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The Philistines 
Their History and Civilization 


R. A. Stewart Macalister, MJL, F.SJI 

(Professor of Celtic Archaeology, University CoHege, DnoSn) 

The Schweich Lectures 

Welche Ironic der Weltgeschichte, dass die so wenig 'philisterhafte' Nation 
in mehreren Sprachen Europas jetzt ihren Namen znr Bezetchnung des fcigen 
und langweiligen Spiessburgers heigeben muss ! 


'Philistinism', after all, stands for two great habits, decency and order. 

Ths Qitarierly Review, 1899 


Published for the British Academy 

By Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Ptfess 

Amen Corner, E.C. 



AMOXU the Nations that came within the purview of the Old 
Testament Writers nations seldom mentioned without stricture, 
whether for idolatry, immorality, or cruelty perhaps none were 
the object of so concentrated an aversion as were the Philistines. 
The licentiousness of the Amorites. the hard-heartedness of the 
Egyptian taskmasters, the fiendish savagery of the Assyrian warriors^ 
each of these in turn receives its due share of condemnation. But 
the scornful judgement passed by the Hebrews on the Philistines has 
made a much deeper impression on the Bible-reading West than have 
their fulminations against other races and communities with which 
they had to do. In English, from at least the time of Dekker, 1 the 
word 4 Philistine * has been used in one or other of the senses of the 
modern colloquialism outsider ' ; and, especially since the publication 
of the essays of Mr. Matthew Arnold, it has become almost a technical 
term for a person boorish or bucolic of mind, impervious to the 
higher influences of art or of civilization. In French and German 
probably, indeed, in most of the languages of Europe the word is 
used in familiar speech with a greater or less approximation to the 
same meaning. 

The following little book is an attempt to collect in a convenient 
form the information so far available about the Philistine people. It 
is an expansion of a course of three lectures, delivered in 1911 before 
the British Academy under the Schweich Fund. In preparing it 
for publication, the matter has been revised and re-written throughout; 
and the division into lectures primarily imposed by the exigencies of 
time-allowance has been abandoned for a more systematic and con* 
venient division into chapters and sections. 

It is hoped that the perusal of these pages will at least suggest 

1 The Xeic English Dictionary quotes, Inter alia, 'Silke and satten, you mad 
Philistines', silke and satten ' (Dekker, 1600) : * They say, you went to Court last 
Night very drunk; nay, I'm told for certain you had been among Philistines* 
(Swift, 1738) : * The obtuseness of a mere English Philistine we trust is pardonable ' 
(The Examiner, 1827) : * Philistinism ! -we have not the expression in English. 
Perhaps we have not the word because we have so much of the thing ' (M. Arnold* 
1863): and the quotation from the Quarterly AVtvar. which is printed on the 



a iloubt as to the justice of the colloquial use of the name of this 
ancient people. 

As it may lx? well to preserve a record of the syllabus of the 
original lecture*, a copy of it is subjoined. 

1 (15 December, 1911}. The evil reputation of the Philistines. Recent 
ntsean'hes and discoveries. A sketch of the development of Cretan civilization. 
The Keftiu in the Egyptian records. The sack of Cnossos and subsequent 
developments. The 4 Peoples of the Sea\ Their raid on Egypt Its repulse. 
Recovery of the 'Peoples of the Sea' from their reverse. The adventures of 
Wen-Amon. The earliest reference to the Philistines in the Old Testament. 
The Abraham and Isaac stories. The references in the history of the Exodus. 
Shamgar. Samson. 

Leetnr? II {18 December, 1911 ; . The domination of the Philistines. The capture 
of the Ark and the outbreak of plague. Samuel and Saul. Relative culture of 
Philistines and Hebrews during the reign of Saul. The incidents of David's out- 
lawry. Acfaish, king of Gath. Gilboa. The Philistine domination broken by 
David. The various versions of the story of Goliath. The Philistines under the 
later monarchy. The Philistines in the Assyrian records. Nehemiah. The 
Maccabees. Traditions of the Philistines among the modern peasants of Palestine. 
Theories of the origin of the Philistines. Caphtor and the Cherethites. 

Lecture III (22 December, 1911). The Organization of the Philistines. Their 
country and cities. The problem of the site of Ekron. The language of the 
Philistines. Alleged traces of it in Hebrew. Their religion and deities. Their art. 
Recent discoveries. The place of the Philistines in History and Civilization. 

I have to express my acknowledgements to my friends and col- 
leagues, the Rev. P. Boylan, Maynooth, and the Rev. Prof. Henry 
Browne, S. J. ; also to the Very Rev. Principal G. A. Smith, Aberdeen, 
and Mr. E. H. Alton, of Dublin University, for allowing me to 
consult them on various points that arose in the course of this work. 
The first and last named have most kindly read through proof-sheets 
of the work and have made many valuable suggestions, but they have 
no responsibility for any errors that the discerning critic may detect. 

The figures on pp. 118, 119 are inserted by permission of the 
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 

R. A. & M. 


JVfer Year, 1913. 







1. The Adventures of Wen-Amou among them . . 29 

2. Their Struggle with the Hebrews . #8 

3. Their Decline and Disappearance .... 62 





1. Their Language ........ 79 

2. Their Organization : (A) Political, (B) Military, 

(C) Domestic 87 

8. Their Religion 90 

4. Their Place in History and Civilization . . . 114 


n<;. iAiii: 

1. A Keftian from the Tomb of Rekhmara and a Cretan from Kuo^t* . i* 

2. Sketch-map to illustrate the Battle of Geba -TO 

3. Sketch-map of Philistla . 77 

4. The Phaestos Disk 84, &> 

>. Coins of Gaza and A?hkelon Ill* 

(5. The Characters on the Phae&to* Disk 1NJ 

7. Wagons of the Pula>ati 1! 

JJ. The Head-dress of the PuJasati 118 

. The Sea-fi^ht between llames>u III anil the Allies . . .11*.* 

10. A Bird , as painted on an Amorite and a Philistine Vase respectively . 1-1 

11 . Sketch-plan*! and Elevationt? of the Marneion at Caza and of Solomon'*, 

Temple 13* 





THE Old Testament history is almost exclusively occupied with 
Semitic tribes. Babylonians, Assyrians, Canaanites, Hebrews, Ara- 
maeans all these, however much they might war among themselves, 
were bound by close linguistic and other ties, bespeaking a common 
origin in the dim, remote recesses of the past. Even the Egyptians 
show evident signs of having been at least crossed with a Semitic 
strain at some period early in their long and wonderful history. One 
people alone, among those brought conspicuously to our notice in the 
Hebrew Scriptures, impresses the reader as offering indications of 
alien origin. This is the people whom we call * Philistines" 1 . 

If we had any clear idea of what the word * Philistine " meant, or to 
what language it originally belonged, it might throw such definite 
light upon the beginnings of the Philistine people that further 
investigation would be unnecessary. The answer to this question is, 
however, a mere matter of guess-work. In the Old Testament the word is 
regularly written P e listlm (^?0|), singular P e listT 05*f), twice 1 
P e listiyim (O^fl&r.Ss). The territory which the}- inhabited during the 
time of their struggles with the Hebrews is known as "eres P e listim 
(D'fltfbs jn) the Land of Philistines', or in poetical passages, 
simply Peleseth (ns^B) 'Philistia'. Josephus regularly calls them 
TlaXaumvoC, except once, in his version of the Table of Nations in 
Genesis x (Ant. I. vi. 2) where we have the genitive singular 

1 In Amos ix. 7 and in the Kethibh of 1 Chron. xiv. 10. The almost uniform 
rendering of the Greek version ,v\cffrcei/t) seems rather to favour this orthography. 
The spelling of the first syllable, *u, shows, however, that the modern punctuation 
with the shta is of later growth, and that in the time of the Greek translation the 
pronunciation still approximated rather to the form of the name as it appears in 
Egyptian monuments (Purasati). 



Various conjectures a* to the etymology of this name have been put 
forward from "time to time. One of the oldest, that apparently due 
to Fonrmont, 1 connects it with the traditional Greek name rTcXarryot ; 
an equation which, however, does no more than move the problem of 
origin one step further back. This theory was adopted by Hitzig, 
the author of the first book in modern times on the Philistines, 2 
who connected the word with Sanskrit valaksa * white \ and made 
other similar comparisons, as for instance between the name of 
the deity of Gaza, Mama, and the Indian Varuna. On the other 
hand a Semitic etymology was sought by Gesenius, 3 Movers, 4 and 
others* who quoted an Ethiopic verb falasa, * to wander, roam,' 
whence comes the substantive^/a/ifoJ, fi a stranger.' In this etymology 
they were anticipated by the translators of the Greek Version, who 
habitually render the name of the Philistines by the Greek word 
aAA<J$rAoi/' even when it is put into the mouths of Goliath or Achish, 
when speaking of themselves. Of course this is merely an etymological 
speculation on the part of the translators, and proves nothing more than 
the existence of a Hebrew root (otherwise apparently unattested) 
similar in form and meaning to the Ethiopic root cited. And quite 
apart from any questions of linguistic probability, there is an obvious 
logical objection to such an etymology. In the course of the following 
pages we shall find the court scribes of Ramessu III, the historians of 
Israel, and the keepers of the records of the kings of Assyria, agreeing 
in applying the same name to the nation in question. These three 
groups of writers, belonging to as many separate nations and epochs 
of time^ no doubt worked independently of each other most probably 
in ignorance of each other's productions. This being so, it follows 
almost conclusively that the name * Philistine ' must have been derived 
from Philistine sources, and in short must have been the native 
designation. Now a word meaning c stranger' or the like, while it 
might well be applied by foreigners to a nation deemed by them 

critiques sur Pongine, Tkistoire et la succession des anciens p&uples 
. 254. 

2 F. Hitadgr, rrgeschichte und Myttologie der PhUister, Leipzig, 1845. 

1 Gesenius, Thesaurus, *.r. 

4 Movers, Uidersuchungen tiber die Religion und die Oottheiten der Phonizier (1841), 
voL i, p. 9. 

s Except (a} in the Hexateuch, where it is always transliterated *v\i<rrtcifi, some- 
times *XTT/t or SiAioTief/i; (ft) in Judges x. 6, 7, 11, xiii. 1, 5, xiv. 2, where again 
we find the word transliterated : in some important MSS. however, including Codex 
Alexandrinus, axxfyuAot is used in these passages; (c) in Isa. ix. 11 (English 
ix. 12, where we find the curious rendering *EXXipos, possibly indicating a variant 
reading in the text that ky before the translators. 


intruders, would scarcely be adopted by the nation itself, as its chosen 
ethnic appellation. This Ethiopic comparison it seems therefore safe to 
reject. The fantasy that Redslob * puts forward, namely, that nc6s 
*Philistia" was an anagram for r6ss% the Sheplielah or foot-hills of 
Judea, is perhaps best forgotten : place-names do not as a rule come 
to be in this mechanical way, and in any case ' the Shephelah "* and 
* Philistia 1 were not geographically identical. 

There is a peculiarity in the designation of the Philistines in 
Hebrew which has often been noticed, and which must have a 
certain significance. In referring to a tribe or nation the Hebrew 
writers as a rule either (a) personified an imaginary founder, making 
his name stand for the tribe supposed to derive from him 
e.g. 'Israel' for the Israelites; or (fi) used the tribal name in the 
singular* with the definite article a usage sometimes transferred to 
the Authorized Version, as in such familiar phrases as e the Canaanite 
was then in the land' (Gen. xii. 6) ; but more commonly assimilated 
to the English idiom which requires a plural, as in * the iniquity of 
the Amoritefs] is not yet fulP (Gen. xv. 16). But in referring to the 
Philistines, the plural of the ethnic name is always used, and as a rule 
the definite article is omitted. A good example is afforded by the 
name of the Philistine territory above mentioned, 'eres P e listim, 
literally * the land of Philistines ' : contrast such an expression as 
'eres hak- K e na*ani, literally *the land of the Canaanite 1 . A few 
other names, such as that of the Rephaim, are similarly constructed : 
and so fax as the scanty monuments of Classical Hebrew permit us to 
judge, it may be said generally that the same usage seems to be 
followed when there is question of a people not conforming to the 
model of Semitic (or perhaps we should rather say Aramaean) tribal 
organization. The Canaanites, Amorites, Jebusites, and the rest, are 
so closely bound together by the theory of blood-kinship which even 
yet prevails in the Arabian deserts, that each may logically be spoken 
of as an individual human unit. No such polity was recognized 
among the pre-Semitic Hephaim, or the intruding Philistines, so 
that they had to be referred to as an aggregate of human units. 
This rule, it must be admitted, does not seein to be rigidly main- 
tained ; for instance, the name of the pre-Semitic Horltes might 
have been expected to follow the exceptional construction. But 
a haxd-and-fast adhesion to so subtle a distinction, by all the writers 
who have contributed to the canon of the Hebrew scriptures and by 

1 TUB alttest. Xamen der Bftvlkerung, p. 4; adopted by Arnold in Ersch and 
Gruber's Encyclopaedia* s. v. PhHister. 


all the scribes who have transmitted their works, is not to be 
expected. Even in the case of the Philistines the rule that the 
definite article should be omitted is broken in eleven places. 1 

However, this distinction, which in the case of the Philistines is 
carefully obsened (with the exceptions cited in the footnote), indicates 
at the outset that the Philistine*? were regarded as something apart 
from the ordinary Semitic tribes with whom the Hebrews had to do. 

The name of the Philistines, therefore, does not lead us very far in 
our examination of the origin of this people. Our next step must be 
to inquire what traditions the Hebrews preserved respecting the 
origin of their hereditary enemies ; though such evidence on a 
question of historical truth must obviously even under the most 
favourable circumstances be unsatisfactory. 

The locus classicvs is, of course, the table of nations in Genesis x. 
Here we read (vv. 6, 13, 1-4), * And the sons of Ham : Cush, and 
Mizraim, and Put, and Canaan . . . And Mizraim begat Ludim, and 
'Anamim, and Lehabim, and Naphtuhim, and Pathrusim, and 
Casluhim (whence went forth the Philistines) and Caphtorim. 11 The 
list of the sons of Ham is assigned to the Priestly source ; that of the 
sons of Mizraim (distinguished by the formula * he begat **) to the 
Yahvistic source. The ethnical names are almost all problematical, 
and the part of special interest to us has been affected, it is 
supposed, by a disturbance of the text. 

So far as the names can be identified at all, the passage means that 
in the view of the writer or writers who compiled the table of nations, 
the Hamitic or southern group of mankind were Ethiopia, Egypt, 
*Puf, and Canaan. Into the disputed question of the identification 
of the third of these, this is not the place to enter. Passing over the 
children assigned to Cush or Ethiopia, we come to the list of peoples 
supposed by the Yahvist to be derived from Egypt. Who or what 
most of these peoples were is very uncertain. The Ludim are supposed 
to have been Libyans (d in the name being looked upon as an error 
for 6) ; the Lehabim are also supposed to be Libyans ; the *Anamim 
are unknown, as are also the Casluhim ; but the NapkiuJilm and 
Pathrusim seem to be reasonably identified with the inhabitants of 
Lower and Upper Egypt respectively. 2 

1 Namely Joshua xiSi. 2; 1 Sam. iv, 7, vii. 12, xiiL 20,xvii. 51, 52 ; 2 Sam. v. 19, 
xxL 12, 17 ; 1 Chron. xi. 13 ; 2 Chron. xxi. 16. 

* For fuller particulars see Skinner's Commentary on Genesis (pp. 200-214). 
Sayce finds Caphtor and Kasluhtt on an inscription at Kom Ombo : see Hastings^ 
Dictionary, s, v. Caphtor ; and Jlfan, 1903, No. 77. But see also Hall's criticisms, 
ib. No. 92. 


There remain the Caphtorim, and the interjected note * whence 
went forth the Philistines \ The latter has every appearance of 
having originally been a marginal gloss that has crept into the text. 
And in the light of other passages, presently to be cited, it would 
appear that the gloss referred originally not to the unknown Casluhim, 
but to the Caphtorim. It must, however, be said that all the versions, 
as well as the first chapter of Chronicles, agree in the reading of the 
received text, though emendation would seem obviously called for. 
This shows us either that the disturbance of the text is of great anti- 
quity, or else that the received text is, after all, correct, and that the 
Casluhim are to be considered a branch o or at any rate a tribe 
nearly related to, the Caphtorim. 

The connexion of the Philistines with a place called Caphtor is 
definitely stated in Amos ix. 7 : * Have not I brought up Israel out 
of the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the 
Syrians from Kir?' It is repeated in Jeremiah xlvii. 4, where the 
Philistines are referred to as 6 the remnant of the 1 of Caphtor \ The 
word "7 is rendered in the Revised Version * island \ with marginal 
rendering *sea coast' : this alternative well expresses the ambiguity in 
the meaning of the word, which does not permit us to assume that 
Caphtor, as indicated by Jeremiah, was necessarily one of the islands 
of the sea. Indeed, even if the word definitely meant * island**, its 
use here would not be altogether conclusive on this point : an isolated 
headland might long pass for an island among primitive navigators, 
and therefore such a casual mention need not limit our search for 
Caphtor to an actual island. 

Again, in Deuteronomy ii- 23, certain people called the Caphtorim, 
* which came out of Caphtor', are mentioned as having destroyed the 
*Avvim that dwelt in villages as far as Gaza, and established them- 
selves in their stead. The geographical indication shows that the 
Caphtorim must be identified, generally speaking, with the Philistines : 
the passage is valuable as a record of the name of the earlier in- 
habitants, who, however, were not utterly destroyed : they remained 
in the south of the Philistine territory (Joshua xiii. 4). 

The question of the identification of Caphtor must, however, be 
postponed till we have noted the other ethnic indications which the 
Hebrew scriptures preserve. Chief of these is the application of the 
word C e rethi (TQ?) * Cherethites ' to this people or to a branch of 

Thus in 1 Samuel xxx. 14 the young Egyptian servant, describing 
the Amalekite raid, said * we raided the south of the Cherethites and 


a common denunciation, which we find practically repeated in the 
important passage Zephaniah ii. 5, where a woe is pronounced on the 
dwellers by the sea-coast, the nation of the Cherethites, and on 
* Canaan, the land of the Philistines"; this latter is a noteworthy 
expression, probably, however, interpolated in the text. In both these 
tat passages the Greek version renders this word Kpijrcj 'Cretans'; 
it simply transliterates (XcA,c0 with many varieties of 

spelling). 1 

In both places it would appear that the name 'Cherethites* is 
chosen for the sake of a paronomasia (ma = to cut ofT). In the 
obscure expression children of the land of the covenant * (man pK VI 
Ezek. xxx. 5) some commentators 2 see a corruption of Tron w 
f Children of the Cherethites\ But see the note, p. 128 post. 

In other places the Cherethites are alluded to as part of the 
bodyguard of the early Hebrew kings, and are coupled invariably 
with the name **&* Pelethites. This is probably merely a modifica- 
tion of wfefi, the ordinary word for * Philistine', the letter * being 
omitted in order to produce an assonance between the two names. 3 
The Semites are fond of such assonances : they are not infrequent 
in modern Arab speech, and such a combination as Shuppim and 
Huppim (1 Chron. vii. 12) shows that they are to be looked for 
in older Semitic writings as well. If this old explanation 4 be not 
accepted, we should have to put the word * Pelethites' aside as hope- 
lessly unintelligible. Herodotus's Philitis, or Philition, a shepherd 
after whom the Egyptians were alleged to call the Pyramids, 5 has 
often been quoted in connexion with this name, coupled with baseless 
speculations as to whether the Philistines could have been the Hyksos. 

* Such are 3&y/x, Xa/wtti, XA0<, XcAlce, XcAjSi, XcA0, 

XeXtafe, XcXc0(c v XcActfa, XcAoffft, XaMci, XoAAeft, Xo/*0c, Xo/*00t, Xo/>/, 
Xcpcta, X*fnj$u, X^T, Xc/>c00ci, Xc/xAv y Xcpcot, Xupt, Xep 
Ox*teMt, Oxfpe*h OxcAfr, OXA^/, OxcXe0 y Fc00f. The Pdethites appear under 
eqiiafijr Strange guises: *ten, *X7t, *XT, ^eXcrcc, *Xcrre, *Xe00i, *e\W, 
*X^ti, cXr9i, feAc&tffA, Omrer, OXT, O^eXrt, O^eA0t y O$cXc00u, Q<pc\ereti, 
n^cXc00, O<XA, OAc0ir, Ovt/*r, ncAcjSc, O0C0U, XerreuoJ. 

9 Carnffl, Da* Buck du Proph. E~~*k. p. 368, followed by Toy, Ezeldel (in Sacred 
BooksofO.T.),?. 88. 

* Possibly the instinct for triliteralism may also have been instrumental in the 
evolution of ibis form. 

* It is given in Lakemacber, Obtervationtg Philologies (1729), iL 88, and revived 
by Ewald in his KrifiicJu Grammatik for htbraitchen Sprache ',1897% p. 397. 

1 HdL it 1% 


With regard to the syntax of these two names, it is to be noticed 
that as a rule they conform to the ordinary Hebrew usage, contrary 
perhaps to what we might have expected. But in the two prophetic 
passages we have quoted, the name of the Cherethites agrees in 
construction with that of the Philistines, 

In three passages 2 Samuel xx. 8, 2 Kings xL 4, 19 the name 
of the royal body-guard of 'CherethitesT appears as "1| 'Carians'. 
If this happened only once it might be purely accidental, due to 
the dropping of a n by a copyist; but being confirmed by its three- 
fold repetition, it is a fact that must be noted carefully * for future 

Here the Hebrew records leave us, and we must seek elsewhere 
for further light. Thanks to the discoveries of recent years, our 
search need not be prolonged. For in the Egyptian records we find 
mention of a region whose name, feftlti, has an arresting similarity 
to the 'Caphtor' of Hebrew writers. It is not immediately obvious 
whence comes the final r of the latter, if the comparison be sound ; 
but waiving this question for a moment, let us see what is to be 
made of the Egyptian name, and, above all, what indications as to its 
precise situation are to be gleaned from the Egyptian monuments. 

The name k-f-tnv / Tbv t^^i I sometimes written k-f-ty-w 

^= Jr^ / 

/ ft ^\ i& \ first meets us on Egyptian monuments of the 

Eighteenth Dynasty. It is apparently an Egyptian word : at least, 
it is capable of being rendered * behind % and assuming this rendering 
Mr. H. R. Hall 2 aptly compares it with our colloquialism * the Back 
of Beyond 7 . Unless this is to be put aside as a mere VoVcsetymdlogie 9 
it clearly would be useless to search the maps of classical atlases for 
any name resembling Keftiu. It would simply indicate that the 
Egyptians had a sense of remoteness or uncertainty about the position 
of the country ; and even from this we could derive no help, for as 
a rule they manifest a similar vagueness about other foreign places. 

It is specifically under Thutmose III that 'Keftiu' first appears 
as the name of a place or a people. On the great stele in the Cairo 
Museum in which the king's mighty deeds are summarized, in the 
form of a Hymn to Amon, we read * I came and caused thee to smite 

the west-land, and the land of Keftiu and Asi (^ TTT |j j| I*M) 

1 The Greek version has "SL*p*6i in the first of these passages, in the others Xo/yi 
with a number of varieties of spelling, Xo/y, Xo/w, &c., all of them showing o as 
the first vowel. 

1 Journal ofth* British School at Athens, viii (1901-2% p. 157. 


are terrified". In the Annalistic Inscription on the walls of the 
Temple of Karnak the name appears in interesting connexion with 
maritime enterprise. *The harbours of the king were supplied 
with all the good things which he received in Syria, namely ships 
of Keftiu, Bybloss and Sektu [the last-named place is not identified], 
cedar-ships laden with poles and masts." * A silver vessel of Keftiu 
work * was part of the tribute paid to Thutmose by a certain chief- 
tain. 1 Keftiu itself does not send any tribute recorded in the annals ; 
but tribute from the associated land of Asi is enumerated, in which 
copper is the most conspicuous item. This in itself proves nothing, 
for the copper might in the first instance have been brought to Asi 
from somewhere eke, before it passed into the coffers of the all- 
devouring Pharaoh : but on the Tell el-Amarna tablets a copper- 
producing country, with the similar name Alasia, is prominent, and 
as Cyprus was the chief if not the only source of copper in the 
Eastern Mediterranean, the balance of probability seems to be in 
favour of equating Asi and Alasia alike to Cyprus. In this case 
Keftiu would denote some place, generally speaking, in the neighbour- 
hood of Cyprus. 

The next important sources of information are the wall-paintings 
in the famous tombs of Sen-mut, architect to Queen Hatshepsut ; 
of Rekhmara, vizier of Thutmose III ; and of Menkheperuseneb, son 
of the last-named official, 2 high priest of Amon and royal treasurer. 
In these wall-paintings we see processions of persons, with non-Semitic 
European-looking faces ; attired simply in highly embroidered loin- 
cloths folded round their singularly slender waists, and in high boots 
or gaiters ; with hair dressed in a distinctly non-Semitic manner ; 
bearing vessels and other objects of certain definite types. The 
tomb of Sen-mut is much injured, but the Cretan ornaments there 
drawn are unmistakable. In the tomb of Rekhmara we see the 
official standing, with five rows of foreigners carrying their gifts, 
a scribe recording the inventory at the head of each row, and an 
inscription explaining the scene as the * Reception by the hereditary 
prince Rekhmara of the tribute of the south country, with the 

1 The name of this chieftain's land is mutilated (fpTy)- Mr. Hall (op. cit. p. 167, 
Oldest Civilisation of Greece, p. 163) restores Yantanay, and renders Cyprus'. 
W. Max MHller compares with this name the word Adinai, found in the List of 
Keftian names given on p. 10. 

* For these tombs see Hall, British School at Athens, vol. x (1903-4), p. 154, and 
Proc. 8oc* Bib. Arch, xxxi, Plate XVI [Sen-mut] ; Wilkinson, Manners and Customs 
of the A*ci**t Effyptians, i, Plate II, A.B. [Rekhmara] ; Virey, Mtmoires de la 
mittwn n Cairc, v, p. 7 [Rekhmara], p. 197 ff [Menkheperuseneb"'. In the last- 
named, Keftiu is translated and indexed * Phenicle '. 


tribute of Punt, the tribute of Retenu, the tribute of Keftiu, besides 
the booty of all nations brought by the fame of Thutmose III ". In 
the tomb of Menkheperuseneb there are again two lines of tribute- 
bearers, described as * the chief of Keftiu, the chief of Kheta, the 
chief of Tunip, the chief of Kadesh' ; and an inscription asserts that 
these various chiefs are praising the ruler of the Two Lands, cele- 
brating his victories, and bringing on their backs silver, gold, lapis 
lazuli, malachite, and all kinds of precious stones. 

Fig. 1. A. A Keftiau from the Tomb of Rekhmara. 
B. A Cretan from Kuossos. 

Some minor examples, confirming the conclusions to which these three 
outstanding tomb-frescoes point, will be found in W. Max Muller's 
important paper, Neue Darstellungen 4 mykenischer'* Gesandter . . . in 
altagyptischen Wandgemdlden (Mitt, vorderas.-Gesell., 1904, No. ). 

Recent investigations in the island of Crete have enabled us to 
identify with certainty the sources of the civilization which these 
messengers and their gifts represent. Wall-paintings iiave there been 
found representing people with the same facial type, the same costume, 
the same methods of dressing the hair ; and as it were the originals of 
the costly vases they bear have been found in such profusion as to 
leave no doubt that they are there on their native soil. The messengers, 
who are depicted in the Egyptian frescoes, are introducing into Egypt 


some of the thcft-trwim of Cretan art; specifically, art of the 
periods known as Late Minoan I and II, 1 the time of the greatest 
glory of the palace of Knossos ; and as they are definitely described in 
the accompanying hieroglyphs a* messengers of Keftiu, it follows that 
Keftiu was at least a centre of distribution of the products of Cretan 
civilization, and therefore a place under the influence of Crete, if 
it was not actually the island of Crete itself. And the clear evidence, 
that excavation in Crete has revealed, of a back-wash of Egyptian 
influence on Cretan civilization at the time of the coming to Egypt 
of the Keftian envoys, turns the probability into as near a certainty 
as it is at present possible to attain. 

The next document to be noticed is a hieratic school exercise-tablet, 
apparently (to judge from the forms of the script) dating from the end 
of the Eighteenth Dynasty. It is now preserved in the British Museum, 
numbered 5647.- On the one side are some random scribbles, like 
the meaningless words and phrases with which one tries a doubtful 

* The {goddess Ubast they are small, numerous of precious things, 
when his majesty was seen^ as he turned his face there was for the 
feast day, one jar "of wine [this line repeated] Ru-unti Ru-dadama 
Smdt-ty "* [three names], 

On the other side is 

* To make names of Keftiu : 







Sen-Xofer [an Egyptian name, twice repeated] 

fct a hundred of copper, aknu^ases * [reading uncertain] 

[two illegible names] 


Sumrssu [Egyptian] * 

Though the reading of some of the items of this list is not quite 
certain, it seems clear that the heading 'irt rn n keftw, <to make 
names of Keftiu 1 *, indicates that this tablet is a note of names to be used 

1 See the brief summary of the various stages of Cretan culture during the 
Bronze Age, later in the present chapter. 

1 See Spiegelberg, Z^Uehrift far Msyrwlogi* (1893), viii. 385 (where the text is 
pubushed incompletely), and W. Max Miiller in Jf ttMbnyM der vordmsiatischm 
v, p. 6, where facsimiles will be found. 


in some exercise or essay. The presence of the familiar Philistine name 
Achish, in the form Akaou, twice over, is suggestive, but otherwise 
the tablet does not help forward our present inquiry into the position 
of Keftiu and the origin of the Philistine people. 

These various discoveries of recent years make it unnecessary to dis- 
cuss at any length other theories which have been presented in ancient 
and modern times CLS to the identification of the name of Keftiu or of 
Caphtor. The Ptolemaic Jonathan Oldbuck who translated for his 
master the Decree ofCanopux into Hieroglyphics, revived this ancient 
geographical name to translate 4>ow//o7$: a piece of irresponsible 
pedantry which has caused nothing but confusion. Even before the dis- 
coveries of the last fifteen or twenty years it was obvious that the 
Keftiu of Rekhmara's tomb were as unlike Phoenicians as they could 
possibly be ; and their gifts were also incompatible with what was 
known of Phoenician civilization. Endless trouble was thus given to 
would-be harmonists. Another antiquary of the same kind and of the 
same period, who drew up the inscription to be cut on the temple at 
Kom Ombo, has likewise made illegitimate use of the name in ques- 
tion. A catalogue of the places conquered by the founder of the 
temple, after the manner of the records of achievements of the great 
kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty, was de rigiteur : so the obsequious 
scribe set down, apparently at random, a list of any geographical 
names that happened to come into his head. Among these is kptar, 
the final r of which seems to denote a Hebrew source ; perhaps he 
learnt the name from some brother antiquary in the neighbouring 
Jewish colony at -Aswan. 

The Greek translators of the scriptures, the Peshitta, and the 
Targums, in Deuteronomy ii. 23, Amos is. 7, render the name Cappa- 
docia. This seenis to be merely a guess, founded on similarity of sound. 

In modern times, even before the days of scientific archaeology, 
the equation of Caphtor to Crete has always been the theory most 
in favour. Apart from Jeremiah^ description of the place as an 
6 island ' which as we have already mentioned is not quite con- 
clusive the obvious equation Cherethites = Cretans would strike 
any student. Calraet 1 gives a good statement of the arguments 
for the identification which were available before the age of exca- 

For completeness 1 sake we may refer here to various other theories 
of Philistine origin which have been put forward by modern 
scholars : it is, however, not necessary to give full references 

1 Dissertations quipeuvent serrir de vrolegomenes de Tlcriture saint (1730% II. ii, 
p. 441. 


to all the writers who have considered the question. The favourite 
hypothesis among those who rejected the Caphtor-Crete identifica- 
tion was founded on the Greek Version and Josephus : Caphtor was 
by them identified with Cappadocia, and Casluhim with the Colchians, 
Hitzig, as stated earlier in this chapter, identified them with the 
Fela-gian.s, who came, according to his view, from Crete to North 
Egypt, identified with the Casluhim of the Table of Nations : their 
language he suppoi*ed to be cognate with Sanskrit, and by Sanskrit he 
interpreted many of the names of people and places. Quatremere, 
reviewing Hitzig's hook in the Journal des Savants (1846, pp. 257, 
411), suggested a rival theory, deriving them from West Africa, 
equating Casluhim with Sheluh, a sept of the Berbers. Stark 
(Gaza, p. 70) assigned them to the Phoenicians, accepting the South 
Semitic etymology of the name Pelistim, Caphtor being the Delta, 
and Casluhim a name cognate with the Kasios mountain, denoting 
a tribe living between Kasios and Pelusium. 1 Kohler 2 had a compli- 
cated theory to reconcile all the various lines of Biblical evidence : he 
took Caphtor to be the Delta ; the Philistines springing from there 
settled in Casluhim (between Casios and Pelusium) : * going forth ' 
from Casluhim they sailed to Crete, and then returned to Philistia. 
Knobel (Dfe Volkertafel der Genesis, p. 215 sqq.) proposed a double 
origin for the Philistine people. The main body he took to be 
Semites who came out (geographically, not racially) from the Casluhim 
in North Egypt ; and the Caphtorim were a southern tribe of Cretan or 
Carian origin. Knobel gave a very careful analysis of the evidence 
available at his time, but he overlooked the Medinet Habu sculptures, 
and, on the other hand, gave too much weight to the gossip of 
Herodotus about Philitis and the Pyramids. 

Ebers 8 made an elaborate attempt to find in the Delta a site 
for Caphtor; but this can hardly stand against later discoveries. 
They are no goods from the Land of Goshen which Rekhmara^s 
visitors are carrying. W. Max Miiller 4 equates Keftiu to Cilicia, 
mainly on the ground of the order in which the name occurs in 
geographical lists: but though this is not an argument to be 
lightly set aside, we are confronted with the difficulty that Cilicia 
could hardly have been a centre of distribution of Minoan goods 
in the time of Kekhmara. 5 

1 A place which, as has often been noticed, has the same radicals as the name of 
the Philistines. 

1 Lthrbxch d. bibl GetchicMe, voL i. 

8 Aegypten nnd da* Buck .Ifow, p. 127 ff. * Asitn und Europa* p. 337. 

* An elaborate refutation of the Cilfcian hypothesis will be found in Noordtzij. 


Schwally 1 argues thus for the Semitic origin of the Philistines : 
that if the Philistines were immigrants, so were the Phoenicians and 
Syrians (tests Amos): that the identity of Caphtor and Crete is an 
unproved assumption : the Greek translation twice rendeJs * Chere- 
thites "* by * Cretans' 1 , it is true, but not elsewhere, showing uncertainty 
on the subject: and the reading * Crete " in Zephaniah ii. 6 is wrong. All 
the personal names, and all the place-names (except possibly El-tekeh 
and Ziklag)are Semitic, and there is no trace of any non-Semitic deity. 
Stade 2 asserts the Semitic origin of the people, without giving any 
very definite proofs ; Tiele 3 claims the Philistines as Semites on the 
ground of their Semitic worship. Beecher (in Hastings's Diet, of the 
Bibky s. v. Philistines) claims the name of the people as * probably 
Semitic 1 , but considers that most likely they were originally Aryan 
pirates who had become completely Semitized. The non-circumcision 
of the Philistines is a difficulty against assigning to them a Semitic 
origin ; and the various Semitic elements in their names, religion, 
and language can most reasonably be explained by borrowing pre- 
sumably as a result of free intermarriage with Semites or Semitized 

On the other hand, it may be said at once that it is perhaps a little 
premature to call them Aryans. On the whole, the probability seems 
to be against the Philistine being an Aryan tongue it certainly was 
not, if (as is not unlikely) it had affinities with Etruscan. 

But these identifications are to a large extent the personal 
opinions of those who put them forward. The identification of 
Caphtor and Keftiu with Crete is so generally accepted, that there 
is a danger that some difficulties in the way should be overlooked. 
For first of all we are met with a question of philology : whence 
came the final r in the Hebrew word ? It has been suggested that 
it might be a nominative suffix of the Keftian language. It would 
in any case be more probably a locative or prepositional suffix : for place- 
names are apt to get taken over into foreign languages in one or 
other of those cases, because they are generally referred to in con- 
texts that require them ; just as Eriu, the old Irish name of Ireland, 
has been taken over into English in its prepositional case, now spelt 
Erin. It might possibly be a plural : Mr. Alton has suggested to me a 
comparison with the Etruscan plural ending er, ar, ur. Letting the 
question of the exact case pass, however, as irrelevant, there are two 
points that must be indicated regarding the suggestion that r is 

* Ztitschr.fur wissensch. Tkeologie, xxxiv (1891), p. 103. 

* G8eh. ck* Volk. I*r. i. 142. 

* Geschisdenis van den GodsdieMt in de Oudheid, i. pp. 214, 341. 


a Keflian case-ending. la the first place, it assumes that Keftiu 
is, after all, not the Egyptian word it resembles, but the native 
*Keftiair name for the place in question: it is incompatible with 
the * Bock of Beyond * theory of the meaning of the name* In the 
second place, it is difficult to understand how the Hebrews should 
have picked up a * Keftian " case-ending or any such grammatical 
formative, rather than the Egyptians ; for the Egyptians were 
brought into direct contact with Keftians, while the Hebrews 
arrived on the scene too late to enjoy that advantage. Ebers 
attempted to solve the difficulty by supposing the r to come from 
the Egyptian adjective wr, * great \ tacked on to the place-name. 
Max Muller (Mien und Europa, p. 390) and Wiedemann (Orient. 
Littcwtnrzeitungi xiii, col. 49) point out that there is no monumental 
evidence for such an expression, and that in any case fc Great Keft- 
land' would be Keft-'a, not Keft-o?r. The latter (loc. cit.) has 
an ingenious solution : in an astronomical text in the grave of 
Ramessu VI occurs a list of places "i wm}r (the land of the Amorites) 

pb (unidentified) and " != * f ^ a *& kfthr (< Upper Kefti'). 
**-=*- "3? .ma- 

* Caphtor*, he suggests, may be a corruption of this latter expression. 
The hypothesis may be noted in passing, though perhaps it is not 
altogether convincing. 

Behind this problem lies another, perhaps equally difficult : why 
did the Hebrews call the home-land of the Philistines by this name, 
which even in Egypt was already obsolete ? 

To this question the only reasonable answer that seems to present 
itself is to the effect that by the time of the Hebrews Crete or Keftiu 
had, with its gorgeous palaces, passed into tradition. Like the 
I Breasail or Avallon of Celtic tradition, the place which the Hebrew 
writers called e Caphtor * was no longer a tangible country, but a 
dreamland of folklore, the legends of which had probably filtered 
into Palestine from Egypt itself. Whether Caphtor was or was 
not the same as the island of Crete was to the ancient Hebrew 
historian a question of secondary interest beside the all-important 
practical fact that the Philistines were obstinate in their occupation 
of the most desirable parts of the Promised Land. When the in- 
spired herdsman of Tekoa spoke of the Philistines being led from 
Caphtor, he was probably just as unconscious of the requirements 
of the scientific historian as a modern herdsman who told me that 
a certain ancient monument on a Palestinian hill-slope belonged ' to 
the time of the RunT. He no doubt believed what he said : but 
who or what the Bum may have been, or how many years or centuries 


or geological aeons ago they may have flourished, he neither knew 
nor cared. 

All, then, that the Hebrews can tdl us about their hereditary 
enemies is, that they came from a vague traditional place called 
Caphtor a place by the sea, but of which they have nothing more 
to say. The tradition of Caphtor seems to be a tradition of the 
historical glories of Crete, so far as the Egyptians knew of them, and 
the name seems to be a tradition of the name which, for some reason 
not certainly known, the Egyptians applied to the source of the 
desirable treasures of the Cretan civilization. 

Even down to late times the tradition linking Philistia with 
Crete persisted in one form or another. Tacitus heard it, though in 
a distorted form : in the oft-quoted passage Hist. v. he confuses 
the Jews with the Philistines, and makes the former the Cretan 
refugees. 1 MEI N A, Minos, is named on some of the coins of Gaza. 
This town was called by the name Jfiitoa : and its god Mama was 
equated to *Zeus the Crete-born." 12 

But did the Philistines come from Crete? That is the question 
which we must now consider. 

The last generation saw the labours of Schliemann at Troy and 
elsewhere, and was startled by the discovery of the splendid pre- 
Hellenic civilization of Mycenae. For us has been reserved the yet 
greater surprise of finding that this Mycenaean age was but the latest, 
indeed the degenerate phase of a vastly older and higher culture. Of 
this ancient civilization Crete was the centre and the apex. 

