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Table of Contents 

VII Chemical After-Treatment 40 

Negative Characteristics; Methods of After-Treatment; In- 
tensification; Reduction, Handwork; Use of Glass Plates 
for Enlargements; Retouching with a Brush, Retouching 
with a Pencil; Retouching to Get Cloud Effects. 

VIII Characteristics of the Negative 46$ 

Development and Contrast; Defining the Terms: The Soft 
Negative; Detail, Texture: Color; Resolving Power and 
Grain; Negatives to Fit Your Needs; Thin vs. Heavy 
Negatives; Experimenting with New Techniques; More 
About the Emulsion; Color Sensitivity; Basic Nature of 
the Spectrum; Types of Color-Blind Emulsions, Types of 
Orthochromatic Emulsions; Types of Panchromatic Emul- 

IX Sensitometry 53? 

Some Definitions: The Densitometer; The Characeristic 
Curve; Reading the Curve, Gamma; Gamma Infinity; Ex- 
posure Range: H & D value; Some Further Considera- 
tions of Sensitometry; The Comparison Scale; The Gray 
Scale; The Photographic Image; Film-Speed Ratings; The 
Eder-Hecht Sensitometer; Schemer Film-Speed Ratings; 
Other Systems of Sensitivity Rating; Curves and Their 
Interpretation; Wedge Spectrograms; The Filter Curve 





Chemical After-Treatment 

A WIDE gap exists between the work of the aver- 
age photographic amateur and that of the salon 
exhibitor. The fact itself is obvious, but many ama- 
teurs do not have the slightest idea as to how the gap 
can be bridged. There is a large volume of amateur 
work of highly creditable quality both as regards tech- 
nique and esthetics, which, nevertheless, falls way short 
of the salon standard. One of the most valuable train- 
ing aids that any amateur can gain is that which comes 
from examining a salon print and comparing it with a 
contact print from the original negative. 

A photographic negative has often been likened to 
a stencil, and this is true insofar as documentary and 
record photography is concerned. However, in the 
process of picture making by photography the negative 
is nothing more than the raw material from which the 
final picture is made. It is not too farfetched to com- 
pare the negative and the original subject. The original 
is arranged and lighted by the photographer to the end 


that he may obtain, in a mechanical reproduction, the 
specific effect he desires. The negative, although it 
permits no alteration of pose and lighting, is subject to 
a wide variety of controls. This may and very often 
does result in a positive which bears only a basic re- 
semblance to a straight contact print. 

The actual procedure of controlling the print pro- 
duction may be divided into three parts. The first of 
these is the removal of certain actual blemishes, or cor- 
rection of other technical deficiencies of the negative. 
The second is the alteration of the values of the nega- 
tive, which includes decreasing or increasing the depth 
of the tone, the emphasis of the lighting effect, the 
removal or addition of complete images or portions 
of such images, and a' similar definite alteration of the 
main image itself. The third step is that in which 
the effect of the projected image upon the sensitive 
paper is controlled by various means during the actual 
process of projection. The first two activities lie with- 
in the province of our present discussion. The third, 
being a subdivision of print making, does not fall within 
the province of our subject, the photographic negative. 

One of the characteristics noted in the completed 
negative is its general density and contrast. It must 
be borne in mind that we have several combinations of 
four basic conditions. These are underexposure, over- 
exposure, underdevelopment, and overdevelopment. A 
negative may be underexposed and underdeveloped. It 
may be underexposed and overdeveloped. It may be 
overexposed and underdeveloped, or it may be overex- 
posed and overdeveloped (see Fig, 71). 

Negative Characteristics. 

Underexposed-Underdeveloped. The image of this 
negative is thin throughout. Most of the shadows are 
non-existent, while the highlights are considerably 


less than normal in density. If the conditions are ex- 
treme, this negative must be abandoned and replaced 
by another exposure. It would be desirable to build 
up the image to a greater density, but this cannot be 
done unless there is at least an infinitesimal deposit 
upon which to build. When shadows are completely 
transparent containing no deposit whatsoever it is 
hopeless to try to remedy the condition. 

Underexposed-Overdeveloped. This negative has 
an image in which the highlights probably are opaque 
and the shadows without detail. If the shadows are 
completely clear there is no possible remedy, just as in 
the preceding case. However, if the condition is one in 
which there is^ detail in the shadow but it is unavailable 
because no printing paper will accommodate the range 
of the negative, it- would be desirable to build up the 
shadow detail and cut down the highlights. This can 
be done to a limited degree by a process of intensifica- 
tion followed by selective reduction. 

Overexposed-Underdeveloped. This negative often 
appears to have very high quality. It is full of detail 
both in the shadows and in the highlights which are 
not blocked. The difficulty with this negative is that 
it produces a gray or flat print that is, the shadows are 
not dark enough and the highlights are not white 
enough. This negative would be greatly improved in 
an extreme case by removing the silver deposit to the 
point where shadow detail was barely visible, and then 
building up the contrast by disproportionately increas- 
ing the highlight deposit. This is a very simple matter, 
as it involves simple reduction followed by straight 

Overexposed-Overdeveloped. This negative is ex- 
tremely dense, and in many cases the highlights 
through a range of several tones exhaust the emulsion. 
However, it is only the extreme case in which this is 
true. Reduction of the image will usually result in a 



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reseparation of the highlights to a degree which will 
make the highlight detail thinner. As there is an ab- 
normal degree of contrast produced by the over- 
exposure in this negative, it would be desirable to de- 
crease the contrast as well as the density ; and this, too, 
is a practical laboratory step. 

These are the extreme cases of negative faults 
resulting from incorrect exposure and development. It 
may as well be stated frankly that the best remedy for 
any of them is to make the negative again. As long as a 
photograph can be duplicated without the expenditure 
of too much time and effort, it is always very much 
easier and gives a higher degree of satisfaction. It is, 
as a matter of fact, easier to develop a negative than it 
is to intensify or reduce it. In addition, the negative 
which is correctly exposed and developed has a quality 
which cannot be expected from one which was made in- 
correctly in the first place, and upon which remedial 
devices have been employed. 

There are cases, however, in which the error is 
slight, and corrective measures may be employed easily 
and with complete satisfaction simply because the 
amount of change from the original condition is com- 
paratively slight. It is one of the remarkable character- 
istics of the photographic process that a slight absolute 
change in the negative will result in a marked ap- 
parent change in the positive. 

Correct Exposure-Underdevelopment. This nega- 
tive is complete in all detail, but it is inclined to be 
thin and lacks the necessary contrast to give a good 
print. The image is characterized by satisfactory de- 
tail in the shadow. A negative of this kind often can be 
made to give just as good a print as a perfectly proc- 
essed negative by the use of simple intensification. 

Correct Exposure-Overdevelopment. This is a 
very common fault among amateurs who do not con- 
scientiously watch the temperature of their darkrooms. 



The shadows are just 'about right, but the highlights 
are so opaque that they cannot be printed. This is the 
type of negative which produces the mediocre snap- 
shots in which hands and faces, and to a greater degree 
light-colored clothing, appear blocked up and chalky. 
Many negatives can be rendered completely satisfac- 
tory by the use of a reducing bath whose action is re- 
stricted largely to the highlights and which has a mini- 
mum effect upon the shadows. 

Underexposure-Correct Development. This nega- 
tive has extremely thin or even blank shadows, while 
the highlights appear normal. The transition from 
highlight to shadow is toore abrupt than it should be, 
and half-tones in the print are considerably darker than 
they should be. As we have stated before, shadows 
which are non-existent on the original negative cannot 
be brought into the picture by any method short of 
actually sketching them in with brush or pencil. Of 
all errors of exposure and development in the photo- 
graphic process, we may regard underexposure as the 
single one for which there is no satisfactory remedy. 
The only thing to be done is to duplicate the negative 
by making the exposure again and this is substitution 
rather than remedy. If an underexposure has been cor- 
rectly developed and will not give a satisfactory print 
on any grade of paper available, it is ordinarily hope- 
less. When the fault is slight, intensification may help, 
but the result will not be first class. 

Overexposure-Correct Development. This nega- 
tive is heavy and requires a long printing time. But 
unless the error has been extreme, a prolonged printing 
exposure will usually give a fairly satisfactory positive. 
Negatives of this kind are quite easily remedied by sub- 
mitting them to the action of a reducer which attacks 
the various deposits proportionately, so that while the 
normal contrast is retained the over-all density is re- 
duced considerably. 



Methods of After-Treatment. 

The intensification of a negative can be produced 
by various chemical agencies in which the opacity of 
the deposit is increased and the color of the deposit 
is changed, or in which a supplementary deposit is 
made upon the exisiting one. 

The one big advantage of after-treatment lies in 
the fact that by a careful selection of the method used 
the degree of the result can be controlled and the con- 
trast of the negative altered by using a solution which 
acts more strongly upon the highlights or the shadows 
respectively. Although it is ordinarily understood 
that intensifiers are not subject to this control, it has 
long been recognized that such a control is easy with 
reducers. As a matter of fact, there is such a control 
obtainable in intensification, so that a wide range of 
different conditions may be compensated. 

Also when we are concerned with the removal of 
silver from the deposit to make it less opaque, we 
have similar control. 

There are reducers which act upon the shadows 
more quickly than upon the highlights, and thus in- 
crease the contrast of the negative while reducing its 
density. Other reducers act uniformity throughout the 
image, and do not alter the original specific contrast 
of the negative. AL third type of reducer acts more 
rapidly upon the highlights than upon the shadows, 
and thus reduces the contrast as well as the density of 
the negative as a whole. 

It must be understood that any after-treatment en- 
dangers the negative to a certain extent, and this is 
particularly true in the case of reduction. To prevent 
the losses often encountered, care should be taken to 
use only pure chemicals of the best grade and to make 
sure they are fresh. In some cases it is also advisable 
to harden the negative before giving it any additional 



Negative fault and remedy chart used In laboratory shows effect 
of various combinations of exposure and development. Upper 
Jeft, print from negative being considered; upper right, photo of 
9-step wedge; bottom, wedge showing theoretical result if print 
were limited to 9 tones. This chart was made for a negative which 
was given 1/10 normal exposure and twice normal development. 



chemical treatment. Both intensification and reduction 
should be done when the negative is first removed from 
the wash water. If the negative has been dried, it 
should be soaked thoroughly before undergoing any 
further chemical treatment. 

Intensification and reduction were once almost rou- 
tine steps in negative processing because there were 
only one or two types of emulsion available and only 
one printing medium. This made it necessary to bring 
everything to a uniform quality. Today, with the wid!e 
variety of emulsions and printing media, the need for 
after-treatment is much less. VVhile every photo- 
graphic technician should be familiar with the proc- 
esses, they should be avoided except when absolutely 
essential. This means, as stated before, that the best 
way to intensify or reduce is to make a new exposure 
and give it correct processing. 


Before considering chemical intensification in de- 
tail, we will examine superficially some of the methods 
of intensification which are not chemical in the ordi- 
nary sense of the word. 

One of the simplest methods of mechanical intensi- 
fication is to make a positive transparency from the 
negative, using the thinnest obtainable film for the pur- 
pose. From this film a second negative is made through 
the back of the film so that it will register with the 
original negative when they are placed face to face, This 
second negative should be made on glass a lantern 
slide plate can be used. The two images are carefully 
registered, the original film is backed by a second sheet 
of glass, and the whole bound together. This is a some- 
what clumsy device, and when any degree of enlarge- 
ment is to be used, accurate registration becomes al- 
most impossible. 



A similar method consists in making the best pos- 
sible positive transparency from the negative. This 
positive image is intensified or reduced as may be 
necessary, and from it a duplicate negative is made. 
This method is widely used when the original negative 
is of such value that possible damage cannot be risked 
by submitting it directly to chemical treatment. 

Quite satisfactory jesults have been obtained by 
making a series of duplications in this way, alternating 
negative and positive and adding to the density and 
contrast of each image through control of development 
and exposure. This method really works and is prac- 
tical. Another method, which is mentioned merely as a 
curiosity because it is too involved for practical appli- 
cation, consists of giving the negative a coat of water- 
proof varnish. A coat of bichromated gelatin is ap- 
plied and exposed through the negative, which is then 
placed in warm water. The exposed gelatin remains 
hard, while the unexposed areas swell. This relief 
image is treated with a pigment such as lamp black, 
which adheres only to the swollen gelatin. Variations 
of this process include one which practically amounts 
to making an oil print (negative) on the surface. All 
these methods are simply variations of pictorial pig- 
ment processes. 

Another group of intensification methods includes 
those in which intensification is obtained by changing 
the color of the deposit. For example, a negative which 
is toned by the ordinary sulfide sepia toning process 
will become considerably intensified, although its 
visual appearance would not suggest such a condition. 
Dye toning can be used; in fact, any process which 
alters the color of the deposit within the gelatin to one 
that is less actinic than the original will prove effective. 

Of these methods the repeated duplication and the 
sulfide toning are the only ones actually worth a trial. 
Serious intensification is based largely upon addition 



Superproportional type, 
such as lead, which 
increases contrast. 

Contrast- re tain ing 
type, such as chromium. 

Flattening type, such 
as mercuric iodide, 
which has greatest 
effect on shadows. 

Hg. 72. Curves showing typical action of various intensifies 


to or substitution of the original silver image. This 
may be accomplished by first bleaching the silver, which 
really means that the metallic silver is converted into 
silver chloride or silver bromide. After bleaching, the 
bromide or chloride is converted into some substance 
which, by reason of its greater m^ss, altered color, or 
both, has a greater density than the original. 

Mercury Intensification. This process of intensi- 
fication is based upon the use of mercury as the bleach- 
ing agent. The method works very well, but when 
miniature negatives are involved it should be avoided. 
Most intensifiers which employ a mercury bleach pro- 
duce a new image in which the grain is excessive. 

The amount of intensification is not as great as 
most people believe visual inspection is not a reliable 
guide! While the usual mercury bleach followed by 
ammonia blackening will, under ideal conditions, pro- 
duce an intensification of from about 30 to 70 per 
cent, depending upon the original density of the de- 
posit, as ordinarily practiced it will give an over-all 
increase of between 20 and 25 per cent. If the various 
densities are measured individually, the lighter half- 
tones will be found to have gained proportionally 
more than either the extremely light areas (shadow 
areas) or the very dense deposits (highlights). In 
contrast to this, the mercuric iodide bleach followed 
by sodium thioantimoniate will, under ideal conditions, 
give upwards of 100 per cent increase, approaching or 
even exceeding 1 50 per cent, with the greatest increase 
in those areas somewhat darker than medium. There 
is no particular point in discussing every variation 
of the process of intensification, so we will consider 
only those more commonly used. 

The ordinary mercuric bleach contains approxi- 
mately 130 grains of mercuric chloride and 25 minims 
of either hydrochloric or nitric acid in 10 ounces of 



water. This is roughly equivalent to 30 grams of mer- 
curic chloride and 5 cubic centimeters of acid in one 
liter of water. 

Mercuric chloride is the poisonous chemical ordi- 
narily known as bichloride of mercury or corrosive 
sublimate. It should be handled with extreme care 
and the use of rubber gloves is advisable, particularly 
if there are any scratches on the hands. The mercury 
bleach is preferably used only in glass or hard rubber 
trays. Mercury attacks ordinary metals so vigorously 
that minute cracks in an enamel tray might cause dif- 
ficulty. For the same reason articles of gold, silver, 
aluminum, etc., must not be allowed to come in contact 
with the solution or they will be blackened. 

When the negative is immersed in the bleach it ap- 
pears to become darker, and if examined by holding it 
up to the light it will appear to have a bluish or even 
purplish color. However, this stage soon passes, and 
the image takes on a more or less white color. It is 
during this period that the first degree of control may 
be exercised. If the intensification is to affect the entire 
image, the film is left in the bleach until the image ap- 
pears completely white when examined through the 
back of the film. In the case of a very thin negative 
which is too contrasty (such as one which has been 
underexposed and overdeveloped), the process of 
bleaching is watched through the back of the film. The 
shadows will be whitened completely while the high- 
lights continue to have a considerable amount of black 
deposit. If the bleaching is interrupted at this point 
and the negative placed in the wash, the subsequent 
blackening will have its full effect upon the shadows 
while the highlights will be proportionately less in- 

After bleaching, the negative must be thoroughly 
washed. The washing should continue for at least 15 to 
20 minutes. This washing will do much to eliminate 



later faults in the intensification. At this stage the 
negative must once more be blackened that is, the 
light-sensitive chloride or bromide must be changed 
into a more stable and darker-colored material. The 
bleaching and subsequent blackening must both be 
carried out in a light which, although weakly actinic, 
is subdued sufficiently so as not to produce the re- 
versal effect known as "solarization." In short, this 
submission to subdued light is in a sense an exposure, 
and must, within wide limits, be controlled. An ex- 
cessive exposure would mean the risk of reversal of 
the image. 

There are many methods used for blackening the 
image, the choice of which will be determined by the 
specific characteristics of each agent as described in the 
following paragraphs. 


Ammonia (strong) 2Vi drams 

Water to make 10 ounces 

This dilute solution of ammonia blackens the 
image almost instantly. The ammonia dissolves a con- 
siderable part of the chloride and a certain amount of 
the mercury, and the residue is extremely opaque but 
unfortunately it is not stable. For this reason ammonia 
is suitable for use only with negatives which do not 
have permanent value. Unlike many other forms of 
photographic fading, this image, after fading, cannot 
be restored by any known method. The solution must 
not be used for more than one negative which, of 
course, means one roll of film if the entire roll is to be 

Ammonia produces a considerable intensification of 
the heavier deposits, but has comparatively little action 
upon shadow detail. Its greatest value then lies in the 



intensification of line-copy negatives which are to be 
used for a specific limited time and then discarded. Be- 
cause of the softening effect it is advisable to add about 
2J per cent potassium alum to the mercury bleach 
used. This means adding about J4 ounce to the 10 
ounces of solution. 

Sodium Sulfite 

Sodium sulfite, desiccated V& ounce 

Water to make 10 ounces 

To the above solution sufficient sodium bisulfite 
or acetic acid is added to make the solution turn blue 
litmus paper pink. When sulfite is to be used for 
blackening, it is advisable to add potassium bromide to 
the bleach in an amount equal to that of the mercuric 
chloride. That is, 130 grains of mercuric chloride are 
dissolved in 5 ounces of water, an equal amount of 
potassium bromide is dissolved in another 5 ounces, 
and the two are mixed after the chemicals are thor- 
oughly dissolved. This alteration of the bleach is ap- 
plicable only to sulfite blackening. It is advisable be- 
cause it not only increases the degree of intensification 
but also helps to avoid streaks and other irregularities. 

Redevelopment. The bleached image may be dark- 
ened by redeveloping in any ordinary developer. Al- 
though amidol does not give quite as much intensifica- 
tion as some other developers, it is one of the best in 
point of retention of the proportionate densities of the 

In all the foregoing methods of blackening it 
is necessary to expose the bleached image to a certain 
amount of white light because the blackening is a re- 
duction in many ways analogous to development. 
There is one process, however, which does not require 
any exposure at all and which has two other very im- 
portant characteristics. It is particularly adaptable 



to photometric and other precision work. This process 
is development in an iron developer and may be re- 
peated a number of times with constantly increasing 
intensification, provided the emulsion has been hard- 
ened and is washed between the various steps. The 
proportionate density values are maintained with such 
accuracy that the intensified densities can be used as 
bases for photometric measurements. 

A two-solution developer is used, . Solution A is 
neutral potassium oxalate, 2j4 ounces ; hot water, 20 
ounces. Allow this solution to cool to room tempera- 
ture and carefully decant the clear supernatant liquid 
for use. Solution B is made up of ferrous sulfate, 2J4 
ounces, citric acid, 10 grains ; water, 10 ounces. For use, 
one part of solution B is poured slowly into three parts 
of solution A with constant stirring (do not add A to 
B). This produces the rerddish solution which is used 
to redevelop the bleached image. 

One of the most energetic intensifiers for use fol- 
lowing a mercury bleach is sodium thioantimoniate ( or 
Schlippe's salt), which is made up by dissolving 100 
grains of the salt in 10 ounces of water. 

We have discussed intensification by redevelop- 
ment following the mercury bleach. There are several 
other intensifiers, one of which makes use of mercury 
in a single bath. This is a solution of mercuric iodide. 
The solution can be made in two ways, the first of 
which is ordinarily used when mercuric iodide as such 
is not available. 

Mercuric Iodide Intenslfler 

Solution A* 

Mercuric chloride 17% grains 

Water to make 1 ounce 

Solution B. 

I'otBMium Iodide 44tfrains 

Water to make 1< 



Make these solutions in any desired multiples of 
one ounce. When the solutions are made, pour about 
three quarters of Solution B into Solution A while stir- 
ring vigorously. Pour the remaining fourth of Solution 
B into A very slowly, using just enough to cause the 
solution to clear. Discard any remainder of the iodide. 

If it is preferred to use mercuric iodide the follow- 
ing formula will be found satisfactory (Figs. 73, 74) : 

Sodium sulfite, desiccated 1 ounce 

Mercuric iodide 45 grains 

Water to make 10 ounces 

The sulfite is added to the solution because the 
mercuric iodide, which is a very heavy red salt, is not 
readily soluble in water but it does dissolve quite 
easily in a solution of sulfite. 

This intensifier is unusual in that slight traces of 
hypo remaining in the negative will not have any effect 
upon the intensified image. With most intensifiers a 
bare trace of hypo will produce spots and streaks. The 
negative, after washing or after soaking, is simply im- 
mersed in the above intensifier and allowed to remain 
until the desired degree of intensification has been 
reached. The negative takes on a warm tone and then 
turns to a distinct brown. When completely dry, the 
negative may take on a brilliant yellow-orange color. 
This is not objectionable and, in fact, adds to the print- 
ing density of the negative, although it can easily be 
prevented. Wash the negative for about 10 minutes in 
running water after intensification. Then place it in 
any ordinary developing solution for 10 to 12 minutes, 
and wash again. 

This intensifier is extremely easy to use. It is one 
of the safest because it does not produce streaks and 



spots. As its action is proportionately greater on the 
shadow areas, it is valuable for improving thin, con- 
trasty negatives which result from underexposure and 

Other intensifies make use of chromium, copper, 
lead, Uranium, and silver. 

Chromium Intensifier 

Solution A. 

Potassium bichromate 1 ounce 

Water to make 10 ounces 

Solution B. 

Hydrochloric acid G.P 1 ounce 

Water to make 10 ounces 

For the greatest intensification take 10 parts of 
Solution A, 2 parts of Solution B, and 88 parts of 
water. For medium intensification use 20 parts of 
Solution A, 10 parts of Solution B, and 70 parts of 
water. For only a slight intensification use 20 parts 
of Solution A, 40 parts of Solution B, and 40 parts of 
water. The intensification must be done under a sub- 
dued light. This solution is a bleach in which the nega- 
tive must remain until all traces of the original black 
image have disappeared. After bleaching it is essential 
that the negative be washed until all the yellowish 
color has been removed from the emulsion. As the 
bichromate color is quite obstinate, this washing can be 
hastened by giving the negative a minute or so rinse 
in a 5 per cent solution of ordinary sodium carbonate. 

The image is redeveloped in any ordinary de- 
veloper, although a metol type is one of the best. This 
development should be continued for at least 15 
minutes as the intensification increases after the initial 
blackening, although there is no visual change in the 
density. Intensification can be repeated, although very 
little is gained after the second treatment. The intensi- 



fied image is quite permanent, and because of the warm 
tone the solution may be used to intensify transparen- 
cies, lantern slides, and paper prints. In fact the dilu- 
tion suggested for slight intensification is often used 
on prints simply to improve their color. This intensi- 
fier is not quite proportional to the original as the 
shadows tend to intensify proportionately more than 
the highlights. 

Copper Intensifier. This extremely active in- 
tensifier is based upon a copper bleach followed by 
blackening in silver nitrate The original method was 
not entirely satisfactory with the modern type of emul- 
sion, but an improved method was worked out in 1924 
by Z. Zelger. The copper or bleaching bath which does 
not bleach but turns the image a distinct yellow color 
is in itself a two-part solution made by pouring Solu- 
tion A into Solution B. 

Copper Intensifier 

Solution A. 

