P. 

access(S, Rs, Ds) has the reading: Rs is a list of {program,relation} name pairs 
and Ds is a list of terms representing these relations as defined in state S. The list Ds 
is constructed by retrieving the definitions of the named relations using the state access 
primitive definition (C2,3). 

apply (Ds,P,A,Ds1) has the reading: Ds is a list of procedure definitions, and Dsl 
is that list when each definition is transformed using the procedure for the relation 


named A in program P. A call to A is constructed for each procedure on the list 
using the -.. primitive. This call has the form: A(D,D1) and reads: D Is a procedure 
definition and D1 is related to D by relation A. The newly constructed goal is 
evaluated in the program P using the # primitive (see Section 7.2.4 below). 

mode transform(Trans?, State?, Statelf), access(State?, Reins 7 , DefnsT), 

apply(Defns?, Prog 7 , Rein?, DefnslT), record(State 7 , Reins?, Defns?, Statelf). 

transform({Rs,P,A}, $, S1) f- (Cl) 
access(S, Rs, Ds), apply(Ds, P, A, Ds1), record(S, Rs, Ds1, S1). 

access(S, [{P,R} IRs], [D IDs])) <- (C2) 

definitions, P, R, D), access(S, Rs, Ds). % Retrieve current definition. 

access(S, [],[]). (C3) 

apply([D IDs], P, A, [D1 IDs1]) <- (C4) 

G =.. [A, D, D1], P#G, apply(Ds, P, A, Ds1). % Construct caU to A(D,D1 ); 

apply([], P, A, []). % call this to compute D1 (C5) 

record(S, [{P,R} IRs], [D IDs], S2 <- (C6) 

new_deflnltlon(S, P, D,S1), record(S1, Rs, Ds,S2). % New defn in new state. 

record(S, [],[],$). (C7) 

Program 7.2 A generic program transformation in Parlog+. 

record(S,Rs,Ds,S1) has the reading: S is a state, and S1 is the state obtained 
from S by redefining the relations on the list Rs with the definitions in the list Ds. 
The state generation primitive new__deflnltlon is used to construct the new state. 

Assume that the procedures presented in Program 7.2 are located in a program 
named analyse. Then transform can be executed in the transaction: 

? analyse : current(S), transform(<t>, S, S1), next(S1). 

where <f> represents a transformation (an example of a possible transformation is 
given below). This transaction computes the relation transform(<t>,S,S1), where S 
is the current state, and applies the state change S-+S1 upon successful termination. 


mode abort(Proc?, AProcT), abort_cls(Cls?, ACIsf), extra_arg(Goal?, AGoalf), 
abort_gs(Gs?, AGst), args(Mode? t Argst), primitive(Goal?). 

abortdName, Mode, CIs), (Name, [? jMode], [{NewG, [], []} jACIs]} ) <- (Cl ) 

NewG .. [Name, stop) lArgs], % Construct head of new clause. 

args(Mode, Args), % Construct args of new head. 

abort_cls(Cls, ACls). % Transform other clauses. 

abort_cls([ {H, G, B) Ids], [{AH, [var(v('_ 1 ')) IAG], AB) lACIs]) f- (C2) 

extra_arg(H, AH), % Transform clause head. 

abort_gs(G, AG), % Transform guard calls. 

abort_gs(B, AB), % Transform body calls. 

abort_cls(Cls, ACls). % Transform other clauses. 

abort_cls([ ],[]). (C3) 

abort_g$([Goal IGs], [Goal jAGs]) <r- (C4) 

primitive(Goal) : abort_gs(G$, AG$); 
abort_gs([Goal /(3s/ [AGoal jAGs]) <- (C5) 

extra_arg(Goal, AGoal), abort_gs(Gs, AGs). 

extra_arg(Goal, AGoal) f- (C6) 

Goal .. [NamejArgs], AGoal =.. [Name, v('J') jArgs]. 

3rgs([], []). % Produce list of variables ('_'). (C7) 

args(L /Mode], [v('J jArgs]) <- args(Mode, Args). (C8) 

Program 7.3 Program transformation in Parlog+. 

The relation abort in Program 7.3 specifies a transformation that can be applied using 

the generic transformation procedure transform (Program 7.2). This makes a 

procedure 'abortable 1 by adding an extra argument which, when instantiated to a 

constant stop, causes evaluation of the procedure to terminate. 

To illustrate the transformation, the procedure on/2 is shown transformed and 



mode on(?, ?). mode on(?, ?, ?). (a) 

on (stop ---- ). (b) 

on ([E |L], E). on (J , [E |L], E) <- varL1) : true. (c), (d) 

on([E1 |L], E) <- on (J, [E1 |L], E) <- varL1), E V- E1 : (c), (d) 

E-/-E1 : on(L, E). on(J.UE). (c) 

(a) Untransformed. (b) Transformed. 

The annotations in this program, (a), (b), etc. refer to the following list of 
transformations specified by Program 7.3: 

(a) add an extra input argument to a procedure's mode declaration, '?' (Cl) 

(b) add an extra clause to the procedure: on(stop,_, J (Cl) 

(c) add an extra argument the variable _1 , represented in Program 7.3 as v('_1 ') 
to the head of each clause (C2) and to each goal in each clause's guard and 
body which is not a primitive (C4-6). 

(d) add an extra guard test var(_1 ) to each clause (C2) 

Recall that state access primitives provide Parlog+ programs with representations 
of procedures, etc. abort specifies a relation over representations of procedures. If it 
is called with the term representing the procedure on/2 (Section as input: 

on, [?,?], % Name and mode. 

[ { on( [v('E') | v('L')], v('E') ),[],[ J }, % Clause 1 : head & empty guard, body. 

% Clause 2: head. 

% Guard. 
[on(v('L'),v('E'))]} % Body. 


it generates as output: 

on, [?, ?,?], % (a) 

[ { on( stop, v('j), v('J) ),[],[]}, % Clause 1. (b) 

{ on( vCJ'), [v('E') | v('L')J, v('E') ), [ var( v( f J 1 ) )],[]}, % Clause 2. (c), (d) 

{ on( v('J f ), [v('El') | v('L')J, v('E') ), % Clause 3. (c) 

[ var( v('_r) ), v('EV) w v ('E') ], % Guard. (d) 

% Body. (c) 


In this transformed representation of on/2 (which corresponds to the transformed 
source, on/3 , given above), additional components are in boldface; annotations refer 
once again to the list of transformations above. 

Note that in Program 7.3, pr/'/rwY/Ve^reads: G is a call to a Parlog+ primitive. 

Assume that the procedures defined in Program 7.3 are located in a program 
pabort. Then the transaction: 

? analyse : current(S), defined(S, on, Rs), transform({Rs,pabort, abort}, S, S1), next(S1). 

(where defined/3 is defined in Program 7.1 and transform/3 in Program 7.2) uses 
the relation abort/2 to transform all definitions of a relation on in the current state. 
The call to defined yields a list of definitions of on; transform generates a new state 
in which these are transformed using the relation abort. 

7.2.4 Transactions and Programs 

The transaction primitive is used to initiate, monitor and control nested 
transactions. Both the transaction and the # primitives support calls to procedures 
located in other programs. (By default, a Parlog+ procedure call is evaluated in the 
program in which the procedure that made the call is located). 

One application of the transaction primitive is the programming of command 
interpreters. Concurrent user queries can be executed as separate transactions and can 
access and update components of the same state. Parlog+'s concurrency control 
mechanisms prevent conflict when concurrent queries access the same state 

The ability to call procedures located in other programs permits the use of Parlog+ 
programs to structure larger programs. A program that consists of logically distinct 
components can be divided into several subprograms. Inheritance schemes can be 
implemented by searching other programs for definitions for undefined relations. 

72 A J The Transaction and Program Primitives 


Initiates a transaction to execute goal G using program P. S and C can be 
used to monitor and control the transaction in the same way as the status and 
control streams of the control metacall (Sections 3.4, 4.2.2). Upon successful 
termination of the transaction, an attempt is made to commit a next state, if one 


has been nominated (using next) during its execution. This attempt may fail, 
due to conflict with another transaction. Commitment failure is signalled by the 
additional termination status commit_error(J. The argument to this message 
indicates both why commitment failed and the updates that were not performed. 
If commitment succeeds, the usual termination status (succeeded) is returned. 


Executes goal G in program P. 


Executes goal G in program P, as defined in state S. 

Both the transaction and the first form of the # primitive refer implicitly to (and 
are evaluated with respect to) the current state: that is, the state with respect to which the 
transaction that calls them is being evaluated. The second form of the # primitive 
permits evaluation of goals using programs defined in new states generated by a 
transaction in the course of previous computation (but not yet committed). 

Note that a conjunction current(S), S:P#G, is equivalent to a call P#G. 

72A2 Example: An Inheritance Shell 

A command interpreter or shell is a program that manages the execution of other 
programs. A simple shell is presented here to illustrate the use of Parlog+'s 
transaction, # and attribute primitives. 

This shell extends Parlog+'s standard operational semantics by permitting calls to 
undefined relations to be evaluated in other programs. It effectively implements a 
simple inheritance mechanism: each program may inherit definitions from one other 
program. It is assumed that this simple inheritance relation is specified by an attribute 
inherits associated with programs. The value of a program's inherit attribute 
specifies the 'auxiliary program' from which that program inherits definitions. Thus an 
attribute {inheritsjibrary} associated with a program indicates that calls to relations 
undefined in that program should be evaluated using procedures in library. 

The shell implemented in Program 7.4 executes each query {P,G} received on its 
input stream as a separate transaction using the transaction primitive (Cl). The 
current, attribute and diet primitives are used to obtain a list of relations defined in 
the program P's auxiliary program, if program P has an attribute {inherits.Aux} 
associated with it, and if program Aux exists (C2,3). 


mode shell(Queries?), monitorf Program?, Status?, Controlt), 

monitor(lnheritedProgram?, Dictionary?, Status?, Controlf), 
name(Goal?, NameT). 

shell([{P,G} IQs]) <- (Cl) 

transactlon(P, G, S, C), monitor(P,S, C), shell(Qs). 

monitor(P, S, C) *- (C2) 

current(S), attribute(S, P, inherits, Aux), dict(S, Aux, Rs) : 
monitor(Aux, Rs, S, C); % Find diet of auxiliary program, if it exists. 

monitor(P, S, C) <- (C3) 

monitor(_, [], S,C). % No auxiliary prog: Diet = I]. 

monitor(Aux, Rs, [exception(undefined, G, Cont) IS], C) f- (C4) 

name(G, N), on(Rs, N) : % Find name of G. In Auxl 

Cont - AuxtG, monitor(Aux, Rs, S, C); % Inherit G from Aux. 

monitor(Aux, Rs, [exception(T, G, Cont) IS], stop). % Other exceptions: abort. (C5) 

monitor(Aux, Rs, succeeded, C). % Termination ... (C6) 

monitor(Aux, Rs, failed, C). % (C7) 

monitor(Aux, Rs, commit_error(J, C). % Commit error. (C8) 

Program 7.4 Inheritance shell in Parlog+. 

monitor then monitors the new transaction's status stream. It detects calls to 
undefined relations (signalled as exceptions with type undefined} and executes them 
in the auxiliary program, using #, if they are defined in that program (that is, if they 
are on the list: C4). name (G.N) reads: goal G invokes a relation named N. 
Otherwise, execution of the transaction is aborted (C5). Remaining clauses deal with 
termination (C6-8). 

