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Full text of "Poisonous plants in field and garden"

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M.A., F.L.S., F:G.S., ETC. 




New York: E. & J. B. YOUNG & CO. 



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INTRODUCTION . : ‘ } : ‘ 13 
EXPANSION é ; : ‘ : . 30 
EXPANSION : : : : . 66 



00D ON An ff 


. Field Buttercup (Ranunculus acris) ; a> Seg 
. Vertical section of flower of Strawberry ; 21 
. Vertical section of flower of Peach (petals 

removed) . ; ; : ae 

. Vertical section of flower of Mase : : 22 
. Vertical section of Apple. ; ; cee 
. Vertical section of flower of Currant. ; 22 
. Stamens and pistil of flower of Pea . : ee 
. Traveller’s Joy (Clematis Vitalba) : : COO 
. Celery-leaved Buttercup (Ranunculus sceleratus) . 36 
mere. TZ, 
Boney 3 BR. 
ee a 14. 
Page. <1. 
| 16. 
pei 17. 
= __-17*, Spindle-tree in fruit (Euonymus europaeus) 
18, Buckthorn (Rhamnus catharticus) . SE ee 
-——--19. Yellow Vetchling (Lathyrus Aphaca) . me 
20, Bryony (Bryonia dioica). ; ; 
pee = 21. Fool’s Parsley (Zthusa Cynapium) ee ye 
22. Hemlock icomiven hear Py RW oe tu 

Spear-wort (Ranunculus Flammula) 

Fetid Hellebore (Helleborus fetidus) ; ; 
Aconite (Aconitum Nafpellus) , 
Opium Poppy (Papaver somniferum) 

Celandine (Chelidonium majus) . ; 
Corn-cockle (Agvostemma Githago) ; , 
Wood-sorrel (Oxalis Acetosella) 

Spindle-tree in flower (Euonymus europeus) 

23. Water-Hemlock, or Gowbane (Cicuta virosa) Rr ke. era 

24. Hemlock Water-Dropwort (nanthe crocata) . 95 

| 25. Fine-leaved Dropwort (@. Phellandrium).  — « Wer 

26. Common Water-Dropwort (@. fistulosa) ; ee 
27. Broad Water-Parsnip (Sum latifolium) . SO cee 4. 
28. Dwarf Elder (Sambucus Ebulus) : : oF ec Weeets eeu 
29. Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa) : j e SOS eS 
30. Deadly Nightshade (A¢vopa Belladonna) ; 119 ctl . 
31. Thorn-apple (Datura Stramonium) . . ~ Shae, sas . 
32. Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) . a Wepre soy 5 
33. Great Mullein (Verbascum Thapsus) ‘ BOE 
34. Figwort (Scrophularia nodosa) . 2° > Cgepeee 
35. Yellow Rattle (RAénanthus Cristagilly 2 rote te eres 
36. Sheep’s-sorrel (Rumex Acetosella) : 8 eee 
37. Spurge-laurel (Daphne Laureola) . ‘ as ! =e 
38. Spurge (Euphorbia Helioscopia) . epee Fe Te 3 
39. Caper Spurge (Euphorbia Lathyris) : es ae 
40. Mercury (Mercurialis perennis) . : oe ee as 
41. Yew (Zaxus baccata) F ; ; 5 Sak as 

7 42. Black Bryony ( Zamus communis) : ‘ ae 5 

oh 43. Lords and Ladies (Arum maculatum) 5 = 165, : NS 

44. Four-leaved Paris (Paris guadrifolia) . oa 7B - Meee 

a 45. Colchicum (Colchicum autumnale) . Paes 173, Sets 

46. Darnel (Lolium temulentum) 




Aconite, Monkshood or Wolfsbane 

Almonds, Bitter ; and Prussic Acid . 

Belladonna, or Deadly Nightshade 
Broom ; : 

Buttercups, etc. 

Christmas Rose, or Black eevee 

Colchicum, or Meadow Saffron 


Dropwort, Water 

Elder . 

Ergot, a fungus 

Fool’s Parsley 

Foxglove . 

Fungi . 

Hellebore (Heliebonis: sp.) 
(Veratrum, sp.) . 

Hemlock (Conzum) 

, Water, or Cowbane (Cicuta) ; 
Piachiiie : : 
Laburnum . : , 

Larkspur . 3 ‘ 

Laudanum ‘ : ; 7 : + 8s 
Laurel, Common : ; : ° ° 80 
Laurel, Spurge. ” . ° ° > AS? 
Lobelia : > : . : ; 108 
Lords and Ladies , F ; . . 168 
Meadow Saffron, or Colchicum ; : ; 176 
Mezereon. : . : : ; Pama 
Monkshood, or Aconite : ‘ ‘ ‘ 47 
Morphine ; . ‘ ; ot 5S 
Nightshade, Deadly . - ; : : 322 
Oleander . : 4 : ; : 134, 138 
Opium ; : ; : ; ; 55 
Oxalic Acid ‘ : : ;: P = oe 
Poppy . : : ; - as - 54 
Potash, Binoxalate of . ; ; : Een 
Prickwood, or Spindle-tree . ; a - 69, 138 
Prussic Acid P ; ; : ‘ 5 toe 
Ranunculus Family . . P é : 33 
Savin ; : : : % . 160 
Sorrel, Common (Rumex Acetosa) . . . 64 
, Wood (Oxalis Acetosella) . F -- -64 
Spindle-tree . : : g ; . 69, 138 
Spurge, Common. ‘ : A ‘ - 54 
——, Caper . ° : ‘ 2 =, 154 
Laurel : : 5 : : 147 
Thorn-apple . ° P A ‘ 122 
Toad-stools , ‘ f . .. ae 
Tobacco . : ‘ : : p 133 
Water-Dropwort . ° . ° ° ee: | 
— Hemlock > : 3 ‘ 94 
Wolfsbane, or Aconite  . ‘ ‘ R opal 

Wood-Sorrel . ‘. 
Yew : ; 160 

yj ies eee 


Mr. BLYTH strongly recommends families pos- 
sessing an “Antidote Cupboard” for use in cases 
of emergency. This cupboard may contain— 

(1) The Multiple Antidote, which consists of a 
saturated solution of sulphate of iron 100 parts, 
water 800, magnesia 88, animal charcoal 44 parts. 
It is best to have the animal charcoal and mag- 
nesia mixed together in the dry state, and kept in 
a well-corked bottle; when required for use, the 
saturated solution of sulphate of iron is mixed 
with eight times its bulk of water, and the mixture 

of charcoal and magnesia added with constant 

stirring. The multiple antidote may be given in 

wine-glassful doses, frequently repeated, in cases of _ 
poisoning by arsenic, zinc, opium, foxglove or digi- 

talis, mercury, or strychnine. It is of no use in 

phosphorus poisoning, or in poisoning by the caustic 
alkalies or antimony. 

(2) Calcined magnesia or any bland oil for use 

_ in poisoning by acids. 


(3) French turpentine for ise by phos- 
phorus. | 

(4) Powdered ipecacuanha in awell coreed bottle; 
the bottle containing a small pill-box, which is cut 
down, so that when full it contains thirty grains—. 
the proper dose as an emetic. A similar small 
supply of sulphate of zinc may also be provided. 

(5) A tin of mustard for emetics ; and sulphate 
of zinc tablets. 

(6) A bottle of vinegar, in cases of poison by 
alkalies, such as caustic soda. 

If then, provided with such a supply, any mem- 
ber is known to have taken poison, and yet the 
precise poison is not known, give a sulphate of 
gine or tpecacuanha emetic, and follow it up by the 
multiple antidote, which is in itself not poisonous. 

In adding the remedies suggested by eminent 
medical men, I have quoted such, as a rule, as 
can be applied at once ; but I have omitted what 
can only be left to the ‘wees man, who should 
be called in as soon as possible when any ietba 
poisoning has occurred. 


c THE number of children who are made more 
or less ill by eating berries and leaves, etc., which 
they find in the hedges, is undoubtedly very con- - 
-siderable every year; but the number of /ata/ 
results is probably very small. There is no doubt 
that .mishaps might be considerably reduced if 
our country clergy, school-masters, and school- 
mistresses, knew something about wild flowers, 
9 and could distinguish between poisonous and 
QQ. harmless plants. 
—..Itis the object of this book to enumerate and 
em describe such of our common wild plants, as well 
= as some frequently cultivated, which are at all 
Ss likely to prove harmful to our little ones; who are 
_ only too apt to put everything which appears — 
4 3 attractive into their mouths, 

eS ee ee 


In describing plants as “ poisonous,” it must be 

borne in mind that the word “ poison” is a purely 
relative term; and if it seem to convey the idea of 
“deadliness,” such is, as a rule, only applicable to 
it in its more concentrated form as prepared by 
chemists. Thus, e.g. children have been made ill 
by eating too many leaves of the common sorrel, 
which is perfectly harmless as a salad plant; but 
the pleasant acidity is due to the presence of 
binoxalate of potash; which, when sold as “salts 
of lemon” for taking out ink-stains, is a dangerous 
substance. | 

The following is the definition of a Poison as 
given by Mr. Alexander Wynter Blyth:—“A 
substance of definite chemical composition, whether 
mineral or organic, may be called a poison, if it is 
capable of being taken into any living organism, 

and causes, by its own inherent chemical nature, 
_ impairment or destruction of function.” 

The late Dr. B. W. Richardson observed that 
poisons are not always so bad as they are made out 
to be, bad as they are; and he quoted a saying 

from our great national dramatist, Shakespeare :— — 

“There is a soul of goodness in things evil, 
Would man observingly distil it out.” 

Thus a large number of substances, which are very 
poisonous if taken in any quantity, become valuable 
medicines in the hands of-skilful practitioners. 


oe ee 


The various authorities, from whose works I 

_have mainly compiled the present volume on British 

and cultivated Garden poisonous plants, are as 
follows: Mr. Alexander Wynter Blyth’s Old and 
Modern Poison Lore, and his Potsons, their Effects 
and Detection (1895); M. Ch. Cornevin’s work 
entitled Des Plantes vénéneuses (this contains all 
of our harmful English plants, as well as those 
of the Continent); Dr. Tanner’s Memoranda on 

-Potsons (1862); Dr. R. Hogg’s Vegetable Kingdom 

(1858) ; and Mr. Johnson’s Brztzsh Poisonous Plants 

It is not merely children who should be warned 
against putting anything they find growing wild 
into their mouths ; even adults are apt to make the 

most stupid mistakes. Thus the garden Aconite, 

which no one can mistake when in flower, having 
long been in cultivation in cottage gardens, has 

been the cause of the death of whole families ; 

because, in the limited space at the disposal of the 

_1 As it was inconvenient to give repeated references in 
almost every paragraph, I here express my indebtedness, 

_ generally, to the authors mentioned, from whom I have 

= borrowed freely, often quoting verbatim. 

_ The illustrations are mainly from Bentham’s Handbook of 

_. the British Flora: two, that of the Buttercup and Fool’s 

Parsley, from my own book, How to Study Wild Flowers 

__ _(R.T.S.), to which I would refer the reader for a more com- 

5 plete knowledge of the structure of our principal wild flowers 
__ than can be given in this Introduction. 

cede a pee 
0 Ol ae ae 



cottager, a little horse-radish is also grown. In 
winter he digs up a root and poisons his family, 
having supplied them with Aconite by mistake, Or 
again, they collect the thick roots of the Water- 
Hemlock, or other harmful plant, as a substitute 
for parsnips ; or the leaves of the Fool’s Parsley for 
those of the true one, etc. Such mistakes are often 
made with painful results to the consumer, even if 
they be not fatal. 

These and such-like are the cases one would 
wish to prevent in future ; if only those who could 
do so would impart the knowledge to our country 
children ; as the late Rev. Prof. J. S. Henslow did, 
to the village children of Hitcham, Suffolk, more 
than forty years ago.t 


IN order to be able to recognize poisonous 
herbs, shrubs, or trees, some little knowledge of the 
structure of flowers and fruits is necessary ; so I 

1 It would be greatly to their advantage educationally, as 
well as useful, if the subject of Botany were generally intro- 
duced into our schools, on the plan adopted by my father. 
Then, besides a general collection of all the wild flowers of 
the district, one of the poisonous fruits and seeds for com- — 
parison would be invaluable. But it requires some little 
enthusiasm on the part of the incumbent as well as of the 
school-master. . 




propose giving a general description, that the 
reader may be able to understand and recognize 
flowers by the peculiarities of their several parts. 
Let us take some common flower as a butter- 
cup, and dissect it. If the reader can procure a 
living specimen, it is desirable todo so; but if not, 

Fig. x. Ranunculus acris; Field Buttercup. 

ee (Pig: 1). 

The flower consists of four floral Whorls. The 
two outermost are called the Calyx, of five free 
sepals ; and the Corolla, of five free fetals, each of 
which has a little honey-gland at the base. 
The third whorl consists of numerous Stamens, 
ame ton Se ; B 


each of which is composed of a stalk or filament 

carrying the yellow anther at the top (Figs. 1 ; 2and 
2*), This consists of two cells, united back to 
back by the continuation of the filament, called the 
connective (shown in Fig. 2). The cells split down the 
edges and liberate the fol/en, a kind of dust 
consisting of yellow spherical grains. 

If the stamens be removed, a small slopitae 
structure will be seen left behind. This is the Pzs¢z/, 
which consists of numerous free carfels, making 
the fourth whorl (Figs. 3 and 6). 

We will now refer to the illustration for more 
special details. 

This represents the flowering top of our common 
field buttercup (Ranunculus acris), called acris by 
Linnzus because of its very acrid juice. The leaves 

spring up from the ground and have their blades” 

deeply cleft into about five sharp-pointed “seg- 
ments ”; and then, these are again cleft. The flower- 

stalk is smooth and round (not fluted as in the- 
bulbous buttercup, which flowers rather earlier 

than the field buttercup). 

Examining a flower, it will be seen that the 

_ sepals spread out under the petals (4); (a) repre- 

sents little bracts. These are rudimentary blades 

of leaves reduced to one or a few segments only. 

The petal (Fig. 1) shows the minute notched 
flap in front of a honey-pit. Fig. 2* is a stamen 
puawing an anther just beginning to burst ae . | 



Fern e 

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the right-hand edge. Fig. 2 is another stamen 
with both of the anther-cells open to shed the 
pollen. Fig. 3 is a flower in which the carpels are 
beginning to ripen, and from which the sepals, 
petals, and most of the stamens have fallen off. 
The floral receptacle is the enlarged, somewhat 
globular support for the parts of the flower. Fig. 4 
is a carpel, (a) being the ovary, (0) the style, and 
(c) the stigma. Fig. 5 is the same cut vertically 
showing the ovule at the base of the ovary. This 
becomes the seed and then fills the ovary-cell 
completely, as shown in Fig. 8. 

Fig. 6, the carpels are now ripe, making a head 
of achenes. Fig. 7 is one of them separated, and 
Fig. 8 is a section showing the seed cleft in half, 
and filling the entire chamber of the pericarp as the 

_ ripened carpel is now called. Its minute embryo 
is seen at the base embedded in exdosperm (flour, 
in wheat). Figs. 9 and Io are two views of the 

We must now briefly consider ie uses of these 

parts of a flower, 

i The calyx protects the rest of the flower when 

__- undeveloped in the bud. . 
bce The corolla attracts insects, which come for 

2 honey or pollen, by its bright colour. 
The stamens shed the fertilizing pollen on to- 
ss bees, etc, or else on to the stigma. In the 
former case, it is conveyed to other flowers of the 


same kind; in the latter the carpels become 
fertilized at once. 

For, as soon as a pollen-grain has fallen upon 
a stigma, it sends down a little tube into the 
ovary, and then into the ovule, by means of a 
little hole prepared to receive it. A fertilizing 
matter called the sperm-cell then unites with the 
germ-cell within the ovule, and the result is finally 
an embryo with or without endosperm; which is 
reserve food-material, upon which the embryo 

lives when it germinates until it has provided © 

itself with true roots and green leaves. 

As soon as the carpels have been fertilized, 
the sepals, petals, and stamens wither and fall off. 
The former now enlargeuntil theyare fully matured, 
turn brown and then fall off. Each little carpel 
has now become an achene or fruit; while its 
ovule has developed into a seed. In this case the 
ovary of the carpel dries up and is called as stated 
the fericarp, and remains tightly investing the 
seed within it. 

The next point to notice is the behaviour of 
the flower-stalk. This is called the Peduncle if 
it carries a single flower, as of a tulip, or a head 

of flowers or rather “ florets” as they are diminutive 
in size, as of a daisy or dandelion. But, if each 

flower is borne on its own little stalk arising from 

the peduncle, such is called the Pedicel, as in a_ 
bunch of currants or the Lily of the Miss. tnd 

the form of a cup round the 
pistil. This is the case with fig 3. vert. sec, of flower of 
} Peach. 


either case the terminal part which carries all the 
parts of the flower is enlarged into what is 
called the Floral Receptacle. In the raspberry it 
forms a cone up the middle of the fruit and in 
the strawberry it is enormously enlarged and forms 
the edible structure. 

But, besides the terminal enlarged part, it may 
spread out more or less horizontally and form a 
ring round the base of the 
flower. Such occurs in 
the raspberry and straw- 
berry (Fig. 2), when it 
constitutes alittletrough. 
The outer edge now 
carries the sepals, petals, 
and stamens to a little 
distance away from the pistil which alone remains 
on the central support, as shown in the figure. 

The use of this lateral expansion is the formation 
of the honey-secreting surface. | 

Yet a further growth may 
take place. The outer rim 
which carries the sepals, petals, 
and stamens may grow up into 

Fig. 2. Vert. sec. of flower of Strawberry. 

the almond, cherry or peach 

~ (Fig. 3), and rose (Fig. 4). In the first three 
named, there is only one carpel which becomes 


the fruit; but in the rose, the cup or “hep” is full 
of free carpels which can be picked out of this 
“receptacular tube,” as it is called ; 
as may be seen in Fig. 4. 

Yet one more condition may 
exist. In the preceding cases the 
carpels can be removed and the 
cup will be left behind. But, in 
the case of the pear, apple (Fig. 5), 
gooseberry, currant (Fig. 6), etc., 

adhesion to the carpels within it, 

ig.4. Vert. sec. of so that it cannot now be separated. 
ower of Rose 4 

Thus in the apple the carpels 

form the “core”; but the edible portion is mainly 

“ flower-stalk,” ze. the adherent receptacular tube. 

Fig. 5. Vert. sec. of Apple. Fig. 6. Vert. sec. of fower of Currant. 

As the flower Jooks as if it grew on the top of 
the ovary, this Jatter is said to be “inferior,” 2, 2. cee 

“below” the flower. 

the receptacular tube has grown in | 


“Inferior” fruits can generally be recognized 
by having the withered sepals and stamens on the 
top, as shown in Fig. 5; while the petals fall off. 
This will be recalled in the case of the gooseberry 
and currant, apples, pears, etc. 

Cucumbers and melons, and the scarlet berry 
of the Bryony, however, are also inferior fruits ; 
but with them the whole of the flower articulates, 
leaving a clean scar on the top of the inferior ovary. 

We must now notice another modification in 
flowers, and that is 
the coheston which may 
take place between the 
parts of the whorls. 
In buttercups, every- , 
thing is free ; but in Fig. 7. Stamens of Pea ; nine coherent, 
the primrose, the five es 
sepals are joined together; so are the five petals 
into a tube; and the globular ovary consists of 
five coherent carpels. | 

In the Pea family the stamens are united by 
their filaments making a complete tube in Laburnum 
and Broom ; but with one of the ten stamens free 
in most athets of this family (Fig. 7), in order to 
allow insects to get at the honey. secreted within 
the tube; z.e. by the receptacle round the base of 

the single carpel, the stigma of which protrudes. - 

-Carpels, if two or more in number, are generally 

united. Thus there are two in Thorn-apple (Fig. 31) 


and Hemlock (Fig. 22), several in the Poppy-head 
(Fig. 13). 

The number of parts in the whorls may vary 
from two to six, being rarely more unless the 
flower be “double.” Fours and fives prevail in 
Dicotyledons and threes in Monocotyledons ; 
these being the two great classes which contain 
all flowering plants. 

Lastly, any whorl may be regular or ‘erage 
z.€. if the parts be all exactly alike, or with some 
of them unlike. Thus in a Buttercup (Fig. 1) and 
Primrose every whorl is regular ; but in the Lark- 
spur and Aconite (Fig. 12) the sepals are irregular, 
and in all members of the Foxglove family as well 
as that of the Labiates—not referred to in this 
book as they contain no poisonous plant—the 
corolla is irregular, as seen in the common Dead- 
nettle and Sage. 


BEFORE discussing individual poisonous plants, 
we must consider on what principles they are 
arranged ; to do this we can follow the lines of 
historical botany; for, at first, as a general rule, 
every plant was known by a single name; but it 
was early observed that in many cases there were 
obviously plants so much alike that they all had 
to be called by the same name; but, at the same 


time, there were as obviously certain differences, 
so that a second name was given to each. Thus 
a medical botanist who wrote in the tenth century 
(and others before him) speaks of <Aréstolochia 
clematis, A. longa, and A. rotunda, the two latter. 
terms referring to the shape of the root. Another 
writer in the fifteenth century says of 77¢zmallus 
(which we now call Euphorbia), there are many 
“ species.” 

As more and more plants came to be studied 
for their real or supposed medicinal virtues, more 
words were required to distinguish certain plants, 
till their titles became most cumbersome. 

It was Linnzus who, in the eighteenth century, 
based his system of classification by fixing fzwo 
names to every plant; the first being the “ generic ” 
name, the second the “ specific.” 

He made use of the old names, sometimes retain- 
ing them as the gezus, as Senecto (the groundsel), 
and adding vulgaris, because it isso common. In 
other cases he used the old name as the species. 
When this was the case, it is spelt with an initial 
capital letter, as Ranunculus Flammulaand Solanum 
Dulcamara. To other species, which had no special 

names, Linnzus supplied them, as Ranunculus — 

bulbosus and R. repens (from the forms of the 
stems), 2. acrzs (from its acridity), and R. ees 
(from its living in water), etc. 

When it was found that many plants, highs no 

ale ae — ae ah Nt eS ee 
$ . a= ee : a 
: - » Ps = 


one would call buttercups, had yet a very close 
similarity to them in the structure of their flowers 
—as Anemones, which agree with buttercups in 
having many stamens and many carpels; but the 
corolla is wanting, and the calyx is coloured or 
white—then this formed a genus side by side with 
Ranunculus, containing several species also. 

So botanists grouped together a number of 
genera, all more or less agreeing with buttercups, 
yet at the same time possessing differences which 
prevent their being entitled to be called such. 

Collectively, the gezera constitute a Family, or 
as Botanists call it a “ Natural Order.” 

Botanists next proceed to arrange the families 
in a certain sequence, in accordance with the 
various points of structure already explained, as 
follows :— : 

First—All families with /vee petals and xo 
lateral expansion of the floral receptacle, or recep- 
tacular tube. 

Second.—All families with free petals, but pos- 
sessing a receptacular expansion or tube of some 
form or other. 

Third.—All families with coherent petals. 
Fourth.—Pliants having incomplete flowers, z. ¢. 
having, as a rule, no petals at all. Me 

Then follows a group which is only represented 
in the British Isles by three trees or shrubs—the 
Scotch Fir, the common Juniper, and the Yew. 


Their peculiarity is that they have only stamens 

and ovules. There is no calyx or corolla, and xo 

pisti ; so that the ovules are naked. Hence the 
group is called Gymnosperms. 

All the preceding constitute the class Dzcotyledons. 

There remain three more groups of Families. 

First.—All plants with a perzanth instead of a 
calyx and corolla. This word is used because the 
parts of these two whorls are more or less alike 
and “ petaloid,” ze. of the nature and appearance 
of petals. These form two groups, viz.i—Those 
with an zzferior ovary, and, therefore, a superior 
perianth, as the Daffodil; those with a superior 
ovary, and, therefore, an zzferzor perianth, as the 

Lastly come those families which have their 

stamens and pistil protected by chaff-scales called 
“glumes.” Such are the Sedges and Grasses, 
The only one alluded to in this book is a grass 
occurring in cornfields, called the Darnel. 

All the preceding are included under the class 

The two classes derive their names from the 

fact that the embryo in the seed of dicotyledons 
has two seed-leaves or cotyledons, and that of 
monocotyledons has only one. 

Everybody is familiar with almonds, beans, 
peas, and acorns, which readily separate into two 

halves, but are united to a little bud at one side 

¥ th 


or edge. They are represented in the tiny embryo 
of the Buttercup (Figs. 1; 9, 10; p.17). When 
such seeds germinate, the two cotyledons often 
come above ground and turn green, as in mustard 
and cress. 

In germinating onions, a single leaf comes up at 
first. This is the one cotyledon, as they belong 
to the Lily family, which is a monocotyledonous 

These two Classes, are, however, known by a 
collection of characters, and not only by their 

Thus, when a seed germinates, as of a carrot or 
parsnip, it develops an axial or tap-root, if it bea 
dicotyledon. In monocotyledons this is always 
arrested and secondary roots issue from the stem. 

Again, the stem of a dicotyledon, if woody, has 
concentric cylinders of wood, one being formed 
every year ; so they appear as rings in a transverse 
section of any of our timber-trees or shrubs, which 
thus reveal the age of the tree. 

In a monocotyledon the wood is broken up into 
isolated cords running anywhere through a mass 
of soft tissue. Such is easily observed in a stick 
of asparagus. 

The leaves of all our trees and shrubs have 
a reticulated “venation”; ze. the woody frame- 
work upon which the green tissue is spread out 
forms a sort of network. 


In monocotyledons, as seen in a blade of grass 
if held up to the light, the cords run parallel to 
one another, from end to end. 

In the flowers, the parts of the whorls are 
usually multiples of 2 and 5 in dicotyledons, and 
of 3 in monocotyledons. 

The above distinctions are not without excep- 
tions. Thus the leaves of Lords and Ladies (Arum 
maculatum (Fig. 43), and of Paris (Fig. 44), though 
belonging to the monocotyledons, have net-veined 

The stem of the Butcher’s Broom (Ruscus acu- 
leatus) is woody, but the structure is that of a 
monocotyledonous stem, since it belonzs to the 
Lily family, as does also Paris. 

Lastly, the Lesser Celandine( Ranunculus Ficaria) 
has only one cotyledon. 

The Water-crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis) has 
the tap-root generally arrested, as is the universal 
rule in monocotyledons, though the genus Ranun- 

culus is a dicotyledon. 




