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Full text of "Perseus and Andromeda. As it is performed at the Theatre Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields"

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'  WH    Fecit 



As  it  is  Performed  at  the 


I  N  ;=? 

Lincoln's -Inn -Fields. 


Adorn'd  with  Copper-Plates. 

Rifu  diducere  Riclum 

Audit  oris  -,   l§  efl  qua  dam  tamen  hie  quoque  Virtus. 


L    O    N  "D    O    N: 

Printed  and  Sold  by  T  ho.  Wood    in  Little  Britain, 


[Price  One  Shilling.] 


PER  S  O  N  tE. 

C  E  p  H  E  u  s,  King  of  Ethiopia,  Mr.  Leveridge. 

Pe  R  s  E  u  s  the  Son  oi  Jupiter  hyDanae^Mrs.  Barhier. 
Mercury,  —  ■ — •     —     —     —  Mr.  Legare. 
Venus,     —     —     —     —     ■ —     Mrs.  IVright, 
Cassiope,  Queen  of  Ethiopia,        Mrs.  Seedo. 
An  d  r  o  m  e  d  a,  Daughter  to  Cepheus,  Mrs.  Chambers. 
Medusa,  — •     —     —      —     —     Mrs.  Wright, 

S  T  H  e  N  o,    ?  Gormts  5  ^^-  ^^^""^^yy 

EuRiALE,->  ^      '  ^ Mr.  Fapillon. 

;  Mr.  Thompfon^ 
.  Mr.  Harrifon, 
Mr.  Hall, 
jMr.  Dupre,  jun, 
Mr.  Legard, 
'Mr.  Smith, 
Monf.  St.  Luce. 
Mrs.  Cantrel, 
Mrs,  Legare, 
Mrs.  Pelling^^ 
S  Mrs.  Bullock^ 
Mifs  Latour, 
Mrs.  0^^6?;i'3 
^Mrs.  i////, 
Monf.  Salle, 
Monf.  PoiBier^ 
Monfi  Dupre,^ 
Mr.  Belling, 
Mr.  Newhoufe, 
^  Mr.  L  any  on. 
Sthe  Followers  of  Cepheus,  Loves,  Graces  and  Sports, 

Two  Ethiopians,     —     — • 

Cyclops^     —     —      ■— 


Infernal  Spirits, 

S  C  E  N  E  in  Ethioj[>ia. 


Co  M  I  G      P  A  R  T  S. 

ASpmiJJ,  Merchant,  Father  to.  ^^^^^  ^,.^^^ 
.     Colombine.  5 

XVetit-Maitre,  in  Love  with  i  j^^^^  p^  .^ 

Colombine.  fiTvo^'so';.     -^ 

Harlequin^  a  Wizard,  alfo  in  Love  ?  ii/r     t  , 
With  Colombtne^  3 

Colombine^     Daughter    to     the?,,      ,y. 
r      -/7  AT     u  ^  cMrs.  Toun^fr, 

Spamjh  Merchant,  ->  '^ 

F^/^?  de  Chambre  to  the  Petit-?,,     „  -  ^ --* 

Tv/r  •  cMr.  Kay. 

Maitre,  ->  -^ 

A  Spaniard^  Servant  to  the  Mer~Z  , ,     ^r-    .n 
chant,  .  l^r.HtppJley^ 

Conftable,  Hay-makers,  PolTe,  ^c...  .  .  ,    % 

■^  1 

.':  A  VI  'A  :i  'I  T/l  I 

'>     ' 

A  R  G  U» 

