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D.Theol.  (Marburg),  D.D.  (Aberdeen);  Professor  of  New  Testament 

Exegesis  in  the  University  of  Heidelberg;  Professor 

Designate  in  the  University  of  Berlin 



Butler  and  1  anner,  T/te  Scltuotd  Printing  Wotk*,  l'roinf.t  ami  London 





WHEN  Dr.  Rendel  Harris  invited  me  to  give 
a  series  of  lectures  to  the  Cambridge  Sum- 
mer School  of  the  Free  Churches  (July  and 
August,  1907)  on  the  present  state  of  the 
study  of  the  Greek  Bible,  I  hesitated  to 
accept  the  invitation  because  I  am  only 
able  to  speak  English  very  imperfectly. 

But  three  material  considerations  tri- 
umphed over  the  one  formal  objection. 

In  the  first  place,  my  subject,  namely 
the  Greek  Bible  and  its  scientific,  particu- 
larly its  linguistic  study,  is  regarded  with 


viii  PREFACE 

singularly  great  interest  by  wide  circles 
in  the  countries  where  English  is  spoken. 

Secondly,  it  is  in  no  small  measure 
British  scholars  who,  by  the  discovery  and 
publication  of  important  linguistic  material, 
have  made  the  most  valuable  contributions 
to  Biblical  philology. 

Thirdly,  it  is  to  the  industry  and  energy 
of  British  scholars  that  we  owe  a  number 
of  great  works  of  fundamental  importance 
to  the  study  of  the  Greek  Bible.  These 
were  reasons  enough  for  me  to  regard  the 
invitation  to  Cambridge  not  only  as  a  great 
honour  but  also  as  a  welcome  opportunity 
to  discharge  a  debt  of  gratitude  to  British 
Biblical  scholarship. 

There  was  added,  moreover,  the  pleasant 
prospect  of  a  few  days  spent  in  company 


with  many  prominent  Christians  of  a 
friendly  country  in  the  discussion  of  various 
great  problems  of  both  scientific  and  prac- 
tical interest.  I  felt  that  I  should  be  able 
to  learn  a  great  deal  from  the  exchange 
of  ideas,  and  I  should  be  helping,  according 
to  my  weak  ability,  to  forge  another  small 
link  in  the  chain  of  Anglo-German  recipro- 
city and  friendship. 

These  considerations  were  stronger  than 
my  first  hesitation.  I  accepted,  therefore, 
and  the  lectures  were  duly  delivered  at 
Cambridge.  I  look  back  with  great  pleasure 
to  the  time  I  spent  there  and  the  innumer- 
able impressions,  interesting  and  instructive, 
that  I  received.  This  little  book,  contain- 
ing my  lectures,  goes  forth  with  a  hearty 
greeting  to  all  my  friends  on  the  other  side 


of  the  Channel — my  old  friends  and  also 
the  new  ones  whose  acquaintance  I  made 
at  Cambridge. 

The  lectures  were  first  published  in  The 
Expositor  (October,  1907-January,  1908), 
and  the  present  edition  in  book  form  en- 
ables me  to  make  a  few  additions  that  re- 
cent publications  have  rendered  necessary. 







THE  NEW  LINGUISTIC  RECORDS       .         .         3 

THE  PROBLEM  OF  "  BIBLICAL  "  GREEK  .         .      39 


SEPTUAGINT  PHILOLOGY         ....       69 









"  THE  Greek  Bible  !  "—There,  in  the  bril- 
liant sunshine  of  the  south,  stretched  out 
before  the  student's  eye,  lies  the  Hellen- 
istic world  as  it  was  at  the  great  turning- 
point  of  religious  history.  Alexander,  the 
conqueror  and  moulder  of  the  world,  had 
marched  with  his  armies  towards  the 
rising  sun,  bearing  with  him  the  spirit  of 
the  Greek  race,  and  round  about  the 
Mediterranean  basin  the  seeds  of  a  world- 
wide Greek  civilization  had  been  planted 
in  the  ancient  soil.  In  the  State  and  in 


society,  in  science  and  art,  in  language 
and  religion,  the  Mediterranean  world  was 
in  process  of  more  or  less  vigorous  Hellen- 
ization  and  consequent  levelling  towards 

About  this  time,  say  at  the  end  of  the 
second  or  beginning  of  the  first  century 
B.C.,  it  happened  that  two  Jewish  girls, 
named  Heraclea  and  Marthina,  were  mur- 
dered in  the  island  of  Delos.  Their  inno- 
cent blood  cried  aloud  for  vengeance,  but 
the  murderers  were  unknown.  On  the 
Great  Day  of  Atonement,  therefore,  the 
relatives  made  their  petition  to  the  God 
of  their  fathers.  With  fervent  prayers 
they  consigned  the  cruel  murderers  to  the 
vengeance  of  God  and  His  angels,  and 
their  imprecations  were  immortalized  on 


marble  tablets  above  the  graves  where  the 
murdered  girls  lay  buried  in  the  island  of 
Kheneia,  which  was  the  cemetery  of  Delos. 
The  original  text  of  these  Jewish  prayers 
for  vengeance,  found  at  Rheneia  1  and  now 
preserved  at  Athens  and  Bucharest  shows 
us  the  Jews  of  Delos,  about  the  year  100 
B.C.,  in  possession  of  the  Greek  Old  Testa- 
ment. This  single  picture  is  typical.  The 
Old  Testament,  as  you  know,  had  been 
translated  from  Hebrew  into  Greek  at 
different  times  and  by  different  persons  in 
Egypt,  beginning  in  the  third  century  B.C., 
and  the  complete  version  is  known  as  the 
Septuagint.  We  see  then  that  by  100 

1  Cf.  my  essay,  "  Die  Rachegebete  von  Rheneia," 
in  Philologus,  Ixi.  New  Series,  xv.  (1902),  pp.  252- 
65  ;  reprinted  in  my  book  Licht  vom  Osten,  Tub- 
ingen, 1908. 


B.C.  the  Septuagint  Bible  had  already 
found  its  way  from  its  home  on  the  Nile 
to  the  remoter  Jews  of  the  Dispersion — 
a  book  from  the  Hellenistic  world  for  the 
Hellenistic  world. 

It  is  true  that  in  spirit  it  was  an  Eastern 
book,  but  as  regards  form  and  subject 
matter  it  was  adapted  to  the  needs  of  the 
Western  world ;  it  was  a  book  both  of  the 
East  and  the  West.1  It  was  not  a  book 
according  to  the  professional  ideas  of  the 
artistic  literature  of  that  age,  for  it  was  not 
clad  in  the  garb  of  the  literary  language. 
But  it  was  a  book  for  the  People  ;  for  on  the 
whole,  though  in  many  passages  that  would 
seem  strange  to  the  Greeks  it  did  not 

1  Cf.    my    little    sketch    Die    Hellenisierung    des 
semitischen  Monotfieismus,  Leipzig,  1903. 


conceal  the  peculiarity  of  the  original  text 
it   spoke   the   colloquial   language   of  the 
middle  and  lower  class,  as  is  shown  especi- 
ally clearly  by  its  vocabulary  and  accidence. 
Here  and  there,  less  in  some  of  the  single 
books  and  more  in  others,  it  was  unintel- 
ligible to  the  men  of  the  Hellenistic  world ; 
but  taken  as  a  whole  it  must  not  be  dis- 
missed with  the  hasty  criticism  that  it  was 
an    unintelligible  book.     Such  criticism  is 
the  result  of  looking  at  the  artistic  Attic 
prose    instead    of    at    the    contemporary 
popular  language.     Taken  as  a  whole  the 
Septuagint  became  emphatically  a  popular 
book — we  may  even  say  a  universal  book. 

If  the  historical  importance  of  things  is 
to  be  estimated  by  their  historical  effects, 
how  paltry  must,  for  example,  the  History 


of  Polybius  appear  beside  the  Septuagint 
Bible  !  Of  all  pre-Christian  Greek  litera- 
ture Homer  alone  is  comparable  with  this 
Bible  in  historical  influence,  and  Homer, 
in  spite  of  his  enormous  popularity,  was 
never  a  Bible.  Take  the  Septuagint  in 
your  hand,  and  you  have  before  you  the 
book  that  was  the  Bible  of  the  Jews  of  the 
Dispersion  and  of  the  proselytes  from  the 
heathen ;  the  Bible  of  Philo  the  philo- 
sopher, Paul  the  Apostle,  and  the  earliest 
Christian  missions ;  the  Bible  of  the 
whole  Greek-speaking  Christian  world  ;  the 
mother  of  influential  daughter- versions ; 
the  mother  of  the  Greek  New  Testament. 

But  is  that  true  ?  Is  the  Septuagint 
really  the  mother  of  the  Greek  New  Testa- 
ment ?  It  seems  a  bold  statement  to 


make,  but  it  is  not  difficult  to  show  what 
I  mean  by  it. 

The  Septuagint  was  not  necessary  for 
the  coming  of  the  Lord  Jesus.  The  Semitic, 
not  the  Greek,  Old  Testament  was  a  con- 
stituent factor  in  His  Gospel.  The  historical 
Jesus  of  Nazareth  takes  His  stand  firmly 
on  the  non-Greek  Old  Testament.  But 
Paul,  the  preacher  and  propagator  of  the 
Gospel,  is  not  comprehensible  without  the 
Septuagint.  He  is  not  only  the  great 
Christ-Christian  but  also  the  great  Septua- 
gint-Christian.  And  the  whole  of  Primitive 
Christianity,  so  far  as  it  is  missionary 
Christianity,  rests  on  the  Lord  and  the 
Gospels  as  one  pillar,  and  on  the  Septuagint 
Bible  as  the  other.  Through  the  Pauline 
Epistles  and  all  the  other  earliest  Christian 


writings  the  words  of  the  Septuagint  run 
like  veins  of  silver. 

We  shall  not,  however,  speak  of  the 
Septuagint  as  the  mother  of  the  New 
Testament  in  the  sense  that  without  it 
the  separate  parts  of  the  New  Testament 
would  not  have  been  written.  They  arose 
as  echoes  of  the  prophecies  of  Jesus  and  as 
the  reflex  of  His  personality.  But  in 
respect  to  their  contents  they  are  immensely 
indebted  to  the  Septuagint  Bible,  and— 
this  is  for  us  the  matter  of  most  importance 
— the  parts  would  never  have  grown  into 
the  New  Testament  as  a  whole — the  Canon 

—but  for  the  Septuagint.  The  Old  Greek 
Canon  of  Scripture  is  presupposed  by  the 
New.  The  history  of  religion  displays 

the  marvellous  spectacle  of  the  Old  Bible, 


encircled  by  the  apparently  unscalable 
walls  of  the  Canon,  opening  wide  her 
gates  and  admitting  a  New  Bible  to  the 
sacred  precinct :  the  Saviour  and  His 
disciples  take  their  places  by  Moses  and  the 
prophets.  This  cohesion  between  the  New 
Testament  and  the  Old  was  historically 
possible  only  because  the  Old  Testament 
by  its  Hellenization  had  become  assimilated 
in  advance  to  the  future  New  Testament. 

The  daughter  belongs  of  right  to  the 
mother ;  the  Greek  Old  and  New  Testa- 
ments form  by  their  contents  and  by  their 
fortunes  an  inseparable  unity.  The  oldest 
manuscript  Bibles  that  we  possess  are 
complete  Bibles  in  Greek.  But  what  his- 
tory has  joined  together,  doctrine  has  put 
asunder  ;  the  Greek  Bible  has  been  torn  in 


halves.  On  the  table  of  our  theological 
students  you  will  generally  see  the  Hebrew 
Old  Testament  lying  side  by  side  with  the 
Greek  New  Testament.  It  is  one  of  the 
most  painful  deficiencies  of  Biblical  study 
at  the  present  day  that  the  reading  of  the 
Septuagint  has  been  pushed  into  the  back- 
ground, while  its  exegesis  has  been  scarcely 
even  begun. 

All  honour  to  the  Hebrew  original !  But 
the  proverbial  Novum  in  Vetere  latet  cannot 
be  fully  understood  without  a  knowledge 
of  the  Septuagint.  A  single  hour  lovingly 
devoted  to  the  text  of  the  Septuagint  will 
further  our  exegetical  knowledge  of  the 
Pauline  Epistles  more  than  a  whole  day 
spent  over  a  commentary. 

We  must  read  the  Septuagint  as  a  Greek 


text  and  as  a  book  of  the  people,  just  as  the 
Jew  of  the  Dispersion  would  have  done  who 
knew  no  Hebrew,  and  as  the  converted 
heathen  of  the  first  and  second  century 
would  have  read  it.  Every  reader  of  the 
Septuagint  who  knows  his  Greek  Testament 
will  after  a  few  days'  study  come  to  see 
with  astonishment  what  hundreds  of  threads 
there  are  uniting  the  Old  and  the  New. 
By  underlining  all  the  parallels  and  recipro- 
cally illustrative  passages  it  is  easy  to  render 
this  impression  concrete  and  permanent. 

Many  pages  there  are  which  we  shall  be 
able  to  read  without  difficulty.  Then,  it  is 
true,  we  shall  meet  with  obscurities  here  and 
there,  peculiarities  and  rare  words,  where 
our  lexicons  give  us  no  real  information. 
For  the  present  let  us  simply  pass  over 


whatever  is  doubtful.  After  all  the  total 
impression  will  not  be,  "  Here  is  a  book 
unintelligible  to  a  Greek  but  containing 
some  things  that  he  could  understand," 
but,  "  Here  is  a  text  intelligible  to  him  as 
a  whole  but  with  some  obscurities."  These 
obscurities  did  not  prevent  the  Septua- 
gint  from  influencing  the  Graeco-Jewish 
and  Graeco-Christian  world,  and  even  to- 
day only  pedants  will  be  deterred  by  them 
from  reading  the  Septuagint. 

He  who  does  read,  however,  will  be 
amply  rewarded.  An  empty  abstraction 
will  have  acquired  reality ;  a  forgotten 
Bible  will  have  been  re-discovered  ;  a  sacred 
relic,  buried  in  sand  and  dust  and  unob- 
served by  hundreds  of  passers  by,  will  have 
attracted  the  pious  eye  for  which  it  waited. 


And  that  eye'perceives  that  the  re-discovered 
Septuagint  is  the  sanctuary  leading  to  the 
Holy  of  Holies,  namely  the  New  Testament, 
and  that  both  together  make  up  the  one 
great  temple,  the  Bible. 

This  connexion  between  the  two  Greek 
Testaments  will  be  recognized  more  and 
more  with  the  progress  of  scientific  research. 
In  the  study  of  Hellenistic  civilization, 
i.e.,  the  civilization  of  the  Hellenistic  world 
of  the  Mediterranean  in  the  post-Alexan- 
drian and  Imperial  ages,  a  study  which 
has  developed  so  enormously  during  the 
last  twenty  or  thirty  years,  it  will  be  more 
and  more  clearly  recognized  that  amid 
the  vast  mass  of  witnesses  to  that  civiliza- 
tion the  Greek  Bible  (Old  and  New  Testa- 
ment) is  the  chief. 


It  deserves  to  be  so  regarded  not  only  for 
the  special  character  of  its  form  and  contents, 
betokening  as  they  do  a  union  of  the 
Eastern  with  the  Western  spirit  altogether 
remarkable  in  the  history  of  the  world, 
but  also  on  account  of  the  mighty  influence 
it  exerted.  To  see  things  in  their  true 
historical  perspective  we  must  place  the 
Greek  Bible  in  the  midst  of  the  other  wit- 
nesses to  the  contemporary  Hellenistic 
world.  This  restoration  of  the  Greek  Bible 
to  its  own  epoch  is  really  the  distinctive 
feature  of  the  work  of  modern  Bible  scholar- 
ship ;  and  by  utilizing  the  newly  discovered 
texts  of  the  Hellenistic  age  fresh  vigour  has 
been  infused  into  Bible  scholarship,  reviving 
and  rejuvenating  that  somewhat  torpid 
and  inactive  organism. 


What  are  these  newly  discovered  texts  ? 
Your  thoughts  fly  at  first  perhaps  to  newly 
found  books  or  fragments  of  ancient  authors. 
But  valuable  though  these  discoveries  are, 
the  chief  importance  attaches  to  the  non- 
literary  texts,  especially  those  on  stone, 
papyrus,  and  fragments  of  pottery,  which 
have  been  brought  to  light  in  their  thou- 
sands and  ten  thousands.  The  inscriptions, 
papyri,  and  potsherds  form  a  great  store- 
house of  exact  information,  from  which 
Biblical  research  has  recently  drawn  as 
rich  supplies  as  any  other  branch  of  the 
science  of  antiquities. 

The  Inscriptions  are  found  in  astonishing 
numbers  on  the  site  of  the  ancient  seats  of 
civilization  on  the  shores  of  the  Mediter- 
ranean, either  in  their  original  positions  or 



lying  under  ruins  and  mounds  of  rubbish. 
In  the  latter  case  they  have  to  be  excavated, 
and  some  of  them  find  a  home  in  our 
museums.  They  are  rendered  accessible 
by  publication  in  great  cyclopaedic  works, 
the  two  largest  of  which  are  the  Corpus 
Inscriptionum  Latinarum  and  the  Inscrip- 
tiones  Graecae,  the  latter  gradually  replacing 
the  older  and  now  obsolete  Corpus  Inscrip- 
tionum Graecarum. 