BUTTERCUP FAMILY (Ranunculacee).—T he com-_ 

monest plants of this family are Travellers Joy, 
Wood Anemone, Buttercups, Water-crowfoot, Marsh 

Marigold, Hellebores, Columbine, Winter Aconite, 

Larkspur, and Aconite.t 

A poisonous acrid and narcotic principle prevails — 

in varying degrees in all the members of this family, 
The Water-crowfoot (Ranunculus aquatilis) appears 

1 Rarer wild plants, and some cultivated, are the follow- 
ing :—Meadow-rue, Pasque-flower (A emone), Pheasant’s-eye, 
Mouse-tail, Globe-flower, Bane-berry(Ac/@a), Peony, Love-in- 

~ a-mist, and Christmas-rose (//e//eborus). The chief characters 
of the flowers are to have every part of them perfectly 
Sree, with many stamens, and either many carpels ripening 
into seed-like “achenes,” or a few only, becoming pods or 

* follicles.” 


however to be free from it; or it is so attenuated 
that the plant is collected from the rivers and 
given to horses and cattle in some parts of the 
midland counties. 

The principle is volatile, so that it is easily de- 
stroyed by drying, or boiling, and even pickling, 
as vinegar renders the plant harmless. The roots 
as a rule are the most energetic ; but even the 
petals of buttercups, and especially of the Acon- 

ite, are deleterious if put into the mouth and 

a ok Wes, 
= § Pes eck 
. rm 5 
a: e f 

masticated. 3 
The members of this Order most likely to cause 

_ trouble are the following :— 


(Clematis Vitalba).—The first English name was 

given to it by Gerard in 1597. He thus writes in 

his Herball :—* It is called commonly Viorna quasi 

vias ornans, of decking and adorning waies and 
hedges, where people trauell, and thereupon I haue 
named it the Trauveilers Ioie.” The second name 
is given to it because of its white, wool-like mass 

of feathery achenes when ripe in autumn (see 

Fig. 8). 

The plant has compound leaves of two pairs, 
and one single leaflet as shown in the figure. Their 
stalks are extremely sensitive to touch; so that 
they twine round anything they happen to meet 
and support the plant. 

The flower has four sepals, no oe doe 


stamens, and many carpels, the styles of which 
elongate and are hairy in fruit. 

aK GS 


Fig. 8. Clematis Vitalba; Traveller’s Joy. 

It has all its parts poisonous. Tramps some- 


times raise sores on their arms by means of the 
juice of this plant rubbed into scratches, as well as 
that of some species of Ranunculus, in order to 
excite commiseration. The juice is, as in all other 
species, acrid and narcotic, but the poison is readily 
dissipated by heat. If the fresh leaves be chewed, 
there will be felt in the mouth a sensation of heat 
and smarting, and the tongue will be covered with 
small vesicles, which turn to ulcers. If swallowed, 
the juice or extract produces all the symptoms of 
poisoning by the acrid poisons. In early spring 
before it is much developed, asses and goats have 
eaten the young shoots with impunity. They are 
also eaten pickled in vinegar in some countries ; 
taken internally in a more harmful quantity, they 
act asa diuretic, and are violently purgative, produc- 
ing dysentery, and can in rare cases cause death.! 
ANEMONE (Axemone, sp.).—Only two species 
represent this genus in England. 
PASQUE-FLOWER (Azemone Pulsatilla).—This 
has a thick and somewhat woody rootstock, from 
which much-dissected leaves arise, covered with 
silky hairs, more especially when young. The 
1 The best antidotes, as given by Dr. Brunton, are first 
endeavouring to empty the stomach by means of emetics ; 
_then the use of spirits, or ammonia, and warmth. Other 

remedies, as Digitalis and Atropine, must be left to the 
physician. The preceding apply to Aconite-poisoning ; but 

arf ead “ 

- ~- - . 


flower is borne on a peduncle, five to eight inches — 

in length, carrying an involucre of three sessile, 
deeply-cut bracts. The flowers have six sepals of 
a dull violet-purple colour, very silky externally ; 
the carpels when ripe have their styles converted 
into long feathery tails, like those of the Traveller's 
Joy (Clematis Vitalba). 

WOOD-ANEMONE (A. xemorosa)—This has a 
long, creeping rootstock. The involucre consists of 
three complete leaves. The flower has six white or 
rosy-coloured sepals; the carpels become tailless 
achenes like those of the buttercup. 

All species are harmful, and several are culti- 
vated, such as A. coronaria and A. hortensis from 

South Europe, A. japonica from Japan, etc. The: 

leaves and sepals, etc., should not be put into the 
mouth. The toxic principle has been extracted 
from three species: the two here described, and 
one foreign one. No fatal results have been recorded. 

A foreign species (A. ranunculoides) is used in 

Kamtschatka for poisoning arrows. 

In France, swelling and blistering of the hands 
has resulted from using the juice as a stimulant to 
ulcerations, etc. 

Cattle have been poisoned by their eating the : 
Wood-anemone in the fresh state, after having been 

underfed and kept on dry food during the winter ; 

when they become less discriminating and he = 

to eat any fresh green food. 

~BUTTERCUP (Ranunculus, sp.1)—The deleterious 
principle is common to nearly all kinds of Ranun- 
culus, and varies very much in strength; the most 
acrid are FR. dbulbosus, R. acris, R. sceleratus, R. 
Flammula, R. auricomus, R. arvensis, and a foreign 
species, 2. ¢hora. 

The Water-crowfoot and its numerous varieties 
or species, according to different botanists, appear 
to be the least harmful, as cattle eat it with 
impunity ; in the neighbourhood of Kingswood, 
on the borders of the Avon, cottagers used to 
support their cattle almost entirely on this species 
of Crowfoot. It is said that one man kept four 
cows and one horse so much upon it that they 
had not consumed more than half a ton of hay 
throughout the whole year. They collected a 
quantity every morning and brought it in a boat 
to the edge of the water, where the cows ate it 
with great avidity. 

It is no doubt due to being submerged that the 
deleterious property is not produced in this species. 


Fig. 9).—This is an annual plant common in 
_ ditches; varying in height from a few inches to — 

several feet.2 

1 For description of the Buttercup (A. acrzs) see the Intro- 


-? I collected a tiny variety, about two inches in height, on 

ie ground occasionally flooded, close to the Great Pyramid. 



It has smooth divided leaves and very small 
flowers, and small oblong masses of minute achenes 
(Fig. 9). It was formerly used medicinally ; but 
as accidents happened, it has been discarded by 
modern practitioners. The juice acts as an irritant 
-on the skin. As heat dispels the poison, the poor 
have been known to eat the young shoots when 
boiled. The leaves, as of several of the Umbellifers 

Fig. 9. Ranunculus sceleratus ; Celery-leaved Ranunculus. 

which resemble parsley or celery, have been eaten 
as such with harmful results. Cattle have even 
died in consequence of the species having been 
mixed up in miscellaneous herbage as fodder. 
BUTTERCUP (X. acris, Fig. 1), so named by Linnzeus 
for its acridity, are equally common in meadows; 
the former flowering first, and then followed bythe 
latter. ae 


These Common Buttercups have very powerful 
and acrid properties; and their fruzts, when green, 
appear to be the parts in which this acridity is 
most intense. 

Taken internally, the juice or extract of R. acris 
causes an intense inflammation of the digestive 
organs ; and if the quantity has been considerable 
it acts as a true acrid poison, followed by very 
serious results, and it may be, even death. 

A slice of the corm of R. dulbosus is used as a 
popular remedy for toothache. It is most charged 
with acridity when the plant is full-grown, before 
being cut down for hay. As drying dissipates the 
deleterious principle, although horses and cows 
never touch buttercups in full leaf or in flower, yet 
they eat them when dried in hay without any injuri- 
ous result. They, in fact, then form nourishing food. 

Though the Field Buttercups have an acrid juice 
which sometimes irritates the hands, if the juicy, 
bruised stems be grasped too strongly, especially 
in hot weather, yet it is those which frequent 
marshes, or the margins of ponds and ditches, which 
are more deleterious. It is rarely that any one 
has been poisoned ; but a medical man records the 
fact of a young lady aged fifteen, who, after having 
chewed the stems and flowers of the bulbous butter- 

cup, and sucked the juice, suffered severely for 

over a week, exhibiting all the symptoms of acrid 

poisoning and delirium, 


Another curious case occurred in America. 
Specimens of the Field Buttercup (2. acris) had 
been preserved in spirits of wine for more than a 
year. They were subsequently given to a class of 
students in the University of Pennsylvania. A 
day or two afterwards an intense itching sensation 
was felt by all who handled them ; while the skin 
between the fingers became red and covered with 
minute pustules. The acrid juice had evidently 
been extracted ; and when the alcohol had evapor- 
ated, it was left on the hands. 

The petals as well as the half-ripe green fruits 
appear to be the most acrid ; so that children who 
persist in putting everything into their mouths 
should be warned. If the fresh-bruised leaves be 
applied to the skin, a more or less active inflam- 
mation will follow, forming a true blister. Recourse — 
was formerly had to this method in Norway 
and Scotland, where true cantharides was not 
procurable. : 

SPEAR-WoORT (R. Flammula, Fig. 10)—This is — 
a common species in wet places, often growing 
actually in the water. It has long, narrow, and 
pointed leaves with a toothed margin. Itis a very 
acrid species, 

The attention of farmers should be called to -. : 

this species of Ranunculus, because it has re- 
peatedly killed horses and cows which have eaten _ 

it, as it is often very abundant in boggy ‘parts of - = ‘ 


‘meadows. Such mishaps occurred, for example, 
in the village of Gamlingay in Cambridgeshire. It 

Fig. ro, Ranunculus Flammula ; Spear-wort. 

is easily recognized as having a flower like that of 
acommon buttercup, only smaller, being about half- 
an-inch in diameter when fully expanded. More- 
_ over its foliage is very different from that of any 
field buttercup. 
LESSER CELANDINE (R. Ficaria).—This species 
differs from other buttercups in having heart-shaped, 

- smooth leaves, a corolla of several (about seven or ~ 

eight) petals and only three sepals. It is a familiar 
plant, flowering in early spring. It is scarcely 
‘poisonous when young, for in Germany the roots 
are eaten as a salad; but later it becomes so. 
Heifers have been poisoned by it. 

- It is to be noted that the strength of the acrid 

principle varies according to locality and season, — 

FO ED re pe ee gaen = fe 
_ a We ~~ 


Thus early in spring it is scarcely developed, 
but increases with the growth of the plant, and is 
strongest at the period of flowering, decreasing 

It is said that wood-pigeons eat the club-shaped 
roots with great avidity, and its growth is some- 

times encouraged in the vicinity of gardens to 

prevent their depredations in winter. 

MARSH MARIGOLD (Caltha palustris) isa familiar 
plant, with round leaves, and large, golden-coloured 
flowers. It has really no corolla, for the calyx has 
become coloured in lieu of it. There are numerous 
stamens and many carpels. Unlike buttercups, 
these are many-ovuled and become pod-like “ fol- 
licles,” distinguishable from pea-pods or ‘‘ legumes” 
by bursting down one edge only ; whereas a legume 
breaks into two valves. 

It resembles the buttercups in its noxious prin- 
ciple; as with them its acridity increases with age. 
All animals refuse it, and they have only suffered 
when the plant has been carelessly mixed with 

It is stated that kine have eaten the Marsh 
Marigold, and died from the inflammation caused 
by it. In some parts of Germany the young buds 
are pickled like capers. 

A species of Caltha in Nepal is used for poison- 
ing darts; also for poisoning wells to stop the 
invasion of enemies, — 



A curious case is recorded of a large quantity of 
the flowers of this plant being in a room with a 
girl subject to fits, and that the gaseous exhalation 
caused these to cease. This, however, seems to 
need confirmation. 

HELLEBORE (Hedeborus, sp.)—The two British 

Fig. rr. Helleborus foetidus; Fetid Hellebore. 

species, the Green and the Fetid! (77. vzrzdzs and 
H. fetidus, Fig. 11), are found sparingly in several 
counties. The leaves have long stalks with a 
divided blade and toothed segments, The flowers 
have a green calyx of five large sepals, spreading 
‘in the Green, but erect and overlapping one another _ 

1 This species is also called Bear’s-foot, Setterwort and _ 
_ Helleboraster, ne 


in the Fetid Hellebore. The corolla is wanting, 
but represented by a number of little honey-tubes. 
There are many stamens and about three carpels, 
which become pod-like follicles when ripe. | 
Both of our native species are powerfully cathartic, - 
and so acquired an early reputation as remedies 
for certain complaints. Irregular practitioners 
have employed them with fatal results, issuing 
from violent internal inflammation. Thus a child 
died after taking two dessert-spoonfuls of the 
infusion of the Fetid Hellebore. 
Several cases are known of adults having been 
poisoned by taking it as a cathartic medicine. 
Besides human beings, cows have died from 
eating the trimmings of the Fetid Hellebore mixed 
with other herbage when thrown out from a shrub- 
bery into the field where they were. 
CHRISTMAS-ROSE (//. wzger) has long been 
cultivated asa garden plant, and was formerly used 
medicinally; but it has been discarded from the 
Pharmacopceia as too uncertain and dangerous in 
its action. Human beings have only been injured — 
by the ill-advised and careless use of the plant __ 
as a drug, especially by unqualified practitioners. 
The roots are said to possess the greatest activity; 
but the leaves are also poisonous when used in the 
form of aninfusion. Half-a-drachm of the aqueous 83 
extract killed a man aged fifty ineight hours. 
Numerous other cases besides the above, taken 


from Dr. Taylor’s work, are recorded; so that 
since the green part of the Hellebores are very 
dangerous, neither they, nor the flowers, which are 

also green, should ever be put into the mouth.! 
ACONITE (Aconitum Napellus, Fig. 12)—The 
_ Aconite has deeply divided leaves with tall spikes 

Fig. 12. Aconitum Napellus; Aconite. 

oR of deep blue to white flowers in cultivation, easily ota 
3 . recognizable by one sepal of the blue calyx being i 
in the form of a hood. The two petals are like 
__ crosiers, and converted into nectaries. The numerous 

: 1 Dr. Tanner recommends for poisoning by Hellebore, 
e  emetics, purgatives, and stimulants, as the best means to 

_ prevent fatal results from these as well as from many other 
vegetable poisons. | 5 : 

* - 


stamens are pendulous at first, but rise up in succes- 
sion, placing the anther forward, so that when 
visited by humble-bees they readily get dusted 
with pollen. 

The root is spindle-shaped—pale-coloured whe 
young, but acquiring a dark brown skin subse- 

It was well known to the ancients as deadly 
poisonous, and was fabled as the invention of 
Hecate from the foam of Cerberus. It was the 
poison used in the island of Ceos, where all who 
were of no use to the State were poisoned. Old ~ 
men were thus disposed of. 

As all parts of the plant are deleterious, it is 
most important to caution people from chewing 
either the leaves or flowers, as a sensation of 
numbness will be felt in the mouth for some hours. 
If a larger quantity than will only cause this be 
taken internally, great burning will be occasioned, © 
followed by tremors. 

The taste is bitter, though at first rather sweet, 
followed soon by a burning sensation, accompanied | 
by great salivation. So acrid is the poison, that 
the juice applied to a wounded finger affected the 
whole system: not only causing pains in the limbs, fe: 
but a sense of suffocation and syncope. -: 

Linnzus says that the Aconite is fatal to kine 
and goats when they eat it fresh; but that when 
dried it does no harm to horses, In this respect it 


agrees with buttercups. He relates in the Stock- 
holm Acts that an ignorant surgeon having pre- 
scribed the leaves, on his patient refusing to take 
them, took a dose himself, and died in consequence. 

It is curious that a similar occurrence has been 
recorded, of a person who, having eaten some leaves 
of Aconite, became maniacal; and when a surgeon 
was called in, he denied that the plant was the 
cause of his. delirium; so he ate freely of the 
leaves himself, and exhibited also all the symptoms 
of mania. 

Aconite poisoning of wells by a virulent Indian 
species (A. fervor) has been carried out by native 
Indians to stop the progress of,an army, as in the 
case of the Nepal war ; but it was discovered in time. 
They also use it for poisoning spears, darts, and 
arrows, and for destroying tigers; two and a half 
grains of the extract are sufficient to kill a strong 

Besides the root, the leaves have been eaten as a 
salad with fatal results. 

The whole plant is so dangerous that cottagers 
who have but a limited space for their vegetables 
and flowers should be advised never to grow it ; or 
if they have it, to eject at once and burn any plants 
of Aconite there may be. 

All children should be eet warned against 

the Aconite, when .in gardens; and told never to” 

pat put bits of leaves or petals in their mouths. 


Though cultivation somewhat reduces the 
noxious properties, it does so to so slight a degree 
that many families have been poisoned by eating 

the root in mistake for horse-radish. It is difficult 

to conceive how the mistake arose at first ; but it 

has been suggested that after scraping a root of. 

horse-radish to a point, it has been replaced in the 
ground ; since having a crown-bud at the top, it 
would grow again. Subsequently a root of aconite 
was presumably taken up, under the impression it 

was the former scraped root, which had acquired a» 

similar pointed shape. 

At all events, the Aconite should never be grown — 

among kitchen herbs of any sort, even if it be 
planted for its flowers in a herbaceous border. 

4 conite has a root which is (1) conzeal and taper- 
ing toa point. (2) It is externally of an earthy- 
Srown colour ; (3) white internally, and of an (4) 
earthy smell, It has at first (5) a bitter taste; but 
soon afterwards (6) it leaves a disagreeable tingling 
and numbness. | ) 

Florse-radish root is (1) long, cylindrical, or 
nearly so, and of the same thickness for many 
inches. (2) It is externally whztish-yellow ; (3) 
and also internally; but it has a (4) pungent 
odour when scraped. Its taste is (5) sometimes 

bitter ; but it produces an (6) immediate pungent 


It is difficult to understand how the root of oe 

Re, RS Se a ee LE a AE ee Ne eee 
eh acne es ate, ean ‘ Rae Niet = 



Aconite could be taken for that of Horse-radish, if 
even the slightest attention had been paid to the 

root when dug up. But this was precisely what 
was wanting. 

COLUMBINE (Aguzlegia vulgaris).—This has true 
compound leaves. The segments of a divided leaf 
when perfectly free from each other, give rise to a 
compound leaf. Such is the casein the Traveller’s 
Joy and the Columbine. The flowers have five ‘ 
coloured sepals and five petals, each being prolonged 
into a*honey-secreting spur. It has numerous 
stamens, and five carpels which become many- 
seeded follicles. 

The name is derived from Coluimba, a dove ; for 

_ the flower has some resemblance to five little : 
birds putting their beaks together, the sepals 
forming the wings. 

Like the Aconite, this is not common wild; but 

1 The following are Dr. Tanner’s remedies for poisoning 
by Aconzte :—In addition to emetics, castor-oil, and animal ; 
charcoal, benefit may be derived from administering strong wae 
coffee. Brandy or ammonia should also be given, while : 
the limbs and back are well rubbed with hot towels. Artifi- 
cial respiration might prove useful. » Se 

Dr. Brunton adds :—Spirits ; ammonia ; warmth ; digita- % 
lis ; atropine. 

Mr. Blyth’s treatment for poisoning by Aconzte.—In the 
absence of a physician, for whom his directions are especially 
# - given, the only item which an attendant to the patient can 
apply, would be an emetic; he suggests sulphate of zinc, 
__ and to keep the patient in a recumbent position. 

| ee RN SE Fo A ee ere en Oo Fy ed oe tee ee 


it has long been grown asea garden plant. The 
whole plant is harmful, but the seeds are the most 
dangerous. Linnzus states that a tincture made 
from the flowers, when given internally to children, 
has proved fatal. 

LARKSPUR (Delphinium, sp.)—This is not 
common wild, though it occurs as a cornfield weed 
about Cambridge, in Sussex, etc. Several species 
are cultivated as garden plants. 

Two species are recognized as more or less wild, 
one called D. Consolida, as under the name “ Conso- 
lida” it was used as a drug for healing or con- 
solidating wounds. The other is called D. Azaczs, 
because it has marks on the petals resembling 
the letters AIAI. This is the one usually cultivated 
as an annual in our gardens. . 

Like the Aconite the Larkspur has a coteeas 
calyx, one sepal being prolonged into the spur 
behind, suggesting the English name. Within this 
sepal are two petals also spurred, and secreting 
honey, which is stored in the spur of the sepal. 

The seeds of the Larkspurs are especially danger- _ 

ous; so that it should be carefully separated from _ “ 

wheat before grinding. They cause vomiting and 
purging if eaten. Children should be warned 

against putting any part of these plants into their 

* Dr. Tanner recommends for poisoning by Stavesacre 

(Delphinium staphisagria), a medicinal species of Lae aay ; 

Lr ee 7 ie 
- : . - 


BANEBERRY (Actea spicata)—This is a rare 
British plant, only known wild in northern England. 
It has large compound leaves; the leaflets three-- 

lobed and toothed. The flowering stem grows from 

one to two feet high. The flowers very small, nearly 
white. It has a calyx of four small petal-like 
sepals, four very small petals, numerous stamens, 

_and one carpel which becomes a berry, nearly black 

in colour. 

It is the berry which might attract children, but 
it is very poisonous ; as well, indeed, as are all other 
parts of the plant. Drying only partly destroys 
the poisonous principle. However, it exhales. so 
disagreeable an odour, that poisoning by it has 

been extremely rare. 

damascena), is an old-fashioned garden flower. It 

has finely-divided leaves. The flower is solitary, 

terminal, usually blue,surrounded bya finely-divided 
leafy involucre forming the “ mist” or “bush.” The 

ce sepals are five, coloured, and resemble petals. The 

petals are small, and cleft, stamens many, and 

_carpels varying in number from three to ten. Un- 

like all other members of this family, the carpels 

~ are coherent into a large capsule. The seeds are 

CES 5 

black, and have: given the name from the Latin word 

zi - —emetics, linseed-tea, or gum-water, or gruel copiously 

administered. The warm bath will afford great relief. Oe 

a ag be avoided. 
as 35 D 

ES Sees Pe ey Se, OE Es oes 
‘ She tn 4 ° he . é > < 


niger. ‘These seeds have a certain piquant and 
acrid flavour. They are the “ fitches” of Scripture, 
and are still used in Germany and the East for 

seasoning dishes, or cakes, on which they are 

sprinkled, as we do with caraway-seeds. 
The remaining and less common members of the 

Buttercup family (Ranunculacee), whether wild or — 

cultivated, are all more or less poisonous, so that 
it will not be necessary to add further remarks, 
except to warn parents and guardians, and all who 
have the charge of children, to see that they never 
put anything growing wild in their mouths, nor 
anything cultivated in the flower-garden. 

Poppy FAMILY (Papaverace@).—We have four 
indigenous poppies, and the Opium poppy as an 

occasionalescape(Fig. 13). They are cornfield weeds 

with rough, divided leaves and scarlet flowers. 
The calyx has only two sepals, which fall off as the 
bud opens; four free petals, numerous stamens 

with purple-black anthers, and a pistil of several — 

coherent carpels. There is no style,so that the 
crown-like stigma rests on the ovary; which, when 
ripened into a capsule, bursts by pores at the 
summit, under the edges of the stigmatic crown. 

They are all characterized by having a milky 

juice, which when coagulated constitutes crude — 

opium. It is acrid and narcotic. 

OpIuM Poppy (Papaver somniferum). —Unlike 
the wild poppies, this has a smooth stem and foliage, 


It has been in cultivation for many centuries. 
Gerarde figures both single and double kinds in his 
Flerball, 1597. It is believed to be a cultivated 
variety of the S. European species, P. setigerum. 

_ Dr. Hogg gives the following account of the 
extraction of opium. He says the manner in which 

Fig. 13. Papaver somniferum ; Opium Poppy. 

opium is obtained is still the same as that practised 
in the East centuries before the time of our 
Saviour. A few days after the fall of the flower, 

" men and women proceed to the fields at sunset, 

and make horizontal incisions in the poppy-heads, 

1 The “gall” of Scripture, a translation of Rosh, meaning — 

Oe “head, ze appears to have been opium. 


or capsules, when still unripe, taking care not to cut 
so deep as to penetrate their cavity. The white 
juice exudes, and appears in the form of tears, on 
the edges of the incisions; and the night dews 
favour the exudation of the juice. The field is 
left in this state for twenty-four hours, after which 
the juice is scraped off with a small iron scoop or 
a blunt knife. The operation is never performed 
more than once on each head. The inspissated 

juice is then formed into cakes, ready for the © 


The petals contain the milky juice, so should not 
be put in the mouth. The seeds, of which there 
are two kinds, white-skinned, and dark or black- 
skinned, contain much oil, and have no, or at least 

a very small trace of opium. They are eaten in — 

some parts of Europe, being made into cakes or 
strewed upon bread, or in sugar. It is said that. 
the ancients rolled them up in their bread to excite 

an appetite. Virgil speaks of the poppy as cereale 

papaver, probably as the wild form (P. setigerum) 

isa cornfield plant. Ceres is always represented 
as crowned with poppies. Poppy-seed is also given — 

to singing-birds, as “ Maw-seed” when they are 

moulting. The cake after the oil is expressed is te 
a food for cattle. In 1700, when the olive crop _ 
failed, poppy-seed oil was found to be a good sub- 

stitute. The seeds are usually regarded as quite 
harmless ; but there is little doubt that they do — 

Ba oe 



' contain a certain amount of opium, for cases have 

been recorded of poisoning by the seeds only of 
the poppy. 

The most harmful application of opium is for 
intoxicating purposes ; as by orientals in smoking 
it; but the terrible abuse of morphine (contained 
in opium) is the practice of taking hypodermic 
injections, and is quite as bad. 

Laudanum, as prepared from opium, is, of course, 
a most deadly drug, and can only be used with the 
greatest caution. 

There are, unfortunately, several ways in which 

mothers are accustomed to quiet their infants ; as 

”» “ 

by “cordials,” “soothing syrups,’ decoctions of 
poppy-heads, etc. all of which contain a certain 
amount of stupefying opium, and have frequently 
proved fatal. “ Poppy-heads,” or the dried capsules, 
retain the poisonous principle, and numerous cases 
are on record of infants dying from the adminis- 
tration of an infusion made from them by their 

_ parents, who are, of course, totally ignorant of the 
_ strength of the infusion given. Thus, one or two 

teaspoonfuls of the water in which a poppy-head 
had been boiled, proved fatal to two children in 
eight hours. . 

“Syrup of Poppies” as sold by the chemists is 

equally dangerous, It is believed to be a mixture 
_ of the tincture or infusion of opium with simple 
syrup, and, as Dr. Taylor observes, is of variable 



strength, which accounts for children being poisoned 
by what was supposed to be a legitimate medicinal 
dose. Mr. Blyth records among the number of 
deaths by poisoning during the ten years ending 
1892, no less than 1379 by opium, including lauda- 
num, morphia, etc, and 45 by mixtures called 
Soothing Syrup, Paregoric, etc. 

FIELD Poppy (2. Rh@as).—We have four wild 
species of poppy, all with red flowers, and easily 
recognized ; they all contain the same milky juice, 
and their smell and taste is so disagreeable that 
cattle refuse them. They have, however, been 
occasionally injured by eating unripe poppy-heads 
when the plant was mixed with clover and sainfoin. 