.'-^    ij   S  tJi  Ij   k)  ii  A 



PERSEUS  was  the  Sm  of  Jnpizcr  l?yD^naQy 
whom  he  deceived  tinder  the  Form  of  a 
Shower  of  Gold.  Acrifms,//^^  Father  6?/"Danae, 
expofed  her  and  her  Son  Perfeus  in  a  Cheft  on 
the  Sea^  for  fear  of  a  ^redidiion  (  which  Per- 
ieus  afterwards  fulfilled)  that  he  jhould  be 
flain   by  his  Gra}idfon\  but  the  Lady  and  her 
Son  were^  notwithfianding^bythe  Care  ^/'Jupiter 
preferved.   When  Perfeus  came  of  Age ^  he  was- 
prefented  by  Mercury  with  a  Falchion  and  \P air 
of  Wings  ^  by  Minerva  with  the  celebrated  Shield 
iEgis  :  And  thus  equipped  and  mounted  on  Vx- 
gafus,  he  fet  out  in  qiieft  of  Adventures.     His 
firjl  was  againft  the  Gorgons,  whom  he  over- 
came ;  and  ctttting  ojf  the  Head  of  Medufa, 
which  had  the  miraculous  Property  of  turning 
whoever  loolzd  on  it  into  Stone,  he  placed  it 
on  his  Shield,  and  by  the  Force  thereof  tranf- 
formed  Arias   into  a   Rock.     After  this  At- 
chievementj  flyi^^g  to  the  Ethiopian  Shore,  he 
there  found  Andxomtdd.  n a ked^  and  chained  to 
a  Rock  by  the  Sea-fide.     This  Lady  was  the' 
^Daughter  of  Cepneus   King  of  Ethiopia   by- 
Call  ope,  who  having  been  imprudent  enough' 



to  rival  the  Nymfhs  in  Beauty^  they  in  Re- 
venge caufed  her  "Daughter  Andromeda  to  be 
thus  bound  and  expofed  to  the  Fury  of  a  Sea- 
Monfier  ;  her  Father  and  Mother  at  the  Time 
^yPerfeus'j"  Arrival  were  Jianding  by  her^  de- 
ploring  their   Misfortunes :  The  Hero  after 
hearing  her  Story,  promifed,  on  Condition  of 
her  becoming  his  JVife,  to  releafe  her :  But 
while  they  were  freaking,  the  Monfier  with  a 
prodigious  roaring  and  laflnng  the  Waves  with 
his  Tail,  affroached  the  Shore :   Perfeus  im- 
mediately attacked  him^  and  a  moft  terrible 
Combat  enfued ;  but  at  laji  he  few  the  Mon- 
fier, and  delivered  the  Lady.     The  joyful  Ba- 
rents performed  their  "Tromife  of  giving  him 
their  Daughter  ;  and  the  Marriage  of  Perfeus 
and  Andromeda  being  folemnized  with  the  ut- 
mofl  Magnificence^  they  refigned  to  him  their 


^ys^tiif'.'' ;■/!'■ 

WH  TecCt 

^     i:X  X 


AND  ''^[^J:'T,.., 


n  T'l*^);! 

SCENE,    The  Gardens   of  - 
"  ;  Cepheus.  -   "  <'' 

Cepheus,  Cassiope,  Andromeda. 
Attendant s»        .  I  -■  ^pa'-^ 

HEN  vyill  the  faving  Gods      -''  '^' 
Look    down    with   Pity    on    this 

groaning  Land  >  '^^^^  '^^^^" 
Relentlefs  Juno!  will  thy  Wrath 
ne'er  ceaie? 
Inexorable  Queen  !  •    -  '^""' 

Still  mull  the  ftllilff^  range  '  '^  ^^^^^-'^ 


-%  Perseus    and 

Wide  o*er.  my  Realms   with  Gorgon  Terrors 

And  turn  my  gazing  Subjeds  into  Stone  : 
Then  I  in  vain  am  cali'd  a  King ; 
Soon  Defblation  will  o'er-run  my  Realms, 
And  only  breathlefs  Statues  be  my  SubjecSls.       ' 

Cajf.  That  your  dear  Subjects  thus  you  lole. 
Such  is  the  Curfe  of  my  afpiricg  Pride!     |-'  |' 
How-  hap^y/  had  I  known  my  glorious  Lor^, 
Nor  arrogantly  vied 
With  Jove's  avenging  Confort, 
But  deep  repeating  Sorrow  can  alone    ,  ,-     t. 
This  Crime  of  Infolence  repair.-  -     i  v. 