A range of more sophisticated shells can be programmed in Parlog+, using the 
exception message to detect calls to undefined relations; attributes or Parlog+ 
procedures to define inheritance structures, etc.; the diet primitive to locate relations; 
and the # primitive to initiate execution in other programs. Interesting possibilities 

Unix-style 'search path': a shell can search through a list of programs (rather than a 
single program, as in Program 7.4) to locate procedures not present in the original 
program. The list of programs to search may be defined by a procedure specified in 


some program assumed to define a user 'environment'. 

Conditional and multiple inheritance: a shell can execute procedures in an auxiliary 
program to determine where to evaluate calls to undefined relations. For example, a 
relation refer(G,P)may be interpreted as: goal G may be evaluated in program P. 
A range of inheritance schemes can be specified in this way. 

Restarting transactions: a shell can detect transactions aborted due to concurrency 
control (signalled by a commit_error(J termination status) andreexecute them. 

Directory structure: a shell may implement its own program access primitives and 
consult a program defining a 'directory structure' when processing them. Arbitrary 
directory structures can be defined in this way. (Primitives are implemented as 
exceptions, in the same way as the Parlog OS in Section 4.7 implements its system 

Query -the-user: a shell can ask the user for definitions for undefined relations, cache 
these definitions and use them to solve subsequent calls to the same relations. It 
can also add these new definitions to programs upon successful termination of the 
query that required them. This 'query-the-user' facility [Sergot, 1982], is useful in 
expert systems and other interactive programs in which the user must contribute to 
the solution of a problem. It can also facili tate top-down program development: the 
user is asked for definitions for undefined relations as they are encountered in a 
partially completed program. 

7 2.4.3 Example: Possible Worlds 

New states may be constructed solely for the purpose of exploring 'possible 
worlds': that is, executing queries using alternative definitions of a problem. Queries 
may be executed with respect to a new state either through metainterpretation or by 
direct execution. Consider the following procedures, which illustrate this and show the 
use of Parlog+'s #/3 primitive: 

mode equivalent (State ?, Transform?, Goal?), equivalent2(State ?, Transform?,Goal?). 

equivalents, T, {P,G}) <- 

demo(S, P, G), transformer, S, S1), demo(S1, P, G). 

equivalents, T, {P,G} ) <- 

S:P*G, transform(T, S, S1), S1:P*G. 

where transform/3 is as defined in Program 7.2. 

Both procedures define the same relation: a query {P,G} succeeds in both state S 


and the state S1 that results from applying transformation T to state S. 

equivalent evaluates {P,G} using a metainterpreter, demo, demo uses state 
access primitives to access the definitions of procedures and simulates their execution. 

equivalent2 evaluates {P,G} directly using the #/3 primitive. Recall that a call 
S:P# G executes a goal G using the program P as defined in state S. 

If demo is a correct implementation of Parlog+'s evaluation strategy, then 
equivalentl and equivalent2 compute the same relation. One procedure may 
however be more efficient than the other; this depends on the relative efficiency of the 
state access and #/3 primitives in a Parlog+ implementation. 

7.2.5 Discussion 

Parlog+ permits a declarative treatment of file system update in a concurrent 
language. This is achieved by extending the parallel logic language Parlog to provide 
linguistic support for program access to state, persistence and atomic transactions. 
Parlog+ programs that describe state change have a simple declarative reading. They 
can be composed and executed in parallel. The state change computed by a query is 
well-defined: failure is not problematic. Furthermore, declarative semantics is 
maintained when nested transactions execute concurrently. 

By incorporating metalogical primitives in Parlog, Parlog+ supports 
metaprogramming in a parallel logic language. Metainterpreters, program analysers and 
program transformers can be programmed in the language. These programs can refer 
to and modify their own representations, so a Parlog+ state (that is, file system) is self- 

By making the state of a file system accessible in the language, Parlog+ allows 
many 'program management 1 and 'systems programming' tasks to be viewed as 
metaprogramming tasks. This makes the advantages of a declarative programming 
style available when building tools to aid in program development 

In other respects, Parlog+ inherits Parlog 's properties as a systems and applications 
programming language. 

Parlog+ language features serve to make Parlog+ a more expressive language than 
the Parlog language from which it is derived. However, they have an implementation 
cost: to provide atomic transactions, updates must be cached and then recorded on 
stable storage; to provide serializability, information about accesses to state components 
must be recorded. (The implementation of Parlog+ language features is described in 


Section 7.4 below). As not all applications require atomic transactions, etc., Parlog+ is 
best viewed as a programming environment and application programming language 
for a Parlog programming system. An existing implementation of Parlog--, in Parlog, 
uses the language for this purpose [Foster, 1986]. This permits applications that can 
benefit from a declarative treatment of update to be programmed in Parlog+. 
Applications in which state change is more conveniently expressed in terms of 
communicating processes can be programmed in Parlog. 

Parlog+ can be further developed in a number of areas. Two are noted here. First, 
Parlog+'s concept of state can be generalized. A Parlog+ state represents a set of 
persistent logic programs. The language can be generalized so as to incorporate in state 
both (a) non-persistent (that is, temporary) objects, and (b) objects other than logic 
programs. The former permits more efficient representation of information that needs 
to be shared between concurrent (nested) transactions but that is not required to persist 
after termination of the enclosing transaction. The latter permits a declarative treatment 
of other types of file system update: for example, operations on databases. In both 
cases, new types of state component are made available to Parlog+ programs by means 
of additional state access and state generation primitives. 

Second, Parlog+ can be extended to serve as a language for programming fault- 
tolerant systems. Atomic commitment of updates is introduced into Parlog+ to provide 
a declarative treatment of state change. A transaction either successfully computes a 
state transformation or state is not modified. Commitment of the file system updates 
computed by a transaction is thus atomic in the face of logical failure (of a transaction) 
and concurrent, conflicting accesses. Commitment can also be made atomic in the face 
of physical (that is, hardware) failure. This provides a starting point for the use of 
Parlog+ to program robust or fault-tolerant systems: systems which behave correctly 
despite hardware failure. 

73 Related Work 

A number of systems have been proposed that provide solutions to some of the 
problems outlined in Section 7.1.1. 

The Unix shell programming language's pipe feature [Richie and Thompson, 
1974] permits programs that read and write streams of data to be linked (composed') in 
a pipeline. This allows existing tools to be combined, producing more complex shell 


programs that also read and write streams of data. However, only linear, unidirectional 
composition is supported. Its utility is further reduced by the fact that the shell 
language is distinct from the languages used to program applications. Furthermore, the 
file system side-effects implicit in many Unix tools limit the extent to which they can be 

Several authors have described functio nal shells for Unix that support functional 
composition of programs [Shultis, 1983; McDonald, 1987]. These permit more 
general program composition for example, several inputs can be passed to a single 
program but do not avoid the problem of file system side-effects, 'n contrast, 
Parlog+'s declarative treatment of update means that programs that modify state can be 
composed. Parlog+ permits extremely general composition of programs: arbitrary 
communication networks can be defined as conjunctions of processes. Shared 
variables serve as communication channels and back communication provides added 
flexibility. Another advantage of Parlog+ is that it can be used as both a shell and an 
application programming language. 

Backus [1978] proposes an approach to programming environment design that is 
quite similar to that presented here. In his Applicative State Transition systems, state is 
represented as a functional program. A simple shell repeatedly applies functions in this 
program to the program itself in order to obtain a new program for the next iteration. 
This approach permits any state-modifying program to be composed with another. 
However, Backus's proposal addresses neither the frame problem nor concurrency. 

Bowen and Kowalski [1982] propose that logic programming systems be extended 
with a relation demo(Pr.G), which reads: the goal G can be proven using the program 
represented by the term Pr. It is then possible to construct terms representing different 
programs and to execute queries using these programs. However, as demo is a 
metainterpreter, this approach cannot be expected to give good performance. Bowen 
[1986] defines a language metaProlog in which demo is a language primitive and 
programs represented as language terms can be executed directly. In metaProlog, 
programs are constructed using primitives such as add_to(Pr1 ,CI,Pr2), which reads: 
program Pr2 differs from program Pr1 in incorporating the clause Cl. Both these 
proposals permit a declarative treatment of change. However, problems of self- 
reference and concurrency are not addressed. 

The language Argus [Weihl and Liskov, 1985] represents an imperative solution to 
some of the problems noted in Section 7.1. Its design aims not to provide a declarative 
treatment of update but to support fault tolerant distributed computing. It provides 
linguistic support for stable objects (which survive crashes) and nested atomic actions 


(transactions) on these objects. Argus programs perform sequences of actions on 
objects; the language kernel synchronizes accesses and records changes to objects on 
stable storage when actions complete. 

Parlog+ programs and transactions are quite similar to Argus objects and actions. 
One major point of difference between Argus and Parlog+ is that all Argus programs 
must pay the costs associated with robustness, whether this is required or not. In 
consequence, the language is not general purpose: it is designed specifically for use in 
applications requiring a high degree of reliability. Parlog+, on the other hand, is 
intended to be implemented in Parlog, which it enhances but does not replace. 
Declarative semantics for update (and potentially, fault tolerance) are hence available to 
the Parlog programmer, but only if required. 

7.4 The Implementation of Parlog+ 

This section describes an approach to the implementation of Parlog+ in Parlog. As 
Parlog provides basic Parlog+ functions such as process reduction, unification and 
metacontrol, a Parlog implementation of Parlog-- only needs to support Parlog+'s 
extensions to Parlog. The presentation that follows is hence able to concentrate on the 
implementation of Parlog+'s original features. Namely: its state data type and 
metalogical primitives; its persistence; and its atomic, serializabie transactions. 

To achieve an implementation of Parlog+ in Parlog: 

Parlog+ programs are compiled to Parlog in such a way that calls to Parlog+ 
primitives generate exceptions when executed 

Parlog+ transactions are executed as Parlog tasks. 

Additional Parlog processes are provided to supervise execution of Parlog-*- 
transactions and to implement the various Parlog-f- abstractions. 