Copper sulfate 11 grains 

Glacial acetic add 1 dram 

Water to make 5 ounces 

Solution B. 

Potassium iodide 11 grains 

Ammonia (strong) 3 Vi drama 

Water to make 2% ounces 

When Solution A is poured into Solution B, a con- 
siderable amount of heat is generated and the bath is 
allowed to come to room temperature before using. 
The cool solution will be a clear blue color and should 
be tested for acidity with blue litmus paper. If the 
color of the litmus paper is not changed to a delicate 
pink, sufficient acetic acid must be added to accom- 
plish this. Do not add so much acid that the litmus 
will turn to a distinct acid red. 



The negative is bleached until the image becomes 
yellow throughout, which can best be ascertained by 
examining it through the back. After the negative 
is completely bleached it is immersed in the following 
blackening solution : 

Silver nitrate. , .... . . 10 grains 

Sodium acetate 40 grains 

Water to make 10 ounces 

When the image has become completely black the 
film is cleared for 2 minutes in a solution of 1 per cent 
ammonia. After rinsing for a minute it is placed in the 
following : 

Sodium hydrosulfite ... J4 ounce 

Sodium bisulfite 20 grains 

Water to make. . . . ... .... 10 ounces 

Instead of this final bath one can use an ordinary 
amidol developer to which sufficient sodium carbonate 
is added to cause a strip of red litmus paper to turn 
blue. This intensifier increases the density of the nega- 
tive about three times, and as a rule the process is 
limited to the intensification of line originals as it has 
a tendency to destroy delicacy of gradation. 

Lead Intensifier. Lead is another intensifier which 
is extremely active but which, like the silver-copper 
method, is limited to line-copy or other negatives in 
which gradation is of little value. The bleaching solu- 
tion is -made up as follows : 

Potassium ferrlcyanide 180 grains 

Lead nitrate 260 grains 

Glacial acetic acid 99 mtninrm 

Water to make 10 ounces 



Bleach the negative in this solution and then place 
the negative in three successive baths of 3 per cent 
hydrochloric acid, allowing 5 minutes in each. The 
negative must be handled carefully at this stage be- 
cause the acid tends to make the gelatin extremely 
delicate. Wash the negative thoroughly until all the 
yellow color is removed, and darken by placing it in a 
solution of YZ ounce sodium sulfide dissolved in 10 
ounces of water. The two remaining intensifiers are of 
greater general value than the two preceding ones. 

Silver Intensifies Make up a solution of 1 part 
formalin in 10 parts of water. Place the negative in this 
bath for 5 minutes. Rinse for 2 minutes in running 
water. Then place in the following bath : 

Potassium bichromate .... . . 1 gram 

Potassium bromide. ... ... .20 grains 

Hydrochloric acid . . . 60 minims 

Water to make. . . . .20 ounces 

The time of immersion in this bath should be 
exactly 1 minute at 68 F. If the time is prolonged 
the image will start to bleach, and if this occurs the 
original gradation will be lost. Rinse in running water 
for two minutes. Then place in the intensifying solu- 
tion. If this solution is made in the two stock parts 
as given, and both preserved in dark amber bottles, 
they will remain in good condition for many months. 

Solution A. 

Silver nitrate 400 grains 

Water (distilled) to make 10 ounces 

Solution B. 

Ammonium thiocyanate 700 grains 

Sodium thiosulf ate (hypo) 700 grains 

Water to make . 10 ounces 



Add one part of Solution A to one part of Solution 
B while stirring the latter vigorously. When this mix- 
ture is completed add one-quarter of a part of pyro solu- 
tion and one-half part of 10 per cent Ammonia. The 
pyro solution is a 10 per cent solution of ordinary pyro 
with a sufficient amount of sodium sulfite added to 
prevent its discoloration by contact with the air. 

As in all direct silver work, the trays and other 
utensils must be chemically clean. The negative is 
placed in such a tray and the mixed silver solution 
poured over it. Intensification will not start for about 
1 to 2 minutes, and then proceeds gradually. The proc- 
ess may be stopped at any desired point by placing 
the negative in an acid fixing bath. When removed 
from the silver solution, the negative will have a slight 
brownish pyro stain. It should remain in the fixing 
bath until this stain has been removed. Following this 
the negative is washed thoroughly and at the conclu- 
sion of the washing the surface is rubbed lightly with 
a tuft of wet cotton to remove any deposit which has 
been formed by ordinary settling. This process is the 
most valuable method of intensification for miniature 
negatives, as they will retain the grain pattern even 
when the process is used with an ultra-finegrain nega- 
tive. Silver intensification can be repeated to advan- 
tage if desired. 

Uranium Intensifier. It has often been stated that 
the intensification of an image which was not re- 
corded by the exposure is impossible. This of course is 
quite true. However, by the use of uranium it is pos- 
sible to build up to printing density an image which is 
so weak that it is hardly visible. Therefore tends 
to increase contrast as well as build up an almost 
invisible image, it is an ideal intensifier for a negative 
which is so badly underexposed that it is quite un- 
printable (see Figs. 75, 76). The intensifying solution 
is made up as follows: 



Solution A. 

Uranium nitrate .... 50 grains 

Water to make . . ... 5 ounces 

Solution B. 

Potassium f erxicyanide ... 50 grains 

Water to make ... 5 ounces 

For use, mix 4 parts of Solution A, 4 parts of Solu- 
tion B, and 1 part of glacial acetic acid. The negative 
must be absolutely free from hypo, or stains will be 
sure to resultr When intensification has proceeded far 
enough, the negative is washed in soft or distilled 
water. The image has been converted to a mixture of 
silver ferrocyanide and uranyl ferrocyanide. As the 
uranyl ferrocyanide is soluble in alkalis, hard water 
cannot safely be used for washing. 

If a yellow stain persists after about 15 minutes 
cashing in running water, it may be removed by the 
following clearing solution : 

Potassium citrate. ... 20 grains 

Sodium sulfate 100 grains 

Water to make . . . . 8 ounces 

If the intensification has been too great or for any 
reason it is desired to return the negative to its original 
condition, a wfeak solution (about 2 per cent) of am- 
monia or sodium carbonate will remove the intensifica- 
tion. Following this the negative should be placed for 2 
minutes in a normal stop bath of 2J4 per cent acetic 
acid and thoroughly washed. After washing, the in- 
tensification may be repeated if desired. 

Thus far we have considered most of the types of 
intensification which are really of value (Fig. 72), and 
we may summarize the results as follows : 

For ordinary work a mercuric chloride bleach fol- 



lowed by sodium sulfite will give a good degree of in- 
tensification and a stable image. 

For a high degree of intensification, including re- 
peated intensification with an exact preservation of the 
original density ratios, the mercury is used followed 
by the iron developer. For most general purposes the 
mercuric iodide intensifier is highly satisfactory be- 
cause the results will not be spoiled if a trace of hypo is 
present ; the amount of intensification is quite satisfac- 
tory, and the increase in grain size is not nearly as great 
as with the two-solution mercury intensifiers. 

For finegrain intensification the silver method is 
best, although it does require extreme cleanliness and 
considerable care. 

For extreme intensification of underexposed nega- 
tives, uranium will probably be found the most satis- 

For extreme intensification of line copy or any 
original where the fidelity of gradation may be sacri- 
ficed, the copper-silver or lead methods may be used. 

So far as the effect upon contrast is concerned the 
following facts should be remembered: Mercury fol- 
lowed by ammonia intensifies the heavy densities with- 
out affecting the shadow areas. In fact, the method 
seems to have a tendency to reduce the shadows. Thus 
this intensifier tends to increase contrast. 

Mercury followed by sodium sulfite is fairly pro- 
portional, although there is a tendency to increase con- 

Mercury followed by iron developer is noted for 
the fidelity with which it retains the original density 

Mercury followed by organic developers such as 
amidol maintains a fairly satisfactory proportionality. 
Mercuric iodide single-solution intensifier tends to re- 



duce contrast by acting more energetically 011 the 
shadows than upon highlights. Chromium is another 
intensifier which tends to work more energetically on 
the shadow portions and thus reduce the contrast 
which so often is excessive in weak negatives. 

Copper-silver and lead intensifiers, as we have 
seen, are not at all proportional and tend to exaggerate 
the heavy densities at the cost of the thin areas, thus 
making them most suitable for line copies. 

Silver intensification preserves an almost exact 
proportional ratio among densities. This is to be ex- 
pected, since its action is very closely allied to that of 
a physical developer, and physical development is 
noted for its fidelity to the tonal values of the original. 

It can be seen from the foregoing that the choice 
of intensifiers is largely determined by the character 
of the original negative both as regards its contrast and 
its over-all density, as well as by the ultimate effect 
which is desired. Broadly speaking, the intensifiers 
using a mercury bleach are not wholly satisfactory. 
Neither are they economical, because whatever the 
blackening agent may be it must be discarded after hav- 
ing been used on a single film. The needs of the aver- 
age advanced amateur will be fully met by the use of 
mercuric iodide, silver, uranium, and chromium. 

It is suggested that the initial experiments with 
intensifiers be conducted with ' discarded negatives. 
Experienced amateurs proceed with intensification 
without hesitation, but for some reason it seems that 
the beginner almost invariably gets streaked and 
spotted negatives. This is largely due to the presence 
of hypo and to intensifying negatives which have been 
dried and not sufficiently resoaked. Once you have be- 
come accustomed to the process, however, you will not 
hesitate to intensify any negative which may need such 
treatment with the possible exception of extremely 
valuable negatives which cannot be replaced. 




Photographic reduction, not to be confused with 
the process of chemical reduction which forms the 
basis of development, is in a sense the opposite of in- 

Rg. 77. Superficial reduction removes an equal amount of the 
silver from all densities. It increases contrast by destroying 
delicate tones without affecting greatly those of great density. 

tensification. Its purpose is to reduce the density of the 
image and, like intensification, this reduction may affect 
the contrast in different ways. It may be stated at the 
beginning that while intensification is a comparatively 
normal process to be attempted without any hesita- 
tion, the same thing cannot be said for reduction. 
Farmer's reducer, which will be discussed later, is a 
safe reducer; but other formulas which are used are 
apt to result in a lost negative unless the chemicals are 
positively known to be fresh and pure. Therefore the 
amateur should be warned to resort to reduction only 



as a last measure only when nothing else will serve. 
On the contrary, it is certainly advisable for the 
amateur to try out the various types of reducer on 
waste negatives so that he can become accustomed to 
the process. Then when the necessity arises he will 

Fig. 78. Proportional reduction removes the same percentage of 
the silver from each of the different densities. The amount re- 
moved in any one area is determined by the actual density itself. 

have confidence in his ability to do the best that might 
be expected under the circumstances. 

Reducers are generally classified according to their 
effect upon the resulting contrast of the negative. 
These three classes are superficial, proportional, and 
superproportional reducers (Figs. 77, 78, 79). 

Superficial Reducers. This type reduces equally 
all densities of the silver image as it penetrates. That 
is, if the negative has twenty strata of silver particles 
and the reducer is allowed to act for two units of time, 
the densest highlights would still contain eighteen 



strata of silver while the thin shadow areas, which con- 
tain only one or two strata, would be entirely removed. 
Thus the effect of this reducer is to increase the con- 
trast of the negative by destroying completely the most 
delicate tones while hardly making any perceptible 

Fig. 79. Superproportional reduction removes a certain percent- 
age of the deposit mass, the greater the original deposit the 
greater is the reduction of density. Contrast is also reduced. 

change in those highlight areas of great density. 

The greatest value of this type of reducer is to 
remove fog from the surface of negatives, particularly 
those in which the image has sufficient body to per- 
mit such removal. The superficial reducer is also^re- 
ferred to in photographic literature as the subtractive, 
cutting, subproportional, or surface reducer. 

Proportional Reducers. The proportional reducer 
takes away approximately the same percentage of 
silver from each density. Thus it tends to retain a 
normal degree of contrast. Although it is commonly 



said that this reducer does not alter the original con- 
trast of the negative in terms of relative values, it 
does remove the printing difficulties encountered in 
the extreme contrast of overdeveloped negatives. 

Superproportional Reducers. This type of re- 
ducer has a very slow solvent action upon the silver, 
but as silver is removed it is formed into silver sulfate. 
The presence of the silver sulfate accelerates the sol- 
vent action and appears to do so in proportion to the 
amount of sulfate present. Thus, the reducer will have 
a greater proportional action upon the dense deposits 
of the negative than upon the shadow areas and there- 
fore it will produce a reduction of density and also a 
reduction in contrast at the same time. 

Farmer's reducer is one of the oldest reducers 
known, having been originated by Howard Farmer in 
1884. It is a superficial reducer, made up of equal 

rrts of a 10 per cent solution of ordinary hypo and a 
per cent solution of potassium ferricyanide. The 
ferricyanide tends to discolor the emulsion, so just 
enough sodium carbonate can be added to make the 
solution distinctly alkaline. This addition not only 
prevents discoloration, but extends the life of the solu- 
tion and renders its action more regular. 

The well-washed negative is placed in this solu- 
tion, and the tray or tank agitated continuously 
throughout the entire process. The film is removed at 
intervals for examining by transmitted light, because 
it is impossible to judge the progress of the operation 
while the film reniains in the tray. When the film is 
removed it must immediately be plunged into clear 
water and thoroughly washed before examination ; 
otherwise streaks will be certain to form. The nega- 
tive must be removed from the reducing solution be- 
fore it has reached the desired density. The reason 
is that the reduction naturally continues for a short 
period after the washing is started. The allowance 



which must be made for this continued action can only 
be judged by experience (see Figs. 80, 81, 82). 

Another superficial reducer is that of Belitzski. 
It contains potassium ferric oxalate and oxalic acid, 
and as it has very little if any advantage over Farmer's 
we will not discuss it at length. The formula is as fol- 

Belitzski's Reducer 

Potassium ferric oxalate 150 grains 

Sodium sulfite, desiccated 125 grains 

Water to make 7 ounces 

When the solids are completely dissolved, add 40 
grains of oxalic acid. Shake the solution until it turns 
to a distinct green. Allow solid particles to settle, 
and pour off the clear supernatant liquid. Add 1% 
ounces of hypo, and when this is dissolved the reducer 
is ready for use. 

A very good proportional reducer which is not 
widely known is the ferric alum reducer. Ferric am- 
monium sulfate is made into a 2 per cent solution in 
rain water or distilled water. To this is added J4 per 
cent pure sulfuric acid. After the negative has been 
reduced, it is rinsed for 5 minutes in water containing 
1/10 per cent sulfuric acid. Then it is washed thor- 
oughly. Tap water may be used if it is definitely free 
from any trace of chlorine or chlorides. 

The most common proportional reducer is one 
made by combining potassium permanganate and am- 
monium persulfate. This solution is mixed im- 
mediately before use, and should be prepared by dis- 
solving each ingredient in about 5 ounces of water, 
after which they are mixed and water added to bring 
the total volume up to 20 ounces. 



Potassium permanganate 1 grain 

Sutf uric acid (155) l%fl. oz. 

Ammonium persulfate 90 grains 

Water to make 20 ounces 

The negative is treated from 2 to 5 minutes, ac- 
cording to the amount of reduction desired. After re- 
duction, it is rinsed and placed for 5 minutes in a 10 
per cent solution of sodium bisulfite. It is then washed 
for about 20 minutes. 

About the only satisfactory reducer of the super- 
proportional type is ammonium persulfate, which is 
obtained in the form of small colorless crystals. The 
salt absorbs moisture from the atmosphere and be- 
comes unstable. If the odor of ozone is noticed when 
the bottle is opened, it is an indication that the salt 
has started to decompose. The persulfate is highly 
unstable in solution, and the reducing 1 bath should be 
prepared immediately before use. 

When using the reducer on a test negative pay 
particular attention to the heaviest deposits. If there 
is a slight white cloud formed, even one which is 
barely distinguishable, it indicates the presence of 
chlorine or chloride in the water. Such materials pres- 
ent even in extremely minute quantity alter the degree 
of proportionality in the reduction. When there is a 
considerable amount of chlorine in the water a persul- 
fate made with this water will not reduce. 

The most common proportional reducer is one 
is, the acidity of the bath in operation will affect the 
velocity of reduction, so it is usual to make the bath 
acid before using it. The solution is made as follows : 

Ammonium persulfate 20 40 grains 

Sulf uric acid (!#)) 1% drams 

Water to make 2 ounces 



Reduction starts rather slowly and continues to 
gain in speed. Therefore the negative must be watched 
very carefully or the increasing velocity will carry the 
reduction beyond the desired degree. Because of this 
the negative must be removed before the desired de- 
gree of reduction is obtained. The process is termi- 
nated by immersing the negative for 2 minutes in a 
10 per cent solution of sodium sulfite as a stop bath. 
The negative is not rinsed between the reducing bath 
and the stop bath. After removal from the sulfite bath 
it is washed for 15 to 20 minutes. 

So far we have been concerned primarily with an 
alteration in the amount of silver in the emulsion. 
There are times, however, when the negative has high- 
lights of too great density, and shadows which are not 
strong enough to permit any reduction. It is quite 
possible to modify such a negative by treating it first 
with an intensifier such as mercuric iodide and then 
with a superproportional reducer, so that the end result 
is a reduction of highlights with an intensification of 
shadows. A similar result may be obtained mechan- 
ically by making a very thin positive transparency and 
binding this in register with the negative. The total 
density is increased by this method, although contrast 
is reduced. As has been stated before, this combina- 
tion of negative and positive is difficult to handle in 
the matter of registration, and is not at all suitable 
for negatives which have to be enlarged to any consid- 
erable extent. 

Local After-Treatment. 

There is one point where the old-time photogra- 
pher was greatly superior to the modern one. This 
was in his manipulation of after-treatment. A part of 
his normal routine consisted of intensifying and reduc- 
ing certain restricted areas of the negative. This is 



not difficult; the only real trouble is that it requires 
a tremendous amount of patience. Obviously when 
both a reducer and an intensifier are to be used on a 
single negative and to be used only in certain parts 
of the negative the process is limited to single-solu- 
tion baths. The combination most ordinarily used is 
Farmer's reducer and mercuric iodide intensifier. 

The negative to be worked upon should be at- 
tached to a sheet of glass by means of rubber cement. 
After the negative has been attached to the glass, a 
band of this cement is run around the edge of the film 
to form a seal. After attaching the negative to the 
glass, it is placed in a tray of water at about 65 or 70 
F. and allowed to remain for an hour or so. It is then 
removed and the surface water wiped sufficiently with 
a tuft of absorbent cotton. Free surface moisture is 
then removed by blotting the negative with Textilex 

The reducer or the intensifier is picked up on a 
cotton swab wound on the end of a match or toothpick. 
The swab should be thoroughly wet but not dripping. 
The local area to be reduced is rubbed with this swab 
until a shallow pool of the solution is formed on the 
face of the negative. This is allowed to remain for 
about ten seconds. It is then picked up with a cotton 
swab which has been soaked and squeezed as dry as 
possible, and the negative lightly rubbed with cotton 
charged with fresh water. The negative is then blot- 
ted and the procedure repeated. The operation can be 
performed in much less time than is necessary to de- 
scribe it, and the repetition is continued until the de- 
sired density is obtained. If the solution is applied 
and allowed to remain on the negative until the de- 
sired effect is obtained, the negative will show a sharp 
hard line around the edge of the area treated. How- 
ever, by alternately treating and washing the area a 
blended edge which is rarely noticeable is obtained. 



Local after-treatment, like all other forms of gen- 
eral retouching, is not practical for small negatives. 
When working with any negatives smaller than 5x7 
inches and this includes practically all modern ama- 
teur sizes it is advisable to make a transparency 
upon glass 8 x 10 inches, or larger if a larger print is 
desired. A certain amount of work may be done upon 
this transparency, including the local intensification 
and reduction as well as actual handwork. An en- 
larged negative is made by printing this transparency 
by contact upon a second transparency plate. This 
negative is quite large enough for all ordinary after- 

It is common practice to build up extremely weak 
shadows with a dye applied directly to the emulsion. 
The amateur is not encouraged to attempt this for sev- 
eral reasons. It is difficult to follow an outline with 
sufficient accuracy or to blend the dye so that no edge 
will be apparent m^the final print. It is not applicable 
to miniature negatives, and if an enlarged negative is 
made it is extremely easy to reduce the shadows lo- 
cally in the positive and, if necessary, to follow this by 
local intensification in the enlarged negative. This 
treatment preserves, in some degree at least, the pro- 
portionate densities of the shadow areas. The dye, on 
the contrary, simply makes the area more opaque to 
actinic light, and therefore does not carry through the 
tonal proportionality. 


The- negative often has a number of defects when 
it is dry. Aside from the general density problem 
which we have just discussed, there is almost always 
a certain amount of mechanical injury. This includes 
fine scratches, pinholes, dust spots, and similar imper 1 
fections. There are times when, due to extreme soft- 



ening of the emulsion or carelessness, a considerable 
area of emulsion is totally removed. This often hap- 
pens when the edge of a fingernail accidentally rubs 
the soft emulsion. All these difficulties may be rem- 
edied, but the degree of skill and the time involved are 
such that it is far better to make a new negative when- 
ever possible. 

The handwork involved in removing the imper- 
fections described involves the same kind of remedial 
measures ordinarily used in portrait retouching a 
process which involves a certain amount of alteration 
in the actual appearance of the image. Indeed, this is 
carried so far at times that features which are naturally 
unattractive are totally altered into a presumably more 
attractive form. As this involves a rather intimate 
knowledge of the esthetics of portraiture, we will not 
attempt to discuss retouching from that point of view. 
Instead, we will confine ourselves to the use of re- 
touching media for the removal or alleviation of defi- 
nite imperfections. 

Building Up or Reducing Densities. 

Retouching consists of s.everal distinct operations. 
Densities are built up by the use of a pencil. They 
are reduced by superficial abrasion with a powder or 
by gentle scraping with an extremely sharp knife. Thin 
areas are built up by the use of charcoal or crayon on 
a groundglass support, and occasionally dyes are used 
in the manner which has already been described. The 
equipment needed includes drawing pencils, two or 
three fine sable brushes with sharp points, a pan of 
black water color, and a stick of India ink. Other 
items will be added from time to time as the necessity 

The use of abrasives or the knife for the reduction 
of density requires some training and constant prac- 



tice. It was necessary for the photographer to acquire 
a considerable amount of skill when retouching was 
done on the large original camera negative. However, 
as the miniature size makes it necessary to produce an 
enlarged negative, and as the positive transparency is 
an intermediate step in the production of this negative, 
the use of any kind of mechanical abrasive is unnec- 
essary. The use of the abrasive on the negative is al- 
ways equivalent to the use of the pencil on the positive. 
Therefore we shall consider only the process of build- 
ing up the image and of obtaining full control by work- 
ing on both the enlarged positive and the enlarged 

Use of Glass Plates for Enlargements. 

For reasons of convenience it is suggested that the 
enlarged reproductions be made on glass plates. Many 
professional photographers use films, but any one of 
them will agree that it is more difficult to perform hand 
operations on a film than on a plate. Any dealer can 
supply you with process plates in any size you may 
desire. When you buy your package of large plates il 
would be wise to get a dozen 2j^ by 3}4 at the same 
time to use for testing purposes. 

The process emulsion is not widely different from 
the emulsion on a conventional enlarging paper, al- 
though one of the small plates should be tested by 
allowing it to lie on the darkroom table for 10 minutes 
while the safelight is turned on. One-half of the plate 
is covered by three or four thicknesses of black paper. 
After this exposure, develop the plate in your regular 
developer. If the exposed half of the film shows any 
darkening it will be advisable for you to change your 
safelight to the next degree darker. Some process 
plates are slightly orthochromatic, and cannot be han- 
dled safely in the ordinary bromide paper workroom. 



Process plates are ordinarily made for high con- 
trast, and the formula recommended by the manufac- 
turer is usually a rather hard-working one. That is, 
it tends to build up extreme contrast. As you are 
trying to duplicate a small negative you will want to 
avoid contrast and thus retain all the tones in the 
original. As a rule, a developer which is satisfactory 
for making bromide prints or enlargements will be 
quite satisfactory for developing the enlarged trans 
parency and negative, if it is diluted with its own vol- 
ume of water. 

Retouching with a Brush. 