C?/.  In  Terjeus,  Jove's  triumphant  Son, 
Refls  all  my  Hope.     The  WarUkc  Youth,     r"°" 
Intrepid  as  his  Sire,  has  fworn      i:^   ^T  ns  p 
To  dare  the  curs'd  Me  tufa's- Rage, 
And  rid  my  Empire  of  the  cruel  Spoiler. 

j^^d.  What   do  I.  hear?    O  my   prefaging 
Heart ! 

C?/.  And  in  Reward  of  this  heroick  Deed, 
Demands  our  Daughter  for  his  Bed. 

^nd.  Alas !  W'hat  Woes  can  equal  mine  ? 
Can  I  luryiv.e,  and  fee  -  ,^  ".,' ,*f^ 
The  Lord  of  all  my  Willies 
For  me  to  certain  Death  expos'd?  ^s.         r 

Forbid  it  Gods.     O  ^erfeus  !  ^effeusl  ~    ,,.  ,. 

^'^>'W  Smtling 


Smiling  Venus,  Goddefs^  fave 

The  Treafure  of  my  Heart  and  Eye:  .- 

^T'ts  the  only  Boon  I  crave. 

Save  him^  and  "Danger  I  defftfe. 

Enter  <i;/ Ethiopian, 

Meff,  Fly,  fly,  my  Lord,  .  ,,  \  • 

E'er  inftant  unavoided  Death 
You,  and  your  Royal  Houfe  overtake  : 
Medufa  is  at  hand ;  where'er  Ihe  moves, 
Your  gazing  Subjects,  now  no  more, 
But  Monuments  of  Men,  turn'd  fudden  Rocks, 
Mark  out  the  Magick  of  her  baleful  Eye, 

Cej[>.  The  afTembled  Gods  have  doom*d  my 
And  make  Prevention  vain. 

Te  righteous  Towers^  at  whofe  dread 

Mercy  and  Rage  obedient  ft  and, 

Arreft  a  fujfering  Empire's  Fate : 
Behold  what  Vi5iim'd  Crowds  have 

See  we  recent,  forgive  our  'Pride, 
E'er  Death  make  Tity  come  too 


Perseus   and 
SCENE,   a  Wood. 

Enter  Perfeus  reading  a  Letter. 

Terf.  Welcome  thou   Harbioger,    O    iov'd 
.Andromeda!  ,  o 

She  tells  me  here,  oft  as  my  Dangers  fill  her 

Unwonted  Tremblings   feize   her  Heart,    and 
Sorrows  drown  her  Eyes. 

Charming  Anguijhy 
How  I  langui/h 
To  repay  this  tender  Woel  ■ 

From  her  Sorrow, 
Venus  borrow 
X' '         Tears  more  fo ft  than  feathered  Snow. 

Charming^  &c. 

^  .' -..hi.:!  ^. '..'■'■■-■■'■' .■fl. .  [Going. 

[Mercury  rijes  as  from  HelL 

iV/^r.Whence,  TerfetiSy  this  impetuous  Hade  > 
^erf.  1  fly,  a  Land  diftrefs'd  to  fave. 
Mer.  Immortal  Jove,  who  boafts  in  thee  a 
Thy  great  Defign  approves, 
Bids  thee,  by  me,  go  on, 
And  ftill  by  generous  Ad:s  aflert  thy  Sire  ; 
But  let  not  Raflinefs  prompt  thy  Arm 



To  Danger  unadvis'd ; 

Wifdom  and  Heaven  muft  join   to  guard  the 

All  Nature  is  inform'd,  that  Jove 
Seconds  thy  great  Exploits, 
In  vain  the  jealous  Juno  raves,  -..J 

Even  Hell  prepares  to  lend  thee  Aid.  * 

Groaning  Nations  to  redeem^ 
Is  the  PVarr tor's  nohleft  Traife  ^ 

Go^  and  rife  fair  Honour's  Theme, 
Fame  will  Trophies  to  thee  raife. 
.  Groaning,  3cc. 

[Several  Cyclops  enter,  and  Dance. 
Afterwards  they  pre fent  Perfeus 
wth  a  Sword  and  wing  d  Sandals 
from  Vulcan. 