The only use of the wild poppy is for the colour- 
ing matter in the petals. Theocritus records a 
custom among young Greeks, who took the petals 
probably folded into a little bag, as boys do with 
rose-leaves now, and holding it between the finger 
and thumb of the left hand, gave it a sharp tap 
with the palm of the right hand. If it cracked, it 
was a proof that their sweetheart loved them. In 
his third /dyllium the goat-herd tells Amaryllis 
that his “telephion,” as he calls it, would not crack! 

1 As antidotes to poisoning by Morphia, Mr. L. Brunton Ie 
gives the following :—Warm coffee after the stomach is 
emptied. Ammonia. Arouse by flicking with a towel, or by a 

galvanic battery, and keep awake by walking about and 
renewal of stimulation if necessary; two to four mins. liq. 

i * al 


HORNED Poppy (Glaucium luteum).—This is a 

handsome plant, common on our sea-shores, with 

large yellow flowers and juicy, bluish-green leaves, 
and very long pods suggesting the name. 

atropiz subcutaneously. Artificial respiration if necessary. 
Dr. Tanner adds the following recommendation :—All the 
poison must be removed if possible by the stomach-pump. 
In the absence of this instrument, emetics of half-a-drachm 
of sulphate of zinc, or a table-spoonful of mustard, must be 
employed. Zhe patient must be prevented from going to 
sleep; as by dashing cold water over his head and chest, 
walking up and down between two persons in the open air, 
electro-magnetic shocks to the spine, and administering 
strong coffee. 

For poisoning by Opium, Morphine, Laudanum, etc., Mr. 
Blyth writes as follows :—If taken by the mouth, give at once 
a solution of potassium permanganate, and then empty the 
stomach by the pump; but, if it have been taken by hypo- 
dermic injection, both these would be useless. The stomach 
in opium-poisoning is best relieved by the pump or tube, and 
should then be well washed out with hot coffee, leaving in 
the organ a pint or more. If the stomach-pump be not at 
hand, a dose of mustard or zinc sulphate may be given ; but 
there may be a difficulty in obtaining vomiting from any 

Attempt‘to rouse the patient by the battery, if at hand, by 

flips with the towel, and by shaking. 

The usual direction given is to make the patient walk 
about ; but this treatment is questionable, and likely to. 
favour the toxic action of morphine on the heart. : 

Ammonia may be applied to the nostrils. Hot coffee 
introduced by anenema. Thealternate cold and hot douche 
to the head is good, but the body should be kept warm with 

hot wraps. If necessary apply artificial respiration. 

re ’ 2 : os - 


Nothing is known of any injurious effects having | 
taken place; but they would probably be much 
the same as in the following. 

CELANDINE (Chelidonium mazus, Fig. 14).—This 

Fig. 14. Chelidonium majus ; Celandine. es. 

is common in hedges about villages, and in stony _ 

4 places. It has much-divided leaves, small four- : 
petalled yellow flowers and long pods; the seeds f 
xs having a small crest-like appendage. : ; te f 
a 3 Having been an old medicinal drug-plant of the | 2 ; 


- Middle Ages, it was probably introduced and has 

become a naturalized plant in Britain. 

It exhales a disagreeable odour. The acrid juice 
is still used in the country as a cure for warts and 
parasites ; or as an emetic and purgative, but not 
without harmful results; for it acts as a strong 
irritant, not only to the external skin, but especi- 
ally upon the intestinal digestive organs, producing | 
nausea and dysentery. It is in fact a “drastic 
purgative.” A peculiarity lies in the fact that the 
poisonous principle remains long in the system ; so 
that domestic animals poisoned by it should not 
be eaten. 

The plant used to be called Swallow-wort ; “ not,” 
as Gerarde wrote in his Herball (1597), “ because it 

’ first springeth at the coming in of the swallows, or 

dieth when they go away—for it may be found 

all the year ; but because some hold opinion, that 

with this herb the dams restore sight to their young 
ones when their eyes be out; which things are. 
vain and false.” 


(Viola, sp.).—Seven species represent this family 

in Britain. 
SWEET VIOLET (V. odorata).—The flowers are — 
dried and crystallized in sugar; but are also used 

_ medicinally as a “pectoral.” The seeds and under- 
_ ground stem or rhizome are poisonous. If taken 
_ internally these parts incite nausea and great ~ 



vomiting and nervous affections. This is due to 
an alkaloid with pronounced emetic qualities. The 
sweet scent of the flowers is correlated with dele- 
terious principles in the stem, for these are greatly 
reduced in the scentless species of Vzola, including 
the Pansy. This is used in America in the form 
of an ointment, and internally for bronchitis. 

The seeds are injurious, being sometimes pre- 
scribed as a purgative. 

A foreign genus /ouxzdium, has the same prin- 
ciples as /pecacuanha, which belongs to the Gakum, 
or Coffee Family. 

PINK FAMILY (Caryophyllacee).—This large 
family includes all the pinks and carnations, 
catchflies, stitchwort, as well as numerous little 
humble weeds with inconspicuous flowers, as chick- 
weed, spurry, sandworts, etc. It is generally 
credited as being perfectly innocuous, but three 
plants call for attention. 

CORN-COCKLE (Agvrostemma Githago, Fig. 15).— - 

This is a common cornfield weed, a tall and erect 
annual, with opposite pairs of long narrow leaves, 
The flowers have long peduncles. The calyx has 
its sepals coherent with long leaf-like terminations. 
The five petals are free, with tapering stalks, called 
“claws.” There are ten stamens. There is a short 
space or internode between the insertion of the 
calyx and the rest of the flower. The pistil consists 

of five carpels, of which the ovaries are coherent, 


but not the styles and stigmas (see the figure). 

The fruit is a capsule opening by five teeth, and 

- has numerous dark-coloured seeds. 

As the seeds are shed simultaneously with the 
corn, they are apt to communicate injurious pro- 

Fig. 15. Agrostemma Githago ; Corn-cockle. 

= perties to the flour. They have no scent, but are 

bitter to the taste. 
_ As the seed-skin is black, and when ground up 

_ the fragments remain, the presence of the seeds 
can be thereby detected. Moreover the starch 
- grains are exceedingly small as compared with 

Lin oS 

¢ ae 


the round grains of starch of wheat. As the black ~ 

fragments are removed by fine sifting or bolting, 
the flour should be carefully examined, before 
grinding. But it imparts a greyish tint and dis- 
agreeable odour, even to bread when_ baked. 
Again, the fine-grained starch does not so readily 
give the blue or violet colour with iodine. This 
test has been used with success, as also to 

estimate the quantity of the deleterious grain 

present. There are also several other useful 
tests. ; 3 

‘No animal will eat the plant, and all mishaps 
recorded resulted from the seeds in bread as far 

as man is concerned, for the heat of baking does 

not destroy the injurious quality. 

Accidents with animals have occurred by fonds 
ing them with the so-called “thirds” and siftings. 
No less than forty-five per cent. of the meal of corn- 

cockle has been found in fraudulent food for cattle — i, 

on the Continent. Two and a half per thousand in 
weight is sufficient to kill a calf and a fowl, but 
only one per thousand a pig.! The active principle 

acts as an irritant, and with local inflammation, — 

giving rise to diarrhoea within, and, if injected 

hypodermically, serious inflammation. A substance — 

of the same nature as that of the Soapwort and sae 

1 Cornevin’s system is to calculate the number of grammes ‘t 
of the poison, and one thousand (or one kilogram of we se 

live animal’s weight. 


called Sapfonzne occurs, but this is not the toxic 

substance (not yet traced). At all events it is a 

plant which no cultivator should allow among or 
near his cornfields, and the grains should be care- 
fully separated before threshing and grinding the 

SOAPWORT (Saponaria officinalis)—This plant 
was used as a drug in the Middle Ages, and was 
naturalized before the close of the sixteenth century. 
The name is derived from the fact that if the root 
and flowers be rubbed in water they make a lather, 
and these were used as a substitute for soap in 
former days. As a drug it was one of the fifty-one 
ingredients of “save,” a drink for broken bones, 
mentioned by Chaucer. A case of ill effects of the 
use of a decoction of the roots has been recorded. 

_ The principle is called Saponine, and is found in 
other plants of different families. It constitutes 

thirty-four per cent. of the dried root. It has a_ 

sweetish taste, but is acrid to the mouth. 

A foreign plant of this family, Gypsophila Stru- 
thium, possesses the same properties, and is used 
in Spain for scouring instead of soap. 

__ LESSER STITCHWORT (Stellaria graminea),— 
This is a slender herb with quadrangular stems, 
and narrow, pointed leaves, It looks like a small 
form of the Great Stitchwort (S. Holostea) so 

common in our hedges, with white, star-like 

flowers. They both have five petals, but being 

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deeply notched, they appear to have ten in each 

This species has been proved to be very injurious, 
especially to horses on the Continent, and probably 
also to cattle. The motion of animals which had 

eaten it in fresh hay was awkward, their hinder — 

parts weak. There was fever, sweating, redness 
of the eyelids, a stupefied condition, with inability 
to stand or walk. The treatment adopted consisted 
in changing the food, cold applications to the head, 
and the administration of saltpetre internally. 

The poisonous effects appear to have been very 
great in the South Russian steppes. Of a drove 
of oxen fed on hay containing this Stitchwort, all 
were affected with colic, and seven died. Out of 

three hundred artillery horses during the Crimean _ 
War, which were fed on hay containing it, no — 

less than seventy fell during the first twenty- 
four hours. Many other cases of poisoning are 

It is supposed that the injurious effect is due to 


a narcotic property which, in about six months ~ * 

after drying in hay, appears to lose its effect. 
Whether this common English plant is as poi- 

sonous as the Russian one, which is a variety of — 
S. graminea, known as hzppoctona, it is impossible © 
to say; but as no complaints by English farmers _ 
have been made, it may be free fromthe poisonous _ 
principle, as is often the case with plants growing 

a ‘ 

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in more northern regions, compared with the same 
species in South Europe.! 

WOOD-SORREL FAMILY (Oxalidacee), Woop- 
SORREL (Oxralis Acetosella, Fig. 16). This little 
plant occurs in our woods, etc. It has a creeping 
stem, knotted with thick- 
ened bases of the leaf-~ 
stalks, which contain 
much starch as reserve- 
food. It has trifoliate 
leaves, and “sleeps” by 
dropping the three leaflets 
vertically, at night, slight- 
ly folding them, so that 
the underside of their 
midribs meet against the 
petiole. It hastwo kinds 
of flowers, perfect and ; 
nd cleistogamous.” The Fig. 16. Oxalis Acetosella ; Wood- 

flowers have five free ee 

- sepals ; five free, white petals and ten stamens; five 
having longer filaments than the other five (see 
figure). The pistil has five carpels, the ovaries 
being coherent, but the styles are free. 

1 The above facts are taken from a paper by Dr. T. Spencer 
_ Cobbold in the Veterinarian, 1880. 
2 Sometimes regarded asa tribe of the Geranium Family 
_ (Geraniacee). | 
3 Self-fertilizing in bud, by “concealed union,” as the 
word means., ; 

ar 6 2 
2s ‘ 


The Wood-sorrel was formerly called “ Alleluya _ 
and Cuckowe’s-meat, because,” as Gerarde says, 
“When it springeth foorth the cuckowe singeth 
most ; at which time also Alleluya was woont to 
be sung in our churches.” Alleluia, however, is 
really only a corruption of the Calabrian name, | 

The plant has a pleasant acid taste, and is 
consequently used in salads as the Common 

Linnzus tells us that it was so plentiful in Lap- 
land, that the inhabitants there use scarcely any 
other vegetable than this and Angelica. 

The juice will remove ink-spots in consequence 
of the binoxalate of potash that it contains; sold 
under the names of “ Salt of Scrrel” and “ Essen- © 
tial Salt of Lemons,” names which sound harmless 
enough ; but the latter, at least, is very misleading, 
for it is really a dangerous poison. It has been 
taken in mistake for bitartrate of potash, or cream ~ 
of tartar. | Ske 

ww Ss 

1 Dr. Tanner prescribes the following treatment forpoison- 
ing by Sorrel, Wood-Sorrel,or Oxalic Acid. Chalk, whiting,  —__ 
or magnesia, suspended in water or in some demulcent fluid, * — 
must be administered immediately ; and, if necessary, — 
vomiting should be excited by tickling the fauces, or 
administering emetics of mustard or sulphate of zinc, ete, 
followed by large quantities of emollient drinks. Theanti- 
dote, to be effective, must be given as soon as possible; the =» 
plaster of the apartment being used in the absence of the = 


remedies just mentioned. When there are symptoms of 

collapse, stimulants are to be freely employed. 

As it is most important to be able to distinguish the above- 
mentioned two substances, I copy the following from Dr. 
Taylors work :—Cream of tartar is known by its diluted 
solution not being precipitated by the sulphate in any salt 
of lime; and by its being rendered only milky or turbid on 
the addition of nitrate of silver. 

Lime-water furnishes a ready means of distinguishing 
these two salts. It precipitates both of them wzte; but 
the precipitate from the bitartrate of potash is redissolved on 
adding to it a small quantity of a solution of tartaric acid; 
while that from the binoxalate is zot redissolved. 

Ink-stains, if made from oak-galls, are removed by salts of 
lemon ; but not by bitartrate of potash. 

For treatment of poisoning by Oxalic Acid, Binoxalate of 
Potash, or Sodic Oxalate, Mr. Blyth says : Unless the patient 
has already vomited freely, empty the stomach at once by 
emetics of zinc sulphate or mustard; or the stomach-pump 
or tube may, in most cases, be used. Ifthe acéd has been 
taken, neutralize by chalk, lime-water, or, better, by sacchar- 
ated lime-water ; but 07” xo account neutralize by carbonate 
of soda or any alkali; forthe alkaline oxalates are extremely 

Give plenty of water to assist elimination by the kidneys : 
and apply hot fomentations tothe loins, _ 

_ An enema may be given, if necessary. 



SPINDLE-TREE FAMILY (Cé/astrace@).—Wehave __ 
only one representative of this family in Great 
Britain. as 

SPINDLE-TREE (Euonymus europaeus, Fig. pee i. 
This is a smooth-leaved shrub, the leaves being _ d 
very shortly stalked, opposite in pairs, with minute Ae 
teeth on the margin. The flowers are in loose ee 
clusters, each flower being scarcely half-an-inch | Bas 
across. The four sepals are very minute, the Lone ; 
petals are green, arising from below a fleshy dish 3 
which surrounds the flower, uniting the parts more ~ 
or less together. The fruit is three or more lobed, 

are visible. These are dhe parts which fer 
children, but are very. injurious. ere o> . 

The common Spindle-tree received its nam ae 
from its wood having besa made into spindles : 


Mae. bs ee se 

was also called Prick-wood from being used for 
_ skewers. 

W ii 

| 4 NN ox 

Fig. 17. Euonymus europzus; Spindle-tree (in flower). 

os It is the berries which are really harmful, for 


they are emetic and purgative and have proved 
fatal to sheep. 

The bark, leaves, and fruit are all injurious ; for 
children have been made to suffer by eating the 
violently purgative fruit. 

Fig. 17*. Euonymus europzus; Spindle-tree fia fruit). 

Although the tree has a sufficiently pronounced — 
odour, goats and sheep which have browsed uper : a 
the leaves have suffered. oe = 

A species from South Europe and another frat 2: 
Japan are cultivated ; so that children shoul? be 


warned against eating! the very attractive-look- 
ing fruit and seeds. 

BUCKTHORN FAMILY (Rhamnacee). — Two 
species of a single genus, RAamnus, represent this 
family in Great Britain. 

COMMON BUCKTHORN (Rhamnus catharticus, 
Fig. 18)—This is a shrub or small tree, with ob- 
ovate,? minutely-toothed 
leaves. The flowers are SX 
very small, in axillary 
clusters, dicecious, 2.é. 
male on one tree and 

female on another. 

‘There is a receptacular 
tube with the sepals, 
petals, and stamens on 
the margin; the petals 
being zz front of the 
sepals. The pistil, free 
within the tube, has the < 
eacpels~ coherent, ‘from ©. Pie: 16. Rhamnus catharticus.; 
ovary to stigmas. 

The whorls vary from fours to fives in the | 
numbers of their parts. | NE 

The fruit is a small berry, ultimately black, 

about the size of a pea. 

1 For poisoning by ZLuvonymus, Mr. Blyth recommends “3 
the same treatment as for Yoxglove or Digitalis, p. 138. Se 
2 A leaf is ovate (¢.e. egg-shaped) if the broad end is ee. 
bese below ; obovate, if it be reversed. Wao 

The berries, which are black, are purgative, as. 
the above name implies. They have been used for 
colouring wine, but at the same time they render 
it harmful. | 
ALDER BUCKTHORN (R. Frangula)3—It has 
been found that the berries of this second species 
appear to exceed those of the first in super- 
purgation; for a small boy who ate them suffered 
from headache, vertigo, unconsciousness, convul- 
sions of the extremities, face, etc.; sufficiently 
alarming as a warning against eating the berries. 
An important use of the berries of different 
species is for dyeing. Thus the juice of those of © 
R. catharticus when unripe yields a saffron colour ; — 
but when ripe they supply the “sap-green” 
of painters. The berries of a foreign species, 
R. infectorius, called Graines d Avignon,or“ French 
berries,” give a rich yellow colour. Those of our ae 
British species, R. Frangula, when unripe,dye wool 
both yellow and green, but when ripe both bee = 
and green. ate 
One foreign species known as “ Cascara Sagrada” ae 
(R. Purshianus) is used in medicine; but all species 
of Buckthorn are purgative. eis 
PEA FAMILY (Leguminose).—This is a very 
large family, but all our British plants are easily Ree: 
known by the peculiar form of the flower. They 3 : ae 

1 This species has entire leaves, z.¢. without a toothed — sa 
margin ; and flowers with both stamens and pistil. x 


all belong to one tribe, called Papzlionacee, from 

the imaginary likeness to a butterfly (Papz/zo, in 
Latin). | 

Though it is a family which supplies us with 
many useful foods, as peas, beans, haricots, lentils, 
etc.; as well as clovers, sainfoin, melilots, lucerne, 
etc., for horses and cattle; yet several plants are 
very poisonous, and should be carefully noted, and 
children warned, as usual, never to put flowers, 
fruits, or seeds into their mouths, especially those 
of the Laburnum, which belongs to this family. 

BROOM (Cytisus scoparius)—This plant is too 

familiar to need much description. It may be 

taken as a type of our British plants of this order. 

It has a calyx of five sepals, but coherent forming 
two lobes, on which three minute teeth can be 
detected in front and two behind. There are five 

petals, the large one at the back being called the 
“standard,” the two at the sides being the “ wings,” 
and two in front, coherent along the. lower edges 
so as to form a boat-shaped structure, are called 
the “keel.” There are ten stamens, all being 
coherent into a tube by their filaments. They 

surround the pistil composed of a single carpel, 

3 _ which forms the pod. The receptacle has spread 

out horizontally ; and in most other leguminous 
plants secretes honey within the staminal tube. To 

enable the bees and other insects to reach it, the 
uppermost stamen is left free, allowing a passage — 


into the interior; as may be easily seen in the 
pea and bean, etc. 

Broom-tops are used in medicine, as they contain 
certain principles, one of which when obtained 
pure by the chemist is called spartezne, and is very 
poisonous and narcotic. 

It is said that shepherds are well acquainted 
with the narcotic properties of the broom ; having 
observed that sheep become at first excited and 
then stupefied after eating it. 

The seeds have similar properties to broom- 

LABURNUM (C. Laburnum).—trThis is certainly 
one of the most poisonous of all trees cultivated in 
gardens. Children have repeatedly picked out the 
unripe seeds and eaten them, or masticated the 
green pods. Again, a boys’ school, once finding 
laburnum trees thrown away, chewed the roots on 
discovering that they possessed a flavour of liquor- 
ice ; but although fatal results do not seem to have 
followed on that occasion, the sufferers were made 
seriously ill with all the symptoms of narcotic 

Indeed, all parts of the tree are harmful: roots, 
bark, wood, leaves, flower-buds, petals, pods, and 
seeds. No part can be put in the mouth without 

Drying has no influence upon the poisonous 

property, as it is not volatile. Even boiling the 


seeds for two hours did not altogether remove the 
toxic principle; so that they cannot be used in any 
way as food for animals. 

Children carrying bunches of the flowers of 
laburnum should be warned against putting them 
in their mouths ; and cooks against using them in 
culinary operations, instead of the false acacia; 
and even that tree has deleterious properties. A 
case is recorded of some pieces of bark being put 
into soup, which induced a protracted illness, last- 
ing twelve months, in a person who partook of the 
soup. Several children, having eaten the green 
’ pods and seeds, were dangerously ill; as also was 
a child, between three and four years of age, who 
ate twelve flowers. But after an emetic, it 

Though the seeds are violently purgative, emetic, 
and decidedly poisonous, it is said rabbits and 
hares are particularly fond of the tree, which they 
are apt to injure seriously by gnawing the bark. 
In some places the seeds are sown in plantations, 

1 Dr. Tanner recommends for poisoning by Laburnum, 
emetics, castor-oil, and stimulants. Cold affusion will often 
be useful, more especially if there be much stupor. 

_ For poisoning by Ladurnum seeds, etc., Mr. Blyth recom- 
mends emptying the stomach by the pump. Wash it out with 
tea or coffee ; or give as an emetic, mustard or sulphate of 
zinc. Follow up this treatment by an enema or brisk purga- 
tive. Stimulants may be given; the patient may be roused 

yas __ by hot or cold douche. Similarly for Broom. 




_ because these animals will not injure other trees if 
they can get a supply of laburnum; and though ~ 
they may eat them to the ground, thes! will spring | 
up again next season, and so »_ yield a regular 
supply of winter food. 

On the other hand, scme rabbits which ate some 
bark died in three minutes in tetanic convulsions, 

according to Dr. Taylor’s account. One can only 

account for these results by different effects of 


climate ; the hotter the country, vegetable poisons © 

are the more strongly developed. 

SCARLET RUNNER (Phaseolus vulgaris, “var. 
multifiorus)— Though this plant supplies us with 
an excellent and highly nourishing food material, 
yet experience has proved that sheep are the only 
animals which ever eat it as green food, or the 
seeds of Haricots when soaked. It appears to con- 

tain some deleterious property, which especially 

resides in the roots, which have, indeed, been 
described as poisonous. 

Wistaria sinensis is a familiar climber, with ra- 
cemes of mauve-coloured flowers, appearing before — 

the leaves. Children have suffered with severe sick- __ 
ness, vertigo, and nervous disorders from masti- 

cating the flowers of this plant. —The symptoms are 

analogous, if not more or less identical, with those 

which ensue from eating laburnum seeds. 
SCORPION SENNA-TREE (Coronilla Emerus), C. 

varia, ctc., from Europe.—It has pinnate leaves Sof | 

7 oe 
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‘about seven to nine pairs of leaflets. The flowers 

are in umbels. The leaves are purgative, contain- 
ing the same principle as the Cyzzsus. 

SPANISH BROOM (Sfartium junceum) has long 
been cultivated as a garden plant. The stems are 
usually leafless, bearing large, yellow, fragrant 
flowers. Though used as a forage-plant in Lan- 
geuedoc, it has been found that animals, after 

browsing upon the young shoots in spring, have — 

suffered somewhat. A similar affection has followed 
their eating the buds of the oak. 
_ LUPIN (Lupinus, sp.)—Lupins are easily known 
by their digitate leaves and long spikes of blue, 
lilac, yellow or white flowers. 

Of this genus, one species (L. albus) was culti- 
vated by the ancients for its seeds as food, both 
by Greeks and Egyptians; and they are still used 

in Andalusia, Corsica, and Piedmont. 

A lupin with blue flowers is cultivated in France 
for the nourishment of sheep; but another, a dwarf 
species, native of the Mediterranean regions, is a 
yellowed-flowered one (L. /uteus). It has also 
fragrant flowers. It is often eaten by animals, 

being less bitter than the white-flowered lupin. 

However, in Germany it has been so troublesome 
in causing a complaint, that this has been called 

“lupinose.” It began in 1860, on sheep; in 1880, © 
of 240,000, 14,138 died of it. Though sheep were 



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principally affected, the goat, ox, horse, dog, and 
rabbit did not escape, nor did a man, after con- 
suming the seeds of the yellow lupin. 

When animals are fed nearly exclusively on this 
lupin and straw, the malady is particularly intense ; 
whereas it is beneficial if it be combined with hay 
or beetroot in certain proportions. 

The lupin appears to become inoffensive when 
mixed with other herbage in “ silo,’ as acetic fer- 
mentation takes place, and the injurious principle 
is dissipated. : 

But, on the other hand, some toxic principles 
are developed and accumulated in the topmost 
layers. Hence caution is necessary, in using this 
food, to remove these layers. 

Children, who are so fond of picking out and 
eating unripe leguminous seeds, should be warned 
against doing so, not only with the laburnum 
and yellow lupin, but in the case of a// other kinds 
as well. | 

YELLOW VETCHLING (Lathyrus Aphaca, Fig. 
19).—A cornfield weed, from the midland counties 
southwards, not common here, but frequent in 
South Europe, is our only British leguminous plant, 
unless we except the Broom, which is recognized 
as poisonous. It is remarkable for having no — 
leaves, a pair of spear-shaped stipules doing duty 
for them, while a long slender tendril replaces the 


leaf. It bears a single small yellow flower at 
each node. People have suffered from violent 
headaches and vomiting after having eaten the 
~ Three foreign species of Vetchling, ZL. satzvus, L. 
Crcera, and L. Clymenum, have caused an epidemic 
malady in Spain, Italy, 
and Africa, where the 
seeds have been eaten ; 
but in this country it has 
been with horses only that 
mischievous effects have 
resulted from the intro- 
duction of — so-called 
“Indian peas,” which 
proved fatal to several. 
This was experienced by 
the Bristol Tramways 
Company in 1894. 
Locust: REE, or 
FALSE ACACIA (Robinia Fig. 19. Latent Aohaca Yellow 
Pseud-acacia).—This tree 
is a very familiar one in gardens, having pinnate 
leaves and racemes of white flowers resembling 

in form those of the laburnum. It contains a _— 

poisonous principle in the leaves and bark. A 
Chinese woman is reported to have been very ill 
after eating the leaves ; but she recovered. 

The ROSE FAMILY (Rosace@).— Though we 



have valuable fruits from this family, such as 
plums, raspberry, strawberry, pears and apples, the 
first-mentioned belong to a genus of which some 
species produce prussic acid. Not that thispoison 
exists in the plant, such as the bitter almond ; but. — 
this fruit contains two principles called ‘‘ Amyg- 
daline” and “Emulsine,” harmless in themselves — 
when separate, but in the presence of water they 
produce prussic acid. The Amygdaline appears to — 
be confined to the cellular tissues of the embryo, 
the Emulsine being in the traces of the fibro- 
vascular cords. 