The principal additional processes provided are transaction managers, which 
supervise Parlog-i- transactions and implement Parlog+'s state data type and metalogical 
primitives; and program managers, which coordinate accesses to Parlog+ state 
components and implement persistence. Transaction managers and program managers 
cooperate to implement atomic, serializabie transactions. A name server routes 
messages from transaction managers to program managers. 

Figure 7.2 illustrates a Parlog implementation of Parlog+, assumed here to be 


executing as a user-level program in a Parlog operating system. Transaction managers 
(TM) are connected by streams to a name server (names), which routes requests to 
program managers (PM). These in turn communicate requests to a disk manager 
(disk), which provides an interface to an OS disk service (DISK). The function of 
transaction and program managers is made clear below. The functionality of the disk 
service is not relevant to the current discussion (see [Foster and Kusalik, 1986] for a 
discussion of issues in its implementation). 

Parlog+ programmer 

implementation CTM > 

Parlog Operating System 
Figure 7.2 Parlog implementation of Parlog+. 

7.4.1 State and State Change 

Parlog+'s metalogical primitives are implemented in the same way as Parlog OS 
system calls: as exceptions (Section 4.4). The compilation of Parlog+ to Parlog 
translates calls to Parlog+ primitives into calls to Parlog's raise_exception primitive 
and hence at run-time into exception status messages. A transaction manager (a type 
of task supervisor: Section 4.4) is associated with each transaction. This monitors the 
transaction's status stream and traps and evaluates calls to Parlog+ primitives. 

The transaction manager also implements Parlog+'s state data type. It processes 
calls to Parlog+'s state access and generation primitives with respect to a data structure 
that it maintains, termed a virtual copy. The virtual copy records the states generated by 
the transaction. Its name derives from the fact that these states are only Virtual copies' 
of the current state, represented in terms of how they differ from the current state. The 
current state is characterized solely by a lack of modification. 

Figure 7.3 represents the relationship between a Parlog+ transaction and its 
transaction manager. 


now definition, 
S definition, 

manager ] "" r 

UVrtuilcopy] *> Fgn muugers 

Figure 7.3 Parlog implementation of Parlog+ transaction. 

Recall that the states manipulated by Parlog+ programs are 'encoded 
representations' of file system states (Section 7.1.2). The 'encoded representations' 
made available to programs are in fact indices which the transaction manager uses to 
access its own representation of these states, recorded in the virtual copy. 

To process a call to a state access primitive (for example: definition(S,P,R,D)), the 
transaction manager must locate the state with the supplied index (S) in the virtual 
copy. Then, that state is searched to determine whether it contains a new definition for 
the required component. (In the example, the component required is the definition of 
relation R in program P). If it does, the new definition is used; if not, the definition of 
the component is determined by making a request to the manager of the program in 
question (see Section 7.4.2). Efficient data structures minimize the time required to 
locate a definition in the virtual copy. 

A call to a state generation primitive (for example: new_definition(S,P,D,S1)) is 
processed by adding a representation of the newly created state to the virtual copy. The 
representation of a new state can be simply the representation of the state from which it 
was derived (state S) plus the modification used to generate it ({P,D}). S1 is 
instantiated to the index of the new state in the virtual copy data structure. 

The transaction manager also maintains the name of any next state nominated by 
the transaction. Upon successful termination of the transaction, the transaction 
manager examines the virtual copy to determine whether a next state has been 
nominated. If so, a commitment procedure is invoked to attempt any updates that it 
implies. Commitment is discussed in Section 7.4.3. 


7.4.2 Persistence 

Parlog+ primitives enable Parlog+ transactions to execute, access representations of 
and modify state components without concern for their location or longevity. This 
persistence is implemented by perpetual processes termed program managers. The 
programs comprising state are stored on stable storage. A program manager with a 
request stream to disk service(s) is associated with each program. Transaction 
managers communicate with program managers to request Parlog terms representing 
source code (following calls to definition, diet, etc.) or executable object code (after 
calls to transaction, #). Transaction managers also request program managers to 
perform updates when a transaction terminates successfully having nominated a next 
state which modifies programs. 

A program manager's principal task is to correctly service requests from 
transactions whilst maintaining a consistent representation of its program on stable 
storage. It achieves this by generating messages to disk services to store and retrieve 
data as required. It may also cache frequently accessed program components in 
memory to reduce disk traffic. 

A program manager handles requests for source and object code by accessing a 
cache and/or communicating with disk managers to retrieve data. It handles update 
requests by validating the update (as described in Section 7.4.3 below), modifying its 
cache and communicating with disk service(s) to update the representation of the 
program on stable storage. Commitment of updates is discussed in detail in Section 

7.4.3 Atomic, Serializable Transactions 

Parlog-f transactions have a simple declarative semantics. They are evaluated with 
respect to an unchanging current state and may compute a new state to replace the 
current state upon successful termination. This feature of the language requires that 
concurrently executing transactions are serializable, so that each transaction is evaluated 
with respect to an unchanging state. This in turn requires that updates computed by a 
transaction are applied as an atomic action, "all or nothing". 

The implementation of atomic update and serializability involve both transaction 
managers and program managers. The transaction manager uses an algorithm called 
two stage commit to coordinate updates to ensure that they are applied atomically. 


Program managers apply a concurrency control algorithm to verify that serializability is 
not violated. They also perform the actual updates, 

7.43.1 Two Stage Commit 

A form of two stage commit [Lampson and Sturgis, 1976] is used to commit 
updates computed by a Parlog+ transaction as an atomic action. In the first stage of this 
algorithm, a transaction manager makes a prewrite request to each program manager 
affected by an update. This requests the program manager to validate its update. Any 
program manager may refuse its updates at this stage; this does not matter, as no 
program has been modified. If all affected program managers accept their updates, then 
write requests are issued to request program managers to actually apply the updates. 
Updates are thus performed "all or nothing". 

The Parlog implementation of two stage commit presented in this section ignores 
the possibility of system failure during commitment. However, if stable storage can be 
assumed, then extension to incorporate a recovery mechanism that ensures that 
commitment is also atomic in the face of hardware failure [Bernstein et al, 1983] is 

7.4.3 2 Concurrency Control 

The implementation of serializability requires concurrency control mechanisms. 
Concurrency control has been extensively studied by the distributed database 
community. The reader is referred to [Bernstein and Goodman, 1981; Papadimitriou, 
1986] for a detailed discussion of this topic and for a precise definition of serializability 
and the concurrency control problem. Informally, concurrency control seeks to avoid 
or detect conflict. Transactions in database systems (and in Parlog-t-) perform a series 
of read and write operations to state components. A set of concurrent transactions 
conflict if the sequence of operations that they perform are such that the same final 
result cannot be achieved by executing the transactions in some sequential order. 

For example, consider the following four (independent) sequence of operations. 
Each such history represents the operations that two transactions T1 and T2 were 
observed to perform on state components X and Y. read(T,X) signifies a read operation 
by transaction T on term X and write(T.X) signifies the corresponding write operation. 


HI = { read(T1,X), write(T2,X), read(T1,X) } 

H2 = { write(T1,X), wrlte(T2 f Y), write(T2,X), write(T1 f Y) } 

H3 = { read(T1,X), write(T2,X), read(T1,Y) } 

H4 = { write(T1 ,X), write(T1 ,Y), write(T2,X), wrrte(T2,Y) } 

Histories HI and H2 both conflict, as neither the execution of TVs operations 
followed by T2's, nor the reverse, gives the same final result. On the other hand, 
neither history H3 nor history H4 conflict, as in each, case the same final result can be 
achieved by executing first transaction T1 and then T2. 

Concurrency control mechanisms either avoid conflict by sequencing transactions 
when necessary or permit transactions to execute concurrently and seek to detect 
conflict at run-time. As conflict avoidance requires prior knowledge of the behaviour 
of transactions, conflict detection is more commonly used. 

Various conflict detection algorithms have been proposed. Those based on locks 
and timestamps seek to detect conflict as early as possible by requiring that transactions 
announce their intention to modify items. Optimistic approaches, on the other hand, 
assume that conflict is rare and therefore only check for conflict immediately prior to 
committing a transaction [Badal, 1979]. (Commitment is the process which makes 
updates computed by a transaction permanent and accessible to other transactions). All 
approaches resolve conflict by aborting transactions. As long as commitment of 
updates computed by a transaction is performed as an atomic action, an aborted 
transaction can be reexecuted 

An optimistic conflict detection algorithm checks for conflict immediately prior to 
commitment of a transaction T. It tests whether, if T is committed, the set of all 
committed transactions would still be serializable. In general, this requires it to keep a 
record of all preceding reads and writes. The overhead of maintaining this information 
militates against optimistic approaches. For example, assume that a transaction T2 is 
allowed to commit and that T2 writes a term X which an active transaction T1 has 
previously read. The operation write(T2,X) must be recorded, as if T1 were 
subsequently to commit, having read term X again, serializability would be violated: 
this is the conflicting history HI above. 

Nevertheless, an optimistic concurrency detection algorithm is used in the 
implementation of Parlog+. Conflict detection rather than conflict avoidance is used 
because it is not in general possible to know what programs a Parlog+ transaction will 
access without executing it. An optimistic algorithm is used because it cannot be 
known whether a next state computed by a Parlog+ transaction is to be committed until 


the transaction terminates. There is thus little point in attempting to detect conflict early. 
The overhead associated with optimistic approaches is avoided by using what may be 
termed a non-preemptive conflict resolution algorithm: this aborts a committing 
transaction if subsequent action of any active transaction could lead to conflict. (An 
active transaction is one that has not yet terminated). It aborts committing transactions 
that would write state components other active transactions have previously read. In 
the example in the previous paragraph, T2 would be aborted when it attempted to 
commit. This algorithm only requires information on reads by active transactions, 
rather than reads and writes by all transactions. This is a significant saving. On the 
other hand, the algorithm tends to abort more transactions than other concurrency 
control algorithms. As these transactions may never reread these components, this 
abortion may be unnecessary. 

In database systems, concurrency control may be applied at various levels of 
granularity. There is a tradeoff between the run-time cost of recording accesses to 
components and the convenience of concurrent updates to components. For simplicity, 
it is proposed that a fairly large grain-size be adopted in an implementation of Parlog+. 
Read and write operations are defined to occur on programs rather than particular 
procedures or attributes. This granularity is in fact imposed by the underlying module 
system in a Parlog implementation of Parlog-K This does not permit a transaction 
manager to determine which procedures in a program a particular transaction executes. 
This prevents procedure-level concurrency control. 

A Parlog+ transaction is hence allowed to commit if and only if the next state it has 
computed does not modify programs which any other active transaction has accessed 
using a state access primitive or has executed. 

Note that Parlog+'s concept of update as the generation of a new state that differs 
from a previous state in some specified way precludes the possibility of conflict within 
a transaction. Any next state computed by a Parlog+ transaction can only specify a 
single new definition for any item. 