The course of civilization in this island, from the end of the 
Neolithic period onwards, is divided by Sir Arthur Evans into three 
periods 3 which he has named Early, Middle, and Late *Minoan* 
respectively, after the name of Minos the famous legendary Cretan 
king. Each of these three periods is further divided into subordinate 

1 *Iudaeos Creta Insula profugos nouissima Libyae insedisse memorant, qua 
tempestate Saturnus ui louis pulsus cesserit regnis.' 

s Stephanus of Byzantium, s.v. Tdfa, mfeis &otv'unp, vvy 5 HaXxuarivris wpb TTJS 
Aiyfarov. \^0rj teal *Afa [TO]' *oi ptxp 2rf/WM "Afar cdrrip xalovffiv, <S*-d*A0r0s 
rov iraiSbs *RpaK\{av$. fjiv6o\o-fov(Tt 84 rivts (hrd Aior KriuGrjvtu. sou tv aur droAzircfr t^v 
ISiay Tafav avru row IJepcrav T& xiftunxi KaXovvrow. teal p.fivdcnjs avrfjs ixcT ic\^&ij Si 
/cat Mivwa, on MiVws ffvv rots a5c\$ois Alaacy KO! 'Patiap&vffet ?ar l aurou ravrrjv cicaXeerev. 
&0ev Kal rd rov "Kprjraiov Atds vap avrus clrcu & teal tcaO* ^ys ifcaXow Mdpvav tp/oyveutJ- 
fievov 'KprjrcTffVTj. ras vap0c*ous fap ourw K/wyr*? irpoaayoptvovfft Mapvav. 

8 The bare outline statement, which is all that is necessary here, can be supple- 
mented by reference to any of the numerous books that have appeared recently on 
the special subject of Cretan excavation : such as Professor Burrows's pleasantly 
written work entitled Th* Dvcorerie* in Crete (London, Murray, 1907), which con- 
tains a most useful bibliography. 


periods, indicated by numbers, ; thus we have Early Minoan I, II, III, 
and so for the others. The general characters of these nine periods 
may now be briefly stated, with the approximate dates which Egyptian 
synchronisms enable us to assign. 

" Into the question of the origin of the early inhabitants of Crete we 
need not enter. That there was some connexion between Crete and 
Egypt in their stone-age beginnings seems on various grounds to be 
not improbable. 1 The neolithic Cretan artists were much like 
neolithic artists elsewhere. They never succeeded in attaining a very 
high position among workers in flint; Crete has so far produced 
nothing comparable with the best work of the Egyptians and the 
Scandinavians. Their pottery was decorated with incised or pricked 
patterns filled in with white powdered gypsum, to make a white pat- 
tern on a black ground. 

The Early Minoan I period inherited this type of ornament and 
ware from its predecessors, but improved it. Coloured decoration 
now began to be used, the old incised ornaments being imitated with 
a wash of paint. The ornament was restricted to simple geometrical 
patterns such as zigzags. The pottery was made without the wheel. 
In this period short triangular daggers in copper are found. In 
Early Minoan II the designs are more free and graceful: simple 
curves appear, side by side with straight lines, towards the end of 
the period. The potter's wheel is introduced. Rude and primitive 
idols in marble, alabaster, and steatite are found. The copper 
daggers are likewise found, but the use of flint and obsidian is not 
yet wholly abandoned. In Early Minoan HI there is not much 
advance in the art of the potter. We now, however, begin to find 
seals with a kind of hieroglyphic signs upon them, apparently imitated 
(in manner if not in matter) from Egyptian seals. These seern to 
give us the germ of the art of writing, as practised later in Crete. 
Scholars differ (between 2000 and 3000 B.C.) as to the proper date 
to assign to the end of the Early Minoan civilization : for our present 
purpose it is not important to discuss the causes of disagreement, or 
to attempt to decide between these conflicting theories. 

The next period, Middle Minoan 7, takes a great step forward. 
We now begin to find polychrome decoration in pottery, with 
elaborate geometrical patterns ; we also discover interesting attempts 
to picture natural forms, such as goats, beetles, &c. Upon the ruins 
of this stage of development, which seems to have been checked by 
some catastrophe, are founded the glories of Middle Minoan 77, the 
period of the great palace of Phaestos and of the first palace of 
1 See Hall, Proc. Soc. Biblical Archaeology* xxri, pp. 144-148. 


Knossos. To this period also belongs the magnificent polychrome 
pottery called Kamures ware. Another catastrophe took place : the 
first palace of Knossos was ruined, and the great second palace built 
in its place : and the period known as Middle Minoan III began. 
It was distinguished by an intense realism in art, speaking clearly 
of a rapid deterioration in taste. In this period we find the picto- 
graphic writing clearly developed, with a hieratic or cursive script 
derived from it, adapted for writing with pen and ink. The Middle 
Miuoan period came to an end about 1600 B.C. 

Late Afinoan I shows a continuation of the taste for realism. Its 
pottery is distinguished from that of the preceding period by the 
convention that its designs as a rule are painted dark on a light 
background: in Middle Minoan III they are painted light on a 
dark background. Linear writing is now developed. The palace 
of Phaestos is rebuilt. Fine frescoes and admirable sculptured vases 
in steatite are found in this period, to which also belong the oldest 
remains at Mycenae, namely the famous gold deposits in the shaft 
tombs. In Late Minoan II the naturalistic figures become con- 
ventionalized, and a degeneration in art sets in which continues into 
Late Minoan III. The foreign imports found at Tell el-Amarna 
and thus of the time of Ikhnaton, are all of Late Minoan HI ; this 
affords a valuable hint for dating this phase of development. 

Now while some of the earlier periods shade into one another, like 
the colours of a rainbow, so that it is difficult to tell where the one 
ends and the next begins, this is not the case of the latest periods, 
the changes in which have evidently been produced by violence. The 
chief manifestation is the destruction of Knossos, which took place, 
apparently as a result of invasion from the mainland, at the very 
end of the period known as Late Minoan II : that is to say about 
1400 B.C. The inferior style called Late Minoan HI the style which 
till recent years we had been accustomed to call Mycenaean succeeded 
at once and without any intermediate transition to the style of Late 
Minoan II immediately after this raid. It was evidently the degraded 
style that had developed in the mainland among the successful in- 
vaders, founded upon (or, rather, degenerated from) works of art 
which had spread by way of trade to the adjacent lands, in the 
flourishing days of Cretan civilization. 

We have seen that in Egyptian tombs of about 1500 B. c. there are 
to be seen paintings of apparently Cretan messengers and merchants, 
called by the name of Keftiu, bearing Cretan goods : and in addition 
we find the actual tangible goods themselves, deposited with the 
Egyptian dead. In Palestine and elsewhere occasional scraps of 

18 THE i&'inVEICII LECTURES, 1911 

*he * puloeu " styles come to light. But the early specimens of Cretan 
art found in the*e regions arc all exotic, just as (to quote a parallel 
often cited in illustration) the >pecimens of Chinese or Japanese 
porcelain exhibited in London drawing-rooms are exotic; and they 
afft-ct but little the inferior native arts of the places where they are 
found. It is not till we reach the beginning of Late Minoan III, . 
after the sack of Knossoi', that we find Minoan culture actually taking 
root in the ea^ern lands of the Mediterranean, such as Cyprus and 
the adjacent coasts of Asia Minor and Syria. We can hardly dis- 
Hxriate thi> phenomenon from the sack of Knossos. The very limita- 
tions of the area over which the * Mycenaean * art has been found 
are enough to show that its distribution was not a result of peacefiil 
trade. Thus, the Hittite domination of Central and Western Asia 
Minor was still strong enough to prevent foreign settlers from 
establishing themselves in those provinces : in consequence Mycenaean 
civilization is there absent. The spread of the debased Cretan culture 
over Southern Asia Minor, Cyprus, and North Syria, between 1400 
and 1200 B.C. must have been due to the movements of peoples, one 
incident in which was the sack of Knossos J : and this is true, whether 
those who carried the Cretan art were refugees from Crete^ or were 
the conquerors of Crete seeking yet further lands to spoil. 

In short, the sack of Knossos and the breaking of the Cretan power 
was an episode it may be, was the crucial and causative episode in 
a general disturbance which the fourteenth to the twelfth centuries B. c. 
witnessed over the whole Eastern Mediterranean basin. The mutual 
relations of the different communities were as delicately poised as in 
modern Europe: any abnormal motion in one part of the system 
tended to upset the balance of the whole. Egypt was internally in 
a ferment, thanks to the eccentricities of the crazy dilettante Ikhnaton, 
and was thus unable to protect her foreign possessions ; the nomads of 
Arabia, the Sutu and Habiru, were pressing from the South and East 
on the Palestinian and Syrian towns ; the dispossessed Cretans were 
crowding to the neighbouring lands on the north ; the might of the 
HJttites, themselves destined to fall to pieces not long afterwards, 
blocked progress northward: it is little wonder that disorders of. 
various kinds resulted from the consequent congestion. 

It is just in this time of confusion that we begin to hear, vaguely 
at first, of a number of little nationalities people never definitely 

1 Other causes were at work producing the same result of restlessness among the 
peoples. Thus Mr. Alton snggests to me that the collapse of the island of Thera 
must have produced a considerable disturbance of population in the neighbouring 


assigned to any particular place, but appearing now here, now there, 
fighting sometimes with, sometimes against, the Egyptians and their 
allies. And what gives these tribelets their Mirpo&sing interest is the 
greatness of the names they bear. The unsatisfying and contemptuous 
allusions of the Egyptian scribes record for us the * day of small 
things' of people destined to revolutionize the world. 

We first meet these tribes in the Tell el-Amarna letters. The 
king of Alasia (Cyprus) complains that his coasts are being raided 
by the LnWtu 9 who yearly plunder one small town after another. 1 
That indefatigable correspondent, Rib-Addi\ in two letters, complains 
that one Bihura has sent people of the ?utu to his town and slain certain 
Sherdan men apparently Egyptian mercenaries in the town guard. 2 
In a mutilated passage in another letter Rib- Add! mentions the 
Slierdan again, in connexion with an attempt on his own life. Then 
Abi-Milki reports 3 that * the king of Dannna is dead, and his brother 
has become king after him, and his land is at peace \ It is almost the 
only word of peace in the whole dreary Tell el-Amarna record. 

Next we hear of these tribes in their league with the Hittites 
against Ramessu II, when he set out to recover the ground lost to 
Egypt during the futile reign of Ikhnaton.* With the Hittites were 
allied people from 

^ , 
I I 



M^wnw or irwnw 

D ^n "$\ IQ" be* Pdsw 


This was in 1338 B.C. On the side of Ramessu fought mercenaries 
called ;rd?n ? ^ j) no doubt 

i T.A. Letters, ed. Winckler, No. 28; ed. Knudtzwn, No. 38. 

a ib. W. 77, K. 123. See also W. 100. 

s ib. W. 151, K. 151. 

* For an exhaustive study of the great battle of Kadesh between Ramessu and 
the united tribes, see Breasted, The Battle of Kadeslt (Univ. of Chicago Decennial 
Publications, Ser. I, No. 5 '. 


Sherdan of whom we have heard already in the Tell el-Amarna 
letters. These people were evidently ready to sell their services to 
whomsoever paid for them, for we find them later operating against 
their former Egyptian masters. 

About thirty years later, when Merneptah was on the throne, there 
was a revolt of the Libyans* and with many allies from the ' Peoples 
of the Sea " they proceeded to attack Egypt. Though the Philistines 
do not actually appear among the names of the allies, the history of 
thi* invasion is one of the most important in the engines of that 
remarkable people. The details are recorded in four inscriptions set 
up by the king after his victory over the invaders, one of which 
inscriptions is the famous * Israel * stela. 

The first inscription is that of the temple of Karnak, a translation 
of which will be found in Breasted's Ancient Records* vol. iii, p. 241. 
This inscription begins with a list of the allied enemies : 

The beginning of the inscription is lost, but the list is probably 
complete, as in the sequel, where the allied tribes are referred to 
more than once, no other names are mentioned. 

Merneptah, after extolling his own valour and the military 
preparations he had made, tells us how he had received news that 

* B | v. U M I &f (Maraiwi or something similar) 6 the miser- 

<r* '^a v 1 1 \\ I y^J 

able chief of Libya', with his allies aforesaid, had come with his 
family to the western boundary of Egypt. Enraged like a lion, 
he assembled his officers and to them expressed his opinion of the 
invaders in a way that leaves nothing to the imagination. c They spend 
their time going about and fighting to fill their bellies day by day : 
they come to Egypt to seek the needs of their mouths : their chief is 
like a dog, without courage . . . .' Some of the vigorous old king's 
expressions have been bowdlerissd by the hand of Time, which has 


deprived us of a course of the inscribed masonry of the temple : 
but notwithstanding we have an admirable description of restless sea- 
rovers, engaged in constant plunder and piracy. Then Memeptah, 
strengthened by a vision of his patron Ptah which appeared to him 
in the night, led out his warriors, defeated the Libyans uhose *vile 
fallen chief justified Merneptahfs opinion of him by fleeing, and, in 
the words of the official report of the Egyptian general to his master, 
* he passed in safety by favour of the night ... all the gods overthrew 
him for the sake of Egypt : his boasting is made void : his curses 
have come to roost : no one knows if he be alive or dead, and even 
if he lives he will never rule again. They have put in his place 
a brother of his who fights him whenever he sees him '. The list 
of slain and captives is much mutilated, but is of some importance. 
For the slain were reckoned by cutting off and counting the phalli of 
circumcised, the hands of uncircumcised victims. 1 Prom the classifica- 
tion we see that at the time of the victory of Merneptah, the Libyans 
were circumcised, while the Shardanu and Shekelesh and Ekwesh, as 
we may provisionally vocalize the names, were not circumcised. The 
inscription ends with the flamboyant speech of Merneptah to his 
court, and their reply, over which we need not linger. Nor do the 
other inscriptions relating to the event add anything of importance 
for our present purpose. 

About a hundred years later we meet some of these tribes again, on 
the walls of the great fortified temple of Medinet Habu near Thebes, 
which Ramessu III, the last of the great kings of Egypt, built to 
celebrate the events of his reign. These events are recorded in 
sculptured scenes, interpreted and explained by long hieroglyphic 
inscriptions. It is deplorable that the latter are less informing than 
they might have been : we grudge bitterly the precious space wasted 
in grovelling compliments to the majesty of the victorious monarch, 
and we would have gladly dispensed with the obscure and would-be 
poetical style which the writer of the inscription affected. 2 

Raniessu III came to the throne about 1200 B.C. 3 Another 
Libyan invasion menaced the land in his fifth year, but the energetic 
monarch, who had already been careful to organize the mili*'."y 
resources of Egypt, was successful in beating it back. War-galleys 

1 See W. Max MuUer's important note in Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch, x, pp. 147-134, 
where reasons are given against the exactly opposite interpretation, followed by 
many authorities (e.g. Breasted, Ancient Records*. On the other hand the contrary 
practice seems to be indicated by 1 Sam. xviii. 35. The difficulty of rendering lies 
in the fact that we have to deal with Egyptian words not found elsewhere. 

3 See Breasted, Ancient Records, iv, pp. 1-&5. 

8 Petrie says 1309, Breasted 1198. 


from the northern countries especially the Purasatl and the Zakkala, 
accompanied the invading Libyan*; but this latter element in the 
assault wus only a foretaste of the yet more formidable attack which 
they were destined to make on Egypt three years later that is to 
say, roughly alxmt 1192 B.( . 

The inscription describing this war is engraved on the second pylon 
of the temple of Medinet Hnbu. Omitting a dreary encomium of the 
Pharaoh, with which it opens, and a long hymn of triumph with which 
it endsi we may confine our attention to the historical events recorded 
in the hieroglyphs, and pictured in the representations of battles that 
accompany thbin. The inscription records how the Northerners were 
disturbed, a:id proceeded to move eastward and southward, swamping 
in turn the land of the Hittites, Carchemish, Arvad, Cyprus, Syria, 
and other places in the same region. We are thus to picture a great 
southward march through Asia Minor, Syria, and Palestine. Or, 
rather, we are to imagine a double advance, by land and by sea : the 
landward march, which included two-wheeled ox-carts for the women 
and children, as the accompanying picture indicates; and a sea 
expedition, in which no doubt the spare stores would be carried more 
easily than on the rough Syrian roads. Clearly they were tribes 
accustomed to sea-faring who thus ventured on the stormy Mediter- 
ranean; clearly too, it was no mere military expedition, but a 
migration of wanderers accompanied by their families and seeking 
a new home. 1 

The principal elements in the great coalition are the following : 

MI ^ Hh *=* Ik ^ Ik } $ i Srdn w 

/VWWV Q i 

Ik vfo i Dnvnw 

D <=> iQl v Pritw 


as well as theSkrs^w, of which we have heard in previous documents. 

* With hearts confident and full of plans *, as the inscription says, 

they advanced by land and by sea to Egypt. But Ramessu was 

ready *to trap them like wild-fowl \ He strengthened his Syrian 

1 The details of these sculptures are more fully described later in this book. 


frontier, and at the same time fortified the harbours* or river mouth; 
* with warships, galleys, and barges \ The actual battles are not 
described, though they are pictured in the accompanying cartoons : 
but the successful issue of the>e military preparation* is graphically 
recorded, * Those who reached my boundary," hays the king, 'their 
seed is not : their heart and their soul are finished for ever and ever. 
As for those who had assembled before them on the sea ... they were 
dragged, overturned, and laid low upon the beach : >3ain and made 
heaps from end to end of their galleys, while all their things were 
cast upon the water.' 

The scenes in which the land and naval engagements are represented 
are of great importance, in that they are contemporary records of the 
general appearance of the invaders and of their equipment. The naval 
battle, the earliest of which any pictorial record remains, is graphically 
portrayed. We see the Egyptian archers sweeping the crews of the 
invading vessels almost out of existence, and then closing in and finishing 
the work with their swords ; one of the northerners'' vessels is capsized 
and those of its crew who swim to land are taken captive by the 
Egyptians waiting on the shore. In later scenes we see the prisoners 
paraded before the king, and the tale of the victims counted by 
enumerating the hands chopped off the bodies. 

The passage in the great Harris Papyrus, which also contains 
a record of the reign of Ramessu III, 1 adds very little to the informa- 
tion afforded us by the Medinet Habu inscription. The * Danaiuna * 
are there spoken of as islanders. We are told that the Purasati 
and the Zakkala were * made ashes ', while the Shekelesh (calledgin 
the Harris Papyrus Shardani, who thus once more appear against 
Egypt) and the Washasha were settled in strongholds and bound. 
From all these people the king claims to have levied taxes in clothing 
and in grain. 

As we have seen, the march of the coalition had been successful 
until their arrival in Egypt. The Hittites and North Syrians had 
been so crippled bj' them that Ramessu took the opportunity to 
extend the frontier of Egyptian territory northward. We need not 
follow this campaign, which does not directly concern us : but it has 
this indirect bearing on the subject, that the twofold ravaging of 
Syria, before and after the great victory of Ramessu, left it weakened 
and opened the door for the colonization of its coast-lands by the 
beaten remnant of the invading army. 

Rajnessu III died in or about 1167 B.C., and the conquered tribes 

1 Breasted, op. clL p. 201. 


began to recover their lo*t ground. For that powerful monarch was 
succeeded by a series of weak ghost-kings who disgraced the great 
name of Ramessu which, one and all, they bore. More and more 
did they become puppets in the hands of the priesthood, who cared 
for nothing but enriching the treasures of their temples. The 
frontier of Egypt was neglected. Less than a hundred years after 
the crushing defeat of the coalition, the situation was strangely 
reversed, as one of the most remarkable documents that have come 
down to us from antiquity allows us to see. This document is the 
famous Golenischeff papyrus, now at St. Petersburg. But before 
we proceed to an examination of its contents we must review the 
Egvptian materials, which we have now briefly set forth, a little 
more closely. 

The names of the tribes, with some doubtful exceptions, are easily 
equated to those of peoples living in Asia Minor. We may gather 
a list of them out of the various authorities which have been set 
out above, adding to the Egyptian consonant-skeleton a provisional 
vocalization, and remembering that r and 7 are interchangeable in 
Egyptian : 

1. Lukku . 

2. Sherdami. 

3. Danouu . 
k Dardanu . 

5. Masa . 

6. Mawuna or Yaruna 
T jPidasa . 

i . . Jeicesb . 
9. Ekwesh . 

10. Turisha .- 

11. Shekelesh 
IS. Pulasati . 

13. Zakkala . 

14. Washasha 

Tell el-Amarna Ramessu II Merneptah Ramessu III 

c. 1400 B.C. 1333 B.C. c. 1300 B.C. c. 1198 B.C. 


X X X X 

X - X 





X X 




All X denotes * present in\ a fi absent fronT the lists. The 
majority of these fourteen names too closely resemble names known 
from classical sources for the resemblance to be accidental. It will 
be found that almost every one of these names can be easily identified 
with the name of the coast dwellers of Asia Minor ; and vice versa, 
with one significant exception, the coast4and regions of Asia Minor 
are all to be found in recognizable forms in the Egyptian lists. The 
-ska or -shu termination is to be neglected as an ethnic formative. 

Thus, beginning with the Hellespont, the TROAS is represented in 
the Turisha, who have been correctly identified with the future 
TYKRHEXIANS (Tursci) as are the Pulasati with the future PHILISTINES. 


ODAKCS in the Troad i> represented by the Dardtmn. They are 
tj.iv. carriers of the Trojan tradition* to Italy. 1 MYMA is represented 
by the J/OMI, Lydia by the Shcrdanu from the town of SAEDIS. 
These are the future SABDIXZAN*. And the more inland region of 
MAEOXIA is echoed in the JUlnw/jia, if that be the correct reading. 
We now come to a gap : the Carian^ at the S. W. corner of Asia 
Minor, do not appear in any recognizable form in the libt, except 
that the North Carian town of PEiiAsrs seems to be echoed by 
the Pidasa. To this hiatus we shall return presently. The LTCIAXS 
are conspicuous as the Lukku. 

The name of the sea-coast region of Painphylia is clearly a later 
appellation, expressive of the variety of tribes and nationalities 
which has always characterized the Levant coast. The inland Pisidian 
town of SAGALASbus finds its echo in the Shekefah. The CILICIAKK 
are represented by the Kekkcth, and this brings us to the corner 
between Asia Minor and North Syria. 

The only names not represented in the foregoing analysis arts 
the Danunii, Ekzeesh, and the three tribes which first appear in 
the Ramessu III invasion, the Pulasati^ Zakkala^ and Waxhaitha. 
The first two of these, it is generally agreed, are to be equated to the 
DAXAOI and the ACHAEAXS - the first appearance in historic record 
of these historic names. The latter do not appear in the Ramessu III 
lists: there were no Achaeans in the migration from Asia Minor. 
The Pulasati are unquestionably to be equated to the future PHILIS- 
TINES, north of whom we find later the Zakkala settled on the 
Palestinian coast. The Washa.<sha remain obscure, both in origin 
and fate ; but a suggestion will be made presently regarding them. 
They can hardly have been the ancestors of the Indo-European 


The various lines of evidence which have been set forth in the 
preceding pages indicate Crete or its neighbourhood as the probable 
land of origin of this group of tribes. They may be recapitulated : 

(1) The Philistines, or a branch of them, are sometimes called 
Cherethites or Cretans. 

(2) They are said to come from Caphtor, a name more like Kefliu 
than anything else, which certainly denotes a place where the Cretan 
civilization was dominant. 

* Turisha has also been identified with the Cilician town of TARSUS. 

2 With reservations : see Weill, Rtvae archtologviue, ser. IV, vol. iii, p. 67. And 
even the identification of the Danaoi is uncertain. It is at least improbable that 
Rib-Addi of T^re, in the letter quoted above, should report on the peacefulness of 
so remote a people as the Danaoi. 


(3) The hieratic >chool-tablet mentions 'AkasoiT as a Keffcian 
name : it is al&o Philistine [Achish]. 

To this may be added the important fact that the Phaestos disk, 
the inscription on which will be considered later in this book, shows 
u* among its signs a head with a plumed head-dress, very similar to 
that shown on the Philistine captives represented at Medinet Habu. 

We must not, however, forget the fact at which we paused for 
a moment, that thrice the Philistine guard of the Hebrew kings 
lire spoken of as the Carians ; and that the Carians are not other- 
wise represented in the lists of Egyptian invaders. We are probably 
not to confine our .search for the origin of the Zakkala-Philistine- 
Washasha league to Crete alone: the neighbouring strip of main- 
Laid coast probably supplied its contingent to the sea-pirates. The 
connexion of Caria with Crete was traditional to the time of Strabo ; 
6 the most generally received account is that the Carians, then called 
Leleges, were go\*erned by Minos, and occupied the islands; then 
removing to the continent, they obtained possession of a large tract 
of sea-coast and of the interior, by driving out the former occupiers, 
who were for the greater part Leleges and Pelasgi. 1 * 1 Further, he 
quotes Alcaeus's expression, * shaking a Carian crest,' which is sugges- 
tive of the plumed head-dress of the Philistines. Again, speaking 
of the city Caunus, on the shore opposite Rhodes, he tells us that 
its inhabitants * speak the same language as the Carians, came from 
Crete, and retained their own laws and customs * 2 which, however, 
Herodotus 8 contradicts. Herodotus indeed (be. cit.) gives us the 
same tradition as Strabo regarding the origin of the Carians : they 

*had come from the islands to the continent. For being subjects 
of Minos, and anciently called Leleges, they occupied the islands 
without paying any tribute, so far as I can find by inquiring into 
the remotest times; but whenever Minos required them, they 
manned his ships ; and as Minos subdued an extensive territory, and 
was successful in war, the Carians were by far the most famous of 
all nations in those times. They also introduced three inventions 
which the Greeks have adopted; of fastening crests on helmets, 
putting devices on shields, and putting handles on shields. . . . 
After a lone time the Dorians and lonians drove the Carians out 
of the islands and so they came to the continent. This is the 
account that the Cretans give of the Carians, but the Carians do 
not admit its correctness, considering themselves to be autochthonous 
inhabitants of the continent . . . and in testimony of this they show 
an ancient temple of Zeus Carios at Mylasa.' 

1 Strabo, xiv. ii. 37. * Strabo, xiv. ii. 3. 

3 i. 172. 


If then by the Pulasati we are to fill in the hiatus in the list of 
Asia Minor coast-dwellers, the most reasonable explanation of the 
name is after all the old theory that it is to be equated with Pdaxgi. 
And if the worshippers of Zeus Carlo* settled in Palestine 9 they 
might be expected to bring their god with them and to erect 
a temple to him. Now we read in 1 Samuel vii, that the Philistines 
came up against the Israelites who were holding a religious ceremony 
in Mizpah ; that they were beaten l>ack by a thunderstorm, and 
chased in panic from Mizpah to a place called Beth-Car (v. 11). We 
may suppose tlxat the cha>e stopped at Beth-Car because it wa* within 
Philistine territory ; but unfortunately all the efforts to identify this 
place, not otherwise known, have proved futile. Very likely it was 
not an inhabited town or village at all, but a sanctuary: it 
was raised on a conspicuous height (for the chase stopped under 
Beth-Car) : and the name means House of Car, 1 as Beth-Dagon means 
House or Temple of Dagon. This obscure incident, therefore, affords 
one more link to the chain. 

If the Cretans and the Carian& together were represented by 
Zakkala-Pulasati-Washasha league, we might expect to find some 
elements from the two important islands of Rhodes and Carpathos, 
which lie like the piers of a bridge between Crete and the Carian 
mainland. And I think we may, without comparisons too far-fetched* 
actualh* find such elements. Strabo tells us* that a former name of 
Rhodes was Ophiusm : and we can hardly avoid at least seeing the 
similarity between this name and that of the Washasha/' And a*> for 
CarpathoS) which Homer calls Crapathos, is it too bold to hear in this 
classical name an echo of the pre-Hellenic word, whatever it may ha\e 
been, which the Egyptians corrupted to Keftiu, and the Hebrews to 

What then are we to make of the name of the Zakkala or 
Zakkara? This has hitherto proved a crux. Petrie identifies it 
with Zakro in Crete 5 ; but as has several times been pointed out 
regarding this identification, we do not know how old the name Zakro 
may be. As we have seen that all the other tribes take their name 

1 B<u0x<sp in the Greek Version v in some MSS. -*op). Cf. the first footnote on p. 7. 

2 xiv. ii. 7. 

3 Hall looks for the \Vashasha in Crete, and finds them in the name of the Cretan 
town p a os [Oldest Civilization of Grtece, p. 177]. But if this comparatively obscure 
Cretan name were really represented in the Egyptian lists, we might reasonably 
look for the more important names to appear also. The name appears in the form 
Oafasios) in an inscription from Halicarnassus : see Weill in Revue archtologiqw, 
ser. IV, voL iii, p. 63. 

4 Baur, Amos, p. 79, has already suggested this identification. 

5 Proc. Soc. Bib. Arch^ 1904, p. 41. 


from the coasts of Asia Minor, it is probable that the Zakkala are the 
Cretan contingents to the coalition : and it may be that in their name 
we are to see the interpretation of the mysterious CasluJilm of the 
Table of Nations 1 (OT&D3 being a mistake for 'bo). The most 
frequently suggested identification, with the TEUCBIANS (assigned by 
Strabo on the authority of Callinus to a Cretan origin), is perhaps 
the most satisfactory as yet put forward ; notwithstanding the just 
criticism of W. Max Miiller 2 that the double Te and the vowel of the 
first syllable are difficulties not to be lightly evaded. Clermont- 
Ganneau 3 would equate them to a Nabatean Arab tribe, the Actxa/njzjoi, 
mentioned by Stephanus of Byzantium ; but, as Weill 4 points out, it 
is highly improbable that one of the allied tribes should have been 
Semitic in origin ; if the similarity of names be more than an accident, 
it is more likely that the Arabs should have borrowed it. 

The conclusion indicated therefore is that the Philistines were a 
people composed of several septs, derived from Crete and the south- 
west corner of Asia Minor. Their civilization, probably, was derived 
from Crete, and though there was a large Carian element in their 
composition, they may fairly be said to have been the people who 
imported with them to Palestine the memories and traditions of the 
great days of Minos. 

1 Gen. x. 14. 

a Mitthtil. der wdera*. QeselUchaft, v, p. 3. On Teucer see Frazer, Adonis, Attis, 

* Rtcueil cPArcteologte orientate, iv. 250. * loc. cit. p. 64. 



THE Golenischeff papyrus l was found in 1891 at El-Khibeh in 
Upper Egypt. It is the personal report of the adventures of an 
Egyptian messenger to Lebanon, sent on an important semi-religious, 
semi-diplomatic mission. The naivete of the style makes it one 
of the most vivid and convincing narratives that the ancient East 

Ramessu XII is nominally on the throne, and the papyrus is dated 
in his fifth year. The real authority at Thebes is, however, Hrihor, 
the high priest of Araon, who is ultimately to usurp the sovereignty 
and become the founder of the Twenty-first Dynasty. In Lower 
Egypt, the Tanite noble Nesubenebded, in Greek Smendes, has 
control of the Delta. Egypt is in truth a house divided against 

On the sixteenth day of the eleventh month of the fifth year of 
Ramessu, one Wen-Amon was dispatched from Thebes to fetch 
timber for the barge called User-het, the great august sacred barge 
of Amon-Ra, king of the gods. Who Wen-Amon may have been, 
we do not certainly know ; he states that he had a religious office, 
but it is not clear what this was. It speaks eloquently for the rotten 
state of Egypt at the time, however, that no better messenger could 
be found than this obviously incompetent person a sort of Egyptian 
prototype of the Rev. Robert Spalding ! With him was an image 
of Amon, which he looked upon as a kind of fetish, letters of credit 
or of introduction, and the wherewithal to purchase the timber. 

Sailing down the Nile, Wen-Amon in due time reached Tanis, and 
presented himself at the court of Nesubenebded, who with his wife 
^ received the messenger of Amon-Ra with fitting courtes^y. 

He handed over his letters, which (being themselves unable to 
decipher them) they caused to be read : and they said, * Yea, yea, 

1 See Max Miiller, Ulitflieilunaen der deutschtn vorderasiatischen 
1900, p. 14; Ennan, ZeitscMft fur tigyptische Spracht, xxxviii, p. 1; Breasted, 
Ancient Records, iv, p. 274. 


I will do all that our lord Amon-Ba saith: Wen-Amon tamed at 
Tarns till a fortnight had elapsed from his first setting out from 
Thebes; and then his hosts put him in charge of a certain Mengebti, 
captain of a ship about to sail to Syria. This was rather casual; 
evidently Mengebti's vessel was an ordinaiy trading ship, whereas we 
might have expected (and as appears later the Syrians did expect) 
that one charged with an important special message should be sent 
in a special ship. At this point the thoughtless Wen-Amon made 
his fitst blunder. He forgot all about reclaiming his letters of 
intttiduction from Xesubenebded, and so kid up for himself the 
troubles even now in store for the helpless tourist who tries to land 
at Beirut without a passport Like the delightful pilgrimage of the 
mediaeval Dominican Felix Fabri, the modernnes* of this narrative 
of antiquity is not one of its least attractions. 

On the "first day of the twelfth month M engebtf s ship set sail. 
After a journey of unrecorded length the ship put in at Dor, 
probably the modern Tantura on the southern coast of the promon- 
tory of CarmeL Dor was inhabited by Zakkala (a very jmportant 
piece of information) and they had a king named Badyra. We are 
amazed to read that, apparently as soon as the ship entered the 
harbour, this hospitable monarch sent to Wen-Amon * much bread* 
a jar of wine^ and a joint of beef. I verily believe that this was 
a tale got up by some bakhshish-hunting huckster. The simple- 
minded tourist of modem days is imposed upon by similar magnificent 

There are few who have travelled much by Levant steamers without 
having lost something by theft. Sufferers may daim Wen-Amon as 
a companion in misfortune. As soon as the vessel touched at Dor, 
some vessels of gold, four vessels and a purse of silver in all 5 deben 
or about 1| Ib. of gold and 31 deben or about 7J Ib. of silver were 
stolen bv a man of the ship, who decamped. This was all the more 
serious, because, as appears later, these valuables were actually the 
money with which Wen-Amon had been entrusted for the purchase of 
the timber. 

So Wen-Amon did exactly what he would have done in the 
twentieth century A.D. He went the following morning and inter- 
viewed the governor, Badyra. There was no Egyptian consul at the 
time^ so he was obliged to conduct the interview in person. * I have 
been robbed in thy harbour,' he says, 'and thou, being king, art he 
who should judge, and search for my money. The money indeed 
belongs to Amon-Ra, aad Nesubenebded, and Hrihor my lord : it also 
belongs to Waiati, and Makamaru, and Zakar-Baal prince of Byblos ' 


the last three being evidently the names of the merchants who 
had been intended to receive the money. The account of Abraham'* 
negotiations with the Hittites is not more modem than the king's 
reply. We can feel absolutely certain that he said exactly the words 
which Wen-Amon puts in his mouth : *Thy honour and excellency ! 
Behold, I know nothing of this complaint of thine. If the thief were 
of my land, and boarded the ship to >teal thy treasure, I would even 
repay it from mine own treasury till they found who the thief was. 
But the thief belongs to thy >hip (so I have no responsibility). 
Howbeit, wait a few days and I will ^eek for him." Wen-Amon had to 
be content with this a&>.sunmce. Probably nothing wa> done after he had 
been bowed out from the governor's presence : in any case, nine days 
elapsed without news of the mining property. At the end of the 
time Wen-Amon gave up hope, and made up his mind to do the best 
he could without the money. He still had his image of Amon-Ra, 
and he had a child-like belief that the foreigners would share the 
reverent awe with which he himself regarded it. So he sought per- 
mission of the king of Dor to depart. 

Here comes a lacuna much to be deplored. A sadly broken frag- 
ment helps to fill it up, but consecutive sense is unattainable. * He 
said unto me " Silence ! * . . . and they went away and sought their 
thieves . . . and I went away from Tyre as dawn was breaking . . . 
Zakar-Baal, prince of By bios . . . there I found 30 deben of silver and 
took it ... your silver is deposited with me ... I will take it ... 
they went away ... I came to ... the harbour of Byblos and . . . 
to Amon, and I put his goods in it. The prince of Byblos >ent a 
messenger to me . . . my harbour. I sent him a message . . ."* These, 
with a few other stray words, are all that can be made out. It seems 
as though Wen-Amon tried to recoup himself for his loss by 
appropriating the silver of some one else. At any rate, the fragment 
leaves Weu-Anion at his destination, the harbour of Byblos. Then 
the continuous text begins again. Apparently Zakar-Baal has sent 
a message to him to begone and to find a ship going to Egypt in 
which he could sail. Why Zakar-Baal was so inhospitable does not 
appear. Indeed daily, for nineteen days, he kept sending a similar 
message to the Egyptian, who seems to have done nothing one way 
or another. At last Wen-Amon found a ship about to sail for 
Egypt, and made arrangements to go as a passenger in her, despairing 
of ever carrying out his mission. He put his luggage on board and 
then waited for the darkness of night to come on board with his 
image of Amon, being for some reason anxious that none but himself 
should see this talisman. 


But now a strange thing happened. One of the young men of 
Zakar-BoaFs entourage was seized with a prophetic ecstasy the first 
occurrence of this phenomenon on record and in his frenzy cried, 
" Bring up the god ! Bring up Amon's messenger that has him ! 
St-nd him, and let him go." Obedient to the prophetic message 
Zakar-Baal sent down to the harbour to summon the Egyptian. The 
latter was much annoyed, and protested, not unreasonably, at this 
sudden change of attitude. Indeed he suspected a ruse to let the 
ship go oft; with his belongings, and leave him defenceless at the 
tuercv of the Bvblites. The only effect of his protest was an 
additional order to * hold up * the ship as well. 

In the morning he presented himself to Zakar-Baal. After the 
sacrifice had been made in the castle by the sea-shore where the 
prince dwelt, Wen-Amon was brought into his presence. He was 
* sitting in his upper chamber, leaning his back against a window, 
while the waves of the great Syrian sea beat on the shore behind 
him \ To adapt a passage in one of Mr. Rudyard Kipling's best- 
known stories, we can imagine the scene, but we cannot imagine 
Wen-Amon imagining it: the eye-witness speaks in every word of 
the picturesque description. 

The interview was not pleasant for the Egyptian. It made so 
deep an impression upon him, that to our great gain he was able 
when writing his report to reproduce it almost verbatim, as follows : 

* Amotfs favour upon thee,' said Wen-Amon. 

*How long is it since thou hast left the land of Amon ? * demanded 
Zakar-Baal apparently without returning his visitor's salutation. 

6 Five months and one day, 7 said Wen-Amon. 

(This answer shows how much of the document we have lost. We 
cannot account for more than the fourteen days spent between Thebes 
and Tanis, nine days at Dor, nineteen days at Byblos six weeks in 
all -phis the time spent in the voyage, which at the very outside 
could scarcely have been more than another six weeks.) 

* Well then, if thou art a true man, where are thy credentials ? * 
We remember that Wen-Amon had left them with the prince of 

Tanis, and he said so. Then was Zakar-Baal very wroth. * What 1 
There is no writing in thy hand? And where is the ship that 
Nesubenebded gave thee? Where are its crew of Syrians? For 
sure, he would never have put thee in charge of this (incompetent 
Egyptian) who would have drowned thee and then where would 
they have sought their god and thee ? * 

This is the obvious sense, though injured by a slight lacuna. 
Nothing more clearly shows how the reputation of Egypt had sunk 


in the interval since the exploits of Kame^su III. Zakar-Baal .-peaks 
of Mengebti and his Egyptian crew with much the same contempt as 
Capt. Davis in Stevenson^s Ebb-tide speaks of a crew of Kanakas. 
Wen-Amon ventured on a mild protest. * Nesubenebded has no 
Syrian crews : all his ships are manned with Egyptians/ 

* There are twenty ships in my harbour,' said Zafcar-Baal sharply, 

*and ten thousand ships in Sidon " The exaggeration and the 

aposiopesis vividly mirror the vehemence of the speaker. He was 
evidently going on to say that these ship?, though Egyptian, were 
all manned by Syrians. But, seeing that Wen-Amon was &* he 
expresses it, * silent in that supreme moment" 1 he broke off, and 
abruptly asked 

'Now, what is thy business here? * 

We are to remember that Wen-Amon had come to buy timber, 
but had lost his money. We cannot >ay anything about whether he 
had actually recovered the money or its equivalent, because of the 
unfortunate gap in the document already noticed. However, it would 
appear that he had at the moment no ready cash, for he tried the 
effect of a little bluff. *I have come for the timber of the great 
august barge of Amon-Ra, king of the gods. Thy father gave it, as 
did thy grandfather, and thou wilt do so too/ 

But Zakar-Baal was not impressed. *True," !*aid he, 'they gave 
the timber, but they were paid for it : I will do so too, if I be paid 
likewise." 1 And then we are interested to learn that he had his father's 
account-books brought in, and showed his visitor the records of large 
sums that had been paid for timber. c See now," 1 continued Zakar- 
Baal in a speech rather difficult to construe intelligibly, fi had I and 
my property been under the king of Egypt, he would not have sent 
money, but would have sent a command. These transactions of my 
father's were not the payment of tribute due. I am not thy servant 
nor the servant of him that sent thee. All I have to do is to speak, 
and the logs of Lebanon lie cut on the shore of the sea. But where 
are the sails and the cordage thou hast brought to transport the logs ? 
. . Egypt is the mother of all equipments and all civilization ; how 
then have they made thee come in this hole-and-corner way ?"" He 
is evidently still dissatisfied with this soi-dteant envoy, coming in 
a common passenger ship without passport or credentials. 