It is chiefly the tribe Pruneg, which contains 
the genus Amygdalus, the almond, and Prunus, 
including all kinds of plums and cherries, that has 
these substances which can give rise to prussic — 
acid. It is the cherry-laurel, the common garden — 
shrub, and the bitter almond with which we are 
now only concerned. 

ALMOND (Amygdalus communis) has produced 
several varieties under cultivation. It is only the 4 
variety, the so-called bitter almonds, in the use of 
which some caution is necessary, especially with 
regard to children; and the distilled water of 
bitter almonds, or the essence, when used for. Te 
flavouring bon-bons, etc. eae 

Animals have been poisoned by having been 
fed with oil-cake made from the refuse in the © = 

manufacture of the oil of almonds, which itself 

See as eee TS 
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is harmless, at least when quite pure and not 

Two principles thus give the bitter almonds 
their poisonous properties, the “essence” and 
“prussic acid.” This is why bitter almonds and 
ratafia biscuits should be only eaten sparingly. 

Essential oil of Almonds, or Peach-nut oil, 
which is produced by the distillation of the pulp 
of bitter almonds with water, is a powerful poison, 
and has caused numerous deaths, in consequence 
of the presence of prussic acid, which is intimately 
combined with it. Five pounds of almonds are 
calculated to yield about half-an-ounce of the oil, 
containing on the average ten per cent. of prussic 

The liquid called “Almond Flavour,” spirit of 
almonds, or essence of peach-kernels, is sold to 
give a pleasant flavour to confectionery. It may 
be as well to state, writes Dr. Taylor, from whose 
work the preceding is copied, that one ounce of 
this almond flavour is, at the lowest computation, 
equivalent in strength to two hundred and fifty 

_ grains of the pharmacopceial prussic acid, yet it is 

entrusted in private families in the hands of ignorant 
cooks to apportion the dose which may give the 
requisite flavour to food ! 

_ Mr. Blyth, ina lecture on Old and Modern Poison 
Lore, says:—“On an Egyptian papyrus are the 
words, ‘ Pronounce not the name of I. A. O. under 


the penalty of the peach.’ As the Egyytians were 
the first known to have practised distillation, this 
referred to the formation of prussic acid. The 
knowledge passed to the Romans, for a knight in 
the reign of Tiberius, accused of high treason, 
swallowed poison and fell down dead. No poison 
but prussic acid, and that in a tolerably concen- 
trated form, would have this effect.” 

Dr. Tanner asserts that cases of alarming illness 
have occurred from eating bitter almonds too freely ; 
and that the essential oil obtained by distilling the 
pulp of these almonds into water is a powerful 
poison! The essence or o7/ of bitter almonds con- — 
tains about ten per cent. of prussic acid ; and it is 
probable that from ten to thirty drops would prove 

1 Dr. Tanner suggests the following remedies :—Stimu- 
lating frictions to the chest and abdomen, warmth to the 
surface, and the application of ammonia to the nostrils. ; 

Dr. Brunton. gives the following antidotes to poisoning 
by Prussic Acid:— Alternate cold and warm effusions over 
the head and neck, to cause a shock (Tanner). Artificial 
respiration. Injection of atropine (two to four min, liquor 
_ atropiz) repeated every half-hour. oe 

For poisoning by Prussic Acid, or Bitter Almonds, etc., 
Mr. Blyth says :—Use the stomach-pump or tube; or if not 
at hand, an emetic of mustard or sulphate of zinc. 

If the breathing has stopped, try artificial respiration aa 
weak shock to the heart. 

A brandy enema may be given. The body must be kept 
warm, but the cold douche may be advantageously applied: 
to the head. 


fatal to an adult. Dr. Taylor records many fatal 
cases from this poisonous oil. 

CHERRY-LAUREL (Prunus Lauro-cerasus).—lIt is 
the leaves of this common shrub which are danger- 
ous, and more so in the autumn than in the spring. 
It is in the south of Europe where the poison is 
mostly if not only developed. The custom there 
of flavouring milk with laurel-leaves has caused 
injury to infants. More frequently has the distilled 
laurel-water caused misfortunes when used _ un- 
advisedly by ignorant practitioners. 

Dr. Taylor says that laurel-water is a weak 

solution of prussic acid, containing only about one-— 

fourth of a grain per cent. of the strong acid, but it 
is said to be more poisonous than this quantity of 
acid would indicate. The leaves gathered in wet 

and cold weather are said to yield more prussic 

acid than those gathered in hot and dry weather. 
It is a limpid, colourless liquid, producing in 
large quantities the usual effects of poisoning by 
prussic acid. 
Dr. Taylor says that the late Dr. Paris stated 
that several children were severely affected by 
partaking of some custard flavoured with laurel- 
leaves, and were ill for three days. Half a tea- 
spoonful of a mixture consisting of four-fifths 

cherry-laurel water, was given by mistake to an | 

infant eight months old. It died in a few seconds. 

_ Noyau and other liqueurs, as_ cherry-ratafia, 



having the odour of bitter almonds, are to be 

considered as poisonous when taken in considerable 
quantity. : 

Many animals have been poisoned on the 
Continent by eating the leaves of the cherry- 
laurel, both sheep and oxen, It is recorded that 
a bull which had gained a prize (at Rovoretto in 
Italy) was decorated with a garland of laurel; the 

bull ate the garland and fell down poisoned on the 


In England it appears to be much less, if at all, 
harmful. The present writer’s cows completely 
ruined a long laurel hedge adjoining the field in 

which they lived; but this abnormal food did no — 

harm either to themselves or the milk they 

produced. This was at Ealing, near London. 

The kernels of several members of the genus 

Prunus, as Bird-cherry, Peach, Nectarine, Damson, 

and Apricot, contain this poison. Thus a child, : 

aged two, suffered severely in consequence of 

having eaten ten or twelve kernels of the apricot; — 

and a child, aged five, died from eating a large © 
quantity of. the kernels of Gean cherries (Prunus 


All the following plants yield, with spires 
treatment, more or less prussic acid -—Amygdalus 
communis, Prunus Lauro-cerasus, kernels of plum — 
(P. domestica); bark, leaves, flowers and fruit al 
the wild service-tree (P. Pais) ie of thang 

_ bark and green parts of 

_ Spirea yield no prussic | 

ing is the only British 

_ family :— 
mao BRYONY (Bryonta 


common cherry and apple; leaves of P. capriceda ; 
bark of P. virginiana ; flowers and kernels of the 
sloe (P. spinosa); leaves of P. (Cerasus) aceda ; 
bark and almost all parts of Sorbus (Pyrus) 
Aucuparia, hybrida, and torminalis; young twigs 

of the hawthorn (Crategus Oxyacantha). 

Leaves and partly also the flowers of the shrubby 
species of Spzrea, as of S. Aruncus, S. sorbifolia, 
and S. japonica ; but the 

herbaceous species of ۩ 

_curbitacee).—The follow- 

representative of this 
large and important 

Fig. 20. Bryonia dioica ; Bryony. 

dioica, Fig. 20).—It is 

_ dicecious, the male and female flowers being on 

different plants. The roots are often of an immense 

. . 
-- size, sometimes nearly two feet long, thick as a man’s 

arm, white, succulent, and fleshy, with an acrid, 

: bitter, and disagreeable taste. It is occasionally 

1 It is also known as White Bryony, Tetter-berries, Wild 

_ Hops, Wild Vine, and Wild Nep ; the last being the medizval 


offered for sale as the “mandrake,” with which it 
has nothing to do; as the latter belongs to the 
Potato Family. The Bryony root is cathartic, 
sometimes emetic, and causes internal inflammation, 
being highly irritant. Bruised and applied to the 
skin, it is capable of producing blisters. 

The foliage is the same in both, being of lees 
and pointed rather rough leaves. 

The plant supports itself by long thread-like 
tendrils, which as soon as they have caught hold 
of anything make a number of close coils, some 
one way; some, about the same number, the other 
way ; this is to avoid breaking under the strain. 

The flowers are yellowish-green, the male being | 

the larger. It consists of a coherent calyx, a 

coherent corolla, and five stamens united in two 

separate pairs and one single one. The anthers 

are “sinuate,” that is taking the form of the letter §. 
The female flower (on the right in the figure) is © 
at once recognized by its globular inferior ovary. 
The corolla is rather smaller than that of the male 
plant, and has the three stigmas in the middle; 
each of them is bi-lobed. ok 
The fruit is a scarlet berry. Entire families 

have been poisoned from eating the root instead 

of parsnip, and children from eating the berries. 
F ifteen berries have been known to produce death = 

Saati: when death ensued. 




The large root contains a great quantity of 

starch, which one could easily separate with cold 

water, when the poisonous juice would beeliminated; 
just as in preparing tapioca from the very poisonous 
plant from which it is obtained. 

It may be added that the fruit of all members of 
this family contain in the wild state an active 
principle which must be regarded as being more 
or less poisonous; especially in the pulp. This is 

the chief cause of disorders frequently produced 

by cucumber, melon, etc., in certain habits and 
constitutions. Under cultivation the principle is 
so attenuated in the mass of watery cellular tissue 
that they, of course, become perfectly harmless and 
delicious fruits. 

CARROT FAMILY (Umbeliifere)—This is a very 
large family, showing great uniformity in the 
structure of the flowers and fruits, as well as in 

the foliage and roots ; ‘so that many mistakes have 


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been made by eating poisonous members of the 
family for harmless ones, for although such plants 
as the parsnip and carrot, as well as parsley 

and fennel, are valuable kitchen herbs, others like 

the Hemlock and Cowbane are notoriously of a 
dangerous character. Hence it is most important 
that their distinguishing features should be care- 

1 Dr. Tanner recommends emetics to remove the poison of 

Bryony, unless spontaneous vomiting has freely taken place. 
If it has passed into the intestines castor-oil must be given. 

they constitute the ‘ ‘general involucre.” Those at the base of — 


fully noted. These are mainly to be found in the 
foliage and fruits. To understand the latter, a 
careful study of the figures here given, as well as 
of the living plants themselves, should be made. 
FOOL’S PARSLEY (thusa Cynapium, Fig. 21).— 

Fig. 2x. A&thusa Cynapium ; Fool’s Parsley. 

A small annual weed in gardens and cornfields. eer 
It has white flowers, with Jong pendulous bracts 

below them. The fruit has prominent, sharp-edged, a 
corky ridges. ‘ 


1 When there are bracts at the base of the primary umbel — 

the secondary umbels as in this plant form the “ paral Ree ss 
involucre or involucel. ms 


The accompanying illustration will not only 
illustrate the Fool’s Parsley, but explain the 
structure of the flowers of all other members of 
the Umbellifers, as there is great uniformity, 
allowing for variations of detail. 

All the Umbellifers are herbs, often with a thick 
tap-root like the carrot and parsnip, which belong 

to the family. The leaves rise from the ground 

and also from the stem. They generally have 
divided blades or compound leaves, and in some 
species they are finely dissected, as of fennel. 
The stalks more or less sheath the stem at the 

The flowers are clustered together on little 
pedicels radiating from a terminal point of longer 
stalks, which again radiate from the main stem. 
This arrangement is called a compound umbel. 
The structure of a flower is as follows, as given in 

- Fig. 21. The complete flower has an_ inferior 

ovary (Fig. 5 a). The five sepals, which should 
lie under the five petals, are wanting, The petal 

tips are inflected (Figs. 2, 3). Five stamens alter-— 

nate with them. In the centre is seen a two-lobed 
honey-disk with the two short styles arising between 
them inthe middle. Hence the petals and stamens 
appear to rise from the summit of the ovary; but 
the reader will remember that this is explained by 
the ovary being invested by an adherent recep- 

tacular tube, which has carried the petals and — 


stamens up to the top. The honey-disk is 
developed out of the top of the ovary. 

When the petals and stamens have fallen off, the 
inferior ovary ripens into a fruit (Fig. 5).1 This 
now develops ridges (Figs. 6-10 a). It then splits 
in half, that is to say the two carpels separate and 
remain suspended on a V or Y shaped support 
(Fig. 7). They finally break away and fall to the 
ground. Each half (Figs. 7-9) contains one seed 
(Fig. 11) full of endosperm, in which lies buried a 
minute embryo (Fig. 11 a, 8). 

This plant is considered to be less active than 


the hemlock, nevertheless it has occasioned more — 

accidents ; since, so often growing in gardens, its 
leaves have been taken for parsley and eaten by 
mistake. . 

Animals refuse it, and birds which have eaten it 
have died. 

It can be distinguished from parsley not merely 
by the want of the familiar odour of that plant, 
but by the dark colour of the stem, especially the 
lower part, and by its disagreeable smell when 
bruised. Moreover, the colour of the flowers of 
parsley are yellow, while those of the fool’s 

1 The curved styles are not drawn accurately, they should 

both arise from the middle (just below the num. 5), and the — 

disks should be represented as two nearly flat semi-circular 
cushions, extending outwards right and left, to the margins 
of the ovary. 




parsley are white. Note also the pendulous 

The symptoms it produces on man are heat in 
the mouth and throat, nausea and vomiting ; with 
headache, giddiness, stupor, convulsions, and lock- 
jaw. Convulsions and stupor occur in all animals 

' poisoned by it. 

No fatal case appears to be caused from the 
fool’s parsley before 1845, when a little child 
ate the roots, which resembled radishes. Sick- 
ness and a tendency to lockjaw followed, death 
terminating the seizure in an hour. The leaves 
have been eaten in soup in the place of parsley | 
with similar results, death in that case taking place 
in twenty-four hours, 

In the numerous cases of poisoning with this 
plant, by far the majority were not fatal; but in 
one case the root was boiled in soup under the 
impression it was parsley. One child who partook 

_of it died. 

Other cases have proved that the root contains 
a very energetic poison. 

1 Dr. Tanner recommends emetics, castor-oil and stimu- 
lants to be resorted to in poisoning by Fools Parsley. Cold 
affusions will often be found useful, more especially if there 
be much stupor. Another writer suggests after the poison 

_ has been ejected, citric or some other vegetable acid should 
be administered ; besides the celd affusions mentioned, 

mustard poultices may be applied to the feet ; together with 
small doses of sulphate of magnesia during the cure. 

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It may be added that Dr. J. Harley maintains, 
that having experimented on himself,on others,and 
on animals with the expressed juice and with the 
tincture, he found the effects to be entirely negative, 
Some of the published cases he refers to Hemlock, 
others to Aconite. } 

vary greatly according to 
climate and soil, it is 

samples that were more 
or less or quite harmless ; 
just as bread has been 
made to test the poisonous 
properties of Darnel with 
perfectly innocuous re- 
sults. Again, he does’ 
not appear to have used — 
the living plant itself, 
It is safer, therefore, 

Hemlock. tributed to this plant. 

HEMLOCK (Conzum maculatum, Fig. 22). —This 

is a tall biennial, growing from three to six feet, or : 2 = 

more, It has a forked, pale yellow root. The stem 
is erect, hollow, striated, perfectly smooth, bright 

green, but mottled with stains or spots of a port- eds 
wine colour, and covered with a “ bloom” which: is- eee: 

Since, however, plants — 

possible that he had 

| | to believe what has been | 
Fig. 22. Conium maculatum; otherwise universally at- 4 





easily rubbed off. The leaves are large and 
compound ; the segments being deeply cut. Each 

“tooth” is tipped with a minute sharp white point. 

The fruit has many ridges, as shown in the figure. 
It is not uncommon in hedges and waste places; 
and is easily recognized by the above characters, 
especially the smooth spotted stem, as well as the 
size of the plant and foliage. 

The Hemlock was well known to the ancients as 
poisonous ; and it was the juice of this plant, in all 
probability, which Socrates was compelled to drink. 

Like so many other poisonous plants—as the 
Aconite, Cherry-laurel, etc, it is much more 
injurious in the hotter countries of South Europe 
than in the North. Before flowering, the poisonous 
principle is principally in the foliage, but it 

becomes less so when the plant is in fruit, as this 

latter then acquires it, which is more active before 
being ripe than afterwards. 

When cut and dried, as in hay, the Hemlock loses 
much of its poisonous properties, which are vola- 
tile and easily dissipated. Cooking destroys it; so 
Pliny observes that it was actually eaten in his day 
when thus prepared as food. 

Poisoning of human beings has apparently 

mostly, if not always, resulted from errors in 

administering the extract of Hemlock; for its dis- 

agreeable odour has prevented its use as a vegetable 

_intheraw state. This has been the cause of mishaps 




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with other members of the family of Umbellifers. 
Animals, too, have rarely been poisoned, as they 
all refuse it. This has only occurred when mixed 

with other herbage, and especially at spring-time, 

when they eat with avidity anything green. 

Some animals appear able to eat the Hemlock — 

with impunity; thus larks and quails are said to do 
so in Germany; but their flesh becomes so impreg- 
nated with the poison, that carnivores which have 
eaten them have died. On the other hand, ducks have 
been poisoned by eating the fruits, though thrushes 
have been observed to eat them with impunity. — 

The Hemlock of South Europe is much more 
energetic than that of more northern regions. Nar- 
cotic effects are said to be felt by those who breathe 
fora long time air impregnated with the effluvium. 

That the poisonous property is not destroyed by 
boiling is proved by a case of two soldiers who 
collected herbs for boiling with bacon. They par- 
took of the broth, and then of the herbs and bacon. 
They died in about three hours. 

1 Dr. Brunton gives as antidotes to poisoning by Hemlock— 
Tannic acid, stimulants, and coffee. 

Dr. Tanner adds :—Emetics, castor-oil ; cold affusion will 

often be useful, more especially if there be much stupor. 

For poisoning by Hemlock, Mr. Blyth recommends 
-emetics of sulphate of zinc or mustard. Keep up the 
temperature of the body by hot wraps. Administer strong tea, 
or any harmless vegetable decoction containing tannin, 

Stimulants may be given. If necessary, use artificial — 



involucre nor involucel. 


CELERY (Apium graveolens).—The wild plant is 
also called Smallage. It is acrid,and should not be 
eaten ; but it loses all deleterious properties, or 
rather does not develop them, when it is blanched 
under cultivation. In Malta it is always used green 
for flavouring soups, etc. The wild plant has a 
very strong smell of 
celery, and can often be 
detected by the odour, 
even at some distance 
off. It is more com- 
mon near the _ sea, 
though it occurs byditches 
inland. ; 

It is a plant with no 
very marked feature by 
which it can be distin- 
guished, except the fami- 
liar smell of celery when 
bruised, and its umbels 
have neither a general Fig. Piper iat eat ic 

WATER-HEMLOCK, or COWBANE (Cicuta virosa). 
—This is a tall-growing plant, with long, narrow 
serrated segments to the compound leaves. . The 
flowers are white. There is no general involucre; 
but an involucel of many bracts is present. The 

fruit has five scarcely prominent ridges. It fre- 
quents watery places, as marshes and ditches. It 

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has a white, fleshy root, containing a yellow juice. 
The stem is hollow. BESS 

It is regarded as being the most poisonous of the 
Umbellifers. The thick root has been the occasion 
of fatal results when eaten instead of parsnip or 

Animals only very exceptionally have been 
poisoned by it; though it has been stated that - 
both sheep and goats can eat it without being 
seriously inconvenienced. 

As an instance, two men died near Sunderland 
by eating the roots when they were at work. Both 
were found unconscious and paralyzed. Several 
cases of children having eaten the root and died 
are on record. In one case castor-oil in the form 
of an enema saved the life of the child. _ ‘ 

WATER-DROPWORT (Cinanthe crocata, Fig. 24). 
—This is a tall plant, from three to five feet in 
height. It has a channelled, hollow stem, com-— 
pound leaves, with much-divided leaflets. The 
segments are rather broad, wedge-shaped, and © 
lobed. The fruit is narrow, oblong (see figure), = 
The ridges are not very prominent. Wes 

The plant bears from five or more spindle-shaped 
fleshy roots of a pale yellow colour, mixed with 
fibrous ones. They contain a milky and very — a4 

1 Dr. Tanner prescribes for poisoning by Water-Hemlock, 
emetics, castor-oil, and stimulants. Cold affusion will often 
be useful, more especially if there be much stupor. 

Ge 8 2H . , ce < xy 


poisonous juice, which becomes yellowish on 
. drying. 

Every year men and animals are poisoned on 
the Continent, and not infrequently here also, by 
their inadvertently eating the roots of this plant. 
The leaves have been eaten instead of celery, and 
the roots instead of par- 

Cattle have been poison- 
ed by eating the plants 

_ thrown upon the land when 
the ditches have been 
cleared out. It is said 
they eat them without 
repugnance, domestication 
having weakened _ their 

_ All parts of the plant 
‘are poisonous, but the 
roots are much more so 
than the stem and leaves. 3 
ee CSCS Cys Bie Sea waoanpan ea 
poison in some degree, : 
and cooking weakens it still more, but does not 
eliminate it altogether. Of animals, though all 

_ kinds are poisoned by it, carnivores are less sus- 

- ‘ceptible to the action than the herbivorous. 

sas A writer records how a number of convicts work- 

_ ing near Woolwich came across a quantity of the 


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Water-Dropwort, and thinking it closely resembled 
parsnips, seventeen of them ate it. Shortly after, 
nine went into convulsions; six of them died 
within a few hours. In one case the quantity taken 
did not exceed the top of the finger in size. The 
symptoms were insensibility, tetanus, delirium, and 
insanity. The behaviour 
of persons poisoned is 
described as being like 

“ay those of delirium tremens. 
SW The voot is considered to 
“8 be the most active part of 

ENS \ ~ the plant; it is described 

Bad as being not unpleasant 
seh, to the taste ; but a very 
a> eV, v. small portion of it, unless 
celia) ae speedily ejected by an 

SES S a emetic, will suffice to 
Sy destroy life. 
oe ee \ Vf ‘i G. Ph-Uandrium (Fig. 

25) is also an aquatic 
plant, growing in ponds 
and ditches. The leaves have finely - divided 

Fig. 25. (Enanthe Phellandrium. 

segments, and those submerged, as is so generally — ; 

the case, almost thread- or fennel-like, 
Though poisonous, its deleterious principle is 

less at spring-time than later in the season; so. 

that cattle can browse upon it with impunity ; ; ‘but 
it is injurious to horses, 



C. fistulosa (Fig. 26) is also aquatic. It has a - 
mixture of slender and fleshy roots. The leaves 
are much arrested with few, narrow segments and 
hollow petioles (see the figure). 

The sepals of the flower are unusually large 

_ (see figure); as in most 

umbellifers they are quite AN ! y Wa 
rudimentary. \\ Re ae 
AS ie SS e Ne 
. . > ° 2. TN a SHES 
This species is poison- Ni RINE RTE 

ous; but it is only ex- 
ceptionally that animals 
have eaten it spontan- 
_Though the above 
species are very danger- 
ous, yet one, @. pzmpinel- 
loides, a rare plant in 
England but commoner 
abroad, has roots which 
-areeaten. They are full ¥ 
of starchy matter with Fig. 26. CE&nanthe fistulosa ; Common 
the flavour of filberts, and erecta 
_ were formerly sold at Angers and other continental 
markets. It is said, however, that when wild they . 
are not so harmless as when cultivated. 


1 Dr. Tanner recommends for poisoning by species of 

 Gnanthe or Water-Dropwort, emetics, castor-oil, and stimu- 
lants. Cold affusions will often be useful, more especially if 

_ there be much stupor. ; 

e = 


WATER-PARSNIP (Szum Jlatifolium, Fig. 27)— — 
This umbellifer occurs in watery places all over 
the British Isles., The root of this, as well as of 
the only other species we possess (.S. angustifolium), — 
is reputed deleterious; but pigs and oxen eat — 
the stem without apparent inconvenience. Still 
it is important neverthe- 

Ged ey less not to allow cows in | 
AS |, milk to eat it, as it com- | 
EN) Pw, municates a disagreeable 

<i taste to the milk. 

a aS ay Both species are easily 
3 , We recognized by their pin- 
WZ nate leaves, the leaf-stalks _ 
EM INA AL 3 carrying about six to us 
eight pairs of ovate 
toothed leaflets. The © 
general involucre is com- oe 
posed of broadish or a 
Fig. 27. Sium latifolium ; Broad lanceolate bracts; and 
WT ee there is also an involucel. 
There are slender ribs on the fruit, with rather — 
prominent pointed calyx-teeth. See 
BEAKED PARSLEY (Anthricus sylvestris) is only 
too common in hay-fields, multiplying with great 
rapidity and bearing a profusion of white flowers. 
It is sometimes called cow or sheep’s parsley; the — 
fruits are elongated, perfectly smooth, and without — 

any ridges whatever. aa Parapet 



The plant has rather a strong odour and a 
bitter taste. Though cows refuse it, most animals 
-caneat it with impunity. But a case is on record 
of a herd of pigs foraging among a quantity of the 
beaked parsley, which was struck with a sort of 
paralysis. Four died from severe internal in- 

eae flammation. 

WILD CARROT (Daucus Carota)—One would 
not suspect this plant of having any deleterious 
properties. It certainly has none when cultivated ; 

_ but a remarkable occurrence is reported in the 

case of some white mice to which the roots of the 
wild carrot were given to eat; they died very 
quickly after consuming it. 
- Nothing is known of any deleterious principle 
in the wild form of the plant. It has a rather 
strong odour and taste. Further researches are 
Cow-PARSNIP or HOGWEED (Heracleum Sphon- 

_ dylium), a coarse-growing plant with large leaves 

and broad, rough leaflets, common in moist woods 

and meadows. It is usually regarded as entirely 

inoffensive ; and it is only under special conditions 
that it appears capable of doing any harm. In 
Belgium it has given rise to the affection known 
as Panazisie; because in that country it is com- 

monly called Cow-Parsnip. A number of work- 
men in the month of August in 1856, at a time 

“x aye, 

Je 5 

. of great heat and heavy dews, the plants being — 

lls toe 
Se 7 

Reh. > 


charged with dew, were employed to root up — 
plants of the hogweed in a certain park. Nearly 
all of them experienced the same, or the next : 
day, a sensation of intense heat in the left arm 
and about the wrist. An inflammation like 
erysipelas developed itself accompanied by sores, 
which prevented them from working for nearly 
three weeks. Some beasts which ate the up- 
rooted plants suffered internal irritation. The 
left arm being injured is explained by the workmen 
having torn up the plants with their right hand, 
and then laid them across the left arm. It was 
observed that the workmen who began their 
work early, suffered much more seriously than 
the later arrivals, when the sun had dissipated 
the dew. ! | 5y 
Looking for the cause of Panazsze,it has been 
suggested that it is the essential oil; that during 
the day this oil evaporates as it is formed; butin 
a misty morning, without sun, in a meadow | 
charged with dew, it is condensed instead of a 
being volatilized; then being dissolved in Oa 
dew which covers the plant, this acquires the - 
irritating property which gives rise to the complaint. — | 
The Ivy FAaMILy (Aratzacee). St 
Ivy (Hedera Helix).—This is our only a 
ative, and is too well known to need | fe 


cases have been known of their suffering from 
eating them. They prove to be very emetic and 
purgative, etc., producing more or less inflamma- 
tion in the digestive canal. The berries contain 
a very bitter principle, apparently somewhat akin 
to quinine. They are, however, largely eaten by 
wood-pigeons, blackbirds, and thrushes, 


ELDER FAMILY (Caprifolzace@). “ate, 
COMMON ELDER (Sambucus nigra).—This is a Fee 
tree or shrub familiar to all. It has compound _ Ee 
pinnate leaves like those of the ash-tree, and flat- 
topped “corymbs” of numerous yellowish-white — 
flowers. ‘ae 
A close examination will reveal an inferior ovary, 23 

five points on the top of it represent the calpaie 
the corolla has the petals coherent and the eae ; 

to it. Three minute stigmas reveal the fact hates “g 
there are three carpels. The style is swollen ane . 
a conical fleshy mass as the organ for secreting 

honey. :: ee Be. * me 3 
There are several uses to which the elder i is put, 
but in only one or two particulars can it be re : 

garded 3 as deleterious. _ Thus, while Elder flowers, 


accident has been  re- 


wine, yet an infusion made from the leaves is fatal 
to insects, so that some gardeners use a strong 
infusion to preserve delicate plants from insects 
and caterpillars. The young leaf-buds are very 
 purgative, and are somewhat dangerous in con- 
sequence. The bark, too, is violently cathartic. 
The juice of the root, taken as a supposed remedy 
_ for a bilious attack, proved fatal in the case of a 
woman ; and the leaves have caused severe irritant 
- poisoning in a child. 
_ DwaArF ELDER, or DANE-WORT (Sambucus Ebu- 
lus) is a somewhat local 
species, and sub-herbace- 
ous rather than being a 
woody plant. It produces 
black shiny berries. 

