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PR01'ESS01,. TYCII0 M0.[MSEN. 


lit THE EhlTOR; 
J. PAYNE -' " " 
( 0LLII.I, ES0. 





The circutnstances» under which the interesting tract 
contained in this repri,t bas corne to iight9 are 
as follows. 1 had ah'eady some years ago received in- 
telligence that a few old Eglish books of Shakespeare's 
time were in the public library of Zurich. Dt'. J. 
Horner» the Chier Librat'ian of the "Stadtbibliothek"» 
had the kindness to transmit them successively to 
me: amongst then 1 found also the no,el of 
George Wilkins and perceiving it to be ider, tical with 
that mentioned by Mr. Collier in his Shakespeare 
Vol. VIII. p. œeG72fig.» and struck with a great many 
passages of surprising beauty9 besides lhe line narrative 
style of the whole» I had a nind to republish it. But 
before I set to work9 1 applied to ny most honoured 
ff'tend Blr. Collier to tell me whether it had been 
ah'eady reprinted or hot" for9 manv bools being only 
printed for pt'ivate circulation» a foreigner» although 
attentive to every thing Shakespearean at home and 
abroad» may easily be mistaken as to a novelty of 
the ki,d. 1Mr. Collier was kind enough fo inform 
me that there was only one perfect copy of it i, Eng- 
land» and that in the possession of a gentleman» who was 
Preface A. 


unwilling to allow it to be reprinted. ! then thought 
it my duty to give it inslantly to the public» ad an 
intelliget publisher ailowing me the immediate use 
of his prin/ing-oftice» and afterwards offering to publish 
the iittle book» bh'. Collier and myself abandoned the 
plan tirst adopted» of/'eprinting it at out own expence 
as a private publication. 
As to lhe origin of lhese bool, s and their turning 
up in Switzerland» Dr. Horner states to me that they 
were» nine in nunbel' first bound together in one 
volume which bad formerly belonged to [he Swiss po- 
et Martin Usteri (b. at Zurich in 1741 d. [here 
1827.)» [he author of [he OlCe most popular Ana- 
creontic : 
Freut Euch «les Lebens, 
Wcil noch das Liiln])cllen glithl; 
l'lliickc/ die Rosen, 
Eh sic verbliiht. 

at whose auction Dr. Horner bought them for lhe 
"Stadtbibliothek" for the moderate price of six shill- 
ings. They are- 
!. A geographical and anthological description 
of ail the Elnpires etc. of the Globe. 4. Lodon. 
"2. B. lonson- His Volpone etc. 4°. s. 1. Printed 
for Thomas Thorppe. 1607. 
3. A pleasant conceited comedy wherein a 
man may choose a good wife from a bad. 4 °. 
Lond. 1608. 
4. The insatiate countesse. A tragedie. 4 °. 
Loudon. 1613. cf. Coll. Hist. of E. D. P. I. 35fi. 


5. Ge. Hakewill. The ancient ecclesiasticall 
practise of confirmation. 4,. London 1613. 
6. The tirst and second Part of the trouble- 
some Raigne ot" lohn King of Egland .... 
Written by W. Sit. 4,,. Lond. by Valentine 
Simmes. for lohn Hehne .... 1611. 
7. Shakespeare's tlamlet. 4 °. London. lfil 1. 
8. (Shakespeare's) Romeo & Juliet. 4-. Lond. 
1609. Smethwicke. 
9. (Ge. Wilkins). The Painfitll etc. ,4". Lond. 
Ail these books are well preserved» including the 
present h'act (although a liltle worm-eaten in lhe upper 
margin» which impairs the head-line)» and the tirst of 
them bears the inscription" Ex libris loh. Ilodolphi 
Hessii Tijm'iff. Co**stal Lo,dini. 16.. The last tigures 
were cut off by the binder, on separating and re- 
binding the pieces» but Dr. Horner renwmbers the 
date to bave been either 1614 or 1618. This Johann 
Rudolph Hess (probably the saine that was Director 
of the Arsenal (Zeughaus) and 5Iember of lhe Great 
Councii) was born in 15S8 and died in 16555 he may» 
as was customary with young gentlemen in easy cir- 
cumstances» bave gone to England abou 161:1» fo 
complete his education» and have brought home some 
ot" the plays which he saw acted at the l_,ondon Ihea- 
tres» and which he liked best. 
Respecting the importance of the tract» we 
refer out readers to what lr. Collier» (.fo whom 
we are indebted for the first indication of this 


novel in 1839» as also for its first application to 
the mutilated drama of Pericles as it bas corne down 
to us under the naine of Shakespea'e) savs of it in 
his Work entitled Shakespeare's Library., ISII vol. 
in the Preface to Twine's Novel p. 11 and in his 
Edition of Shakespeare» vol. VIII. p. 267--269. 
The saine eminent critic then avails himself» in 
about a dozen passage% of |he important aid tbe novel 
afl'ords for lhe text of |he play. We cammt nor will 
enter into everv delail of lbe question» but will hot 
omit to point out some l)assages in lhe beginning of 
the novek which bave sh'ucl, us as conveying some 
explanation of the corresponding ones in the play. 
Act I. Scene i. That the King throws doyen the 
Riddle ff'oto his thron% and that Pericles stoops to 
read it» was certainly conformable to lhe representa- 
tion of the play at the Globe. 
ibid. The words of the unhappy daughter of 
Antiochus» as they read in the first edition of 1609' 

« 1 avail myself o1 the llamburg copy, for the use of which I ara 
imlebted to the kindness of Professor Pctersen, Director of the Public Li- 
bl'ary there. I take tlle opportulfity to state that it agrees not with 
Malone's copy, but with |be others. It has, Coll. Sh. VIII. p. 275. twice 
.'«d (hOt ««y'd) ] 281 . How dores lice ph,ncls ] 2825. feares ] 
290'. And hid inlenl lo murdcr him: ] 3193 . Xalure aa'«kcs a 
a'armc b'c«lh oui of her; ] 323-% Eacn ripe for mari«e sighl: lhis 
.ffaide ] 326 s. a'@ @e « «ecpe aone ? ] 317;. wilh [«ruor @es ] . 
This copy of the Pericles, 1609, belongs to a large volume, 
marked on thc back "Anli«am lcric", wbich besides "Pericles" 
contains ont black-let|er tract: 
•.. 1597. (.The Naine of the translator: Tho. Pope C, oodwine 


the onlv one that has anv claires at ail to be consi- 
dered authentic: 
Of ail sawl yet, mayst thon iwooue lW.sperous: 
Of ail savd yct, I wish thee happiuesse. 
which have bee altered by several commentator% 
and nost mdmppily rendered by Tieck: 
Was du gesagt, sei dir zum Gliick bescheert, 
Was du gesagt, das wimsch" ich dit zmn ll«il. 
suggesting ambiguity in the author» on account of his 
own mcertaity about the meatlitg- these words 
are in accordance with the judgmet of Mr. Collier» 
supported as uncorrupted by the words of our novel- 

Gent., is subscribed [o [he dedica[ion; xvhelher [he saine with 
Thomas Pope, the cclebrated ac[,w, who belonged to Shake- 
speare's company and headed the list of the Bla,'kfi'iars idayers 
iii 1596, I know no[. Cf. Coll. Ilist. of E. D. P. l, 298. lll, 433.) 
and twche plays bv Tire IIeywood, Chapman etc. dated ail of them 
be[ween 11i06 and 1609, eleven ,f which are suflicienlly knowu 
(though prbaldy hot very common either), whereas the remaming 
one (Nf. 11) seems fo be hitherto mlknown in Enland: 
TIIE [ TRM;1C&LL I llistory of the horril,le l Life and death 
I or I DOCOR FAVSTVS. l Writleu by Cit. M.tL. l hnlwinted 
ai London bv G. E. for lobn l ll)'igbl and are to be sold 
ai l Christ-church gate I 1609. I 
Black letter. 2-1 leaves; the last being a fly-leaf. The type 
is the very sanie with that of "The Painfull Aduentures of 
Pericles". The eopy is ,luire coml,letê. 
At h'ast [he learned and saeacious Editor of Marlowe (iii 1850), 
the Rev. Alex. Dvce. &les hot appcar to have known of any edition lf 
.Faus[us" between 1601 and 1616. cf. Vol. I. p. XVII. and 11. p. 3. 
87. It is the lnore curious, as flic copies of 1601. and 1616. 
diffêr very materially; the llamburg copy agrees ahnost exactly v«ith 
the former. P. 5. (ed. l)yce) it has @uni: p. 6. more; p. 7. 
[he Oeconom no and u,oulds[ mon etc, 


Of all hec" eyes had over yet beheld etc. (17» 3.) and 
are morcover» explained as to the whole situation. 
It is an oulbreak of ua;.ural ['eelittg in the bosom of 
the uuhappy victitn» very tine and most tragical» Iruly 
Shakespearean. It may seem more questionable 
whether the words (16 34)" 
Desire Ilew in a robe of gl«viug blushes 
lnto hcr cheeks ..... 
are due to the "ambitious style" of Wilkins or to 
some lost portion of the dial»gue spoken aside bv her 
iealous father. ! think that nost readers of "Pericles'" 
will grant that if' it be Shakespeare's, it must have 
corne clown fo us in a very imperfect state. 
hi the Riddle proposed to the Prince» lhe last 
line but one reads according to ail the earlier edi- 
tions {from that of 1609 to that of 16S3" p. 194.) 
as well as the modern ones- 
lIow /hcj may be, and ve[ in two, 
which was bv Tieck nore intelligibly translated- 
Wic &ts geschichl, da zwei svir sind, 
and thus out novel has it (169 25.)- 
liov /hic mav be, and vet in Io, 
which seems to be prefe,'able. 
A few lines belote the corruption of the origin- 
al text- 
1 waile lhe sharpest blow 
Scoruing aduice; read Ihe conchsi«u Ihen: 
is contirmed as snch by our novel (16 !-|), hich 
makes the ldng throw down the riddle» 
"'biddiy him .... lo reade and die." 


The conformity of the novel wilh the play being 
sometines aimost literal, ma,y other instances might 
be brought forward of new attd very plausible read- 
ings (e. g. to read III 2. "from Tyre" istead of 
"for Tyre'" Coli. Sh. VIII» 311» 23 Vili« 6» 20. and 
46» 11.) of conjectures SUlpOl'ted (e. g. ib. III» 3. 
Coll. Vill. p. 321. hot. 5. Wilk. 52» 34. to read un- 
cissar'd and hair instead of unsisterd and heir) 
or confitte(l. But it is hot ont business here to an- 
/icil)ate the observations of fiture editors of "Pet'i- 
cics"5 we wish otdy to direct the altcntiot of out 
Shalçespeareans to this curious novel and to leae 
it to abler hands to make tkdl use of it. 
In Fact the whole seems to bave been worked 
up bo/h from Shakespeare's play attd the noel of 
AI)ollonius Tyrius as it was translated by Laxrence 
Twine» which» together with Gower's version From 
G()lFridus Viterbiensis is known to have been the 
source of Shakespeare» and was as Stlch rei)rinted 
bv 5Ir. Collier in his "Shal, espeare's Library" Vol. 1. 
p. IS3--257. On a carefid cotnparison it will al,l,ear » 
that llle coincidences l)etween Twine and Wilkins 
are Ioo numerous and too literai to be ascribed to 
tnere chance. The very litle and head-line of out 
novel was /aken from Twine, who inscribed it: The 
Pattcrne of the painefull zld,«enh«res; only Will, ins 
had "A Patterne etc. but» by inadvertency he seems 
fo have left "'Thc'" in lhe fit'st head-line (p. 12). Auy 
direct del)endance of 'iil, ins on Gower is hot 
On the other hand» we ntust confess» that out 


novel is not only well written» and» for lhe easy flow 
of llle narrative tastes of Herodolean sweetness (as 
a friend of mine judiciously observed) but that it 
bas also some passages which by lheir force of argu- 
ment, bv heir descripive vivacity or felicity of imagery 
a,d expression seem vastly superior to lhe powers of 
any George Wilkins and are neverlheless» sought i, vain 
in olher sources or in lhe Drama such as we possess it. 
It mtst not however be overlooked: lhat Wilkins 
was a poct: and lhat we mav suppose him lo have 
copied lhe style of ShaKespeare. O/' his person we k,ow 
liltle or no/hing at least G. Langbaine ' onlv savs of 
him: tilat he was "an attthor lhat liv'd in lhe reign 
of l, ing Charles I. (we shouhl ralher say lhat he 
wrote under King James 1.)» who was the writer of a 
single comedy besides lhat in which lle joined with 
Day at,d Rowley: The Tr«wels of Three E»»glish Bro- 
thers." His ,vorl,,s are /llree in 
1) The [ Miseries of hfforst [ Mariage ]. As it 
is now playd by his Maiesties [ Seruants. 
Alios, (seipsm) docet. By George Wilkins. I (the 
Arms o/' Gene,a with lhe Legend POST TENE- 
BRAS LUX) London [ Pri,led lot" George Vincent 
and are lo be sold at his shop ill]Woodslreet. 
1(;07. [4 o . 36 leaves. 
It was reprinted in 1611. 1629. 1637. and has 
been inserted i Vol. V. of Dodsley's Collection 
p. 1--9S (a. IS25.) It is ritten in prose. 

 An Accourir of the Enslish Dramatick Poel.s. Oxford. 1691. 
p. 512. 


2) (Jointly with John Day and Wm. Rowley.) 
The Tl'avels ot" the Three Eglish Brothers Sir 
Thomas» Sir Anthony» and Sir Robert Shirley: 
aa Historical Play. 40 . 1607. 
3) Three 5liseries ofBarbary--Plague Fmnine 
Ciuill Warre" with a relation of the death of 
51ahomet the late Emperour and a brief report 
of the new present -ars between tbe three bro- 
thers. Printed by W. J. for Hem'y Gosson» and 
are to be solde in Paternoster Rowe at the signe 
of the Statue. 4 o . s. 1. & a. (The naine of 
Geo. Wilkins is subscribed to the Dedication.) 
Of 'The Miseries" we agree with 5Ir. Rapp  that the 
style strongly rivais ShaKespeare and that we are every- 
where reminded of the ludicrous scenes in Henry IV. As to 
the tract last mentioned (which 1 have hot seen) it 
"is written in an ambitious st)l% and the descrip- 
tions are often striking» but there is nothing but the 
similarity oF the naine to connect it with The Miseries 
of lnforced Marriage." To the uncommon rarity of 
"The Painfill Aduentures of Pericles" it must be ascrib- 
ed» that the attthor's naine» as connected with Shake- 
speare's Pericle% seems to have remained «nknown hi- 
therto. Being one of the minor dramatists of the rime he 
was most l)robably enployed by a booKseller to adapt 
the incidents oF the new and favourite play for the read- 
i»g public» and xhat had been most unsuccessfullv 

i Studien fil»er das englische Theater in llerrigs Archiv ffir 
das Studium der neueren ,prachen: XVIII. p. '234, (1855.) 
 Dodsley's Collection V. p. 3. 


attempted in verse with earlier l)lays as with Romeo 
&. Juliet in 1597 and with Hamlet in 1603 was here 
perhaps for lire tirst and last lime attempted in prose 
6_. Unhappilv the tirst edition of the plav 
inmediatelv following in 1609. (as tha[ of Honeo 
and Juliet in 1599.» and that of tlamlet in 1601.) 
seems 1o have been, tht»ugh it attother vay» ver 
equally l>ira[ical and eqmlly itpel'çect attd thus we 
mus[ l)erhaps tbt" ever renom,ce the hope oF forming 
a correct opinion of what is very likel fo have I»een 
a masterlfiece. If lhe Editors of lhe lirst Folio in 
1fi23 had no mamtscript of lhe poet's (vhich i-n manv 
cases thev had not) this condition of the printed text 
was a suflicient reason for omitlin$ it from the col- 
lection. We il out Epigonic d9ys » mav carefully 
gather lhe remnanls 
IVie ,-ir in eiucn elleCm Kru' 
Die ts«he ,h.s Gclicbten S[IIIII)[']II, 
but: if taken singly attd out of its proper comexion» 
we must of course oflen remain uncertain what 
are sparks of that immortal tire hich auinated the 
greatest of modern poets» or what nav be due to 
the ambitious l»e of an imitator who was by no 
means watdig in ability.  

' lle calls his aorel "an infa,t of Pic brain." and seems to 
inlimate that he bas "put /is it in priut": but we can hardlv 
bclieve "tl,e raggcd Ihilosol,her" to have bee, even so much as a 
cooperator with ShMespeare. Wilkins does m,t with Ihe slightest |lourish 
afhis pcn hint at out poel. lhongh speaking with illtlt|l praise of tbe per- 
forman«e "by Ihe's M;jesty's Playcrs," ami would make it 
al,pear as if nabody vcre cmcerncd in Ihc aulhorship but old 


If we take a genet'al view of the question» out 
novel is certainlv of peculiar interest» formig one of 
the last and youngest links in the long chain of 
different shapes and revisions of |he old fabulous 
story of King Apollonius of Tyre. It cannot be mv 
intention to enter into the detail of tlfis literary 
Question, widelv diffused through many different 
nations and centuries: and verv complicated. 1 refer 
the Enlish readers to Douce  and the German to 
Graisse -. Howeer: 1 may be allowed to take the 
opportunity of stating that besidcs the Anglosaxon 
version: edited by Mr. Thorpe in IS34: the ohlest 
forms that we know of hitherto: are written in Latin: 
and lhree in number" 
1) tlistoria Apollonii Tyrii: edited tirst about 1470. 

¢5ower, though he was only i]]troduced by the dramatist in the 
quality of "the Presenter." 
As the query on Ihe supp«sed coTeration of other poets in 
Ihe play of "Pericles", so that on Ihe existence of an eaïlier dralna, 
founded on Ihe saine slory, seems hot to receive any liht throtlgh 
the novel of XVilkins. But even if no traces of such an earlier play 
were discovered, we shouhl think it "highly iluprobable that a story 
"so interesliug and so popular"  we inay call it Ihat of the ine- 
diawal llvsses -- "shonhl have rclnained unad:wled Io Ihe English 
"slage until 1ti09"', which are the words, Mr. Collier(llisl. of E. !|. 
P.!1.116) applies veryjustly to Bomeo &Juliet; andwe may remind 
our readers Ihat a play under the litle of "The Painfltl Pilrimage" 
was acled hefore Queen Eizabeth in 1{J7:8; nothing of which, 
hwever, is Inown, hut thalwe may suppose it Io have been no tragedy, 
but "a lday "', which would exaclly tally with "Pericles". (ib. !. 19.1 I1'.) 
i Illustrations p. 398 ff: (ed. of 1839) ---- !I. p. 135 11". (ed.of 18117) 
- Literirgeschichte 11. 3, 1. p. 257260. 1,18-12.) 


s. 1. & a. in 80 . i and |hen by Mark Welser ff'oto an 
Augsburg MS. in 1595 repeated in his works 1682 
p. 681--704 last edited by M. l,al)aume » IS56 in 
the Scriptores Erotici Paris. Didot» h'om a MS. of 
the XIVth. cent. 
2) Chapter the 153rd of the Gesta Romanorum. 
On a comparison ot" lhe lext of Welser's Apollonius 
with A. Keller's Eilion ol  the Ge»la Rom. (IS12)» it 
al»peared evident fo me» that lhe aChlitions ot" lhe G. 
R. were comparatively much more barbarous as fo 
the language» and lhat some delails of imi(lent and 
puncluation are also greatly worse in the G. R. and 
read as il" lhey were corruptcd h'om and ilerpolated 
into» lhe text of Welser's Apolloius "«hich noel 
was» by him» assigned to the 5lb century p. Chr. 

 Described by Wolf in Wi¢ner J3hrb. 1831. Vol. LVI. p. 255. 
 There seem fo exist al)out a dozen MSS. of this Latin 
Apollonius in Euglaml, some in ltaly and France, seven at Vicnna 
(some registered as of the XII. ceut.), two at Breslau, Ihree at 
nich etc.; anotl,'r o» parchment is repeatedly ,luoted by Casp. Barth 
in his Adversaria 1624, as exlant in Ihe A«ademical library of 
Basle, but it seems n,»t fo be the saine Ihat vas ruade use of by 
Welser. As for the latter, though in the 16th. cenlury behmging 
to the Augsburg coneut of St. Uh'ic and St. Afra, it is hOt now 
t« be fouud in the lloyM Library at 3hmi«h (where most 
Ihe MSS. )f the saine c,nvent are at presenl) I,ot nltsl hae wamlered, 
wilh some olher MSS. of SI. l'lric and 
lhe MS. Calalogue of [he Bibgolhcc,« m»««s[crff 
Arc'etc, it is entered lhus: Hislori«« ci miscri«« Al+olhmii 
a While these sheets are goiug through the press, Prof. M. 
llaul, t of Berlin University, states in a letter fo the Editor, that 


3) Part Xi. of Godfrey of Viterbo's Patlheon: 
Pistorius- Scril)tt. Germ. il. p. 242--252. (15S4)- 
co,nposed in Leonine hexaneters» about !186. God- 
fi'ev was Chaplaiu to the lirst Suabian Emperors» and 
dedicated his work to Pope Urbau !ii. who reigned 
1185--1 IS7. I 

It is only conieclured ri'oto sotne particulars of 
the language that the ohlest l,atin form was a trans- 
lation, ri'oto the Greel« This supposition» which may 
very possibly be wrong in itseif» l,as engendel'ed 
severai slight mistakes of even good scholars. 
!) That of Warlon (1781) bas aireadv been 
pointed out bv Douce (IS07)'-' it bas again been 
committed» in I S50 by Prof. Ettmiiller» who quotes 
amongst the Anglo-Saxon prose writings: 

knows about ont hundrcd MSS. of thc l.atin Apollonius, the ol- 
dest of which is a Florentine Codex ol he IXtl, or Xth century; 
adding that his rcsearchcs enable him to [ix precisely the tilne of 
the Lalin Romance. We are sure to get it soon edited by this 
elninent critic in the Transactions of the Royal Academy. 
t Which form of the Latin novel Vincentius I|ellovacênsis (M,out 
126-1) inserted in or rather el,itomized for his A'peculum llislori«le, 
one of the lirst Cyclopwdias ct,mpiled during the middle ages, I 
eannot make out, as the lare Edition of Vincêntius in two F,lio- 
Volumes printed al»out I lfi0 (which alone l can make use of), th,mgh 
stating iii the htdex rather indefinitely Hi«loria Alollonii Tj'ii ù line 
libz'i quarfi, appears to have no such story neither in the fourth nor 
in any other book of the tex. In a Bodleian MS. (Calal. MSS. 
Anl. n. 2-135) we [ind both lïnce»lii ,'l, et'ldm Hislo.i«le and I.le 
A'arrolio «le Apolkmh Ty,io, together wiLh other fabulous stories. 
" lllustr, p. 401. . 
a Anglosaxonum Poetae etc. Praef. p. XXI. 


Vita Apollonii Tvrii, a Philostrat,, comp»sila illlt'l'- 
confoun(iing Ihe anonymous Romance of Apollonius 
Tyri«s» hot i, nown but to be xwitten in Latin» wilh 
Philoslralus" Litç oç Apollonius Ianensis» composed 
in Greek, at the request oF the Empress Julia 
(217 p. Ch.) 
2) 5Iy tllow-com,trytnan Jonsius (1659)  speaks 
oF Ih Stoic Apollonius of Tyre who about 75. a. 
Ch. ruade up a list oF his brother philosol»hers and 
oF their writings» which is lost For aught we llOW 
and thinks it exisls in lhe OxFord and Pat'is iibraries, 
misconceiving what Vossius savs about the fabulous 
story oç out Kh 9 Alollonius of Tyre. He is con- 
flted by the learned Fabricius (17¢15) Bibi. Gr. vol. I11. 
pag. 539 ed. Harl. 
3) As to the supposed Greek orignal» the trans- 
lalion oF the Latin text into modern Greek verse  
completed in January 1500 in the island oF Crete 
has led some writers into error. First Welser him- 
selF, the second and long thought first editor oF the 
Latin Romance» and lhe inventor oF the theory oF its 
bei,g originally written in Greek in 1595 last 5I. 
I,apaume» the most recent editor in IS56. The For- 
mer savs that he finds "Apoilonii de Tyro Historia'" 
nt,ntitmed in the Catalogue oF the lmperial Libt'ary 
at Viem,a» but this, iF relaling to Greek MSS.» is most 
probably a mistake For a 51S. oF the said modern 

 lle Scriptorilms llisovioe Philosol,hice lib. 1I. cap. XVIII. 
' cf. Douce lllustr, p. 400. 

PI/EFA! '.E. XV 

Greek Apollonius» mentioned by Lambecius Bibi. 
Vindob. vol. V. pag. 54S. As to lhe lalter» alhough 
Meursius» Barth» Vossius» and whoever follwig lheu 
had spoken of ll,is n,odern Greek version, of which 
lhere exist no less lhan tire editions» and which is 
menlioed in every bibliographical work and every 
larger Encyclopoedia" M. l,apaume declares it to be 
of great antiquily» never prinled, and finally assures 
us that it is lost whereas it is very young» oflen 
printed» al,I nol lost. 
4) It wouhi be al least as pardonable Io believe 
/he queslionable Greek original 1o exist in "Apollonii 
m/rablles or " 1o22n,;ot, "" ' t«l,ltt6[tt, 
hislorioe " " '" 
as they are commonly registered or inscribed» e. - 
in Cod. Palat. 39S at tteidelberg. This» however» is 
an Anlhology of miraculous anecdoles» lhought by 
Meursius to be identical with lhe "Hisloria Cotmnen- 
titia" or e2i ztret/,el,6[tgt,]ç troQ[t-, put by Suidas 
among the works of Apollonius D#scolos or Alex- 
andrinus Minor» who came to Rome under Mark Anto- 
nine. It was edited as such bv Meu'sius in 1620. 4 °. 
As litlle lherefore as are lhe claires of our 
Pericles» lhe Tyrian hero of lhe ohi romance» to be 
akin to him wh% in days of more glorious antiquily» 
torgtrt,, orrt l,rt,xt rit, E22cdt 
quiIe as illegitimate» we fear» is the title of his Airer 
Ego Apollonius  to being a relation of either the 

« The reason of this naine being converted inlo that of the 
Athenian statesman is ! think (with Douce) well accounted for by 


wonderful Magician of Tyana» or the Stoic philosopher» 
or the learned Gramnat'ian nay we think» that for 
every thread of his Greek pallium he is only i,debt- 
ed to the benevolent care of modern antiquaries. 

Ve have» then» onlv to deal with Latin originals 
of the rolnance» the Greek ones being founded on 
nlel'e error or speculation. Allhough we must refrain 
h'om settling the itricate question about the date 
and language of the ohlest 1,afin form and its relation 
to the Riddles of Symposius and the old Anglo-Saxon 
version" a far more skilfitl ad experienced hand being 
moreover engaged in the saine researches 5 we will 
not omit to contribute out share on the occasion» a 
IS. having by accident fallen into out hands which 
seems to purport something new. 
Marina or rather Tharsia» as she is called in 
the old legend» proposes some Riddles to her father» 
bowed down under afflictiot ri'oto his losses. They 
are in the Latin texts hitherto known bolh of Welser 
and the Gesta Romanorum,  Godfi'ey having no 
riddles at ail  but three in number» namely: The 
Fish i the Sea, the Ship, and the Bath corresponding 
to the llth» 13th and 7lh of Symposii Aenigmata. 
in a fi'agmentary Tegernsee 51S., however, cer- 
tainly hot yotmger than the lOtb century and pro- 
bably written shortly after 900 p. Ch. we tind this 
« Five small Icaves of flfin parchmen, very well writen Ohe 
"ductus" agrees most minulely with Ihe fac-simile given in Catal. 
of Ihe MSS. of the Brit. Mus. PI. 11. td'Cod. Arund. 241. fol. 77. b. 
'elll»l.), and almost without any abbrevialions; Ihey seem lo have 

PREF.kCE. X ii 

passage enlarged by f'our other Pt'oblems of lhe kilid 
on lhe Spo,ge» the Bail» the Looking-Glass, ad the 
Stah's, which Tharsia proposing to Ai,ollonius, he re- 
solves lhem alluding i his secoud alsver Io his 
skill ai ball shown in Pentapolis. They answer»  
though with very material and par[ly verv plausible 
variations of the text  1o Nf. 62. 59. 68. and 77. 
of Symposius. 
The saine four additional Riddles are contaiued 
in another IS. Norimb.  and even augme[ed by a 
tiFIh on lhe Reed  Sympos. 2.. iserted beteen 
lhe li'st and lhe second, and by a sixlh on lhe Four 
Wheels  Smpo's. 76.. interposed between the eighth 
and lhe ninlh- for lhus lhey nml, e up nine on lhe 
 hol e. 
Bolh lhese 51SS. (aud thcre ill surely exist 
more of lhis species 3) agree o an averag% wi/h 

be]o:lged lo lhe ce]el,:'ah'd al,bey o1" Tege:'nsee c,ml I« i,ae served 
for Ihe ««er of a .iS. of II,e 151h ce,m Now al Mtmich. hel'e 
Ihe laie and mu«h lamenled h'. S«hmeli«r bonght Ihem. al,ou/ 1828, 
al Do«en's sale. 
 Monae. Cod. Lai. 1. (fid. lgia.  Oa.] a lare ohmte 
ofufis«ellaneous convertis, par of which are, almu 1(;7, writlen by the 
lh[ (,r seçond) owner, llar[mam SchedeI M. D. of Nfirnber a 
Ieal'ned na ad great h-avel«r. Vrillen though -ei']" legibly d.'ough- 
out, yet, in /his ai.! other prdons nue pemted Iy Schedel himsel[. 
disfigul-ed with the grossest llunders l,y an ignol'«mt scribe; Ihe date 
«f 162. is aflixed to Ihe Novel, which in the Index i called: 
Hi«l«'i«z .Infi«ci el A]ollin'is tsiO. 
 The Paris MS. inade use of by 51. Lapaumc behmgs t« the 
saine class. Cf. Ihis Prcface p. XXIli. n,l. 3. 
Preface B. 


each other and differ so much fi'om the texts of either 
Velser or the Gesta, and generaily hot for the worse 
{though hot devoid of peculiar Groecisms»  and having 
deus throughout hot dii) that we cannot but suppose 
this text to be one of the oidest if hot the oldest 
form of the lmtit roumnc% unprinted hitherto if we 
except lhat lateiv published by M. Lapaume though 
it would indeed be very diflicult lo form a correct 
iudgment of it ri'oto his edition.  
This is fllly borne out by a collation of that 
single ieaf of the Tegernsee 5IS. which contains a 
passage hot oudtted in the Anglo-Saxon version with 
the latter fi»r the other four happën to fidl within 
the large gap of the unique MS. whieh has preserved 
that precious relic. This coincidence of the supposed 
oldest MSS. with the oldest Version will best appear 
ri'oto the foilowing confi'ontation- 

« The reading iaccl sub sanio -nouis in lenebris instead of 
what Wels. Nor. Par. and even Gotfr. Viterb. read sub senli»d 
B. infcrius) is, if corrupted from ô;'[ç the deck, very remarkable. 
 As to the Riddles, 51. Lapaume's edition has len of them: 
1. the Fish in the Sea, 2. the Reed, 3. the Ship, 4. the Bath, 5. 
tbe Anchor  Sympos. 98, a. the Slmnge, 7. le B,ll, 8. the 
Looking {lass, 9. the Four Wheels, 10. the Stairs. -- Though the 
Tegernsee MS. must have comprised more than rive riddles and may 
have included that on "the Reed" (the leaf which eould have 
had Ihe three first liuml,ers 1,eiiig wanliilg), it is hot likely fo have 
had "lhe Anehor". For the leaf which ve possess has the Bath, 
Ihe Sponge, Ihe Ball, Ihe Looking-I;lass, and Ihe Stairs; and "the 
Anchor" is likewise hot in the Niirnberg MS. Scven riddles also 
are conlained in Ihe first edition: ci. Wien. 3nhrb. LII. 
course, such a passage was very lialde to interpolation. 