7.433 Implementation of Two Stage Commit 

The commitment of a transaction's updates involves the cooperation of the 
transaction's manager and the managers of the programs affected by the update. The 
transaction manager supervises commitment. It uses two stage commit (Section to synchronize the activities of the program managers concerned so that update 
of all programs occurs as an atomic action. The program managers apply concurrency 


control constraints, as described in the next section. They also perform the actual 
updates, as noted in Section 7.4.2 above. 

A Parlog implementation of two stage commit consists of commitment procedures 
for both the transaction and program managers. These are presented in Program 7.5. 

A transaction manager invokes its commitment procedure, t_commit/3 (Cl-6), 
when its transaction terminates successfully, having nominated a valid next state. 
t_commit is called with the transaction's termination variable, the next state as 
represented in the virtual copy and a stream to the name server as its arguments. It 
determines what updates are required and generates update messages to request the 
program managers concerned to perform the updates. 

A program manager invokes its commitment procedure, p_commit/4 (C7-13), 
when it receives an update request. p_commit is called with a list of termination 
variables, before and after commitment (used for concurrency control: see the next 
section), a request stream to a disk manager, and the update request generated by the 
transaction manager as arguments. 

Stage 1 X$$ s&) Stage 2 j,(, 

/ '' 

u(UI.Comiftit,T,Ackl) Ackly^xie * 

y\i(Ui2,Commit,T^ck2) / ^^ cU ^ /fcrniml- 

u(Ui3,Comnut.T,Ack3) AckA^rui 


(a) Communication. (b) Acknowledgement (c) Broadcast. 

Figure 7.4 Implementation of two stage commit. 

Figure 7.4 illustrates how a transaction manager (TM) and the managers of 
programs (PM) affected by commitment of a next state communicate to implement two 
stage commit. A transaction has terminated and nominated a next state that involves 
updates to three programs. In (a), the transaction manager communicates the updates 
(Us1,Us2,Us3) to the program managers, along with a Commit variable, unique 
acknowledgement variables, (Ack1,Ack2,Ack3) and the transaction's termination 
variable (T) (C2,3). (The relation updates(State,Ps) not provided reads: Ps is a 
list of {Program, Updates} pairs representing the program updates implied by state 
State). This is the prewrite phase of the two stage commit algorithm. 

Each program manager receiving an update message calls p_commit, which 
validates the updates and (as described in the next section) uses inactive/2 to check that 


concurrency control constraints are satisfied (C7,8). It either allows (C7) or disallows 
(C8) the update, and binds its acknowledgment variable to true or false respectively. 
valid_updates(Usi not provided, reads: Us is a valid list of updates. 

mode t_commit (Term?, State?, Requests?), phase2(CommitT, Acks?, Term?) 

phase1( Programs?, Commit?, Term?, AcksT, Requests?), updates(State?, Updates?). 

t_commit(T, State, Rs) 4- % Commit updates recorded in State. (Cl) 

updates(State, Ps), phase1(Ps, Commit, T, Acks, Rs), phase2(Commit, Acks, T). 

phasel ([{P.Us} |Ps], Commit, T, [Ack |Acks], [{P, update(Us,Commit, T, Ack) } |Rs]) <- (C2) 

phasel(Ps, Commit, T, Acks, Rs). % Generate update (prewrite) requests. 
phasel ([ ], Commit, T, [ ], [ ]). (C3) 

phase2(Commit, [true |Acks], T) 4- phase2(Commit, Acks, T). % Wait for result. (C4) 
phase2(false, [Ack LJ. commit_error(Ack)) <- Ack W- true : true. % Commit error. (C5) 
phase2(true, [ ], succeeded). % All ok: signal update can proceed. (C6) 

mode p_commit(Ts?, TslT, DiskT, UpdateRequest?), inactive(Tenm?, Ts?). 

program2 (DiskT, Updates?, Commit?), perform_updates( Updates?, DiskT). 

p_commit (Ts, [ ], Ds, update(Us, Commit, T, Ack)) <- % Update request. (C7) 

valid_updates(Us), inactive(T, Ts) : % Ok to apply updates? 

Ack = true, % Signal that updates ok 

program2(Ds, Us, Commit); % Yes: wait for write. 

program (Ts, Ts, [ ], update(_, _, _, Ack) ) <- Ackfalse. % Not ok: signal error. (C8) 

program2 (Ds, Us, true) <- % Wait for 'commit 1 signal: (C9) 

perform_updates(Us, Ds). % Commit=true: proceed. 

program2([], Us, false). % Commit=false: abandon. (CIO) 

mactive(T, [T1 |Ts]) <- not( var(Tl ) ) : inactivefT, Ts). % Terminated if ground. (Cll) 
inactive(T, [T |Ts]) *- inactive(T, Ts). % Ignore committing task. (C12) 

inactive(T,[]). % All terminated. (CIS) 

Program 7.5 Transaction and program managers: committing a transaction. 

In Figure 7.4 (b), all program managers allow their updates and bind their 
acknowledgement variables to true. Back communication occurs. In (c), the 
transaction manager, which has been waiting for the acknowledgement variables to be 


bound (C4-6), binds the variable Commit (included in the initial messages) to true to 
signal that the update can proceed (C6). This informs the program managers (which 
have been waiting for Commit to be bound) that they can proceed to update the program 
(C9). This is the write phase of {he two stage commit algorithm. 

If, on the other hand, any of the acknowledgment variables is bound to false, the 
transaction manager binds Commit to false (C4). The program managers then discard 
the updates and no updates occur (CIO). 

In both cases, the transaction manager binds the transaction's termination variable 
to indicate the result of the transaction: succeeded (C6) or commit_error(J (C5). 

All procedures in Program 7.5 (except for inactive/2) have a simple logical reading. 
For example, t_commit(T, State, Rs) reads: Rs is the requests generated to commit a 
state State, and T is the result of this commitment. phase2(Commit,Acks,T) reads: 
either Acks is a list of true values, T = succeeded and Commit = true, or Acks is a 
list of values containing some element other than true, T = commit_error(_) and 
Commit = false. program2(Ds,Us,Ack) reads: either Ack = true, and applying the list 
of updates Us generates disk requests Ds, or Ack = false and no disk requests are 

7.434 Implementation of the Concurrency Control Algorithm 

As noted in Section, concurrency control is applied at the level of programs 
in the Parlog implementation of Parlog+. Each program manager keeps a record of all 
transactions that have accessed its components. Then, when it receives an update 
request, it checks whether any of these transactions are still active (that is, have not 
terminated). If so, the update is disallowed. 

A program manager is able to keep a record of all transactions that have accessed its 
components because a transaction manager must communicate with a program manager 
to process Parlog+ primitives such as definition and #. It is able to determine 
whether these transactions are still active because each such communication has a 
termination variable associated with it. Recall that a termination variable (Section 
4.4.2) is a unique variable associated with a Parlog task, which the task's supervisor 
(in this case a transaction manager) guarantees to instantiate when the task (that is, 
transaction) terminates. A program manager retains references to the termination 
variables of transactions that have accessed its components. An update is only allowed 
if the termination variables associated with all previous requests (except for requests 
made by the committing transaction) are non-variable. 


The relation inactive/2 in Program 7.5 applies the concurrency control constraint. 
It tests the termination variables associated with previous requests to verify that they are 
either instantiated, indicating termination (C12), or identical to the termination variable 
of the committing transaction (C13). (The latter case represents requests made by the 
committing transaction). 

7.4 35 Alternative Concurrency Control Algorithms 

The non-preemptive optimistic concurrency control algorithm described above 
prevents programs being modified whilst in use. Yet it may be desirable to be able to 
modify programs whilst permitting transactions already executing them to continue 
executing using the old version. This can be achieved without violating serializability 
(and hence declarative semantics), but at the cost of additional run-time overhead, using 
the usual optimistic concurrency control algorithms [Badal, 1979]. 

Alternatively, the application of concurrency control mechanisms may be made 
optional, on a program-by-program or alternatively a transaction-by-transaction basis. 
Two stage commit is still used to ensure atomicity of update, but program managers do 
not prevent updates if active transactions have accessed the program. Thus, in Program 
7.5, the call to inactive is not required. However, this compromises serializabilty and 
hence declarative semantics. 

7.43.6 Deadlock 

For simplicity, Program 7.5 ignores the problem of deadlock. Upon receiving an 
update request from a transaction manager, a program manager invokes p_commit to 
execute the two-phase commit and concurrency control algorithms. The program 
manager processes no further messages until p_commit terminates. However, if two 
transactions that update the same programs attempt to commit at about the same time, 
the situation can arise where one of each transaction's update requests is delayed, as 
illustrated in Figure 7.5. update requests have been generated by two transactions, T1 
andT2, to programs A and B. Program A receives TVs update message; program B 
receives TVs. The other update messages remain unreceived, and will remain 
unreceived, as neither program will accept further messages until update is completed 
or aborted. Yet neither transaction manager can complete or abort its update until it has 
received a response to both its messages. This is deadlock. 


Figure 7.5 Deadlock in the implementation of two stage commit 

The solution to this problem employs a useful Parlog programming technique. A 
program manager attempting to commit an update must, whilst waiting for the 
transaction manager to indicate whether it should proceed, concurrently scan ahead on 
its input stream and 'abort' any pending update requests encountered by binding their 
acknowledgment variable to false. This ability to 'preview' pending messages, without 
'receiving' them, is another example of the power of the logical variable as a 
communication mechanism. (Program 4.4 previews messages in a similar way). 

7.4.4 Discussion 

Implementation techniques for Parlog+'s three main extensions to Parlog have been 
described. These techniques have been used in the implementation of a Parlog 
programming environment which supports the Parlog+ language [Foster, 1986]. 

The discussion of Parlog+ implementation techniques is of interest as an illustration 
of Parlog's extensibility. Extensibility refers to the ease with which the expressive 
power of a language can be augmented by the definition of abstractions. As noted in 
Section 2.1.1, extensibility is an important attribute in a systems programming 

In Section 4.8, three approaches to the implementation of abstractions in Parlog 
were identified: as procedures, as messages processed by a perpetual process and as 
exceptions processed by a task supervisor. The latter two approaches were observed to 
be more powerful as they are able to maintain a history of interactions. The 
implementation of Parlog+'s state and program abstractions employ these latter two 
approaches. Parlog+'s state data type and associated metalogical primitives are 
implemented by causing calls to metalogical primitives to generate exceptions. A task 
supervisor (transaction manager) interprets and processes these exceptions with respect 
to a data structure that represents states generated by the transaction. Parlog+'s 
persistent program abstraction is implemented by perpetual processes (program 
managers) which process messages that request access or modification to persistent 


programs. A program manager generates further requests to an OS disk service to store 
or retrieve data. 