Cyc.  For  thee,  immortal  Vulcan's  Hand,    .   - 
This  Sword  hasforg'd,  thefe  Wings  prepar'd  : 
Fortune  and  Conqueft  wait  thee. 

[^  Train  of  Warlike  Nymphs 
form  an  Entry;  then  pre- 
fent  Perfeus  with  a  Diamond 
Shield  from  Pallas. 

Nym.  The  braved  Warrior  oft  is  foil'd, 
Who  on  his  fingle  Force  rehes. 

S  2,  Hop'ft 

Perseus   and 

Hop'fl  thou  Medufa  to  fubdue, 
This  Shield  of  T alias  make  thy  Guard : 
'Tis   Prudence  that  makes  ftroiig    the   Hero's 

\^A  Compafijf  of  Infernals  rife\ 
they  Dance ^  and  then  prejent 
Perfeus  with  a  Helmet  from 
Pluto.  ,     . 

Inf.  See,   perfeus,  from  the  gloomy  King, 
Whofe  Court  is  Darknefs,   and  whofe  Empire 
\j:/i   '    Shade, 

This  iaving  Helm  I  bring,  j  \;:v" 

To  guard  thee  in  the  dreadful  Hour  of  Danger. 
This  worn,  the  Darknefs  of  our  Realms 
Shall  fJ3rcad  thee  round,  and,  with  a  Cloudj 
Hide  thee  from  keeneft  Mortal  Eye. 
Hence  learn,  whoe'er  Succefs  wou'd  hope. 
Secret  as  Night  his  purposed  AcSt  muft  vaiL 

Mer.  Auipicious  Warrior,  to  my  Care 
Thy  Condud  is  aflign'd. 
I  fee  Impatience  Iparkles  in  thy  Eye, 
And  thy  big    Heart  burns  ibr  the  promised 
,>*4^\v:;--.     Glory.  ,-    •  -    ■ 

'Per,  Lead  on,  and  be  my  Guide. 
Lead  on,  to  Conqueft  and  to  Love, 


il'qoH     ^ 

A  N  D  R  O  M  E  D  A.  f 

No  Dangers  can  alarm  me^     ^  ^.v-^. 
While  Fame  and  Honour  charm  me, 
While  Beauty  fires  me  to  Renown. 

The  Man  my  Lot  pojfeffing^      . :.. 
Can  hope  no  nobler  BleJJifig, 

Whom  Love  and  Con  que  ft  doubly  crown. 

No  Danger^  &c. 
\fPerfeus  and  Mercury  fly  away, 

Cho.  Let  Heaven^  Earth,  and  Hell  tmitey 
To  favour  the  Godlike  Son  of  Jove. 

\The  Cyclops  and  Warlike  Nymphs 
go  off  on  different  Sides ^  the  In- 
jernalsftnh,      - .  ^  .,  .vvJc-^a  v.: 

Here  the  Comic  Part  hegins^ 
in  tphich  is  fung  the  following  Re- 
citative and  Air,      ^  ,         .=-..> 

Enter  Harlequin,  /hewing  A6iions  of^effair^ 
and  to  him  a  Magician,  '[ 

Magic.  Difpel  that  horrid  Gloom  :  5:^'^  '^ 
Your  dire  Diftrefs  by  Magic  Power  I've  learn'ds 
And  will  redrels. 

Refume  your  wonted  Joy,  ;, ;,:  ;. 

Receive  this  Sword,  r-Y 

Aided  by  this,  your  Power  fliall  be  ador'd. 


8  Perseus    and 

When  fever  eft  Woes  imf  endings 
Seem  to  ftoow  ^eftru6iion  near, 

1)nexfe5fed  Joys  attending^ 

Sooth  the  Souly  and  banijh  Fear, 


ThQ"  to  Fortune's  Frowns  fubje 61  ed^ 
And  attack! d  by  anxious  Care^ 

Servile  Sjpirits  are  deje^ied, 
V^ ''  ■'      Noble  Minds  fhould  ne'er  deffair. 
-),\\^>%  Vv.i.=.  *■—  ^  —  ■^- -      When  fever  eft,  8cc, 