Small scratches, dust spots, and similar imperfec- 
tions in the original negative will be exaggerated in the 
enlarged negative in a degree exactly proportional to 
the degree of enlargement. If these defects are small 
and sharp they may be removed either by pencil or 
brush. The latter is preferable. Place two or three 
drops of water in a white saucer or other china vessel 
which has a smooth bottom. Place the end of the India 
ink stick in this drop of water and rub the end of the 
stick against the china, using firm pressure and a cir- 
cular motion. The water will take tip the ink, and the 
grinding should be continued until the water has ac- 
quired a strong black color. The color must be heavy 
enough so that when a brush is filled with it and drawn 
across a sheet of paper, the line will be dark gray. 

The ink is then placed where it will not collect 
oust, and is permitted to dry upon the china. When 
it is desired to use the ink, a small brush is moistened 
in the mouth, touched to the dried ink", and worked 
up on the china. Success in this work will depend 
largely upon learning how to charge the brush. Wet 
color is never deposited upon the negative in the way 
that ink is placed upon paper. Instead, the brush- is 



half dry and ink is deposited only where the point of 
the brush is placed with slight pressure. If the brush 
is touched to the edge of the negative there should be 
no appearance of a moist drop left behind. It is diffi- 
cult to get the brush too dry, but very easy to get it 
too wet. 

The negative to be worked on is placed upon 
a slanting support in which a hole has been cut so that 
light may pass through the negative. If it is necessary 
to rest the hand upon the negative a sheet of paper 
should be laid over that portion of the negative to pre- 
vent perspiration marks. Charge the brush as de- 
scribed, and very carefully touch one of the open spaces 
left by a speck of dust. The spot should take on a 
little color. Repeated touches with a rapid staccato 
dabbing movement will fill in the spot and gradually 
bring it up to the density of the surrounding image. 

Start with a freshly charged brush on those spots 
in the heavier deposits, and as the brush gives up its 
color work toward the lighter spots. This same pro- 
cedure may be applied to larger spots and scratches. 
It must be emphasized that only failure can be ex- 
pected if the color is laid on as a uniform coating or 
wash. Scratches, for example, are filled by making a 
series of tiny dots along the scratch and bringing these 
dots up to the density of the surrounding area. When 
this is done the scratch will have taken on the appear- 
ance of a line of dots something like a string of periods. 
After this each open spot is treated just like any other 
spot in the negative (see Fig. 83). 

Large areas will fill in by making strips of dots 
across the area to divide it into two smaller spots. 
Each of these is then divided into two still smaller 
ones, and this is continued until the area is entirely 
filled. When the spot has not been entirely removed, 
the process is repeated. The important thing to re- 
member is that the tone is built up by a very large 



Fig. 83. Pin holes and other small imperfections can be corrected 
by spotting the negative, using a sharp-pointed sable brush. 



number of minute dots of color and never by brush 
strokes. If too much color is put on a spot it is easily 
removed by light rubbing with a small tuft of moist 

Beginners invariably object to moistening the 
brush in their mouths. There is an excellent reason for 
doing so. Saliva contains a ferment which attacks gel- 
atin and makes it become liquid. This means that each 
stroke of the brush is in a sense burning the color into 
the gelatin. It will be found almost impossible to do 
a smooth job if the brush is moistened with water, and 
in some cases the color simply will not stick to the 
gelatin. About the only substitute which can be used 
and it is far from satisfactory is a solution of about 
5 per cent ammonia in water. 

There is a knack to spotting with the brush which 
must be gained by practice. I have seen successful 
teachers of retouching take students one after the other 
through a course in this subject, but have never seen a 
student learn spotting immediately. They see the en- 
tire process, but it is only after several hours' practice 
that the necessary touch is gained. Don't be discour- 
aged if your first attempts at negative spotting are defi- 
nitely crude. 

Retouching with a Pencil. 

Pencil work is even more difficult to master than 
brush work. The best pencil is the so-called artist's 
holder, which takes individual leads. It is advisable to 
use pencils in the grades of H, 2H, 4H, and 6H, al- 
though the 2H and 4H will meet most needs. A great 
deal of disappointment can be avoided by having the 
pencil sharpened correctly. The lead extends from 
the holder about an inch and a half never less than 
one inch. The point is sharpened on fine emery paper 
by drawing the pencil across the paper with a rolling 



motion. The cone of the point is not less than one- 
half inch long and preferably about three-quarters of 
an inch. This gives a very long, slender point. It is 
difficult to sharpen a retouching pencil because this 
point must be absolutely needle-sharp and must be 
kept that way by repeated strokes across the emerv 
paper while the retouching is progressing (see Fig. 84). 
The average so-called sharp pencil point is far too 
broad for photographic retouching. 

The face of the negative must be prepared to take 
the pencil, and this is done by the application of re- 
touching varnish, more popularly known as retouching 
"dope." This is a sticky, resinous varnish which can be 
made at home, but it is so inexpensive that it is cer- 
tainly advisable to use the prepared product. It is not 
necessary to apply this varnish over all the negative 
only to those parts where it is desirable to add pen- 
ciling. However, because so many amateurs have diffi- 
culty in blending the edge of the varnished spot so it 
will not show in the print, it may be advisable for the 
beginner to cover the entire negative with varnish. 

The amount of varnish to be used is determined 
by experience. About 6 drops should be sufficient to 
cover an 8 x 10 negative. The varnish is placed in the 
center of the negative and is spread by a tuft of cotton. 
Start spreading the dope from the center of the nega- 
tive; use a circular motion and gradually enlarge this 
until the entire surface of the negative is covered. 
There must be enough varnish so that the entire sur- 
face is covered, and there must be enough so that by 
the time you reach the edges the center will be prac- 
tically dry. It is essential that there be no ridges of 
varnish any place on the negative. In fact, the nega- 
tive will look just like it did before except that it will 
have a slight sheen (see Figs. 85, 86). 

Test the varnish with the pencil along the edge 
of the negative. If too little varnish has been used 



Hg. 85. The retouching varnish or "dope" can be applied to 
the emulsion surface of the negative with the cork, as shown here. 



Rg. 86. After the "dope" has baan applied to the negative, it 
is spread with a tuft of cotton over the area to be retouched. 



the pencil will slip over the gelatin without leaving a 
mark. If a little ball of varnish builds up on the pen- 
cil point, it shows that too much varnish has been used. 
When the negative is varnished correctly the pencil 
will leave a mark similar to but lighter than one it 
would leave on groundglass. 

A support similar to that used for brush work is 
necessary, and you might as well start by getting a 
good professional retouching desk. They are inexpen- 
sive, and no substitute is ever completely satisfactory. 

The negative should be illuminated by light which 
falls upon a sheet of white paper and is then reflected 
through the negative. A light which shines directly 
through the negative is so strong that you cannot see 
the delicate tones for careful matching. Sit well back 
from the negative, and do not try to see the spot too 
distinctly. Carefully touch the point of the pencil to 
the spot to be covered and then move it over a tiny 
area, using a wiggling motion (see Fig. 87). Work 
up to the edge of the spot not across it. If you can 
see the pencil strokes they are too large. What you 
should see is simply a gradual darkening of the spot 
until it matches the surrounding tone. A similar treat- 
ment will eliminate scratches, although unlike brush 
work the scratch is penciled out with short, broken 
strokes running in the direction of the scratch. 

The pencil is superior to the brush when it is de- 
sirable to build up the density of an area in which 
there is a graded tone. Thus, outlines of light objects 
against a dark background are sometimes too gray to 
be satisfactory. The pencil will serve to build up the 
edge and blend this tone imperceptibly into the orig- 
inal negative tone. This work requires practice, but 
once a method has been mastered it may be applied to 
building up any kind of graded tone. 

Remember that when you use a pencil on the pos- 
itive transparency you are darkening the image, and 



the result will be exactly as you see it before you. 
When you build up the negative it is exactly as though 
you are working on the positive with a white pencil. 
That is, each pencil stroke makes that particular area 
lighter in the finished print. 

Good pencil retouching is rarely visible on a con- 
tact print. However, the pattern of the retouching is 
gross compared with the grain structure of the image, 
and only an expert can do work which is satisfactory 
for enlarging more than about three diameters. In 
working on an enlarged negative from which contact 
prints will be made this is no great obstacle. If you 
become deeply interested in this work it might be well 
to consult some of the texts devoted exclusively to re- 
touching. However, by following the instructions 
given herein and practicing conscientiously you will 
have the basis of pencil retouching which can be ex- 
tended to suit almost any demand. 

Retouching to Get Cloud Effects. 

There are times when it is desired to work in 
cloud effects this simply means the addition of den- 
sities which have no definite edge. Groundglass is used 
for this purpose, and a sheet of it is attached to the 
enlarged negative or positive with the ground surface 
away from the transparency. It is possible to separate 
the two further by placing strips of cardboard between 
edges. The distance which separates the ground sur- 
face from the negative surface will determine the 
amount of diffusion. The negative with the ground- 
glass attached is laid face down on the retouching desk 
or other illuminated surface, and the desired density 
is added by sketching it on the ground surface. A fine 
line is not very useful as it gives a broadened but very 
weak density. For this reason groundglass work is 
usually limited to comparatively broad masses which 



Fig. 87. Pencil retouching Is employed to build up the density 
of areas which print too dark. The work requires practice, but 
can easily be mastered after a reasonable amount of experience. 


may be in the shape of definite directional strokes or 
made to cover any desired area. The charcoal outline 
is made somewhat smaller than the corresponding neg- 
ative area and applied as evenly as possible. The pow- 
der is blown from the groundglass and then, using the 
ball of the little finger, the edge of the charpoal is 
smeared or blended so that no sharp line will be vis- 
ible even on the groundglass. Full appreciation of the 
effect produced by two or three touches of charcoal 
here and there cannot be gained until some exper- 
iments are made. 

The extent to which you indulge in handwork will 
be governed by your patience, your skill, and your per- 
sonal preference in this matter. There is no reason- 
able objection to any amount of handwork which will 
improve the final print. It need hardly be added that 
where a great amount of handwork predominates over 
the photographic character the altered picture cannot 
sincerely be called an improvement over the original 
This is, of course, a matter for you to decide, but a 
comparatively small amount of sincere experimenta- 
tion will demonstrate how e'asy it is to remedy many of 
the negatives which ordinarily would be considered 





Characteristics of the Negative 

TOO often the amateur makes the mistake of think- 
ing that all negatives are more or less identical. 
This misconception is one of the greatest obstacles in 
the path of successful negative making. The negative 
has a full range of individual characteristics, the recog- 
nition of which constitutes the somewhat unfamiliar 
art of "reading a negative." 

Negative reading includes not only the identifica- 
tion of these characteristics, but also recognition of the 
specific causative factors. An analysis based upon 
these factors makes possible a complete critical analy- 
sis which will reveal the source of any existent errors, 
and be of material aid in the prevention of such errors 
in the future. It is not necessary for ^the experienced 
amateur to make prints from his negatives for the pur- 
pose of criticism. In fact, it is easier to criticize the 
negative than the print, because criticism of a print 
must take into consideration any technical errors, in- 
volved in the printing process itself. 



The photographic negative is primarily a "stencil" 
which, instead of being cut out of thin cardboard, is 
made up of a stratum of silver dust which has a con- 
stantly varying density. Physically speaking, this is 
the complete description of any photographic negative. 
However, the way in which the silver dust is distrib- 
uted throughout the gelatin of the film gives rise to a 
variety of characteristics which have a definite effect 
upon the subsequent print. The terms used to describe 
these negatives are familiar to most amateurs, but 
there is some confusion concerning the exact meaning 
of the various terms. A negative may be thin, heavy, 
hard, soft, sharj), diffuse. It may exhibit a considerable 
amount of detail, or this may be almost entirely lack- 
ing. It may have good gradation or it may be very 
harsh. It has a definite color which may be gray, 
brown, yellow, orange, blue, or some other color. It 
also has characteristics not immediately apparent to 
the eye. 

Certain of these negative characteristics are 
closely related, with the consequence that they fall 
naturally into subdivisions. Tnf s sub-classification will 
be apparent froni the description which follows. 

It is unfortunate that description must be used 
rather than illustration ; but no illustration subject to 
reproduction has yet been made of a negative. The 
quality of transparency which characterizes the nega- 
tive cannot be reproduced upon paper, so that the very- 
points which are to be stressed are invisible. This 
makes reproductions of negatives so misleading that 
it is debatable whether or not such reproductions do 
not do more harm than good. The only method which 
I have found satisfactory in dealing with students has 
been actually to make the negative series. Obviously, 
this is too costly for general distribution. Even dupli- 
cation loses some of the quality, so our student nega- 
tives are actual camera negatives. It would be an 



excellent plan to show all negative types, but it simply 
is not possible when reproduction is involved. 

Most of the characteristics to be described have 
been mentioned in more or less detail in foregoing 
chapters, but such repetition as may be involved is 
justified by the opportunity of considering these vari- 
ous factors in a sequence which will reveal their rela- 
tionship, one to another, and which permits a study in 
relation to their importance as negative characteristics. 

Exposure and Density. 

We have already seen that density refers to the 
amount of silver contained in a unit area. We know 
that the greater the amount of silver per unit area the 
darker the film will be. This means that when the 
negative is used for printing, a smaller amount of light 
will pass through a dense portion of the negative than 
through a light one. However, there is a fundamental 
density which must be understood before discussing 
the various densities found in a given negative. This 
fundamental density is explained most easily by an 
example which is rarely found outside the research lab- 
oratory. A negative is made by exposing a film to the 
light reflected from a uniform neutral gray surface. 
This neutral surface represents the average reflection 
from an average subject. The perfect monotone nega- 
tive would contain exactly the same weight of silver 
as a negative of the same size, perfectly exposed and 
developed, which reproduces an average photographic 
subject. The difference is that the picture negative 
has the silver distributed in spots of various sizes and 
density, while the test negative has uniform distribu- 

If a series of such test negatives is made, each 
negative receiving an exposure greater than the pre- 
ceding one with the entire series advancing in geo- 



metric progression, and if these negatives are all given 
identical development, the result will be a series of 
negatives ranging from a very light, uniform deposit 
to a very heavy, uniform deposit. This rather detailed 
description is necessary to emphasize a fact which has 
been stated repeatedly by many photographic research- 
ers and which, as a rule, is totally disregarded by the 
amateur. If you have visualized the series of experi- 
mental negatives just described, and remember that 
they all receive identical development, you will un- 
doubtedly realize the importance of one of the funda- 
mental principles of good photography namely, the 
density of a negative is determined by the exposure 
(see Figs. 88,89, 90). 

One often hears arguments in camera clubs pur- 
ported to demonstrate the fallacy of this statement. 
Such arguments usually refer to the fact that increas- 
ing the time of development will increase the density 
of the negative, particularly in the highlights. Now of 
course this is undoubtedly true. Not only is it true, 
but it demonstrates beyond all question that the indi- 
vidual advancing the argument has not the slightest 
acquaintance with any scientific or research procedure. 
Such arguments are on a par with any other half- 
statement which, while it may be true as far as it goes, 
gives a totally false impression. 

The density the all-over density, the fundamental 
density of a negative is determined by the exposure 
and by the exposure alone. No matter what you do in 
the way of processing to alter this density, the same 
procedure applied to a negative which has received 
greater exposure would result in obtaining greater 
density. The one exception is the obvious one, namely, 
that any procedure which tends to exhaust a greater 
amount of silver than that in the emulsion will not be 
differentiated from other processes which do the same 
thing. The statement, however, does hold true for all 





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densities less than the maximum possible density of 
that particular film. 

This is the reason for there being definite limits 
to the extremes of exposure which will result in an 
image. If a film is given a certain amount of extreme 
overexposure, reversal will take place, as we have seen. 
Short of this maximum it is usually possible to obtain 
an image of sorts from any overexposure. Consider- 
ing the other extreme, if the exposure has been so brief 
that no image has been recorded, there is no agency 
whatsoever which will cause that image to develop. 
This is another of those very obvious facts which one 
feels should really not be mentioned; but in spite of 
its logic there is a widespread belief that a non- 
existent latent image can be developed by prolonging 
or "forcing" development. 

As is usual in such erroneous beliefs, there is a 
sound reason for this one. Sooner or later every ama- 
teur will realize that he has exposed a roll of film and 
that his exposures have been far under normal. From 
his reference books or a fellow club member he will 
obtain a formula for the development of underexposed 
negatives, and using this formula he will obtain fairly 
satisfactory negatives. 

In too many cases the unsatisfactory consequence 
is that the amateur proceeds, by reason of his wor- 
ship of speed, to assign to his film his own private 
speed rating which is four times greater than the facts 
warrant. Such an amateur belongs to that school of 
thought which considers an automobile in perfect con- 
dition as long as it can be operated. It is true that 
he uses the excessively high-sensitivity ratings and 
gets negatives from which prints and enlargements 
are made, and his answer to all arguments is the fact 
that he is doing it. The reason that he is permitted 
to win arguments in this way^ is that his fellow pho- 
tographers are equally unfamiliar with the fundamental 


laws of the craft. Every experienced photographer 
knows that these processes and formulas can be used, 
and he also knows that they should be reserved for 
emergency uses only. This is not because of tradition 
or any other equally obscure motive, but simply be 
cause he knows that this procedure will not give the 
quality which every photographer has a right to expect 
when he produces a negative. 

It is appropriate to mention in this connection 
that while the film manufacturer gives certain speed 
ratings for his products, he makes the statement tha. 
good usable negatives can be obtained by giving one- 
half the exposure indicated by this rating. And in an 
emergency, when the film is given the correct process- 
ing after exposure, it may be possible in some cases to 
obtain a usable negative with one-quarter the indi- 
cated exposure. Now in the case of a film which is 
rated at Weston 32, for example, this simply means 
that a photographer who knows what he is doing can 
use this film at an equivalent rating- of 128 and still 
make a print. In such a case neither the photographer 
nor the manufacturer would dream of following the 
speed demon's example and use this fact as a reason 
for assigning Weston 128 to this emulsion as its normal 
rating. Such facts do not provide any proof they do 
not even intimate that the density has been changed 
by processing. 

Let us make use of another homely example. Sup- 
pose you bring home a quart of ice cream in a con- 
tainer. Suppose, moreover, that the only utensil avail- 
able for removing the ice cream would reach only half 
way into the container. This would enable you to 
remove one pint. If you follow the reasoning of the 
usual amateur you will say that you did not get a quart 
but that you got a pint of ice cream. Of course there 
is only a pint that you can use, but that has nothing 
in particular to do with the actual amount available. 


All you have to do is to get a longer spoon and dig the 
rest of the ice cream from the container. 

The average amateur photographer uses a devel- 
oper which will develop only a portion of the latent im- 
age, and if he is working with 35 millimeter film he 
probably uses a developer which will obtain only a 
small fraction of the available image. By using- a high 
potential developer in fairly concentrated solution it is 
possible to develop all the image. It is also possible 
to develop almost all the image by a prolonged 
action of a diluted developer. It must be remembered, 
however, that there is no marked difference between 
the exposed and the unexposed emulsion. Before all 
the exposed silver grains are reduced, there will be 
a considerable degree of reduction among the unex- 
posed grains. It has not been possible to develop all 
the latent image and none of the unexposed grains. 

In normal photography we compromise by giving 
an exposure which really is somewhat longer than is 
theoretically necessary. Then we develop the film in 
-such a way that we do get a satisfactorily large per- 
centage of the exposed silver and a similarly satisfac- 
torily small percentage of the unexposed grains. (This 
development of the unexposed grains is, of course, 
familiar to you as chemical fog.) This involves de- 
velopment which is less than that required to complete 
the chemical reaction. Speaking from a strictly chem- 
ical point of view, this is underdevelopment. 

It should be obvious, therefore, that special and 
trick developing procedures based upon the use of ex- 
tremely long penods of time, highly diluted develop- 
ers, abnormally concentrated developers, and so on are 
merely procedures with which every experienced pho- 
tographer is thoroughly familiar. But he would not 
dream of using them except in the specific emergency 
when each one becomes more valuable than the normal 



Development and Contrast. 

Like the relationship which exists between ex- 
posure and density, we have a similar relationship 
existing between development and contrast. While 
this is ordinarily said to be a factor of the length of 
the development period, it is actually a factor of the 
amount of development. Increasing the temperature 
or increasing the concentration of developer will have 
an effect upon contrast just as surely as will lengthen- 
ing the period of time. Here again it is advisable to 
establish pur limitations and state that all other con- 
ditions being the same, the degree of contrast increases 
with the length of the time of development. 

Of course, any statement such as that in the pre- 
ceding paragraph is subject to certain limitations and 
exceptions. We all know that if development is indefi- 
nitely prolonged there will be one period during which 
the contrast increases steadily, and that following this 
there will be another period in which the contrast de- 
creases. There is a certain amount of actual loss of 
contrast in the image, but the greater part of the effect 
is caused by a steady growth of over-all fog which, 
added to any given degree of contrast, must necessarily 
reduce it. 

Before becoming too deeply involved in a discus- 
sion of contrast it might be advisable to arrive at a 
definite understanding as to the exact meaning of the 
term. For the present we wish to do this without 
becoming involved in the intricacies of sensitometry. 
Contrast in photography means exactly what it means 
in any other connotation. That is, it means at differ- 
ence more specifically, a difference between two un- 
likes. Ordinarily you would hardly speak of the con- 
trast between a pair of identical twins, but you might 
aptly refer to the contrast between a young man in 
his teens and his baby sister a couple of months old. 



It is quite correct to speak of the contrast between 
two people of the same sex whose ages differ by about 
ten years, even though the contrast might be slight. 
Obviously, the contrast would be much greater be- 
tween two persons of different sexes, one quite aged 
and the other extremely young. So we have not only 
the actual idea of difference expressed by contrast, but 
we must also recognize the existence of degrees of 
such difference. 

In the photographic negative we have certain areas 
which are more dense than other areas, and in any 
photographic negative we may locate and identify that 
specific area which has a greater density than any other 
area in the negative. Likewise we may identify that 
area which has less density than any other in the en- 
tire negative. That is, two areas are the keys to the 
contrast of that negative because the contrast of the 
negative is the difference between the densities of these 
two areas. This can be expressed numerically as the 
actual ratio existing between the measured densities. 
If the greater density is 3 times the lesser the nega- 
tive has very low contrast, but if the denser area is 
100 times as dense as the lighter then we have a nega- 
tive of high contrast. 

It is commonly thought that the numerical value of 
the contrast of a negative is that value indicated by 
gamma. This misconception is the basis of more mis- 
understanding than any other single factor in sensi- 
tometry. The contrast of the negative may be a re- 
sult of photographing an original object in which the 
contrast was extremely high. For example, it was 
popular at one time to control such subjects by giving 
a tremendously long exposure that is, the exposure 
required for the deepest shadow and following this 
exposure with a proportionately short development. 
The result is a negative of rather high contrast but 
extremely low gamma. As we shall see later, gamma 



is the numerical value of the contrast in a negative 
which has been exposed to a carefully standardized 
original whose scale of contrast is known and definite. 
We shall go further into this in a later chapter, but 
for the present it is enough to state that a negative 
may not only be contrasty yet have a low gamma, but 
it may also have a very high gamma and still be defi- 
nitely of low contrast. 

Defining the Terms. 

A number of the terms used in photography once 
had a logical meaning. Thus a negative was contrasty 
if it had an extreme range of contrast. If this condi- 
tion were combined with a loss of gradation, blocking 
of the highlights, and empty shadows, the negative 
was said to be harsh. With older photographic mate- 
rials it was of course difficult to obtain a negative of 
high contrast which did not have this harshness. Later 
the word "harsh" gradually grew into hard. The re- 
sult is that today a hard negative simply means one of 
high contrast, and conversely a soft negative is one 
of low contrast. This is unfortunate, because the ad- 
jective "soft" is often understood to mean an absence 
of image definition ; but this will be discussed later in 
this chapter. In like manner both "hard** and "soft" 
are very widely used to indicate the physical condition 
of the emulsion before drying. It is advisable for the 
amateur to stick to the older and perhaps less con- 
venient terms of "harsh" or "contrasty" for that type 
of negative, and "flat" as descriptive of the opposite 

Photography is peculiar in that it employs many 
terms which have two antonyms, and the tw"o are rarely 
synonymous. For example, we may say that a certain 
negative is contrasty or has a high contrast. If the 
contrast is not excessive but still greater than ordinary 


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we may refer to the negative as brilliant. However, 
all these terms refer definitely to a high order of 
contrast. The condition which is described as "flat" 
or "soft" indicates an absence of contrast, and there- 
fore these words must be antonyms of contrasty. A 
negative which does not have contrast usually presents 
a wealth of detail. It surprises a good many amateurs, 
some of them with a considerable amount of experi- 
ence, to learn that "contrast" and "detail" are exactly 
opposite terms. To have detail it is necessary that the 
negative be soft or flat (but it is not to be assumed that 
the soft negative necessarily has detail, i.e., when the 
original had little detail). 