The implementation of the atomic commitment and concurrency control algorithms 
described is also of interest because of the complexity of these distributed algorithms. 
Updates to a number of programs (which may be located on different nodes in a 
multiprocessor) are performed concurrently. A transaction manager coordinates but 
does not sequence these updates. The Parlog implementation of this algorithm 
(Program 7.5) is, it is suggested, particularly simple and concise. This is due to 
Parlog's support for communication and synchronization mechanisms which in other 
languages would have to be explicitly specified by the programmer. 

Program 7.5 depends on dataflow constraints for its correct execution. However, 
the logical reading of procedures is shown to provide a useful check on some aspects of 
the program's correctness. 




8.1 Parlog and Systems Programming 

This monograph has presented a methodology for the design and implementation of 
language-based operating systems in the parallel logic programming language Parlog. 
This methodology treats a Parlog operating system as a layered structure. A machine 
language or hardware kernel supports the Parlog language. Services provided by 
Parlog operating system programs are used to implement programming environments 
and other user-level programs. Simple, coherent treatments of important issues in the 
design of each layer in this structure were provided. These were specified in sufficient 
detail to permit implementation of Parlog operating systems. 

The kernel was defined in terms of a simple kernel language (a subset of Parlog). 
Uniprocessor and multiprocessor implementation schemes for this kernel language 
were described. A comprehensive set of techniques for operating system design and 
implementation permits operating systems to be implemented in the kernel language. 
The design of a Parlog programming environment, intended to execute as a user-level 
program in a Parlog operating system, was defined in terms of an extended Parlog 
language, Parlog+. The implementation of Parlog-t- in Parlog was described. 

It is argued that the following characteristics of this methodology satisfy the criteria 
proposed as the objectives of this research and make it a useful basis for the 
implementation of operating systems to support symbolic processing on 

Comprehensiveness. The methodology provides a coherent treatment of most 
major issues in operating system design. 

Few extensions to Parlog. Only minor extensions to Parlog are introduced. The 
most significant, the metacall exception message, proves useful in several different 
areas. This suggests that it is a useful extension to the language. 

Support for multiprocessor execution. Multiprocessor execution is supported at 
both the kernel and operating system levels. The kernel's distributed unification 
algorithms support multiprocessor execution of Parlog and its control metacall. 


Operating system components presented do not require centralized structures for their 
implementation. For example, naming and processor scheduling schemes are 
programmed in Parlog and can be distributed if required. 

General applicability. Operating system structures are specified in terms of just 
three Parlog language features: process reduction, unification and the control metacall. 
The operating system design and kernel implementation techniques presented herein can 
hence be applied to other languages with similar features. 

Simple kernel. The implementation of the kernel is described in terms of 
extensions to an existing abstract machine. These extensions do not introduce 
significant additional complexity. 

Efficient kernel. Experiments based on emulations of the original and extended 
abstract machines confirm the efficiency of the kernel design. They indicate that it is 
more efficient than an alternative approach to kernel design proposed by other 

Functional and flexible kernel. Though simple, the kernel language is no less 
expressive than the Parlog language from which it is derived. It supports all functions 
required by a Parlog operating system, on uniprocessors and multiprocessors. It can 
be used to implement a range of metacontrol functions and task scheduling algorithms. 

Support for user-level programming. More complex abstractions such as 
persistent file systems can readily be constructed using operating system services. 

Declarative treatment of program update. The extended Parlog language Parlog+ 
permits a declarative treatment of program update in a parallel declarative language. 
This allows many systems programming problems to be viewed as metaprogramming 
problems. It permits analysis, transformation and concurrent execution of state- 
changing programs. 

The methodology presented in this monograph demonstrates that it is possible to 
construct language-based operating systems in the high-level, declarative language 
Parlog. A related question not directly addressed in this research is whether it is useful 
to use Parlog as a systems programming language. As noted in Section 2.1.3, utility is 
in many respects a subjective notion. However, it is argued that the research reported 
herein justifies the following six assertions: 

Parlog implementations of distributed algorithms are in general elegant and 
succinct. Dynamic process and communication structures can be specified 
easily. (See, for example, the implementation of atomic, serializable 


transactions: Program 7.5). This simplicity is due to Parlog's linguistic support 
for light-weight processes, concurrency, communication, synchronization, non- 
determinism, tasks and exceptions. 

Parlog's support for symbolic manipulation fully recursive data structures, 
call-by-reference, unification, etc. facilitates the implementation of operating 
systems and programming environments for symbolic languages. For example, 
see the implementation of Parlog + in Parlog. 

Parlog's implicit concurrency and uniform computational model means that 
programs can be ported from uniprocessors to multiprocessors without 
significant modification. (For example, see the Parlog operating systems 
described in Sections 4.7 and 6.4). 

Parlog programs generally have a simple declarative reading. Although this is 
not a substitute for a formal specification (in, for example, Temporal Logic), it 
aids informal verification of their correctness. Moreover, a Parlog program is 
likely to be shorter than a corresponding formal specification and just as 
obviously correct. 

Although Parlog programs depend on dataflow constraints for their correct 
execution, process synchronization rarely becomes a dominant or difficult issue 
when writing Parlog programs. Dataflow can in general be understood in terms 
of simple paradigms such as stream communication, back communication, 
broadcast, etc. 

The Parlog language itself is simple, both in its syntax and operational 
semantics. This facilitates programming, language implementation and program 
analysis and transformation. 

This combination of language features is not found in other systems programming 

The performance of Parlog implementations currently precludes the use of Parlog to 
program complete operating systems on conventional machines. However, it is 
possible to point to four areas in which the design and implementation techniques 
described herein can be applied to advantage. 

Programming environments for massively parallel computers. Multiprocessors 
containing hundreds of processors are already commercially available. Parlog may not 
be efficient enough to serve as an operating system implementation language for these 
machines. However, it can be used to implement programming environments that 
assist application programmers to program them. 


Programming environments for computer networks. High-speed local area 
networks linking together mainframes and workstations already provide many users 
with access to substantial and frequently underutilized computing power. 
However, the difficulty of distributing applications over such networks means that this 
resource is rarely exploited. The ease with which Parlog can be executed on loosely 
coupled machines suggests that it can be used to implement environments that assist 
programmers in utilizing such resources. 

Symbolic computers. Specialized symbolic computers, designed to execute 
languages such as Prolog, LISP or Parlog at high speeds, require a symbolic systems 
programming language. For example, McCabe et al. [1987] propose an architecture 
for parallel symbolic computing that links together 64 or more SWIFT symbolic 
language processors using a high-speed switching network. Parlog is intended to be 
the systems programming language for this machine. 

Process control. Parlog can be used for process control applications in which 
performance is less critical. Telecommunications researchers, for example, suggest that 
a Parlog implementation executing at 20K reductions per second is capable of 
controlling a medium-sized PABX [Robert Virding: personal communication]. This 
performance can easily be achieved using existing technology. Benefits predicted 
include increased programmer productivity and ease of maintenance. 

8.2 Related Research 

Given the current level of interest in logic programming and parallel machines, it is 
not surprising that considerable research on the use of parallel logic programming 
languages for systems programming has proceeded concurrently with that reported 
herein. This work has been referenced in previous chapters where appropriate. This 
section provides a summary of the most closely related research. 

8.2.1 Flat Concurrent Prolog 

Flat Concurrent Prolog (FCP) [Mierowsky et al., 1985] is a flat variant of the 
parallel logic programming language Concurrent Prolog [Shapiro, 1986]. It is the 
principal language used by a research group at the Wiezmann Institute led by Ehud 


Like Parlog, FCP is a development of the Relational Language of Clark and 
Gregory [1981]. It incorporates guarded clauses, and-parallel evaluation and 
committed-choice non-determinism. It differs from Parlog in two principal respects. 
The first is its support for atomic unification. FCP permits head unification and guard 
evaluation to bind process variables. To avoid problems due to incorrect bindings 
(which may occur if a guard binds variables and subsequently fails), such bindings can 
only be made accessible to other processes if the clause that generates them is selected 
to reduce the goal. Head unification and guard evaluation must thus be performed as an 
atomic operation. Parlog, in contrast, only allows process variables to be bound after 
a clause has been selected to reduce the process (Section 3.2.2). Prior to reduction, 
clauses are restricted to testing process arguments. Incorrect bindings cannot therefore 

The second major difference between FCP and Parlog is its process 
synchronization mechanism. Unlike Parlog, FCP does not distinguish between input 
and output arguments. Instead, variables may be annotated as read-only occurrences 
(for example, X?). A process which attempts to bind a read-only occurrence suspends 
until the variable is bound. For example, consider the FCP query: 

?- producer(X), consumer(X?). 

Both producer and consumer may attempt to generate bindings for X. However, as 
consumer is given a read-only occurrence of X, it suspends until producer instantiates 
X to a value. 

Semantic differences between FCP and Parlog affect both the expressiveness of the 
languages and their ease of implementation. Atomic unification and the read-only 
variable permit elegant programming techniques [Shapiro, 1986]. For example, the 
read-only variable can be used to protect an operating system service against 
unexpected instantiation of shared variables; this protection must be programmed 
explicitly in Parlog (Section 4.5). However, these language features complicate 
language implementation and hence compromise performance. A recent study which 
benchmarked implementations of Flat Parlog and FCP showed that semantic 
differences led to significant differences in performance [Foster and Taylor, 1988]. It 
is hence unclear whether these language features are appropriate in a kernel language. 

Research on the use of FCP for systems programming has concentrated on the 
development of the Logix system [Silverman et al., 1986]. This is a single-user, 
multitasking programming environment for FCP, written in FCP. 


Logix can be regarded as intermediate in scope between the Parlog operating system 
described in Chapters 4 and 6 and PPS [Foster, 1986], a programming environment 
that implements the Parlog+ language described in Chapter 7. Like the Parlog 
operating system, Logix provides task management and basic services such as terminal 
and disk I/O. However, issues such as exception handling and resource management 
have not been addressed at the time of writing. Like PPS, it provides the programmer 
with an augmented user language. The user language supported by Logix is FCP plus 
modules and a remote procedure call mechanism. This is not as rich as the Parlog+ 
language supported by PPS, which incorporates metalogical primitives and atomic, 
serializable transactions. 

Logix's treatment of secondary storage is rather different from that of PPS. 
Secondary storage management is not currently handled by Logix. Instead, users 
manipulate programs located in Unix files. These may be compiled and loaded as 
Logix modules. In contrast, PPS's implementation of Parlog+'s persistent state 
effectively provides its own integrated file system. Programs (modules) can be 
modified from within PPS using metalogical primitives. An advantage of the Logix 
approach is that existing Unix tools can be applied to programs. The PPS approach is 
more sophisticated in that it supports a declarative treatment of program update. It is 
also arguably a more convincing demonstration of parallel logic languages' ability to 
handle systems programming tasks. 