A»glo.Sax. gérs. Jl,%'. Teg. t,$bp, ll'cl«er (,|. Gest. 
Dhasmercodesec)'ng Quos u! uidit re'( Quos intuens Rex 
and heom to l)eseah subridens ait" ait: 
and thus cwoedh. 

And se cyngc mhn lh,x accepit codicel- Rex accepit codicel- 
lha gewrila and ge- los. & amflo soo si- los & lcgil, signa- 
inscglodc hi raid his gnavit. & dat apollo- vihlue & dcdit Apol- 
ringe and scahle a- nio diccns" lonio diccns: 
poll«nio thus cwc- 

Dha mhn apolloni,ns Apoilonins acccptis Apolloni«s acceptis 
tha gerita and code codicellis" petit do- codicellis introivitcu- 
fo dhare cynelican mure regiam, luit'o- biculum. 
heallc, iuit cubiculum" 

l)h;t,t mœeden n;im Puclla accepit & le- Puclla resignavit co- 
and ra, dde. git dicellos, et legit a 

Aefter thisum or(l- Haecdicens inslante  llaec dicens rescri- 
um heo raid modes amoris audatia sui. psit et signavit codi- 

« The varialions of eitber Ihe Nor. and Paris MSS. frotn that 
of Tegernsee, or of the (;esta from Wêlser, are, on the whole, of 
less importance. Somê of them are sta/ed in the foiiowing notes. 
 The resta give it: Apollon«ts rccepil scripl«ras et p«ell«e 
porlz«il. In the foregoing passage t). R. read iikewise scrip[«rzm 
instead of codicellos. 
a The saine have: P«ell« codices zpcrzdt, et legit -- rendering, 
as before, thc meaning of Weiser's text in a language somewhat 
different attd hot unfrequently somewhat more barbaroas. 
i Here the Nor. and Par. MSS. inslead of is«[e read '«»[« 
and l««z«li, and both omit sz«i. In which the Tes. MS. alTears to be 
rigl,/; but l must hOt frget to point out another passage, in which 


A»glo.Sax. lets. MSS. Tcg. (A'or.: ll'el'cr (4" 6"csL 
finr«,dnesscawritodh- scripsil. & signalo[s] ccllos, tradidilque 
er gcwrit and th«ct codiccllos" apolhmio Apollonio, ut cos 
ge - inscglode and lradidit" Pcrl[u]lit regi dcfcrrel. 
sealdc apollonio. A- apollonius in loto. « 
polloniu hil Iha 6t & Iradidit regi" 
baq'on dha slr'le and 
seahlc Iham eynge. 

Dhu goda eyngc and Bon" tex & palet  le\ et pater oplime, 
rein se lcofcsla I'«,der. ...... 

This resuit is confirmed by the language of the 
Tegernsee ?,IS.» which is considerably purer fllan that 
of Welser's text" e.  eius instead of the incorrect 
suam: Vels. Op. p. 6SS lin. 27 or Mogisler non libi 
dolet quod ego re&o? instead of Magister Apol!oni, ila 
non le dolet, quod ego alii nubam? lb. 669» 1 the 
succinct answer: Si amares, doleres instead of what 
is much more languid- Mogistcr magister, si me 
res» doleres: ib. 35 sexlerlios several rimes instead of 

Nor. & Par. eoincidc most slril, ingly with thê OId A. S. Version 
and whieh is missing in the Teg. as wel] as in Welser and 
the Oesta : 
AS. V. 
ac heo ne funde ha 
thone naman tharon 
Ihe heo wolde. 
t Nor. and Par. rcad /brum. 
 l|ere ends the li'st leaf of the Tegensee MS. 

Et nomen illius quem 
alnabat non legil. 

Ed. Paris. 
Sed non elegit ('.) ejus 
quem volebal. 


the barbarous seJ'terlias over and over again repeated 
in Welser's IMS: lb. 690 the Indicative 51ood d«am- 
bulabat instead of the blundering Conjunctive in the 
passage in Welser's 51S." 
Tertia vero die unda matis çiecil loculum ad lillus Ephe- 
SiOl'lllll 11Oll longè a praedio cujusdam medici Cerinlonis 
lOllfine, qui cure discipulis suis càdclu clic lu lillore 
lb. BgI and vice versa Uideamus quid desidcret do- 
loi" instead oF the blundel'ing hldicative l»crqui»'amus, 
quid dcsid«rat aut numdal dolor: lb.5 sub Calfile 
positam illstead oF the barbarous subtus Calmt posi- 
tain elc. Also the spelling or the Tegernsee BIS. is 
lnuch more alicient» e. g. pelil @etiil) eicimtl inlro- 
isli» fabros naualis (n«vales)» omnis (otaries) etc. 
Then with respect to the long series of subse- 
quent versions» we should Ihitlk to bave at least four 
Laliu originals 9 viz.- 
A. Three in prose: 
1) That in the said and other 51SS. 
2) Welser's text. 
3) That in the Gesta Roinanortmi Cil. the 153rd. 
B. Ole in verse: 
4) Part Xi. of Godfrey of Viterbo's Pantheon. 

To returli to the English translations Ihat of 
Lav, rence Twine is although indil'ectly, apparently 
more depeldant on eithel" Welser or the Gesta than 
on the above mentioned IISS. One instance may 
suffice. The third (or fourth) Riddle (The Bath) is 


the only one not consisting of a triplet the fourlh 
line being an awkward and ahnost unintelligible ad- 
dition. Twine bas it as follows: 
There is an house Ihrough which the tire 
dolh passe, and doth no harme: 
Thercin is hcat, which none nlay moove: 
from thcnce, it is so warme: 
A naled house, and in Ihat house 
guests naked d«c desire 
To dwell, from «hcnce 
lhen f«ll you in lhe tire. 
which agrees wilh Welser's text: 
Per totas aedes innoxius introit ignis, 
Est calot in lnedio maguus, quem nemo removil: 
Non est nuda domus, nudus sed convertit hospes, 
Si luctum ponercs (i/s. ponas), insons imrares (Il«. imrabis) 
in igncs. 
and with that of lhe Gesla» although it be much more 
corrupt and very bad verse: 
Per rotes ci aedes innoxius ie pertra»s#, 
Est calot in medio lnagnus, quem lWlnO relnovit; 
Non est nuda doluus, nudus sed COllVenit hospes; 
Si luctum poneres, inttocetts inlrares in ignes. 
but by no means with the 51S8. of Symposius» which 
give it wilhout any fourlh line: 
Per tolas acdcs innoxius inh'oit ignis: 
Et calot in lli('dio lllalHIS qucm 11¢111o 
Non est nuda donus, sed nudus conucnit hosl)es. 
nor with out' N(irnberg 51S.  which though penned 

« Wernsdorf, Poet. Lat. Min. VI. p. ,553. 
 The fragments of the Tegernsee MS. do hot comprehend this 


by an ignorar, t scribe» at once decides on lhe question- 
able line- 
per totas sedes ' innoxius irruil ignis 
.......... llammis hinc inde .......  
nec .......... domus nuthsque ....... hospes 
.lwllonius ail: o si htcltts dcponrrem, inoccns inlrarcm i ignem 
cure inlr«rem balnetm ci bine indc flamme per ............  
This» lhouh very corrupt» shows lhat» what the 
other texts ruade part of Tharsia's riddle» was» in 
facl» part of Apollonius' answer, which tallies ex- 
activ with de enial tm'n of the other answers. The 
Gesta therefore» and Velser's IS.» havin ody (very 
abruptly) after the four lines above mentioned- 
Apollonius ait: inirarem balneum ubi binc inde am- 
mae per labulas surgunt  bv so strii an ilslance 
of coincidin COrl'Ultion  evidently slow» that lhey 
belon to one and the saine class of COlupt texls» 
ff'oto which (and hot ri'oto some enuine Greek orig- 
inal as Belleforest wouhl maie us believe) aiso tle 
French and EngliM tranMafions were derived and 
that the better text which is more likely to be the 
true original» seems to be tbe Latin one contained 
in the Teernseensis and other MSS. of the saine 
But» to please those of out readers who "know 

 Two MSS. of Symposius concur in this blundêr with Nor. 
 TI,ê on,iued words are nonsensical: ........ ch'cumdal« ff. 
h. i. callala n. noslro 'nda d. n. com'uil h. A ...... per htum silenL 
 Nêarly thê sa,ne rêading was p¢,l»lished by l|annêrt in 1823, 
fro,n two Vie,ma MSS. of the 1-1th. cent. i, Wien. Jahrb. Anzeige 
Blatt, p. 62. but without eithêr comparing thê têxt of Sy,nposius 
or applying to the English translations. 


little Latin ad iess Greek" and are hot th worse for 
that, 1 hole » let us drop /he subiect  Fuily persuaded 
lhat a new edilion of lhe Lati Apolionius which we 
expect t'ron the hatd of an eninent cri/ic will state 
ail lhe probabilities at Iheir just value. 

llaving announced some of the literary curiosi- 
lies relative to Shakespeare and his contenporaries 
which a/'e [o be fouttd in Germany» 1 must hot forget 
the copy of lhe 160) ediliot of Shal, espeare's Son- 
«ts which 1 discove'ed some eeks ago in the 
Betlilck Library al Varel near Oidetburg. As 
of the best Eglish scholars are at variance with 
each other about the rarity of this e,lition as to its 
litle-page 1 is¢r a fac-simile of it. The copy 
is COlnplete ald in very good condition. 

As l'or Wiikins" novel» 1 ara resl)onsible Fr the 
accuracy ofthe rel)rint. Oiy wilh regard to the 
lype 1 tttlSt state that the bodv of the tract is prin- 
ted in black-letter» and the nalnes of men nd con- 
tents ot" the chaplers in ROIllall type tltoso oF towns 
ald COnltries ald the Foreign quola/iols in ltalics. 
This e h;tve iverled in out" reprint. Every tbing 
else has been reprinled as exaclly as possible» page 
t'or page and line For line 5 ollv lhe nUleratiol of 
boll» included in bracl, ets» being added bv the Edilor. 
The original tract consisls oF G»rly leaves. 
Notsilhsla,ding lhe smali size of" lhis publica- 
tion 1 ara bound to acknowledge the nateriai aid oF 
severai emillent Public Librarials, ho hal.e lhrough 


their advice and the literary treasures at lheir com- 
mand» most readilv assisted me in y Shakesl)eare- 
researches in the course of the latler years. Besides 
those gentlcmen ah'eadv metioled I mne Dr. Pcrtz» 
Principal Librarian oi the Roy. Libr. of Berlini Prof. 
HOckh of GOttingel; alld lllv kind h'ielids Dr. Merz,lorf 
Librarian» and Dr. l,everkus Keeper of the Archi- 
ves at Ohlenbul'gi Prof. Halln at 5hmich» Prof. 
Preller at Weimar» Mr. C. H. Moicke ai Leipzigi 
and» most of ail» Mr. Collier to whose httroduction 
we must now refer the reader for more and better 

Oldenburg» 29. Mat'ch 1857. 

TY('I[O 3I{ }3131sE. 




Neuer before lmprirted. 


By ç. Eld for T. c/-, and are 
to bc roide by loht wright,dw¢lling 
ai Chri/ Church gaie. 
1 6o9« 

IT 1 0 D U ÇTIO =:. 

It is impossible fo value too highly the tract of 
which an exact reprint is con/ained lu lhe foilowig 
sheets. The origiual is most probably the only 
complete copy in existence: I have a fragment of it, 
which 1 ob/ained ab,.,ut ten years ago+ but it has 
neither begimiug nor end" ano[her exenplar» hi[her[o 
deemed perfect; conlaining both [he ttle-page and 
the termiuation is in the hands of a private Eglish 
gentleman» who bought it at the cost of more than 
L. 20 at the sale of Heber's Library in 1834. Here 
the Dedication "to the right worshipfid and most 
worthy Gentleman» 1Master Henry Fermor'" is wanting 
and when I wrote upon the subject of ils intiumte 
comexion with Shakespeare's "Pe'icles»" about eighteen 
years ago» I was entirely ignorant of lhe important 
fact» that the production was the authorship of Ge- 
orge Wiikius a dramatist of considerable distinction 
whose play» called "The IXliseries of enforced IXlarriage" 
was so popular that it went through four editions 
between 1607 when it was [irst published» and 1637 
when the last old impression ruade its appearance. 
I did hot become acquainted with the circumstance 



that Wilkins was the wriler of the ensui:g novel 
until after ! had sent the followi,g commutica[ion lo 
[he "A[hcnaeum»" which 1 here beg leave to subjoin» 
as part of my Introduction. 

"The readers of the ¢tthenaeum mav like to hear 
something more regal'ding a lraet» vilh which my 
naine was eo,neeted» in a paragraph in |he zlthe- 
lttetttlt of Febvuavy 7. 1! was correel.]v stated that 
I ['ormerly lwinted tifty copies of a stnall publication 
dew»ted principa[ly to an accomtt of that tract» vhich 
is certainly; on every ground the most cuvious that 
has fidlen under my observation in the course of mv 
lire: it is unique in its eharaeter, and until reeently 
| never heard of more tha one olhet' lwrfeet eopy 
of it independently of a cotsiderable fi'agment in 
my ow hands. It now turs out that l|lere is a 
third perfeet eopy i, a Swiss library» whieh had once 
belonged to a foreigner who visited London about the 
rime of Shakespeare's death. 1 may add that it is 
now being reprinted in German ad that it well 
deserves the distinction. 
"lt is a narrative fi)u(led upon Shakespeare's 
"Pericles»" which was lirst acted it 1,07 or 160S. 
Val'ious novêls are k,own of which Sllakespeare a- 
vailed himself in other plays» such as "'The Winters 
Tale," "As You Like lt &c. but the l>roduc|ion I 
atn now speaking of differs fi'on ail others i this 
respect -- that» i»stead of having had a drama found- 
ed upon it» it was itself founded upon a dralna and 
that drama "Pericles." 



"lt is now ! believe» g(nerally admitted that» 
v«he a pla.y was unusually popular, it was the habit 
of certain booksellers» in the rime of Shakespeare» to 
einploy shorthand wriers {o {ake down in the the- 
atre» as much of the dialogue as the.+ couhl and fo 
publish the transcribed noes as the play i{self. Such» 
we may be sure» was the case with "Hamlet" and 
"Romeo and Juliet," to which the excellent letter of 
ProE Mommsen» it the lhenacmn of February 7 se- 
para[ely api»lies. Whv {he sane course was hot pur- 
sued in the case o "Pericles" does hot appear. 
Perhaps in 1607 or lfi0S the trick was becoming 
somewhat stale» and the bookseller lhought that he 
could make a better thing of a publication in a nar- 
rative rotin» but distinctly stated on the title-page to 
be derived ff'oto a play then daily represented with 
great applause. Hence the tract 1 atn now directing 
attention to» which is called» and I quote the terres 
literally» "The painfltll Adventures of Pericles Price 
of T-re. Being tle true History of the Play of Pe- 
ric]es» at it was lately presented by the worthy and 
ancient Poet John Gower. At London. Printed bv 
T. P. for Nat. Butter. 160S." It is in quart% and 
consists of forty leaves hcluding the title-page iu 
the cenlre of which there is a woodcut of John Gower 
with a staff in one hand and a bunch o ba)s in 
the other5 while belote him upon a table lies a 
book» which we may suppose to be a copy of his 
"Confessio Amantis" containing as is well known 
a version of the story oç "Pericles" u,der the naine 
of Apollonius oç Tyre. His dress» as rel»resented in the 

XXX l',In. (:OLLIER'S 

woodcut, merits notice inasmuch as it is i1 ail pro- 
bal)ility such as tbe actor wore v«ho played the part 
of Gowe' and who spoke the Prologue ami inte'h»- 
curions i Sbakespeare's "Pericles." It is merely a 
so't of gow» very plain» openig in fl'ot» and reach- 
ing iust below the knee. in my fifly copies of he 
small publication relai)g to Ibis subiect  1 gave a 
fic-simile of tbis itte'estiug (h'ama/ic relic. 
"Now to sl)eak a iittle more particularly of the 
cotttetts of Ihis litet'ary rarity. It lwofesses, as we 
have seen by the /i/le-page, to give the "history of 
lhe Play of Pe'icles" as it ha(! been recen/ly acted 
on tie stage and at Ihe et«i of "lhe Arumezt 
prefixed, lhe 'eader is entreated to receive the tove] 
"in the saine mariner" as the play had bee received 
when "by the King's 51ajesties Players it was excel- 
lently presented." The King's 51ajesty's Players of 
course cosisted of the company to which Shakespeare 
had been always attached which performed in the 
summer at the Globe on Ihe Banksid% and in the 
winter at tbe Blackfi'iars. 
"lt has always been lamented that i so few old 
dramas lisls of cbaracters are supplied; but here they 
are furished as tbe accompaniment to a mere nar- 
ralio and» sitce lhe uames almost entirely accor(! 
with those fout(I in Shakespeare's "Pericles," though 
hot pretixed to it it is needless to isert them here. 
The divisions oç the story (lo ot follow Ihe tire acts 
o" the l)lay tbr lhe lract is composed of eleven 
chal»e's » which iclu(le ail the inci(lents nealy in 
the coin'se it which they at'e employed by Shakespeare. 



"I ara anxious in xvhat follows» and with as much 
brevity as possible» to establish two points:- !» That 
the novel befi»re us very tnuch adopls lhe language 
of ihe play 5 2» That it ot unh'equetlv sutTlies por- 
tions of the play» as it was acted in lfi07 or 160S+ 
which have not corne down to ils in attv of the print- 
ed copies o Percles. The last is infiitely the 
mot'e importattt» because we may Ihereby recover» 
i»'o tatdo, a lost portion of the lalguage of Shake- 
speat'e. 1 proceed to prove9 in the tirst llace» lhat 
the novel ad the play are» in some sort» identical. 
"In lhe novel» xvhen Pericles, undeterred by Ihe 
waring of Antiochus» insists upon attempting Ihe so- 
lution of the enigma» it is said  
• "But Periclcs, armed with lhese noble armours, Failhfulness 
and I',ourage, and making himsclf fit for de'a/h, if dealh proved 
fit for him, r3,1ied , that he was corne now to mcet death willingly." 
In the play» Pericles relis Antiochus»  
"Like a b«,ld champit, n I assume lhe lists, 
Nor ask adice of any olher lhought, 
But failhftthless and courage."  (Act 1, sc. 1.) 
"The following is lhe account Pericles gives of hiln- 
self- in the third pet'son- in the novel" 
"A gcnlleman of Tyrc, his naine Pericles, his educai«n 
been in arts and arms, who, lotking for advenlm'es in lhe wtr]d, 
was, by lhe rough and tmconslant seas, lnOSl unforlunalely be- 
reft both of ships and meg, and, after shil»wreck, lhrown upon 
that short." 
How does this passage appear in the play? It ruas 
thus in Shakespeare's verse-  
"A gentleman of Tvre (my nam • Pericl«s. 
My cducation been in al'iS and arms), 


famous scene in the brothel where Marina reforms 
Lvsimachus and thus addresses him: -- 
"Do you kuov this house Io bc a place of such resort, and 
will you corne inlo it? 1 hcar say, you are of honourable parts, 
attd arc Ihc I;overnor of Ihis place." 
This is ail she is ruade to utter in the play ai this 
tire% with lhe exception of the subsequet, t lines9 which 
corne after a short speech of persevering importunity 
by Lvsimachus : 
"If vou were born to honour, show it now: 
If pul upon you, make the judgment good, 
That lhought you worlh) of il." 
"lnstead of these two passages we read as follows 
in the l)rose narrative: -- 
"If as you say, my lord, vou are the governor, let hOt vour 
authority, which shouhl teach you Io fuie others, be the means 
to make w)u misgovern yom'self. If the eminence of )our place 
came ratio )ou bv descent, and lhe royally of vour blood, let 
not )'out lire prove your birlh a baslard: if il were lhrown upon 
volt by opini«m, make good Ihat opinion was Ihe cause to make 
vou grèal. What reason is there in vour juslice, who halh power 
over all, fo undo any? If ou take li'om me mine honour, )ou 
are like him that makes a gap inlo forlfidden ground, aftêr vhom 
I«o manv chier, ait(1 )ou are guill)" of all Iheir evils. /ly life is yet 
unspolted, my chaslit)' unstained in thought: then, il' vour violence 
dcface lhis building, thc worknmnshil) of heaven, ruade up tor 
good, anti not fo be the exercise of sin's intemperance, you do 
kill vour own honour, abuse )out own justice, and impoverish me.'" 

"If these thoughts and this language be not the 
thoughts and the language of Shakespeare 1 ana much 
ntisIaken: and bave read hi to little purpose. 1 
might add much mol'e9 and furnish many other quo- 



tations to the saine effect» but I hope soon to receive 
a few copies of the whole of the tract ri'oto Ger- 
many» in a reprinted shap% and then such as think 
with me» as regards the preceding extracts» will be 
able to gratify themselves to the fidl. I have here 
necessarily adverted to some points that l have 
touched elsewhere; but I date sav that few of the 
readers of the .4lhenaeum have seen my remarks." 

1 shouhl have been hal)l»y to have said a great 
deal more upon the subject had 1 been aware at 
an earlier period» that some prefatory matter was 
expected from me bv mv acconplished friend 
the Editor of the present Reprint» so well known in 
Germany for his intima[e and critical acquaintanc( 
with English dramatic literature, lu the ensuing tract 
we have distinct evi(iettce that Wilkins attended the 
public performance of Shakespeare's "Pericles'" for 
the purpose of taking notes of the drama as it was 
delivered ri'oto the mouths of the Actors; and being 
himself a poet of reputation and genius he afterwards 
put his nmmoranda into a narrative which was publish- 
ed by one of the most celebrated booksellers of the day. 
Itis this novel so compounded and COml>ose(i  that 
is now» after the lapse of nearly two centuries and 
a half most accuratelv reprinted; and it is my firm 
conviction that it snpplies many passages» written 
by Shakespeare and recited bv the performers» which 
were garbled mangled» or omitted in the printed 
Play of "Pel'icles»'" as it has corne down to us in the 
quartos of 1609» 1619 and 1630 and in the folios of 



1664 and 1685. 5lay hot the saine course have 
been pursued with some of the greater works of 
Shakespeare with his "ttamlet" "5lacbeth»" '-Lear»" 
"Tempest" or "Othello"? 


Painfull Aduentures 

of Wericles Prince of 

The truc Hiflory of the Plal¢ oft'erides, as k was 
la¢11¢ prefented by the worth, and an- 
cicnt Poct lohn Gower. 

Trinedb.y T. P.fir Nat:Butter, 

1 60f. 


shipîull and most woortlny Gentle- 
man Maister Henry Fermor, one oÎ 

his Maiesties Iustices of Peace for the Countie 
of 5liddlesex» health ad eternall [1 
Age dotlb who is so ouer hardie fo put hls witte in[rg] 
print, i see Sir: that a good coate with rich trappiugs 
gets a gay Asse, entraunce in at a great Gare (and with- 
in a may stalke freely-) when a ragged philosol»her ith 
more 'itte shall be slnttte foorth of doorcs: notwith- 
standing this 1 know Sir, that Verrue ants no bases[201 
to vpholde her, Imt her owne kimm. in vhich cer- 
taine assuraunce, and knowing that our woorthie 
Selle, are of that neere alliannce to the noble house of 
Goodnesse, that you growe out of one stalke. A poore 
infaut of my braine cornes naked vnto you, without o-[1 
a ther 

Ight woorthy Sir, Opinion, that 
in these daies wil make wise men 
fooles, and the most fooles (with 
alittle helpe of their owne arro-[t0] 
gancie) seeme wise, hath ;nade 
me euer feare to throw my selle 
vpou the racke of Censure, the 
which euerie man in this latter 


ther clothing than my loue, and craues your hospita- 
litie. If you take this to refuge, her father dooth pro- 
mise, that ith more labored houres he can inheigh- 
ten your Naine and Memorie, and therein shal| ap- 
peere he will hot die iugratefidl. Yet thus much hee 
dares say, in the behalfe of this, somewhat it contai- 
neth that lnay imfite the choicest eie to reade, nothing 
heere is sure may breede displeasure to anie. So lea- 
uing your spare ]loures fo the recreation thereof, and 
[t01my bohlenesse now sul»mitting it selle to your cen- 
sure, hOt williug to make a great waie to a little house, 
I test 

Most desb'ous fo be hehl 

all yours, 


The Argument of Ne whole 

" der of .IMioch, the lllOSt f;llllOUS Citty in ail 
,V#ri«t, hauing one onclie daughtcr, in the[5] 
prime and $1ory of l,er yontll, fcll in most 
Vlluaturall lout wilh hcr; and what by the 
, power of his perswasions, and ri'are of Ilis 

t)Talllly, ne so prcuailcd with 1,ci" yeeldiug hcart, that he 
came maister of his desires; which to continue to himsclf, his[10] 
daughter, being for 1,er beauty desircd iii marriage of nlany 
great princes, he ruade this law, That whoso presumed to de- 
sire lier in marriage, and cou|d not vnfohl the meaning of his 
questions, for that attempt shouhl loose his lire. Fearelesse of 
this Lawe, many Princes aduentured, and in their raslmesse[l$] 
perished: atnongst the nulnber PERICLES the Prince of 
Tyre, and neighl»our to this tyrant lii»g Anlio«s, was the 
last who vndertooke to resolue this liddle, which he accor- 
dingly, through llis great wisedonle, performed : and finding 
1)oth the sul,tiltie and sinne of the Tyrant, for his owne safctie[20] 
tled secretly from Anlioch backe to Tyz.e, and there acquain- 
ted Hclycaus a graue Counsellour of his with the procee- 
dings, as also with his present feare what might succeed, from 
whose counsell he tooke aduise, for a space to leaue his king- 
domc, and betake himselfe fo traucll; to which yeelding, Pc.[2] 
rie/es ptltS to sea, ariues ai T«v's«s, which ]te finlls (thorow the 
dearth of corne) in ranch distresse: he there relieues Cleot and 
l)yoys« with their distressed City, with tlle prouision which 
he brought of purpose; but by his good Counsellonr Hely. 
cannes hearittg ncwes of Aniocus death, ho intends for Tyre,[3o 1 
puis againe to Sea, suffcrs shipwracke, his shippes and men 
A 2 ail 

The Ardumet, 

all lost, till (as it were) Fortune tyred with his mis-happes, he 
is throwne vpon lhe shoare, rcleeued b)" certaine poore Fi- 
sbermen, at,d by an Armour of bis xvhich they by chaunce 
dragged vp in their uettes, his mis-fortunes being a little re- 
[tt]paired. l'ci'Joies arriues at the Court of good $moddes l(ing 
of l'etltzpolis, wbere through bis nob]euesse both in Armes 
and Arts, he winnes the loue of faire Thosa the kings dau0- 
ter, attd b" her falhers consent marries her. 
In this absence of bis, and, for w]fich absence tbe T'ians 
[t0] his subiects tnuteny, would elect Helgc«»us (whome l'e,ieles 
ordained his substitute in his absence) their Kiug, which pas- 
sion of theirs llela»us by l,is graue perswasions subdewcd, 
and wonne them t goe in quest of their lost Prince l'e.icles: 
in this search I,e is found, aud with bis wife "lhost, who is 
[15]noxv with chihle, and Lco'ida ]ter urse; bauing laken ]eaue 
of l,is ldngly Falher, purs againe for Ty'e, but with the ter- 
rour of a tempest al Sea, his Quecne falles in trauell, is deli- 
uered ot' a daughter, whome be names Jla'imz, in which 
childe-birlh ],is Queene dies, she is throwne ouer boorde, at 
[20]departure of whome l'erieles altereth his course from 
being a shorler cul, fo his hoste Cleon in Tha'st«s; bee there 
leaues his yoong daughter lo be fostered vp, vowiug to him- 
selle a solitary & pensiue lire for the losse of his Queene. 
T/«njsa tltus supposed dead. and in the seas buried, is the 
[25] next morning on the shore taken vp at Elhesus hy IYrimon a 
most skillkdl l'hysilion, who by his Arte practiscd vpon this 
Queene, so preuailed, that after fiue boures intrauuced, she 
is by his skill brousht fo aide beallh againe, and by lier owne 
request, by him placed fo liue a Volary in Dia»aes Temple at 
[30]Ephesus. Jlm'ina l'e'iclcs sea-borne dans, hier, is l)" this gro- 
wen to discreete yeares, she is enuied of Dgots« t'leots wife, 
lier foster motber, for that M«z,iu«es perfection exceedeth a 
daughtcr of hers, ,]la'#m by this enu)' of hers sbould haue 
bêe»c nturlbered, but being rescued by cerlaine P)'rates, is 
[3ti] as it were reserued lo a greater mishap, for by them she is ca- 
ried to .lclelne, sold fo lhe deuils broker a bawd, fo haue bin 

The 4r(/ument. 

trained vp in that infection, shee is courted of man),, and how 
wonderfully she preserucs lier cbastitie. 
l'e'icles returnes from 7ï./'e toward Tharsus, fo visite the 
hospitable Cleon, 19#osa, and his yoong daugbter Jl«'ina, 
where by 19#o/saes dissembling tcares, and a Toombe that[ti] 
was erected for lier, Pericles is brought to beleeue, that his 
Jla'ina lies there buryed, and that shee died of lier naturall 
death, for whose losse hee teares his haire, throwes off his 
garments, forsweares the societie of men, or any other coin- 
fort. In which passion for many moncths continuing, hee et[tOI 
lest arriues at Jletel#e, when being seene and pittied by L/- 
sim¢«ht«s the ç_,ouernour, his daughter (though of him vn- 
knowen so) is by the l;ouernour sent for, who by her excel- 
lent skill in Song, and pleasantnesse in discourse, with rela- 
ting the story of lier owne mishap, shee so winnes againe her[l] 
fathers lost sences, that hee knowes lier for his childe, shee 
him for lier father; in which ouer-ioy, as if his sences were 
nowe ail confoundcd, t'e'icles falles asleepe, where in a 
dreame he is by liana warned to goe to Ephesus, and there 
to make his sacrifice. Pe'iclcs obayes, anti there cornes to the [201 
knowlcdge of Th@sa his wife, with their seuerall loyes 
that tbey three so strangely diuided, are as strangely mette. 
I.ysimach«s the Gouernour marrieth Jlarina, and Pericles 
leauing his mourning, causeth the bawde to be burned. Of 
his reuenge 1o Clcon and D/omjsa, his rewarding of the Fi-[251 
shermen that releeued him, his iustice toward the Pyrats that 
ruade sale of his daughter, his returne backe to his kingdome, 
and of him and his wifes deaths. Onely intreating the Rea- 
der to receiue this Historie in the same mener as it was vnder 
the habite of ancient 6otcer the remous English Poct, by tbe[30] 
Kings Maiesties Players exeellently presented. 