It has a strong odour 
which repels animals. Al- 
_ though the root, bark, and 
leaves possess. violently 
purgative properties, no 

corded from misuse of 
these parts. Fig. 28. Sambucus Ebulus; Dwarf 
The berries, equally pur- aa 

gative, rarely tempt children because of the odour 
of the plant. They have, however, been fraudu- 
lently used for colouring wine, to which they 
_ impart their deleterious properties. 


Turkeys have been known to suffer from eating © 

the berries. Drying weakens the activity of the 
deleterious principle, but does not completely 
destroy it. 

DAIsy FAMILY (Composite).—This family is 
often called Composites, because instead of having 
separate flowers, the so-called “flower” is really 
composed of innumerable “ florets,’ often of two 
kinds. Those in the middle of the “head”—say 
a daisy—have yellow corollas with a five-toothed 
border. These are called “ disk-florets,’ while 
those on the circumference have a narrow strap- 
shaped or “ligulate” corolla. These form “ray” 
florets. | 

In some plants the ray is wanting, as in the 
minute heads of Wormseed, and Wormwood of the 
genus Artemisia. 

In one section a// the florets are ‘alilees and © 

“lisulate.” This is the case with the dandelion - 

and lettuce. 
The enormous family of Composites possesses 

very few poisonous kinds. We have only two to 

be mentioned of English plants. 
WORMSEED (Artemisia maritima).—The com- 


monest species of this genus is Mugwort (A. vul- — ae 

garis), while the old-fashioned garden plant (A. 

A brotanum) is known as Southernwood. A.Dracun- — ae 

1 For poisoning by E/ders, Dr. Tanner recommends the os 3 

same treatment as for Bryony. Note, p. 85. 


culus is the herb Taragon. And Wormwood (A. 
Absinthium) flavours absinthe. The species are 
often bitter; some Eastern kinds were the Worm- 
wood of Scripture. 

The species first mentioned is a native of mari- 
time saline districts, and i sl. ip 

wie ij J. 
4a 2 Ws 
= na f)/ 

\, Ay & 

possesses -a_ principle 
called Santonzn, which is 
included in our British 

The minute flower- 
heads, for it is a member 
of the Composite family, 
are a popular remedy 
for certain infantile com- 
plaints, and have often 
been administered unad- 
visedly with fatal results, 
_ but in small proportions, 
viz. two in eighteen, si Fig. 29. Lactuca virosa, var. Scari- 
eleven per cent. ola; Wild Lettuce. 

It has the remarkable effect of affecting the 

sight, making everything to appear yellow; and 
this effect may last twenty-four hours. This 
yellowness is preceded by a violet hue in some 
cases. : 
WILD LETTUCE (Lactuca virosa)—This has a 
milky juice like that of the dandelion. It is an 
annual, frequenting waste stony places, and is 


from one to two feet high. Another species, ac- ; 
cording to some botanists, Z. Scariola, has erect —=— 
leaves, with deeply-cut lobes; but Mr.Bentham unites rs 
the two. It is the origin of the garden lettuce. 25 

gas Tere 
: Rg oy Oe 
te re 9 FP als Le . 

In the wild state it exhales adisagreeable odour, 
so that animals will not touch it. But it has no sa % 
very active properties. ero. 

It was thought that the milky juice was the same = re 

as in poppies, but analyses can trace neither mor- 

phine nor narcotine, which is characteristic of the ea 
opium poppy. The principle is peculiar to this 
: . amen. ale 

plant, and is called Lactucine. oe. 
It isto this that the lettuce owes its narcotic Beste 

. * . . : ee, ea 
properties ; but no case is known of any poisoning S. 
by Lactucarium or “Lettuce opium” as the in- 
e ° . e . —~ ~ beet 
spissated milky juice is called. It has a weak nae 
narcotic action when given in doses of from five —_ a 

to twenty grains. Two grains will cause headache 
and somnolency in some persons; so that it has 
been recommended as a substitute for opium, as it 
is not followed by the injurious effects of that 
drug. a a 
It has had the credit of being a poisonous plant ; 
but it would seem that its deleterious properties — 
have been somewhat exaggerated. eae 
LOBELIA FAMILY (Lodeliacee).—Lobelias are 

1 Dr. Tanner knew of no case of poisoning in 1862. 
Should such occur, emetics and full doses of castor-oil might 
be given. 


by some botanists included in the Campanula or 
_Canterbury-bell family. They differ by having 
irregular flowers. 

The ovary is two-celled and inferior. The calyx 
consists of five pointed sepals on the summit of 
the inferior ovary ; the corolla, instead of having 
its petals coherent into the bell-shaped structure 
of Canterbury-bells, has it split down the posterior 
side, to allow the stamens to pass through it. 
These have their anthers united into a tube, and 
not free as in Campanula. The style is provided 
with a tuft of hairs just below the two flap-like 

stigmas, which are at first pressed together. The 

use of this contrivance is to sweep out the pollen 
‘as the style passes up the anther-tube. Having 
done this the stigmas separate. It is then ready 
for the visits of insects. 

‘Like the Campanulas, Lobelias have a milky 
juice. In both it is remarkably bitter and acrid, 
but while the former are not regarded as poisonous 
_ —Indeed one species of Campanula called Rampion 
was cultivated for its thick tuberous roots, which 
are milky and eaten in salads—the Lobelias are 
dangerously poisonous. We have only two species 
of Lobelia to represent the family in England. 

LOBELIA (L. Dortmanna and urens)—Of these 

two British species, the former occurs in lakes 

in Wales, and the latter is found near Axminster. 
- But numerous species from America are in cultiva- 



a A ee 
«a fe ts 

tion; the most familiar is perhaps the little blue- 
flowered plant used for bedding in summer, JZ. 
Erinus, from the Cape of Good Hope. 

Lobelias have avery acrid milky juice. If taken 
internally, it provokes symptoms analogous to those ~ 
produced by Belladonna, as it contains Atropzne. 
Hence the specific name wrens, “burning.” Its 
action is said to be very much like that of tobacco, 
only differing in the greater intensity of the local 
burning sensations. Disastrous results have fol- 
lowed the misuse of the drug obtained from an 
American species, by incompetent persons. 

The species used in medicine is known as 
“Indian Tobacco” (LZ. zuflata). It is a native of 
North America; and its powdered leaves and 
seeds have been employed as a remedy for asthma. 
In one instance—writes Dr. Tanner—a quack pre- 7 
scribed a drachm of the leaves which produced ey 
pain, vomiting, and unconsciousness, death follow- 
ing in thirty-six hours. Ignorant impostors, calling 
themselves medical botanists, have poisoned several 
simple individuals, both in England and America, 

by physicking them with this mischievous and ei 
powerful drug. The seeds are equally poisonous! a 

1 Dr. Tanner adds that the stomach-pump or emetics must , ate 
be employed. If the effects are not very severe, they will , 

generally cease spontaneously. 
Dr. Brunton’s antidotes to poisoning by Lobelia are, a 

purgative; demulcents; stimulants; tannin; strychnine, 

hypodermically (5 mins. liq. strych.). . 


HEATH FAMILY (Ericacee)—This is a large 
family, and divided into tribes by botanists. One 
supplies the bilberry, whortleberry, and cranberry, 
which bear edible fruit. Another includes the 
heaths and ling ; but the only one which calls for 
attention is that which contains the common Garden 
Rhododendrons and Azaleas. 

In the flowers of these plants the calyx is almost 
entirely wanting; just a rudiment with five little 
points remains. The corolla is somewhat irre- 
gular, and having the posterior petal spotted. 
Such spots and streaks in flowers are regarded as 
“suides” or “path-finders” to insects, to lead 
them to find the exact position of the honey- 
glands. The stamens, five or ten, are “declinate,” 
that is, they first bend downwards and then up- 
wards, in order to bear the weight of the insect 
which alights upon them, since there is no petal | 
exactly in front for them to stand upon. 

Contrary to the usual rule—that when the petals 
are coherent, the stamens may be expected to be 
adherent to the corolla-tube—the stamens are quite 
free from the corolla, arising directly from the floral 

The pistil has five coherent carpels, forming a 
capsule when in fruit. : 
RHODODENDRON (Rhododendron, sp.).—Numer- 
ous species and hybrids of this genus are in culti- 
vation, as well as others of the same tribe (Rho- 

ST oe 
> * ie: 
Se eS 
ot, oF . 
Wr x4 

doree). They all possess acrid narcotic properties. ; 

Thus 2. chrysanthum, a small shrub of Siberia, has 
stimulant and narcotic virtues. The leaves are 
used in infusion for rheumatism in Siberia. AR. 
Jerrugineum of the Alps resembles it in its 

The sub-genus Azalea has a species (A. Pontica) 
which is possessed of highly narcotic properties. | 
It has been suggested that it was the honey of ny 
this plant which caused so much destruction in ae 
Xenophon’s army in the retreat of the Ten 
Thousand. It is said that the honey collected © 
from this plant has the same effect on the system 
as Darnel (Lolium temulentum). It grows abun-— 
dantly in Asia Minor and in the neighbourhood of — : 
the Black Sea; and it is stated that goats which 
eat the leaves suffer in consequence, and that it is S 
fatal to cattle and sheep. ee 

Kalmia latifolia is frequently grown in shrub- 
beries, the flower of which is remarkable for 
having the stamens bent down and thrust into 
little pockets in the corolla. It is one of the most _ ee: 
dangerous of the whole family. It is found all over 
the United States, and is there called Mountain _ #3 
Laurel. The leaves are narcotic and poisonous, __ 
Death has occurred from eating the flesh of par- = 
tridges and pheasants which have fed on them— 
presumably the buds or seeds—during the winter. _ 

Similarly the flesh of hares which have been eee 




feeding on &. chrysanthum has been considered to 

be poisonous. 

Ledum palustre (of Europe) and ZL. latifolium (of 
N. America) are two species of small shrubs, and 
grown in gardens, They can scarcely be called 
poisonous plants; indeed the second is called 

_ Labrador Tea, as the leaves are used for an in- 

fusion ; but still, the leaves of both species when 

infused in beer render it very “heady,” and cause 

headache, nausea, and even delirium ; showing that 
they contain some deleterious principle. 

PRIVET FAMILY (Oleace@).—The only members 
of this family, natives of Great Britain, are the 
Privet and the Ash-tree ; but the Lilac, Phillyrea, 
and Jessamine (if this last be included, as some 
botanists place it) are. familiar garden flowering 
shrubs, all having opposite leaves. 

The calyx has four coherent sepals; the corolla 
has four coherent petals. There are only two 
stamens adherent to the corolla and a pistil of two 
coherent carpels. The latter forms a berry in the 
privet, a stone-fruit or “drupe” in the Olive, a 
bursting capsule in the Lilac, and a winged inde- 
hiscent fruit called a “samara” in the Ash. This 

ic tree: 1S remarkable for having no calyx or corolla, 
only the two stamens and pistil; sometimes each 
is alone, thus forming male and female flowers; 

sometimes they are together. | 

PRIVET (Ligustrum vulgare).—This is not 

e shia Sats re a ai 



ise i , a es 

generally regarded as a poisonous shrub; but 

Dr. Taylor records a case in which three children 
ate the small black berries of this bush. They 
suffered from violent purging. A boy and a girl 
died, but the third child, also a girl, recovered, as 
she had only tasted, but had not apparently 

swallowed any, or at all events enough to harm 


PRIMROSE FAMILY (Primulacee)—Taking a 
primrose or cowslip as a type of this family, the 
structure of the flower is as follows. The calyx 
has five sepals coherent into a tube. So has the 
corolla. The five stamens are situated zz front of 
the petals. This is so unusual that it calls for an 
explanation. The law of alternation between the 

positions of the whorls signifies that a whorl of 

stamens has been suppressed between the corolla 
and the existing whorl ; so that the parts may be 
represented thus :— 

5. Se 5. S: Di 

Gee ue ee om 

where S. stands for sepals ; P. for petals ; * arrested ‘ 
stamens; St. existing stamens, and C. for carpels, — 

-) C- 

In the primrose and cowslip the stamens and 
pistils are “dimorphic,” that is, of different lengths 


in the flowers of different plants, forming the 
popular distinction of thrum-eyed and pin-eyed. 
‘The anthers of the stamens are situated high up 
in one and low down the corolla-tube in the 
other kind of flower ; the pistils have the lengths of 
their styles correspondingly graduated, so that they 
are adapted for being crossed. 

This arrangement does not exist in all species 
of primrose, nor is it in all other genera of this 
family. Under cultivation and certain circum- 
stances in the wild state, the stamens and style 
may be of the same length in the same flower, 
though such be normally dimorphic. 

(Anagallis arvensis).—T his is too smalla plant to be 
eaten in any quantity by animals ; but experiences 
abroad have shown that it certainly contains in- 
jurious properties, which neither drying nor boiling 
destroys. It is said that some horses were killed at 
Lyons by means of it. It has also caused cage-birds 
to die from their having eaten it when given to 
them in mistake for chickweed. This plant hada 
reputation for curing hydrophobia, but no such 
property is really attached to it. It is said that 
sheep refuse to eat it. An extract made from it is 
very powerful and poisonous. 

CYCLAMEN (Cyclamen sp.).—We have one species 
of this plant which has established itself in woods 

in Kent and Sussex. The cultivated species is 


known as C. Persicum. It forms a large globular — 

tuber, which in Sicily is eaten by swine ; hence it 
was formerly called Sowbread. In a fresh state it 
is acrid and bitter ; but when dried its acridity is 
diminished, and when roasted it becomes perfectly 
harmless. It acts as a violently drastic purgative, 
and isemetic. It is sometimes used, but often with 
serious results, accompanied by internal inflam- 
mation and even terminating in death. It is 

singular, writes Dr. Hogg, in addition to the pre-— 
ceding details, that while pigs can eat any quantity — 

of the tubers with impunity, the juice acts asa 
poison on small fish, if mixed with the water in 

which they are, in the very small proportion of Tin 
3000. The active properties reside in a principle — 

called Cyclamine, a powerful poison, producing 

effects similar to those of Woorari, which the — 
Indians of Rio Negro use for poisoning their 


CONVOLVULUS FAMILY (Convolvulace@)—The 

members of this family are mostly climbers ; but 
when a genus has species of which some live in 

shady woods, the other in hot, dry deserts, the — 
former climb, but the latter do not; such habits — 
being adaptations to two very different conditions _ 

of environment. 

The form of the corolla is like the mouth of oe 
trumpet, and various kinds of convolvulus must 

be familiar to all. 


They generally have a milky juice and an acrid 
taste, so that cattle will not touch them. Pigs 
have been known to eat the roots of the white- 
flowered hedge convolvulus, with bad results. 
In fact all of our three wild species, the one men- 
tioned, the Lesser Bindweed, and the Calystegza of 
our sandy sea-shores, have all an actively cathartic 


It may be added that the popular remedy 
“Jalap” is the root of a Mexican species, deriving 
its name from the town Xalapa. 

On the other hand, the Sweet Potato largely 
imported from Spain before the true potato was 
introduced in the sixteenth century, is another 
member of the family (Latatas edulis), the name 
giving rise to “potato,” which belongs to a totally 

_ different family. 

One genus called Dodder (Cuscuta) is parasitic, 
resembling yellow threads bearing globular tufts 
of flowers ; it is frequent on gorse, clover, etc. The 
species partake of the same properties as Con- 
volvulus. | 

POTATO FAMILY (So/anace@).— Four genera repre- 
sent this family in Great Britain, a// of them being 
poisonous ; viz. Henbane, Deadly Nightshade or 
Belladonna, Woody Nightshade, and the Black- 
fruited Solanum. The Thorn-apple was introduced 

from North America. 



num Dulcamara).—This is a familiar plant, scramb- 
ling or climbing over our hedges, with single or 
trifoliate, oval leaves. Clusters of purple flowers 
arise from a point in the stem above a leaf, and 
not as usual from its axil. There is a small calyx 
of five coherent sepals; a corolla of five coherent 
petals carrying the five adherent stamens, The 
anthers are sub-coherent, forming a cone and 
dehisce by terminal pores. The pistil of two 
carpels becomes an oval scarlet berry. 

There is a deleterious principle called Solanzne, ; 
which is found in all the species of Solanum. As 
it occurs in the stem and leaves of the Bittersweet ; 
—this name being derived from the taste of the 
stem, being at first bitter, followed by a sweetish __ 
flavour—these parts must be regarded as suspicious ; a 
indeed, they have been proved to have narcotic 
properties, producing giddiness and sickness when 

With regard to the berries, there is no doubt 
that they are very harmful. Two childrendieda __ 
short time ago near Birmingham who had been 
eating a variety of berries, including the poisonous ay 
ones of Lords and Ladies (Arum maculatum),and 
also those of the Woody Nightshade. Moreover, 
evidence of the presence of the poisonous Principle 9 
Solanine was detected. 

Solanine is especially connected with the green __ 
parts; so that even if the ripe berries proved — c 


innocuous in some cases, as has been asserted, 
children and others would very probably suffer if 
they ate them at all green. The principle acts 
aS an acro-narcotic poison. It is retained in the 
- British Pharmacopceia, but apparently not often 

BLACK SOLANUM (Solanum nigrum).—This is 
a small annual plant, about one foot to eighteen 
inches high, and is often a troublesome weed in 
ill-kept gardens, if allowed to scatter its purple- 
black, globular berries. It exhales a disagreeable 
odour. Solanine exists in the fruits. Children 
have suffered by eating them on the Continent, 
though they are sometimes harmless to adults, 
at least in this country, as Solanine is not very 
abundant in the stem and leaves, which had no 
effect upon a horse. 

Three children are recorded as having eaten the 
berries of the Black Solanum, and suffered from 
vertigo, dilated pupils, nausea, colic, stertorous 
breathing, and convulsions. 

POTATO (Solanum tuberosum).—The potato plant 
contains the same principle, Solanine ; which, since 
it is mostly in connection with green parts or 
_ chlorophyll, potatoes which have been insufficiently 
covered and become green, should never be eaten, 

1 Dr. Tanner says :—To prevent a fatal result from Hen- 
bane or Nightshade, we must trust to emetics and full doses 

of castor-oil. 


' bs > 

The tubers contain it least of all the parts of the el 
plant; and when potatoes are boiled, the dele- 
terious principle is not destroyed, but passes out ae 
into the water. a 
No injury to man has ever been recorded facae oF 
the Solanine of potato plants; for it is only the 
harmless and useful tubers that are eaten. The 
skins, which contain the most of it, are peeled off. Fo 
On the other hand, accidents with animals are 
not at all uncommon. Cattle have suffered most, a 
and even dogs have suffered when fed exclusively _ ” 
on potatoes. Cows will eat raw potatoes, some- = 

times given under the impression that it increases 
the milk; but they have been known to suffer in 
consequence; as also by the foliage when given a 
to them in times of scarcity of forage. me. 

AUBERGINE (Solanum Melongena).—As in pota- _ a 
toes, the same principle is associated with chloro- — 
phyll; so the purple fruits only of this plant 
should be eaten, and all half-ripe or green ones 
avoided. as 

Besides the species mentioned, others are often _ 
cultivated, and are probably more or less dangerous. _ 
There is one which becomes a tree on the Continent, : 
and is not infrequently grown in conservatories, — 
popularly known abroad as Trompette du Jugement. « 

The Egg-plant, Mad-apple or Jew’s-apple (So/a- — 
num esculentum) is a native of the East Indies, and 
sometimes cultivated. It produces a fruit the: Ses - 


size and form of a hen’s egg, generally white. They 
are used in the South of Europe raw or cooked ; 

Fig. 30. Atropa Belladonna; Deadly Nightshade. 

but if eaten in excess are described as producing 
injurious effects. _ : 

DEADLY NIGHTSHADE (Aévopa Belladonna, Fig. 

3 30).—This is a perennial herb, between three and 


four feet in height, branching with rather large 
leaves finely pubescent or downy, oval and pointed. 
The flower has a tubular corolla of a purplish-blue 

colour. The rather large berries are shining and ~ 

black, when ripe (see figure). 

The Belladonna is very poisonous ; the berries, 
which are intensely sweet, having caused many 
mishaps among children ; though of all its parts 
the berries are the least rich in active principles, as 
compared with the roots, which are the most active ; 

and the stem, leaves, and flowers, which take an 

intermediate position. 

Drying does not destroy the poisonous properties. 

Men and animals suffer alike from the Belladonna, 
but in different degrees. Man is most susceptible, 
after him are the cat, bird, and dog; the horse is 
less affected by it. The pig, goat, sheep, and 
rabbit are but little sensible to its action ; but only 
in consequence of a more rapid elimination of the 
poison. . 

The same remark applies to Cytzstne of the 

An adult person has eaten two or three berries 
without injury, but beyond that dangerous symp- 

toms are experienced; but it has been recorded 

that, on one occasion, a fatal result did not follow 

the consumption of thirty berries. Fortunately if 

the principle is of itself an emetic. 


+ . 


The effect of this plant, writes Mr. Johnson, 
is peculiar in causing, first great excitement, and 
afterwards stupefaction and death. The pupil of 
the eye is usually much dilated. A remarkable 
case of poisoning occurred in 1806, when the berries 
were sold in London as edible fruits by some 
ignorant dealers. Two persons who partook of 
them died, and others narrowly escaped. 

It was probably the Belladonna which proved 
disastrous to some troops under Mark Antony 
as described by Plutarch. He says that those 
who sought for herbs obtained few that they were 

accustomed to eat, and in tasting unknown plants 

they found one which caused insanity and death. 
He that had eaten thereof immediately lost all 
memory and knowledge; but at the same time 
would busy himself in turning and moving every 
stone he met with, as if he were engaged in some 
very important pursuit. The camp was filled with 
unhappy men bending to the ground, and digging 
up and removing stones, till at last they were 
carried off by a bilious vomiting, when wine, the 
only remedy, was not at hand. 

In modern times it is reported that one hundred 
and fifty soldiers suffered from the ill effects of 
this plant in the early part of last century. 

Dr. Tanner observes that there is often a dis- 
position to laugh and talk loudly, to have fanciful 
delusions, with a difficulty of walking ; symptoms 

122 POISONOUS PLANTS 7 ee ae : 

somewhat resembling those of poisoning by the <-> 
mandrake, another species of the same genus. acd 

Mr. Blyth says that the Deadly Nightshade 
contains not only its own poisonous principle, 
Atropine, which is the same as that of the Thorn- 
apple, Daturine, but Hyoscyamine as well, character- 
istic of the Henbane. The young roots contain 
the last only, while the older have Atropine in 
addition. The ripe berries contain both, if culti- 
vated, but the wild berries have only Atropine. ms 

The seeds are very small, kidney-shaped, covered 
with small, round projections. Mr. Blyth gives 
statistics of poisoning by Atropine for ten years 
ending 1892. The total number was seventy-nine, 
Twenty-nine were suicidal, the rest accidental,and 
almost invariably the result of mistakes in phar- eet; 
macy. It is children alone who have eaten the % 
berries of Belladonna, and leaves or seeds of 
Thorn-apple.! pe 

The late Dr. B. W. Richardson considered the 
drug administered to Juliet was Mandragora, ~ 
allied to our Deadly Nightshade ; as, contrary to 


1 Dr. Brunton gives as antidotes to poisoning by Belladonna 
and also by Thorn-apple (Datura Stramonium), stimulants — 
and coffee; inject caffeine subcutaneously; arouse from ert 
stupor, as in opium poisoning; and, if necessary, artificial — ie 

Dr. Tanner suggests the use of emetics and purgatives 
to free the intestine. Mr. Blyth, besides these,adds anenema 
of coffee. Hot water to the feet and alternate donee. oe Rea 
cold and hot water are found useful. ; 

Rene er ey DICOTYLEDONS 123 

the usual descriptions of the actions of poisons by’ 

_ Shakespeare, which, he noted, are generally wrong, 

that of the Mandrake is correct. It was used as. 

a narcotic anesthetic by the ancients, for patients 
undergoing amputations, and not discarded until 
the fifteenth century. A wine was made from it 
called “ Morion.” The Mandragora was taken by 
some people, as many do opium now, and they 
were called Mandragor- 
ates. In the period of their 
recovery from the intoxi- 
cation they © shrieked. 
Shakespeare, however, 
refers to the popular mis- 
apprehension that it was 
“the root which shricked 
when drawn out of the 
ground, : 
Stramonium, Fig. 31).— 
This is a North American 
plant, but is often found 
wild on waste ground. 
. A variety with purple Fig x. Datura Stramonium ; Thorn- 
flowers called D. Tatula aby. 
is sometimes cultivated. They are large plants, but 
annuals, much branchingin a forked manner. The 
leaves are large, with a wavy and toothed margin; 

the flowers are three inches long, white, with a folded 



and only half-opened corolla. Unlike the preceding 
members of the Potato family, this and the Hen- 
bane have capsules and not berries. The Thorn- 
apple derives its name from the fruit being covered 
with spines. When ripe it bursts into four valves, 
leaving a large central structure upon which are 
several black rough seeds. 

The whole plant is poisonous, but the seeds are 
the most active ; neither drying nor boiling destroys 
the poisonous properties. 

Among human beings the greater number of 

accidents have occurred among children who have ~ 

eaten the half-ripe seeds, which have a sweetish 
taste. | 
Browsing animals refuse to eat the Thorn-apple, 

being repelled by its disagreeable odour and 

nauseous taste. 
The stem and leaves dried and smoked form a 

popular remedy for asthma ; but their employment 

is dangerous and doubtfully remedial. 