There is another closely related factor that of 
gradation. A negative which is contrasty to the point 
of harshness cannot have good gradation. A negative 
which is so soft that it presents the maximum amount 
of detail cannot have a full range of gradation. Con- 
sidering all these factors together, we may say that 
"brilliant contrast" is at one end of the scale and "de- 
tail" at the other, while "gradation" occupies the mid- 
dle ground. 

To be sure that this matter is not misunderstood 
it is necessary for us to refer to the final print. A 
contrasty or even a brilliant negative cannot be printed 
on paper because there is no printing paper made which 
has a reproduction scale great enough to reproduce all 
the tones in the negative. A soft or detailed nega- 
tive will produce a gray print. Now gray does not 
mean muddy far from it. A gray print is simply one 
in which pure white or pure black or both are limited 
to extremely minute areas and serve only as accents. 
The body of the image is made up of a range of tones 
between light gray and dark gray. The prints of per- 
fect gradation run the entire scale from the lightest to 
the darkest tones which the paper is capable of pro- 
ducing (see Figs. 91, 92). 



.'f : isii& 


Having looked at these factors in their mutual 
relationship, we will consider each one individually. 

The Soft Negative. 

Because contrast already has been discussed indi- 
vidually, .we will give our first attention to the negative 
of low contrast. The soft negative using the com- 
mon term often has a maximum density range as 
low as 7 or 8 to 1. If it goes much lower than this 
it is rarely spoken of as anything but flat. This term 
arises from the fact that a photograph made by arti- 
ficial light, and where the light is placed as close as 
possible to the lens, lacks any suggestion of plasticity. 
Unfortunately such a negative exhibits the lowest 
range of contrast ordinarily associated with extreme 
softness. It will be seen, then, that while "soft" and 
"flat" are not exactly synonymous, they are used to 
describe closely related degrees of the same condition. 


Detail, as its name signifies, is a faithful reproduc- 
tion of minute characteristics of the original. Recently 
there was a considerable vogue in extremely sharp por- 
traits. The success of the portrait was judged largely 
by the extent to which the skin textures were repro- 
duced. Enemies of this type of photography usually 
referred to it as "pore" photography. Now it is ob- 
vious that any extremely harsh lighting of the face 
would obscure this skin texture by obliterating it in 
the highlights and obscuring it in the shadow. Such 
a result would leave the minute texture only in the few 
half-tone regions between the extremes. For the rea- 
son apparent in this example it is always considered 
impossible for contrast and detail to exist simulta- 
neously in one negative. 




This has a very definite bearing upon the repro- 
duction of texture. Texture is that quality in a pho- 
tograph which reveals unmistakably the surface char- 
acteristics of the object photographed. The most 
elementary problems in texture are those concerned 
with differentiation between a polished metal surface 
and a surface such as a rug. This is the difference 
which one expects to obtain automatically. As far as 
the process of photography is concerned, it is just as 
easy to differentiate between satin and sateen or be- 
tween linen and cotton as between metal and cloth. 
The difficulty lies in the usual absence of skill on the 
part of the photographer (see Figs. 93 to 98). 

Texture is reproduced through accuracy of minute 
contrast and of minute tonal gradation. A skilled pho- 
tographer has no difficulty in showing the difference 
between living flesh and a fine wax model, for example. 
Incidentally, this is done without a reproduction of the 
somewhat objectionable skin texture reproduction of 
"pore" photography. Because texture is so closely 
bound up with gradation that is, subtlety of textural 
reproduction we have to demonstrate the superiority 
of photography over any other graphic medium. Or- 
dinarily it is assumed that this superiority lies in the 
extreme fidelity of tonal reproduction. This, of course, 
is the most obvious superiority over other graphic 
media which photography possesses. A well-made 
photograph can and will faithfully reproduce differ- 
ences of tone which the eye cannot perceive and which 
are determined only by measurement. It may be 
argued with some justification that a subtlety of tone 
which cannot be appreciated by the eye is of little prac- 
tical value. If the tone itself were the only point of 
interest this would be perfectly true, but these same 
nuances of tone are the very things which lend reality 



Rg. 93. By crossligMing fhis setup with two spotlights, 



*> I 

both texture and pattern were obtained in the photograph. 



to texture. If photographic differences of tone were 
limited to those which are visible as such, it would be 
impossible to have the extremely faithful textural re- 
production for which photography is famed. 

This ability to reproduce texture is inherently 
bound up with the ''continuous tone" photographic 
quality. It is obvious that the more subtle textures can- 
not be reproduced by any half-tone or other reproduc- 
tion process, as the physical nature of the process 
remoyes a certain amount of the delicate differences. 
Gelatin printing perhaps most closely reproduces the 
fine photographic quality, but it is costly and limited 
in the number of reproductions possible from a given 
plate. Therefore 'in practically all reference texts, the 
illustrations fail to show what the context would seem 
to indicate. 

The ability to appreciate texture in a negative is 
gained only after long experience. We are not familiar 
with the actual elements of textural appearance, so that 
when they are seen in negative form they are more or 
less meaningless. However, the print will tell the 
story provided the photographer has the ability to 
make a good print. It may be added parenthetically 
that the finest negative in the world is useless unless 
the photographer who has made it is capable of making 
a print worthy of the negative. 


We have stated that there is a wide difference in 
the color of the negative. Negatives fresh from proc- 
essing may be black or neutral gray; they may have 
a blue-black tone, a warm black, or even deep chocolate 
color. They also may be almost any shade of yellow, 
brown, orange, or tan-gray, while intensified negatives 
are often a very definite yellow or orange. Negatives 
which have been dyed to produce a finer grain struc- 



ture will of course have the color of the dye used, and 
that may be anything within the choice of the pho- 
tographer. Negatives which are blue-black or blue- 
gray have different printing characteristics from those 
which are yellow-orange or reddish in tone. The red 
and yellow colors give a negative with a longer print- 
ing time than its density would indicate, and have an 
apparently greater contrast. Thus a hard negative 
dye-toned violet and a soft negative dye-toned red will 
both tend more toward normal than in their original 

Among negatives of similar absolute density range 
a blue or blue-black negative will not give as much 
contrast as a brown or reddish-brown one. In actual 
practice those negatives developed in a staining devel- 
oper such as pyro have both greater density and greater 
contrast than their appearance would indicate. For 
this reason it is advisable to try to keep your negatives 
as nearly uniform as possible in the matter of color. 
This is not directly under your control, of course, but 
any specific developer will usually produce negatives 
of uniform color. If you continue to use one type of 
developer, you will not have to worry about this prob- 
lem. If you use three or four different types of de- 
veloper and obtain negatives of corresponding color 
variation, you will find it difficult to control printing 
exposure unless you make systematic exposure tests 

Resolving Power and Grain. 

There is another factor of considerable importance 
in negative quality, and that is resolving power. Re- 
solving power is the ability of a negative to reproduce 
extremely fine lines which are very close together. In 
any photograph a sharp line is always represented by 
a blended edge. Instead of being all black on one side 
of a geometric line and all white on the other, there 



IS a certain intermediate boundary between the two 
in which the deposit of silver grows steadily lighter. 
This area may be comparatively narrow or it may be 
extremely wide. For example, if you pour wet sand 
on a board in parallel lines the sand will pile up in the 
center of the ridge and the sides will flow only a small 
amount. This leaves a number of high ridges with 
deep valleys between them. If you do the same thing 
with dry sand the sand will run, and the ridges will 
be low and wide instead of high and narrow. This is 
exactly the condition which exists in films of high re- 
solving power and low resolving power respectively. 

When a film has a low resolving power the fine 
lines will tend to spread out until they join the spread 
from the next line, and so the original which consists 
of many fine lines will be reproduced as a uniform 
gray area. An emulsion with a high resolving power 
does not have this great spreading at the edges, and 
the break between highlight and shadow is sufficiently 
abrupt. Therefore, a much larger number of lines may 
be photographed in the same negative area without 
losing their identity. Stated in more practical terms, 
a negative of high resolving power can be enlarged 
satisfactorily to a much greater degree than one of 
low resolving power. If you wish to consider the con- 
ditions which actually exist rather than the visual ones, 
the negative of high resolving power is actually sharper 
that is, it has better definition than one of low re- 
solving power. 

As a rule, among negatives of a large general class 
the finegrain negatives have a greater resolving power 
than have the coarser-grained ones. It is also true 
that negatives of high resolving power are of a fine- 
grain nature. These facts, however, must not lead you 
to the assumption that fine grain and resolving power 
are identical. The resolving power is a characteristic 
of a negative which has a fine grain, but other char- 
acteristics are also necessary* Generally speaking, the 



emulsion which has a high resolving- power is slow, and 
it is almost always true that the slower this type of 
emulsion is made the higher its resolving power will 
be. We know, of course, that extremely fast emulsions 
usually have coarse grain and low resolving power. 
Also, the emulsion which has a high resolving power 
is inherently a contrasty emulsion We know that very 
fast emulsions usually have an inherent lack of con- 
trast. From the foregoing we would assume, and quite 
correctly so, that the very fast emulsions suffer quite 
definitely when measured on a basis of resolving power. 

Practically it may be stated that there are emul- 
sions which can be used at much greater degrees of 
enlargement than any of the popularly used films, and 
these emulsions are deliberately made to possess high 
resolving power, contrast, and fine grain. Of course 
they could be used for ordinary work, but they are 
very slow. It is indeed difficult to hold the contrast 
with such film to within those limits which are con- 
sidered desirable for pictorial reproduction. A few 
comparative tests made between films such as Micro- 
File, Microcopy, and Mmipan, on the one hand, and 
the super-highspeed films ordinarily used for amateur 
photography on the other, give you a vivid example 
of the extreme to which fine grain and definition can 
be carried if you are only willing to sacrifice speed. 

Of course a negative with a large-grain pattern 
could not produce a highly resolved image. The grain 
structure itself would produce the blending at the edge 
of an area, which would preclude high resolving power. 
To this extent there is an identity between fine grain 
and high resolving power. Yet there are negatives 
which have extremely finegrain structure yet which 
form images whose boundaries are so diffusely blended 
that the image shows considerably less resolution than 
might be obtained from an emulsion of much larger 
inherent grain pattern. This is the most striking dif- 



ference between fine grain and resolving power. A 
practical aspect of these facts is encountered in using 
miniature negatives which will break down in defini- 
tion before the grain pattern becomes objectionable, 
while other emulsions which do show an objectionable 
grain pattern in the same degree of enlargement show 
no indication whatsoever of breakdown. 

Thin emulsions usually have greater resolving 
power than heavy ones because irradiation in the thick 
emulsion will break down the fine line. The thinner the 
emulsion, the less will be this effect. Also, single 
emulsions will usually display greater resolving power 
than double-coated ones. In short, high resolving 
power is related to any factors, positive or negative, 
which tend to prevent the "spreading" of a sharp edge. 

It is perfectly reasonable to say that an emulsion 
of high resolving power will probably have high con- 
trast and fine grain, but neither of these subordinate 
factors will necessarily give an emulsion high resolving 
power. It is obvious, therefore, that the subject of 
grain must be considered frpin many points of view. 
We have just considered its intimate relation with the 
problems of resolving power. In an earlier part of the 
discussion we saw that grain had no real physical 
existence as such, but is an appearance produced by a 
physical formation which is exactly opposite to it. 
In short, if we take care of the holes in the negative, 
the "grain" of the positive will take care of itself. We 
have also seen that the condition which we must try 
to prevent is the clinging together of actual grains into 
clumps of such shape that the grain-producing aper-* 
tures in the pattern will be prevented, or when present 
they will be so uniformly distributed that the result is 
an apparently uniform tone. 

It is necessary, then, that we consider grain as a 
characteristic of a negative which will have a certain 
influence upon printing. Of course, we do not have 



to consider grain or resolving power in a negative 
which is to be used for contact printing. When the 
negative is to be projected to a considerable size, then 
the grain pattern is important (see Figs. 99, 100, 101). 

It has long been popular to illustrate the grain 
distribution resulting from some specific developer by 
making photomicrographs of an emulsion developed in 
it. There are two objections to the use of the photo- 
micrograph for this purpose. Every photographer is 
familiar with the restriction imposed upon him by the 
limitations of the depth of focus. When a photographer 
works very close to his subject this limitation causes 
the background to become diffused and out of focus. 
This same thing applies to photomicrography, except 
that in the case of the photomicrograph the planes of 
the subject, both in front of and behind the plane of 
principal focus, simply disappear. This effect, of course, 
is variable and depends upon the technique used 
Speaking generally, the photomicrograph does not give 
the entire picture but is limited more or less to a sin- 
gle plane. Therefore a photomicrograph will show the 
true nature of the negative only when that negative 
has an extremely thin deposit confined to its surface. 
This effect, known as optical sectioning, is deliberately 
used to make photographs of a single plane within a 
comparatively thick material. 

The other objection to the use of the photomicro- 
graph for this purpose is the fact that the negative of 
the photomicrograph presents a far more truthful pic- 
ture of the actual conditions than does the positive 
print. This is simply because the photomicrographic 
negative has been made from a negative, and so in 
relation to the problem we are investigating it is ac- 
tually in the positive phase. If we want to know the 
effect of a grain pattern we want to see the holes be- 
tween the negative grains represented as dark with the 



Fig. 98. Good lighting, proper exposure, and correct develop- 
ment combine to bring out texture of unpainted cypress plank. 



actual grain area light. The illustrations accompany- 
ing Chapter V show direct projections from photo- 
micrographs of a physically developed negative and a 
chemically developed one, both in the same scale. The 
significant point of this is that the only reliable test 
for graininess of a negative is actual projection and in 
microscopic examination. In the reproductions of the 
projections, both of which were made at 40 diameters 
enlargement, the physically developed negative will be 
seen to have the greatest apparent freedom from grain, 
while one would be inclined to choose the chemically 
developed negative from the original photomicro- 
graphs alone. 

Negatives to Fit Your Needs. 

You will want to know what kind of negative is 
most suitable for your particular purposes. This, of 
course, is something which cannot be stated without 
knowing what your particular requirements may be. 
In short, each experienced photographer has his own 
standard from which he can obtain the best prints, and 
for the establishment of most of these standards there 
is no apparent reason. Once you have decided what 
you prefer in the way of a negative, then it becomes 
comparatively easy to make your negatives to this 

As a rule, an enlarger which uses diffused light 
works best with a negative of fairly thin density and 
not too great contrast. An enlarger fitted with a con- 
densing system will give satisfactory results from 
negatives of moderate density and moderate to low 
contrast, while for contact printing, negatives which 
are definitely contrasty are often used. All these terms 
are extremely vague; they are offered for use only 
in comparing negative qualities. Many photographers 
using diffusion enlargers work with much more con- 
trasty negatives than others who use condenser en- 


~^ s-rDTOS,A*ri c \=GAT.V _ 

largers. It 5s true, however, that there are negatives 
entirely too soft for satisfactory Contact printing which 
will give good enlargements. Likewise there are nega- 
tives entirely too harJ for any projection which will 
give quite satisfactory contact prints. 

The ultimate print must be kept in mind at ail 
times. A white object which is to appear as such in 
the final print must have its image in the negative 
sufficiently transparent for the light to pass through 
in quantity great enough to produce the detail which 
prevents the object from appearing as a pure white 
silhouette. This imposes a very stringent limitation 
upon the maximum density of the negative. Maximum 
exposure is that which will barely suffice to produce a 
completely black area when passed through the clear 
film base. This is the exposure which will give the 
rich shadows essential in a good print. The strongest 
highlight must therefore be limited to a density which, 
in this same period of exposure, will permit the paper 
to be exposed sufficiently to produce the delicate shad- 
ing which makes the highlight detail. 

If the exposure is greatet than this, shadow de- 
tail will be burned out. If the exposure is less than 
this, highlight detail will not be visible. We have a 
leeway or latitude from only two sources. If the light- 
ing of the original subject has been sufficiently low 
in contrast so that the practical scale of the negative 
has not been used entirely, we will have a slight lee- 
way in exposure without detriment. The other lati- 
tude is obtained by the various grades of contrast pro- 
vided by the paper used. However, it must always be 
remembered that the necessity for using hard or soft 
paper is in a measure a confession of insufficient scale 
to produce a perfect negative. 

It is the dream of every photographer, amateur 
and professional, to master photography to such an ex- 
tent that all his negatives will be printed on the 



same grade of paper using the same time *f exposure 
It must be understood that this is a goal to be achieved 
and not a condition which could become practical fnr 
anything other than straight record and laboratnrx 
photography. It is practical to work toward the timr 
when this, procedure will reproduce effectively the true 
appearance of the original. This still leaves us full 
freedom for the exercise of our personal judgment and 
choice in determining the pictorial value of any pho- 
tograph which we make. 

Most of the discussion up to the present point has 
been concerned with the method of obtaining the vari- 
ous specific characteristics which have been described. 
Therefore, when by personal experiment you have de- 
termined the quality of negative which you prefer, the 
production of this negative will be easy by simply fol- 
lowing the instructions already presented. 

For example, if you find that your negatives are 
so contrasty that you cannot print them, not even by 
using the softest paper and a special soft positive de- 
veloper, you have the solution immediately at hand ; 
but first check the results. Under the conditions just 
mentioned, your print will show highlights of pure 
white without any detail when the shadows are printed 
to their fullest depth. When detail is printed into the 
highlights all the shadows, even those of intermedi- 
ate depth, become massed into a more or less uni- 
form black splotch. If you attempt to compromise, 
your shadows will be too dark and your highlights too 
white. If one of these three conditions does not exist 
in your print, you have mistaken the diagnosis. For 
example, if your highlights not only print out in full 
detail but begin to get a little gray, and your shadows 
are a light gray instead of being a rich black, you are 
working in the wrong direction. Such a print indicates 
an absence of, rather than too much, contrast. How- 
ever, to return to the first assumption that the negative 


ha* i<jf rr.'ieh contract, you will recognize this a< a sig- for \ 01: :. > re 'luce the time of negative development. 

If your relative is so dark and hea\ y that an ex- 
p *>vre 'if 20 :*ee'i:dr= or more is required to produce 
e%en a light deposit in the shadows, then you will rec- 
ogni/e overexp< >sure. In this case yu can arbitrarily 
a^yign a ser.aitixity rating to that particular emulsion 
higher than the nnc generally accepted. If you like 
an extremely thin negative but somewhat full scale, 
you will find it advisable to increase the speed rating 
still further. This, of course, is the same as giving a 
shorter exposure. 

It is possible to use two or three exposures with- 
out greatly affecting the resulting print, provided each 
exposure "is followed by its complementary develop- 
ment technique. For example, if \ou decrease devel- 
opment following a normal exposure to get a very thin 
negative, the negative will not have the desirable 
amount of contrast. It is sometimes possible to de- 
crease the exposure as much as 50 per cent without 
seriously affecting the printing 1 result. The reason is 
not difficult to understand. If you have a full-strength 
negative, the shadows must be heavy enough to pre- 
vent clogging during the comparatively long exposure 
necessary with good rich highlight deposits. If the 
exposure" is cut in half, the negative image will be con- 
siderably thinner in the shadows so thin that they 
would not hold detail if the accompanying highlights 
were extremely black. However, with a thin and deli- 
cate highlight the over-all density is so slight that a 
comparatively brief exposure will cut through the high- 
light sufficiently, and this brief exposure will permit the 
retention of shadow detail where the shadow deposit is 
of extreme delicacy. This adjustment of exposure to 
produce a given contrast with a given development 
does not indicate contrast control by exposure. The 
apparent paradox is explained when one considers the 



Rg. 99. Above, photomicrograph of medium, uniform tone area 
from a negative which had been developed In p-diamine-glycin. 
The original negative was then placed in the enlarger and a 
I75x positive projection made from the same tone area (below). 


-MJ r-C'"C'S ; 'A :: -* C * i: 3 <* ""!'/ __ __. _. 

proportionate air-ount.^ >f light which pass simultan- 
eously through various areas of the negative. 

This fact :> not to "he confused with film latitude. 
Film latitude is? a quality which must be limited to a 
given processing. It RUIV be defined as that charac- 
teristic of an emulsion which will result in satisfactory 
negatives from a certain \ariation of exposure both 
greater and less than normal when the film is developed 
by a specified procedure. 

This basis for individual ratings of sensitivity has 
received little attention, but some consideration will 
show that the man who demands a rich, heavy nega- 
tive must of necessity use greater exposure than one 
who use? a negative so delicate that the image is hardly 

Thin vs. Heavy Negatives. 

There is very little choice between the thin nega- 
tive and the heavy one as long as the proportionate 
differences in tones are maintained throughout. It is 
much easier to preserve delicate gradation in a heavy 
negative than in a light one. On the contrary, it is 
more difficult to produce a good print from a heavy 
negative than from a light one. These apparent con- 
tradictory statements can be reconciled by any pho- 
tographer who will do a little experimenting in his 
own darkroom. He will find the difficulties are those 
of maintaining infinitesimal variations in the thin im- 
age and in keeping^ the extreme densities of his 
heavy negative within the reproduction scale of the 
paper used. For this reason most amateurs of today 
pursue an intermediate course and make use of nega- 
tives which twenty years ago would have been con- 
sidered extremely soft as well as thin, but which today 
are simply average. 

There are undeniable advantages to be gained by 



using a very thin negative. The advantages which He 
with the heavy negative are just as undeniable. At 
we have had occasion to observe before, photography 
is essentially a craft of compromise in which wise ama- 
teurs carefully balance advantages and disadvantages 
and seek to maintain that average balance which gives 
them the greatest general advantage. At the same 
time they never hesitate to make use of the extreme 
advantages of any technical factor when circumstances 
warrant their paying the price of other advantages lost. 
Much of the failure which discourages even amateurs 
of considerable experience when trying out a new tech- 
nique arises from the fact that the attendant technique 
is a highly specialized one usually imitating some 
individual who, after long experience', has mastered the 
use of an unusual negative type. 

Experimenting with New Techniques. 

I remember a specific example of this kind. A 
certain young man an ardent experimenter with an 
educational background which warranted him in mak- 
ing extensive experiments had developed a technique 
whereby he produced prints of beautiful quality from 
negatives so thin that they could only be studied in 
detail by laying them upon a piece of white paper. 
His prints were so good that many neighborhood ama- 
teurs tried to imitate his technique. Among all the 
aspiring imitators only one achieved success. He was 
the only one in the group who paid sufficient atten- 
tion to the process to note several contributing factors. 
First, exposure was followed by complementary de- 
velopment. Second, the enlarger used had been con- 
verted to a very low-intensity indirect lighting type. 
Probably most significant of all was the fact that this 
particular young man limited himself to subjects of 
extremely delicate tone and ordinarily high key. The 


g. 100. Above, photomicrograph of uniform tone area developed 
D-76. Below, 1 75x enlargement from same area. Note fine gram. 



fig. 101. Above, photomicrograph of r overdeveloped in D-76. 
Befow, I75x blow-up of same area. Compare grain with Rg. 100. 



tonal range of his prints, although they never looked 
flat or muddy, rarely exceeded one-half the scale be- 
tween pure black and pure white. 