ïhe ames o]" Ihe I»ersomt!les netioed 
it Ihis llislorie. 

John Gott'cr Ihe Preseuter. 
-Iliochus that l}uilt .Inlio«h 
l 5] llis daughter. 
l'c'i«'lcs Prince of /re. 
Th«tlgel a villaiue. 
llclffcats  Twoo graue 
Ea«hitcs  Counsellors. 
[1o] Clcon Goucrnor o1" Tltacstts. 
Dffonffsa his wife. 
Two or three Fishermen. 
Sflmohlcs kig of l'e»htpolis 
Thaffs«t his daughtcr. 

Fiue l'rinces. 
Lyco9h« a urse. 
t'ccimon, a l'hisitiun. 
.lla'hut l'c'iclcs dauëhter. 
.' lurtherer. 
A Bawde. 
A Lcno. 
A Pander. 
Lffsimachtts Gouernour of 
Jl«lelit c. 
Dian«t Guddesse of chastitie. 



of PERICLES Prince 

3;. eii-lc ramty, as hde was po-crfull in 
'ï II1' possessims, séekin more tri en-Il3 I 
-«-£_' lio dl in 5]tia and alh, d itaf- 
est seate of all his Dominiuns, aml prindpall place or Iris 
abode. This llid)l had increase by his u@ne one 
ouely, so e¢elleut in eauty, as ff Nalm'e and 
ail Perfeclion had long studied to séeme onely absolule al 
her birth. This Ladie growing to like ril)enesse of agc, as[231 
sh6e had fifll endowmcnt of outward ornanenls, was rc- 


sorted vnio by many youlhfidl lq'inces, vho desired ber in 
marriage, offcring to make her lovntt,re as noble in lins - 
sessions, as shéc by beanly was royall in her selle. hile 
ilic Kiiig lier faihcr (,ucrnioro rt'qiliring dclillcralioii VllOn 
13]vhonic l','illil31- lliali olher I.o ]lslov Ihi his so incslinialle 
a iwcll, |le ]legalinc sodailiclv Io |i,'lil ail viilavfli]l coii- 
culliSeelieO fo {l'OWç iii hiliislfe, vliit'li 1i«:o allTiii(Yllltll 
wih ,'iii Olill','lgiOll. ll;iliil 0[" Ci'lle|ly Sl,31"ldin  iii his harl, 
aiid ,3eoliil»lt'll hei" so worlh)" iii lh voi'hl> lhal sll@ tvas 
llO] I.oo worlliy for ;iii)', lltll, hiliiSelfe. Thlls llilig vi'allpod 
wilh Iliis Vliliallll'al| llltll?, he sust;liliod SllCh a ¢liillict iii 
his lhoihls, v]lt'i'hi .ladnsse plll. iol'sl..l" Io flihi, 
liuilig o Illl" his alrelioliS lo lho vnl,avl'llhiss0 of his 
will, ralhtT llieii silllthlod Ihlii -illi llio rcliieliilralllll 
I I,J »1" Ihe ellill liée had lhcii iii praclise, so Iiial riol lon ,'ll'li" 
¢Ollilllillg ililo his daughters CIlalll]it.q", aiid comnlallll- 
ding ail that wei'e lléCl'( aL her allcli(|;lliCe to deparl, as if 
he had had some cal'ehlll and fathcrly busines, Ihe ncccssi- 
lic of whosc import desircd some priualc confcreuce with 
19.oJher, he begannc Io niake motion of Ihal. vniust lo«e fo her, 
xllich eucn Lust it scll, had it hot iii a father béelie so bl'a- 
scd wilh inipudcncie, wouhl haue bhlsht but euen to haue 
thought vpon. 5hlch lcrswasion, ihough io lillle reason, he 
scd, as, tllat he was her falher, whome shée was bound 
l'5]to obcy, he was a King lhat had power Io commaund, he 
was iii loue, and his lotie xxas resisllesse, and if rcsisilcsse, 
Ihercfore 1,iltilcsse, eilhcr Io youlh, blood, or bcauly : hl 
l,ricfe, ho was a tyrant and wouhl execute his xxill. Thcse 
wordcs lhlls vltered wilh lhat vehcment passion which 
|3O]such sinnel'ull Louel's lillc lhcmselues vnto in such desires, 
and slich ilmnOdcst sillablcs xx-ere by him conlractêd toge- 
thcr, lhat my penne grubbcs io recite lhem, and ruade the 
schoolc of his d;mghiers ihoughts, (wherein wcre neuer 
l;ulit such cuills) t.o wonder at Ihc sirangenesse, as vn- 
l.'13iderslanding llielll llol, aiid al /asl, Io d«niaund of ber vn- 
kinly faihcr, llat llée meant by lllis, when he forger- 

ihing Ihe feare of heaucn, loue to his childe, or reputalion 
amongst men; Ihough by hcr wilhs/oode with prayers and 
h.ares, (while lhe power of weakencsse couid wi/hsland) 
throwing away ail rcgard of his owne hones/y, ilée vnloo- 
sed I.he knolle of her virginitic, and so leït Ihis wécpingl 1 
braun«h Io wythcr by the stocke that brought hcr fo-rth; so 
lhst came Ihe wct from lhe senliuclls of lier ransact cillie, 
that itis improper fo say lhey dropped and rayned downe 
Icares, but ralher, that with great flmds they powred 
oui waler. It is bcyond imagination fo fllinke whelhcrllol 
her eyes had power fo rcceiue lier sorrowcs brinc so fast as 
lier heart did send if Io Ihem. Iii bricl'c, Ihcy were 
no more io be cailcd eycs, for griefcs watcr had blindcd 
them : and Ibr vordcs, shc had hot one io vtlcr, for bc- 
tixt her hcarls inteut, and tongues vllerance, lhcre la) 
such a pile of lamentable cogilalions, that she had no Ici- 
sure Io make vp any of thcm inlo wordes, iill al lhe last, a 
Nm'se llat alieuded her comming in, and linding hcr face 
blubbercd with teares, nhich shée knew were slrange 
guests to /ho table of hcr beauty, lirst standing in amaze[201 
Ihercal, ai las/, by Ihe care shée had in charge of her, 
ing more inhear/ncd ; Dearc chihle attd Madam (quoth 
shée) why sit you so sorrowfully? whieh question, gctlilg 
way bctx-ixt griefc and lier vttcraunce, Oh my beioued 
Nurse, answercd thc Lady, eucn now two noble names 
were lost within this Chamber, Ihe naine of both a Fa- 
lhcr, and a Chihi. The meaning of which secret [ho Nm'se 
vnderslanding hot, shée imrealed ber fo be more plaine, 
that by knowing Ihe cause of hcr gri«fe, shée might vse 
meancs io redresse il, or eise, that lier selle in hcr owne[30[ 
wiscdomc would alay the iolence of that tcmpest xhich 
did wrong fo so goodly a I)uilding. But shée loali Io be lhe 
bcllowes of her owne shame, and bhshing more to re- 
hearse than her Fathcr was to commit, sate sighing, and 
conlinued silent, vnfill .."tniiodu. hot salisfied with Ihe[3] 
fruile oblained by his former desire, returned, anti like 
B him 

him ihat !» siealth haih filched a lasle from foorlh a goodly 
Orchard, is net therewilh conlen{ed, but ex-lher wait- 
eth his opporlunity to steah', lill hée be glut{ed wi{h hi 
slcallll, or so adlwlllurous, lllai Ilée is laken, Io his euer- 
13]lasling shamc so Ihis ntiod)u comming backe inlo lhe 
Chaml. r and lindi his daughler as fidl of welte, as 
winler is, commaundcd lhe absence of Ihe Nurse (vhich 
shée accordingly olwing)ho lygaunc Io pcrswadc h«r, lhal 
aclions past arc n«»t h lc redb«m«d, Ihat vhals in secrel 
IlOldonc, is no sitmc, sinçe Ihe concealcmenl excuses it, that 
enills arc no euills, il" hot lhoughl vlmn, attd Ihat himselfe 
h«r Flher had Ihal. l«»wer Io .a" ail moulhes ri'oto speak- 
ing, il it verc kuovcn, lh'sides her slate, his greatnes, 
his, her beauly, were m'naments enow fo draw 
Dllhc gr,al,st l'rinces fo ioyne vilh her in marriage, and 
hée vould fin'lhcr il. S. wilh lhese and such like perswa- 
si.ns prcuayling ilh his daughlcr, they long continued 
in lhese fimle and vniust imbracemenls, lill at las/, lhe 
custome o1" siune ruade it accompted no sime. And while 
[2ollhis wickcd Falher shewed lhe coun/enaunce of a louing 
sire al.roadc in Ihe eves of his subiects, notviths/anding 
at home ho rei.vcclh I. haue played Ihe parte of a husband 
ilh his onc chihle, wilh false resemblaunce of marri- 
ae: and lo Ihe inlent he might alwaves enioy ber, he in- 
1231u«nlcd a slrange pollicic, fo compell away all sulcrs ff'oto 
desiring her in marriage, by l.ropounding sh'ange quesli- 
.us, Ihc ellk, ct and h'uc meaning vhereof was Ihus pub- 
lished in vriling, IUIlozo ntt«mpt«tl tu rcfotuctl m« 0f 
Which will of his, when Faine had blowne abroade, 
and that by Ihis his Lawe flere was fotmd a possilililie 
fi»r thc oblayning of this Lady, such was the singular re- 
port of her sm'passing beaulie, that many Princes, and 
men of great N.bililie, l« Ihat lmrpose repaircd lhilher, 
xh. hot bé,,ing al»h lo eXl.lane his Riddle propotmdcd, lost 

Iheir headvs, vhid Io lhe terrilillg of olhers lhal shouhl 
allempt Ihe like, -ere placed tic" open view on Ihe loppe 
of his Caslle gale. 

The second Ci«q»ter. 

l'. _lllilest :tntiod)u c,mti,mcd thus exe,'cising 
his Ivranies on lhc lines of seuerall priu- 
ces, pcridcz lhe l»riiiee of lJtc, wtlnile LlllJ 
xxilli Ihe wondcrlhll rellOrt of Ihis l.adies 
beauty , was (as olhcr l'rinces befiwe) 
drawne to llw vndvrlaking of lhis dcspa- 
raie aducnlul'e ; and aplwochittg n6cre 31ttiodJ  whcre 
lhcre wcre no sooncr iwwcs lhat he was comming, but [13] 
Ihere as as great a preparalion for Ihe 
tctmmg of him: 
lhc Lords and Pderes in llwir richest Ol'naments to inlcr- 
laitue him, lhe pcopIc ilh lheir gcdy and vnsatisficd 
Qcs lo gaze vpon him; for in lhat parl o1' lhc worhl llwre 
was ia lhose da3es no Prince so noble in Armes, or exccl-[2o] 
lent il Arles, and had so gencrall and dcserucd a reporl 
lv fa-me as pcrictc Prince of Ejrc. Vhich drcw bolh 
Pécre and Peolle, wilh a iovfull ami fiée desire lo allov 
him thcir imbra«cmcnls, and to wish him h;qpy successe, 
rcquiring no olher but such a happy Sou«raignc lo lmpe123 l 
in: for so cunniugly had Alliochus dealt in lhis incest 
wilh his daughlcr, Ihat il as )-et nSUSlWCled of lhe n6e- 
rcst lhat atlcnded him. With dfich solcmnily and sufl';- 
gcs. bcitg brought itlo lhe prescrite of Ihe Ivrant, ami by 
him demaunded lhe cause of Ilis arriuall at 3ntiodj" and[3o] 
bcing b lhe Prince aus-ercd, lhat it was in loue Io his 
daughler, and in hope to enioy hcr by rcsoluing ot his que- 
B z stion. 


 pottcrnc of, tbc poincfull ucnturc 

slion. 21llLiodlu Ihen 
Ihe e,fle,'[,rise, and 
(]ings, by SIII']II hin, Ihe li'ihlh,II he;uls off I]e lbr,m'r 
Ih'hic,'s, plaçed Vl,on lli t]alle wall, and like bi illllollle 
lllle liill{ ep««l llhnell' Io !», il" lili Iht'iii (8 i{ i18 Illli{ 
Iike) liée Ilih'd hi lii alh'inpl. il{ lJeîiele i'nid wilh 
Iliee lioble 8rlll,illl', l:aillihlhiee 81la I ]lilll'ago aud 
iiialdii lihnell Iilh' fiu" llt.lh, if calh prooued Ii11« 
hhii, relllyt'd , Tlit I1 w çOliie iilw Io ili6el lit.lh vil- 
[lo]lhigly, if o -«volii nlifiirlllnO o!" [o llo liide ellt.l" filr- 
hiiiah,, liy Oiioyhi «l ghrioii  limaille"  v ililhroud 
iii IIi ill'hiceiy dauglill'> ild v Iliel'O iiow illat-ed b- 
[lii'o ]lhii: vliicli Ihe lvl'alil l'l.eiilili vilh li iii-y lu'ow, 
Ihi'w ihlvlie Ihl. Ilhhllc, biddhl lihn, hleo 
llSJOli çlnihl nlll llt.l" hiln> hi l'eado iid die, ilhi ill hhil- 
ell çoiilideii{ Ili IIIVMPl'it' Ihel'eof I! lili[ iii lle Vllfohld: 
vliic]i Iho Prhlco hikili 1 I, i'cd aloiide, Ihe purpoe of 
vliich w in lliee 


. fllli 110 tipcr, ct 3 fccc 
3 ttloll)«î, IUiI't, llll ct !1i, (i)ilc; 

Which secrel, hilest Prince iJcri/le, was l'eadiilg, 
 11 1 i o iii 11 $ daiihh'r, vliellipr il were, Iii,al sllée new 
Ihed Ihal llnlel',<ii-y Cllslliille iii vlildi shée iiad sri hiil 
I:lOlçonlinlied, or Iii<al ]il'r olviit. ,all'eçllon lalllll lier Io be iii 
loue vilh his perfeclioiis, Ollr shi'ie leaues vninenlioned : 
but Iliis for Cel'lahie, ail Ilie Ihne Iii,al the Pi'iiice s 
sludhig wilh wh,ai h'uelh Io vnfohle Ihis darke lii.llilill, 
Desire tlew in a robe of gloxxing blushes inlo ber chéekes, 

ami hl,e i,,fw«'ed l,e," Io dcliuer Ihus i,,llu'h l'l'«l,i hic" 
IO,l'l,e, lhal lin a ole 0111'1"i'11¢ «d' «11 hel' vixl,(", ;,lld 
lilne Ihe P,'h,cc ,,al,il,g hully c«nlsi(h'n'ed Vl)()nl xxll;ut he 
l'ead, «,ml fiu,,ud tl,e mca,,i,lg, bolh o1' the secret., ami 
Il,eh" abl,«uuinalde inunn«m, nti;d)m l'iing x-p, de,uau- 
ded the solulion oç l,is Q,ncsti«u, on" I.o Ihe se,,tencc 
tff his dealh. But Ihe gçutle lb'in,ce +visel)- çon'elnmxx 
Ill«,t it is as d«mgc,'ous Io play +xilh tvu'a,,ts e,fills, as Ihe[IOJ 
File Io Slmu't xvilh line t]anndles lll, me, ralher 
diss«n,l»le +xl,at. he l+,uev, Il,an h dis«mnen + luis i,usigl,t 
lltit+Cl)l+ I+nuuxxh.(l+.e, ver so cin'(',ums]eclly, th;ul +llti0- 
cl)l+ s,,spech'd, or al le«usl, his oxx,c IulOXXcn, guuilt ruade 
lui,un so suspecl, Ih«,t. l,ée llad lbmd the n,eauing of his 
desi,'e, «,n,«l II,ein" lUOn'e l,ule «,ctionus; ami séemiug 
+x«.n'c) thcl tt pitty him +vho,u uow in sot, le he lnatetl, and 
th+,t Inc. l';nlh«'n" l'eq,ni,'cd luis finl,,n'e l,allim'sse  Ih;,, 
Ide,nish h his lwese,,t lwt,mes, I,e tohle l,i,,u, that lkr the 
h,nmtnn" of his nu«,me, line l,olden,esse ol his xx-Ot»l'tln, ha)" his[2o I 
«xx-,ue d6,'n'e ami lWt'senl loue to hinn (WCl'e il nuoL agaiusl 
Ihe dignily and slale ol" luis ovue loue) in his tclu(Ic' and 
lwi,ccl) • diposilion. Inc couhl h'om II,e +x-lmle worhl select 
him as a clmic htnsbannd fu,' his tl+mghle', si,ce hC.e fou,ud 
lni,u so ç«,,'l'e +vide l'n'om rct, eali,g o1" the secn'cl; ver II,tts[sJ 
l,,'l'e l+e shotfid peu'oPine his hue shot, hl exleml Ioxvan'dcs 
him, xvhich I»elkl'e lime had Irai be+ue seem' fo sh''h'ln il. 
sellç fo anv of Ilmse dcaied n'im'e++ ol x-hose l,lls, hig cies 
wcn'e cau'cç, ull xilnesss, lhat ftr lbn'ty daves he gatte him 
,t.lx-lo,gen" n'espite, ff hy xxlnich lime (and xxilh ail tlnel3o J 
intle,m,,n's, co,,uscll ami «,dt, ise l,('e cot, hl vse) he 
out xh«,t. +xas cl çoucealed h'om him, it shouhl be cul- 
dt'ni l,o+v gladly he xouhl l+ciovce Io ioy in such a soume, 
rathel" Il,an l,;,ue cause oç so'n'ow by his x-nlimely r,nine: 
And in tire lucane lime, in his oxvne ÇOUl'l, by the ro+--[3+] 
allie oç his entertainment h+e shouhl l)erceiue his xx-elcolu. 
B  Yith 

Wilh svhich, and other sch like gratulafious lheir pre- 
seuces being diuided, ntiodlu belooke himselfe to his 
Chamber, and princely Jlcriclc to diligent consullations 
of Iris prescrit estate, where when h6e had a sYhile conside- 
[]red with himselfe, that nhat he had lbund, was Irue, and 
this substanlially was lhe Iruc lneaning of Iris Riddle, 
was become bolh hlher, sonne, and husband bv his 
comely and abhorred aclious with his own chihl, and 
a deuourer of ber molhers llesh, by lhe vnlawful coupliugs 
llO]wilh hot ownc hther, and lhe dcliling of her molhcrs bed, 
and tlat lhis curtesic o1" ntiod)u loward him, was but 
his hypocrisie, fo haue his sinne conccalcd, lill ho fomd fit 
occasi.n to lake lit rcuenge (by thc inslrumêls of tranls,) 
poyson, Ircason, or by anv mcanes, he rcsolued himselfe 
[t]wilh ail cxpcdition, (lhe next darkncsse being his best con- 
ductor,) fo flic backe 1o rr vhich he ellcling, and 
tiott, being now l,riuate in his lodging, and ruminating 
with himselfe, that ]rricIr¢ had lbund out the secret of his 
euill, which h6e in more secret had committed; and know- 
[20]ing, that he had now power Io rip him open to Ihe worid, 
make his naine so odious, that as now heauen did, so 
at the kuowledge thereof ail good men wouhl contcmne 
him. And in this study, hot knowing how otherwise to 
helpe himscll li'om lhis reproofe, he hastily calleth for one 
[2] l)ttart ho was Steward of his houshohle, and in 
many things before had rcceiued /ho imbracclnent of his 
miude; /his Çatoart, (as ])crit'lc5 lorc-fllought,) llOe pre- 
senlly bribde with gold, and lku'tllcl'ed wilh lmySon, to bc 
this harnllcs genllcmans excculioner. To which pUl-lOSe , 
[3Olas lne was about to receie his olhc, lllere came haslily 
a 51esscnger fllat Iroughl him newes, lhe Erian s]lippes 
wel'e that night deparlcd his harbor, and thal by intelli- 
gence h6e had lcarncd lle Prince also was lled tk»r 
at whose escapc ntiodluz storming, but hOt dcsisling l?om 
3]his former lwaclise, hée commannded his murlhering mi- 
nister Ella[at't to dispatch his best performance after him, 


somelime perswading hiln, at others threatniug hinl , 
rc fo s.e him, lu r Io kil him, or hack lo n tiodl neuer 
to relurne, which illainous milnl of his as ready Io yéeld, 
as lhc [vrant was fo commamnl. lta[itart in ail sccresie is 
shipt ff'oto utiodl» while ]Jcri¢c in this iuterim is arri-[] 
ued at rt' where, kuowilg vhat was past, and fearing 
what might succéed, hot to himseff, but for the care he hadof 
his subiecls, remembring his p»wer, loo weake it" occasion 
n-ere oll'ed, to coutcnd with the gïeatnes ot" ntiodlu$: he 
was so troubled in miud, tllat no aduise of couusell could [!o] 
perswade him, no dclights of Ihe eye c.outent hiul, neither 
any pleasure whatsoeuer comfort hinl, but still taking to 
hart, tha{. should 3n[iod}u$ make varre vpon him, as 
fearing lest he shonld speake his shalne, vhich he intended 
hot fo reueale, his misl»rtune shouhl be the ruiue of hisllJ 
harnch, sse people. 
In this sorrowe consistiug, one C[ltllllI$ a graue and 
vise Çounsellor of his (as a good l'rince is euer knowne 
by his prudcut Couuscll) as much gréeued in miud for his 
Princes distemlwralure, as his l'rince vas troubled 
with the fcal'e of his subiects inishap, came hastily imo lhe 
chamher to him, and linding hiln so distasting mirth, Ihat 
he abmdoned ail lhmiliar society, he holdely bcgmme to 
reprooue him, and hot sparingly tolde him, he did hot wcll 
so to abuse himselfe, to waste his hody there ilh pyning[5] 
sorrow, vpon whose sal7'ty depeuded the ues aud prospe- 
rily of a xvhole kingdome, that it xvas iii in him to doe il, 
and no lesse in his counsell to surfer him, without contra- 
dicling if. At hich, although [he Pi'liste, beut his hrow 
slearnely agaiust him, he lcl't hot to go forward, but ldain-[:}o] 
ly roide him, it vas as lit fir him leiug a l»l'ice fo heare 
of his ovue err, ul', as it vas laxvthll for his anlhorilv 
commann¢l, Ihat while he liued so shul, vp, so vnseene, so 
cal'elesse ot" his gouel'lmeul, order might be disorder fir ail 
him, and what delriment soeuer his subiects shonld re-[35l 
ceiue by this his neglect, it vere iniuslice o be reqnired at 

 pnttrrnr o" tl)r pninr'nll 

Ihakl. him lirai, he xxas no Ilallel'er, and 
him h se;d. hilns(.ll bv hiln, he fr(ln lynt h lmynL r.lah.d 
lll( lfiln ail lhe (-cnrrell I)aSl, and Ihat Iris l)r,enl 
himellç as a me,tuber, vhich Ir lacknese chide him: 
I lOl hi«h vprighl' (1" lhi ih'ice cllin leares illo lle 
lde III«IIIS e[t'S, and Clnpellilg his llles fo Ihe earll, he 
hnllbly asl¢,l his ]al*l«ll, (:Olllll'lllilg lhat vllal he llad 
Sl»«le , Sl)l'llll  I'l'Olll Ihe i»¢Wel * .1' his du(ie, all«l gl'ew 
fl'on Ihe ll;lllll'( (d" di,,l»edien«e. ll«'ll ].let'Joes 11(I I«»ner 
II:;lnl]'l'ig snch h(ll'ed ag«,(! kllçe !o l«qe Io his o111, lif- 
ling him p, dcil'cd ,1" hhn II«t bis comsell nm" vohl 
leach biln how to anoide Iha[ danger, hich li rCal.«, ale 
Iilll CalSe to nislrusl: vhi«b il Illis ii1111111.1" -ls I,y 0le 
.(.I tjlinnus adeied, al h)" l.l'inccly ])rils vé'hlcd 
12ol Vlllo. That be h.hl lrllnvilh lel«,ke hiln»«ll Io lracl, 
két, lin g Id intellt xvllilher, as l»riale I'olll Ili sul»iecls, as 
his iolreley was snddaile, lhal Xl.n his tl'ist he honld 
leale Ihe Ollernlllell[, l'Olllldil xllich comlsel x-]Oll 
lrillciple, Alsence alalcs llul, (*de lllat l»l'esece xvhcl. 
12] 11 breelç, I«t'it«s keew t]«tins ll'Uty, and colscled: so 
wilh slore tf corne alibi ail .ecesu'h' Iii lra khly x- 
age, he il secrel halh shilt hilHcll [l'llll t' 
is l)rOl'clur «1" lhe killdOne in his al»encc: and (111" lol')" 
now Ilalh l»l'Olht vs Io lhe landin f ll«thn't, vilh a bo- 
i:«1 ly l'l'a,ht as 1"11 of Ii'easn aaillSt p«t'ict«, 
I1«' lla(! Iris eares lihl vJll 0le ('llCl'lll lallelaliUl of llle 
ritn peolle, llle ael siled, Ihe vulh wepl, ail monr- 
n,d, llelpilg one aenlter how Io mak !  sorrow Io Ihe 
l1 hiclient heale, as if xilh Oie al)sence f lheir ll'ince Ihev 
lad los[ lbeh* Prince, and vJtb hJ losse they had l)rese[ 

op + ;pcriclc ;IJrincc o" )+u'c. I:nl 
fi"eling of a mw«6ediu ouwrlhr.w, xllich Ihe lilaine n«h'l'- 
slanding, and limlinghimselfi,, Imlh I»erell of his Imrlmse, 
and Iris mailer ol" Iris inh.nt, he, as h'ailors dt, st.le Im«ke 
10  111 i 0 d} resohninn+ 3ntiod)lt+ o1" %%lh+ll Inc lllPXX-: ')y xhich 
lime, Ihe clamon's ol" Ihe mullilude being Ibr a lime pacilied[+] 
by I.he visrdome of £jclicflllll$, and the peace off flic Cl)illllll)il 
veallh hy his prudence defi'mled, out priuccly 
vilh slu.ead salles, fiuire imls, and fidl successc, is 
arriued at ' I) cA r fil $. 

The third Chapter. 