Then Wen-Amon played his trump card. He produced the image 
of Amon. 'No hole-and-corner journey is this, O guilty one !' said 
he. * Amon owns every ship on the sea, and owns Lebanon which thou 
hast claimed as thine own. Amon has sent me, and Hrihor my lord 
has made me come, bearing this great god. And yet, though thou didst 


well know that lie was here, thou hadst kept him waiting twenty-nine 
days in the harbour. 1 Former kings have sent money to thy fathers, 
but not life and health : if thou do the bidding of Amon, he will 
send thee life and health. Wish not for thyself a thing belonging to 

These histrionics, however, did not impress Zakar-Baal any more 
than the previous speech. Clearly WearAmfiU saw * n his face that 
the lord of Byblos was not overawed by the image of his god, and 
that he wanted something more tangible than vague promises of life 
and health. So at length he asked for his scribe to be brought him 
that he might write a letter to Tanis, praying for a consignment of 
goods on account. The letter was written, the messenger dispatched, 
and in about seven weeks returned with a miscellaneous cargo of gold, 
silver, linen, 500 rolls of papyrus (this is important), hides, rope, 
lentils, and fish. A little present for Wen-Amon himself was sent as 
well by the lady Tentamon. Then the business-like prince rejoiced, 
we are told, and gave the word for the felling of the trees. And at 
last* some eight months after Wen-Amon^s departure from Thebes, 
the timber lay on the shore ready for delivery. 

A curious passage here follows in the papyrus. It contains 
one of the oldest recorded jokes if not actually the oldest in the 
world. "When Zakar-Baal came down to the shore to give the 
timber over to Wen-Amon, he was accompanied by an Egyptian butler, 
by name Pen-Amon. The shadow of Zakar-Baafs parasol happened 
to fell on the envoy, whereupon the butler exclaimed, Lo, the 
shadow of Pharaoh thy lord falletb, on thee!' The point of the 
witticism is obscure, but evidently even Zakar-Baal found it rather 
too extreme, for he sharply rebuked the jester. But he proceeded 
himself to display a delicate humour. *Now,' said he, fi l have done 
for thee what my fathers did, though thou hast not done for me what 
thy fathers did. Here is the timber lying ready and complete. Do 
what thou wilt with it. But do not be contemplating the terror of 
the sea' (there cannot be the slightest doubt that Wen-Amon was at 
this moment glancing over the waters and estimating his chances of 
a smooth crossing). ' Contemplate for a moment the terror of Me ! 
Ramessu IX sent some messengers to me and' here he turned to the 
butler * Go thou, and show him their graves ! * 

* Oh, let me not see them ! ' was the agonized exclamation of Wen- 
Amon, anxious now above all things to be off without further delay. 
* Those were people who had no god with them ! Wherefore dost 
thou not instead erect a tablet to record to all time "that Amon-Ra 
1 An inconsistency : he has added ten days to his former statement. 


sent to me and I sent timber to Egypt, to beseech ten thousand years 
of life, and so it came to pass "* ? ' 

* Truly that would be a great testimony ! " said the sarcastic prince, 
and departed. 

Wen-Amon now set about loading his timber. But presently 
there sailed eleven ships of the Zakkala into the harbour possibly 
those on whom he had made a rjuh attempt at piracy to recoup him- 
self for his losses at Dor. The merchants in them demanded his 
arrest. The poor Egyptian >at down on the shore and wept. *They 
have come to take me again !' he cried out it would appear that 
he had been detained by the Zakkala before, but the record of this 
part of his troubles is lost in one of the lacunae of the MS. We 
despair of him altogether when he actually goes on to tell us that 
when news of this new trouble reached Zakar-Baal, that magnate 
wept also. However, we need not question the charming detail that 
he sent to Wen-Amon an Egyptian singing-girl, to console him with 
her songs. But otherwise he washed his hands of the whole affair. 
He told the Zakkala that he felt a delicacy about arrenting the 
messenger of Amon on his own land, but he gave them permission to 
follow and arrest him themselves, if they should see fit. So away 
Wen-Amon sailed, apparently without his timber, and presumably 
with the Zakkala in pursuit. But he managed to evade them. 
A wind drove him to Cyprus. The Cypriotes came out, as he 
supposed, to kill him and his crew ; but they brought them before 
Haiiba* their queen. He called out 'Does any one here understand 
Egyptian ?* One man stepped forward. He dictated a petition to 
be translated to the queen 

And here the curtain falls abruptly, for the papyrus breaks off, 
and the rest of this curious tragi-comedy of three thousand years ago 
is lost to us. 

We see from it that the dwellers on the Syrian coast had com- 
pletely thrown off the terror inspired by the victories of Ramessu III. 
An Egyptian on a sacred errand from the greatest men in the 
country, bearing the image of an Egyptian god, could be robbed, 
bullied, mocked, threatened, thwarted in every possible way. 
Granted that he was evidently not the kind of man to command 
respect, yet the total lack of reverence for the royalties who had sent 
him, and the sneers at Egypt and the Egyptian rulers, axe very 

We see also that the domain of the People of the Sea' was 
more extensive than the scanty strip of territory usually allowed them 
on Bible maps. Further evidence of this will meet us presently, 

Tl Q 


but meanwhile it may be noted that the name 'Palestine' is much 
less of an exfamon of the name *Philistia' than the current maps 
would have us suppose. In other words, the two expressions are 
more nearly synonymous than they are generally taken to be. We 
find Dor* south of Carmel, to be a Zafckala town ; and Zakkala ships 
are busy in the ports further north. 

Indeed, one is half inclined to see Zakkala dominant at Byblos 
itself. Wen-Amon was a person of slender education even of his 
own language he was not a master and he was not likely to render 
foreign names correctly. Probably he could speak nothing but Egyp- 
tian : he was certainly ignorant of the language of Cyprus, whatever 
that may have been : and possibly linguistic troubles are indicated by 
hit> rendering of the name of the lord of Byblos. Can it be that 
this was not a name at all, but a title (or rather the Semitic transla- 
tion of a title, given by a Zakkala dragoman) : that Zakar is not 
T3r * remember', but the name of the Zakkala: and that Baal here, 
as frequently elsewhere, means c lord' in a human and not a divine 
sense? If so, the name would mean 'the lord of the Zakkala % 
a phrase that recalls 'the lords of the Philistines' in the Hebrew 
Scriptures. The syntax assumed is of course quite un-Semitic : but 
it is often the case in dragomans' translations that the syntax of the 
original language is preserved. Something like this idea has been 
anticipated by M. A. J. Reinach. 1 

Zakar-baal was no mere pirate chieftain, however. He was a sub- 
stantial, civilized, and self-reliant prince, and contrasts most favour- 
ably with the weak, half-blustering, half-lacriniose Egyptian. He 
understood the Egyptian language ; for he could rebuke the jest of 
his Egyptian butler, who would presumably speak his native tongue 
in 'chaffing' his compatriot; and no doubt the interview in the upper 
room was carried on in Egyptian. He was well acquainted with the 
use of letters, for he knew where to put his finger on the relevant 
parts of the accounts of his two predecessors. These accounts were 
probably not in cuneiform characters on clay tablets, as he is seen to 
import large quantities of papyrus from Egypt. He is true to his 
old maritime traditions : he builds his house where he can watch the 
great waves of the Mediterranean beat on the shore, and he is well 
informed about the ships in his own and the neighbouring harbours, 
and their crews. 

There is a dim recollection of a Philistine occupation of Phoenicia 

1 * Bybios, oh rfcgne un prince qui pourrait bien 6tre un Tchakara semitise, si Ton 
en cioit son nom de Tchakar-baal.' RWUB archtolofftqu*, ser. IV, vol. xv, p. 45. 


recorded for us in an oft-quoted passage of Justin (xviii. ;3. S\ l 
in which he mentions a raid by the king of Adikclon, just before the 
fall of Troy, on the Phoenician toun of Sidon (<o called from an 
alleged Phoenician word *sidon\ meaning 'fish"). This is of course 
merely a saga-like tradition, and us we do not know from what 
authority Justin drew hi> information we can hardly put a very 
heavy strain upon it. And yet it seems to hang together with the 
other evidence, that in the Mycenaean jieriocl, when Troy was taken, 
there actually was a Philistine Mettleuient on the Phoenician coast 
As to the specific mention of Jj/fAvfcw, a suggestion, perhaps a little 
venturesome, may be hazarded. The original writer of the history 
of this vaguely-chronicled event, whoever be may Lave been, possibly 
recorded correctly that it was the Ztikkala who raided Sidon. Some 
later author or copyist was puzzled by this forgotten name, and 
* emended 1 a rege Sacalomorum to a rege Ascalmlorum. Stranger 
things have happened in the course of manuscript transmission. 2 

The Papyrus gives us some chronological indications of importance. 
The expedition of Wen-Amon took place in the fifth year of Hamessu 
XII, that is to say, about JLJlfi. B.C. Zakar-Baal had already been 
governor of Byblos for a considerable time, for he had received 
envoys from Ramessu IX (1144-1129). Suppose these envoys to 
have come about 1130, that gives him already twenty years. The 
envoys of Ramessu IX were detained seventeen years ; but in the 
first place this may have been an exaggeration, and in the second 
place we need not suppose that many of those seventeen years 
necessarily fell within the reign of the Bender of these messengers. 
Further, Zakar-BaaPs lather and grandfather had preceded him in 
office. We do not know how long they reigned, but giving twenty- 
five years to each, which is probably a high estimate, we reach the 
date 1180, which is sufficiently long after the victory of Bamessu III 
for the people to begin to recover from the blow which that event 
inflicted on them. 

1 * Et quoniam ad Cartbaginiensium mentionem ucntum est, de origine eorum 
pauca dicenda sunt, repetitis Tyriorum paulo altius rebus, quorum casus etiam 
dolendi fuerunt. Tyriomm gens condita a Phoenicibus fuit, qui terraemotu uexati, 
relicto patriae solo, Assyrium stagnum primo, mox mari proximum Uttus incolue- 
ront, condita ibi urbe quam a piscium ubertate Sidona appellauerunt ; nam piscem 
Phoenices sidon uocant. Post multos deinde annos a rege Ascaloniorum expugnati, 
nauibus appulsi, Tyron urbem ante annum Troianae cladis condiderunt.' 

a On the other hand Scylax in his Perijilu* calls Ashkelon -a city of the 



We now turn tf) the various historical references to the Philistines 
in the Hebrew Scriptures. 

It happens that the Zakkala, with whom the Golenischeff Papyrus 
\> concerned, are not mentioned by name in the received text of the 
Old Testament. The southern Philistines were more conspicuous in 
the history of the Hebrews, and this name is in consequence used 
indifferently for all the tribal subdivisions of the hated enemy. The 
first appearance of the Philistines on the coast of Southern Pales- 
tine is not recorded in the Old Testament, but it may possibly be 
inferred indirectly. In the oldest monument of Hebrew speech, 
the Song of Deborah, the tribe of Dan is referred to as a maritime 
people who * remained in ships" 1 while their brethren bore the brunt 
of the invasion of Sisera. Towards the end of the Book of Judges, 
we find that certain of the tribe of Dan are compelled to seek a home 
elsewhere, and choose the fertile, well-watered, but hot and fever- 
haunted Laish, a place remote from everywhere, and where the 
people were * quiet 1 as they well might be in that malaria-stricken 
furnace. Why did the Danites leave for this unsatisfactory territory 
their healthy and rich land by the sea-coast ? Probably because they 
were driven by pressure from without. The migration of the Danites 
can best be explained by the settlement of the Philistines. And it 
is suggestive that the first great champion to stand for Israel against 
the intruders, Samson, belonged to Zorah, whence went forth the 
Danite spies (Judg. xviii. ). 

The first allusion to the Philistines which we meet with in the Old 
Testament, that in the genealogical table of the nations in Genesis x, 
we have already discussed. Next we find a cycle of stories, told with 
but little variation both of Abraham and of Isaac (Gen. xx, xxi, xxvi), 
in which those heroes of old are brought into contact with a certain 
* Abimelech, king of the Philistines \ In both cases the patriarch, 
to save himself, conceals his true relationship to his wife, which is 
revealed to the deceived monarch: in both, the latter displays a 
singular dignity and righteousness in the delicate position in which 
his guest's duplicity places him : and in both there is a subsequent 
dispute about the possession of wells. The stories are in short 
doublets of one another, and both echo a similar tale told of Abraham 
in Egypt, at an earlier stage of his career (Gen. xii). Whoever 
added the inept title to Psalm xxxiv evidently had these stories in 
his mind when he inadvertently wrote e a Psalm of David when he 
changed his behaviour before Abimelech'' instead of Achishi an un- 


conscious remifli?cence of the* tale might pu^ibly htue been suggested 
by vv. 12, 13 of the Ptalm in question. 

The use of the wonl 6 Phiii>iine " in these .stories ha> long been 
recognized as an anachronism. Perhaps with less harshiiCi* and equal 
accuracy we might characterize it a^ a rather free use of modem name* 
and circumstances in telling an ancient tale. Even now we might 
find, for example, a popular writer on hirfory Baying that this event 
or that of the Early British period took place * in Norfolk ", although 
it i? obvious that the territory of the North Tolk must have received 
its Saxon name in later times. The talt* of Abraham and IMIOC were 
written when the land where their scenes were laid wa> in truth the 
Land of the Philistines ; und the story-teller was not troubled with 
the question as to how far back that occupation lasted. lucked when 
Abimelech fir&t appears on the scene he is not a Philistine, but the 
Semitic king of the town of Gerar. The two passages in Gen. xxi, 
which might be understood * they returned into [what we call] 
Philistia \ . . * Abraham sojourned in [what is now] Philistia ", have 
misled the writer (or copyist) of Gen. xxvi into supposing that 
Abimelech was actually king of the Philistines. In fact the Greek 
Version of xxvi. 8 seems to preserve an indication of older readings 
in which he was simply called, as in the other story, king of 

Noordtzij (Filht. p. 59) attempts to demonstrate a pre-Ramessu 
occupation of S. Palestine by the Philistines, principally on the ground 
that the time between Rame&u III and Sam>on or Saul is too short 
for the * semitizing * process to have taken place. This seeing hardly 
a cogent argument to me: the ' semitization * was by no means 
complete : the special Semitic rite of circumcision was not adopted : 
there is no reason to suppose that the language of the Philistines 
had been abandoned for a Semitic language. And we need have no 
difficulty in supposing such changes to take place with great rapidity. 
Thanks to the undermining influence of returned American emigrants, 
the Irish peasant has shown a change of attitude towards traditional 
beliefs in fairies and similar beings? within the past twenty years as pro- 
found as any change that might have taken place between Ramessu III 
and Saul under the influence of the surrounding Semitic populations. 

A similar anachronism meets us in Exodus xiii. 17, enshrining an 
ancient tradition that the ordinary caravan-route from Egypt by way 
of the coast was avoided in preference to the long and wearisome 
march through the desert, in order to keep clear of the Philistines 
and their military prowess. Likewise in the song preserved in 
Exodus xv, we find (v. 14) despondency attributed to the dwellers 


in PhilistiA at the news of the crashing of the Red Sea. This song, 
however, is probably not very ancient. 

On the other Land, the writers who have contributed to the 
Pentateuch in its final form do not all >hare the indifference to 
chronological detail shown by the Yahwist tstory-teller. Often as 
are the tribes of Canaan enumerated in passages anticipatory of the 
conquest of the Promised Land, the Philistines are never mentioned : 
they have no share in the territory of the Hittite, the Girgashite, the 
Amorite, the Canaanite, and the Jebusite. In view of the prominence 
of the Philistines in the later history, this is a very significant fact. 
The solitary' exception is so vague that it might almost be said to 
prove the rule a reference to the Mediterranean sea by the name of 
*the Sea of the Philistines' in Exodus xxxiii. 31. In Joshua xiii. &, 
the * districts " or fi circles "* of the Philistines are enumerated among 
the places not conquered by the leader of the Hebrew immigration 
the following verse, to which we shall return later, enumerates the 
4 districts '. But there is no reference to the Philistines in the parallel 
account contained in Judges i. There, in verse 19, the dwellers in the 
valley *, i. e. in the low coast -land on which the Judahite territory 
bordered, are depicted as successfully resisting the aggression of the 
Hebrew tribe with the help of their iron chariots : the previous verse, 
which contradicts this, and which unhistorically claims that Judah 
captured the cities Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ekron, must necessarily be an 
interpolation. 1 In Judges iii. 8 we find an agreement with the passage 
just cited from Joshua the five lords of the Philistines, as well as the 
* Canaanites * (whatever may be exactly meant by the name in this 
connexion), the Phoenicians, and the Hi[tt]ites are enumerated as 
being left unconquered. The curious reason assigned, that this was 
to practise the Hebrews in war, is at any rate concordant with the 
old tradition that the terror of the warlike Philistines prevented the 
Hebrews following the direct route into the Promised Land. 

The passages examined so far have rather been concerned with the 
settlement of the protagonists in the great struggle for the possession 
of Palestine than with the course of the struggle itself. We are to 
picture the Hebrew tribes crossing the Jordan from the East, and 
some little time afterwards the Philistines (and Zakkala) establishing 
themselves on the rich coast-lands: this much we can see with the 
aid of the Egyptian records cited in the preceding pages. We now 
follow the history of the conflict. 

At the outset we are confronted by a puzzling group of passages. 
In the very ancient Song of Deborah, picturing the distracted state 
1 See Moore's Commentary, p. 37. 


of the country under foreign oppressors, the writer describes how 
travellers and caravan*, from fear, abandoned the main thoroughfares 
and journeyed along the by-paths f which the winding valle\> of 
Palestine offer an endles-, choice. This was in the days of a certain 
Shamgar son of Anath l (Judge* v. 6). The name has a foreign 
appearance-: a Hittite analog}- (Soiigar) has teen sought for it. 
We cannot, however, conclude that he was necessarily a foreigner, 
even though his progenitor is said to be Anath, which happens 
to be a well-known goddess-name. There is not another case of 
a Hebrew bearing so frankly idolatrous a name in the Old Testa- 
ment* But 5n the Aswan papyri we have a glimpse of what 
Jewi>h life was, independent of priestly influences ; and these 
show an extraordinary tolerance of heathen names and practices. 
We find Hosea son of Peti-Khnum. Names like 'Athar-ili, Nebo- 
nathan, Ben-Tirash occur in the community : the daughter of one 
Mahseiah swears in a law-court by the goddess Sati. Shamgar son 
of Anath would have been quite at home in this company. 

The antecedent for this reference in Deborah^ Song appears to lie 
in a verse at the end of chapter iii (v. 31), which *ays that Shamgar 
-son of Anath killed six hundred Philistines with an ox-goad, and 
saved Israel. It 5s, however, obvious that this verse is out of place. 
It interrupts the flow of the narrative : there is no word of Philistine 
oppression in the context, and the text proceeds * When Ehud was 
dead . . . "" certain things happened, following on the story of Ehud 
which the Shamgar passage interrupts. The later development of 
the history contains no recognition of the labours of Shamgar. There 
are indeed few passages in literature which are so clearly no part of 
the original document: and we can hardly doubt that it has been 
inserted from some other source, or from another part of the book, in 
order to provide an explanation for the allusion in DeboraKs Song. 

It is curious that the chief Greek MSS. read Airax instead of 
4 Anath' here, but not in Deborah's Song. 3 A number of Greek MSS. 
repeat the verse relating to Shamgar after xvi. 31 i. e. immediately 
after the story of Samson. This seems a better place for it.* 

1 The additional note of time, k ln the days of Jael% is generally rejected as 
a gloss. 

3 See Moore's Judges^ pp. 143, 143, and Journal of American Oriental Society, 
xixb, p. 159. 

3 The name Shamgar is given as Sa/ze^op, ^apayap, 2/7a/>, 'S.fjua-^ap, AficyaB, 
5a/7a0, Mcuyap, Eprfap. His father's name in Judges iii is given as Aivajx, Awax, 
Aw0, EwzXi AtfutB, Awa0 ; in Judges V as Av<z0, KCWX0, Eva0, E?a0a;i, Avefle/*. 

* The verse as repeated says that * Semegar (or JEmegar; son of Anan ^Ainan, 
Enan) arose after Samson, and slew of the Foreigners, 600 men without the cattle, 
and he also saved Israel*. Note the transformation of the ox-goad. 


The Shanigar story, in >hort, lo jks like one of the floating traditions 
that have more paiiicularly cryNtallized round Samson and the mighty 
men of David. A remarkable parallel to the exploit of Shamgar has 
been found in the deed of * Shammah the Hararite ** a not dissimilar 
name one of David's followers, who in some such rough and ready 
way defended a field of crops barley or lentils from Philistine 
marauders. 1 

But can the story be so summarily dismissed ? Grant all the 
difficulties that Shamgar's name has a foreign aspect, that the prose 
account of him is an interpolation, that the Philistines seem to appear 
too early on the scene; yet the scanty allusion to this obscure 
champion may after all record a tradition of the beginnings of the 
great struggle. 

For besides Shamgar, Deborahfs Song mentions another arresting 
personality. The very grandeur of the paean throws a romantic halo- 
round the person of the unfortunate Sisera, victim of a crime against 
the desert law of hospitality difficult to parallel even in the wild 
annals of Bedawin life. The heartless glee with which the poet 
triumphs over the chieftain's anxious, watching mother makes the 
latter for us one of the most pathetic figures in the whole crowded 
gallery of the Old Testament. Time has brought its revenge for both 
mother and son. 

In the prose version of the combat, Sisera is represented as the 
general of Jabin, king of Hazor, and the latter is the head of the 
attack on Israel. But Jabin.has an altogether secondary place in the 
narrative, and Sisera is the central figure. Jabiu, indeed, is probably 
imported into the story from the source that lies at the back of 
Joshua xi, where there is no mention of Sisera. In Psalm Ixxxiii. 9 
Sisera is mentioned before Jabin. He has a town of his own,. 
* Harosheth of the Gentiles," 1 more than a day's journey from the 
city of Jabin ; and the vignette of his mother surrounded by her 
court ladles gives us a picture of a more important establishment 
than that of a mere captain of a host. Sisera in short is an indepen- 
dent king, and the story as we have it is either an account of a single 
campaign in which two kings were in league, or, more probably, 
a combination of the narratives of two campaigns wholly independent. 

Harosheth is generally identified with the modern Harathiyeh, in the 
bottle-neck which forms the mouth of the plain of Esdraelon a region 
entirely in Philistine hands, at least at the end of Saul's wars. This 
identification seems feirly trustworthy. Not far off from Harosheth 
was a village with the name Beth-dagon : and Harosheth itself is distin- 
1 3 Sam. rxiiL 11 ; 1 Chron. xi. 13. 


guished by the appellation * of the goyluT or foreigners. In Joshua 
xii. 23 'the king of the goylm in Gilgal " is mentioned in noteworthy 
juxtaposition with Dor, which figures o conspicuously in the report 
of Wen-Amon ; but thi* pa-sage ha* been suspected and various 
emendations Higge*taU chief of which is to read Vzh for bfei nd 
to translate * king of nation- belonging to Galilee'. Thib is of course 
reminiscent of the famou> * Galilee of the Gentile*' 1 : but on the 
other hand we may compare ntrfcss r^'itf * the Galilees of Philistia* in 
Joshua xiiL 2 and Joel iii. 4 (= Hebrew iv. 4?), which in the latter 
passage is mentioned immediately after the Philfotiue territory. The 
word goylm is of no more specific meaning than our word * nations^: 
though usually applied to foreigners, it may even on occasion be 
applied to the nation of Israel : so it cannot be >aid to be very 
conclusive. But one wonders whether in such passages and phrases 
as these it might not bear the special meaning of the foreigners par 
excellence, the most outlandish people with whom the Hebrews came 
into contact that is to say the Philistines and their cognate tribes, 
for whom the Greek translators reserve the name o\\o<iAoi. In the 
present case they would more especially be the Zakkala, of whom 
Wen-Amon tells us, but who are not mentioned by name in the 
Hebrew writings. 

Sisera?s enormous host of iron chariots, a possession which, a& we 
saw, also enabled the coast-dwellers of the South to hold their own, is 
emphasized in the prose account of the battle, as in the speech put 
by Deborah's Song into his mothers mouth : and it i> interesting to 
notice that we hear again of these iron chariots as being on the plain 
of Esdraelon (Joshua xvii. 16), 

The name of the prince also is suggestive. It is not Semitic : and 
the numerous Hittite names ending in slra Khetasira.and the like 
have been quoted to indicate its possible origin. But we should not 
forget Badyra, the Zakkala prince of the neighbouring town of Dor. 
And may it not be asked whether Sisera, fcnc'D, could be a reduplicattc 
form derived from the root of pD scren (the latter being possibh 
a participle), the one word of the Philistine language which w 
certainly know the technical term for the * lords" of the Philistin< 
state ? This guess presupposes that the language of the Philistine 
was Indo-European an assumption which it has not yet been possibl 
either to prove or disprove. Some possible evidence of reduplication i 
afforded by such combinations as REREIET and perhaps KRKOKLE 
in the Praesos inscriptions. It is interesting to note that the nam 

1 Isa. ix. 1 ( Hebrew viii. 33). 

occurs in the I5*t of Keftian names on the Egyptian tablet 

. f O. i 

described on a previous page* 

If Sisera was a Philistine or at least one of cognate race, we have 
some use for Shamgar and his ox-goad. Otherwise, the latter must be 
expunged from the list of Judges, if he be not actually numbered among 
the oppressors, as Moore in his Commentary is inclined to do. The 
combination AN AIT, which ends one of the Praesos inscriptions just 
mentioned, has been compared to the name of Shamgar's parent 
Anath ; but there is no probability that such a coincidence between 
a short iascription on the one hand, and a few proper names on the 
other, is of any importance* 

In Judges x. 6, 7, 11 there is mention of Philistine oppression, in 
strange and scarcely intelligible connexion with the Amorites. This 
passage does not help us nearer to the solution of problems. It is in 
the narrative of Samson that the Philistines first come conspicuously 
on the scene. It is unnecessary to summarize the familiar incidents : 
indeed for our purpose these chapters, though of the deepest interest, 
are disappointing. The narrator is content to tell his tale, without 
troubling himself about the attendant circumstances which we would 
so gladly know. 

In discussing this remarkable series of episodes it is unnecessary 
to raise the question of their historicity. 1 Still more irrelevant 
would be a discussion of the pseudo-scientific hypothesis that Samson 
(like Achilles, Heracles, Max Miiller, Gladstone, and other demonstrated 
characters of mythology) was a solar myth. It is sufficient for the 
purpose of our present discussion that the tale gives us an early 
tradition of the condition of affairs at the time indicated ; and as 
I have said elsewhere, 2 it is probably to be regarded as a prose epic 
concentrating into the person of a single ideal hero the various 
incidents of a guerrilla border- warfare. 

This being postulated, one or two points of importance strike us in 
reading the story. The first is, that the Philistine domination was 
complete, and was passively accepted by the Hebrews. 4 The Philis- 
tines are rulers over us ' say the men of Judah, who propose to betray 
the champion to his enemies. As is so often the case with a nation of 
separate clans, even the pressure of a formidable common enemy can- 
not always heal their mutual jealousies. Ireland, in the face of the 
Vikings in the ninth century, and of the English in the twelfth, offers 

1 For a study (from a conservative standpoint) of the historicity of the Samson 
narrative see Samson, eine UntersucTiung des Jiistoriscken Characters von Richt. 
xiiir-xvi, von Dr. Edmund Kalt, Freiburg i. Br., 1913. This brochure contains a very 
useful bibliography. 

* A History of Civilization in Palestine, p. 54. 


an instructive parallel. Only a chapter or two before the appearance 
of Samson, we have the distracting episode of Abimelech : a chapter 
or two later comes the story of the mas>acre of the Benjamites by the 
other tribes : and whatever may l)e the true chronological relationship 
of these narrative* to the historical setting of the Samson epic, they 
at least indicate that there was a long period of inter-tribal disunion 
that would make it ea>y for a well-organized military nation to gain 
complete domination over the countrv. 

But it was no mere military domination. The Philistines were 
accompanied by their wive* and daughters and the attractiveness of 
the latter in the eyes of Samson is a leading motive of his story. On 
this side of the narrative, however, there is one point to be noticed. 
There is no reason for branding the Philistines with the stigma of 
having produced the mercenary traitress Delilah : indeed, whatever 
indications there may be in her story point in an exactly opposite 
direction. Had tradition called her a Philistine, like Samsoif s first 
wife, the author of Judges would hardly have failed to make it clear. 
She is described as a woman in the Valley of Sorek : which, if it be the 
modern Wady es-Surar, as is generally agreed, was partly in Israelite 
territory. Moreover* it would scarcely have been necessary for the 
Philistine lords to have offered the gigantic bribe of 1,100 pieces of 
silver each, to a woman of their own nation, that she might betray to 
them the arch-enemy of her race : it would be much more likely that 
they would use the persuasive argument of threatening her with the 
fate of her unlucky predecessor. The name appears again as that 
of a member of the tribe of Judah, in a genealogical fragment in 
1 Chronicles iv. 19, preserved fay the Greek Version, but lost from the 
Hebrew textus receptus. It is not too much to say that if the Delilah 
episode be read carefully, the various steps become more natural and 
intelligible when we picture the central figure as a tribeswoman of the 
men of Judah, who in the previous chapter had attempted to antici- 
pate her act of betrayal. 

It is noteworthy that nowhere in the Samson story is there any 
hint that there was a barrier of language between Hebrew and 
Philistine. Samson and his Philistine friends at Tirnnah exchange 
their rough jests without any difficulty ; Delilah, whatever her race, 
converses with equal ease with the Philistine lords and with her 
Hebrew husband. The same point is to be noticed throughout the 
subsequent history, with the curious and significant exception of 
the very last reference to the Philistines in the historical books. 
Indeed, it has often been observed that the services of an interpreter 
are but rarely called for in the Old Testament : although it is possible 


that such an intermediary was sometimes used without the fact being 
specifically stated. 1 But'probably in ancient as in modern Palestine 
even-body who had any position at all to maintain could speak several 
languages. The officers of Hezekiah and Sennacherib, for instance, 
could understand each the other's tongue, and could pass from one to 
the other with the enviable ease of a modern Levantine polyglot. 

The incident of Samson's hair has often been compared to the 
purple hair of Nisus, plucked out by Scylla at the instigation of 
Minos; and to the story of Pterelaos of Taphos and his golden hair 
given him by Poseidon, which rendered him immortal. Both stories 
are to be found in that endless mine, the Bibliotheca of Apollodorus. 
The connexion of Minos with the former story is noteworthy. It has, 
I believe, been suggested (but I have no note of the reference) that 
the story of the virtue inherent in Samson's locks may have been 
actually received by the Hebrews from Philistine sources. It may 
be merely a coincidence that the name of g^m 011 ' 5 father, Manoah. 
resembles the nanfe Minos. 

Lastly, we notice in the Samson epic that as seen through Hebrew 
eves the Philistines had already the three characteristics that marked 
EEem out from the other nations round about. The adjective un- 
circumcised 1 , obviously the current term of abuse in all generations, 
already makes its appearance. Their peculiar government by ' lords * 
also meets us, but as it happens no particular 'lord* is named, nor 
does the Samson story give us any idea of their number. Thirdly, in 
the final scene, we are introduced to the mysterious gagon 3 the chief 
deity of the Philistine pantheon. 

For how long the Philistine domination lasted we have no means 
of knowing. There is no indication of the length of time supposed 
to elapse between the death of Samson and the appearance on the 
scene of Samuel Eli, the priest of the High Place at Shiloh, may 
or may not have been contemporary with Samson: he appears 
suddenly on the scene as a man in extreme old age * who had judged 
Israel forty years', and vanishes almost immediately. 

The next stage of the history shows us the disunited and mutually 
hostile tribes of Israel gradually welding together under the pressure 
of their formidable enemy, and slowly but surely, though with more 
than one serious set-back, reversing the situation. 

We begin with the unlucky battle in which for a time the Ark was 
lost (1 Sam. iv). The topography of the battle is uncertain : the 
Philistines pitched at a place quite unknown, Aphek, the Israelites 

1 Thus, itis only by a foot-note, as it were, that we learn that Joseph employed an 
interpreter in conversing with his brethren. 


at a spot of equally obncure topography, Ebcii-eer, where Samuel 
afterwards set up a memorial pillar (vii. 1). The PhiliNtines were 
the victors, and the I*raelites attempted to turn the battle by fetching 
their national palladium from it* n>ting-place in Shiloh. The Philis- 
tines were at first stricken with a superstitious fear ; but recovering 
themselves they made a complete slaughter of the Israelites, and 
captured the Ark itself. Their rallving-cry 'Be strong and be men, 
that ye be not slaves to the Hebrews as they have been to you" cor- 
roborates, from the Philistine side, the evidence that the Philistines 
were the masters of the Hebrews at the time. 

Now begins that strange story of the wanderings of the Ark. It 
would be natural to lay up the symbol of the deity of a vanquished 
people in the temple of the chief god of the conquerors* : as Mesha 
laid up his religious trophies before Chemosh, so the Ark was deposited 
in the temple of Dagon at Ashdod a temple of which we hear down 
to the time of the Maccabees (1 Mace. x. 84). But Dagon twice 
falls prostrate before the Ark, the second time "being broken by 
the fall. At the same time a plague of mice or rats spread over the 
Philistine plain. There was a very similar plague over the same 
district in 1904, and enormous damage was done to the growing 
crops. Indeed, the peasants, whose fields were robbed almost as 
though by the prophet JoeFs locusts, were reduced to tracking out 
the rat-holes and collecting the grain that the animals had brought 
down and stored : it was a curious sight to watch the women patiently 
engaged in this weary work, and gradually filling bags with the 
precious seed thus recovered. But in the Philistine experience 
the plague of rats had a yet more serious consequence. Not only 
did they *mar the land" 1 , but as we now know to be the natural 
course of events, the parasites of the mice communicated to the 
people the disease of bubonic plague. 1 

The disease broke out first in Ashdod, and was naturally explained 
as due to the presence of the Ark. They therefore dispatched it to 
Gath, and of course the bearers carried the plague bacilli with them : 
again it was sent to Ekron, and again the plague was carried thither ; 

3 Some commentators (e. g. H. P. Smith in the International Critical Commentary)* 
while recognizing that the disease was plague, have missed the essential significance 
of the mice, and would remove them altogether as 'late redactional insertion 9 . 
Although in the Hebrew received text, as reproduced in the English Bible, the 
'mice' come in awkwardly as though a sudden afterthought, the Greek Version 
makes them much more prominent throughout the narrative; and there is no 
possible reason why any redactor (unless he had divined some of the most recent 
discoveries in bacteriology) should have introduced mice into the story at all. The 
distorted version of the plague which destroyed Sennacherib's army, recorded in 
Herodotus U. 141, also introduces mice very conspicuously. 


and a* the Philistine*, even before they had secured their costly prize, 
hml associate! it with outbreaks of pestilence in Egypt (1 Sam. iv. 8), 
thev ta*ilv connected it with their own troubles. How they returned 
it to Beth-Sterne*!^ and how the bacilli (carried probably by para- 
site* on the kine, or perhaps on the coverings of the Ark) proved to 
K? till virulent to the cost of the villagers who too rashly approached, 
are tah too well known to need repetition. 

It i* interesting that the Philistines sent back with the Ark votive 
model* of their twofold plague, which yet was one, as their ancestors 
hail been wont to do when, in search of healing from the ills of human 
flc*h, they vwtcd the Dictaean Cave in the ancient homeland. 

The following chtipter (vii) apparently represents a different strand 
of tradition. According to this the Ark was suffered to remain in 
Kiriath-Jearim no less than twenty years, until, probably, it was 
brought up to Jerusalem at the beginning of the reign of David. 1 
Samuel held a reconciliation service, as it might be called, in which 
Israel renounced the various strange gods they had adopted. The 
Philistines came up to plunder this peaceful assembly, but were 
driven back by an appalling thunderstorm. The people gave chase, 
and smote the invaders to the unknown place called Beth-Car, to 
which reference has been made in the previous chapter ; and a great 
memorial stone was set up at or near the spot where the Ark had 
been captured. We are then told that the Philistines restored certain 
cities, including Ekron and Gath (or according to the Greek text, 
AAkelon and * Azob \ i. e. Gaza or Ashdod), to the Israelites, and 
that they never again came up to invade Israel. 

It is noticeable that the narrator, with all his desire to glorify 
Samuel, avoids making a purely military leader of him, while 
emphasizing his religious functions. The victory is ascribed more to 
the thunderstorm, which is an answer to the * whole burnt offering * 
offered by Samuel, than to military skill on the part of the Israelites 
or of any leader. The writer's patriotic enthusiasm (and perhaps 
some such record as Judges i. 18) have betrayed him into exaggeration 
with regard to the ' restoration "* of cities that in fact had never 
been Israelite. But with regard to his conclusion c that the Philistines 
never again invaded Israel', it is quite possible to judge him too 
harshly. If the Philistines were confined to the narrow strip of 
territory from Joppa southward, the statement would be absurd : but 
we have now seen that, at the time, the suzerainty of the Philistines 

1 The data far the chronology of Saul's reign are notoriously insufficient. Note 
that Eli's great-grandson was priest in Shiloh at the time of the battle of Michmash 
(1 Sam. TOY. 3). 


over the uhole of Palestine was complete, and that in all probability 
they actually occupied the Northern coast, the plain of Esdraelon as far 
as the Jordan, and even jwnetratwl up the fertile valleys that wind 
through the Judaean mountains. This being so it may well be that 
the incident here recorded was actually the last ca^e of aggression ; but 
that in all the other caves in which the Philistines * came up to war"* 
the purpose was defensive* to meet Israelite encroachments on their 
territory. The passage therefore is not necessarily so * extravagant * 
as some critics have made out. 

However, there can be little doubt that the desire of the Hebrew 
people for a king, which now began to express itself, was the natural 
outcome of the growing sense of unity which under the pressure of the 
Philistine domination was rapidly developing. A leader was urgently 
needed who should be iree from the specifically religious duties to 
which Samuel was entirely devoted ; it was hoped that one who could 
thus give his whole attention to military matters might ultimately rid 
the people of the yoke that daily became more and more intolerable. 
Authorities differ as to how Samuel was affected by the popular 
demand. In one version he indignantly condemned it as a revolt 
against the theocracy of which he himself was at once Emperor and 
Pope. In another version he raised no objection to the new 
departure, definitely recognized it as a step towards delivery from 
the Philistines (1 Sam. ix. 16), chose the king and received him 
courteously, and declared to him the signs that testified to his 
election. From this programme we learn incidentally that the 
Philistines had a sort of mudlr or governor at a place called Gibeah 
of God (probably to be identified with the modern village of Bam 
Allah about twelve miles north of Jerusalem). 1 This fact underlines, 
so to speak, what has already been said about the absence of Philistine 
aggressions after the battle of Beth-Car. With an outpost so far 
east as the spot indicated, the actual territory of the Philistines 
included all the places where fighting took place. 

Saul assumed the kingdom, and immediately the first Israelite 
aggression took place: Jonathan slew the Philistine governor of Geba, 
where, as at Gibeah, there seems to have been a Philistine mudir* 

The Philistines, rightly considering this a sign of revolt, came up 
to quell the insurrection. The Israelites were gathered together with 
Saul in Michmash, 3 but when they saw the overpowering might of the 

1 In the English version (1 Sam. x. 5) the word 2<JB, which in 1 Kings iv. 19 and 
elsewhere means * a prefect or officer ', is translated, probably -wrongly, 'camp'. 