FCP does not incorporate metacontrol primitives. Instead, as described in Section 
5.2.4, task control functions are implemented in Logix using program transformation 
techniques. The advantages and disadvantages of this approach are discussed in 
Section 5.7.1. Several levels of control are provided in this way [Hirsch et al, 1987]. 
Operating system programs are typically executed untransformed and hence 
uncontrolled. This is the most efficient; however, failure of an untransformed program 
terminates the entire system. User programs may be transformed so as to provide 
control functions similar to those provided by the control metacall, on a module-by- 
module basis. Special mechanisms are required to interface modules with different 
levels of control [Hirsch, 1987]. 

Logix's remote procedure call can be used both to execute procedures located in 
other modules and to make requests to services. It is implemented using a compile-time 
transformation which translates remote procedure calls into messages on streams. 
These are routed to the appropriate service or module. Stream caching is used to reduce 
message routing overheads. 

Though currently only executing on uniprocessors, it is planned to port Logix both 
to multiprocessors and computer networks. 

8.2.2 Kernel Language 1 

The Japanese Fifth Generation Computer Systems Project [Kawanobe, 1984] aims 
to develop powerful computer systems based on logic programming languages. The 
research aims of this project include the development of programming systems for such 
machines. These programming systems are themselves to be implemented in logic 
programming languages. 

One of the products of the first stage of this project was a sequential Prolog 
machine (PSI). This featured a quite sophisticated operating system (SIMPOS) [Takagi 
etal., 1984] implemented in a high-level language, ESP [Chikayama, 1983]. Though 
it has logic programming components, ESP is essentially an imperative language. Its 
extensive use of side-effecting primitives means that SIMPOS cannot easily be ported 
to parallel machines. 

More recently, research at ICOT on parallel inference machines [Uchida, 1987] has 
motivated the definition of the parallel logic programming language KL1 (Kernel 
Language version 1) [Furukawa et al., 1984]. This language is intended to serve as 
the principal systems programming language for these machines. Its design was 
strongly influenced by Parlog and Concurrent Prolog. 

KL1 is defined to consist of three components: a user language, KLl-u, 
implemented on top of a core language, KLl-c, augmented with pragmas for process 
mapping, process priorities, etc. (KLl-p). At the time of writing, KLl-c is the flat 
form of the parallel logic language Guarded Horn Clauses [Ueda, 1986] plus a control 
metacall primitive termed Sho-en. Flat Guarded Horn Clauses is essentially equivalent 
to Flat Parlog, as Takeuchi and Furukawa [1986] point out, and the Sho-en 
metapredicate shares many features with the control metacall described herein. KLl-c 
is thus a very similar language to the kernel language defined in Chapter 5. 

KL1 is to be used to implement PIMOS, an operating system for the parallel 
inference machines currently being developed at ICOT [Sato et aL, 1987b]. PIMOS is 
intended to be a single-user, multi-tasking operating system that will enable users to run 
applications on these machines. I/O functions are to be provided by a front-end 
machine such as PSI. PIMOS will no doubt have certain similarities to the Parlog 
operating system described in Chapters 4 and 6. However, it appears that a rather 
different approach is to be taken to the implementation of lower-level functions such as 
distributed metacontrol resource management. These will be implemented in the 
language kernel rather than in KL1. The advantages and disadvantages of this 
approach are discussed in Section 5.7.2. 


83 Future Research 

There is considerable scope for further research in a number of areas related to the 
use of Parlog as a systems programming language. 

Parlog implementation. Perhaps the most pressing area for future research is 
efficient implementation of the kernel language. The implementation techniques 
described in Chapter 5 require further development Experimental studies are required 
to quantify the costs of the various distributed unification algorithms proposed. 
Investigation of improved memory management techniques is particularly important. 

Support for application development. The research reported herein has shown 
how fundamental problems in operating system and programming environment design 
can be treated in Parlog. Future research can now focus on developing programming 
environments and tools that aid the programmer to develop applications and exploit 
parallelism. This research can influence operating system and language design. 

Formal semantics. A formal semantics for Parlog is required if Parlog system 
programs are to be verified with respect to global properties such as termination and 
freedom from deadlock. 

Robust systems. This study has assumed failsafe components and reliable 
communications. Further research must consider the implications of unreliable 
components and communications for language and system design. Parlog's control 
metacall and exception mechanism can be used to localize and report errors. Further 
language support may be required if Parlog is to be used to program robust distributed 

Programming in the large. If Parlog is to be used to program large systems, 
support is required for programming in the large. It must be possible to define 
modules [Parnas, 1972] which communicate with other modules (and with the external 
world) in certain well-defined ways. As noted in Section 4.5, Parlog programs are to 
an extent naturally modular: there are no global structures and processes can only 
communicate through shared variables. However, as variables are themselves global 
entities, the propagation of variables can result in complex, unexpected interactions 
between processes. The validation techniques presented in Section 4.5 can be used to 
avoid these problems by restricting the sharing of logical variables between modules 
and copying variable bindings across module interfaces. 

Support for programming in the large in Parlog can perhaps most easily be achieved 
by providing (a) a configuration language, used to specify modules and interfaces, and 


(b) a preprocessor which enforces interface specifications by transforming programs so 
as to apply techniques described in Section 4.5. 



Appendix I. 
The Control Metacall A Specification. 

This appendix presents an executable specification for the three-argument control 
metacall described in Section 3.4, extended with the exception status message described 
in Section 4.2.2. Recall that a call to the control metacall has the general form: 
call(G,S,C)and initiates execution of G using an implicit program. Execution of G can 
then be controlled by instantiating the control variable C to the constant stop to abort 
execution or to a list with head suspend or continue to suspend or resume execution. 
The status variable S is unified with the constants succeeded , failed or stopped , to 
report successful termination, failure or abortion respectively. It is also unified with a 
list with head suspend or continue to report that processing of a suspend or 
continue command has completed. Finally, as described in Section 4.2.2, the status 
message exception(T,G,C) reports that goal G cannot be solved, for a reason indicated 
by the term T. C is a metavariable that can be instantiated to provide a new goal to 
replace G in the computation. 

The specification takes the form of an enhanced metainterpreter for the flat subset of 
Parlog (Section 5.2.1). A metainterpreter is an interpreter for a language, written in the 
language that it interprets. An enhanced metainterpreter incorporates additional code 
that (in this case) monitors and controls execution of a query that is being interpreted. 

A system primitive (or user-defined procedure) clause(G.B) is assumed in this 
specification. This defines the program with respect to which interpreted queries are 
evaluated. clause(G.B) has the logical reading: a goal G can be reduced to body B. A 
call clause(G.B) evaluates the guards of clauses in the procedure defining G and returns 
the body B of a clause that can be used to reduce G. It binds B to raise_exception(T,G) 
if G cannot be reduced. If G is defined, but reduction fails, T = failure. T takes other 
values if reduction fails for other reasons (for example, because G invokes an 
undefined relation, or is an illegal call to a primitive). 

Two simple examples are first presented to introduce Parlog metainterpreters. The 
first, Program I.I, is a trivial metainterpreter that interprets Flat Parlog programs but 
does not provide monitoring or control functions. This is a Flat Parlog version of a 
FCP metainterpreter presented by Safra and Shapiro [1986]. A call reduce(G) has the 
same logical reading as a call to its argument The first clause of reduce reads: the goal 
true is true. The second reads: a conjunction of two goals A and B is true if A and B 


are true. The third reads: a goal G is true if it can be reduced to a body B and B is true. 

mode reduce(Goal?). 


reduce((A,B)) <- reduce(A), reduce(B). 

reduce(G) <- 

G w- true, G W- (_._). G */ raise_exceptionL,J ' clause(G.B), reduce(B). 

Program LI Simple Parlog metainterpreter. 

Such a metainterpreter can be enhanced to report termination, permit control and so 
forth. This is achieved by: 

Providing shared variables to link the reduce processes representing the 
processes in a task, so that a central monitor can communicate with all such 

Extending the procedure defining reduce so that it reports changes in the state of 
a process that it is reducing to the central monitor. 

Extending the procedure defining reduce so that it responds to control messages 
received from the central monitor (to suspend, resume, abort its process). 

mode call(Goal?, StatusT), s_reduce(Goal?, Left?, RightT), monitor(Leftt, Right?, StatusT). 
call(G, S) <- s_reduce(G, L, R), monitor(L, R, S). (Cl) 

monitor(L, R, succeeded) <- L - R : true. (C2) 

s_reduce(true, L, L). (C3) 

s_reduce((A,B), L, R) <- s_reduce(A, L, M), s_reduce(B, M, R). (C4) 

s_reduce(G, L, R) <- (C5) 

G W- true, G W* (_,_), G W- raise_exception(_,J : 

clause(G,B), s_reduce(B, L, R). 

Program LI Termination detecting Parlog metainterpreter. 


The simplest way of linking processes is in a circuit. Each reduce process 
possesses an input and an output stream, accepts control messages on its input stream 
and generates status messages on its output stream. The streams are used to link all 
reduce processes in a ring. Each process forwards messages from its input to its 
output. Messages hence flow around the circuit, controlling processes and signalling 
changes in process status. 

Program 1.2 illustrates the use of a circuit and illustrates how it can be used to detect 
termination of an interpreted goal. 

call(G,S)has the logical reading: G is true and S=succeeded. A call call(G,S) 
evaluates G and, if and when evaluation of G terminates, unifies S with the constant 
succeeded. Processes created during evaluation of G are linked in a circuit using their 
second and third arguments (C4). Termination detection is achieved using a 
programming technique due to Takeuchi [1983] called the short circuit. (For another 
example of the application of this technique, see Section 6. 1). Each process unifies its 
second and third arguments and hence closes its part of the circuit upon 
successful termination (C3). The monitor process has references to the two ends of the 
circuit. These will be identical variables precisely when all s_reduce processes and 
hence the goal these processes are interpreting have terminated, monitor can then 
bind S to succeeded (C2). 

Program 1.3 presents the full specification of the Parlog control metacall. Points to 
note include: 

A monitor (mon) is associated with a task. This coordinates its monitoring and 
control. An initial call to Program 1.3, call(G,S,Ci creates a monitor process and 
an initial reduce process to interpret the goal G. reduce processes are linked in 
a circuit, as in Program 1.2. The circuit is used for control and to report 
exceptions as well as for termination detection. 

The specification reports process failure. The reduce procedure is made 
failsafe by adding a clause that handles exceptions (C5). Exceptions are 
forwarded on the circuit. Other reduce processes forward exceptions (C7). 
mon thus receives exception messages on the right-hand side of its circuit. It 
reports exceptions denoting process failure as failure, and aborts the task (C15); 
other exceptions are output on the task's status stream (C16). 