It is said that the priests of Delphi used either 
this or some other species of Datura to produce 
their semi-delirious paroxysms, believed by the 
populace as being of divine inspiration. It is 

thought to act more powerfully on the brain than 

Belladonna, and to produce greater delirium.? - 

HENBANE (yoscyamus niger, Fig. 32). —Thisis 

1 The same remedies are recommended as for Belladonna ade 

or Deadly Nighishade, note, p. 122. 


an annual, which, like the Thorn-apple, frequents 
waste grounds. It grows about a foot in height, is 
densely hairy and sticky. The leaves are large 

Fig. 32. Hyoscyamus niger ; Henbane. 

and deeply indented. The corolla is ofa yellowish 
colour, and has the veins pencilled of a_ violet 
tint. The form is funnel-shaped. The capsule is 


embedded in the persistent calyx (see central 

figure), and dehisces by means of a lid,or what is 
calleda“ circumscissile” manner. It has numerous 
very poisonous seeds. ea 

The -whole plant is characterized by a very 86. 

“heavy,” nauseous odour. It is poisonous in all — 
its parts ; and neither drying nor boiling destroys ae 
its noxious properties. Be oS 
Having a thick root, this has been eaten instead ieee 
of parsnips and chicory; and children have - 
eaten the seeds. Asa rule no animal willtouch 
the plant ; but cows have been poisoned by having si 
the Henbane mixed with their forage, it is said for 
the purpose of fattening them. A small quantity 
of the seeds of the Stramonium, as well as of 
Hyoscyamus, are sometimes added. The idea 
appears to be that the tendency to stupor and repose a 
caused by these plants is conducive to fattening. 
In the case of man, twenty seeds were insuffi- — 5 
cient to prove fatal, though they induced grave SS a 
results. The effects are the same as in | poisoning ee 
by Atropine of Belladonna.t a 
It is recorded that the whole of the inmates Bae: 
of a monastery were poisoned by using the root <a 
instead of chicory. an 
Dr. Houlton states that the monks who partook zi 
of the roots had such hallucinations that the ae Ee 

1 Remedies for poisoning by Hezbane are the same as for - 
Belladonna, note, p. 122. a 



establishment resembled a lunatic asylum. They 

rang the bell for matins at midnight; and those 

who attended were unable to read, or they read 
that which was not in the book. 

The seeds possess all the properties of the plant ; 
the smoke taken into the mouth through a tube, from 
_seeds heated on a plate, was a favourite remedy 
for toothache in the Middle Ages, They are now 
sometimes smoked in a pipe. 

The roots put into soup have also caused serious 

TOBACCO (WVicottana Tabacum, rusticum, etc).— 
Several species are cultivated on the Continent, 
and one (JV. affinzs) is frequently cultivated in 
England for the sake of its white and scented 

Like poppies, the poisonous principle of the 
Tobacco-plant is not in the seeds, but in the 
foliage ; yet the seeds of the Thorn-apple, of this 
same family, are very injurious. 

The leaves when young are poor in the poisonous 
alkaloid, which increases as they mature, and in> 
_ the autumn, the maximum amount being in early 

September. Climate has a great influence on its 

production, as well as the nature of the soil and 

the manures applied. Sandy soils with a clay 

1 Dr. Tanner observes that to prevent a fatal result from 
the use of //endane, we must trust to emetics and full doses 
of castor-oil. | 

— "— 4% . eek - 


subsoil appear to induce the production of the 
most nicotine, as the leaves become thicker under 
these conditions. 

Drying does not remove the deleterious proper- 

ties. Nicotine is regarded as one of the most active 
and dangerous poisons known. 
The principal cause of accidents on the Continent 

has been the injudicious use of lotions of the juice 

of tobacco for the destruction of parasites; and the 
practice of chewing it. 

A similar usage of lotion for cattle has proved 
injurious, especially when it has been applied all 
over the animal ; and if there be any abrasions on 
the skin, then the nicotine is rapidly absorbed at 
such lesions, and alarming symptoms follow. 

The goat, though usually omnivorous, refuses to 
eat tobacco-leaves ; but the ox, on the other hand, 
is said to delight in it, especially when dry, and 
has been poisoned, having been attracted to it by 

the odour, as the following case shows. A peasant — 

in the South of France hid some tobacco under 

straw in a shed, and his ox discovering it, ate the © 

tobacco, and died the same day. © 

Another remarkable instance of tobacco-poison- 45 

ing occurred some years ago in France. A man 
who attempted to smuggle tobacco into France, 
wrapped the leaves all about his body under his 

clothing. The weather being hot, and having ge! 
to walk some distance, he was thrown into a 

A aoe 

~ Sa 
‘a . 
- ae 


violent perspiration. The consequence was that 
an absorption of the poisonous property of the 
tobacco-leaves took place. He was taken seri- 
ously ill on the way, discovered by the Custom- 
house officers, and subsequently died. 

_ Tobacco for smoking was introduced into Europe 
about 1560, Jean Nicot (whence the name Nicotiana) 
having sent the seeds to Catherine de Medici. It 
did not come into general knowledge till 1586; 
when Sir Walter Raleigh, as well as the settlers 
who returned from Virginia, introduced it into 

Tobacco met with a determined opposition from 
European governments, who attempted to restrain 
its use by penal enactments. In Turkey all found 
cuilty of smoking were condemned to death. In 
Moscow the knout was the punishment for the first, 
and death for the second offence. In other parts 
of Russia smokers had their noses cut off. 

More than a hundred books were published in 
condemnation of tobacco. 
The following is a specimen of King James’s 
Counterblaste against the use of tobacco :— 

“ Now to the corrupted baseness of the first use 
of this Tobacco, doeth very well agree the foolish 
and groundlesse first entry thereof into this king- 

dome ; it was neither brought in by king, great 

_ conqueror, nor learned doctor of physicke. With 
_ the reporte of a great discovery for a conqueste, 



some two or three savage men were brought in, _ 
together with this savage custom, but the pitye is, 
the poore wild barbarous died, but that the vile 
barbarous custom is yet alive, yea, in fresh vigour. 
Surely smoke becomes a kitchen farre better 
than a dining chamber, and yet it makes a 
kitchen oftentimes in the inward parts of men, 
soyling and infecting them with an unctuous and 
oyly kind of soote, as hath been found in some 
great tobacco takers that after their death were 
opened.” Ze 

With all his earnest and sincere attempts to 
stop smoking, King James does not appear to have 
succeeded. ; 

Mr. Burnett wrote that it is supposed that the — 
“juice of cursed hebenon,” by which, according to 
Shakespeare, the King of Denmark was porns 
was the essential oil of tobacco :— 

*“‘ Sleeping within mine orchard, 
My custom always of the afternoon, 

Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole, eater 

With juice of cursed hebenon in a vial, “ea 
And in the porches of mine ear did pour ASE 
The leperous distilment.” : : Hs 

According to Gerarde, tobacco was called “ Hen-— aie 
bane of Peru,” and no preparation of real henbane 
(supposed to be meant by “hebenon”) would _ 
produce death; but the essential oil of tobe i 
might do so, 3 


Dr. Taylor records instances in which a large 
quantity of tobacco was consumed by smoking 
and death was the result. He mentions that 
eminent men consider that habitual smoking is 
injurious to health. Indeed, some have confessed 
it themselves, as they could not work at literary 
matters in consequence of lassitude ; and so gave 
up the practice. The reason is that it disorders 
the digestive functions. 

A poisonous substance like tobacco, writes Dr. 
Taylor, whether in powder, juice, or vapour, cannot 
be brought in contact with an absorbing surface 
like the mucous membrane, without in many cases 
producing disorder of the system, which the con- 
sumer is probably quite ready to attribute to any 
other cause than that which would render it neces- 
sary for him to deprive himself of what he considers 
not merely a luxury, but an article necessary to 
his existence. 

With regard to the effects of smoking upon the 
system, the following appears to be so important, 
that it is worth repeating here to show the con- 
nection between physique and nicotine :—* The 

instructors in athletics at the universities of Yale 

and Amherst have been making some interesting 

observations with reference to the effects of smoking 

upon the physique of the college students. We 

do not know whether those who conducted these 
‘inquiries entered upon them with any preposses-— 

Pat: 4 se 
~ a yA si eT 



sions or prejudices, but there appears no reason to 
suppose that the observations were not fairly made 
and accurately recorded. The consensus of results 
in the two institutions is decidedly unfavourable to 
the use of the weed. Dr. Seaver, who conducted 
the experiments at Yale, found that those students 
who did not use tobacco showed a gain over those 
who were addicted to its use of 20 per cent. in 
height, 25 per cent. in weight, and 66 per cent. in 
lung capacity. Dr. Seaver has kept up his observ- 
ations for eight years, and finds that they show 
an equally decided advantage for non-smokers 
during the whole period. A fact which seems to 
afford an incidental but remarkable confirmation 
of the conclusions thus reached by actual measure- 
ments is that not only do all the boating crews 
abstain from tobacco, but that among the whole 1 
body of competitors in the different fields of Hs 
athletics there is but one smoker. At Amherst | 
the study of effects was in the case of the graduat- 
ing class. In this class the measurements and __ 
tests showed that 71 per cent. had gained and 29S 
per cent. had remained stationary or fallen off 
during the last four years. Separating the smokers ~ 
from the non-smokers, it was found that the latter | 
had gained 24 per cent. more than the former in 

weight, 37 per cent. more in height, and 42 per 

cent. more in chest-girth. Still further, those who oun 
did not use tobacco were found to have an advan- : 


tage of 8°36 cubic inches of lung capacity over the 
smokers. These statements, which we give on the 

authority of the Mew York Nation, may be 
accepted, we suppose, as scientific facts, and as 
such may be commended to the study of all lovers 
of the weed.” !— Toronto Week. 


PERIWINKLE (Vinca major and V. minor).— 
These two species represent the family among our 
wild flowers ; though it is a little doubtful whether 
they are not naturalized from Europe. They 
belong to a family usually characterized by 
having poisonous, drastic, and purgative proper- 
ties; though the Periwinkles themselves do not 
seem to be more than bitter to the taste, slightly 
acrid and astringent. 

OLEANDER (Nerzum Oleander).—This plant, so 
frequently grown on the Continent, is sometimes 
cultivated in conservatories for its beautiful single 
or double, white or rose-coloured flowers. It should 
be well understood, however, that it is a deadly 

1 For poisoning by Zodacco, Mr. Blyth’s recommendations 
are as follows :— Unless the stomach has been already emptied 
by vomiting, use stomach-pump or tube, or give an emetic 
of mustard and plenty of water. Stimulants such as brandy 
may be given. Keep the body warm, but the cold douche 
may be applied tothe head. Tannin and vegetable infusions 
containing tannin may also be given ; but it is questionable 
if they are of much use, unless any remnants remain in the 
stomach. Keep the patient lying down for fear of fatal 


poisonous plant. The flowers are as harmful as 
other parts; thus a child ate a few of them, and in 
two days died. 

During the Peninsular War,a number of French — 
soldiers who went out foraging near Madrid, 
returned laden with the fruits of their search. 
One of the number, with the view of securing some 
wood to make skewers for the meat, cut a quantity 
of Oleander boughs, and having stripped off the 
bark, used the wood in the meat. The result was, 
that out of twelve who ate of the meat, seven 
died, and the rest were dangerously ill. The — 
poisonous principle is said to be so subtle that its 
exhalations alone are sufficient to cause serious 
accidents, and even death, to those who sleep for 

any time under its influence.t 2 
Doa’s-BANE, or FLY-TRAP (A pocynum andra ae 
Jolium), a native of the United States,as well as 

the so-called Indian Hemp (A. cannabinum), are 
both cultivated as garden plants. Neither can be 
strictly called poisonous, as no serious results have 
ever followed from their use as drug-plants; but ee 

the root especially has a strong nauseous odour, Re 

and an acrid bitter taste. on 
F OXGLOVE FAMILY (Scrophularine@). —This is” 

irregular corolla, but it takes various shapes as 

A Mg. Blyth recommends the same treatment in the case 
of poisoning by Oleander as for Digitalis or Bate! becca p: Set 


in the familiar Foxglove, Toadflax, Snapdragon, 
Monkey-flower, Speedwell, etc. 
GREAT MULLEIN (Verbascum Thapsus, Fig. 33). 

-~—We have five other 

species of Mullein. This 
one is recognizable by 
its woolly foliage and 
yellow flowers in a dense 
spike. It stands inter-. 
mediate between the Po- 
tato and Foxglove 
families; because while 
the former has a regular 
corolla with five perfect 
stamens, in nearly all 
other members of the 
present family one sta- 
men is suppressed, so 
Biat. there are.-.usually . Fis: 99. Verbatim, Thapsts: Gees 
four. In a few genera 

they are still further reduced to two (Calceolarias 

and Speedwells). In Mulleins, the stamens are 
still five in number, but the posterior one is nearly, 

if not quite, abortive as represented in the top 
figure on the left. Moreover, the corolla has 

scarcely become more than very slightly irregular. 

The soft, thick leaves boiled in milk and 

- sweetened are employed in medicine as being 
emollient and pectoral; but the seeds possess 


some toxic property, the nature of which has not 
been determined, which stupefies fish; and _ has, 
therefore, been used for this purpose to catch 

As children so frequently put all kinds of seeds 
in their mouths, this plant should be avoided in 
that respect. : 

FIGWORT (Scrophularia, Fig. 34)—We have 
four species wild, but only 
two common (S. xodosa 
and S. aquatica). They 
have a disagreeable odour 
and a bitter taste. They 
were formerly credited as 
very valuable in the cure 
of scrofula. Hence arose — 
the name of the genus 
and family as well, 

S. nodosa, found — in 
shady and moist places, 
has a quadrangular stem, 
smooth and __ toothed 
leaves, small purplish 

Fig. 34. Scrophularia nodosa; ¢ : 
shops flowers in a large terminal 

“ panicle,” and a capsular fruit. The rootstock is 
horizontal and tuberous. — 
The plant acts as an emeticand purgative with 

1 This is a technical term for any loose mass of flowers on 
the same central stem. 


great energy ; fortunately animals will not touch 
it. The plant should be regarded as suspicious ; 
though no case of actual poisoning is known. 

FOXGLOVE (Digztalis purpurea)—This hand- 
some wild-flower, to be found in nearly every 
county, as well as cultivated, affords a valuable 
medicinal drug. 

All parts of the Foxglove are poisonous, but the 
seeds are richest in the deleterious principle. The 
leaves are more active before flowering than after- 
wards. Under cultivation the principle is less 

active than in wild plants. 

Neither drying nor boiling destroys the poisonous 

Several cases of poisoning by Foxglove have 
arisen from ignorant persons making an infusion or 
“tea” of the leaves; but cases have occurred of 
careless administration of the drug. 

No animal, not even goats, will ever browse 
upon the Foxglove. 

Foxglove, or Digitalis, is so powerful in its 

action that, as Dr. Hogg observes, as a medicine 

it should never be administered unless by a skilful 
and practised hand, because of the danger result- 
ing from an imprudent use of it. One of its 
peculiarities is that, after having been given in 
moderate doses for several days without apparent 
effect, it sometimes acts suddenly with an accu- 

mulated influence, even to the danger of life. 


Indeed, Dr. Tanner records two cases in which 
death occurred within twenty-two hours after 
being administered medicinally. 

To illustrate the folly of ignorant people doctor- 
ing themselves with fresh poisonous plants, a case 
is recorded by Mr. Blyth of a woman who took a 
large unknown quantity of the freshly-expressed 
juice of Foxglove for the purpose of relieving a 
swelling of the limbs. After suffering much she 
died on the twelfth day. Rp 

TOADFLAX (Linaria vulgaris).—This and five ~—_ 
other species are natives. They are all acrid and 
poisonous ; but no harm has ever been recorded 
as caused by them. Their odour and taste prevent 
animals from eating them. Little or nothing is 
known of their toxic principles. 

LOUSEWORT (Pedicularis sylvatica and P. 
palustris), so called from an old use, but not now 
employed. The chief effects, if taken internally, 
are vomiting and purgation. : 

The first of our two species frequents shady 

1 For Digitalis or Foxglove poisoning, Mr. Blyth recom- 

mends emptying the stomach by emetics, sulphate of zinc or , & 
mustard. Follow up with strong tea, or half-a-drachm of 

tannic or gallic acid in aqueous solution. Stimulants in aoe 
small doses may be given frequently by the mouth, or if me 
there be vomiting by the bowel. e x 

Dr. Brunton gives as antidotes, strong tea [or coffee wid A 
brandy to lessen the tendency to sleep (Tanner) ]; tannins — 
and stimulants. Aconite 5 mins. of the tincture, subcu- 
taneously ; and perfect quiet in bed. So 

— site on grass-roots is 
easily known by its in- 

_ ground up with corn they 
impart a _ violet-brown © 



places, is only eaten by animals when the plant 
is very young, but is refused afterwards, as also 
is the Marsh Lousewort at all times. 

YELLOW RATTLE (Rhinanthus Crista-galli, Fig. 
35).—This common para- 

flated calyx and yellow 
corolla (see figure). 

This plant is refused 
by cattle when dried in 
hay. If the seeds are 

colour to the flour. This 
is due to a property 
called Rhinanthine. It 
is not known whether this 
principle has really POi- Fig. 35. Rhinanthus Crista-galli 
sonous properties or not ; 
but if so, it is probably only after prolonged usage. 
COW-WHEAT (Welampyrum pratense, etc.).—We 

have four native species of this plant. Like the 

last they are parasitic upon grass-roots, and 
blacken when dried. JZ. pratense has yellow 
flowers, but in JZ. arvense they are red. 

‘While green the field Cow-wheat is eaten by | 
all animals, and is considered as hastening cows 

into milk. If the seeds be ground up with wheat, _ 

a | | 
. y 


they impart a violet tint, a peculiar odour, and 
bitter taste. . 

With regard to ill effects, it has been observed 
that persons who have eaten bread contaminated 
with the seeds of the Cow-wheat have suffered 

from vertigo, but not invariably; so at present 

it remains only as a suspected plant. 

BROOMRAPE FAMILY (Orobanchace@). 

BROOMRAPE (Ovobanche minor).—This species 
is parasitic on clover and several other plants. 

It only calls for attention in consequence of 
its having been found to produce colic in animals 

fed on clover in which this leafless parasite grows | 

in abundance. 

Further researches are required to ascertain 

what injurious properties it may possess. 



Dock FAMILY (Polygonacee).—The genus Poly- 
gonum has twelve British species. It has a calyx 
of five sepals, a variable number of stamens, and a 
pistil of two or three coherent carpels forming a 
little nut-like fruit. 

Many are readily eaten by animals, but others, 
as the hot-tasting Water-pepper of our ditches (P. 
Hydropiper), are refused by them. The very astrin- 
gent Bistort (P. Azstorta) is only eaten by certain 
animals, as the horse, and P. amphibium by cows. 

BLACK BINDWEED (P. Convolvulus).—This is 
the only species to which any special attention need 

be drawn, It is very common in cornfields; the 
stem climbs up the stalk of the wheat, and apart 
from its flowers, closely resembles the Lesser Bind- 
weed (Convolvulus arvensis). If the seeds of this 
plant are too much mixed with oats, it has been 
found that, after a considerable period, serious 
internal derangements follow. 



Te Rar eee oe 
tah eet eg) 


Polygonums are bitter, rich in tannin; but they | 

are not otherwise known to be poisonous. 
Dock (Rumex, sp.).—Those species which have 
an acid flavour are called Sorrels. Of these we 

have two species, the common Sorrel (R, Acetosa) 
and the Sheep’s-sorrel (2. Acetosella, Fig. 36). 

They are both dicecious, the male flower having a 
calyx of six sepals and six stamens; the female 
has a similar calyx, with a pistil carrying three 

feathery stigmas (see figure on the right) adapted 

to wind-pollination. 

The acidity is due to the presence of binoxalate 
of potash, sold as salts of lemon or of sorrel; and 
in that form it is very poisonous. It is useful for 
removing the stains of ink (made from oak-galls) 
from linen. 

The little plant known as Sheep’s-sorrel is 

common in sandy districts, heaths, etc. It is called 

by this name under the impression that sheep will 
eat it with avidity ; but veterinary doctors charge 
it with having poisoned both horse and sheep 
which browsed upon it when the fruit was ripe 

and full of seeds. Most serious disorganizations 
coupled with internalinflammation and finallydeath | 
are described of the horse ; but at present chemists as 
have not tried to discover if the Sheep-sorrel’s has 
any poisonous properties at all, beyond its acidity. — . 

Instances of poisoning by the common Sorrel (R. — 
Acetosa) have usually been 1 One with children who 

. — 

B: . 

said that the free con- 


tivated in England, but to 


have eaten considerable quantities of the leaves ; 

for it is not at all dangerous as a salad herb, in 
soups, or in other culinary preparations. However, 
the habit of eating all sorts of leaves by boys 
should be rigidly restrained. 

Oxalate of lime exists in large quantities in the 
leaves and_ stalks of : 
Garden Rhubarb (Rheum 
sp.) of this family. It is 

sumption of this plant has 
more than once produced 
symptoms of intestinal 
irritation, and even gas- 
tritis (Tanner).? 
BUCKWHEAT (fagopy- 
rum  esculentum).—This 
plant is occasionally cul- 

a much greater extent : ‘ . rae. 
» ig. 36. Rumex Acetosella ; Sheep’s- 
upon the Continent for the sorrel. 

sake of the nutritious seed for the use of poultry, 

Be p. 64. 

and also for bread among the humbler classes, 
Apart from a certain indigestibility, there is 

nothing else objectionable. But a very curious 

result follows from animals eating the flowering 

1 For remedies for poisoning by Salts of Lemon and 
common Sorre/, see under Wood-sorrel (Oxalis Acetosella), 


as Gear, ay . Re ay - >, = —m a, om x a = 

cp tindig ca 3/9 
Ce ae Ces i : 
eT ee lI é., a) 


tops of the growing plants, as well as the haulm 
when given with oats to horses, but especially to 
sheep, to which the haulm is given both as fodder 
and litter. The effect is a sort of temporary 
madness ; for as long as they were within a covered 
sheep-fold they were all right, but when taken out 
into the cold air for three hours, they became 
agitated. Their heads and ears became swollen, 
and they tried to strike their heads against 
the walls. On being driven back they soon 

The flowering tops produce similar effects, and 
it is said that hares, if they have been eating them, 
become an easy prey to the dogs, for they stagger 
as if intoxicated. Swine suffer in the same way, 
and butt against each other furiously. 

Though the stems and grain have been analyzed 
carefully, nothing has been discovered to which 
these alarming results can be attributed. 

The nearest comparison appears to be the Indian 

Hemp, which produces very similar results, as seen — 

in a man who, under its influence, is said to “run 
amok.” Hence the word “hashish” has given rise 
to our “assassin”; that being the Arabic name for 

ARISTOLOCHIA FAMILY (A 7‘stolochiacee).—There 
are two species of this foreign genus which are not 
infrequently met with in gardens. 

BIRTHWORT (A. Clematitis) has erect, ribald Rr 


sreen-yellow flowers. The plant is herbaceous, 
about one and a half feet in height. 

It has a very disagreeable odour which repels 
animals, but it is occasionally eaten in forage on 
the Continent, and imparts its flavour to milk. 

Taken in large quantities, it has injured horses 
when mixed with lucerne, inducing all the appear- 
ances of poisoning. The recovery was slow. The 
effects are attributable to a bitter principle which 
has been extracted, called Avrzstolochine. 

DUTCHMAN’S PIPE (A. Szpho) is a North 
American plant climbing up walls, etc, having 
large round leaves, and yellow and purple tubular 
flowers. It has probably the same principle as the 

_ former. 

ASARABACCA (A sarum europeum)—Mr. Bentham 
includes this in our British flora, as it occurs in 
woods and shady places, and is believed to be a true 

native in the North of England and Wiltshire. 

It has an inferior ovary like the Aristolochia, 
but only a short tubular greenish-brown calyx; 

_ within it are twelve stamens, and six stigmas to 

the pistil. The leaves are heart-shaped, arising 
from a creeping rootstock. 
This plant has long enjoyed a reputation as an 

emetic and purgative. The root has an acrid taste. 

The leaves are acrid and nauseous. The root has 
been found to contain an acrid, volatile prin- 

_ ciple, similar to that of the poisonous Cuckoo-pint 

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(Arum maculatum). The plant is called cabaret 
in France, as it is employed as an emetic by 
drinkers among the lower classes. 

The DAPHNE FAMILY (Zhymelacee).— Two . 
species of a single genus, Daphne, represent this 
family in Great Britain. 

MEZEREON (Daphne Mezereum).—This is a small 
shrub about a yard high, 
with numerous rose-red 
flowers and scarlet ber- 
ries. The leaves appear 
after the flowers. «It 
occurs in copses and 
woods, but has long been 
grown as a garden plant. 
The flowers of Daphne — 
consist of a tubular calyx | 
of four coherent sepals, 
carrying eight stamens in 
two rows; and a pistil of 
\) a single carpel, which ~— 
Fig. 37. Daphne Laureola ; Spurge- becomes the berry r : ; ‘ 

rr ' All the parts of this, — 

as well as of the next, our only other species, are — - 
acrid and poisonous. Ss = 
SPURGE-LAUREL (D. Laureola, Fig. 37). The ee g 
attractive berries of this plant have been the cause — s 
of many mishaps among children. . 
Drying does not destroy their poisonous property. o 

- ' 



The bark is very acrid, and if applied to the skin 
causes eruptions. If put in the mouth and masticated, 
it produces a sensation of burning, and if swallowed, 
it has drastic and narcotic effects. It has even 
proved fatal to children. No animal will touch it. 

In addition to the acridity characteristic of both 
the Daphnes, the berries act in a manner somewhat 
similarly to Monkshood and the Deadly Night- 
shade. As the irritant action is the greatest danger, 
the subjoined remedy should be given. 

The MISTLETOE FAMILY (Loranthacee). — 
Though the foliage is often given to animals as 
fodder on the Continent, particularly to ruminants, 
who like it, yet the berries appear to have injurious 
effects. A case is on record of a little boy who 
ate some dozen of the berries, and the symptoms 
were those of alcoholic poisoning. Their glutinous 
character can hardly render them very attractive, 
but they are certainly to be avoided. 

SPURGE FAMILY (Euphorbiacee).—We have only 
three genera of this family in Great Britain, viz. 
twelve species of Spurge, the Box, and two species 

1 Antidote to poisoning by Mezercon and Spurge-laurel 

(Daphne) :—Gruel and barley-water should be taken to 
encourage the vomiting the berries occasion ; and castor- le 
in preference to other cathartic medicine. 
_ Dr. Tanner says :—Emetics, unless spontaneous vomiting 
has freely taken place, when it may merely be encouraged 
by the use of diluents. If the poison has entered the intes- 
tine it must be removed by castor-oil. » 


of Mercury. The family contains many tropical 
plants and trees; some, such as the Manchineel, 
being deadly poisonous. 