The  period  of  the  discovery  of  new 
inscriptions  is  by  no  means  ended.  The 
researches  and  excavations  of  the  European 
and  American  archaeological  institutes,  and 
the  archaeological  expeditions  sent  out  by 
various  governments  or  by  private  indivi- 
duals, bring  to  light  innumerable  inscribed 
stones  year  by  year.  To  these  agencies  we 


must  add  the  engineering  enterprises  for 
opening  up  the  old  Mediterranean  countries 
to  modern  industry  and  commerce,  which 
are  not  always  harmful  but  in  many 
cases  helpful  to  the  study  of  antiqui- 

A  particularly  interesting  example  of  an 
unexpected  find  came  under  my  notice  in 
the  spring  of  1906.  My  friend  Theodor 
Wiegand  showed  me  among  the  extensive 
ruins  of  ancient  Miletus,  now  being  exca- 
vated by  him,  the  remains  of  a  temple  of 
Apollo  Delphinios,  the  paving  stones  of 
which  consisted  chiefly  of  highly  impor- 
tant ancient  documents  in  stone.  The  en- 
croachments of  the  surface  water  had  at 
some  period  made  it  necessary  to  raise  the 
level  of  the  floor,  and  to  effect  this  a  number 


of  old  inscribed  slabs  had  been  laid  face 
downwards  on  the  original  marble  pave- 
ment. By  turning  them  up  Wiegand  had 
discovered  quite  a  collection  of  entirely 
new  inscriptions — the  archives,  one  may 
almost  say,  of  ancient  Miletus. 

The  student  of  the  Greek  Bible  is  of 
course  most  interested  in  the  inscriptions 
found  in  Egypt,  the  country  that  gave 
birth  to  the  Septuagint,  and  in  the  centres 
of  early  Christianity,  i.e.,  Syria,  Asia  Minor, 
and  Greece.  At  the  present  moment  exca- 
vations are  in  progress  that  are  certainly 
full  of  promise  in  this  direction,  not  only 
at  Miletus  and  at  Didyma,  where  the 
oracle  of  Miletus  was  situated,  but  also  at 
Ephesus,  Pergamos,  and  Corinth.  The 
total  wealth  of  the  epigraphical  material 


from  the  oldest  seats  of  Greek  Christianity 
will  be  appreciated  when  the  great  Corpus 
of  the  Inscriptions  of  Asia  Minor  as  planned 
by  the  Austrian  archaeologists  is  completed. 
Some  conception  of  it  can  be  formed  even 
now  by  reading  the  books  of  Sir  William 
Ramsay  1  or  by  studying  the  inscriptions 
of  a  single  small  town,  such  as  those  of 
Magnesia  on  the  Maeander,  published  by 

i  Works  by  Sir  William  Mitchell  Ramsay  :— The 
Church  in  the  Roman  Empire  before  A.D.  170,  London, 
1893  ;  7th  ed.,  1903.  The  Cities  and  Bishoprics  of 
Phrygia,  Oxford,  1895.  St.  Paul  the  Traveller  and 
the  Roman  Citizen,  London,  1895;  3rd  ed.,  1897. 
Was  Christ  born  at  Bethlehem  ?  A  Study  on  the 
Credibility  of  St.  Luke,  London,  1898.  A  Historical 
Commentary  on  St.  Paul's  Epistle  to  the  Galatians, 
London,  1899.  The  Education  of  Christ,  London, 
1902.  The  Letters  to  the  Seven  Churches  of  Asia, 
London,  1904.  Pauline  and  other  Studies  in  Early 
Christian  History,  London,  1906.  Studies  in  the 
History  and  Art  of  the  Eastern  Provinces  of  the  Roman 
Empire,  London,  1906.  The  Cities  of  St.  Paul :  their 
Influence  on  his  Life  and  TJiought,  London,  1907. 


Otto  Kern,1  or  those  of  Priene  by  Hiller 
von  Gaertringen.2 

Neither  in  form  nor  in  subject-matter 
do  the  inscriptions  make  a  uniform  group. 
When  they  are  of  official  origin,  the  work 
of  kings,  emperors,  high  dignitaries,  civic 
authorities,  they  are  usually  very  carefully 
expressed  and  written  in  literary  Greek. 
When  they  are  the  work  of  private  indivi- 
duals they  are  not  infrequently  done  rather 
carelessly  and  are  more  or  less  specimens 
of  the  colloquial  language.  This  is  particu- 
larly the  case  with  the  private  inscriptions 
of  the  Roman  Imperial  period,  which  for 
this  reason  are  valuable  for  Biblical  purposes, 

1  Die    Inschriften    von    Magnesia    am    Maeander, 
herausgegeben  von  Otto  Kern,  Berlin,   1900. 

2  Inschriften   von   Priene,    herausgegeben   von   F. 
Frhr.    Hiller   von   Gaertringen,   Berlin,    1906. 


since  the  Greek  Bible  itself  is  for  the  most 
part  a  monument  of  the  spoken,  not  of  the 
written  language.  The  inscriptions  are 
fruitful  to  Biblical  philology  chiefly  from 
the  lexical  point  of  view. 

These  epigraphical  remains  of  antiquity 
have  for  centuries  attracted  the  attention 
of  scholars,  and  Biblical  exegesis  has  turned 
them  to  account  since  the  end  of  the 
eighteenth  century.  During  the  last  quar- 
ter of  the  nineteenth  century  they  were 
reinforced  by  a  large  new  group  of  texts 
written  on  what  would  seem  to  be  a  most 
perishable  material,  viz.,  the  Papyri. 

Suppose  that  in  the  course  of  casual 
excavations  in  a  mound  of  absolutely  dry 
sand  we  were  to  find  to-day  whole  bundles 
of  original  private  letters,  contracts,  wills, 


records  of  judicial  proceedings,  and  govern- 
ment documents,  emanating  from  our  ances- 
tors of  the  tenth  century  A.D. — the  whole 
of  the  learned  world  would  be  interested  in 
the  discovery.     How  few  original  letters, 
for  example,  written  by  humble  individuals 
have  come  down  to  us  from  the  olden  time. 
The  record  of  history  has  taken  notice  only 
of  the  great.     The  scanty  memorials  of  the 
common  people  are  found  scattered  here 
and    there — on    a    weathered    tombstone, 
maybe,  or  noted  by  chance  in  the  reports  of 
legal  cases  or  in  the  account  books  of  towns 
or  shires. 

So  was  it  formerly  with  our  knowledge  of 
antiquity.  In  so  far  as  it  was  based  on 
literary  tradition  it  was,  roughly  speaking, 
the  history  of  great  things,  the  history  of 


nations  and  their  leaders  in  politics,  learning, 
art,  and  religion.  Records  of  humble  life, 
written  memorials  of  the  masses,  were 
wanting.  At  best  we  caught  glimpses  of 
such  insignificant  persons  in  the  comedies 
and  some  other  literary  works,  but  then 
they  were  seen  in  the  light  thrown  on  them 
by  their  social  superiors.  And  so  far  as 
the  tradition  was  non-literary,  the  upper 
classes  again  took  the  lion's  share,  for  the 
majority  of  the  inscriptions  come  from  the 
privileged  powerful  and  cultured  class. 

The  discoveries  of  papyri  have  made 
good  this  deficiency  in  a  most  unexpected 
manner.  Though  they,  too,  throw  a  flood 
of  light  on  the  upper,  cultivated  class,  yet 
in  innumerable  cases  these  scraps  of  papy- 
rus are  records  of  the  middle  and  lower 


classes.  They  possess  for  the  study  of 
antiquity  the  same  eminent  degree  of 
importance  as  that  sandhill  we  imagined 
just  now — alas  that  it  is  undiscoverable ! 
— would  possess  for  our  own  earlier  history 
if  it  contained  original  letters  of  the  tenth 

It  is  owing  to  the  Egyptian  climate  that 
such  mounds  exist  beside  the  Nile,  On  the 
outskirts  of  ancient  Egyptian  towns  and 
villages  there  were,  as  in  our  towns,  places 
where  rubbish  and  refuse  might  be  de- 
posited. Whole  bundles  of  old  time- 
expired  official  documents,  instead  of  being 
burnt  or  otherwise  destroyed,  were  cast 
out  by  the  authorities  on  these  rubbish 
heaps.  Private  persons  did  the  same  when 
clearing  out  their  accumulations  of  old  and 


therefore  worthless  written  matter.  The 
reverence  of  mankind  in  antiquity  for  writ- 
ing of  any  kind  may  have  been  a  reason  for 
rejecting  the  more  convenient  method  of 
destruction  by  fire.  The  centuries  have 
covered  these  rubbish  heaps  with  thick 
layers  of  dust  and  sand,  which,  in  conjunc- 
tion with  the  dryness  of  the  climate,  have 
preserved  even  papyrus  most  admirably. 

Egyptian  peasants,  digging  in  these 
mounds  for  earth  to  manure  their  fields 
with,  were  the  first  chance  discoverers 
of  ancient  papyri.  The  news  of  such 
discoveries  first  reached  Europe  in  the 
eighteenth  century ;  the  nineteenth  wit- 
nessed the  gradual  arrival  here  and  there 
of  a  small  number  of  papyri  in  the  Euro- 
pean museums.  There  they  were  looked 


upon  as  curiosities  until  in  the  last  quarter 
of  the  century  the  great  and  astounding 
discoveries  began. 

These  discoveries  immediately  led  to 
systematic  searches,  and  even  excavations  ; 
and  here  it  is  chiefly  British  investigators 
who  have  done  the  greatest  service  in 
enlarging  and  publishing  our  store  of  papyri. 
Flinders  Petrie  l  has  recovered  magnificent 
old  specimens,  particularly  from  mummy- 
wrappings,  which  were  made  by  sticking 
sheets  of  papyrus  together.  Grenfell  and 
Hunt,2  the  Dioscuri  of  research,  have 

1  Cf .  J.  P.  Mahaffy,  On  the  Flinders  Petrie  Papyri. 
With  transcriptions,  commentaries,  and  index.    Royal 
Irish  Academy,  Cunningham  Memoirs,  1891,  vol.  ii. 

2  By    B.    P.    Grenfell : — An    Alexandrian    Erotic 
Fragment,  and  other  Greek  Papyri,  chiefly  Ptolemaic, 
Oxford,  1896.     By  B.  P.  Grenfell  and  A.  S.  Hunt  :— 
New  Classical  Fragments,  and  other  Greek  and  Latin 


carried  out  epoch-making  excavations  at 
Oxyrhynchus  and  other  places,  and  have 
published  their  treasures  with  astonishing 
promptitude  and  masterly  accuracy. 

Thus  during  the  last  twenty  years  a  new 
science,  Papyrology,  has  grown  up  and  has 
undergone  division  into  numerous  branches 
according  to  the  various  languages  in 
which  the  documents  are  written.  The 
oldest  documents,  going  back  to  more  than 
2500  B.C.,  fall  within  the  province  of 
Egyptology.  There  are  also  Aramaic  papyri, 

Papyri,  Oxford,  1897.  Aoyia  'Irjaov  .  .  .  From 
an  early  Greek  Papyrus,  London,  1897.  The  Oxy- 
rhynchus  Papyri,  London,  1898-1907.  Fayum  Towns 
and  their  Papyri  (with  D.  G.  Hogarth),  London, 
1900.  The  Amherst  Papyri,  London,  1900-1.  The 
Tebtunis  Papyri,  London,  1902-7.  New  Sayings  of 
Jesus  and  Fragment  of  a  lost  Gospel  from  Oxyrhynchus, 
London,  1904.  The  Hibeh  Papyri,  London,  1906. 
Fragment  of  an  Uncanonical  Gospel  from  Oxyrhyn- 
chus, London,  1907. 


and  great  interest  has  been  aroused  by 
those  of  the  fifth  century  B.C.,  which  were 
recently  published  by  Sayce  and  Cowley,1 
and  supplemented  still  more  recently  by 
the  texts  deciphered  by  Sachau.2 

With  the  fourth  century  B.C.  begins  the 
main  body  of  the  papyri.  Greek  documents, 
of  the  most  various  contents,  they  run 
through  the  whole  Ptolemaic  period — i.e., 
for  us  the  period  of  the  origin  of  the  Greek 
Old  Testament ;  they  run  on  through  the 
earliest  Imperial  period — i.e.,  for  us  the 
period  of  the  origin  of  the  New  Testament ; 

1  A.  H.  Sayce  and  A.  E.  Cowley,  Aramaic  Papyri 
discovered    at    Assuan.     With    appendices    by    W. 
Spiegelberg  and  Seymour  de  Ricci.     London,   1906 
(pp.  79 ;  27  plates). 

2  Eduard  Sachau,  Drei  aramaische  Papyrusurkunden 
aus  Elephantine  ( Abhandlungen  der  Kgl.  Preussischen 
Akademie    der    Wissenschaften    zu    Berlin,    1907). 
Berlin,  1907  (pp.  46,  1  plate). 


they  continue  from  the  second  to  the  fourth 
century,  A.D. — i.e.,  for  us  the  age  of  the 
persecutions  ;  and  finally  they  extend  over 
another  five  hundred  years  of  Christian 
Byzantine  civilization.  Together  with  them 
are  found  also  a  number  of  Latin  papyri ; 
hi  the  later  periods  numerous  fragments 
in  Coptic,  Arabic,  Hebrew,  Persian,  and 
other  languages. 

The  great  published  collections  of  these 
treasures  confront  us  like  some  high  moun- 
tain that  has  just  been  discovered,  and 
from  whose  summit  we  shall  be  able  to  see 
farther  than  ever  our  ancestors  could ; 
but  we  have  not  yet  climbed  one  tenth  part 
of  the  ascent.  Papyrological  students  have 
found  a  rallying-point  in  the  Archiv  fur 
Papyrusforschung,  a  journal  founded  by  the 


greatest  of  German  papyrologists,  Ulrich 

Students  of  the  Greek  Bible  are  indebted 
principally  to  the  Greek  papyri  for  additions 
to  their  knowledge.  There  are  of  course 
numerous  fragments  of  Biblical  and  early 
Christian  manuscripts,  but  of  these  I  do 
not  intend  to  speak  here.  I  am  concerned 
with  the  non-Christian  texts.  They  are  not  a 
uniform  group.  Side  by  side  with  documents 
of  the  lower  and  middle  class  we  find  also — 
and  in  the  pre-Christian  period  find  most 
commonly — official  texts  written  in  official 
style  and  in  the  unvarying  language  of 
legal  formularies.  Even  these  afford  us 
deep  insight  into  the  civilization  of  their 
time.  But  freshest  and  most  direct  in  their 

1  Archiv  fur  Papyrusforschung  und  verwandte  Gebiete, 
hrsg.  von  U.  Wilcken,  Leipzig,  1900,  etc. 


appeal  are  those  written  in  the  colloquial 
language,  often  in  the  crudest  of  vulgar 
Greek.  Here  truly  are  the  great  store- 
rooms from  which  Biblical  philology  draws 
its  new  knowledge. 

Still  more  "  vulgar  "  are  the  texts  newly 
discovered  on  the  Ostraca.  The  ostracon  or 
potsherd,  obtainable  from  any  broken  jug 
or  vessel,  was  the  writing  material  of  the 
poor,  a  favourite  even  with  the  authorities 
in  then1  dealings  with  the  poorer  classes, 
and  used  especially  often  for  tax-receipts. 
Formerly  almost  unnoticed  and  even  despised 
by  investigators,  the  ostraca  have  now 
attained  a  place  of  honour — thanks  especi- 
ally to  the  labours  of  Wilcken 1  on  the 

1  U.  Wilcken,  Griechische  Ostraka  aus  Aegypten 
und  Niibien.  Ein  Beitrag  zur  antiken  Wirtschafts- 
geschichte,  Leipzig  and  Berlin,  1899  (2  vols.). 

P.G.B.  3 


Greek,  and  of  Crum x  on  the  Coptic  ostraca 
— and  large  collections  of  them  have  been 
rapidly  formed  in  the  European  museums. 
In  1819  an  architect  named  Gau,  who  was 
working  at  Dakkeh  in  Nubia,  threw  away 
nearly  all  the  ostraca  he  found  there  as 
worthless  rubbish,  but  nowadays  these 
little  texts  are  properly  respected.  Only 
the  dealers  in  antiquities  have  not  yet 
learnt  to  set  a  high  value  on  them.  A  short 
text  written  on  an  ostracon  would  cost 
twenty  times  as  much  if  it  were  on  papyrus, 
though  there  is  no  difference  in  the  historical 
value  of  its  contents. 

The  number  of   Biblical  fragments   on 

1  Coptic  Ostraca  from  the  collections  of  the  Egypt 
Exploration  Fund,  the  Cairo  Museum  and  others. 
The  texts  edited  with  translations  and  commentaries 
by  W.  E.  Crum,  London,  1902. 


ostraca  is  not  large  at  present.  The  most 
important  find  hitherto  consists  of  twenty 
ostraca  from  Upper  Egypt,  some  large  and 
some  small,  with  fragments  from  the  Gospels. 