2 There are some difficulties of interpretation and other critical complications in 
the passage, on which see the standard commentators. 


niOMu*. Cooping down upon them they hid themselves in the 
am* *i which tht- waJitn- abounds. Saul raited anxiously for 

tamu-i, and at 1*4 ventured himself to offer the necessary sacrifices : 
the tLirauriAtwn, with which the stern old prophet expressed his 
w*ntowit at this u>urpation of his priestly functions, was apparently 
the iirvt rfnick that disturbed Saul's delicately poised mental 
equilibrium, and paved the way for the insanity by which he was 
afterward* afflicted. 

Jonathan again came to the rescue. With his armour-bearer he 
showed himself to the Philistines encamped at Michmash. They 
called to him to 'come up and see something '-note again that 
difference of language was no bar to intercourse and the two young 
men, who had previously agreed to take such an invitation as an 
omen, climbed up to the camp. In some way they succeeded in 
throwing the camp into confusion, as Gideon had done with the 
Midianites. Soon the Philistines broke into a panic, which a timely 
earthquake intensified, and before long they were in flight, with the 
armies of Israel in hot pursuit. It is a remarkable story, and still 
more remarkable is the pendant the tabu put by Saul on food, which 
had the natural result of making the victory less complete : the 
unconscious violation of the tabu by Jonathan : the consequent silence 
of the Divine oracle : his trial and condemnation : his redemption, no 
doubt by the substitution of another life: the pouring out of the 
blood when the tabu came to an end all these are pictures of ancient 
religious custom and belief of the highest value. 

The familiar story of the battle of Ephes-Dammim, with its central 
incident the duel of David and Goliath is the next scene in the 
drama. For the present, however, we pass it over: it is involved in 
a host of difficulties. Whatever view may be taken of the story, as 
we have it it is evident that neither the spirit nor the power of the 
Philistines was broken by the rout at Michmash, but that they were 
able to meet Israel again soon after David's introduction to the court 
of Saul. David distinguished himself so as to arouse the jealousy of 
Saul, now rapidly falling into the morbid mental state that clouded 
his last days ; and to that jealousy was due the exile of David in the 

. With a madman's cunning, Saul at first attempted to work David's 
destruction by guile : he bribed him with the offer of his daughter's 
hand to go and bring him proof that he had slain a hundred of the 
uncircumcised the trick was not unlike that which in later years 
David himself pkyed on Uriah the Hittite. David, however, was more 
fortunate than his own victim, and fulfilled the task imposed on him. 


But Saul's jealousy still pursued him, and he became a complete 
outlaw. His life during this period as narrated con*i*ts of a series of 
episodes, more or less disconnected. On one occasion he goes to the 
sanctuary at Nob, on the slope of the Mount of Olive.* (as we learn from 
Lsa. x, 32), and takes the sword of Goliath thence to serve him as 
a weapon : we are then surprised to find him fleeing with thi& equip- 
ment to Gath, of all places but probably the two incidents should 
not follow consecutively. At Gath he is recognized and to avoid 
unpleasant consequences feigns insanity. This affliction would in 
Semitic circles secure him a measure of inviolability the uncanny 
manifestations of mental derangement or degeneracy being curiously 
mixed up with notions of * holiness ". But ^jcMstu the dignified though 
simple-minded lord of Gath, was not a Semite, and had no such 
superstitions. He is almost modern in his protests *If you see a 
madman, why do you bring him to me ? I want no madmen about 
me, and I will not have him in my house ! ' l We almost hear an echo 
of the sarcasms of Zakar-Baal. 

All through the story of David's outlawry raids of the Philistines 
run like a thread: and it must then, if never before, have been 
impressed upon him that when he came into his kingdom his first 
care must be to crush these troublesome neighbours finally and for 
ever. Now we read of his band saving the threshing-floors of Keilah 
from Philistine marauders : soon afterwards a Philistine raid breaks 
off negotiations between Saul and the men of Ziph for the betrayal of 

But at last David, in despair of ever effecting a reconcilement with 
the insane Hebrew king, threw in his lot with the Philistines. Once 
more he comes to Gath or, rather, we have probably a second version 
of the one incident, omitting the essential detail of the feigned mad- 
ness. Here he was safe from Saul : but he did not stay very long. 
Probably (as in the previous version of the story) he found Gath 
uncomfortable as a place of residence, with his record of Philistine 
slaughter. So in Oriental wise he dissembled, and, flattering the 
king by pretending to be unworthy of living in the same city with 
him, he persuaded him to purchase his vassalage by putting Ziklag at 
his disposal. From this centre he raided various Bedawin camps, 
and, presenting the booty to his new master, he pretended that he 

1 The notion of a commentator, that Achish's protest was due to his being 
already troubled with insanity in his family, deserves a place in the same cabinet 
of curiosities with the speculations of the ancient blockhead who supposed that 
when Our Lord wrote with His finger on the ground > v John viii. 6', He was 
making a catalogue of the secret sins of the bystanders ! 


had been attru-king his own people. Thereby he gained the confi- 
dence of AchMi, and no doubt acquired much serviceable informa- 
tion about Philistine military methods and resources. 

Mean w I ile the tragedy of Saul was working to its close. The Philis- 
tine* wen? preparing for a final blow that would wipe off their recent 
r*v*r*e*, Achish wished David, \\hom he blindly trusted, to accom- 
pany him as leader of his body-guard ; but in this his wiser colleagues 
overruled him. They had already learnt, in the battle of Michmash, 
that the * Hebrews that were with the Philistines' were not to be 
trusted when the battle went against their masters (1 Sam. xiv. 1). 
So Achbh sent David away, with a dignified courtesy which contrasts 
pleasingly with the duplicity, not to say treachery, of his protege. 1 
David accordingly departed to his own quarters, and while the battle 
of Gilboa was being won and lost he was kept busy in avenging the 
raid which during his absence the Bedawin had very naturally made 
on Ziklag. 

The armour of the dead Saul was hung in the house of Ashtoreth, 
and his body was fastened on the wall of Beth-Shan, the modern 
Beisan a place close to the banks of the Jordan. This further 
corroborates the conclusion already indicated as to the wide exten- 
sion of Philistine territory. For they would hardly have "put the 
trophy where they could not reasonably have expected to retain it. 2 

For the seven years of David's reign in Hebron the Philistines gave 
him no trouble. No doubt he continued to acknowledge himself as 
vassal of Achish, or of the Philistine oligarchy at large. Meanwhile 
Ish-baal (Ish-bosheth), Saul's son, guided and directed by Abner, set 
up a kingdom across Jordan, with its centre at Mahanaim : and the 
land of Ephraim remained subject to the Philistines. In the last 
two years of Ish-baaTs life he extended his kingdom, doubtless under 
Philistine suzerainty, to Ephraim as well : an arrangement terminated 
by the defection of Abner to David and by his own assassination. 
This event left the way open for David to enlarge his borders, and to 
unite under his single sway the discordant elements of Judah and 
Ephraim. The ever-vigilant foes, not being willing to tolerate so 

1 No donbt there was a certain element of policy in Achish's hospitality : David 
being the known rival of the Hebrew king, it probably seemed desirable to foment 
the division between them. TOnckler (Ge*ch. I*r., p. 284) says (excathedra /) Was 
ttber Dvrids Anfenthatt an seinem Hofe gesagt wird, ist Fabel'. This sort of 
Begative credulity isjnst as bad science as the positive credulity which swallows 
whole all the fancies of historical myth-makers. 

a Unless, indeed, ire are to identify this Beth-Shan with the unknown * Shen % 

^" Sam. vu. 12. 


large an increase in the strength of a Mibordinate, then came up 
against him. 1 

Three battles, disastrous* to the Philistines, are recorded as taking 
place early in DavidV reign over the united kingdoms. But the 
accounts of them are scanty and confused, and require careful 
examination. The following are the outline accounts of them which 
the author of the Book of Samuel transmit* : 

A. T?ie Battle <tf Baal-Pennim. 

'And when the Philistines heard that thev had anointed David 
king over Israel, all the Philistine* went up to ueek David ; and 
David heard of it, and went down to the hold.- Now the Philistines 
had come and spread themselves in the valley of Rephaim. And 
David inquired of Yahweh, saying. Shall I go up again>t the Philis- 
tines ? Wilt thou deliver them into mine hand ? And Yahweh said 
unto David, Go up : for I will certainly deliver the Philistines into 
thine hand. And David came to Baal-Perazim, and David smote 
them there ; and he said, Yahweh hath broken mine enemies before 
me, like the breach of waters. Therefore he called the name of that 
place Baal-Perazim. And they left their images there, and David and 
his men took them away/ 2 "Samuel v. 17-21. 

B. The Battle of Geba. 

* And the Philistines came up yet again, and spread themselves in 
the valley of Rephaim. And when David inquired of Yahweh, he 
said, Thou shalt not go up: make a circuit behind them, and 
come upon them over against the balsams. And it sliall be, when 
thou hearest the sound of marching in the tops of the balsams, that 
then thou shalt bestir thyself: for then is Yahweh gone out before thee 
to smite the host of the" Philistines. And David did so, as Yahweh 
commanded him ; and smote the Philistines from Geba until thou 
come to Gezer/ 2 Samuel v. 22-25. 

C. The Battle of ( r) 

* And after this it came to pass, that David smote the Philistines, 
and subdued them : and David took ( ) out of the hand of the 
Philistines.' 2 Sam. viii. 1. 

1 For a discussion of the obscure period of the dual reign of David and Ish-baal, 
with special reference to the problem of the reconcilement of David's seven and 
a half years with Ish-bosheth's two years, see the important article by Kamphausen, 
Philisttr und Htbraer zur Zeit Davids, in Zefoch. f. d. alttest. Wmensck. .1885 , 
vi, p. 44. 

* Hardly Adullam, as some commentators have supposed. Did the Adullam life 
continue after David was anointed king on Hebron ? 


The* outline may to some <*nall extentbe filled in from other sources. 
Tb* priestly writer of Chronicles is careful to add to the account of 
tht first battle that the idols of the Philistines, captured after the 
rout ere burnt with tire (1 Chron. xiv. 8-12). The site of Baal- 
Pero/iin i> unknown. It seems to be mentioned again in Isaiah xxviii. 21, 
in connexion with Glbeon : perhaps this passage refers to the first two 
battle** In the account of the second battle the Chronicler likewise 
substitutes Gibeon for Geba (1 Chron. xiv. 13-16) : while in the third, 
instead of an unintelligible expression in the version of Samuel, he 
has * David took Gath and her towns out of the hand of the Philis- 
tines * (xviii. I ). 

Among these battles must probably be fitted some scraps of biography 
that now find a place much later both in Samuel and in Chronicles. They 
are cmfmtA and corrupt, but are to the effect that at certain specified 
places, certain Philistine champions were slain by certain of the mighty 
men of David, 

The first is the familiar tale of David and Goliath, which we passed 
over a while ago, and which cannot be dissociated from these fragments. 
David is sent by his father to the battle-field of Ephes-Dammim, to 
bring supplies to his elder brothers. His indignation is roused by 
a gigantic Philistine champion named Goliath of Gath, who challenges 
the Israelites to provide one who shall fight with him and decide the 
battle by single combat. The champion is minutely described : he was 
somewhere between nine and eleven feet high, with a helmet, a coat of 
mail weighing 5,000 shekels, greaves and a javelin, all of bronze, as well 
as an iron-pointed spear like a weaver's beam. How David, though 
a youth unable to wear armour, goes against the giant, exchanges 
taunting speeches with him, and brings him down with his sling, are 
tales too familiar to rehearse (1 Sam. xvii). 

The difficulties of the passage are many. The inconsistency of 
David, already (ch. xvi. 21 ) the armour-bearer of Saul, being now totally 
unknown to him, has been a crux to the harmonists of all generations : 
though this difficulty is evaded by an important group of the Greek 
MSS., which omit bodily verses xvii. 12-31, 55-xviii. 5 that is, every- 
thing inconsistent with David's being already at court and known to 
SauL The omitted verses are probably fragments of another parallel 
narrative. But even then we are not quite free from troubles. The 
whole machinery of the ordeal by duel recalls incidents of the Trojan 
war, or the tale of the Horatii and Curiatii, rather than what we are 
accustomed to look for in Semitic warfare; David's improbable flight 
to Gath soon after the battle has already been commented upon ; and, 
as will presently be seen, we possess another account of the battle of 


Ephes-Dammim, which i> quite inconsistent with the Goliath story, 
and, indeed, leaves no room for it. 

The second fragmentary narration is unfortunately found in Samuel 
only (2 Sam. xxi. 1 5-17). It reads And the Philistines had war again 
with Israel; and David went down, and hi* servants with him, and fought 
against the Philistines : and David waxed faint. And (a champion) 
which was of the sons of Kapha, the weight of whose spear was 300 
(shekels) of bronze in weight, he being girded with a new [word losfy 
thought to have slain David. But Abishai the son of Zeruiah succoured 
him and smote the Philistine and killed him. Then the men of David 
sware unto him, saying, u Thou shalt go no more out with us to battle, 
that thou quench not the lamp of Israel/" " 

The rendering 4 a champion" is suggested for the unintelligible 133* 
333, treated as a proper name * Ishbi-benob * in the English version. 
As it stands it means * and they dwelt in Nob *, which clearly inafceb no 
sense ; and the emendation that i* most current by the change of one 
letter, turning Xob to Gob 9 and moving the phrase so as to follow 
* and his servants with him * in the previous sentence is not altogether 
satisfactory. For " Gob * itself is probably, as we shall see, corrupt ; 
and it is hard to see how the sentence could have been transposed from 
a place where it makes passable sense to a place where it makes com- 
plete nonsense. The reading here suggested is irssrrr'X, literally * man 
of the betweens ", apparently a technical term for a champion, which is 
actually applied to .Goliath in 1 Samuel xvii. Though differing in detail, 
and transmitted in a garbled form, the general resemblance of the 
description of the equipment of this warrior to that of Goliath is too 
striking to be overlooked ; and we are thus led to wonder whether this 
may not be a version of the Goliath story in which the issue of the duel 
was very nearly the reverse of that in the familiar narrative. One is 
also tempted to ask whether in the "oath* of the men of David (for 
which compare 2 Sam. xviii. 3) we are to see an explanation of David's 
having stayed in Jerusalem while Joab was acting for the king in his 
operations against the Ammonites, with the disastrous consequence of 
the episode of Bath-Sheba. If this oath is to be literally understood, 
this incident of the champion slain by David's nephew must belong to 
the end of David"s operations against the Philistines, all of which seem 
to have been directed by the king in person. 

The third fragment appears in both 2 Samuel and 1 Chronicles. 
The Samuel version says * And it came to pass after this, that there 
was again war with the Philistines at Gob : then Sibbecai the Husha- 
thite slew Sapb. which was of the sons of Rapha. And there was again 
wax with the Philistines at Gob ; and Elhanan_the son of Jaare-oregim 


the Beth-fchemite >k*w Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear 
wa like a waiver's beam" (2 Sam. xri. 13, 19). 

In th* parallel account (1 Chron. xx. 4). Gezer is substituted for 
Goh, Sippai for Saph, Jair for Jaare-oregim, and 'slew Lahmi.the 
brother of Goliath m for the Beth-lehemite slew Goliath \ 

With regard to the first of these divergencies, it should be noticed 
that the place-name 4 GoV is not mentioned elsewhere. Following 
Cleraont-Gannemi I was formerly inclined to accept Gezer as the 
correct nading the change would be easy, IB for ^3 but I now 
>ee two formidable difficulties. In the first place, it is not likely that 
the well-known place-name Gezer would be corrupted to a name 
utterly unknown: in the second, the name 'Gob 1 is written 35 in 
both places, without the mater lectioms which the emendation sug- 
gested requires. Noting that in the text in Samuel the name Gob ' 
is in both places followed by a word beginning with the letter p, 
I would now suggest that a second 3? has dropped out in both places, 
and that for Gob we are to read sna, Geba. 1 The advantage of this 
correction is, that it would make both the Samuel and Chronicles 
versions right, and would show us where to fit the fragment under 
discussion. For we can scarcely avoid connecting an incident, said in 
one version to take place at Geba, and in another version at Gezer, 
with a battle which is definitely stated to have begun in one of these 
two places and finished in the other. The deaths of Saph and of 
Goliath therefore took place in the second of the three battles 
enumerated above (p. 53). 

The other divergencies need not detain us so long. The question 
of the spelling of the champion's name is scarcely important : yet it is 
tempting to inquire whether the form in Chronicles, '3D, is not to 
be preferred, and, further, whether It may not be that it actually finds 
an echo to this day in the commonplace Arabic name Tell es-Sqfi, 
commonly rendered *The clear mound', 2 whereby the most probable 
rite of ancient Gath is now known. Jair for Jaare-oregim is certainly 
right, the latter half of the name as given by Samuel being a ditto- 
graphy of the word * weaver's beam * in the nest line ; on the other 
hand, the Chronicler's evolution of Goliath's brother Lahmi out of the 
name of Jair*s native place is obviously some scribe's attempt to get 
rid of an evident harnionistic difficulty. 

The fourth fragment follows the last in both places. 6 And there 
was again war at Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on 

1 The Greek and Pesbifta versions read Gath. 

a But wa% meaning, if anything, *The mound of the dear one.* 'The dear 
mound ' would be Et-tdl e*-Safi. 


every hand six fingers, and on evtry foot six toe-*, four mid twenty ia 
number ; and he also was lx>rn to liaphn. Ami when lie defied Israel, 
Jonathan the son of Shimei DttvidV brother slew him. These tour 
were born to Raphn in Gath ; and they fell by the hand of David, and 
by the hand of his servants/ The Chronicler's version i* substantially 

Let us now try to dovetail these *eeiiiingly incoherent frag- 
ments into a consistent narrative. Nearly .-ill of them will be found 
to hang together with a logical connexion between them. We begin 
with the story of Jesse sending David us a youth to his brothers, and 
their surly reception of him, in tome campaign. This story, though, as 
we have seen, it almost makes nonsense of the place w here it is found, is 
so graphic and circumstantial that it cuimot lightly be thrown aside. It 
is not improbable, however, that it was by hi** musical rather than his 
military ability that he attracted attention on this occasion, and wa-s 
brought to the notice of Saul and Jonathan { 1 Sam. x\ i. 14-18, xviii. 1), 
At first he was received kindly, and made Saul's armour-bearer. 

Then came the battle of Eplies-Doniiuini, the full account of which 
is lost. But by combining 2 Samuel xxiii. 9 with 1 Chronicles xi. 13, 
two mutilated but complementary passages, we can gain some idea of 
what happened. The Philistines came up to battle at Ephes-Damuiim ; 
the men of Israel fled ; but David, aided by Eleazer the son of Dodo 
the Ahohite (whatever that may mean), held them fc in the valley 
between Shocoh and Azekah " and fought till their hands clave to their 
swords. They succeeded in turning the victory, and the people came 
back c only to spoil'. Well might the maidens, after such an exhibi- 
tion of valour, sing that * Saul had slain thousands but David had slain 
myriads'. The folk-tale of a giant-killing shepherd-boy, coloured by 
some actual incident of David's later campaigns, has been substituted 
for the less picturesque story of the battle : a relic of the excised part 
may possibly be seen in the verse inserted after 1 Samuel xix. 7 : And 
there was war again : and David went out, and fought with the Philis- 
tines, and slew them with a great slaughter ; and they fled before him." 
And when the tribes of Israel came to David to make him king, they 
remind him that even in Saul's lifetime it was he who used to lead 
them out to war (2 Sam. v. 2). 

The triumph-song of the women roused the jealousy of Saul, and he 
drove David into exile. The other tales of Philistine routs, which 
meet us in the lists of David's mighty men, appear to relate to the 
time of the outlawry. Shaniraah's defence of the lentil-field, to which 
reference has already been made, was of the same order as the repulse 
of the raid on the threshing-floor of Keilah : the breaking through the 


Philistine camp at Rephaim by the three heroes, in quest of the Beth- 
lehem water, is definitely assigned to the Adullam period. Finally 
David took service in Gath, and became thoroughly acquainted with 
that iinjxniant city. 

When the kingdoms of Judah and Israel were united, the Philistines 
came to break up his power ; and three engagements were fought, all 
disastrous to the hereditary enemies of the Hebrews. The first was the 
battle of Baal-Perazim, of which we have no particulars save the picture 
of a hurried flight in which even the idols were left behind. The 
tecond, that of Geba, is more interesting. The incident of the oracle 
of the sacred trees is one of the many noteworthy landmarks in Old 
Testament religion. The topography of the battle seems at first sight 
difficult to follow : but it works out easily when one knows the con- 
figuration of the ground. The valley or plain of Rephaim is usually 
equated with the broad expanse that lies south-west of Jerusalem. 
Geba was some four miles to the north of the city. What must have 
happened was, that David's men circled behind the Philistine camp, 
under cover, probably, of the hills to the west of the plain (now 
crowned by the Greek Patriarch's summer residence Kat^mon); 
that is, down the picturesque valley in which stands the Convent of 
the Cxo*s. Then crossing into the Wady el-Werd by the site of the 
modern village of Malhah, 1 they attacked the Philistines on the rear. 
Finding their retreat (down the present Wady el-Werd and its 
western continuation, the Wady es-Surar) cut off, the Philistines fled 
northward, past Jerusalem, as far as the village of Geba, and then 
rushed down the valley of Ai jalon, which opens out on the coast-plain 
not far from Gezer. Some time in this battle or the subsequent rout 
Sibfaecai (or Mebunni) slew Saph, and Elhanan slew Goliath. 

Contrary to most modem commentators I assume that this raid 
of the Philistines took place after (or perhaps during, which is not 
improbable) David's successful siege of Jerusalem. If David was 
still in Hebron at the time, I cannot conceive what the Philistines 
were doing in the valley of Rephaim. They would have come up 
one of the more southerly valleys to attack him. 

Lastly took place the final and decisive victory which crushed 
for ever the Philistine suzerainty. The union at last effected among 
the tribes of Israel gave them a strength they had never had before ; 
yet it is hard to understand the complete collapse of the people who 
had been all-powerful but a few years previously. W. Max Muller 

1 They must in this case have passed close by some ancient tumuli, which stand 
west of Malbah : possibly the sacred balsam-trees were associated with these. 


attempts to account for it l by an unrecorded attack of the Egyptian 
king, whereby he possessed himself of the Philkthie wetland: 
arguing that in a list of J?he>honk*s conquests in his campaign 

of fl''jL 

~~ r 


Fig. 2. Sketch-map to illustrate the Battle of Gehau 

recorded in 1 Kings siv. 25 no Philistine city is mentioned, for the 
simple reason that they must have been already in Egyptian hands. 
On this theory also he accounts for the capture of Gezer (an extension 
of the Egyptian territory) recorded in 1 Kings ix. 16. 

und Europa, pp. 3S9, 390. 


The nitc of the last battle i< successfully concealed under a hopeless 
corruption of the text. We are told in Samuel that David took 
Mftheg h*i-ammah out of the hand of the Philistines: a phrase that 
nt&tfi* 4 bridle of the cubit* or *of the metropolis", but defies con- 
vincing explanation or emendation. The old versions all presuppose 
an identical or similar text : Chronicles has c Gath and her suburbs', 
which is probably a guess at a reading which should be at least intelli- 
gible. It cannot be right, for we find Gath still independent under 
it^ king Achfeh at the beginning of Solomon's reign (1 Kings ii. 39). l 
This however, does not forbid our supposing the decisive battle to 
have taken place at or near Gath: a very likely place for David 
to attack, a< he was no doubt familiar with its fortifications. There 
certainly appears to have been a battle at Gath where the unnamed 
polvdoctylou*. champion defied Israel and was slain by a nephew of 
David. Perhaps he SWLS one and the same with the Gittite champion 
whom the English version calls Ishbi-benob, and from whom David, 
when hard pressed, was rescued likewise by one of his nephews. In 
this incident, on the theory here put forward, is the historical basis 
of the David and Goliath story. In this case 2 Samuel xxi. 2 (* these 
four were born to "the giant" in Gath 1 ) would be an editorial note. 

Before leaving this record of the champions of the Philistines 
which we have thus endeavoured to put into order, we must notice 
that, strictly speaking, they are not to be classed as Philistines at all. 
The expression 6 son of Rapha\ translated fc giant "* in the English 
version, implies rather that the family were of the remnant of the 
Rephaites or Anakim, the tall aboriginal race which the Israelites on 
their coming found established in Hebron and neighbouring villages, 
Gath, Gaza, and Ashdod. According to Joshua xi. 21 they were driven 
oat utterly from the Hebron district, but a remnant was left in the 
Philistine towns, where no doubt they mingled with the western new- 
comers. The tall stature attributed to these 6 champions'* a physical 
feature never ascribed in the history to the Philistines themselves 2 

1 It is jKU*i&fo that David showed kindness to Achish, in return for the kindness 
he had received from him, and allowed him to continue in his kingdom under 
vassalage. But this is perhaps hardly probable: and evidently the runaway 
servants of Shimei thought that they would be out of their master's reach in Gath, 
so that that town was most likely quite independent of Jerusalem. 

a I may quote from The Excavation of Geser, voL i, p. 64-, the descriptions of the 
only bones that have yet been found in Palestine which can be called c Philistine ' 
with reasonable probability. They 'are comparable with the types of ancient 
Cretan bones described by Duckworth and Hawes, and with Cretan bones in the 
Cambridge Museum. They represent a people of fairly tall stature (the man in 
grave 3 was 5' 10", that in grave 3 was 6* 3}")- They were probably about or under 
40 years of age. In all the femora were not pilastered and the tibiae not platy- 


fits in with this theory of the origin of the family. By Delilah 
and Goliath the Philistine nation is judged : but there is no proof 
that there was a drop of Philistine blood in either the one or the 

The commentators agree that the ancient p*olm incorporated in 
Psalm Ix. (8-12) and cviii. (7-10) can be as old as David. If so, 
it may well have been a paean of the victory over the Philistines and 
the other neighbouring nations. 

That the Philistine power was utterly broken is bhown by the 
significant fact that in the distractions which vexed the later years 
of David the revolt of Absalom and of Sheba they made no effort 
to recover their ground. Quite the contrary : we are burprised 
to find David's body-guard consisting of* Cherethites and Pdetibites ', 
Cretans and Phili(s)tines : a Gittite called Obed-Edopi m houses the 
ark when the ill-omened incident of llzza had interrupted the first 
attempt to bring it to Jerusalem : and another Gittite, Ijfctai. by 
name, was one of the few people who remained faithful to David 
when Absalom had stolen the hearts of his followers. So their 
ancient kinsmen the Shardanu appear, now as enemies, now as loyal 
mercenaries of Egypt. And in the later history, except a few half- 
hearted attempts like that in the time of Jehoram, the Philistines 
took no decisive advantage of the internal dissensions between Judah 
and Israel, or of their many struggles with the Syrians and other 
foreign foes. From the time of David their power, and indeed their 
very individuality, dwindle away with a rapidity difficult to parallel. 
The contrast between the pre-Davidic and the post-Davidic Philistines 
is one of the most extraordinary in human history. 

But in Palestine the Philistines were, after all, foreigners: they 
had come from their healthy maritime life to the fever-haunted and 
sirocco-blasted land of Canaan. The climate of that country guards 
it for its Semitic heirs, and Philistine and Crusader alike must submit 
to the laws of human limitations. 

The Philistine body-guard above referred to was perhaps organized 
during David's stay in Ziklag. In the later history some traces of 
the organization seem to survive. The 'Carries 1 , as they are now 
significantly called, help Jehoiada to put down the usurping queen 
Athaliah. In Ezekiel (xliv. 7 sqq.) there is a prophecy against 

cnemic. The skulls were ellipsoidal, mesaticephalic, orthognathous, megaseme 
(with wide orbits;* mesorrliine (with moderately wide nose), and microdont The 
female skull in grave 4 was a little wider in proportion, and though the teeth were 
moderately small, the incisors projected forward, though not enough to make the 
lace prognathous. The lower teeth were also very oblique/ 


certain uncircumcwed foreigners who are introduced, apparently in 
some official capacity, into the Temple: and in Zephaniah i. 8, 9 
* those that arts clothed with foreign apparel' and < those that leap 
over the threshold" in the * day of the Lord's sacrifice ' are denounced. 
Though suggestive, neither of these passages is as clear as we should 
like: the possibility of there being some connexion between the 
threshold rite in Zephaniah and the analogous rite in the Temple 
of Adid'iil (1 Sam. v. 5) has often been noticed. It is an interesting 
lability we cannot say more that there actually was a Philistine 
body-guard round the king and his court at Jerusalem, and that 
the Temple itself, built as we shall see after a Philistine model, was 
protected by Philistine janissaries. This might explain the unex- 
pected reappearance of the heathenish name of Sisera among the 
Nethinim or Temple servitors recorded in Ezra ii. 58, Nehemiah vii. 55. 


A few simple figures will show the comparative insignificance into 
which the Philistines fell after their wars with David. In the first 
book of Samuel, the name 'Philistine* or * Philistines ' occurs 
125 times. In the second book it occurs only twenty-four times, 
and some of these are reminiscent passages, referring to earlier inci- 
dents. In the two books of the Kings together the name occurs only 
six times. 

Achish was still *King of Gath\ as we have already seen, at the 
beginning of Solomon's reign, and the coastland strip was still 
outside Hebrew territory. Gezer was presented to Solomon's wife 
as a marriage portion. After the partition of the kingdom, Nadab 
son of Jeroboam I besieged Gibbethon, a now unknown Philistine 
village, where he was killed by his successor Baasha* The siege 
was apparently renewed at the end of Baasha's own reign, but why 
this village was made a centre of attack is a question as obscure 
as its topography. Ahaziah sent to consult the Oracle of Ekron. 
The Shunammite woman who had entertained Elisha sojourned during 
the seven yeant' famine in the land of the Philistines a testimony 
to the superior fertility of that part of the country. Turning to 
the records of the southern kingdom, we learn from the Chronicler 
that certain of the Philistines brought presents and silver for tribute 
to Jehoshaphat : but that under his son Jehoram they revolted and 
carried away his substance. In the parallel version in Kings the 
revolt is localized in the insignificant town of Libnah. The great 
king Uzziah, on the other hand, broke the walls of Gath which 
had probably been already weakened by the raid of Hazael of Syria 


(2 Kings xSL 18) as well a* the walls of Jabneh and of A>hdod, 
and established cities of hi* own in Philistine territory. This 5s 
the last we hear of the important city of Gath in history : henceforth 
it is omitted from the enumerations of Philistine cities in prophetic 
denunciations of the race. In the time of Ahaz there neems to have 
been a revival of the old spirit among the beaten people. Profiting 
by the Edomite raid which already harassed Judah, they took 
some cities from Southern Judah, including Beth-jJiemesh, Aijalon, 
Gederoth, Shoeho, Timnath. and Giinzo, which are not elsewhere 
reckoned as Philistine property ( Chron. xxviii. 18) ; certainly the 
first of these was a Hebrew village eten at the time of the greatest 
extension of Philistine power. This * Philistine revival 1 seem*, to 
have inspired Isaiah in a denunciation of Ephraim (Iba. ix. 13), but 
whether the invasion of the northern kingdom there threatened ever 
took place is not recorded. Probably not, as Hezekiah once more 
reversed the situation, smiting the Philibtines as fur as Gaza 
(2 Kings xv'iii. 8). 

At this point we glean home welcome detail* of history from the 
annals of the Assyrian kings. Hadad-Xirari III (812-783) enumerates 
the Philistines among the Palestinian states conquered by him about 
803 B.C., but enters into no particulars. Tiglath-Pileser III, however, 
(745-727) gives us fuller details. Rezon (in the Hebrew RezZn) of 
Syria, and Pekah of Samaria were in league, whereas Ahaz of 
Jerusalem had become a vassal of the king of Assyria. The Philis- 
tines had attached themselves to the Syrian league, so that in 734 B.C. 
Tiglath-Pileser came up with the special purpose of sacking Gaza. 
Hanunu, the king of Gaza, fled to Sebako, king of Egypt ; but he 
afterwards returned and, having made submission, was received 
with favour, 1 

Some four yeare earlier Mitinti, king of Ashkelon, had revolted, 
trusting to the support of Rezon. But the death of Rezon so 
terrified the king that he fell sick and died possibly he poisoned 
himself, knowing what punishment would be in store for him at the 
hands of the ferocious Assyrian. His son Hukipti, who reigned in 
his stead, hastened to make submission. 

1 * The town of over the land Beth-Omri ... I cast its whole extent 

under the rule of Assyria : I put my officials as lieutenants over it. Hanunu of 
Gaza fled before my arms, and escaped to Egypt. Gaza I plundered, its posses- 
sions and its gods . . . and I put my royal image (r ( in his palace. I laid the 
service of the gods of his land under the service of Asshur. I laid tribute upon 

him As a bird he flew hither (made submission) and I set him again to his 

place.' KeilingchriftlicheEibliothek, ii, pp. 32, 33; Schroder, KtUiiuichnfttn*, p. 56. 
See also Rost, Keilinschr. Tiglath-P'dtstrs, p. 78. 


Alxwt 713 another Philistine city comes into prominence. This 
is AritttaL the king of which, Azuri, refused to pay tribute and 
endeavoured to stir up the neighbouring princes to revolt. Sargon, 
king of Assyria (722-705), came down, expelled Azuri, and established 
in hi*. teml his brother Ahiniiti. An attempt was made by the 
Philistine* Sargotf* scribe calls them Hittites to substitute one 
Yainani, who had no claim to the throne. But this bold usurper 
fled to the land of Meluhha in X. Arabia when Sargon was on his 
way to the city. 1 These operations of Sargon against Ashdod are 
referral to in a note of time in Isaiah xx. 1. 

The next king, Sennacherib (705-681), had trouble with the 
remnant of the Philistines. Mitintfs son Rukipti had been succeeded 
by his <on Sarludari, but it seems as though this ruler had been 
deposed, and a person called Zidka reigned in his stead. Sennacherib 
found conspiracy in Zidka, and brought the gods of his father's house, 
himself, and his family into exile to Assyria, restoring Sarludari to his 
former throne, while of course retaining the suzerainty. In this 
operation he took the cities of Beth-Dagon, Joppa, Bene-Berak, and 
Azuri, which belonged to Zidka. These names still survive in the 
villages of Beit Dejan, Ibrak, and Vazur, in the neighbourhood of 

At the same time the Ekronites had revolted against the 
Assyrian. Their king, Padi, had remained a loyal vassal to his 
overlord, but his turbulent subjects had put him in fetters and sent 
him to Hezekiah, king of Judah, who cast him into prison. The 
Ekronites summoned assistance from North Arabia and Egypt, and 
met Sennacherib in El-Tekeh. Here they were defeated, and 
Sennacherib marched against Ekron, slaying and impaling the chief 
officers. Padi was rescued from Jerusalem, his deliverance being no 
doubt part of the tribute paid by Hezekiah (2 Kings xviii. 14). 

1 * Azuri, king of Ashdod, devised in his heart to bring no more tribute, and sent 
an invitation to the kings of his neighbourhood to hostility against Asshur. On 
account of the misdeeds he wrought, I removed him from the lordship of the people 
of his land and put his brother Afcimiti in lordship over them. But evil-plotting 
Hittites were hostile to his lordship and set over themselves Yamani, who had no 
claim to the throne, who like them had no respect for my lordship. In my fury 

I did not send the whole body of my troops lied merely the body-guard, who 

follows me wherever I go, to Ashdod. But Yamani fled as I approached to the 
border of Egypt, which lies beside Meluljha, and was seen no more. I besieged 
and plundered Ashdod, Gath, and Ashdodimmu [' The port of Ashdod," DTI intflK, 
or, "Gath of the Ashdodites," according to some interpreters], and carried off as 
booty their goods, women, sons and daughters, property, the palace treasures, and 
the people of the land. I re-peopled those towns anew . . . and put my lieutenants 
over them and counted them to the people of Assyria.' KM. BibL ii, pp. 66, 67. 
IfAT*. p. 71. 


Sennacherib then cut off some of the territory of Judoh and divided 
it among his vakils, MitSnti, king of AshdrxL Padi the restored 
king of Ekron, and Zilbel, king of Gaza. 1 

Sennacherib was assassinated in 6ttl,and his son Ksarhaddon(681- 
<>68) reigned in his stead. In the li.sts of kings in subjection to this 
monarch we find Mitinti, king of Ashkelon (the A>syrian records 
seem to confute A.shkelon and Ashdod), and Zilbel, king of Gaza, of 
whom we have heard before. Padi lias disappeared from Ekron, and 
to him has succeeded a king with the old Philistine name of Ikausu 
(= Achish). On the other hand a king with the Semitic name of 
Ahimilki (Ahimelech) is king of Ashdod. All these kings survived 
into the reign of Assurbanipal, who be^an to reign in 668.- 

According to Jeremiah xlvii. 1 (not the Gre^k Version) c Pharaoh 
smote Gaza* in the time of that prophet. This mot likely was 
Xeeho, on his way northward when Josiali, with fatal consequences to 
himself, tried to check him. Herodotus is >upposeJ to refer to this 
when he says (ii. 159) that Necho took a great city of Syria called 
*Kadytw', which elsewhere (iii. 5) he describes as a city in his 
opinion not smaller than Sardis. It is a possible, but not a convincing, 

1 ' Menahem of the town of Samaria, Ethba'al of Sidnn, Mitinti of Ashdod [and 
a number of others" all the kings of the West brought rich presents . . and kissed 
my feet And Zidka, the king of Ashkelon, who had not submitted to my yoke, the 
irods of his house, himself, his wife, his sons, his daughters, his brothers, the seed 
-of his house, I dragged off and brought them to Assyria. Sarludari, the son of 
Kukipti, their former king, I set again as king over the j>eople of Ashkelon, took 
tribute and submission from him, and he became obedient to me. In the course of 
my expedition, I besieged Beth-Dagon, Joppa, Bene-Barka, Azuri, the towns of 
'Zidka, which had not promptly submitted to me : I plundered them and dragged 
booty away from them. The principal men of Amkarruna {Ekron'; who had cast 
Padi, who by the right and oath of Assyria was the king, into fetters and delivered 
him up to Hezekiah of Judah, who had shut him in prison their heart feared. 
The kings of the land of Egypt sent archers, chariots, and horses of the king of 
Mcluhha, a countless army, and came to help them. Their army stood against me 
before the town El-Tekeh, they raised their weapons. Trusting in Asshur, my 
Lord, I fought with them and subdued them ; I took the chiefs of the chariots and 
the son of one of the kings of Egypt, and the chief of the chariots of the king of 
Meluhha prisoners with my own hand in the m'Vt : I besieged El-Tekeh and 
Timnath, and plundered them and took away their booty. Then I turned before 
Ekron, the chief men who had done evil I slew and hung their bodies on poles 
round the city : the inhabitants who had done evil I led out as prisoners : with the 
rest, who had done no evil, I made peace. Padi their king I led from Jerusalem 
and put him again on the throne of his lordship. I laid the tribute of ray lordship 
upon him. Of Hezekiah ... I besieged forty-six fortified towns . . . his towns which 
I had plundered, I took from his land and gave them to Mitinti, king of Ashdod, 
Padi, king of Ekron, and Zilbel, king of Gaza, and I cut his land short. To the 
former tribute I added the tribute due to my lordship and laid it upon them.* 
K. B. ii, pp. 90-95. 