Rince |.lcrictc+ bv lhe aduise of his good lit+ 1 
I p t:OtlllSt'llor l.}c[icilllll+, l,a,,i,,g h'fl 
ami innlemh:d llis %vhole course for llar- 
[11+ o1" uhich City lord tcon vas gouer- 
nur, +-ho at Illis inslance %vilh 
his wil, xvere relaling Ihe present mise-lOl 
ries whereiu lhemselues ami Iheir Cilly l) aru consisted: 
Ihe ground of xvllich forced lamentation xvas, fo sée the 
Imwer of change, thal Ihis their City, xvho hot two sure- 
mers younger, did so excell in pompe, and bore a state, 
vhom ail hir neighbors enuied for her gt'eatnes, Io whoml2] 
slrangers resorted, as Io the schoole of variely, tvhere filer 
might best em'ich Iheir nderstandigs +vith experience. 
vhose houses xvere like so many Com'ts lbr Kings, ralher 
Ihan sléeping places lbr subiecls, xhose people ver+ curi- 
ous in their diet, ri«h in atlire, enuitms in lotkes, vhere[3oi 
was plenty in al_,oundance, pride in fulnesse, nothing in 
scarcenesse, but Charilie and Loue, the dignitie of whose 
C pallats 

[-]  pottct'nc o" tl)c poincfull ll«ntuîc 
l,allats lhe whole riches of 'atm-e codd havdly satisfie, lhe 
ornamenls of whose allire .kr it selle with all inueution 
cotltl hot content, are n»w so allered, that in sleadc of 
dovlny beds, thev maKc thch" lilloves on h«,wds, in stead 
[Z]ol" fidl fiu'nished tables, htmger calb's now out Iw so much 
br«ad, as may lmt satisfic lil;: sackc-ch»th is now Iheir 
wearing inslead of sillie, teares inslead o1" inticing glam- 
ces, are now Ihe acqainlance o1" lh«iv eyes, in lwiefi', riot 
]alh hber" lost ail hev dominion, and now is no ex««sse, but 
[!o] whals in sorrow, hbere slaml«s one -é«ping, and Ihere 
lies anolher ding, so sliarlW «we lumgcrs leelh, and so ra- 
u«nos Ihe deuouriug moulh of l)m6ne, Ihal ail pillie is 
exiled l»elé«ne lhe huhand ami Ihe vil,, nav ail lemler- 
nesse betwben« Ihe molher and lhe chihh'en, fainlnesse 
[13]halh now gol Iht emperie ouec slreuglh, Ihere is noue so 
whole tu relbeue Ihe sicl¢e, m'ilhev haue Ihe liuiig snllicie- 
encie lo giue bm'i«dl Io lhe dead. Thus hile lhis £lc0n 
Lord iouernom" of ¢l)nt'fi$» ami 120n]21"! his Lady, -ilh 
inlerchanging word«s w«re deseribing lhe sorrovs vhich 
12O]lheiv almost vnpeopled [;illv l'elt, ho ri'oto Ihe height of 
mulliplicalion were subslracled , ahnost Io nolhing : (for, 
-hat is life,) il" it want suslenaunce? a Iaiuling messengev 
came slowel3" inlo lhem, his l'eu'efidl lookes descvibed 
Ihat he lwought sorrowe, and in slowe wordes hée deliue- 
[3]red this, Ihat vpon theiv eoasles Ihere was discouered a 
l16ele of shipl»es making lhither ward, hich £1c0n SUl»pO- 
sig Io ho an arm, hich some neighbom" nalion çlldug 
aduanlage of lheiv lw«sent mishal») h«d sent I»r Iheir ller 
ouerlln'owe, hée commaumled Ihe bringq', pon lheir 
[:o]landing, lo Ihis purpose lo s«lule lheiv ;enerall, Thal 
l]t'fi$ ws subdewed lwl'ore Iheiv comming, and Ihal it 
vas smll conquest lo subdew here Ihere v;s no abililie 
lo resisl, Ihat lhev desired I»1 Ihis, Ihat Iheiv cillv migllt 
slill sl;md, and Ih«t fiw lhe riches hich Iheir lWOsperilie 
133]had purchased, they l'réelv resigned lo Ihem, Ihey Ihough 
theiv enemies, (lr humanilies sake) in lhe place of brée- 


ding, wouhl affoord them buriall. ])cri/|c by this is lan- 
ded, and no soom,r en/red inlo thcir vnshut gales, but his 
i,rinc,ly eies were llartaliing wililesscs o1" Iheir widowed 
ih,solalion. The niesscllger l»y Ihis also halh d«'liu«'red Ilu' 
i»leasm'e of tlw GOUCl'llour, which thc Prince xV6cl»ing 
attend, who rathcr came Io rch,,ue Ihan to rausa«le, he 
diiialilided of I.lie I'llow, vliei'e Ihe Iloucrnolii" w«ls, aiid 
fllorlhwilh Io ll onduch'd Io hini, liich llt'iiig effe«l.«d, hi 
Iher hiiideraiiç dcliul,rell Iii hhn, lhal. liis Ilioughls wi'[lOl 
deçm'll, Io Slilll/s I.hlil I]i" eiiiiilis vlio vi'o IIOW l'Olile 
Io llliii Irai" coinforlallh. I'iiids, and tliose his sliippcs 
vliili Iliir 17ai's iilighl, eallSO Ihelli Iii lhiul vei'e I'augli- 
Id ivilh lhoir ih,slruclion, wl'e inlrasui'd wilh çlll'lle 
for" i'eliel{': al. wliih Ili flclll soules not hauing 
Sll'ellgl.h Ollough to gilie a sliowl fi/l" ioy, gazing Oli hiui, 
alid liealieil, h.II Oli Iheh", iid 1VOll[. Biit 
le going fo the plae of ,llidginiil, ¢llSiilg ail ih li- 
uing 1o be assenillled lhilher, lhus I'7cl) ilelinerd lo Ihcln: 
'Oll i[iizciis o1" llllii, whOlll l)Olllll'y of vid.ual pin- 
ç t Iliis pl'esilt, Know )'ou, lhat I i}eîiele Prince 
of le lli 0Oille pin'lOSly Io r16cue o11, iii rspect of 
whieh l»0liefil, I doullt liol but çoli will be lhlls Ihkefull 
s fo oiieale llIV arrilliilg l16ei'o, alld foi" a while to gill 
me sfe ]ial']lOl''o, aild hospilMilie for iiiy shiploS aiid I1 
liill> shiee lly lhe lyl'aiiiiy of 3illiodl, Ihaugh liOt dri- 
11oii, '('t fol" a wliil I iii dii'olis Io Ialle liliile owiio 
Coliiili'c)'> alid oiiliillie iii) l'esidène liéi'e vilh -Oli, in 
i'OOlillÇlce of whi«h lolio, I halle lirolight wilh nie a lilnl- 
drd lhousand llilslills of wlite, whieh cquall)" for your[:lol 
l'ohefe sliall ll dislrilliild aliiOligsl yoli, ali mail llayiiig 
for ouci'y bushell ighi. p6e«s of bi'assc, lhe pi'i«e llesl.owd 
111oreoli in lily OVli Olliltl''. A{ vhidi, as if the verie 
liaino of bi'd oill)- lid ll«lloi • fo i'elieW slrnglh iii lhelil, 
lhy gau a grat shovl., offriiig Ilwh" Citiy Io hini as l3 
liis OWlle, alld Iheir rllaii'd strilgth iii his de[çll0e: wilh 
C i which 

[:.q  tattcrnc of tllc paincfitil ucnturc¢ 

which COl'lle Iheir itecessilies being supplied, and euery 
man willingly paying his eight 1,6eces of brasse, as h6e had 
all;oynh.d, pt't'i¢l¢$ d,'nlaundt'd G;r Ihe (;Ollei',;lll" and 
Ihe chiêlk nwn of Ihe gou'/'/lemcnl, disdainilfing Io b6e a 
[5]Mel.c«lilll io soli ci»File, hut ,ml of ]ils lrin«e]y nlagnili- 
tente, beslowed Ihe h,d,, reuenew Ihercof Io Ihe beau- 
lil)ing of their (illy. Vhich vhen Illc Cittizcns nd,.r- 
st,odc, to gralilie Ihesc large benelil,'s, and Io acknow- 
h.dge ]tiln Ilwir palrmi and l'ciCuer sent lheln by Ihc g,ds, 
IlOllhey erecled in the Markel place a noliuntent in Ihe nie- 
nioriall of hiln, and inadc his slal/le of brasse, slanding in 
a Charri,»l, h,dding cm'tic in his right hand, and slmrnilg 
it wilh his lcft Ibote, and oit Ihc bases of Ihc pillar whcre- 
on it sl,,odc, was ingrau,ql iii gl'eat l.ellcrs Ihis inscripli- 
we desire the Receler to leaue ]c¢ic[c heartning vp the de- 
caed Cittizens of glarfuo» and turne their eyes to good 
tctcanu at g  r c. 
[2o] Good ctcanuz as prouident at home, as his Prince 
was prosperous abroade, let no occasion slip -herein hée 
might scnd word fo ltlf of what occurrents soeuer had 
happencd in his absence, the chicfe of which was, that 
Elataît by ]ntioduz vas sent, with purpose to mur- 
[2lthcr lfim, and that 3ntiodltt, though fayling in Iris pra- 
crise by his absence, s6emed hot 3"et to desist fs'oto like in- 
lents, but that he againe, suborned such like Instruments 
to the like treason, aduising him withall for his more cet- 
laine salçtie, for a while fo leaue Eltrfu, as a refuge too 
[30]tt6ere ,he reach of the tvrant. To xshich ])cricLc consen- 
ting, h6e takes his lcaue of his hostc EIcon and onfa» 
and Ihe Cillizens as sory to leaue him, as sorrow can b6e 
Ibr lhe lacke of comfort. 

'u;, and bin warnd (fro" tbe auoïlance of a 
greater danger) bv bis good Counselhmr[tOl 
tchçanu to forsake ,l,e Cilie, lhough hot 
wilbout nlucb sorrow of tbe Cllizns lbr 
. his de parture, be is once againe at sca, sée- 
king anew ref uge, and accotmting anv comlrey bis best 
hme, where he found tbe best safi, tv. No sooner were bis[tl 
woodden caslles lloaling on rite vnconstant d6cpcs: bul as 
if ttcptunc binlselfe, chiefe soueraigne of tbat waterv 
pire, would haue corne in person fo haue giuen cahne gra- 
tulations, and friendly welcomes to this curteous prince, 
Ihe whole nation of Ibe Ilouds were al quiet, lberc were[ol 
no windes blustering, n» surges rising, no raines sb«wr- 
ing, no tempesl slormiag, but ail calmenesse was vppon 
the face of this kingdome, only a Iroupe of cltéerl',dl Dol- 
phins, as Ambassadom's, sent ri'mn fleir Idngly Maister, 
came dauncissg on Ihe waters, fi»r the entertaining of him.[2! 
At xvbich, bis io3-full Marriners being scarce ri'oto sigbt of 
land, witb pleasant noies slwead forth tbeir comely sailes, 
and witb lheir brasen k6eles, cnt an casie passage on Ihe 
gréene medowes of tbe llouds. At last, lbrtunc hauing 
brougbt him béere, where sbe might make him tbe lillest[3o 
Temfis-ball for her sport: euen as sodainely a flt.ught 
this was the alteration, the llcauens beganne to thunder, 
C  and 

and Ihe skies shone willl flashes of tire: day now had IiO o- 
lher shew but only naine, f.r darkenes was on IIe whole 
face of the waters, hills of seas wcre about him, one sonw- 
limes tossing him euen fo the fice of heauen. vllile another 
[3 sought fo sincke him fo the roofe of h«ll, somc crycd, others 
lal,mrcd, héc oncly prayed: at lasl, lwo rauenous bil- 
Iowes mécting, lhe ont, with intent so stoppe vp ail cla- 
mour, and thc ofher, fo wash avav ail labmtr, his ves- 
sells no longer able to wrcslh' vill the lempest, were ail 
JtOlsldil. In bricfe, he was shipvrackt, his good fricnds and 
subiectes ail were Iost, noflting !cll fo hclpe him but di- 
stresse, and nolhing to complaine vnto but his misery. O 
calamilyl Ihere might you haue heard lbe windes whist- 
ling, flwraine dashing, llc sea roaring, lhe tables crac- 
It31king, lhe tacklings breaking, lle ship tearing, the men 
miscrably crying out Io saue tiroir liues: there mighl vou 
haue seene lhe sea searching the ship. the boordes tleeting, 
the goodcs swimming, the treasure sincking, and lhe poore 
soules shiling to saue thcmselues, but ail in vaine, for 
[2o]parlly by lhe violence of Ihe tcmpest, and partely thorow 
that dismall darkcnesse, which vnfortunalely was corne 
vpon them, they were ail drowned, gentle pcrictc only 
cxcepled, till (as it were Forlune being tvred wilh liais 
mishap) by lhe helpe of a plancke, which in llis dislresse 
12ee3lhée got hohle on, hce was, vith much labour, and more 
ff,are, driuen on lhe shore of ]1 « n t a p o t i , here a while com- 
plaining him of his mishaps, and accusing the Gods of 
riais iniury doone 1o his imocen«ie, hot knowing on hat 
shoare, wh«qher fl'icnd or tu • he had, being certavne 
[3Olflcînt«n, who had also suffered in lhe tbrmer tempest, and 
had béene vitnesses of his vntimely shipwracke: 0he day 
being cl6ercd againe) ere corne out from their homely 
cotlages fo dry and repaire their netles, who being busi- 
ed aboul Ilwir w«rk, and no whit regarding his lamenla- 
[3]tion, passed away lheir labour wilh discourse fo lhis pur- 
pose, in omtparing Ihe Sca to Brokers and Usurers, who 

séeme hire, and iooke louely till lhey haue got men 
Iheir clulches, xxhen one [umble8 them, ami an 
Ioses Ihem, bul sehlome leauing vmill they haue 
lhem. Againe comparing our rich men fo XVhah,, 
make a great shew in thc worhle, r.xxling and tmnbling[31 
vp and downe, lmt arc good Ibr lifflc, but fo siu¢'ke ofhcrs: 
that Ihc lishes liue in Ihc sca, as fhc pow«rl'ull on shoare, 
Ihc great oncs catc -p thc litllc ones: with xshich morall 
obserualions driuing out Iheir libOl', attd prince ]criclc, 
ondring lhal fi'olll I]lc filllly subiects of lhe sea Ihesc Ioore[lO] 
counll'ey pcolde ]eal'ncd lhe inlirmilics of lncn, more Ihan 
mans obduracy and dulnes couhl h, al'ne Oltl of allolhT: 
lcnglh OUCl'chargcd xitll chl xllicll Ihc cxlrcalnily of xxa- 
ter had prcssed hiln with, and no longer bcing able to en- 
dure, ho sxas compcll«d to dclnaund Ihcir silnple llelpe, 
fering to lheir eal'cS the mishap of his sllilwracke , xshich 
l16e was 11o sooner about to relaie, but IIicy rem,lnhred 
their eies, hot wilhout lnuch sot'l'OW lo haue bin Ihc xxil- 
nesses thereof: and bcholding lhe COlnely fealure o1' Ihis 
Gentlelnan, Ihe chiclç of these Fishcrnen was lnOoued[201 
with compassion loward him, and lilling hiln vp from 
ground, hilnscll xx-ith the helpe of his men, led hiln fo his 
house, xxhel'e wilh such lhre as they presenlly had, or lhey 
could readih prouide, thcy xxilh a hcarly wclcome feaslcd 
him, and the inm'e lo expresse lheir tcndcl'nCsse fo his luis-J23] 
fin'lune, Ihe inaslcr dishabited himscll of his outward ap- 
pareil fo U-al'inc and chcrish hiln, xxhich curleous 
as curteously receiuing, x-oxxing, if euer his lbrlUleS 
came fo their ancient height, Iheir curtcgies shouhl hot 
die vurecolnpensed , and bcing somewhat repayrcd in [301 
heart by their l'cléel, he dclnaulded of Ihe COUltlry Oll Ihe 
which he was driuen, of the naine of Ihc King, and of lhe 
malmer of lhe gouerlelnelR. When lhe lnaistcr Fisher- 
lllall commaunding his scruanls to goe dragge 1 » SOlnC o- 
lher neltes, vhich yet werc abroadc, he scalcd llilnscll[331 
by him, and of the queslion ho dentanuded 1o Illis Ittlrlmsc, 

resolued him; Out comrey here a he -licl yo are 
(]l'ill('ll SI', iS calh'd ].1 e II [ fl p 0 [ i $) alld 0111" good kilg tlereof 
is call«,«i lllolliçs: IIe Good Kilg call 'ol 
].lerielçs? Yea, md righlly so called sir, quolh lhe lmOre 
lSJ I,'isherlll, ,ho so gollerlws Ilis khldome ilh iuslice 
1«! lwighlnesse, Iht he is m readier Io commaulld, lla 
we his suliecls are illillg 
qmlh ])ct'i/[c shwe he gaines lhe naine of Good 1 his 
gOIIçl'll('l]l«'llt  alld l]lel} (]ellllllll]et] ]lOW 
[10] as distant from Ihat place : hereil he as resolued, 
SOlfie hall» a daes ioueney, ml l'om loint fo poit also 
hffoemed, Ihat Ihe Iing had a lWic«l " datghter named 
l[lal i vas as 'et m'esohwd llich of l]lelll desere«i Ihe 
[3] grealer COllllll'iS(ll : ami in mem»rv of -hose birlh day, 
]wr f«lher vëerelv celebraled feas{s ami lrilml»hes, h lhe 
]llllOlll" O]' *hich, may Prhces ami Kights flore farre 
lld remole (omtries came, parlly !o approoe lheir chi- 
alrv, Ll espechdly (beig her f«thers oly child,) i 
[2o]hope fo gainée hec loue: hich ame of Chhlalry to 
lrOoe, lhat ail lhe violece of lhe ater had iot pox-er 
Io quench lime mh[enesse of his mide. ])«rict«s sighig to 
himsHl, he lwoke ont llms: Were 
serahle Io mv desires some should féele lhat I wodd be 
[2]Olle Ihere. 'llll as ff «dl lhe gods had giuen a lladile 
o his -ordes, he Fishermel, lm beïore were sent 
oint y {]lel- laiser to drage 
Ilillg Ollll(1 soIIlxxll«[ 11 Ihe lmlollle Ioo l»omlerols tr theh" 
sleenglb Io pull p, Ihey l»eg'alme 
[3o] lheir Iaslel" for nlol'e lwlpe, cring lirai there 
]lllllg iii lheir et, like a poore mans case i the Lawe, it 
ould haedly corne ot, lut Idstry eig a prea'ling 
v)l'lelllall, lefore helpe came, -p came lhe Fish expec- 
ted, but ]l'OOlled imléede o le a ruslv armor. At the naine 
[3]of -hich ord .rmour, ])«ri¢ç¢eig ro-zel, he desiretl 
o Ihe lmore Fisllerme, lhat he -ho beller lhal Ihe), -as 


acquaiutcd ilh such l'm'lfiture, might haue lhe -iew of 
il. In I»riclk,, hat h6e couhl aske of Ihem, was gr,mled: 
lhe Armom" is by ])ct'iclc vicwed, ami knowne to ],e a de- 
fonce which his falhcr ;t his last xxill gaue him in chlc'ge 
Io k6epe, dat il lnighl proouc Io bc a &.fcmlcr of Ihe SOlme,[] 
which ho had knownc Io be a prcscrucr of the fathcr: so ac- 
COlnpliug all his other Iosscs mthing, since ho had that a- 
ga3ne, hcrcby his lalhcr couhl iwt challenge him of dis- 
obcdieucc: and lhanl6ug l:or[ule, that al/er all her cros- 
ses, shi.c had yct giucn him somchat to l'elayl'e his lbr-[Io] 
luncs, begging this Al'mOur of Ihe Fishcrlncn, and Icl- 
ling Ihem, that wilh il h6e wouhl show Ihc VOl'tUe h6e had 
lcarned in Armes, ami trie his chiuah'y for thcir Prin- 
cesse El)afi whiçh Ilwy apldamling, and one furnishing 
him with an ohl gowne lo makc Caparisons for his horsc,[13] 
which horsc hée prouidcd wilh a Icwcl, wholn all Ihc rap- 
bu'es of thc sea couhl hot bel'eaue frm his arme, and o- 
thcr furlishiag him wilh lhe hmg sideskirtes of Iheir cas- 
sockes, to make him bases, his Al-mour rusted: ami lhus 
disgl'acefully hahililed , Prince ]Jcricc -ith Ih«ir con- [2o] 
duct is gone Io thc Court of lll011iDf$, whcre Ihe Fishcr 
lnCn had fi)re-lohlc him was all Ihe prcparatiol, Ihal e 3- 
Iher Art or Imlush'ic might allailw Io, Io solcmuize Ihe 
bil'th day of faire El)ah file good King Dmonic daugh- 
ter. This is lhe day, lhis DttToniDc Court, -here Ihe[231 
King himsclfi,, wilh flic Princesse his daughler, haue 
placed th«msclues in a Gallcrv, Io bchohle lhe lriumphes 
of seuerall Princes, -ho iii honour of Ihc l»l'inces birih 
day, but more in hopc to hauc Iwr loue, came Imrlscly 
lhilher, fo appro«ue Ihcir chiuah'ie. They Ihus scatcd,[30] 
and Prince ]Jt'îit'Lc as cll as his onc prouiding, and 
lhc Fishcrmcns care couhl furnish him, likcvise came fo 
the court. In Ihis marier also 5. seuel'all princes çlheir hor- 
ses richly capal'asoned, but lhemselues lnore richly armed, 
their Pages behl'e Ilwm bearig Iheir Deuices on Iheir[33] 
shichls) cnh'ed lhcn Ihe Tillitg place. The lirst a prince 
D o 

[30]  p«ttcrnc o tl)c p«incull ut'nturt' 
ol' H a ¢ C  0 I!, and tle Deuice Ine bore vpon his shiehl, was 
a blackc Elhiopc rcaching al lhe 
t. a t, i t a m i I i - xvbich being by the lmights Page deliuered 
fo thc I.ady, and I'om ber presenlcd fo tbe King her father, 
13166c ruade plaync 
for Ihis fit'si, iL xas, lhal. Ihc Maccdonian Prince loucd 
hcr so wcll li.c lclde iris lift' of h,.r. Tbe second, a Prince 
of (0 tin L b  and flic lh,uicc h6e barc vpon bis shiehl was a 
[lo]thc dcsire of renownc th'cw him fo tbis +nt+rprisP. The 
third uf 3 Il t  O +I} » aml ll+s ll«tli+e xa+ all +rlllPd Knigl,t, 
bciltg çO'Illl'eFCd bV 
q u i pctî + foçfa" more bv l«,tilie Ihan by force. Thc fourth 
of 5pat +ta and the Deuice ho bare xvas a lnans arme enui- 
[15] rmwd wilh a clmdc, holding out golde thals by the touch- 
slonc t,'idc, the word, 5ifp ¢¢t an+ a ri+  » so faith is to be 
look«d iiilo. The lilt of . t I) ç il $ + aad bis Deuice was a 
Ilaming Tre'ch t«rned dow,mward, the word, çtti lltç atit 
m c c r t i. +u it, Ihat wl,ich giues me lilç giucs me death. The 
[mol sixt and lasl was pcri¢c% Prince of E r +, xvho hauing nei- 
thcr P,gc Io deliucr his sbiehl, nor shiehl to delmer, ma- 
king his DPuice according Io his firtuncs, xxhicl was a 
xvith«rcd Brauncb being onely gr6ene al tbe top, which 
prooucd tl,c almling of his bodv, decavcd hot the ,+oblenesse 
[23] of bis mindc, his +vord, 3 t I a + p ¢ tit o, In that hope I 
lit, c. Ilimscll wilh a most gracel'ull curtesie presenled il 
vtlto l,er, which sh6e as cttrteouslv recciued, whilcst the 
Pdc,'cs attcmliug on the Kin+ forbare hot fo scoffe, both al 
bis lU'escncc, and Ihe prescrit b6e broult, being himsell+ 
[301i, a rusly An,mu,', thc Calmrison of his borse of plaine 
connlry russet, and bis o+vne Bases but the sldrtes of a 
poo,'c Fisl,«r,tm,s coate, wbicl, ihe King mihlely reproo- 
uiug Il,cm lbr, l,«e tohle thcm, tbat as Verrue was not 
to be approoucd by wordes, but by aclions, so the out- 
[35]ward irai,ire x+«,s tbe least table of the inward minde, and 
cot,ns«lling lhem ,,or fo condemne ere ihey bad cause to ac- 
cuse : 


cuse: They went forward Io Ille Ii'iUlnlll , i hich llO- 
ble exercise they came ahnost «iii, as sh.'t of ].lçîit'lçz pcrl- 
crions, as a body dyi.g, of a lilç Ilot.'ishi.g. To 
short, both of Court atd {',OIIIIIIOIIS, lhe pl'aises of 
were spolcn of, but o[ l.he lneale Kighls (lk»r I alv o- [] 
Iher naine he as yet vlknoe to a.y.) But the Tl'i- 
Ulphes Ieig cdcd, ]çîiçlç as chicl, (lbr i. /his daes 
hoour h6e was I]haml»io. ) vith ail Ihe othcr l'ri.ces, 
were by Ihe 31arshall conduclcd Ihc l'rese.«c, 
hel'c lnottir, altd his daughler El}tltl, i{h a most[lO] 
slately l;atquet staed 1o giue Ihcll a Ihattlefull 
liietll. .il hose ettlra.liCe, Ihe Lady Iii'si salitlitg 
¢1*, ga. him a wrealhe of I;hi.alry. vdC.l..ed hit 
as her kltighl, and gttest, and crov.«.d hin lilg of Ihat 
dayes ..lle elitCl'l»rise. In thc «t«l, ail I.,i.g sealed bv[13] 
thc Marshall at a table, placcd dirc«lly -hel'c 
Ihe ld.g ald his dattghler sate as it -erc b" so.ic diui.e 
operalioli, bolh lçi.g and daughler, at o.e itslattt 
so slr.cke in lo.e ilh the tiol;letiesse .1' his woorlh, lhat 
lhey could ltot spa'e so mtch lie I salislie lheselues[2o] 
ith lhe delicaci« o1" Iheir viads, for lalldg of his pl'a- 
ses: hih: p¢l'iîl$ o1 Ihe othe" side ohscl'i.g Ihe dig.ily 
-hel'ei Ihe l(itg sale, Ihal so ma.y l''i.ces came to ho- 
rloger hil., so malty P6el'eS sloode r«'ady to alled him, l6e 
was sll-ucle ilh 1.-cset SOl'tOry, b remembl'i.g lhe Iossc[23] 
of his Ovle. Vhich lhe good toni¢$ talig .oie of, 
ad accusig hi.sdf¢' bcfore lhere was catse, lhat 
1 spiriles were dunpt into thil" melancltoly, 
some dislikc of the slcleesse h6e found i his ct«rtaie- 
lllelll, o1" leglect of his voo'lh, callig for a IJ..le of il«, [3o 1 
h6e dranKe Io him, and so .tuch f.rlher honour«.d him, Ihat 
h iade his da.ghler fise fl'O her scout« Io bea'e it fo him, 
al wilhall, villi.g bel" Io of him his lae, 
Co.lll'ey, and fi.', a .essage (ge.lle Lady) shée 
was as ready to olJey 'tt, as hel" Falhcr was Io Com-[331 
lnauld, rcioyd.g that sh6e had a.y occasiol oflçred her 
D 2 herely 


xvhcreby hée lnigh! Slwake YII|O him. ].lcric|cs by Ihis lime 
halh phqlg,.d Ihe fiing ami bv his ,laughler (ôccording 
lo his l'e,lwsl) liras r,.Im'nelh sshat hbe is, that hée svas 
a (enlh'ntan of OErc» his naine ]Jcriclcs, his cale,cation 
[]l,écne in Arles and Armes, xvho I,mking fiw aduenlures in 
Ih,' vorhi, as by Iii,' l'O/igh and VIH'OIISI;IIII Seas, most 
vnfiwlunal«lv ber«fl Imlh of shilqwS and men, ami «filer 
hipVl'eCke, I]ll'OVell lml, Ihal Silo,cire. lllil'll lllis-haps 
[lO]lWesent pilly Io Ilill, ami rising l'fore his slale, Ile came 
ltl'l[llllil[i llld imbl'aCed him, bade him ]w (lleel'ed, ami 
I.hh, Ifim, Ihilll vll;llsl)eller iiiJ[Ol'llllle [lad illlpayl'ed hiln 
of, Fol'ltlle bv his hellw, «..hl l'l'l13)l'e Io Ilhll, for Iotl 
llim»cll and COllllll't,v sh.uhl Iw Iris fi'icndes, aud 1,re- 
[1] senllv calling for a goodly ilfilke hih' SI6ede, and a 
[la)ll'e of qlh[t'll Spllrres IhPiii Iii'si bec ]l.slowel] Illllll 
hill, lellillg hinl, Ihev vel'e Ibe prises due (o his lin.file, 
alld .l'dain«d Ibr Ihal daves enlerlwise: l]liC]l kingly «ur- 
lll'Sie ])ricl(s as IllaldCfilll a«cepling. Much lime bée- 
[20]i11 Spell[ iii dallllçillg alld olher r«uells, Ihe Ilighl béeing 
g['Ollle o]{l('ç Ihe fiil Omlnaumh, d Ihe finigllls sllouhle 
be comlu«led Io Ihch" h, lgings, iuing ord«r, lhal ])(ri- 
t'[(s tllamlwr shouhl I,e nexl Iris Ol[le, YIlPFe wée wi[l 
leaue IllelU Io take qllil't ['[S[ 111} rel«rne backe 1o  t" c. 