The control metacall's exception message (Section 4.2.2) is implemented by 
forwarding an exception message that includes a continuation variable C on the 


circuit and reducing to a call to this variable (C5). This call suspends until C is 


The specification deals with control messages. An extra clause for reduce (C7) 

handles control messages received on the circuit, reduce calls control, which 

processes the message and then forwards it. A stop message causes control to 

terminate (C9); suspend causes it to wait for another control message (CIO); 

continue causes it to call reduce and hence resume execution (Cl 1). exception 

messages are forwarded on the circuit (C12). 

The central monitor (mon) deals with control messages received on a task's 

control stream by generating a control message on the left-hand side of the circuit 

(C17,18). Only when this message is received on the right-hand side of the 

circuit, indicating that all processes have been controlled, does mon echo the 

corresponding status message (stopped : C14; suspend , continue : C16). 

mon detects changes in the status of the task it is monitoring and signals these on 

the task's status stream (C13-16). A closed circuit indicates termination (C13). 

mon 's handling of failure and exceptions has been noted. 

The specification handles nested metacalls. An extra clause for reduce handles 

calls to call/3 (C6). A call reduce(call(G,S,C),L,R) reduces to a recursive call to 

reduce, with new status and control variables, and a new monitor, which 

monitors and controls the new task. The tree structure that arises when metacalls 

are nested is thus implemented using a flat pool of monitor processes connected 

using shared variables (see Figure I.I). 

The circuit linking the processes representing a task may thus link both reduce 

and mon processes, representing processes and tasks respectively. As has been 

noted, a monitor handles control messages directed to its task (C17,18) and 

changes in its task's status (C13-16). It also handles control messages directed 

to the task of which it is a part. Control messages received on its parent's 

circuit cause it to abort, suspend or resume its task (C 19-24). 

Control of nested tasks is implemented correctly. Controlling a parent controls 

any offspring tasks (that is, any tasks in its circuit). But suspending and then 

resuming a parent with suspended offspring leaves the offspring suspended. 

This is achieved by associating a status with each monitor. This takes values 

suspend and continue (it is initially continue ) and is set whenever a task is 

controlled (CIS). A control message only affects a subtask if its status is 

continue (C20,23). Otherwise the message is forwarded immediately (C2 1,22). 


The specification uses a metalogical var test in one clause (C6), This can be 
ignored in the logical reading of the metainterpreter. It is not necessary for the 
metainterpreter's correct execution, but ensures that clause C8 is used to reduce a 
process in preference to clause C4 if a control message is pending on the task's 
circuit. It hence ensures that a task is controlled as soon as possible after a 
control message is placed on the left-hand side of its circuit. 

Figure I.I illustrates the process network before and after a new task is created by a 
nested call to the control metacall. 


(a) Before metacall. (b) After metacall. 

Figure LI Nested metacalls. 

In Figure I.I (a), the reduce processes representing a task are linked together in a 
circuit. A monitor mon supervises the execution of these processes, mon takes as 
arguments left and right streams (L1 , R 1 ) to the circuit of the task of which it is a 
member (the initial task is not a member of any task); left and right streams to the circuit 
of the task it is monitoring; this task's status and control variables (S1 , C1 ) and a state, 
not shown. 

If a process in the task reduces to a call to the control metacall, call(G,S,C\ then a 
new monitor and circuit are created, as shown in Figure 1.1 (b). The new monitor 
takes as arguments left and right streams to its parent's circuit (L, R); left and right 
streams to the new task's circuit (LL, RR ); the new task's status and control variables 
(S, C) and a state, initially continue. 


mode call(Goal?, StatusT.Control?). 

call(G,S,C) - reduce(G,L,R), mon(_,_,L,R,S,C,continue). 


mode reduce(Goal?, Left?, RightT). 

reduce(true, L, L). 

reduce((A,B), L, R) <- reduce(A, L, M), reduce(B, M, R). 

reduce(call(G,S,C), L, R) <- 

reduce(G, LL, RR), mon(L, R, LL, RR, S, C, continue) 
reduce(G, L, R) <- var(L), G -/ (__). G /- true, 

G Wraise_exception(_,J,G -/ call(_,_,J : 

clause(G,B), reduce(B, L, R). 
reduce(raise_exception(T,G), L, [exception(T.G.C) |R]) <- 

reduce(C, L, R). 
reduce(G, (exception(T,G,C) |L], (exception(T,G,C) |R]) <- 

control(G, L, R). 
reduce(G, [M |L], R) <- 

M W* exceptionL,_,J : control(G, [M |L], R). 

mode control(Goal?, Left?, RightT ). 

% true: succeeds. 
% Reduce conjuncts. 
% Nested metacalls: 
% ... create subtask. 
% Other goals: 
% find& 
% reduce body. 
% Signal exception, 
% ... and continue. 
% Exception message: 
% forward in circuit. 
% Control message: 
% control process. 






control(G, [stop |L], [stop |L]); 

control(G, [suspend | L], [suspend | R]) - control(G, L, R) 
control(G, [continue | L], [continue | R]) <- reduce(G, L, R). 
control(G, [M | L], [M | R]) <- 

M * exception(_,_,J : reduce(G, L, R) 

% Terminate process. (C9) 
% Suspend process. (CIO) 
% Resume process. (C 1 1 ) 
% Forward exception. (C12) 

mode mon(L?, RT, LLT, RR?, ST, C?, State?). 

mon(L, L, LL, RR, succeeded, C, St) <- LL .- RR : true. 
mon(L, L, LL, [stop |RR], stopped, C, St). 

mon(L, L, [stop |LL], [exception(failure ) |RRJ, failed, C, 

mon(L, R, LL, [M |RR], [M |S], C, St) - 

M / stop, M W* exception(failure,_,_) : 

mon(L, R, LL.RR, S.C, St). 
mon(L, R, [stop |LL], RR, S, stop, St) <- 

mon(L, R, LL, RR, S, C, St). 
mon(L, R, [M |LL], RR, S, [M |C], St) - 

mon(L, R, LL, RR, S, C, M). 
mon([stop |L], R, [stop |LL], RR, S, C, St) <- 

terminate (L, R, LL, RR). 
mon([suspend |L], R, [suspend |LL], RR, S, C, continue) 4 

echo(suspend, L, R, LL, RR, S, C, continue). 
mon([suspend |L], [suspend |RJ, LL, RR, S, C, suspend) <- 

% Subtask terminates. (C13) 

% Subtask aborted. (C 14) 

St). % Subtask failed. (C15) 

% Subtask status (C16) 

% message: 

% output on status. 

% Subtask control: (C17) 

% stop subtask. 

% Subtask control: (C 1 8) 

% suspend/continue. 

% Parent task control : (C 1 9) 

% stop. 

- % Parent task control: (C20) 

% suspend subtask. 

-% Parent task control: (C21) 


mon(L, R, LL, RR, S, C, suspend). % already suspended. 

mon([continue |L], [continue |R], LL, RR, S, C, suspend) <- % Parent task control: (C22) 

mon(L, R, LL, RR, S, C, suspend). % already suspended. 

mon([continue |L], R, [continue |LL], RR, S, C, continue) <- % Parent task control: (C23) 

echofcontinue, L, R, LL, RR, S, C, continue). % resume subtask. 

mon([M |L], [M |RJ, LL, RR, S, C, St) <- % Other parent status: (C24) 

mon(L, R, LL, RR, S, C, St). % forward on circuit. 

mode terminate^?, Rt, LLt, RR?). 

terminate (L, [stop |L], LL, [stop |RR]). % Forward stop when subtask terminates. (C25) 
terminate (L, R, LL, [M |RR]) *- terminate (L, R, LL, RR). % Ignore other status. (C26) 

mode echo(M?, L?, RT, LLT, RR?, ST, C? State'?). 

echo(M, L, [M |R], LL, [M |RR], S, C, St) <- mon(L, R, LL, RR, S, C, St). (C27) 

echo(M, L, R, LL, [M1 |RR], [M1 |S], C, St) - (C28) 

M1 =/= M, M1 Wstop, M1 /- exception(failure,_ J : 

echo(M, L, R, LL, RR, S, C, St). 

echo(M, L, [M |L], LL, [stop |RR], stopped, C, St). (C29) 

echo(M, L, [M |L], [stop |LL], [exception(failure,_J |RR], failed, C, St). (C30) 

Program L3 Executable specification for control metacall. 



Appendix n. 

A Comparison of Two Approaches to Metacontrol 

Two approaches to the implementation of metacontrol mechanisms in parallel logic 
languages have been proposed. One is based on kernel support for metacontrol 
functions (Section 5.2.2). The other uses transformation to generate programs that 
can be controlled (Section 5.2.4). This appendix describes an experimental study that 
compares the efficiency of these two approaches. 

H.1 Method 

Any metacontrol mechanism necessarily introduces some run-time overhead. This 
may take the form of increased code size, CPU time requirements and run-time memory 
requirements. It may affect two classes of program: 

programs that do not form part of a controlled task (uncontrolled programs). 

programs that do form part of a controlled task (controlled programs). 

For example, an operating system may consist of an uncontrolled system program 
that initiates, monitors and controls application programs. If control is provided by 
kernel mechanisms, both the operating system and application programs incur the same 
overhead, as both are executed using the same kernel mehanisms. If control is 
provided by transformation, only transformed application programs incur overhead. 
Table II. 1 illustrates this. 

Kernel Support Ci Ci 

Transformation 2 

Table IL1 Implementation costs of metacontrol functions. 

The values Ci and 2 can be most easily determined by experimental studies. 
Some figures for 2 are given by Hirsch et al. [1986]; these are repeated below. It is 
more useful however to obtain figures for Q and 2 using the same implementation, to 
minimize discrepancies due to language and implementation differences. 


IL1.1 Levels of Control 

For the purposes of evaluation, it is useful to isolate the various control functions 
described by the metacontrol primitives presented in Section 5.2.2. This provides a 
number of control levels, each generally requiring mechanisms provided by lower 
levels for its implementation. The levels are named to 3 and are characterized in 
Table U.2. 

i Description 

No controls. 

1 Failure and exceptions reported in a task: S = [exception (_,_,_) |J 

2 Task may be suspended, resumed and aborted: SUSPEND(TR), .... STOP(TR). 

3 Successful task termination is reported: S = succeeded. 

Table n.2 Levels of control. 

Level provides no additional functionality: it implements the process pool model 
of computation of the basic language (Section 3.2.2). Level 1 introduces the sub-pool 
or task. Every process is part of a task and process failure in a task is reported. This 
provides support for the status message exception(_,_, J . Level 2 in addition permits 
a task to be suspended, resumed and aborted; it supports the SUSPEND, CONTINUE and 
STOP primitives. Level 3 provides for reporting of successful termination of a task: 
the status message succeeded . Level 3 is effectively the level of control provided by 
the TASK primitive (Section 5.2.2). 