2 K. B, ii, pp. 148, 149, and 338-311. 


hypothe>:9. that Kadytis may represent some form of the name of 

Gaza. 1 

HITC the Awvrion records leave us. We have, however, one more 
Biblical reft rem*e, in the last paragraph of the book of Neherniah, which 
i* of very great importance (xiii. 23, 4). The walls of Jerusalem had 
been restored ; the law published and proclaimed ; all the steps had 
iN&n taken to e&tablish an exclusive theocratic state in accordance with 
the prierfly legislation; when the leader was dismayed to discover 
certain Jews who had married women of Ashdod, of Ammon, and of 
Moab, the very communities that had put so many obstacles in the 
wav of the work of restoration. 2 Not only so, but there were already 
children ; and as is usual in such cases of mixed marriage, these 
children &poke the language of their mothers only. Nehemiah 
indulged in a passionate display of temper, treating the culprits with 
personal violence, and probably he compelled them to put away their 
wives a* Ezra did in a similar case. But the interest for us is not in 
Xehemiah's outburst, but in his reference to the speech of the children. 
They spoke half in the speech of Ashdod, and could not speak in the 
Jews* language. In spite of Sennacherib's transportations and 
deportations ; in spite of the long and exhausting siege of twenty- 
nine years which the city (according to Herodotus ii. 157) sustained 
in the following century at the hands of Psammetichus ; yefc the 
ancient tongue of the Philistines lingered still in Ashdod, the town 
which probably retained exotic characteristics the longest. The 
distinction which Strabo (XVI. ii. 1) draws between the Ta&loi and 
the 'A&Snoi (* Jews, Idumaeans, Gazaeans, and Azotii' being the four 
minor races of Syria which he enumerates) may possibly be founded 
on a reminiscence of these linguistic survivals. No doubt the language 
was by now much contaminated with Semitic words and idioms, but 
btill it possessed sufficient individuality to be unintelligible without 
special study. It had of course lost all political importance, so that 
it was not as in the days of Samson and Jonathan, when every 
Hebrew of position was obliged to know something of the tongue of 
the powerful rivals of his people: it was now a despised fatais, much 
as are the ancient Celtic languages in the eyes of the average Saxon- 
In the chatter of these little half-breeds the stern Jewish puritan wa& 
perhaps privileged to hear the last accents of the speech of Minos,, 
whose written records still e mock us, undeciphered \ 

* See Meyer's Hvtory of the C% of Gaza, p. 38. Noordtzij, 2>e Filistijnen, 
p. 171, identifies it with Kadesh, which is reasonable. 

a Neh. fr. 7. See also Ps, Ixxxiii, which, according to the most likely view, was- 
composed during the anxieties attending the restoration of Jerusalem. 


It is true that some critics have explained tin* Speech of Aahdod" 
as being the tongue of Sennacherib's colonists. If *o, however, 
Nehemiah (himself a returned exile from a neighbouring empire to 
Sennacherib's) would probably have had some understanding of it and 
of its origin, and would have described it differently. The Semitic 
peech of the children of the Ammonite and Moabite mothers does 
not seem to have caused him so much vexation. 

In Gaza, too, Philistine tradition .still survived. Down to the 
time of the Maccabeaii revolt there remained here a temple of 
Dagon, destroyed by Jonathan Maccabaeus (1 Mace. x. 83, $4; ; xi. 4). 
But these traditional survivals of religious peculiarities are mere 
isolated phenomena : apart from them the absorption of Philistia in 
the ocean of Semitic humanity is &o complete that it* people ceases to 
have an independent history. It were profitless to trace the story of 
Philistia further, through the campaigns* of Alexander, the wars of 
the Maccabees and the Seleucids, the Rouion domination, and the 
complex later developments : the record is no longer the history of 
a people ; it is that of a country. 

Nevertheless, the tradition of the Philibtiues still lives, and will 
continue to live so long as the land which they dominated three 
thousand years ago continues to be called fc Palestine *, and so long as 
its peasant parents continue to tell their children their tale** of the 
Fenish. One accustomed to the current English pronunciation of 
the name of the Pliot'iticians might for a moment be misled into* 
supposing that these were the people meant : but the equation is 
philologically impossible. There can be no doubt that this people of 
tradition, supposed to have wrought strange and wonderful deeds in 
the land, to have hewn out its great artificial ca\es and built its* 
castles and even the churches and monasteries whose fa^t-decaying 
ruins dots its landscape that this people is none other than the 
mighty nation of the Philistines. 



THE country of the Philistines is definitely limited, in Joshua xiii. 2, 
between the Shlhor or * Biver of Egypt \ the present Wady el-Arlsh, 
on the Egyptian frontier, which joins the sea at Rhinocolura and 

* the borders of Ekron northward, which is counted to the Canaanites \ 
Westward it was bounded by the Mediterranean Sea : eastward by the 
foothills of the Judean mountains. From Deuteronomy ii. 23 we learn 
that this territory had previously been in the possession of a tribe 
allied Jvvim, of whom we know nothing but the name : from the 
passage in Joshua just quoted it would appear that a remnant of 
these aborigines still remained crowded down to the south. They 
may possibly have l)een of the same stock as the neolithic pre-Semitic 
{jeople whose remains were found at Gezer. No doubt, as in the 
majority of cases of the kind, they survived as a substratum of the 
population in the rest of their ancient territory as well, engaged in 
the hard manual labour to which the wily Gibeonites were con- 

We also learn from Joshua (xi. 21) that there was a Rephaite or 

* Anakim 1 remnant left in some of the chief cities of the Philistine 
territory, which must have been of considerable importance, to judge 
from the stories of giant champions analysed on a previous page. 
How far the alliance of these formidable aborigines (which probably 
represent a pre-Canaanite immigration, later than the insignificant 
\4vcim) enabled the southern Philistines to hold their ground so 
much longer than the northern Zakkala is an interesting question 
the answer to which, however, could be nothing more than 

Though no ancient authority definitely states it, there can hardly 
be any doubt that the repulse of the great attack on Egypt, in the 
days of Ramessu III, was the event which led to the permanent 
settlement of the Cretan tribes on the coasfcland. It is possible, 
indeed, that they already occupied the country as a military base for 
their operations against Egypt: the description, in the Medinet Habu 
temple, of the advance of the invaders through the lands of the 


Hittitcs and North Syrians make> thin at least not improbable. 
However the exact detail* of chronology work out, we cannot dis- 
sociate the invasion of Egypt from the contemporaneous settlement 
by foreigners on the sea-coa*t. 

Israel was already, as we learn from the stela of Merneptah, 
established in the pronu>ed land; and the Hebrew tribes had 
already been reinforced by the contingent of Egyptian serfs (possibly 
the enslaved descendants of the Sedan in invader* known to hibtory 
as the Hyksos) and Kenites, whose tmditions became the received 
version of Hebrew orlginex. The tribe of Dan, .situated on the sea- 
coast, was driven inland, and forced to establish itself elsewhere : 
but as we have seen, the whole length of the shore was occupied bv 
the intruders, even north of Joppa. Wen-Amon has chronicled for us 
the settlement of Zakkala at Dor : that Sisera taloaged to this tribe is 
also highly probable : and the remarkable developments displayed by 
the Phoenicians which distinguished them from all other Semites 
developments to be noted in the following chapter make it no 
longer possible to doubt that a very large Philistine or Zakkala 
element entered into the composition of that people. 

In the earlier part of the history, as we liave already indicated, the 
empire of the Philistines was widely spread over the country. As is 
well known, the name Palestine is merely a corruption of PhUMa ; 
and \\hen Zephaniah or one of his editors calls Canaan * the land ot 
the Philistines' (ii. 4s) he is expressing little more than what was at 
one time a fact. Their domination over the Hebrews is insisted on 
in both Judges and Samuel : the early kings of the Hebrews are 
elected with the specific purpose of freeing the people from the 
foreign yoke : a governor is established in a town close to Jerusalem : 
even at Beth-Shan, at the inner end of the plain Esdraelon, which 
once swarmed with the chariots of Sisera, the Philistines were 
able to fix SauPs body as a trophy: and the course of the history 
shows that they were there established in sufficient strength and with 
sufficient permanence to make the recovery of the trophy difficult. 

The name of Beth-Dagon, the house of their chief god, is found 
among the towns enumerated to the northern coast-dwellers of the 
tribe of Asher (Joshua xix. 27) ; and there was a similarly named and 
better known town in the land of the southern Philistines ; but these 
names, as we shall see in the following chapter, are older than the 
Philistine settlement. * The stronghold above Jericho called Dagon 
(mentioned in Josephus, Ant. xiii. 8. 1, Wars, i. &. 8) is no doubt 
the same as Dok (now c Ain ed-Duk) where Simon was murdered 
(1 Mace. xvi. 15) : probably the form of the name in Josephus is. 


nn errnr. Then* i* a modem Beit Dejan near Xablus, which marks 
* thin! place of the same name, not recorded in history. 

The Northern trite of the foreigner* must have become early 
absorb*! bv their Semitic neighbours. The Southern people, however, 
eted on their rich coast-plain and established in their powerful 
metropolitan cities were longer able to maintain their ethnic inde- 
pendence. The wars of David drove them back on the coast, and 
reduced them to A subordinate position ; and, as the names of the 
kings recorfed in the Assyrian records show, they rapidly became 
*mitized an time went on. As we have seen in the last chapter, 
however, their national traditions fought a long fight against absorp- 
tion and oblivion. The pride of the Philistines their persistent 
refusal to submit to Hebrew prejudices, such as the tabu against 
mating flesh with the blood and forbidden meats was as offensive 
fo Deuteit>-Zechariah (ix. 7) as is the pride of the Irish or Welsh 
nationalist to the average Englishman. Though in the later history 
we hear so little about them, they must still have been troublesome 
neighbours ; otherwise there would not be such a constant chain of 
prophetic denunciations. Amos first, then Isaiah, Zephaniah, Joel, 
and the later prophets Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Zecbariah all pronounce 
woes upon them. One of EzekiePs strongest denunciations of the 
wrruptions of his own people well expresses the national hatred 
oven the daughters of the Philistines are ashamed at contemplating 
them (Ezek. xvL 27). The son of Sirach says that 'his heart 
ahhorreth them that sit upon the mountains of Samaria, and them 
that dwelt among the Philistines' (Ecclus. 1. 26). Except for the 
naturalized Philistines in David's entourage, there is but one lull in 
the storm of war tetween the two nations throughout the Old Testa- 
ment. This is in the charming poem, Psalm Ixxxvii, \vritten apparently 
under some one of the later kings. The psalmist pictures Yahweh 
enthroned upon His best-loved seat, the holy mountains of Zion, and 
reading, as it were, a census-roll of His people. This one was born in 
Egypt or Babylon that one in Philistia or Tyre yet all own Zion 
as their common Mother. The psalm is a miniature edition of the 
Book of Jonah : the poet's large-hearted universalism looks forward 
to an abolition of national jealousies. 

Their cities all existed from pre-Philistine days. They are all, 
except the Beth-Dagons, mentioned in the Tell el-Amarna cor- 
respondence, and were then already communities of importance : how 
much farther back their history may go it is impossible to tell. Like 
the Hebrews, who appear to have added only one city Samaria to 
those which they inherited in the Promised Land, the Philistines 


were not city builders. Indeed we hardly would exjietl this of the 
4 Peoples of the Sea\ Ziklag, somewhere in the *with of the Philistine 
territory, but not yet identified satisfactorily, may liave been a new 
foundation: this however, rt*ts merely upon the vague circumstance 
that it lias been impossible to find a satisfactory Semitic etymology 
for the name, which conceivably echoes the name of the Ztikkala. If 
so, we understand better how the wMtfarn sept of the Philistines conies 
to be specifically called * Cheneihiti's " or 4 Cretan* \ On the other 
hand, we elsewhere find the Zakkala in the north. 

The five metropolitan cities of the Philistines were Gaza, Ashkelon, 
Gath, Ashdod, and Ekron. The first-mentioned is the only one of 
the five that still retains anything of its former iuqwrtonct*. It is 
a modern, well-watered, and populous town, standing on the ancient 
site, and in the form Ghuzzeh retaining the ancient name. It is 
prominent in the Samson epic. \Ve have already noticed the revolt 
of its leader, Hanunu, against the king of Assyria a revolt that led 
to the battle of Raphia (710 B. r.), the first struggle between Egypt 
and Assyria. From Amos i. 6 we learn that Gaza was the centre of 
a slave-trade, which added bitterness to the relations l>etween the 
Philistines and their Israelite neighbours. In 332 B.C. the city was 
besieged for two months by Alexander the Great. Its later history 
but slightly concerns us, though we may mention its total destruction 
by Alexander Jannaeus. It recovered even from this catastrophe, and 
we find it in the second and third centuries A.D. as the centre of 
worship of a deity j>eculiar to itself, called Alarna, the ritual of 
whose service recalls in some respects that of the rites of Dagon. 
This cult, indeed, was probably the last relic of the Philistines, apart 
from the vague modern traditions to which we have already referred. 

The city was surrounded by a wall, and watch-towers were erected 
at a distance from it, to give warning as early as possible of the 
approach of an enemy ( Kings xviii. 8). 1 A neighbouring harbour 
town, called Matou/za Fd^s, was of considerable importance and for 
a time was the site of a bishopric. 

Asltkelon was the only city of the five that stood on the sea- 
coast, though other maritime cities, such as Joppa, were (at least 
from time to time) also in Philistine hands. Its harbour, though 
inadequate for modem use, was sufficient for the small ships of 
antiquity. Samson visited Ashkelon to seize the wager he was 
obliged to pay after his riddle had been solved. 2 It is, however, from 

1 So a sentry-station was established on a hill some way S. of Gezer : see my 
Excavation of Gezer^ vol. il, p. 365. 

2 It has been suggested that this took place not at Ashkelon, but at a small site 


much lati-r timts-Maccabean, early Arab, and CniMider-tliat the 
chk'f hWorical instance of the city dates. These lie outside pur 
prt-t'ht H.III* Wt- need not do more than mention the etymological 
fitu-iilatiou* of StqJwnub of Byzantium, who teUs us that this city 
iL tbuiidisd bv Askalo>, brother of Tanlalon and son of Hymenaios ; 
and the ^tatunent of Benjamin of Tudela that Ezra re-founded 
AnhU'litti der the name Bcncbrah. 1 

&', reasonably identified with the enonnoiib mound known a* 
lull t Jsftfi ut the embouchure of the Valley of Elah, had a different 
hMoiy from the rot. It seems in the time of the greatest extension 
of the" PbilUiue power to have been the principal city of the five : at 
fatt the application to its ruler Achish of the title melek, 'king' 
(mtht-r than the technical term *eren, applied normally to the * lords ' 
of the Philistines), if not a mere inadvertence, suggests that at least 
lie vttofriHiux inter pares. He has, however, to bow to the wishes of 
his colleagues in the matter of David's alliance with him. In David's 
lament over Saul and Jonathan, Gath and Ashkelon are the two- 
prominent cities specially mentioned; and (probably through the 
influence of that popular* lay) c tell it not in Gath ' became a current 
catchword, which we meet once again in Micah i. 10. It is not 
infrequently used as such among ourselves ; but in Hebrew it has 
a further aid to popularity in an alliteration, as though one should 
tiay * god not in Gath \ 

"But as we have already noticed, the name drops out from all 
references to the Philistines in the later literature: the Pentapolis 
becomes a Tetrapolis, and the hegemony passes over to Ashdod, 
which in time becomes the last typical Philistine city. This cannot 
be explained, however, by a total destruction of the citj T of Gath. 
For the excavations carried on by the Palestine Exploration Fund in 
1900 at Tell es-Safi showed that the site had been continuously 
occupied from very early times to the days of a modern village, 
whobe hoi&es and extensive graveyards seal up the secrets of the 
greater part of this important mound from the curiosity of the 
explorer. The true expknation is, that from the time of its conquest 
by Uzziah, Gath was reckoned a city of Judah by the Hebrew 
prophets. In the gradual shrinking of the Philistine border it 
would be one of the first to fall into Hebrew hands. 

A destruction of Gath probably the sacking by Uzziah was still 

Sn the T&Uey of Elali called Khnrtet (= rain) 'Askalan. This is certainly nearer 
to Timnath, but there are here no traceable remains older than the Roman period. 
1 A description of the remains at Ashkelon, with a plan, will be found in the 
'Jnarttriy Statement of the Palestine Exploration Fund for January 1913. 


fresh in memory when Amos propln^ieil, and wo* uswl by him as an 
illustration to enforce his denunciation of Samaria (vi. 2) ; in his iirst 
chapter we already find Gath omittal from the list of Philistine cities; 
and the reference immediately afterwards to A the remnant of the 
Philistines* (i. 8) suggests that that jnrople bid shortly before suffered 
loss. In iii- 9 the words "pubhVh in the pdace* at A>hdod" 
may possibly IK* an adaptation of the proverbial catchword already 
mentioned, modified to suit the altered circuin.stances. It likewise 
is assonantal in Hebrew. 

Sargon, it is true, shortly after Uzziah's time, calls the city c Gath 
of the A^hdodites n (if this be the correct translation of the phrase); 
but no doubt it was a matter of indifference in the eyes of the great 
king which of two trumpery communities claimed the possession 
of a town, so long as he himself had a satisfying share of the 

It is unfortunate that the city had such a commonplace name. Its 
meaning, c winepress,* was applicable to many sites, and it was 
evidently used for more places than one. This makes the reconstruc- 
tion of the history of Gath rather difficult. Thus the Gath fortified 
by Rehoboam (8 Chron. xi. 8) can hardly be the Philistine city of that 
name ; and certain other places huch as Gath-hepher, Gath-rimmon, 
and Moresheth-gath, inti>t he carefully distinguished therefrom. The 
same word appears in the Gettoemane of the New Testament. 

Aslidody the city to which the ark was first taken, is now repre- 
sented by an insignificant village, whose only object of interest is 
the ruin of a large Saracenic Man : but ruins of more important 
buildings seem to have been seen here by seventeenth-century 
travellers. 1 Yet it must have been a city of special importance in 
the Pentapolis. Like Gaza, it had its * palaces 1 (Amos iii. 9). As 
we have seen, Ashdod longest preserved the Philistine national 
tradition. 'The speech of Ashdod * lasted down to the time of 
Nehemiah. The temple of Dagon stood there till destroyed by 
the Maccabees (1 Mace. x. 83, 84). But the altars and gods' of 
the city, destroyed by Judas a few years before (1 Mace. v. 68), were 
perhaps objects rather of Hellenic cult, which at this date was well 
established in Western Palestine. 

The great siege of Ashdod by Psammeticus, already referred to, is 
unknown to us except from Herodotus. It seems almost incredibly 
protracted, and probably there is something wrong with Herodotus* 
figures. Jeremiah's references to the remnant of Ashdod (sxv. 20) 
and ZephaniaK's emphasis on a siege which shall drive out Ashdod at 
1 See Sepp, Jerusalem und dn* heifye Land, vol. ii, p. o9. 


the noonday (ii. 4) i. e. which shall last half a day only axe 
plausibly supposed to imply allusion to this event. A small inlet 
an the iicighbonring coastline served Ashdod for a harbour : it is 
now callwl Mtnet r/-AWWj, *the harbour of the fortress' : a tradition 
of some fortification of the harbour is thus preserved, as well as 
the Greek name At/An/, which has been transformed into the Arabic 
El'Mtncht the initial A having been mistaken for the Arabic 

EkwRi since the time of Robinson, has always been equated to the 
ullage of 'Akir, now the site of a flourishing Jewish colony, whose 
red roofs are conspicuous on the seaward side of the Jerusalem 
railway soon after leaving Ramleh. But there ar? no remains of 
any ancient occupation here commensurate with the importance of 
the place. There are a few local traditions in 'Akir, but they are 
quite vague. Bauer (Mltthellungen d. deutsch. Pal. Verein$> 1899, 
p. 43) describes a visit he paid to the old mosque, the one stone 
building in the fellah village, erected on its highest point. There 
is a forecourt and portico with two rows of pillars. The thresholds 
are of marble. An old sheikh told him that the mosque was as old 
as the time of Abraham ; but many such tales are told in Palestine 
of comparatively modern buildings. Ekron, if the place of the 
ancient oracle of Baal-zebub were really at "Akir, has vanished 
utterly, leaving scarcely a potsherd behind. This is not what usually 
happens to ancient Palestine cities. With some hesitation I venture 
on the following suggestions. 

To me there seems to be a confusion between two places of the 
same name. In Joshua xiii. 1-3, where the land not possessed 
by Joshua is detailed, we find mention made of the region of the 
Philistines and of the little southern tribe of the Geshurites, to * the 
border of Ekron-Saphonah, zclrich is counted to the Canaanites\ and 
also the five lords of the Philistines, among which by contrast are 
enumerated the Ekronites. This expression * Ekron-Saphonah * is 
correctly translated * Ekron northward' in the English Bible; but 
it can also mean * Northern Ekron \ which to me seems here to give 
a more intelligible sense. 

Again, in Joshua xv. 11 we find the border of the territory of Judah 
as running * unto the side of Ekron-Saphonah '; an expression which 
I take to mean that this city, though adjoining the territory of 
Judah, was actually beyond its border. If so, it would be in the 
tribe of Dan ; and in Joshua six. 43 we actually find an Ekron 
enumerated among the Danite towns. Here, as there is no ambiguity, 
the qualifying adjective * Northern * is omitted. The Southern Ekron 


would then Ixslong to the tribe of Judah, in the theoretical wheme 
elaborated in the book of Joshua ; and we find it duly mentioned, 
between Mareshah and A>hdod. 

Again, the story of the rout after the battle of Ephe<-Dnmniim 
<1 Sam. xvii. 52-54;) is suggestive. The pursuit went 'by the way 
to the two gates, to Gath and to Ekron *. 'Akin the u*u:il site given 
for Ekron, cannot be spoken of a gate, in the sense that Gath., com- 
manding as it does the mouth of the valley of Elah, can l>e **> termed ; 
and a chase of the Philistino prolonged through Philistine tcrrifon/ 
for such a long distance as from Gnth to *Akir fc not very pnrfiable. 
We seem io find the other gate at H sul>s5diary outlet of the Valley of 
Elah, to the south of Gath, where stands st village called Dhikerin. 
And Dhikerin lies exactly in a straight line between Beit Jibrin and 
*Esdud 9 the modern representatives of Marshall and Ashdod. 

Written in English letters, * Dhikerin " is not unlike * Ekron "* in 
general appearance. But philologically there can be no direct con- 
nexion between them, and my arguments in favour of the identification 
here suggested rest on grounds different from the superficial similarity 
of name. The single letter k in English represents two entirely different 
sounds in Hebrew and Arabic; one of these (2) appears in *Dhikerin\ 
the other (p) in Ekron. as in 'AJeir. These letters can be treated as 
interchangeable in one case only. As in English, so in Greek, one sound 
and one character represent these two letters : and if for a while 
SL district had become thoroughly Hellenized, the Greek K might have 
been (so to speak) as a * bridge 1 for the passing of one sound into the 
other. When the Semitic speech reasserted itself, it might have 
taken up the name with the wrong k. There is thus a possibility 
that a different word has l)ecome substituted for a half-forgotten and 
wholly misunderstood Hebrew name. But no stress can be laid upon 
this possible accident. 

Dhikerin presents obvious signs of antiquity. Great artificial caves 
and huge cisterns are cut in the rock, testifying to its former impor- 
tance, and it has never been finally identified with any other ancient 
site, though some of the earlier explorers have thought to find here no 
less a place than Gath itself. The Talmuds have nothing to say 
about it save that the name is derived from trun *male^ because 
the women there all tear male children. 1 Clermont-Ganneau (Recueil 
*Tarch. orient, iv. 54;) suggests a connexion between this place-name 
and that of the Zakkala. 

Let us now look back for a moment to the story of the wanderings 
of the Ark. Suppose that the Gittites, when the plague broke out 
1 Neubauer/<?x7- d. Talm. p. 71. 


iK tin nu *tut the Ark, licit to 'Akir. hut to Dhikeriu which w 
i nearer m.fl more couvfnicnt we have then an immediate 
answr to Ati 1niow difficulty. Why did the Philistines expect 
tia? ark tu ? anywhere near Beth-SliemeJi at all? We must 
ivimmli'i' that they wen.- not merely tning to get rid of the ark: 
fhe% *ew n the look-out for a sign that the pestilence was a mani- 
festation nf the wnith of the God of the Hebrews. They must 
thuvfoiv h,m' expected the Ark to return whence it had come, to 
tlit; sthctujirv at Shiloh. of existence and importance they could 
not Iw\e !** ignorant. This was the natural goal of the sacred 
symbol* north of the great Canaunite wedge that centred in Jerusalem 
anil st'pirutui the northern Israelites from their brethren in the 
A mth. I'Voin Shiloh the Ark had been taken : Shiloh was the chief 
centre of Hebrew religious life at the time : and to Shiloh the Ark 
>luiuld I* expected to find its way back. 1 Therefore, if it was at 
the time in 'Akir, it ought to have gone by the northern valley route, 
into the Valley of Aijalon, so striking into the road for Shiloh some 
ten mite* north of Jerusalem. If from *Akir it went southward it 
would be shunted off south of the Canaanites into the southern 
territory, where no specially important bhrine of the period is recorded. 
From 'Akir, therefore, it should not go within miles of Beth-Shemesh. 
But from Dhifcerin, the only way toward Shiloh, avoiding Jerusalem, 
is by a valley route that leads straight to Beth-Shemesh and perforce 
passes that town. 

Farther evidence is given us by the story of the march of Sen- 
nacherib. That monarch was engaged in reducing places easily 
identified a* the modern Jaffa, Yazur, Ibn Berak, and Beit Dejan, 
when the Ekronites leagued themselves with the North Arabians 
and the Egyptians. Sennacherib met the allies at El-Tekeh, a place 
unfortunately not identified : it presumably was near the Northern 
Ekron, as the two places are mentioned together as border towns in 
Dan, Joshua xix. 40. This Northern Ekron, we may agree, might 
well be represented by 'Akir, whose poverty in antiquities accords 
with the apparent insignificance of the Danite town. Close to * Akir 
is a village in the plain, called Zernukah, a name which may possibly 
echo the name of El-Tekeh. In any case Sennacherib was victorious 
and then went straight to Timnath, which he reduced, after which 
lie proceeded to attack Ekron. This order of proceedings is incon- 

1 Meyer, (Jack. d. Alterthvmti i, p. 358, suggests from Jer. vii. 14, that Shiloh 
was destroyed. But the space of time between Samuel and Jeremiah is so long, 
that many unrecorded events might have taken place in the meanwhile : and,. 
indeed, Shiloh is still an important sanctuary in 1 Sam. xiv. 3. 



sistent with c Akir as the Mfce of Ekron. Sennacherib's 
progress agaiitet the >outh we .^houM exj>eet to proceed steadily 
southward, involving an attack on 'Akir l>efore the reduction of 
Timnath. Ekron mutt therefore have been south from Tibnuh, 
which fits the condition?* of the site now suggested. 

Fig S. Sketch-map of Philistia, 

The denunciations of Ekron in the prophetic books help us very 
little in the solution of the problem. But there is a suggestive hint 
in the opening verses of 2 Kings. Ahaziah having met with an 
accident sent to inquire of Baal-zebub c lord of flies \ the god of 
Ekron, as to his prospects of recovery. When we iind that less 
than a couple of miles from Dhikerin there is a village bearing the 
name of Delr edh-DJnibban, *the convent of the flies' 1 , we feel some 


justification in asking, can it be that Baal-zebub still rules hi* 
ancient lordship : 

The land of the Philistines, dominated by these five cities, has 
been &o often described that it is needless to waste space in an account 
of it. Briefly, we may say that whoever held that part of the country 
wiih at an enormous advantage. With the possible exception of the 
plain of Ehdraelon, it is the most fertile land in Western Palestine. 
Though there are few perennial streams, water can be found wherever 
one chooses to dig for it. Through it runs the great trade-route 
from Egypt by Damascus to Babylon. The mart of Gaza is the 
natural rendezvous of all who have commerce with Arabia. The 
neaporis of Southern Palestine are all commanded, as are the valleys 
which are the doorways to the Hinterland : so that the coast dwellers 
can engage in commerce on their own account, while at the same time 
they can control the progress and civilization among the aliens in the 
interior. When we stand on some eminence that commands this rich 
strip of territory we find it easy to understand the bitterness with 
which through the centuries the Hebrews regarded the Philistines. 



OF the language of the Philistines we are profoundly ignonmt. 
An inscription in their tongue, written in an intelligible script, would 
be one of the greatest rewards that an explorer of Palestine could 
look for. As yet, the only materials we have for a .study of the 
Philibtine language are a few proper names, and posMly s>nie words, 
apparently non-Semitic, embedded here and there in the Hebrew of 
the Old Testament. Thus, our scanty information is entirely drawn 
from foreign sources. We are exactly in the .same portion as ;t 
student of some obscure Oriental language would be. if his onlv 
materials were the names of natives as reported in En^li^h news- 
papers. Now, we are all familiar with the barbarous and meaningless 
abbreviation fi Abdul \ applied with various depreciatory epithets to 
a certain ex-potentate. Some time ago a friend called my attention 
to a paragraph in, I think, a Manchester paper, docribing how 
a certain Arab * named Sam Seddon* had been prosecuted for *ome 
offence: though the * Arabian Nights' is almost an English classic, 
the reporter had failed to recognize the common name Shemsed-Dml 
If we were obliged to reconstruct the Arabic language from materials 
of this kind, we could hardly expect to get very far; but in at- 
tempting to recover something of the Philistine language we are no 
better off. 

The one common noun which we know with tolerable certainty ii> 
$eren 9 the regular word in the Hebrew text for the * lords ' by which 
the Philistines were governed: a word very reasonably compared with 
the Greek TiJpaiTos. 1 This, however, does not lead us very far. It 
happens that no satisfactory Indo-European etymology has been 
found for rvpavvos, so that it may be a word altogether foreign to 
the Indo-European family. In any case, one word could liardly 
decide the relationship of the Philistine language any more than 

1 The * Lords of the Philistines' are, however, in the Greek Version called 
<raTpdwm; but in Judges (except iii. 3), Codex Vaticanus and allied MSS. have 
s, a rendering also found sometimes in Josephus. 


could 4 benvaT (sir !) decide the relationship of Pictish in the hands 
of Pir Walter Scott's amateur philologists. 

The word Mrcn is once usc*l (1 Kings viL 30) as a technical term 
for wine bronze objects, part of the 'bases' made for the temple 
( bed-Axle*?). This is probably a different word with different 
etymological connexions. The word m'konah in the list cited 
hJlow, is found in the same verse. 

Kenan, in his so-called Hbtoirt du peuple <TIsral> has collected 
a li-t of words which he suggests may have been imported into 
I Icbrw from Philistine sources. That there should be such borrowing 
i> a priori not improbable : we have already shown that the leaders 
among Hebrew speakers must have understood the Philistine tongue 
down to the time of David at least. But Kenan's list is far from 
It is as follows : 

parbar or par var, fc a suburb*: compare peribolus. 
m*konah, something with movable wheels: compare machina. 
m'kherah, fc a sword * : compare /tdxatpa, 
caphtor, *a crown, chaplet 1 : compare capital. 
pilegtish, * a concubine 1 : compare pellex. 

A further comparison of the name of Araunah the Jebusite, on 
whose threshing-floor the plague was stayed (and therefore 'the 
place in Jerusalem from which pestilential vapours arose'!), with 
the neuter plural form Arerna, need hardly be taken seriously. 

But since Kenan wrote, the discovery of the inscription on the 
Black Stone of the Forum has shown us what Latin was like, as near 
as we can get to the date of the Philistines, and gives us a warning 
against attempts to interpret supposed Philistine words by comparison 
with Classical Latin. And, even if the above comparisons be sound, 
the borrowing, as Noordtzij * justly remarks, might as well have taken 
place the other way ; as is known to have happened in several cases 
which he quotes. 

There is a word rite or snip meaning a * helmet', the etymology of 
which is uncertain. 2 It may possibly be a Philistine word : 'the 
random use of 5 and p suggests that they are attempts to represent 
a foreign initial guttural (cf. ante, p. 75). Both forms are used in 
1 Samuel xvii, the one ('2) to denote the helmet of the foreigner 
Goliath, the other ('p) that of the Hebrew Saul. No stress can, 
however, be laid on this distinction. The form 'p is used of the 
helmets of the foreigners named in Ezekiel xxiii. 24, while 'a is 
ur*ed of those of Uzziah's Hebrew army, % Chronicles xxvi. 14. 

p. 84. 2 C 


Of the place-names mentioned in the Old Testament there is not 
one, with the possible exception of Ziklag, which can be referred to 
the Philistine language. All are either obviously Semitic* or in any 
case (being mentioned in the Tell el-Aimurna letters) are older than 
the Philistine settlement. Hitzig has made ingenious attempts to 
explain some of them by various Indo-European words, but these are 
not successful. 

The persons known to us are as follows : 

(1) Abimekch, the king who had dealings with Abraham. A Semitic 


(2) Ajuzzath, Counsellor of No. (lj: Semitic name. 

(3) Phicol* General of No. (1). Not explained as Semitic: po>sibly 

a current Philistine name adopted by the narrator. 

(4) Badyra., king of Dor, in Wen-Amon's report. Probably not 


(5) Warati, a merchant, mentioned by Wen-Amon. 

(6) Slakamariii a merchant, mentioned by Wen-Amon. 

(7) Dagon, chief god of the Philistines. 

(8) Delilah, probably not Philistine. See ante, p. 45. 

(9) Sisera, king of Harosheth. See ante, p. 41, and compare 

Benesasira on the tablet of Keftian names. 

(10) Achish or Elcoak^ apparently the standard Philistine name, like 

'John' among ourselves. It seems to reappear in the old 
Aegean home in the familiar form Anchlsets. It occurs twice 
in the tablet of Keftian names (ante, p. 10) and in the 
Assyrian tablets it appears in the form Ikawnt? 

(11) J/oocA, father of Achish, king of Gath. Unexplained and 

probably Philistine. 

(12) Ittai, David's faithful Gittite friend, perhaps Philistine. 

(18) Obed-Edom, a Gittite who sheltered the Ark : a pure Semitic 

(14) Goliath, a Rephaite, and therefore not Philistine. 

(15) Saph) a Rephaite, and therefore not Philistine. 

(16) Zogg-i, a person signing as witness an Assyrian contract tablet 

of the middle of the seventh century B. r. found at Gezer. 
The name is not explained, and may be Philistine. 

1 Max Miiller in his account of the school-tablet (ante, p. 10) compares the 
Assyrian form Ikaum and the Greek 'A-yxw, and infers that the true pronuncia- 
tion of the name was something like Ekosh. 

* But in the last edition ofKAT. p. 437, it is noticed that this name can possibly 
be read Ikasamsu or Ikasaxnsu. 


(17-26) The ten Philistine kings mentioned on the Assyrian tablets, 
who without exception bear Semitic names. Sarludari is an 
Afevrian name, which may possibly have been adopted by its 
bearer its a compliment to his master. 

This list is so meagre that it is scarcely worth discussing. It will 
1* oljserved that at the outside not more than eight of these names 
can be considered native Philistine. 

Down to about the time of Solomon the Philistines preserved their 
linguistic individuality. A basalt statuette of one Pet-auset was 
found somewhere in the Delta, 1 in which he is described as an 
interpreter %? ^^ D *^ 3 A *~* 'for Canaan and 

r ifm ft*w* ft WWVA <d> *- Ds^ 

PAi/Mia*. There would be no point in mentioning the two places 
if they had a common language. Ashdod, we have seen, preserved 
a patois down to the time of Nehemiah ; but it is clear that the 
Philistines had become semitized by the time of the operations of the 
Assyrian kings. It is likely that the Rephaite element in the 
population was the leaven through which the Philistines became 
finally assimilated in language and other customs to the surrounding 
J^emitic tribes, as soon as their supremacy had been destroyed by 
David's wars. The Hephaites, of course, were primarily a pre-Semitic 
people ; but probably they had themselves already become thoroughly 
semitized by Amorite influence before the Philistines appeared on the 

We liave, besides, a number of documents which, when they have 
l>een deciphered, may help us in reconstructing the * speech of 
Ashdod*. The close relationship of the Etruscans to the Philistines 
suggests that the Etruscan inscriptions may some time be found to 
have a bearing on the problem. It is also not inconceivable that some 
of the obscure languages of Asia Minor, specimens of which are pre- 
served for us in the Hittite, Mitannian, Lycian, and Carian inscriptions 
may have light to contribute. The inscriptions of Crete, in the 
various Minoan scripts, and the Eteocretan inscriptions of Praesos 2 
may also prove of importance in the investigation. Two other 
alleged fragments of the * Keftian ' language are at our service : the 
list of names already quoted on p. 10, which suggestively contains 
AkaSou and Bene*asira: and a magical formula in a medical MS. of 
the time of Thutmose III, published by Birch in 1871, 3 which contains 
1 See fte description by Chassinat, Bulletin d* rinst. franc, tfarch. au Caire, i. 

* See Conway in the Annual of the British School at Athens, vol. vffi, p. 125, for 
an exhaustive analysis of these inscriptions. 
8 ZtiUckr.f, agypt. Spraehe (18T1), p. 61. 


inter alia the following copied here- from a corrected version pub- 
lished by Ebers. 1 

1Z S> JWVW "\ A.W. 
^fl o J e. 
snt lit ';m\v in <ld-nf k f ti w 

s u t w k p w : v m 

nt r k 

6 Conjuration in the Jww language which people call Keftiu 
senjitiukapuwaimantirek* or something similar. This is not more 
intelligible than such formulae usually are. Mr. Alton calls my atten- 
tion to the tempting resemblance of the last letters totrke, turke, 
drke, a verb (?) common in the Etruscan inscriptions. 

There is one document of conspicuous importance for our present 
purpose, although it is as yet impossible to read it. This is the 
famous disk of terra-cotta found in the excavation of the Cretan 
palace of Phaestos, and dated to the period known as Middle Minoan 
III that is to say, about 1600 B.C. It is a roughly circular tablet of 
terra cotta, 15-8-16-5 cm. in diameter. On each face is a spiral band 
of four coils, indicated by a roughly drawn meandering line ; and an 
inscription, in some form of picture-writing, has been impressed on 
this band, one by one, from dies, probably resembling those used by 
bookbinders. I suppose it is the oldest example of printing with 
movable types in the world. On one face of the disk, which I call 
Face I, there are 119 signs ; on the other face, here called Face II, 
there are 123. They are divided into what appear to be word-groups, 
30 in number on Face I and 31 on Face II, by lines cutting across the 
spiral bands at right angles. These word-groups contain from two to 
seven characters each. There are forty-five different characters 
employed. It is likely, therefore, from the largeness of this number 
that we have to deal with a syllabary rather than an alphabet. 

I have discussed this inscription in a paper contributed to the 
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 2 to which I must refer the 
reader for the full investigation. Its special importance for our 
present purpose is based upon the fact that the most frequently used 
character, a man's head with a plumed head-dress, has from the 

* Zwttchr. der D. M. G. xxxi, pp. 431, 439. 

* Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy , vol. xxx, section C, p. 3&. 



moment of its first discovery been recognized as identical in type with 
the plumed head-dresses of the Philistine captives pictured at Medinet 
Habu. This character appears only at the beginnings of words, from 
which I infer that it is not a phonetic sign, but a determinative., 
most probably denoting personal names. Assuming this, it next 
appears that Face II consists of a list of personal names. Represent- 

The Phaestos Disk (Face I). 

ing each character by a letter, which is to be regarded as a mere 
algebraic symbol and not a phonetic sign, we may write the inscription 
on the disk in this form : 

Face /(Fig, 4 A). 

M&& shw Mufc XJ7S % pfe taxi /ihtao; 

Xufi? hdsw Mqvs sqya n$8gw pz<r nla dwjxf M3a 

nvhf nft wh x nvhf smft ho-w h/3h hfrS X nvhf 

wox<rh Mdwfh 


Face II (Fig. 4 s) : written as a list of names. 

1. Mftaer &f n8h nnm 

2. MfWF Sj3h s#f 

3. Mfdrr(^) kqw 

4. Mfrrw arA 

5. HQfy XK MsiyAiir pa M^kq 

Fig. 4 B. The Phaestos Disk (Face II). 

6. Msswu^ If Mfkq MsijXfcr pa Mfkq 
^r kqf 

8. M^ta CTW Xey 

9. M^sswu^ ta Aey 

There is just one type of ancient document which shows such a 
* sediment \ so to speak, of proper names at the end. This is a contract 
tablet, which ends with a list of witnesses, and in the paper above 


referred to I have put forward the conjecture that the disk is of this 
nature. In Fact* I, although not one word of the inscription can be 
deciphered, it will be found that, applying the clue of the proper 
names, everything fits exactly in its place, assuming the ordinary 
forniul'i of a contract such as we find it in cuneiform documents. 

The first two words would give us the name and title of the pre- 
>iding magistrate : then comes the name of one of the contracting 
parties ufc x 7 ? 5 : then come six words or word-groups, quite unin- 
telligible, but not improbably stating what this person undertakes to 
do : then follows what would be the name of the other contracting 

Next come some words which ought to give some such essential 
detail as the date of the contract. And we find among these words 
just what we want, a proper name srsa, denoting the officer who was 
eponymous of the year. 