When you are introduced to some unknown tech- 
nique it would be .well for you to investigate every 
factor in the technique very carefully if you wish to 
imitate it successfully. Never be guilty of asking 
someone what average exposure he gives when en- 
larging. This, by the very nature of photography, must 
be governed by many factors, all of which you would 
have 'to know before you could make intelligent use of 
the information requested. For example, you would 
have to know both the color and the intensity of the 
light used. This is governed by, but is not necessarily 
identical with, or even directly proportional to, the in- 
tensity and color of the lamp itself. The influential 
factor is the intensity and color of the light which falls 
upon the paper. Many enlargers have condensing 
lenses which are so green that the color temperature of 
the light at the paper is effectively higher than at the 

You must also know the degree of enlargement, 
the lens aperture used, the particular type and grade of 
paper, and the negative density involved. Assuming all 
the working conditions to be identical, some ama- 
teurs prefer a negative so heavy that the exposure 
may run from 1 to 5 minutes, while another prefers 
negatives so light that exposures in the same enlarger 
and under the same conditions would be from 5 to 10 
seconds. Yet both of these photographers, if suffi- 
ciently skilled, would turn out prints of highly satis- 
factory quality and conceivably would produce prints 
which were indistinguishable when exhibited. 

The problem of negative quality or more strictly 
speaking, of negative individuality is a serious one. 
This is not because any one type is so much to be pre- 
ferred over another, but more often because the aver- 



age amateur habitually produces negatives of such an 
extreme variety of types that he has no opportunity to 
master any one of them. Consequently he fails to pro- 
duce a high-quality print from any one of them. 

You have undoubtedly surmised the conclusion to- 
ward which these remarks have been directed. If you 
wish to achieve the highest possible success in photog- 
raphy as considered from a purely technical point of 
view, experiment with the various types of negatives, 
limiting yourself to those which are capable of produc- 
ing a satisfactory print. From these you can determine 
by actual printing experiment that type with which 
your personal technique appears to be most compatible. 
When you have determined which type gives you the 
best results, devote your attention to producing this 
type of negative exclusively. Of course you cannot 
make all your negatives alike, as the different sub- 
jects which you photograph will demand a certain 
variation within limits. You can, however, so establish 
these limits that they will not form any impediment in 
your work and yet will be sufficiently close to throw all 
your negatives into a specific type class. Then learn 
how to get the best possible print from this particular 
type of negative, and don't worry if you cannot produce 
a superb print from negatives with other general 
characteristics. The successful salon exhibitor, the suc- 
cessful commercial or portrait photographer, and the 
successful amateur are specialists. Primarily they are 
specialists in subject matter. Rarely, indeed, do you find 
one photographer who excels in still life, landscape, 
figure, and portraiture. It is quite logical that the 
choice of subject matter will in a measure influence the 
choice of a negative type. This interrelationship is not 
stringent; in fact there is no relationship involved 
which is absolute. But ordinarily speaking, the type of 
subject chosen for specialization will at least indicate 
a possible preference in the negative type. 



More About the Emulsion. 

A photographic emulsion is necessarily very un- 
stable and is affected to a considerable degree by many 
agencies other than light. Pressure upon a sensitive 
emulsion particularly pressure along a narrow line 
such as might be caused by drawing a highly polished 
point across the film will result in as definite a deposit 
of silver as will exposure to light. There are many 
chemical fumes which will produce a general reduction 
of the silver in the form of fog. As film is usually 
packed either in sheets piled closely together or in 
strips tightly rolled up, fog^of this nature is usually 
considerably heavier along the edges than in the center. 
In fact, one way in which this fog may be detected is 
by its high degree of uniformity along the edge and its 
gradual decrease in density toward the center of the 
film. Fog which is caused by light striking the edge 
of the film is usually much heavier in some spots than 
in others. 

When the film is exposed to dampness as well 
as to chemical fumes, the dampness penetrates more 
easily by reason of the absorption of the packing paper. 
It must be realized that in speaking of chemical fumes 
we are not limited to heavy or noticeable fumes ; the 
term must cover any constituent of the atmosphere 
which has a harmful effect upon the emulsion. Film 
stored in a room where illuminating gas is used will 
become fogged in a comparatively short time. Any 
kind of sulfur gas in the air is dangerous. Vapors in- 
cluding very slight amounts of mercury, oil of mustard, 
or chlorine will react with the film. The best way to 
preserve film before use is to keep it in some storage 
place which is relatively dry and if possible where the 
temperature does not at any time exceed 65 F. 
The warmer and damper the atmosphere surround- 
ing the film, the shorter will be its useful life. 



Under ordinary conditions the standard package 
which contains the film is proof against deterioration 
for a period of a year or more. There are certain 
regions, however, particularly in the tropics and sub- 
tropics, where there is a combination of high tempera- 
ture and high humidity which makes it difficult to keep 
film in good condition for any extended period of time. 
In the Gulf States, where for a considerable part of the 
year temperatures above 90 F. and humidity greater 
than 85 are almost the normal condition, the standard 
packing has proven entirely satisfactory. I have used 
film two years old which has been stored under these 
conditions, and have found that except for a slight loss 
of sensitivity the films were fairly satisfactory. The 
increase in general fog was noticeable, but so uniform 
that the result was limited to a loss of contrast and 
the other losses incident to a heavier-than-normal fog 

Where conditions are so extreme that film is seri- 
ously damaged in a comparatively short time, or where 
film has to be carried under variable conditions for a 
considerable period of time (such as is the case in ex- 
ploring parties), a special packing commonly known as 
tropical packing can be obtained. This packing pro- 
vides an outer shield of tin, lead, or similar soft metal 
in which the film is hermetically sealed. It must be 
remembered that when a film is removed from this 
packing the protection of the packing is completely 
destroyed. As a matter of fact, it is often advisable to 
remove the film from the packing a few hours before 
it is to be used. Otherwise, if the dry film is placed 
directly in the camera, there may be a condensation of 
moisture upon the dry surface. Films removed from 
such a package should be exposed and processed as 
soon as is reasonably practical. 

There are certain locations in which the climatic 
conditions are such that the latent image will fade 


slightly and in time disappear completely. It has been 
reported that in the Congo valley film may be ex- 
posed, left untouched for a week, and then re-exposed. 
Immediate developing after the second exposure re- 
veals the second image without a trace of the first. 
Conditions like this are extreme, but it is only reason- 
able to suppose that a degree of protection which is 
efficient under such extreme conditions would be pro- 
portionately even more efficient under less abnormal 
conditions. Of course there is no particular reason for 
obtaining tropical packing for any normal purpose 
within the limits of the continental United States. 

There is another factor which we have not con- 
sidered concerning the interval between exposure and 
development. E. R. Bullock has contributed some 
valuable information on this subject in communica- 
tion No. 425 from the Kodak Research Laboratories 
(Volume XV, 1931-32). The fact that there is a growth 
of the latent image to a certain extent corresponding 
to an actual increase in exposure has been established 
beyond question. However, the fact has been made 
the basis of many rather bizarre statements, including 
one to the eff ect that simply permitting exposed film to 
remain undeveloped would be equivalent to a two- or 
threefold increase in exposure. 

As a matter of fact, we might compare the impact 
of the light upon the emulsion to the fall of an acrobat 
into a net. The original impact carries the net down 
and this in turn causes an extension of springs or ropes 
which support the net, and so the force is felt for an 
appreciable interval after the original impact. Under 
actual laboratory test conditions it has been found 
that the maximum effect is observed after an interval 
as short as five minutes following exposure, and that 
after an interval of five or six hours further increase 
becomes almost negligible. Influencing factors are the 
type of emulsion used, the intensity of the exposure, 



and the temperature and humidity of the air. 

The color of the light seems to have little or no 
effect, nor does prefogging or any of the other solari- 
zation effects sometimes resorted to for the purpose of 
influencing the subsequent exposure. The increase in 
density under such conditions is on the order of 5 to 7 
per cent. This is great enough to be extremely interest- 
ing to the laboratory researcher; but when practical 
photography demands an increase in density of at least 
25 per cent to make an appreciable change, the slight 
density gained is certainly of greater theoretical than 
practical interest. 

Color Sensitivity. 

There is another attribute of the original emulsion 
which has a very great etfect upon the finished nega- 
tive. This is the range of color sensitivity of the emul- 
sion itself. As we have already stated, we do not have 
definite information regarding the specific action of 
color sensitization. S. E. Sheppard, in the Journal of 
the Franklin Institute, 1930, published a most inter- 
esting paper on the optical sensitizing of silver alloys 
by colloidal silver. ^ The basis for the experimental 
work in this direction is the discovery of Becquerel, 
who found that a preliminary exposure of a silver 
chloride emulsion to blue-violet (or white) light fol- 
lowed by a fresh exposure of yellow or green light 
resulted in an image of greater density than the pre- 
liminary exposure alone would produce. Liippo-Cramer 
demonstrated in 1909 that this increased sensitivity 
was due to optical sensitizing by colloidal silver. He 
combined colloidal silver in gelatin, and after careful 
preparation obtained an emulsion which was sensitive 
to ultraviolet, to the entire visible spectrum, and even 
into the infrared. It is interesting to note that here an 
effect is obtained which might logically be produced 



by the change in the size of the penetrating particle, 
and one which is in many ways similar to the effect 
obtained with dye. 

It is hardly within our province to go deeply into 
the subject matter of this particular report, as it is 
largely concerned with more recent developments in 
atomic physics. But it is interesting to note that one 
authority attributes the sensitizing action to the pres- 
ence of "a bromide ion surrounded on all sides by silver 
ions in the lattice. This will be strongly deformed, 
since the field of the silver ion is not screened by 
neighboring bromide ions." 

Among the various theories presented, perhaps 
the most interesting is the one based upon the known 
photoelectric activity of silver and other materials. If 
this is indeed the case, the sensitization by colloidal 
silver is roughly analogous to the use of intensifying 
screens in radiography. In other words, the original 
light induces fluorescence by the particles themselves 
that is, the particles of colloidal silver and this in 
turn reacts with the silver halide in a manner similar to 
that of the shorter wavelengths of light. Whether this 
is a true fluorescence a re-emanation of a radiation 
within the visible band or whether, as is most likely, 
the disassociating effect is directly electronic is not im- 
portant. The mere fact that the colloidal silver acted 
upon by a long wavelength such as visible red or infra- 
red is stimulated to reradiate energy of any form which 
will produce the desired effect is significant in forming 
our conception of color sensitizing. 

We should be perfectly willing to accept the fact 
that the reaction of the emulsion to specific colors is 
only incidentally achieved by the use of dyes which are 
themselves coloring agents. There is definitely a co- 
incidence here, because the evidence shows that the 
color of the dye as such has little if any direct relation 
to the color-sensitizing of the emulsion. All the evi- 



dence points toward a rather complex ionic reaction 
which conceivably could be produced by a colorless ma- 
terial, namely, colloidal silver. 

This discussion, however, leads us again into the 
fascinating field of conjecture where theory is not al- 
ways identical with fact, and where certainly neither 
theory nor fact has any great influence upon the prac- 
tical application of the material in question to the work 
of the photographer. Of course we must realize that 
the problems of the research laboratory and of the 
manufacturer of sensitive materials, while having no 
direct and practical bearing upon our own work, are 
doubly interesting to the inquiring amateur. The ma- 
terial which he uses today is a direct result of the 
research of yesterday, and the insight which a super- 
ficial acquaintance with these processes brings to the 
amateur gives him a certain familiarity with his sensi- 
tive materials. This, in turn, is often of value not only 
in interpreting the results obtained but in indicating 
probable procedures to be followed for the most satis- 
factory results. 

The color-sensitizing of photographic emulsions 
has long since passed out of the experimental stage, al- 
though research in this direction is never abandoned 
Dr even allowed to slow up. The one significant factor 
concerning color-sensitization is that the film manu- 
facturers have never yet produced an emulsion with 
characteristics satisfactory for commercial manufac- 
ture yet which was definitely blind to the blue end^ of 
the spectrum. Almost any combination in sensitivity 
in the other two-thirds of the spectrum can be pro- 
duced at will in a commercially satisfactory emulsion. 

It must be remembered, of course, that sensitivity 
or lack of sensitivity is always based upon practical 
application. Suppose an emulsion has a sensitivity of 
such nature that it will be fully exposed by the red, and 
during that same interval of time the green will not 



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produce an exposure sufficient to result in a develop- 
able image. That emulsion may truthfully be said to 
be green-blind, even though a prolonged exposure to 
green alone would produce a developable image. So 
when we speak of such a green-blind emulsion it must 
be remembered that "green-blind" is only a relative 
term, and that all other similar designations are like- 
wise relative. 

It is assumed that orthochromatic film is sensitive 
to blue and green but not to red. However, it is a 
known fact that some of our fast orthochromatic films 
can be used with a red-orange filter and a satisfactory 
negative obtained in a reasonably short time. Under 
the same conditions of apertuf e and light, the exposure 
necessary for the red would be sufficient to burn the 
image out completely if an unfiltered exposure were 
given. The foregoing statement, of course, takes into 
consideration the influence of the filter factor. Even 
when this is taken into consideration the stated result 
will be obtained. 

We have already seen the extreme vagueness of 
the nomenclature of sensitivity. With an infinite va- 
riety of sensitivity types possible, and some dozen or 
more distinct types actually available, the accepted tri- 
part film subdivision is only one step better than no 
classification at all. It is true that the advanced ama- 
teur has been taught to think in terms of six classifica- 
tions. These are color-blind, ortho, high green ortho, 
and panchromatic types A, B, and C. Perhaps these 
six subdivisions are sufficient for practical purposes, 
but every darkroom worker knows that his color-blind 
enlarging paper is quite distinct in its color sensitivity 
from the "process" or "commercial" negative emulsions 
which are placed in the same sensitivity group. Inas- 
much as no specific names have been given beyond the 
six mentioned, we will as a matter of convenience guide 
our discussion by these six definitions (see Fig. 102). 



Basic Nature of the Spectrum. 

At the risk of some repetition the basic nature of 
the spectrum should be reviewed. Visible light can 
easily be broken up into its constituent elements. 
These elements consecutively placed and visually ex- 
amined are revealed as a band of color starting with 
pale violet, running through blue, green, orange, and 
ending with deep red. This arrangement of color, seen 
in the rainbow, is commonly called the visible spec- 
trum. Its length is not given definitely because it can- 
not be; it differs for each individual. 

The spectrum can be divided arbitrarily into any 
number of subdivisions as it is a continuous band of 
color. Because of the mystic significance of the num- 
ber "seven," the spectrum was considered for a long 
time to consist of seven colors. Scientifically as ap- 
plied to three-color vision, photography, and reproduc- 
tion the spectrum is divided into three approximately 
equal divisions. When the spectrum has been sub- 
divided, each division can be recombined to provide a 
uniform mean color. The result is a blue of a some- 
what soft and rich quality, a clear green, and a red 
which is on the order of a rich vermilion. The- names 
given to the three bands on the basis of their composi- 
tion rather than a too literal interpretation of their 
actual apparent color are blue-violet, green, and red- 

It is significant that while yellow is a color of the 
greatest importance in photography, it is not a part 
of the spectrum. There is a very narrow spectral band 
to which the name "yellow" has been assigned, but it 
is not a yellow in the sense that it would be recognized 
as such visually. When light reflected from an open 
summer sky is broken up by a spectroscope and all 
the spectrum obscured except this so-called yellow line, 
and a number of individuals are requested to identify 



this color, the term "yellow" is always modified. One 
of the most striking results of this experiment is that 
some people will call the color a greenish or pale 
lemon-yellow, while others will state that the same 
color is a slightly reddish or orange-yellow. 

All this is interesting to us because the yellow with 
which we are concerned in photography is actually a 
mixture of red and green. That is, two-thirds of the 
spectrum taken together produces the yellow with 
which we are familiar. It is obvious, therefore, that 
any emulsion which is sensitive to green must also be 
sensitive to yellow. It is a curious fact that ortho- 
chromatic film was originally advocated as a yellow- 
sensitive emulsion rather than what it really was a 
green-sensitive one. 

Our three general types of emulsions, as we have 
stated previously, correspond to the three arbitrary 
divisions of the spectrum which have been mentioned. 
If the spectrum were divided into four by subdividing 
the red into two equal portions, we would find that 
type A and type C panchromatic represent, respec- 
tively, the corresponding sensitivity groups. It is not 
true, as so often stated, that this existing fact (three 
groups of sensitivity corresponding to three arbitrary 
subdivisions of the spectrum) proves that the tri-part 
subdivision is a natural one. It only proves that the in- 
genuity of the researcher has gradually Extended the 
sensitivity of the film by what were really impercep- 
tible degrees. 

Types of Color-Blind Emulsions. 

Among the color-blind emulsions the ones com- 
monly used for negative making include that group 
which is commercially designed for positive reproduc- 
tion. These are the positive motion-picture films, dia- 
positive and transparency films and plates, and lantern- 



slide plates. Most of these emulsions are strictly blue- 
sensitive, but so limited in their reaction that they 
might with a little stretching of the truth be called 
violet-sensitive. These emulsions are most often used 
for the reproduction of black-and-white copy. In this 
sense "black-and-white" means copy without half- 
tones, or as it is perhaps more commonly known, u line 
copy." The most common form is letterpress that is, 
printed pages of books, newspapers, etc. It also in- 
cludes mechanical drawings, uncolored maps, plates, 
and similar material. This choice is dictated by the 
fact that these emulsions are not only color-blind a 
characteristic which is of extremely slight importance 
but because they are ordinarily slow, fine-grained and 
capable of reproducing extreme contrast. 

The fallacy of believing that the color sensitivity 
has anything to do with the line-copy reproduction is 
proven, even to the unthinking photographer, by the 
fact that recently a new type of panchromatic material 
has been introduced expressly for photographing fine 
detail. It actually surpasses the color-blind material 
in making small-scale copies of large black-and-white 
originals. This emulsion, used on the narrow-width 
films (usually 35 mm) for copying books and manu- 
scripts, is marketed under such 'names as Micropan, 
Micro-File, and Microcopy. It is made as a panchro- 
matic emulsion so that any filter combination may be 
used which the color or condition of the original may 
dictate. This will be discussed later. 

Another type of color-blind material is the ordi- 
nary "commercial" emulsion. This is used for routine 
commercial work such as real-estate publicity, cata- 
logue illustrations, and so forth. It is not used as 
widely now as it once was because the public has be- 
come accustomed to panchromatic rendition, and the 
false color values obtained with color-blind material are 



not acceptable. Strangely enough, color-blind material 
is sometimes used to obtain pictorial effects through 
the exaggeration of haze and smoke effects incident to 
photography by a blue-violet light. 

The conception of color sensitivity, particularly 
as complicated by the use of filters, remains a mystery 
to many amateurs. It is basically a specific application 
of colored light. If you could use a gigantic filter placed 
between your subject and the sun, or placed over your 
artificial lights so that the light itself is colored, the 
effect would to all intents and purposes be identical 
with that which you obtain by placing a comparatively 
small filter over the lens. As a matter of fact, in 
photomicrography it is standard practice to place a 
filter between the light and the object rather than be- 
tween the object and the camera. The use of a color- 
blind film, therefore, is equivalent to illuminating your 
subject with a pure blue light; and by extension the 
same thing applies to the other conditions of specific 
sensitivity and the use of filters. 

The average amateur, however, will ordinarily re- 
strict his use of color-blind materials to the reproduc- 
tion of line copy insofar as negative making is con- 

Types of Orthochromatic Emulsions. 

In the orthochromatic class we have two sub- 
divisions, the normal orthochromatic which has a sensi- 
tivity to the green ordinarily somewhat less than its 
sensitivity to blue, and the orthochromatic in which 
the green sensitivity is as great as that of the blue, or 
even slightly higher. Naturally there are intermediate 
grades, so that we have almost a continuous scale of 
emulsion sensitivity. The ordinary or original type of 
orthochromatic emulsion is now regarded by many 
people as a sort of glorified color-blind emulsion. The 



most widely used form of this emulsion is the popular 
"chrome" type of roll film, while the definitely nigh- 
green-sensitive film is widely used in commercial and 
portrait photography. 

For^the casual amateur, for the individual whose 
camera is a source of souvenir photographs, for the 
specialist in outdoor and landscape photography, and 
for the portrait photographer, the orthochromatic emul- 
sion offers many attractions. The advantage in land- 
scape photography should be obvious inasmuch as the 
role of the emulsion is to reproduce an infinite number 
of tonal gradations, all of which may be generically 
labeled "green." The orthochromatic film tends to give 
a more brilliant negative, particularly with outdoor sub- 
jects, than does the panchromatic type. We are, of 
course, now speaking about the use of the film without 
a filter. 

In portrait work the orthochromatic emulsion 
gives a greater degree of contrast. This, in turn, exag- 
gerates the tonal differences of the face and produces 
a result which, while less faithful to the original than 
a panchromatic reproduction, is more attractive be- 
cause of the same exaggeration of features produced by 
skillfully applied makeup. Without going into any de- 
bate upon the question of morality or taste involved in 
the use of makeup, it cannot be denied that skillfully 
applied makeup does give an accentuation to the fea- 
tures which makes the feminine face more attractive 
than it is without. It is well known among photogra- 
phers that when working without filters it is necessary 
to use a heavier makeup on a model photographed with 
panchromatic than when an orthochromatic emulsion 
is used. It is suggested that the beginner whose work 
is largely restricted to outdoor subjects, particularly 
landscapes or other scenes where foliage is predomi- 
nant, make orthochromatic film his routine material. 

This is not in contradiction of the fact that pan- 



chromatic film is the most versatile and most valuable 
sensitive material we have, but because its capabilities 
cannot be used to advantage until the user has thor- 
oughly mastered the proper application of filters. If 
you are willing to take the time to learn the truth about 
filters, to learn how to arrive at a choice of filters 
through an analysis of the subject rather than by the 
rule of thumb, then you should make a type B pan- 
chromatic film your routine medium. 

Types of Panchromatic Emulsions. 

The panchromatic emulsions are designated ds 
types A, B, and C. Type A is typical of the earlier 
panchromatic emulsions in which green sensitivity is 
sacrificed for red. The region of least sensitivity is 
usually about wavelength 500 or between 500 and 520 
millimicrons. The deficiency continues to about 560, 
which is in the region of the distinct yellow or lemon- 
green. The peak sensitivity is usually at about wave- 
length 600, which is practically the location of the 
so-called yellow line which is specifically denoted as 
the sodium line. It must be understood that these 
characteristics are not the definite characteristics of 
any existing, specific emulsion, but simply serve to 
indicate the general characteristics which all films of 
this type approximate. 

This is a good emulsion for technical purposes, and 
may be obtained in very low sensitivity factors includ- 
ing some emulsions which are rather contrasty and 
extremely finegrained. This original panchromatic 
type is primarily an emulsion to be used with contrast 
filters that is, filters which are chosen for some spe- 
cific effect usually quite different from the so-called nat- 
ural correction. When a high degree of green sensi- 
tivity is necessary in work of this kind it is usual to 
employ an ortho rather than pan emulsion. 



Photo by Franklin H. 

Orthoehromatic film offers many attractions for outdoor work. 
This fine picture was made on one of the "chrome" type films. 



For the time being we will pass over type B to con- 
sider type C. Type C panchromatic is made for one 
specific purpose, and that purpose is making photo- 
graphs at high speed by artificial illumination. Be- 
cause of the inherent low intensity of blue in any in- 
candescent light, films of type C show a red reaction 
as much as ten times as great in the deep red as in the 
blue. By daylight the conditions are almost reversed, 
although not to quite the same degree. There are 
certain extreme speed films (such as Tri-X and Super- 
pan Press) which have emulsions of this type. It is 
interesting to note that the equivalent tungsten speed 
is usually about four-fifths of the daylight speed, 
whereas the type B is more often in the neighborhood 
of five-eighths to three-quarters. Therefore type C is 
fundamentally a film to be used with artificial light 
when short exposures are necessary. 

Type B is the nearest practical approach to the 
ideal sensitivity range. The sensitivity of this type of 
emulsion, which is represented to a greater or lesser de- 
gree by most popular modern panchromatic emulsions, 
approaches the average visual sensitivity about as 
closely as we can expect. The exact visual correction 
cannot be reproduced because the visual curve is not 
a fixed characteristic. Through mental compensation 
we have learned to transpose the curve from daylight 
to artificial light conditions with very little apparent 

The type B panchromatic emulsion shows its maxi- 
mum sensitivity in the blue range under daylight condi- 
tions and in the red range under artificial light condi- 
tions, while the eye maintains its maximum sensitivity 
in the yellow-green region under both types of light. 
It is interesting to note, however, that most of these 
type B emulsions have an almost uniform response to 
the average green under both light conditions. Inci- 
dentally, this green sensitivity is almost as great as in 



an ordinary type of orthpchromatic film, thus over- 
coming the gravest objection to the use of a panchro- 
matic emulsion. 