The /îft CI«q, ter. 


|ltiodlus, xho as befiwe is disCOUl'sed, ha- 
uing coimnilled vilh Ilis OXll]C dallghler so 
fiule a sinlle, shamed IIOI iii Ihe SillllP foule- 
nesse Io relnaine in il wilh lier, lwilher had 
shbe lhal louch of grace, by r«penlaulce fo 

I" [Jcri«[c prince 
consh'aine him Io bsfinenee, or by perswasion fo deny his 
contint.nçe: long. like Ihose miserable serpcnls did Iheir 
grealnesse Ilourish, who we lhirest shewes lr lbwlest e- 
uills, till one day himselçe seoled wilh her in  Charriol, 
mode o1' the purest gohle, atlemh.d by his p6eres, nd ga-[ 
sed on by his people, both apparrelled ail 
OUt lce SUSlfilion , an,I bcgcl wondcr (as il' Ihat glorious 
outsides were a wall couhl ké,'pe heaucns cye l'om know- 
ing oto" illlell[S) in grcat lnagnilicecc rode lllcy lhrough 
ntiodl: But s6e the htslice o1' Ihe Ilighest, Ihough sim,e[to] 
flairer, and man perscuel'C, yet surcly l lcauen al Icnglh 
doolh lmlfish. Fro • as Ihus Illcy l'»de, gazittg to I,c aze«l 
Vlmn, att.I pl'.wd Io be «,«Cmnlle.I so, Vengeance wilh a 
dead]v at'r«v drawn«, h'mn lmrlh Ihe .luiner of his wralh, 
prepared by lighlning, and shot on by thunder, hilte, aud[l] 
slrucke dcad lhese prowd incesluotts Cl'eahtrcs vhere Ihey 
sate, leauing Iheir lhces b]asled, and Iheir bodi«s such a 
conlemptfull obiect on Ihe earth, Ihat ail Ihosc ves, but 
tow wilh rcuerence ]..I«,d vpmt Ihem, ail hands Ihat ser- 
ued Ihem, and ail kttées Iheln, scorned now lo 
tourh them. I.athd mw Io I«ke vpon Ihem, and disdaitwd 
now fo giuc them buriall. Nay, such is baie fo 
these and such like sinnes, and su«h lais indigm,li.m Io his 
present euill, Ihat lwixl his and death, hée h,nl 
so much mercv Io Ih«ir liues, xherein Ihev had rime 
crie out; Iustice, be mercildl, for we rcp.'nt vs. Th«v 
lhus dead, lhus conlemned, and hsl6ede of kingly 
ment for their bodies loti, to be inl,omled in the bowclles 
of rauenous fiv]es, il' lbvles vouhl eale ch them. The 
slrangetwsse o1" Iheir dealhs xv«re somme rumored ourr Ih«l[3o] 
pari of Ihe vorhl, ami as soom Iroughl Io Ihe eares of c- 
l¢tllttl$» vho xvas a carel'u]] val«]tman Io baste knov- 
h'dge of whatsoeuer halmed in 3tltiocll, and by his kmw- 
h'dge fo prenent vhal daunger miht succecd.', evtlwr Io 
his Prince, er to his subiectcs in his absence, of vhich[3] 
tragedy he hauing notice, presenlly he imlarted Ihe news 
D 3 Ih«reof 

Ihereof t« his g-raue and ihmiliar fi'iend Lord fdlillç» and 
now hhl him hal lill 
their incet helher, an! lhat onely flr Ihe dipleasure 
which Irin«ely ].;cri¢lc l,a'e(I 3ltti0d}u bore t«war(les 
[j him, aud inight exleud Io his peiq}le, by his kn«»wle«lge 
llwreol', h(.e liras hug by his counsell had discoulilmed 
l'om his i¢illgllloIIle- 
NOW it h;llne«l thal Ihese lydings arriled 1o hi eares, 
iut al Ihe intal, hen his 
[IO.l.,'er a]av lhe head-strng mullilud«} t'l'«m Iheir n'iuil and 
gddy mulenv: and 
m«ulv are vm'easoU«lble [l Ihei" aclious) I: drave lhem- 
sehws h Ihis Ilcli:n, as, Ihal. lhey supp«sed Iheil" pl'ince 
was, and lha{ 
IIlwilh«ut a successefull iuherilor, lhat lhey had bin ocelie 
ly çlicallllS wilh vaine hope of }.}çri[ç 'elUl'ne, deluded, 
aud thal ecec now th« power Ieing, !: his dealh, in Iheir 
hands, Ihev wo:d«! «reale Io thems«.lues a new soueraigne, 
and çlcaUl$ shouhl b«} lhe man. lany reasns hée sed 
[2o] to persva(le them, manv Argumenls to withslan(l them: 
n«lhill Iut Ihis onelv l)reuailed ilh lhem, lhat 
he oulv knew their lh'ince was g«ne to traueil, and that, 
lhat h'auell was vn(ler{aken lr Iheh" ood, Ihev vodd 
alslaine lmt tr lln'ée m:nllls hmger ri'oto heslt)ing lhat 
[2]dilily vhich lhey calhl Iheir loue, thÇuh it vas his dis- 
like llOll him, and il" Iv lhat rime (vhich lhey vith him 
shouhl slill h«q}e h»r) the go(ls vere hot pleased for lheir 
lWrlleluall ot)d to restore vnto Ihem Iheir absent Prince 
hée Ihen wilh ail villinnesse vuuhl accept of their sull'ra- 
[o]es. This Ihen (lhouh wilh much {roui)le) vas at 
lv lhe whole mullilu«le ac«pled, all! fll" lhat lime lhey 
«.re ail l:acilied, when ç[icanu$ asselnlling ail the péeres 
%111o him, I:y Ihe aduise «f ail, chose some h'om Ihe resl, 
and al'let ]is Iws{ instruclions, 
[33]an(! gaue c«unsell iuen, hee seul lhem to inquire of lheir 
Prince, ho ]alelv lelt al }J ç u t a p 0 I i S as hihly honoured 
by good ,ufit. Tire 


mentioned) his iodgng directcd next ad- 
ioyning fo tl,e ki,,gs Iwd-chaml»e,', where- 
as ail the otl,er Princes vppon tl,eir co,n- 
ming to l,eir Iodgings betooe thcmsch,es[lOl 
Ihcir pillowcs, 
fo and Lo thc noui'isltnent 
of a quiet sh;epe, he of Ihe Genllemen that attended him, 
(for it is to be notcd, Ihat vpon lhe gi'ace lhat the king had 
bestowed on hin, Ihere was of his Ollicers toward him 
no aftendance wanting) Inbe dcsired fhat h6e might J»c lefl[t3] 
iwiuate, oncly that for his instant solacc they would plea- 
sure him with some delightfull Instrument, with which, 
and his fiwiner lwactise hbc intended to passe away the te- 
dimisnesse of the night inst,'ade of more litting slumbers. 
llis wil w»s p,'csently ol»eyed in ail things since their ma-[2o 1 
ster had connnaunded he shouJd be disobeyed in nothing: 
thc Instrument is bronght him, and as hée had formerly 
wished, the Chamlwr is dish,rnished of any other compa- 
nv but hiinsell', where presently hée beganne fo compell 
su«h heauenly voyces fs'oto the sencelcsse workemanshii,[251 
as if 3poLlo himselfe had now béene tiitgering on it, and 
as if fhe whole Sinode of fhe gods, had lflaced their deities 
round al»out him of purpose, to haue b6ene delighted with 
his skill, and to haue giuen lwayscs to the excellencie of 
his art, nor was this sound onlv the rauisher of al h¢arers, [3ol 
but ri'oto his owiw clbcre breast h6e sent such chbcrefull 
nofes, whi«h I»v him were ruade ri» so answcrable to the 
others sound, that the3 séemcd ont oncl? consort of musike, 

[36]  pattrrnr of tl)c painrull Oucnturc 
and had se much delica«ic, and oui of discordes making vp 
so excellent a COllitlllClio,I, that they had had imwer fo haue 
d,'awne backe a,I tare, hall,' way wilhi,i IIw ,'aue 1o hat,e 
iisl,led v,llo il, I»r Ihus nu,ch bv out si,n'y we a,'e certaine 
l]of. Ihat Ihc good }}llt0nic (bcing b.y Ihe hcight of nighl. 
and Ihe fi,,'mc," dayes exc,'cisc, i,i lhe riprnesse of his con- 
Icnlfull siëcpe hée trier-ced te be awakend bv il, and net 
ac«o,npli,lg il a discasc Ihal I,'oui,l«d hi,n in Ihe h«ari,g, 
but a pleasm'c -hcrcwilh h«c slill vishcd Io be dclighh'd. 
[Io] In briclç, h«e was s salisli«d le hea,'e him thus expresse 
his exceih'nce, Ihat h6c accomlllcd his Cm,'l happy te en- 
le,'laine se wm'thv a guest, and hi,nseifc mtl'e l,appy 
his acq,«fi»lan«e, ih,I dav Ihal halh sliii Ihal soueraign- 
lie Io drawe backe lhe .,npire of lhe nighl, though a wl,ile 
I/]s},ée in darkenesse vsu,'pe, I,'ought lire mo,'nhtg m,, and 
while Ihe king xvas slud)ing xvilh l,at «u,,sve,'ahle p,'c- 
s'nt, vherewilh le gralilie Ihis ,,ol»le Prince ftlr his last 
nighls nn,sickc , a (c,,lleo,nan (xhose s,' was 
{hillwr com,naundcd llv his Daughlcr; brought him a 
[2ol Letter, whose in-side had a sure te I,im 1o {his pu,'pose. 

The Lady Y{)allfac Letter te tle K,g 
her Father. 

cc.lioufncs of a loofc cfirr, but tutc priftqzcr in tbol uobl 
battcg tttirt @c«tion azzb ca[c" 3 banc no tifc but in thi 
[ibcrt,), ucilhcr onq [ibcrh bnl in tbi tbrolbo,n:, ,,or ff)aH 
uvur lcubcr fclfc, ut'itlbinfl m)afldius lruch)in lbr 'calc 
leur ball) as zud) mcrilc ia bim, tu d)«flcnac lc htlc 0fa 

o" |Jcx'i'tc |Jrincc o" 


ter, tlcn if qou .l'latl rcl'u'c fo .qiu¢ Iiln nf in nmrri«g be- 

Tis lhe stra,,ger Periclcs. 

Whi«h request of hers, vhen the king her ïalher had 
thus vn«h.rstood o1", hée lwganne lirst fo examine with him [5] 
sell, vhat YeI'IIIC WaS i. Ihis dwice, Ihat should bind 
ber Iho.ghls Io Ihis ]iking, and vllil[ sn«c'cding c«,nlkrt 
hée might expecl, Ihe CXl.«llali.n of which, might inuile 
him lo his consenl, l"irst hée begalme lo rentember him- 
selle, Ihal he came vnto his C.m't but poore, and lbr po-[loi 
nerly, quolh Ihe g.od king, ris a woorkemanshil , that mak«,s vppe euen lr olhcrs Io contenme, and, 
which in lhese limes, is gr.wne .dious to kécpe companie 
vithall, that fo marrie hcr hi«h vas his oncly chihle, 
attd Ihe eXl.'Ctathm of his snbiccles, ilh «me of so ]owe[13] 
bh..! and mcane disccnt, vo.hl relurne, rather a disho- 
ilOllF III;III a dignilie Io his naine., since Parents ralher 
expecl lh,' aduaun«cme.I of 'Filles, and Ihe raising of 
Ihcir ].»uscs, in the vniling of thcir issu., Ihan the 
«liuing: but in the end, when hée had put ail the Inlericcti-[20] 
ons ho couhl I.ctw6en ber loue and his likiltg, his pright- 
ncsse ruade him sée, lhat in verl.e co,sisted maus onely 
iwrl«tion, and in him, as her bclitting Courl, she Ihought 
it littest Io h«r l'«vall residence, and in that opinion 
allowing of his da.tghlcrs choiçe, he thought himselfc [23] 
haply fo liue Falh.r lo such a vcrluous sonne, and his 
daught«r more happy t. l.e COUlded fo so noble a husband. 
And as hée was .ow Ihus c.nll'acling Ihcm togelher 
his rcioy«ing thoughts, euen in the instant came in 
vit'Ici» t gi.e Ih'«e Ihat salulalion vhich Ihe lnorning[30] 
l'cquired of him, xhen Ihe ki.g iuhq.ling Io clisserai.le Ihat 
in show, vhich hée had dcl«rmincd on in heart, hée lirst 
roide hiln, that his daughter had that morning sent vnto 
E him 


him that Letter, wherein sh.e intreated of him. Ihat his 
Grace wouhl bc pleased, fl,at himselfe (holn shée knew 
lo call by no olher i}al}}e but lh« Slrallger ]criclcs) inight 
l»ecolne ]lPr Schooh,maish.r, of vhose rarietv in lunsicke, 
[] excellcncic in song, wilh com«lilwsse in dauncing, not 
onely sh«e had heard, l.nt himsclfe had borne lcstimonie 
to be the best, lhal euer lheir indgcmen{s had had ca«se to 
iudge o When ]Jcri¢lc, thongh u-illing to v&hle any 
courlesies Io so gratious a ladv, and hOt disd;dning Io be 
[tolouumamdcd any seruices bv so g»od a l,.rd, yct rcpled, 
Though ail his abililics cre at his Graces pleasure, yet 
he lhonght hims«lfi, vnwo«r{hy te be his daughters schoole- 
ntaistcr. I but quo{h ;jmonic shée will hOt be denied 
Io be your Schollcr, and fi»r m«mifest proofe thereof héere 
[tlis her owne Ch«wac{er, hich Io lhal Imrl.»Se sh.e halh 
sent vnlo vs, and we Io {hat lmrpose giuc vou leaue fo 
rcade: nhich )cvi¢lc, oucrlooking, and linding Ihe vhole 
renom" thcreof to he, flla{ his d«ulghlcr ri'oto ail {he olbcr 
Princes, nay h'om Ihc xvhole worhle, so}licitcd him for 
[2Olhcr husband, he sh'aitway ralher couieclnred it Io be sonte 
subtiltie of the lther Io be{rav his lift., Ihan any constancy 
of lhe princesse to loue him: and lborlbwilh prostrating 
himsclfe at {he kings lëele, h6e dcsired Ihat his Grace 
wonhl no way s&ke lo staine the noblencsse of his minde, 
1231by any way sécking lo inlrappc Ihe lil of so harmelcsse a 
Gentleman, or that with euill he wo«ld conclude so mu«h 
good which he ah'eady had begmme toward him, protest- 
ing, Ihat fi»r his part, his houghls had neuer Ihat ant- 
bition, so ranch as Io aymc at lhe loue of his daughter, nor 
[3Olany action of his, gaue cause of his princely displesm'e: but 
the king faining still an angry brow, lurned {oward him, 
and roide bim, {bat like a traitonr, lue lyed. Traytour, 
qnolh ]Jcri¢lc ? l, h'aytour, quolb Ihe king, Ihat Ihus 
disguised, art stolne into mv Courl, wilh lhe witchcraft of 
[3]thy aclions to bevitch, the .ehling spirit of my lender 
Childe. Which naine of Tra?tor being againe redoublcd, 

o,î |:Jcri«tcc, |Jrim'c o 'rc. [39] 
pCîC¢ lhen inslcode oç humblenesse sNqmql hot to ço,'get 
his untient com'0ge, but bohlely r«,plyed. That Wel'e 
it .,v i,t his Colas't, exc«pt himsell, dru'st cail him traytor. 
uen in his boso,ue he wouhi w,'ile the lie: aflh',ning, thot 
he came i,lo his Con,'t in scarch of l,onom', ami net Io l)e[] 
a r«bell to his Statc, his i,ioud was yct vntai,mted, but 
with the heale, g»t by he wrong thc king l,ad ol]çred him, 
and that he boldly durst, and did delie, hims«lçc, his sub- 
iecles, ld Ihe proxvdest dangCl', that eyther tyl',,y or 
treasol couhl intlict VllOll hilll. Which nobicnesse of his,[to] 
the king imvardly com,ne,,ding, though otherwise dis- 
se,nbling, he answcred, he shouhl ll-OOUC it olhel'wise, since 
by his daughlers hand, it there was evident, both his 
practisc ami he," consent therein. Which wordes were no 
soo,wr ttc,'ed, but ltxa (who euer since she sent ber Fa-[l 
ther ber Lctler, could hot containe her selfe in any quiet, 
till she hca,'d of his answer) ca,ne now i,t, as it had beene 
her parte, to lnake atmswere to ho,- Falhers last sillable, 
whe, lrincc ])cîidc yéelding l,is body toward her, in nlOSt 
curteous malmer deman,tded of her by the hope she had of lOl 
heauen, or the desire she had to haue ber best xvishes 
lilled héere in the worhle, that shée would uow satislie, her 
now displeased Falhe,'. if errer he, by motion, or by let- 
ters, by atnorous glau,wes, or by anv lucanes that Lo- 
uers use to COlnpasse thcir disseig,ws, had songht Io be a[231 
f,'iend in lhe noblenessc of ber /houghls, or a copartner 
in Ihe worthinesse of her loue, when she as constant to li- 
nish, as she was forward to attelnpt, againe required of 
him, that suppose he had, who durst take oflç,tcc there- 
at, since that it was her pleasure to giue him to knowe[3ol 
that he had power to desire no more lhan she had willing- 
nesse to performe? How lninion, quolh her Father (taking 
her off at lhe very word, who dare be displeased withail?) 
ls this a fit match for you? a slragling 'llcfcxt borne we 
knowe hot where, OlW that bath ncithcr blomi nor lnerile[3] 
for thée to hopc for, o," hilnselfe to challetge eue,t the least 
E  allow- 

10]  lattcx'nc of tl}c pinc'utl u«ntut'c 

aliowaunce, of lhy pcrfeclions, xxlwn she humbling her 
prin«ely kn@s belote lwr Falh«.r, bcsouhtl him Io consi- 
de.r, Ihat SUlTOSe hi birlh xvcre bae (xxhcn his lilk she- 
w«'d him hot I«» be so) yctl hée had retint, which is lhe vcry 
[s]gromd oF ail nol,ililie, enough lu makc him n«,lde: she iss- 
I'calcd hi Io rumcmbcr Ihal she xva in loue, the power 
will. And tri 3 mot royali Falhcr, quolh shée, xxhat xxilh 
l lOll«mgue n.w I Ol.'nly ««mlirmc, hich is, Ihat 1 haue 
no lil, bllll iii his loue, ncilhcr an» being but 
ing «d" his xol'lh. But daughler («ptolh lll011iç$' 
so, lime bauittc «.f yom" mindc in lïtshtwss«' kindlcd, must 
[ss]againe be qucnchcd, or lmrchasc out dispicasurc. 
you sir (spcaking to prince Jcviclcz) first lcarnc to Imow, 1 
banish you my Iotwl, attd vet scorning Ihat out kingly in- 
rag«ment shouhl stoope so lowe, for thal your ambitiot sir, 
lle hauc yom" lil. Be conslant, quolh Ellaftx, for euerie 
[2oldroppc of blood hée shcades of yours, hoshail draw an o- 
ther from his otwly childe. In briefe, thc king 
ed still his rage, thcLady her constancie. While 
stmde amazcd at both, lill at last Ihc Falher bcing no lon- 
ger able t. subdue that which he desired as ranch as shée, 
[231c:lching lisent both rashly by thc handcs, as if h6e rotant 
slrait Io haue inlbrced Ihclll Io impt'isonmenl, heclapt lhem 
hand in hand, vhile Ih«y as h.uingly ioytted ]ip fo lip, 
and wilh lears ll'ic]dig ri'oto his aged eycs, adopted 
his ll»ply sonne, and badc them liuc togelher as man and 
[3o/xvil. Whal ioy Ihere was al Ihis conpling, lhose that 
are Louet's and enioy their wishes, tan better cotceiue, 
Ihan mv pen can set downe; Ihe one l-cioycing Io be matie 
halpy by so good and genlle a l,ord, lhe olher as happy 
Io be inrich,d by so verluous a l,adv. XVhat preparalion 
[3lthcrc xvas fir Ih«'ir mat'riage, is sul'licienllv expressed in 
this, that she xas Ihc onelv daughler Io a King, and had 

her falhers liking in her loto;: what spéede lhere was Io 
flmi marriage, let flose iudge vho haue the Ihoughles of 
llafi al. this instant, only COliCeille Ihe solemlmilies at 
the Temple are doone, Ihe fi,ast in most solemplW order li- 
nished, ihe day Sl»ent in inusicke, daUlcing, singing, and[l 
ail Courtly COlnlmmicalion, hall'e of the night in maskes 
and olher courfly shewes, and Ihe olher hall in IIle hap- 
py and lawfull ilnln'acemenls of tllese inost hapl»y Louers. 
The discourse al lare of Ihe liberall 13alenges inade and 
proclaimed, at Tilt, Barriers, rmming at Ihe Ring, 
[ £an malmaging lierce horses, rmming on foote, and 
dauncing lu arm.urs, of the slal«ly presenled Plaes, 
Shewes disgcised, Spé«ches, Maskes and Mulnmeries, 
with Collilluall harlnony of ail kind«s of Musicke, with 
banqucllilg in ail delicacie, 1 leaue to the considel'ation[131 
of thent who haue behehle thc like in Courles, and at 
wedding of princes, rather Ihan aflbrd Ihem to thc descrip- 
tion of my pelme, only let such conceiue, ail things in due 
ortier were accomplishcd, lhe ducfies of marriage perlbr- 
med: and faire Eilafi Ihis night is conceiucd with child. 12Ol 
The next dav loy dwelling thorow ihe vhole kingd»m 
for this coniunction, euery man arose to feasfing and 
iollity, for lle wcdding iriunqflts conlinued a whole lnO- 
neth, while Time wifl his feathered wings, so fanned a- 
wav lhe houres, and wilh his slippery fécte, so glided 
the dayes, that nine Mooncs had allnost chaunged their 
liglll, ere halle Ihe lilne was thoughl Io be expircd, vhcn it 
happelwd, that as ihe good monit5 and princely 
dtz with his faire  Il a a were walking in lhe gardcn ad- 
ioyning to thcir pallace, one of the Lords, vho (as before)[3o] 
were sent by gratte and carefull ct«anlt» in search of 
fleir abseut l'rince, came hastily in fo Ihem, who vppon 
his knée deliuered vnto the yoong Prince a Letter, vhidt 
being opencd Ihe çoiilenls tiwrein spake thus vnio hiln: 
That ntiodlu and his daughter (as is befire described)[3l 
werc with ihe violence of lighhfing (shot ri'oto heauen,) 
E 3 strucke 

|.:]  p¢xttcrnc of flic p¢xinc'ul! bucnurc 

strucke sodainely dead. And moreouer, Ihat bv Ihe coa- 
serti of Ihc generall volces Ihc Cillie of nti0 d, vilh ail 
thc riches Ihercin, and Ihc hole ldngdome werc reserued 
for hs possession and l)rinccly gou«rnmenl. hich Leller 
[lwhc,l he had read, he p,'escttlly imparted Ihe nevs tlterc- 
of to his Idngly Falher, !,o plmn icw r«ceiued, Iée 
slrait Knew (what vnlili then Ihe n,odcsly of ]Jççit'Lç itad 
cmceah'd) Ihat his sonne lto,ne ff'oto poucrty hée ad- 
uanc«yd to be the bedlllow of his daughler, vas l'rice of 
Ert» who lbr Ihe Iare ho had of 3ntiodlu, had fo,'sooke his 
Idngdome, and lWW had giuen vnlo him the Idngdome of 
villiolit iiliçli iahoiir, allllCascd lh sliii»boi'il inulhiy of 
[i]iliir kiiig, lid Ihat to aliocdo a 11{i11"o insurrçlion, (his 
wlio] siale) in safl)', how lit, eeSSal'l" il was for hiin Io 
pai'ld lo his aliglill', who as gladly eillell l]ini. 
Whil l)iele ininding a whil to lalie his dél'st 
[to]behinde hiin, onsidei'ilig how daligl'OllS if WS [0 ]ii" 
10 lraeil hy sea, being wilh diild, alid so ll6ei'e hr lime, 
lic bogaiiiio 1o inl.i'ale of his ki.gly falhCr of ail 
prouision for his dparllire, siii Ilie safely of lwoo king- 
dOlilS id ililllorlillle so liiçll: Ii!i011 Oli llie olhr sid 
lltlfti falling ai lii" fal]iers félc, lier lear¢s speakin l 
hr sl fasler Ihaii ]il, r woi'ds> sli6e hunibly rqllesle, 
that as his reiii'iid age lqldi'¢d lier, or llie lli-osprilie 
of lli Infant wliei'evilh sli60 lhouThl lii- selle happy lo be 
[30]hinde hini. Whih Iai's of ]iers lli'iia)lilig wilh lhe a- 
gcll iiig> lholig]i coinlllling his lares lo take a lolh 
sorrowfull dllai-lure of hr. Tliir Sliippes bing sli'og- 
ly apllO)'lilli , alid [i'aiglit wilh ail lliing çOliileaillt as 
gohle, Si]lir, allparrll , bdding, vi«lualis, alid arnioilr, 
a.a fai'ing whal 1oo viiforlunally hapned, çasiiig an 


maidcs fo attend ber. They are s]mipl, and héc on sh«are, 
thc one asing afte," the othe,' with a g,'éedy desi,c, nlill 
the high vsm'ping vate,'s Iooke avay II,e sight from [hem 

The seauenth Chapter. 
$)oto fifire Thaysa lid in Irau of d)ilb-birll tpp0n lbe 
çotar0 in tue cmO[e of Diana. 

lwing tln,s on shiple-]morde, atd Il,oir 
luarriners me,'rily hauing hoysed vppe 
lhcir sayles, lheir vessels, as prowdc of[13 I 
such a fi'aught vherewilh thcy were 
riched, galloped ch6erefully on the Otc- 
ait. Fol'lune did now séeme !o looke fairely, neyther vas 
there promise o1' auy olher alteration, lhe day looked Ioue- 
ly, and lhe sea smiled for ioy, to haue her bosomc prcsscd[2Ol 
vilh lh«se l»m'lhclls: But nolhing iii Ihis Vol'hl Ihat is 
lermaneltl., Time is lhe falher of Fortune, hée is slip- 
pery, and Ihelt of nccessilie musl his ¢hihle be lickle: and 
Ihis was his ahcration, a cloude s6emed Io arise ri'oto lbrlh 
Ihe south, which being by Ihe Maislcr and Marrinet's be-123 
hehl, lhev Iohle Prince 
of a slorme, which was no sooner Slmken, but as if Ihe 
heauens had cOnSlfired wilh Ihe waters, and Ihe vindes 
bin assislant Io bolh, Ihey kepl such a Iduslering, and surh 
an vm'uelv slirr«, Ihat noue couhl be heard fo spealw but 13Ol 
Ihemsehles, seas o1" were n'cc«iucd inlo Iheir ships 
vhih' olhers fimght against Ihem Io exiwll Ih«m out, sh) I) 


lhe ]e,'age Ihere cries out one, bal,' Vlq»e Ihe mairie bow- 
lines Ihere calles out alitlhel', and wilh lheir 
Oei{her vmlcl'S{anding" thel', sim'e Ihe storlne had 
Ihe IllaiS[el'') Ihe matie StlCll a hideous noyse, Ihar it ha,i 
had lmver I» halle avakene,I I)eath, and Io halle alfrih- 
led l'alieucc: n»r couhl il choose Ihen hnt hl'il IllllC]l 
l'or fo our sea-sicke Quéene, ho had beene vsed h ]eller 
allelulance, Ihan vas nov offered ber hv Ihee iii tutored 
seruallles inde ami  alçr : Imt lhev vho neillwr re- 
[IOJSlect ]»il'lh I101" I)]O0(], ])I'I)'PI'S IlOf I]lr.'als, lime llOl" 
si,n, .'ontilm«d still Ih.'ir Iovsl.'l'OlJs hauocke. Wilh 
hich slil're (od Lady) l.'r ei«s ami eal''s, haui 
Ihen hin m'qmfinlei, she is sh'm'ke iltO such a halv Dihl, 
Ihat welladav she lhll's in h'auell, i d«liuered of a dauh- 
llalter, ami in Ihis chihle-hirlh dies, hile her princely lms- 
haud l»eiu al.»ue Ihe hat«hes, is oe hile prayil to 
heauen for her saD deliuel'alre, an offset vhile sufferiug 
Ihe SOl'OW hervilh he knew his Qu.ene as imbm'- 
Iheed, he chid Ihe c«,lrarv slorme (as if it llad héen Sell- 
lalsihle .f heariug) I« he so vmanel'h, in this -nlitling sea- 
o», a»d vhen so ood a DuChe vas in labor, fo kéep such 
hlusl«,rin: flms vhile fle good Prince relnavued reproo- 
uin Ihe one, and pillyin Ihe «lher, ri» cornes 
Ihe m'se, seul alou" l»y ood %llItll1ç vilh 
ler, aud iulo his al'mes deliuers lli Sea-borne Bahe, 
vhit.h he laking h» kisse, ami lfill)in il vilh Illee 
Poore iuch of .N'alUl'e (quofl he) flmu al'le as rudelv -«l- 
corne to Ihe vorhle, as euer Ih'ineese Babe vas, ami 
hasl as «hidig" a naliuiti,, as Iii'e, ayre, earth, and water 
tan allord tl'e, vhen, as if he had fi»rot himselD, he 
r,plly l»reaks oui: l»ul sav £i«oria, h«w doth mv Q«éene? 
sir (qu.lh she) he hafl mm passed ail dauuers, aud 
halh im, n Vlq»e lwr ïieDs bv emlin her lire. At -hich 
.w«le, no ton'ue i able to expresse the ride of orl'oçe 
[:lflal »m'r-homded )c'i«[ç, lirsl looking on Iris Babe, and 
Ihe cryin out fiw lhe inOfller, pillyiu Ihe one tiret had 

lost her bringer ere sh(.e had scarce saluied the worhle, la- 
men[ing for himselfe lha[ had béene bereft of so inestima- 
hle a leweil hy Ihe losse o1" his x-il, in which sorrowe as 
he wouhi hau« pro@eded, Xpl»e ,came Ihe Maish.r Io him, 
who fi»r [bat the storme cou[inued s[ill in his [cmpes[ums [] 
height, hrake o11" his sorrowe wilh Ihcse sillahles. Sh', 
the necessitie of Ihe lime ali'mrdes uo d«iav, and we must 
inll'eaie vou Io he cotHcnled, Io hauc ihc dead body of vour 
Quéene Ihrowne ouer-lm«rde, ilow varier I qulh ]Jct'i- 
t'[ç$, inlerrupling him, -ouhlest thmt hauc me cast Ihal [llt] 
body inlo Ihc sca fir Imriall, ho heiug in misery receiucd 
me in[o Ihumlr ? We 
sir (quolh the Maister) as vou rcspccl mu" ownc sally, 
or Ihe prosperilie of that 
naming o1" thich word Bahe, 
vpon it, shookc his head, and vepl. Bot Ihe Maish.r 
going on, lohle him, lhat i long cxpcrience Ihcy had tri- 
ed, that a shiplc mav hot ahidc fo carry a dcad carcasse, 
11o1" would lhe lingering lcmpcst cease hilc thc dead hody 
remayned with them. But thc Prince séeking againc fo [2o I 
perswadc Ihem, tohlc Ihent, that it was 
of their superslition to thinle so. Call il hy what ou shal 
please sir (quolh the Mais/er) imt wc Ihat by long praclise 
haue tried Ihc proolk" f 
nilhout vom" consent (fir your o-nc safely, which wée[231 
wilh ail duelv Icndcr) must so dispose of 
for his scruants about him, ho wiilcd one of Ihem, Io hring 
him a chest, which he Iborlhilh caused to be weil bilu- 
med and weil leaded fir her cfffin, then takig vp the ho- 
dr of his (eucn in death) Ihire ¢ilaft, he arravcd h«r in[3ol 
princely apparrell, placing a Krownc of ohlc vppon her 
hcad, with his owne hands, (nl wilhout store of Imc- 
rail teares) he layed ber in tha/ Toomhe, then placed héc 
also store of gohlc at hcr head, atul greal treasm'e of sil«er 
at her féete, and hauing t-l'illen this Leller t-hi«h ho 
vpon her breast, wi/h fi'esh walcr liowing in his evcs, as 
F loalh 

[461  pattcrnc of tllc painc!ful! ucttturc 
Ioalh to leaue her sighl, he navled vp Ihe Chesl, the 
nor of xvhich xxriling xxas in forme as folloxveth; 