The last thirteen words we might expect to be a detailed inventory 
of the transaction, whatever its nature may have been. It is there- 
fore satisfactory to notice that they arrange themselves neatly, just 
as thev stand, in three parallel columns, having obvious mutual 
relations: thus 

X-nvhf -jroxo-h Mdwfh 

n-ft n-/3h 
h-sw h-/3h 

which table not only confirms the conclusions arrived at, but illus- 
trates a rule that may also be inferred from the list of witnesses on 
Face II. Words are declined by prefixes , s, n, h, x and suffixes 
w, ; and words in apposition Ttave the same prefix. See the third 
column of the above table, and the titles of witnesses 1, &. We 
have a word h in several forms: s-h-w, n-/3h, h-h, s-/3h- 
Further, , prefixed to the 'name of the magistrate' and all the 
names of witnesses, probably means 'before, in the presence of. 
The name which follows that of the two witnesses 5 and 6 is 
probably that of their father, and this assumed it follows that 
the prefix s probably has a genitive sense. 

There remains one important point. At the bottom of certain 
characters there is a sloping line running to the left. This is always 
at the end of a word-group : the two apparent exceptions shown in 
some drawings of the disk (in word-groups 6 and %8 on Face II) being 
seemingly cracks in the surface of the disk. The letters marked are 
underlined in the transcript given above. I suggest with regard to 


these marks that they arc' iijeaut to -x|jirt* a modification of the 
phonetic value of the character, too J3ght to require a different letter 
to express it, but too marked to allow it to be neglected altogether. 
And obvioiirJy the nm>t likely modification of the kind would be the 
elision of the vowel of a final open &* liable. The mark would thus 
be exactly like the rirama of the DevaiiSgar! alphabet. 1 When we 
examine the text, we find that it is only in certain words that this 
mark occurs. It is found in ,3h, however declined, except when the 
suffixes v, , are pn*ent. It is found in the word nvhf, however 
declined, and appears in the two similar words phtar and Mta/r. It 
is found in the personal name kq (in the formula pi Mkq). There 
are only one or two of the eighteen example* of its use outside these 
groups, and probably if we had some more examples of the nrript, or 
a longer text, these would be found to fit likewise into ^ries. This 
stroke would therefore be a device to expros a final closed byllable. 
Thus, if it was desired to write the name of the god Dagon^ it would 
be written on this theory, let us say, DA-GO X A, with a stroke 
underneath the last symbol to elide its vowel. The consequences 
that may follow if this assumption should at any time be proved, 
and the culture which the objects represented by the various signs 
indicate, are subjects for discussion in Liter sections of this chapter. 
For further details of the analysis of the disk I must refer to my 
Royal Irish Academy paper above quoted : I have dwelt on it here, 
because ifj as is most probable, the plumed head-dress shows that in 
this disk we have to deal with * proto-Philistines ', we must look to 
this document and others of the same kind, with which excavators 
of the future may be rewarded, to tell us something of the language 
of the people with whom we have to deal. 

A. Political 

From the time when the Philistines first appear in their Palestinian 
territorv they are governed by Lord*, sera mm, each of whom has 
domination in one of the five chief cities, but who act in council 
together for the common good of the nation. They seem, indeed, to 
engage personally in duties which an Oriental monarch would certainly 
delegate to a messenger. The}* negotiate with Delilah. They con- 
vene the great triumph-feast to which Samson put so disastrous an 

1 1 find that this comparison has been anticipated in an article in Harper's Magazine 
(European Edition, vol. Ixi, p. 187% which I have read since writing the above. 
The rest of the article, I regret to say, does not convince me. 


end. There is a democratic instinct manifested by the men of Ashdod 
and Ekron, who peremptorily * summoned ' the council of lords to 
aihirte them what to do on the outbreak of plague : just as the 
merchants of the Zakkala obliged even a forceful ruler like Zakar- 
Baal to make an unsatisfactory compromise in the matter of 
Wen-Amon, and in much later times the people of Ekron deposed 
and imprisoned a ruler who persisted in the unpopular course of 
submisssion to Assyria. Achzsh makes arrangements with David, 
which his colleagues overrule. Of the methods of election of these 
officers we know absolutely nothing. From the Assyrian documents 
we hear of a series of rulers over Ashdod, father and son, but this 
docs not necessarily prove that the hereditary principle was recognized. 
Such a political organization was quite unlike that of the nations 
round about : but the government of the Etruscans, who, as we have 
seen, were probably a related race, presents some analogy. There is 
a considerable similarity between the lucumones of Etruria and the 
Philistine seranhn. 

Nowhere do we read of a king of the Philistines. 1 To infer, as 
has actually been done, from 1 Kings iv. 1 ('Solomon ruled over all 
the kingdoms from the River unto the land of the Philistines ') that 
their territory was organized as a kingdom, displays a sad lack of 
a sense of humour. When Hebrew writers speak of *a king of Gath' 
(1 Sam. xxvii. 2), * him that holdeth the sceptre from Ashkelon * 
(Amos L 8), * all the kings of the land of the Philistines * ( Jer. xxv. 20), 
c the king [perishing] from Gaza * (Zedbu ix. 5), they obviously are 
merely offering a Hebrew word or periphrasis as a translation of the 
native Philistine title. The same is true of the analogous expressions 
in the Assyrian tablets. The case of the Etruscan * kings' seems 
exactly similar, though there appears to have been an Achish-like 
king in Clusium. 

In Gibeah, and probably in other towns as well, a resident officer, 
like a Turkish wwdir, was maintained at the time of their greatest 

It is possible that, if we had before us all the documents relating to 
the history of the Philistines, we might be able to divide them into 
clans, corresponding perhaps in some degree to the threefold division 
of the Egyptian monuments Zakkala, Washasha, and Pulasati, i.e. as 
we have tried to show already, Cretans, Rhodians, and Carians. The 
continually recurring phrase *Cherethites and Pdethites' suggests 
some twofold division. Ezekiel xxv. 16 ('Behold, I will stretch out 
my hand upon the Philistines, and I will cut off the Cherethites ') may 
1 Except Abimelech, Gen. xxvi. 1. Exceptio probat regulam. 


or may not imply a similar division. The rejx>rt of the young 
Egyptian (1 Sam. x\x. 1\ implies that the name * Cherethitt* \ if it 
had a specific meaning apart from * Philistines \ denoted the dwellers 
in the extreme south of Philistine territory : and we have already 
made passing note of the occurrence of the name Zlkfag* a possible 
echo of the Zakkala, in that part of the country. The almost 
accidental allusion to Carians in the history of the kings must not be 
overlooked. But our data are so uleuder that very little am be built 
upon them. All we can *ay is that the origin of the Philistines 
makes it improbable that they were a single undivided tribe, and that 
the scanty hints which the history affords render it still more unlikely* 

Nor can we necessarily infer that the peculiar government by 
a council of the lords of five cities implies thut they were divided 
into five tribes. For though there -*eems to have been an actual 
division of the territory into districts each of them under the 
hegemony of one of these cities, the limits are rather indefinite ; 
and to judge from the scanty materials at our disposal, seem to 
have varied from time to time. The recurrence of the phrase *[such 
a city] and the border thereof 1 seems to indicate a definite division 
of the country into provinces governed each by one of the cities ; and 
this is confirmed by David's speech to Achish, 2 * Give me a place in 
one of the cities in the country (mm *ns? r.racX for why should thy 
servant dwell in the royal city (ra^csn T3?2) with thee ? * A similar 
polity is traceable in Etruria. 

Of the division of the minor cities of the Philistine territory among 
the Pentapolis perhaps Pentarchy would be a more correct term to 
use we know very little. In the time of David^s exile Ziklag was 
under the control of the king of Gath. Sargon, according to one 
interpretation of his inscription, supposes Gath itself to belong to 
Ashdod. We may compare *Gazara that bordereth on Azotus* 
(1 Mace. xiv. 3-4), though they are about sixteen miles apart, and each 
only just visible on the others horizon. Rather curiously, Joppa 
and the neighbouring villages depended, according to Sennacherib, 
on AsKkehn, 

Besides these towns we hear of certain unwalled villages (1 Sam. 
vi. 18) which are not specified by name. 

B, Military. 

Certain functionaries called sarim meet us from time to time in the 
history (1 Sam. xviiL 30, xxix. 3, 9). It is the sarim whose protest 

1 See Judg. L 18, 1 Sam. v. 6, 2 Kings xviii. 8. 
a 1 Sam. xxvii. 5. 


prevents David from joining in the battle of Gilboa. The word is, of 
owixve, a commonplace Semitic term, and is applied in Deborah's Song 
to the princes of Ksachar, and by Zephaniah to those of Jerusalem. 
Among the Philistine* the officials denoted by this word were no 
iloubt military captains. 

It ii obvious throughout the whole history, from the days of the 
Mfdinet Htibu sculptures onwards, that the military forces of the 
Philistines were well organized. In J. Samuel xiii. 5 we read of 
AUMX) chariots and 6,000 horsemen, which, even if the numbers 
are not to be taken literally, indicates a considerable wealth in 
war equipment. Elsewhere (ib. sxix. 2) we hear of * hundreds and 
thousands', which may indicate a system of division into centuries 
and regiments. Of their methods of lighting we have no certain 
information : Judges i. 19 emphasizes their corps of war-chariots : in 
the account of the battle of Gilboa the archers are specially alluded 
to. The Medinet Habu sculptures and the description of the equip- 
ment of the champions are analysed in the following section. 

C. Domestic. 

On the subject of family life among the Philistines nothing is 
known. The high-minded sense of propriety attributed to Abimelech 
in the patriarchal narratives has already been touched upon. Samson's 
relations with his Timnathite wife can hardly be made to bear undue 
stress : a Semitk marriage of the sadlka type is pictured by the story- 
teller. The wife remains in her father's house and is visited by her 
husband from time to time. Men and women apparently mingle freely 
in the temple of Dagon at Gaza. No further information is vouch- 
safed u& 


Of the religion of the Philistines we know just enough to whet 
a curiosity that for the present seeks satisfaction in vain. The only 
hints given us in the Old Testament history are as follows : 

(1) The closing scene of Samson's career took place in a temple of 
Dagon at Gaza, which must have been a large structure, as different 
as possible from the native High Places of Palestine. 

(2) In this temple sacrifices were offered at festivals conducted by 
the * Lords ' of the Philistines ( Judg. xvi. 23). It is not unreasonable 
to suppose that Samson was destined to be offered in sacrifice at the 
great feast of rejoicing there described. This was probably an annual 
festival, occurring at a fixed time of the year, and not a special cele- 
bration of the capture of Samson : because an interval of some months, 
during which Samson's shorn hair grew again, must have taken place 


between the two events. We are reminded of the Athenian 
with Saimon in the r*le of the fapuaKvs. Human sacrifices were offera! 
in the temple of Mama at Gaza down to the fourth century A. i,, as we 
learn from a passage presently to !>e quoted from Marcus the Deacon. 

(3) There was also a temple of Dagon at Ashdod, which indicates 
that the deity was a universal god of the Philistines, not a local 
divinity like the innumerable Semitic Ba'alim. Here there were 
priests, and here a rite of * leaping on (or rather stepping over) the 
threshold ' was observed. A sculptured image of the god stood in this 

(4) There was somewhere a temple of Ashtaroth (Samuel) or of 
Dagon (Chronicles) where the trophies of Saul were suspended. It is 
not expressly said that this temple wa< in Beth-shan, to the wall 
of which the body of Saul was fastened. 

(5) The Philistines were struck with terror when the Ark of Yahweh 
was brought among them. Therefore they believed in (a) the exis- 
tence and (b) the extra- territorial jurisdiction of the Hebrew deity. 
This suggests a wider conception of the limitations of divine power 
than was current among the contemporary Semites. 

(6) Small portable images (D % :W) were worn by the Philistines and 
carried as amulets into battle (2 Sam. v. 21). This practice lasted till 
quite late (2 Mace. xii. 40). 

(7) News of a victory was brought to the image-houses, probably 
because they were places of public resort, where they could be proclaimed 
(1 Sam. xxii. 9). 

(8) At Ekron there was an oracle of Baal-zehuh, consulted by the 
Israelite king Ahaziah ( Kings i. 2). 

Let us clear the ground by first disposing of the last-named deity. 
This one reference is the only mention of him in the Old Testament, 
and indeed he is not alluded to elsewhere in Jewish literature. He 
must, however, have had a very prominent position in old Palestinian 
life, as otherwise the use of the name in the Gospels to denote the 
* Prince of the Devils ' (Matt. xii. 24, &c.) would be inexplicable. A hint 
in Isaiah ii. 6 shows us that the Philistines, like the Etruscans, were 
proverbial for skill in soothsaying, and it is not unlikely that the 
shrine of Baal-zebub should have been the site of their principal 
oracle. If so, we can Ije sure that Ahaziah was not the only Israelite 
who consulted this deity on occasion, and it is easy to understand that 
post-exilic reformers would develop and propagate the secondary 
application of his name in order to break the tradition of such 
illegitimate practices. It is, however, obvious that the Philistines 
who worked the oracle of Baal-zebub simply entered into an old 


Canaanite inheritance. This is clear from the Semitic etymology 
of the name. When they took over the town of Ekron and made it 
one of their chief cities they naturally took over what was probably 
the most profitable source of emolument that the town contained. 
The local divinity had already established his lordship over the flies 
when the Philibtines came on the scene. 

This was no contemptible or insignificant lordship. A man who 
has passed a summer and autumn among the house-flies, sand-flies, 
gnats mosquitoes, and all the other winged pests of the Shephelah will 
not feel any necessity to emend the text so as to give the Ba'al of Ekron 
a *loftv house" or *the Planet Saturn' or anything else more worthy 
of divinity 1 ; or to subscribe to Winckler's arbitrary judgement : *Natih> 
Uch nicht Miegenba'al, sondern Ba'al von Zebub, worunter man sich 
cine Qertlichkeit in Ekron vorzustellen hat, etwa den Hugel auf dem 
der Teuipel stand * (Getckickte Israel*, p. 24). The Greek Version 
fends no countenance to such euhemerisms, for it simply reads r< BiaA. 
/Aiiar. Josephus avoids the use of the word Baal, and says fi he sent 
to the Hy '(Ant. ix. 2. 1). The evidence of a form with final I is, 
however, sufficiently strong to be taken seriously. Although the 
vocalization is a difficulty, the old explanation seems to me the best, 
namely, that the by-form is a wilful perversion, designed to suggest 
sebely 'dung." 1 The Muslim argot which turns kiyamah (Anastasis 
= the Church of the Holy Sepulchre) into kumamah (dung-heap) 
is a modern example of the same kind of bitter wit. 

The Lord of Hies is hardly a fly-averter, like the Zeus airtpvios of 
Pliny and other writers, with whom he is frequently compared. In fact, 
what evidence there is would rather indicate that the original con- 
ception was a god in the bodily form of the vermin, the notion of an 
averter being a later development : that, for instance, Apollo Sminiheus 
has succeeded to a primitive mouse-god, who very likely gave oracles 
through the movements of mice. That Baal-zebub gave oracles by 
his flies is at least probable. A passage of lamblichus (apud Photius, 
ed. Bekker, p. 75) referring to Babylonian divinations has often been 
quoted in this connexion; but I think that probably mice rather 
than flies are there in question. Lenormant (La divination chez les 
Chaldten*, p. 95) refers to an omen-tablet from which auguries are 
drawn from the behaviour or peculiarities of flies, but unfortunately 
the tablet in question is too broken to give any continuous sense. 2 

1 Neither wiH he feel any necessity to picture John the Baptist feeding on locust- 
pods instead of locusts, which the feUahin still eat with apparent relish. 

For Babylonian omens derived from Tarious insects see Hunger, Babylonische 
Tieromina in Mitt, rordtra*. Ge**U. (1909), 3. 


A curious parallel may Jje cited from Scot land. In the ammnt of 
the parish of Kirkmiehael, Banff shire, i* a description (Statistical 
Account r>f Scotland, vu3. xjj, p. 464) of the holy well of St. Michael, 
which wa* tiiippox*! to have healing projierties : 

c Many a patient have it.s waters restored to health and many 
more have attested the efficacies of tLeir virtues. But as the pre- 
siding power is sometimes capricious and apt to desert his charge, 
it now [A.D. 1794] lies neglected, choked with weeds* unhonoured, 
and unfrequented. In better days it was not *o; for the winged 
guardian, under tJie semblance of a $y, was never aliment from his 
duty. If the sober matron wished to know the issue of her husband's 
ailment, or the love-sick nymph that of her languishing swain, the* r 
visited the well of St. Michael. Every iiiovement of the symjjsithetic 
fly was regarded in silent awe; antl as he appeared cheerful or 
dejected, the anxious votaries drew their presages; their breasts 
vibrated with correspondent emotions-. Like the Dalai Lama of 
Thibet, or the King of Great Britain, whom a fiction of the English 
law supposes never to die, the guardian flv of the well of St. Michael 
was believed to be exempted from the laws of mortality. To the 
eye of ignorance he might sometimes appear dead* but, agreeably 
to the Druidic system, it was only a transmigration into a .similar 
form, which made little alteration in the real identity.' 

In a foot-note the writer of the foregoing account describes having 
heard an old man lamenting the neglect into which the well had 
fallen, and saying that if the infirmities of years permitted he would 
have cleared it out and fi as in the days of youth enjoyed the pleasure 
of seeing the guardian fly\ Let us suppose the old man to have 
been eighty years of age : this brings the practice of consulting the 
fly-oracle of Kirkinichael down to the twenties of the eighteenth 
century, and probably even later. 

Leaving out Baal-zebub, therefore, we have a female deity, called 
Asktaroih (AStoreth) in the passage relating to the temple of Beth- 
shan, and a male deity called Dagon, ascribed to the Philistines. We 
may incidentally recall what was said in the first chapter as to the 
possibility of the obscure name Beth-Car enshrining the name of an 
eponymous Carian deity : it seems at least as likely as the meaning 
of the name in Hebrew, * house of a lamb.' Later we shall glance 
at the evidence which the Greek writers preserve as to the peculiar 
cults of the Philistine cities in post-Philistine times, which no doubt 
preserved reminiscences of the old worship. In the meanwhile let us 
concentrate our attention on the two deities named above. 

I, ASHTOBETH. At first sight we are tempted to suppose that the 
Philistines, who otherwise succeeded in preserving their originality, 
had from the first completely succumbed to Semitic influences in the 


province of religion. * A* immigrants \ says Winckler in his Geschichte 
Israels, * they naturally adopted the civilization of the land they seized, 
and with it the cultus also. 7 And certainly Ashtaroth or Ashtoreth 
wa* par excellence the characteristic Semitic deity, and worshippers 
of this goddess might well be said to have become completely 

But there is evidence that makes it doubtful whether the assimila- 
tion had been more than partial. We begin by noting that Herodotus x 
tpisciallv mentions the temple of fj Qvpavia 'A^oSinj as standing at 
Ashkelon, and he tells us that it was the oldest of all the temples 
dedicated to this divinity, older even than that in Cyprus, as the 
Cvprians themselves admitted: also that the Scythians plundered 
the temple and were in consequence afflicted by the goddess with 
a hereditary vovvos ftf&cia.* The remarkable inscription found at 
Debs in which one Damon of Ashkelon dedicates an altar to his 
tutelary divinities, brilliantly confirms the statement of Herodotus. 
It runs: 




*To Zeus, sender of fair winds, and Astarte of Palestine, and 
Aphrodite Urania, to the divinities that hearken, Damon son of 
Demetrios of Ashkelon, saved from pirates, makes this vow. It is not 
lawful to offer in sacrifice an animal of the goat or pig species, or 
a cow. 1 J 

i LI05. 

a Some have compared with this the outbreak of disease consequent on the 
capture of the Ark. But the two are entirely independent. The Scythian disease, 
whatever it may have been, was not bubonic plague, and the Philistine disease 
was not a hereditary curse. CThe Scythian disease is much more like the cess 
noindtn or * childbirth pangs 9 with which the men of Ulster were periodically 
afflicted In consequence of the curse of Macha, according to the Irish legend of 
the Ttiin Bv Cuailnge. This is supposed to be a distorted tradition of the custom of 
the rwrcufe, a theory which only adds difficulties to the original obscurity of the 

3 Clermont-Ganneau, discussing this inscription (J.ead. des Inscriptions, 1909;, 
acutely points out that afyciar, iuriv are neuter adjectives, depending on some such 
word as {yov, so that all animals of these species are forbidden : whereas female 
animals of the cow kind alone are forbidden, so that bulls are lawful. Such limita- 
tions of the admissible sacrificial animals are well known in analogous inscriptions : 


The Palestinian A>tarte is here d^tiiiguished from the Aphrodite 
of Ashkelon ; and though there olniously was much confusion Ijetwecn 
them, the distinction was real. From Lucian l we learn that there 
were two goddes>e^ whom he keeps carefully apart, and who indeed 
were distinguished by their bodily form. The goddess of Hiexnpolis, 
of whose worship he give?, us such a lurid description, was in human 
form : the goddess of Phoenicia, whom he calls Dcrketo (a Greek 
corruption of the Semitic Atargatis, rrBTTOl, had the tail of a fish, 
like a mermaid. 

The name of this goddess, as written in Sidonian inscriptions, was 
long ago explained as a compound of T.JJ and nny, 'Atar and 'Ate. 
These are two well-established divine names ; the former is a variant 
of 'Ashtart, but the latter is more obscure : it is possibly of Lydian 
origin. 3 In Syriac and Talmudic writings the compound name 
appears as Tar'atha. 

The fish-tailed goddess was already antiquated when Lucian wrote. 
He saw a representation of her in Phoenicia (op. cit. 14), which 
seemed to him unwonted. No doubt he was correct in keeping the 
two apart ; but it is also clear that they had become inextricably 
entangled with one another by his time. The figure of the goddess 
of Hierapolis was adorned with a cestux or girdle, an ornament 
peculiar to Urania ( 32), who, as we learn from Herodotus, was 
regarded as the goddess of Ashkelon. There was another point 
of contact between the two goddesses sacred fish were kept at their 
shrines. The fish-pond of Hierapoli.s is described by Lucian 
( 4?5j 46) as being very deep, with an altar in the middle to which 
people swam out daily, and with many fishes in it, some of krge size 
one of these being decorated with a golden ornament on its fin. 

To account for the mermaid shape of the Ashkelonite goddess 
a storv was told of which the fullest version is preserved for us by 
Diodorus Siculus (ii. 4). c In Syria is a city called Ashkelon, and not 
far from it is a great deep lake full of fishes ; and beside it is a shrine 
of a famous goddess whom the Syrians called Derketo: and she has 
the face of a woman, and otherwise the entire body of a fish, for 
some reason such as this : the natives most skilful in legend fable 
that Aphrodite being offended by the aforesaid goddess inspired 

the triple prohibition in this case probably corresponds to the triple dedication, the 
purpose being to secure that none of the three deities in joint ownership of the altar 
shall be offended by a sacrifice unlawful in his or her worship. Other inscriptions 
are quoted in the same article showing- a considerable intercourse between the 
Ashkelonites and the island of Delos. 

i Delka Syria, l. 

3 See a careful discussion in Baethgen, Beitr. 71 ff. 


her with furious love for a certain youth among those sacrificing: 
and that Derketo, uniting with the Syrian, bore a daughter, and 
being ashamed at the fault, caused the youth to disappear and 
exposed the child in certain desert and stony places : and cast herself 
in shame and grief into the lake. The form of her body was changed 
into a fihh : wherefore the Syrians even yet abstain from eating this 
creature, and honour fishes as gods. 1 The legend is told to the same 
efftct by Pausanias (IL xxx. 3). 

This legend is or* great importance, for it helps us to detect the 
Philistine element in the Ashkelonite Atargatis. An essentially 
identical legend was told in Crete, the heroine being Britomartis or 
Dictynna, According to Callimachus' Hymn to Artemis Britomartis 
wa.s a nymph of Gortyna beloved of Artemis, whom Minos, inflamed 
with love, chased over the mountains of Crete. The nymph now 
hid herself in the forests, now in the low-lying meadows ; till at last, 
when for nine months she had been chased over crags, and Minos was 
on the point of seizing her, she leaped into the sea from the high 
rocks of the Dictaean mountain. But she sprang into fishers' nets 
(durva) which saved her ; and hence the Cydonians called the nymph 
Dictynna, and the mountain from which she had leaped called they 
Dictaean; and they set up altars to her and perform sacrifices. 

The myth of the Atargatis of Ashkelon fits very badly on to the 
Syrian deity. She was the very last being to be troubled with shame 
at the events recorded by Diodonis Siculus : she had no special 
connexion with the sea, except in so far as fishes, on account of their 
extreme fertility, might be taken as typical of the departments of 
life over which she presided. There can surely be little question 
that the coyness of the Cretan nymph, her leap into the sea, and 
her deliverance by means of something relating to fishes, has been 
transferred to the Ashkelonite divinity by the immigrants. The 
Atargatis myth is more primitive than that of Britomartis: the 
union from which Britomartis was fleeing has actually taken place, 
and the metamorphosis into a fish is of the crudest kind ; the ruder 
Carians of the mainland might well have preserved an earlier phase of 
the myth which the cultured Cretans had in a measure refined. 

The cult of Britomartis was evidently very ancient. Her temple 
was said to have been built by Daedalus, The name is alleged to 
mean uirgo dulcig * ; and as Hesychius and the Etymologicon Magnum 
give us respectively yAtwo/ and fyadov as meanings of Ppirti or 

1 * 

* Crefces Dianam rdigiosissuiie venerantur, ^ptBofi&p-npf gentiliter nominantes 
quod sermone nostro sonat uii^inem dulcem.' Solinus, Polyhistor. ch. xvi. 


the explanation 5* very likely correct. The name of the barley drink, 
fBpvros or ,3^'ror, may po--5bIy have some connexion with this word. See 
also the end of the quotation from Stephanus of Byzantium, ante p. IS. 
Athenaeus (viii. 37) gives u< an amusing piece of etymology on the 
authority of Antipater of Tar-us, to the effect that one Gatis wa* 
a queen of Syria who was #o fond of hMi that *he allowed no one to 
eat fish without inviting her to the feast in fact, that no one could eat 
arcp Tdrtbos : and that the common j>eople thought her name was 

* Atergatis n on account of thi> formula, and so abstained from fish 
altogether. He further quote* from the Histon/ of Aria by Mnaseus 
to the effect that Atargatis was originally a tyrannous queen who 
forbade the ute of fish to her subject >, becau>e she heiself was H> 
extravagantly fond of this article of diet that >he wanted it all for 
herself; and therefore a custom still prevails to offer gold or silver 
fish, or real fish, well cooked, which the priest* of the goddess eat. 
Another tale is told by Xanthus and repeated by Athenaeus in the 
same place, that Atargatis was taken prisoner by Mopsus king of 
Lydia, and with her son *Ix&vs (* fish ") cast into the lake near Ashkelon 
(Zv TT? Ttpl 'Ao-fcoAwra At/"??) because of her pride, and was eaten by 

Indeed, the Syrian avoidance of fish as an article of food is a 
commonplace of classical writers. A collection of passages on the 
subject will be found in Selden, De Dlis Syris, II. iii, 

Luciaii further tells us ( 4) that the temple at Sidon was said 
to be a temple of Astarte ; but that one of the priests had informed 
him that it was really dedicated to Europa, sister of Cadmus. This 
daughter of King Agenor the Phoenicians honoured with a temple 

* when she had vanished ' (rci} T* aQaiys iycyorcc), and related the 
legend about her that Zeus, enamoured of her, chased her, in the 
form of a bull, to Crete. 

Here then we have distinctly a legend to the effect that a certain 
temple of the Syrian goddess was really dedicated to a deity who had 
fled from an unwelcome lover, and who was directly connected with 
Crete. In fact, we have here a confused version of the Britomartis 
legend on the Syrian coast. And when we turn to the Metamorphoses 
of Antoninus Liberalis, ch. 80, we find a version of the Britomartis 
story that is closely akin to the tale told by the Sidonian priest to 
Lucian. We read there that c of Cassiepeia and Phoenix son of 
Agenor was born Canne: and that Zeus uniting with the latter 
begat Britomartis. She, fleeing from the converse of men, wished to 
be a perpetual virgin. And first she came to Argos from Phoenicia, 
with Buze, and Melite, and Maera, and Anchiroe, daughters of 


Erasinos; and thereafter she went up to Cephallenia from Argos; 
and the Cephallenians call her Laphria; and they erected a temple 
to her as to a deity. Thereafter she went to Crete, and Minos seeing 
her and being enamoured of her, pursued her; but she took refuge 
among fishermen, and they caused her to hide in the nets, and from 
this the Cretans call her Dictynna, and offer sacrifices to her. And 
fleeing from Minos, Britomartis reached Aegina in a ship, with 
a fisherman Andromedes, and he laid hands on her, being desirous 
to unite with her; but Britomartis, having stepped from the ship, 
fled to a grove where there is now her temple, and there she 
vanished (tyerero fyavi'is) ; and they called her Aphaea, and in the 
temple of Artemis the Aeginetans called the place where Britomartis 
vanished Aphae, and offered sacrifices as to a deity.' The relation- 
ship to Agenor, the love-chase, and the curious reference to 
* vanishing" can scarcely be a mere coincidence. Lucian, though care- 
less of detail and no doubt writing from memory, from the report 
of a priest who being a Syrian was not improbably inaccurate, has 
yet preserved enough of the Britomartis legend as told in Sidon to 
enable us to identify it under the guise of the story of Europa. 

To the same Cretan-Carian family of legends probably belongs the 
sea-monster group of tales which centre in Joppa and its neighbour- 
hood. The chief among them is the story of Perseus the Lycian 
hero and Andromeda ; and a passage in Pliny seems to couple this 
legend with that of Derketo. 1 Some such story as this may have 
suggested to the author of the Book of Jonah the machinery of his 
sublime allegory ; and no doubt underlies the mediaeval legends of 
St. George and the Dragon, localized in the neighbouring town of 
Lydd. We can scarcely avoid seeing in these tales literary parallels 
to the beautiful designs which the Cretan artists evolved from the 
curling tentacles of the octopus. 

We are now, I think, in a position to detect a process of evolution in 
these tangled tales. We begin with a community dwelling somewhere 
on the sea-coast, probably at the low cultural level of the tribes who 
heaped the piles of midden refuse on the coasts of Eastern Denmark. 
These evolved, from the porpoises and other sea-monsters that came 
under their observation, the conception of a mermaid sea-goddess who 
sent them their food ; and no doubt prayers and charms and magical 
formulae were uttered in her name to ensure that the creeks should 
he filled with fish. The sacredness of fish to the goddess would 

1 * lope Phoenicum, antiquior terranim immdatione, ut ferant. Insidet collem 
praeiacente saxo, in qoo tunculorum Andromedae uestigia ostendunt ; colitur illie 
febutosa <Der)ceto.* flirt. Nat. v. xiii. 69. 


follow as a matter of course, and would }>e uio-t naturally < sprite*! 
by a prohibition a^rain^t eating certain specified kinds. 1 AIM! 
aetiological myth** would of course be developed to arcouut for her 
fish-tail shape. The Dirtyoua legtud, with a Y*>lk*ctynolt>gie con- 
necting the name of the nymph with a fishing-lift, i> one version ; 
the legend afterwards attached to Atargatis is another. 

When tlie Carian-Cretan league, after their repulse from Kgypt, 
settled on the Palestine cwt, they <f course brought their legends 
with them. In their new home they found a Boha Dca all powerful, 
to whom inter alia fish were sacred, and with her they confuted their 
own Virgo Dulris, patroness of fishermen. They built her temples 
a thing unheard-of before in Palestine and told of hvr the *ame 
tales that in their old home they had told of Britomartki They 
transferred the scene of the tragedy from the eastern headland of 
Crete to the Ai/ii'i? of Ashkelon, and they fashioned the legend into the 
form in which it ultimately reached the ears of Diodorus Siculus 

To the legend of Atargatis Diodorus adds that the exposed child was 
tended and fed by doves till it was a year old, when it was found by 
one Simma, who being childless adopted it, and named it Scmlramls, 
a name derived from the word for '"dove" 1 in the Syrian language. 
In after years *he became the famous Babylonian queen: and the 
Syrians all honour doves as divine in consequence. The etymology 
is of the same order as Justin's derivation of *Sidon" from 
*a Phoenician word meaning "fish: the tale was no doubt told 
primarily to account for the sacredness of doves to the Syrian goddess. 
The goddess of Ashkelon was likewise patroness of cloves, and this 
"bird frequently figures on coins of the city. 

II. DAGOX was evidently the head of the pantheon of the Philistines, 
after their settlement in Palestine, We hear of his temple at Gaza, 
Ashdod, and, possibly, according to one version of the story of the 
death of Said, at Beth-Shan. 2 Jerome in commenting on 'Bel 
boweth down, Nebo stoopeth \ in Isaiah xlvi. 1 (where some versions of 
the Greek have Dagon for Aifto), says Dagon is the idol of Ashkelon, 
Gaza, and the other cities of the Philistines. 3 The important temple 

1 Possibly some apparently irrational prohibition of a palatable species is at the 
base of the half-humorous stories of the greedy queen. 

8 Assuming the trophy to have been exposed in the same town as the body which 
is nowhere stated then even if it were actually hung: in the temple of * Ashtarcth * 
<i. e. Atargatis-Britomartis), there was probably a temple of Dagon also in the town, 
to give rise to the parallel tradition. 

8 * Nabo autera et ipsum idolum est quod interpretatur prophitla et dttiinatlo* 
quam post Euangelii uerftatem in toto orbe conticuisse significat. Siue, iuxta 
LXX, Dagon, qui tamen in Hebraico non habetur. Et est idolum Ascalonis, 
Gazae, et reliquarum urbiuzn Philisthiim.' 



of Gaza 5s mirrored for us in the graphic story of the death of 
Samson, as we shall see in the following section. 

In the temple of Ashdod there was an image of the god 
a thing probably unknown in the rude early Canaanite shrines. 
Jo<*phu* (War*^v. 9. 4) calls it a foavor, which possibly preserves 
a true tradition that the figure was of wood. Some interesting 
though obscure particulars are given us regarding it in 1 Samuel v. 1-5. 
The Ark, captured at Aphek, was laid up two nights in the temple. 
Hie first night the image of Dagon fell on its face before the Ark, 
and was replaced by *the priests of Dagon '; the only reference we 
have to .specifically religious functionaries among the Philistines. 
The second night he was fallen again, and the head of the figure and 
the palms of its hands were broken off' and lay on the threshold. 

The account of the abasement of Dagon is of considerable impor- 
tance with regard to the question of the form under which he was 
repit-scnted. The current idea is that he was of merman form, the 
upper half man, the lower half fish. This theory is by modern 
writers derived from the mediaeval Jewish commentators: Rabbi 
Levi, in the third century, said that Dagon was in the figure of 
a man: the first statement of his half-fish form, so far as extant 
authorities go, is made by David Kimhi, who writes, *They say that 
Dagon had the shape of a fish from his navel downwards, because 
he is called Dagon [rr = fish] and upwards from his navel the form 
of a man, as it is said " both the palms of his hands were cut off 
on the threshold "V Abarbanel appears to make the god even more 
monstrous by supposing that it was the upper end which was the 
fishy part. But the idea must have been considerably older than 
Kimhi. As we shall see presently, it underlies one of the readings 
of the Greek translation: and the attempts at etymology in the 
Onomastica 1 show clearly that the idea arose out of the accident 
that y\ means *a fish\ while the story in 1 Samuel v requires us 
to picture the god with hands ; coupled with vague recollections of 
the bodily form of the Atargatis of Ashkelon. 

If we examine the passage, we note, first, that he had a head and 
hands, so that he must have been at least partly human. Next we 
observe that exactly the same phrase is used in describing both falls 
of the idol. The first time it was unbroken, and the priests could 

1 Awyir & l^ios If Kfonj ( Vatican Onamasticon, ed. Lagarde, p. 215) : 'Dagon 
piscis tristitiae* (Jerome, Liter interpret, hebraic. nominum, ed. Lagaide, p. 62). 
The analysis suggested is pam. It reminds one of Stephanus of Byzantium's 
StOiy about Ashdod : "Aferros- iroAw na^atffritnjs. ravrqv txriffey cis TW 
r, ml avi* rijs ywaucus aflroS'Afas 6v<5/za0-er, 


put it in its place again. The second time it was fallen again, but 
the projecting parts of it were broken off*. In other words the f5r^t 
fall of the statue wa< just as bad as the second, except that it was* 
not broken : there is no statement made that on the hecond occasion 
the image, whatever its form, tnappetl acro>s in the middle. In both 
cases it fell as a tehctt\ being smashed the second time just a* might 
happen to a china vase ; this would imply that what was left standing 
and intact was not so much any part of the statue itself, as the 
pedestal or some other accessory. 

The difficulty lies in the words which follow the account of the 
fracture of the statue rip -.wr: p-^ ^. In the English version 
these are rendered * only [the "tump of] Dagon wa> left \ The words 
in brackets, for which the Hebrew gives no warrant, are inserted 
as a makeshift to make some kind of sense of the passage. Wellhausen 
ingeniously suggehted omission of the ; at the end of nn, supposing that 
it had been inserted by dittography before the initial : of the following 
word. This would make the word mean * only hi* tish was left \ But 
this assumes the thesis to be proved. 

When we turn to the Greek Version we find that it represents 
a much fuller text. It reads thus : KOL *e<aAjj Aayur jcai apdorepa 
ra lyvri x. L P&v oirov d^^cra ~l ra e/ATrpoar&a aptac^et? SCOOTO*.* nal 
a/z<>orpoi ol KaftTToi T&V \ip&v airrov TteTrrcuKOTes (~i TO Trpd^u^oi'j srA^r 
% jjdxis Aay^z; vTreXetyfa]. The passage in brackets has no equivalent 
in the Hebrew text : it suggests that a line has been lost from the 
archetype of the extant Hebrew Version. 1 If with some MSS. we 
omit the first \cip&v (which makes no satisfactory sense with *x"?) 
this lost line would imply that Dagorfs^rf were also fallen on the 
threshold (apafytQ = Hebrew jnscn). This does not accord with the 
*fish-tair hypothesis. But, on the other hand, it shows that the fish- 
tail conception is considerably older than Kim hi, for x<ty*' must in 
the first instance have been inserted by a glossator obsessed with it. 

And what are we to make of TA?jr ?y pa\t? in:\i$dr] ? 4 The 
backbone of Dagon was left** is as meaningless as the traditional 
Hebrew, if not worse. But when we look back at the Hebrew we 
begin to wonder whether we may not here be on the track of another 
Philistine word the technical term for, let us say, the pedestal or 
console on which the image stood; or, it may be, some symbol 
associated with it. Wellhausen (Text d. Buck. Sam. p. 59) has 

1 Probably two adjacent lines ended thus : 


and the homoeoteleuton caused the scribe's eye to wander. 


put forward the suggestion that />u\t* really depends on pi 'only'. 
But the translators would presumably have understood this simple 
wottl they have indeed rendered it correctly, by wXiJjf. We need 
a teconil 2*1 to account for />ax i5 an< ^ suc ^3 I submit, must have stood 
in the Hebrew text. Some word like (let us say) np*% especially 
if unintelligible to a late Hebrew copyist, would certainly drop out 
fcooner or later from the collocation pn npi \n. It would be very 
natural for the original author to use such a word, for the sake of 
the paronomasia : and it would fully account for p&xis, which in this 
ease is not the Greek word at all, but a transliteration of an unknown 
word in the Hebrew original. The word apaQed, immediately before, 
which has given much trouble to the copyists of the Greek text (see 
the numerous variants in Holmes and Parsons), is an example of 
an even easier word in the Hebrew being transferred to the Greek 

Further we are told that the priests and those who entered the 
house of Dagon an indication that the temple was open to ordinary 
worshippers did not tread on the threshold of the temple in Ashdod, 
in consequence, it was said, of this catastrophe ; but, as the Greek 
translators add 'overstepping they overstepped it' (yTTepfiaivovTes 
ixepfiairwtri). That the explanation was fitted to a much more 
ancient rite we need not doubt: the various rites and observances 
relating to thresholds are widespread and this prohibition is no 
isolated phenomenon. 1 It is not certain whether the threshold of 
the Ashdod temple only was thus reverently regarded, or whether 
the other Dagon temples had similar observances: the latter is 
probable, though evidently the writer of Samuel supposed that the 
former was the case. The possible connexion between the Ashdod 
prohibition and the * leaping on (preferably over) the threshold' of 
Zephaniah i. 9, has already been noted. 