This type of emulsion, which has quite properly 
been called the orthopanchromatic type, is the nearest 
approach we have to a genuinely universal emulsion. 
It can be obtained in a sufficient variety of speeds and 
grain structures to meet most demands, and through 
the use of color filters it can be made to yield a truly 
astonishing variety of tonal balances and degrees of 

The statement has often been made that a pan- 
chromatic emulsion is the only emulsion needed by any 
photographer because it can be made to reproduce the 
effect of any conventional emulsion. This statement is 
absolutely true, but as stated it is highly deceptive. No 
single panchromatic emulsion will do this because cer- 
tain types of "work require a different inherent con- 
trast than others. If the photographer is permitted 
every kind of panchromatic emulsion, he can imitate 
with satisfactory accuracy the results obtained from 
in ortho or a color-blind emulsion. However, if he is 
going to have such a selection of emulsions available, 
there is no logical reason why the orthochromatic 
should not be added. 

To leave the realm of theory and return to the prac- 
tical aspects of applied color sensitivity, it is suggested 
that the more serious amateur make panchromatic his 
basic emulsion. In pursuance of this idea it is further 
suggested that experimental work be done with filters 
to provide a competent knowledge of their application. 
If for any reason this cannot be done, it is best to make 
an orthochromatic emulsion the basic one. 

The choice of panchromatic type will depend upon 
the individual conditions, although ordinarily a type B 
film will be used. If picture taking is to be done 
largely by artificial light or under other poor light 



conditions, one of the extremely fast films, which are 
usually type C, should be used. 

For cameras using 2j4 inch rollfilm and smaller, 
a finegrain emulsion should be chosen, but for sizes 
larger than this there is no particular need for it. For 
the best all-around results, therefore, a type B pan- 
chromatic film of moderate speed and fine grain will 
serve practically every purpose. 





QENSITOMETRY is a study of the mathematical 
i^ relationship which exists between exposure and 
the density of the developed image. It can be, and is, 
applied to the study of both negative and positive im- 
ages on transparent and opaque materials. 

The entire process of photography depends upon 
obtaining a physical image as the result of exposure. 
The image can be silver, as in the ordinary photo- 
graph; but it can also be produced by a differential 
hardening of the gelatin. In the latter case, plain 
gelatin will provide a matrix for dye printing. Gelatin 
impregnated with pigment will produce a visible image 
(dependent upon the density of the pigment layer), 
as in carbon and carbro processes. An image can be 
produced as the result of a differentiation in the water 
content of an emulsion; this is the basis of the oil 
and bromoil processes. 

The exposure, too, may vary widely both in degree 
and in kind. The degree of exposure depends upon 


the quality of the radiation used. Thus, the radiation 
used for the exposure may be X-ray, ultraviolet, vis- 
ible light, or infrared. The variation in kind may be 
explained by the following comparison : Exposure used 
with ordinary photography is an exposure to radia- 
tion (light), while in processes such as carbro the ex- 
posure is a chemical one in which light or other radia- 
tion plays no part. 

Yet, no matter what the exposure, no matter what 
the character of the resulting image, some variation 
of sensitometry may be applied to its study. The 
significant point to be remembered is that the sen- 
sitometric procedure used should, insofar as may be 
practical, duplicate that used in the routine processes 
which the sensitometric study shall control. For ex- 
ample, sensitometric study of exposure to ultraviolet 
would provide little information of value regarding 
exposure to visible light. 

Sensitometry is as nearly subjective as any phys- 
ical process can be. The original object photographed 
is intangible, being simply reflected light. The images 
are two-dimensional with no definite characteristics 
other than density. Here we do not deal with images 
of rocks, trees, houses, and human beings; here we 
have no simulation of solidity and three dimensions. 
Therefore, it will be necessary for us to reshape our 
present conception of some familiar photographic 

It might be argued that if sensitometry is so far 
removed from practical photography its value is ques- 
tionable. That assumption is both right and wrong. 
It is right because there are hundreds of competent 
photographers (in the sense of being successful in 
making pictures with a camera) who know nothing 
beyond the bare essentials of photometry. It is wrong 
in that all modern research into photographic prac- 
tice research in the field of emulsions, in the field 



of exposure, in short, most photographic research 
is based upon sensitometry. Moreover, those branches 
of photography which are more scientific than aesthet- 
ic such as sound recording for motion pictures, the 
practice of color photography, the photographic pho- 
tometry of astronomy can hardly be carried on suc- 
cessfully without the aid of sensitometry. 

Some Definitions. 

In order to understand more fully the factors in- 
volved in the study, let's first give our attention to a 
few definitions. These will cover the processes, fac- 
tors, and instruments which are to be discussed in this 

Exposure. The exposure is of the utmost im- 
portance in sensitometry. In gauging exposure we 
must know the intensity of the light, the time during 
which it is permitted to act, and its spectral character- 
istics. We can gauge intensity with a reliable foot- 
candle meter; the time of exposure is under mechan- 
ical control ; the spectral characteristics or "color value" 
of the light may be assumed to be constant for any 
reliable, standardized light source. The light should 
have the characteristics of normal daylight, average 
normal incandescent light, or some region between 
the two. This, of course, is not true when the sensi- 
tometric investigation concerns the action of light of 
some specific color. The same thing holds true if the 
investigation concerns any of the photographically 
active "invisible radiations." Therefore, in this as in 
other factors, general statements must be recognized 
as being subject to exception, and the general state- 
ment recognized as applicable only to the typical case. 

The duration of the exposure must be considered 
in two parts. First we have the exposure of a given 
time duration. This means that the exposure is started, 


allowed to continue and when the time period has 
elapsed, the exposure is stopped. The second case is 
when the exposure has a value equivalent to a given 
time duration. In this case the unit of exposure may 
be very brief, and this brief exposure repeated many 
times until the sum of the short exposures equals the 
stated total period. It is a recognized fact that a 
continuous exposure and a similar intermittent expo- 
sure will produce different results even though their 
total lumen-second factor is identical. 

Exposure also varies with the type of control 
used. The intensity of the exposing light may be 
maintained at a uniform level, and variations in ex- 
posure obtained by variation in the time of exposure. 
This is the time-base exposure which is ordinarily used 
in the more exacting type of research ; control sensi- 
tometry in commercial application usually is based 
upon exposure controlled by means of intensity dif- 
ferences. In practical application the first method is 
similar to the use of the shutter to control the time 
of exposure, an operation familiar to every amateur. 
The other is just as familiar because it employs a 
series of screens which resemble somewhat an or- 
dinary negative. Thus, printing through a screen 
which has a number of areas of different density will 
produce a shaded print just as a negative produces a 
print made up of various tones. 

Sensitometer. Exposure usually is not made in 
a camera, but in an instrument or device known 
as a sensitometer. This is often a long box, 
not unlike a camera, with a holder for film or plate 
at one end. In front of the box a disk containing 
cutout sectors revolves to make the exposures in a 
series of circular, concentric stripes or segments of 
such stripes. A variation is a flat panel in front of 
which a sliding panel, also containing cutout stripes, 
is slowly raised or lowered. Still another variation 



IS a cutout cylinder with the light near its center and 
the film exposed in a corresponding curved position. 
All these variations of time-base sensitometers have 
their corresponding types in which the cutout mask 
is motionless and the plate or film is moved past these 
openings. It will be seen that any uniform system 
of exposure must follow one or the other basic pat- 
terns of straight motion in. a plane, revolving motion 
in a plane, or rotating motion in a cylindrical path. 

The intensity type sensitometer also has three 
variations, although two of them are rarely used. In 
the first the exposures are all uniform in time, but the 
intensity of the light is altered between exposures. 
This necessitates making the exposures successively 
instead of simultaneously, which is a disadvantage. 
The light may be dimmed by moving it farther from 
the film and utilizing the inverse square law of in- 
tensity; or it may be dimmed by a rheostat in the 
circuit. The rheostat control is impractical because 
with each change of intensity there is also a change 
of color, so that the net result is one of intensity plus 
color instead of change in intensity alone. 

An intermediate type is one in which successive 
exposures are made to the same light, but a difference 
is produced by the introduction of neutral density 
screens between the light and the sensitive material. 
This is hardly a practical instrument. 

The third type is one in which the various neutral 
density screens are all combined into one artificial 
"negative." That is, a sheet of transparent material 
such as glass or celluloid bears a series of increasing 
densities. This type of sensitometer is commonly used 
by amateurs; it is placed between the picture nega- 
tive and printing paper to indicate the best exposure 
for printing. Development will reveal a series of 
tones which are not unlike those obtained with the 
time-base sensitometer (see Figs. 103, 108, 109). 



The time-base sensitometer, so constructed that 
the slotted disk turns once to make the exposure, is 
the best type for experimental use. It is not difficult 
to construct. Using an electric clock motor, such a 
device an be made at home, and will be quite accurate 
enough even for advanced work. Using black card- 
board, several disks can be made to give a series of 
exposures based upon any system of progression de- 
sired. For example, one disk can have sectors ad- 
vancing in geometric progression that is, 1, 2, 4, 8, 
16, etc.; another can produce advances on the basis 
of the square root of two ; another can be divided into 
five-second intervals; and so forth. The density type 
of sensitometer is not as accurate, and it is almost 
impossible for the amateur to make one which will 
be at all satisfactory. Remember that sensitometry 
cannot be practiced unless the exact value of each 
exposure step is definitely known! 

No, you can't make sentitometric measurements 
on your pictorial and portrait negatives. You can 
measure the densities of these negatives, but you can't 
use this information in sensitometric work unless you 
also know the value of the exposure which resulted 
in these densities. 

Development. There has been a great deal of 
discussion concerning standard developers for sen- 
sitometry. This is a problem which needs only the 
application of common sense for its solution. The 
developer to be used is the developer you normally 
use ! There are standard developers for sensitometry, 
but these are used when the sensitometric control is 
exerted over the manufacture of emulsions. Here 
again we have a division of interest. Sensitometry 
will show what happens in making the negative. We 
know quite well that the negative image is a product 
of exposure plus emulsion plus developer. The alter- 
ation of any one will seriously affect the other two. 



As we use a differential exposure as a measuring stick 
it is obvious that we have two possible combinations : 

1. Standard emulsion and unknown developer, the 
developer being the factor under investigation. 

2. Standard developer and unknown emulsion, the 
emulsion being the factor under investigation. 

As few of us are concerned with experimental 
emulsions, we may disregard the standard developer. 
On the other hand, as we have a most fertile field open 
in the investigation of both exposure and development, 
we do need a standard emulsion. This would offer a 
serious problem if we were engaged in exacting re- 
search. But for our purposes, for the control of prac- 
tical photographic processes,, we may assume that any 
film from a reputable maker is a "standard" emulsion, 
providing that films for both the test and the practical 
application be taken from the same original package 
or from packages bearing the same emulsion number. 
Sensitometric control using films of different emulsion 
batches can, and often does, do more harm than good. 

Developer Control. Carefully prepared sensito- 
metric control indicates the time and temperature 
of development which will give the result desired 
from an exposure, and also the concentration of the 
developer to be used. As a secondary factor, rela- 
tively unimportant, it will indicate the printing ex- 
posure which will give the most faithful reproduction 
of the original tones. 

We often hear or read the expression "develop to 
a gamma of 0.7," or something like that. We know 
that contrast does increase with development, so with 
a control it is of course entirely practical to continue 
development to some exact degree wanted and to stop 
there. That is the essence of sensitometric control in 
the photographic workshop. A practical application 
is that of keeping the three separation negatives of a 
color set within the contrast limits necessary for good 



reproduction. Nor is this process limited to negative 
making. A good densitometer is arranged for reading 
print densities as well as negative densities. 

Densitometer. The densitometer is an instru- 
ment used to measure the density of the developed 
image. It may have any of several different forms, 
many of them based upon entirely different principles. 
Some of them are visual, some electric ; some are com- 
parison instruments, some are inverse-square-law in- 
struments, some make use of polarized light for dim- 
ming, and some are straight photometers. The in- 
verse-square type is the simplest instrument for home 

Photometers are instruments used to measure 
light. In the broader sense all exposure meters are 
photometers. However, there is one instrument which, 
to use its full name, is known as the Pulfrich Gradation 
Photometer. This instrument resembles a comparison 
microscope having two tubes and lenses, but with a 
single eyepiece. The field seen is divided by a hair- 
line, and one half of the field comes from each objective 
lens. If a constant light (which need have no standard 
value) is used to illuminate both lenses and a negative 
is placed before one lens, the corresponding half field 
will be darkened. When this occurs, the diaphragm of 
the other tube is slowly closed until the field is again 
uniform. The reading of the control wheel now indi- 
cates the relative transmission of the negative as com- 
pared with open light. Reference to a graph gives the 
density which corresponds to this percentage of trans- 
mission. If the instrument mirror be replaced by a 
special holder and a print placed on one side with a 
standard white reflector on the other, the same com- 
parison of reflected intensity is obtained. 

Although the gradation photometer is an instru- 
ment of wide laboratory value, it has some shortcom- 
ings as a densitometer. These are primarily in the 



translation of the readings and in the comparatively 
small size of stages for both negative and positive 
types. However, density calibration may be obtained 
on special order. One advantage is that by the use 
of an auxiliary ocular the negative image may be seen 
and any desired area selected. Then upon return to 
the usual optical system the diffuse field reading is 
observed. Any desired area may be selected by the 
use of auxiliary stage stops. 

This instrument is in one sense the prototype of 
the densitometer, and represents the basic principle of 
density measurement. It is a far more elaborate and 
costly instrument than the densitometer, and as its 
additional uses will probably not appeal to the pho- 
tographer we shall discuss those instruments made for 
the specific purpose of measuring photographic density. 
However, before doing this we must leave the discus- 
sion long enough to consider the factors involved in 
density measurements. 

Transmission. This is the factor which rep- 
resents the amount of light that passes through a more 
or less transparent substance. It is given a numerical 
value corresponding to percentage. Thus if 90% of 
the light passes through the substance, the transmis- 
sion value is 90; if only one per cent passes, the value 
is 1 ; if only 1/1000 (1/10 of 1%) of the light gets 
through the film, the transmission is 0.1 ; and so forth. 

This practice has not been standardized. Many 
workers hold the opinion that the transmission factor 
should be represented by the normal decimal value, a 
contention which is certainly sound. This means that 
the 90% factor would be 0.90, the one per cent as 0.01, 
and the 1/1000 would be 0.001. Because this is a 
logical procedure, it is the one we shall use in this dis- 
cussion. Another reason for using the decimal values 
is that this is the only system which will give the cor- 
rect opacity values by a normal computation. 



Opacity. Opacity is the opposite of transmis- 
sion. When light falls upon a partially transparent 
substance the amount which passes through represents 
the transmission, and the part which does not pass 
through represents the opacity. Both together must 
equal the whole, and if opacity were valued in per- 
centage, it would always equal 100 minus the trans- 
mission. However, instead of negative percentages, 
we give to opacity a value which is the reciprocal of the 
transmission value. 

As the reciprocal of a number is that sum by which 
the number must be multiplied to equal one, and as 
the transmission is always less than one itself, it fol- 
lows that the opacity must always be greater than one. 
(In the first mentioned system, the reciprocal is taken 
as that sum by which the number must be multiplied 
to equal 100, thus involving an indirect computation.) 
Using our previous transmission values of 0.90, 0.01, 
and 0,001, the opacity values corresponding would be 
expressed as l.llll+> 100, and 1000 respectively. 

Density. Transparency is a quality which re- 
sults from the negative deposit which is not there, so 
it is a negative quantity. Opacity is a measure of the 
effect of the negative deposit which is there, so it is a 
positive factor, more desirable to work with than the 
transparency. However, we do not use the opacity 
value in photography. Instead we make use of an- 
other factor, density. Density i the logarithm of the 
opacity. This has the advantage of advancing at a 
rate of progression more nearly approaching the rate 
of building of the photographic image. 

Before leaving the discussion of these three fac- 
tors, there is one conception of opacity which is in- 
teresting. Opacity may be said to be a direct measure 
of the number of units of light which must fall upon a 
given surface in order that one unit may pass through. 
While the three-factors are distinctly different in their 



O O O O IH <H TH IH i-j N CNI N N N f*5 W) eo fO eo ^ * ^J ^ -^ 10 10 
N N CS N W N* CS CN N W C*4 CS CS C^J W N W* O$ C*S CN W c4 CS M* W 

^| ^( ^ ^H ^| ^ ^| ,H ^H iH tH ^H TH ^-H CS CS <N <N CSl CN <N N C 


^ ^ if) 10 


8888888888g8| ^ , _ 


~ r > I, o> 

k ^fc j* ^ 

, ,, ^vOOOOCM^vOOOOCM^vOOOC**^-**^""^ 

CM" CM" CM" CM' CM* CM" CM* CM" CM' CM CM' CM* CM* CM' CM" CM' CM" CM CM" CM CM" CM" CM" to 

t*. to O 00 *^ *^ ** O\ VM if) O vO CO T-4 *H CM O OS * CM w CM O Q 

* "" 1 ' ~? ON ^ *O *O t* O CM l/) t* O P^ ^ Os CM to ON CO t^ ^H 10 O 


qqqqqqqoqqqoqqopqpqqqooq - w ^ 

-5 Jc.!2E 
*J!.= -w^= 

^j vq oq ON IH eo 10 1> O CM ( to r q ro so os CM 10 ON co *>; TM v) q 



io o o so vo sq so o t-|^i>r>t^oq oq oq oq oq ON ON os ON ON q 


real characteristics, it will be seen that there is a defi- 
nite value for any two of these factors which must al- 
ways correspond to a definite value for the third. 
Thus, transmission 0.144 and opacity 6.92 must always 
correspond to each other, and both must correspond to 
density 0.84. A list of such related values is given 
in Fig. 104 on the preceding pages. 

The Densitometer. 

From the foregoing it is obvious that the densi- 
tometer may be calibrated in any one of the three fac- 
tors and still be a thoroughly practical instrument. 
Moreover, it is equally obvious that an instrument 
scale can be changed from one set of factors to another 
without altering any part of the instrument other than 
the scales themselves. However, it is common prac- 
tice for all photographic instruments to be calibrated 
directly in terms of density. 

Most of the densitometers in use are of the visual 
type. A divided field is observed and brought to a 
condition where the two parts of the field are made 
equally bright, the position of balance being deter- 
mined by visual examination of the divided field. This 
type is subdivided into several models, depending upon 
the mechanism used to dim the open light to make it 
conform to the negative transmission. 

There are many types of electric densitometers, 
the principal difference being that some make use of 
true photoelectric cells while others utilize the self- 
generating barrier layer cell ordinarily used in ex- 
posure meters. The true photoelectric cell must have 
a current applied to it from a battery or electric outlet. 
The amount of electricity which flows through the cell 
depends on the amount of light which falls upon it. 
This type of cell is extremely sensitive to minute 
changes in light intensity, and so is adapted to making 
density measurements with a low-power light which 



cannot injure the negative. However, it requires an 
auxiliary circuit, and also requires some skill on the 
part of the operator to obtain accurate results. 

Densitometers using the barrier layer cell, which 
actually generates electricity when light falls upon it, 
are now being developed. Originally this type of cell 
was too low in sensitivity for accurate response. Cer- 
tainly those devices which are made for use with ex- 
posure meters as the sensitive element are not satis- 
factory for the most accurate work. One manufac- 
turer is said to be making such an instrument of the 
highest accuracy which, in a perfected form, will be 
ideal for general use. It will avoid the natural human 
error all eyes grow tired and some people can never 
learn to match fields accurately. At the same time it 
will not have the delicacy and instability of the photo- 
electric valve cell. 

It might be thought that extreme delicacy is de- 
sirable, but those who have had experience with a ra- 
dio set which howls every time a control is touched 
know this is not always true. The photoelectric valve 
cell instrument is often so delicate that stimuli which 
have nothing to do with the exciting light will change 
the reading. Moreover, the operator must know its 
vagaries and how to set it to zero point and how to 
keep it in adjustment ; otherwise the readings will wan- 
der all over the map. The photronic instrument, with 
its familiar stability and constant reading, would in- 
deed be a boon to advanced amateur photographers. 

The visual densitometer is a photometer adapted 
for photographic density measurements. We have al- 
ready described the laboratory photometer as the basic 
type. Now we shall give our attention to other visual 

As the earliest photometers were of the inverse 
square type, so was this type 'of construction evolved 
early in the development of the densitometer. The 




-3"o = - 


inverse square law states that the intensity of light 
changes in inverse proportion to the square of the dis- 
tance of the light source. Thus if a light at one inch 
has an intensity of 100 candles, at 10 inches it has an 
intensity of only one candle. As it is possible to work 
to dimensions such as these, it will be seen that a full- 
range densitometer with calibration from 0.00 to 3.0 
would require an intensity change of 1 to 1000. ' The 
square root of 1000 is only 31.62+, and a design which 
allows the nearest position of the light to be 1/32 of its 
farthest will permit density readings up to 3.0. How- 
ever, this type of densitometer is usually the "box" 
type in which mirrors are arranged to reflect the light 
so that it goes around the "box" and finally emerges. 
The light moves between the two base mirrors, above 
one of which the negative is placed. It is evident that 
if the light is so arranged that the field is balanced 
when the light is most distant from the negative mir- 
ror, any movement of the light toward that mirror will 
increase the intensity of the light upon the negative ac- 
cording to the inverse square law, and that the in- 
tensity of the other part of the field will be diminished 
(see Fig. 10S). 

For example, suppose the "box" is laid out in a 
straight line and the light is placed midway between 
two measuring instruments. 1 We shall assume that the 
light is 10 inches away from each meter, and that each 
meter registers one unit of light that is, A = 1 and 
B = 1. Now if we move the light to a position five 
inches from A, we shall have the condition A = 4, and 
B = 0.44, or a ratio of approximately 9:1. Now if the 
light is moved to within 1 inch of A, we have A = 100 
and B = .25 (approximately), or a ratio of 400:1. This 
would include a range of somewhat more than density 
to 2.6, so that if the "box" has 10-inch sides a per- 
fectly practical instrument can be made. It must be 



remembered that the short end arms of the box are 
also included in the measurement. 

The next type of densitometer also makes use of 
the reflection box that is, the four-directional travel 
of the light beam but the light does not move except 
to balance the field to the zero point. , A prepared gray 
wedge moves through the open field beam and thus 
serves to bring the intensity down to that of the nega- 
tive area. The Eastman densitometer (Fig. 106), a 
standard laboratory instrument, is of this type, the 
wedge being-circular in shape and bearing 1 a circular 
scale of densities both for reflection and transmission. 

A similar densitometer is made in England, per- 
haps the only thoroughly satisfactory instrument ever 
to be sold at a low price. This instrument is simply a 
box containing two small mirrors, and with two holes 
cut in the top. A slot at one end takes a linear gray 
scale, and within its limitations of density it has proven 
a thoroughly efficient and reliable instrument. It was 
originally marketed at about ten dollars, but is prob- 
ably not available now (see Fig. 116). 

Another type of visual instrument uses a polariza- 
tion photometer as the eyepiece of the "box." In this 
case the light from the negative passes unimpeded to 
the eye, while the open light is dimmed by rotation of 
a polarizer. As this instrument alone sells for more 
than the usual densitometer, it was never popular ex- 
cept in large commercial laboratories. The polarizing 
elements used in these instruments are the conven- 
tional, costly prisms chosen for their perfect optical 
quality and high light transmission. 

The Eastman densitometer using the circular 
wedge has a disk almost 9 inches in diameter and bear- 
ing density calibration in almost uniform divisions, 
while the polarization disk is usually 3 inches or less 
in diameter, with the full range limited to a quarter 
rotation and with the effective dimming of the field 



Hmited to about 30 degrees of arc or less. This is due 
to the non-uniform extinction of the polarizer. For 
this reason the wedge type instrument has proven more 

Accessories. In order to work out problems 
in sensitometry the student should supply himself with 
a table of logarithms (obtainable at any bookstore 
which handles high school and college textbooks), 
some sheets of graph paper (either regular or semi- 
log divisions), a drawing 'board, triangle, straight edge, 
metric scale, protractor, and pencils. It is true that 
sensitometry can be handled purely as a mathematical 
problem, but it has been found that more usable in- 
formation is obtained if the characteristic curve is 
drawn and the desired information derived from that. 
Moreover, it has also been found that while the mathe- 
matical computation of gamma gets many students 
hopelessly mired, the graphic method can be used 
with just as much accuracy, much greater $ase, and far 
more rapidity. The student whose mathematics is 
limited to arithmetic can, if he has log tables, do all of 
the necessary computation of sensitometry by the 
graphic method and arrive at conclusions just as accu- 
rate as those of the mathematical wizard. For that 
reason we shall stress the graphic method of computa- 

The Characteristic Curve. 