SCENE,  The  GorgonV  Cave, 
emhellipSd  with  Figures  of  Men 
and  Beajts  turnd  into  Stone, 


Med.  Fled  are  thofe  Charms,  that  late  with 
Swell'd  up  my  Woman's  Bread, 
And  made  the  Sea-God  languifh  with  Defire. 
My  Golden  TrefTes,  that  with  Grace 
In  Ringlets  flow'd,  are  now  exchang'd 
For  Curls  of  hiiling  Snakes.  A  Sight  of  Horror! 
Pernicious  ^allasy  fuch  thy  Spleen, 
To  blaft  a  favour'd  Rival  I 
Yet  this  in  Recompencc  is  given ; 

-  Not 


Not  the  wing'd  Bolts  of  Jove 

Carry  more  fwift  Deftrudtion  than  my  Eyes  ; 

Still  with  a  Glance  I  kill ; 

What  can  the  proudeft  Beauty  more  > 

For  this,  the  Gods  by  Turns  employ 

Me,  and  my  baleful  Power, 

To  execute  their  word  Revenge. 

Beauty  delighting^  ' 

All  Eyes  inviting^         '■      '  '  '  "^ 

Was  my  vain  Glory  late. 
Now  Looks  affright ingy 
Terror  exciting. 

Kill  my  Soul  with  Joys  as  great. 

Beauty^  &c. 
[Soft  Mufick  without. 


Eur.  Ha !  Whence  that  Toothing  Sound  ? 
No  Mortal  to  thefe  dreary  Ceils 
Dares  make  Approach,  and  hope  to  live. 
Hermes!  'tis  he  my  dreadful  Aid  demands. 

Enter  Mercury. 

My  nimble  God,  what  grateful  Mifchief 

Waits  on  your  fwift  Command  ? 

Mer,  Still  one  unceafmg  Thirft  of  Rage !  7 
Med.  'Tis  from  the  cruel  Gods  I  copy 

Thofe  Cruelties  that  feaft  my  Soul    -. 


lo'  Perseus    and 

Mer.  Still  this  becoming  Fury  breathe. 
And  know  liich  Ruin  now  is  ripe  in  Fate, 
As  will  your  utmofl  Rancour  claim.  ^'• 

But  e'er  the  plcafing  Task  you  learn, 
With  Sleep  your  baleful  Powers  repair, 
And  rife  renew'd  and  frelli  for  mighty  Horrors^ 

Sth.  Reft  is  our  Bane,  Deftrud:ion  our  De- 
^        light:  .    ..•,,..^ 

To  Works  of  Woe  we  ever  wake.    r\ 

Mer.  Permit  me  beft  your  Strength  to  know, 
And  for  your  Good  be  counfell'd. 

[Mercury  touches  'em  with  his  Qaduce. 

O  hateful  God^  Repofe^ 
Why  wilt  thou  fir ive  to  clofe 
The  Eye  where  Envy  loves  to  dwell  ? 

Slumber  and  Nighfs  dull  Reign 
Creef  on  my  yielding  Brain. 
Curfe  on  the  drowjyj  potent  Spell ! 

'^   •  O  hateful^  6cc. 

..  ,.  '  I  :'^^^  [They  retire  to  fleep. 

Mer.  ^erfeus  advance,  the  Daemons  fleep. 

Enter  Perseus. 
But  look  nor  on  them  as  you  ftrike. 
For  certain  Death  rides  on  their  baleful  View. 
Ter.  Thy  Caution  I  with  Thanks  embrace. 
Mer,  Adieu,  and  guard  a  Life  the  Gods  hold 


An  d  ro  m  e  d  a.  ii 

Per.  AJfift  me  Beauty,  charming  Maid, 

The  Gods  command,  but  Love  injpires : 
Thy  Caufe  I  fight,  O  lend  thy  Aid, 
Redouble  all  the  Herd's  Fire.    :  ^  "'. 

JJJift  me,  8cc. 
"     [Holds  his  Shield  before  his  Face,  and 
'  rr      .  cuts  ofF  Medufa's  Head.        c. 