But  the  ostraca,  like  the  papyri,  possess 
a  greater  indirect  value.  As  linguistic 
memorials  of  the  lower  classes  these  humble 
potsherd  texts  shed  light  on  many  a  detail  of 
the  linguistic  character  of  our  sacred  Book — 
that  Book  which  was  written  not  by  learned 
men  but  by  simple  folk,  by  men  who  them- 
selves confessed  that  they  had  their  treasure 
in  earthen  vessels  (2  Cor.  iv.  7).  And  thus 
the  modest  ostraca  rank  as  of  equal  value 
with  the  papyri  and  inscriptions. 

In  the  following  lectures  we  shall  have  to 
speak  of  the  great  changes  which  Biblical 
philology  has  undergone  as  a  consequence 


of  the  employment  of  these  texts.  But  I 
may  say  here  that  the  autograph  evidence 
of  the  world  contemporary  with  the  Greek 
Bible  helps  us  to  understand  that  Bible 
not  only  linguistically,  but  also  in  other 
ways.  The  most  important  thing  of 
all  perhaps  is  that  we  become  better 
acquainted  with  the  bright  and  dark  side 
of  the  men  to  whom  were  addressed  the 
propaganda  of  cosmopolitan  Graeco-Juda- 
ism  and  the  missions  of  cosmopolitan 
Christianity,  and  that  we  thus  learn  to 
judge  more  justly  of  both  the  contact 
and  the  contrast  in  which  Primitive  Chris- 
tianity stood  with  the  surrounding  world. 



THE     PROBLEM     OF     "  BIBLICAL  "     GREEK 

IN  our  first  lecture  we  called  attention  to 
the  close  connexion  between  the  Greek  Old 
Testament,  represented  by  the  Septuagint 
translation,  and  the  Greek  New  Testament ; 
and  we  described  the  new  sources  for  the 
philological  investigation  of  the  Greek  Bible. 
To-day  we  are  to  discuss  briefly  the  great 
fundamental  problem  of  Biblical  philology, 
the  problem  of  the  language  of  the  Greek 

The  essence  of  the  problem  is  indicated 
at  once  by  our  manner  of  formulating  it. 
We  are  to  inquire  not  about  Biblical  Greek 


but  about  the  language  of  the  Greek  Bible. 
This  distinction  is  not  a  mere  playing  with 
words  ;  it  points  to  a  fundamental  principle 
of  great  importance. 

Most  of  the  earlier  books  on  the  subject 
were  devoted  to  the  investigation  not  of 
the  language  of  the  Greek  Bible  but  of 
Biblical  Greek,  or  of  a  part  of  it,  namely, 

New  Testament  Greek. 
Let  us  glance  at  a  few  title  pages.     Edwin 

Hatch  wrote  Essays  in  Biblical  Greek,1  and 
H.  A.  A.  Kennedy  wrote  on  the  Sources  of 
New  Testament  Greek.2  Hermann  Cremer's 
work,  even  in  the  ninth  edition,  hi  spite 
of  the  sharp  criticism  it  has  undergone, 

1  Edwin  Hatch,  Essays  in  Biblical  Greek,  Oxford, 

2  H.  A.  A.  Kennedy,  Sources  of  New  Testament 
Greek  :  or  the  Influence  of  the  Septuagint  on  the  Voca- 
bulary of  the  New   Testament,   Edinburgh,    1895. 


remains  what  it  was  before,  a  "  Biblico- 
Theological  Lexicon  of  New  Testament 
Greek."  1  The  new  German  revision  of 
Winer's  Grammar  appeared  under  the  old 
title,  Grammar  of  the  New  Testament  Idiom,2 
and  the  late  Friedrich  Blass  presented  us 
with  a  Grammar  of  New  Testament  Greek.3 
We  even  find  this  kind  of  title  used  by 
more  recent  scholars — Dr.  J.  H.  Moulton,4 
for  example — but  hi  these  cases  it  is  merely 

1  H.  Cremer,  Biblisch-theologisches  Worterbuch  der 
neutestamentlichen  Grdcitdt,  Gotha,   1866-8  ;    neunte 
vermehrte  Auflage,  Gotha,  1902. 

2  G.  B.  Winer,  Grammatik  des  neutestamentlichen 
Sprachidioms  als  siohere  Grundlage  der  neutestament- 
lichen  Exegese :  achte    Auflage,    neubearbeitet   von 
P.  W.  Schmiedel,  Gottingen,  1894,  1897,  1898. 

3  F.     Blass,     Grammatik     des    neutestamentlichen 
Griechisch,  Gottingen,  1896  ;  zweite  Auflage,  Gottingen, 

4  J.  H.  Moulton,  A  Grammar  of  New   Testament 
Greek,  based  on   W.  F.  Moulton's  edition  of  G.  B. 
Winer's    Grammar.     Vol.     I.     Prolegomena.     Edin- 
burgh, 1906.     Second  edition,  1906. 


a  formal  concession  to  the  older  phraseology. 
With  the  older  scholars,  however,  such  a 
form  of  the  title  indicated  a  distinct  pecu- 
liarity of  scientific  method,  as  is  proved  by 
such  pointed  sentences  as  the  following. 
Hatch  1  writes,  "  Biblical  Greek  is  thus  a 
language  which  stands  by  itself."  Cremer  2 
adopts  the  words  of  Richard  Rothe  :  "  We 
can  indeed  with  good  right  speak  of  a 
language  of  the  Holy  Ghost.  For  in  the 
Bible  it  is  manifest  to  our  eyes  how  the 
Divine  Spirit  at  work  in  revelation  always 
takes  the  language  of  the  particular  people 
chosen  to  be  the  recipient  and  makes  of  it  a 
characteristic  religious  variety  by  trans- 
forming existing  linguistic  elements  and 

1  Op.  cit.,  p.  11. 

2  In  his  Preface  of  1883.     The  quotation  is  from 
Rothe,  Zur  Dogmatik,  Gotha,  1863,  p.  238. 


existing  conceptions  into  a  shape  peculiarly 
appropriate  to  that  Spirit.  This  process 
is  shown  most  clearly  by  the  Greek  of 
the  New  Testament."  And  Blass,  though 
the  statements  in  his  Grammar  show, 
notwithstanding  its  title,  that  he  afterwards 
altered  his  theoretical  views  on  this  ques- 
tion, remarked  once  in  a  review 1  that 
New  Testament  Greek  was  "to  be  recog- 
nized as  something  peculiar,  obeying  its 
own  laws." 

These  quotations  could  be  increased  by 
no  small  number  of  similar  ones  from 
other  books.  I  believe  that  they  are  the 
expression  of  an  opinion,  still  widely  pre- 
valent even  at  the  present  day,  which, 
whether  openly  avowed  or  not,  is  far- 

1  Theologisohe  Literaturzeitung,  1894,  xix.,  col.  338 


reaching  in  its  effects,  particularly  on  exe- 
gesis. The  Greek  Bible,  or  at  least  the 
New  Testament,  is  thus  separated  off  from 
the  bulk  of  the  monuments  of  the  Greek 
language  that  have  come  down  to  us  from 
antiquity,  in  just  the  same  way  as,  for 
example,  the  inscriptions  in  the  Doric 
dialect  might  be  collected  into  a  special 
volume  or  section  by  some  one  who  was 
editing  all  the  Greek  inscriptions  extant. 
The  Bible  is  thus  isolated,  because  it  is 
supposed  to  be  written  hi  "  Biblical " 
Greek,  and  the  New  Testament  because  it 
is  in  "  New  Testament "  Greek,  in  a 
"  language,"  an  "  idiom,"  a  "  Greek,"  that 
must  be  sharply  distinguished  from  the 
rest  of  what  people  have  been  so  fond  of 
calling  "  profane  Greek."  They  could  only 

:c  BIBLICAL  "  GREEK  45 

commit  one  more  blunder  by  speaking  of 
a  Biblical  or  New  Testament  dialect.  I 
have  never  met  with  this  term  in  the 
literature  of  the  subject,  but  I  am  sure  it 
represents  the  popular  conception  in  many 
quarters  as  to  what  the  "  language "  of 
the  Bible  or  the  New  Testament  is. 

This  Greek,  so  people  go  on  to  argue,  is 
outwardly,  in  comparison  with  other  Greek, 
of  unmistakable  individuality,  and  inwardly 
it  is  uniform,  subject  to  laws  of  its  own, 
and  possessing  its  own  vocabulary.  Even 
those  words  which  are  not  to  be  reckoned 
among  the  specifically  "  Biblical  "  or  "  New 
Testament  "  words  show  for  the  most  part 
a  change  of  meaning  that  is  often  consider- 
able and  not  infrequently  is  owing  to  the 
influence  of  the  Hebrew  or  Semitic  genius. 


To  sum  up  :  the  two  fundamental  notions 
most  commonly  met  with  in  the  older 
literature  of  the  subject  concerning  the 
linguistic  character  of  the  Greek  Bible 
are  firstly  the  peculiarity,  and  secondly 
the  uniformity  of  Biblical,  or  at  least  of 
New  Testament  Greek. 

Those  who  support  these  two  fundamental 
notions  show  more  or  less  clearly  by  so 
doing  their  connexion  with  the  earlier 
stages  of  research.  The  second  idea  in 
particular,  that  of  the  uniformity  of 
Biblical  Greek,  is  very  old — as  old  as  the 
earliest  scientific  speculation  about  the 
language  of  the  Greek  Bible.  In  the 
controversy  of  the  Purists  and  Hebraists 
in  the  seventeenth  century  it  was  never 
for  one  moment  questioned ;  it  was  a 


postulate  for  the  theories  of  both  par- 

And  it  is  historically  not  difficult  to 
understand ;  it  is  the  simple  consequence 
of  the  mechanically  conceived  doctrine 
of  inspiration  as  applied  to  the  New  Testa- 
ment. The  extension  of  the  idea  to  the 
Greek  Old  Testament,  which  is  no  doubt 
of  recent  date,  probably  originated  in  an 
equally  simple  backward  inference  from 
the  New  Testament.  The  idea,  once  estab- 
lished, was  supported  by  the  concept,  also 
quite  logical  in  its  way,  of  what  is  Biblical 
in  the  literary  sense,  the  concept  of  what  is 

But  how  does  this  doctrine  of  the  peculiar 
and  uniform  nature  of  Biblical  Greek 
square  with  the  facts  ?  One  thing  seems 


clear  to  me  from  the  outset :  it  is,  to  say 
the  least,  incautious  to  make  this  doctrine 
the  starting-point  of  research. 

And  if  we  have  given  up  the  theory  of 
mechanical  inspiration,  a  glance  at  the 
history  of  the  growth  of  the  Greek  Bible 
in  its  separate  parts  will  make  us  still 
more  distrustful.  For  this  history  shows 
us  the  possibility  and  the  probability  of 
temporal  and  local  differentiation. 

But  the  sacred  texts  themselves  speak 
most  clearly  of  all.  They  call  emphatically 
for  division  on  linguistic  lines  into  two 
great  groups — original  Greek  writings,  and 
translations  of  Semitic  originals.  Any  one 
who  does  not  respect  this  boundary  line 
soon  loses  his  bearings,  especially  in  criti- 
cizing the  syntactical  phenomena  of  the 


Greek  Bible.  The  boundary  line,  it  is 
true,  does  not  run  in  such  a  way  that  the 
Septuagint  lies  on  one  side  and  the  books 
of  the  New  Testament  on  the  other.  On 
the  contrary,  the  sayings  of  Jesus  in  the 
synoptic  Gospels,  and  perhaps  more  of  the 
New  Testament,  must  be  counted  with  the 
examples  of  translators'  Greek,  while  several 
of  the  so-called  apocryphal  books  of  the 
Old  Testament,  adopted  by  the  Septuagint, 
go  with  the  Greek  originals. 

These  two  groups  differ  very  remarkably 
from  each  other  in  respect  to  their  linguistic 
character.  We  might  compare,  for  example, 
the  Second  Epistle  to  the  Corinthians  with 
the  Greek  version  of  Job.  The  original 
Greek  writings  are  examples  of  Greek  as 
it  was  really  spoken  ;  the  Greek  of  the 



translations   often   shows   traces   of  being 
influenced  by  the  language  of  the  original, 
and  may  sometime^  be  described  as  abso- 
lutely artificial,  for  it  was  not  a  spoken 
language  but  invented  by  the  translators 
for  their   immediate   purpose.     We   must 
not  say,   therefore,   that  this  translators' 
Greek  was  so  spoken  by  the  Jews  of  Alex- 
andria and  Asiatics  ;    we  must  not  call  it 
"Jewish  Greek."     The  real  spoken  language 
of   the   Greek   Jews   is   illustrated   in   the 
writings  of  Philo,  who  inclined  rather  to 
the  use  of  the  literary  language,  and  in 
the   Pauline   Epistles,   Jewish   inscriptions 
and  papyri,  where  we  find  more  the  collo- 
quial language  in  its  various  grades. 

Yet    the    non-Greek    character    of    the 
translated  books  must  not  be  exaggerated. 


I  myself  have  formerly  been  less  reserved 
in  expressing  my  opinion  on  this  point 
than  I  should  be  now.  The  Septuagint 
in  many  of  its  parts  is  not  a  non-Greek 
book  if  only  we  take  as  our  standard  not 
the  classical  Attic  of  the  fifth  and  fourth 
centuries  B.C.  but  the  popular  cosmopolitan 
Greek  of  the  last  three  centuries  B.C.  Much 
that  is  non- Attic  in  the  Septuagint  is  not 
necessarily  non-Greek,  but  is  proved  by 
contemporary  "  vulgar  "  texts  to  be  popular 

We  find,  moreover,  remarkable  differ- 
ences within  the  two  main  groups  them- 
selves, as  was  only  to  be  expected.  The 
translations  were  not  made  by  one  and  the 
same  hand,  nor  on  a  uniform  method  ;  for 
example,  the  sayings  of  our  Lord  in  the 


Gospels  are  in  general  better  translated 
than  many  parts  of  the  Septuagint.  How 
characteristic  is  the  language  of  the  Gospel 
and  Epistles  of  St.  John  as  compared  with, 
say,  the  Epistle  to  the  Hebrews.  The 
Johannine  Epistles  are  classical  examples 
of  the  simplest  popular  language ;  the 
Epistle  to  the  Hebrews  exhibits  a  strong 
leaning  towards  the  literary  language. 

In  the  face  of  these  facts,  therefore,  we 
cannot  assume  that  under  the  Ptolemies 
a  uniform  Greek  for  religious  purposes 
grew  up  among  the  Egyptian  Jews,  and 
that  under  Tiberius,  Claudius,  etc.,  until 
right  into  the  second  century,  this  was  also 
the  language  of  Christians  in  Syria,  Asia, 
Achaia,  and  Rome.  These  assumptions 
are  now  seen  to  be  fictitious. 


On  the  contrary,  if  we  examine  histori- 
cally the  language  of  the  Old  and  New 
Testaments,  our  decided  impression  can 
only  be  this  :  Here  we  have  side  by  side 
linguistic  elements  of  essentially  dissimilar 
types  ;  and  in  stating  and  in  solving  our 
problem  there  can  be  no  other  point  of 
view  to  be  adopted  except  the  histori- 

A  good  deal  of  the  uncertainty,  however, 
which  does  nevertheless  undoubtedly  exist 
on  this  matter,  arises  from  people's  con- 
fusing the  religious  with  the  linguistic 
point  of  view  in  their  historical  examina- 
tion. From  the  point  of  view  of  the  history 
of  religion  the  sacred  books,  despite  their 
want  of  linguistic  uniformity,  must  be 
taken  together  as  documents  and  memorials 


of  two  phases  of  revelation  that  are  insepar- 
able from  one  another.  That  is  beyond 
doubt,  and  no  less  certain  is  it  that  the 
thoughts,  the  concepts,  the  spirit  of  the 
Greek  Old  Testament  and  of  the  New 
Testament  are  related,  and  that  they  differ 
characteristically  in  their  main  lines  from 
the  average  faith  of  Graeco-Roman  religion. 
But  these  are  considerations  dictated  by 
the  history  of  religion ;  they  can  play  no 
part  in  the  determination  of  a  specifically 
Biblical  or  Christian  Greek. 

One  single  consideration  drawn  from 
the  history  of  language  speaks  for  a  certain 
linguistic  peculiarity  and  uniformity  of 
the  Biblical  writings,  though  only  in  a 
formal  sense.  They  must  all  be  criticized 
as  monuments  of  late  Greek,  and  most  of 


them  as  monuments  of  non-literary  Greek, 
and  with  the  express  reservation  that 
"  late  Greek "  does  not  mean  something 
sharply  defined,  always  recognizable  at 
once  and  with  precision,  but  something 
fluctuating,  often  problematical,  something 
which  we  do  not  fully  know,  a  piece  of 
living  and  therefore  mysterious  linguistic 

There  is  no  formula  by  which  to  describe 
briefly  the  characteristics  of  late  Greek, 
and  qualitative  judgments  describing  it 
as  "  bad "  Greek,  and  so  on,  are  either 
uttered  by  doctrinaires  regardless  of  history 
or  echoed  from  the  grammarians  who 
fancied  themselves  able  by  their  authority 
to  prevent  the  changes  and  chances  of  things. 