The result of a sensitometric analysis is computed 
as a curve, referred to as the characteristic curve, or 
often as the H&D curve after its originators, Ferdinand 
Hurter and Charles Driffield. You will remember 
from school days that a "curve" in graphic work may 
be a straight line, but it happens that the photographic 
curve takes on the shape of a more or less flattened 
letter "S" (see Figs. 10 to 12, Ch. II). The paper used 
is divided into spaces by lines running both vertically 



and horizontally. The horizontal lines indicate the 
values of the abscissas, while vertical lines indicate the 
values of the ordinates. Usually the abscissas are given 
density values and the ordinates are given exposure 

If the paper is divided into regular squares, the 
ascending 1 values along the left-hand vertical edge are 
the density values. Remember that density is a log- 
arithmic value. The lower, horizontal edge may be 
evenly divided, or the divisions may be crowded to- 
gether at the left. If the former is the case, the ex- 
posures are listed along the bottom in regular loga- 
rithmic sequence. In the latter case the paper is di- 
vided into uneven spaces of logarithmic value, so that 
entering the normal exposure values in sequence will 
automatically space them on a logarithmic base. It is 
always simpler to use the table of logs and convert the 
exposure values to logarithms, and then use ordinary 
cross-section paper. In fact such paper may be made 
by drawing horizontal and vertical lines at regular in- 
tervals, say J4 Y*> or 1 inch apart. Suppose our ex- 
posures were 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and 64 seconds. If we 
refer to the log tables we shall find the following 
values : 

Number Logarithm 

1 0.000 

2 0.301 
4 0.602 
8 * 0.903 

16 1.204 

32 1.505 

64 1.806 

Now suppose that your divisions are spaced one 
inch apart. If you used the natural system of measure- 
ment, and if your last exposure resulted in a density 
of 3,0, your graph paper would be 3 inches high and 
64 inches long. By using logs, the same graph can be 



made on a sheet measuring 1.8 x 3 inches or any multi- 
ple thereof. In the first case the curve would rise too 
gradually to show anything, while in the second the 
curve is sufficiently abrupt to reveal the characteristics 
of the negative. Thus the reason for using log ex- 

As a rule, the space occupied by exposure 1 on the 
horizontal scale is made equal to density 1 on the ver- 
tical scale, but this is not at all necessary. It is only 
important that you establish a definite system for your- 
self and then stick to that system so that the curves 
will all bear a definite relationship to each other. If 
you vary the values of your abscissas and ordinates you 
will end with confusion much worse than no result 
at all. 

If you expose the sensitive material with a disk 
sensitometer, the disk can be cut from a piece of card- 
board according to the following instructions (see Fig. 
107). Read this and the next paragraph carefully be- 
fore starting to work. First cut a 10-inch disk from 
the cardboard. Then, starting with a center circle 4 
inches in diameter, draw 10 additional concentric 
circles at J4-inch intervals. This makes a band 2^4 
inches wide and composed of 10 circular stripes, and 
leaves an outside supporting band of J^ inch. Now 
draw 6 radii spaced 60 degrees apart, just as you would 
cut a pie into 6 equal pieces, and construct "spokes" 
along these radii making each 10 degrees wide. These 
spokes use up 60 degrees of your disk. Using the pro- 
tractor, mark a radial slit j degree wide on the first 
or outer J^-inch circular stripe and adjacent to one of 
the spokes. The outer band is used for the j4-degree 
slit because it is the smallest used, and will be con- 
siderably wider on the outer circle than it would be 
on the small inner circle. Cut out the slit, and extend 
the cut next to the spoke toward the center of the disk 
until it crosses all ten of the circular 54-inch bands or 







10* SPOKE 

Fig. 107* Exposure disk for sensitometer. Arrangement of sec- 
tors Is preferable to that shown in Pig. 103; the >/2 slit will 
be wider on outer band and therefore easier to cut accurately. 
Control notch can be cut where desired (see Rgs. 108 and 109). 

stripes. Now in the second J4-inch circle (second from 
the outside) mark off one full degree, then continue 
marking off sectors from the same starting point (the 
cut along the edge of the spoke) according to the fol- 
lowing table : 




Since the first or J^-degree slit will represent an ar- 
bitrary exposure value of "one," each of the follow- 
ing slits has a value equal to just twice the number 



Fig. 108. Wiring diagram of disk sensitometer shown in Figs. 103 
and 109. The device is designed to operate on 1 10-v. 60-cycle AC 
current. Self-starting clock motor CM is actuated by pushbutton 
PB; as disk D turns, the contact ridge SC on timing spring SP 
leaves timing notch N, closing contact between adjusting screw 
AS and the contact block C. This keeps disk turning after the 
button is released. B is an insulating block, and EE are leads 
to the enlarger which is used simply as a light source. After 
disk makes one complete revolution, SC drops into N, breaking 
the contact. This stops the motor and turns off the enlarger. 



of degrees. Therefore exposure values for the disk 
range from 1 to 512. 

As the length of the slits increases they will include 
the "spokes," which are not to be cut out. So for each 
spoke included you must add ten degrees to the total 
length of the slit. Thus, when the sectors are cut out, 
the cutout portion of any band represents the total 
number of degrees called for, and the finished disk will 
correspond to Fig. 107. If this disk is now laid over a 
sheet of sensitive film or paper and rotated it will in 
a single revolution give 10 exposures ranging from 
1 to 512, or a log range of 0.00 to 2.70. It must be re- 
membered that these are only relative exposures. In 
practice the light intensity is so low that exposure 1 
is barely sufficient to make a perceptible deposit upon 
the film. Thus emulsions as slow as contact paper or 
as fast as the most ultra-rapid modern film can be ex- 
posed correctly for later study. 

While it is out of place here to give details for the 
construction of instruments, Figs. 108 and 109 show a 
fairly simple disk sensitometer which was put together 
in a few hours and functions quite satisfactorily. 
Assuming that the sensitometer disk is driven by a 
clock motor and makes one revolution in one minute, 
this is equivalent to 360 degrees in 60 seconds or 6 
degrees per second. As the unit slot is J4 degree 
wide, the film beneath it receives an exposure of 1/12 
second per revolution. The other exposures are: 

Circle 1 23456789 10 

Exposure 1/12 1/6 1/3 2/3 1.33 2.66 5.32 10.6 21.2 42.4 

Expose a piece of film with the light at any de- 
sired distance. For films use a 10-watt bulb or less 
at 3 or more feet. If the innermost circle is as black 
as the outermost, you have at least 512 times too much 



exposure. Interpose a sheet or two of paper to dim 
it and try again. 

Assume that this time circles 5 to 10 are solid 
black, but there is some differentiation among the 
others. This indicates that circle 5 received the maxi- 
mum exposure, so the light must once more be re- 
duced, this time to 1/16 its previous value. However, 
assume that the first test shows nothing in circles 1 to 4, 
but that 5 shows a slight tint. Then that is the ex- 
posure for circle 1, and the light must be increased 16 
times. Once you become familiar with the instrument 
you will find it possible to judge the light closely 
enough so that a single test will give you the informa- 
tion necessary to make a good exposure. 

The film is developed in your standard working 
developer and when dry, the density of each stripe is 
read on the densitometer. It is better to buy your 
densitometer than to try to make it, because it is al- 
most impossible to calibrate the instrument without 
a reference wedge. As the wedge is the most costly 
part of a densitometer, it actually would be cheaper to 
buy a commercial densitometer of the non-wedge type 
than to buy a conventional calibrated wedge. The 
densities of the various stripes are read, and each 
reading is entered on the graph paper. This is simple 
for those who have done graph work, but if you 
haven't, a word of explanation will be given. Suppose 
we have made our readings and that they are as fol- 

Circle Exposure Log Exposure Density 

1 1 0.00 0.1 

2 2 0.30 0.12 

3 4 0.60 0.24 

4 8 0.90 0.50 

5 16 1.20 0.80 

6 32 1.50 1.12 

7 64 1.80 1.45 

8 128 2.10 1.77 

9 256 2.40 2.00 
10 512 2.70 2.10 



Rg. 109. Above, side view of svnsitometer. Below, closeup of 
wiring, lettered the same as Rg. 108. Here the adjusting screw 
AS Is a part of the contact C instead of working against it, and 
the sliding contact SC is at the end of the arm instead of the 
middle. The construction shown in the diagram allows a greater 
opening between contact and spring, and facilitates adjustment. 




































; 1 










1 1 * 




















i i 












! 1 















a 2 2 2 



C O 




I I 




in q 



Starting with the first log exposure and the first 
density proceed as follows : Run up the extreme left- 
hand vertical edge of the graph which represents log 
exposure 0.00, until "you reach the first 1/10 subdivi- 
sion of the first major division. This represents den- 
sity 0.1. Make a dot here. Now move to the vertical 
line which represents log exposure 0.30 and on it make 
a dot just above the 0.1 line. On the vertical line rep- 
resenting log exposure 0.60 make a dot about midway 
between the 0.2 and 0.3 density lines. On the log 0.90 
vertical line make a dot at the 0.5 density line, and so 
forth, until on the log 2.70 vertical line you make a dot 
on the 0.7 line above the major horizontal division line 
numbered 2.5. Reference to Fig. 110 will make this 

When this is done, draw straight lines connecting 
each adjacent pair of dots. Then lightly sketch in a 
line which will convert the series of short lines into a 
continuous curve (Figs. Ill, 112). After the dots have 
been connected by short lines, the straight-line portion 
may have a more or less zig-zag appearance, represent- 
ing small errors which may be disregarded when the 
continuous curve is drawn. It is astonishing how the 
dots will fall into an almost perfect "curve" with toe, 
straight-line section, and shoulder after a little ex- 
perience in reading the densitometer. While small er- 
rors can be disregarded, gross errors (where a dot may 
fall way out of line) call for a re-reading of the film. 
If an error is consistent, examine the exposure disk. 
You rnay find that one of the sectors is off 2 or 3 de- 
grees. Remember that the disk must be cut accurately, 
or errors are bound to appear in your work. 

There are several sources of minor errors which 
tend to throw the survey points off slightly, but they 
may be ignored unless the displacement of the dots is 

1. Errors in reading the densitometer. This may 







0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 1 
































































































































a a a 2 g 



II.O 2.0 3.O 4.O 5.0 6.0 7.0 1 


Fig. f!3. Extreme overexposure results in decreasing densities 
and image of reversed values, shown by descending shoulder curve. 






i JXT 















































i P P in o 

i N - - a 



be caused by an instrument which is inaccurate or out 
of adjustment. A dust spot on the negative can affect 
the over-all reading. In every case a slight error in 
observation is expected, so that density readings are 
made by taking the average of three or more readings 
for each exposure. 

2. Emulsions are not always uniform in their sil- 
ver distribution, nor is the effect of development con- 
stant. These errors are too slight to affect picture 
taking, but the densitometer reveals them. 

3. Variable drying and dust particles on the nega- 
tive will affect the reading somewhat. It must be re- 
membered that while the densitometer aperture is 
small, it integrates all densities within that area. 

Reading the Curve. 

You will find that your curve is made up of a cen- 
tral portion which is a straight line. At the left (lower) 
end of this line there is an upward curve, the toe; at 
the right (upper) end there is a downward curve, the 
shoulder. If the exposure is carried to extremes, this 
shoulder will continue its relative downward direction, 
and the densities will actually grow less with increas- 
ing exposure ; but this requires an excessive amount of 
exposure (see Fig. 113). 

The toe is curved because equal increases in ex- 
posure produce relatively small increases in density, 
although the amount of increase is greater for each 
exposure step. This is the region of underexposure. 
Likewise at the shoulder the increase in density is 
small as compared with increase in exposure, and the 
amount of increase grows smaller with each succeed- 
ing exposure. This is just the reverse in procedure 
of the toe, but the ultimate result is strikingly similar. 
This is the region of overexposure. 

In the center lies the straight line, and along this 



line any increase in exposure will result in^a uniform 
increase in density. Thus, if the exposure is doubled, 
the density will be doubled, and so forth. It must be 
remembered that this has nothing to do with the actual 
density. The increases in log exposure may be in the 
progression 1, 2, 3, etc., and the density increase may 
be 0.25, 0.50, 0.75; or it may be 1.25, 2.50, and 3.75. 
However, when the curve is such that log exposure 1 
gives density 1, log exposure 2 gives density 2, and log 
exposure 3 gives density 3, we have a condition in 
which uniform increases in exposure give uniform and 
proportional increases in density. In this condition 
the relative intensities of the original light will be re- 
produced as a series of negative densities bearing the 
same relationship. In short, we have a faithful tonal 
reproduction. In the uniformly divided graph paper 
this straight line rises at an angle of 45 degrees. 

The negative in which this proportional increase 
occurs is one which has a gamma of unity. This brings 
us to a discussion of a much-talked-of and, for practical 
purposes, a superlatively unimportant factor in sen- 
sitometry, namely, gamma. 


Gamma is a number which represents the rela- 
tionship existing between the range of sensitometric 
exposure and the extreme range of the negative den- 
sity. Thus if you have an extremely contrasty subject 
and condense the tonal values byoverexposure and 
underdevelopment, you have a gamma less than unity 
because each degree of exposure is representd by a de- 
gree of density correspondingly smaller. If you have 
a flat subject and build up contrast by overdevelop- 
ment, you will have a gamma of more than unity be- 
cause comparatively small degrees of exposure are 
represented by comparatively large degrees of density. 



of determining gamma, as 
mma of curve shown to be 0.9 







" c 


IE 0. 



This is true even though the first photograph may be 
contrasty and the latter one flat. 

For those who like the figures in the case, let us 
represent density by D. Then Dl will be the least 
density in a sensitometrically exposed negative, and 
D2 will be the greatest density. You cannot make 
gamma readings on ordinary negatives for you must 
know the log exposure for each tonal area. Now then 
D2 minus Dl gives the difference or density range. If 
we let IE equal log exposure, then we shall have 1E2 
minus 1E1 equals the exposure range. Having these 
factors from controlled exposure and from densitom- 
eter readings we also have : 

D2 Dl 
Gamma a 

1E2 1EI 

However, there is a much simpler way to do it, 
and this is the graphic method in which gamma is de- 
termined by utilizing an otherwise wasted corner of 
your graph sheet (see Fig. 114). On the base line of 
the graph, which includes log E 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, make a 
dot where any one of these four vertical lines intersects 
the base line. Now using a parallel ruler (or a triangle 
if care is taken) draw a line from this dot and con- 
tinue it until it intersects the next major vertical line ; 
and make it parallel to the straight line portion of the 
curve. Where this line intersects the next major divi- 
sion read the density value of the intersection, and 
this reading will be the gamma of the negative. Thus, 
if you start at 1.0 read at the intersection of 2.0; or if 
you started at 2.0 read at the intersection of 3.0, etc. 

Gamma simply tells you whether the density dif- 
ferences are relatively smaller or greater than the cor- 
responding light intensity differences of the original, 
and how much smaller or greater they are. True, 



gamma is of the utmost value in certain work, such as 
color printing, or in motion-picture work where auto- 
matic and semi-automatic methods must be held to a 
standard. But it is open to serious question whether 
or not the ability to determine gamma, or to work to a 
certain gamma, has ever made or will ever make a re- 
nowned pictorialist from a mediocre sna'p-shooter ! 
Personally I have never known of any amateur who has 
been aided in his printing and enlarging by working 
under sensitometric control. The results simply are 
not worth the investment of time and money unless you 
are working in some special methods where differences 
too slight for the eye to appreciate will affect the re- 
sult in some unwanted manner. However, it's good 
to have an understanding of the real meaning of 

Gamma Infinity. 

This is the greatest gamma which can be obtained. 
While gamma is largely a function of development 
liberally affected by the inherent emulsion quality, 
gamma infinity is largely a matter of emulsion charac- 
teristic, although decidedly affected by the developer 
used. It is known that the longer development con- 
tinues the greater will be the contrast. It is also known 
that forced development invites fog. Therefore, when 
that point is reached where fog is growing so rapildy 
that the contrast actually decreases with further de- 
velopment, then that turning point marks gamma in- 

Because this end point is difficult to determine, be- 
cause the high densities involved are difficult to read, 
and because the presence of the fog makes* reading 
difficult, gamma infinity is usually determined by com- 
putation. Two strips are exposed exactly alike in the 
sensitometer (it is better to expose a single strip and 



cut it in half if the sensitometric design permits). 
These two strips are developed so that one is developed 
for exactly twice the time of the other. These are 
known as tl and t2. Then the formula is : 

Gamma Infinity 

(2z gamma tl) ftg qr| iT'a t2 

Gamma in Practice. 

As we have said, gamma is highly important to 
;he research worker, to the controller of mechanized 
processing, to the developer of sound tracks, to the 
color worker ; but the photographic picture maker will 
make just as good pictures if he has never heard of 
gamma. A remark similar to that once brought out 
this question at a lecture: "Then you mean that we 
should pay no attention to negative contrast just go 
ahead and print everything on any old grade of pa- 
per?" No, that is exactly what is not meant. If you 
are going to base printing on gamma, then be sure you 
understand what it means; do not confuse it with 
negative contrast, for it is not the same thing at all ! 

For example, you can have a negative which is so 
flat that it is hardly more than a monotone and it may 
still have a gamma in excess of one. On the contrary, 
you may have a negative so hard that no paper is soft 
enough to print it, and yet that hard negative may have 
a gamma of 0.5 or 0.6. Do not make this mistake! 
No one can look at a negative and even guess at its 
gamma unless he is familiar with the original ! 

With any given emulsion, gamma is a function of 
development. If you have a developer which will de- 
velop a negative to gamma 1 in 12 minutes at 65, 
then any emulsion identical with the test emulsion will 
also be developed to a gamma of one in that developer 
in 12 minutes at 65. This is in accord with photo- 



graphic law. Now if you run tests and find that this 
developer will develop to gamma 0.5 in 5 minutes, to 
gamma 1.0 in 12 minutes, and to gamma 1.3 in 20 min- 
utes, you are ready for the final test. 

Expose two negatives. For one, stretch a gray 
woolen blanket where even light will fall upon it, and 
make a photograph which will include nothing but the 
cloth. Then make a square tube of cardboard or wood 
about a foot square and 2 feet long. Line it with black 
velvet except for the extreme front edges ; paint these 
edges white. Now make a head-on photograph using 
the exposure shown to be correct for a pearl gray card 
held 3 inches back in the mouth of the tube. Of course 
the card is used only for the meter reading and is not 
included in the picture. 

Develop the blanket photograph 20 minutes and 
the tube negative for 5 minutes. The blanket nega- 
tive will be a gray monotone with no contrast range 
whatsoever, although its gamma is 1.3. The tube will 
present the extreme range of white and black as a 
white too opaque to print and a black with no vestige 
of silver deposit. Here you have contrast far too ex- 
treme to be printed correctly, although you know the 
negative gamma is only 0.5 ! 

No, the relationship between gamma and negative 
contrast range is a vague one at best. As a governing 
factor it might just as well not exist at all. True, these 
examples are extreme, but they show the danger of 
accepting as fact a principle which works out approxi- 
mately under normal circumstances. It is true that 
with normal light and normal exposure and normal 
subject, the relationship between gamma and negative 
contrast range become apparently closer. But the fact 
that extreme examples such as the one just described 
will shatter any evidence of normal relationship is 
conclusive proof that lesser differences are only 
changes of degree and not of kind. 



Exposure Range. 

Now, either factor of gamma is vitally important 
to every photographer, but he learns their importance a 
long, long time before he starts to worry about gamma. 
We refer to the exposure range E2 - El and the den- 
sity range D2 Dl. Exposure range is not often 
thought of in those terms, but instead we speak of 
"brightness range," although no one knows why. The 
brightness is not the point, but the exposure is. So that 
brings up another point which the student of sensi- 
tometry knows full well but which other photographers 
seem to ignore, and that is that in most normal photo- 
graphs the exposure ranges from extreme underex- 
posure to extreme overexposure all in the same nega- 
tive. Shadows must be underexposed or they will not 
look like shadows ; highlights must be overexposed or 
they will be gray ! So our so-called "brightness range" 
is known to student photographers by its true name, 
exposure range the exposure caused by the bright- 
ness is all we are concerned with. 

Exposure range is important because subsequent 
development must be controlled to correspond. If the 
exposure range is extreme, development must be cur- 
tailed ; but if it is low, then development must be ex- 
tended. Now I expect this will raise some questions. 
Are we not controlling gamma by this manipulation 
of development ? Certainly we are, and this brings us 
to the critical point of this whole discussion of gamma. 

Automatic time-and-temperature development will 
result in negatives which are all of approximately the 
same gamma. This is the supposed ideal condition 
but is it? It is if you are after fidelity of tonal repro- 
duction, but is that to be desired ? We think not. This 
means that dull subjects will be flat, and brilliant sub- 
jects will be too hard to print. It may be acknowl- 
edged that if the photographic process could reproduce 



faithfully the full range of the average, normal, out- 
door scene then such a condition would be desirable, 
and a constant gamma would be advantageous. How- 
ever, photography is crude ; its limitations are closely 
set, and only the abnormally dull object can be faith- 
fully reproduced. 

In view of the severe limitations of photography 
it is usually (but not always by any means) desirable 
to utilize the fullest possible tonal range in reproduc- 
tion, regardless of the character of the original subject. 
Therefore, the careful amateur will endeavor so to 
handle his material that D2 Dl will always be a con- 
stant and that means gamma will be varied in each 

It is comparatively easy to maintain a relatively 
stable gamma. Just use a developer kept up to stand- 
ard, and use a rigid time-and-temperature system. In 
short, the average, normal technique does just this ; and 
the result is that the amateur learns to avoid many sub- 
jects which would give him exquisite pictures, just 
because experience has taught him that such subjects 
are outside the limits of his gamma fixation (yes, he 
learns to evaluate his subjects in this way even though 
he never thinks of gamma) . 

However, when density range (D2 Dl) is made 
the standard, and the amateur learns how to vary the 
time of development so as to approximate this stand- 
ard, then there are few things indeed which the eye 
can see which cannot be photographed and photo- 
graphed well. Yes, gamma is like fire. It is an indis- 
pensable servant when kept in its place, but a terrible 
master when it breaks its bonds. It has already proven 
a veritable "Old Man of the Sea," and has made a good 
start toward ruining the success of many promising 
amateurs who have elected to dabble in the laboratory 
end instead of putting cameras to their destined pur- 
pose that of making pictures. 



H & D Value. 

If you expose a half-dozen films identically in the 
sensitometer, give them increasing times of develop- 
ment, then draw all the curves upon the same paper, 
you will see that each increase in development makes 
the straight-line portion become more nearly perpen- 
dicular. However, if you disregard the toe and extend 
these straight-line portions, you will find that all these 
extensions eventually meet at a common point (see 
Fig. 115). This may or may not lie on the base line. 
(This is not always strictly true, but in simple emul- 
sions was true often enough to be recognized as signif- 
icant in determining H & D value.) If there is any 
free bromide in the developer, either added or dis- 
solved from the emulsion, then there is a shift of the 
intersection toward the right. It might also be men- 
tioned that in some of the newer super-speed emul- 
sions, continued development seems to shift the whole 
curve to the left, creating the photographic paradox 
of increasing the sensitivity of the emulsion by over- 

However, ordinary emulsions do work quite regu- 
larly according to the law. This point of intersection 
is known as the inertia point. The value indicated by 
this point of intersection is used as a divisor for a 
factor (H & D factor 34) which gives the H & D num- 
ber of that emulsion. For example, if the inertia is 
0.02 we have the H & D number : 


- H&D 1700. 