The  Monfter  is  no  more  :  -  , 

The  World  is  freed  !  O  happy  Arm ! 
Heaven's  Inflrument  of  Vengeance. 

[Euryale  and  Stheno  awake  at  the 
Voice  of  Perfeus,  and  run  to  the 
Tlacefrom  whence  the  Sound  came, 

xd  Gor. WhdX  Voice !  Ha,  Hell !  Medufa  flain ! 
Seek  out  the  Traitor ;  dreadful  Vengeance  wait 

[Thej^  feek  ahoutfor  Perfeus,  whom    ^ 
his  Helmet  renders  invifihie. 

ifl.  Gor.  Where  is  he  fled  ?  What  unknown 
Secures  him  from  our  Eyes?     ~— ™-~-~~»^  ..-— 
But  fee,  Medufa  (till  in  Death,    .^CNiri'^v^'cYT 
Her  venom'd  Powers  retains! 
Lo,  what  an  Off-lpring  from  her  Blood  arifes ! 

C  Several 

L/    ^1  J    i  i4„->. 

itL^-  Per  3;E  u^e^^4. 

Several  /rightful  andfantaftk  Mon- 
fters  fpringfromM.t&\xi2iS  Blood ; 
fome  creepy  fome  run^  all  in  Search 
of  Perfeus.    '^^^  '^■-'^^^  ^^^^  ^A^?»v5V.^iSi 

id.  Gor.  DsemonSj  your  deflin'd  VicStim  feek, 

PvCvenge  the  Blood  from  whence  you  Iprung  ; 
Revenge,  revenge  Meditfa. 

Mercury   returns.    '.'[  '; 

Mer.  Avaunt,  ye  hideous  FormSj.  ,  ^ 
And  fuik  to  ioweft  WdX. 

o,(?<?r.,  What  horrid  Gulphs  appear !  ^ -,.,..-, rr-^ 
Earth  to  her  Center  yawns ;  O  dreadful. Change  ! 

■^"-^'Gox^ons  and  Monjiers  fink. 

Mer.  Danger's  no  more.     VidJorious  Youth, 
Now  the  Rewards  of  Glory  wait  you.        -  -'    • 

The  Charmer  waits,  IDefires  invite. 

Vtt.KOh!  that  a  Wijh  could /peed  my  Flight. 

Hct.lB'lefl  Moments  movea  Lover^s  Tace, 

,     And  win  a  me  to  the  Fair's  Embrace. 

[Terfeiis  and  Mercury  fly  away. 

The  Actions  of  Harlequin  continued, 


An  D  R  0  M  E  :D>  A,  15 

^'■^^'/  ..h'ulihb  czl  udiii  bo  A 

S  C  E  N  E,  The 'Palace' of  Ct^hms. 

CepheuSj  Cassiope,  Attendants, 

Cej>.  Vicftorious  Terfeus  J  Gallant  Youth ! 
Our  great  Deliverer  comes. 
E'er  this,  with  Smiles  our  Royal  Daughter 
Her  conquering  Lover  greets.  ^  ,!   " 

A  refcu'd  People's  Love, '""^ ':"'''''' t'  '''''' ^, 
A  Monarch's  and  a  Father's  Thanks,  "'^ .. 
Mufl:  join  his  generous  Toils  to  crowp,  ,'   ,'^ " " 

Teu  thdufand  Silver  Trumpets  founds 
The  Triumphs  of  our  Joy  proclaim  ; 

Tleafitre  diffufe  my  Realms  aroundy 
And praife  a  Hero  dear  to  Fame-. 

.     V  i  ^    .•■  '^^^  thofifand,  Sccj 

■    ^  •♦'■-  •■  ..i      '■ .'  •    ,.  •-'* JiS  ^  _.  .      . 

Enter  an  ^ih\o^\2LVi       _•>.  p^ 

Eth.  O  cruel  Heavens!  difaftrous  Fate  I 
Cep,  What  mean  thefe  ill-tim'd  Strains  of 

Et^h,  J^#<7y  reren'iefsQ'ATf^f'Rag^i'^*^- 
To  our  De{li;udlion  arms       -  -    ...ioA 
The  watry  World. 
O  loR Andromeda! 
A  hidi^ous  Monller  rifes  from  the  Flood, 

C  z  And 

14  Perseus  and 

And  thou  its  deflin'd  Vidim. 