We must, however, face the fact that Dagon cannot be considered 
as exclusively a Philistine deity, even though the Semitic etymologies 
which have been sought for his name are open to question. There 
are n * fish', as already mentioned, and ?n 'corn'. Philo Byblios 
favoured the second of these. The inscription of Eshmunazar, king 
of Sidon, is well known to refer to Joppa and Dor as ]n ptf, which 
seems at first sight to mean * the land of Dagon '. But more probably 
this is simply a reference to that fertile region as the land of corn'. 
However we have, through Philo, references associating Dagon with 
the Phoenicians. In the Sanchuniathon cosmogony reported in the 

1 On the whole subject see H. C. Trumbull, The Threshold Covenant, or tlie 
ofRdigic** R&es (Edinburgh, 1896). 


fragments of Pliilo we have an account of his birth from Ouranos 
and Ge. 1 with his brethren EIos and Kruno* and Baetylos; he is 
equated to 2;Y<*,;" *corn", which is apparently personified ; and by 
virtue of this equation he is identified with a Ztvs 'Aptrfdos. All 
this is very nebulous: and not more definite is the curious note 
re&pecting the gods Taautos, Krono*, Dagon and the ret bring 
symbolized by sacred letters.- If these pa^ages mean anything at 
all, they imply that the people who taught the Phoenicians the use 
of letters (and possibly al>o of baetylic stones) also imported to them 
the knowledge of the god Dagon. But stories which csttifeibly reach 
us at third hand afford a rather unsafe apparatus critical 

In Palestine itself there is clear evidence of the prepuce of Dagon 
before the coming of the Philistine?*. A certain Dagan-takala con- 
tributed two letters :i to the Tell el-Amania correspondence. By 
ill-luck they do not mention the place of which he was apparently 
the chieftain, nor do they tell as anything else to the point : the one 
letter is merely a protestation of loyalty, the other the usual petition 
for deliverance from the Aramaean invaders. ' Dagan * is not here 
preceded by the usual determinative prefix of divinity ; but neither 
is the name so preceded in the references to the town of Beth-Dagon 
in the inscriptions of Sennacherib. 

This name, Beth-Dagon, appears in several Palestinian villages. 
They are not mentioned in the Tell el- Amarna correspondence ; and 
we might fairly infer that they were Philistine foundations but for the 
fact that the name appears in the Hut of Asiatic towns conquered by 
Hamessu III at Medinet Habu a list probably copied from an earlier 
list of Ramessu II. There seems no possibility of escaping the con- 

clusionthatbyJ^^^^ij^^^Y^k^ Bt >" 
Dkn, which appears in this list, is meant one of the towns called 

Beth-Dagon. 4 

Of these villages, one was in the tribe of Asher, another in 
Judah. The southern village described by Jerome 5 as of large size, 

1 TevvSrat 5i TOI/'T^ d5eX^ CK rSv vpocifnjpevav ij ical teAijfc? Fiy, *ot &a rl xaAAo? air' 
auTffj tt>rjfflv fK&fffar TTJV Apuvvpov -y^r. o 5i Tovnw varqp u fyiffros & ffw/i^oXj 6qptKV 
TAeim}0ay aajnpb&ii t y x*s *** ^vffias ol muta? lT\ffoy. DapaXo^fcT c o Ov/rarof r^v 
rov trorpas dp^v aycTcu vpus yapa* ity &Be\<prp Tqv, teai voiftrat < aur^s vtufas reffffapas, 
"HXox riv teal Kpovov al BazniXor ical Aa-yav & fffrt "Siriav *at "ArXayTO. Frag. Philo 
Byblios 13, Midler, Fragmm. iii, p. 567. 

2 npu & TOVTW 0cos TOOITTOS fUfnjffapcvos rbv ovpayuv TO.V faSsv teas, KpCrov re mi 
Aayuvos lead rtav X.oivoav, Stcnsvvffi- revs lepovs <rrX* x a -P aie "3P as * $* P- 569 - 

3 Winckler, 315, 216 ; Kmidtzon, 317, 318. 

4 See Max MuUer, Egyptian Rtuarefot, i. 49, {date 68. 
* Desitu et nommibtu locontm, ed. Lagarde, p. 138. 


*OB in his time called Caferdago, between DIospolis and Jamnia 
(Lydd and Yebnah). Jerome^s village is probably to be identified 
with a ruin known as Dajun, close by the present village of Beit 
Dejan; the latter has pre.served the old name and is built on a 
mound which is possibly the old site. 

Moreover, the name Dagan appears in Mesopotamia : there seems 
no longer to be any doubt that a certain group of cuneiform signs, 
relating to a deity, is to be read Da-gan. In Babylonia it enters 
into the composition of proper names of about 2400 B. r. : a king 
dated 214v5 B.C. was Idin-Dagan and he had a son Isme-Dagan : a seal- 
cvlinder exists of a certain Dagan-abi son of Ibni-Dagan. In Assyria 
we find it in the name of Dagan-bllu-usur, eponym of the year 
879 B,C. : and the name is several times coupled with that of Ami 1 
in cosmogonies and in invocations of various Assyrian kings. The 
name disappears after the ninth century : the late reference to Dagon 
in the Hebrew version of Tobit, chap, i 2 , speaking of Sennacherib 
being killed wj?n JOT *osb \hmh oaw* nyca fi at the hour when he 
went in to pray to his idol Dagon *, is not of any special importance. 

The fragments of Berossos relate how originally the people of 
Babylon lix'ed like animals, without order: but a being named 
Cannes rose out of the Erythraean sea, with a complete fish-body, 
and a man's head under the fish-head, and human feet and voice. 
This being was a culture-hero, teaching the knowledge of the arts, 
writing, building, city-dwelling, agriculture, &c., to men: he rose 
from the sea by day, and returned to it at sunset. 

Other fragments of Berossos tell us that Cannes was followed by 
similar beings, who appeared from time to time under certain of the 
antediluvian kings. There were in all seven, the second and probably 
the following four being called Annedotos, and the last being called 
Odakon Q&Juuw or 'QddK&v). The last resembles * Dagon' in out- 
ward form : but the elaborate discussion of Hrozn^ 3 has shown that 
the comparison between the two cannot stand: that the -ow of 
'&c<fx&>r is a mere termination : that the names Cannes and Odakon 
(not however Annedotos, so far as has yet been discovered) have their 
prototypes in Sumerian, and cannot be equated to the Babylonian 
and Assyrian Dagan, The sole evidence for the fish-form of Dagan 
therefore disappears. The statements of Damascius (de Principiis, 

1 See Jensen, Kotmttlogie der Babylonitr, pp. 449-456, and Paton's article * Dagan ' 
in Hastings 1 * Encyclopedia ofRttigion and Ethics. 

* Ed. Neabauer, p. 20, xlvii. 

s Suneritckrbabyioxitcke Myiktn ton dm Gotte Xinrag (Mitth. der voideras. Gesell. 
(1908), S., 


c. 123) about a Babylonian divine pair, *AJ\ * anr ' 
to the problem : as Rev. I\ Boylan and Mr. Alton have bath {jointed 
out to me, the A is a mistake for an A in both cases and the behsgs 
referred to are evidently Lahinu and Lahamu, 

That Dagan and the pre-Phili>tine Dagon of Palestine are one and 
the same being can scarcely be questioned. Hrozny (up. rit. p. 1ft}) 
points out that the difference of the vowel :$ no difficulty, especially 
as the name appears once in Assyrian as an element in a proper name 
in the form Daguna. But we may perhaps ask if the po**t-PhiK>tine 
deity was identical with the pre-Philihtine god, and * farther there 
may not have been a conflation analogous to that which lia< taken 
place between Britomartis and Atargatis. 

It is relevant to notice here in passing that the Philistine religion 
never had any attraction for the reactionary king* of the Hebrews. 
Only in a rather vague pa^ge (Judges, x. 6) i< there any indication 
of the influence of Philistine worship on that of the Israelites EUe- 
where we read of altars built to the abomination of the Zidonians, of 
Moab, of the Ammonites, but never of the Philistines. The solitary 
exception is the consultation of the Ekronite oracle, which, as we have 
seen, was not Philistine at all. In spite of the Kfinitization of the 
Philistines during the latter part of the Hebrew monarchy, their 
cult still remained too exotic to attract the Semitic temperament. 

Now strange though it may seem, there is a possibility that the 
Philistines brought with them from their we>tern home a god whose 
name was similar to Dagon. We have not found any trace of him in 
or around Crete : the decipherment of the Minoan tablets may possibly 
tell us something about this in the future. But the Etruscans, kins- 
men of the Philistines, had a myth of a certain Tages, who apj>eared 
suddenly 2 from the earth in the guise of a boy, and who, its they 
related, was their instructor in the arts of soothsaying. This took place 
*when an Etruscan named Tarchon was ploughing near Tarquiuii* 1 
names which immediately recall the Tarklnt^ Tarpon-demo-^ and 
similar names of Asia Minor. 3 Festus (sub roce) describes Tages as 
a * genii filius, nepos louis \ As the Etruscans rejected the letter D, 

1 Tow 5e fiapftapuv toticaai BajBuAuwot plv rty jUi'ar rSir Z\wv tlftxyv crr/^ rrapitrai &'o 
5e votftv 1av6i icai 'Araatlv, TW fiiv 'Avaffixv avSpa r^s TaiB't TOWTS TCLVT^V 5 pijTfpa 
BtSaf ovopafrvrcs If Sjy fWi'vyevrj veuda ^fW^BTJvcj. ri/v ManT/JV avrur ctpuu rlv 
Kuffftav IK rory Strotv ap^feT vapayvptvov. "Ex 5c rStv avrv a\X^v 7War Tr/x^A^iV, 
xcu Aax ov ' ET^o S Tpinjy e* roav airSv, Rtcaapi] KCU. 'Atrstcpuv* i Srv jtrfaBai rpefs ' 
xal "IXXivor al *Ad'. ToS 5e *Aov ai Aavmj* vluv -^fvtff&at TUV B\or s Cr ^ijfuwp^lv f 

3 Cf. the sudden appearanc^es of Britomartis in Aegina, Pausanias, IL xxx. 3. 

9 See Cic. d* Dithtatfane, ii. 23. 


Tilths w i-lo*cly comparable to a name beginning with Dag- ; and 
in<lti.fl tin- -iv termination is probably not part of the Etruscan name, 
but a nominative termination added by the foreign writers who have 
repnrK<l tin* storv. If the Philistines brought such a deity with them 
ih their Syrian home, they might well have identified him with the 
god Ztogvw, whom they found there before them. 

It i* difficult otherwise to explain how Dagan, whose worship seems 
f o have been on the whole of secondary importance, should have 
ztcquired Mich supreme importance among the foreigners. 

But after all, the Canaanite Dagon and the hypothetical Philistine 
Dag- may have been one the latter having been borrowed by the 
*proto-PhiIistines\ as we may for convenience call them, at some 
remote period. The intercourse which led to the adoption of clay 
tablets as writing materials by the Cretans at the beginning of the 
middle Minoan period, and to the adoption of certain details of legal 
procedure (if there be any value in the conjectures given in this book 
regarding the Pha&stos disk) may well have led to the borrowing of 
the god of one nation by the other. 

The Etymologicon Magnum calls Dagon or rather BTjrayow, sub- 
stituting the place Beth-Dagon for the name of the god 6 Kpo'vos 

After the collapse of the Philistine power in David's time, we hear 
nothing more about Dagon except the vague guesses of etymologists 
and mytliographers. The temple, and presumably the worship of 
the deity, under the old name, lasted down to the time of the 
Maccabees in Ashdod (1 Mace. x. 83, 84). But in Gaza the case was 
different Here powerful Hellenic influences introduced numerous 
foreign deities, which, however, there is every reason to believe were 
grafted on to the old local gods and numlna. Josephns tells us of 
a temple of Apollo ; but our leading source is the life of Porphyrius, 
bx*hop of Gaza at the end of the fourth and beginning of the fifth 
century, written by his friend the deacon Marcus. 

This valuable little work gives us a picture of the last struggle of 
heathenism, of which Gaza was the storm-centre. The descriptions 
are terse but vivid. We see Porphyrius, after his appointment to 
the bishopric, making his way painfully from Diospolis (Lydd) 
because the heathen living in the villages on the way erected barriers 
to prevent his passing, and annoyed him by burning substances that 
gave forth fetid odours. After they had arrived, a drought fell in 
the same year, which the heathen ascribed to the wrath of Mama 
their god, on account of the coming of Porphyrius. For two months 
no rain fell, notwithstanding their prayers to Marna ( c whom they say 


i,* Zcai") in hi.-, capacity of lord of rain. There was a place of prayer 
outside the city, and the whole of the heathen population frequented 
this for intercession to the inVuw rwr ojx^r. This place was no 
doubt a sanctuary with an ancient tradition ; most probably to be 
identified with the Aldioma, or place of Zeus Aldemioe. This 
according to the Etymologicon Magnum, was the name of the chief 
god of Gaza, and a god of fertility ; probably therefore identical with 
Mariuu 1 We hear of the same sanctuary in the Talmud : near Gaza 
was a place called Vend or c ltloza (nrfesr, also written r>D and n"^K) 
outside the city where an idol was worshipped.- In the sequel we 
learn that Porphyrius took from the Aldioma the stones with which 
he built the church erected by him on the site of the Marneion. 

Near modern Gaza is a hill, crowned by the shrine of a Muslim 
saint called Sheikh Jfuntar. As usual, this true believer has succeeded 
to the honours of a pagan divinity. Muntar means *a watch tower **; 
but possibly the name is a corruption of Mania or [Britojmartis. 

The name Marna is capable of being rendered in Aramaic, 
Mar-na, 3 * Our Lord," and not improbably this is its actual meaning. 
If so* it is probably an illustration of the widespread dislike to, or 
actual prohibition of, the mention of the real name of a divinity. 4 
At some time a hesitation to name the god who can hardly be other 
than Dagon had arisen : the respectful expression * Our Lord ' had 
by frequent use become practically the personal name of the divinity, 
and had assumed a Greek form 'Madras, with a temple called the 
Mapmor, the chief temple of Gaza. 

It is likely that Gaza at the time claimed to be a sacred city : the 
rigidness of the tabu against carrying a dead body into it suggests 
that such an act would pollute it. The Christians had serious 
trouble, soon after the coming of Porphyrius, on account of the case 
of one Barochus, a zealous young Christian, who was set upon by 
heathen outside the city and beaten, as was thought, to death. His 
friends happening to find him lying unconscious, wished to carry him 

1 Aldemios was probably another name of Mama. The Etymolofficon Jfaynum 
gives US 'Aspics $ 'AA&wj Zfis [is] to Ta& TIJS 2i/wos Ttjuaixu' mpa TO dX&uW, ra 
aiaiv u vi rj?s av^raK ray xapmir.Etym. Jftzpn. ed. Gaisfbrd, col. Jtt. >. 

* Neubauer, Geoff, d. Talmud. With Yerld compare 'Ain Yrrdth, the name of 
a spring outside the important city of Gezer. 

s It is probably a mere coincidence that there was a river-god of the same name 
at Ephesus, mentioned on coins of that city of the time of Domitian ' AVAPNAC 
or E4>ECION AUPNAC), as well as in an inscription from an aqueduct at Ephesus, 
now in the British Museum. See Roscher, Lexiron, s. v. 

* The word Jfar, ' Lord,* is used in the modern Syrian church as a titie of respect 
for saints and bishops. A pagan name 2HHO (= in* ns, *Mar has given') 
illustrates its application to divinity. 


home; but only suet-ceded in doing so with the greatest difficulty, 
owing to the uproar cau^^ed by their carrying the apparent corpse into 
the city. 

Stirred by events of this kind, Porphyrius determined to invoke the 
civil power to aid him in his struggle with heathendom, and sending 
Marcus to Constantinople obtained an order for the closing of the 
temple* of Gaza. As usual, however, in the East, the official 
responsible for the carrying out of the order did so with one hand, 
allowing the other hand to be * greased" to undo the work sur- 
reptitiouslv. In other words, Hilarios, the adjutant sent to carry out 
the order, "and especially charged to close the Marneion and to put 
a stop to the consultation of the oracle, while appearing to execute 
the duty committed to him, secretly took bribes to permit the rites 
of heathen religion to be carried on as before. Porphyrius therefore 
went in person to Constantinople ; interviewed the empress Eudoxia ; 
obtained her favour bv the prophecy of the birth of a son to her, 
which was fulfilled by the birth of Theodosius ; and obtained her 
intercession with the emperor to secure the closing of the temples. 
So Porphyrius returned with his suite, and was received at Gaza with 
jubilation on the part of the Christians, and corresponding depression 
on that of the Pagans. 

Some valuable hints are preserved to us by Marcus of the nature of 
the worship thus destroyed. A few excerpts from his work may be 
here given. 

"As we entered the city, about the place called the Four Ways, 
there was standing a marble pillar, which they said was Aphrodite ; 
and it was above a stone altar, and the form of the pillar was that of 
an undraped woman, ex "* 77 ?? ^ a avxnP ^atro'/zez-a, 1 and they all 
of the city used to honour the pillar, especially the women, lighting 
lanipb and burning incense. For they used to say of her that she 
used to answer in a dream those who wished to enter into matrimony ; 
and telling falsehoods they used to deceive one another.' The worship 
of this statue evidently retained some of the most lurid details of the 
High Place worship. This statue was the first to be destroyed by 
a miracle, Marcus says, on the exhibition of the Cross. He is probably 
mindful of the prostration of Dagon on the Ark being brought into 
his presence. 

Ten days afterwards Cynegius, the emperors messenger, arrived 
with a band of soldiers, to destroy the temples, of which there were 
eight of the Sun, Aphrodite, Apollo, Kore (Persephone), Hekate, 

1 The fish-tail has now disappeared. 


the Heroeion, the Tychaion or temple of the Luck (n\i;) of the city, 
and the Manieion, or temple of the Crete-born Zeus, the most 
honourable of all the temple*, which ha** already bt-en mentioned. 
Besides these there were a countlev numlxrr of minor deities in the 
houses and the villages. The destroying party fii%t made it* way to 
the Marneion. The priests-, however, had been forewarned, and 
blocked the doors of the inner chamber with great stone.-. In the 
inner chamber or adytum they stored the sacral furniture of the 
temple and the images of the god. and then fled by other exits, of 
which it was said there were several, o|x.-ning out of the tuhta of the 
temple in various directions. Baffled therefore for the time, the 
destroying party made their way to the other temples which they 
demolished; Porphyrius, like another Joshua, laying under an 

anathema anv of the Christians who should take to himself anv 


plunder from the treasuries. This* work occupied ten days and the 
question of the fate of the Marneion was then discussed. Some were 
for razing it, some for burning it, others again wished to preserve it 
and after purifying it, to dedicate it for Christian worship. Porphyrius 
therefore proclaimed a fast with prayer for Divine guidance in the 
difficulty. The Divine guidance came in strange wise ; and though it 
has nothing to do with the Philistines, the story is so curious that it 
is well worth relating exactly as Marcus himself tells it. As the 
people, fasting and praying, were assembled in the church, a child of 
seven years, standing with hii> mother, suddenly cried out in the 
Syrian tongue, * Burn the temple to the ground : for many hateful 
things have taken place in it, especially human sacrifices. And in 
this manner burn ye it. Bring liquid pitch and sulphur and lard, 
and mix them together and smear the brazen doors therewith, and lay 
fire to them, and so the whole temple will burn ; it is impossible any 
other way. And leave the outer part (ruv effiSrcpoz*) with the enclosing 
wall (ircplfioXos). And after it is burnt, cleanse the place and there 
build a holy church. I witness to you before God, that it may not 
be otherwise : for it is not I who speak, but Christ that speaketh in 
me.' And when they all heard they wondered, and glorified God. 
And this portent came to the ears of the holy bishop (Porphyrius), 
who stretching his hands to heaven gave glory to God and said, 
4 Glory to Thee, Holy Father, who hast hidden from the wise and 
prudent, and hast revealed even these things to babes." When the 
people were dismissed from the church he summoned the child and 
his mother to him in the bishop^s house, and setting the child apart 
he said to the woman, 'I adjure thee by the Sou of the Living God to 
say if it was on thy suggestion or of some other known to thee that 


thy hon fcpoke a-, be did concerning the Marneion.' The woman said, 
*l"deliver myself to the dread and awful judgement-seat of Christ, if 
I had fort-knowledge of anv of those things that my son spoke this 
day. But if it seem tit to thee, behold the boy, take him and 
examine him with threats, and if be said these things on the 
suggt^tion of any, he will confess it in fear ; if he says nothing 
el*; it will be clear that he was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 1 So 
to make a long story short, the boy was brought in, and the bishop 
bade him speak and say who had put these words in his mouth 
Iwandishing a whip as he spoke. The poor bewildered child kept 
silence, even though "We who were around him 1 Marcus speaks as 
an eye-witness repeated the questions likewise with threats. At last 
the child opened his mouth and made exactly the same utterance as 
before, but this time in Greek a language of which, as appeared on 
inquiry from the mother, he was ignorant. This settled the matter, 
and sealed the fate of the Marneion. The bishop gave three pieces 
of money to the mother, but the child, seeing them in her hand, said 
in the Syrian tongue, * Take it not, mother, sell not thou the gift of 
God for money ! ' So the woman returned the money, saying to the 
bishop, * Pray for me and ray son, and recommend us to God. 1 And 
the bishop dismissed them in peace. It is a strange coincidence that 
the first and last events in the recorded history of Philistia have 
a mantic prodigy as their central incident ! 

The reference to human sacrifices is for our immediate purpose the 
most noteworthy point in this remarkable story. The sequel was 
equally remarkable. The method approved by the oracle was applied, 
and immediately the whole temple, which on the first occasion had 
resisted their assaults, was wrapped in flames. It burnt for many 
days, during which there was a good deal of looting of treasures ; in 
the course of this at least one fatal accident occurred. At the same 
time a house-to-house search for idols, books of sorcery, and the like 
relics of heathenism, was effected, and anything of the kind discovered 
was destroyed. 

When the plan of the new church came to be discussed some were 
for rebuilding it after the fashion of the old temple ; others for 
making a complete break with heathen tradition by erecting a building 
entirely different. The latter counsel ultimately prevailed. Important 
for us is thejferf of the dispute, because, a propos thereof Marcus has 
given us a few words of description which tell us something of what 
the building was like. It was cylindrical, with two porticoes, one inside 
the other ; in the middle like a ciborium (the canopy above an altar) 
'puffed out' (i. e. presumably domed) but stretched upwards ( = stilted), 


and it had other things fit for idols and suited io the horrible and 
lawless concomitants of idolatry, 1 

This clearly takes us far away from the incgttron plan of the old 
Dagoii temple. We ha\e to do with a }N,'ritylt* circular buildi2i<j, 
not unlike the Roman Pantheon* but with a ttilted dome aid >nr- 
rounded by two row* of columns (^ee the ^ketch, p. Ii24. The 
4 other things * suitable for idol-worship were presumably the adyta 
of which we have already heard, which mu*t have been either n,<cu*es 
in the wall or else underground chamber*. The apparently 
exits made use of by the priests *et*m to favour the latter hyp 
Not improbably they were ancient sacred caves. I picture the temple 
to myself as resembling the Dome of the Rock at Jcnisileiu, <u!fcsti- 
tuting the double portico for the aihle that runs round that building, 

In clearing off the ashes and f/t'im of the Marneiou, Porpluriu* 
came upon certain marbles or a 'marble incrustation" uo 'pdjwf? 
which the Marna-Tvorshippers considered holy and not to be trodden 
upon, especially by women. We are of course reminded of the 
threshold of Dagon at Ashdod, but as we have no information as to 
the part of the temple to which the marbles belonged, ve cannot >ay 
if there was any very close analogy. Porphyries we are told, ptucfl 
the street with these sacred stones, so that not only men. but " "A omen, 
dogs, pigs, and beasts ' should be compelled to tread UJKMI them a 
proceeding which we learn caased more pain to the idolater*, than even 
the destruction of their temple. * But yet to this day \ says Marcus 
* most of them, especially the women, will not tread on the marbles." 

On coins of Gaza of the time of Hadrian a different temple i> 
represented, with an ordinary distyle front. This type bears the 
inscription GAZA MARNA, with figures of a male and female 
divinity, presumably Marna and Tyche. The coin is evidence that 
the distyle temple the old megaron type survived in Gaza till 
this time, and it is not improbable that the Maxneion destroyed 
by Porphyrius was built immediately afterwards. The resemblance 
to the Dome of the Rock at Jerusalem may be more than merely 
superficial. This structure was built on the ruins of Hadrian's 
temple of Jupiter, the Dodecapylon, which he erected over the sacred 
Rock, when he made his determined effort to paganize the Holy City. 
We have no description of this building, which was already in ruins 
in A. D. 333 ; but its situation seems to require a round or symmetri- 
cally polygonal structure, and the name dodecapylon suggests a twelve- 

fit ffcv 

avrov ij* cbra^ufrflTo? mBoipimr jroi aiarcra/upo? <ts vJ.cs, \ty & rat dX.\o TLVO. a TO 
et20Xo($ tvptvtv, cv^cra Se vp 


building. The Dome of the Rock (an octagon) may well have 
been built after this model ; and the Pantheon, which has also been 
compared with the building indicated by the account of Marcus, is 
likewise of the time of Hadrian. The Marneion, therefore, might 
have been exuied under the auspices of that enthusiastic builder, or 
at hurt after the model of other buildings which he had left behind 

fur. 5. Com* of Gaza and Afrhkelon : 1. Coin of Gam showing- Temple of 
Mania. -. Coin of Gaza bearing the figure and name of lo, and a debased Phoeni- 
cian Jf. the symbolic initial of Mania. 1 3. Coin of Gaza bearing the figure and 
name of Minos. 4. Coin of Gaza bearing the initial of Mama. 5. Coin of 
Aalikelozij with the sacred fishpond. 6. Coin of Ashkelon, with figure of 
AsUrte. 7. Com of Ashkelon, with figure bearing- a dove: below, a sea- 
monster. 8. Coin of Ashkelon, with figure of a dove. 

him in Palestine. This would give a date for the break with the 
tradition of the old building. The sacred marbles might well have 
been some stones preserved from the old structure, and on that account 
of peculiar sanctity. 

The rest of the acts of Porphyrius do not concern us, though we 
may note that there was a well in the courtyard of the Marneion, 

1 Tor* opopaiupfvov o &TIV evBtla ap&% pia /cat rpeis ir^jiot lir f 081771 . . . irapcc Tafaiois 
TOV AI&'S. Damascius. 


as we learn from the account of a miracle performed by him soon 
after the erection of the church. 

Jerome, in his Life ofHilarlon? narrate* sundry miraculous events, 
especially a remarkable victory in the circus by u Christum comJwtant, 
in which even the pagans were complied to acknowledge -1/tfnww 
victus a Chrhto. Epiphanius of Const an tia in his Ancoratw*^ p. 109, a 
enumerating a number of {>er-ons who have been deified, speaks of 
Manias the slave of Asterio* of Crete a* having so t>een honoured in 
Gaza. Here again the persistent Cretan tradition appears, but what 
the value or even the meaning of this particular form of it may be 
we cannot say. Mr. Alton ha** ingeniously sugyoted to me that 
Epiphanios saw and misunderstood a dedicatory inscription from the 
old sanctuary inscribed MAPNAt ACTERlCOi KPHTAfENHi. 

Outside Gaza there is scarcely any hint of Mania-worship. The 
name is used as an expletive in Lampridius's Life of Alexander Sererux : 
and Waddington s reports an inscription from Kanata (Kerak), built 
into a modern wall, and reading AN NHA[O]C KAMACANOY EHOHCE 
All MAPNAi TOh KYPIOJu But Annelos veiy likely was a native 
of Gaza. A well-known statue found many years ago near Gaza, and 
now in the Imperial Ottoman Museum at Constantinople, has been 
supposed to represent Mama ; but there is no evidence of this. The 
eccentric Lady Hester Stanhope found a similar statue at Ashkelon, 
but destroyed it. 

Certain heathenized Jews of Con^tantia adored as deities Marthus 
(or Marthys) and Marthana, the daughters of a certain false prophet 
of the time of Trajan, by name Elzai * : but this is hardly more than 
a coincidence. 

In Ashkelon, also, there was a special deity in late Pagan times. 
This was ' Ao-jcATfzridff \cca?Tov\o$ 9 once referred to by Marinus, writing 
in the fifth century A. D. 3 It may be that this is the deity spoken of 
in the Talmud, which mentions a temple of Saripa (vsf^s) at Ashkelon, 
evidently a form of Serapis. 6 But we know nothing of * Asclepius the 
lion-holder * but his name. Probably the name of the town suggested 
a dedication to the similarly sounding Asclepius, just as it suggested 
the word AC4>AAHC on the coins of the city. Asclepius does not 
appear, so far as I can find, on any coins of Ashkelon. Mars, Neptune, 

i Ed. Migne, xxiii. 27. 

* Ed. Migne, xliii. 209 : xt l&apvas Sov\os 'Aortpiw rov E-PTJTOS mpa Ta^atois. 

3 InscriptioTis, in Le Bas, Voyage arcMologigwe en Grtce . . . 

4 Epiphanius, Contra Haerw. I. xix. 

5 *AXXd KOL Mdfpror TafcTov vprovaa xal 'A.ffK\ijTiuv Acorrouxo*' ' AvKaXwATrpr rod 
evavS/xnp a\Xov 'ApaBfas wo\vrijajToy fledy. Marinus, Ylfa Prodi, ch. 19. 

Hildesheimer, Beitnige stir Geoff. Paltistina*, p. 3. 



the genius of the city, and Aphrodite Urania, are the deities generally 
found on the coins : once or twice the latter is represented standing 
on lions. 1 On other coins an erection is represented which may be 
the AtfjLiyj or fish-pond for which the sanctuary was famous (see fig. 5, 

p. HZ). 


A people, or rather a group of peoples, the remnant the de- 
generate remnant if you will of a great civilization, settled on the 
Palestine coast. They found before them a servile aboriginal popu- 
lation ready to their use, who could relieve them of the necessary 
but unaccustomed labour of extracting life and wealth from the 
prolific soil They were thus free to cultivate the commercial facilities 
which were already established in the land they made their own. 
Gaza, Ashkelon, and Ashdod had harbours which opened the way 
to trade by sea. The great land route from Egypt to Babylon 
passed right through the heart of the country from end to end 
Gaza was from the beginning the principal mart for northern Arabia: 
in the expressive words of Principal G. A. Smith, we hear the jingling 
of shekels in the very name of Ashkelon. Corn and wine were pro- 
duced abundantly within their favoured territory, even in years when 
the rest of the country suffered famine ; an active slave-trade (one 
of the most lucrative sources of wealth) centred in Philistia, as we 
learn from the bitter denunciation of Amos. Small wonder then 
that the lords of the Philistines could offer an enormous bribe to 
a wretched woman to betray her husband. Small wonder that the 
Philistines were the carriers and controllers of the arts of civilization 
in Palestine. 

The settlement of the Philistines in Palestine falls in that period 
of fog, as we may call it, when the iron culture succeeds the bronze 
in the Eastern Mediterranean. Hecent excavations have given us 
a clear-cut picture of the development of civilization during the 
bronze age ; that wonderful history which was sketched in its barest 
outline in the course of Chapter L Then a cloud seems to settle 
down on the world, through which we can dimly perceive scenes of 
turmoil, and the shifting of nations. When the mist rolls away it is 
as though a new world is before us. We see new powers on earth, 
new gods in heaven : new styles of architecture, new methods of 
warfare : the alphabet has been invented, and above all, iron has 
become the metal of which the chief implements are made. Crete 
and the great days of Egypt belong to the past : the glorious days 
of classical Greece are the goal before us. 

1 See De Saulcy, Numwnatique de In Terre Saints. 


The chief interest of the Philistines lies in thi>, that their history 
falls almost entirely within thi* period of obscurity, when the iron 
age of Europe was in it> birth-throe^. They and their kin, the 
Zakkala in the eit^t and TurMia in the west bridge the gap between 
the old world and the new. It is owing to them that the remi- 
niscences of the clays of Crete were handed across a couple of 
troubled centurio, to form the ba<is of new civilization* in Greece, 
in Italy, and in the East. 

Our materials for estimating the culture of the Philistines and 
their place in civilization are the following- : (1) The Phae-tot Disk; 
(2) The Medinet Habu sculptures ; () The results of excavation 
in Philistia ; (4) Scattered Biblical reference*. 

(1) On the Phaesto* Disk are forty-Jive character*. Of some of 
these it is not very easy to determine the Mgnificatiou, but others 
have some value as indicating the nature of the civilization of those 
who invented its script, and it* analogues. 

The writing, running from right to left, is in the Mime direction 
as the Carian inscriptions, but not as the Minoan linear tablets. 

Tihepltnned head-dress of the sign here called M has been referred to 
as being the link which connects this disk with Garia on the one 
hand and with the Philistines on the other. A. J, Reinaeh (Revue 
archtologique, Ser. V, vol. xv, pp. 26, 27) publishes Sardinian statuettes 
showing the same form of head-dress. The Sardinians being probably 
a later stage in the history of one branch of the sea-peoples, it is 
natural that they should show an analogous equipment. 

The sign a, a man running, shows the simple waist-band which 
forms the sole body-covering of the Keftian envoys. 

The sign &, a captive with arms bound behind, has no more 
covering than a girdle. The symbol is appears to represent a hand- 
cuff or fetter. Perhaps Samson was secured with some such fastening. 

The sign c from its small size appears to represent a child. He 
is clad in a tunic fitting closely to the body and reaching barely to 
the hips. No doubt, as often in Egypt ancient and modern, in some 
of the remoter parts of Palestine and among the Bedawin, young 
children went naked. 

Fig. d represents a woman. She has long flowing hair, and seems 
to be wearing a single garment not unlike ihefostan of the modem 
Palestinian peasant, the upper part of which, however, has been 
dropped down over the lower so as to expose the body from the 
girdle upwards. Hall, in a recent article in the Journal of Hellenic 
Studies, shows that the figure has Mycenaean analogies. 



Fig. r, with the shaved head, perhaps represents a slave. A figure- 
of-eight (an ownership mark in tatu) is represented on the cheek. 1 





t *. 3 




Fig. f may represent a sandalled foot; fig. g may possibly repre- 
sent a closed hand; but both are doubtful. Figs, h and i possibly 
represent a breast and membrum muliebre respectively, though the 

1 Compare the scarified lines still to be seen on the faces of negroes who have 
slavery within recent years in the Turkish empire. 


former may be a Phrygian cap. The interpretation of the* four 
signs is too uncertain to allow us to attach any weiyht to them. 

In figs, j and k we may po*slbli/ see the ;*ncred doves and in / the 
sacred fish. But this cannot be pressed. The rain's head (>, 
the hoof (p), the horn (9), and the hkle (*v) nil indicate a pastoral life. 
The symbols f, w, r, &:, .n y are drawn iroin the plant world, and 
it must be noticed that those who developed the >cript of the Di*k 
showed an unusual appreciation of plant-shape*. It is quite remark- 
able to find >ueh a variety of floral symbols. 

The sign ,3 is probably a >ection of a river, suggestive of water. 

The sign 6 is very remarkable. It is almost certainly a represen- 
tation of a domed hoifee, such as is imitated in the Lycian tombs. 
It may be the prototype of one of the * palace* of A^hdcd*! The 
sign f is a pillar with a square capital. The curious sign *? may 
represent some kind of key. 

Very important is the ship, fig. 7?. It is one more link with the 
Medinet Habu sculptures, in which, as we shall t*e, an identical ship 
makes its appearance. 

The bow and arrow, figs, x, A, are especially interesting. Keinach 
(op. cit. p. 35) ingeniously points out that it is a true picture of the 
bow of the Lycian Pandarus, made of two horns of the wild goat 
fixed and bound on a piece of wood. 

aypiau . . . 

TOV Kepa K 

Kal TO. fj.v ao-Kijffas Kpao6o$ -ijpap* 
xav fi f c8 AeiTJi'as xjp V(r *'Q 1 ' cttQ 

Iliad, iv. 105-11. 

The curved poignard (/D) has also Lycian and Carian analogies 
(Keinach, op. cit. p. 35). The axe (^), square (o-), plane (-), signet-ring 
(^r), and leather-cutter's knife ($), the latter perforated with a hole 
in the butt for suspension, all show the specializing of tools which is 
a characteristic of civilization. 

Of especial importance is the round shield with bosses (f). It 
is not Cretan : the Cretan shield is a long oval. But the Sherdanian 
warriors at Medinet Habu bear the round bossed shield, and Reinach 
(op. cit. p. 30) figures an Etruscan statuette which bears an identical 

The other signs (TT, sr, r, x and F) are not sufficiently clear to 
identify (T may be an astragalus, used in games, and ^ may be an 
adze). But enough will have been said to show that quite apart 


from it* literary value, the Phaestos Disk is of very considerable 
importance iis a'document in the history of Aegean civilization. 

(2) We now turn to the sculptures on the temple of Medinet Habu. 
Here we have precious illustrations of costumes, vehicles, and arms. 

Fig. 7. Wagons of the Pulasati. 

Fig. 8. The Head-dress of the Fulasati. 

The Pulasati wear a plumed head-dress, the plumes being fitted 
into an elaborately embroidered band encircling the temples, and 
secured by a chin-strap passing in front of the ears. The other tribes 
wear similar head-dresses, except the Shekelesh, who have a cap. 
The Zakkala are represented as beardless. Their sole body-costume 
is the waistband, though some of them seem to have bracelets or 
armlets, and bands or straps crossing the upper part of the body. 
The women have the close-fitting fusion-, the children are naked. 

The land contingent travel in wagons, of a square box-like shape, 
some with framed, some with wickerwork sides. They have two 
solid wheels, secured to the a*le by a linch-pin; and are drawn 











s 1 


by four oxen alweast. The sea-contingent travel in ships which show 
a marked resemblance to that of the Phaestos Disk. The keel is 
curved (more so at Medinet Habu than at Phaestos) and both bow 
and stem rise high above the deck, with ornamental finials. A rudder- 
oar projects from the stem ; and at Medinet Habu (not at Phaestos) 
a mast rises from the middle of the boat, with a yard and a lug-sail. 
The ships are fitted with oars, which in the summary Phaestos 
hieroglyphic are not shown. 

The warriors in the coalition are armed with a sword and with the 
long Carian spear ; they have also daggers and javelins for throwing, 
and cany circular shields. 

A number of enamelled tablets, once forming part of the decoration 
of the temple, have been described, 1 and these add some further 
valuable details. They show prisoners in full costume, not the summary 
fighting costume. A number of these do not concern us, being Semitic 
or North African; but a Shekeksk, a Philistine, and one of the 
Turtiha are represented, if Daressy's identifications are to be accepted. 
Unfortunately there is no explanatory inscription with the figures. 

The Shekebsh has a yellow-coloured skin, a small pointed beard, 
not meeting the lower lip. His hair is combed backward, in a way 
remarkably similar to the hair of the woman in the Phaestos disk 
(or he wears a crimped head-dress). He is apparelled in a gown, black 
with yellow circles above, green below, with vertical folds; over 
this is a waistband divided into coloured squares by bands of green. 
On his breast he wears an amulet, in the shape of a ring suspended 
round his neck by a cord. A sort of torque [or a chain] surrounds 
his neck, and his hands are secured in a handcuff. 

The Philistine is more fully bearded: he has likewise a yellow- 
coloured skin. The top of the tablet is unfortunately broken, so 
only the suggestion of the plumed head-dress is to be seen. He wears 
a long white robe with short sleeves, quatrefoil ornament embroidered 
upon it, and with some lines surrounding the neck ; over this is 
a waistband extending from the knees up to the breast, with elaborate 
embroidery upon it : a tassel hangs in the middle. On the arms are 
bracelets. The face of this prisoner is of a much more refined cast 
than any of the others. 

The supposed Turisha has a red skin : his costume resembles that 
of the Philistine, but it is less elaborately embroidered. Three long 
ornamental tassels hang from the waistband. 

(3) In a country like Palestine, frequently plundered and possessing 

1 Dansssy, 'Plaquettes <?maill(*es de Medinet Habu,' in Annales du Service des 
Antiqwtb d* Pj%ypfe, vol. xi, p. 49. 


a climate that does not permit of the prt'servatioji of fre-etK* and 
similar ancient records e cannot hope to find anything like the rich 
documentation that Egypt offer* UN on the <uhjeet of commerce. 
Some suggestive facts may, however, be learnt from finds made Sn 
recent excavations, more especially jxittcry with coloured decoration. 
This will be found described in the section on pottery in my JEmtvatkm 
ofGezer, vol. ii, pp. 128-241. 

Fig. 10. A Bird, as painted ou an Amorite and a Philistine Vase respectively. 