II. 1.2 Implementations 

Gregory et al. [1988] describe a parallel logic language implementation that 
provides kernel support for metacontrol functions. This is the Sequential Parlog 
Machine (SPM). The SPM implements the And-Or tree model of Parlog execution 
[Gregory, 1987], which represents a Parlog computation as a tree of processes. A task 
is merely a new type of node in this tree: existing mechanisms for signalling termination 
and aborting subtrees require little modification to implement metacontrol functions. It 
is thus not surprising that metacontrol overheads appear to be insignificant in the SPM. 
Studies show however that the SPM's And-Or tree model is more expensive to 
implement than Flat Parlog's process pool model [Foster and Taylor, 1988]. Some of 
this cost is due to mechanisms which can be used to implement metacontrol functions. 
The SPM cannot therefore be used for comparative studies of metacontrol mechanisms. 


The Flat Parlog machine described in Section 5.3 provides a suitable basis for 
comparative studies of metacontrol mechanisms. This abstract machine is based on the 
process pool model of computation and hence provides no inherent support for task 
control. An implementation of this machine (an emulator, written in the C 
programming language) has been extensively instrumented and has been used 
previously for quantitative comparisons [Foster and Taylor, 1988]; its behaviour and 
structure are well understood. Finally, this implementation executes Bat Parlog 
particularly efficiently. 

The Flat Parlog machine, henceforth referred to as FPo, was progressively 
extended to implement the control levels 1 to 3 described above, yielding new 
machines FPi, FP2 and F/>j. This permitted precise measurement of the costs 
incurred when implementing each control level. The extensions to FPo required to 
implement machines FPj, FP 2 and FPs are described in detail in [Foster, 1987bj. 
The extensions required to implement FPs are essentially those described in Section 
5.4. However, to permit comparison with transformations defined by Hirsch et al., 
FPs does not support the Parlog task scheduler described in Section 5.4. Instead, a 
simple round-robin task scheduling algorithm is implemented in the machine itself. 

To permit benchmarking of the transformation approach, three transformations 
described by Hirsch et al. [1986] were implemented. These transformations 
implement control levels 1, 2 and 3 and are termed here 7/, T 2 and 7>. 

IL1.3 Benchmark Programs 

Four benchmark programs were selected. To facilitate comparison with the results 
reported by Hirsch et al., similar programs were used. Reverse performs naive O(n2) 
reverse of a list of 32 elements, 32 times. Primes generates all primes less than 1000 
using the parallel sieve of Eratosthenes. QSort applies the quicksort sorting algorithm 
to a 1000 element list. These programs are given at the end of this appendix. The last 
benchmark program, Compiler, is the program that translates parsed Flat Parlog 
programs into sequences of Flat Parlog machine instructions. This program is run with 
the Flat Parlog assembler as data. 

n.1.4 Summary 

Four levels of control (0 to 3), four machines (FPo-FPs) and three transformations 
(7>7j) were defined. Four benchmark programs were selected. Experiments were 
then performed to determine the overheads incurred when the benchmark programs 


were executed on each of the machines FPo, --> FP 3 and, when transformed using 
transformations Ty, T 2 and 7j, on FPo. CPU time, code size and run-time memory 
requirements were measured. 

n.2 Previous Results 

Hirsch et al. [1986] present benchmark figures indicating the space and CPU time 
overheads associated with transformations T ly T2 and T 3 . These figures are 
summarized in Table II. 3. The benchmark programs Reverse and Primes are as 
described above. For the Compiler benchmark, Hirsch et al. use an FCP code 
generator compiling the primes program. This program is comparable to the Flat 
Parlog compiler used for the benchmarks reported here. 

Performance: T / TI Code Size: T / T, 



T 2 

T 3 



T 2 

T 3 




























Table n.3 Transformation overheads, as reported by Hirsch et al. 

IL3 New Results 

Each benchmark program was run on each of the FP t and the speed, in reductions 
per second (RPS), determined. These results are presented in Table II.4. All 
performance figures are for the mean of 100 runs, excluding garbage collection, on a 
SUN-3/75 workstation. 



FP 2 

FP 3 





















Table IL4 Kernel support performance (RPS, FP FP 3 ). 

The transformations Tj, T 2 and T 3 were applied to each of the benchmark 
programs and the transformed programs were run on FPo. Performance figures are 
presented in Table II.5. This table also gives the code size of the transformed 




Reductions per second 
To T 1 T 2 T 3 
5991 5793 5107 4745 
2579 2494 2208 2158 
2584 2385 2216 2140 
2114 2035 1965 1835 

Code size (bytes) 
To T! T 2 T 3 
844 1252 1892 1992 
644 1228 1928 2028 
1880 2504 3396 3708 
27536 32364 50108 54464 

Table IL5 Transformation performance and code size 

Additional run-time memory requirements due to both kernel support and 
transformation were also measured, but were not found to be a significant source of 

n.4 Discussion 

Table II.6 summarizes the benchmark results, showing performance degradation 
associated with kernel support and transformation for control levels 1 to 3, and the 
increase in code size associated with transformations T/, T 2 and T 3 . 

Perf: Kernel. 

Perf: Trans. 

Code: Trans. 


FP 2 

FP 3 


T 2 

T 3 


T 2 

T 3 









































Table n.6 Comparative performance and code size. 

These results indicate that kernel support only introduces small overheads on 
uniprocessors. In the most complex benchmark, Compiler, the performance 
difference between FP 3 and FPo is 2%. Code size is of course the same. Study of 
the modifications to the Flat Parlog abstract machine required to support kernel 
mechanisms (described in Section 5.4) indicates why kernel support is so inexpensive. 
Overheads are only incurred at certain points in the computation process, such as 
process creation, process termination and process switching. Overheads are generally 
small, consisting of simple operations on registers. Most significantly, the notion of 
current task is introduced. Tasks are reduced in turn using (for these benchmarks) a 
round-robin strategy. The contents of a current task's task record is buffered in global 


registers. This ensures that overheads associated with task selection are only incurred 
in the rare event of a switch to another task. (For the benchmarks, this was performed 
once every 500 reductions; in a Parlog machine, this could be triggered by a timer 
interrupt). Otherwise, reduction proceeds almost as efficiently as in a machine that 
does not support tasks. 

It will be observed that performance overheads do not increase uniformly across the 
FPi with increasing /. For example, Primes suffers a 2% performance degradation 
on FP i but virtually none on FP 3 . This is due to reasons unconnected with the 
functionality of the FP t . Because performance differences are so small, machine- 
dependent factors related to the swapping behaviour of the different implementations 
become significant. These factors hinder precise comparisons of the various levels of 
kernel support. They do not however invalidate the conclusion that kernel support only 
incurs low overhead. 

The benchmark results for transformation generally indicate lower overheads than 
those reported by Hirsch et al. This is made clear in Table II.7, which presents both 
sets of figures for performance and code size. These lower overheads may be due to 
differences in both compilation techniques and in the language implementations used to 
perform the benchmarks. The Rat Parlog machine (FPo) used to benchmark the 
transformations provides a particularly efficient implementation of test primitives var 
and data introduced by transformation. Nevertheless, the results reported here still 
indicate that transformation leads to significant time and space overheads on the 
implementations studied 

Reductions per second (T 1 T t ) Code Size (To I T t ) 

Hirsch etal. Foster Hirsch era/. Foster 

Ti T 2 T 3 Tj T 2 T 3 Tj T 2 T 3 7; T 2 T 3 

Reverse 1.10 1.42 1.65 1.03 1.17 1.26 1.57 2.47 3.18 1.48 2.24 2.36 

Primes 1.07 1.26 1.37 1.03 1.16 1.19 1.47 2.23 2.87 1.90 2.993.15 

Compiler 1.03 1.06 1.16 1.04 1.08 1.15 1.41 2.08 2.42 1.18 1.81 1.98 

Table IL7 Transformation overheads reported by Hirsch et al. and Foster. 

In summary, referring to the most substantial benchmark, Compiler, and the most 
comprehensive level of control, Level 3: 

the CPU cost of kernel support is 2 %: this cost is incurred whether or not 
the program is to be controlled 


the CPU cost of transformation is 15 %: this cost is not incurred if the 
program is not to be controlled 

kernel support does not effect code size 

transformation increases code size 98 % 

run-time memory requirements are not a significant source of overhead 

A potential disadvantage of kernel support is that its overheads are incurred by all 
programs, whether controlled or not. The overheads associated with kernel support are 
however so low that this is not considered important. 

The higher overheads associated with transformation can be reduced using better 
compilation techniques. Kernel support overheads represent at the very least an upper 
bound on the improvements that can be expected, as any optimization introduced by 
sophisticated compilation techniques can always be incorporated in a kernel 

II.5 The Benchmark Programs 

The benchmark programs Reverse, QSort and Primes follow. 

mode reverse(Xs?,Yst), append(Xs?, Ys?, ZsT) 

reverse([X |Xs), Ys) <- reversefYs, Zs), append(Zs, [X], Ys). 
reversed ],[]) 

append([X |Xs], Ys, [X |Zs]) <- append(Xs, Ys, Zs). 


mode primes(Pst, Limit?), integers(Nst, Limit?), integers(N? t NsT, Limit?), slft(Ns?, PsT), 
filter(Num?, M? f Ms?,NT). 

primesfPs, Limit) <- integers(Ns, Limit), sift(Ns, Ps). 
mtegers(Ns, Limit) t- integers(2, Ns, Limit). 

integers(N, [N |Ns], Limit) t- N< Limit, N1isN + 1 : integers(N1, Ns, Limit). 
integers(N,[], Limit) <- N > Limit : true. 

sift([N |Ns], [N |Ps]) <- filter(N,N,Ns,Ns1), sW(Ns1, Ps). 
sift([ Ml)- 

fitter(Num, M, [M |Ms], Ns) <- filter(Num, M, Ms, Ns). 

filter(Num, N, [M |Ms], Ns) f- M > N, Nils N 4- Num filterfNum, N1 , [M |Ms], Ns). 

fifter(Num, N, [M |Ms], [M |Ns]) <- N < M : filter(Num, N, Ms, Ns). 

filter(_, _,[],[]) 


mode qsort(Xs?, YsT), qsort(Xs?, LT, R?), partfX?, Ys?, UsT, Vst). 
qsort(Xs, Ys) <- qsort(Xs, Ys, [ ]). 

qsort([X | Xs], L, R) <- part(X, Xs, Us, Vs), qsort(Us, L, [X |M]), qsortfVs, M, R). 

partfX, [Y |Ys], [Y |Us], Vs) <- X > Y : part(X, Ys, Us, Vs). 
partfX, [Y |Ys], Us, [Y |VsJ) *- X < Y : part(X, Ys, Us, Vs). 
partL, [Ml ID- 



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