It will be noticed from this equation that high-speed 
emulsions have low inertia values while slow emulsions 


0.5 I.O 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 1 


Rg. 115. The longer the development, the more nearly vertical the straight-line por- 
tion, and the higher the gamma. Various developing times with a given emulsion 
produce curves as shown. Extensions of the straight line portions meet at "inertia point." 




































































































s s 





L \ 












io o in o jn o 

CM oi - - 



have high inertia values. For years the H & D number 
was used as a speed rating, and as originally developed 
it was a good one as it indicated an exposure between 
the threshold and full exposures. (The minimum ex- 
posure that will yield a perceptible darkening of the 
emulsion is known as the threshold exposure.) How- 
ever, the manipulation to which the H & D system has 
been subjected may be recognized by the fact that 
emulsions of similar sensitivity but made by different 
manufacturers may be rated as far apart as four to 
one! Today, the H & D value has 110 value as a 
measure of sensitivity. 

Some Further Considerations of Sensitometry. 

So far we have covered the headlines of this fas- 
cinating subject ; now suppose we explore a few of the 
byways. There is always something new in sensi- 
tometry, but there are some almost fundamental facts 
to which attention should be given after the basic 
principles have been grasped. These things are by 
way of elaboration of the basic discussion. 

As sensitometry is concerned with the physical 
characteristics of the photographic image, that is, the 
physical properties of the silver embedded in the gela- 
tin, and as the principal property of the image is that 
of obstructing light, we should give some attention to 
the formation and structure of that image. This 
applies not only to the normal image, but to one which 
is formed under what may be termed abnormal condi- 
tions, such as with the use of a filter. 

The photographic image is a very real thing; it 
has length, breadth, and also thickness. It may prop- 
erly be considered to consist of a great many layers 
of silver grains laid one upon the other, so that density 
is not so much a matter of a closer grouping of the 
particles, as a matter of the depth to which additional 



layers are deposited. This is true of both the negative 
and positive images. In fact there is, sensitometri- 
cally speaking, no differentiation of negative and posi- 
tive. Both are photographic images. 

The instruments used in large research labora- 
tories are elaborate and costly. Those used in smaller 
laboratories are also costly if they are of high accuracy. 
It is true that inexpensive densitometers are said to be 
in process of development and soon to be offered to the 
public ; but at present a high-grade densitometer runs 
above one hundred dollars and any instrument worth 
' using will cost at least a few dollars less, than fifty. 
Therefore, let us first turn our attention to home-made 
devices which, although in no way substitutes for con- 
ventional instruments, will prove of value and permit 
a certain type of seiisitometric control to be exerted. 
By giving up actual numerical valuations and working 
on a comparison basis, such devices may be made at 

The Comparison Scale. 

Obtain a section liner from a dealer in artists' and 
draughtsmens' supplies. This is a device which moves 
a straightedge over a sheet of paper at regular inter- 
vals so that uniform shading may be drawn. Set this 
device so that each movement of the straightedge will 
advance it about J4 inch or more. Make tests with 
your enlarger, so that a 1 -second exposure will pro- 
duce a barely perceptible tint upon a sensitized film 
(use process film or similar slow material). You will 
probably have to close the lens diaphragm to its 
smallest aperture and insert one or two pieces of white 
paper in the negative carrier. If paper is used, throw 
the lens out of focus to overcome the grain pattern of 
the paper. 

Lay out a piece of film. This need not be more 



than 2 inches wide and 10 inches long. Set the section 
liner so that the straightedge will move down along 
this strip. Now with masking tape attach a sheet of 
black paper to the leading edge of the straightedge, 
and bring it down to cover the film with about J4 inch 
of the paper extending beyond the end of the film. 

Turn on the light, and using either a sweep clock 
or audible timer, move the arm once each second. 
The paper will be drawn back J4 inch each second and 
you will then expose the film in single-second intervals 
for 32 seconds. As soon as the black paper gets to 
within J^ inch of the end of the film, extinguish the 
light and develop the film. If the contrast range is 
not sufficient, you can make another strip using 2- 
second intervals. If you want to make a log exposure 
strip, with the exposures running 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 
128, 256, and S12, start with an exposure of 256 seconds ; 
then move the paper and expose for 128 seconds, and 
so on down the line until you get to the end of the 
series. Then when you have exposed for one second", 
you move the mask and again make a 1 -second 
exposure. Leave one unexposed section on the end. 
This gives you the desired series as can be seen : 


Single Total ***? 

No. Exposure Exposure Strip 

1 256 256 512 

2 128 256 + 128 - 384 256 

3 64 $84+64-448 128 

4 32 448+32-480 64 

5 16 480 + 16 - 496 32 

6 8 496+8-504 16 


504+4-508 8 

508+2-510 4 

510 + 1 - 511 2 

511 + 1 - 512 1 



Fig. 116. An amateur densltometer, wherein step wedge ii pulled 
through by hand. Negative lies on top of box irndtr whtt* window; 
comparison field is seen within by looking into an aperture at 
the end. Object in the foreground fi a simple reflection scale. 



With care and a few trials, a strip can be obtained 
which has these definite relationships. When the 
light intensity required to produce a fully graded strip 
under such conditions has been obtained, it is sug- 
gested that a full 8x10 inch film be exposed. After 
it is dry it can be cut into 6 or 8 identical strips. This 
strip forms the basis of your comparison densitometer. 
Of course the disk sensitometer is more convenient 
than the section liner for making this density wedge, 
but it is also more difficult to construct. In their most 
elementary form the tone wedge and the section liner 
with which it was exposed constitute your "densitom- 
eter" and "sensitometer." We shall refer to the density 
wedge as a "comparison scale." 

If you have access to a densitometer you can read 
the values of your scale steps, but this isn't necessary 
for working upon the comparison basis. Such a com- 
parison instrument has been used quite successfully 
in color control, and while it lacks a great deal of the 
advantage of a good densitometer, it is actually to be 
preferred to the cheap but inaccurate meter. 

The Gray Scale. 

For the best results it is advisable to make use of 
a gray scale in making your exposures, just as is done 
in color photography. These may be purchased for a 
few cents, but as the commercial scales have tints in 
regular squares, it is used only as a standard. 

Expose several sheets of matte paper to varying 
light and try to obtain uniform tones over the entire 
sheet. Try to make not less than 30 degrees of gray 
between black and white. Fix out an undeveloped 
sheet for the white, and expose a sheet to a 100-watt 
lamp for 2 or 3 seconds to produce the black step. 
When these are dry, compare them with the com- 
mercial scale and try to select matching tints. Num- 



ber these on the back of the sheet and make your own 
scales from them. Make the individual tints about 
3 x 8 in one scale, 2 x 6 in another, 1x3 and J^ x 1J4 
in two more. The idea of the various sizes is to obtain 
a readable size tint along the edge of your negative 
regardless of the size of the original object. Include 
this scale when making exposures, and place it so that 
the ends of the individual tints extend slightly outside 
the picture area. Now when the negative is developed, 
the safe edge may be trimmed off the side where the 
gray scale appears, leaving the tint running right off 
the edge of the film. 

Assume that the tints are Ji inch wide in the nega- 
tive. Cut a length of black cardboard slightly larger 
than your comparison scale, and cut square notches 
into one edge, Ji inch deep and % inch wide, spaced 
so that one notch is centered upon each single step in 
your scale. A preferred construction is a similar but 
wider cardboard with rectangular openings y& x J4 
inch. The comparison scale is attached permanently 
or temporarily to this mask, and the black border 
prevents visual confusion. The negatives are held 
against the edge of the comparison film, and the scale 
steps in the negative can be matched with those of the 
comparison scale, or they can be assigned intermediate 
values. You can interpolate intermediate values in 
making the original scale to get 21 steps instead of 11. 

It may be said in passing that a, series of paper 
tints each with a small hole punched in it provides an 
excellent comparison gauge for reading the reflection 
values of paper prints. Such a gauge can also be 
calibrated by comparison with a reflection densitom- 
eter, but in such case it is advisable to convert the 
reflection densities to reflection percentages. 

And now that we are so familiar with sensitometry 
that we make our own instruments and set our own 
standards, what is it all about ? 



The Photographic Image. 

Let us assume that we have a series of neutral 
density screens which transmit just half of the incident 
light. While these could be stacked up without seri- 
ously impairing the experiment, let us place them one 
upon the other with a space of an inch or so between 
each adjacent pair. Then let us see what happens to 
100% of incident light. 








The negative is formed by the deposition of silver 
in the gelatin, deposited in a certain ratio to the amount 
of light to which it is exposed. If we ignore the toe 
and shoulder curves for the time being we may assume 
that if one unit of light will produce a unit deposit of 
silver, 2 units will deposit 2 units, and so on. Now 
if we consider 5 successive exposures, each of which 
results in a silver film of 50% transmission quality, 
these 5 exposures may be substituted for the 5 neutral 
density screens, and the screen numbers at the top 
of the table may be now referred to units of light in 
the exposure. This reveals some interesting facts. 

If 5 units of exposure gave a deposit 5 times as dark 
as that following a single unit exposure, then exposure 
5 would produce a 10% transmission, an opacity of 10, 
and a density of 1.0. However, the light-obstructing 
power grows by steps of density 0.30, and as density 
has a logarithmic progression, we see that the normal 
growth of photographic density is also a logarithmic 
progression. This is thfe fundamental reason for using 



logarithms instead of ordinary values simply because 
it reflects the natural progression of photographic 
image growth. 

Film-Speed Ratings. 

One of the most widely used applications of sen- 
sitornetry is that of determining the specific sensitivity 
or "speed" of an emulsion* We have already shown 
how the H & D values are obtained. Other systems 
also* are based upon sensitometry, but their origins 
and methods of development are widely different. 
There are some systems which take the least amount 
of light which will produce a visible density as the 
fundamental index. This is hardly advisable. Two 
emulsions might have the same threshold exposure 
that is, required the same amount of light for the first 
visible density to be produced. Yet if the first emul- 
sion has a long, sloping toe and the other a short one 
rising abruptly, the second emulsion would have the 
greater sensitivity. 

Other systems base their indexes upon the ex- 
posure which is necessary to produce a negative den- 
sity of 1.0. This is a much better system, for density 
1.0 lies more or less midway in the tonal range of a 
good average negative, and so avoids the possible 
error of starting with the tip of the toe. As we have 
seen, the H & D system uses neither of these but in- 
stead an extension of the straight-line portion of the 

All systems have their advantages and disadvan- 
tages ; but those systems which aim at half-tones rather 
than either extreme are likely to be more satisfactory. 
Incidentally, it should be noted that although the 
inertia value is found at the base of the graph, it is a 
midway system because it is governed by the central 
portion of the curve. 



The Eder-Hecht Sensitometer. 

At one time it was popular for amateurs to make 
their own determinations of relative sensitivity, and 
among the simpler sensitometers for this purpose was 
the Eder-Hecht type. This is nothing more than a 
printing frame with spring covers over both faces. 
Enclosed is an artificial step negative in which each 
tenth step is numbered. Along the sides are strips of 
gelatin colored blue, green, yellow, and red, with the 
graded steps running 1 beneath them. The film to be 
tested is exposed behind this negative and developed 
(see Figs. 117, 118). 

Naturally such a device is useless unless there is 
some predetermined exposure control, because with 
fixed and numbered steps, a correspondingly fixed 
exposure is necessary. To meet this demand the outfit 
includes a needle set in a wooden handle, and a box 
containing several small pieces of magnesium ribbon. 
The exposure is made by picking up a piece of mag- 
nesium, supporting it at a distance of one meter from 
the frame, and igniting the magnesium. 

This system is very simple, almost crude, but the 
results obtained with it are strikingly uniform, and 
for certain purposes this sensitometer finds use even 
today in the laboratory. For example, the tricolor 
filters give the whole story of sensitivity to the three 
separation colors on a single film. This information 
may be translated directly into filter factors. The 
only correction is that of differences between filters. 
To overcome this, the original filters are removed 
from the negative and replaced by the ones in actual 
use. Or one side may contain the A-B-C set of tricolor 
filters and the other side the filters used for making 
separations from Kodachrome. For this purpose alone 
the sensitometer is worth more than its modest cost. 
The Sanger-Sheppard sensitometer is similar except 




Fig. 117. Film exposed under the Ed er-Hecht tablet. Note color 
stripes R, red; G, yellow; GR, green; B, blue. Film tests E-H 90. 


that the densities, instead of being arranged in ladder 
formation, occupy rectangular spaces. It is not quite 
as convenient as the Eder-Hecht type, but is highly 

This description of the Eder-Hecht sensitometer 
has been given because it is typical of those measure- 
ments of sensitivity which base the film-speed rating 
upon the exposure producing the least perceptible 
deposit. In the discussion of H & D values, the prob- 
lem of sensitivity rating was mentioned; but as the 
H & D characteristics have more importance than 
mere sensitivity rating, the subject was not elaborated 

The Eder-Hecht sensitometric tablet already de- 
scribed is the actual basis for speed rating according 
to the Eder-Hecht rating system, the last visible num- 
ber being the speed number of the film. It can be 
understood that wedges turned out in quantity will 
probably vary, and this is true; so we encounter the 
first source of possible error. However, this is minor 
when we consider the low possibility of determining 
the "least perceptible deposit," and the great likelihood 
of its being obscured by fog. We have already pointed 
out that the threshold exposure does not take into 
account the shape of the curve, and threshold ratings 
are to be regarded with deep suspicion. 

Scheiner Film-Speed Ratings. 

It may surprise many amateurs to know that the 
Scheiner film-speed ratings are also threshold ratings. 
They differ from Eder-Hecht ratings only in the 
method of primary determination and the values of 
the numbers used. In both cases a series of numbers 
in arithmetic progression indicates logarithmic in- 
creases. Thus, every three degrees Scheiner represent 
a doubling in sensitivity. This same thing is true of 



DIN as well as of Eder-Hecht. The Scheiner exposure 
is made on a logarithmic base with the ratios of ex- 
posure extending from 1 to 100. The resulting in- 
creasing exposure is read by means of an arbitrary 
scale. Thus we have the series : 

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 


Exposure 1248 16 32 64 128 256 

and so forth. The Scheiner is belter than the Eder- 
Hecht only in that the determinative exposure is made 
through a time-base sector wheel, and to that extent 
has less liklihood of error. All of the fundamental 
objections to the threshold system still hold. 

Other Systems of Sensitivity Rating. 

Some years ago the DIN system was given to the 
world as the ultimate in sensitivity rating. It was 
foolproof; it was unalterable; it was the universal 
standard. Now what is the DIN system? Why, noth- 
ing whatsoever but our old friend Scheiner except 
that the exposure required to produce density 0.1 is 
taken rather than the vague threshold exposure. Den- 
sity 0.1 is still so far down the toe that the objections 
to the threshold index still hold insofar as the curve 
shape is concerned; it is still hard to determine and 
it is easily masked by fog, but it offers the advantage 
of a firm basis, a known, definable, and measurable 
point of departure. In actual practice DIN offers no 
real advantages over Scheiner, and it is subject to the 
same manipulation as is the Scheiner system. In recent 
years the Scheiner rating has had to be identified as 
being European, German, or American, because a film 
rated at Scheiner 23 in America was rated 26 in Ger- 



many and 29 in other parts of Europe. The German 
film of equal rating was one-half the American speed, 
and other European films of equal rating were only 
one-fourth the American speed. Naturally this re- 
sulted in great confusion, particularly when Ameri- 
cans went to Europe and suddenly found themselves 
losing pictures through gross underexposure. 

The Watkins and Wynne systems of rating were 
based upon the inertia point and differed from H & D 
largely in their numerical values. They have been 
little used in this country and are now obsolete, so we 
will not discuss them. 

We now encounter two modern systems, one the 
minimum useful gradient, the other the D-log-E base. 
The minimum useful gradient is based upon that ex- 
posure which falls upon the part of the curve where 
the density increase per unit of exposure is a definite 
fraction of what it is on the straight-line part of the 
curve. In short, it lies at a definite point in the upper 
part of the toe curve, where trie chosen fraction is great 
enough for good results. In practice it is that exposure 
which will produce a print satisfactory to the average 
amateur. This sounds rather vague, and it is a vague 
system until the important fraction has been assigned 
a definite value. The system is being used by East- 
man, who have determined the value of the fraction as 
suited to their needs. 

An exposure which is based upon the characteristic 
of the relationship of density and log exposure for a 
definite gamma is probably the most sensible approach 
to the problem. The point is located in the straight- 
line portion of the curve, and permits the inclusion 
factor for gamma, so that the speed rating for a process 
film recognizes the fact that it will be developed to a 
high gamma, while the factor for a portrait film recog- 
nizes the fact that the gamma will be low. Such a 
system is the Weston method of rating. The fact that 



this system gives good results in all parts of the world 
and that even beginners are usually successful when 
using it suggests that, if not the ideal speed rating, it 
is at least a substantial approach to the ideal. 

A truly ideal rating cannot be reached, because 
there is no "correct" exposure, no absolute sensitivity 
rating. The sensitivity of a film depends upon the 
nature of the light, the color, texture, and general form 
of the object, and above all upon the aesthetic effect 
desired. Therefore, if we have a system which will 
indicate for us the exposure which would be satis- 
factory in a sensitometric test, we can let experience 
guide us in the degree of departure necessary to cope 
with the details of the individual picture to be made. 
It must always be remembered that strict sensitometry 
and aesthetics mix about as well as oil and water. You 
can emulsify them, but it is a difficult task. 

Curves and Their Interpretation. 

The characteristic curve as drawn from sen- 
sitometric data provides a wealth of information re- 
garding the developed image, as well as the inherent 
characteristics of the emulsion and the developer. But 
there are other curves just as valuable as the H & D 
curve, and as these also provide information which 
may be included within the scope of sensitometry, we 
should give some attention to them. Those relating 
to specific spectral sensitivity are perhaps the most im- 
portant, because they reveal the exact color response 
of the emulsion. Quite similar curves show the char- 
acteristics of filters, and by combining an emulsion 
curve and a filter curve you see graphically the actual 
effect of using a combination of specific filter and 
specific emulsion. 

Visible color is made up of a series of wave forms 
whose lengths vary from about 380 millimicrons in the 



violet to about 750 millimicrons in the red (see Fig. 3, 
Ch. I). We say "about" because the exact limit varies 
with different individuals. The radiation immediately 
adjoining the violet that is shorter than the shortest 
visible violet marks the beginning of the ultraviolet, 
while that adjoining the deepest visible red marks the 
infrared. The only separation is in the vision of the 
beholder, because the wave train goes right along in 
unbroken sequence. It is common knowledge that 
some people cannot hear a shrill sound while others 
are able to hear it. It is the same with light ; but when- 
ever the boundary is passed, for that individual, either 
ultraviolet or infrared starts. For that reason the 
laboratory curve usually includes considerable of both 
without any demarcation. This is logical because the 
emulsion is not subjected to the same limitation as is 
the human eye, and as long as we have emulsions sensi- 
tive to wavelengths in the ultraviolet (in the neighbor- 
hood of 250 to 300 millimicrons) and in the infrared 
(in the neighborhood of 1000 millimicrons), our curves 
should be based upon that scale. 

However, as a rough guide keep in mind the divi- 
sions 400, 500, 600, and 750. For approximations you 
can regard these as marking : 400, beginning of visible 
violet ; 500, boundary between blue and green ; 600, 
boundary between green and red; and 750, the lower 
limit of visible red. 

Therefore the base line of your graph is divided 
into sections representing wavelength 250 to 1000 for 
the total spectrum, or 380 to /SO for the visible 
spectrum, A convenient division is one space for every 
25 units ; start at 375 and let consecutive divisions equal 
400, 425, 450, 475, 500, and so on. For the benefit of 
those familiar with the non-uniform spectrum of a 
prism, it may be said that the spectrum produced by 
the diffraction grating is of uniform linear value, so 
that the location of any two points provides a standard 




















g O 



for the accurate determination of wavelength value. Of 
course in a graphic outline, the spacing is uniform by 
reason of construction. 

As a rule the vertical scale is logarithmic, the first 
line representing density 1, the second 2, the third 3, 
and so on. Thus, in actual light intensity the first 
line has a value of 10, the second of 100, the third of 
1000, and so on. This is the reason spectral photo- 
graphs published by film manufacturers have such 
slight differences from point to point. 

Wedge Spectrograms. 

If light is passed through a prism, or preferably 
through a fine grating, it will be spread out into a 
colored band in which the wavelengths are side by side 
instead of superimposed. If this band is projected 
upon an emulsion surface, an automatic record of the 
color sensitivity is obtained. However, as the reaction 
is recorded simply as varying densities, special instru- 
ments are required to convert this record into a graph. 
A gray wedge which varies in density from 0.0 to 4.0 is 
placed in the path of the beam. ' Under such restraint, 
the brighter parts of the band pass through heavier 
portions of the wedge, while weaker colors can pass 
only through the thinner portions of the band. But if 
the light is of uniform strength its intensity grades 
from bottom to top, and the colors to which the film is 
more sensitive will be recorded as higher peaks than 
others. Thus automatically a record is made which 
indicates the sensitivity of the emulsion to that color 
by the height of. the line (see Fig. 119). 

These wedge spectrograms are supplied by most 
film manufacturers, and may be converted directly into 
curves by direct copying, as the spectrogram is a true 
graphic curve in itself. Thus by taking the wavelength 
divisions and the density divisions from the spectro- 











Fig. 120. A, color curv* showing response of panchromatic film 
to daylight. B, the transmission curve of a deep yellow filter. C, 
curve* superimposed show net result of the combination. The 
reason for large filter factors with deep filters It obvious. 


gram and transferring them to your graph paper, you 
will have a true graph of the color sensitivity of the film. 

The Filter Curve. 

The filter curve presents greater difficulty. If it is 
made photographically, the resultant curve is neces- 
sarily one which gives the net result of emulsion color 
sensitivity plus filter curve. For example, if it is a red 
filter and the emulsion used is ortho, there will be no 
result. This means the filter is opaque, as it is to an 
ortho emulsion j but that is far from the true char- 
acteristic of the filter. Commercial testing laboratories 
will make spectrophotometric records of a filter, or you 
can make a good guess with an ordinary spectroscope ; 
but generally you will find it easier to depend upon the 
curves supplied by the manufacturer. 

If you redraw the filter curve upon the same type 
of graph blank used for the emulsion curve, but drawn 
upon transparent paper, you can superimpose the filter 
curve upon that of the emulsion, then that portion of 
the curve which is common to both curves is the net 
usable light. To make such readings easier, it is sug- 
gested that instead of a single line curve, the portion 
of the graph outside the line be blackened. This is 
done on both curves, then the usable light for any com- 
bination is represented by the amount of white paper 
visible. This white area may then be identified as to 
wavelength (color) and intensity (density), so that you 
will have a very good idea of the actual photographic 
result. The accompanying diagram (Fig. 120) will 
make this more clear. 

Most other graphs used in photography are of the 
usual type; that is, they represent time against tem- 
perature, concentration against vigor of action, or other 
common factors, and are read exactly like the stock- 
market and production graphs which are found in the 



daily press. The curves already discussed, i. e., those 
which involve logarithmic values, are more significant, 
and are the ones most commonly used. 

Thus far we have skimmed the highlights of sen- 
sitometry as applied to the negative. No considera- 
tion has been given to the subject of the control of the 
positive through sensitometric analysis, nor have we 
space for such a discussion. Hovs&ever, this is a method 
of control which, like the exposure meter, gives us the 
technically correct exposure from which we may depart 
in any direction and to any degree desired for the pro- 
duction of some specific effect. 

We have purposely avoided the more advanced 
mathematics of sensitometry and have limited theoreti- 
cal discussion as far as possible. Sensitometry is a 
complex subject, one which has not been thoroughly 
explored. To treat of it fully would not 'only require 
far more space than we have available, but such a 
discussion would undoubtedly prove unendurably bor- 
ing. However, it is hoped that the treatment of the 
subject as presented will enable you to utilize the 
fundamentals of this branch of photographic science, 
and that it has presented clearly the fundamentals of 
the measurement of negative characteristics. , There 
are two facts so vital to sensitometry that we venture 
to, close this chapter by repeating them. 

Sensitometry is based upon these two funda- 
mentals : 

1. A series of graded exposures of known value. 

2. The accurate measurement of the densities re- 
sulting from this series of known exposures.