Greek  philologists,  enslaved  to  the  pre- 


judice  that  only  the  so-called  classical 
Greek  is  beautiful,  have  long  treated  the 
texts  of  the  later  period  with  the  greatest 
contempt.  A  good  deal  of  their  false 
judgments  about  late  Greek  is  the  simple 
consequence  of  their  complete  ignorance 
of  it.  The  renaissance  of  Greek  philology 
in  our  own  day,  owing  to  the  progress  of 
Epigraphy  and  Papyrology,  has  made 
amends  for  the  neglect  of  late  Greek  by  the 
older  generation  of  scholars.  At  the  present 
day  there  are  plenty  of  accurate  workers 
engaged  in  investigating  philologically  the 
newly  discovered  specimens  of  cosmopolitan 
Greek  of  the  period  from  Alexander  the 
Great  to  Constantino.  I  will  mention  only 
the  most  important :  Dr.  Wilhelm  Cronert 
of  Gottingen  (Memoria  Graeca  Hercula- 


nensis) ;  x  Dr.  Karl  Dieterich,  of  Leipzig 
(Investigations  on  the  History  of  the  Greek 
Language) ;  2  Dr.  Hatzidakis,  the  well- 
known  Professor  at  Athens  (Introduction 
to  Modern  Greek  Grammar) ;  3  Dr.  van 
Herwerden,  the  veteran  Dutch  philologist 
(Lexicon  Graecum  Suppletorium  et  Dialec- 
ticum) ;  4  Dr.  Jannaris,  the  St.  Andrews 
lecturer  (Historical  Greek  Grammar) ;  5  Dr. 
Kretschmer,  of  Vienna  (The  Origin  of  the 

1  Memoria  Graeca  Herculanensis.     Cum  titulorum 
Aegypti  papyrorum  codicum  denique  testimoniis  corn- 
par -atam  proposuit  Guilelmus  Cronert.     Lipsiae,  1903. 

2  Karl   Dieterich,    Untersuchungen   zur   Geschichte 
der  griechischen  Sprache  von  der  hellenistischen  Zeit 
bis  zum  10.  Jahrh.  n.  Chr.,  Leipzig,  1898. 

3  Georgios  N.   Hatzidakis    (=Chatzidakes),    Ein- 
leitung  in  die  neugriechische  GrammatiJc,  Leipzig,  1892. 

4  Henricus    van     Herwerden,     Lexicon    Graecum 
suppletorium  et  dialecticum,  Lugduni  Batavorum,  1902, 
1904  (two  parts). 

5  Antonios  N.  Jannaris  ( =  Giannares),  An  Historical 
Greek  Grammar,  London,  1897. 


;  i  Dr.  Mayser,  a  Stuttgart  school- 
master (Grammar  of  the  Greek  Papyri  of  the 
Ptolemaic  Period)  ;  2  Dr.  Meisterhans  and  Dr. 
Schwyzer,  two  Swiss  scholars  (Grammar  of 
the  Attic  Inscriptions)  ;  3  Dr.  Nachmanson,  a 
Swede  (Phonology  and  Morphology  of  the 
Inscriptions  of  Magnesia)  ;  4  Dr.  Wilhelm 
Schmid,  the  Tubingen  Professor  (The 
Atticists)  ;  5  Dr.  Wilhelm  Schmidt,  a  Prus- 

1  Paul  Kretschmer,    Die   Entstehung    der   Koine, 
Sitzungsberichte  der  Kais.      Akademie  der  Wissen- 
schaften  in  Wien,  philos.-hist.  Klasse,  Band  cxliii., 
Nr.  10. 

2  Edwin  Mayser,  Grammatik  der  griechischen  Papyri 
aus  der  Ptolemderzeit,  mil  Einschluss  der  gleichzeitigen 
Ostraka  und  der  in  Agypten  verfassten    Inschriften. 
Laut-  und  Wortlehre.     Leipzig,  1906. 

3  K.   Meisterhans,    Grammatik    der    attischen    In- 
schriften, Berlin,  1885  ;  zweite  Auflage,  Berlin,  1888  ; 
dritte  vermehrte  und    verbesserte   Auflage,    besorgt 
von  E.  Schwyzer,  Berlin,  1900. 

4  Ernst    Nachmanson,    Laute    und    Formen    der 
magnetischen  Inschriften,  Upsala,  1903. 

6  Wilhelm    Schmid,    Der    Atticismus    in    seinen 
Hauptvertretern   von  Dionysius  von  Halikarnass    bis 


sian  schoolmaster  (De  Flavii  Josephi  elo- 
cutione) ; 1  Dr.  Wilhelm  Schulze,  a  member 
of  the  Berlin  Academy  (Graeca  Latino) ;  2 
Dr.  Schweizer  (Grammar  of  the  Inscriptions 
of  Pergamos),3  who  now  calls  himself 
"  Schwyzer  "  and  has  been  already  men- 
tioned as  the  reviser  of  Meisterhans  ;  Dr. 
Thumb  of  the  University  of  Marburg 
(The  Greek  Language  in  the  Hellenistic 
Period) ; 4  Dr.  Wackernagel,  the  Gottingen 

auf    den    zweiten    Philostratus,    Stuttgart,    1887-97 
(5  vols.). 

1  Guilelmus  Schmidt,  De  Flavii  losephi  elocutione 
observations  criticae,  Lipsiae,  1893  ;  (from  Fleckeisen's 
Jahrbiicher,  Suppl.  xx.,  pp.  345-550. 

2  Guilelmus    Schulze,    Graeca   Latina    (Einladung 
zur    akademischen    Preisverkiindigung),    Gottingen, 

3  Eduard  Schweizer,  Grammatik  der  pergamenischen 
Inschriften,  Berlin,  1898. 

4  Albert    Thumb,     Die    griechische    Sprache    im 
Zeitalter  des  Hellenismus :    Beitrdge  zur   Geschichte 
und  Beurtheilung  der  Koivr]>  Strassburg,   1901. 


Professor  of    Comparative  Philology  (Hel- 
lenistica),1  and  other  scholars. 

In  this  renaissance  of  Greek  philology 
the  Greek  Bible  has  also  been  regarded 
with  new  eyes.  It  may  now  be  described 
as  the  central  object  of  the  investigations 
into  late  Greek.  Whereas  formerly  the 
qualitative  judgments,  "  good  "  or  "  bad," 
prevented  the  clear  recognition  of  its 
linguistic  character,  now,  owing  to  its 
being  brought  into  vital  connexion  with 
late  Greek,  floods  of  light  are  being  shed 
upon  the  Bible.  We  may  say  that  the 
Greek  Bible  is  now  seen  to  be,  in  its  very 
nature  and  in  its  influence,  the  noblest 
monument  of  cosmopolitan  late  Greek. 

1  Jacobus  Wackernagel,  Hellenistica  (Einladung 
zur  akademischen  Preisverkiindigung),  Gottingen, 


This  late  Greek,  including  the  original 
Greek  of  the  Bible,  is  neither  good  nor  bad  ; 
it  bears  the  stamp  of  its  age  and  asserts 
its  own  distinctive  position  in  a  grand 
process  of  development  in  the  language, 
which,  beginning  in  the  earliest  times,  has 
lasted  down  to  the  present  day.  Late 
Greek  has  stripped  off  much  that  was 
customary  in  the  earlier  period,  and  it 
contains  germs  of  future  developments 
destined  to  be  completed  in  Modern  Greek. 

We  may  then  speak  of  a  certain  pecu- 
liarity and  uniformity  in  original  "  Bible  " 
Greek,  but  solely  as  opposed  to  earlier  or 
later  phases  of  the  history  of  the  language, 
not  as  opposed  to  "  profane  Greek." 

The  peculiarities  of  late  Greek  are  most 
clearly  discernible  in  the  accidence.  We 


are  now  so  far  advanced  as  to  have  estab- 
lished almost  completely  the  morphology 
of  the  popular  and  colloquial  forms  of 
Hellenistic  Greek.  And  we  find  that  there 
is  remarkable  agreement  between  these 
forms  and  the  forms  that  used  to  be  con- 
sidered peculiar  to  New  Testament  or 
Septuagint  Greek. 

From  the  lexical  point  of  view  there  is 
also  found  to  be  great  community  between 
the  Biblical  and  non-Biblical  Greek. 

As  for  the  syntactical  and  stylistic 
peculiarities  that  formerly  were  considered 
the  chief  reason  for  isolating  "  Biblical " 
Greek,  they  also  appear  now  in  a  different 
light.  We  have  come  to  recognize  that 
we  had  greatly  over-estimated  the  num- 
ber of  Hebraisms  and  Aramaisms  in  the 


Bible.  Many  features  that  are  non-Attic 
and  bear  some  resemblance  to  the  Semitic 
and  were  therefore  regarded  as  Semiticisms, 
belong  really  to  the  great  class  of  interna- 
tional vulgarisms,  and  are  found  in  vulgar 
papyri  and  inscriptions  as  well  as  in  the 

The  number  of  real  Semiticisms  is  there- 
fore smaller  than  was  supposed,  and  smaller 
than  Julius  Wellhausen,1  for  example,  has 
recently  declared  it  to  be.  But  not  one  of 
the  recent  investigators  has  dreamt  of 
denying  the  existence  of  Semiticisms .  They 
are  more  numerous  in  the  Septuagint 
than  in  those  parts  of  the  New  Testament 
that  were  translated  from  the  Aramaic ; 

1  Julius  Wellhausen,  Einleitung  in  die  drei   ersten 
Evangelien,  Berlin,  1905,  p.  9  ff. 


but  in  the  original  Greek  texts  they  are 
very  rare. 

In  pronouncing  on  them  philologically  a 
distinction  must  be  observed  that  was 
formulated  by  Hermann  Paul *  in  a  case 
of  the  same  kind  :  the  distinction  between 
what  is  occasional  and  what  is  usual. 
Semiticisms  are  "  occasional,"  for  example, 
if  they  are  brought  about  in  a  translation 
by  the  accidental  influence  of  the  original 
from  which  the  translation  is  made ;  they 
are  "  usual "  if,  for  example,  they  have 
become  stereotyped  in  "  sacred  formulas  " 
or  other  phrases.  A  certain  number  of 
these  "  usual "  Semiticisms  were  moreover 
coined  by  the  Septuagint,  and  may  there- 

1  Hermann  Paul,  Prinzipien  der  Sprachgeschichte, 
3.  Auflage,  Halle,  1898,  pp.  67,  145. 


fore,  as  Theodor  Nageli 1    well   suggested, 
be  called  Septuagintisms. 

What  we  do  deny  is  merely  this :  that 
the  Semiticisms,  particularly  those  of  the 
New  Testament,  are  sufficient  reason  for 
scholars  to  isolate  the  language  of  our 
sacred  texts.  Our  opinion  of  the  Biblical 
language  is  reached  by  considering  its 
innumerable  coincidences  with  the  cosmo- 
politan language,  not  its  numerable  differ- 
ences from  it.  The  Semiticisms  do  not 
place  the  Bible  outside  the  scope  of  Greek 
philology ;  they  are  merely  birthmarks. 
They  show  us  that  in  this  great  cosmopolitan 
Book  the  Greek  cosmopolitan  language  was 
spoken  by  men  whose  home  lay  in  the 


1  Theodor   Nageli,    Der    Wortschatz   des    Apostels     • 
Paulus,  Gottingen,  1905,  p.  74. 

T.G.B.  5 




OUR  discussion  in  the  second  lecture  on 
methods  of  studying  the  language  of  the 
Greek  Bible  may  be  said  to  result  in  two 
requirements,  one  for  specialization  of  the 
study,  the  other  for  its  incorporation  as  a 
branch  in  the  larger  complex  of  studies 
dealing  with  late  Greek. 

For  future  linguistic  work  on  the  Greek 
Bible,  particularly  the  Septuagint,  on  these 
lines  we  now  possess  an  auxiliary  of  more 
than  ordinary  importance  in  a  great  three- 
volume  concordance  that  has  recently  been 
completed :  the  Concordance  to  the  Septua- 


gint  and  the  other  Greek  Translations  of  the 
Old  Testament,  by  Edwin  Hatch  and  Henry 
A.  Redpath.1  Apart  from  the  "  Indices  " 
to  some  classical  authors  and  concordances 
to  the  more  important  English  poets  books 
of  this  sort  are  really  a  speciality  of  the 
theological  tool-basket.  Originally,  no 
doubt,  they  were  designed  to  assist  in 
practical  exegesis,  but  they  now  form  part 
of  the  indispensable  apparatus  of  scientific 
investigation.  They  enable  us  to  take 
a  rapid  survey  of  the  uses  of  words,  forms, 
and  constructions,  and  though  they  may 
seem  to  be  a  satire  on  the  saying  that  the 
Scripture  cannot  be  broken,  if  rightly  used 
they  do  indeed  promote  the  more  intimate 
knowledge  of  the  Bible. 

r   l  Oxford,  1892-1906,  3 


The  chief  requisites  indispensable  in  any 
concordance  are  trustworthiness  and  com- 
pleteness of  statement.  The  old  Septua- 
gint  Concordance  by  Tromm,1  to  which 
one  was  formerly  obliged  to  have  recourse, 
did  not  fulfil  these  requirements.  It  was 
published  in  1718,  and  is  responsible  for  a 
good  deal  of  original  sin  in  the  quotations 
to  be  found  hi  commentaries. 

The  new  Concordance  was  prepared  and 
begun  under  the  auspices  of  Hatch,  who, 
however,  did  not  live  to  witness  the  publica- 
tion of  even  the  first  instalment.  He  died, 
according  to  human  reckoning,  much  too 
early,  on  the  eleventh  of  November,  1889, 
at  Oxford.  I  consider  the  preparation  of 

1  Abraham  Tromm,  Concordantiae  Graecae  versionis 
LXX.  Inter pretum,  Amstelodami  et  Trajecti  ad 
Rhenum,  1718  (2  vols.,  folio). 


the  Septuagint  Concordance  to  have  been 
his  greatest  service  to  learning.  That  mon- 
umental work  is  the  abiding  fulfilment  of 
the  simple  aspiration  that  Hatch  himself 
once  expressed  in  verse  : 

For  me  .  .  . 

To  have  been  a  link  in  the  chain  of  life  : 

Shall  be  immortality. 

Like  all  human  work,  it  is  not  free  from 
errors,  but  it  is  on  the  whole  thoroughly 
trustworthy.  One  of  its  chief  advances 
on  its  predecessor  is  shown  in  the  attention 
paid  to  those  minute  words,  the  particles, 
which  are  of  such  great  interest  philologi- 
cally.  Schmiedel,1  however,  is  certainly 
right  in  wishing  that  in  the  case  of  particles 
the  editors  had  not  only  noted  the  passages 
but  also  printed  them  in  full.  It  is  really, 
1  Winer-Schmiedel,  p.  xv. 


in  some  cases,  of  more  importance  to  be 
able  to  inform  oneself  rapidly  concerning 
the  uses  of  the  particle  av  than  to  be  able 
to  trace  in  long  lists  the  occurrence  of  such 
a  word  as  ai>6pw7ros. 

It  is  a  defect,  in  my  opinion,  that  the 
principle  of  absolute  completeness  has  not 
been  carried  out.  Thus,  for  example,  the 
personal  pronouns  are  not  given,  or  rather 
they  are  only  recorded  with  the  addition 
of  the  word  passim — a  remark  which  may 
of  course  mean  very  much  or  very  little. 
Not  long  ago  I  had  occasion  to  examine  the 
uses  of  the  solemn  formula  "  I  am,"  eyw 
€«V,  which  occurs  in  the  Gospel  of  St. 
John  and  in  inscriptions  relating  to  the 
cult  of  Isis.  Here  the  Concordance,  article 
ey<*>,  failed  to  assist  me,  for  the  ey«> 


which  it  records  is  something  different. 
In  this  case  of  course  it  was  possible  to  look 
for  ei/uu  in  the  article  elvai  ;  but  what  is 
to  be  done  when  the  grammarian  wishes 
to  examine  the  use  of  the  emphatic  ey« 
or  <rv  ? 

I  am  unable  to  agree  with  the  aggrieved 
complaint  of  Cremer,1  to  whom  the  statis- 
tical system  followed  in  the  Concordance 
seems  to  be  a  mistake.  On  the  contrary,  I 
consider  it  an  advantage  that  we  now  obtain 
more  rapid  information  as  to  the  linguistic 
usages  of  the  separate  books.  The  numbers 
appended  always  will  afford  information 
as  to  the  Hebrew  original  for  which  the 
Greek  word  stands.  We  must  also  be 
grateful  for  the  notice  taken  of  the  chief 

1  Bibl.-Theol.  Worterbuch,  8th  ed.,  p.  xv.  f. 


variants  in  the  manuscripts.  Many  details 
of  importance  in  the  history  of  the  language 
are  concealed  in  them.  For  example,  the 
word  SoKijjLios,  of  great  importance  in  two 
places l  in  the  New  Testament  where  it 
was  not  recognized,  can  be  established 
from  Septuagint  variants,  and  its  occur- 
rence is  then  confirmed  by  the  papyri. 