Rude  Tritons  iffuing  fudden  from  the  Deep,  \  p^ 

Seiz'd  in  our  Sight,  and  to  a  Rock 

The  trembhng  Princefs  bore. 

Cajf.  What  Horrors  ihake  my  Soul ! 

Efh,   Terfeus,    'tis  faid,    will   arm   in  hei' 
But  all,  we  fear,  in  vain, 

Cf/.   O  dire  Reverie  of  Fate !  Is  this 
Your  Juflice,  Gods  !  Can  Innocence, 
Can  Vertue  merit  fuch  Diflrefs  ! 

Caff.  Mine  is  the  Crime,  mine  be  the  Puniih« 

If  Rum  muji  fail, 

Gods,  here  point  it  alL  >'  ^ 

-Mi?,  only  me  invade  ; 
My  T^eath  jhould  alone ^ 
Tour  Vengeance  at  tone  ;  ..  , 

O  fave  the  guilt lefs  Maid. 

'h  \?.n^iV^^y^  If  Ruin^  &c. 

\ Scene  opens  to  a  Trofpe&  of  the 
Sea  ;  Andromeda  hound  to  a 
Rock  The  Monjier  appears. 



Andromeda.  i  j- 

Caf.  Ha,  blafted  be  my  Eyes! 
The  Monfter  comes. Is  there  no  Refcue } 

Cep,  AfTift,  ye   righteous  Gods.  — —  The 
Hero  comes, 
Terfeus,  to  her  and  our  Rehef. 

[Perfeus  files  donvn^  and  fights 
with  the  Monfter, 

Cep.   Perfeus  o'ercomes  :   O  mighty  Joy  I 
Trit.  Rife,  rife,  at  once,  ye  fwelhog  Waves, 
0*erwhelm  us  and  our  Shame. 

\Tritons  fmL 

[The  Sea  grows  calm,  Perfeus 
mibinds  Andromeda^  and  they 
come  forward^  and  fing  the 

following  Air, 

Both.  OTranfport^   do  I  hold  thee  here! 

f^\  yrhou\^^'^-^^^^    ^ofmyT>ays! 
And.  V  Hjuardian  \ 

Both.  For  thee,  what  anxious  Tumults  Fear 

In  my  poor  Heart  did  ra'ife  ! 

O  Tran/port,  Sec, 

Cep.  Lead  to  the  Temple  (Irait. 
This  Hour  your  Hands  fliail  join. 


i6  Perseus  and 

Hymen,  and  all  Powers, 
This  Pair  with  choicefl  Bieflings  crown. 

[The  Talace  of  Venus  dejcends^ 
in  it   the    Goddefs,    Cupid, 
Hymen^   the  Graces^  Loves 
.  7'  and  Sports,  : 

Ven.  Mortals,  your  Woes  have  here  an  End, 
Peace  fiiali  fucceed  your  Cares ; 
For  Jove,  in  Favour  of  his  gallant  Son, 
Henceforth  will  guard  the  harrafs'd  Land. 
E'en  Jtmo's,  dire  Refentments  ceafe, 
Cepheus,  CaJJlope  and  you. 
Mod  happy  Pair,  To  Fate  ordains, 
Begin  Celeftial  Joys  to  lliare. 
And  with  new  Stars  enrich  our  Heaven. 

Such  Change  of  Fate, 
Such  blifsful  State, 
To  Love  and  Vertue  join' d you  owe. 

Thus  Mortals  rife. 
To  tread  the  Skies, 
And  quit  their  grovelling  Lot  below. 

[Machine  afcends. 




Happy  Hero^  Loves  fur  round  you, 
And  your  Blifs  for  ever  guard  : 

Hymen  has  with  Beauty  crowned  you. 
Beauty,  Valour's  beft  Reward, 

[The  Suhje&s  (^/'Cepheus  end 
with  Dances^  exprejjing 
their  Joy, 



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