The Chesl Ihen bcing nah'd 1' ci-se, he commamded 
it l« he lifl«,d ouer-lmm'dr, and Ihen naming his Chihle 
tlarina, Iu. Ihal she vas Iorne Vpl«U the Sea. he dire- 
cled his laisler h, ;,lier Ihe course ri'oto rt, (.heing a 
Ilsh.rler curie to l)af fus) and lu" whose sally he thither in- 
tended. Mere ilh his hosle Cttott and ionfa his vife, 
he inlend«d Io h'aue his liltle iufant. Io be tbstered and 
I»rouht vp. The dead hody bein Ihus Ihrowne ouer- 
hoorde, vhen as il" l:orlme had belhought her, Ihat shée 
IOlhad wronghl her vlmosl spihl Io him, gy bereauing hiln 
of so great a COlnlbrl, euen in Ihe inslant Ihe tempest cea- 
selh, where we xvill leaue l»rince ptt'ittt, vppon calme 
walers, th-ugh hot vilh a calme winde, sayling 1o llor- 
fus: and behohle, Ihe nexl morning, by vhich [illlp, Ihe 
Ilvaues had r«mled, ri'mn waue Io vaue this Chesl to laml, 
and cast it ashoare on Ihe coast o1'  p II t fil   in hich Cillv 
liued a lord calh'd erilllOll, xvho, Ihough ol" m, ble bloml, 
and greal i-mssessims, vel was he so addicled Io sludie, & in 
searching oui. Ihe excellen«ie o1" Arls, Ihal his felicilie con- 
I:lOl sised in contelnplalion, visely fore-knoving, s. icie is 
Ihe slale of riches, lhal it is Ihawed 1o nothing, by the 
leasl adm,rsilie, Ihat carelesse heires inay dispend, and riol 
«olsUle Ihem  wh« Ole verltle ald o111" deS«l'led faine 
allen«h,lh ilmnOrlalily, Ihis «.nsiderafion l»ade him so Io 

alqdy his lime in{el'S, ami in searchil]g out the na- 
h,re of Simples, Iha{ he g,'ew so excellenl in Ihe sc«rel of 
lqvsi('ke, as il' 3pollo hims«.lfi. «1- anolh«r 
had l;éene his S«h«mh'm;lis{«q': m;r vas he of Ihis Identie 
a figgard to the n,h.di,., hn{ so Immlil'nll 1o the dis{ressed,[l 
tl,at his housse md haml »l-. a««OlUl,h.d the hospitalls lr 
th,' disease,I. This I.ord crinton had his residem'e btlilt 
so neare Ihe hoare, lhal. lu his xvimlowes he ouer-looked 
Ihe ea: ami I,«in fhis m,rfin in c,»lfi'rence wilh some 
Ihat c;lm«. Io him Imlh fi,r helpe l)r Ihemsehtes and 
for oth«rs; and so,ne Ihat w«,re r.laling the crnellie of 
thl' last nighls tl'ml,et, o,t a sodav,te caslmg his eye f,'om 
fimrlh his case,nelt h,wards thl' ,naiue, ho, might espie the 
waters, as il xvere, phlin xGIh Ihe i:ll'sl wherein the 
de,ad Iulh.n«, xv«ls in««dliud, and xvhiçh xas VlmU the so-[l] 
dague, I,v a m«re eauer Ifillow, cast on his I,;mkes, xxhen 
l, thiul, ig it fo be the r«'nmaut of some shiplle- 
xvracke. «aused in the hlst uihts stor,ne, callhl" lhr his 
S('I'I;IIIfS, ]lée fi,o,'fhwilh c(JnnJal,lt,led Ih«m Io J;me if 
Irothl Xlqn, to him as l,J'l'«'iled xto him. heing cast 
his -roulld, xxhi¢h acC,,l'tlilgly Iwrll'lned, hée as I,l'e- 
scn{lv gau' charge it shouhl he o]«'ned, when lot vithout 
nlt,ch vo;«ler ho st,'aitav viexe¢l the dead bodv of the 
(lléelle, so C'OXvlled, so l'ovallv apl;al'elled, so intrea- 
s,red as l;efire, ami taking Xl  the wri{ing which he like-[23] 
xxise fimnd lda«ed Vl,;U her hreasl, hée read i{ {o the 
tl«'meu, xxho at that thne ac¢ompanied him, and k;ow- 
in' il therel»v t« he the dead Quéene to Prince 
5«w sltrely, q,oth ])criclc, lhou hasl a l,die eue; h'ow- 
;wd xvith woe l;r the Iose of so goodly a Cl'ea{ure: 11" (en-[30] 
th'mel, sarde he. as ?ou ma? per¢eiue, stch was {he ex- 
¢'lh'm'ie o1' her I;eaulv, tha{ grimme Death himselfe halh 
hot i;oxxer fo surfer «,? ¢»rmilic fo a«COlnpauy it. Then 
laing his hmd gemly XlOl her ¢héeke. he I»elhougtt him 
thal lil' had hot lost ail th« WOl'kel;alshille tha{ Natm'e[3] 
had bestowed VlUOn her, for euen at the opening of tlle 
F  Chest, 

[I  p«ttcînc of tl)c poire'fuit 
Ch'l, & as it vere slte llwn re«ciuiu fi'eh 
ilh vhi«'h Iwin s«m'vhat ;maz««l. « surelv 
Ilemen, llolh hç Iiil'llill I« lhem, ho xvere gl'éedily set 
l] nmml al»out him, lhis Ql(.cne haih hot lon béene 
h'amced, aud ! ham: read o1" some Eyllians, ho 
I«r lmr« hm'«s d«alh, (il" mal may call it so) hae raised 
imlowrish«d bodics, lile Io Ihis, nto Iheir fi»rmer heallh, 
m»r «m it be dislmrag«'menl Io me Io vse my best 
]lo]»n lhis I)éene, Io hich bv lhe Ienll«mel Iha[ «ccom- 
ImUVed him, he vas ilc»uraged Io a[lcmpI, since that 
Ihe r«conerv of h«r ¢'ouhl n«l ]»I alpeare Io be a vorke of 
his miuislriug, Ihat «dl gpl}[fu$ sas repleale vilh his 
llsJlwlpe, so calling lr « s«nuul of his Io aih'ml him vilh 
«'erlavue boxes vhi«h he uam¢'d were in his shdie, as 
so ilh lire an4 uecessary limen, imokiug po[lo fo be 
ralious I his eml»eri¢'ke, ami Ihe orke in haml, he be- 
gau !o apply h» h«r, Fb'st I»ulliu d¢nvne Ihe clolhes ff'oto 
]20]o11" Ihe La«lies l»osome, ho powrcd l»p¢m hcr a mosl pre- 
cious oulmen[, and I»eslovin il ahroad vilh his hand, 
perceiued some -u'mlh in her l»reas[, and Ihal Ihere 
lil'e lu lhe body, vhcrea[ someh[ astonishcd, he f«ll her 
lmlses, layde his chéeke Io her moulh, aud examiuin B ail 
123]olh¢r Iol, ens Iha[ he codd deise, he l»erceiwd how dealh 
sh-oue vilh lilç ilhin her, and Ihal [he coul]ict vas dan- 
.ros, a¢l dodll'dl vho shodd preuaile. Vhich bée- 
ing donc, he chal'd lhe bodv against Ihe lire, nlill Ihe. 
l»loud vhi«h vas congealed vilh cohle vas vhollv «lissol- 
13 o] c«l, h'n lmvring a prcci¢ms lhluor hlo her moulh, 
p.rc,hwd Varlulh more ç m»re lo cncrcase in her, ami lhe 
g»hlen l'rinBes ff her ees alille Io pari: Ih«n calling 
Io lhe Genl]em'n ho vcre viluesses al»oui him, he ]ade 
lhem lhal Ih«v shonhl commmmd some slill musicke fo 
13l sound. Fn" «'erlainel- qolh he, ! Ihinke l.his Qéeue 
ill liue, and suppose [hat she halh bin much bse«l, for 

she halh hot b6ene hmg illnumced, condemnillg them 
rasllneSS« so b«lily Io Illrowe her ouer-boorde. And Vbel 
he had so said, he tooke Ihe bodv l'eurcnlh-into Ilis arlnes, 
and bl'e il inlo his owne Chamler, and laved il, vpon his 
bed grom.ling vpon Ihe breasl, Ilwn Io«ke 116e cerlaine hole [5] 
and Colnlrlalde oiles, ami ' " 
,wmlng IIicm pon the coles, 
he dipped fah'e wooii Ihercin, ami fmm'nled ail Ihe bodie 
ouer llwrevilh, vnlill su«h lime as Ihe ct)ngeah,d Lioud 
attd httmom's ere Ihorovly r«sohted, and Ihe spiriles 
chie forme recouered Iheir woonled coin'se, Ihe reines a-[lO] 
xed varme, Ihe arleries leganne Io beale, and lhe hmgs 
drev in Ihe frcsh againc, and i.'ing lerfcclly comc Io 
Iwr scll , lifling 1  Ihosc lmV againe pricclessc diamomls 
of Iwr eves, t Opmlh singe) hero ara 17 for it sée- 
lnelh Io me Ihal I haue béene in a slrange COnllre-. And[tS] 
ulwrcs mv I pray you? 1 long to speake wi/h him. 
ilul Çç'illlOll, who besl l, new, lhal mn wilh anv lhing 
Io discomlbrt her, mighl bréede a relapse, vhi«h wouhl 
be vnrecom,rabh,, inlreal«d her Io be ch6ered, Ibr her Lord 
vas vell, and Ihat arome, vhen Ihc lime vas more lit-[20] 
ring, and Ihat ]ici" dccavod spiriles verc rcpayred, h:e 
ouhl gladly spealc wilh hcr: So, as il were, being 
ltevlv awaked li'om d«alh, I« the great anmsement of 
Iehohlers, she presenlly h, II inlo a most comforlabic slmn- 
ber, which l.ord ¢îimon giuing charge nonc shouhl di-123 ] 
slurbc her oL he in Ihe meane lime, ami against shc shouhl 
awalc, prouided chcrishing ineates, ami as hcr slreng/h 
grew, gaue wholesome clolhes fo reli'esh her vilh. But 
hot long aller, wealcnessc I»eing banished from her, and 
ççilllOll, In COlmnUniCa/ion Imew, /hal shdc «mw of Ihe [301 
slocke of a King, he serti for manv of his li'iendes !o corne 
vnlo bim, and adopled her Ibr his one daughter, and 
relaled vnlo hot, howc afh'r so gr6evous a tempest, 
whal manner shée was fimml. In which tempest sho sup- 
lmsing her kingiy husiand to l»e shipwrecked, shée wilh[331 
many teares in/reated, that since he had giuen her lire, ho 
F 3 wouhl 

."-I ptttcr.c oF tlc pt;htc+ttll +-"-l+ttcutttrc+ 

Ily II1111. 'r,, vhi«h'illltlll ;ll'i'Ol'di'il: alnll l'or lhal illlenl 
ldm'l.d 1let inn line 'rel.lde .1" îOi{lltt, vhi('h vas Ihere ct)n- 
secraled ,t @ p I) t" '!! t. 

1'I+« «i91+t 


llll)lnsl line In.Iv .\lllllnes bi line "i'emlde 
ni" iflll(l ;11, '- t.' ]) ç Fil   ollr l{,n'il' l»hhh'tln 
s h.d,e hac[e lihl s,z'n'oxxhnll 
[i] __ hippe ilh l'tn'lunale hnde, I- 
, uour of Ihe Ineauenns, an.I l»ruuidence of 
his i,lale, an'rued al line slnoare i,[ l)rfu, vl,cre l,unl 
Inis la.din hée was curlemnslv recei..,d by lct}It aud - 
onft vln.nue he as cuu'teously saluled, lellinng llnem the 
12o]hea.i. «hamices hich Inad bel'alle, him, b.lln ul" lhe reat 
sl.rnues and tempesls un fine Sea, vhicln he vilh palieuce 
h;.l indunred, as als.» of lhe dealh of lhe ot{l Lmlv 
volich Inc n{l willnmnl zmnch s.rrhv snnl]'red, «.nelv quulln 
Inc, L Inan.' In6ere h'l't a litlle pictm'e (f llez', 
[23].iuenl nlt nn. ai Sea, I haue nnamed [l I 
lhand, e lhe ]neauenns, is su like vutu her, llnat I neuer doe 
l..du, vppmn il, bul willn nmnch comln'l, hl liuse proie- 
clio. and ednn«alim I me;une Io vse yom" fi'ienlds]nil», vhile 
I »e .nn in In'alnell no receiue llle kinngd-me 
13oJ which is reserued fi»r mée. .%ud ir wm ill euen" slnew vour 
gralitnnde, for my former clnaritie exLemled lo;urdes 3ou, 
and all lhis CilLv inn a çor.len" distresse, lhe ..e,{." haue gi- 

Iii'Il Ihis ç.;lllc, Io l.'OOUC VOIII" Ihaul, efuhlcssc. Wh{'n 
hoth v.wi.g bv sol«mne oalh, Ihrir ('arc shouhl he o. her, 
lil: ho salslicd vilh Iha[ Iheir l)roJnisc, IhaJJked 
h'llilJg" IheJn moreouer, Iha[ vJlh Ihtqu also ho olllde lJ 
le«llJe £t'Ot'ia h('r molhers IJllrse, (and giuen vlllo him hv 
her good lll]Jer lllollic$) Iii;IL shée nJigh[ ])c a illir$e %-i1- 
I«; her chihl, i;nh" ]lrl]ll'r Iheln, and so chargiug 
ç¢0ria, Iha[ il iL plcased Ihc gods Io lcnd lier lil Io II.e 
véeres of vllderslallding, Ihe)" 8honld llol lill his l'elul'n{',[10] 
Iliakc klJ()%vI}çVillo Ilcl' Illa[ silo w«18 ;I Iw31in('h sl)rOOilg 
1'()111 hhn, I)ill. onely ];e ln'olJghl Xl)l)C as Iii« daughl«r of 
Ifirlh, shouhl nl«ll{c her gr;wc l;r.wd I- ,ho.if inslru«li.,s. 
I;1" hich hauillg likevise irolnisc, he dcli,.'rcd Ih¢ 
lhlt[ and lira i;lll'sc I; lf[}ll» alibi Ihcrcilhall. grcal 
olhe Io hims«'ll', his sh,nlld grow nciss{'rd. his b«ard 
vnlrilllmed, hims('ll, iii ail l.'omclv. illçe he had 
his Q.Cm', alld lill ho h«.l marri«.d his dauhl¢r al ripcl o1 
cars. Wh«n Ihey luu«h wn.lri.g al so sh'allgc 
ami pr»misi.g Io I;e mosl l61hl'ull ilh ail dirige.ce arc.r- 
di.g I. his dirc¢li.ns. 13cribles hml{c his l«au., 
dlh his Ship. sayling cuen !o Ihe ll.l'lllOS[ l»arls {;1" ail 
p[. l,ilc his yoong dalghh.r tlnt'inn r(.w 
«,l»le discr{'li-n, alld h«. si., vas fillh" allai.d h, 5. 
o1" agi'. I.,illg I. h'r scll knowue llo olher 
I;orne. shc as set Io St'ho.h" vilh {»lher l':e «hihlren. 
waves iuvnlh" a{'cOmlmnicd vilh o11(' OllPl" dalJghlcr Ihal 
gl'l;XVillg Xl ;, ;ISl'l in ll';irlli,lg, ils iii nl,lnl;cr of )l('l't,s, ll- 
lill she eanll' Io Ihe r«'«koning of l;tll'rhl.i;i ,, {}11{' da hcn 
sodaillclv Illll';I sirl, l., ami s{llillg Icsil' lier 
silo as in ('arc of hcr, ill';n;lllnllel Ihe ('anse ami lllanler l'l:ll 
he," siekenesse: vhen Ihc llt'Sl. lil;llil;g Ili'F dL'aL' {0 llalle 

[.-,]  patt«rn« 0!I" tl)« p«in«flfl[ 
no hopc of rec«uery, bul a har]ing«,r Ihal came be[or Io 
prepare a lodg[ng lw d«alh, answer,d Inq" I Ihis 
Fur mv icl«'n«sse, quuth sh«,, il inallel's iit OI«are chihle) 
sine,' il is as wc«ss«u'y Io I.e si«lw, as it is n6ed,,l'ull to ,lie, 
vm'des Ihat huell you, and laying Ihem vppe 
lw;u'l, perswade w'ur selfi., Ihal. in Ihese houresn. 
Mouhl, or c be so vrelch«d. I- spare a minute lu linde 
[ll)].ç [çoll ami 011a, as vou lill Ihis hane upposcd: but 
heark«n nl- me, ;md I vill dcchu'c vnl. Ihbe Ihe begn- 
nin of Ihy Ih'lh, Ihat Ihm mavest knove how Io uide 
Ihy scll» al'hq" my dealh : ].lçriclc Ihe l'rince of OE  î « isIhv 
Ilher, and llaftl I,i liloniç dauhlcr was Ihv mo- 
1131 Iher: which lhllwr and mollwr dClarlcd ri'oto Ihv gramlir 
ig at Sea, fcll in Irau«ll ilh linge, tç dicd afh'r lhou verl 
Imrw: h«n Ih Falh«r ].lcriclç incloe ber bodv in a 
(lest xvilh iwinçly urnamenls, layig txxenlx lalenls 
[2Jgohle al Iwr head, and as much al her fi«le in siluer; wilh 
a Sçedule xvrillen, conlah6ng Ihe diuilie of her birlh, 
& mamwr ci" Iwr ch,aih, Ih«n caus«d he Ihe Chest Io ne Ihrown 
ouer-bo.rd« inl. Ihe Sea, thm'.w a superstilious opinion 
whi«h Ihe m;u-iners beléeued, leauiug her bodv so inriched, 
2]1 Ihe inlcul, Ihal xvhilher soeue" it were «h'iuen, Ihe-lhat 
fimnd il. in regarde of Ihe riches, xould bury her accof 
ding Io her «'lale. 'l'hu Lady were vou borne vppon Ihe 
xvalcrs, md vour falhers Ship xilh much wreslling of 
c,mlrary vind,'s, and vih Iris VnSlwakeable ll'ie[e 
13ol minde, arriued at Ihis hoare, and br, mght thbe in thy 
swadling clovh's ll]l( Ihis Iilly, WIIPI'e he wilh great 
care dcliured Ihée vtl« Ihis Ihine hosle lt'oil and 
fi his vil,, diligently Io bc lbsl«rgd bp, and I« me héerc 
also fo allend Vplmn lh6e, swearing Ihis oalh 1o k6epe in- 
131 ui.late, his haire should he vncisserd, his face vnlrimmcd 
himsellç in ail Ihigs ncomely conlinually Io mourne 


your dcad molher, vnlill your ripe w,arcs gane him occa- 
sion to marry you Io somc prince vor[hy vour birlh and 
beauty; where[ore 1 now adnmnish you, that if «R«,r my 
dea[h, [bine hos[e or hostesse, honl [hou cals[ I]ly parents, 
shall hapldy otl'er th(,e atty iniury, or discur[cously lakingl3l 
adnanlage of Ihy absent falher as nbelilling Ihine eslalc 
intcrl.ain thée, hasle thée into lhe market place, tvhere thon 
shalt linde a Statue cre«led fo lhy Klhcr standing, lake 
lmhl of il, and crie aloude; You ciltizens of llarfu 1 atn 
his daughlcr, hose Image lhis is, who being ntimh,lkllltOl 
o1" lhy llhers bcnelits will douhllesse rcuenge lhy injurie. 
When IHarina lhanking £oriVa fi»r making that known 
Io her, which lill thon was vnknowne, atnl hapldy cilher 
Ihorow Time or Dealh might hauc béem buricd in her ig- 
norance: and vowing, if euer néede shouhi so require (of Il3] 
which as yet she had no cause to doubt) her counscll should 
be lllowed. And so .CoriVa through sickcnesse growing 
more weake, ami IRarina Ibr this knowledge and aduise 
slill lending on hcr, in her armes at last shéc gane vp lhe 
Ghost. 12°1 

The ffnlh Chalder. 

had kn,vhqlge of her imr¢nles, and Cll- 
çot'ia hauiug ]»ét, ne lu hcr iil, Ire," mosl[30 I 
carefull Nm-se, sh,;'e (tml vilhout iust 
• cause) lamen/ed her dealh , and caused 
G her 

lliiil lit'i" 'i«'s «ll*l I1" sl Ilii  Iiiii,' lillilll l;iilv l»a) Iht'ir 
Ill,l ollTl'iii', i1 Ililiilliii Ili0io' iii'  lltltl il l'rit'iill. 
Illil Ilii ll''i'l , cil" li'i' l»'iii ieçOliilliill'll , lliill illl Ili 
i'il«' Ili«'i't'll" Iiillil'lill)" l'iillill{'tl, li{' ililiiit'l lit'r Io1i 1' 
li'l" lillliirliiii llii'l', iiill li{4iiil' lllilllii'l''lltll lit'i" 1'11'0i 
lll'l]ll'l, iii Iii'l" illUl «'oil I,;lliillilill'lll, I]'clillt'llLill " ill 
11111 l'lill., iillll liiiT'{lill)- t'lilll'lllilil'ill l II1" lllli ll' Ilit' 
I,il'i'ill l'il'lll't', llit, rl.iii li{'  llil{-lt'lll iii 
Ili ilillii' tl" «11 Ili[ll oi' liilillii lilli li{', Ililil 
li i'lillil" l'l iilill»lil Ilil'lli il IIit'il" eliolt.iiiill'i 
iiill'iiel, Illliii Ih'ir I{llw «lill«l" I i{i'li', iit, l I»i" 
Il;il lier i'l'l'l't'lilioli 11i[ lira IlOill'S ul" liltl)-> illilllit'ill, ill- 
ill l, lill, 1' li«il {,j«i'i,ill'J Stilll'l" (lll" iii illi «it'lioil 
ll-i ll' Illil'll'i'l, li iilli l'llt'l')" ilil'iliil,, lilltl il, iiOnlit', 
I'lii' lllJ IIlilll' lit'l" illl'iil) 11 l'i'lll{' lltll Iu i'«liiil lit'i" 
i11"$ «lllil{'lii't' : illl t'llll'ill" iiil» Ili IIIOiiilillt'lil, lllii 
lToJht'i" I{iil lit' Ili{'i't ll'i'«l li'l" l'liiit'l'iJl l('[ii'c lill" IIIc 
ll' lit'l" iiilllli{'i', iil Ilt'il'iiiT" Iii ll iii Ilioir li«ll liioll 
Io lii'ilel'l lira lil{,l iii lili" lillil,i'> it't'lliii lit'i" {'llt, 
lillll'lllllil «liilllt,, wlil Dé{iii, elilltl Ili tlt, lilll ii lit, l" 
liillll,l', l 7-ttH!  t:llllll'll iilll lli ll'l'UW tl" Iit'r [illlici', 
lTl«ill'luii i l»i'iiiel,: iill iii lll') illotll ', lira 11«!«, eOiii' 01' 
Iii'l" 1i1   ill]il]l liiitl t'lii'l«'oil, Ili[il ii l»llii I!i0 
llii o1" liil liill OIIt'l')" lllilli> l«:t'liillliii  lii Illlill«' Illlit' 
Ilil'l" ll" p««ll) il li'l'iiil, lliit'li ;i iilll Iil{'rilll iii lit'l" 
lii'll)'c: o IliliL il l'li'lililll i li« lill ill»ii llil' $11"11, 
l:lllJwilli Oli[il iitr lliilllll.l', iillll] iilli lit'i" ellllililiitlli iillil 
Iii'i" ilt'i'. 'i'li 111, il iii i»lli,t" Iiiiit', ê[illl i'iitiiiiti 
o111 o1" Iii{ii" 11" illi 7l'lt, ll) • ill'il't, lu Ilc{' -llii 
llliol«lill Ih« It'lil) iill eliit.liiil o1" ttll'ilill  Iil'i' 
lili lii' Ollitl iio[ eoliliiii Ili«'illt'lilO l]'olii et')litl " olil, 

l[l,py is Iha[ falher lll() halh .||ll'Jlll Io his d«mghler, 
buL her Çoml,auiou ihal oeLh wiLh her is l'o-le ami illl 
fiuoured. Yhich when Ollfll hem'd, her em o1" 
ll'ases ])re(! h he)" a colempt, al! lhat conlemlt sooue 
transformo! il selle iulo wralh, ail -hich shée fir Ihe i-DI 
slaH, dissemblin, )ci at her commig home 
i her selle iuto a lwiUah walke, slw i Ihis mam'r -ilh 
her sellb begalme fo disem»'se; ![ is ,ow luolh she, 
t6ee 6ees sice ]Je'rie'les lhis ol-shifig gerles falher ¢le- 
parle! Ihis oto' Cilly, lu ail hi«h lime we hane ot re-[IOl 
e«im'd so m«h as a l.eller, Ic sigilie Ihal. he rememhers 
her, or or «my olher Iok«, Io madl'sl he halh a desire Io 
a«kovledge her, herH»v I hae r,asm Io «ouieclm'e, 
Ihat he is eilher srely eh,ml, or m regardes h«r, lhogh 1 
mst «nl'osse, al his «h'parlm'e Ii"om heurte, ami his com-[l] 
mil[ing her Io mr proleclio, he lel't her hot llwnished 
of ail lhigs lillig lhe «ducaliou f his «hihle, ml a priu- 
cesse of hec hirlh, hoth o1" gohle, plaie, aud al»parn,ll, euen 
compelenl, eogh [« tbsler her a«c,r¢liug Io lwr de¢ré«, 
(if mede vere) to marry her accrlig Io her hlood. BI.[o] 
-hat of ail this? he is al»sent, ami £'oîil her Nm'se is 
dead: hée in hemltv onl-shines my chihle, ami I haue 
lwr falhers [reasur' in possession, (llmgh giue fi)r her 
se) shall make my dauyhler out-shiue her. hal Ihonh 
I kowe hot çalhee di! rehh,ue oto" t:ill? I aga)e 1o«[31 
kmwe, Ihal ht l]w in Ihese daes relfih heelih's ilh 
lhankes, hmer Ihan hile lhey are i receiuiuy, h 
hrielç, I euv her, and she slmll perish Ibr it. ilh Ihe 
-hich wnr¢les sle hml m sooer eo«hded, Irai 
a seruall of hers, and she ow iloml«d In make him Ihe[3Ol 
dim,lls. Wilh Ihis Ee'oie she liras hegan to iulerprele 
ber ill: EeollJlle qmlh she, Ihou kmwsl tlrJlll. ./d ma- 
dame, luolh he, I]»r a mosl verlos t]enlhomam 
Talke m»l o1" reflue, qolh 011fll, for Ihats ot Ihe 
siesse -hich we haue i hmd; bul ! mst hae thée lem'e[3S] 
Io kow ber ow, Ihal thou ma'st ueuer kow ber al'ter- 

-ard, I undcrsland )ou nol. quoth tçOIlill. Vhen she re 
plicd, Take Ihis at large thon. Thou art mv I)ond-slaue, 
-Itom I halte lmwer fo «'nh'«m«hise or Cal,tiu«', il" Ihou ill 
obcv me, lirsl. Ihet rccciuc Ihis gohlc as /he earttcst which 
lll»romiselh nlo Ih«e a grcah'r reward: but if thou d«.nv 
accmul»iisl my desi,-c, itl hondage and inllt,'JsotntlenL , 1 
ill l.ller Ih«e, and bv ilo olher meanes conclude nn re- 
uc,tge, but in Ihv dcalli. Spcale on mv laslic Ihen good 
[Ioltill net atlcml»t fi»r liberly, which is décrcr Io lllal/ Ihen 
iil, and hal hot ! Iiwl? Thon lnovest, 
IIlftl Ih.l, Ihat ttlflvilta halh a custome, as soone as shée 
rcl.urnelh home lrom schoolc, hot fo cale meate belote sie 
home gonc lo visile Ihc Sclmlchrc «1' hcr nurse. Thcre ai her 
[tlnext dcuolion, doc Ihou rudoie hcr, sland rcad', and ilh 
Ihy weapon drawen, sodaincly kill her. Ilow Kill her quo/h 
£¢011i11¢ -hy ris a acte vnconscionabic, & deserues dam- 
nation but 1o conspire in /hollghl sincc she is a crealure 
so harmlesse, lhat euen hmocencie it selle cannot be more 
[2011rare, nor inwardly bc more deccnlh- œe-rayed lhan is her 
minde: yet Io 5flliil vour picaslu-C, lbr the hope of gohle, 
and thc rcicascmcnt of my bondage, were she as spotlesse 
as Truelh, h6crc are Iwo monslers (drawing his swonle 
inlo his hand) shall «.flk'ct it fir ou, heu she rewarding 
[2J him wilh more gohle, and commending his resolulion, he 
ocs forward Io allend for her al. £«oviVac Toombe, and 
liber'inc being relurncd li'om Schoole, is aiso corne Ihilher 
Io ofl.r on Ihc monument ber diurnall deuotion, hen on 
Ihc sodainc, hilc her IraCs kissed Ihe earlh, and her eyes 
[301salulcd hcaucn, while praers wcre in her mouth, and 
tearcs in hcr eyes, ail lribulary oll'erings, giuen vnto 
gods for /he prosperitie of her father, on lhe sodaine to- 
ward hcr, out rushcd this f¢onin¢» and wilh a looke as 
crut.Il as his hearl, and spéech as harsh as his inlent, he re- 
[3]solued her in bhmt wordes, that he was corne fo l, ili her, 
that hée was hircd vnto it by Dlonh her foster molher, 

f pt'rittc |.3vintc of Erc. ,57_, 
that site. was Ioo good fiw m,n, and Ihcl'CfiWe he wouhl semi 
}ter 1o thc gods, {hat if she wouhl pray, iway, fiw hbe had 
sworne fo kill hel', and Iw wouhl kill her, atnl a Iho,/sand 
mm'', ere he wouhl be damncd lbr iwri,,ry. When she Ihat 
was on her knbcs lwfiwe making Iwr orisons Io hea,wn,[S] 
was now compcllcd fo fume hcr inlreaties fo him: and 
lirst demaunded of him vhat ollqu'c her ignoraunce had 
donc çlbr witlingly shbe kncw 
Il,er fo him. Ihal. (as ],ims,-II said came fo nn,rllwr her, 
or fo her that hircd him. But the villaine ,wyther regar-[IOl 
ding hcr inno«encie m" tt'ares, II,mtgh showrcd in abtmn- 
daunce, but drawing oui Iris SWOl'd wlwrcwith Io haue 
shed her bhmd, and haue damncd his ovn sot, le, Ihcre 
certaine pyralcs that were ncwlv put Io wat«r, in aL a 
Cr6ckc ncare adioyning, where tl,c villainc intemlcd this[l] 
most inhumant murtlwr, and bcing corne vp ashoare to 
fiwrage, for what pillage socuer thcy couhl ltalTcn 
euen as ho vas al»out to haue giuen the Ihtall blow, whom 
ail hcr intrcalics couhl hot pcrsw««lc hi,n Ii'om, lwhohling 
so bloudy a villaitw, ofl'ring violence If, so goodly a beau-[2o 1 
ty, they running ail al oncv toward him cricd out ahmdc; 
Ilohle monsirous wretcl,, as thou hmest thv iil,, hohl, for 
thal Mavdcn is out iwey, and hot thy viclarv. Which 
when tl,c villaine lward, 
inlcr«cpted" m.d, mg Iris hbelcs Iris best delà'nec, lill ha-j23 l 
uing lh.dde somc distance ri'oto them, and obscruing IIwln 
hot to lmrsuc, lit sccrctly stolc backc, 
euenl wouhl bc, vhich was, that lhe pyrates xvho had 
thus rescucd Rarillt carricd hw Io Ihcir shippes, hovsed 
sayles, and dcparled. At which Ihc ilainc rctm'ncd hune[3o] 
1o his Mislris, dcclariug to hcr Ihat ho had doonc vhat site 
connnaundt, d him Io doe, nanwlv murlhcred 
ri'oto Illc toppc of a high cliflç, Ihrt, wnc her body downc 
for bm'iall in{o {ho Sca, aduising h'r wilhall, that since 
il was done, {he chiclst meancs to auoydc SUSlfi{ion, was[331 
fo put on niotlrning garnlçilS, and by çotnllerfciling a 
G 3 great 

greal sorrow, in lhe sight of 
dead of some da,mgerous disease: ami ill,ali, Io ble««'e 
lhe eies o1" Ihe m,dtil.ude (vho vilh Ihire shewes are 
Ilalh'rcd) ni.etc Io }wr fathcrs Slal,w Io crcct a monu- 
[5]lnt, lll fol" her. ACcol'dillg XXllI:I'elIIIIO, S}ll allred }ici" sell 
alld her daughler iii SOJl'lllpIIl allil'e, alld çonlltcl'l'ilin 
a lhim'd SOl'l'Ov, 1111] dissenli»ling leares. And gOilg now 
Io crccl ln,r inOlmmenl (I. Ihe vicw of svhicll, ail Ihe Cil- 
lizens Ilock«d) Shc in lmblike assemblv Ihus 
[loi Iheln. Del'e Fl'h,ml ami CilliZellS of 
shall hapldy vomlcl', shy 
mourne in vour sighl, il is 
slall'., o1" oto" ohh' age [ltlrhll is dt, ad, svhose absence halh 
left vnlo "vs m»lhing irai ait teares, ami SOl'rOWfidl harts, 
[i]as if by ber ch,aih we were diuided I'om ail comfort, ver 
haue we here taken ol'der fin" her funeralls, ami bm'ied her 
(as hbere ym sée) accol'ding io her degrbe, which losse of 
hers svas right grieuous to ail Ihe people, lor was Ihere 
any Ihat was capable of sorrowe, but speut it for her, so 
[20]that wiflt one voyce 8mi wiiling handes, they attended 
D0uft lo the Market idace whereas her fsihers hnage 
sloode, ruade o[ brasse, ami erected also an«flter Io hel" wilh 
5Iarinaes Epitaph. 
l31 OEIlc faircft» cl)aficfl tt mort bcft lic Ilccrc, 
lttlo ntlrc it Icr fprin9of ccrc: 
3st liaturc rcn, tl}ouxl b çr0utl} a 6u, 