The  third  volume  is  particularly  valuable. 
It  contains  a  Concordance  of  proper  names 
in  the  Septuagint  and  other  translations 
which  may  be  called  epoch-making  as 
regards  the  study  of  Semitic  and  Greek 
sounds  and  pronunciation.  It  contains 
further  a  Concordance  of  the  parts  of  the 
Greek  Ecclesiasticus  where  corresponding 
Hebrew  equivalents  can  be  given.  Thirdly, 
1  Jas.  i.  3,  1  Pet.  i.  7. 


there  is  new  Hexaplaric  material,  chiefly 
from  the  discoveries  of  Dr.  Mercati  in  the 
Vatican  Library  ;  and  finally  there  is  an 
Index  to  the  Hebrew  words  in  the  whole 

This  last  index  possesses  an  importance 
that  has  not  yet  been  generally  recognized. 
We  knew  already  from  the  Greek  Concord- 
ance that  the  Septuagint  exhibits  a  striking 
simplification  of  the  vocabulary  of  its 
original.  One  single  Septuagint  word 
serves  not  infrequently  to  translate  a  hun- 
dred and  more  different  words  in  the 
Hebrew.  How  far  this  reduction  of  the 
copiousness  of  the  Hebrew  was  neutralized 
by  Hebrew  words  receiving  a  variety  of 
Greek  translations,  it  was  hitherto,  except 
by  very  troublesome  work  with  the  Hebrew 


Concordance,  impossible  to  ascertain.  The 
Hebrew  index  of  the  Oxford  Concordance 
has  now  made  it  possible  to  examine  with 
both  speed  and  accuracy  this  not  unim- 
portant question  in  the  statistics  of  the 
language.  We  see  that  there  are  also 
Hebrew  words  which  the  translators  have 
rendered  in  over  a  hundred  different  ways. 
The  same  index  will  also  prove  of  excellent 
service  for  investigating  the  peculiarities 
of  the  individual  translators. 

The  work  is  printed  with  simple  English 
elegance  and  will  remain  for  years  and 
perhaps  for  centuries  the  only  one  of  its 
kind.  Remembering  this  we  can  only 
repeat  with  deep  gratitude  the  words  of  the 
surviving  editor,  Henry  A.  Redpath,  in  his 
last  preface,  dated  May,  1906,  where  he 


describes  the  work  as  a  labour  of  love. 
Truly,  such  a  monumental  work  could  not 
have  been  created  without  love  and 

A  Concordance  does  not  pretend  to  be  a 
positive  advancement  of  philology ;  but 
it  can  be  the  stimulus  to  a  revival  of  the 
study,  for  it  is  to  the  scholar  the  same  as  a 
large,  well-arranged  herbarium  is  to  the 
botanist — material  for  research  in  con- 
veniently accessible  form. 

Other  equally  important  auxiliaries  for 
students  of  the  Septuagint  are  the  new 
editions  of  the  text.  Oxford  presented  us 
with  the  new  Concordance,  and  Cambridge 
is  giving  us  the  new  text.  First  Henry 
Barclay  Swete  produced  a  highly  successful 

manual  edition  of  the  Vatican  text,1  with 
1  The  Old  Testament  in  Greek  according  to  the  Sep- 


the  variants  of  the  other  most  important 
manuscripts,  and  supplemented  it  with  the 
first  Introduction  to  the  Old  Testament 
in  Greek.1  His  labours  are  the  most 
important  that  have  been  bestowed  on  the 
Septuagint  since  Lagarde's  valuable  work 
in  the  last  third  of  the  nineteenth  century. 
His  Introduction  in  particular  is  at  once  a 
compendium  of  all  the  earlier  Septuagint 
philology  and  a  stimulus  for  all  future  work 
on  the  subject. 

Then  the   "  large "   Cambridge  Septua- 
gint 2    began    to    appear,    Genesis    being 

tuagint.  Edited  by  H.  B.  Swete,  3  vols.,  Cambridge, 
1887-94  ;  2nd  ed.,  1895-1900  ;  3rd  ed.,  1901-7. 

1  An  Introduction  to  the  Old  Testament  in  Greek, 
by  H.  B.  Swete.     Cambridge,  1900  ;    2nd  ed.,  1902. 

2  The  Old  Testament  in  Greek  according  to  the  text 
of  Codex  Vaticanus,  supplemented  from  other  uncial 
manuscripts,   with   a  critical   apparatus   containing 
the  variants  of  the  chief  ancient  authorities  for  the 


published  in  1906  as  the  first  part  of  the  first 
volume.     This  great  work  was  also  origin- 
ally under  the  management  of  Swete,  but 
when   he   was   obliged   to   relinquish    the 
execution  of  the  larger  plan  in  1895  it  was 
entrusted   to   Alan   England   Brooke   and 
Norman  McLean.     The  Cambridge  Septua- 
gint  does  not  aim  at  determining  the  primi- 
tive text — the  time  is  not  yet  ripe  for  that — 
but  it  tries  to  give  a  collection,  as  complete 
and   trustworthy    as   possible,    of   all   the 
materials   for  the   text,   which,   since  the 
great  Oxford  edition  of  Holmes  and  Parsons,1 
have  been  greatly  increased.     Such  a  col- 
text  of  the  Septuagint.     Edited  by  Alan  E.  Brooke 
and   Norman    McLean.     Vol.    i.,    Part    1.,    Genesis. 
Cambridge,  1906. 

1  R.  Holmes  and  J.  Parsons,  Veins  Testamentum 
Graecum  cum  variis  lectionibus,  Oxonii,  1798-1827 
(5  vols.). 


lection  of  the  materials  was  as  necessary 
as  daily  bread  to  Biblical  philology.  I 
was  at  the  Hamburg  Congress  of  Oriental- 
ists in  1902,  when  Professor  Nestle  made  the 
first  authentic  announcement  concerning 
the  forthcoming  work  based  on  an  article 
by  Brooke  and  McLean,  and  there  can  be 
no  doubt  that  all  present  were  impressed 
by  the  extreme  importance  of  the  matter. 
The  Genesis  which  has  since  appeared  has 
not  disappointed  our  highest  expectations. 
The  editors  have  worked  with  the  greatest 
accuracy.  All  the  available  witnesses  to 
the  text  have  been  cited,  down  to  the 
most  recently  published  papyri,  includ- 
ing the  most  important  cursive  manu- 
scripts, the  old  translations,  Philo,  the  New 
Testament,  and  the  quotations  in  the  old 



ecclesiastical  writers.  The  thread  upon 
which  everything  is  strung  is  usually,  as  in 
Swete's  edition,  the  Codex  Vaticanus.  The 
typography  is  a  masterpiece  of  the  Cam- 
bridge University  Press. 

It  is  to  be  hoped  that,  as  we  now  possess 
such  splendid  new  auxiliaries,  Biblical  phil- 
ology will  address  itself  to  the  great  task 
of  compiling  a  Septuagint  Lexicon.  It 
would  be  quite  mistaken  policy  to  postpone 
work  on  the  Lexicon  till  we  have  something 
like  a  critical  text.  That  would  be  putting 
it  off  till  the  Greek  Kalends.  But  we  can 
begin  at  once.  A  Lexicon  is  not  intended 
to  last  for  centuries ;  it  does  duty  only  until 
it  is  relieved  by  a  better  one,  and  the  textual 
critic  is  the  last  person  who  can  afford  to 
do  without  a  Lexicon.  Hitherto  we  have 


had  only  the  old  Septuagint  Dictionary  by 
Biel,1  or  the  revision  of  it  by  Schleusner,2 
which  is  a  rather  insipid  adaptation  of 
Tromm's  Concordance,  useless  at  the  present 
day  except  as  a  collection  of  material. 
The  Key  to  the  Old  Testament  Apocrypha 

by  Christian  Abraham  Wahl 3  is  better  in 
its  way,  but  also  no  longer  up  to  the  stan- 

1  Joannes     Christianus     Biel,     Novus     Thesaurus 
Philologicus  :  sive  Lexicon  in  LXX.  et  alias  interpretes 
et  scriptores  apocryphos  Veteris  Testamenti.     Ex  Bielii 
autoris  manuscripto  edidit  ac  praefatus  est  E.   H. 
Mutzenbecher.     Hagae  Comitum,  1779-80  (3  parts). 

2  Johann  Friedrich   Schleusner,  Novus   Thesaurus 
philologico-criticus  :   sive  Lexicon  in  LXX.  et  reliquos 
interpretes  Graecos  ac  scriptores   apocryphos    Veteris 
Testamenti.     Post  Bielium  et  alios  viros  doctos  con- 
gessit  et  edidit  J.  F.  Schleusner.     Lipsiae,  1820-1  (5 
parts) ;     editio  altera,    locupletata,    Londini,    1829 
(3  vols.). 

Lexici  in  Interpretes  Graecos  Veteris  Testamenti, 
maxime  Scriptores  Apocryphos  spicilegium.  Post 
Bielium  congessit  et  edidit  J.  F.  Schleusner.  Lipsiae, 
1784-6  (2  vols.). 

3  C.  A.  Wahl,  Clavis  librorum  Veteris  Testamenti 
Apocryphorum  philologica,  Lipsiae,  1853. 


dard  of  modern  requirements.  Particularly 
for  the  Septuagint  Lexicon  the  inscriptions 
and  papyri  are  of  the  very  greatest  import- 

Recent  years  have  produced  only  prelim- 
inary studies  for  the  future  lexicon.  Those 
contributed  by  Hermann  Cremer  in  his 
Biblico-Theological  Lexicon  of  New  Testa- 
ment Greek1  must  on  no  account  be  for- 
gotten. Yet  I  cannot  help  feeling  that 
partly  at  least  they  are  influenced  by  the 
belief  in  "  Biblical"  Greek,  and  I  consider 
critical  revision  to  be  imperative.  The 
same  applies  to  the  lexical  work  in 
Hatch's  Essays  in  Biblical  Greek,2  which  are 
full  of  fine  observations.  H.  A.  A.  Ken- 

1  See  above,  p.  41,  n.  1. 

2  See  above,  p.  40,  n.  1. 


nedy,  in  his  Sources  of  New  Testament 
Greek*  a  book  which  is  unfortunately  not 
always  correct  in  its  detailed  statements, 
supplies  many  correct  illustrations  of  the 
vocabulary  of  the  Septuagint,  and  after- 
wards of  the  New  Testament,  from  con- 
temporary Greek  sources.  A  gratifying 
piece  of  work  in  the  form  of  a  ^doctoral 
dissertation  was  published  at  Halle  in 
1894  by  Heinrich  Anz,2  investigating  the 
relation  of  two  hundred  and  eighty-nine 
verbs  in  the  Pentateuch  with  the  popular 
language.  The  conception  of  "  Biblical  " 
Greek,  which  might  so  easily  have  been  an 
obstacle  to  the  work,  obviously  causes 

1  See  above,  p.  40,  n.  2. 

2  Heinrich  Anz,  Subsidia  ad  cognoscendum  Grae- 
corum    sermonem    vulgarem    e    Pentateuchi    versione 
Alexandrina     repetita.      Dissertationes    Philologicae 
Halenses,  vol.  XII.,  Halis  Sax.,  1894. 


the  author  few  misgivings.  He  takes  the 
Book  of  the  Seventy  frankly  for  what  it  is 
and  what  it  claims  to  be,  and  treats  it  as  a 
specimen  of  popular  Greek.  His  investiga- 
tions into  the  history  of  the  words  selected 
impress  one  as  thoroughly  sound,  and  may 
be  regarded  as  preliminary  studies  for  the 
Septuagint  Dictionary.  It  is  a  pity  that 
the  more  recent  papyrus  discoveries  were 
not  then  accessible  to  the  author. 

In  1897  and  1899  the  Professor  of  Theo- 
logy at  Utrecht,  J.  M.  S.  Baljon,1  published 
a  Dictionary  of  Early  Christian  Literature, 
which  as  regards  the  New  Testament 
articles  was  founded  on  Cremer.  It  pro- 
fesses to  contain  the  vocabulary  of  the 

1  J.  M.  S.  Baljon,  Grieksch-theologisch  Woordenboek 
hoofdzakelijk  van  de  oud-christelijke  letterkunde, 
Utrecht,  1895-9  (2  parts). 


Septuagint  and  its  satellites,  besides  that  of 
the  New  Testament  and  of  Early  Christian 
literature  in  general.     The  idea  of  construct- 
ing a  common  dictionary  for  the  whole  of 
this  large  field  is  undoubtedly  a  good  one, 
but  one  cannot  help  suspecting  that  the 
idea  is  too  great  for  the  present  time.     A 
lexicon,  whether  to  the  Septuagint  or  to 
the  New  Testament,  cannot  be  constructed 
off-hand,  if  it  is  to  contain  what  we  have  a 
right  nowadays  to  expect.     Blass  criticized 
the  book l  and  found  in  it  not  a  little  that 
a  philologist  could  not  approve.     With  all 
admiration  for  Baljon's  industry  it  must 
nevertheless  be  said  that  he  does  not  even 
touch,   much  less  solve,   the  really  great 
problems  of  a  Septuagint  Dictionary. 
1  Theologische  Liter aturzeitung,  1897,  xxii.  col.  43  f. 


In  1895  a  Cambridge  committee  drew  up 
a  plan  for  a  Dictionary  of  the  Septuagint, 
but  Swete  some  time  ago  informed  us  that 
the  plan  had  been  suspended  for  the  present. 
This  is  highly  regrettable,  but  the  reasons 
for  the  suspension  are  intelligible  to  any 
one  who  knows  the  present  position  of 
research.  The  difficulties  are  very  great, 
and  those  peculiar  to  a  Septuagint  Diction- 
ary are  commonly  underestimated.  People 
think  that  the  problem  is  solved  by  ascer- 
taining what  Hebrew  word  or  words  are 
represented  by  the  Septuagint  word.  They 
then  look  up  the  meaning  of  the  Hebrew 
and  thus  obtain  what  they  consider  the 
"  meaning  "  of  the  Septuagint  word.  Equiv- 
alence of  the  words — an  obvious  fact,  easily 
ascertainable — is  taken  without  further  ado 


to  denote  equivalence  in  the  ideas  conveyed. 

People  forget  that  the  Septuagint  has 
often  substituted  words  of  its  own  rather 
than  translated.  All  translation,  in  fact, 
implies  some,  if  only  a  slight,  alteration  of 
the  sense  of  the  original.  The  meaning  of 
a  Septuagint  word  cannot  be  deduced  from 
the  original  which  it  translates  or  replaces 
but  only  from  other  remains  of  the  Greek 
language,  especially  from  those  Egyptian 
sources  that  have  lately  flowed  so  abund- 
antly. Even  Professor  Blass,  I  am  glad  to 
say,  took  up  this  position  at  last — a  position 
which,  unfortunately,  is  not  conceded  at 
once,  but  has  to  be  slowly  won  by  combat 
with  an  unmethodical  school. 

To  give  one  example :  Baljon  in  his 
Lexicon  gives  as  meanings  for  the  Septua- 


gint  word  apitevOos  "  olive  tree "  and 
"  cypress  tree."  The  Hebrew  words  for 
these  two  trees  are  certainly  sometimes 
rendered  apKevOos  by  the  translators,  and 
so  Baljon  concludes  that  in  the  language 
of  the  Septuagint  apicevQos  had  these 
meanings.  No,  says  Blass 1  very  truly, 
apicevOos  means  "  juniper,"  and  "  a  wrong 
translation  does  not  turn  the  juniper  into 
an  olive  or  a  cypress."  There  can  be  no 
doubt  about  that. 

I  can  perhaps  make  my  point  clearer  by 
an  analogy.  In  the  English  Authorized 
Version  the  "  terebinth "  of  the  original 
is  usually  translated  "  oak "  (Isa.  i.  29  ; 
Gen.  xxxv.  4).  On  the  analogy  of  Baljon's 
article  a  Dictionary  of  the  Authorized 
1  Col.  44. 


Version  would  have  to  say  that  "  oak " 
meant  "  terebinth,"  whereas  the  truth  of 
the  matter  is  that  the  English  translators, 
like  Luther  in  the  German  translation,  have 
rendered  the  Hebrew — I  will  not  say 
wrongly,  but  —  inexactly.  They  have 
Anglicized  and  Luther  has  Germanized 
the  Oriental  tree. 

In  the  case  of  Septuagint  words  of 
importance  in  the  history  of  religion  the 
unhappy  confusing  influence  of  the  mechan- 
ical equating  process  is  shown  still  more 
clearly  ;  the  apparent  and  external  equival- 
ence of  words  is  made  the  basis  of  far- 
reaching  deductions.  Even  a  Septuagint 
scholar  like  Eberhard  Nestle,  whose  scat- 
tered notes  are  usually  most  instructive, 
does  not  keep  altogether  clear  of  this 


As  an  example  to  illustrate  this  whole 
subject  I  may  mention  the  word  IXao-Trjpiov. 
You  will  read  of  this  word  in  many  respect- 
able books  on  theology  that  in  Septuagint 
Greek  or  in  "  Biblical  "  Greek  it  "  means  " 
"  the  lid  of  the  ark  of  the  covenant/' 
because  the  corresponding  Hebrew  word 
"  kapporeth  "  is  in  most  cases  so  translated 
by  modern  scholars.  Now  the  etymology 
of  the  word,  confirmed  by  certain  inscrip- 
tions, shows  that  IXaa-rripiov  means  "ob- 
ject of  expiation  or  propitiation."  In 
choosing  the  word  IXaa-rripiov  to  denote 
the  lid  of  the  ark  of  the  covenant  the 
Septuagint  has  not  translated  the  concept 
of  "  lid  "  but  has  replaced  it  by  another 
concept  which  brings  out  the  sacred  purpose 
of  the  ark.  The  lid  of  the  ark  of  the 


covenant  is  an  iXaa-Trjpiov,  but  it  does  not 
follow  that  tXavTvpiov  means  "  lid  "  either 
in  the  Septuagint,  in  St.  Paul,  or  anywhere 
else ;  it  can  only  mean  "  expiatory  or 
propiatory  object." 