SUN SPURGE (Euphorbia Helioscopea, Fig. 38).— 
This is a common species. Like all the rest it has 
an acrid milky juice, used as a popular remedy for 
warts. The inflorescence consists of an umbel of 
radiating peduncles, with a whorl of toothed leaves 
below it. The ultimate pedicels carry the “flowers.” 
They consist of a little cup-like structure provided 
with five rounded glands on the edge. This is not 
a calyx, but an involucre of coherent bracts. 
Within it are a number of distinct flowers, reduced 
to their simplest elements. Thus, there are 
numerous male flowers, each consisting of a single 
stamen, jointed to its pedicel, which arises from the 
axil of a bract (see the figure of the Caper Spurge, 
Fig. 39). Associated with these male flowers is one 
female, consisting of a pistil of three coherent 
carpels with cleft stigmas. Itissupportedonalong 
stalk, so that it hangs out over the edge of the 
“involucral cup” (see figure, top). This becomesa 
capsule, the three carpels bursting elastically when __ 
ripe. ee 

Besides being used for warts, this species, also 

called Wart-wort, Churn-staff, Cat’s-milk, has — | 
been improperly employed to cure sore eyelids, — , 
causing, in many instances, intolerable pain and. on 
isiigeanaon. 2-3 ee 


CAPER SPURGE (Euphorbia Lathyris, Fig. 39).— 
_This is really a continental species, but has long 
been cultivated; and is now naturalized as a weed in 
the vicinity of gardens. It has opposite smooth 
leaves of a bluish-green hue. The structure of the 
flowers is the same as in other species, only the 

Euphorbia Helioscopia ; Fig. 39. Euphorbia Lathyris ; Caper 
Sun Spurge. Spurge. Sone 
glands on the edge of the involucral cup are 
-_ erescent-shaped. Its unripe fruit resembles that of 
the common garden Nasturtium ( 77op@o/um mazus), 
and like that, it has been used for pickling pur-_ 
poses. As ofall other species of Euphorbia, the 
milky juice is very acrid. The seeds, as of so | 
many euphorbiaceous plants, yield an oil which is 



violently purgative, like Croton oil. It speedily 

becomes rancid, and has thena disagreeable action. 
When green the ovary of the three-lobed pistil 
contains the poisonous milky sap, and is very acrid ; 
but after having been steeped in salt-and-water, 
and then in vinegar, the poisonous property becomes 
neutralized, or at least reduced in its virulence, so 
as to render it inert in the amount of the pickle 
usually eaten. | 
Since, however, it has no advantage—rather the 
reverse—over other vegetables, the practice of 
pickling it should be discountenanced. The milky 
juice which characterizes all the species is acrid 
and poisonous, while the seeds contain an extremely 
purgative oil, called “oil of euphorbia.” This is 

very well known in the genus Rzcznus, or Castor-oil 

plant, and in the Crotons, both belonging to this 

On the Continent peasants not infrequently use 
the seeds of the Caper Spurge as purgatives, but 
have suffered in consequence. 

Only very young animals eat it. Older ones — 
refuse it. Nevertheless cases of their having been | 

poisoned by it are recorded. The goat, however, 

is said to be nourished on it, but the milk of 
such goats conveys the deleterious properties ae 

the consumer. 
The juice of Spurges eee to the skin acts as — 

an irritant and vesicant, whether outside or in the a 



digestive canal, and also causes other graver 
symptoms; yet instances of its poisoning children 

are not wanting. In one case a boy died from 

eating the Petty Spurge (Euphorbia Peplus), one of 

our small species, growing from six to ten inches 
in height. In a second case a boy died after eating 
we Sun Spurge... (Zz. 
Flelioscopia), already re- EL) 
ferred to as another com- SEQ 
mon field weed; in both 
instances the mouth, 
throat, and stomach were 
found to be in a highly 
inflamed and _ corroded 

The roots and seeds of 
species of Euphorbia have 
been used by quack doc- 
tors and ignorant country 
folk with disastrous re- 
sults, so that the whole 
fibe-should ‘be catefully. "Manele Perens, ties 

MERCURY (MWercurialis perennis, Fig. 40, and 

M. annua).—The first of these two species is very 
common in shady places, hedgerows, etc., covering 

large spaces of ground by means of its creeping 
stems. The second is a not uncommon garden ~ 
weed, but much more abundant on the Continent. 

i... © DICOTYLEDONS 4” ¢ Feo e 1g y eo 


Both species are dicecious; the male plant having 
its flowers on long peduncles. Each flower con- 

sists of a calyx of three sepals with about nine — 

stamens (see left-hand figure). 

The female flower has a similar calyx, two 
rudiments of stamens, represented by filaments 
only, and a pistil of two coherent carpels with 
spreading stigmas (see right-hand figure); the 
pistil becomes a bilobed nut-like little fruit (see 
figure above female flower). Mercury has no 
“latex” or milky juice, but it contains a poisonous 

It exhales a disagreeable odour, so that animals 
rarely eat it, but only when given to them mixed 
with other herbage, when it has proved fatal to 
sheep. In the case of man, misfortunes have only 
occurred through misuse of the plant asadrug. As, 
however, heat destroys the injurious property, it is 
innocuous in hay, and can be also eaten as a 
boiled vegetable, as is done in some parts of 
Germany. After boiling, it is also given to pigs 
in parts of France. 

Yet it is a decidedly harmful plant ; the juice is 

emetic and the seeds dangerously purgative ; even vie 

fatal results have followed its use. 

The annual species has been called Wild Seine 
in some parts of the country, where they boil it as 
a pot herb; the botanist Ray records a case in 
which a whole family of five persons suffered 


severely from eating it fried with bacon. Some 
fishermen ate it with soup, and all were seriously 
ill an hour after the meal, showing all the symptoms 

_-of narcotic irritant poisoning. Two of the children 
died the next day. 

Box (Buxus sempervirens).—This is a native of 
Box-hill, but has been grown as a garden shrub 
since the times of the ancient Romans, who made 
hedges with it, often cutting it into fanciful shapes, 
- or what is called topiary work. The wood is very 
close-grained, so that it has been invaluable for 

All parts of the Box emit a disagreeable odour 
and taste, being bitter and nauseous, and have 
affected both men and animals. With the former 
it has generally been the result of a fraudulent use 
of Box-leaves instead of hops in beer, and in mixing 
them with senna-leaves. 

Animals have injured themselves by browsing 
upon Box shrubs, especially in arid districts de- 
ficient in proper herbage. Camels in Persia have 
thus suffered. In Western Europe the cuttings of 
the dwarf box edgings have poisoned animals, even 
pigs have died from eating them, as it is the 
leaves and bark especially which contain the 
poisonous principle, which is emeto-purgative, and 
can be fatal in its effects. Whether the flesh of 
animals poisoned by Box can communicate the 
deleterious property to man, is not known for 

‘ : certain. ‘ 

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It is said that the porcupine of all animals is the — 
only one which can eat Box with impunity. 

CASTOR-OIL (Ricinus communts)—This plant 
is often cultivated for its handsome foliage. It is 
an annual in this country, but grows to a good-sized 
tree in the South of Europe. 

The value of this plant resides in the oil ex- 
tracted by pressure from the seeds. The oil itself 
is of a mild aperient nature; but the refuse of 
the crushed seeds, or the whole seeds themselves 
are much more injurious. 

Cases of poisoning have occurred by children 
eating the seeds, mistaking them for haricot-beans 
or pistachio-nuts, and ignorant herbalists have ad- 
ministered them instead of the oil. Even four 
seeds caused grave results, and eight, death. 

Very frequent poisoning of fowls and pigs has 
occurred on the Continent, and eighty sheep were 
on one occasion lost by their eating the refuse 
from the oil-crushing, inadvertently given to them. 

1 Dr. Tanner observes as to the treatment of patients " 
suffering from such irritants as Euphorbium, excess of Castor 
and Croton oil seeds:—The treatment must -be directed 
to the removal of the injurious substance by emetics, etc., — 
unless spontaneous vomiting has freely taken place, when it 
may merely be encouraged by the use of diluents. If the 
irritant has passed out of the stomach into the intestines, it 
must be carried off by purgatives, especially by castor-oil. _ 
The inflammatory symptoms should be cautiously combated, 
on account of the great prostration usually caused by these 
poisons. Opiates, emollient enemata, and fomentations tothe — 
abdomen will subsequently be found useful. se 


THE OAK FAMILY (Cupulifere). 

BEECH (Fagus sylvatica)—The beech-masts 
when deprived of their husks are perfectly harm- 
less ; z.e. the embryo can be eaten with impunity ; 
but it has been found that when they have been 
crushed for the sake of the oil they contain, and 
the refuse or husks have been made into cakes for 
cattle, they suffer from some very deleterious 
principle which resides in the husks alone. They 
can eat the foliage of the beech, but not the husks 
of the masts. 

OAK (Quercus Robur)—The only part of this 
tree to which attention need be called is the leaves, 
and especially in a young state. 

In early spring, at a time when the supply of 
forage is well-nigh exhausted, it is the custom 
abroad to send the cattle into the forests. The 

animals having been for weeks confined to dry . 

food, eat with avidity the young shoots and leaves 
of the trees. 

After some days there appear, first upon the 

younger animals and especially upon those of a 
thin skin with white hair, then upon the milch 
cows, and finally upon all, signs of a malady long 
known and described under the characteristic name 
Maladie des bots. . 

The animals, with a good appetite at first, eat 
less and less; they ruminate but little and with 

* ~e 
(ee be 


difficulty. They remain lying down for 4 long 
time. The supply of milk fails. Fever follows - 
and other serious troubles ; in some cases so violent 
are they that death ensues. Soe 
It is found that not only the oak but the horn- 
beam, the hazel, the privet, the furze and the broom © 
in the young condition are apt to produce similar 
complications. Now all these contain tannin when 
the foliage is full grown—but then this productis 
perfectly harmless: so that the belief at presentis 
that certain substances, which subsequently decome —~_ 
tannin, are injurious in that previous condition in 
which they occur in the young and early spring _ 3 
foliage of these trees and shrubs. ery 



PINE FAMILY (Conzfere). Only three plants 
(trees and shrubs) represent this group in England, 
Scotland, and Ireland—the Scotch Fir, the com- 
mon Juniper, and the Yew. Numerous species of _ 
pines and firs are found in the cooler regions of the 
northern hemisphere ; their representatives in the 
southern being quite different, such as the familiar « na 
“Monkey-puzzle” tree (Araucaria imbricata One aa 
Chili). nee: 
Cryptogams (such as ferns, together with club: ee 
mosses and other flowerless plants) constituted a 
large proportion of the forests of bygone ages, = 




which went to form our coal. As far as negative 
evidence goes, no other flowering plants than 
Gymnosperms existed in the so-called Carboni- 
ferous age of the world. 

This group of plants is called Gyinaospenns 
because the seeds are naked, having no enveloping 
pistil or carpel at all, In the case of the Fir-tree, a 
pair of ovules are attached to the base of a flat 
scale ; in the Juniper, one ovule stands at the base 
of ascale, and three together make by the partial 
cohesion of the scales the so-called Juniper-berry. 
In the Yew, which is dicecious, the male flowers 
consist of a tuft of stamens, each having several 
anthers radiating from the top of the filaments 
(see left hand, Fig. 41). The female flower consists 
of nothing but a single ovule, surrounded by bracts 
resembling those around the stamens. 

When the ovule becomes a stony seed, there is 
_ developed a scarlet cup around it (represented on 
the bough in the figure). 

YEW (Zaxrus baccata, Fig. 41) is classed among 
the most dangerous of trees forcattle. _ It occasions 
more accidents than others, because it has no 
repelling scent nor flavour, as animals readily 
browse upon its foliage, especially in winter when 
they get too much dry food; and it is the older 
foliage which is the most harmful. 

The poisonous character of the Yew was known 

to the ancients. Czsar, for example, mentions - 

a . 
Py ae | 


the fact that Cativolcus poisoned himself with it. 
They thought that whoever slept under a Yew-tree 
would die. But, of course, this was all imaginary. 

Fig. 41. Taxus baccata; Yew. x Saal 

The Gauls, we are told, poisoned their arrows with a 
the juice ; but this would be impossible from the  __ 
_ small amount which could be put upon them. 

The wood, bark, leaves, and seeds are all poison- 


ous ; but the scarlet succulent envelope of the seed 
when ripe is innocuous. It is the leaves which are 
‘most dangerous, and, contrary to the rule, it is the 
older dark green, and not the bright green spring 
foliage which is the most poisonous. 

Drying does not destroy the property, as a mis- 
hap occurred in administering powdered Yew-leaves 
to a child; as well as fresh leaves as a vermifuge 
which-produced fatal results. 

Herbivorous animals alone are liable to be ~ 
injured by the Yew. Horses, asses, cows and 
rabbits have been known to be poisoned ; not only 
from browsing upon the trees, but from the cut 
shoots where Yew hedges have been trimmed. 
These should always be carefully removed and 
burnt at once. 

A case has been recorded of three horses taken 
to be sold at a country fair, that were tethered 
to the churchyard railings over which some Yew- 
boughs hung. The horses ate the leaves, and all 
three died. . 
Children have been not infrequently poisoned 
by eating the green seeds together with the harmless 

scarlet covering. The seeds are deadly poisonous. 

It has even been given as a remedy for a com-— 
-plaint to some children ; but they all died within 
a few hours of each other. 

Of thirty-two cases of poisoning by Yew, nine 

_ were by the berries and the rest from the leaves. 

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These were all accidental ; twenty of the nity 2 
two died, or 62°5 per cent. It is remarkable that 
several deaths have occurred in lunatic. asylums — aot 
from the patients having chewed Yew-leaves.t 

SAVIN (_Junzperus sabina).—Though our common — cv 
Juniper (_/. communzs) is harmless, the berries fee | is 
employed in flavouring gin, and when dried area Bs ae 
good stomachic, yet the Savin is not infrequently — ie 
grown in gardens, introduced from the mountainous 
regions of Central and Southern Europe. Many ~ 
cases of death have resulted from taking powdered — 

The leaves are poisonous, but their strong odour, “ 
resinous and acrid taste, repel all animals from “ae 
browsing upon it.? | | = m 

1 Emetics, castor-oil, and stimulants are the means to be > ras Ae 
resorted to in cases of poisoning by Yew; withcold affusions, | os 
especially if there be much stupor (Tanner). ; ie * 

2 In case of poisoning by Saviz, Epsom salts and demul- aX oe 
cents are recommended by Dr. Brunton: and as it is one a 
of the “irritant” poisons, Dr. Tanner prescribes a treatment iN 
described under Eufphorbiacee, in case of poisoning by 
members of that family. Note, p. 154. s 

At ost y 



DAFFODIL FAMILY (Amaryllidacee). — This 
family, like many other monocotyledonous plants, 
is characterized by having a six-leaved perianth 
instead of a calyx and corolla, these two whorls 
being represented by the parts being nearly or 
quite alike ; or at least both being petaloid. There 
are six stamens and a pistil of three coherent 

It only differs from the Lily family by having 
an inferior ovary ; so that members of these two 
families are at once distinguished by that feature. 

This family is represented in Great Britain by 
three genera only, as follows :— 

DAFFODIL (Varcissus Pseudo-narcissus).—The 
bulbs of the Daffodil, as well as every other part 

of the plant, are powerfully emetic; the flowers 
161 L 


also have been known to produce dangerous effects 
upon children who have swallowed portions of them. 
Nurses should be cautioned against putting flowers 
into the hands of infants. 

POETS’ NARCISSUS (JV. poeticus).—This species 
is not wild, but abundantly cultivated both single 
and double, the latter resembling the flower of 
Gardenia. Its bulb is said to be more dangerous 
than that of the Daffodil, being powerfully emetic 
and irritant. Even the scent is deleterious, if the 
flowers be in any quantity ina closed room; as 
they have produced intense headache and vomiting 
in some persons, 

SNOWDROP (Galanthus nivalis). 

SNOWFLAKE (Leucojum estivum and vernum).— 
These two genera and species are both wild and 

Numerous other genera are grown in this country, 
such as the Guernsey Lily (WVerzne Sarniensis),a 
native of South Africa, and many others. Asthe 
bulbs of several are known to be poisonous, those __ 
of the above British plants must be regarded with 
suspicion ; though no case is known of any one és 
having been poisoned by them. 

BLACK BRYONY FAMILY (Dioscoreaced). . 

BLACK BRYONY (Zamus communis) is our only 
representative. It is a familiar climbing plant 
scrambling over hedges, having oval, pointed an 
very glossy leaves ; small green flowers of which th 



sexes are distinct on different plants; and bearing 
large quantities of scarlet berries in the autumn. 
The root abounds in starch, like that of the true 
Bryony, to which this plant has, of course, no 
affinity, being a monocotyledon. It is purgative, 
and has been used in popular medicines, when 
reduced to pulp, for ap- _ 
plication to bruises. ~ 
Hence it acquired the 
name in France of “‘Herbe 
aux femmes battues!” 
The stems and leaves 
appear to have little or 
no deleterious properties ; 
inasmuch as the Italians 
and Arabs are said toeat 
the young shoots like as- 
paragus; and it is said that 
goats and sheep browse 
upon it with impunity. 
The fruit, however, is 
decidedly poisonous ; the 
juicy berries being without any disagreeable flavour, 
often attract children. Indeed, near Lyons, a 
woman gave her child the berries to eat, which 
proved fatal. The poison proved to belong to the 
acrid-narcotic class. 
The large fleshy rcot is dark-coloured externally, © 


. Tamus communis; Black 
’ Bryony. 

_ otherwise resembling that of the Bryony. It is 



very acrid, and was meee used as a cat 
medicine, and still is so by quack doctors ; ‘but 
is a most dangerous remedy. Death is sure 
result from an over-dose. The berries <— 
emetic. , 

death, the berries of the Black Bryony: ae 
paralysis of the lower extremities. nae ie 

FLAG FAMILY (/ridacee).—The Iris Family ‘ds 
represented in Great Britain by the Iris, Crocus, 
and Gladiolus ; but a very large number of for 
species are in ailtivation, i aa 

YELLOW or CORN FLAG (/72s Pseud-ocori 
This is common in our rivers, lakes, ote and we 
known by its yellow flowers. 

: _ follows. First, there is an obvious ite ‘ova 
i If cut through, it will reveal the usual three c han 
bers characteristic of monocotyledons, with t 
oe. LOWS of ovules i in each cell. On the summit 

ee _ which are erect. In the centre is ; the dere 
branches into three petal- like extremities. 

in * aohbenigdedoney one over each out 
under a style-arm. The anthers burst | 
and not inwards, which is the rule. The 
a little iedge on the outer side of 1 


nS e+ pust over the tip of the anther; so that the pollen 
cannot reach it unless an insect alighting on the 
____ leaf of the perianth called “the fall,” searching 
down the holes at the base of the filament for 
2 4 : honey, strikes its thorax against the anthers, 
_ thus removing a quantity of pollen. The stigmatic 
_ ledge can then receive it, 
: on the insect flying to the 
: other “falls” or to another 
___ It has long been known, 
even to Linnzeus, that the 
Tris was dangerous to 
~ cattle. +The flowers and 
SS _ the rhizomes have drastic 
- properties and also very 
_ marked emetic ones. 

All the other species of 
Iris must be regarded as 
"equally suspicious. : oe 

‘CUCKOO-PINT FAMILY pig 43. Arum maculatum; Lords 
_ (Aroidee, Fig. 43. Ms and Ladies. | 
_ Lords and Ladies, or Cuckoo-pint (Arum macu- 
Tatum), is our only representative of this family, 
_ which contains many foreign poisonous plants. It 
on well ee by its leaf, ee bree like an . 


The structure of the spadix with its flowers will 
be understood from the accompanying figures. 
Beginning at the base will be seen a number of 

pistils, each consisting of a round ovary, with 

only a truncated stigma upon it; a figure of this 
is seen in the middle of the woodcut. Above 

the pistils, each of which is regarded by botanists 

as a separate flower, is a ring of stamens, each 

consisting of a purplish’ anther with four cells’ 

(see figure on the extreme right). Above the 
anthers is a sort of fringe, corresponding to 
the place where the spathe contracts. The stem 
of the spadix is then prolonged into the purple 

club-like extremity, acting as a store-house of 

nutriment for the seeds to absorb in ripening. 
When this takes place, the spathe withers and falls 
off; the top of the spadix having surrendered 
its nourishment goes too, while only the basal part 
with the, now, scarlet berries remains (see figure at 
the top, left). A berry is hollow and has two or 
three wrinkled seeds at the bottom (see the one 
cut vertically to show the seeds within it). 

All parts of the plant, tuber (see figure), leaves, 
and fruit, are poisonous. They contain a juice 
which loses its deleterious properties when dried. 

Children have been frequently attracted by the | 
brightly coloured berries, notwithstanding their Sat 

unpleasant smell. 

As the leaves when bruised give outa disagree- 


able odour, they are not spontaneously eaten by 
animals; and they have never been known to cause 
_ death, as they quickly refuse them. Pigs which had 
eaten the tubers suffered, but none died; though 
it acts as an irritant and purgative. 

In the case of little children who have died from 
eating the fruit, cramps and convulsions preceded 
death, with great internal pains and a sensation of 
burning. Indeed death has followed from the 
tenth to the twentieth hour after eating the 
poisonous fruit, when medical interference has 
been too late. The rhizome or tuber was formerly 
used by medical practitioners as a purgative, but it 
is now abandoned. 

Besides their actual poisonous properties, the 
cells of the succulent fruit abound with needle-like 
crystals of calcium oxalate, sufficient to irritate the 
tongue when a broken berry is placed upon it. In 
a case of three children who had eaten some of 
the berries, their tongues became so swollen as 
to render swallowing difficult, when convulsions 
followed, and two died, but one recovered. 

Aruim ttalicum, found in the Isle of Wight, isa 
Mediterranean variety, and has the same poisonous 
properties. | 

Though the root is very acrid, yet its poisonous 
properties are destroyed by heat, and it then forms 
a nutritious food. In Dorsetshire, in the Isle of 
Portland, the plant being particularly abundant, 


the peasants used to collect the tubers, and 
having ground them intoa pulp, they were then 
baked, reduced to powder, and eaten as “ Portland 

The plant was also called Starch-wort, as it was 
used for stiffening the ruffs and frills worn by 
-gentlemen and ladies in the reign of Queen Eliza- 
beth. Gerarde in his Herball says—‘ The most 
pure and white starch is made of the rootes of the 
Cuckow-pint ; but most hurtfull for the hands of the 
laundresse that hath the handling of it; for it 
choppeth, blistereth, and maketh the hands rough 
and rugged, and withall smarting.” 

Gilbert White records his observation that 
thrushes will scratch up the tubers and eat them 
in severe winters ; and that the berries are devoured 
by pheasants.! 

1 The treatment recommended by Dr. Tanner for cases 
of poisoning by Lords and Ladies, or Cuckoo-pint (Arum 
maculatum), is to give emetics, unless spontaneous vomiting 
has freely taken place, when it may merely be encouraged 
by the use of diluents. If the irritant has passed into the 
intestines, it must be carried off by purgatives, especially 
by castor-oil. Emollient enemata, and fomentations to the 
abdomen will subsequently be found useful. 


LiLy FAMILY (Lz/zace@)—There is great uni- 
formity in the structure of the flowers of this 
family. The chief differences are as follows :-— 
Since the parts of the outer whorl (calyx) are 
coloured, as are those of the inner (corolla), 
botanists call the whole a perzanth, as stated, and 
its individual parts eaves. There are usually three 
parts in each whorl, and these may be all free as 
ina tulip, or all:coherent as in the garden hyacinth. 
Then the stamens may rise freely from the recep- 
tacle as in a tulip; or they may be adherent to the 
free parts of the perianth as in the wild bluebell ; 
or again, if the perianth have its parts coherent as 
in the hyacinth, then the stamens are usually . 
adherent to it as in the hyacinth or Lily of the 

The pistil is composed of three carpels, coherent 
from base to summit as of a tulip, and may 

become a capsule as in the flower of colchicum, or 
- 169 


it may be a succulent berry as in the Lily of the 

Valley and Paris. 

Similar variations occur in members of the great 
Daffodil family (Amaryliidacee), and the reader 
may be reminded that the sole difference between 
these two families lies in the fact that the ovary 
and fruit are always “superior” in Lélzacee, but 
“inferior” in Amaryllidacee. 

Some plants of this family have poisonous bulbs, 
which have rarely caused mishaps, except perhaps 
by having been eaten for onions. It is as well to 
mention them. 

SNAKE’S-HEAD FRITILLARY (/vitillaria Melea- 
gris) is a native, but sometimes cultivated, known 
by its “squares” of different tints upon the 
perianth-leaves. It is sometimes white. 

CROWN IMPERIAL (/. zmperialis), supposed to 

be of Turkish or Persian origin, has long been ‘e 

cultivated. It bears a circle of pendulous flowers 
with a crown of foliage above them. 

The bulbs have a fcetid odour, described as 
being that of a fox, and are powerfully acrid and 
poisonous. Even honey from the flowers is said to 

be emetic. 

TuLip (Zulipa, species)—We have one native a 

species, the yellow-flowered 7. sylvestris. 

There has recently been found in the Tulip ae 
principle which has been called Tu/ipine, and if it 
be introduced into the system in any quantity it 

= yy 



would exempt from harmful results ; though 
the bulbs of 7. sylvestris are said to be eaten by 
the inhabitants of Siberia. 

LILY OF THE VALLEY (Convallaria majalis).— 
This occurs abundantly, wild, in certain woods in 
England. It has a long creeping stem and no 

It isa harmful plant in all its parts. The flowers 
are the most dangerous part, and should, therefore, 
never be put into the mouth. 

The scent of the Lily of the Valley, as of 
Hyacinths, is too strong to allow these flowers to 
remain in a bedroom. 

This plant does not often produce its berries, 
which are red, and would be therefore attractive to 
children. But it is advisable to warn them if they 
do appear, as well as against putting the flowers in 
their mouths. 

PARIS (Paris quadrifolia, Fig. 44)—This is a 
not infrequent plant in certain woods. It is a 
small herb, with usually, but sometimes more than, 
four leaves in a whorl. It has green flowers, the 
whorls being in fours, and subsequently a black 
berry (see Fig. 44). 