So wilh Ihis Iiailel'y, (which is iike a Skrécne before 
[:0l Ihe grain'st ludgemenls) dcc,,iuing the Cillizens. 
ail doone, vnsuspected she rclurned home, vhen 
who hot ai all couscnted fo this treason, but so soone as he 
heard thercof. Iwing slruce inlo amazenent, he apparelled 
himsclf« in mourning garmenls, lamenling Ihe nlime- 
[33]1y ruine of so g.odly a l.ady, saying I« himselfi,, Alas 

what mischicl mn I wrapped in, wht might I do or say 
hécr«in? The Falhcr of hat Virghm dcliucrcd flfis Citly 
[rom thc perill of dcah, lbr Ihis {:ifics sakc héc suffcrcd 
shipwracke, lost his go.des, and endm'ed pcmwy, and now 
he is rcquicd wifl cuill for good, his daughter xvhich 
c.mmittcd by my carc to be brought vp, is now dcuoured 
by the cruelly of my xx-ife, so Ihat I ara depriucd, as it 
werc, of mine ownc e)cs, and forced fo bewailc rite death 
of that hmocen{, she in hose presence, as in {ho fortune 
er mine own lmstcrily 1 shouhl haue had delighl. And then[/o] 
dcma,ntding of Donja how shc couhl giue prince 
acc.mpt of his dihle, hauing l'olbed him of his chihle, 
how she couhl appeasc Ihc lury of his wralh, il" hcr acte 
wcre Knownc to him? or how alay Ihe displeasure of 
gods, l'om xhomc nolhing tait l,c hid. For p«ridt'z iluolh[ll 
she, if such a lfiOUS imioccnt as your selle do hot reueale it 
vnto him, how shouhl he comc to the knowledge Ihereof, 
since Ihal Ihc wholc Citly is salislied by Ihe monument I 
causcd fo be crcctcd, and by out dissembling outside, that 
she died ualurally, and h,r the gods, h.t them that list bc of[2o 
Ihe lninde to Ihinke Ihey can make slones speake, and 
raise Ihem vp in euidcnce, for mv parte I haue my xxish, 
I haue lny salbty, and feare no daunger till it fo, Il 
me. But [t'on l'alher cursing thon commending Ihis ob- 
duracy in her, he conlinued mourning vnfainedly, 1,ut she[] 
accor,ling Io her sitlfid condilion. Bv this lime the pirats 
(who belbrc l'CScued tlarina, whcn she shouhl hau, béene 
slainc by trccherous £coninc) are now ariued at tl et « [ in , 
and in rite Market place of the Cittie, according to the cu- 
shmm, amongst other bondslaues, ollhred ber to be sohle,[3o] 
whi{her ail sorts of peoplc, comming to supply [heir pur- 
l,OSeS, Llarila was hot without much coimneida{itns 
gazed q,on of the buyers, some COlmnending her 1,eauly, 
olhers ber solwr countenaunce, ail pi{[ying her mishal,, 
ami praysing ber perfeclions, xvhich prayses of ber, vei'e[3] 
so spread {hrongh {he Cit{y, [bat Il'oto ail l,arts they came 

[60]  pattc'nc 
crowding lo sée ber, ««nongst Ihe mmd..r of xvhich, was a 
'çll0 OF bawdc, et one who had nt set vp sloop and kept 
Irade Ibr himsell,, but was yel but iourney-man to Ihe. 
deuill. This ff011 a,ogt olhers, Maring vpon her, and 
131knowing her I)ce Io be a lit faire signe, fiu" his maislers 
llollse, and wilh xhich signe he 
lodge vmh'r Iheh" ro.l', ail Ih'illemperate (euen ff'oto voulh 
Io age) Ihorow Ihe wh.le 'àlly, hée Iborthwilh demaun- 
ded the price, inlemling Io buv her, al what raie sueuer, 
I I«laml in Ihe end, wenl. Ih.row, and bargained Io haue ber, 
p«qing a I.ilnh'ed Sesler«ies .f g.hh', and so presel,ly 
h«ming giuen earlwsl, he lal«'s thlrill% and Ihe rcsl of the 
Piral«s home wilh him 
was Iherc t Iw laughl hov 1o giue her body ppe a prosli- 
131lnle h sinne, and Ihe Pirales Ibr Iheh" new sluffe ta re- 
«ciue Iheir money. 

The tetdh Chalder. 

Ihe hée Bawde, but Ihe Pvrales, were as 
soone broughl home to his lnasIcrs house, 
1251 and recciued Ihcir lavlllellt., vhen afler 
Iheir del»arlure , she giuing commaund Io 
lhe Pander lier man, Ihltl ]le shouhl oe 
ba«ke inlo lhe MarI, et place, and lhere vhh open crie 
1.'oclahne, -hal a Piclure f Sature they h««l at home, br 
[3o]euerv lasciuious eie io gaze pm. The she Bawd beganne 
1o [nMrucl ]wr, ilh hat comPlemeut she should chIer- 
laine lier customers: she lirst asked ber. if she ere r tir- 

pl;ine I,1"111 I 11111t 
vse st, Idoine, & otlr COliSCiellCeS llCllel" rea{Ic Olle {o alloliler, 
therefore attend vnto nie: ot Illlst low bc like a slake for 
euery lnan 1o shoole al, you i1111 
l'rCeiue all xvalel'S, yOII lllllsl haue Ihc beuelitc of ail nali-[lo I 
ons, and S6«lnC Io lake dclight in ail lUen. ! thanke lny 
slarres, ansnercd Itltt'ilm, I aih disph, ased wilh none: 
lkr b- Ihis alSnCl'C il appcarcd such vas Ihe lmrilic o1' hcr 
mitait, Ihat she Vlldel*sh;ode ;n;t xvllat lhis dÇuiiis sollici- 
tor ph,adcd Xlllo hcr: but sile quickcly taking her oir, iohlll I 
iii nwre ilnlnodest phrase, Ihat she had pafde Ir hr, and 
Ihal shc and ail her body 
must now he x-hat she hcr scllç h««l br elle, (and Iherc is sel- 
dome any bawde, but before lilne, halh béenc a xvhoore) 
lhat lo conclude, sh«;e had bonghl llel" like a beast, and shéel2eeo 1 
meal}t lo hire hcr oui. 
Vhen she vdel'Stalldilg vnwillingly what ail Ihese 
wordes lended vnto, she fell proslrate at hcr fi, ete, and 
wilh leares showred done in »btundance, she inh'ea- 
ted hcr, n.I to lnake hire of ber bodie I« so diseascl'nll a[2l 
vse, x-hich shake holwd Ihe gods had ordained Io a more 
hapl;y lmrpose. %Vhcn the bawde answered her, Conte, 
conte, Ihese drol;pes auaile Ih6e hot, Iholt arte now mine, 
and I will make my best of lh6e: and I luust now learne 
you fo know, we vhom Ihc xvorhle calles Baux-des, bul[3O] 
mm'e properly are Io be sliled Factors for nlcll, are in lhis 
like Ihe hangman, neilher to regard prayers, nor learcs, 
but our owne prolile. So calling for her slaue, which was 
goucrl;ottr ouer her she-houshohl, this was her api,oynl- 
nicnl vttlo him, Goe quolh sh«e and laite Ihis Mayden,[3] 
as shée is Ihus dcckcd in coslly appareil (for it is fo he re- 
H membred, 

 pctttcrttc o tbc poincitl! tctttttrc¢ 

membred, that {ile former l'irate had no way dispoyled 
her of her ornamcnts, with lmrposc to prise hcr al the 
highcr rate) and lcading her aiong, this be flw crie tho- 
row lhc whole 
l]chase of se wmdrous a bcauty, shall fi»r his lirst enioyiug 
hcr, pa), tonne péc¢es of goide, a;«! that aftcrward shée 
shail be commott vuto the lwople for one péece at a lime. 
Which will of hers, tllat'ina bcing no way al»le to resist, 
but ilh hcr sorrowe, onel), dcsiring of lhe good gods, fo 
[/Olbe protectors of hcr chastitie: She wilh this ber slaue was 
hm'ried along, and ho ilh the lettour f his priapine 
proc]aulalion, had so awaked lhe intcmperaunce of tie 
vhole Cillie, lhal against her rclurne, o1" high and low 
thcre was a full crowding at ihc doore, eucry man carry- 
[tling his money in his hand, a,d thinking him the happi- 
est man that might iirst haue accesse. ut heaucn lio is 
still a protector of Verrue against Vice, ordavned this for 
Marina, that the scnding ber abroad, wilh purpose, first 
fo shew her, and aller, to make sale of her to the worlde, 
[2O]was the oncly meanes to defcnd her in the sta/e of her vir- 
ginitie. For as shc was (as bcfore is saide) lcd along, and 
thousands of people wondring about her, and flocking as 
it had béene so many llies, to infect so delicate a preserua- 
tiue, it hallened that /gfimndu /he ch6efe gouernour of 
[23] ttlct clinc looking out at his windowe, to obserue what 
stnge occasion drew 
ster thcmsehtes ito such lhrongs : he, not without great 
admiration obscrued, that is was fo make boole of so pre- 
flous a beauly, whose inllaming colours x-hich Nature 
[3olhad with her best Arte placed vppon ber face, compelled 
him to censure, lhat she was rathcr a deseruing bedfel- 
low for a l'rince, than a play-fellow fi»r so rascally an as- 
sembly: so pit/ying awhile her misfortune, that it was 
so hard fo be lhrowne iuto lhe iaws of two such poisonous 
[331and deuouring serpenls, a Paudar, and a Bavde, vet 
at last, bcing inllamed with alillle simefifll concupiscence, 

by lhc power oï he fac, he r+solued himselçelht sin+e sh+,e 
lllusl çall, if. wer+ çal'r+ lllore lillel', i,Io Iris oxXllO al'nlcs, 
xvhos+ ul.horli+ +t, uhl +Irel«h fo doe hP ood, than hto 
Ihe hote imbraccments of many, to hcr virer ruine; 
prcscntly dismissing away a scruanl of his, he gauc him[] 
charge, to giuc in charge I«. Ihe Bawd, that at Ihe terre'ne 
home, of Ihis ,u,w i.cce of merchandisc «fhcrs, as sh6e 
respecled, or in time of mcde would bc l»eh«.lding Io his 
fauour, (and ll«'allels fi,l'lk, ld but Baxvdes nowe and 
then shouhl stand in n«ed« of aulhoritie) she should kéepe[to 
her i.riuate Ihm Ihe confel'elce of any, for h6e himsell 
Ihat night laie in Ihe cuening, in secret, and in somc 
disguise, vouhl (for hcr guests sake) visile her house. 
Therc 1,6cded 1,o l'm'lhcr incom'agcmcnt h. bid the Bawde 
slirrc ri. hcr danmal.le lilnlws Io lnake ail fil. It was in Ihis, Ihat lhe Gm,el'nour had sent worde, it 
was ho ilat was io corne. But hauing giuen Ihe best gar- 
lfish slw conhl fo hcr habilation: and lRariua be- 
ing relm'ned home againe 1.y lhe Pandar, who had le&le 
hcr p and downe as Bcare-heards lcade beares for shew[20] 
lirsl, and t« be baited afler: Shée tooke her vp wilh her 
int» a pl'iuate 13aml»el', when Ihe fruile of her instructi- 
o.s vcre, how she shouhl now learne Io bchaue her selle, 
l,r she had Ibrtunes comming Hq»on her, she was nowe 
I«. bc l'cceiucd, l'eSl.'cted, and regal'ded of a man Ihat was[231 
honourable, lleauen gram,t that 1 lnay linde him so, 
q,olh lRarilla. Thou n6edest hot doubt it swéete hearl, 
quolh lhe Bawde, Ibr though 1 lell it thée la priuate, 
which for a million he wouhl hot haue Io be knowne pub- 
likely: lice is no woorse a man lhou arle shortly Io dealc[30] 
wilhall, lhan thc Gouernour of Ihis whole Citty, a 
Genlleman lhat is curteous, a thuourer of our callillg, 
one th«,l will as soonc haue his hand in his pocket, as such 
a prelty dilling as lhou shalt corne in his eye, and hot as 
most of out Genllelnel doe, drawe il. out empty, but ti1-[3] 
ling it full ot' golde, will most Ioue-like rayne it downe in- 
H z to 

Joli  pattcîac of ti)c paicfitll 
fo Iris Ollflc$ lai». I l»ri«f., he is a Nublelalh alld, 
svhi«h is a lhing sdfi«h sse resp«t .e lhal llis obililie, 
he is liberall: he is cm'terres, and I]HHI lllavesl comnnamnd 
hi, he is serlnos ad lh.» lila)esl lear.e of hila. Ail 
lBJlllesC id«ede, ansssered IIII'ilII, are prop«.rli.s, de 
so ssorlh)" a lenllema, sshom s-n pi« him Io I.': and 
iç he be ]ib.rall il gu«.l, I sha]l ]»e glad Io la,le of his 
fie: iç Cllrl,ois, I shall as 3 lecome Iris 
aad if Vel-llllls, il shal be la me o xva 3" Io make him sici- 
l lOlos. Well, ssell, svell, saes lhe llass-de, ss-c misl 
io mre oI" lhis imli.g, ;HI I misl hae v«. h.arne Io 
lioss, lhat sice is as heredilary Io oto" housse, as lh. 
pl-O«6«d'd ssilh more , lhese h.r di.«]ish commise.Ils, ha»If 
ItS]l 3' il lhe l:had»'r came lhc l'a.dar v.lo lh«m. -ho 
h«»It as a tosle, svilh Iris hasle l« bring lhc ,sves he luhl, 
l]le, lhal lhe l.orde 'filllIdll -as COlle, aId 
lhc word lome had b6ene his liew, he ealred lhe Chlnnler 
svilh lhe toaster bass-de, svhen lhe ssholc li'ie uf simers 
[o]curs3i.g al»oul hin, ho s-ery largel)', as lhe Prolog.e 
]ris elerlaimel, disll'ibled golde amog lhem, 
lhea as rou«llv demamded, Fur lhal saine l)'esh p6ece. 
slul£e, ss-lic] b)" lheir proclamalio lhe) lohle, lhev had 
ow Io iake sale oI ad ho oi" set purpose was cuie fo 
[] llae a sight oE 
'h' lhe 3" al[ po}ling loward lll'ill, lhl hin lhere 
h6e was, a«l çor oto" st'hes, qolh lhe, ss-e hauig 
lhe of'lice oi" rih[ Chamberl:fies, brough[ soi 
-e vill shll lhc doore afler vs, a,l so ]t'ae )ou. 'ho 
[30] souer d«'parled, ])l 'filllrd}ll lhe l;eoueror bega Io 
dcmauad of her thé' per[ormamce of lhal lr -hi«h he 
came. Yhe sh6e pro8raling her e]fe al ]ris féele, ilrea- 
led-him fo lake pill) of her, ad çrom pu3al Io po)l (ex- 
«eplig ber birlh, ad dealh of her parents) discorsed 
[3] VlilO bim lhe whole stor}" of ber mis[orl]es: as lhal b 
lhe praclise of 01% aad cre]l) of ç¢01fil% she shodd 

ohh' he" IV Ihi brolllell, he'., mol -daPPy, h: va 
hellue hlh b6eue o @'ali,,l, h) I''lo'e m' fi'olll d,'alh, IcI 
liot Ih,'il" 'o.d Io ille, b,, a IIl'alle fi,r )o,I, I, ho alllhol" 
llly moi',, lllisll'lm,.. Bill (lle (Oll,Tnom" stlpecliilg Ihese 
(eal'l's» ImL fo l.e some llew ('llllllill', -hich lier ili;lll'oll fhe 
l}awde had ish-ucl'd her h, Io h'awe him I» a more 
largl, expencl.: lle as fi'(.,ly lohle he" so, a]d u»w begaml,[IoJ 
I.o he more .'iih -ilh I.,r, vri h'r, IhaL he vas 
miMws, lwt" sl,lh,, ami Ihal imwl'ull Imul" i'mdd cast 
h«r, or his dille.alu'U plmish at hi e l,leaure, hi,'h 
disph,;sm', o1' mhw, Ih" b'aul} shall .)t lriiih'dg' Ihçe[13] 
ri'oto, mr m afl'lit, -hi('h halh h'a-e me -1o Ihis 
Ida,'« ' abale, if Ihli ilh l'm'lh.r liB.'ig -ilhsl;md m'. 
Bv hi«h word., she vld''s(amliug him I, be as cmli- 
d'l, in eifill, a she -as cols(aut i gm,i, she ih'ealed 
him but Io be hea'd, ad Ihi she bea]m'. [ol 
!1' as yol say (my l,orlle) VOl are Ihe Golle'mm', leL 
llol: VOllr alhol'[l[e, hi«h Muhl leaçh l»il Io fuie olhers, 
(he emim.we 1" -r ida« ' çame -ul» ou by dis'enl, 
IIw 'oyal(y o1" your bl»od, let n»l yo([r liFe iwoue yoir hh'll 
a balard: I1" il -'r. Ih'owm' pol ]o bv opinions, mal, e 
m¢l, Iha( opiuhn vas Ihe cause I«».make ou ïeal. 'haL 
reaso]J is Ih«', Ju vom" ]uslice, -ho halh ]mwer oie]" ail, 
L, -¢ioe auv? I1" ou lake ri'oto mée mie ho]om', 
are like bim, Ihat makes a appe filo l»rbhhleu gr«md,[3oJ 
al'Ici" home Io} matly eilet', ami -ou are guillie ot ail 
ther «iiilles: mv lire is vel. vispolh'd, my .haslil[e 
m.d i Lh}hl. The iF vour vJolece delhce Ihis buihl- 
iug, IIi vork,maushil of heaie, ]mde -I ) 1'o]" ood, and 
hot. Io be Ihe ee]'c[e o1" shmes illemleramce, ]'ou do ldll 
)out OW]le IIO]JOLI]', abuse ]'OLU" oue iustice, and impo- 
li  uerish 

[+6] of |.Jcritlt Jrinît of 
uerish me. /Vhv queth £#tïlladlU» Ihis huuse hel'eh 
thon liuest, is eueu Ihe re«eptacle .f ail mens sim es, 
nurse of icke«ln«sse, and h.v canst Ihun Ihcn be olher- 
wise IIn'u uauhl, Iha linest lu il? Itis net goud, answe- 
[]red 4tlarina  %xln«n on tha are the (;e«unernmn', 
slnmnhl liue «11, tlne lu, lier o le lmhle 1o lumisln euill, 
nowe tiret Ihere is such a rooçe, and et ctme mh'r it. 
ls Ihere a necessilie (my y«t goo(I l.ord) if there be lire 
fore me, Ihal ! lnust sll'lill Iht'll Ihilller Ilie «md lunn'ne unv 
I[Olsclli? Or if S«l,l,ose lhis house, (which I,o Io- many feele 
such houses ace) sh.u]d be Ihe Doclu's palrim«ny, ami 
Surge,ulS lëedillg; l'tdes it [herelbre, Ihat ! mnsl nécds 
inl'cc.[ m)' self Io glu« Ihem maiul«lmnce? (I ln' guud l.ord, 
kill nn', lm nol dellowcr me, puuish me h.w ).u plcase, 
[l]so wm @are my chaslilic, and since il is ail Ihe «hwry Illat 
l»ulh Ihe I;mls Imne 8ira'n, and men h;me lcfl Io me, de hot 
)on lal, e it l)'«m me; make me )our seruaul, ! uill il- 
lingly obey ).u; make mée yom" l»umhuman, 1 ill ac- 
«tml>t it l)'éedonle; le me l»e Ihe wurst IIm is called ile, 
[o]so 1 may slill line honesl, ! ara conlenl: or if -ou Ihiuke 
it is Ioo bh, ssed a lmppinesse tu haue me so, let me euen 
mw, new in Ihis minule die, and lle accompt lnV dealh 
more lmlpy Ilmn my birlh. Wilh vhich wordes (leiug 
slmken vpon her liliéCS) hile her e)es were Ihe glasses 
[Sllhat carried the waler of her mis-lmp, Ihe good Genllewo- 
man being moom'd, hëe lift hcr l  wilh his halnls, and e- 
uen Ihen imlu'aced her in his hal't, saying aside: Now sure- 
Iv Ihis is Virlues imae, or ralher, Verlues sellk', sent 
downe from heauen, a vhile lu r;iglle on ear[h, lu leach 
[3O] s what we slmuld be. Su in st@de o1" willing hcr 1o drie 
her e)es, he iped Ihe -et himsellç ull', and couhl haue 
fiumd in his hearl, wilh lllodcsl thoughls Io liane kissed 
her, but Ihat bée feared Ihe off'er would ollçnd hcr. This 
ouely hée sa3de, Lady, fur such 3out verrues ;l'e, a fin're 
[almol'e wurlhy slile vom" beuty challenges, and no wa) lesse 
)our beaul)" c;m lu'omise me Ihat ou are, I hilher came 

 p«ttcx'nc op" tl)c çincp'ut! ucntu'c 
¥ilh Ihougbtcs inl«,mlel.ale , lulc aud (h'lrmcd, Ihe 
hi«h your paincs so cll halh laued, Ibat Ilwy are 
xllilc, coltlittt» slili Io ail set, attd I'o1" UllV l)al'l« ', lu» hi- 
Ih«r came Irai fo hauc payd Ihe price, a 
-«)ut" xit'gliutilic, iloxv giuc you Ixx-,ully h) rcl6.uc A«)lll" IW-[31 
II('SIv. ll. shall bccome you slill fo bc 
p6cce of gotdlUCSSe, lhc best wrought vppc, Ihat tuer Na- 
luu'c ruade, ;uud if Ihal. anv shall inlt'ce vou iii, if vou but 
scnd Io tue, 1 aun vouu" l'icnd. Villt xhich prontise, lea- 
uing hot" preseutce, Silo tntosI huunb]y Ilnankcd Ihe (;ods Ibl'llO] 
Ihe lit'esc'en'u" alion o1" hot chaslilic, and Ihe rclt'nnlalim of 
his llUind. 
'lfilllad)ll$ Ihough dcpal'ted, lhus inlcnuded nt (.o h.auc 
ber so, bul wilh dilig«.nl cycs to all«nd, how sh6c bcha- 
ucd her scll. Io ail (lhcr, h shouhl haue adlnillauce 
hcr, and I'{r Ihal l,U'p{sc, ha,ring power 
Ihe l«lAvde, h6e placed bintsell in Ihe next (:haunlel', 
lwl'e ho, unight hearc, euent Io a sillablc, vhalsoen'c i,assed, 
-h.rc ho vas 11o sOOllel" scllcd x-ilh a 151"tuer charge giuen 
Io Ihc bad, Ihat any nau should bave accessc Io her, I)ul 12ol 
I»y lut'tues, ho heard she had also %ou olllcu-s, and i)reserucd 
hel'scll l'om thé.un, as shc had lbrnterly done against hint, 
gaining loutute littles as nnuch of prolite by Ilel" ])l'a'el's and 
ICal't's, as silo shouhl haue d()«)lle ])v lrosliluling hcr beau- 
ly lo Iheir willcs: at lasl, ail ¢f 
thc house nl'cquentcd, oncly tl" Ihcir OWlle hmsh¢hh., 
and «f Ihe (;)ucrntmu', Ihc baxdc slanding l'cade at lhe 
dotu'e, as h«e should ge out, 
t¢) hiutl as h6c shouhl relm'ute, in hope of his lk'e or l'eWal'dc, 
h6e ilh atn attgu'y I»n-ow lUu-lted Itval'ds him saying, Vil-[3o] 
laine, Ihmu hast a house héere, the weight t)l" vIiose siune 
A¥ollld sincke thc lbundalim, eucn vnlo hcll, did 
lhe v«rluc of one Ihal is l«(Iged Ihcrein, k6pe il slauding; 
alld so, as it wcre iUUl'aed, giuing Ihem nolhing he dcpar- 
tcd. Bv vhich displeasure of his, Ihe whole sv;l'lilC o1"[331 
bawdes (as Ii'ue]y it was) ghessed, that lheir new te- 

 pnttcrnc f tl)c pic.flll uctrc<» 

li;iUllil, hll il(Il 1,6elie I,Iiilil I liis ill: ,-ilill ull l'Ulç|iill7 iii 
hli.lil) |lllOli lit'i', lii'.t Iilciil{4 ai Ihe «lltlc liicli Ilie 
('liiii'ilie (3ii(I li(ll, iliiilr)" cil' iill -Iill lili(! llt"elie Iliei'e) lia(I 
{4illeli lier I«) rel«;elue luer ilh, Ili,l • ¢1"i«1 al4;iillSt liel', Ilue 
l,1 sli(lillll lle iill lii(llllliie Il)' lier, Ilieii" li«lllSe I1o111(I l'(lll lii- 
(lislfliiil'(1, ,lill Iheil" Ii'ii(liiil4' ir«llll(! lill Ici leca), !) lit, l" 
.« , li(I illt tll" liliiiliil'ilie Ici Ilieir Çlielils, 
i'es«»lliii iltiAl, Iliil Ilil'l'e ;is i) -,) Ici llriii' lier -iilo 
Ilieir il(le, llill iii" liiiiiilil lil,r I',iiis|ir(1. l"cil" il is Iii lit" 
Il(il ii«ll('(l> li«l{ ,'illç Iliil llii'h'(I Iii(" li«lll.t' I«.i«h' {'tÏlltilfllll$, 
llli{ elieli as lie ,1i1, s Ilie) iii lil(e liiiiiliel" i',l,',l 3ëiiilisl 
Ihl'ili, sel I'li''illl Iliill hh" llel'.,.ioii. lll'elliilell -illi Ilielll'. 
llel'«'llll«lll , I'(ir II111 lllUrll«le Ihe) illlt lier ! I lo Ilic 
illir, li«l Ih'l ili'l"e«l flll" li«i', s,ilil l "i'lilit li«, Ili,l |la(! 
I I;ill«ii'7iiiie«l fi" Ihe li(ll« il)iil, il -i Iillosl |llr hilii Io 
l li«rs(,ll l'tilll (iii" Ilie .lit. ,t I«,lliill Illeili I«ellicr, 
Irllili" hilii, Ilie) lll(J liei" 11 Iii lii lllei ", Ici lift' t'lit'Il 
Ililil lit' Iltllll(I illl lier." Ilie lillli ali(I i1" (.lli(lliTli iolll 
ll;il(It') (l«'|l;ll'l««l, i111('11 Iii(' llillil|il • («», i'lll" l(I |iCi', Io|«le 
lOlll«r, Iii;il lit', his liiiisll'l', liOl" Illeh" alilielit l'illiil lJiill 
i Ilius |liil Ihe" li;i«l |çl,ie, |le ii(ll)lliit: 1)) ei'o l lli'iliic 
ll«"ec« , (1" Ilielli «iii. Aii«l lli(,i'cl'(ll'e (|llolli hel (]Olile (iii allll 
l'esllllle I-lllli" scll'e ilillilllil, liiOi'e iiliillili, l'or I 8lii lllll 
Ilie l«les sl'i'lllilll. "i'lic ll-le lililll cllilililllll(lell iliO, 
121 iilill t, llt'rl .t'l'll;llll iJ) Ihe |ll(|rlillll'e til  liis tlllclr, is lJOlllit| 
Io tllll' lii. iii;islri': «l c;llcliil Iii'i" i'isli|ç il" llie |i;llitl, 
li«' llil,! lilille iiil'tli'ce(I lier Iii lli -i11; lle lir.i cliiliii7 llll 
illllil llall'lllit'--(' tll" (:]iislilie Ici (lt'|'li«l ]i«,l', 1711 
l:iilliicli leiil i'iuilile(l, .lie tlriilliillle(I oÏ lliili -li«it Ihhi 
he? IIli" ili lii.lOl" iii" liil- liiislris (llliolli Ili illliilie)] 
13lhl iii llielil, aiill are (iilll6cle)as llllll a llie I)hlll lliill- 
ell'." ci ((|iiolli itlill'iilil) Ilioii oesl liiil Io l»e oi'scllicii 

0,f .pcx'ictc. .I.rincc 0f ).}x'c. 