A  large  proportion  of  the  so-called  "Bib- 
lical "  meanings  of  words  common  to  all 
forms  of  the  Greek  language  owe  their 
existence  in  the  dictionaries  solely  to 
this  mechanical  equating  process.  In 
order  to  effect  such  comparisons  of  words 
there  is  no  need  of  a  lexicon  at  all ;  the 
concordance  is  sufficient.  The  lexicon  has 
very  different  and  much  more  complicated 
tasks  before  it.  It  must  exhibit  the  Greek 
word  in  the  history  of  its  uses,  availing 
itself  specially  of  the  linguistic  remains 
that  are  locally  and  temporally  most  appro- 


priate.  It  must  try  to  discover  and  explain 
the  discrepancies  of  meaning  between  words 
equated  with  one  another  by  the  compara- 
tive method. 

This  task  is  as  profitable  as  it  is  vast. 
It  will  be  discovered  that  the  translators, 
despite  their  reverence  for  the  syntactical 
peculiarities  of  their  original,  have  made 
liberal  use  of  their  own  everyday  vocabu- 
lary, especially  in  the  case  of  technical  and 
expressive  phrases.  This  has  been  shown 
in  an  instructive  essay  by  B.  Jacob  l 
on  the  Book  of  Esther.  Various  details 
will  be  found  in  the  writings  of  Jean 
Antoine  Letronne  2  and  Giacomo  Lum- 

1  B.  Jacob,  Das  Buck  Esther  bei  den  LXX.,  Zeit- 
schrift  fur  die  alttestamentliche  Wissenschaft,  1890,  x. 
p.  241  fit. 

2  J.  A.  Letronne,  Recherches  pour  servir  a  Vhistoire 
de  rEgypte  pendant  la  domination  des  Grecs  et  des 


broso  *  on  Egyptian  history  under  the 
Ptolemies,  and  in  the  still  valuable  work 
of  H.  W.  J.  Thiersch  on  the  Greek 

As  examples  of  the  Egyptianizing  and, 
from  their  point  of  view,  modernizing 
tendency  of  the  translators,  I  may  quote 
the  following.  In  the  book  of  Esther  (ii. 
21)  certain  officials  are  mentioned  who 
bear  the  title  of  "  keepers  of  the  thresh- 

Romains,  tirees  des  inscriptions  grecques  et  latines, 
relatives  a  la  chronologic,  a  1'etat  des  arts,  aux  usages 
civils  et  religieux  de  ce  pays.  Paris,  1823. — Recueil 
des  Inscriptions  Grecques  et  Latines  de  Vfigypte, 
etudiees  dans  leur  rapport  avec  1'histoire  politique, 
Padministration  interieure,  les  institutions  civiles  et 
religieuses  de  ce  pays,  depuis  la  conquete  d'Alex- 
andre  jusqu'a  celle  des  Arabes.  Paris,  1842-8. 

1  G.  Lumbroso,  L'Egitto  dei  Greci  e  dei  Romani  ; 
seconda  edizione  .  .  .  accresciuta    di  un  appendice 
bibliografica.    Roma,  1895. — Recherches  sur  V economie 
politique  de  VBgypte  sous  les  Lagides.     Turin,  1870. 

2  Heinrieh  Wilhelm  Josias  Thiersch,  De  Pentateuchi 
versione  Alexandrina  libri  ires.     Erlangae,  1840. 


old."  The  Septuagint  renders  this  title 
by  apxio-(0juLaTo<pv\a%9  that  is  "  chief  of  the 
body-guard,"  a  designation  that  occurs  in 
Egyptian  inscriptions  and  papyri l  as  the 
title  of  an  official  in  the  court  of  the 

In  Joel  i.  20,  describing  the  distress  of 
the  land,  it  is  said  that  the  rivers  of  waters 
are  dried  up.  The  Egyptian  translators 
have  turned  the  "  rivers  of  waters  "  into 
"  canals,"  thus  making  the  description 
much  more  life-like  to  Egyptian  readers. 

In  Genesis  1.  2  ff.  it  is  written  that  the 
physicians  embalmed  the  body  of  Jacob. 
The  Septuagint  says  evrafaaa-Tai  instead 

of     "  physicians  "    (iarpol),     for     cvTCKpiaa-n]?, 

as  we  know  from  a  papyrus  2  of  the  first 

1  Deissmann,  Bible  Studies,  2nd  ed.,  p.  98. 

2  Ibid.,  p.  120  f. 


century  B.C.,  was  the  technical  term  for 
members  of  the  guild  that  looked  after 

Thiersch's  little  book,  already  mentioned, 
consists  chiefly  of  grammatical  studies  of 
the  translation  of  the  Pentateuch.  It  is  in 
every  respect  a  most  excellent  performance, 
and  was  in  many  points  decidedly  in  advance 
of  its  times.  Unfortunately,  for  a  long 
period  Thiersch  had  practically  no  followers. 
Purely  grammatical  investigations  of  the 
Septuagint  were  altogether  wanting  except 
what  was  now  and  then  contained  in 
Grammars  of  the  New  Testament,  especially 
Schmiedel's.1  The  spell  was  broken  by 

Swete    in   his    Introduction.2     His    fourth 

1  See  above,  p.  41,  n.  2. 

2  See  above,  p.  79,  n.  1. 


chapter,  containing  an  account  of  the  Greek 
of  the  Septuagint,  includes  an  outline  of 
the  grammar  ;  another  is  given  by  Cony- 
beare  and  Stock  x  in  their  Selections  from 
the  Septuagint,  which  will  be  referred  to 
again  presently.  A  larger  Septuagint 
Grammar  is  announced  as  in  prepara- 
tion by  Thackeray,  the  editor  of  the 
Epistle  of  Aristeas  in  Swete's  Introduc- 

In  the  autumn  of  1907  there  was  pub- 
lished, after  years  of  preliminary  labour,  a 
German  Septuagint  Grammar  by  R.  Helb- 
ing,2  closely  in  touch  with  the  recent 
developments  of  Greek  philology,  and  based 
upon  an  exact  study  of  the  enormous 

1  See  below,  p.  101,  n.  2. 

2  Robert    Helbing,     Orammatik    der    Septuaginta 
Laut-  und  Wortlehre,  Gottingen,  1907. 


materials  drawn  from  the  three  parallel 
sources — inscriptions,  papyri,  and  late 
authors.  The  extent  of  the  material 
furnished  merely  by  the  papyri  of  the 
Ptolemaic  age,  contemporary  with  the 
Septuagint,  may  be  judged  from  the  highly 
meritorious  Grammar  of  Greek  Papyri  of 
the  Ptolemaic  Epoch  recently  published 
by  Edwin  Mayser,1  who,  like  Helbing,  has 
turned  his  attention  in  the  first  place  to 
the  Phonology  and  Accidence.  The  syn- 
tactical problems  will  be  treated  in  separate 
volumes  by  both  scholars. 

The  exegesis  of  the  Septuagint  forms  by 

itself  a  special  department  of  Septuagint 

philology.     Its  aim  is  to  interpret  the  Greek 

Old  Testament  as  the  Greek  Bible.     The 

1  See  above,  p.  58,  n.  2. 


Seventy  represented  a  Hellenization  of 
Semitic  monotheism  on  a  great  scale,  and 
their  work  became  a  force  in  literature  and 
in  the  history  of  religion,  just  like  Luther's 
Bible  in  later  times.  But,  apart  from 
commentaries  on  the  Old  Testament  by 
ancient  fathers  of  the  Church,  exegetical 
works  on  the  Septuagint  compiled  in  earlier 
times  are  unknown.  Such  work  was  neg- 
lected probably  because  the  Septuagint  was 
generally  used  simply  as  a  means  for  the 
reconstruction  of  the  Hebrew  original  text, 
and  because  the  few  who  were  interested  in 
the  contents  of  the  book  for  its  own  sake 
were  much  too  strongly  inclined  to  believe 
that  the  sense  of  the  Greek  text  was  one 
and  the  same  with  that  of  the  Semitic 
original.  In  countless  instances,  however, 


the  sense  of  the  two  texts  does  not  coincide 
—and  then  is  the  time  for  Septuagint  exe- 
gesis to  step  in  :     it  is  a  fine  large  field, 
and  until  lately  was  quite  un worked. 

Three  beginnings  have  recently  been 
made:  one  by  R.  R.  Ottley  in  his  Book  of 
Isaiah  according  to  the  Septuagint 1 ;  the 
second  by  F.  C.  Conybeare  and  St.  George 
Stock,  who  in  their  Selections  from  the 
Septuagint 2  have  provided  a  series  of 
stories  from  the  historical  books  of  the 
Septuagint  with  a  detailed  introduction 
and  exegetical  notes;  and  the  third  by 
F.  W.  Mozley,  who  wrote  a  commentary 

1  The  Book  of  Isaiah  according  to  the  Septuagint, 
Codex  Alexandrinus.     Translated  and  edited  by  R.  R. 
Ottley.     With  a  parallel  version  from   the   Hebrew. 
Cambridge,  1904,  1906.     (2  vols.) 

2  Selections  from   the  Septuagint  according   to   the 
text  of  Swete.     Boston  (U.S.A.)  and  London  [1905]. 
(Ginn  &  Co.'s  College  Series  of  Greek  Authors.) 


on  the  Septuagint  Psalms.1  The  English 
translation  of  the  Septuagint  by  Charles 
Thomson,2  which  I  have  not  yet  seen 

1  The  Psalter  of  the  Church,  Cambridge,  1905. 

2  [Translator's   Note].     Charles   Thomson    (1719- 
1824)  was  Secretary  to  Congress,    United   States  of 
America.     His    translation    of   the   Septuagint   was 
printed  at  Philadelphia,    1808,  and  was  apparently 
the  first  English  version  of  the  Old  Testament  made 
from  the  Greek.     It  has  recently  been  reprinted  : 
"  The  Old  Covenant,  commonly  called  the  Old  Testa- 
ment :   translated  from  the  Septuagint.     By  Charles 
Thomson.     A  new  edition  by  S.  F.  Pells,"  London 
(Skeffington),  1904  (2  vols.).     A  "  second  issue,"  with 
the  introductory  matter  increased  from  thirty-four 
to  sixty- two  pages  was  "  published  by  the   Editor, 
Hove,   England,   1907."     Stamped  on  the  cover  of 
each  volume  are  the  words  :   "  The  Septuagint.     The 
Bible  used  by  our  Saviour  and  the  Apostles.     Used 
in  the  Christian  Church  for  a  thousand  years."     In 
the  Editor's  preface  we  read  (p.  xi.)  :    "It  was  out 
of  this  version  that  our  Saviour  was  taught  when  a 
child,  and  out  of  which  He  read  in  the  synagogue 
the  things  concerning  Himself   (Luke  iv.   18,   19)." 
A  similar  statement  is  repeated  in  the  second  issue, 
p.  li.  :   "  The  language  of  Christianity  in  Palestine 
was  Greek,  and  the  language  of  the  Synagogue  was 
Greek.     When  our  Saviour  '  stood  up  for  to  read  ' 
in  the  synagogue  of  Nazareth,  it  was  from  the  Greek 
Septuagint,    Luke    iv.    16-21    (not    Hebrew)  ;     the 
ordinary  speech  of  the  country  at  this  period  was 
Aramaic,  or  Syriac."     The  inscription  on  the  covers 


myself,  ought  to  be  mentioned  here,  al- 
though the  assertion  in  the  preface  to  the 
new  edition  that  the  Septuagint  was  the 
Bible  used  by  Christ  is  not  correct. 

The  Bible  that  our  Lord  used  was  a  Semitic 
Bible.  Paul,  however,  a  child  of  Hellenized 
Judaism,  used  the  Septuagint,  and  with 
him  and  after  him  Greek  Christianity, 
before  ever  there  was  a  New  Testament, 

of  the  second  issue  is  altered  to  read  :  "  Used  in 
the  Churches  of  England  for  a  thousand  years,"  it 
being  a  fond  delusion  of  Mr.  Pells  that  the  Bibles  in 
use  before  the  Reformation  were  derived  from  the 
Septuagint  and  therefore  more  authentic  than  our 
present  translation  from  the  Massoretic  text ! 
Other  English  translations  of  the  Septuagint  are  : — 

(1)  The,   Septuagint  Version  of   the  Old  Testament, 
according  to  the  Vatican  text,  translated  into  English, 
with  the  principal  various  readings  of  the  Alexandrine 
copy,  and  a  table  of  comparative  chronology.     By 
Sir  L.  C.  L.  Brenton.     London,  1844  (2  vols.). 

(2)  The  Septuagint   Version  of  the  Old  Testament, 
with  an  English  translation  :  and  with  various  readings 
and    critical    notes.      London    (S.    Bagster),    [1870]. 
Reissue,    1879,    pp.    vi.,    1130   +  4   pp.    Appendix ; 
Apocrypha  paged  separately,  iv.  248. 


reverenced  the  Septuagint  as  the  Bible 
and  made  it  more  and  more  a  possession 
of  its  own.  It  has  served  the  Christian 
Church  of  Anatolia  in  unbroken  continuity 
down  to  the  present  day.  It  is  peculiarly 
moving  to  a  Bible  student  of  our  own  day 
when,  in  a  remote  island  of  the  Cyclades, 
he  passes  from  the  glaring  noonday  sunshine 
into  the  darkness  of  a  little  Greek  chapel 
and  finds  the  intercessory  prayers  of  the 
Septuagint  Psalms  still  as  living  on  the 
lips  of  a  Greek  priest  as  they  were  two 
thousand  years  ago  in  the  synagogues  of 
Alexandria  and  Delos. 

One  who  has  experienced  that  will  return 
with  new  devotion  to  the  Book  of  the 
Seventy,  strengthened  in  the  conviction 
that  this  monument  of  a  world- wide  religion 


is  indeed  worthy  of  thorough  and  profound 
investigation  on  all  sides,  not  only  because 
of  its  Hebrew  original  but  also  for  its  own 




WE   concluded   our   third   lecture   with   a 
short  mention  of  the  beginnings  that  are 
just   being   made   in   the   exegesis   of  the 
Greek    Old    Testament.     The    exegesis  of 
the  Greek  New  Testament  can  look  back 
upon   a  history  of  many  centuries.     The 
fact,   however,   that   the   New   Testament 
as  distinguished  from  the  Greek  Old  Testa- 
ment possesses  an  international  exegetical 
literature  of  its  own  which  promises  soon 
to  attain  unmanageable  dimensions,  is  not 
necessarily  a  proof  of  a  revival  of  interest 



in  its  philological  investigation.  The  more 
recent  commentaries,  indeed,  leave  much 
to  be  desired  from  the  philological  point  of 

How  greatly  the  exegesis  of  the  New 
Testament  is  able  to  profit  by  the  progress 
of  classical  archaeology  in  the  widest  sense 
is  shown  by  the  writings  of  Sir  William 
Ramsay,1  the  Commentary  on  the  Epistle 
to  the  Romans  by  Hans  Lietzmann,2  the 
Commentary  on  the  Gospel  according  to 
St.  Matthew  by  Th.  Zahn  3  and  by  W.  C. 
Allen,4  and  the  excellent  Commentary  on 

1  See  above,  p.  21,  n. 

2  Hans  Lietzmann,  Handbuch  zum  Neuen  Testa- 
ment, vol.  iii.,  pp.  1-80,  Tubingen,  1906. 

3  Theodor  Zahn,  Kommentar  zum  Neuen  Testament, 
vol.  i.,  Leipzig,   1903  ;   zweite  Auflage,   1905. 

4  W.  C.  Allen,  A  Critical  and  Exegetical  Commen- 
tary on  the  Gospel  according  to  S.  Matthew.     Edinburgh, 
1907.     (The  International  Critical  Commentary.) 


St.  Paul's  Epistles  to  the  Thessalonians  by 
George  Milligan.1 

Any  further  discussion  of  the  enormous 
output  of  Commentaries  in  the  last  few 
years  is  beyond  our  present  scope.  Nor 
is  this  the  occasion  to  review  the  work 
accomplished  in  New  Testament  textual 
criticism,  important  as  it  is  to  the  New 
Testament  philologist  and  tempting  as  it 
would  be  to  speak  of  it  here  in  Cambridge, 
where  great  traditions  in  textual  criticism 
have  been  inherited  and  made  greater  by 
men  and  women  of  distinguished  learning. 