Putting aside details, for which I may refer the reader to that 
work, it may be said that the periods, into which the history 
down to the fall of the Hebrew monarchy is divided, are five in 
number ; to these have been given the names pie-Semitic, and First 
to Fourth Semitic. The Second Semitic, which I have dated 1800- 
1400 B.C., the time which ends in the Tell el-Amania period, shows 
Egyptian and Cypriote influence in its pottery, and here for the first 
time painted ornament becomes prominent. The figures are outlined 
in broad brush strokes, and the spaces are filled in afterwards, wholly 


or partly, with strokes in another colour. The subjects are animals, 
birds, fishes, and geometrical patterns generally, and there can be 
little doubt that they are crude local imitations of models of I^ate 
Minoan warp, directly imported into the country. The Third Semitic, 
1400-1000 B.C., includes the time of the Philistine supremacy: and 
though I have dated the beginning of the period rather earlier 
than the time of their arrival, the peculiar technique of painted 
pottery that distinguishes it need not be dated so early, and may well 
linve been introduced by them, as it certainly comes to an abrupt end 
about the time of their fall. In this there is a degeneration observable 
as compared with the best work of the Second Semitic ware. The 
design* had in fact become 4 hieratic \ and the fine broad lines in 
*eu*ral colours had given place to thin-line monochrome patterns, 
which will be found illustrated in the book referred to. 

Hie Philistines thus, in this particular art, show an inferiority to 
their Semitic predecessors. The reason is simple : they were removed 
farther in time from the parent designs. But the sudden substitution 
of the fine-line technique of the Third Semitic period for the broad-line 
technique of the Second, while the general plan of the designs remains 
the same, can be most easily accounted for by the assumption that 
the art passed from one race to another. And the sudden disappearance 
of the fine-line technique coincides so completely with the subjugation 
of the Philistines, that we can hardly hebitate to call painted ware 
displaying the peculiar Third Semitic characters * Philistine'. This 
may be a valuable help for future exploration. 

The five graves found at Gezer, of which a fully illustrated detailed 
description will be found in Excavation of Gezer, vol. i, pp. 289-300, 
were so absolutely different from native Palestinian graves of any 
period that unless they were those of Philistines or some other foreign 
tribe they would be inexplicable. They were oblong rectangular 
receptacles sunk in the ground and covered with large slabs. Each 
contained a single body stretched out (not crouched, as in the Canaanite 
interments), the head, with one exception, turned to the east. Orna- 
ments and food-deposits were placed around. The mouth-plate 
found on some of the skeletons was an important link with Cretan 
tradition, and the graves, as a whole, show decided kinship with the 
shaft-graves of Knossos or Mycenae, although naturally the art-centre 
has shifted to Cyprus, which was the origin of such of the deposits as 
had no Egyp tian analogies. The bones from these tombs presented 
analogies with Cretan bones (see p. 60 ante) ; but of course five skeletons 
are quite insufficient as a basis for anthropological deductions. 

With further excavation the debt of Palestinian civilization to the 


Philistines will probably be found to be even greater than the fore- 
going paragraphs would suggest. Briefly, the imprison which the 
daily study of objects found in excavation has made on the present 
writer is, that from about 1400-1200 u.r. onwards to about bOO s.r. 
Western Palestine was the >cene of a struggle between the Aegean 
and Egyptian civilizations, with a .slight mingling of Mesopotaniiaii 
influence, and that the local tribes took a merely passive interest in 
the conflict and made no contribution whatever to its development. 

(4) The Biblical and other literary sources point to the same 

Let us take as an illustration the art of Architecture. It i> notable 
that the only Palestine temples we read about in the Old Testament, 
until the building of Solomon's temple, are the houses of the Philistine 
deities. 1 Yahweh has a simple tent ; the Canaanite deities have to 
be content with their primitive High Places open areas of ground 
with rude pillar-stones. But Gaza, Ashdod, and Beth-Shan have 
their temples, and most likely the place called Beth-Car and some of 
the Beth-Dagons derived their Semitic names from some conspicuous 
temples of gods of the Philistine pantheon. 

We can deduce something as to the architecture of the Gaza 
temple from the account of its destruction by Samson (Judges xvi). 
There were two groups of spectators a large crowd (the figure SOCO 
need not be taken literally) on the roof, and the lords and their 
attendants inside. If Samson was also inside, those on the roof 
could not have seen him, for no Tiypaethrum of any probable size 
would have allowed any considerable number to enjoy the sport. 
Samson must therefore have been outside the temple ; and it follows 
that the lords and their attendants must have been, not in an enclosed 
naos, but under an open portico. That is to say, the structure must 
have been a building of the megaron type. When Samson rested 
just where we should expect, at the edge of the grateful shade of the 
portico, where he could the more quickly recover his strength but 
would be at a respectful distance from the Philistine notables he 
seized the wooden pillars of the portico, which probably tapered 

1 Except the temple at Shechem 'Judges viii. 33 ix. 46 . The events described 
as taking place there certainly postulate a covered building. This, however, is 
perhaps no real exception : it may have originally been a Philistine structure. 
It was dedicated to a certain Baal- or ELBerith. But ' the Lord of the Covenant* 
is a strange name for a local fatal -. can it be that Berith is a corruption of B/MTO- 
[/u/mff] ? The Book of Judges was probably written about the sixth century B. c. : 
by then the temple was most likely a ruin, and the memory of its dedication might 
easily hare become obscured. The curious expression in Ezekiel, commented upon 
on p. 6 anfe, might be similarly explained : by the ordinary canons of criticism the 
difficult original reading is to be preferred to the easy emendation there quoted. 



downwards in the Mycenean style. He pushed them off their bases 
by * bowing himself with all his might \ and, the portico being distyle 
und having thus no other support, he brought the whole structure 
down. Only a Jtiegurvn plan will satisfy all the conditions of the story. 
Buildings Mich as this must have been familiar to David in Gath, 
and perhaps the sight of them suggested to his mind the idea of 
erecting a more worthy temple to his own Deity, as soon as he came 
snto his kingdom. And when the work was carried out by Solomon, 
we see that the same model was followed. 

-30 ;- k -20 

Fig. 1 1 . Sketch-plans and Elevations of the Marneion at Gaza and of Solomon's 
Temple (accessory buildings ofeitted). The dimensions of the latter are figured 
in cubits : the former is not to scale. 

The description in 1 Kings vi, vii is not an architect's specification, 
and it has numerous technical terms hard to understand. Many 
attempts have been made to design a building which should conform 
to this account, helped out by the not always trustworthy Josephus. 
The mutual incompatibility of these restorations (to say nothing of 
their prima facie architectural improbability) is sufficient to deter the 
presgut-writer from attempting to add to their number. The main 


lines of the description are, however, clear enough to ,4u>w with what 
kind of building we have to deal. We need not attempt to assign 
a place to the subsidiary external buildings in three stories their 
winding stairs and other appurtenances, erected against the outsitle 
of the main structure. But we note that the latter wa* oblong, 60 
cubits long, SO cubits high, and 20 cubits broad. The*e figure* show 
a classical sense of proportion for which we look in vain in any ancient 
building that excavation has revealed in Palestine. A portico in 
front, of the breadth of the house, was 20 cubits broad and 30 cubits 
deep. Here again the dimensions are proportioned. The portico 
was distyle, like that in the temple of Gaza : the two pillars were 
called by names which show that they were xor masseboth *the 
stablisher' and * strength in if are very suitable names for pillars 
that have to bear the responsibility of keeping up a heavy portico. 
These pillars had shafts 18 cubits long, and capitals 5 cubits high 
a total length of 23 cubits, which leaves, when subtracted from the 
height of the building, 7 cubits, a margin that is just about sufficient 
for the entablature above and the plinth below. At the opposite end 
of the building *the oracle ' or *the most holy place ** corresponds 
exactly to the opisthodomos. It was 20 cubits square, which left 
a naos, measuring 30 cubits by 20, in the middle of the building : the 

* forty cubits * of 1 Kings vi. 16 evidently includes the portico. 

With regard to the ordinary domestic architecture of the Philis- 
tines, it must be admitted that the excavations which have been made 
in Philistine towns do not lead us to infer that they were on the 
whole much better housed than their Semitic neighbours. Amos, it 
it true, speaks of the 4 palaces ' of Gaza and Ashdod (i. 8, iii. 9) ; but 
this is rather a favourite word (n wwt) of the prophet's, and he finds 

* palaces * in other towns as well. To a rough herdsman many build- 
ings would look palatial, which when viewed from another standpoint 
would hardly make the same impression. 

One of the Philistine tombs at Gezer contained a small knife of iron ; 
and this leads us at once to a discussion of fundamental importance. 

Inserted into the account of the battle of Michmash there is a very 
remarkable passage (1 Sam. xiii. 19-28). It is corrupt, and so*e 
parts of it cannot be translated, but the meaning of it seems to be 
something like this : * Now there was no smith found throughout all 
the land of Israel, for the Philistines said, " Lest the Hebrews make 
them sword or spear." But all the Israelites went down to the 
Philistines to sharpen every man his share, and his coulter, and his 
axe and his ox-goad (?).' The next verse is too corrupt to translate, 
and then the passage proceeds : c In the day of battle there was neither 


word nor spear in the hand of any of the people, except with Saul 

and Jonathan themselves." 

This is sometimes referred to as a * disarmament , but there is no 
hint of anvthing of the kind. It simply says that the Philistines kept 
the monoiwlv of the iron trade in their own hands, and naturally 
restricted the sale of weapons of offence to the Hebrews, just as 
modern civilized nations have regulations against importing firearms 
among subject or backed communities. The Hebrews were just 
emerging from the bronze age culture. Iron agricultural implements 
which seem slightly to precede iron war-weapons, had been introduced 
among them ' ; but the novelty of iron had not worn off by the time 
of Solomon when he built his temple without the profaning touch of 

this metal (1 Kings vL 7)^ when Joshua made flint kmves t0 
perform the sacred rite of circumcision (Joshua v. 2) ; the old traditions 
must be maintained in religious functions. The champions of the 
Philistines, of course, were able to use iron freely, although for defensive 
purposes they still use bronze. 2 

Goliath had a bronze helmet, a bronze cuirass of scale-armour (not 
a mail-coat, as in the English translation), bronze greaves, and a bronze 
javelin \ but a spear with a great shaft and a heavy head of iron. 
The armour of * Ishbi-benob ' was probably similar, but the text 
is corrupt and defective. The armour of Goliath is indeed quite 
Homeric, and very un-Semitic. The mrtq vd-yx&KOS, the 
and the enormous spear 

are noteworthy in this connexion, especially the greaves, the Hebrew 
word for which (nrtto) occurs nowhere else. The 0<Spa Atiri&wnfe 
alone would seem post-Homeric, but this is an argumentum e slkntlo. 
Fragments of a scale-cuirass, in iron, and of a rather later date, were 
found in the excavation of Tell Zakariya, overlooking the scene where 
the battle is laid (Excavations in Palestine, p. 150). But the culture 
that Goliath?s equipment illustrates, like his ordeal by single combat, 
is much more European or Aegean than Palestinian. 

* Sec the essay on * Bronze and Iron' in Andrew Lang's TJi* World of Homer, 
pp. 96-10*. 

An elaborate paper, entitled * Die Erfinder der Eisentechnik ', by W. Belck, will 
be found in Zatekriftftir Etknoloffig (1907), p. S3*. It claims the Philistines as the 
original inventors of the smith's art That is, perhaps, going a little too far. 

Greaves appear to be unknown in Oriental or Egyptian warfare. See Darem- 
berg and Sagiio, Dtcf. ds* ctntf. gr* ft ran., s. v. Ocrea. 

* IL vi Si& 


In the report of Wen-Amon we found that the Zakkala were busy 
in the Phoenician ports, and had large influence in Phoenicia. The 
representations of Phoenician ships, such as the sadly damaged fresco 
which W. Max Miiller has published, 1 shows them to have been 
identical in type with the ships of the Pulasati. It is highly probable 
that further research will show that it was due to the influence of 
the * Peoples of the Sea* that the Phoenicians were induced to take 
to their very un-Semitic seafaring life. And it is also probable that 
it was due to Zakkala influence that the same people abandoned the 
practice of circumcision, as Herodotus says they did when they had 
commerce with * Greeks \ 2 

An interesting question now arises. Was it to the Philistines and 
their kinsmen that the civilized world owes the alphabet? The 
facts that suggest this query may be briefly stated. For countless 
generations the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and probably the Hittites, 
had been lumbering away with their complex syllabaries; scripts as 
difficult to learn and to use as is the Chinese of to-day. As in 
China, the complexity of the scripts was a bar to the diffusion 
of learning : the arts of reading and writing were perforce in the 
hand of specially trained guilds of scribes. No one thought of the 
possibility of simplifying the complexities; while current * hieratic' 
forms of the letters might come into being with hasty writing, all 
the elaborate machinery of syllables and ideograms and determinatives 
was retained without essential modification. 

Suddenly we find that a little nation in Syria appears to have 
hit upon a series of twenty-two easily-written signs by which the 
whole complex system of the sounds of their language can be expressed 
with sufficient clearness. If it was really the Phoenicians, of all 
people, who performed this feat of analysis, it was one of the most 
stupendous miracles in the history of the world. That the Phoenicians 
ever originated the alphabet, or anything else, become* more and more 
impossible to believe with every advance of knowledge. 

The alphabet makes its appearance soon after the movements of 
the ' sea-peoples \ Zakar-Baal is found keeping his accounts, not 
on day tablets (and therefore not in cuneiform) but on papyrus, 
which he imports from Egypt in large quantities. And we are 
tempted to ask if the characters he used were some early form of 
the signs of the so-called * Phoenician' alphabet* 

The oldest specimen of this alphabet yet found has come to 
light in Cyprus: the next oldest is the far-famed Moabite Stone. 

* Ififlfc. der voritowt. Gc*e!L (19M), 2, plate iii. II. 10*. 


W. Max Miiller 1 cleverly infers from some peculiarities in the 
rendering of names in the list of Sheshonk's captured towns, that 
the .scribe of that document was working from a catalogue in which 
the names were written in the Phoenician alphabet. This would 
bring the use of thi* alphabet in Palestine back to about 930 B.C., 
or about a century earlier than the Moabite Stone. A letter in 
nee-Babylonian cuneiform, probably not much earlier than this, and 
certainly of local origin, was found at Gezer: the date of the 
introduction of the Phoenician alphabet is thus narrowed down 
very closely. 

Whence came the signs of this alphabet ? De Rouge's theory, 
which derived them from Egyptian hieratic, was the most reasonable 
of anv, but no longer commands favour. There was for long a script 
of linear signs, strangely resembling the Phoenician alphabet, in use 
in Crete. It must be admitted, however, that so far no very satis- 
factory analogies have been drawn between them, though their 
comparison is not without promise of future fruit. 

But in this connexion the Phaestos Disk once more seems to assume 
importance. We are inclined to ask if it is possible that in the 
script of which this document is so far the sole representative, we 
are to see the long-sought origin ? It is not unreasonable to suppose 
that in process of time the script of the Disk would become simplified 
into just such a linear script as that alphabet : and the principle of 
elision of the terminal vowel of syllables, already noticed in analysing 
the inscription on the Disk, is just what is wanted to help the process 
of evolution over that last most difficult fence, which divides a 
syllabary from a pure alphabet. Suppose that three syllables, Tea, 
ATO, ku 9 represented each by a special symbol, lost their vowel under 
certain grammatical or euphonic conditions; then all three being 
simply pronounced k might in writing become confused, leading 
ultimately to the choice of one of the syllabic signs to denote the 
letter k. Thus an alphabet of consonants would develop, which is 
just what we have in the Phoenician alphabet. The 45 +x characters 
of the original script for we have no guarantee that we have all the 
characters of the script represented on the disk could very easily 
wear down by some such process as this to the twenty-two signs of 
the Phoenician alphabet. 

As to the forms of the letters, in the total absence of intermediate 

links, and our total ignorance of the phonetic value of the Phaestos 

signs, it would be premature to institute any elaborate comparisons 

between the two scripts. The Phaestos Disk is dated not later than 

1 Anen und Ettropa, p. 171. 


1600 B.<\, the Phoenician alpliabet cannot IK* traced even so far back 
as about 1000 B.C., and what may have happened in the intervening 
six hundred years we do not know. But some arresting comparisons 
are already possible. The symbol which I have called (h) might well 
in rapid writing develop into the Phoenician sign aleph. The little 
man running (a) is not unlike some forms of t:&de. The head (e) 
both in name and shape reminds us of rfth. The dotted triangle (i) 
recalls daletk or tetk, the fish (1) in name and to some extent in shape 
suggests nun it is notable that the fish on the Disk always stands 
upright on its tail the five-leaved sprig (w) is something like 
mmekh^ the water-sign () might be mem (the three teeth of the 
Phoenician letter preserving the three lines of the original sign). 
The manacles (z) resembles bet h, the nail-pillar or prop (f) resembles 
va,v in both shape and meaning, the remarkable key (0) simplifies 
into xayiH, the square (a) into gimel, and the object (?) whatever 
it may be, into pe. These tentative equivalents have been added for 
comparison to the table of characters on p. 116. The direction of 
writing is from right to left in each. case. 

The plumed head-dress, so conspicuous as a sign on the Disk, 
connects it with the Philistines : and the evidence afforded u< by 
the Golenischeff papyrus of the Syrian colonies of Philistines, or of 
their near kinsmen the Zakkala, links it with the Phoenicians. Ho\v 
far it may be possible to make further comparisons, with the various 
scripts of Crete, Cyprus, and Asia Minor, are questions which nmjt 
be left for future discoveries and for special research. 

We are not here writing a history of the alphabet : but one or 
two points may be noticed which have a bearing on the subject. 
It is commonly assumed that because the names of the letters have 
a meaning in Semitic, and no meaning in Greek, therefore they are 
Semitic words adapted into Greek. This is, however, a tion seqmtur. 1 
It would be more probable that the borrowing nation should cast 
about for words similar in sound, and possessing a meaning which 
would make the names of the letters easily remembered. Such an 
attempt would be sure to be unsuccessful in some cases : and in point 
of fact there are several letter-names in the Semitic alphabet to which 
the tortures of the Inquisition have to be applied before a meaning 
can be extracted from them through Semitic. It may thus be that 
all the letter-names are a heritage from some pre-Hellenic, non- 
Semitic language: and instead of the old idea of a Phoenician 
Ur-Alphabet from which all the South Semitic, North African, West 

1 See M. Rene Dussaud's paper 4 L*Origine geenne des alphabets smit:qnes* 
in Journal asiatviue, Ser. X, voL v, p. 357. 



Asian, Hellenic, ami Italic alphabetic scripts are derived, we are to 
picture a number of parallel and nearly related alphabets developing 
out of one of the hieroglyphic syllabaries of the Aegean basin one 
of which scripts was taught to the Phoenicians by the despised 
Philippines, Whoever invented the alphabet laid the foundation- 
stone of civilization. Can it be that we owe this gift to the 
Philistine^ of all people ? 

And even this is not all. The rude tribes of Israel were 
forced to wage a long and stubborn fight with the Philistines for 
the possession of the Promised Land. For long it seemed 
doubtful whether Canaan would be retained by the Semitic tribes 
or lost to them : and it is no mere accident that the best-known 
name of the country is derived from that of the sea-rovers. In the 
struggle the Hebrews learned the lessons of culture which they needed 
for their own advancement : and what was more important, they 
learned their own essential unity. The pressure of external opposition 
welded, as nothing else could have done, their loosely-knitted clans into 
a nation. This was the historic function of the Philistines ; they 
Accomplished their task, and then vanished with startling suddenness 
irom the stage. But the Chosen People were led on from strength to 
strength, till they too fulfilled their mission of teaching mankind 
to look forward to a time when the knowledge of the Lord should 
cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. 

Thus the influence of the Philistines remains, even if indirectly, 
a heritage of humanity to the end of time. 


Abarbanel, 100. 

Abimelech, 38, bl. 

Abi-Milki, 19. 

Abraham, 88. 

Achaeans, 25. 

Achish, 51, 52, 60, 02. 6T>, 72. M. 

Adnllam, 53. 

Agenor, 97. 

Ahaz, Philistine revolt under. 65. 

Ahimilki, 65. 

Ahimiti, 64. 

Ahuzzath. 81. 

Aijalon, 63. 

AkaSou, 10, 11, 26 (M aku AcLi-l* 

Akir, 74. 

AlaSia, 8, 19. 

Alcaeus, 26. 

Aldemios, 107. 

Aldioma, 107. 

AUr. At*, &5. 


, . 

Alphabet, origin of, 127. 
Alton, 13, 18, 83, 105, 113. 
Amos, 125 (see ateo f'td' 

Anakim, 60, 68. 
Anath, 41. 
Anchises, 81. 
Antipater of Tarsus, 97. 
Antoninus Liberally 97. 
Aphek, 46. 

Aphrodite, statue of, at Gaza, 108. 
Architecture, Philistine influence on, 


Ark, the, 47. 76, 91. 
Armour of Goliath, 54, 126. 
Arnold, 3. 

Aryans. Philistines probably not, 13. 
Ashdod, 47, 60, 63, 64. 65, 71, 72,81, 100, 

_ history and site of, 73. 

palaces of. 117. 

siege of, 66, 73. 

speech of, 66. 

temple at, 47. 
Ashdodimmu, 64. 73. 
Asher, tribe of, 69. 
Ashkelon, 37, 40, 95, 97. 

coins of, 112. 

history and site of, 71. 
Asbtoreth, Ashtaroth, 93. 

temple of, 52, 91. 

*n , - 

Assyrian annals, Philistines in, 63 sqq. 
Astarte, 95 (see also Ashtoreth). 
Aswan, Jewish colony at, 11, 41. 

Avvim, o, 6 
Azuri king of 
Azuri cltv eaiturd i-v 
64. " 

Badyrw, 30, J>3. 

Bauer. 74. 
Baur, 27. 
Belcher, 13. 
Beit Bejiin, 7t 
Bekk, 1S6. 
Bene-Berak. (U. 
Benesasira, 10. 44. 
Benjamin of Tudelw, 72. 
Berossoy, 104. 

Beth-Car, 27, 48, 49, 98. 

Beth-Pagon. 42. <U, W, Ho. 
I Beth-Shan, 52, 91, 93. 

Beth-Sheme*h, 4J>, tt3, 76. 
1 Birch. 82. 
1 Body-guard of Hebrew kings, Philistine, 


1 Bones of Philistines. (V*. 
!$ovliLn, 105. 
; Breasted, 19, 20. 21, 29. 

Britomartis, 96,^97, 9b r 99, 123. 

Bpvrov, BI/ITTOS, J*. 

Burrow*. 15. 

Byblos, 8, 30 &q., 3*5. 

; Callimaelms, 96. 
' Callinus, 28. 
! Calmet, 11. 

Can opus, decree of. 11. 

Caphtor, Caphtorim, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 27. 

Cappadocia, 11, 12. 
i Canans, Carites, 7,25, 20, 1. 

Carpathos, 27. 

Casluhim, 4, 5, 12, 28. 
i Caunus, 26. 
I Chariots, 40, 43. 
1 Chassiuat, 81. 
, Cherethites,5,61,8S,4>y. 
' Cicero, 105. 
' Cilicia, Cilicians, 12, 25. 

Circumci&ion, 21, 39, 46. 


Cloiro. 88. 

CoteBum*, 12. 

Conway, vj. 

CoruHi, 0. 

Cnt, Ciirian, fti. 

Crete, Cretan*. fi, 9. in, 1$. 

me*eiigrft from, to Egypt, s. 

Zteedaiu*, W. 

Dagon, Dugan, 40, 81, 90. lot. 

image of, 100. 

uamts compounded with, 103, 104. 

U-mpIea of, 07. 73. 90, 91, 1*0. 
Dagon, A place J*y Jericho. 61* ^> . 

AaXW' 2S. 
Damascia*, 104, 112. 
Dan, tril* of, 3s, 69. 
Dunaoi, 25. 

Danuna, Danunu, 19, 2, 24, 25. 
Iterdazm, 19. 25. 

Deborah, suag <*f, i)S. 40, 41, '.to. 

lK'ir^dh-Dhu!l>&ii. 77. 

Delilah, 55. 61. 81. 87. 

Itetair insi*riptinn at. 94. 

Iteha, 12. 

Deirioeratlc Instincts of Philistine*, 68. 

Derketo, 93, i^. 

y, 114. 
Bhikenn, 77*. 

Diodorus Sieulus, iK"i, 1H>, IK*. 
JOodecapylon, 111. 
Dome of the Bock, Jerusalem, 111. 112. 
Dor, do, 3 

Eten*Exer. 47. 

Etron, 4o, 47, C2, 64. T>. 71. 
history and site rf, 7i. 
Ekron-Saphonnb, 74. 
ElwesL, 2(). 24, 2:>. 

Eli, 40. 

El-Tekeh, 1& 04. 76. 

Ephes-Dainmizn. 5(., 54, 07. 

Epiphanius of Coubtantia. 113. 

Erman. 20. 

Esar-haddon, C5. 

Eahmu&asuir. Hft2. 

Etruscans, i;L 82, &S T 59, 91. Iu5, 117. 

Europe 97. 

Evans, 15. 

Ewald, 0. 

Fcsdvals, 9(. 

Featns 7 105. 

Fish, sacred, 95. 

avoided by Syrians, 97. 

Foonoont. 2. 

Fntzt*r, 2x 

Gath, 47, 51, 54, <MJ, 71, 89. 

history and site of, 72. 
Gatis, 97. 

Gaza, 40, ? 65-67, 71, 100, 106. 

coins of, 15, 112. 

history and site of, 71. 

temples of, 108. 

Geba, 49, 53, 54, 56, 58. 

Gederoth, 63. 

George, St.. and the Dragon, 93. 
j Gesenius. 2. 
' Gezer, 56, 59, 62, 122. 
; Gibbethon, 62. 
; GibeahofGod, 4S>. 


Gilboa. 52. 
, Gimzo, 63. 
! Gob, 55, 56. 

i Golenischeff Papyrus, 24, 29 (jsee also 
\ Wen-Amon) . 
; Goliath. 50, 54, 60, 61. 81, 126. 
I Governors, Philistine, in Hebrew terri- 
1 tory, 49, 88. 
! Guylm, 43. 
i Greaves, 126. 

; Habiru. 18. 

i Hadad-Nirari III conquers the Philis- 

1 tines. 63. 

I Hadrian. 111. 

Hall, H.'R., 5, 7, S. 16. 27, 116. 

Hanunu, king of Gaza. 63. 

Harosheth, 42. 

Harris Papyrus, 23. 

Hazael. 62. 

Head-dress of Philistines, S3. 87 ^ 
also Crest). 

Hebrews in Philistine service, 52. 

Herodotus, 6, 12, 26, 47, 65, 66. 73, 94, 

Hesychius, 96. 
j Hezekiah, 63, 64. 
i Hierapolis, 95. 
> Hittites, 18. 

Hitzig, 3. 12, 81. 

Hrihor,29. ' 

Hroznf , 104, 105. 

Human sacrifice, 91, 109. 110. 

Hunger, 92. 

laxnblichus, 92. 

Ikasamsu, 81. 

Ikausu, 65, 81. 

Ikhnaton, 18, 19. 

Images used as amulets, 91. 

Insanity, Semitic attitude towards, 51. 

Iron, introduction of, 125. 

Isaac, 38. 

Ish-baal or Ish-bosheth, 52. 

Ishbi-benob, 55, 60. 

Ittai, 61, 81. 

Jabin, 42. 


J&bneh, 6& 

Jehoram, Philistine revolt und-r. 61, 62. 

Jehoshaphat, Philistines tributaries to. 


Jensen, 104. 
Jerome, 99, 103. 11& 
Jest, Egyptian, 34. 
Jonah, 98. 

Jonathan Maccabaeus, *7. 
Jonathan, son of Shimei. 57. 
Joppa, 64. 

Josephus, 1, 12, titt. 7, 1*2, 100, H6, 124. 
Justin, 37. 

Kadesh, 66. 

Kadytis, 65 

Kalt, 44. 

Kamphausen, rS. 

Karnak, temple of, S, 2<>. 

Kasios Mountain, 12. 

Kanata, inscription at. 113. 

Keftiu, 7-11, 14. 

Keilah, 51, 57. 

Kelekeah, 19, 24, 25. 

Kimhi, David, 1<X>, lul. 

Kingbhlp, Hebrew, foundation of. 4S. 

Kiriath-Jearim, 48. 

Kirkmichael, holy well at, 03. 

Knobel, 12. 

Knossos, 9, 10. 1$, 122. 

Knudtzon, 19. 103. 

KChler, 12. 

Kom Ombo. 4, 11. 

Lagarde, 100. 

Lakeinacher, 6. 

Lampridius, 113. 

Land of Philistines, borders <f, 6b. 

physical character of, 78. 
Lang, 126. 

Language, 50, 79. 

Leaping over threshold. 62 < v * ate i 

Threshold). ! 

Xieleges,26. i 

Lenormant, 92. 1 
Levi, Babbi, 100. 

Libnah, 62. j 

Libyans, 20. 21. j 

Lords of Philistines. 46. 87. , 

Lucian, 95, 97, 98. j 

Lncumones, 88. i 

Lnkku, 19. 20, 25. i 
Lycians, 25. 

their tombs, 117. , 

Maeonia, 25. 

Magical formula in Keftian language, 


Maiouma, 71. 
Makamaru, 30, 81. 
Manoah, 46. 
Maoch, 81. 

Marcus the Deacon, 91, 106. 
Harinus, 113. 
Marna, 2, 15. 71. 91, 106. 107, 113. 

7 ^1*3. r I-L 
. 4. 

, 24, ti*>. 

Xwdiurt Hiihu. 12, 2 
117, 118. 

iieb. t^mb of, H, 
form of d^itv. 5*S H 

Mcthvu ha-ammuli, 
Meyer" E. , 7ik 
M*y*r 3CA. , . 

Mxehrai^h, tattte ^f, 

Military equipment i 

Mlnt-t ^1-Kal'aL, 74. 

Miiiua, 15'. 

Minoau P^rioda. ir> -qq. 

Minos. 2rt, 46, Sw;. 

Mitinti, king of A-hkel^ii, *'*-". *K 

Mnobeiib, 97. 

Moabite ^tone, 12s. 

Moore, 40. 41. 

Movers 2. 

Muller, \V. Max. S. 9. 2<i. IL'. 24. 

29, 58. 81. 1LS, 127. 
Myia, 25. 

Neht- miaiu tV',. 
Xefiubenelide-d, 2*J. 
Neubauer, 75, 1*>7. 

12. :59. 

Cannes, 104. 

Obed-Edom, <>I. 

Odakon, 104. 

Ophiu&sa, 27. 

Oracle at Ekron. t'2, 91, lirt'*. 

Oceans, 25. 

Padi, 64, . 
Pamphylia, SV. 
Pantheon, 111, 112. 
Paton, 104. 
Pausanias, 96, 105. 
Pedasus, 25. 
Pfilasgians, 2, 12. 26. 
Pelethites, 6. 61. 
Peoples of the btu. 1^ iaqq,. 
Perseus. 98. 
Pet-auset, statue <f, 82. 
Petrie, 21, 27. 
Phaestos. 16. 

Disk, 26, 83 &<iq., lOtf. 115. 
Phicol, 81. 

Philistia in the time of Abraham, &*. 

fertility of. 62, 114. 
Philistine, the name, 1, 2. 

language, 48. 
Philitis, Philition, ? 12. 
Philo, 102, 103. 
Phoenicians, 13. 

Philistine influence on, 69. 127. 
Pidasa, 19, 24. 25. 

Pisidia, 25. 




Pottery, Philistine, 121. 
PraftKM iiweriptions, 4S, 82. 
. UK*. 

Skips, 117, 120, 127. 

Shocho, 63. 

Shnnammite sojourns among Phil istines, 

IT., * .* Sibbecai, 55. 

Prophetic denunciation* >f Philistines, I Sidcm, 33, 37. ^ 

l*u)aftati t Furc^atn, 23. 24, 

I. !'.. 

HI, 21,22. :JT. 

VI, 14. 

IX, 34. 

XII, I".*. 
Eapha. M. 
Bedriofc, & 

Heinaeh A. J/, #;. 115 f 117. 
Eekhmara, tomb of, 8. 9, 11, 12. 
Re&an, 60. 

Bephaites, BepUaim, tt, 6&. 
Rephaim, Philistine i-amp at, 5i>. 
Rhinocolum, C8. 

Rib-Addi, 10, 25. 
River of Egypt, ;. 
Roi, 63. 

Rukipti, king of Ashkelmi. GO. 

fcfagalassus, 25. 
iNUEnson, 3H. 44, 87, 1<H>. 
Samuel. 47, 4i*. 


School xreise-tablet Hieratic, 10 7 44, 


8ehrftder T 68. 
Sehwally, 19. 

Sea-moaaters, fttt. 
Selden, U7. 
Semirmmis, 99. 
Sen-rout, tomb of, 8. 
Sennacherib, 64, 104. 

Sempis, I13L 

Seren, 4S, 79, 87 (secoiw Lord* . 

Shaukgar, 41. 

Shanunah the Haiarite, 42, 57. 

Sheehem, temple at, 123. 

SbekeUfeh, 20, 22, 24, 25. 

Shea, 52. 

Sheardaxra. 19, 20, 22, 24. 

Sheehonk. 59. 


Skinner, 4. 

Slave-trade, 71, 114. 

Smith ,G. A. ,,114. 

Smith (H. P.;, 47. 

Solinus, 96. 

Soothsaying, 01. 

Sonek, valley of, 45. 

Speech of Ashdod, 73. 

Spiegelberg. 10. 

Stade, 13. 

Stark, 12. 

Stephanus of Byzantium, 15, 28, 72, 1)7, 


Strabo, 26, 27, 28. 66. 
Sntu, is. 

Symbolic initial of Marna, 112. 
Syntax of names in Hebrew, 3. 

Table of nations, 1, 4, 28. 

Tacitus, 15. 

Tages, 105. 

Tarsus, 25. 

Tell el-Amarna, 19. 

Tell es-Safi, 56, 72. 

Tell Zakariya, 126. 

Temple, Solomon's, 124. 

Temples, Philistine, 123. 

Tent-Amon, 29. 

Teuerians, 28. 

Thargelia, 91. 

Thera, 18. 

Threshold, rites connected with, 102, 


Thutmose HI, 7-9. 
Tiele, 13. 

Tiglath-PUeser III, 63. 
Tlmnath, 63. 
Tobit, 104. 
Toy, 6. 

Traditions, modern, of Philistines, 67. 
Trees, sacred, 58. 

Tribal subdivisions of Philistines, 88. 
Troas, 24. 
Trumbull, 102. 
Turisha, 20, 24. 
Tyrrhenians, 24. 

Urania, 94, 95. 
Uzriah, 62, 72. 


Warati, 30, 81. 

Washasha, 22, 25, 27. 

Waddington, 113. 

j Weill, 25, 27, 28. 
i Wellhausen, 101. 
t Wen-Amon, 29, 69. 81. 127. 


Wilkinson, 8. Zakar-Baal, W, 127. 

Winckler, 19, 52, 92, <4, H'ci. Zakkala, 22, 21, 35. :)<, *>s, ii;*. 

Wredemann. 14. Zakro t 27. 

Zk^rnutah, 70. 
Xanthus, 07. Zcv; dirv/iuof. 02. 

Caret*, 38, 27. 

Yamani, 04. Zibel, king of Gaza. 'V*. 

Yaruna, 19, 24. Zitlka, <U. 

Ziklag, 1JJ, M, 52 t *U. 71 . SI. *'.. 



\ IV fa tt fh? Eutifoh iwibt M*iftH *f* ft/*** diffwffwit fhr Hrftmr* the farmer 

*ttu* M* x. *, 13. 11: i. 2*> 

3 Samuel xviii. 1 : 57. 

xii< ** : *. 

, xviii. :;> :_W. 

\ii. I**-!}** : J**, 

xix. 7 : 57. 

xv. 1 : . 

xx vii. 2: sS 

xx. 1-1S : -*X 

xxvii. r : . 

xxi J-iU : ?JS, iW. 

xxix. 2 : IHi. 

xxvl. J-2*l : J>$, &', S 1 *. 

xxix. :*, i* : S. 

Exrxta* xiit. 17: !Bt. 

xxx. 14: 5.59. 

xv. 11 : :i. 

xxxi. 9 : 91. 

xxxiii 31 : J. ^ 

2 Samae! v. 2 : 57. 

v. 17-21: 4,53. 


v. 21 : !. 

JcvyliUit v. 2 : !* 

v. 22-25: 53. 

xS 21 : >. *W. 

viii. 1 : 53. 

xii. 2:5 : 4:;. 

xviii. 3 : 55. 

tiii.3-3:4,4<>. 13,fi3,7J. 

xx. 23 : 7. 

xHi. 4 : 5. 

xxi. 12, 17: 4,55. 

xv. 11: 74. 

xxi. IS, 19: 56. 

xvii. 16: 4-1. 

xxi. 22 : I5f. 

xix. 27 : fit*. 

xxiii. 9 : 57. 

xix. 40 : 7t>. 

xxiii. 11 : 42. i 

xix. 43: 74. 

1 Kings ii. 39 : 60. 

Judges I lb, 19 : 4, -4S, M, 

iv.!9:49. ! 


i ;v. 21 : 88. 

5:1. ^ : 40 t 79. 

vi. vii: 124. i 

in. 31 : 41. 

1 vL 7 : 12>. i 


viL0: 80. 

viii. J-ix. 4ft: 12S. 

ix. 1*>: 59. 

x. 6, 7. 11 : 2, 44, 1<>">. 

xiv. 25 : 59. 

ziiLl f 5: 2. 

2 Kings i. 2 : 77, 91. 

xiv. 2: 2. 

xi. 4, 19 : 7. 

xvi. 23-31: 41, ',*0, 123. 

xii. 18 : 63. 

xviii. 2 : tfs. 

xviii. 8 : 63, 71, 89. 

1 Samuel iv : 46. 

xviii 14 : 64. 

v. 1-5 ; 62, St), 10t). 

1 Chronicles iv. 19 : 45. 

vL 1^ : W*. 

vii. 12 : 6. 

vii : 48. 

xi. 13 : 4, 42, 57. 

vii. 11, 12: 4.27,47, 52. 

xiv, S-12: 1,54. 

ix.16: 49. 

xiv 13-16: 54. 

X. 5 : 49. 

xviii. 1 : 54. 

xiii. 5 : 90. 

xx. 4: 50. 

xiii. 19-23: 4. 125. 

2 Chronicles xi. 8 : 73. 

xiv. 3 : 48, 76. 

xxi. 16 : 4. 

xvL 14-18: 57. 

xxvi. 14: 80. 

xvi. 21 : 54. 

xxviii. 18 : 63. 

xvii : 54 r fej*}. 

Ezra ii. 53 : 62. J 

xvii. 51-54 : 4, 75. 

Xehemiah iv. 7 : 66. 

' XehemiaU vii. 55 : *>2. 

J xiii. 23. 24 : Wi. 

I Pbulin xxxiv. title : 3s. 

Is. fc-12 : fil. 

Ixxxiii : f>6. 

Ixxxiii. ; 42. 

Ixxxvii. : 70. 

cviii. 7-10: 1. 
Isaiah ii. : 91. 

ix. 1 : 43. 

ix.12: 2.(J3. 

x.32: 51, 

xx. 1 : C4. 

xxviii. 21 : 54. 

xlvi. 1 : 99. 
Jeremiah vii. 14 : 76. 

xxv. 20 : 73, H$. 

xlvii, 1 : 05. 

xlvii.4: 5, 11. 
Ezekiel xvi. 27 : 70. 

xxiii. 24 : 80. 

xxv. 16 : 6, S3. 

xxx. 5:0. 123. 

xliv. 7 : 01. 
Joel iii. 4 : 43. 
i Amos i. : 71. 

i.S: 73,88,125. 

iii. 9 : 73, 125. 

vi. 2 : 73 

ix. 7: 1.5, 11,13. 
tticahi. 10: 72. 
Zephaniah i. 8. 9 : 62. 102. 

ii. 4 : 69, 74. 

ii. 5 : 6. 

ii. 6 : 13. 
Zechariah ix. 5 : 88. 

ix. 7: 70. 
Ecclosiasticus L 26 : 70. 

1 Maccabees v. 68 : 78. 
x.S3,S4: 47.67,73,106. 
xi. 4 : 67. 

xiv. 34: 89. 
xvi. 15 : 69. 

2 Maccabees xii. 40 : 91. 
Matthew xii. 24: 91. 

' John viii. 6: 51.