Ilnt')', and Io d.c ail .flice a! Ilncir etlin,' i)ll, which Ihy illa- 
sler Inhns«lfe halh nml'C pilly Ihen Io alleml)l  Io rol,l»c inc 
o1" mine h.nom', hich in spil« i»f Iheln and Ihéc, line Golls 
(who ! hop« will pl'Olcd it slill) haue lill Ihi l.'calhilng 
l.'ot«ch'd, Io l«l.'Ous mv chast I]l(Og]llS, vilh 
of so foule a déede, which Ihou Ihen shalt haue doone, to 
damne Ihine owne s«mle, bv vndooin 1" nnine. AI which 
von'd, Ihe Villaine b«in sln'uwke int. some remoree, .and 
slanding i, a pawse, tltrhlt wcnt f,rward, and roide 
him; If thon wanl«st gohle, thcrc is soute I)]" Ihée (part of[to i 
[hat shc had rcserucd vhi«h b«lkrc was giuen hir. l'r,.u the 
I»avdes k,tovledgc :) or if IInolt want'st ]nnaillfennal,tlce, 
prou,ide mec I»nt sonne residcn«« in an honncst house, and i 
hauc cxpc,'icn«e in many Ihings which shall lal»¢.,r for 
Ihéc. as ,na,ncly. I ana skilrull in II,c scaucn IJl»crall 
entes. vcll cxe,'cis«d in ail s{u,dies, and date al»l»roou,e this. 
thal ,nv skill in singing and playing on lnslru,nenls ex- 
c;eds anv i,t Ihe ci,lv: Ihe,'elbre (qu,»lh site) as Ihou 
didsl proclam« m? beuly in (he ,narkct lo the open worhl. 
herchy Io hauc ruade me a çt;Inlnn,I proslitute, so now a-12o l 
ga),te I»roçlanne n,y vertu,es v,t[o the,n, at.I I (Ioub[ hot 
but ,his honoral»le cilty ill allbord schollcrs suflicient. 
ius(,'ucling of vhoune vill retu,',ne l.'olile ennou,gh, bolh 
rel»ay [he Mais(er what h.e payed oui I." me. prouidc an 
h,meshq" c'ourse fi»r [h(;e Ihen Ihis [hou liuest in; and iuc[231 
a quiet, co,;lent vnto nny scll. Soo,h (quoth (he Villane) 
I.'i,ng ,mw mooued VII[O IIIIIç]i IlIOl'e Cmnl»assiont of her; If 
vo. haue (as w»u say) (hesc qualifies. I vill labom" wilh 
m? Masler. and doc mv for vour rHcase. If no( (an- 
swered tRarina. I giue Ihée fi'6e leaue fo bring me ba«ke a-[3o] 
gai,te, a.d i»rostilule me fo [ha{ ¢ou,'se vhieh was lirsl 
pre{c,.led Ikr ,ne. I. b,'iel'. {he Villaine so lalmu,red 
vi{h ,he l«hvde his maisle,'. Il,al though hPe wou,hle hot 
giu,e ho," h.auc lo dol»art his hou,se, ver in hope of the pro- 
lit. which wouhl corne in I»v her olher qu,alities, she shouhl 133] 
slay in his house, and none. with ber former gréeuances 
I distu,rbe 

dislm'be her, and withall, clmrged Ihe Pnder, 
a Bill 
and in siugiug. At the report of hi«h lhere croded as 
Illally 10 thc bawdes great l.n'olite fo l.e de]ighled villn lier 
[lwoorlh, as Ihere came Iwfl»re to haue ruade sirople of her 
ven'lule, and n.t anv man Imt gatle her money largely, raid 
departed conleuled, onelv ahone Ihc test IIle l,orde 
lllfldlll$ }lad ellel'lllOl'e ail especiall regarde in I]le l;eeserua - 
tion of lwr no olhel'ise Ihal il" she had bçCle descen- 
I/Ol d«d I'oln hinlsell', and r«.warded the illail;c very libe- 
l'ally fin" Ihe diligcllt tare h6c had oner ber. 
The eleuenlh Chaptcr. 
)0n; Pericles 
I cro 
Lysinmchus 0mminfl ab00rb¢ Ii lippg to c0mf0rtr 
t2ol «lfo of [li wifr Thaysa. 
Il_. I A,,iug Ih,,s ,,reserued ,tl,,rin,,, out S,ory 
gilles S IioW h'alle 1o r«llll'lle agaille 1o 
P.'incc ]JcricL¢, , Yho l'ler f()lll'eléelle 
Oili}fil, illi Iliolii liée had lft iii 
)liOllg dalllllel' tthlrinll Io I Islercd p. At I11 llVes ol 
IheliiSeins in iiionrillili ilabile, ell[ o111 Io i11élo lfim: 
[3o1!io viien tJeeifle beliçhl in so siul an oill-sid; Mv Irn- 
sly fi'lends, vhal eails iilli'elh iOll Io giue so sad a wcl- 
eOllle Io Iliy ellll'lailleliiell[7 O iii) good Lord, allSWl'e 
01i[il wouid aliy loiigliO ht onrs nii7lil be Ilie herald 


of vour lais-hap: lnt $OI'I'O%VeS pipes ,il| i)urst, haue tlley 
ii.t Velll, aad you of force aust klox« lht'illa is dead. 
%'hirh whea ]c'icLcz heal'd, file vel'y Wt»l'd Drath séc,cd 
like au edge tllat ctnt Llis hearl, his llesh ll'elulfled, anld Iris 
slre.gth lailed: yet iii that agoly a loag tillac slaadiag a-[3J 
laased, ith his eves ilteltitncly lixed oa Ihe grouad, aad 
al lellglh recoueriag hilasell', aad lakillg In'ealh, hée 
Iii'st cast his eycs XLq.e to heauea, sayiag; O ou q;odsl 
extrealuity of passi.a doolh make race allOSt readv Io ac- 
case you of iaittstice. Aad thca Illl'OXVilg his eyes l'6edi-[IO] 
Iv vpoa her. lhlt xvomaa, quolh I.e, 11" (as Lhou sayesL) 
Illy IIIOS[ décu'e tLaçim be dcad, is thc illOlley aad the trca- 
sm'e x]icl la]so Icl't xilh 3ou hl" ber, leris]led vilh her? 
%'hel Slle aalSXel'ed ; SOltle is, alt(l sonae 3ci relaai.eLh. 
Aad as lktl" 3-oto- daughler (my Ltl'd) lest 3o shouhlc aaie[ll 
ay suspect vs, we hatte suflicieat illessc: for Otll" (i- 
lizeas beiag afiadefall of your l»eaclil,s besLtcd pl»Oa 
them, ilaue el'ecled -iflo ]ICI" a ItlOlllltllCltt of brasse fast ]y 
-om's. Aad vhel shc had so said, site hl'Otlght fOOl'lh StlCh 
noaey, ie-dls, alld ;qqal'l'rll as il Ileased her I» say vel'c[2Ol 
remayaiug of lat'ita«z st«,u'e. %Vhel',ppoa ]çitL gi- 
uilg credile Io Ihis rt,pou'l 1" her dealh, ile COlUmatladed 
his seruaats fo lake Vl llat she had broughl, aud beare 
them fo ilis shil»pes, xvhile ile hilasdfi' vo.hl go' isite 
his daughters Illlllllllelll. %Vhich he, lle Iehehl, aad 
had read Ihc Epital.h, as l.rfrc writlea, his all'rliot 
brake ottt his vies, alld he expressed more acl.all SOl'- 
row fol" Ille losse of ]lq" Ihell laditemett caa expresse: Iii'st, 
tmulfliag hiluscllç qq»on ber monulaelt, he thra ri'Il ialo 
a swowad, as if, siace ho might aot lcaue ail his lire ilh[3ol 
her, yet he wou]d leaue hall% at ]rast, fl'Olll hich Iraacc 
beiag al lhe ielt]l recouered, héc alqal'l'Cl]«s hiuselfi il 
sacle-cloth, rUaliag haslilv vato his shilq»es, desir«lh 
Ihe Sea to far him illlO Ihdr vomhe, silce .cilher lald 
aor waler vas forlmate vato him; for Ihe e had hereft[331 
hia of a daughter, Ihc olhcr of a wifc. But as bclillcd 
I  thons, 

I-:"l .l p«ttcrnc o" tl)c p«inc,full .lucnturc» 
lhê, l»eitg most carefifl o1" his safly, Ihey vsed Iheir best per- 
swasions, h» asswagc Ihis leml»CSI «»f his sorrow; l»resenl - 
ly, as nm¢h as lnighl, l»e in sn«h a case, Ihe l»reuayled, 
and parlly l»y lime, vhich is a curer of ail rares, conlim;- 
[lallv milligaled sotnc l»arl of Ihc griel. When hée l»crcei - 
uing Ih« vinde t» sland li{le ]tl" their del»arture, hée hov- 
sed Vpl»C sailes, ami gaue Ihr«qvell I. Ihe sh.are, n{»r had 
llwv l.ttg sailed in Ihcir cl»urse, I»ut Ihc vinde came aboul 
inl,o a conlrary iluarler, and l»lew so liercelv Ihal, it Irou- 
[IOlbh,d lmlh sea ami shil»l»CS, Ihc faine ri.Il li«rcely l'rem a- 
boue, and Ihe sea roughl w«tmderouslv nderncalh, so 
Ihal flic h'ml»esl I»«ing lerriblc Ibc Ihc lime, il vas in lhat 
exlreanlilic Ih(mghl, lilh'sl, Io slrike sayle, h» h't Ihe ll«hne 
goc, and I.» sttll'«t" I,h« shipl»C I. «lt'itte ilh Ihe lido, vhi- 
[l]ther it t uhl l»lcasc Ihc Io direct it: But as loy euer- 
lmwe succécdclh lleauinesse, so vas this sharpe storme 
occasion of a itful lné, bctvixl Ihis sorl'ol'ul father, 
and his Iost daughlcr; lbr vhilc Prince pet'lotes shipl)e is 
Ihus gouerned at l'andon, l»y lbrlune it slrik«lh vppon 
[2o] shoare of thc Cillie tI c I c l i n c, vherc now lRat'ina remai- 
ned, of vhose dcath he (as belbre) I»eing fullv perswaded, 
in whosc lil ho had hope his dccaved comforles should a- 
gaine hauc had new gl'Olh. A«! being now agaync at 
sea, he w,vcd lu hilnscll neuer more Io haue fellowshipl»e 
[23]or confcrcncc wilh anv man, charning ail his fi, h, wers, of 
uhome C{t'allllS was one, that nonc of them vpon Ille 
l»aiuc of his disl»leasm'e (and vho is ignorant that Ihc dis- 
l»leasurc of kings is as damlgcrous as dealh) should dare 
Io Sl»eake vnlo him: no not so much as lhy who attended 
13o]him vilh meatc, and vilhall commaunded Ihem, that 
Ihey sh.uld hot ordavne for him any more bul so small a 
competence, as might euen scarcely- lnailltaine lahlre, 
accmnpling now Ihat lil hi«h he l»ossessed, ledious 
him, and wishing dea/h in the most vnli'iendly languish- 
13lmenl. In hich stale vhile he consisled, pining of his bo- 
dy, and i»erl»lexed in minde, it happened, Ihat al me selle 


saute lime l,ord [([]'tlllll, gOilUg front Ihe Princes shippe, 
aHd landing on Ihe slmare, Ihe t'.om'rttoHr 
wh«» (as ]wlbrc Us mcnlit»ned) tendcrd tllarinfl was sl;m- 
ding aU the h«men, and noling pcriHcz ships ridi,g Ihere 
al anl«,r, he beganne ilh hintselfe lo commeml Ihc corne-[51 
linesse of Ihe vcssells, and applaudc Ihe slatc Ihey vphehlc 
in thcir burlhetts, and in especially, thal .f Ihc Admirall, 
wherein Ihe Prince hinusellç was, ho séeing 
Clllle Oll s]lOill'e  llid ]liS graue alld l'lll'l'ell çOlllll(qlilllç 
prmnising Ilim, Io I»e a Ihlher of expericuce, and WOl'lhy o1"[1ol 
his «onlk'rcn«c, hée in «urleous matlllCr salutcd lliln, 
demaulnh'd 1" hint, of vhence Ihose sltippes vere, lbr sir 
quolh Ile, by IIicir al'nies and ensigucs 1 perceiue tllev are 
slrangers Io our ]larbours, as also Ihat it Vollhl ph'ase hiln 
to deliucr lu hiln who vas Ihc owner of tllcm, when 
[I]fflllli$, as iH Ihe V]lole SIorie, discom'sed VlflO hiln his 
mishrlunes, as alsu of his lbrmcr woorlll, and his pro- 
serti languishmenl, ri'oto vhich lle couhl hot ],e 
neither by his ovm' isedome, nor by Ille counsc]l of llis 
fi'iends. When £lïlnadlu pill3ing his ruine, inlreated 
&t[t'tllli$ Illal he lnight speake vilh lliln, xvhercb Io Irv 
il" llis pcrswasiolS had power Io prcuaylc vith hUm more 
then lhe will of hilnsc]l, or iow«r of his subiecls. Which 
being l»y t}clltanu graunled, he lkol'thwilh conducled 
hum downe wherc his 3laisler lav: vhom -hen £'lfilno- 
d)li$ ]eheht, so allired from line ordimu'y habile of olher 
nnen, as wilh a long oucr-grovnte bean'd, dill'uscd hayre, 
vndecent navles ou his lingers, and himsellb lying vppon 
his cowch groueling on his fuce. lle sumewhat astonished 
at Ihe strangenes Ihereof, caled vnlo hUm wilh a sol'L voice,[30] 
Prince pet'Jetez, vho hearing himselfc named, and lhin- 
king it Io be sonne of his met, that callcd vponn hum connlra- 
ry to luis connmaundemenl, hée arose vp sodaincly vith a 
flet'ce counlcnaunce: hut s6eing hum Io he a slranger, verie 
comcly and honoural»ly altvred, héc shruntcke hilusell[331 
d.m,-ne vpp»n his pillow and held his peace. When 

17t]  ptxttcrnc o" tl)c painc,fidl ucnturc 

b" so lent te» «dl men. Sir, il is «lnolh he «ud halh con- 
tined o fr Ih«' space f this monelh, either date anv of 
vs his sul»i'cls, tholh xve sull,r mueh sorrow for him, l»y 
ll oto" i»ersvasions séeke t« aller him. llow surely quolh 
Iilllaclllt, Ihough his misfiwlunes htte I»eeue greal, and 
l»y which he hath gret cuse fi»r Ihis sorrow, it is great 
pilly he shodd conlimw liras pe'erse ml obslinale, or 
so noble a genlleman corne Io so dishonord»le a dealh: 
I IO] IhereUl»lOn l»«.lhinling vilh himsell xxllII[ honourd»le 
meanes he might vse to r«.couer him. fie sodaim'lv re- 
m«.mbrig Ihe xvis«'dmn lhat he had 
l»ersvasion: oral Imuiug herrd sittce «1" her excellent shill 
in musicke, siugingand daUltcitg: he bv the cmsent of 
II]QcI¢alIli caused her lo l»e s«,tll ff»r, resohfing xvilh him- 
sellb, that if rite excelleucie of her ministry Imd no power fo 
work«, ou him, ail phisicke vas in vaine, and he from 
thence wouhl resigne him ouo" fo his l'au«.. The messeu- 
ger SlȎedily is returned, briuging tlarina along wilh him: 
12o]uhome vhen Mfimadlts beheld, ttlarina quoth he, let me 
request of lh6e, thy help and vltermost kuovledge in com- 
fi»rling Ihe owner of this shippe x-hich lieth in darkenesse, 
oud vill receiue no comfort, nor corne abroade into lhe 
lighl, Ibr the sovrow lhat he conceiueth through the losse of 
[2s]a vife and a daughter. From hich if thou recouer him, 
ud fo his former health restore him, 1 will, as I ara a 
Geullemm, giue thée in rec.ompctce thirlie sistercies of 
g«dde, and «s manv of siluer, ami Ihough the basvd halh 
bought lbAe, according fo lhe laws of out" cilly, li'om xvllom 
130Ju«» aulhoritie can compell th6e, xet Ibr thirlie daes vill 
i red«;eme Ih6e. Which xhen ttlŒErina herd, she went 
I»,hlely dovne iulo Ihe cobie fo him, ond xvith a mihle 
voxce salul«.d him, saying; Ilod saue 3-ou sir, aaid be of 
god comlbrl, fi»r aa imtoceul Virgn, xshose life halh 
1351dislressed bv shipvracli, and h«,r chaslilv l»y dishouesly, and 
hulh v«.l I»h ir«,s.rtwd ri'oto bolh, lhus curleously s«dtlelh 
lhée : 

Ihee: but perceuing him to yechl hcr no answcr, she l)egall 
to record in vcrses, and tbercwilhall to sittg so sxeel.cly, 
Illat |.l,'ic[$  notxvitllstanding his g'cat srrow, woonde- 
red at lier, at last, taking vp anothcr insh'umcnt vnto ]ris 
earcs she prefcrred this. [] 





Wilh Ihis M,,sicke of ,fllt'trint'tc+ as with no deligllt 
else xvas he a whit altcred, bnt lay groueling on his face, 
onely casting ait eye Vl)l)OU her, as h6e xvcre rathcr discon- 
lenled Ihan delighled wilh her indeuour. Wlel'eUlOn she 
]»PgalillC wilh morall precq)ts I0 rcl»l'OOllC bim, ami tohle[3o] 
him, lhat hée was l»orne a Prince, whose dignily being 
I.o goucrne olhers it +vas most foule in hiln to misgouerne 
bilnselfc. Which +vbile he COltinued in that sullen eslate, 
he did no lesse, thus to mourne for lhe losse of a vife and 

chihle, or at any of hi owne mis fortunes, approoued that 
he was an enemy to lhe authorilie of Ihe heauens, vhose 
power was t« dispose of him and his, at Iheir pleasure: 
and Ihat it was as vn[ille fl»r him to repine (fi»r his conti- 
[]mfin sorrow shcwed ho did no lesse) against thcir deter- 
miualions and Ih«ir vnaltered willcs, as it was lr the 
Giants to make warre against the Gods, who were con- 
foundcd in Ihcir eutcrprise. Nol lilte fo sorrow, quolh he, 
'ising p likc a Cloude, that bCSl»cakcs Ihundcr; lresump - 
lO]luous bcwly in a chihle, how darcst lhmt vrge so mutin? 
and thcrcwilhall, in this rash distcmperaturc, strucke her 
on rite lhcc. When she, who nouer vntill that rime knew 
hat blowes ere, 1.11 sodainely in a swowne: but bée- 
ing againe rccoucred, shç.e crycd out; O humilitic ordai- 
It]ncd CSl.ecially for l'rinces, who hauiug power ouer ail, 
shuhl contcmn(, none, vhilher art thou llcd? thon weping 
a vhilc; And O vou Godsl crealors bofl ¢f heauen and 
earlh, looke VlTOn my afflictions, and lake compassion 
vppon me, that ara Ynlbrtmate in ail thigs, 1 haue bin 
12O]tossed h'om wrong to iniuric, 1 as borne amongest Ihe 
waues and troublcsome lcmpcsts of thc Sea, my mothcr 
died in l)aincs and pangs of chihl-lfirth, and buriall was 
denvcd her on IIe earth, wln)me my falher adorned xill 
lewclles layd golde at ber head, and sihwr at her fcle, and 
[231inclosing hcr in a Chesl, commiled her to the Sca: As 
for me nlbr/unate wretch, my lhlher, nho wilh prince- 
ly l'urnim'e, put me çin trust) to lcon and onfa» vho 
commanded a seruant of thcirs fo murder me, ri'oto whose 
cruelty by l'irates I was rescewcd, brought by them to 
[3o]this City, and sohl to hauc bgenc hackncyd by a common 
Bawde, tlwugh (I thankc thc hcaucns) I haue preser- 
ued my dastily; and now after al thcsc crosses, 
Icsies fo be slruckc flms to i.l@dingl O cruel rate! By 
hich raie of hors, ])¢ril¢ being mooucd, since by ail the 
[3] circumslances he ghessed she was his childc, and yet hot 
knowing whethcr he might beléeue himsell to be awake, 

or in a dreame, he b%anne gyne to cpi[ulate with her, 
of he" former relation, s namel, where she was borne, 
who were her prents, nd what her nme was. T, the 
which she answered, My naine is itlîin, and so called 
hecause I was borne vpon lhc sea. I) my tltt'im cr)'ed out [] 
]}ct'ic[c being s[rucke into such an extasie of ioy that hée 
was hot al»le to conlaine himselfeI willing her agayne to 
disconrsc vnto him the StOl-ie of her misfortunes, for hée 
could not hcare too much. Which she obe3"ing him in, and 
ho knowing her to be his chihle, séeing lllat the supposed[lo] 
dcad was risen again, he falls on hir necke, and kisses her, 
callcs vpon ic[12canu to corne vtlto him, shewes him his 
danghler, biddes him to kn6elc fo hcr, thankelh £fima- 
al)u5 lhat so fortunalcly had brought hcr to begettc life in 
the falher who begot her; so one while wéeping at others[t] 
ioying, and his senses being masterd by a gentle conque- 
rour, in that extreamitie of passion, he fcll into a slmuber: 
in vhich sw6et sl6epe of his, hée was by inn% warncd to 
hie to  p ! ¢u" and there vpon thc Altare of that Goddesse 
fo offer vppe his sacrifice before the Priests, and there to[O] 
discourse Ihe holc progresse of his life: which he remeln- 
bring, l, cing awake, he accordingly shil)ped himselfe with 
£fimadnz» ltlavina, and his owne subiects to pcrfourme. 
Who landing at p I1 ¢u 5  and giniug notice of the pnrpose, 
for which he was corne, he was by ail the Priests and Vo-[2] 
taries attended to the Temple i and being brought to the 
Altare, this was the substance of his sacrifice, I tJcvi« 
riezborne Prince of Oîc ho hauing iii youth attained 
to ail kinde of lmowledge, resolued the fiiddle of 3utio« 
d)tt lo the intent to haue lnarried his daughter, wltome[3o] 
he most shalnethlly dcfiled. To prcserue my sclfe from 
whose anger, I fled to sca, suli'ered shipwrackc, was cur- 
teously cntertained by good 52monic$ ldng of  ch t a p o [ i z, 
and after cspoused his faire daughter ElaI)f«. At the nam- 
ing of -home, she her selle bcing by, could not choose but[3] 
srtc: for in this Tclnl,le was she placed fo be a Nutme, 
K by 


by Lord E:crimott» who prcserued her lire. But pcridc go- 
ing on, when .3tttiodu and his daughter, quoth he, were 
by lightuing strucke dead ff'oto hcauelb I couduced my 
Quecnc with me from hcr fathers Court, with purpose 
[5]to receiue againc my ki,tgdome: whcre vpon the sea shée 
was deliucred of ltis my daugbter, in that trauell sbe died, 
wbom I iuclosed in a Chcst, and thrcw it into the Sca. 
Whcn l)ta standing by, and no longer being able to 
retaper her affections, being assured he was her Lord, shée 
[lo]ranne haslily vuto him, imbraced bim in her armes, and 
wouhl hauc kissed him. Vhich when ])cri¢l sawe, h6e 
was mooued wilb disdaine, and lhrust her ri'oto him, ac- 
cusing hcr for lightnes, whose modesty and good grace hée 
at his first entrance did commend, xvhen she falliug at his 
f6ete, and powring foorth her teares aboundantly, glad- 
nesse compelled her to crie out, 0 lUy Lord pcrictc% deale 
hot vngently with me, 1 ara 'ottr wilç., daugbter vnto 
uttttiç% my uame is OE{laft you were my Schoolemai- 
ster, and instructed me in musicke, Sou are that Prince 
[2olwhome I loucd, hot for concupiscence, but desire of wise- 
dome, I ara she which was deliuered and died at tbe sea, 
and by )our owne hands was buryed in the déepes; wbich 
wordes of hers, Lord (gilllOll standing by, he was rea- 
dy to auerre, but it néeded hot: lbl" ]J¢ri¢lr, lhough at the 
[2]first astonished, ioy had now so reuiued his spirites, tllat 
bée knew ber to be berselfe: but throwing his head into her 
bosome, hauing nothing but this fo vtler, he cried aloude, 
0 -ou heauensl lny mislbrlunes were now againe bles- 
sings, since ée are agayue contracled ; so giuing his 
[3o]daughter to ber armes to embce her as a cbild and 
madlu to enfolde her as a xife, and giuing order the so- 
lelnnity of marriage shouhl strait be prouided for: he then 
caused tlle bawd to be burnt, who wilh so much lor had 
sougbt to violate her princely chastitie, xhilest 
[a]rewarded the pandar, who had béene so faithfidl to hir: and 
flteu after he had séene hir mariage with £ifimadju» he lea- 

uelh  p Il ( lu $ » and intendes for   "   taking 13  n t n p o I i  in 
his wav, whome by Ihe dealh of good %noni($, as law- 
fifl heire, he was ruade soueraigne, lle also highly rewar- 
ded Ihe poore Fisher-men, ho had relieued him. Fr««n 
thencc he arriued ai ¢lltîfu$, hcre h6e rcuenged himsell[5] 
of tcon and Donft, by stouing lhem Io dealh. From 
lhcnce to çc» hcre peaceably he was receiued into his 
kingdome, and giuen also possession of ail Ihe territories 
of 3ntiodluz» where by his wilç, lhouh in the declining 
of bolh lheir yéeres, it pleased lhe Gods lo blesse him[IOl 
wilh a somme, vho groving to lhe lusly sh'englh of youlh, 
and the falher decliuiug io his graue, age being no lon- 
ger able lo bc suslained by the bcuelile of nature, fell inlo 
cerlane cohle and dry diseases: iu which case, lhe kuow- 
ledge of his Physitions, couhl stand him in lillle steade,[lgl 
e-lher by lheir cmming or experience, (so as no remedie 
being to be round against dealh) being in perfect memorie, 
he deparled lhis life in the armes o1" his beloued 
and in the middest of his fi'iendes, nobles, alies and chil- 
dren in great honour, his kingdome of Et'uz he gaue by[2o] 
wi]l to £Ofintadlu and his daughler lUarina and to their 
heires after them for euer, who liued long /ogether, and 
had much comfort by lheir issue. Vnto his Quéene 
la he gaue the two kingdomes of ntiodl and Jentapoliz for 
tearme of her lire, and at her death to descend to her ong[2l 
somme ntonic. But Ellafa who could hot lhen be -ong 
since pcîite died olde, con/inucd hot long in her widows 
estate, but pining much wilh sorrow, and wearing with 
age, forsooke the present worlde, leauing her two 
kingdomes (according lo her fathers will) 
to her yoong sonne 
(* . *) 


A lift of {ho {ypographical error of flic origiaal cdifiou, 
intentionally rcpea{ed in thi reprin{. 
(The n;ere variations of spelling aad minor iustan¢es of ne$1igent punctuafion 
Page 3. li§e 2. astead 
7. . 28. him his 
, .18. , 13. » ,, tyrants,) po)-son .... meanes, be 
read tyrants, po)'son .... meanes) he 
,, ,, ,, 21.22. instead o[ lire,) ... suscnauncc? 
read lire, ... sustcnaunce?) 
,2. ,, t-l. instead of rcf uge rcad refuge 
26. 7. so to 
, .... li. ,, ,, lheraine ,, lhc faine 
27. 9. rri¢lr% ,, 
,, 28. ,, 3. g ..... him, quoth[Jrri¢Ir? read him?quothcriclc. 
"») minde, read minde, 
29. 7.18. other others cf. ri7, t. 
...... 21. ,, ,, Fishcr [mcn , Fishcr-[ mon 
,, ,, ,, 30. It is hardlç discerniblcs wh«lher t/te ohl tcxt 
Rave seated or fcatcd. 
, 30. ,, 9. inslead o[ 

...... 13. ,, ,, qui ,, qttt 
.... 26 ..... liue. ,, liue : 
,, 31. , 2 ..... ail, as ,, ail as 
,, 32. , l .... him. ,, him: 
,, ,, ,, i9. ,, ,, accepting. ,, accep!ing : 
, 33. ,, 29. 30 .... them. Thc strangenesse 

, -t. ,, 
,, -13. ,, 26. 27. , 

we may read them: The strange newes 
26. insteaà of dislike pon him, 
we may read dislike, vpon him, 
22. ,, ,, constancie. While reaà constancie, wlfile 
26. ,, ,, heclapt ,, he c]dpt 
2. the s of thoughtes is turneà. 
32. ,, n ,, absent .... 
16. insteaà or stale) in saïely, rcad slate in saler)) 
32 ..... of hcr. ,, of her: 
,, of of ,, of 
l. ,, there . there, 
2. ,, Ihere ,, there, 
1,5. ,, cure to br'tt$) and 
read cutte) to :Ç af fu Z» and Cf. p. 6. 1. 21. 

Page 46. line 31. 
,, $7. ,, 29. 
,, 48. ,, 2. 
, 49. 
. hO. 

,, 69. 
,, 72. 
, 73. 
., 77. 

instcad o[ ,lbis read .This 
.... quoth [Jcricl«z» rcad 
.  recspire . 
19. ,, ,, her,  
,, 2. the y of ayre is t«rncd. 
,, 29. 30. brack«ts secm fo be rc9EEuired. 
, 13. cf..18. 1. 
, 23. the rst h of which is turncd. 
» 31.32. instead of you, and all this Citty 
read «m and all this Cilly, 
,, 7. instcad of yœur read ymr 
, 33. the second e of fostere,l is turned. 
.... instcad of I,p rcad p 
.37. .. m,»ther rcad your 
,, 22.  . llnuff . tlurf 
, 17 ..... m'qwrl, ... mcah.} 
rend vm, xper{) .... meale 
, 12. instcad of .r .r rcad or 
. 1. ç ,, Wll'd n ward. 
. 9 ..... him.  him, 
,, 10 .... er ,. of 
. t ..... hid. ,, hid: 
,i ....£ron ,, £rno 
,, 2. ,. ,, otherwise, read otherwise: 
,29. the t of I,eaut is turned. 
.. t6. inste«d of ho told, read .he told 
67. Thc head-line 

., 2. instcad of 
.25. 26. . ,, 
. 30. . ,. 
,. o9 .... 
. I 1 ..... 
,, 1ô. ,, . 

quoth he, pcridr% 

of page 66. ought to stand on page 67., 
and vice versa. 
sinn es read sinnes 
Gentlewoman read Genlleman 
olher ,, olhers cf. 99, 17. 18. 
iniury of... there read iniury) of... there, 
:ttlarina, rcad :fllarina) 

safty ,, safely 
face. ,, face : 
IIICII. . men : 
him. . him : 
mis fortuncs ,, misforlunes 
tIarina ,, tIarin«  
himselfe  , himselfe, 
at . at 