We  may,  however,  mention  in  the  first 

place  as  a  book  of  great  value  to  the  New 

Testament  philologist  the  Concordance  to 

the  New  Testament  by  W.  F.  Moulton  and 

1  London,  1908. 

A.  S.  Geden.1  A  revised  edition  of  an 
older  work,  the  excellent  Concordance  of 
Bruder,2  is  also  being  prepared  by  Schmiedel. 
But  the  most  remarkable  fact  that  strikes 
us  on  reviewing  recent  work  is  that,  after 
a  long  period  of  stagnation  in  the  gram- 
matical department,  we  have  had  in  the 
last  twelve  years  three  new  Grammars  of 
the  New  Testament,  by  Paul  Wilhelm 
Schmiedel,  Friedrich  Blass,  and  James 
Hope  Moulton,  and  that  the  publication 

1  A  Concordance  to  the  Greek  Testament  according 
to  the  text  of  Westcott  and  Hort,  Tischendorf,  and  the 
English  Revisers.     Edited  by  Rev.   W.  F.  Moulton 
and  Rev.  A.  S.  Geden.     Edinburgh,   1897. 

2  Ta/jbieiov  TWV  rr}s  Kaivfjs  Aiadr)K7]<$  Xefecov  sive 
Concordantiae  omnium  vocum  Novi  Testamenti  Graeci, 
primum  ab  Erasmo  Schmidio  editae,  nunc  secundum 
critices  et  hermeneutices  nostrae  aetatis  rationes  emen- 
datae,   auctae,   meliori  ordine  dispositae  cura  C.   H. 
Bruder,    Lipsiae,    1842 ;    editio    stereotypa   quarta, 
Lipsiae,  1888,  sexta  1904. 

of  a  fourth,  by  Ludwig  Kadermacher,  is 

Schmiedel's  book  claims  only  to  be  a 
revised  edition  (the  eighth)  of  G.  B.  Winer's 
Grammar.1  The  old  Winer,  when  first 
published,  was  a  protest  of  the  philological 
conscience  against  the  caprices  of  an  arro- 
gant empiricism.  For  half  a  century  it 
exercised  a  decisive  influence  on  exegetical 
work — which  is  a  long  time  for  any  Gram- 
mar, and  for  a  Greek  Grammar  in  the  nine- 
teenth century  a  very  long  time  indeed. 
While  most  warmly  appreciating  its  merits 
we  may  yet  say,  without  prejudice  to  the 
truth,  that  it  has  had  its  day.  If  you  use 
the  old  edition  of  Winer  now — and  it  is 
still  to  some  extent  indispensable — it  is 
1  See  above,  p.  41,  n.  2. 

P.G.B.  g 


possible  to  find  yourself  thinking  that 
what  was  once  its  strength  constitutes  also 
the  weakness  of  the  book.  And  I  believe 
the  feeling  is  not  without  foundation. 
Often  you  feel  that  something  is  represented 
as  regular  where  there  is  no  such  thing  as 
regularity,  or  uniform  where  the  charac- 
teristic individuality  of  the  single  fact  calls 
for  recognition.  In  short  you  receive  too 
much  the  impression  of  a  "  New  Testament 
idiom  "  as  a  sharply  defined  magnitude  in 
the  history  of  the  Greek  language. 

If  in  speaking  of  Schmiedel's  new  Winer  I 
may  be  allowed  to  begin  with  an  objection,  it 
is  a  fault,  so  it  seems  to  me,  that  there  is  still 
too  much  Winer  and  too  little  Schmiedel 
in  the  book.  This  applies,  however,  only 
to  the  introductory  paragraphs,  where 


Schmiedel  has  allowed  much  to  remain 
that  is  afterwards  tacitly  contradicted  by 
his  own  statements.  On  the  whole  the 
new  edition — or  new  book,  as  it  is  really — 
marks  a  characteristic  and  decisive  turning 
point  in  New  Testament  philology.  The 
phenomena  of  the  language  of  the  New 
Testament  are  exhibited  conscientiously, 
and  as  a  rule  adequately,  in  relation 
with  the  history  of  the  Greek  language. 
The  sources  accessible  to  Schmiedel,  especi- 
ally the  inscriptions  and  papyri,  are  made 
exhaustive  use  of.  Unfortunately  the 
majority  of  the  papyrus  discoveries  did 
not  come  until  after  the  appearance  of 
Schmiedel's  Accidence  in  1894.  Such 
preliminary  studies  as  existed  for  the  philo- 
logist were  used  by  Schmiedel,  and,  sad 


to  say,  there  were  not  many.  All  the  more 
must  we  admire  the  industry,  the  faithful- 
ness in  detail,  and  the  eye  for  the  great 
connexions  traceable  in  the  history  of 
language,  to  which  the  book  bears  witness. 
Schmiedel's  minute  accuracy  is  well  known. 
It  does  one's  heart  good  in  this  false  world 
to  meet  with  such  trustworthy  quotations. 

It  is  a  pity  that  Schmiedel  has  not  yet 
been  able  to  complete  the  work ;  but  as  a 
splendid  Greek  scholar,  Eduard  Schwyzer 
of  Zurich,  the  grammarian  of  the  Pergamos 
inscriptions,  has  been  recently  engaged 
as  a  collaborator,  it  may  be  hoped  that 
"  Winer  and  Schmiedel "  will  not  have 
to  remain  a  torso  much  longer. 

In  his  review  1  of  Schmiedel's  Accidence 

1  Theologische  Literaturzeitung,  1894,  xix.  col. 


Friedrich  Blass  was  not  so  warm  as  he 
might  have  been  in  acknowledging  the 
merits  of  the  work.  In  his  own  Grammar,1 
however,  he  openly  acknowledges  that  he 
owed  very  much  to  Schmiedel. 

And,  indeed,  without  Schmiedel's  book 
Blass's  Grammar  would  not  have  been 
possible.  In  the  review  mentioned  Blass 
observed  that  the  gulf  between  theology 
and  philology  was  noticeable  here  and 
there  in  Schmiedel,  and  by  saying  so  invited 
the  use  of  the  same  standard  on  his  own 
Grammar.  Now  in  my  opinion  the  separa- 
tion between  theology  and  philology  is 
altogether  without  justification  in  this  field 
of  research,  and  the  controversy  that 

1  See  above,  p.  41,  n.  3.  Translated  into  English  by 
H.  St.  J.  Thackeray,  London,  1898 ;  2nd  ed.,  1905. 


occasionally  flares  up  is  most  regrettable. 
But  as  things  are  at  present,  the  professed 
Greek  scholar  who  takes  up  the  study  of 
the  Bible  has  generally  the  advantage  of  a 
larger  knowledge  of  the  non-Biblical  sources 
of  the  language,  while  the  theologian  is 
better  acquainted  with  the  Biblical  texts 
and  their  exegetical  problems.  Prejudiced 
though  it  may  sound  to  say  so,  my  impres- 
sion on  comparing  the  two  Grammars  was 
that  Schmiedel's  defects  in  philology  were 
slighter  than  those  of  Blass  in  theology. 
To  speak  in  the  language  of  mankind  that 
knows  no  Faculties,  as  regards  the  positive 
interpretation  of  the  texts  of  the  New 
Testament  Schmiedel  is  the  more  stimu- 
lating, so  far  as  can  be  judged  from  the 
first  instalment  of  his  Syntax. 


A  Grammar  must  not  be  wanting  in 
cheerful  willingness  to  leave  some  things 
undecided.  It  must  be  seriously  recognized 
and  admitted  that  there  are  such  things  as 
open  questions.  That  Blass  theoretically 
held  this  view  is  shown  by  the  following 
chance  remark  in  his  Grammar.1  "  The 
kind  of  relation  subsisting  between  the 
genitive  and  its  noun  can  only  be  recognized 
from  the  sense  and  context ;  and  in  the 
New  Testament  this  is  often  solely  a  matter 
of  theological  interpretation,  which  cannot 
be  taught  in  a  Grammar."  But  this  prin- 
ciple, so  extremely  important  methodologi- 
cally, is  not  always  followed.  In  passages 
where  it  is  certain  that  the  phraseology  is 
peculiar,  and  where  the  exegetical  possi- 
1  Zweite  Auflage,  p.  97,  §  35,  1. 


bilities  are  equal,  Blass  often  comes  and 
smooths  away  with  his  grammatical  plane 
something  that  seems  like  an  irregularity 
but  is  really  not  so. 

Beginners  in  exegesis  are  apt  to  content 
themselves  with  what  they  find  by  help 
of  the  index  of  texts  in  Blass.  That  is 
certainly  not  at  all  what  Blass  intended, 
but  it  is  probably  the  consequence  of  what 
must  be  complained  of  as  the  theological 
deficiency  of  the  book.  A  Grammar,  especi- 
ally when  it  bears  the  name  of  a  famous 
philologist,  is  easily  regarded  by  the  average 
person  who  uses  it  as  a  compendium  of  all 
that  is  reducible  to  fixed  laws  and  therefore 
as  absolutely  dependable.  If  Blass  could 
have  brought  himself  to  rouse  up  energeti- 
cally this  easy-going  deference  of  the  youth- 


ful  reader,  as  he  might  have  done  in  many 
parts  of  the  Syntax,  his  book  would  have 
gained  decidedly  in  value  as  a  book  for 

I  count  it  as  one  of  the  excellencies  of 
the  book  that  in  the  introduction  the 
author  adopts  a  definitive  attitude  on  the 


question  of  "  New  Testament  "  Greek.  In 
spite  of  the  title,  and  in  spite  of  some 
occasional  relapses  (which  must  not  be 
regarded  too  seriously)  to  the  method 
formerly  championed  by  Blass,  it  is  made 
plain  that  there  is  no  such  thing  as  a  special 
"  New  Testament  "  Greek,  and  that  there- 
fore the  claim  of  the  New  Testament  to 
have  a  special  grammar  of  its  own  can 
only  be  based  on  the  practical  needs  of 
Bible  study.  As  was  only  to  be  expected 


from  Blass,  the  book  contains  many  fine 
observations  in  the  details.  The  Syntax, 
however,  is  decidedly  the  weakest  part 
of  the  book.  The  comparatively  small 
number  of  examples  from  secular  sources 
is  particularly  striking  there.  On  the  other 
hand — and  this  undoubtedly  deserves  our 
thankful  attention — Blass  makes  ample 
use  of  the  Shepherd  of  Hernias,  the  Epistle 
of  Barnabas,  and  the  Clementine  literature. 
This  is  putting  into  practice  the  excellent 
remark  in  his  grimly  humorous  dedication 
to  August  Fick,  where  he  writes  :  "  The 
isolation  of  the  New  Testament  is  a  bad 
thing  for  the  interpretation  of  it,  and 
must  be  broken  down  as  much  as  pos- 

In  very  different  fashion  the  latest  of 


the  grammarians,  James  Hope  Moulton,1 
has  broken  down  the  isolation  of  the  New 
Testament .  He  introduces  himself  modestly 
as  inheritor  of  the  work  of  his  late  father, 
W.  F.  Moulton,  whose  English  edition  of 
Winer's  Grammar  2  had  for  almost  forty 
years  favourably  influenced  exegetical 
studies  in  England  and  America.  His  aged 
mother,  who  compiled  the  copious  index 
of  texts  for  him  as  she  had  done  forty  years 
before  for  her  husband,  may  symbolize 
to  us  the  personal  continuity  between  the 
elder  and  the  younger  generation  of  gram- 
marians. The  son  has  inherited  firstly 
the  scholar's  instinct  for  research,  united 
with  fervent  love  of  the  New  Testament. 

1  See  above,  p.  41,  n.  4. 

2  Edinburgh,  1870. 


He  has  further  inherited  the  solid  founda- 
tion of  the  book  itself,  Winer  and  Moulton's 
Grammar.  But  he  was  also  equipped  with 
a  modern  training  in  Greek,  and  by  his  own 
industry  he  has  created  on  that  foundation 
an  entirely  new  book.  In  the  second 
edition,  therefore,  which  was  called  for 
within  a  few  months,  the  title  has  rightly 
been  simplified.1  The  first  volume  bears 
the  descriptive  title  of  Prolegomena ;  a 
second  volume,  containing  the  grammar 
proper,  is  yet  to  follow.  With  intentional 
avoidance  of  systematic  severity  and  con- 
cision the  nine  chapters  of  the  Prolegomena 
aim  at  making  clear  by  a  selection  of 
especially  striking  linguistic  phenomena 

1  A  Grammar  of  New  Testament  Greek,  by  James 
Hope  Moulton,  vol.  i.,  Prolegomena,  Edinburgh,  1906. 


the  general  character  of  the  Hellenistic 
cosmopolitan  language  and  the  position 
of  the  New  Testament  in  the  history  of 
that  language.  These  chapters  are  partly 
based  on  earlier  publications  of  the  author's 
in  the  Expositor,  and  his  articles  in  the 
Classical  Review  are  also  made  use  of. 
What  the  learned  doctrinaire  may  carp  at 
as  a  fault  in  the  character  of  the  first  volume 
is  for  the  reader,  and  especially  for  the  young 
reader,  a  great  advantage.  The  opinion 
that  a  Grammar  can  only  be  good  if  it  is 
dull,  is  completely  refuted  by  these  Prole- 
gomena. You  can  really  read  Moulton. 
You  are  not  stifled  in  the  close  air  of 
exegetical  controversy,  and  you  are  not 
overwhelmed  in  a  flood  of  quotations. 
The  main  facts  and  the  main  questions  are 

*  always  seen  distinctly  and  formulated 
clearly.  It  is  an  important  work,  in  many 
points  stimulating  to  research,  and  it  should 
leave  one  great  conviction  behind  it,  namely, 
that  the  New  Testament,  from  the  linguis- 
tic point  of  view,  stands  in  most  vital 
connexion  with  the  Hellenistic  world 
surrounding  it.  The  earlier  grammatical 
treatment  of  our  sacred  Book  was  above 
all  dominated  by  a  sense  of  its  contrast  with 
the  surrounding  world,  and  the  new  method, 
conceived  and  followed  more  energetically 
by  Moulton  than  by  Schmiedel  and  Blass, 
emphasizes  above  all  the  contact  with  the 
surrounding  world.  The  last  word  has  not 
yet  been  said  about  the  proportion  of 
Semiticisms.  A  large  number  of  miscon- 
ceptions in  earlier  exegetists  come  from 


failure  to  notice  the  fact  that  the  speech 
of  the  people  in  Greek  and  in  non-Greek 
languages  had  many  points  in  common. 
Thus  many  phrases  which  strike  both  the 
classical  Greek  scholar  with  his  public 
school  and  university  training  and  the 
divinity  Hebrew  scholar,  and  which  they 
triumphantly  brand  as  Semiticisms,  are 
not  always  Semiticisms,  but  often  interna- 
tional vulgarisms,  which  do  not  justify  the 
isolation  of  "  New  Testament "  philology. 
Excellent  indices — only  the  Greek  one 
is  too  modest — afford  a  convenient  sum- 
mary of  the  results  of  the  Prolegomena. 
The  list  of  papyri  and  inscriptions  quoted 
shows  the  author's  wide  reading  and  makes 
it  possible  to  use  the  New  Testament  as  a 
source  for  the  study  of  papyri  and  epigraphy. 


The   accuracy   of    the   printing    and    the 
beautiful    get-up    of    the    book    are    very 
pleasing.     The  only  thing  that  caused  me 
misgivings  was  the  praise  given  to  a  German 
scholar  who  had  lighted  by  chance  upon 
the  papyri  and  there  seen  what  of  course 
would  have  been  seen  by  anybody  else. 
It  is  to  be  hoped  that  the  publication 
of  these  three  great  works,  to  be  followed, 
as  already  mentioned,  by  a  fourth,  does  not 
mean  that  the  grammatical  study  of  the 
New  Testament  will  come  to  a  standstill 
for  a  time.     There  are  plenty  of  detached 
problems,  both  in  accidence  and  syntax  ; 
for  example,  it  seems  to  me  that  a  close 
examination  of  the  syntax  of  the  preposi- 
tions  and   cases,   especially   in    St.   Paul, 
would  be  particularly  desirable  and  fruitful. 


In  his  inaugural  lecture  at  Manchester 
two  years  ago  on  "The  Science  of  Language 
and  the  Study  of  the  New  Testament,"  1 
Moulton  gave  a  short  sketch  of  the  present 
state  of  New  Testament  problems. 

Edwin  A.  Abbott's  Johannine  Grammar,2 
a  special  Grammar  of  the  writings  of  St. 
John,  which  appeared  recently,  is  a  work  of 
great  merit.  I  have  not  yet  been  able  to 
examine  this  book,  nor  the  same  author's 
Johannine  Vocabulary,3  but  I  can  rely  upon 
the  opinion  of  Dr.  Moulton,  who  praises 
the  book  highly  and  would  only  have 
liked  to  see  in  it  a  closer  acquaintance 
with  the  facts  of  late  Greek. 

1  Manchester,  1906,  p.  32. 

2  E.  A.  Abbott,  Johannine  Grammar,  London,  1906. 

3  E.  A.  Abbott,   Johannine  Vocabulary  :   a  com- 
parison of  the  words  of  the  Fourth  Gospel  with  those 
of  the  three.     London,  1905. 



Two  detached  investigations,  not,  how- 
ever, purely  grammatical,  are  contained 
in  two  Heidelberg  dissertations  presented 
for  the  licentiate  in  theology,  by  Arnold 
Steubing *  on  the  Pauline  concept  of 
"  sufferings  of  Christ,"  and  by  Adolph 
Schettler 2  on  the  Pauline  formula  "  through 
Christ."  The  latter  especially  is  very 
instructive,  and  by  proving  that  St.  Paul 
in  that  formula  always  means  the  risen 
Lord  constitutes  a  great  simplification  and 
deepening  of  our  conception  of  the  personal 
religion  of  St.  Paul. 