It is poisonous in all its parts, and the berries 
must be carefully avoided. The whole plant is 
emetic, and acts also as a sedative. Itis rarely that 
children have been poisoned, but when they have 
_ taken them, the symptoms are described as those 


the kingdom, it needs no descrigees The nibs" ig : 

Fig. 44. Paris quadrifolia ; Paris, 

are very acrid, the deleterious principle residing 
a viscous juice which pervades the whole pla 
_ Other species of Scilla are much cultivated, 
Be probably contain a like property. The Squil 
druggists is a Mediterranean Spee ce whic 

» +t 4 
wae < 
My fur me 
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ies > Lured > t 
Price eh st ¥ 
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Se SD Re eee Aa ai Ske 


| ‘ dried scales of the bulbs constitute the medicinal 
a drug, A bulb of this was found attempting to 
grow after having been stowed away for more 
then twenty years in the Museum of St. Bartholo- 
x i mew’s Hospital Medical School. ; 
3 -COLCHICUM FAMILY (Melanthacee). 1 Two 
tty genera only represent this family in Great Britain ; 
_ the Meadow-Saffron and the Scottish Asphodel. 
= COLCHICUM (Colchicum autumnale, Fig. 45).— 

_ This is a local plant, but 
oe ~ occurs in meadows in 
ca Ja parts of England. 
It is well known by its 
_ rose-coloured flowers re- 
cS ae those of the 

_ Crocus, hence it has been 

called the Meadow- 

Saffron or Autumn Cro- 

cus, but it has no relation- 
ae ‘ship with that plant. 
aS _ There are some twenty 
~ European and Mediter- 
: oe species, but the 
ed f #%, above is the only indi- Fig. 45. Colchicum autumnale ; 

¥f Colchicum. : 
: ee one ; several for- 


do not appear till the following spring, accompanied 
by the large capsule. It has only been separated 
from Lilies in consequence of the way its capsule 
bursts. By reference to the figure it will be seen ~ 
that the three carpels separate from each other 
entirely, so liberating their dark brown seeds, In 
tulips and lilies each carpel breaks down the back 
(corresponding to the outer lines in the figure). 

The Colchicum is acrid, and avoided by animals, 
probably from the nauseous odour. 

All parts of the plant are poisonous. Drying 
does not remove the deleterious property, Water — 
in which the leaves, flowers, etc., are macerated, 
becomes very poisonous; but the vegetative organs | 
are less poisonous after the maturation of the zs 
seeds; though they are always dangerous, in e 
consequence of the migration of the deleterious ~~ _— 
principle into the seeds on their ripening. This, 
called Colchicine, is not volatile. It is in August 
and September when the corms are richest in 
Colchicine. a = 

Both men and children have been accidentally _ 
poisoned ; but animals have been poisoned during 
May and from the middle of September to the end 
of October. In the first period, it is the leaves and — 
unripe capsules which they eat, and in the second — 
period it is the flowers, when they are consumed — 
with the grass. 

In case children should chew the petals or pick 


out the young seeds and eat them, as they so often 
do with the Laburnum and other dangerous plants, 
it is advisable to caution them against such a 

Thus ‘it is recorded that in the village of 
Schorren, in the Canton of Berne, a number of 
children died from eating the seeds, and fowls 
died from the same cause. The Colchicum is very 
abundant in some of the meadows in Switzerland. 

Boys have been fatally poisoned after eating 
the bulbs in the field where they found them. 

The Turks are said to infuse the flowers in wine 
to add to its inebriating effects. 

Unfortunate results have followed from misuse 
of Colchicum wine for gout and rheumatism, in 
which the principle Colchicine was too strong ; but 
only two cases are recorded of deaths in ten 
years. Mr. Blyth observes that he has seen cattle 
die from the effects of eating the Meadow-Saffron, 
and that farmers have had, in certain parts of the 
country, extensive losses from want of care and 
knowledge with regard to Colchicum poisoning. 

Mr. Blyth records also a case of a man, aged 
fifty, who died after taking twenty-eight Blair’s 
gout-pills. They consisted of finely-ground Col- 
chicum corms, but were so hard that the poison 
accumulated, as they remained undigested. 

An instance is recorded of a poor woman who 

picked up some bulbs of the Colchicum thrown 

BRE, SRC Wed Ree teen Oe eaR Para 

_, as the means employed to prevent death ‘in poiso: 

ie Aciaulecat drinks. © 

: described under Ramencutacem. 

pam - aad eat gy | 

away by a tradesman in Covent Garden m 
and taking them to be onions, ate them, and 
immediately. In another case a man ca 
some seeds, which proved equally fatah 

It is a member of the British Pharthasype nd 
has caused several accidents pee careless - 2 

album and Vv. nigrum). These Eye species 
sometimes grown in gardens, being natives | 5 is ge 
Central and Southern Europe. They bear t 
spikes of greenish-white or purplish flowers, 
oval-ribbed leaves, like those of the com 
Plantain. ae bas. 
All parts of the plants are poisonous. D. 
does not remove the deleterious properties ; ~ 
are indeed said to contaminate other plants 
made into hay together with them. oth 

lig BY int anner gives emetics, purgatives, and ‘sti 

Colchicum. Dr. Brunton adds Tannic or Gallic ‘a: 

-* This name properly belongs to the 5 — 


The only case known of poisoning was of pigs 
which had eaten the root; but not fatally. The 
taste is acrid and burning to the mouth, so that 
they are quickly rejected by animals. 

No case of human beings having been poisoned 
is known, as these Hellebores afford no attraction.! 

1 Dr. Brunton gives as remedies to poisoning by Veratrum, 
stimulants, warm coffee, and a recumbent posture. Dr. 
Tanner says :—Emetics, purgatives and stimulants are the 
means employed to prevent death in poisoning by these 
plants. As an antidote to poisoning by Wzte Hellebore or 
Veratrine, Mr. Blyth empties the stomach by pump or by an 
emetic, mustard, zinc sulphate or ipecacuanha. Keep the 
patient lying down. Stimulants may be administered. An 
enema of hot coffee has been recommended. Keep the 
body warm with wraps, hot blankets, etc. 


THE GRASS FAMILY (Graminea), 2 2 ie | 

DARNEL (Lolium temulentum, Fig. 46).- —This - ws “= 
and a variety found in flax fields (L. 4inzcola) are 
credited with being the only grasses known ore 

. believed to be poisonous. — 
, It resembles the common is 2 
rye-grass (not rye), which — ae 
is another species of the es 
same genus (L. perenne) 
in having its “spikelets” ‘3 
standing edgcwaysa al = 2 ; 
the flowering stem (See. z 
figure), and protected by — a 
a single and much-elon- a 
gated outer “ glume.” or 
Wheat, it may be 
| membered, has its sp 7 
Fig. 46. Lolium temulentum ; lets situated sideway af 
es against the stem 

protected by two outer glumes. 


Each spikelet consists of about five. distinct 

_ flowers. They have no perianth, but only a glume, 


the rib of which runs out and becomes an awn if 
present, as represented in the figure. Within this 
boat-shaped glume is another facing it with two 
ribs, called the “pale.” These two include three 
stamens (left-hand figure) and a pistil of two 
coherent carpels with feathery stigmas. In addition 
are two minute scales apparently of no function; 
perhaps the rudiments of a lost perianth. 

Darnel is a cornfield weed and an annual, and 
was believed by the ancients to be injurious, for 
Virgil speaks of the zfelix lolium. . 

The stem and foliage are not at all poisonous, 

| and often used as fodder, if at all abundant, as in 
Malta. It is only the grain which is poisonous, 

both to man and animals; but by no means always, 
for bread has been made out of it and eaten with 
impunity. On the other hand, when the grain has 
been ground up with wheat, notwithstanding that 

-# the latter had no odour or taste of any peculiar 

kind, the bread as poisoned those who ate it. In 

' the South of France it is said that Darnel is some- 

times actually given to restless mules, as it tends 

to produce a comatose state; but many disorgan- 

izations of the digestion have occurred in cattle 

when grain-siftings were given to them which con- - 

_ tained, besides Darnel, seeds of Corn-cockle and 

other injurious plants. — 


Dr. Taylor could record no fatal case up to 1859. — 
The effects of eating bread containing flour of 
Darnel grains are described as resembling those of __ 
intoxication. Dr. Taylor says that the persons — 
-who partook of the bread staggered about; there 
was giddiness, with violent tremblings of the arms 
and legs, similar to those observed in delzrium 
tremens, but of much greater intensity; greatly 
impaired vision followed, every object appearing of 
a green colour to the sufferer; and accompanied 
by great prostration of strength.' . ES 

Besides bread, beer made with barley intermixed __ 
with seeds of Darnel has proved injurious. Inthis _ 
case the Darnel was put in purposely ta enhance 
its intoxicating powers. It was a common practice __ 
in the Middle Ages. i 

Comparing a grain of Darnel with one of wheat, — 
the former is longer and somewhat truncated, with _ 
a deep groove, and enveloped in the inner glume _ 
r “pale”; whereas wheat is always naked. The — 
starch grains are very minute, while those of wheat a 
are large and round. They more resemble those 
of maize or rice. 2 

The poisonous property appears to belong to” “4 

Bi ks Taylor recommends a free use of stimulants in the — 
case of poisoning by Darvel, and castor-oil. oe4 
Dr. Tanner says :—Emetics, castor-oil, and stimulants. ; 
Cold affusions will often be useful, more especially if ther 
be much stupor. 


two substances, a yellow matter and an extractive ; 

but little is as yet known about their compositions. 

Though poisonings have been frequent, deaths 
have been rare. It is recorded that an individual 
succumbed after eating bread which was made of 
wheat in the proportion of one-third, with two- 
thirds of Darnel. 

Thirty grammes of the meal of Darnel appears 
to be the limit which a man can take without 
dangerous symptoms following. 

The effects upon man are the production of 
vertigo, and great somnolence, coupled with other 

It is said that it is particularly in wet seasons 
that the dangerous properties are most conspicuous. 
As it is under moist conditions that the fungus 
known as Ergot attacks all kinds of grasses, it has 
been suggested that the poisonous properties of 
Darnel may be really due to an incipient stage of 
that parasite, or to some other which does not 

assume the Ergot-form. The same author describes. 

the effects of Darnel as “vertigo, dimness of vision, 

' headache, a sort of drowsiness and stupor.” The 
result of eating rye-bread in which Ergot was. 

ground up was “nausea, vomiting, pain and vertigo 
in the head, soe, dilatation of the pup 
delirium and stupor.” 

Not only do these effects of Darnel and Ergot 

~resemble one another, but Gerarde in describing 

yt fs 



the use of Darnel in his day (1597), siveede TI 
new bread wherein Darnell is, eaten hot, causeth 
drunkenness ; in like manner doth beere or ales: 
wherein the sects is fallen, or put into the. mault.” | ~ : 
It was also used for the same purpose that Ergot 
is employed medicinally at the present day. _ i = 

_ Dr. Taylor observes that rye-bread is not much pate 
used in this country, but the accidental presence of a S 
the Ergot (which particularly affects rye, supplying 
the Secale cornutum of druggists) may sometimes 
account for the symptoms of poisoning which have ay 
been observed. * 2, 


TOADSTOOLS, ETC. (Fung?).—These are ome 
to every one, and the one zene commendation 

- tube ; or administer by the mouth either cenisiabae me zinc 
sulphate. Give a dose of castor-oil, and use an emeti 
remove the remains of the fungi from the intestines. — Si ti . 
lants may be given, and the body kept warm, 


Acacia, False, 77 

“€ Achene,” 19 

Aconite (Monkshood or Wolfs- 
bane), 43 

Classical refs. to, 44 

Poisoning of wells by, 45 

— Whole families poisoned 
by, 46 

Actea spicata (Baneberry), 49 

“ithusa Cynapium (Fool’s Pars- 
ley), 86 

Agrostemma  Githago  (Corn- 
cockle), 58 

Alleluya (Wood-sorrel), 64 

Almond, 18 

Bitter, injurious use of, 80 

Oil of, dangerous, 70, 



Flavouring, dangerous use 
of, 79 


Amygdalus communis (Almond), 

Anagallis arvensis (Pimpernel), 
Anemone, sp., 33 ff. 

—— Arrows poisoned with, 34 

po eee Wood, injuring cattle, 34 

Anthriscus sylvestris (Sheep’s 
Parsley), 98 

_ Apium graveolens (Celery), 93 


Apocynum (Dog’s-bane), 134 

Apricot Kernels, dangerous, 82 
Aquilegia vulgaris (Columbine), 47 

Artstolochia, 144 


Aristolochine, 145 
Artemisia, sp., 104 

Arum maculatum (Lords and 

Ladies), 165 ff. 
Asarabacca, 145 

Asarum europeum, 145 

Atropa Belladonna (Deadly Night- 

shade), 119 
Atropine, 122 
Aubergine, 118 

Baneberry, 49 

Batatas edulis (Sweet Potato), 115. 

Beech, 155 


—— Berries, very poisonous, 120 
Classical refs. to, 121 . 

Bindweed, Black, 141 
Birthwort, 144 
Bittersweet, 115 

116 ; 
Black Bindweed, 141 

Husks, injurious to cattle, 155 
Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade), 

Berries, injurious to children, __ 

oD ‘ *t 
es CRE 

Liem ee ae i el Ge ee eet. ee. ee, - 
“9: int ES ad, oe Ae Tae TR pt 
rey ere, as Pate 
184 INDEX _ 

_Ptack Bryony, 162 

Eaten as Asparagus, 163 

—— —— Fruit, poisonous, 163 

Used for bruises, 163 

Black Solanum, berries harmful, 

Blue-bell, 172 

Box, 153 

Leaves used for hops, 153 

injurious to animals, 

Broom, Common, 71 
Broomrape, 140 
Broom, Spanish, 75 
Bryonta dioica (Bryony), 83 
se Sak Berries fatal to children, 

Root contains starch, 85 
Buttercup Family, 30 
Buttercups, 35 ff. 

Irritant juice of, 36 ff. 
Buckthorn, 609 ff. ' 
Berries, effects of, 70 

Dye from, 70 
Buckwheat, effects on sheep, 143 
Buxus (Box), 153 


Cabaret (Asarabacca), 146 
Caltha palustris (Marsh Marigold), 
Campanula, sp., 107 
- Canterbury Bell, 107 
; Carrot, Wild, 99 
Cascara Sagrada, 70 
: Castor- oil, 154 
Seeds, fatal to children, 
etc., 154 
_ Celandine, 56 
A drastic purgative, 57 
i kcelery,:93 -- 
4 Used green in Malta, 93 
Ceres and poppies, 52 
_ Chelidonium majus (Celandine), 56 

ef rf 



Christmas Rose, 42 ; ? 
Cicuta virosa (Water:Hemiock 6 or 

Cowbane), 93, , ey 5 
‘‘ Circumscissile” dehiscence, 126 — 
‘* Cleistogamous,” 63 oh tad Bas 
Clematis, effects of juice, 3300 

Clematis Vitalba Sea Joy) o 

Coal-plants, 157 . 
‘* Cohesion,” 23 2 . ene 
Colchicine, 174 f tes 
Colchicum autumnale (Meadow 

Saffron or Autumn Crocus), 1 173, on 
Bulbs poisonous, 135 | 
Gout-pills, 175 : 
Columbine, 47 

Tincture of seeds dangerous, 

ComposiT& (Composites), 104 
Conium maculatum (Hemlock), 90 
Convallaria majalis (oy of ‘he ; 
Valley), 171 be 
Convolvulus arvensis (Lesser de 
Bindweed), 141 ; 
Cordials, etc., dangers of, 53. 
Corn-cockle, 58 
Corontlla, sp., 74 rusty 
Counterblaste, King James’, i ee 
Cowbane, 93 ron. 
Cow-wheat, 139 : 
Bread. — Ee: 
with seed of, 139 . 
Crocus, Autumn (Colchicum), 173. 
Croton-oil, 154 (note) — tS 
Crowfoot, Water, harmless, 35 came 
Crown Imperial, 170... 52a 
CRYPTOGAMS, 156, 182 Ae 
Cuckoo-pint, 165 
Cuscuta (Dodder), mae 







Cyclamen, poisons fish, 114° 
Purgative, I14 
sp., 113 

_Cytisine, 72, 120 

Cytisus, sp., 71 

Daffodil, 161 
- Bulb, emetic, 161 

_ Dane-wort, 103 

— Datura 

Daphne, sp., 146 

Darnel, 178 

or Ergot (?), 181 

Intoxicant, 180 

apple), 123 

Daturine, 122 

Daucus Carota (Carrot), 99 

** Declinate ” stamens, 109 

Delphinium, sp., 48 

Devil-in-a-bush, 49 


Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove), 137 

**Dimorphism,” 112 

D10scoREACE#, 162 

Dock, 142 

Dodder, 115 

Dog’s-bane, 134 


_ Dropwort, Water, kinds of, 194 ff. 

‘*Drupe,” III 
Dutchman’s Pipe, 145 

Egg Plant, 118 
Elder, Common, 102 

_ Ergot, 181 


Essence of Salt of Lemons, 64 

Euonymus europeus (Spindle-tree 
or Prick-wood), 66 

| Euphorbia, sp., 148 ff. 

Euphorbium, Gum, 154 (vo/e) 

esculentum (Buck- 
wheat), 143 
Fagus sylvatica (Beech), 155 

Field Poppy, 54 

Figwort, 136 

Fitches, 50 

Flag, yellow, or corn, 164 

** Floral receptacle,” 21 

** Florets,” 104 

Flower, Parts of, 16 ff. 

Uses of, 109 ff. 
Fly-trap (Dog’s-bane), 134 

** Follicles,” 40 

Fool’s Parsley, 86 

Fatal to children, 89 
Foxglove, all parts poisonous, 137 
fFritillaria, sp., 178 

Fruits, Nature of parts of, 19 
Fungz (Toadstools), 182 

Galanthus nivalis (Snowdrop), 162 
Gall, of Scripture, 51 (zoe) 

“* Genus,” 28 

Glauctum /uteum(Horned-Poppy), 

**Glumes ” of Grasses, 178 
GRAMINE&, 178 
Guernsey Lily, 162 
“* Guides ” in Flowers, 109 
Gypsophila Struthium, 61 

** Hashish,” 144 

Heath Family, Edible fruits of, 

Hebenon, 130 

Hedera Helix (Ivy), 100 

Hellebore, Danger of infusion, 42 

—— Injury to cows, 42 

sp., 41 

—— White and Black, 176 

Hemlock, Classical refs. to, 90, 91 

—— Effects on animals, 92 
Extract of, dangerous, g1 
Influence of climate on, 92 
Henbane, 124 

—— Seeds, used for fattening 
cattle, 126 

Root, eaten for chicory, 126 — 


Henbane Seeds, for tooth-ache, 

Heracleum Sphondylium (Hog- 
weed), 99 

Hogweed, 99 

Horned-Poppy, 55 

Hyacinth, Scent of, injurious, 171 

Hyoscyamus niger (Henbane), 124 

Indian Peas, 77 

Tobacco, injudicious use of, 

‘* Inferior,” 22, 27 

Tonidium, 58 

Tpecacuanha, 58 

IRIDACE#, 164 

Tris, sp. (Flag), ), 164 

Dangerous to cattle, 165 

Ivy Berries, dangerous to children, 

~ 100, IOI 

Jalap, 115 
Jews’ Apple, 118 
Juniperus, sp. (Juniper), 160 

Kalmia latifolia, 110 

—— Highly narcotic, 110 

— Poisons the flesh of hares, 

Labrador Tea, III 
Laburnum, 72 
Children often poisoned by, 


_ Lactucarium, 106 
 _Lactuca, sp., 105 
_ Lactucine, 106 
- Larkspur, 48 
ae* Latex,” 152 
_ Lathyrus, sp., 76 
—  _Laudanum, 53 
Laurel-water, dangerous, O1 
 — -Ledum, sp., 111 
—__ ** Legumen,” 40 

ue ¥ _ LEGUMINOS&, 70 

Lesser Celandine, 9.1. 
Lesser Stitchwort, 61 
Lettuce, Wild, 105 © 
Leucojum (Snowflake), 
‘*Ligulate” corolla, 104 __ 
Ligustrum vulgare (Privet), 1 
Lily, 169 pce 
—~ of the Valley, very I hart 
171 La 
Linaria, sp. (Toadflax), 138 
Lobelia, sp., 107 ff. ¥ . 
Locust-tree, 77 
Lolium temulentum (Darel 
Lords and Ladies, 165 _ 
Scarlet) berries, in 

: -" 
> + 4 

162 as 


ous, 167 

Lousewort, 138 - 
Love-in-a-mist, 49 © 
Lupin, 75 
Lupinose, 75 
Lupinus, sp., 75 ff. 

Mad-apple, 118 _ 
Maladie des bois, 155 
Manchineel, 148 
Mandragora, 122 
Ancient use of, 123, 
Mandrake, 122 
Marsh Marigold, 40 

Melampyrum, sp., 139 Ave 
Melon Family, 83 ; 
Mercurialis, sp. (Mer 
Mezereon, 146 ah, 
Mistletoe, berries harr 
Monkshood (Aconi onite), 43 

Morion, 123 _ ae 
Morphine, a i 
pes cx 10. 

Narcissus, sp., 161 . 
Bulbs emetic, 167 
“‘ Natural Order ” (or Family), 26 
Nerine, sp., 162 
Nerium Oleander, 133 
_ Nicot, Jean, 129 
Nicotiana, sp., 127 
_ Nicotine, 128 

_ Nigella damascena (Love-in-a- 
- mist), 49 

__ Nightshade, Deadly, 8 ie) 

_—— Woody, 115 
Oak, 155. 

Young foliage injurious to 
cattle, 155 
nanthe, sp. (Water Dropworts), 
| ff. 

94 tl. 

Old Man’s Beard, 31 


Oleander, all parts poisonous, 133 

Soldiers poisoned by, 134 
Opium, 50 
Orobanche, sp. (Broomrape), 140 
Oxalate of Lime, 143 
Oxalic acid, 64 
Oxalis Acetosella (Wood-sorrel), 


** Pales” of Grasses, 179 
_ Panaisie, 99 
* Panicle,” 136 
_ Papaver, sp. (Poppy), 50 ff. 
__ .» PAPAVERACE, 50 

Parsley, Beaked, 98 

ae ~ Parsnip, Cow, 99 

Water, go 

27 ke ‘Pasque- flower, 33 

___“ Path-finders” on Corollas, 109 
ve - Peach-nut oil, 79 

i ee sp. (Lousewort), 138 


Paris quadrifolia (Herb Paris),171 

‘© Perianth,” 27 
Periwinkle Family, 133 
Phaseolus vulgaris — (Scarlet 

Runner), 74 
Pimpernel (injurious to birds), 113 
Pine Family, 156 
Pink Family, 58 
Poison, Definition of, 14 
Polygonum, sp. 141 
Poor Man’s Weather-glass, 113 
Poppy, 50 ff. 
— Classical refs. to, 54 
—— Field, 54 
Heads, 53 
Portland Sago, 168 
Potash, Binoxalate of, 64 
Potato, 117 
Raw, harmful to cattle, 118 
Prick-wood, 67 
Primrose Family, 112 
Privet, III 
Berries, injurious to children, 
PRUNE&, 78 
Prunus, sp., 78 ff. 
Prussic acid (Egyptian refs, to), 89 
Plants yielding, 82 

Quercus, sp. (Oak), 155 

Ranunculus, sp. (Buttercup), 35 i 
Receptacular Expansion, 21 re: 
Tube, 22 - 
Regular and Irregular flowers, % 
24 ae cA 
Rhamnus, sp. (Buckthorn), 69 

Rheum, sp. (Rhubarb), 143. =. 
Rhinanthine, 139 yea 
Rhododendron, sp., 109 ff. 2 oa ay 
Medical uses of, 110 £ 
Rhubarb, 143 — peers: 



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a > 

Ricinus communis -(Castor-oil), 

Robinia Pseud-acacta, 77 


Rumex, sp. (Dock), 142 

Salt of Lemon, 142 
Sorrel, 64 
“‘ Samara,” III 
Sambucus, sp. (Elder), 102 
_ Santonin, 105 
__— Effects on sight, 105 
- Saponaria officinalis (Soapwort), 
Saponine, 61 
: ‘< Save ” of Chaucer, 61 ‘ 
; Savin, 160 
Scarlet Runner, 74 
Sczlla, 172 
Scorpion Senna-tree, 74 
Scrophularia, sp. (Figwort), 136 
- Scrophularine, 134 
4 Secale cornutum (Ergot), 182 
Sheep’ s Sorrel, 142 
Sium, sp. (Water Parsnip), 98 
Snake’s-head Fritillary, 170 
Snowdrop, 162 
‘ Snowflake, 162 
: Soapwort, 61 
_ Solanum, sp., 115 ff. 
Dulcamara (Bittersweet or 
-__ Woody Nightshade), 116 
4 - Sorrel, injurious to children, 142 
iar Southernwood, 104 

Pe _ Sowbread, 114 

__ _. Sparteine, 72 

= _ Spartium — junceum (Spanish 
Age Broom), 75 __ 

__ Spear-wort, 38 

Sa Species,” 25 

—-—s ** Spikelets” of Grasses, 178 
we8 Sainach, Wild, 152- 

Be _ Spindle-tree, 66 

_ Spirea, sp., 83 


Spurge, 148 ff. 
Caper, 149 — 
—— Family, 147. a ss 
Fatal to boys, 151 
— Laurel, besrees dange r 
— Milky juice, “dangerous BE. 
of, 148 2 Faby: 
Starch- -wort, 168 : ah ee 
Stellaria graminea, injurious: ta. 
horses, 61.2 tts 
‘¢ Superior,” 27 aS fe 
Swallow-wort, 57 Re ee 
Sweet Potato, 115°. oie ae 

Syrup of Poppies, dangerous, 53 ae : 

Tamus communis (Black Hap 
162 ! , . Re 
Taragon, 105 te Gy * 
Taxus baccata (Yew), AF ha 
Thorn-apple, 123 fae vi ~s : 
Seeds poisonous, as ie Sees 
THYMELACEA, 146 i oh 
Toadflax, 138 ar 

Toadstool, a// to be avoided, ‘18 

Tobacco, 127 * 
Effects on athletes, 131 he 
Gerarde (1597), 130 

16th century, 129 
—— Indian, 108 
Introduction of, 129 
— Juice, dangerous one 

128 ; 
— Mentioned is Shake 

130°59 PI 
Traveller’s Joy,. 3r ES ee 
Tulip, 170 ype 


** Venation,” < 28 
Veratrum, sp. (whit 
Hielepas ae 


INDEX 189 
Verbascum  Thapsus (Great | Wood Anemone, 34 
Mullein), 135 Sorrel, 63 
Vetchling, Yellow, 76 Woody Nightshade (Bittersweet), 
VIOLACE, 57 115 

Violet, 57 

Water Dropwort, roots eaten as 
parsnips, 94 ff. 

Hemlock or Cowbane, 93 

Pepper, 141 

**Whorls,” Floral, 17 ff, 

Wild Hyacinth, 172 

Wistaria sinensts, 74 

Wolfsbane (Aconite), 43 

Woorari poison, 114 
Wormseed, 104 
Wormwood, 105 

Yellow Rattle, 139 

Yew, 157 

—— Classical refs. to, 157 

Old foliage especially danger- 
ous to cattle, 157 

Seeds, dangerous, 159 




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