An  American  book  from  the  earlier  years 
of  the  modern  period  of  research,  Ernest 

1  Arnold     Steubing,      Der      paulinische     Begriff 
"  Christusleiden"  Darmstadt,  1905. 

2  Adolph     Schettler,     Die      paulinische     Formel 
"  Durch  Christus"  Tubingen,  1907. 


de  Witt  Burton's  Syntax  of  the  Moods  and 
Tenses  in  New  Testament  Greek,1  deserves 
honourable  mention,  while  the  two  very 
detailed  grammatical  works  of  the  French 
Abbe,  Joseph  Viteau,2  entitled  Etudes  sur 
le  Grec  du  Nouveau  Testament,  must  be 
used  with  great  caution.  Burton's  book 
has  moreover  been  recently  translated  into 
Dutch  by  J.  de  Zwaan,3  a  Dutchman,  who 
enriched  it  with  good  additions  of  his  own. 
As  a  proof  that  also  the  Roman  Catholic 

1  E.  de  Witt  Burton,  Syntax  of  the  Moods  and  Tenses 
in  New  Testament  Greek,  Chicago,    1893  ;     2nd  ed., 
London  (Isbister),  1893  ;    3rd  ed.,  Edinburgh,  1898. 

2  Joseph  Viteau,  Etudes  sur  le  Grec  du  Nouveau 
Testament.     Le   Verbe :     Syntaxe   des   Propositions. 
(These.)     Paris,  1893. — Ettule  sur  le  greo  du  Nouveau 
Testament  compare  avec  celui  des  Septante  :    Sujet, 
Complement  et  Attribut.     Paris,  1896.     (Bibliotheque 
de  1'Ecole  des  Hautes  Etudes,  fasc.  114). 

3  J.  de  Zwaan,   Syntaxis  der    Wijzen    en   Tijden 
in  het    Grieksche    Nieuwe    Testament  .  .  .,  Haarlem, 


Church  in  German  lands  is  at  least  not 
wanting  in  good  will  to  assist  in  the 
grammatical  work  I  may  mention  two 
"  Programms "  by  Alois  Theimer,1  an 
Austrian  schoolmaster,  on  the  prepositions 
in  the  historical  books  of  the  New  Testa- 

The  greatest  task  for  the  philologist  of 
the  New  Testament  is  again  a  Dictionary. 
Excellent  in  the  main  as  was  Wilibald 
Grimm's  revision  2  of  Wilke's  Clams  Novi 
Testamenti  Philologica  (as  may  be  seen 

1  Beitrdge  zur  Kenntnis  des  Sprachgebrauches  im 
Neuen  Testamente,  Programm,  Horn  in  Niederoster- 
reich,  1896  and  1901. 

2  C.  G.  Wilke,  Clavis  Novi  Testamenti  Philologica, 
Dresdae  et  Lipsiae,  1841,  2  vols.  ;    another,  Roman 
Catholic   edition,   Lexicon  Graeco-Latinum  in   libros 
Novi   Testamenti,   by   V.   Loch,    Ratisbonae,    1858 ; 
another   Protestant   edition   by  C.   L.   W.    Grimm, 
Lipsiae,   1868,  vierte  Auflage,   1903  ;    translated  by 
J.  H.  Thayer,  A  Greek-English  Lexicon  of  the  New 
Testament,   Edinburgh,    1886;    New  York,    1887. 


especially  in  the  much  more  correct  English 
edition  by  Joseph  Henry  Thayer),  and 
much  as  Cremer's  Lexicon  has  improved 
in  the  course  of  years,  both  these  works, 
Grimm  and  Cremer,  to  say  nothing  of 
others,  are  no  longer  adequate.  We  now 
have  the  right  to  expect  of  a  Dictionary 
that  it  shall  take  account  of  the  results 
of  modern  philology,  and  that  it  therefore 
in  particular  shall  not  ignore  the  splendid 
additions  to  our  knowledge  due  to  the 
discoveries  of  the  last  twenty  or  thirty 
years.  As  far  as  the  inscriptions  are 
concerned,  both  Grimm  and  Cremer  might 
have  derived  much  information  from  them, 
and  it  is  regrettable  that  they  did  not  do 
so.  Already  a  large  number  of  words 
formerly  considered  "  Biblical  "  or  "  New 


Testament "  can  be  struck  off  the  list  on 
the  authority  of  inscriptions,  papyri,  or 
passages  in  authors  that  had  escaped 

It  used  to  be  a  favourite  amusement  of 
the  older  lexicographers  to  distinguish  words 
as  specifically  Biblical  or  New  Testament, 
and  the  number  of  such  words  has  been 
enormously  overestimated.  Even  Ken- 
nedy l  calculates,  from  the  lists  in  Thayer's 
Lexicon,  that  among  the  4,800  to  5,000 
words  used  in  the  New  Testament  (omitting 
proper  names),  about  550  are  "  Biblical," 
that  is,  words  "  found  either  in  the  New 
Testament  alone,  or,  besides,  only  in  the 
Septuagint.  That  is,  about  twelve  per  cent, 
of  the  total  vocabulary  of  the  New  Testa- 
1  P.  93.  See  above,  p.  40,  n.  2 


ment   is    '  Biblical.' '      But   this   estimate 
will  not  bear  close  examination. 

Many  of  these  550  words  are  quoted  by 
Thayer  himself  from  non-Christian  authors, 
and  though  these  authors  are  often  post- 
Christian,  there  is  no  probability  of  their 
having  learnt  the  words  from  the  New 
Testament  or  from  the  mouth  of  Christians. 
A  large  number  of  other  words  have  since 
then  turned  up  in  the  inscriptions,  papyri, 
and  ostraca,  and  as  regards  the  rest  we 
must  always  ask  in  each  case  whether  there 
is  sufficient  internal  reason  for  supposing 
the  word  to  be  a  Christian  invention .  Where 
one  of  these  words  is  not  recognizable  at 
sight  as  a  Jewish  or  Christian  new  formation 
we  must  consider  it  as  a  word  common  to 
all  Greek  until  the  contrary  is  proved. 


The  number  of  really  new-coined  words 
is  in  the  earliest  Christian  period  very  small. 
There  can  hardly  be  more  than  50  Christian 
new  formations  among  the  round  5,000 
words  of  the  New  Testament  vocabulary, 
that  is,  not  12  per  cent,  but  1  per  cent. 
Primitive  Christianity  was  a  revolution  of 
the  inmost  life  of  man,  but  not  a  revolution 
of  the  Greek  lexicon — so  might  we,  as 
modern  philologists,  vary  the  old  witness 
of  St.  Paul,  that  "  the  kingdom  of  God  is 
not  in  word  but  in  power  "  (1  Cor.  iv.  20). 
The  great  enriching  of  the  Greek  lexicon 
by  Christianity  did  not  take  place  till  later 
in  the  ecclesiastical  period,  with  its  enormous 
development  and  differentiation  of  the 
dogmatic,  liturgical,  and  legal  vocabulary. 
In  the  religiously  creative  period  the  power 


of  Christianity  to  form  new  words  was  not 
nearly  so  large  as  its  effect  in  transforming 
the  meaning  of  the  old  words. 

The  New  Testament  lexicographer  will 
therefore  have  to  make  himself  familiar 
above  all  with  the  great  range  of  sources 
for  the  Greek  popular  language  from  Alex- 
ander the  Great  to  Constantine.  His  field 
is  the  world — that  world  which  from  the 
most  ancient  seats  of  Greek  culture  in 
Hellas  and  in  the  islands,  in  the  little  country 
towns  of  Asia  Minor  and  in  the  villages  of 
Egypt,  as  well  as  from  the  cosmopolitan 
trading  centres  on  the  shores  of  the  Mediter- 
ranean and  the  Black  Sea,  presents  us  year 
by  year  with  memorials  of  itself,  i.e.,  with 
actual  documents  of  the  living  language 
which  was  the  missionary  language  of  St. 


Studies  such  as  those  of  E.  L.  Hicks 
in  the  Classical  Review,1  James  Hope 
Moulton's  lexical  work  in  the  Expositor,2 
Theodor  Nageli's  Examination  of  the 
Vocabulary  of  the  Apostle  Paul,3  Wilhelm 
Heitmiiller's  book  4  on  the  formula  "  in 
the  name  of  Jesus/'  Gottfried  Thieme's 
Heidelberg  dissertation  on  The  Inscriptions 
of  Magnesia  on  the  Maeander  and  the  New 
Testament,5  Wendland's  essay  on  the  word 
Saviour  (crornjjo), 6  and  the  excellent  "  Lexi- 
cal Notes  from  the  Papyri  "  7  just  begun 

1  Vol.  i.,  1887,  pp.  4-8,  42-6. 

2  April,  1901  ;   February,  1903  ;   December,  1903. 

3  See  above,  p.  65,  n.  1. 

4  W.  Heitmiiller,  Im  Namen  Jesu,  Gottingen,  1905. 
6  G.   Thieme,   Die  Inschriften  von  Magnesia  am 

M dander  und  das  Neue  Testament,  Gottingen,  1906. 

6  Zeitschrift  fur  die  neutestamentliche  Wissenschaft, 
1904,  v.,  pp.  335-53. 

7  The    Expositor,    January,   1908,  and    following 


by  J.  H.  Moulton  and  George  Milli- 
gan,  have  all  by  this  method  obtained 
accurate  results  and  laid  the  founda- 
tions for  the  future  new  Lexicon.  Georg 
Heinrici 1  in  his  examination  of  the 
Sermon  on  the  Mount  from  the  point  of 
view  of  the  history  of  ideas  has  made 
valuable  contributions  by  drawing  materials 
from  the  old  philosophical  and  ethical 
writers.  Baljon 2  also,  at  least  in  the 
Appendix  to  his  Dictionary,  was  able  to 
incorporate  some  of  the  results  of  recent 
investigations.  It  will  also  be  possible 
for  synonymic  studies  to  receive  a  new 
impetus  from  the  new  sources.  Archbishop 

1  Georg    Heinrici,    Die    Bergpredigt  .  .  .  begriffs- 
geschichtlich   untersucht,    Reformationsfestprogramm, 
Leipzig,  1905  (and  as  vol.  iii.  of  Heinrici's  Beitrdge, 
Leipzig,  1905). 

2  See  above,  p.  86,  n. 


Trench's  l  well-known  work  is  the  classical 
representative  of  the  older  philological 
method.  Though  in  many  points  out  of 
date,  it  is  still  the  best  work  on  New  Testa- 
ment synonymy,  and  a  selection  from  it 
has  lately  been  published  in  a  German  trans- 
lation by  Heinrich  Werner.2  The  German 
Synonymy  of  New  Testament  Greek  by 
Gerhard  Heine  3  is  quite  elementary. 

Any  one  who  shall  in  future  pursue 
studies  in  synonymy  based  on  an  intimate 
knowledge  of  the  late  Greek  popular  lan- 
guage, will  without  doubt  come  to  the 

1  R.  C.  Trench,  Synonyms  of  the  New  Testament, 
Cambridge,  1854  ;    7th  ed.,  1871,  last  edition,  1906. 

2  Synonyma  des    Neuen  Testaments,  von    R.   Ch. 
Trench,    ausgewahlt    und    iibersetzt    von    Heinrich 
Werner.     Mit   einem   Vorwort   von   Prof.   D.   Adolf 
Deissmann.     Tubingen,  1907. 

3  Gerhard  Heine,  Synonymik  des  neutestamentlichen 
Crriechisch,  Leipzig,  1898. 


conclusion  that  the  stock  of  concepts 
possessed  by  Primitive  Christianity  was 
much  more  simple  and  transparent  than 
used  formerly  to  be  assumed.  The  con- 
cepts have  hitherto  been  too  much  isolated  ; 
for  example,  the  differences  between  "  Justi- 
fication," "  Reconciliation,"  and  "  Redemp- 
tion "  in  St.  Paul  have  been  much  more 
strongly  emphasized  than  the  relationship 
which  before  all  things  is  recognizable 
between  them.  In  particular  the  person- 
ality and  the  piety  of  the  Apostle  Paul 
appear  much  more  compact  and  more 
impressive,  if,  avoiding  the  failings  of  the 
doctrinaire  method  as  commonly  employed 
in  Germany  by  the  Tubingen  School  and 
their  opponents,  we  consider  him  against 
the  background  recoverable  from  the  new 


sources  of  the  Graeco-Roman  world  as  the 
great  hero  of  the  faith  from  the  East. 

Finally,  there  is  great  need  for  critical 
studies  of  the  style  of  the  separate  books 
of  the  New  Testament.  In  Eduard  Nor- 
den's  book  l  on  The  Artistic  Prose  of  the 
Ancients  will  be  found  a  number  of  fine 
observations,  although  his  whole  procedure 
in  connecting  the  New  Testament  with 
Greek  artistic  prose  is  not  correct.  The 
greater  part  of  the  New  Testament  writings 
is  not  artistic  prose  but  artless  popular 
prose  ;  which,  however,  is  often  of  greater 
natural  beauty  than  the  artificial  products 
of  the  hollow  rhetoric  of  post-classical 
antiquity.  The  words  of  Jesus  and  many 

1  Eduard  Norden,  Die  antike  Kunstprosa  vom  vi. 
Jahrhundert  v.  Chr.  bis  in  die  Zeit  der  Renaissance, 
Leipzig,  1898. 


utterances  of  St.  Paul  and  the  other 
apostles  are  either  instinct  with  a  calm, 
chaste  beauty  that  is  aesthetically  worthy 
of  admiration,  or  else  they  are  written 
with  truly  lapidary  force,  worthy  of  marble 
and  the  chisel.  The  importance  of  the 
New  Testament  in  the  history  of  style  rests 
on  the  fact  that  through  this  book  the 
language  of  natural  life,  that  is,  of  course, 
language  as  it  lived  upon  lips  specially 
endowed  by  grace,  made  its  entry  into  a 
world  of  outworn  doctrine  and  empty 
rhetoric.  It  was  a  great  mistake  of  Fried- 
rich  Blass  1  to  try  to  represent  St.  Paul  as 
an  adherent  of  the  Asian  rhythm,  so  that, 
for  example,  the  Epistle  to  the  Galatians 

1  F.  Blass,  Die  Rhythmen  der  asianischen  und 
romischenKunstprosa,  Leipzig,  1905.  See  Theologische 
Literaturzeitung,  1906,  xxxi.,  col.  231  ff. 


would  be  supposed  to  be  written  with  due 
observance  of  the  rhythmical  rules  of 
art.  This  error  ranges  Blass  with  a  number 
of  older  writers  by  whom  the  Apostle  Paul 
was  praised  for  his  great  knowledge  of 
classical  literature. 

Primitive  Christianity — this  is  one  of 
the  main  results  of  the  modern  philology 
of  the  New  Testament — Primitive  Christi- 
anity in  its  classical  epoch  is  set  in  the 
midst  of  the  world,  but  it  still  has  very 
little  connexion  with  official  culture ;  in- 
deed, as  an  energetic  and  one-sided  reli- 
gious movement  it  is  distrustful  in  its 

attitude   towards   the    "  wisdom "    of  the 


It  rejects — this  is  the  second  result  of 
our  inquiry — it  rejects,  in  this  epoch,  all 
the  outward  devices  of  rhetoric.  In  gram- 
mar, vocabulary,  syntax,  and  style  it 
occupies  a  place  in  the  midst  of  the  people 
and  draws  from  the  inexhaustible  soil  of 
the  popular  element  to  which  it  was  native 
a  good  share  of  its  youthful  strength. 

In  opposition  to  its  later  developments 
towards  dogma,  differentiation,  and  com- 
plexity— and  this  is  the  third  result — in 
opposition  to  these  later  developments  it 
is,  in  that  classical  epoch,  in  spite  of  the 
glowing  enthusiasm  of  its  hope,  entirely 
simple  and  forceful,  intelligible  in  its  appeal 
to  the  simple  and  the  poor  in  spirit,  and 
therefore  appointed  to  a  mission  to  the 
whole  world. 

P  G.B.  10 


Modern  New  Testament  philology,  there- 
fore— I  may  say  in  conclusion — does  not 
mean  any  impoverishing  of  our  conceptions 
of  the  beginnings  of  our  faith.  On  the 
contrary,  although  apparently  concerned 
only  with  the  outward  form  of  the  New 
Testament,  it  opens  up  new  points  of  view 
as  regards  its  inward  meaning,  deepening 
our  knowledge  of  Primitive  Christianity 
and  strengthening  our  love  of  the  New 

And  if  this  study  has  brought  together 
a  band  of  workers  from  all  Protestant 
countries  on  one  common  field— workers 
whom  enthusiasm  for  Christ  and  His  Cause 
and  the  desire  for  knowledge  have  united 
in  one  great  brotherhood — then  the  phil- 
ology of  the  New  Testament,  with  this 


international  alliance  in  work,  is  helping 
in  little  to  fulfil  the  great  hope  of  the  New 
Testament  "  that  we  may  all  be  one  in 

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